HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 3RD ADDITION BLOCK 6 LOT 1 UNIT B LEGALG{*.n i'l AMitioq $\q.,k- g 6t I trnit B oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF'VAIL Project Name: Goodwin Residence Proiect Number: PRI00-0229 Project Description: Reroof Unit B Owner, Address and Phone: Verne J. and Pat B. Goodwirq 4410 B Columbine Drive, Vail, CO 81567,476- t745 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 4410 B Columbine Drive Legal Description: Lot l, Bighorn Subdivision Addition 3 Parcel Number:2l0l 122O1018 Comments: Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approved per plans received. Town Planner: Bill Gbson Date:9112/O0 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 FiCDE\ADRB\APPROVAL\2OOO\GOODWIN.DOC o Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2L38 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVALT0f,l,tr A. DESCRIPNON OFTHE REQUEST:FeRoaFttx GENERAL INFORMANON This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submitial requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the reouired informationissubmitted. TheprojectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCouncil and/ortheplanningand Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is stafted, LOCATION OF PROPOSAIj tOI J- BLOCK:- TDDRESS: 4*o B CoLctru,4t/ut= >z FILITc: 3te ftaarv S-Utu,ro, ilrd* 3B, c. D. E. /c4t UAi t Cc) PARCEL *2lol l2ZO ttst B (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): F, t- COLitu6tttE 76 /7Ys owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:D New Construction - 9200 Construction of a new building.n , Addition - $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any ,/ residential or commercial building.W Minor Aheration - $20 includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identiry the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, AlL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIW DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Paid: Application H. / MAIUNG ADDRESS: Planner: N Ef I I TrD Ai,,E I ,? ?M oo ffi MrNoRALrERArro;;, J=Hffi;* I0ll'.\'0f l',,|ltffi AND srrE rMpRovEMENrs t GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS iltE /, 6nza,eza lh, ,r{rr 5 , o kr :z o f 44to A /o7o-L,,, Az,rr, 4VVzavt c){ i- f//r/ or nq4zzz l-u'r s { Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the existing conditions. I Photos or skekhes which cleadv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). V All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be useo. Condominium Association approval (if applicable). tr If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Mministrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. 6nza,eza lh, ,r{rr, , o ktr :z /-/7-o o Fa,n*gv'l/t*Fl@ Ot*or r*ororro "or=ooo TYPE OF MATERIAL: Eaar 72 tse PEOoNg J BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SofFrts Windows COLOR: &fi.tt 6a*r' ngo U N\i" utI *g rvrl- * Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If o<terior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting Fxtures. + o{L,,. ph^1r,5 &tly 31,2000 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED ROOFING MATERIAL ,f4l0B Columbinc Drive, Vail SHAKE " Aqlnlt Shingles Owners: Verne J. and Pat B. Goodwin 47Gt745 $".t\" ,tt^,-,}$ r.1 ^YJb.'re /Ye d&v hlr', o RooF o R t?oo rv€=-rcr B a I {"""*f / S€pt€mb€r I t, 2000 ROOFMATERHL ( Rc: Rootug) ProPanel ll Archit€shal Steel DarkBrorm Color 36" Coverage Hot Dpped Galvanized Coating ASTM 446 Siliconized Polyester Guaee26 0.0190 Weight 0.89 PSF Yieldst€ngth 80KSI 21410 Columbine Dr. Unit B Vail, Co Verne J. & Pat B. Goodwin f7t- /7f{ 75 S. Frontage Road vall, cO 81057 Receiprruo €i7 S-SZi4Z'c"4, r-/-- --oa.--{1-7/t@ and AddrEss Uniform Building Cod€ - 19gZ - VotrJme 1&2 314 1110 1 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1't12 Uniform Building Code - t 9gZ - Votume S 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 111 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mcchanical Code -1996 001 0000 314't112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000314 1112 3'14 1112 10000314 1112 to 1997 Uniform Cod€s 1 0000 314 1 1 12 001 0000 314 1211 001 0000 314't1't1 001 0000 314't'111 001 0000 914 tttt ,StuOies, tvtaster 001 0000 315 3000 ,P 1 0000 311 2300 Plan Revierirr Re-check Fee Contractors License Fees 0000 312 4000 001 0000 3124000 1 0000 315 3000 1 0000 312 1000 *001 0000 201 1000-001 0000 310 1100 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - teee than 1OO scl. ft, 001 0000 311 Extarior Alteration - More ihan t OO so. ft. 001 0000 311 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 319 3100 Moneyorder#- ca*x* / rt 3 Received by: F :/Ev60r'on./Form!i/Salesacl.exs ffi/062(m oo t , RECEIPT - The Towr of Vril tl {) DATE RECEryED FROM r{t') ADDRESS 5r556 Permit Numbers How PAfD--cash-Check l.' /5 ( I Tom of Uail+!r O.ETffiR RETEIPT *+r D0TE: 8/&3/il 0l RECEIPT: 0t?43S I}ESCRIPTIIil OTY ffiII{T TP 1T ,df;ilsrffiriF I €e.m rDR o( TENIER DETNILo{ l5c3 t&.nTIE: 14:16:38ffs.fi tae.m DflTE: 8/03/fl T0Tfl_ ofu{ilTTfi TEO€REI) TISI( YITJ FOR Y{I'R FAYE{T: Policc-$ecglpt, fumbers'.. l.:'t l.l tot 639 Re corded Re coyder: Bcok Page t.1 ' l/ WARRAN1Y DEED Ronald Kay l(endrick, husband, and Barbara J. Kendrick, wife, as joj-nt tenants, of Johnson, Kansas, 67855, in consideration of the sum of Ten and othe! Dollars, do hereby sell and convey to Preble G. Haffes, 4337 East l,taplewood Way, Littleton, Colorado, 80L2I, the following described land in Eagl.e County, Colorado: Lots L. *nd 2, 8l@k 6 , Sighorn Subdivi.sion. ' ' Ahird Addition Amended Plat together erith all appurtenances and warrants title to the same, sub- ject, however, to the following: (I) The lien of the gen€ral property taxes for the years 1956 and 1967 t (21 Reservations contained i-n patents from the United statest (3) Protective covenants as recorded in Book 175 at paqe I35 of the records of Eagle County, colorado, anal as amendeal in Book 187 at .page I95 of the same recordsr anal (4) A restriction upon the use of Iots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn Subdivision Thiril Addition Anended Pl,at for a period of trdenty years fron the date of this deed thatthe same shall be used only for resiale:rtia1 or apartment purposes. (sEAt) Husband (SEAT} Wife (sEAr) STATE OF XANSAS ) ) ss. COI'NTY OF STANTON ) The foregoing instrumenr' 24 day of March A.D. was acknowledged 1977 . by before rne this l,ly coflnission expixes : slrlt 0Efi,,il1itffi ftt .f./ zt r7,g ndrick, ,.'/ t l{itness my hand and official seal. EAGLE COUHIY ' CO TEAX J SINONTONPos: I 62. RFc | 36.09 DoC: i rffitilillffillilll ?oqa?48t8 tl/?s/20'9,4 lil[il|ffiffiillililIIil 53:AzPr ilIililil BENEFICIARY DEED Preble G. Harres, as grantor, desigrrates Preble C. Harres, Trustee, Prcble G' Harres Revocable Trust Agreernent dated February 2. 2oo5 , whose address is I 63 86 E. Dorado Avenuq Centenniat, Colorado 80015, as grantee-beneiiciary. - \ .I| r Grantor transfers, sells, and conveys on grantor's death to the grantee-beneficiary, the following I i / described real property located in the State of Colorado, ep-,:qq-Af!4d9: Bighorn 3d Addition, Block 6, Lots I and Lot 2, Assessor Parcel Nrrrnber 21Ol-122-Ol- 011. also known and numbered as 4387 columbine Drive, vail colorado 81657. This Beneficiary Deed is revocable, It does not transfer any ownership until the death of the Grantor. It revokes all prior Beneficiory Deeds by this Grantor for this real proPerty even if this Beneficiary Deed fails to convey all of the Grantor's interest in this red prop€rty. wernins: Execution of this Beneficiery Deed may dhquelify the grantor from being O*".mi""O eligible for, or from receiving Medicaid under Titte 26, Colorado Revised Strtutes. Warnins: Execution of this Beneficiary Deed may not avoid probate- Executed "nrni" /Oft a^yot t\/amrnl-' ,zoot- ll- I /({-"$Qg{*-- G.""t".ft"bte G. H'rrres Strte of Coloredo County of Arapahoe Prgble C. Harres acknowledged theNuutbr ,2008- uiigess Dy Notarv Public: My commission instrumentbeforeme mrs /Oft dayot cial seal. MyCo.mbdon ./a I/lt' !/,:t /'i1 \ i 'r''" '' r,1. i '. I 1of1 JONATHAN DUI{NING NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO 20082,|a16 / _"{- ,f MINUTES REGULAR MBETING VAIL TOWN COUNCTL 18 iIANUARY I97 7 The regrrlar meetinq of the Town council of the Town of Vail 'Colorado, was conv6ned at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, January 18' Lg77, in the Vail Municipal Building Council Chambers ' Mayor John Dobson and the following councilmembers were present: John Donovan Josef St.aufer Roal slifer BilI l{ilto Bob Ruder Others present were : Stanley F. Bernsteinr Acting Town Managet Iraltr enc e C. Rider, Tol^tn Attorney i nesoluTloN NO. I, Series of Lg77, naming the Antholz Property the Geralal R. Fo;d Parkr was introduced by Mayor Dobson' .- Councilman Donovan moved to aPprove lhe resolution; councrlman Staufer seconded ihe motioni iiL present voted in favor; and ttt.-*"1t"" carried. Speciai lssiltant Colleen Kline was. directed to send a tel-egrarn to the Presi'lent infonning hi-m of the honor. oRDINANCE NO. I' Series of I97?, providlng regulations for burglar alarrns within bhe Tonn of Vail, T"= -il:t?d::??^?"sec5nd reading- The Tovffr Attorney explained that PorLce Chief Gary w"rr nid-."t with Dick Eliis and other menber s of the business conununity and had incorporate'l a few minor changes to the ordinance ''-- iti iii"" "*pt"ss-td his appreciation to the iiaff anO stated that he felt tle ordlnance was a good one' Councllman oorro.,ur). *o.t"d to tpptottt the ordinance on second reading; councilman wilto sec-onded the motion; all present voted ln favor; and the motion carried' The Town clerk was- instructed to rt"v"-tite ordinance publ-ished in fuLt to include the amendmentE. oRDINANCENo.2tseriesoflgTT,rezoningLot].6'Bighorn-second Adtlition | .ta rctl-ir, li, ancr i3, nl-oct-a' and r'ots l.and 2' rlock 6 . ' aighorn rtr:iii miitiott, was introduceil by zoning - adninisirat6r Diana Toughill . she stated that the request -was iot i ao"nro"i"g-ii-t -d; Fanily Resiclential to single-Faniry Residential. Co"i.iir"" Ruder iovect to approve the ordinance; Councilman Sllfer seconded the motion; all preaent Yot:o t1' favorl and tne motion-carried' The Town Cllrk was instructed io ft.v" the ordinance published in full' ORDTNANCE NO. 3, Series of Lg77, establisiring SPeciaI ?:Y9.l"Fnt"'oi"u'i.e lto. ? ior The Mark, was introduced by Ms. Tough.|"II. Architect ro^ utii"t--!tt"t"i"a his drawings to. tne cou191l-and briefly discussed ,netltt to the cornmunity; such as " !I"P::"dconv"rrljco ecnter. councilman Donovan noved to apProve Ene ;ilffi;;;';-iii;f rcad;;; counciLman Ruder seconded the motion; ill present .tot.A-ltt-i"ttoi; ana the motion carried' The To$tn cl_erk was i.rstr"ltJJ a; h;;" the ordinance published in full-. ffi :Hiifi *rP;.i5fi:T;-lhnL"':il:J+H'i"i'n*#ff ilif #-[iJ-tla" apptication. -'rhb counci]- voted bv secret barrot to a ppo i nt r,o., p a r i! il::uu' lI"" 6Ea==9 11. r. ti;i;a;" ':lL I - s i dh-p_a nil' -t fi 5:"iiia l.ri,!v.I oi.ii.. ;-;;;a i i i n" i v5€E-Eet wee-F-Efi-e -€yo - - -, untiL the r.lroaii- i -i"g"f"t tneeting when alL members of the council would be Plesent' t-t ,t eO o ti/- E / l',|INUTES REGULAR I'IEETING VA]L TOt.lN COUNCILI FEBRUARY 1977 The regular neeti ng of the Town Council of the was convened at 7:30 P,M. on Tuesday, February Municipal Building Counci l Chambers. Town of Val l , Colorado, 1, 1977 , in the vail l,layo r Pro Tem Josef Staufer and the following councilmembers uere present: Rod Sl i fer Bi l1 Helmbach Bob Ruder John Oonovan others present i ncl uded: Stan Bernstejn, Acting Town I'tanager Larry Rider, Town Attorney ORDINANCE No. 2, Series of 1977, rezoning Lot 16, Bighorn Second Addition'. and Lots lI, 12' and ,l3, Block 4, and Lots I and 2' Block 6' Bighorn Third Addition, was introduced on second reading by Mr. Staufer. There was no discussi6n, and Councilman Donovan moved io aporove the ordinance on second rrading; Councilman Ruder seconded the motion; all present voted in favor; and thi nntlon carrled. The Tolm Clerk was instructed to have the ordlnance publ i shed by title only. 0RDII{ANCE No. 3, Sepies of 1977, establishing Special DeveloDment District 7' was introduced on second reading. Kai ser Morcus |{as present to answer any questions r€garding the ltlark's Special Devel ooment District. Councilnan donovan notei that-even though the l'lark's zoning would be SDD, jt would still be subject to any futuie changes in the Town's Zoning 0rdinance. Councilman Siifer pointed out that ihe Town Councll must approve each nhase of the develdpment seDaratelv. Councilnan Donovan then noved to ipprove the ordinance; Couniilman Slifer seconded the notion; all present vbied in favor; and the rotion carried. The Town Clerk was instructed to have the ordinance published by title oniy' 0R0INANCE No. 4, Serles of '1|977, regarding the registration of contractoPs wiltrin tt'e iown'of vall, was introduced oi first reading by l'lr. Bernstein'. He explained that under the old ordinance all. contractors' licenses exPir€d o" iiiiuirv I of each year regardless of the date granted- He stated that thts oidl-nance would -provi de for expiration of all licenses one year-after the date of issuance. He stated th;t this ordinance would include electricians inO pi urU"". who must be licensed by the State prior to regr'stration wi.th the Torn. Councilnnn Hejmbach nbved to-approve the ordinance on first reading; Councilman Donovan seconded the motioiri a1l present voted in favor; and the moiion carrled. The Toun Clerk was instructed to have the ordinance published in full. oRDINANCE No. 5, Series of 1977, amending the.Sign code regarding nonconforming slqns. was introduced on first ieading. -Jim Larnont explained that the ordinance pr6vided for the removal of certain nonconforming sl gned- throughout the lown wltttin a five year period. Mr. Rider stated that the Hol.iday Inn has agreed to remcve theii nontonforming sign soon. Councilman Slifer moved to anprove the ordlnance on first readiig; douncilr',nn Heimbach seconded the notion; all present voted jn favor; and tfre rnotion carried. The Town Clerk was instructed to have the ordinance published in full. RESOLuTION No. 2, Series of lg77' regarding the lease and.agreenent to purchase for Lot lO, was introduced by l'1r. Beinstein. He exolajned that Lot l0 ls ngw owned bv Oi. Stelnberq. et al , and thdt through this resolution the Tov{n agrees to teasi Lot I0 for $7Oo.OO per nxcnth ' from January through Apri l' 1977,-and to purchase the Lot for $70,000.00.0n May-l | 1?1-7. .He stated that Lot lu]s non'Ueing-rr"A for the bus route through"sjie-24. .Lot l0 is l/2 acre" Council- man Donoian moved to approve the Resolutioni Councilman Ruder seconded the notioni all present votbd ln favorl and the nrotion carried' PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TMT a maiority of the owners of Lots ll, 12, and 13, Block 4, and Lots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn 3rd Addition..have requested rezoning from the existing Two Fami'ly Residentia'l zone district to single-family residential. Resulting rezoning would reduce density from l0 to 5 units. Application has been madeinaccordance withSection.2l .500 of the Zoning 0rdinance' 0rdjnance No. 8, Series of 1973. A Public Hearing will be held on December 9' 1976 in accord with Section 2.|.400 of the Zoning 0rdinance before the Town of Vail Planning Cormission at 3:00 P.l'4. in the Municjpal Bujlding. The decision of the Planning Conmission will be forwarded to the Town Counci'l for final decision. TO}JN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \ i,/ UW+J&tqDiana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Pub'lished in the Vail /t/ Trail November .|9, .|976 MEMORAi'IDUM T0: Planning Conmission FR0l4: Department of Conununity Development DATE: December 9, 1976 RE: Request for Rezoning of Lots 'll, 12 and .|3, Block 4, and Lots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn Third Addition Major Bonnie 0'Leary, who owns Lots l2 and'l 3, Block 4, Bighorn Third Addition has requested that her property be rezoned from tlo-fanrily residential to sing] e farnily residentjal zone. ,J.A. Zarnovriecki and p.J. llclaughlin, r'rho ioinily orvn Lot )1, Block 4, Bighorn Thjrd Addition which ia adjacent to l.lajor 0'Leary's 1ot, have requested that similar action be taken on their lot. lrlr. and Mrs, Ronald Kendricks, oi{ners of Lots I and z, Block 6' Bighorn Third Addition -- the trvo other subdivided lots in this area -- have been notified of the proposed rezoning of the other lots and have not expressed objection to the inc'lusion of their lots in the rezoning. The requested rezonings are a'l I in a contiguous, isolated area on Colunrbine Roacl iust tlorth of I-70 underpass, lle feel that this area should be treated as a t,lhole, due to its separation from adjoining areas by the ner.r interstate. The existing char.rcter" of tlrjs area is small, single-family structures on small .lots, and t're feel that the remaining buildable lots in this area should confornt with tvitat is presently there. The sjze of the lots range from .l0l to .333 acreas, and tve feel that single-fanrily structure are nlore appropriate for these lots than duplexes. lie also feel that a sinilar policy should be considered for Lot 14' Block 4, Bighorn Third Addition rvhcn and if it is brought forth for a resubdivi s iorr request. ,'; Page Two o.', / 1 Thereductionofdensitiesislnlinewiththeon-going Growth Management study. since a whole area is being'r€zor€dr we do not fee'l that spot-zoning is occuring. For these reasons, the Departrnent of communjty Deve'lopment recorunends approval of the requested rezonings. 1 o? ORDINANCE NO. ASeries ot LTff- AN ORD INANCE REZONING I,OT 16I BIGHORN SECOND ADDITION TRol{ II{O FAI4ILY RESIDENTIAI ZONE TO AGRICUITURAIJ; IJ TSLL, L2, AND 13, DIOCK { AND LO4TS 1 AND2, BLOCK 6, BIGIIORN THIRD ADDITION FROM TVIO FAI|III,Y RESIDENAIA'J TO SINGLE PAMILY RESIDENTIAT, AND A!{ENDTNG TIIE OFPICIAIT ZONING II,IAP IN REI,AITION THERETO I4EEREAS, on the officlal zoning Map of the Town of ValI, Colorado, Lot 16, Bigholn Second AalalitLon anal LotB lf, 12, andl 13, Block 4 and Lots l and 2, Block 6, Blghorn Third Malitlon are currently zoned as ?wo Family Resldentialt WEEREAS, in accoldanc€ rrith Sectlon 2L.500 of the zonlng OrdLnance of the Town of vall, appucatj.ons for tezoninq of Baid propertLe6 have been f1led by the ownera thereof, reque8ting that sald lots be rezoned to Aqrl-cu1tulal and Single Fanily Residentlal zonea i I{EEnEAS, the Plannlng Conunigeion of, the Town ol Vail hae considered tha sane and recornmenaledl approval ot said applications to thE ao\rn Councilt and I{HEREAS, the ToI'n Councll conaldera that it 1r in the public lntereat to rezone Bald propertles t NOW, TIIEREFORE, BB IT ORDAINED BY THE IOWN COUNCIIJ OF THE TO{IN OF VAII,, COLONADO, THAT: (1) The Councll speclflcalty flnats that the proce- ilur€s for the anenilDent of the of,f,iciaL zonlng Map ancl rezoning of plopertles lrithln the Town of vail as prescribetl In sectlon 2I.5OO o! the ZonLng ordtinance of the Town of Vail, have b€en fulfitled, and th€ councll h€E€by receives che report andl recormendatLon of the Plannlng Cornnlsslon recoruendllng the approval of th6 appllcat.|one lor rezonl,ng of the above ep€cifleal prop€rtle6. C o? (?o Ord .Page 2 (2) Pulsuant to SectLon 21.505 of the Zonlng Ordinance, the follonl-ng described property ls hereby rezoned from !!tlo Famlly Res:ldlential to AgriculturaL: Lot 16, Bighorn second Adlalltion (3) Purauant to sectl-on 21.506 of the zonlng ofdlinance, the followLng describeii propertles are h€reby rezon€il fron T$o Fanlly R€sidential to Slngle Fanlly R€sldentlal: Lots 1.1,, 12 , anal 13 , Block 4; Lot6 1 anil 2, Block 6, Bighorn Third Addltlon ({) Ae provlded in section 1.203 of the zoning OrdLnance of the Tordn of Vail, the Zoning Mmlnlstrator la hereby d!.rected prolptLy to modLfy anal anend the official Zonlng ttap to inalicate th6 rezon:Lng epeclfied j.n sections (2) and (3) above. INTRODUCED, BEAD ON FIRST READING. APPROVED, AND ORDERAD PUELISHED OIICB IN FULL 1!tll6 lSth alay of January' 19?7, and a pub1lc hear tng on thl8 ordlnance shall be h61d at the regular neotlng of the Town Councll of the Town of vall, Colorado, on the lst day of February, L977. aE ?:30 P.1,1., ln the I'tunJ.clpal Builtling of the Tovrn of vall. r r' l. 1l 'r\ ) orc\ z,lgzz (.l?lr Page 3( INTROI)UCED, READ, ADOPTED AI{D ENACTED ON SECOND READING, AllD oR0ER[D PUBLISHED BY TITLE oNLY this lst day of February, 1977. TOI,IN OF VAI L, COLORADO