HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 1201 LEGAL$rc\prr\ G\tr\1 f t{ Tra$ocr fc.\\S tlntt t)Pl CQNSIRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION ru PERMlrro BE KEPr oN JoBSlrE : OOfSOO depsrtmsnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMTT TYPE OF PERMIT !!! g !! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL I DESC. LOT BLK FILING TIMBERFALLS tJoBNIME' Murphy Deck Addition OWNER ffi Lincoln NB 68506 ctw PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAII ADDRESS CITY PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR p'e' Rusty Spike rotryN oF vAlL I Eolq-102S 476-4374 ) etrcm'cn.. CONTRACTOR FIRM TO\^/N OF VAIIJEG-NQ.- PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CON I RAg I (]F( OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TEI,E. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I rl lll I Kyt 2.occuPAr{cYGRouP ne en rr@ z\DIVISION Al2 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - PERMIT NO. ------ z9F BUILDING .36s.00 ELECTRICAL PTUMBING MECHAI,IICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V M-l $1.365.00 BUILDING PERMIT 23 .50 a*sb/ $s PLAN CHECK 12.75 ELECTRICAL NEWO ALTERATION ADDITIONAL fr ) REPAIR()PTUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHTINFT- - NO. FIRFPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATIOI FLOOB \,1: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO 10.00 CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF TYPE ELEC. OF SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $46 .25 Wro//rl,r'K[-o-nc-tFFrd-t,u-- Dnft - Kristan Pritz 9/26/84 ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur I | |IING ADMINISTRATOR DATF NING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in tull the intormation required, completed an accurat€ plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and olhet otgirr/frt€E of the-To)qapplica{e thereto. HIMSELF pdnt rtlvall department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLEO OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT LJo.K S).,ee.-T- PLUMBING FOUNDATION !trtr !trn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL r LEGAL rpESC. LOT BLK- f[tnc | !\b<', (- a- Y)z L--/ OWNER,'ro7f;rb'ta I a< r L 1' I tt.:' MArL AppREss 7 3 aa ulrqrF 0. ",r, A,tcni,-n,9'l?Tsae ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,tu ktt, LotK€ to**oiuo"Jo-J zaa-.- rELE Vlz--V?rr/ *,1'-'^*l: FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL R€G. NO. MECHANICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO.UUNIKAUIUN OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOU'N OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE. l|. Prinbry/vad I.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTTON I lt t tV i,^,Yo TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION ALTERATION() AODITIONAL ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: TOTAL PERMIT FEES ADMINISTRATOR I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fult the in{ormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state lhat all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and othej9d/'lnces.d the TowygO|cabtejhereto. 8IGNATURE OF AND THE OWNER. FOR HIMSELF August 14, 1984 7320 l^lhitestone Drive Lincoln, NE 68506 Mr. Bob Ruder Tinber Fa1ls Condo Associ.atLon 4496 East Meadow Drive Vai1, C0 81657 RE: Deck E:rpansion - Unit 1201 Dear Bob : r had ca1led your offlce-on July 9 to inforn you that we have serecteda contractor to add an 8r r 12t extensi.ott to th" exrsting 6r x 12' deckon our condo unit. As we previously di.s cussed on the phooe, this proposede:<tenslon has been approved by the Timber Falls condo issociatlon. Thecontractor is Mike Krohn of the Rusty spike construction coq any iu vai1.The deck will be quite sinilar to thl one just constructed nexE .to our unlt.. The speclfications are as fol_lows: -- Add an 8r x 12t extensioD to the present 6r x 12t for a totar decksize of 14 I x 12t per the enclosed tliawing. -- Brace new deck and add bracing to existing deck. -- use better grade of luober than that utilized on exLst5-ng deck. -- Deck I'i1l be fully railed with a gate. - Total deck will be stained and railings paint-ed to Datch existingtrim. -- use vegetatioD killer rnder the totar deck and 1ay down black plastlcwlth a loose rock cover. r have asked Mr. Krohn to nove ahead wlth construction as soon as possible8o that sorrp of our owners 'can etrjoy the deck durlng the re'al.nder of thesu@er. Ile wiJ-l scop by your office prior to consiructioa to verlfy thathe has secured the required buJ.lding p"rmft, aa, Londi Rutan Mary Ann Runnings SCHEDUTE A, PAGE llt /za 's/o I/nlJob Location Description and specifications, of work lo be T (t' *t,I F'd" Acr'r;",,tt Pt0s . r1l lAz,:feb Pa,fsa .: :?fr Pl,q"- ./- "x't - /24rY-?J)F, I l I * LdF a PROPOSAL / CONTRACT RUSTY SPIKE o"r. .4?, 3/ - B/- t August 14r 1984 I1r. Bob Ruder Tinber Fa1ls Condo Association /1496 East Meadow Drive Vai1, CO 81657 RE: Deck Erpansion - Unlt 1201 Dear Bob : r had ca11ed your offlce on July 9 to inform you that we have selecteda contractor to add an 8r x 12t extension to the e)Listing 6t x l2r deckon our gsad6 rrnil. As we prewiously discussed on the phone, this propoeedextenslon has been approved by the Tinber Fal-ls condo Association. Thecontractor ls Mike Krohn of the Rusty spike construction coryany 1n Vai1.The deck will be quite si.rrilar to the one just constructed next to ogr gnit. The specifications are as follows: - Add an 8r x 12t extension to the present 6t x l.Zt for a total decksize of L4t x L2t per the enclosed di-awlng. -- Brace new deck and add bracing to existing deck. -- Use better grade of luuber than that utillzed on exlst irig deck. -- Deck vi1l be fully ral1ed wj.th a gare. -- Total deck wilL be stained and rai.11ngs painte.d to match existlngtrim. -- use vegetatLon kirrer rnder the total deck and 1ay down black plasticwith a loose rock cover. r have asked Mr. Krohn to nove ahead with construction a€ soon as possible so that sor'- of our olrners 'can enjoy the deck during the rernainder of thesurnrer. i{e will stop by your offlce prlor to construction to verify thathe has secured the required buJ.lding permLt. 7320 Wtritestone Drive Lincoln, NE 68506 \cc: ltikq.Krohn. Rusty Splke Construction.t\ Londi Rut an' Mary Ann Runniags I Hmlrerfalls coNDoMlNlult AssoctATtoN (303) 4?S-570S 4496 EAST ilIEADOW DBIVE r VAIL, COLO.81657 Sept@b€r 19, 1984 Torr of Vail Bdldturg D€parftEnt 75 S. E?orrtage Road Vail, CO 8L657 Attention: Steve PaEterson Dear Steve, tinber Falls Condo Associ-ation, Phase V, B.rildins /l12, ap'prsves the deck erlarg,errctt for llnit tfl,z0L. lf >rcnr trave any questions, or need any further informati-ct, please feel free to contact ttr:is office. sin@ly, =r\zY/tHI) Rob€rE W. RllR:lonj ' u'vL li-' '' //ia tuf'"l0 it n ,'[\-r* -.66 .nr';.ON THE- i;ros' SCHEDULE A, PAGE PROPOSAL / CONTRACT t/() g i*t i'/zt'Localion Description and sPecifications, of wotk to be performed: // l^ n-. It_---_-_-ll I rJ.- iJ"i-,'t-t: ?r0s-i'' T,r.:":i:i: l-a.-Js = Cr a:] c : u./l,it I G .l- II tn:) It.5i JL] *:$., (..:i (.E 9i -,'--2 /'--; di F S?,ef'"q'- '/' 't"j- l/*YzJ ..t : : August 14, 1984 Mr. Bob Ruder Tlnber FaLls Condo Associatioo '. 4495 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Deck Expansiou - UBit 1201 Dear Bob : r had called your office on J,-1y 9 to inforn you that o'e have selecteda contractor to add an 8r x 12' er-tension to the existing 6' x l2t deckon our condo r:nLt. As we prev:iously discussed on the phone, this proposed e>rtension has been approved by the Timber Falls condo.Association. ThecoDtractor is [ike Krohn of the Rusty spike construction coryany in Vail. The deck vil1 be quite sirdlar Eo the one just constructed next to our unit. The specifications are as follows -- Add an 8t x 12 I extension to the present 6t x l-2, for a total decksize of 14t x 12' per the enclosed ci-awing. -- BraCe new deck arrd add bracing to existing deck. -- use better grade of lurober than Ehat utilized on existins deck. -- Deck will be ful1y railed with a gare. - Total deck will be stained and railings painted to Batch eristi.ngtrim. -- use vegetation killer urder the total deck and 1ay dor,m black plasticvith a loose rock cover- r have asked Mr. Krohn to move ahead u-ith construction as soon as possible so that soe of our owners can enjoy the deck during the remainder of chesuErDer. He lrill srop by your offlce pri.or to construcEj.otr co verify thathe has secured the required brrilding pernit. 7320 Whitescone Drive Lincoln, NE 68506 cc: [ike Krohn. Ruscv Spike Consrructj.on Cq, _Londi Rutan Yary Ann Runnie gs Qnl| \' PEFMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t NSP &,oort l, l1l1 JOB NAME ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL(- CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES. WED THUR FRI LOCATION:n'b"--.1 ,jrt, a ./u BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER r] HEATING B EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR ED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I i DATE INSPECTOR