HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 807-810 LEGALGr$ocr\ C-\tq Ll \in.\sr< ru\S Uni,\ b-?,8tO {Qa#.sd!'{ ssr&.eF|g{r D*eign **uies tsatd ACTTO|{ FOn}l Bspa?*il€nt of toftmunlty D6valopmffit 75 $0q& Frantage f,$a{o Vail, {dcftdo {X657 tsli 970.479,2139 fax; $ri0.479.?.i*52 wab: xwx-wilgc,s.com Prcject Name: QUETSCH DECK REP|-ACEMEIIT DRB t{umber: DR8080109 Project Description: REPI.ACE DECK RAIUNG TO MATCH E{STING Pafticipants: owNER QUETSCH LAND TRUST 0412212008 4320 COTTAGE GROVE PKWY SE CEDAR MPIDS IA 52,f03 APPUCANT TIM BOWEN PO BOX 1376 GYPSUM co 81537 ProjectAddress: 4576 MEADOW DRVAIL TIMBERFALLS CONDOS #807 #810 Locaton: 0412212008 Phone: 970-474-3055 Legal Description: LoE Block Subdivision: TIMBER FALLS CONDO Parcef Number: 2LOL-L24-LZQ0-7 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Gonditionsr 6,6i^,- "o -tr BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SrAFFAPP Date of Approvalz 04l72l200,B C,ond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PUN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, purcuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligendy pursued toward completion. Planner: MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO APR 16,2C08 10:21' ,{Jr |l) rJ.J U{.|}rp Apr la tJG l0:?Or 97 04 7 634 0t ]{hnr Extrrlor tlFntions page Irugty !'tS cgn t{a.t EdfEF,on 31U{J6+2bbl b/tH /ll.,i r$ p.1 ftftlrfl f.l.|rE! tultto,:2!4 tui& *#glat E* Ca e|lt$-* 9?'FElSqo tbr FGd ilr,) ttu4clcl|,lrffi(r} Rt CirA fi A r- Fltl+,rratFs lh6tr Orrr(rt llur.|fpfltett BT .J {30 lto faE #e 35i[' $ti0 l-I #$ lb h! €lntr.d r n*c 6 c Fr rbrrro. l'r qrttrdar do rrrv CrtttE 4r alErtAt*ttu r:r tsEf,tEt! 4R Ec;t rqhl :'E U tElErEi ire'fsd* hitrl i|Er8 ?l! rdflrE L|lfn f, ur5 kEl.F0.,tsro,.irrlC tr hLirErrd lEtte0rlroE gd r+ - ,}f5lil, Iql rfri*- afi.q, .r{qsrt, fE.rd ,tr '|fhha*ct'G.ftr tt*rE .i.rlg} rp tF'ltnF rg dt tt?.!4r||+{r. tdi Eiffi. Faatrl *** rfl6n1 ijrlb*|$ hrs rndryHb.Efu tuilEr E gEIi CJUI ilfrd oy ,trtniq *rt * :/rcE!|rrt/f,rHtrl, *M Ff,ttlf clfurrnryBEqE t;5 grl ftul? id, rat.erfo O6'tEi: gE.flt llef hlc 9?t'rt!.zr5r hxir r.vlt]vltw,an tr*dd&drir.{fr At ftldTE 'qi.'| ein 'l'itar ri{tt n€clt'rr !t F€r*: t hrf. rbrfHrE . hdeg !.,mf rcldfo fi€rsdlEtr lt.h.f,AntEi 'ramruC*te e.4itrn,aqAr -,tlii rni;B,,t E*f u.;;-sd F.c6!tfd..t rjt.t ETr rffi u i6rlrl * n ffit ciffirn itx:; frps!{(m+ & isrd I bc fri*t ry tr Tbr'l anC *Uor rr druii |n/ Eifuj;;.r6tcir,,i,*;!!fF g1A!!91-F rrrdrr rffe; rinr$ilfi-di"+ta ^rr Geri-n, rt irt|rrFrd|'r*ffi. reemcmon fur Drrlgn Rrvfrry rd*rd rtt F..l! t€r &altw: Quslscir \f7b ffti}^' o., F{FI Clrunul R"rQt ,'hr $tdr|fbn l{l.|rbn !$rt[rl|lto l|nu$*tr'+{orit rdr} It{rR. lits fia.r lCndr+nily,ldrdad Clr'lr bler s.d ltrrg 3.t r*rr 4|Crsi aPR 15, ?o()e 'r 5:31 319 -i64 2557 lragti I APR 16,2008 10:21atPl \,.J lJA !rt, \AJl,,rrlvPlr€Il LlVt rU:t{ill 9? 0.{ ? 53401 p.r Page 2 'f !,t,41_ jr7 ll- | -4 { rJ-1 bz- | 5uI Itlinor Exterior AlteraUons IYut-\lL "flt H$.v.ry3** Zordna: xrm{r) *ownor{ct- lffia*4/ E I I&(EJ e.r/ra/6 s ;e "/ilaitirgtddrcrr _4{?! D.QuE turcrtr) Slgn hr.(3): l{rnrof Appftcrnr t--ll+' t'jfit +16- ifraflne Addr*rrr i=t' . /-]t:,-X_-l:,;"{. ,ii tu'.Ft' * -TEqn*t c gilfnHty O.EbFrneff"fnHffm4,ffi-g*' \'tCD; r$H.lilgqy.co|rr :--:------.----*-a?,;:=-s==_.fu t.#Lt-{-Erurfr ftbrs' ttr1217:*. -ZflVr-tFrt* tilt')Ea TvF. dftrf.wint FcGt 4- ' /s': -' {'.-}":t ilri:,t!,-7 Applica$on fior Dr$gn Rcfiew Gancral lr|fifir$atao|t: Al- 9rbFca nqfing dragn rcvrerr nffi ,@; ; ',-,' L_.'-!;F\ r.#/-L.tP. q_C..,d//Zfr Jry-,, .qd-ri4.4S,t*.,i /Q / ;e # /i Otfrr"FfWEqt c4. Affr$or ar s70"31s-G640 tbr porej rp. ) g/t*C.A tr Srgrstr ConclDlura ruviald E fitH Col"ltFpdf,.ltl Addldod D t{nor l**atin (n'dd{ar H/EfirErciat} B t|dnor ^thr4o.l{{lnth{binily/di$bE) tr O|ao$s b Ap$.E\r€d FtrrE : Lt r{t|ofi iEqrst f50 }h FCC *650 i30a 5250 |l0 t2! NO FCC tlliF $t.00 E $ss fqa oa Ebt cAfl rr€a, foy corxftqs'tbn 0f a flq{ bddng or .iefio/rrbutE. T: al qgpfl c.lF€ Rlr.a,e fo(bgE is roded r! fiy ftrEgitdi rlrffihrd.? ('fttud.6 a5o dttbns r "eno.'fo,r_Jilj,*'y-gll.?nsF b butings md 5t€ fl{r.fi,srsrta orh _r -' re-trlonngi, Frtrf, yrindotr addi?idt, tarfcsptni, GiG anar$oit*ry h€|,b. rtcht rnd4 dErTE rO uulktings d 3t€ ffirst€melrti, srEh ,sqloTlE PSrt,rEl irlhilof, artdfrnns, lrrvndni. frrras anOrerrr?ftI trrutt, dE, Fof raxiilcr$ E darc at gd/ Fpruttla D, Hdn ng Ssf o, rn€oe$En Ewi hrd- J t ,r._lr=_lid..7/-ai(- {1: DR6 fto.r APR oB, io0B ?o; i4 52 1 41: 132 15Cl pacc I APR 09,2008 09:{5, Apr U(, Uo U9,iAu $rclr'rafi L vt|tgEiurl 9704763401 paqe L F.2b2-1-41S1 bz-l bijl rort? rtoPEtTY OWIEnUNrr'Ef, AF'TOYA|' ErTER t, ts'r", *^+E'I6P|W t. 1/ y',16 g.Dl,J,prnr ca,yne, cr FEFErty rscaed *r'AlL, Ce EtAsT e$fr is witt€n aFp{rvit Of the pl6rE dat€d {U//T 8/a prEr/Hc tis whhh tlve b€erl 5{'6fnitEed b thc Toiln qf vair cnmfi!'rnity Dareb*,"nt Ds.rtment bf tfte pfo'oncd lr,Fnil',n€nb to D€*31T0."r * .(fir€$ noted FborE, t ,.lrlcrrrtrfd t Et the propdsEC ,. prd,€fnen8 lnd6c: At dwg- 'r-l'ftlct_--- ldtll$q tty, plrcs dtcct urn *Etfir€nt ldour st|tdr i3 mert ridlrrblc to Vour M 7yr*raau ffat a4wm&tFffirt ot tl/-Frrd- to trE &rs aw? dE Ca}## trd* ra' taW*enffitrwiltraEa**r**&'ildqp$t16a7' .l Ld_.* {rrv;tb/ ltYL") E ttfry/t.st Ag il E #'E,tia'tt, mjrpr er lf/l9/wtr€, rrtfrh.rc t Ede la ttn Ctt, ot+r de weat tle rtsllaal fttloels, E hwratt Io ny fferrtut bt flE +F&i' E ffitffi ww, ubt,-atdagoitE furnEr rul,teu W W taryt -nifr,*"l .tw)ffiFr)'Na? tlw qtr;N t/r-/,|:,W* L F:UdG{fOfutS$E nrr\Ftrfirry\ctd bnrrElD_rr{ns,.r['_l-lB.ldr.6e 9rg! 2 d, t! APtt 08,2C08 20 r35 52 I 4rs I52 r5)1 pag!'q ,,.m MIT{OR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEIIENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIR"EMEilTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of pauos, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I' SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** o Stamped Topographic Survey*q Site and Grading Plan*a Landscape Planxs ArchitecturalElevauons*B Exterior color and material samples and specifications.o Architecturztl Floor Plans*o Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixturesp f itle report, including Scheclules A & B to verify ownership and easements*o Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.tr Written approval from a condominium associatio4 landlord, and joint owner, if applicablea Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*o The Administrator andlor DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specificabons, samples and other materials (induding a rnodel) if deemed neaessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. ?/eo,ce ^rst rsd/ lrrree (3/ capet aftte Menitb nalel wtrt aa a$er*fr fi|. *xFor interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal t€quirernents include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a tide report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. f have fead and undeFtand tlre above listed submittal t€guir€menb: Prcject Conbactor Signahrre Date Signed F :\ode.^FOR Ms\Permits\Planning\Old f orms\drt-minor_alt-8-28-2007.doc Page 3 of 13 wfun"t .7:r ,-i- ()[- vii[i\; .. ....'ri fi1;i iEl,rC/ ':i .Il:,,.: APPB()VAL -l*lL>loe R-,W lir, Lil D TOWN OF VAIL f: \-tI"A lJt'S.ffi ff.-;vVii OF ,,rrll nr-i;icN REVltiV -TA]:F APPROVAL alDr Tlz>los r feau€ rrn id 0 TOWN OF VAII- ff**'taafltaft+*alllll*lt'i+t+llglallat'l'lll+fa*+ilftt*t*+*:lttaat+++tt**ta*ttt+ftt**'l*tttrttttt TOWNOFVAIL, COIoRADO stabmenr++**flt*ala*a***a*tlfaaal*lfafatlll*t*'t**l*******lr*ttt*a{r*+++t+*++la***tlftlll*fflflll**llta statenent Number I R080000497 Arnount: $250.00 o4/22/2ooeo9:42 ADI Palment l{ethod: Check Init: RLF Notation: 1362 flESTERN IIOI'IITAIII BUIIJDERS Permit No: DR8080109 Tl4)e: DRB-Minor AIt,Com/lNultl Parcel No: 2LOL-L24-L2OO-7 Site Addrega: 4576 MEADOW DR VAIIJ Location: TIIIBBRPAIJJS CONDOS #807 #810 Total Feea: $250.00This Payment: $250-00 Total AIJIJ Ptnta 3 S250.00 Balance: $0.00 *l't'itrf*++ff'll**'}lft*'t'}'}'|**+*'t**llrlt'|*'l****+++*ff**ttaa***atla*aa++*+a'i*'i***al*f*tt*aal*aaa ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31.T22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00