HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 402 PART 2 LEGALtftv,.rr\ eil+C\ q T-. nbc<$**ft5 Untt s€L I ) I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Timberfalls File Andy Knudtsen May 10, 1991 Proposed Deck Enclosure in Unit 402 .7\ !\j5t i. I . | .u"Fl,1"' i r ,l\. ) \ ,,nu([t'' l-/ du L' , ""{''' ,1 '[tr 11,,r,,' ri ' ,i i',l" v,i+*YW 0,' F t,'t x*IrrvStaff has determined this proposal cannot be approved, because it would be an expansion of the commercial use at Timberfalls. Corespondence between Kristan Pritz and Bob Fluder, starting in approximately August, 1989 through January, 1990, show that unit 402 has been recognized as a,legal, non-conforphg commercial use., The Town does not allow expansions to no-n-conforminlises, ano Oecaus6-ot ihat mb p-rojeit has not been scheduled for any DRB hearing. iri.rr" i Y RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. P. 9. lor 6zt3 Vril, Colondo E1657 PhoF at0.lO72 Donvor Linr . 244n52t B,'Grt'(;,? ,n' ,/J'L' 1,,,t; 7-,t-,t 5600 'oo'F- lvfiaaJ',4Z"W Z/2, /5 "eis//4trl suRV[Y ]to J?.1 DAT | | / / .- '. ... A /I tt , -t t l-t t t/ ,', f -,' | /\ t\r1- , . I a? / f Auea.sr 3,./9 50 /-') /-, t4,j, ,'6 s [\*'t 3 \ Ls B il !) \\ N s s Nq N \ I d 3(, o I \ $ o F z. 6u g g t I I q I I I l I I I I I I I \i Ni I I I I E so{ \ \ \ \ \ \ { ly'asa/ ,O."9s//.PalCa,a oz |Jz J LNGAI, DESCRII.'1 UN: A cracc of lanc lyiug in rhe Sb of ;'e.'ti..:n l"l , T,:rrnslrip 5 South, Range B0 !'lest of thc 6t,r I'rirrcipat Merldlan, EagIe County' Colorado Dore particularJy descrrbed as f o.i io*s: Beginning ar the Soulheast Corner of Lot I5, BI(;IloRN SUBI)IVISi0N FoURTH Alf)ITlON, lhence s 'i6o06'i.8" w 221 .61 f €:,r i rhen(;e ii 53o53'42" W 212. L1 feeci t i:ence N tOur;{r'i8'' [ ?0].0.+ teet to the Sotrthvegt Ci)r:tet of Lot I4 of scid sulrdlvision I rherrce S 6noJ0'00" E :I3,57 guuE along Ehe Southerly line of said l,uts 14 and l5 to !tre point of beglnning, L:.rn! alninpt 1.049 ac re.J mrre or less..fra/e.' ,/'/= {4 c€Rllf lcATt of SutvtY Ihi, it lo ccdlfy lhrl on rha lboYr thr cbovr docrib+d gropodv. lnd |.nl! lhr improyimonlt in rolaliqn bs,ld'ng improvomsnlr, aalatintt oa prflnitt, lra acqutllllv thown turvaY wat lnowlodge mado by ms, or undrr my gparvition, 9f and belicf, lho lbovc pld rccuralely rapa. and tf,rt f\e lgcrtion rnd dimrnrionr ol rll ,.:r lnown | 'nc, and oncfoochmenl5 by qa ga lht / olq 4€. /u/L eo7*r lere/ \ 4a.reryet/ 4 Par/ af /-ramtag 4arden leve/ Sesetteal / Art af Frwn tae $ s-s/ary ,w;any/frane \\ g--flarv inQ*nryCFtzne I + i I lEETsrzuD-PRorEssFRn I rIL E COPY 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3rxr) 47!L2138 (303) 479-2139 office ol community devdopmenl April25, 1991 Mr. Bob Ruder 496 E. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: 402 Timber Falls Deck Enclosure Dear Bob: After our conversation on April 17, 1991, I was expecting the remaining submittal requirements for the proposed deck enclosure to be submitted by Monday, April 22. I have enclosed a complete DRB application and highlighted the submittal requirements for proposals such as these. Unless he Town receives the information by Monday, April 29, the request musl be tabled to the following Design Review Board hearing. Please call me as soon as possible so we can set up a meeting to go over this information. lf you would like to use some of the information already in the Town files, I would be happy to help you go through the files to put that information together. lab Enclosure *""5o zllelst 1g ?1 I. DRB APPIJICATION - TOTTN OF VAIL, COIPRADO DATE APPLICATTON RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB UEETINGi alaltaaati TEIS APPT.ICIIION TILL NOT BE ICCEPEED UNIIL ALIT REQUI8ED INfORI.IATTON I8 EUEI'IIBIIED*tttaltaa* PROJECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRTPTTON:Erclose rear fuk B. J. K. TYPE OF REVTEW3 New Construction c. D. a. r'. Addition 44{)6 E. lvleadow Drive Minor Alteration conceptual Review ADDRESS: L,EGAL DESCRIPTIoN: L,ot ]gLlnberjallBtocX Subdivision rf property is described by a rneets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a aeparate sheet andattach to this application. ZoNINc: Lolr densitY rulti-familv LoT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a current rtanped aurvey showing lat area. G.NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: Vail- C0- 81657 Fhone Il. I.NA},TE OF OWNERS: NAITIE OF APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE : *FhnJflnerls--Mailing Address: PhonE TSIGNATT'NA (8) 3Mailing Address: Vail, C.0- 81557 Phone Condorninlum Approval if appllcable. DRB FEEs DRB fees are paid at Fhe tine of lssuance of abuilding permit. FEE SCHEDULE: VAL,UATION rEE 4 -tt-/M4'Sd{ tr} L-t;t/ s-d's/^h,-# $ 50,001 $150, ool $500,001$ over - g 50,0oo - $ 150, 000 - I 500,000 - $1, OOO,000 $1, OoO, Ooo $ 50.00 $100. 00 $200.00 $300. 00 IWJ'1 .NO IPPIJICAAfON fllrf, EE PROCESSED WfTBOUI OWISERTS gfGNA'IUnE 4-?t- Hmtrcrrfalls GorborilNtunAssoctATtoH (303) 476-2522 4405 EA$T IiEAOOW DRIVE . VAIL, COLO. 81617 Aprll 5, 1991 Town of Vail Building Departmsnt Vailr Colorado 8165? To Thon tt l{ay Concesrn: Tinber Falls Condonlnluu #40 ber Falls: Phase ful Genral Tinber W. Ruder tlanger Falls llaaageneat Co. t Inc. Association epBroves the I located at ,1496 East