HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK LOT 22 LEGALDepartment of Public Works & Transportation I309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-479-2I66 www.vailgov.com October lg'h,2007 Dear Resident, It has come to the attention of the Town that the historic irrigation ditch, which runs from north to south thru ttotsiZS; 1Z;21;24,,25t;26,27,36, 40,39 of the.Buffehr Creektsubdivision (see attached map), does not currently have water rights for any type ofuse; irrigation or aesthetic. In addition, the diversion for this historic irrigation ditch is on publicly owned property and has recently been altered to divert more flow from Buffehr Creek into the historic irrigation ditch. The Town is concerned about the long term health of Buffehr Creek and the lack of water rights during the low flow months, July thru April. In our conversations with the Colorado Division of Water Resources it is apparent that this historic irrigation ditch has no current water rights and is required to abide by state law. At a minimum, this will require all flows to remain in Buffehr Creek during periods when there is a call on the river typically from July thru April. It is the Town's intent to remove the diversion and return the creek back to its natural state. This will generally limit flow to the ditch to high flow periods (May and June). If you wish to discuss this matter further please contact me at970-479-2235. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Town of Vail Town Engineer Bill Carlson. Town of Vail Environmental Health Officer Mathew Mire, Town of Vail Attomey Rachel Friede. Town of Vail Planner Cc: (D 'J,E+* I:3 L'; Lmtt % ;- tl_i [L .: /l LI LI App I icnlt/Crvnc'r lr4iril .r..crt!rcr;s --*C-fu-.7.1.:i1**--7i,r-r--/o:*-u-*;it:(11-:-fy::-- ,'rt,/-/f- 1, Re3ulaticrr tnd sccliol-t l'!trnrllcr(s) of 7-oliing Rcsoltltiorr fronr wlrich Var jau-icc is l;ought: T.o{.oi4 prcsicntz-o,rr, iJ l'1 4. i I i 2. a /l pr ,Iergur f,,a'n fi l,r:l /k)rEr/ iF ,f,, Gcneral locirticn oi ;:roPcriy (ir"\ re{ation to ?: TovJrtt y' ft-,t,'.;r,r,r".,,frff'Si C*er-l Ro'e,cl, S,trearn ot' oli-\ai lamclmarl<): tlr i:,tt'l,l:*zi ,,,8 "l/lLlt c . T. I Lot Z! Alk r orr Legal <icscriPtion of Prc)pcriy er. S:rrbdivision Name b. rnetes r-.rcj bouncls (nray bn: attached) icc ltrde survey or r ap: 4 . f7a*,al Jt-t,.,i,ti{ 5. iilicf FurPcso and tleason for Variar'cs- (mary bo attacrte'J):' l,tt't r, r /o /' vJr,|z,/.r /1 tfi 4,U:"{ ' ' . /.2 t Yflt;1 | $l* c * ttl r'U/t.'{, o &.. u1!,1:a t.'.1 r i*.;) o.ou{"{,,},{,*dri"^u,{J,.,",!l:r#X..t'i.fr €"*,'"{,ft::t;:!./'il3n.ou,',-u-' 7. Staterrrcnt: A complcie list of al-! oirynr)rs acld.essc.t' crf the p-rsptt1" profosecl for Variancc and of qlt oi.l.rcrs of all aCjaccrrt propcrrties is ir! tiicl'rcct lrereto; tllis siSnatofy is propcrly irtfthorizo(l tgf ako npplic;'.tio:. ft; "":t;.": stutcd ilorcon ' - /-e' :-!!L-l-jl--': - --' ;E:--- --::---.--- S i gnatr rt c of ti-.tthor izccl a;:pl i cdrt ;'-' xt rr'!. ..,y'- pi-Date ol I tcc usc Applicatic;r i\ccc'i)tod as comp,lctr: (or Public licalin3 ort <latc Apptication rt-'jocicd os lttc,rtrrplctc- for t-lublic t'leirrlng b:clruso: by:.-**._. 1:rl lrrrrirr|1 r r.tlrr itr ls I rl rkrr f'rr1;o I r:I I] cJ;rto VIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 8ll Eagle, Colorado 8l6ill Vail 47S561$ Eagle 828.7718 Basalt 92?-8322 o EN 13 Aprll 1976 Department of Planning and DevelopmentP.O. Box 789Eagle, CO 8l-631 To: Steve Isom Bd: File No. Zv-ll-?6-Richard Bueche Variance Have. no objection. .z_q 4.^ </ Erik lf . Edeen R. p. S.Eagle County Environmental Health EIVE,/hV a f l .frr fgtc luL- RldrrtC Bu.d! P. O. Ed 2t0l Vdlr Oofar* tlttrt V" Frr Flfr ],1o. Zwllrll0 Vrlrp At tlrtr rnrtlry il 10 |h{lf lgntr |h. Zo|.dr|e Eer|.d cf AdFrbrut ffmnC ih. '.sniGr a vrlnor tlor, U,r lrilbdr rrglddlgrr ar tlr condfhn thA l|a Pllr{ry Orpr|tmr* lr r^fpllrd rltfr I rl!1 plcr loodl;3 tt O1ql otl Ur. etoe.tty wlth ncc frlfn fi. 14l11lng Clvr 3C hd Uf rnc6drrrtl an til fiwf rr&aAt bi m gl&f tt|t I f..t. lf yog hG,r r1r qrnetfqr, pf.c oontmt lhlr cilflcr finlPt of tr ft!ilr"d fPtloilon It trcliltd. fcr Dlncio? al Pl*tiltrg 8t/kt 61 9olrd ol Ocnly coatlr{rrtornrl Zo.{r€ Bod on t|dt nrt| k(1n/ I'nLl" a DETTTTTTTU OT IilI{NIITO AI{D DTVTTOIIilTM Crstlc Pcrl 8ldg. 510 Brordway P.O. Box ?89 Ergle, C,olorrdo 81631 14 Mry 19?6 Rlchad Bwch. Box 2164 Vatlr Colc$ SllU? Rcr Fllr l.lo. tv-11.?3 mxllrq on tS May t976f Fr Zonlng BorU of Adftntrnont hcld t Rlrllc on !,qr Yrlilor gptlodlm rnd rrptlonrd to blt tfr nqrut to gl\f| thr m omortnlty tc n on rltr hqrctlon. Yow hrrlng wtll tr mntlnld on lgl6r b.glm&ie t t0r00 Atvl. In tlr Oolb F.d( Blt. t10 Btodrryt r Odar$. fiw ay efdlonrr plcr oontesl0rlr offlc. t. Bldt ot Ar{n0mrd ocr Zcrlng Boilt of Adlurbvrnf Planning DepartmenVPlanning Commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 9&6338 Building Official: Building Permi'ts and lnspection, Zoning Administration (303) 3286339 Srcrlry, WEc-d 1i MnB/kr llltE couilil DETITTTilT OT ITII{IIII{E TIID IEITTOINIilT Gestle Porf B|dg. 510 Brordwry 23 &?rll 1976 P.O, Box ?E9 Ergle, Colorrdo 8l6ill " Flchtrd Bueche tior( 21b/4 Vail, Colorado 81657 Frt Fllr hlQr Zv-i1-78 Zctltrg Vclrrcc tholr rcgpl;1l rneotlng on 2t Aprll 197q $13 Eagle Cc5ty Plernlry Commisslon youl splloatlon for a Fnlng varlancr and recorrnrrnded donlal of youl for a valcncc from the gotbaak ricpldions' Tht ntens glven wore on tho courrty road and prsearving elte dlat*rce on Ur€ dofTl)fr Thr poommrrdatlon wlf l br prtrecntrd to the Zonfng tsotrd ol Adlurtma* d tholr Dlr€ctof of Plurnlng rt Zd|lne Brrd d Adrtrtrrtil Planning Departsnant/Plannirg Commirsion: Subdivioion, Rezoning, Applications and Review (3113) 320{etS Building Oftioial: Buildlng Permlb and lmpection, Zoning Adminiatration (300) 3286339 o C Aprll r$?tl I' Rldrrd $/1.. Sfiht Eo.lt0f Vdl, Oolcrrb lt!il Frt Fllr iltr Zv*lt.ll Vrlrrrr At tHr'rvrr$rr.n t Ap?ll r0n[r Ir fq|r Onrry anFO 3qd of r{rrtrrrf i . rccFt C trrf Spllodlon f{ r Pt$llo }farh t Clmtnf d 10i00 Arfvlr lr rg Mry tTf tngr Qt1 pilrr Bl{ldtrt (Ooutlrrun Atltrrl Rm 3r !10 Cm*ryr Edrr (hlc$r r:4 :' I I vARrANa APPLT.A'.N a Actlon of Zonlng Boatd of Adjustment on Varl ance Appllcatlon t FttoNo.T!!1fi/tr! " I;Rlchard Bueche i. 'suppl led with a site acc€ss frcm'the exi6ting setback be no gnebter Approval tB condillons:On condltion that the Planning Department is plan locatirg the garage on the property with drivg and that the enctoachment on the frront than 5 feet. ; Denlal n teaeons: (see Order of the Boardr attached) Note: Sectlon 9.04.'lO Appeals from the Board' Any further appoal from lhe decislon of the Board may be made to ttle courts' as provided bS la\/, providedt howgverf lhat such appeat is made prior to twenty (20) aays toltowlrE tho date of the notificatlon of the Board's declston. ;.- Pogo 2 of 2 oo DffABfr'itfiI $r PLA$$ltr{0 A[iCI Dttr$[0PMH{T Castle Peak Bldg, 510llroadway P.O. Box 789 Eagle' Colorado 81631 26 April 1976 Kathleen Lel I, Editor Eagle Val ley Enterprise Eagle, Colorado 81631 Publlc Hearing 13 May 1976 Zoning Board of Adjustment Please publ ish the attached Notice of Publ ic Hearing as a,Legal Noticerr in the 30 April 1976 publ ication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of oublication to this office. Z.-2.-Z/A-* S. Blair MSB/Kt Itlanning f)cplrl.nrcnl,./I)ltnning Cornnrission: Subdivision, llcz.oning, Applications antl Itevierv (30J) 328-6338 Iluiliing Official: lJrrikling l't:rmils and Inspccliori, Zonirrg Adnr inistra l.ion (303) .328'0339 -f o "[?',]?.: 35 :i:H: ::trl]l Notice is Hereby Given that the Eagle County Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing beginning at 10:00 A.M. on 13 May 1976' in accordance with Section€.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing will include the following: File No. Zv-1O-76 Warren Wienke Request: Variance from Section 3.07.08 (a) of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution Location: Highway 82 and El Jebel , more particularly described as follows: ,l" A 1>arcel. of land siituaEed in Tract No. 43, Section 3, Totns;lrip B South, n:lnge 87 l.test of the {; i.x l-h Pr:incipal l.!crirlian, CoLrnty of Eaf',lc, StaLc of Color:a<lo, lying SorrtlrerJ-y of Lhe Siout.herl-y ri.g,hE-of -vay line of a County lLoad as confiLructed and in pl.:rc<1, and Ncrrtheasterly of thc llortilersterly right-of-r.,ay line of ColoraCo Str.rle lligh\ray No. 82, said p;rrcel, of l:rnd is clescribctl as follor'ts: // tl -" lieg.i.nnin31 et a l)o:int on the iior thcas L er'l.y r- j.{,,h t-o f -wa y l-ine of said ltighvay rvhence An1,,l.c Point l.lo, I o{ said Tr cL No. 43 br:ars: };.01"10r00" li,. 24O.OO fcct; thencc /r32.l4 f eet along tbe arc of a curve to the lcf t, lravi.ng a r:atlitts ol' 7'1O.9?- f t'.e.t, tlre clr.rr<l of rvhich bears: N.59"21'00" iJ. 426.5C feet to n point on the Sorltherly ri 1','ir t-o f -rvay lir.rr: of said 0ourrty ltoird; tlrerrc<: S.89"5St00" Ii. alon11 tlre fiorrcberly ril.irt-of -rv;ry lj,rrr: of said Cotrrrt.y Rc'ad, 3('6.92 feret, nore or less to.r Po jttt on t.he L'crs t:e r: l.y r j.!iht:-of -\.,,ay Iine of said County llo:1d; t-hence S()r!th a1or18 thc l,lesEcrrly rig,ht-of-tray line of sai-d Courrt.t' )load, 2J7,23 feet, nore or lcss to a p()int on thc lI()rthe.r!rt:cr'ly rillirt-of-:,-ay 1:[nc of r,;aid higlrr.'ay, t.he. poi.rrt o-t b(:8innin8. " 'llrc:rllovc d<rscr:ibt:<1 parccl of l-;rncl corrtaj.ns 0.92 acrt:s, ttorc or Les:;. File No. Zv-11-76 Richard Bueche Request: Variance from Section 3.05.08 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution Location: Adjacent to Buffer Creek at entrance of 'tVal ley" - Re-subdivision of' Buffer Creek, Lot 22, Eagle County, Colorado This Hearing shall be held in the Eagle County Annex, Rm 3, 510 Broadwayr Eagler Colorado" Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invited to mal<e comments to tlre Board by appearing at the Hearing, or by submitting written statements in person or by mail thru the Secretary. Further information may be obtained, and commerrts submitted, by contacting the Eagle County Department of Planr.ring and Development, 510 Broaclway, Phone 328-6338t Box 789, Eagle, Colorado 81631. by: Michael 5. Blair, Secretary Zonirrg [.loard of Adjustment 'li n i! ai: jt <aJ tr Na: ! rt*o, !o t ,i6 a o)E'vn Ho S1c lrr {t ietli F NSJ i Fx.r .9 .gFl' o :oo:o .oo-!e ;6!r >,E 5* i Lei oOnra u- ltirr < Y -g Ee F i3'565E F}E i > 6 at= ^C -99i o o:,o6! N'" o Es ;Et:y 26d!-E esFoo. iitrff c,i F ,cI 'i,. r* '. .tt o.:i.n x 1-c^,J - < ut ir.- -Yr! i vifl i.9.9 r li,{;io - 6 i;-tr.C g = C o c.- F _- C).. 'i, :: ;-,^CFo X ,r;iX\i- .: tr-:)+?4t-;v-:c.c ! 9F-i4, tJt9: I :i =6t rr _.{ir@_-ovo8id 5 .!i:9 :fi I : tl 5bfr i13; i ,trpg$ F:E E *tria o i* ; 6qoo o)9X o i€oF l;:; 5 Rts-"; r't 5: " i obil.Eob p fiF;.e: !O:: = .: O Or C:: q ;tb;:i' 3:* " =Pood Ifv ; o;.:.oli -ep Y oE!;:.96i qd ,E.s"J-t sEt do P9oSF =gl{> o[ r 6EYo o*;F #r $;9?3 1"?i5 6Ii oit;-oi @ft;O E: N-oUJr.i tttiae F", _!o-: Iic- Ft E:o.:.9 I.qtE H; ';:{;,!:,iE:b Fuirs"6:<d i: ;.*PP9'e d3.re 6i 7 g;?;a i:d(DJd.c.::oug;S ee r36966 i' 5 Xc){YC ;oo-c ?.-0t ro E* oP oE9b t-: 359 o TiO N';b b oo ; o *fl 6: .:J.: > (,2> O rl.-b h 5 =,;oo.:Aio, 6 ) i .', 3 g r ii.r-:_> r,^669'9 0 R>.odia E "loa C !Y o F; Cov o rro* o I ,9 Fig> t ; t.jj13 6 zE\c 9.9 oo F t!:o t)| .. s:i:.o : :9"'9:l c o ',j O i o ,!o.l 0, l:s: 4 -[5F 3 on 'b;R e E;9 3g d' ,t.[ P ei ;g 3e,l t !i a? IJ: ; HH S3 :$l 5 ;g d;! Etll; o iio o'r-ai : EE ;:: * g5! s fie iEt : d_ $s H cg :qi f Ee 3: e; piFgfi* g ; i ;;.;t EEi;!€ t i ii,utit; ii,a;tF ;furdiF;?!t:5EiiHrrEiEaftiiH,$ i 5gE;!€lif! r*si:t E #!? 2E5efi!: iEI-" g ,EIf€*Es'Piue ; #€, it ?e tEn rt i,€fi;;f! ce5s*?t;iu1i2E Fe;i?lIff;ti;i g rE;:*;i3.g39t91 g Ei!5!Eii ! ;gr$Eg$,iifi5i;I I ;*ss:!nE Et$;l;ir *;iigilrg' E tiEEIElE {scEE;sg;i f;$l!!ig; ist.r{Hr.*? ;l?ilgiE ti;iiiigis rrts5; pfr itliii!, gir.lis;i i* ti;iEiii9;linili li15; BIess i$l;ii; 3;Es,*EgE$8 i; &;t;+;; oo E o): E.o -o' ctco d o.g Eo o -ooc E(lt o.o E9;b EhEe \w:!od * &s P I fig';2 i=! s'.osa F 6-. d pN t n-' 6cJ - EO,Q b Ec P" E h.9 b'o, : uo -> -p rt P9 =3 ; g =F tz I ii J6 -p F lx (,o -o......>Fa'9tu';gfr0Ii:riulcr g Od =Q6;6.9 =!o6j{crPHl6g!{,o.9:--u.,0)->ci4|oo db!r3tr@E rE rEF>J9 H9 H9--orctrcl ;o. oCl FoX(| rCl rO'i- I,e!z >Y >Yob Nb Nb _si oi -9iz.* z-x z-xoo oo oro lL(r rl. lI IL(f 86ft ; 3 E,gl H F :E€ * g E3$*i; * itE e d lse t o $; i ; iBg $ 5;if;f;tgiggfs*lfrg$s :;E ? E ;g,i di v' Ei E t $rE ifi i:E E F .9E,9 iA .E E f; t s fi;!;{r EE ; i:qr t ![: $€ js E: i;3! $$ i: g;$ iE r $ r le ; ifitt $ce rn Ii I E IE iiP*F[* 'l;ris.:' IE eu eEf i€;5;: !t::' #i #fi i$; d*O 3ol=_.d t.:F Ou.9 o E6 I6a d5- IE5 .p os d3'e F-ii ;:- oeF pat.Y E';x i!t Fob i5E ;E: ;too r;;4a..i* 3R -; r! d)'64?t5 ..o f,E * cBP.*S:i$l;it5 3 t- P 3_r-: 7-!3s E$o., o ooFiFE*.8 tdE;E 66 ^ o-PX .rP O; tr: 5ii, 6 :,;o'- :! o .:br- o t ^ - F -; (1,: 3 -F !, oo t g-.Y h ^ :o ti5tf -0 E-c f :c.: J ! t g'f.FH E oe sm=E' I S.! i*xj .* l b P O* PNC:O-__L.-sli .E*T: g IF6. r.sY5-i b o;:CCO-n!,OOq:f $3i:,: P EHE.i qr53* r P 'n;3 .:=Ff; 6 o*3d tEiit; d ?f, 0r.. r+.q-L6 { dg:t _cdI;-i 3 rd;; :r-eEd8 tr z ^F " ; c H Q o ^ > oEon 6q-YEd t 8(lt.c \ OOLOO-do_6 d.dj:: c-: 3,i*'EPHdd ,9 Bld pU9#=r B9 Fd36 ;a=iB= 8E IForo Fo:Yl .c -r:froYxol,tsa ,$eltrE ,$H ,3.EF .i;i:t .F2i,i t*13.!c* tE 2ssE -e:fs.a: -ctt eiiiS iigltrtt iic ii d;dd EAOIE COUilTT Castle Peak Bldg.P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Town of Vail, Kent Rose County Sanitarian, Erik Edeen County Engineer, Bill Smith Fife No. Zv-11-76 - Richard Bueche Variance Enclosed for your perusal is the appl ication for a variance from the front-yard setback regulations for Lot 22, Bufter Creek. Please comment as soon as oossible. DEPABTIilEIIT OT ETAI{I{INO AIID DEIITI.OTIilEIIT 510 Broadway 12 April 1976 '-;1- . ,( /J\-YV* Y+.,* Stephen lsom for: Director of Planning st/kt Planning Department/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 328-6338 Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning Administration (303) 328'63119 To: Re: AItrPLICATION FOR VARTANCE Q,nr tne Zorring Rcsolr-rtion of Eagle Ccurrty, Colorardo to tlre Zorring Eloarcl of Adjustments (rninlmum 5 copies 1.--qulrcd: prlnt oi typc, except siSnatures) Section 9.04.05 E.://E Ftto No. z {;11/(.. FeePalcl C€.aa _- Date rccd. //4/7t. Applicant/Owner Moll Adclrcss Phcnei 47/'af 1. Re(rulation and Section Number(s) of 7-oning Resolutiorr from which Vari ance is sought: tt' z2. Presett zo'" K { H 3. Generaf loc;rticn or property (lrr relation to a Town, RoaLd, Stream or otlrcr landmark) i y'ffictur Iz efltfrc( /leat ,'4r Epr&lryze lf "/lU,e/',, 4. Legal descriptlon of ProPerty : I I I a, srrbdivisionName-qftJrf/'r-4.,2 tz,+q{- it tot ZlBtk--. or.- b. rnetes ancj bouncts (may i:e attachecJ) include survey or maP:t . ;ftau*l Jbc.t,//EO A/tril?qr OAr t y'ttrl /l/84, o Q 1(1:4 r-1ri,Ly' u. o,r6f, f&/#,t ",n/ !^" {"r.t"4 ""&,r,( ",.,i{,,#! K !-' ol t o. o 6' 1 - s. 7. Staternent: A comploto list of all orvnr:rs addresscs, of the i:rcperty proposecl for Variance and of all o..vners of all adjaccrrt properties is alt.](:hed trereto; tlris signatory is proPerly irrthorized tqmako apPlication tlr Varia't=<' stt"tod lrcreon --- frz-.r.1 UJfuAl - - -4k Signaturc of authorizcd qrpticfnt; tr'"r'er'?- --{-fl- olfic6 uso completo {or Public tteerlng c'n 5.Brief Purposo and /ut p r Appl ication acceptod as Appl ication rcjocted as Reasorr for Varier,ce ( marl' be attacl'retl): /. l,ylrlzt-r lr dttU:/ 1) OatL y'uU /l/84.oQ lZt Incomplete for Publis l'learing becouso: 43 pr ,.fzrhzr f'<'n G Ad /k)rEq ,F f,, dato byl planning rrcinirrlstrotor FoOo 1of 2' darto 'i --- ..: ti' .tltl l1 il I (;cr r i I ii ,i || : .\lf'' ,\J 'r -l ..-\ i i: JI ril t i tr -i r '!-\ ".r' ' ../- ., -:- -.""' J ;i\ \ -"' --* '-. EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT , D7(- AMOUNT ITEM Build inq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Appl ication Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Appeal Fee Code: (Buildi (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection no-payment of any item. Z- r-: IIi 1180 By- ,^"iH':'"U,f,?:T.i:it?r, couRTHousE, EAGTE, CO.-PH. (303) 328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT rg 76 PEaMrr No.0508 nooness Box 2164 Vail. Colorado OATE June 29 APP L I CANT Twin Spruce Inc. PERM rr ro WeIJnlt sronv (STREET)( C ONTR'S LICENSE) NUMBER OF OWELL ING UNITS { PROPOSEO U5E) ar tr-oc.qrrort1947 Circle lDrive ZON ING OISTRICT(srnEEr) BETWEEN |lo o ll) ozt|l lr {CRO55 SfREETJ ( cRoss st REEt) FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORIV IN CONSTRUCTION suBolvlljroN Buffer Creek Re-Suhrtivi s{on tor --22- "ro" * - 5lJ. BUILOING IS TO AE - FT. WIOE BY- FT. LONG BY TO TYPE USE GROUP BASE MENT WALLS OR FOJNOATION RE MARKS: AREA OR VOL UME EsrrMArED cosr $ 4800.00 FEE"'t $ 30.?4 {cuatc/SouaRE FEEr) 64 VaiI . Colo 1 (Affidovif on ibvcrrc ride of opplicotion to bc complefed by outhorized ogenl I hereby cerfify thot lhe proposed work is outhorized by ond I hove been oulhorized by the owner lo moke this oulhorized ogent. lhe owner of record opplicotion as his SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS (NUMBER)(STREET) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE 19 _.*tk I t?4 7 ('.Az-t I 6"1114, tr.taz lo - sblb:;-;;:^j""''I oE5 C i. tor No. 2 DrtznrtE 2/ /4 LIC ENSE NO. AiCIII TEC ' Oi DESL'NEi t,Zs' 4l- ( lr.Srrt-'t /4//r6t1 ,-l i /t-A 1',ro, u ,1, "a^ |tft -,/ MA rL ADOIiESS \_8 classof work: ,,{new trA00lrl0N !ALTERATIoN I REPAIR tr MovE n REMOVE 4*5 r 2<:z l0 Change of use lrom Change of use to PERMIT FEE11 valuationolwork:$ 7 y'fla, ::PLAN CHECK FEE D iv itio n Occu pancy Group SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. of Stor ies Size ot Bldg. ( Totar) Sq. Ft. Fire Sprinklers Required fly". [NqAPPLICAIIoAI ACCEPIED AY APPROVEO FOR ISSUAI\ICE BY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES:No. ol Owelling Units NOT IC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING, THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTFUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMI\4ENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WOBK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFC}RMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5 | CN tlllhe OF CON TFAC v-+ //1,.^.'- Lt'tt HEALTH DEPT. FI RE OEPT. SOIL R EPO RT OTHER (Sp€clfy) BUILDRG PUCT}|oN Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPEBLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION .ff'sfv.''"' cAsH #,rerJtr'%'lo, INSPECTOR FoTm IOO.I 11.73 INTERNATIoNAL coNFERENCE oF Bt,ILDING o -/, / 't1 /> /,.qp u-sa. / b INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT, LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date, i-:'. I RECE.IVED Of: CASH ITEM B u ild ing Permit Fee Application f:or Su bd iv ision Application Zone Change Conditional Use Specia I Use Y-elLqnce_ Appeal Fee Code: (Euildinq) (Zoning) (Su bd iv is ion ) Tota I Rcceived All rten-ri are recerved for no- tlJ y nrent of any ite In. : I 4 t:. 'r'i"4i r'a'.',' collection only and tlris receipt sllall be cdncelled for ev - .:r*' .::: :t-__ ,::it-.*' 'f*',, - AMOUNT ,CHECK -, I BUILDING PERMIT DEPT. FIIE @PYlr. BUITDING DIVISION ( EAGLE COUNTY; P.O. BOX /89 couRTHousE, EAGIE, CO.-PH. (303) 328.6339 oo., 6 Apri I rpprrcrNr Richard Bueche aooness.. neEre- !"emov-e garage and instal lc8l"%Rt"a windovJno''ro@ (--) sroRY ta 76 PEaMrr No.0 452 t" VALIDATION ( C ONTR'5 I.I CE NSEJ PERMIT TO TYPE NUMBER OF OWELLING UI.I ITS(TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT)NO.( PROPOSEO tJSE) llo o z suBorvrsroN Buffer Creek BUILOING IS TO BE - FT. WIOE BY - FT. LONG BY LCTLOT-BLOCK-SIZE FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION USE GROUP - AASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT ION ITYPE) R E MAR KS: Ar(LocA'oN)--C;$jelGreek-9ffi 5lJ+HicrRSM BETWEEN AND ( CR055 STREET)( CROSS STFEET) AREA OR VOLUME esrrvereo cosr $250.00 PERMIT 10.00 (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) owren R ichard Bueche (Aftidovit on 'reveirc ride of opplicotion lo bc compleled by outhorized ogent of ovncr) BUILDING BUIL o DIN G PERMIT APPLIC o AT roN Jurisd iction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. EAGLE COUNTY I i"7/za /trtz k-1"{r','s, o, 1]srt rrrrcxeo sx e:r ) | 0 a3c i. PHOIIEltZ 12 /*'52 ,/'zfull /44it€2t/4 htz 1"u ,,A LIC€N5E NO, AFCHJTECT OR D€5ICN€h u v s /,21*14 &az* ,?8./7//r 6 p "r'!s€ oF 6rJ LDrN 6 8 Clas o{ work: D N€w tr A00lTl0N Enlrenlrtou ! REPAIR ! MovE tr REM0VE g Describework, tGrvrleE /, e y'te l0 Change of use from Change of use to , e- PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEEl1 Valuation oJ work: $zf,-': Occu pancy Group O iv irio n SPECIAL CONDITIONS: rmit from Count No. ol Stor le5 Size ol Bld9. (Totat) sq. Ft. Fire Sprinklers nequired [y65 lNsAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO 8Y PLANS CHECKEO 8Y APPROVED TOFI ISSUANCE 8Y OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES:No, ot Dwelling Units NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUI\,IB- ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMI\iIENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TII\4E AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SICN TUIE OF CONYRATTOI Oh AIIIITOIIZED AGEN' HEA LTH OEPT. FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPO RT OTHER (Speclly) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION CK.H+/ (' ^"fr.:d"!!'IForm 1O0.1 11-73 TNTERNATToNAL coNFERENCE oF BUtLoTNG oFFrctal-s o INSPECTION APPROVALS OATE REMAF KS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP. ETC. EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT ouu*-L1--l,r--' tnzL .l I I I I'. I i t CASH ITEM Building Permit Fee Application For Subdivision APP!rcg!9l Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Code: (Building) Atl ii"n',t are rece ived no-Paymenl ol any 'tem' ii:' trl?tl AMOUNT .,1. .'! c-ancclled for EAGLE courS BUTLDTNG pERMrr AOLIcATIoN Review Rout irr(-r Form b-J?.- Date Ref erred Permit No. 7 OL;;24, Pu, Please review the attached application and return County Building Off icial withirr 6 working days. it and this comoleted form to the Reviewed by:Date: Planning Commission File No. P lanning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulat ions Zoning Regulat ions Recommend Approval YesEI r_l _---._-----#-- \i Comments: r1tltl |:]flN County Engineer: Rbcorrrmend Approva Roads GracJing Drainage tftltltl r=ffD t3 County llealth: Recommend Approval Sanitation Water EI ,KJtlF rlrlilrl comments, f,2{' G "r 'f-ry Applicant to complete numbercd spaces only 7 C,Az.t E 'f, t,.l( NOTICE lf.! SEPARATE P{:RMITS AI{E REOUIf]ED FOR ETECTRICAL, PLU[48' ING, HEAI'INO, VENI"ILATING OR AIR CONDITIONIf''JG, THIS PEI.Ii/II- BECON4ES NUT L AND VOIt) IF VVOI':I I< OR CONSTFIJC' TION AUTllOiilZtD lS NOI COi\"][4ENCEfi \ryll ltlN] '120 DAY!;. Ott tF CONSTFLJcTION OR WOIiK IS STJSPENDED ON A6ANDONiL) r()f A PFSrOt) OF 120 DAYS AT ANY 'll[/iLr AF'lER \(L]ni< ls C0fi4tu]€ NCI I). I tltrRt:r!Y Ct-FtTrFY -I-HAT I llr\Vll Rt:AD AND t XAt'alllE{)-l fll'. ApFt-lcrr.l l()l.t ANtr t(l'low Ttll: s.t\N'lt: TO Br I rili[: Af'lo c()l(l;iicI' 111.-1.-pl]6Vr',iot.t5 or: LAV{5 /\N1) OIIDlNANCE:, (;()\',1:nNlr-"(i 1-Hls riiit. i>c'wa)R1.. lYlt-l- gt cL,t11:l lL() wtlll wHt'll1{-R :'pt (:ltlf l:l Hl RIltl rti, r..1() r- Trl!. ciRAfrllN('; oF A r)F.fltlill L)ol:; lla)rptit Sl,l.,'l t-: I O Gl\/t ALr-l HOIlll \' 1f) Vl()l-ATt Oti 'iANCt: t ' lir: Pn r--Vt:; tcrl.: i)l At'tY Olt.lEtls-IA'It: (lR (-OL:ALLl\\\'tr'bGUl-p'TIlii; .rcTRLt!) llON c)U I Hi f'Lftl OUliaANCf Of t-ONsI tllrC l l()it' t//. .:' .-.-: lt ,/l|-.'i:.-,1--:-l'Li:;=.-It', 1,.: -.'' :,: -i.; . -.i ;-.n-':, .,. .-ii ;^:;i;.i.- -- --a :Tlit Ol HER (srcll'v) fjiiLt{r il0i f tit.\i v/rLlo,ll r n {rr.j tl ti:; !i \ ot,il VAt l;, i.\ I iOlJ . ll-.--:, _i|r:: si'1!El PLfil\1Il f i: rittiT PLANI Cd[(iK V/it-lDAl lOl{ cK.M, (i. cA ( r" /") I ! r'r r: rirfr r 1!. [ !rr t.trll-r]lNG Change o[ use to 6",ff;,( z1/ee'/: -2z f?4:!,.4'.( ihcrrlEcr oF D!tl /,C/14/ rl I ClE 5 ft zg,r ,l'j r.rArL-Aoola59 usc or aurLD r6 \_8 Class ol work: 2,4'ru ew D A00lTl0N I ALTERATION D REPAIR C r'tovE ! RElilovE I Describe t^,ork:da*5 r ti:,".7 l0 Change o{ use from pERr,/:rr FEE lO. 7<,PL AN CHECK FI,E Occupa ncY GrouD 1l Valuariofr trf work: S f, a(,.{,t o Y Type of Con 5t. SPECIAL CON D iTIONS: Oca. Load No, ot Storiet Si:e of t,ld9. (Totar) sq. Ft. F're So(inklet5 Requlred Iv.5 ] i..t JAPPn(rvtD f()R rssuifl( I IiYPt aN5 CrrtaK!D eY,.r,lrrcalr9r! acct lrfl) eY oi rsrnrt:r PARK ric sPAcEs covet. d I u cottteall(J. o I Dwcllirlg tJ n lt5 Not R equ, ecsp"cial ApPr ov.1l\ z()N tN G I{LA L'I I1 DEPT, r- rllt OL I'T. I .,OlL F t: t)() nt. t r],rrr JOo.l Ii-:'3 lNlFtrNl\.lr()l'Ar i ()r!rl:lrl CA> rl rNs"=.tot FtEBUEsTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63il1 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrer READY FOR INSPECTION WED CIHUn-rer /i,'3d ^^(Q W-app RovjiD --- ! otsapp Rov ED '-... Wupon rHE FoLLowrNG coR RECTToNS: f] nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE rNs"="dlot HEeuEsr ,EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! pnnrrlu READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: &rrRov E D E otsnppRovED ! upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE 5-E-?t rNseectoru HEouEgr EAGLE COUNTY OATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen I pnnnnu TUE READY FOB INSPECTION WED THUR ^*:,{*)MON COMMENTS: @a{pRovED ! orsnpp Rov E D fl netNsPEcr r-tr -''IJTUPON THE FOLIOWING CORRECTIONS: ,/. t -r '.-1' '/-coRREcTfoNs ..f '),'. " , . INSPECTOR - '1,/. )oor, /''- //' 7 tl,' { BUILDING DIVTIbN OF EAGTE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGLE, CO.-pH. (3O3) 328-6339 .BI'ILDING JOB ITEATHER CARD is fl PERMTT No.AooREssre *llo') PERMIT I STREET' NUMBER OF OWELLING UN ITS oor. l{lo ( CONTR'S LICENSE} (-l sroRY tilo.(PROPOsED USE) AT (LOCATIO } ZONING o tsTR tcT lNo.){STRE€T' B ETWEE}I At{o(cRos9 5rREEl)(cRoss STREET) c @ oo oz &o su'orvrsroN |IFill BUILDING IS TO SE - FT. WIOE AY - FT. LONG 8Y TO TYPE LOTLOT-BLOCK-SIZE FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTIOII BASEMENT IVALLS OR FOUNOAT IOli (TYPE) REMARKS: AREA OR VOLUME esrruoreo cosr $*n FEE"'. $ G0 *qOWNER {cugtc/souAFE FEEr)*rHb BUILDING DE AOORESS BY THls PERMTT coNVEys No RtcHT To occupy ANy srREET. ALLEy oR sroEwALK gR aNy paRT THEREoF. etrxel tevpoaARtLy oRPERMANENTLY. ENCROACHMENTS ON PUALTC PROPERTY, NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNOER THE BUtLOtNG COOE, MUST BE AP.PROVED BY THE JURISOICTION, STREET OR ALLEY GRADES A5 YELL AS DEPTH AND LOCATION OF PUBLIC SEWERS MAY-AE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC IVORKS, THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT OOES NOT RELEASE THE APPLICANT FROM THE CONDITIONSOF ANY APPLICABLE SUBOIVISION RESTRICTIONS. MIN IMUM OF THREE CALLINSPECIIONS REQUIRED FORALL CONSTRUCTION IVORKI I. FOUNOAT IONS OR FOOTINGS,z. PRroR To covERrNG srnuciunl MEMBERS (READY TO LATH}.3. FINA L INSPECTION BEFOR EOCCUPANCY. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE RETAINEO ON JOB AND THIS CARD KEPT PoSTED SNTIL FINAL INSPECTIoN HAs BEEN MADE. IVHERE A CERTIFIAATE oF occUPANCY Is RE- QUIRED.SUCH BUILDING SHALL NOT BE OCCUPIEO UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. WHERE APPLICAB LE SEPARATEPERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING AND MECHANICA L INSTA LLA7ION5. T THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBTE FROTUT STREET BUILOING INSPECTION APPROVALS PLUMBING INSPECT ION APPROVALS H EATIN G INSPECT ING APPROVALS E LECARICAL INSPEC TION APPROVA LS REFRIGERATION INSPECTION APPROVALS WORK SHALL NOT PROCEEO UNTIL THE INSPECTOR HAS APPROVEO THE VARIOUS STAGES OF COT{STRUCTION. INSPECIIONS INDICATED ON THIS CARO CAN 8E ARRANGEO FOR BY TELEPHONE OR WRITTEN t{OT IF ICAT ION. OTHER rNsPEci.,N DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER F|EEUEST EAGLE COUNTY ! orHen E pnnrrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURiv,' L-Y'APP ROV E D E orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr E UPOT.T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS r''/ i, DATE i) INSPECTOR rNsPEc?.,N FtEouEsr EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl oruen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE I plnrrnu READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR LocArloN T "& ' " # I ( AM PM flappRovED ! orsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr fl upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR clN LE C PNS '/, I I Ect 7 EAG FIEEUEST OUNTY DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl orsrn E pnnrrlu LocATroN '.4+,//+1,-... I nerNsPEcr READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR D orseppRovED FRI APPROVED E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS oINSPECTIclN FIEGrUEST EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHsn ! pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED ,4xua tI'MON COMMENTS: . j -=-:,''/ LI DISAPPROVED REINSPECT / DL4 APPROVED E upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE