HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK LOT 18 LEGALv .,-"ut\uv I 3 lw lt ^,tU/ tu6 RrHlc&rdcr GomFny of Golondo P.O. Box 4iX) Mintum, CO 816{5 (xxt) 9495781 lsgt Public Servicer '-'-\' \\*- \ \ Robert P. Dooher \ \\\ \\-t'1994 Buf ter Creek Rd. ".,r.*t;\ I Vail, CO 81657 Cust omer- Sel'vice Re1:res;errt trt ive Gerhard Schroter, onnerGary Murrain, Tor.''n of Vail November 12, 1992 Re: Account No. 60695-76?-132-l5O-4 BService Address 1994 Buffer Creek Rcl , Vail. Coforado Dear Mr Dooher: On November 10, 1992 a public Service Company Gas servlceman nracleservice call at the property located at 1994 Buffer creek Rcl .,Vail, Co.Lorado. During his rnspectiorr, it ir,a,s found that you have a copperconnector to the hot watr:r heater an.-l t-his does not conform withthe Utrifornr Mechanical code. This connector must be replacecl witha steer collnector', ALtl:ough this is not considered to be animmediate hazarcl to tlre safety of your dwerling, it coulcl becomehazardous and must be correctecl . For this reoion, the appJ.i-ancetvas tagqlecl with a ye11or,' tag, marked,'ilarning,', €t copy of which isfiled in our Service Departmeltt For safety reasons, you are adviseci that the problem be correcteclby your repairman as soon as possrble. shoul-d you have any guesti,ons aborlt the service problem, preasecall our CLlstomer Service Department at 262-4056. &w- .o '..0 i iX ,rl , ,n, ,t..1r[ iit' ) (v 75 roulh Ironlege road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 479,2139 olf ice ol communlty developmenl January 14, 1991 Mr. Robert Dooher 1994 Buffehr Creek Road Vail , Colorado 87657 Re: Ilome Occupation Dear Mr. Dooher: You have applied for a home occupation perrnit in order to conduct a painting-business from your home. our office is giving approval fo-r ttris lome occupation upon condition that no paint or painting equipnent, such ai ladderl , is stored outside of the residence wtierl it is visible to adjacent property owners. If we find that paint and painting eguiprnent is stored hrhere it is visible, we nay revoke this permit. If you have any questions, please feel free to ca1l. Sinc-ereIy, Planning Technician r:i luwn n l|al 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 {303) 476-7000 departm€nt ol public works/tra nsportatlon TO: FROM: DATE: RE: In sumrnary, Ordinance No, 6 states that lt ls unlawful for any person to lLEter, track or deposit any soll, rock, sand, debrls or material, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any streeE, sidewalk, a1ley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail sEreeEs and roads 1s approximacely 5 fE. off pavement. This ordinance wLl1 be st.rictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works DeparcmenE. Persons found violating thls ordinance will be given 24-hour wriEEen nocice to remove said uraterial. In the event the person so notified does not comply r^rith Ehe notice within the 24-hour time specified, the Public Works DepartnenE will remove said mate.rial aE Ehe expense of person notified. The provlslons of Ehis ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, mainEenance or repair projects of any sEreeC or a11ey or any utllitles ln the rlght-of-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Read and Acknowledged by: Date VAIL1989 MEMORANDT'M ALL CONTMCTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE T0lrt{ OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH I6, 1988 ORNINANCE NO. 6 ",t Town of Vail Building Department Project Requirements and Contractor Infornation 1,. Building permit application: A. ) FiIl out work sheet.B.) Submit two cornplete sets of plans. * If fast-tracking project see fast-track application. rr No permitsr including Fast-Track, will be issued without written approval from planning department for on site requirements. * AII design review board, planning commission and town council- approvals and conditions, if applicable, betweenthe Town of Vail and the developer, shaIl be acquiredwith written agreernents concerning these matters beforebuilding permits are issued. * Condorninium approval for any work in a condoniniurnizedbuilding 2. Architects & Engineers stamps required on all plans: * Exception: R-3 single fanily & duplex. R-l- one story structures 3. Contractor registration with Town of VaiI building department: A. B. c. 9t- nillion liability insurance. Workmen compensation insurance. T.O.V. registration. 't A11 insurances must be kept up to date if working in the Town of Vail. 4. On site project requirenents ,' A. ) Posting of permit in a clear weather protected cover,visible from road or hallway if condominiurn or townhouse. B. ) Set of stamped approved plans rnust be on site forduration of project. No inspections can be done if plansare not on site. Fast-Track projects to have plans onsite as approved. 5. Required inspections: A. ) Excavation and footing rebar Foundation rebar Masonry fireplace ( structural design & chirnney liners )Underground DWV, water, gas, & electric )Temporary electric service Rough plumbing ( DW, water, gas, & hot tubs) Rough electric ( see ordinance no. 12 |Rough nechanical { gas rrBrt vents, duct work, cornbustion ){ air, f ireplace f1u masonry & type ttAtt} Rough sprinkler ( hangers,location, & testing) Rough fire alarrn Rough framing ( property irnprovement survey when req. )InsulationFireproofing ( if required for structural components )Sheetrock screw / nail offExterior lathFinal plunbing Final mechanicalFinal electricalFinal DRB ( landscaping, exterior finishes, paving, Final- fire departnent ( if reguired )Final building 6. Property inprovement survey: Reguired on all new construction. Submitted and approved before rough framing inspection. Improvement survey to include height of ridges, baseslab elevations, property lines, and footprint of newconstruction. Survey rnust be stamped by a licensedengineer. A. B. c. department inspections: Shop drawings on fire alarrn systen. Shop drawings on sprinkler system. Shop drawings to be subrnitted to building department andrnust be approved before work is started. 8. Street cut permits: Fire A. B. A.) fssued by the Town of VaiI Public Works Department. No work nay start without first obtaining a perrnit. Dates: Street cuts are pennitted between April L5 to November 1-5 only. 9. Town of VaiI anendments to the 1985 editions of uni_formbuj-Iding code, uniforrn plurnbing code, uniforrn mechanical codeand 1987 nationai electric code: A.) Ordi-nance no. 12 L987, Amendrnents to the l-987 NationalElectric Code for the Town of VaiI. 1.) Aff electrical wiring in groups A,B,E,I & H occupancies as defined in the Uniform Building Code, shall be incased in conduits, race\.,rays,or in approved armor. A11 wiring in group R-lshall be encased in conduits, raceways or in approved arnor to the circuit breaker box for each unit No aluminum wire or copper-clad aluminum wire srnaller than size 8 wi-ll bepermitted within the Town of VaiI . 2.) Persons engaged in the instatlation of remotecontrol, 1ow energy power and signal circuitsas defined in article 725 and 760 of 1987 NEC, need not be licensed electricians; however, aII such persons shall be registered with the stateelectrical- board. Proof of registration sha11be produced when asked by the Town of VailBuilding Official . 3.) A11 such installations of rernote control, Iowenergy power and signal systems are subject tothe perrnit and inspections requirements ofsection 12-23-1,L6 C.R.S.. Accordingly allinstallations of remote control, Iow energy power and signal- systems must be performed in accordance with the minimum standards set forthin the National Electric Code. B. ) Underground gas piping: l-.) Public service co. requires all gas pipinginstalled underground to be welded, the Town ofVail acknowledges and supports this requirernent. 2.) U.P.C. requires a 60 psi test for 30 minutes. C.) Fireplace chinney chases: l-.) A11 fireplace ,/wood stove chases to besheetrocked with s/Bu Type X gypsum board andfiretaped. Inspections are required. 10. Inspection requests: A. ) A11 inspection reguest shall be called in at least 24 hrin advance by the electrical contractor onl_y. B. ) A reinspection fee inspection orreinspection when such portion of work for whichinspection is ca11ed is not complete or when correctionscal-Ied for are not made. 1_.) Electrical reinspection gaa.oo 2.) Building plunbing & mechanicaLreinspection g3o.oo. C. ) Electrical inspections are on Monday, Wednesday & fridayonly, 8:00 AM to 3:3O pM. No specific AM or pM inspections can be granted duri_ng peak building season. 11. Special construction reguest for Vail ViIIage & Lionshead.: A.) Approvals frorn the Town of Vail Comrnunity development,Police, Fire and Public Works departments is required'before construction is to begin.B.) Any heavy equj.prnent ie: cranes, backhoes, concretepumps etc... used in the core areas must be pre approvedby the building department. l-2. Holiday closures for Vail Village & Lionshead core areas: A.) No construction work will be conducted durinq thefollowing holidays. L. J. 4. Memorial Day ( three day holiday weekend )Fourth of JULY Coors Bicycle Classic ( as scheduled )Labor Day ( three day holiday weekend )Special Events ( proper notice will be given ) 13. construction worki.ng hours in for vair village & Lionshead.core areas: Monday thru Friday 7200 A.l{. to 7:00 p.M.. Off season and summer core closure 11:OO A.M. to 2:OO p.M daily, no vehicles are allowed into these core areasduring these hours. In addition no 1oud noises such asjackhammering and other noisy construction activitieswill be allowed during this tirne.Deliveries of construction rnaterials and trash removalshall be between the hours of 7z0O A.M. to 11:00 A.M. and2:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.. A. EI c. L4. Certificate of Occupancy. A. ) Certificate may be issued when it is. found that thebuilding or structure conplies with the provisionsof the U.B.C., U.M.C., U.p.C., U.F.C., & N.E.C. asadopted by The Town of Vail .B.) No building or structure of group ArErI,HrB, or R-1occupancy, sha1l be used or occupied, and no change inthe existing occupancy classification of a building orstructure or portion thereof shall be rnade until thebuilding official has issued a certificate of occupancy. C. ) No R-3 occupancy shall be used or occupied.until a finalinspection has been conducted and approved by thebuilding official. D. ) Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued providedno substantial hazard exist in the building or structure. oo oo department of community developmentbox 1O0 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s513 Septemben 7 , 1982 Bob Dooher 1994 Buffehr Creek Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: DRB Subm'ittal of 9-7-82 Dear Bob: 0n September 1, 1982, the Design Review Board approved the color change for the Schroter res'idence. Approval was for Devoe Modern Ivory for the sidjng and Tiverton Blue for the trim. Si ncerel y, f '*7* Jim Sayre Town Planner JS: df @Ittulu-F =E uJ xN \\ NN, U'lrl oz 2 o E) .6 z I I I I I l- t6 IE t3tzr6 a.r.l t{t{ v F-) --- o c lr+6*E.e ld;i€ss l+ E U E q? E l; =.e g?t= 19 EE E;t IF € qE s:e )E :Eia,JlE !E 1i; le.gEs;H\lHi ;€l;5{l5i€ a,Yi a\\l<F3!He;\169ac ii: f t(,<o=-o"6:o-E f ::'gF-EEP9 X.,.-OO :EE H!, E6FS= - o;9; -c:o(aE e.9 :':::,$:= c : pi; =, xEFeg *E;; I iEH'8fi E = UJ z o o z =f d r|JtuIL z.o tr UJ LlJ (r o co 3g uJ z 6 uJo F llJ f z lt (J U''ui uJt! F =lu(! J F (.' z.a =lJ NOtrvn'tvA cn cn oo I I I =l6@ - l.i:;914 =t!.ilF= (D N 1,. yfcolJ =trzzD-oo o oFl E g 96sE 9 0i tt O c;:e? 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