HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK LOT 39 BRANDESS BUILDING PART 5 LEGALE)iliIBIT ''E'' AGREED CONDITIONS rf the Board of variance grants the applicati-on, the appli- cant agrees that the following conditions may be imposed: (1) The building, landscaping, aceesa, and parking area shall be installed and constructed on the subject pro_ perty at those l0cations and in those areas set forth on the site plan atEached hereto as Exhibit "F"; (2) The applicant shall commence construction on the sub_ ject property, in accordance r.rith the site p1an, r^rith_ in eighteen months of the grant of variance, and the applicant sha11 work diligently to complete the construc- tion project; (3) AL the site shown on the site plan attached as Exhibit 'rF," the appl-icant shall construct a building having a profile substantially similar to thaE seL forch in Ex- hibit "F"; (4) The appllcant shall compl-y wirh rhe site plan and shall construct a building substantially similar to that shown in Exhibit "F,'t provided that minor changes in locations, sitings, blt1k of structures, height or character of the building may be authorized by the Zoning Administ.rator or any other duly authorized official of Eagle County, if required by circumstances not foreseen at the time the variance is approved; (5) The use of the subject property shall be limited manner set forth in the foregoing conditions so the building shown on the site pLan, Exhibit "F, used for those uses allowed by the provisions of tion 3.07 of the Zoning Resol_ution. in the long as tt ig Sec- . EXHTBI T ]IDII ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS .oF RESUBDMSION OP BUFFER CREEK, LOI 39-A NORTI{ Lot 36 Lot 37 Lot 38 SOUTE Lot 39-B EAST Lot 40-A Lot 40-B I,INST Sec. 11 Parts of Sec. Ardlckas Kasp aral t Ls Pauperes Kasp araitis 11-6 Clayton S treet Waudegan, Il L ino is lli].liam anrl Alice M. 6324 lleCo rnxnas Avenue 60085 Car twrigh t Dal-1as , T.exas 7 s2L4 Roi C. Davis, Jr. Sheraan Agency 838 Shernan S t.reet Denver, Colorado 802O3 Inters tate 70 R. O. W. Ronald Za11 ALan E. Fox 1340 Denver C1ub. Suilding 518 S even te en Eh StreeE Denver, Colorado 80203 Interstate. T0 R.O.I{. I[est Vai1. Developrnent Post 0ffice Box 418 Vai1, Colorado 81557 L2 Corporation EXHIBIT ''C'' JUSTIFICATlON The r-equirements set forth in section 9.04.06 of the Eagl_e county zonLng Resorution are met. The applicant incorporates hereLn as if set forth verbatim the statements in Exhibit ,,8.,, Because the applicant cannot obtain financing for construction and cannot obtain any reasonabre use or enjoyment of the subject property, a st.rLct enforcement of the provisions of the Zoning Resolution, including seetion 3.07,0g(b), irirr- necessarily im- Pose unnecessary and unreasonabr-e hardship on the applicant, The circumstances creating the hardship are not the fault of the appl-icant. As a result of the rezoning and the exercise of the por,rers of ermninent domain, the shape of the property is exceptional, in that the depth of the properLy in relationship to required set- backs, if strictl-y enforced, would preclude any rationar develop- ment. The variance as sought with Lhe conditions requested by the applicant will not diminish the valuer use, or enjoymenE of adja- cenL properties, nor curtail desirable light, air, and open space in the neighborhood, The proposed building maintains a low profiLe and a low bulk, and will not curtail the view from adja- cent properties to the north. The primary effect of the proposed building will be rhe blocking of rhe view of the interstate high- way and other non-aesthetic aspect.s of the seene as observed from existing uses north of the subject property. Open space and de- sirable light rvil1 be maintained due to the site p1an and landscape restrictions proposed by the appl_icant. The variance will not be directly concrary to the intent and purpose of the zonj'g Resolution or the Master plan, which pro- vides that "cormnercial facilities shall be directed to existing cent.ers and strategic locaEions based on access to arterial cir- cuLation routes"' The subject property is innnediately adjacent to the north frontage roads to r-70 for access to arteriaL circula- tion, and is located within approximately 600 feet of the vail Das Schone shopptng center OgrglErr-"8" PUIPOSE AND REASONS FOR VARIANCE Leo Brandess recently purchased the subject proTrerty. On or about May 28, L975, the Board of county conrnissioners of Eagle County granfed a Petition for iezoning of the subject property from Residential Suburban Medium to conurercial Limi-ted. rn that proceeding, the appl-icants discLosed Eo EagLe County that tbe purpose of the requested rezoning was "to allow construction of an office building on the property." The boundaries of the subject praperty were reduced in size as the result of the exercise of eurninent domain for a right-of,- way for Interetate Highway T-70, As a result of the condemnation, the western boundary of the subject property measures approximately 131 feet, and the eastern boundary of the subjecE property measures approximately 123 feeE. The northern boundary of the subject pro- perty is adjacent to residential uses. Accordingly, pursuant to Section 3.07.08, the rear yard setback would be 75 feet from the north boundary of the subject property, and the front yard setback would be 75 feets from the adjacenE street centerline or 50 feet from the north property line, whichever is greater. By adding the front and rear yard setbacks together, the total setback area measllres 125 feet. This setback requirement of 125 feet exceeds the entire eastern boundary of the property and is approximately six feet less than the western boundary of the property. There- fore, the permissible building area envelope eonsists of a very small triangular piece of property measuring approximately six feet on the rvest and coming to a point on the east. I^lith the subject properLy restricted by virtue of the zoning resolution, the applicant cannot obtain financing for construction, and under the totaltty of the circumstances, the applicanL is prevented from enjoying or obtaining any reasonable use or develop- menE of the subject property. H X llJ -\d {rr.r"| t\l,ar @ cav-; (,@ {@ STATE Fco ORADO. ';DE0tCATtOtt'- K OW ALL l,{Efl 8Y THESE PRESENIS: ?x^t OUTTEH Cettt @{2r',(r A ttt(Dr li-iriiiriTixoi ir is rrer o*Nsa cf, r BhcEL or |.aro slrrED lrr 3€ctlorl rr I Eiitiiii'i i soui*, niils i' rtsr or lxr srxllt tnrrLt:^L r[Rrol^l( c{orfl 6 or coloqeoo, xoRE PltttculAnlt gEscrtl& rs eour.org' txrf lT ooES X€iE6r nEn gDtvlD€ a{o nEprlt Trt rBovE o€scilBEo fltctl- ltfTr ;;i;"E ir;ua rio sirr-r or 'RE$uaorvrsrot{ oF EUFFtn cn€Ex' lr{o loEs trcq irn pusLrc rxE RoAonars gNorl rBERtotl lto mEs HciEEl GRAI r0 PRlYnl UTlLltlES tl{E EASEUENTS 3H01rt{ THEB8CI. I iiii ri oal&* lno-rcntcs 7Hr7 rxg ArovE D€sE,ralo tlncel gx^Ll s( sus cs*rA}|rs ^5 REConD€O llr Boor(--l!!- tlGE-4-- OF TrE rEc4ros of i 8tCOftoE8 Of EACLS COUITY. COI-ORIOO. 'l fr?x€33 T|EREOFT SUFFEA CAEtt CO.,lPrlY. at oirE( trs crustt rxts€ fBtS B€Cr'fED Or THIE JlL*t f oC?Oo€t' 44. ''sL glltTll cftEEt golltlfil ar ,/rt J* L a.t* ' JlCi Jt. €Lt SOal - Pn El lD€ r.: I Ir?Ettr ffi ii .-NoTARlaL- rt^lE ofc(Irrtt ot EAGLE '|{E FoREOolfo lt{stiuxEltl rls ACX!{o!LEOB€O r€FoiE vE lHts j4ll.; ' Bi!. ir loo. r. or.tsol as PnEslftil oF EtlrFEA cxcEt co'rFlrY. l @Lon^t6 F" \r'' :NQTES- ALL '|REETS AnE 30 FEtr wrot firo rnt It FEEI OI G^atl srDE or Gg tEnLlt{ES t25'n.L\ tt{otcalED ofl PLlL AL LOI LINES AiC FETPENOICULAN M 8IR€€I CEIIIEf,LITEI cn eAorrL uflL€rs otH€ntlsE InolcrlEo 0n PLAT tx.ll" o€' xrrEs Hofl-RAollL). \'\ ulllnr aASEr{Er{Ts SHOtf[ At D FEET flo€.OR A3ltlocfiEq lr{O AR€ FOA TxE U$t Of PUSLIc Atlo Pltvlt€ ullLlllE3 rNCLUOrltG. BUT lirot LtMrrEo T0, IATER olslRloullot l 0 SA |TARy syslErt3. STUB EASExEtiIs AnE ZO f€Et lior Pfo?EFlr coatER AliO r) f!€l ll0€. \.\ LOl5 An€ SUSJECI tO ErltlHc lf,tlloAtlon iutcHt3 A,r0 rnritss rr xArD rrto oFftcl^! tt L. ''\ rr corrf$Drf .$aE, &tJt l!ll;:\.-- :At l.4;. /2 1-^i -)idT ll ara.G -APPROVAL:II'i I I I I I f =1.gll :tl Lr3?5.0d R.a5Ot.ada.rt5w a lrttr ?Llt ot 'ltEsuoonrsott of ourttt ce(Ex'E lPmoYto Fo{ rrt.rf'G ll lxE i Crfrt rto iECOF{tf,n Or Elctt CouNlr' COLOfiAOO, t}lg Tnt tEotc lloll tg l}( tHE noADTATE 5norfl tllEiEotl l3 N€RElt ,aCEPlEo' OA'|ED Ort-r.- ,, ltat llIEE r At ,r*^ F 4r e4R (g'lRTY CLEEtr !O iO (' @(lW €OfiSSrC,(r, EAStXt'|Ts' '-REcoRDERb cfRTtrtcarE- I Apl"i- | cil\'ri L)f i f1oF., v,i,,i i I Al.ncE frcrrrr th,s Z_c,rring I-iosolt.rti,tn of Eergl e Co;rnty, Coloradc to ilre ning [3oarcJ of Adjustments '(minirnum 5 copies requircdl print oi typc, oxcept signaturcs) Sect ion 9. 04. 05 Leo Brandess Oale rccd. F/l,a/c Z dyt./t?2:.-. Appl icantlOwner Ftto No.Zy'-j?.t-77_. Mail Address 1. Regulation and Scction l.lumber(s) of Zoning Resolution from $'hich V6riance is sought: 3.07.08O)reduce minim'-nn Prosent Zone CIL General locaticn of property (in relation to a To,rrn, Boad, Stream or other landmark): {djgcent to and north.of ibrfh frontage road to }lighivey r-70, East ofvail Das sclrone shopping canter, wesfof Buffer crE t fro"a. Legal descriptiorr of property 39_Aa. subdivi s io., No-._ 3eq+b4ivigion -.of_$rffgr__0feeklot -E tk r or, b.metesandhouncs(maybeattached)inc|udesUrVeyormap: A map depictiq the subject property is attached lrereto as Exhibit "c' Brief Purposo and Reason for Vcriance (may be arttacheC): See Exhibir "8" attached Lrereto. 6. At-tach e)'ptarra!i or-r ttrat one or nlore co!'rCitions exist under Sec. 9.0:i.06, 1-5. See Exh-ibit ttC" attaeheC hereto. ?. s'ta+amcnt: A cc'tnplete tist ol alr orvners anldresses, of the propcrty proposcd for Variance and of alf or.',r rers oUiU adja:ent proiri.rrtieF is altachcci l-rercio; thi s signatory is properly 3'oi '06(b) redrrce @Lueiklg Jg-fseL-@ieg!- ro rlpsecrndftfdds-trerffith-E'-Erni6iFf . __---+:--:*::::-_-'i=--== 2. 3, 4. autlrlcei'to caiion for Vari ritatcd hor con . eof offica use A.pplicrrtion acceptccl us complctc {oi F'-tt,lic Fl().rl in,-J orl A5.rpl ic;',icn rcjectcd ar inc:,ilplcte fof Public llcaiing L'e causo: by:_.----:- pl r:rrni r,.-r ecln:ini:.il-r sl.ci' Prr;;o 1 of 2 d.?te lt i llII z6ttt .D 0.i I |n s '|I 't tIJ I n i iltlF iliil; *5-F..'-- ;rli , iiti;ia9 ElIil isia I*gd j liti i $F:i' iliil; -5F- (n 4rl EE: EH1 iiE iii :se* iFe.t liii iEis ir'=r 't'F Ei! Ei: '69' oF {fi !FF; .tt'a '8 4 a 8d *Die cEit .-lIe t 3.,"iI E Eiiriii Eml* !ilalcg i*i. l I I i ! I i It €1-ai-oE 11 fits lJl hel-;lrIB'Pfl r!qi 8r FA tr{::. !rr I E I , E I frFi Et*5F ilr rr EI'l n o E--{ c r : i.Eii f;i* g :ig H:aE F i;ql. a-rF FiB' F Fli| ,eF l/ga / sE/ ?a ci iF ;F g! a9 gfl Eto 4 I Ijt 6 f, a Fi T; !ir iiE H:e itl It? ;l ffi T2ota fll. I B!T 3 T 'a +o EXHIBIT ''B '' ..PURPOSE AND REASONS FOR REQUEST FOR VARIANCE EACLE COUNTY ZONING RESOLUTlON Section 3.08.07(b) The AppLicant, Leo Brandess, is hereby requesting a Varlance in the uinioum eetback requirements for the Rear Yard, reducing Lt from 75t to 25t. The Appl-icant has entered into an Agreement Eo purchase part of Lot 39 (39A) of the resubdivision of Buffer Creek fron Vailden Co., Ltd., c/o KarL F, Anuta, for the exptess purpose of constructl-ng thereon an office bullding with a gross area of approximateLy 12,700 sq. ft. fn anticipation thereof, and for the benefit of the Applicant, Karl T. Anuta and Byron Brovn made an Application for Rezoni.ng (narked Exhibit "XI and attached heret.o). requesting a zote change for tot 39A from Residentlal Suburban Mediurn to Commerclal Linitect. Said Application described the Appl-icantrs proposed office building and set forth the reasons for which the zone change was requested. The Applleatlon was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on May 28, !g75. In f.ight of the present cLrcunstatrces ' and subsequent to the condemnation of the IoEerstate Right-of-Way, the original Lot 39 has been substant.ially reduced. Ln size. The original Lot 39 has been designated Lots 39A and 398. It is now iropossLb}e to bulld any structure on the subject proPerty and' at the same tine, coroply wlth the EagIe County Zoning Resol-ution, Section 3.07.08(b) vhich provides, in rel,evant ?a:rt, t'Minimum setback requirements, Rear Yatd., ?5r for l-ots adjacent to residential uses; Iront Yard, 50f from front property 1ine,r' which are applicable iu the instant case. f t ' The western boundary of the subject property rneasures 131.76'.-- The eastern boundary of the subject property measures L22.921 therefore, the total linear footage of the Rear Yard (75t) and Front Yard (25r) setback requlremerrts exceed the total linear footage ava j,1ab1e on the subject property. The Applieant is hopeful that his request for this Variance r^rill be granted so that he will be able to construct the proposed of f i-ce building as planned. Pursuant thereto, the Applicant desires to and shall be in fuJ-l conpliance with all other setback requirements if this request for a Variance is granted. The Applicant wou1d, of course, comply with any and all relevant bul-l-dlng codes, procedures and regulations which govern any proposed construction on the subject property. I f L'C r0rO I EXIITBTT "K" cxcc;rt ci';r-.,1 ur':s) D;,!e F.ecd. t-. ..vt. (mirrirn,rrr,5 copies requircd; prir-ri or typ=, Section 10-00 '!'.ar1 F. Anrrta F. ilvron lJ. Brorrn/^ppli cart i\ox 547lrllail AtJ.Jrcss Plrcne: 476-22L1 1-T1,pe of AmarrCm::nt scught (chc-ck x Zone Dislrict MaP; --PD; Preseni Zorra \lS lll lo: Generol localion of ProPcrtY\, )Lot 39, Ruffer Creek Zone Dislf i.t N4aP atlacheci? Legal ciescriPtion of ProPr.rlY as apprc'priate) : Arimini st ra't ive Prcpos:,d Tone- Cll, -- Sr:brlivision, Adj accnt to llorth Frontage (sec, 10. O2- O1) 2- 3. -tre s ioad along r-70 4. 5- a. S ubdi vi s i on N "-"---- llgilg.1q--C reet-._--=,--*.---.Lo t 3 c-t -B I k (F.o'Cn, No. ) :r.) m2les and bo,-rnds (may be atiached): 6. Briet Puiprse and Feason for Amendrnent (s) (may be allached) : See Attachrnent I 7. Attach cxpt:,nalion of evi<l:ncc that ArncnCment is ciesirt$le (include i>ossible negative impacts ol ploposed change)' See .Att achnent II (sec. 10. O3 ' O? a,b,c,d): B. A complele-|ist of a|| olvners inc|udinE adriresses, of the propr.,rtl,.proPcsed {or Fezoning and of all o!'rn"ts ;;ll eCjace't properties is atta:l recl herelc; this sig'r-;ott is p:operly auiho:ize d.5S mal ;e appt i cal ior;for Anrerrd;nants st ai ed tr 3reotr':.4:--- f; ; Xg4'{y' ot aulncri:eC ap'Jl icant; ovrner?'-oita,/.--.-- dale -</{. frp;rlicalion acceptrd as :omplctc {or Public Hearing orr date Appl icutien rejccted as ircomplele for Public i{earirrg because: bv: pl irruring irt'ni:ris| rator (l.rt& Palrr 1 of 2 ,'-lt i,i ).o-r''i ii\-:.trlLj.;::nr 'J-Lirrri ,L;.u.., AIIZ.EI'J Oi. O APPLICATION /TCTION . EaElJCouaty, Colora,Cc Ftto No^Zc-3-?5 - - U),r on Li roi'Jfi o Pl::.rning Ccmmission Aclion: Date of Public Hcaring 38til 16t 19?5 Fc-conrmend approval X .*-' ', -'":,tr corrditlons: ' ,t *, . .-'' None Fecomrr.end denlal Board of_ County Commissioners Aciion:Date of Public Hearing 28 May 1975 Denied "-- -'- Approwed - X conCitions; NOne reasons: Dalo Po3jo 2 of 2 t 'o .^.!i.^cf{q:iI I (d) lhe'location is r:eL1 suited in terns sys t ens . a an the of access to interval street ?!re prrrpose of' the zoning :urenrrrnen t is to alror.r construcEion ofof f ice _bui ltl ing on the prolerty. rlre arrendnent is raarraatec forfollor.ring rcas on s ! ta) The recordcd covene,rts stiprrlater! the proper.y may be used forconnercial purposes. The land r.,'as purclrase<r in reliance on tbesecovgnants, and surrounding lanrlor.arers had notice to tlris effect. (b) -There ls a need for office space in Core Vrlley orrtsiie the core . ar:ea of Vai 1. (c) Tlrc proposed use vroilld serve as a l>uffcr Leiueen high intensityretaif use and residential lanC rrse. -n .-. r r.,lL:l ---\ r _'. I 7,Tre I'la:rninfl Co-rrissio and Corrrltv Co:rrissioncrJ; nay al lor.r a;.reninents ifi\e nrralicanr'rres provirlerr ""i;i.;;"--;i;ar r-e3cnin5,. is r!eqirable bccause ofone or nore of tlre fo]1o,.rinp. [casons: " j-' - -- ,nsisLent r+ith the policies andl goalsof thc lhster llan. wr.-rr LII(: t , .(b) Tl:e area for r'r]riclt rezoning, ls reqrresteri has chslged or is changl.ng'ao -'t,srrch a deg'ree that it i" r" tr,"-p,]bti" ir,ao.e.st t; encourese a new useor dees{tv in the oror.I -"- t'"v LrL 'r'L'irc:iL L!' erl fite ir'.xini ty of tr:e site to the saferoay s'rropping center and the fror.- :ap,eroadrenr.]ersitu,rsuitab1eforrestdentia1.,ie'Thcproposc.luse r'rotrl rl servc as a cesirabre brrffer zJne betroeen the nore intense shopping- ..center retail activities *-a .rrttorr.r.ring ::esi.ientiar rrses. r1e-reas the, ,ln5lise,trafficvo1u;:re,antla::tificia1'1ightingoftlreshopp1ngcenEer are rrndesirable bv-prodtrcts for adj acent residcntral rtse, thev are not : ..:inlrrical to rhe n-roposed use. of ficc t"riii".q,'j;";";-;o"..are as ,.any T:::T::: for adiacenr resir_ienrlal usage, Ttre qqnasn5 of rranslrionalaand t';es is a'"ri<rely accepted arrd r.rerl founded pri;;ip;; rr,,""i"s";;alandusepJ.anningthro.,gh.,,,t.r'".o",,.'y...'" ?he oroposed rezoning is. necessarSr in orrler to provice lanr! for.i denon_strated need. a,'d rhat srrch ..=o.,ir,l will be consistenr, ,riar,-ii.*piiiil.,anc goals of the Jjaster pran. uv''--(DLe,rL ?lrere is a need for office space in rlore r.ralle-y. As a result of .orrar.r,r*,zonrtrgr end oflrer factors there are virtually no offlee buildings outside ..the core area of \rair. Ire as..,. .'.e ih" -T.r.,.- ol r.r"il does not r.rish to gene{- .ate additlonal vehicrrlar conf,,e::;ion'-i., tt,, core bv locar resicents visit_ ,rng and-uslng office space which need no. be locaied r,n the hearE of :,::T::'i:l acttvitv. orrice space for p;";;";;;;"iJ i.a'".rrer busrness-. T,il^il:T--]oc11s-is needed, 'Th" *rb5."r properry is suitable for rhis _ 1") purFose in terng of convenience to irr."p"i ri.lr'*! Er ro esr L.'!,..c ".. .,r.J ,,-- (d) rrRezoning is necessary to attain a stated goal of the jlaster ?Lan....,r I*:::]: and ohjectives porrion of the !{aste6 plan stares on p6qg JJ,- "::T::::r] facilities sha11 be direcred ro exisring centers and extentitcor,rpJ'ieslzithrJeve1oprrentobjecti";;':_-_rLLL,L!lg .r strate.'ic locations based on access to arterial ci.cularilrr"r;;;".. !r .r-ne proposerl rezoning helps attaln the aforemenbionec goal and is ia , -general hemonr I'rith the goal_s and oble"tiye= of trre nt""a.rliri] la ,,not contradictory to any of the elevei developirent or5".tr.r.* set forth ., lt-Pt:qo: 37 and 38' 1n-d the rezoning rvarr:ants particular rrerit to the ,., - - o lroperty owners 3 )i0Rrllr (Lot 36) IJal ter }lasp ar ait 1s 116 Clayton Stree C Irauliegan, I11.600S5 (Lot 37) Ilarrls Cartr.'rlgi:t Z iJil lian Cartr.rrigJrt 6324 LicComnas Avenue Ilallas , ?e>:as 75214 (].ot 3B) Ski Properties ]n c. Z Eoi lravis Slrer:nan ,A.gency 623 Sheman St rce t. Denver, Colorado 80203 SOIITII: Interstate 70 EAST: Lot (4C) Alan !. Fox 1310 Denver Club 518 Seventeenth Denver, Colora<lo 0K30 ''t - 5-,c\,Rldg. [; ' Street 80202 a I.TEST!(das Schone Corrireri ca1 .frrea)Recreational flevelopnent Corporation Greenwood P1aza Terrace Suite 250 lingl,er.rood, Cofbrado 801lC of Arrrerica a EXHIBTT "CII ., EXISTING CONDITIONS, pURSUANT TO SEC. 9.A4.06, 1-5 The Applicant states, as grounds for this Varianee Application, as fo l lows : 1. ThaL if the provisions of this Resolution are strictly enforced, an unnecessary and unreasonable hardship wlLl- be imposed. on him in that he will be precluded from constructing any structure thereoo, the purpose for which he ls purchasing the subject property 2. That the Variance, if granted, rriL1- not dininish the va1ue, use or enjoyment of ad.j acent propertles, rror curtaiL desirabl-e l-ight, aLr and open space in the neighborhood. 3. That the variance-. if granted, will not be directly contrary Eo the intent and purpose of this Resolution or the MasLer Plan, which provides in relevant part, ttCommercial facilities shall be directed to exisfiag centers and strategic locations based on access to arterial- circulatlon routes.t' The subject property is immediately adJacent to the North Frontage Road for access to arterial circulation, and is proximately locaEed to the East of the Vail Das Schone Center. o EXHIBIT I'D'' ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNBRS OF RESUBDIVISION OF BUFFBR CREEK, LOT 39_A Ardickas Kasparaitis Pauperes Kasparaitis 1J-6 Clayton Screet Waudegan, Illinois 60085 tti11lam and Al-ice M. Cartwright 6324 McConmas Avenue Dallas, Texas 75214 NORTN Lot 36 Lor 37 Lot 38 Roi C, DavI-s, Jr. Sherman Agency 838 She rrna n Street Denver, Colorado 80203 SOUTIT Lot 39-B EAST Inters tate 70 R.0.W. Lot 40-A Ronald Za1l A1- an E. Fox 1340 Denver Club Building 518 Seventeenth S treet Denver, Colorado 80203 In ters tate 70 R.O.W.Lot 4O-B WEST Sec. 11 Parts of Sec. L2 West Vail Devel-opment Corporation Post Office Box 418 Vail , Colorado 8165 7 131 feet, and the eastern boundary of the subject properLy measures Gxtitgril B" PURPOSE AND REASONS FOR VARIANCE Leo Brandess recently purchased the subject property. On or about May 28, L975, the Board of county counnissioners of EagLe County granted a Petition for tezoning of the subject property from Residential suburban Medfu:m to couurercial Limi-ted. rn that proceeding, the applicants diselosed to Eagle County that the purpose of the requested rezoning was "Lo allow constructlon of an office building on the property." The boundaries of the subjecE property were reduced in size as the result of the exercise of enrninent domain for a right-of- way for Interstaie Highway I-70. As a result of the condemnation, the western boundary of the subject property measures approximately approximaxeLy L23 feet. The northern boundary of the subject pro- perty is adjacent to residential uses. Accordingl_y, pursuant to Section 3.07.08, the rear yard setback would be 75 feet from the north boundary of the subject property, and the front yard setbaek would be 75 feet from the adjacent street centerline or 50 feet from the north property line, whichever is greater. By adding the front and rear yard setbacks together, the total setback area measures 125 feet. This setback requirement of 125 feet exceeds the entire eastern boundary of the property and is approximately six feet less than the western boundary of the property. There- fore, the permissible building area envelope consists of a very small triangular piece of properLy measuring approximately six feet on the west and coming to a point on the east. lilith the subjeet property restrieted by virtue of the zoning resolution, the applicant cannot obtain financing for construction, and under the totality of the circumstances, the applicant is prevented from enjoying or obtaining any reasonable use or deveLop- menL of the subJeet property. EXHIBIT ''C'' JUSTIFICATION FOR VARIANCE PURSUANT The requi:cements set forth Ln Seetion 9.04.06 of the EagLe County ZonLng ResolutLon are met. The applicant incorporates herein as if set forth verbatim the statements in Exhibit'rB.'l Because the applicant cannot obtain financing for construction and cannot obtain any reasonable use or enjoyment of the subject property, a strict enforcement of the provisions of the ZonLrrg Resolution, ineluding Section 3.07.08(b), will- necessarily irn- pose unnecessary and unreasonabl-e hardship on the applicant.. The circr:mstances creating the hardship are not the fault of the applicant. As a result of the rezoning and the exercise of the powers of enminent domain, the shape of the property is exeeptional, in that the depth of the properEy in relationship to required set- backs, if strictl-y enforced, would preclude any rational develop- menL. The variance as sought with the conditions requested by the applicant will not diminish the value, use, or enjolrment of adja- eent properties, rlor curtail desirable f.ight, air, and open space in the neighborhood. The proposed building maintains a low profile and a low bul-k, and will not curtail the view from adja- cent properties to the north. The priurary effect of the proposed building will be the blocking of the view of the interstate high- way and other non-aesthetic aspects of the scene as observed from existing uses north of the subject property. Open space and de- sirable light rvill be maintained due to the site plan and landscape restrietions proposed by the applicant. The variance will not be directly contrary to the intent and purpose of the Zoning Resolution or the Master Pl-an, which pro- vides that "cosmercial facil-ities shaLL be directed to existl-ng eenters and strategic locations based on access to arterial cir- cul-ation routestr. The subject property is inurediately adjacent to the north frontage roads to I-70 for access to arterial- circula- tion, and is located within approximately 600 feet of the Vail Das Schone shopping eenter. t.i EXIIIBIT ''E'' AGRXED CONDITIONS If the Board of Variance grants the applleatLon, the appl_i- cant agrees that the following conditions may be imposed: (1) The bul-lding, l-andseaping, access, and parking area shaLL be installed and eonstructed on the subject pro- perty at those locations and in those areas set forth on the site plan attached hereto as Exhibit "F"; (2) The applicant sha1l cornence construction on the sub- ject property, in accordance with the site plan, with- in eighceen months of the grant of variance, and the applicant shall work diligently to complete the eonstruc- tion project; (3) At the site shown on the site plan attached as Exhibit 'rF," the applicant shal1 construct a building having a profil-e substantially similar to that set forth in Ex- hibit "F"; (4) The applicant shal1- comply wirh the site plan and shall construct a building substantially simiLar to that shown in Exhibit "F,'r provided that minor changes in 1_ocalions, sitings, btlk of structures, height or character of the building may be authorized by the Zoning Administrator or any other duly authorized officiaL of Eagl-e County, if required by circumstances not foreseen at the time the variance l-s approved; (5) The use of the subject property shall be limired in the manner set forth in the foregoing conditions so long as the building shown on Lhe site plan, Exhibit "F," is used for those uses alLowed by the provisions of Sec- tion 3.O7 of the Zoning Resolution. lEllttlilEltl 0l ll,il{Ml{0 AflD Dlt'El,0llllilI M.Ih6i'l AIdg. 550 Oro.di.y P.O. Bex l?9 E Clc, Oolo.do 81631 MEMORANDUM To:EaOle County Planning commission From; DepartrrEnt of Planing and DEv€loprnent Datle: 1o August l97t ' 6rrbj: StJff Becomrnenoatlons pp€aring befor€ the Eagl€ County Plannirq Cornmission sr 1? August 1977 Ag€nda ltem 5 Flle No. Se-174-7 - Prough-Western Exernption A. Reqre$t: Exemption from Subdivision Regulations to spllt a duplex lot into two separate interests. B. Background: This item was tabled from the Planning Commlssim Meeting of 20:July 1977 pending submittal of a final plat. The Plat has b€en submitied and referred to the Surveyor for final check. C. Staff Recommendatlon: Recommend approval pending finat plat check. Filo No. Se-175-Z - She€twoad Exemption A. ReqJest: Exemption from Subdivision RegulationE io confirm the split of sn existing parcal. B. Background: This item was tabled from the meeting of 20 July pending submittal of a final plat. The plat haa b6en submltted €Id refeffed to tf€ Surveyor for final check, C, Siaff Flecomrnendation: Recommend approval pending flnal plat ctteck. File No. Se-176-n - Nottingham Ranch Co. Exemption A. RequBst: Exemption from Subdivision Regulations to split a rural homesite lot from a ranch. Background! The Zoning Resolution allows small homesites for proF€rties larger than 40 acre6 as a use by right in the Resourc€ Zane, Seciion 3.01.O3(7). This application Is requesting an €xemption io gpl it aft a tv\€ acre parc€l for a s€parate homeslte. Staff Recomrnondation: Recommend €pproval pendlng Eubmlttal of a final plat and easernent agreernent for legal accesd to th€ patcel. PlinDing Dcprflm€nt/PhDniog Comnis.ion: gltldiviiioq Reroning, Applic.tio8 .nd neriotr (t03) 3184S:t8 Buildiog O{fi.41 8llilding Permitr ..d lilp€ciioa ZoDilg Adnini.trrtion (300 32t4$llg Staff Recommendat lona Pqe 2 Ag€nda lt€m 8. 9. File No. Se- 177-77 - Cra\dord Exemption A. Fequest: E)<emption from Subdivision Regulations to split a duplox lot into two separate interests. B. Bsckground: This requested €xerrqction is to split a dJplex lot in the Vail Ridge Subdivision, This lol was approved by tha Zonlng Board of Adjustmant for a vatiarce from the mlnirrum lot size for a duplex. A building permit has beon issued for iire structure. C. €taff Becommendatlon: Recommend €pproval pendir€ final plat check. File No- Sf-34-77 - Lusilg (Shootir€ Star Condominiums) A. Bequest: Review and signing of the'final plat for a three tt'tit condominium. B. Background: The final plat is consisbnt with th€ previorsly approved preliminary plan. No Prblic irnprovertlents ate reqirired with this subdivision. C. Staff Recommendation: Recomrnend approval perding final plat check. Flle No.Sf-85-77 - Hamby Subdivi6ion A. Request: Review and signing of the final plat for a three lot subdivi sion. B. Background: The final plat is consiStent with the previously approvr pretiminary plan. No public improvernents arE reqjired with this subdivision. C. Staff Recommendation: Recommend approval pendir€ final plat check. Filo No. Sf-86-77 - FBN corporation' Lot 4 A. Fequest: Review and signing ot ihe final plat for a four lot subdivision. B. Background: The final plat is consistent with th€ praviously approved preliminary plan and daes .eflect the recomrnend citanges No public irnprovements ere required with this sJbdivision. C. Staff Recomrnendation: Recommend approval pendi/B tinal plat check. File No. Sf-87-77 - FBN Corporation, Loi 3 A. Reqrests Review end si€ning of the final plat for a four lot subdivision.it B. Backgroundi The final plat is consistent with tlre previotrsly approved preliminary plan and does reflect the recommended chr€,el Nopublic lmprovements are r€qrired with this su6division. C. Staff Recommendation: Recommend epproval pending final plet check. 10. 12. t tetf Recomm€ndations P E€€ 3 Agenda lt6m 13. File No. Sf-92-7 - t4th Fairway Condominiums A. Flequest: Review and slgnir€ of ths final plat for a fsrr lot subdivigion. B. Backgrounds This split of a tot with an exlgHng four-ptex unit was originally applied for as an exemption from the subdivision regul ations. Th€ Pl*ming eommission directed tha applicant to reapply through the EubdiTision process by combinlng sketch, prelimlnary and final plsns. g. Staff Recommendation: Recommend approval with th6 conditions that the perking acqess roads b€ charged to rneet county standatda and that a trash cot lection storago erea b€ provlded on the lot. File No. Sp-88-77 - Vail Das Schone CondominiumsA. Request: Review of a preliminary subdivision plan lor 20 commorclalunits ar|d 28 dwelting units on 2.86 acres.B. Background; This proposal is to subdivide the Vall Das Schone SiloppirE Center building into irdividuat units.C. Staff Becommendatlon: Boqomm€nd approval when the foltowlr€ conditions ars rflet: 1. All signs are brougtrt into conformance with the siqn cooe.2- Approval of a revised site plan which indicates lariascapi ng, drainage, a-rd parking.' 3. Submittat of a;r agreement for completion of irrprovements. File No, Sp-89-7t - K erd T Development A. Reqrest: Review of a preliminary plan to resubdivldo a four mit lot.B. Background: This tot is approved tor construction of a four unit Evilding. C. Staff Recommendation: Becommend approval with the condition that the pafting lot plan be amended to sho$/ snow rernoval srd drainage. File No. Sp-90-n - crouse Meadowe CondominiumsA. Request: Review of a preliminary plen for 11 dwelling units.B. Background: The Grouse Meadows Condominium i6 constructed andoccupled. This reqr.rest is to subdivide the bqilding for indivich_.atsales. The PUD plan allowg a minimum of .lyz parking spaces per dvr'ell ing unit. C. .Staff Recomrr€ndat lon: Recommend approval with the condltion that the parking area b€ improved for access end r€taining etructurgs. File No, Sp-91-Z - Eagte-Vail Gotf Ctub A. Request: Review of a pr€liminary plan for a 15 unit condominiumcrd additional parking for the golt club.B. Background: The Eagte-Va pUD plan indicated thai bt 109, Btk 3,is to be used as a drptex tot with tot 108, Btk O, b€hg a rrultiple unit lat allowing 60,000 squarE feet of building,C. Staft Facommendation: Flecomrnend donlal of th€ prelimlnary ptan locanee it la rpt in contorm€nce with tfre ?proved Eae l€-Vail pUO. S taff R€commendatlonE P aSp 4 Ag€nda ltem 18 Flle No. zc-62-77 - ottmar Antze A. Request t zone Charge from Resource to Ru'al Residential B. Background: The property to west of this parcel is the Aspen Mesa and Red Ttsble Acres Subdivisions' The property to the east lJ the Proposed Fender Subdivision' C. Staff Recommendation: Recommend apfroval ' Tbe Iollowtns items are i;; R;commendation to the Zoning Board of Adiustment '19 File-No. zv-31-z - Brtrrdess Variance : ,l J d I i Ii. ,l .l d l, ;l !; il tr{ :,i :a:i l,: i 15. 16. & A. Roqjsst: Variance from reaf setback requirement in the Comrnercia ttmited Zone (Section 3.07.08(b) of the zonirg Resolutiofl-) B. -Background: This lot was rezqned from Residential Suburban Mediu to Cimmercial Limited in 1975. on 9 June 1977' tha zonir€ Boa(d of Adiustment denied a request tor a 50 Joot reduction in the regrirer rear setback. This appticaiion requests a 49 foot reduction o.| the reat setback. The Zoning Besolution requires a rsai'setback oJ 75 f{ when the use is adj acent to residential uses' C. staff Recommendation: Recommend Pprgval with the conditiori thE tl.|e buildinq platrs as submitted are included in the tllE at|d that no maior alterations are made. Fite No. Zv-32-7 - West Vail Association A. Request: Varience from the sign code regulation in the Comrnercial Limited Zone (section 3.0?.02(f) of the zoning Resqlutlon) B. B&ckground: The West Vqil Shopping Cent'er hes beelt in existance for several years- ,\t vaiious times sigtrs have beeD added to those originally approved. Ttis request is to allott the presen! signs to remaitl until the pleseDt lease e'$ires ' C, Staff Recommendatlon; Recommetrd deoiat. Ail 6igns should conform to the adopted Zoning Resolution. File No. Zv-33-?? Craig Russell A.Request: varlance from the minimum lot size requirement in the Re6lde[tial SuburbBn Medium Zooe to allow coDstructio! of a duplex on an underslzed lot (section 3.o5.05 o{ the Zoltilg Resolution ) B. Background: T{ris lot was origina'lly platted !"ilh the intentiotr of ellowing duplex colrstruction' the Zoning Resolution supersedes prior conditions aad due to the requirement of 8'000 squEre feet of lot per dwelling uait tt|i6 lol ts undersized. This lot contsins 13,245 square feet. C. gtsff Recommendetton: &ecommend approvaf 17. gtaJf Recomme!datlon6 Pags 5 . ii Agende ltem 22 File No. Zv-34-?7 - Susan Herzoc A. Bequesl.: Variance from the minimum stde yard Eetback requirements in ihe Besldentlal Suburban Medium Zone (3.05.08(3) of the Zoning Resolutiou) ''"Jilfl "liff ;ia;:',1',"ii'3lrT,ii"iil"lft additio!to8a€xistins constructed prlor to the CouDty Zoniag Resolutton so it was not ;":::Hffi :'"':I,f.fllllT?il},f "ff ff l#;'J*.ffi-Jt:Tfi'." ls subject to the eetbaok of 1Zl. . C. Staff ReeommeBdatlon: Recommend approval I atd*--,r ,4,xA*. ,/t4*.*.r-*7 .e<-/ I /+/ ryA, ?**r @*---,fV a4; *-?'=-+ / / 7- - t &e-E/* /fi"t- e@*Nd\j Oo 5.File No. (Se-85-?5)-HoIladay- & Bramble Exemption ;;;;;", tot 2, Block 3' vall Intermountain Reouest:Beactivationofarequesttodividesaidlot existing duPlex' along common wall of 6. File No. (Se-10?-?5)-Ogiryte Exemption location: Lot 6, 'sfoct si vait Intermountain Request: condominiumize the .*i"rrrrg"i*o "i"gf. family houses, wtth no division of land Zone Change Mentions: 1. FiIe No. (Zc-10-?5)-F1oyd Crawford Zone Change At El Jebel intersection with Highway 82 From B and RSL to CL 2. File No- (zc-11-?5)-Allen Zone change 3 miles up Salt Creek (20 acres same as Se-105-?5) Change From R to RR 3. File No. (Zc-12-?5)-Fisher Zone Change West of Griffens Park (30 acres) Change from R to RSM Special Use Applicatton for above (mobil home park) Zs-3'75 Michael S. Blair Secretary, Technical Review Committee o 55ll Broad*ey 13 May 1977 P.O. Bor 1?9 Erglo, Colorado 8l6ill DTTITTHEI{T OT Tlflt{ilIilC AI{D ITITLOTIITI{T McDonald Bldg. Kathleen Lell Eagle Val ley Enterprise Eagle, Colorado 8t631 Re: Notice of Publ ie Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustment 9 June 1977 Please publish the attached Notice of Pubt ic Hearing as a t'Legal Notice" in the 19 May 1977 publication of your paper. Please bill and send aff idavit of pubtication to this office. Plnnning Department/Planning Commission: Subdivision. Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 32&6338 Building Oflicial: Building Permits and Inspactibn, Zoning Administration {S0S} 328-6339 Tharrk yoi.t, MSB,/kp NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING couNTy oF EAGLE, coLoilo Notice is Hereby Given that the Eagle county Zoning Boardof Adjustmentwill hofd aPubl ic Hearing beginning at 10:00 A.M. 9 June 19T1 , in accordance with Section 9.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing will include the fol lowing: File No. Request: Zv -27 -77 - Donal dson./Butler Variance from Section 9.04.05 (c) minimum lot size in tlre Residential Suburban Medium zone. Vail Ridge Subdivision, Lot 3 and 4, Block B County Commlssloners Meetlng Location: Fife No. Zv-26-77 - Leo Brandess Request: Variance from Section 3.07.08(b) minimum setback in the Commercial Limi ted zone. Location: Adjacent to and to the North of the North Frontage Fload along l-70 West of Buffer Creek Road, East of Vail Das Schone Shopping' Center, rnore particularly described as follo\^/s: It Resubdivision of Buffer Creek, Lot 39-Arl .....:. ' . trus Hearing shall be held ln the McDonald Building' Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invlted to make comment€ to the Board by appearing at the Hearing, or by submitting written statements in person ' or by mail thru the SecretarY. may be obtained, and comments submitted, by contacting the Eagle of Planning and Development, 550 Broadway, Eaglet Colorado ' Further Information 'Oounty Department Phone 328-6338. by: Michael S. Blalr Secretary t ' Zonlng Board of Adjustment o ft,Tn-,,r'--t S[e 6 igZB ""'Li,,'h;;:;,i,," Scptcnbor 1, 19?8 l{r. Eorri,ll Krlght Eeglc Conrty Plunlrg DLrcotorP. 0. Bo- 1?9 Er8le, Colrredo 81631 I{r. Xrlgtrt: Thc rprclf!.c ilercrtptlor of rervLccr offcr.il by oybsrlllrr rrc: Glrphtc Dcrige-- thc dcrl6r of orlglnrl rrtworkfor prhtci[ setcrl,r]. lc. conprtgloger, rdl , c te. trtout / Preductlol-- prcprriag plcccr to b prlrted lc. brocburec, acuul Gtc. fllertrrtlot--'foE urc 1r cuncrclrl rcproihc'liol Jcd. Eoffnu-Gerphlc Dcrlga 1r tc bc rtrlctly r rcrylcc burirrrtutl rlll hvolvc rc rrtell rrler. Plccro frol frrr tt corttct po'lf you lrtyt fur*hor',quortlolr. Yrll, Coloredo 81657 476-4Oa' 476-L7rt (Uenr) 9*e frc-t :Ectt P. 0. Brr 55?? T( Geo"g" Rosenberg Altorney at Law P. 0. Box 241l Vail, Colorado 81657 r303r 949-4200 August 30, 1978 Mr. Terrill Knight Director, Department ofPlanning and Development County of Eagle Post Office Box 179 Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Re: ZV - 26 77 - Brandess Dear Mr. Kniqht: ;. .-l ,i\nlgD sEP 1 1978 00Pt. 0l Planrrlrrg d L0YBI' bgh Coun$. cot* I am writing this letter on behalf of Leo Brandess, owner of the Brandess Building, located in West Vail, and which was the subject. of the above referenced variance granted by the County Board of Adjustments. Please be advised that I am writinq this letter as a private attorney and not in any official capacity. As you may recall, the approved variance contained certain qonditions. Among whieh, the use of the second floor of the building was to be linited t,o "offices. " Mr. Brandess requests hereby that he be plaeed on the agenda for the Board of Adjustments regular meeting in September, i.e.. September 14, to request a clarification by the Boaril of the above referenced condition. Specifically, Mr. Brandess has a tenant for occupancy on the second floor of the subject building who desires to operate a beauty salon. Obviously, a beauty salon is not a retail operation, which Mr. Brandess understood was the purpose of the condition, i.e., to prohibit retail operations on the second floor of the buildj-ng. As you are probably aware, the County Zoning Resolution does not define "office. "Clearly such thing:s as title companies or a real estate brokerage would be an office, but could conceivably generate more traffic than a beauty salon, Clearly, a beauty salon is not a retailing operation' such as a ski shop. There has been a recent opinion by the Colorado Court of Appeals to the effect that a county zoning board of adjustment may reconsider its position,including clarification,';without requiring a separate formal application. Therefore, in light of all of the above, You can appeciate where my client, Mr. Brandess and his possible tenant are most desirous of resolving this question. Thank you for your attention to and consideration of this request. re1y, GVesmcc: Leo Brandess EAGTE CSUNTY DEPARTMENT AF PLANNING Box 77 9 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 DEVE LOPMENT 32 8-7 377 september f5, 7978 Leo Btandes s P-O. Box 2328 Vai7, Co. 87657 RE-' Fif.e llo. 2v-37-77 Brande.ss Vatiance' At their meeting on 74 Septembet 7978, the zoning Boatd of Adjustment gave a cLattrfication on a variance previousTg gtanted bg the Boatd. clari f .isa ti on is as foLlows: fhe tetm "office" wi77 inelude ang of the items that are Tisted in the Commercial zone under Section 3 .07 .02 , Sub Section D. If gou have ang questions, please contact this office' BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtSStONERS 328.6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-5674 ANIMAT- SHELTER 949-4292 AS5ES50 R328-6593 BUILDING INSPECTI ON 328-5339 CLERK & RECORDE REaqle 328-6377Aaialt 927-3244 cot.!NTYATTORNEY 324-6674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328.77 t8 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY. 328-77 87 PUBLIC HEALTHEaqle 328.6594Vail 476-5844 PLANN ING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eaqle 328.66 | |Baaalt 927.3244 Gilman 827-5751 soctAL 5E RV ICES 328-6328 TREASU RE R 32S.5376 rK/ jk ce: Geo. Ro senbetg TerriTI Di rector Kni ght Iv IHTTffiEIIT OT DI.TilUIil! Til! !TTTI.O?il SSllBrordny P.o. Bos l?l Kaight ,3e: Zoatng Board of Adjusberrt- Peter Cnven, Attorney at Lau. Pkmer un'.,t",= APrlr-r cnr or{ the rDplicatton t"' I . t=ttoNo.lglLZZ B radera Vrtl.rnce Actlon of Zonlng Board of A<Iiustmcnt on Vorlcncc Applicalion Approval fl condi t ions: . lncludLug the oupplenentrl exhtbttg included Ln Denial n roasons: (see Orcler of the Board, attached) Septeober 8, L977 Datc, hearing Note: Sectlon 9.04.1O Appcals from the Board' ' Any further appeal from tlre <Jccision of tfre Rozird may bc . made to the courts, as providccl b1' ler'v, providedr howeverr lhal such appeal is macle prior to trventy (20) ctays fol lowing tha date of ths nctilicai.ion of the Eoarc| s dccisiotl- DETABTHTITT McDonald Bldg. 18 OT PI.AilI{IilO AND DT1'TIOP$IEI{T 550 Broodway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 August 1977 Leo Brandess' P.O. Box 2328Yail, Colorado 81657 t Re: File No. Zv-31-7? Varlance At their regular meeting on 1? August,'ihe Eagle County Planning Commission reconrmended approval of your variance application as submitted. This recornmendation will be presented to the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their pullic hearing on 8 September beginning at 10:00 A.M. in the McDonald Building, Roont #1O3, 55O Broadway, Eagle, Colorado.. 'wst10ns pLease contact this office. Planner 1r(/dk cc: Zoning Petef Board of Adjustment Craven, Attorney at Law Planning Departmcnt/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) $28.6338 Building Official: Building Pormits and Inspcction, Zoning Administration (S03) 328-6339 -APl',i-!C/i.f IO\J fil;-,1'vAiiIAI"ICE lr.,rrr tl'rc Zr.irr;rg !jc::oluti,-rn "f t Eaglc Oounty, r.oloradc . tc the 7-oning []oarcl of Adjustments '(minimum 5 copies requircdl print oi typo, except signatures) Fi lo No Fee Paid3la A - Oate rccd. ?h,/zp. ov'^,y'4 .- Appl icant/Owner Section 9-04.05 Leo Brandess Mail Address 1. Regutatio'l and Section Number(s) of Zoning F{csolution from wlrich Variance is sought: 3.0J.08(b) redrce mintun-m rear )'iard se_rbe.ck_19.29_fgel_g$jegLls$oeeffirEhiEit-E:- 3. Present Zone C/L Gerreral locaticn of property (in relation to a Town' Road, Stream or other landmark): {djgcent to arrd lortJr of i,lorth fronLage road to Higlnny I-70, East ofVail Das Sctrone Shopping Center, West of &rffer C"edc ilcad. all owrrers oftll a.:ia:eni pi-oner'iiec is attaafrco irareio; this signatory is pl'operly 'a:tnyyC*ftb rrrrl e@tmtt:n (or Y:zr'rcncc .,.,,"u n.,.o1.- ^^ .4. Legal descriptiorr of property 39-A a. subcivision p orl-re Regtbdivision of Brrffer CreelGot-€lk__r orr b. metes and bounds (may be attached) include survey or map: A nap depicting the strbject properry is attached hereto as ktribit "lf' 5. Bricf Purpoge ancl Rer:son for Variance (may be attacheC) : See Frhibit "B" attached hereEo. Attach e)planaiion that one or nlore corrditions; cxi:;t un(J'-r Sec. 9-0ti-O5r 1-5. See khibit "C" attached hereto. Slat.rment: A complete t ist of .a orvners aCciressr:s, of the property propiri:cd for Vrlrian;r: and of 6. ?. i zcd Dpplicant; ownci /-' rd -7 7 Appf ic.rtion acceplc.f os compf ef c foi F'Lrtrlic Flor: inat ".,- \-?//e\ Y I /"1 / / / rlate / Appf ication rejectcd os inc:,rnPfcic for Dirblic ll'riri'ir0 [4rc-1r.li;g 1 | aJm inigr-r.l office usc P;lJo 1 of 2 n -4s--2 /17L cf 3r.{ / . H }<t'l *17 ,ry:----i;Ifj \d cri.rr' a\ist @, "fl) \;'1,* {@ STATE FDE0ICATIOX'- Kt{of, aLL !{Et{ !Y tHtsE PiEScHTS: tBrt atF'Et Crft{ lo"|rtft.-l coto! &i6iirii rrii nlt rxe: orlsr or ^ ?rRcg! s Lrxo g?ull,ED n- 3€c?lor ll r fiiiisiri I ri,uin. n*ci lr rEsr oF rxe sirrr ti'fitF^L trnlol^l( oottrtY 'f,#'cilorrco. ro*i prltrcsttrrr DC3c llED rt fqrlnr ror3 lnE 3su€cl lo Exlstttto nan^tlo { idtcr|EE "'0 ltcrxxlrc l? tr{E lxtRtHrElt coittti oa txE trw or.lrto- l9Iiiirrli'irsr ir.otro rxe tonttr Lr E oF 3^ro 5t u' a grs"rxcf 0r- rtl iiiiii.'srio:eo,r*-i iiric ort rnt ronrxrrgtsw ircHr{t'faY LtlE or iiiiiiilopriiaiinir or t c(rttcrnl ^xcLt tq l'l lrct{T oF-r" ir.nic'- siii nicnr-rir':'rAi Lttit ^ DBrAlct gr 1336 46 F'El ro l|!t lfrvituie-oi I cuive ro rtt LEFI H^Ylxc ^ uoru3 or e5o3''o rtl iiiiic-j s-oui"iesrrniv ilonc rxt ^rc ot sro curYt I ostrrsr cr i"iiii lroi ,ntsreRLY ox r oErlEclrol ltrct'(r9 uF Rloll o; B''l ioii'-ixoio or ilto clnvr I oBT^tlcE or r'oodlE"i iiiici ro-iritrirelli ox r oerucrot asGLE lo rxE Rlcltt 0t t€to otsiiHit or ais.c, retr m r Ponr' tlro Fotttr BErtlG 0ll txE--f-gs1-ln iir-ei'ii-uiiri',ix r ierlEcrror rxCLE tO lxE LErt or 3p2f3d^t0 r ini'ioiii$rca or !6.13 FEtl to ?}lE ?Olrt 0f aEcltltlttl8. THtt ll ooE! HEiEBY RE6UIOwID€ lxo itPLf ?He !8OY€ Dcscf,loEo PficEL rtrtl i;ilt iliiai'; ;tii siiii-or -ntsusotvtsott oF surF€n cnEEx' rno oo(s xcq i'i-iuir-re rii noeoi*vi prw,r l'rcRtol rNo goEs ltERgsr Gial to F'irYnl uTtu?tE3 tNE ETSETTENTS S8owll tHEnEotilli ii ctir.iau lio lcites rnrr rxi uort Dcscnrlto f RctL -sx^LL lt^ gua n rlrlrg!3 IEREOF, SUFFEi GiEEr( @ Prfi. A9 Ovrrtn' -xls crustD t|{S€ rtEs ieqrrED t'r i{ls-Zg-oat s ocr9B€i. r&' |93l iiiGrrrii-ig iiconoeo rl !@r-u!- trGt -zt- or tH€ iEcon06 of, 'rrcoR.rt 6t E 6LE COUIT?. Colri^9o.SEOORgti 0f E slf courT?l tlElt! ffi aJrri"R cREEt corru.r ; n 'tt Jx e. a.n l Jlci l. C|-E!OI- FBESloft: \ ETAIt of CS.ITI OF EABLE cA'lEo tLt-rb ?. tgat ATTEI'I -NOTARIALq -APPROVAL* rdt^tr Aro|-rc ', --NQTES- ALL 3IREETS ARE 30 FCTT TIE AIIO IRE. 2' FEEI OI E^t sioe cr cerrtnLnres (25'r.Ll lxolc t€0 oll tLAt'\ ALL lOT LI'IES ARE PEFPEITDIC1JLAR TT' STTEfi CTIT'RLIIIC3 d-aioiri uxless orxtnrtst l?rDlcrr€D olr ILAT li'i. DC- ldtEs tFf.-il0laLl. \ uttLlly GlsEI|Es?S gHOt{ AiE p FtEt rloe'oR A3 |r{olc rEol ilro lnt ror rtrg ugE of PuBLlc rxo PnrYalt utlLlrlEt iniluo,io.-our t$t LrrlrTEo ro. rarEn 06lRtourl(,fl ^x0il-H-rrani'srstcxs. srua ElsErEtttg lnE 20 FSEI rior ii&inrr connlr tlo b rtel rtr. \ l}G FoaEOdrO ftStiucExl rAg r6xtwlgooEo fefoiE rE tttl9 -/An-Jrriiii.'ii-,rci'r. or,eson Ai PsEsrxxt or &rFEn dteEi co.rPrit r colon^16 $tiEs! rt x^No ltrD orFlclrl cel! -\.- rr corrf!3sr{ |ir s1a t;orJr^,t !j---\'\--*, -i;. n,!--i- =,= ) l'i I I I,I I I =lt sl$ Eilrlt I I I vr,urr.&Txt3 PLrt oF 'ltsulDMstoll oF SufFfl CRcEr'B ApfROvEo Ffi FTLHG n tfit t c.tnx rro FZcoRG.fi oF E^6(E Gt{JLtY, col.ofiroo, t,lo tx€ oeDlcaTloll l! tr: ?rE ioaovlr3 $€rlr tlrEeEo lE riiEBl ,ac€rTto.R'25o3.ada.8.35bd DOrRO ol CdJir' CorGS,C,.'tg W ;R€cOfi DERb ceRTIFIcATg- I crRt$r tHrl ry! .llJ ::-s i:*:-1*fH^9: It 6 tr'---=on d t ^Et'rirf rF EAgErgl{ls, E)CIIBIT ''B'' PURPOSE AND REASONS F'OR VARIANCE Leo Brandess recentsly purchased the subject proDerty. On or about May 28, 1975, the Board of County Conrnissioners of Eagl-e CounEy granted a Petition for r.ezoning of the subject FroperEy from Residential Suburban Medir:m Eo Comnercial Limi-ted. In that proceeding, the applicants disclosed to Eagle County that the purpose of the requested rezoning was "to al1ow conatrucLion of an office building on the property." The boundaries of the subject property were reduced in size as the result of the exercise of ermninent domain for a right-of- way for Interstate Highway I-70. As a result of the condemnation, the western boundary of Lhe subject property measures approximately 131- feet, and the eastern boundary of the subject property measures approximateLy L23 feet. The northern boundary of tshe subject pro- perty is adjacent to residential uses. Accordingly, pursuant to Section 3.07.08, the rear yard setback would be 75 feet from the north boundarv of the subject property, and the front yard setback would be 75 feet from the adjacent screet centerline or 50 feet froro the north properLy 1ine, whichever is greater. By adding the fronE and rear yard setbacks togeEher, the Eotal setback area measures 125 feet. This setback requirement of 125 feet exceeds the entire eastern boundary of the property and is approximately six feet less than the western boundary of the property. There- fore, the permissible building area envelope consists of a very smal1 triangular piece of property measuring approximaLely six feet on tshe roest and coming to a point on Ehe east. With the subject property restricted by virtue of Ehe zoning resolution, the applicant cannot obtain financing for construction, and under Ehe totality of the circunstances, the applicant is prevented from enjoying or obtaining any reasonable use or develop- ment of the subjeet property. a EXHTBIT ''C'' JUSTIFICATION FOR VARIANCE PURSUANT The requirements set forth in Section 9.04.06 of the Eagl_e County ZonLng ResolutLon are met. The applieant incorporates herein as if set forth verbatim the statemenEs in Exhibit "8." Because the applicant cannot obtain financing for construetion and cannot obtain any reasonable use or enjoytrent of the subject property, a strict enforcement of the provisions of the Zoning ResoluLion, including Section 3.07.08(b), will necessarily im- pose unnecessary and unreasonable hardship on the applicant. The circunstances creating the hardship are not the fault of the applicant. As a resuLr of the rezoning and the exercise of the powers of enminent domain, Lhe shape of the property is exceptional , in that the depth of the property in relationship Eo required set- backs, if strictly enforced, would preclude any rational develop- menc. The variance as sought with the conditions requesEed by the applicant will not diminish the value, use, or enJolrurent of adja- cent properties, nor curtail desirable 1ight, air, and open space ln the neighborhood. The proposed buiLding mainEains a low profile and a low bulk, and will noc curtail the view from adja- cent properties to the north. The primary effect of the proposed building will be the blocking of Lhe view of rhe interstare high- way and other non-aesthetic aspects of the scene as observed from existing uses north of the subject property. open space and de- sirable light will be maintained due to Ehe site plan and landscape restrictions proposed by the applicant. The variance wil-I not be direetly cor.ttary to the intent and Purpose of the Zoning Resolution or Lhe Master P1-an, which pro- vides Lhat "conrmercial facilities shall be directed to existing centers and strategic loeations based on access to arterial cir- culation routesr!, The subject property is imnediately adjacent to the north frontage roads to I-70 for access to arLeriaL circula- Lion, and is located within approximately 500 feet of the Vail Das Schone shopping eenter. . EXHIBIT ''D" ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS OF RESUBDIVISION OF BUFFER CREEK,Lol 39-A NORTII Lot.36 Lot 37 Lot 38 SOUTH Lot 39-B EAST Lot 4O-A Lot 4O-B }IFst Sec. L1 Parts of Se e. 'Ardickas Kasparaltis Pauperes Kasp araitis J-16 Clayton Street Waudegan, I11- ino is Wil1iam and Alice M. 6324 McCommas Avenue DaLlas, fexas 752J-4 500 85 Cartwright Roi C. Davis, Jr. Sherman Agency 838 Shernan S t reet Denver r. CoLorado 80203 Inters Late 70 R.0,W. Ronald ZaLl ALan E. Fox 1340 Denver Club Building 51- 8 Seventeenth Streec Denver, Co 1o rad Inters tate 70 R-0-If . IiIe s t Pos t Vai1, Vail Development Office Box 418 Colorado 8L657 L2 Co rporation EXHIBIT ''E'' AGREED CONDITIONS If the Board of Variance grants the application, the appli- cant agrees that the following conditions may be imposed: (1) The building, landscaping, access, and parking area shall be installed and constructed on the subject pro- perty at those locations and in those areas set forth on the site plan attached hereto as Exhibit "F"; (2) The applicant shall corrEnence construction on the sub- ject property, in accordanee with the site pLan, with- in eighteen months of the grant of variance, and the applicant shall work diligently to complete the construc- tion project.; (3) AL the site shown on the site plan aEtached as Exhibit "F," the applicant shalt construct a building having a profile substantially siurilar to that set forth in Ex- hibit ilF"; (4) The applicant shall comply with the site plan and shaLl construct a building substantially similar to that shown in Exhibit "F,'r provided that minor changes in locations, sitings, bullc of structures, height or characcer of Ehe building may be authorized by the Zoning Adninisfrator or any other duly authorLze& official of Eagle County, if required by circr:mstances not foreseen at the time the variance is approved; (5) The use of the subject property sha1l be limited in che manner set forth in the foregoing conditions so long as the building shown on the site p1an, Exhibit "F," is used for those uses allowed by the provisions of Sec- tion 3.07 of the Zoning Resolution. aa 1o ATIOPERAAIT APPLIC EAGLE COUNTY o BUILDING Juridiction of- ! 4l.i't. to complete numbered spaces only. I DlSC i. %"' PorLion ofVaiI Das Schone, hlest d--ls e r ltucr to sxerr)Vail- olflNEt M |L AOOiESS ItP P|lO|rE2 western Federal Savings p. O. Box 1553, \taIL, Colo. 8165? hT6-3O11 3 Western Federal Savinss MAIL ADDi EsS 'HOII E 700-17th St., Denver, Co1o.80202 LICENSE NO. 292-1771 exL. 27I ARCH I'EC T OI DESIGN€R MAI L ADDRESS PHONE LTcENSE r{ O.4 Western Federal Savings (.iin olst) sanne as above EI.IGINEER 5 same as above MA L AOOiESS L'NOEh6 none MA IL ADORESS BiANCH 7 Savings and Loan Branch Office 8 Class of work: El NEw n AoDlTloN E etteRnrtoru n BEPAIR fl MovE fl REM0VE I oescribe work: Remodel attached ga"age to provide arlditional office space. t0 Changeofuse{rom garage and storage to office space Change of use to office space 1 1 Valuation of work: $ 10, OO0 Size of Bldg. (Totar) sq. Fl. Fire SDrinklor9 Required [y", flgoAPPLICATION ACCEPIEO AY:PLANS CHEC|(ED 8Y APPAOV€O FOR ISSUANCE AY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES:No. of Dwelllng Unlts NOTIC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OF AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOBK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS. ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOF A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. S IGNATU F E OF 'ONTR C TOR FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPORT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (tN THIS SPACE, THIS IS YOUR PERMIT FOrm tOO.1 11-73 FToRDEE Fiox: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AUTLDTNG OFFICIALS.. CASHPLAN CHECK VALIDATION M,O.PERMIT VALIOATION q rNSPEcroR,*e FIETD COPY BUIID]NG DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGIE. CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 PERMIT TO I MPROVEME NT) BUILDING 75i3 Vail,( (STREET) RMIT NO.0395 ( c or{TR'5 LTcENSE) NUMAER OF DWELLING UNITS (PROPOSED U5E) PERMIT oore OctobQr I 1e reer- rceNr Wcatettr FcderaE Srylngg roonessE11X Ar (LocArrol) 2151 W. Frontags Rd. - Sor.rth 6iJ+li"'(NO., (STFEET) BETWEEN ANO ( CRO55 STREET)(CRO59 STREET) IL o d z o suBo tvts toN BUILDING IS Vail Ds Schone TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LOT LOT - ALoCK - sIZE TO TYPE USE GROUP LONG BY BASEMENT WA LLS OR FOUNOATION FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN COHSTRUCTION RE MAR KS: $ 46-6r, BUILDING O3 County of Eagle F:T,NCTRICAL PF;RMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 382 $...--......-... ............ Electrical Contractor...-. Appricant....- fty* )",^**.233-'/7tS APPROVALS THIS FORM IS TO BE FOSTED 01{ .,OB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTION ,18 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQIJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Platl Checker */-7.ae*,-aa $-.2.a....,...8-..8 8.....,..r,...p-.a aJf...ao ./-d,.,/.?71 Date of Application---...,/4 ,n.....74. I CAELECTRI PL Lrc o AT roN Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, 3/€, []see rrrecx eo sxeerl MAII. ADDRE5S ZI ' E>7Eftttl f E DE {tfrt }fruittl6s als) til, CONTRACTOR MAI! ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO, 3 ENTERPR)SE S0 tD|UER LT- ln)(Er,"DaD.coL\ - ARCHITECT ON DESIGNER MAIL AODR E5 S PHONE #ffil;# MA IL AODN ES 5 PI{ONE U3E OF 6UILOINGl ShUlNGs ND LDNN OFF 8 crassof work: fl NEW trADDlrt0N Edirrnnrtou tr REPATB 9 Describe work, E\lgT 6E S STELL NE TLETs - SA t]Ltl Es - CLK< fr tt o Ht TuREs tl /700 , 00 FECEPTACLE Ou ets SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixlures FIXTUBESAPPLICATION ACCEPTED AY:APPAOVED FOB ISSUANCE AY. RANGES CLO, DRYER WTR. HTR. NOT ICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COI\4MENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND COR RECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. V, H.P. MAX. PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION cK. INSPECTOR iEOROER FROM: INTERNAIIONAL CONFERENCE OF 9UILDING OFFICIALS ' 50 50, LOS FOALES ' PASADENAT CALTFOFNI^ 9IIOI M.O. .t2/ Form lOO.3 9-69 ) i'd .---Ll \A$ I ..tr' !.\ :f" l\,r \r 'i\ I' \ I I I \ \ \DN \ \' Orcvlr\ t\s' rn(fEr< cqFE d F :,"\ - "a,o =.._ -\ AI\ s$'rn $' N E$ \\* Bof- l ', s, q\ s' rl Dr { o6t .| ^| n 'l ot NF $F N$ be NOIr \\( INsiPECTI FIEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E pnnrlnl. Y WED I orsnee Rov E D ,*, f'3c- @ E nerNSPEcr6r^ouro E uporu rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTI FIEBUEs|T EA LE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME BECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I pnRnnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PPRovED D otseppRovED E upolv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS D ornen @ COMMENTST E nerNsPEcr oorc J-J- 7/ INSFECT|fr'FIEO|JEgT DATE EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAME TIME RECETVED_ AM PM CALLER ,. "- '\,, E PART|AL. ,^, fila -@MON Q-*ff-gou t o D orsappRovED v-,tbfl nerNsPEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ry I IINSPEcTEIT HEEUEAT EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl orxen E pearrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: WED THUR rat ,/ nn@ A6;rf" tr DTsAPPRovED (urou rHE FoLLowr NG coR R ECTI oNS: I nrrNsPEcr INSPECTOR DArE /-2) -22 IINSiPECTIE N HEE|JESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I EAG L E COUNTY ' :,e '1. I orxen f] penrral. MON READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rnt J.' 3-o *@ @.ffi pou r o E uporu rxe CORRECTIONS ! orsnee RovED FOLLOW! NG CORRECTIONS: REINSPECTD .J DA'E R l'/* !{