HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments & Plans 1988-2007$,qVrorn itA Addttion G\\t3 tot 8 lok D ,6LL3 BV tq-b 3A Design Review Board ACTIO]T FORH Depa{trnent of Corn rnunity $eveloprfi ent 75 Sorth Frontage Road, ll:il, Calorado 81657 te[:976.479.2139 fax:970.479.?452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: WARTHIOI-AND/BERMAN TREE Project Description: Participants: OWNER OLAND, KEVIN A, 4342 SPRUCE WY VAIL co 81657-4739 APPUCANT JOSHUA HUBACHER PO BOX 857 AVON co 81620 Prcject Address: 4342 SPRUCE WAY VAIL DRB Number: DR8070419 0812012007 Ogl20l2007 Phone: 970-390-1545 Locatlon: FINAL APPROVALTO REMOVE 1 LODGEPOLE PINE INFESTED WTTH IPS 4342 SPRUCE WAY/Lot 8, Bighoro-,3rd Legal Descriptlon: Lotr Blodc Subdivision: GORE CREEK NORTH CONDO Parcef Numben 2L0L-t22-2300-1 Comments: 1 marked tree Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah 0812312|fr7 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wrlRen consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 Minor Exterior Alhrations * ,l&t * Application for Design Review ' t' t Departmentof communlty De\Etopmert ' \n-'Y\ 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 8169 4o Ef:970..U9.2128 faj{i970,4:8,2452 ffi1 web: www,vailgw,mn Gereral Infonnedon: All proJects rcquidng dedgn rc\rlevr mret recehre appD\al p|br b $bmlturB a hlHlrE pernft rcfer to ttE sJbr$ttal rcquiremants for the padhrhr approval that b Gq.test€d. An applldon cannot be @ rrnfil s[ rcqua|ed infiorm&n is rcaired W the Corwrmny Derrelodnent proCect rEy abo need to be rcrrieucd by the Torn ooncil and/or the F{anning and Dcolgn reviaw appronl lapcr u{ecs a Dulftilng p.nnlt b band ild @nst||tdon ons ysar of t||o app|lrnl. c- /f y' 6)o KARL^V.ereeEA n*-r-'{:a> ia ( x X y'e-vcr-.J Deecription oftln fl,16^.'r.l r Location of the Proposal: loil Block: Phyrical Addless: Parcd llo.: Zonlng: tfalfislof {hrner(c}: l,lalling Addt?ss: Ouncr{s) Slgnau|n{s}! oi l, t o[. vs.o^-- (/ ari0l l2L E a3 001 ilam€dApdkaDE f o3L n^ 11 " ba'" ilalllng Addrcee:l.o. Box gtl 1-2o ' 9ao - ,t 9t $50 Plus $1.00 per squae ffi of tohl sign arca, t{o Fee $650 For onstruction of a new bllldlrB or demdrcbulld. $300 For an addidon wlnrc squae footage is added to any r€sidertial or comrErcld bulldlng (lndudes 250 addiEons & interior orn eriioflg. $250 For minor changes to buildings and s'b imFo\rementg, s,dr as, re.roofrng, palnthg, wlndow addidors, lard$aping, fences and reblnlry walls, etc,$20 For minor dranges b bu[ldlngs ard db impmrrernents, cdr as, re.roofing, painting, window addiuor6, hndsapirg, fences and r€b|nlrE walls, eft.$20 For revldons to plans already approved by P{armlng Staff or the Dedgn Rwiew Board. No Fee trt E+nail Addrcss: lYpe of Review and Fe€: tr Slgrls tr Conceptnl Reviary E New Construcuontr Addifon Mlnor Albratlon (muU{an{lylcormercit{) Mirpr Alteration (stngle-farily/tudoo O Olanges to AppDved Phns tr Separatin ReqLEst ffi-e fl^// 1F-. n"oae , i"- l ReYle$t F VAIL (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 97)-328-8640 for pael no.) For Oftlce lfsc Only: --,./-- JOII{T PROPERTY OWTIER WRITTEII APPROVAL LETTTR l, (print name), a joint orrrner of property located at provide this letter as witten approral of the flans dated which have been subrnitted to the Town of Vail bmmunify Development Department br the proposed improvernenB b be comdeted at the address noted aborre. I understard t|at the proposed improvements indrde: (Signature)@ate) AddlUonally, pl€.sr cftGd( $€ staEnent below whkh is nroctapplicaDle b you: tr I utffind ttat mirw ndifut*nsmaybe n& to tlre flans ormtln ausof tle rcview ptertess to etls$e @Wiatw wt:th the fown? aplbble cffi and rquhduts. /lttirizf rtee) tr I tqttesf, ttat all n dilf@fiotts, minuu otlrcrwig wtk r are na& b tlp plarc wvtle arx of ttte mtiew ry, be bm.ght b my attentlot by tlle afulan t fu ddltffil aWoval Mae mergalng fiftrs raliail by tt e Tettn. (lntrialterc) )fitrrrr pl@tl oypr /&r rwid lUl&W6 Er F:\cdw\FoRraS\Pennits\Flanning\DRB\drb_nfnr_aLr-25-2m7.doc Page2d13 tLlz312m'5 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDII{GS AND SITE IMPR.OVEIIENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREiIEilT Ggrqral Intlormadon: This appli{afion is requlred fur proposals irvolving minor ofterior altemtons and/or slte impro\rements Proposals to add landscapirq do not rcquirc DRB apprcval unless they inwl're the addition of patios, water features, gnding, or the addltion of retainlng walls, I. SlrglrlTTALREqUrRElrEtrS** a StampedTopographicSurvey*tr Site and GradirE Plan*q tandscape Plan*a Architectural Eleya0orc*o ExErior color and maErial sampbs and spe<jficauors.o Ardritectural Hoor Plans*a Ughtir€ Plan* and Cut-shee(s) for proposed frCureso Ttde report induding Sdeduhs A & B b rrerify owner*rip and easements*s Photos of the existing site and adjacnt Srudures, where applhable.q Written appro\tal from a condominium association, landlord, and jcint ovyner, if appli€bleq Site-spedfic @ological Hazard RepoQ lf apdlcable*tr The Administrator and/or DRB may rcquire the submission of additional plans, dnwirgs, specifications, samples ard odrer mderhls (irduding a modd) if deemed neessary to determine whefier a Woject will comply with Design Guiddines or if the intent of the propoeal is not dearly indkated. .f lcaa slhrd t*ne (3) apb o1ltte tutb6 rwn re* et u*z*t (/. *For inhrior conversions with no ofterior dEnges, the glbmitbl requfements include a compleb set of ' odsting and proposed f,mr plans. a tde repot, and writEn approval ftom a ondominium association, landlord, and Fint orvner, if applkable. I have rcad and underSnd tlre abovc listed $firittd reqsirumcnb: PrcJcct ilam6: Contractor S|gnahrrc Date Signed F: \dev\FORMS\Pemlb\Hanning\DRB\d6_minor_alt_ 1 25-2007.d8 Page 3 of f3 ru?3.Pms o Des ign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: TVarth Residence ProjectDesoription: InteriorConversion Ovuneq Address and Phone: Michael & Stephanie Werth, PO Box l4l2,Yail, CO t1658, 476-4722 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Architectural Services, P.C. c/o Jennifer l)ecker, P0 Box 385, Edwards, CO 81632 Project Street Address: 4342 Spruce Way, Unit #B Legal Description: Gore Creek North Condominiums, Lot 8, Bighorn 3d Addition Parcel Number: Comments: PRJ99-0161 Building Name: Approximately 670 square feet has been converted to GRX'A. If the proposed boulder retaining wall exceeds 48r', a stamped structural drawing will be required prior to building permit issuance. Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1) Condo association approval is required prior to building permit. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 3106199 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99\WARTT{.wPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: S50.00 r.Iecorv€o: 6/ SlE,E, 1l :57AM; JUN-02-99 -> AFchLtoctural Se|.v1o6a, P.C.; pag€ 2 ,o.lo'"D."" 926?6L@ P,@?/Az FACE 2/t2 Qucescns? crlt rhc Pi:.*hg Srettd 4:t.: :18 APFLICAIION FOR DESTGN REVIEW APPROVAL MWNOFUAIL A" DES;CRIPTIONOFTT€REQTJEIT: oFrvF?ALTNFoRM^rro* ?rT 11 -o{ 9l- l_:.4$lt for lpr rqiar reqdht Ddg Raicrpplcnf ery poja rupitrp dciglra,iar Esr ='r [)roElR:ni6rrpovalprirbssairhsfuatdl[$pcroi, Fc4dfcinfrludoqsccosstudn{ ff5_tl$.flTigt qrylvrt Oatb n''ccd Tlc rntir{iar mot bcactrcd urr! dt dE n{niFdyflll t }itnined. Ttrc pojcdntlydrD Dcld b lcrtvfur'EdDt trrc Tour Cnrit mdlcltc BrrilgodEnYrlqnrcil.l corlmisicr. D{d,i| RGrfar lo.td $Dsov.l orpt.- or yor rfiu fird rprovrl rccrr eDu'ldngDc.mittt trloa.oa -uttcffnl L rclti- - . a. c D. e F. o. E fXcr-Coltttcrfor-S0O Ccr-ricrofuarhlf&3;tFAddifibD- 150 tadrdcrryddfiioaudcsgrenoaecbrdddraynsiccrieror oMborArtrertor-. szl ffitP ou.ilrhsuccnrmpovffi.arbrc, ffi ,*trffirrddti0n+ trdrcrpfug. rae rd rtehbg ll?5 * tl 0e gl:d_n ta d.oc darboirnt. Ira. rrica rgrtybg lbr e hddhg pc,lria Flel;a idlldlyttc acsrfilc'rduuin of rtc gojat rlrc Ton ofvril vin r4&-rrc-rcc ""*ogt tlrEiu"rhlrt.i PII^SE$I'SOfiTTEISAPFIICATION.AITSUB|IITTAI.REQUNEMEI{TS AI'DTNElEETOAHEDEFARTnilENT Or COlorunry ogvrcoiorurt zi sormr rrorrece noro, {o,oo u f4'rh9awn Do [.ocATroN OF pnOK[SAb LO[L_ grcKi__ HuNe PIffSICAL PARCEL#: Z)NO\'A . NAMEOFOS4{ER($:.. MAIII{CADD owt{ER6)gctraruRE(sts }|AMEOFAPPTJCANN IOTIIJIE EIO\|E TIIPE OF REVIEII' A}ID FEE. (.- Date Receiver JUN 0 3 1999 (Con-nErdc Co Asccols Officc t97o.l?&$10 for p.Ed #) nnTarl O ar.l Ancmrr"EcTnJltAu Snnvncns, P. C" 210 Edwards Village Blvd. . A-?O2 . PO. Box 385 Ddwards, Colorado 81632 Phone: 970.926.7605 . l'ax: 970.926.7610 Date Receivet June3,leee JUN 03 1999 Mr. BrentWilson, Planner II Town of Vail, Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Interior Conversion for 4342Spruce Way, Unit B, Vail, Colorado: Dear Brent: Please find the enclosed application and drawings for the above referenced interior conversion. As you will see we are finishing the existing basement to add an additional bedroom and batlu and family room to the residence. We are adding two windows; one at the bedroom that will require a window well, and another at the family room. We have provided floor plans and elevations for your review. The County Assessor's office did not have a lot and block. Apparently the legal address for this property is the Gore Creek North Condominiums. We are requesting staff approval for this conversiorl however we will appear before the board if you feel that is necessary. ]ust let us know. Please call with any questions and or comments, or if you require any additional information. Sincerely, ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES, P.C. fo*p Pr'tu |ennifer Decker, AIA Enclosures: Cc: Mic and Stephanie Warth a o 'lt\! .Jt r^\4*N E3:<-\bJ IO\ ,\ lq\\i <iii3;i3i-qE-a.(A b5 / I Status. . .Applied.. T^^..-.Jr!)(tg(l .. . Expires. . Phone: 970 476-L690 Phone: 970 476-1690 TotaI CaLcutated f ees--) AdditionaI tees------> TotaL Pernit Fee----->Payments----- 259.75 259.75 a)r - (> BALANCE DUE__________> .oo )pt: BUILDING Division: rpt: PLANNfNG Divisionl :nJ-. IrTDF h.i.,.'urv.lSl-OIl i :pt: PUB WORX Oivision: i I O v 3u, -Y*' ,,r g \-u DEVEL'PMEN , 'rrh 34 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES :rnit #: 896-0254 ISSUED 08 /23 /Lee 6 08 /23 /ree 6 02/t9 /ree'l Gas Logs:#0f lJood/Pa l. Iet: *i*'tliffir**@* vQ/ z.J/ Lr>u LnAJ\lJL.cJ .fru L.L9!1 : ArrK I\/A \(/l \ k(i U c\ c{ct c0z zFzF) U(J (..a 73 a/ Fz +t z:-\ E-a t=t 7 .-1 r'1 t:i(n '7/fi\ X z F r'\ t-l F o z, z z a-l 3F z a -l z z z o F ..i z z See Page 2 of this Docunent I hereby asknovledge that I have read this apptication, fil.r,ed-out in ful,l. the information required, conpl.eted anpr'an' and state that "rr .n..]ll::r:li* p*i'i a.o-u.-r!q"i ""d. i. .o.;J:' ;";r;""-ili conpr.y vith the infornationto conp[y Hith alL Tovn ordinances_and state Laws, and t-o ou.,.o rnls structure.€scordicodes, desisn reviev approved, unitorm euiijiil;;d;"il;t;;;-#;;";;;";;';fr;ffi'#oti.:li"t?il1::.;:"t* *o for any conditions that rnay apply t,o this permit.. DECLARATIONS accurate p Lot and plot p [an, subdi vi si on REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ',IADE TI'ENry-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T OUR OFFI G.Send Ctesn-tjp Deposit To: GRAYSTONE TURE OF OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIITSELF ******************************************************************************** Permit rtt!t*:tlr* Dgr- ; ' 896-0254 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-4"19-2138 CONDITIONS as or 08/?9lel .r!rrr44.r.&::i:::;"I::Yl?******* ,f E' 11 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD pERMrr permit #: 896-0254 Job Address Location... ParceL No.. Project No. 4342 SPRUCE WAY z rv r- !zt-z J*u v r Status...: ISSUEDAppLied..: 08/23/I996 Issued. . . : 08/.23/.I996 Expires..: 02/19/1997 Phone z 97 0 4'l 6-1690 Phone: 970 476-1694 APPLICANT GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION 2672 A Kinnickinnick Ct. CONTRACTOR GRAY-STONE CONSTRUCTION 2672 A Kinnickinnick Ct.OWNER OLAND KEVTN A 4342 SPRUCE WAY, VArL CO Description: REPAIR EXISTING DECK Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V Type Occupancy! Valuati-on: Fi reptace In{ornation: Restri cted: , VaiI, CO 81657 , Vail, CO 81657 81657 47 39 Single Family ResidenceN Tvpe V Non-Rated .00 Rec.eation Fee----------> 3.00 CLean-UD DeDosit--------> Add Sq Ft: #Of 6as Logs:#0f Uood/Pa L l,et: .00 TotaL Catculated Fees---> .00 Additionat Fees-------->.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 100.00 PEynents-------- 5, 000 #of cas App[ i ances: **Jr**** FEE SUlll,lARY rrri*ffi1*ffii.JrJ.lrtr*#t#iffiffiffiritrffi Bui Lding---> Ptan Check---> Invest'i gat'i on> I'liLL cat l.----> Restuarant P Lan Revi eH--> DRB Fee-------- 95. @ 61 .75 259 .75 .00 259 .75 TOTAL FEES-.----trlrrrtkffi #*#(ffiffi Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Divisj-on: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: accurate ptot and ptot p[an/ subdi vi si on Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT08/23/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPRIten:,.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT0e/23/7996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AITEn:. -O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT08/23/7996 CHARLIE Acrion: AppR N/AItem:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS08/23/7996 CHARLIE Actj-on: AppR N/A *ffi ffi rHQtirrr*rrlrtrffi *ff ffi k**lrffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. D E C LA RAT IOi|S l.hereby -acknowtedge that I hav. pead_this application, lil,Led out in ful,l, the information required, compl.cted anplan, and state that at[ the information provided as required is correct, I agree to compl,y r;ith tire inforrrationto compty yith aLt Town ordinencas and state [avs, and to buiLd this structufe 'ing to the Townrs zoning andcodes, design reviev aPProved/ Uniform BuiLding codr and other ordinances ot the\Toun afpIicable thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHATL BE I'IADE TI.IENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T OUR OFF]a Send Ctean-up Deposit To: GRAYSTONE TURE OF OR CONTMCTOR HII,ISELF AND **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArt, coLoRADo Staternnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-o189 Amount: Payment Method: CASH Notation: 2s9.7s 08/26/96 11:54IniL: DS **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:. Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 47332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 896-0254 Type: A-MF 2t0L-L22-23-001 4342 SPRUCE WAY ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 259.75 259,75 .00 Amount 95.00 61.75 100. 00 3.00 Total Fees: 259,75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMTI FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CAI.,,L INSPECTION FEE PER}IIT # APPLTCATTON uusr BE Frtr.,ED ottr cor.tpr.ETELy oR rr uay Nor BE AccEprED' 'J4\'.4 J'r/rt geDr ttE ! llrl,lilJ f|UT COI{PIJETEIJY OR IT UAy NOT BE ACCEPrED.Tri***************************** PER!{IT r[goRMArroN ***************+*************rl|- fi-zutlding t l-plunbing I l-Er.ectrical I J-uechanibal I J-other rob Nane: Cln t,D ?=s;i',, 'ru,.t Job Addre "r.Leqal Dascri nt i .rtt e trr.r A irr --i- ? ,"r., /Legal- Descriptiont tot_,{ Bfock;L Filing stsowtstonBiorhiizr/ ohrners Nane:{€ Architect: ceneral Description: work crass: [ ]-Neh' [ ]-Alteration t r-Additionar tf-nepair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:3 Nunber of Accomnodation Units: O f*"" and Tlpe of Fireplaces: eas Appliances_ Gas r,ogs_ I{oodlpelr"tl_ /tf********************************* vALUATToNs ********************************* .;nmm'ig,ao--' il?f;fii:ll:l_ 83fiil: X;:X.;:#:#::: ?H; IJi,9?**o,,',,"*.,,,* "... ; ;.:;;.G; Address: I ' , tt-o=: (J.'?.n)s1-tat r* Town of Vair--------- phone ru*it,*E}t!ot/*# Electrical Contractor: Address: . Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Rec. NO.Phone Nunber: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: * * ** * * * *** * * * * ******* * * ********* BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: I.{ECHANTCAI, PER}IIT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE3 DRB FEE: oFFICE USE *** ** * **** * ** ******* **** ******* BUTLDING PIAN CITECK FEE:PUt!,tBrNG PLAN CHECK FEE:!.IECHA}TTCAL PIAN CITECK FEE: RECREAETON AEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERUTT FEES: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR BUTLDING: STGNATTIRE: ZONTNG: STGIAITURE: Address:43!ls SP.u"tz Address: CLEAI| T'P I'EPOSIT REtrI'f,D T1,: lnwn TO: FROM: DATE: su&rEet: t5 roulh |ronlag? rord Yril, colorado 81657 (30:r) 479-2138 or 479_2L39 otflcc ol cgtnmunlty deyelopmGnl AIN CONTRASTORS CTIRRENTLYL REGISTERED FTIE TIIETo?sl{ oF vArL TOI{N oF vArL puBLIC I{ORKS/COI{MITNITY DE\IELOP}IENT MaRCIt 16, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARKTNG & UATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawf,ur for anyperson to ritter, track or a"posit.."v1iiri-rJli, sand, debrisor material, includ.jy__ti-=yr-i,iif=t"rs, portable toilets andworlsren vehicles, ypon any street^, siaewaix, ;ti;y or publie$lii"=:I":lg #f.in tr,"i"o;:--;i" ;i;ht:;i_iii-;, arr rown or ="ii . ;;ai;;;":' i, ii"$l $d:lil.:l?l:il.'"f d;:T"##$:i; "' Pubric lforks o"o..t "r,t. --iIiJinl touna ,ii,ri[i'g this ordinancewiLt' be siven a' za houi-"*i;il;";otice-to-;;;;;:"r.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notiriea.does not coraply with thenotice wirhin .n:_31_ !""i tliJ-liecified, trre pulric worksDeparrment wilr. renove said urate;i;i-;;-irrJ E*ili=e of personnoti'fied' 'ne orovi=i""=-it-ili! oror.nance sharr not beapplicable to c-onstruction, -r.iii"r,.n?e 9I repair projeets ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right_a_way. h:i"::iilrs" ":nr*:rti::"fyfl, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. rirani< t;; ;;;'y;;, (i.e. contractor, o$rner) 75 roulh tronllge ?o.rt urll, gqle666 6657(3o3, 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlca of oomnunlty dcv.lopmGtrl BUILDING PERHIT ISSUANCE TIfrtE FRAt-tE If this penni.t ""qrj:::_t ]9w1 of Vait Fire DeparfiEnt Approvat,Engi neer's (pubt t. p:frl_liii"n'.ni'ipproval, a ptanni n!. Departrnentreview or Heilth Departnent review, ani ".review by the Buildingl:ri[H:'h"9,: ",ri*ted iiil'i;i'.-iJtur ;;;il.;i'.L[!,a, rone A'l'l cormercial flarge^gl lTull) and alt multi_famtly permits willhave to folrow itre ibove.menti6nea-maxirnum requirements. Residentialand small projects shourd di;-;-ie;li'amount of time. However, ifresidentfal or smal'ler,proiicis-imii"i' *t" various above mentioneddepartments with rega.rd to-n""essai!-review, these proJects rnayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possibte. ' -"'- -br.' I, the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Shee t wa i-TuiiET-j'iiE-Eh'EDate ToiI Develooment Department. tI MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WOFKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A 'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Date:Lterv.__a -4-1" rc Please answerthe following questionnaire regarding the need fora'public Way permlt.: ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propegy? ls any utitity work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls difierent aocess needed to site olher than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done afiecling the right of way, easemenls, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right O Way permit. required?. A. ls the right ol way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staglng or fencing plan required by Community Development? It-rgu- apwered yes to any oflhese questions, a'Pubfic way permit' musl be obtained.?ublic way_ Permit. appticationl miy be obtainad a the'public work's otfice or atc.o.TTlnttv Devetopmeir! lltrl tr.g3^a1y_euestions prease carJcharrie Davis, rhE Townof Vail Construclion Inspectoi, at a7g-215g.' I have read and answered allthe above questions. NO 1) 2) YES 3) 4) s) 6) 8) Job Name Contracto/s Signalure Date How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino permit apolication.lf yes was answered to any of @pubric way" isrequired. You can pick up an application at eiiher community owetopmeni located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public works, located at tgdg vailValley Drive. 2) 3) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All respective utilities prior to signing application. to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. utilities must field verify (locate) Some utility companies require up 4) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheetof paper.An approved site plan may also be used. ' Tnis plan wiil show tocationsof all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area ofconstruction, slaging, etc..). This ptan willexpiie on ocl 15th. and wiil'need tobe resubmitted for approval through the winter. sl.9.l"1ol*grk being performed must be submifted indicaung dimensions (tength,width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic controt ptan oi a iiteplan for the job. submit co.mpleted application to the public works,s office for review. lf required,locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and trltition crew. Thelocates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g trou-rs to perform. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy wiil be faxed to community .?"u.*?T"$,allorring the "Buitding permit'to be reteased. please do not confusethe "Public way Permit" with a "euitoing permit,'to do work on ijrqect itsett. NOTE: I F: Pgl" process is for work in a pubtic way onty.* Pubtic way permits are varid onty uhtit ltoveriroer isilr.* A nsw Public way permlt ls required each year it work is not compreE. 7) 6) s) If,|1b]grygf^s_lon$rr19tion Inspector wiil revienr the apptication and approve"- -rF'---::::Tpi::lj!g_ryll-you wil !e 9o1a9!eo as to th; iiitu" *o any that may:f:.*t .ry-rlf:rys.are reteased within 48 hours of beinj,"c"ireo, 6ut preas6allow up to one week to process. odlFiray MWIOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 De panment of Communi ty Deve loptnent ITFORUAIIOf, TTEEDED IfHEf, NFPLIITC FOR A I{ECANIIICAI, PERI,III 3. 4. HEAT LOSS CAICUI.ATIONS. To scALE FLooR Pr.,AN oF MECHAI{rCAL Rooltt wrrH EeurpMENTDRAWN IN TO SCAIJE, WITH PHYSICAL DTMENSIONS AIVD BrURATINGS OF AtL EQUIPMENT IN MECITANICAL ROOM. sHolt srzE At{D LocATroN oF coMBusrroN ArR Ducrs, FLUES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LTNES. NorE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUTPMENT nrLL ALso BE TNSTALT,ED rNMECHANICAI ROOM. FAILI'RE TO PROVTDE SIIIS ITTFORI{ATIOf, }IILL DELAI IOI'R PERIiII. lown 75 routh MlgB ro.d nll, cdo.lrfo 8t657 (3Gr)47DA38 (303) 47+a3s oilfie of communlly deuclopmenl NoTrcE To colr:TRlcToRs/oTf,NER BUTLDERs Effecti-ve June 2o, 1991, the Town of vair- Buildinq Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites h_ave adeguatery established _p:oper a.ai"ige rrom luiiJinfsi-tes along and adjacent to Town of vail road.s of streets. Tbe Towrr of vair public rforks -Departueat wirl b€ required toinspect an$ gpprowe _d_raiaage adjaclnt i; ror* ;f vair roads orstreets and the instalration of t'eqrorary or pernanent culverts ataccess poiats fron tbe road or street oa !o tle eonstruction site.such approvaL must.be o.btained prior to .r,y ,"g"it for inspectionby the Town of vail Building Department ror ro-otings or temporaryelectrical or any. other iirspection. prl."" -"-rr 479_2160 toreguest an ^inspection from the public works blp..t^.rrt. Alrow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of vair- public hlorks Department wi-r-] be approvingall- final drainage and curvert instar-r.ation with resultlng roadpacching as necessary^. such approval nust be obtained prior toFj.nal- Certificate of -Occupancy- i'""u.r,".. t FROM THE DESK OF KEVIN OLAND July 30, 1996 David aird Karla Berman 5775 E. Oxford Ave. Denver, CO 801I I Dear David & Karla; We will be replacing and reinforcing the upper West deck according to the enclosed drawings. The square footage is to remain the same. Please review the enclosed drawings and sign below ifthese are agreeable to you. Thank you. Yours Trulv: /V-44r Kevin Oland Agreed: Dated: yrArct",a-c\1ruDa€1R- 6l*ha, David Begman, W n/tl F_e6?,= aa 7.58' I I I GRAPHIC SCALE J 5 l0 ( IN FEET )tinch=S ft.l a 6"x6" POSIS (TYP) LOWER DECK LOWER DECK ATTACHES TO UPPER DECK VIA 6"x6" POSTS : -'z-..6"x6" Posrs (TYP) F -'t'-l ., t: ,rYDnryoNDUrT COn? ' P.o. Box ss3o9 - r{otjsroN, TExAs z (7t3,448-6381 €4r vvr <' Z-rr?/Z= - ".2-r.,o.4e.- n.P ?/4r- -*V,a./t-. .7uo 7r;tzz"z/,"r? 1A " /2eafr G./.te/{H .6eazYt REtrTlJl TOt^lN OF VAIL, COLRRADtr ET/L6/97 E5:Id6 REGUESTS FT]R TNSPECTION WORK SHEETS FtrRz L/L6/97 Statusl ISSUED Conetrr AMF PAGE 3 AREAT CD Activity: Addr"ees: Locat i on: trarce I : Description: Appl icant: Owner r Contract or'r 434e 9pRUCE hrAY e101-1ee-e3-Go1 REPNIR EXIsTING DECK BRAY-STT]NE trtrNSTRUtrTION trLAND KEUIN fl BRAY-STONE ENNSTRUCTIT]N Fhone z 976 476-Lb96 Fhone r Fhoner 978 476-169C1 476-44S3 - deck final Occ:Use; V N Inspection Requeet Informat i on. . . . . Req u'e st or l Mr. Oland-ownen Fhone: Req Timec OBrOO Eomrents: wilI call request pleasF Items r.equested to be Inspncted.,, Action Connents rAaogra BLDG-Final Time Exp Inspeetion History...,, Item: O05ttA dr"iveway grade final Item l IAOOIA BLDG-Footinge/Steel ,, A9/L3/96 Inspeetor: EG Iterirrl taBOE6 BLD6-Foundet ion./SteeLItem: O05e0 trLAN-ILtr Site trlan Itern : 40G30 BLDG-FraminqItem: t40040 * * Not On File * * Item r raO05E BLD6-lnsulat ion Iten: ,.gt0060 BLDG-Sheetrock N*i IIteri: 'OOO80 * + Not Gn File * * " It em I Qflr67r0 BLDG-Mi sc. Item : 6Cr09O BLDG-Final Item: 0tO530 BLDG-Tenp. C/A Item: 00531 FIRE-TEFIF. C/0Iten: EA33P F[",-TEIIIP. C/AItem: CtE533 trLgN-TEl{P. C/AIten: OO537 PLAN*FINAL ClQ Iters r 04538 FIRE-FINRL C/uItem: OO539 Pt^l*FINAL C/O Iten r OO54IA BLDG-Final C/tr Action: ffPFR AtrPROUED ()oza{Fco{6zTm7 =d \- T=dt -..74=1 /(. o Dtn,/5 -tl--3trL I 3 3ct. EL Eg o1t 3o 3 o @mnnn =t- Ef;= I= E ;i=lE$- l=q --*o l= tElulll Xs 0E q --{Y: z= o E 99 g -i -J- l--- 6C) ta= ai40' 'tl !ma { zo -.1rfl I ooT o'n !mI =-{ -to IDmxm!-{ oz o @L-{m 0 m H*2, z (D \o\o l.J 'z H F'(na @ @o 1o -l iv 3moI z ooz n c)--ton o 2= P= =cnd6a I- z. =IT t!tltFB z F rt mt-moino J- c) z --{n o-l n o2" -.t finz>mon-t>or-a 'Tl t- 2o H z lr) F, ts HH *lg l3 lFl!lm le, l- I I EIo ltlt<l> lF lm le, 16 nn tTl vt r e/, lito lHl(J)l5ll l- @ NJ-{ I \J or l{ l3 lzto l'r1l<I> lFIt tm le,tz lo I I I I--l PHF ! 5 Is,! E:dop-d 4(Dq;s;3e*E;3:8=.-co i *t' -.o o = +*dE- a:g Q 3.areB dR= E *6'gde E oltd==-f +i6 a !.3o r* -=OO-r gas =egord5=s.=dF= =ilqo-f48d ;*t 3qE(r(D=.dgdd:--o !) €I ot o. o 0 -c.d 6' o E C' c o D C) c) : 5'ro =o io{fq; No =.J(o 0t =ct ocos s. 2.o f ooeo ln o.o 2.(o 3 os.(D{ oEE o (D -o.c f o 3 (F =g (o oooo 0l o. fo o >o =6v2-l>-{mc a!;m2om'nPo =zm, oIt ooz{a o{ou =om1-'r'l t- a-{z l z r m +a z mm m l<' lz lzE t>tr- Iq,lrrIO l. I L!I I fro1I'H (,lm i lo"l I I lqt:t>lr- l5 T_.l-t2 l2 lTf- I I I l'n ol I I r- L I zo T + z -l m -lI oIzm a f.a-c m tr€otrIFza -z :(, z>9RrdI<,.:.t < >oolm=gto zczl zm€ -lm xz F.zx =z |- m m c P fl P 6z ONF.zx<$ aHF ioF>'nXzc,i;aoo<zVC'UI!o I n6< E bzQ - =oo o-n2.2 =o x F>- N@= Nm= !,., -5-<:o< = Ha I-r an o EHF F I(,) o It=o |1' H c) E Fl-{Fzc)fd t\l 6= ==*n a,\@>=-5 4=-o E5 3d I EI EI -lvl El olFllHI zl I I o 7z =z6 I o{m zElYI$i>o:zllTJY Ifr>'' r-l I I I i I I e! -tl I I I I I c) tfF E tr{ tz,z cr \o l€ J -t t- !m =-{TImmo om -.1 x fm z ! m Li mL z msm{ @ m mt;z.'l mm =mo z r _p a- =qz 6) m fT i 6 t- l- z Im x (! F zo m =. -It m ='Tl mm U) VALUATION !.rlv =-{ 29 =mo-z6 r' t- 3 TDz ml-ma ; t- E t- z o o rllv) € H rfl a {FH rd iF \8-\\qb \as\*.,ur I Za) --t an o X<z':.-t \/ i->6z Y> z.;p< -1 Z FJom -':m >; --.t oo> 2n-lmnz>m --{ >or- I m -t €z m I z =ll c- 9,oo u, I =0,-cf Ao- c+ o o=uiio>'r- I l* I t'nt-x l"lcrl I =t-z (O5o5 =(^t a IE g T'l T tn (-) = -9- :i<ll--r > I:!*1Fl< t>lC]l lulI =llllll =IEH<l-l<t>ltcl Itoltrllul l-i,ll I 3 P m ?1 !I oI fi1 I = { =(D5 I = ot< =t><l= l3 F ,l-l I q I "oI == m z El -t =rhv=ll t -, \' Rry f}aE I ooza{ncc) -{oz Tmn =-{ o -tm lx l"t' t- Tao(- mo-{ zo <mo l-r = t- r- l-<dni l;liE ls09" l;Pr ln l= | --{ t.jLtg -n -o 3Ez.=.o@tzooz z ? -o m =z'' I I I ItrPfJl Foo) I I mz =.4(!>1t- >,texo-ai r+j gJ.^ <9>a -nz €o 7 T(Dmm(.)qoo >A=5E=>soz@Er> r92=aa 9E€<-mH'EfrzQo>c-zi; VALUATION 3l Yr -. 7,r ditl..';' F:t>r Iil ">-Jl ifii:r dzcif-::=-- 1--=< E: "1 ii3.I"-i-lY z z tv2a;=iiriH l>F *2>- <o c)oz U){n c){oz Tmn ={ et - -! CLo!, 'qll--r fI<=l!6ffr alol-n o lni Alait<=f'-al-'1 c = (D q o a (D ndF fi839ii-1n2 FF' DDt] -11 !Or-CCz<o@>=:c) z zt- ! o(- mc){ zo O =iJl i\) c) Tmv = = @z m |al rrl/tr:'()c)>'r- z.o -lf) 'T n;\ /\, m =z o t- o{ C) t- z -tF o 7) --.1 -l c)t--l >orn oIf >,v-"1 t*p< 1ZOc)n t--= 7 , v -(w 7 ! &tv.*t I */ ,c n cb R s E tr t' I o m lo t'' xi5! €o>nzo\Yovl o6j = sb 66zz No Nm@- mzm 0m c)a_9 ozo'n €o x c =oz ooo9n=s+mfirEuz lct-z2= c.zoro> =ets3ged=tE9IEFF95o'hti-g3 9A =P E\ Zzz:cro= ozoo m -j,.' mmoPia ^az zm € -lm foz. Ijo zU' r oz { m 7 6 -{ _9 nmm t z --t -{ ()xzrfl m cm t- = m 3 = 'tt mn i-n mm att ^.' t- z m x =l =lRIir-rr I5r tl I I I : I I I ol ;l I I I I I =z 3z -t Jo-{ a--o mA = =-r| mmU' i-{>t!>= Ertf -r: >(,- <c F> f -;'-t=ta-!r;!?:i: =zna>-' i>.:!;::-=zz= =zar=- ;> *zi':iiii'":itJei na-a) rrlaZ.: -> i.ct-i'l 7r: =>-.9>7:t== !.-c =zc, rt a 5/Fc: ts a)4 75 south frontag€ rord v8il, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of communlty developmont October 26, 1988 Ms. Alida Zwanncore Range Properties 5LL Lionshead MaIlvail, co 8l_657 RE: Lot 8, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Addition Dear Alida: I am writing this letter to confirn the information for thislot. According to our zoning records, the existing GRFA on theproperty is approxirnately 3r74O square feet. you had indicatedthat the lot area, according to your records, was lg ,237.68square feet. Our records show that the lot area is J.9,731square feet. The zoning for the property is row density mediunfanily. In this zone district, UuifaaUfe area is calculatedbefore the exact amount of GRFA can be calcurated. Assumingthat the lot has no floodprain, red hazard avalanche, or ar6asin excess of 408 slope that would be subtracted fron the totallot area, it appears that you have a total allowable GRFA ofapproximatery 5,47L square feet. The 5,47L square feet assumesthat your lot square footage of 18 ,237.68 squire feet j_scorrect. In order to add any additional GRFA, the staff would reguirethat the owner subnit as built drawings for the existingstructure. These drawings would then be used to carcurite theexisting GRF.A for the property. A survey showing contours,exact 'l of area, and any floodplain. red avalanche areas, orareas in excess of 40* slope should also be subnitted. To summarize, it appears that the lot has the capability tohandle additional GRFA. However, the staff would requiie thesurvey as described above and accurate existing floor plans before we could deternine exactly holtproperty. ff you have any guestLons,contact ne at 476-7000 ext. I03. Sincerely, ,r) I nl KrtrrYtflh Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP:kc nuch GRFA renains onplease feel free to the I Project Application b- P *8o Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: ,/zh *44 Architect Address and Phone: VLegal Description: Lot , , Block Zoning Approved: Design Review Board V, uet- APPRovAL DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Official tr oo .aI c) 4on+Pfir{ Foa 9; E*gg C)oz -ln o-loF t%-Y =tr,tD ,,,ev at9F =8<-l6Pd9tr c) 2A-{mtz>ra()E-{>oru DoI+mo-{ o€zm7 -(-ooz =1T {PFH C-a L Eg il ! 3mo- z .) r d @ iHlglga oo'= t Err 6 €E! 3 riH c sz fi5o'rl!m! -{' ,-{ .n.r Fl { =z on =u o zo "t1 3 -lo Ez 'rl .tm F'zo Ia3 {! n fl R'p "1 '47 t) E ) 'l Dn D ) v re E p F4 t! I \os'\o I $. {o Ez ott P-tn 6,) zp },(, I I! = E!'r'! HHIrl H 14F tr| H r{ Or I N)6 -to€2 ort F,1I F)zo 3!3 F{ F{ F{ H F Hrr U) H o{ !- 3t|- !n E IE3 o -{ r c) !F 5sl.d I I\J =I- o0u mltt @\| |Jl P trtHzItl F ft, z 3m ;ctll iiEgs€iB =E$F (,) o === -.o DC='+-o=!t- E*iI Frl* aeE€ i;5i g:$3 @5ol i;*i ilfEe gAiE o =.ot DEE a o -ctc =.o TDg. EJ GI oo CLo o3o. o,lol.'t lo ct 5'Dtoov :to -{o{5 o1tg oog o to d o F Plz fd H trt El<ECF F,'HHT-'F@. ur C)!.)Hcl'EoFc)HFOrtl@Zr- U) tp (,"E H{Hti CJ|n E{l tdv) zo -{ImIzm! !l>l!lxlzl"l I I+ -l t! 5a =z I: z - m -tv,zmm0m.ol<" 12 lzt-i t>lr llT: ll,l' lm lil=t>lr- | .t,f I l- I I t- I zo r -.1 oz -{ !m -t 6xzmg, v, ! l-t- nr m I{ 2 T I I zIIIm!t- omo 0€mrtrz =(t oo =oo{ =z ={ U' I 2m{ |-{mn 6zFa o9 =oz t- xx m =t <v!mo cFoi,,-,:ol !: F) att -c 3oz Fg EFz z EA n \o EIoor+ t< F E t-r FI rdxHu)HHz €H4 o€ cJ) {H|{ c)FDU ONr. =-6-a6 En;c'tl-!9E Ae4, Q2 3= g H2.2 'le9 2€ot 't tsD- NtD= Nm=r.rt-5-<-<- le It1, t> B F' l2{IH b E{l Fn FHardHr E €o o art H !E F F.:ttllF v)z€o ,^.F !iEtdt- E= Eo--z r-rOri;im H!? F F (') oz gisi 3i xFi"l F irF rl= t llrrn I ri F* 'l .- t iE ill z Hvt rh !u F. (Jl \o @\o -{o -!mF =.'nmmv, con -t x o-m =c! c,m E ]A{ (, m 2,oz tom m{Eo Eo Imo,m{52.lt mm 3mo zo - |,-c3qzo ma-mo-{v P ! 2o-tnot o Fs-o!m-3 -{ Ttn7 ={-n mmU' VALUATION HF-{ 29 3moaI cl - !|-C3 E2 C, 1|lt-mo-{!oI @ =-I2o o o t,o (,lJloo '\ 4 o\ \o ta o ts lJr \()\,s.F vl\o { \\ssN\ ooz 97co-l6z !mn ={ -qmil lHlEol.oh"ILE ;T\os ={ -{oln{x m!I oz o @I-lm OOr(:)r-.o The below items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a fjnal C of 0. P'lease check off in the box provided. FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C of 0