HomeMy WebLinkAboutBusiness License Application - 1992trrt.xn 3cdr Ad[d'tttsr \3\\- b tpt \ 75 soulh fronlage td. rall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 I zoning code Home Occ. Business Lic. department of community development May 19, 1982 Lori Russe'l I T,Manager Lyon Trucks;. Inc, Box 2505 Vail , Colorado 8'1658 Dear Lori: This'letter is in response to your application for a home occupat'ion permitfor Lyon_Trucks, Inc.:at 4396 Columbiire Drive North. Our planiring stiff reviewedyour application today, and we have decided that we must deny youi application. E tylt rgYiqry requests such asyours according to the regulations prescribed(Section 18.58.'160). 0n the accompanyinS copt of those iegulationi, I'vecircled 6 of the I criteria-.all 6 of which you can't compiy with. I think you gan see that the criteria for a home occupation are clearly set up todisallow proposals such as yours, I'm sorry we couldn't be more accommodating, but we must stick to the criteriaprescribed to us in the zoning code. l.le will give you 30 days to find alternatearrangements for your businesi. Please be awaie thit under Section '18,58.190 gI !n" coce;-,jou may appeal our decision to the planning commission within30 days of the date of this letter. I appreciate your frompt and thoroughactions concerning this issue. A. PETER PATTEN, Senior Planner APP: bpr Encl. 18,58,160 Appl, for Appl. for JR F^ EnFZ lvzl/, LICENSE YEAR. 25.OO fee for each APPLTCATTON rOR -,BUSINESS LrCljNgE (requir'eql undcr Orctinlnce' L'-76) -- ' '(amended by Qr?'. 31-80) lace of business must accompan l icat ion : NAME OF UAITING AgT'TAL BUSINESS PHONE LOCAL I'ANAGER'S HOI.TE PIIONE NU}TBER OF EMPLOYEES TTPE OF BUSINESS: Tota1 Area OccuPi-ed bY Business ',';? .II{DICATE TYPB OF OIYNERSHIP: lndividual Partnershj-p NUMBER q'Jh 1L-/2-STATE SALES TAX NUIJBER NAME ---. MAILING ADDRESS RESIDEi.ICE ADDRESS (Surnmer) 7.--' 3 (winter )-z-- >( year-round ) Retail Sales (specify) Restaurant /Bar Lodging Prof ess iorial ( specif y )7il' o--,Service (sPecify tYPe square feet. -- Offi.-E- ,/Corporation_^- LIST PABTNERS OR COBPORATE OFFICERS/TITLE LIST OIYNER'S ADDRESS mail-ing & Residence PLEASE INDICATE: NEW BUSINESS EXISTING BUSINESS Iormerly Operated bY: OUTSIDE'THE CITY LIMITS: APPLICATION DATE OPiNING DATE OF BUSINESS LICENSE #-ISSUED *r/rf't*"ftff- M'n1l Ant>l rcritton to: Town ci irrl<, Town ol' Vrt l I 75 S. Frontige Road' Val], Colorado 81657 (SIGNED) .. Il.l.E TRADE Ig!! olr.lTr^1, lll.:,\ l,.tl1 l'I ntt 'i-' -- _.\i ---_\; ti,/: > {!.; NIIILDINC USIi ONI,Y: o APPLICATION FOR HOIII OCCUPATION (Required as per Section '18.58.130. This is supplemental form to business I icense appl ication.') P-w" ErPV .l '-r-.- | r NME 0F BUSINESS:' W!2N - l K.<*: , ln (., L0cATIoN: C)Fr, r.r- + 4Jqb (.olu-,^h,u, DR- APPLICANT'S STATEMENT..fULLY' DESCRIBING THE NATURE OF THE HOME OCCUPATION: PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOI'IING. SPECIF.ICS :il-r@Jlature of the business.2. Nurber or employees3. Hours of operation4. Equipment/machinery to be used5. Antic'ipated number of customers, clients or students6. Anticipated number nunber of vehicle trips generated to and from the business location on a daily and weekly basis7, Parking proviiions & Approval of condominium or townhouse association if applicable. (Pl ease attach statements on separate sheet to this form along with the applicationfor business license.) APPLICATION tf DENTED reasons for denia'l : pd' NAI4E 0F CoNTACT PERSON: / ,r< I - R4 t-3{ { { . PHONE 4:7b-/ ^/-- i /-- Zoning Adminis trator ilr^- Our-@r-^ 1or. \a*Te^-rt's ,1n". lyro ,l Eu-s,^.e.2+. -Jn,A).n I WI de.A b € -*<a^-nAo.., No. E"^fiq* : v-,j f, +'-', - ll F^ , (A,vo.*r6ot, tt'\.a4<ttn...'ttt /!*,-o ArFe^l ,.p.' *a4r*t/) ,J D**{ lnulls ) t ,f'{'{ Lonane , oo iph>" {au fu*t e* Dpttz")-,*, r^r"r.-t-l3 6otd.l'ions . t/.-p * n-J*v\'aJz1 t / I zsr bnar.- , IG fttfnllrrrtfl h( kfr fr"hu ptj.J (aio^"t-s N.,^n-- ft"h uM q)zLAu 1v-'ps 'b 4 '5.n"- O*\zn fe*- A.a , 3 F*''i o.,> t 4" nppt 'ell,u lra-,le-z , I fe "f . Pntl' A"l