HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments - 1978-1993(5;qhocn 3cA AJcX'.tion stlc \ 6\s 3, q, s-. 1l 10. g3 03:5btt )i<SLIFER. AND FDi TSI.EPISNI(s)4D24' tELE;AX [rEl atltlL $mn, 9umr & Fnrurronr,Inc. iFAI. AS'ATE EIOI,SIb A N U CTJNEU ITI AN 'F ?30 tttltE sTnEET vAlL coLonAE fi667 tlovenber 10, 1993 !ft): l.l.lce ltollloa FROlls GcorEe IrnbREr Slerra trtle Rootlng Icatorday I drove to Bouldcr and vlcr.red thc Clrclc. rccidcnco at !.071 IsIe Tlrh houre featured a glerra thake i.ngtallatlon whl.ch I fnlt workwcII with thc pnrticulor roof pltch of the bulld"tng and thc aurroundl.ng nelghborhood. I fe€I thrt we heve to be receptlve to ncw natertala a6 thcy coneon l:lnc and be flcxible in our guidcllnce to pernit appropriateappltcatlong. In the case of the Tuft Reroof I would allow the application of aOicra ghakc on tlre entire triplex. Hy reatonlng la that the roof on this particular structure can l)ot be eeen other than from fntergtate 70 and frorn a distance where its unigue ctraracteristics and composition could not be dietinguielrerlfrou a norual wood shake roof. I Bhould stress that thls approval should not be interpreted as approving this rocrf sbyle and nraterial for general applicatlon lnVail. Such approval would be on a case by caee baeis and would also alepend Iargely an the longevity, durablltty and furEher revlew of then Tuft Roof appLication. I sen6e that apptlcations uith greater roof pitch and visibilitywill have to be carefully exarnined prior to approval. I would alEo reconrrnend to Steve Hyans that his firm consider a color which is both natural and varled a5 to better nlnic nood shakes- W.6K ' N't ,-/ A* A"-"4, *@ ryd#.- &/€" @2A PAZ NEV 1? '93 @9t56 o HUSTSN & HUfITON CONETRUCTION Coloffido I}|drlbut,ot of Slsrra nooang 9881 Bo. Zurrl 8t. Englewood' Colorado 80110 (808) 7t1'8885 8o Tlhom it t'laY Concernt Regarding- the Sierra shake Roofing- S-yslgTr' I have no problea till the adloinins onii" ri-roofing wiqh thie- gyelen' Alaor I nay Jlinej.-d€?-uiiriq thiE systen on dty unit in the f,uture. @28 PA3 NOU 1? '93 E9:55 HUITTON & HIJBTON CONSTBUCTION Colorndo Dbtdbutor ol Elerra Booflng S88r go. Zunr Bt. Englti/oo4 Colorado 801 l0 ($08) 781-8086 Bo Whom lt IdEY Conc€rnl Reqarding the Sierra th; adjoinlng unite ooneidd-r uging thie thake Roofing Syeten, I hava no problen ltith iilioofing sfrttli thtE Eygtem. AIao' r nay syttem on urY unLt in the future. 4 t{ bt<3 t _- jFb.^^- o s/J-,r-.t^-*(//'3.73 -- \r* a-"1 n*-tl"^ 2/? 3jlq o /ot I /,100O s.4+aLn,,t st -D€a r,6.o cAl(Pa<A n(*/ -BsrLb€/L yftL€ 4, .Bs-vuse( N. zs{ /L Cyoubss) n/L€/ PAzl>c o? tlornel , ft,c,l4\A , + 706 I V"La{ 4-k 72/, s/s-a,a4 _*44a6- /nr,sz47rU KJ ,]Zew pn*t >S/ -,rd 6 z NgD$Ci 0 6lvr.r 3FF- r 3-9il Ha1 =7F\ "-rHF rF|nl.{ l,|Al.a" o DllS .F.- n.+- I. N.LqE OF 0WltSRg: must Provldc a currtrrL f,&E lllgr t FIE $ 20.003 s0.00 E 100 .00 $200.00 64C0.00 6500. o0 r,OT l!{ijA : lf req,rl rodr 6lrDl I canr,EEanped suuvey slroulng lor irea. (sra,r ryl,r-s;It IlTl, : I lI I : i 9IJ rj t "Sn l.!s lI J !! r ve,: Fq**' R-ui'o^r,Lil'#"*r,o ^., 6^,GL€de,n\--Tlt'P"A:B.e s:lq#tota-i=:'^;i ri 2-ts?o f, .lli',1 * 6t*r^ruRr (s) r\-;-' Uri i I iho tddrrs5I:fl-.I: J. Condonlnlulr Apgroval lf n}Flicartc. ,.t.: .?51 fTpr DRB lceur as ihown above, lre t,o bc psld atd v \ thc Ltrtr€ Dt EuhmlLt.ll or Dru, rFpltcaglon. Litsr, nhgl\s-/ rpprytng lor a buttrtlng eer"rtil-piiiii ii"ntrlv-lfre '-" accurrfg valuatton of tbe propgsdl. lhe toun 6t vairwlll actJveE uhe fcc -!ccorct'tnE'io lt,r trUts [dto*, -[o- cl'tgut.s the corrcer_ lee. I c pald. Fr4 ..qcHqPUt.Ej VJII.UAT IONI 0'0 10,0'10s10,00r-9 50r001)s 50,00) - $ 150,000s150,00r - $ 50rJ,000$r00,00r - $1r 000, 000$ Over Srr 000,000 r Dtslelr rtrlrrEw lorlt) tiFRovlJr txlssds oxr yr'r{r rF.rER prrr|tAttRo\au, ufr,Ess .f, DUIr.DrRc SERMII rs issuuo AND corfstEgcito[| rs8TTRTED. *^NO Aftl,rcr'TIoH HtLrJ BE pROCESg&u nrTHo0t oqNER, S g toltstttfrl I ]vrrcc c/r/gr IIPLICIIION - tOHfl Ol VAr&, COt4rB,lDO Dlrr ^FFi,rcrrroH REcErvEDr SfCD{stP I i i{io?DhrD oF DRB HEDUNCI @!f-r?nf ' \' '.'.t ttrtltrala __..T.nr8 r'tslcAEtoN |frt,! Iot EI Jtccr;stlErlulf rcILrt,r,RteutnlDrr'owiiiOfr -ri-grBr{r.--irro t.la*ltttt 9ROJECT, rNFoRil)\trION i A. DlSCRIprroNr , r&ffget_@IL -_ E. IYPE OI.REVIEW: ." Nse ConrtrucEicrn (tZOO.0Ol .X utnod Alteratl.on ($e0.00)_ Arldition ($S0.00,.rssrr.it:rr lerv.uui. _._..,.-ConccFtu€I hevler, (SglC, ADDRE$S! 45tS 6tl, Agcj_r-::{\, u..rfT .f V*tL covr A.JUr(uirE i 4)15 Et(r l{ O&,I---,(b___t4llli !/+tL cr} atlf )D, LEGAL pE$cRrpTroN: rrVT__t:.2. Elock I S ubd J vi s i on - -*6$Arpfd;5U_$.)tr)g..l-_tl property tg Csscrtbed.hy a n.atS A{rd bounds lagal|::gTlp!l.tr.ptenee.provtrd on i-iipiiiri-iiii* cnaasEacD to thlr alrPllcatton. F F. G. z0N fNC: ,ttT,P-r r,fi.-.efi,. i, tl,o l'i. ?Fr " THF TRnl.l HAl.l"F - 9-t :.l I.lELeL_uAlrE&LAtE" LnGAr, tr$scRr f,f lor.I !SUBDIVI S ION STREI]t' ,IDDRESS ! DEGCRlPtlOll Of, PROJECT t -l€$epL E!'IH stct4&_s*a trt l)re f o l,lowirrg iuf,or'ftitrt lolr lg RsvlGH Doard befvrie a final reguir€d fer submittf,l Eo tha prsiEtl approvll can be given: .l,yt.'j,: Ql,. MAr't,lttJ AT, C(rt,O.ll -s16g A, nu ILDlt.r(,: rrt4't'trRJAl,{r i t{oof Sldtng Qthar WalI HsLerlal s r'nsciIl $offlts Wt ndows Hlndot| Tri.n DSOrfi l)oor Trl m llrnd or rreck Ral I i Fr uca Flrrehings Chlftneyt TraOh Encl.6srtr:es Grcanholrics 0thef, q lANgacAFINCl NRflic of Daslgncr t !holiE: FL'INt Y!'.TERI'\LS: PROI'OIiRD TREES EITgTIHC TREBg TO BE SSMOVED 8-ilLi11d$$LNurr,e Gsl15'Jr Nartg pga$lit( .sjg!: *tndlcaLe calips5 f cr ci(.ciduous tree$, .tt!4i |,!,luLC a.UEel-lS. ggF,J3lr.Q,!$,.,t,r e€ q- ifi"-zJ.Lgjtj,C* IncucaL $ hcighL fqr conlf.toulffie c . gffihiIp!-f.gl:...$ll&igs gquq, I r'ee r .r t--$-.t f .!-.- \ -T PIEASE I.fAKE TOWN OF VAIL DEPART|\,TE)iT OF COM;VIIJNITY DEVELOP}IENT S.TLES ACTION FOR:\{ ZC.\'I^.^O .\\D ADDR.ESS !'tAtS0l 0000 4t510 0l ct\10 424 t5 TINIFOL\ I S U[DL\-G CO D E UMFOR\{ PLU}6[\O CODE0l &)00r2.{15 0l 000042.il5 .l UMFoR-\.tl\fEcHr$'lcAlcoDE 0t 00c0 {t{15 UNIFOfu\f FIRE CODE 010co042{t5 N,\TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE OTIiER CODE EOOXS0t 0000 {24 r5 0t co00.il513 B LUE PR,I\TTS OIYAiRS ol criol{2{lr | >:eaoxcopgs/s'iuDcs 0r 00co 1?3t I PENA I,TY FE ES / R E.L.'-s PECT'ION S 0l 0!c0{r332 | PL,t\ REVI$V RE.CI-:ECX FEE ts<o FER liR. 0t 0000 {2323 OFF '{OURS t\isPECTION FEES CONTL\CTORS LICE\S ES FEIS0l 0000.t1{t2 SICN APPLICAI]ON FEE 0t 0000{1330 .0r c\1001t1!3 ADDITION,lI. SIGNAGE 'EE 15I.OO PER SO.IT.0t 000041{t3 lTC ART PROfeCT DONATION P,AJD DESIGN REI'IEIVBOARD FlE OI C'01ff6T4T2 I SUTLOTNC-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COI'IPUTER DI 0l 0000 41010 T6x 0l 0000 42371 rNvEsrrcATroN FEE (BUTLDTNG) I ?oTAL ou", 0t 000011130 0 t 00c0 .il 3 -i0 0t 0000 .t I 0l 01100!1330 ' TSPECLALD ".. * * * ttc * 1* * ikt sFP-t =-9= t4 a',r =1'it "THF T t? |-i l-l t,|Al.l" IlSLtctrlION - jtorrd of vIIt , DITI AlPLtCr\rroN RnCr:J\rED IDAIE Of DRB I{E[IIN6: rrlt**tara o DRB fvrrcd c0ldrutDo P. F\? 9l.lst tl?-,"-- - _ _._ rr0? L rErS rlp!:ctt.loH hrrL HOr Er lccsparDUNft! ffJTJ RlQgtllD ,trNf0r |tEtOrt ts as${t|tfU -P,BQitEQt 1 !ir,'!-rlrhrr\|_r.gl{ ; B. TYPE OF REVI EtI ! -New conot riret ion ($200.001 -hrldition ($50.00) C, ADDf,,E8S ! D. I,ECTL DESCRI FT IqN: _,,!!r.llnor Alre.rasi6n (9A0. OO! ConcopluoI ncvlte (90I # ilLf,Lll LE rnd boundt lagt Issptrate shcot end E" f. ZoNING: _ LOr rUctht r i_Jeq ir +dntampcd 3u NIWE OF AT,[.Hall)E.r/ ca nt muct Provldc a currentlrer. ,'-:Q. ?u rJ I s H.uNiii . (:+c*- Aytd.) RESENTAT IVE I tlg{g1!-Egg4@|5|(,rcrru'l cJl.lll i; | 5r cEETl,lu, t s\/tng -n.ie \<lomlal Dtn 1911.the tl aPplyl accutwilI en9u t':: l:':.' :,:::':;:::: .,)V::,|&lli/ t,!uhhit!61 of DRD spFlLusLlorr, Literr rhcnv. vr\r, .|||.||'..uce.vrr, !qr5., rr.f a DuJlfling tcrrnlLr plcusc ldentlty th€l$ali,)rt of Llru proposol. fhe loen of 9rl1Lhe fec accardlng Lo the tablc belo*, toco!-recg f€s lE psid. l.lP-PAtD ! g FFD $ 20.00$ 50.00 $r00,00 fP00,00 $4 00,00 t500,00 VALUT\TION0 - t 1cr00o 01 - s 50,0000t - $ l50,0oolsfi o0r - $ 5o0r0Q0 500,001 - $1,000,000Ovcr $f r 0C0.000 . DEgICII tEl'JEW EOI.RD tPpROvl! ExprnEg oNE IEt,t tfrER ttlu!rtlno\rA! UXLE$S .f, EUrLDrNq pEru,lrr rs rsguED tllD coHstlgcftolt rt STARTED, r rNo .f,rpl,rcATrolt HJI,L BE tRocIgsED tfl8ltggT o?tNElt, g 8l6lt'lBuru Subdlvl -q I on 6 tc.t{or\---- ft propcrty lE cteacjhrgdescrlpLlon, pl erf prcuitllaclr Eo Ehts atxr'lX*rt i o . FF- t 3-q3 i,i n :'i:19 "TFIF Ttl-ll.{ |'lAt.{ - :.&T", Af -UArsBrAr+so F-A. I:::. t: rxom*, Petcql fuIurqgl4amrrJlctn nr,t'44ru{aEr+0{&,h.r.ECAL DFgcRrr,Trt)Nr r.,tu,_$.. "I,OC,K ..1 . s,lrorrrrrr;;;ilB; sTREtt ADDITE gs t _-4_5,1{ Cl|tlc,t,.t (t\ rrrrr ,, uo,, - )J. { (jlsrREEr ADDTTE s s t J!;- r { _€J4tjg=S+"_q.,,r .r,. y,+r "'- i0ffi ' osscRrtTlotl ot PRoJEcrt j.6,{.ocF arrnt Srdof+_ sfa.r.--FZfo) The . foLio',r.tng {nfoFnflt i on LsRlview Board btfore fl final ^. EUIIbINC MATERITTIS ! Rool S t di4y oLhcr Wal l ltar,crt I $ FrtclB Soffl I * wlDdovr s lvlndow f r.inl Doors Dqot Trlm llFnd or Dguk Ral ts FIuis Flaeni ngc chlllln+yt lrrEh Enel orure$ Grconho$te,! Othcr Eegulrod for r h,nittfrl !o$FF{aval g.ur bc gl vrn; TYPE OF UA?ERI,)[ , \ ,, COLOR ..srsd(4_{rElg_(_sriy'. r.r4 _-l Sfin sArtG' tho Drrlgn t.I,J|NNSCAF]NG:HArnC Af Pir8l g er rrrllste: BXISTING l,Rli:tig TOfIE R'LMOVEIJ E LT|NT t{r,Tt h't ht,S t $eqf.til-e.t l. ltrr{rl frJi0Eax,. dnFq gUt hsl r,g S1lgDEOPOSED I.REES *IndlgsgE cali!r*r. f or dcclduous trees, Mr.n j4lsFgil,Ugil"gE fEE{9uo'r-'|ft$'-lr, z: Jnc}(ti." tncttiiii n'il!f,l ror conrreroust lsf E. tsLE$t$-.}clsnL-t or 5a.r l-t9-rs$sJbrsrl f *_g glS.*- - - - -- JiFP- 1 --q=.Fl t-r Fl '1 5: {f,rr T1-lF T Prrh{ t'l a hl "o DAtib'r 80l FAT Ir P$Crc*S! NOldSs FtFpI!{rLE Tn IFEHIFE++H fIIEeIfr?l B Jls'......'....................'...._t- LcAEt€l 5 INetuD+||g covsF ErfEEs 'iELEPlloNE I r (303) rAx lr (303) T'LEASE CAI,T. IF }I.I.l PtrGE$ ? 8r-5661 ?89-913? riERE UoI RECEIYSD -' .*fet'e fitn$I( rout H//F.d |S. 3I3t 5. 2rrrri Sl.. Srritr, :,(l:! / t'rrrrl..!1ir1rrrl f.rl.re,..l.. Q.}1 tlr , r'llr'r\'rlr ':t.r,'t ni\ I\ I l\ R[fro., ,6199t HUSTON & HUSTON CONSTBUCTION Colorado Distrlbutor of Sierra Rooltng 3231 So. Zuni Street lilnglewoodz Colorado EOllO (308) 781-6862 September 14, l90g Loralei Donaldson Town of Vall Communtty Development 76 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81667 Re: Contract Revlew Denise K. Huston HUSTTON&EUSfi)coNsrBucuoN Mr'*{A ) & ,67" ^ Nq Mr. Edward Koplln, 46O5 Bighonr Rd., Unit #4 g) Dn Charles Ttrft, 4596 Bighorn nd., Unit #6 | l ' bn!q lrb 44-2- t.^ l'(o @4Enclosed are $20.00 feee for the above captioned homeg as rrequested. If you have any queetlone or commenta, please feel free to call me at 781-5666. Thankyout TOI'!'N O[ VArL APPI-,ICATION ITON VANIANCD Application Date Publication Date Public }learing Dat Name Name of of Applicant Owner if different from Applicant Mailing Legal Description: Iot b , Block Filing AeF" property is unpla ted's bmit metes and boun s description as Exhibit) Application is hereby made for a Varj-ance from the provlsions of section 18. li .0 60 of the trunicipat code for the roqn of vail in order to airow: a Ilow cons-frn.'ft oa hlln A.o €oat {-ro^f Saf. [oa.cK -qroa, lua Zone District. cant APPLICATION IfILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNI,ESS ACCOTIPANI BY THE FOLLOIIING: 1. llearing Fee - $100.002. Site plan, floor plan and other documents as required by Zoning Administrator. . 3. A LIST OF THE OIVNEI?S OF TIIE PROPERTIES rvithin 3oO-feet in a Single-Family Residential , Trvo-Family Residential , or Two-.Family Primary/Secondary Residentia'f- Zone District; or adjacent to the subject property in alI other zone districts. The owners list sha1l include.the na"me of all owners, their mailing addresses aud the 1ega1 description of the property orvned by each. This shaLl be made available to be used for the rrrailing of Notice of Hearing. The proper number of pre-addressed, stamped envelopes shall accompany the -1idt 4.. A descript.ion of the precise nature of the Variance: l. Before acting on a variance appl.ication, the Planning & Environmental Commission shaIl consider the follorving factors rvith respect to the reque''stcd vari&nce: l. tlelorc rctlng on l virllrnc(' :r!tpllcotion. thc P'- 2' 'the Dlinqlng & Envlro[dent'l cornblsston shrll make the I Etrvr ronnrrlr t r l c(rnunr.ss lon 6hrll c(rnsid.!r tto rorro,'rnillilli." r"tt"*l"E ftndings bc'torc grrntlng s rorlance: fltb rcsp(.ct ao thLr r*qut'sled varlullc(': . Th$ relatlonslttD o( tlr(' r'r'qutlsted varlonco to OthCr rlxtstlng Or pOtetrtttl Usr's lrtrd sLrrrctrtr.'s ln tllo vlclntty: . l'bc dr't:r'cc to lrhtch r('ll!'t fron th(r strlct or lltorlrl tnt('t'l)t'(.t:rt lorl IrIt! olr [orct'nlr'trt o( o $tt('c ( f lcd fc8ulntloo l$ [cc(':rs:try to $chi('\"c compntlbll tt-y :rnd un{(orrt|t(y o( trr.stn(:nt, i\rn)nl: sll("i ll! tlri.' ri\'lllity, or to nttxl|| tht) (rtrjcctlv('s uf tltti t1tl., l,it\.,.r1! Srnt:tol rl('cInI tlrlt l lcr:.; . Thr! otf!'ct o( tho r('{u.'st.d tlrltnco orr ll.r:ht tnrl !lr, dlsit'llrt|tto|r oa l)ol\rlrl(l()n, t r:!rl s I k] r t A t t () |l |tnd tr^l(lc t:\ctllrtrlr, t)r'l)lt(' I:r{'llttt!'a nud ntllltt.'5, rnd pulrtlc !:x t,,t t;, Srtfh ('th,'r' fNclors $nd arttorlA n$ thrt coourl$ilon drra'nrrr q$lllc||l)lo to tho proporicd vxrll\ncqt - . Th^t thc Erantin6 ol thc r:rrlroce $ill not'constttuir' q r:r:lnt of sFcctal prlvilcS(' lncunslr;!cnt xlth ttrc llNlt:ltlons on o!hr'! propcrtles clnssl llcd ltt thq sliro dlst rtcl:Thrt the Irt\trtlng ol thc v:rtllrnce !rtll not bo dctrlmcntf,l to titc putrlic h(,'rlth, s:tfcty, or $r'Ifero' or nn!erlrrlly tnJurlous to propcrtlos of lnpruvctxcnls ln the vlcl|rtty; . th:tt the vitrllnco is worrontcd tor ooc or Dtoro ot tho to)l('vr0t rr'll:;otls: r. ) Tho strlct or lttcr'[l lntorprt't:rtton lnd o!lforcr'rr:arlt of tho 5l)(]cl fl('d ro*utll! t1'n $otlld r,'.'iu!t !tl l)! r'. 11.'tll (ll (flctrlty or utln("'r" l'y^, ptlyrtctlI l':rr.l .hl]i 1ll('o|lsl]itt'llt rrltlr tl"' trl'Jr'( llttlc ol thtr| ttt lt-'. b' )'lllt'r'r nrl! t!!(r"i!l)tlonAl or ottr!\otrlltllrrv Gf rcrrnl:rtnnc.'.i t,t' t'|ltt(ll t lrrtr: trltltl lctlttt(' t'-r - tlll n r to Ol l.hr' v:rrlrur,'r' llrrt (l() rt,'t ui'itty gt'rrrrr'rl lv tt) ('thuc pr'(r|loct l,:l tll t!|lr !;*tn') ? nr!. c.) llltt rrtrf'l t'1 111' r'rrl llllorl'r"titt ['rrl llnd olltcrcr'rrl,'tr! (,t lltt' trl'('r:tl l''rl r'"1:lllutlr'll rvr'rtltl '1"||! lvrl tlro rlpl lt trrrl t!t t'trlt i"r' " r'rr.liiy}d I'v ll" r'ntr'!rr ('I othor [rl!,lt('l t l(':l lx I'lld r''tlr" (ll:tLl tct ' I nE : '7tf'r: :'at-t'-' DECI,ARATI o oF covENAt{TS, CONDTTTONS, RESTRTCTTONS EASEMENTS AT].ID PARTY WALLS FOR lioopRrDcE Tor^JNHousEs THIS DECLARATION, made on the date herelnaft.er set forth by Woodridge Townhouses hereinafter referred to as trDeclaranttr. WITNESSETH: Whereasr. Deelarant is the owner of certaln property ln the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, which is more particularly described as: Parcels A thru E. a resubdlvlsrnn5 of Parcels 3-5. Block 1. Blehorn Subdivision, Third Addition' Vail , Eagle County, Colorado. NOhl, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that that part of the property described above which is described as Parcel s , Woodridge Townhouses, shal1 be held, sold and conveyed subjecE to the following easements, restrictions, covenants, and conditions, which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirabillty of, and which sha11 run wlth, the real- property and be binding on all parties havlng any rlght, title or lnterest in the described properties or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each or^rner t.hereof. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS !e.!iggl. rrAssociat.ion'r shall mean and refer to woodrldge Torrrnhouses Assoclation, its successors and assigns. Section 2. trohmerrt sha1l mean and refer to the record o\^lner,ffiffi-:ne or more persons or entities, of a fee sirnpre tttieto any Parcel which a part of the Properties, includlng contractsellers, but excluding those havlng such interests merely assecurity for the performance of an obligation. SecEion 3. f'Properties" shall mean and refer to lJoodridge Townhouses and such additions thereto as may hereafter bebrought within the jurisdict.ion of the association. o oNs oo Sectl-on 4. ttCommon Areatr shaLL mean all real property including the improvements Ehereto or^rned by the Association for the cortrnon use and enjoyment of the or'^7ners. The Corunon Area Eo be ornrned by Ehe Association at the time of the conveyance of the first Parcel ls descrlbed as follows: those parts of the Properties which are not described on the plat enEitled Townhouses as numbered parcels; they are so designated on Ehe p1-at. (But see Artlcle VIII, SecElon 4.) Sectlon 5. rfParcelrr shall mean and refer to any plot of land shornm upon any recorded subdivision map of the Properties with Ehe exceptton of Ehe Common Area. Section 6. ttDeclaranttt shall mean and refer to its successors and assigns lf such successors or assigns should acquire more than one undeveloped Parcel from the Declarant for the purpose of devel-opment. ARTICLE II PROPERTY RIGHTS Section 1. Owqersr Easements of E:qlpyqgnt. Every ohTner shall have a right and easemenE of enjoyment in and to the Cormnon Area which sha1l be appurtenanE Eo and shall pass with the title to every Parcel , subjeet to Ehe following provisions: (a) the right of the Associatlon to charge reasonable admission and other fees for the use of any recreational facility siEuated near the Common Area. (b) the right of che Assoclation to suspend Ehe vottng rights and right to use of the recreational facilltles by an owner for any period during whlch any assessment against his Parcel remains unpaid; and for a period not to exceed 6O days for any infraction of its published rules and'regulations; (c) the rlght of the AssociaEion to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Area to any public agency, authority, or uEility for such purposes and subject to such condltions as nny be agreed to by the members. No such dedication or transfer shall be effective unless an -2- I o rumentlnst agreelng to such dedicatlon or transfer slgned by 3l4t s of each class of members has been recorded. (d) the right of the indivldual onrners to the exclusive use of parking spaces as provided in thls article; (e) reasonable rules and regulations governing use of the Common Area, enacted by the Assoclationts Board of Dlrectors. Sectlon 2. Delegation of Use. Any owner may delegate, in accordance with the By-Lards, his righf of enjoymenE to the Common Area and facilities to the members of his famlly, his tenants, or contract purchasers who reside on the property. Section 3. Parking Rights. Chsnershlp of each parcel shall entitle Ehe ornrner or owners thereof to the use of not more than 2 automobile parking spaces, which shall be as near and con- venient to sald parcel as reasonably possibl-e, together with Ehe right of ingress and egress ln and upon said parklng area. The association shall permanently asslgn 2 vehlcle parking spaces for each parcel , whlch right of use shall be an appurtenance of said parcel , and may not be conveyed or assigned separate from ownership of the parcel to whlch it is appurtenant. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP AI{D VOTING RIGHTS Section 1. Every owner of a parcel which is subject to assessment shal1 be a member of the Assoclation. Membership shall be appurtenanE to and may not be separated from ownership of any Parcel whtch ls subject Eo assessment. The annual and speclal assessments, Eogether with lnterest, costs, and reasonable attorneyts fees, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a contlnuing 1len upon the property against which each such assessment is made. Each such assessment, together witsh lnterest, costs, and reasonable atEorneyrs fees, shall al so be the personal obligation of the person who was the Oryner of such property at the tlme when the assessment fell- due. The personal- obligatLon for delinquent assessments shall not pass Eo his successors in title unless expressly assumed by then. -3- j se"tlot? p.rtoo"u of n"""="*..t".Orn" ."""""t"rrts revi;d by the Associatlon shall be used excluslvely to promote the recreatlon, health, safeEy, and welfare of the resldents in the Propertles and for the lmprovement and maintenance of the Cormnon Area, and of the hornes situated upon the properties. Sectlon 3. Maxlmum Annua1 Assessment. Until January 1 of the year irunediately followlng the conveyance of the first Parcel Eo an Owner, the maxlmum annual assessment shal1 be $ per Parcel . (a) From and after January 1 of the year iurnediately following Lhe conveyance of the first Parcel to an Owner, the maximum anilral assessment may be tncreased each year not more than 5% above the rnaximum assessment for the prevlous year withouE a vote of the membershlp. (b) From and after January 1 of the year lrnmediately following the conveyance of the first Parcel Lo an Owner, the maximurn annual assessment may be Lncreased above 5"/. by a vote of 3/4's of each class of members who are voting tn person or by proxy, at a meetlng duly called for this purpose. (c) The Board of Directors may fix the annual assess- ment at an amount not in excess of the maximum. Sectlon 4. Speclal Assessments for Capltal Improvements. In addltlon to Ehe annual assessments authorLzed above, the Association may levy, in any assessment yeaf, a special assess- menE applicable to that year only for the purpose of defraying, in whole or i-n part, the cost of any constructlon, reconstruction, repair or replacement of a capital- lmprovement upon the Common Area, including fixtures and personal property related thereto, provided that any such assessment shall have the assent of the votes of each class of members who are votlng ln person or by proxy aE a meeting duly called for this purpose. Section 5. Notlce and QUorum for Anv Action Authorized Under Sectlons 3 and 4. Wrltten notice of any meeting called for Ehe purpose of taking any action authorized under Section -4- 3 or 4 shaLl sent to alL members not less more than 60 days ln advance of the meeting. such meetlng called, the presence of members entiEled to cast 70 percent of all the votes of membership shall constitute a quorum. If quorun ts nots present, another rneeting may be o be the same notice requi.rement, and the required quorr:m at the subsequent meeting shal1 be one-half of the required quorum at the preceedlng meetlng. No such subsequent meeting shal1 be held more than 6O days following the preceedlng meeting. Sectlon 6. Unlform Rat.e of Assessment. Both annr:al and special assessments musE be flxed at a uniform rate for all Parcels and may be collecLed on a monthly basis. Sectlon 7. Date of Conunencement of Annual Assessments: Due DaEes. The annual assessments provided for herein sha1l. comnence as !o all Parcels on the first day of the month followlng Ehe conveyanc.e of the Cormnon Area. The first annual assessmenc shal-l be adjusted according Eo Ehe number of months remalning ln Ehe calendar year. The Board of DirecEors shall fix the amount of the annual assessment against each Parcel at least thirty days in advance of each annual assessment period. Written notice of the annual assessment shall be sent to every Ornrner subject thereto. The due datses shall be esEablished by the Board of Dlrectors. The Assoclation shall, upon demand, and for a reasonable charge, furnish a certificate slgned by an offlcer of che assoclation setting forth whether the assessmenLa on a specified Parcel have been paid. A properly executed certificate of the Association as to the status of the assessments on a Parcel is binding upon Ehe Association as of the date of its issuance. Section 8. Exterior Maintenance. In addition to malntenance upon the Conrnon Area, the Association sha1l have the right Eo provide exterior maintenance upon each Parcel whlch ls subject to assessment thereunder, as follows: paint, repair, replacement and care of roofs, gutters, downspouts, exterior building surfaces, than 3O days nor At the fi-rsE or of proxies of each cl-ass the requlred called"subject to -5- o exterior lmprovements. O trees, shrubs, grass, walks, and other Such exEerlor maintenance sha1l not include glass surfaces. In the event that the need for maintenance or repair of a parcel or the improvements thereon is caused through the willful or negllgent acts of its or.7ner, or through the willful or negllgent acts of the farn11y, guests or invitees of the owner of the parcel needlng such malntenance or repair, the cost of such exterior malntenance, if undertaken by the Association, shall be added to and become part of the assessment, to which such parcel is subject. sha1l have the pwoer to levy a working capital aasessment uniformly on all parcels, in an amount of one htrndred dollars ($1OO,OO), payable at the Lime of purchase and refundable wlthtn 3O days from sale of property, of the owner lnvolved, subject to the deductlon for any obllgations owned by the owner Lo the Assoclation. of the Association. Any assessment not paid wlthin thlrty (30) days after the due date shall bear interest from the due date at Ehe rate of 6 per cent per annum. The Assoclatlon rnay brlng an action at law against the Ocmer personally obllgaEed to pay the same, or foreclose the llen agalnst the property. No owner may walve or oEherwLse escape liability for the assessments provlded for hereln by non-use of the Cornmon Area or abandonment of hls Parcel . The Association shall be enEitled fo recover lts reasonable attorneyts fees ln any legal action brought concernLng nonpa)'nent of assessments. lien of the assessments provided for herein shal-l be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage. Sale or transfer of any Parcel shall not affect the assessment lien. The sale or transfer of any Parcel pursuant to mortgage foreclosure or any proceedlng ln lleu thereof, shal1 not extinguish Ehe lien of such assessmenta as to pa)rments which became due prior to such sale or transfer. Section 9.Capital Assessment. The Associatlon SecEion 1O. Effect of Non enE of Assessments: Remedies Secti-on 11. Subordination of the Lien to Morteaees. The -6- No sale or transfer shall any assessmencs thereafter o rel-leve such Parcel from liabillty for becoming due or from the llen thereof. ARTICLE V ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL No building, fence, wa11 or other structure sha1l be com- menced, erected or maintained upon the Properties, nor shall any exterlor addiEion to or change or alEeratlon therein be made untll the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, material-s, and locatLon of the same shall have been submiEted to and approved ln writing as to harmony of external design and location in reLatlon to surroundlng structures and topography by the Board of Dlrectors of the Association, or by an architectural committee composed of three or more repf,esenta- tlves appolnted by the Board. In Ehe evenE sald Board, or its de- signated conrnittee, fails to approve or disapprove such design and locatlon within thirty (3O) days after said plans and specificatlons have been submitted to lt, approval w111 not be required and thls Article w111 be deemed to have been fully complied wiEh. ARTICLE VI PARTY WALLS Sectlon 1. General Rules of Law to Apply. Each wa1l which is bullt as a part of the original construction of the homes upon the Propertles and placed on the dividlng line between the Parcels sha11 constitute a party walI, and, to the extent not inconsistant with the provislons of this Article, the general rules of law regarding party walls and liabllity for property damage due to negligence or wiIlful acts or ormnissions shall apply thereto. Section 2. Shari of Repalr and Maintenance. The cost of be shared such use, required reasonable repair and maintenance of a party wa11 shall by the Oqrners who make use of the wall in proporEion to except that if repalr or maintenance of a party wal1 are -7- -Y because of th ongful negltgent of a unit, then the owner of that cost thereof, and such cost may be that Parcel . o e srr party wall is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, any Onrner who has used the wall may restore it, and lf the other Osners thereafter make use of the wall, they shall contrlbuEe Eo the eost of restoratlon thereof in proportion Eo such use wlthout prejudlce, however, to the right of any such Or^rners to call for a larger contrlbutlon from the others under any ru1-e of law re- garding llabiltty for negligent or wll-l-ful acts or omilssions. SecElon 4. Weatherprooflng. Notwithstandlng any other pro- vision of this Artlcle, an Owner who by his negligent or wiLlful act causes the party wall to be exposed to the elemenEs shall bear the whole cost of furnishlng the necessary protecElon againsE such elements. Sectlon 5. Rleht to Contrlbutlon Runs With Land. Section 6. Arbitration. In the event of any dlspute arising concernlng a party wall, or under the provlsions of this Article, each party shal-l choose one arbitrator, and such arbt- trators shal-l choose one addltlonal arbltrator, and Ehe declsion shall be by a majority of all the arbitrators. ARTICLE VII EASEMENT FOR PARKING SPACES Section 1. Locatlon and NaEure. Declarant declares an easement for parking spaces beside certaln of the Parcels, as shorrrn on the plat of Woodrldge Tor.mhouses Subdivlslon. Thl-s easement shall permit Declarant and the AssoclaEion to construct and malntaln covered parklng spaces, for use of the Orrmers, beslde those Parcels as shown on the plat, from the grade level oor willful- unit shall added as acts of an occupant be llable for the an assessment agalnst Sectlon 3. Destruction FLre or Other CasuaLty. If right of any Owner to contributlon from any other this Article shall be appurEenanc to the Land and such Or^zner I s successors ln tlELe. Ornrner shal-1 The under pass to I -8- o an opporcunlty to arrange effecting such action. for a nutually convenient tlmeand for ARTICLE IX GENERAL PROVISIONS Sectton 1. Enforcement. The Assoclatlon, or any Owner, shall have the rlght to enforce, by any proceedlng at law or ln equlty, all resErictlons, condltions, covenants, reservatlons, 1lens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of thls Deelaration. Failure by the Associatton or by any Orrner Eo enforce any covenant or restrlctlon herein conEalned shall ln no event be deemed a walver of the right to do so thereafter. Any party properly brlnging legal action under thls Declaration shal1 be entltled to recover hi.s reasonable atEorneyr s fees in such actlon from a party who has failed to observe the obligatlons imposed by this Declaratlon. Section 2. Severabilitv.InvalldaElon of any one of or court order shal1 shal1 rernain ln fulL these covenants or restrictlons by judgment ln no wise affect any other provislons whlch force and effect. Section 3. Amendment. The covenants and restrlctlons of Ehis DeclaraEion shal-l run with and blnd the land, for a term of twenty years from the date thls Declaratlon is recorded, after which time they sha11 be automatically extended for successlve periods of ten years. Thts Declarati-on may be amended durlng the flrsE twenty year period by an instrument signed by not Less than nlnety percent of the Parcel Orrners, and thereafter by an lnstrument slgned by not less than seventy-flve percent of the Parcel Owners. Any amendrnent must be recorded. Section 4. Staged Developments.. The plat of Woodridge Tornrnhouses subdivlslon presently shows the propertles as consistlng of Parcels A thru E, a resubdlvtsion of Parcels 3-5, Block 1, Bighorn Subdlvlsion, Third Addltlon, Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. This development ls definiEely planned, and is subject to Chese Declaratlons. Other parts of the sald Woodrldge Townhouses -10- of the parkl pace upwards to the begl ongs of the lmprovemenEs on those parcels, and extendlng laterally to the points shown on the plat. These parklng spaces, and the structures Ehereunto pertaining, shall be a part of the cormon area. The owner of these parklng spaces and the structures thereunto pertaining shall owe to the Owners beneath whose parcels these parking spaces and sEructures lie a duty co mainEain support of the ground and J-mprovements above them. ARTICLE VIII PARCEL USE AI.ID ACCESS SecEion 1.Subdlvlslon. Unless all other Owners agree, no parcel shall be further subdivided, nor shal1 the Corunon Area be partit!oned. Except pursuant to Artlcle V, and unless all other owners agree, no owner shalL renove or materially change the exterior improvements placed on his parcel by the Declarant, unless they have been destroyed or so darnaged that repair is lmpracticable. In case Ehe improvements on a parcel are so destroyed or damaged, the only improvements whlch can be placed on thaL parcel shall be a reasonabl-e reproduction of what ls being replaced. SecEion 3. ResldenEial Use. The propertles shal1 be used only for residenEial purposes, unless prior approval ls given by the AssociaEion Board of Directors and any governmental body with jurlsdiction in the rnaEter. Section 4. Appearance and Condltion. Owners and occupanBs of parcels from acts or omissions which detract from the aPPearance or conditlon of the propertles. Sectlon 5. Access. The Associatlon or lts agents may enter upon parcels and thetr improvements for the purpose of naking repairs or renovations, and for taking sEeps necessary to preserve the propertles and the health, safety and welfare of the owners. llhenever possible, an owner who parcel or lmprovements are to be subjectr to such action shall be given reasonable prlor notlee, onnlng of the foundation Section 2. o on naresubdlvlsl y be developed as resl-dentlal townhouses. DeclaranE or its successors ln interest may annex all or part of that other area to the real property whlch ls the subject of thls Declaration. Annexation may be accomplished by execution and recordlng of a declaratLon of annexati-on, incorporatlon this Declaration by reference, and by ftling a plat, subdivlding the area for resl- dentlal development. The annexed area sha1l be maintalned at common expense, and be llable for assessments therefore, when Declarant or its successors ln lnterest record the annexation declaratlon and plat referred to above. The owners of the parcels already subject to thls Declaratlon have use and enjoyment of the cortrnon area i.n the annexed part, and the or^rners of parcels ln the annexed area shall have use and enjoyment of the couroon area tn the original propert.les. Declarant or its successors ln lnterest may annex the area for residential development all aL once, or ln stages, as provided above. ARTICLE X INSI'RATICE The associatlon rnay allow each owner to provlde Lnsurang,e coverage for that parElcular parcel provlded that Ehe coverage shall have a ltability clause to protect the other olmers for any loss. The association, may by a vote of seventy percent of the membership, joln together in a single poltcy for protectton of each assoclation member, as Eo thelr lnterest. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ehe undersigned, belng the Declarant herein, has hereunto set it.s hand and seat thls day of L979. l.loodrtdge Townhouses, Declarant by: STATE 0F COLORADO)^- County of Eagle )oo' The foregolng instrurnent day of , 7979, Woodrldge Tor,mhouses. by was acknowledged before me thi s - or My cormnisslon expires Notary Public , PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN THAT John Wheeler has requested the vacation of the 1ot llne betveen Lots 3 arrd 4, Lots 4 and 5, and Lots 6 arrd 7, Block 1t Bighorn SubdlvLsion, Thlrd Additlon, Amended Plat. The request is bel-ng made ln accordance with Article IV, MJ.nor Subdivisions, of the Town of Vail Subdivision Regulat lons . A Publlc Hearing will be held ln accord wlch Article III, Sectl-on 2 of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Vail before the Town of Vall- Planning & Environmental Con'mission on November 74, L978 at 3:00 P.lt. Said hearing will be held in the Va1l Munlci.pal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTT,IEM 0F COMMUNTry_ nEVEr:PuENr \W4,4,,ld,re) James A. Rubin | /Zoning Admi nis tratorL Publlshed in the Vail Trail October 27, L978. ---_] i I \ o E z z on o q I :E$ E E gr :gIiE:E {g:ilitr : I tfl g$;i';r i;lei * i i ;: ; I I s i g f I i i H li l EII I ; i [EffiFgif,Eg F i i iF : i i fl I ; i; I i ;$* i ; I g i ; ; EE;ffEiiflsfi i if i; I ri ; i i v 3 n i r i s g n; ii i s cslsrs:ilEB s i;FF Ef i ue g H i: r [;ii:;i F; t ;ss:*ffiffifiHiii Eg I Fii*s*;:[;iHl [Eg EiIg3F;}Ef,;lgil ;' g iliii;liE liiiiFi =$Ess.q';El' irs; s I i;g;3Fr*i,f ig;g;s-e'=*rE/..Iiifr[li-lFri;i:3;r;isEii3 ; r lE t$i.fi'[* i s s E'O o o iiEii;iiBriE;$,;g,-i5,iI; li;epEgii;;iif iiliiiFiiisi ;[E Fer i iE; srrrFliiiiiiEIg['Elili EE[[sl iilg'iiiiiii[[iir'ii i=iil 3giiiF lllEiililgiiiililitliir!i'ii*i*lr;;lIF*lEis'rEiiiir . ; FH A F 98.P-oIN9tJOFOor EOat 'tttt90 F!tJLll!to< o!o '|!t19!'0 o I a la'8l Btl !tI tlct tait 1 I I I I o ON o PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COI'II4ISSI AGENDA June 26, 1979 l.) Dave Gorsuch-Variance Request for the Height of a Stucco Wall on the Front of his ProPertY 2.) Gore Creek Park-subdivision and Rezoning 3.) lJoodridge Townhouses-Plat Approval 4') Gore Va]ley Open SPace P'lan 5.) oiscussion of street vending Operations in ccl and ccII 6.) Disctrssion of Revisions to Sign Code ii GI?J Pl ann i ng ilinutes Not yet l4embers and Environt.r,l corrmission of l,feeting 6-26-79 approved by Planning and Environmental Commission Present Gerry l.|hite Jack Goeh'l ilim Morgan Ron Todd Roger Ti'lkemeier Ed Drager Staff Present Jim Rubin Dick Ryan l4embers Absent Sandy Mil'ls l.) Dave GolSqqb:ltar'!3nse uest for the Hei ht of Stucco lrlall on ront o Jim Rubin explained the staff memo, staff recormendations, and history of this matter. Dave Gorsuch added his corments. He said he js not happy with the handlinq of this by the staff. He said the wal] was approved by the Design Feview Board 'last September and he went ahead with the plans this-winter amanging for a contractor etc. He did not know there was any problem until they began construction th'is Spring. He said he had-nbt app'l ied for a variance but it had been a staff reconunendation to clear up the nntter once anil for all. He sajd Gordon Pierce's office drew the pians and presented it for him without any problems. J'im Rubin sajd he was on vacation at the time and Julia Takihashi, a staff member at the time, did tell the Board that there were no zoning problems. George Morgan, a neighbor, gave his comments. He said they objected when-they iirst learned of the wal'l but feel since the six foot wall on the side is legal, they would rather see a six foot wall all the way around instead of six foot on the sides and 31 foot in the front. Gerry l'lhite said the Planning and the Design Review Board and should of the wal'|. He also fe'lt that'if would be set. Environmental Conrnission fs not not get involved in the Design the wall is approved, a precedent Ron Todd said the wall was approved by DRB and he felt that was good enough reason to rnke an exception in thjs case. Mr. Gorsuch said he did not know ahead of time that staff was going to recormend denial of this variance request and had he known, he would have obtained legal council. He also said he can always just buj'ld the wal'l without approval . PEC minutes-6-26-79-Page Two Jim Morgan sajd he fee'ls Mr. Gorsuch should prove Jim Rubin explained that he requested the variance and that the Town Attorney advised him it cou'ld be the a ha rds hip involved. on beha'l f of I'lr. Gorsuch done on a short notice. Mr. Gorsuch said that staff adv'ised him that the variance had been requested for approval and he did not learn of the denia'l recommendation until ten minutes before the meeting. Roger Tilkemeier nnde a motion to apProve the variance for a six foot wall on-the Dave Gorsuch property on Lot 4r Block 2, Vail Valley lst Fi1-ing with the stipulation'that this does not set a precedent but is merely to accommodate a serjes of emors by the staff. Ron Todd seconded the motion. The vote was five for approva'l and Jim l,lorgan abstained. 2.) Gore Creek Park-subdivision and Rezoning of Parcel A Bi . tt,*rtttt "-*ined that this is a down zoning from 26 units to 14 units. He said there were access problems but that the access problems as well as the water and sewer problems wene taken care of already. Jay Peterson, representing the deve'l opers, explained the proiect to the Board and answered their questions regarding the sewer, high water levels,etc. He said that one piece of the development will be dedicated to the Town. A 60 foot section of that piece will be held back temporarily to see jf it is needed by the gas company. Gery White nndd a motion for approval of the rezoning of Parce'l A Bighorn Subdjvision and Parce'l A Bighorn First, Jack Goehl seconded the motion. The vote vlas unanimous for approval . Gerry White made a motfon for approval of the resubdivision of Parcel A Bighorn Subdivision and Parce'l A Bighorn lst subject to the corments of Jay Peterson regarding the retention of the 60 foot piece of land temporari'ly 'in case it is needed by the gas company. ilack Goehl seconded the mot'ion. The vote was unanimous, 3.) lloodridge Townhouses-Plat Approval Jim Rubin and Duane Piper explained this project. It was brought to the Planning and Environmental Commission for the elimination oflot lines and was approved. This was done so they could place the buildings in the open spaces and not cut down trees. The plans were then approved by the Design Review Board.' Jjm Rubin explained that this is again coming to Planning and Environmenta'l Conmission for approval of the plat. There was a short discussion. Ed Drager asked what control there is to insure the buildings will be constructed as planned. Jim Rubin said they will have to do as they presented to the Design Review Board. t '. ' i PEC mlnutes-6-26-79-Page Three Ed Drager said he feels in the future more stringent crjteria should be set to-have controls other than Design Reveiw Board' Ron Todd nnde a motion to approve the Woodrjdge Townhouse Plat as presented at this meet'ing. Gerry White seconded the motjon. The vote was unanimous. Items four through seven were discussion (non-voting) items, and, therefore' no minutes were taken. oo'z )q'7tco{6z ! FTn ={ oo.E11 3l;g193 ld8t:3 l{E t s$H.o a'E.il ep3 A APcqz=9@ ==6ozozt- ---EF !tr m@f;s 96-2oo t- 0 {m l. !7o(- m C){ zo =l<t C)o1o -la+ \{ v oa :nfli sg o 9p<c 3E d6 c) :;5i-{oo>A- o59oa-- -.1 1Tl".- az*qForn noI =mo 0€zmF t =m gct )P.L(+ a.a +r ila. +rtrtI n Dn rfiFo>'t- =moI z o |- n Eqo- !- = t- o vmaa 'll u =t- o Dm U'lt, In =Pt_ U !|noo !u 3 P l- 00nmU'o !n =. ooamat an t'tt w F R F.p rlvp IR I I a{ !I 3 P f- nmU'tt, l'n tzr F R rDflN IYD ID o i ! = l- 0umoo 2 =m F> N@= Nnr=9==-q@ 6)NF -2 B1F'J NH6P b oH^>'n9E 6 8o-z- Q9f o 646= E b2,2 - =oo o1rZ 2 =ot- llt, f.,rlc,zzOoPOmr--m3d I' xzo ozlo6,o lHll*= Tmf,3{'nmm(t .{>F>=El{a;o>6_ <Efiil;; gCH!E ,:zFro>r. ()>O gg:iE ;if;iEU'> riil;gd:i33"3i-:r;lIr;I*; tr"il 2 4l7' 3l-l I I I I 0l4l ml I !mu3{ =o f- r-U v lnttn box lfl) rail, coforado 81657 €{r3l 47&5613 Thomas J,Everling 1893 Nordic Place Orange, Calif. 92665 department of community dwelopment 1 August L978 was rezoned from LDIIF No. 3O, Series of L977 ' Ref : Iots 3, 4, & 5, Block I' Bighorn 3rd Dear Mr. Everling: Your property as listed aboveto RC. It was rezoned bY Ordinance whlch passed last fall In an RC (Residential cluster) zone, tbe maximum allowable density is 6 units per acre. Thts would pemit you to have a maximum of 8 units on your 3 parcels. If you have further questions please let me know. Sincerely, fi"rrr,^a" t+- P'&4 - 2lames A. Bubin Acting Zoning Adninistrator JAB/gew FILE COPY 75 south trontage road vail, cdorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 479-2139 office ot community development September 17, 1991 David and Susan Becker 4970 S. Beeler Street Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Re: 4595 Blghorn Road/Parcel G3, Block 1, Blghorn Subdlvlslon Dear Mr. and Mrs. Becker: In reviewing old building permit files, and attempting to close them out, staff discovered that the above-referenced residence never received a final Certilicate of Occupancy, receiving only a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO). Since no landscape inspection request was ever made. the Town could not release a finat Certificate of Occupancy. Due to the extended period of time trom when the TCO was originally issued, the statf believes it is now reasonable to issue a final Certificate ol Occupancy for the residence. Statf would like to let you know that any future property improvements will require review of the existing landscaping, and additional improvements may be required as a cordition of approval. lf you have any questions, ptease do not hesitate to call either Mary Dewing or Betsy Rosolack at 479-2138. Sincerely, ffiErArJra Mary Dewing Planning Intern lab oo4tt PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor:. fuffi lt JoB NAME INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VA]L -7 CALLER READY FOR TNSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI - AM PM ,-o"o'o", / f , Etk-', T ,'' ='e a,APPROVED * CORRECTIONS: _ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEu - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ,a) ^-)wet L-. (/ g FTNAL ELECTRICAL: g TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL OAT INSPECTOR FILE COPiI 75 south frontage road Y.il. colorado 81557 (303) 4792138 (303) 479-2139 otlice ol community develoPmenl September 17, 1991 Karen Jill Becl$orth Gordon Stephen Jay Gordon P.O. Box 1653 Vail, CO 81658 Re: 4595 Blghorn Road/Parcel G2, Block 1, Blghorn Subdlvlslon Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gordon: ln reviewing old building permit files, and attempting to close them out, statf discovered that the above-referenced residence never received a final Certificate of Ocolpancy, receiving only a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO). Since no landscape inspection rsquest was ever made, the Town could not release a final Certificate of Occupancy. Due to lhe extended period of time lrom when the TCO was originally issued, the staff believes it is now reasonable to issue a linal Certificate of Occupancy for the residence. staff would like to let you know that any luture property improvements will require review of the existing landscaping, and additional improvements may be required as a condition of approval. lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call either Mary Dewing or Betsy Rosolack at 479-2138. Sincerely, v\a1 frAt&a Mary Dewing Planning lntern lab oe4t1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT --r. ;_.t'_-.!. :' INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL oercfuff.lJ--JoB NAME lJoooaa€76.t.J1&-/ss lJ4ff< f,t ,1 CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FBI lo"oto", ?- (, Et*-', T ,' =P- (7HPta/ ) AM PM tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDo PPROVED #CORRECTIONS: '- BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL /7 ./)XAt t.-- (/ tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL EI FINAL OET INSPECTOR ttL: ::PY I 75 soulh fronlage road Yeil, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479-2139 olfice ol communily develoPmenl September 17, 1991 Henry Dubbs P.O. Box 49O6 Yuma, AZ 85366 Re: 4595 Blghorn Road/Parcel Gl, Block 1' Blghorn Subdlvlslon Dear Mr. Dubbs: In reviewing old building permit files, and attempting to close them out, stiaff discovered that the above-referenced residence never received a final Certificate ol Occupanry, receiving only a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO). Since no landscape inspection request was ever made, the Town could not release a final Certificate of Occupancy. Due to the extended period of time from when the TCO was originally issued, the staff believes it is now reasonable to issue a linal Certificate of Occupancy lor the residence. Staff would like to let you know that any future property improvements will require review of the existing landscaping, and additional improvemenb may be required as a condition of approval. lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call either Mary Dewing or Beby Rosolack al479-2138. Sincerely, 1IA#T fu;1, ta Mary Dewing Planning Intern /ab I ,r '' I 4tt oO ,*?r?toN REouEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL oorefuffi ll JoB NAME L)oooer^-TouJtdtg= /*ht< ,{rt ,-7 CALLER TUES fr/-le/4/ ) INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FBI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: g UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER l-l ^r \?rrrr.\/\ h rr l tt I lt/-tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING -tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL /? /,p'1gy (-'(/ trFlNAL ELE trl LTT trC tr- MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL c.APPRovED * CORRECTIONS: - D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED oar rNsPEcroR f-lPq r 'ry- t'Jn \ ;r-\- . !)-€ -€ a P L_ \.)t ILf lr -t-l oL,r Lrx= . E<m@ I --r f 3F= li a-1- \/; tr,' =ti> t? ;g= ltr If-lei l-r ZTl nft 5 ,.,:] :Y',.- o>= aQ@ o>= tt-1 ^ 3a- -' oz= z f' T |.lIn ={ oozo{ncoJoz R<z':--.t U ;!oz---r ^9; Otz; T< 12 vomz.i >= --l oo> 9." nz>m --l > _T' -rm --t €zm --A'' t z IT {ooo Fl P.9,ao Ho{ otao 0l Hf,uiAo>'r -l Ifli l,l(I'rx 'Tl trz P. |a FI (, flo' I=z ,m o -o I )l<!r:l>1-.1.= t>ltsltallrl It3 l l-lllrll llll l<t>t;ID m ? l,t F{5 :E iJ)! :o <lI-lr-l<:IPX lci;l'f,t tP-ii liE' lootoxlp INIUco KDurK '5 |(DIH lo lct E |(Dp Ft = t, H 'r{ P or o\5 = m @cx It |9 .o rEvFoPo r-l r'u Fr.oo Fl = t, F.H 'r{or I H(, @ @ g E F0 a tu o t' IIt! IXl- lco | (tl l'r I z m p, 3on { x rDH rD rJ ; z 3m I € im z 6-{ n rn o = tn m x f m --t m :1e;g za t- --t z. ozrc)ooE:q;iE ; * tr ? -c=' 3aaO-_tllt||lrttttlcz@50> =e\839:E= EH:! r.P 3 : aUut9.=.-gi E2 na -e 2||tl 2m€ l- m .-t ^z =z m -{ !rt! c _n J z ru@= Nrn=(i\ - 'G.6 c)N-fra-zxas dHF to -DT =ZctaQoolz4c)ulf o 625= Sb2q - ='nz z{ x a o{ o FI D x F I(, Ut+ t,tt tt p, rf .1. -l rn D o 6 z (, Ulol{ N Ulo ooo ,) D o t cm \ -{>FF;=:3_it i:ri*:t : ^:; Ell*- :;;i. : li : : i i ail\;izzi : 1) (.2 :3 z ;iSz;i:iil\:;: j: -l--.-=:l =r=1>-l >;:=i tgIP lP- ll =o= K,z E9 6!: Its-l p FnFoptlpl-olprprrtP-tOF5F KrF t-FI.E FolBftpt HFF,Fo\ I I h h @l r Cra.--.ta E lfl =i 'Yl mm U) |-fil z tTl g. -t m2 z m € m m I z'n mm =c)I z c z m mo--t 6 f. z c)Imc)x z m --1 m 3 ='Tl mm(t 7 VALUATION m = =z IN lilN lPlt ll =mo z o t-c qzo m mo-.t o t- c = N ooo \0 oo Po ooo ,r N UJA \o r UT nz )5, I Noo oo )t '-l Poo oo Ul(, (tl oo No oo 7( \oo oo ) AN Fo A(Jl A oo I'l o @ o ix^Y#;'rI ON./$\rtJ\ r+;iri;\ ;L;',l r ' l =v-''j't)/ ()oz U>{ .+t () -{ Oz, rlt? -1,l--r :t< :l_'rt t IC)l'rr o ldi Bt;3l=3l-l E = e-(} a oI' 3o rJnQ ntrLl IT: 7-tll)) t:t-l>IJ e-{ o arl 7) a- oo --l )' C){o fmc, H E:; z;z=Fg'>ra- 'tt 1,orCCz=(t ft>4 ;6zoz : V; !: l) trl lt,1.1 le lF F 0 I :J I )l c) s d t .o o o(a --l : 11''a l.o 'l;3l<'hl-alz Ylg itvl3utr- qE'lic,o4 1U mn =iq !noa-mo{f zo "qtn { o o {m lr :-o'.4Efto>n:ror)o'<zC' a'.' 8i = sh 66zz ,lf trr \(.r,) -"s .-{ z :- = p :c r2 c 7-= I I I },()r) =o .{ 6zcz r It o2:coofi;iEioP2diai tt8 3 wilriFc,zDr(cVetEEHI= A333;Za !Orn,<fn3 *izzc)o F9 tr a) oc, )r :an :.a- o : c.l \ \ \ \ $ t $ s $ Io .-'l>t- '$ n1 3- =mma \ o$ l'r lr l..,l :-r\\ : r, {\' I r'l i-() (o z), :l o(' o P D- 'ct IIFIh'l EE ff,8 c ) )., t- "il #t (-j, eI tfl ?; '# ll ?t 7.= n I 8:i rt l;. li -iY i 3 lrt ) t-i::. lt.i l;:'r lt.'rf H I I I 'lI I I a i/ (t p o zm o GI zvtcr ^2 m:{H;g f Y;IUAIION 'ot'l:{, :i 'Tlrn,m </, c L' oz, Q o t e d- ;I>: ?1i> :? "iE: ,.l i.3 t- '{}:a l..t U F r-f>::: T> i'rgl: ;f-Lz r ,.3J i: >-.: z =?:;,il tl., :rc' 'el , i 75 soulh lronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of communlly developmenl March 7, ]984 James W. Kugeler P. 0. Box 2854 Vail, CoIorado,81658 Re: Building Permit #583 Woodridge Townhouses Lot 3,4,5 - Blk I - Bighorn 3rd Dear Mr. Kugeler' Upon checking our records, we find that you have had no activity on the above referenced building permit for over 180 days, therefore, your permit has expired. Before you can resume work on the proiect you must contact this office for a new building permit. Please contact this office withjn fifteen days from the date of this notice. Fai'lure to reply will result jn further action. Sincere/z . ./ ) 94.6"_-_- Gary Flurra i n Building Ihspector GM/rme box 100 vaif, colorado 81657 {3031 476-5613 ere 'r s who may be in opposition department of community development l7 November 1978 sslon. an.vone llheeler - PiPer Architects Box 3129 Vail, Colorado 81657 Gentl emen: Enclosed is a cooy of the Minutes of the Planning & Environmental Connission meeting of l4 November 'l 978. As you know, the Front Setback Variance for a resjdence on Lot 8, Block l, Gore Creek Subd'ivision and the vacation of Lot Lines between Lo 3 and 4, Lots Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Bi an 1O-days app ls to endedPlat@period (to November 24, .|978) for the Commission's decisions. ENC -G RTG|STERD PRfftSSIO{lt Sl8ll{ffns Rr66ItRO Ufi0 S.RVEYoRS October 15, L979 Duane Fiper l,ihee ler - Piper Architects Box 3129 Vai1, Colorailo 81657 Re: Foundation SoiIs Inspeetion Parcel C Woodridge To$nhouses vail, Colorado 81657 Project No. v-9 3l3G Dear l{r. Piper: In accordance'\.rith your instructions we have perform€d the above re ferenced f orrndation soils inspection. On October l-5, 1979 an engineer from our firm exanined and evaluated the existing soils presen t at foundation l-evel. Due to the course nature of the soi1, penetrometer tests to detersrine bearing values vrere not possible. Based on our experience wi th the soil conditions in the East Vail area and the exarnination of the soi] on your site, we conclude that the foundation soils are capable of supporting a structure designed to exert not more tha.D 28Oo psf net a1lowable bearing pressure " If you have any questions concerning this report or if we may be of any further assistance to you, please feel free to contact us, Sincerely, INTER-MOIINTATN t{\"- y:lT"":c Charles F. 3panel President Civil and Mechanical Engineering . Planning . Suryeys . Subdivisions . Water ad Sevuer Systems Box c-100 -Avot{, G0L0ARD0 81620 -PHoNE 949-5072, DS[rn 8$-t$r BR/plh PUBLIC NOTICE NgTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that John Nheeler is request'ing approva'l of the Woodridge Townhouses'located on Lots 3, 4, 5, B'l ock I, Bighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition. Application has been made in accordance with Section 17.16.I00 of the Town of Va'i'l Municipal Code. A Pub'lic Hearlng w'il'l be held in accordance with Section'18.66.060 of the lt/nicipal Code on ,lune 26, 1979 at 3:00 P.l'!. before the Town of Vail p'lanning and Environmenta'l Commission. Said heaning will be held in the Vai'l MuniciPal Building. TOhJN OF VAIL DEPARTIENT 0F COlvlIUNITY DEVELOPI4ENTa\ /\{,h-,r*Q 6/^rL; / James A. Rubin Zoning Adm'inist4tor Pub'lished in the Vai'l Trail June 22, 1979 I --- -{o @mE*t-,h El<x ftH< e 13c illd slrE i 33 o.<To.68a9(ioctt>t6gm'+ -tl !mI' =--.i <trqm:- q -Yb>-i--2=Z =oC)!, > t- !!tr -Tl !Or- z? 2= 66)z trtr! TmF =-{ oz =qmt l-rl'.- |lli ol<ot@!l(n<lo|'n l,ma { -{o ID mx m!-l oz Co @U'fm OOPqo @ -J { \o =c-B;t9r orS-F(D z(r.J mo= noq, z =IT = -5 Ol -{ (D = € rD-5 2p--{ c3=<r! dev mrm -tu t- 2-l -t u 2n-lmnz>m()I-t>orn =m c)T z o o z -.t o-t n -Tl =za G' (o 5o-l5 qt-t CL z n 5 TI 5t, :t- ma F(t(o(tt (.o - Ii q, o !- l-rtol{ lzlo t:l> lF |m le,lz z.o =m (D -5 l-r lg lzloIl> lFt, tm rlzlo l,-lHIO l- (oF I5 O)(, l-r l1t(J I!t{Ftzllobt-n H.l<pl>Ft:btfiP 16Ett5NI10 1FIItrttltlrt {l{mlo Fl= lo t:t>l.t,lm le,lz le I I I I Hto l€ lzlo t:t> lFII lfllz t g. ooz(n {7F c) oz E;t3$ t*ggEo Y =o o i;i*F : (,/, O =JP5i;: €[+ilOO".@Xosl9= 3,8;3;O*Oi(or ^o-=E?rgir i9;31e:: =di.:;5 iaigPl 3 Fg$= €aif; t *;Hdi4$u a = 3'13 q ieBsR=',x' D - o >a =a--{ >I{mc ,.r I,llm 20m'nPo€z m o o -{ -rl I a,ma-'rl =zo =z t- mIt -r(h zmm mo l< lz lz t>l.- leta I I L I I fio<>_nT{m mt-mo aor I It It i: t-r z u,ct- =oz -lI xzm v, c m tr€ +i--zza .z = z>9Rrdd= >oo4m=v>ozc =--{ titltltl zmt t--lm }: xz o I z m -t m ! _n =z ci lD = -0,'5 cf - (D c+ -'tl-(D (D N(D IONFL-m -Ffi E;PF i o lc! o = lEB Q eFN O QlB-=" t iL^o = E bh,z 2 - J l;11 2 z E6 t=lFk - lr hi N @ = hEb i:PL P! f)EH = FF bF I(.^) € g, =z F - zoz ma z =z --lm z'ol il.)ltr,r-l' I I I I I t. ol il, I I I I I K\ tI t N N |\,\ \ I t N,l' { ^i\ -l t- !mn = =_tt mmU' q, m x o m z 10 m_q oL-{ m 2 m m€ @ m i z.Tl mm m I z t- t- 3 @z mt-m = l- t- z m x @ F = m =-{ Tm = ='n mm U) VALUATION Tma =-zo mo z c) f- l' = 2 mt-m t- z r = o tn @ I Ooo =.: F o g) ul t,3p,/70 o r /a4/ 8t '/tL{? ooz U) -{nco{oz -r- E CLot.ol-r ft1 3l#glYolutt::l=Z ; oao !-l O5E =@3 trmE !tr8 <I@ 1P. ==o6)YPt- -n -OOr z= >= 6"',z zr- Za\ ,4 _T n X<zx--{ Ylt -r-t>oz Y> o z.;-{c 3=ogA= o6m -- -m-C)>; -loo> o * 2a --.1 n Z-r >mP c)ni> n I =m -{ tm (_ )3z =m € Rx 4P. ffi .i € 5i.\ 6 1n rti i J_1 otrm ',.:Ja 9,o>'t- T1 r- I_ ..,1 zl -al lA Irt,*l k'lIBP lE '^tlIgl It|-J ttst*ttltltlrl o = I o m I ?-l I F I m(t I ? -.1 I l> lF I 2-l I FF rn <n(n I o -1 !I l< F l> H -n = o l:tl clot{ r-l F'a E a--l I E F p 'n I 3 m z m Tmn =-{ ts I I\] 1o(- mo-J I m z.tcl t\ lc)l')Ftmki s IF'[ Q q F! e e- F= ; c q l-nzzl€I9 li= I =llI l:llD -ll :' tl o2-oom uv+mmU;z3A r -ctz lllrl'Hl ltlttlrtlc.zqtzoPo.:o=+<Y=mr-=nq3u;g ob€s:nm;tEaz lct-z <= --t FNtFlItjHtllt@ll6)lf,t@mmO99R =o=Oz;=6z@o--r >a-1\>z=c>1 R=q: ri>nl:3Fr;n> o>3 :^:-:t!:=;i":zl!1n>., Q>- \:l:tE EZ: -> c o{ .. I Z =, c) =l I !mn =i 5- 75 south fronlage road vail, cotorado 81557 (303) 475-7000 . &: --. '' .r -';;,''r!; '-ir--e*'*4""- August 5, 1983 John 2077 Vail, Wheel er N. Frontage Rd' c0 8.l657 Re: Hot Lot Tub & Enclosure Addition D, Woodridge DeEr rlohn: 0n August 3, 1983' as submitted. Si ncerely,/7tth;- (%-o'>../Vt t-/ -F* J{m Sayre r Town P]anner JS/bb the Desigg Review Board aPProved the hot tub QnrnrrurqruE!ru.:I (Acceptable) (tlot AccePtable) Subdivision Lot Block Fil i ng l.Submittal ltems Si ze Source of Ulilities (A) Topo MaP (B) site Plan (c) utititv Plan (0) Title RePort(ri sruaivi sion' Agreement 2- [,nqineerirl9 Requirements uA al#(if apPlicatr'le) [3] 3llmi,'li-io#,i-/v/+ u. A B c D E F Electri c 6as Setrer l,!aier Te1ePLor;e T.V. 4. Cornnents : Approved: Di sapproved: %) zt c' A 7?7a€ 2tp2t' 7t {es De(,fftn:'nt o h-torks fI ' il r. I I ;l'llo;i: iiil rr., (,l l,lr(.).jj.i:i lype r.r!*11:rt_c'r' ial 'l'h c follrrl,'irtil inJ'6rtl:tt iqtt i.:, lJo:.t rd l;t l rrr'r.' a firur I trllplorrl I A. Itl,ll,lr ii\'(; MA'Il:fllAl,S Poof Siding Other liall Materials Fasc ia Soffits Windovrs Windovr'I'rin Doors Door 'l'ri.n Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashi.ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Grecnhorrs es 0ther -nyt!-Ww nn-. ... u . EtuCktWb u.--.-El'_- rcrltt i r,-rtl for :;ulrir,it t;r.l by t hr: irppl jr::rrrL t.o thc Il: s jl:rr li,,v j.c',v crr rr bc Jlivct): tl,,r I or i I I I I I I B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Comnon Name Quanti ty Si ze W€ro ?f-frvlh. _l _ _ SHRUBS r// {o or o Nt A o o ov t\ooFo 0! 0LI 0 0 !-) o 0lF o x 0! I al !I 0 & 0ol '!c 0g D a! L 0 E o N o F CN O C) _- -CO\rI \ C) o-o i C) C)o _C77 ka r( 28 January 1980 Steve PatLerson Town of Vail Building InspecEor Vail Municipal Building Vail, CO 8t657 RE: Woodridge Townhouses Units #3 & 4 LofE Structural Design Steve: Marty Dostall of Atkinson Construction Company has requested Wheeler-Piper/Architects Eo review design criEeria and calculations relating to the loft floor, We respectfully submit this data to your study. In- formation for these calculations was tsaken from U.B.C. Please note specificaEion sheet listing structural wood requested. I,'Iheeler-Piper/Architects made a site visitation on Jautary 24, 1980 and noted that the contractor has actually increased the strength facEor two-fold over design submitted by W.P.A. for lofc floor. Piper Architect Enclosure: Spec Sheet r. - I a t,.Jc0Ortr,,, e€ @ bk *r*,5*1 , l^q fi-.)-rr.. VarrcrJ I sfp5.1 , t*.rn ,(b * lc6z>fr\ LgA,Q : 'aon ,t*y . 1,4r, o (.,t..,* *l*. 31ft11 F<tv.a/._ l>(-, &t *ffift#- (br,4a4-) b. ?.i,Litl- : n.6blb+a ( = 1,1 O-0, ,rfrr (N z lr'111 * A = 4/ \t11 t(lbl'{{d -Y& X lfsUosr Xt11- /w, { uv ' .\zx tia,.^.-rqp G,o7!o ----r^-a1,91 to W- _= l,+y 1,Nt : Llrt N)d^r€n. t€ Fu*+nr,L 91,e+s I- I,\ o. Ll ,t vy- , = ,'J1 I Y?ao f LL',ot'? x'+n-tta,ffi e , Fornr . Form 26 .tv, t,t68 g Proporcd Construcl O Under Conslruclion Fo! .acorrtc aa8ill.a of crrboa coPier, form m.y b. rcp.r.r.d rlon3 rbovc fold. Strple complcrcd rhco roScthcr in originel ordct. Forrn epprortd, Budgu Eurceu No. 6t-PO55.l L (To bc i crrcd lry fllA o. vA, Stote Colorado DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAI,S l_ T0I4INH0USES City Vall WOODRIDGE No. i Property oi:!rers 4595 E. Fron'tage Ro.ad Mortgogor or Sponsor (Nr]nc)tAddtttt) (AddrctriConlroctor or Bvilder (Nrmc) I NSTRUCTIO NS l. fcr odditionol iolormolion on how rhit torm ir lo b. tvb.nill.d, dur^b., of copirr, .1.., |r. lhr in rvGlioor cpplicoblo lo th. fhA APplicotio^ lo. Mortgoea Inavronaa oa YA loqucrl tot Dal.rmi.olict! of lcorcnobb Vclul, ol lhr corc moy br. 2. D cribo oll mohriolt c.d .qliPmrnt lo ba vr.d, eh.lh.r or nol thorn oo thr drowiogr, by meitiag qn I io eqch oPg.opriat. chcclt'bor ond .$toting lhr intofinoliorl colhd fcr ln oach rpoce, ll tpo<o ir inod.qvot., anla, "Sa. mlrc." ond drrcribr undcr ihn 27 ot ca oa otto.htd lh!.i. 3. Wor:r ncl rpecificolly d.t..ib.d cr rhown will ncl b. conrid.t.d enl.rt r.qvir.d, lht6 lh. .riniDun occcplobb will bc orrumod. Wo.t rrcrcding minimum rcqvirtoanla aodnol bo conridrrcd unlcrr rprcificclly drtcribad. 4, Includ. ro ch.mol.!. "or oquol" phrorer, or (onkodiclo.t ibmr. lCon..idlrol;on of o r.qu.r, tcr occ"plonc. of rubrlitvt. |nol.,iolr o. aquipm.nl i! not thc.rby prcdvdrd.l 5. lodrJd. rilnatsnr r.quirtd ot lhr c'rd of thi! tcrfn. 6. lh. contlrvction rholl br comphlrd ir (onplionc. *iih lhr nlolrd drowingr' ond rprcificolionr, or cnrndrd during grocorring. Thc rpccificolioar iacltdc lhir Do..ription ol A{ot.iiol3 cnd ti. opplicobla ,{ioi|nurn Ccntl.u.liet| R.qrir..r.nt!. I.EXCAVATIOi'|I .-,." ;;;;;;:;,. Sandy i-odm to coarse sraver wrcn smarl 'to larse'boulders ' 2. fOUNDAIIONS: Footingr; concrcG mix 39oQ Psi irtrcngth'Psi---:-, Reintorced concrete bl ocK lVindow arclrvays. - #4 dowels @'48'b.c. #4 vertical @ 24 o-c.Foundation wall: mttcrial l\E!'r!vlv(t\r r-\'rr\'r- sss r"rr'e'\ Inrcrior foundarion sall: mrtcrial Th{ ckengd SIab conC Party foundation wall Columnr: matcrial and Picrt: matcrial Sillr: matcrial trzat Girdcn: rnatcrial and ci:cs Dascincnt cntrancc arcawry lvercrproofing Asphaltic sealer .Fooring drainr Spccial foundationr treate Additronrl informat'ron : 3. CHIM}IEYS: Mrrcrial fu' Prcfabricarcd l"rarcaaa;r..rr Woodslde 8!l E-D. Fluc lining: -atc.iat Triple Lined Me-t4trc. flue ri:c -NA..-- r'lrcpJacc 4uc rirc -----8-- Ycntt ( matctiol aad sitc): gar or oil hcatcr N/A ; *"r., r,."r", N7A (E1gc) Additional inforrnatioa: --i 4. FIREPIACES: Tvoe: Fl rolid fucll [1 sar-burninr: [-] circularor (rna*r and rt , Woodsidg 36ll Arh dump and clc.an<ul ri..pr"J, r."i", GyFium Bo?.id ; rnins MeEal ; h"o,rh ---eEE4$dJ!.L9-',t 1 Addirional information: - 5. EXTEN,IOR WAT,[S: wood freme: v.ood gradc, rna ,p".i., DouglaF f lr #2 or k Hf,e bncing. Buit<ting papcr or raj 1 S# Felt Srucco -; thicltnerr - ": Lathrr, ^Marnry vcnccr Sillr ---- Ma:onry: I diJ f] faccd Q rtuccocd;otal rvall thickncr Baclup marcrid Intcrior rurfaccr: d:mpproo6ng, --.-...:-- coa$ of ;furring Additiongl information: Exrcrior painring: rnet*iet - Olympic Translucent Stain I numbcr of coatl- Gablcwallcon3truction:$|samcarmainwa!lr;[othcrconrrruction ". Additional 7. SUBFLOORING: (Desca'be underflocnhg tor special lloors under iten 21.) .-- '- Irlarcrial: gredc rnrJ rpoi", C/D Ext- Pl y- T & G i rb. ?'f L'r -i r,,pc =-z;-=r---:---=---: "b'iH"fuiru T,#'€t o-''8.ii'J-srr6-floo;" [ftri8l's'l'€,/'JiT48b Additionar 1n1o'"'o1io"' 3/4" T & G 8. FIN|SH FLOORING: (\ryood only. Dercribe other finish 0ooring under iten 2l.) Locenon Firt fror Sccond 0or Attic floor FhlA Corm Door ritb Win&w rillr Lintck Darc 0arbing '; fecing thiclcncr --'i fecing matcrlal ; rhickncs-:-'; bonding , Lintcb . Buc flarhing 6. VA Form 852 rq.fi. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAIS ( .;) LIST OII I,IATIiIITAI,S DESCNIPTION OF NA[{tt OIr pllO.Il]CT Piper Wheeler Young Duplexs Ur'[Fo LIIGAL DTSCRIPTION 3n 4 & 5r,OT 1 BLOCK Biehorn Third Add. FIL,ING PIIOJIiCT Duplex Residences, New ConstrucEion The to A. ) follorving in.f ormat j.on is required f or submittal by the Applicant the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given. BUILDING MATERIALS: 'Ivrle of Material Color2-) @ZUmqWr._-Roof An *ep*ralffi=s Heather Gaf . blend Siding Beetle-kill Pine Olyqpig #7_O! B.) Othcr lYall Materials Fasci a Sof f i.ts ll'indows Window Trim Doors Door Trim lland or Decl< Rails Flues FLashings Chinnreys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Othcr Botanical Name Hopa Malus Cornug-5!g-!-oniJeracoloraoensas Merion Poa Pratensis -E estuca--erbra- C ommut a t a x1a Same as Siding Wood Komac D6-54 Wood Komac D6-54 Wood Komac D6-54 Wood Komac D6-54 Metal Komac D6-54 MeLal Komac D6-54 Metal Komac D6-54 Common Name PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs,and Cround Cover) Quantity 8 L6 2t or Size Hopi Crab Red Dogwood Merion Bluegrass 5l 5.gal. See plan ( sod) (reveg. seedRed Fescue See plan l/'''' , -- Page 2 Potanical Name Conrnon Name Quantitv Size OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retaining Walls, Fences, Swinrning pools, etc,) (Please Specify) c.) ow department of community development vail, colotado 81657 {3031 476-5613 Jvay 23, L979 Hunter Young Vail-Eagle Title Oo. Box X-10O Avon, O 81620 FF{- Iots g, 4, 5, 6, and 7, Block 1, \ Ttrird Addition-..---- Dear Hutter: Bigtrorn Subdivisi Ttre above referenced lots are il the Totn of Vail and thenefore are no longer in an Eagle County Cornrercial Zone ' Sincernely, h'"'*A-[U;- lparcs A. h;bin'Tnning Adninistrator l|al I MINUTES PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING OF I4 NOVEMBER 1978 Comnission Members Present: Staff Present: Ed Drager Gemy !'lhite Pam Garton Sandy Mi'lls Ron Todd Absent: Roger Tilkemeier Jim Morgan Al'len Gerstenberger Jim Rubin ennis MurPhY The meeting was brought to order and Mr. Dqaggr advised the Corrnission that Mrs. Birbara Mooney was present to te'l I the Commission of a problem in her neighborhood. The street where the webster House -is being built is sti11-impassable. She wants to know how much longer this pr6blem will exist. She was under the.impression that.an agreement nia Ulen made with the Town of Vai'l that this street wou'ld be repaired and in ui"-Oy now. A'l len Gerstenberger told Mrs. Mooney.that he understands this strLet will be repaired Uy iti season and should be useable in the next week or two. Mr. Gerltenberger will check into this further and advjse Mrs, Mooney if there w'il1 be a delay in the street repairs for any reason. The first item on the agenda was discussion of the Air Qualitv Prosram by Dennis l. Nurpfryl Environmental Hea'lth 0fficer for the Town of Vail. The first item d.i scussed was restaurant emissions. Dennis and the Conmission agreed after discussion that the V-Griddle (a grill with a grease catch on 6very griddle) would be the best installation to cut down on iestaurant emissions-.'However, the Connnission asked Dennjs to make a comparison study between the Afterburner and the V-Griddle. They also discussed the postiOitity of enacting a retrofit program for restaurants with the instal'l - itions ot V-eriOOtes and that this should orobab'ly be done with'in the next .yea r. Fugitive dust was discussed including determining the least amount of sand-that can be used and st'i ll obtain optimum driver safety. The Commission was also in favor of putting in curb'ing and sidewalks ohasinq their construction alonq with the work that is being done on the iralls.- It was also decided thai a waterinq program along with making the contractor resDonsible for cleaning the street a1 ong his building site could el'iminate alot of the dust from construction sites. F.ireplaces were discussed. Underfire air and a voluntary,program where the pub'l ic'will not use their firenlaces during days of high pollution were felt to be two good controls of fireplace emjssions. Dennis lhen discussed the Fireplace Ordinance which places ljmjtat'ions on the number of fireplaces that can be constructed. The Commission fe'l t the section on no fire'places being built in units of 900 so. ft. or less should be eliminated and Lhat it jusi should state " only one fireplace per unit." When Dennis !E Pg.2-Minutes-PEC The second item on the agenda, Pi Variance for a new residence on Lot B. Block 'l ]r114178 stated that he will be providing an Annual Report on Air Quality in the Oo".-V"ii.V, Ger"v Wnitb suggesied that he make quarterly.reports.rather itrun unnruiiy. The Commissi6n also suggested that there be a better definition on limitin! iireptaces within restaurants, bars and restaurant/bar combinations. Gerry frhite ilso suggested that flyers be p-reoare-d to give out t; ih;-i;ges to qive to their gueiis, reques-ting t!g{ refrain from using thejr cars while in Vail and explain'ing the free public transportation avaifaUiu thioughout Vajl and LionsHead. In regard to_auto emissions, ion foaa felt t6e Potiie Department shou'ld be requested to do the checks on t'smoking cars. " Pam Garton made the Motion directing staff to continue with the air pollution control strategies as djscussed and as noted in the mernorandum of g'November .1978, and that-staff pursue those items outlined during discussion' e"""y f,li,ii"-seconaeO-the Motion and'the Commission voted unanimous approval' Gerr-y White made the Motjon to recorunend approval of the Fireplace Qrdinance to the-Town Counc'il as dtscussed, with the elimination of the sectjon that states'ino fireplaces in units of 900 sq. ft. or less," and further delineatjon of the limjtation of fireplaces in restaurants, bars, and restaurant/bar combinations. Pam Garton seconded the Motion and the Corunission voted unanimous approval . Ed Drager had to leave to attend another meeting, Ron Todd is chairing the meeting. Duane Piper is representing the owner, Mr. Glen Bond. He explained the site plan to the'Commissibn and stated this request is made because of a steep hiliside on the property. After further discussjon, Sandy Mil'ls made. the i'lotion to approve lhe'request for a Front Setback Variance for the residence Jn-r-oi e, Bfoci'i. Gore Creek Subdivision pursuant to the memorandum prep9.f99 UV it" Department of Corrnunjty Development dated 9 November 1978. Gerry lrlhite slconded the ptotion and the Cbmmission voted unanjmous approval . Number 3 on the agenda. Elmore Parce'l s - Zoning Recommendations. The Commission discussed the staff recommendations and Mr. Elmore then addressed the Commiss'ion. He stated that as far as Parcel "8", he agrees wjth the staff recommendation for Resjdentia'l Primary/Secondary. -.0i parcel uA" he stated he would like 12 units per acre with a bonus of 4 units if there are long-term rental units built (emplo-vee housing). He also requests that Parce'l "C" iot be desiqnated as Greenbelt at th'is t'ime to give him the 'latitude to work with this parcel before any final decision is made' Pam Garton stated that in discussion wjth Counci'l during work sessjon, it was brought out that th'is land was zoned by the county fq" . . S.5 units pei ac"u. This discussion led them to the conclusion that Residential Clusier woirld Ue preferable here with 6 unjts per acre with the bonus of 3 units per acre if long-terrn housing is provided. They felt these were better numbers- i4r. Elmore doesi't thjnk the-county zoning is aoplicable since he has never asked the county for a rezoning of the property. He feels jt iust would-not be practical to bui'td iust 9 units per acre, lrlith the present market this would not be feasible. for a Setback Subdi vi si on. a Pg.3-Minutes-PEC l1/'l4/78 Mr. White stated that he fee'ls there should be a break in the Iarge developments and high densjt-y development, that low density isreally required here, Mr, Elmore does not agree, Ron Todd felt that 9 units per acre is reasonable, that you couldn't real ly build luxury units right on the Frontage Road and that withthe bonus for'lonq-term rentals this would give him l3-units per acre. He supports the 9 units p1 us bonus for employee housing. He nade the Motionto approve the recommended zoning for Parce'l rrA'r at 9 units/LDMF with a 50% bonus for employee housing (1ong-term'housing). Ed Draqer seconded theMotion. The commission voted 1 (Ron Todd) for approvall 4 opposed, the Motion was defeated. Gerry White made the Motion to reconnend parcel "A" be zonedResidential cluster with 6 units.per acre a'l lowable, plus 3 un'its per acre(50% bonus for 'long-term housing). pam Garton seconUba the Motion andthe Commission voted unanimous approval . Ron Todd made the Motion to recommend that parcel "B,' be zonedResidential Primary,/Secondary. Sandy Mills seconded the Motion and the Cormissionvoted unanimous approval . Ron Todd made the Motion to recorrnend that parcel "C" be zonedResidential clus+-er with 50% bonus for emDloyee (1ong-term) housing. EdDrager seconded the Motion. 'l vote (Ron iodo) for aflprovaj, + opp5t"d, thel'lotion was defeated. Gerry White made the Motion to recorrnend that parce'l "C,, bezoned Greenbelt/Open Space. Sandy MiIls seconded the Motion. Mr. Elmore'interjected that there'i s already a duplex on parcel "c".It was explained that this would remain as a non-confonijnq structure butif it was destroyed or removed, it could not be rebuilt under this zoning. The conrn'ission voted 4 in favor, Ron Todd voted in opoosit.ion. The Motion passed. It was brought out that the Town Council wil l hear thisat their next meet'in-o. Pam Garton made a Motion to amend the zoning recommendation onParce'l "A" making.it an RC designation with an uoper 1ifrit that would qiveMr. Elmore the additional units-denied on parcel'i'c,'which wouto ue I iequtarunits pl us.the_bonus for emoloyee (1ong-term) housing. The Motion was seionOeaby Ron Todd. The connission voted uanimous ipproval-for this addendum tothe Motion on Parcel "A". The 4th Use Permit to allow item on the agenda, Pintkowski uest for Conditionalthe o ration of an oranqe.'lu rossroad stw Mr. Louis Pintkowski addressed the commission. . He explained hisrequest for the conditiona'l use permit and stated that his location is onthe 4th floor of Crossroads, a ver-y poor location for a retajl store. Hewishes_to occupy a. combination of office and storage space. He stated thathis delivery vehicle wou'ld be on the streets fron 3 a.m. to.9 a.m., so they Ft' 4/78 He answered Pam Garton's wi 'l 'l be two empl oyees . o il/1 Jim Rubin advised the Conmission that Mr. Pintkowski has checked with the Environmental Health Officer and the Building 0fficial and they have ok'd his p1ans. Pam Garton made the Motion to approve Louis Pintkowskirs request for a Condjtional Use Perm'it to allow the operation of an orange.iu'ice business in Crossroads that will make deliveries subject to the memorandum prepared by the Department of Conrnunit-v Development dated 9 November 1978. Gerry White seconded the Motion and the Cornmission voted unanimous approval . ' John Wheeler explained his request for vacation of lot ljnes because of a difficult access situation to the property. The Conrmission was shown the site plan de1 ineating the natural split of the prooerty. After further discussion, a Motion was made by Ron Todd to approve the vacationof Lot Lines between Lots 3 and 4, Lots 4 and 5. Lots 6 and 7, Block l, Bighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition, Amended Plat subject to the memorandum prepared by the Department of Corrnunity Development dated 9 November '1978. SandyMiIls seconded the Motion and the Commission voted unanimous approval. The fifth item on the aqenda, Jay Peterson - Re Variance for expansion of the coffee shop ln the-t,/Edai-Tnn. Jay Peterson, Attorney at Law represents Mary Haygood in her requestfor a Parking Variance for the expansion of the New 0rleans Coffee Shop in the Wedel Inn. He stressed the fact that the coffee shop is in a Pub]ic Accommodation District, just steps awa.y from CCI where the Town has felt that pedestrianization of the area is important and that there should be less vehicular traffic. He stated there is no conversion problem here as the space has been used as storage space 7 months out of the year. A1 thoughat one tine these were accommodation units, they are no longer desirable'lodge rooms because of the'ir location. After further discussion, Pam Garton made the Motion to approve the Parking Variance for the New 0rleans Coffee Shop expansion in the Wede'l Inn according to the memorandum prepared bv the Department of Community Development dated 9 November 1978 and with the stipulation that this variance be treated similar'l_v to those given in CCI with a fee to be paid by the apolicant into the Park'ing Fund. Ron Todd seconded the Motion and the Csmmission voted unanimous approva'l . Jim Rubin asked that a work session be set to review the Amendmentsto the Zoning 0rdinance on Tuesday, November 28, 1978 at 8 a.m. Pg.4-Minutes-PEC wou'ld not be out during the heavy traffic hours. question on the number of emn'loyees, stating there Parkin The meeting adjourned at 5:'10 P.M. -E I I MEMORANDUM TO PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FROM DEPARTMENT 0F COf'|I4UNITY DEVEL0PMENT DATE 9 NOVEMBER 1978 RE FRONT SETBACK VARIANCE FOR A NEW RESIDENCE ON LOT B, BLOCK 1, GORE CREEK SUBDIVISiON. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED Duane Piper has requested a variance of l5-feet on the front of his property so that a garage for a new residence can be constructed S-feet from the front property 1ine. The reason for this variance request is that the developer would like to stay clear of a steep downhill slope in the mjddle of the property. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS ! Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Munic'ipa1 Code, the Department of Communitl Development recommends approval of the requested Variance based upon the fo'l lowing factors: Consideration of Factors The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. There are two houses bui]t on either side of Lot 8 and neither of them would be impacted by th'is variance request. The pavement on the cul de sac is approximate'ly 35-feet from the property'line of Lot B; and since there are only 4lots served by the cul de sac, it is unlikely the pavement will ever be extended to its origjnal1y intended location. This would allow for a distance of about 40-feet from the edge of the pavement to the proposed garage. The degree to which relief from the strict or litera'linterpretation and enforcement of a specified regulationis necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites 'in the vicinjty, or to attain the obiectives of thjs title without grant of specia'l privilege. Due to the natural topography of the site, jt would be necessary to disturb a steep hillside in order to place the garage and the house further back on the I .PE. z. Meno - Setback Variance/Piper . Iot. Thjs would be contrary to the objectives of the Section of the Zoning Ordinance. I,l-9-78 Design Review The effect of the requested variance on light and air,distribution of population, transportation and trafficfacilities, public facilities and'utilities, and publicsafety. }le foresee no adverse impacts on these factors. Such other factors and criteria as the conmission deemsapplicable to the proposed variance. No other factors are deeme.i apolicable. Findings: The P]anning & Environmental connission sha't'l nake the fo'llowing find'ings before granting a varjance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute l.grant 0f special privilege inconsistent with thelimitations on othei" propeities classified in tht-same district. That. the granting of the variance wiil not be detrimental P,llt pyUlic health, safety, or welfare, or materiailytnJurrous to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more ofthe fo'l lowing reasons: The strict or litera'l interpretation andenforcement of the specifiei regulation would result in practical diffiiulty0r unnecessary physical hardship in-consistent tvjth the objectives bt tnistitle. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or condjt.ions appljcableto the site of the var.iance thit do not fPPIV Senera'lly to other propertiesin the same zone. }Je recomnend approvar of this variance request. we fee'r there is a hardship and a practical difficulty caused by the natural temain on the 1ot, and brining the garage forward woultl minimize the amount of disturbance done to the site. ! t l i: L iI