HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimber Falls Condominiums Permits 1972-1985$ra\o(n ci\tnot q Tir*rbaK C€A\S $vi\a\inc\ 9e'<wri\s tQlj-- r,?9f, 7ftcntn ror, ' fi.f t' J'.-4r!/,./1* e-t'/',-'' " ' -_-t./''zorre LI it, f --i PRoPosEo usc ( s ) I't .-r"*4!iL : tL,"*4 t".t',tz - ,.z 70ttE L!t\t' , ,E:r#:sE(s) 14.,4,'o'44'-r-W-| ,oT s lzE /J'Jac*, *t- ; f rforlrnce 0 >.. . ?lrr,*,r.3. ;ETBACKS: Required - Front ,1. o , sldes /a*q'r /6*?4 Rear lc' *q,{ , Actual - Fronl -jd-, Sldes €a{ 4:!15--, R"a",do . , rlsrAtlcE BETVIEEN BUf LDINGs: Reou1r"4 ,5: + f 's-tJa'lTActua | - j fEtGHTf Average Grade -- Height Allowed g5- , Acfua t 'i4 , t/' q(^ ,.*.r.^.: -:3.o* Ratio, Allowable sq. f t , a' K' , Actual 5q' f t ./l,7Jo:7 :OIIMERCI AL FLooR AREA: Percentage allowabl e 1Al lowable sq. ft' .- , Actua| sq. tf . ----:-; iUf .L0 ING BULK coNTR6L: Alloway'le rraximum length /3:5' , Dlagona t /6 O , t tt f . t€quired offsets to '/ fO /"' Actual langth 7D , Diagonat 7f -; itTEC0VERAGElA||owab|.-$,'A||owab|eSq.ft Act,la I sq, ft i ,,/ JSEABLE OPEN SPACE: Required O, k' .o' la.' Actual -.--sQ. f f ., Ground Level =,-, $, Common ft; -ANDSCAPIIIGT Required 40 ft sq. f t., Actual f sq'ft' 'ARKTNG AND LOADTNG: No. Required /ft , No. Act t", tZi',ffi*'l!J--' 1ui re'd -1 No.; Covered Aciual dlo ZON ING APPRO VA L DES IGN REV IEl.l BOARD UTITITIES APPROVAL TNV IRONMENTAL I MPACT Zon i Administrator Chairman, Des l gn Rev iew Boa rd Town Eng ineer APPROVA L APPRO VA L Date Date Date. Subml tted Date Submi tted Datc Submitted Zon i ng Revielrfor for for Deadl ine Dead li ne Dafe Da te Extens ion ot Des ign Rev iew Envi ron me n ta I lmpact R6v i ew to : Dead I i no as permi tted date B (Sorles of '1975)by Se ct lon COIIIi,IENTS; it6m of Ord i nanco No. /2 t"L,*"h'' @- 'f = b'60' + //' ?3 -- //' 23ry t'L4/-!"'-* 2l , t_/ t1 ', I Ufl i,ilr V 1f s Pal d iu*. J tt tr ill l T EC'T t1 l.l(; !llt-utiL l'J S [N4MA RY /\,ah,{l ARcfll '- ,-/ )/ OJ ECT cAL. DEiCtilFTlOl'l E Z0llE iT S IZE TBACKS: atraat tr A}IDSCAP II.{G: ,-) _K ;PRoPOSEDUSE(S) Required - Fronf --"\ , sides ,' 13 ,f/tt3. , a.u, .fuJ 3 , ' Front ,ah , S I des , ', /t) BU I LD f liGS r Req u i ,ua Snf , Actua I ,5'f:iffi,PFo'Height Allowed hl"-. , Actuat &/- , R. F. A . .,/tl:$.t 4,I-y'Rat i o,A I towab le sq. f t. 1J.f/tS,TA-, Actua I sq. f + FIIONTAGE STANCE i I GHT: Actua I BETI,JE EN )NIMERCIAL FL00R AREA: Percentage all Actua I sq. ft. JI LD ING BULK CONTROL A I lowab le max imum length ;qui red 0f f sets ITE COVERAGE : , Actua I length %, Al lowab le le sqowab l€_,A I lowab D iagona D iagona A I lowab le Ar-f rra I sn , Actual- . /L-l' ++ % ----'---'.--...-.-"'-sq. f t Actual sq. ft OPEN SPACE: Requ i red Ground Leve | -t c.r ++ %, Common Actua I ui red ON ING APPROVAL ESIGN REVIE\^I BOARD APPROVAL T IL IT IES APPROVAL ,NV IRONiqENTAL IIVIPACT APPROVAL Cha i rma n, Design Review Board Tow n Engineer Date Da te Dai eN4ayo r /h,Requi red 0/ | %' - ARKING AND L0ADING: No. Requi ,"a * , uo'Actua 1 V ' Covered Re- No.; Cove re d Actua I )ate Submi )ate Subm i )ate Submi ixtens ion ly Sect i on l0l"lMENTS: tor Zoni for Des i tor env I ng Review gn Review ronmen ta I tte d tted tte d of Dead I i ne Dead I ine Date fla irr lmpact Rev i to e\,1 Dead I i ne da-le B (Series ot 197:) item of 0rdinance No as porrnitted /* il*^ /2t41 '{8f,St{ rl Q,44 3?t' l, , ' /c ,t 34 {4+ 7 tsy' 43> ?t rs 47+ 3a et h3 rftLl ,..'oa ttJ 4i-n /(t /f, ( = /3 t 3J, /3.(t JSs- /1'd a i, { l3rr 4/ tfx /f /t/, 5- r 2(,, ( Pd //,n F r e"-3 p r J7"{ /3x J? /3t /s:{ J7],f 4 e?.o 344, 2 { 74,2{ {33,0 ags:0 3gq, zi -23]2, Z ( 427 gk3, ( 31f ao/, f /37/, o ,r,/H,N"=31( s, z,f JTa73F,z{ i"t SINGLE FAMILY .RESIDENTIAL AIU) RESIDPNTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST - l^^. T^ll * r-[ trLegal Descriptioot I ta^ ACv I4 Ll ) F{ l\ opner, Keirnac{<e Arehitect: L t, r^ F Proposed use: Minus Hazard Area: Equals Buildable Area: Actual "d rl-aa"e-Jr*Sldes 1Ol +# _rRe Zone District: Lot Area; Eeight: Setbacks:Bequired - front Aetual - Front Dj-stance Between Bui-l.d,ings : G.R.f .A. AlLowed: Buildable 20, lv+, Sides rt, + Bequlred Area Actual S= Site Coverage: Allowed - Lot Area Landscaping: ... Required - Lot Area Parki0g:Required Actual Slope Actual @f x x% Drive: Slope Pernitted Parking and Drives Must Environment allEazard : Conrnents: Be Paved Avalanche Flood Plain Slope Distance From Creek Trees Bemoved g Approval:strator ffite - i lgn ate Pa PROJ ECT flev I ew Fee i,,'Pi)ZOfll N(; CHECKL t ST' !,,r,d.s!-l[4MAI?Y !.r'i {"'t{' * t0 q!rr i t': ; ARCIJ ITEC'f LEGAL DESCR IPT ION ]U I LD ING BULK CONTROL: Acfua I sq. ft. Allowable rnax lequired 0ffsefs t'd'n*r,iro Actua i ITE COVERAGE &.r // *;t >- SETBACKS: Required - Front ' sides -l3l-, Rear /4/ - - .,Actua | _ Front , S ides .-.*, Rear .. _;DlSTANcEBET|ttEENBU|LDtNGS:Required,i;j:#..,.Actua|ru; HEf GHT: Average Grade Hcinh+ atr^,.,^,.t - ^t G.R.F.. ^.. ..ao"-'-"t,;;;,-t:;ltl-lrrowed -----*:/-'i1---' ,oiro'il,,r*,,Fn, I'MMERC tAr FLooR AREA r percenrase a r rowao ,. :;;;" ;, . -r-.' :- F--*t Ao imum len gth I length /,Af 'D i agona I D iagona I /ba' -..-+---.i_,A I lowab le Actua I sq Ac I ua I ISEABLE OPEN SPACE:,* "A'"V't" ' | y'*tf' "d'Requi red jASi? /.t,.r?q. -it.', Rctua t sq Nn . f'n,ra FA.l t ^+..- rfrv., \rwyEr.EU r,utudl .-, lrt Zon i ng AN DSCA P ARK ING u i red I NG: AND Ground Level .--.....--..-..--, _fi, Common q. Requi ,"a ?o tTttt;t' .w'a-;A*;;t;::, -;' * _; LOADING: No. Required , No. Actual , Covered Re_ ON ING :S IGN APPRO VA L REVIEW BOARD Admini.strator Da te APPRO VA L - I L IT IES APPROVAL IV IRONMENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL Chairman, Des i gn Re v iew Board Da te Town Enganeer Da fe Mayo r 3f f, Allowabte Sq. ilr.. f t. lmpact Rev iew Dead I lne Da te fe 'fe Submitted Submitted Submitted for Zon i ng Re y iew for Des ign Revlew f or Env i ronmeni-a I Dead I ine Dead I ine Date Date a,a t Total Site Ares: Buildable Area: Alloweble ll Dwelling Units: Allowable GRFA: Maximum sllowabl€ he iohtl Park ing Requirement: Allowable S ite Coverage: Lendscaped Area Requirement: DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL with rnen-mede erea included in "over 40% slope" 7.5 acres [326.700 sq.ft.] 6,^{6 acres tzE 1,398 sq.f t.l 56.1Q d.uls. -:j-E<-e5 Bq,qlg sq.Fr, Flet roof - 35ft. Sloping roof - 3Bft. 2 Spaces per unit I lt{,3tr5 sq.ft. t35%l 130.680 sq.f t. (tr0 %) without man-msde areg ineluded in "over 40aopr 7.5 acres t326.700 sq.lt.l Q.53 ecres [285,3Lfl sq,ft.] :, ..,._ 58.95 d.u.'s 58.E6"-.- Bs,sgb sq.ft. Flat roof - 35fr. Sloping roof - 38ft. 2 speces per unit | | tl,3tf S sq.ft. [35%l 130,680 sq.ft. [40%) :f, 1-l t Berridge Associates, Inc. Ptanning . Landscape Archilecture Otrtober lB, lSEtl Ron Riley Timberfal ls Corporation tttt96 East Meadow Drive Veil. CO 81657 Dear Ron, Enclosed is the completed survey from lntermountein Engineering which depicts the topogrsphy of the entire Timberfells Estates parcel, we have:indicated the 100 year Floodplein, sreas over t{02 slope and denoted the totEl buildable area. Due to the increase in the area of over ttO% stope the unit cciuiit has chenged to 58.ltld.tr.. The erea of over 4O% slape which consists of "man-mede" area amounts to,09 acre which equates to.8l unit in density.. I have had discussions with Peter Petten end he has tdld me that these areas will 'probably not" be counted as unbuildable but has not made e def inite decision st, this time, Should he decide that r^/e will not bd npenalized" for this portion of the erea greater than qO%. the total number of units ellowed will be 58.96d.u.. I will try to get I definite ans\./er from Peter this week. Regarding the vacation of the lot lines between the thro Timberfatls parcels, l still need to receive information on phesds l-3 in order to celculete the existing GRFA. I will be out of Town until October 25 and will call you then. lf you ean have the plens compiled by someone in your office we can calculate the existing GRFA and determine the emount that could potentially be transferred. enc losure 245 Vaflejo St . San Francrsco Calrlornra 94111 . (415) 4 33-2357 P. O. Box 6364 . Denver Coioradc80206. i303)863-1059 '1000 So Froniage Bd Wesl Su,le 10! . Va , Cororado 81657 . (333i476-0651 Since re I y, ciates, I o Berridge Associates, I nc. Planning . Landscape Archilecture October 18, tg8.t ZONING ANALYSIS - TIMBERFALLS ESTATES Introduction This Zoning Analysis of Timberfalls Estates was conducted for the primery purpose of establishing e unit count and allowable square footege for an unpletted 7.5 acre parcel located in the NEt of SWt of Section lZ, TES, R80W.. 6th P.M., Town of Veil, Eagle Eounty Eolorsdo. The Analysis is based upon a review of Town of Vail records and files, Town of Vail Floodplein and Avalanche Hazard Information, end a Topographical Survey completed by Intermountain Engineering on April 6, 1982. Current Zoning The Timberfalls Estetes parcel is currently zoned Low Density Multipte Family Zone District tLOMFl. The LBMF Zone allows single family, two-femily, and multiple-femily dwellings per buildable acre of lend. The LDMF District allows not more than thirty squ€rre feet ol Gross Residential Floor Aree IGRFAJ for each one hundred square feet of buildable site area, Site Ans lysis/Pote nt ia I An Analysis of the Timberfalls E.states parcel was iunducted fcopy attachedJ and reveels that a totel of 6.qE scres of the site is considered under the Town,s definition es buildable. "Buildable Area" is defined by the Town as thst porrion of the site which is not within the 100 year floodplein, evelenche hezerd eree. or in excess of 4O% slope. This buildable €creage \,.ras utilized to compute the information in the following Teble. 245 Vallelo Sl . San Francrsco. Calrlornra 941 11 . (4 15) 433-2357 P O Box6364 . Denver Colorado 8C206 . {3031863 1059 1 000 So Fronlage Rd Wesi Suire I 00 . Vail. Colcraoc Er 657 . i303) 476'0851 F'Y NAI'{E 0F MILII{G APPLICANT ADDRESS NAME OF APPLICANT'S I.IAILTNG ADDRESS APPLICATION FOR CONDOMIN IUI.TTOh'NHOUSE PLAT REV IEU prinl or DATE F- re-{3 A. B. ct D. pnons cf16 _ ZSZU Y*+*p NAME OF 0ltNER's MAILING PROPERTY SIGHATURE ADDRESS E. FEE $lm.oo vNo-{/fu/v-}- F. MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED 1. Three (3) copies, two of which must be mylars of a site map follouing the reqUirements of Section 17.16.'130(C) I ,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11, 13 and l4 of the Subdivision Regulations 2' The condorniniun or townhouse plat shall also include floor plans'-elevations and cross-sectlons as necessary to accurately determfne individual air spaces and/or other ownerships and if the project was built substantia'l1y the same as the approved plans. 3. A copy of the condominjun documents for staff review to assure that there are maintenance provisions included for all csunonly owned areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEIC CRITERIA These can be found in Chapter 17.22 af the Subdivision Regulations. FILII{G AND RECORDING The zoning administrator shal'l be the final signature required on the plat so that the Department of Conrnunity Development will be responsible for pronrptly recording the approved plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recsrder. G. H. \\ \\ 'a) C 75 soulh ,ronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 11, 1983 George Hal lenbeck 4503 East Meadow Drive Vail,.Colorado 81 657 Dear Mr. Ha1 lenbeck, It has come to our attention a business within Unit 605, Timberfails Condominiums, Thi on is in violation of the Town of Vail zoninq ordinance a iscontjnued. The only business activit'ies allowed within the zone district in which Timberfalls is located are home occupations which meet the attached criteria. If you feel that your business meets these criteria, please contact me for information regarding the issuance of a home occupat'ion permit. If not, please discontinue all business activity located at Unit 605 within 60 days. If you have any questions, please contact me. Town Planner PJ:br Encl . cc: Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney e: Unit 605 Timberfalls Condo hat you are operat usiness o Si nce i Mlreh 21, 1975 l{lchacl S. 8lalr, Plannf ng DlrectorElgle Gounty Plannl ng Coarnrlr3lonP.0. Box ?89 Ecglc, Colorado 81651 SubJect: TImbrr Folts Dsar l,l I ko, Thank you for tho opportunlfy to revtov thr prellnlnory plan of Tlmber Fal ls Subdlvlglon. Ths torn revlev staft agroos fhat thlgls, In gencral, a gootl concept. tle do hove polnts for conll dcrr* l? | on bc foro rpp rovr I . l. There ls an lndlcatlon of an ovalaoche area on tho pro- llnlnary plrt but oo roport fo substantlcte the sofrtyof thc propossd Inproverents. An avalanche roPort should bc aubcl it.d 2. The acconpanylng dralnage ctudy ls bassd on a 50 yoar storlr and Secflon 4.02.04 (d) of tho SubdlvlElon Rogula-tlong raqulrss the study tq bs bseed sn o 100 yoar storn. 5. The aroas cct oaldo for rocrsatlon apprear to be too clos. to t rord rlth no hard gurfacs. Thc crogr stctlot!of the road ladlcates gravcl. Oust fronr thlr type of roadlal nay be dotsrlmental to thc rscroatlon amonltlec' cEpcclally th€ Erlmnlng pool. Ho cennot cornn€nf at thlg tlmo on ths avsllabtllty of sorcr.ndrtt€r for thlr proJect !5 no Inforaatlon ras forrarded. Very truly yours , Kent R. Roce, F.E. Torn Eng I noer KRtc \ o huln vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 James A. Reinecke, Jr. Timber Fa1ls Corp. Box 537Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jim: DST/di office of the town manager November LO, L977 Re: Letter of September 22, L977 To clarify your letter of September 22, the Town willrequire that a Registered Engineer inspect the avalanihe controldikes and eertLfy that they are constructed in accord wlthFrutlger's design prior to lssuance of a Certificate of Occupancyfor Phase VI of Timber Fa11s. 1'o s6mplete our zoning review of .Phase VI , could you pleasefurnlsh an estimate of land area within the avalanche eontroL area? I.f you have any questions, please give me a call Slncerely, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENTITY a ning S. Toughill- Administrator lJal v"Yl onrE F: tC-K3 APPLICATION FOR CONDOMIN IUM/TOWNHOUSE PLAT REVIEhl A. NAr,fE oF npplrcRnr Ttr*wtt ADDRESS E APPLICANT'S REPRESB. PHoNE *lL- >szL- rwmwr fu,rpf &^i,qz-NAME OF MILING MAILING ADDRESS pHonr ? - | '.-rl oF PRoPosAL Yo'Y) BLocK suaowrcrcn -blbll-ofzrJ r*me D. PAID Y/t/Y z / MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED l. Three (3) copies, two of which must be mytars of a site map fo'l 'l owing the requirements of Section 17..l6.130(C) 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,.|1, l3 and l4 of the Subdivision Regulations 2. The condominium or townhouse p1 at shal'l also include floor plans, elevations and cross-sections as necessary to accurately determine individual air spaces and/or other ownerships and if the project was built substantia'l 1y the same as the approved p1ans, 3. A copy of the condominiun documents for staff revjew to assure that there are maintenance provisjons included for all cormonly owned areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA These can be found in Chapter 17,22 of the Subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning administrator shall be the fina'l signature required on the plat so that the Department of Community Deve'lopment will be responsible for promptly recording the approved p1 at with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. PHONE ?Wn-:* C:NAME OF OWNER'S MAIL ING LOCATION LOT FEE $'l 00. 00 PROPERTY OWN SIGNATURE ADDRESS Lf tr G. rt _o 75 soulh fronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 1'1,.|983 George Hal lenbeck 4503 East Meadow Drive Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Hallenbeck, It has come to our attention Timberfalls Condominiums. Th a business within Unit 605, on is in violation of the Town of Vail zoning ordinance an discontjnued. The only business activities a] 'l owed within the zone district in which Timberfalls is located are home occupations which meet the attached criteria. If you feel that your business meets these criteria, p'l ease contact me for information regarding the issuance of a hone occupation permit. If not, p'l ease djscont'inue all busjness activity located at Unit 605 withjn 60 days. Town Planner PJ:br Encl . cc: Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney e: Unit 605 Timberfal I s Condo t you are operat us'rness o mlf,GIr falls=tr BOX 537 . VAIL, COLO. 81657 . 303-476-2522 September 22, L977 Tor,m of VaiL Department of Cormunity Development Vai1, Colorado 81657 SubJect: Tiober Fa11s Development Gentlemen: We are subm:ittlng to the Towr of Val1 Design Review Board, Timber Falls Development. Thls phase w111 consist of tvo 7 buiLdings of eimilar deslgn to our exlsting buildings. We construction as aoon as possible, with completi-on scheduled sultrtrer . Phase VL of the - unit plan to start for next In conjuaetion rilith this phase ue r,rri11 6tart conatruction of the rtavalanche guidi:rg dikesrr, which were approved by the Vail Planning Connnission and Town Council in August. We ful-l-y understand that the dikes must be completed prior to occupancy of the Phase VI units. Present conditions are ideal for conatruction of the dike6. Al-l- surface water has stopped flowing due to the drought, persittlng earthwork to progress wLthout pol-lutiag Gore Creek, Conpletion of the earttnrork this fall- would also permit an early spring start of our landscaping and re-vegetation program. I,'le thank you for your cooperation. truly, Reinecke, Jr. JAR:ndr I Project Application t Proiecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Addre3s and Phone: I \ \I 1 II I l I I i \ I Architect, Address and Phone: Legal D€$cription: Lot Comm€nts: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Staff Approval Project Applicatlon e Proiect Name: Projoct Description: Contact Person and rtOot Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: t/o"t 1O/6/73./' DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: a Project Application t'j ; Project Name: f'0'/s tProject Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPFOVAL f,t .iF-t//Sr *;'A/.. " Project Application Date Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and -.) Architect Address and Phone: Legal Zone: Description: Lot Block Filing Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded .i Iby: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Off icial IProject Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architecl Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial '.1!.11-5tr-c.1r7..''v'.r'}i: ,, l +Ll Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Chiei Building Off icial '."] I Project Application Project Name: Owner Address and Phone: Architecl Address and Phone: Legal Zone: Description: Lot Block Filing Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: . I '' |:-- '-: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial Project Application Project Descrip r'on' ,-l/i ;' .'tt."). -r .i ,j,' Project Name: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date -\ , t :' Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAT D ISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Olficial !7|-" Project Application Date Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by:r/) I Seconded by: lT"O1-' -J-4 ( t'"- APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL I,:/: ..'t_. ... Su mmary: .t i ,' .1 ,; lD+V,.1 Date:Date: Chief Building Off icial ';, l-',.,. '' . !' ti i,'.. ' . t^l !! '..',^1 Zoning Administrator d,u .tt v/ oProject Application Date Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _----------- ,Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date zh Motion by: Seconded by:- ,** t..-* APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary:'-.' I \ il r. r- '.- Chief Building Off icial APFRQVAL DATI'OF MnstlNC I MEMBERS PRESENT:BILL RUOTF ot9?811 LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP NON TODD ABE SHAPIRO Timber Falls Duplex - final LOT_lx _, BLOCK ', , FrtrNG Bighorn 4th ACTION TAKEN BY BOAND; MorroN Yo,t i{c'--BisLtcp VOTE: FOR: SECONDED BY: AGAIITST: Uh q Q--\ ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMITARY:(t5o -,** J T*sl[ o LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP DESIGN BEVIEW BOARD a DATE OF MEETING: UEMBERS PRESEI{T: RON TODD ABE SqAPIRO Novemben'3, L977 BILL RUOF.F LOT , BLOCK_, FTLTNG ECTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MorroN $l-hPQO SECoNDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION I APPROVED: DISAPPBOVED: SII}IMARY: YOTE: FOR: t vVvrtl I o a DATE OT !-IEETING: UEMBERS PRESEIiT: DESICN REVIE11/ BOARD September 29, fS77 BilrRUOfr Lou Parker Bill BishoP <notl-+oda-: Abe ShaPiro Tlmber Falls Corp. - buildi"ng 14-15 SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MCfTION: VOTE: IOR: SSCONDED BY:' . AGAINST: ABSTENTION:--..--:- I SUIITIARY: DISAPPROVED: I DESICN NEVII'IV BOARDir September 22, Lg7'l' PRESEiIT: {l*rilJ-Rlel* Lou Parker Bon Todd SEt€hafi*c o DATE OT I{ETIBERS , MDETIT\iG: Timber Falls Corp .f SITBJECT: 1. Av 2. Buildings'l4 and 15 ACTION BOARD:TAKTN BY MOTION: .VOTE: DISAPPROVHD: SBCONDED BY: , AGAINST: ABSTENTION: SUlllrtAIiY: 'a..t PITSJSN nEurlrly BoARI) h l4rt| atr.r t HEETING: MEI,IBERS PRESET'IT,: S.'JEJECT: *j+r=-alg+f' Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd -tdFE#jto TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTIOf{: votE: DISAPPROVED: rttfu r ttz&fl c ABSTENTION: QUIrllrlARY: 5,',\ o D ESIGN REVI!w BoARP DATE O[ MEETING: MEITBERS PRESENT: rt .4 / ft /-72 Bill Ruoff Lou Parker €fIfT'CfEo'P: Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro Gocr-orue+ 4r-uou*€ttur= ASIION TAKEN BY Fes,oqt€Eg 'BnYN''td" SECoNDED nYz loP? MOI'ION: VOTE: - <^6^rrYli\ .Al',l1tt\, Y gT' . DISAPPBOVEOT .. AGAINST: ABSTENIION: %sUp*ffi D]TSIGN REVIEl\I BOARD DATE ON MIBTINGI MBIVIBtrRS PRESENT: SUBJECT ] ACTIOii SECOMED BY: AGAINST:VOTE: FORr ABSTNNTION: APPIIOVEI) t , -/---------F-- DISAPPROVED; SUITlillARY: Av DESIGN REVIEW BOABD DATE OF MEMBERS MIIETING: PRESENT: ACTION SUBJE TAKEN BY MOTION: VOTE: DISAPPROVIiD : _- SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: SUTIITARY: a L DESIGN REvrEllt Bo{Bq DATE OT MBETING: MEMBDRS PRESENT: ACTION TAKEN BY MOTION: VOTE: DISAPPROVED: #w SECOMED BY: AGAINST: SUlrlltlARY: I DESIGN REViDI1I BOARD ) DATN OT IIIiETING: MEMBERS PRESENTI /i4 SUBJECT: T '01 ACTION SECOI.TDED BY: AGAINST:VOTE: FOR: ABSTENTION: -/" APPROVED i i / DISAPPROVED: SUItI[lARY: a aA -DIfiGN ndv.rrnr BoARD DATE O[ }IIIET.ING: ITEIIBBRS PRESE}IT: SUBJECT: ACTION TAI(UN BY BOAN MOTION I Votn: r'oR: SECONDXD BY: .AGAINST: ABSTDNTION: APPROVBD:t/-' DISAPPROVID: SUllltAIlY: ;4 DESIGN REVIEI{ BOARD DATE or *r,"*o ' t/'P/ft ACTION TAKDN BY BOARDT e l,i 0a- /.2iu .' SECONDED BY: AGAINST:VOTE: FOR: APPROVtrD: ABSTDNTION: DISAPIROVI'JD: ) DFSTGN REVIEll' BOARD , ^./ /' Q/ ' f DATE oF MIIETTNG , n r/J/7 {A }.IEMBERS PRESEM: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MorroN' fr.L"n - 'SECONDED BY: AGAINST:VOTE: FoR: -r'roh I fi ^n I/\t/' 'I ntw'v-- ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DI SAPPROVED: SUIII\IAliY: DESIGN REVIEW I]OARD DATE OT MEETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOA MOTIO.'I: VOTE:FOR: APPROVED: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: L/rt;/ 3, DISAPPROVED: SUIII'IARY: o DBSIGN REVIEW BOARD DATE OF MEETING: UEIIBERS PRESENT: TAKEN BY B0ART]ACTION MOTION: VOTE:AGAINST: ABSTENTION: APPROVED: FOR: DISAPPROVED: SUIIIITARY: o I DESICN REVIEW BOARD AClION SUBJECT TAKEN BY MOTION: VOifE: APPROVDD i .,"./ DI SAPPROVED: / t/ ,'-.1. / r SECONDED BY:. Y-'/):'y'N AGAINST: ABSTENTION: BOARD: o DINBUIL Juridiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WI{EN PROPERLY V PLAN CHECK VALIDATION THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PERMIT VALIDATION '\1 r/a? I . Meadour orive -A Q vt-\t-t rsnrt@\.Eis&q q-ff tfrt. ArracHED sHEEr' rorfifatfo" . JHlit Bo{ *3n>We,.r pc"ue$rz,rilllszz GoNTRACI\OF MA|L ADDRESS ^ R r PHONE LICENSE NO.3 J"r"= A. Reinecke, Jr. f,onst; $fu$\g.\bg*b:z vail, Eo. 476-5708 ARCHITECT OF DESICN€F xNer-r LICENSE NO. MAI L AOORESS I PHONE LICENSE NO, o MAI L ADDRESS BiANCH USE OF BUILOING 8 Class of worK: ts NEW E AOOITION N ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE I Describe work: pool . Hou se l0 Change of use from l1 Valuation of work: $ ?500.00 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Totat) Sq. Ft. Flrs Sorlnkl.rs Requlrcd !y6" fl11oAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO 8Y No. of Owelling Unitg OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOF ELECTBICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIF CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED, SOIL REPORT Form 100.1 S69 cK. M.O. IDATED ( k""^"*l(:,2c^! .,...i INSPECTION RECORD TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDAI'ION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING C,& . fr, K. CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. 2PLUfiTNG PERMTT mpulnmoN of €aq1e GountvJuridiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. \496 E. Meadou Drive TLfiber Fatls tflsee errecxeo sarer)' OwNEi MAr L AODIISS Ztpz TimbelFallsCorporation F.tl . Box 53? VaiI, Co. 81557 475-2522 COHThAGTOR MAIL ADDiEss PXor{E L|CENSE NO. 3 Burnett Ciumblng & Heatfng F.0. Box 5 Minturn, f,o. aFcHtTECt Ot Otsl MAI L ADDRESg PHONE LICENSE NO. MAIL AOORE3S PHONE LICENSE NO. L EN DEF 6 MA IL AODR E SS EiAI{CH IJSE OF BU ILDI N C7 Posl Houge 8 Class of worK: E NEW tr ADOITION tr ALTERATION tr HEPAIR Typr ot Firturr or lt m WATER CLOSET (TOILET)SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & DISP. DISHWASHER APPLICATION ACCEPTED AY LAUNDRY TRAYAPPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE BY: CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IFWORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN M DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOBK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WIAH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANC€L THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. U R INAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PNOPERLY VALIOATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION cK.M.O.CASHEj-,-rt*- / ?;/ ( 4eqer6 NSPE.T.R 4, d** s-'Jl- ?f Form lOO.2 9-59 iIOiD'i FiOi.: INTERNATIONAL CONFEHENCE OF AUILEIING OFFICIALS. MIIT iOAO' WIIIIIICR. BELOWUSE SPACE pERMrr ro Fool Houee FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP. ETC. BUILDING FIETD COPY PERMIT - BU|IDING DtVlSroN . ,. EAGTE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHouSE, EAG| E, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-633e INO.) {STREET) 015 5 {coNTR's LtcENsE) (-) sToRY NO. NUMAER OF 3 0-o oo dz o !. s UBD rv ts toN .ot 2 "ro.* - "tiJ. BUJLD]NG IS TO BE TO TYPE . FT. v{tDE USE GROUP BY- FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION aASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT tOrt TIYPE) OWELL IIIG UNITS REMARKS: esrrvlreo cosr $ BY s7.10 Ptumbing 20'00 FEE"'' grz-.ro BUILDING DEPT o BUILDING o CAT loN t Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spacx only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION VIIH€|iI PROPERLY VALIOATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIII IS oc M.o. cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION M,O. CASFI ,*t rarofu fi'-$al* 33L?q 4J 7o-??-?3 Form 1OO,1 969 REOEDER FFOM: TNTERNATTONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILgING OFFtCTALS a tO sO. LOg ROsL€s a PA9AOEiIA, CALITOiNIA 9ll0l .t"fINSPECTION RECORD DATE REMARKS INSPECTOF ' FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK It-t+z Dk E 2tue,- , TRENCH I l.-l-l'z o/f s REINFORCING I t- /-1=ok,fl/),:; FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHEH PROOFING 1j-la-tt)4-la4B CONCRETE SLAB a FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPAC€ BELOW FAB NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC,--f,7ry- PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPEFLY VALIDATED (IN TH'S SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT CASH PEBMIT VALIDATIONcK. M.O.c^s^ t4f/,$#er6/y Fo.m lOO.2 9-69 7f)nseexoa<4azlW<.t / { -H-2 3 RE6ioER F.oM: INTERNATTONAL CoNFEHENcE oF BUILoING oFFICIALS. 5?60 9. woi{i'^B MILL Ro^t'. ttl'{TTTIII. CALI7.9o5ol County of Eagle FT.ITCTRICAL Pm,lIIT 106 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee N9 Iob Narre>Itk>* Date of Application-..-.. Electri cal c ontracto r -.. !y'. rzrt rzt*e.#.L p*l/rr*, $-. $-. Applicant--. s,-.H^-#.... $..f ?- $.*fl <. A"PPROVAIS Plan Checker Date {* P*.A Clilcf Bu[di$g Of$al I--f:-? 2 Date Paid....... 7.:. ?:.?.t- Received ", 4, P4=Ao4 THIS JOB FORTI IS TO BE POSTED ('1{ SITE DURING GONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS aOVaUCr NorIcE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS t8E A. r, rl0ttxrL c!., nriyEr !!ito, o APPLICMECHANICAL PERMI ATION Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbend spaces only. PBOPERLY VALIDATEO IIN THIS SPACE) THIS 'S YOUR PEFM'' PLAN CHECK VALIDATION # ss 677 Forfi 7OO.4 9-59 cK. M.o. cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION /0 -e?- 73 EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo oFFlctAL RECETPT /2 .t - REcEIvED Dutl'/ -4'7 , B ry USE S, OF CASH ITEM Building Permit F Subdivision Ap Zone Change Conditionai Use 9ode: (Euitding)(Zoning)(!ubdivision) Total Received no-payment oi any item. Ng 110 By AMOUNT pt shall be cancelled-for "'{o gAqLE cowry 'r sFl-gnnrulfs,PE COURTHOUSE F. O. Box 780 Eaglti Colortdo E1631 2 D*c6mber lgtjl .. Jamoo A' Rdmcilc Jr. Box $97 Valf , Oofotrdo ttG6? Ror Tlnt*Fdla Condontnlr*rrr Bulldlng #9. P.?rnlt * 0?3 At thclr rpoetal mrtlng m tr tlorcrrter, the Eocd of Corrrty Convnlsslorr*r rutlorllrd thrlxirnrhn ol yanr fulldlng Pcrnrlt +1023 basod on the cqrdltlona In yanr l.tLf 6f & l.lowmbrr 1974. Elnefrly, Lortcr L. Dougilac Buildlng Otttcld tJ.D/kt tr alrlallse omlr BOr( 5lt7 | VAIL, COLO. 81657 . 303-476-2522 November 20, 1974 Mr. Les Douglae c/o Eagle Eounty BulldlngF. 0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado Reference: Tlmber Falls Butldlng #9 Dear Lea: /; bt'LA-/pt^-l*ora O a4A-. A L e#^*&-- RECEIVED NOv ? 1, 1974 DepL Ot planniog & Dd.r'cttagl€ County, Co/o- Department Eondomtnlume Permlt # O23 Due to the present natlonal economic e.ltuatiun and the depreaalon ln the bulldlng,/development businees, lt hae been neceeeary for Tilnber Falla Eorporation to temporarlly ceaae constructlon on Bu11dlng #9. It ia anticlpated that market condltlone krlll inprove by the aprlng of I9?5, permittlng contlnued cpnstrilction on Bulldlng #9. Meanurhtle, u,e are requeeting a elx nonth extenalon sf the current bulldlng permlt. Thenk you for your continued cooperatlon. ry truly, JAR : ndr Ar{L"rr'ze\ foell " *l. P.n *..,' f3{. of Co. Co*.-.. L r, lA' R.?*A f--. ll'?b.'?+' Reinecke o ANMECH ICAL PERMIT APP o Ltc ATION Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPEnLY VA!|DATED (tN TH|S SpACEt TH|S tS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION Ru"-';1"'tu 11 2 M.O. 677 c^sH fr- AUD I REOiOEi FROM! INTTRNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING ,; j.r:e'.' ,r'* *. /0 - ?/' /3 tlsrt nrrrcxeo sne:ry r{,y'. 1,LICENSE NO. AACHIIECT OR OESIGNER LICENSE NO, i, LICENSE NO. II SE OF SUILDING 8 Ctassof work: ryNEW DADDtTtoN DALTERATT0N tr REpAtR Describe work:*- ,,,,: 7 .t /-: Type of Fuet: Oit ! Nat. Gas I t_pC. E PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS:Type ot Equipment Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Un its-H.P. Ea. Boilers--H.P. Ea. Gas Fi.ed A.C, Units-Tonnaoe Ea. Forced Air Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. PLAN]S CHECKEO BY:B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces B.T,U. M Wall Heaters-B.T.U. M NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IFCONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR AENNOOT{ED'rON APERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOFK IS COM. MENCED. I, IIEREFV CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAppLLcr^TloN AND KNow rHE sAME ro'eE fAuE Ai\iij tb-n-necr.4!!_pBqv!stgNs oF LAws aruo o nloinn-r[c ES -obVd-n lirrv-e rxrsIyeE_.9F v{oB{ wtLL BE corupureo wirH Wxer-xei-b-iedr rr eoH_ER_EIN oR Nor, THE GRANTTNG or n 'peCuii'- o=bEi nolpEE9glrE To ctvE AUTHoRrrv ro ViouAie- oii' 'cn'ru-cE-l rxe SBRX+?3$,3'""3X"J'iFiEl?l'.$[,t""3""';'it5"E6#"T,1'Ji: Unit Heaters- B.T.U. M Ventilation Fan Air Handling Unir- C.F.M. Form IOO-4 969 oFFtctALs ra 50 30. Los Fo6LEs ta pasaDEra. caLrFohnta 0tto! County of Ii.!I,FCTRICAL Eagle PMT{IT Date of Application..-- . /./....-...ts.....7..S..... 268 Electricar contractor... -&-lhnd-)Eufuatrxg Applicant. slgIature APPROVALS ,,aN*,,u*"rzrlh!l) VaA B/df, ? PIan Checker $..tA..|l'1A.#,,krxu N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $....&!,.:!.Q. $....k.Q.,QQ- Date Paid....-.. r/u / 2r . Received ,, dao fu.,'Slc.Qt epxltfl/tp "btr! THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED Oil .,OB SITE DURIT{G COI{STRUCTION 48 HOURS AI}VANCE NOTICE REQIJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS rfr r. r, [0actrl 10.,0rxyEt rort!z { t. af_ l.ri[ti dul, '' floilri)rlq(iA 3o stc('I . , - irtl'-,ri.' tno'-) lerr tjcglf ,l .?' . troitculnv gnibl,uB .. .. .. a rroiteuldv lsrirfrglJ . ee'{ Jinneq 99:I nojrreqznl eeil l6JoT \.. l.' .'...-,.. bisg rir;(l 'i.{I hlrirrrii '' '.r ) )'r rl.tnt t Jrxjr ,"(i l,!o elltTaoq rg ylotTcuf,TeHot ?JAVOgqqA ...\ . .7 ^. !: \-,' -,) ., ,' . , ', :\" 'ii i .l oT et lfiriotr iiildT OHIEUO HTIE gOL 't:)l r{,/ t')w,tat ?flrroH er. ?.frot.l" )'.l,tzAt ,t 0 r (I:l $ nrg: I { slgsl{ 1o xfnuoi) TlMSgq JA')IffTO$JI'I c6s EAGLE Eogle, OFFICIAL RECEIPT a COUNTY Colorodo ITEM [3r*i{ding. Perm it Fee Application For Subdivision Zone Chan Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Bu ilding) (Zon ing)Subd ivision) Total Received All items are received for collection no-payment of any item. Date AMOUNT only and this receipt shall be cancelled , $?r N9 684 ,"Qt/'tnno " 0/r-Ltt[ ,t I ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPL roN t ICAT Awlicant to complete numbered spae$ only. l WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.o. ' cAsH INSPECTOH Form 1OO.3 9-69 REOROER FFOMs INTERNATTONAL CONFERENCE OF BUTLDTNq OFFTCTALs a 50 30. LOs iOEr.Eg a pAgAOEt{A, CALrFq'!rar^ gllol PERMIT VALIDATION USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP. E'TC. s_-,##._riqLr.N =-ffi tal o.- z (J <t a o q. oe prfrrE *, *??t*=*l*tJ XH "= u=?"r = *, COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 31 October 1973 Phone 328-6338 Re:.Avalanche Study on Tlrnber Fal ls CondominiumE File No. Ssp-2-73 :- Enclosed is a Avalanche Report. Condominiums. and Solls Report on Timber Fal ls These reports were. conditional items of a previous review by the Board of County Commissioners and the Planning Commission. Whereas these a-re the only factor left to be considered, no time limit was placed on the submittal . We would hope to clear up dthis matter with the Planning Commission at their 21 November meeting. It is understood that the approval only relates to Lot 7 and a ful l' avalanche study for the entire project will be submitted sh6rtty. Respectfully, *Zo-*.- $.8**o' _Robert H. Barr Plarlnlng Assletant RHB/Kt a t 5(ri i ) i h 3fira:: L" ljrrntnrirl I r-r; fL lounda.inn rrrlilr:'' .,,., L i-li i.1 t-1n"Oor f rliiLil Lolorado l.iplinqs, ijLtlrlr ilili-r re: Iimber' 5;'r.l irr [. urrrlDflrirri Llms LuLri1, i-i 11i,.1 ..;'7 ;aQi.u, i,liL tiitt.ln i,r-i nhrl l. ?A I q? { Timber Fal1s Corp v dr-r., LrLtJ,rrr. atuu 0entl,emen: sted by Mr. vesti!ation Rei.ner;kr':, ue sl tE of' I h.r lrave p.:erf ulrlL.it.i ii ,,. , F ". ,, ',.,,1 .--.. l.. rtcr r-ir !l:rr !r r LrJ L-r. L l--^-. at the lngs ure re drilleri as palt, nl'oLrl invesligatiur,. nd visual inepection oF the mal.erials exposr?rj lrr, dlcated that the bearlnq maLcri aris are prinrari.r V /.sEnds and gravels r,rith ccJbtrieji iind bDUl-{JEr$. Ls are satisfatrtory to st-rpport FprearJ f ooLirrr, roportloned For a maximlrtn a I lu&r.rbi.e hearing t .cornpr of the bulIdlnq. Ilrrrr;u malerials ,v€d from bEneath f oundartion iireas and thu EAGLE COUNTY D E P A R r{)*' % [',11TilS3, 0 [?"?i* v Eop M E Nr r" [J[1.: COUNTHOUSE P. O,' Rox 789 ; Eagle., Colorado .r t0 ,r q B 1631- 1 December 19?5 James Reinecke P.O. Box 53? Vail , Colorado i Building Permit C on s tru ction 816 5? 223 issuecl in 4-14-75'to James Reinecke Construction vri ! | expire in 10-? 5 (new permit must bc obtained frorn the Town <-rf Vail ) Section 1O subsection 4 of the Eagle County Blrilding Resolutiorr states that csnstruction 'is to be started within six (6) months from the date ot issuance of the permit. .The Uniform Building Code, Section 302 (d) states that to reissue apermit, (/z) one-hatf of the amount required for a new permit will tre. charged, provided no changes have been. made to the original planq. Please contact the Building Division for new' permit before Respectful ly, I Lester L. Douglas Building Off icial LLD/KT JLtr start i ng coirstruction. i _.'Fr?oJt:cT 'O'lovEi,reln i\0, j63 13, 1973 sol L & F0ut't0,\Tt0l't I iivfsTl aATlcr.i Tl illean FALLs Cor.tooHr I N I url PRO.JECT VAIL Eaele Cour.rtvr CoLonnoo PREFAREO FOR: TIMBER FALLS CORPORATION Box 53?4490 E. ilicAoow DR I vE Vall, CoL0RADo 81 557 ATTN! IIR. JAMCS REINgCKE :.- o TAELE CF COI,TiNTS CONcLUSIoNS SCOP E PnoPoseo CorusTnuctlou FIELD INVESTTGATTOFI LABORAToRY INvesT I GAT I oN SUB€URFAcE CONotTIONS Dt scussl oN PAGE 1 PAGe 2 FAGe ? PAGE 3 PAGe 4 Peee 4 pnee 5 PAGE I O PAGC 1? FI GURE NO. FI GURE NOS. 0e sle N elro ConsrRUcrr or.J DETAI Ls CoNsrRUcrtoN I NsPEcrt oN TEST EORING LOCATIoN PLAN TEST BORING LOGS TEST BORTNG LOGS.LEGgND AND NOTES FICURE NO. ,4 :r;SWELL-CONSOLIDATTON TEST RESULTS FIEUNC NOS. J I TO 6 :r.rll,;i , I t,LABORAToRY TEST RISULTS TABLE NO. 1 .L I l 'I i.r i:li,,Jfr;T Fnce J ANo posstsLy Arrcr.lo THe CoNcLUStoNS, ALLOIVABLE EEARING PRCSSURES CONTAI NEO LOAAI NG t NFOnf"lATtON lvAS REeUESTEO ON oF TftE DATe OF Tfl | 5 REpORT, HAS NOT )a- 7 lN ' M I GHT RE-EVALUATE ARLY THi !\IAX I I"TU!,,t ORT. STRUCTURAL ^/lot lyTJr ANO, AS I!{ I TTED TO TH I S OFF t CE. vesTleATlON HTEeN (13) TEsr BoRt NGS rvsRE DRil..LED Ar LocATl ONS I N- N THE TCST EORlNc LocATtoN PLAN, FtcuRg No. 1. THE RE LOCATEO I N THE F tELD BY TAPF: MEASURE INgTHODS AND o PRo.,EcT i,lo. FA irE li '16 r INVESTI GATIoN THE I N ACCoROANCg lvr PRoJecr No.'16l PAGE 7 ]. i. STEP DOHN TO BEAR ON IIIONE COMPETENT IIATERtALS. ,'.:].: .ii,,. , Four.roATl oNs BEAR t NG oN THE l,4ED I uf,r DENsE sANo oR sAND AND STRATA SHOULD BE PROPO RTIONED FOR A MAXII,,IUM ALLOI'IABLE r.,.: .. , BEART Nc pREssuRE oF 2500 pSF. ' ALL coNTlNuous FouNDATIoN !/JALLs sHouLD BE tvELL Re INF'oRc€g.r' .,,,, -; y oF SeANNtNG A cLEAR otsrANcE oF AT LEAsr EtcHT.(B)CAPA.EILITY Tse ouo FILL'[lATERtALs Er.]couNTgRED tru rne AREA oF TEst't', ,',,1 ,,;'..t1. ,,,'., ., t " ao*,*i trio,'t1 Rne RELATIvELy LoosE ANo uNcoMpAcrEq. TnEse *oraorii!''.t.' ' ''l:':l'r'.]-.:.:.|.....ro B-E sATtSFACTOnY FOR gUppORT OF THE SPFEAO. . ,, EREFORE, THE FOUNDA'TIONS IN THIS AREA P no a: a -t '. r., . Pner I SITE GRAOES. tN THE AREA OF TEST BORING NO. 6, THE SOFT MATERIALS .$JFilF trNcotiNTtrnFn ral A nqrrrH a)tr rt cxrrrnr {1Fl'l Ftr;:T- rr,rH t nr't waq r}tr 'r,l' ':.wfRE ENcouNTERED To A DEprH oF e I cHTEEN (18) FEET, rvHt cH wAs rHg ,'":' MAXIrlrUf.r oEpTH EXpLORED. Tncnerone, tN Turs AReA, THE soFT .MAtERlALscoULDfXTgNDToEVENGRfATERDEPTHsTHANTHA7|NDlcATED]A TEO ...i..8Y THe TEST BORtNc LOGS, FIGURE NO, :). ,. : , .. '' :' ' . 1.. -' : .'.. :...' .. THE SOrT I,iATERI ALS ENCOUNTERED BY TeST BOR I NG NOS. 6 . : ..:.' I IVERE OEPOSI TED AS A RESULT OF SLOPE OUTPJASH tr'rH I CH HAS FORMED ALLUV t AL FAN t: , : ..'tN IHIS AREA'. TXE IETERAL CXTENT OF THESE RELATIVELY SOFTf |rl fnl! A}{LA. tnE LAIEKAL LAlE,Nt L,t InLbE HaLAllvL].I D\Jr I MATERI'\LS CAN NOT BE ACCURATELY ESTIMATED FROi,l THg.RgSULTS OF ili*iiir.''rf, r' . ij'. ' j':,, - l*' l;' ,"i. :l', :'' ; . .:.,.,r .'.MATER|,\LscANNoTBEAccURATeLYEsT|MATEDFRoi,1THg.RgsULTsoF i TTTIS INVESTtGATtON. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT ADDITIONAL TEST BOHINGS BE CONDUCTEO IN THIS AREA TO MORE ACCURATELY OELINEATE THE EXTENT I] OF THE SOTT,ALLUVI UM. IT 1S RECOMI,/ENDED THAT THE PROPOSED BUIT-O. . ' i .tr.tes.BE RELooATED AwAy FRoM THE ALLUvtAL DEpost rs srNce rHEsE i,, MATERt ALs ARE Nor coNsl DERED To BE DEsl RABLE FoR suPPoRT oF i.i' converur r oNAL spReAo Foor r NG FouNDAT T oNs o ?EsENTED BY Tgsr BoRING No. 11 ivuenei IN AR€AS SUCH AS 7}IAT REPf I RgLATIvELY DEEP DEPOSITS OF THE CONIPRESSlBLE CLAYS ARE PRESENTT . TTC iOUIVOET I ONS lVI LL HAVS TO STEP DOWN TO BCAR ON THE MED I UM D€NSE i slnrs AND 0RAVEL sTRATA oR THE soFT cLAys sHouLD BE uNDERcur FR0M BENEATH FOUNOATTON ARqAS ANO REPLACEO IVITH COMPACTED STRUCTURAL . . F I LL MATER I ALS i TXE COITIPACTEO STRUCTURAL F I LL SHOULD CONS I ST OT i n*i€rt1*eg 6iaen rnnru iire niuErrv€Ly soFr cLAys stNcE rHEtR nfcH ] uot srun€ eoNieNr wI LL pR0BABLY PREVENT ECONOM I CAL COI,IPACT I ON., ... PRoJEcr No. 361 PAGE 1O I,'IATER I ALS. FOUNOAT I ONS BEAR I I.JG ON THE COI"TPRESS I BLE SO I LS SHOULO BE PROPORTIONED FOR RELATI VELY LOT'I SOI L EEARI NG PRESSURES. FON coNTlNUous l'dALL TYPE FouNDATlof.lsr THE FouNDATIoNS sHouLo Be PROPORTIONED FOR A MAXIfuIUil,! ALLOI'/A8LE BEARING PRESSURE OE lOOO PSF. Isot.ATED seuARE coLUr.rN pAD FouNDATtoNS sHouLD BE pRopoRTtoNED FOR A T4AXt i,IUI,4 ALLOIVABLE BEAR I NG PRESSURE OF 750 PSF. IN ALL CASES, FOUNDATIONS SHOULD 8E PROPORT' ONED FOR THE TOTAI- LOAD t'JHICH I'JI LL BE CARRIE0 BY, THe STRUCTURe, tNCLUDtNc ALL LIVE LOAD FACTORS sucH AS FLOOR, S*Ottr, tvtND, €Tco DES I cN ANp CoNsrRUcr toN D.EIIILS 1 ) THE RELATT vELy soFT AND r,,iot sr. ALLUvtAL sot LS pRESENT AT THIS SITE SHOULD BE USED FOR FILL MATERIALS IN LANOSCAPED AREAS OR I N THE 8ERI..l3 REQUI RED FOR THE AVALANCHE CONTROL CHANNEL. 2) Extaeng cARE sHouLD BE TAr(El''J DURtNe FouNDATtoN gx6gygllqN TO AVOI D DI STURBANCE TO THE ASARI NG I,,IATERI ALS. DUE TO THE PRESENCg OF I\,'ANY COBBLES ANO BOULDERS I,'/I TH I N THE SANO AND GRAVEL STRATA, EXCESSTVE DISTURBANCE.TO THE BEARlNG MATERIALS .- BY EXcAvATIoN EQUIPII4eNT Is A oEFINITE PosStB!LITY. ALL DISTURBED I"IATTRIAL SHOULD BE RgMOVEB FROM BOTTOIN OF,FOUNOATION ELEVATIONS, By HAND TOOLS tF NECESSARy, TO ALLOW FOOTtNeS TO BEAR ON UNDISTURBED, NATURAL SOILST 3) ALL eRcxplLL pLAcEo ADdAcENT To ExrERtoR FouNDATIoN wALLs SHOULD BE I"IO I STENED AND II'/ELL COMPACTEO. PRo.tEcr No.'363 PAGE ] 1 4) THE GnOUNO SURFACE Sr-tOUt-O Be ct VEN A GOOD SLOpE AtiAy FROtrl THE BUI LDI NGS ON ALL SIDES TO CONTROL SURFACg !'IATER RUN-OFF. SURFAcE tvATER FLourl Nc TotyAnDs rHE sTRUcTURES FRorrt upSLopE AREAS SHOULD 8E DIVERTED AROUND AND At'/AY FROI'vl THE 8Ut LDI NGS BY lvlEANS OF DRAINAGE StvALeS OR OTHER Sllr,| ILAR MEASURES' 5) nLL EXTERIoR FouNDATIoNS sHouLD BE pLAcED BElolv FRosr DEprH. 6t lF FouNDATroNs ARE srEppED Dor/N THHoucH THE soFT clAys, CONSIDERATTON SHOULD BE CIVEN TO CONSTRUCTION OF A BASEMENT ' LEVEL. . 7) THe INSULATtoN oF THE tNTERIoR FAcE oF THe FouNDATtoN IIALLS TVI TH I N AND BELOI:' THE CRA!VL SPACE AREAS I S SUGGEST€D TO ,PREVENT EXCESSI VE HEAT LOSS. PRo.re cr I'io, 363 [jAGr 12 - CousrRUcrtoN lNSPEcrtoN . ,HE ANALYS ^*a uorro uPoN r :;' , THE coNsrRucrIoN VARTATTONS} ,:,';.: ': ; : ' TH I S REPORT o ,.'it 1 .,':'rf; t "': . clFbrt\ErtlF'l t? ?!e | /'rFA T a ttrrc r^lirrFlrcn r\rr rrrc t alnATrt.|N nf f nff f U- TgtC';,' PERFORMEo AT THE LoCATIONS INDICATEO ON THE LOCATION DlAGRAll . lHlS , r.i .. t,: REPORT DOES NOT R€FLECT AflY VARIATIONS IIIHtCH MAY OCCUR BETWEEN ,1.t,.::t; I '' ;i 1 ' TI|ESE BORtNCS. TUE NATURE AND EXTENT OF VARTATTONS sETWgEil THE. ..*.'],,:I BORIHGS MAV NOT aECOME EvIOENT UNTIL COURSE OF CONSTRUCTIOT{. FOR ,'it.'..,, ,.:'.:: ,:', THlS REASONT tT lS RECOMMENDED THAf THE SOIL ENGINEER INSPECT THE '.:' .. l: ,. !-.. ,', opEN EXCAVATTONS. lF VARIATTONS THEN APpEAR EvIOENTT lT wlLL S€ l .4. ,.. i . l;,",;r1.. ilEcEssARy roR A RE-EVALUATIoN oF THE REooMMENDATtolts oF THls ' , .... , ,,;.l.,|u':''REPoRT?oBEMADEAFTERpERFoRu|ilcoH.s|TEoBsERvAT|oNs0UR|NG]: ',, ...'' f.r {F F9$ EC r OV€MBER No. 313, j I f'-.T I I l- i. I b-.+ tIr-a' ' . i3E12\ --l &rt j, *-tt --f *tLaa .- *q.I pnrry,1o.i*z*t -1 {c,@', '.,*''-! 9:a, sgr €& 2'pa* i* paqrt ' 't*tt "a4?00 FI GURE NO. T3-2, l-A r 2_B ?ii,:' rD ,: o FFo.JEcr lic. :i63 HOL € Nl a/ An HOLE No.2.A oRILLEO APPRoX,MATgLY SOUTHEAST OF HOLE NO. 2. z/ 3" 26/ t 2n 13 NoTE'slx (5) reer .|' . : HoLE No. 4-A onlluEo lppr 'il::;-;a. .r::4j. tL,ft.n l.-*- ,;t,i* i,:,,,b,, JL- QVng ". i $ri "-EGEl.lr irx. -. t: ,- ". i $ri "-EGEl.lf irx. -. t ,,. -., Ftcurrr No. 2 ' -.'*,--.-,,,'.'.-t : ' -,-"i HOL E HOL E HOLE NO$. 6.A' )r, 6n nruo 111 "12 GURe i'io. TEST EORING LOGS 6-B nlqo EAST OF ,^ 4 TON LEGEND A.ND o-u 6-c oRtLLED APPRoxItIATELY HoLE No. 6, neseecrt vELY. a/ 6,tl 11AZtj r r(vdc't/ | lrtv. )v) 15 zo FTGURE. o 0 v 10 F UJlL F lrlo 10F td td L- f F.- o.. trlo 15 2g oN TE: NO 15 FI ADDI TIONAL R NoTEI SEE ffi ffi T R- Nl aaot - vf,Ry sANov, soFr ro uEDruM srlFF, ro sAND-cLAyEy, LOOSE TO r,rgoturr DENSe, MEDIUM f'dolST TO vEftY Mol sTl ERO$,/N TO RCDDISH BRO!'JN' vJt TH OCCASIONAL COBELES AND BOULDERS. sl LTy ro cLAygy, rrEoruM DENsE, MEDt uu rubr sr ro vERY Mo I ST, BRCfi N r l'Jl TH GRAVEL ANO OCCAST ONAL COBBLES ANO BOULOERS. GRAVEL - ill EDI Ui,I ocNSE, IvIEDIUI.I MOI sT TO I1'ET, BROTJN, . WI TH COBBLES AND BOULDERS lNDl cATES GRouNo r'TATER LEvEL AT rr ME oF DRTLL I Nc. lNolcATes REFUSAL To FURTHER pENETRATtoN By Au€ERs.' NOTES 1) Tlts tgsr BoRTNGS IIIERE DRILLED $JITH A coNTt porvER AUGSR {4s otA") oN ocroBER ?6, 1973, e) 9 tHotcATEs ralr g BLorvs FRoM A 140-Le. HAMMER FALLTNc 30 tNcHEs $rsRs REeurRsD ro DRfvE THE sAMpLEa 12.tNcHEs. 3j TnE loes sHcrv AppRoxtilATE BoUNDAEtEs BETtvEEN THg vARtoug . STRATA AT THE BATES AND.LOCATIONS INDICATED AND IT IS NOT WARRANTED THAT THEY ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSUEFACE CONDITIONS AT OTIIER LOCATTONS AND TIMEST ..' ',.::. FIGURE NO. l'.' LTGEI.ID ffi rlLL - 'AND, srLTv ro cr-AyEy, LoosEr LtcHT Motsrtl'r''' BRor^JN To REDD I sH BRowN. Ett=d CLAY - sILTY TO SANDY, SOFT rO I'rEDlul,',l STIFFT MEDtUM MOt ST TO VERY r,rol ST, CARK BROIVN TO BROtvNr- ttil TH OCCASIONAL COStsLES AND BOULDERS. SAND - SAND & NUOUS FL I GHT THOMAS E. SUMMERLEE A CORPORATION Frc, 5 oNEYr hrENS r o,\AL coNSoL I DAT | 0N TET ORY UNI T IYT. rN PcF 7j zI F fogtzoo o oz MO I STURE CONT. HoLE No. _5- DEPTH JJ-SOIL rYPE __-CL__ zor o,z o-l.X LJ \FI -'lsql 13 KtP s/F 12LOAD I H DRY UNI T WT. IN PCF F J (trzo(J MOI STURE CONT. }IOLE NO DEPTH solL TYPE o oz zo (')z x la, \R. ql 1S xtes/rt2LOAD lro PROJECT NO. 353 DATE 11-1J-?3 THOMAS E. SUMI'ERLEE A CORPORATION FIG. 5 THOMAS PROJECT DATE 1 E. SUIJISERLEET r coRP. NO, 363 t-o-(J LABORATORY TEST RESULTS }IOLf, N0r oEP TH t F EET flATURAL MO I STURE fr NA T URAL DRY DEH$ t tYr PCF ATTERBERG LIMITS UNCoI'lF t NgD COMPRESS ' VE gTRENGTH t P3F -200 g I EVE, ft PART I CL€ stzE ANALYSI S SV|,gLL* coNsol | - DATlON SOIL DESCRIPTION oR cLASSIFICAttON a t LLfr PLfi Ptft 2 2-A ltL+ I r., (n A 1.5 3.?. 2.2 1.5 3,7 ).( 3,7 ). ( 8.5 13.7 3"7, 21'3 32.2 18.1 | ). ) 22.1 12.0 13.+ 11.6 18"7 22.5 11..0 B6 67 10+ 73 109 103 850 2570 1490 1090 1060 Bl0 FIG. FIGr .) 'Flc.6 CLAY - SANDY CLAY.- veRY sANDY CLAY - SANDY CLAY - VERY gILTY CLAY - SILTY CLAY . SANDY CLAY - sr LrYr sANDY CLAY-venv srLrY, '{ SANDY CLAY - sANoY CLAY - sANDY CLAY - vERv sANDY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT community development tr Tx nfl TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL D OWNER ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANICA CONTRACTOR OTHER {TRACTO fitt'.ot CONTRACTOR FtLtNG Tinbsfalls MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, FIRM Reinecke Const ^ MAIL ADORESS MAIL ADDRESS ctrY PH. L-- DATE 9-21-79 PROJECT NO. PERMIT NO. I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHI DtvlsloN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; Nqv &unlt condo BUILOING .PLUMBING PERMIT FEESVALUATION BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBING NEW(5i.) ALTERATTON ( ) ADDTTTONAL ( ) REpAtR( RECREATION FEEDWELLTNG uNrrs 6 acconal,loDATroN uNrrs c.R.F.A. -62?3--aeonooi,rs COMMERCIAL SYST -O_RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. SLBATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES I9-- NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING J- UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES ;sa.-,-\#Zf ING ADMINISTRATOR ING NOTES: INSULATION THICKNESS R.VALUE q-?t-l1, (tcffttoz I HABEEY ACKNOWLEDCE THAT I HAVE EEAD THtS ABOVE IS WITH ALL LAWg REC TION AND STATE THAT THE AND AGREE TO COMFL? AND STATE NSTNUCTION. SPECIAL NOTES: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community dwelopment } TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY nnn trfln SC. LEGAL NAME: OWNER ARCHITECT Ti mher T'a I 'l s rulurTimber Falls Assoc. MA|L ADDRESS BOX 537 crrY ge.i l - CO PH. MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. F|RM Reineske Const. MAILADDRESS Box 537 GENERAL CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESSCONTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESScoNTFACTOR MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR sryp 5/L6/7e PROJECT p9. N--262 26?PERMIT NO. 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III I 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH DlvlsloN @zutt GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - 4 new windows (1-B1dg. 3" 2-Bldg 4, 1-Bldg 7) TYPE GROUP SO.FT, VALUAIION PERMIT FEES BUITDING PERMIT PLUMBING NEWil ALTERATION (X) ADDITIONAL (. ) REPAIRil RECREATION FEEDWELTING UNITS G.R.F.A, - ACCOMMODATION UN COMMERCIAL SYST -RFSTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. -BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES DATE ING ADMINISTRATOR INSULATION R.VALUE VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEh : I|al vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 offace of the town manager December 14, 1976 I, James Reinecke, do hereby agree to complete the required landscaping and painting of the exterior trim for Unit .|003, Timberfalls Complex, (Bighorn), Vai l, Colorado as outlined jn the Zoning 0rdinance, Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973 and the Design Review Board's approval . The above- mentioned landscaping and painting will be comp'leted by 0ctober 1,1977. This letter may be recorded and filed in the records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and the Town of Va'il agrees to file a release of the conditions containted in this letter following their satisfactory completion. I.IITNESS: of the above-mentioned premises.This agreement rmits you oc l,lI TN ESS: Tt|WI{ (lF EIIJILEIINGi l,A IL PEFIMIT -2@r14, EASEMENTS VAFIANCE UNCOVERED PERMIT I HEREBY ACKNOI4'LEDGE TITAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATfON AND g?ATE AHAT AHE AAOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITI{ ALIJ TOWN ORDINANCES AND SAATE LA['S REGABDINC BUILDING CONSTRUCTTON. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR T0IYI{ 0F t|AIt EUILEIING PEFIMIT I T0u||lt 0t EIIJILETI NGi vA tt rlEFIMIT FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VABIANCE UNCOVERED PERMIT # .. READ THIS ABOVE IS wlTH AI,L '{:ffi/'o\ CORRECT AND AGEEE TO COMPLY ?OWN ORDINANCES AND STATE SIGNATURE OF OWN ER OR CONTRACTOR TOI'{N OF EIIJILElIIUG t|A tt PEFIMIT I HEREBY A READ THIS APPLICATTON AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WTTII ALL TOWN OBDTNANCES AND STATE DATE OF APPLICATION MAIL ADDRESS NEWII ALTEFATIdI!.IO ADDITION( IREPAIR( I I.JSE OF BUILDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADDRESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL FORCEDAIR ELEC ( }UNITI ) LOT BLK FI LING 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HB 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvlsloN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK F EES FIRE SPRINKLEFS RAL DESCBIPIION OF WORK TOTAL FLOOR ABEA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED Itlllyl{ OF ElUILElING yA tt PEFIMIT z tr J JoBNAME Srla /0/Lt'4 DATE OF APPLICATION NEW() ALTERATION { } ADDITION ON REPAIR( } USE OF BUI LDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDRESS NO. OF STORIES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMEFCIAL WATER( I FORCEDAIRI ) ELECI }UNITI ) LOT BLK FILING 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HN Z OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DlvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PEHMIT SPECIFIED PL.AN CHECK FEES FI RE SPRINKLEFS CLEAN UP DEPOSIT DESCRIPTION OF WORK SPECIAL INSPECTOR TOTAL FLOOR ABEA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED AND STATE THA ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOB +# T0wrf 0F vAtL EIUILE'INGi TTEH|VIIT UNCOVERED EASEMENTS VARIANCE ffi# 31 6> 71fuI HEAEBY ACI'NOWLEDCE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT TIfE ABOVE IS CORN,ECT AND AGRAE TO COMPLY RDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. O T0Iv1{ 0F l'AtL ETUILEIING; PEFTMIT UNCOVEBED VARIANCE I IIEREBY A THAT I HAVE READ TEIS APPLICATION AND STATE TTTAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY ON,DINANCES AND STATE SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACT T0tI1{ 0F l,AtL EIUILEIII\IG PEFIMIT UNCOVERED APPLICATION BTATE T}IAT TIIE ORDINANCES A \.@ READ THIS -1 I ' .a.,. E. KI<fur,//J7f,"tT0tryr{ 0F t|A tL EIUILEIINGi PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AFEA TOTAL LOT ABEA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS UNCOVEBED VARIANCE APPLICATION APPROVAL PERMIT # LAws R feRDrNG BUU.I)rHG coNsrRUcrIoN. fln.ofi4gs'- ,'-As- %eI HEREAY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ TIIIS APPI,ICATION AND STATE TI{AT THB ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPI,Y WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE 6T DArE oF APPLfcArron 3' 2 c/ le CLASS OF WORK NEW ( ) ALTERATToN (') ADDrrroN tL6,."or^ t t USE OF SUILDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.OFF ST. PARKING OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS ELEC ( } UNIT LOT BLX FI LING 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HB 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 PLAN CHECK FEES FIFE SPRINKLEBS CLEAN UP DEPOSIT ERAL DESCBIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR o POST IN A CONSFICUOUS PLA,CE T0wt{ 0F l'Att BIJILtr'TNG; FEFIMIT o ,0 --l*fr,*Er&J€*;d4urL€B€'G.T}Jffi a *IAVE - /t / READ Tlfls AFPLICAIION AND STATE fHAT Tt{E, /t /a-, LAcovE rs coRBEcT AND AGREE ro coMpr"y {4&u //4WITH AtL TOSAI ORDTNANCES AND STArE / / ' ( TOTAL LOT ABEA, FLOOR AREA BATIO EASEMENTS VARIA C€ UNCOVERED DATE ****w)/al6,nfrqFre,Exnryur*re Npt W t@utffiyrWWl""lyfpEL. il ',, a ,! i .' l' t/ |:l.lI r t, ,l | ! -.../ 'a I T0ltt{ 0t t'A tt BUILE'INGT FEFIMIT HAVE T THE TO COMSLY AND STATA UNCOVEBED EASEMENTS S]GI'IATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR } TOWN OF l/A IT BUILEIING PEFIMIT '3 '*',, VABIANCE UNCOVERED RMIT #4 NEAD THIS ABOVE IS CORNECT AND 1*t*.P, STATE THAT TlIE AGREE TO COMPLY TOWN SIGNATURE OF CES AND STATE lli lnr;n n $ftt box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-s613 department of conrmunity developntent flec<:rfu 5, 1.979 Tirnberfalls Oorp. Box 537 Vai1, Colorado 8165? fl:flXfrlClil: JIM FEINECIG, BOB RlEm Dear Jim & Bob: The Torvn of Vail E:ilding Departrnent has rnade the final- inspection of Building #16 at Tirrberfalls at Vail, and and has found tl-re bullding ready for occupancy. If there are zlny further questions, please feel free to cont act n4r office. Official S:df Sincerely, .") /'_4 /= Steve Patterson Chief Buildtng 4-:__ .A-r.CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community danelopment TYPE OF PERMIT MECHANICAL tr - ffjurlorruc ffpLurusrruc EfElecrntcru n routolnoN oNLY hu rtlai LEGAL DESC. AME:fi ER ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR-ft ;ffJ^iiah arwe@ MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. MAIL ADDRESS CllY 4//UEZ) PH. FIRM MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHAN FIRM MAII ANDRFSS ctw PH. OTHER CONTRACTO ,o6 tt/tqftB pRoJEcr No.il-- t1a ft9 173 tI AB & tur t@ t eur@) t+F-1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP DrvrsroN RIPTION OF PERMIT NO. z * J BUILDING lf8h.4r73 ELECTRICAL ' ,/1:. o qfl PLUM BING zd ss-o MECHANtCAT"' AtElt-ir) -* rYPE GRouP s6.fr.' ' vaLUATloN PERMIT FEES U l{z 7-t l7/-7L {4sz,tl Bu[gqg PERMA /a{O. 6 o M /59b 39 qao V{o?chitrUli^-,L,-=3 8.zo q74 zr\q9 ELECTRICAL 4?-ZO PLUMBING 2 tn, s-o MECHANTCIL 3' ' soNEW trZf ALTERATION O ADDITIONAL REPAIR D*ELLTNG uNrrs /&- o""o*roDAtoN uNrrs=t e a.re.l/r?qSOnErEDRooMS Z!- coMMERCTAL sysr -RESTAURANT SEAT|NG T HEf cHT rN FT. - BATHTUB/'H0*ER z-4 No FIREPLAcES J-"o.ro,rrt, 'zrl covERED 'ARKTNG --6- r*"our*ED 'ARKrNc - *&?i{8,ffi /4?a,Ys- DESIGN REVIEW BOARD @-oc) CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT ./Ao. oo TOTAL PERMIT FEES 3 qqry.3{ fTfuN rtlsuurtoru -;3p dttc4, FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE I THICKNESS R.VALUE NING NOTES:EG t/ Ft-tb 4,z-".-S_ HEAT READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT AAOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY ELEC: I GAS: SOLAR: IWOOD: VAIL WATER E SAN. DIST. TAP FEE SPECIAL NOTES: II i ,.t Town of Vail ELECITRICAL PMMIT Job N N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 376 $-...-.......-...........-.-. A... - -.t- t.{ A A..,.{v).. 6.......... J_.7., (!" l_ _.... *.......J!.:.& ".... t...... ...7!-: k8..... Electrical Contractor Date of Application---- .- -- feg' .-d3""..--..-..--..--.""-..-..---.-.rs.-L.L--.---,---"-- L);,L /*rr'-*, _t evorica^t ...r,ffi2"AJ- {= &c*u^* APPROVALS Date Paid....... ... 3.:d.3. :.).) Received u"-... .-. .K.ktrgg0 POSTED Ot{ TRUGTIOT{ 24 HOIJRS ADVAI\ICE NONCE RF4IJTNED FOR INSPECITONS I THIS FORM IS rIi a. r. Hora(Er.o,r oErlvtR 3r.43, lr, PLL| MEt I NG'./ M ECHAN I CAL TOWN OF VAIL viltu I PEFIMIT MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALuArfoN $ /J, rhO VALUATION $ FEMARKS:REMARKS: t PERMTT ,rrtf, Qn- nn PERMIT FEE plta-a5)) ffiq/, rorAl FEES: r 8n ff office of the town manager September ?0, L977 I box 100 uail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Timberfalls Duplex James Reinecke Box 53?vlirl-cororado 8t6bz Re: Lot L4, Bighorn 4th Dear Mr. Reinecke: As a representative of tbe Town of Vail, Departnent ofcommunity Development, r would like to express my congratulations" to you for the fine building you reeently eonstructed on theabove named property. I feel that'your home is a welcomeaddition to Vail and on behalf of the Department of CommunityDeveJ-opment, would like to express my appreciation f,or yourefforts. In order to receive a Certificate of Occupancy (the official document that permits you to occupy your permises) it is necessary.that your driveway and parking area be paved in accordance with theZoning ordinance of the Town of vai1. rt is also necessary thatyou submit a landscaping p1an, receive approval of the plan fromthe Design Review Board, and install the plantings shown on your approved pIan. If it proves impossible to have this work done in the nearfuture, the Town of Vail can issue you a Temporary Certificate ofOccupancy upon you agreeing to have this work done prior to anutually agreed date in the future. If, in fact, you are not the owner of the afore mentionedproperty, of if this work has been eompleted or will be completedwithin 2 weeks, please disregard the latter portion of thiscorrespondence. Please contact me, at youryour lntentlons on this matter,questions about this notice. earliest convenience, regardingor in the event you have any Sincerely, BiLl PierceBuilding Official BP/di T0lryl{ 0F E'UILETINGi l|A tt PEFIMIT o"**o*ruool ,o,^, , n/fu CATION AND STA1E THAT TII9 UNCOVEFED VARTANCE ,C,NCSS .fi{O Sr,lri STGNATURE OF OWNEB OB CONTRACTOR I a Totryl{ 0f t|A t[ EIUILEIINGI FEFIMIT UNCOVEREO EASEMENTS VABIAIVCE ATq TflA1 THE". AGBS.t aO COMPi,y. INCES AND SqATE CONSTBUCTION. SIGNATURE OF. OWNER OB CONTRACAON, TOTAL LOT ARIA FLOOR AREA FATIO UNCOVE.EED box 100 vail, colorado 8165? t3031 476-s613 department of community development November 9, 1978 Timberfal l s Corp. Box 537 Vaj 1 , Col orado 81657 ATTENTI0N : ,l IM REINECKE Dear Jim: The Town of Vail Building Department has made thefina'l inspection of Building #'14 at Timberfalls at Vail, and have found the build'i ng ready for occupancy. If there are any further questions, p'l ease feel freet0 contact my office. Sincerely, Mark hl. MarchusChief Building 0fficial Ml,,M/di box 1(X) vail, colorado 81657 {303) 476-s613 department of community development December 20, 1978 TimberfaLls Corp. Box 537 Val1-, Colorado 81657 ATTENTION: JIM REINECKE Dear Jim: The Town of Vail Building Department has made thefinal inspection of Buildlng #15 at Timberfalls at Vail, and have found the building ready for occupancy. If tbere are any further questi-ons, please feel freeto contact my office. Sincerely, ,4Azn"Zz,lA4aL Mark \{. Marchus Chief Building Official MWM/di April 3, box 100 vail. colorado 81657 13031 476-s613 L979 department of community development Reinecke Construction Box 537Vail, CO 81657 Gentlemen: The Building Permit applied for in December forTimberfalls Building 16 is ready. The total permit fee is $3497.7b. Sincerely, :h.dlu lut Catherine A. JarnotBuilding Dept. Aide caj 7tt E.ci F- -l!=Z=,Oo -t --TII 3,I ARCHITECT Fr: o< - lt1 z^ <Yaa -l z m n C) I z N I \. -toi f. n f-ooI ! m -l I D--o m 'tlt- I tn { m mz -l m =-t {:-.f r- I r,€ > x| >=c!Fr| €*o>:- ro | '- : q ,,';I F>'-':-r-zt P: ; F *,-nil ;'";Iltr < | I: g * i;v,4l : z i i < r\l^ | : z lt - >'J-: | "- Q>o-:l Eg'la - =*l ii'd :7'i{1 | Vt>!ar 0-t\f.l r * = =';-:{l :'inl- ?t(rprEiE;l ;3.ill 6l dcdl- dl Fti.r2"l z;I;i I I tz m -lm czo n m iil ..{ iifiY, z - z I t- taz m l- m ;i z n VALUATION