HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 1001 PART 2 LEGAL(tr$ocn Ci\tndl T irn\r tlnlt loo[ q CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE bIOIIE}4BERJ7, 1994 1 23 t d"p"rtrnent of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PEBMIT TYPE OF PERMIT I!trEu BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC.FILING TTMBERT"AI,T.S B NAME: PocK hrrmotn' ADDrrroN NAME R A\]DY & GT.F,NNA POCK MATLApDRESS 300 LEYDEN ST crrv DENVER pn 321-5559 qnrlr CHERRYWO0D CARPENTRY 470-sTOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 47 6-107 6 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ELECTRICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACTO l. IYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll lll rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - WINDOW ADDITION 481'N62" FIXED PANE. PERMIT NO. z.o F f J BUILDING 1000.00 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAT TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT 35.00 7 ?'$ cl--F 5dA+-q- PLAN CHECK 23.00 ELECIRICAL NEWO ALTERATION O ADDITIONALXX) REPAIR PLUM BING DWELLING UNIIS -' ACCOMIVIODATION UNITS,- HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VAL LUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 20.00 PP CLEAN.UP DEPOSI' USE TAX WILL CALL 3.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 61.00 CHUCK FELDMANN II-16-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED; Y N INITIAL sr. cui [ | | BU|LDING OFFtCtAa _ DATE _3ANDY-_,1T01IDER _11_16-94_ _ _ ZONING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONtNc & BU1LDTN6 x91gg; WTNTIOW TRTM TO MATCF EXISTING TRIM USED ON OTHER WINDOWS. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning a4d subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinancrs ol jfe Town applicable thereto. AND THE OWNER. OR FOR HIMSELF 0@ t(mj Nunber of Acconmodation Units: { - 1}*"t and Tlpe of F'ireplacess Gas Appliances- Gas Logs :! wood/Fellet_ {**** * *** * ************************ vALUATToNs **** ************************ ***** igi,i3lffi: 14 n *Hg*t:lt::- eTrp3,^ 1LUIIBING: S UECIIAf.IICAL: $- -.t-I: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * CoNTRACTOR TNFO8UATIOf Eenerat Contractor : r'z/. oo,t,,ili >t ./- a ^ ,ia ,. z , , Reg. NO. ** ** **** rb** * n n******************FOR OFFTCE USE *************** * **** *********** lAuu="==,/4 8fifr"F"3l"n oE rEn: rn' W Job Name: A./ l,o/-ntou., t o*r.- ,,'Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Elock Filing Owners l{ame:. Architect: Pn...12/-AS€f GeneraL Description: Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration I Nuraber of Dwelling Units: ,/ Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing contractor: Address: Mechanical contractor:Address: BUILDTNG PERUIT FEE: PLU}IBING PERI,IIT FEE: }TECIIANTCAL PErufrT F8E: ELECTRTCAL FEE: 4<- Address:Ph. -Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other T:y" o-{ v3i1 Res. no. y'24-.5 Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Val1 Phone Nunlaer: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. No. Reg. NO. BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLT'MBTNG PI.AN CHECK TEE: !,TECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PER!,IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNANTRE: CLEAX IIP DEPOSIT REPI'I|D TO: Veea 4eeurftt€Q, a b.r"*l ro, FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL COI{TRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Job Name: Date:eeas arding the ne€d fora "publicWay permit": YES .NO lf-v?Y. "Ty"t9d y"t to any of these questions, a "Pubtic way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way- Permit' appiicationf miy be obtained at the'pub1c work,s office or at 9,o.TTyl,ity Devgtopmglt .tf vou tr-1v_e_aqr_ouesrions prease eafi charrie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspectoi, at 47g-21fu.' I have read and answered afl the above questions. ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Rerocable Right Of Way permit" reguired? A. ls the right of way, easements orpublic property to be used for staging,pafting or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing ptar required by Communi{ Development? 6) 7) 8) O puBuc wAy pERMrr pRoils How it relates to Building permit: 1)Fill out the our cheeJ< list provided 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7, lf yes was answered t?.any of the above questions then a "pubtic way permit" isrequired' You can pick !o qn .pfr""tion at either community Deveropment,rocated at 7s s. Frontage nbao orFiori" wo*", rocareo ailiogVairvarey Drive. Notice sign otfs for utitity. companies. All utilities must fierd verify (locate)respective utilities pdor ro signingj appfication. #;;iiny;il;nes require upto a 48 hour notice to schedute i tri<iatet. A construcrion tratfic conrror pran mu$ be prgp"!'rg qn a sgparate sheet of paper.This pran wiil show rocationi or arriatnc &ntror rrevices (signs, cones, etc.) andthe work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.; sketch of work beino performed must be sub_mitted indica-ting dimensions (rength,widrh & deprh of wo*). rnisili;;;;n on the rraffic controrpran or a siteplan for the job. submit compreted apprication to the pubric.work,s otfice for review. ff required,rocates wirl be schedured forrhe Town JivaiiEr&H;;;o'ffiion crew. Thelocates are take prace in rhe mominf, out-i"v reguire up to 4g hburs to perform. The Pubric wofl<'s construction Inspector willlgviey the apprication and approveor disapprove the permit. you wit t -;;i;"d as ro *re iituslno any changesthat may be needed. Most permits "i" r"r""r"o wrilrin +g n*" JLing received,but please allow up to one week to p.Jrrr. As soon as permit is processed, a "opy wifl be faxed to community Deveropmentallowing rhe 'Buirdino p.g{rir td u" i56ir"o. pr"".. do not *ntus. the "pubricway Permit' with a "'Buitsing iermit;-ro io"r"orr on a project sire itser. Note: 'The above process ls lor work in a rfght_of-way only. *Public Way permlt'" "**A nely Public Way permlt is required each yeer. 75 routh tronlrgG ?o.d eril, colorldo 81657 {303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ottlce ol communlty devolopmall BUILDiNG PERT4IT ISSUANCE TL,rE FMtqE If this permr.t requires a Town of vair Fire Department Approval,Eng'ineer"s (publi. I!:|:l revtew ana'approval, a planning Departmentreview or Health Departmint review, anl ._review by the Building ly?[H:.h"ll: .'.t'uted tim; ro"'.-iotur ;ili;. ;"i"iall'as rdns l]] .?*g"gia1 (Iarge or sma'll ) ana all mutti-family permits wilthave to forl0w the above menti6ned maximum requirements. Residentiarand small projects shourd tate i-iesie" amound of time. However, ifresidentia'l or smal'lgr,projects ifi;;i the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to-necessily-review, these projects mayalso take the three*weef peri.od.- Every.attempt wit be nade by this department to expedite thispemi't as soon as possibl e. - r-'\r'sv ' r'E t'l l:-j!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and tineTrame. Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. 75 soulh fronlsgc rord v€al, colorarlo 81657 (3osl 479-21.38 or 479-2I39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&fEcT: offlcc of communlty deurlopmcnl AIL CONTRACIORS CgRREMff,, L REGISTERED WITTI !ITETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF .VAU, PUBLTC WORKS/COMMITNTTY DEVET,oPMENT !4ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunr'ar?, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or depJsii ;t-";irl-rJJi, sand, debrisor material, fn:I:-ul:" tr"=fr-t"rpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicLes. upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publj.cplace or anv oorti-on th;;.;;:--irre rigtrt-of-way on arl Town ofvail streets ina.roads is approiinatety 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance w*r re ;"i;ii;^enforced by the Town of vair_Public l{orks Deoartnent. --p"tlins found *rih.[i'g this ord,inancewirl be s:iven a-24 houi "rriii"i'i"ii""-t"-;;;;;'""id naterial.rn the event the person so noritrea-aoeJ-";i;;pry with tlrenotice within the 24 trour tGe sp9c1fied,, the p,rEfi" worksDeparrrnent will ""ror" -""iJlJtIii"i -ii-irrJ';";;"" of personnotified. The urovi=io"=-"t-Iiis orainance sniti no. beapplicable to cinstruction, ,uirri"r.rrce or repair projects ofany street or artey or any'uEiilii;"i; $"';iiii_u-*.y. To review ordinance No- 6 in full , please stop by the Town of:::i"::il3i"l"o:f,if*:ll.::""it*ii" a sopv. riani< you ror your Read and acknowledged by:Y (i.e. contractor, owner) lnttn 75 loulh honLge roed y.ll, colorldo 816!i7 (3{E) 47$2138 (3dt) 47$9t39 olfice of community development NOTTCE ?O CONTRACTORS/OmIER BSTLDERS Effective June 20, r99r, the Town of vail Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites h-ave adequater-y - eltabtished ^proper arainage from bui_ldingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads oi streets. The ToFo of vail pubric works Department will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjaclnt to rown- or vair roads orstreets and tbe instarlation of tenlrorary or permanent cuLverts ataccess points from the road or streEt on to tle construction site.such approval must -be obtained prior to any reguest for inspectionby the Town of Vail Ruilding Oepartment tor fo-otings or temporaryerectricar or any. other inspection. preasl -..rr 4'r9-2160 torequest an inspection from the public works Departnent.. Ar.tow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also' the Town of Vail pubric works Department wirl be approvingall final drainage and culvert instariation wit.h resutting roa6pacching as necessary,. such approval must be obtained prlor toFjnaI Certificate of Occupancy iis,.rance. 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8.1657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 De pa rtne nt of C omnuniry D eve lo pntent rTIFOR}IAIIOf, I|EEDED l|l|Eil APPLCIXG FOR A IIIECIIITTTCEL PERUIT 1 HEAT LOSS CAI,CULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECTIA.T{ICAL ROOM !{ITH EOUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTURATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECIIANICAL ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUST]ON AIR DUCTS, FLT,ES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED INMECHANICAL ROOM. FATLIIRE ro PRovlDE THrs rilFo${aIrolf wrrJl DtLAy rouR pERrdrt. z. 3. 4. Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_Subdivision Project Street A aaress: {f) Comments: Zone DistrictI ,oo Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: I Approval fl Disapproval ft'stattnpprovat Conditions:t"sfr( DRB Fee "r.-p^ra '4 )'D kr-rvn +f Vall ' ''i:i:ii_:,il #$PYPlan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: POCK WINDOWS DATE: 11116194 ADDRESS: 4514 TIMBERFALLS CT. CONTRACTOR; CFIERRYWOOD VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPF OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: CHUCK FELDMANN CORRECTTONS REQTJIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes, The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail, 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC 12IO OF TIIE 1991 UBC. 2. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO Cr{ECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 3. A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER MAY BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE STRUCTURAL CHANGES PRIOR TO A FRAMING INSPECTION. 4. GLAZING MUST COMPLY WITI{ SEC. 5406 OF TIIE 1991 UBC. "l Project Application o<-/c nldie 1/1 e < /e-q s It "n" 7/23 / 7/ / i" Proiect Project Conlact Name: Description: Person and Phone owner,Addressandphone: rZaa/Jf / t %uo"o Po4 zrt-aga e Architect, Address and Phone: Fo zz-o Legal Description: Lot Block -, Filing Zone - Com ments; y',o '-lo J--/,.o4 f Ott t< f-r-j or /o-L u# La4g-o Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: fu4,"r, Approval fl,\Nr GeN,'lg P{- ,' ff) t_€?orrr> 3z-6ssg revised 4/26/9L COLORADO Dguu€rr, Cnw WLZfr Dpa ApptrcArroN - rowN oF vArL, r'$. 'C) z2 . t'l()6IDATE APPLICAT]ON RECE]VED : DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: r*rs Appr.,r*r#i iirlll iior "r AccEprEDuNru, ALL REQury__111o_HJroN rs suBurrrED I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVTEW: New Construction Minor Alteration Additio ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: LoT Brock -9MAe.!P{e,o Concepluar neview T]Fl- tool * c,oa{,o A.4L n a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and / B. t15i2tw* D. K Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provideattach to this application. E. F. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required,stamped survey showing applicant must provide a currentlot area. NAME OF APPLICANT.:Mailing Address: H.NAME OFMailing APPLICANT' SAddress: J. K. NAME OF OWNERS: STGNATURE(S):Malllng Address: Condominium Approval DRB FEE: DRB application. rEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION tr .oY/t#or.. _- afl,a"fuIl $ 0 - s 101000 I t_0,001 - $ 50,000I s0,001 - $ r.so;ooo $150r 001 - $ 500r 000 $500r 001 - $1r 000,000$ Over $1,000,000 APPLTCTTTON WrTT BE PROCESSED FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00 .00 REPRESENTATIVE: WTTSOUT OTiINER' S STGNATURE oo i UN)n -flM*av-0-*6rJ&.*erO tla+ftu m futt'r.aw -W &q d^d'" a*-dtiq^"o q )r"' Q&'rnrto" [w]Nrtw'nu.- -IrC$r.r4!0 U tt[zgl?5- r/w bnPo ffi, ffi r"3 irurt\ o1 ?^a|r,'ffia tf C'al'Ptu o LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECTs LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT_ BrOCK SIREET ADDRESSs IL DESCRIPTION O [he following Review Board with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property owner or his representative shall be present at the DRB hearing. ON A.BUI LDING I.TATERIAIJ.S : Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Encfosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF I.TATERIAI,cor.,oR B.I,ANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: PI,ANT I.IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical- Name Cornrnon Name Ouantity Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. n $e cr-o SUBDIVIS CT: infornation is r fobefore a final approval can be Itrven: l0' ttal-to the Design flffi'JUN 2otggt I , . g..$",1 '*rn Rer+ipt *He':+lpt * Alil$l Flc':DUn t, # t-Fi-t I ?in4*ri gf| Etll.ttrLrLF,H FIClr..'.L]LiF.l 4,311 TJEI,I FFF. FEE 28. r-18 RmfiJn t peid ?8. BB 1..1. SB 1fEU ql"/uN zltsst TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM 0l m0041330 0r 000041540 0r 000042415 0l 0000 42415 0l 0000 42415 0l 0000 424 15 01 0000 4241s 01000042415 01000041548 )GROXCOPIES /STUDIES0rcfp,o42412 PENALTY FEES / REJNSPECTIONS0r m0042371 0l 0000 41412 0l 0000 41330 01000041413 rt fllil ,.lUlt 2oleel ilune 18 , 199 i, Town of Vail Design and Review Board75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657 As the owners of Timberfalls Condo Unit 1001, Building 10,Phase IV, we are writing to reguest approval to extend our existingground floor deck as per accompanying plans. This deck is located on the back of our ground floor endunit and i{e voul-d like to simply increase the size (to the vesL,in the direction of the center staircase and make it wider). Thisdeck is NOT visabl-e from the street, no upright rails or posts rili11be used ( there are none at present). This unit backs onto theforest- no building or neighbors behind us would be affected. If any more information isus immediately Thanking youmatter. needed ques please contact attent_ion in thi gfor yo r time ions and 300 Leyden Denver, Colorado BO22O 32r-6559 v Town of Vail Design and Review Board75 Sout,h Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8L657 Please note* * Mr. Herskovits was the president of PhaseAssociation during the cal-endar year 1990 'June 18 ,1991 JUN 20199, R.W. POCK President Timberf al-l-s Condo Association Phase IV fV, Timberfalls Condo As the current president of the Timberfal_ls Condo Association Phase fV, I am writing to confirm and renev the approval given bythe condo association and by Mr. David Herskovits last September(1990) for the enlargement of the existi.ng baek deck of Condo 1001,Building 10 as per plans submitted to you for approval. --. uf* :'&. E Nr)ss HS ,!s ut '.o\ t '{\ E fueln*n e^D '-----\-----*-- rr?;urr Z'Iesl t Mffiu. -*d Totlv -fr tufu'wil dtrL a uee -W^ , ,.. rn r * [ h--',,,^ l n nn.!t o if, rur'l,no .?Wfff t qn*sv+ ulri,(.Y,\r fiMth n. 6 3>* @^/-i -d.;{- uul whr'.'*t(" o21p{- 'Pl r\ryHsdts{-,Pl 0n,.Mfi{,1 . UNlDva,X.{,\1r4" i €rfl, /\dr +1 @f\YY\Lt-W* + $row' \.1gM^)" 4r0 C'i, JeeL*1:,./ b-AtrpuffiL-+ Mff') fitnnffiT-m W\|'AN.ts?tpr?tm. @ YmN a@Po'^o'1lF ]M",J^, t(zu W*ou Wv__tr