HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT G FIRST BANK OF VAIL PART 2 LEGALTO\IN 0F vAIl, Al)Pt,lCr\1'ION |Olt coNI)l',l'loNAL uslt I'lililll'f - ( tTr o N:Lme or Applicant s= -t C "-^l'0"- ) ''3- -A'aan;'*; Name of owner if di-f fer:ent rrom Applicant -- /-'1---H-'a".h - lr{ai ling Address Telephone ?^ t"' '( Gt 6 -Legal Description: r.,ot G ' Block -' Filing E-A-- (iF p-io-perfv -i-s unplaiteo sur:mTt--rnetes-&-Ucmncis-aescriffio-n as exrritl:-t> Application is hereby made for a Conditional Use Pelrnit to allow: \ t a.-t^ n ^. . ^lr :. r trl -G-o one District-ina APPLICATION IfILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLES N,IPANIED BY TIIE FOLLO\YING: 1. Hearing Fee - S5O'OO + $1'40 for EACII addressed euvelope' 2.ALISToFTHEouNERSoFTI]EPRoPER'IIESwithin30Ofeetina' Single-Family Residenti"fl-nt"-Eamily-l::tdtntial; or Two-Family Primary/SecondaryResidenii''lZontDistrict;oradjacenttothe sub3J;;-;;;ilttv in alI other Zone Districts' TheorvnersListshallinclrrdethetllimesofallownersandtlre 1egal description of t1-r" -i'lli";i; :yl:l^bv each' Accompanving thislistshallbepre-adirelseder-rvelope3alongwith Certificates and Rcturt Ii;;;;;" pt"p"tiv f jll'ed out to cach ownel.Tlreseforms"".,uu-"ui"i.nloi'omtheU.S.postoffice. 3. Site Plan, floor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Administrator 4. A dcscripti'on of the precise nature of the proposed use''its opcrating chalectcrj stl'cs and mensur"s propbsed to make the ''.\'useco'pitiblewithotherp'ope.tiesintlrevicinity. Application Dltte Publication Date -2 /o, r./ 9- z- re 5c. lf 04, PIIBI-,IC NOTICE NOIICE IS HffiEEIY GMN IHAT Jay K. Peterson, representj-ng the B.S. Condcrniniun Association and 1st Bank of Vail has applied for a Oonditional Use Ferrnit to allovi expansion of the existiag 1st Bank Brilding located on Iot G, Vail Village Filing No. 2, vfiich is in a Public Accorrodation Zone District. this application is rade in accordance with Section 18.22 of the Town of Vail lifrnicipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66 of the Tcnn of Vail l{micipal Code on February 25, 1980 at 3:00 P.M. before the Tcpm of Vail Planning and Erwiornrrental Cqnnissim. Said hearing will be held in the Vail ltunieipal Rrilding. TqyI\I OF VAIL DEPAHIII,IEM OF GMMT]NIIY DEVHOPMEXiIT\^t/-l , ! /J t 1,'t | '' tt&zat o L l, 4k LLz."<.-/Jares A. Rubin Zoning Adniaistrator &4' t To be published in the Vail Trail on February 8, 1980. : ,I. -v SI.JBJEC ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: ,i/, c,/:u'Ab.-. sECoNDED ev,4-(At* DES IGN DATI OF I4I[TII{G; MEI,it][RS PRTS IIIT: RTVITII BOARD P':J) t40Ttjy; V0TE: FOR: APPROVED: DISAPFROVED: SUI'IMARY: AGAI NST: 4zJop&_;d-,, 2t<-,/ n't I , -\l( Xlt l/---'\ L-'"'-- ---t LtralrmJtl ot the Board ':. mz m - n o i -.t z n € N: o<o!cm>;z^ 1Zoth -l z 9> o "z^= NN coC) }I VALUATION E c F-T Og= z=,Oo.Tl Tt|l 3Ii -t -t t- 1t|- m -t I |-- -t m .n t- m >: m m mz-l cz c) m fi o=m,_ ;q z =z m r-{>ro>=o!rl{+c>(,/:- <u :o>'_'l- oi'ag> o>: =A:;rt:=5i< dcjlT =1>o:..!zz=g-zJ>5t> - z;.o=;up.riF{!.1.trr:'" .,>i;Ir z d -. > x,-A>-i'i!;;:>r-> t- z oI m m =-l z "l o o 4z cozll o€ INSPECTION RECORD (For Department Use Only) Phone 476-2310 advrnc€ notic€ requirod loa inspoctiona rfonrvr rs ro BE PosrED oN JoB SITE AND AGCESSIBLE TO INSPECTOR e COMMENTS / LOCATION SIGNATURE FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL ROOM VENTILATION WALL COVERING {INTI WATER SUPPLY & DIST. AUTO. SPRI NKLER SYSTEM CORRECTION ORDER LEFT STOP ORDER ISSUED:RELEASED: CEBTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED REMARKS: NOTE: rxts cABo ts ro HAVE BEEN BE BETURNEO TO THE BLOG. DEPT. MADE TO AUTHONIZE ISSUANCE OF AFTER ALL REOUIREO INSPECTIONS CE RTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. -let - -ern < =|- E sr o mt Df C'n 8 3!!o2 o.ll =o!I pi8io!cr|lE96a -<zoatt-{6!cc!o Io2 9>So 6o2o= Jm N.ll oro 5t -et 7o ^ tt-zo zI o.ll tr -<2 c =-{tn 6 ;-l n Er E'o n o'tt o E?Iz 6) z m€ D-{n D{ oz oo -{ oz ,m!D t tr u-2oi I I tr !c @ { ^.? t I -lo-{ |-tt|-oo! tm D o -lDrroi !n D 1t|-oot ,|ll I |nDu,n- |nz.{0 =2om C2oo m, m0 xi YO;t z !- 2oI mox !m =-{+ F{>F I;EEE I giIEFIS €gFgE fil=8gB F ff*gEF 33eri dodl-irt;rFEiH; $s { r {z tr z zoF' z € tltt €It cF It F E F z z,oBv o z REC.EIPT The Town of Yatl RECEIVED FRO ADDRESS- Parking Permits Bldg. Inspection Fees--=-- Court Fiaes and Fees - N9 655? -?rj d/4 &-+n"-.k 34rl ifi*-!. (rln,,/ "{-aa ,462.9, {t) OccupationlT Highway Users Ta HOW PArD--Cash--Ch ".v ,./ By-rtc* -?L t/r , -t - a a- 6 .' .b 4 tg-t i t't -r, r, A.l, -lG' - -, G' -l =l- E ErI z o u m! 3 -{ -{{ |-.lt 7oot ,|lt nr am3mz-{at czoo mutno c)! rrl =Dt:i { oz EF dtt! '< l.N lD 1\ IFt\fr E !m =+ -t. s'b hi F; \r^s.h E,|l!II!Io2 o1l-o,l lei8ie;!oa 'tlA6YO_-z6'tt-lcttec-o Io2 9>So 6o2o= Jm N 'tt arO .T Ic! o m o.ll Dt!o Ioz o \ fi 0Tl 2Io't! =s2oc ={at l!|-oou ,m t Df THE B-,.r r+i, vaill colorado srosz P-go*"J Pahes dror'. a q'r ,,nlo. 11 gxirt,il ll2b t 5u x?6" t,l" frrrn {l'.. \r r :9 (-r-t c.l- aI a/ --n IF \J\ \r rr. Q, \+s \ *. $ i'-_t ll l! r /l i.r. I 1 t)itI \..,__ t+& (P-t' -+tr. a, O --=ri \ $*lis- * \ =q i;tl'l + iifj; . Pli+ % E i ,di + ii,gil 4+ i;t;. 3 -s trg o;a-rt +.\ \*r_ s x \q. aa. 4,gIe :\r, ,)I'+do vr !A/o54Fol a0-0e ,t v't-q ? 9,rJ v'<: ,*+s$)Oo(n 3 v,{s-s f- F l u-a € -;X q) t a,-d 3x + C/"q-I d-Y \tg qF.)o{a,Y? :v2f.-t,F ,i J_.t --+ ra :. $ )re ---!,#,,z7g7,,?' tr CD ()c) 5 :-C= I I I Itr- I =lIiu N .) I,-l I.) N G' L (J F l--\os z Ir- 4 I U St'l IHS3 3st HNF RN\\J :lt |\J--\!:F..XB:i Ef=:rF. oilXtr n(trr. RFR -!\JStl R,{iE sS:R ss!:fi sisiEn P$-Edtr \q:dHE ;islrF) SRr{( = tff8..,H sHxE €E:s H:8Fsa+L-. ESSPF\-tC\l\x:59 !5<S FSSt -a.t- H,a/(.,kr e=r rF.g'v r- -|r( --rtl9 f+\aaLI lF- -0a *ara-L.Hc|-\ -lv lHE AIrf{af-f r<fJ r+.. ofJtFf |{a. € ' ql U J vl o o E Q2oo z F Qoc og o rNsPE.lot TOWN OF FIEGIIJEST VAIL ,t /-7 / F7 .? OATE \;'.;G'/J JoB NAME .fn,v'< $ V,q t , 1ME REcElvEo O I ?C i(y. py cALLER E orsen MON COMMENTS: ,6' E penrrll LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRt - '::.1 --, iAr'rt PM E appRovED ! orsneeRovED D nerNsPEcr ^l-:tK] UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: z1 CORRECTIONSLD ,.,.. ,.,, , ,. L.'1 ' F.. . : DATE INSPECTOR rNst=ttot TOWN OF VAIL :'' I +l-tt- -)./ tl FIEBIJEST l,;r) a.$i) oarc y'- la JOB NAME TIME RECE|VEO t,', It ( AF pnn CALLER El.orxEn MON COMMENTS: FFITUE E pannal LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM ( eeeRovED ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr : ,-f' -i'r, r./i. r,' DArE ':ir; i't INSPECTOR / ../ !NsPEcf,oN FIEOUEST VAIL oor, {J -J3 '-"7'3 / JoBNAME E:'r/r. C'l: VAtt* TOWN OF TIME RECEIVED (l CALLER Elorxen ,, MON \l'.---^-J COMMENTS: TUE flpnnrrel LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR Bapp RovED ! orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE 8- )3*7?, INSPECTOB July 20, 1973 ;lU .it!L ;3 rb,.., The Vail Trail 5 Grqnd Opening , , Of The New Bonk of Vqil Building Mondoy through Ftidoy, July 23 - 27 ......We invife you to stop by and enioy coffee and rolls and see our complelely new building wifh over 4000 square feet of banking facilifies. In addifion, we are pleased to announce our new higher interesl rates paying from 5 percenl on Regular Passbook Accounts to 7t/z percent on 4-Year Gold Passbook Accounts, ($100 minimum balance required). Plus each deposifor is insured up to $20,000 by the FDtC. Our erponded focilities r * include: ts rocilmes J N/ , le-gister For . I teller stalions which prot speedier rinanciar rransacrionr.''0" trf,* Oolly Prizes! o 300 Safety Deposit Boxes. Increased staff fo better serve your needs. o Enlarged deposif facililies. Customer parking . Poslage free bank by mail syslem sEASolr srfl PAss ro-sPErD BtcYctE TTl{1{IS RACEUEI BACKPACI(Il{G EOU I PTI INT SEASOil rrrnrs plss CATIPI}IG TENT (Open To All Except Bank Employeesl o "A Rofher Unusucl Bonk" Member FDIC IVlonday thru Friday-9:00 a.m. fo 4:00 p.m. Closed Saturdays Localed Nexi To The Vall Inlerfallh Chapel e4 6 The Vail Trail July 20, 1973 Golfwear by Geist. Knlt shirt, $24. Skirt, S30. Stor; n and see our selection of sale items. HnFGr UntFmF[ed In the Lodge at Vail, on Gore Creek Drive DYN4O TAPEWRITERS AND IAPES ol THE OFFICE SUPPTY 476-2666 In the Lower Level of the Sitzmark Bld9. New Owners of Clock Tower Inn .o#il Tff'H:*il"u'"? h": Clock Tower. She is treasurer and substitutes as hostess when necessar!/. "However," Hartman admonished, "we try to keep her home as much as we can." A certain reason for this hain of thought ii their 2O-month-old daughter, Jennifer. Near Aspen' '" n"i, n*f*i? To Be Presented Bruce and Lynn Hartman have recently taken over the operation of one of Vail's most well-known landmarks. the Clock Tower Inn. With a good deal of expertise in the restaurant and food service business from which to draw, the Hartmans plan to retain the time-honored theme of the Clock Tower as Vail's original steak house with table-side salad preparation and summer patio lunches and dinners. A native of Montrose, Hart. man received his schooling in hotel and restaurarlt rnanage- ment from the University of Denver. He has been affiliated with a subsidiary of Hyatt House and was responsible for opening ,all new operations for this firm, mainly in the Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay areas of California. Follorving his Califor- nia endeavor, Hartman worked with TWA's dining and commis.sary ervices, most recently acting as supervisor of Chefls Orchid. Inc. which handled airline catering and air terminal restaurants for the region en- compassing California to Nebras-ka. Hartman had complete charge of food services in five airport ierminal restaurants By that time, however, Hartman and his wife were beginning to tire of the frequent transfers, and decided to come back to Colorado. Having been introduced to Vail through skiing, the Hartmans came hereto investigate a restaurant possibility and stumbled onto the Clock Tower which was up for sale at that time. "We used to say it would be nice to live here if we could make a living," Hartman said, jokingly. "Now we know Vail is an exceptionally nice place to live, and business is as good or better than we had anticipated," he added.This is Hartman's first ownership venture. "I am finding it both interesting and challenging," he remarked. The only shadow Hartman finds is the frustration of having difficul- ty obtaining rapid supplies. Hartman credits some of his success with the fact that he took over operation of an successfully established restau. rant from its previous owner, John Kaemmer. He admits that starting a completely new restaurant venture may not be as easv to do. The Fair Ecclesia, sponsoredby the Aspen Community School, will be presented on July 20, 21, and, 22 and, 27, 28, and 29, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of both weekends, near Aspen, Colorado. The fair will present fine crafts and entertain- ment from around the world. The fair will be in an .een meadow overlooking a rfi presents an atmosphere of"Fnt tents, rustic booths and stages throughout which entertainers and teachers will wander. To create mood, everyone should come dressed in the most colorful and fantastic costumes they can create. The fair hours will be between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Tickets will be sold in advance from many stores is Aspen, can be purchased at the fair, or can be ordered dlrectly from the Fair Ecclesia, P.O. Box 3867, Aspen, Colorado 81611, (303) 925-?197. The blaze was distinguished with carbon dioxide. - Canon City (Colo.) Record. FFlffi alapsllu o M The Milanese Stitch: The Milanese stitch is not parti- cularly snag-proof, and it does have the tendency to pull the canvas out of shape. However, it makes a pretty pattern and is ouite economical of wool. Stop by and se€ our complet€ needlework shop. We feature one-of-a-kind designs and there's a wonderful selection of imported yarns, canvas and books. Let us teach you the basic stitches. Advanced instruction is also available. Anr6rffi|gps,,F Bruce, Jennifer, and Lynn Hartman we now have a custom processor for ail blackandwhite film, offering quality printing, touch-up and choice of papers. Color work done direcrly by Kodak wilh 19c color prints available in f ive days processing time. We also carry the Kodak lin: of Pocket Instamatics, along with a select line of 35 mm still camera and accessories. 476-3200 Lodge Promenadegore creek drive . lodge at va il oo PLUMETTNG/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL TRAcroR An-..= 1_-'= Pr.... -'.,-',^-, G PHoNE232-82:j7 OF BUILDING: oF woRK: EI rvew ! eootrtoru E nemooel ! nepntn RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER "/ / '7 - P MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArroN $ 3 9l?.oo VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: )ERMfr FEP# 4':: t;t4r^r,r r*i ,^.\qr\-_--<-" !' ! orsaeenoveo D^TE Z? MAf- 73 X'orr"ouro 0Un1l'" TOTAL FEES: $ rNsPEcioN f7e -7Ls I TOWN OF FIEOIJEsiT VAIL onrs ia Mar< 7.a JoB NAME 8q*k ".,r V*, ._- TIME RECEIVED <) r,r AM PM cattea h/.,,tnt E orxen E pnnrreu. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION(@) COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI Apyft*rr- AM PM APPROVED El upor,r rHE FoLL CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNSPEcr INSPECTOR ffi "ibt rA <> i.: \./.\ t r- I lN f Pe cTtoN r<FauEtT ,i li DarE tg ,r^ U T-e (s6Errz€a*=S-ulvr@ Ca,-.er<-,IU ftI ", I i <zolls on/ J q tr Foolrxrc- tr Founzalton pl.Franatnc- tr Flrlau E Aep^u Locnltoto: Corrra Req.1?+1'nrc'.-- tr 1v+ey<orx D VeHeer< E Koor E lZo1,o. Loc.<1ton r: 12"uvtatruC- t!Al k<cv6-4+ u TTa.NvPt?s ! Frt..re.u nl-J v7c E Var<7az- Loc,^dTlor-*t: MEeul,rrtcA.t- flVetl,ual,onr I F{eo1,tr c- D Hooa+ I B Zo..r<1,an- Localrors: ! oar-rere E ?are7at. Locnlont ?E rzv F-'.Bz 3-st+?=c-1roN \VEtr THU( FrZI /?=O O"'@ /(A i : 7 i i Co""a.poNi PRoveV .,. (-1, a?t1qf?r?ove?DlletNf i?sc7 Qilnil</E g'xf #t +2. l' 3^-= I lN{PFC,Ta tj i crt ?3 5o 4uL^o/o togirrt-"o, 0oo. CIVIL ENGINETRING . PIANNING . sURVEYs SUBD|V|S|ONS . WATER & SEWER 5Y5TE/I\5 Kcnncth E. Richordr Mr. Jerry T. Aldrtch Bulldlng Inspector Town of Vall P. O. Box 100 Val1 , Colorado 81657 Re: lteLd Inepcet{on SanK or valr\., Dear Mr. Aldrlch: KER/pr cc: Bank of ValL - Mike Loken Grayeon, Inc. Box 643 Vo il, Colorodo 81657 Phonc 476-5072 Dcnvqr 244-1521 January 22, L973 Rcgislercd Prof essionol Enginecrr Rcgistered Lond Surveyors T.,: Thls letter 1s to certify that we have cornpleted the lnspection on the concrete, relnforclng steel and masonry work at the Bank of Vail bul1ding. AJ.1 plans and epeclflcatLons were f oll-owed, and changes were very ninor. The forenan on the Job was cooperatlve and nade all correctione whlch we requested. No coDcrete testa resuLts rrere received by our offlcer but ate lrere told that all but one came up to 3,000 pei. The archltect or atructural englneer nas supposed to have sent you a Letter regardlng this. You have coplee of our fleld lnspection reports ln your f1les. Slncerely yours , RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC.6,4*g4eZ Kenneth E. Richards Registered Prof essional Engineer and Land Surveyor lt 2183 /zfdd '!//'< o o u/r714/ MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATOft # Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION .tr \\ \ IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT i[set rrrecxeo sn:er1 I oEsc r. 2 ect* a/ /./*,'. LICEN5E NO. OESICNER LICENSE NO. +y/- INCINEEA MA|L AOORESS PHONE LlCENSE NO. MA|L ADOi€5S lRAr{cH U5E OF IIJ IL OIN G 'o-.r-r/) 8 Classof worK: EINEW EADDITION fI ALTERATION E REPAIR //r/ t'11'-f,',' TypeofFuel: Oit D Nat.Gas E UPC. E PERMIT FEES Type ot EquipmsntSPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnage Ea. Forced Air Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. Gravity Systems-B.T.U. M Ea.APPLICATION ACCEZTEO gY PLAiIS CHECKEO 8Y D FOR ISSUANCE 8Y Floor Furnaces-B.T.U, M Wall Heaters-B.T.U. Unit H eaters- B.T.U. MNorlcE f I THIS PERMTT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WdFI.{ OR CONSTFUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIi'@ OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D.I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME To GIVE AUTHoRITY To vIoLATE oR cANcEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ! tGi'YIrFFOF CONTiACTOi Oi lruTHOiIZ€D A6EN Air Handlim Unit- TOTAL FEE $ ffi@ PE RM IT ! t/z to WHITE _ INSPECTOR PIN K - APPLICANT GOLDEN ROD - TEMP. FILE //az/, ilff Applicant to PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION T4-?f PIN K _ APPLICANT PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of numbered spaes only, WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR 1flsr: erucx eo sxr er t MAI L ADOiESS zIP2 Bank of AICHITECT OF OESICNEi MAIL ADDiESS PHOXE MAIL AODiESS PHOXE LICENSE NO. MAt L AOOiESS BlAXClt IJSE OF !UILDING 8 Class of worK: E NEW t] AOOITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR Typ. ot Firtur. or ltam WATER CLOSET (TOILET}SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASINI KITCHEN SINK & OISP. OISHWASHER LAUNORV TRAY"""'"^'')tr"v- lC bo WATE R HEATER URINALNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TroN AUTHORTZEO rS NOT COMMENCEO WtT{rNl6O DAYS, OR rF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABAN OONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEV WORK IS COM. MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMST No. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAK€RS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHITE - I NSPECTOB CANARY _ AUDIT GoLoENRoD - rEup. p tle ) : i* l'lr. Bob Grcyron Grayson, I ne.P. 0. Box 737 Bou lder, Co lorado SubJcct: Bonk of Val I Ocar Mr. Grayson: Duc io fhc cnsulng complctlon of nany rcgldsntlal and conmer-cfal facllltlcs rlthln the Torn of vall, the nesd for occupaneyapproval lg drcrlng nccr. In order to expedlte the flnelInspectlon and lgsuanco of a cartlflcate ol 0ccupancy, alllnrpoctlon roportg, concrete tcgts, I lceneer, f.os and perrnltsnu3t bc subnlttcd to thls offlcc bafors a flnal Inrpcction lr roq uottcd. To date' plumblng and mechanlccl pcrmlts have not bsen lgsuedfor thls proJocf. A flnal Inrpccfton rl | | not bc nlde untl I?hrro prrnltr arc submftted cnd the contrrctor wlil be subJrct oorcvocatlon'of hlr llcrnce lf they rrc not submlttrd; and li accord-raqo rlth scctlon 506 (a) trNo bul ldtng or gtruc?urc...shal t bcured or occupled..,un?ll thc Bulldlng Otilclat has lslued cCortlflccte of Occupancy thercfor rs provldcd herelnr. In accord-cnsc ulth soctlon-205 'rAny pergon, f lra or corporatlon vlola?lngeny of the provlslone of thts Codt chcil be deened gulltV of aalsdeneanoF...rl lf you havo any qucstlons rcgardlng the requlred gubmltials,plocse lecl frsc to confact thlr dipartmcnt. November 16, 1972 You13 fruly, TOTN OF VA IL aot.. Jrrry L. A I drl ch Buf ldlng Offlclal df cc: Tanrguch I Assoclatos Mel Sorenson 0 Bank af Vall ot 2531 West 8th Ave. .-,€hv€r, Colo. 80204 Water Temp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg. S'i ze: Ti rne Batched: Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 14 Ti cket # Concrete Temp.: F A Moisture: l,leather: Time Tested: spec. P.s.l. at 28 Days: looo Tested By; Ken Richards rEsr cyLtNDERs y i,-L(23_25) Cylinder Dia. I@7 Day Cylinder Dia. 14 Day Cylinder Dia 261 28 Day 6.004 z5zg 6,025 zL546.009 zt 3) Average: R EMARKS: Materials Testing Seruice 825 -5261 MATERIALS REPORT for Qlsyssn Construction Job No or l. D. 5J5-L Date Tested I LO/LVIZ Location, (;;;;;D Mix r.D.: 6 sk srump: 3+, Ai"]op of va\llflr!!-: yierd: pump Ai r Temp.: Total |.Jater: Max. S'i ze Load C. Y. : Time Placed: REPORT TO:Grayson Construction 0ctober 2, 1972 Mr. .lerry Aldrlch Bulldlng 0fflclal Clty of Vall P.0. Box 100Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Bank of Vall Grayson, Inc. Dear ilr. Aldrlch: lle have revlfled the results of concrete tests prepared by llaterlals Testlng Servlce for the above-captloned proJect and were smewhat dlstressed by the lnconslstencles fn apparent concrete quallty. Upon Inquiry re rere advlsed by lt{TS that because of sanrpllng and handllng technlques employed onthls proJect there ls good reason to belleve that the fleld-cured samplesylelded results whlch mlsrepresent the true guallty of the concrete ln place. Howeyer, In splte of thls and In the lnterest of expedltlng proJect construc- tion we Investlgated the concrete substructure on the basls of the lowest strength Indlcated by all tests (1853 psl) and found that the worklng stressesln the concrete were well belol the pennlsslble deslgn stresses for 1853 psl concrete. l{e concluded, therefore, that even lf the actual strength of the concrete ln the basEnent wall ls 1853 psf, the structural Integrlty of the bulldlng ls not adversely affected thereby. l{e have been advlsed by the con- tractor that he has nade adJustments that should reduce the chances for be- low-standard concrete for the remalnder of the structure. Very truly yours, Rl{T/rb c C 6ea1 sr,^ , I rt c.-I-ot,'1,l.tti Arcea' Towner t owne r / looez / wtellar eo49 bnoadwey, bouldei, colonado ao3o2. (3oal 447-2a13 International Conterence of Building Officials 534,0 SOUTH WORKMAN N,llLL ROA[)\,VHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 9060-'I ,r September L2, L972 Plan Ctreck No. 8668 Bank of America RECHECK (.213) 699-0541 OFFICERS PRES I DE NT PERRY C. TYREE REG IONAL BUILOINC OFFICIAL COLORADO SPR INGS. COI.ORADO FIRST VICE.PRESIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUFERINTENOENT OEPARTMENT OF BUILDINC AND SAFETY FOMONA. CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BIJLLO NG INSPECTOR YAK ]MA, WASH NGION TREASURER VINCENT R, BUSH SUPERINTENOENT OF BU ILD ING VERNON CALIFORN IA JUNIOR PAST PR€SIDENT TED E. DUKE B U ILO ING OFFICIAL BILLINGS. MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5:]6l] S \/lr'ORKMAN MILL RD. WH ITT IER CAL FORNIA MANAC IN G OI RECAOR JAMES E, BI HR 5360 S. WORXMAN M ILL FD. WH I rTIER CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DO\/\/D DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, M IC H IGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON O ' RECTOR OEPARTMENTOF NSPECTTONS M INNEAPOLIS, M IN NESOTA B ILL P, HORN CHIEF AUILD]NG INSPECTOR PIERCE CO UNTY TACOMA, WASHINGTON CHARLES R, H tN KLEY CH ]EF BU II.O ING INSPECTOR MOUNTA IN VIEW CALIFORN IA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU II,OI NG OFFIC IAL CO UNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYV/ARO. CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE BI]ILD ING C 3DE ENG IN EER I(ANSAS CITY, M 15SOUR1 VI NCENT R. B USH SL]PERIN -ENDENT OF BI]JLD NG VERNON, CALIFOFIN IA DICK T, JORDAN --D REC I OR BU LO ITG OEPARTMENI AUSTINTEXAS RAY J. NOKES BU I LDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BARSARA SANTA BAREARA. CALTFORNIA n' | .ll' t ic" ,'dah ' Il OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIREC''OR T. H, CARTER MANAGING D IRECIOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHNICAL DIREC'TOR D, R. I/VATSON Jerry Aldrich Building 0fficial City of Vail P. 0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear llr. Aldrich: Revised data on the above pliance with our letter of are keyed to numbering in GENERAI COMMENTS: project has been reviewed for com- J,o'Ly 25, L972. Comnents f o1.Lowing the previ-ous letter. 1. (a) Cormnent remains based on the 120 square feet mentioned in Mr. StrubLe's memo. Wet standpipes are required. (b) Ihis is noted in specificaEions. (c) Comment remains pending clarification on whether rtfloorsrl or "stories" above grade was intended. A compLying mez- zanine would still be considered a floor but not a story. 2. the Loft area is stil1 considered a story based on drawing R-1. (a) Floor area of room below is considered 26.5' by L7.2' or 455 square feet. (b) Bathroom in the loft is not considered in the room below. NONSTRUCTUML COMMEMS: 1. (a) Cormnent satisfied contingent tith ltern 10, Tab1e 43-C. (b) Comrrent satisfied contingent proved plans or as otherwise on installation compLying on information being on ap- directed by you. 2. -2- (c) Cornment satisfied provided instaLlation complies with ceiling system B-7, in Research Recomrnendation 1349. (d) Comment satisfied contingent on new diffuser detail shown on Sheet 1J., not occurring in locations that would result in aggregate duct openings exceedi.ng more than 100 square inches in a L00 square foot ceiling. We ques- tion how the proposed change wiLl work with no changes to Sheet M-3, and the a ir-condit ioniog system noted in the equipment list on Sheet M-5. In lieu of this, reference j.s made to ceiling systems B-7 and B-2 in Research Re- port 1349, which provides for larger openings. (e) Conment remains for door 3 in Ehe east exterior passage wa1l and door 3 to the basement. WalI installation is acceptable contingent on comment similar to 1 (b). Cotrment similar to 1 (b). (a) Cormnent satisfied contingent on field inspection. (b) Cormnent remains. The concept of a comp l-ying shaft enclo- sure is that passage into and then out of the shaft is required for access between floor leveIs. (c) Conrnent one -hour (d ) Cornrnent remains. Shaft walls should comply with an approved fire a s semb Iy. satisfied contingent on field i.nspecti-on. 4. (a) Cornrnent satisfied. (b) Cosunent remains. See exposed floor, wa1L, ceiling construc- tion in finish schedule, Sheet 8. (c) See conrnents 1 (b) and 4 (b). (d) Conment satisfied. (") Corment satisfied provided, Type I, Grade 3, Class I, medium density particleboard is used per Research Report 2338. (f) Conrnent satisfied provided, TYpe X gypsum sheathing is used. (g) Corment remains. See north and south elevations. 5. Connnent remains. Gyp surn board should extend to the roof framing. Extending to the underside of cellings would not comply where Ehere are attic areas. -3- 6. Comment satisfied. 7. Cormnent satisfied. 8. Cormnent remains unless waived by you. 9. Cormlent satisfied. 10. (a) Conunent remains uoLess lraived by you. (b) Coqment remains unLess waived by you. (c) Comnent remains unl-ess waived by you. Also, see genera J. con'rnent 2 . (d) Comnent remains unLess vaived by you. (e ) See comnent (c ) . (f) For field enforcement. (g) Cotrment remains unLess waived by you. (h) Cotrment satisf i.ed. (i) Comnent remains. See detaiL E/L4. (j) Conrnent remains for concrete block stair Landing rail height on Section C/ 1l-. (k) Coment remains unLess waived by you. 11. For your enforcement. L2. For your enforcement. 13. Corunent satisfied provided minimum 24 i'nch clearance is shown in elevations A/ 1. L4. Separation is from the remainder of the basernent as well as above. (a) Comtrent s remain. (b) Conunent s remain. STRUCTI'RAL COMMEI{TS: 1. Cotrment satisfied. Ho$rever, in reference to Section A/10, question is raised on the minimum foundation width and depth below adjacent 4. -4- finaL grade specified in the report. (20" and 24rr respectively). HorizontaL reinforcement betneen top and bottom bars aLso re- quire clarification. Itre entire corrnent appLies to aLL basement wa lls . 2. Grout and mortar specifications shoul-d be on plans. 3. Conrnent satisfied provided details in engineer's response are otr plans and ttgov't anchortt is clarified. (a) For your enforcenent. (b) Conunent satisfied. (c) Comurent rema ins since resubmitted plans and calculations do not indicate the revision mentioned by the engineer. (d) Corment satisfied. Cotrment remains. See Section 2314 (k)-3. Comnent remains. Second fLoor concrete diaphragm requires a rig- idity analysis based on reLative rigidities of north-south first story, masonry and coocrete walls attached to the second floor diaphragm. Connections of the diaphragrn to the walls or coLlec- tors, and the diaphragm shear should be within allowable values. 4LL data is being held pending further instructions from you. Yours very truly, TJK: JHN:nrlr 5. 6. IMERNATIOML CONTERENCE OF SUILDING OFFICIALS T.\J t, !'. $F- t trl: ,l,Ii[:l:I.' [, Fr i... it' li I, '1, i' i j: Itt ;, Mn. Elot GRrvrox GRAyBod, ldc. 4?l &otutug Roto BgurosR, CoLcRAoo Re: Elur or lrl r r Sut r: l.hrgn Suppr.y Erln Boo, cofiFrfifir'{o ily f'lgp'o't coHyERsArio wrTH rHE .,Are* DEFAnyHEarr or vAlL gtlAuousT 231 1972t ir yA9 !{uTuALLy ^cREEo oy eorg rrtr Verl h/lren OgpAnfgefl,AtiD THE Vllt Frng DEFlnfl{ttrt fHAt a wo tNcH irArEn rAp ANo A Tlro {cr{tiA Tgn LlttE vAg AOEQUATE yt rlt rtts WATEQ FitgggURE AVA I LAtsLE, co TRARv rO lr{Dt{otlrr r,'3 rAftD I Nc nr' rNf6Rr.rarroN SHOV Oil-. THE pLAfrsl sHEET M-1 . Foe sug-s? fi?rAtroN, secnoN $Jo4-p-.vas ftrven, ni:so, r,,rr ioE o.'rirr.ura"ac orsT0 r3rt rD{r.tf,orATELy pErrDr}ro Ve tl nolo i,rv,,,o. I ufSH To ForNr our r'rr sEcrre' fn\-a ne'rn3 ro ,rsrzE,'oNLy As lr ApFLrEg toygs-9Jsgg.llg!, oecrIor $0ll. sriiion-lSoi:;, Lle;;*,""i,1. ExriliGutsn|3;asYsrcllt $t!AL! cot.ttLy vt ?rf U, B.C. grata.rior llc. l3_l ailD NO. 3U.A. please 51orE::1 gl iler..{p r*crosso u}rEns*{ il.F.p,A, o^*o,ir.ei i3-,r-sl n'Fans*cs xAoE aFAnr or rar u0f, coec. see rrso copy or r.rcs 6'!6, $scrrcx Sj,iitr;i-i.ilir.iF9N LICHT HAEARD OCCUPII{CIEO. FON THE ECT,IIATE.D,NUilECR O, $PNIHKLEN }ISAO3 II'Exce$l 0r nrlNry, I ruo AIJD or{E-H,rLF n:qr {? 1/i,);;; io i""u,nuo. Aucusr z\, DTe HsuEven, u!{Dtn secrron 38.113 (o),rE3?. THG Buroen or ntspolsiorrrivts AoEQUttl ?xeREroe utrL 8E3t Vtrrl 5l HcenEtv, Ezc Pnuu C. Blpnrlocn PC9:r.px cc: Itnrcucxr Aaooc rrtts Burr,otro Df,rAnr$EHr, TllE tl.ltEn 9u?pty Avil il.ADLq t0 OUSJEe? ,OvxEfltsn Tllg nro rHcx (?,r) !$fi(ft gggr9,1y THg \1 IL v,lTER J\NO FITE pSPAETHE&,lll. i .l I i I I 1.l ,'I il tl I,t1l ),, 11 {it,i Ti t:l l'l F.i fl ="\,^?/ /oY € ,z \o^Crtv or Vlrt ls Testing trruice *3iffl3tf, Bo3o2 |rATEllALS RE?ORT for Job ]lo or l. D. Dorc Tolrd: Mix l.D.: 6 sk Sluntp, Punp nl.x lfotrr Tcnp.: Totol Yordr: lfotcr Rcduc;: lf ind: Tinrr Borchod: TEST dYL|NDERS 3 Doy t. 2. 3. 1. Avorogr REI{ARf 3: Air Tcmp.: Totol Wofcr: Air Entroining: Humidiry: Timc Ploccd, 535 L3t Lbt 1O7 Doy L6L5 Concrctc Tcmp.: F A Mo isturc: Colcium: lVcothcr: . Timc Tcsred: 9:00 an. and 15 14 Doy 2{o18 wy )o73 31I4 3Ogt+ ! 0 rrr'. . 'i"j' ':',/ 825-5261 2531 West Sth rdve Denvar, Colo. W2A4 Greyson C@structLon 535-I rictor r Itrgust Ll, Lylz Locotion: Bank of Vail Va{rlt Slab 3*" rdir: Wt/Cu.Ft.: yicld: ,i. #;,ffili":8030a rstl-st6r I ;ifl,f:L?lllfii825-5261 trATERlALS REPORT for Job 15. or t.O.fi 5,-t Dotc Tcrrcd: $/yVZZ Mix l.D.: Slurnp: ljln Air: ffotcr Tonp,: Air Ternp.: Totol Yordr: Toto I Wotcr: Wotcr Rrduccr: Air Entroinrng: llind: Humidily: J\{ i Timc Botchcd: Timc Ploccd: rEsrcyLrNDERs 5j5-L(t6, 3 Dov 7 Do,t l. 2. I 4. Avrrogr REMARK3: Field Cure Locotion: Iai,l BankVault SlabWt/Cv.Ft.: Yicld: Concrctc Tcmp.: F A Moisturc: Colciunr: lYco thcr: Timc Tcstcd: l,l Doy E Doy 2t+94 . Ticlcr p Grayson .7t $fPao RICI{ARDS ENGINEf,RS, INC. Post Offlcc Bor 643 Va11. Colorado 81657 47 6-507 2 CONCRETE. I,{ASONRY AIID REINFORCING STEEL REPORT /' /ror: ,/-'.- - t- concrete Placenen t Date Tt-De tleather Locat lon Slunp Cyllndcrc ,'*lr-# Uaaonry Inspectlou .(ey'.rrz-r 4{-{/. ,/" v . r; -ny'( -, 7t1t ,/ Ealoforclos Steel Date Tloc Locat lon Rclerts ')< (., re of InsPector O *ra*s ENcrr.rEERs, rNc. Post Offlce Bor 643 Va1l, Colorado 81657 476-5072 CONCRETE. I.IASONRY A}ID REIMORCING S?EEL REPORT >) - /a^ |!or: / - '' r, l{-- Concrete Placenmt Haaonry Inepectlon Dat€TtDe l{eather Locat lou lonrrkr Retnforclos Steel tr Slgnature of Inspector Date Tloe Weathe r Locat lon Sluop Cylltdcrr ),/' z.d.' t?rti \ RICHARDS ENCIXEERS, INC. Post Offlce bx 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 476-5072 CONCRETE, }IASONRY AND REI}IFORCINC STBEL REPORT ,1 ,t For: /j ," . ^/ Concrete Placenent UasonrY In8pectlon Date TtDr tleaBhet Locatlol Llrrl,r Date TlDe lfeather Locat lon Slnop Ct1lrdGrr Rclnforclng Steel Datc Tloe Locatlon tanrlr tl,/ta 7i/s //u r' / /- r./d .d fi-oo )4re io -o RTCHARDS ENGTNEERS, INC. Post offlce Box 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 47 6-507 2 coNcRETE. }{ASONRY 4ND RETNFqRCING SIEEL REPORT For:,'u,/ I c'a_ <: 1*- r >- Concrete Placenent Date Tlne Weather Locatlon Sluop Glllndorr i, ./4;n,ftltr C, ,f d 4t l.\ a. 11a 1 d,lt, taa ,rg/2-u ,/i.4 t(7re cAJT P/+c/; /(-C /,.//.lu i;; : *' * un t "', ro,ff iur- fr'" { 6a )4"3 L/r,'O'/r-F.t )o y'rl t. At4,i* ds< c k rt,on7ot.,1 /- '4-4ak /.J / t- ,. / + <'z c,ri' 7V-P J4,+9q Uaaonrv Ineoectlon Date TLEe tleather Locat loD Rcrerlr '7 /.t t arK ,o,,/:t'f'.'t ILL 4,o.*- n/r /?;r'r do"-(/s/ *^ z.Jlt-d.k. ul)/2:/r 1lrti /9Da,''.,1 u.o^'-t 'f / /a '), 64//d, /'.' ' . rZ, 274/t t-tr .tJ ,/ / /+ a-K /i,/t r / /:/r 2rr1"&,. 1,.) -//f*,1- z, Jf/ z,zq// a*.2nta.r 2- k Rclnforclng Stecl Date Tloe Locstlon n r.sLf 7,,?..? ,,r'j , ,-: )',' .' 7't d.4'. rt, t 4,9.C6*tr --/ur3?.t2t,->.F'.f -/a n,fu,z*tx4! < .-7 r q(r e 6d4;' t/'L (1 i.t tf R a,4i "rE c ort?/d( ! !i l'.r*r O RT.EARD' Post Vall, ETIGINEERS, INC. Offlce Eos 643 Colorado 81657 476-5072 @IICRETE. I{ASONnlr AND REIUFOICNTC STBlx. NSNORT - ./, ttot: &.-J( Coocrotc Placcilcnt lderonrv Isgocctloo D!ts Tts lfcethcr Locatloo Beorrl,r bloforclns Scecl r*-t Drtc ffilc tlcathcr Locctlon S1rry Gyltodcrr ?A /x.'?,A-')t ,6a -r ptt e'v/42" ,4_//:a Drr'et I €|J../ af yer /cr4e.yf rati ,uat-s, I-/ - Fttt)e,t e- el,a. e iorvtbl e le a4 '..J aA Drte TlEc Locatt on RersrkB 1/z t /2:ad /., , -/y' /,0 n //:d,f RICAAPOS E!|CI!{EER5, Ittr. Port Offlcc Dor 643 ValI, Colorado 81657 476-5072 COXCTSTE. }IASONTT AND REIUFOTCINC STllL NEP@T lor: o Concrtta Plsccocot Drtr TlD llcrtbcr Iocrtlon Slup G)ltadcrr il',/d/lf -h,'r i2:.;?78.,*'f{n*'l '? "d.k //rj /0; rl E')r At'f/ ./o/517r/t //: r<-.-/O ,t *,-t-:i 3 o -- / -"/1J -rZ/3ilr7:/r 't /? - ef'-2..--.,/a.k /a-'/(4/+ lLasnry lorgrctlm erQ a, t^e ffi,/fta ao^, 4e/r'yard 1-. blnlorclsr Stccl Drt.Itr Locrtlon nilakr //,q:rry /... F/ ( L / r); tt .-/-/4 a/ta /d:e?Rota-. ^-r/ fr.,." ,(AKqlq//,'d r/cl 4,.? \? .l € I RICHAR.DS ENGINEERS, INC. Port Offlce Bor 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 476-5072 S,*"r-l Corcrete ?leceoen t Detc fha llcethcr Locatlon I Slurp Cyltodcrr AuGl+/t .'3c P7l v r./t a'J,t X.ronry Inspcctloo r qu,cfi, a' ff , 6./,,'' /1'a'fi' - -J .'^-,t ?". . Srlnforclos Stccl /yry' c,. t,--t l-, fr, t, &,, / ,^.'.< l/ o/e<t?ff?. oQt. a bJ a b I III Mdtiab Testing 9rtuice 2531 WestlO. Box l2l3 foulder, Colo. 80302 825-5261 Denver, Colo. S0204 MATEruALS REPORilfo' Job No or t:O. 5)FI Dotc Trrrcd: S/VlZ llix l.D.: 6Sk Slump: Purp Wolrr Trmp.:- Toto I Yordr: Wotcr Roducor: Wind: Grayson )+" Air: Air Trmp.: Tolol -Wctcr: Air Entro ining: Hun id ity: Timc Ploccd: ']5-1(18)7 Dov Locorion: Vail Bank Fdn WaII under Vault Wt/Cu.Fr.: Yicld: Concrclc Tcmp.: F A Mo isturc: Co lc iurn : lfcolhcr: Timc Tcstcd: 14 Doy 10 28 Doy , 25n \-- -' Ticlot n * l? Tirnr Botchcd: TEtT CYLINDERS 3 Doy l. 2. ? 1. Avcrogc RE|tANK3: Field Glrre ffi,ffill'f, 803oo 2531 West 8th Ave. 825-s261 Denver, Co|o.80204 ilATERIALS REPOIT {or Graysor Constnrction Job No c t. D. 535-L Ticher s DorrTcrrrd: August t+, LnZ Locorion: Bank of Vail Frdn. !{all uader vault y;t 1.p.' 6-ak Slunp, 3 frr Air: wr/Cu.Fr.: Yicld: ?unP lVolcr Tcmp.: Air Tcmp.: Concrctc Tcmp.: Totol Yordr: Totol Worcr: FA Moislurc: Wotcr Rrducar: Air Entroining: Colcium: Uind: Humidity: Wcoihcr: Timc Botchcd: Timc Ploccd: Timc Tcstcd: TEsr cYLrxDERs fi5 1G12 3 Doy lQ7 Dov 1@14 Doy 1(D8 Doy 1. L952 2)Lt+ 3thg 2. 3. 4. Avcrogc REIIARKS: ; ity.:.i'i: :,aL Ar! . r.:rl , - 1_/'.4 RICNARDS ENGINEERS, INC. Post Offlce Box 643 Va1l , Colorado 81657 476-5072 Coocrete Placeseot CONCRETE. UASONRY AND REINFORCING STEEL RBPORT i'//.,1Fott /s ': *' O 4 Detc Ttroe lleather Locatlon Slunp Cyllnderr Hlr-t ?:r E-A'IQ /.-'1' 7 /,' Maeonrv Inepcctlou DatC TLD Weatber Iocatlon Reoarkr Bclnforctag Steel Drte l1@ Locatlon Renarke 4-f 7:) o I/o,, /l </..,1 {'-,u,)o O-.t 4.d "1. 3a n.K ?r- u //:,'a 1t- A- Stgnacure of InePector ls Testing Citrice 825 -5261 Denver, Colo. 80204 Greyson Costnrction 6rt Air: Air Tcmp.: Totol Wotcr: Air Entro ining: Humidiry: Timc Ploccd: - 7t 8, g LC 7 D"y L730 Vail Bank Locotion: Portlon of North & Vt/Cv.Ft.:Yicld: Concrclc Tomp.: F A Moisturc: Colcium: Wcothcr: Timc Tcsbd: 14 Doy 2t+t6 2531 We* 8th Ave. l ^&O. Box l2l3 Soulder, Colo. 80302 ilATEnlAL3 REPORI {or Job tb. or l.O. 5)5-L Doto Tcrtcd: 7-2b72 Mir LD.: Slump: l{otor Tcnp.: Totol Yordr: Wotcr Rrduccr: l{ind: Tinr Botchcd: TEST CYLTNDERS 535 3 Doy l. 2. 3. 1. Avcroge REMARf,3: Ticlor r fest UaII "'i ) 28 Doy 2993 "T-€ :.1 t,i i:- l. I ,.1 ,! -.ht" - RTqBARD5 BrGrlIEERs, rNc. Poet Offlce lor 643 Vall , Colorado 81657 476-5072 CINCRETE. XASONSI AIID REItrFOICNG Sf,EIT. IIFICT !or: 1Ja ^lr( CoDcrctc Pl"rceoent DrtC Ttrl.Icrtbcr Iocrtlon Elta Ctltdc. hr-]/ /:tt?Fa )r F'a'rtt (,t',,^LL rtpj> FtQ L/at/,LT )22z //:/r .E^ir lt ,/ ,/ .t2 72erk Ctc-- 3tae.t ,oz,zA t+t',lt #'frn"lt' l{erotrry Inrpccttoo DrtG TI.I Tcether locrtloo flfrr blslorclnr 8tecl D.t.Ttoc lpcatloo l-.rtl ?t-a ?:aa F b'.u' ry'AL, /(/t/atl {*a tr A.r<ld / .tn /t ./, /. /1 A.)( -81gal3gj. of lltPactc tl irirr. 't RICEARDS glrcrNBSRS, INC. Port Offlcc Eor 643 Vell , Coloredo E1657 475-5072 coNcREf,E. HASONRY AlrD RBrUloBcrtlG SfB!L BllIAI lor: cooctets Plrccoeot Locrtloo I 61q itl^v ?[ co lbeonrv Iuroectloo Drt.TlD tleotbGr Locetlou f/ilrfr lrinlorclnr Stccl (rc. Box l2l3 Bouldcr, Golo. 80392 mAfERI LS REPORT for Job llo. or l. D. 53r-L Dorc Trrrrd: T/28/72 Mix LD.: lVotcr Tcrnp.: Totol Yords: lYolrr Reducor: Wind: Tinc Botchrd: TEST CYLIilDERS 3 Doy Grayson 6n Air: Air Tcmp.: .Toto I Yotcr: Air Entroining: Hunidity: Timc Plocrdi 535-L(L7) 7 D",t 825-5261 Vail BankLocorron: Portion N.&W.Wr11 Wt/Cv.Ft.: Yicld: Concrctc Tcmp.' F A Moisturc: Colcium: Wcothcr: Timc Tcstcd: 2:lrO PU 1C28 Doy .-. -'1.. 1ry7 Tickrt r Slunp: 14 Doy l. 2. a 1. Avcrogt REITARf,$: Tssting $trui ldcr, Colo. 80302 825-5261 l|ATEtIALg IEPORT lor Job No or l. D. 53hil. Oryrc hrtndls Yrtl B8I Locorim: Sr X. lfdl & Fdro Denver, Colo. 8AZA4 Itcla l Box t2l3 2531 Wcst 8th An. I h ri, I I r it I t F:,iis t I Dotr Trrtrd: VZrftt Mix LD.: Slump: lVotor Trnp.: Torol Yordr: Uotrr Rrducrr: Uind: Tinr Ectchrd: Ttsr cvLtNDtR3 595,:o3hv l. 2. 3. 1. Avorogo RlfAtf3: 6l Air: Air Tcmp.: Tofol Wotcr: Air Entroining: Humidity: t Tirne Plocod: 516 l.lz Dov L718 Vt/Cu.Ft.: Concrotc Tcmp.: F A ltAoiluro: Colcium: l{ccthcr: Timc Testcd: ltD 14 Dov 2088 %Tycv Yicld: pv? ",.trh./ F] ,,',ijq.c['i ih DI 6lc'f5 - tr+r1 f,a {.,RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. Post Offlce Box 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 47 6-507 2 CONCRETE. I'{ASONRY AND REINTORCING SIEEL REPORT \*-.-r $ rybtra,? o)'o bcaveJ ,.- d// t'qk Pt/ 4tA r \. Concrete Placemenc Maeonrv rnspectlon fn t<c"r q tg Date TlD€lfeather Locat lon Reoarke Relnforclnc Steel Date Tlne Wea ther Locatlon Slunp Cyllndera ?; J"l /:</n,,/v .{o ur /, -+ i r'ef/ u--,.< // ,i4 l-.,J €?I /.J"7*" ?.ao (4 ?4ia t,/,J / / tt O'r<. fu,al ota.l hoget ,.o,)" ??l^/v I Z. rta t.t ) r f4'r t,'t21 ,7 21 t/ trl1 & n "Li l,l,v er t rtt" //1"at t pe S i'c 4 azpt^ Date Tiroe Locatlon Reuarkc ?q Ju!,./tj!^,, r ;, :')t , o; ,/ ' ... . .^ ri ,,ua // /:"o-c/s I'p, t,ccJ,ij 4et'' 'Sa.tt Arfn)o, ,'e r/ tel /oc e1 eJ t+ o,1 lt'JPa{ ! ^t .A.t ll .../iot af-r{rt '/a,/, far e/<n. l' Co irJ I r"t,t u 4 4orr€<J o.la. r) ,-: I ',/..tsJ,", -t . r'..,,',./,,...+ !. .l,t"q/'- oA'. - i . aart ' !fu ./,ru /,M. I /oclaq7 / u /t,,itg uPta.'t .ol'oi- ta,r)t))t. fo I Stgnarure of Inspector a r{e .<-tr<U adatT t Box l2l3 t. 2. 3. 4. Avorogo REIIARKS: Denver, Co|o.80204 Ticlor r 3 Doy .*'r -.. : C ,.i>,^ matlliab Testins Srruice lder, Colo. 80302 825-5261 trATER|ALS IEPOIT for Job tb. or t. D. SjhL Dotr Tcrtcd: 7/2r/7? Mix l.D.: 6sk Wotrr Tcnp.: Toro I Yordt: Wole r Rrduccr: lYind: Timr Borchrd: TEiT CYLIXDTRS Grayson Slump: Qln Air: Air Tcmp.: Totol Wotcr: Air Entroining: Humidiry: Tirc Plocrd: 535-L(L9) 7 DoY Locorion: Vail Bank S & l{ tfall Vr/Cv.Ft.: Yicld: Concrclc Tcmp.: F A Moirturc: Co lcium: Wcqfhcr: Timc Tcstcd: 14 Doy I@ 8 O"y ',',- .. -:. :.853 l, ,t' 2531 West 8th Avo. .l .._-_l!f.l| t?iff;&',3 8o3o2 Denver, Colo. 8O2O4 XATIRIALS REPORT lo: Job t{o. or t. D. 575,-L Doto Totcd: July'l9r Mix l.D.: Slump: Wcler Tomp.: Totol Yqrdr: lVotcr Rcducrr: lYind: Timr Botchrd: TEST CYLINDERS N5 3 Doy t. 2. 3. 4. Avcrogo REIIAR(S: Grayson Lyt2 6li Air: Air Tcmp.: Totol Wotcr: Air Entroining: Hunidiry: Tinc Ploccd: 1-3 1@7 Doy 1508 Thlrr r Locotion: Bank of Vail E. Walls lYrlCu.Ft.: Yield: Concrctc Tomg.: FA Moisturo: Colcium: Wcoihcr: Timc Tccted: 2tl5 14 Doy lda o"v I Hold / 2))I 3ob? Mattrials Test ing Srtrice 825-526r 2531 West 8th Ave. o RICITARDS ENCINEERST INC. Post Offlce bx 643 VaLl., Colorado 81657 476-5072 z {rt Po rni '-ft CONCRETE. HASONRY AND REINTORCING STEEL REPORT CoDcrete Placenent Uagonrv Iospectlon 6 r,r'f , L -.r i a7 fAat c'a p C <ol?et iy/ure lS ait-'.J !/ p.t l 'P, f t tlaY t t* /4"), e re ttf- Dete Ttrle Ueather Locatlon Slnnp Cylladcrr r.' j'i ,9 t'f . i -.. .t, ig.' F_r1t1 :" 'a k ,' ,./< f , .a ,.t a) ,r nl)a / ol'ol.t /,rin,'c"'4ep A,{ ,fui ss#i ctb4q tiiulv Z: ti Fa)Y fn,-J f 'D'/)'ulnLL 6k''7 6 r,- .- l' r ).x 7 'io fri/. EJnu/ 1l t/ oy'fr ,,'/n tt. /, (',-t t, , u, . {'t{n) /t o, Rei,t$o(d l,-o , bt,r'J Rcloforclng Scecl D!te Tlue Locatlon Relarkc lf ias ll:i5 Rel-r Pa-t){iou -'9)-;7 tL -J,'v,slcl I t,7 ,,f"10'.;c 4el q.rs ,z{1'crf l4 ?a 7 ul"- {--r' L,'-','o. P 1 L: ,r.4 / i'Ott ' /t !nr z'€":"' 1s" A"liJef-- ,, Jl (, t< o l'- 'tt/r / i cqlt ql ? rp.,t tpr'i{zy./; Lz/f ,!d /t,7 bo, Jt f"v r Jy'*c?.'t /<' ra O.k o RICHARDS ENGIN'EERS, INC. Post Office Bor 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 47 6-507 2 CONCRXTE. I'IASONRY A}ID REINFORCING STEEL REPORT Coocrete Placenent Hasonry Inaoectlon Date Ilne Weather Locat lon Reoerke Ralnforclng Stecl J lt\. ce ? Date Tlne lrleather Locat lon Slu-t Cyllndete ,e l'4 n,l4 et. l>t 7u lt 5< t e ("/,ro ; [* ,J^o.$ LJ-.'i W .3.5 l<e a+* c a /c au t?.7 v{c eA r ta/ felou,i Llecl t'i t stj -', Pt r< t9 9tzi.'ula lttcy' tuJ I a-tc, t*, o a r(f o *o '.at Ye.Jaa) t: g^lg\J(4( /e-e prt 'l A7 a ti) /4t,J^E:trg f-far/l'o'7/ qa) ,,,est LorJpr (/er.J*" a u/ r ;ti.,,' rr' 5.o",4,p?s Date Tloe Locat 1on Rclarke /f,)i ll'.41 fantl auJ wF,r7 ,4o,{'*,, j/.,c ouJ c)-^- l*let iat fo.'/'t-,r)r Slgoature of Inepector tnternational Conference of Building Officials 1/:'(J"\ ltjr s360 soulH WoRKMAN MILL ROAD July . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 25, L972 (213) 699-0541 OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C, TYREE REG IONAL BUILDING OFF ICIAL COLORAOO SPRINGS. COLORADO F RsT VLCE.PRESIOENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT. OEPARTMENT OF BUILOING ANO SAFETY POMONA. CAL FORNIA SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CH IEF BUILDING LNSFECTOR YAX IMA, WASH I N GTON TR EAS U RER VINCENT R. BUSH SUFERINTENDENT OF BU I LOI NG VERNON CALIFORN IA JUNIOR PAST PRESIOENI TED E. DUKE BU ILO ING OFFICIAL BILLLNGS. MONTANA EXECUTIVE O]RECTOR T, H. CARTER 53I]C 5 WORKMAN MILL RO \/r'BITIIER CAL FORNIA MANAG ING OIFECIOR JAMES E. BIHR 536() S WORXMAN MILL RD. WHITTIER CALIFORN IA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD O IRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO. M ICH IGAN DONALD A, ERICKSON D IRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS MINNEAPOLIS, M]NNESOTA BILL P, HORN CHIEF BU ILO ING INSPECTOR PIERCE CO UNTY TACOMA WASFI ]N GTON CHARLES R. H IN KLEY CHI EF AU]LOING INSPECTOR MOU NTA IN VIEln/, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILO ING OFFICIAL COU NTY OF ALAMEOA lIAYWARO (]ALIFORN]A JACK D, WH ITE 6UILDINC CODE ENG IN EER XANSAS C TY, M ISSOU R I VINCENT R. BUSH SI'PERIN] €NDENT OF AU ILD ING VERNON. CALI FORN IA DICK T, JOROAN I) IRECTOR NL LO NG OEPARTM€N i AUSTIN. TEXAS RAY J. NOKES EU I LDIN G OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BARAARA SANTA BARBARA CALI FORNIA Ed Srruble Building Official City of Vail Post Office Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: Data for the above project has ance rf,ith the Uniform Building fol lows : OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECAOR T. H. CARTER MANAG ING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BI HR .'3:T:iii.i+'sI'. Plan Check No. 8668 Project: Bank and Apartments Address: Vail Road Type of ConstrucEion: V - one llour Occupancy Classification: F-2 and H ! lre zone No. J Stories: Three Floor Area: 4,400 Sq. Ft. Occupant Load: 100 Valuation: $250,000.00 1970 Uniform Building Code Seismic Zone No. 1 been reviewed for conform- Code and our conments are as te. GENERAI CCFIMENTS: 1. Our review considers che st.andpipe waiver contingent on che following items in your memo to the architecu dated ApriL 24, 1972. (a) Loft area does not exceed 120 square feet of super- ficial floor area. (b) Basement is sprinklered. (c) Main portion of building is noL more than two floors ab ove grade. 2. Since no mention was made in your memo to the architect that the strucEure could be considered two stories, the loft is being considered the third story. See 'lnezzanine"definition in Section 414. 6*,,; Ke{ y *,r', 1. -2- NONSTRUCTT'ML COI'IMEMS : A one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation in confoflnance with Table No. 5-B and SecEion 503 is required between the bank (F-2) and apartments above (H). (a) An approved one-hour fLoor-ceiling system is required. Five- ei8hths-inch gypsum board ceiling requires clarification as having a Type X core and installation should be in conformance hTith ltem 10. Table No. 43-C. (b) Horizontal occupancy separations should be supported with a structural system having equivalent fire-resistive protec- tion. Section 503 (b). Cohmms supporting the second floor require protection in conformance with Table No. 43-A. Em- bedding columns in one-hour walls does not cornply as confirmed by ltem 24 of Table No. 43-A. (c) Acoustic ceiling should be a part of a fire-resistive assembly covered by a specific research reconmendation. Cornplete data is required. Note possible conflict of ceiling data between finish schedule (5/8-inch gypsum board) and Section A/9. Tf Ehe acoustic material is applied to the ceiling discussed in Cormnent 1 (a), Ehis c orEnenE can be voided. (d) Ceiling openings are limi.ted to 100 square inches in L00 square feet in addition to being protected. Section 4303 (b)-6. Ic also follows that the area of a single opening cannot exceed 100 square inches. 1) See diffuser sizes on Sheet M3. 2) 3) Fire dampers are required for ceiling diffusers. Any recessed lighting requires details of protection. (.) Connnon openings betr^teen Ehe two levels require one-hour labeled assemblies. See stairs. If Ehe east exterior passage wa11 (corridor) on SheeE 4 is considered Ehe separation, this wal1 and the norEh conference room wal1 should comply with one-hour construcEion up to the soffit of the second floor sEeel deck and openings therein proEected as stated earlier. Building paper should be applied co exterior walls as specified in seccion l7O7 (a). See Details l/9 and AlI0. 3. -3- Enclosures for floor openings should comply with Table No. 17-A and Section 1706. Details should clearly indicate complying one-hour shaft enc losures . (a) Reference Note 13, Sheet M-3. Ducts from basement have fire dampers properly specified on Sheet M-2. Metal collars are also needed around ducts to seal off opening betveen duct wa1ls and f l"oor framing. (b) Duct space on Sheet 4 where ducts in previous item pierce floor must be enclosed i.n one-hour wa11s extending to the second floor s1ab. Openings in the waLls should be pro- tecced wirh one-hour label-ed fire dampers or doors. (c) Shaft for fireplace flue ls properl-y indicated on Sheet 5 but should be indicated as continuous to roof on Sheet 6. Gypsum board on inside stud faces should be noted for De- rail B/10. (d) Pipe chases adjacent to showers on Sheet 5 must also comply unl-ess clarification is made that floor sheathing is tight around pipes or metal collars are used to maintain continuity of floor cutoff. 4. The bui.lding should comply as a Type V one-hour structure. See General Conment No. 2, Table No. 5-D, and Section 1302 (b). (a) A11 gypsun board noted ln the roorn finish schedule should be noted as Type X. (See Sheet 8.) (b) Exposed wall, floor or roof framing is not permiEted. See finish schedule. (c) Ceilings and colusms throughout Ehe building require conpli- ance with Conmencs 1 (a) to (d). (d) Exposed heavy timber construction is not one-hour construc- tion. Note, additionally, that this type of construction is only recognized in Type III buildings per Table No. 17-A. (e) Loft flooring should corply with Footnote No. 14, Table No. 43-C. See Section A/9. (f) Balcony and roof soffits should comply. See Details B/9 and Dl9. 5. (e) -4- Shakes on exterior walls require a ing backing per IEem 80, Table No. elevation, Sheet 8. Fire-resistive rating of exterior walls through attic areas. Section 4304 (c). is needed at north and south walls. I/ 2-inct. gypsum sheath- 43-8. See note on north should be maintained Clarification on this 5. Usable space under the first floor should be enclosed as required in SecEion 1703. Reference is nade to the two door 5ts at Ehe west stair on Sheet 3. Door thickness and self-closing device should be indicated. 7, Shower staLl walLs should be finished with a hard, nonabsorbent surface to a height of 6 feeE. Section 1711 (b). Fiberglass or oEher prefabricated finishes should be covered by a research reconmendation or complete justifying data under Section L06 should be submitted. 8. Projections beyond the exterior wa11 should conform with the least restrictive of the following: (a) A point one-third the distance to the property line frour an exterior wa11. Section 504 (b). , (b) A point one-third the distance from an assr.lmed vertical plane located where fire-resistive protection of openings is first required due to location of property. Section 504 (b). Roof overhang distance from the west property line should be noted at the northhtest corner of the north stair. See Sheet 2. 9. Both gross and openabl-e areas of window B for inside units should be greater based on combined areas of the living room, kitchen, and loft bedroom. Section 1305 (a). 10. Exits. (a) Two conforming exits are required from each unit on the third story. Section 3302 (a). Note that the private stairways in the unit cannot be considersdss complying exits unless they are enclosed in cornpliance with Section 3308 and extend to a public way at the ground floor in the protected enclosure. Fire-resistive construction should be required for the exit encLosure including Protected openings. Only exit doors are perrnitted to open into the corridor' Section 3308 (d). ,-l -5- (b) The tno public stainrays should be separated a minimum of one-fifth the perimeter of the building which is the area served by these stairs. Based on this requirement they should be separated a minimrm of 51 feet. The plans show approximately a 36-foot separation. (c) The pubLic stairway shown on these plans should be enclosed with a one-hour fire-resistive enclosure and openings therein should be provided with one-hour labeled assemblies. This includes the first f l oor. (d) The two public stairways, after reaching the main 1evel of the bank, extend to the public way via a c onnnon exit point. Note Ehat the one-fifth perimeter separation men- tioned in C ormnent 10 (b) should be maintained until occu- pants reach a public way. (e) Storage area under the stair (Sheet 3) shouLd be removed. Section 3308 (f). (f) Exit doors should be openable from the inside without the use of a key, special knowledge, or effort. Section 3303 (c). ( (g) Interior openings into corridors should be protected as set forEh in Seccion 3304 (h). Twenty-minute rating for door assemblies require conpliance with a specific research recomnendation or a labeLed fire assembl-y. The latter would result in a 45-minute rating since it is the minimum presently labeled. See doors No. 3 along exit passage, Sheet 4. (h) Risers on stairways should not exceed 7-I/2 inches. Section 3305 (c). See Section C/11. (i) Handrails shoul-d be placed not l-ess than 30 inches nor more than 34 inches above the tread. Section 3305 (i). See Sections C/ lL ar..d El L4. (j) Guardrails for balconies and landings should conform wilh Section 17 14. Note that rnaximum cl-earance betaTeen inter- mediate rails is 9 inches and rail height should be 42 inches. See Sections B/9, c/10 and C/11. Note that rail for Section C/10 roust be an open type to satisfy Exception 3 of Section 1305 (a). -6- (k) Every sleeping room below the fourth floor should have one openable window or exterior door conforming to Section 1304 for emergency exit or rescue. See loft bedroom of inside units. 11. Roof drainage should be conducted under any public sidewalk. Section 3207 (e). Gl-ass and glazi,ng in hazardous locations should conrply wlth Section 5406. See window B. Ranges should have a vertical- clearance of 30 inches above the cooking top to unprotected cornbustible material. This can be reduced to 24 inches if the combustible materLal is Protected with minirnurn U4-inch asbestos urillboard, No. 28 gauge sheet metal- or a metal ventilating hood. Section f901 (a) - Uniform Mechanical Code. Mechanicat room in the basement requires a one-hour separation. Section 1108. Conrplying wall-s should extend to the fl-oor slab above. Door 12 and any other interior opening should be one-hour l-abeled assemblies. Note also that door l-ouver is not permitted unless it rtas tested in that rnanner. STRUCTT]RAL CS'MENTS: 1. The foundat ion investigation report menEioned in plans !'ta s not inc luded in data forwarded to us. It should be submitted for review. Specificatlons are required for mortar and grouE. Anchorage of concrete and masonry walls should cornply with Sec- tion 2313. Details are needed for masonry wal-L anchorage at Ehe second floor on the north and south sides. Calculations. (a) Basic snow Load of 65 pounds per square foot set by your City can onLy be reduced for roof pitch per Section 2305(d) which is negltglble for the 6tL2 roof pitch shown on plans. Roof framing and supporting elements require redesign. 12. t_3. L4. , (a) (b) 2. 3. 4, n 5.]' (b) Reference calculation Sheet 5 - partition Loads should be inc luded. (c) Reference caLcul-ation Sheet 7 - fixed end mornents re- su1-ting from columns supporting roof should be cdnputed on the basis of concentrated rather than uniform loading. Note that the ridge beam as well as the beam easr of that are supported by the 34-foot span. (d) Floor framing around stairs should be justified in support- ing stringers and posts. I'linimurn reinforcement for concrete and masonry wal1s should be noted on plans. Sections 2418 (j)-3 and 2622 (d). Wind analysis is requlred for the north-south direction. Anal- ysis and details should clarify the following: (a) Shear wal-ls extend to the horizontal- diaphragms and are adequatel-y connected. (b) Conpliance with Sectioa 25L4 and Table No. 25-K. (.) Corpliance with Section 2516 (b). In the absence of direct connections between supported concrete slabs and masonry or concrete wa1-1s, clarification is needed on how diaphragm shears are transferred to waLLs on the east and west sides. 6. 7. Enclosed is invoice No. A 9275 A11 data is being held pending instructions are not received, in conformance with Section 302 ?Lease feel free to contact us TJK:JN: hb Enc losure covering the plan check fee. further instructions fron you. If data wiLl be returned in 90 days (b). if there are any questions. Yours very truly, Koyama E su ?lan Check Engineer INTTRNATToNAL CoNFERENcE or ButLDtNo OrrlctAls NEW ADDRESS: 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD ' WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 TE LEPHON E (2'13\ 699-0541 June 27, L972 OFFICERS PRESIOENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BU ILOING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRS' VTCE-PRESIOENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENI. OEPARTMENI OF BU ILD ING AND SAFEIY POMONA, CALIFORN IA SECOND VICE.PFIESIOENT NE\IVELL POCK CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR YAK IMA. WASH INGTON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SIJPERINTENDENT OF EUILDING VERNON, CALIFORN IA JU NIOF FASI PRESIDENT TED E. OUKE AU ILOINC OFFICIAL EI LLI NGS. MONIANA EXECUT!VE DIRECTOFI T. H. CARTER 50 SOUIH LOS ROBLES PASADENA, CALIFORN IA MANAGING DIRECIOR JAMES g. BI HR 50 SOUTH LOS FOBLES PASADENA. CALIFOFINIA GAYLORD C. DOWD O IRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAzoo, M tcH tcAN flAy I^te DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR OEPARTMENT OF INSFECTIONS M IN NEAPOLIS. M INNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF BUILOING INSPEC'TOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA. WASH INGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CH IEF BUI LDI NG IN5PECIOR MOIJ NYAIN VIEW. CALI FORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER 6U ILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAME6A HAYWARO. CALI FORN IA ef Plan Check Eng ineer TJK: hb cc: Taniguchi Associates Nonprofit Service Orgonizotion tor lhe Moinlenonce ot lhe IJNIFORM BUILDING CODE ond Reloted Ordiaonces ond Oftering Spec/o/ Services lo Active Closs A Men5ers OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE OIRECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAG ING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR IECHN ICAL OIRECTOF D. R. WATSON DIRECTARS Plan Check No. 8668 Bank of Vail Ed Struble Building 0fficial City of Vail Post Office Box 100 Vail, CoLorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: This is to acknowledge receipt of daEa on June 26, 1972, for the above project which will be. reviewed and our conmenEs forwarded to you as aoon as possible. thank you for your interest in our services Yours very Eruly, IMERNATTONAL COMERENCE UILDING OFFICIALS K tsu JACK D. M/HITE BU I!OING COOE ENGINEER KANSAS CITY, MISSOIJRI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENOENT OF BUILD ING VERNON. CALIFORN IA DICK T, JORDAN O IRECTOR AUILDING OEPARTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BU ILO!NG OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA EARBARA SANTA BAREARA, CALI FORN IA Applicant to complete PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE _ INSPECTOR cK. M.O. CASH CANARY _ AUOIT BUILDING PERIVIIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of -I-Ci.Ur*t @F VA. (- spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT '9{+'il; GOLOE N ROD _ TEMP. H/7 1 I oEs cR.,/"/|)o,l /r//^"n zn-/ ,4 /;u 1[ser e.rrcxeo sxrerl MAIL ADDi E35 zIP //z- zt iaf,ata* /a '37 y'/>--t'sL'o LTcEXSE {O.2\t-4 ARCH TECT OR I'tSIGNEF LlaEl|3E NO. -o-nr|o r, /;79-z /sa ;;;,,r.il MAI L AODiESS / ARANCH USE OF EI]ILDINC 8 CIas oI worK: EI.ruEW D ADDITION O ALTERATION N NEPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE 9 Describe work:t ,/, l0 Change of use lrdm Change of use to ll Varuationotwork:g VJb, O0O I PERMIT FEE 3 71,, "-" 3ill3"*"tt d FzSPECIAL CONDITIONS: ,'i'.",il ?il';,ro. a "o Flre Sprinklers RequireA !y". lpo OFFST REET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUME- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OF CONSTBUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OF IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIG{A-URE OF CONTRACTO'. O& AUTRORIZEO FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spoclty) ATION PINK _ APPLICANT FILE TOlirN OF VAI L BUILDING PERMIT SUPP PROJ ECT The s i gnatu res be I ow ce rt i fy thatthe 1970 Un i form Bu i I d ing Code, as Town of Vail, Colorado, have been adhered to: Sect ion 302 ( a ) App roved p or a I tered w ithout written Section J02 (c) Theauthority to violate 0rdinance and shallafter requiring the Section 304 (b) The Insoectionin -?ul-l=;? pos+ed consp icuous lyby the Building Department. Do of f by Bui lding Inspector. ffiRARtLY A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY 0rdinance l5 (1961 ) Before issuance of a bu i ld ing permit does not give any p rov i s ions of th is code, or any other not prevent the Bui lding 0ff icia I from there- correction of same. card shall be rea d, f illed out in the waterproof ho lder furn ished noi cover up any work nof signed the f ollowing exce rPts f rom amended and adoPted bY the read, understood and wi ll be lans shall not be changed, modif ied, authorizstion from the Building Offici UNT I L THE BU I LD ING OFF IC IAL HAS I SSUED AS PROV IDED FOR HERE IN. any sign (femporarY or permanent) the Town of Vail al Section f06 (a) (d) N0 BUILDING SHALL BE USED OR OCCUPIED EITHER may be used Sign Revierv 0rd inance 2 shall be I icensed or posted, it shall be approved bY Comm i ttee ( t97t)Genera I Cont racfo r and ALL subcontractors with the Town of Vail Drior to the start of #,t,(ffi SS COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing affidavit and declaration was duly subscribed and sworn to bef.ore me, a Notary Public, by f ,C. C'rn,1ton ,tnis ;zand day of TTuu* , lg j2-.. My Comrnission Expi res t0mrtebr uoia trn f6, tfll SUPPLEMENT I A I ota ry ( SEAL ) STATtr OT COUNTY OF COLORADO EAGLE SS. DECLARATION OF LAND ALLOCATION'4-J ZT'e-'movring statements are tnue andt knowJ-edge, information and belief, to I, depose an according t+ as it Ratioin the say sguarein the upon oath correctwit: and addition Floor Anea , as defined to my be 1. That this statement is made in conjunction with the filing of an application for a building permit to the Town of Vail and to comply wltfr tf,e requirements of Anticle VII , Section 3, Ondinance tumLen 7 (Se::ies of tgOg) Zoning Ondinance for tne Town of Vail as amended by Ondinance irlumber 8 (Series of 1973) and Ordinance Number 15 (Series of 1970). 2. The description of the building site for the proposed building is as fo]lows:(Descriftion may t.-iit" descniption) . 3. The proposed building site and the existing building contains p:roposed addition contains square reet IS Ordinance as f ,- /contains V//91.b/ square feet, - D - --E6are feet and the feet; the total buildingaforesaid Zoning STATE OF COUNTY OF . The proposed building and/or existing building nelates to the buiiding site ar-ea' cornply to the for tire zoning which applies to the building site afo:resaid Zoning Or:dinance as amended' COLORADO )) SS. EAGLE ) The fonegoing sworn to befgre me,ttris __2):.l .d.y affidavit and declaratio1r a Notary Public, by l\ of T" rr < ;-Tg duly subscribed and My Commi scion Expi res ( Seal ) il \\'*' )(,s./ \ \il) -o" TdA S. c. Xy eni||iqobelh-*lrf3 ll|(r,'€ June 15,- 1972 lnternrtlonal Conference of Bulldlng Offlclals 5360 South t{orknrn f{lll RoadIhlttler, Cl 90601 Attcntlon lfr. T. J. Xoyuutsu Gentlcncn: There drrrlngs reflect your coments of Aprll 5' 1972 mrde frm our prellnlnary drarlngs thrt rtre suUnltted to you on tlmch 29, 1972 rlth a lcttcr of authorlzatlon frorn l{r. Ed Struble. Also a'nclored ls r ngrc frqt l'fr. Struble strtlng th.t a wtt ittndplpc rould not bc requlred lf certrln condltons are ret. Our drrrlng3 rcnt chrnged to neet these condltlons. These drrrlngs tFe cmplete exccpt for the Electrlcll Orrrlngs rrirlch hrve been dclryed raltlng for lnformatlon about secutlty syst6rs. lf yor corld start to check the plans, the Electrl- crl drrrlngs rlll be sent to )lou shortly. Duc to thc short hrlldlng tclson In the rnountalns' tle lre qultc rnxlans to rccelve your rpproval to begln tonstructlon. llc ronld ll the proposed nlJ cc Ed Stlble Bob Grryson Encl osure the enclosed worklng drawlngs of at Vrfl, Colorado. Sloccrely yours. Robert H. Klndlg A.I.A. Archl tect to resubnl Eank of Vall 'flrg pr? t. o -i ', lp \" B0ARD 0F Z0N tNG, APPEALS AND EXAr,4 TNERS M INUTES 0F trEET ING J une B, 1912 Meeting Called to 0rderA. The meeting was called to order at 9220 in Building.B. The following members were present: Messrs Young and Strub le (ex-o{f icio).C. The fo I low ing guests we re p resent: Messrs. Dick Brown, Ted Grossman, Mel Sorenson, Bud John Gavin. t the l4unicipal . Knox, Viele, Chuck Rosenquist, Lorance, and ll. 0ld Bus inessA. Case Z-5-72 - Vantage Point request for l0r setb a ck variance on south property line in lieu of l5r. This setback was d iscussed a-f the last meet i ng and a preliminary variance wasgranted. Mr. Jim Viele mad a motion that the variance begranted. The mot ion was s econ de d by l'rl r. Knox and passed unan imous ly by the Board. B. L ionsHea d Centre (Sink Buildinq)Mr. Bud Lo rance met informally with the Board to d iscuss all i tems which must be corrected before a permanent ce rf if i cate of 0ccupancy can be issued by the Bu i ld ing Department. Mr. Lorance commenced by giving the Boa rd some background on this build- ing which was started in 1969. The building des ign was started before the p rope rty was within the Town limits and was then annexed. The f i rst p lan check was rnade by l'1 r. Cha r I ie Bynum in August of 1969 at the time of annexat ion. On September 3, 1969 t"l r. Bynum issued the first letter of non- con form it ies on f his p ro j ec-i. The re ensued a d isagreement between the arch itect (Mr. Sink) and Mr. Bynum as to the non-con formit ies. The olans we re then sen t to 1.C.B.0. in November of 1969 which was also returned in Novembe r. Mr. Sink sent his reply to the Town of Vail with a request f or a hearing in December of 1969. i'4ore inf ormation was sent to l.C.B.O. in December, and on December Jl a second review was received from 1.C.8.0. 0n January 8, 1970 1.1 r. Sink met w ith the Board of Appea ls and many va r i ances were granted. Construction was terminated cn. l4arch f I and Mr. Lorance was reta i ne d by legal counse I on April 24, 1970 to review plans in order to solve some of the p rob lems. Work was commenced again on June 4, 1970 at wh ich time a new building pe rm it was issued as the original permit had exp ired. ln meetings with Mr. Bynum, lvl r. Lorance and he worked out solutions to some of the p rob I ems and a Ietter was jointly written by the two wh ich was dated J une 4. 1970 ( coov aitached ) . Nea r the end of the p roj ect, f,1 r. Byn um retired and f'4r. Sfrub le made the f inal inspect ion so ihat a certif icate of occupancy cou ld be issued. At that time he wrote a letter to Vail Assoc iates dated December 31, | 970 ( copy attached ) . The items on this lette r we re d iscussed with the Boa rd so thaf eve ryth ing can be reconciled and a certif icate of occupancv issued. By i tem:(l) The second stair will be installed from the exit ba lcony.(2) The windows as installed do comp I y (Mr. Struble will check). (3) Variance granted on this item on January B, l9 70 !-t . i Page 2 Boa rd of Zoning, Appeals and Exam i ne rs Minutes of Meeting - June B, 1972 ( 4 ) Th i s item was accepted by Mr. Byn um in lette r of J une 4 and Mr. Struble agreed ihat it canrt be remed ied at th is t ime. (5) Same comment as (4).(6) lrl r. Lorance has recommended that th is vent i lat ion be insta I led. (7) Th is i tem has been corrected. (8) Var iance granted on January B, 1970. (9) Has been corrected. ( l0) Mr. Lorance pointed out that fhese ba th rooms are quasi-pub lic, but he will recommend the instal- lation of tile. (ll) Has been corrected except one hole where there was a frozen spriri kler. (12, Wi | | be covered by a separate building permif when fhis area is f inished- (ll) Mr. Lorance will be recommending that th is i tem be insta I led. (14) Mr. Strub le will accept this iten as is because it is not a hea lth or safety hazard. (15) Has been corrected. (16) Variance granted on J anuary B, 1910.(17) Has been corrected. Mr. Struble then stated that he would make a f inal inspect ion when it is requested and if all of the i tems are satisfactorily comp leted, he will issue a Conditional certif i cate of occupancy ' He does not fee I that he can put his signature of a certif i cafe w ithout some oua lif ications. lll. New BusinessA. Case B-4-72 - \'tai | 2l application for variance not to con- sider lofts as a story. The arch itect, 14r. Ted Grossman, p resenred draw ings to clarify loft area. He feels the units shou ld be considered as single f amily dwelling since there is f ire separat ion and the occupancy ioad will be low. Mr. Grossman then went on to explain th at he had con tacte d b oth the Denver and Aurora building deparfments concern ing lofts and they both permit larger than l/3 floor area with- out requiring the extra exit. lt was the coneensus of the Board that the nature of use of a condor,rinium in Vail is much dif ferent than that in a large city and that occupant loads tend to be much larger in a resort area. They also pointed out th at they as a Boa rd, cannot change the Code, but can on ly app rove a lternate methods of accomp I ish ing fhe same th ing. Mr. Grossman and Mr. Strub le differed in opinion on the def inition of mez zan i ne and what is included in the cafculation of the mazzanine area and a I lowab le area. A call was then made to Mr. Koyamatsu of 1.C.8.0. to clarif y th is po int. lt was fhen defermined that they must include all f loor space in -ihe lof t area, inc lud ing the c losets and bathroom; and that the area to be used for the l/3 ca lculation can include only rooms that the lof t opens directly onto, those that are 50% open to that area and not the b a th rooms, etc. tha t Mr. Grossman was using for his calculation. The Boa rd then discussed several solutions to the prob lem of a second exit f rom the loft area. lt was the opinion of the Boa rd that some sa fetv D recaut ions we re necessary in this case. A motion was made by iulr. Young that the mezzan ines be cons ide red as anothe r s to rY, but that fhe lof ts be allowed as p lanned p rov i ded th at: smoke and heat alarm systems are insta I led in lof ts and th at e ithe r a sprinkler system or a second door to the roof be provided in addition to the smoke and heat a larm systems . l,'1 r. Grossman is to in f orm board T i ; i Page 3 Board of Zon ing, Minutes of Meeti Appea ls and ng - June B, Examiners t972 B. c. D. in writing which of the two alternatives he p lans to use, and also must s ubm it revised plans. The mot ion was secon ded by Mr. Knox and approved by the Board with one dissenting vote. Case Z-6-72 (Preliminary Hearing) - Bank of Vail request for 7 l/2t setback in front on Main Vail Road in lieu of l5r. Mr. Me I Sorenson presented the draw ings to the Board and exp la ined that the on ly parts of the bu i I d ing that wou I d project i nto the required setback are the planter boxes and a ba lcony and door canopy. The Boa rd i n f ormed 1,1 r. Sor- enson that they will recommend app rova I of the variance s ince there will be at least 50r between fhe Bank and any other buildings on that side. Case B-5-72 - (Preliminary Hearing) - Apollo Park request to use habitable basement space as laundry rooms and recreation room and not have it considered a story when determining the type of construction. They have agreed to use a concrete occupancy sepa rat ion b etwee n b as emen t and rema in de r of each building and to continue wet standpipes into basement. The Board will recommend aoo rova I of the va r iance as the re is no s a fety hazard invo lved. Case Z-7-72 - Three Willow Place (Preliminary Hearing) Request for roof to overhang tract land, Bishop rs land and Edelweiss land, and to allow F.A.R. to exceed l:00 to l:00 by approximately l%. The Board reviewed previous variances for this project and noted that 4f setback variances were granted for stair area but that the re we re io be no pro-jections closer than 4r of the property lines. The other corne r of the building in q uest ion which has no setb ack f rom the tract land has not been given a variance. The Boardrsposition is that we can not grant the requested variances as it is not within its power to do so. The Board cannot change the F.A.R. requ irement--th is must be done by amend ing the Zon ing Ordinance by the Board of Trustees. The Board cannot give permission for a building to encroach upon otherts p rope rty . 0ther BusinessA. Contractorrs I icenses app roved Submitted by, TOWN OF VAI BOARD OF ZO APPEALS AND EXAMINERS 4.d. Ex-Officio ' t I t'{ I i i I dw ?-6-r=- APP.. iC,A,T ION TO BCARD 0F Z0i\ l\G, ia;e App,.ca;:o: Fii ts:FCRE THE AND EXANl INERS /- b- t, A?PEAR APPEALS ec Itqg,lr- \. So*.-.,r*. -, .t f ^Ir . |5A i\ oe Vqr- ( Ko'lori c* = rrari -anz-- f rom fre reculi-ements of Section of the Vail ZOn i nc U TO I naiCe r F, OFde i TO Aur-ov.r TH€ fghlcoNi c! 'ilt€ $crr-r||€Aslr tl-oeF5l- ot Tc Tw€ fsAhtl( ro E xt€\rb -7 l/2- F€sT D{To 'l-ftg {<trqurR€$ -!€T R r\c\(--qF - re p re s e n T I n g respec-if rlly aod/or Sect icn :man.a :rnn*^.i€fllsrl.Js.J o ru cr\JP r rt\J cy the Town of Va i I cf rhe Un r'orm Builcj irg Coce as in order to In rakinE a determi:retion on zon.ng, the Boarc conside:s on:y Jr:cue ner.i qnin- .aa.l in- -^ .,:r-i=nna. +ihili*rr ni 'rhorrsr uJIrp, rLss\J l \r pt (',pvsrtu vo, toltu9, \-\/ tpoI tut | | ly \./, ,r,v proposed variance wi;h tho s..,,rrouncing areai e ffect on fuTLre deverop- ment of fhe area and; heairh', sa fety, anC fhe welfare oi the inhabi- fants of the Town. ln builCing code variances, the Boa.d may consider only suitabiiity of alTernate maferials and methods of construct ion and; reasonab le inte rp refat lons of fhe p rov is ions of the code. Tne administrative of f icial may cha I lenge any variance granted wnich Eoes ceyond lire scope of the powe rs of the Boa rd . li is understood that a fee of $25.0C payable in advance ten (10) cay pos, ing pe r iod is requ ired prior to a puSli The above recuests. gned: and fhat a -: - ^ ^^L rYc| t r rrs (,rl Va i I Ka i s e T t M IN r ra Di -+ rl i *h f'hana I , t lt i,.) . Kiand Fire t-. .t l' a 5i ., Rcv. Donald SttontonVrll Intefd.th ChepclVall, Colonedo Dsan Rev. Sl.nontonr Thls Lc to Lnforq you that thc Board of Zoning, Appecleand-Exanl,ncna wiII msct at gr00 a.n. .Iuly 13 in ileHunlolpal Bultding. Thc foLlorlne vartii"i-"flf-i"actrd upon: Eank of Vatl - B.qucrt fon f.tback variancc of ? LlZlLn liru of 15 t on -thc .."i p*p"rtv ffn. io iito*-u"r_cony' _ofnoDy and pl-ltcrr bor. -Tho-foundation silr notcxtcnd lnto thc r-qul.ned 15r gctbaok. If you wfah-to pFotG3t thl.e vanirnccr Dlaarc have a l.:?1.3?"Irttvc. pro..nt .ththr rceting or file younpnot.rt by ecrtiflrd nai1. Youre tnuly, BOARD OF ZONII{G,APPEALS AilD EXAHTilERS Junr 13, l9?2 Di.cae llygant fonRobcrt Clark, Chairroan of tha Board bw June 13, Ig7? Kaiccr HonousSitanark Lodge VaJ-l , Colonado Dean Mr. lloncuE: Thti i8 to infonn you that the Boand of Zonlng, Appcalcand Exanl.ncna wLl,l neet at 9:00 a.m. July 13 ln theHunicipal tsuildlng. Thc followl.ng vanLance will beaotcd upons Bank of Vall - Roqueatedon aetbaok vaniance of 7 Ll 2lin Liru of 1.5 | on the €rst pnoperty linc to a1low bal-sony, eanopy and planten box. The foundatlon wlll notcxtrnd lnto ttrc nequJ.nrd l.5r getbaek. If you wLeh to prot.st thie vanianco, plcaae bave ancDnelantative prcscnt at th€ meetJ.ng on file younpt'ot€st by ccntificd aail. Youna tnuly, BoARD 0F ZoNINS, APPEALS AND EXAHINERS Diana Wygant fon Robcrt Clank, Chal.nnan of the Board bw o June 13' 1972 l{:p. Han'ald tfeatbYe Kiandna lodge Vail, CoLonado Dsar llrp. LicrtbYc: Thie is to inforo you that the-8oand of Zoningr APPcals and Erarnir,ora *tir'i!"i"ii gioo "'^' .Iurv 13 ln thc iiiirliiii"c"*dlii.''-in.-i"irowrng vaniance will be acted uPon; Bank ol VeiI - Rsquest fo1 ee!!1ck varianoc of 7 Llzl in tLcu of ls' on-ir," eaet pnoperlv-line-l?^:1],?Y-o"1- cony' canopy o,,o"piiitt"-u"i' 'Tl.t" foundation wilr not "*{L"a tnto-ttrc nlquired 15r setback' If you wl,eh-to Protest thia- varLancc' pleaae have a reD!.ea€ntattve p;;;;i at the meeting or flIe your pn5iiet bY cert-ified nail' Youne tnulyr BOARD OT ZONING' APPEALS AHD E)OMINERS Dlana l{Ygant Robct t Clank' bw for-Cnainnan of the Boand P.0. B0x 216 . PH0NE 303 ,/ 476-5641 i VAIL, C0L0RAD0 81657 June 15, 1972 BOARD OF ZONTNG, APPEALS AND EXAMTNERS Town of Va1l Box l-00 Va11, Colorado Bt6>Z Gentlemen: In response to your letter of June l-3' L972, concernlng the Bank of Vall-rs request for setback varlance of 7 l/2 feet 1n l1eu of 15 feet on the east property l1ne, I see no reason to oppose such a request. Slncerely, U)/*/ued'"=/ Kalser E. Morcus KEM,/eas CC: Bank of Va1l Mlke Iioken t. I'l INUTES OF I4EET ING BOARD OF ZON ING, APPEALS AND EXAM INERS July 13, 1972 The meeting was called to order at 9:25 a,n, in Bu i I d ing. A. The following members were present: lulessrs the Mun ic i pa I . Viele, Knox, ll l|t Hoyt and Sfruble (ex-officio). B. The fo I low ing guests were present: Mess rs. 14inger and Robinson, Town of Vail; Larrv Clark, Colin S tew a rt, GaynorMiller and Hugh Hyoer, i"lountain Haus; Jen l,i right and David Sage, representing David Hof iman; Robe rt La zi er, Lif t House; Gordon Pierce, Three rrlillow Place, Fitzhugh Scott and his residence; Chuck 0gilby, Apollo Parkl Jack Catcher, Hilton. 0l d Bus iness - None New Bus iness:A. Case 8-6-72 - ttlountain Haus - Request for building variance not to install mechan ica I ventilation in interior of f i ces and laundry roorn and to allow the atrium area to remain as it is. Mr. Minger and Mr. Robinson determined that this is not a case for the Boa rd of Aooea ls and shou ld be reso I ve d administrativelMr. Mi ller and Mr. Clark staried by explaining that Mr. Bynum had app roved the smoke senso r system as had Fran Bush I in fact they had required it. Mr. Struble is now asking them to remove it and ooen the afrium area for ventilation. The mechanical ventilation was next discussed. Mr. Hyder stated that to put in mechanical ventilation now would be almost imposs ib le and very expens ive. tlr. Hyde r f urther s tated that he does nof cons ider the laundry room to be unsafe because it is not ventilated. [4r. Rob inson and Mr. Minger then statedthat they feel the majority of the things on the list of March l0 have been done and fhere is a point you cannof go beyond and that the problem of no Certif icate of 0ccupancy shou ld be reso I ved now. They the n inquired if Mr. Struble had inspected the Mountain Haus to determine if the items on the list had been complefed except for i-l-ems 5 and B for which they are asking a va r i ance. Mr. Struble stated th at he had not made such an inspection. Mr. Minger apo log i zed to 14r. Clark and stated that an inspection would be made immediately to determine what rema ins to be corrected. At f hat time, Bob l4cl'l ei | | and Kent Rose were sent to the lulountain Haus to inspect the facili- ties. l'1r. Clark stated that he has tried to make the building safe and has spent a great deal of money, approximately $35,000. He further stated that the s to rage area wh ich does not have mechanical ventilation will be ventilated at such time the area becomes a commercial space.. Af ter 14r. McNeill and 14r. Rose comp leted the inspect ion, th ey re po rte d their f ind ings as fo I lows: The attic area has been como leted exceot for some wiring that needs to be installed in conduit; the sfeel beams coat i ng doe s not meet i-he Research Recommen dat ion and shou ld be recoated w ith l"lono-Cote I l /2" th ick to meet the reQuirement. Three layers ot 5/8tt gypsum board will a lso meet this require- ment. The f ire door has been ordered, but had to be special made because of the type of jambs. Since all of the items had not been comp leted as required, Mr. Minger suggested that i! HOa rO'. OI ZOn Ing, Minutes of ['leet iJuly 13, 1912 Page 2 and Examinersoo?",. n9 The Town of Vail retain $1,000 of the $25,000 bond and that the Mountain Haus be given a period of 60 days to completethe i tens listed, w iih the except ion of i tems #5 and #B which wil I be excluded. 'r,lhen the 60 day period has expired, an inspect ion will be made and any rema in ing i tems mus t then be cornpleted within l0 days or l.lountain Ha us vrill foref eit the $1,000 and the Town of Vail will complete the items. In addi-f ion, under i tem #5, they h ave ag reed to f urnish sometype of circu lating fan for venti lation. A check for $ 1,000 was presented to the Tow n and the $ 25 ,0AO bon d was returned. Case B-9-12 - Apo I lo Park - Request to allow basement to be used as habitable space ( recreation and laundry room ) wiihout considering it ano-fher story to dete rm ine the requ ired type ofconstruction. The Board f irst pointed out lhat the re isplumbing already installed for two units in the basement. The concept ion of the Apollo recreation room is much dif ferent thanthe idea the Board has of what a recreation room is. ltlr. Cgilbythen p resented s ketches of what they would like to do inthe b aseme n t area ( sketches attached ) . Mr. 0gilby insistedthat Mr. Strub le insisted that there be th ree recreafion roomsinstead of one and therefore, th ey have spen t a lot of extra money on tha t basis. Mr. Strub le den ied that he hao ever s ugges te d s uch an arran.oement. Mr. Struble the n e laborafedthat there appears to be p lumb ing prov ided for two or fourunits in the basement o{ each building. Mr. Viele staledthat there is so much doub t about wn at will be done with the area that we cannot grant the variance as presented. t',i r. Strub lethen suggested that we d iscuss the variance in private and g ive l''lr. 0g i lby a dec is ion short ly. After much d iscuss ion,it was dec i ded that the re is no ha rdsh ip and Viele suggestedthat we d isaoD rove the var ance as oroDosed. lt4r. Strub Ie thensuggested that they be limited to one water closet, one lava-tory and one kitchenette in each building. A mot ion was then made by 1"1 r. Knox that we disapprove the variance as presentedby l"lr. 0gi lby. The motion was seconded by !1 r. Viere ano ap- Proved unanimously by the Board. The Board then stated thatthey wou ld recommend that a variance nrighf be approved allowingone recreat ion room in the basement of each building wiih nomore than two bathrooms (consisting of one water closet andone lavatory) and one k itchenette. lvl r. Ogilby was told thathe must come back -fo the Boa rd w ith d raw ings so that we maygrant a vaniance on these recommendations and f or specif ic p lans. Case B-3-12 - i(iancra - Request for builCing variance in nonconformance with Section 3105 ( i), ll0l (b) and 1304 ofthe Uniform Building Code. (l) Variance request to allow emp I oyees lounge to be used for sleeping purposes ano provide a ladde r to window for second exit with sill he,i gh'l ot 121t. A motion was made by t,l r. Knox that the variance be approved. The mot ion was seconded by 14r. Hoyt and app roved unan imous I yby the Board, (2) Request to allow door that is not arequired ex it sw ing in wrong direction. Mr. Struble pointed /.1 a^r,---.,,,,J, oolls and Examrners Mi nutes of Meef i ngJuly l.J' 1972 Page 3 F D. out that this is an unsafe con d it ion as it would be con- fusing in the event of f ire. A motion was made by 14r. Knox th at the Kiandra be required to change the direction of sw ing or lock the door and remove the hardware. The motion was seconded by 1.,1 r. Viele. The Board voted unanimously to deny the variance. (3) Request not to install exte r io r handrails at Eteos on wesf side at south end oi buildino. The d iscuss ion disclose'd th at this is a required exit f rcm the I odge port ion of the building. A mot ion was made by Mr. Knox fhat they be required to install a handrail on at least one side of the stair. The motion was seconded by Mr. Viele and apDroved unan imous lv bv the Board. Case B-7-72 - Li f t House - Request f or building variancein noncon formance with Table | 7-A to allow wood roof over 6rrconcrete slab. V1. Lazier presented d raw ings aid pointed out that the area in question ( fou rth f loor con dom in i ums ) have B?r precast ce i I ings, and the area would be treafed so that it would be two hou r construction. Mr. Struble stated that he agrees with Mr. Laz i er and because ol 2,000 square feet the building is a Type ll instead of a Type lll as the building was designed. No wood is a I lowed in a Type llbuilding. The Boa rd d iscussed the matte r and determined that the corr idor area must be p rotected so ihat any f ire could not get out into the corridor. The 2 x l0rs over the corridorarea must be fire raied and an Brr b lock separation must beprovided b etwee n roof and corridor a reas. A mot i on was ma de that the va r iance be granted by Mr. Knox provided th at the materials as discussed are used over corridor T-10. The mo- tion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Boa r d. Case 2-6-72 - Bank of Vail - Request for 7 l/2t setback in lieu of l5l on west side of building. The variance had been granted on a preliminary basis at the last meeting and had been d iscussed at thaf time. A mot ion was made by Mr. Knoxthat the variance be granted. The mo-lion was secon ded by Mr. Viele and approved unanimouslv by the Board. Case Z-ll-72 - Hilton (Bush Construction) - Preliminary variance request f or zero setback in lieu of l0r on west s ide of pro- pose d bui lding. After ldr. Cafche r had Dresented the p lans for the building and some d iscuss ion f rom the Boa rd, i-f was decided th at the Board wou ld recommend passege of the variance after itts proDerly posted for the required period of time provi ded there are no object ions f rom adjo in ing p roperty ownerS. Case Z-12-72 - David Hoffman (Site l0) - Request for 0r setback on east and west sides of s ite 10. This is a pre- liminary hearing as the variance was not submitted within the proper posting time. After Mr. Wright and li4r. Sage hadpresented the d raw ings for the p roposed building and some d iscuss ion f rom the Boa rd, the Boa rd requested a copy of the L ionsHead master plan in order to further dete rm i ne the access for f ire equioment to the area if the variance were to begranted. lf there is p rope r access, the Boa rd might consider granting the variance, but shou ld have further sfudy before they ma ke a comm i ttme n t . tr G. il;;li";'.1"il::?;.loor s and Exami ners July 13, 1972 Page 4 H. Case Z-10-12 - Three Willow Place - Request for 0f setback in lieu of l0r at tract land. The Board had previously d iscussed th is matter at the last rneeting and had g iven Three l'Jillow Place a preliminary o.k. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the variance be granted. The motion was seconded by [4r. Hoyt and approved unanimous ly by the Board. l. Case Z-B-72'Gordon Pierce Res idence - Req ues t for setback variance on north and east sides to allow building to con- f orm to natura I confours of lot and to save large trees. Mr. P ie rce presented d raw i ngs showing g ra des and trees on his property and stated that he doesnrf want to cut large trees on the site to maintain the required setback. A motion was made by Mr. Knox and seconded by Mr. Hoyl that the va r iance be approved. The moi ion was unanimously app roved by the Board. J. Case Z-9-72 - Fitzhugh Scott - Request for setback variance on east and south' property lines fo allow addition to be bui lt in -f riangular conf iguration. This variance had been discussed at the last meeting in a preliminary manner. The Board had agreed to grant the variance. A mot ion was ma de by Mr. Viele that the variance be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Knox and approved unan imous ly by the Board. lV. 0ther Business - Contractors Licenses were approved and signed by the Board. Respectf ul I y submi tted, TOWN OF VAIL u%:,/,b Ed Strub le(Ex-0fficio) 0w r-I OO^LiNorIcE ll ^..f. t DrsPosrrroN oF lY; lo'"' coNDrTroNAL USE APPLICATION 0 You are hereby advised that on May 16, 1972, the Boand of Tnustees appnoved an application fon a Conditiornl Use fon a business office i.n a rnulti-famtly distnict on pnopenty located on a pontion.of Lot G, Vait Viilage Second Filing. This decision was annived at based on the standands and criteria as set fonth in Anticle II, Section z(AYeXa), as applied to the pnoposed Conditional Use and specifically the findings wene: l. A business ofFice would be appnopniate in this iranticulan location, 2. A bank falls wi,thin the definition of a bustness office. E X H\\:. i1-- E EX H IbI ]'-E (c oxrr) ' Os (h) EX h1\'r, i-i - P s (j) New Bank of Vall Buildin 'ROM T : TowN oF VAIL BOX 631vAtl calap.1po 91557 476.%13 psyj. 4-24-72 ow lnq conditlons: 120 square feet of superflclal floor area, Z. That basement ls sprinklered, 3- and fhat maln poriion of bul ldlng Is not more PLEASE REPLY TO .+ SIGNED oRAYARC CO., tXC.r IROOKI:YN, N. y. t ttlt DETACH THIS COPY- RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. International Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 L972 (213t 699-0s41 A^-.'1 ( OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C, TYREE REG ONAL BU ILO ING OFF IC LAL COLORADO SPRINGS. COL(trR4DO FIRSf ',r'lce-PRESTOEf.JT EUGENE E. PESTER SUPER]NTENDENT OF A L]ILO LI] G AND SAITEIY POMONA, CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE FRESIOENT NEWELL POCK CH]EF BUILOING NSPECTOR YAXIMA. WASH INCTON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERiNTENOENT OF BIJ ILD I{ G V ERNON. CALIFORN A JUN IOF PAST PRESIOENT TED E. DU KE BUILOING OF FIC AL BILLINGS MONTAN A EXECUT VE OIREC IORT- H. CA RTER :36' s IVOR^MAN Mrl L Rn WITITiITR CAL FORNIA MANAG IN6 OIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 536() s WORKMAN M LL RD V\/H TI€R 'AL ITORNIA DI RECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD OI RECTOF OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO. M ICH LGAN OONALD A. ERICKSON D IRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF INSPE'I] ]ON5 MINI]EAPOLIS. MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CH EF BUILDING INSPt'C iOR PIERC E COL NTY TACOMA WASH IN G TON CHARLES R. H INKLEY CHIEF BUILO NG INSPECTOR MOU NI'AI N VIEW. (;ALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TA UGH ER BT]ILDING OFFICIAL COU NTY OF ALAMEDA }IAYV.IARO, CA!IFORNI A JACK D, WH ITE BU ILD ING CODE I NG IN EER KANSAs (:ITY, M SSOUR VINCENT R. BUSH SIJFERINIENOENT (JF BU ILD IN(; VERNON, CALIFORNIA DICK T JORDAN D nFCr()R r'l j rLD rNc o€rARTMfNr AUST N, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BU ]LD ING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF' SANTA BARBAFA SANIA AARAARA CALIFORN IA OFFICES OF THE EXECUIIVE DTRECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAG IN G DI RECTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHN iCAL DIRECTOR O. R. \^/ATSONEd Struble Building Official City of Vail Box L00 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: Bank of Vail Type V - one Hour Construction Occupancy Classification: H and F-2 Three Stories Fire Zone No. 3 1970 Uniform Building Code PRELIMINARY REVIEW In accordance with your letter of authorization dated February L8, t972, we have made a prelininary review on the above project for conformance with the 1970 Uniform Building Code and your amendments thereto and our com- ments are as f ollows: GENEML COI"IMEMS: 1. Fire Zone No. 3 has been asstrmed. 2. The Lofc area shown on these plans exceeds the allow- able floor area for cornpliance as a mezzanine defined in Section 414 of. the Code. The loft therefore is considered a story and the building is considered three stories in heieht. NONSTRUCTUML COMMEMS: 1, Tn accordance with Table No. 5-D the building should be Type V one-hour construction throughout. Sufficient information should be on the plans to show how this construction is achieved. 2. htindows of living rooms of rhe apartment units should not be considered as furnishing required light or ventilation since they do not open to a yard, court or street in accordance with Section 1305 (a). Where they open directly onto a roofed porch the longer side of the porch should be at least 65 percent open and unobstructed. Note that on the east elevation the re- quired opening is not provided. The bedroom windows on Ehe west elevation also have insufficient openings to provide proper light and ventilation. 3. -2- Exits. (a) Two conforming exits are required from each unit on Lhe third story. Section 3302 (a). Note that the private stairways in the unit cannot be considered as cornplying exits unless they are enclosed ln compliance with Sec- tion 3308 and extend to a publ-ic way at the ground floor in the protected encLosure. Fire-resistive construction should be as required for the exit enclosure including protected openings. OnJ.y exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor. (Section 3308 (d)) (b) The two public stairways shqrLd be separated a minimum of one-fifEh of the perimeter of the building which is the area served by these stairs, Based on this require- ment they should be separated a minimum of 51 feet. The plans show approximately a 36-foot separation. (c) The public staimay shown on these plans should be en- closed with a one-hour fire-resistive encl-osure and open- ings therein shoul-d be provided with one-hour labeled assemblies. Note that on the main Level condominir:rn plan the opening is not protected. (d) The two public stairways after it reaches the main 1evelof the bank extend to the public way via a c onmon exitpolnt. Note that the one-fifth perimeter separation mentloned in C onrnent 3 (b) shouLd be maintained until occu- pants reach a public way. (e) Sufficient information should be shown on the plans to show that the stair$ray construcCion complies wiEh Section3305. It is assumed that the roof slope exceeds 4:12. Under this assumption a stairway to the roof lsill not be required. Wet standpipes are required in accordance with Section 3804 as amended by Vail Ordinance No. 6. 5. Roof coveriog should comply nith the exception in Section 1704 unless it is fire retardant. 4. -3- Plaoe aod other data are being held pentling recei.pt of further iostructlons frm you. Please feel free to contact thls offlce if you have any questlons. Yours very truly, INTERIIAT IOML C O{FERENCE OF BITII,DING OFFICIALS TJK:bb cc: Robert W. Ktnilig AIA z -i- 72- APFL ICAT ION TO APPEAR BOARD OF ZONING, APPEALS -)are Anr lir-art.." FileC 3-42- 7.L sEFORE THE AND EXAivl lN:RS r hn - \ <=tt lllE:LvtN \ $Orl.[fN."L{ f rom the requ i rements of Section -i-trr<,... ( f).il-t-c of the Va i I Zon ing 0ro inance in order To n^-\o..r RALc{,Ji {a4.EL ,Nn G ir\p..l..J L!t!L Tc, O v\-.1- r+lld G .4r.rO /on (--aTEnJo A eefLL) A{ yv\A t\1 -r |O Fa-c'r- J ! lt-,,) 16 .\ ra < o n * i n a ^-]- l,, I t.,r-rYJPrr\-r'utty -l*tt [\r"* o"Uq r.- req uest a variance oF TtE lS Fo"r ae-\ - lf r'{l( l(E Q\ri tL'.j'nc\-./f anA /r,r Qoi-+i nn of the Uniform rJur turrr9 v(Juit cl> amended and a dooied bv the Town of Vail in order to In making a oeterminafion on zoning, the Boa rd considers only uidue ha-dchi1. nFtrd f()F 4h^ ^'J .'ari:nna. /- n m ^ ^ l- i h i I i * r I n+ +h^,,q. vJ,"y', r\rr rrrs pt\rpv>t'u v(f,r rcJ,rve, v\.,r,rpo ' rvl ll ty l,)t t E P roPoseo variance wifh the surrounding areai e f fect on future de ve iop - ment of the area an d; hea lth, s a fety, and the welfare of the inhabi- iants or -ihe Town. ln building code variaiices, the Board may consider only suitabilit'y of alternafe maferiais and methods of construction and; reasonab le inte rp retat ions of the provisions of ihe code. The administraf ive of f icial may cha I lenge any variance grantecj which goes beyond fne scope of the powers of the Boa rd lf is understood that a fee of $25.00 payable in advance and thaf a ten ( l0) day posting period is required prior to a public hearing on the above requests. V4-L-64*2 a-4-T-z fa-.r.--L :'.- ,l (}/l /- U-r-.c-t !-/,'L"'J"rt- a "'r //-&J a-a3- 77 o o February 2\, Lg72 I'tn. Robent NottVaiI Aesociates, Inc. P. o. Bgx z t rrli ' VaiI, Colonado 'SubJect: Bank of Vail'Vanlanee Applioatlon Dcar Mn. Nott; Thig variance wl.ll, be heandip tha Xunicipal. Building. be pnesent at the rneeti.ng or. .nail . Yourg truly, Thig ie to infonn you that the Eank of Vail has apgLied fon a setback vanianee to allosr balcony and ganden,wallto pnoJect wlthfur the eetback to approximatBly 10 ' inlieu of 15 r. '! :' on l'larcir 9, L972 at 9:00 a.rr.If, you wieh to protestr pleaeefile your protest by centified BoARD 0r ZONrNg, APPEALS AND EXAUINERS , Diana Wygantfor Robent R. Clenk, Chainnan of the Board 'dw CERTITIED MAIL o 'Februany 24, t972 Riv. Donald Sinonton' Interfaith Chapel VaiI , Colorado SubJect: Bank of Vall Vaniance Application Dcar .Rev. Sirnonton: Thir ls to Lnforra you that the Bank of Vail has appliedfor a eetback vaniancc to allow balcony and gardan wallto pnoJect within the eetbaek to approitinately 10' inlisu of 15 | of the propcnty Iine. This varianoc will be heand on Manch 9, l9?2 at 9:00 a.n.in the Municipal BuiJ.ding. If you wLeh to protest, please be pneaent at the naeting on file youn proteat by ecntlfiednail . Youre truly, BOARD Or ZONING, APPEALS Al,tD EXAMINERS Diana Wygant f,on Robcnt R. Clank, Chainrnan of dw CERTIFIED MAIL Board , b I 5*w Inferna?lonal Confe.rence of gul ldlng 0f f lclals5160 South l{orkman Ml I I Roadfhlttler, Cal I fornla 90601 SubJ.cctr Bqnf ot Vall- Gentlcmcn: Plcosc.acccpf thls lctter as outhorlzctlon to pcrforma prollmlnary plan chock on the above proJect. ,. The Archltsct on thtr proJect lc Robert Klndfg of-Tanlguchl Agroclaies o? g6ulder, Colorodo. - . Fcbruary 18, Jg72 l .Yourl tru I y, .TOIIN OF VAI L Ed 9trub leBulldfng Offlclat dr /3*ak o.l Vat y' i 10-J ' '. -1 -- 't- --- tltl I I I itlaf1 - .Ia c?-eage.t) r ,. t l.. to 7o /ar.11a. 4,L^dAahJ t i5o-l ^/ Vd-;J- .a t4- /-= t2J-o [: l l,/=- -t ><,r2- __t-*- :i-- -r- IA/-'t, a^ /aall t-o, Vo i /, Co/o-7€f={ ( 2o.2")- ..AJoo/,'?"'[., e/tn p,/.1 - -'*,/-l'J;.- sao,+looJ. - ='13e - ! = <.lr-j-= uoo plf t a <>/ o:ure- (25 +- /a-Lc !,-,!-- -; P-* --,0 3)C4pL) o o ,-- io- n:4 u/' /, / r": -.e- # rz \.-/ . _+ .. _ _ -_ -.'__-r l-t Trq 4-2Y-/Z 5=ti{i . i tl ' - I -- : i fi= G,s)(2il0,s),/(42e.s) '- /D4f=L <. G.s)(t,t) ;t, r12 e/ 6- --t J.il: r,,x)\[ : .eot/r : , 11 ,' 'pot"*,o.n"r' I is,e.-*JYL.ii(W<f /t4R// . ri, a 24.{ -l- Qo)(.s) - - .'<-+ (t,<s)ra+[.) y' *r,'r./t /tz'l/ 9),/ - 6,v' ' //t "- .l-"'/ *- !t., ry*r"^t,iA;-t ;J;- : --O B,n,k..{l/.r; /, ,- I , , i i| *dil I A ,/' /'-tttt -r-. Jle1o44 +. laaE 2(-e4"* ' *t I r { o.97Y/ir *-- ro!9., 4 o.gn),-l-- /.44 z z- ! r', t | =.* t rslo -, .|'Latl-; I -l I llY )AYl .--,1 ---,- -t4o ll - i-Ti-; -l-- i "l ii: 'or Ijs, | -I lLl ,Ll ;--_l - -- ---1---!-ltlI. l- ----t 1t ^/a 4.Ltr 2s6 tL tZ i4i 7. -t( ta r'3? ,-:2 4 ? I : 34 t.' - :) 't t2 34a -4t _- +q-4 -aa +34o-- t :41 - I -*. ---,,, - i 4.-\VGx)-o- ' -.. - r*' -il --l-- -, -J:] - s: (- tsl{.{Vlt(z+)t=.o7t f--, '.J 1,_l -.--, :ilax sV*zi),/.{2/t" =/;l) =- 2J? ---E1..rL^{o.' /t.o =,)<o E, =.r* -Tr'q- /&J c-.e. :zlg , lt /t t t (tg*)().O) ,_,,- A,-<\7+rc) ffi = Tf zs - ' -(€n/oo,o -/-, I t t / t '/ / /I t, I / / n'ad4s. de.'y''at le4 on JestT n 7rrrt'S) //,e +" l7ty < cal, ,/=/ /. 2 "J //. < 2- B- P=-, 4oK - I,- *2,! il t" /*1ll- frnrbu-1'l A="o-ioJ-'J p= zt; e--) f r/r/.,/6anK of Vdt /I I r g/3 t LL !o^l -/ V.i/ . I I I I I i t-t: -7 -- ' I ':h,eam =tt ezta rf- .-,i a a1 J\i;-:- ttsor 4 (o.=,t)("s) > 23.Lts ' , lso// et- = I 7-F - -Ern=n) l*^-1ou9 o..-n /eLta E.:. ls/acz + 1 - . c.s x/-t ', L,s//.t7 = 3-aJ+>*- ,--- -. f: -= i. r */.e . t ^t,t,/t-at V '/,-L2-.kJ r=---r,- - ---jj t" -.--7-.. -- k)rr--= -5.11'-1L44'=' I's-F1t I e-5Qs = -/'<.sa-f--' rrt :I ._ _Qf;-.i %"a o.- r-! t I I \\\ T * $TT* t- Q,,-l 3-qr $S y {N'NX $ $ N slF+{:d,\^$s ;_ioiL; t o{+try"\ I $ \ qluf i NNtlx"( 2R J $i fgH$t$ EE"{# #=Q E G\ g+As f -lfL, ,'----* -. f ii li It.luitfY'\b r RaliIlw+i)Jlr+tit9'{t Ftr Jr J3 r;s ' Zd1, cffrc\ {t,l a\ ,q d :ts +fqv t ! r II I : /1: Car i'r €,14 :/ February 23, L972 Mr. Rodney Slif,er Chairman, Vail Planning Commission' P.O. Box 1248Vaill Colorado eL657 Dear Mr. Sliferl In accordance With our previous conversationg with your Mavor Dobson, Eob Young and myself it is the desire of ile-;";k "i- v.if to apity for- eirher a zoning v-ariance or i- ctta"g" in the pi"".iri ioning to permit us to build our proposed bank-oondominiurn structure' As our plans and model indicate, we desire to construct a buildinq that contains 4'000 square feet on the grouni-uuifaing that .""Gi"" 4,000 square feet on the ground - r^-ii s ?f ir-r-iJ',i'U""r.l"g ;"ipo". "' and f 6ur resi dent i a,r . cgndgrnil-1* oTHEft gs]'tl 816sTvail/colorado ;;;;.;a: -w. r"ir-th;a-bt includine trtg t9Tg"lniniums' we ;ill t.v" "p""e for future expansion and wiLl be able to a"f""V a poitiott of the land losts to these units' ,t /iu^l : Melvin J. $,orensen vice Pregident ^?'I f STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE TOWN OF VAI L NOI'I CE OF PROPOSED AMENDMSNT OF ZONJNG ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Boand of Tnustees of the Town of Vail has, punsuant to Co,onado Statutes and Ordinances of the Town of Vail , pnoposed amendmenc and supplementation of its Zoning Ondinance, Ondi.nance No. 7 (Senies of 1969), by changing the zoning of the pnopenty heneinaften descnibed from PA (PubIic Accommodations) to MulLi-family distnict : A pancel of land in Lot G, Amended Map of Sheet 1 of 2 of Vail Viiiage, Second Filing, ciescnibed as follows: Beginning at the Nontheast connen of Lot G, thence South Oo23'OOI East, 214,47 feet along the East line theneof to the Southeast connen oi said Lot: thence North 75o27tOOtl West, 150.OO feet along the So;thenly line of said Lot; thence Nonth 24"411231' East, 2O3.46 feet to a point on the Nonthenly line of said Lot, which is on the anc of a 125.OO foot nadius cunve; thence Eastenly on said Nonthenly 1ine, 46.29 feet along the anc of said cunve to the left, whose centnal angle is 21o12t5o'r and whose long chord beans South 79"46'35i' East, 46.02 feet to a point of tangent; thence Nonth 89o37'OOrr East, 13.48 feet along said Nonthenly line to the point of beginning. A publi.c heaning will be held punsuant to Anticle 5 of said Ondinance No. 7 at the houn of 7:3O o'clock p. m., Tuesday, May 1t;, 1972, ) ) ) a'r. 'l. f befone the Board of Tnustees fon in the Vail Municipal Building, to ment shoulci be appnoved. the Town of Vail in lhe detenmine whethen the Council Chambens pnoposed amend- rh DATED this 11 day of Apri7, 1972. TOWN OF VAiL Paqe i) .1 , STATE OF COLORADO ) ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ss ) TOWN OF VAIL ) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAT. USE PERMIT NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that ihe Sank of Vai'1' a State Banking Associatron, has, punsuant to Ondinance No' 7 (Senies of 1969) ' of the Town of Vail, Anti.cle 4, section 2 (a), made application to the Boand of Tnustees of the Town of Vail fon a conditional use penrnit to Denmit the constnucti.on of a bank facility on business office on land which is pnesently zoned PA (Public Accommodat'lons) ' ard which is pnoposed Itl|,r't,..-:rrtl,..||tltr]li.l.,rlrrilyir}il|'!.ll-(|.rtlr.r'$ri||1.:;rir.|;.tl|.|ll.l']o|.(lirlir|](]{]. The land in respect to which said application is made is mone panticulanly descnibed as follows : A pancel of land in Lot G ' Amended Map of Sheet 1 of 2 of VAI L VI LLAGE , SECOND FI LING , descnibed as follows: Beginning at the Nontheast connen of Lot G' thence South oo23'oort East, 214.47 feet along the East line theneof to the Southeast connen of said Lot; thence Nonth 75"27'ootl West, 150.OO feet along the Southenly line of said Lot; thence Nonth 24"411231' East, 2o3'46 feet to a point on the Nonthenly line of said Lot' which ls on the anc of a 125,OO foot nadius cunvei thence Eastenly on said Nontherly 1ine, 46'29 feet along the anc of said cunve to the left, whose centnal angle is 2'1 "12'50" and whose long chond beans South 79"46'35tt East' 46'02 feet to a point of tangent; thence Nonth 89o37toot' East' '13 '48 feet along said Nonthenly line to the point of beginning ' - A public heaning wiil be held punsuant to Anticle 5 of said Ondinance No. 7 at the houn of 7:3O orclock p. m. , Tuesday, May i 6, 1972, befone the Boand of Tnustees fon the -Fown o1'Vail in the Council Chambens in the . Vail Municipal Building, to determine whethen a conditional use penmit should be gnanted to the applicants. TOWN OF VA] L tLDATED this ll day oi Aprit, 1972, Fa r:c' ) Apt"tl gf , f97l }tm. lylrr.ltlr lvto0rtn Erelr \fillry E'*.t.prtrBsD Crelo, Cotcrdo tlOl Elrn ArSilllrr I em frclctng r Ndlcr C prvpccd Arl|ndrfiar* of ZanlngOr{tnnc rnd r Nottot otApplterttcr fr Cordttifirl tJ|. Fat tntt. Bdr d Urr .hqrtd b. Fbtf.h.d tn lrq.rr rrur.Frp.r anatlilr A. th. pr6ltc lrltr{ng lr cr lvtry fC tr5 f$trn delrtnottc t}r|t ba glvfrr tt lr ...3!t|rl thrt tlryrpp.r|. tnlcrl. Afll a7 |rrlr , I nr tb urrt prrocdtrn, fbll*tr.1g publt,oilcr, plurtb\nd DFo€f ct pi5lta$,on tbr. q,r fllr.. gincr*rrly, Ltr6 lttt $acr.tr'l/ toth Towr tufr-rrenn lh Erulorno t I STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE TOWN OF VAI L NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Bank of Vail' a State Banking Association, has, punsuant to Ondinance No. 7 (Senies of 196€), of the Town of Vail, Anticle 4, Section 2 (a), rrnde application to the Boand of Tnustees of the Town of Vail for a conditional use penmit to penmit the constnuction of a bank facility on business ofFice on land which is pnesently zoned PA (Public Accommodations), and which is pnoposed to be nezoned multi-family in accondance with said zoning ondinance. The land in nespect to which said application is rnade is mone panticulanly descnibed as follows: A parcel of land in Lot G, Amended Map of Sheet 1 of 2 of VAILVILL-AGE, SECOND FILING, descnibed as follours: Beginning at the Nontheast connen of Lot G, thence South oo23toorr East, 214.47 feet along the East line theneof to tlre Southeast connen of said Lot; tl'rence Nonth 75"27tootl West, 15O.OO feet along the Southenly line of said Lot; thence Nonth 24o41t23tr Eastr.2G3.46 feet to a point.on the Nonthenly line of said Lot, which is on the anc of a 125,OO foot nadius cunve; thence Eastenly on said Northenly line, 46.29 feet along the anc of said cunv.e to the leflE, whose centnal angle is 21o12r5ot' and whose long chond beans South 79o46r35f' East, 46.02 feet to a point of tangent; thence Nonth 89"37roOil East, 13.48 feet along said Nonthenty line to the point of beginning. ) ) .ss \ ) A public heaning will be held punsuant to Anticle 5 of said Ondinance No. at the houn of 7:3O orclock p.m., Tuesday, May 16, 1972, befone the Boand of Tnustees fon the Town of Vail in the Council Cl-rambens in the Vail Municipal Building, to detenmine whethen a conditional use penmit should be gnanted to the applicants. DATED this 19th day of Apnil, 1972. TOWN OF VAI L Page 2 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ss ) TOWN OF VAIL ) NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Boand of Tnustees of the Town of Vail has, punsuant to Colonado Statutes and Ondinances of the Town of Vail, pnoposed amendment and supplementation of its Zoning Ondinance, Ondinance No. 7 (Senies of 1969), by changing the zoning of the pnopenty heneinaften descnibed fnom PA (Public Accommodations) to Multi-family d istnict: A pancel of land in Lot G, Amended Map of Sheet 1 of 2 of Vail Village, Second Filing, descnibed as follows: Beginning at the Nontheast connen of Lot G, thence South Oo2SrOOtr East, 214.47 feet along the East line theneof to the Southeast connen of said Lot: thence Nonth 75o27tootl West, 150.OO feet along the Southenly iine of said Lot; thence Nonth 24o41t23tt East, 2O3.46 feet to a point on the Nonthenly line of said Lot, which is on the anc of a 125.OO foot nadius cunve; thence Eastenly on said Nonthenly line, 46.29 feet along the anc of said cunve to the left, whose centnal angle is 21" 12t5}tt and whose long chond beans Sor,rth 79o46t3srt East, 46.02 feet to a point of tangent; thence Nonth 89"37'OO" East, 13.48 feet along said Nonthenly line to the point of beginning. A public heaning will be held punsuant to Anticle 5 of said Ondinance No. 7 at the houn of 7:3O orclock p.m., Tuesday, May 16, 1972, befone the Boand of l-nustees fon the Town of Vail in the Council Chambens in the Vail Municipal Building, to detenmine whethen the pnoposed amend- me nt shouid be appnoved. DATED this 19th day of Apnil, 1972. TOWN OF VAIL Page 2 i r-O STATE OF COLORADO ) ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ssi) TOWN OF VAIL ) NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINIANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Tnustees orf the TownofVailhas,punsuanttoColonadoStatutesandondinancesofthe Town of Vail , pnoposed amendment and supplementation of its Zoning Ondinance, Ondinance No. 7 (Senies of 1969), by changing the zoning of the pnopenty heneinafter described fnom PA (Public Accommodations) to Multi-famity distnict: "" ,: , i.jj A par,'cel of land,ip, Lot Q, ,Arnended Map of Sheet 1 of 2 of , Vail Village, second Filing, descntbed as fbllows: . : ''.: . ,' Beginning at the Nontheast cornen of Lot G, thence South Oo23rOOil East,214.47 feet along the East line theneof to the Southeast connen of said Lot; thence Nonth 75o27toott West, 150.OO feet along the Southenly line of said Lot; thence Nor^th 24o4'l.t23n East, 2O3.46 feet to a point on the Nonthenly line of sai.d Lot, which is on the anc of a 125.OO foot radius cunve; thence Eastenly on said Nonthenly line, 46.29 feet along the anc of said cunve to the left, whose centnal angle i.s 21o12r5orr and whose long chord beans South 79o46t35tt East, 46.OP feet to a point of tangent; thence Nonth 89o37tOOI East, 13.48 feet along said Nonthenly line to the point of beginning. A ptrblic heaning wi.tl be held punsuant to Anticle 5 of said Ondinance No. 7 at the houn of 7:3O orclock p.m., Tuesday, May 16, '1972, befone the Boand of -l-nustees fon the Town of Vail in the Council Chambens in the Vail Municipal Building, to detenmine whethen the pnoposed amend- ment should be appnoved . DATED this 19th day of Apnil, 1972 TOWN OF VAI L i ' llti't. //*u -, .j r.i, l / /l'I own dGnk ---lf- ) Paac' D a llJ9ur>EE,fulFaJ:a9 urO - g Fto ,3?f;888?" tr =iEe Ea lr*,F l: HEH =EHEEE =gboa6 )= i 8 t i i =2,-(/)()-(rFg-2<9ot2zfitE;_fiEE =e=;=F==: -'r r ^. f = =o i'?,i =(5H665il ===:1 )frlr-Lrr,JOO J8 35 o 3;ll O Y ;r-l ., 41 * llit NOTICE DISPOSITION OF CONDITIONAL USE APP LICATI ON ane herebyadvised that on May 16, 1972, the Boand of Tnustees appnoved an application fon a Conditional Use Fon a buslness office in a multi-fiamity distnict on pnopenty located on a pontion of Lot G, Vail Village Secord Filing. This decision was annived at based on the standands and cnitenia as set fonth in Anticte II , Section 2(Aygxa)' as applied to the pnoposed conditional Use ard specificalty the firdings wene: 1. A business ofFice would be appnopriate in this irarticutan location. 2. A bank falls within the definiti.on of a business ofFice. Ne COUNTY OF EAGLE 3318 PROOF OF PUBLICATION S-{TE OF COLORADO I 1ss. cottNTY oF EAGLE 2 TOWN OF VAIL ) NOTICE OF APPLICA'TION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOIICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tbe Bank of Vail, a State Bankine Association, has, Pur' suant [o Ordinance No' ? (Ser' ies of 1969), of the Town of val. erticte'4, Section 2 (a), mad'e aPplication to the Board of Trustees of the To!,n of Vail for a conditional use Per- mit to Permit the construction of a bank facility or business office oD land which is PresentlY zoned PA (Public Accommoda- tions), and wNch is Proposed to be rezoned mulH-familY in accordance with sard zoning or- dinance. The land is respect to which said aplicatiut is made is more ParfcularlY described as follo.rrsi A oarcel of land in l,ot G' .l,mended MaP of Sheet I of 2 Of VAII, VILLAGE, SEC. OND FILING, described as followsi Besinnins at the Northeast cor- nei ot Lot G, thence South 0 deerees 23'00" Etst, 214.47 feel along the East line there- of to the Southeast corner of sajd Lot; thence North ?5 de- Erees 2?'00" West, 150.00 feet ilong the SoutherlY line of said Lot: thence North 24 degrees af il" Past, 203.46 feet to a point on the NortherlY line of said Lot, lvNch is on the arc of a 125.00 foot radius curve; thence EasterlY on said North- erly line, 'lC.Z? teet along the "r. oi tiiO curve to the-left' *ntse centrat angle is 21 de erees 12'50" and whose long ihord bears South ?9 degrees 46'35" East, 46.02 feet to a mint of tangent; thence North 'gg-d.*t""t t?'00" East, 13'48 i".i itone said NortherlY line to the Point of beginning' A rnrblic hearing will be held pursriant to Artlcle 5 of sard b.dn-.. No' ? at the hour of ?:30 o'clock P.m., Tuesday, MaY 16. l9?2. before the Board of Trustees for the Town of Vail in the Council Chambers in the vail Municiyal BuildinB, to de- termine whether a conditional use permit should be granted to the applicants. DATED this lgth alay of APril, 1972. TOlryN OF VAIL .BY Terrell J. Minger . Town Clerk s$ ear that I a:n oI TIMAGLE VALLIY the same is a weekly newspaper printed, in whole or in ptrt and published in thG County oI Eagle, Statc of Colorado, and hasa gcneral circuLation therein; that said news' paper has been publislled continuously and uninlerrupt€dty in said County ol Eagle ior i pe,:ioa of more than Iilty-tx'o consecutive ltceks next pr-ior io the lirst publication of the anncxed legal notice or advertisement; that said nervspapcr has becn admittcd to the united statcs mails as second-class mattcr under the provisions of the Act oI March 3, 18?0' oI any amendmcnts thercof, and tlrat sa]d ne'lvspaper j5 a \re€kly nct,spaper duly quallJicd lor publishing legal lotices and advertisements within thc meaning of thc laws of the State of Colorado. That thc annexed Iegat notice or advertisoment $'as published in the regula! and en- tire issuc oi every number of said woekly nct'spapet for the pcriod of _- consec_ utive insertions; and ihat the first publication of said notice v'as in the issue of, sald ,/ ./ ./ nowspaper o"r"u ./-/ -l -/ -- -". o. ts/- 2una that the last pubrication of said notice was in the issue of caid nsltspapor dated A. D .19 .-.....-....... Y/?-r .'fIn witness rMhereol I have herounto set my hand thjs " /-- -/ - - - - qay or 'l o. o. rn /-'.L ,,,/;t, Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in and for the county of Eagle' state or colorado , tno ....-,1,. ?- ..-. . day o: .. / "./.-1.-l-....' ..--.-- A. ,. ,n.)'-:'t-'-'-' Dry commission "*o,,", '1]-:-:l:lL:i?1-tL:grel l'try -+l+o*-- tn -/-/ t .l Ne STATE OF COLONADO COUNTY OF EAGLE 3319 PROOF OF PUBLICATION ,ny commission cipir"i m* fID Notary Public ,n'-?.1... STATE OF" COLoRADO JOUNIY OF EAGLE TOWN OF VAIL NOTICE OF-PROPGED AMENDMENT OF ZOMNG ORDIMNCE NONCE IS HEREBY GTYEN that the Board of Trustees 0f the Town of Vail has, pursuait to Colorado Statutes atrd Ordi- nances of tlp Towtr of Vail, prG posed amendment and suml'e- mentation of its Zoning Ordi- nance, Ordinance No. ? (Seri'es of 1969), by changing the zolng of the property hereiDa.fter de- scribed from PA (Public Ac- commodations) to Mulfl-family destrict: A parcel of land tD Ld G. Amended Map ot Sheet I ofz Vail Village, Second Fillng described as follows: Begtming at the Northeast cot- ner of Lot G thence Sqth 0 degrees 23'00" East 2H.4? feet dong the East line there- of to the Southeast corner of sud Lot; thence Norft ?5 d+ grees 27'00" West, 150.(D feet dong the Southerly line ofsal0 Lo! thence North 24 degrees 4l'23" East, 203.46'feet to.a Inint on tlte Noriherly llne of said Lot, whlch ls on the arc of a 125.00 foot radus curve; thence Easterly on sald Northerly liire, 46.29 feet along thO arc of sald curve to the left, whose central angle ls 2l degrees 12'50" and whose long chord beers South 79 degrees 46'35" East, 46.02 feet to a point of tangent; thence North 89 degrees 3?' 00" East, 13.48 feet along- said Northerly line to the point of beginnin& A public hearing will be held pursuant to Article 5 of said Ordinance No, ? at the hour of ?:30 o'clock p.m., Tuesday, May 16, l9?2, before the Board of Trustees for the Town o,f Vail in the Council Chambers in the Vail Municipal Building, to d+ termine whether. the proposed amendment should be approved. DATED this 19th day of April, 1912. TOWN OF VAILBy Terrell J. Minger Town Clerk ) )ss. ) ) of THE EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE; ihat same is a weekly newspaper printed, in whole or in part and published in t'ho That the annexed legal notice or advertisoment was published in the regular and en- /trle issue ol every number of said woekly newspaper for the period ol --.--..1-..-..---- consec' utive insertions; and that the flrst prnblication of said notice was in t}Ie isque of, said 4 t/4 ?-- -o. o. ,n 23.--d that the last publicationn. f;spaper oalect ...... // /2.1 ...-- t. / ,/ 4 .7 ,/ ot said notrce was in the issue of sald nswspapor aatea .-'.--1--/.---r/--'l -+1-/- -- In witness whereol I have herounto s€t rny hand this o. ,. ,n../--2 Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notat:y public in and lor the County of Eagle, / ..'Stale of Colorado, this / :-'.. .-... day ^. D. Ls l:-&-- My Commlssion expires County of Eagle, state of Colorado, and hasa general circulation therein; that Said nev,'s' paper has been published continuously and uninterruptedly irr said County oI Eagle for :r pe,riod of more than Iuty-tx'o consecuti!'e weeks next prior io the lirst publication of the annexed legal notice or advertiscment; that said newspaper has been admitted to Ure United States mails as second-c1ass matter under the provisions ot the Act o{ March 3, l8?9, or any amendments thereof, and that said ne\\'spaper is a u'eekly newspaper duly qualilied for publishing legal notices and advertisernents $'ithin ttle meaning oi the la\rs oi the State of Colorado. J\,r. Jwlo |, 1978 Mr. l(atrcr MoFctra P.O. Bo( 607 Vatl, Colaldo 8f067 Darn Krtorr I am fonrnndtrlg hrcwtth I copy of thr mlnrttr of tn Jottt tnsttng condrctrd bdorc th. Vltl Plenntrg Cortl mlaelon and thc Ebard of Tnrrtror cr Aprll 18, 1972. At thtr trlNtlng you pnoonted e pr.opoal for conrtnrctlrpI hJtldtng on pr.op.rq/ you havo ecqutr.rd wtrtch ts prcaantly zqrrJ p!.b$c acc€mndl'tlm. Th. butldtng yar prcpo.. wtll bc condorntnlunr wlttt hotcl-tl/pc murrgenrnt. Thc Plrrmlng Commlrtlon and Ulr Bou.d d Tnrrtoar cottlndod tfirt ycr,.rF propocd pFojact wtll be par.mtr- labb undrn th. cr.Frunt PA zcrlng. Thtl trfirul..tlttond th. Vrll tdrtrE cdtnar\c. llvonr thc pr.ojcct 5cr hart propo.cd, rtrbjaet to thr rrlr.sl ltmttr$orrr &ch ar nos rr.Ge rltlo, end an5l othen nonrral rottnlcttom lrmced by thr zonlrq or.rdtruncr on h.rtldlrg codc. Youtr nrny tnrly, L-ruforEc B. Robtncm Torvn Attot ncy LEIRrlh lnun box roo r vail, colorado 81657 r 303.476.5613 Apnil 20, 1972 Mn. Kaisen Moncus P.O. Box 607 Vail, Colonado 81657 Dean Kaisen: In conjunction with youn plans to build a condominium building nean the chapel in Vail Village, Second Filing, you have Fequested a tentative analysis neganding the application of the Town of Vail zoning ordinance. Youn pnopenty is zoned PA and it is rny urdenstanding that the Boand of Trustees is wi.lli.ng to intenpnet the pnovisions of the ondinance pentaining to this zone c ification to include condominium units . Lawnence B. Rob Town Attonney LBR:lh ORDINANCE NO. B (Senies of 1972) AN ORDINANCE GRANI-ING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BUSINESS OFFICE IN A MULTI-FAMJ LY DISTRICT; THE SAME BEING A PORTION OF LOT G, VAI L VI LL-AGE SECOND FI LING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PL.AT THEREOF; AND SETTING F'ORTH DETAI LS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the Bank of Vail, a State Banking Association, has applied fon a conditional use penmit fon the constnuction of a business offi ce on a pontion of Lot G, Vail Village Second Filing, acconding to the reconded plat theneof , this same havi.ng been pneviously zoned Public Accommodations and having been ne-zoned Multi.-family Distnict by vintue of Ondinance No. 7 (Senies of 19-2); and WHEREAS, the applicant l-ras complied with all of the nequinements of Anticle IV, Section 2 of Ondirrance No. 7 (Senies of 1969) of the Town of Vail nelati.ng to applications fon corditional use penmits; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission fon the Town of Vail has necommended that the Boand of Tnustees gnant the conditional use penmit in onden to allow the Bank of Vail to construct a business offi ce on bank facility on the pant of Lot G, Vail Village Second Filing, acconding to the neconded plat theneof; and WHEREAS, a public l-rearing was duly held befone the Boand of Tnustees of the Town of Vail, following publication of notice of same in accordance with Anticle V of Ondinance No, 7 (Senies of '1969), on the sixteenth day of May, 1972, and at said heaning the Boand of Trustees voted in favon of gnanting said conditional use penmit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO: Section 1. A conditional use penmit is heneby gnanted to the Bank of Vail fon the constnuction of a business offi ce on bank facilitv on the followinq descnibed pnopenty: A pancel of land situated in Lot G, Vail Village Secord Filing, acconding to the neconded plat theneof , wi.thin the Town of Vail, County of Eagle, Colonado, descnibed as follows: Beginning at the Nontheast connen of Lot G, thence South Oo23'OOI East, 214.47 feet along the East line theneof to the Southeast connen of said Lot; thence Nonth 75"27tOOtt West, 150.OO feet along the Southenly tine of said Lot; thence Nonth 24"41t23tr East, 2O3.46 feet to a point on the Nontheniy line of said Lot, which is on the anc of a 125.OO foot nadius cunve; thence Eastenly on said Nonthenly line, 46.29 feet along the anc of said cunve to the left, whose central angle is 21o12r5O and whose long chond bears South 79o46r35tt East, 46.02 feet to a point of tangent; thence Nonth 89o37rOO" East, 13.48 feet alonq said Nonthenly line to the point of beginning. Section 2. The conditional use penmit shall be gnanted on a penrnanent basis in accondance with the zoning ondinance fon the Town oF Vail, and the Building OfFicial fon tl-re Town of Vail shall issue a building penmit fon the con- stnuction of said facility upon compliance by the applicant with all othen requine- ments of the L3uilding Code on othen applicable ondinances of the Town of Vail . Section 3. The Boand of.Trustees finds that this ondinance is neces- sany to pnotect the health and welfane of the Town of Vail; that this ondinance shall becorne effective upon its i.ntnoduction and adoption and publication, and that sarne should be publi.shed in accorrcance wi.th the laws of the state of Colorado. INTRODUCED, READ AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS DAY OF fvlAY, 1972. Mayon . ATTEST: Tcnam Clenk ORDINANCE NO. 7 (Senies of 1972) AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE ZONING FOR A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN LOT G OF VAILVILL-AGE SECOND FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF TOGETHER WITH ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO, TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO; AMEND_ ING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL; AND SETTING FOR]TH DETA]LS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the Planning commission fon the Town of vail and the Boand of Tnustees fon the Town of Vail l-nve held public heanings nelating to the ne-zoning of the neal estate nefenred to and descnibed in this ondinance; ard WHEREAS, the Boand of Tnustees deerns it in the public intenest to ne-zone the neal estate descnibed henein, and to amend the official zoning rrn p for the Town of Vail, in accondance with the zoning established in this ondinance; NoW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD oF TRUSTEES FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO: section 1. In accondance with the pnovisions of ordirrance No. 7 lsenies or teoe;, as amended, the following neal estate is heneby ne-zoned fnom Public Accommodations to Muiti-family Distnict: A pancel of land in Lot G, Amended Map of Sheet 1 of 2 of VAILVILLAGE, SECOND FILING, descnibed as follows: Beginning at the Nontheast connen of Lot G, thence South Oo2StOo East, 214. 47 feet aLong tl-re East line theneof to the Southeast connen of said Lot; thence Nonth 75"27tOOt' West, 150.OO feet along the Southenly line of said Lot; thence Nonth 24o411231t East, 2o3.46 feet to a point on the Nonthenly line of said Lot, which is on the anc of a 125.OO foot nadius cunve; thence Eastenly on said Nonthenly line, 46.29 feet along the anc of said curve to the left, whose central angle is 21 o 12isot' and whose lor1g chond beans South 79o46t35rt East, 46.02 feet to a point of tangent; thence Nonth 89o37roo" East, 13.48 feet along said Nontherly line to the point of beginning. section 2. The pnopenty descnibed henein shall be subject to all of the onovisions and uses set fonth in the zoning regulations fon the Town of VaiI, Ondinance No. 7 (Senies of 1969), as amerded, which ane applicable to the Multi-famity Distnict. section 3. The official zonrng rrrap fon the Town of Vail shall be amended to connespond to the ne-zoning of the pnopenty henein descnibed in onden to pnopenly incorponate and neflect the change in zone of the subject pnopenty. Section 4. The Boand of Tnustees finds that this ordinance is neces- sa"y tolFoteEGe health and welfane of the Town of Vaii; that this ondinance shall become effective upon its intnoduction and adoption ard publication, and that same should be published in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. INTRODUCED, READ AND ORDERED PUBLjSHED THIS DAY OF MAY, 1972. ATTEST:Mayon Aprll lO, lgll friF, Kalat'A/lu.qrr P.O, Eo( 67\All, €olcrdo tf67 O.lF Krlr.r ln crJwrcilon wldr yar pll}I to hittd r Grtomlnfirm h,rlldlrplilF Ur Ghrp.l ln \ tl Vlllrgt, Aecod Ftltrp, pu ]rrn,|.n..btl r t rtrHt,l rnlyrtr r.o|'€tng tht eppltetton dtlr T*n d\ ll rort?E rdlrrru. Ysr pFQarry t. taxd pA rnd lt t rry srt r|tlrdln0 thdth. Ecrd d Tr.urhc ir wllltrt to trtl?|$ thr pnordrtord th. or{tnrn p.ilrtntno to thfa rom ol$t?tortt6n tolnclrdr oa$omtntum unltt. YA|ra \r||iy truly, l-rturlu ts. Rdiran TcrnAttry.my l-9Rrlh EXiIIBIT . (Lega1 Description) n re.^ral a'" lanl .i'. L.- a ^.-..- -1 ^-' \/-.-,/\ t,.rl(-,.,r vr ri]u(l rrr Lot G, Arnerrded tr{ap or: Sneer I oi Z of VAIL VILLAGE, sEcoNDiiILINC, dcscribt:d €is follolvs: I I r r 1 r 1 1 1 I 1 i I r 1 i tiL l. lr,.r i.luriIir.,Ir:,, l, ct_, i.liri.t. rr{: [,oi_ (.i, i:jtciico l;oulli ()"2:i'00" l-i;.r$ t, 2lti ,4'/ fcct al.olig tlrc ):r;r:; t li.rrs i:ircreof .to .ciier Soutlt- c:.LJt coTircji ot' said L,ot; tlrcnce No1'ch 75"27r00't'r'/csi, i50'.0c fcet along the soi:the::ly iiqe o.r said l,o.c;iiic(ce North 2ulolrr-t23rr Easi, 203.+5 fcet to a-po-;ri on the \-or:lic.:iy .l.i::c o:: sa.itl Lot, rvhiclr is ,on thL. arc oi a i25.00 fooi r.'adius cul:ve;tlreircc iiastclly on sir.id No}'ijlerly iir1c, 46.29 f.cet; alor.g thc arc o.if saii curvcto-tire Icft, rvhose central an1g.i.e 'i:; ?Lo j.2t SCr' ;licl .rshose long chor<3 bcars Souti.7t'46t35" Easr, 46.02 fcct, to a poi:i.lt of tan3yelr; titcrlc,) ;\io r.'til S9"37'00" East, I:i.48 foc'c :rioilg saici }io:riirerly linc to thc poiritoll lrc;15.;rrii. rt;l ; vail/ colorado 8,osz April 19 ' L972 Lawrence B. Robinson Attorney - Toldn of Vail Va5-1, Colorado 8l-657 Dear Mr. Robinson: Please find an enclosed check for $50.00 and an application that The Bank of Vail is submitting to the Board of Trustees for the Tolrn of Vail. The Bank of vail is applying for a Conditional Use under Town of vail zoning Ordinances. Said property is described in the application. Sincerely, fi 4,-[-/i*--._- Melvin J. Sorensen Vice Presi-dent Enclosures MS,/kd BANK OF VAIL APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE I'NDER TOWN OF' VAIL ZONING ORDINANCES APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAI USE 1. The name and address of the applicant: The Bank of Vail P.O. Box 1728 Vai1, Colorado 81657 2. Permission of owner to make application: Property is owned by Robert c. Grayson. The Bank of Vail has received permission from Robert C. Grayson to make application for conditional use under Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances. 3. Legal description: See Exhibit A. 4. Nature of exception for which application is made: The Bank of Vail wishes to conduct business in a bank,/ condominium structure that it proposes to build on the site described in Part "3" of this application. Under To\,vn of VaiI zoning Ordinances such business use in a multi-family zoned location is a conditional use and requires the approval of the Board of Trustees. 5. ceneral preU.rninary development plan: a. Map of subject area: See Exhibit B and C. b. General development: See E:<tribit D, page I-7. c. Height of proposed builcling 39 feet. al. Parking plans: See Exhibit D, page 1. e. Exterior lighting devices: See ExhiSit D, pages 1 and 6. o Application for Conilitional Use Page nro f. Vehicular traffic plans: Entrance to and exit fron the parking area wilf be vi.a vaII Roatt which is the nain road into the Vail Village core area frqn I-70 andl both service roads. This, conrblned with the fact that the major parking area is on the north side of ttre core arear should not result in any greater traffic flow through the area ttran already exists. ff tlre sole purpose in coring into Vail i.s for banking purposes, however, congestion in and around ttre Crossroads Shopping center will be reduced. g. Curb cuts: See Exhibit D, page L. h. Cotpatibiltty of structures: See Extribit E. i. Landscaping: See nodeL;E:$ibit D, page I. j. Sto:m drainage: Coutplete drairnge plan will be developed and co- ordinated with qrner of adjacent propertl'. See Exhibit F. k. c@pletion: Novenber l5, L972. A parcel of land in FILING, describcd as I I v \ EXHIBIT , (Legal. Description) Lot G, Anended Map of Sheet I of 2 of VAIL VILLAGE, SECOND foIlor'rs: ISeginning at the Northeast corncr of Lot G, t,ircnca South 0o23'00" East, 2L4.47 feet along the East line t,hereof to the South- cast cotner of said Lot; thence North 75027r00" Wcst, 150.00 fcet along tho Sout,herly line of said Lot; tlience North 24o41 '23t1 ,East, 203.46 feet to a point on the Northerly,litre of said Lot, whiclr is .on the arc of a 125.00 foo'r radius cu"ve; thencc liastcrly on said Noltherly line, 46.29 feet along tho arc of saiC curve to tlre 1eft, whose centraL angle Ls zI"IztSOrrand,whose long chord bcars South 79"46t35rt East, 46.02 feet to a point of tangent; thence North 89o37root: East, 13.48 fegt along said Northerly line to the point of bcginning; . i-. .h ! I ,,r- i li ll \r\ \ , Yfl),ai*-*illi1/ 1,f ,W*nrfyli\\ ;l: li ,tf s'i:i ":1i( i:r$d.i.lln 'illl il,fl-_._.f[ U\qiW/ll[ I i 19 --.=="- -"-- - lff I r r ffi;--"ffiy-s--:ai$! EFfilliril ,ffifili\ iIi +l! ,'i It"t ) '" '{"''l-'/:il*':il\ X ':, 1 l l ' := /,f"','' , ;-. /"1 t',"i'|,:[ 't' j ii!:' .; ,/ f ''l lif ,', ',' i ll:: -: .7h]-: ', : illi I *'/-/,1 ' ,'' iiit:- ;itl :' ; I l/ ' 1 llf ,', ',': ll-. ",./{".,i1 i\l\lj _.,r 1gg l"'., I : /lrJf i t -:*,_ilili ; lT , li *, , -:isf ;t; i,Ut: , : iili . .i L i..' j ll :F ',, r.',\: iel \ r'; lrtl -uI ri I I I i trftJil 'il ilqi'\(' *il :,ffi.*',:,\\:*'\+dI :.-.1 t:or,.:y; ,, *. ,_i l;fi . ' " J l'.,1n' " illi i "_-- i '"'igi;,,,; ^:,;" /)l.; j, ;{ iit , i\ili t)'',n' .#1,,".-'; l'.i ;:'" lt *"r lil,,IJ'1, [r ,., \,t,::r \t tri ,l' l', Llt ,q St. $-,:u-t '' ,Kl .,li-ti; rrl ,i ill *\' I AMENDUD AND I{IiS'I.ITI.JD (IONU)I'IINT$I I],[CL\II'\TION -'Ir.oR W.,/r,oL.l ,Jr" B.s. coNDoMrNLUr{s L* KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: Tu.AT WHERBAS, a corrdonlnluu proJecE hirs been escabllshed under Ehe Colorado Condominlum Ovnershlp Act ;rnd ametrdtnenEs thereEo on cerEaln real esEate descrtbed ln Conrlorninl urn lleclaratlon recorcled Augusr 31, 1973, ln Book 230 aC page 8E6 Ehe recor.ls of C[e Clerk ald Recorder of Che CounEy of Eagle' Scace of Colorado, and varlous amendmenLs thereEo (che Condornlnlum DeclaraElon as hereEofore amended ls referred Eo herein as the origlnal CondornLnllrn Declarat.Lon), and I|IHEREAS, tn the orlgtnal condornlnlum Declaratlou, the real estaEe was Buboltted to a plan of condominirm ownerghip denornlnated 8.S. CONDOI{tNIuMS anC contalnlng ftve (5) separacely deslgnaEcd condonlniun urrlEs, and WIIEREAS, ROBERT S. APPEL ls the 0wner representlng an aggregare omershlp of l00Z of the general corumon elenenEs of B. S. CONDOMINII^IS, as created by tl're orlglnal Condomlnlum Declaratlon, and WHEREAS, FIRSTBANK Or VAIL (herelnafrer also called in lte caPaclry as such, "TenanC") ls Ehe orrly tenanE of B.S. Condominiurus as creaLed by the orlglnal Condornlnlu.n DeclaraElon tnvlng a leasehold estaEe whlch has an unex- plred term of flve (5) years or nore ' and IIREREAS, FIRSTBANK OF WESTL{ND, N.A., a nattonal ha ktng assoctarion arrd ALPINE FEDEML SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCtAftON (herelnafser referred to collectlvely as "norcgag,:e"), are che only trolders of any recorded flrsc oortgage coverlng or affecglng aoy or all condominlum unlEs tn B.s. condoroln- lums as creaced by the origlnal Condonlnlttm DeclaraElon, and wHEREAS, the orlglnal condorutni un Declaraglon rnay be arnended pursuant Lo paragraph 27 thereof ' and WHEREAS, the Owner and rhe mor[ij;ri{ee (all her,llnaf cer called "Declar- ants" ) are all of the owners, morrgagees .trtd persons luv tt'ri; any rlijhE or lnceresr ln Ehe real properEy descrlbe<l on ExhlblE A atEached hereto arld by Bhls refererrce oade a parE trereof (r.rhtch properry ls herelnafrer referred Eo a6 Ehe "real properEY") ' and !ruEREAS,DeclarantsdeslretoreleasefrorntheoriginalCondomlnium Declaratl-on certaln real estate as rlescrlbed 1n Exhtbtt B as acEached hereto and lncorporated herein by this reference ' and WHEREAS, Declarancs deslre to escabllsh an amended condomlnltrm project on lherealPropertypursuantEoEheColoradoCondoninlunownershtpActand aoendments, and WHEREAS ' by chls Declaration, an amended plan ls esEablished for submlE- rlng che real property Eo such condornlnitrm ownership and use ' and WIIEREAS, the development' wl11 conslst of six (6) separately deslgnaBed condomlnl um units, and wltEREAS,Declarantsdoherebyescablishaplanfortheownershiplnfee slmpleofrealpropertyestatesconsl-stingoftheareaorspacecontainedln each of the condomlnlum unlts ln the bulldtn! ItnprovemenE ' and the co-ownerghlp'bytheindlvl<lualandseparateownersthereofastenanEgln conmon, of all of the renalnlng properEy, whlch property is herernafter referred to as the "general coomon elements" ' Nol{THEREFoRE,theoriginalCondornlniumDeclaratlonisamendedand restated by substltutlng t.hls Anended and Restated condomlnlurn Declaratlon in l1eu thereof, and Declarants do hereby publlsh and declare thac the folloviag Eerng'covenanEs,conditlons'easements'restrictions,uses,].lmlt'at'lonsand obrrgatl_ons sharl be deened Eo run with the real property and shall be a burdenandabeneftttoDeclarants'thelrsuccessorsandasslgnsandany PersonacqulrlngorownlnganinEerestintherealpropertyandl.oProve[enEs' thelr granteegr guccegsors, helrs t executors' admlnlstratorg' devlsees or assigns , and DeclarantgpubllshanddeclarethacEherealestatedescrlbedlnExhlblr BshallhereafterbefreeofandnelthersubJecttot'heorlginalCondomlnlurn Declarat'lon,thehereinAroendedandRestatedCondorulnlumDeclaratlonnorany respectlvecoveoants,condltions'eagements'restxlctlons,uses'limltaElons or obllgatlona contalned t hereln ' l. Deflnlclonsr rroless Ehe conBexE sha1l expressly provlde otherwlse: l.t "Associalion" neans B'S' CondomLniums Assoclation' a Colorado corporatlon not-for-proflt, its successors and assigns ' Ehe Certiflcate of IncorporatlonandBylawsofwhlchshallgoverntheadmlnisEratlonofthls -2- condonlnlumpropercy,thernembersofwtrlchsha].lbeeachentlEyorpergon conprtslng all of the owners' I.2,.BoardofManagers'.shallmeantheBoardofManagereofthe Assoclatlon as lawfully constltuted frcm tine to tlme pursuant co che Arttcles of Incorporatlon and the By laIds of the Associatlon' 1.3'.Bu11d1ng'.meanstheonebulldlngl.mprovementconstructedupon therealpropertyaeshownontheamendedmap'andasEhesamem;rybesupple- nented. 1.4',Conmonexpenses'.meansexpensesofadninlstratlon,malnte- nance' repalr or replacement of the general conmoo elements; expenseg declared co'non exPenses bly provlslons of thle Arnended and Restated Declaratlon and the BylavroftheAgsoclatlon;allsunslawfullyasgeseedagalnstthecondonfnl.un unitsandallexpensesagreeduponasbytheownersasconStltutlngcortrmon expens es . 1.5'.Condomlnlurnunlt,.meansonetndlvldualalrgp6ceunlttogether wlth an undlvlded Lnterest ln and to the general collnon elements and llnlred common elements appurtenant to such unlt' 1.6 "Entlre prernlses" reans the real property' the butldlng' all irnprovenents and gtructureg Lhereon, and all rlghts' eageBentg and appurte- nances belonglng thereto. I.7 "General conmon elements meane and lncludes: 1.7.1 the foundatlons, colunns, glrders, beams ' supports' balconles ' patlo decks, Perfuneter and supportlng walls ' roof and certal'n slalrways of the butldlng; |.T.2thenechanicallnstallatl.oneofthebulldtngcorrglgtlng ofcheequl.pmentandoaterLalsmaklngupanycentralservicessuchas'butnot llm1tedto,pol'er'l-lght,gas'hotandcoldwater'andheatlngwtrlchexlstfor comnon uge; 1,7.3 any tanks' putrlps ' motors' fans ' compregsors ' ductst and lngeneralallapparatusandlnstallaEionsofthebulldtngexlstlnsforcoumon us e; L.T.4guchenclosedalrspaceslnthebulldlngasareprovlded for comnunL EY or common use; -3- 1.7.5 all other parts of to lts exlsEence, naintenance and safety, 1.7.6 the real property. I.8 "Llmlced connton elements" comnofl elements r.rtrl ch are el ther llmlted of an Owner or are llnlred to and resrved the buildlng necessary or convenl-ent or nonnal common use, and means Ehose parts of the general Eo and reserved for the excluslve use for the common use of rnore than one (l) but fewer Ehan all of the Owners. 1.9 "Amended Map" or "supplenental Amended Map" means the englneer- lng survey of the real property locatlng thereon the bulldlng, the floor and elevatlon plans and any oEher drawlng or dlagrannatlc plan depiccing a part of or all of Ehe butldtng and the real property. l.l0 "Mernber" neans each person or entlEy comprl-slng an Owner, all of whon are nembers of the Assoclatlon pursuant co the provlsions of thls Anended and Restated Declaratlon and the Articles of Incorporatl-on of che As s o clat lon . l.ll "Mortgage" neafft any nortgaget deed of trust or other asslgn- ment or security lnstruneoc creatlng a llen on any condomlnLum unlt, and "Uortgagee" shall lnclude any grantee or asslgnee of a rnorEgage and ary bene- flclary under a deed of trust. 1.12 " Ortrler" means Ehe record ownerr whether one or nore persons ' entltles or comblnatLons thereof of Uhe enCire fee slnple Eltle to any condo- nlnlurn unlt, but excluding those havlng such interest urerely as securlty for the performance of an obllgatlon. The purchaser at a foreclosure sale,execu- tLon sale, or publlc trusteers sale upon receipt of a Deed, shall be deemed an Owner. l.13 "Unlt" means an lndlvi-dual alr space unlt whlch ls contalned wlthln the perimetet lralls, floors , celllngs, wlndor^rs and doors of such unlt ln the butldtng as shown on the Arnend ed Condominlum Map Eo be or as flled for record, Eogether with all fixEures and improvenents thereln contalned but not lncludlng any of the structural componenEs of the bulldlng' lf ary, wiEhl.n a unlt. l.14 "votlng representaEives of the rnernbers " neans all those persons properly deslgnated pursuant Eo the provlslons of paragraph 13.4. as entlEled to cast a vote as provlded by the regular membershlp ln the Assoclatlon. -4- 2. Condonlnlum Map. The Anended Map ftled in conJunctlon wlth thls Arnended and Restated Declaratlon shall deplct and shott at least Ehe follow- ing: The legal descrlptlon of the real properEy and a survey Ehereof; the locatlon of the bulldtng both horlzontally and vertlcally; the locatlon of any structural cornponents or supportlng elernents of the bulldlng whlch are located erlthln a unlt; and, the unlt deslgnallons. The Anended I'tap shall contaLn fhe cerElflcate of a reglstered professlonal englneer or llcensed architect, or both, certlfying that the Amended Map subsEanttally depicts the locatlon and the horlzontal and vertlcal measuremenEs of the bulldlng, the unlts, the unlt deslgnatlons, the dlmensions of the units, the elevatlons of the unflnlshed floors and cel1lngs as constructed, and Ehat such Amended Map lras prepared subsequent to substantlal cordpletlon of the lmprovements. Each supplement and any amendnent thereto sha1l set forth a llke certlflcaEe qrtren approprlate. In lnterpretlng the funended Map, the exlstlng physlcal boun- darles of each separate unlt as constructed shall be conclusively presumed to be lcs boundarl-es. Declarants reserve the rlght to amend the Arnend ed l'tap from tlrne to tlme, to conform Lhe sade accordlng to the actual locatlon of any of the construcfed bulldlng or other lmprovenents and to establlsh, vacate and relocate easenents, access road easenents and off-site areas. 3. Dlvlslon of Property lnto Condomlnl-un unlts. The entlre premLses are hereby dlvlded lnto slx (6) separate condomlnlurn unLts, each consistlng of a separate fee slmple estate ln one unit (ldentified on the Anended Map by the deslgnatlon shown on Exhlblc C), and an appurtenant undivlded lnterest ln and fo the general coxnmon elements, as also shown on attached Exhtblt C whlch by chtg reference ls made a Dart hereof. Each Owner shall octn hlg apPurtenant undtvlded lnterest in the general connon elemenEs as a tenant ln conmon wlEh all other Owners. 4. Llnited Cormon Elenents. A portlon of rhe general cofimon elernents ls reServed for Lhe exclusive use of the Oetners of some of the respectlve units, and such arealt are referred to as "llmlted common elernents". The llmlced conmon elements aDDurtenanc Eo and so reserved to each of Ehe respec- tlve unlts are descrLbed on the attached Exhtbit D. whlch by this reference ls made a pert hereof. The balcorry whlch ts accessible fron, aesoclated wlth and whlch adJolns a unit shall, wlthout further reference thereto' be used tn -5- connectLon wlth such unlE to the excluslon of che use Ehereof ln connectlon etith other unlts except by inviratlon. No reference to Llrfllted Common E1e- ments need be rnade ln any lnsCrumenE of conveyance, or other instruorent' and reference ls rnade to the provislons of paragraphs 6 and 28 of thls Anended and mestated DeclaraElon. of a Condominium tlnlt. Each unit and the undlvlded lnterest tn che general common elemenEs and any llmlced common elements appur- cenant thereto, shal1 cogether comprl-se one condonl-niun unlt, shall be lnsepa- rable and rnay be asslgned, transferred, conveyed, leased, subleased, devlsed or encunbered only as a condomlniun unit. 6. Degcrlptlon of Unlts. Every deed, lease ' mortgage' trust deed or other lnstrument oay legally descrlbe a condomlnl-un unlt by 1Es ldentlfylng condomlnlun unlt number, folJ.owed by the words, "B.S. Condomlnlums " ' wlth further reference Eo the Anended Map filed for record and the recorded Anended and Restated Declaratlon. Every such descrlptlon shall be deemed to lnclude and descrlbe not only the unlt but also the appurtenant undl-vtded lnterest ln the general common elements and Ehe llrnlted connon elernents, lf arry. Each such descrLptlon shal1 also be construed and deened to describe, lnclude, grant and reserve a non-excluslve easenent for lngress and egress, the non- excluslve rlght to use and enJ cy the general common elernents, the rlghC to use and enJ oy the llrnlted comon elements , tf any , appurtenant to the condornlnlun unlts, and all of the other rlghts, easements, obllgatlons, llnlEatlons ' encumbrances, covenants, condlELons and restrlctlons provided for ln thls fuiended and Restated Declaratlon, all of whlch are hereby declared to be and shall be appurtenant to each condomlnlum unlt. 7. Separate Assessment and Taxatlon - Notlce to Assessor. Declarants shalL glve wrltten notlce to Ehe assessor of the County of Eagle, Colorado, of the creatlon of condonlnfuna ownershlp of thls property, as is provlded by law' so Ehat each condomlnl-rrm unit shall be deeraed a seParaEe parcel for Ehe pur- pose of separate assessment and taxaElon. 8. &tnership-Tlt le. A condornlnlum unlt nay than one person as Jolnt tenants or as tenants ln property Cenancy relatLonship recognlzed under the Co torado. be held and owned try nore conmon, or ln any real laws of the Scate of -6- 9. Non-Partltlonablllty. The general common elernents shall be oltned ln comnon by all of the Owners of che unlEs and sha1l remaLn physlcally undl- vtded, and no 0wner sha1l brlng arry actlon for partltion or dlvlslon of the general common elernents or limlted comnon elenents. llothlng contaLned hereln shall be conotrued as a llmlEarlon of the right of partltion of a condominlum unlt between the Owners Ehereof, but such partit,ton shall not affect any oEher condomlnlun unl- t . 10. Use of General and Linlted Common Elements. Each Owner sha1l be entlEled to excluslve ownershlp and possesslon of hls unlt. Each Otrner may use the general and llmlted common elemenEs in accordance wlth the Purpose for whlch they are tntended, w'lthout hlnderlng or encroaching upon the lawful rights of the other Owners. 11. Easements for Encroachments. If arry Portlon of Ehe general co||noon elenents or llmited c onnon elements encroaches upon a unlt or unlts ' a valld eagehent for the encroachment and for the rnalntenance of sane, so long as lt stands, shall and does exlst. If any portlon of a unit encroaches upon the general cortrmon elements or upon ary lltnited comnon €lenent' or upon an adjoln- lng unlt or unlts, a val1d easenent for the encroachment and for the nalnte- nance of sarne, so long as lE stands, shall and does exlst. Such encroachnents and eaeenents eha1l not be consldered or detennlned to be encuflbrances on the general conrmon elenents , the llmlEed comrnon elenents or the tmlls. L2. Terruinatlon of Mechanlc's Lien Rlghts and Indenrniflcatlon. No labor or materLals furnlshed and lncorporated ln a unlt wlEh the consent or at Ehe request of an Owner or hls agent or h{s contractor or subcontractor shal1 be the basls for flllng of a llen agalnst the condomlnium unlt of ary other Owner not expressly consenting Eo or requesElng the same, or agalnsc Ehe general common elements. Each Owner shall lndemnlfy and hold harmless each of the other Olrners and all norcgagees frm and agalnst all llablllEy arlsing froo the clalm of arry llen againsc Ehe condonLntum unlb of arry other Owner or agalnst the general common elements for constructlon perforrned or for labor, raaterials, servlces or other products tncorporated in rhe Owner's urlr ar such Owner's request. The provlslons herein contatned are subJect to the rlghts of the Managlng Agent, lf any there be, or Board of I'tanagers as ls set forth ln paragraph 14. -7- 13. Assoclatlon. l3.l Assoclatlon's Powers. Declarants have incorporated the Assocl- atlon a.s a Colorado corporatlon not-for-prof1t, to be and constltute the Assoclatlon to which reference 1s nade ln the provlslons of thls funended and Restated Declaratlon, to perform functlons and hold and nanage property as provlded ln chls Arnended and Restated DeclaraLlon, and to be che Assoclatlon provlded for ln thls Anended and Restared Declaratlon, and to further the conmon lnterests of lts members. It shal1 have all porters necessary or deslr- able to effectuate these purposes. It shall not engage Ln commerclal proflE naklng type activlty of ary nature. L3.2 Mernbership. There shall be one regular menbershlp ln the Assoclatlon for each condoninlun unit, whlch regular uembership shall be appurtenant to the fee slmple tlEle Co such condominlum unit. The owner of a condominium unit shall autonatically be the Owner of che regular membershlp appurtenant to Chat. condornlnlum unlt and tltle to and ownershlp of the regular nembershlp for that condomlnitm unic shall automatlcally pass rdth fee sirnple tlLle to the condornlniuln un1t. Each Ouner shall autonatlcally be entltled !o the beneflts and subJect Co the burdens relaEing to che regular membershlp for that Osrner I s condornlnlum unlE. 13.3 Votlng. Each regular mernbership ln the Association sha1l be entltled to one vote on each lssue submitted Eo a vote of the nenbers. Cunu- lative votlng shall not be allowed. 13.4 VotLng Representatlve. If a regular rnembershlp ls omed btt one person, he shall be encitled to cast the vote for that regular membershlp an h1s rlght to vote shall be establlshed by the record tltle Eo hls condoninlun unlt. If a regular membershl-p is owned by rnore than one person, the person entltled to cast che vote for Ehat regular membershlp sha1l be deslgnated by a certiflcate slgned by a1l of the record Owners of the condonl-nlum unlt in respect of wtrlch such regular rnernbershlp was creaEed, and such certlflcate shall be flled wlEh the secretary of the Assoclatlon. If a regular nembershlp ls solely owned by a corporatlon, the person entitled to cast the vote fot that regular membershl-p sha1l be deslgnated by a certiflcate slgned by Ehe presldent or vlce president and atEested by Ehe secretary or asslstant secre- tary of the corporatlon, and filed wtth the secreEary of the Associatlon. -8- Such certiflcate shall be valld untll revoke<l or rnt1l superseded by a subse- quent certlflcate or until a change ln the record ownershlp of the condominlum unlt in respect of ehtch such regular meobershlp was created. If such a certlflcate ls not on flle, the vote of such regular menbershlp sha11 not be consldered in determlning the requlrement for a quorum nor for arry other pur- pose. A certiflcace deslgnaEing the person entiEled to casc che voce of a regular rnenbershlp may be revoked by any one of the record Owners of the condomLnl-un unlt ln respect of which such tegular menbershlp was created. 13.5 Rules and Regulations. Unless otherwlse reserved, resLrl-cted or prohlblted by the provlslons of this Arnended and RestaEed Declaratlon, Ehe Associatlon ln accordance wlth and sublect to lts Artlcles of Incorporatlon shall have the power to adopc and enforce bylarc and rules and regulatlons to pronote the health, welfare and safety of lts rnerubers and guests, lncludlng wlthout llmitlng the generallry of the foregolng, the right to prevent or reduce flre hazards, to prevent dLsorder and dlsturbances of the Peace' to regulate pedesErlan and vehlcular Eraff l-c, to regulate the use of the entlre premlsee or any portlon thereof, and to protect and preserve (physlcally and aesthetlcally) the entlre premlses or any portlon thereof. A11 such rules and regulatlons ehall be reasonable and tmlformly app11ed. The Assoclatlon may provlde for enforcenent of such rules and regulations through reasonable and uniformly applied flnes and penaltles, and Ehrough excluslon of vlolators from the use of the entlre premLses, or any porElon thereof. 13.6 Actlon by Associatlon. Whenever arry rlghE or duty ls granted to the AssoclaElon pursuant co the provlslons of thls Arnended and Restated Declaratlon, such righc or duEy may be s<ercLsed by the AssocLation through Its members or lt.s Board of Managers pursuant to lts Artlcles of Incorporatton and its Bylawe, unless such rlght or duty 1s by the provlslons of thls Aurended and Restated Declaratlon expresslv reserved to Ehe members of the Assocla- Elon. The Board of Managers of the Associatlon nray delegate any portlon of its authority to an executlve committee or to an executive manager. Members of the Board of Managers shall be elect.ed annually by che votlng representa- tLves of the mernbers. -9- 14.RlghtofAccess.TheAssoclationshallhavethelrrevocablerlght tohaveaccessEoeachunltandltsappurtenantllmltedcommonelementsfrorn tlne to tlne durlng reasonable hours as may be necessary for the naintenance' repaLr, or replacenent of any of the general conmon elements or llmlted common elenents thereln, or for making emergency repalr thereln necessary Eo prevent darnage to that unlt ' the general common elemenLs or afly llrnlced common ele- mencsorcoanotherunlr.Daolagetorhelnterlororarrypartofacondonlnlum unit regultlng from the maintenance, repalr, emergency repalr' or leplacement of any of che general common elernents or llmited common elements ' or as a result of ernergency repalrs wlthln or to another condomlnlum unlt' at the lnstanceoftheAssocl-atlon,naybeintheAssoclatlon'sdiscrecl'onracommon exPenaeofalloftheOwnerslnthebullding.Nodlninutlonorabatementof common expense assessmenEs shal1 be clairned or allooed for lnconvenlence or dlscoofort arlsing from the naking of repalrs or lmproveuents or frm actlon laken co cornply wtth afiy law, ordlnance' or order of arry governmenral author- tty.Restoratlooofthedamagedlmprovementsshallbesubstantlallytothe sanecondltlonlnwtrtchEheyexlstedprlortothedanage.Notwlthstandlngthe foregol.ng,lfanysuchdanagelstheresulcofthecarelessnessornegligence ofarryor'ner'thensuchOwnershallbesolelyresponslbleforthecostsand expense of rePalrlng such damage' 15. Owners t Maintenance Responslblllty of Unlt and Balconv' For pur- posesofnalntenancerrepairralteratlonandremodelll-ng'anOwnershallbe deemed to orrn lhe lnterlor non-supportlng walls, che natetlals (such as' but not llmlted to, plaster, EIPsm dry wa1l, paneling' wallpaper' palnt' wall and floor tlle, and floorlng' but not includlng the sub-floorlng) maklng up the finished surfaces of the perlneter walls, ceillngs and floors wlthln the unlt and Ehe unlE doors and wlndores ' The 0wner shall not be deemed to own llnes ' pipes, wlres, conduits or systems (whtch for breviry are hereafter referred to as ucllitles) runnlng Ehrough his unlt wtrl-ch serve one or more oEher unlEs exceptagaEenanEl.ncomnonwlrhrheother0wners.Suchutlliglesshallnor bedlsturbedorrelocatedbyanOwnerwtthoutther'rlttenconsentandapproval oftheBoardofManagers.Suchrlghctorepalr,alterandrenodelshallcarry theobllgatlonEoreplaceanyflnlshlngorothermaterl.alsremovedw.lthsfunl- larorothertypegorklndsofrnacerlals.AnOwnershallnalntalnandkeepln - l0- repalr the lnterlor of hls orto unlt, lncluding the flxtures and personal prop- ercy thereln. A11 flxtures and equlprnent lnstalled rrtthln the unlt connencing at a polnt ertlere the utllltles enter the unlt shall be malntalned and kept ln repalr ty t.he Olrner thereof . An Orrner sha11 do no act nor any work rhat will lnpair the sfructural soundnegs or lnEegrlty of the bulldlng or lnpalr aIIy ease[ent or heredl tanent. 16. Cornp llance wlth Provlslons of Anended and Restated Declatatlon and Bylawa of the Assoclatlon. Each Owner and nernber shall conply strlctly wlth all of the provislono of thls Aurended and Restated Declaratlon' the Artlcles of lacorporatl-on and By laws of the AssoeLatlon, and the declslons, rulea and resolutloog of the Assoclatlon adopted Pursuant thereto as the sarne m:ry be lawfully anended ftom tlne to t1ne. Fallure to comply wlth any of the garue shall be grounds for an actlon to recover suns due and for damages or lnJ unc- tlve relief or both, natntalnable by the Managlng Agent or Board of Msnagers ln the nane of the Aseoclatlon on behalf of che Owners or' ln a proper caae' ty an aggrleved 0vrner. 17. Insurance. 17.1 Insurance Requlresents Generally. The Board of Managers shall obtaln and nalntaLn ln fuLl foree and effect at all ttnee certalfl casualty t ltabll1ty and other lnsuraoce as herelnafter provlded. A11 such ineurance shall be obtalned, to the extent possible, from responslble companles duly authorlzed to do lnsurance buelness ln the State of Colorado sLth a tating ln Begtre Insurance Gulde (or any comparable publlcatlon) of aC least A-AAA (or any compatable ratlng). A11 such Lnsurancer to the extent posslbLe, shal1 nare the Assoclatlon aa the lnsured, ln tte lndivtdual capaclcy and also elther aa actorn€ry-in-fact or crustee for all Owners. To che e*tent poeslble, such casualty ingurance shalL: 17.1.1. provlde for a walver of gubrogatlon by Ehe insurer ae to clalms agaLns t the Associatlon, l"ts Managers, officers, oployeee and agents and agatnat each Owner and each 0wnerrs enployees, agents and guestg; 17.1,2. provlde Ehat the lneurance cannot be cancelled, ltwall- dated ot suspended on account of the conduct of the AseoclatLont lte offlcers' l.lanagers, employees and agents or of any oerner or such 0wner|s enplol'ees, agents of gueete; -11- 17.1.3. provlded that any "no other lnsurance" clause in the lnsurancepollcyshallexcludearrypollclesoflnsurancenalntalnedbryany og'nerormorEgageeandthatthelnsurancepollcyshallnotbebroughtlnto contributlon wlth lnsurance maintalned b' arry 0wner or mortgagee; lT.l.4.contalnastandardmortgageclauseendorsernentinfavor of the mortgagee of arry conrlominiurn unit except a nortgagee of a condomlnlum unlt who is covered by other and separate l-nsurance; 17.1.5. provlde that the pollcy of insurance shall not be terrninated, cancelled or substantially rnodlf 1ed wlthout at least Een (10) daysr prior wrltten notlce Eo the Assoclatlon and to each Owner and Eo each mortgagee covered by any standard mortgage clause endorsement; 17.1.6. provide that the lnsurer shall not have the optlon Eo restore the premlses lf condomlnlum ownership of the proJect ls to be terml- natedortheproJectlstobesoldinltsentlretylnaccordancelrlt'hthe destrucr'ion and damage provlsl.ons of rhls Agrended and Restated Declaratlon; and 17.1.7. provlde for coverage of arry cross llablltty c1alms of 0wnersagatnsttheAssoclatlonoroEherownersandoftheAssoclat'lonagalnst owne rs wlthout rlght of subrogatlon. Any lnsurance pollcy rnay contaLn such deductlble provlstons as the Associatlon deens conslstent ltiEh good buslness PracEice. certlflcates of insurance coverage or coples of insurance pollcles shalr belssuedtoeachOwnerandeachmortgageewtronakes\'rlEtenrequestEoche Assoclatl,on for any such certlficate or copy' Thecoetandexpenseofalll-nsuranceobtalnedbytheAssociaElon'except lnsurancecoverlngaddltlons,alteraElonsorlmprovementsnadeEoaunl.ttyan owner or other ln"surance obtalned at Ehe requesE of and speclflcally beneflt- ting any partlcular 0wner, shall be a common expense Eo be covered try assess- mentsar'elsewhereprovldedlnthisAglendedandRestaEedDeclaratlon. 11 n Casualtv Insurance.The AssoclaElon shall obtaln and rnaintaln casualtylnsurancecoverlngeachcondoninlumurrltcoverlnglossordauageby flreandsuchoEherhazardsasarecoveredunderstandardextendedcoverage pollcles,lncludlngvandalisrnandrnallcLousmlschlefand'lfavallableandif deemed approprLate by the Assoclatlon, war risk' for rhe fu1l lnsurable -12- replacement co6t of all of the condomlnlum unlEs. At the optlon of the Asso- clatlon such lnsurance rnay also cover addltlons, alteratlonsi or lmprovements to a condoninium unlc made by an 0wner if the Owner relmburses the AssoclaLlon for any addltlonal premiuns attrlbutable Lo such coverage. The AssociaElon shall not be obllgated fo apply any lnsurance proceeds Eo resCore a condomln- 1un unlt Eo a condlElon better than Che condlflon exlstlng prlor Eo the making of addltlons, alteratlons or improvements by an 0wner ln Ehe absence of lns rrr- ance coverlng such addltlons ralteraEions or lnprovements as aforesald. 17.3 Publlc Liabillty and Property Damage Insurance. The Assocla- tlon sha1l obtaln and rnalntaln comprehenslve publlc llabtllty and property danage Lnsurance covering personal ||ab1lttry, property damage llabl11ty and automoblle personal and property damage Uabtllfy of the Assoclatlon' lts offlcers, Managers, enployees and agents and of each Owner and each Owner's enployees, agents and guesCs, arLsing ln connectlon wlth ownershl-p, operaElon' malntenanCe, occupanqy or tr6 e of Che engl-re prernlseS orOf any cOndomlnlum unlt, wlth such lloits as may from tlme to Elme be determlned by the Board of Managers . 17.4 Workrnens' Conpensation and Enployerrs Llabllity Insurance. The Assoclatlon shall obtain and rnaLntaln Workmens' Compensatlon and employerts llability Lnsurance as may be necessary to comply wlth appllcable 1aws. 17.5 Insurance ty Owners. Except to Ehe excent coverage as therefor nay be obtalned by the Assocl-atLon and be satlsfactory to an Owner, each owner shall be responslble for obEalnl-ng Lnsurance he deems deslrable, lncludlng, but not llmlted to, Lnsurance coverLng hls furnlshlngs and personal property and coverlng personal ltabl1lty of hlm, his employeea ' agenls and guests. Any lnsurance pollcy obtalned by an Owner sha1l be such that it wlll noc dlmlnlsh or adversely affect or lnvalldace any l-nsurance or lnsurance recovery under pollcles carrled ty the Assoclatlon and sha1L, to the extent Possible, contaln a waiver of che rlghts of subrogatlon by the lnsurer as to acy claim agalnst the Aseoclatt-on, lEs offlcers, l{anagers, agents and employees and agalnst oEher owners, their ernployees, agents and guests. 17.6 Recelpt and Appllcatlon of Insurance Proceeds. Except as sor0e partlcular pergon shall have a 1egal rlghc to recelve Lnsurance proceeds dlrectly, all lnsurance proceeds and recoverles shal,l be pald to and recel-ved -13- by the Assoclatlon. A11 lnsurance proceeds or recoveries received by the Asso- clatlon shaLl be applled by the Assoclatlon as follom: first as expressly provlded elsewhere ln Chls Amended and Restated Declaration; second to the owners or persoGi who the Assoclatlon mery deEermine are legal-ly or equltably entlcled EhereEo; and thlrd, the balance, lf any, to Oetners ln the proportlon to Eheir respective Lnterescs ln general conmon elements. 17.7 Other Insurance by the Assoclatlon. The Assoclatlon shall also have the poner or authorlty to obtaln and malntaln other and addltlonal lnsur- ance coverage, lncluding casualty lnsurance coverlng personal property of the Aseoclatlon, fldellty bonds or insurance coverLng enployees and agents of the Assoclatlon and insurance lndemnlfying offlcers, Managera, employees and agents of the Aseoclation. 18. Ass es sment. p rov lded tlon, by tlon. l8.l Menbershlp for pursuant to the Articlee of 1n the the the AssociaElon ls subJect to assessment as provlslone of thls Anended and Restated Declara- Associatlon, and by the By lar.rs of the Assocla- L8.2 Basls of Asgessments. Prtor to the commencement of the flscal year of the Assoclatlon, the Board of Managers sha1l assess agalm! each condonlnlum unLt an amount deternined pursuant to paragraPh 18.3.' the aggre- gaEe of wtrLch anounts sha1l be based upon Ehe Assoclatlonts estlmate of lcs total caah requlrements for its ensuing flscal year Ln order to provlde for payrnent of all the estlmated orpenses, caplEal outlays and reserve requlre- ments of the Assoclatlon ln fulftlllng the obllgatLons of the Associatlon pur- suant to che provlslons of thls Anended Declaratlon. The aggregate of the assessments shall lnclude, but shall not be llmlted ro, the aggregate of the estlnated cogtg and expenses of the Assoclatlon arislng out of or connected wl th: 18.2.1. the employnent of any wrnager, Legal fees, accountantst fees and other professlonal fees; 18.2.2. taxes and speclal assessnents; 18.2.3. premlums on such lnsurance as the Assoclaclon may fron time to tlme provlde; -I4- 18.2.4. any faclllcy required to be furnished or function requlredtobeperforrnedtytheAssoclationorwhlchltundertakescofurnlsh orperforn,tncludlnglrl-thouEllrnlringthegeneralicyoftheforegolng,maln- tenance and operatlon of the general- common elemenEs; landscaplng and Care of groundl lightlng and heatlng, lf any; requlred repalrs and renovations; trash collectlon; wages ' and utlllcy charges; 18.2.5. deflclEs or surpluses from prlor years; L8.2.6. the creatlon of a reasonable reserve or surplus fund; 18.2.7. any special or snergency assessmenr requlred pursuant to provislons of thls Anended and Restated Declaratlon' lg.3 Apportlonment. After thd deterrnlnarlon of Ehe aggregate drount ofLheassessflrentpursuanttoParagraphlS.2.,theBoardofManagersshall assess that anount anong each of the 0wners pro rata accordlng to each such Owner's percentage interest ln and to the general conmon elements' but the BoardofMAnagersmayallocateorapportlontopartl-cularo9}Trerssuchportlon oral].ofthecostsandexpensesasitdeemsapproprlateiftheBoardofMan- agers determlneB chat certaln costs and exPenses are prlmarlly for the beneflt ofanyoneormorecondomin{tmunlts,orlfthesat0ebenefltsornecondoml.nl.un unlEstoagreaEerdegreeEhanothers.TheanountsoassessedagalnsEeach owner ls herelnafter called the "0wner'9 assesanent"' 18. 4 Paynent of Ownert s AssesstrenE'The Omerts assessmen! shall be dueandpayablelntwelve(12)equalconsecutlvemonthlylnstallrnentscommenc- lng on the fLrsE day of rhe flrst month of Ehe fLscal year of Ehe Associatlon for whl ch such ownerrs assessment ls made' At che optlon of the Board of llanagers, the owner's assessnent may be due and payable quarterly ln advance ' If any Otrnerrs aasessment is not paLd when due, the Board of Managers may lmpoee such late charges as lt may fron Elme to tLme determlne to assess ' coples of the proposed costs and expenses deterrnined pursuant to paragraph l8.2.andnotlceofallofcheOrmerlsassessmentshallbedellveredtoEhe Owners iBmedlatefy following Ehe assessment or ary revLslon Ehereof' 18.5 Revlslons and Assessments' The Board of Managers nay from tlne rotlmedurlngthecourseofanyfiscalyeardeterninewhecheradeflcltora surolus exlsts or w111 result based upon LEs current esElnates of coets and -15- expengea, and nay thereupon roake such revLsion ln the Ownerrs €rssessoent pur- suant to paragraphs 18.2. and 18.3. as the Soard of llanagere rnay deem appro- prLate . 18.6 Assessoent and other Amounts a Lien. A1l unpald Ownerrs agsess6ents (and all lnterest, charges, flnes, penaltLes or other anounts due and owlng to the Assoclatlon fron an [wner as nay be lnposed b1l the Associa- tlon) shal1 constltute a l1en on Ehe condomlnlum unlt of Lhac oltner superlor to al-l other Llens and encunbrances ' except only for: (a) tax and special asaessnent llene on that condomlnlum unlt ln favor of any assessing authorLty' aod (b) all s uos unpald on a firsf mortgage or flrst deed of trust of record encurnberl.ng that condornln|um, includlng all unpald obligatory sums the paynent of whl ch are secured ty such encumbrance. To evldence such 1len, the Assocla- tlon nay, but shall not be required to, prepare a wrltten noclce of llen agseasment gettlng forth Ehe amount of such unpald lndebtednees, Che narne of the onrne r of that condomLnLum unlr and a descrlptlon of the condomlnlum un1t. Such a notlce shall be slgned by one menber of the Board of Managers or ty one of rhe offlcers of the Assoclatlon or by che ftlnaglng agent' and shall be recordd ln the records of the offlce of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, Colorado. Such llen shell attach frou rhe date of the fallure of peyment of the Ownerts assessnent. Such llen may be enforced by che foreclos- ure of Ehe defaultLng Ownerrs condomlnlurn unlt by che Assoclatlon subsequent to Bhe recordlng of a notlce or claln: thereof 1n llke [anner as a foreclosure of a dortgage on real property. In any such proceedlngs the owner of that condouinfun uoli sha1l be requlred to Psf the costs, expenaes and attorneyet feeg lncurred for ftling the llen, and ln the event of forecloeure. proceed- 1ngs, Ehe addltlonal costs, expenaes and reasonable attorneygI feee lncurred' The Owner of che condominlun unlt belng foreclosed shall be requl red to pay to the Aesoclatlon the monthly assessDent for the condomlnitm unlt durlng the perlod of foreclosure, and the Assoclatlon shal1 be entlEled to a recelver to collect the saue. The appolntnent of a recelver shal1 be by any court of coopetent Jurlsdlctlon, w'lthout notlce, and at an ex parte hearlng. The Assoclatlon sha11 have the power to bld ln the condoolnlun unlt at foreclos- ure or oEher legal sale and to acqulre and ho1d, leaser nortgage, vote the votea appurtenent to, convey or otherwiee deal wlth the eane. -t6- 18.7 of Owner. The Or'rnerts assessment and all I-nterest, charges' flnes, penal'ELes or other amounts due and orting to the Assoclatlonfroman0wnerandcostsofcollectlonasmaybelmposedbythe AssoclatlonshallbeajolntandseveralpersonalobllgaclontotheAssocla- tlon of each person and entlty conprlsing an 0vrner at the tlmes atlen the owner,sassessmentonEhatOr.rnertscondoninlumunl'cbecamedueandpayable. Each person or entlEy acqulrlng an lnteresE ln a condomLnl-un unit shall be Jolntlyandseverallyllablel,lthEheforrnerownerofthatcondomlnlununlt forallsuchamountswhlchhadaccruedandwerepayableattheElaeofEhe acqulaLtlon of such lnterest to the condornlnltrn unlt ty such parry' In addi- tlon to and not ln lleu of aqv other remedy heretn granted, the AssoclaElon Day com,nence an actlon at law against that owner (or any person or entlty cornprtglngtheowner)oranysuccessorlninterestoraflycmbinatlonthereof, whohasfailedtopayoneormorenonEhlylnstallmenEsofthe0wner'sassess- rnenE or any charges, fLnes, penaltles or other amounts due and owlng to che AssociationfrornthatOwnerfortheanountunpald,Eogetherg'lthlnterestat' the then Statutory rate, coscs, expenges and reasonable attorneyst fees and exDenses lncurred ln collectlng such anount' 18.8 Reserve Fund1. The proportlonate lnterest of each owner ln anY separatelY asslgned, but sale of lhe condomlnlum unlE ln the contract, deed or f8.9 Assessment Ce41l!cate'The Assoclatlon shall, upoo request of arry O!trner ' mortgagee or contract purchaser' lssue lts certlflcate execuced by anofflceroragentoftheAssoclaEloncertlfylngwhetlrerotnottheownerls asaessment with respect to arry condomlnlum unlt has been pald or lf in arrears,thetotalamountowlngasofthedateofexecutlonofthecertifl- cate. The Assoclatlon shall be enEltled co collecE a reasonable fee noE Eo exceedftfrydollars($50.00)forthelssuanceofarysuchcertlficate.Such certlfLcaEe shall be concluslve evidence Ehereof ln favor of any person rely- lngtlrereonlngoo<|falth.Ifthe.{ssocl-atlonfallstoprovldesuchcertlfl- cate lrlthln flfteen (15) days after a request therefor' the oltrnerts assesgmen! reserve funds cannot be wlthdrawn, encumbered ' or shall be deemed to have been transferred wlth the even though not expressly mentloned or descrlbed other Lna Erument of conveyance' -17 - for Ehe condomlnlum unlt for vfiich such deemed to be current as of Ehe date of the Ownerts agsessnent as of such date. requesE was made shall be concluslvely such request, and free of any llens for 19. Mortgaging a Condornlnlum Unit - Prlority. Any Owner shall have the rlght from tlne to tlme to norEgage hls condomlnium unit. A flrst mortgage shall be one which has first and paranount prlorlty under appllcable law. An Owner may create Junlor mortgages on the fo1low1ng condlLions: 19.l That any such J unlor nortgages shall always be subordlnate to all of the terrns, condltLons r covenants, resErlctlons, uses, ll-mitaElons, obllgatlons, L1-en for comnon expenses, and other obligatlons created by thls Amended and Restated Declaratlon, the Artlcles and Certiflcate of Incorpora- tlon and the By laus of the Assoclation. L9.2 That the morEgagee under any Junlor nortgage sha1l release, for the purpose of restoraElon of the buildlng or any Lmprovements upon Ehe mort- gaged premlses, all of hls rlght, Eltle and lnteresE ln and to rhe proceeds under all lnsurance policles upon sald premLses whlch lnsurance policies nere effected and placed upon the rnortgaged premlses by the Assoclatlon. Such release shall be futnished forthwlth by a Junlor nortgagee upon wrLtten request of the Board of Managers or arry flrsc nortgagee. 20. Rlght of Flrst Refusal. 20.1 Sales No Owner or member chereln except bynay sell or lease Eheir condomlnlun unlt or any Lnterest cornplylng wlch Ehe provlslons of thls paragraph 20. 20.2 Notice of Outslde offer. Anv Owner or member who recelves a bona flde offer for the sale or lease of his condonlnlum unlE or any lnteres E LhereLn (herelnafter called an "outslde offer"), whlch he incends to accept ' sha11- gtve notlce ro the Board of Managers of such ouEsLde offer, together wlth a true co[y thereof, and of such intentlon to accept the same' and such other l-nformaclon as Ehe Board of Managers rtay reasonably requlre. Such ouE- elde offer shal1 uhereupon be deemed an offer to sell or to lease such condo- mlnlum unlE chrough rhe agency of rhe Board of Managers to Ehe rernalnlng memberg on the s arne tenns and condLtlons a6 containd ln such oucslde offer. -18- The date of glving the notlce to the Board of Managers, as provided for ln thls paragraph 20.2. ls herelnafter cal1ed "the dace of glvlng the norlce of the outslde offer". 20.3 warranEy. The glving of the notLce of the outslde offer shall conscltute a waffanty and representaElon by Ehe owner or member r,Jtlo has re- celved such outside offer, that such Owner or member bel-leves Ehe oucside offer to be valld and bona flde ln all respects. 20.4 Notlce of Election. wlthln flve (5) days afrer the date of givlng the notlce of the outslde offer, the Board of Managers shall give to each votlng representatlve of the members and owners noElce of the lnformaELon as to the outside offer obtalned frorn rhe offerlng Owner or member. For a perlod of Ewenty-flve (25) days fron the date of glvlng Ehe notlce of the out- slde offer, the menbers ocher Ehan the offerlng Owner or mernber shal1 have the rlght to purchase or to lease such condominlun unlt on the game Eernrl and con- dlclons as contalned ln the outslde offer. If any of such oembers desire to exerclse such rlght, Ehey shall on or before the end of such twenty-flve (25) day perlod, give notice Eo the Board of Managers of thelr electl-on Eo exerclse the rlght to so lease or purchase, whlch notlce ls herelnafter cal1ed the "notice of electlon". Arry rnerube r or owner exerclsing such right by gtvlng the notice of electlon as hereln provlded is herelnafter calLed "electlng mernber". 2O.5 One Electing Member. If withtn Ewenty-flve (25) day s after uhe date of givlng the notlce of the outslde offer there is only one electing nember or ordner, that elecEing nember shall thereupon be deerned co be che only electlng member for purposes of paragraph 20.7. 20.6 I'lu1tlp1e Electing Menbers. If lriEhin twenty-flve (25) days after the date of glvlng Ehe notlce of the outside offer lhere ls more than one electlng member or owner, Che Board of Managers shall glve lmrnedlate notlce by telephone or Eelegraph to all such electing menbers of the fact of such multlple notice of electlons. The electlng members shall have the rlghc for a period of thlrty-six (36) days afEer the date of glvlng the notice of the outslde offer to agree among themselves as co a form of undlvlded or entlty ormershlp anong theroselves, and to noElfy the Board of ltanagers ln wrlrlng of such agreement. Such electlng menbers sha11 thereupon be deemed to be the only electlng members for purposes of paragraph 20.7. If no such -19- agreement ls dellvered to the Board of Managers on or before the thlrty-slxth (36th)dayafterthedaceofgtvtngthenoticeoftheoutgldeoffer,theBoard of Managers ehall prornptly conduct a drawlog between the electlng nenberg, and t.he wlnner of such drawing ehal1 thereupon be deeoed to be the only electlng menber for purposes of paragraph 20'7' 2o.TEffectofElectlng.Aftetthedetermlnatlonoftheelectlng menber or nembers pursuant Eo t.he precedlng paragraphs ' such electlng menber or members shall tender to the offerlng or,mer or nember any down paynenc or depoelt nade under the outslde offer, and the outslde offer shalL rhereupon becooe a blndlng conrract between such electlryl nenber or nembers, and the offerlngo$nerormernber'uponthesamecennsandcondlclonsascontal-nedlfl theoutgldeoffer,but!'lchthetlmeforperformanceofallrlghtsandduEleg contaLned !n such outside offer extended for a perlod of forty (40) days' 2o.SNoElectlon.Ifwlthlntwenty-flve(25)daysafterthedateof glvlng the notlee of the outslde offer no notlce of electlon ls glven' Ehe owner or raember who has glven the notLce of the outsl-de offer shaltr be free to acceptandcloeethetranaactlonuponthebaslsofcheoutsldeofferwlththe peraon or persofft who made such outelde offer' If such offerlng 0!flier or mernber doee not cloee the tranaactlofi wlth the outslde offeror o$ the sa!0e terrnsandcondltlonsandwlthtntheperlodprovidedforlnthecontractor lease,aacontalnedlnsuchoutsldeoffer,thenthatofferlngo\'nerornem- ber'einteregtBhallrenalnsubJecttotheterllsofthlsAmendedandRestated Declaratlon'andheshallberequlredagal.ntoconply}/tEhallofEhetefa andprovlslonehereoflnorderEothereaftereellorleasehlscondomlnlun unlt . 2O.g Effect of Non-sgggllancq' Any purported sale or lease of a condomlnlun unlt wlthout ful1 compllance rdth che terms and provlsions of thle paragraph 20 shal1 be voldable ac the electlon of the Board of Managers ' IO.LO Certlflcate of conpllance. After full conpllance ty an offer- lng owner or mernber erlth the terms and provlslons of thls paragraph 20, and afterallperlodeofclmeprovldedforthepurgultbytherenal.nlngmeubersof chelr re$edtes afforded by this paragraph 20 have expired, then Lhe Board of M'nagers wllr lnecruct rhe secretary of the AssoclacLon to prepare' execute' -20- acknor4edge, and sttear to a certlf l.cate, Co be dade in recordable forO, stat- lng that the provlelons of thls paragraph 20 have been conplted wlth and rhat any rlght or rlghts of flrst refusal theretofore vesced ln che remalnlng oen- bers have been terrnlnated; and such certlflcaEe shall be concluslve upon the Board of Managers and the reualning ruernbers ln favor of all persons who ln good falth rely Ehereon. 20.11 Ltanagers Rlght to Elect. A member wtro ls also a nember of the Board of Managers shal1 not be barred by reason of hls offlce froa exerclelng Che rtght6 of flrst refusal provlded for |n thls paragraph 20, but he shall not take a personal part in Che actuaL conduct of a drawlng to determlne prl- orltles lf such a draw"lng ls requlred. 20.12 Assoclatlonrs Rlght to E1ect. The Associar.ion ltself shalt have no right to purchase a condomlnium unlt under Che Eerms and provislons of thi.s paragraph 20 wlthout the prlor rtrltten consent of al1 of the renalnlng nemberg and an el(press agreement that they rd11 pay their ProporElonate parts of any essessuent necessitated by such a purchase and assuoe thelr propof,tlon- ate parts of any exlstlng or future llen. 20.13 Stock of Corporate Members. If ary Owner or nember ls a corpo- ratlon, the tema of rhls paragraph 20 shall apply to the Eransfer of ary stock or other certlflcates evidenclng ownership tn s uch corPoratlon' and such stock or certlflcates shall bear a restrlctLve endorsement lndlcatlve of Che fact Ehat such etock 1s not transferable other than pursuatrt to the provlslons of thls paragraph, or gnless exempted pursuant to the provlsLons of paragraph 2L. Exenptlons from Rlght of Flrst Refusal. zL.I Mortgage Foreclosure' In the event of any default oo the part of arry Olrner or mernber under any flrst mortgage whlch entltles the holder or beneflclary theteof to foreclose sane, any sale under such foreclosure, lnclud1ng dellvery of a deed to the flrst nortgagee Ln l1eu of such foteclos- ure, shall be nade free and clear of the provlslons of paragraph 20, and the purchaser (or grantee under such deed ln lleu of foreclosure) of such condo- minl.um utllt shalL be thereupon and thereafter subject to the provlsions of thls Anended Declaratlon and the By la$s of the Aseoctatlon. If the purchaser followlng such forecLosure sale (or grantee under deed glven Ln lleu of such foreclosure) ghall be the then holder of the flrst dortgage' or lts nonlnee ' -21- the sald horder or nomlnee may thereafter sell and convey Ehe condonlnlun rnlt free and clear of the provlslons of paragraph 20, but lEs grantee shall there- upon and thereafter be subJect to all of the provlslons hereof' 2L.zOtherExenPtlons.Thefollowlngtransfersarealsoexenptfrom the provlslone of ParagraPh 20: ZL.L-L. the Eransfer by operatlon of law of a deceased Jolnt tenantrs lnterest to Ehe survLvLng jolnt uenant(s); 2L.2.2.thelransferofadeceaeedlslnteresttoadevlseeby wl1l ot h1s helrs at law under intes tacry lawe; 2|,2,3, the transfer of all or afly part of a partnerls lnteregt as a result of wlthdrawal, death or othentlse t co che reoalnlng partners carrylng on uhe partnershlp buslness or to a Person or Persons becomlng part- ners, or a trangfer of all or Part of a partnerts or partnerst l"nt€resrs betneen one or ore partners or to perso[s beconlng partners; 2L.2.4. the Eransfer of all or any part of an 0wnerrs interest to a corporatlon; provided, however, that at least 1002 of the suock of such corPoratLon ls thereafter owned and reEal-ned tty that Ownet; 2I.2.5. a transfer of stock by one or more ehareholders of a corporatlon ownlng a condomlnlum unlE; provlded, holdever I that aE least 807" of thestocklsretalnedbytheshareholdersofthecorporatlonwhohavebeen such for one (l) year or rnore prlor to the proposed transfer; 21.2,6. the transfer try glft provlded' however' that the owner can establl8h to Ehe sarlsfacclon of the AssoclatLon that Ehe proposed crans- fer ts not a sale or leasel zL.z.T.leasesforatermofnornorethanone(1)year,butarry suchshort.termleaseshallnotberenewableorextendedbeyondsuchterm except ty ccnpliance $t't th the Eefltrs of paragraph 20; 2l.2.S.transferofallorarlypartofanlnteresttoFlrstBank of Vall or to any person' flrrn or corporatlon: ZL'2'8'l'noworhereafterafftlllatedsrlthFlrstBankofVall' or 2|.2.8,2.lntowhlchor!'lthI'hlchFlrstBankofVallnaymerge' reorganlze or congoll-date ' or -22- 2L.2.8,3. which acquires all or substantlally all of FlrstBenk of Vallts asseEs or operatlons by sale, asslgnnent or lease, or 2L.2.8.4. the stockholders or proprietors of whtch are ldenttcal to the stockhoJ.ders or proprietors of FlrstBank of Vall. 2I .3 Subsequent 0wners Subject to Rl8ht of First Refusal. Such Owner, Owners, grantees or donees acqulrlng an interest ln one or more of the condoolnlun unlts pursuanE to any exenptlon herein g:anted, shall be subJect to all of the ptovtslons of paragraph 20 except as l8 ptovlded hereln. 22. Aasociatlon as Attorney-ln-Fact. 22.L Appolntnent. Thls Anended and ReBtated Declaratlon does hereby make mandatory the lrrevocable appolrrtmenf of an at to rney-ln-fact to deal wlth the entlre property upon lEs destructlon, repalr or obsolescence. The entlre lnterest 1n and to any condominlura unit ls declared and o<pressly nade subJecc to the tefme and condltlorrs hereof, and acceptance by any person of an lnstru- nent of codveyance ftom the Declarants or fron any Owner, meuber, assLgnor or grantor shal1 constltute appointment of the aC torney-ln- fact as hereln pro- vtded. A11 of the owners and nenbers lrrevocably constltute and appolnt the B.S. Condornlnlung Assoclatlon, a Colorado corporatlon aot-for-proflt, thetr true aad larful attorBey ln thelr nance, place and stead for the purpose of deallng wLth the pfoperty upon 1ts destructton or obsolescence as 1s hereln- after provlded. A.s attorney-1n-facr., the Assoclatlon, try its presldenE and secretary or agsl.stanL secretary, shal1 have full and conplete authorl.zatLon' rlght and power to nake, execute and dellver any contract, asslgnment ' deed or arqf other ln8trunent wlth respect to the lnterest of an owner whlch are nece6- sary and approprlate co ecrerclse the polre rs hereLn granted. Repalr and recon- structlon of the eotlre prenlees as used ln the succeedlng subparagraphs means restoring the enctre prenlses to substantially the saue condl.tlon ln whtch lt exlsted prlor to the darnage, rllEh each unit and the general and llnlted c ofimon elenents havlng subetantLally the sane verrlcal and horlzontal boundarles as before. The proceeds of ary insurance collected shall be avallable to the Associatlon for the purpo8e of repalr, rescoratLon or replacenents unless the Owne rs and all first nortgagees agree not. to rebutld ln accordance wlth the orovlslons set forth herelnafter. -23- 22.2 Casualty. other disaster: In the evenc of damaqe or destructlon due to fire or 22.2.|. the l.nsurance proceeds, if sufflcient to reconsEruct the entlre preurises, sha11 be applled by the Assoclatlon' as attorney-in-facC, to such reeonstructlon, and Ehe entire premises shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed. The AssoclaLlon sha11 have full authority' rlght and povter' as attorney-ln-fact, to cause such repalr and resEoration. 22.2.2. tf the lnsurance proceeds are lnsufflclent to repalr and reconstruct the entlre premises; and . lf not more than flfty percent (502) of the bulldtng ls destroyed or danaged, such damage or descructlon shall be promptly repalred and reconstructed by the Assoclatlon' as at torney-ln-fact , uslng the proceeds of insurance and the proceeds of an assessment to be nade agalnst all of the owners. Such deficlency assessment shal1 be a coomon expense and rnade pro tata accordl-ng to each Ownerts percentage interest ln the general common elenents and shal1 be due and payable wlthin thlrty (30) days after wrltten notlce thereof. Ttre Aesoclatlon shal1 have full authority' rlght and power, as at torney-ln-fact , to cause the repalr or restoratlon of the entire prenlses uslng all of the insurance proceeds for such purpose notwlthstanding the fall- ure of an Owner to pay the assessment. The aseessment provlded for herein shal1 be a debt of each Owner and a lien on hls condomlnlum unit and nay be enforced and collected as ls provlded ln paragraph 18 hereln. In addltlon thereto, the Assoclatlon, as attorney-ln-fact , shall- have the absolute righC and power to sell the condominlum unlt of any Owner refusing or fall1ng to pay such deflciency as6essilent w{thln Lhe tlme provlded, and lf not so pald ' the Assocl-atlon shall cause to be recorded a notlce that the condomlnlum unit of the del-lnquent Owne r sha1l be sold by Ehe Associatlon as attorney-ln-fact , pursuant to the provislons of Chls paragraph. The dellnquent Otrtner shal1 be requlred to pay to the Associatlon the costs and expenses for flllng Ehe notlces, lnterest on the arnount of the assessnenc at the then statutory rate' and all reasonabl-e attorneys t fees and expenses. Ttre proceeds derived from the sale of such condomlnLum untt shall be used and dlsbursed by rhe Assocla- tlon, as attorney-l-n-fact, ln the followlng order: -LLI- for paynent of raxes and speclal assesement llens on chat condonlniun uniE ln favor of any assesslng entlry and customary expense of sale; for Davment of the balance of the llen on thac condornlnlurn unlt of any flrsc mortgage; for payrnent of unpaid comnon expenses and all cosCs, expenses and fees lncurred by the Assoclatlon on that condomlnlurn unlt; 22.2,2.1.4. for paynent of junlor liens and encumbrances on thar condomlnlum unlt ln the order of and to the extent of chelr prlorlry; and the balance remaLnlng, tf arry, shall be pald to the condomlnl.um uniE Owner. 1f more than flfty percent, (50%) of. rhe bulldlng is destroyed or damaged, and: Lf. the Owners representlng an aggregate owner- shlp lnterest of elghty percent (802) or rnore of the general common elenents, do not voluntarlly, wlthln one hundred (100) days Ehereafter, nake provlslons for reconstructlon, ritrich plan must have the unanimous approval or conaent of every flrst mortgagee, the Aseoclatlon shall forthwlth record a notice setting forth such fact or facts, and upon the recording of such notl-ce by che Assocl- atlonrs prdsldent and secreLary or asslstant secretary, the entlre prernlses sha11 be sold by che AssoclaEion, pursuant to che provlslons of Ehls para- gtaph, as attorney -ln-fact for all of the Owners free and clear of the provl- sLons contalned ln chls Amended and Restated Declaratlon, the Amended l{ap, the Articles and the Bylaws. The lnsurance settlenent proceeds shall be collected by the Assoclation, and such proceeds sha11 be dlvided by che Associatlon accordlng Eo each Ownerrs percentage lnteresE in the general common elernents, and such dlvided proceeds shall be pald lnto separate accounts, each such account representing one of the condornlnlum unlts. Each such account shall be ln the name of Ehe Assoclatlon, and shall be further ldenclfled by the condo- mlnium unl-t deslgnatlon and the naue of che Owner. Frcm each separate account, the AssoclaElon, as atrorney-ln-fact, sha11 forthwlth use and dls- burse the total amount of each of such accounts, wlthout contrlbutlon f rcm one account to another, toward the partlal or ful1 paynent of the llen of any flrst rnortgage agalnst Ehe condominlum unlt represented by such separate -25- account. Thereafter, each such account shall be supplemented by the appor- Eloned amount of the proceeds derlved from Uhe sale of the entlre property. Such apportlonment shall be based upon each ownerrs percencage lnteresf ln Ehe general comnon elements. The Eotal funds of each account shall be used and disbursed, wlEhout contrlbutlon from one account to anoLher' by the Associa- tlon, aS at torney-in- fac t, for the s alne purposes and in the same order as 1S provlded ln paragraphs ? Ehrough 22.2,2.1.5. tf the Owners represenfing an aggregace o!,ner- ship lnterest of 802 or more of Ehe general conmon elements adopt a plan for reconstructlon, whlch plan has Ehe unanlmous approval of all first rnortgagees t Chen all of the Qwners shal1 be bound try the terms and other provlslons of such p1an. Any assessnent nade ln connectlon rrlth such plan shalL be a comtron expense and nade pro rara according to each Ownerrs percentage l-nteresE in the general common elements and shall be due and payable as provlded $r the Eerns of such p1an, but not sooner than Ehirty (30) days after wrltten notice thereof. The AssoclaElon shall have fu1l authorlty ' right and porter' as attorney-ln-fact, to cause the repair or restoratLon of Ehe entlre premlses uglng all of the Lnsurance proceeds for such purpose notwLthstanding the fatL- ure of an Oltner to pay the assessment. The assessment provlded for hereln shal-l be a debt of each Owner and a l1en on hls condomlnlul unlt and nay be enforced and collected as ls provlded ln paragraph 18. In additlon thereto, the Associatlon, as aEtorney-ln-fact, sha1l have the absolute rlght and power to sel1 the condomlnLum unlt of any Or.rn er refuslng or fal1lng Eo pay such assessnent wlthln the tlme provlded, and lf not so pald, the AssoclaElon shall cause co be recorded a notl-ce Ehat the condoml-nLun unlt of the dellnquent Owner sha1l be sold by the Assoclatlon. The dellnquent 0wner shaLl be re- quired co pay to the Assoclatlon the coscs and expenses for flllng rhe notlces, lnterest at the then statutory rate on the amount of the assessment, and all reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses. The proceeds derlved front the sale of such condomlnlurn unlt shall be used and dlsbursed by the Assocla- tlon, as actorney-ln-fact, for Lhe same purposes and ln the same otder as ls provided ln paragraphs 22.2.2.I.1. through 22.2.2.L.5. -?6- 22.3 ReconsEructlon on Obsolescence. The Owners representlng an aggregace ownership lnteresc of eighty percent (802) or more of Ehe general comnon elements may agree chaf the condonlnium uniEs are obsolete and adopt a plan for the renewal and reconstrucclon, whlch plan has Ehe unanlnous approval of all first urortgagees of record at the tl-ne of the adoption of such plan. If a plan for the renewal or reconstructlon is adopted, noClce of such plan shall be recorded, and Ehe expense of renewal and reconstructlon shall be pay - able by all of the Owners as common expensesl prOvlded, however, thaE an 0wner not a party to such a plan for renewal or reconsLructlon nay glve lritten notlce to the Associatlon wlthln fifteen (15) davs after che date of adoptlon of such plan Chat that. Ownerrs condomlnlum unlt shall be purchased try the Associatlon for the falr narket value t.hereof . The Assoclatlon shall then have thirty (30) days froo Ehe date of adopElon of che plan wlthln which to cancel such p1an. If such plan ls not cancelled, the condomlnLun unlt of the requestlng Owner shall be purchased at the falr market value thereof, and such sale shall be consunmated wlthln thlrty (30) days after the determlnatlon thereon. If Che parties are trrable to agree on the falr market valuer the same shall be settled tv arbltratlon in accordance wlEh the then exlstlng rules of the Alrerlcan Arbltratlon Assoclatlon, and the award thereof shall be final, blnding and concluslve. Judgment upon the ava rd rendered nay be entered ln any court having Jurlsdlctlon. A1l arbltracion proceedings shall be conducted at Vall, Colorado, and Ehe Owner and the Assoclatlon shall each pay one-hal t (L/2) of Ehe cost thereof. The AssoclatLon, as attorney-ln-fact, shall dlsburse Ehe proceeds of such sale for the sanre purposes and ln the same order as ls provtded ln subparagraphs 22.2,2.1.1. chrough 22.2.2.I.5. 22.4 Sale on Obsolescence. The owners rePresentlng an aggregate ownership lnterest of elghty percent (802) or nore of Lhe general comnon ele- nents nay agree that the condornlnlurn unlrs are obsolete and that the sane should be sold. Such agreernent must have the tnanlmous approval of every flrst rrortgagee. In such lnstance, Ehe Assoclacl-on sha11 forthwlth record a noElce settlng forth such fact or facEs, and upon the recordlng of such notlce by the AasoclatLon, the entlre premises shall be sold by the Assoclatlon' as a ctorney-ln- fact for all of the Or.rners, free and clear of Ehe provlsLons con- talned ln thls Amended and Restated Declaratlon, che Anended Map, the Artlcles and the 6ylaws. The sales proceeds shall be apportloned between the Oltners on the basls of each Ownerts percentage lnEerest in the general c onmon elements, and such apportloned proceeds shall be pald into separaEe accounts, each such account represenElng one (l) condomlnium unlt. Each such accoult sha11 be ln the nane of the Association, and sha1l be further identifled by the condomln- lum unit deslgnatlon and Ehe name of the Oerner. From each separate account the Assoclatlon, as attorney-ln-fact, shall use and dlsburse the EoCal amount of each of such accounts, rtLthout contrlbutlon frcn one accounc to anocher' for the same purposes and ln the same order as is provlded ln paragraphs I. through 22.2.2. 1.5. 23. Pergonal Property for Common Use. The Assoclatlon, as attorney-in- fact for all of the Qwners, mqg acqulre and hold, for the use and beneflt of all of the Ortners, real , tangible and incanglble personal property and may dlspose of the sane by sale or othervrlse. The beneflclal lnterest ln any such property shal1 be owned by a1l of the Owners ln the same proportton as thelr respectlve lnterests Ln the general common elernents, and such lnterest therein shall not be transferable except wlth a Eransfer of a condomlnlum tmit. A transfer of a condomlnlum unlt shall transfer to the transferee ownership of the transferorts beneficlal interesE in such properEy wlthouE any reference thereto. Each Owner nay use such property |n accordance with the purpose for which lt is lntended without htnderlng or encroachlng upo n the lawful rlghts of the other Owoers. The cransfer of title Lo a condomLnlurn unlt under fore- closure shall entltle the purchaser, upon lssuance of deed, Eo che beneflclal lnterest 1n such personal property assoclated wlth the foreclosed condominlum unl t. . 24. Addltlons, Alteratlons and hnprovements of General and Llmlted Common Elernents. Ttrere shall be no additions, alteraElons or irnprovenents of or Eo the general and llmlted common elements requirlng an expendlture Ln excess of One Thousand Dollars (S1,000.00) ln arry one (l) calendar year wlctr out approval of the Owners at a regular or speclal meetlng of the urembers of the AssocLatlon. Such llmitatlon sha11 not be appllcable to Ehe rePlacement' repalr, natntenance or obsolescence of any general or limlted comnon elernent. -28- 25. Obllgatlons of Owner to Continue. All obligatlons of an 0stner under and by vlrtue of the provlslons contalned in this funended and Restated Decla- ratlon shall continue, noEwlthstandlng EhaE he may have leased or renEed said lnterest as provlded hereln, but an 0wner sha1l have no obllgaclon for expenses or oEher obllgations accruing after he conveys hls interest in Ehac condomlnlun unlE, except as provlded ln paragraph 18 of thls funended and RestaLed Declaratlon. Any lease, includlng a lease for a Eerm of no roore than one (l) year, shall be consistent wlth thls Anended and Restated Declaratlon, the Artlcles of Incorporaflon, the By lawB and any exlstlng regulations of the AssoclaElon, and sha1l provlde that the EenanE shal1 not sublet the condornln- lum unlt, or any part thereof, wiEhout che prlor written consent of the Board of Managers, and Ehat the Board of Managers shall have power ln Che event of default by Che tenant in complylng rdth such provlsions to Eermlnate such lease and to brlng summary proceedlngs fo evlct the Cenant ln Ehe nane of Ehe lessor. 26. Duration. If under the laws of the SLate of Colorado (elther statu- tory or comnon) any provlslon contained ln chis Amended and Restated Declara- tloo nould, but for thls sentence be defeated or limlted by appltcation of the l aws or ru1es, sometines referred !o as Lhe rule against perPetultles, or the rule prohlbtting unreasonable restralnts on allenatlon, then such provlslons shall conttnue and remaln ln full force and effect for the perlod of cwenry- one (21) years followlng Lhe death of the survivor of Robert S. Sloslgv ' Wl1l1an P. Johnson, Donna I. Grayson, MargareE A. Relsher, Donald P. Shwayder and John Grlerson and the now lLvlng chlldren of sald persons, or untll thls Alrended and Restated Declaratlon is ternlnated pursuant to the nexE sentence, whlchever fLrsc occurs. A11 other provl,slons contalnd ln this Arnended and Restated Declaratlon and che separate condorainlun unlEs created by the Amended and Restated Declaratlon and the funended Map shall contlnue unt11 thls Amended and Restated Declaratlon l-s revoked or Eermlnated, as provlded in paragraphs 27, or 22.4. 27. Revocatlon of or Aruendment to Arnended and Restated Declaration. Thls furended and Restated Declaratlon Osners, all tenants having a leasehold flve (5) years or nore, and all of the shall not be revoked unless all of the estate wtrlch has an unexplred tern of holders of any recorded flrsE rnortgage -29- covering or affectlng any or all of the condorninlum unlEs unanlrnous ly coflsent and agree to such revocatlon by lnstrument(s) duly recorded. Thls funended and Rescated Declaratlon shall not be amended unless Ehe Owners representlng an aggregate ownership lnterest of elghty fl-ve percent (852) or more of the general conmon elements, all tenants havlng a leasehold estate r"'hlch has an unexpired cerm of flve (5) years or more, and all of the holders of arry recorded flrst mortgage covering or affectlng any or all condornlnlun unlts unanlrnous ly consent and agree co such amendment by lnstrurnent(s) duly re- corded; provlded, however, Ehat the percentage of the mdlvlded lnteresE ln the general cormon elements appurcenant Eo each untt, as expressed ln thls Anended and Rescated Declaration, shall have a pernanent character and shall not be altered wlt.hout the consent of all of the 0wners, all tenants havlng a leasehold estate wtrlch has an unexplred term of flve (5) years or more, and all of the holders of afly recorded flrst roortgage expressed ln a recorded anendnent Lo thls Anended and Restated Declaratlon. 28. Effect of Provisions of Amended and Restated Declaration. Each provlslon of thls Anended and Restated Declaratlon, and any agreenent r prom- lse, covenant and undertaking to comply with each provislon of thls Anended and Restated Declaratlon, and any necessary exception or reservation or 8!ant of tltle, e6tate, rlght or l-nterest to effectuate ary provlslon of thls Amended and Restated Declaratlon shall: 28.1 be deemed lncorporated ln each deed or other lnstrunent by whlch any rlght, Eltle or lnteresE ln che entlre premlses or 1n any condomln- lum unlt ls granted, devlsed or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred co ln guch deed or other lnstrurnent; 28.2 by virtue of accepcance of ary rlqht, tltle or lnterest ln the entire premlses or ln any condomLnlum unlt lry an Owner, be deemed accepted, ratifled, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such Owner, and, as a personal covenant, shall be blnding on such 0wner and such Ownerrs helrs, personal representatives, successors and asslgns, and shall be deemed a per- sonal covenant to, rrtth and for rhe beneflt of Ehe Assoclatlon and Eo, wlth or for the beneflt of ary other Olrner; -J U- 28.3 be deened a real covenant try Declarants' for Ehemselves' thelr succegsors and asslgns, and also an equitable servltude' runnlng' ln each case, aB a burden wlth and upon the title Eo the entire premlses and each condomlnirnunltand,asarealcovenanEandalsoasanequltableservltude' shallbedeemedacovenantandservltudeforEhebeneflEofcheentlreprem- lses and each condomlnirm unltl and 2S.4bedeemedacovenant,obllgaEionandrestrlctlonsecuredbya lien in favor of the Assoclation, burdening and encumberlng rhe title to rhe entlrepremlsesandeachcondomlnlurnunitlnfavorofEheAssoclatlon. 29. Enforcement and Remedl-es ' Each of the provislons of thls Amended and Restated Declaratlon w-lch resPect to Ehe Assoclatlon' iEs facillEles or f uncELons shall be enforceable by any owner by a proceedlng for a prohlbltive ormandatorylnJunctlon.EachprovlslonofEhlsAmendedandRestatedDeclara- tion wlth respect to an owner shall be enforceable by any other owner or Ehe AssociationtyaProceedingforaprohlbltlveormandatorylnlunctlonorbya sultoractloncorecoverdamages,or,lnthedlscrecionoftheAssoclatl-on' for so long as any owner falls to compLy wlth any such provlslons ' by exclu- slonofsuchownerandtheguestsofsuchOwnerfronuseoftheentireprem- lses. 30. No Walver. FaLlure to enforce any of the provl'slons of thls Amended and Restated Declaration shall noc oPerate as a walver of any such provlsLon orofarryotheroftheprovlslonsofthlsArnendedandResEatedDeclaracion. 31. Notlce6. 3I.l thevotlngrepresenEatlveofEherespectlvenembersshallreglsterhlsoalllng address rrith the As.oclatlon, and except for rnonthly stacements and oEher routLne notlces, aII other notlces or demands shall be ln wtlcing and may be dellveredeltherpersonallyorbydepositlngsuchnotlcelnEheUnltedscates certlfled roall , return recelpt requestedt postage fu1ly prepald' at the fol1owlng address: 31.1.1. tn the case of the AssoclatLon or Its reglstered agent as shown by the records of Ehe Scate of Co lorado I rhe Board of Man- the Secrelary ofagers, to SEate of Resls cratlon Owner and SerutJe-ef Notice' Each nember and -JI- 31.1.2. ln che case of any Cltlner ' to Ehe votlng representacLve deslgnated pursuant to paragraph 13.4. for that membershlp creatd in the Assoclaclon ln respect of such Ownerts condornln{um unlt, at the address of the votlng representatlve as shown by the records of the Assoclatlon; 31.1.3. in the case of any nember of the Assoclaclon, to Ehe voElng represenCatlve deslgnated pursuanf Eo paragraph 13.4. f.ot that mernber- shlp created ln Ehe Assoclatlon ln respect of the condomlnlum unit by reason of whlch ihat nenber ls a nernber, ac the address of Ehat voclng represenEatlve ag shown by the records of che Assoclatlon. 31 .2 Date of Service. Any notlce given by maLl as above provlded shal1 be deened given when deposiEed ln che Unlted SEates mal1 . 32. Llntted Llablllty. Nelther Declarant, the Assoclatlon, the Board of Managers, nor any nenber, agenC or aployee of any of the same shall be llable to ary party for ary actlon or for any fallure to act etlth respect Eo any raatter lf the actlon taken or fallure to act was ln good falEh and wlthout nallce. The A,ssociatlon shall lndemnlfy each neurber of Che Board of Managers and any employee or agent of the Assoclatlon agalnst any loss or threat of loss as a regult of any claln or legal proceeding relatlng to the performance or non-performance of arry act concernlng Ehe actlvlLles of rhe Assoclatlon; provLded, however, that r.rlth respect to the subJect oatter of the claln or legal proceedlng the party agalnst rrtlom the clain ls rnade or legal proceedlng ls dlrected was not gutlby of fraud, gross negllgence or bad faith ln such perf ormance or non-perf ormance. The lndennlflcatlon authorized by thls paragraph shall lnclude Pa'y - ment of: [1] reasonable atEorneysr fees or other expenses lncurred ln set- tllng any claln or threatened actlon or lncurred ln any flnally adjudlcated legal proceedlng; and [ti] expenses lncurred tn the removal of any llens affectlng any property of the lndemnitee. Thls paragraph sha1l lnure !o Ehe benefit of che AssociaElon, the nembers of the Board of Managers, the employees and agents of the AssoclaElon, and their respectlve trelrs, personal represeotatlves, adnlnistrators, succes- sors and ass lgns. -32- 33. Severablllry. If any of the provisions of ehls loended and Restaced Declaratlon or any paragraph, sentence' clause, phrase or word, or the appll- cagion thereof ln any clrcumetance shall be lnvalldated, such lnvalldlEy shall not affect the valtdlty of the remal.nder of thls Anended and Restated Declara- Clon, and the appllcatlon of any such provlslon, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word ln any other clrcunstances shaLl not be affected fherety. 34. Supplenental to Law. The provislons of chls Anrended and Restated Declaratlon shall be ln addltlon and supplemental to the Condomlnlurn 0wnershlp Act of the State of Colorado, as amended from Clme to tlme' and to all provl- slons of 1aw. 35. Numbers and Genders. Whenever used hereLn, unless the context shall otherwlse provlde, the slngular number shall lnclude the plural , the plural the slngular, and the r:s e of any gender shall lnclude all genders' 36. Captlons. The captlons and headlngs ln this Amended and Restated Declaratlon are for convenlence only and sha1l not be consldered ln construlng afly of the provlslone of thle Anend ed and Restated DeclaraElon. 37. Succeseore and Asslgns. Except as otherw-lse provided ln the provl- slons of thls Anended and Restated Declaratlon, this Anended and Restated Declaration shal1 be btndtng upon and shal1 lnure to the beneflt of Declarant' the Assoclatlon, each nember and each owner, and Ehe hel.rs, personal repreaen- tatlves, successors and asslgns of each. -JJ- IN I{ITNESS I,ltlEREOF' Restated Dectaratlon thls ATTEST: STATE OF COLOMDO CITY AND COUI{TY OF DENVER S?ATE OF COLORADO C0UNIY OF Jefferson duly execuced thls Arnended and Oo\o\ec- , 1e84. Declarants have _]fL day or )) ss. ) lhe fopegotrg tnstr15nent was acknowledged before ile thls lQ*oAe-r - , ts:!; by Robert s. Appel. WITNESS rny hand and offlciat seal. day of )) ss. ) lhe foregolng Lnsc^rument was acknowledged before me thl-s Octobe r , 19L hw JacK Lt. Nunn asJack D. Nunn and Jeffrev A. Ward as Sr- Vice Preci.lenr of FlrsC Bank of Westland ' N.A. I.IITNESS ny hand and offlclal Hy Conmlsslon explres: November 28, L984 Vice Pres ldent l,ly Coonlaslon exptres : Dcrmr, Colorldo 80202 3rd day of President seal . ./jo. - ./ ;?"'.-.,.'/ ,t . <_ t ,- ./ ' , . ,,. {t, -. Notary Publlc 10403 West Colfax Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80215 -34- October STATE OF COTORADO COUfrI OF EAGLE ) ) ge. ) The foregolng lnstrunent , 1984 , by nas acknoeledged before ne Rex E. Pleletick thts :!!L daY of as@ Alpiae Federal8od Rnhrrrrt cl ernon aB Attorne.lt o Savlogs and loan Aaeoclation. I|ITNESS rry h.nd and offlctal seal. t{y Coorleston explres : November 24, L986 -35- I EXHIBIT A to the N{ETIDED AI{D RESTATED @NDO}IINIW DECLARA?ION FOR B.S. @NDOUINIIMS A parcel of land ln Lot G, Anended l{ap Sheet L of 2 of Vall Vlllage' Seeood Flllng, town of Vall , County of Eagle' State of Colorado, descrtbed as: Beglnnlng at the Northeagt Corner of Lot G., then S 0'23t00" E 214.47 feet along the Eaet llne thereof to the Southeast Corner of sald Lot; Ehence N 75o27100" t{ 150.00 feet along the Southerly llne of eald Lot; thence N 24o41 t23" E 203.46 feet to a polnt on the Northerly l|ne of eald Lot whlch le on the arc of a 125.00 foot radl.us curve; thence Easterly on eald Northerly llne 46.29 feet along the arc of eald curve to the left whoee central angle ls 2lo12t5o- end wtroee loog drord bears S 79"46135" E 46.02 feet to a polnt of tangenti theoce lt 89o37100" E 13.48 feet along eald Northerly llne to the polnt of begtnntng, E)O{IBIT B to Ehe AI,IENDEDAI.IDPESTATEDcoNDot'IINItIMDECLARATIoNFoRB.S.coNDoMINIt'us PARCEL I - A 10.00 foot wlde parcel lytng tn Lots G' I 11d I' turended Map of sheer I of z of vArL vrLLAcE, sEcoND rllit'tc, Tonn oi vall , county of Eagle' State of Colorado, BeglnnlngataPolntonEheSoutherlylineofsaldLotGwhtchlsNT5o2T'00'. W l50.OO feet frorn che Southeast Corner thereof'th:l-: along the Southerty llne of Lots G, tt and-I-on the followlng Chree couraea: (r) N 75'27100' tt t4(r.27 feet; (2) N-2;'30'00" tl tll.91 feet; and (3).I^11:30'00" w ll0'00 feet to the Southwest corner of satit Lot I; ih"tt"" ! 41"15'50" E 10'03 feet along the westerly rrn"-oi-r"id Lot; ttrence parallel wiCh-and 10.00 feet fron said Southerly llne-oi i,oa" I, H and C-on the followlng three courses: (l) s 41"30'OO'E rrZ.fi eeet; (Z) s 26o3OrOO" E 108'68 feet; and (, s 75,27,00- E l4t:;l feeri rhenc" s ia'ai'23" w 10.16 feet to the polnt of beglnnlng. PARC'L2.Aparto!,Lotl'VAILVILLAGE,sEcoNDFILING,descrlbedasfollol,'B: Aonefoot-strlpalongtherearorSoutherlyportlonofLOTl,VAILVILIAGE' SEC0ND FILING, raore pirtlcularly descrlbed as follorls: Beglnnlng at che Southeas terly corner of sald Loc l' thence Northerly along che Eaeterly ffrre oi-safd Lot'1, a dlstance of f Foot; thence Northerly and I{esterly I Foot af"r.ii i". .rri paraltet lrlth the Southerly llne of sald Lot I, to e polnt on the Wescerly ffne oi sald Lot 1' thence Soucherly along the l{es terly ltne oi said Lot l, a dlstance of I Foot to the Southwes terly corfler of sald Lot l; thence southerly'and Eaeterly along rhe southerly llne of sald Lot l, to the potot of beglnnlng' EXIIIBIT C to the AMENDED AI.|D RESTATED COI{DOMINIT'M DECLARATION FOR B'S' CONDOMINI(]I'1S AppurtenanE and to Lhe Uodtvided Interest 1n General C omoon Elernents Unlt Nunber 8.332 8.332 8.337. 8.337" 652 r.687" : EXHIBIT D to the A,I\BNDED fu\D RESTATED CONDOI{INIUI'I DECLARATION FOR B.S. CONDOI'IINIIJ}TS Common Elements apPurtenant to each condominium uniE area asThe Linlced follolls: Condonlniun Unig Number Description The exclusive righE to use Storage Area "Unit I Srorage" rogether with the exclusive right ln comnon with the owner of Coidominlun Unit 2 to use Staiiway Sl; togecher wlth thu-. .. ^exclusLve right in common with the o$rner of Condominiuo un].E z to use the flue marked Fl; all as of the same are shown on the Arnended Map' and balconies accessible from, associated with and adjoining the unlt. The exclusive rlghr to use Storage Area "Unlt 2 Storage" together wlth the exclusive rlght ln comoon wiEh the Owner of Condoninirrn Unit I to use Scalrway Sl; togeEher with excluslve rlght in coulmon wirh the owner oF Condominiun un1E r to use the flue marked Ft; all as of the same are shown on the Anended Nlap, and balconies accessible f rorn, associared with and adjoinlng the unit. The excl,usive righE co use Scorage Area "Unlt 3 Storage" Eogether with the exclusive rtght ln connon with the owner of Coidomlni.uro Unit 4 to use Stalrway 32; togerhel with exclusive rlght in conmon wlth the owner of Condooinluu Unit 4 to use the flue marked F2; a1l as of the sane are shown on rhe Amended Map, and balconies accessible from, assoclared ltlth and adjolning the unit. The exclusive right Eo use Scorage Area "Unit 4 Storage" together ltit.h the exclusive rlghE ln conmon with the Owner of Coidoolniun Unir 3 to use Stairway 52; together wlEh exclusive rtght in conmon wLth Ehe Owner of Condoninium Untt 3 to use the flue markeil f2; all as of the same are shorrn on the Amended llap, and balconies accessLble from, assoclated etl th and adjoLning the unit. Together with the exclusi.ve right r'o the use of all stairways fo the basenent, and the exclusive riSht Eo use entry way rnarked on the Anended [Iap as L.C.E. 5' iGrttT'Bl [R?*?iyfi'A'll-ffi lllu o DATE 0ctober 16, 1984 ON A PUBL]C RIGHT-OF-I,IAY PERI{IT NO. 0WN[R 0F PROPERTY B.S. Condominiums Aqsociatlon ADDP'ESS0FPR0PERTYT0BtStRVEDFirstBankofVail,17Vai1Road,Va@ NAi4i 0F APPLICAIIT FirstBanl'. oi'"'aiL .ADDRI SS 17 Vail Road, \;ai-1. Colorado 8L657 Fencerr^tr ..-.--.- ttd I I 0therTflui,rt LEGAL DESCRIPTIOI'I PROPSRTY TO BE (Attach description on seParate SERViO: -k^^+ .:fJIIEEL I I neces sary Corner Lot X inside lot DESCRIPTiOil 0F STRUCTURE 0R iTEI'1(S) INT0 RIGHT-0F-I'JAY q',. Attach plans shovring encroachment, property 1ine, sideival ks,curbs, 'i ntakes ' DOES STRUCTURE :PRESENTLY EXIST? PROPOSEO DATE FOR COI'1I'IENCEI,IENT OF CONSTRUCTiON .i0. Special Conditjons: the project area icable). revocable perrnit basis js restricted the type of structure described in this rneters, pol jces, manholes, any other affected apurtenance jn or dimens'ioned) and section(s) as well as elevations (if appl In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for Lhe structure above indicated,appl icant agrees as follor+s: l. That the structure herein authorized on aexclusively to the land above described.2- That the-permit is limited specificai.ly toappl ication.3' That the applicant shal 1 notify the Tovrn lianager, or his duly authorized agent, tr,rentfour hours in advance of the time for commenciment of construction, in order that prcinspection may be made by .uhe Tor.ar.4' That the applicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Va.i I from andagainst all claims,-suits, danages, costs, losses and expenset in uny manner resuli,infrom,-arising out of, or connecled-with tlie "ru.iio"'o. maintenance of the aboveidentified structure. 5.That'uhe.permit may be revoked vrhenever it is deiermjned that,uhe encroachnent,obstruction' or other structure constitutes a nuisance,-destroys or impairs theuse of. the r-ight-of-rtay by.'.he. publ ic, constitutes a tiaffic hazard, or the propertyupon t'rhich the encroachr,rant, obitruction, or structure exists is required for useFy !f'u public; or it may be revoked at any time for-any-reason deemed sufficientby the Tor.rn of Va jl. That appljcant will remove,-at his expense, the encroachnent, obstruction, orstructure within ten days afrer receiv;ng noti."-;;;;;";""ocation of said permit.That 'in the event said iemoval of-the encroachnent, obstruction, or structure is notaccontplished vrithin the ten oays, the Tor'rn it nureuv-iriirorizeo to rernove same andapplicant ggrees to rei;-'cursu ir'u ior. for the cost of said remcval- The Torin shallhave the riqht to nal'.e an assesoent-alainst-the'p."p".tu"."d collect the costs of rem,in the sam3 ranner as gen:rai taxes are collected.That the permit so iss'lad it noi-'uttignable, unJ-is issued sol e1y to the undersignedapp) icant.. Tha'". the applicant has read and understands al'l of the terms and conditions set forthin this applica.uion. 6. 7- o r..lo Vo,. hydrants, First Si gna F€r (Q,."iL.rt DATE 10-16-84 joi nt ershi p ,both s gnatures ,IL shovrn DATEP Tor'rn DATE IApproved: tre tor of rnuhi ty opme n t DATE 1 v. rF: L-si ,, cHli -?cL BVB A (\)o o(/l |.) b : m C = {€'OS, CB= 2 !0o{9,?2,, E V:SlolS,?Ou F : t9'S 3r B: I S?'O O, r?'{8, H 83s?I,OO,, E u\?<coN . <O.3?' DU INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El.l PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY:sA5 PUBLIC WORKS Rev'iewed by: Corrnents: {f DATE OF PUBLICE HEARING: Date: Date: Date: o /S 7,(c*:a ./,,t 4 c ncTtae*'z c,{ Penc c,t< < e k? O t,..1 /t-t rrtz Fo,< e:>.JC€o.Ac/tn 61,././ S opn Uir, ,4"g2 ]o _./,u 41il t fe'r tt>- 'i Cec:evtctT Ft(- t>r Olo ,,r../rb,.* / t 6.u Fc '74,la Z J e-'r ' s / cta , I F *ur 7//c:7 ^)c:z:Et 7<, {]e- Da.u{ 4c-F<, c.. 4?/-:,.:.r4<- 6). 4.ro t,. -r/f€? FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Corrnents: TOI^JN ATTORNEY Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ^ drJa'f*1 dW\ l' rf Date: box lfi) vail. colorado 81657($3) 47G5613 Kris SiVertson Sivertson € Association, Inc. P.O, Box 3289 Vail, Colorado Dear Kris, At the DRB neeting on April the lst Bank was approved. you nust add four Srt to 4rl department of community development April 20, 1981 Re: trst Bank landscaping 15, the revised plan for landscaping One condition of approval is that aspen. '^";lw PETER JA}IAR PJ:bpr a ronProject Applicat Proiect Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: 4 Project Application ,^,. al u le'I Proiect Name: Project Descriplion: Owner Address and Phone: ArchitectAddressand phone: y'- tt'rRf,=a\ .t :5r-al , \[-N/ Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Otf icial l- .'r 'T' ' ti I Proiect Name: t Profect Appllcatlon Proi€ct D$cription: Own€r Addre$ and Phon€: Archltect Address and Phone: L€gal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board /0 -z IDate Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Date: Zonlng Administrator Date: Chlof Building Offlclal 'F -r!FiFl{?r' r i. - r ..}:, l.ifii;.r/F&{8tlr. - itff4Fp,i?.''"'tr} It>' ,i 'WrlYli.-."tl|E: I,: Project Applicatlon //t ^ /-1 /Ftloate r,-r/ /,/ " Proi€ct Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal D€scription: Lot Block Filing z.one: Zoning Approved: Design Revlew Board o^r" /o ft{ Molion by: S€condod by: APPROVAL Summary: Date:Oate: Chiel Building OtficialZoning Administrator /] #, /,'ot Proiect Name: Project Application &o^ profecrDescriprion' W'-ufa"-' &''1t/if;o"^ O h E''t-f C'/n oC /4 J d i{)o,.n t{^ 6o -Owner Address and Phone: U/i^rJ o-- Archit€ct Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ( t- , Block | / I t ' ' r ,\ -7- rrrng L/^'l (/,(lc','re )J V Zoning Approved: Design Review Board g^1" V!''"lu'l &l U Motion by: Second€d by: APPFOVAL DISAPPROVAL ------' \---...-_/. - Lr:_) I /-,1 1-- | Summary: '/ ^zoningAdministrator' fin-rra. ^ i Chiel Building Otficial& r'rs'u) /t oo L'T Eo*t v- oFVnru t L"T q , Veir- Vrrr*nqe. 2t tsuru1 11ol oNrilq Ct[rcu Zo+Je: ?uer-ta lb,aa.op lb, e> o4c lb . r^. oEo A&rMobATrodA Frslnr<1 Caro rtro*er- LJtEa fropp+arorlpl'4 € ur. opprE Aualbopy Utea N/A-- LoT Aera { <r1e brs,ted<roJ5 M rur HLJH t,L1 ARFA \DrOoC) F"otr.TAqE loll'lb ae. obo dgT3Aarab ----.--.-.......: te.eurBes )o' 30' M*x. 11.5t4 Fr lf'lrJc{c{r't.Ot4 A4TuAl- J|t81e,3 Ial4,+' ' ACTUA L 2ot ftayu,e u . .r4 |erl :. *c1u*t- l?, a+&,4 rl 30t +oT rtl So ' lb, ae ,oto 'a ,f Io'o Mt+J. EArrr-1 M ET Fto*T "\eAF'r{aerpl- lD.:a, oa4> lb, ae , ono i 01 601 3-c-, Utr@ f4Ar, )<t be*t*,Tf rrn+#u- )<hv 510bo Mr+X, tt3;o4o fr' Mtrt. 6,4 L1,15 /. *ayo At- o,lo{"- A-1usu 13-7o Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Project Application ProiectNam€: ^( 4)l *.4-, o J-s- lC Architeci Address and Phone: L€gal Description: Lot Block Filing Zonel Design Review Board Motion by: S€conded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Off icial ::"1 ,,o o Project Application - o^r" 3*//- 3O Project Name: Own€r Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal D€scription: Lot Block Filing Zonei Zoning Approved: i.i l i..i.cr- Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Official ' '',{i v //) \ ,,,/ Projecl Application /-n Eo Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone; Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Block Filing Zone: Design Review Board y'-tz- ro DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Chief Building Ofticial DaEe LIST OF MATERIALS NAIIIE OF PROJECT_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION , nret fun* af l,/a/ hbn Lor-6-BLocK // Sad FILING DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Add;hbn af €,aaa se,ft af The followlng informationto the Design Review Board A. ) BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wal1 Materials Fascia Sof fits Ylndows Ilindow Trim Doors Door Trim Eand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Cbimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Eot.anical Name is required for submittal by the Applicant before a final approval can be gi.ven. Tvpe of Material Color /Uflb',n Vdao B. ) PI.ANT MATERIALS(vegetative, ^Landscaping Materiars including. Trees, shrubs ,and Ground Cover) Cornmon lilame /p?hfula Quanticv Size 44//a/d ainul&ettqs nzb//art'*s w! __,_t