HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK LOT 25 LEGALTo: From: Date: Subject: Memorandurn Vail Town Council Community Development Department May 17,2011 Deed Restricted Employee Housing Unit at Lot 25, Buffehr Creek Subdivision I. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicants, Arthur and Judith Axelrod, owners of Lot 25, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, represented by Kathy Langenwalter, Peel/Langenwalter Architects llc, "are requesting a release from their EHU agreement with the town which we believe is contrary to the town housing regulations in effect at the time it was executed on July 17, 2002." (See Attachment B) II. BACKGROUND o 1963, Buffehr Creek Subdivision and Buffehr Creek Resubdivision were both approved by Eagle County. Lot 25 is 14,295 square feet in area. r 1986, Buffehr Creek Subdivision is annexed into the Town of Vail. Zoning of Two-Family Primary/Secondary District subsequently applied. r August 23, September 13, and September 17, 1999 Public Hearings the Planning and Environmental Commission reviewed a proposal recommending a code amendment to reduce the minimum lot size requirement in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District from 15,000 square feet to 14,000 square feet. . October 5, 1999, the Vail Town Council gave staff direction to move forward with the zoning code amendments reducing the minimum lot size requirement in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District from 15,000 square feet to 14,000 square feet after the new Town Council was seated.r November 17, 1999, the Design Review Board (DRB) approved a "request for conceptual approval of separation of two units pursuant to Chapter 12-11,f own of Vail Code". Due to the lot size (14,295 square feet) one unit was required to be a Type I EHU to comply with Section 12-6D-8, Density Control, Vail Town Code. (See Attachment C). April 4,2000, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 6, Series of 2000, changing the minimum lot size requirement in the two-family and primary/ secondary zone districts from 15,000 square feet to 14,000 square feet. r April 27,2OOO, the Axelrods, represented by Kathy Langenwalter, submitted an Application for Design Review Approval. The applicant's request was for "Neur single-family residence and E.H.U." (See Attachment D) . May 5,2000, the DRB approved a request for a"New single-family residence and Type I EHU. One of the conditions of the approval included: 1) A Type I EHIJ deed restriction shall be recorded prior to TCO on either unit" (See Attachment E) . June 18, 2001 , a building permit application was submitted by the Axelrods. . June 17,2002, the Axelrods signed a Type ll deed restriction for a 900 square foot EHU and the Town Manager signed it on August 1,2OO2. The deed restriction was recorded against the property on August 15,2002. . July 25,2002, a Temporary Ce(ificate of Occupancy was issued for the Axelrod Residence and the EHU. . May 7,2003, the Town of Vail issued a Certificate of Occupancy for the Axelrod Residence and the EHU. . A Conditional Use Permit, required at the time for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, was never applied for or approved. III. OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION The applicants have requested release of the Type ll Employee Housing Unit Deed Restriction recorded against their property. The Vail Town Council has five options to consider in response to the request. . Release the existing Type ll deed restriction o Pros. Provides the Axelrods the flexibility in unit size they seek. Would be allowed after Ordinance No. 6, Series of 2000 was adopted o Cons. Reduces the number of EHUs in Vail. Would not have been allowed by zoning at the time the development was aPProved. EHU counts as density. Does not provide the Axelrods with the EHU they requested r Utilize 12-13-5: Employee Housing Unit Deed Restriction Exchange Program, Vail Town Code "Ihe purpose of this section is to provide occupied livable, affordable employee housing units within the town of Vail through the establishment of an employee housing unit deed restriction exchange program. The exchange program allows for the release of a deed restriction from an existing employee housing unit in exchange for the conveyance of a free market dwelling unit to the town of Vail to be deed restricted." o Pros. Provides the Axelrods the flexibility in unit size they seek. Maintains compliance with current zoning regulations. Maintains the deed restricted EHU in Vail. Utilizes the program established for these types of requests o Cons. EHU counts as density Town of Vail Page 2 . No GRFA credit . Replace the existing deed restriction with a Type I deed restriction o Pros. Provides the Axelrods the flexibility in unit size they seek. Maintains the deed restricted EHU. Maintains the 550 square foot GRFA credit. Provides a 5% site coverage bonus. Provides a 5% landscape area credit. Provides the flexibility of selling or transferring the EHU separately. EHU continues to not count towards density. Provides the Axelrods with the EHU they requested o Cons. Creates a legally non-conforming use per Vail Town Code 12-18-4: Uses . Replace the existing deed restriction with a Type lV deed restriction o Pros. Provides the Axelrods the flexibility in unit size they seek. Maintains the deed restricted EHU. Maintains compliance with current zoning regulations. Provides the flexibility of selling or transferring the EHU separately. Provides the Axelrods with the EHU they requested o Cons. No GRFA credit. EHU counts as density r Take no actiono Pros. Maintains the existing deed restricted EHU. Complies with zoning today o Cons. Does not provide the Axelrods the flexibility in unit size they seek IV. DIRECTION REQUESTED OF TOWN COUNCIL Provide direction on what action, if any, the Town Councilwould like the Town Manager to take behalf of the Town of Vail in regards to the deed restriction recorded against Lot 25. Buffehr Creek Subdivision. V. ATTACHMENTS A. Type ll EHU Deed Restriction, recorded August 15,2002 B. E-Mail from Kathy Langenwalter, dated May 11,2O11 C. Design Review Action Form, dated November 17, 1999 D. Application for Design Review Approval, received April 27, 2000 E. Design Review Action Form, dated May 5, 2000 Town of Vail Page 3 o MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development September 27,1999 A request for a final review of amendments to Title 12,Zoning with respect to Employee Housing Unit Standards, Minimum Lot Size Requirements in the Primary/Secondary and Two-Family Residential Zone Districts and Site Coverage Standards. FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Dominic Mauriello o I. DESCRIPTION OF THE BEQUEST On June 15, 1999 the Community Development Department presented to the Town Council some potential revisions to the Town Code having impact on the provision of employee housing in the Town's duplex zone districts, Two-Famiiy Residential and Two-Family PrimaryiSecondary Ftesidential. The Town Council gave staff the direction to move forward with the concepts presented. The PEC has reviewed the proposal at its August 23, 1 999 and September 13, 1999 meetings. The PEC recommended several modifications to the proposal which have been incorporated into the proposal. As part of the Vail Tomorrow and Common Ground processes the community stated that the Town needed to improve its incentives for private developers to create Employee Housing Units (EHUs). Slaif has identified some areas of the Zoning Begulations that may need to be modified in order to ensure thal the Zoning Flegulations are truly "promoting" employee housing rather than acting more as a disincentive. The intent of presenting this is to gauge whether the Town Council agrees that there may be areas that need to be addressed in the code and if staff shouid work to resolve these issues. The following is a list of what we believe to be disincentives to providing EHUs: code does not require garage space for EHU and requiring that it be a rental property . Taking away the right to do a "250" on older homes if an EHU GRFA credit is used . Not allowing enough sile coverage to build the EHU on smaller lots . Not providing GRFA credits for multiple{amiiy EHUs (Type lll) . Counting Type lll EHUs as an impact on density . Requiring garage space for an EHU, where other dwelling units. Restricting the sale of a Type I and Type ll FTEVERYONRPECWEMOS99\EIIU Sz7.DOC Page I of5 II. ROLES OF THE REVIEWING BOARDS Plannino and Environmental Commission: Action: The PEC is advisory to the Town Council. The PEC shall review the proposal for and make a recommendalion to the Town Council on lhe compatibility of the proposed text changes for consistency with the Vail Comprehensive Plans and impact on the general welfare of the communily. Slaff : The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided. The stalf advises the applicant as to compliance with the Zoning Regulations. Staff provides analyses and recommendations to the PEC and Town Council on any text proposal. Town Gouncil: Action: The Town Council is responsible for final approval/denial on code amendments. The Town Council shall review and approve the proposal based on the compatibility of the proposed text changes for consistency with the Vail Comprehensive Plans and impact on the general welfare of the community. Desion Review Board: Action: The DRB has NO review authority on cade amendments. III. RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the proposed amendments to Chapter 13 of the Zoning Regulations subject to the tollowing findings: 1 . That the proposed regulations are consistent with the development objectives of the Town of Vail as stated in the Vail Land Use plan. 2. ThaI the proposal is consistent and compalible with existing and potential uses and generally in keeping with the character of the Town of Vail. VI. SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL ZONING TEXT CHANGES Chapler 13, Ernployee Housing 1 . Deed RestrictionsiEnforcement (see attachmenl pages 1-2) This proposal adds a provision requiring that EHUs be rented and not remain vacant for a period of 4 consecutive months. The exisling compliance language is being remaved so that violations of this chapter can be processed like any other zoning violation. The current compliance siatement provides tor "publication" of the violation with the Housing Authority. The proposed language will aid in the enforcement of EHUs by establishing that they must be rented and allowing the Town to cite the owner when they are not f:\EVERYONE\PEC\MEI,IOS\99',EHU S27.DOC Page 2 o1' 5 o meeting these requirements. The current regulations are unclear as to the occupancy requrremenls. Additionally, the current reporting requirement provides that the owner ptovide a report of rental activity. This proposal requires a sworn affidavit from the owner. This will aid with the enforcement of EHUs. Language has been added to the purpose section allowing for the administrative crealion of incentives and the development ol the clearing house concept. Staff is currently developing plans for implementation of these concepts and will present these to the PEC at some point in the future. Development Slandards (see attachment page 3) This proposal no longer includes a provision for detaching garages with EHUs on small lots at the direction of the PEC. A standard for occupancy has been added allowing no more than two persons per bedroom to occupy an EHU. Application Procedure (see attachment page 3) This sectian is proposed to be amended to allow existing dwelling units to be deed restricted administrativety. Additionatty, this section would allow legal nonconforming units to be deed restricted as tong as they otherwise conform to the Uniform Building Code and can meet the Town's parking requiremenls. This wili allow EHUs to be created without going through a lengthy review process and helps encourage the legalization of substandard dwelling units/lock-offs. Additionally, a provision has been added coditying the first come, first serve rule for Type ll EHLJ;. Additionalty, any proposal for more than 250 sq. ft" of additional GHFA for an EHU shall require approval of all owners of the property. The proposal also includes waiving the DRB fees for a-proiect. Other fee waivers can be devetoped administrativety to encourage the development of EHU;. Changes by EHU Type (see attachment pages 5-7) A. Type | (2nd unit allowed on duplex lots less than 15,000 sq. ft.) . Allowed to be sold separately from main residence (currently, both units on lot must be deed restricled to allow sale). Atlowed an additional 500 sq. ft. of GRFA {currently only allowed 250 sq. ft-) . Units allowed to apply for 250s regardless of EHU presence . Site coverage increased 5% and landscape area reduced 5% for lots with an EHU. Removal of age limitations. Removal of requirement that 50% of the parking be enclosed (all parking required on-site). Addition of 75 sq. ft. storage space credit B. Type ll (3'o unit allowed on duplex lots 15,000 sq. ft.). Ailowed as a conditional use (no change). Mainlain as a rental unit and nol allow sale a. J- F:\E\€RYONE\PEC\MEMoS\99\EHU-S27 DOC Page 3 of 5 . Units allowed to apply for 250s regardless of EHU presence . Maximum size increased to 1,200 sq. ft. (currently 900 sq. ft. limit). Removal ol age limitalions. Removal of requirement that 50% ol the parking be enclosed (all parking required on-site) . Addition of 75 sq. ft. storage space credit C. Type lll (rental unit in multiple-family, residential cluster). Provides a 500 sq. ft. GRFA credit (no credit currently exists). Parking simplified to meet Chapter 10 requirements . Modified to include Type lV EHUs (Type lV category being removed) . Min./Max. sq. ft. modified to allow 300 sq. ft. minimum and 1,200 sq. ft. maximum for dwelling unit or 500 sq. ft. maximum for a dormitory style building. Proposed to not count as density (currently count as 0.5 of a dwelling unit and Type tV as 0.333 of a dwelling unit). Bemoval of age limitations D. Type lV (multiple family, dormitory). Eliminated as a category but rolled into Type lll. None exist today F. Type V (Hillside Residential - Spraddle Creek). Removal of requirement that 50% of the parking be enclosed (all parking required on-site) G. Type Vl (New Type for projects like Vail Commons and Fled Sandstone). Allowed on any existing dwelling unit in the town. EHUs must be sold separately (they are for sale units, not rental) Elfect of Proposed Changes on GRFA, Site Coverage, and Landscape Area Current Regulations Proposed Regulalions 14,000 sq. tt. lot 14,000 sq. ft. lot (dwelling unit plus Type I EHU) (dwelling unrt plus Type i EHU) GRFA: 3,500 sq. ft. (base) 3,500 sq. ft. (base) +425 sq. ft. (primary credit) +425 sq. ft. (primary credit) +425 sQ. ft. (EHU credit) +425 sg. ft. (EHU credit) +250 (FHU credit) +500 sq. ft, (EHU credit) 4,600 sq. ft. 4,850 sq. ft. Site Coverage: 2,800 sq. ft. (max.) 2,800 sq. ft. +700 sq. ft. (EHU credit) 3,500 sq. ft. (max.) Landscape Area: 8.400 sq. ft. (min.) 8,400 sq. ft. (min.) -700 so. ft. (EHU credit) 7,700 sq. ft. (min.) Page 4 of5 F::EVERYO,\*E\PEC'*{EMOS'99\EIIL_'_S27.DOC 5.Minimum Lot Size in the Primary/Secondary and Two-Family Besidential Zone Districts (see attachment page B) The PEC did not express much interest in the consideration of lowering the minimum lot size in these zone districts. Stalf continues to believe that by lowering the minimum lot size, even by 1,000 sq. ft., may encourage redevelopment of homes and the creation of Type I I EH Us. The majority of lots of less than 1 5,000 sq. f t. are loca{ed in East and West Vail. These lots were annexed to lhe Town o{ Vail and applied zoning that did not reflect the plats that were recorded by Eagle County. These lots range from 9,000 sq. ft. to.15,000 sq. ft. The PEC at its September 13, 1999 meeting discussed this issue again. lt appeared that Commission thought that a change to 14,000 sq. ft. might be a good idea to test the concept and that lowering the limit mighl encourage redevelopment. The proposal includes having a provision thal any new subdivisions would continue to have a minimum lot size of 15,000 sq. ft. and that any existing deed restricted employee housing units would have to be maintained and not eliminated- Existing Nonconforming Lots with Two Legally Created Ownerships The PEC gave staff the direction not to propose code changes to solve this ownership issue, but rather for slaff and the PEC to recognize this ownership as a form of hardship for lhe purpose of considering density variances. This would ailow GRFA expansions to . these dwelling units without requiring that one dwelling unit be deed restricted as a Type I EHU. Staff will immediately implement this policy directive. Incentives developed administratively The PEC has recommended that continuing incentives be developed in order to encourage appropriate use of EHUs in Town (i.e., annual ski pass). Also recommended is that these incentives only apply to newer rental EHUs with the current deed restriction. Therefore, if an owner with an older deed restriction would like to take advantage of any new incentives that might be developed, they would have 1o update the deed restriction. Staff is proposing that incentives be developed administratively and with Town Council approval and not be codified, as they may need to change from time to time. 7. o F:\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\99\EHU S27.DOC Page 5 of 5 ) The fourth item on the agenda was the first reading of Ordinance No. 6, Series 2000 repealinq and reenacting Chapter 13, Employee Housing, Title 12 Zoning Regulations, Town Code in order to provide additional incentives for the creation of employee housing through out the Town of Vail; and amending Sections 12-6c-B and 12-6d-8, Density Control, Title 12 Zoning Regulations, Town Code in order to reduce the minimum lot size requirement in the two-family and primary secondary residential zone districts from 15,000 sq. ft. to '14,000 sq. ft. On June 15, 1999 the Community Development Department presented to the Town Council some potential revisions to the Town Code having impact on the provision of employee housing in the Town's duplex zone districts, Two-Family Residential and Two-Family PrimaryiSecondary Residential. The Town Council gave staff the direction to move forward with the concepts presented. The PEC has reviewed the proposal at its August 23, 1999, and September 13, 1999 meetings. The PEC recommended several modifications to the proposal, which have been incorporated into lhe proposal. The PEG recommended approval of the proposed changes with 2 minor modifications on September 27, 1999. The changes included atlowing EHU's to be separated from the main structure if constructed in conjunction with garage and removal of the provision that would have required both owners of a duplex to sign the application for an EHU. On October 5 1999, the Town Council gave staff direction to move forward with the amendments after the new Town Council was seated. There was general acceptance by the Town Council of the proposed amendments given at that meeting. The Council also wanted to incorporate a requirement for an EHU on large lots. This can be easily incorporated, however, staff is very cqncerned about doing this without proper analysis showing a nexus between large homes and impacts on employee housing. The staff has discussed this with several professionals in the field and they believe that an extensive analysis of neighborhoods needs to occur to show that large homes are different than smaller homes with respect to employee generation. Staff believes that while we may intuitively believe that large hornes generate more employees, the courts will require evidence. We anticipate that this regulation will bring challenges. As part of the Vail Tomorrow and Common Ground processes the community stated that the Town needed to improve its incentives for private developers to create Employee Housing Units (EHUs). Staff has ideniified some areas of the Zoning Regulations that may need to be modified in order to ensure that the Zoning Regulations are truly "promoting" employee housing rather than acting more as a disincentive. On October 5, 1999 the Town Council agreed that the following were disincentives to providing EHUs: Requiring garage space for an EHU, where code does not require garage space for other dwelling units Restricting the sale of a Type I and Type ll EHU and requiring that it be a rental property Taking away the right to do a "250" on older homes if an EHU GRFA credit is used : H: :liil?;'"Ji iEi, ;':"""."1:1ffi1 :l 5jffi ,E H U on s m ar re r I ots Diana Donovan said this is more about up-zoning than about affordable housing. Greg Moffet said he would like to enforce the renting of the unit. Harry Gray a local conlractor said the ordinance was a good, but small, first step toward improving town codes. Gray also asked for additional fJexibility on site coverage and GRFA standards (Gross Residential Floor Area), saying the town's current standards don't accommodate the market demands- Greg Moffet moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No 6, Series 2000. A vote was taken and the April 4, 2000 Tov/[ Council Meetirg Minurcs BillGibson From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: A more detailed timeline: Bill Gibson Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:48 PM George Ruther; Nina Timm Warren Campbell FW: EHU --> /4,nr 3qD'l 'r.c. o 1963 Buffehr Creek Subdivision 25 is 14,295 sq.ft. in area. o 1986 Buffehr Creek Subdivision subsequently applied. From: Peel/Langenwalter Architects lmailto:plarch@vail.net] Sent: Thursday, April L4,2011 12:54 PM To: Nina llmm Cc: 'Art Axelrod'; Bill Gibson Subject: FW: EHU Hi Nina - Axelrod_EHU.pdf; Axelrod DRB Approval.pdf ,.'\\/vit- I,VC .":u,t,,\ 1,'tr..1r", ,. V Lrn ,\,ri ',; 'ft'', ., ..) .;. (.T '. ' and Buffehr Creek Re-subdivision both approved by Eagle County. Subject Lot -( C' or i ^'l r- t i'' '"l 'i , a nnexed into the Town of Vail. zon ing of r*o- rrr4 V Ol*);*^;..;;;t t ;:' i';;; November 17,1999, Axelrod obtained DRB approval of a separation request for two new units at 1977 Circle Drive (conceptual DRB review). Lot size less than 15,000 meant one unit was required to be a Type I EHU to comply with P/S density requirements. April 4,2000, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 6, Series of 2000, on second reading to change the minimum lot size for density in P/S from 15,000 to 14,000 sq.ft. Add a week +/- for publication and Ordinance No. 6 became effective. The maximum allowable density for the subject lot changes from one single-family and a Type I EHU to one two-family dwelling unit and a Type ll EH U. April 27,2000, the applicant submitted a new construction design review application for "DRB finol review of new primory unit and E.H.U." May 5, 2000, DRB approval f or "New single-t'omily residence ond Type I EHU" . Condition of approval "A Type t EHU deed restriction sholl be recorded prior to TCO on either unit". July 25, 2000, staff approved driveway changes with the same Type I EHU deed restriction condition. lune 18, 2001, building permit application submitted by applicant. May 1-7, 2002, staff approved hot tub changes, no conditions about EHUs. luly 77,2002, Axelrod signed Type ll EHU deed restriction and the Town Manager signed on August 1't. Mav 7,2OO3, certificate of occupancy issued by TOV. P,\*\+uw I heard back from Bill Gibson yesterday regarding my inquiry about GRFA for the EHU on the Axelrod property. After our discussion Bill was kind enough to pull the town's file on the property and review the history of their EHU unit. He noted that the property received DRB approval (approval form attached) on 5-5-2000 with the condition that the secondary unit have a Type I EHU deed restriction. This requirement was imposed because the property area is 14,295 square feet and at the time the zoning allowed only one unit on properties with less than 15,000 square feet. A secondary unit was allowed if it was a deed restricted Type I EHU. However, the following two conditions have happened: 1 . Between the time of the DRB approval and the execution of the EHU agreement with the town on 7-1-2002, the zoning ordinance was revised so that properties with a minimum area of 14,000 square feet are allowed to have two units with no deed restrictions. So because of the ordinance change, one would think that this property would not have been required to deed restrict the secondary unit in order to receive a TCO. ls that correct? 2. Also, for whatever reason, when the EHU agreement was executed with the Axelrods it was for a Type ll EHU rather than the Type I EHU required by the town. I can only assume that this was a clerical oversight by someone with the town and can be corrected if it is shown by the town that a deed restriction was in fact required at the time it was issued. This has all come up because the Axelrod's would like to construct an addition to the secondary unit this summer and the issue of available GRFA is in question based on the deed restriction and the EHU type. In order to move fonrrard with designs and plans, we need to resolve this issue with the town as soon as possible. Art Axelrod and I would like to meet with you regarding the above discoveries. We could be available any time this coming Monday afternoon if that works for you. Thanks so much Nina, I look fonryard to hearing from you and getting this matter resolved. Kathy pee l/la nqe nwalter architects, l.l.c. david m. peel, a.i.a. kathy langenwalter 2588 arosa drive o.o. box 1202 vail, co 81658 970-476-4506 970476-4572 tax plarch @vail. net From: Nina Timm fmailto: NTimm@vailgov.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 5:07 PM .T6:'Peel/Langenwalter Architects' Subject RE: EHU Kathy, I have attached a copy ofthe executed deed restriction. Please call me if you have any questions. l, too, look forward to some sunshine! Regards, Nina Timm H o tts in 14 C oont i n u trx' Cornr.nunity [)evelopment l)epa rncnt Direct 970-4'79-2114 lrax 970-479-2452 http ://www.vailsov.com www.vailpov.com How are we doing? Click the lollowing link to complete the Community Oevelopment Survey. htlp:/ /vww.vailoov.com/channels/survev/showsurvev.aso?survev id=55&dept id=38 a.Yr L Pl.rr,.i! r'..'- r t.0 r lril rr' + 1r rr icln.r,::r, !,' t' From: Peel/Langenwalter Architects Imailto:plarch@vail.net] Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 4:46 PM To: Nina Timm Subject EHU Hi Nina - Art and Judy Axelrod own an EHU unit at 1977 Circle Drive, Lot 25, Resubdivision of Buffer Creek. Can you please let me know what type of EHU unit it is and what area restrictions may or may not be associated with it? They would like to add on to the unit so I thought it best to begin with you to see what's what. Thanks so much. Cheers and hope we see the sun soon! Kathy Langenwalter r-tfrq*r O ",.at''a,o-\ -i // \t',,,/ *r.i .N\y'\.1H ,\ H,\i 4. \.s Department of Public Works & Transportation I309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2I58 Fax:970-479-2166 www.tailgoy.com October lg'h.2007 Dear Resident, It has come to the attention of the Town that the historic irrigation ditch, which runs from north to south thru Flots28, 22,23',24,25;2,6;,17,36,40, 3! ofth.e,,puffehr Creektsubdivision (see attached map), does not currently have water rights for any type ofuse; irrigation or aesthetic. In addition, the diversion for this historic irrigation ditch is on publicly owned property and has recently been altered to divert more flow from Buffehr Creek into the historic irrigation ditch. The Town is concerned about the long term health of Buffehr Creek and the lack of water rights during the low flow months, July thru April. In our conversations with the Colorado Division of Water Resources it is apparent that this historic irrigation ditch has no current water rights and is required to abide by state law. At a minimum, this will require all flows to remain in Buffehr Creek during periods when there is a call on the river typically from July thru April. It is the Town's intent to remove the diversion and retum the creek back to its natural state. This will generally limit flow to the ditch to high flow periods (May and June). If you wish to discuss this matter further please contact me at970-479-2235. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Town of Vail Town Engineer Bill Carlson, Town of Vail Environmental Health Offrcer Mathew Mire, Town of Vail Attomey Rachel Friede. Town of Vail Planner Cc: ot o FF tr R*:., ti 8tp yFI{.f Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Art Axelrod Fax: 6'10-668-4235 RE: Exterior lighting requirements at 1977 Circle Dr. I Lot 25, Buffehr Creek Subdivision Dear Art: I have reviewed the information you provided to me regarding your exterior lights. However, this information is lacking the required information to adequately inform you if you are in compliance with the Town of Vail's exterior lighting requirements. Based on the information you provided, I can approximate that you are not in compliance, but additional information is required based on the actual bulbs you have placed into the fixtures. I have included a copy of our lighting regulations for your use. This issue must be resolved as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at 970-479-2369. I would be glad to discuss this with you further. Sincerely, ,",,,.llrl ' fl,//L //l/'(tt-t'tYt* Allison Ochs, AICP Planner ll Town of Vail CC: Kathy Langenwalter {9 *"''""n '^'"* Town of rott Ofrop,nent Standattls Handbook _t -- .I II F F F F F F F F 7 T F t T I It t J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ) legitimate privacy of neighboring residents by controtling the intensity of the light soufce. Approval Required: Ali outdoor tighting within the Town limits shall conform to the standards set forth below. For thi purposes ofthis subsection, residentially zoned properties shall be defined as tirose in Hitlside Residential, Single-FamiLy, Two-Family, Primary/Secondary, Residential Cluster, Low Density Multi-Family and Medium Density Multi-Family Zone District, as well as all special development districts which have any of the above referenced zone disticts as the underlying zoning' All other zone districts shall be considered, for the purposes of this subsection, as being commercial zoned. Luminance: Light sources located on all properly in the Town which are not fulty cutoff shall ""Uibit a ratio of source lumens io luminous area not exceeding 125. For example: source lumens < 125. luminous area Light source: A-single artificial point source of luminescence that emits measurable radiant energy in or near the visible spectrum. Outdoor lighting: Any lighi source, or collection of light sources, located outside a building' inciuding, but not limited to, light sources attached to any part of a structure, located on the surface ofthe ground, or located on free-standing poles. Source lumens: Total initial lamp lumens of the light source. Luminous area: The maximum light emitting area of a light source, measured in square inches. The maximum light imitting area is the area of translucent material which encases a light source.ln the case of a clear glass covering, the luminous area is-the area of tn. tigrrt source. Examples of luminous area are shown below in figure l: Full cutoff: A light source total output is shown in below in which no more than two and five+enths percent (2.5%) of its emitted above ninety degrees (90") as measued from nadir as in figure 2: 29 Town of l/ait Develo Standards Handbook Figure l: lqinorr cra= (8!(101= 80 sq in . dt@ltrr 4,, SpotLigt Radius - 2,, lninpr:s crr = (3.l.tl(1^)= 12dsgin Ft" iATI \ l{"tllvl_ fhl Stylr !4nwrrs rrr: (L$ ): t ,q in l9/t" - VT'' Tqcar ud Col.!.dy CLG Gh6t lD.inous ult = (tgdlx ({I, = toi J 5q !r 9.Frequency: For lots in residential zone districts, the maximurn number of light sources per rotshalt be limited to one right sou... p.ion"1.'oluno ,qu-e f."t?itoiLu, .*..ptas provided for below. The locaiion of said tights shali b.-L['Jp"n to tt.discretion of the orooertv.oyng.,so rong a, th. ffiffi;;di;n'i. *itr, trr.Town of vai's Munlcrpat cooe. Ligi;;;;;r which are no more rhan eighteeninches above grade, as.measured frin the top of the n.*ture to-tte'ir-nirt g.ua.below, and are either full_cutoff fi.tu;;;:;, a.?".0 in Section 18.04.137, or havea maximum source rumens of 400 lequivaleni to a_40 wan light bulb), may beallowed in addition to rhe to€r nu,ni.i oip.r-itt.a outdoor righr sources. Thenumber, rocation, and style of such ugrrt to"tl.r are subject to Design Review. Height Limits For Light Fixtures: a' For all light sources rocated in commerc ial zone districts, the maximummounting height for right sources.on a pore rh.[;oi;;;il ffi; five feet(35')' The maximum mounting height for light sources affixed to vegetationshall not exceed eight feet (g,)l b' For all light sources located in residentiar zone districts, the maximummounting height for right sources on a pore or on vegetation shall not exceedeight feet (8,). Light Sources Affixed To Structures: For all properties within.the Town.light sources may be affixed to any wall of astructure' Light sources shall not be afixed to the top of a roof of a structure, Cutoff Shields: I0. I l. t) 30 r.-r,i 11 rg 1..p.-r r t A pttr..rrr- 'trg *iu U4rcrr"c A:{0 tluY h,l$ \t h Height:26" Width:13" Number of Bulbs: 4 Maximum wattage: 6ow Bulb Base: Candelabra Voltage:120V Style: Traditional Bulbs: bulb not included aM*|?E Extra Lead Wire Provided: 81" Shade or Diffuser: CLEAR SEEDY Gr-ASS Body Material: BRASS Shippable via UPs; Yes uL and/or csA listed use: suitable for Damp Locatlons 9804()8 0utdoor Olde Dh Outdoor Pendant 4Lt lncandesce Fe.otlrt Doo4 lIAttt HOos e View other pftducts in the Uelnlllemgl! family. { BaCk ^ Back To Top Photographs and drawings herein on each individual page are the prop€rty of Kichler and may not be reproduced without Kichler's written consent powered by [i enrrom atrix g 2oO2 A Rights Reserved. use of this web site constltutes acceptance of the user AglGement Enter Item No. .../productdetailsload?pcat_oid:14&ctg_oid:728&vendorid:83730&loadfrom=list&product_oid=7/16/02 Kichler - Product Details r-r,rt ,tri.r:t' r;q zr i^r.1,r L rr(. t::^: i,. if- ', \.,.'.lIV \'r'rr^/ L Page I of I 9709()8 3ir'j".lLrnolzr Outdoor Wall lLt Incandescent Inspired by the horse-country of colonial Vl rginla- brass construction with seedy glass panels in Olde Brick. oThrEes Enter Item No. ir r'r t, i-i lrr* Height:19.5" width:9.5" Number of Bulbs: 1 Maximum Wattager 150W Bulb Base: Medium Voltage: 120V Styk: Traditional Bulbs: bulb not included Shade or Diffuser: CLEAR SEEOY GLASS Body Material: BRA55 Shippable via UPS: Yes UL and/or CSA listed use: Suitable for Wet Locations AtL view other products in the Mount v€rnen family. < Back ^ Back To Top Photographs and drawings herein on each individual page are the property of Kichler and may not be reproduced without Kichler's written consent l.rpowered by 'tt ERA,{Dmulrtx @ 2OO2 All Rights Reserved. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the User Agreement .../productdetailsfoad?pcat_oid:14&ctg_oid:728&vendorid:83 730&loadfrom:list&product_oid=1 /16/02 OK Kichler - Product Details ir..,.,!,.::, i l,i,r, I lsEtsEi. , lrvrl i-ir lrr. Page I of I 970802 Outdoor Olde Bronze Outdoor Wall l|-t Incandescent Inspired by the horse-country of colonial Virginia- brass construction with seedy glass panels in Olde Bronze. Tlore o ft\Atu tlO'lf S $tlFF r!l' v e,gs Eru Shade or Diffuser: CLEAR SEEDY GLASS Body Material: BRASS Shippable via UPS: Yes UL and/or CSA listed use: Suitable for Wet Locations Height:16.5" Width:7.5'' Number of Bulbs: 1 Maximum Wattage: 150W Bulb Base: Medium Voltage: 120V Style: Traditional Bulbs: bulb not included View other groducts in the Mqun-t Verlr-en family. < Eack ^ Back To Top Photographs and drawings herein on each individual page are the property of Kichler and may not be reproduced without Kichler's written consent t/powered by it! BRANDnrdt.rx O 2002 All Rights Reserved. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the User Agreement Enter Item No. ...iproductdetailsload?pcat_oid:14&ctg_oid:728&vendorid=83730&loadfrom=list&product_oid=7/l6l02 ,.oJ l_..-L,-,.(.-'\i,5!*L 1..'{ .r ', - ffi, .|,+ '11 h\f;i[itr&ilqiiffii::+; Ed$i}uqT ta. -i S- w =r/^\ S- =6Sr^s ,tiST\ ,= \< U \T' .i :!E*€ss r-r's:* (t)r.|.\ raSrr EI .{Ft. -. HO =z .Fl:l F E-l o--TI'Td r,5 g ril ag?s A=tt s\Fr. Un nX' 9ssi +rSd- \:t(n.S>-(i co 2UF{OOrE(Jr\\ oHFHH r{| Ho DHH o rql oooq ]t Eo F( < <-lE c.e : F(t:n.\;qcv H* ci =. E' orY o; t6'ODF'(,fp oDi__O o .i-6 o i.iItED:A1 rd -i^= vi(,lF =tr rr dB; F clc z, =.a'd., oFgE;fo a..=oJttE;E )546Do ^--F;xx a -lJG7) =FE!J,eE:lE g 6 S'diSn =a d' =r+:v6f< =-:5'< 6 GQ q' o) if :aa 5< .,O 6o z p oan or) cr)ln 6 \\loq or. Fr't Fl ^: ID,-t P op o -).) t 6 (.}) (-. j Y\l v) Fl .l FI z lD H 2 r:t(! {9 t;ti CA I ! I r) W "EE s l! E =?+{ E: e-;c9 Td E.6 lrr V---6:'o)-l, i++; (,) -iE4 a e *a i i.Y.g9r*4.6'33-l9Ef s H H B-lTs.*sl*F iiEd 5 ^:-5 6; e Ee itr.q *< I ' Fbi *.t o e 3.F&#ls9ts,i 16srftoe--=3-e tfa di,:t#,il',ffiffftil?iilHYr#.W,t.1ffi.--..jW--dw :.,ffi TOI^/N OF VAIL 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 orfirrr*r oF coMMUNrrY orurrof)r*, B{: c'-'.--(' iZ.,v}y t, I ; ..-V-,--\ i\ Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 06/21,/200'1, Issued. . : 07/"11./2001, Expires. .: 01./07/2002 NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROIECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 801.-0174 fob Address: 1977CIRCLE DR VAIL Location.....: -1977 CIRCLE DRIVE ParcelNo...: 210372302074 Project No : (L\-O-, -'.>t ' t OVINER ART & 'fUDrTH AXELROD 05/27/200L Phone: License: CONTRACTOR AXEIROD BUILDERS, rNC (ART) 06/2L/2OOL Phone: 5L0-668-2L42 E,XT 29 19 BALA AVENUE SUITE #3OO BAI,A C\TYNWYD, PA ]-9004 License: 654 -B APPIJICANT AXEIROD BUILDERS, INC (ART) 06/2L/200L Phone: 61'0-568-2L42 EXT 29 19 BAI,,A AVENUE SUITE #3OO BAJ-,4 q\TYNWYD, PA 19004 I-,icense: 654-B Desciption: NEW SFR & TYPE I EHUOccufancy fype Factor Sq Feet Dwe1lings zone 2 V-N 97.80 3,637 9355,698.60 Private Garages Zone 2 V-N 25.56 766 519,578.95 Totaf s... 4,403 S3'75,277.56* Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $375,277.56 Fire'placc lnformation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wrxrd Palleh 0 FEE SUMMARY Building---> S1, 844 . 00 Restuarant Plan Revie'vr-->S0 . OO Total Calculated Fees----> $3 , 906 . 05 Plan Check--> 91,198.60 DRB Fee-----------> S2oo.oo Adr'lihonal Fees------->so.0o Investigation-> Will Call---> S0.oo Recreahon Fee----------> $660.45 Total Permit Fee---------> $3,905'05 $3 . oo Clean-up Deposit--------> $0. oo Payments-----------------> 53, 906 ' 05 TOTAL FEES-------> 53, e06. os BALANCE DUE------> $0.00 Approvals:Ite'm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN:I 06/27 /2OOL JRI"I ACtiON: AP PI'ANS RED IJINED Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT O5/2I/2OOI BREI{IT ACtiON: AP IAZARD REPORT RECEIVED Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PIIBLIC Y{ORKS O6/2A/2OOL Ls Actj.on: DN NEED REVISED SrTE PLAN, CAITLED iIOHN- AXLER( BUIIJDERS. HE WOITLD REVISE OR FAX ME NEW COPY. DRIVEWAY MUST BE 15 WIDE AT 90 DEGREE CIRCIJE. o7/09/2ooL Ls IICM: 05550 ENGINEERTNG Action: AP See page 2 bf this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninl and subdivision codet design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY:IN ADVANCE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A SIGNA OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF Permit #: 807-0174 PAGE 2 CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL as of 07-71.-2001 Status: ISSUED Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 06/21/2001 Applicant AXEIROD BUILDERS,INC (ART) Issued: 07/11,/2001, fob Address: 7977 CIRCLE DR VAIL Location: 192 CIRCLE DRIVE ParcelNo: 210312302014 CONDITIONS Cond:33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPRO\TMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE STIBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TOREQUESTFOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **++tl.*** *+******* * ***** * *+t ** ***** ********* * ******* * *** *,1. **+ * * **** ** ******+** ***** **+ +*+*++i TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * ***+ * * * *+** ** * * * ** * **** * *******+* * * ****{.* *:}*** * * **+* * * **+ ** *+* * * * * + + + + ++ + {.:1. + {. * * * +* * *******+ Stalement Number: R000001058 Amount: $3,905.05 07/Lt/200103:05 PM Palmene Method: Check Init : L,C NoEaEion: #l-3 0 0 /Arthur Axelrod Permit No: 80L-0174 T)t)e: NEW (SFR,P,/S,DUP) PERMIT Parcel No: 2L03L2302OL4 SiEe Address: 1977 CIRCLE DR VAIL, L,ocation: 1977 CIRCLE DRM Totaf Fees: S3, 906.05 This Payment: $3,906.05 Total ArI, Pmts: $3,906.05 Balance: S0.00 ** ******* * ********* * *** * * ********* *****t**** **t *+*** * *+* ***** * * *** * **+******* * *:t *,I ++++***+** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BU]LDING PERM]T FEES DR OO1OOOO31i22OO DES]GN REVIE!'] FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREAT]ON FTES IilC OO1OOOO31128OO hJ]LL CALL INSPECTION FIE 1.844.00 200 .00 1.198.60 664.45 3.00 86/46/2gAL l-7:35 61866842 llAY , 31 , eB01 s| 4?Ft1 t AXELROD BUILDERS PAGE 8L O.:'==: ==i -s ilrs R.e.lllE0t 3to clTown ofVail Reg, No,: OIHER: $ 2lG'72GEIECTRIG{L: 7 l5,oooBUITDING: 9 2NS ,12G TOTAL:$ 215 ,-726MECTfANICAL: $ 32,oooftfJMB[.rG: i 32,ooo REFUND CI,E$TUP DEP(}|IIT TOI AYclrod bvildecs at lob Namer it+Y6CArD Res' DEnrc.c- JobAddress: €J'? crncLr bnr /€ Leoal Desc@fion I Lot, I aodc I Fllhg:Subtllt tsion I Owners l{ame; Atfltol1.f.,\o D nadffir c-r6 rB fitraa.rsr. Ao4fttuti Oe?f2gP- A'dtHffiFtfll.,{ E{ c,rsr..n- I edJF' ndx r>. 2 EnrinF:'duj h ";I C o r"*ilAddress:Phone3o3-3zt-e73,. -DeblhddescriDtdf iTurorr: l$Er+r C-stStLuc-StqrrJ WorfiClass; t{€ty(rg Addnion( ) Remodel( ) Repalr( ) Demo( ) trt*( I W61t-Typer Interbr( ) Bdedor( ) Both(X)Does Bn EHU ex$ at thb locatlon: Yes 04 No ( ) T|Dc of EHs.: Stngh-tsmryll4 ft{bfEfiiv ( ) tttulti-famiV ( ) Comrnercial ( ) Restrurant ( ) oE|et ( ) No. of Eabting Durelling Unfrs In this buibing:!,1o. of Accornmodation Unitr in thb htilding: lh/TyoeofHrenlacesFrbtno: GasAooliances( ) GasLossf ) Wood/P*t( ) V'/oodBumlnq( ) llollvoedRrcplacesProposed:GaeAprflances(l) GasLoos( ) Wqod/Pelet( ) WoodBuminqftOTALLOWED) Oo€s a Fire Ahrm E(EC Ves (>d No C )Does a Fire SprhHrr SysEn Exist: Yeg ( ) No ( ) *.***r.rrti.rt*it*irrti.isirr(rr.*)*1r*FoR oFFIcE usE oNLY.i**acti*.c**rit..*.irr-*.ir..'1.1a+*+.t JUtU ri' \Y tf'.1tuu""' t\ e/ev€ryon fffirs/btdgp€rm REriD 66/A6/2AAI L7:35 5L05684 rlpf.31.?gAI 9:421+l 235o AXELROD BUILDERS PAGE 08,-' lvJ. Yts)J r , t/ Lo v Qsestions? Call the gullding Team e'4792325 Prricct ilame: ProiectAddtw; / nis fiEHH niltqr qe ended hdW a Eui4ino ftwt ewliddbn b ffi. 0/All pag€s of appllcation B com$ete 9. Has DR8 appraal obbirred (il r€quired) Pmvide a copy dapProval frrm q Condominium Associstio{l letb cf appo\/al aUSChed lf proiect ls a MultFFamlu complo( n/Complete stU Fltn submitted .d pt Utic Way Pennit apptlcatbn lndurled if applkable (refer to Public Wofl€ checldlst) / S,.ni* plan included (,EfEr to puHic Worts eheddist) Eonu$.tcl€tloarrisqllm'Edalsfiqrigc' ellduid qr ruadunns anddroulders wlthout rrittemopro\al tr Asbe#6 E5t and il8ulE Subnltted ildenrolition b occuring e Arotriled strmp and signslure (All comrnergld 8nd Muhlfamily) e/ Full flmr plans includlrE buildlng secuons and etwadons(4 seb of plaru tur Multifamily and Conmefial) t' Wndorranddrrcdedule / fuU stnrct ral Sns, induding deslgn criFia CIeloads) d Structur3t Engineer sbmp and slgnailrc on studulll plam (A[ Commerdat and Multi Farniily) q Solb Repoft must be flrbmifrcl p{or to fodins inspedon g Flre reststive assen$fies sp€clfied and peneffations indicated c/Smot<e OeteConshotrrn on Plans o/Types and qulngty of filcfllc€s shourn Appllcanfs Slgnahrt! Date of submittah Departrnent d Canrmunlty Deuelopmcnt Fi/efi F/oncrfr rfl t/udpenn 2 Rlc€iued BY! W :i,"hr" r1uo*, 61 6658421 AXELR'D BUTLDERS I .n.sss ,.o'ftut a2 If ihis permit requires a TOwn of Vait Fite Deparfrent Apprq/al, ftgineetJs (tublic Works) raniew and apprpval, a Planning Hrfinent raiEry or l'leal1f1 Depfirtent ra/iew, rnd a revie$' bytrc Buildlng Deperunent,dle €stimaEd time br a total rwier^, will take as long as $re€ (3) weeks, Al commercjal (large or small) ard all mulu'family peilnib witl have to follow the aboe mentioned milimum rsquirwtents. Resldenfial and srnall pfojects should tah a lesSer amo'mt of ume, However, f residen0al or smallen prorecB impact ure varlous abwe mstioned depirtnenE with r€ard b necessary reVA^,, these prujects may also GtI(e three (3) weeks b revlew and €Ppro\re. Brery afiempt will be made w tris depa*mErt to spedlte trF pennlt as soon as po6lble' I, ttrg undasigned, ufl@rstand sre plan chedc procedure and time ffame. I also understand ftat af uie permit 16 not picl€d up bythe o<Frilation dafe, $at I must sull pay tfie Plan 6eck tte and ftat if I fail to do so it mey aftct ftrture permits $at I amly for' AgrEed to by: Prcjrtl.farne: l, f 'L a D*. n/hL_ - l:/crerpl€rtbrnEltdFnn3 66/88/26AL 1.7:35 6106684 tflY.31.2@1 9:43H'l Date Sioned: Conta&r signafrrrg Job orrciecil.F rnt f{ FAhFQ AXELROD BUILDERS rumv0p wtrlN A'puBllc wAY PERMTT rg REQUIRED prEASE READ AND ctIECK OFF EAct{ OF TtlE FOLlowNG QIJESBONS REEARDING THE NED FOR A "PUELICWAY PERruT: -,s Is thb a new esidre? YEs=!- t\fi1- o Does ttemlition $o* b€ing pefformed rcquire fre usq of ttc Rlght'of-w'y' €asemerlts or- proric pmpettyl '-" - "-YEs-' No l^ t tr ls any utllw t/votk needsd? YES v ftlo- t tr AteUtereanyimprorerncntsbclngdqretothedfi\rewxy? yEs-Y- NO-_..- o Ir a difer€nt racess rneded n Ure siE otlpr thsn dre o<bing dtiveway? YEL- tr 15 3rry dninaglworkJsng done that affcfi the Rigltt'of-way. eaG€meflb, or publlc pfopctv? YEs- No--!- o Isa"RsroblezughffiWayFermlflrequileil YtS-- NO r'- q Is thc Rlght<f-way, eesenrents or psuic p{openy b ba used for 3bging, pa*im or Endng? yFS-.. NO_14_ If eng.{cr ts l{ct, be pa*in!, staginB ot fe$cinC plan rcquirert W Pubfic Wota? yES_ noj_ ff yw rrswered YES b any of tlrese quedfofls, a "Public Way permif mtst bc obtained' "Publb Way Pernif applications ilay De oBtrined at$e Public WorKs office or 8t Cornmunity De/€loffnent (a samde is attrdEd). If yw haE any qu€stions phse call honard Sandornl In Public worK at 479.219& I TIAIE AI.T ]HE ABO\E QUESflONS. Cornparry Narc l3lo PAGE A3 l) No.9b3 r-,r/rb ,p-L w( F/erJerFn€/fu mE/ttEpffn4 A6/46/2OAL L7:35 61665842 rtAy. 3t . Ag61 91 43At't TWT{-WYAfr) 35o AXELROD BUILDERS PAGE l'{U. >OJ r . LJ' rrJ PuE,tlC W9H(qAND TSIE PuBUc-wAY PERilrf PROCESS How it rehtcs to Bdlding Pcrmitcr > Filt art fi€ edadred c+teck llst $dfi ile Buitdhglermit Apilicp$crl ffyes was arqwcred toliv@permlt is-ltcu;p{' You can oick up an appllcation at efier Csnrnunity-pJelopment' 6oteO at 75 sou$ Frontage G,[or iriuic wdrrc, tocacO at l3og Elkhom Dnve' > Notice slgn'offt fur utitity ompani-es' A+-.Ftgo must fleld veritV 0oete) rcspective udtities ilior ro sign,nglfutafi: ilm6 utilrtv con panies require up b 48 houts nobce b sdledule a loclE, > A con*ucton traffe corrtroustaglm pra! lsF pre.paF ol a frytaj^slrcet d paper' An apprwed siE plan may itso. te "ed' 1114t'n'ffi *to* locrtloirs d all traffic conrol det'iGs (glgns' cones, ".itno the wort-1one, (area of consmraion''daglng' efic')' This prrn wi' asire on N*ff#-fr ana wiff *U-t-G teu,rgt*Ed tur oonsidera6on ht aDDro\tal throrrgh gte *illilCiwi'e trat voul' ttuuomision br ti,,tnH mav be denied arienoing on the locaUon of cot$trtiot' > sldch of rr,Erk bdng p€rrEnned must H submatted indicstinE dimensioEts (lenffi' widsl and depth of vrprk). trlf#;,f; #;; ; ;fi *li'fi. Jnrol ptan or d site plan for $e job' F Submft compleEd spplicauon to ule Publlc WorKs omc. for revtal' -tf lecuired' locate5 wlll ba :cfredutert tu $e Tffifif ;.iiJ"r,-oans lna intjation crew. The locates tale place in dre moming, but may require up to 4E hours tO perfum' >ThePuHicworKsConsfrrrctionInspe&rwi||revtewtheapp|ication.aTdaDproveordeny the peffiit, you wiil il;;il4J"ii-o q1e. stt t ina-iitv requirEments $at mav bc needed, ,qo.t p"*,uillJ;rea "'ttin +e ho.,Eu Grq ,ec€*'/ed, btfi please allow up b one (1) week to trocess. > As soon ae d€ pennit ls appit\'€d' the Bulldlng Departrnent qI F: l*fi"d' allowing the qBuiHhg Permlfl to ue ieiiised. 'please ao noi-#n'le the "Public Way Permit" vMth a "Building PermiP. }rroTElTheaborreP|logashforwo'1|cinapublic.^u'ayol{tY.Publicway F€mrlts aru valid cnly'unill NoyGmber rsur,'i iew pulti" way FEfmit te rcquired eadr yor if rmrt 6'ifi;il;fr'-n-ippficatn' each llo'rernber 151fi doef net meananemmt$Grcfiffd, P./a/rDonqrtuB,bldpe'lr5 the abore. 86/46/zAgL 1.7:35 61865842 r'FY.31 ,2981 9r44qj"l .E -U AXELROD BUILDERS PAGE 85 ^ trv.,o.l 't DR rl{AsE A1{O, CUwERT lflsqEcTloils ARE,REOqIRID w PUBIIC WORKS! Please rcsd eld check ofrcech of the itcnr bdow: o The Town d vail Building Depatment has devehped the ffilorlng procedur€F to en$re that new consbucuon sibs have adequately establl$ed Foper dralnage from building sites ahng and adjacent b Town of Vail roads or stseets' c The Town d vail Public worl(s Deptrtment wlll be required to inspect and appruve dr''ainageadlacenttoTownofVai|roadsustreetsardUre|nsla||adonoftemporary orpermanentcu|rrerbataccesspolnbfromtheroadorsbeetontotheconsuuctim site. Sudt apprornl must be obblned pnor to arry requesB for inspectlon by the Town of Val| Bui|dlng Dep8rffiefit for fuotings, tempordry e|ecilical or any oher Inspectior, Plear call Leonard sandwal at479-2198 tO rcqUeet an inspection from the Publk Works Departnent' Allow a mlnlmum of 24 hour notiae' o Also, the Tourn of Vail fubllc worls D+artment will be approvlng atl flnal drainage and cutvert insbllatpn wlfrr resulting road patching as necesEary' EJch approEl must be obbined pior to ary Final cetrficate of Occuoancy lssuance' Agr€ad b ry! Project l.lame: Date Signed: F!/.vg16ne/fr nrE/d$€nn6 66/46/2661. 1.7:35 61,A66842 fiaY.3L.?@AL 9t44An 35o AXELROD BUILDERS PAGE 66 - O l\u' Ytss r'E/ ro NMilOF tcopri-c cometete tec are awilable upg! FI*l__ OOE.+Z'iO: DEP'OST|5 ON PUBIJC WAYS P'IOHITITED -c unlawtul thpcttsl subjed q erhcction I urut_*|, it is unlavfftrl for any tsmn E llfief, kack orr Aeposrt oi 6use O Oe ri6eO, ta-OcO or OepciteO, gand, grarcl, odc, mtd, ditt snovr, ie' or tny drer detois or maerial ;p",#y tb.A Sdffitf afiv ot puUtlc plsce, or any poftion thercaf' i Ndice: Abatelrgrt The Ore6tor sf PUUIC Worte rnaY nOfi and -rcquire. arry percon who vio|Ntes or cau€es another to voni Ure' prarisim of subsedion t her€cf; or wfio iras in. tllE Dlr€cto.'s enlplovrffilt a p€15on udro vb66s er;li$-ilogt"t-_- b "lof'3il Ure sart, itp renurc such sand, gr6vd, lodc' mud' dlrt, snqn, ice ot anv odt"r d"b,G; iiaerrai"nfti" n"tntirou' 1-x2 19!ls-q1rEcejil sf said ndlc€ il.ffi i,il.tor of etdr"'wotr", -rn'fl're E\rent tie person b nan"o does not compfv with the nouce wlthin tre Deriod of tilp frldin specin*, Ut"-Oirettor of Public Woda5, or other althoriaed 4pnt' may cause any fldr sand, gravd, rods, muct,.tllrt, qpry. *; o&rs ot any urer mater{al b be reflnt'ed ftom ary-street or allcy at the expatse d Ule nodfied' / srmmons and Pemltp As an algrnati\re b g1c.notie for rsnoval pwded in grbsecilon B abo/e' any person wtro violatestr a,res anogter b vbht {te sane, IrEy F.isgt/-€d ! suffnolts tr appear beb€ tte Munidprl Ol,il of t"-fol"n ror srfO uiofaUons, inA'upoir Oelng found gullty of a viola$on Grelrmer hn puni*rea as providcd tn Section 14'1 dUtls de n iloticeend p6nalfy! ItBunlasfirl frranypesonmfall orr|dlEcbcomPVwldt$erptieoltlp- Director of ftrbl'rc wbds;-P#dilli-i"uiliiort e hereof, qnd .ary-su.ch Person shatl' in addiDon to paryrnent of ttre e,pense'di16iil1f,iinot|,u6 ry Ure Oire*oi 6f puOtlc worlcs, e PPnidud in su6erflon B h€cof, upofl USng 1g1rdl'u]Ey o|i"ilaUon'f,otun'6!i'ne prnithablc as'proiided in Sectlqr L4-l st rh6 cod€. (1997 code; otdlnane 6 (1979). aoDEs r-3A-1Ar{D ?.ltA-3: PArugnG oBsrnucTlt{G TRAf,FIc & ilFouilDilEnTAtmrcRIZED il No peron shall par,k any vehldc upon a sheet or -at any odrer place within his.MuniEtpality in suEh t rnanner or under sudl iirttd-liffi * ninE fet€ widl t'; f€e moanrcnt of \'€hiqrar $affic or fioper sfre€t or trighr,ray nulntenance, (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) d Wfrenaler any potke diccr llnds a Yehicle atgded or unatmndcd, sttnding upon dnY portion of a street Or upon any plae wl$ln ttrb ilunEipatity in srcn a minner as F sOnsUtrlte a v{datlcn of any 5€don of tnrs Atae orifr unaffideo mr a rdroo ot tt"enly g".rz+1 !9!-qgl P* "nd prcsumed b be abandoned unOer Ure d!16ons pt€ssibed fy COonOir Revisd $etubs secuon 42+1102' as amstdd, the fficer shifl E;i]E-U,t'*hil; ; ti remved or cause it b be crrwcd and paced in stonge in tfi€ n6r€st gaEge c offier pface of Safery OeAgnit€d or rflalntdnd -by drb MunEipalify' and the drefges rgr to"rng ;fr-sb;s" ci zuA uOrOe $ali be Oarged^E qF-.qv-{ner of $e vehide in addition b I ten dollar ($Jb) rirpoinor'.ttt o"196, (ord. 2(1968) $ 3: ord' 28(1e81) 5 1) I hrvc rcad rnrt will compty slth 0tc rbwc code prcvisioasl Pqition or Rd*ionship b Projccl: D.*sis'€e 6y'y', F:/crrryoodlbnnrAl{crmT "iAi? li?1ilrt''rtuo*n 61 E 5 5 I 4 2 ? I AXELR0D BUILDERS I nu.:us ,.,itgE z7 HOWOIDN'E R^TEWTTHYOU? TmndVril9ruey Connutdty lhvebpnent Dqdrrcrtt Rosssll Forrcot Dinsbn FTol17Fsrss Crc* ar'rrireples, 1. which Depttmen(sl drd you conhct? Euldingy/ FnsilorunenGl*Houglng,,Admin-..: Ptannlng 'z 0RS-PEC--_ -a2- Wayorrr irrlal conbC wiu our $afr inme fr#3: s]rrw-or no one aretable--_? 3, lf you $ee rEqulrcd b wai[ ltor bng vuas it befrrc pu rrere hdped? 4, Wis yofipr*rtreviercd on arinrely uasio@ I No lf tq wlrynot?- 5, Was fils purfrstfnrb db a ORa app-lp, PEC app- Elds tuErft pO N/A 7. Ov€fallefrdrrcnessoffrreFmntSerriceConner.@r t I I E, Wh* [t the besttime of day frr pu b tFe fie Fmrt Service Counbr? 9. Any cotnpnb you hac whioh qrulrl dlow us b.hptet senn pu nexttinc? Tfiank yur br hklng fre linrc h cornpletr tfris survey, We ate collnlttsd b inproving our snrvice. ftHge rEE llrc perfornance of tr staffperson who asi$ed !ou: @c r z i uane; F0rrrt trirrsoals fe (krtosledge responsiveness, adabtrty) The Axelrod Group PNca -olll May 25, 2001 Mr. J.R. Mondragon Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co 81657 Dear J.R., Enclosed is the license application for Axelrod Builders, a resume sheet on the company, proofofinsurance and a check for $100.00. I have also enclosed some brochures ofthe different projects. Ifthere is anything else the Town needs please call. Thank you very much for your help in this matter. Vailreg.doc 19 BALAAVENUE, SUITE 3OO, BALACYNWYD. PA 19001 . PHONE 6I0.668-2I42FAX610-668-4235 5 -i (\(f) 8coi x(: q o J\,:3 E! zv 6z E B nAY.?L.2@Ar e:15Pr4 N0.933 P.?/5 CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION PREQUAI,IFICATION FORM lq Special (Drywall, Glass. Mxorrry, Concrerc. Elwator) $ 75.00 ReEulfl'Cosr $175.00 $ 100.00 $ 75.0(l $ ?5.00 s 7i,00 s50.00 NO FEE Slsldeeg $12i,00 $ i5.00 $ 55.00 $ 55.00 $ 55.00 $ 55.00 NO FEE NOTE: lf you ere purcbalirrg u elcctrical or ptumbirg rcgirrritiorr, you $!ff providc r copy of A Mrstcr Rcgirlgdon fiurn tho Stdg 6f 6o161a6. LI{BILITY: Opdon #l: $ I.0(X).000 m the aggrcBatc lor Bodily Inju] Sl,000,000 in ure aggregatc for Property Damage Opdon #2: Combined sangle limit of f l,0U),0{X) WORKMEN'S C0MFENSATION: Shorv :at you arc covsred in the State of Colorado No Workncn's Comp (no employecs): Provide a tener sudng you are lhe sole ovner and lvrll not hotd the Towu liablc 0or arry accidelts and at tie timc you hirg someoue you rvill provide us with Workcts Cornp. Town of Vail Building Division 75 South Frcntrgc Road Voil. CO 81557 e70479-2149 e70479-2152 (Fat) NAMf,oFcompeNv: d\ecnoD Burlf,-cps{ t^)C . MATLTNGADDRESS: t 1 BxJq, A0a-(Ao)Br\-tA Cy"/ l.'q Dr Pc n_po1 PSYSICALADDRESS: 't PHONE #r This form rnust be receivcd and approved prior to issuance of registration. Please submit to illc: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT - 75 South Fronragc Road Vail, CO 81657 PLEASE SUBMIT COPY OF AI.IY PERTINENT RECISTMTION WITH AFPLICATION. Tlpe of rcgistration being appl! Applicadon made by: Signature REGISTRATION FEES Gencral Conrachr A/Construction lVarugenrcnl (Valuation ovcr $ 1.000,000) Geqeral CoDlradof B/Consfrudi on Management (Valrration under $ 1.000.000) Plunrbing Mechanicitl Excavation Owner/Builder Elc€ficat TEANK YOU I1A\ .4.?AAL ?: L6Pn N0.933 P.4/5 9. Do you hold any valid liccnscs, i.c. Mastcr Plurnbcr. Architect, Elecrrical? Nb 10. Liet oc rrujor itcms of equprncnr which yoq or yollJ company, or corporation own or will be used in the Town of Vail: ll.list ttre conlracts which you' or your company' 0r corporadon rverc palty to' duling tbe previous ten (10) years, that were involve.d in litigation of any tlpe. iT6f,'E 11,For aII contacts which yoq yotu compuly, or corpomtion were Palty to durlng thel'rWiouS fr"*e (5) yeac, what percenbge of these projects rvere complc(cd within schedple?--9,.:l-% How much of the work will you do directly compured to sub'contractors?------3|--% Banking References: ll, 1Ar .t. A. . t$! 9r/! !-s 1--f 4-q!L-!r-}\-- bl-a--ia.--rttg - fB.i\-t. BR e,qJ_+-A 15.Trade Rcfetrnces: B. e. L,rh.clnto^,r PLu*trr'v! - (olo 789 lc+l O B. TAt clo^rxl - Dsur- F{,t -(nR}nv-trrl ' zsS??-/saf c. Tet - \Oln- CARDel.rT,.f .@ o bnv.rsr-.-&lry5Jhu - ooosr,rrq ^ Zlf z5t'ff'Sb E Toc- t^ercqlla -- -2W?" 16.Flavc you cwr had a Uccnsc in otu area ormy ofter ?uca under any rnme fnt was: Revoked-$9- Ifso. plcase cxplain: Denicd Nb Suspcndcn NO If rcgistrut is a Corporation or Partnership, plcase sulc Spplicant rclauonship/position: nAY.?1..?WL 2t L6Pn By:61s-\tOP A Pdutcrship An lndtrrdual Principal Office: ufi,trRlxNcE QUESTIONAIRE (AIA D,ocument NumberA.J05 may bcused in lieu of) NO.933 P.3/5 I. 7 J, How many years cxp41.iencc in tlrc proposed rype and size of Cqnstnrcdon work sitnilu'in qpe =-; -=.: $!c!leta Lisr the mosr rec€[( projccts yOur Organizarion bas bsd in constructiOn wOrk Similrr in qle and Size: How many yean has yolrr organiTirlio[ hcu .in brsiness as a qonfac(or quer youl' prcseu businesr name? IlCIs3-e!as6-o$[a*When Comuleted Na4q&.Address of Ownet AftIAIL f \\,C,r'l o coL\r Otilgtt List nnnicipalities you have li and currcnl *iilb*,s -2trriOl{, U what othcr imponar projecrs of similar maguitude lnr your organization completed? :67Do 6.l{ave you evcr faiM to complele any work rwarded to you? lf so, rvhere and wltf ila 7. Namc lhc Surety Company, bonding capacity. and tiro niune and addrsss oflbe local agerqf you inlend to use: 8. What is the consmrc1on and cxperience ofthc pnrropal individuats ofyout organizariot utd urosc individuals to bt: directly involved in any prOcst in Oe Town of Vail, Individual's Nams Prcsont Posiuon or Ofiice Ycars of Ivlagtritude & In Whar Experielce Tlpe ofWolk Capacity? YAY.?T.?AAL ?:15PM r'1o.933 P,5/5 t8.what is your posiuon in tlfs rcgstrationl officer / Stoct<holder l./ Princrpal Other ***CODE BOOKS AR-E AVAILABLO FOR PURCHASE UPON REQUESTI** Axelrod Builders, Inc. 19 Bala Avenue suite 300 Bala Cynwyd, Pa 19004 Resume Axelrod Builden, Inc. was very active in the past dweloping and building both residential and commercial projects in southeastem permsylvania. At ihis time the cimpanies are rnore invotved in the management of owned oflict buildings and tenant improvenrent work. Arthur Axelrod il presently the president and chief.executive ollicer of the company' Aner receiving a BS degree from the Pennsylvania State iJniveisity in 1962, Mr. Axelrod immediately began working with the cotnp-any. In l;7g,after having handled all segments of the business, Mr. Axelrod assumed his present position as chief executive oflicer. Over the years, the company has developed and built a total of approximalely 4000 singles, twins, and townhouses in various locations in Soutleastern Pennsylvania. Under Arthur Axelrod's direction and supervisiorg in addition to its nornral home building activities, the company in 1980 moved into the development and construction ofofftce buildings, and the syiAicatio4 ievelopmint and rehabilitation ofhistoric structures in the Philadelphia area. A! lhe presentime tutr. Aielroa is involved in the managernent of the buildings tlut he is a partner in and tle acquisition of small commercial buildings in the Delaware Valley' The following are some of the projects and office buildings tlut were developed by Mr. Axelrod and consFucted by Axelrod Builders: 23-25 Bala Avenue (15,000 sqft Offrce building) in Bala Cln*yd (sold) I l-13 Bala Avenue (13,000 sqft Otrrce building) in Bala Clnwyd (partner) 822 Montgomery Avenue (25,000 sqft Offrce building) in Narberth (parmer) 166 E. Levering Mill Rd (13,000 sqft Office building) in Lower Merion (partner) l0l West Ave (85,000 sqft Offrce building) in Jenkintown (partner) 9 S. Fonest Ave. (50,000 sqft flex building) West Norriton Pa (parher) Flourtown commons (50,000 sqft condo office complex in Flourtown) (partner in 8000') Historic Renovations: I I South lf,titia Street(Is unis residential) (sold) 4100 lvlain Street in Manayunk (25,000 sqft commercial) (partner) 4401 lviain Street in Manayunk (4 pats & 2 storesxpartner) Home Building Jobs built and completed in Pennsylvania. Westvue 225 single familY homes Woodgate 130 single family homes Partridge 150 single familY homes Springdale I l0 single family homes Farmers Horne East Gree nville 300 townhomes Creamery Hills 29 single family homes Elbow Lane 18 single familY homes Philadelphia various townhouse dwelopments 1000 units llaverford Township $1,000,000 renovation and new construction (see brochure) Vail, Co -- done as home owner conlractor Renovation 1993-1994 lvlaterhom Circle Renovation 1997-2000 2578 Arosa Drive o RGC 27958371 o*zs+r [oo43s?o48-oor -Uot AI{NUAL BRANCH ZO ZURICH GROUp-pH RENE!4L !Ir_1911_El ^-.,3 ZURICH MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY PRECISION PORTFOLIO POLICY - COMMON DECLARATIONS PRECISION SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL GENERAL CONTRACTORS PROGRAM This policy consists of the declarations as well as the coverage forms and endorsements listed on the Forms and Endorsements Applicable List. Countersigned by DateAuthorized Reoresentative copyrighi.d m.l.ri.l ot Insur.nc. S.rva!.t Otlic., Copyright, Iniu'.nci S.'vic.! o{lc€, 1.c., Copy.ighi, M.tyl.nd C!su.lty CodP.ny, III$JRED'S MPI 09i r 2/2000 1984. 19 93.COMMON 760006 Ed.3-00 BUSINESS ENTITY: mRPmATl0ll POLICY PREMIUMS In return for the payment of the premium, and subject to all the terms of this policy, we agree with you to provide the insurance as stated in this policy. This policy consists of the following coverage parts. This premium may be subject to adjustment. PREMIUM COIITERCIAL PROPERTY MVERAGE PART T 2,271.OO CI|TIERCIAL GEIIERAL LIAEILITY C{)YERAGE PARI I 1,163.00 c0mrERcrAL AuT0roErLE mVERAGE PART | 5,343.00 TOTAL ANM'AL PREMIUM $ 12,(|89.()(| Iraoo4397048 -OO I -OOOO 1RGC 27958371 02242341 PRECISION PORTFOLIO POLICY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DECLARATI PRECISION SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL GENERAL CONTRACTORS PROGRAM This coverage parl consists of this declarations form. the common policy conditions, and the coverage torms and endorsements indicated as applicable on the forms list. @ ZURIC oNs r::r!: T|TCOVEBA( Some ol these coveraqes are sublimits how they apply. GETIRAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS/COIIPLETED OPERATI OIIS AGBEGATE EAfi OffiNREilCE TEDICAL EXPE}SES - EAOI PERSO}I are subject to aggregate limits' Refer your policy to determlne 32 ,000,000 f2,000,000 ll ,000,000 I 10,000 PERSOML IIIJURY AIID ADI,fiTISIIIG IIIJI|RY L|I|TED CARE, CUST0DY 0R milrRol (EASI LoS) LrnTo 0ARE, CUSr0Dy 0R miln0l (PoLlcY AGGREGATE) FIRE DATAGE LIABILITV ll I 3 $ 000,000 1 ,500 3,000 s0,000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 76020 r Ed. 3.00 I}$MED'S MPY 0911212000 3.1. 1 The Axelrod Group May 25, 2001 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co 81657 To whom it may concem: This is to advise that at this time I am the only employee of Axelrod builders in Colorado and have waived my rights for workmen's compensation insurance. If in the future any employees are hired by Axelrod Builders workmen's compensation insurance will be provided. Vail workmandoc Ifrthur Axelrod 19 BALAAVENTJE, SUITE 3OO, BALACYTIWYD. PA I9OO4. PHONE 610.668-2I42FAX6IO-668-4235 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 8I657 970-479-2t38 Job Address: Location..... : Parcel No... : Project No : Desciption: Valuation: DRB Fee----> Investigalion--' Will Call-----> ToTAL FEI]S--> 'l otal Calculatcd l'ces- ' Additional Fcc(--:' l'otal Pcrmrt Fcc-----', Palments---___---------' BALr\NCE Dl rl'l-------->' ts3.00 9o.00 ss3. o0 ss3 - 00 s0.0o oepaf, rNr oF coMMLrNrry DEVELopMEIp NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT I977 CIRCLE DR VAIL I977 CIRCLE DRIVE 210312302014 Q F\Lrc'-o\\ \ OWNER ART & JI'DITH AXELROD I-,icense: CONTRACTOR AVAI,ANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 2715 DILLON, CO 80435 License: 188-E APPLICANT AVAT,ANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 2715 DrI_,LON, CO 8043s License: 188-E INSTALL EXTERIOR TEMPORARY POWER $2-000.00 ljl: li St rNI\1.'\RI $50.00 09/20/200L Phone: 09/20/2O0L Phone: 97O-468-0249 09/20/20O]- Phone:970-468-0249 Permit #: E0l-0209 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0912012001 Issued. . . O9l2ll200l Expires . .: 03/20/2002 f8$:tt*. o o o Er,ECrRr cAL DE'ARTMENT 09/20/2OO1, DF Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI\flI ,***,r,:+***********t*'t'*'*'*'i'r'l'l,ht******tttt*attt**'rt t* ************ t 'r 'i * i CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 .1..",.T;].;..I.'.'..T-..1,T.',.:,::::fl:.,:,1-".*y..:::y,:-.::..:::::,-:::,,:::"-.::511fli1,.,-,-***,,,i*****,,,,,,***, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in lull the inlormation rcquircd. completed an accuratc plot plan. and state thattlfthe information as rcquired is correct. I agree to comply rvith the information and plot plan, to comply rvith all Torvn ordinances and il.ate larvs, and to build this structurc according to thc tovns zoning and subdivision codes. design review approved. Uniform BuildingiCode and other ordinances of thc Town applicable thercto. Actsion: AP REeIT,STS FOR/NSPTEJON SHALL BE N{ADE TWENT\'-FOIiR HOURS h' ADY,\\CE BY TF,I,EPHoNE AT 479-2138 OR .{T oL'R OFFICE FRONI 8:00 .\\1 - 5 Plvl- r '\ i 4i/,^/ \_ _2 r',,.----:4.. i '"t/ \J 31 19784?98225 o APPLICATION U,ILL a9it7!2441. 13:ARTHUR AXELRI]D PAGE g7 ACCEPTED IF o rN co M PLErE #iit{Ff5l^U C_Lll__ euiiding Peimit * &ot-ot'11 Electrical Permit #: 97 O' 47 g' 2L49 (InsPections) TOVNOFVATT ?5 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 T b-.7-ll CONTRACTORINFORMATION J J c"n6c;ano Phone #'s: 7o-L/68':o>n-^tv6:F*.- contractor SignaturP; COMPLETE 5Q, FEET FoRNEwBuILDsandVALUATIoNSFoRALLoTHERS(Labor&Materials) ELECTRICAL VALUAION: $ fAMOUNT oF sQ Fr IN srRucTLiREt 3b31 W Assessors office at sTQil4L!!!Y!!3! nEE for Parcel # Contact Coun Parcel # (R.equired if no ffiffi proVrded above) rob Address: l1 fl Cifdz D,urod f<si phonei [o10"b68-Owners trtame: fl r< tretaitea description of work: l-,s$*.!JL -g,,k+id'n 1 t- wo* cnrr, t'lew y' Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repairl' ) Temp Power e -- -- -, , \,4 rr^ | \ Does an EHU exist at this locatlon: Yes ( L/ '-" t ' Tvpe of Bldg,: SingleJamily (Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( )Reslzrurant ( ) Other ( ) ffia?n *--odation Units in this building: l,lo of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ffi-Ef:-."t6oes aTiG Atarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( +$+******++*l*+*******rri.*+*+**r******++FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****{tr'*n*x+i*****+**r'l}*i*{+*r+*i*}+ F ; /eve ryo n e/forms/e le cPe rzt TO\^/N OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD YAt",,CO 8L657 970-479-2738 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : OWNER ART & I-,icense: COMTRACTOR AVALANCHE EIJECTRIC CORP P O BOX 2715 DIIJIJON, CO 80435 License: 1-8 8 -E APPI-,ICAITT AVAI,ANCHE EIJECTRIC CORP P O BOX 2715 DILLON, CO 80435 License: l-8 8 -E Desciption: Valuation: electrical wiring of primary and ehu units $19.800.00 FEE SUMN.{ARY Electrical------> DRB Fee-----> Investigation----> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEEg.> $0.00 $0.00 s3.00 s363.00 9353.00 s0.00 $363 .00 s363.00 $o. oo Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees-------> Total Permit Fee----> Payments--------------> BALANCE DUE-----.> osilrrr.reNr oF coMMUNrry orv*otE*r NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1.977 CIRCLE DR VAIL "1977 CTRCLE DRIVE 21,0312302014 ?rLyop_o tt t iIUDITH AXEI,ROD L2/Le/2OO7 Phone: t2/t8/200L Phone:. 97Q-468-0249 12/Le/2007 Phone:97 0-468- 0249 Permit #: E0l-0282 Status.. .: ISSUED Applied.. : 12/18/2001. Issued..: 12/19/200-l Expires . .: 06/17 /2002 Approvals:Itdm: O5O0O ELECTRICAI, DEPARTMEIIT a2/t8/2oor df Acti.on: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIfT CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. o TWENTYREQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE PM. .FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 SIGNATURE OF OWNEROR CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNETL ** * *** * ** ****** * ** {.+*** ***** * * ** * * **** * * * ** * **:* ***** *:}* * * * ** {. {. * **:1,*,} **:1,},} ****** *****:* *:f ** * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ********+*******************:i,i***********************************{.*******'f *:1.'1.,}**:1.{r,}*l.t * ** *** state.ment Nurnber: R000001844 Amount: $363.00 L2/L9/200112:19 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #1599/Axelrod Builders Permit No: EOL-O242 q4)e: EI-,ECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3L23020f4 Site Address: 1977 CIRCITE DR VAIL L.,ocation: L977 CfRCLE DRM Totaf Fees: $363.00 Thj-s Payment: $353 .00 Total ALL Pmts: $353 .00 Balance: $0.00 **+ *+** * * ******* * * * *+** ***** !t* {. 'N. * *:} ****** *,t *:}*** {. *+*+{.{.+** *,* * *!* *{.**** * * *+**** * * *** {. ***** * *:t{. ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accounl Code Descniption Currenl Pmts EP 00100003111400 TEMPORARY P0l^iER PERMITS lic OO1OOOO3112BOO WItt CALL INSPECTION FEE 360.00 3.00 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Electrical Contractor: 4Vn\^^,c0,,r Elcclc,'. Town of Vail Reg. No.: 1*€- Contact and Phone #'s: Itc-'ftf,-ozq'1 B.ute -./lA\^ta,I coMPLErE,ro. rrr#6!Urrtf'.t7,o*,ffifil tt"t*t (Labor & Materiats) AMouNr oF se Fr rru srni6ie t 3617 i>r;na^,.ffiftEcrRrcAl VALUATToN:2clv5 ttl , (t Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: Ax.e["oJ'?--zs,i.p-un.ru Job Address: l?-/7 ( , r, le 7)ri,l o Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Name: Art * "rii;trY",f ll nooress: +1*"Al*X1eft*,".f_ fl ehone: 6 (o-(obt) ztqq {*+ aq Engineer: NUqlu\zrr-{ C*.,orwW1n ll Address: .z Phone:.?r3- 577- yVR Detaifed description of work: -cl f ct-ctctJ g>" {ia1r\ -y'.,'tuMa t --et\r,t r(vri$ -/WorkClass: New(!r Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Ellefior( ) Borh(v-f Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ut' No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family 1r{Ouplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: L'No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( 4 Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( 4 ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY"******************:t***************** Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:AcceDted By: Planner Siqn-off: D F :/everyone/forms/elecperm REC'D o o f,r Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel, o The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accesslDle. All underground condults are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted.o NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories.o No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES o/ All in$allations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). r If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. r If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. u If this is a remodel in a multi-famlly building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. u If this it is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. and understand the above. sig I."Jl/ -t ^ r DatE Si!ned If you llave any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at970-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. I HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest Director, (970) 47s.213s Checkallthatapphes. /,/ 1. Which Deparr2eftls) did you contact?'''..Buildin g _'-Eryhnnnental _ Housing_ Admin Planninq /DRB PEC Was your initial contact wiih our staff immediate no one avaiiabie ? 4.Was your project reviewed on a tmely basis{6,}No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Pennit to7 N/A 3. lf you were rqguired to wait, how long was it before you were h"In"d1 ,1W 6.P.Jqase rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 6,)4 3 2 1 Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, avaiiability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of the Front Service Counter@ I I 2 I 8. What is the best time qf day for you to use the Front Service Counter? /2 "'t2 9. Any comments you have which would ailow us to better serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed b irnproving our service. ortrtr*r oF coMMUNrrY orurrot *, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERIVIIT Permit #: M02-0001 Job Address: 7977 CIRCLE DR VAIL Location.....: 1977 CIRCLE DRIVE ParcelNo...: 210312302014 TOI^,N OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAtL,co 81657 970479-2138 Status...: ISSUED Applied. .: 01/04/2002 Issued. .: 01./07/2002 Expires..: 07/06/2002projectNo : (050U-Ott t OIIINER ART & i'I'DITH AXELROD OL/O4/2OO2 PhONC: License; COI{IRACTOR SUTTON INSULATING WEST, INC. OL/04/2002 Phone: 970-945-1313 s398 CR r-54 #r_ GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81-6 01 Li cense : 21-9 -tl APPI-,ICANT SUTTON INSUT,ATTNG WEST, rNC.OL/04/2OO2 Phone: 97O-945-!3L3 53 98 CR r_s4 #1_ GIJENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 License z 2L9 -Vl Desciption: INSTALL SUPERIOR LBV-43 AND 1 MAIESTIC DURT35 ANF HEAT GL BRAVO FTREPLACE ( 3 trNrTS TOTAL) Valuation: $6.400.00 Fireplace lrrformation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs; 0 # of Wood Pelleh **** FEE SUMMARY Mechanical---> SL4 0 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-->so - oo Total Calculated Fees--> $178.00 Plan Check--> Investiga tion-> Will Call---> So - oo Additional Fees------->s5s.00 s3 .00 Payments-----------> $233.00 BALANCE DUE-------> S0.00 Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEIfl| 01/04/2002 JPCM Action: AP It.em: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMETff CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 vt'[C' OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1_997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIAPTER 10 OF THE ]-997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 s35.00 DRBFee----------> 50.00 TOTAL FEES----------> $1?8 - oo Total Permit Fee-----> S233.00 (Br,DG.): GAS APPLTANcEs slrArn vEMTED AccoRDrNc ro cllAprEn AND SIIAITTJ TERMINATE AS SPECTFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 T]I/IC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CIAPTER 3 OF THE L997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOTL,ERS SHAI-,L BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. UNLESS I,ISTED FOR MOU}flTING ON COMBUSTTBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED INMECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OI' MECHANICAL, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAITIT BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 199? UMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requfued, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inJormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inJormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and ottrer ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CO ANDOWNEI * * +* ** ** * * ** ** * ** * +** * * *** * * * ** * * * *+*** * *+* * * *+* * * **+{.:lr ***{.{r ** ** **+*'t * * ***** ** * * * ****** * * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * **** ***:t **t++**+* * ********** *** ***+++ * * ***,1.,1. * *** *** *+{r l.**** {. ** ** ***** * * ******* {. '1. **+1.*** * * ** Statement Number: R00OOO18?2 Amount: $233.00 07/07 /200272:01 PM Palment Method: Check Init: tt --\-- t-- JC V-<. (4.f4 V4,1NotsaEion: #13 0a /€r,t'Eena+sd=f{=t=' - Permit No: M02-0001- Type: MECHANICAL PERMfT Parcel No: 2LO3L23O2OL4 Site Address: 1977 CIRCTE DR VAIL Location: l-977 CIRCIJE DRIVE Total Fees: $233.00 T}.is Payment,: $233.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $233.00 Balance: $0.00 **'t **i.:1.*:**,1'*********,t'|**********************:i*******,N***+*,i**l.:l*****************,Nt********,1.** ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrjption Cunrert Prnls CL OO1OOOO3123OOO CONTRACTOR LICENSES 55.00 l4P OO1OOOO31113O() MECHAN]CAL PERI'4IT FEES 14O.OO PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 35.00 I^IC OO1OOOO3112BOO I,,]ILL CAIL INSPECTION FEE 3. OO APPucArroNra Mechanical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) l,n, 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be without the following: Provide Mechan tr tr tr tr D A$6sots Office at Flue, Heat nd D or visit Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is Job Mdress: ,.> > ., l7 Detaibd description of worki ir,^3 f"t*u WorkClass: NewQ{ Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Does an EHU erist at this location: Yes (X) No ( )BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg: singte-family 04 Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances $ ) eas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a convercion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) MECHANTCAL: $F 6(/oo- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: ./ . . Sc, / b. Tn tu /o hnq '*'"il'{*jli'Contact and Phone #5:q/s-- t ]/3 ****1.** ;t******** ** ******FOR FFICE US E 6 N Ly* * * * * * * * :n * * * *# Ftfl f * :r * * * * * * * r'li i:.'i f : / evertone/f onrr/ mcchperm Connector Date: JON IU: , B/2/OL AN.STlTpT 1-1995: Yes Job Info: CST Version 8556 L .02 $- olll f\rrrrrf ij- rr. 1n 10d Hanger Labe1: Simpson connector: LUS25 Carrying Member Fasteners (Face) : 4 Carri-ed Member Fasteners: 4 10d Carrying Member: Truss Gj-rder ID:A4 Width: 2 pIv Carri-ed Member: Truss ID:c widrh: 1- pIy Town of Vall Uplift Load: Depth: a\T^tLI . 2L4 Duration: 133? 2x6 5 11 6 Specles: SPF Down Load: 591 Duration: 100? qEEFE"COPY IJ.n.16r T.rha l . Simpson connector: NOTES: d MTHM Quantity: 4 Carrying Member Fasteners (Face) : 34-16d Hip Member Fasteners: 8-l-0dXl--1/2 Jack Member Fasteners: 4-L0dx1--1-/2 Carrvinq Member: Truss Girder ID:A4 Width: 2 plv Depth: 2x6 Left Carried Member: Truss Girder ID: D Width: 1 p1y OWH: 5 l-l- 0 Uplift Load: 273 Duration: 133? Down Skew: Left 45.0 Load: Center Carried Memb: Truss ID:Cwidth:1ply Uplift Load:2L4 Duration: 133? 1-268 Duration: 100% Degrees Species : SPF I-,oad: 591 Duration: 100? A-rf,.3,Ale-vrara-v- Qrrad i ac. CDE' Species: SPF DrT{ OWH:I -L _L O Down Hanger Label: Simpson connector: LUS25 Carrying Member Fasteners (Face) : 4 Carried Member Fasteners: 4 l-Od Carrying Member: Truss Girder ID: 83 OR E5 Widtht 2 ply Depth: Carried Member: Truss ID: C1 OR C2 wj-dth: 1 p1y OWH: ITnl i ft T,oad: 303 Duration: 133? vLao.rrL -L L.),' . r z, l n/l 2x6 Species: SPF 4 3 14 Species: SPF Down Load: 594 Duration: 100?; Hanger Label : Simpson connector: HGUS28-2 Quantity: 2 Carrying Member Fasteners (Face): 36 10d Carri-ed Member Fasteners: 10 10d Carrying Member: Truss Girder ID: E5 Widthz 2 ply Depth: 2xB Species: SPF Carrled Member: Truss ID: DOUBLE C2 Wi-dth': 2 p)-y OWH: 4 3 1,4 Species: SPF Uplift Load: 606 Duration: 133? Down Load: l-l-BB Duration: 100? Cdnnector List Hancrer Label: Simpson connector:HUS28 Quantity:11 10d, Carrying Menilcer Fasteners (Face) : 22 Carried Member Fasteners: 8 10d Carrying Member: Truss Girder ID: Al- Width'. 2 pIy Depthz 2x8 Species: SPF Carried Member: Truss ID: Fl width: 1 ply oWH: 1 5 5 Species: SPF Unlift Load: ]-24 Duration: 133? Down Load: A73'7 Duration: 100? d -- OveraII Hanger Height = 5 I/2" Material List Quantity Mode] No. 22 4 11 LUS26 MTHM HGUS2I - 2 HUS28 NOTE: Design load values for l-5d and 10d common nails on singJ-e p1y carrying member applications have been reduced for the naiL penetration amount. Refer to current. Simpson Strong-Tj-e catalog 'Plated Truss Construction Connectors' for additional information. l-5d refers to 16d common wire nails 10d refers to 10d common wire nails 15d sinkers may be substituted for 10d common nai-ls SDS 1/4x3 refers to Simpson Strong-Drive L/4x3 wood screws TRUSFAB INC. 6t8l -- 335 RD. NEW CASTLE, CO 81647 Plroner (970)9t4-2336 Fax: 984-3533 Pt"Fffi N{odel: l,ol No; F", SUMM]T LI]MBER P.O. BOX 490i EA.LE' "" ,*ftrw" oll rt I troduction List Job Numberi Page: Date: Project ID: 8566I ql+lot {,++0€o&FlSrr.fFM Co act;Site: I Ollce:Deliver To: I977 CIRCLE DRIVE VAIL Aocounl Noi SE Designer: TWG Salesperson: THADGREENE Quote Number: 8566 P.O. Number 52154 Name: Phone: Fax DAIE B. (970)128-6306 1',rR-6r70 Te'nriive Dcliver! Dale: Profile:Qtv:Truss Id:Span:Truss Tlpe:Slope:LOH ROH Built Bv: A 4 A 24 -o -o 2X6nX4 COMMON 9.00 0.00 2-0-0,c,3 (l) 3-Ply A1 24-o-o 2){6nX8 GIRDER 9-00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0A,,AJ 24-0-0 2X6nX4 HIP COMMON 9.00 0.00 2-0-0 '-o'h Town of Vairrlfnr n,IlrNt 2 A3 24-0-O. 2X6/2X4 HIP CON{MON 9.00 000 2-0-0 ,.o.fJ IE-qq.rf,,UI tYa 4 (2) 2-PIy A4 24-0-0 2X6nX6 HIP \LASTER 9.00 000 2-0-0 2-A-0 2Ol -onA4B24-0-0 2X6/X4 SCISSOR 9.00 600 2-0-0 2-0-0AIBI24-0-O 2X6nX4 HIP SCISSOR 9.00 600 2-0-0 :-0.0AI9224-0-0 2X6nX4 HIP SCISSOR 9.00 6.00 2-0-0 2-0-a A ,, (l)2-Ply B3 24-0-0 2X6nX6 SCISS. HIP MAS 9-00 6(n 2-0-0 2-0-0 A t4 c 6-0-0 1X6iZX4 MONO 9.00 0.00 2-0-0 0-0-0p7ct6-0-0 2){6i2X6 IIALF SCISSOR 9.00 600 2-0-0 0-0-0 H o CZ 6-0-0 2X6nX6 HALF SCISSOR 9.00 600 3.4-0 0-0-0A4DE-5- 13 2X6t2X6 CORNER SET W 6.36 0.00 2-t0-0 0-0-0 \\i\Nl/lZ 3 (l) 3-Ply E z7 -0 -0 2l{6njt8 FLAT GIRDER 0.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0A8ET32-0-0 2X6nX6 sclssoR 9.00 6.00 2-0.0A3E224-O-O 2X6,2X4 SCISSORS 9-00 6.00 3-4-0 3-4-0 I E3 24 -0-0 2X6i2X4 HIP SCISSOR 9.00 6.00 3-4-0 3-4-0 A1 E4 24-0-0 2X6/2X4 HIP SCISSOR 9.00 60u 3-4-0 3.4-0 E5 (1) 2-Piy 24-0-0 2X6/2X6 SCISS HIP N,f,AS'I 9.00 6.00 3-4-0 3-4-O /N F 17-0-0 2X6/2X4 COMMON 9.00 0.00 c0-l-0 2-0-0 2.0.0 ' )' / ,'! .,,j i:l 08/L6/oI 08:47 6le70 sO53J TRTISFAB INC.@oon -1-.5-Q T-...-r-.tl 24- O-O o 000 cN NNN N ---f- l c (: a: C t_' c C c ID 4 3 I C tr a 0K€-k'%li'r I I ll 9l 0tl to I Io -j I I l e[u["r E|,I Et2 ll I I TRIISFAB INC. 6181 - 335 RD. NEW CASTLB, CO 81647 Phone: (970)9&{-2336 Frx: 984-3533 q", SUMMTLUMBER P.O. BOX 490 EAGLE, CO 81631 ]J Production List Job Number; Page: Date: Project lD:8566 Projeo{: A)GLROD REs/DIDIER Block No: Modeli Lot No: Contact:Site:Office:Deliver To: I977 CIRCLE DRIVE VAIL Aocounl No: SE Designer: TWG Salerpenon. THADGREENE Quote Numbor: 8566 P.O. Number: 52154 Name: Phone: DALE B. (9?0)328-6306 a)'-6'11n Tentetive Delive-rv Date Profrle:Qty:Truss Id:Span:Truss Tlpe:Slope:LOH ROH Built By: A 13 FI 17-0-0 2X6/2X4 COMMON 9.00 0.00 c0-1-0 0-0-0 0-0-0A,,F-GA,B t7-0-0 2X4t2X4 DROP GAB(zXl0 9.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 TRTISF'AB INC. 6181 - 335 RD. NEW CASTLE, CO 81647 Phone: (970)9t+2336 Fax: 9t4-3533 ?", SUMMTLUMBER P.O. BOX 490 EAGLE, CO 8163I J Production List Job Number: 8566 Page : r 4l+lotDale: C"4(rtofi--'fi|f55?l!l Projecl ID: 8566 Project: AXELROD RES/DIDIER Block No: Model: I,ol No: Corfacl:Site:Offioe:Deliver To: 1977 CIRCLE DRIVE VAIL AccoudNo: SE Designer: TWG Salesperson: THADGREENE Quote Number; 8566 P.O. Number: 52154 Name: Phone; Fax: DALE B. (970)328-6306 ?7A-6210 Teriative Deliren Dale: Profile:Qtv:Truss Id:Span:Truss T}pe:Slope:LOH ROH Built By: MISC.ITEMS Quadily;Description: TRUSS TO TRUSS CONNECTION SPECIFICATION AND HANGER DELIVERY TO SITE. 12-O-0 1&G0 5x8 11 Town oflVail OFFICF DOPY*.-, 91 ,t41,4luA 19n J 'l^12 = I '10x10 - H 'l 0x1 0 - Scale = 1:71.5 prawolll fl.|,; $Dl-t 12x12 - '10x10 - E DEFL in (loc) l/d6tlvort(LLl -o.17 G-H >999 Verr(TL) -O.23 G-H >999 Horz(TL) o.o3 F n/a 1 Bt Lc LL Min lldoll -- 24o SPAC|NO 2-OO Plrtes lncr.66o 1.OO Lumb.. lncroaso 1.oo R€D stross lncr NOCode UBC/ANS|9S LoADING (psf) TCLL aO.OTCDL 15.OBCLL O,OBCDL 10.O PTATES M[20 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 5 SPF-S 1650F 1.58 BOT CHORD 2X 8 SPF-S 1950F 1.5EWEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S 2looF 1.8E 'Excopt'&l 2 X4WW Stud, O-G 2 X 4 WWStud W.ight: 483 lb BRACINO ToP CHORD Shorth6d or 6-Go oc pu.lins, .xc€pl6nd Yorticals. BoT CHORD Rigid c€iling diroctly appliod or lGGo oc brlcing' A-J 2 X 5 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E. E-F 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E BEACTIONS (lb/5izo) J=12694/O-6-1O (input: O-5-8), F=12694/0-6-10 {input: O-5-8) Mrx Hort J = 346(lord c.s6 4)M.! UpliltJ =-a2a(lold crsc 6), F=-831(lo.d caso 6) FORCES 0b) - Fir6t Lo6d Ca66 Only ToPCHORD A-B=-13023, 8.C=-9472, C-O=-9472, D-E=-13O23, A-J=-1o353, E-F=-10353 BOT CHORD l-J=O, H-l=10418, G-H=10418, F-G=OWEBS A-l=3190, C-H=lO13t, D-G=3190, &H='3580, D-H=-388o, Al=l06l6, E-G=10616 NOTES 1) Thia t,u66 haa becn chock€d foa unbalanccd loading conditioar!. 2) ThiE truss h6s boon do6ignod tq tho wind lolds g€ncrltod by 80 mph windr.t 25 tt rbov. ground lovol, u6ing 5.O pst to! chotd dGld lord aM 6.0 p6f bottom chord d.ad lo.d, IOO mi lrqn hurricrn. oc6.nlinc, on rn occuplncy calegory l, condilion I €ncto66d building, ol dim.n5ionr 45 ft by 24 fi with €xpo6ur6 C ASCE 7.93 pcr UBC/ANS|95 lf ond vortic!16 o. clntilovofa 6rist , th6y rr.6xpos.d towind. lf porchos oxist, thoy.rc not 6rpos6d lo wind. Th. lumblr DOL inci6aso i. 1.33,lndth.pl!l. g.ip Incrc.sc iE 1.33 3) ihis tru6s h.r bs6n d.6igned lo. r lO.O p.l bottqn chod livo lo6d noncoicuront wilh any olhcr livs lo.ds por T!bl6 No. 16-8, uBc.94. 4) WARNING: Rcqrircd bo.ring sizo at idnt(s) J, F gr6.to, th.n inpui bs..in0 Biz6. 5) P,ovido mGchanical cooncction (by oth6r6) ol 1.u6! to bo.ring pl.i6 crpablc ol withstlnding 828 lb uplift .t ioint J rnd 831 lb uplift !l jdni F. 6) This t.uss hr. bo6n d66ign.d with ANSI/TPI 1-1996 ctitcria. 7) cirdcr crrrios tis-in sprn{s): | 7-O-0 trorn O-O-O to 24-GO 8) 3-ply t uss lo bc conn6cl6d tog.thc. with O.131"x3" Naila aB follows: Top chordr cqrnGctod .. lollow.: 2 X 6 - 2 rows.t O-9-O oc. Bollom chords conn.ct6d .s tollow6: 2 X 8 - 3 .owr 6t o-4-o oc. Wobs conncctcd 16 tollo\r/s: 2 X 4 - I row rt O-9O oc, LOAD CASE(SI St6ndr.d 1) Rcgulrri Lumbor Incr6!s6 = 1,OO, Pl6t6 Incrc.6c = 1.OO Unifofm Lo6dr (plf) Vo : FJ=-888.4, A-C=-19O.0, C-E=-19O.O #t'$t'jr-\ Desrgn val,d tor use only \,rth MiT.k connectorc Th is desiqn is based on ly u pon para mele6 shown. and is lo. an individua buidrng componenl lo be insta led and roaded vertically. Applicability of desrgn paramelers and propef ncorporation oI componenl rs responsrbi ty ol bu ld ng des gner - not tmss designsr Bracing shown is for lalsral s!ppoft oi indiv dual web m€mb€rs only Addilional temporary brac ng lo insure stabilily during construcl on rs the responsibilly ol lhe ereclor. Aodilional p€rmanenl bracing ol llre ov€ral struclLrre is lhe responsibi|ly ol lhe bLrilding designer. For general guidanc€ regarding labr calion, q!al ty conlrol, storage, delivery erecl oo and braong, consull QST-88 0ualiiy Standard, 0SB- 89 Brscing Speciflcetlon, and HlA.9l Handllng Insiallatlon.nd Braclng R€commondallon available from Trus3 Pl6le Inrlllule,583 O Onotrio 0riv!, Madison. YVI53719 lltt-t||tl MiTek Indushies, Inc. August 31 ,2001 r!t-Eu l-''EUh Tt - at ,^\/t tL E(Ltsl o*z 6999p - Q!aiJY o!tsaq* o,!-;d, d\ t< o 6 -- ;6sJld- 1Y=oro t;69S =x = (r ' \J*ro; zi; r' /r. = =aa)i: gc0i;>{gqi k d-. Vtl o X = E -9:E; #*s;=: a6xx (u -t I - ^,!oo o>:9 00 < ":Y I.] m = = l!ooo ^9=*=. A - r.l a^=a17 {E:sY qal-9= v oood o?a* ro o* -(c o o i =qm O^(, ?s*H dioo toE =O =.f;._!t- o !O FO o= JOo 6 o 5 Xs ,z L t: ?: O dqP;lDr"r i€: ii giiii 'i.! * I rFil iaies il+f 4:taQ dq ;cq -o Jo ),ia oo -d r,-R:1 - =a\ -Y''e; d< E3!Qo d aqqo ,- oo-c A,rrt = <\ ;tx/ i \\ Faaatt -t ls Fd llt-( z \P t5|l{J o \\ ;I rlt\ \| -LnA - B e f +E:rt \ u,33ii ; d#6P > =-ro! = =t-E H aF8; o i9;oizzI:42* I ==3 I =B i/' 6 :gr gg 4Q bHz @co.-=loo! '-r c'l () oRX9 @b .Nc> Z5E H9 ^ \J -\J -!(r.-]aO€.. JJN)qPP N I OO O 2 TOP C HORD TOP CHORD =IDF =CLc :T.o 5 \ E T 0I T @ 9 d F - S = - p eo ;., q sn s c" N) - Ed€ , oq@ o=r l4o'- .! !-a-t ooc ^-c oc o;-o oa\ oo-o t ; ilE3 li ?di gE iEE $8a ?g esa gEg 3$4E4F*g ?a tai EE F 3F 1+ 3F *g Ba* ?* .ge ;t gc1 Ffg'ii Ei 3[fl 5 *Fe i$a 'a gfl ui ge cg*e qE Ei E$F aiE $+ i[ Eq FEaE Ei tEg 3 fg gg g ;i 9i $il+ 3i lip? ia * +a; .6 ;-a * *3 A; e3i "? q[1 asE 64 l gd g 8 566 I tuss q l",,Jl, j otv I Plv 1 ,.",; R4737s1 -2-Go e.00 [rT CXO = E L 5x8 = Scalo = 1:72.9 1 I 4Iol ltqltU)l N 3x4 M 3x10 = K 3x10 = J 3x4 tl DEFL in (loc) UdotlVert[L) -0.06 L > 999 V..I(TL) -O.12 K-L > 999 Horz lTLl o.o3 J n/a I st LC LL Min lldctl = 24o SPAC|NO 2-O-O Plates lncro.s. 1,Oo Lumb6r Inc.6!66 LOO Rep Strcss Incr YESCodc UBC/ANS|9S LOADING {psl)TCLL 80.OTCDL 15.0BCLL O.OBCOL 10.O PLATES M 20 Woight: 144 lb LUMBER BRACING TOPCHORD 2X 6 SPF-S 165OF 1.5E TOPCHORD Shclthod a 4-5-O oc purlina, excopt ond v6rlicak. BOT CHORD 2 X 4SPF-S 21OOF 1.8E BOTCHORD Rigid coiling dircctly lppliod or'|O-O-O oc brrcing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S 21OOF 1.8E 'Excopt' WEBS 1 Row al midpt C-1, G-L C-M 2 X 4 \ilw Stud, G-K 2 X 4 WW stud B-N 2 X 6 SPFS 1650F 1.5E, H-J 2 X 6 SPFS 1650F l.6F REACTfONS (lb/siz6) N=2922lG5-8, J = 29221o-5-a Max Horz N =413(lo.d crsc 4) Max UplilrN =-244(load c.sc 5). J =-288(lo.d c!56 5) FORCES 0b) - Fir6l Load C666 Only TOP CHORD A-B= 135, B-C=-2459, C-O =-18 | 5, D-E = -1816, E-F= -l8 t 6, F-G = -1816, G-H=-2469, H-l= 135, RN =-2869' H-J = -2869 BOT cHoRD M-N=-O, L-M=1967, K-L=1967, J-K=OWEBS C-M =-325, C-L=-656, E-L=944, G-L=-656, G-K=-325, B-M =2016, H-K=2016 NOTES 1) Thi6 trusr has boon chcckcd to. unblllnc.d lolding conditio.rs. 2) This truss has boon dosigned lo. thc wind lo!d6 g6n.r.tod by 80 mph wind. !l 26 ft 6bov6 ground lcval, u6ing 5'O psf top chord dord lo6d lnd 5.0 p6f bottom chord dccd lo6d, 1OO mi lro.n hurric.n! ocolnlina, on an occupancy crl€go.y l, condilion I .nclo6€d building, ot dimon5ions 45 tt by 24 tl with 6xpo6ur6 C ASCE 7-93 p6r UBC,|ANS|9S lf .nd v.rticlls d c.ntilovo.a 6ri6t , thcy 116 rxposod to wind. lf pofchor cxist, thcy 116 not oxpo6od lo wind. Tho lumbcr DOL inc,..6o i! 1.33, lnd thc Phl. g.ip incrrls. is 1.33 3) ihis truer has b!€n do6ign6d lo. r 1O.O psf bottorn chod liv. load nonconcurront wilh 6ny oth6, liv6 lotds por Tsblc No. 16-8. uBc-94. 4) P.ovido mochanical connoction (by olh6r6) ol lrusr to bolring plalo copablo ol withslrnding 284 lb uplitt ri joint N .nd 28E lb uplift rl jdnt J. 5) Thir truss hrs b6rn dosigned wirh ANsl/TPl 1-1995 critcrir. LoAD GASE(S) Stand.rd 4'ta\ D€sagn valid 'or use only $/ilh MiTck conneclors. Th s d€sign is based only upon paramelers shown and s for an ind vid!al building cornpon€nt lo be inslal €d and oad€d verti€a y. App cability or dosign paramelers and propor ncorporai on of compon€ni is responsibilily ol building desLgner - nol truss designer. Bracing sholrn s lor lalera supporl ol individual web members only. Add liona lemporary bracing lo insure slabilly during conslfuction is lh€ responsibillty ol the eroctor. Additional permanenl bfac|ng or the overall srrLrcture is lhe r€sponsibilly ol lhe build ng dosignsr For general guidance regarding tabncat on, quality control. slorage delivery. erecl,on, and bracing, consulr OST-N8 Ou6lity Stand6rd, DS8- 89 Er.cing Sp6cilicallon, and HIB-91 HEndllng Inslsllstion rnd Eraclng R6commendrtion available irom Truss Plr16Inllitu16,583 D Onofrio Drive, Madllon, W153719 August 31 ,2001 -o t- mt- o oz z mz--tl oz m H'cooo ;eg9a RlT:i- Y=or'o' : d qs = -.o j*r o;y-;-= =iy!)qlig9;6 \- + ^'!!-C^-\JXL;@ !4{- =C6"'^iIr;== oixx +o6 o>^'! oo < ":Y YP ? ]A J fr=- o I J* 6XO -.i ^':7 {E:s y yd.-!2= I OOo; oo - oo-o o o tl P -+s I =ern o=X S :FS - HFf-@o2io='oY;r -(o!4J:(, O^. \1 !: a = J =aJ:g =J; ^ ^ !o 6-L: O ::.jq i rq1e6 8a9=l qi .; \-) 6 5(D**7= o1-d a+ n(f)-o-< u oo- EanF oF z ffi* \ !l =.)lo c --_@a O= :1 luoc-oo (3 !. 0o {tJqoo I ('(f,o ^o oco:oo ! d-! iboao @ s oIo,Jo 9 E *E?z > rz'ns : ;;3F ) AtO! = *E-, E;frgI E iISg r !H; =6=* E ==3 g =s .t, ii -O = gg EE bHz €3- =RFAX -X\tlr-' +tQI->T AJ @@_ ico-.J r! Or () GRH9 Dbso.- L@(r--.zqN 6yl Xis -qrO'o,..)o oN) -a - - t\)e9 - x dOo?z .GI||HIFll FF :o-c :r.o f iltffi @@ I E TI D T @ TOP CHORD TOP CHORD 9 d i - - : 6 e eo > q s,' b co N J Bde > ol4 @ o = I o '- - ! c - rr o o c *-c o c ot -o o rr o o-o t F xg;; ?? gaE s: iEE*fii Hg *sA HEr EAI;[:ig ?a iFF fr3 E ir Ff i3 ;E ryE ga 'cqii $ei [e$ 'iiq* usa f +Es ii, a4Ea -3 Ee 'seE iE f g $Fi i$E l* ai i$ EgaE EF+ Es fr aa aa e ;3 EBfBft 4:, j[fri Aa ? BE: j "f dg = fl; :g g F[3arq+ qd -q-is 33 ild:: 6 +=A ^x as a; a a? ?+ai a31 64 e n' g -2-44 10-G.0 18-6-0 6x8 = D Scale: 3/16-=1' 6xB - E (o @ o 3x4 ll N 3x10 - J 3x10 = I 3x4 tl M 3x4 -3x4 = 3xO 14-G.0 19 l+ DEFL in (locl l/dotl V.rt(LL) -0.06 M > 999v6rt(Tu -O.09 K-M > 999 Hof. (TL) O.O3 | n/r l st LC LL Min lldell = 24o SPAC|NO 2-O4 Platos lncreaso t.OO Lumbor lncl.6so l.oo ReD str66s Inc. YESCode UBC/ANS|96 LOADINO (p6t) TCLL 80.OTCDL | 5.OBCLL O.OBCDL 10.O LUMgER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF.S 2lOOF 1.8EWEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S 2IOOF 1.8E'Exc6pt' C-N 2 X 4WW Stud, C-M 2 X 4WW Srud, F-K 2 X 4 WWStud FJ 2 X 4 WW Stud, &O 2 X 6 SPFS l6SoF l.5E G-t 2 X 6 SPFS 1650F ',t.5E REACTIONS (fb/6i26) O =29221o-5-a. l=29221o.5-a Max Horz O=353(lord casc 4) M!x Uplitt O = -284(load caso 5), l=-288(lord caso 5) BRACING TOP CHORD Shoalhcd or 5-G1 oc pullins, oxcopt 6nd v.rtic.ls. BOT CHORD Rigid coiling dit.ctly lppliod or 1O-O-O oc bl.cing. WEBS 'l Row al midpt D'K PLATES M 20 Weight: | 54 lb FORCES 0b) - Fir6t Lo.d C!s6 only TOPCHORO A-B=135, B-C=-2459, C-D=-2083, D-E=-1668, E-F=-2083, F-G=-2459. G-H=135' FO=-2869, G-l=-2859 BoT cHoRo N-o=o, M-N=1967, L-M=1668, K-L=1668, J-K='1967, l-J={WEBS C-N=-347, C-M=-451, o-M=431, D-K=o, E-K=431, F-K=-451,l-J=-347, SN=2016, G-J=2016 NOTES 1) Thi6 t.uss h!. b6.n chrck6d fo. unbalanc.d lolding condilions, 2) This t.u6s hls b66n d66ign6d lo. thc wind load. g.narrtod by 80 mph windr 61 25 tt abov6 grorrnd l.v.l, u.ing 5.O psl to} choad dald lold lnd 5.O 9sf bonorn chord dcld lo!d, lOO mi trorn huricrnc occrnlin€, on !n occupdrcy cltGgoaY l. condilion I onclorcd building, ol dimonsions 45 tl by 24 tf wilh 6xpo6uro C ASCE 7-93 p€r UBC/ANS195 ll end vcrlical! o. crntil.ve.6 6xi6t , thcy r.c 6rpo5;d to wind. lf porch6s oxi6t, thoy rrc nol 6xpos.d to wind. Th. lumbsr DOL inc.crsc is 1,33, rnd lh. plllc orip inc.ors6 i. 1.33 3) Providc 6d.qu.t6 dr.inrg. to pr.vonl wrto. ponding. 4) This lru6s hcs b6cn designod lor r lO.O p6t bottofir chord liy. lo6d nonconcurrcnt wilh any otho. liyo loldd p6r Tablo No. l6'8, uBc-94. 5) Providc mochrnic.l connection (by otho.E) ot t,uss to boaring phtc crp6bl. ol withsl.nding 284 lb uplili at ioinl O and 288 lb uplift !t jdnt l. 6) This lru6B h6s bccn drsignrd wilh ANSlffPl 1-1995 cdlori!. LoAD cASE(s) strndlrd f.$'$tr-\ D€sign valid lor use only wilh Milok connectors. This design is based on y LJpon pafametors shown, and is lor an ind vidual buildinq componenl lo be ,nslalled and loaded verlicalLy. Applrcab lily ol desiqn paramele.s and proper incorporation ol compooenl is responsib lily of building designer - n01 lrLrss des,gner Brac ng shown is io. lateral sLrppor! ol ndivid!a web members only. Additional l€mporary bracinq lo nsure slabilily during conslruction is lhe r€sponsibility of lhe ereclor. Addi|onal permanent bracing 01 lhe overalt slrucl!re is lhe r€sponsibilily or rlre bLrild n9 desrgner For general guidance retard ng labricalion, qJ6lily conlro , slorage. delivery. erection, and bracing, consult OST-88 Ou.lily Slrnderd, DSa- 89 Bracing Specitic.lion, rnd HIB-91 Handling In3tal16lion 6nd Eracing S6comm.ndatlon availab e lrom Trus! Pl.t€ lnltltute.583 D'onofrio Drlve. Madlson. Yvt53719 August 31,200'1 E r'r\ I oc: m '.*i o .;.o l"r z ::Y z mz--l P dz HOOOOi5d--=eFgse# R;55X Y=o = o':6Sa *J O;' =!u f l!: ll0v;>1A Y; R o-< 03;' goe )-=.-(r:aNx== o.ixeee d=:9 o.0 <':Y c .ri - X +g = A x =a rdx6 ii r I':? aPqqY q a''-q= 9 00qd oR -cc o o T r- '!3 s E =qE x I &gE S H 8FB Es = >a6 -^_, d3o +H r ;@*:;" 9.d\1 Yt6i f=, *;? ;E5F+ o-:aEl dgj-o5 =9906 8d'Aa) O=a-*3 Ad : c/,o =E8{ A oo- -o ao =loo 6ct (c :. oo tl Em 4.zo tllo O.t .: :-i a9 ol o C I IF o -l CLc { o t I E Tp ! T @ il*r" {', . w{ !'Lt TOP CHORDs F ia: 3 = :;3 FEiEH Eg*EJ S =53 I =s" 3 iHq= bHz €E- =XRats -5Y('" ;>a-->-a o!a- o4o o--l6o oIoda'l qqG 6ERX9 @.b ! o.' \-al.':-@Z5E HI 3<^ -crr8;S e ?9 - li2" I oz TOP CHORD 9 6 F F F = - p eo : e s,' a (, N) -- Ed 'b E 3r ia *[ -$B aEi ga -gi iE $gl [Eg Ufi$ Efi *ga -a *flg El f' eg,i ;g EE*g l[BiF*a*gg ria* aa ggiEiF e E'g i f9 ;; a Fl -? $si ia -i g* $q ila* $$ 16-0-0 18-60-2-O-O Scals = 'l:57.5 6x8 F 3x4 = E K 3x8 -JXO = M 3x8 = 6x8 = D I t rhl l?lf-l f- q ,r,rli J 3x10 = N 3x'10 = DEFL in (locl UdollVrrt(LL) -O.12 K-M > 999 Vart{TL) -O.25 K-M > 999 Hoz{TLl 0.06 J n/. 16l LC LL Min lld61l = 24O SPAC|NG 2.{)-O Plalos lncroadc l.oo Lumboa lncaoosc l.oo R6p Slrc6s Incr YEsCode UBC/ANS|96 LOADINo (p6J) TCLL 80.OTCDL 1s.OBCLL O.OBCDL 10.0 PLATES M 20 W6ighl: 145 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF.S 165OF I.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F',|.8EWEBS 2 X4 SPF-S 2looF t.8E'Excopl' C-M 2 X 4WW srud, D-M 2 X4 WW Stud. F-K 2 X 4WW Stud G-K2X4WWslud REACTIONS (lb/siz6) N = 2923/05-8, J=2923/G5-8 Max Horz N = 311(lo!d caso 4) M6x UplittN=-281(lo.d ca66 5), J=-28s(lord c6sd 5) BRACING TOP CHORD Shoathed o. 5-2-5 oc puflinr, crcopt ond vrrticala. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling dircctly rpplied or 1O-GO oc brlcing. WEBS 1 Row ot midpl C-N, G-J FoRCES (lbl - Fi.5t Load C.6e only TOP CHORD A-B= l30, B-C=-O, C-D=-2332, D-E=-1857, E-F=-1867, F-G=-2332, G-H=0, H-l= l30, B-N =-933, H-J=-933 BOT CHORD M-N=19a4, L-M=21O8, K-L=2tO8, J-K=1984WEBS C-M=-233, D-M=773, E-M=-47O, E-K=-47O, F-K=773, G-K=-233. C-N=-2756, G-J=-2756 NOTES | ) Thi6 truss has bccn ch6ck€d tor unbtl6ncod loading condilionE. 2) This lru66 has boon dosigned to|tho wind lolds g.nc.llod by 80 mph winds rt 25 ft abov6 groond l.vol, using 5.O psf lop chod d!.d lood ond 6.O-psl bottorn chord d€ld brd, lOO mi f.o.n hu,aic.n6 ocornlinc, on rn occuprncy cltogory I, condilioil oncloscd building, of dimonsions 45 lt by 24 tr with .xpo6uro C ASCE 7-93 p.t UBC/ANS|95 lf ond vorticrls o. c.nlilcvcts cxi6t , thry ..6 oxpos;d to wind. It pqchGs 6rist? th6y ... nol oxposcd to wind. Tho lumbor DOL incrc!!. i6 '1.33, tnd th6 plrts grip inc.o6sa i6 1,33 3) Provid. rdoqu.t. drain.96 to provcnt watcr pohding. 4i ThiB truss has boon deei-gned ior . 1o.o psl bottorn-chord livc lo.d nonconcuronl with rny othc. liv. loads p6. T!bl6 No. '16-8, uBc-94. 5) Provida mechlnicrl connoction (by olhor3) ot tru.! to b6..ing pl.to c.prblc of with.l.nding 28 | lb uplilt tt ioint N rnd 285 lb uplill !t jdnt J. 6) Thi! Iruss har boon dcsigned with ANSI/TPI l -'l995 crit6.ia. LOAD CAsEls) st.ndard 4tjt-\ D€sign vahd lor use only wilh MiT.k connectors. Thrs design is based ofly upon paramelers shown, and is 10r an ind vidual building componenl lo be nsial ed and loaded venically. Applicabilily ol design paramel€rs and prop€r ncofporaton oi component is ,esponsibilty ot building designer - not lruss designer Brac Fg shown s lor latsral support ol indrvidua web memb€rs only Add liona lemporary bracing 1o insure slabilly durinq constuction is lhe responsabilty of rhe erector. Additional permanenl brac ng or lhe ov€ral struclure is lhe responsibi|ly ol the bu ldrng designer. For general guidanc€ regardrng labr calion. quahly conlrol. siorage. delivery erecl on, and b.acrng, consull OST-88 Ou6lity Si!ndtrd, OSB- 89 Brrcing Spocificalion, and HIB-91 Hendllng In8tellation and Breclng Recommcndrtion available lrom Tru6B Pl.lc In3lilule,583 D Onotrio Drive, Madilon, Wl 53719 August 31,200"1 'Tt-> m- --t ^z z 'n mz--tl 6z ffi. KO OO; ;333o'< o o oo 92aatI+=o j o *r o; C Y' (D d?x1* ? qo a- +ll :€r e*i ; -= a d xx .u -1 I - ^-!f,6 o>:9 00 < ":Y T] ni = { +!o o o --9 +fr-o aiJg6: .) -^ ^1x {E:;o x9ura-o; oa -a 0 c P -+s I =sn (D =x t2 {&r.. H OE.a-: o of- 2O-= =. 1 u=n? C!.i: \t) OicqH= 5:- t2? ;eY=+ 6'\-: O Y. J= ) -Y-:c c 6 o2=? E=,AL6 JO Z -d a- uos - o oJ -,v tnF D azo \ -c c-_@o oiAQ gc o(u (o !- oo |'' a*.tJ lrrt 4TITI \ Z5lH-r O {rlqoo -ooq a:o"a-oool9a Oo o C e F 3Agrt iq39ii ; d*'6- > =-oP - *P^-! fi aEX'; a J26g r !Hl =6=3 I ==3 g =E i' d 39r gg 4= bFz @@.J=co: : q () qts5Y @.i) 50' Z5E ts? G) \r .s8;S 'o -JJN)?9 Hz" OO ?z TOP CHORD TOP CHORD o- =CLc o t I d ; - - - 5 c o .\r o <,, s <" N ! Yq F iiEsii s;* isi91 agi ig sgi igfr +iigiEiE ,i iE$ i$i gFis+$ a! e ;[nH Ai cE ,aa ;[ 3; ga ffii siE r4 ;il ,ii g 3ai ei'1 ai -+ +4 egcg qg EA [$i d$E $i f + *q ; ffi, ieai: fi 3: 3B E d:eq EtE 3 [3 sB g;m 1i frf,+ 3i degs 33 il;s+ .n + a * i* A; E 3+ ?qgi a3F 64 I €' g ""^11.' j -24{ Scals = 'l:50.5 6xE - E I bxb - K 6xB = 2x4 tl D OXat = t H rlol letf-l rfj L 3x4 tl J 7x8 = 5-10-4 1A-1-12 DEFL in {loc) l/dell Vcrl(LL) -O.13 J-K > 999 VorttTU -o.17 J-K > 999 Horz(TL) o.o3 H n/a I st LC LL Min lldell = 24o cslTC O.44BC O.93wB 0.26 SPAC|NO 2-O-O Pl6l€6 lncrorsr 1.OO Lumbcr lncr6.6. 1,OO Reo Strcss lnca NOCods UBC/ANS|9E LoADINO (psf) TCLL 80.OTCDL 15.OscLL o.oscDL r o.o LUMBER TOP CHORO 2 X 6 SPFS 1550F t.5E BOT CHORO 2 X 6 SPFS 1650F 1.5EWEBS 2 X 4 SPFS 2'IOOF 1.8E 'Erc€pt'sL 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F r.5e F-H 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E REAcTloNs (lb/sizo) L = 5o23/O-5-8, H = 5O23/O-5-8 PLATES M 20 w6ighl: 299 lb BBACINO TOP CHORD Sholthod or 5-O-O oc purlins, oxcopt 6nd Yorticals. BOT CHoRD Rigid coiling di.6clly appliod o. lO-GO oc bracing. M!x Horz L=252{lo.d c6so 4) Max Uplift L = -622(lo.d casc 6). H=-625(load css6 6) FORCES (lb) - First Load cr6€ only TOPCHORO A-B='135, &C=-5269, C-O=-5603, O-E=-6503, E-F=-5269, FG=135, B-L=-4967, F-H=-4967 BoT cHoRD K-L=o, J-K=4203, l-J=42O3, H-l=OWEBS C-K = 1095, E-t= 1096, D-J = -662, C-J = 1881, E-J = 1881, B-K = 4313, Fl= 4313 NOTES I ) This lru6s ha6 b€on chockod lo. unballnc.d loading conditions. 2) This tru6s hcs b66n dcbign€d for lhc wind load! gcnoralod by 80 mph windt .t 25 lt abovo ground lcvel, u6ing 5.O p6l lop chord dcrd tord lnd 6.0 pst botlom chord d6ad tbrd, tOO mi lrom hurricanc ocoanlinc. on 6n occuplncy calcgo.y l, condition I onclo6od building, ot dim6n6ions 45 tt by 24 ft with 6xpo6ur€ C ASCE 7-93 p.r UBC/ANS|95 It end v.rticlls o. canlilovor6 oxial . thcy rrc rrpo6od towind. ll pdches rxist, lhoy 6.0 not oxposcd towind. Th6 lumbor OOL incre66c i. 1.33. d|dth6pl.to grip incr6rs. i. 1.33 3) Provid€ rd6qu.t6 drain6g6 to pr6vent w6tor pmding, 4l This t.u!s hlr boon do6ignod fo. 6 1O.O p6t botlom chord liy6 lold noncqrculr.nt with rny oth€. liv. lotdi p6t T.bl. No. 16-8, uBc-94. 5) Provido mochonicll connoction (by otho.rl ot trur. lo b6.ring plat. capablo of wilhst6nding 622 lb uplift ri joint L and 625 lb uplift !l joint H. 6) Thi6 t.u6s hr6 b66n d€6ign6d with ANSI/TPI 1-1 995 critcria. 7) Girdo. csr.io6 hip end with 5-O-O cnd sctbrck 8) z-ply t.u6s to bc conn6ct6d log6the. wilh O.'l3 | "x3" N!il6 !r lollows: Too chordr conncctod rs followsr 2 X 6 - 2 rows 6t GIO oc. Botlom chords connoctod as lollows: 2 X 5 - 2 rows al O-4-O oc, Wcb. conn.cl.d 6s follow6: 2 X 4 - 1 row !t O-9-O oc. 9) Spccirl hrng6,{a) or connoclionls) r6qui,6d to.upport conconkal.d lold(s) 945.Olb down .nd 322,21b up rt 18-GO, rnd 945.Olb down lnd 322.21b up at 6-GO dr botlom chord. Oesign for unspociliod conncction(6) i6 dcl6g6tod to lho building d.6ign.., LoAD CASElsl Sl.nd..d I ) Rcgular: Lumbrr Incrc.6e = 1 .OO, Plalc Increasc = | .OO Uniform LordB (plf) ve.r: A-B=-190.0, &c=-190.0, c-E=-95.o, E-F=-190.0, F-G=-190.0. K-l=-20.0, l-K=-300.9, H-l=-20.0 Conccntratcd Loads {lb) Vo,l: K=-945.0 l= -945,0 f'ts%tfjt-\ Design vald lor use only v/ th MlT6k conneclors Th s design is based only upon pammelers shown and rs ior an individua buid ng componenl to te instarled and roaded vertica ly. App icabilily of des gn paramolers and p.oper ncorporation ol componenl s responsibilly ol buidrng des gner - ool truss designer. Bracing showo rs lor lale€l suppo ol iod vidual $/eb mernbers only Add tional lemporary bracing to insure slabi ty during construclion s the responsibilty ol lhe ereclor. Addilional permanenl brac ng of rlre overal struclure is lhe responsibilrty ot th€ b! lding designor For g€n€.al guidance fegarding labncal on. qual,ty conlrol, storag€. delilery erecl on. and bracrng, coosull OST-88 Ou.lily Si.ndtrd, OSa- 89 Eracing Specillc€llon, and HIA-91 Hrndling In3lrllstion rnd Bracing Recommond.lion avallable ftom Trus! Plale InBtltu16,583 O'Onotrio Driv., MedlBon, W153719 August 31,2001 1ll- mroo =oz zo mz --t dz xo ooo =:ivY;'v-da\ Q R;; qY=o-rD; d qa Y+O- 6><9 ]U(D go! -;.5 I - ^. 5 -i =.!! =0 {EY '+ \4 _ oo(o 0 o P -+5 I =eI n pg ll (oE 2d. oTn: ;9 !6tK;nl 9d 3a-"dFi= *e E;:]-= o- x:!1uc1 dq YllI;4'j lC e0-1;6 g; * :3aa) o= d:o.*;i e' q9 laa '- *=83{ e ;' OLJ .) :)oo- z ^ - \t, -o a:_ 9loco-o0 (cq. oo {r -o' an' a9a' aloo Oa oC nr, ; tl.Jtf4.! \ gqIHJ d \\ ;I rar\ \t -rJ\\ - a ffi. TOP CHORD TOP CHORD 9 F *Egrt EEESii 2 a*6- > =-o3 ; f,P^ri I lf sg r !aii =6=* I =E3 g =B i/, O IO = ?H 4= bHz qqd dEPX9 @b.\o.' Z5E H" ^ NJ -.{J \t (r\lSOO.r!OCN-' -!Nl?9 |* IOO c)z =ioF 3 CLc _T.o :l I 0 D 0I T @ I d i d - - - € eo -'.r o <'r a ." N) - Ed€ rc ot-o o.1 oo-o t ii3Ei?i sF$ aeiF+ *s3 qfi ig[ 3Efr +iaB?a+E ,* ifrs €l C ifi ii i3 g$ il:E ia iqis 3*? $a; iaeil 'cs fi qfi3 nia ue g* -a E* qt*e ia ti gaa *iE $a ffi iq ;ggE EFaag fi l: ei; i4;: ;dq i s$ g€ g ;$9efiF+ ia dag* i3 aai*'n + a * i? a; A 3a ?aAi a31 6q e n' q 12-0-0 e.00 TIT 5x6 .'. M 4x12 -- 6.00 FT 5x8 ll E Scale = 1 :73.9 q JXO i JXO \\JXO /,/ D I bP P r?Itft9Iql 7x10 ",' N JXO ll 8x12 - 7x 10 -.'. H J 3x6 ll K 4x12 .-- DEFL in (loc) l/defl V6d(LL) -0.29 L > 979 VcrtlTL) -O.38 L >744 Hor.tTLl O.47 J n,/r I er LC LL Min Udoll = 24O SPAC|NG 2-O-O Pht.s lncrcaso 1.oo Lumbcr Incrc.s6 'l.OO Rcp Slress Incr YESCodc UBC/ANS|95 cslTC 0.86BC 0.67wB 0.96 LOADING {prllTCLL 80.0TCDL 15.OBCLL O.OBCDL tO.O LUMBER TOPCHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F l.8EWEBS 2 X 4 WW Slud 'ErceDt' E-l2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E B-N 2 X 6 SPFS 1650F 1.58 sM 2 X 4SPF-S 2IOOF r.8E. H-J 2 X 6 SPFS 1650F 1.5E H-K2X4SPF-S2100F1.8E REAcTf oNS (lb/6izc) N = 2922lG5-8, J =292210-5-AMrx Hor-z N =41g(lobd ca36 4) Mlx UplifiN =-284(lo6d c.so 5), J=-288(load case 5) PLATES M 20 Woightr 133 lb SRACINC TOP cHoRD Shodthod or 2-8-14 oc purlins. 6xc.pt ond v€ icrl.. BOT CHORD Rigid coiling dir€ctlY appli.d or'IGGO oc bracing, FORCES (b) - Fir6t Lord Ca6o Only TOP CHORO A-B= |35, B-C=-4857. C-D=-43Ot, D-E=-43O1, E-F=-4301, F-G =-43O1. G-H=-4857, H-l= '135, &N=-2869, H-J = -2869 BoT cHoRD M-N =-O, L-M =43t14, K-L=4344, J-K= oWEBS C-M = -829, C-L = -/146, E-L=3927 , G-L= -446, G-K = -829, FM =40l 1, H-K = 40l I NOTES 1) This tru55 h.s boon chock.d tof unballncod lording conditioos, 2) Thi6 trusr h.s bccn do6ign.d fo. tho wind lolds gonofllcd by 80 mph wind6 at 25 ft lbove ground l6v6l, u6ing 5.O p6't lop chord dold load and 5,O pst botlom chord doad load, 'lOO mi from hulicrn6 oc.rnlino, on an occuprncy catogory l, condition I cnclosod building, ol dimcnsions 45 it by 24lt with.xpo6ur6 C ASCE 7-93 por UBC,|ANSI9S lf .nd v6ltic!16 o. crntilovots oxist , thcy .rc rxporcd to wind. ll po.chcs crist, th€y r,c not orposad lo wind. Thc lumbo, DOL incaorsc is 1.33, tnd thc plrtc grip incr€osc iB 1.33 3) Thi6 tru56 has b6on d.6ignod fo. a 1O.O p6f bottorn chord livc load doncohcurrcnt wilh any othor livc lo6ds pc. Trblc No. 16-8, uBc-94. 4) Boaring at loinl(s) N,J con6idors plrallol tograin vlluo u6ing ANSUTPI l-1995an91. lograin lormul!. Building do6i9n€r 6hould vcrify capacily of bcaring eurfacc. 6) Provido m.ch.nic.l conniclion (by otho,s) of tru53 to bc.ring pt!t. crprbl6 ol withtttnding 284 lb uplift !t joinl N and 2E8 lb uplift .t idnt J. 6) Thi6 tru6! hlr boon do6ign.d with ANSI/TPI l-1995 crit6ri.. IOAD CASE(S) Sl!nd6.d ffiu+;+\ D€srgn valid lor use only wilh MiTrk conneclors. This design rs based on y upon param€lers shown, and is lor an indrvidual building componeni lo be ,nslalled and loaded verricaly. Appicab lily ol desion paramelers and proper incorporal on of cornponent is r€sponsibility of building designer - not truss des gner Bracing shown is ior lateral suppo ol ind vidual w€b members only. Add tional lemporary bracing lo rsure slabilrty during construclion is lhe responsibilily ot the ereclot Additional permanenl brac ng ol lhe overell strLicture is lhe responsibally ol lhe bu d n9 d€s gner For general guida4ce regardrnq labncalion. quality conlrol. slorage delivery. ereclion, and bracing, consull QST-88 Ouelily St.ndErd, DS8- 89 Erecang Specllic.lion, rnd H18-91 Hendling InBlrllellon and Braclng Recommondrlion available Jrom TrusB Phlo Inslilute,583 D Onofrio Driv6, Madlson, W153719 Augusl 31,2001 Pvtl<|Il "ror9(' =0> 7i'> vr'z o mz+T dz \- J.t Etn 4.zo il -F'q* s E =4D m o=: x e {UB s H 8FB 6A =e+"' i01f= =iXi l* q E;YY ii =' : =" *2? =3x =!4a t-- i. o Aje ) rP9o.i 8 6'Oor o=a-9i Ad 83{ a oo- 6 qt 3 E!99E*9:J-a\ x i3 5 Xvx(4ba++o = o;6ge *JO:'tx = fi=. Y+O- f!uf:l!: lCO2P<.8566o-<' 93-6 gd-927 ," o A. AX== Odxe&+ 3=: !2 00 <':Y 9a = f i3tl\/L.l-n<il=a- xJU)t 9 x =^ =- r1 <Y9qe 0.4-1z= Y ooad o! -(o o r\ Q- jo C-:@a !aloo 6o (o =.oo {5 oo 90 a3 oo.ifloo O.\ oc ililffi @@ I IE =of =CLc -T.o J \ II B ! @ EI i = z 3cto 3(0 U'.{gt o 3 o_i @O oI aU 9 F iE? E #i2 iEfrEg si==* 5 ==3 g =B" g gfi E= bHz IOP CHORD €E- =XRAR U5\()" ;>c]--I _0 oc o @@-J=tCo..J --t cn () oRH9 @ jctr.6' =s'Y-; i@Z{E H9 dis str O'.o..1 -:N J.Y>: j;2" 5 2 o TOP CHORD 9 6 E d, S = d p eo >J e sn s (, N - 3d ts' E g+€l3i *r5 afligB B$s q$ $gigE{ g4aE33*s *$ i*r El q E ir is ia ilq *;g ig E$ii iii g4fi fiilrfl '+i I iBi 13 * Eg,i ;g EE*g giai F1a *$g fiB3 i$ E$g€ EF s B*g F ;9 ;i E gl -A $[i ia -igt ;a n'i* gfi '| 0-0-0 1E-6-0 7x10 = 4€ 7x10 - E Scale = 1:66.7 t ,F I F B "EI (oJ ql s.00 rT 7x1o ",, N 3x6 ll 3x6 z,' 4x12 /.. 6.00 [rT 3x6 .,r F (o L 5x12 : K 8x14 = 7x10 '.'. G 3xO ll 4x12.-'- DEFL in (loc) Udcll Vort(LL) -O.28 L > 999Vort[U -o.37 K-L > 767 HolzlTL) o,44 | n/r 15t LC LL Min lldell = 24O SPAC|NO 2{4 Pl.tss lncrarsc |,OO Lumb€t lnctca6o |,OO Rop Stross Incr YEsCode UBc/ANslgs 10-1-a 13-10-8 LOADING (pil) TCLL 80.OTCDL ',t5.O ECLL O.OSCDL tO.O PIATES M[20 W€ight: 133 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S t650F ',t.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF.S 21OOF 1.88WEBS 2 X 4 WW Stud 'Excepi' D-L 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E, FK 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E B-N 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E, RM 2 X 4 SPFS 2100F 1.8E G-t 2 X 5 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E, G-J 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F ',|.8E REACTIONS (lb/eize) N = 29221G5-a, l=29221o-6-a BRACINO TOP CHORD shoalhod or 3-4-13 oc purlin!, 6xcopl ond v6dical6' BOT CHORD Rigid coiling directly rppliod or 1o-o-O oc blocing. Mlx Hqr N = 369(lo.d ca66 4) Max UpliftN =-284(load case 5), l=-288(lo6d c!6! 5) FoRcEs (lb) - Firrt Load ClEc Only TOP CHORD A-B= |35,8-C=-4857, C-D=-4762, D-E=-3755, E-F=-4780, F-G='4857, G'H = 135, &N =-2859, G-l=-2859 BOT CHORD M-N=-O, L-M=434t, K-L=3906, J-K=4344, t-J=OWEBS C-M=-841, C-L=-56, D-L=2150, D-K=-188, E-K=2O35, F-K=-42, F-J=-851, B-M=40rr, G-J='l('l1 NOTES I ) Thi6 truss h.l bcon ch.ckod for unbllancod loading conditions. 2) This t,u6! has bcan dcsigncd to. tho wind lo.dr gonoratod by 80 mph wind6 .t 25 ft abovc gro{nd lcvcl, u.ing 5.O p3f top chord d6rd lord lnd 5.O p6t bollorn chord dcld lb.d, 1OO mi t.om huric.no oc6.nlin6, on rn occuplncy calcgdy l, condition I cncloscd building, ot dim6n.ions 46 lt by 24 fl with expGurc C ASCE 7-93 p6r UBC/ANSl95 lf .nd v.,tic.ls o. canlilovGr! ci6t , th6y 116 6xpo6od to wind. ll po.ch.! oxi61, thcy are not cxposod to wind. Thc lumbcr OOL incr.a66 is '1.33, and thc Pl.tG grip incro.so is L33 3) Proyid..doquat. drain.g6 lo p.oyont w.tcr pdrding. 4) Thi3 t,u3r h.t bccn dcdgncd fo. a 1O,O p6t botto.n chord liv6 to6d noncdrcu..6nl with any olhc. liv6 load. pcr Tablc No. 16-8. uBc-94. 5) Bolring atjoinl(r) N, I considers paldlol to grrin vdu6 using ANS|IIPI l-1999 .nglc to g,.in fqmuh. Building designer bhould v€.ily caplcity ot b...ing 6urtac.. 6) Providc mrchrnical connictio.t (by oth..8l ot irurs to bolting plal€ crp.H. ot withstonding 284 lb uplift .l ioint N and 288 lb uplifi rr joinl l. 7) Thi6 ttus! hr. b66n doiigncd with ANsl/TPl l -1995 criteri.. LoAO cAsE(S) St.nd6.d f.$;rym Des qn va id lor use only wilh MiTek connectors. This des gn rs based only upon paTameters shown, and is lor an ndividual bu lding component lo b€ installed and loaded vBrl cally Applicab ly ol design parameters and proper incorpo.ation ol componenl is responsibilily oi building designer - nol lfuss des gn€r Eracing showr is lor at€ral supporl ol ndividual ;::,1::["il:]"1'"*;1:,:T"1il,:iT,Xr:ri;:""1'#:*ill?::i;::",""ff:ffi'iH:J:::li[,1:T: llH " ii:3llil"l3J:llll;ll1l'l"Tiill.Jl",liil,i"',lil1;i"",fili"Tl.'iiiiT":::'i#"'.:i:."::iillJiilii',';,ll" mll Ptar.Insrirurc,583 D'onotrio o.ive,liredi3on, ufl s3719 MiTek lndUShieS, InC. Aygust 31,2001 v P tt,t.<PEO-e9U=n ;ulzt-l o 4.mzt dz -!!eaq*..'1**:k;5 5 X +=o = oldsa *r ox'ix = ff=. :a+o - FY (D i'zPteYX k d -<= :" >._ + qEr dHi 6;= Q a6 '9La d=: !2 0-o < -Yq6; 9rT ,n- - -' dJg6=o -^;'; a x i5-,o y 9_q= Y oo96 0 R -(o oq P -+s l =eX E {g5 H 8Fd;:qo= A3E d F"-aEH+ 5= " -A;? =e:== d':ail oqjSj rE9d6 I o'qe: E=6*Y3 ; o i qd 1dt5{ aAOO A ooJ E m7' e @n zoQr lo @o .ri + !aloo 6o (o !- oo @m 2zo {i eg o6 d8 ,:>o oloo oc tl I III =o- =CLC(^ :!.ogl l z 5cto;:.5(0 4t (Jt (D 3 e f; iE= E 23:.-2 E F *Hfix s 348 Ei22i q ==3 I =E" I PH E= bHz TOP CHORD€s- =RFAts U5Yt.r" ;> \-./ _-L---o!o.-r- ;:i(,a @o_-l @o oT.]a-) qqd dEPN9 @bE5' ;s'Z5* HT3<; .o8;S e ?9 - li2"; O 2 TOP CHORD 9 6 F F F = - p eo :J e s,, b s' N Ed p;. *ig;;a;gai gil eB asg 1fr [giaE$ g4$ F* ii* ,a iFi *lE F a' 1* i* +q -3E sF iq :q$;i gi4 [4:E ugl $iffi [F fla u$$; *i Eg ggEa iE Ei eea ,$r $+ j; *fi e a9d i as: k 3; e6g tga *E E fii 'e $i3 i' i[ g* *a a$au =g F 1G.O-o 1&S0-2-0-0 2-0-0 4-0-0 2-6-0 8x10 = Scala = 1:59.58x10 = D 3x4 = E 6*8 zz 6x10 \\t lf r I b Pio knrFl FI |r) F. s.oo rt 2x4 ll M 4\12 ... L 8x14 = K 8x'14 = 6.00 F7 &1-8 +xl-Z .-- DEFL in (loc) lldell Vr.t(LL) -0.28 L >999 Vcrt{TL) -0.59 K-L >48'l HorzfiL) o.52 J n/a 16t LC LL Min Udoll = 24O SPACING 2"GO Phtcs lnctolsc l.OO Lumb.. lncro.s6 'l,oo Rsp St.6ss Inc. YESCodo UBC/ANS|95 15-1G8 LOADING (psf) TCLL 80.OTCDL ',|5.O BCLL O.OBCOL 10.O PLATES M 20 Woightr '139 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 5 SPF.S I6sOF 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8EWEBS 2 X 4 WW Slud 'Except' D-L 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E. FK 2 X 4 SPF-S 2I OOF ',| .8E B-M 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E, C-M 2 X 5 SPF-S 1560F 1.58 H-J 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E. G.J 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E REACTfONS llb,/5i26) M =292210-6-4. J = 29221o-5-a M.x Horz M =321(lo.d cas6 4) Max UplillM =-284(lo!d c6so 5), J =-288{load casc 5) BRACING TOP CHORD Shcrthod or 3'5-7 oc pullins, oxccpt 6nd votlicalr' BOT CHoRD Rigid cciling diroctly lpPli€d or 1O-o-o oc br.cing. WEBS 1 Row rt midpi C-M, G-J FoRcEs 0b) - Fi'st Lo.d cas6 only TOPCHoRD A-B=1s5, B-c=-o, C-D =-5oo8, D-E=-3935. E-F=-3936, F-G=-5oo8, G-H=O, H-l=135, &M=-928, H-J=-928 BOT CHORD l-M=4244. K-L=449O. J-K=4244WEBS C-L=273, D-L=2369. E-L=-7O1, E-K=-7O1, F-K=2369, G'K=273, C-M=-6381, G-J='5381 NOTES | ) Thi! truss hss bc€n chcclcd tor unb.l$ccd lording condilioor, 2) Thio truss h.s bccn dc6igncd to( lh6 wind lord6 gcnc.lt.d by 80 mph winds .t 25 ft rbovo ground lov6l, using 5.o pst top chord dc.d load and 5,O psl bollom chord dcrd lo!d, 1OO mi frorn huaaicrnG oc6rnlin6, on an occup.ncy catogoay l, conditioo I cnclotld building, ol dim.nsions 45 tt by 24 tt with crpo6u.c C ASCE 7-93 p€r UBC/ANS|95 ll ond vortic.ls o. clntilGvcrr 6xi6t , th.y r.o expos6d to wind. It pqch.r cxist, th6y !1. nol oxpoacd to wind. Thc lumb.r DOL incrcoec ir 1.33, lnd thc pl.t. g.ip incr6as6 i! 1.33 3) Providr ad€qu6t6 drain696lo prov6nt wat6r ponding. 4) Thit lrtls5 hat boon dodgnod fq ! 1O.O psl botto.n cho.d liv6 lold nonconcurront with any otho. livo lo.ds por T.blo No. | 5-B, uBc-94. 5) B6r.ing rtioint{s) M, J con6iderr prrallol to grrin valuo using ANSlffPl l-1995 rngl. to gr.in formula. Building dcsign€r should varity crpocily of berriog surtacG, 6) Proyid! mochlnical connictioo (by othor!) ot truss to brrring plrt. c.pablo of wilhstanding 284 lb uplitl rt ioinl M .nd 288 lb uplilt .t idnl J. 7) Thi! tru!. hrt bccn dcaigncd with ANSUTPI l-1995 c,ito,i., LOAD CASE(S) Slondrrd f,$#'ft Design valid lor use on y wilh MaTck connectors. This design s based on y upon paramelers snown. and is lor an individual building componenl lo be nslalled and loaded veltically. Applicabrily of d€sign parameters and proper incorporation oi co,nponenl rs responsibility oi burlding desagner - not lruss desrgner Sfac ng shown is lof lat€ral supporl ol Indrvidua w€b members only. Addilional lempo.ary bracing lo ns!re slabiliry duing conslruction rs lhe responsibility ol lhe ereclor Addil onal permanenl bracing oJ lh€ overall slrucl(re s the responsibilily o1 the buiding des gn€r For genera guldance regard ng fabrication. qualily contror. slorage d€liv6ry, ersction, and bracing, cons!ll OST-88 Quallly Sl6nderd, DSB- 89 Bfacing Specificalion, and HIB-91 Hendllng In3tallallon 6nd Eraalng Recomm.ndation available lforn Trusg Plrto Inrtituto.583 D Onotrio Drlv6. MedlBon. Wl 53719 August 31,2001 t m t- o =oz z l, mz-l >: dz ffi. H! OoO he99a H;5 5 * :1 +o = o xJ o;'u - ;' =. 'Y'QOY2<ag;k' ll< tl :!@ '4 e,- =-@"'riE; r: o U xr: o =90,:) <'1 Y ]f d - x +y dx- dJg -)e-<Yvgv qd'_vr\asd of; -o o o -?{gP\\ ; F r =d\S. - .n O=\\ : x !2 {a\\\s s n 8Ffrn (oo2 2q. B: t uq;i 3a -1 =l'.: g,O = ^ Y: n i' r =:d '2-: ;d 3ij =al{ 19AO' lda 36' =l rD o I O =XY ,6-Bi eo 'i. ! -:@C 4,:t HP: O:'= i)-: = J * oc- ffiH {-loo() I ()(oo a4- ifo!l Co o C I.( E DI D D @ e m +E:rt \q33ii ; dt6P > ='{c)= a f,P=i I 5gHs d !iI =6=; I ==3 I =E at ei = 9gq= b*z €q6 6EPX9 @b =-- -.!-'i- h ..' :^ CoZ5[ H? ^ rv -{, .!Uis -(,.8;S e --NJ?9 |iz" 9oO@Oz TOP CHORD IOP CHORD I d i ; S -: d p 90 : q o, \ o) N) J YdI as E 5 aY ?:a Al a ag qaa aa +fr? sg6 3ar ;[ :ig *; iFf, € 3 a =H Eii[ =H€ ;ea :d sEl sf lgq e5E ++iEs i5r s as€ 3dF i$ ig i3 iA ai6 q* E[ il :=a **; i:4:;si s *eq rsa aa aq sa tF sF :r ir E' l;i i13 uq qg ;* q gq; Ago: ag -- 11 9g es $H E3 $Ai e[F ie il {q * mEn F - 5g$ a 3E aa e ;3 *l Ei4 1; iqfii 1a gF:E 5'fi E'3 A ;A ;? E fll *i $si aa 'i sg ia a'!* g ,",a". ,,, "f 10-0-o 1&G0 4-0-0 10x10 = Scale = 1:54.2 e.00 FT 7x10 zz N 3x4 ll M 8x14 - L 4x10 = K 3xB = 10x10 = F J 8x14 = 7x 1 0 .,'. I 3x4 ll 1 .5x4 tl D 3x4 = E INt;pt; r" I Tf,l5roroFHpi{,l-t 6.00 FT 17-9{) DEFL in (loc) UdotlVcrt(LL) -O.35 K-L > 8O9VeitiTU -0.46 K-L > 616 Hotz fiLl O.4o I n/. 1st LC LL Min lldell = 24O SPAC|NG 2-O-O Plat6s lnc.6r.c l.OO Lumbor lncr.lso l.OO R6p Str€ss Inc, NOCodo UBC/ANS|95 LOADING (psll TCLL 80.OTCDL 15.OBCLL O.OBCOL I O.O PLATES M 20 Weighr: 277 lb LUMBER BRACINO TOP CHORO 2X 6 SPF-S l65OF 1.5E'Excopt' TOPCHORD Sh€athod ot 4-4-7 oc pudins, oxcopt rnd vcttical6. C-F 2 X 4 SPFS 2IOOF t.8E BOT CHORO Rigid cciling dhoclly Eppliod or IO-GO oc bl.cing. BoT cHoRO 2 X 6 SPFS l6sOF 1.5E'Excopt' J-M 2 X 6 SPF-S 2|OOF l.8EWEBS 2 X4SPFS 21q)F 1.8E'ExcaDt' D-L 2 X4 WW Stud, BN 2 X 6 SPF-S 165oF l,sE G-t 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E, C-M 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.6E F-J 2 X 5 SPF-S 165oF 1.5E. E-K 2 X 4 Ww Stud E-L2X4WWStud REACTfONS (lb/6izc) N =492710-5-8. | = 492710-3-8 Max Ho-u N = 292(load c.6c 4l Max UpliftN =-596(lord c6s6 51, l=-6o9(lord cas6 5) FORCES (lbl - Fi.6t Lold C66c Only TOPCHORD A-B=135, B-C=-lO78l, C-D=-11447,D-E=-l1447,E'F='11447, F-G=-1O781, G-H=135, B-N =-4867.G-l=-4867 BOT CHORD M-N=o, L-M=a953,K-L=11447, J-K=8953, l-J=-o WEBS C-L=2951, D-L=-4O2, F-K=2951, G-J=9011, C-M=4181, F-J=4181, E-K=-402. E-L=O, B-M=9011 NOTES 1) Thi6 l.usr hls boon ch.ckod fq unbalonccd loading conditions. 2) This t,uss has bcen dosigncd to. thc wind lolds gcncr.tod by 80 mph winds rt 25 lt .bov6 glound lGv6l, using 5.O psf top chord dc.d lord and 5.O p6f bottqn cho.d dcad load, lOO mi f,o.n hufiicrn€ ocs.nlinG, on m occoprncy crl.gory l, conditicr I 6ncloscd building, ot dim6n6ion6 45 ft by 24 ft with o(posurc C ASCE 7-93 por UBC/ANS|95 lt €nd v6rtic!15 o. clntilcve,a.xisl , thoy .r. oxposid to wind. lf porch.6 oxi6t, th€y arc not 6rpo66d lo wind. Thc lumbGr ool inc.oas. is 1,33, lnd tho plalc grip incr6a56 i6 1.33 3) Provido rdcqurtc d.ain!g! to prcv.nt w!l.r pqrding. 4) This Irus! ho becn dcsigncd lo. ! 1O.O prl bottom cho.d livo lo6d nonconcufiont wilh lny olhot liv6 load! por Ttblc No. l6-8, uBc-94. 6) Bcaring rt iointls) N, I considcrr pr.lllcl lo grlin v!lu6 u6ing ANSlflPl 1- | 995 lnglc lo grain fo.mul!. Building dosign6. sholld vorify cap6cily of b6!ring 6ud6cc. 6l Provid. m.chlnical conn.ction (by othors) of truE! to bcrring plal. crpablo ol withstrnding 595 lb uplill at joinl N rnd 609 lb uplilt at idnl l. 7l Thi6 trusr hr6 b66n dc6igncd with ANSI/TPI 1-1 99 5 crit.ri!. 8) Girder ca,,i.r hip 6nd with 6-GO end 6atb.ck 9) 2-ply tru63 to bc conncclcd togrthor with O.131"x3' N.ib as followsi Top chords coinoctod !r lollows: 2 X 4 - I row .t O-9-o oc, 2 X 6 - 2 rows rl Gg-o oc. Bottom chofds connocted as followr: 2 X 6 - 2 rows rt O-4-O oc. W6bs conn6cl6d as lollows: 2 X 4 - 'l row 6t o-9-o oc, 2 X 6 - 2 rowc rl o-9-0 oc. I O) Specill hrng6r(51 or co.rnoction(sl rGquircd to 6upport concontrrtod lo6d(s) 945.Olb down a.rd 322.2lb lp .t | 7-91O. snd 945.Olb down snd 322.21b up at 6-2-5 on botlom cho.d. Dosign tor unspeciticd conn€ction{6) i6 d6legst6d to tho building dcsigneJ. $'t"'r-\ Design valid lor Lrse only with lliTok conneclors. Thrs design is based onry Lrpon parameters shown. and is lor an ind vidual building componenl lo be !nslaled and loaded venical y. Applcab hry ol desiqn paramerers and proper Incorporal on or componenl is responsibility ol building designef nol tuss designer Brac ng shown s lor latera suppon ol indrvid!a w€b membors only. Add liona lemporary bracing lo insure slabilty during consrruction is lh€ r€sponsibility ol the oreclor. Additional permanenl brac ng ol the overall slructure is Ihe responsibilly of the b!,ld n9 designer For general guidance r€garding labr cal on, quaIty conlrol. slorag€ delivery sfecl on, and brac ng, consult 0ST-88 Quelity Sl.ndord, DSB- 89 Aracing Spocitlcalion, and HIB-91 Handling In3l!llalion .nd Bracing Becommond.tion availablstrom Truss Pl.le Inslilulo,583 D Onofrio Drivo. M6dlson, W153719 r.-- - ------Irltl MiTek Indusiries, Inc. August 31 ,2001 P#!l ..r'^ m "'""r- --{ >\a"J ^ \-,' z r'1 mz--{ 6z '!-dd\K;55X*=o ='o_ r;o.\ *JO;B j'd =. cv'ofi?P?*x;tra ,<: - o x;. E -9:ts; 6*rx== oi;xi5e d=:I OO < -Yqo5 ifqri o.\ =_u 1txd iilgi30, .a6qs 0;i*= 9RR YO -o o o P -+5 t =e|n O=X 9 {Er H OS.{-> OOfr(lE 2d_ v-ln:21=\u OR\4Y; = J =" *;? =e6'L I O:i+q5 rQ :ci o 6 oQa) o=6\a@ ro -+ ai * O 83{ a o a- -Ut rnF o az tl otn 4zo !ll j'o @o r_- o.o oo (o !- oo tl oo'fo 9(D -QCl {-.1 oooloo O.\ oc Y @ IIIl : =io- f CLC { o I 9 F iE:g I :;e E E HHfiX S 3eB Fi*zi I ==3 I =B" 9 cH EE bHz IOP CHORD {, -: €s- =RKOR U5Ytr" ;>c]--I o-! oaI @o_"l coo oToaa 3Qd dERX9 @.b 5G' 7xx: =(n'^tu-6 dis -('8;S e JJN)!r9 li2" 9 z TOP CHORD I d F F F : - p so : c s'i s o, N) - Bd iff:to o.:c@ o- J4 o'l .--o !6a loc *-c oc ot-u oa, ooo ! E lrii li,gg lia ga,li 3g *gliag uifi gluEi,* +gg ll ; a t $e *i Eil Etst ilg f i gii ,iE $; 3g Eg ggg5 gF 'see g *q ra E *f, ei Ft+ 3? ee gc ?il a*:.* s:Tg'; rr;g a= A gi -i +gi ag6 5q q g- g :' LoAD CASE(S) stondard 1) R.guhr: Lumbc. Inc,crsc = l.OO, Plelc Incrcco= l.OO Uniform Lord6 (pll| V.rt: A-B=-l9O.O, B-C=-19O.O, C-F=-95.O, F-G=-19O.O, G-H=-19O.O, M-N=-2O.O, J-M =-3OO.9, l-J=-2O.O Conc.ntrllod Lo6ds (lb) Vctt: M =-946.0 J = -945.O Design valid lor use on y with MlTak conn€ctors. This d€sign s based only upon param6l€rs shown, and is lor an individual building colnpon€nl to bo lnstall6d and loaddd veftically. Applicabilily ol design paramet€rs and propor incorporation ol component i6 responsibilily ol briilding dosigner - not truss dosignor. Bracing shown is lor latoral suppon ot ndivldoal web memb€rs only. Adclilional temporary bracing to jnsure stability during conslruclion is lh€ r€sponsibilaly ol lhe ereclor. Addilional permanent bracang ol lhs overall strLrcture is lhe rcsponsibility ol the building dosigner. For genoral guidance .egarding fabrication, quality contrcl, slorags, delivery, erection, and bracing, consull OST-88 Oualny Sland!.d, DSB- 89 Brlcing Spaclflcallon, rnd HlB.gl Hrndllng Inilalhtlon rnd Brrclng Racommandallon availabl€ lrom Truar Plrle Inllllut.. 583 D'Onotrio Drlv.. Medlron. Wl537l9 - mt- > ^z zo mz --t -t oz HOOO;Ao--o:9qq;.\a-6-@+:o6-o"nxaa4 "*=o - o:6se LLI A=yifr= t'ao-6><g :]uoo-<- q- V ^\!))cF\JXlJo Y)\- =C6"'^i5;=: c6x6 i! J ? - r.-J'c' !r>^I Ao <'::r:; - I +a ;-=- o J g6 = o -.' ^< >Y.] O X:-J =io Y'4 _uala ao -(o o o va-!* s E ={E r"| ol.: x e €B' N .i;E N fn \|'=- {-> oo! f -.\ (o! = >o6 *---_ dlo +; f -'(lI =-:'D o 6'q q; =" 5i:" ,1 :g <t ^ ^ ^ -9r) =q 3 19o -,": ot-o ( .r o1-: o-.-',4au ao 9(D< nOOS :.7 oo- Qr =o a-_@a oa !1 looo-oo (o! Oo tl @tn -z \t, {r-a' ai; aO9- rl -+- O(-'l o C 2 Itrtl oF =CLc o t I 0II D ! o 9 F *E:rt iE33li ; d*6E = =-OP - *PIi I rggg r ia! =6=i I ==3 I =e r., Gi Igr 9g EE bHz IOP CHORD€s- =x9?OP -X!ou ;;OI-Ia o-9 o-o @o_-l @o oIoao 3q6 dsPH: o9so.' z5i5 Hch'^N-O-\t8ix s''8;S e - .! N)P9 N ; O() @Pz TOP CHORD I ;i i ; - - 6 € @ -{ o ' b @ r$ - 9d! aFEyay?34g: TgE afiiHg *gA gEr Ei[;4s;u*; i*# EI e ffi 3i 3$ ;$ l3E ga 'gqiE lci EIfr ,iF E* -E[ a+Fg ila 5fr g5 3i iB s;:a srERt;l;i: [4ei ;l E;$= agnegt -i Fa q3qc qH Ei8aa *[r fa 3[ +q ;';a ieas: h 3q +c g 4A9g1afr q: ja F; ii E'=H?€E ;dg i i; 1q g gr3; sqa da {4:$ ?H ['i; g +-a 1 Ag il: E ai g+gi -39 se' g g 2x4 | Scale = 1:40.2 (o tf) @0 ,Y): LOADINC (psf) TCLL 80.OTCOL 15.OBCLL O.OBCDL 10.O B:O-+4.(>3-a SPACINO 24-O Plst6s lncr6a66 1,OO Lumbcr lncroaso 1,OO Rop Stro6s Incr YESCod. UBC/ANS|95 cslTC 0.57BC O.21w8 0.20 OEFL in (loc) lldell VcrtlLL) -O.OS D-E > 999 V6rt{TL) -O.Og O-E >723 HorzlTL) -O,OO D n/. lst LC LL Min ltdall = 24O PIATES GRIPM[20 169/',123 Woight: 38 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF-S 2tOOF 1.8EWEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S 2lOOF 1.8E 'Exc6p1' B-E 2 X 6 SPF-S 166OF 1.5E, SD 2 X 4 WW Stud REACTIONS (lb/size) E= lOtlO/O-E-8, O=59I/Mochlnicd Max Horz E=421(load cas6 4) Max Uplif t E = -6 8(load ca6e 3), D =-214(lo!d c6ss 4l FoRcES 0b) - First Load Clse Only ToP CHORD A-B=135, FC=-0. C-D=-s34, &E=-984 BoT cHORD D-E= -O WEBS B-D =O NOTES I ) This tru6s has be€n d66igned fo. tho wind loadr generrtod by 80 mph wind6 at 25 lt tbovo ground lcv€|, using 5.O psl tol. chord d6!d toad and 6.O-psf boltorn chord doad load, lOO mi trom huric.no oco.nlinc, on tn occuplncy ctlogqy l, condilion I onclosod building, ol dim6nsions 46 lt by 24 lt wiih oxposurc C ASCE 7-93 pol UBC/ANSl95 ll .nd vcrticdl6 o. cantibvola oxi6t , th6y !16 €xpo;d to wind. lf porch6s 6xi6t, thcy s.6 not cxposcd to wind, Thc lumbo. DoL incr6as6 is 1.33, rnd thc pl.t6 0.ip incrcrsc is 1.33 2) This ttues has bc.n d€6igned lo. r 1O.O p6t botto.n chord liv6 lord nonconcu..onl with lny oth6r livo lord6 po, Tablc No. l6-8, uBc-94. 3) Rclcr to girder(6) for lrus6 to truaa connocliona. 4) Provido ricchanical connoctio.l (by oth€rsl of trus6 10 b.aring phtc crp6ble ot withttlnding 68 lb uplitt at joint E lnd 214 lb uplift !i jdnt D. 6) Thi. tlusr h.r boon dcBignod with ANsffPl 1-1995 c.it.ri.. BRACING ToP cHoRD shoathcd o. 6-0-0 oc purlin6, oxcopl cnd vo.1ic6l8. BOT cHoRD Rigid coiling diroctly lppliod or lGo-o oc brlcing. LoAD CASE(S) St.nd.rd f"S#'h *il, Design valid Jor use only wilh Milck connectors. This design is based only upon paramelers shotvn, and is lor an ind vidual building componenl lo be nslalled and loaded v€rlically. Appl,cab,lily ol design paramelers and proper incorporalron ol ccmponenl is responsibility ol building designer - not lruss des qner Eracrnq shown is for laleral supporl ol ndrvidual web rnemb€rs only. Addilional lemporary bracing lo ns!re slability duing construclioo is lhe responsibility ol lhe ereclor. Addjl onal permanenl bracrng ol lhe overall slruclure is lhe responsibility ol the bu ding designer For genora g!idance regard ng tabr cation, qJality contol, storage delivery, erection, and bracing, consull OST.88 Ouelity Strndard, OSB- 89 Brecing Speciticalion, snd HIB-gl Hendllng Inslallslion and Eracing Rocommcnd.ilon available irom Tru33 Plrte Insliluto.583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madl3on, Wl 53719 August 31 ,2001 PCNl<F-t 6J9Ct =o; ct,z mzt dz 83Y+8 5 0'0 a *9_-,id\ k;5 i xxx60=+=o5(D.:6ss x=oJ*r o;'tx - d=. =!q f lcY'O^-?Pzv5n6o'<- E_ ox= E-g2i; 6*s6;: Q # 'n X f : -N)+goi lr_\^9 qo :::.r-r A =_ l!:r(D =x ? l.i lH-iF 8jqii \ o -/i x'1* €EYgtx qal=L= Yoo+o r Ll ru-(o o o r- v F!* s E =q- m o-: x s tgE S H 8F> J-h 9p.= >oF d'= -J-4v=aD? ?1;(IJ 06:aqH+ r=?--39 <t ^ 6 ^ !Qi-+ dlac2 dq.fq5 r9qd5 8a@a- O=eO6 3d-*a-= o :aa --xx€ oauq to o- Q- fO C-:ao ol oo 6(D (o :- do om pzo {i 9(D dii olqo. :t3O.) oc II ililffi @@ I IF (D - =o-c :r o1t\ f \ I TIb D @ $J -,1 = €- cro -;-\. (o u) a o 3 TOP CHORDs m iE:I : ;== iEiEH Ei22i I ==3 I =E" 9 efi E= o'Hz €3- =XqOE ;XQOU ;YOT-I -! o, ao _ --l @o o- 6@..-=rO-.t -! (, () GRX9 @6.so.' =6N H? Xi.s .o.8;S e ?9 - N I Oz TOP CHORD 9dE6il=6pcD!oob<,,N F in E; s3 gri gEiEE Esa ag 1g1 *Ba $+f ifEIF ,i lFq iE g * ;g aa al g* -gg ag iE i* aE* *ig g*Il -;i g gga EF $saE d;: 'eg ? Fg 'i g fig *? g[i 33 ai gg *a g*a; .$f -2-oO Scale = 1:41.12x4 tl i1 ) lY/ ,^u . (/1, \' Ikri rr) P Irlr hJ -- trlri,t3 ll (0 rf, 6-0-0 B:(}+4.G3-81, lD:(}3-l,(}Z-o LoADING (pst) TCLL 80.0TCDL 15.OBCLL O.OBCDL 1O.O SPAC|NC 2-O{ Plotca lnctors€ l.OO Lumb6, Incroasc l.OO Rcp St.63s Incr YESCod! UBC/ANS|95 csl BC WB o.5 7 o.10 o.18 DEFL in (loc) l/defl Vert(LL) -0.O2 D-E >999 V6rt(TL) O.O4 A-B >692 Hor2{TLl -O.OO D n/a 15t LC LL Min l/dofl = 24O PLATES GBIP Mfl20 1691'123 W6ightr 40 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORO 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5EWEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S 2lOOF 1.8E'Exc€pt' B-E2 X 6 sPF-s 1650F 1.5E B-0 2 X4 WW slud REACTIONS (lb/Eizcl E= t037/0-6-8, D = 694/Mochanictl M!x Horz E=356(load cr6o 4) Mrx Uplift E = -42(lo.d c!s6 3). D =-2oo(lord c!6o 4) FonCES (lb) - Filst Lo.d Case Only TOpCHORO A-B=135, B-C=8, C-D=-539, B-E=-98,| BOT CHoRD D-E=-OWESS B-0 =-6 NOTES BRACINO TOP CHORD sh6athsd or 6-0-0 oc putlins, 6xc.pt 6nd vorticlls. BOT CHORD Rigid c6iling dircctly rppliod ot l GGO oc brlcing 1) This truss hss bc6n d€oign€d tor tho wind lo.ds gonor.tcd by 80 mph winds at 25 tt abov. gtound l6y€1, using 5.O psf top. chord do.d lo.d lnd 5.O-p6f bottorn chod d.ad load, IOO mi trdn hurriclnc ocoanlinr, on dr occuptncy cltcgo.y l, cotditim I oncloscd building, ol dim€nsionG 46 ft by 24ll with orpoaurc C ASCE 7-93 p6r UBC/ANS|9E ll .nd vorticalt o. canlilcvora 6xirt , th.y 116 6xpo6ad to wind. lf porches 6xlst, th€y rrr nol 6xpo6od lo wind. Thc lumbcr DOL incrca6o i5 1.33, and tho plrt6 grip incr.aso i6 1.33 2) ihir trusr h66 bo6n do.ign.d to. I lO.O pst bottorn chod liv. load nonconcurr.nt with .ny oth6r liv. lo.dt p6, Tabl. No' 16'8, 4) uBc-94. Rof6r to gird6r(s) tor lruss to trus6 cqrnoctions. Boaring .lioint(s) E considors prrollol to grrin vrlu6 uEing ANSt/TPl 1-1995 6.191610 gllin lormul.. Building d.slgnor should v6aify capscity of boaring sudrcc. 5) Providc m€ch.nical connlction (by othors) ol tru66 to b..ring plalo clpabls ot withBlanding 42 lb uplitt !t rdnt E lnd 2OO lb uplitt .t icinl O, 6) This truss hss bccn d.Eign€d wilh ANsl/TPl l-1995 crilc.ir. LOAD cAsE(s) sllndard 6.,$ -i 2 ry& Des gn va rd tor use only wrlh MiTek connectors This des gn is based only t]pon pararnelers showf, and s lor an lndiv dua bu drng componenl10 be insla l€d and oaded verlically Applicabilly ol des gn paramel€rs and proper incorporataon ol componenl rs responsrbilrly ol burld ng desrgner - not lruss designeL Bracing shown is lor lale.al s!pport ol indiv dual web membgrc only Addilronal temporary brac ng 10 insure slabriily during construcl on rs the responsrbi ty ot the erector. Add lionai permanent bracing ol lhe overa slruclur€ is the rosponsibilily oi lh€ building designer. Fof gen€ral guidaFce regafding labricalion. q!a ly conlrol storag€, delvery, er€ction and brac ng consu t OST-88 Ouality Stand.fd, 0SB- Eg B..cing Spccllication, tnd Hl8-91 Handllng lnst6llation and gr.cing F6commond.llon a!arlable lrom Truss Pl6t.ln3lllul6,583 D Onohio Drav€, Midi.on, llvl537lg August 31 ,2001 ffi* \ffi. .T' t-l m f- P ^z z mz-.t- oz -d!C<;xI .-xr!r>^ * '.1 :. {E: v ooooogoo C:]o o P -+5 I =ern orX !2 {&S F FH II @E 2d- s-J:o dd^ q;;cqH= 5= 17,'t"12? Se Pa: 6'L: O::jqg rg qIj ^-? rr+ Clg:.cQ 60 i;o2"==. e= i;o*6*;1 do s9!a-a a ?=38r e ;o o o- -U F EF ozo oooa }IYYX =u I vJ d oo >rJ o;u=;-= Y+O - a>a* =o6o.< -c (@o gc (a g. oo trhoOo 9o -o(trO a' o--oo oc TOP CHORD TOP CHORD 9 F iE:=A \ 839ii = d*5! 5 *a!i E igsg r !H; =62* I E=3 I =E t' Gi =gr gg EE bsz @@--=rCo!: q () qE5: @Q .26& Hq ^ N,) -.rJ .-l (/l \l A8;S e;::rs l.Y-X l; 9oOco?z =o- =o-c -T.o : I E TI! ! @ 9 6 i ; F = d s eo >, q s'' s c" ,o Bd$ er EF qR ?dr 3Eq 3€- n=nq a1 3i3 EF* ;6{;f q;5 i; i5# €[ E *H;i3i =[5 ;;i:i ea* r* lge ;$f l+a i? i$q.; iE$ !-q ifr ii 1* fi* a3a 3e eq:i e+1 *6i ig q1 es' aql S $?- ea 4fl *a EH 6g8i $s fi i33 ai; $; it *r s dle is +gg ; ifi e, e iaEs lan q: r[ Fi i; 9EE= 59 fiEg i g; lq Edis? gea 6d {4-3$ 33;d:s B a=a 3 a9 r= A E4 qggi a3il 6q - €' g ,^,.rrH."| Scala: 'l /4"=1' \'62x4 tl 1 I iefi f? Ilr t.,lFib 3 11 @ J ql 1 DEFL in (loc) lldoll Vcrt{LU -0.O2 D-E > 999V.rt{TL} o,2o A-S >217 Ho,z(TL) -O.Oo O n/a 1st LC LL Min l/defl = 24O SPAC|NG 2-O-O Plat6s lncacrsc 1.OO Lumber lncrolao 1.Oo Rep Str66s Incr YEScod6 USC/ANS|9E LoADING (p6f) TCLL 80.OTCDL 15.0BCLL O.OscDL 10.o PTATES M 20 Wsight: 46 lb LUMBER TOPCHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 2lOOF 1.88 BOT CHORD 2 X 5 SPF-S 1650F t.5EWEBS 2 X4SPF-S 2tOOF'1.8E'Except' B-E 2 X 6 SPF-S'I6SOF 1.5E, &D 2 X 4 ww stud REAcTloNs (lb/6i26) E= 1291/O-5-8, D = E94/Mochanical M6x Horz E=475(load c65o 4) Max Uplilt E = -7 2(load c.6c 3), D=-3o3(lo!d cas6 4l FORCES (lb) - First Load Ca6€ Only TOP CHORD A-B=21 1, &C=5, C-D=-638, B-E=-1235 BoT cHORD D-E= -o WEBS B-D =-4 NOTES BRACING TOP CHORD Shcathod or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BoT CHORD Rigid coiling di..ctly lppliod ot 6xc6pl ond vcdical!. 1O-GO oc brlcing. I ) This tru6s has boon doEignod tor tho wind lood6 g6n6r6t€d by gO mph winds ot 25 ti rbov. ground l6vel, u6ing 5,0 psf top_ chord doad lord lnd 6.0 pst botto.n chord dord lo!d, lOO mi trorn hurricano occanlinc, on !n occupa.lcy c.tegory l, condition I oncloscd building, ot dim6nsions 45 ft by 24 ft wilh oxporur. C ASCE 7-93 p€, UBC/ANS|95 ll.nd ycrlicals or canlil.vcr6 Gxial , th6y .16 oxpos.d lo wind. ll po.chls.xi5t, thoy lro nol oxpoGcd to wind, Tho lumb6. DOL inc..as. is 1.33, and tho Pht6 grip incroaso i3 1.33 2) ihir trues has bcGn dc6igncd fo. ! 1O,O psl bottdn chord liv. load nonconcurrenl with any oihcr liv6 lolds por T.bl6 No. l6-8, uBc-94. 3) Rcl6r to gird6r(s) fo. Irus! to t.uss conn6clion!. 4) Bc6ring .t joint(6) E coi6idors par.ll.l io grain voluc uaing ANSI/TPI 1-1995 rnglc lo grlin tormuh. Building d6tignat should ve,ity c.pacity ot bearing turloce, 5) Provid. m6chlnicll conncction (by oth.rr) of t.u6s to b€aring plct6 c.p.blo of withrtrnding 72 lb uplift.t idnt E and 3O3 lb uplift 6l joint D. 6) Thir trusr h.s bGGn dosign6d with ANSUTPI l-1995 crit€.ir. LOAD CASE(S) Stondad vaq Design vahd lor use only wilh MiTok connectors. This design is basgd only upon parameters shown, and is lor en individual bLllding componenl lo be Inslalled and loaded verl,cally Applicabirrry ol desagn parameters and proper incorporation ol componenl is responsit lily of building designer - nol lruss des gn€r Bracrng shown is lor ateral supporl ol ndivdual web memb€rs on y. Additional temporary bracing lo Insure slability during conslruclion is lhe responsib lily oi lhe eleclot Addil onal permanent bracing ol lhe overall slruct!re s lh€ responsibility oi the bLJid ng des gner For general gu dan€e reJard,ng rabricalion. qJalily conlro . storage. de ivery. ere€tion. and bracing, consult OST-88 Ou.lily Slandard, DSa- 89 Bracing Specilicalion, end HIB-91 Hendling In.lell6tion and 8..cing Rrcomm€ndrtlon availab e lrom Trusg Phle InBtllule,583 D'Onofrio Drivo, M.dison, l\t|53719 Augusl 31,2001 ,/I P f*-,l-trU I "rl74Jn I :5f t tt oVll;9 tr" ' h{ .L\ f ir:a'\ \- 88Y38 6hsE9a e < ^ x'F'n =fis"5a4 Za=o = o t'J;.].\ --lo \u == =*= 8; :u = d= =i;:!?x<s:x*d*= Y S ^'Y =. C^-U =22 E *iX -= O U x6XJ ? -- r'->i*o Lr>^900 <.:Yo6; 9+Q C-) \J I-l ^ Y J ^=- drgi3a* ;90o o h =-J'! 91 _?= v*9+ou, oa - tl ru-(o o o -^t-!.\ 3 s [ ={\\ p - rn o=\P > X !a {A\\ F -- F\= b H 9ttr.r (OO> 2d-^- o 9.tba 95br =9=[ ad*i 3q<a -*2? ;3c-_ r^= o-6('\---<dg ^6 '=a+o -X tr rQ?d e if; 8ao j d;5 o= ,<vq 506l -*d= 6- !-.]. X :o1 A '-,?ts- HPg oY= X'li ={Tl a\ \J r-r* oo- {5 o; .: il oooloo oc llffi* TOP CHORD IOP CHORD L-.. 1 ,ir ! +, 1i, 9 F IE= e = :== FEfrEH si*E* S ==3 I =B tr, 6 -O = 9H E= bHz qqd dEPx9 @b AG' i-a/.':-@Z5& H9 8is st8;S e e9 - N 9 ?z oF =CLc 6' f ;Tt ,.t ft1 ii i) * r:_ 9 d i - S - - -o qo \r o (, s cD r! Bd'o rc ots-u o., o('-g ! E lr ii ig,gg llE '*,u$ gE lgl i[* *ilfi tg gEi,* +Fg ;la a:B* ui ce ag*a iF Ei Esi aild ie jE +q F $Ee Ei Efri \ iE Fa E Fr e3 ftf;g 3i eg gi 3F ?FE? 'e 3'a *e* a; aH1 .? +ai agF 6q 4 Ad g ;-JLO -2-10-O 3915 8-5-13 2-10-O 39-15 4-7-14 2x4 ll E Scale = 1 :39.1 ,, Y' Y./ to 8-5-13 oEFL in (loc) l/deflVo.t(LU -0.06 F-G >999 Vcrt(TL) 0.13 A-B >288 HorzlTL) O.oo F n/a l st LC LL Min lldell = 24O SPAC|NG 2-O{ Platos lncroa6o |,oo Lumb6r Incr.a6c l.OO R€p St.s6s Incr NOcod6 UBC/ANS|95 IOADINO (psl) TCLL 80.OTCDL 15.OBCLL O.OBCDL 10.O PLATES M[20 Woightr 55 lb LUMBER BRACINO TOpCHORD 2X 6SPF-S 165OF t.EE TOPCHORO Sheath€d d 6-GO oc pu.lin6, cxcopl €nd v.rtic!|s. BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 165OF 1.6E BOT CHORD Figid coiling dir€ctly appliod or 1O-O-O oc bt.cing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S 2'IOOF 1.8E 'Excopt' B-c 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F t.5E REACTfONS (fb/siz.) G= l213lO-7-17, F= 1258/M€ch6nical Max Horz G=43s(lord casa 5) Max Uplilt G = -72(load ca66 3), F=-273(load casc 6) FoRcEs (lb) - Firsl Load CrE6 Only TOp CHORD A-B=14t, B.C=2.t, C-D=4O, D-E=-21, D-F=-833, RG=-7tO BoT CHORD F-G = 829WEBS C-F =-619, C-G =-692 NOTES I ) This trus6 ha6 boon dosign€d fo. tho wind lo.ds gcn€ratod by 80 mph winds at 25 ft tbov6 glound l6vcl, u6ing 5'O psl lop chord dead load lnd 5,O psl bollo.n cho.d do.d lord. lOO mi trorfl hurric.no oco.nlin6, on 6n occuplncy crt6gory l, condition I enclooed building, of dimonsionr 45 tt by 24 ft with oxpoaurc C ASCE 7-93 p6r UBC/ANS|95 It ond yorlicrls or clntilovo.! crisl , th6y 116 €xpo;d to wind. lf po.ch.r oxist, thoy.ro not cxpoccd to wind, Tho lumbcr DoL incro.6o is L33, 6nd lho plttc grip incr6!86 is 1.33 2l ihir truer har boon do6ignod to. ! 1O.O pst boltorn chord liv6 lord nonco.rcuronl with .ny oihor liv6 lo!d6 po. Tablo No. | 5-8, uBc-94. 3) R€fcr to giadcr{s) loa iru66 lo lau6a connccliona. 4) P.oyidc mochanic.l conncclion (by other.) ot truBs to b€r.ing ptato c.poblc ot wilh6ta.rding 72 lb uplift rl jdnt G rnd 273 lb uplift !l jdnt F. 6) Thi6 truss hrs b6rn dosign€d wlth ANSI/TPI 1-l995 critofi.. LOAD CAsE(s) strndlrd '| ) R€guhr: Lumb6r Incr..6o = l.OO, Platc Incr.lrc = 1,OO Unilorm Load6 (plf) Vo.t: A-B=-'l9O.o Trapczoidal Loadc (plf) V..t: G = -O.Gto-F = -42.4, B=-'1O.9-to-D=-392.1, D=-392.1-lo-E=-4O3.O f,,$4tfjr.\ D€sign vahd lor use only wnh M|l.] connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shorrn. and is lor an individual building componenl lo be nslalled and loadod vertically. Applcabrlily ol d€sign pafamelers and prop€r inco.poraton ol componenl as r€sponsrbility oi building designer - not lruss des gner Erac ng siown is lor lal€ral supporl ol indlvidua web rnemb€rs only. Add tional lempofary bracing lo nsure slabilily duing construclion as lho responsibility ot lhe ereclor. Addil onal pemanenl brac ng of lhe overall slruclure is the r€sponsibilily ol lhe bu drng des gner For genera guidance regard ng labrcalion. qualily cont.ol. slorage d€livery. €rsclion, and bracing, consull OSI-88 Oualily St.nda.d, DSB- 89 Sr.cing Sp€cificalion, and HIB-91 H.ndllng Inslel16tlon end Braclng R6comm.ndetlon available lrorr Truss Plrle Institut6,583 D'Onotrlo Drlve, M.dl3on, Wl537tg August 31 ,2001 P {t,l< oJ9Crl'1 2 :.:" z It mzt 6z 6d--a =vqY^\!:-.i d \ k;5 5 X Y+o=o' i 6 _oq xJotY r' /!\* < cY'O/n-a>?g Y+< tpd*=:' ?ii ERi;.= o} xX)lJ ? -r.raso s>^I o.O <':Yqo = 5f xX*d*' ii 3 s6 Y .1 -.\ x':-x {EYgii qd'-U.\.) -:t *xYO -- oo-(o o o vr- 'E3 s E 5q- m otP X * =F* 5 - UA h 9p.- zC)6 _^_ - E:=c+Hr ;@?1;'D o 6'o E H + 5'i.aa\4 <1F 6 ^ !qr-= o-acl dqre: rQqd6 86'9+l Et,^e.@ JO.'+d= o - \tr rvd3{ o oo- QJ foxoa:_ao o= oo 6o oo tl @ln 4zo {r 33 =.x.l i1 ol oc o - f.Lc :f.o 5 \ III D T (9 -2 c Eg o =.:l(0 (,/, U' (D ",1 TOP CHORDg F iEg E *i2F = ={of @ fi==i e Fgg !322* I ==3 I =B t' d IA= ?g E= bHz €So =RRAX U5Yt,t" ;>U---n _o -c't o,a6o oIo 0 qqd dERN9 @6sG' 'i a r.' -,- @.Z5E H? ^,v}/8is' st'8;S e tr9 - H I O 2 o TOP CHORD p CIo3 TD n,* 0 o z. \J ovr 9 d E d - = - e so : e s', a cD N r Ed i *gEr A$ *[6 lgiF+ -Bg qf gsi i$fr $4?E?E1E ,* iE$ Ei F is iq jg i+ aqfi E* €A iH igi $;5'*i qe *4: ig€.E i?a nn aq $e rs ;F 3r s# EH iii +ga [a;fr "Fq q gma !' 'r aE ,; ;3 E**g $[ *+ *$F ,$g {r e3 B$ Eg96 ii E€g ? g! ee i ;* *q $il$ 3i li 3s ix r;fi* g +'i,-*-*"iA;e.gi-g+ii agE3eig g 16.2-'l 21-6.2 27-O4t$14 10-9-15 5-$14 5-5- 14 1?X12 - A 8x10 -3xO ll D 6xB = B 6xE - E Scale = 1 :46.0 12X12 -tl.t'*! L 3x6 - K 'l0x'l0 = I 10x10 - H 10x'10 -6x8 -JXO = 1e2-1 27445-t14 'i0-+15 5-5- t4 5-114 ,Y): tC:O-6-0,G5-Ol, ll:(}6-(),(}5-o LOADINO (psf) TCLL 80.OTCDL 15.0BCLL O.OBCDL 10.0 SPAC|NG 2-O-o Plrt6s Increr6. 'l.OO Lumbor Incr.rso 1.OO Rop Str6s6 Incr NOCoda UBC/ANSI95 cslTC O.58BC O.47wB o.71 DEFL in (locl Udcll Vcrt(LL) -O.25 | > 999Vortcfll -0.34 | > 937 Hor2(TL) 0,06 G n/. l sr LC LL Min Vd.lt = 24O PLATES GRIPMlt20 1691'123 Woighl; 575 lb LUMBER BRACINO TOPCHORD 2 X 8 SPF-S 195OF 1.5E TOPCHORD Sh.alhcd or 5-O-O oc purline, oxcoPt 6nd votticala' BOT CHORD 2 X 8 SPF-S 195OF 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid coiling diroctly applisd or IGO-O oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S 21OOF 1.8E'Exc€Dt' A-12 X 6 SPFS 1650F t.5E, FG 2 X 6 SPFS 1650F l.5E C-J2X4WWStud,D-l 2 X 4 WW Stud, C-l 2 X 4WWStud REACTIONS (lb/Eizol L= 14312/G5-8. G=14312/G5-8 Mrr Hoaz L=275(lo6d cas.4) Max Uplitt L = - | 393lload cr6o 3), G =-,|416(lo.d c666 4) FoRCES llb) - Firsl Load crB6 only TOP CHoRD A-L=-14259, A-B=-13504. B-C=-2O39o, C-D=-2o39o, D-E=-20389, E-F=-13504. F-G=-14259 BOTCHORO K-L = O, J-K = | 3504, l-J=2O39O,H-l=13504,G-H=OWEBS B-K =-l 137o, C-J = -5654, D-l= -s654, E-H =- 1 | 37o, A-K = 17722, B'J =897a, C-l = -o, E-l = 8977' F-H= 17722 NOTES | ) This trus! h.s boon d.signod lof tho wind loads g6n6r.t6d by 80 mph winds at 26 'll tbovo ground levol, using 5.0 pst toT chord d6ad lold lnd 5.O p6t bottsn choad dsrd lbad, lOO mi trorn hufticaarG ocoanlin., on cn occupsncy catcgoay l, conditioal I cnclccd building, of dimcn6ions 45 ft by 24 fi wifh cxpo3ur6 C ASCE 7-93 por UBC/ANS|9S ll6nd vc ic.ls q clnlilcvor6 6xi6l , th6y r.. cxpo;d to wind. It porch.s oxist, thcy.rc not sxpo66d to wind. Thc llmb6r DoL increase ia '1.33, rnd th6 pla16 g.ip incrc666 is 1 .33 2) P.ovid6 6d6qu116 drlinsgc lo provcnl w!16r pqrding. 3) Thb t.uts has boon dcrignod lor ! 1O.O pEl botlom cho.d liv. load nonconclttont wilh any olh6. liY€ lolds p6r T6bl. No. 16'8, uBc-94. 4) Boaring rtjoint(s) L, c considcrs plrsllolto g,rin v!lu. using ANSlfIPl 't-1995 !ngl. to grrin lo.mul., Building d.sign6r shoold v.rity crp6city ol bearing turlace. 5) Provtd6 mochanical conniction (by olhors) of lruss lo b€aring plrto cap.blc ot with6tanding '1393 lb uplilt 6t jcint L .nd 1416 lb uplitt ri jdnt G. 6) This iruss h!! bo.n do6ign.d with ANSI/TPI 'l-l995 ctit6ri.. 7) Girdor crrrios ticin 6prn(s): 17-o-o lrorn O{-O lo 32-GO 8) 3-ply tru6s to bc connoclod tog6th6r with O.'l3l "x3" Nrih rr lollow6: Top chordt conn.ctod !! lollotrvs: 2 X 6 - 2 rows !t F9-O oc, 2 X I - 3 rows !t O-4'o oc. Bottorn chordr connoclod !B tollow8i 2 X 8 - 2 .ow. at O-9-O oc, Wob6 conncclcd 6s tollows: 2 X 4 - | row rt O-9-O oc. LoAD GASE(Sl Strnd.rd 1) R6gulaa: Lumbcl lncrcrsc= 1.OO. Plato Inctcaso = l.OO Unitorm Loads (plt) VGrt: G-L=-2O.O, A-F=- l 058.4 ryfa* Desrgn va rd lof irse only \,$lh MiTek connectors This des gn rs based only upon parameters shown, and is lor an ndivrdua bu d ng component to be installed and loaded verl cally Applicabilly ol design parameters and proper incorporation ol componenl is r€sponsib ily ol bu lding designer - nol lruss d€sign€r. Bracing shown is lor at€ral support oi ndividual web members on y. Addil onal temporcry brac ng to insure stab lily dufing constr!clion is the respons b lily ol lhe er€clor Add lional permanent bracing ol lhe overa I slructure rs the respons brlily ot lhe building design€r For general guidance regardrng labircation qualrry conrrol storage, de|very. erection afdbracing. consuit OST-88 Ouility Standrrd, DS8. 09 Bracing Specilication, and HIB-91 Handling Inrtallrtion end Ericlng Rccommend6tlon ava lab e from Tlus! Plal. Instltut!, 5a3 D'Onol.io Drive. Mrdiron, lvl 53719 rItt -----r-lItltl MiTek Industries, Inc. August 31 ,200'1 PU)t-< 5J9U =c); Gi! z on mzi 6z .-. vt tnn E ozo Ro oo;6d-rAt-=l:^r6Y55e' x155* a=o 5 o':6qa *r oxu f frx cY'(D^-YPf i:+< R o .<- - e_#i E *:X == O 6 xEE+ 3s:900 <-Y eF I 9i9tl\?Lra\=:3,n=6 iiJg6XO -.rxqix qd-2= Y ooao -(o o o P -+5 I =Sx a tgs H gt d; =g=.,?5E a t:aqH+ 5=, *2? ;3r^= o-acl dg;aj g9I o'o- Io'Ool O=q*3 eo1q6 14{= IoY!4 (r o o, tl Etn e,zo QJ =o (,o o= !alqo o-oo o o- {5 33 oi; 6ct D]oo oc itilffi @@ I IE =oF =o.c :to 3 I I TI D ! @ zc 3 cro =.3(0 tn a, (Dt e f; ta:s #=2 iatag! 3 *=i I ==3 g =E" 8 gfi E= bFz IOP CHORD €s6 =RROR EXY()" ;>AI-- o_q a0 o--l coo oT I qqd 6EPX9 @bE.5' :i s' Y-; i@7;i ii !(''-tu.5 * r-,\O J ' .;(r!s8;S : qP9 - |i2" Io 2 TOP CHORD I6i;-=6eP F *f,85i; saq {EigB Esg 1$ Bgi eE$ $g?;* s=' a3 '+*,A i 6 u iF 'i ig fiE a3' :' .flq ii aEi gsa inEfl '€[ lifii ul ea Tfc ,* ;g Eg uE iE EF gFa *$E {* ii Eg 6$96 EF$ E€E aH* FE E fig al $[g 31 1igt *a 6*i* .af .2-04 4-2-12 9-6-0 16-GO 22-6-0 27.94 , 32-0-0 p4-G0 2-o4 4-2-12 $34 6-64 5x10 11 O-6-O ts 4-2-12 2'O4 q nn TfT T Scale: 'll8"=l' (o n r'5 3x6 /,, 8x14 .'.- axo 2 3x6 zz 5x6 ..'. JXO \\ G H ott 7xB WB --- 3x6 '-" JXD'.'r 7x12 /,, C P 1X12 |7x12 ..'. RA 7xs WB.:- 6.00 fT 3x6 /.. J M 8x'14 -.'- f9 E K T JXO tl JXO ll DEFL in (loc) UdoflV6.I(LD -O.54 P >7O4 V6rt(TL) -O.71 P > 535 HorzlTL) o.89 L n/6 1st LC LL Min l/dafl = 24O SPAC|NG 2-O-O Plrtca lncrGssc 1.OO Lumbor lncr..se 1.OO R6p Stross Incr YEScod6 UBc/ANslg5 +2-12 4-2-12 LOADINO TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL {psl) 80.0 16.0 o.0 10.o PIATES M 20 Wcioht: '198 lb LUMBER BRACINO TOPCHORO 2X 6SPF-S2iOOF 1.8E TOPCHORD Sholth6d o.2-6-14 oc purlins, oxc€pt 6nd v6rlicd!. BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Ri0id coiling dircctly 6ppli€d o. 1O-O-O oc br.cing. WEBS 2 X 4 WW Srud 'Exccpr' WEBS 1 Row 6l midpt D-P' H-P FP 2 X 6 SPF-S r650F 1.5E, B-T 2 X 5 SPFS l6sOF 1.5E B-S 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E, J-L 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E J-M2X4SPF-S2100F t.8E REACTIONS (lbl6iz6l f =376210-5-8, L=37€2lG5-8 Max Horz T = 6o9(load c.dc 4) Max UDlilt T = -343 0ord cr6.5), L=-346(load case 5) FoBCES 0b) - Firsl Load C!5o Only ToPcHoRO A-B=135, B-C=-6597, C-O=-7722, D-E=-6358, E-F=-6358, F-G=-6358, G-H=-5358, H-l=-7722. l-J=-6597' J-K = 135, B.f =-3722, J-L=-3722 BoT CHORD S-T=o, R-S=59o1, O-R=6907. P-Q=6907, O-P=6907, N-o=5907, M-N=59o,|, L-M={ WEBS C-S=-148O, C-R=9O3, D-R=-256. D-P=-1o92, FP=6394, H-P=-'1O92, H-N=-266, l-N=9O3, l-M=-148O, B-S = 6385, J-M = 53E6 NOTES 1) This t u.s h.6 bccn chockod tor unb.ldrccd lo.ding condilions. 2) This tru6s hls boon d66ignod fo. thc wind lo.ds gonohtod by 80 mph winds !t 25 ft above grornd lovol, uting 5.O p8t toi cho,d doad lo.d lnd 5.O p6t bottom chord do.d tord, IOO mi Jrorn hu..icrn6 occlnlin6, on .n occupsncy cttogo.y l, condition.l oncloscd building, of dimrnsion6 46 ll by 24 lt wilh rxposurc C ASCE 7-93 pcr UBC/ANS|95 ll .nd v..lic.l! ot ctntilcv6t6 6xiat , thoy oro orpo66d to wind. ll porch6! cxist, th.y r.6 not oxposod to wind. Thc lumbot DOL inc.c!s. is 1,33, and th! pht€ grip incr€!66 ir t.33 3) ihis truss hrr b6cn d6signcd to. a I O,O p6t botlom chord livo lold noncohcu..ont with lny othc, livo loads p6. Trbl. No, 16-8, uBc-94. 4) BcrrinO !l joint(s) T, L con6id€r6 prrrll.l to grain v.lu6 using ANSI/TPI 'l- 1995 angl. to grlin lo.mula. Building d.6igncr should Yority c.pacity ol bcr]ing sudsce. 5) Provido mochlnical conn.ctio.t (by oth.rs) ot t,usB to boa.ing plrt6 caplblo ot wilhstlnding 343 lb uplift .t ioint T .nd 346 lb uplift d jdnt L. 6) This tru6. h.5 boon dosignod with ANSI/TPI 1-1996 critorir, LOAD CASE(SI St6ndr.d f,'$4'' D€sign valid lor use only wilh MiTok connectors. This design is based on y upon parameters shown. and is lor an ind vidual building componenl lo be ,nslaled and loaded verlicalLy. ApplLcab lily 01 design paramelefs and proger incorporalion ol co.nponenl is responsibilily ol building desionef - n01 ltuss desrgner Brac ng shown is {or lalefal supporl ot indrvidua web members only. Add lional lemporary bracing lo nsure slabilily during conslruction is lhe r€sponsibiliiy ol the ereclor. Addil onal permanenl bracrng ol lh6 overall slructuro is lhe r€sponsibility ol the bu ld ng desrgnor For gen6ra guidance r€gard n9 labr cation, qualily contro . slorage d€liv€ry, ersction, and bracing, consull OST.88 Ou.lily Strndard, 0Sg- 89 Bracing Specification,.nd Hl8-91 H.ndllng In316llalion 6nd Er.clng Rccommendstlon available tron Truss Plrte Inslilute, SE3 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. wl537t9 August 31 ,2001 /p *,l-FlJ I "4;4.lnisVllz i ry' hr ir L.\o :::: , i-. 8EY='i'=:9AE* o :'aB 3; H"d*aa4 z+=oro t_ J=.1^ i@ !u =X = ^ = () - \JxJo; z;5,r\==- ;6 *:-46'R V x 1.'i'ig6 \- + @tn 4zo il -r- 'ro3 s E =4D .n o=: X E <U' N t;FE S - Ui> f ro qg - >o6 _^__ d3ai*d t'"oEH= 5i6e2? se5F=" o-:a!1 dgje i =9I o-.i I 6'9el Ei6**1 e':ao --b3{ adqe dddi a o X =. q -9?t; a *s;-= Qi5xH X J f -rc-vu Lr>^g q! 9. s '-1 :.qdr i.=9R33 g:4430* agQqe dai?= v*RYo .v x@ oa -(o o o Q- =orO .'o Y)qo Ed oo {t a3 ^o o--oo On oC ? 2 F @ TIFtl oF to-c :to = @ ,a6o o-o4c.l TOP CHORD 9 E iE: 3 s 3;3 iEfrEHgg32g 5 ==3 I =E" 3 gH qe bHz "y (F ::. {.c cf,.4: (l) o 5 €s- =xROR bXY()" >t9I-I -0 o. a0 @@-l@! *-.1 (, () OPlt9 @bA9 .zqN 6Y' Uis -(J'O' O .alooN) -=J-N)P9 Ai ;I z TOP CHORD I F i 6 - = 6 p eo : e s' a (, N) - Yd b, * *eEE *i s;a fffFE *gg q$ $g{ +Efr gia5s Frg -3 iEE €3 n e ll ui i$ i* il:a Ea '*qil i'3 EsE rn Fg lgfl F$$B ;i f,, 'g,a *fi *'** l*gift[i*Ef $i*i -i *$**iF g E,g * *u '* u *l -* u[i ]a -igg Fs ilA* gfi 456 6 f n"H o ary f Ply 1 o 6 12-O-O 2744 e.00 lTz SxO zz M 4x10 ,-.- 6.00 rIT 5x6 ll E L 7x10 = Scale = 1 :80.8 5x6..'. 3xd .', D F3*6 .r.' (o |r, oJq Nl 7x1o /,. N 3xO tl K 4x10 -\ 7x10 '.'. J 3x6 ll DEFL in (locl l/dollVortlll-l -O.16 L > 999 Vorr(TL) -O.23 L-M > 999Ho.zFU o.28 J n,/a l st LC LL Min lldell = 24O SPAC|NG 2-O-O Plal.s lncrcasa 1,0O Lumbor lncrclso 1.0o R6p Slrcss lncr YESCodc UBC,|ANS|95 LOADING {psl)TCLL 80.OTCDL I 5.OBCLL O.OBCDL tO.O PLATES M[20 Woighr: 146 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORO 2 X 6 SPF-S 21OOF f .8E TOP CHORD Shodth.d or 4-4-3 oc purlins, oxcopl 6nd vorticlls. BOTCHORO 2 X4 SPFS 21OOF t.8E BOT CHORD Rigid coiling diroctly opplicd or 1O-GO oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 WW Stud 'Exc6Dt' E-L 2 X 6 SPF-S 1660F 1.5E B-N 2 X 6 SPF-S 1550F 1.5E B-M 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E, H-J 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E H-K2X4SPF-S2100Ft.8E REACTIONS {lb/sizc) N = 3176/0-5-8, J=3'175/0-5-8 Mrx Hd-2 N=512(lord caso 4) Mar UpliftN =-343(load caso 5), J =-357(lord cas6 5) FORCES (lb) - First Lord Cas€ Only TOPCHORO A-B=211, B-C=-3508, C-D=-3479, D-E=-3479, E-F=-3479, F-G='3479, G-H=-3508, H-l=211, &N=-3122, H-J = -3122 BoT CHORD M-N=-o. L-M=3138, K-L=3138, -LK=oWEBS C-M=-1O99, C-L=-24. E-L=2939, G-L=-24, G-K=-'1O99, &M=2813, H-K=28'13 NOTES 1) Thia trues hae bc6n ch6ck€d for unbalsnc.d loadinq conditions. 2) This iruss has bcon dosignod ta tho wind lolds gonor.tcd by 80 mph wind6 61 25 ft lbovo oround l€vel, uting 5.O pst top chord d6.d lo.d rnd 5.O p6l bottorn chord d.6d lo.d, 1OO mi tro.n hur.ic.na occ6nlino, on 6n occuprncy cllogo.y l, conditioi I .nclorcd building, ol dimcnsions 45 ft by 24 fi wirh cxpo6ur6 C ASCE 7-93 por UBC/ANS|95 lf ond y"tticrls d c.ntil.vors cxist , thay ..c cxporcd to wind. lf po.chca 6xi3t. th6y rrc not 6xposed lo wind. Tha lumbca DOL incaorsc is 1.33, and tho phlc grip inc.6a6s ir 1.33 3) ihir truss ha3 b66n do6ignod lor a tO.O p6f bottorn cho.d liv6 load nonconcurrcnt with any oth.r livc loads p.r Tabl6 No, 15-8, uBc-94. 4) B6a.ing .t ioint(r) N, J considors parallol to grlin valuo using ANSUTPI l-1995 6nglo to g.ain to.mula. Building d€signcr should v6rily crp.cily of bcaring su !c6. 5) Provid6 mochrnicC connictio.r {by othcrs) oi tru63 to bclring plat. c.p6blo ol witholrnding 343 lb uplilt !l joint N and 367 lb uplift .t ioint J, 6) Thi! tru!s h.B b..n d63igncd with ANSUTPI l-1995 crilcrir. LOAD cAsE(s) strnd.rd f-S"#t"tr-\ Design valid ror use only |vilh MiTek conneclors. Th s d€sign is based only upon paramelsrs shown and s for an ind vidual bualding cornponent lo be insla ed and oaded verlically. App icability or d€s gn paramelsrs and proper Incorporalron or component rs responsibilty ol building desrgner - not lruss designer Bracing shown s for laleral support ol individual t5jililiil?,itlt"flTj:11::Ti"":ilIT:,xffiJf""li:ilfilff::ff*:ffi:::;""'j:t:;:u:::ji;,1"""j"": l;E=- l?l:i:i,Lli.i,,,lllll;i,:11'l"Tilill.i,'",lli";,,1"Jiil|"i:TJ:l"T',:ifflT;:::"J[:"".':i:""5:il,,"jil"1i',';,i.1"' ffii1 Prar€ In3 rut.. 583 o Onorrio D'ive, Madrron, wr s3719 Milek IndUStfieS, InC. August 31,2001 ffi*t m r- o> 6z z -l tr mzt oz m ;.- I @;.4 I - ^-Lr>^ {-x Y2--v oooooqoo(:)o o tl !ofYo- od-ooo3e{oo r' -?t'sP\\ f; s E =q\\ p rn o*\\ I x r2 <B\\\s b H 8F n (oO>14^- o 9.th: oHhl =@-= @-:i) 9.o-l aQ;+ 5i:d 'r.=- ;d iQ atl dgo=d =q3 =93d 9aE 8ar-) O - l o =]=va lo6 i **;* = i5 " r-.1. X :at --,di d3< ao dQo d - o o- {i od - t)(3q ^o 9_oo Oo oc ---^^ e--Jd\ o lY Y *92aau* u-;- ! !ot;><eq:n' IOP CHORD TOP CHORD 9 F *E= e = ;;= E F *Hgx g 148!i22* I ==3 I =s t' d Igr gg EE bHz CoO-=lCo ".J '-J (' () 6RX9 @.b .z6U ts9 (, .-r AO-O,a) !P9 - x 9OO @?z =oF : CLc :r.o 5 I d E - S -. - c @ '-J G o.' b ." N) -- Ed'o rc ot-D o a', oo-o ! i +F gi i$,[E iEiaa 'Es qf *'u *-$ *'' 'AEiE,t iEg F * e 4H 3s i3 *{ '3E 3* .iqE[ [Ei Eafi 't*FF 3ea f qEB ii- '4aa -$ ai eg-e iE Ei $Fi *$E $* ii i3 EgEE EFiag a 35 e* e atE; ;iE 3g; gs €;i ei [;$ 3? aegg ?1 adi* B a=a * A9 *; 6 39'?gli a31 6q + €' A R4738lO;::::""1 7x8 E Scale = 1:72.9 s.00 ITT 3x6 o 4x10 -- 6.00 rT 6xB - F 5x6 ..'.€x6 'o I F F r I I R lY l.f,F1 G 3r,6 '.'. H (o o, 7x10 2., P 3xO ll 7x10 \\ N 6x16 - M 6x'16 = llxt O .-'- K 3x6 DEFL in lloc) l/doll V.rt(LL) -O- 15 N >999V.rt{TLl o.z2 A-B > 194 Hotz (TL) 0.25 K n/. 16r LC LL Min ltdolt = 24O SPAC|NG 2-O-O Platcs lncaocse l.OO Lumbor lnclolso l.oo Rcp stress Incr YEsCod6 UBC/ANS|95 13-10-8 18-6-0 LOADING (psl) TCLL 80.OTCDL | 5.OBCLL O.OBCDL I O.O LUMBER TOP CHORO 2 X 6 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E BOT CHORO 2 X 4 SPFS 2100F 1.8EWEBS 2 X 4 WW Stud 'Excopt' E-N 2 X 4 SPF-S 2IOOF 1.8E, F-M 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E FP 2 X 6 SPFS ',t650F 1.5E, &O 2 X 4 SPF-S 2rOOF 1.8E t-K 2 X 5 SPF-S r650F r.5E, t-L 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F ',|.8E REACTIONS (lb/siza) P = 3175/O-5-a, K=3'176/O-6-a 4-7-8 Woightr 147 lb BRACING TOP CHORD sh6.lh6d o. +6-1o oc purlins, cxcopt 6nd vcrtic!16. BoT CHoRD Rigid c.iling dircclly appliod or lGGo oc b6cing. PTATES M[20 Max Horz P=463(load cr6e 4) Max Uplill P = -343 (load c!5.5), K=-357(load ce6o 5) FORCES 0b) - Fi 6t Load C.s. Only TOPcHoRD A-B=211, B-C =-3508, C-D=-375s, D-E=-37s5, E'F ='2972, F-G =-3762, G-H=-3752. H-l=-3508. l-J = 21 l. &?=-3122, FK =-3122 BOT CHORD o-P=0, N-O=3135, M-N=3060, L-M=3!38, K-L=oWEBS C-O=-1113,C-N=219,E-N=1522,E-M=-132,F-M=1422,*M=22O, H-L=-tl20, $O=2813, l-L=2813 NOTES 1) This lruss h!! bocn chockcd for unb.hncld lording condilion8. 2) This t.usr hr6 bc.n dosign d to. tho wind lolds gcnorlt€d by 80 mph winds al 25 tt 6bovo grolnd l6v6l, using 5.O p6t top chord d6.d lo.d.nd 5,O p6l botto.n chord dcrd lbrd, 1OO mi lrom huldcrno occrnlino, on !n occrtpGrlcy cltcao.y l, condilion I cnclo.6d building, ot dim.ndons 45 ft by 24 tt with cxporurc C ASCE 7-93 pcr UBC/ANS|95 It cnd vc,licals or crntil6v6.a oxiat , thcy a.c 6xposad lo wind, ll porchss cxi6t, th.y !.o not oxposcd to wind, Tho lumb€. DOL incroarc is t.33, 6nd lhc Pht6 grip incrc6s6 i6 1.33 3) Providc rd6qulla drainrgo to pravonl wrtar ponding. 4) Thi! tru3! has bccn dcelgncd lor . 1O.O p6t bottoin chofd livc load nonconcurrent with 6ny othcr livo lotds p€. Tablo No' 16'8, uBc-94. 6) Bcaring atjoint(s) P. K canriderg parallcl to grrin vrluc using ANSI/TPI 1-'1995 !ngl6 lo gr6in formuh. Building dr6igncr should vorily crprcity ol bc.iing 8urtac6. 6) Provido mochinic.l conn;ctict (by oth6,s) ol t,u6s to b6a.ing phto c€plblo of withsl.nding 343 lb uplift at ioinr P and 357 lb uplilt 6t.ldnt K. 7) Thi! lru8r h.s bccn dcsignGd with ANSUTPI l-1995 ctito.i., LOAD CAsE(sl st6nd6rd Design valid lor use onlv w(h lllT6k conneclors. Th s design is based only upon parameters shown 6nd s lor an indrvidual building componenl lo be inslalled and oaded verlica 1y App cability of desrgn paramelers and proper ncofporalion of component s responsibilty ol buidrng des gner - nol iruss designer. Bracing shown s lor lalera supporl of Ind vidual web members only Adc tiona lemporary bracing to insure stabi ty during constf!ctlon s the responsibality of the erector. Additiona p€rmanenl bracirg ot the ov€fal1 slruclure is ths r6sponsibi ty ol lhe buildinq designer. For gen€ral guidanc€ fegarding labrical on q!a ty conlfol storage, delv€ry, ereclion and brac nO consult QST-98 Ouelily Standrfd, DS8- 89 grrcing Specilicalion. and Hlg-gl Handling Inat.llation and Sracing Rscornmondallon ava able kor lruBa Plalc In3lltul6, 583 O Onolrio Drlv6. Madison. Wl 53719 August 31 ,2001 q{ ""{ 1,.]. .I t- m l- --t ^2 z mz+ =z 6P9+R 635H0'<dxx-x-55*xx.,@+Yio=o' : d se ^- --o J*r ox'ti=fr=. .;><8 Yj< k o-<-' 3Ei ERi; =-= o ii xii X J ? - r.r =go- LL>^9 oo < ":Y9a= :f,5 d=6 ii r gi;:o -.r ^-<>v.o O > L+ -J=;b yct _?= Y ooqd oR -Cf,o o !.5 l =s>< il gE F >X5 - Hd (oO Ld_ o'+H i -6adRl sg " *;? Ee:;+ dl-i) dgjS 5 sE9a5 8aAa) O=q*2 ;o l atD -+83{ a ^oo i o oJ tl ,I -Emn P F azo @tn 2zo QJ loFo' .]1o ooo-oo (o !. oo {f o6' 9(D (cQ a9 olQo.-+- Oa oc o ? @ I II =(D F 5 CLc _+.o 5 I E!Ib D el $J -la 9 F iE:3 23=2 E F *Hfix s 3i8Eitli I ==; $ is= 9g 4e b*z TOP CHORD (i) {ft r.fi €E- =RRax bb<!.1 " ;>or-I o-! o 0 @o,=6o oIo U oo"ico!'! Or () GRX9 @ .i)a o.' LOOr .1 =aqN 6Y'o !'* );(r!.s8;S sJ-N)P9 l: 5o ?z o TOP CHORD I d E - S : - s eD ! o <l, b <,, N r Yd F i 13 !.i 3i 'g6 ggiFE $g$ ig g$* 3E$ $[$;q 3*g ea i€i !i il c a[ BH ai gH UaE F[ i$ Ei $Ei g-fi'nH -E u'i g ifll gi I$' *g -; ig E+*s 4t e+ $a[ aig {* ii ;3 6$E6 EE $ gEE ? E; gA B;$ eElaq qa iaig i[ re:.*.r":: +=A f ** *1 A gi .? ag3 e4 .1 gfi 51 q €- gi R47381'l 16-0-0 Scale = 1:65.9 2-6-0 7x8 = F 3x4 = E 7x8 = D t t9 tl',h t"P k, f6il Ilr) ao +rf O -.- M 4x'lo .'.- 6.00 [fT E.1.E DEFL in (loc) lld.llV.rt(LL) -o,24 K-L > 999 V6rt{TL) -0.51 K-L > 554 Hotz ffL) o.32 J nh 1 6t Lc LL Min lldoll = Z4o SPAC|NO 2-O{ Plrt66 Incre666 'l.OO Lumblr lncroaso |,oo R6p St.G66 Incl YEScod6 UBC/ANS|95 tt't0-E 7-9-0 8-1€ LoADINO (psf) TCIL 80.0TCDL 15.0BCLL O.OBCDL 10.O PLATES M 20 W.ighlt 165 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF.S 21OOF 1.8EWEBS 2 X 4 WW Stud 'Exccpl' D-L 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E. F-K 2 X 4 SPF-s 2IOOF',|.8E &M 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E C-M 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E H-J 2 X 6 SPF-S t650F 1.5E, G-J 2 X 6 SPFS r550F 1.5E BEACTIONS (lb/size) M=3'175/0-6-8, J=3175/0-5-8 gRACING TOP CHORD Shorlhod or 4-7-3 oc pu.lin6. oxccpt 6nd v..ticrls. BOT CHORD Rigid c.iling directly lppliod or l GGO oc b.6cin9. WEBS I Row at midpt C-M. G-J Max Horz M =415(lo6d cds€ 4) Max UDliftM =-343(lo!d c66s 5), J=-357(load crsG 6) FoRcES (lb) - First Load crso only TOP CHORD A-B=211, B-C={, C-D=-3799, D-E=-3OlO, E-F=-3o1o, F-G=-3799, G-H=O, H'l=211, B'M=-1188, H-J =-l 188 BOT CHORD L-M=3061, K-L=3422, J-K=3O61WEBS C-L=444. D-L=1647, E-L=-586, FK=-586, FK=1647, G-K =444, c-M =-4273' G-J='4273 NOTES | ) This tru66 has boon chockcd to. unbrlsnccd lo.ding conditions, 2) Thi6 t.urs hss bccn d.sign6d ld thc wind tords gonlrrlod by 80 mph winds !t 25 ft !bov6 groond l6vel, using 5.O P6t tor- chord dGrd load and 5.O-pst bottorn chord dcld lord, 1OO mi f,om hurriclno oc6!nlin6, on rn occupaocY crtegofY l, condition.l 6nclo6od building, of dimlnsions 45 tt by 24 lt wilh .xpo5ur! C ASCE 7-93 p6r UBC/ANS|95 ll ond vorticdr o' cantil6vcr6 €xi5t , th6y lrc oxpo|srd to wind. ll porch€6 €xisl, th6y ara nol 6xpos6d lo wind. Tho lumbcr OOL incteasc is t,33, tnd lhc pl!t6 grip incr.!86 i3 1.33 3) Provido.dGqu.lc dr.inig6 to pr.v6nt wat6r ponding. 4) Thi6 t.u6s h;6 boon dosigncd tof ! lO,O psl boltorn-chord liy. load nonconcu[€nl wiih lny olh.] livo lolds pe. Tlblc No. | 6-8, uBc-94. 5) Bclring !t ioint(s) M, J coo3idc.s p...ll"l io gr6in valuc using ANSI/TPI 1- l995 rnglc to grrin lotmul.. &rilding d.signcr should vcrily cap.city ol bclring Eu.trcc, 6l Providc mcchanic.l conn;ctio.r (by oth.rs) ot t,u6s to bo!.ing pl.t6 c6p!bl. ot wilh6t$ding 343 lb uplift 6i ioinl M dld 357 lb uplift !r jdnt J. 7) ThiB trusr hr6 bo6n do6ignod with ANSI/TPI 'l-l 995 critGrir. LoAD CASE(S) strnd.rd ry& Design vald lof use only w th MiT6k connoclors Tlr s desiqn is based only !pon paramelerc shown and s lor an indiv dual buid ng component to be installed and loaded vertica ly. App icability o' d6s,qn parameters and prope. incorporalion ol component s respons billy ol bu drng designer - nol truss designer. Bracinq shown is lor laleral s!pport ol indiv dual web members only. Addilional lefiporary bracrng to insur€ stabrily d! n9 consk!ct on rs the responsrbiity ol th€ erector Addrtiona permanenl bracing ot the overall sl.Uclure is the responsrbrily ol lhe building designef. For 9€neral guidance regarding lab.icalion qua ily conlrol slorage, deivery, eredion. and bracing consu I OST-88 Ourlliy Stend.rd, DSB- 89 Araclng Specilication, €nd HIB-91 Hsndling In3talletion end Brrclng Rocommond€tlon avarlabls kom Trus! Pl6t. InBlilut€,583 O'Onolrio Drive, Mrdl.on, \rvl537l9 August 31,2001 1PAl-ElJ l .< Ell lh m -q/'frll a 3vll;9 trvF{a_=o =-':cn sE53q 6bs99d I< F X. X.- =frxiti4 2+=o i'o t';dgs :F = () - \J*JO; zrx=d= q2?h HsF ; tl 9Er h*i d== oiixs8+ d=:9 o.0 < "1 Yq6= 9.rQ **d iilstr:* aPqAix qd:?= v *RYO _(o o o oJ\SP\! sE =q\E x ft ^tg\r E * 9e=o o'tt _ E A+x: o=xj tB1F adig >r < il '-A?? =iqE ias gAii aa5 es33 a=-*3 ;d !1. X =ur$ a.BE Hfl= 9q c3+ s- o o- ffi* {- oo 9(D dH o.--qo. 9-A On oC 0 z ? @ z 3 (J (D 7(c (n (n o 3 e m iE=s E:;3 FEiEHggt-l * 5 =53 a =H; c iHq= bHz qqd dEPli9 @bA9 7>iii !lo'- i5 -58is .s18;S s -=re J.?x x - 2 TOP CHORD TOP CHORD tbv o (D :) (D g. tnc o z. (J otn 9 6 E ; il = - s sD > e e E G, re - Ed$ qoEp q9 goP q€R go'€qF =FEqoEgs oqs o-s o*b'r g,', esr ! i i* *' ii qag tBi Hg HEg 4f $gg *ff gi? EF aai ,g iEg g3 E if il ig fiF 'gE ?u qqE[ ai* EqF r$Fa 'cs r qfi3 $se'a ac *; *F s$Eg i[H+ [$g t$E $*E3 E3 6$e6 Ei EEg ? gH gA E ;$ 9i $Fi 3? ai+E i[ 4 'i; '3 a--fF* a=A*+g+ii aSrev'g g I fil6s tF 1.",'Ji,"1 LrtY il' Ply 2 J R473a12 u 274-O Scale = 1 :61.2 10x10 1.5x4 tl n '1 0x10 = E I 6x10 = e.00 FT 7x1Q zz s;; rr 7x'10 ..'- t E r@ (o F K 6x10 - J 10x10 - rh PEttG H 3x6 t1 DEFL in (loc) l/doflV.ri{l-L) -O.22 J-K > S99V.rllTLl -o.za J-K >998 Ho.z(TL) o,22 H n/. l6t LC LL Min lld'll = 24O SPAC|NC 2-O-O Plrt63 lncrcasc 1,OO Lumbrr lnc,casc 1.OO R€p Sl.r6s Inc. NOCodc UBC/ANS|95 LoADING lpst)TCLL aO.OTCDL 15.OBCLL O.OBCDL 10.O PLATES M 20 Woighir 3O2 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORO 2 X 6 SPF-S 165OF l.5E 'ExcoDt' TOP CHORD Sh6.thed o. 4-6-12 oc purlins, 6xc.pt and vortical6. C-E2 X 4 SPF-S 21OOF 1.8E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling dir.clly lppliod o, IO-GO oc btccing. 80T CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5EWEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S 21OOF l.8E 'Except' c-K2X5SPF-S1650F',t.5E,E-t 2 X 5 SPF-S 1650F l.sE B-12X6 SPFS 1550F 1.5E. FH2 X6 SPFS t650F 1.68 REACTIONS (lb/sizc) L = 5196/O-5-8, H=5196/O-E-8 Max Horz L=394(lord crsc 4) Max Uplilt L = -65 1 {load caao 5), H=-697(load caso 5) FORCES 0b) - Firsl Load Cas6 Only ToP cHoBO A-B = 21 1, B-c=-7772, C-D=-6310, D-E=-831O, E-F=-7772, F-G=211, B-L=-5084, F-H=-so84 BOT CHORO K-L=O, J-K=6322, l-J=6322, H-l=0WEBS C-K=1814, C-J=2306, D-J=-592, E-J=2306, E-t=1814, B,-K=6276, Fl=6276 NOTES | ) ThiB lrus6 ha6 b66n ch6ck6d tor unbrlancrd lording condilions. 2) This tiuss hrs b66n d66igned lor th6 wind lo!d6 06n.r.ted by 80 mph winds at 25 ll 6bov. ground lov6l, u6ing 5,0 Psl lop chord do.d lold.nd 5.O pst bollo.n chord dcod lo!d, lOO mi lrom hurican€ oco.nlinc, on rn occup.ncy catcgo.y l, condition I .ncloo.d building, ot dimonsions 46 tt by 24 lt wilh 6xposur6 C ASCE 7-93 po. UBC/ANS|95 ll ond vcrtical6 or canlilcvcr6 cti6t , thoy !.o oxpos6d to wind. It porch€r oxist, thcy rrc not €xposcd to wind, Tho lumb6r DoL inctoaao ie 1.33, and tho pllto grip incr6!5o is 1,33 3) P.oyido adoqulto d,!in.Oc to pfovont watcl ponding, 4) This tru6s h!6 bccn do8igned fo. 6 1O.O p6t bottorn chord liv6 lo.d nonconcu.ronl with rny othor livc lord6 pot T.blc No. | 5-8, uBc-94. 5) B.lring !tjoint(s) L, H considcr6 porlllcl to groin v.luc using ANSI/TPI 1-1995 .ngl. to grrin formuh. Building dcsignot should vcrity cap.city of bsaring surhcc, 6) Proyido mochonicol conncction (by oth6ri) of trusr to boaring pl.i! crpablo of withstanding 651 lb uplift al joint L and 697 lb udift at jdnt H. 7) This tru6s h!3 brrn d66ign€d with ANSlft?l l -1995 c.iteri.. 8) cird.r c.rri6s hip ond wilh 6-GO ond sotbacl 9) z-ply trus. to bo connoclod togolhor wilh O.l3l'x3" N.il5 a. lollow6: Too chord! cqrnccted as lollows: 2 X 4 - 2 tovts.t G6-O oc, 2 X 6 - 2 rows at O-5-O oc. Bollom chords connoctod a5 followBi 2 X 6 - 2 rows rt O-9-O oc. Wcb! conn6ct6d as lollow6: 2 X 4 - 1 tow !t O-9-O oc, 2 X 6 - 2 tow6 al G9-O oc. 1O) Spccial hangcr(.) or connrction(8) r.quir€d to aupporl cqrccntralcd load(s) 86E.Olb down and 389,71b up !l 18-O-O, and 856,Olb down lnd 389.71b up.t 5-GO dr top chord. D6sign lof unspecitiod conn6clion(s) is dcl6glt3d to tho building dc6i0n€r, LOAD CAsE{s} stlnd6rd 1) Rcgular Lumbor Incr6666 = l.OO, Pl!t6 Increaso = I .OO f,T#R Des gn vald lor use only w th MiT6k conneclors Th s design is based only upon paramelers shown and s ior an individuar bLiild ng compon€nl to be installed and oaded vertica ly. App icability ol desrgn paramelers and proper rcorporarion ol compon€nt s respons bi ly ol bu drng des gner nol truss designer. Bracing shown is tor laleral suppod of indivrdual web members only Addil onal temporary brac ng to insure stab ily dur ng construclron s the respons bilrty ol the €reclor Add,tiona p€rman€nt bracrng ol the overa I slruclure is llre respons b ily ol lhe building designer. For gen€ral guidance regarding labricalion qua rly conlrol sloraqe, del,very, ereclion and bracrng consult OST-88 Ouslity StEndrrd. DSB- 89 arscing Speciticalion, and HIB-91 Hrndling Inalalletion rnd 8rrclng Recommondellon ava able lrom Trusa Plat€ Instatute,583 D Onotrio Orive. M6di30n. Wl5371g August 31,2001 P ,..,,i, I '"j: > r,J z .'' zo l, mzt dz 6o=-aF0'qq*\!:-d6\ x;Y 5 X Y=o-o ;6:oq *JOXv=fr=. : l!o2*<exn Rd=: Y \-I ^'! 4. C^-Ux l-.1 @ 9v,-<Co "'ri A;== orix6,!J I -r.r-*o q>^ I OO <':Y 9a = f f,yLi \t rl /.\=it='o ii j g ;1 =A. r"- <Y96 (D >:-J;o Y.4- _q= I OO YO@ oa -(o o o 7!.bF = 5 l =ep ln o=> >< .t FY? .\ = :9s s - ui! t-h qp.2 zn-o -^- - 9.5o*ln- ;@9t:() o6ia q H + ri?dag <J ^ 6: no: == 6'lacl dqjE; rQqdb 8d'9el E=,69@ JO*+a= o aqa 4Ei5{ Q oo- Qr +ofOxo ao =loo -o (o !. {D tl @m 4zo {i d6' o6 ,:! oooloo oc z I IT =ioF =CLc -T.o = f' .i'1, --1 TOP CHORDg F *E?rt \ u,e3ii ; dr3P > =-.O3 A fiPIi I qgss d !H;==o=i I ==3 I =E .t, ei -O = gH 4e bFz €86 =XRax -5 <(rv ;>OI---o-o oL oa0 @o,=6o oIoFo qq6 dEPNg @b E 5' :-@-=s€ Hg dis th8;S e q^]9 - N2" 9ooIz TOP CHORD 96Eds=6peo ; +r gi gg -[E FEi ge UEa 3E lgl F$g uig E1 *flfi -1 +Eq }l i ; Aiga -i c* ea EE iH El I$i #$E li ig il igag Ei i ge$ tgg gE E fil ila $ffi $E ai gF ra a*i? 'i t R473812::,'"'#"O LOAD CASE(S) Slrnd.rd Unilorm Loads (pll) V.rtr A.B=-190.O, &C=-l9O,O, C-E=-95,O, E-F=-l9O.O, FG=-19o,O, K-L=.37.7, l-K=-300.9, H-l=-37.7 concontrrtcd Lolds (lb) V.n: C=-855.O E=-855.O A ll \l\/\r, L,i/,,/,,\ t,,t)i')t,tttt\ rkl Rl .\lt \i)/1.\ t)\ ///i'\ t\/)/ii 1/li\/ \lltl lt! lt)i\i Oesign valid lor uso only with MiT.k connectors. This dosign is based only upon pe6metGls shown, and is loran individual building cohponsnl lo be instiallod and load€d verlically. Applicabilily ol dosign param€ters end proper incorporetion ol componenl is r€sponsibilily ol building d€6igner - nol truss dosign6r. Bracing shown is lor lat6ral support ot rndividual wob members only. Additional tomporary bracing to nsu16 slability durlng conslruction ls lh€ responsibilily ol lh€ ereclor. Addilional permanonl bracing ol lh€ ov6r€ll slructure is th€ r€sponslbllity ol th6 building d€slgn6r. For goneral guidance regarding labricatlon, qualily conlrol, slorag€, dslivery, erection, and bracing, consull OST€I Ou.llry Sl.ndrrd, DSB- 89 Brlcing Sp.clflc.tlon, md HIB-91 ]lrndllng Inalallatlon and Enclng Raconfiandatlon availabl€ lrom llu'a Pl.t. l.ttitutc, 5&l D'Onof.lo Orlv., m.dl.on, Wl 53719 P C.T'l<ITO-r9ry;o ;utz mz{ --l dz -, - lnF @ ozo RO UO;6d=-a 0.i;;E *;Y5= a=o = o X =.o J *JO;u5a=. cv'o-?x1'hH; Rd..= Y 6X+. F o-'! =E; 6*si == o ii xe33 3=:9o.0 <-Yq6; 9=Q dF6 d r gi5g ;90'qe dal?J V RRYO -o oq '!t .s > =sx a {$s H 93d;2ioi,o'+3 i i6zai\u oRo Q H + 5'i " -2;? Sd5F=* o-:ac1 d9.jS 5 rEgd5 8o9st qtq*3 ;oz --a ZE8!. a ^oo A o o- tl E,n ?zo QJ -o ao oa oo d6 oo {- =goolo 9(D ,BB C- oloo On o C o zI @ TIIl I #F =o-c T o 3 I 0!I!i @) z 5s f0 ::" \LT (,9 (n o g E iE= E ,3i2! 3 *'l!i B ggsgi*z * ! ==3 I =$" g Pfiqe bHz TOP CHORD N)€s6 =x6d@ =Y/\ >a n \./ ()Y!-r" ;>()--- -o o.-6ovo @o,=do oIo,Jq q36 6ERX9 @b bo' I co <,r ;-! 99.ZqN 6Y'o5'" ;(r!-\8;S s ^-:t!1,Y: i; Io @Pz TOP CHORD 3 5 n F - = d p eo :" e q, a (, N) Bd tr i i3Ei3i <6g g; igE 3sB qg frgi 96g g$4f* s=a *3 E+e E l I F ef $i ig is*ss s* aE ed iai frlE'=s +[ 3$g eaeg s 3 H- tgga i* gg g*'g igg* aEi *ig lalg ;l ggga gl g E6E ? r$ ;? E fig $1 $g$ ia di s$ $a g*E* .8# R473813 17-0-0 't9-0-0-2-O4 46{ 5x6 - 4-6-0 Scala = 1:58.4 H 3x8 = JI 3x6 = K 3x8 = i.. DEFL in (loc) lld'llv6,t(LL) -o,1 1 J-K >999 V6rt(TLl -o,23 J-K > 879 Ho.z ffL) o.o3 H n/r 161 Lc LL Min lldsll = 24o SPAC|NG 24-O Pl6t6s lncrc666 1.OO Lumbe, lncr.rso 1.OO Rep Str666 Incr YEsCode UBC/ANS|95 LoADINO (psl) TCLL 80.OTCDL 15.OBCLL O.OBCDL 10.O LUMSER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF.S 165OF 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF.S 21OOF 1.8EWEBS 2 X6 SPF-S 165OF'1.5E'Excopi' c-J 2 X 4 WW Stud, D-J 2 X4 WW Srud, E-J 2 X 4 WW Slud REAcTloNs (fb/sizc) K =21 a7 lo4-a, H =21 a7,/o-6-8 Max Horz K=32gllord ca66 4) Mdx UpliftK=-232(lold c.se 5), H =-237(load ca6o 5) PIATES M 20 Wcightr 106 lb BRACINC ToP CHORD Sh66lhod or 6-0-0 oc purlin6, oxcopt ond Yorticrls. BOT CHORD Rigid coiling diroctly appliod or 1O-O-O oc br.cing. FORCES (lb) - First Lo.d Crs. Only TOPCHORD A-B=135, &C={, C-D=-1215. D-E=-1215, E-F=o, FG=135, RK=-791, FH=-791 BOT CHORD -lK= 1215, l-J = 1215, H-l= '1215 WEBS c-J=-315, D-J=568, E-J=-316, C-K=-1789, E-H=-1789 NOTES 1) Thi6 lruss has b€€n ch6ck6d fo. unbrlancod loading conditions. 2) Thic 1ru55 has boon dcsigned lor thc wind loads gonrratod by 80 mph winds dt 25 ft abov6 ground lovol, using 5.O p5l to, chotd dead load and 5.O psf bottoan chord d€.d lo.d, IOO mi f,oan hurricrnc (rcolnlin6, on an occuptncy cslogoay l. condilion I cnclo!6d brilding, ol dimcnsions 45 tt by 24 fl with oxpoGurc C ASCE 7-93 p6r UBC,/ANS|9E lf ond vr.tical6 or clnlil6v€.a oxill , thry !r. .xpo5;d to wind. lf pofchcs exi6l, lhey aro not oxpo6od io wind. Th. lumblt OoL incrcaso is 1.33, lnd thc plato grip incre66c is 1.33 3) ihie truse har b6on dosignod lor a 1O.O pst bottom cho.d live load nonconcurrGnt with any oth6, livc loads pcr Tablo No. 16'8, uBc-94. 4) P.ovidc m.chanical conncction (by others) ot irus. to lrorring pht. clprblG ol wilh6landing 232 lb uplitt at joinl K and 237 lb uplill 6t jcinr H, 5) Thi8lruss ha6 bo.n dosign€d with ANSI/TPI 1-,|995 c.itc.i6. LoAD CASE(S) slandlrd f,$4r"tr-\ Des gn val d for use only w lh MlTek connectors Th s design is bas€d only upon paramelgrs shown and s lor an indiv dual buird ng compon€nt to be insta l€d and oad€d verlica ly App icability ol desiqn pararn€le.s and proper incorporarion of component s respons bi ly 01 bu d ng des gner - nol truss designer. Eracinq shown is lor laleral suppo of indiv dual web members only Addilronal lemporary braong lo insur€ stabi ily during conslrucl on s lhe responsibilily ol lhe erectof Acdrliona permanent bracing ot lhe overall str!clure is rhe responsibrily ol lhe buitding d€signer. For genefal gLridance regarding labrical on qua ty conlrol slorage, delv€ry, erection. and brac nO consull OST-88 Ouality Slandrrd. DSB- 89 Brecing Spociticalion, and HIB-gl Handling InBtellstion and Braclng Recommond.llon ava abls from Tru3a Plate Instituts,583 D'Onolrio Drive. lladison, Wl5371g Augusl 31,2001 P C/)l< icr > 7:- z I mzt 6z I s P E'- ozo f;8Y98:E'0q*v_---d\ x l5 5 X Y=o 5 o' i 6 _oq ==.o J *JOXU=.h+ cY'o;E>?gqi Rd=:Y >.- + 3EI ERlx =: o ii xc8+ B.=:9 o.0 < -Y ea i 9i9X*d'' 83qe5o* ;90"qe 0.4.1*i v *RYOo oa-' oo-(o o o P -+5 > =Sx I €g5 H 8F,d; eg ;=--qd b';aQH+ t= " AA? ;dl^= o-acl oqjs) 19gd5 86'9sl Ete*3 ;o :qo adi5{ a ooJ tl @tn ?zo Qr =olo bo !aloo 6o (o !- oo {5 ;H tf:oo oc o z:a @ I IE =-:oF =CLc 3.o f z o (D :1.:)(0 v) ctt o 3 e f; *E: E #i2! = *t!i E FgH !922i I ==3 I =E" I gfi q? EHz -l IOP CHORD €E- =HRAX UXYtr" ;>OI---o-0 o.I-o o @o.l6d oToao qgd dERx9 @b A9Y-; .:@-=5* Ht 3 <; s,'8;S e ;-=tjY: i; 9 8@ z TOP CHORD 9 6 i d - = 6 s eo : 9 s', a (, N) -. Ed F E lfi ii li -gg ega ga -gI gg lgl geg Ufig *fi ;et T +gg al g a '1gE ** gs g$Eg +E EF [$F ,i; la $g i} Egis ii$ gag as$ '3 g fig *i $[$ 3' dls$ ;a a*$* '$g R473414 17-04 Scale = 1 :56.85x6 = F 3xO = l-l l,t 3x6 - I 3x6 = t ol F. DEFL in {loc) l,ldefl Vorl(LL) -o.l I H-l >999 V6rt(TL) -O,23 H-l > 879 Horz(TL) O,o3 F nla I sl LC LL Min lldetl = 244 Pl.lo! lncrolie 1.oo Lumbcr Incrcasc 1.OO R€o s1r666 lncr YESCod6 UBC/ANS|9E LoADINO (p3t) TCLL 80.0TCDL | 5.OBCLL O.OBCDL | 0.O PLATES M 20 Woight: 97 lb LUMEER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F t.8EWEBS 2 X 6 SPF-S 165OF l.6E 'Exc.pt' B-H 2 X 4 WW Stud, C-H 2 X 4 WW Stud, O-H 2 X 4 W\i, Stud REACTfONS (lb/6izo) | = 17 37 lo-4-a, F = 1737/G5-8 Max Horz l=272(load c66o 4) Msx Uplitll=-,|18(lord ca66 5), F=-l24lload clso 5) FORCES (lb) - Fir6t Lord Casa Only ToP CHORD A-B=O. B-c=-,|215. C-D=-1215, O'E=O, A-l='341, E-F=-341 BOT CHORD H-l=1215, G-H=,|215, F-G=1215WEBS B-H=-315, C-H=558, D-H=-316, B-l=-,|789, D-F=-'1789 NOTES BRACINO TOP CHORD Shc.th6d or 6-Go oc purlins, BoT cHORD Rigid c6iling diroclly 6ppli6d or 6xccpl and vorlical6. l GO-O oc brrcing. | ) Thi6 truss h15 bccn ch.ck€d Jo. unb.lanc6d lolding condilio.rs. 2) This truss hrs bccn dc6ign6d to. thc wind lolds g6n6r't.d by 80 mph winds d 26 ft rbovo groood lcvsl. u6ing 5.O psl top chord doad load and 6,0 pst botto.n chord dcrd lord, lOO mi trorn hurricrno occrnlina, on rn occupstlcY cltogory l, condilioo I cnclo.cd building, ol dimonsions 45 tl by 24 tt wilh 6rposur6 C ASCE 7-93 por UBC/ANS|9E ll cnd vorlical! or crntilcvcrr orirt , ihoy ar6 cxposcd lo wind. ll porchcs 6rist, th.y ara nol oxposed lo wind. The lumb.r DOL inctca6. ir 1.33, rnd lh. p|rlc glip incr€r6c is 1.33 3) ihit tru$ has bccn dcsign€d lo. r 'lO.O psl botto.n chord livo load nonconcu.rcnt with ury othcr livo load3 p€t Tlblo No. 15-8, uBc-94. 4) Provid6 mcchlnicrl connoctidl (by oth.r6) of truss to boaring plltc coprblc ot withlt.nding I l8 lb uplilt rt ioinl I and 124 lb uplift al idnt F. 5) This trusr hrs b€€n d65ign6d with ANSI/TPI l -1995 critoria. LoAD CASE{SI Stand.rd ry'm Desrgn vaId lor use only wrlh Milck conneclors Thrs design is based only upon paramelers shown. and s lor an Individuai buidrng componenr lo be insra led and oaded v€dically Applicabiliry oi d€s gn paramelers and proper rncorporalion of componenl rs responsibiity ol build ng desrgner - not tr!ss designe. Bracing shown s for laleral s!ppod ol indiv dual web memberc only Add liona temporary brac ng ro insLrr€ slabilly during construct on rs lhe responsibilty ol lhe erector. Acd liona p€rmanenl bracing of lhe overa slr!clLrre is the responsibi ity ol the b!ilding d€sigreL For general guidance regarding labricalion qually €onlrol. storage, delvery, er€crion and brac ng, consulr OST-88 Ouality St6nd.rd, DSB- Eg Aracing Sp.cllication, and HIB-91 H.ndllng Install.tion .nd Bracing Becommendltion avaiable from Tru!g Plale lnslilute,583 D Onotrio Drive, Madilon, Wl 53719 August 31,200'l P Cr)l.< r ,-{o dgu =o; (/, z mz--tt dz ^-,t7 5 mF @ azo 6o=iq ^E0Eq*9_ -: d d \ K;:5X+=o-o':6sa = =o J *JO;'v ifr= -He* 1*<iI5n 6o-<-' c.: 3Ei fi R:;=: oi5xXXJ ? -r.r+so L.L _\ ^I OO < ":Yqo- ilg L-,l \I LI N = Jdx6 ii r I.5q ;9a'ss dal*} Y PRYO(" o= -(c P -+s L =eX T Tgs H 93a;,io..SiEa bR \4Y;4, J =" *;? seY =!4 i'+ -.ts 3 =O;q9 !q9ao 8o9s' qt .F'9@ 5(D'-+ a'= o1q6 3bi5{ adQe do o- tl Em e,zo V] =o t'o o= v_J oo 6ct 69. o tt dU aq ol oc I IE =l9F =o-c :3.o = I t DIbr o!l 'frIH = o) o @ z C 5s (D :'(o (n ur o 3 e m iE=s = 3;= E8frEHgitl iSl= - 1 =@3 I =E" 9 efiq? bHz TOP CHORD€so =RRAH b6Y!1 " +>9--I _0 oL o (-t @ _i coo oIoac'l qq6 dEFN9 @bs o.' L@O) .1 =.ZQl! 6Y'c'.i Y ;(, \J -N8;S e;' -: tu!" :? x ; o@Iz TOP CHORD 9 6 i d S = 6 e so >, e !n s ." r$ - Eq F,, i +*ai ar ,aa $qi g$ u$[ $g gg1i$$ $$3g-=-e fr; EF# €l s E ;g aa ei g* ga-s iga* IEI *ig g* g*,il g gEE g* g 6tg ?gg ;g E El ae $[$ i3 elcE fe E*g*'iF 17-0-0 4x6 =Scale = 1:49.8 rn B (t f;lf,o QPO 1.5x4 1.5x4 lt 1.5x4 ll LKJ - 1.5x4 ll 1.5x4 ll 1.5x4 ll NM 3x4 lfJS rl OEFL in (loc) l/dcflVcrt(LL) n/a - n/rV..I(TL) n/a - n/. Horz(TL) o.ol I n/a 1 st LC LL Min l/d6fl = 24o Plltos lncrcosa 1.0O Lumbcr lncrcr6c 1.0O Rep Stro.s Incr NO Codc UBC/ANS|9S LOADING (pbf) TCLL 80.OTCDL l6.0BCLL O.OBCDL tO.O LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF.S 2IOOF I.8E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF.S 2IOOF I.8EOTHERS 2X4WWSrud PLATES M 20 Woighl: 69 lb ARACING TOP CHORO Sho.thod q 6-0-0 oc purlins, goT CHORD Rigid cciling diroctlY rppli6d ot 1O-()'o oc brrcing' REACTIoNS (lb/siz6) A=585/17{-0, l=585/17{-o, M=14117.0.0, N=551/17-O{, o=845/17{-0, P=7641174-0, O=1o97/t7-O{, L=835/17-O-o, K=767117'O'o, J= | O97/17-().o Max Horz A =-418(lo6d ca6o 3) Max Uplitt A = -81 (lo.d cas€ 3), l=-6(lo€d cr6c 4), o=-139(lo6d crsc 4), P=-'13z(lord crs€ 5), o=-2O5(lo.d caE6 41, L=-136(lo.d ca6c 3), K=-13o(lo5d cas. 5), J =-1990o.d c68o 3) Max cr.y A=585(lo!d clso l), l=585(load c!6. 1). M=36(lo.d car6 2), N=551(lo!d cr66 1), O = 882(lood caoo 6), P=764(lo.d c.so 1), Q= | 1O3(lo.d cr86 6), L=872(load c.6o 7), K=767(lord c.sc 1), J= 1 lO3(load c6ss 7) FoRcES (lb) - First Lord C6s6 Only ToPcHoRD A-B=-534, &C=-495, C-D=-472, D-E=-467. E-F=-467, F-G=-472, G-H=-495, H-l=-534 BOT CHORD A-A=196,P-A=196,O-P=|96,N-O=196,M-N=196,L-M=196,K-L=195,J-K=196, l-J=196 WEBS E-N=-485, D-O=-753, C-P=-722, RO=-9O8, F-L=-753, G-K=-722, H-J=-9OB NOTES I ) This t.u$ hrs bc€n ch6ck€d lo. unbd6nc€d lo.ding condilion8. 2) This tru6s h.6 b66n do6ignod lo. th. wind load. gonor.lod by 80 mph winds rt 25 ft rbovc ground lovol, u8ing 6.0 pll lop chord d66d load.nd 5.O p6l botto.tr chord d.d lod, 1OO mi trorn hurric6n6 oc4nlino, on !n occupa.lcy c.togory l, conditioo I cnclolod building. of dimensions 46 ll by 24lt with cxpo.urc C ASCE 7-93 por UBC/ANS|95 ll6nd v6,lic.l! o. cantilcvcrt cxi6t , thoy !16 crposad lo wind. ll porchcs 6xist, th6y ar€ nol cxpo66d to wind. Th6 lumb6r DOL incrcrBr i6 |,33, .nd lhc pl6te grip incr6as! iE 1.33 3) Trus6 dc3ign6d lo. wind loads in thc pl6n6 ol th6 trus6 only. For 6tudr oxposcd to wind (norm.l lo tho trco), scc MiTck-Stand.rd Grblc End Dotail- 4) Gablc r6qui..6 continuous boltom cho.d b€!ring, 5) Grbl6 sluds spaccd rt 2-GO oc. 6) This truss has boen dosigned tor ! 1O.O psf bottom chord liv6 lord nonconcurront with any othor liyo lo8d6 pcr Tabl6 No. 16-8, uBc-94. 7) Providc m6chsnic6l connociion {by othors) oi trur6 to b..rino plato c.p.blc of wilhsl.nding 8l lb uplift.t jdnl A, 6 lb uplilt at ioint l, 139 lb uplill at joint O, 132 lb uplilt .t loinr P, 2O5 lb uplitt !t ioint O, 135 lb uplilt rt idnt L, 130 lb oplilt ai ioint K and 199 lb uplitt !t jdnt J. 8) This lru6s h!5 boon do6igned with ANSI/TPI 1- 1995 critori!. LOAD CASEISI Sl.ndlrd ffi'#;ru\ Oesign valid lor !se only with MiTek €onneclors This design rs based only upon paramet€.s shown, and is lor an lndividual b!rlding componenl to be Installed and loaded ved cally Applicab ily ol desrgn parameters and proper incorporalion ol componenl is responsib lily ol building designer - nol lruss des gner Brac ng shown is for at€ral suppor! ol ndividual web members on y Additional temporary bracinq lo rns!re slability during conslruction is lhe responsibility of lhe ereclor. Addil,onal permanent bracing oi lhe overall slructure rs th€ responsibility ol llre bLri d ng desrgner For genera gu dance r€gard ng labrication, qLialily contro , slorage. de ivery, e.ection. and bracing. consult OST"88 Olality Slrndard, DSa- 89 Bfacing Sp6cllicalion, and Hl8-91 Hendllng Inslal16llon end Brccing Racomm€ndrlion availab e lfom fruss Pl.t€ Instilule,583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madleon, W|53719 August 31 ,2001 -r, 1; 'r *{' o ,rl o '..'z i'.' z mz+ 6z EI V ^-Y!,L F t'nt s r =sn m O=P X 9 {F/i-B 5 - UA>'.a 9p.z=zo -^- - -q.5-tcv=ln?tL1; tD o 6ia E H + 3'iaa\4 <l ^ 6 ^ !O I.1= o--14 d9: =! > 3x9d5 8doo) o= ,^ \). @ JO-+a= o ;qa --xx' C) ='-]i = oor @m 2zo ll $EY+8Fgse;. H;5:X Y=ojo;6gs *JOX'ix - lh + F :,, Q O-:*< E<; R d.<= - sX; goe27 a o X's; == o i; x6XJ ? - r..>+so- Lr>^I o-O <'1 Yqo = 5f q t=o ii r g6 = o -^ -<=Yqs 0.4.1*i e *RYOs' o:i -(o o o QJ -oxo ao O:1 taloo H6 (o!. oo {i eg o; ,:x cl oc z I IT #F 5 CLc ao f z {D t:t. "'f'l {./}*(l ,(/, {p '"q e f *E?ft z4e3ii ; dr6i 3 *aii s FgH EE22g I ==;*iEr 9g E= bHz TOP CHORD€ts- =F,FAts E5Y('" >>AI =T o-0 o, o-o ,a6o oI F 6@-=l@! ! ('r () o,Px9 @b sG.' .z6E H9 di.s !n8;S eqDg - x I Oz TOP CHORD 9 d E - - = - s tr :.J q en a o, N r Yd B>9 og@ oi J4or' --o !6'r., coc *-c oc oh-o oa' oo-o ! * *n E5 e5 s;3 {ffi gE Hsg q$ $gi iEfr giei4Fig ?a lEr 61 b ;g gg ;g gg -ge ;g ig i* lil glg gl Ig -;[ g ggE gi $ EBE a HE ;E E flg 'g $$g i? di gF ra 6*i; -tF Job Address: 300 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location.....: PRIMARY AND EHU ParcelNo...: 210106402057 ProjectNo : fp*1CO -Lr( tt (]. - ='- ,"a)va"r - _\-${Lv r\__, owNER vArr, TNTERNATToNAL cbrmo--msrZZT/2ooL phone: 3OO E I,IONSHEAD CIR VAII-, CO 8r557 License: CONTRACTOR R & H MECIIANICAL LLC L2/L7/2OOI PhONC: 303-543_9894 1047 CHERRWAI-,E ROAD BOI'IJDER, CO 803 03 License: 184 -M APPLICANT R & H MECIIANICAL L,LC L2/!7/200L Phone: 303-543-9894 104? CHERRYVAIJE ROAD BOUI-,DER. CO 80303 Iricense: 184 -M Desciption: HOT WATER IN FLOOR HEAT AND BASE BOARD Valuation: $30,000.00 Fireplace lnJormahon: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # ol Wood Pellet:FEE SU\1N1ARY \{echanical--> 5600.00 RestuarantPlanReview--> Plan Check--> 9150.00 DRB Fee---------:-->s0. oo Investigation-> lVitl Call--->s3.00 BALANCE DUE----.-.>$0. 00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIiII t2/2o/2ooL,JHI4 Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC' 70L OF THE l-997 UMC, OR SECTION 701- OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE ].997 UMC, CHAPTER ].0 OF THE 1997 IMC. Status... : ISSUED Applied.. :'t2/L7/2001 Issued. . : 1.2/2-l/2001 Expires . .: 06/1.9/2002 g0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees--> $?53 . 00 go. oo Additional Fees---------> 90.oo TOTAL t EES--------> $?53.oo Total Permii Fee---------> $753.00 Payments----------------> S753 . 00 Cond:25 (BI-,DG.): GAS APPLIATiICES SIIAI-,L BE VEIflIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SIIALI-, TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TTTE 1997 I'MC. OR CTAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST coMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O].7 OF THE 1997 I'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE ].997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOII-,ERS SHALL BE MOITNIED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTfBLE CONST. ITNLESS I.,ISTED FOR MOUI\IING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSrS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQIIEST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRATNAGE oF MECHANICAI, RooMs CoI{TAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII,ERS SIIAT-,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. AO22 OF THE ].997 I'MC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan" and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inJormafion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin5 and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS I AT 479-21 UR OFFICE FROM 8100 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATUREOFO R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET Pruiect #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, C.oloredo 81652 5,e.w Permit will not be accepted wlthout the following: o Hcat l-orr Calculstlonro EqulpmentCut/SpecSheets COMRACTOR INFORMATION r\Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: /- V'/ c'" '1A: , 3 ,S Offi@atg7O-,or visrT JobAddress: / 7/ / C,,,r(lr Subdivision: (7., ' oo5: 9. t'/,r Q r. e < a lJ, ,', , Phone:-e7S -y7;6 Wo*Cbo, N*P4 AOdition( ) Akeration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior pg e*tero, t I Otf"i i)Does an EHU odst at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TyPe of Btdg: single-familv fr.-) Dupts( ( ) Mutti-famity ( ) commerciat ( ) R.esburant ( ) o$er ( ) No. of Accommodation UniE in this building:No. of Exisdng Dwelling Units in this buildlngr \)l ffi Is thb a convers ,f ,1.*r*r**!t,t:t***:rr*{.**'i*****,*FOR OFFICE USE Ol{Ly**|(****:r*,*r.**rr,**r,f ,r,rr},r* F: / Gvdyons/fonnt/nrrclrpcrm 12/05/2467 22238 7245634284 R1 'l=.09 R H MECHANICAL PA6E 83 CEILING WALLS WINOOWS INFILTRATION CONTRACTOR AREA SOUARE R VALUE U UA OT BTU's REG OUTPUT )2?b lt ,07 I lt'tu (o/yT 3)rO 3c ,ot7 tD7 ?0'?,6sL t 2.2oo't?.0{L 31/?o'71,6ft l,t t)24 3{Y 37a ?d ei ce7 7 t,ooo A x .75 ily / 014 fo't7 101 "K 62xooaess.gli74 PERMIT #: Equrpment Spe ) o-3 o ^L/ bC;{ n7^E!' BTUs INPUT NEEDED:tez /M'vE aar,",r*afr I PHONE: JOB NAME: f ADDRESS: I L2/O5/24O1 22:30 7265630244a R11=.09F m- l*o.r, [*m CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: R H TIECHANI CAL PAGE A2 O *"", Gatc. Worksheeqlpr'r r^ .,O, I I *',= 5'^'!;!",,R#;g* e coPY IADDRESS: I PHONE: J JOB r,rAMF: / ADDRESS: Equlpmont Spec /)Qa, Jun -,>,JI..- / 25 , ,rrr"rr*a" fr TOTAL BTUs INPUT NEEEED: 10 AREA SOUARE R VALUE U UA DT BTU's REG OUTPUT 3ao ,D57--ry 1"/, o2/ /,6oo 3D ,o73 :ba ?V OdZ- 7(oo't1 ,o('t-lq G ?0 k,#{ ?rO -$ a ,)fx I(tl6 rOn B/ /19 /or2oo A x /c fi,7 / o.t+fo ?, s|a ALTITUDE: , TOTAL BTU5: Inches (mm) *" -f t-Gas i cas ,n f * ce! _L C.r s011..6) i 41.5{12jJ 84.0 81.0 1.1.0 82.8 n.4 &t2 13-J 1340) / 3.1[ 180)1n 1n 1t2 1n 3/a' 15lx e) I 62.3 (1r 2l 13-38 (311]l I .tl/4(1ta)2 (511 I 1.1i4 160 165 1E0 185 217 225 100 (2s r) | rz [ (2r ol 16 ?A{|2!}} i 5-&r (116}103.0(30I) | 89Etz6.tt i m.6t26.?l rn.8(t8.9t i rlr0r.r) I rrss(noi 2-18lBl I l.l/l 150 (15.11 I 131 2(38.r)15.r81a29) | Ft2t14t)2 li1) I rl/| tn z (s4.a) I rmrlro11 | 152si174 20-3n lslt) I 7-r11nE4l 25.i,11651) | 1[ t25al i \f so I v) J { a o oa t4\ { rl (rJ c( t1 :b \ G \ =+ ,v I \ + "]'\ \ : ) o a ,iJr! -\\s t*t =(-- J-./1: o _l iS U \) t\tr\ \N =s s_ q) >(g \. (- .{ --r,) c.c.. =l' {) $ \)\4 4\l\Jt-.\al1 -...O\-\-o{s q \$s,, S \4\ -t .- n -Irt€=t.-\=.i9:-r\i-.'--."i'){;_-\ ( c6.cs\\-{., .\ ct 'L^> -\-\ \ -t o- -; i rJ-=a_ :\ o\it;c?ft | .J :[\+Snd,.! tc'...-J r ) =d3\ *\n ? -l ,.rl \5 -{ _< 3+r7 o r{,s i:\ii i..' vi *n \i' t.s{t \,+ ., \s o6{ 5x5 .fl]q\-or,uc6 i c-) 3 m"q F S.",1Olr.1ti .', 1,.r. ." !-r or.otr*r oF coMMUNrrY DEVELoP"r,u? NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT I977 CIRCLE DR VAIL I977 CIRCLE DRIVE fiwbiil OWNER ART & JUDITH AXELROD License: CONTRAETOR PERKINS MECHANICAI, 317 MT. SHERMAN DRIVE IJEADVILLE, CO 80451 License : 215-P APPLICANT PERKINS MECHANICAI-, 317 MT. SHERMAN DRIVE LEADVII-.,LE, CO 80461 License : 275-P Desciption: WASTE/VENT 7 BATHROOMS Valuation: S3 1.000.00 FireDlace Information: Restricled: ??i/ ofGas Appliances: 0S/22/200L Phone: 08/22l2OO1- Phone: Pcrmit #: Status . . . : Applicd. . : Issued . . : Expires . .: 7L9-485-8425 P0l -0084 ISSUED 081221200r o8t22t2001 02/t8t2002 9584.25 s0.00 s s84 .25 ss8 4 .25 s0.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 8I657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: ^.Prqect No : I 08/22/200I Phone:'7L9-486-8425 '!? f of Ga.s l.ogs: t?# of Wood Pallet: ?? l;EE SLIN'l lvlr\RY Plumbing--- Plan Chcck-' Investigalion--. Will Call---> 08/22|2OOL DE Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMETiIT Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD CONDITION OF APPROVAL INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C}IECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 5455.00 Resluaranl Plan Revrew- ' 5115.25 DRts[te---------- so.00 TO'I'ALFEES-----.-------- 93-oo Action: AP Total Calculaled Fecs--> Addilional Fces------> Total Permit Fee-----> Pa)'rnents----------------- > BALANCE DTIE-.-> 90.00 ss84.25 'l* r**al't,llatttaa Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, Iilled out in full thc information requircd, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corrcct. I agrec to comply with thc information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes. design review approved. Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Toun applicable thereto. ADE'TWENTY-T-OUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479.2I38 oR AT OLIR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 5 PM. t.t- ! r, Vt/ TOVNWUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATTON *|*Ot er ACCEPTED rF rNCOM rKr-r:t \J>1- r\x\f | )a I PLETE P Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 (In spections) TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Contact and Phone *'s: '111- +f h -ff125 ll- q1D'37L" Plumbing Contractor:Town of Vail Req. No.: COMP VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING:$ 3I,DOO. C)C> Contad Assessors Office at 970-328-864O or visit vvww. Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: Arclr<oA Rts;derSCg robAddress: \q11 ciaclg Pg. rlniL Legal Description ll Loe ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners Name:4*, Ar4pr) ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:1 B'+-$\ \cor(\s, -,l,*sh kleu(Cls" 6,e l,',ryKYf l.'BPq.Rd'ia'2- WorkClass: New$f Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (! Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) for Parcel # ******,rJr*******************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY"************************************ Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: F/everyone/forms/plmbperm HCW DIDWE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Comm u nity Development Department Russell Fonest, Director, (970) 479.2139 Check allthat applies- 1. Which Depaffnent(s) did you contacfl Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admrn Planning _DRB PEC 2. Was your initial contact wiih our staff immediate no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were heiped? 4,Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No if no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit_ ttUA Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowled ge; responsiveness, availability) Overallefiectiveness of fie Front Seruice Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would ailow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank ycu for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our seMce. 0r e 03/27/02 FED 13:25 FAI _49 {885585 Perklnc j 1351 ilnVrail Dr. Le8cfvtlle, Com461 offce f/19) 486t4?5 Fax f/l9) 48Ei-S585 I TG TomdVei'il Frrrr l-eder JPerkins @ oor mcc 1(970)47$2149 [) I ll, Rc Permit B Utgftt O Fortrrlor trDfEE F.Flt ClFrrrlrc1ldl t Gq! *s To: Torm of Vailj $ { f'm witing to cancel plumbirrg perm rtlor 1977 Cirde Dr. They have been using a difierent plurrber Dale Bullit ftom Jerry Sibley. We. have had a death in the family ,and he family mernber was also rny plumber. And hd was working at ftat sile. Ancl has not been thee sine 2AA2. And Aielrod hire Dale Bultil .lf you hane any queStions , Please feel free to call us . And would liKe tothank you alt for the rrcnderful fl orers sent to my brcrfrer Sean Baffaza. Thank you r/ery mudr !! Lestar Perkins trE..*Gcrrrrnrt RECEIVED MAR Z 7 ?A02 TOV.COM.DEV. =*t ac&Bt&r' July 25, 2001 Didier Construction Company, Inc. Attn: Rico Didier 1426A Moraine Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 tt"prr,,rtl,L,k ( icott'chrrir. al, Inc. 5{120 ('orrntr l{orrrl l5-l(ilrnurxxl Springs. ( olorrrrlo lll{r(lI I'horr t : 971 | r)-15- 79lJll I'a\ : 97ll-9J-i-fi{5.1 hpgcot, h;lgroteeh-crtttt ;\t P/Eri'0 ?v'*tr4.r-4 rtrLao zoof"rt':";.{ \r D\" " Job No. 101524 Subject:Observation of Excavation, Proposed Axelrod Residence and Employee Housing Unit (EHU), Lot25, Resubdivision of Buffer Creek, 1977 n Circte Drive, Vail, Colorado. A^ jtr( y O t Dear Mr. Didier: Fr Fl** "' As requested, a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. observed the excavation at the subject site on July 19, 2001 to evaluate the soils exposed for foundation support. The findings of our work and recommendations for the foundation design are presented in this report. The work was done in accordance with our agreement for geotechnical engineering services to Didier Construction Company, dated July 16, 2001. The proposed residence will consist of a two story wood frame structure over a walkout basement. The basement and attached garage floors will be slab-on-grade. The EHU will consist of a two story wood frame structure with a slab-on-grade floor. Spread footings sized for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf were assumed in the design. At the time of our visit to the site, the foundation excavation for the residence had been cut in multiple levels trom3Vz to l7 feet below the adjacent ground surface. The excavation for the EHU had been cut in one level from3Vz to 5 feet below the adjacent ground surface. The soils exposed in the bottom of the excavations generally consisted of silty sandy gravel with scattered cobbles. About 2 feet of on-site fill was exposed in the slab area of the EHU. We recommended that these soils be removed. Design slab elevation can be reestablished with compacted structural fill. The results of a gradation analysis performed on a sample of the gravels (minus 5 inch fraction) obtained from the site are presented on Fig. 1. No free water was encountered in the excavation and the soils were slightly moist to moist. Considering the conditions exposed in the excavations and the nature ofthe proposed construction, spread footings placed on the undisturbed natural soil designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf should be adequate for support of the proposed structures. Footings should be a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous Didier Construction July 25, 2001 Page 2 walls and 2 feet for columns. Loose and disturbed soils in footing areas should be moistened and compacted or removed and the bearing level extended down to the undisturbed natural soils. Exterior footings should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevations for frost protection. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span local anomalies such as by assuming an unsupported length of at least 12 feet. Foundation walls acting as retaining structures should be designed to resist a lateral earth pressure based on an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 55 pcf for on-site gravels, excluding oversized rock, as backfrll. A perimeter foundation drain should be provided to prevent temporary buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the walls and prevent wetting of the lower level of each unit. Structural fill placed within floor slab areas can consist of the on-site soils compacted to at least 95% of standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Backfill placed around the structure should be compacted and the surface graded to prevent ponding within at least l0 feet of the building. The recommendations submitted in this letter are based on our observation of the soils exposed within the foundation excavation and do not include subsurface exploration to evaluate the subsurface conditions within the loaded depth of foundation influence. This study is based on the assumption that soils beneath the footings have equal or better support than those exposed. The risk of foundation movement may be greater than indicated in this report because of possible variations in the subsurface conditions. In order to reveal the nature and extent of variations in the subsurface conditions below the excavation, drilling would be required. It is possible the data obtained by subsurface exploration could change the recommendations contained in this letter. If there are any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, HEPWORTI{ - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC. Iordy Z. Rev. JZAlrso attachment H-P GEorEcH 'rE E[titcs U.A sTA{DIRD SENES at-E R scrA[E eE{|iF 24 ]n 7HR o ,l{t lti. lt Il{. adlr. trl[( ,t Ll{- 1 rt{. atiJz. =LdE Fz.tdo td (,z(na (L FzbloE. UJ.L -6 .m .ote -oly n.7+ -tso .3lo lm l.lt z$ DIAMETER OF PAR'TICLES IN MILLIMETERS e.5125 19.O ,r2 152 12r cr,"tY To slLT GRA\EL 54 SAND SILT AND CLAY 19 LIQUID UMIT PLASTICITY INDEX SAMPLE OF: Silty Sondy Grovel FROM: Bottom of Excovotion 101 524 HEPWORTH_PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig. 1 04-16-2003 7:20 am Inspectlon Request Reponlng _ ___vatl-. co_-_Toud{_oF_ _ _ _ R€guested tnsp€ct O.te: 'd1,ednesrlay, .A{rrit '!6. ?itr3 lnspecdon Juea. JRllglt3Address: t077 clRcLE OR vAlL 1977 Clt+CLE DRiVE Page 6 ArPfg|nformgtoE Adhrt\r Con* rypi: Flaauestcd lns!€crdods I Itam; $37 PLAN-FINALCO R€qu.Cor: AXEIROD BUIIDERS lhlc iAFTrCofltnerfi' w$l c!il s.m 479.8222 Arslgnod To: CDAI/ISAcllon: Tlmr Exr,: fidn Coffin€flb: Effil-frnfon]6Fto r'atch focf Sub II:9FR Slrlusr ISSUEDr V tl |rl$p Aflt : JRi, tlequeste.l TimR' 08t00 AJSPh r* 610{6&2142 EXT29 Enterod By: JII{ONDRAGON K tJ8:00 Alt 61S66&2142 eXT29 JIIONDRAGOI.I K BD1-0174 101 T]f€: &zulLnilccuprfry' 7 Typ€ t rG. Orlrier ART E JUTITH AXELRCD'co{tttcbfi $(EIROD BUiLDER$, lFlc {ART| Phone: t,1{;ii6s-?14? ExT ?9 Apg0cont AXEIROO BUILDERS. lllc (ARTI Phone: 61+66&i14? EXT ?9 Derir3c0on: NEW SFR 8. TYPE I EtiUlStce: I'b TCO lor m8ln untt untll ltohttno Bsu€ ls tes{,tysrt. Talk lo Daud li.hi,-ddss - AOCHS t{otlce: }t E Dot tlJrn€d ln (loid r€a&[x,on: no TCO on rn€lrt unn rmul e{l€ ts r€r'dllti AO - AOCHS t'folke: TCOfor EHU onfv. - AOCl.lS l'lollc€: Atl ercruted Tyrd I EHU d€ed rssttrctlon ls rs?urrlrl pflur tr ti'-o. - t{vltFRlE L Commgrt; SOX-S TEST REC'D Al.tD lN FILE - LCAITPBELL COMI|ST IG€D FEE FOR PIJBLIC WAY PERfuIIT. & 75.C* LOLLARS.. L$ANNCA/AL Cofliln€nt ROUTED TO JRM, SRENI A,.ID LEOT.IARD FOfi AFFROVAL. L$'CT'IDOV'qL \\t{0 BLDG+lnsl C,O ) AXEFOD EUILDERS'{i}C {AFT i r.,[f c.|llN.m 488222 CDAVIS Requ+sted lirna: 08:00 Alt' Phono: 61056S2142 EXT29 ErrtBre$By: JMOl.lORAgOil K Tlrn€ Exp: '- !r!rsr9g9!L!!Eb!r hem: ilrn: lbor: 3{l? PlIv-RouohorBde 5o3 Frw-FlnaIdrlYfta5O3 PllU-FlnaI drlvertrv qrad€ 10 ELDc-Foodnoa/$oef10 Bloc:Fggdngdstde "'Appfoved " O7BAQ1- hrpccbr: JRM Cofliln€flB: So|LS TEST REC'O lN FILE no -/, NW icton: No NonFEl) O8/U1/D1 lnspoctor: JRM A.ton: AFAPr,[{C\'ED commGn8: A'PR FOOThIGS 0g3ct/01 hrD.cior JR,t4 Actho. AF APPRCVFoCoII{|'.'il}: RFAPFROVET, EHU FOOiER$ 0.U0A0a rlcD€ctor: COAVT$ Aciton: AP APPF.OVE0 COrNrncnb: FRbNT SCIJTH SITE FCOThIG FOF SITE ft'ALLS C|.|AI.IGES TO APPRO\ED PLAITS APPROVED 8Y .rR[lli.n: 20 BlDGFouffffiorygie€t " Appror/ed " 0ry10n)1 tn p6cr0fi JRM '' Actftn: At, APPROT/ED Gt/l06'ol lmirctor: GRG Arnoni AFAPPR0\GD Comnenls: EFfU E srnoe {ouffmon wnil re(br,€. O4/1Cl/Oa hap.ddh f,RM Adton: APAPPRo\GD REI{[131 ---Afu*i{n IC: 926 04-16-2003 Intpestion Requesr ft \IALL5 PageT L- lbm: 520 Pllt+lLC Stts plon -'ApFrovsd -' 11/16/01 ln5p6clc'r c(t Acli.}n. tbm: 3O BLOGFrsmlr|g " ApHolr{rd " OINTIE? tr3mctof: J,rtM Actton: C,o|ltIl€NI!: APFROVED FRAMING FOR EHU ONIY UZnStOz kEpector: iRli AclPr'' Cofltrnents: &'PROVED FOR PRlMAtt Y l'lOU.SE. nam: 50 Bl-Oc'.lnsuhdon " lgprcarorl " Ol.(}&04 Inrpeciot: JRM ActtortCmmenb .qPPROV€D EHU ONt Y i.P AFf'iIOVTD t,n PA.fnTiAl. APfTROVAL AP APrtrf(r-)vFD PA PARTIAI. APPRC)VAT nem: tlrm: tl3/o1iu2 lrrsoec{ot' .lRt{t {c.tlon: 4p ,APPFL)VF['! Con'nenB: APPRO\ED FRTII'ARY HOUSE, AI.t Fi,AT {]EIL'I.IG9 TiJ I{AVE 60 BtDc-Sh€riroct Usil " Aoproved - \ r i. , O1J18/0t Inse€ctor: JRf,, Acflon. Fl PAFnAi-\4Pf,nOV t cornrcnls: AFPnovEDfiFtuoNl.Y .. j i \r- '\(Bl12iO2 Insotrlot: JRM A:riorr A.PAoFRqVED ' f \Comtn 3.SHEETROCKT-''OIdPLETEFF'IARV l"j(J i \J70 BtDCt Mhc. " Apprcvett 1' i\ \ /rPllqfi hipecbr: Att r\cttoo. Fts APPRJVEO " Con$n6r s: APPROVED STUCC{) t^Th i:DR BSTH BUILC{NGS 90 BLDGFImI 530 ELDCrTemo. CrO| 6l17jOZ lnspeclor: JRtl ir.rii:n. Dl.ltlElltHc' Cornnrnts: Et-0., |IISPECTED DENIEU:F.OUSr S REO,D\ sElFcloslts oooR A'r cARAcE,Hol'i-<E\- HANDRAIL REL\D EXTERIOR D€C( MU.9T BE COTIPLETEI) mrl?o? ln$p€c'lor: JRM Aclic{l Fl P.\fiTlAl iNSPEC nCN -Coflm€nt$: APPRO\GD T.tr C. FOR E!{L' ONLY O7tZ4tgZ, tnso.d,Dr; JRM Astiorr: p! pAFTIIL ltr$pEcnOil Co nr€ntr: AI-^PROVED WnH CORREcTlOllg !-IOUSE 8'S REA'D ttdn: tlom: . REMOVE DlJillpSTER. FLAltNif.lG ApF'IrCVAr- REQ'D,ICMPL.ETE ALL OTHER PERMITS. n'm: 532 *,ifi$5l,oR*o*, rs '- Appt()v€{l'- r.crrcnr AF AFpF,f,\,ED Cotntfl€ob: Aoprwgd. EHU unn 0nlv, t-iiroscaftnc atltl requr6d Tr€6 move6. nt3o aFprorao ior pla'rrr:ng d€poru|Eni p€r Allltofi. 06/ t 2j02 Inspscroi: k Adrcfi L'f\l DF-tllEl.' CofirnEnts: tJotReod]lLrd dflvc$av lo bc cleon and op+rouontl. Lcndccape tfee n€ed to be r€mrved Dd Slte dlitat*e fsillllrln€nls. Claan slia€l srx, rerrov€ \,shi:l€ paridng hssurts. RemoY€ trash drtmFslsr to totnir'sdc :I nrain unfls 3tr"'€'ryEy. lbm: 633 PLqI+TEMP C/O "'Approved " 0t17,OZ lmpsctor: .ec *,1o|1 ;51 rTElllEf Comrncnts: nol (}one 6n1lo2 Inspaclor: ao Adion Dtl L-ENIED Cormants: sliil nct don€ 0611?/0? lmpeclol: so Acllon. AP APFRTJVFI) Co|nmenls: MuNt submil €.,rd teSrirlklnl TCC lor ElltJ onty O?2$tr2 lnssector: art AcUor. AF r'.FFFOVLD Coormonts: MAIN UNIT rae Phnning CC lot conditiorrtrbrn: 537 PLII+FWAL C,'C A7D6iO2 tnsp€clot: qt Acton. t)f'l t)i!il[D Comm€t$s' Palnt wnt ot-" foor to matct( ruof nnhh Dt'n no baJs c| b.rl th{m add one snrifre h€e nsar barildeF as icliicgio.i oli lile ill4ri Itrm. Sg PW-F|FIAL CiO Itsm: 54O BLDGFhaIC/C, t REPT131 Run Id: 926 TOI,INffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 97 0,479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: Axelrod hot tub DRB Number: DR8020141 Proiect Description: Change to approved plan to include hot tub Participants: OWNER ART&IUDITH AXELROD 05/14/2002 Phone: License: APPUCANT ARTAXELROD O5ll4l20o2 Phonet License: Projecl Address! 1977 CIRCLE DR VAIL Location: 1977 CIRCLE ORWE Legal Description: Lot: 25 Block: Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parcel Number: 210312302014 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApproval= 051L712002 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005291 That one evergreen tree be planted on the east side of the hot tub to screen from the neighbor Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date QWEST 970.384,0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 97A.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT* 970,476.7480 (tel) 970,476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) C.ontact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed, 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail, However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified oroblems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before digqing in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building oermit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained seoarately. Page 8 of L2l02lO7l02 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name OuantiW Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc. ) Page 7 of l2l02l17l02 t*t** +**t ***t{t* * + * f * * + * * + * * * * + * t * ** * *+**t**t+***'}+ *{.{r+ *f ******* * *****t'}+***** *** * l** 'l *+***{'f TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO slatem€nt ** **** * **** ******* * **+* *+** **+*** ****+**{.*t** * * * *t* ++ '1. 't * t***** ****{' *{t*,lt+***l * * * 'i + lt + * + * * t + * + f statemenE Number: R000002360 Anount: $20.00 05/1'4/2OO2O8:50 AIvl Payments Method: Check IniE I iIAR Notation: 555 afohn G. Rehders Permit Nor DRBO20141 T14)e: DRB-Chg to ApPr PlanB Parcel No; 2LO3L23O2OL4 Site Address: 1977 CIRCLE DR VAIL I,ocation r 1977 CIRCLE DRM Total FeeB: 92O. O0 Thia Payment: $20.OO Total A'JL f'mC6: $20'OO Balance: S0.00 *i't* **** **f f 't*+{t+** ***** +t +**+**** i+****+**,t * ***t***{r*i+r t********* f * * t * * * * tl I + t + * + + | | + '1. * * + t ACCOUNT ffEM LIST: Account Code Descrjption Curnent Pnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIE!\| FEES 20.00 ) tr Departme nt of C ommun ity Dev e I opme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us October 31, 2001 Mrs. Loyette Goodell 1967 Circle Drive Vail, CO 8'1657 Re: Your lefter regarding construction on Lot 25, Buffehr Creek Subdivision Dear Mrs. Goodell: The purpose of this letter is to clarify matters regarding the construction activities and development review process for Lot 25, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. The new house on Lot 25 is being constructed pursuant to the applicable "Two-Family Primary/Secondary" zone district regulations. This zoning designation was applied to your neighborhood upon annexation in January of 1986. The owners (the Axelrod family) submitted an application for design review approval and have demonstrated compliance with all development regulations and laws governing the property. Under these circumstances, the Town of Vail has an obligation to provide fair and efficient development review services. The development plan was approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) on May 5, 2000 after a finding by the DRB lhat the proposal complies with all residential design guidelines. The location of the house has been dictated by required setbacks (15'on the side adjacent to your residence) and the presence of rockfall hazards on the northwestern portion of the property. Per our previous discussion, the Town of Vail does not enforce private views. lf you have purchased a view preservation easement on Lot 25 that you believe has been violated, I recommend consulling an attorney to have the civil matter resolved within a private venue. Additionally, the Vail Town Code does not require adjacent property owner notice for applications for buibing permit or design review approval. Adjacenl property owners are notified in the case of land use actions (rezonings, variance requests, etc.). Public notice for the Design Review Board hearing(s) was provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 12-3-6 (Hearings), Vail Town Code. $ *u"'"uo 'o"o lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please contacl me at (970) 479- 2140. Sincerely, Lu> Brent Wilson, AICP Senior Planner cc: Vail Town Council Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission Bob McLaurin r €7l/untu€d io: Town of Vail Plannine ?**irdon *a Mayor and Council Pe-rsons fl*(fu Oz'alo 4 cc: Town Manager Re: New construction in Circle Drive, Buffeh Creek Subdivision This is to register our shock and dismay concerning the new construction on Lot 25 in the above-described subdivision. On the smallest lot you have approved what must be tie largest square footage to be built. This was a neighborhood of small, older homes that were build in the 60's and have been" for the most part, owner-occupied by some of Vail's eadiest residents. We were tle accountants, ski patrollers and hard workers who, during the first years of Vail's existence, moved wery six months and lived in substandard spaces until we could buy and build a little place of our own. We are a neighborhood of people who helped the town acquire and build parks, remedy the deannexation of West Vail and assist in planning and dwelopment ofthe Vail Commons. We are an anomoly in Vail -- tlere are children who play in the streets and parks, and older retirees who garden" read and just enjoy our lives in this beautifirl location. We acknowledge that, according to Vail standards, our lots would be considered "under-developed". That has contributed to our pleasure in living here. Not only have you allowed the owner of Lot 25 to "max out" the lot, you permitted his secondary structue to be built directly in front of the John Goodell residence, where a large triangular roof dominates the view from their home. There were other places on the lot that could have taken the structure, or the height of the roof could have been modified to minimize the impact on the neighbor's residence. We discussed this with your planner, Brent Wilson, who told us that the Planning Commission was not required to consider the impact of new construction on the existing neighborhood. Really! We believe that Town of Vail governmental sewices are mandated to provide equal protection to all residents and property owners, not just developers. We are sad to see our quiet, pleasant neighborhood uupgraded". It is just another step in pushing out the little people of modest means who have held on here. SoorL instead of having 25Yo ovtneroccupied residences in the village, there will be none and the town will have to look elsewhere for a citizenry to participate in town affairs. /4k- /4'"/e7"/2 A *4-- a-'lo(-.rw- .b--L"-tA G*n ft.D Loyizru Q""Je'l( ( ./z Ut- tvv*k 2;4tq *< ry":*z/'e- Ll t/''* /-a a-uax-Tin;J-a*;Z-z -/rtdnzo- 4d ftu '('tat""' .Lo-*4-/ lrz--t2'^'4- dt'f &vvfr azL'-a*-c/--,- ryea/xhLz7.-;r.-. J/z /L-4rrL ti,-? 0a,uL4 /-t''< A"/^-(P d.;7;a -r,4-*. 1of 1 B;F{- ai't'*- 1028/01 3:30 PM xlu-t^l, \Fl_ Y \-,/ CoiOrRuc TIoM LOI el 2 rJi"": F'<on< Couct lti) G..Jd[ Hot-ree icxJ Liv, n<'GooJ e-t( B P€fr Vi"; Fd{M ?Pon-lt rzJ r 'u D-oc"lS Gr.ds t([-fo rr.s, Design Review Action Form- TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Axelrod Residence Project Description: Revised driveway Owner. Address and Phone:Judith and Arthur Axelrod, PO Box 880, Narberth,PA19072 ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone; PeeUlangenwalter Architects, P.O. Blox1202, Vail' CO 81658 Project Street Addres s: t977 Circle Drive Legal Description: Lot 25, Resub of Buffehr Creek Parcel Numb er : 2103 -123 -02-01 4 Building Name: Project#: PRJ00-0111, Revisions are indicated on the site plan dated July 18' 2000' Board I Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Action: StaffApproved 1) A Type I EHU deed restriction shall be recorded prior to TCO on either unit. 2) The froperty lies within a rockfall hazard zone. A site-specific rockfall hazard report must be submitted prior to building permit @ursuant to Chapter l2-21'Yail Town Code). 3) Please p"o"id" top and bottom wall elevations for the concrete retaining wall (at its tallest point). If oyer 4' a PE stamped detail must be submitted. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: July 25,2000 F:EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAl-\97\1 DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 Design Review Action Form TOWI{ OF VAIL Project Name: Axelrod Residence Project Description: New single-family residence and Type I EHU Ownet, Address and Phone: Judith and Arthur Axelrod, PO Box 880, Narberth,P{lgD72 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: PeeUlangenwalter Architects, P.O. Box 1202, VaiI, CO 81658 Project Street Address: 1977 Circle Drive Legal Description: Lot 25, Resub of Buffehr Creek Parcel Numbe r 2103 -123 -02-014 Project#: PRJ00-0111 Buildine Name: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Ifans Woldrich Seconded by: Nlelissa Greenauer Action: ConsentApproved Vote: 5-0 Conditions: l) A Type I EHU deed restriction shall be recorded prior to TCO on either unit. 2) The property lies within a rockfall hazard zone. A site-specific rockfall hazard report must be submitted prior to building permit (pursuant to Chapter l2-2|'Yail Tovm Code). 3) Please provide top and bottom wall elevations for the concrete retaining wall (at its tallest point). over 4' a PE stamped detail must be submitted. 4) Please show proper soil erosion control devices to protect stream and neighboring properties. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 5/05/00 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: 5200.00 F:EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\97rI DRBAPPR J'RM Questions? Catt tn*nning Staff at479-2138 T0l4'\APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval, Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal iequirernents for the particular appfoval that is requested, The application tannot be accepted until all the required informationis,submitted. TheprojectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCouncil and/orthePlanningand Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPNON OFTHE REOUEST: B. a D. E. F. G. LOCATION OFPRoPOSAL: tot: ,25^- BLopK:--- FILTNG:BI&e.I C.ved- pHysrcAl ^DDREss: /f/7 :/"/(,C/g )-/(. Pe-atbdiv\a1on ol (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) PH)NE- 1-7b.4qu $200 Construction of a new building. r $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. PARCEL #: 1-I owNER(S) STGNATURE( NAME OF APPLICANT: TY9n6 OF REVIEW AND FEE; / New Construction - Addition - tr Minor Alteration DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permil please identify theaccuratevaluationoftheproject. TheTownofVail will adjustthefeeaccordingtotheproject\rdluation. PLEASE SU BMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLOMDO 81657. ,' ' : .l j ,-i-{ | ' !' J iltlL-! --'-. -----'- ) NAME OF OWNER(S): o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: o COLOR:r Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sollits Windows Window Trinr .. Doors Dobr Trini Hand or Dcck Rails Fluc.s Flashirrgs Chiruncls Trash Enclosurc.s Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr C(" g t:oor= A.teztt - I-o lf.^bro f,rle^+l,rg"e4\Jn-{ v,-an C")istr-l hlhits \{r+Vt Ma +V1^tc""d b4e+"t [4"+"1-, ,(, k,.. '* |llat-d v: Fn ( "y.<toll^ll'iE, 't I Pleasc specify thc manufacturer's color, nunrbcr and attach a snrall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting must ntcet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc l8:54.050(J). If.cxtcrio'r: lighting is proposcd, plcase indicate thc nurrrbcr offixtirrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Idcntiff cach fiiture type and providc thc lrcight abovc grade, lunrcns output. Iuminous arca, and attach a cut shcct of thc lighting fixturcs i, tt <-'r,+l ifl)-,+;y 1f , nlrLQt*a_ 'i '.i i. .4 Updaled 6/97 M.fol PROPOSED LANDqCAPING Botanical Nanrc CpnumXanc Ouatrtity Sizc' d-n^in..PROPOSEDTREES .ANb SHRUBST EXISTINC TREES TO BEREMOVED: . CROUND COVER QlP,r\,.refr-ra.,, lnidzq @rra-eurrys Czlot<lulPrucc---2- Auin. A<'T.v. ' 2 tniti. 7 drMW i l" A?al.witl'. lApr e- shmbs ' -5gallons + Mininrunr rcduircnrcnts for landscaping: JJIII ., dcciduous trccs - 2 inch caliPcr conifcrous trccs -.6 fcct in hcight Squarc Foolae.c ? ?..*g:"+ ' llrlrre 'n €Prve. 2 . soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis. fenccs, swinrmjng pools, ctc.) Ptcasc specifu. Indicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining walls' i4a'rinrtlirl hcight'of watls-r''iithin thc front $etback is 1 r'eet' Maxirrum hcight of lvalls clscrvhcrc otr thc propcrty is b lbct. t It Town of Vail Department ol Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, cO 81557 *^^., U,o[,-,Xro ot/-( z,tl al ru a"""iptNo. 5/8/ ble to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code # Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 11 10 Zoning and Address Maps zA $5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 1 &2 Utr,$50.95 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Burldino Code - .1997 - Volume 3 $57.20 001 0000 3141112 lntef national Plumbino Code - 1997 Utt $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1998 $3s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 $33.60 001 0000 314 1112 U niform Fire Code ull $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code UtJ $37.00 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Danqerous Bldq.'s 1997 UY.YC 001 0000 314 1112 lvlodel Enerqv Code - 1 995 $ 1 0.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books .\a 001 0000 3141211 Blue PrintsiMyiar Copv Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1 111 Xerox Copies XC $0.2s 001 00003141111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/S1 .60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 11 11 Studies. Master Plans. etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penaltv Fees/Rsl nsDections PN 001 0000 31 1 2300 PIan Review Re-check Fee ($40/per hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours Insoection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 0000 312 4000 Sign Application Fee SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sion Application Fee SP 001 0000 311 2200 Desiqn Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)UFt 001 0000 31 5 3000 : Building Investigation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovemenl Agreemefi Deposil D2-DEP10 AD 001 0000 3121000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Deot.Rev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5ol" (State) - Tax pavable TP '001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0ol" Cfo!i'n) - Retail Sales Tax T7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 31 1 2s00 PEC APPLICATION FEES 00r 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250"P\/$200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Conditional Use Permit p\/$200.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 so. ft.p\/$200.00 001 0000 31 1 2s00 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 so. ft.PV $500.00 001 000031 12s00 Soecial DeveloDment District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Major Ameno PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development Distrrct - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2s00 Variance ,PV $2s0.00 001 00003112s00 Zoning Code Amendments , PV $2s0.00 Re-Zoninq PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL: ^/l .1 \/rA Tstr4 -/u- &)j4 \z -et/.h+D Cash _ Money Order #Check # F:/Evervone/Forms/Salesact. exe al0/99 o ZONE CHECK Datc: &lv6[oo Lcgaldcsciption'1os uf s;;-----;-_-.--^_^.ling f.eg'a ao I |-rctL,- Crq+ Addrcss Osrcr Architc-ct Zonc disrict rclc Pbonc Pbonc i"i,O)",'' proposcd usc Buildable are 9, La Allorvcd E^-istin g Proposed *o+r 3I L' Rcmaining Total GRFA Primary CRFA _ + (42j) (625*) - =3+>q = fto1f 9?j 7t6r Sccondary GRFA + (.125) (675*) =_-* ?Bu 88o + 675 = 425 crcdir plus 250 addition \6rq_re + L3q+ = Llqt +6r (30)@ Front Sidcs Rcar Et)t 20' .l5' l5' (t\ ts tf Minimum 3' t6' Requirea f dte t 7 nncloscd t^ Proposcd Slopc (e y Complics with TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than Z:l (j0%) Enr.ironmcntaL4{azards 4) Watcr Course Scrback (30) (50)_ 5) Gcologic Hazards Dcbris Florv Pro'ious condirions ofapproval (cbcck propcrty filc);y'l/, l-a4a 4 srta I (300) (600) (@ 0zoo) Pcrmittcdslopc (d % vcs----.4 No Ycs____<1 Nq o(1 o11 Total Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? -V O /g Horv much of thc allorvcd 2i0 Addition is uscd rvirh this rcqucst? Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping RctainingWall Hcigbts Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivovay I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >3 0%") 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands b) c) Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Do"nbr, oo DESIGN REVIE}V CHECKLIST Projcct -E SUR\IEY _:- Bcnchmark t Lcgaldcscription j Buildablctuea F^scmcnts Topognphy I00 yr. Ilood plain Watcr Counc Sctback Environmcnal Hazards Trees Utility Iocations Spot clcvations Q SITEPLA].I Scalc Building Hcight Sctbacks Site Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Dcckstsalconics Garagc conncction Site Gradc\Slopc RctaininglValls Fcnccs TumingRadius Drivcrvay (access and gradc) Snow Storagc FircAccess tr FLOORPLA},IS Scalc CRFA 250 additional GMA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU Q BUILDINGELEvATIoNS Scale :- ColorWatcrials Roofpirch Q I!{{DScApEpIr${ Existingtrccs :__ proposedtrees Lqgcnd MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Titlc rcporr (A & B) Utilify verifi cation form Photos of sitc Building mataial samplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\ShadcAnglcs Utilities (undcrground) Vicrv Corridors Varianccs Plat resficdoas o D esign Review TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Axelrod Residence - Separation Request Project Description: Request for conceptual approval ofseparation oftwo units pursuant to Chapter 12-11, Town of Vail Code Owner, Address and Phone: Arthur & Judith Axelrod, PO Box 880, Narberth, PA 19072 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone:Peelllangenwalter Architects, PO Box 1202, Vail, CO 81658, 4764506 Project Street Address:1977 Circle Drive Board / Staff Action Motion by; Hans Woldrich Seconded 6y: Melissa Greenauer Vote: 3-0 Conditions: Action: Approved a Action Form Legal Description: Lot 25, Resubdivision of Buffehr Creek Parcel Number: BuildingName: Comments: Thisapprovalis only,for the separatiol T-equest. Additional DRB approvals will be required for the residences prior to building permiL Town Planner: Brent Wilson Datc: Noyember 17,1999 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: nla F IEVERYO}iE\DRB\APPROVA L\99\AX ELROD.WPD Unplatted Extend Boulders 1'Above Grade Boso 80<e e042 Extend Boulders 1'Above Grade Constructiol!ence tqo lo28 )26 )24 ., l) l,', I o() ot!c .9 oc v,coo 8038 90o Corner 8020 8023.4 BO24 Unplatted Extend Boulders 1'Above Grade eosg 8042 Constroction Fence 8oJ8 8036 tf 803? €o3o 8028 1026 t024 .. t. Ilb,a'' 90o Corner Extend Boulders 1'Above Grade e042 Unplatted - 106'14' B04s Extend Boulders 1'Above Grade Boso B04e e044 ConstrUction Fence 8038 036 - tb i0JO ?028 )26 r<4 -- c qi !L c (J O l' l,',. I c)o oll- c .9 u e o o 8020 90o Corner 8022