HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS COMMON ELEMENTS LEGAL(5teSnerft €\^q t{ \ r nr\rer 6o-\5 furntnot\ t f&, Denv€r 893-1531 Phone:232{158 . ', Ti , Box No.978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . 94+5072 1420Vance Street . Lakewood, Colorado 80215' o fiInter-ltlountain llAF--arineerirleLtd. Apri l 27, 799(J Bob Ruder 4496 E. Meadow Dr, Vail, CO 81657 Re: Topographical survey Unplatted near Timber FallsProject No. ?Ol19S Dear Bob: Enclosed ig a copy of the workgheet for the topo *a ar"'preparing for the new Timber Falls buildinE. The existing Br-rilcting 3 is identified on the drawing. Thcline tying in the building, with a distance of 85.6 feat, ig fromthc northwegt corner of the building to the approximate center I ine of Gore Creek. The final map should be reacty within a few days.this will meet your needs in the meantioe, I hope Sincer ill-lS: c jn :J ;;.'",P., i.'_l::4.,-.;--:;;.,, ! +-- I : I I l-- "r t ItII I t I 1 I I i L .;, i{ { * tt II! 'if a 1 ,i.l t f, I ,*1 il I $$ s ao i I I it,J----- ,-$ I I I I I I I Iq ffl;ju-i.# ---E E_\H ) r'" ,!a'-an $*j o $qc\ :. ,I I | 1" '',t rFA\tl , $E*f 5isib \- ) ke!---'.-.. ; .a $i i --J-.-..\i.-t$ | l=.3 i .iS. ililii it.,l*. ll ;f -+----+-,- |..t \rl o\ ,$; *+9\ \ d/o/ r/\- -N --'? ,/\ir A ^tvl'I a_ W '!& r'c/ /'-J .r+st$/ \ o ), I Lloyd N. Powers, a duly regrstered land surveTor r'n the State of Colorado, do hereby certi f y that the survey shown f'rere|on wag dOne by me or under rny direct supervtsion and the hc)rlzontal and wertical meagure.nents are accurate to the best oi my knowl edge and bel ief . ,/t r ir) 4./a^"4 utt. /i'.+.,* L I oy drl"t^l . Powers Registered Land Sr.,rveyor No- lJ9Ol rt rce reJ tfect. ln lhe'" i .l i '-ru'-*: V.-:r. ti, --.r1r.i..;. .ii;MlE.s/tfqo,; 'a-:t5.,;g;t. , ,1.' -'+'k:-,;i'- oat.o 3;?;t,?13o"^, *^o hlnter-lllountain ...o u^nE!'Ii"l3ii:3S::H;3;:- AE gineeringlra. '^.'*i$31!3;T?i3 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY 90r ,9 s K.M J.UNPLATTEO TIMEER FALLS TW{N OF UAIL, . EAGLE CAJNTY. CALORADO 5/ 18,/90 at cr.a lt: LWP !"= lO' Fl.!|l hrlc Dlrr.: ?42,' 85 lirn! F. IOFI .**i{r-rtfl rS; .a+r^ 't c4, ', . /26. \ \\ '-\\\\- .\ --- -- \ ..- \ - -*- \"- - --. - - -. -t-\\\\\\\\ -\-\ --..'t--, - r,. - r.. \ -r \-... \ \ t^tratt.' .tQ tt' ,.*.'"{rq-!iFrutt o EInter-Mountain ;f\t.sineerirrrrr.rd- April 27, 1?9O Bob Ruder 4496 E. Meadow Dr. Vai I, Ctr 81657 Rel Topographical surveyUnplatted near Timber Fal lsProject No, ?O119S Dear Bob: Enclosed is a copy Df the worksheet ftrr the topo we arepreparing for the new Timber Falls building. The existing Building 3 iF identified on the drawing. Theline tying in the buildingn with a digtance of g3,6 feet, is fromthe northwegt corner of the building to the approximatecenterline of Gore Creek. The final map should be ready within a few days,this will meet your needg in the meantime. Sincer Jl4S: cjn Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . 94*5072 Denwr 893'15111 1420 Vance Streot . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 ' Phone: 232{158 I hope Fr ffililitF r*n/ I I ,! | \, "t, \\'\ \\*t ...';! ,^ -''---'Si ttti--'/ --- '-d tit-=lSdH F aD -.l<flu tql tlr 9lllr i *lldi atlssllFdt u H(D b H R L ,t\ fft-/ / |$V,tr l ,' ' ?\,t/.d,/ / J -.---- p, I t I'rllll'Y,i' ' , "\/'tt/ / J ---',.\r.Yl ogt' I ! 'VB---''I1. #y''