HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS SWIMMING POOL ACCESS ROAD LEGAL(5td;rocn k\sn1 q \J*r\arr h[\3 3n-tnrnrql %o\ assst$ $Gf noo4 t 'tf ********'i****'l*{t*'}*lr:t*'}*{r'}**+*+*+l*!t!t!t**{.1 !t'tt***{!*****:a***{.*****'*****'a't*****t{.*******'r**'** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€m€nt++++++,********:tt*{.****:t**t***'lt{'+:tr}'}**'t*'}l***++++f *++f t+{rf l*'t't'tl*:f :t****:t***t!***********:a***!i Statement Number: R040006002 Amount: 9250.00 O6/aO/2OO4O2:53 pM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: *3222/@RE CREEK PROPERTIES Permit No: DRBo4o245 Tl,T)e r DRB-MLnor Alt, Comn/Uulti Parcel No: 210112300007 Site AddreEa: L'ocation: 45OO TII{BERFAIJITS CT Total Feeas $250.00 This Payment: $250.00 Tota1 AIJr Pmta: $250.00 BaLance: $0.00 't lr 'lr *r' * 'r. *'* * ** *'* **+++++'+* ++'.{t* 'lrl't'l'} *'l'*'*'l'} *!* 'r'tr 'l r d.,} *'* * 't'l'lr}* ***,1:lr* !t'*:f :}'} ***'}* ***** **!trt* **,t,t***** ++ ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmls DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI'/ FEES 250.00 ------------- btd"lLs Project Description: !' DIRT ROAD MODIRCATION FROM TIMBERFALLS TO TIMBERFALLS SMMMING POOL Participants: OWNER TIMBER FALLS ASSOC 06/10/2004 Phone: 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT TIMBER FALLS ASSOC 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 License: Proj ect x amEJ-, a 6"a.{ o h 5r, - *, rfr il hu*-paB N u m ber : DRB04o24s 05/10/2004 Phone: Project Address: 45OO TIMBERFALLS CT $ Legal Description: Lot:- Block: Subdivision: Parcel Number: 210112300007 Comments: Design Review Board 6rn^*lACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 tax: 97 0 -47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co. us Locataon: Motion By: Second By: Vote! Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIq Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. nfili."tion for Desisn n v?w Eepartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depatment. The projed may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. RECEIV ED iit "'.' Description of the Request: Parcef No.: Z(o I &3 Oa Oo2rcontact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoninq: LDMf Name(s)ofOwner(s): 1,,*r,n,+,-S-faol *t"Sl - Ko.nl Prlef owptr v Mailing Address: 'l SQd t i ae L" t f". tl s -. Owner(s) Signature(s)! Name of Applicant: Mailing Location of the Proposal: t-oh if elock:- Subdivision: Physical Address:Lro .E E Conceptual Review E New Ccnstructiontr Addition [i' Minor Alteration (mu lti-fa mily/commercial ) E Minor Alteration (single.family/duplex) 0 Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request E-mail Address: -Fax: "( 7 D I rypeorReviewand Fee: ' Vt*rf{) n1,10il ,'&*tr Signs $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. -fr/-br^q 4zu ' ltso 1/r) 476 -azfr/(r#4) D (ir%iq 411',t"" $6s0 $300 $2s0 No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addiUon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such a+ reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee $20 Phone: Addressr Phone: Page 1of L3/LIlI7l03 T0t4,I'm JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER J1I,(printnu*") (a4/ Ki{e i ,ajointownerof propertylocatedat(address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans aata ( f I f o rl which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Date) Page 2 of L3lLLlLTlO3 Jun, 1? 04 - E-'t -re7 a 4^rn N rtr4,t ,/ar |l, I tttIL- (;UAiANl t!: C()tr'l!riNY I O: 31a 100 So. Fronlage fload W. suite 203 P.C. 8ox 357 (81668) vail, C0 81657 (970) 476-2251 Fev l47ftl !?ff-4534 Do r or.l e70-454so4 June 17,2004 Towuof Vail Attn: Russell Forest Re: Timber Falls Associates, A Colorado General Parnrership Russell; Land Title has determined that Ronald Riley is authorized to execute documentsandhansactbusinessonbehalfofTimberFal]sAssociates,A Colorado General PartnershiP. Please contact me with questions or concems regarding this matter' Sincerely, Karen Biggs Authorized Agent p.r From Land Title (SD)16 Jun 2004 01:36:15 PM MDT[red o Page 3 of 9 Chicago 'liflc lnsurafi.c Compny ALTA C0MMITMENT Schedule A Ihoperty Addru*r: P(X}L & IEIiNf,S C(XTRTII, TIMBER,FALL'I CONDOIVTINIUI!tri Our Ordcr No. VC273305 L\r.st Rcf.: 1. Effective Date: I\{ay 2$, 2{lll4 nt 5:ll0 P.IVI. 2. Policy h be Issrred, and PnrExed fusnrrd: "ALTA" Owmde lrolicy 10-17-92 Prcpooed lrxund: .T'IMBER I){LT.S ASSOC]A1'II5, A COLORADO GENERAL PARINEI{SHIP 3. Thc eqtate or inlcrq* in the land descrihed or referred trr ln thi.s Cormihrent flnd coyercd heneiu is: A Ft+ .\'inple ,1. Tiuc t-o thc cetatc or inlcrcs( covcrcd hcrcin is at lhc cffcctivc dalc hcrcof vcetcd in: IIIt/tBEn FALLS A.$S()L'IATES, A COLORAD() GTNERAL PARTFIR.SEIP 5. Thc land rcfcrrcd to in this Commitncnt is dcscribcd as follows: STEE ATTACro PACE(S) T{)R LFI;AL DBSCTIPIION JUN-15-29A4 14:33 LRND T]TLE (SD)96:4 P. A3 From Lahd Titt e (sD)16 Jun 2004 01:36:15 PM MDT Page 4 of 9 Our OrdcrNo. VC273305 LGALDECflm(r'l AN EASEMEFIT WEILTI TNAVM.SES A PORII(}rI OF TEE F{)LII)WINC DE.SCRIBED PROPEHIY: A PARCEL O['I"AND t OCA'TED tN lrl$ SOU1H ONILHAL!' OF SB(II.rON 12, lOWNSrilp 5 souTE RAI{CE 8{t WEST OF Tm 6TII p.M., fi )\U\ OF VAtr, EACLE C(}UNTY, COL{)RADO, NTORII PARTICUTARIJ Dr{SCRIBDN AS FOTT,OWS: BEGINNING AT IHE NORTIIEA.ST C{)RNM. OF I.{}T 5, FORRST GL.EFI SUBDIYf,STON AS RECORDED IN BOOK 587 AT PAGI1 376, AT TI{N F,ACI;I COUNTY CI,F,RK ANI} RFTORNER'S OTTdICB;'IIIENCEAT,ONGl'HE SOU1HUNE O[' r,0r' Il OrISIGHORN SUSDMSION IOURI]IADDnION,li tt2 DE(IREE$ lxl MII\ruTES 00 SECONDs^ S, 114.{10 IET T(] Tm SOUTEEA"IiT CORI$ffi.OF SAID LOT 1l; TI{FNCn S. 22 DncRr,rj,S 00I'flNUTES 00 SBCONDS A^ ry|.76 r,TmT T0 TIItt SOUIIIEA$T CORNER Or,'I{n' 1:} OF SAID SUSDIVISTON; TIiIINCE S. 37 DEGREITS fi MINUIES lxl .$ECONDS W. 10s.00 IEET TI) IHE SOUTSEAST CORIVER OF IjOT 13, WIII(E tr; AI^SO TI{E NORTFIWT.ST CORI{I'JR OT TIMERFAII.S PHASI1 1, TTIENCItr S. 36 I}EGRRI.:|; 06 MINUTITS 25 $rcS'{DS E. Al,onlG ruS'llERLY r,OIuNE OIl'SAID PHASg I, A DISTAIIICE Ol' 74.97 FEET; TflE{(E N. 37 DEGREES 15 }IIFIUTES 00 .SEC(D|D.S W. T() TIIE EASItsRLY EX]GE OF AN AVATiNCIT RUN-OUT T,oNB A DISTANCI! OF 14s.30 ['IinT; THItr',ICXi S. 58 DncnEIiS 2l MINU'T'Ii5 34 SI'CONDS W. ALONG'Tr{ts I)ASTERLY EDGE OI'SATD AVAI,ANC'E RUN-OUT z?ONE 14s,23 FEET TO TIIE NORTII LINE oF TIMBER FAII^ti PHA"SD, 9; THENCT, N. 8s DEGRE&S 24 MII{UTFJS 34 SFJCONNS W. AT,ONC TTIN NORTHTf,RIJY I,INI' OF SAID FHASN 9, A DISTANC'N OIt 60.32 r'Eb-Il THFTNCE S. 27 DEGR$ES 04 MrNU'rr,S 24 SECONDS W. ALONG l'r{rJ WiSl'}jRLy LINE OF SAID PEASE 9, A D$Ttu\(5 OF L06.9 FmT; TO IIIE o'OUIIIWEST CORNER (IF S D PIl Sll 9' AI^SO BfflNG TIIII NORIHWIIST CORNIIR OIr TIMRIJR rAr.,I"5 PIIASII 8: THENC|I S. 45 DEGREES 58 MINU'I'SS 49 SSCONDS W. AIONG I'IIF) WESTERLY LINE OI'SATD PIJASI' E A Df,STANLE OF 12lt.s7 FEET fi) TI{E s^OUTITWB^ST C'ORNDR,Otr'SAID PEASE tl, AL$O BEINC Trm NORTHWTiST CORNITR OF TIMRI{R ITALI.S PHASE 7; THIINC]II S. 15 TTIlGRIIES 29 N{IIIIIJTTiS 23 SECONDS W. ALONG'rrill W&SI'ERLY LINE OF SArD pHAS.Ft 7, A D]SI.ANCD OI.52.97 FEEI fi) TIIE EAn^TERLY mGE OF AN AVALAN(I RUN-OIIT ZoflE: TIIDI.{CE S. 3tt DEGRED.$ 22 LINUTr|S 47 STTjCONDS W. ALONC SAID AVAI^NCTI RUN-OUT ZONI{, 3?8.64 FrflrT; TIIIdIICS N. 89 D.!jGREES 57 MrNU'l't;S 00 SDCONDS W. 355.10 I'BItr] THENCD N. 36 DEGRFIE$ 43 MINUTE.S O(l .SECONDS E. 459.It9 FEDT fi) TTIE SOUTH LINE ()F LOT {t, TUREST GLEN SURDWISION; THr,X.{CF, S. 33 DEGRmFS {4 MINUTTCS s8 SFfONDS rd. AI,ONC THB SOUffi LINE OF'SAID LOI'E, A DIS'r-A-F{CE O}'25.90l'l:I;f i 'ftIItNCE ALONG rtIE [AS1'IlN]; Orr SAID FORE;T (;LEAI SUBDIV$ION THEFOLI.I)WING lEREts C0UR.$ES: THm{Crc N. 62 DricRfrns 22 MrNuTtis 36 smoNDs F; 177.17 FE$T| 'I'HINCI' N. 39 DEGRSES 42 MrNUmlS 33 SECONDS t:. 137.91 lrtlJr; TTIEN(E N. 31 DFI}RENS 35 MINUTF^S 25 .SEL:OT{DS E. 456.1It EEET; TO TF[i POrNT OF RI}GTNNTNq COUNTY Or ]rAcr,rl STArlt OF COT{)BJ|DO. EX(T['T THHEjFR01\* 'I'IMBIIR l.A,Lrs EullDlNG 19, ACCORDING nC 'r'HE CONDOMTNTUM MAp RDCORD|iD AUGUST 3L AXIL AT RECEI'ft)N N(). 73ltll44, COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLTOMD(], $ed o JUN-16-2AA4 14:35 LRND TITLE (5D)96:4 P,44 From Land Title (SD)ed 15 Jun 2004 01:36:15 PM MDT Page 5 of 9 ALl'A COMMITM$N1' Schedule B - Seclion I (Requirrmentr) Our Order No. V(:73$5 l'hc following arc lhc rcquircmcnts 1o bc complicd with: llcm (a) lbyrrcnt 1o or for lbc sccount of thc granlor! or nrorlgagoIc of lhc full cocidcracotr for tbc csaalc or interest tt he insnred" llcm (b) Propcr imltilrcn(s) crtali4 (hc cslatc or inhrcet lo bc irrurcd mrnt bc crcculcd and duly filcd for rccorrd, tFwit l|cm (c) Itymcd of ail lsxcr, cbargcr or ssccsmcnls lcvicd ad wscsscd againet lhc rubjcct prcmiscs which ure duc and payalile. Itcm (d) Additional $$druncds, if ary dscloscd bclow: 1HIS COI\4MIIMENT S I'OR IN}:ORII{A'I'TON ONLY. AND NO tsOL[CY wlLL BE ISSUEI) PT,JR"SIJANT HEREII), *.+.r.***** N{}I'I(E OF FIE CEANG4 EFTECITyE s:EtTa\4BFI. 1, ZXl2 r.*M,,r.r{.*d.'l Itmuant {o Colord llcviscd Slalulc 30-10-421, ''l'lc counly clcrk ad rccordcr ehdl coltcct a suahargc of $l.fil lor each d<tcrnned nxeived lbr ncutdirg or filing in his or her ollice, Tbe surthuge shalt be in dillion tr uny olher fees permitbd |ry rtrtrtu " tll o JUN-16-2844 14:35 LRND TITLE (SD)96U P. @5 From Land Title (50)16 Jun 2004 01:36:15 PM MDT Page 6 of 9 ALl'A COMMITM1lN1' ftheftneB-Seclion2 (Exceptions) ()ur Orde.r No, Ve73305 llhc polhy or policics lo bc issucd will coninin cxccplions to lhc following unlcss lhc damc arc disposcd of tl the mti,sfaction of the Company: l. Righlc or clains ot parlicc in porccrsion not shwn by lhc public tccotds. 2. Easernenti, or clairn of emnrents, not ihown by fte public recordt 3. Discnpamies, codlich in lxrudary liml sluxtage in arsL errnrxlurents, und any fr:h which a ccrnrt snrvey rd inspecdon of Ore premises would disclose nrd which aru mt shown by tlrc puHic rcconls. 4. Any lien' or right tr a lien, for seniccs, lahr or matrriul tlrercftfirre or henafbr fruuished, impxxd by law and. nol shorvn by 0re public rtcord.s. 5. Defectst liem, emunln:rnurs, adver$e daiEi or olher mattenr, if arry, crtutd lint apperrirg in fte pnlilic recrlrds or attachirg subfequeot to 0re e'ffective dab hertof hrt gior b tre dab flE pmposed irrsrtrd scquiruc of rtcord for valrr th cslalc or inhrcrt or mrigagc lhcrcon covcrcd by ihis Commitncnl 6. Tores or spociel sssesgrrenb which arc mt shove as existirg liens by flre public records. 7. Lienq for unpdid wder and sewer charger, if any. & ln ddlionr llrc owc/s policy witl bc su[icct to ftc mortgagc iI any, mlcd in $cc6on 1 of Sc]cdulc S hrtsf. 9. RIGUT OT.. PROPRIIfTOR O!'A VEIN OR LODE 1O $(TRAgf AND REIr,IovE Hrq oRE THENHROM SH(}ULD TTIE SAME BE XY)UND fi) PNNETRAIE ()R INTEIT.SBCT TIM PREIVII|ES AS RFJS]]RVED IN UNITT'D STATT'S PATTNT Rtr,cORDT'D NOWCMBT'R 17. 1902. IN BOOK 4It ATPAGE492. IO. RTGHT OI.' WAY FOR DTTCHT]S OR CANATS CONSTRUCT]JI} BY l'HI] AUNTORITY OT'THT] UNIIED sTATts A^s RESERVED IN UNITD STAT$ PATENT REC0RJIED NovEMBnR 17, 1902, IN ROOK 48 AT P gt 492. II. T&\SESTFNIS AS GRANTIOT' TOUPPtrR I]AGIJ'VAIr,Dr SANITATION DISTRICT IN NS'T'RUMSN'TS R"ECORD!]D JUN!; 13, 1973 IN BOOK229 A1'PAGT;S 550 AND 55I. 12. RIGII'I Or' wAY SASEMENT AS CRAN'IED 'I0 HOLY CROSS llLl,'gr'ruC ASSOCIATION, INc. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTT)BER ?4, 1973, IN B(x)K 231 AT PAOE 653 AND IN INSTRIJMTdNT RI'CORDND JANUARY 2& Iy'4 IN ROOK 2A1 AT PAGN I3O. 13. FASEMNNT AI{D RIGIIT OF wAY FOR C'ORII CRIT,RK As ]T AFriT,cTs sU&IEc.r PRoPnRTy, 14. PItDrisTRtAN AND TQUESTRIAN EASmr{nNT 15 FItnT rN WrDrrr ArONC Trltt SOUTHF],\ST Wed o JUN-16-28A4 I4':36 LHND TITLE (SD)96:4 P. A5 From Land Title (SD)16 lun 2004 01:36:15 PM ltrDT Page 7 of 9 AL1'A COMMIl'MEN'T' Schc&le B - Section 2 (&ceptions) (hrr Order No. V(273305 l'hc policy or policicE to bc issucd will conlsitr exccptioas to thc folloving unlcss (hc aamc arc diaposcd of tl thc sati,rfactian o[ the Company: SANK Or,'GORD CREltI( AS RDSERVIID lN IIIiED R.uClCRDtlD APXIL 3. l96t rN BOO|( 212 ATPAGE637. 15. EA"SEMENT AI{D RIGEf OT' WAY 2{t TEET IN WIDTH ATONC IHE NORTHE,RLY SIDE 0T SURIT' TPROPICRTY AS RIISIIRYTCD IN DTfi:T' RIICORDND I'IIBRUARY 26, 1965 IN BOOK L8E AT pAGts 113 r.{IR USE O!'PEDESI'RTANS AND EQUES.fRTANS ANn ftiRSONS USING MAIN (;ORE LTEEK F(}R T$HIN(; PURP($E.S. 15. RESERVATION 0F A TBIY PM,LEI\T NON-PARTIL'IPATING ROYALTY AS REIERVED IN DM RFfORDTdD NOVnN{RnR 2, t962 rN BOOK 165 AT pAcll 4ffr. 17. TttrRMS, CONDTITONS AniD PROy|STONS OF ACCnSS n SUr{Er'{T RncORDm' OSTOBER 22. 1990 rN BOOK 540 A'r'PAGS 490. 1E. IXRMS' CONDITTONS AND PROVTflOT{S OI.'ACCISS EASEMET.{TRECORDED SEPIAjMBER 13. 1999 AT RECEI'TION N0. 70{t3s7. lrVed o JUN-16-2AA4 14:3?LAND TITLE (SD)>dat P.A7 From Land Title (SD)16 lun 2004 01:36:15 PM lrFT Page E of 9 LAND T'ITLE GUARANT-hJE COMPAN Y DI.S CL( ISURE STATEMENTII Noh: Ihsuad trr LT.S 10-11-122, mticc ie hereby givcn M A) Tbe subject nal Fopert'' may he locared in a special taxirg dishicl B) A Ccdifrcalc of l'rrcc Drrc lisling crch taring jurisdiclion may bc oblaincd fiom thc Couuty Tleasund s autlxnized agent C) The idomaiion rugsdirg special dbhicb and Orc borurdaries of smb dshicb mry hc obtrined from fhc lfoard of County C'ommissioncrr, lhc Coud-y Clcr* and llceordcr, or lhc (burly Ascssor. Nob: Iffiectivc September 1. f gEf, CR^S 30-t0-406 nquircs Orat all &crnnentr received for ccording or filirg in lhc clcr*. ad rtcolrdc/s officc shall contaio a lop mrgin of at lcast om iah and a lcll, dehf and bofbm aurgil llf t* leut ture balf of sn irh. Ibe clerk ad n*order may refise io rernd or file any doqment th$ does not corf,orm, sxcept lhat, 0re rcqucment for Ore top maryin shall mt appy b docunente wing fornm on which spacc is pmvidcd for rtcording or fili4 infornration at thn lop orgin of the documctrL Nob: Colorado llivisioo of Imurarre R*gulalions 3-5-1, Pa4raph C of Article VII *quircs 0d '$,very lillc cntity sha|l bc Ksponsiblc for all mallcn which appcar of ncord prior lo lhc lim of rtcordiry s'henever t}e tifle entity con&cb tln dosirg and is rrspmilile for rucordi4 el filing of legal doomenb rcsulting frtm fte tansaction which was closed". hovided ftat Lard fitle Guatar&e f-onpony coducts Lhc dosiqg of lhc inrsusd tra.caclioa ad jli rcspoaiblc lor mcordq lhc legd *rcurcnh fnm &e bnme-tirm, erccption munlnr 5 will rud appar on the ()rirneds Tille Poliey and the l.cnders Policy when issrred. Ntttu: Affirmalirru rreebanic's lieu pubc&u firr tle ()n'rrr zury be availalite {typcany by delelion of llxception no. 4 of Sche& e R, Section 2 of Are Conuritnent from Ore Owner,s Policy b be iseEd) upon cornFliarce wilh 0rc following codiaioGl A) Ihe lad rfuscdbd in SrtBrfule A of thi.s conrdtned must be r single fmily residere whic.h includet a condominium or torvrlhoure uniL B) No hbor or oatcriols hve bc*n ftrrniglcd by mchanics or rno{crial-frcri for Er4oscs of crmshurtfurn <tn lhe lard dxcrihed in Srtcdnle A of this Gurnritnent within fte pr.st 6 rnrnft.s. C) The C.ompany rmrst rtceive an appmpiab alfidavit inlermifyrng tlre Company against un.filed mcchanic's cdd rralcrial-mcn's licns. D) Thp Compuy nust nccive paynrurt of the uppnrpriab pttnirul D) If therc has b€elr corrsttction, impoveneris or major repdn rrde rllen on flre Froperty tD be Flrrhsed wilhin six tronllx Frior b tlrc Dstc of thc Cbmmilrmnt thc rrquircmcnts lo ob{ain covcragc filr unrecordod lbns will inclrdc; d[,!clo$aue of cerhin consAucliou inlrrrmalion: fin{mid idonndion as b the sell€r, tlrc builder ard or flle controcbE payment of fte appropriatre prrmiun fully cxcculcd ldcmnily furtccde satislactory to &c cumpany, and, ary additioml rcquinmcnts 9s mey he necessary aftur an exarninati0n of fte aforsraid irtrounation hy fte Grryony. No covctagc wiII bc givcn udcr aoy circurslaacs ior labor or mabriat for which thc imurcd ba; coftacd fin or qrced trr Fry. Nolc: Ptrcuael lo CIIS l0-lf-U3, oftc is hcrcb_v gvcn: ltis utticc apflies tl owret's prlicy comitneaft sllnldning a mirreral sevenmce instrurunl exceptior\ or exceptions, in Sclndule Rr Section 2. A) 'fhat (bcrc is recordcd cvidcncc that a minoral cslalc he'{ bccn scvficd, lcffi{ or olhcrwigc c<urvcyed fntm the surface esrr*+ md fhr|t &ere is a sullrtardial lilalihrxrd ihaf a &ird prty holds some or all inEru,st in oflr gas, o0rer mirxrals, or geotherrnl errergy in lhe popert$ and B) lxat snch miqcral cslatc may incrudc ftc righa to cdcr rtrd usc thc popcrty wi{tnut thc surfacc rtwrtt's permission It{slhing hcrcin cod{incd witl bc dccrmrt lo obligalc lhc compony lo providc ary of lh coycr4cs referted to hcttin unlcss the uhrve curditiors ure t'ully sstisfied. t'oErfr Dllclrotvt! 09107102 W€d o JUN-15-2884 14:38 LRND TITLE (SD)9E,11 P. A8 -rtu J(}INT N(}TICE ()F PRIVACY POLTCY Fidrlity Neiional Financiul (lrrnp rrf Companio/Chicago Tiflc Insrrancc Compuny and Land lillc Guarantcc Company July 1' 2001 Wc rttogniz* tnd rtepcrct lhc rivac-v cxcttalioc of lodav'e conswncrg a[d lhc rcuuirrmcnls of aodicablc fcdcrd adn@ privrry lsws. W[ trlicvi that riukiig ytru annrc of liow n'c usc li{rur firn-rr ic pcniorval idoimnlion ('I'trsonal lnformaliort'l' snrl lo wl|om il is discloscd, wilt fonn lhc busis for a r6la0oNhid of kuit bc(wccc us nnd Gc'publicqPt wc scr"c. llis ltivacy Sttfuq.nt pmvidei lhrl exolq4rtion Wc rcscrm hd right tr chuogr: this ltivacy - Slstcrrcnl fmm litrrc to Unic cocistcnt-with lppticablc'Frivrcy laws. In lhc coursc of our bu6inc6s, wc may collcct Pcrsoad lnlormotion about you fmm lhc following sourccs: * tr'rom apdicatiom or ollrcr forms wc rcccivc lrom vou or vour aulhorizcd rrocscnlalivc:* Ikrm yirir ttnsucfirms wiflr, or ftrm tlc scrvicos lning $rfornd hy, ut o'ur ulliliabs, or othus;+ Irmm 6ur inlcrmt wcb silcs:'* Irnun thc gublic nrrrth rrnrinhin:d try govcrmnnhl cntilirx that wc cilhr obtuin dinntly fnlm th<uc cnlilics. oi fmm our atl-rlialcs or oftcisl ard* I\rm consrmcr or othor rc1xrtidg ngoniCss. Our Policier Regarding the Prolection of the Conlidentiality and Security of Your Personal lnformalion Wc mainfuin physical' clcct$nic Bd Errcodural snfwurrdi tr Dmt-rct your I'c$onal Idormatiou fnln uuuthxizc.d acccss or inlririon. Wc limit acccsfl ld thc PcNoeI lnfomralioi onlv |ri lhooc emolovccs who nccd such mccss in ctlmcdon wittr pnrvidng p,rrducb or suviccs to you trr f<rr othcr ligitinratc tufncis purlrts{t't. Our Policic".r and Practices Regerding the Sharing ol Your Penonal Information wc ruy_$halru your I'crsotral lt'ormslirrn wilh our rfiIilisfus, rJuch &$ i[su14cc companics, {gcoh, sd olbcr ltd cstrlc sc([cmcua scwicc prtvidcrt. Wc also ma-y disclosc your Pcrsonal lnformatioft t to agtds, bolcrs or rtprcrcnlativcs to povidc you wilh ocrviccs you bavc rcWcstrd;t to hfud-psrty cofrucfilrt or scrvicc prrvidcn wilr pnrvidt scrvicris rrr pcdomi nrlrkrltiry or othcrfuncliod ori our bchalf; and* to olhcn with whnn wr: e'rtrr idt joint mdcling rgrccnrnh firr Erlductr or scryicrs tlut wc lrclicvc you may frnd of inlcrcsL In ddilioo, wc will disdosc your Pcnoual Iolooution whcn you drlct orgivc us pcnnissjon, whcn ryc arc rcWircd lry law h, do vl, rtr wi$n wc susmct fnrudulcal 1v1 sriminrl rlivitics, We aiso mlv-di,.rclosc vriur ltmonollnlormdion whco olhcneisc pcnhitlcd by aooticable orivscv lalvs smh o& Ior c\ainnlc. whch diccloru* is nccdcdtr cnfirrtr otr righh uir'rrg irut of an]' rignr:clnrcd, tirnsscdon or rrlutkrnfihip with yinr. Om of t{r imprtnnt rutprmibililics of sorr. of our affrliqH crutpades is lo rccord drxnmnfil in thc prblicdonaio Such docuncnls- may conlain your lbnoral .lnfonualion ' Righ( to Acccss Your Personal lnformaLion and Ability to Corrcct Errors Or Rcqucst Changcs Or Dclction Ccr{aiu slatcs alfotd you thc richf to acccss vour Pc$onal lnfonnslion ad. uodcr clrlaitr cirtum{arccf. b nnd oul.t, whrm your I'ersoi'rl ldomlrilion hs; bccir discftrsrd. Also. ctrtain shtrs dord vou lhc risht b msrcst con$ctionr aficrr_lrr^nl or dclclion of your fbreonal lnlonnalion Wc rtscrvc Orc dkh, whcrt pcrmiGd by law, lo.hugc a n:rwrnatrlc fcc. trr cavcr lbr cirrsh incunrd in nsgrndiql tl such nquush. " {Il.rtqrcsls suboriflcd-lo. qc Fi+lity Na-lional I'inaaial Group of Compunicr/Chicqgo l'rtlc lrcuracc CocWaqy liball hc in wrilfury, ad dclivcn:d lo tlrc folkrwing addn:ss: Privacv Conroliane Omcer llgSS"YfH$mH''*" SadaBarbar4 CA93110 Multiplc Producle or Scniccs $ tc pmyl$ you with rmrt ltan orc ffmncial pmdrrct or ecrvic, you rnay rtccivc rnorc ahan om privacy nolice fnrm m- !Vr. ap rrgizc for my ineonvcnicrrc lliis nray (anso y(ltl Eonr PErV,PoL.cEI - From Land Title (SD)Wed 15 Jun 2004 01:36:15 PM MDT Page 9 of 9 JUN-16-2A84 14:39 LRND TITLE (SD)96,7'P.E9 X= JF: zxis+i1 2eoToscA oveAv r-ev L A,o.d fa*L RECEIVEO JUL 2 | 2m4 'rj oo oveRvtE-W -rTr A. 3. roa.d. 1o"[. n o,-r,A pr-pctt1 E x is{;,.t ?r'.e,.,se,Al;*t oo Evr*.e s/ cE Tb Pa.rH -Dirt^nce, b.twe3,ll f.^.- p.=t in lo S""f . \o.k in de"t w;tL b. p,^sh.d $,"61 .4t" base...+ btrm ar"d'cauere,d.' ;,'t;* Io^d iittt" e"+re'u.t^iit. {" i"L ""t"i]'if, u*^ .Rood. fi.ll wrtt be used U en..bfeVehicle to sn*er l^o*tb oo '-T-oPO oF F ?trlf_ . R-.d fi'tt l- be us,ed only w hq'-e. hpl.=. ,o'ic.-'p.==Lr"[ oil d€- Lor"{e d"r4h A' I tir='-t ,Fl- sfrkl. ' Gu-ord ra-rt (b.. lJ.,=) +" "i,; oloi.o s ile o4 poJ+e. oo l ANOT'HER VIEW Otr TKANS tTlot'/ oo Eup oF P,+rH Jpa,.3'.{i-n R ^1. fi tt B--tCers 3ua.d. r".L t .e,x is{in1 roo.d o^t.1 *=J wh='- li^. side .t F"+; nc.d.- r( Sr This past s'rnmer and_fall owners of o'r building talked with you and net with thell"yg-pa zomng commission arout ine-awlt"pr""t "id"ileGil rq "tTimberfalls' I would like to remiad yo oro* *ntinuing i"t*urfit ;'or.or, aborrt thisdevelopment with emphasis on the r6"t tt"t urir dweloprnent could ess€trti8lly land lock' the pool and tennis courts s€ndng Timberfalls. As you may recall the.dw-elopmcnt of Forest Glen forced road aocess to the pool acrossproperty of Timberfafls phaseD( Building lg. on occasiort *e rruriuio"r* n r"oasK,ss our propcrty. In light of the conrtirnred usagg ryrtlo"t l* p"rirrioo,,r. placed alarge rock across the road. we would rike G oriinr d;;i;ff;;;he problem hehas created before he land locks ftis Acifity with a new building I would also like to inquire lbout t{e pernitting procedures and any set back required forthe constuction of gariges ror-our uuiraing. fresoutn side of the west iounaary orourproperty provides an errcelled location. Tf,e grr"ge, *ould back up to an avalanchebunn, andtencs-be partiauy mceq Lr" iif;il iirpr"t ";;; td; "ii u. scrviced by .eooy efsting driveways. firese garages *ouia .ir"o a portion oitrr.*.e tb' rr*been ueed as acsess to the pool. pz -er The owners of our buildi'l_g have tatked about building garages for severar years. 141'e H: :*:i9:l,t1t"^lu lhe.m q the. ;i cnrn;,t "r&-r", ;,,n"& uut,ni ro".tionworld block daylight -d y* ro, tne mJn*, il;;#;ffit;ffi ;ffi:il r" *::,:*:*rhealternatives we have ;;il;tht',h; "Fffiffitil. is the bestlocation forg;arages. Very tnrly yours,>4//J4v lotuc. schierholz Ohesident Timberfalls ptras€ X Mr. Dominic F. Mauriello Town of Vail 75 Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81656 RE Plan for Lot 19 Dear Mr. Mauriello: Very truly you As afollow up to our meeting this moming, please allow me to dosument my concerns regarding the proposed expansion on ti tg. Any building on this lot will fu*her exacerbate the problerns and confusion currently in Tirnberfalls. The land that building l8 owns has already been used too much as a eommon axea and any expansion plans should corrict these problems rather tlran making them more severe. Specific items that should be considered are: Access to the swimming pool and tennis courts. Cunently the only vehicle apcess is across our property. WJtruo" atlowed this access as a courtesy for a few years, but now the access has beclme a daily event and we axe taking steps to close this driving routc to protect our property. Further, one oftwo footpaths tothe pool and courts cToss our prop61.ry. Wftili ttr,i area for |uilding 19 is owned by the dwgloper.of Timberfalls, he oo.ra ievetop both road ard fost access to this pool so that it can be property serviced' The proposed drive access to this building appears to cross land owned by building ll' We itan to have a zuwey completed in G rie$ few weeks to establish this property line in the common area. From the information we have, the plans subrnitted have drive area that srosses on to our land. The dwelopment of Building 19 witl destroy many valuable tr€e!: While the phn calls for replacing tlrefiL the footpiint of buildings and parking make this nearly imporsible. Before any building is allowed, plans should be made and access providgd for all of the infrastnrcture requf,ements of timberfalls. This should have been done before any construction was started. Now is the time to make corrections before a swimrning pool and two tennis courts are land locked and there is way to service them. They would further deteriorate and become a signifi cant safety hazard. Please stop any development uutil these errors have been rectified' WfuU lotnC. Schierholz To: .Town of. VaiL pLarr,n-lng StaffRe: UtiliLtes,. Si.Ee. lg Timberfalls Fax #4?6-8637 aimberEa.Lls. Associatlon- pgesentlv owns aIL qe, remaini ng g'round . not'.deeded. to. existino.,firrdoerf aa- W be Csndorri'ni^urn..A:ysosidbioHs,. I,f . t hi s.oro"*"tv ne€dt t g,util.ized to provide access for utilittl, ao-Uta, -Ttionsthat. accese r*il'f he gran.ted:: ff you,tiaue.arry 4tte'6e. in.'. b his-' regia€a, ple,ase . do : not': hesitaLe .to coirtacr -a ?iinberfalIs.ates by'RAD F:t'vE; by Ron Riley, partner TOTR P.Ol June 15,2004 wt'( Mr. Karl Edgerton 4582 Streamside Circle Vail, CO 81657 Re: TimberfallsCondominiums Dear Mr. Edgerton, Thank you for the application submitted to the Town ol Vail lor design review of a new access road to the pool house on the common parcel at the Timberfalls Condominiums. Originally, the application was scheduled for lhe Design Review Board hearing on June 16, 2004. However, several items were determined at today's Staff meeting (the first meeting at which this application was able to be addressed) which must still be submitted in order for the application to be considered complele. 1) Because the proposal concerns the common parcel lor the Condominiums, each Association must sign off on the application. I have attached the form thal is necessary to attain the necessary signatures. 2) A title report must be submitted to verily which parcels are under whose ownership. Verification of easement rights is particularly important in this application since the proposed improvements will occur "atop" this easement. Statl had originally made exceptions to submittal deadlines by placing the applicalion on tomorrow's Design Review Board hearing (generally, applications must be received 21/z.week€ in advance, in this €se on or before May 30, 2004). Therefore, unless all of the above items are received in the Community Development Office before spm today, the application will be tabled until the next DRB meeting on July 7, 2004, provided that all items are received before then. As you will notice, I have copied this letter lo Vinny, your colleague with whom I spoke earlier today in your absence. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to receiving the remaining parts of the application at some point today or later this week. Best Regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 cc: Vinny,TimberfallsCondominiums 970.479.2839 (fax) FtIt cuPy June 23, 2004 Mr. Karl Edgerton 4582 Streamside Circle Vail, CO 81657 Re: TimberfallsCondominiums Dear Mr. Edgerton, Thank you for the application submitted to the Town of Vail for design review ol a new access road to the pool house on the common parcel at the Timberfalls Condominiums. Additional thanks for the appropriate title report and owners signatures that stafl had requested last week. As you know, the application is scheduled lor the next Design Review Board hearing on July 7,2004 at 3pm. However, the following additional information will be needed before that hearing occurs. 1) A sile plan needs to be submitted that is more detailed than the survey already submitted. Curently, statf has no written information regarding the extent of grading, improved surface materials, or protection in the form of railings (or other means) for the steep side of lhe proposed access drive. Furthermore, I will share with you some of the discussion that occurred in our stafl meeting. Would buying a new easement from the owners of Lot 18 such that your access to the pool and tennis courts remains the same be a viable option? Alternatively, perhaps paving the path in the location that you are proposing and thereby formalizing it as an attractive and permanent bike/auto/walking palh for both mainlenance and everyday access by Timberlalls residents would be an option. Regardless, please submit a site plan prior to Friday, July 3d verifying in detaitthe plans that you choose to pursue. Though this seems like a simple application and a small amount of improvement, Statf and the DRB need to be thoroughly informed about the changes that are being made, however slight you may feel they are. Please leel free to contact me should you have any questions or @ncems. Thank you for your continued persistence. I look forward to resolving this issue soon. Best Kegards, lUt 'V Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 cc: Ron Riley, Timberfalls Condominiums/g70.479.2839 (fax) Russell Forrest, TOV George Ruther, TOV From: To: Date: Subject: Leonard Sandoval Elisabeth Eckel 0710612004 3:46:32 PM Re: Timberfalls Your are correct. Some form of guardrail was the discussion, Ron suggested boul@rs, I feel that if boulders are installed, there will not be enough room to.allowKhicles to access safely{lts something we may need to see and measure when the project is under waV.) The other issue is Fire Deparment access. In the future, 5 to 10 years down the road, when boulders or trees are planted in area where old existing access is located, A fire truckwill not be able to make this new access work, for they will not be able to make the radius turn and the grade will be too steep.The FD will not be able to address any fires Wthin the pool area and so far, their have been two fire1 r+tls .4 rhankyou,lhadagreatweekend 'rt/4'fu'6' ry /'a alap'*rzf Howwis yourweek6nd? eekend' '"fu & lrw'a*A* /U , U >>> Elisabeth Eckel 07/06/2004 3:06:02 PM >>> Hi Leonard;l just wanted to clarify that you met with Ron Riley several weeks ago and did indeed tell him that all he needed from PW perspective was some security (in the form of boulders, etc) edging his proposed new pathway at the Timberfalls condos pool access road. Thanks, Elisabeth (l hope that your weekend was great!) July 7,2004 Mr. Ron Riley 4582 Streamside Circle Vail, CO 81657 (tat<) 476-0081 Re: Timberfalls Condominiums Dear Mr. Biley, Thank you for attending today's DFIB meeting for a final review of the proposal for an access pathway to the tennis courts and swimming pool at the Timberfalls Condominiums. As you know, the request has been tabled until August 4, 2004, when the proposal will once again be brought before the DRB pending receipt of the following items: 1) A topographical survey stamped by a licensed surveyor, as described on the third page of the application for minor exterior alterations that was already submitted. Please contact me if you would like another copy of the requirements or the application. 2) A grading plan showing existing and proposed easements, existing and proposed grades, and other information as identified on the third page of the application listed above. Again, please conlact me should you need another copy of these requirements. 3) A written report acknowledging that the site to be modified lies in a possible avalanche influence zone and that any modification will not intensify the effect of a possible avalanche a Pn"Ft lots or landowners. ffiiilyagenda. lf you choose not to pursue the application further, please let me know soth all future agendas. Again, feel free to contact me should you have any remaining questionsbr Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 cc: Karl Edgerton, Timberfalls Condominiums 4582 Streamside Gircle Vail, Co. 81657 enclosure D epartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com July 9, 2004 Mr. Ron Riley 4582 Streamside Circle Vail, CO 81657 (tax) 476-0081 Re: Timberfalls Condominiums Dear Mr. Fliley, I am writing to finalize our conversation yesterday regarding the ne)d steps in the Timberfalls Condominium design review application #DR8040245, which was tabled at the July 7tn meeting until August 4, 2004. As we discussed yesterday, you will have lwenty days tollowing any action of the Design Review Board (approval or denial) to appeal in wriling to the Vail Town Council (should you choose that course of action). I have enclosed a copy of the section of the Vail Town Code which addresses the melhod for making appeals. lf you or Karl Edgerton decide to pursue an approval Jrom the Design Review Board by completing a topographical survey and grading plan, as requested in my previous letter, both of those items rnust be received in the Gommunity Development Department no later than Friday, July 30. Please let me know if you have any remaining questions or concerns. Otherwise, I will plan on seeing either you or a representative of the Association at the DRB public hearing at 3pm on August 4, 2004 at the Gouncil Chambers. 970.479.2454 cc: lGrl Edgerton, Timberfalls Condominiums 4582 Streamside Circle Vail. Co. 81657 enclosure {p ^t.t ,"o 'n"o Mr. Hon RileY 4.582 Streamside Gircle Vail. CO 81657 (tatd 476-(t081 Re: Timberfalls Gondominiums access road Dear Mr. Riley' Thankyouforzubmitingadditiona|photographs.o|ttreproposa|lortheacqessroadattheTimberta|ls Gondominiums . uowever, prease ;akp.a yte_th?!i;:;;E;;;;;i i"ditv *a'nea do not @nstitute and Hiiiiiii,ii*,wtaroritii-nwswh'c*-zfllir';,riis,ijri:ifi3l,:l#*'.lig"fri y fffd 1ffl"fi3|,"f,:S iillH"fJ.X#,lH"I,,,tH'*;;irre-i6;ve itEms to ttre"cil;;iiitv'o'*top'ii"m Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com July 23, 2004 ollice bY JutY 30- Ed€l 970.479-2454 cc: l(ad Edgerton, Tlmberfalls Condomlniums 4582 Strearnside Circle Vail, Co' 81657 George Ruther' Chief of Planning Russell Forrest, Director of Gommunity Development Please let rne l(now it you have any remaining-9u::Unt or concerns' Otheruise' lwill rrarnnae{ r^nnnraohic stlt"i"-ttO "'st"dlng piar; Oy nsxt Friday.and presenting the app Incerns. Otheruise, lwill plan on receiving-a v iio'-pi"tdniing thi applicalion at the DRB stiilJ"a-ioposraphic 6urv.ev and ? qt;tf;"g ;lilii5fr;H.:r!i$;;; Ais,'l r, Eoo+' ii tne councir Ghambea' {p ^""*"uo rnru" August 8, 2004 Mr. Ron Riley 4582 Streamside Circle Vail, CO 81657 Re: Timberfalls Condominiums access road Dear Mr. Riley, The application that was submitted in early July for design review app-roval of the above project has been tabled again by the Design Review Board at its most recent August 4'n hearing. Please let me know how yol would like to proceed with the application. lf I do not hear from you by Spm on Monday, August 16tn, the application will be wilhdrawn. As you remember, additional information is still needed in order for the Design Review Board to hear the application at it's August 1B'n meeling. Regapd, w Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 cc: Karl Edgerton, Timberfalls Condominiums 476.0081 ilr $, F$t\ o I, I fltt cuPy August 20, 2004 Mr. Ron Riley 21582 Streamside Circle Vail, CO 81657 Re: Timberfalls Condominiums access road Dear Mr. Riley, Per the letter that was previously sent to you on August 8th, 2004, the application that was submitted in early July for design review approval of the above project has been withdrawn. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any further questions or concerns that I may help you answer. lf you would like to continue with the proposal, h will be necessary to re-apply through the Community Development Department. Best Repards, tAf n,t4 uv Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 cc: Karl Edgerton, Timberfalls Condominiums 476.0081 (fax) Tinlcer Falls Associates 228 Bridge Street Vail , Colorado 81657 August 27, 2004 To: Elizabeth Eckel- Re: Timber Falls Pool access I am back from Michigan and getting back to you in regard to the above. Please recall- that at the July 2004 meeting I was encouraged to table the proposal- until August 4, 2004. The board was hoping that wouLd gi-ve me sufficient ti-me to produce the additional j-tems requested. Your letter of JuIy 23, 2004 puts me in an impossible position. You have made receiving the information a condition before I can get before the board again. The result is that f cannot appeal to the Town Council the necessity of the l- nnnrrranh i r-.al slrr--^" --r --^ti -^ :-Lan. ThiS iS au\Jl-lvvrqyrr-r\,ar oL4r vEy d.llLr vrl:rurLl9 I fundamental right of any appJ-icant. Clearly, I should have asked for the denial in the July meetrnq. Your letter of August 20, 2004 states the application has been withdrawn and that we woufd have to re-appJ-y - unacceptable ! ! We did submit new photographs with ilfustrative rcmrrk.q f h:t oi rre suf ficient information Lo understand the proposal. The criteria that needs to be met by our proposed new route to the poot is that a plumber will take the risk ^f ,,^i na i + +^ ^/:tt f rnm thp n:rk.t -^ l^{- t- /.r f na n^.\1. Ivr- LIDJIT9 IL L\J V9L rr\-,/rtL Lrrs F/qr ^-LtrV rvL Lv Lrru yvv woul-d thlnk the DRB and/or the TOV doesn't want to get invol"ved in blessing the route, to meet even the loosest standards of definition of a road, because of implied liabilj-ty concerns. Since the visual consequences of the proposaf are ml-nimal, why does DRB want to be involved in 1-ha fircf rrl -rno Trnnir-:l lrr anrr r-hancroq are mostl-- --: -lr^l^. ++v.rree++J, --y v-L>-LL',-Lr= to only BIdg 18, who has denj-ed us access over the existing road. Ellzabeth, I look to you and your: staff to help resolve my dilemma and hopefully find a way out of this mess. I look forward to hearing from you. Ron Riley Cc: Russ Forest Stan Zemler Rod Slifer K: rl F,rlcrc rt nrr rL'% D epartment of Communigt Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8i,657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.vailgov.com August 20, 2004 Mr. Ron Riley 4582 Streamside Circle Vail, CO 81657 Re: Timberfalls Condominiums access road Dear Mr. Riley, Per the letter that was previously sent to you on August 8rh, 2004, the application that was submitted in early July for design review approval of the above project has been withdrawn. Please do not hesitate to let me know il you have any further guestions or concerns that I may help you answer. lf you would like 1o continue , it will be necessary to re-apply lhrough the Community Development Department. 974.479.2454 cc: Karl Edgerton, Timberfalls Condominiums 476.0081 (fax) {p o"""tr"o r r" Eckel Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cpllclrado 81657 tel | 970.479.2139 tax: 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8040245 DIRT ROAD MODIRCATION FROM TIMBERFALLS TO TIMBERFALIS SMMMING POOL Project Name: Proiect Description: Participants: OWNER TIMBER FALLS ASSOC 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 816s7 License: APPUCANT TIMBER FALLS ASSOC 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 License; Project Address: 45OO TIMBERFALLS CT Legal Descriptioni lot: Block Subdivision: Parcel Number: 210112300007 CommenG: 06/10/2004 Phone: O6/7O|20M Phone: Location: Motion By: Seaond By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACITO'{ Action; WITHDRWN Date ofApproval: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wriften @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond:0 (PLAN)I DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. (b.{^ot {\ Gi\t^t Tt,r{sef Qc*tfS gr-lt 10\ .{ (b.{^ot {\ Gi\t^t Tt,r{sef Qc*tfS gr-lt 10\ .{ a TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 9704W-2t38 OT{NER ?oo*tr"* oF coMMrJNo" o*t r"*t t",^ .(t{ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #; _(.)\ TIMES 805-0078 Job Address: 4524 MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....r TMBERFALLS # 901 Parcel No...: 210112411001 Proiect No : n.frg o6-or/o ?od -oa{6 ISSUED o5n7t?ms 05tN?fi0s lltr6t2ffis PAII&ES, MICIAEIJ S. , f I -iIT 1424 BEITFORD CT EVERGREEN CO 80rt39 & GREo5/1? /200s APPITICANI A-PHASE ELECTRIC, LLe PO BOX 1-554 AVON eo 81620 License: 313-E cottrRAcToR A-P$ASE ET,ECTRTC, LLC PO BOX L554 AVOII co 8L620 05/t7/2005 Phone: 9?0-s45-0189 05/L7/2OOs Phone: 9?0-845-O1gB License: 313-E Desciptio,n: WIRING FOR 901 Valuation: $1,600.00 a*dtt*lt{.*ll.*},rt*i*|ltali+*t*r.|!*t*i**rt.!***f{*a*l.f**r.rt{t**tr**!|.t fi!t**tl.*r!*:t FEE SLIMMARY +++**++**t++**tt't#*++i.**+**t*+**!t*++*'+tr*t *****'t**i.*'+*t***+* El6cticsl-- > DRB Foe.,..._ > trvestigation ->willCalt-*-> 151.75 s0. 00 90.00 , 93 -OO Total Calculatcd Fees.- > Atllitional Fees--._-> Total Pemit Fee--_-> Peyments---------- > $s4 .7s $o.oo $s4 . ?s $s4 . ?s fi)TAL FBES-> ss4.75 BALANCE DUE----- > $0.00******.**i.***.*****'}***********************+*********it**+**idt+*****************t**************+*f| ApproYars: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAJ., DEPART!{E!fT o5/L7/2OO5 JS Aetion: AP Item: 05500 FIRB DEPARTSIEIiIT *tt{.t ttrtrt **rhi*|.**la CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG,): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CHECK FOR CODE COI.IPITIANCE. . DBCLARATIONS I herehy acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requfud, coryleed an accurate plot plan, ad state that dl &e information as required is correct. I agree to comply with tbe informafio'n and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordimnces and stat€ laws, and to build this struchre according to ttle town$ zoning ad zubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town ryplicable thereto. RBQ{JBSTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTT-FOIJR HOLTRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 oR. AT OUR OFFiCE FRoM 8:00 AM - 4 !t*'l't*:*****+++**'l'*t:*'*'l*'t'i*:l't++***t**t*****++*++**f****'|**++++*+**af,*{.****+t**t t*'}*****'t*a*d.** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment ++**+{.tt{'t**{.***+********,1*****+*****:i****:t*{!**++*+*****'r'}****+++*******'}'t'***t++*dr***t**!r*++ StaEement Number: R050000643 lPalmenL Method: Check Electric 1?35 --t--------- I Permlt No: 805-0078 TlT)e: ELECTRfCAJ, PERMIT Parcel No: 2101- 124- 1100- 1 site Addrega: 4524 MEADOW DR vAIt Locati.on! TXMBERFAIITS {+ 901 Anount: $54.75 05/20/2gO5L2:17 PMInit: DDGNotations A-Phase Total FeeE: TOt.AI ALL ETNIA: 9s4.7s $s4 ,75Ehis Paym€nt !$s4 .7s Balance! $0,00***ta**'atr*a'trt'l'hl'i!t***ri*!i:a**'t**+,t+*+'$**'l***'tr***r:t+*i*+t *+**+***+++**!*tr{.****t *+tlt******a'**+++ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: lccourit Code C.lrrrent ErntsDescription 0010000311"1100 00x00003112800 EL,ECIRICAL t{ILt, CAITIJ PERII4IT FEES INSPESIION FEE 51.75 3 " 00 o\, 1U rrf ruril 75 S, Frcrbgc Rd. YrtL Colondo t16tt7 APPTIGATIOII WTtl ilOT BE ASCEP/TEO IF II{COiIPITTE ORUIIS PnrJect #r Eullding Penhft #: Electlcal Permit #: 970d179-2f49 ffi of vall Reg. l{o.: O.713 E-llaltAddfiF; . cOt{F1;tE Se. pEET KtR ilEyV BUITDS and VALUATIONS FoR AII oTltERs (Labor & ilalerlals) wsOffw,atgnSrE-EWorWW Job Name:,?*uWfu,ptpd r-egar D€ccrilpq?tl LtoE Slodc:Flllngl subdrvrsf on : {'f MWtr*Ufr __ c{ tuW$, aao437ffi:-_ffi-- (R(:pair( ) TenrPPow*t(, *"t,, - Tyecof Itds: singFfiamity( ) Dttpt{D(( } Mutti-famlly ()cC rmmerclel ( ) R€ftunrt( )oher( ) lrg f tlo. of nccommodation Units in this buildlng: ll - t- r.titr. *arr+al+ fr.r r hrrt ft lh' YFq ( ) NO ( )@r Es( ) no( ) Ooes a Ftre ltarm Exish Yes ( ) No ( )L,IJEI q fllg ityl tl rFEr / 5\r' )************r*********FioR oFFrcE usE oNLY********t*********t"***********t**** TOWNOF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROA.D VAIL, CO 81657 97o-479-2138 PLUMBING PERMIT Job Addrcss: 4524 MEADOSI DR VAIL I"ocation.....; TIMBER. FALI"S #901 ParcelNo...: 210112411001 ProjectNo , il/eT' owNER pAltrrEs, MrcsAEIr 9., rr & tlRE04/z?/200s -iIT L424 BEIJFORD CT E\TERGREEN co 80439 APPITICAI$T SCHIIEIDER II{ECEANICAII P.O. BOX 73L4 AVON co 81520' L,icenae: L13-P COTi|:TRACTOR SCI{NEIDER MECHANICAIJ P.O. BOX 7314 AVOII co 81620 Licenge: 113-P Descipion: ADD GAS LINE TO FIREPLACE Valuation: $300.00 Fireplace tnforo*in Resticted: 2'! PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #r P05{O15 Staurs...: ISSIIED Applied. . : M/TPW1 Issued. . : 0412812W5 Expires. .: t0/25/2005 # of Gs$ Appliarc: ??!t1.i*:l**{.**{.****t**'!+*:}+t:t *{.{.'t4.r.*+*rt*s**t++!i*tltt r.*{.'}aa'}*,1***+**t+{.*** FEE SUMMARY **l(!**|(+**f+l+*{t**{.'lrt****+**a*+*i.i{.t*{**ti{.*{.tQt**tt*{t:l1++l+|l'1.*t( 04/21 /zAOs Phorre: 970-827-9443 04/27/2Oo5 Pb.one: 970-827-9443 # of Gm Logs: ?? # of Wmd Pallet: ? Phrnbi4g-- > Plan Cherk-*> Investigati<m- ) WillCall*-> s21. 75. $0. oo $2I.75 921. 75 $o. 0o $15.00 Rosftarant Plan Review-> $3 . 75 DRB F€e*---------- > So. 00 TOTAL FEES--> $3.00 S0.00 Tobl Calq{atod Fees--> S0 .00 Aruitionrl Feas-*---> 921.25 Tobl Permt Fes---*> Pa!'ments*_-------- > BAI.AIiICE DIJE--_-> Item: O5600 FIRE DEPARII{E}ff i!*'i*t++**+***d.tr.rr Item; 051O0 BUIIJDING DEPARTI{EI{I 04/27/2005 rS Action: AP CONDITION OFAPPROVAL Cond; 12(B[DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPITIAIICE. **,l**'|*ilgt*,i*'|.**{.*********'***|''i*:}|i*{.{.*{.****.*|+t*****|****** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tbat I have read this application, filled out in firll the information rcquired, corqletod an aficuxaJe plot plan, and ctat€ that all the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information ard plot plan, to cofiply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the tos'ns zoriqg ard suMivision codes, design teview E)proved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable tbereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION $HALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 On AT OUR OFFICB FROM 8:ffi AM - 4 ++***'**!tar*'r****+,t't,t't'$********{'***++***'}**'}t}'}'r.r*{.***+++**+**f *+***+++**+|'+r**'i***+*********** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment {.++**+*ar**'}**'i'********!t't'*******ir**'+****+********ai *'l'***++***'l*+**{r*+++++****+'i**t{'*+++*+**** Statement lqurtoer: ROsOOOOsOO Anount: $2:-.75 O4/25/2OOSL2:55 PM Palment Method: Check Init: LrTNotation: Scbneider Mechanical- / 7352 Per rit trIo: P05-0045 llrpe r PLUIIBING PESMIT Parcel No: 2101-124-1100-1 Site Add.resa: 4524 UEADOW DR vAIt I,OCAIiON: TIMBER F.AIJIJS #901 it**'!***!srs+**++,t!$***'***,|***'*'t**,t++**'**,1',***'t***'****+***!id.**{rt*1.***+*+***'l'iri*a.*{.t**++*****'3**** ThiE Palment: $21.75 Total Fee6: $21.75Total A.hIr Pmts s $21.75Balance: $0.00 Current Prnts ACCOUNT ITEM IIST: Account Code Description PF 00100003112300 Pr,iAr{ c}IEcK FEESgP 00x00003111.100 PLI'I'IBING ?ERMTT FEES wc 00100003112800 wrLL eel"t rNsPEcTroN FEE 3. ?5 x5.00 3 .00 ApprrcArt$Ll lror BE AccEprED rF rilconpLE,!} uNsrct{ED Proiect #. Building Permit#:_ f,i""ggiff"ffes*oYr tmf0r tS S. F|Dnt g|. Rd. Vail, Colordo 81657 Crrf tnlall S 91r.q ++3s.iiil i a#-'l{c.h ^n i 6 a,l 1\ sc.schn COUPLETE VALUAnOil FOR PLUilBING PEmtfT (Labor & llaterlals) PLUMBING: $3 00. 0o f Parcd* 2lorl2L|troDl robName: Tinberr Fa llS tt 4 O r JobAddre6s: +52+ V\<adow brir/<-Unit 4o t Lcgel Dcscrldon I Loh I Block: I Filing: ll $ubdlvidon: ouners il"t"'Micho.( ?au faSil Addreesl),*2*n?ctTti Lr;*rq fl Phorr: Engineel:Address:Phone: Detailed desoiption of wo$:fdl qat \ina -tu 4r, pbqa. Type of Blrlg.r Singdo-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Mul$-tamily (rO Commercial ( ) Re6taur€it ( ) Other( ) tlo. d Existing Dureling Unfts ln thb building:No. of Acoommodaflon Units in this building: ls thb a convercioo ftom a wood bumlng freplace to an EPA Phase ll devhe? Yes 0<) No ( ) oFFIQE USE ONLY****+***************r.****.*********** >i.-L*ll,rp 1 /t/\ APR 2 5 2005 TOV-COtul.DEV- \Wai|\t'str!0rtelAFORMS\PBRMITSTPLMBPERM.DOC vs{ 9002 r q,,Y-# 0SS o ur-u/-zuuo Inspection Request Reporting Page 32a:20 pm -- - -V;ii_ C-,+;Liil 6f ---.'-' Requested Inspect Date: Wednesdav. March 08.2006' Inspection Area: JRM Slte Address: 4524 MEADOW DR VAIL TIMBER FALLS #9OI A/P/D Informatlon I lock box code 0723 *l Approved'* Sub Tyoe: AMF Status:U'se: Insp Area: Phone: 970-827-9443Phone: 970-827-9443 Reoueeted Time: 08:30 AM' Phone: 471-9842 Entered By: DGOLDEN K ri' Action: AP APPROVED ISSUED JRM Item: Reouestor: Coniments: Assioned To:- Action: ^ Aqlr'vig: P05-0045 Tvpe: B-pLMBConst Tvpe: Occuoah'cv:Olirier: PAULES, MICHAEL S,,II ifGRETcHEN M, ADolicant: Cohtractor: Description: Reouested Insoection(sl Inspec'tion Hlstorv liem:210Item: 220Item: 230Item: 240 Item: 250Item: 260Item: 290 REPT131 Run Id: 4357 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DRAWINGS ATTACHED DATE rN 0N ocT 23, L992 0058 UPERMIT NO. department of oommunity development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Etrf BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL El pluMarNe LJ FOUNDATION "4324 E MEADO!il DRIVE 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; ADD SHOWER AT BATH.ADD WINDOE AT TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 5 ,000LEGAL lOB NAME: LANGER REMODEL MATLADDRES5 4324 E MEADOW D LOT UNIT FILING.. BUILOING PERMIT 30 / $8 tt4L334OWNERNEW( ) ALTERATTON (XXXADDIT|ONAL ( ) REpAtR{ ) ACCOMMODATION UNITS NO FIFEPLACES INSULATION:THICKNESS R-VALLUE ADDITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDED RECREATION FEE MAIL ADDRESS ARCHITECT DESIGN REVIEW BOARD GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM colo. tloME IMPRoVEMENTS rowru orveu nec. ruo. 241-B TOTAL PERMIT FEES CHUCK FELDMANN CoT 28, 9t992 JILDING OFFICIAL ING ADMINISTRATOR DATE & BU|LDING NorES. wrND0E c0L0R AND TRIM MATC1I EXISTING WINDOWS ON BUIDLING. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, PLUMBING CONTRACTOR rrnu KLEIN PLIJMBING 180-P 425-I650 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordin and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdi codes, design review approved, Uniform Building thereto. IIOME IMPROV. S. COI,ORADO BL 500 of the FOR HIMSELF MECHAN CONTRACTO OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. irtt;'il0ui 2 5 t.jvat C@NSTRUCTION PERMIT diprnm.nl of onrmunity drmlopft.nt TO EE T'LLEO OI'T C'UP LE?CI.Y PRI OF TO ISSVANCE OF PEFMIT TYPEOF PERMIT d eullotruc fl ptumetr-Ic 0 *ecrnrcnt fl rouroertou E MECHANICAL- E \ I LEGAL DESC. LOT Unlt .901 BLt(_llslec-Eal. CondominiuFILING +a ToBNAME: Lt+paerz {1t nn <> OWNER n^ME Rlchard-Ienecr 4324 E. Meadow DrlvemAiLIDDRESS ., If YUI CttY Va{ 1 . CO PH. ARCHITECI Frnrr N /,4- MAILIDDNESS- clw Pt{. GE}IERAI CONTRACTOR Cglorado llome Inprovenents tarRH ?Ff F 4d1-Y lSll ELECTRICAL Fln nr/^ TOT"N OF VAIL FEO, NOcf,rlt tt{AU tufi PLUttIBING CONTRACTOR M€CHAiilCAt CONTRACTOR Frn N,/A TOWN OF VAIL BEG.NO- OIHER CONTRACTOR flRM N /A ror||{ oFyatt nEc-!@ TEL€. rcvlew approved. Unif orrn Euilding AI{D IHE OWNEN. co laAcToR.FOR HrMSCtt NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT IO PERUITFEES l9LltlfS?Rllofi I lrereby actno*ledge lhal I harrs rrad lhlJ &pplfcillon, flllsd oul ln lull lhc compleled an accurals plot pten, and Btals lha: oll lha Inlormatlon provldsd 8s igrcs lo comply xrith lhe inlormatiofl end plot plan,_!o co-mply with all.Town laws. and lo build lhls structu?e according to lhe Tow4lzonlng OF L{ ,rE ' q'2--- Le@/na- oArE required, is conecl, I snd stale codes. design I I YpE Of cor{srnucr|ox l ll lll I z.occuPXcYGFouP ratxrfu t"/Drvrslorr $tttt GEl,rEFAt DEscRtpitox or yuon6 Add shower at Bath. Add window at dinins room GFOI'? G.fi.F.4. VTLUAIION ADO'IIOHAL( I RIPA(F( } \ 6#47 T 7'o" T l{Tche,; fi'o f.'.?" ,:l P-,,ri,*,,'i,., ,,, CLlo (l4f "r,1rq- ). | '' go o H eadtrt, Rc 2t'rt' l' '; Re*o'tt- Ao-rafft< gaygomp ltt'f fiT N(u #*r-l E.r1atte2 E?f .0f tl' :6oo sFr! € -ra D' e, r ,.rt f( o lz Yrt r.l itdtl L'J tNDTti rv,o FLeeTr? t( hl- R.e?$ t& ANTtcteFteD, n. NP f looRt'"q t\IPPtr< Ln ntqe r e-T e I +lO I '-fr nr*.n Vnl-L 5 ("i;+Jc fni nttcrvt't ctl |PGL DooR e'lt trj ill 'Ne'd { Frtme ) ELtmt*,aTL OO0 ft I Fr?lln v D *tLPo" Dn-y-l r,l b! c rfE, frrrr l'Jaace ,clz o l7t B<o Roorn 3'o'r \.<3'o \\ f, 5nc lvt s @ Ne^tTR-Am'rrJ .1 t ';iI L$i;;;"t e- a Plan Revi€r Bassd onthe 1992 Uniforn Codeg NAIT{E:LANGER ADDITION DATE:70/5/92 ADDRESS:1593 MATTERHORN CR. CONTRACTOR:BOB BORNE CONST.VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:MORTER ENGINEER:NONEOCCUPANCY: R3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTfON:V PLANS EXAIIINER:C. FELDMANN CoRRECTIONS REQUTRED Tbe i.tens liated belor ar€ not intended to be a conplete listingof all poeaible code reguirenents in the adopted codeg. It is aguide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not tobe construed to be aa agproval of any violation of any of the pro-vigions of tbe adopted codeg or any ordinance of the Tora of Vail . 1) THIS PROJECT WILL ITEQUIRE A SITE JMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALT BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. 2) HEATING AND COOLING EQUIPMENT LOCATED IN THE GARAGE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE PTLOTS AND BURNERS OR HEATING ELEMENTS AND SWITCHS AT LEAST ].8II ABOVE THE FLOOR LEVEL OF THE GAFAGE. PER SEC.5O8 OF THE 1.99]- UMC. 3) SUPPLY A MECHANICAL DRAWTNG INDICATTNG DESIGN OF THE SYSTEMSIZE (BTU AND VOLUME) OF EQUIPMENT, VENT LOCATION AND TERMINATION, A}.ID COMBUSTION AIR TO BE SUPPLIED PRIOR TO ANY INSTALLATION. 4) STAIRWAYS MUST CONFORM TO SEC.33O6 OF THE ]-99]- UBC. HANDRAILS ARE REQUIRED IF THERE IS FOUR OR MORE RISERS, 5) GUARD RATLS ARE REQUIRED WHERE DROP OFF IS GREATER THAN 30". MTNIMUM HEIGHT MUST BE 36" MAXTMUM OPENTNG SIZE rS 4l|, pER SEC.1712 OF THE UBC. 6) FIELD TNSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCB. rNSetoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALL TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: roN:MON THUR FRIUn)oadO^)4 tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: SAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED q// //a-r* /, tc+<,4d,f,<x BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND D ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr D o tr HEATING #ouon EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIB FINAL INSPECTOR rN#ctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: \sqEct\ir i: MON TUES WED .\ '-l CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULAIION O SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB OUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. PO tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINA OVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \' Sfi tc PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT oor. ll 12.- JoB NAME ,*e#"noN REeuEsr \ TOWN OF VAIL CALLER St-< zu:le 4"8,^. ----@'"qREADY FOR LOCATION: TNSPECTON MON TUES WED TH ( VqP THW r'li-pr-d-t t.* tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: VorsnppRoveo !nerNseecroN REeUTRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL i H, TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOFI ll -- -/u * PROJECT L .,ot *ot= READY FOR INSPECTION: *,11?*' 'Ns#cnoNTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL CALLER ':8"-. -*:;THUR FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDD FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL {*ouc,r / D.w.v. {^oron / wArERO FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR 'l'" /;, ( "-'. REQUEST VAIL rNJetoNTOWN OF oor= Il 7z JoB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ON CALLER ruEs WED a @,,* preeeaoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: _ O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT // n t1 A tDArE //'zJ' /<, rNSPEcroR hd. Ex*nn/g!,r;-;J3, TOWN OF VAIL 1 JoB NAME CALLER 5o /C) PROJECT INSPECTION:THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION:4 BI n o I \ D tr D tr LDING:PL tr k ,fu tr E tr tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr E n EXHAUST HOODS tr n CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL wtrPRovED D DISAPPROVED I] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR (f, lrtJUIV I ,JIP"'oNTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPEBMIT NUM ROJECT Z- .ioa NrRN4r MON 1l '2,-^,-Q, DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: CALLER ,uff BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H UB HEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED :a\b rN#croN REeuEsT PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo,.\\$5,o" TOWN OF VAIL CALLER BU trl trl trl r-1 '"-t trl trl tr ILDING:PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H- TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH'tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR NAME READY FOB INSPECTION: LOCATION:\\i:... I TUES WED THUR FRI { 'tt APPROVED CORRECTI tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \ \* d*rn*'(,1.At.1 INSPECTOR Afrffis"op 58ro ,*etroN REeuest PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE : READY FOR INSPEC ON: LOCATION:2 TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: U UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON i STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr ROUGH _tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR E FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nriGsxop The ltens belo'!il gl.vlng a per:mit Please check off INSPECTION'S need to be conplete a final C of O. in the box provlded. COUPLETSD before FINAL I,TECHANICAL DATE: IMPROITEMENT SURVEY RESID. NAME! DATE: ELECTRI,CAI FINAL BUILDING WEST SIDE: IEMPORARY C OF O w u tl \"s Ts CERTIFICATE OF OCCTIPA}ICY DATE: tl n LAIIDSCAPING DUE DATE: \\FILE NAI.IE: # F(q f44 1+ I l'\t, CONSTRUCTION PERMIT EF pt-uuernc n rouruoertott 4924 E MEADOW DR. NOTE _ COPY OF g11E IN oN OCT BE KEPT ON JOBSITE NO PLANSPEHMIT TO 2L, L9g2 005?94 g f, T BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP A B F HIRM olVlSlON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 0F WORK ; - ADD SHOWER AT BATH. ADD WINDOW AT PERMIT NO. zotr f BUILDING 3 ,000 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING 2 ,000 D MECHANICAL 5,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES R-1 0 5 ,000 BUILOING PERMIT 75 PLAN CHECK 49 ELECTRICAL NEW() ALTERAT{ON K)U( AODITIONAL I REPAIR (PLUMBiNG DWELLING UNITS - ACCOh,IMOOATION UNITS -HEIGIIT IN FT -. I!O. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE THICKNESS R-VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL ST, CUT ll BLASTING PARKING ,l DEMO x INSULATION. FLOOF EXT. WALLS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD zo CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT I00 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 244 cl{ucK FELDMANN OCT 23, Lg92 BUILOING oFFICIAL - OArE _ - JIM CURNUTTE OCT 23, 1992 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OATE ZONING & BUILDING NOTES: - I^IINDOW TRIM COL0R nND STXCE MUST MATCH I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fiiled out '.\f tn"\ttrm"l"" il* completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information proviUed as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plol plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struciure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ot the Town applicable thereto. COLO. I{OME IMPROV. 2696 S C0L0R. BLVD. DENVER. CO 80222 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. CLEAN UP TO! LEGAL DESC. 16T UNIT 901 BLK_ - -- 'trl$sRFArts coNDO.FILING JOB NAME: I,ANGER REMODEL NAME RICHARD LANGER 4324 E MEANOW DR. MAIT ADDRESS EIE}M MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM C0LoRADO HOMI IMPR0VEME] rOwH Or varu Reo. no. 241-B 7 57 -8188 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, OTHER CONIRACTO TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. TEI E SUITE 5OO li\"rq.f qr\ C} \ \ o Er Plan Review Baged on tbe 1992 Unifom Codes NA},IE:RICTARD LANGER REMODEL DATE: 1.0/23/92 ADDRESSz4324 E. MEADOW DR. CONTRACTOR:COLORADO HOME rMP. VAII, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPANCY:R1 ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCIION:V PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Tbe it€ns listed belor are not intended to be a comPlete listing of all posaible code reguirements in tbe adopted codes. rt is a guide to gelected sectiong of tbe codes. Tb,e following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- visions of the adopted codea or any ordinance of the Iown of Vail . l-) sMoKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED PER SEC.r210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 2\ SHOWER DOOR MUST MEET GLAZING REQUIREMENTS OF SEC.5406 OF THE ]-991. UBC. SHOWER DOOR MUST AI.,,SO OPEN OUT. 3) FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. O ---t-"4?,*J FctrlE- 6t:B SE6Eci ,c, 'l II I I I I I ,r/ v;' Bttt (:r: 'rr1. ++7 t' I n,& },oof '"'""'J I 'lr-- -J ,'o-r 3'o !tlo'ttA 'f,.?,'r'or!!)ta * i rt'rl t 'l'J'':f,.i"# ,*t i "5 $nrlrrr I".*_J }"/ |-'_-.. ,/-\lj fr nlLilu" ftP,r..'.rr ! 1-1aflrx Fal;r H''t"",r' l l'l 'l AI *ttt.t HtlL pilaT,tlg ltyr.rtt tl''''*-Tpp ,e.t; -to Er t' ' '*r l{ '1'7' r' O"t a*fCtJ '{ t 'r 9' L,'J d!.6l€l"Tt?rrrL (/Pl'd flarTrtrpdl'cD, 4t . No FtOoPttq rrf l t"/i f+1#'rfi l4'i4cn eTel rh gOI'*|--r nb1, FIL.L. lvz* E !'tr;.'t""" Vr,l , d, f'rf ii? S .'1+r..t+-tr-' Xllr lJrtrl't 1 F-, BeO ltarrt'n q1 | ;JI .-J bf.F,+tdrvt bJg*r f,rry, tJaaf4,tlt o | 7z'' C} 7 ba'd er!6T =rll E€-ga-I5cr Plan Revier Based oatbe 1992 Uniform Codce NAME :RICHARD LANGER REMODEL ADDRESS:4324 E. MEADOW DR.VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: RL TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON:V DATE:L0/23/92 CONTRACTOR:COLORADO HOME IMP. ARCHITECT:NONE ENGINEER:NONE PLANS EXAMTNER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The iteme listed belor are Dot intended to bc a couplete l-isting of, all poceible code requir€nents in the adopted cod€s. rt ie agiuide to seleeted gectione of tbe codes. t.he following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of, any of tbe pro- vigions of tb€ adopted codes or any ordinance of tbe Town of Vail- 1) 2) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SEC.]-210 OF SHOWER DOOR MUST MEET GLAZING REQUIREMENTS OF THE 1991 UBC. SHOWER DOOR MUST ALSO OPEN OUT. THE 1991. UBC. sEc.5406 0F 3) FIELD INSPECTION ]S REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. (+ ('i dct E |!tF B HE EH ooz 14tc *o&.g rnfr3TI{ 6. { 53Ot I g ica {alttlIt o q at s 8mt x!T trtr8. EHg otro "eE F'('-6 !t 'E |tl:IEoi gE BF is f'6filEF =allEio{! ...l5EdBEF En Ff; HF BC'Ii.lto-a € Etlla bqt Etn s6 FFI EE 6lF affi It ffi tt F lFr FF FI IHffi t T ! FfiF @': 1-\.1 .\it;,\€ fa. ita-.t ,r1 I €f ort !nl :E3f, rao H T $ B em iljiiE tg Tnt ot2ai, $i Er Frol (r) __.--\ -$tr- E! f,mtd Ilrtt. Rdg ic!- 8a atoI{tn.. E e 6 o 6 ItotloF 6' ts€3$,N EE *g 6tlI E x 8d t$ *gt5I rLe lEcIosF.I4 tfl l"la t' f,g i I I I t qIt fl fld { ll'' ,iSe ;gE r c rci+ssg a e:;fli;= g iF€$ge- -o r s " s gAlll -s" igi$gffiffiie'4t tr g ieFg;S; tr E s*F+g€+F:_ 'a'T .--'1 2.-'9t v,gei ,/g€ v./Eo -'..- 5e -\\ -= 3 Btu (.J"ttt1 #ra '4 ttlC,tU DooF 7'"'t't5 'lv-- 3'dl 3'a 5 Ho,ttQ. $'cntlws Rf*'''''t Pl 31r'11116 BXYa Y', pt t, ll't'l AI strtr HttL t-:l.r,tfE hy',.dr tl'''t*16g'p sr.rr *tr' f,f t', "^, lf ov'Y' A f PCgf t ,] t 1't s)i !a) Beo f(prrt'n silg" 6lecTnt( F L aOPF ''l AFTtttPFrco, ^N6t f lQotttt\ rrci n'li '.q) : ("((tt',,\ 4-, *'ns' o tL--* V \J r/z?fr=#-l ji r-tLs uqnn eTal t*. QO | lft r.,tb-(t Flt.L., "1';"ra)q-' Flrr hJtttfil ry"rzlt E ;'1,; ..t.'.' P,-' Va,l , C.' f'liic7 f ct'd el:6T Eflr Alr,a,r T? Atntfr 6t Fdr' b5 er}rfirT.,jda!4 'tlz d | 7t. z6-az-r90 I t. ll fitu, 5'o'Y 4 tP" i ' 'lr''l t llJ,i,*ln;""": + a t rr'' " ( ll'r "4"u hleader.'tr.,' 't i';r""r{!l.. tl.iJ\-I 'LJ,','i'J,iri. B tt'lLEv" APR-?4-82 FRI 15:36 Toprr of Vlil FAX 1,10. 3034?8215? -a n04 It truth lrlnlrfr roid }|iL CclDrrdD lltl, li0ll' {r9-?I.38 ot 419.2139 ollfcc ol co|l|I'luAlty dcrclopfiint f0t FfiOHi DAT$I SuBtECtr r&T, CONTRACTORg CgRREITTT.VIJ REGISIER.ED }'rTH $tETOn[ OP VAII Towt{ oF lrAltr pu8l"tc woRl(E/coM}fttlrlTr DEvEr,opMEr{T fiAncd 16, tgBB CONSTRUCTTOII fTRKING O }IhTERIAI, STORACE Iovn e!for your (i.e. €gntraetorr olrner' xn eurnnaryr.otdlnEnce N6. 6 stat:cs that it le renlrufsl f,on anypgt,son to llEter, trgck or Coporlt eny eoll, 106l!, sand, debrisor tilareflsr' tncludlng tfa6h durpetergl portoble iolleeg cnorrprhrn€n vohlelq* uporl itly etreetl atAeiraih, s,flry-oi-pubrlJ nllge sr rny portion theicof. Thc righE-oE-way 6n afi Tor+n c!Vatrl Etreats and roadr le approxlnatel,y F ft. -fl pc\ren€nE.Thl*-ordinarrce trlll br rtrltily enforcidt by thr Toi.rn ot vallPgl|ic Workr Fcpartprht. per*6ng founC vfifiGinc thlo orClnrncaulll- ba grvan e 2il hoqr wrltttn notlae to reilov€ eald nqterlal.In the eyon! the porsan so notlficd dose not, cenply wlth ghehotlcc pithln th; aa hour tfune epcclflcd. the fultic worl(sDepertnent rlll ren'ove eald rrEterial at ibe exF€nse cf p€EEonnotlfied. lfhe prevlslons of thit ordlnanea shill not bAapFltcable to cbnstructlon, rnalntenance or repatr proi€cts ofany ttrcet or lltcy sr any utllltles ln trre rlght-u-r,ray. the you To-revl,cu ordll.nahcE No. 6 In lullr IrleeFT BtoF byvalt Eutldlrrg Depqrtnenu to obtatn i copy, flanicGooFeaatlon anr thLB retter, 7' Trr 6 r 3nr e6-aa-Ico FRr 15136 Toun of Vril FAl( tW, 3034?g2t$? tg *rulh frsnlrE rd.d rrll, edcrrdr SltE? ($0El 4I9-?1lB sr 4r9-?t3e etilca ol Goftnunlly drrrloFnCut BUlLDItrE ?tRfilT lSSUAi'tCr TtnE fnfi.U If thts f?rTlt.ffQul.res i ro$n rf Vrit ftre Dep|rtment Approvrl, Englneer i! {fgbJ lc l,lorktl r€{ieu and rpprovrl r' a plannlnb- Deparinentrevlghr 0f Heelth Beprrtnent revier.r, and a r"evfew by the Eulli{nsDep*tfiefltr tlta *rtfnated tlne for a total revl*r nray trfr rr l6ngas thFeE seeh*. AlI connerc{al {'large or rnall} rnd rlI rrrrlr{-6lni1y perurlti wlllhave to^follop the abgvc mrntloned n:lrtnum requfrembnt*, Resfdcntlal and.s.mall proJettt-rhould trke r leller anround of tlnc. H0wever, {frcsldentlal or erullar prsjects ifiprgt the vtr.lous rbove nentisniddeFart*rentr.rlth regrrd ts necei3ary revlerr, these pnojects mryalso tate tfie three neet perlod. Ev€ry rttsrpt wlll be trnle by thlr drrpertment t0 axpedttr thlipgnrtlt lf tgon rs poss'lule . tr the framg, undeE{gnad, undersldnd the plrn chc€k proceilure and tlnie oate tlorh she€t $rf turned Inro rnB tsrn:unl ty DeveloFment DapErtnent. rr:6T =nI z6-@z-I3B