HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 901 LEGAL(btn\orn Ct\tq ftwrbcr &'tt5 lr,lnit 10 t a a' COIORjADO el419L rttt D8B tPPtrcf,lfroil - TOWN O8 V[,rr.,, DATE APPLICATION RECEI\IED : DA?E OF DRB MEETING: ***r****a* ESIS IPP'.TCATION }TILI. NOE EE ACCEPEED ttNTrL aLL REQUIRED INTORMAETON trS SttBMrlTEDt****:r***rt I.@: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition ($50.00) ADDRESSt tl5 I,EGAI., DESCRTPTTON: Subdivision c. D. ($200.00)X uino. Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) Block If property is described bydescription, pJ-ease provide attach to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds 1egal on a separate sheet and E. F.LOT AREA: If reguired, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a currentIot area. G. I{ ,i;q4u, W,,a:7,frNAIVIE OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATlinq Address:l.S7_S B;Ccr I. NAME O 'e *SIcl[ArItRE (31 : Ki i^ /i.rt"lailinc Address:,Bb E,lie€$F;.g,aqA favrrnAq-tS - phone@qGB-b-e-.ffiqL J. Condominlum Approvat if applicable. K. DRB FEE; DRB fees, aa shown above, are to be paid attbe tlne of eubnitt.al of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VailwilJ- adJust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. - 4 /)e /o/g/qZ>EEEPI|ID: $ Llttt ' I fq FEE SCHEDULE: VAIUATICi{I 0'$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $1501001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 * DESIGN RE\IIEW BOARD APPRO\TE! EXPIRES ONE TE;AR AFTER TT!IA'. APPRO]IAJ, I'NI.ESS A BUU.DING PERMIT IS ISSIIED AITD CONSERUCIION IS STERTED. **NO APPLICAEION WILI.. BE PROCESSED TIITBOUI O!{NER' S SIGNATURE -..-- .l g/ FfiEI 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $500.00 NA},IE OF APPLICA}iT:Meiling Address: rr. "*-*""r"orO*"rr"",I fn addition to meeting submittal reguirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the pioject site toindicate property llnes, bu-ltaing fines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be t.aped. AfIs_ite tapings. and staking must be eomplet.ed piior to theDRB site visit. The appticant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestyro separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a finaL approval . Applicant.sshould plan -on presenting tlrej_r developrnent -p-roposal ata mrnimum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval . Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled lneeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the iten has beenrepublished. The fol-lowing items may, at the d.iscretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the ComrnunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. i formal hearligbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skyl_ightswhich do not alterbuilding; and b. Bu-i-lding addition proposals not visible fron anyother Lot or public space. At the time sueh aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters frorn adjacent property ovrners and,/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. 6nobr avalanche, rockfall, fLood plain, debris flow,netland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prlor. to the issuance of a-building permit.Applieants are encouraged to check with a-rbwn piatrne.pligl to DRB application to determj.ne the reLationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. a pfg-?ppLication meeting with a member of the planningstaff is.strongly encouraged to determine if any additlonalapplication inforrnation is needed. It is the aiplicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment wirh the ilaff todetermine if there are addilional submittat requirernents.Prease note that a coMpLETE appricalion wi-1l sdreamrine theapproval process for your project. III . A. B. c. n and sinilar exterior ehangesthe existing plane of the E. E.For a. b. all resldentlal construction: Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exierior structural wa1ls of thebuilding; andIndicate with a dashed Line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior fac-e of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ornodificationsl all conditions of approvat must. beresolved prior to Town issuance ot I Ouitding pernit. G. 'il:S.{:l;::"-l' - "'"tl--^'D'te-"t o'c'*'l}.RECOROER. OTPUTY. fNOff aIJIr l,lEN BY THESE PREBENIS, rhat CHRISTELLE E. LANGER of thr comtyof LEHIGH' STATE 0F PENNSYLVANIA repos|ng BpeciEt trust qnd confldemc In ANT0INETTE MURPHYof the County of DENVER stste of colorsdo, has nrade const ituted ard appo inted by these prescnts the rald ANT0INETTE MURPHY-- "-' my true ard taHfut Attorney- in.ilct for m ard ln nay name, ptace ard ltead, sote use ard baneflt, to nakc, execute, anJ sign ln nry behatf any and att docunents requl red and necessery to cdrsrmnts and encu$er the Fjrcbsse ord closlrp of the test property legalty described to uit: Also knom as street anJ nwber said docurEnts to inc hde. 6rd other docwEnts or uritings purchase ard closing thereof. TiurberfaLls Phase III Number 901 4524 E.Meaclow Drive #901 Vail G6[6iado 81657 not limited to: [ote(s), Deed(s) of lrust, Assuption St8termnts, Sett ler€nt Sheets fomE and of sl'Eh contents as nEy be deened necessary ln conneetion rrlth the sald Pq,EN, OF AIION}IEY (BUYER) Ti tt€# but are in such Ihe Frpose ard i ntent of this Porer of Attofney ls to clothe [ry appointed attorney yith att pnrer ard authorlty in comection Hith ecquisition of sEid real property to the sarc extent ard rith the seflte polrer ard suthofity rhlch I myself might exercise, and rhich porep and suthority is expressty so conferred; hereby ratifying and confirming each and every- thing q1 said sttorney shatt do or purport to do by vi rtr]e of these presents. Any scts done by the lttort€y- in- fact of agent Fx.rsurnt to the poref drring any period of disabllity or IncorpetencE or ulcentainty 6s to Hhether the principal is deod or ative shatt/shatl not have the sme cffect srd irure to the beneflt of and bird the principat or his helrs, devises, ard personat fepresentative 8s if the prircipal lere alive. cflpetent, ard not dissbtcd, lf a conservator thereatter is eppoi nted for the princfpat, the Attorney- in- fact or agent, during the cont i ntrance of the appointmnt. shatl accotrrt to the cmseryator rather than the principal. llt UTTXESS HIEnEOF, I have herelnto ret ,r,y hard on this day of (sEAt ) SIATE OF @IORAOO Coulty of DENVER Thc foregolrg Instrunent ras ackmrlcdged before ne this day of Christelle E. Langer July 27, L992 /a W' f onn 709- | Co TIER Escror, RI STELLE fr-niSrtne' uv NOTARY,?uEIl{q KRIS hard ord offlcial sest, tltcd ?or lcccpt I m rccord thc llo.",.,*+r1day " I ,A.D. re-, .t-RECORDEN. OEPUTY . of thc cointy of LEHIGH, STATE 0F PENNSYLVANIAr$oelne specisl trust and cmfldercc In _RQBERT J. DENDINGERof thc Corr|ty of l.ltNVER State of Co[ orado. has made cmstltut€d ard appointed by these prc€ents the said ROBERT J. DENDINGER mv true ard Laeful Attomey-in-iact fo. me arid in may nane, place and steDd, sola |ae snd b€nefit, to nake, executc, srd sign In my behalf any ard alt docuents required and necessory to co.rsuiate and cncu$er the prrchase ard ctoslr€ of the reat prop€rty tegatty described to uit! N.NOT AlL l.lEN EI TEEEE PRE8ENTA, That RICHARD E. LANGER Timberfalls Phase III Number 901 Atso knoHn as street and n nber Said docurcnts to inctude. snd othcr docments or r.ritings purchsre ard closirB thereot. but sre in such 4524 E. Meadow Dr. /1901 Vail Co 81657 not linit€d to: [ote(s), De€d(s) of trust, Assurpt i on StEt€ments, Sett lement Sheets forns and of sr-Eh contents as flEry be deenred necessary in connect ion yith the said (sEAt) (sEAI ) lhe p.rpose ard I ntent of thls PoHer of Attorney is to ctothe my appointed attorney rith att poHer ard authority in comection rith scqjlsltion of said real property to the sdne extent ard rith the sam pouer ard authofity rhich t mysett night exereige, ard rftich porer ard outhority is expressty so conferred; hereby ratifying and confirmirrg each 6rd every- thing 0y said attomey shatt do or Frrport to do b'y vi rtue of these presents. &ry acts done by the lttonre},. in-fact or agent fxrrsuant to the poeer 4rrlng any period of dlsabitity or incc*Fetence or uEertainty as to vhether the prirtipat is deed or ative shattlshatt not have the saxe effect ard irure to the ben€fit of and bird thc pt.lncipot or his heips. devises, and persor:al representatlt e ss It the prircipet tere ative, c.npetent, ard not disabtcd, lf a conservator thereafter is oppointed for the prirrlpelr the Attorney- in-fact or agent, during the cont inuance of the appointmnt, shatt accolrt to tha conseNstor rathe. then the principat. br,, til gfIilEsS l,flEREOF. I hav: hereqto set ry ha;rd on this day ., /'ft'ft sIArE 0f cotoMDo Comty of DENVER The forcgoing I nstnmnt Has lokmst€dged b.fore F this day of Richard E. Lanoer July ?7, l99Z I I ry coflil$ton rxplres on ,17A, tonn 709- t Escror t AIIORIIEY (BUYEN) ritlefCOfiruTER POJEN, OF TINE LIST OF MATERIAIS NA}48 OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT_ BLOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUTTDING IT{ATERIAI,S: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits lilindows reguired for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERTAL COLOR of DesJ-gner: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Ouan-titv Size* B. Doors Door ?rim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicat.e caliper for deciduous trees. Minimun caliper for trees.lndicate height for coniferous PLANT uernnrf: PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Nane S*ry 9s+ EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMO\TED *Indicate si.ze5 qallon.of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTfNG: If exterior lighting j-s proposed, please show the number of fixt.ures and l-ocations on a separateJ"ighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the fist below and provide the wattage, heigbt abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUR.ES (retaining wa11s, fences, swinmingpools, etc.) Please specify. fndicate heighfs of retainingwalls. Maximum height. of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of wa]1s elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. D. Project Application i3 Owner, Address alnd Phone: ctss [ ';o. Vrt Cl^f ri ch tcff sF L; 8o7tS tea s %qg,1 s'*$3 Comments:-: Design Review Board Town Planner d-rApproval TOWN OF VAIT, DEPARTII,IENT OF COMMTNITY DEVELOP}IENT SALES ACTION FORM ,n t/o , 57 f z-- 0t 0c00 41540 grylp6gt{ B utl-D[..-c c OD E0l ctr0042{15 0l 0000424r5 UMFOP'V PLUMBE.'G CODE 0l 0000 424t5 0r 00c0.{2{15 U].'IITOR"\{ FIRE CODE NATIONAI ELECTRICAL CODE0l 0000 42.1t5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS0l 0000 42415 0r 0000 .l1548 XEROX COPIES / STUDIES0l c'00042112 PENALTY FEES / RE.E..-'SPECNONS0l 00co 423?l 0l c{,co { !332 i plr"r RErlgrrt RE-CHECK FEE [s10 PER HR. OFF HOURS f,\SPECTION FEES0l 0000 423?? CoNTRACTORS UC L\S ES FEES0t 0000 {1.il2 S]GN APPLICATION FEE 0l 0000 41330 .0t 00004t413 ADDMONAL 5IGNAGE FEE tSI.OO PER SQ.FT.0l 000041',113 lTC ART PRO'ECT DONATION0l 00c0 424J 0 PRE PA]D DESIGN REVIE1VBOARD FEE0l 0000 41331 0l 0n00r'1:lj0 rs * * t* * * * t".::,il,i i] | if ,. i,;-i1,,i.., l i ,: :,L,,..rr , i. rl r, tl::. ,jji I ::r".iil '] fii;r"i..r:rlr.'i'iir j,l;.,rr,iiF,,.,...i-:,;.rr it-i:,::. ilil' ,1.r;,1 i:,,iir4,:,.i.r:r..] ... .;:.1i,:t;ii..j i t**i ;i.;;-,-+ *n*_,un t_ paic t'; i:r,i ?{l 'r.;].i. I -i r r ;ii"r.ri .:rt1,, f:l:t ._:t-,.lttl,:, i..,:: i.,_rr.i_ir.i.,.r |].l:rt:., ocT 14 '92 l?:ffiPll LEi il-l tt^ 6 U lt-rr t.lrTg : 1^857o p,4s PFPn n.,'"."-vvuul | _: fgw, ,{^u,LFfi G e;.oft'+*vL aorr f uf), t -,* f"t"? u:tP€ *tL't 61al1l frr'"ben# "#*Lt 90 | + $n-rf A f?gr.r0. u+. fuw^ 17,46"q'ea*s0 t 5 $oa";.,n'**'rf' frTrtc,J {t&n^'t NtF Tll4.r t bF 9 A{t 4'o"tlt'J ddtfosl6 frt ou 4 Pca'f A st; r wr llaue I I l- D r D vsr 't*"t) ' f,ptr.r- &av- '1'o* WLf /'lP1b+-"fit\t 6'.'Tatt",'*ofr'tldl*l -tD € w uLLff ll,.re 1u". r'tg.dD ' TAN?-{ | %s DEr-surrco't- '?o r -- tqa - 0ff{6 T Laher.rood., Colorado September 16, 1992 Dear Ne j Ah bor: The two couples i-isted. at the t'rr:ttom ot' this l-c Ll,e r: arcpurchasing unit 901 at lfimber Falls (closing date scheduled for $epternber 25). Subsequent to closing, rqe wouLd like to mahe two changes to the unit rqhichrequire your concurrence: 1)ne would lilie to install a windor.r approximately 2feet to the right of the slidin€ glass door and the deck. The window would be appro.ximately 42 x 36 inches. lt would be totally compatlble wit,h the rest of the building, and wou]d not be visibfe from any ofyour units ( it looks out over the meard.ow) . 2 )r,re would 1j,he install a second shorvcr j-n the unitt. It currently has two bathrooms--one fu}l, and one i.iith a sink and toilet only. The shower rvould be adjacent tothe existing half babh. If you requir:e any more detaiI, please let us hnorv. Bob Ruder of the manaE:enent company has seen our proposed changes, and doesn't, see a problem. If you cor)cur', r.reask that you si.gn and send tlre enclosed pos t.card to usas soon as possible. I{e anticipate t.haL 1-tre r.rorli lvil Ibe done in early October. 'fHANIi YOU FOR YOUR 'llllE AND CONSIDERATION ! Si.ncerely, Bob Dendinger and Toni Murphl' { husband and rvife), Lakewood, CO ( telephone: 303-232-2810 ) Dick and Chris Langer:, Allenstorvn , PA ( f ormer l),.:;v1-yy' residents ) (telephone: 205-965-9191 ) 90a. - olL ?03 l0+ b$- 905 oY"- - 906' - Oir- 90? f o(L -!2ig6P-U_uE. EESJEeo Duuel LlvlrrdnirF.O. Esr 68+ Vell r 9O 8165s Evral ts[ 1 IL 60202 il&rr i**|d ${&'g**fir{t*i' SS $t*wEorl Sord Eaahing Bidgc, NJ 0?920 **e8cra'fstt" I630 N. l{rrd Circlc Fr*ahtownr @ 60116 $t**tq,tn'i. +elt*rr415 Suart r ,Ayenue *3St. P*pl, Ird'l 55f 02 *,_l l&r Srrry trrldbcrg3* Sbartrlsck DriveErookficldr CT 06804 Mt. *tane L. Etsonll5 Nantueket LancV*l tcJo, GA T+t90 t7 P-t I 13'i:t',',i='if.,fili:J,i,"; j Itqll?ll-lqtq .';'i,.,'(30s1688-1090: . ;. ,''. olL T* H* FAX* V'* w* H* FA]I* v# 1,Y* H* F{X*v* w* H* FAi{* v* w# H* FATI+v* tTYE'i,Cg-agttl'' " .,,t\'I , , i.':.- .a ..{7 6- ? ? 13',.'l;i,' :;jit'_."*ii;,:*,r., w#(,$* (rlllE$e-g6r5 rlJr* (vr d?6-?E5g ( t t -:-T:"909,.--o -'-rodfrt|.tlr .l e9t OE 9r0 Farry r155S !t*r."'ffi'tr Dctt452{ Ees r lrdgldowV{il, CE} Et65? [F/rn'q Drive *ror a*fil) nT'"-13-03l *?6-*330E* (r0314?5-6880 5'4** { '.v* ,' " ."r w* ($0$)*?6-*3$0' Hr {303}*?6*90rtPrXf (V* t?6*9015 '{.i u* (5rs) z7i-7tIt:.q+ (5r3)431.3*?3 Mlr. Gnll Bo* 35?V{lI, S lfr. L lfrr, "-[ldttr{ Vgaltjg 1055 Gcdar Cresh CireleDaytor, Ol1 +g{i9.DL elqeg cr,ll,,t'f- .#att< t-f t ?oT ?q( ?.- >r- 92 !,rIF lt.l?'ttr'Sor Remarl6: ,/ '8 llwe concun;init* the ,plans for unit 9$rl ;.;. ?- r at' ',,.r' i'. :a. li . {l.' : l\l IJ,3 N UJ 14 3 /^:fa 'yrTE S{dhre?rt''G .flWfr-t$c la| 'r*-r- s- _ 1 J.!--.llr ._*_r -. L* | * r -. a'..-' cn n c w-".f . iJdi[Dt€?t+ Do - .-' flot concu(F 'i'. . #r:' L Hwe concur..wlth 'J' '; Do not coflbur'' -i Remarks: the plans for unit 90't o: 1t ' .tt 'l I : i t"I' I %#*:tf an Irtff 5 l q. o fi \NS \r{F) ID I =o E { 5 b 3.o t'o -'' p. 9) at, (a ct3o.E .l :rEEF .' =gFErrtri r=gFH EFFF' FIfiHF5r'.ig-r tiirO PF 3ccltFt O8f, 5r ++*fu+*, $ + o F..;' +$ =-o KFrYF+(D (o(} | fr!f:i'..:- trl E} fto3$ ;f,a, !q/ oEIsE'Al I- \ 5lol.3 1H. l lf*+ ; $$fr$E$rts ' igHt ts I &$u Eit R$Bt bs I "FFs .HBq5 *r€qF hc: Fd Fs.\!t =m o ;E r0e R J-, s$ c ;t.$tl ;$ts R.--* $ F TJ -a\ a E D3o -.rO'' E '.1 ocT 15 'W. 11,43 W4 trml:crrfalls CONtrOMINtUM ASSOCIAT.|oN (iog).r7E.lsrEt 'l{t6 EAiT XIEAbOW ShtVE . VA|L, COLO. Elo$? Oatober 1$, l09a Town ef Vet] Dcpertucnt of Conrnunity Deve}opnent S Jtn Oufnutts 75 Bo, FuonteBe RoadVelI' Oolonado 8165? Fer Ttnber Fa]lc Gondoninlun 901 Deer lilr, 0urnubLe, The Tlmbar Falle Condgniniunr '\ssoelation Phaco III hes seon 6nd reviewed the plans for urrit g0l to edd a wlndowl in tho dininE aree and add e Ehotrer uo the second balh ald &pprove thosc ehangcs *nd lnprovements t,o thE unit. If, you have additIonal que,qtiqns qonsernlng thie projest Flacgcfeel f t'ee to glve rne e eall. Iy: . Buder 76-ffi9o I Rtft:CICT tI s I Cle nera I Tinber Manager FaIl* !{anRge{rent Co . I nc . ca, tttande Doty Bob Dendinger' o 70 SION m scALE ' l" zOd .* ti: fl +Ezs- tn [J l 'o-r' I lil "ea-u @ \ Hf,NI OI SSUV - NOrrfls sso8tr ' I r r-zz .la -/