HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK LOT 20 LEGALFAX I.O. :Jul. 29 2W9 8giffill PI ;*tr*r""*""":'::4 jili tffi t,b4 l.g t- F r c, o, (D o)c -{ (D 3o (D aI,i I z @<o t\, Nt <D m :o CD aq grE.Ir gFF sgaE i e gF$E i H =i'H !*e;E a EEa,F Eg:'Fi ad; B= € ;E+3 ig*r; .i FA*H F FE A€. F lsgE g *F+6 4 5'F'- a #ivrzs '&* I N) E\ z. 3EH a-.F.t (T ?\ ?\2 EF1, F3= g"E€ ggEf esr ?Eg €g€E gEE FF' €EFeFEEEF g€EF 13 FF $gggaeE *FEEFig 5 (o 6i Hirt !(t \o !? 6 9lLd EIQ - Hl-H F lto[ 8lo t- d 9 |t Az tr =G UJo- n U) r.lJ LU LL F E uJ s\\$N\ N i I I I IU lo ; I I I I t..., rc) IEtot(J IZ r= F o E F EFIz o zz U' llJF z z ) .6 zzo z Hts U) X E4< F CJ o o ;l 6l H;lolFl (Dl 5l E (Do6.s 6 Ec(u q) o c = E o = l D 0) 3't c .9 a,to ar; o c '6 E ltt co o)'- \lli\ c 3o i- o o o) ; o (! o f of o .2 =f 6 g;](! o o c ao ; c 3 F (5 ; E () (! CL = c F E .s E =i i E o o)(! f:o! .9p F- Cr$Ea =ga.=E>_o'-o o.o E(6 !ro 'uy ;i-.=- a(! ''i 6'- -c'F a)EE (])N (!c,c(o -o-(o0 OOoa6 ;3o(! j; (l'0 >9-ooo; IDE-LO -o oo @ @ \?.v (\ \:r(\ = = z o !() I z 9 e. F LIJ z6 l.J 2 I TIJ UJ z l- UJ g. =!9 Ez a!Jo E o-uloc z uJJ X F llJol (n ulul LLt = uJ oF az o l co I Fo uJ UJ oz6 - ) z uJ = NOr]-VnlVA I I I l"F <1,- t-:-f'-tsc{ 14<u) E9Z u-\ :eOE (&r(D\ FsGuJz =>E -I ztr^ 'ao =iQZr!<oq >-(J jN z Ff z z tr f CE (9 o- ar TIJ(L F |'r| F. I E z Eoo z tr E UJF ; z tzlzOatr!! o< >E>(r9a6o<z Fz Ozz- --l ---o3trOI u,Jl tr til2 O IF F o-*u{:og I IIl I Irl 3l F Jl r_l zl zl , ' >| uJ UJ TJJzac cc lrJ o- --) z Eoo z l- 6 CO I&o l- < :<:x 3 thoFziil ot! z); C.J(o --? O uJF U)dlo-z F IJJv uJo F = uJ l!^ \J o\ ^o \JO F (r 4l CL IL uloz o2o s o, JFul-h= c LlJ>(!Ou-9o \LU x> JJ l! UJ (D F o CIo o a, .=ct E Eo(, o E =E,1! o-zoF C)f E,Fazo() uJFIJokzo J /.2 z tr oz :f LL z6 l -J ITT .^i5\./ \-/ = =E'tdd= =.1olutl :l <l>l r!Iol zl 3lolH I I I I I .l =.1olul 5l al>l rLlol it :ol uJFI F ol r.rJl JI<l>l tr-lol zl 3lolFI 3olFI rnitl\fl c.r I-l ol =.1 EI 1l <I>l 6l zl 3lolFI 2Hfr M .4 =tr I l-I lrnI lo| | -'r ' llI l\o| | t'.I l-+.ldlrI r-.+ o-t9tlIX HFqzl ulvl- I t,t r-t>{l LlJl f-ld qt <cl d>-l {>t I<l<=a=o h & a z ui =z CD _-1 leetl. Tt|l (pql q+ 1 oz:IL 1F F F EFz z r UJ t-ori1 =b= <oOF -< \2 LIJ O zt- =#fF)zo-O (J E, <F(r(Jr!<zEurF(tZ E. ulz = F uJ =a E. )<Oan:tstrTT I I -+' -'rB I i.r =t :l I ...1 SJ >+s l!J uJu, =I lr e tEoFo EF2o() Eo Eu,z3o a!o ltGf zIo iiEEg' iiiiE NOrlvnlYA Zzgo ootr ^ 62i E =EvtoE6! EE<oq t EH r { q (9 c og, (J G Cttlc J z }O Nsr r*d 'fl I I I ) , , z oP =aroo =FnnnFI =l-of I tZHI --*o .rl =q< al Er-rrt, -l ==e Ntr! E: IE UJLBo EgE;EeIE.D9EEE>-=u,EFE-xEP EEtg€i UJooF ts =E, 1lIo.zIF()f E,F- z,o(J }$ d{ 9E rtl alvlNI "?lfslq t^l t- ?-R IVt..lurl=t<lzItDtol- s: $ '\l a. t'{ (, oo = E E() IJ tl,JIn14tJl v-v) "F\l =g I I4 -rl N rr-l .loz) olI uJl :l l>1tl|.loIttoIF Ic ozl d uJl Gl t go EF ol 7ct urla J o aot- u,JgJ F :g =c l! ot uJz =o cr UJE (Je e -rO<FE()l!<zF a.r Z-oo dF =()!l< ^cl7F',2qJO c, gF 3E d.6() 3E =3EE EE+E5i o() dc>Lu, -t?Y!f I I ,t ,\ ?5 roulh fronllgG rord vril. colondo 61657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROU: DATE: SUB.TECT: off lcc of communlty dcvclopmcnt ALL CONTRAqIORS CT'RREMTLYL REGISTERED WITII TITE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMLNITY DEVELOPMENT litARcH 16, 1988 CONSIRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAIJ SIOR,,,AGE In sunmary, _Ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor roaterial, Lncluding trash dunpsters, portable toilets andtrorkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, al1ey or publicplgce or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be strittly enforced by the Town of VaLlPullic works Departnent. Persons found viotating thls ordinanceu111 be given a 24 hour wrLtten notice to renove-said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotlce within the 24 hour time specified, the publ-ic worksDepartnent witl remove said rnaterial at the expense of personnotifled. The provisions of this ordinance stratt not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair proJects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVall Building Department to obtal.n - copy. flanf you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and ac)inowledged by:'7/" /fu &! <s- R^r {7r(\t \u vl G $r)x ryN L: av .,: <; ;9 €t .; (fcr =d)'' -ocat a: FC: E<-, ()I-J ,- (jl '= E- q) .L o,Er >' 1i t, crrE{tr $ $$ et\ $t /--q'--r Strrl GEntr- GSrrtr G'o)3Ea ';: cl qr A s{ lt+.)('N' N +.. %oo \ \ \ coEclct ct .Do { ) >lc-4. [)- \eLb INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL Q c,o PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON 1'! i ,..t!2.l . WED Lq-., ''. 'l.' f aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR JOB NAME a INSPECTIONTOWN OF t--.N.-.n* REOUEST VAIL t' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WE BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAT HAppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR o ^-,..v o^," /eHy'o Project Application I(l )tt, r /{,.(",r'.Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: i,"/ cc' k/ts/ Architect, Address and Phone: q /n ,u,nn Kr&.t (r--L , ron" Design Review Board Molion by: o^r" ,la /3ft o DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: Su mmary: Slaff Approval Town Of Vail Community Development K. Pritz, Planning Department G. Murrain, Building Department Just a note to offer some detailed information regarding the Sante residence application, and to satisfy the Building Department (Gary Murrains) specific request regarding the skylight installation (meeting building code requirements) : PROJECT #I: Complete Re-Roof (including installation of three new skylights, and replacement of one (of two) existing skylights). - Refinish or replace & refinish existj-ng Fascia board (see color sample sheet for more information). - Install VELUX skylights vrith manufacturers required flashing kit. VELUX were highly recomended from various sources since thei:: qualit-y and f lash:i-ng systems are apparently t.he cleanest, arrd most trouble free (leak free). They are designed for flush (surface) mounting on roofs of 4/I2 or greater. These are fixed lens tempered glass with "Bronred" anodised frames. According to Gary Murrain the UBC requires a 45o angle on a glass unitf and only a 3/L2 pitch on the cheaper (and much weaker) acrylic domed units. This inconsistency was dlscussed lvith Gary, and the followlng conclusj-ons were made: Building a box and curb to raise the glass units to 45" would both ruin the roof line (since two of the units wil-l be close to the rj-dge, and the boxes would extended above the ridgeline), and the curb would make the flashing ineffective as designed. Our roof is extreemly visible from the road (20 Feet away) and above. It is our desire to install the skylights as designed so that the appearance :ls as subtle and clean as possible, and so that the sealing and flashing will function properly. Gary approved a flush installation so long as a letter was on file stating our intentions, and that t s5dl) ---"--"-+j'> l-1"- n{f V*'u1 a^-*'*El') )e wj-ll be "Brilliant White" f: - I ,.----ly[1 nf/ -- I ^..-L1 I t Y()/(' n*o;uct #:, Driveway paving r,'r,il ' 1) ,- ?L- | | | -\r\ .: r\\rurJvr rJ' r'rrJ-v€will -Havrng bo ' ,),urf r" o - /. ,r_ tr, \ t) ^P .-:t " 1,,k. Enclosed afso are pl;rtt maps., and a clrawing of the property line (vn the code exists, but doesn'L rea11y fit our applicati-on. Please consider this letter as sufficient documentation. - Instal-l- TAMCO brand, HERITAGE II model- asphalt,/ fiberglass shingles (double butted, 300+ lbrzsquare in "Rustic S1ate" co1or. Tamco Herj-tage II was approved and used on the Stites res.idence, three houses down on Buffehr Creek Road, last FalI. A LEIGH Universal Ridge Vent wj-11 be used with the same sh.ingles (see enclosed brochure). PROJECT #2: Color Chanqe Enclosed is a set of samples. Test patches are done on the north end of the house. "Tobacco Brown" is the color on the door, "Brilliant Whj-te" is on the door casing and brickmold, "Alaska White" is to the right side, "Buckskin" is above the door, and the 4 to I mix (Alaska to Buckskin) is to the Ieft of the door. The window trim will be "Tobacco Brolrn", and the CLAD surfaces as it relates to Buffehr Creek Rd.. The house when originally built was obviously placed close Lo the property line, but the area to be paved is essentially the area that exists in gravel and is currently used for parking. Grading will be done to ensure proper dral-nage. Thank You for your consideration ! Heather Sante BAJ>b-r!rJlP.o - F{Sat,{r Dooa A€-r11' 72? -U4 lbe cicl^tl+ -8,JCJ.AoLD - 0LLDr9G, ^furl/D6trrOorr:S 61 Aaalao4lg Lo'jt Lusrn-L L\12x |)o 'J s G' ?Ai ^tI------8aoita,- bdAlaska White 78 r,rrAyr- ,{czzya i c- L *'rEl. grat!) t {oc,z...uob bLID I!l ) i\, t. l-k Ca|)srtrErardl Buckskin50$rylt'Jtt a+ Pq 'r.i"< 4L*5*4 rDFrrL.a- i P+r"J- lsr,t{sKr^) -D'ec-tL + QrAtc to r)rz 5z-Arrug5 (se*,--radps ?+ee-r:l-) 6s Et(.5np6. - FASc-rA To be- EtTH€-tL ''T-obr|cco 6{zo9'J,.j " , dR srA/,.JEo 7c) $+1c-fi ?841A or, {2.,4rL . c'"V <!': I S.DI^J€ +- SoFnT 1{44orc.E-,. L&9HotcL'. 3@c-tto,ce: " B,lc(sru^J " ,,.,n ,5 i' ; .,- Ato insure maximum performance from the Leigh rldge vent system, it ls important that the net free area of undereave vents is equal to or greater than the net free area of the ridge vent. The one plece, low proflle deslgn of the Lelgh 75O BK Unlversal Rldge Vent provldes an attractlve alternatlve to conventlonal ventllatlon systems. The Leigh Unlversal Ridge Vent can be Installed wlth conventlonal, shake, or tile shlngles and provldes maxlmum product performance when properly Installed In a balanced ventilation system, Convenlent length offers Installauon flexlbllity. SHAKE CONVENTIONAL TILE Model No.Description Length Feet Free Area Sq. In. witl Ventilate Sq. Ft. Lbs Per Gtn No. Per Ctn 750 BK Ridge Vent, Black Distribution Centers Main Office Leigh Producls 411 64th Avenue Coopersville, Michigan 49404 Teleohone: 800-253-0361 FAX 61 6-837-9516 Western Distribution Center Leigh Products Reno, Nevada Teleohone: 800-253-0361 Southeast Distribution Center Leiqh Products 222-5 Cypress Street Valdosla, Georgia 3 l 601 Teleohone: I 1 2-242-49 46 FAX 912-242-27 40 COOPERSVILLE. MICHIGAN 494c)4 OFFICE PHONE: 16161 837-E}1 41 CUSTON,4EF SEFIVICE: [Eil 6] 437-a1 a 1 a!)rraRnow conrp:rrw {=-:*a= Bulletin *6707-L lEIG I!II E .$- NIVERSA1RIDG {,lr-)Z Lt ;tc .. ,-( ,- ! L {' A;r. l7,x 1t\'-a4 C - n r r.l* Looks great while providing the ventilation necessary to help prevent damage caused by summer heat and winter moisture build up. Proper ventilation also helps to prevent premature shingle damage and deterioration. The Leigh Universal Ridge Vent, when installed beneath conven- tional or shake shingles, becomes almost invisible and presents a clean, aesthetically pleaslng look. The unique tab connecting feature deslgned to link lengths together eliminates the need for additional connectors which Increases cost and lnstallation time. The Leigh Universal Ridge Vent, model 75O BK, is designed to meet and/or exceed specific buildlng code specifications. The Leigh Universal Ridge Vent is made of high density polypro- polene wlth U.V. inhibitors added to extend product life. i ,iz '/e'*-T'v'- Cp1'rit Support Pegs Spaced 1/s" aparl eliminates need for screen, orovides additional infiltration protection. andinfiltration protection, and meets building code ./. lnterlor Weathor Batfle Provides orotection from insect and weather infiltration. Adlu.lablc hlngcFe!b lrty ol adlustable n nge accommodates 3/12 to 9/r 2 pitch variance. B€ca!se lhe hinge isnregrar€d nlo the aclual r dge vent add,tionat endcaps are not n6€ded ,^J .I c\.. (o Fo EF .l \\lc '. t( \l I I, tl .:- tl J Y '\\J (-: \ \o aFr(9 trlI s t-.J .\1U . *--.1-? -=-v- .., )\(-\-\ L r- 's- "9 ciF = r.' 3 ot- lrll= l:aE UJFz. = oz o(\l o ccFF- N r^; lrJFns8.,sJo -u8t29 qR F;l B2 (lt o lr.lFF J A-25 zot Eftox s <uoz _JX s3 !"/ -E,- lFt N .oD cti ' c+, \o. ;*n"' -'1,7'/ .?K$' A \to - \ ",/ !v F-o , { ,af" i, .,lr)q fo Ot f,,- -o.i"o.q 4,..,1 \ d'L\3, orr\ N r e,6E- X rf r, i."x e-1,.,: '::Ht P #q E ''9r)l ,'&o../O o-' --,f9'ao, H." ct'3 lju; -. .rGuFvE '' '\StJ -1. ''o) t{N"* ;&}- 90 ()q l'-N 'too oo.9 $ -o lD r.rilJl 'a ta) R'g |o t-. Hi -(L'-cr =rDut> cAc)G 9,rti(l ZF ,gg'g 'F{ t,t/ F.z r|J =tt,(t tr,J ";/ "*\ ;/ .\\,/ s o",,v - ,,,t\%.0 ,o$d\." . -,-re \'. .-q ,{)VI\,--{: x \ \. -"egs .g .&) ',.y)r A-r\ 6';'i"-'., "SN e i *t,rl \ ,q-"0,.\ 1f.u+)l;a ,f ,oF.: I t9--='1, 5 s 1l I I t9'o, l-"' (qi\iR' ifrN l-\o,, elo .G ,<6tcPt' ,$,\ -, i.ooj tN3ltSS-v3 A1r..lt ln,ol 'l,,o.,iu'un ld,.2bi\g I \-2K6 N''' io--oto ,rA '/r"' t+ i t'D .i2"'I& -6\ a\ .< .\o Itgs i a2 ls) r--'(' ,,J1 -" \< g- \,n\ eRq ( ( '\o .s a7.25' Lot fr',.1-() (rv+ surr-i:,r-lir. ci€Ex Ru) 'Ir\\S Atat_A rS /,. 1-- r t(L(Lr-.tjr /. \ I (:tla.{VL:L ':.(lSrrrtsrtz/ a'o'lwr'lL 55,co' -v(l,rj\) la-r, &. Ta p.4V t' O . tlo.oJ' TEI-PdopE PgD A'At I I't1t1 11 Y r1T r,"rr.i'-l (NLUUIItv 22,0n' h NIF-,J' . oit3r:uul{ tv ,t'-;-ti!'r{ tsdFFL FI R CREIK I(OAIi FFU|tz- 3 ^,ao {;LyhauT\ ,4-s 3r..lccrd) ,+ oN€ oLD S(YLIC1HT VL?TJC-ZP (S.*.t ,"=. Lot') SANIE DRB IPPLICATION RECIOCT0tmj DATE APPLrcArroN RECETVED: p | ,lqo DATE oF DRB uEETInez tof zl'qo ****TTHIS APPLICAIION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTIL ALL INFOR!'TATION rs SUBMITTED*ir*r r. PR8-APPLICATION UEETING: A pre-applicatlon meeting with a planning staff uenber is strongly suggested to detemine if any addltional lnfomation ls needed. No aPplicatlon wllI be accgot9d . ft ls the aPPlicantrs respo;sIbIfitv tJrnike in appointnent with the staff to flnd out-about adaitional subnlttat reguirements. Please note that a COMPLETE apptication wlll streamll'ne the approval process for your p-oJect by decreaslng the-nunber of conditlons oi appioval that the DRB rnay stipulate-. ALL conditlons of approval nust be resolved before a bulJ'ding pernit Ls issued. lpplication will not be processed without ownerts Signature. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTIONz Turs '+fpucxt'op ts e ) oF(9LeTe Rt nooFruz.l (;..rc-Lun,d6 ,\,1 €-l^J s'i(Y4r<i,'/f ,^lsf+tt+fo^l) I Cotorz c'e*,.ta-e- 3) f\F,.rr". r-y ?+,r,,.re' B. IPCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address lQa4 ?ocezna Crcr,e-*- P'o.*r', L€gal Description Iri- '2O Block Subdivision A,,.oautr C-neet-Zoning C. NA!{E OF APPLICAI{T: Mailing Addressz$g;-Ijt}- y'*'. ,( ,^ 1<tL5? Phone 4+6'toa? D. . t. NAI'TE OF APPLTCANTIS REPRESENTATIVE: A.JlA Malling Address: Phone E.NAI,IE OF OWNERS: SIGNATSRE (8) S ltailing Address: Phone 4+6 -1o63 F. G. Condominl-um APProvaI lf applicable. DRB FEE: The fee will be oaid at the time a buildinq Eermit is paid for. VALUATTON FEE 910.00s 25.00 $ 50.00 s100. oo 92oo.0o s300. oo sos 10,Oo1 $ 50,001 s150, OO1 $500, 001I over - $ 1o,ooo- s 50,000 - $ 150,000 - s 5OO,O0o - 9l,OOorooo s1, Oo0, 0oo ,t't I rr,.',\i ' II. IUPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI'TISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meetlng subrnlttal reguirements, the appllcant must stake the site to lndicate property Il-nes and bullding corners. Trees that vill be removed nust also be narked. Thls work must be conpleted before the DRB visits the slte. B. The revieu process for NEW BUILDINGS will nonnally involve two separate neetl.ngs of the Design Review Board, so the appllcant should plan on at least two neetings for a final approval . C. Appllcants who fail to appear before the Deslgn Review Board at their scheduled rneetlng and who have not askedfor a postponeuent will be requJ.red to be republished. D. At the discretlon of the zonlng adroinletrator, the following iterns may not have to be presented to the Design Review 8oard. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a. Windows, skylights and slnilar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additlons that are not vlewed from any other lot or public sPace, which have had letters Eubnitted frour adJolnlng property owners approvingthe addition; and/or approval fron the agent for' or nanager of a condorninlun association. E. You nay be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, wetlands, etc). You should check with a Town Planner before Proceeding. NA!.TE OF PROJECT: IJGAL DESCRIPTI ON Z LDT +ZD BIOCK SUBDIVISION B,JFpene Crz-e.er-. STREET ADDRESS: 1?174 Averaqa- Coce.< Qo*t \ /-...^", acc Oo ol.n-,,n^ (t.:,t,, ,r^,..a NE,,t S. l(vtrcrHf t s Sf *tt*ft Orl\ The follolring information is reguired Revlew Board before a final approval A. BUILDING I'fATERIALS: EYPE Of f,* noof (s t+o/o"" 8"tr/s,ro.o) !-g-s..i SKYLIQHIS"" J-Eiilarfr SKYLTGH'Isz -,lsutJle rx OJh er-I{aJ}t{artcria I s fjtsaLa sgfftts wi;rdorvs nijnde'trfrin Dj)ors for submlttal to the Deslgn can be given: UATERIAL tfA/^e Caqrt' c-A*^tAe Dgl>#.m ttggil-op-Oeet Rails rjlr€6 F-]as'lrirgs Cbinaeys Trgsb-Eaclosures Grge.nhcffses Other B.IANDSCAPING: PI.AI{T UATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Name of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name common Name ouantltv Size* *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minlfnur! calip?E for a"l]fa"""r ii."-"-ir-z-inshcs Indicate height for-coniferous COIPR t4 "*r:c&ilxiru") PLANT UATERIALS: Botanical Narne corunon Name ouantltv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE RE}IOVED *Indl.cate size of proposed shrube. Minlnurn sLze of shrubs Ls 5 qallon. TyE scnrare Footage GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. oTHER IANDSCAPE FEAIITRES (retal.nJ.ng nalls., fences, swl'nnlng nools, etc. ) ile"s" specify. Indiiate heights of retalning ;;it;: -uirinur heighCor wltls withln the front setback Ls 3 feet. lrtaxlnun height of wafls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet.