HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK LOT 35 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROA.D VAIL, CO 8L557 970 -479-2L39 DEPARTMEI$T OF COMMIINITY DE\IELOPMEMI NOTE:TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: HILB RESIDENCE NEW (SFR,PIS,DIIP) PERMIT iTOBSITE AT Permit TIMES 898 - 0054 ALI-, {t.It.TOV/Comm. Dev. date 7' SLaEus...: ISSUED Appli-ed. . : 04/L5/L998 Issued...: 05/08/1998 Expires..: LL/o4/L998 Parcel No. . : 2103-123 -02-02L No.: PRiI98-0047 RasEuaranc Plan Rewie$- -> DRB Fc€-------- RecreaEion Fee-- --------> CIean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAI FEES- - -.. APPLTCAIVT RMICH CREEK DEVELOPMENT L.IJ.C. Phone: 97Q-476-'7OSL 2338 GARMTSCH C/O DAVrD HrrJB, VArr', CO 81557 COIITRA TOR RANCH CREEK DEVELOPMENI L.L.C. PhONE:- 970-476-7Q5L 2338 GARMISCH C/O DAVID HILB. VAIL, CO 81557 OWNER HILB DAVID G ANNE MARIE THOMAS .] SUSAN G -iIT, 2338 GARMISH DR A, VAIL,, CO 81557 Descript,ion:NEW P/S RESIDENCE Number of Dwelling Unitss: 002 Occupancy TySle Factor Sg. Feets Valuation Dwellings Zone 1 V-N 81 .50 3 ,897 317, 505 .50 Dwellings Zone 1- V-N BasemenE L7 .70 7L7 12,590.90 Private Garagies Zone 1 v-N 21' 30 984 20 ,959 -2O subtotal: 5,598 351,255.60 Table Date: o5/L7/L996 Total Valuation: 351'255.50 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuatj-on: 400,000-000 Fircplace Inforrtrabion: Reetricled: Y *of caa Appfiances:*Of Gas Logs: 2 #of !,lood/Paller: F EE SI.'I4I4ARY .oo Total catculatad FeeE---> 4'595.10 2OO. OO Addifional F.aE_-_-'_--_> 'oo 692.7o fo!a1 Perldt Bee--------> 4,595'10 5oo. oo PalarenLs- ----- - 4,596'10 4, s95 .1O BALANCE DVE---- Building- - -- -> P1.!l ch€ck-- -> InveEEigalion> ri.11 call----> 1, 9{0 . 00 1,261.00 .00 3 .00 IEem: 051-oo BUILDING DEPARTT{ENT Dept: BUIL,DING Division: O4/L5/L998 iIRM ACTJ-ON: NOTE PI.,ANS TO CHARI.,IE 04/2L/L998 JRM AcLion: NOTE REVISED PLATiIS TO CHARLIE 05/OE/L998 CHARLIE AcLion: APPR CIARLIE DAVIS Item: 05400 PTANNING DEPARTT4ENT Dept: PL,ANNING Division: O4/t5/A998 iIRM Action: NOTE PLANS TO PI,ANNER / 04/L5/L998 DOMINIC AcLion: APPR O4/2L/L998 iIRM Action: NOTE REVISED PLANS TO DOM It.em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMETiTT DCPI: FIRE DiViSiON: 04/20/L998 CHARLIE Action: APPR n,/a IEem: 05500 PIJBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division: 04/A5/1998 iIRM ACTiON: NOTE PLANS TO LARRY 05/08/T998 cHARr,rE Act.ion: APPR FoR LARRY P IEem: 05550 ENGINEERING Dept: ENGINEER Division: 04/20/:-998 CHARLTE Action: NoTE plans to terri 05/0L/]-998 TPARTCH AcLion: NorE sEE NorrcEs 05/08/t998 TPARTCH Action: APPR SEE COIIDITIONS <,\'1t\,\c *r *r. +* * +rra***rlii rraarr*r f +rr*rrt r t r r r r r r + * I * * * t i r * r i r r * * * See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions that. may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS t hetaby ackno$I€dEa that I have rca(l thi6 applicaEion, liLlcd out in full th6 infonsati.on requlrcd, complcE€d an accuraEe pl,ot Pl,an, and €!at.e Chat a1l th€ inforEalion providcd ae requLred i6 correcE. I aEree to coriply xith the inforEFEion aad plot. plan, tso codPly {i.th all town oldinaneas and et.ate lalrs, and to buiLd thi6 stsruclurc according Co Ch€ Tonn, e zoning and Eubdi.wision codes, deoign levie approved. ttnifom Buj.ldi.ng code and oeher ordinances of th6 To*n appllcable LheteLo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE titADE I{Ettry-FOUR HOURS IN AD\,aNCE By TELEPHONE AT 479-2139_OR AT OUR Send elean-Ult DePo6iU To. RAIICX{ CReEK DEV PAGE 2 ****************************************************{r*************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI, Permit #: 898-0064 as of O5/o8/98 St,ATUS: ISSI]ED *************r*****************************************************Jr************ Permj-C Tlpe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT ApplicanC: RANCII CREEK DEVELOPMENT L.r,.C. .fob Address: 1-970 CHAMONIX LN LOCAUION: 1970 CIIAMONIX LANE Parcel No: 2103-L23-02-O2L Applied: o4/L5/L99e Issued: 05 / og /t995 ****************************************************************************Jr*** CONDITTONS ******************!t:t*********************************************************L** 1. THIS PROJECIT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMEIfT suRvEY. sucH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SI{ALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM TIIE TOP SIDE OF TI{E STRUCTIJRAI, MEI,IBERS OF TITE FLOOR TO TTIE T]NDERSIDE OF THE STRUqTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTI,Y ABOVE. 3. THE OWNER/BUII.,DER MUST REMOVE ALt GRADING FROM THE AREA 4. DEFINED Ag THE 1OO YEAR FI..OOD PI.AIN PER FEMA" fri.f.rr r t.|rrtrr TOWN OF VAfI/, COLORAIIO SracErtrt gEaccrnni NUEIg!: REC-039t Arnou.nL:{,396.10 05/08,/98 t6:O9 Paldcar Hcchod: CK Nocation: *- ll7{lair: !At{ PeruiE No: S98-0064 Type: B-BUILD llBlt (SFR,p/srDup) pE Parc!:. No! 2I03-123-02-021 sic€ AddlcdE: 1970 CHAI4OI'IX LN !,oc.Ei,on: J,970 CHA!.toNfX L.ANE Total geea: ThL6 Paydeoc 4,396.10 ToEaL AtL PneB: Ealanc€: 4,596.10 4.595.10 .00 .Amoun t, 1r940.00 1,251.00 900,00 692.LO !.00 AccounE Cod€D66c!ipEion BP OOlOOO03IlIlOO BUILDlNC PERMIT FEES pF 00100003112300 PLAII cHEc1< FEES AD00100002,1031,00 CLEIIIUPDEPoSITS RF 111OO003112700 RECREAfION FEES wc 00100003112800 wltL clLL INsPEcrIoN FEE TOWN OF VAII-, 75 g. FRO}ffAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 Plun6ing-----> 3 oO.0o Plan Ch.d<---> 75.00 InveBbj.gation> ' 0o wil,l call----> 3,00 DEPARTMEMT OF Descriptrion: NEW P/s RESTDENCE * \t * !r t t i * t , t * f + r * * * * r * * * * * * * * + FEE st lirMARy JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permit #r P98-0O32 sE,atus...: ISSITED Applied..: 04/Ls/L998 Issued. . . : 05/08/1-998 Extrrires - -: 1'L/aa/L998 Phone:. 949-03L7 Phone: 949-0317 ValuaEion:20, 000 . 00 ***rr*ttttitir* ToEal calculated Fees- __> 37il'0o Addicional Sced---------> .0o Tolal ParEig Fee_--__--_> PayEenEB--_---' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI]MBING PERMIT Job Address: 1970 CHAMoNTX LN Location...: 1970 CHAMoNIX LANE Parcel No. . : 2l-03-123-02-02t Project No. : PRJ98-0047 APPI,ICAIVT AVAI,ANCHE PLIJMBING 6. HEATTNG P.O. BOX 2994, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE PTIJMBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 2994, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER HILB DAVID G .AI.TNE MARIE THOMAS 'JSUSAII G -,fT, 2338 GARMISH DR A, VAfL co 815s7 RestuaranC Plan Revieu- _ > TOTAI, FEEs. - - -. . o0 37S.O0 3?S.00 378.0(} BALAXCE DUB--.. .OO *rra*t**irtr** I * BUILDING DEPARTMENTCIIARLIE Acti-on: APPRFIRE DEPARTMENTCHARLIE AcEion: APPR Item: 05f00 05 / 08 /L998rtbm:' 0560005/0e/L9e8 DenL: BUILDING Division: CIARLIE DAVIS-- Dent.: FrRE Division: N/A t ttir**r r*a *.tr.*r ** * *******l*t CONDITTON OF APPROVAI, 1- FIEI-,D INsPEgff oNS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL'IANCE. *tttiirrir*r*i' DECI,ARATIONS r hereby asknouledg. ghag r have read Ehis applicaLion, filled ouE in full the infoluaLion required, cot$Flcccd 'n 'cqrlagc ltloc pfan. and €cac6 tshat all che infornati.on provided ae reguired is correct.. r agree !o codPly trith the infordation and Plot Plan' to cotl.ply !.itsh atl Town oldinances and alaEe 1ar,r6, and Eo build chis gErucLure accolding Lo the Toi|!!'s zoning and aubdiwiaion codeo, deaign revicw approved, Unifoxm Building code and otshe! ordinanced of the To$n aPPlicable lhereEo' REeuEgrs FoR rNspEcrroNs sHll,l ed MADE T!{E!I!Y- FouR HoltRs rN ADr.aNcE SIGNATT'RE OF AND OWNER tot{N o8 vAlL. coLoRiDo 8Eatsedfit. sEac€r.nE lluub.r: RBc-0399 Ar[ount.:378.00 05/og,/98 tG:10 Palrdsnc t/t.rhod: ct( NoEaEl,on: Ha //?S-Init : ti|l,W Per$ie No: P98-0032 Tt/pe: B-PLMB pIJL'tltBINc PERMIT Pa:.c.L No: 2101-123 -O2-02l SiEc Addrerr: 1970 CII,rJ'|ONIX LN Locatign: l9zo ctti{ltoNlr( L.tl{E Tocal Bees: 37g,oo Tocat l\LL pErr:Thi6 Pa!4aenE !,qeount Code DeEcrlprion Balance: 3?S.00 3?S.OO . o0 AmounC 3 00. 00 7S.OO 3.00 FP OOIOOOO31112OO PLT'MBING PERI'IT FSES PF O0100003r,12300 pL.}N c-}tEcK FEas grc oo100003112soo I{ILIJ clLL INSPECTION FEE TOltlN OF VAII 75 S. FROIiMAGE ROADvArL, co 8t657 970-479-2L38 ElscErlcal- - - > DRB F6e Inv.BtiEatsion> .00 1970 CHAMONIX I,}r ]-970 CHAMONIX LANE 2L03-L23-02-O2t PR,J98 - 0 047 DEPARTMENI OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSfTE AT ALL, TII,IES EI.,ECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E98-0054 Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: Project. No.: gtatus.. AppIied. Issued. . E:<pires, ISSI'ED a4/L5 /LgeE os/oe/L99E LL/ 04/L99E 1_0,000.00 OWNER HILB DAVID G ANNE MARIE THOMAS J SUSAIiI G -.fT, 2338 GARMISH DR A, CONTRACTOR EAGI.E/STJMMIT EI,ECTRIC CO P.O BOX 744, FATRPLAY CO 80440 Description: Er-,ECTRICAL NEW P/S VAIL CO 8L657 Phone: 7198363559 ValuaEion: *r**'*rt'a***r FEE st ti4I,tARY 'trt*t*+t+rr*ir will call----> TOTAI, FEES-- - > Total Cal,culaced Fees- - - > AddiEional Fees---------> TotaL Perait Fee--_-----> Palanenis------_ BAIANCE DU8... - 197.00 .o0 200 ,00 200 .00 ,oo 200 .00 20(}. oo . oo IE,em: 06000 EL,ECTRICAI DEPARTMENT Dept: BUIIJDING Division: 05/08/L998 CHARITE Actior!: APPR CHARLTE DAvrsiEbft;'d56oo-FTns-Depi$tfiElfr' ----- --. - Dept': 4ns Division: 05/08/L998 CHARI,IE Act,ion: APPR N/A COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIATiICE. DECTARATIONS r halrby ecktlor,l.dgs thac I h*vc !.€Ed chis applicatsion, filted ouE in fu1l Lhe inforllalioD t.quLred. cottrtrtl'tod a$ 'ccurats plot plan, and 6!auc tshaE at,l tshc LnfontraEion ptowided 16 r€guired ia corrcc!. I .grcc to comply vich ghe infomation 'nd Ploc plan' to qorBply wlch all To|!t ordilranceB anal EEatse laws, anil Eo brrild lhiE duructure according Eo the To$n' 6 zoning and oubdiviBiot! code6, dedign rcvl€v approvcd, uni form Building code and other oldinance6 of the To!.n applicablo !h'!eto' REQUESTS FOR MSPEqTTONS SgArrIr BE I'IADE tWENrr-FOrrR HOURS IN.ADVANeE BY TEIJEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR A? OUR OFFICE FROM s:00 AM s:00 PM ircuergeg oF owNtsR oR collTp.adroR PoR HrusELF AND owNER ?oto{ oP vArr,, coLoR-aDo jcarconc rrrrrirrirarrrl gt.EelrnE Nwnber: REC-0399 Auount.: 2OO.oo 0S,/Og/9g 1E:11 palmcng !.r. rhod r ct( Nor.er, too : # / / ?€ rnt E, : !,rAw Peroig Not E9S-0054 Type: B-ALEC ELECIRICA! PERMIT Parc€l No: 21O3 -123-02-021 SlE€ .lddrE.6: 1970 CHAt4ONftr LN Location: 1970 CHAMONIX L.nNE TocaL Feeo: 200.00 ToraL A.Irt pEts:Thi6 Pat/menE. t tttt t'r i t* I r rrrrr ir. i ra *+ r t*rtt,r i*r rri*. rririirrr**1*r t I J*rrra l ir AccounE Codc De!crlpcion Balance i 200.00 200.00 . oo Amounl 197.00 3. O0 BP OO1OOOO31l].400 EIJECfRICAIJ PERMIT FEES r{c oolooooir12Boo !{rLL cA:JL rnspEcfrow FEE .Concacc Eagle Councy Assessors Offlce aE 970-329:8-640 for parcel /l . ToWN oF VAIL coNsTRUcffON '\RcEl. /l: 2103 123O2o) l n-;,,;-PER,\IIT /i $Set tlz 2IO3L23O2O2L . pERMTT AppLrcATroN F6RM2\. DATEI 4-13-98,( DATE| 4-13-eB On+..tn'f6T ?8. oofi, APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE 'ccEPTEDT l* * * * * * * * * * * * * * it * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pEIu,Irr TNFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * *,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I - -"' 5 rir\t'r.r. ^ J.rr.c t.,r\.'Lll'l I(JIY - - - x - x x x x t t x x x x x I x] -Building I v] -Prumblng 1x I -Erectrical I x] -Mechani-car [ ] -other Job Name: HrLB Primary/secondary Job Acldress t rgjo chamonix Lane Legal nescription: Lot 35 Block__ Filing I sunorvrsloN, Buffer Creet< Owners Name: Dave Hilb Address: 2338A Garmisch Dr. Vail ph. 476_jj5l Architect: John Martin Address: 1050 sherman #403 Denverph. 86r-8794 General Description: Ner^r qonstruction pr imarv/second arv residence. a"'work class: [x]-New [ 1-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: TWO Number of Acconnodation Units:L fmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances cas Logs 2 Wood/Pellet 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS ** * * r( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr rr****I \ddress: P.O. Box 744 Fairptay, Cblq4ZT--- phone Nurnber: Av^\ a^clnr-\vr.nPJ " BUILDING: $ 250,090 ET,ESTRICAL: $ !0.000 .THER: $ 100,OOOpLUMBTNG: T-20-;T-0'd--- MEcHANiaAi,rZo;Oq__ ;il;il; i:ffi--- [*****nn***********..********* coNTBAcroR rNFoRMArro* *,$9f,;O0tnt-*******?r,r***Senerar contractor_: ?ave Filb -F+^z-\ cc€4K Dqverrlfifo; of vait neg. I.to. L{6t, -BAdd.ress: z:39 a oaffi=tfL, prrone \iuTnber: 476_7o5t Et-ectrical "or,r.. tt-rgi#; ;;;'.;; llechanical Contractor : Address: * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR EUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: {ECHANICAIJ PERMIT TEE:.JLECTRTCAL FEE: ]THER TYPE OF FEE: !)RB FEE:-mFprnt *************-**Hdtjpi.H..; /haA Town of Vail Reg, I..ro.\11-/l4\\ - .:3\T- BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEEI PLUMBING PTAN CH MECHANICAL PI,AN RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOS TOTAL PERMIT 0q6&Ro9?Vair Recr. uo.235- P' ' Phone Number: "411:n5; BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: e tt62o OFFICE USE VALUATION t-R*.,"t.. {ro.ek pavo-\ogl,,r^.t APR CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDiJM ALLCONTRACTORS. TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: HrLB pRrMARyfsEC Please answer lhe tollowing questionnaire regarding the way, easemenls or used for slaging, need lor a 'Public Way YES Permit': NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires lhe use ol the right of way, easemenls or public prope(y? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed 1o site olher than existing dnveway? ls any drainage wo/x being done alfecling the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of public property 1o be parking or fencing? B, lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Developmenl? lf you answered yes 1o any ol these questions, a "Public Way Permit' rnust be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications rnay be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above q ature Date 1) 2) / 3) 4) Jtl 6) 7) B) Job Name Contraclols Sig .-[ I 75 soulh lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2t39 a FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: of tlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VArL TowN oF VAIL puBLIc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEWLOPMENT MARCH l_6, 19BB CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordina.nce No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to Iitter, traek or deposit any ="ifl-r""i., sand, debrisor material-, including trash iumpsterl , p"iiu[ie-'toilets andworknren vehicLesplace or any o...I31".f,:I":::"",k"=ii;ilt15l_*li"I".lri.ll*i ",vail streetl ind.53"g= :.= approximately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wirr be "tri;[it -enrorced by the Town of VailPubl-ic works Departrnent. persins found .ri6rili"g this ordinancewill-. be given a 24 hour r.rritten notice to remove said maLerial .fn the event the person so notified..does not comply with thenotice within rhe 24 hour.time =peciii;;,"I;"-;";tic WorksDepartment wirr remove said mateiiur -"t irr""""p"ise of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance sharl not kleapprieabre to cbnstruction, maintenance or repair projects ofany streeL or a1ley or any utilities in the rlgni_"_ruy. To review ordinance No- 6 in fuII. please stop by the Town ofYlil B":lding Departrnent to obrain a copy. rir.r,L you for yourcooperation on this matter. Ceneral Cont Eact,or,/Ownerosition/Re@1i.e. acknowl f eprir 13, i99Btr contractor, owner) 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 8-1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2t39 olf lco ol communlly developmerr I BUILDING PTRI1IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI.IE If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (.Pub1 ic wopks) revielr unJ approual ,'a prannini'orpurt entreview or Heatth Department review, un['.-ruuiJ ;y-lii;"driiaingDepartment' the estirnated tirne tor'a-lotat review may take as rongas three weeks. All commercial (rarge or sma'l 1) and a'l r murti-famiry permits willhave to fo] low ihe irove munti6nuJ-ru*ir* requirements. Residentiarand.small projects shourd take a resser amount of tjme. However, ifresidential or snraljer.projects impait the various uUou. mentionedd-epartnrents with regard' to-necessiry review, th;;; p;;j;.ii'ruyalso take the three week peiioJ. Every attempt wi'l I be Tgge UV this cJcpartnrent to expedite thisper"mit as soon as possi bl e. - I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and tjmeframe. Hi 1b Pr imar Project Comrnun i ty Development Department. o COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENTTOI,IIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970 -479 -2].38 JobAddress...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: DEPART'I'4ENT OF ]-970 CIIAMONIX LN 1970 CIIAMONIX I,ANE 2L03 -1_23 -02-021 PR,Jg8 - 0047 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES MECIIANICAL PERMIT Permit. #: M98-0043 OWNER USAN CONTRACTOR WEICH ATI,AS G ANNE G -iIT, 2338 PLI]MBING AND ITEATING. P. MARIE THOMAS GARMISH DR A, HEATINGo. Box 3944, Stat,us. -.: ISSITED Applied. -: 04/Ls/L998 Issued. . - : 08/1-2/L998 E>cpires. . : 02/08/L999 ii vArr., co 81657 Phone: EAGLE, CO 81631 Valuation: 970-845 -446]. 22, 000 . 00 #of tlood/Pallet: Description: MECH FOR NEw P/S Fireplac€ fnforldahion: Regtricted:+of Gas Applianc€s:*of GaE Logs: Mechanicaf-- -> Plan ch€ck-- - > Invest-igation> will Call-- - -> R€sCuaranb Plan Revier.,- - > DRB Fee-------- Toeal Calculated Fees- - - > Addilional FeeE---- -----> TotBl PcrrnL! Fee--------> Payments------- 440 .OO 110.00 .00 . oo 553.00 . oo 553 .00 553 . OO .00 TmAL FEES----- 3.OO BEI,ANCE DUS---- .OO fEem: 05100og/1L/]-998Item: 05500 oB / L1-/]-998 BUILDING DEP.ARTMENT Depts: BUILDING Division:.]RM ACt,iON: APPR APPROVEDJMRFIRE DEPARTMEtflf Dept: FIRE Division: ']RI',I ACTioN: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1-. FIEI,D INSPESIIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS FJEOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF TTE 1991 'IJMC. 3. INSTAJ.,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIIRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21. OF THE ]-991- IJMC.4. GAS APPI,IANCES SHALL BE VE}fTED ACCORDING TO CTIAPTER 9 AND SI{ALL TERMINATE AS SPEEIFTED TN SEC.9O5 OF THE 1991 TJMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIpMEI\TT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 AI'ID703 0F TI{E L991 UMC. 6 . BOII,ERS SHAI,I., BE MOI'I{IED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]NIESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBTE FI,OORING.7. PERMIT.PLANS A}ID CODE A}IATYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAT ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REOT]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COI.TTAINING HEATING OR IIOT-WATER SUPPTY BOILERS SHALI-, BE EOU]PPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.211,9 0F THE r-991 uMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hcteby acknolrledge thats I have read lhie application, filled out in full the information lequired, coinpleted an accurate Plot pLan, and Btale tshaE a1l the inforEation provided ar requireil is correct. I aglee eo cotlrpl.y witsh lhe information and PloL plan' F-f]-...:*+4, to comply wiEh el1 Town ordinanc.s ."u I leea, and to buj.Id thl,a aEructure "".oruf o thr Toern,6 zoning End €ubdivisi.on code6, design revi€w aPltroved, Unifoqtr Bullding code and ogh€r ordinanceB of th€ ?own aFplicablc thcreto. RAQUESTS FOR INSPtsCTIONS AHAL], BE MADE TWEMY-FOT'R HOUR6 I}I SIGNATURE OP OWNER OR COI.ITRAtrOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER tovfl.l OF VAIL, COIJORADO SEaEcdnt Numbcr: REC-043S At|loun!: Pa).nEnE Mcthod: eK NoEation: 10292 StaEcmnt 553,0O 0e/12l98 15 : 15 IniE: BR Per.mi.r. No: M9s-o043 Type: h-MEcH MECHANTCA! PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-123-02-021 sice Addreae | 19?O CHAI4ONIX LN tocation: 1970 CItAInoNIX 'JA.DIE 553. O0 .00 r r**t*****rr.}* ****t *+ * t * *t* **ir* | *:, t *r ****t**** l*!rt*** t *t*! *** **r* lotal Fees: 553. O0 foEal ALL PnTBIThis Paymenf Account Code Balance. MP OO1OOO031113OO MECHANICAI, PERMIT FEES pP 00100003112f,00 Pt Alr cHEa( FEES wc 00100003112a00 wrl.r, cALt TNSPECTIoN FEE DescEipEion Amount 440. O0 110. O0 3.00 gB..'..!+'... I. 9*Contac t f 'I et 970-3\i PARCEL /I: }$PARcEL #: Job Narne: ttr Legal Description: Lot Eagre couircy ^"".""o1tf ,"" 28-8640 for Parcel #.- TOI{N OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERMTT APPLTCATTON FORI-'Oerr: X e-ly ? ^ t APPLTCATToN Musr BE FTLLED OUT COl'tpLETELy OR rr MAy NOT BE ACCEPTEDtu X***************************** PERMIT INrORMATfON *********************** *****irlI J-Building. [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-EJ.ect,rJ-cal g{uecnanibal t l-oth \4 P lex Job Address: PERI'IIT # P:n:ftEJesl Block_ Filing susprvlsroN, Owners Name: Architect: ceneraL Description: Address: Address:Ph. Number of Accommodation Units: q[tu"t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances ,f cas Logs 4 wood/pelret_ 4******************t************** vALUATToNs ***** * * ****** ************** * ***** BUILDING: S EI,ECTRTCAL! $oi'IiER: $PLIJMBING: T-_--PL{rMBrNG: $ MEcHANTcAu +@ffi- ,t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * :t * CONTRACTOR INFORMATIONI Eeneral Contractor: ToTAL:+W * * **.* *i.,** ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * -/ t'work crass: gu'1--new [ ]-Alteration t l-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwetling Units: I Tordn of Vai:!" Reg. NO.Phone Number:Address: El-ectrical Address: Contractor: BUTLDTNG PBR$IT TEE: PLIIMBING PERMTT FEE: ]'{EC}IANICAL PERI'fII FEE : ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Regf. NO. Phone Nrrmber: Plunb ing contrac_t-o_ r r" \,llb p+_?Lun et&AAddress: lt &n, .fiL*U Ar-t,o . W*:'Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor Address: ****************** * * *** * ********FOR OFFfCA USE ****!r************************** )$-yy{14a'"a&ef,@ctv-rr C0 glbzO Towir of VaiI Reg. NO.m-?atL_ Phorre Number: +-(.-ORT __ BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI-,AN CHECK FEE:},IECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN*UP DEPOSIT: POTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDTNGS SIGNATURN; ZONTNGs SIGNATURE: CLEAI{ IP DEPOSIT REIIIND !O: T. 75 .oulh Ironlege road vrll, colorrdo 8l€57 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 otflcs of communlty devclopme[t BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permit ""qul,::;-t ]g1l of Vail Fire Department Approval,Ensi neer''s ( pubr ic works ) ""vi "" u"i'i pi"ou.i,'u' pi iii,ii fii"oepartnenrreview or Health Departnint ".ui"n,-aif,'a-reu.i"w by the Buildinglioi[S!'j;"ll: .'ri'utea iime'iJr'u-titur r.ni."-ilav"iail,a, rone A'l I commercial frarqe or sma'*) ano ar] murti-family permits willhave to follow the ibove mentioned ri*iru* requirements. Residentia.land sma'n projects shourd tir<e J-ieiier"amount of time. However, ifresidenti'al or smal'ler,projects impiii the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to-necesiiiv-"uui",n, these projects mayalso take the three-week period Every attempt will be_made by this department to expedite thispermi't . as soon as poss.i bl e. I:"j!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. 0t{t| 0 ,b Pro jecT-Xanre Community Develooment Department. - luttn n l|flt 75 3outh frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 oftlcs of communlty dev€lopmenl TO: FROI'I: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and acknowLedged ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RREI.flTLYL REGISTERED WTTH THETOWN OF VArL TOWN Or vArI puBLrC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPI{ENT MARCfl L5, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I,{ATERTAI, STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to r'itter' track or deposit ""v-rJirl-rJt?, =una, debrisor material_, incf3!1ne trash hunpsters, portable toil_ets andworkmen vehiclespr?ee ;' ;;;;i.I3i".f,ll"ill"Ti"'iiiilll5i_*:i.I".Ll"i:*i-.,Vail streetl ind.road.s is approxinatety s ft. off pavement.This ordinance ,i+ t;.;tri;ii;"enrorced by the rown of VailPubl-ic works Denartrnent- p"i"i,"= found .rii,r.ii.q this ordinancewill be siven a'24 hour r"iir;;';"ii""-t"*;;;;'r.id mareriar.In the event the person so notified.ao"=-noi--.oipfy with thenotice within an:,ll n"ui-tirn"-Jlecitied, the puttic worksEepartment wir-r- remove said nateli"r .t in"--""iiise of personnotified. The proviri""=-"f-Ii,fl orainance shill not beapplicabre to c-onstruction,-r"iii"tunce or repair projects ofanv street or arlev or anv "iiii-ti;;"i; ;;"';i;ii-"-*.y. To review ordinance No. e in full , pJ_ease stop by the Town of:3:i"3:i13i"g"Tf,if*:lt"::"";;i" a copv. riani vou ror your -] TO: FROM: DATE: FE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTHACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WOBKS DEPAFTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS FEOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way permit.: ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or pubtic propefi? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? fs ditferent ac-cess needed io site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done at{ecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocabte Right Of Way permit" required?. 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, padcing or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, slaging or lencing plan required by Community Development? .ll1ou- algwered yes to any olthese questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Works office or atC.o.TTTity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construclion lnspector, at.4T9-215F.. I have read and answered allthe above questions. NO X 1) 2) YES )( tc x r v f { 3) 4) s) 6) Contracto/s Signature P age ***t****************i************t!***a********)*****t*******t*******r**a******l* HEATLoSS Vers 5,0 copyright 1986-1991, Thomas and Associates, Bettaire, ill (616) 533-8t 72 **************:]**********i***tlt**{***********rr************r*******************r} DAHL GLEIIIT'OOO SPRIN6S 3366 GLEN AVE GLElr.rooD sPRrllGs c0. 81601 915 _2331 1 _A00-252-3215 HITD DUPIEX UNIT A LOl 35 BLK 'I BUFFER CREEX Heatloss is based on a Design Tenp. Difference of 90 06-04 - 1998 I'IASIER BED CEILING HETGHT IS IO.OO TEET, VOLUI,IE IS 1,8?O CUBIC FEET 2 ExPosED opENlNGs, ToTAt lNG >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPoSED trALLS, not incl.uding openings,TOIALttic >>>> 192,0 SOUARE FEET ROOl,l slZE lS 13.0 LOllc by 1/+.0 [/tDE, IOTALIfIG >> 182.0 SOUARE FEEI l.ll llDot, TYPE lS: U-Vatue = .551, Doubte pane. ctear Glass IIALL TYPE Is: U-Vatue = .06, Frame tnsutated CEILING IYPE IS! U-Vatue : .053, Uncondi tioned Attic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: lJ-vatue = 0, Ftoor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Totat BTUH for the outside Halts are j,037 The Total BTUH for the Exposed openi ngs are 1,9g5 The total. BTTJH for the ceitings 516 The total BTUH for the ftoors 0 the BTUH infiLtration for the openi ngs is 9'|9 THE TOTAL BTUN FOR THIS ROOM IS 1,387 Requifed Radiant floor output, BTU,s /square foot is 24.1 IJI C CEILIIIG HEIGHT IS 'IO.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 595 CUEIC FEEI 1 EXPOSED opEN I NGS, T0TAL I iI6 >>>>>>>>>>>> l EXPOSED liALLS, not including openings,TOTALtNG >>>> 64.C SOUARE FEET R00i1 SIZE ls 7.0 LoNG by 8.5 r,JrDE, TOTALING >> 59.5 SOUARE FEET l,,ll tlDol,, TYPE lS: U-Value = .551, Doubte pane, Ctear Gtass UALt TYPE lS: U-Vatue = .06, Frame Insutated CEILINc TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Ftoor over any Conditioned Space HEAILOSS The Total BTUH for the outside Hatts are 316 The Totat ETUH for the Exposed openings are Z9g The total BTUH for the ceilings '179 Ihe totaL BTUH for the ftoors 0 The BIUH infi Ltfation for the openrngs is 145 THE ToTAL BTUH FoR THIS ROoM tS 968 Required Radiant fLoor output, BTU,s /square foot is 16.3 0"n.0 MASTER BATH CEILING HEIGHT IS 1O.OO FEET. VOLUI',IE IS 1,105 CUBIC 1 EXPoSED OPENINGS,TOTAL I G >>>>>>>>>>>> 1 EXPoSED tJALLS, not inctuding openings,I0TALlNG >>>> 96.0 SOUARE R00M SIZE lS 10,5 LoNG by 10.5 |JIDE, ToTALING >> 110.5 SOUARE UINDOI,J TYPE lS; U-Vatue = .551, Double Pane, Cleac Gtass t,ALL TYPE iS: U-VaLue = .06, Frane InsuIated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Vatue = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Total BIUH for the outside watLs are 518 The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openi ngs are 116 The total BTUH for the ceitings 331 The total BTUH for the floors 0 The BTUH infittration for the openings is 218 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS I,513 Required Radiant ftoor output, BlU,s /square foot is 13.7 SI IT I NG CEITING HEIGHT IS 1O.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 1.320 CUBIC 1 EXPoSED OPENINGS,T0TALIIiIG >>>>>>>>>>>> 1 EXPOSED UALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> 64.0 SoUARE R00M SIZE IS 11.0 Lotlc by 12.0 l.lIDE, ToTALING >> 132.0 SoUARE UlNDol, TYPE lS: U-Vatue = ,551, ooubte Pane, cLear Gtass l.rA[ L TYPE lS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insutated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .033, Unconditioned Attic space Above Ft00R TYPE lS: U-Val.ue = 0, Ftoor over any Conditioned Space HEAT LOSS The Total BTUH for the outside watts are 316 The Total BTUH for the Exposed openings are 791 The totat BTUH for the ceiLings 396 The totat BTUH for the ftoors 0 The BTUH infil.tration for the openings is 387 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 1,9?3 Required Radiant ftoor output, BTU's /square foot is 14.6 The TotaI BTUH for the outside Ha[ [s are The Tota|. BTUH for the Exposed open'ings are FEET FEET F EET IEE I FEET FEET F EET FEET VEST I BULE CEILII.iG HEIGHT IS 10.OO FEET, VOLUI'iE IS 540 CUBIC TEET .] EXPOSED OPEN I NGS, TOTAL I NG >>>>>>>>>>>> 1 EXPoSED UALLS, not including openings,T0IALING >>>> 39.2 SoUARE FEET Rooltl SIZE lS 8.0 LOl|6 by 8,0 LllDE, ToIALING >> 64.0 SoUARE FEEI t.lINDOW TYPE IS: U'VaIue = .55'1 , Double Pane, Ctear Glass IIALL TYPE IS: U-VaLue = .06. Frane Insulated CEItING TYPE IS: LJ-Vatue = .033, unconditioned Attic space Above FLOoR TYPE IS: LJ-Vatue = 0, Floor over any conditioned Space HEATLOSS 212 ?,02t, The tota I The tota t ThE BTUH THE TOTAT Requi red o"n"O BTLlh for the cei t i ngs BIUH for the ftoors infi Itration fof the openings is BTUH FOR TH I S ROON..I I S Radiant fLoor output, BTIJ,s /square foot 192 0 986 3,414 i s 53.5 BED 2 cEILING HETGHT IS 10.00 FEEI, voLUME rs 1,650 cuBtc 2 EXPoSE0 oPEN lN6S,ToTAI tNG >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPoSED IJALLS, not inctuding openi ngs, TOIAL I NG >>>> 224.0 SOUARE R00M SIZE IS 11.0 LONG by 15.0 t,tDE, TOTALtfic >> 165.0 SOUARE l.rlNDoW TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .551, Doubte pane, Clear cLass |,ALL TYPE !S: U-Vatue = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FL00R TYPE IS: U-Vatue = 0. Floor over any Conditioned space HEAI LOSS The Totat BTUH for the outside *atts are 1.480 The Total B]UH for the Exposed openings are 1,786 The totat BTUH for the cei tings 495 lhe tot6[ BTUH for the ftoors O The BTUH infiLtration for the openings is 870 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR IHIS ROOM IS 1,631 Required Radiant ftoor output, 8TLJ,s ,/square foot is 28.1 FEE T FEET FEE T BATH 2 CEILING HEIGHT IS 1O.OO FEEI, VOLU},IE IS 375 CUBIC FEET 0 ExPosED opEN l il6s, ToTAL l NG >>>>>>>>>>>> 1 EXPoSED t.,ALLS, not inctuding openings,TOTALtNc >>>> 50.0 SOUARE FEET RooM SIZE lS 5.0 LoNG by 7.5 lJlDE, ToTALING >> 37.5 soUARE FEEI 1,,/l NDOU TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, No openings in this room l.rALL TYPE lS: LJ-Value = .06, Frame Insutated CElLlllc TYPE IS: U-Vstue = .033, unconditioned Attic Space Above FL00R TYPE IS: U-VaLue = 0, Ftoor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS Ihe Totat BTUH for the outside tatls are ?70 The Totat BTUH for the Exposed openings are 0 The total. BTUH for the ceilings 113 The totat BTUH for the f(oors 0 The BTUH infiltration for the openings is 0 THE TOTAL ETUH FOR IHIS ROOI''I IS 383 Required Radiant ftoor output, BTU,s /square foot is 10.2 CE1LING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET. VOLUME IS 1 EXposED OpENINGS, ToTAL ING >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPoSED llALLS, not incLuding openings,TOTALlNG >>>> 4,968 cuE t c 144.0 SoUARE 279.0 SOUARE FEET FEET F EET ,un" aO Ro0i4 SIZE IS 24.0 IONG by 23.0 r, DE, ToTALING >> 552.0 soUARE FEET l^,lflDou TYPE IS: U-Vatue = 0, l{o openings in this room I,JALL TYP€ ls: U-Value = .06, Frame lnsutated CEILIIIG TYPE IS: U-Vatue = 0. Conditioned sDace above FIoOR IYPE lS: U-Value = .41, Concrete Fl.oors HEATLOSS lhe Totat BTUil for the outside uatts are 1,507 The lotal BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 4,536 The totat BTUH for the ceitings 0 The total BTUH for the ftoors 1,159 The BTUH infittration for the openings is 3,/181 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOII IS 10,683 Regui red Radiant floor output, BTU's /squafe foot is 19.4 LAUiIORY + CEILING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 648 CUBIC FEET 1 EXPOSE0 OPE|IlflGS,rOrALIilc >> >>>>>>>>>> 1 EXPOSED UTALLS, not inctuding openings,ToTALING >>>> 49.0 souARE FEET R00t{ SIZE lS 6.0 Lollc by 12.0 !,IDE, TOTALING >> 7?.0 SOUARE FEET tllNDOII TYPE lS: U-V6tue = ,551, Doubl.e Psne. Clear Gtass kALL IYPE lS: U-Vatue = ,06, Frame tnsu(ated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0. Conditioned space above FLoOR IYPE lS: U-Vatue = .068, Ftoor, over Enctosed. Uncondi t.ioned space HEAT LOS S The Total BTUH for the outside $a[[s are 7c,9 The Totat I'UH for the Exposed Openings are 298 The tota[ BTUH for the ceitings 0 The total BIUH for the ftoors 223 The BTUH infittration for the openings is 145 THE TOTAL BIUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 925 Required Radiant ftoor output, BTU,s /square foot is 12.8 X I TCHEN CEITING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET, VOLUME tS 1.089 CUBIC FEET I EXposED oPENIll6s,roTALING >>>>>>>>>>>> 1 €XPoSED UALLS, not incLuding openings,TOTALlNG >>>> 54.0 SOUARE FEET ROoN Sl2E IS 1'l .0 LoNG by 11.0 lllDE. TOTALINc >> 1?1 .0 SoUARE FEET WINDOII IYPE lS: U-Value = .551, Doubte Pane, Ctear class I,JAL L TYPE lS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insutated CEltlNG TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FL00R TYPE IS: U-Value = .068, Fl.oor, over EncLosed. tJnconditioned space HEATLOSS The Total EIUH for the outside walts are ?9? the Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 893 Ihe total BTUH for the ceitings 0 The total. BTUH for the floors 375 The BTUH infil.tration for the openings is 135 THE TOIAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 1,995 Required Radiant ftoor output, 8TU's /square foot is 15,5 Paee 5o ENTRY CEITING HEIGHT IS 9-OO FEEI, VOLUI,'E IS 576 1 EXPOSED oPENINGS,TOTAL$lG >>>>>>>>>>>> 'l EXPOSED tlAlLS. not inctuding openings,TOTALtNG >>>> 31 .z Roof.r slzE ts 8.0 LoNG by 8.0 ulDE, loTALIilG >> 64.0 tlINoOt, IYPE IS: U-Vatue = .551, Double pane, Ctear Gtass UALL IYPE lS: U-Value = .06, Frame lnsul.ated 6ElLlf,lc TYpE IS: U-Vatue = 0, Conditioned space above tL00R TYPE tS: U-Va[ue = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for the outside Halls afe 169 The Totat BTUH for the Exposed Openings are ?,O21 lhe total EluH for the ceitings 0 The totat ET|H for the ftoors 0 The BTUH infittration for the openings is 996 TIIE TOIAL BIUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 3,178 Requi red Radiant floor output, BTU,s /squ6re foot is 49.2 CUgIC FEET SOUARE FEET SOUARE FEET SOUARE FEET Po!'DER + cEltrxc uEtGHT ts 9.00 FEET. voLUt4E IS 591 1 EXpOSED OPEN I NGS . ToIAL I llc >>>>>>>>>>>> Z EXPoSE0 l./ALLS. not including openings,TOTALlitc >>>> 1t7.0 RoOM SIZE lS 6.0 LO[c by 11.0 trDE, TOTALTNG >> 66.0 t ll{Dol, TYPE Is: U-Val.ue = .551, Doubte pane, Ctear Glass IIALL TYPE lS: U-Vatue = .06, Frame lnsutated CEILING IYPE IS: U-Value - 0, Conditioned space above FL00R TYPE lS: U-Vatue = 0, FIoor over any Conditioned Space I,IEAT LOSS The TotaL BTUH for the outside watts are 79t+ The Total. ETUH for the Exposed Openings are Z9g The total BTUH for the ceilings 0 The totat BIUH fof the ftoors 0 The BTUH infittration for the openings is 145 rHE ToTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOf,l tS 1,237 Required Radiant ftoo|. output, BTU,s ,/square foot is lg.Z CUBIC FE€T SAUARE FEET SOUARE FE6T SOUARE FEET OFFICE CEILING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEEI. 2 EXPOSEO OPEN I NGS, TOTAL i NG >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPoSED t/ALLS, not inctuding openings,IOTALING >>>> Roolil SIZE lS 11.0 Loiic by 15.0 r oE, TOTALI G >> IJINoOU IYPE lS: u-Vatue = .551, Doubte pane, Ctear ctass TJALL IYPE IS: U-VaIue = .06, Frame lnsutated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Vatue = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE lS: U-Vatue = 0, Floor ove. any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS VOTUME IS 1,485 CUBIC FEET 78.0 SOUARE FEEI 156.0 SOUARE FEEI 165.0 SAUARE FEET p"g" O The Tota I The Tota I The tota I The tota I The BTUH THE TOTAL Requi red BTUH for the outside wst[s are BTUH for the Exposed Openings are BTUH for the cei I ings BTUH for the f I oors infi Itration for the openings is BTUII FOR THIS ROOM IS Radiant ftoor output, BTU,s /square 812 3,869 0 0 1 ,886 6 ,597 foot is 40.0 IIVII.IGROOM CEILIIIG HEIGHT IS 14.00 FEET, VOLUME IS 3,990 CUBIC 10 EXPOSED opENINGS,ToTALING >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPOSED r'rALLS, not including openi ngs, TOTAL I NG >>>> jj1.O SOUARE ROoM stZE ls 15.0 LoNG by 19,0 t,lDE, T0TALING >> 285.0 SOUARE tllNDOI, TYPE IS: U-Vatue = ,55'l , Doubte psne, Clear Glass IrALL TYPE lS: U-Vatue = ,06, Frame lnsutated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .035, Uncondi t ioned Attic Space Above FL00R TYPE IS; U-Vatue = 0, Ftoor over any Conditioned Space HEATTOSS The Total ETUH for the outside oa[[s are 1,787 The Total BIUH for the Exposed Openings are 7,192 The total BTUH for the ceilings 855 lhe total ETUH for the floors 0 The BTUB infiLtration for the openings is 3.506 THE TOTAL STUH FOR THIS ROOfi IS 13,340 Required Radiant floor output, BTU.s /square foot is 46.8 DINING CEITING HEIGHI IS 14,00 FEET, VOLUME IS ?,618 CUBIC 5 EXPOSED opENINGS, TOTAL I N6 >>>>>>>>>>>> 1 EXPOSED l,rALl-S, not including openings.TOTALlNG >>>> 50.0 SOUARE ROOf.l SIZE IS 11.0 LOIIG by '17.0 l^rlDE, IoTALIIIG >> '187.0 SOUARE IJINDOU TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .551, Double pane, CIear Gtass TJALL TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .06, Frane Insutated CEILltl6 TYPE ISr LJ Vatue = .033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FL00R IYPE lS: U-Vatue : 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEAT LOSS The TotaL BTUH for the outside rratts are 270 The Total BTIJH for the Exposed openings are 5,158 The total ETUH for the cei tings 561 The total BTUH for the ftoors 0 The BTUH infiltration for the openings is 2,511 IHE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 8,503 Required Radiant ftoor output, BTu,s /square foot is 45.5 TAMI tY CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET, FEE T FEET rEET faal F EET I.EE I VOLUME IS 2,812 CUBIC FEET Page 7 2 EXposED oPEt{INGS.TOTAL titc >>>>>>>>>>>> 3 EXPoSED [,ALLS, not including openings.ToTAltNG >>>> 4OA.g SOUARE ROOiI slZE l9 '18.5 LONG by 19.0 UIDE, TOTAL|IIG >> 351,5 SOUARE lll tlDotl TYPE lS: U-Value = .551, Doubte pane. Ctear Gtass trALL TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FTOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .41, Concrete Floors H EAT I.OSS lhe Total. BTUH fof the outside t.atts are 2,175 The Total STUH fo|. the Erposed openings are Z,?44 The totat ETUH for the ceitings O The total. BTUH for the ftoors 73A The ETUll infiltration for the openings is '1 ,094 THE TOTAT ETUN FOR IHIS ROOI.I IS 6.251 Requi red Radiant ftoor output, 8TU,s /square foot is lZ.g EATH + cEILrNc XETGHT rS 8.00 FEET, voLUl.{E ts 1.120 cu8rc 0 EXPoSED OPEN t NGS,roTAL I llG >>>>>>>>>>>> a EXPoSED HALLS. not including openings,TOTALIltc >>>> 216.0 soUARE Roolil slzE IS 7.0 LoNG by 20.0 t DE, TOTALING >> 140.0 soUARE l.rlilDotl TYPE IS: U-Va[ue = 0, flo openings in this room trALL TYPE lS: U-Vatue = .06. Frann tn6utated CEILIIIG TYPE IS: U-Vatue = 0, Conditioned space above F[mR IYP€ IS: U-Vatue = .41, Concrete Floors HEATLOSS The Total ETUH fof the outside ratls are 1,166 The Totat BTUH for the Exposed Op€nings are O The total BTUH for the ceil'ings 0 The totat ETUH for the floors 291 The BIUN infiltration for the openings is 0 THE IOIAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOfi TS 1,460 Requi red Radiant floor output, BTU,s /square foot is 10.4 IEE I FEET F EEI FEET FEEI FEET tEt I 8ED 1 CEII-ING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 880 1 EXPOSED OPENIIICS.TOTALIiIG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2 40.8 2 EXPoSED tlALLS, not including open i ngs , TOTAL I NG >>>> 127.? Roofil SIZE IS 11.0 Lotlc by 10,0 lllDE, TOTALTNG >> 110.0 lJtNDoU TYPE lS: U-Vatue = .551. Doubl.e pane, Clear Gtass UALL TYPE lS: U-VaLue = .06. Frame Insutated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Val.ue = 0, Conditioned space above FLOoR TYPE IS: U-Vatue = ./+1, Concrete Floors HEA]LOSS 687 ?,021 0 231 986 3 ,928 CUBIC FEET SOUARE FEET SOUARE FEET SOUARE FEET The The The tne The tnE Totat BTUH for the outside ralls are Total BTUH for the Exposed Openi ngs are total. BTUH for the ceilings total BTUH fof the fIoors BTUH infittfation for the openings is TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROCI.I IS Pae" o Requi red Radiant ftoor output, BtU,s /square foot is j5.7 IOTALS tt**********f*********!r****i***t*t**J.*******tt*****r.*****i'***}t*tttlt****rt**'*rr** VOTUME IS EXPoSED oPENr r,rcs, TOTALTNG **Jr***t***l***i******i**t**t**|!****+********t*!l********tt****t*i**t*****!t**** EXPOSEo llALLS.above grade not inctuding openings TOIAL SOUARE FEET, of ratls betoH grade fLOOR AND CEITIIIG SIZE IS Ihe Totat BTUH for the H€tts above grade are The Totat BTUH for the watls betor grade are The Totat BTUH for the Exposed openings are Thp total BTTJH for the ceitings The totat SIUH for the floors The BTUH infittration for the openings is TOTAL BTU8, THIS BUILDII,IG O BTUH Jus ?zg 2v oet$ ?x e,) ? l',t,1 4r.? ieCCl: +, ._',) ..", . jrti :t.: \ \'.. .-\ .:, _ 2.621.3 SOUARE FEET O.O SOUARE FEET 2,863.8 SOUARE FEEI HEATLOSS 14,156 0 35 ,769 3,668 3,0?1 18,703 n,s16 7 Poxg 3 ? Sr4(rE lr' ri' ' Page I ******************l**t************l}****************i****t***tt***r*!rt***t****t** HEATLOSS Vers 5.0 Copyright 1986-1994. Thomas and Associates, Beu.aire, Ul (6'16) 533-B472 ************t******************************r******************t**t*****!t**rl*r!*** DAHL 6LENI.'OOD SPR I NGS 5566 GLEiI AVE GLEiltJ000 SPRINGS CO. 81601 945 -2331 'l - 800- 252 - 3245 06-04-1998 HILB DUPLEX UNIT B LOI 35 BLK 1 EUFFER CREEK Heatloss is based on a Design Temp. Difference of 90 L tVI NGR@I,I CEtLIt,IG HEIGHT IS 12.00 FEET, VOLUI'IE IS 2,550 CUsIC FEET 8 EXPoSED oPEN l ilGS, TOTAI l l\lc >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPoSED l.lALLS, not including openings,ToTALlNG >>>> 223.8 SoUARE FEET RoOM SIZE IS 12.5 Lo[G by 17.0 tJlDE, ToTALIiIG >> e1e.5 SAUARE FEEI t.,INDCltl TYPE lS: U-Vatue = .551, Doubte Pane, Ctear cIass trALL TYPE lS: U-Vatue = .06, Frame InsuIated CEILIIIG TYPE lS: U-Value = .035. unconditioned Attic gpace Above FLOoR TYPE IS: U-Vatue : 0, Ftoof over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for the outside watts are 1.208 The Totat BTUH for the Exposed openings are 6,160 lhe total BTUH for the ceilings 638 lhe total BTUH for the ftoors 0 lhe B.TUH infiLtration for the openings is 3,768 THE TOTAL B]UH FOR ]HIS ROOM IS 12,071 Required Radiant floor output, BTu,s /square foot is 56.8 OINING CETTING HEIGHT IS 12,00 FEE], VOLUME IS 'I,8OO CUBIC FEET z txPosED oPEN l tics,IoTAU NG >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPoSED l.,lALLS, not inctuding op€nings,ToTALIllG >>>> 230.5 SAUARE FEET RoOM SIZE IS 12.5 LONG by 12.0 wlDE, ToTALII,IG >> 150.0 SoUARE FEET l.illlDo!/ TYPE lS: U-Vatue = .551, Doubl.e Pane, CIear Gtass IIALL TYPE lS: U-Vatue = .06, Frame lnsutated CEltlNG TYPE lS: U-Vatue = ,033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FLOoR TYPE lS: U-Vatue = 0, Ftoor ovef any Conditioned Space HEAI LOSS The Totat BTI.JH for the outside |',alts are 1,215 The lotai BTUH for the Exposed openings are 3,150 The total BTUH for the ceitings 450 Ihe total BTUH for the ftoors 0 The BTUH infittration for the openings is 1,437 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS R@M IS 6,64? Required Radiant ftoor output, BTU's /square foot is 44.5 Page 2 o (I lc[EN CEILING HEIGHT IS 'I?.OO FEEI, VOLUME IS 1,440 CUBIC 0 EXPoSED OPEN I NGS,ToTALING >>>>>>>>>>>> 1 EXPOSED l.rALLS, not inctuding openings,ToTALING >>>> 120.0 SOUARE Root'l SIZE lS 10.0 LoNG by '12.0 IJIDE, ToTALING >> 1?0.0 SOUARE Llll{DOU TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, No openings in this foom UALL TYPE IS: U-Vatue . .06, Fr6ne Insu[ated CEILING TYPE lS: U-Val.ue = .033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FLOoR TYPE IS: U-Vatue = 0, F[oor over any Conditioned Space HEAT LOSS The Total. BTUH for the outside walts are 618 Ihe Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 0 The totat BIUH for the ceitings 360 The total. BTUH fof the ftoofs 0 The BTUH infiLtration for the openings is 0 THE TOTAL BTUII FOR THIS ROOfi IS 1,008 Required Radiant ftoor output, BTU,s /square foot is 8.4 IqASTER SAIH CEITIIIG HEIGHT IS 1O.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 'I,5OO CUBIC 1 EXPOSED OPENI NGS,TOIALING >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPOSED LIALLS, not inctuding openings,TOTALlNG >>>> 167.5 SoUARE ROOM SIZE lS 12.5 LoNG by 12.0 tlIDE, ToTALINc >> 150.0 SoUARE lJlNDof, TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .551, Double Pane, Ctear Gtass l,lALt TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame InsuLated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Val,ue : 0, Ftoor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Totat BTUH for the outside walLs are 905 fhe Tota( BTUiI fof the Exposed Openings are 372 lhe total BTUH for the ceilings 450 The tot6[ BTUH fof the floors 0 The BIUH infiltration for the openings is 217 THE TO]AL STUH FOR THIS ROOI.I IS 1,911 Required Radiant floor output, BTtl,s /square {oot is 13.0 iIASTER 8EO + CEILING HEIGHT IS 10.OO FEET, VOTUME IS 4,'IOO CUBIC 2 EXPoSED OPENINGS,TOTA NG >>>>>>>>>>>> 3 EXPoSED WALLS, not inctuding openings,ToTALlNG >>>> 450.0 SoUARE RooM srzE IS e0,0 LoNG by 20.5 tJlDE, TOTALTNG >> 410.0 SoUARE Wl NDoIJ TYPE IS: U-Vatue : ,55'l , Doubte Pane, Ctear GIass UALL TYpE IS: U-vstue = ,06. Frame Insutated CEITING TYPE IS: U-Value = ,033, Unconditioned Attic Space Above FLOoR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Ftoor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 2,439 IEE I IEE I FEET F EET FEE T FEE T FEE] FEEI FEET FFFl The TotaI BTUH for the outside !./alls are rrl* iot"tienJn for the Exposed o*nrnn, al z,z3z page j The totat 87UH for the ceilings 1,?30 The totat BTUH for the ftoors 0 The STUH infi ttration for the openings is 1,30? TflE ToIAI 8TU8 FoR TH|S Roon lS 7,191 Required Radiant ftoor output, BTU,s /square foot is 17.5 BED 1 CEILING |IEIGHT IS 9.00 FEET, VOLUHE IS 1,188 CUBIC ? EXPoSED OPEXlXGS, rOTAt lNc >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPOSED wALLs, not incl.uding openings,ToTALING >>>> 172.0 SOUARE RooM slzE Is 11.0 LoNc by 12.0 tJlDE. ToTALTNG >> '132.0 SoUARE UiNDoU IYPE Is: U-VaIue : .551, Doubte Pane. Ctear GIass l,lALL TYPE lS; u-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS; U-Vatue = 0, Conditioned space above Ft00R TYPE IS: U-Vatue : .41, Concrete ftoors HEATLOSS The Tota( ETUB for the outside Halts are 956 The Tota[ BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 1,/.88 The total BIUH for the ceilings 0 The total BTUH for the floors 277 The BIUH infittration for the openings is 868 THE IOTAL BTUH FOR THIS R@M IS 3,589 Requi red Radiant ftoor output, BIU'S /square foot is 27.? F EET I-EE I IEE I FEET SED 2 CEILII,IG HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET, VOLUI,IE IS 1,728 CUBIC FE€T 1 EXPoSED OPEN I NGS, TOTAL I NG >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPoSED HALLS, not incLrding openings,IoTALltlc >>>> 228.0 SOUARE FEEI Roof.. slZE IS '12.0 tollc by ]6.0 UIDE, IoTALING >> 19?.0 S0UARE FEEr tJIIIDOU TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .551, Double Pane, Ctear Gtass UALL TYPE lS: U-Vatue = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-VaLue = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYpE lS: Li-Value . .4'l , Concrete Ftoors HEATTOSS The lotal BTUH for the outside lralts are 1,23'l lhe Total BTUH fof the Exposed openings are 1,190 lhe total BTUH for the cei tings 0 The total BTUH for the ftoors 403 The BTUH infittration for the openings is 691 THE IOTAL ETUH FOR THIS ROOI'I IS 3,518 Required Radiant floor output, BTU,s /square foot is 18.3 BATH 1+ CEILING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEEI, I EXPOSED OPEN I NGS, TOTAL I NC VOLUME IS 765 CUBIC FEET 6.0 SOUARE FEET n rr"drgj rfrlr, *a inctuding oountnn",lt,no rt'84.0 SOUARE FEET Page 4 ROoM SIZE IS 10.0 Lol,lc by 8.5 rJlDE, TOTALTNG >> 85.0 S0UARE FEET llINDot, TYPE lS: U-VaLue = .551, ooubte pane, Cleaf Glass UALI TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .06, Frame Insutated CEILING TYPE lS: U-VaLue = 0, Conditioned space above FL00R TYPE lS: U-VaLue = .41, Concrete Ftoofs HEATLOSS Ihe Total. BTUH for the outside watls are 454 The Totat BTUH for the E)(posed 0penings are Z9g The total BTI.JH for the cei lings 0 The totat BTUH for the floors 178 The BTUH infi ttration for the openings is 174 THE ToTAL ETUH FOR THIS ROO tS 1,105 Requi fed Radiant ftoor output. BTU,s /square foot is 13.0 LAUiIDRY CEILING HEIGHT IS 9.00 FEEI, voLUME tS 594 cuBtc 0 EXPoSED OPENINGS,TOTALING >>>>>>>>>>>> 0 EXPOSED IJALLS, not incLuding openings,TOTALING >>>> 0.0 SOUARE Rofi SIZE IS 11.0 LOt'lG by 6.0 t,tDE, TOTALING >> 66.0 SoUARE l.rl NDoll TYPE IS: lJ-Val.ue = 0, ilo openings in this room IIAIL TYPE IS: u-Vatue : .06, Frarne Insulated CElLlllc TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, conditioned space above FL00R TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .41, Concrete Ftoors HEATLOSS The Totat BTUH for the outside ralts are 0 The lotat BTUH for the Exposed op€nings are 0 The tota[ BTUH for the ceitings 0 The total. ETUH for the ftoors 139 The ETUH infi ltration for the openings is 0 THE TOIAL BTUH FOR IHIS ROOI4 IS 139 Required Radiant floor output, BTU,s /square foot is 2.1 cAth e CEILING HEIGHT IS 9.00 FEET, VoLUt'tE IS 383 CUBIC I EXPoSED OPENINGS,TOTAL I NG >>>>>>>>>>>> 1 EXPoSED tlALLS, not inctuding op€ni ngs, ToTAL I NG >>>> 70.5 SOUARE Rool,l slzE Is 8.5 Loilc by 5.0 t,lDE, ToTALING >> 42.5 SOUARE l.1lllDotl TYPE IS: U-VaLue - .551, Doub{e Pane, Clear Glass l,rAtL TYPE lS: U-Vatue = .06, Frame InsuIated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Vatue = 0, Conditioned space above FL00R IYPE lS: U-Vatue = ./.1, Concrete Ftoors HEATLOSS The TotaL BTUH fof the outside uatts are 381 The Totat ETUH for the Exposed openings are 298 lhe total BTUH for the ceitings 0 The total B]uH for the floors 89 Ihe EIUH infi ttration for the openings is '171 THE IOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 94? Required Radiant ftoor output, BTU's /square foot is 2?.2 IEE I IEE I FEE T FEET rEET FEE T FEET FEET Page 5 ENTRY CEILIIIG H€IGHT IS 9.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 608 CUBIC FEET 1 EXPoSED oPE INGS, TOTALntc >>>>>>>>>>>> 1 EXPOSED l.lALLS, not incLuding openings, TOTAI I NG >>>> 26,Z SOUARE FEET R00l,l SIZE IS 7,5 LONG by 9.0 UIDE, TOTALnG >> 67,5 SOUARE FEEI trllNDotl TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .551, DoubLe Pane. Ctear ctass tJAtL TYPE tS: LJ-Vatue = .06, Fraft€ Insu(ated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Vatue = 0, Conditioned space above FTOOR TYPE lS: U-Vatue = .41, Concrete Floors HEATLOSS The lotal ETUH for the outside watts are l1L The Totat BIUH for the Er(posed Openings are 2,O?1 Ihe total BIUH for the ceil.ings O lhe total BTUH for the ftoors 142 Ihe BIUH infittration for the openings is 1,180 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS R00f.t IS 3,490 Regui red Radiant ftoor output, BTUrs /square toot is 5l.Z GARAGE C€IUNG HETGHT lS 9.00 FEEI, VOLUI.,|E rS 3.690 cuBrc ? €xPosED oPE lIGS.IOTAtIilc >>>>>>>>>>>> 3 EXPOSED !rALLS, not inctuding openi ngs, TOTAL I l,tc >>>> /+3A.5 SOUARE ROoM SIZE IS 20.0 Lollc by 20.5 UIDE, IoTALI G >> 410.0 SoUARE lllNDotl TYPE lS: U-Value = 0, No openings in this room lfiLL IYPE IS: U-Va(ue = .06, Frame Insu(ated CEILING TYPE lS: u-Value . 0, Conditioned space above FLoOR TYPE IS; u-Vatue = .41, Concrete F(oors HEATLOSS lhe Totat BIUH for the outside Ha[ts are 2,336 The Total BTI.JH for the Exposed openings are 3,529 The total BTUH for the ceitings 0 lhe total BTUH for the ftoors 861 lhe BTUH infiltration for the openings is 3.210 THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS 9.965 Requi red Radiant floor output, gTUrs ./square foot is 24.5 aFa f FE ET TOTALS VOLUME IS 20,345 CUBIC FEET 465.0 SOUARE FEET 2,210.4 souARE FEET O.O SOUARE FEET 2,037,5 SOUARE FEEI EXPOSED OPEN I NCS, TOTAL I NG EXPoSED lJALLS, above grade not including openings ToTAL S0UARE FEET, of ra(ts below gfade FI-OOR AND CEILI116 SIZE IS HEATLOSS 1 ',] ,938The Total BTUH for the HaILs above grade are rie,ro'l"t;eT0g for the Hau,s u"ton grra" J page 6 Ihe Iotat BIUH for the Exposed op"nilffi" 21.040 Ihe total STUtt for the ceitings 3,128 The total BTUN for the ftoors 2.099 The ETUtl infittration {or the openi ngs is 13,154 TOTAr BTUH, TlttS BUlLDlilG 51,650 0 BTUH *'*t*****'tt***.********t***l*********t**J.*t*****t*t|**t**'****.t***lr.*t********{*t.:.. End of reD in Z {rc Y. i'3.','. - .OIVN OF VAIL i Soutlt Froaagc Roarl ail, Colorado 81657 )3-479-2138/ 479-2139 AX 303-479-2452 FAILURE D c pa r t ue ut of Cotuluutity D c vc ktp t ttt' t r r TNFORMATION NEEDED ITHEN APPilYIHG FOR A I'{ECHAI.TICAI, FER}IIT '{EAT I,OSS CALCULATTONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN.OF HECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DF-AWN rN To scAr,E, vtrrH pHysrcAL DrMENsroNs AND BTU RATINGS OF-ALL EQUIPMENT IN I'{ECHANICAL ROOM. sHot/l sIzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTTON ArR DUCTS, FLtiEs, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS'LINES. NOTE WHBTTiER ETEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANTCAL ROOM. TO PROVIDE THIS rrionuarrox wrr.r DELAv youR pERt{rr. 11. t, *7"!s c,lp 'r1 ;p\w'M 1{r, Iryt'l 0-,lp^ ilba I I / i w#' €roe 898- e'l llre Pes,DENc.tt Date Received AUB -a Pg i- O',^r,'.''..--r- fi'$t'*'o' .] l'*r.o"* Subject: Framing Issues 1970 Chamonix Lane, Eagle County, Colorado Colorado Soil Proiect #98-314 Dear Mr. Hilb, Per your request, Colorado Soil has reviewed two areas of concern in the framing of the srbject prop€rty. The first area is in the upper level frarning located above the kitchen. The framing plans hare floor joist and a single LVL beam cantilevered over a double LVL beam. The double LW beam is to be dropped to allow the floor joist to cantilever over - An alternative to this double LVL beam is a 5- l/8" x 9" gluJam beam. The second area ofconcem is in the roofframing located above the master bedroom. The ridge beam in tlis area is a 5-ll8" x l3-W' $u-lam. This ridge beam spans across the master bedroom and is to connect inlo a double LVL beam above the master balh. Per our conversation we have checked the gluJam beam to span across the master bedroom and cantilever approximately six feet into the master bath. According to the information sent to us tle gluJam beam is a 24F-V4 with an allowable bending stress of 2400 p.s.i. and a modulus of elasticity of 1600 k. s i Using this information our calculations show that this beam is adequate to srpport the required design loads with a six foot cantilever. Ifyou should have any questions conceming this letter please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Su bs urJizc e [nuest iqa I i()ns Percoltttion 'Ibsting Foundation Desi+n Stnrctural Design Engineered Seplic Systems lngineering Inspections E tr ui rc r tnen | &l,Silc Assessmet t I 5 May 25, 1998 (/-.-\ lDave Hilb-l.anch Land Co. biFAG-rmisch Drive Vail, Colorado E 1657 -/l llZ)r^,*!o l,,J',L-* - Edward O. Wlson E.l.T. Struct. Dept. Mgr. Tyrone R. Principal 2931 North U,S.H iglrwa y 8s.Castle Rock. CO 80104. (303) 688-9475. Fax (303) 814-2454 o f;mt""-tuountain It-gineerinqLrd-Date Receivgd APR 14 1S -:'.,+ "*+*iir*{:Jdr*-' SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATTON roR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 35, RESUBDIVISION OF BUFFER CREEK TOWN OF VAIL EAGTE COUNTy, coLoRADO PREPARED FOR: BUFFER CREEK L.t.C. PROJECT NO. 94554G JULY 28, 1994 Box No.978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 ' 94915072 Denver893-1531 '1420 Vance Stre€t . Lakewood, Colorado 80215' Phone: 232-0158 t$l/" e0iytfu|, ltrt IJEPi $lt**ziffi1o\:-:dr' -"9:'::an'1 lit ,rur. '!* '4i#h1ffi'ifu" ) TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS SCOPE SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTTON STTE TNVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE AND GROT'NDWATER CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FOIJNDATTON RECOMMENDAIIONS SLAB CONSTRUCTION GROUNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM REINFORCING CRAWL SPACE COVER BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE I,AWN TRRIGATION I{ISCELLANEOUS LOCATION OF TEST PIBS SI,UI'IARY OF TEST PITS GRATN.SIZE DISTRIBUTTON PERTPHERAL DRAIN SYSTEM 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 7 I 9 DRAWING NO. 1 FIGURES NO, 1 FTGURE NO. 3 FIGI}RE NO. 5 -2 -4 2 coNcLUSroNs 1.. Subsoil conditions are fairlyuniform over the site. Test pit No.'l had 0.5 feet of lopsoil over 7.sfeet, of sandy GRAVEIJ wlth 40 to 60percent cobbles and boulders. Testpit No. 2 had 1.5 feet of fillcon_s_isting of Topsoil and sandycRAvEL with cobbles and bouldersover more Topsoil over 3.5 feet ofsandy GRAVEL with cobbLes andboulders. Z. The proposed residence shoul_dbe founded on the undisturbed sandyGRAVEL with cobbles and bouldersbelow any fiIl, disturbed soiltopsoil or organics withconventLonal spread footinqsdesigned for a mafinun soil bearifrgpressure of 3,000 psf. 3. On the official maps for theTor{rn of Vail, the lot is notclassif ied as Geologically SensitiveArea. SCOPE This report presents the results of a soils and Foundation rnvestigation for the proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 35, Resubdivision of Buffer creek, Town of vair, Eagle county, colorado. The investigation was prepared by means of test pits, and laboratory testing of sampl.es obtained fron these pits. The purpose of thls foundation expJ.oration was to deterrnine the various soir profire components and the engineering characteristics of the foundation materiars, and to provide criteria from a geotechnical point of view, for use by the structural engineers in preparing the foundation design, and the design engineers and architects in preparing grading and drainage 3 plans. STTE TJOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Tbe site is 0.357 acres 10t l0cated. at 1970 chamonix Lane off of Buffer creek Road in the Town of vair, north of rnterstate 70, Eagre county' colorado. The topography of the lot is relatively flat with a gentle slope to the south. The vegetation consisted of dense grass and sparse shrub. various debris were scattered over the lot' Drainage is to the south. There were no structures on the lot. SITE II{VE8TrGArION The field investigation performed on iluly L4, 1994 consisted of excavating, logging and sarnpring 2 test pits. The }ocations of the test pits are shown on Drawing No. 1. The test pits were excavated with a conventionar backhoe. surunaries of the test pit rogs are detailed on Figures No. L & z. Laboratory sampres frorn the granular soils hrere sampred by bulk sarnpLing at selected intervals. These samples were returned to our laboratory, inspected and classified in accordance with the unified soir crassification system and the test pit logs were edited as necessary. To aid in crassifying the soirs encountered, and to d.etermine general soil characterist'icsr' selected laboratory tests (grain size distribution), were perforrned on representative soil sanples. Sunnaries of the test, results are shown on Figures No. 3 & 4. L SUBSURFICE AND GROUNDNATER CONDTTION8 Refer to the surunary of test pits, Figures No. L & Z. subsurface conditions are fairly uniforn. Test pit No. t had o.E feet of ropsoil over 2.5 feet of sandy cRAVErr with 40 to 60 percent cobbres and bourders. Test pit No. 2 had 1.s feet of ftt_l consistLng of Topsoir and sandy cRAvEL with cobbles and bourd.ers over more Topsoil over 3.5 feet of sandy GRAVEL with cobbles and boulders. Frorn the soil profile in Test pit No. 2 it appears that some overlot grading has been done prior to ttris investigation. No Groundwater was encountered in any of the test pits at the tirne of excavation. $he rot is not classifled as Geologicalry sensitive Area on the official naps for the Town of Vail, as per ordinance No. s. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION No specific design data has been provided, but for ttre purpose of thls analysis, it has been presurned that the proposed, residence will consist of 2 floors without a basernent, and that loads will be liqht. rf the proposed project differs significantly fron this understanding, a review should be made after the plans are more conplete. FOUNDATT Oil RECOI,'I''ENDAT rONg Filf and sandy GRAVEL with cobbLes encountered in the foundation excavation. and boulders will be The proposed residence o 5 should be founded on conventionar type spread footings designed for a maxinurn soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. The footings should be constructed on the undisturbed sandy GRAVEL with cobbles and boulders. The footlngt excavations should be reratively smooth, free of debris, organics, loose soir, frost, and standing water. Any over- excavations should be backfitled and compacted to 10o percent within 2 percent of optimum noisture as deterrnined by a standard Proctor Test (ASTM D-698). A representative of thls office should be contacted to inspect the foundation excavation to verify tbat the soil conditions are the sane as those anticipated in this report. After all of the final grading is completed, the bottom of the footings should be covered with a rninimum of 4g inches of backfill for frost protection. VoLds left by the renoval of cobbles in the bottom of the footing excavatl.on should. be filled with lean concrete or a granular soil with a rnaxirnun particle size of 3 inches conpacted to 1oo percent of standard proctor Density (AsrM D-69g), within z percent of optirnun moLsture. 8'JAB CONSIIRUCTION Al.l excavations made for the foundations under proposed sLab- on-grade areas must be properly backfirled with suitable material compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maxirnurn standard Proctor Density (AsrM D-698). The on-site soils, excrusive of 6 topsoil and organics are suitable for use as backfirl. Due to the hiqh content of cobbles and bourders, it will be necessary to screen out rocks r.arger than 3 inches prior to using this material as backfill. Before the backfirr is praced, arr water and r"oose debris should be removed from these excavations. Prior to the construction of concrete floors, the undisturbed subgrade, free frorn topsoiJ- and organics, should be proof compacted with a loaded rubber-tired loader to a uniforrn high density. special care should be taken in areas wttere underground utilities have been lnstalled. The floor slabs should be reinforced,, and joints shourd be provided at the junctions of the srab and the foundation warls, so that a srnall amount of independent rnovernent can occur without causing damage- The slabs should be scored in accordance with the American concrete rnstituters recommendations to control cracking. A granular rnat ('3 14 rnch gravel , with less than 5 percent passing No. 20o sieve), shourd be provided berow the floor slabs. This shourd be a mininurn of four inches in thickness. The purpose of this granular rnat is to provide a capilrary break between the subgrade and the slab. GROI'NDWAIEB AND DRATN SYSTEU while no ground water was encountered at the time the field investigation was conducted, it rs possible that seasonal variations will cause fluctuations, or f,or a water tabre to be present in the upper soils during the spring months, or after prolonged periods of rain. A foundation perimeter drain detailed on Figure No. 5 is reconmended to reduce the risk surf,ace water infil_trating the footing subsoils. BET}TFORCING The foundation should be welr reinforced and rigid enough to withstand differential settrenents. Foundation walrs retaining earth should be designed to resist an eguivalent fLuid pressure of 30 pcf for an rractivetr case assuming a lever drained, backfill condition. CRAWIJ SPACE COVER when moist soils are encountered in the excavation, the ground surface in crawl space areas should be covered with an impervious moisture barrier sealed against the footings. This wllr help to reduce hunldity in the crawr space area. The crawr space should be vented. BACKFrI/IJ AND SURFACE DRATNAGE The backfill praced around the foundation walls shourd not settle excessivery after cornpletion of construction and the top one foot of the backfill material must be relatively impervious. The on-site solls, exc].usive of Topsoir and organics are suitable for use as backfilr. Due to the high content of cobbles and boulders, it will be necessary to screen out rocks larger than 6 inehes prior to using this rnateriaL as backfill. 7 as or 8 Backfirl should be moistened or dried to near its optirnurn rsoisture content and conpacted to at Least 90 percent of the rnaxirnurn standard Proctor Density. structurar baclcfill- shourd be cornpacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum Standard proctor Density. Surface water running toward the structure from upslope areas should be diverted around and away from the building by rneans of drainage swales or other similar neasures. The final grade should have a positive slope away frorn the foundation warls on all sides. A nlnirnurn of lz inches in the first 1o feet is reeornmended. Downspouts and silr cocks shourd discharge into splash blocks that extend beyond the lirnits of the backfiLl. The use of long downspout extensions in place of splash blocks is advisable. IJAWN IRRTGATTON Do not install sprinkler systems next to foundation walls, porches or patio sLabs. Tf sprinkler systems are installed, the sprinkler heads shouLd be placed so that the spray from the heads, under fuLl pressure, does not fall within five feet of foundation walls, Porches or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation must be controlled. If the future oh'ners desire to plant next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabs, and are willing to assune the risk of structural darnage, etc., then it is advisable to plant only flowers and shrubbery (no lawn) of varieties that require very little noisture. These flowers and shrubs should be hand watered only. o 9 UISCEIJIJANEOUS The recommendations provided herein are based on experience in the area and from the on-site fierd exploration. The inforrnation obtained form the field exproration and raboratory testing reflects . subsurface conditions onry at the specific rocations at the particular tines desLgnated. subsurface condLtions at other locations and tines may differ from the conditions at these locations. The extent of any variations between the test pits may not appear evident until excavation is performed. However, onry rninor variations are expected. rf during construetion conditions appear to be dlfferent, this office should be advised so re- evaluation of the recommendations rnay be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Buf,fer Park L.r-,-c. for the specific apprication to the proposed residence structure to be rocated on Lot 35, Resubdivision of Buffer creel, Town of VaiJ., Eagle County, Colorado. The findings and reconnendations of this report have been prepared in accordance hrith localJ.y accepted professional engineering standards for sinilar conditions at this tine. There is no other lrarranty, either expressed or implled. Sincerely, INTER-MOI]NTAIN ENGINEERING, LfD. #,-8h.,5 Luiza Petrovska, P.E. Project Engineer -2-at V-'f\ ,( LhN" ,rt*onN'n Lot 34 Lot J6 Lot 40 LOCATION OF TEST PITS a IAPROPOSID RIS/DENCE Lot J5, Resubdivision of Euffer Creek Town ol Voi/, fag/e County, Colorodo Prepored for: Buffer Park L.L.C.PRoJECT N0.: g4554G DRAWN BY: L.p. lscrur: - l,' _ 40, lorrr, 7-28_94 DRAWING NO.: 1 PIT NA I OEFTX IX FEEIo-| :'%"r"*/s, oESCnrPltofr I A'E AIAL nexaP(s 10 ^ Bulk sanpte Reddlsb-brorrn sandy GRAVEL (61"1) wir.h abouc 40- ro 60percent cobbles and boulders Bottorn of Plf, SUMMARY OF TEST PITS oAProposed ResldenceLot 35,. Resubdivislon ofr Buffer Creek Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Prepared For: Buffer Park L.L.C. F oJfC? xo,r 94554G PIT NO. 2 OEPTHIX :EETo_l D€SCRrFttOt{II A'E RIAL rgxrnxs 10 A Bulk sample Fill, consisting of Topsoi 1,brown, silEy-sandy GMVELwlth Sobbles and boulders Reddis-Brqim, silty-sandy GRAVEL (CW) $rith abour 30 to 50 ?ercent eobbles and boulders Refusal at 5 feei on alarge boulder No Groundlrater Encountered SUMMARY OF TEST PITS Proposed Residence Lot 35, Resubdivlslon of Buffer Creek Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Prepared For: Buffer park L.L.C. ProJq6 xO,' 94554G ' lq0teA Ig JssrDol tua.rodlilli r-rtttttllr{ oZE 4l!..{ F ri oz F C' |JJ G z. lrj o rL* 3 El I9 01 | I= Bl-r l:l l;lq l-lol lBIJ: "[il ,E irrrl rEr rsr g; fll]aS.[_-ffil l-ill-ll' , ', ',o,H;F '=l ll5v, r y' f-f_-l ol_ ;l,Er., tl t-t=- - LtElz r.' lll ;5 ^ lllE-+lll/l "ll:ls lFI rg-t- | | i I I | | | I L/t i-T-n]-l-l-T_1 ln: l*Ll E : ' l.;lEl3" rqf;" E lrsi'F r ' ' ' ' I I I I I I I I | | I I I I I | |= ll-lf-lF, , | | i | | rT-r-T-r-T-r--t r*l ta tt l-l l l l l l lsrE s : :--a-r--t- lrlrfT$ & 1q0tr6 Ig Jrur3 lussl.d 0.1 o Klq(J! | o oF3 q't F-l3nE >,JrHtro O 54. oo) a -..1 b0 5E>l!talO .-l kl"08 co 5-l *{O O r.,l OF( O |! Ftr&> $ nrl.l Ol'0rn o kol.r G ot)3o,,rr O O.l{ I I I I*le.l<l -l(Jl zl9lFI =lcnl Elrlnlol {l vlzl al 5l I I I t: F. .t@.n -A r_{ltN fFl llorv'>!0) (Jiah "d + o F(t ."ol€tql IF l5 l()lzlo ls lceFtrlU'Idl f.r: INI =ti'l al EI q)o iu ttr.{ (tl(Jk. . Yv at o,Jq() .rHJ 6A >, JArJkrHcd E(J liool o '.r b0 :,tr > r! cQ$.nt:l l0 r F.r t.q o..t oE (u O lrlp4>'q El (Drn o !O..r ftl 83 E s.F.Fttta{ J" t_ l' 3 >. q) o 9., o (, llrl I -l I l, I I I I Itr,llclt-ltl*J I T I EI :lI I !,7 :l )l I l5r u # .oo() z LJ 5t9 I N z lJ<rt Lr -o o a1 ) (: 3 do 5zs C: cr'.5 *s{{n3+ tn:iEs,5#;i -\ 5 _t r\Jirr'{ ira 1:rrDo3 I,Jef Jrd Bgoo ;890 '(, I,Jc-.o 97 oE s L7 l{6rrl{ {g lturj lurrj:d o I?.P..PNE FOOT OF BA iIPyI.?, ^P.g R_E LArf vE lf FrL L 'i"iltFi "i H8il i't5't b,Rb?PE m',-t'i:ry! 'dht''. gF'nL.'' ry6' F8 EF J;, [E?f$,'..u+'r- "- yli$g,Y. SF^+"f ?"?hoF B?fif#ffl$u'Pgdll$o?Ig,[u' Ft'#Xffi+'+:$ffiffi tff,,8il't;;,,^,,suMp puMp on-onilreHrEo. l-!rlgul€ s ProjecE No. 94554G Proposed ResidenceLot 35, ResubdivLslon of Buffer CreekIown of Vail, Eagle County, Coloradot'repared For: Buffer park L.L.C. IHo2.oOE t1 OD.oOU E o U F (Jo20 dFlo o o Eo ao a U U d cq ,.2 fr98" zo FI Fl to Fi U o ,ls oF 2Z Frx HHzz EOHEqr'€ tr P'az4Dtokz FI?lEZdt ttoo6:= :i a l{ts ti z tl Etd =U2la E ltl (0 <o UU F (,, ? o FIH td E EIEfr4 au-FTOFI0l04l:r 7 I REtr]- 1 3 r TOWN OF VflIL, COLORRD0 PAGE ;?EI AREAT CDLE/1,U/'g I2I8II}4 REGUESTS FOR INSPECTION WTJRR SHEETS FORITEIlE/98 Ac'tivityr B98*tit€t64 7e/lB/99 lyper B*FUILD Sftatr.rsl ISSUED tronstr: NSFR Addnessr l97O trHRHENIX Lhl 1-.ocat i on : 1970 CHRIIIENI X LRNE F,arceI I *lO3-1C3-€lg-tagl Descli pt i an: NEL,I F,/fi RE$IDENCE Appl icant r RENtrH CREEK DEVELOFIYIENI' 1,. L. C. Occr O0O7 Usel U N FhDne z 97A-476-7631 Ownen: HILB DAVID E ANNE I'IARIE THtll4RS J trhbne!Contractorr RffNtrH trREEK DEVELOFHENT L,L.(.. Fhone: 97tD*476*7651 Locks, Holds, and Notice ACTIVIIY Notice: Slot 44 Notice; Landecaping Inspect i on Request Infor , Reqr-restor: DAVE . Rer; Time: 81 rtit0 Comne Items requegted to be In -fpe,!3{;r BLDti-Temp. clo !J' I f I I complete at i sn, ts: OR 949-3193pected.,. Actior tion History..,.. en; fltBSOl F'lrl-Tenp. em: BIOS@E trLJ-Rotrgh en: ffOFtZt3 trW-Final U9/etl98 Inspe emr O0[t1E BLDG-Foog3/L9/94 lnspe ern: IAOC|EO BLDE-For-r ft5/e7/9& Inspe Notesr INSTALL EtrOXY COITIPLETE trONTRfftrT I.II T HOUT I t ern ; ta0sgta F,LAN"ILC o,A/8r4/94 Inspec Ibem: BrZttItSrA BLDti-Franq8/S6l9S Inspe NoteEr FRAf4INE* f:IRE - PRNVI CJOLUMN rA9IO3X9B Inspec lten r U0A5ra FLDB-Insu. US/tl19€ Inspec Notesr CURRECTI ', t,iEsrI * pR0vI ess/clrainage gr"ad e gr"adF|.lVeeray OF ! LEi ings/5teelor: EDation/Steelorr CD T11AT t JAS STEEL INSTALATIOf{ OI: R MUST F'OUR R FEOTING (LRY OUT ERROR) ite Flan or: GEORGE Fhone I 476*7tt5l UNIT R [cmrnent s ffetion: fttrtrR need pan Actisnr AtrFF AFFREVED flctionr AFCR AFFROUED/CURRECTIBN SI4ITTED IN COLUMN F'RDA FIIN OF g" f,LL COULMNS UNDER I{ING WALL CONTRUCTED Time Exp =T3n ;;;;;;It Tt It It It REOD H NQ or: ART Ret i on: tltrF R AFFR0VED Ac't i on : fifrF R W/correct i one not cd r PF R0VED blli:LiRRE(j I I [iNS: I T]CR END I.JALLS WIIERE UERTICAL SPACES EXCEED lU' FT UNDER EAST END F'ACRSDLID SLOCI{INCi R T RIT4 JT]IsT LINDETT iGLU*LFTFI RID{JE BEffM,on: Cp ert i onor: ART NU: E INSULf.{TION DRO0M l UAPtrR SARF{IER Act i on; AtrF lt FII]F'R UNIT A Appr-oved l,f /csrrect i cns rl-irt i 0n : AROUT\ID TRIANGULRR I.'INDOI.' IN UPPER AROUND trACKED FRBMINB AND HEADERS Eq/rl$/i8 InspeetorriCD Actian: AtrF,R UNIT AItenr O0@6rtr BLDB-Sheetrocf Nail i REF,'I 131 TO['N EF VAIL! trOLORRDO pAGE el IaITA/9$ OOIE4 REGUEST5 FOR IFIBF'ECTION I.J[]RH SHEETS FORI TE/IA/99 AREAI trD--------;- AA/ 17 /99 Inspect or I ilRt'l A(:t i on I AtrF,R AtrPROVED UNIT B tA9/14/9A Inepeetorr 1GRG drctionr FtrF,R ffLL 5/8"' TYtrE I X' rUNI:T Fl lIt em r $[r07gr BLDG-Mi ec, AA/19/9S Inspector: bD Rction; F,A STUCCO/ NORTH&EAST $IDES EA/31/98 Inspector: pD ftc.tion: AFF,R STUCCO REST CIF aUILIDINEIt en I ra009o BLDti-FinalIten: ft4530 BLD6-Tenp, C/OLelI\/99 Inspector: bD Action: AtrCR UNIT A NoteEr UNIT A I5 AFF,FOVEII FOR TC0 I'ITH CORRETTION' -ouTHousE REI{pVED FR0N SrTE -REFIOVE TRASHiFROFI SITE AND UNIT r -RET{OUE CONSTRUCTION I4ATERIFTLS FRBM BUILDING -C;DNPLFTE IN5TALNTIONOF R'ITED DOOR SEtrARATING BARABE FROII BI- COHffIR DUCTS HND ERILLES READY FOR INSF.ECTION AND Hflg BEEN Iten: Iten: Item: Item I It En: o l, RkF,-i 1;1 TOTCN OF VatIL. f,{"iLtiRADO PA6E E AREAI trDt";:/ I.giiU tZt9 I Oc REAUESTIj Fr{f R INSF,ECTIul..l lrlilftK $HE.ET$ FUR: 1E/ 1A/94 Hcbivityl MtA-.0€t4; lE/1S/99 Tyf.u, F-l4E{:H Statr,ts: I55UED Constn; NSFR r-ii:Jclre 5 s, ! L cj ltt trl-{AFlONI X LN Lorab ion: 1t7O I:HAFIDNI X LAN[: l-'.rrEF I : 31t43-ll3-|;Ic-Utul De sttrr":r p't i on I ltlHCH Filll l.lEtl F /5 It;ip I ieant : UHrlel': HILB fiAVI.b 6 AhINE IrlARIH Tl"lirt'iA$ J Ffrone: L;$rrtractorr tJtrI{-}{ tTLUMbINF i-tNL HEHI'INli FhIrner 9.lB-445-'44bI U5e t InspeilL ion Rerlue st Inf ornrat i on. ... "lleqrrestctrr UJ.iVH HILF i<eq Time: Utl rOO Commentsr UNI'l H Iterns; r'eqr.rest ed to be Inspected".. Ar:t icn Commerrts Ti ne Exp CJcc: FheneI Flrsne t 476-7€t51 /€E--'fi+ua**a1 Inspect i an History...,, item ; \AAeOUt I{ECH-Rr:r-rEh Itemr rarAg4ff F-'LMB-Eas F.iping I b err : E'Z|StUr f4EilH-.|leat ing . A&/AA / 9€l I nspect or: rlR'l I bem: iatztSl'll lvlEcH-Exhaust Hoods ltern : OASStit MEIIH*5r.rpp1y lrir. 1 t em : tZt0 3r+dt lvlEEH-lvl i sc. ug/Oe./gtJ Inspect or: ilRT _ l.lotes ! S-6-98 NECHANICUL i'L *m : rhUrS9Ui ltlHCH*fiinal Le/ L$/24 Inspect or; F:tR-f Itlntes: F,fiOVI{JE At{;E$$ FOR iul11/98 Inspectr or": Cli l-.tc t i orr : AFF R Fl oor freat F 60# psi OK At:ti&n: lltrFit Bath & 1ar"rnd. ex. fanF. F.ERFII I Iqt]T I.S$UtsD AS OF THIS DATE. llt:tiorr: FA Unit Fl w/correction: I4AS]EF iiE'OROuT4 HYDRC] THERRF'Y TUB A*b j. an r NR not ready un it b J- REF.l' 1J T I e./ I 8l9B {09 : t&8 Actrvityr Addne s g r Locat i on r [j'ar.ce l l Deseri pt i on : Appl icant: Owner': Conti act cr: trg8-'Zt{Zt3g 1el 1B/98 T yse: B-F,LMll 197Ur tjHAmONIX LN 19'7A CHAI{ONIX LNNE e I Uts- 1e3-0e*0el NEH P./S RESIDENCE HILB DRVID G f,NNE MARIE -THC]IYISS .J I^IEICH FLUMHING F}ND tiEATINB trA6E AREAI trD Statr"rs: ISSUED Constr: itlSFR Occ: UEe r Ilhone: Fhone: FhonB: 97G*845*rl31l*--:----- Fhonp t 476-7fr1[ Tine Exp TOI,JN OF Vf.IILI COLORADU REUUE$TS FOlt INGF,Ef,TlON I^IORK SHHETS FOR:Ie/t8/9A Inspect ian Reqne et Reqt-lssgor: DAVE heq f ime! Ull:racr Items requeeted to oBe$ul PLlvlE*F inal Informat1on.,... Eomment s: UNI f b be Inspected. . "Hct i an {.lomment s Eff,nauae ./-4 fo4rtqra'ary:Wl -rLn<.s (aNE lnspectron History,.... Iten ; UIOEllzl F,LMB-Undergrolrnd Ul6/rzH/ge Inrpector: JHM Ab /Ut4/9A Inspector: JFtt4 It em r CrAtECr F,LlvlB*Rongh/D. t^1. V. WA/rA6/q8 Inspector: ART Not es: D. t,f . V. t'rAg ,tt-'F,RtrVEL) TEST, GA6E INDI(-ff-l'HD $g/31./9{l Inspector: CI) USleStZr f,LMB-Ror.r gh/l^lat er tAS/31./98 Irrspector! trD SOe4$ IrLf4B-Eas triping rz'B/31/9fl Inspectonr llD tACrASrA [.rLMB-trool /Hot Tr-rb tAcrg6Ur ]-'LMB-lvli sc. Efieg'Zr FLMS-Final te/LVl9b Inspecborr ART 1e/11/98 Inspector.r Ei) Act i otr: AFFR As notedr I,IITH THH EXEEF.TIBN TJF THE trRESSURE u' I-,5 I . RH I NSF,EC] . ilctionI AFFR UNIT A far #FT ACtirrN: APF.R UNIT N 110 *trT Actiorrr AtrFR LINIT' R eE *PT Iteml Iten: lten; lten:Iten: hrtionr Fr-l ilcbion: AFFR Ht:tion: Artion: 6P5I SOUTH UNIT ONLY fIF.F.R NORTH SIDE Unit ff only approved rrot ready un it 'b TfF,<t 4r TAi'r F{1 NR (ToS5 4fiyyrrrrorfi)ffftoL POtPf t.- () urat i ilr.r F ar-ce I I De Eur" i pb i orr r llppl irant: iJuln e r" : Cont rxct or'' l Tr:"il f0Uir\i til: VAIL-, COLtiRADg PAFE I AREAr COIt.i.it) {dro:89 RElluEST$ FOtl IhlSit-'ECTlt.ti! i^lfjRK SHEH'IS r;fiRttE/L1/9& 89B*ladf64 18,/11 /ct$ lype * l]-ltUILU Status; I$SUED Constrl NSFR 197'A C|.lRlrlONIX LN 19IgI EH':IFIONIX LANF": * lrA3.- l eJ*fil.-'Au I NEI.I I'./5 RESIDENf,E Rrll.lCH CREEK DEVrlLoirlriF-htT HI,L.B DAVID G ANNE MARIH RANtrH CREEI( DEUELfiI]MENT Occr BlirtrT .UEe: U N 1.. r.." C" THIi}445 .J t_. L, c' Fhone z 974-476-763I Fhone: lrhone r 97tZt*476*7O51 vi.tyl Ar.ldFg s r : Locks, l{olds, and Nat ices. , . , AT;1"1VITY li,lstice: Slot 44 I'lat i ce r Landseaping compl et e InsFlFcbion Reqltest Infornatinn..... Reqrrest r:r: DAVE llILIr F-'hone I 949 -219J flet.1 Timel tiltl rEtlt Cotnmetrtslrff S. tJ i ItemE r'equested to be InspecSr*9.". . -At:tiott C'ontne tE Tiee Exp.r t?O54* iill-..D6-Final tr/O Inspect: ion Histot'y, . .. . I b enr: EEETA t. FW:-'lenrp, acceEs/drainage erg/t;t3/98 IrrspectorI cD .[{;r.:nr: OOgtSrZt HLD6* 1n s u.[ at ion $A/LLz'9tl lrrspect or'I AR-i' Nobes: CORRECTIONS; itr"m I lztla50,:: [-,1.i-.Ror-tqh gr-ade lLeml OOEAJ Ftl--Final dr"iveway g?'i{de V9/ell98 1nspeetor: LS Action: AtrFfi It ern :'AA'AlO HLD6_Fctot i ng:;/5teFI V!5/L9/9A lnsoector': CD Flc*ion; fiFFll need pan RF.F.FiOVED Act i orr : FltrtrR UN 11" A l-rct r-or r trtrf'H Flpp!1oved Wlcorrectiong: I br*nr: tfiftlag{t BLDG-Fo*nrJat isn/5teel ar /'c'//sg .Irrspector: co Ar:t icrr.rr ffl-,cfl fiF,pRUVEDICORRECTION REOD Notes.. INsiTf:lt-L DOWET- IHAI HAll ilt'IlITHD IN noLUf4N pFIDA lvllN OF 6" l4 EF.OXY UUMF.LETE E TEEL I hI51.AL.F.I] I gT.I OI. ALL COULI4NS E0NTRAGTER MU$T F.OUH 't FIIOf IN6 IJNDER IllING WALL CONT.RUtrTED WlTHOUT ONE (LAY OUT ETTROR) Item: taagera F,LAN-ILC Site trIarr Ug/A4/gA lnspeetorr EiEORtiE {1rt ionl AFFR AppF{OVEn Itenr ; otAASta BLDG-Frr"aming EA/A6198 Irrspectur: ARl Ont ionl AFF'R W./cornect ions notedr Notes : FRAT4ING A[:'FRtrVEO ]l/C{ll'iRHn llC}NS:.. FIRE ELT]CK END HnLL{:} III".I[:.I]F:.VERTItrRL 5}..f'ICE5 EXCEED 1IA FT -. R'TUUIDI:sOLID BLC'CI.(].FI{} AT RII4 J{]IS'T UNDER EAST gNO PACK *'nLuFll.l t.tNDtsR 6LU-L"ilFi tiIDtiE SERljl" - {:i]FiT-'LETE INEiULH I-Ii]N HRTJLIf..ID 1 IiIH|{GUI..JTR I'TlND['I^' IN UPF'ER HEST HEDHOOIII - T'ROUIDE VFTF'OR tsARRII.:f{ iiRI]UND T''F}ChEF FTiAI4ING AND HEADERS or.t HXTHfIIUIi tlALLti t1li /ttp i!.i} I1*pegbr.rpl {-D i';tct i ori I tiF'FR UNIT fi REF.T I3I L3./ L I /98 TtrWN OF VAIL| E0I-URADU PABE * oS;O9 REOUESTS FBR INSFECTION HORK SHEETS FORTLe/It/XA AREf,: CD =4SE=Ell4Er-E-!E-=== ASl 17 /98 Inspectorl JRltl Ag / L4/gE f.nspectorr 6RG I t ern ; G$ST$ BLDG*Mi sc. 08/ Lg /9A _ Inspector: CD @g/31/98 Inspector: CD Item:'A0O96 BLDG*Fina1 1t em I gtg'S3tzt BLDG*Tenp. tr /A ltem: AA53e PW-TEMP. tlO It em: 0'4535 trLPN-TEmF. tr/UItemr AU537 FLAN*FINilL C./uItemr A&539 PH-FINAL C/Eltem: ra0540 BLD6*Final tr/t Actionr AFtrR AtrPROVED UNIT Bl At:t i on I flF,pR ALL 5/B', TytrE r Xr r UNIT A Action: Ffi $TUtrCO/ NURTH&EAST gtDES Action: AtrtrR STUCCO REST OF' zuILIDINE fro (rWrmws truar- 0 Drc? lri\ BzrutE-LN-i i&Kcffiot^lfi ?, ]f tJ o ** ?* ;' I ; l+ R, -.DtX,P*S 4o € tn44?J6cc fbxtPo,tgD C:Y"J rT n Caeldcn 0 I I{EL.T .i J I lOtll,l SF VFtIt-, C(JL0tiRD{J lellUf/DE drg:s1 REI:IUESTS FOR IN.jF,ECIION tlrJL{K SHEETS FORztE/tta/iB PtrEE AREA: CD fict.rvityl lrl9g-tltta43 li:./1Ut,/98'Iype: n-f4ECH Statusl 155UED Constr.: NSFR Hddl.eEs: I97ci L,-H'll4uNIX LN L-a*",rf i on r l?74 CF{AttlnNI X LAf-iL: l-.,,ar.tr'e 1 I *lrZrJ-If3-t+E-UrIl Descr'.1 pb i on r ltlHE,H FOR hlEht F,,/5 Appi rcaint r Liwnerr HILB DFMD G flNFIE .Cortl.r'*.ct or: hlEICfl F'L.UI{BINii ttNt, Use rOcc r Ffrone r i4ARIE ll-loltlHS J Fhorre; HEAlii{G Ftrorr er c:7O-845-446 1 -[nripect. inn Requesl; Inf cr.mab ir:n, Reqrrpsbsr.; DF{UE l-IILD F,hone! cJ49-P193 Hc h:i $fi (-onttnent s f,tet1 fi me: Ol lBtZt Ltems r''eqr-te$t ed tc) OU39O I4FCH-FinaI Cc'rflmerlbs: Fi & L1 be InspecLed.. "Time Exp Itrspeu i. t em : ra0g0tn MEC|"|-'Ror-rqh ri.en: 003t9 FIRE*SFRINI(LEF ROUGFI iiem: OrAe4rA FJLMB-Ga3 F,iping .t t em I BrZt3lO MECf{-Heat i rin A8./IA6/Q6 In*pecb or*: Frl?T i t ern : 063ErA HECI-I-Exhar-tst Hsod!t .[terr : AOJJTZ' MEDH..Supply Air. I LenI ftgrs4rlr ftiECH-lvli str" $AA/e619$ Inspectar-I HRI Notes: 8*6-9€l lt.lECliflNlCAL I t en : ta0tsgtD ltlECli-ljinal Itenrr 'Ztrzl53g FIRE-'FINAL tr/ft ii AV/7)e'/40.7. Hct i on : $lf.'F R Floor- heat tB 6OS pei OK Ftt:t r c)fl : F'.BRFII T I{O] APF.R ISSUED liath & laund. ex. fang. R$ OF THIS DAIE. t REPT 1J I TOl^lN OF: UAIL, EOLEI{ADO lg./114./99 O6:ll REOUESTS FOR INSF,ECTI0N HBRK S}{EETS FORtI?/1fi/98 Aet ivity: F,9&-O03P L'e/ ta/9a Type; tl-f-,LlvlB ffrjdressr 197O CHAMONIX LN Locabionr 1970 C}{RFIONIX LffNE F.'arcel : ElBS-1€3*tail-g&1 DeEcr.iption: NEW F,,/S RESIDENCE Appl icant: [JWNE'I^! HILB DAVID [i NNNE IYIARIE IHOMAS J Cgntractor. I HEICH F'LUI,IBING NND HEFTTING PAGE X AREAI CD Status: ISSUED tronrtr: NSFR Oce:UBe r Fh one ! Fhone: F,hone: 97O*845-03l I In$pEct ion Reqltest Reqr-rsEtr or: DAVE Req Time: 01:Otl Items requested to OOg9i11 FLFIB-Final Infornation,.. "FIILD Eonment s: A & B be Inspected".. Fhone r 949-'Q193 Act r on [.omment s Time Exp Inspection History..... 1tem: BO31A FlllB-Underground A6/@e/98 Inspeetor: JRM '46/(r4l99 Inspector: JRM It en : @Uree8 trLMB-Rough/D. tr" U" WA/66/94 Inspectorr ART.Notes: D. H. V. I'IAS AtrFREVED TEgiT, GAGE INDICAlEIJgtBl3f/9€ Inspector: CDIt em I e'693O trLlrlB-Ror-rgh,/Nater Ct6l31/98 Inspect or r trDIten: A$g4S trLMB-Gas Fiping- AA/31/98 Inspector': CDItem: OOPSO trLFlB-Pool/Hob Tub Itenr AD86A trLMB-MiEc. It em : Ogtg9tzt F,LlrlB-Final Itprn: 6rtr53S FIRE-FINAL CIO f,ctionr AFFrR As noted: I^'ITH TI-{E EXCEF'TION OF THE F'RESSURE g' F.SI" REINSPECT.Action: AFFR UNIT A lm #trT rlction: AF|FR UNIT A lle *FT . Actian: AF1FR UNIT A €A *F'T Action; FFt 6tr5l Rction: AtrFR AFtrR SOUTH UNIT ONLY NT]RTH gIDE JRN-17-PSAa @B: 5E FROM: . Jfri;+. !4,@ 4r31Pt'l, Tq FROTT RE DATE KE}IT cHIEF Mr, Snyder insnalled a and undeEtEund faci esoen treel be relocated imlniotrte conflict and d This mcmo is writtpn b summer of 2OOt - also had dlsEussions the overhcad llne. Ona Involv6d, While HolY Cross Energy obslructlons to our edequare clearance to the he elther relocate rhe Pine tr"e topping would be lnvolved. nclthsr $e e Dlacement of trces under thoush the rlsk was high- ororisions of our easen-nrinimized and drat the darnage due to Qxercise lf addhional Information Thankyou. ||r\5d\drri\ts.thl|nt'|cFodfiidl TO.4E?16 , Nrr.444 P,@?/W, P.Z TOt[fN OFV RAYTtTOilD 1970 B JAllltARY I zwz OFFICER HOLY CROES ENERGY MONDEHiI SNYDER NX ljNE r and pldired uees in confllctwi$r bordr-our orerhcad il;'daarhislot eturitime, we requlred that +ffildil;rhrrd facilides becausc of r . Such relocation w85 GompleEd as required' We i# ii'n. tt*G) that was pl"tr-d lit1l-ugg -.ii,-di;'i*;lii iiot pose'an tnmedlrte dansu as ;l;'ilitin;d,-but'w"advls.cd.Mr'.slvg"l,Itt i,oGr ofracc the c;nsGcuenccs in the fuure that jireO. ne chose th.e latLr. Fomln*ely Tor LL ;'rnd ;brdil underground facllfiles nor tlre iI*-ttr.ia tcclllties incurred an electric contact' refers lfiat its easemenLr be frue end clear of poeilid',Ef;iiil;l;; ;im pat do not have the ris lrt- under th e ;6ft;;n tJ'fr uir" it...': .ltv-=LTl!Lll. dlscussions hctd wlti F,ey snydrr during the ;wner.tsunie the repair obllguion for any any of our rights- be helpful, please contagt me u (970) 947'5431 ' r ltulol JRN-l7-a@e EAr 5@ FR0M! . If,di.LA,M, 4!31P1'l J '*.'l* EI€R6. F €trt KEntBdtwnRelmond $tl/dtt L(o.l4R) BAr$o{ arot 9.l}d4. EEI {I^.W Falr lG scggbotrs Janueryl+2m cover ahccl) lgTtlBGtramnhlare tr Ullert XForFrrreuf BProoGorrrnrt FtcoRrfV trtEs.Hde L€ errrq (o : Tl(st utrt{,4 Fa"utrr)trC( - moe.F *o foulow' tfftt=t**.*o r.r''*""'= lnbdlt 8u e&( s COMMON WALL AGREEMENT This Common Wall Agreement is dated as of August 14, 1998 by David G. Hilb, Anne M. Hilb, Thomas J. Hilb, and Susan G. Hilb collectively, (the "Developer"). Recitals A. The Developer owns the land and improvements located thereon as more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property"). B. The Developer intends to subdivide the Property into tvvo parcels as identified on Exhibit A ("Parcel A" and "Pmcel B"). C. Parcel A and Parcel B shall share the use of a cofirmon wall as shown on Exhibit B attached hereto andmade part hereof by this reference (the "Common Wall"). Agreement Now therefore, the Developer hereby set forth the following concerning the Common Wall: 1. The following easements are hereby created:(a) A Common Wall easement is hereby established over part of the lot and parcels hereinabove described in which any part of the Common Wall is located or constructed together with the right to restore any such Common Wall or to restore, replace, repair or otherwise make operable any plumbing lines, elecffical lines, T.V. cable, vent stacks for plumbing and heating, electricity, pipes and conduits serving improvements using such Common Wall. Said Common Wall easement shall be a cross easement in favor of each parcel. (b) An easement for driveway, lawn irrigation lines, T.V. cable lines and utility services is hereby established for the benefit of each pmcel, as dominant tenement, over, under, and through the other pmcel as the servient tenement, to the extent of that portion of the servient tenement upon which a building is not currently situated.(c) An easement is hereby established for the benefit of each parcel, as dominant tenement, and the other parcel as the servient tenement to the extent that the servient tenement may be encroached upon" used, or occupied by the owner or owners of the dominant tenant as a result of any construction etrors, errors in survey, errors in platting, movement or subsidence of the improvements located upon any such pmcel, or any portion thereof. 2. The Common Wall shall be maintained, repaired or replaced, if such damage or desffuction is not caused by either the owner of Parcel A or the owner of Parcel B or their respective agents or invitees, the costs associated wi& such maintenance, repair or replacement shall be shmed equally by the owners of Parcel A and Parcel B. Page I of3 Date Receivet llEc 2 j lgs I ll|lil llilr ilfilt lilll lilt ll ilillll lll lllll llll |lll 6796141of4 \- Lzll0ll99E 0f:36P 296 Srrr Flehcr R ?t.OO O O.OO N O.gO Errh C0 3. If the Commol Wall is damaged or desftoyed by either rhe owner ofParcel A or the owner ofPucel B or their respective agents or invitees, then the party that caused such damage or desbnrction, or whose agents or invitees caused such dtrnage or destruction" shall be responsible for its immediate repair or replacemsrt at such party's cost. 4. The owner or owners of either of the above-described parcels shall not paint or otherwise substantially change the appearance of any portion of the exterior of the improvements located on such parcel without the written conseot of the owner of the other parcel. The owner or owners of each pmcel shall maintain in good condition and repair the exterior and interior of the improvements located upon such parcel. No owner or owners shall do my work that would jeopardize the soundness or safety of the buildings located upon the above- described lot or reduce the value thereof, without in every such case first obtaining the con$€nt of the other owner. It shall be the firther duty of the owner or owners of each pmcel to maintain in good condition the real properfy appurtenant to his or her dwelling unif including the regular mowing, inigating, and timming of lawns, removal of all debris or other unsightly objects from such real property, the removal of snow and ice from any driveway, parking or sidewalk located upon such real property. 5. The ownet or owners of each parcel shall obtain and maintain fire and all risk insurance, to the extent obtainable, on the dwelling unit md garage located upon the parcel owned by such owrer or owners, for the full insurable replacement cost of such dwelling mit including the interior portions thereof, Each ovrner of a parcel may require certificates from the other owner showing such insurance coverage at least as often as annually. In the event an owner shall fail to obtain and maintain such insnarce, the other owner may obtain such insurauce on behalf of the owner who fails to obtain such insurancg and the premium costtherefor shall be paid to the owner paying the same upon demand, and if not paid upon demand, such prunium cost shall acfiue interest at the rnaximum rate of irtterest then permitted on real estate mortgages in the State of Colorado, or eighteen percent (1870) per annum, whichever shall be the lower. 6. The easements, covenants, conditions, agreements, benefits md obligations contained in this agreement shall create mutual and rcciprocal rights, restrictions, benefits and servitudes upon Parcel A and Pmcel B, running with the land which shall be perpetual and be binding on all parties having the right, title, or interest in Farcel A or Parcel B, or any portion thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns forever, and shall inure to the benefit ofand heirs, successors and assigns. 7. The terms and provisions of this agreement shall be govemed by and construed under the laws of the State of Colorado. | il1il l]il ililil lil] l|lt lt ililllt ilt llill il] ill8?9614 l2lLO/1998 Oitr56P 29E Sll.r Firher 2 ol 4 R 21,@ D O.@ N O.AO Ergh C0 Page 2 of3 Executed as of the date first $et forth above_ Anne M. Hilb STATE OF COLORADO COLINTY OF EAGLE Anne M. Hilb, Thomas J. Hilb, and Susan G. Hilb. . The foregoing-instnrment was aclanowledged before me this / 3 day of 'ila4htr r92L by: David c. Hilb, Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: e / - a 6' 2r'?7- Llllllffiilr illilr ill ]tlt il ililil| tll ilI|l ffi []e?gBl{ lzl\Oltgg$ 04:S6P 298 Srrr fi*rer3 of { R 2l ,OO O g,OO N O,OO Eeglo CO Page 3 of3 ExEibitA Legal Description Lot 35 Parcel A Filing I Town of Vail County of Eagle State of Colorado Lot 35 Parcel B Filing I Resubdivision of Buffehr Creek .-ra--@ Town of Vail County of Eagle State of Colorado I |lllil llilt llilil ]il ilil il illl|llt ilr llilr lil ffil 879814 l2/lt/t998 04rS5P 29t Smr Ftrhcr 4 of 4 n 2t.OO D O.OO N 0.00 Errh C0 Resubdivision of Buffehr Creek +C' s(q. q7 fl ..' ,- -lJ rOJ '€(: Z. <{r-r_{F - Ptt xo''c "Y.r J-gl=E: < R\'izr > =\''^i i= Fge?( 1l '*\ --,-iFS{\\[ , t]rJF! ' or *. '')F- !1..- -'-l,-') O'.8 () , '-': (Jl \J <i-,r ! 5Xc)rm =t 'x oo TAWN AFVAIL Ofice of the Tbwn Manager 75 South Frontage Roo^d Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 o1/Fax 970-479-2 I 57 May 8, 1998 Mr. Dave Hilb 2338 Garmish Drive, Unit A Vail, CO 81657 Creek Subdivision As you are aware, Lot 35 is in the 100 year flood plain per the Flood Plain Study by Luiza Petrovska' This study was completed by a prior owner, June Sadler. At that time June Sadler was intending to develop Lots 34 and 35, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Since that time the Town ofvail has purchased Lot 34 and presently has no plans to build on that lot. Additionally, a portion of Lot 35 is shown in the 100 year flood plain as defined by FEMA. The Town of Vail will at some time in the future, replace the culvert north of Lots 34 and 35. This will be part of a road project which presently is neither budgeted nor scheduled. It is rny understanding that to enable you to move forward with the construction of this project and receipt of a building permit, you are willing to indemnifu the Town of Vail for any damage that you might suffer as a result of flooding from Buffehr Creek. It is the purpose of this lettei to memorialize such agreement to indemnifo and hold the Town hannless by you, your heirs, successors and assigns. Your entering into this agreement as evidenced by your signature below will enable the Town of Vail to release the building permit pursuant to the approved plans and your meeting all other obligations and responsibilities of those approved plans. Lot 35, Dear Dave: {,7 *""'"'"u 'o'"* ro oa n the event the flood plain issue has not been resolved at such time as you or a successor in interest request a Certificate of Occupancy, it will be necessary to establish that the flood plain issues have been resolved or mitigated. In the event that the flood plain issues have not been resolved, it will be necessary for you or your successor in interest to enter into an agreement further indemnifiing the Town of Vail which will be recorded at the Clerk & Recorder's Office and will run with the land as this preliminary agreement does. Sincerely,Accepted by: rowntvta?g". \,?-Ti6*>^,/* R. Tliomas Moorhead Town Attorney RWMIRTtr{/aw Dave Hilb ProjectName: HilbPrimary/SecondaryResidence ProjectDescription: NewPrimary?SecondaryResidence Owner, Address and Phone: Dave llilb, 2338 Garmisch #A, Vail, Colorador 4TS-7051 Arohitect/Contact, Address and Phone: of Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL 1970 Chamonix Lot 35, Block 1, Buffer Creek Subdivision BuildingName: Project Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Board / StaffAction Action: ApprovedMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Ilingst Brittian Approved per plans dated 3/30/9E. Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 3/30/98 F :\EVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\98UIILB.33 0 DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$200.00 51.^...o Colov'- B(TILITING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Softits Windows \\ Window Trinr t Doors Door T'rinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings . Chinrncy Trash Enclosurcs Crecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting+* Other LIST OF PROPO.SED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: n Yf eJ )l}.q-/iff ^L\,,{sfq^\t L-to \r \y6 T+c aa^^r Fencepost White TllvT sw2074 COLOR:* 0,r{ur^\ aeAar 9tln Sto.^c - Ro,ntr- Pr.K Lf f,cr*,a . P"at , Aork /Jr,, ZYb Wqr Zx\C &I*r 0alr.,.\ Ce,tar !i-a;-.t \X6 Ca&o-r ll,rtt*\ (e,l*r 54o,a zy6 Sem.. A\.r- .\^ N 1'- 6t' l- v R /Irn{r^\ c.az\,rj- r*o.i-r /V,{tu\ (ei,t Slo.,-, /l/.drr^\ (a,)ra..l* Ho"ia 8)^rk bl'ae"'l LLf lOrzf u l* Bo',r.)tq-l- w.r\\ t -')-na;1(t Z.S' 8o,\a\ly J*ace("f( \ <^AJ /|._F_\?- lt-4" Dn i..rt -,.7 A3qu-1+- + Please specify the nranufachrrer's color,, number and attach a srnall color chip ++ All cxtcrior lighting nrust nreet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). Ifexterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate thc numbcr of fixhrrcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identif eactr-Rxtuie type and provide the height above grade, luntens output,lunrinous arca, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixhges. : _*._=\ L€o\rr Srqen L-. b Re\.rr', ] \ cRp--Z)'\ ' z-e)tNr p.,c,r,r{J P.r, n4ur\ iha,{" 4e*,^\ )trcco Updated619T Conrnron Namc Ouantity ? nl 1' t a,. /L Sizc* b-.dPROPOSED TREES AND SFIRUBS: A /\^\\,r \ r'\ .- |\S,\ - EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOV-ED; GROUND COVER .SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL *Mininrunr rcquircnrcnts for landscaping; T]'nc 11'\L.S r^\l S g^\t 6 S 5^r\ l\:.,nt_ -DIa dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrou.q trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshrubs - 5 gallons Squarc Footage 3;T:il*?"t*::j:ilylp l,,.l:l:llg y.ltr; fences, swirlrrning poors, etc.) prease specify. rndicate top and l:fiT,::ili:::':""1,".S:H:,* .y*in",i'' r,utit or*.ri, ;;;il";il;il;:1il;i"fi }ff,,ilJilTff;".t*il"",walls elsewherc on the-properiy is 6 fecL_ \"i ..'\ I 5 CI f,t r> )., t{r". J'rr*rr t\ u r{ y,-\\ 15',o @ ToP K,>\t",,zr 87' +\Eo.q t tf Prrr 5, 6 ,,r,r o W , rl. {_l"Wrr \D"#g.ri&n to' r-r w I\ o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING 5 ZA L,.^ l. S. ,.g ,,._ Botanical Nantc ?,ta.x PqA<n;Rir. Jpr<t ?i$&-fis-"t,,r,r AsPon lz 2" <nl,fn 5yrnp.,r, t-:.r?>J Os-. r{*,',1 . t 8 lS r ,\ ,)..u- Kt {o*,, : ., .ry l AJ e \-r V4ated6tg7 no.rie ? U.S. Wcst Comrnunications t-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Tud Husky/John Boyd T.C,t. 949-5530 Floyd Salaz;tr Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-7411(\ Frcrl Flaslcc I ITILITV LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to vcriry scrvicc availability and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utility plan and schcduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whethcr thcy be main trunk linc.s or proposcd lines. must bc approvcd imrl vcrified by thc following utilities for thc acconrpa.nying sitc plan. Authorizcd Sienaturc l:Lo-79 2 -72-7r * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signaturcs. Firc llorv nccds rnust bc addrcsscd. NOTES: I,Ifthc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs fronr cach ofthc utility companics, and no coll'llllcnls arc tltadc dircctly on thc fbrrn. thc Town rvill presurnc that thcrc arc no problcnrs and thc dcvcloprrrent can procccd. Ifa utility cornpany has conccms with thc proposcd construction. the utility rcprcscntativc shall note directly on the utili$ vcrification form that there is a problcm which needs to be rcsolved. Thc isstrc should then bc dctailcd in an attached lstter to the Town of Vail. However, please kccp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibility ofthe utility company and the applicant to resolvc identifred problems. Thesc vcrifications do not rclicvc the contractor of thc responsibitity to obtain a Public Way Penrrit fronl thc Dcpartmcnt of Public Works at thc Town of Vait. Utilitv locations must be obained before digsing in any public right-of-way or cascnrcnt within thc Town of Vait. A 2. 3. 4 Updated 6/97 o PRE-APPLICATION CONFERFNCE A prc'application confcrcncc with rown of Vail staff is rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss thctnattdatory prc-applicationlr-":lils has bcen conrpletcd. liis thc applicant'.s rcsponsibilig to sclrcdulc thisnrccting by calling 970-479-Zl2B. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsigrr Rcvicrv Board tnccts on thc Ist and 3rd Wednesdays of cach month. A complcte applicationfofltr and all-acconrpanyins. l]llt:r.r-al must bc accepted by the Comnrunity Developrncnt Department anrinirnunr of threc and a harf (3 ri2) weeks prior tl thc date of the DRB public hearing. reYliwletrERtA Youi proposal will bc rcviewed for comptiancc with thc Dcsign ouidelines as sct forth in section 1g.54 of theMunicipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A' [fa propcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard area (i.c. snow avalanchc, rocldall, floodplain, debrisflow. rvctland, ctc). a hazard study nrust bc submittcd and thc owncr nrust sign an aftidavitrccogrizing thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuanoc ofa building pernrit. Applicants are cncouragcdto chcck with thc planning staff prior to subrnittal of a nRn appiicatiou t0 dcrcrminc thc,rclatioishipof thc propcrry to all Drnppcd haz.ards, R' Ba"'ic l'larr Shcct Forrtlat, For all srtrvcys. r,^itc plans, landscapc plans and othcrsitc irnprovcsrcntspl:uts, all of thc following nrust bc shorvn.l. Plan shcct sizc rrrust bc 24" x ?,6. For rargc projccts, rargcr pran sizc may bc alowcd,2. Scalc. Thc mini'rurr scare is r"=20'. Ail pranJnrust uc-ut tir. sanrc scarc.3. Graphic bar scalc.4. North arrorv.5. Titlc block, projcct narnc. projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription.(r. lndication of plan.prcparcr. oJdrr,r, and phonc nuntbcr. 7 . ' Datc.s of originot pio,,'prrpornto,l'.,la "U rcvision datcs.lJ. Vicinity nrap or location ntap at a scalc of 1,,=t,000, or largcr.L Shcct labcls and nunrbcis. l0 . A bordcr with a minimum lcft side rnargin of 1.5,,. I l. Nanrcs ofall adjaccnt roadways.12. plan legcnd. c' For new constntction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicateproperfy lines, proposed buildings and building comcrs. All trees to be removed must be taped. Ttreapplicant must ensurc that staking done auring-the winter is not buried by snow. Ail sitc tapingsand staking must bc complctcd prior to the day of the DRB mceting. D' Applicants who'fail to appear beforc the Desigu Rcvicw Board on their schcduled mceting date an6who have rlot asked in advancc that discussioi on their item be postponed, will have their itensrernoved from the DRB agcnda u'tir such ti're as the ite'r has u""n'r.puuiirt ro. E' If thc DRB approvcs the apptication with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approvalnrust be rcsolvcd pgg( to the issuance ofa building permit, I I I. III. tv. Updated 6/97 hoposcd use Buildable arce Architcct Zonc di Lot sizc rotal .RFA Vhr *-4642€ PrimaryGRFA . +g2s)(6t5\=]ffi_ Sccondry CRFA + (425) (67j.) =J41fi__ * 67 5 = 425 credit plus 2j0 addition Allorvcd Plotoscd o /.-l-/ Horv much of tbc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd with this requcst? Sitc Covcragc Sctbacks Laadscaping RcbiningWall Heights Parting Garagc Credit Drivcuay ;Parrnic,-.| (l^-^ o/JO ,'l Docs this rcqucsr involvc a 250 Addition? I I r,:-------Ii_-9-- (30t Front Sidcs Reer Compiics withtOv Liglrhg ordinaacc Arc finishcd gndcs lcss than 2:l (50y4 Environmcn talAlazards v.rX- No vcs-X- No 4) Watr Coursc Scrback (30) (50 5) Geologic Hazards /rl a) Snorv Avajanchc b) Roclfall Prn'ious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrty file); is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: Ef8'. 17,<3q lz,t;9fi ry. Encloscd q7? +/N fioposcd Siope , yo o 2Q' i5' 15' 5f{q ftJV'u t "i'33"' c) Dcbris Florv ,ror"rr, mcKLIsT asuewY 77 tr FLOoRPLANS / r^" -4 ouo -& ,roadditional cRFA 4 Scalc Bcnchmuk Legal dcscription Lof Sizc - ..Buildablc Area /_ Eascmcnts / Tnnno-'^r-./.._.. Crawl\Atric Spacc Lpgend P nnf Di+^LJ \vv] f,l|'ll Q I.ANDSCAPEPL.AN///- // proposcd trccs I n srrEPllf /.7 -, /I7 Scale Building Height Encroachmcnts Sctbacks Site Covcrage EavcVovcrhangs (4) DeckslBalconies Garage conncciion Sitc Grade\Slope Rctaining lVaiis MiSCELLA.]\.EOUS ,/l/ /^ 'v I?-/ CorLdoApprovai t/J, Tirtc rcport (A & B) ,/t , Utiiity vcrification form 't/ photos of sitc Building matcrial samplcs C.O. Verification "/rt, ,*ooade Angrcs / -l_ Utilities (undcrground) of u,.ru Corridors f*.a, --Variarrces Plat rcsricdons 6 Parting/Garagc Tuming Radius Drivcway (acccss and. grad.c) Snorv Storage Firc Access ,/ 1 {-, ol Community Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Return To:Reed Onate, Community Development Date Routed:3t4t98 Retum By:3/10/98 ProjectName:Hilb Residence Project Address:1970 Chamonix Lane Project Legal: hoject Description:New Construction Primarv/ Secondaw Residence Approved ---x-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions s \ '? o\ .\: I D t: 1) Your plan shows a 16'-17' ft. of asphalt, your only required to have 12' of asphalt width, Your landscaping could be enhanced if the owner wanted to do this. 2) The width ofthe driveway flare where it meets the edge of sfeet exceeds the maximum allowed driveway flare which is 24'. 3) A 4' concrete pan is required at the edge ofthe existing asphalt street. The pan needs 2" invett in the center. 4) Please provide a title report. 5) The section of the driveway of leading to the primary residence is at 11.36% (between approx. 98.25 to 97) please adjusted to a maximum of 8o/o for the first I 0' of driveway. 6) Please provide a back out turn around area for the secondary home. The primary driveway dose not work as a back out turn around, because it dose not meet our minimum 20' centerline tuming radius. Backing out onto Chamonix Lane is not allowed at all, because it is a bus route with high traffic volume. 7) Show 95 nd94 contours between the concrete patio and the bottom of the rock wall on the south west corner of the primary residence. 8) Is there a 5' retaining walt just west of the concrete patio behind the primary residence, if so provide an engineers design and stamp for the wall. 9) Please label and connect in all contours for the Brems, grading shall not exceed 2: 1. 10) There was an agreerrent with June Sadler to pay for 40Vo of the required culveft up sizing to bring the lot out of the 1000 year flood plain. The money may still be due, if so this will need to be paid before the building permit can be issued. 1\ , le iq ] Tllo,,'l- t.," iI.,1 i r,. , -T Terry Partch 3ll2/98 VUIcl-ltv\40 .:;!'!;. Jfiir' rj I .\t 7+r-tL,l a e T€ 6alnl FTRST EIT€RICAN TITI-IE INSUT]|NCE COI{PAIIT OWNE.R'S POLICY SCIIEDI'I.'E A ssssce aa €tsssg ^eegEasESEs*p ++5 F/ F,r;Fs A s/Ff ; FFf F ffiqEf$'r -- .'. i<. qtrs o 8gsf; EF*F 6:: d .a ; q.E 'E iA !J _E T[rx >.orc Ev s-C E-.o s G $ Eo ls a-q.r- gi.E E*6F.9FS r;EFS:-6c{o € .;- 8^- g5sg #EoFe g oa-€ca i g =sa!€E o. Ei €l !ig' ul F: >tctql ff,d::ruI uti F, Ii. l 5sl #:I , d sEF a F at *.9 ':EE€E:Btttr It 3FE €sSE FSef ut!l* E;s .-i g, ijul leFi lsieJJ{a {a} ordler No . Smount of Date sf l 1. Na[ Ii:i. 2. Yo F] 3. T I v DTTP q'F ar{ERrc}.,r rrrr,E rNsuRANcr "to* lrl( I ll\ I i irl.ltrrl order No- ESf i 40,1ts97 Xn addition to the E*clueione, you ara and expenseE resultlng froms 1. T'a.-':+ s .r:rci Assessinenls r:ot cerlif iecl SCEEDUT,E B Policy No. EncepbionF not, insured agaiE8t. loss, coats, ,17 1865.) attorneys, feeg, lo the Tr€asurer's Office. Taxe^s arrd asses-snents lcr the current veat. l"rerel.rtcr:e .rsses$ed, due or payable. -inclucl-inEi a i'l Lares rrow or 3. 4. 5. 6. Reservations and exceptions in patents and in acts authorizinq i-hcir issuance -.. , \. ,, r?^^t Fha qlrl.tisct- nr.\r,Fyl-\, _ncl ...:r,ani 1 i t-.;r I lr_' rho ri.fhf i,r l. h>,ElLIJIL}/EIJPc!'-|'..L'yi''.. ploljr:rif lar: of a -tein or loda Lo exLr:act and remove I'iis oxe theref i:olx shouirl tiri+ :-; eti:.' b.+ f lunc{ to l',Enetl:.1te or inr ersect Lhe prertis.e..: ;rs .'r+i ILlrth j" rl Ur]i i.-'r .,tatt-: parcnt t t-corded OcLober 4, !916 in Ecok 93 .rl l,ac1..: i0 L Res;€rvatiirDs anci exapptions in patents and act-s authorizing their issuance as '.li-. .r.1.. rr..iy arr.cL the :;lrbjts'ct pl opercy atld e1>ecif icaLly, rll+ r j:rht 1c dit-chcs ancl resexvoirs used in connection with vested and accrued tl;at€r ritlhts t-,::tlelher rn'itti rhe Leservation of a right-cf-way for ditches and canal:; {,.on9tr'.1(r1-i:{i br.r tire authority of :}re llnil.eci .'ilLates as seL f or.th iir 1l[il,ed s:taC{,s lli}.t rint-- ri:.{)rrlec{ Oclober 4, 19I'A in Eonk 9'i ;rt 1'1gn 39r.. Ct.rv(:n;tnts, c:onditlons ancl restr:ict-icr-rs, which cio nct irtclude a f trrt':iture crt rev€r:ter c-lcruse, spt forth in the instrument recr:rded October: g, 1963 in Ect:k I12 a'-. i,a<1e 75. Alrendmen E of said covenants, corrditions and t-estr icl',icns by an inrtlLrrlent recorded Apri} 1, 1,966 in Book 192 at laqe 343 and l"Iay 25, J9t56 1n 3c'ok 197 aL Paqe 1- Provisicns regarding race, color, cl:eed, and nationaf or:igir, if any, erre deleted. Any ass{.ssJ1ent .r1 rten of The Upper Eagle Vartley Sanital-icn District, as tligc -lrseci by t-h* j.nstrument recorded August 25, 19BL in Eook l2B at P.rge 'L] 4, alii ",/ai.L Vj.llacle West Fire Protection District iliscLosed by irlsl-rum€nt- tecordecl Marcb 23, L9'72 tt"t Book 223 at Page 559. Ilase11el1Laj, reservaLions and r:estf j.j1,ions as showlt on t.ire plat recarded Octoberr g, .L!16:j ;rt recept.i,on |lo. 980?7, irlciud:nq, llrrt not limj L€d to, a 10 laot utilic'r' iraselllent alonlj the Southeasteriy lot lj.ne of subject irrcperty. ENDORSEMENT _ FORM 13 0.3 ie l]ere):y amendecl by atlcling bhe lollowing to sichecu].e A f ollcrw:.nlr alrount: The 1.),,' I icy l*he t){r.l tcy ?ha Pr .l i cy riri earrh r-r i T'he ,:r].iDr sEnetlt is effective only when ati:ached ancunt will automat j.ca11y increase lty l0? ot t:he anount slaown abovc: Lha iirsl- fiva anniver saries of the policy clate' -Cont inued- LL)ALTA !fairt Lanltuaqe lril| ]i lisll:]i)4ll9i SCHEDULE B continued Ordar Ato - '1:-: Li '1,C4897 Policy No. .r7:8 55 3 i'1.,.i rr:y insrlrin<1 a 1-to-4 larni..i rr res;iriencer. Thil r..ricior,.;ement is nade a part of the Pclicy ancl is subjecl to .rl l. ,:f t-h= r eL:ts anci pt'ovi:i ons ther-eof and of any p-L-ior cnciot-semchts Lhi_t el 6. [;4r.".pt. | :, t:h- .--'-tdrrt e;1:ressly stated, it l'ieither urodl,f les any of th. tsrms dn.l pt. r-r'ris; ion:r ll th,o pr:,1icy and any pric-'l enrlcrreN+r]ts, nor cic.i5-r i:t e-1:hinnt th€l etf.'l(riite ('late rif the Policy and any pLic'r endorse\rents, nu.'.: d.oes j,t increase t h,- t.ra+ (rlncultE rh"feot. EXGil'$r0NS In addilion l0 lhe Excepti0ns i'| Schedub q y0! arD rol insured against loss, @sts, attorneys' feeg and expenses resulting from: 1. Governmental police power, afld the existence or violation ol any law or governmenl regulation This includos building and zoninq 0rdinances and also laws and regulations c0Rcerningi . land use . impmvements on tne land r land division . environmental0rotecti0n this exclusion does not apply t0 violatioffi or th6 enforcemeot of thBss malters vrhich appear in the publh rscrrds al Policy Data thi$ exclusi0n d06s not limit the zoning co\renge described in ltems 12 and 13 of C0vored Trth Risks. 2. The rlghl t0 take thB land by condemning i[ unless: . a notice 0f exercisiflg ths doht appear$ in the rublic records 0n the Policy Date . the laki0g happened prior to the Policy Date ard is binding on you it you bought Ue land without knowarE 0f the takiog 3. Tirle Risks; . that are created, allowed, 0r a$eed t0 by yorl . tnat are knowr lo yoq but nol to uq on tln Policy 0ate - unless tfiey appeared in the public reoords . thal result in no loss to you . that tirst atfect your title after the Policy Date- this does not lhitthe lab$ and material lien coverage in ltBm I 0t Cwered Title Risks 4. Failure t0 pay value for your tllle 5. Lack ot a right; . to any land outside the arca specifica,ly described and relerred to in ltem 3 ol Schedule A or . in streets, alleys, 0r watsrways tiat touch yow land Jlis exclusion does not limit lhe access coverage in ltem 5 of Covered Title Rigks. c0fiDtfl0fls 1. DEFltrltflofi$ a Ear0mslt - lhe right ol s0meofie else 1o use your land tor a special purpose. h [aBd - the land 0r condominium unit doscribed in $ctEdule A and any impr0vements 0n the land which are real property. c lti0rEag8 - a mortgagq desd 0{ trust, trust ded or other seflrity instrument d Pu[[s Rec0rds - title records thatgivo oonstruDtive n0tice of malte$ attecting your title - accolding t0 fie slate statutes where your land is located. e. Tille - the ownership of your interesi in ths lan4 as shown in Schetlule A 2. G0tfiilruf,Tl0lr 0F 80!ERIGE This Policy polsls you as long as you: . own your tille llt . own a mortgage from anyone who buy$ your land al c are liable lor any litle warranties you md$ this P0liDy protects arryone who receives your title because 0f your deatn. 3. HOW TO MAKC A GLAII{I a Ym lf,lst Glvs Th. D0npany il0lics ot You Clalm ll anyong claim$ a right against youf insured title, you must notlfy us promptly in writin$ Send the nolhe to First Ame{can litlB ln$ranc6 C0mpany, 114 East Filth Street, Santa An4 CA S2701. Ptease include the P0licy nurnber shNn in Schedule A a d lhe Dounty and stf,te whBre the land is located our obligalion to you could be reduced il: . you tail to give pro{npt notice and r your lailure aftects our ability t0 dispDse 0t 0r t0 delend You against the ctaim h Procl 0l Your Lo83 lilu5t Be BIrs! foThr tffipony You must give us a written stalsmenl t0 prove your claim of loss. This stat€mont must be given to us not later than 90 days atter you know the facts which will let you establish the am0unl of your loss. The slatsment musl have the folloving tacts: . the Coverd Titls Risks which re$ulted in vour l0ss . the dollar amount of your loss . the method you used to compute ths amount 0l your loss (Continued on pagE 3) (Continued from page 2) Younlaywa t0 provide us with anappraisalot yourloss by a pro fessional appraiser as a part ol your statement 0l loss. We may require you to sfrow us your record6. checks, lettsrq con- tracls, and0lherpapers which relate to your claimof loss. we may make copies ot lhase papers. We may require you to answor questions under 0ath. 0w ob{igation to you could be reduced if you fail or reluse to: r provide a statenent 0f l0ss ot o ans$,rer fiir ouestions undcr oath 0rr show us the papers we request andr your lailure or refusal affects our ablity t0 disposB 0t 0r t0 delend you against the claim. {. oun cHorcEs wHEt{ You ltoTtFY u8 0F A [l.[tttf / Aller we feceive your claim notice 0r in any other way learn 0t a matter l0r which we are liable wo can do ono or more of the lollowing: a Pay the ctaim against yslr title. h Negotiato a settlemBnl. c. Prosecute or defend a corrl case related l0 the claim. d. Pay you the amount required by this Policy. e. Take other action which will protect you. I Cancel this p0licy by paying the Policy Amount then in forcg and only th0secoslS, altorneys'fees and expeflses incurred up to lhat time which we are 0bligated t0 pay. 5. }IATIDI"II{B A CIAIM OR COURTGA$E Yotr must cooperate with us in handling any claim or court case and BivE uE all rolevant intormation We are required t0 repay you only for those settleflEnt costs, attorneys' fees ard expenses that ure apprwe in advance. When we defend y0ur title, we have a right t0 cho0sc lhe attorney. We can appeal any decision to ths ftiohest court Wed0 not havel0 pay your claim until your case is linally decided. 6. UMlTATr0il 0F THE CouPAllY'8 ilA8|trTY a We willpay up to youractualloss 0f the Policy Anmunt in lorce when the claim is made * whichever 19 less. b. lf we r8move the claim against your title within a reasonable time after receiving n0tice 0f it we will have no further liability for it ll you cannot use any of your land because of a claim against your titlq and you rent reasonable substitute land 0r tacilities. we will repay you lor your aclual fent until: I the cause o{ lhe claim is rernoved OT . we settlE your claim c lho Policy Amount will be ruduced by allpayments made under lhi$ policy - exc€pl tor c0sts, att0rneys' l€es ard expense$ d The Policy Annunt will b€ reduced by ary amountwe pay to our insured hslder of any mortgage shown in lhis Policy 0r a later rnorlgage oiven by you a lt you do anything to altect any riglrt 0f rerovery you may have, we can subtract fmm our liability the am0unt by which ysr reduced the valuo of that right TRAI{SFER OT YOUR BIGIITS Whsn we seltle a claim, !'re have allthe rights you had againstany person 0r property related l0 the claim. you must transtef these rights to us when we ask, and you mu$i nol d0 aflything to aftect these rights. You musl let us use you name in entorcing these rights- Wewillnot be liabletoyou if ws d0 not pursuelhese righls orif we d0 flot re0over afly amount thal might be recoverable, With the money we rocover fr0m enforcing these righls, we will pay whatever part 0f youf loss we have not paid. we have a right t0 keep what is lefl. ARBITRATIO}I ll it is permitted in your statg you or lhe C0mpany may dernand arbitration The arbitratj0n sha'l be binding 0n both y0u andlhe C0mpany. The arbitration shall decide any matter in dispute between you ard the company. The arbitration awild may . inclu& attorneyd teff it allowed by state law . be entered as a judgment in the proper coutt lho aftitration shall h urd€( lhe lltle Insurance Arbitratbfi flules 0l the American Arbitration Associati0n. You may choo$e cuttent Rules or Rules in existenco 0n Policy Date The law used in the arbitral'on is the law ol the place where lhe propdy is located Ydl can get a copy of the Rules lrom the oompany. ouR LlABlilw rs HMTTEo T0 THI$ PoLICY This Policy, plus any endorsements, is theentire conlracl between you and the Company. fuy claim y{tu make against us must be made under this Policy and is subiect l0 its tE ms- t. o 75 Sauth Frontage Road VaiL Colorarlo 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 De partrnefi of Comrnunity Development September 8, '1994 Mr. Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vait, GO 81658 Dear Steve: Thank you for attending the Design Review Board (DRB) meeting held on Wednesday, September 7, 1994. The purpose ol this letter is lo summarize the conditions of approval for the proposed Sadler residence located at 1970 Chamonix Lane. Each of the conditions of approval stated below needs lo be satislied prior to the issuance of a building permit from the Town of Vail. The condltions of approval are as tollows: /.O 1. That a cross access agreement be execuled and recorded with the Eagler--/ County Clerk and Recorder's Office. ov 2. That a landscape easement be executed and recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office for the proposed landscaping on Lot 34, resubdivision of Buflehr Creek. oe 3. That the revised driveway plan be submitted and approved by the Town of Vail Fire Department. ov4. That a revised landscape materials list be completed and submitted to the Office of Community Development. The revised landscape materials list should include all plant material indicated on the landscape plan reviewed by the DRB on September 7, 1994. or- 5. That a second story be added to the connection feature between the primary and secondary unit. @a.That the site plan for Lot 34, resubdivlsion ol Buffehr Creek conform with the plans conditionally approved by the DRB on September 7, 1994. Again, thank you for appearing at the DRB meeting with the proposed Sadler residence. Each of the six conditions of approval placed on the proposed Sadler residence by the DRB needs to be completed prior to issuance of building permit. Should you have any questions 0r concerns with regards to the information addressed within this letter, as alwayg, ploase feel free to contact me during regular olfice hours. Sincerely, .- ?v*to-t George Ruther Town Planner TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Fro'mage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0-47 9 -2 I 3 8/47 9-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 FILE COPT D e p anm ent of C ommunity D ev e lopm e nt November 30, 1995 June Sadler SadlsReal Estate 2077 Nodh Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Sincerely, r DRB approvat is vatid until diioner 10, 1996' I have attached pproval with the stamped approval of the Town of Vail' Dear Jtme: The Town of vail community Developrnent Deparhnent is in receipt-o{r:* l"H qf october 9, 1995, requesting a one-year extension to your DRB approval RE: Extension of DRB APProtal YourDRB a Should you have any questions or concerns, or simply need additional information" pleases do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can be reached during regular office hours at' 479'2138' lL-.---*n* ?.lt--,t George Ruther Town Planner t2o*oto'*o Gsign Review Action iltt TOWN OF VAIL d Prolect Name: Building Name: Project Descrtption: Zone Distric-t Motion by: Seronded by:- fl Approval n Disapproval f StaftApProval Conditions: - anOro JDRB Fee Pre-oaid ( (J.a ..,eF at . l. DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:*******'*** ********** A. I.PROJECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: ,f/r' B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200, 00)Addirion ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: D. T.,EGAL DESCRIPBI Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provid.eto this application. zoNrNGr s_/ t./,/\ Minor Al"beraLion ConcepLual Review ,/, ($20.00) ( $0) /, a meets and bounds on a separate sheet 1ega1 and abtach Er F.NAME OF APPI,ICATIT: ddress: APPLICAMT' S REPRESENTATIVE: Address: NAME OFMailing Phone H. NAME OF OWNER(S): OII|rIEI (5J $.IGIVAfURE; APPLIEATIONS WI.LL NOT BE PNOCE9SED WTTHOUT AWNER, S $T6Tr'ATUNE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of the DRB applicaLion, LaLer, when applyinq for a building perrnit, please identify Lhe accurate valuat,ion of the proposal. The Town of vail will adjus! Lhefee acesrdlng t.o the tabl_e below, Eo onsufe the eorreet feeis paid. T J. FEE SCHEDUI.,E: $ VAI,UATION ! 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50. 001 $ 150 , 000 $150,001 - $ s00,000 $s00, 001 - $L,000,000S Over 91, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPTRES ApPRoVfi.L mTLESS A BUILDING FERI{IT ISIS STARTED. ONE CEAR AFTER FINAI lgsuED $m eo$srRfferIotr $L00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00 .00 .z Block .o o TOWNOFVAIL *,,r* 4124b DEPTRTMEI|T OF COII}I(INTTY I'EI'ELOPMENT ADDBESS o^n-Z,JZ- yRotEcr CEECI{S MADE P YABIS TO ToWN OF VAIL r.5'!cl?rl;:.' 0l 000041540 zoNINGANDADDffi $s.000l 0000 4241 5 UMFOR.MEUILffi $54.000l 000042415 uNr FORM PLrn4 B-NqEODE--t;19.000l 0000 424i s uNrf oRtu MECHANICAL CODE $37.000l 0000 424 l5 UNI}ORM FIRECODE s36.00rrl 0O0O424If NATIONALELEETffi $3 7.000t 0000 4241i-tooKs 01 0000 41548 tsLUE PRfNI! (MYLARS)$7.00 t 0l ffioO 424t2 XEROX COPIES $0.25 + 0t 0000 4T4lT STUDIES ot aaw 42412 ToVFEES CoMPUTER PRoGmNi $5.O00l 0000 42itT PT,NALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTION' 0l 00004I33t &ANtqYrErffFS-CTEW0l oo00 4233t OFFIIOURSNffi 0l 0000414t2 CoNTRACTORSLTCTW 0l 0000 4t413 SIGN APPLICATIOT'FEE s20.000l m00 41413 AODITIONALSIGNAGEFEE ISI.OOPERSQ.FTJ -g4e42410 VTCARTPROJECTry 0l 00004r3jt PREPAIDDESIGNREVffi ?-o.cL0l wm42371 I},N/ E STIGATI gN FE E ( B U-t LDTN CJ3l m00 45t l0 Tov PARKING F-UN-D-- 0r 0000 22027 lov NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 01 0000 2l I 12 TAXABLE@Z:5ffir 0t 0000 41010 '|'A4AULE @ 4.oZ (TowN) 0l 0000 4237t I B U I L DINGTNVESTT6FTiON OTI{ER ul ouru413J0 ADDITIONALGRFA -'50-$200.000l fi100 41330 CONDITIONAI] FSETERNIIT---s200.000t 0000 4133[EXTERIOR ALTERATION ITESS-TMTIOOTQFTI $200,000r 0000 413:l s500.oo0r 0000413fr SPECIALDEVELOPMEW st.500.000l 0(}00 41330 SPECIAL DE 5I.0(ru.000l 0{)00 41330 SPEE s200.00 9l m00 4133ol SIJ 0l 000041330 VANANEE $250.000l 000041330 |ZONINGCODEW $250.00ul 01)00 413i0 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER IoTHER **'K ,cK{r rg.oLr *-:@: t- DATE RECEWED FROM The Town of Vail v?a 5Ol4/ RECEIPT - l?-Ng ADDRESS hrmit Numbers Numben\./ YOW PAID- Cash2l-Check -- By brv -i-*'"-"JF-l |.-iaF li* I i- ii ig;e i i-:lr+t'r-i-; r.l-== ir 'iil.,:...,.. r.::'r':. r,,, it : i...: - i:i li: i. ii:":.:-,li 1' .i -'r: ili::; ; i:'. i:'i: :: ; tji i' . r.:,r,:.i.: i i. , .,,,, ,.j,, , l:,'-, :, ,lii!, ;'Lr i l=rri 1'-=i'i i:j: tlji:!'iif:i.j.I :;: t. t,C';"; i':,:,;.lil:l.::i1::'i':-..:i'.,;...'] ilirr,:un i- p=i d :r:., i !i:: -i.'--i;+t-Jl.-1''-r'at* ';';..,r...i t-,-- i,,j::i i ; t:, :" Il.li'l :i:l ZONE CHECR single Family *""ia*r,531 Duptex --\_-\._ imary/Secondary - Subdivision A*#a^z f ZONE DISTRICT . I..,EGAIJ DBSCRIPTToN: LoE 55 glock ADDRESSz i71/) ()^',.7^: , OWNER ARCHTTECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE PHONS ,PHONE lleight, ToLal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA . Setbacks <t< Proposed TotaI z5a l9+:4 ak eL Site Coverage L,andscaping Retaining WaIl Heights . Parking Garage Credit Drive: EnvironmenLal,/Hazards : 3tlo /M/ - oL .- 3'/6' 5L neqra .t5 1 xnct (3oo) (6oo) (eoo) fiffid z / zn Perrnirr.ed stope I Z proposed sfope/j S_ Complies with T.O.V. Lighring Ordinance Yes ,/ No water Course Setback (30) (50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (S0%)YEs_ No_{_ View Corridor Encroachment: yes 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent stope {< > 30%) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands No--=lZ-- Does Ehis regue:rl irrvuive a 2iO Ad<jition? ,_tD .How much of the allo$red 250 Addirion is usefriiff tlris Previous conditions of approval (check properLy file): Lo? srzE l<t=<l * - BuTIDABIJE Lor AREA Allowed (30)E z&4A5= =B + 42i =-A6_ Bzz- * F ron L. Sides Rear az5 =Jj.l7 20' 15' L5, Exi s bino reques l,? *ign Review Action Fl" TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Buifding Name: 5-r,.-l -1 ... I .t . -rLJ ..-2,.,t...-., Oilner. Address and Phone: ddress and Phone: Legat Description: Lot 55 Bbck * Subclivision Zone District ProiectstreetAddrees: /91{;t rt t't-n'--, -r:..-y' i, * - Board / Staff Action ;Motion Oy: 8-rrr.rl^-- Vote: Seconded by: ,- RApproval I Disapproval : StafiApproval DRB Fee we-paa J@. o9,-lfJ- rcviled 9/l/91 DRB }PPLICf,UON - IONN OF Vtrrl., DATE APPLICATION RECEI\ED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: *tt!rtt**** r. TEIS IPPLICf,IION nllL ltOf BE ACCApfgD'^,rutftrl rlL R.Eeur**o**t*T*o*Hrrox rs smrlrrd{ii'- lrlujiii,r, ili'r, r.rtYi. PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: B. TYPE OF REVIEI{: -,Lrqew construction (9200. 00) Addition ($50. C. ADDRESS: D. I E.ZONING , ?I Mailing Address: Minor Alteration (920.00) al Review ($0) a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and applicant1ot area. must, provide a current I NAME OFMailing phone :fl6 tgil K. t.Ert1 $ 20.00$ 50.00 $100.00 s200.00 $400 .00 $500.00 ililf'l'@ LEGAI DESCRIPTION: tot % B Subdivision If property is described bydescription, pJ_ease provideattach to this application. LOT AREA: ff reguired, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT: APPLICANT' S RSPRESENTATIVE :Address: I.NAI.,IE OF OWNERS: *SIGNAEIIRE (S} :Mailing Addres .T. Condominium Approval lf applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tirne of subnittal of DRB application. Llter, whenapplying for a building permitr pLease identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal_. The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. , ?.rtt^o! ,/t Ae/sEE PArp: -@.-* t-- / FEE SCHEDULE: VALUAT]ON$ 0 - s 10,000s10,001 -$ 50,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500, 00t - s1,000,000I Over $1r000r000 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD }PPROVE! SXPIRES ONE YEER ArIER FIIIA'. rPPRo\tAL UNLESS A BSTLDTNG PERI{IT Is ISSIIED Al{D CONslRgeTrON rS STARTED. **NO APPLICATTON WrI.L BE PROCESSED I|ITEOST O}TNER' S SIGNIIT'RE Phone t PRE.APPLICATION MEETING :II. A pre-appfication meeting wlth a rnenber of the planni.ng staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed. It is the applicant's responsibiLity to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional subrnittal. reguirements. Please note that a COMPI.,ETE application wiLl streamline the approval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. .In addition to meeting subnltta1 requirements' the applicant must stake and tape tbe project site to indicate property linesr building Lines and buij.dingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be conpleted prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The reviell process for NEW BUILDINGS nonnally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval . APplicants should plan on pTesenting their developrnent Proposa] at a minimum of twd meetings before obtaining final approval. ..- C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance ttrat discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items renoved from the DRB docket until such time as the item has been republished. D. The followi.ng items may, at thg discretion of the zoning administratorr. be approved by the Comnunity Devqlopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before thb DRB may not' be required): a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the building; aad : ' b. , Building addition proposals not visible fron any other lot or pubfic space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, appJ-icants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for. or manager of any adjacent' condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfal1, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc)r a hazard study must be subnitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard reporl prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Plannerprior to DRB application to determine the refationshipof the property to all rnapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicat.e on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural waLls of tbe building; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval- nust be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. G. PTION: zoNE CIIECK -- {QRR, KPlS.)zoNE DTSTRI o cTs 5s BLock - Firi ng 8.4-,, L'.'_,JLtoADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSBD USE PHONE PHONE **LOT SIZE .377 /S,S;S/ & HeighE, Tot.al GRFA 38,05 '/' g9 ' ^C'Primary cRFACT'/o 2243 425 425 L!t\9.-Secondary GRflA- /5ZZ + + SeLbacks water Course Site Coverage Landscaping Front Sides Rear Set.back Bx ist. inq Proposed lotal 53 oL - d{- 4J oL otr- ll,l"t / 20, 15, r.5, (301 1561 Retaining WaIL Height,s Parking Garage CrediL Drive: View Corridor Bncroachment.: Environment.a]./Hazards : 3' /6" 5 neqra (300) (600) (e0 Permit.Led Slope Bq Dat.e approved by Town Actual Slope 87o Engineer: cll. f N/A --- b loae No_,K . __ ??? NIA. - r.) 2't 3) Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) wetlands Prevlous conditions of approval ,"nu.p,:'properby f ile) .: ok_ Does thts reguest, involve a 250 Addition? /4)Howmuchofihea1Iowedisoaoii[i;;-i;..;"uffiisrequesE?/q!/ **Note: under sections 1g-.12.0g0(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipalcode, Lots zoned Two Famiry una-pri^urvls""".oiii *nicrr are ress than15r000 sq. ft. in area may not consLruct, a seconi dwerring unit,. The9g^I"liFy Development, Depart,ment may grant, an excep',ion to thisresLriction provided^ the applicant meecs Lhe criteria set forth undersections LB.1'2.090 (B) ano i'o.ri.ogo tst or Cne-vunicipur-coae-inciudingpermanently restricting. Lhe unit,as.'a. Jong_ierr-"untal unit for full_time employees of the rjppui u;;I" Valley. $016' i' \-' t4oss F = ep4 Yes 10 o SFR, IEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Lor SS BLock _ FitinS ,R.?11" ( .,,_ k-St/.A ADDRESS z /9?O /,/r-*"-,r.*,r-Q l0 DATE: a/,s/H ARCHITECT PROPOSED USE PHONE PHONE zoNE DrsrRrcr 'P/S NgL F4 Sides Ou Rear ,uaD lu'-v'tt' t.s0 oF- 3il3h Date approved by Town'Engineer: No t/21'>Yes r.) 2) 3) Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazards r-tV\*., L_- **Not'e: under sect,ions 1g.r-2.0g0(B) and. r-8.r"3.080(B) of the Municipalcode, lots zoned Two Farniry ano primiivli.i""oiiv wnicn are less than15r000.sq- fL. in area may not construcE, a seconl dwerling unit. Thelompulily Deveropment' DepirL*eni-*oy grant an exception t.o t.hisresErictiol Providect the'appricanL. rneeLs the criteria set, forLh undersections LB -1.2.090 (B) and i'8.13.0s0 (B) of rne-lrunicipai cooe-inciuoingpermanently resrricting.r,he unir .as, a..Jong_serrn ;;;t;i-u;il-rJr"irtr_time employees of the fipper nagie Valley. **Lor sr.zE .357 lL J is..sst d Height ToLal GRFA/'/R= Primary GRFj\ 3W t+ Bfr = t=€?Seconda'ry GRFA ;''qn4'fu=JreL!l,,r\,,Hufr + 425 =_1Q41 & Setbacks Water Course Set.back Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining walI, Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Bncroachment : Environment al /Haz ards : b!3leqo'15' 15' (301 15s1 Srro / 3' /5r 13'h;a nuq'o (3oo) (600) <ooot @; losoh Permit.t,ed Slope B* Actual Slope Existinq proDosed Total -fis@ 7 74At ''11., lut 1t tQ nL ,hi I t-' rtt 7 ,/'\l/_._-_ t A/ tt'(- r.0 \\ NAI'{E OF PROJECT; LIST OF MATERIALS .LEGAL DESCRTPTTON; LOT_{I BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: DESCR]PTION OF PROJECT: stttsDrvrsroN The following information is Rdview Board before a final A. BUITDING MATERIAIS: Roof Siding Other Wal-l Material.s Fascia Soffits Windqws Window Trim Doors Door Trim ttand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 4Jt+t> required for submittal to the Design approval can be given; , TYPE OF MATERIAI COLOR 2x AFntz- il4lUeAL Tla otuz- tlJo,? Other korc- EI LANDSCAPING: \ PLANT I,IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: Phone: Ouantitv Size* 4ir - 4?Ed ?'7 -&o EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *lndicate caliper for deciduous trees is 2 deciduous trees.!nches. Indicate Minimum caliper for height for coniferous trees. PLANr MA?ERurS: PROPOSED SHRUBS ETry ut*., -fnn_*wtz hu4o pq,_ Ouantitv Sizeil-"',4dr(n43w /o -f_{A *'^J'+6%7& Botanical Name 11fi0.ru#tw!&lEL, ,c@"ut*.JvatTztc"5 76utAfAt*aqcry oe/* of proposed shrubs. t TO BE REMO\NSD K EXISTING SHRUBS *fndicate size5 qaLlon.Mininum size of shrubs is Scruare Footaqe GROUND COVERS , soDl c- TANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf'exterior iigrrting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixtures and locations on- a separate'1 .i alr4- .i *- -1 ^- .! !-- -r.r.gnrr-ng pran. fdentify eaclr fixture from the lightJ-ng planon the list betow and provide the rcattage, height abovegrade and type of light. proposed. SEED TYPE OF IRR]GATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI., oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal_Is, fences, swirnmingpools' etc.) Pfease specify. Indiiate heights of retalninfwalls- Maximum height of waLLs within the front setback it3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the properE,yis 5 feet. ffi,uto, Brol' 4l8ts*/ t 6rqata 'To: MIKE '40 o,,n ^, (.1l9g$ MCGEE @ TODD OPPENHEIMER Return ,o George. Ruther Town Planner PROJECT: lNTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE SUBMITTED:DATE oF puBllc urEArr'rG Datc; 3 '''if i;i:' )r-t'iili a,.J:.,:\,,,-,q t\,r\,ra. .o\.,N1 t-, \!: .\fa..\tV trd!(i :i I :,\r:!i= ii7',il:'li.l : t..r i.r:.: ti- li'_1 :r:;!f;fitlLj ,rf .-1.i,:i-1i!- i,.,,.]:-\f.i),-..,., *r:.-{:\'-. Jl {i.\Ii !1..-.- .'- 1\\'/41.\'. ,_1 rr-:tf1ii <, C{.:.._, r.., .y,.,.,.,".:r,., ' r_..'iI r.lr,'..{ { ('.,i-rl,!.\ i\ . Landscaping: Reviewed by: Commenls: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Dale: Dale: COMMENTS NEEDED By: R/<t BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ! I Enginocring: Reviewed by: Comments: Distributcd lo the Firc Deparlmcnt, public Works, and Landscaping or1 Engincering: Reviewed by: Commenls: Landscaping: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: lt I Reviewcd by:. ltlt!'ttl , IN-TE R.DEPARTM ENTAL R EVIEW Dalc: Dale: Dale: fr,'7-''i'l o TODD OPPENHEIMER Relurn lo ceorge Ruther Town Planner AUC 2 5 1s54 M II(E McGEE HALL PROJECT: ootu aru COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRII]TION OF THE PROPOSAL: I fi1in ,$f 2( t'L' (I.1 i ,r.,r, ,,,rr\r,\..'/ j' , '" 1,lYrfr, w ''c) tl!.. . A':.DislributcdtotheFircDeparlmcnl,Pub|icWorks,andLancIscapingon- 'Xi \J. rv';, cJ , ',,' .: ,-\ '(.. 2 :: ',i,./ uu,lr" - R") \'^. t.'r\r i.''-"ri i. ,. . TOV '[iittt,n r.E$, lJLf, i, cornmcnrs: OfiVt,W.ry Wrd /h l,'tzui,.l l;*' ("\ (!,.t' i,' L.liL- "("""' '^LJ' '-l 'i''r'irt'rr'r'trl (cl"^"^* /'^'-e\ '"ltj jj;j ""'nl,,l'.|,,' y'y, eerum-i- - /eg?'n,! , 6-.2.E - 'gt"y' -.- ',lt"rr" 1i1, rr' rr tlti'c' ,'. ri| '/ | " '''''/, 7't; i-' t''' ',',\,., r(, 'r {'' l,r'J , ''/, lltri't>; (,{', ,"( -1;r r:F VAi"rn t4 on- lc- A#' ^rr.J : MIKE McGEE REG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Flelurn ,o George. Rut,her Town Planner PHOJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Landscaping: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: INTER.DEPARTMENTAL R EVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date: Dale: 6'zs'e1Ar Reviewed 6y: ftIef.to , Dalc: $c:mm:nts, Q.iveryy* (ZO' in t-,tdfL 1ro,,-- (V*vr+ f ra'. rr-.au-\ Cq ") J oln| 4e.cr ;s Distributed to the Fire Departmenl, public Works, and Landscaping on wrdfl- fttasi t>e CJcle *( pc'vew'e'* ((-l^"*,,^ir 4^*e I rnln 6f 20: frgrerm{}n+ legutrd , fO Ai:i.fo5,.nar\z\y 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3A3 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Departnrcrfi Developntent September 8, 1994 Mr. Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Steve: Thank you for attending the Design Review Board (DRB) meeting held on Wednesday' September 7,1994. The purpose ot this letter is to summarize the conditions of approval tor the proposed Sadler residence located at 1970 Chamonix Lane. Each of the conditions of approval slated below needs lo be satisfied prior to the issuance of a building permit from the Town of Vail. The conditions ol approval are as follows: 1. That a cross access agreement be executed and recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Becorder's Office. 2- That a landscape easement be executed and recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office for the proposed landscaping on Lot 34' resubdivision of Buffehr Creek. 3. That the revised driveway plan be submitted and approved by the Town of Vail Fire Department. 4. That a revised landscape materials list be completed and submitted to the Olfice of Community Development. The revised landscape materials list should include all plant material indicated on the landscape plan reviewed by the DRB on September 7, 1994. 5. That a second story be added to the connection leature between the primary , and secondary unit. 6. That the site plan for Lot 34, resubdivision of Buffehr Creek conlorm with the plans conditionally approved by the DRB on September 7' 1994. Again, thank you lor appearing at the DBB meeting with the proposed Sadler residence. Each of the six conditions ot ipprovlt placed on the proposed Sadler residence by the DRB needs to be completed prior to issuance of building permit. Should you have any questions or concerns with regards lo the information adbressed within lhis letter, as always, please leel free to contact me during regular otfice hours. Sincerely,,4Oru*.-f.- '{uHP4 George Rulher Town Planner IILE COPYO TAWN OF 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 August 4, 1994 D ep antnent of Comnunity Deve loptnent Mr. Steven James Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail. CO 81658 Dear Steve: Below is a summary of the issues raised at the Design Review Board (DRB) meeting held on Wednesday, Augusi 3, 1994. The issues raised by the DRB members should be addressed at lhe time of final review. DRB COMMENTS/ISSUES 1.During the DRB meeting, lhere was much discussion wilh regard to propoled future develofment on Lot 34. lf, in fact, you wish to develop both Lots 34 and 35 under a common plan, you will need lo resubmit an application and supporting materials indicating that intention. However' uniil such a time as when your client actually owns the property or has been granted the authority to act on behalf of the owner, the DRB can only review the proposed plans for Lot 35. This means that the proposed plan for Lot 35 must "sland alone". Any approval.can only be based upon the plans submitted for Lot 35 with no retationship to currently unsubstantialed plans for Lot 34. In the opinion of the DRB, the proposed plans do not meet the Design Beview Guidelines requiring a substantial connection of the primary and secondary units. Staft will review this issue in the near future and supply you with an interpreiation of a substantial connection. In the meaniime, however, you may wish to pursue creating a more substantial connection of the units. This should include sharing a common roof. The driveway plan for Lot 35 is unacceptable' As proposed' the driveway tea-Oihg to the primary unit is both too long and constructed ol too much asphalt. Please consider alternatives to this proposed ptan' The proposed landscape plan is acceptable with the following exceptions. More landscaping is needed along the properly line between Lots 34 and 35. Additional trees are needed across the back ol the property to bulfer the view of the proposed residence from Bulfer Creek Paik lo the south. Lastly, the landscaping should compliment both the height of the proposed structure and its lorm. 2. ? 4. i .t- l- Mr. Riden August 4, 1954 Page Two 5.The architecture of the proposed residence is well done. However,' please consider centering the windows under the eave on the proposed southeast elevalion as well as introducing building materials more compatible with the existing neighborhood. As the buibing materials are proposed, the structure appears to be totally out of place. Attempt lo lower the finished grade of the primary unit. As proposed, it appears you are placing the unit up on a pedestal' ln addition' is all of the over lot grading really necessary? You had indicated at the meeting that a split-rail fence may be added to the landscape plan in the future. The placement of the fence vras to be atong the southerly property line. Please amend the landscape plan while keeping in mind that the placement of fences shall respect existing landforms and fit into land massing lather than arbitrarily follow site boundary lines, Design of lences shall be of materials compatible with the site and with the structure on the site. All utility meters shall be enclosed or screened lrom the public view. The utitity melers as proposed appear on the north elevation which directly faces Chamonix Lane. Ptease make certain that screening or enclosure of the utility meters is done. To better determine the acceptability of the proposed plan for Lot 35' please provide a model of the proposed development at the time of final review. The proposed plan is over on site coverage. Please make corrections as necessary. I hope lhe comments and issues addressed in this letter will be helpful in providing you with the necessary inlormalion needed to finalize your project lor final DRB review' lf you wish to . be scheduled lor the Wednesday, August 17, 1gg4 DRB meeting, you will need to submit final revisions to the Community Development Depanment no later than 12:00 p.m., Tuesday' August g, 1994. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the commenls and issies addressed in this letter, as always, please feel lree to contact me during office hours' Sincerely, 6. 7. 8. L 10. lJ,.*"??-tl^'t George Fiuther Town Planner xc: June Sadler 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colarado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 July 21, 1994 fu, DeparnnentoJCornnuniry Development "1{ or^,WP Mr. Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Steve: The Town of Vail Office of Community Development has received your Design Review Board (DRB) application for the proposed primary/secondary residence located at 1970 Chamonix Lane (Lot 35, Butfehr Creek Resub.). Upon review ol your application by the Town ot Vail, the following issues and concerns were raised with regard to the proposed application: 1. The southernmost ridge point on the proposed primary unit exceeds the allowable height of 33 feet at the west end. Please correct this situation so the height conforms with Town of Vail development standards. 2. Pursuant to Section 17.28.330 (Construction Design Criteria) of lhe Town ot Vail Municipal Code, driveways need to have a minimum 20 foot center line turning radius. As proposed, the driveway tuming radiuses out of the garages do not meet this standard. 3. Upon review of the proposed secondary unit lloor plan, il has been determined that the proposed secondary unit exceeds the allowable GRFA by approximately 15 square feet. The maximum allowed GBFA is '1947 square feet ( 40% of 3805 square feet). Please submit a set of redlined floor plans to indicate how you calculated GRFA in each of the units. ln addition to the above ilems, lhe following information listed below needs to be submitted to the Otfice of Community Development in order to make your DRB submittal complete: 1. Indicate lhe location of the proposed concrete pans as required by Town of Vail standards at the poinl where the driveway accesses the public street. 2. To determine adequate runof{ flow ability through the proposed culvert, please indicate top and bottom elevations as proposed. I' Mr. Riden July 21, 1994 Page Two 3. Since the DRB reviews the proposed utility meter location on development projects, please indicate on the appropriate building elevations the proposed locations of all utility meters. 4. To insure that the proposed exlerior lighting meets Town of Vail Lighting Ordinance standards, please submit lighting specifications and a detaited lighting cut sheet. 5. To help in the height determination of lhe proposed architectural projection on the primary unit, please indicate the architectural projection's height on the site plan. 6. Please indicate on the survey submitted dated June 27,1994 all existing easements on the property. ln order to remain on the agenda for the August 3, 1994 DRB meeting agenda, you will need to address and submit tinal revisions (o all the issues raised by the Town as well as complete all application submittal requirements by no later than 5:00 p,m., Tuesdav. Julv 26. 1994. lf you are unable to meet this deadline and wish to be placed on the DRB meeting agenda tor August 17, 1994, you will then need to have all of the above-described inlormation submitted to the Otfice of Community Developmenl by no later than 5:00 p.m-, Tuesday, AuEust 9, 1994. Shoutd you have any queitions or.concerni with regards to the issues and submittal requirements addiessed in his letter, as always, please feel free to contact me during regular office hours. Sincerely, fl"-*7.-,?,*u^l George Ruther Town Planner U. S. west. communications*l1J00-922-198?I qeg-eeso or 949-4530 (-:.:- PubI i c Service Company. 94 9-57 81(: u- carY Hat t (:t 1- 1, .- Holy.Cross Eleclric Assoc. ? P il3-i,l3irr",chaer Laverry€tA,r -. A HFril'a.tF Cablevision T.V..l'r7-- 9{ 9+5s30& 1;,ffiffirt, = \E{i#%""iJ"!ir.v water )6 See- <Jr[ad4s[- .;lqp ' E Sanitation District r JOB NAHE # z6 BLocK rrLrNG Eu?f&/ cUa.h- ADDRESS agr*rraerfr'gg r./r*t' The location and avai lability of utilities, uhether they be main trunk lines or proposed llnes, must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site pIan. Authorized Sidnature DAle 7- te -rql. T<z *bu,n*",& 416-7 480 Fred Has lee NOTE, 1 . 7-t2-qq This form is to verifv service availability and loeation. This shoutl be used in conJunction !ti!h preparing a utillty plan and scheduling installations. For an)' new construetion proposal, the applicant must piovide a completed ut.ility verification f orrn . If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative !toufo note directly on the utility veriflcation form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved, If the issue ls relatively comPlicated' lt should be spelled out in detail in an attached Jetter to the Toltn of Vail. However' please keep in mind that it is the responslbillty of the utility company and olrner Eo resolve ldentified prob lems . if tf,. utillty verification form has signatures from each of the utilify eompanies' and no connents are nade directly on the fornr the Tor"n rrilI presume that there are no problens and that the clevelopnent can proceed. These verifications do not relleve the contractot of his respon-sibility to obtain a street cut pernit from ttre Town of vail, Department of Publlc i,torks and to obtain utilit.v locations before dioqjnq in any p-blic righe-of-way or.easetnent in trre rouln of Vail. A brrildinq permit is not a, street- cut pe!&it. - A st.reet cut ptrnit rnust be cbtained separately ' }N S<r.urerr Se'$'vtoe 2' 4. -4s4ic \"{ \tct3b€- St.}lNS€$- {lo d'-J. l.)* s\aJ*rr,^-' li Setwee_ {a .lla'-C_ t.c\oses$ 3'e$)sr r'fia\\'\ lsa i.r.. ,\\a.*"J"a{D'd' FU- 5. * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Uppir Eagle vatley water I Sanitation sisnatures' Fire flow needs mus'- be addressed. VIUCI IOIll\l\7 ri /o\ tRl ol Rc,t I €rJ |r, F)@ A 16, t. {81 U) 3 =o zo C) FtJ) td =:c Ld L-JvO E.l!u-t!f 00 7 a f z ozO )<ooEm =oo td v-- t)(L l@lloJE/ r\(\ 512-O6-(ru 65-12-00 oo - Standard 06 - Polished Solid Brass 12 - Black - Aluminum Construction .15 - White - Aluminum Construction #ts'n$Fsw{ogddaes POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY S'I'' E WA FT'f 'I'' I T L IT GUARANTY COMPANY SUEJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FBOM COVEBAGE. THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, a Texas corporation, herein called lhe Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: 1. Title to the estate or interesl described in Schedule A being vested olher than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. Lack of a right of access to and from the land. The Company will also pay the costs, atlorneys'fees and expenses incurred in defense of the title, as insured, but only to the extent provided in the Conditions and StiDulations. lN WITNESS WHEBEOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused this policy to be signed and sealed by its duly aulhorized officers as of the Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. STE\I'ARTTITLE OUANANTT C (}HPTl|Y Company Cily, State EXCI-USIOIIS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded f(om the cove(age ot this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, cosls, atlorneys' fees 0r expenses which arise by reason of:1. (a) Any law, ordinance 0r governmental regulalion (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, 0r regulations) reslricting, regulaling, prohibiting 0r relating to (i) the occupancy. use, 0r enioyment ol lhe land; (ii) the characler, dimensions 0r location 0f any improvement now 0r hereafter erected on lhe land; (iii) a separation in 0wnership or a change in the dimensions 0r area of lhe land 0r any parcel 0f which the land is or was a parl; or (iv) eflvironmental protection, 0r the effect 0f any violation 0f these lav'6, ordinances 0r governmental regulati0ns, except t0 the extent that a n0tice the enforcement thereof or a notice 0f a defect. lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation aflecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any go\rernmenlal p0lice power nol excludEd by (a) above. except t0 the extent that a notice of the exefcise lhereol 0r a notice 0f a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting fr0m a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public fecords at Dale of Polhy.2. R'ghts of eminenl domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Daie of Policy. but not excludiflg from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the righls of a purchaser for value withoul kn0wledge.3. Defecls, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matlers: (a) created, suffered, assutned or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Dale of Poficy, but known t0 the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to lhe date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) fesulting in no loss or damage to lhe insured claimant; (d) attaching 0r crealed subsequent to Oate of Policy; or (el resultino in loss 0r damage which would not have be€n sustained it the insured clainunt had paid value for the estate 0r inte(esl lnsured by this policy. 4. Any claim, which atises out of the transaction vesting in the Insured lhe estate or interest insured by this policy, by reason 0f tfre operalion of federal bankruptcy, stale insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that is based on: (a) lhe lransaction creating the estate or interest insured by lhis policy being deemed a lraudulent conveyance 0r lraudulenl lransler; or (b) the lransaction crealing the estate of lnterest insured by this policy being deemed a preferential transfer except where lhe preferential transfer results from lhe tailure: (i) to timely record the iostrumenl 0f transfer: or (ii) 0f Such recordation to impart n0tice to a purchaser for value 0r a judgment or lien creditor. 17 3222 001 lFlev l0 l/ 92) ol;.v, tf rha Cotpony sholl exercise its rights under'lhts potogroP / rr lnotr ilioinrlv."'niij?*h.n""r, the compony, sholl, hove,brought cn.oft.Ltltl*:i-:. ilii, ii"'rrl.iti*ie, lncluding o-ny liobilirv or oblisotion io delend' protecure 9' *ltiilB,:Il ll'gf,llo?'" rr1;, | | r nr r r y a Nn ror'q,o a NrFrt ULE ASCHED 1. 3. 4. oRDER NO.: 94010405 POLTCY NO': O-9993'L73222 DATE oF PoLIcY: May 17, 1994 at 12:43 A.M. AMOUN? OF INSURANCE: $ 103'000.00 NAI{E OF INSURtsD: BUFFEHR PARK LLC THE ESTATE OR IS: Fee Sinp1e TITLE TO THE BUFFEHR PARK INTEREST IN THE LAND WHICH TS COVERED BY THIS POLICY THE LAND REPERRED TO IN COUNTY OT EAGLE, AND IS Lot 35, RESUBDIVISION OF BUFFER THIS POLICY IS IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CREEK STEWART TITLE CUARANTY CONIPANY ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND IS VESTED IN: LLC, A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY SCHEDULE B PoLICY NO. : 0-9993-173222 THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE AGATNST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THE CoMPANY WILL NOT PAY COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES OR EXPENSES) WHICH ARISE BY REASON OF: 1. 2. RIGHTS OR CI,AIMS OF PARTIES TN POSSESSION NOT THE PUBLIC RECORDS. EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOI'N SHOWN BY BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.3. DTSCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY LTNES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMEI'ITS, AND ANy FACTS tiHICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.5. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMSi RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONSIN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORTZING THE TSSUANCE THEREOF; WATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. 6, Any and all unpaid taxes and assessnents and unredeemed taxsales. 7. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific waterconservancy, fire protection, soil conservation or otherdistrict or inclusion in any water service or street inprovernent area. 8. Reservations or exceptions in Patents, or in Acts authorizingthe issuance thereof, including the reservation of a right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of theUnited States, as reserved in UniLed States Patent recorded October 4, L9L6, in Book 93 at Page 301. 9. Ten percent royalty interest in proceeds derived from the saleof any rninerals, produced and nined frorn said prenises, asreserved by instrunent reeorded in Book 166 at Page 407, and any assignments thereof. 10. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverterclause, as contained in instrument recorded october 8, 1963 in Book L78 at Page 75, as amended by insLrunent recorded April 1. 1964 in Book L92 at Page 343 as Reception No. 103550 and byinstrurnent recorded May 25, 1.966 in Book 197 at Page 1 as Reception No. l-04040. Ll. Easement granted to Gas Facilities, Inc. by County of Eagle forconstruction and rnaintenance of gas lines in and along aI1 roadsin Resubdivision of Buffer creeki recorded August 1I ,-7965 in Book L90 at Page 405 as Receplion No. 101914. EXCEPTIONS N1JMBERED ARE HEREBY OMITTED ATTACHED TO AND },IADE A PART OF STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY POLICY NO. O-9993-L73222 CONfINUATION OF SCHEDULE B 12. Easements, restrictions, notes and rights-of-ways as.shown on the Plat of Resubdivision of Buffer Creek, as Reception No- 98077 . 13. order of Inclusion in the VaiI village west Water and Sanitation District, by instrunent recorded in Book.2l-4 at Page 282 as Reception No. 109721. , lY, t rrr (ii the Amounl of Insuronce sloted in Schedule A; or, {ii) lhe difference between the volue oI lhe insured eslole or inlererl os insured ond the volue of fhe insured eetole or inl€resl subject to the defect, lien or encumbronce insured ogoinsl by this policy. (b) In fhe evenl lhe Amounl of lnsuronce sloted in Schedule A ot the Dote ol Policv ii less thon 80 percenl ol the volue ol the insured ellote or inlererl or lhe lull c'onsiderotion poid for the lond, whichever i: less, or if subsequenf to the Dote of Policy on inrprovemenl i: erected on the lond which incteoses lhe yolue of the insured esiote or inleresl bv ol leolt 20 percenl over the Amounl of Insuronce stoted in Schedule A, theo fiii Policy is sutiect to the following: (i) where no subsequent improvemenl hos been mode, os lo ony por- tiol los, the Compony sholl only poy the loss pro rolo in the proporlion lhot the omounl of insuronce ol Dote of Polirv besn lo lhe tolol volue of the insured estole or inleresl ol Dote of Poli6y' or' lii) where o subsequent improvemant hor been mode, os lo ony portiol losr, lhe Compony sholl only poy the losr pro rolo in the proporlion thot 120 Dertenl o[ lhe Lmount ol Insuronce ilofed in Schedule A beors lo lhe sum of the Amount ol Insuronce stoted in Schedule A ond the omount expended lor ihe inoroYemeol.' Ihe provisions of this porogroph sholl not opply to cosls, oflorneys' fees ond exDenses for which the Compony is lioble under this policy, ond sholl only oPPly to thot porlion o[ ony loJs which erceeds, in lhe oggregote, 10 percent of lhe Amounl of Insuronce sloled in Schedule A. (c) The Compony will poy only lhose cosls, ollorneys' {ees ond exPenses inruried in occordince with Seition 4 of fiese Conditions ond Stipulotions. 8. APPORIIONMTNI. l{ the lond described in Schedule A conshh of lwo or more porcelr which ore nol used os o single site. ond o losl h estoblhhed olfecting one or nore of lhe porcelr bul not o[. lhe loss sholl be compuled ond seltled on o pro rolo bolis os i( the omo,rnt of insuronre under thit golicy vros divided pro rolo os lo lhe volue on Dote of Policy of eoch seporoie porcel lo the whole. exclusive of ony inorovemenls moie lubsequenl to Dole of Policy, unless o liobility or volue hos ollierwise been ogreed ',,pon os lo eoch portel by the Compony ond the insured ol lhe time ol lhe h5uqr'ce of this policy ond sho*n by on express stolemeot or by on endorsemenl olloched to thh policy. 9. IIMITAIION OF I.IABITITY. {ol l[ lhe Compony estoblishes ]he litle, or rernoves lhe olleged defect, lien or encumb,once, oi cuies the lock ol o right of occess lo or from the lond, or (ures the (ldim;l unmorkelobility ol tiile, ;ll os insured, in o reoronobly diligent monner by ony melhod, including litigotion ond the completion of ony oppeoh therefrom, it slioll hove fr,llly performed its obligotions wilh re!Pect lo lhql motter ond sholl not be lioble for ony losr or domoge coused thereby lbl In the evenl oI ony litigotion, including litigotion by the Conpony or with lhe Compony's conscnl, lhe Compony sholl hove no liobility for loss or domoge until lherr his been o finql determinolion by o court of compelent iurisdiclion, ond disposition of oll oppeols therefrom, odverse lo the litle o: insured. {c) Ihe Compony iholl not be lioble for loss or dornoge to ony insured lor liobilid volunlorili ossumed by lhe insured in setlling ony doim or suil wi'lhoul lhe orior written consenl ol the Cornpony. io. nruucttoN 0F TNSURANCE; REoucItoN oR IERMINAIIoN oF I.IABIUIY. All poymenh under lhis policy, except poymenh mode for cosls, ollorneys' lees ond eioenses. sholl reduce lhe omounl of lhe insuronce pro fonlo. I I. IIASIIIIY NONCUMUTAIIVE It is expresdy underslood lhot lhe omounl of insuronce under this policy sholl be reduced by ony omounl the Compsny noy Poy under ony policy insuring o morloooe lo which ex(eplion is loken in Schedule B or fo which the insured hos ooiee'd, ossumed, or ioften subiect, or which is hereoller executed by on insurei ond which is o chorge or lien on the eslote or inleresl described or relerred lo in Schedule A, ond the omounl io poid sholl be deemed q Polmenl under lhis policy to lhe insured owner. I2. PAYMENT OT tOSs. (o) No poyment sholl be mode without produting lhis policy for.endorse- menl ol the ooymenl unless lhe policy hos been lo;l or deslroyed, in which cose oroof ol loss or'deslruction sholl 6e fJrnished to the sotisfoction of the Compony.' lb) When liobility ond lhe exlent of losr or domoge hos been definitely lixed in occordonce iith these Conditions ond Stipslotions, the loss or domoge sholl be payoble wilhin 30 doys lhereolter. ' " AiTh"Je'ffi .?,-iir fi 'Jii'"u'g "'i'".Wienener lhe Cohpony sholl hove settled ond poid o cloim under lhir Pol' icy, oll right of subrogoiion iholl vesl in lhe Compony unofletled by ony oct of the insured cloimont. Ihe Compony sholl be rubroqoted to ond be enlilled to oll righls ond reme' dies whi(h ths insured cloimont would hove hod ogoinst ony Person or ProPerry in resoecl lo the cloim hod this policy nol been islued. ll requested by the Com' pony, the insured cloimont sholl tronsfer lo the Cornpony oll righll ond remedies 'oqoinst ony person or prope y necessory in order to per{ect thil righl of rubro' oition. Thi insured cloimonl iholl permit lhe Compony lo sue, (omptomite or iettle in the nome ol the insured cloirnont ond to use the nome ol the insured cloimonl in ony tronso<lion or liliqoiion involving lhese righls or remedies. lf o povmenl on o(counl oi o cloim doei not fulli coner fhe loss ol lhe insvred cloimonl, lhe Compony tholl be subrogoted to lhese. righh ond remedies in the proporlion which the Compony's poymilnt beors lo the whole omounl of the loss. lf loss should result lrom ony od ol lhe insured doimonl, os stoted qbove, thol oct sholl nol void this poliiv, but the Compony, in thol evenl, sholl be reouired lo poy only lhol poit of ony losses insured ogoinst by thit policy which shdll erceed the omounl, il ony. losi to the Compony by reoson of lhe impok' ment bv the insured cloimont of the Componyt right of subrogotion. 1bi Ihe Componyt Rights Agoinst Non-inruted. Obligors... ih. Cornponi't 7;iht efsubro!orion ogoinsl non insured obligors;holl exisl ond sholl include, *ilhoul limilolion, the rightt of the insured lo indemnilies, guo' ronlies. olher policies of insuronce or bonds, notwithdonding ony lerms or (ondi' tions <onloineJ in lhote in5lrumenls which provide lor subrogolion rightr by reo' son ol thit policy. I4. AR8lTRAIION Unless prohibited by opplicoble low. eilher the Compony or the insured moy demond orbihotion ouriuonl to the Iille Insuronce Arbilrotion Rules o[ the Ameri' csn Arbitrslion Associotion. Arbitroble molleri moy include. but sre not limited lo. ony conlro"ersy or cloim belween lhe Compony ond the insured orising oul ol or reloting lo this policy, ony service ol ihe Compony in conneclion wilh ih issu- once or llie breqch of o policy provision or other obligolion.- All o.rbitroble mot' teri when the Amounl of insutince ir $1,000,000 or lesi sholl be orbitroted ot the oofion of eilher lhe Componv or lhe insured. All orbilrqble mollers when lhe Amounl ol Insuronce is in excess ol $1,000,000 sholl be orbitroted only when ooreed lo bv both the Componv ond lhe insured Arbitrolion pursuont to ihis oili.u ond u'nder the Rules in efiect on $e dole the demond for orbitrotion is lirodl ot. or the option o{ the insu'ed, the Rules in ef{ect ot Dote ol Polky sholl be bindinq upea ih6 porties. The o*ord moy include otlorney!' fees only if lhe lowr ol thi stole in.hich the lood is lototed permil o covrl lo oword oltorneys' fees lo o prevoiling porly. Judgmenl upon thi,oword, rendered by lhe Arbilro' lork) mov be entered In ony cou.l novrng lutrsdrclron m€reor. ' 'The io" of the situs ol ihe lond sholi opply to on orbilrotion under the litle Insuronce Arbitrolion Rules. A coov ol lhe Rules mov be obtqined trom the Compony upon requesl. ls uABt(rrY l.lMlIED IO rHlS PotlcY; PotlcY ENIIRE CONTRACI' lo| Ihis oolicv tooether with oll endorsemenls, if ony, ottoched hereto by the iomoonv'is thl eniire policy ond conlrocl belwean the insured ond the Com- pcny. In'inte'rpreting ony i,o',iiion of this policy, this policy lholl be comkued og o wnole. {b) Any cloim ol loss or domoge, whelher or nol bosed on negligence, ond n hkli orites'orr of lhe stolus ol lhe itle to the ettole or inlelesl coveied hereby or by ony oclion osserting such cloim, sholl be rerhicted to this policy.' (i) No omendme-nf ol o, endorsement lo this policy con be rnode ercept by o "riiifig endoreed hereon or otioched hereto signed by either.the President, o Vice Pre-sident, the Secretory, on Assi3tont Seoelory, or volidoting officer or oulhorized signolory ol lhe Compony' 16. sEvERA8il,lIY. ln the event ony provision of the policy is held involid or unenforceoble under eeplicoble low. the'pblicy sholl be diemid nof lo include lhot provision ond oll oihir ororhions sholl remoin in full lorce ond ellect I7, }IOTICE5, WHERE SENT. All notices required b [e given fie Compony ond orry stotemerit in writing reouired to be lurhished the C-ompony rholl include lhe number of lhis policy oJ sholl be oddressed to the C6mpbnv ol P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Texos 77252-2029. S'I' Ii\\t,,\ ll'['l' I'l' I.Ii GtlA R,{ i..'l Y ( (tltI'A |l I MIKE McGEE I REG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Relurn,o George Ruther Town Planner Datc: Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Commcnts: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Commcnts: --7-. <) Efrk=<i'-z;;,rJ Dislribulcd lo lhe Firc Departmenl, public Works, and Landscaping on -q!r-*-' Darcr f '.'t'F4' INTER.DEPARTM ENTAL R EVIEW --1 7#9, ?4ticYl Ea\E&1tly ?lrg. Enginecring: Revicwed by: Commcnls: PROJECT: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: DATESUBMffTEDa-_m ?f ..lI- COMMENTS NEEDED tJY: gITU \ To: rvlrKE M.GEE @ToDD oeeENHETMER Relurn lo George Ruther PROJECT: DATE SUBMffTEo:rltz DA\TE OF PUBLIC HEARING coMMENrs NEEDED.BYT TltO nL;*t BRIEF DESCRIPTTON OF THE pROpOSAL: 0 i Engincering: Reviewed by: {erri ' 9x1s. rlzolqA. Commcnts: ._.-AQ ' talrr<',rr f,c thcde ,srlev#r (Fk e!p$os'd\g or\ tt\€ <^y\s\ncrl\-, dset\q\y qt t\c. rqcxrrr{r oetle poogo-.d 6t.ve .s<r'1 ord ot ccn " ornor i..*G.s -'t J.s\ ne.d5 \o s\r o$l art ert:ti.rl er6grent5(6t5o .rtr- kiuewal doc-r tot rt1€Et 2oi cg\tq Liec, c(loiot tout ot tNidttl ot trrrn qr<orrd svr.rrt{ be \,(iogoscA caq\tcrrrs st\ss\dr -isdi (cr;e. gcoc\incl tc1- dr oiinq*Lrutirr t\11 6.i* e$<r b€.6\s\\t .xr.ss kr flt V\". _ -G- Town Planner c'sc^rrc\to\)c.o' gE- \i (p5f*...\t A'.,2r, Fct r-€set ifi. lrrn-iqq co{to $1 qce rs ttc{f*,r*rv tqrCaee to-iit {.re e ,r AC $nare, ir.|qtq 6'f$ Sg.,<r Shlb SJy! on 6i5 b12 . ( As0ho,tt coftrst vre cr.:r) Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Comments: 5L*t*/- -^J. -'p-t-tt<-rt,-zJ A .e.z*!n /1. ''B 53) aie"L'>h*"c-/'*{l D-t'.Ltj t't L'u-Lh-"-<'\ Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Date: Distributed io the Fire Department, Public Works, and Landscaping on '-z TO: PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: Engineering: Reviewed by: Commenls: Landscaping: Reviewed by: Comments: GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return ,o George. Ruther Town Planner o@ INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date: Date: Fire Dept.: Revicwed av: -44'€' ouru'7zzz4 commenls: 1tr4'---- ,-_c*_v__ _,/,/ t// " ,-y' { A >_ s2) nt" '-t/<:<.e-<'e- "e '4': z-o-''"tt a 1r' 3o',o" --e s ai -"< coMMENrs NEEDED BY: '/2b ?1n/o BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:? \ 7?7O dz"rzt--t'x /-' ,// / Distributed to the Fire Department, Public Works, and Landscaping on Z/'a->r."Zzz"z-zz72' RECIPROCAIJ ACCESS AND UTII,ITY EASEMENTS THIS INSTRIIMENT dared August 15 , is betwegn quffehr P?rk LLC('" ) and 'June Sadler ( "Sadler" ) RECITAI,S- 1.June sadler is the record and beneficial owner of thatcertain reEf-pr6perty (the rrLoE 34 property,') known as l,oL 34,Buffer Creek, Town of VaiI, CounLy of Eagle, Sbabe of Colorado. 2, Sadler is Etre record and benefici-al owner of that cerLainreal property (the "35 Property',) known as T-,ob 35, Buf fer Creek,Town CounEy of Eag1e, State of Colorado. 3. In order to provide a thirty fool- wide access fromChamonix lrlg,("Chamonix") t,o the Lot.34 property ancl Ehe Lot 35ProperL.y,B$rtl P".\_LL! arrd sadler desire to ilranr reciprocal easement.s for access and uE,ilit,ies (i) over, across and through afifteen fooE. wide strip of land located on the Loh 34 Properhy,with such fifEeen foot. wide strip of land being the most wesL,erlyfift.een feet of Ehe Lot, 34 Property lying and being immediaLelyadjacenE to the Lol- 35 Property and (ii) over, across and l-hrougha fift,een foot wide st,rip of land located on t.he l-,ot. 35 Properb,y,wiLh such fifteen foot wide sLrip of ]and being t-he most easterlyfi.fteen feet of the Lot, 35 Property lying and being irnmediatelyadjacent, to the Lot, 34 Property. The Lobal of t-he 2 fifLeen fooLwide sErips is hereinafter referred Lo as t.he rtCommon Accesgrr. WITNESSETH ,..liliJi#%l",ti.i:sL*.'"?'.,;ilx:1".:"rx'.1"i:?:i??.;&:l;other good and valuable consideraEion, the receipt and sufficiencyof whieh are hereby acknowledged, do hereby agree as follows: l.Buffehr Park LLCdoes hereby se11 and convey t.o sadler andalt fut.ur-E-6ilners oElhe Lot 35 properEy a non-exclusive, perpetual easemenE and right of way under, over, upon,- ac-rogs and throughthat, port.ion of the Common Access owned by .r. saoler f or t_hepurpose of using, constructing, insl-al1ing, mainl-aining, repairing,enlarging, reconst.ructing and replacing faciliLiee providiltg orsupplying utilities services of all kinds thereupon ineluding,\^tit.hout limitat.ion, water, sewer, sLorm drainage, elect.riciLy,natural gas, cable television and belephone services and for thepurpose of using, constructing, maintaining, repairing, enlargj-ngand reconstruct.ing roadways thereupon providing vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian ingress and egress between the l-,ot 35 Property and Chamonix 2. sadler does hereby setl and convey ao"":l"lt =1*alftf allfuture owners of the Lot 34 Propert.y a non-excluE1ve, FerpeLualeasement and right of way under, over, upon, across and throughthaE portion of t,he Common Access for Lhe purpose of using,const,ructing, installing, maint.aining, repairing, enlarging,reconat,rucLing and replacing facilities providing or supplyingutilities services of afl kinds thereupon including, withoub]imitation, water, sewer, sLorm drainage, elect.riciLy, natural gas,cable television and telephone services and for Ehe purpose ofusing. construct.ing, maintainj-ng, repairing, enlarging andreconstructing roadways thereupon providing vehicular, bicycle andpedestrian ingress and egress between the Lot 34 Propert.y and Chamonix. 3. The easemenLs granted herein through the Common Accessare hereinafLer referred Eo as the "Common Access EasemenC'r. ' The Common Access EasemenE shall run with the land and shall be appurt,enanE to the Lot 34 Property such that, a hransfer of lega1EiEle to aIl or arly portion of Lhe LoL 34 Property shall auE,omahically transf er a proportionaLe inE.erest, inAccess Easemenb; and the Comrnon Access Easement shallland and shall be appurt.enant to the Lot 35 properEy transf er of legal t-it,le to all or any portion oiProperE,y shall aut.omati_cally transfer a proportionat.ethe Common Access Easement. 4 p"ff=ttl-I":I b!fr sadler furrher agree and.foll-ows : - the Common run with the such thab athe LoC 35 interesb in covenant,as (a) On or before June 1 , 19:1 _--, Sadler at.her sol-e cost. and expenEEl-EEa.ff consLruct an unpavedroadway (t.he ,,Roadway't) upon t.he Common Access. TheRoadway shall be consEructed wibh a minimurn width offeet, shall_ have a centerline matchinq Lhe commonboundary line between the Lot 34 propert.y and Lhe Lot 35Property, shall be sufficient, t,o alLow two wheel drivevehicles Lo Lraverse the Roadway and shall have itsaccess unt.o Chamonix construcE.ed in compl_iance with t.heTown of Vail, all applicable rules, regulaEions andrequiremenLs. Notwithst,anding anybhing containedhereinabove to t-he contrary. upo.n complet,ion of the Roadway as provittect hereinabove,rgl:I1l::I_lSrees roreimburse to Sadler one half ot-EIe-EEEuaf- costs andexpenses incurred by Sadler in consLrucbing Lhe Roadwaywith such EoEal reimbul:se$9nL-by Jan. 1, 19r36t. to ex.reedan amount equal to 5 20'000'00 ' . - (b) Once the Roadway has been consLruct-ed bySadler, the owner of the LoE 34 Properby and t.he owner ofthe LoL 35 Property sha11 each be responsible to pay I/2of aII co6ts associated with the repair and maint,enanceof t,he Roadway and all cosEs associated wit.h theinstallat.ion, maint-enaiice and repair of any ubitlityservices serving both the Lot 34 Propertuy and the Lol 35Property. (c) The Comrnon Access Eaeement may be used for thepurposeer staLed herein bnBuffehr Parn'r4tg sadrer andtheir respect.ive lenants, guesLs and inviE,ees. (d) Each part.y sirall indemnify, defend and holdharmless the ot.her from, against and wibh respect Eo anycIaim, loss, damage. assessment, judgment, cosE orexpense (including, without limitation, reasonableattorney's fees and costs and expenses reasonablyincurred in investigat-ing, preparing or defending againslany litigation or claim, act,ion, suit, proceeding ordemand, of any kind or charact.er) , of or in any mannerrelating or aLtributabfe to or arising out of the use of t,he Roadway, the Common Access or any uEilities installedin, over, under or t,hrough the Common Access EasemenL byany person by, through or urrder the indemnifying parLy. 5 . Each provision of Ehis Reciprocg.l.Ac.c_eqs-_f,n+, Jtt iliEy Easement Agreement shalt be enforceable t y Tlll tltK df+& sadlerby a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by asuit or action t-o recover damages. If courL proceedings areinst,ituted in connection wiE,h the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Instrumenl , bhe prevailing parEy shall beenEitled to recover it.s cosLs and expenses in connection therewiLhincluding, wiEhout limit.ation, reasonable atEorneys, fees. 6. This Reciprocal Access and Utility EasemenE Agreementshall be binding upon and inur to (a) t,he benefit of Ehe partieshereto and t,heir heirs, personal represenbab, j"ves, successorsi (b) assigns and shall be construed undel and governed by the laws ofthe SLate of Colorado; and (c) The singuLar number shal1 include the plural . the plural Lhe singular, and E,he use of any gender shall- be applicable Eo all genders. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, Ehis Instrument is executed effective asof the date firsE set forth above. STATE OF COI,ORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _day of August,, L994, by WiEness my hand and official seal . Not-ary Public My commission expires: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGI-,E ss: The foregoing instrument. was acknowledged before me this -day of August, !994, by ilune Sadl-er. Witnese my hand and official seal . Notary Public My commiss5-on expires: lds\easement\Lot3tt&35, sadFllc No. 2408 - 1 u! | i.rJ I JJsr .llr ,J4 i]HULEX tgtrHL trstHlC JtsJ 4'i'l 9lub l'.Ve 2()?? N. t{o:tn$e Qd. S<:*t Voil, Cr-rlorudo Sl69? er Qeal Ealate, Incl October 9, 1995 Fox: 479-2452 Mr, George Ruiher Town of Voil Community Developmenf Deor George, I om requesting o one year extension on the D.R.B. opprovol for lot 3s, Buffer creek subdivis'ron. Due lo studies of weflqnd and culverts, it hospostponed our building situotion ond qn extenslon would be cpprecicted. Thonk you. -T,r|3ffi}1d w:trvo oUvgF-,ugfAsu Netsg0 .,Jnglffii;- &o' 901 loi {76 }Eit nE fyeretv'tw June Ssd 4?9 9?65 lax TOTAL P.E2 f" --.__--b.'lY'; "';:i-r' '' .-"_*'-A|l.ltrtr'ail-ai.frF' 9:.: ., ''"'" ::ri) t'i " s.i'1t.,...,-;' FI!. T l"-O1-85r B{-,$rb cfl D e paru nent of Conm uniry Deve lopue nt TAWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 t 39 FAX 303:479-2452 September 8, 1994 Mr. Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail. CO 81658 Dear Steve: Thank you for attending the Design Review Board (DRB) meeting held on Wednesday, ' September 7, 1994. The purpose of this letter is to summarize the conditions of approval for the proposed Sadler residence located at 1970 Chamonix Lane. Each of the conditions ot approval stated below needs lo be salisfied prior to lhe issuance ol a building permit from the Town of Vail. The conditions of approval are as follows: 1. That a cross access agreement be executed and recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office. 2. That a landscape easement be executed and recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office for the proposed landscaping on Lot 34, resubdivision of Bullehr Creek. 3. That the revised driveway plan be submitted and approved by the Town of Vail Fire Department, 4. That a revised landscape materials list be completed and subrnitted to the Office of Community Development. The revised landscape materials list should include all plant material indicated on the landscape plan reviewed by the DRB on September 7, 1994. 5. That a second story be added to the connection fealure between the primary - and secondary unit. 6. That the site plan for Lot 34, resubdivision of Buffehr Creek conform with the plans conditionally approved by the DFB on Seplember 7, 1994. Again, thank you for appearing at the DBB meeting with the proposed Sadler residence. Each oithe six conditions of approval placed on the proposed Sadler residence by the DRB needs to be completed prior to issuance ot building permit. Should you have any questions or concerns with regards to lhe information addressed within this letter, as always, please feel free to contact me during regular office hours. Sincerely,t ---1't(rr-Hu../ George Ruiner Town Planner c&P y