HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT G FIRST BANK OF VAIL UNIT 2 LEGALVai\ \t\\eg ftct\ $a^V. u$ib I &\sq ) oQ Vai\ (^"t et- :/ ^ oF vArL I \2 r t\\( zNd-{-^-\ v/ \ L\ ax\ ,,(!_ DEPARTUEI.IT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT L-) J\T-n-r*\ Sc^--'.-\L '/5 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 "Dan-up Deposit Refunc r lilroved tTfY- - -;rob Address: 17 vArr., RD NOTE: TIIrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ONJOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOV/Comm, D;v.ADD/AI-,T MF BUILD PERMIT PeTmiT 898 - 0236 SEatus...: Applied..: Issued. . . : E>cpires. . : ; j'ilOunt Jate Locat,i-on. . .: 17 VAIL RD (#2) :2101-071-07-002: PR.l98-0201 cel No.. c)t *-Project, No. APPLICANT .JIM GUIDA CONSTRU TION P O BOX 750, VArL CO 81658 CONTRA TOR,JIM GUTDA CONSTRUqTION P O BOX 760, VAIL CO 81658OWNER KOVENER RONAID R & CAROLYN O 2266 E EAPE COD DR, BLOOMINGTON IN 47401 Descript.ion: INTERTOR REMODEL,ADDING PARTTAL BATII Occupancy I RL/82 Multi-Family Residence w,/Tlpe Construction: V l_-HR T)rpe V 1-HourTlpe Occupancy: valuat,ion: 20 , 000 Add sq FE : ISSUED 08/2L/L998 08/24/L998 02/20 /L999 Phone: 970-845-9100 Phone: 970-845-9100 , -lr'r>tln H/\V Busi b Fir.placc Inform.tion: R.Etrictcd:{Of C}a6 Appliancc6:#Of Oas Log€:*Of wood/Pall€t: FEE SU,IMARY fuj.ldingt-----> Plan chcck-- -> InveEtigation> tli11 Call----> Rcatuarant Plrn Rcviac.- - > DRB Fcc-------- Rcclcation Fre- -- ------- > Cleen-Up Dcposi!- -- --- -- > Dv Tolal Calcr,rl.at'ed Fccs-- - > AddiEional Fc€e--- -- --- - > Toral Pcrmit Fle- ------ -> Payhents------- 245.OO .00 3.O0 .00 so .00 ,00 100.00 ,00 557 -25 ,,,.....,13:i:-il3i;;;;:;;,;".;:.:.,......",::l:?t.,.-...3fl31.1T;;;;;;;-;;;:;:.,-.-""-".,_:::.". IEEM: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTME}.IT DEPT; BUILDING DiViSiON:98/2L/L998 ,JPdt Act,ion: AppR AppRovED ,IRI"rIlgqr: ,q!^4q0_PI4NI[ING DEpARTrvtENr Depr: PLANNTNG Division:O8/2L/L999 JRM Action: APPR N/.AIlgqr; ,_olqQo_EIRE DEPARTMENT ' Depts: FrRE Division: 99 /2L/\229^.181{_- __ - Aslton: AppR N/AIt.em: .05500_PIJBLIC WORKS Dept: PIJB WORK Division:O8/21/L998 ,JPjn/t Action: AppR N,/A See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any condiEions t.hat may apply t.o t,his permit. I hcreby ackno*lcdg. thac I hawc rcad Ehi6 application, fil.lcd out in full th. infpl.an, and ataEc thet all th€ info!:datsion providcd as rcquircd is corrlct. I rgrcc to cohply with alL Torh ordinanceE and 6ta!e laws, and to bulld EhiE Etructure codea, de'ign lcview approved, Unifoitr Buildi.ng Cod€ and ot.hct ordinancea of\ Ehe REQUESTS FOR INSPECNIONS STIA].L BE MADE T9'EMTY - FOT'R HOURS IN A.DI'A.NCE BY j.!cd, complcted an accurate plot th the j.nformation and plot. plan, Tolrl|, s zoning and subdiviEion le Chereto. OFPICE FROM I:O0 Al.t 5:oo Pnl 10n co(Bpl.y appli Send Clean-Up DepoBits To: iIIM CUIDA OR CONTRA(fOR FOR HIUSELF AXD OWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 898-0236 as of OB/24/98 Srarus: ISSITED*********'t t '*'t *'h'rr,t'.************************************************************** Permit. Tlpe: ADD/Af.,t MF BUILD pERMfT Applicant :JIM GUIDA CONSTRUCTION 970 -845 -9100 Job Address:Location: 17 VAIL RD (#2) Parcel No: 2101-07L-07-002 Applied: 08/2L/L998Issued: 08/24/1998 To Expire: 02/20/L999 Descript,ion:.ITT'ERIOR REMODEL,ADDING PARTIAT BATH Conditions:1. FTEITD rNsPEctroNS ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMPLrANcE.2. AIJL PENETRATIONS IN WAIIJS,CEfIJfNGS,AIiID FLOORS TO BE SEATEDWITII AN APPROVED FTRE MATERIAI..3. SMOKE DETECIORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AI{D EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.121O OF TIIE ].991 IJBC.4. FIRE DEPART!,IENT APPROVAI IS REQUTRED BEFORE AIVY WORK CAN BE STARTED. TO'IN OF VAIIJ. COLOR,ADO gt.aleBn! ss7.2s oa/24/9e \s t02 Inil: l.tAw S!at..!urt NutrbGr: REC-0440 ADoung: Paynent Uethod: CK Notation: 9,135 Peruit. No! 898-0235 !y!re: A-MP Parcel No: 21O1-O?l-07-002 siLe Addr.66B: 17 VAIL RD Localion: 17 VAIIJ RD (*2) Thi,a Pe] !cnt'SS7.2s Tor.al AtL PDEa: Balanc6: AccounE Codc D.EcripEion Togal Fee6: 551 .25 55't .25 .00 ADD,/ALT MI' BUILD PER BP OOlOOOO3lT].].OO BUILDINC PERMIT FBES DR OOIOOOO31I22OO DESIGN REVIEIT FEES PF OOIOOOO3Il23OO PLAN CHECK FEES Anount 245. O0 50.00 100 ,00 3.00 TD D2 -DEPOg CLEANUP DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO3lI28OO I{ILL CAIIJ INSPEtrION FEts o2.aOE FTov' 'o F-z do oFF O(,zo (,El F E EU F' Ei { i4(.) FI o Ei F E €r 9 Flo o \J (JH a AFrzz 14E F trF22 EOFE 6o F)Faz roFE EI FiFHZt4Doo FIF E]F F z t{ E(J zrll FlEAo oElF l(O F U F]F F o z FI o EI T ; J dinE> F=,.. tuo cco ! :oncacc EagIc Councy Assessors 0fflce / \UEL l: ,11 ot o?r o'zooa- PERMIT APPI-,ICArION FORMK DArt:rL'j-FE- - -' IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED Date Recetvea ac 970-32Q-8640 for Parcel f. TOWN oF VAfL cONSTRUCTfON AU6 r e $90 PER.\IIT /.' oare,rrrfiAl '"'"' ,--y&Lql:. OZol APPLTCATToN lftlsT BE FILLE*D ouT coMpLETELy onffi*" Nor BE AccEprED Iob Name: Legal Description: Lot RlnaV r.i1.i'e rv\, '\ .c rrJ-t1g SUBDJVISION: lwners Name: Po- llorr-=,<- Address z 'LIliG ECa?eCov \rchitect: }..Va Ad,dress: F(cc.ir.anrL;To.r,,IN 1l qit -Ph.€La: rs7-glc" Ph. ;eneraL Description: tork crass: [ ]-New /1 -etteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accommodation Units: .fmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas App)_iances cas Logs ( Wood/pellet k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )r rr * * * * * *:r * )r lur"or"": $ i4o.^',o lumber of DwelLing Units: \ )LUMBING: $ OTHER: $EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECIANICAI,, $ '__ -TOTAL: $ Iechanical Contractor: rddress: ::rrl* rt *rtrt :t:t* ** *** ** * * * * * *** * *** ** }UTLDING PERMIT FEE: ,LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ;'LECTRICAT FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE i :omnents: Town of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Number: FOR OFFICE USE rt * * * * *** * * * * *** * * * * )t rt rt rt rk * * ?t * * * * BUILDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLIIMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: I)E(rPFAiFTAN E.F'F. CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER$IT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GROUP VALUATION ) CLEAN I]P DEP.OSIT REFI]ND TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAII-,, CO 8L657 970-479 -2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permi-t #: 898 -0234ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 17 VAIL RD Location...: L7 VAIL RD #2 Parcel No. . : 2101--07L-07 -002 ProjecL No. : PRJ98-0201 APPLICANT EAGI-,E VALLEY ELEETRIC P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN co 81645 COI\TTRA TOR EAGLE VALI-,EY ELECTRIC P o Box L1,!6, MTNTI'RN co 81645 OWNER KOVENER RONALD R & CAROLYN O 2265 E CAPE COD DR, BLOOMINGTON IN 47401 DescripLion: ELECTRICAL INTERIOR REMODEL valuation: FEE SUI4MARY TotsaL calcurats€d F'cs___> 5l 'oo Status...: ISSIJED Applied..: 09/17/L998 Issued...: 09/L7/L998 Ercpires. . : 03/L6/1999 Phone. 970-827-5772 Phone .: 970-827 -5772 800.00 electrical - - -> 50-oo DRB Ee€ .OO . oo 3.00 ToTAL FEES-- -> 53'oo Addirional Fees--- -- - --- > Tobal, ParmiE Fc€- _- --_ -- > Pa).ments--_-__- .oo s3.oo s3.o0 BAIANCE DUE---- .OO Inv.sLigaEion> Hill call --- -> Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT -P-ept: BUILDING Division: 657|i tlggd-,lRM------ aEciqa, APPR APPRoVED''TRM-Irem: OSAOO"iilnE DEPAF.iT,IENT bept , FIRE Division: ogllz/tgge ,Jw Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FrEI-,D TNSPECTTONS ARE BEQqIRFD TO CIIECK-E9R gODE SAUPIIANqE'i. iinr-pEp[Rn4Effi"Ippiioviil-,-rS--nnOfinpD Bnponu ANY woRK cAN BE STARTED. DECI,ARATIONS r hereby acknowlcdg€ chaE r have rc.d Ehis appLlcat'ion, filled ouE in full the infonnation lequiled, comPl'etsed an accuraLe ploL plan, and Etate that aII Ehe infomaLion providcd ae rcquircd is corlcct. I agrcc to conPly with Che information and ploE PLan' Eo compfy r{itsh ell Town oldinancca end 6!ate Iaes, and to build this 6tructsurc according to the Tosn's zoning and eubdiviaion codes, dcsign r6vj.eu .pproved, uniform Building code and other ordinences of thc Tosn appl icablc thereto' REQUESTS F'OR INSPESIIONS S}TAI,I, BE MADE TI{ENTY - FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY \ .:, !,*rlrtt{trt*tttttl'rt**raa**tttraat'rttatlt!r.t}ttrl*rJt*r '' ar-t{ ,lF VAIL, cor,oRADo Slatc nb Nufibar: REc-0{50 Amount: PaytGnt M€lhod: cK Not.clon: 14373 SgrErmn! s3 .o0 09 /17 /9s LOtO2 InlC: JRM Ps!$ic No: P.rcaL No: s ite Ad&.rE: Locatsion I This Pa]tm.nl Tolal P.cd: 53.00 total AIJL P$t6: Balancc: 89g-0234 TypG: B-ELEC ELBCTRICAIJ PERMIT 2101-O7t -O7-002 1' VAII, RD 17 VAIL RD #2 53 .00 . o0 Account codo D.scriPCion lfiount EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELBSTRICAIJ PERMIT PEES 5O'OO WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILIJ CALIJ INSPECTION FEE 3'OO 'pARcEL /r : z\o\ - o'1 \ -o-r -ooarg[H"?{ Xlllrfiiilifii"FS#. oarr: q4\. \\,qB PER}IIT # , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I:****************************** PEtl!'tIT INFORMATfON ***************************** ,\) \ ,,[ ]-Buildinq [ ]-plumbing ff-rfectricat [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-Other| \ ^\ \S_,Job Nane: Job Address: \-\ !O:\ VJ tJ,.rs\" a. Legal Description: Lot BIock riling sueorvrsron: owners Nane: @Address:Ph. Architect:Address:Ph. ceneral Description: Work C1ass: Address: Electrical Address: Plurnbing Address: Contractor: Gas Logs_ Wood/Pel}et ********************************* r€ Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI,TBING PI,AN CHECK FEE3 MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: \z[ ]-New JX-Alteration [ ]-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units: \Number of Accommodation Units: n}tU." and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances ,T* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUTLDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ TOTAL: I *************************** Town of VaiI Reg. NO.phone Number: n4S-i locF Town of Vail Reg. No. 156-€ 8e't -E-7']a *.n. "- Reg. NO._ ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Comments: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Contractor: Contractor: Qo. CLEA}I I'P DEP,OSIT REFIIND ltO: VALUATION TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArrJ, co 81,657 970-479-2L38 -' .l1' 71 .ldr:ess , . . : lJoL:dLaOIt, . . . . . : Parcel No.....: ErojecE Number: 17 VAIII RD L7 VArI_, RD #2 2LOL-07L-07 -002 PR,J98-020L DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMTT Permit. #: M98-0187 SLaLus...: ISSUEDApplied..: 09/24/1998Issued.. .: 09/29/1998 E>cpires. . : 03/28/1999 APPLICAI{T JERRY SIBLEY PLI]MBING P O BOX 340, MINTTJRN CO 81.645 CONTRACTOR,JERRY SIBL,EY PLTMBING P O BOX 340, Mn{tttRN CO.81645 CIWNER KOVENER RONALD R & CAROI.,YN O 2266 E CAPE COD DR, BLOOMINGTON Descriptsion: BATH FAI{ AIiTD RELOCATE 2FT OF BASEBOARD rN 47401 Valuation: Phone: 3038275735 Phone: 3038275736 400.00 Fir€D1ace Information: Rcacrict.ed: Y #Of Gas Applianc€s:+Of GaB LogB:*of wood/Pallet: FEE SUI'1MA'R'Y Mechanical - -- > Plan check- - - > lnvestigation> will call----> 20-o0 .o0 3.00 . oo .00 28.OO Rcstsuarants Plen Rewica- - > DRB Fee-------- 2A.OO Addibional Fees---------> .00 Tobal Per.rri! I'ee-------_> Payment6-------- BAI.ANCE DUE---- 2S.00 .00 ).3. 4- 6. 7. 8. ITEM: O51.OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIflI DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:09/24/1,998 JRM Action: APPR APpRovED JRM-ITbM:'05600 FIRE DEPARTME}TT DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:o9/24/L998 iIRM Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI., -.-L;r TNSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1-991 I]MC. INSTAI-,IATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCT]ONS AND '].O APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 199]. I'MC. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VE} TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC.:..CCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH SEC.5O5 ANDru3 OF TTIE i.991 IIMC.BOII,ERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI.,E CONST. TJNLESS TISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COIVIBUSTIBTE FLOORING. PERMIT, PI,ANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSIS MIUST BE POSTED TN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIi[ INSPECTION REOI]EST. DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAI ROOMS COI.ITAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIIALL BE EQUIPPED WITTI A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 2L1-9 0F THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I h.t.by qckno{l.dg€ Chat I hav. rcrd thl! rpplicarion, fi116d ouL Ln full bh! informtl,on rcquircil, complct.a an accuratse plot plan, .nd E!rt6 tshet rll ch€ infohnatlon provid.d a6 rcquir€d i6 colrrce. I aglce !o comply ?i!h lhc infontlaLion and plot plan, to.cohply ritsh r11 Tosn ordinanc.E and 8tsets6 1awe, tnd to build thls st.ructurc aecording to lhe Town'5 zoning and Bubdi\tision cocl:s, rlcolga rowiew approved, Unifonn BulLdlng codc and other ordlnanccd of thc Torn applicable Lhelcto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEETIONS SITALL BE MADE I,JENTT.FOIJR HOURS IN AD\IANCE BY TBLEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OPFICE FROM S:OO AM 5:OO PM .A ,r srcNArnRE oF ovJNER oR coNrRAcroR FoR HTM.ELF Ar'rD owNER K ,rto -Tn t -Jt* I .rtrrr*,r*+rtlr TOWN OF \IAI IJ, COIJORADO st at iBrlt Nunbcr: REC-0456 Arnount: Pa)rmonts Mabhod: CK Nolation: 26160 Statsc|nnts 2e.oo 09/29/9e rt ta2 IniE: itR l.e:.mit No: M9S-014? Ttpe: B-MECH TIECHANICAL PERUIT -e,rclll No: 2101-071-O7-O02 Sit€ Addr.EE! 17 \leIL RD tocation: 17 VAIL RD *2 29,00 29,00 ,00 Total FccB: lh16 Pa).(ants 28.00 ToEal ALL PrntsB: Baltnce: Account. code DeEcriptsion MP OO1OOO031113OO UECI{AIIICAL PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOO031123OO PLAN CHECK FEES I,IC OO1OOOO3112SOO WILL CALL INSPESTION FEE Anounc 20.00 5 .00 3 .00 aE 97Q-328-8640 for Parcel #. PARCEL llt )16l- b'il'b1-o( : e counEy Assessors office TOWN OF VATI, CONSTRUCTTONF. . PER}IIT /i PERMTT Appl,rcArr_oN FoRM Uate ReCeiVeC =- DArEz t/2 j /';' sEp z , rggg t APPLTCATIoN MUST BE FILLED oul COMPLETELY oR IT MAY NoT BE AccEpTEDrfr* * * * * * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMTT INFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jt :t :r :r rr * * * Jr :fl [ ]-Building 1 1-rlunrbing [ ]-Electrical [Xj-Mechanibal [ ]-other ,' t tlJob Name: fi,-vrr-,r Job Address: ,.7 it t i.. I l,'. I lt. Legal Description: I_,ot Block_ Fiting Owners Name:-1-/'- v,.Aoclressi -,-<c t l- (. Ph. Ik^tl/? Work C1ass: [ ]-New [l]-Alteration Number of Dwell_ing Units: I [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accommodation Units I $*utt and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances- cas Logs- wood/pellet-_ rr*******rt************************* vALUATToNs *****:r***************************'t BUTLDING: $ - ELECTRTCAL:$ . OTHER:$!LWBfNG: T_- Mr..u^rrr^rr. r----17:;:-=::- ,: Address. Town of vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. i' /,,r/Phone Nurnber: p:f .SZt. FOR OFFfCE USE *******rr*******************rr*** BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PI.AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: sutLotHC: STGNATUR-E: ZONING: STGNATURT: . -rrtTown of Vail Reg. NO. Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Number:Address: Address: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DPF, FFE.. VALUATION Hechanical Contractor: qLEAN IIP DEPOSIT RXPTTND TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRO}I:TAGE ROAD vArL, co 8].5s7 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT AtL TIMES PLI]MBING PERMIT Permit #: P9B-01-13 Job Address: 17 VAIL RD Location. ..2 L'l VAIL RD # 2 Parcel No. . : 210L-07L-07-oo2 Project No. : PRJ98-0201 .IERRY SIBLEY PLIJMBING P O BOX 340, MTMURN CO 81-545 JERRY SIBLEY PLI]MBING P O BOX 340, MTNTIJRN CO 81645 KOVENER RONALD R & CAROLYN O 2266 E CAPE COD DR, BLOOMINGTON IN 47401 SEatus. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. Phone:. 3038275736 Phone,: 3038275735 APPROVED 08/27 /1,998 08/27 /1,998 02/23/1,e99 Description: REPLACING EXISTING FIXTURES,AND REValuation:T 2, 500.00 PEE SUMIIARY APPLICANT CONTRACTOR u rl.b;X Plumbing-----> Plan ch€ck- - - > RcsEuaranL Plan Revicr,r- - > TOTAL FEES.... - Tolal calculatsed Fees- - - > Addirional Fees---------> Tobal Permic Fee--------> PaynenEg---_--- BAT,AN3E DUE-... Inve6EigaLion> .O0 wiII Call----> 3.00 45 .00 1L .25 . o0 .00 .00 Item:05100o8/27 /L998Item: 05500o8/27 /L998 BUILDING DEPARTTVIENT DEPT:.fRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED 'JRM-FIRE DEPARTMENT DCPT:JRM ACLiON: APPR N/A BUILDING Division: FIRE Di-vision: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I heleby acknonledge that I have read lhie applicaLion, fiIIed out in fulL Ehe information requiled, comPLeted an acculate Plot plan, and state thaC alt the information provided ae required i6 co!!€c!. I agrcc t'o comPly rith Lhe infornation and Plot plan, !o comply rlith all Town ordinances and 6tatc lavs, and tso build this st.rucEutc according to the Town's zoning aDd subdivisiod codee, de6ign review approved, Uniform Building code and othe! ordinances of the Town applicable the!€Eo, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS ST{ALL BE MADE T'I{ENTY - POUR HOURS IN AD T OUR OFFI PROM e:00 AM 5:0 o Ptr) HIMSELF AND OWiIER TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO gtarennL Nunbcr: REC-0444 AmounE I Palarrnt' MeEhodr CK Nolalion: 261Ls Statennc 59.28 09/02/9e 12 ts2 Inl!: ifR Prl1BiE No: -.-.,c:' No: siEe Addrclr: Irocaglon: ThiB Pal/trlcnt P9A-OL13 :Dp6: B-PLMB PLUI4BING PER"I,IIT 2101-0?1-07-002 17 VAI], RD 17 VAII, RD # 2 *rri ll * **r rir a, r+ Total Fc€a: 5 9.25 ToLal ILIJ Pmta: BaIenc6: lccounl code DeEcription Amounts 45.O0 3.00 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUI,IBING PBRMIT FEES PF OOlOOOOf1l23OO FLAN CHECK FEES WC OOIOOOO3I12AOO WILL CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE Date Received/ Y frttr "' [r*a * etoto't/07u)2 'g!Hr?i X#il:iili5$"ffii?. AUE 24 le{Bruur 'rv oere, Tt:i/1i-. - - t APPLICATToN MUST BE FTLLED oIlT couPLETELy oR IT MAY"-Nor-EEiiceprrovx***************************** PERUTT TNFORI{ATroN *****************************rl [ ]-Building [,2-J-Plilrnhing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechani-cal [ ]_Other Job Name: Ol{rners Name: Architect: ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New ******************************* UTLDTNC PERMTT FEE: LUMBING PERMTT FEE: BCtTANICEIJ PERMTT FEE: !,ECTRTCEL FEE: $IER TTPE OF FEE: TB'FEE: l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Acconmod.ation Units: I Town of Vail Phone |frrnhsr; Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. -ol Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: FOR oFFrcE USE ***** *********** *************** BUTLDTNG PI,AN CITECK FEE: PDUUBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CIIECK FEE: RECR.EATTON FEE: CLEAN-I'P DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI.fIT FEES: B{ITLDTNG: SIGNATT'RE3 ZONINGs SIGNATTJRE: Contractor: echanical ddress:Contractor: Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ piling SUBDIVI SION: Ron l6rrr,n Address: 11 V^,i d L,.L *1 ptt. q7/-Sf1() Job Ad.dressz 1,7 V^,1 (J Un,l4Z Address:Ph. [,/'j -Alteration I Nunber of Dsrelling Units: I f*************************** coSeneral Contractor: ,1,_ /!..-. rlrrmbing ddress:. )*"" and Qpe of Fireplaces: cas appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_ ts*** * **** * **** ** **** ******* ** ***** vALItATroNs ********************************* l ^- vAr,UJtl l.UNti aai***************** BUTLDN{G: $EI.,ECITMCAL: $ lrffirBrNc: Soo. uo I{ECTIANICAI: $ cToR INFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \ddress:Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: llectrical Contractor: lddress:Reg. NO. ToTAL:ffi- EAN I]P I}EPOSIT REPI]trD TO: , ,. ri )i.q. .i i Project Application VL4\ef 2<DProject Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone owner, Address and Phone: r?'L ('arc" r, rlt'o < Architecl, Address and Phone: Lega|Description:Lot-,B|ock.-F||ing-'zone- /r^-^i^^16. >2 zau Design Review Board ,/l o^," G//7/ ?t Motion byi Seconded by: ---<,-\,/appaovat / otsnPPRovnl : Summary: Staff Approval .\; t , PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS IIEREBY GMN that the Planning Staff wj.ll be reviewing a Design Revlew Board application on atuae 8, L992 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request f,or an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Eloor Area for the Kovener condominiun unit located at 1? Vail Road, unit t2 within the Firstbank ofVaiI Building/Lot G, VaiI Village 2nd Filing. Appllcant: R.R. Kovener The applications and infornation about the proposals are availablein the zoning adninistrator's office during regular office hoursfor public inspection. rowN oF vArL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in ttre Vail Trail on May 20, L992. silowDoil & J:3r|:g.r r*urEcrs vAlt' cotoRADo 81657 Erl} MAy 1 3 (3O3) .7G22Or faAA eY u>lL - WE ARE SENDING YOU tr Attached E Under separate cover via LETTEO @F TRANSnfl ITT'AL TO wf"n" the lollowing items: tr Specificationstr Shop drawings rtopv o{ letter tr Prints E Change order D Samples coPtEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION t vfia/az f{WHnart(ae,M^or'6L Affi f rz/ftlqz W tr?r t -,n;florl T 4ftp ?l/^d /eatw?f +ofiblqz L-ar a74t*n rtuf@?(Y aAA??" T 4/rqia.?-Itfrh? ?+afl b.4. /tnvaA.lHlLlH /&fu44Qtl T q/IL/qo t-1r't rl H p u??-9 7 vw 7)., f1"e?EU+r+- T 2/tt ktz butwlA^ 4tur104 ,4/u;/4?AWf AW-vxttaA THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval {F* you, u"" O As requested tr Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted tr Returned for corrections tr Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit -copies for distribution E Return -corrected prints ! For review and comment tr _tr REMARKS ! FOR BIDS DUE PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US a7ru.v COPY TO SIGNED: Ptooucl zro2 /G7 |G. c6. b, o|l'l lf.ncfo.urtt t.a not ,a nolcd, kindty notittt u. .t Ortcotron FoR ADDrTronru enrn I FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOI.IABLE GRFA EnfUny lgEsL Date of Aept lcatioryf1f1pft! Date of DRB t4eetlns b h7/qa- PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-applicatlon conference with a member of the planning staff ls strongly encouraged to discuss the provlsions under which additional GRFA can be addLdt0 a site. It shou'ld be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an_additiona'l 250-square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for gg tb 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Appllcations for additions under this section will not be accepted unless theyare-comp'lete. Thls includes a'll information required on this iorm as well aiDesign Review Board subml.ttal requirements. A. PROi'ECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address I'(,0rldr,\li Legal Description: L+iflh' W"& U Filin Zone Dtstrr., PA -c. D. E. ff NME OF Address NMI OF Address non"-Lfu.!h)- npprrcmr: F,F. l$Vcrrcr hone / APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: )ll rdt *w NAI,IE OF OUNER(S): Signature(s) Address F. ,Filing Fee of $J9,6t60 ts required at time of submittalltno.'"o ;^;r*;* (*"F';a -f' ;::,8,W The foll.ow!ng lnfonnation, ln addition to DRB subrnittal requireirents, shall berequlred with this submittal: w l. Verlfication that the unlt has received a fjnal certificate of occupancy. 2. l{ames and mailing addresses of adJacent property owners and of owners ofunlts on the same 'lot. This information'is.available from the Eagle CountyAssessor's office. 3. Condominlum association approval (if applicable). 4. Existing floor plan of structure. G. Your proposal wjll be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Pl,an. a *\ *{1' tr n6l '^ .(- n,^< ltlth '- ht(D ( IY-t) 1q' O reviled 6/Le/sL COLORADO tt*i*tt*** TBIS AIPIJTCATION VIILI. NOT BE ACCEPTED UNSIL ALIJ REQUIRED INFORMATION rS SUB!,IIETEDtrtt****t* DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICAT]ON RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ItD?MAy1gr99Z I.PROJECT INFOR}AATION: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: F. D. t K. Phone PRESENT Ivez -5 rt&, Condominiurn Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Llter, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify tireaccuraLe valuation of the proposal. The Town of VaiIwilI adjust the fee according to the table below, Eoensure Lhe correct, fee is paid. 0 Phone Phone FEE PAID: S FEE s 20.00s 50.00 s100.00 s200.00 s400.00 s500.00 FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION s0s 10,001s 50,001 $150,001 $500,001$ Over s 10,000I 50,000s 150,000$ 500,000 s1,000,000 s1,000,000 New Construction (S2O0.OO) X Minor Alteration (S20,OO) Addition (S50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:L'et B'lock Subdivi s ion If property is described by, 1", .zoNINc, fA' LOI AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing fo! area. NAME OF APPLICANT: M,ai!ipg Address; T NAI,4E OF APPLICANT' SilinAddress: NAI'IE OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailinq Addres descript.ion, please provideattach to this application. a meeis and bounds legalon a separate sheet and must provide a current rNo APPLTCATTON wrLIJ BE PRocEssED wrtHour owNER's srcNAtuRE NA},TE OF PRO.IECT: LEGAL DEscRIPrIou: {!- STREET ADDRESS: 11 V*I DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: LIST OF MATERIALS ro SUBDIVISION la,?-. l{t y',t Vuzaacz4( il;MG '&t%) The followlng Revlew Board A. BUILDING information 1sbefore a flnal UATERIALS: reiuired approval TYPE OF for submlttal can be glven: MATERIAL to the Destgn COLOR IB. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designerz hlA Phone: Roof Sidlng Other $laII Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trln Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ralls Fl.ues :Flashings Chlnrneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Nane Common Name Ouantitv Size* h EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper trees. for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for2 inches. Indicate height for conlferous $:';;"" b ttvt 'i -l-ll ,, n {\ 4-r,\'{ t [@'r' ti' '- \ oa ? \ \ ,( \1 ::==;:::-'" -:)) TRACT \ ,08J, '@ r/ fitI \, a$r \ ,\ a \* )-47 \ \t. {-c uf F- .Q ..v, ;,0ta, t, \ , b/l6ltahz? ?eF , ?ll4)Ad - ---1 'd+Jll 4. 1 b*t4a'o' l-Vt@?tFtrtz' tJvA eo7a11Uat.691+(4\ oaaYar-av ,n1v t?6tlbS>p1aabZh..a7|JZl,"l"1e7O^"73tg a? --:.2A41tfa /' , fia?haV >lfl ,[f1fs.' Jtllf +. 'MrN lg*et- tlav*F FL$.Nrrbz LanV| ?Vf . yTtr 7 lt-4ttl .?eqbi*.JTZsa?Z\- o Llllz a "t71 ?*tt4 /y'ttr f-a11 t?vr'lL o .AVy,l4 atb #oZVp. pz4l)t+>.ata . 4ltA . t/lh/42 . + $ IL\ u1I N l- \lirl -il I Nt + I ,l ll S1 3i \ \ I I []T .$ f_ttt' J\$ rtu $ti $$$ ll'i .)l! t I J fltrf, l[ )i $ ll + a =l SNOWDON AND HOS,INS ARCHTTECTST 201 Gore Creek Drive vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.220r JO8 ,*, Tltofl!- arrar"o,$ CALCULATED 3Y C}I€CKEO BY tE!*tlE@r-h, h, rnl. tilBAl( OF\AT- RAB/kr 17 vArL FOAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 g13-476.5686 March 13, 1992 To Whon lt Uay Concernl FlrgtBank of Vatl and the B.S. Condorntnlum Aesociatlon have glven prel.lnlnary approval to Ronald R. Kovener to lnstall e skyllght and operable roof wlndon on the west slde of FtrstBank of val.l and add an addlttonal 150 sq.ft. ofltvlng space to condomtnlurn unlt 2. rf r can be of furcher asslstance, pleasa feer free co eall ne at the bank. 'W{W Presldent FIL E COP Y TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM FirstBank File Andy Knudtsen March 24, 1992 Expansion of the Condominiums within the FirstBank of Vail On March 24, 1992, staff discussed a proposal #2) within the FirstBank of Vail. Stiaff reviewed and he supported staff's decision, Use to expand the Kovener condominium unit (Unit the decision outlined below with Larry Eskwith, structures which exceed the maximum amount of or 'by-right," does not affect the availability of the FirstBank of Vail is on property zoned Public Accommodation. This zone district does not allow condominium units unless they are a part of a lodge. Therefore, the use is non- conforming. Staff researched the plans in Council chambers as well as the files upstairs, and found that the condominium unib were constructed in 1972, were part of the original design, were approved by the Town at the time, and are now !e@1, non-conforming uses. Denslty The non-conforming section of the code, specifically Section 18.64.050(8) does not allow any expansion to GRFA for structures which do not conform to density controls. ln this case, the 4 dwelling units on the site fall well below the density limitation of the zone district. Public Accommodation zoning allows 25 units per buildable acre. The Town has approved many 250 applications for primary/secondary structures, single family structures, and multi-family structures which have exceeded the maximum allowable GRFA on-site. Given these circumstances, the staff will take the following approach: a. The 250 will not be allowed for units of dwelling units on a site. b. The 250 will be available for units in GRFA allowed on a site. c. Use, whether "legal non-conforming" 250 to a dwelling unit. in structures which exceed the allowable number It. '*!/Jtr+8,, ' IL . tztV/..- t - V'' 'a,'v'tL)' 6ry#ey' Oeat:tl4v."1 |ll* | z"t#h,*-'. lE#f+ ) ?frh{,82.,^,:'lrt', i itt t. l. c_.tlz', AD ll_, _ t=_j a7"4t2t/{itN .y'?.? l-a?+ -,,yi1 J r#tI i .e.rl4:lI r. - '.i2Fal)t.frL-i I I I I II ^*Vntai - 'E-aA I I I, ' l)lJll c. V'qa'a'Lvb@?tFtrrso' ' ,lqlt o' l,/2tr 7, |-O't 'uePl:1 LZ<V\ ?Vl . /y':'r ti-2ti = 11- 'q yt4 ar.r'r'i: o.?e r'Dl4z ?vava,a?'-a ,f. n /Z 1;:7.:lt bdiz-'Aa4r'/zY,. &h€zt"4\ ,/N.rIlau-. fV .ftb$d n", iav71 O c ,a/-4)/'-,-j.l+ . 4ii./9/19/a2 ' \q :] ( !-t I Ntz \ {id : -s F[ 'ig $$ .>i qt r.l N- -t ( \i- \- s $J\t ..L \+ II $ --JLs ._\t t ; I]i--ltlit.\ t*q \tl $$$ s $E *t-\t t .5 v.a $ _{l-$ f, N ,s $i $*iiN I _t SI .N \ s $. s $l + ) L \ : I I i_ $ \ ; "l- ITr _t ( lt\!_$J. + ,{ 1$ )' r; I!: t. .a t , ?/1 4+ta Q?V v eYt ) f)z:ti ?dbo:zztsz /t'Z/4Y../?)4a2t 4\ rw2444? ,'*l'rl , vli4J* " t- ,r,y"Ir* l-tP+ -,yizJ ,Jqff a, n'lI?av ltft;_-t/,,' rtbbt;#/)"r.,, lroT -j*-T -''..v ".r./,e7h A? i t:..: i ii-tutt,,aa?h. il ). r_J.- aj1?z7 dtt lll _ LJ v.^42iip6/ ',1 '+Z/lr-/.6,4 .or- li VL4)rt^:zn _tll' awwivl" ' , fll*.Jlt 4. blt??'DVvWvtp[rer' ' vw'a ' ,MfFl '-.9*a'_ Haz-i P!+ ,)zpZ< LznV\ ?i"lllt{ . l/y'tr zt 1t'o't /y'r't ti-2ti z'Zl- ,24r aZV/1,. o.?e VVfJ?z ?Zvaz?'_ ,o Lrttn tZ a 4i r'/ ' t/lh/a2 . i I I I lr ls l{l\f F lts Il. \ \ l, $t N I + N\ I $zit.L\:L s\7\ -t N 3, $ q J r\ [.\ !a1fi -t- N -f t Nt z,-= \ -Idr\ \ R { s rll:tT.\l ) L \ I I I .L \i- JI $ \7s -t3 t I /s -s FI t6 $$ $ $J\$ -TT-' - :tt -,\J_4.-\\ L- Jtl * --L\ \\ ,T. '**}' \tt $$$ + SR i$srt .5 v-L $ _{ F-$r$I _t-$t ', itFr- $i s*iiN a I t I \ \ ; -lii ) lt.\ rl t-{\ !, :T. e ' Y x!/r. ,1fr.t,]r,utJ tfter /-.taL-,) J*Pr*( PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 13, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an extension ol a previously approved setback variance for the Schofield Residence, 1448 VailValley Drive/Lot 18, Block3, VailValley 1st Filing. Applicant: John Schofield Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a variance from the maximum allowable driveway grade for Lot 8' Bighorn Estates, Resubdivision of Lots 10 and 1114249 Nugget Lane' Applicant: Barry & Debbie Schrager Planner: ShellY Mello 3. A requesl for a minor subdivision for Villa Valhalla, a portion of Lot J, Block 5A' Vail Village Sth Filing/384 Gore Creek Drive Applicant: Vitta Vdndta Association, Inc. represented by James Pansing Planner: Jill Kammerer 4. A request for a conditional use permit for a construction staging site located at the Vail Associates West Day Lot, Lots A and B, Morcus Subdivision. Applicants: Vail Associates/Sonnenalp Properlies 5. A request for an exterior alteration at the May Palace Restaurant, 223 East Gore Drive/Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Peter Switzer Planner: Shelly Mello 6. A request for a density variance for the FirstBank of Vail, Tract G, Vail Village Second Filing/17 Vail Road. Applicant: Mr. R.R. Kovener Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for a setback variance for the Wilhelm Flesidence, 4289-8 Nugget LaneiLot 5, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Robert and Karen Wilhelm Planner: Jill Kammerel 8. A request for a worksession with staff and PEC regarding procedures. 9. Any items tabled from the March 23, 1992 PEC meeting agenda' The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on March 27, '1992 2.'24,V,/L/ 3')a € Vail lntoilailh Chapel 19 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 Vllla Conlna Cordomlnlum Assoc. 22 W. Meadout Drtu€ Vail, CO 81657 Vail Village Inn Association I Sonnenalp Hotel 100 E. Meadorv Drive v 20 Vail Rod Vall, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657 {"r"e"//<r*^ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM NA}IE DAIS: 01000041330 COM. DEV. APPLICATIONFEES PEC ,\\l' ( 01000041540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 42415 I'NIFORM BUILDING CODE $s0.00 01000042415 I.JNIFORM PLTJMBING CODE $36.00 01000042415 TJNIFORM MECHAMCAL CODE $32.00 0l m0042415 I,JNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 0l 000042415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.00 0l m0042415 OTI{ERCODEBOOKS 01000041548 BLI'EPRINTS Or}|I-ARS)s7.00 0l 0000 42412 )GROX COPIES /STIJDIES s0.25 0l 000042371 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS 0rcff,042322 OFF HOTJRS INSPECNON FEES 0l 000041412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES liii 0l 0000 41330 OTHERFEES 0l 000041413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.m 0r 0000 0l oooo 42440 VTC Art.Proiect Donat ions ,' n 'i\9€ R[C$ \'IN( I c6frmN1s---- t\ a .'..\1. \ ' {l'::i,:rs ' o TE|r|H fIF LIFI I L llisellrpqrs Cdt Er3-17-92 68r tSr% F:etreipt * 492447 tlrcount lf cK * 6410 SHOLJBOH RHC' HOPI{IN5\,KOLIENER (NRIRFNE Rr ount iendered > ?FI0.OS lrem paid hount paid 81S68841336648 254.96 f,h.ange relurned > S.08 THFII*IK 1/OLJ Vour cashier STEPFIffNIE i I I ij l.t .l l .: -t \.;r{.f' -r(fuhf 0F LfFt I l_ Hiscel laneoug Cagh [1f,- l7-gl l3t1:15:E1b E:ec*ipt. # F3:44i F;'::run t. #r::lr: * €,41u 5i.{0l'll['nt{ Htli] H'lFli: I fl5r.l-:rluEtlEF; L.rREI fr f.lr:E finr,:iunt t*nder*d Irem paid Fnor-nt paid L1l trr;i$E4lf,f,[rB€t8 ?]5t1. BE l:.hsn'J* re Lurned i g, EtB TH1ahI}{ 1/TfTJ V'tur r:eshier s-fEFHEl'{IE I :, -"f-"-----"--T:1..;7:l?-l-_:-,- .:"r. -'l:-, .. / ' ' X ,! 7r,. ,tt,Or,-tJ ,W* /4aL-,) Or,,puz PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vait on April 13, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an extension of a previously approved setback variance for the Schofield Residence, 1448 VailValley Drive/Lot 18, Block 3, VailValley 1st Filing. Applicant: John schofield Planner: Andy Knudtsen Z. A request for a variance from the maximum allowable driveway grade for Lot 8' Bighorn Estates, Resubdivision of Lots 10 and 1114249 Nugget Lane' Applicant: Barry & Debbie Schrager Planner: ShellY Mello g. A request lor a minor subdivision for Villa Valhalla, a portion of Lot J, Block 5A' Vail Village 5th Filing/384 Gore Creek Drive Applicant: vitta vatndta Association, Inc. represented by James Pansing Planner: Jill Kammerer 4. A request for a conditional use permit tor a construction staging site located at the Vail Associates West Day Lot, Lots A and B, Morcus SuMivision. Applicants: Vail Associates/Sonnenalp Properties S. A reouest for an exterior alteration at the May Palace Restaurant, 223 East Gore Drive/Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Peter Switzer Planner: ShellY Mello 6. A request for a density variance for the FirstBank of Vail, Tract G, Vail Village Second Filing/'|7 Vail Road. Applicant: Mr. R.R. Kovener Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request lor a setback variance for the Wilhelm Residence, 4289-8 Nugget Lane/Lot 5, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Robert and Karen Wilhelm Planner: Jill Kammerer 8. A request lor a worksession with stafl and PEC regarding procedures. 9. Any items tabled from the March 23, 1992 PEC meeting agenda' The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on March 27, 1992 7 +h.,o.t 5-> -t),/ u,r-.4/ut . -avrrt> ,I' Vail desoclatee P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Upper Eagle valley Consolidated Water and Sanitation Dblri:l 846 Forost Road Vail, CO 81657 Man'rotl's Mark Resoil 715 W. L'ronshead Clrcle Vail, CO 81657 Vail Spa i 710 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 81657 llfu,rt [r,6 d6r \/z I'i' -: ^r,-Y' \ /i. \ // i 7,,_ r).v?,2c1 f&/lel- 14CL-a >Jn-trptrrT-/\ \J ''v,,_r /_e ( I // ,' , (;vv4t^ PUBLIC NOTICE .'h, '44^ NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town df".3 Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of - q the Town of Vajl on April 13, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. eq Consideration of: 1. A request for an extension of a previously approved setback variance for the Schofield Residence, 1448 VailValley Drive/Lot 18, Block3, VailValley 1st Filing. Applicant: John Schofield 2. 3. 4. 5. Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a variance from the maximum allowable driveway grade for Lot 8' Bighorn Estates, Besubdivision of Lots 10 and 11/4249 Nugget Lane. Applicant: Barry & Debbie Schrager Planner: Shelly Mello A request for a minor subdivision for Villa Valhalla, a portion of Lot J, Block 5A' Vail Village 5th Filing/384 Gore Creek Drive Applicant: Villa Valhalla Association, Inc. represented by James Pansing Planner: Jill Kammerer A request for a conditional use permit for a construction staging site located at the Vail Associates West Day Lot, Lots A and B, Morcus Subdivision. Applicants: Vail Associates/Sonnenalp Properties A request for an exterior alteration at the May Palace Bestaurant, 223 East Gore Drive/Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing' Applicant: Peter SwitzerPlanner: Shelly Mello A request for a density variance for the FirstBank of Vail, Tract G, Vail Village Second FilingilT Vail Boad. Applicant: Mr. R.R. Kovener Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for a setback variance for the Wiiheim Residence, 4289-8 Nugget Lane/Lot 5, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Bobert and Karen Wilhelm Planner: Jill Kammerer 8. A reouesl for a worksession with staff and PEC regarding procedures' 9. Any items tabled from the March 23, 1992 PEC meeting agenda. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department oflice. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on March 27, 1992 *6 o o SNOWDON AND HOPKINS ,,13"t#tE'Jt" vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.20r JOt 3HE€T O. cALCU!AICO BY OF'** )/la/I!- CHECKEO AY fElDt/ffilfr*.a- h at.'|. Application oot! t PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I. This procedure ls requlred for any project requestlng a variance. The applicat'lon will hot be accePted'until all lntoimation ls submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT MI" K.fl. KO[gil9N AOORESS v0d yHuN1!3.-A- 4W7 B.NAME OF APFLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS ?HoNEi7b'xL c.NAME ADORESS PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS # oqoFEE $T€O- PAID -tng - THE FEE MUST BE PAIO BEFORE THE YOUR PROPOSAL. COI.II4UNITY DEVELOPI'IENT DEPARTIIIENT l,|ILL ACCEPT F. A list of the names of owners of a'll property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY EEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT I,IILL BE RESPOIISIBLE FOR CORRTCT I4AILING AOORESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANITING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO.)DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORI'IATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION l,lILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COI'IPLETE (I.IUST INCI.UOI ALL ITENS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING AOMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MKE AN APPOINTI'IENT I.IiTH THE STAFF TO FINt) OUT ABOUT ADOITIONAL SUBI4ITTAL RIQUIREHENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION 1,lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY OECREASING THE NUI-IBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING.AIiD EIiVIROi{i.iiItTAL Coiii'iISSION I'|AY STiPIJLATE. ALL CONOITic|NS UF APPROVAL MUST 8E COMPLIEO I.IITH BEFORE A EUILDING PERfiIT IS iSSEED. IlI. FOUR (4) COPTES 0F THE F0LLOl.lrNc HUST BE SUBNTTTED: , A. I-INITIEry STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE. REGULATION INVOLVEO. THE STATEI,IENT MUST ALSO ADORESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which re]ief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement of a specified.regulation is.necessary.to achieve-iompatiuiiit and uniformity of treatment.airong sites in the vilinity or to ittain theobjectives of thjs title without-grant of special privilege. LI f.EGAL OESCRIPTION @ILIll E. 0vtR s N ow Do N t J::"TS-t'Xfl r ecrs vArL. coLoRADO 81657 LETTT @F TRANSMOTTAL mn TO WE ARE SENDING ! ShoP & coPY Attached E Under separate cover viaYou h drawings of letter ff Prints ! Change order & Ptun.E Samples ! Specilications tr 475-2201 - Ilt;:i,i2 [JoENo t]L ArrENrloN l:i,,'ifkn ;trit l:r 'i"' {'tr;f ,0?n;, ti /*i 7i,i .-rrrr?,';';4'i,''y'n t T /'vt/ "/;:i;t,f.,n,3 following items: coPtEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION 1i ls'i:i!'4ffi1,,,>fn +'i12'i:ir,/d:'v:,;t" /,4nn r,.hr"' fin:,,lij ,)' ir I ei ft4.7"'a 'i./w:l 4 tii itn 4'4 ,"ifut i;/h,,,?a =,Lin<'f ti / 4 lf,'i f.Xl ,vn,'r/ i,'ii,,72 W 5','i9t,''!12 ,'ii,// hr,'Tln Tt7v,/a /,-nt'i, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval tr APProved ! { For your use ! APProved E As requested ! Returned as submitted as noted for corrections ! tr tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return-corrected prints 0( For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Pmollcl2as2 /i@|r., e'0b.. ts olrTl ll cncloauraa ara not at not d, kindrt notity .,l ,t oncc. Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 303 476-2201 81657 n March 16, ]-992 Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657 Planning Staff: (i,,r {.,t.l'-(" r -L'.,' (tit' Enclosed is a package of information on a variance request for Uni-t #2, First Bank of Vail Building, 17 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. The building is on Tract G, VaiI Village Second Filing and incorporates the First Bank of Vail on the basement, ground and partial second levels; and four condominiums on the second and third (Ioft) levels. A11 four existing condominiums are one bedroom/loft units with sloping ceilings below the roof structure. The owner of Unit #2, Mr. Ron Kovener, wishes to expand his existing loft level to create a separate bedroom area within the existing volume of the building. This would normally be allowed under ordinance #4, if available GRFA is available. However, because the properly is zoned Public Accommodation (PA), the bank (as a conditional use) and the condominiuns (as a non-conforming/noL allowed use) presently exceed the allowable square footage as per section 18.22.090. Because the condominiurns (existing when the zoning ordinance was put in place) are a non-conforning use, they "shall not be enlarged to occupy greater site area or building floor area" as per Section 18.64.040. Because the 1st Bank occupies a major portion of the property (and is computed as part of the al1owab1e square footage) the condominiums have no avail-able square footage with which to work; as wouLd be aLlowed under Section 18.64.050(B). Because of this situation a variance is needed to expand U@ The remaining a ight and does not count toward the square footage cafcufations. Because other adjacent properties (Villa Cortina, Holiday House, Sonnenalp and VaiL Village Inn) are zoned High Density Multi-Family and SDD, Mr. Kovener is at a disadvantage to be abLe to upgrade his unit. In additi-on, during the past year, a major expansion of the Sonnenalp Hotel property, has vj-rtua11y eliminated any views Mr. /'> Kovener had of the vil-l-age, the Gore Range -and a lot of panorama. Unlike the Sonnenalp, Mr. Kovener has not flexibility' except to try and re-orient and have some view to the west. Because of these circumstances, we feel a stri-ct and literal interpretation of the @D ttAR , ^., o /gg? 44 !i?" Ir Page 2 Town of vail Planning Department March 16, 1992 regulati.ons would pose a hardship on the applicant, and would not be granting special privilege. Thie request would nou impact or ieguire-any chang-s to Sections 18,22.060 through L8.22.140; and wouta not have a negative impact on light, air, population, transportation, traific facilities, utilities and public safety. I would hope this matter could be reviewed at your regularly scheduled FsC meeting on epril 13, 1992. If you have any queetions, or need additional information, pleaee let me know. Sincerely, SNOWDON AND HOPKINS - ARCHITECTS fuffi//,/,,/ Craig N. Snowdon, CNS/elh Enc. cc: Ron Kovener Roger Behler &'0 trAR i 6,9* lr- '*/)trak,, ' ) l-+'li i;4;rL:t/r4?)4y--/?;t.'6, 4\ 1lvpL/l-z2V /" '-tl4tz dE C' lVbi;b.rr1/ . ab.'sh,. e? , / F?V.t'(/u.V/^" ttl,k,tt {2ta v.441irJQ-r'7'Cr!/\(;2rt .y'>4 ' v!l4s; " .$1r1 1', llrl 4. ,,JFff*. b*t?>'Lvv4vtFttlirr' Hcz-- 'UliF '-z.to- ?t,'+- - - l7/';; tt'';' .Va r'*l*z ?-avaet='- e ttsln /Z '*U.1'% l.a?+ FrzvvT -aP.!< l7-UL- /y't* t'-Ati ?vf . a ?'24; 'rrLllL t ? Vr'l'. o c.._ilt'1n'-r VL/"'c.' .4tVFWf 7-Vz ?ac?lle a /t4il. ''--J|A . 4l iy'1/ller/a2 ' s- 1_ s $I I Ntz-= \ _\ $I .N \ R }L s$ + l\lt ) : -\!t. rll r. - I1U J tq $$ A $.l\$ $ .\E i+ J- \ v_7 $ _{ F \s x$ r$r$$ $i rN I I I $ \ ; I I t .L \ tr \ J'l \ r\ Ls =t3 I i L]T ,l ** il:t J-\\ tNs \il $$$ ,, ,ll I ll I -, .\ t _l $\ A q \t$ $lt J.ta-:l rl\ - -f-- , vtl4)*t " +-i"4yi ri6;vz:2rre, r'2Zw',. /r.-)-Yz, 4\ , b/|61'a 9Vv v atY - I t I . . .-\ -/- __ :l l-"?+ll urzpl? ,t]+1t1 t., ltJtl 4. b*t?'&'LVtWvtl..tltd r+-1ll L_J T ''1,irr.=J ,*v+p 'a*W*K ' .* ,JFIIo. V'b*+"vnv,tbWVN' Haz:FO , Mf F{ '-gh'- F!.,/+.l .,lz?2< Lr-Vt- ?Vf, . _ a-- .'_ i-- _ l/y'''t tt-2tr e oz1-,244azVAio.?e VVF$,e ??avagt--'_ ,? i.l:n ,Z .^btsVai r>V ?a'??tle o 2.2-6:{),L.d-fA .4l;'/ ' ,/lb/a2 . q { ( l-t. \t -f I N t-z'= \ -(' $r t6 $$ ,' **'I T- --hJ ,-t -\\ L l\ t\ s $J\$ L]_\ sr\ \ R I,. { $ K \ $ Sz" *i .f rs I v-J_ $ _{ }.$r -N _,t +$\.& RT_\ *t r$ I I I $ \ t i .L \i: \II $ i{\ -:tLsJ s I, I I $ isJ $. $ ilt '\t JdF 11t $f$h\r n ,4i 1". ;L .i-.-- il"\ T 1-.s $ f,T OF\AL o BA]K 17 VA|L ROAD VA|L COLORADO 81657 303-476-5686 March 13, 1992 To Whorn it May Concern: FlrstBank of Vail and the B.S. Condoninltrn Associatlon have given prellninary approval to Ronald R. Kovener to lnstall a skyllght and operable roof wlndow on the rrest slde of FirstBank of Vall and add an additional 150 sq.ft. of ltvlng apace to condonlnium unlt 2. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to call me at the bank. 'ffiT 8eh1er President RAB/krn O O [i;lilAp,^ LAND T rrLE GUARANTEE cor"rpANi'ol9ge Rcrrrrenttnr Tltlo Incurencc Comprnv of l'llnncrote THANK YOU FOR YOLII1 ORNER .lunr O3' t987 Oun Ordrrl VlO745-2 BUYERI RONALD R. KOVENER rnd CAROLYN O. KOVENER SELLERI DONALD P. SHWAYDER end JOHN GRIERSON' AS TO PARCEL lr end JOIIN GRIERSON and DONALDP. SHWAYDER EACI{ AS TO AN UNDIVINED I/16 INTEREST IN AND TO PANCEL 2 ADDRESS' FIRSTBANK OF VAIL 17 VATL ROADvAILr CO At6S7 I Attn| LOAN DEPARTI.IENTi BRANDESS/CADI'IU9 REAL ESTATE BOX ltOS VAIL, COLORADO 81658 t Attnr IIARK CADiIUS CLOSER t Attn' BETH r!l COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitm€nt was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY lO8 South Frontage Road P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 8t 658 (303t 476-2251 counte'r,sn€d: A On- t l/i-i -'" -- { t' 5,{-4,''k- I-V\A+++i#Gma,--Y' -'-'-- - Reprssenting: Jr I l.t, l,'c,p7..tr,:r [),,',1pnrt ( {'r l{1,,',ut',.,,, n Ftl,it-lFn-r':\rrFl-r.rnqtlt :r"iT:r+r+1-+r-tr!-r:-FF?s- i F-:;FF :r . !. ALTA CO}4T1 ITI-IENT SCHEDULE A Aepllcetlon No. VIO74J-2 For Infornrtlon Onlv Chrnrrr - ALTA O}INER POLICY I632.OQ AI-IA LENDER POLICY i4O.OO Trx Crntlf, ;!.OO ,l!9:33 lllth vour rrnlttrnco plerlr rcfrr to Vto745-2. t. Efftctlve Drte r l,lrv tgr 1987 rt etoo A.l"l. 2. Pollctrr to be lrrued' rnd prcrporcd tnrurrdr "ALTAI (hrnoFt't Pol lcv |2OO'OOO.OO Forn B-197O lAoondcd lO-17-7O) Prorolrd tnfurrdt RONALD R. KOVENER rnd CAROLYN O. KOVENER TALTAn Lorn Pol lcv(t97O Rovlrlonl Prororrd tnrurrdt Itoo, ooo. oo 3. Thr rrtrtt oF lntorert ln the lrnd dcrcr. lbcd or rrfrrrcd to lnthlr Connltnrnt rnd covlred hrrrln lrr A Frr Slnple 4. Tttlr to thr rrtrtc on lntrrtrt covcr,rd hercln lr et thcrffrctlvr drtr hereof vcrtcd lnl DONALD P. SHtlAYnER rnd JOHN ORIERSON, AS TO FARCEL t' end JOHN ORIERSON rnd DONALD P. SI{HAYDER EACH AS TO AN UNDIVIDED t/16 INTEREST IN AND TO PARCEL 2 PAOE I ALTA CO}1 I'IIT!IENT SCHEDIJLE A Arrl lcrtlon No. VlO745-2 !.Thr trnd rofrnr.d to ln thlr commltment lr dcrcrlbad el fol lourl PMCEL 1I CONDOI'IINIT'T.I I'NIT 2, E.S. CONDO}4INIUI'IS ACCORDTNG TO TI{E AHENDED COf.fnOrlfNiun,t ttAP tXeneor RECoRDED oCToBER t2' 1984 lll BooK 3t6 Ai PAOC EiA AruN A9 DEFINEN tN THE A}IENNED AND RESTATED oof.lDof.llNlulf DEcLARATTON nECORnED OCTOBER 1?' 1984 lN BOOI( 396 AT PAOE 877r COUNTY OF EAOLET STATE OF COLORADO' PARCEL 2I CONDOIITNIIJT'I UNIT 5, B.S. CONDO}'IINIU}'IS ACCORDINB TO THE AiIENBED CONDOI'IINIUI'I ]'IAP THENEOF RECORDED OCTOBER 12' T9B4 IN FOOK 3'6 Ai FNOE 876 AND AS DEFINED tN THE AI'IENDETI AND RE8TATED CoHoominrun DEcLARATIoN REcoRDED oDToBER 12' 1t84 lN BooK 396 AcCOROfnO To THE 877, CouNTY OF EAOLET STATE OF coLoRAIto. -al 2PABE ALTA COl'I}1 tTI,IENT SCHEDTI.E B.I (Rccutrcnrntr) Appllcrtlon Nc. VtO745-2 Thr folforrlnr rrr thr rrculrorncntr to bo conpllcd urlthl li Prvnrnt to or fon thr eccount of the rr.rntorr or nortruorr ofthr ful I conrldrrrtlon fon the crtrte or. lntrr.rrt to bclnlurtd. 2. Proprr lnrtnuncnt(r) cnerttnr thr rrtete on lntcrrrt to hrlnrurod nurt br oxecutod rnd dutv flled for rrcordr to-lrltl 3. PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST FATED Julv 28, 1975r FROt'l KAI€ER E. tlORCtTO THE PUBLTC TRUSTEE OF EAOLE COLTNTY FOR THE USE OF .JUSTICE I.IORTOABE INVE8TOR3 (JltI) TO SECURE THE $Ul'l OF iI'5OO,QOO.OO RECORDED Aururt ttrt973t IN BOOK 241 AT FAOE 249. NOTEI AFFECTS TI{AT PORTION OF THE FROI'ENTY INSURED HERETN CONVEYED IN DEE RECORDED APRIL t6I T97' IN BOOK 2€4 AT PAOE Ig7. 4. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST FAIED Octobcr 12r 1984, FROI'I DONALD F, SHI,AyDERAND rrOHN ORIERSON To THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EA0LE COUNTY FOR THE USE oFFIRgT }IESTLAND NATIONAL BANK A/K/A FIRSTFANK OF HESTLANDI N.A. TO eECURETHE SUll OF ftlO'OOO.OO RECORI}ED.Jenurnv OBr t9B5' lN BOOK tOC AT PA6E 492. $AID DEED OF TRUST I^IA3 FURTHER SECURED tN ASSTSNHENT OF RENTS RECORDED.Jrnumv OBr t98$r tN B0OK 40tl AT PAOE 4gg. (AFFECTS PARCEL 2' $. RELEA9E OF DEED OF TRUST DATED Octobcr l2r 1994, FROH FONALD P. SCHIIAYDERTO THE PUBLIC TRUETEE OF EABLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FtNgT WESTLANDNATIO{AL EANK A/t(/A FIRSTBANK OF I"IESTLAND, N.A. TO SECURE TIIE SUI,I OF1461623.o0 RECORDED rlrnurnv e8r lgBsr IN BooK .lo{ AT pAoE 4gB. 8AID DEED OF TRUTIT WAs FIJRTTIER SECURED tN AS9ICNT,IENT OF RENTS RECORDEDrlrnurrv OBr 1989, lN BOOK 4O4 AT PABE 43t, 6. RELEA9E (F DEED OF TRUST FATED Octoben 12, 1984, FROil JOHN cRIEnSOhf TO THEPUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EACILE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRST IiIE$TLAND NATIONAL EANKAIRIA FIR9?BANK OF I'TE9TLANOT N.A, TO SECURE TltE Sutf OF i46'625.OO RECOROEDrJrnurny OBr lg85r lN BOOK 404 AT FAOE /t4O. PAOE 3 ALTA COt,I],IITI,IENT SCHEDTX-E B.I (Rcculnrrnrntr) Aprllcrtlott No. V10745-2 SAID DEED OF TRUST WA8 FURTHEN 9ECURED IN ASSIONilENT OF RENTE RECORDED Jrnurnv O€r l98th lN BOOK 404 AT PAGE 441 7. CERTIFICATE OF RTOHT OF FINST REFUSAL IN COTIPLIANCE I,IITH THE TEN}B' CONDIT!ot{g END PROVISIONS OF CONDOI.IINIUl-t DECLARATION. 8. EVIDE}.ICE EATISFACTORY TO THE COT1PANY THAT T}IE TERIlgr CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TJE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIEn. .9. }IARRANTY DEED FRON DONALD P. SIIhIAYDER ANCI .'OHN ORTERSON TO RONALD R. KOVENER rnd CAROLYN O. KOVENER CONVEYINA SUBJECT PROPERTY. IAFFECTS FARCEL I} tO. I.IARRANTY DEED FROI'I JOHN CIRIERSON TO RONALN R. KOVENER AND CAROLYN O. KOVENER CONVEYINO A I/16 INIEREST IN SUBJECT PNOFERTY I.IHICH INTEREST I$ ALL THE INTEREET HE T'IAY HAVE, (AFFECTE PARCEL 2' II. HARRANTY DEED FROI,I DONALD P. SI{WAYNER TO RONALN R. KOVENER ANN CAROLYNO. KOVE]GR CONVEYINO A I/T& INTEREgT IN SUBJECT FROPERTY I.IHICH INTEREST IS ALL THE INTEREAT HE I.IAY HAVE. (AFFECTE PARCEL 2) THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REOUIRES RETURN ADDRESBES ON DOCUI.IENTE SENT FOR RECORDINO!! PABE 4 o ALTA CO1.IT.1 ITNENT SCHENI'LE B-2 (Excrptlonrl Appllcrtlon No. V10745-2 Thr roltcv on pollclrr to be lrrucd utll contrln cxccntlonr to thrfollorrllnr unlrlr thr rrmr rrc dltporrd of to thc rrtlrfrctlon ofthr Gonprnvr t. Strndrnd Excrptlont I throurh 5 rnlntod on thr covrn rhret. 6. Trxrr rnd ltrorrncntr not vet duo or peveblr rnd rprclalltllrrnahtr not yet centlflrd to the Tnlrrunlr'l offlcr. '7. Anv unrrld trxer or lrrarrmontr rrrlnrt rrld lrnd. 8. Llrnr for unprld ortrr rnd reucr chtrlll' lf rny. 9. RTGHT OF PROPRfETOR OF A VEIN OR LOFE TO EXTRACT AND REI'IOVE HIg ORE TI{EREFRO.I SHOULD THE 9AI1E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTENSECT T}IE PREI-TISES Ag REBERVED lN UNITED STATES FATENT RECORDED Srptembcr O4r 1923, lN BOOK t AT PABE 99. IO. RIOHT OF }IAV FOR DITCHEg OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY TIIE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED 8TATES AS RESERVED tN UNITED ETATES PATENT RECOR0ED Scrtembrn Ofr1t23, tN EOOk 93 AT PAOE 98. II. REgTRICTIVE COVENANTg }I}IICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITUNE OR REVERTER CLAUSTgUT OTIITTINO RESTRICTIONS' IF ANYI BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIOION, OR NATIONAL ORIOIN' AS CONTAINED lN INSTRUHENT RECORDED Jrnurnv 09, 1963, lN BOOK T74 AT PAOE 43I. 12. EASEIIENTB' RESERVATIOT{9 AND RESTRICTIONS Ag SHO}IN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED AI.ENIED CONDOI'IINIU}I }IAP FOR B.S. CONDOI'IINIUI.IS. 19. ENCNOAC}f,.IENT OF PLANTER ONTO VAIL ROAD AS SHOHN ON THE RECORDED FTNAL PLA] oF 8.8, CONDOTINIUI'|S AS AI|ENDED, 14. THOSE PROVISIONST COVENANTB AND CONDITIONST EASEHENTS ANn RESTRICTIOIIS' I.IHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONNOHTNIUII UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE AT AS CONTAINED lN INSTRUT{ENT RECORDED Octobor l2r l?84, tN BOOK 3?6 AT PAGE 87: lIr PAOE 5 O O 4b il,ten , .^LAND TITLE OUARANTEE CONPANY''O Rclrrrcnt lnr Tl t I e I ncurrncc Cornprnv of l'lt nnclote tw THANK YOU FOR YOLIR ORNER Junr OOr 1987 Oun Ondrrt VlO745-2 BUYER' RONALD R. KOVENER rnd CAROLYN O. KOVENER SELLERI DONALD P. SHIIAYBER end JOHN GRIERSON' AS TO PARCEL I r rnd JOHN ORIERSON and ITONALDP. S}II.'AYDER EACI.I AS TO AN UNDIVTDED t/I6 INTEREST IN AND TO PARCEL 2 ADDREgSI FIR3TBANK OF VAIL T7 VAIL ROAD vAtL, co 81657 I Attnl LOAN DEPARTI.IENTI BRANDEgS/CADI.IUg REAL ESTATE BOX lrOS VAIL, CO-ORADO 81658 I Attnr I'IARK CADiIUS CLOSER I AttnI BETH rtl COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 South Frontage Road P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 l3o3l 476-2281 counrr.ionod: A Q-ru-- t.lAl ll' -i)(a-^,f--ffiffi ' Representing: F'O ALTA COIl},IITT,IENT SCHEDULE A Appl ic:tlon No. VtO745-2 Fon Infornrtlon Onlv Chrrr.r - ALTA OWNER FOLICY I632.QO ALTA LENDER POLICY I4O.OO Trx Crntlf. i5,OO .ll9:33 l,flth voun rrnlttrnco rlerlr refer to VlO745-2. l. Ef fe ctlvo Drte t llrv t8r 1987 rt S|OO A.ll. 2. Pollclrr to br lrruod' rnd pnoporcd lnrurcdr I'ALTAI Ounerl'l Pol lcv !2OO'OOO.OO Forrr B-t97O (Anondcd lO-17-7O) Propored tnrurodr RONALD R. KOVEIIER rnd CAR0LYN O. KOVENER |'ALTAi Lorn Pollcv(lt70 Rrvlrlonl Pnoporod tnrurrdl flOOr OOO. OO 3. Thr ertrtr on tnterort ln thr lrnd dcrcntbcd or rofrrred to lnthlr Connltmrnt rnd covorrd horrln lrr A Frr Slnrle 4. Tltlo to thr rrtrtc on lntcnort covcred honrln lr rt therffrctlvr drto hcrrof vertrd lnl DONALD P. SHtlAYnER rnd JOHN ORIERSON, AS TO FARCEL t' and .JOHN ORIERSON rnd DONALD P. SI{WAYDER EACH RS TO AN UNDIVIDED I/T6 TNTEREgT IN AND TO PARCEL 2 PAOE I ALTA col,ll,llTl"lENT SCHEDULE A Aprl lcetlon No. VtO745-2 t.Thr lrnd r.forrrd to tn thtr conmltmant It d.scrtbcd rt fol I ourl PARCEL II CONDOI.IINTI'T.I UNTT 2, B,S. CONDOT'IINTU}4S ACCONDINA TO TI{E ATIENDED ioNDoi,tiNifir nnp fxeneor REcoRDED oCToBEh t2' ree4 IN BooK 3?6 Ai FAOi 878 NND A9 DEFINEN tN THE AHENNED AND NESTATED CONDOTIINIU}I DECLARATION RECORNED OCTOBER I?' 1984 tN FOOK 3?6 AT PAOE 877r COIINTY OF EAGLE' SIATE OF COLORADO' PARCEL 2I CONDOTIINIT'T'I UNIT 5, B.S. CONDO}IINIUT4S AECORDINB TO THE A}IENFED CONOOTTruTUN NAP TI{EREOF RECORDED OCTOBER I2' 1994 IN BOOK 395 Ai peoe B7B AND Ag DEFTNED lN THE AtlENFEll AND RESTATED CoxnOi.UHfUil DECLARnfrou nEcoRDED cCToBER l2r l?64 tN BooK 396 ACCORDTNO TO THE 877, COUNTY OF EAGLET STATE OF COLORADO' -ta 2PAOE o A L T A C O }.I I.I I T I",t E N T SCHEDULE B.t (Rcqulrrncntr) Appllcrtlon Nc. VIO74E-2 Thr folloulnr rrr thr rrqulrcncntt to br conpllcd olthl l; Prvnrnt to on fon thr lqcount of thr rnrntonr on nortruonl ofthr full conrldrnrtlon fon the ortrte on lntrrrrt to brtntunad. 2. Pnoprn lnrtruncnt(r) cnrrtlnr thr rrtetc on lntonrrt to brlnrunrd Dsrt bt rxteuted tnd dulv ftled for nrcordr to-ultr 3. PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRU$T DATED ,.lulv 28, 1975, FRO|I I(AI8ER E. t'1ORCtTO THE PUBLIC TRI"'STEE OF EAOLE COLINTY FOR TI{E USE OF .JUSTICE I.IORTOAGEINVEETORS (rJml) TO $ECURE THE SUI| OF llrSOo,OOO.OO RECORDED Aururt ttrt975r tN BOOK 24t AT FAOE 249. }|()TET AFFECTS TI{AT FORTION OF TI{E PROFERTY INSURED HERETN CONVEYED IN DEERECOFDED APRTL t6, T97' tN EOOK 284 AT PAOE t37. 4. RELEAEE OF IIEED OF TRUST DATED Octobcr tZr l9B4r FRDH DONALD F. SHWAyDERAND JOHN ORIENSON TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAOLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OFFIRST }IEETLAND NATTONAL BANK A/K/A FIRSTFANK OF HESTLANDT N.A. TO SECURETHE 8ul'l 0F ||O'OOO.OO RECORDED.Jrnurrv OBr lgB5r tN BOOK 4OC AT PACTE 4g2. EATD DEED OF TRUST I.IAS FURTHER SECURED tN ASSIBN]'IENT OF RENTS RECORDEDrJrnumv OBr t985r tN BOOK t0tl AT PAOE 4gg, (AFFECTS PARCEL 2' !. RELEA8E oF DEED oF TRUgr DATED octobcn t2r 1964, FRorf troNALn p. BcHtTAyDERTO THE PUBLIC TRUETEE OF EABLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FINST }JESTLAND NATIOTIAL BANK A/'(/A FIRSTBANK OF WESTLAND, N.A. TO SECURE TI.IE sU}I OF146'a2s.oo REG:ORDED .Jrnurnv o6, t9Bs, lN BooK 4o4 AT pAoE 4gB. EAID DEED OF TRIJST NAs FIJRT}IER SEGURED tN AS9IBNI,IENT OF RENTS RECORDEDJrnurnv OBr t983r tN BOOK 4OO AT PAOE 439. 6. RELEA8E F DEED OF TRU9T FATED Octobrr 12, 1984r FROtt J0HN GRIEnSON TO THEPUBI.IC TRUSTEE OF EAOLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRST WESTLAND NATIONAL EANKAIRIA FIRtITBANK OF HEBTLANDT N.A. TO SECURE THE Sttt OF t06,625.OO RECORDEDrJrnurnv OBr 1985, IN BOOK 4O4 AT FAOE 44O. PAOE 3 ALTA COI'It,IITI,IENT scl{EDt[-E B-l (Rcqulromrntr) Applicrtlon No. VlO74S-2 SAID DEED OF TRUST t.IA8 FURTHER 9ECURED IN ASSISNilENT OF RENTS RECORDED .lrnurnv OBr 1985' lN BOOK 404 AT PACE 441. 7. CERTIFICATE OF NIOHT OF FINST REFU.BAL IN CC'NPLIANCE I,IITH THE TERI'I9' CONDlTIOttlg Al'lD PR('VISION9 OF CoNDOI'lINlUl'l nECLARATION. 8. EVIDEiICE SATISFACTORY TO THE COI4PANY THAT TllE TERtlg' CONDITIONB AND PROVISIONS OF TJHE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIEE. .9. IIARRANTY DEED FROT4 DONALD P. STIWAVDER AND JOHN GRIERSON TO RONALDR. KOVEI.IER rnd CAROLYN O. KOVENER CONVEYINO SUBJECT PROPERTY. (AFFECTS FARCEL T' IO. I.'ARRANTY DEED FROI1 JOHN ORIERSON TO RONALD R. KOVENER AND CAROLYN O. KOVENER CONVEYINO A I/16 INTEREST tN SUBJECT PROFERTY I.IHICH INTENEST I$ A.L THE INTEREET HE IIAY HAVE, (AFFECTE PARCEL 2) tT. I{ARRANTY DEED FROII DONALD P. SHWAYNER TO RONALD R, KOVENER AND CAROLYNO. KOVEI.|ER CONVEYINO A I/16 INTEREST IN SUBJECT FROPEFTY WHICH INTEREST IS ALL THE INTEREsT HE T,IAY HAVE. (AFFECTE PARCEL 2} THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORNERS OFFICE REOUIRES RSTURN ADDRESBEE ON DOCUI.IENTS SENT FOR RECONDINO! ! PAOE 4 Io ALTA COtlt4 lTl"lENT BCIIEBTJLE g-2 (Excrptlonrl AepltcntloD No. VlO74S'2 Thr rollev on pollclrr to br lrrucd urlll ccntaln oxcrntlonr to thtfolloulnr unlltr thr rrmo rre dlrrorcd of to thc rrtlrfrctlon of tho Bonprnvr l. Strndrrd Excrrtlonr I throurh 3 prlntrd on the covcr rhrct. 6. Trxrr rnd lrrorrmcntr not vct dut or. ptvahlo rnd rpcclelrtlttlnantr not vet certtftrd to thc Troerurcr'r offlcr. '7, Anv unrrld trxer or trrefrmrntr rrrlnrt rrld lrnd. 8. Llrnr for unprld urtrr rnd rcrrrcr chrrrlt' lf env. 9. RIOHT OF PROPRfiTOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND NENOVE HIS ORE TI{EREFRO,I SHOULD THE gAI.IE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTER$EBT THE PREHISES AS REBERVED IN UNITED STATES FATENT RECORDED Srptrnbcr O4r 1923' lN BOOK I AT PABE 99. IO. RIOHT OF I.IAY FOR DITCHEg OR CANALS CONSTRLICTED BY TI{E AUTHORTTY OF THE UNTTED 9TATES AS RESERVED tN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Scptenbor Ol}r 1923r lN BOOK 93 AT PASE 96. II. REgTRICTIVE COVENANTg W}IICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITUNE OR REVERTER CLAUSI BUT OI.IITTINO RESTRICTIONSI IF ANYr BASED ON RACEr COLOR, RELIOION' OR NATIONAL ORIBIN' AS CONTAINED lN INSTRUI'IENT RECORDED .Jrnurnv O9' 1963, lN 800K t74 AT PAOE 431. 12. EAgEitENTSr RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTTONS Ag SHOITN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED AI.GNDED CONDOT.IINIUII I.IAP FOR 8..q. CONDOI'IINIUI,I9. 13. El'lCnOAClf,'IENT OF PLANTER ONTO vAlL ROAD AS SHOl.lN ON THE RECORDED FINAL PLA] OF 8.9. CONDOT.IINIU].I$ AS AI.IENDED. t4. Tl{OgE PROVISION9' COVENANT8 AND CONDITIONS' EASE}1ENTS ANn RESTRICTIONS' WHICH ARE A BURI}EN TO THE CONNOHTNIUI'I UNTT DESCRIBED tN SCHEDULE AI AS CUNTAINED lN IiISTRUMENT RECORDED Octobrr l2r t?84, lN BOOK 3t6 AT PAOE 87; FAOE 5 DRB IPPLICATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: Rtc't.;..;i ..., - ,r-c *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTTL AIJL INTOR}.:ATIONIS SUBMITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATTON MEETING : A pre-appllcation neeting with a planning staff nenber isstrongly suggested to determine if any additionallnfonration is needed. No appl,icatlon will be accepted ft is the appllcantrgresponslbiJ.ity to nake an appolntment with the staff to fouL about additional eubnittat requirementE. Please note ind that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approvalprocess for your project by decreasing the nurnber ofconditions of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALLconditions of approval rnust be resolved before a buildingpernit is lssued. Application wiII not be processed without Ownerts Signature. ECT DESCRIPTION:A. B.I,OCATION Address OF PROPOSAL Legal Descri subdivision tion Lot {l Block Trz* b c.NN{E OI' APPLICANT:7r Mailing Address: Phone D. NN'TE OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIV!: Mailing Address:Y Phone NAME OF OWNERS! STGNATURE(8) s l.tailing Address: Phone F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the tine a buildinqpennit is recruested. VALUATION s o-9 to,ooo $10,001 -9 50,ooo $5O,Oo1 -$ ISO,OOO $150,001 - $ 5oo,ooo 9500, 001 - S1 , ooo, ooo $ Over S1,000,000 r.EE $ 10.00 I 25.00 I50.00 $100. o0 $200.00 $30o. oo II. II{PORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting subrnittal reguirernents, the applicant nust st,ake the site to indicate propertylines and building corners. Trees that wilI be rernoved rnust also be marked. This work nust be conpleted before the DRB visits the site. Project Application //o^," 7 /t t/7rt Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:r'16- zLo I Legal Description; Lot Block ,u,n L/ U, / t t*1/ , zone _ Comments: Design Review Board Motonby: /l & eLt/; seconded *, Ll)r / /, A*- APPROVAL2_ 0-)- Date DISAPPROVAL ' /n'-/ Town Planner o^", 7/,r/?0 E Statf Approval LIST OF I,TATERIAI.S NN{E OT PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRTPIION:c\UJ[!, suBDrvrsroN STREET ADDRESS: The. fol.lowing infornatl.on is reguired for subnittar to the DesignReview Board before a final appioval can be glven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof siding Other IIaII Materials Fascia soffits Wlndows Wlndow Trirn Doors Door Trinr Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other IANDSCAPfNG! Narne of Designer: Phone: rr/7. PIANT I'IATERIALS: Botanical Narne Common Nane Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indlcate caliper for deciduous trees.deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous ',ir,' ' \:. ! lt o'' ,l . B. IPTION treeE. Mlnirnun heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. Project Application Proiecl Name:ITS/nK 7rc- l/t<,/id tt r 1 7, //_ q/r?/f ,tDate / // '/ u Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Add ress and Phone:F, ,st' ,1at'c Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Zone - comments: t: Urt r c Ef, a -r'" Design Review Board Motion by: Block Filing Date seconded ar, )oY "-' o ' "7 APPROVAL r/ A ,V-U C<:lLac.ta rc;nrtd/a D ISA PPROVAL Su m mary: E Stati Approval snbwoo.r & HoPKrNs otr,rr.r, 201 Gore Creek Drive vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 > wE ARE SENDING vou ! Attached E Under separate cover via V Prints E Change order Lffi# @F TTRANSNNMTTAL TO ! Shop drawings tr Copy ol letter S Pjans tr Samples E Snecitications f,,fllt COP'ES DATE NO.DESCRIPTIONI1/tu/4a /,hTnzLal ta Trv wzll H,I I rfuan u. Alt tFhan I '/I I / THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked E For approval ,X For your use tr As requested ( For review and comment C tr FOR BIDS DUE below: D Approved as submitted E Approved as noted E Returned for corrections fl Resubmit-copios for approval tr Submit -copies lor distribution E Return-corected prints 19- C PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS |wt ztft2 /@l 8 tu, y, otltr.tl aalcbauraa ara ad .a arotad. Hndl, nottllt ua tl onc.. tB€sI Al8 itAr Puf,1P 6^ $r''t'arnc0llll0'lr'r.0_/1" i , lt \,.* R00r 1t000 /.i:,, TYPICAL OUCT (P36 Curb and ,!::, INSTALLATION RHE36 shown) ,^ \- TYPICAL ROOFTOP INSTALTATION (P36A4. RHE36 Roor Hood, p36 Curb and ECON-P.3S Economrzer shown) | [r., 1r- -_|l----;-_J_-Fof ttltr lrr gool Curb E!ftlllclllofit 0n Srcl $tdl ed' Eldf tlltw CURB AND ROOF HOOO DETAILS 2\ Romcvabl€ pan€l lor installation of Economizer Packag€, (Opposire side on RHE24 and RHE6O). .,/..\, Galvann€al€d cabinots paintod to match basic Unit dostgn - heavy 1/2" insulation _ builhintilter included, ,A Boot hood io be assembted In field. ZA Femove this side to galn accgss to air filter.(Opposite side on RHE24 and BHE6O Bool. Hoo(i). A Provides 1Sc/o fresh air. (Oppositesldeon RHE24 and RHE60 Roof Hood). rry_='_::::.1 /------.*--..:.;__ fli1|l8N AtB 0ucr 0.-.__--..-_ r .. . . _30 r_ AlRCot{0tTl0l1t{0 UltT i rrwron I ortrrrc I I le I elva i ro ri!? piSAa F \,1t.2 pr,,)i.l )' (i.t (l) 16r16[ (t) rO r 20 (?l tC r ?0 \- Xlr-r er PI.AI|NING AI.ID EINTIRONI.IENTAI, COU}IISSION July 23, 1990 Preeenl Ctruck crl6t Diana Donovan Connie Kntght L,udwJ.g XurzJln Shearer l(athy warren Dalton ltllllans staffl(rlstan Prltzuik€ uolllcathelly llellolndy KnudtsenJlIl Kannerer Betsy Rosolack Penny Perry susan Scanlan In the J.nterest of tine, sork seselona ssre held prlor to the publlc hearlng. Susan scanlan preeented the proposal as per the staff Deno. Ton UcQurdy, representLng the Amoco Corloration, regponded to the issues addi6esed !n the rneno explalnlng that contanination wae found on the cateway glte. nor-ver, they dld not yet know the. extent. After talklng wlth staff, Anoco chose the proposed slte beeause lt would caus6 the least hardship for all concerned eince any other locatl.on deleted parklng spaces. Regardlng alternate- meihods, the propoaed design was the-best for the situation. It was posilble they would need larger wells, however, they had alre-dy allowed for addltl-onal space ln the roon for an additlonal air strlpper. Anoco orlglnally proPosed to use a portable bullding. He eald that etaff had connunlcated concerns Lhat a portable butldlng would not neet design crlteria. Regardiirg the uEe of the Gateltay sitE rather than the Alpine Stindard-slte, the preaent ownei di'd not want them to uae the baeenent aa uas orlginaLly planned. The owner had expressed concerns of ltablllty and parklng. Chuck Crist asked how noisy the systen would be and Ton l{cCurdy explained that the only noise would be generated by a compressor. the conpressor would be within an enclosed building and the inpact would be nininal . He felt the noise fron the highway would be more obtrusive. Chuck then asked, if the problen was more extensive than originally thought, sould Amoco have to build another station elEe wlrere? Fron wlrat distance could the wells be puruped? Tou Dtccurdy explained the wells could punp up to 200-250 feet away. Dalton and Ludwig had no conments. Diana asked how deep they tested the water and Ton McCurdy explained they test anywhere from 20 to 40r below the ground surface. Diana also asked how nuch water would be processed in 1 day and Tom lnlccurdy explained that the system processed 35 galloni PeTninute. Diani ltas concerned about how the Water and Sanitation department would handle the sLtuation and how it would affect the Town's water supply. Tom McCurdy explained that the water would be discharged to the Water and Sewer plant and the water plant discharged to the Townrs streams. He did not feel that 35 gallons a ninute would affect the water supply. Kathy warren asked Ton Briner, the architect for the project' if they would be ab}e to betm on either side of the building and Torn stated tryesr, on the sides but not the front or rear. applicant should conslder extra insulation to She asked Kristan if this would be an the island/area up and Shelly rerninded Diana and the board that there is a possibiJ-ity of a sidewalk as well. Tom McCurdy explained that there was an unidentified easement and Diana felt that it was an issue that staff could handle and inforn the board if it would be a problen at the next neeting. Shelly felt that ttre Town needed to see the final reports when they -ane out before naking a recomnendation and Tom ltcCurdy did;'t feel the final reports would affect the location of the building. He felt the present meeting was to center around the aesthetics, noise etc. Chuck crist asked how the air discharge was done and if it required Etacks. Tom Uccurdy explained that vents would be used. chuck also wanted to know if there would be an odor and Tom Uccurdy explained that the odor would be no nore than the gas Etation itself. Diana felt that the rnitigate the noise. opportunity to clean Bruce Gl,lly, repreeentl,ng the Holiday House, stated that the ounera w.re florrled about the property value golng down due to the contrrlnatl.on that appeared to be under the Hollday HouaebultdinE. They would ltka to see the area cleaned up. They dld uant to tnor lf thera ras danger. Ttrey dldnrt vant to find gas ln thelr baeenent. He asked, lf they used the existing welle, how tlre plpes would be lal.d and Tom McCurdy errplained that the pipea vould all be undergrounded. Jin Shearer aelced lf the funes fron the alr discharge would be flaunable and Ion llcCrrdy anssered xno.n Diana Donovan gtated that Ln general she felt the proposal was annecessaty evil . r The Plannlng and Envlronmental Conrnl.eEion publtc meetlng vae called to order at 2:30 p.n. by Diana Donovan, Chairperson. Sl.nce the neetlng was runnlng late, Iten No. 1 was postponed to the end of the neeting. Iten No. 23 805 Potato Patch DrLve.AoolLcant: Patsy and Pedro Cerleola t{lke Mollica explained that the appllcants were requestJ.ng a varlance fron a-maxl.rnun allowable watl height to provlde for the constructlon of a netf slngle fanlly hone. lltre variance reguested would allow for vaII helghts ranging frora 3 feet to 1o.5 feet in helght. The average slope of the lot beneath the proposed resl.dence and drlveway was approxlnately 50t. In order to access the site, the appllcants were-proposing a driveway with a maximun grade of 8t. The staff reconnendatlon was for approval' of the variance requested for a naxinun wall height of 10.5 feet perlhe drawlngs subnitted. Staff believed the reguest would not be a Erant of special privilege and would not be detrinental to the Fulftc health, salety or-velfare. The topograplric conditlonE of the slte created unlque developnent consLderations, and-the staff bell.eved that a traraJnlp wouLd-be lnposed upon the applicant if the etrlct and llteral lnterpretatlon of the zonl'ng code were to be enforced. Tlre findlnge eupportlng the variance included IV A, B, and C2. Parn Hopklns, representlng tlre appllcant, agreed wlth the staff presentatLon. She ocplained that, as the architect on theproject, she trled very hard to avoid asking for a varLance. However, extenslve soil testing deened the varlance request neceasary. Pan explained the tlpe of naterlals to be used in conetrtrctlng the wall. and showed photographs and examples. 9Feadded that the appllcant had upgraded the landscaping since the orlglnal proposal. Chuck Crist asked what color the wall was proposed to be and Pam ansrtered trgre]/. rr connie Knight explained that she had seen Georges Boyer, an adjacent property owner, in the room earller and asked if he wasfor or against the proposal and Mike explained that he wanted to make sure the home was proposed solely on the owners! land, thatit would not encroach into the open space tract innediately adjacent, which it did not. A motion to approve the recruested wall height variance per tbe staff neno with the condition listed below was made bv Kathv warren and seconded by Chuck Crist. Condition: Landscapinq be upgraded to the folloltinq: 5 12r-L4r Enqleman spruce 2 12r-14r Blue Spruce 6 3rr-4rt caliper Aspen VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR ften No. 3:A recruest for a side setback variance in order to construct an addition to a sinqle fanily structure 3-1./2 feet into the western side yard setback Iocated at Lot 16, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, L879 Meadow Ridqe RoadApplicant: Jerrv Farcruhar Andy l$udtsen presented the proposal explaining that the applicant proposed to build a sun room on an existing deck in front of his single fanily residence. The sun room would be 16 feet by 12 feet and would be located in front of the living room of the residence. The existing structure currently encroached 3r-5rr into the west side yard setback and the applicant proposed to align the new addition with the existing house, creating asimilar setback encroachment. The staff reconmendation was for approval of the reguested variance. Because the existing house wll in the setback creating a physical hardship, the owner deserved relief frorn the strict setback requirement. The variance would not be a grant of special privilege as the type of situation was justification for other variances in the past. There would be no negative inpacts on adjacent properties. The related finding included M, B' cl and C2. tlark Dtueller, a local engineer representing the.applicantl -- explalned that the dletaice frorn Ltre property line was actually e.3 feet ratlrer than 11.5 feet. KrLgtan aBked ltark to explaln how the inconsLstency occurred and ir.;i;raiiin"a tnit, -at ine ttne of the lnnllcatlol, thgY w9r9 iin"if"t"-ifna tfre inproveuent surney. rLey-had sLnce located Lt and found trte -afrEiipaniiy. rtre aietance-between the buildlnge would be tlre aame. f,,u&rlg Kurz aBked lf any trees -would need to be relocated and ilin Fii*tf,"i---tu "yes;l iii6' wouLd be noved to the front of the home. Krl.etan explalned to the board that staff was etlll supportlve of the variarr." "r"i th"Gh tfre-orlefnal flgUreg were not sorrect' Ti; ;t;fi--jurifiicitfon to suppoit the pio-posl1 was due to the iii"t-ifr"-a6aitton would not enbroach any further.than the liiitiiis iliidG; ;e-; i"isJiiirrt setbick wag stirr naintained wlth the reguest. CaniUtlenE-t- sLte vOrE: 7-o IN FAVOR Item No. 43 l-. 2. t{lke uolllca presented ttre propoeal for Etaff o<plalning-that the ippif"""i had proposed to t-ocate a televielon studlo in the S-uifira Iodge i'frf-"f,-ri"-iocatea wlthin the Connercial Core II zone dietrlct. df{hil-the-zon" distrlct, televlslon etatl'one were an allowable-ur.--o" first floor wttir an aPproved condltlonal G;-p;:1!ia: rne-use-rria itcently been added to ttre zonins code li-tii-ipproval oi oralnance No. 23, Series of 1990 by the Town ciruncir bir lury ri, iggo. The ordinance reguired that any approved television station have a production roon/studio which would be vislble from the street or pedestrian mall' and that the television statLon be rrcablecagtrr only. The staff found that the request met the conditlonal Use permit criteria and recomrtended approval of the rtcablecastrr type of television studLo. BiIt Perkins, the appllcant' agreed with the staff presentation. Chuck Crist asked Mike for clarificatlon on the parking fee reguirement. He wondered why had the sPace not been reguired to pat a parking fee in the past, if ln fact It had not. Mike explained that, in the past, a portion of the space had been consldered retall as opposed to office sPace. Retall space bad a different parking fee requirernent fron office Bpace. Diana asked the applicant what would happen during off-season and Bill Perkins e>rplained that the station would remain on the air. However, the rnorning show would be deleted for off-season and infonnation that locals would be interested in would continue. Connie Knight asked why satellite dishes lrere not included in the ordinance and Bill Perkins explained that there were separate guidelines controlling satellite dishes and that T.V. stations should have to go through the same procedures as the rest of the zone district. Connie then asked what was going to happen when the Sunbird Iodge was redeveloped and 8111 Perkins explained that the station would need to find a teurporary operating space. Howeverr the new plans would be designed to acconnodate a f.V. Station. BiIl expanded on the issue itating that he would hate to Pay a parking fee wtren he knew that the redevelopment of the sunbird would include parking facilities. Kathy Warren was concerned that the back portion of the floor plan catled for splitting a window with franing and asked if whoever made the notion would make a particular reference that the area be reviewed carefufly by the Design Review Board- A motion to approve the conditional use reguest pqr the review the front and back office soaces in order.to make the Shearer. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR o Iten No. 5: Shelly lte1lo presented ttre propogal for etaff explal'nlng that the PEC revlewed a propoeal for the BetI Tower Bulldlng on February 26t L99A whlcb lncluded a ground level retail expansLon-along Gor6 Creek Pronenade and aaditlone to exlstlng residentl'al developnent on tbe upper floors. lflre current proposal to the Bell Tower building lnvolved a ground level reetaurant o<pansion along the Gore Creek Pronenade. The nature of the proposal required the revlew of two separate requests lncluding an ex€erl.or alteratlon request and a request to reduce landseaping. The landscaplng varlance was neceasary because the brick paverE would be renoved on the outdoor deck and a portion of a planter because of the deck encloEure. The staf,f recomendatlon was for approval of the exterior alteratl-on request wlth the condltlon that the landscape varlance be approved. lh€ Btaff recornmended that the PEC require the appl-l-cant to renove the ralLlng surrounding the patlo fron Novenber 1 to Uay 1 of each year. Staff also reconmended that the appllcant be-regul.red to-partlclpate ln a proJect lnvolvLng the pioperty owners-and the Townrs Publlc worka Department ln an effort to reeolve E€vere dralnage problems adJacent to the Bell Tover Bulldlng. Tlre etaff felt that the proposal had malntaLned the deslgn elenente of both the Bel.l Tower Building and Gore Creek Pronenade whlch was crltlcal to the streetscape frarnework of the area. In addltlon, the staf,f found that additions of thlE tlpe along Gore Creek Pronenade and ln other areas of Town were qulte successful ln provldl.ng enhancenent to walking areas tbroughout the year- Jay Peteraon, representing the apptlcant, ocplained that there veie two basl.c reasons why tne appllcant was proposing the e<panslon. lllre flrst was that tlre kltchen needed to be expanded and the second was that the patlo had never really worked due to the north exposure. Ile fel{that, ln the beEinning, no one-liked to eee a pat-lo apace enclosed. tlouever, wlth the Lntroduction of Rekord do-ors, a ieck could be enclosed vltlr the opportunity to open th€ area up as weather per:nitted. He felt the lnprovenents were posl.tLve. Luilvlg Kgrz felt that the etaff, reconnendatlone were nleleading _through the uee of adjectl.ves and adverbs. He ll'ked the proposal and was Ln favor of the proJect. 7 Dalton Willians agreed he would like to see the railings rernoved. He also wanted to see snow and debris renoved dally. It didntt nake sense to hin to have the entry door recessed. He felt by bringing the door fonrard, the applicant could make the area noreInviting. Ile asked staff why the deck was not counted toward a parklng fee in the past and Kristan ex;llained that decks did not have a parking fee requirement while encloeed epace did. Dalton felt the proposal would be a good Lnprovement and supported the proJect. Chuck Crist asked the staff to explain the difference betweenrrHardscape and Living landscape.rl Krl.stan explained that, Ln the code, 2ot of landscapLng J.s allowed to be rthardscaperr, ie paversr sldewalks, etc. In CCI there rras no overall. t of landscaPe required for a site. CCI zoning stated I'No REDUCTIONTT ln landscaping should be allowed without sufficient cause and compLiance with the Urban Design Guide Plan. Chuck asked the applicant lf the flat po*ion of the roof was proposed to be gravel and Henmann staufer ansltered that the portion of the roof that is flat would be netal , natching the skylight franing. Chuck then asked about the railings and flower boxes and Hermann stated that he put the flower boxes out every year. chuck encouraged tlre continuation of flower boxes, hanging plants andgenerally supported the proposal . Kathy vrarren quoted the zoning code as Etatl-n9 rrNo Reductionn of land-caping without trsufficlent cause.rr she dld not feel there was sufiicient cause. She felt the code lnferred 2ot of the site should be landscape as the site coverage t was 80t. As far as she could calculate, the area under review was down to 1.7t landscaped area. She cornmented that, J-n rerriewing minutes fron the expansion approval in L987 ' every Conmissioner had nade statenrents regarding the landscaping. She didnrt feel the ex;ransion needed to encroach further. Hemann asked Kathy to lnaglne the buildlng without planter boxes, hanging baskets etc. The pavers,/hardscape uas covered up during the-winter. Ttre proposal was losing pavers and adding transparency and he felt the transparency would liven up the area year round. Kathy warren stated that she supported the llaster PIan Policy No- 3.3.2 regarding outdoor Dining as a streetscape feature. However, other exanples (1.e. Blurs and Vendettas) were open for lunch and the Lancelot Restaurant was not. t iliu Shearer aEreed that tlre ralllnga should be removed durlng the wlnter. lte ianted to eee the landEcaplng on the west end lnproved even though the land wae not owred completely by the applLcant. Jln Shearer asked Her:rnann lf he wae going to conslder opening the restaurant for lunch and Hetmann replled that the kitchen waa too small presently, but that with a larger kltchen he could !e opel for lunch. Jin then asked shat would hapPen wlth the grutter and heatlng wlth a flat roof and Craig Snordon responded that the roof uie really not f1at. It had a sllght sl'ope and lt was heated. ill.n felt ttrat lnproving the dralnage on Gore cr€ek Pronenadeghould be nade a part of tne approval. Cralg oald that tlre pavlng system at IanceLot Restaurant was four years old and they Laa nevei had any problen wtth tt. All the other bulldlngs-on -the Gore creek pionenade had to do below grade dralnage. All the bulldingE ln the area nould have to particlpate in the cost to conplete the dralnage. Nristan felt lt dld need to be part of the approval and stated the meno included thle conditlon of approval . It was a publtc/private effort. Ilermann replied that he would partlclpate. illn said that he was in favor of the proposal becauee the restaurant already used the deck space and because they were uel.ng Rekord doorl whlch they coula *eep openf and Lt lncreased the ilvellhood of the village. He felfttrat tlre lncreaea in traneparency rtaa positlve ana tnat the testern planter should be funproved. Connl.e Knlght had no problens with the Iancelot exterLor alteratlon request. However, sbe felt dislllueioned !V.tft9buckled paveri and felt that the Lancelot should partLclpate in the restoration of the area. Xrletan explalned to Connle that it was hard to force the applicant to partlclpate unless aLt parties in the area agreed. nre applleant-wae agieelng as a condition of approval to parttiipate nhen th6 work-was done and Craig-Snowdon e:rplalned Lfrat tfre proposed work would not hlnder the lnprovement of the buckled pavers. ConnLe wanted to know where the snow would be stored and Krl'stan e:<ptaJ.ned that the Pgblic Works departnent would have to llft and truck Lt out. DLana felt that, in reallty, all the appllcant would have to do J.e put Rekord d6org at the-ixletlng exterlor wall. She did not support the gtaff reconrnendation. She felt there waE not sufficient cause for a landscape variance. The reasons used to Justify the varlance lrere the tame that were stated for the addition in 1987. To Diana, thie meant the needs should have been net ln 1987. She could not support the use of public property for a deck and there was essentially no landscaping. Ftower baskets were ltreat in the summer but the building was bare ln the winter. she aticl not belleve sufflcient cause had been shown to remove the landscaPing. chuck Crlst asked if the planter to the west could be expanded to the north and Craig stated it would be possible if the Town would allors the expansion since it was Toun Property. Kristan wanted to clarify the Etaff'e posS-tion. She reiteratedtbat the staffrs position waE not to allow the landscape variance sinply because there was no landscaping on other_buildings neaiUy. Ttre nain reasons for supportJ.ng the variance are that the project neets the Urban Design Considerations and that the renoval of the landscaping had been conpensated for by the addition of a tree in the west planter. Dalton liked the Ldea of Rekord doors and feLt that by going out further, onto Town property, they would be left open more often as heat from the building would rnake the space nore useable. He felt the increase of transparency was also a good inpact. A motion was made to approve a recruest for a landscape variance per the staff memo with the conditions that the applicant nursue the planting of an everqreen or olher year- round tree on the west planted area and that the views of the allev be blocked in some rnanner by Chuck Crist and seconded bv Jin shearer. Discussion of the notion: It was also recomnended that the applicant extend the westplanter onto Town of Vail property if the Council would approve the encroachment. Jay felt that pedestrLan flow would be blocked by the planter in the winter. Diana stated that the notion was to pursue the possibiLity, that the applicant needed to work on a solution. Hemann felt if a tree was planted that he would like to wait until after the paver work was done. VOTE: 5.2 IN FAVOR WITH KATHY WARREN AND DIANA DONOVA}{ AGAINST. 10 A motion to approve a recnrest for an exterior alteration pqr Conditione: 1. The applicant renove the deck railing between Novenber 1 and Mav 1 of each vear and renove snow fron the area on a dailv basis. The appllcant oaTticipate in a proiect lnvolvinctthe piopertv owners and the Town's Public ttorEs2. problens ad'iacent to the gell Tower Building. VOTN: 5-2 IN FAVOR WITH DI,\NA DONOVAN AND KATHY WARREN AGAINST. Item No. 6: ilLt, c0PY Applicant: Flrst Bank of Vall anay f<nuataen presented the proposal for staff explaining that the applicant was requesting a variance fron the landscape standaids to add two compact car spaces to the parking area southof the lst Bank bullding. Three aapen and two Epruce trees would be relocated and 189 sguare feet of landscaping would be removed- The staff reconmended denial of the request stating that the reguest would be a grant of special privilege and had a negative inpact on vehl-cular and pedestrian traffic. Staff reconmended the restriping of the south lot and removing the sign adJacent to the parking tnat stated rrPrivate Parking, Unauthorized vehicles would be towed.r! Craig snoltdon, representing the appticant, explained that First Bank had a constant short-term parking problem and the proposed location was the onLy feasible location. Regarding the signage that related to the back parking, he said they could look at sl.gnage for the parking and could do the reslriping of the partcing tot. He felt two additional parking Epaces qtere a positlve aipect for the pubtic use and it would also help the First Bank. Dalton was not in favor of restriPing. He felt there was just enough space to park now and that standard size cars would try to use the smaller spaces. Filinc, 17 Vall Road. 11 Kathy Warren opposed the decrease of landscaping. She said that striping at an angle would help, then the cars would have to turn around by the dumpsters. Andy stated that the staff suggestion to restripe would result in spaces with 9 foot widths, which would not be substandard. Diana felt she would rather see trees than two nore parking spaces. A motlon to denv a recruest for a landscane variance oer the itaff nemo was made bv Connle Kniqht and seconded bv Ludwict Kurz VOTE! 6-0.1 WITH JIM SHEARER ABSTAINING Item No. 7: Postponed to the end of the meeting to be tabled. Item No. 8: A request for a side setback.varianQe at Lotq 1-5' Block 5 Vait Villaqe lst Filing. unit 3B--vail Rowhouses, 303 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Stewart Co1ton Staff explained that the applicant did not have condoninium approval and requested the item be tabled. Jim Morter addressed the board and stated that they did not want to table the iten. He clairned that the condoniniurn declarations state that, if the applicant did not have an answer within 10 days, approval was to be presumed. Jln rnentioned two concerns of adjacent propertY ortners. Kristan responded, explaining that the staff received an unsigned letter with two conceins. She said that condominium association approval htas very important and a signed letter of approval was critical . Jin Morter said that the adjacent property ownerrs concern ltas the third level deck which he offered to remove. Applicant: Vail Vallev Medical Center L2 RoBs Davla, repregentlng l'tr. l{ataon' an-adJacent ownor' felt tlrat lft"-pfi"r-i""iia good. . He waB concirned alout schedullng of- the construction. ffrl-Oivls- euggeetea-ttr.t the appllcant was asking for an unneceFsa;; ;;6;.k;ilGile iron a non existent lot llne' Ite further eoggeitea tftat the lot lines had been vacated vla a 1964 condont-niun rnaP. Krlatan stated that she was sorrfr that the proJect had been "li"ciea but felf iftat-tfre staff could not -1gnor9- the f,act that they had not r"cil"ia-a ietter of alploy$..r19rn lrre condonlnlum assoclation. Xrietan added that sh;- felt this was a clvll lesue that the ownera neeaea to reeolve before the staff revl'ewed the request. Sne conciuata tnat the elaff wlshed to table untll the August 13th pEc ffiiffi. --a"af in"iiea nr. Davis to preeent. hl: matertal for rudt.r-lEiaf piioi to the next neeting. - ahe told iln Uorter that fri-loufa -go to the 1lesign Re-view Board for a """""p1".1 revlew on auguit lst lf he sished' A notion to table IteT No,. 8 untLt =the AuguEt- 13- 1990 naea Uv Chuck crtst VOITE: 7 - O IN FAVOR OF TABTING ll'el-.Neg-gL Dlana asked tne applicant if the.atakes outlinlng-the footprLnt of the trouse w"ri'"oi"ent, and .rln t[orter answered nno.n Discussion centered around whether the board was confortable ![;dh-gt pioceea-fir""gh i5! stakes were not current and it wae decLded to Proceed. ulke uoillca explalned that the applicant wag regueetlng a.site """"tig"-varlanie-to affow for thl'constnrction of a new eLngle I-riv-n"r.l-sitri i" iiiacrted three-car Earage.- The exlslrry ;idta i"riiy rrone-Jn-ttre site waa PropoEed io,be denollshed' due to strueturaf cotrcei""-rftn the foufidation. GLven the steep ;ld;;-;-trt" i"C, -ir,e trt" coveraee t:s!lfi:i: :f the propertv wis-Iintted to fSl. -- eeciuEe the slopes exceeded 30t, the ippff"i"t sas allowed to locate the larage -wlthin the front sLlbactc area wLthout a setback varLaice. - Mlke reviewed tlre htetory of the piiiJ"[,-trre-iontng analysl:, -lnd the criteria and if"ai"6r-ippif"iriii-i"'the projecf . Thi staff recomendatLon nas ;;;;;p;.Gi: siiit-lertevla €ne tot was encunbered with a phyelcal hardahip, due to the extrene slopes on th€ glte' Staff 13 aIEo belleved that the grantlng of the variance would not be detrlnental to the public health, safety or general welfare of properties or persons ln the vicinity. For those reatons, staff iett ttrat it would not be a grant of special privilege to approve the variance reguest. Jfun ltorter, the architect representing the applicant, explainedthat the slte had a hardshlp. Given the opportunity, the applicant would prefer to put the garage under the house. In order to do this, the house would have to be in the front setback. As the detalled plannlng began with the previous proposal , they found lt lnpractlcal to renodel . The current proposal. met all other requirenents. As ltike had stated, they couta bulld a carport and it would not count as sl.te coverage. Jin polnted out tree locations and offered to replace any trees that would not have been renoved by the previous p1an. Chuck Crist asked if the area across the street would still be revegetated as in the previous proposal and Jim answered tyes." Connie Kntght asked why the PEC did not revl-ew the 250 request and Kristan explained that the 250 reguest was not part of the site coverage variance which should be looked at on its own nerit. Jin Morter stated that if they were not to receive the 250 request, they would delete a loft bedroon on the top floor and therefore site coverage would not change. Jin Shearer was concerned about landscaping. He wanted to be sure that the apptlcant would save as many trees as possible. Ile felt that the excavation of the horne presented a high rlsk to many of the trees on site. that they had looked at many proposal was the best. The would have a big inpact if Kathy Warren felt that the applicant should be required to extensively landscape due to the loss of nature landscaping and Jin l{orter agreed. Ludwig Kurz felt that the applicant should keep all possible -. -trees-sith the conditlon that any darnaged trees be repLaced with mature/substantial trees. A rnotion to anprove a site coveraqe variance oer the staff neno with the followinq conditions was made by Kathv Warren and seconded by Connie lGight. Jim Morter extrrlained to Jim Shearerdifferent scenarios and the current trees to the northeast of the house renoved. Condltions: 14 1. 2. 3. ![he eLte of the exLstLnq etructure be taken back to natural grade and landecaped. :fhe area across Beaver Dan Road be revectetated. VOIIE: 7-O IN FAVOR Xrl.stan rccornnended that trees on the slte be photographed and el.zes determl,ned before a bulldlng pemlt is released eo that if trees dle due to congtnrctlon, therC would be agreenent on sLze and tlpe replacenent trees. Iten No. 1O3 Andy lhudteen presented the proposal for staff explalnlng that thJappltcant iae proposing to ehange the zoning code to allow a Urew puU aB a uae by rtght ln the Connercl.al Serrrlce Center zone dlstrl.ct. The reguest ias to define the brew pub use Ln the def,lnitlon sectl,oi of the code, list the use as a pernitted use ln ttre CSC sectl.on of the code, llst the uee, with Linited off alte Eales, as a condltlonal use ln the CSC section of the code, and lncludl a paragraph, also in ths csc section, regardlng operating charlcteilstl.cs. Andy reviewed the background research that had-been done and the aPpl-lcable crl.terla and fJ.ndlngs. The etaff recomendatlon was for approval of the request. Andy, at the reguest of Iarry Eskwith, clarified the difference betwien on-glte-consunptlon,-retail saleE f,or off-site consumptlon, and wholesale sales. Krietan felt lt was lnportant for the board to understand that the brew pub uee was lntended to be accesEory to a restaurant. Dean LLotta axplalned that he uas not plannlng on brewing-9n a. conatant baslg-. Hc wanted to brew 3 to 5 tlne8 per week (Brewing took approxlnately ?5 mlnutes) and he would llke to be able to lrew auilnE norma-l worklng hoirre. ff lt becaue a problen in the- f,uture, he-would be happy-to change the houre of brewing. He had been glven a 1000 barrel a year cap. He stated he would hate to 15 be at 1000 barrels on Deceuber 15 and be forced to go 2 seeks without business. He asked what would happen in that situation? Kristan exptained to Dean, that if he was that close to his cap, he could come back and reguest a higher cap. Dean felt that the sale to a restaurant patron that took a 5-pack home should be considered on-site eales. Kristan stated that, not only restaurant patrons buy beer to take out' but others would use the pub as a liquor store and it would create additional traffic. Diana felt that if the pub was going to have both sales for off- site consurnptLon and wholesales, they strould be considered as two separate condltional uses. Dean showed the board pictures of what the eguipnent looked like and how it would be lald out on the site. Kristan suggested that lf the odor was a problen, the staff (T.O.v.) could initiate a code change. Dean agreed that he would conply with future odor control ordl'nances. Kathy Warren suggested that the issue be discussed when he came to the board for a conditional use pernit for off-site sales. 1. The barrel per vear caD be increased to 1500. 2. Iten No. 3, Permitted Uses--(Gl referenclnc ooeratinq hours be deleted. 3. The Section on Conditlonal Uses--(L) be anended so that sales for off-site consunption and rtholesales be separate conditional uses. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR Iten No. 13: A notion to reconmend approval to the Town Council per & Associates. 16 l.lltce tlolllca preeented the proposal for staff. He explal.ned-the changes that had been made itnLe the laet work sesglon Lncludlng roof-heLght percentagee, the adJacent poeket park (Town Councll had given perntsel.on to proceed slth deslgn) ' the-reuova1 of eldeialks Lo give a lore lnfonal access, and nodlflcatlone to the retaLning wall near the Covered Bridge. Dalton eugEested tlrat the Tohtn Dove/dunp the snow slsewhere. l{lt<e explalned that the staff interpretatlon of helght reetrictlons would be gpllt 5O/5O witn tne 50t to the cast taken off of BrJ.dge street grlae and the 5ot to the weEt taken from the grade fron the northwegt corner of the buildlng. The Interpretatl.on wag taken fron how past eLtuatl,one were handled. lled Gwathney, representlng the applicant, felt that the-grade froro Brldge-Strelt should-be uaed entlrely. The elevatlon fron Brldge Stieet was clearly the elevation that ras fuoportant. Regardless, they would etiU need a varlance. XrLstan explalned that in order to allow the covered-Brldge Bulldlng t6 use the Bridge Street grade for deternlnlng height the staif would have to allow the eaue grade to be used throughout the Vlllage. DolnE that would create f,uture problens. Dalton t{lllians felt that, Lf the appl-lcant stayed wlthin the helght gruidelines, the result would be a masslve bullding rroitln! the road and a big yeltow wa11 (Peplfs Bulldlng) viEible to the north. Kathy l{arren Etated that she did not aee a physical hardshlp to Justlfy grantlng the variance. Ned Gwathney revlewed the vlllage ltaster Plan polnts which he felt relatea to the proJect, Btitl.ng that the l,laster PIan called for the stepping down oi buLldlngs iron the Frontage Rold-a1$ called for l- 3 io 4 story buildlng in the Vlllage. Ned felt that the existing Elte wis a hardship. They were ln the floodplain, the butldlng Ltself sas Ln bad shape, the cost of, denolition and redevelopnent was a hardshlp. Ihe existlng building did not neet eafety concerns. Dl.ana Donovan felt that the floodplain seemed to be the only true phyalcal hardship ehe could see. She asked what the sqafg io6taqe of the aiea of the exlstlng buildlng that was wlthln the ttoodlfatn and Ned Gnrathrney anssered "eO sq. ft.n. Dlana felt ehe night support a helght-varl.ance for not encroachl.ng into_the floodplaln. -biana felt that the other hardshlps that Ned had llstei were eelf inposed ln that the oltner rtas artare of tlren when he purchased the buildlng. Jln Shearer atated that he had been trytng to welgh the pros and L7 cons of the project. He felt that, personallY, he carne up with more pluses than uinuses. He felt that the project would be the chance to ask the Town to find a dlfferent location to dunp snow. He felt that the bullding was the fl.rst impression of Vail Vitlage and did not feel it was desirable to have the buildings all the sane size. He liked the pocket park design and inproved safety features. lfhere waa no doubt that the proposal was above the atlowed height by the difference of grade to the rear. Ae was in favor of the cornrnerclal space downstairs. Connie f<night stated that orlginally she had thought rrnot more downtown infilltr. However, after walking around the building she realized lt did need help. She dld feel the proJect waE still too dense. Kathy Warren felt the proposal sas for 5 levela not 4 and that the ipplicant could get closer to the height called for in the code. She did not see a physlcal lrardship. Diana Donovan fett the proJect was rrgood and badrr. She needed more reasons before she could support a variance. She felt, if the applicant would drop the creek sLde elevation down, the project would be closer to receiving her support. Diana asked what percent of the roof was too tall and the memo said 53t and Bruce ann replied ttrat the greatest percentage of the roof was an area below 33t and that they were moving that area to the back so that most of the unused volune was toward the back. Diana replied that lt was really not the Boardrs absolute right to trade in this area. Dalton agreed with the staff. He felt the applicant was going to have to live witn the rules. l'laybe stepping down frorn PepLrs building would also help the height situation of Pepi's roof. He liked the design of the Project. Ludwig asked if there was consLstent interpretation of the grades, and Ml-ke replied that there had been and Kristan and Tom iraun had conferred as to what had been done in the past. Ludwig felt that Lt was an improvenent to the buil-ding but felt that the height was still a number one concern. Kristan said that a couple of Board members asked if the applicant was going to consider an SDD. She said that it was an oitton but that it-was not an easy process either. - Ned replied tlat undertying zoning would still have to be considered. Kathy said that, with an sDD the applicant could probably use 18 Bruce lmfs argiun€nt regardlng novLng the maEe of the lower roof to the front oi the bulldlng ind the nasB of the higher roof next to Pept fs. Connla sald that sh€ rould vote againat an sDD. Dlana polnted out that under the exl.etlng zonlng only ttre helght needed nLtl.Eatlon. tlllce explalned how the auriveyor would datermLne the vl.ew CorrLdor fro,n the denolished parklng etttrcture. Bnrce Am felt that they were clearly out of the View Corrl.dor and l{ike eald that It dldntt appear that the proJect would go lnto the VLer Corridor, but that verlficatl'on was regulred. Kristan sald that ghe santed to be eure that Ned knew all of the other optl.ons. Ned asked for a deflnltion of rrhardshlpr and Krlstan explained the definitlon. Itern No. 7: Iten No. 113 ften No. 12: W 19 I ftem No. 1: llhe followlng changes nere reguested: Page 2--change 'Rudy", twice in the first Page 2--atrike rand second home rentalrl Page 7--add rrentire Cascade SDDrr under the paragraph to Ludwlg. sq. ft. calculations. An infomal discussion followed concerning Etaff memoa. 20 %r,t I To: Planning and Environmental Conmission FROM: Cornmunity Development Departnrent DATE: July 23, 1990 RE: A request for a landscape variance in order to provide two additional parking Bpaces on the southern portion of Tract G, VaiI Village 2nd Fi1ing, 17 vail Road. Applicant: First Bank of Vail r. DESCRIPTION OF TITE VARTANCE REOUESTED The applicant is requesting a variance fron the landscape standards to add two conpact car spaces to the parking area south of the 1st Bank Building. These spaces would be added on the east end of the existing rord, and would be setback 32 feet frorn VaiI Road (see attached site plan). The spaces would be 9rx16r and would have 1.5 feet of backing distance behind then. Three Aspen and two spruce trees would be relocated and 189 square feet of landscaping would be removed. II. ZONING CONSIDER,ATTONS Zone District: Public Accornmodation Lot Area: 21,196 sq. ft. Landscaping: A. Planted Areas: Existing: 4,509 sg. ft. Proposed: 4r320 sq. ft. B. Hardscape (patios, sidewalks): Maximum Allowed: 902 sq. ft. or 20* of existing planted area Existing: Lt794 sq. ft. Proposed: 11794 sq. ft. C. Total Landscaping: Reguired: 6,359 sq. ft. or 30t of lot area Existing: 5,411 sq. ft. or 25.5* of Lot area Proposed: 51222 sq. ft. or 24.6* of lot area Parking: Requirernent net with both on-site and off-site parking on Interfaith Chapel lot. I aIII. CRITERIA AND FTNDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal code, the Departrnent of Cornnunity Development reconmends denial of the requested variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the recruested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinitv. The relationship between the First Bank site and surrounding properties does not lrave the bufferingthat the Townrs landscaping standards normallyprovide. currently the bank property is 949 sq.ft. below the required nininum landscaped area. The hardscape area also exceeds the maximum allowed to be considered as landscaping by 892 sq.ft. The lack of landscaping is evident as the building has surface parking to the north and south and has only a narrovt landscaped setback between the building and the surface parking lotto the west. Staff believes the site benefits from as much landscaping as is feasible to naintain on the site and does not support the proposed reduction in landscaping. The existing landscaping is very attractive and should be preserved. The degree to which relief from the strict andliteral interpretation and enforcernent of a specified recrulation is necessary to achieveconpatibility and uniformity of treatment anonq Staff believes that the reguest is positive to the degree that it provides additional parking. we acknowledge that at certain times parking is a problem at the Bank. Ho\tever, the applicant has already rnet the ninimurn parking requirement per the Town of Vail Zoning Code. If the applicant would like to go above and beyond the zoning standards for parking, staff encourages First Bank to do so by restriping the south lot and gaining an additional space without removing any landscaped area. Because the proJect is already under on landscaping, staff cannot support a request to allow the removal of a planted areawith nurnerous trees. 2. 3. The effect of the requested variance on Iioht and air, distribution of population, transportatlon and traffic facilities. public facilities andutilities, and nublic safetv. The spaces would function substandardly and could be a hazard to public safety. with only 15 feet of backing dlstance, drivers will need to make several back and forth movenents to access each space. Parking spaces which do not function well are apt to create accidents. Additionally, a sidewalk fron the Interfaith Chapel leads to the conmon drive between the buildings at the location of the proposed spaces. A pedestrian/autonobileconflict area should not be exacerbated by the addition of these two sPaces. IV. FINDINGS A. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the linitations on other properties classified in the same district. B. That the granting of the variance will not be detrirnental to the public health, safety or welfare. or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. c. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforcenentof the specified regulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apPly generally to other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcenent of the specified regulation would deprive the applicantof privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the sane district. v.tSTAFF RECOWENDATION Staff recomnends denial of of landscaping in order to the request to reduce the amount add two parking spaces on theFirst Bank property. The request would be a grant of specj-al prlvllege and has negative inpacts on vehicular andpedestrian traffic. Staff believes any further reduction ofthe landscaping should not be approved because the site only acconrnodates 85 percent of the reguirenent at ttris tine. With the cornplications of the constricted traffic flow dueto the snall backing distance, staff believes that the reduction l-s not warranted. In order to improve the parking situation, staff reconnendsrestriping the south lot and also removing the sign adjacentto the parking that states rrPrivate Parklng, Unauthorized vehicles will be towed.rr Perhaps a small sign at the northlot indicating additional parking on the south side of the Bank would also be helpful . a \ t Eoz. s d1Its 4 HU e a u \,tvl4t-l o wkht\h U*'^"c (u*;w l-*1, o \ l'+ 9,+|J( filL b-0 alsl"h"/TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Cornrnission Connunity Development Department July 23, 1990 A request for a landscape variance in two additional parking spaces on theof Tract G, VaiI Vlllage 2nd Filing,Applicant: First Bank of Vail DESCRIPTTON OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED I J )," order to provide southern portion 17 VaiI Road. I. The a licant iso add EWO COnPaCE Car SpaCeS EO Ene ParKrnlt area Bank Building. These spaces would be added on the east end of the existing ro!,t, and would be setback 32feet fron Vail Road (see attached site plan). The spaces would be 9!x16! and would have 1,5 feet of backing distance behind thern. Three Aspen and two spruce trees would be relocated and 189 sguare feet of landscaping would be removed. II. ZONING CONSIDERATTONS Zone District: L,,ot Area: Landscaping: A. Planted Areas:Existing: Proposed: B. Hardscape (patios, sidewalks): ltaximum Allowed: Existing: Proposed: c. Total Landscaping: Required:Existing: Proposed: Public Accommodation 2L,L96 sq. ft. 4,509 sq. ft. 4,320 sg. ft. 902 sq. ft. L,794 sq. ft. L,794 sq. ft. 5,359 sq. ft. 5r411 sq. ft. 51222 sq. ft. Parking: Reguirement net with both on-site and off-site parking onInterfaith Chapel lot. hv Pn*tl It4*t ^'n or 20* of existing planted area orlt;rlf lot area or rFllFof lot areaor-Il of lot area fJry 1fJ at Y.*\t gu ^/\ f-'4'za' tqtt o III. CRITERTA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 ofthe Vail Municipal Code, the Department of ConnunityDevelopment recommends denial of the requested variancebased upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: pgnltftL 1. The relationship of the requested variance toother. existing or potential uses and structures inthe vlcinitv. The relationship between the First Bank site and ,surrounding properties does not have th"IIntbat the Townrs landscaping standards nornallyprovide. Currently the bank property is 949 sq.ft. below the required nininum landscaped area.The hardscape area also exceeds the maximumallowed to be considered as landscaping by 992 sq. ilir"Tli lack or randscapincr l: a:T:1.f;'"13"south and has only a narrolr landscaped setback between the building and the surface parking lotto the west. Staff believes the site benefitsfrom as nuch Landscaping as is feasible tonaintain on the site and does not support theproposed reduction in Landscaping. The existinglandscaping is very attractive and should bepreserved. 2. The deqree to which relief from the strict andIiteral interpretation and enforcement of aspecified requlation ls necessarv to achieve sites.in the viqinitv or to attain the ftof this title without grant of snecial privilectE. Staff believes that the request is positive to thedegree that it provides additional parking. we acknowledge that at certain tirnes parking is aprobl,glt_?t the Bank. However, the appJ-icant hasf#the rnininum parking reguiiement perthe Town of Vail Zoning Code. If the applicantwould like to go above and beyond the zoningstandards for parking, staff encourages First Bankto do so by restriping the south lot and gaining an additional space without removing any P,. lZleL'or'<[;P ' l"Jl'n^t . . *t,.ii*1 srtn fet+;^1 8 i*li"l {,,* l:lu"l ';Wt&W:ff 4 t{* '?2'\ ?4u' . L *t.:( ol ott '/ J ' a'o p*sitL, 1..* t4" b^,ln"a1'1 ,^,u( - *;".tr*, lil:;':1"i"1533;ntff:'$:r:n:"H:i"::n;:,ltreadv .- t,,7 - , rr reguest to allow the removal of a planted area 4 htk- ,o1otu*1 with numerous trees. 1*b;*1 tll''1,l st ftif il,, ,, d fl+'+, Vt 541 t The effect of the recruested variance on light andalr. distribution of population. transportation and traffic facilities. public facilities and - The spaces would function substandardly and could be a hazard to public safety. I{ith only 15 feet of 5|F, drivers will need to make several back and forth novernents to access each space. Parking spaces which do not function well are apt to create accidents. Additionally, a sidewalk fron the Interfaith chapel Leads to the conmon drive between the buildings at the locationof the proposed spaces. A pedestrian/autonobileconflict area should not be exacerbated by the addition of these two spaces. IV. FINDINGS The Plannino and Environnental Comnission shall nake the following findings before qranting a variance: - | r That the granting of the variance wiII not constituteI\lort , t' ^^ ----:-.r --.!--: r --- : -----: ^.L^r{- ,-,i }r- }L^l-"1'r ^ L .--... , grant of special privilege inconsistent with their'tforra*":t*.', iinitation3 on otirer proferties classified in the {L' zo^t1 l;*': J J;,*s,district. A ;fi.r pitgal;.s Ccvl)'. , B. That the granting of the variance will not be t|v.;t ,'t dr\ detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare' or S/. b.-l,c,.r - tf,:";i:li{.}":"tt"us to properties or improvements in P,-ttr\ fr" t'' ,: ; c. That the variance is warranted for one or rnore of the 5.97. q o<.tat. following reasons: 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforcementof the specified regulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this titIe. Ttrere are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the samesite of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcernent of the specified regulation would deprive the applicantof privileges enjoyed by the owners of otherproperties in the sarne district. 3. "u,,a) & r* nl**;r'1" p1;o 2. ,''ll Pr 1'.ta--*ry.,)ffi'r 3' v.ISTAFF RECOMI'IENDATION staff reconrnends denial of the request to reduce the anountof landscaping in order to add two parking spaces on theFirst Bank.property. The request would be a-grant ofspecial. privirege and has negative inpacts on-vehicuLar andpedestrian traffic. staff believes any further reduction ofthe landscaping should.no! b9 approved-because the site onlyaccomnodates 85 percent of the requirenent at this tlne.I{ith the comprications of the conJtricted traffic flow dueto the snall backing distance, staff believes that thereduction is not warranted. rn order to inprove the parking situation, staff reconnendsrestriping the south rot and arso renoving the sign adJacentto the parking that states rprivate parking, UnauthoriZedvehicles will be towed.r perhaps a srnall iiqn at the northlot indicating additional parking on the south side of theBank would also be helpful . U';; u -,-+ .Fte. cril<-,;,,. *t l4qc x< ; u^'^t< 4'-"ir"- -') *il 4 'tl''A 6're fA-l'^-l'- . l*L 4 l*a,4.sc4'\j ' c.ov"skvhtm - tal\ ,ll- r&k^,, .. t?:-) rrv.{ te sh: P ,). t <1 I( I < \ II I t Eo =_ i s .)()I'fl Gl, b B e EJ. a & \,vl€t-l Project Date of ttt|/r .'t - iEDv -UiD-_DRB - Town Council I -o$ ,"*-n (u;rt-"-f 452s1 *,=htr /"il sc_a=4 /) 7/ o rnil frryovJ p"Az -=, l"-h."f 4Maud /" 4. v+el -bd*p //./ 'JelAcat'z -^t .".-."*l ?o/ e44L /< Lr-rr^*] = 63st 4 #- Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado June 23, 1990 Architects 303-476-2201 81657 n-#' z) Ia,tAscl\' zQ Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of VaiI Community Developrnent Department ?5 South Frontage Road Vail, Co 8L657 Kristan: "fi*',,"\ \ a-35(A rra ,tr./ Enclosed is a package of infornation on a variance/conditional use ililit ueing riq";"i"a-Uy ine First Bank of vait. The First Bank of i;ii-ir-;eq,lesting an aa&itional two parking spaced be added along their shared soutfr driveway. Due to the existing circumstances, a variance *i'i:l be needed to:ttt l'A- allow for a reduction in landscaping below the atlowable ioZ- t4l'1 t at present) as per section 18'22'130 and' B.Permittheincreaseinuncoveredparkingspacesforthefor the pioperty above the 75* requirement (47 covered spaces riquirea-and 20 covered spaces existing) as per section L8.22-I4O- This rnay require a conditional use pernit-?"d/?I variance as the "ie="nt'zorrinq is Public Acconmodation (PA) with a conditional use 5liiliil-r"r""'iii""". __w" are subrnitting.inis-.: .? Y"tiance for review-ui-V""r regularly scheduled P I t4 rne"€itg of 7/23/gO. As part of this ieqirest, tie owner would relocate and/or replace. the existing trees pi,J.""tiy located in the proposed new spaces to the existing iandscaped open space clirLctly east of the newly created spaces, ir,"r".=ittq t-he tairdscaping scieen as viewed fron Vail Road' These "p.""r r"o,ifa need to Oi a6siqnated as trmini carrr spaces;_and woul'd be c'onsistent with the adjacent uses. This request would allow for much needed short-tern- parXing for the First Bank of Vail during regular business hours, u"i-1n."'pioviOe additional parking for the Vail Interfaith Chapei and otnlr adjacent businesses during the -eveningsand weekends. rne proposal is consistent with the goals of the Town of Vail, and would Supbort the existing se:vice, traffic' and ii"".p"itation piit"rit'= already.establishedi and as proposed, do not h;;;-; negative-inpact on the rignt, air and population of the vicinity. Page 2 Ms. Kristan Prits June 23, 1990 As the existing services of the bank have gronn beyond the existing condition of t6e site, we feel a strict and literal interpret?tion of inJ regutation would iose a hardship on the applicant and would not be granting special privilege. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please call. Sincerely, SNOI|DON AND HOPKINS - ARCHITECTS l^ /hh t flfrU//f/W Craig N. Snowdon Partner CNS/sIh frrilry, , { %rf*T /i ,,ill 4{/blF fu v roqd fijfu, uhw fr/. PUBI.TC NO|rICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannlng and Envlronnental Connlselon of the lrown of Vall vlll hold a pubtlc hearlng ln accordance wl.th SectLon 18.66.060 of the uunicLpal code of the Town of val.L on JuIy 23, 1990 at 2:oo p.n. Ln the Town of Vail llunicipal Buildlng. ConsideratLon of: 1. A request for a condltional use permit for a iTelevl.slon Statlonn ln the Conmercial Core II zone dlstrict located at Lcl- 2, Block 1, Vall Llonshead 3rd Filing, Sunblrd Loclge, 675 Llonshead Place.Appllcant: Vall,/Beaver Creek Television Network. 2. A reguest for an exterior alteratLon, a site coverage variance, a height variance, a landscape variance and a floodplain nodification on Iot C and I.ot D, and the southwesterly 4 feet of Lot B, all in Block 5-B' Vallvillage let Plling, 227 Brldge street.Applicant: Hillis of snowraBs, Inc. and Bruce Am & Associates. 3. A request for an exterlor alteration and a landscape variance in order to construct an addition to the Bell Tower Building at 201 core creek Drive, Part of Tract A, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing.Applicants Hermann Staufer - Lancelot Restaurant 4. A reguest for a slde setback variance in order to construct an aaaition to a single fanily structure 3-L/2 feet lnto the western slde yard setback located at Lot 16, Buffehr Creek Subdlvlslon, 1879 Meadow Rldge RoadAppllcants terry Farguhar 5. A reguest for a conditlonal use per:nit in order to e:<pand offiCe space for a nagnetic resonance lnaging system and a sateltlte dish at the Vail valley l{edical Center, Iots E and F, VaiI Village 2nd Flling, 181 l{est Ueadow Drive.Applicant: Vail val-ley Medical Center 6. A request for a landscape variance in order to provide two additionat parking spaces on the southern portion of Tract G, VaiI Vlllage 2nd Fl11n9, L7 Vail Road.Appllcant: Flrst Bank of Vail 7. A request for a elde setback varlance at Lots 1-6, Block 5 vall village 1st Flllng, Unlt 3B--Va11 RowhouaeB, 303 Gore Creek Drlve.Appllcant: Stewart Colton 8. A reguest for a conditional use pernit and a setback variince for a rernediation system eguipnent building at the Alpine Standard Station, part of Lot A' VaiI Vll1age 2nd Filing, 285 S. Frontage Road l{est.Applicant: Anococorp. ,AA ; C /1 I t-_ V V lnttaL ' lu loo o9. A request for a clte coverage varlanceVall Vlllage lct Flllng, 8{ Beav€r DaD Appll.cant! tl. Rose Parot tat Roa Ipt 31, Bl.ock 7, d. 10. A rogu€st for an tDendrent to lown of Vall ordlnance No. 24, Eerl.ee of 1983 and ordlnancc llo. 28, Series of 1987 governlng wood-burnlng fl,replacee, gas loge, and gas appllances.Appllcant! Toen of Vall 11. A requeat for a naJor anendnent to SDD No. 16, part of parcel A, Llonerldge Subdl.vLelon' Flllng 2. (The valley Phase III)Appll.cant: Brad & Suaan TJoasen L2. A requ€st tor a varl.ancc troa tbe rall belght requlrcnent on Loit 29, Block 1, Vall Potato Patchi 805 Potato Patch DrLve.Appllcant: Patsy and Pedro Cerleola 13 A request for a naJor subdivlelon, to approve theprellnlnary plan, a requeat for a variance to the uaximum Leight for-rCtainlng ualla, and a request for a variance to the naxlnun percent grade for a road, on a parcel comonly referred to as Spraddl€ Creek, an approxinate 40 acre parcel located north and caet of thc !{aln Vail I-70 lnterchange and east of the Spraddle creek llvery.Appllcant: George Glllett' ilr. 14. A reguest for a naJor anendnent to sDD No. 4, Coldstream Condonlniutns ln order to anend Sections 18.46.090 (B) densLty, 18.46.1o0 (B) floor area, L8.46.22O enployee- housing and 18.46.230 tLne requlrenents to convert existing racguetball faclllty lnto an enployee houslng unit, managenent office, laundry and owner storage area at l.ot 53 clen Lyon Subdivielon, 1476 lfeethaven Drive. Apptlclnt: Coldetrean Condoninlun Associatlon. 15. A request to amend the Val'l llunlclpal Code sectlon 18.0{ to add i deflnitlon for a brew Pub and a request to anend the Connercl.al Serrrlce Center Zone Dletrict 18.28 to allow a brew pub aE a Penoitted use. Appllcant: Dean Llotta The appllcatlons and lnforuatl'on about the proposale are available for publlc lnspectlon I'n the Connunlty llevelopnent Departrnent offlce. Town of Vall Comunlty Development DePartnent Published Ln the val.l Trail on July 11' 1990. Appt ication ,ur, PEc MEETTNG oerc -11'11 lt - I. This wi'l 'l A. 0'",3 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE procedure is requ'ired for any project requesting a variance. The applicationnot be accepted until all information is submitted. NAME OF APPLICANT bl, ADDRESS PH}NE 41h-5bH4 R NAME OF APPLICANT'S R EP RES Ei'ITAT I V E VI 1n AUUK!')),r ,aonel\'41b'MI c.NAI'IE 0F ol./NER(S Sian tyRe .i1 2r;n4i nt ) tf r-!i,. ADDRESS proNt 41b-ibfrh U.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL AUUKL) J LEGAL DESCRT pTrON LoT --_BLo cytrjlllL PAtD)E_:l_cK #_5L,jl5 FaaM PAID BEFORE THE COI'1I1UN ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I,IILL ACCEPT FEE $r 00 TI.]F FFT MIIqT Atr YOUR PROPOSAL. F.A 'l ist of the narnes of o\{ners of alI prooertv INCLUDING PROPIRTY BEI]]ND AI.D ACROSS STREETS" THE APPLICANT |^lILL 8E RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I,IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO 'DETERI'IINE I F ANY ADDITIOI']AL INFORI'IATION IS NEEDED. _TIO NPPT ICATION |'lILL BE AccEPTED UNLESS IT Is c0rlPLETE (MUST INcLUDE ALL ITEMS-RSQUIRED By THE zoNINGADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLJCANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MKE AN APPOINTMENTl,lITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBIIiTTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A CO.MPLETE APPLICATION l.lILL STREAMLiNE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PR0JEct gv oecnEAstnG-rHE NUf'rBER 0F coNDtnoNS oF AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNTNG AND ENV]ROIIMENTAL COI4MISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL cONDITIONS OF APPRoVAL MU.T BEcOMPLIED t,tITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMiT IS ISSUEE. adjacent to the subject property and thej r maj'l i ng addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. rlr sNowDoNa|8rl|[,nt 201 Gore Creek Drive vAtL. COLORADO 81657 (303) 476.220r f)^r c^',culrteo a" V|J 15 orre CHECKEO BY OATE fo.E|n t1ffit|G clri rr lr't SNOWDON & HOPKINS 201 Gore Creek VAIL, COLORADO nnfirecrs Drive 81657 LETTT@F TRANSNflITTAL DArE .':tf '.';7' ,i "l 1 l'"" * ! "'/,'./ rrrirrror/'/-t'^' *t/';.":*4) t 't. ( il,,t, 'i .'t..tt/)a TO WE ARE SENDING YOU ,E tr ShoP d rawings E[ CoPY of letter Attached E Under separate Si Prints n Change order cover tr ! via I Plans ! Samples the following items: ! Specifications 4")30,3 coPtEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION i"/ ,'?/ ' rtl t1 rt t ''i' -i'r',t 4,')-.,r4n ,,,>1/.fr1i,li )n,lz l7V,t t 9 'i,in,- i'L 't ( .t' I tl!qL r"tt/ /.'/'i!'.,ffi'n h,'v,'?'l;:, :,r",-r,i d:;lt li t,,'i !'7 i 't ',,fr r!/; "*b,ii".i i-r n1,.,furfui, ."i i,',, tAiio-!j-:ri I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval Ei For your use ! As requested M For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE ! Approved ! Approved E Returned as submitted as noted lor correctaons n n tr Resubmit-copies for approva I Submit - copies for distribution Retu rn -corrected prints n 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO t, ancloaurct rtt not !a noLd, *indvt notily ur at oacc l Pruoucrzro2 ,4E/rn. &mi ra oLrlt o .;rtDEFHRTMtrNT @F@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM ACCoUNT # 01 0000 41330 COIJ. DEV. AppUCAltoN feZS >F (_. 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 1 0000 4241s 1988 UNIFOR}.I BUILDING CODE 1 0000 42+15 .I983 UNIFORI,I PLUTIEING CODE 1 0000 42115 1988 UNIFOR}I MECHANICAL CODE 01 00c0 42115 iS36 Ui.itFORil r-iRE CODE 1 0000 42+15 1987 NAIONAL EIICTRICAL CODE 1 0000 4211s OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRTNTS (M.,IARS) 01 0000 42412 xERox coPtEs / sruores 1 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE_INSPECT.ION 1 0000 41322 OFF HOURS TNSPECION FE coNlRAcToRs ucEl.lsES FEES r 0000 41330 0l 00oo 41413 ,SIGN APPLICATION oo