HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 TRACT D EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION 1995-1999 LEGALe1- Gi"re( t'$o$e'c t :,qr'i\o5i cn t 11t - 1111 )l ,? e /(r't"'''f t i ;] r j, ri I\ tL ..i!]'. (,irl ,f .r 1'i lii .i t., I ) it I l Tn"--< \ Vd.l IJ,''7-- TOUIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970 -479 -2L38 ilob Address...: Locacion.. ....: ParceL No. ....:Project Number: APPLICAI\TT COTiTTRACTOR O$INER DEPARTUENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMEIiTT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE PermitMECHANICAL PERMIT AT ALL TIMES #: M99-0117 846 FOREST RD 846 Forest Rd 21_01_-072-09 - 0 01 EATON METAI PRODUETS COMPANY 556 25 ROAD, GRAND JUNCTTON, CO EATON METAL PRODUCTS COMPAI\TY 556 25 ROAD, GRAND JIJNETION, CO EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DrsTRrqr, 845 FOREST RD, VArL CO status.. .: IssItEDApplied..: 08/20/L999Issued... r 09/09/L999Expires..: 03/07/2ooo 81-5 0 5 81505 81_557 Valuation: *Of GaB Loga: Phone z 970-245-0144 Plrone:. 970-245-OL44 3,397.00 *of wood/Pallec: Description: trlech f-or new spi1l container 6. alarm fireplace lnfonFtion: ReEtricted! y *of caE Applj.anc€6: FEE STN4MARY u€chanical---> Plan check- - - > IDwGBti9ation> will call----> s0-00 20. 00 .oo 3.00 Re6Cuarant Plan Reviee- ->.00 103.00 Feeg--->103 .00 ,00 103 .00 103 .00 TOTAI, FEAS. --.. Additional Fees---------> Tolal Permi! Fe€--------> Payhentg- ------ ......-,...fHT.?T;;;;;;;;;::;:..,.........;::... IEEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI4ENT DCPt: BUILDING DiViSiON: 08/.20/.L999 KATTTY Action: NOTE RouEed t.o Ga?y o8'/26'/1,999 ccooDELL Action: APPRrEbm: "05600 FIRE DEPARITIIEIVI Dept: FrRE Division: O8/2O/L999 KATI{Y AcLion: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.2. PBRMIT, PLANS & OTIIER APPLIEABLE INFORMATION MUST BE AVAII,ABLE ON SITE AT TIIE TIEM OF INSPESI]ON(S) .3. ALL WORK TO BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 1998 INTER- NATIONAL MEC]ANIEAL CODE (IMC) OR TTIE 1997 UNIFORM MECI{ANICAL CODE (I]MC) AND ANY APPLICABLE REOUIREMENTS OF THE ]-997 I]NIFORM FIRE CODE (t'FC) AND OTHER FEDERAL, STATE AND TOCAL REGI'I,ATIONS. ******************************************************************************** DECTARATIONS I h€reby acknotrledge lhat I have read bhig applicaLion, filled ouc j.n full the information required, compLets€d an accurata P1o! plan, and stale that all Lhe informatsion provided a6 lequired ie cor!ec!. I agre€ to couFfy $i.th the infontation and plot pLan, Eo compfy sich aLl Toen ordinances and stsate laes, and to build Lhis scructure accotdi.ng tso the Toun'3 zoning and au.Hirrision cod€s, dcaign rewier approved, lrniforu. Buildj.ng cod€ and other ordiDance6 of ehe Tor'n applicaJtle tsher€co. RBQUESTS FoR INSPEmIoNS SHAIL sB MA.DE TwEr{Ty-FoUR HoURs rN,ADvA.ltcE BY TEIJTPHoNE AT 479-213e oR AT ouR oFFIcE FRo}l 8:00 alr s:00 P}: o q----\.:'" SICNATT'RE OF OVINER OR COMTRACTOR FOR HI},ISELF AND OWNER / t(n ot vttL, @&@ to Itt t.@E gt.t.rrc lfulb.r! Rle-o558 lDrlrrt: tol.oo o9fo9l99 ro.sg, prtrrGe t|atltod: ClgH trot tion ! 1O3. OO tnit : itla P.!!,it ao: I9r-o1l? llE.: B-XtcB lccl|ltr.tcllr Dl rr Prrcrr. Io: 2101-o72-o9-ool tiE. lddt...: aa5 tcrll|tl RD I€qaclgn: aa5 lor.at Rd Iotrl'!.-: 1o3. O0 lttr Pqrr.nE 103.oo Iolrl ll|tl cr ! lo3.oo Balattoat ,oo ' '' &@urt Codc D..elptlon lrcr'|lrE tP 00100003111300 l|lcnnlcltrJ PlurT llBa 40.00 PF 00100001112300 Pt llf CECf, lElg 20.00 rc OOlOOOO3lreaoO t .Il Clllr tllgPleErqf Fli 3.OO 8r-1.9-19992''23"MFR04EAToNI"€TALPRmUCTS97a2L511^3P.3 -v!r-.5-rE rr'.rE F111111: tuv-L]tv-u]:Pt. tD,6?6azezo|l PAI:E 2.8'r No ftJ+ TowI{oFvAtLcoNsTRucTloNPERMtfAPPUcAloNFoR[| AU6 20 1999 PtdA,ntiE: tfioud(ft)tu() wort 08$ f'!nv 1 1 NrdtroilDrctthgUtits lWdTYFdFitc1l|zc:Gs Bwtnre: $ PLIMBING t cEdSs@t Ton of VrilRl3igrioo No Axtrtio( ) PEf Ailless IIIII)RuAIN)I{uusrEl.c-Oirt.rlIoRrEEAFLIcArloNwItIB'ErlE'rlcllDDate ReCgiVgt Fmi?5K tl&gffi gf a' e7es28s6'o't M' ,,dr fnqq' 0lll Eq6/ q A{e/.vAda4-An'9 SqN,ry .:'rl(bMt w tob NadC: fcl<'.€ F4 vE?q 9J '$1s*42 mtctnicd( ) oorl 1 rr#Dcrin.n'* 4 / "#'/'/ituEt ''e>/ '- i*T- hf,d'r( , ,u,,ffirrJf, ,,1];-r)r -{S,' R {ow' olr6rv36'{.<}u.b l' .Dttr:-'l "/'tdglrex"; // ,"1 -w-.2/ '?4'D Dcgiprbofhb. AADtZtop OF. lftu' avtauea' "*"0 ovealcot- 4ca4t^' Re.ir ( ) Nnnbsof G6Loft WodrHIl OTIIER: TOTAI. Ad&s VALITAEOTE ELECTaICAL: $ rdctlANlcr.L cilrRAgtbR lt{Fof,tr4lloil /Vt at 7 FCntrHCEUSF 'I v o at l a-19-199S 2,23PM T0r{ [,€TAl- trRDuCTS 97A 245 11 43o P.2FRO},i EAo tug$* I, 1999 Ji6, Mikc suggcsted thst yon. slrurld deci& nfro wnrld be recpcrsible frr moritqing dle filling p6s and iiilvitffiot qriooo' Idtitk;F"ltttll,ist*acitnanllallmmu*bcturrcdtorcn"dlbcalen *p,A.li firLta u t|c rlD& t,cnt Thc spill cutaincr will haw a rag edrcd-lha bicrl-lv ststEs 'Thi$ ;ffifi;"qfi.d *ia i-iiquia ii*t *t*trine ddisc with-rn audiblc orrcrfiJl rlnno' The tEg also ;;-ifi;il ri'te c.lit"ry h* t ropcr qerrtlqr grd moet &irtrs sl'ttd be tunili- with lhig f,;;oi .il. u;fc ,oav rtant L notv fi* yio *ttt * t*"oa tc &ivcrs tc twnirg on lhe rlsm rric !o 6UinT Itillcs, 8e--O---- Strewn O Cmncr Date Received Eaton Sales & Service AU6 2 0 1999 PEWOLEUM EAUTPME\rT tTlNr.t INSTAIJATION tcTol 2150141 FAX| (97or 3{5'l las sso 25 nO^O ' CRAI'IO JUNCnON, COI-oRADO c l3o5 3-1e-r999 2'26PM CURRENT FILL ADDITIONALI' PIPE TO NEW SPILL CONTAINER any othcr ordinances of this junsdiction. TON I'€TAL PRODUCTS 978 246 11 t46 FORREST ROAI) P-A STEH TO ROOF AUS 2 0 1gg9 Town of 'y'ail FROM EA o 43 o tttt VENT a J +--1 E OVERFILLALARM ROOF SPEL CONTAINER BALL VALVF, CAMLOCI( FILL tr'ITTING l-.rq(a51 STEPS APFMVED Date Received ConrunfDarbgrpm_ DnurrmanfitgUrytntpcmn Brrvbcfffiffitrstrg?figrE nssrmr.tr| FEt hl o !h, fra d & da {.{lrot pcvcm rhc bcitdrg ofidrt trh .til|fr -q,r,L;-fr;;on orcrros in srid plars. sDc.ific.rior ead drrdrt;i,E;;di b"fo,",operadons bcing crmcd on rltreun&r whcn il vtolrtloo'o, ffi6o, or wnnts,(4?-oerc,OFFICE COPY +M'rq-0fl7 A-19-19S9 2.26,PM FROM EATON IVETAL PRODLETS 97A 245 1 O TANK 1818/sGn CLOCK GAUGE 143 o l/-3 CO]{STRIETION OETAILS Body-.......-...,.Auminum with 2'NPT Male Cmnedi.m. ? Female connsclion - gtgF Flosl....-..-,...., Stainls€s Sleel C6bb.......-....,Slainl6s ste€l. Stmdard F.6lursa:l. Vapo. thhl consttuctbrl 2, Swivel 360' for d6irqd o.ientaiiofl. 3. High level / tow lsvgl decals lor apdicalion on lens cover. a- S:rarrJsrd lbar ths rhrough a r sche(tule 40 piPe nippb' Opdons 0rkBl SpEcllyl: 1, Cytitrdrk l tb.t (tor til thq/gh f echEdlle 80 FtPq nipde)' 2- Motdc cqwersion dan. 3. Single dial wih 1/2 and l/4 lull increments (tot 8fi hoighl only). 4. Engnsion lcader lor exltnded nour ing abo/e lhs |an|(. 5. Drop tube 0oat lor turhiant conditons. GAUGES CLOCK GAUGE ALARM Urilizas ![e Fig tla styte c|ock Gar€e wirh a bull-in high lstal raming ahrm. Codains a b8ttery p.irorc4 irttnst'. caily safe, alarm unrl that is mounted rsimolo ffom gsugq- Ahm is sel lor desirod level du.im inslallaton and cao be r+6el al arry lirne br a ctlan€g in da|m bi€l lgsuiremcnts. gpl{sTRucnolr DETAn S Gau$ 1rnit..,........-.F€ 818 Oocr Ga4e c|yle (sarn€ srardard ard optional teaarr?s). F€. 918 Garrge has alam dial and irnemd swibh. Alarrn dial is accessible on tho olock lace" aecrricaljunglion box ard load wileg for temole mouming arg abo inchJded- Alrrm U4it,..,..,.....---Plasiac vrEather-proot houir€. $ ded).l hbh pitched ?eep' qde alarm- Fsaturc6 arr on-ofr-t st srtitdl. Pou,ar.d by tvvo 9 Yoll baner'?s (hcludeo- Date Received Patenl 51448:16 Fo, mea3uting liquid lov3l in alrot/€ground sloragg lanks. Gauge mounb on loD ot lan( and is Bclivated by a rloat conne€,led lo cabl6. R8adout b on a 12 hour doch lacc. Smallhand = l€gl,la€ahrnd = inches Gauge can be read ze30 ft aray io wilhin l/8 irrch. Ma.rimum measure- nrert is lZ tect RG 8I8 FIG 9r8 AUG 2 0 199s P0fcrECO 2l I ntoT nEnoIE ;llL sPltt c0llTAlllERS a-19-1999 FROM EATON t"ETAl- PRDUCTS 97A 2 5 11L3 The POMECO 2l I -RMOI' SPiU Containec are dcsigrrcd to provifu spill cotlainm€nt pnroction for rcmotc horizontal lill pipc installations. Features e Cbocc of Sizes - Thc $andard 2l I hs a 15 gllon (57 litct) capcity irnd can accommodalc most single fill pipc apli- catioru. Thc 21 IXL has a 20 gall<n (/6lit*) crpacity and can aulilY accornmodats a single 3" Civaccrn lTlt Dry BEak Couplet, in addition o many dual filI pipe aPlicatiotts- . Mod€b to Ac$nrmodate Varftrus Fill Pipe Con0gurations - Thc 2l l-RMOf rnmcs sbndard with a 4' lill PiPe opcning urrt boot on ttre back parr|. Optiond rcdrrccr inscrts are alvailablc ro accofirDd|te 2" or 3" fill PiPcs' Also, rhc 2l I-RMOT qur be odcred wirhotrt tfic b:rck riscr openiog, which allows tbc uscr ro customize dte back panel oparings for spccilic applicatiots. r Easy Product Drain4e 'Thc lockablc ball valve drain makes liquid rernoral fas and casy, Also, a 2" F NPT fitting is wclded to the toP of thc unit o accommodar a hand PumP. o Lscking Cowr - The lockiru st€el cover provid;r added secun$. . Heiclt Adjustable' .{ljustable legs enable lhe spill container to be set at a vuiery of hcighc, ftorn 16%" to 30" (42-76 crr). Each leg Ls also indcpen- .dcndy adjustable o rccommodarc unarcn gound coditions. o Rugged Cons{ruclion - The 12 gauge sEel consmrdon and ePoxY'Powder coarlng provide strcngth and rqsistancc to hvdnocarbons arr] cofioslon ensunng a long scnice lifc. tcrerlols: Gnroimc t2 6ouge Std 12.6 mml Boot Buno.ll 0cmp: Stoinless 5leel ECOOF! tC ^) i) te Receive ^u0 2 0 199b Dincrtsions ildd2il Modd 2lllt 4x?Reircrlnerl r'firnt0.!q|05meclxi[id.$?.sflnr.ldqhu6l's7t}3i19.0m.fi!2'.Id:(8ull2l'3zlt oP\At--- - oo Towi'l of Vall OFFICH COPY Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProiectName: ERWSD Project Description: Access gate at East Vail water tank Owner, Address and Phone: ERWSD, attn: Ron Seibert, 846 Forest Road, Vail, CO 81657 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Proiect Street Address:5022 Snowshoe Lane Legal Description: Unplatted portion of Vail Meadows Filing I (TOV Property) Parcel Number: Comments: Project#: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved 1) TOV (attn: Brent Wilson) will be supplied 2 sets of keys to the gate lock for emergency purposes. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 8llll99 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 FTEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\99\ERWSD,WPD A. "oQucsriorrs? CaTI thc Plii;rning Staii:r..i ,"--- ^2.i APPLICATION FOR DBSIGN REVIEW APPROVAL TO!,{/N OFYNI CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicrv must rcccivc Design Revicw approval prior to submitting for a buiiding pcrmit. For specific information, sce the subrnittal rcquircmorts for thc particular approval that is requestcd. Thc applicatiou cannot bc acceptcd until all the requircd infbrmafion is subrnittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrved by thc Torvn Council and./or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conrmis.sion. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is started.'iltE Eag B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: BLOCK: FILiNG: pFrySrCAL ADDRESS: *ZZ =rJou\=*-e \-A!tE= PARCEL #: (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 9'10-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONINC: SlMllFre Er=./?F i-fioLIAL- A'FEA NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT: PHONE: H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. tr A$dition - $50 lncludcs any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or ,/ conuncrcial building. EI ll{inor Altcration - $20 Includcs nrinor changes to buildings and site improvemcnts. such as, rcroofing, painting. window additions, landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building permit. pleasc identify thc accuratc valuation of thc proj ect. The Torvn of Vail will adjust the t'ee according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBIVIITT,{L REQUIREilIENTS AND THE FBE TO THE D EPARTNIENT O F COIVIMUN ITY DEVELO PI}IENT. 75 SO L.I'TH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. C. D. F. c. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: PHONE: 1-7o- fl'lq - Zilz D F a o EI MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE.EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations ofa building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS Photos or sketches which clearllr convey $e existing conditions. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relevant specifications for tle proposal including colors and materials to be uscd Condominium Association approvhl (if applicable). If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Adminis'rator may determinc that additional materials are necessary for the review ofthe application. o PROPOSED LANDSCAPTNG Conrnton Namc Ouantity Sizcl AND SHRUBS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROUND COVER *Minimum icQuiremcnts for landscapi ng: Typc dcciduous trecs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons Squarc Footaqc SOD SEED , IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining rvalls. Maxinrunr height of rvalls rvithin the front setbaclq is 1 r3gg. Maximum height of rvalls elscrvhcrc on the propcrty is 6 iect. f UliJatcd 6/97 *ol \nlir'r)r2 \ rrl \ I \ I I \ \ \ I t I \---INSTALL 24- cMP \ cuL\ERT W/ F.E.S. t I -l\t I i I I I I ,,1, r ',1 'rln l , ,'..ll;':,'il ,,11 .r | 8663.00 INSTALL F.E.S. 21 I stl 2+to.oz II Rrv = 8697.79 / INV lN = E693.29 / rNV our = E6e3.1e / -! -= 9o rr., /- - ---r.T ^-.F r:ig"r.^- il=;=,a;a"f.lQi1-V"*T =ulcrAJLf. qAA? c,otn? ts fod- Fwf qF+*tS af3;i*FJ rcT1oA A.-A Ex,FTr$q DoILPEF Ex\<1ttq {sre t,t1r\W .elt;Alau GlAulA.'(( 3b" r'l'J. ctrsz) EKSNNG DRAINAGE CHANNEL EXISTING ACCESS ROAD TO REMAIN INTACT 22 INSTALL ,T8'MANHOLE (r\"1 ) 15 - Ft7R',l 30" cr,rp--r--LO-t=.t.gog___Ll,2rij2i- rir,i-.^- .\ __ FI#j.fr.ig:r, l--'-rEfltgi--?: INV lN = 870_9115-- STA 4+40.96tNV OUT = 8709.35 RrM = 87aa.Oa INV lN = 8739.54 INV OUT : 8739.44 OPEN SPACE (rowN oF vAlL) I l" . 40'-O"<M INSTAII 36' x 48'cATcH GORE VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ExFTI{q MrW- F*P ot rrl I r zrrl o-lE: ^.ftt qATE 4prrrecrealto4 l'1AY Vo*y sL-lcnt\TLY. I I 21 :*:crloA A-A Err=Ttrl(a P311-PEF :Exrg'\r-tQ Jsq+ fLtT'JW av+,lau 6-IAt^tA'T ( !a" mr^J. awag-)' CaATg. c-oLo? ts foWt t*TqWEA \----INSTALL 24' CMP \ cuL\ERT W/ F.E.S. I*f'o?q \ 22 I r., I O+ {:) -1. S(r -.1. O I!t - sG /0.0r INSTALL 48. ( E(STING DRAINACE CTIANNEL TO RETIAIN INTACT sTA 2+10.67 RIM = 8697.79 INV lN = 8695.29 INV OUT = 8693'19 D(SNNG ACCESS ROAD OPEN(row\ I l" -- {o'-e" INV lN = E739.54 INV OUT = 8739.44 SPACE oF vArL) lNsrA[ 36' x 48' CATCfI GORE VALLEY WATER DISTRICT< J".tr R ExrsfltJq L/.rH> Y6D \F\ \ L.' '' \=!IL**,,,i,.*\ 21 \ E',\ \ \<-\ E\^\ FUHi\ \H{) \ \;'r"::i-:*'-" / l ,il\'*srALL FES' zz No-[E, +.lQ,U E/dz -*'qQBqtor.l 1"1,4Y VooT sr-teATLf. ::rcToA A-A Exr=;fttJh tCtltPEF :Exr<l{Q T?e F,+fttW ceg/$'l1u A$UA\ ( !tr' mu.l. er-eaz)' cpLo? ts ToF*gd @+EIJ |F GATa EE, ''a- I ' "l'rrlrr I\ 'i:,|j, I \ry ilJi:..l!r*r,*,N'-*^'i#;'*fl '"j ' . 1. I \ DOSTING ACCESS ROAD sTA 3+00.96 RIM = 8713.95 INV lN = 8709.45 tNV OUT = 8709.35 OPEN SPACE (rowN oF vAlL) I 1" . {o'-o" E(SNNG DRAINAGE C+IANNEL TO REMAIN INTACT :--.:-Y:!gF €---::- - tlo' sTA 4+40.96 | RIM = 8744.04 | INV lN = 8739.54 INV OUT = 8739.44 at) INSTAU-36'x 4E cATcH GORE VALLEY WATER DISTRICT I 'isTA 2+10.67 RIM = 8697.79 INV lN = 8693.29 INV OUT = 869J.19 Exrs{rrlQ L4H> F*p gb,-3f'fi;j'9 <s R L I I I \_-t ) '' 21 (rJ O! 0U I E663.00 ALL F.E.S. om rF qATr 7=, 22 tl \ I \ I I \ I / /I I I \\ sT^ \NIt- N t\INSTALL /+8. MAi{HOLE STA 2+10.67 RIM = 8697.79 INV lN = E693.29 D(STING ACICESS ROAD sTA 3+00.96 RIM = E713.95 INV lN = 8709.,+5 INV OUT : 8709.35 56' GORE VALLEY<J* =ffifro{ A-L Exr=ftt&a DCIIi.PEF J:' Crne- - r--L Q' -l_=J.g.On. I *^ .-;" ;- r--- '- - -L=-''EEL ; &:c& - :-: - Jr+::==-=gg_1i:-: _-- .- r o-lE: A.fit elltr= Co$FlqLIRATto{ NAY Vooy s-l(nt{TLY. col-o? ts fot#qg+-=Li 15 = 8751 Extg-\(q -TF+g-: f,+TtJW A?A,IEL Gli\l^FY( 56" mrd. argaz) -\ D(SNNC DRAINAGE C}IAI.INEL TO RET'AN INTACT sTA 4+40.96 . RIM = 8744.04 I INV lN = 8739.54 INV OUT = E739.44 E1a,tr-FJ OPEN SPACE (TOW\ OF VAIL) WATER DISTRICT MEMORANDUM TO: JEFF HUNT, TOWN OF VAIL FROM: RONALD D. SIEBERT, PROJECT MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 23,1998 RE: EASTVAILEXISTINGO.5MGWATERTANKAVALANCHESTUDIES Attached are the results ofvarious avalanche studies that address the issue ofpossible tank and water damage in the event of an avalanche. It is shown that a shear ring would prevent the tank from sliding off its base, however, it would not protect the tank from buckling and/or rupfuring. In the event of a rupture, if the tank was 2/3 full, the amount of water released would be less than I percent of the volume of snow in the avalanche. The effect of the water, from the ruptured tank, on an avalanche with enough size to reach and rupture the tank would be minimal. Attachments RS/rs FII 5WSD\4ENGU\4EMOS\EVTANK'I.DOC Communify Development Plan Routing Form Appro Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Worksffi Garv Goodell. Buildine Return To:JeffHunt Date Routed:1l-6-98 Return By:I l-18-98 Proj ect Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: ERWS Dist 5022 Snowshoe Lane Water tank improvements 'a-- Anoroved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Fr € VERYONE'DRIP\,ROLTTINGD 8ROUTNG\PUBLICWo\ I L{ASTER.FRN{ ) o -\t.sI €((* =q_ S<rtrdrvrrryr rLljrten _- King Arthurs Court (Hydro-Triad, Ltd.) Eagle County, Colcrado B,riscoo, lv{aphis, Murray, Lanront hcManagonnni ConsultanL6 Wl"ut€ Rivsr iJational F€rest -&s'Vail Meadows /xtnu,l. Mears and t) Old Muddy & path (Arthur l. Mears) |J:5'HEnanrcto, B€ck and Ab€yLand6Cap/r. ArChitects C Zone :st pressures ed study ,\ Studv MsarS)rffffPv,, 4ial: , White River lcaiional Forest f' Avalanche Currgnt CondjtionS A componont of tn cornprehonsjw pbn Town of Vail \ .,r l.4c Dowell, Scott, & Cox) \ r- - .. -r\ lE;'t!"...iit.1!l I \ tr,i.,!r- I tij;,rc<G7dd-,J.---l Lr!!!-5r-ier..{ . -llOor. cJ.{ t'..{ prh I I lror, A^.Js I Itbr.brd/wJdrr. I Ico,t"trntv -_--l IIe:r. -- i -\NUyb ti*F*.- r|:ir-- ITIlngF.W[ rlr- :Ft*f:3g{fintu,g I n^.a-, -l t _"!!!!*' ;t!5' Arg. 6 19:F E:SR| PE!;TI'PEIRlCrCil Sl ffilFA FIIIE in. : g1 2s sB Alloy: Thlclncss: Lcrg{hs: Vndths: ,c? RPR Insul-Mat@ 4Inch Box Rib Sheets I$ul-Matc 4' Box Rib is thc most pptrlar of {J ttrc ribbcd ;ilf ii it rn"dc with a continuoui pattem of I " hi.gh tibs 'on4" c"t tats, *ginccred for maximunr $trudufal snlmess' if lr o.il.a *t ;fBm4 Ahlsd aluminum which is stucu .tofu.a fot .aaea dgidiry and streng6' Alcld sbeetlnS is oroduced bymeallurgicallybonding 7Ol2 alumtnum to bah side.s of an dloy T3004 core. Thc rcsulting alumrnum cmrposilion providcs supcrior cqrosion rclstalce' Available in non-Alclad prepoistrd aluminurn staitrles t of ff-fO+ anO T-3161' galvardza and with polybaft rnoisnrre barrier uPon IEqucsL Closuc strips are availabla T3fl)4 Aktad. stucco cnrbosscd. .032', .040' 8od .050'' duminum 3'rhru 30 38-l/2' (35' clveote) 4t5E'(tl4'corcrrgp) 49-5/t'(48" cov.nF) Snintccs Stccl rad Gatvoircd enileblc ' ia 3&l/2' onlY Anihblc upoi reguert (mininuns'urry rpply) RPR Insul-Mate@ Insul-Box Aluminum Siding Insul-Box is made with t continuous Pattcm of 9/16" high ribs enginccred for maximum smtcnrral stiffness- Insul-Box's frrlt undcrlap suPPort leg pmvides bettcr aiignment, reduccd gapping arrd Fotcction again$wind bdvvn rain. Tests havC poven insul-Box roofing and siding superior as a result of improved sidelap dcsign ana icw anti-siphon and dnin channcl' Closurc strips arc available. Tbldocrs: flrsihs: YTUThS: Corruptions: Colorr: .OlE lnd .(I2l" di.Dod caDct$d 3'thnr 30 5l'(48: co,rerqc) 2.67' pitch,916" higtr Availablo upon ruquest (ninirnumr nay rpply) Ul& o*'ty'RPR Insul-Mate@ 7.2" FJPB.L Rib siding .ezq Insul-ldate 7.2" Rib is a larger, stronger version of the pooular 4" Box Rib and available in the same mctals' Its i-ilZ" A""p ribs at 7.2" intervals, with the uniquc exendcd purlin bcaring leg, makes it o:rc of the st{ongest profilcs ivailable in the industry. Closure suips arc availablo. Alloy: ltickncss: Lcngths WHtbS: Colors: T3004 Alcla4 snrcco cmbcsed .032', .040' aod,050" duminuo 3'thlu 30 I.VZ' (9C covcragc) Availeblc upon request (minimums mry epply) RPR Insul-Mate@ In$l-Mate2.67' x ll2" '518",718" deqr comrgated shcets available in variorrs. specific widths ranging from 27-1t2" rhrough 5l-3". Lengths 3' to 32'' Insul-Mate ,- l-l/4" x l/4" decp comrgated sheets are available in a K;'llf " widrh and leniths 3' to 122". Insul-Mate corrugatd - sheeb are Droduc,J to a standrrrd siding profile withboth . ' .. lonsitudirral edges of the sheet fonued down, allowingU thc-shca to be i-nstatlcd without altemating the ends of the sheet. A siding sheet can bc used for roofing by tapping two corrugatious. Oosurc strips arc available' a Shinlcss Stcct lod Gatvanizcd -050" Mrtels: Thic|tlcss: Leagtfu: vndths: CoIors 3; rhru 30'd.67");3'rhru lz2'(l ll4'} tffitln,roo ouest (minirnums m:y eply) TOWNOFVAIL Qucstioiis.' Clli,li; i'L....r:,ig Sili:':'....i. -.-- ;l:l APPLICATION FOR DESIGN RBVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For spccific infomration, scc thc subnittal rcquircmctrts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application carmot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Councrl and./or thc Planning and Environnlcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpircs 0nc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: - BLOCK: / FILING: I PE4-P'ty'-11oF{AL- EW PH!'SICALADDRESS: AoZz +Sil*eL-*lte- \kru Co 8/t'S7 PARCEL#: 7o?a IEZOOOOS(ContactEaglcCo.AsscssorsOfficcat9T0-328-8640forparccl #) NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADD PHONE: 170- 41U- 1+6 OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S):7.SJarrf NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS:=lLS-7 TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncrv Construction - $200Construction of a ncw buiiding. includcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building. Includcs nrinor changes to buildings and sitc inrprovcnrcnts. such as. rcrooting, painting. windorv additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls. ctc. tr Addition -$50 N0 l/ 0 :oft$a., arc ro bc paid ar thc timc of subnrirral. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pcnnit. plcasc idcnfiff thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill adjust thc fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI,IENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPIlTENT. 75 SOUTFI FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. F. C. ZONING: Zb.-E-6-T\$lA\- .d.Ea-- KnrnorA]tcration- $20 B. f v. E. H. PHONE: 970- 47b- 1+a9 I I LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS . INo-It'. E#..V] BD \3@ ft*sre,1-L.q1 ?F-l-\,A{ tFtq TEe. A'L!M tl-iuM J xcYs;r r-A .,fbFT. cF Tr{8, .= g.1$*E*-fr ftffiS#r Bu-tlE D. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Walt Matcrials Fascia Sotlits Windows Windorv Trinr Doors Door Trinr Hand or Dcck Rails Fluc.s Fluslrings Chinrncvs Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other TYPE OF MATERIAL: dapgdLAdEp ArrptNrjr-i {,a&!.r/aAfF,-. ALrlM, *lr_rM l*l.A COLOR:* +.-'pz- n< (Jo AU''g\ + Pleasc spccify thc nranufacturcr's color, number and attaclr a snrall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting nrust rneet the Torvn's Lighting Ordinancc I 8.54.050(J). If exterior lig}ting is proposed, plcasc indicatc thc nuutbcr offixhucs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identiff cach fixture type aud provide thc hcight above grade, lunrcns output, luminous arca. and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixhrcs. Updated 6/97 UTILITY I.OCATTON VERI FICATION Thi.s form is to vcriff scwicc availability and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utility plan and schcduliug installations. Thc location and availability of utilities. whethcr thry be main trunk linqs or proposcd lincs. must bc approvcd ard vcrificd by thc following utilitics for thc acconrpanying sitc plan. Authorizcd Signanrrc Date U.S, Wcst Comrnunications t-ti00-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvice Conpany 949-578 r Gary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5t\92 Tcd Husky/John Boyrl T.C.t. 949-5510 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District + 47(t-74110 Frcd Flaslcc * Plcasc bring a,sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Upper Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signahrrcs. Firc florv nccds must bc addrcsscd. NOTES: t.Ifthc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs front each ofthe utility companics, and no collllllcnts arc nradc dircctly on thc lbrnr, thc Torvn rvill prcsunrc that thcrc arc no problcms and thc dcvclopmcnt can procccd. If a utiliry company has conccms with thc proposcd construction. thc utility rcprcscntativc shall notc directly on the utility vcrification form that thcre is a problcm which nceds to bc rcsolved. Thc issuc should then bc dctailcd in an attachcd lcttcr to thc Town of Vail. However, pleasc kccp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibility ofthc utility company and thc applicant to rcsolve identificd problenrs. Thesc vcrifications do not rclicvc the contractor of thc responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pennit fronr the Dcpartment of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utility logations must be obtained bcfore digsine in any public right-of-way or cascmcnt within thc Town of Vail. A buildinq perrnit is not a Public Way ocrmit and nrust bc obtained seoarately. 2. 3. Updatcd6/97 V. STAFFAPPROVAL The Adminisrator may review and approve Design Rwiew applications. approve with certain modifications. deny tbe application. or may refer the application to thc Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. The following types of Dcsign Rwicw applications may bc staff approved: Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with the architectural design. rnaterials and colors of thc building. and approval ha.s been received by an authorized membcr ofa condomiuium association. if applicablc: Any application to ntodi$ an existing building that does not significantly changc tbe exisring planes ofthe building and is genually consistcnt with thc architochual design. materials and colors ofthe ' building including but not limited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonework siding, roof materials. paint or stain.). cxterior lighting. canopics or arvnings. fences. antennas. satellite dishcs. rvindows. slcylights. siding ninor cornmcrcial facadc improvcnrcnts, and other similar modificationst Any application fbr site in'rprovements or modifications including. but not limitcd to. driveway rnodifications. sitc grading. sitc rvalls. rcmoval or modifications to existing landscaping. installation of acccssorv structures or rccreatioual l'acilities. vl.ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES C. lf this application requires a separatc review by any local. state or Federal agency other than thc Town of Vail. thc application fce shall bc increased by $200.00. Examplcs of such rcvierv. may include. but are not limitcd to: Colorado Dcpartrncnt of Highway Access Pcrmits. Army Corps of Enginccrs 404. ctc. Thc applicant shall bc responsiblc for paying any publishing fecs rvhich are in cxcess of50% ofthc application fee. If. at thc applicant's request. any mattcr is postponed for hcaring causing the matter to bc re-published- then the cntirc fcc for such re-publication shall be paid by thc applicant. Applications dccmcd by the Community Dcvcloprncnt Dcpartnrcnt to have desiEr, land use oi other issuqs which may have a significant impact on the cornmunity may require review by consultan6 irl addition to Town staff. Should a dctermination be made by thc Town staff that an outside consultant is'necdcd. the Community Devclopmcnt Departmcnt may hire thc consultant. The Deparhncnt shall cstinratc thc amount of money necessary to piry thc consultant and this amount shall be forwardcd to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expcnses incurred by the Town in excess ofthe amount forwarded by the application shall bc paid to thc Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will bc retumcd to the applicant upon rcvicw cornplction. A B. c. A. B. Updated 6/97 li/N OF VAIL { w { o tr MINOR ALTIRA'I IONS TO TIIE.EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVDMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION This application applics to changcs madc to a sitc or cxtcrior altcrations ofa building. Any altcration in rvhich additional building square footagc is addcd rvi[[ rcquirc an "additions" application. I. SUI]MITTAI- REOUIREMENTS Photos or skctchcs which Elg4rly convcy thc cxisting conditions. Photos or skctchcs rvhich clcarly convcy thc proposcd building or sitc altcration(s). All rclcvant spccifications for thc proposal including colors and matcrials to bc uscd. Condonrinium Associatiorr approval (if applicablc). If thc intcnt of thc proposal i.s not clcarly indicatcd, thc Adrrrinistrator may dctcnninc that additional nlatcrials arc ncccssary for thc rcvicw ofthc application. v Date Po.-*!Yg,DIVISION5 sEcrroN'ssls-LADDERANDsAFETycAcEAssEMBLy NOv 0 : 1998 PART 1- GENERAL I.OI WORKINCLUDED This work includes fumishing and installing of an exterior ladder and safety cage assembly on the existing welded steel tank including materials, fabrications, and installation in accordance with the Drawings and applicable local state, and federal safety regulations. It is the intent of this specification that the ladder and safety cage assembly conform to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 29, Chapter XVII, Part 1910.27, Frxd Ladders. In the event a conflict occurs between this specification and the CFR the CFR specification shall in all cases prevail. I.O2 RELATEDWORK A. None under this contract. 1.03 QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Welding Society (AWS) B. ASTM A 36 - Specifications for Stnrctural Steel C. ASTM A 615 - Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement D. American Institute for Steel Construction (AISC) E. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) F. Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) G. AWWAD 102 I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawing of complete ladder and cage. B. Manufacturer's data and load ratings for any prefabricated landing gratings. C. Complete product data sheets for coatings. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District East Vail Meadows 500,000-Gallon Tank Imorovements Section 05515 - Paee I of4 v PART2 -MATERIALS 2.OI BARAND PLATE STEEL The steel used for fabricating ladder and safety cage assemblies shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 36. 2.02 DEFORMED REINFORCING BAR STEEL Deformed reinforcing bar steel used for ladder rungs shall conform to ASTM A 615, Grade 40 or 60. 2.03 COATING The coating for the exterior ladder shall a polyamide\polyamine epoxy system by one of the following manufacturers : Tnemec Carboline Pl=66-1211 P1=890 I coat, 3 mils I coat 3 mils 230 sf/gaVcoat 401 sflgaVcoat Fl=Series 66 Fl:890 I coat, 4 mils I coat, 4 mils 179 sflgtUcoat 300 sf/gaVcoat F2=Series 66 F2=890 I coat, 4 mils I coat, 4 mils 179 sf/gaVcoat 300 sf/gaVcoat F3 at exterior only F3 at exterior only 73 color 133 HB 1 coat, 3 mils 1 coal 3 mils 310 sf/gaUcoat 304 sf/gaVcoat Note: Only the prime coat will be required for this contract, but the primer must be cornpatible with the above systems. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI GENERAL Fabrication shall conform to the appropriate sections of the AWS and AISC Standards. 3.02 WELDING All welding shall conform to the Structural Welding Code of the AWS. The ladder and safety shall be fabricated using pre-qualified fillet welds provided that they confonn to the requirements of the AWS Code and the AISC Specifications. All fillet welds shall have a l/4-inch root thickness. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District East Vail Meadows 500,000-Gallon Tank ImprovernentsSection 05515 - Page 2 of 4 3.03 FABRICATION Flame cutting of steel may be by hand or mechanically guided means. Surfaces shall have a maximum ANSI roughness height value of 500. Any fabricating technique, such as friction sawing, cold sawing, milling, etc., that produces such a finish may be used. Members which are to be framed to other parts of the steel ladder or safety cage, may have a variation from the detailed length not greater than 1/16-inch. Completed members shall be free from twists, bends, and open joints. Sharp kinks, bends, or burrs are cause for rejection of the ladder and safety cage. 3.04 SIJRFACEPREPARATION Surfaces shall be cleaned after fabrication of the assembly as a minimum to the requirements of SSPC-SP6, Commercial Blast Cleaning. SSPC-SP6 requires at least two-thirds ofthe surface area to be free ofall visible residues. 3.05 COATING The requirements of SSPC-PAI shall be followed with regard to storage of paint and thinner, mixing, thinning, painting contact surfaces, application and drying of paint. Paint materials shall be applied immediately after surface preparation and before any dust or soil has accumulated. Priming shall be performed by spraying. Intermediate and finish coats shall be painted by spraying. Conventional spraying, airless spraying and hot spraying are acceptable. l. Materials shall be mixed, thinned and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's Drinted instructions and recommendations. 2. Each coat shall be permitted to dry thoroughly before applying the next coat. Adequate ventilation shall be provided to carry off solvents during the drying phase. 3. Each coat shall be uniform in color and sheen without streaks, laps, runs, sags, or missed areas. 4. Allow a minimum of seven (7) days curing after the application of the coating prior to shipment and installation. 3.06 INSTALLATION The assembly shall be welded to the steel plate as shown on the Drawings. All areas where the coating has been damaged during installation shall be cleaned again and primed with the same primer to the same dry film thicknesses. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District East Vail Meadows 500,000-Gallon Tank Improvements Section 05515 - Page 3 of 4 v 3.07 SAFETYPRECAUTIONS The Contractor shall comply with all applicable local, state and federal health and safety standards and the coating system manufacture/s recommendations. EI\[D OFSECTION Eagle River Water and Sanitation Disfict East Vail Meadows 500,000-Gallon Tank ImprovementsSection 05515 - Page 4 of 4 ,-,1L0/L2/g8 OE:3$ A3O30O0 SECTIONltottl0 AI}I'[,!{IIIJM Colomdo Stctg Eaglc Cotttrty EAIES ENGINEMS @oor I AdrtendunNumber Octob€r t2' 1998 Pruicct: Ogler: Eadvril Meadows 5fi),000 Gallon Tuklnpaveoern Frgle Rivcr waler and Sanitsti<rn Disfrict R.vbiou toltnwiogr: Sbcet3-NruabcrC'flTrinchdi[DGtErancborsbottsshsltborcdrrccdftom36@l0oroz4@15"(@ 6'-10 7r'). Mirrimuo *u* tot'mro *ett *q ltg ttoitfn* fcnndatim rnll io bmom of bole full bc rcducoat ftqm s,-9" -d ;';;,ii;-il'li"' 11 qb niu tu ai-olr. mrv bc redroed ro 2 itrchs prrvidcd thd complete *;i"",*t"e "r;;..b.dd.; fft * bc achicvcd' Drill anglc shlll bG incrroscd frorn 30 * a ro"-dfr t'I"-tof to "*iA *ttl"e oistiry rcinforcing *cel in tte foundtim wrll d'ring &illiug Th. b;;;,i. arru u"r' dtdi;;*ith; of 2 inches clcar frorn 6e i*idc ftcc of ttrc foundadon rEU' I!I)G$i€nCriuian@,\^,id'tctu&Gmptyofwdoflshs||b€chry'8Edtofuio||h!tukhslf.ftll(lc fostwarcr lwEl)." Achowlodgnerh Ac|owtodgncotofrccoiptofthisaddendrrmshrtlbma&ouseBidscbcdu|c.Frrilrueto ecknowledge r€csitr otOi"AA*att nn5r bc causo for rcjoctiu of tho bid' Tho coffiEt Doc'rtnco8s errd cor*rrtiol spocificatioos shell aot bG altoFd arrd/or c'hmgcd b uny .ffi;m- ; -tt*t"r-t iudiced rnd/w ryccifioa S6sr.ginsingInc.- Ddc: ta lv-I9 g E!{DOFSECIION 8illE rill' we anl s:aiuim Diria tv.il M.dt"" 500'ffi,'&tl8 Trf hrPtwlttld Scctiqr 00910 - hgl I of f DRAWING INDEX SHEET NO. NTLE W 91[tr t. tMAllar uAPs, PtA AND mA'llll6 Il'10€x 2. I'f TXIERIffi IAINER J. Fdn0A t Nat&s &€ fEhttt Uq lom ol Yol Sandoy W Scole: ll 15 llc, crl6k, lodd€r &blhg 21' hiryd occcss hold, tislitg 2l' mmrot tnllhg t2' ldeL/Attht &blhg 21' mamy 'OO.UO A4LLON TANK PTA'I WAMN 'AP -E-fuc: IJ.IS ltl r,lru I 018t2t6 ote: leotbrs ol lort lcohrcs ac ep.orinole .av i;,J "R T$ IR6. t'i EI I$ H t alr0Rtst! a t 7 I I!t ! \ s*s $$N$ sR $ [* \'l 09/94 o rE: oPt c9Gr.tD 6r ln^n 8Y: PROJECT NO. 98. 136 SHEET r oF3 I I t u ii qt .iI3 E t E A bdds eng 6' mot gq J" X l//4' Sors t,pttol J'r lr/1' Hoq J- X l/4' Sors tlpicol 2 t/2' nh.J't /a' Hoq t'-t t/2' Rodi,rst'-t t/2' Radtus lqtk tool Erisling lodder md hmtol nol sham I I I Iloddd cofr I I I I I I I I I I s J'x l/1' Hry s.t * s I l//2' *h. pbe roihg 10 sted -auEs- w EXTTHOR I,4AOER NTUATiI 1' r l/' loc btroclt $d raily lml hcrghl ad possible mdlkolidrs rcqnid ld hlalaarct ,ith eftlhg ry6lArardrt btirg arlq*, lo&d lo bc rsnol4. ads cmrelirg l&€ to dtdl #lb qat d htd, rU slcd. lodda drd nlclt coge $d cmlt n lo O91A, 29 4R Ol. XVll. ldrdhg ploudn Crdl bc cmslruclcd of cald sld d gdrdritd slcd folt g @c of srskirhg o A0 b Eticd ld loda drd be rinc c6lcd t cdrldrndoa dth geikotiat hclb, M515. bed, 2 Iq ol qotirg (sr'€ ol€ 1) J'tJ'xJ/8' qrgl6 JfE l-,'1 "1l Nn /T\w nrs a9 17 r 18' lmg stcd lodtu nn$. 2 - 1'r 9'r J/8' ondes rclded lo&cr bra*ets O l'-0' mot 197 1'X J/8'x 2 t/2' Use &lqmcd br. ..R :$ $9gt {r I$ rltrl rB ,t I t st I I tl I It-65 tui r$tt a arl,v a I I ! o \ HS 5s Ssus FRN$ $s $Rs\l\l 09196 OAIE F ffi@ GI mA:0t PROJECT NO. 94.t56 SHEET 20F3 I ,c i t u 't ! ii I It fisliag coacrcle J6 - t l//1'a onchd bolts o t0't1p @ 1'-6 ,J/,67 s€e 0etoil (A IE la.ndolbl ,oI Fan&lid, tdl heighl is 1'-6' it lhis afr. Andru qnbdnal b s\ 1'-0' htled ol 5'-9'. FOUNAIPN TATL PTAN 0t2J J/E' Sollm dE plole. Ccnluthe mot nol moldl ltundohn ro cdrldlhc fudc: J/' = l'-0' Oesigt Critaio: fdxrdolin adrqs dtsiln}d lo cdrskoh ldrt Crdt lo lamdoliot rott Atrhg lhc t0o-tat otdmdre .rdrl ,ilh thc ldrk crrrpll ol ml6. lhc tolal loltd lad tmsnitlcd to lhe l@t is 57400 bs qpried ol o heighl ol 85 lel boscd qr lhe onlmdte sludt pqlqmd by Uf. Arlh.n Uns h ,aprl ,998. lh. EkJht ol lhe anptf tq,t ,os ossumd to bc ,.54,000 lbs. md lhc cAlkicrlt ol Cin g ftictin, A2. aucHh| or lh: gdl is prddte drhg th,tt cE l. lhl.s: tt oll locotins a , /1'Mt, nul ad l&t JA'hU grn plolc, J' t J' , t/' nir. f 5't 5/8't t t,/2' rilh | 5/6' hote t/1'f 5'x J/1'r tt J/8' j dll os Ctom Enfbng lr/1'nffi dotc os J/8' Shdl plole fllel relds rquid, nol closcr lhdl l' hqn $d ofokl,/1' flou l' 610.rl rilitollgei@ bul nol 6sdvfi I L 5. 0eloJs ol erislhg lo.n&lb, .d l&d, hon 6ighd d.sif droritgs t islhg lm* y'olc lhitncss'5 md ddt qc 6gncd & irg ol crblhg cdrctele lrd bepslumd i, o md,ns Wrotd b, lhc fngha. Andu Mls drd b. ASU A .t0Z Gro,tl drd b. Uoslq &tl&t furdetue P6tc lPt d cqnirdal. Ccrtrhtd grd lil cre hdl ol the M? rilh latl usirg d, h&tbt hba ad lhst p.tg, lh. boll hutc' m lhot gmtt @fit ol lhc lq ol thc ldt &tim d. falrr&lb1 dtdors drol be Nhld .ilh cxft*y lmk ffitt g +6l''t lt ord*n ptolccl*n Aay etlab hslottat adt d lat dol*n drdvs dro.td b erro(d lo &. br fultrc rc*l2 horbmld rehlutirg sle€l dd nol bc cll c gt os qprotd bl lhc fn(i6q ,%,EEFtr|trFtrFtr Hc J' =l'-0' 6. z t0 - 17 o8' s ',a & @d qout t t//1' hote: l/$' = 1'-g' e | ,/4' bott oul qrd ld ,odrcc pMt tq vco6 lo prc,qrl raioad f s'r 5/8'r a /2' Q 5' t J/t' x t, J/E' i *alc J' -l'-0' ^.Rif;R tc6! QCi EI T*tn 3S p t tt i $t I tl os:Itt 6E !$t! e6t z I I 6 I u |.,.. HF ]\E s$*s $hN.{J\t 09196 oArE lPf Eb.D: GT m^l. 8Y: PROJECT NO. 94. r 36 SHEET 50F3 errl U) .-{ J + (-)o? a rTl r) O t\)+hJ (-"t ac rnI,nm @E A w G P t\)o (o C 7 T r* ._l -l rrl U ir lJt +(.it i. t\ ll g= t .. ra \u \ \.-/a .5\Al d,' IgB-d DTVISION5 SECTIONO55T5 - LADDERAND SAIIETY CAGE ASSEMBLY PART 1. GENERAL Eagle River Water and Sanitation District East Vail Meadows 500,000-Gallon Tank lmprovements Dt,r-l il ^ ,relvec l,t0v 0 : 1998 I.OI WORKINCLUDED This work includes furnishing and instalting of an er<terior ladder and safety cage assembly on the existing welded steel tank including materials, fabrications, and installation in accordance with the Drawings and applicable local state, and federal safety regulations. It is the intent of this specification that the ladder and safety cage assembly conform to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 29, Chapter XVII, Part 1910.27, Fixed Ladders. In the event a conflict occurs between this specification and the CF& the CFR specification shall in all cases prevail. I.O2 RELATEDWORK A. None under this contract. 1.03 QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Welding Society (AWS) B. ASTM A 36 - Specifications for Structural Steel C. ASTM A 615 - Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement D. American Institute for Steel Construction (AISC) E. Code ofFederal Regulations (CFR) F. Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) G. AWWA D IO2 I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawing of complete ladder and cage. B. Manufacturer's data and load ratings for any prefabricated landing gratings. C. Complete product data sheets for coatings. Section 05515 - Page I of4 PART2 -MAITRIALS 2.OI BARAND PLATE STEEL The steel used for fabricating ladder and safety cage assemblies shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 36. 2.02 DEFORMED REINFORCING BAR STEEL Deformed reinforcing bar steel used for ladder rungs shall conform to ASTM A 615, Grade 40 or 60. 2.03 COATING The coating for the exterior ladder shall a polyamide\polyamine epoxy system by one of the following manufacturers: Tnemec Carboline P1=66-1211 Pl=890 I coat, 3 mils I coat 3 mils 230 sflgUcoat 401 sflgaUcoat Fl=Series 66 F1=890 I coat, 4 mils I coat, 4 mils 179 sf/gaVcoat 300 sflgaVcoat F2=Series 66 F2:890 I coat 4 mils 1 coat 4 mils 179 sflgaVcoat 300 sflgaVcoat F3 at exterior only F3 at exterior only 73 color 133 IIB I coat 3 mils I coat 3 mils 310 sf/gaVcoat 3(X sflgaVcoat Note: Only the prime coet will be required for this contract, but the primer must be compatible with the above systems. PART3 -EXECUTION 3.OI GENERAL Fabrication shall conform to the appropriate sections of the AWS and AISC Standards. 3.02 WELDING All welding shall conform to the Structurat Welding Code of the AWS. The ladder and safety shall be fabricatod using pre-qualified fillet welds provided that they conform to the requirements of the AWS Code and the AISC Specifications. All fillet welds shall have a l/4-inch root thickness. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District East Vail Meadows 500,000-Galton Tank ImprovementsSection 05515 - Paee 2 of4 ! 3.03 FABRICATION Flame cutting of steel may be by hand or mechanically guided means. Surfaces shall have a maximum ANSI roughness height value of500. Any fabricating technique, such as friction sawing, cold sawing, milling, etc., that produces such a finish may be used. Members which are to be framed to other parts of the steel ladder or safety cage, may have a variation from the deailed length not greater than l/I5-inch. Completed members shall be free from twists, bends, and open joints. Sharp kinls, bends, or burrs ane cause for rejection ofthe ladder and safety cage. 3.04 SURFACEPREPARATION Surfaces shall be cleaned after fabrication of the assembly as a minimum requirements of SSPC-SP6, Commercial Blast Cleaning. SSPC-SP6 requires two-thirds of the surface area to be free of all visible residues. 3.05 COATING The requirements of SSPC-PAI shall be followed with regard to storage of paint and thinner, mixing, thinning, painting contact surfaces, application and drying of paint. Paint materials shall be applied immediately after surface preparation and before any dust or soil has accumulated. Priming shall be performed by spraying. Intermediate and finish coats shall be painted by spraying. Conventional spraying, airless spraying and hot spraying are acceptable. l. Materials shalt be mixed, thinned and applied in accordance with the manufacturey's printed instructions and recommendations. 2. Each coat shall be permitted to dry thoroughly before applying the next coat. Adequate ventilation shall be provided to carry off solvents during the drying phase. 3. Each coat shall be uniform in color and sheen without streaks, laps, runs, sags, or missed areas. 4. Allow a minimum of seven (7) days curing after the application of the coating prior to shipment and installation. 3.06 INSTALLATION The assembly shall be welded to the steel plate as shown on the Drawings. All areas where the coating has been damaged during installation shall be cleaned again and primed with the same primer to the same driv film thicknesses. to the at least Eagle River Water and Sanitation District East Vail Meadows 500,000-Gallon Tank Improvements Section 05515 - Paee 3 of4 ! 3.01 SAFETYPRECAUTIONS The Contractor shall comply with all applicable local, state and federal health and safety standards and the coating qrstem manufacture/s recommendations. EhID OFSECTION Eagle River Water and Saniation District East Vail Meadows 500,000-Gallon Tank Improvements \ Section 05515 - Pase 4 of4 ign Review Action Ffp TOWN OF VAIL Calegory Number ,-, _ fr- 7'/ Project Name: Building Name: Project Description:tN5Tt?ttrTl c Ftt rrl c/\/ llT llrtxst(T tc'N cr- (,cKrrNA b<,v' & Dt; rc s 7t'tlrt- owner,Addres "^napnone' LAau- Rtvt-* l,'J,+n:u | Srt,v, nr c*' t4t" Fctat:r ,%, h,- (t ti,:'g7 471'- 74ft Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot- Block- Subdivision Zone District lrruKsnrt,rn, cF (r<l t,,t* tt,v, k DA /0t TkA ttProject Street Address: Comments: . ,i, i.-. - f iHf M ,--.. 14,1 ? L-,lJ I'r r Board /rStafffictiorr--...---.-'/. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote:1-c ft1 Approval ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions:f{ [,irir, 1t /ir //. Xa.t,tt + / vt ( ( / 4 t /t{s-'t'-- Town Planner Date::*- t' 11 DRB Fee Pre-paid i;,r, Agcnda last revisc't 5/8/97 3 nln DIISIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA WednesdnY, l4aY 7,1997 3:00 P.N'!. PROJECT ORTENTATION / LUNCTI - Community Devetopment Department 12:00 . Northwoo<ls - Discussion of minor acl<Jitions and dcck cnclosurcs - Mikc/Dirk (10 min.) . DRIP - Updatc (15 minutcs) MEMBERS PRESENT Brcnt Alm Bill Picrcc Clark Brittain Gcne Usclton (PEC) SITE VISITS - I\4EMBERS ABSENT Ted IJingst 1: l5 l. l,'Ostcllo - 705 Wcst Lionshcad Circlc 2. Midcltcton - 1865 Wcst Corc Crcck Drivc 3. McDougall - 2955 Basingdalc Blvtl. 4. Public Works - 1309 Vail Vallcy Drivc 5. l-lovcrstcn - 2[130 AsPcn Coutl 6. Kirch - 1082 Riva Glcn 7. Logan - lll5 Potato Patch l)rivc 8. Eaglc nivcr Watcr & Sanitation District - Corlina Drivc and Davos Trail Drivcr: Dolninic PUBLIC I{EARING - TOWN COUNCIL CIIAMBERS | . Larson - Final rcvicw of a singlc family rcsidcncc' 1685 Larkspur Lanc/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Intcrmountain Applicant: Eric Larson MOTION' Clark Brittain SECOND: Gcnc Usclton VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITI{ 2 CONDITIONS: l. That 3 cvergrecns bc rclocated. 2. That thc ovcrhangs around the chimney bc eliminatcd' 2. Kirch - Final revicw of a ncw singlc family. 1082 Riva Glcn/Lot 3, Spraddlc Crcck Applicant: Lcc Kirch, rcprcsentcd by Gorclon Piercc MOrtOn' Clark Brittain SECOND: Gcne Uselton VOTE: 4-0 CONSENTAPPROVED 1_ 3:00 Dominic f,auren 3. Accardo - Changc to approvccl plans. Lattrcn l99il Sunburst Drivc/l-ot l9' Vail Vallcy 3r<l Filing Applicant: Natc Accaldo, rcprcscntcil by llill Picrcc MO'IION: Clark Ilrittoin SECOND: Gcnc Usclton VOTII: 3-0-l (Bill Picrcc abstairrcd) CONSBNT APPROVED 4. Iiaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District - Construction of a ncw boostcr pump station. Tammic Intcrscction of Cortina Drivc & Davos Trail/Vail Das Schonc. Applicant: Eaglc Rivcr Water and Sanitation District MOTION; Clalk Brittain SECOND: Gcnc Usclton VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED 5. l-'Ostcllo - Conccptual rcvicw of pool itnprovcmcnts and parking addition. Laurcn 705 Wcst Lionshcacl Circlc/Lot I, Block 2, Vail Lionshcad 3rd Filing' Applicant: Estaquio Cortina, rcprcscntccl by Bill Picrcc MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Gcnc Usclton VOTE: 3-0-l (Bill Picrcc abstaincd) I'ARI,ED UNTII, MAY 2I,I997 6. McDougall - Ncw singlc-{amily rcsidcncc' Tarntnic 29.5.5 Basingdalc Blvd./l-ot 15, Block 6, Vail Intcrmountain' Applicant: I'inr and Mary McDougall, rcprcscntcd by Davc Pccl MOTION: Bill Picrcc SIICOND: Clark Brittain VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WI'I'I{ 2 CONI)I'I'IONS: l. That thc applicant put up a construction fcncc arouncl thc cxisting trccs. 2. That thc trccs on thc south sidc bc tl'- l0' in hcight. 7. I'lovcrstcn - Ncw singlc-family rcsidcncc. l-aurcn 2830 Aspcn CourVLot 15,l'r'act E, Vail Villagc llth Filing. Applicant: Philip Hovcrstcn, rcprcscntccl by Craig Snowdon MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: BillPicrcc VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH I CONDITION: I. That fcncing bc placcd around all trccs during conskuction. 8. Middlcton - Conccptual rcvicw of a ncw rcsidcnco with a Type I EHU. Tammic 1865 W. Gorc Creck DrivclLotp3, Vail Villagc West Filing #2 Applicant: Kathryn Lohrc Middlcton, rcprcscntcd by Erich Hill MOI'ION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAI., - NO VOTIT Apil28,1997 Ms. Tammie Williamson TOV - DeparEnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Cortina Lane Booster Pump Station Dear Tammie: Alpine Engineering, Inc. is herein responding to comments by TOV Public Works generated during the Town of Vail Community Development Department's review of the Design Review Board application for the above-referenced application: l The limits of disturbance are indicated on the enclosed updated plans. 2. AEI discussed the rip rap ditch with Greg Hall and he stated that he would like a road base- lined ditch or a concrete-lined ditch. AEI has specified a concrete-lined ditch; this is indicated on the enclosed updated plans. 3. A traffic control plan will be provided by the contractor. This job has not yet gone out to bid and no contractor has been chosen to date. We expect that the bidding process will begin around May 15, 1997. A traffic control plan will be provided when a contractor has been chosen. 4. A public way permit is usually applied for by the contractor. A contractor has not yet been chosen for this job. A public way permit will be applied for at the proper time. 5. The detail sheet (enclosed) has been modified to specifu infrared paving for all patchwork. If you have any questions or comments conceming this response, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, ---J: '->,-rSAe* Linn Schon cc: Richard Chavez Enclosure fdwards Business Center . P0. Box 97 . Edwards, Colorado 81632 ' (970) 926-33/3 ' Fax (970\ 926-3390 ALPINE -:=:-- =__=--_::- Edrvards Business Center\P.O. Box 97 Edrvards, CO 81632 PH: (970) 926-3373 FAX: (970) 926-3390 LETTER OFTRANSMITTAL: -t,. To: Attn: Date: Job No: Job Title: We are sending the shop drawings copy of letter following items: reproductions change order attacbed under separate originals samples cover via . ' , .. i' ,, \ r:, specifications other COPIES DESCRIPTION DATE These are transmitted: for approval for review and comment Remarks: as requested for your record reviewed after loan to use for your use other Copies to: Signed: 75 Soutlr l;rontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r 3V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Departne nt of Connuniry Developmcnt CON{ I\I UNIl'Y DIIV E LO PM IIN'T FA X TRANSM ITTAI, SHI1BIi .T) ,ro: t\rcHARD cHArzz COMPANY NAIvIE: FAX TIILEPIIONIi NUNIBBR;94,t- TztB tRoMt lAltlr4tE lrdruttAt!<oN D^rE: 1-L3-q-7 TIME:_E- 05 -rru lt oF pACES rN DOCUM[NT(S) (NO'f tNCr-Ut)lNC COVtil{ Sltt]IjT)- I - RllsPoNSEREQUiltDD'l_ NO SENT BY:-li'r/ ]'OWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX#: (.970\ 479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNIl'Y DEVELOPMENT TET.EPHONE #: (970) 479-2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: -THete, *eg Ttt€ REwrvl Con4ma\rTs FttE- W \r,tN. |-"nt" CnrriZ.f /As tr You frfi,trc Qu"sno,ur. /fu<r Or{ n fa.-*. {g r"notorut* 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 38/479-2 t 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 Depart te nt of Coununity Developtnent CON'I I\I UNITY t}IIVE LOPM IiNT FAX TRANSMITTAI, SHEEI TO: COMPANY NAlvlE: FAX TBI.B I'I IONB N UiVI BBT.I.: FROM: DATE:'t'tME: TIOF I)ACES IN DOCUM RESPONSE RriQUilrED? EN]-(S) (NO'r' rNC[,UDINC COVDTi StJEET) SENTBY: TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX #:- (910\ 479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNII'Y DEVELOPMENT TET,EPHONE #: SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: (970\ 479-2138 {p *'"'""'o"*uo FfumPy 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j,657 970-479-21 3 V479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 April 23. 1997 Eaglc Vatlcy Watcr & Sanitation District Department of Conmunity Development tl46 Forcst Road Vail. Co. lt 1657 ATTN: ENGINEERING DEPT. I RE: New Booster Pump Station on Cortina Lane . T5c l'own of Vail Cotnnrunity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartnrcnt is irr rcccipt of your Dcsign Rcvicrv Board application for a ncw boostcr punrp station on Cortina Lanc, 'l-hc Public Works. Planning and Firc Dcpartmcnt has idcntificd thc tbllowing issucs: Public Works: | . Plcasc indicatc tl.rc lirnits of disturbancc on thc sitc plan: 2. lnstca<i of a rip-rap ditch. plcasc providc a ditch of road basc matcrial: 3. Plcasc providc a tralltc control planl 4. Plcasc obtain a public way pcnnit; and 5. Plcasc providc intrarcd paving dctuil. 1'hc Plalning and Firc Dcparbtrcnt havc no issucs. Plcasc plovidc rcviscd plans by noon, Monday. April 2ti, 1997 to rcnrain on thc May 7 , 1997 Dcsign Rcvicw Board Schcdulc. lf you havc any clrrcstions. plcasc contact mc at 479-2142. Sinccrcly, ,t I 4; /-r*r,,0* Tarnmic Williarnson Town Planncr cc: Linn Schon {p *""r"t"rru"* oo ruc3Jn I ILE COPY 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 Departrnent of Comrnunity Development April I 7, 1997 Rcsidcnt 2565 Cortirla Lanc vail, Co.8i6sz To Whom lt May Conccrn: This lcttcr is to inform you that a ncw boostcr pump is proposcd to bc looatcd in front of your rcsidcncc, in thc right-of-way of Cortina Lanc. Although thc Town of Vail is not rcquircd to notify individual rcsidcnts about various dcsign rovicrv plojccts. wc thought it was important to inforrn you and providc you an opportunity to voicc your opinion. Thc purposc of thc ncw pump station is to cnhancc firc protcction in this arca. Thc Eaglc Rivcr Watcr and Sanitation District has madc an application for thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board to rcvicw this projcct. Thc projcct is tcntativcly schcdulcd for thc DRB on May 7, 1997. Thc pump will bc locatcd undcrgrotrnd with thc bxccption of a hatch to acccss thc pump, and two vcnts. lfyou would likc to vicw thc plans or havc any qucstions rcgarding this application, plcasc contact mc at (970) 479-2142. My oflicc is locatcd in thc on thc wcst sidc of thc municipal building parking lot, and thc officc hours arc 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Sinccrcly. TammicWilliamrcn Town Planncr {,2 *'"n""o '*"* RFR-15_1997 1211,@ UAIL FIRE DEPT,I munity Development Plan Rou I ting 9W 4?9 ?L?6 P.61 FormCom / Apprcved Denied (cite detailed reasons) -Approvedwith conditions ffi4/*"<-r%'r+d /4-, Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partcb, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Tarnmie Wi[iamso& Courmunity Dcvclopmcnt X 2142 Eaglc Rirrcr Watcr Dishict lntccecction of Cortina Dr. and Davos Trail (NE Corncr) Projcot Dcscription:Iwtallatbnofa rcw boo$c prlrp station for the purpone of cnhancing firc pmteclion. puutp station will bc siluatcd bclw grade except 2 v€ntt and a hstcb. TSTA- P.61 Co Development Plan Rou o ting Form Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions o mmunity Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer. Public Mike McGee. Fire Works Rcturn To:Tammic Williamson, Community Dcvelopment X 21 42 Date Routed:4il|t97 Retum By:4t16t97 Project Namc:Easlc River Water District Proiect Addrcss:Intorscction of Cortina Dr. and Davos Trail (NE Corner) Projcct Lcgal:Vail Das Schone Project Description:Installationofa new boostcr pump station for the purposc of cnhancing firc protection. The pump station will bc situatcd bclow grade except 2 vents and a hatch. I Edwards Business Center\P.O. Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 PH: (970) 926-3373 FAX: (970) 926-3390 _4__14= ---= LETTER OF TRANSMTTAL: To: Attn: copy of letter change order These are transmitted: for approval 3'l3,ll? other Date: Job No: Job Title: samples as requested |\N We are sending the following items: attached under separate cover via shop drawings reproductions originals specifications --) COPIES DESCRIPTION DATE 3 Dgg N,*J^.i{^:- -t 9-d**^slor SBB €,TL*L <\.^n'*tv}-=hr 3 Q--tL.^. \...^ S>r^o^i\r,. ,' d for review and comment Copies to: \oo D;.L (ot^ - 2J co (*t /r* c/.'/ /rJ*h&< ebv,^)?e ,l .t Questions? aO" Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION ihis application is for any projcct requiring Dcsign Review approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign review Inust rcccivc Dcsign Revicw approval p.iot to rub*itting for a building permit. For specific information' scc thc submittal requircmcnts-fbr thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. The application cannot bc acceptcd until all the required information is submittcd. fne pioject may also nced to bc reviewcd by thc Town Council and/or the Planning and Environnrcntal Comnrission. Design Rcview Board approval expircs one ycar after final approval unless a building pcrmit ig issucd and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: INSTALLATToN oF a NEW FooSTRR pt1Mp qraTrnN FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENHANCTNG FTRtr PR'TTECTTrIN THR PTTMP CTAT'ION WILL BE STTUATEN RET.OW GRANtr EYCFPT F'r)R 2 \/ITNTS ^ND \ HAT'EH' B. C. D. E. F. LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: LOT:-BLOCK:-FILINC: verr saS seHeUS PHYSICALADDRESS: INTERSECTION OF CORTINA DRive & DAVOS TRArr'. Nn ooRNER ZONING: RFlSrnF:NTr ar, IN ROW NAMEOFOWNER(S):EAGLERIVERWATER&SANTTATTONNTSTRTCT OWNER(S) SI GNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT:u-l '{r, C* MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: G. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 E Minor Alteration - $20 Construction ofa ncw building. lncludcs any addition wherc square footage is added to any residential or commcrcial building. lncludcs minor changes to buildings and sitc improvemcnts, such as, rcroofing, painting, window additions, Iandscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For any application where thc applicant wishes to meet with Design Review Board to determine whether or not the project genoally complies with the design guidelincs, The DRB does not votc on conceptual reviews. E Conceptual Review - $0 DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND TI{E FEE TO THE 997 ['l L)i:'' i TOWN OFVAIL MAILING ADDRESS: 84 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, COLORADO 81657, Updared 1/97 o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDINC MATERIALS:TYPEOF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other * Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number offixhres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixhre type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, lumirrous are4 and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtues. trln+ar.r.al- o',- Lnmgo S+ PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Namc N \ny.e CommonName Ouanti9 Size* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping:deciduous trccs - 2 inch caliPer coniferous fices - 6 feet in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Square Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet, Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. ltAR-20-9" ro. s2 FROl,r.E.R.!r.&S.O, g|aat&dtcPh. U.S.WartCornftitorriont r{0922-19frI {6E{86{t q9t945At hbticScrrticcCo4ry x9-t?81 Cryl|:ll Hdy&FElctlkAs- 9.0'-5t92 TodHckydafrBoyd H@FCebledEiooT.v. 9a9-5530 $c!rclfi8d ErgbRivcrWaF & Sraitdiqr Dilaic!' 17&7M fcdl{esle : I t*1RR-2&-199? LE: tt tD'9704 oa9"64o PAGE 2/3 .' UTTLITY LOC ATIOI{ VER![ tCATIQts to= t:...-^ \-^.,= g"-*VfR'*q' S\$..'. This forrn ir to vcrifi scrvfue naiulftiry zrd hotim fr nss ctsguctioo ldd fuild bc uscd h ci{unrnct *iri f.pact6g yor-udtitt f,rn d sfrcdnring instdhioos.. Thc beaio and aY.ilrbilit of ttiliticr. vhshcr *tcy 6c irin tinf hE ;-lEtDccd tiacs, td,t bc rypto''rcd td vcti6C bt thc ftllovi4 uilftiE fa tnc A@ialSinlgrl qdc t..\A - -- \"n\\-.0*3-\q-qT ' Ftcrsc bring r dr plaa flor pt&" ald elcraticns wnco ohrinins UF.r Eaglc Vdlct Weca & Suitatim dgnetr.rtts. Frrc fl ort osds mg bc ed&crecd. NffES: l-lf tbc uilty vtriGcaicr fxrn bre s:gns frw cadr of thc uility coqsdcs, a{ no corlmtggr -dc ditcdy otL fora, tfrsToru rill preoatt t&Garoproblcos nA fudcr^nryla'ceFcd. Ife uili$ coopay bac cmrsvit! tlcptogo*d mtdoq6crlifiOng,cscrfdwdntt* disdy s ttc rri$ty ruilicrio forq tbr thrc ir e pmUca *ticb d to bc rcsohrd. Thc issrlc$.dl 6ar bc dddbdi!adcdtc(Eo &olorodViL nma4flcrsa htD i! Eird tb it b de EgDositrTtry dtb rdlity ccry rd e. eg|n- to rtrdrle idcntifedgoUcc. TD:scvsiScrtis&Eotrdh,! tLc@Eoftn rcryeilititytootrabrPubticWry Fcmit A,orl tlc Dcprd of PrrElfo Wqb t tic Toua dVeil thility hc<iosnlnt bt ddndbdq" fari4 irly pol6lriglt<f*ry a isc?-t dlb rb To*a dVril lt htilftE o.tnit b rr$ r hHfLVsy pcrni nd nrrg bc ot tdncd s!Frr4y. 3- I E744764a,ffi 9*7"1 P.E2 do- \*.o* \-*":g'"*\e-FR*a' S\*\ "'^' rhisforrnirtovcrifi scrviccevarrabu':s,":9lT:':lg:y*g*fnt*if,bfri?t*Sil ffi ;:ffi ;ffffi il]l:'J'fl"fi lffi ',fi ffi i;;ff;;on-ro'uir*ilitv-of utiriric''whtthcf rhcy bc stain tun* ,,'o o, onloHi"o;ff$;;F";; ti "*rt"a uv trtc follorirg utilitie for the rccomrranYingcitc Frt. mnR l9'9? l5:a1 eos'3eud osee """ I U.S.WcstCommhicdioftr t.800-922-l9t? O6t^68C0 or 94t,0530 Frblic ScwiccCotrpony 9{9-J7$l GarY llrll HgtyCrc BccnisArrttc' 919-58e2 Tcd HrskY/Joln BoYd Hcritagc C$lcvisi{xt T'V' 949-5530 Srcvc llidt ErglcRivrrWacr & Srnitarron Di*ria r 4?6-7480 FrcdHadcc NOTES: t. A$hndzfdslgltEq PqGE.gAZ es: F r LB. 61 AUll Datc . Plcaso bring a dts Plao. tloot glan' e{ cfcq;ocrr whcn oMning Uppcr Erglc Vallc'y Warcr e S@ii-lifi tigr;;. rlrc ilow nccdr must bc sddtcsscd' tfrhc stititt vcrifi*iur fsm br riguelts &onrcechof tbc utility conpanier' and no conrasau ue padc dir*tly oa &c fornrn thc To$"t u/ill 6;t dd thtlr ar no ptblwr rad rte dwcloPrrrcnt GaD Pl!c"{L lf a udlity company hst co'lcctir wirh rhc pFopo$d coffEucrim' rht udity rcr*nnive rtull notc rtincrlv oo the *iu'y *i:#iil #i tr'li 9t* it t rtJr# *i* iccdr to bc rcsolvcd' Thc isrnc sboulittb." bc da;;;;;Jlqjr3o tttit Torrn of veil' Horvcrrur' Plcca kq qr&td 66 i, it tht';ililiti;;trto *iti'y totptt'v aad rhorpplicrt lo rtrorc -- iit-atiTc4fobloas. Thcec wifiEeius do not rdicve $€ conq*tcn of tbc rcrporsibiliu to obia a hrbli: Wry ?cndt tunuc D*artura "r'iiuri"wcxailbc rqrm oflllHl*Hltffra iil.IJrrro*,li*inein srvprllicdd:t*f-ml r-ry, ---.-r., 3. I tf,R-19-199? 14:46 { s769493285 *{. TOTRL PRGE. AAa **9?'{4 P.67 l#R.&.tW I.W'l t{0-Yo CROSS VNIL l.{3.S4 P.?/?-' mnn6E.snpsil C -* \'...-* \-.*S""r\e€ {ithPrying}wutilityphnrndcclndulir8inrdldinr. tbctooionrodavribHliryofudiltiqrytchlr tbqy bc trein Ernk lits c propoccd tinc* md bo mprwcd lrd vcriltod b rhc fcllowtrg uriltuicr for rtc rccompaoying ritc plrn. urr Ltw LocaTgJr vEn rH e^Tto! U.S. Wc*r Comrnrtii"rdonr l-8s9u-t087 468-6860 or 949.f530 Public Ssvicc Cqqrny 949-57t1 Grry llrll HgtyCrue Elceti,cAroc, 9{9-5t92 ?cdlluslqy/Joha Bryd Hcdfap&blcltuicrT.V. 9i19.5530 S$vcHieft EaglcRivcWAtr & Sanilaion Disda r 47&l7480 Frrd lhstec &SdrC$ionuc El! r.Plcasc Mng r dtc plrn tloc ptan. aod clcradons whcn obrrinirryUppcrEdsyaby tflersrtl ssdnicrdgnr|trc& Firc flor necdr myrr bc rddrcsscd. NOTES: t. MAR 19 t99r ul,illDTtis fbrm ls m rrcrlfi rcnice rrrihbiliry md tocatior for rcnr clrstrm'on and rherld bc u*A ia JriuaOar 4m4 - r{A- _. 3. lf$c Ulily r'ltiiclim frrn bre rigrucl tsn dt of tbs uility coltrgralct, t d oocem$ rEddsdngry oltbc fora drcTotvnrilr pcsrncoato.ic "nio pnucmr ard thc rbvdopnc4 crn procccd, lf r utility compry hrr curm *itr rbe proposod coatrrtio, trc uriliu rcprcscottiw srnlp*.d*! t ''c rdriryvEi&dn fui air n:re ir rrobteir urni.t i*t[ o u. rcsow.c I !c rtstE 3toit{t tlca bt *'|ilcd ia m rnrdrcd lrnr to Sc Tom of Vril. lloryam rrhar PcF i ldld 6* ir ir rbc rrpcriHliry of rbc ni riry coogary *d ri" rF b-- ; ffi ;.l&tifcipdcm* Tbcasvsiidsr do rcrcticw tb! Tt!tu {ry rcryunHiryro otiril 1 tu!6 qr, Ffi$t fto tbc Dalocc of hfrlic rrrorlr * 6c Tsura'of Vdt islii-il,{,;:;; bq **ad!G&Tf "istJ" uypurrtic dgDt d-rny r mr rntin rrc ffiEffil e 4 wa 949 4566FR-2tF199? t2:45 95:z P.W LPINC INCENGINEERING EDWARDS EUSINESS CENTER T P.O. BOX 97 EDWMOS. COLORADO 81552r 970 926-3{75 . FAX 926-5590 . n (K >4 !i;l ,\ JUNC. tU.S. 24) ? Mt. Cortina Lane Booster Pump Station NE Corner of Intersection of Cortina Lane and Davos Trail Vicinify Map (MINiURN) DO 4763 tt, Rw i-'iSite Location 1 1'-0" 10" CHECK VALVE PUMP #3 RECT. TUBINO REINF. CONC. PAD & AIICHOR EOLTS AS DIRECTED BY TI{E ENGINEER SECTION A-A A.^'-f;>.,t*-U ' i,t ' ..1.' i'rtt Kxtl-.-x o Qucstions?flrhcplanningstaffar'17e-2r28 .; ",^,,,.:.,jffi';17 ,\ppLIcArIoN Fon DESIGN REvIEw APPRov"\L .F .....,row' o:u:t :. CeNenrf L n'JfOR\tnflObl'; .'if,i. -nl""i* Ir f.r any projcct requiring Dcsign Ro,icrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv mtrst ",n , *.iit:l,'n.ign nr"i"* upiro"ot prioi to submittirrg for a buiiding pcrnrit. For spccific infonlation, scc^thc subnrittal I ..,i;i:l:.aorir.nrents"lbr rtic particutar approval that is riqucstcd. The application cannot bc acccptcd until zrll thc rcquircd ,,:r,;,,inio.nrutionl,,uu,nlit.a. rnc piojcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council an<Vor thc Pla'nning and 1l -1. -. ! !-- y\--:-- n^.;^.., rr^^,,t ^6hF^r,al n'nirnc ^nr' r,nqr nffor finqt annrnval unlCSS ai,ii enui.n,lcntal Cornnrission. Dcsign Rcviov Board approval cxpircs one ycar aftcr final approYal unlcss a ,:;li$i nuif aing pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. PFrySICALADDRESS: INTERSECTION OF CORTINA DRive & DAVOS 'rRArr', Ntr copNER IN ROW ZONING: RESTNENTIAI' NAME OF O\\'NER(S): EAGLE RIVER WATER & SA\TTATTON NTSTRTC'T OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT:l^- t 1r, C* MAILINC ADDRESS: ----t PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: El Ncrv Construction - $200 Construction of a ncrv building' tr Addition -s50 Includcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conuncrcial building. Includcs minor changcs to buildings and site inlprovcrlrcnts, such as' rcroofing, paintirtg, rvindow additions, landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. For any application rvhere the applicant rvishes to mect rvith Dcsigr Revierv Board to determine ri'hether or not the projcct gcncrally conrplics *'ith the tr l\linor Alteration - $20 E Conceptual Revierv - $0 ]\{AILING ADDRESS: B4 6: FOREST RD PI.IONE: \-IU -1qY O OO LIST OF PROPOSED IqATERIALS BUILDINC MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouses Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other * Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Ligbting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please initicate G number of fixtures antl locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixhue type and provide the height abov e grade,lumens outpul lumi;ous aree and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixhues. fhr.+a,u.o* ox- Lampo St- 3 Uen+: S<."l-rdQe I +laitj- - Olur.rniau.nr- O PRoPosEDL^NDscAPtNc O Botanical Nanrc Conrnton Namc Ouantity Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimunr rcquiremcnts for landscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch caliPer conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Sqlirarc Footagc GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUPbS (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please speciff. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walts. ivtaxlmum height of walls within the fiont setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walts elsewhere on the property is 6 feet' C-=\...^--\-*;9"-*\*5p**^aS\S",^ This form ir to vcrifi sc*fr:e availrtility erd locuist fs rw,v ccrstdion rod sbetld bc sscd h c&rjunciot ii,rt p.pr",rg yr" *"rt d- ;t;i;ad6g ic.ulio"s. Tlc locaio and zvd$ititt of ttili5'cr' *'bchcr rhcy bc naio r'nt no.c o. tr!D;-ii"r*, ;& b" .Pp-"d 8d Ei6cd bt ltrg li{h'siog rrtilfti. tur thc ryynrglitcPla. a3roa;rcd$ruCne fc U.S.Wcs&octiicarioos t{00-922-1gtrt 46t{86O ot9{9.4530 hrb$g Scrt icc Cotupa!)l 949,t?81 Crrylldl Hetycrsss Elctlic Assoa r{}5t92 TcdHrslcll/JoloBoyd HcribgFQDtcYtuioT-v. 949-5530 $ffelfEt EagbRivcrWalcr &SrniuiqrDbBb' "7&7480Frcd lfaslcc 3. 1 97w7ffi NpO\\\*$* .e\q-qT 'plcascbringadtcptan floorgla,adetgvaticnsvloohriningUppcrFtlcVdlcyWat&Saaitetict dgn.tts6 tirc tlort noedtacbceddrcscd. NOTES: lftbc rrt4r rsiScaicr fcn las sigruurcs ftoq cadr of the rtility comgaaicq ad ao cmmrrt o& &rtdy o rtc focn, 6cTomrill penctirtdacre aoFobkas sd tic dsvdryqorczopoccrd Ife rlilig oooply hls coccns *it! tlc popoaad m*darr tic dify rcpcaivc sbtl mtcdircdymttcuility v<i6cnio forntlatbacig r poobhq*ni& uccdsto bercsohrcn Thc iswe should rl'rd !c d.4ailc{ nr rq 6€d lc8tr b tbe To*a dvail ttort6tt&, datp fFA iD lddihitii ilcrtenostilty ofth uilnrcsafayaldeafdictd totcsdtlc itlctliidprd.-ts. TDcsc vcd6caie & d &ficvc tc cedcbr o'f tia rcspqititrlry !o otrrb e ftb5c l{ry Fclnif Goia tc DAocnt of hiElb \Yqls t tlc Ttna dVeil rftility loaionfgl'lt be dse'cd hcrcc djhriqg b sy poHi;rigf+of.vry c ascd wirlin tlc Tc*a dV.iL .lt hoit4iins urrir b nc e hblif_W:v pcn* ad rrn<rlcs&Aiqt sqFaddy. : I 1ffi-26-1997 LgzLL 97/,P.@ zoo'3eud 06EE 3265 eg:rt {6. 6I dul.l o C.- aa * \-'*S"" *re-$".* Sl*\ "" rj:;t",$'ff ;ilt"ffi -x'll##Ag#;iHffi l']lr*LTlilf]i$l trij [" ;^;k [nd or propo'scd lincs' musr bc aPprorro accompanYing rilc Part. euthndlzdSis8ra US. Wcst Cossrninicatiom r,800-922-l9t? a69.6860 or 9494530 Prrblic SaviecCon9ary 949-5?81 CarY llrll Hgly Croc Elcctic Arroc' 949-5892 Tcd HrskYiJoln BoYd HcritaSc Clblo'ision T'v' 949-5t30 stsvc lSdt Erglc Fjvef Watcf & SmitationDigria t 4?6-7480 frcdHrslcc I Plcaso t4int a site plan. Aoor d3 Tt-*::'t*s whcn oDtaining Up'pcr Eaglc Vallcy rrrJarcr & Sanitrtiolt ol,lffi:";:; tio"i n'"as mu't bc ed&csscd' NOTES: Datc W t) t. : I llAR-19-199? !424€ 3, lf thc ntilitv rtrific*iqr fqm brs dcutrry 1om:-cl,"T#ffril$T;ffi"* -n """rt-".a "'ta" d'ir*tty oa tbc fornr' tbc Town wlt p'rc thE dgvdoPtncnt can Pttctct!' If a udlitv conpa'rv h't conccmr witrr trc urgp.of 1T*HtT;tr"ffi# #"-iilrttito;r*ilitvvaifcaricnfo-F!:h9.tcI:dT#;V.:n:-il-owana''ptat" rhc Garc shoul(t t!.o b' dJ;il;;J"trta r5-t11t Town of vril' Howaa' pta klci!rlisdtstitiso"'$'#iliulryofrr""uritycompanyudtbcrpplicrrrtorcsowc-- iAiobfcd9roblcrng ;H,ffiT&H;ffiff "ur;i-tffi"-'"" ^r,.inea bforc ili!,ii4g ia uly guuic dgh+f-cay T-Tr-.-,--,r .-,.orcrv. It g7a949w xx TOTRL PRGE. EgA *X974 P.@. occomPanyirt sitc Plen. U.S. West Codrn{ii"ations r-8w92Lt9t7 468-6860 or 9494J30 Pubtic Ssvicc Conpany 949-5?tr GrryHdl Hgly Ctus Electic Axoe 9{9-5t92 Tcd Husfqy/Job Boyd Hcitagc Cablcvision T.V. 949.5530 SGrcnian Eaglc Rivc Watcr & Sanittion Distict r 476.7480 Frcdlbslcc Artlofzcd-SiFmrc El! ?- za- ?- ' Plcasc b,ring I sits plrn. floc plan aod slaadons when obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanlerim sigdr.rca, Firc flow nccdr mustbc rddrcsscd. NOTES: I ' If thc utili'ty vtrifictim fqn has stgo.tu!6 &orq cach ofths urility camgrnlEs, urd oo comnrs8 sc mdedircety on thc forq thcTofirwiU Fcslrnctbattbcrc arc ao poblcmr eni thc rlcvdopmuC can prEEBd. If rutilityconpar;y has corrnns with tbc poposcd coastrucdorr, th?udtiu rrtrcsrottirc shsll nocdiccrlyoo dcrnilityffisr form ttat ncraisrpobtcnr wbich;ccds to bE rcoha( Thc issue sbould tbca bc deirilad il sn sfrrcbcd tdrr to th To'm ofveil Howrrcr, plar *?.! S"d q"t it ir thc rcsprer'tdliry orf rbc rnitity compny rnd rbe rgpticat m nrotuc idcot'rfcd poblcnr lbcse vaifados do nc retictri &o onncb of tbc rcspur€bility o ohaia a Rrblio wry Pcrmrt foatbc D+gtocot of hrblicwods at6r Tora-of vril titrtty tocarionrarelJt SF+AUnf$rUrl h rryprblic rigDt of-$y c.a*ncrc*OUn tfcf*a ofVaf ahrildingpar#t is nT I hrblic Utqyesr?it and 'rrnc+ be Oretqcd ccpstrtrb,, 4 gru 949 AffiFnR-2e1-1991 12"45 %z P.@ ENGINEERING INC. . P.0. 80x 97 816J2. 970 926-Jq FAX 925-3190 . 7z 'i//r/) Site Location \\ir\\\\\\\\r- r) r/// \\( 4_ ri ff -1._-............ ----_-__-__-a'- (MINTURN| OO4763 tt, Sw .. :81ffi.E. Cortina Lane Booster Pump Station NE Corner of Intersection of Cortina Lane and Davos Trail Vicinity Map 10" CHECK VALVE RECT. TUEINO RSNF. CONC. PAD & AI..ICHOR EOLTS AS DIRECIEO 8Y TH€ E}IG'N€ER SECTION A-A Er";r-i-D"J..I APPLIC/\-tION Qucsrions?fl thc I'ianning Staff at'179-2128 FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: INSTAT,I'ArroN oF a Ntrw RoosTtrR DrrMp qT.ATTON FOR THtr pURPOStr OF trNHANCTNG FTRtr PROTtrC"|'TON TI-IE prlMD STATIOII WILL BE SITUATRN RtrT,OVJ GRANE RXCF'PT FOR 2 \/FNTq AND'A HATGH. LoCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:- BLOCK:- FILINC: v Irr r unS SEHEIIE PHYSICALADDRESS: INTERSECTION OF CORTINA DRiVE & DAVOS TRAII., NE PORNER ZONING: RESTNENTT AI, IN ROW NAMEOFOWNER(S): EAGLE RIVER \tlATER & SANTTATTON nrs'rRrcr MAILING ADDRESS: 846: FOREST RD psosE, 4)u --l49 0 OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT:"{r, C* PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Nerv Construction - $200 tl Addition - S50 D l\linor Altcrrlion - $20 D Conceptual Ro'ierv - S0 Construction of a ncrv building. Includcs any ad<lition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conunercial building. Includcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcnlents, such as' rcroofing, painting, rvindotv additions, landscaping' fcnccs and rctaining rvalls, etc. For any application *hcre thc applicant *'ishcs to nlect rvith Dcsign Revierv Board to dctcrmine *'hcther or not thc projcct gcncrally conrplics rvith the dcsign guidclincs. Thc DRB does not votc on conccptual revicw s' DRB fecs arc to bc paid at the iime of subrnittal. Latcr, *'hen applying for a building pcrmit, pleasc identify the accuratc valuation ofthe project. The Town of Vail rvill adjustthefee according to thc projcct valttation. PiBASE, SUBN{IT T}IIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBNIITTAL REQUIREI\'TENTS AND THE FEE TO THE i'. : hFt/|:tY n Df,trr\i.T, t< Cn rI'rLI DDr\ N'|. A rlF DnA nDEPARTN'IENT OF CONTN{UN ITY DEVELOPI\{ENT.75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, N,{AILING ADDRESS: vArL, COLORADO 81657. , Upllated li 97 o "rat nr ronrnruo nnoru*,o"a o BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other * Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must me€t the Town's Ligbting Ordinance 18.54,050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed' please indicate the number offixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. IdentiS each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens outpul lumirrous area, and attach a cut shect of the lighting fixhres. trh.+a-,l.nat ot- La.rngo S+ I I I ttcitL- &1,.e'yr,nrru O PRoPosEDLAND'CAPING O Botanical Nanrc Conrmon Nantc Ouantitv Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimunr rcquiremcnts for landscaping:deciduous trccs - 2 inch caliPcr conifcrous trccs ' 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Squarc Footagc GROUND COVER SOD SEED ]RRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please speciff. Indicate top antl bottom elevations of retaining walls. ivlaximuir height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet' Maximum height of rvalls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. o, FTTLI-ry r -OCATION vERrfi c^lfl OJrl C-= \...^.-- \--;9"-*k-5R**^ S\-\i"^ This forsr b tO vrifi sc'vbe evait$iliry and loqfisr for nstr' cdrsuctisn &d s!CIild bc uscd in cdrjundiot sith Ftpadns yo1g ,arity p- j--liafi"C idllious. Thc tocaim and ani6liliy of rdliu-cs' wbcthcr thgy bc n io E.oit U"." or fo'*.4 f6* t& U .pp-,'a ad wi6cC by &c folto'sing rrtilitics fq thc eccorquytrgsfuc Plaa- U.S. Warr Comcairicarioos l-80e922-19fft 4686360 0f 949-ls3{l hrbtisScnriccColqgey e49-5781 Crtryllall lldyCtessElc&icAs. 9{915t92 TcdHrsk5/JohoBqd HcrbgcSlwisiooT.v. 949-5530 Scvclfd €rgbRivcwalcr &SrduistDbsic' .f7&7480 Frcd ilasloc Arr6d;.dSit!!@ hc $"4\\\*$* 31q-tT r ptcasc tuiqg a dte pla* tlor pla, aad etcvaticrx vhca obtdnig Upcr Eaglc Vdtcy Wact & Sadiatict dgtrtscs Frrc llow ncedsnr*bced&csscd- NOTES: l. IftbcuilicyvciEcar'crrrntassigcucsfiecadrof6crailitfcoryic*a4ao coomtrsc odc dirccdy orb fto,rtcTorowitt preoctbttEc rsnoFlbh std tlcdadopr*ntcageccd- L lfeutility compoy[rscrcqnsuritl&e1nqoaEd c€srsie,bcutilityngcalativc ahetl *rfirody escrolity ruidclio forotbltbcrc br pcoblcarffcb dsto bersohrcd. Tbciseshostd ttst bcdd.ihdi!rllladed lt(lrto tbcTo*odvail llorlclltr'flas! lcrD io EiEd.Dditil tlerqosfti[tyoftlc railfu coryyrdtlsdiatorcsdvs ikdtrdpr!d-'q 3. Tfrsctsi6cairc&ldrc&ilsbctndrtlofttlrc*cililirttDobtabahUis.Wty Pc!6it fi@ Oc U*ru-t of htlb Worts d tlc Tocla dVeil Utilitv locg6oc urt bq r@bdcc rlif:iqg b sf potEe de[d.*rt a 6sd ritb tlc Tgflu dV.[t A hil4ne oarait b not a hrblh-Xtev pcnrdt adanbc &bhcd cepretdy. 1g7u"64ffiNFR-2ts-199? LAtlt <lT/,P.q"2 nHX f5 ,1 lliEll ee :rl e6. 6l 8ul.l lAA',19Vd 06eE 9a6ff I ITILITY LOCATION Vf RIFICATION [*,...^^\-*S*:Y1 *S\s\"^ *,t;:sffi ;flJffi ffi *bi'fl"dif##'ff f,:#T#"il"Jft;*rifib'sffi * jil*L ffi [:ffi-i*k linc or proposcd lincs' mustbs aPprot'co accomparrying ntc Pran Aurhndzgdslgl8ua U.S.Wes Conmbicadonl 1,800-922-l9t? a6t4350 eg !{t-{530 Public Scn'icc CocPanY 949-5?tl GarY tlelt Hety C,rod ElocticA$oc' 949-5892 Tc{ HrstYiJobn EoYd Hcritagc C.bl6'ison T'V' 949-5t30 $cvc Hidt Erglc Rivcf Watcf &-srnitarion Disda' 476-7480 FrcdHtslcc . ptcaso tning a sitc plan, floor pt319 *:*i*r whcn obtaining uppct Erslcvallcy Warcr & Sraitrdm rt;ffi:H; aoJ nttas must bc s'tdtcsscd' NOTES: Dafc W t) l. I f'fI?-19-19fi t4.44 2. 3. tf thc utiliv vttificaiorr fsm has scndilcs lsn:-:1,"*illufr"il$T;#t*" -n "*rJ"'-. ttat dir*tly oo thc fonn' tbc To*r nrtt pr thc dwcloPmcnt car Prcctd' rraudritycompanvhalconccrnrwithucnrgnof 11S*--T#XffiHH n:l,rl#Xlmmpqpi*g;i"*i'l-v'n5'Y''{r' kE9 i, nhd ,bsr ii. ,o. ,ffiiliu:rylf rha rnirity company aad tbc epplicstt to r6elvc - - idiotifio0 Protlcrnr IH,HfrTsffi :ffi!!'w*'im{lHffi ^!.r.i^.,l hcfort di.Giitrg n sy gdblic rigbt+f-mI TS .-,-^, r-*rr.lv^ 4 g7w49ffi ** TOTnL PqGE.Q@? **gi|t P.Wz eccompanyilrg siGPlen. U.S. West Comrnrthicrdons r-800.922,t987 468-686tt or 949-,t530 Public Sovicc Corryany t49-57t1 Gary Hrll Hgly Cnse ElecthAsoc, 949-5E92 Tcd Huslqy/John Bryd lfciragc Cablclision T.V. 949.5530 SrcwHiill Elgls Fjvcr !f*cr & Saniuion Disfiic. r 476.7480 Frpd lltslcc Ar&ocgql.Sissue Et! 4m4-- NA_. ._ ' Plcasc trring r liF phft lloo! Flan asd clcradons whcn obtaini4 Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Warcr & Santtatiorrigrlurcs. Firc llor nccdlnust bc ad&csscd. NOTES: t. 3. lf thc utility vaifcrcisr frm bas steo.nu.r frqm crci of,rhe utility comprnicq uul oocmrnB rrc eade dircgly on tbc fooq thc Toun will pcslnc tbar tbcre arc ao poblcms rrtd thc tlcvdopnrcnt czr proeccr!. If lutility conpary hrs corrcrns with tls poposorl cur*uaion, thcuritity rtgrcsattivc slnll rycr!rccly on Gcrnility rrciftlriqr form tla thcrc ir r trobtq rrtrich iccrb to be rceolvcd. Ttc is$E sbonld tben be dcbilcd in sn 8lrdfcd tlrtcr !o sc Toqa of varl. llonrvcr, gtcasc 3".! trdnd6sit irtbcnsporsl'biliry of rbc rtility canparyrad ttcrpglicat m rcso*uc idcrtitrod poblcns lbcsewifiardos dol*rdicw tbsconlrcfr oftbe rcspursibitity ro obsia a Frrblicl{ry Pcrmit lioattc Darocntof hrllicWorb *6c Town-of VaU tjritirl tocadonrnnfe obniqrcd bctur digr+r'l h rily public riglt-of-ray s oaswrcrn vtttrin ta f*ra CVrn I build;ng pcrrtt il nol lFrblh $rry lpnni,r rnd r.ruc h ot+r\cd r$Ftcly. 4 9W 949 4566,|mR-2A-1997 12|45 w.P.@ ENGINEIRING INC. EDwARofofiH$5 tto85HFot r f . o..8oX e7 o 970 926-3f7J ' FAX 926-J390 I INC \\r!lf,//t 1(//, r) 7/// \\( Scale: iJ,li (M,NTURNI ooeltos JUNC, tu.s. 24, 2 r,r. 4763 tu sw Cortina Lane Booster Pump Station NE Corner of Intersection of Cortina Lane and Davos Trail Vicinity Map I N FAf.lS 10,, CHECK VALVE 10" tso. RECT. TUBINC REINF. CONC. PAD & AI.ICHOR BOLTS AS DIRECIED BT THE ENGINEER SECTION A-A E"^,--t;'DeL*\ oo TOWN OF VAIL Rl:cl: ItI tio. DETART'Iu:\T OF CO)tJr Ltrn' Dl:\T_LOt,Il Ei-r ?ttoJt'r'r44 &v, L4',*t a<^^.1&^ - b",,a&" p^4 ctrr.cKs i{ADE p^\'Ar!l-F, TO TO\\}. Ot \.All, ^ L'I"\-I:iIT7 R EINSPEE]]ONS_- ;j;l{lil'r rrlorTl-c :V I l:\v IJOAI{l) I;lili rwsi,/ilt cAsIIl-lcxa1 t?/' ' ,!l-oLl ao WATERTANK The Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (the District) is requesting that the Town ot Vail review their proposed plans to create a new one million gallon water tank directly south of the exisiing 500,000 gallon water tank in East Vail (See Attachment A). The purpose for this tank to address a signficant need in East Vail to provide an aOOiiion'at 500,000 gallons of water storage to adequately fight fires and to simply provide adequate pressure for day to day usage. The property that the new Tank would be located on is owned by the U'S. Forest Service and is located outside of the Town of Vail. This property is among those proposed in the Town of Vail/USFS land exchange andis- The only reason this land would be included in the exchange is to provide land for the water tank. lf the exchange is completed and the land came into Town ownership, but is not immediately annexed to the Town, the tank would be constructed under County jurisdiction. The purpose of this worksession is to ask the Town Council they would like to include this propbrry in the exchange for the purpose of providing a utility easement to the District. Staff recommends that the Town recover the appraised value ol 52 from the District to compensate for the land the Town would need to convey to the Forest Service to obtain s2. This project was reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission on December 16, 1-996 to provide comments for the County permit process and to provide a recommendation to the Town Council to help determine whether this land should be included in the exchange. II. PROJECT DESGRIPTION: The proposed action involves the construction of a new one million gallon water storage tank tocat'eO approximately 172leel uphillfrom the existing tank. This tank would be 88 feet in diameter and 2a feet high. The action would also involve associated buried pipe and the permanent relocation of a 360-toot long segment ot an unnamed drainage that flows from the bteep slopes to the south and through the proposed tank site. The project also involves the realignm6nt of a dirt road that serves the existing tank and a cellular communication tacility. Significant regrading would also occur lo completely bury the new tank. a * Two questions are being asked of Council l) Would you like to include this land in the exhcange for the purpose of providing a utility easement to the District in exchange for reciveing compensation from the District based on the appraised value ofthe land, 2) If you are comfortable with including this properfy in the exhcange do you have any rp".ifi. comments on this proposed action which would occur on Town of Vail land but outside the Town Boundary. F I"M' TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REOUEST (Request from must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m. Thursdays.) MEETING DATE: January 21,1997 (Prepare a separate Agenda Request for each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) Work Session Evening Meeting TIME NEEDED: TIME NEEDED: 30 min 0 min WILL THERE BE A PRESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON-TOV STAFF? a Yes, Mark Van Nostrand, Engineer, Eagle River Water & Sanitation District WILLTHE PRESENTANON OFTHIS AGENDA ITEM REOUIRE ANY SPECIAL EQUIPMENT, i.C. overhead projector, etc.? WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? o NO. Yes, ITEM/TOPIC: Review plans for a new water tank in East Vail. ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNGIL: Review plans for a new 1 million gallon water tank in East Vail and determine whether the land needed for the water tank should be included in the TOV/USFS land exchange. BACKGROUND BATIONALE: The Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (the District) is requesting that the Town of Vail review its proposed plans to create a new 1 rnillion gallon water tank directly south of the existing water tank in East Vail. The Town of Vail Fire Department and the District have identified a significant need for additional storage in the East Vail neighborhood to adequately fight a fire and to simply provide adequate pressure for day to day use. The property that the new Tank would be located on is owned by the U.S. Forest Service and is located outside of the Town of Vail. This property is among those proposed in the Town of Va|/USFS land exchange and is expected to come into Town of Vail ownership in the Spring ol 1997. The only reason this land would be included in the exchange is to provide land lor the water tank. lf the exchang is completed and the land came into Town ownership, but is not immediately annexed to the Town, the tank would be constructed under County jurisdiction. The Town Council needs to determine if they would like to include this property in the exchange and agree to provide a utility easement to the District. This project was reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission on December 16, 1996 to provide comments for the County permit process and to provide a recommendation to the Town Council to help determine whether this land should be included in the exchange. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve including the property, referred to as 52, in the exchange for the purpose of providing a utility easement for the proposed 1 million gallon tank. lf the property would be annexed into the Town prior to the District building the Tank, then a PEC conditional use permit would have to be obtained and DRB would have to approve of the project. Russ Forrest I .5. platted building envelopes. This srestriction shall include all decks, roof eavelines, etc] the only development permitted outside the platted building envelopes shall be tand-scaping, at grade patios, driveways, and retaining walls associated with driveway construction." 3) That the applicant make the following changes on the linal plat prior to recordation: - Remove the "TRACT A" label.- Change GRFA numbers to 5,766.1 sq. ft. lor Lot 1 and to 5,314'4 sq'ft' for Lot 2.-ChangeBLMtoU.S.ForestService,as'itre|alestopropertyownership. A request for a Side setback variance to allc',v lor the construction of a two-car garage, focated a|4532 Streamside Circle EasVLot 15, Bighorn 4th Addition' Applicant: Lillian and william Bresnahan, represented by Kathy Langenwalter Planner: Lauren Waterton VOTE:6-0 TABLED TO JANUARY 13, 1997 MEETING A request for a rgview of a new water storage (dnK, ruu.lrcu utt arr url../,du'u prart ci ,i iartd ifl East Vail, generally located southeast ol 5004 Snowshoe Lane. Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Planner: Russell Forrest VOTE:6-0 APPROVEO WITH SIX CONDITIONS: 4. tl 2l 3) 4l Keep existing tank but mitigate hazard, repaint and plant trees to bufler. tfrai a moreipecitic re'',onofetion plan be prepared that identifies the exact seed mix that will be used and the planting of Aspens rlnwnhill from the tank. That no lighting will occur on the site. That the iccess road be realigned on the property to be obtained through the land exchange. The removal of the old tank may lacilitate the ability to keep the road entirely on the exchange property. 5) Add gate lo block access.6) Do not pave roa.d. f'lo hard sr-rrface. A request for a worksession to discuss establishing a Special Development District overlay to thd Austria Haus, located at 242 East Meadow Drive/on part of Tract C, Block 5-D' Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther Worksession - No Vote TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMOFANDUM Vail Town Council Department of Community Development January 21, 1997 A request to review the proposed East vail water Tank located S.E. of 5004 Snowshoe Lane, more sfeciticatty located in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 18' Township 5 South, Range 79 of the 6th Principal Meridian' Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Planner: Russ Forrest I. PURPOSE The Eagle River water and sanitation District (the Distric0 is requesting that the Town of vail review iireir proposed plans to create a new one million gallon water tank directly south_of the existing 500:00b gallon water tank in East Vail (See Attachment A). The Town of Vail Fire Departlment and ire District harre identified a significant need to provide an additional 500'000 galions ot water storage in the East Vail neighborhood to adequately light fires and to simply provide adequate pressure tor day to day usage. The property that the new Tank would be located on is owned by the U.S. Forest Service and is locaied butdiOe of the Town of Vail. This property is among those Proposed in the Town of Vail/USFS land exchange and is expected to corne into Town of Vail ownership in the Spring of. 1997. This parcel of laid is referreil to as S2 in the exchange. The only reason this land would be included in the exchange is to provide land for the water tank. lf the exchange is completed and the land came into Town ownership, but is not immediately annexed to the Town, the tank would be constructed under County jurisdiction' The Town council needs to determine if they would like to include this property in the exchange and agree to provide a utility easement to the District. Staff recommends that the Town recover the aplpraised value of 52 from the District to compensate for the land the Town would need to conv6y to the Forest Service to obtain 52. This proiect was reviewed by the Planning and Envirohmental Commission on December 16, 1996 to provide comments lor the County permit process and to provide a recommendation to the Town Council to help determine whether this iand should be included in the exchange. Staft recommended to the PEC that this action be reviewed utilizing the criteria for a conditional use permit for the General Use District since this is how the Town would most likely review tttis action in the Town of Vail' II. PRO.JECT DESCBIPTION: The proposed action involves the construction of a new one million gallon water storage tank tocaftO approximately '172 teet uphill from the existing tank. This tank would be 88 feet in diameter and 2+ teet high. The action would also involve associaled buried pipe and-the perm"nent relocation oia 360{oot long segment of an unnamed drainage that flows from the iteep stopes to the south and through the proposed tank site. The proiect also involves the ieafiijn*ent of a dirt road that servei the existing tank and a cellular communication facility' Signi-ticant regrading would also occur to completely bury the new tank' ilt. REVIEW CRITERI& Staff recommends using the review criteria for a conditional use permit in the General Use District. The conditional use criteria are listed below: Town. chapter ll, section 6.1 of the Vail Land Use Plan states that a Town Goal is: "services should keep pace with increasing growth" The purpose section of the General Use District of the zoning code, Section 1 8.36.01 0, states that: "The General Use District is intended to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses and is intended to ensure that pubic buildings and gjrounds and certain types of quasilrublic uses permitted in the Djstrict ire appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light' air open spaces and other amenities appropriate with the permitted types of uses'" staff believes that the development of a one million gallon watel tank is consistent with the goals ot the above-mentioned Town goals. The tank is necessary to meet the water needs of residents and visitors to Vail. Eftect of the use on light and air. dis!4bution ot pQpulation. transportation Aciiities. lJlllities. schools. pelks and recreation facilities. and other public facilities. An environmental assessment was prepared for this proposed action (See Attachment B). No long-term negative impacF are anticipated relating to the above stated areas. There may be a short-term dust impact to air quality as the result of the construction of the tank and thele may be short'term erosion impacts on the site. These impacts can be mitigated with dust suppression methods and an effective erosion control plan. Overall, there will be a positive public benefit in providing a more reliable water service to East Vail. B. c.Effect upon traftic. with particular leference to Gongestion+ automotive and pedestri-an safety and convenience. traffic floJu and conrol. acqqss' ilineuverability. and removal of snow from the streets and parking 3lea. The proposed project does involve realignment of .an access road. However, this will not ittect tianiportation patterns in East Vail. lt should be acknowledged that there would be an increase in vehicular traffic up Snowshoe Ln' during construction which will be a temporary impact to residents on that road. lt has been recommended that access to the Site be blocked for private use to prevent vandalism and nighttime disturbances at the tank site. Effect upon the character of the arealn which the orqrosed usg is to-be located. including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in rclation to surrounding uses. The proposed use is an underground water storage tank and it should have little or no efiect of adjacent properties. However, the existing tank is above ground and visible from most areas of East Vail. Other factors recommended for discussion with the PEC: Removal of the old storage tank: The District is requesting that the old 500,000 gallon tank be left in place. once the new tank is constructed, the District would like to determine the structural integrity of the old tank to determine if the tank should remain in use along with tne ne* tank. The old tank does stand out in East Vail and is exposed to potential damage in the event ol an avalanche on the site' Hazards: The site is in a designated High Severity Avalanche Hazard area. The new water tank has been designed to withstand maximum anticipated loading conditions associated with a 1O0-year avalanche event. The Environmental Assessment states on page 21 that the project would not change the hazad down slope. This indicates inat f rne oU tank were left in place it would still be exposed to high severity avalanche hazards. Landscaping: The proposed action would impact vegetation on 0.25 acres of land with the extensive regrading that would be required. The Environmental Assessment calls for reseedinj with I natural seed mix. Staff would also recommend the planting of 10-1 5 aspens down slope ol the tank' Hydrology: The stream channel on the site, which has a length ol 360 feet, will be replaced with a new channel 420 teetin length. Wetland species will be planted in the new channel. The new channel will be designed to better handle high water levels. The PEG should be aware that the adjacent property owners use water running off the site for water features. The Town Engineer is still reviening the hydrology to Lnsure that the proposed construction wiil not adversely atfect the flooding hazard on or off the site. Wetland lmpacls: Approximately 0.05 acres of wetlands would be disturbed on this site along the Oiainage that will be relocated. A 111 replacement (at least) will occur when the new drainage corridor is put in place. There may be the opportunity to improve the quality 6f the wetlands since the current value of the existing wetlands is low as defined by the Army Corps of Engineers. Development Standards: Development would be contained to a one million gallon water tank on the site. However, the following standards are appropriate to discuss: Tank Color: Obtain Design Review Board's input on the color of the tank. tv. Road: FINDINGS: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use PenDiL 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or implovements in the vicinity. The road as proposed would be dirt, which technically would require a paving variance. Since the property is not located within the Town's municipal boundary, and given the natural characteristics of the immediate area, staff feels that a gravel road on the site is appropriate. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. V. INPUT FROM PEC : The PEC reviewed this project on December 16, 1996. The primary issue related to this propo*O project is wnemer the existing 50O,0OO gallon water tank should be allowed to remain. bt"h re"otnr'ended PEC support consiruction of the proposed tank with the condition that the old tank be removed, unless a iompelling health safety justification can be provided that 1.5 million gaflons of storage is needed lversus -one million) anO tnat me high avalanche hazard could be ;itigated for thd existing tanX. The PEC supported the construction of the proposed new tank andloncluded mat tney tett comfortable with the existing tank remaining if it could be demonstrated that it could withstand an avalanche. The PEC concurred with staff that an additional landscaping plan should be provided that would call for aspen and coniferous trees around the existinf Unk if it stays in place. One member also felt that the tank needed to be repainted using a 6otor that would bl6nd it into the background. The Commission also felt comfortable wiih a gravel or non-paved surface. Replacing the wetland vegetation on the site that would be distu6ed was highiy recommended. The PEC also requested that a Sale atlhq north end of the access road b-e instalteO that could be locked to prevent unauthorized vehicular access onto the site. Attachment A: Prqposod site Plan Alrachment B: Environmsntai Assessmeol ffeveryonevussvnsm otank.d 1 6 \ 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departrnent of Comrnunity Development January 16,1997 Mr. Mark VanNostrand Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Rd Vail. GO 8'1657 Ref: PEC meeting on East Vail Water Tank Dear Mark, On December 16, 1997, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) reviewed plans for the Eagle River Water and Sanitation Distribt's proposed one million gallon tank southeast of 5032 Snowshoe Lane. This was a courtesy review in that the Town recognizes that this property is not in the Town of Vail but that the property may come into Town ownership through the proposed land exchange. The PEC did approve of the one million gallon underground water tank. Further more, the PEC telt comfortable leaving the existing 500,000 gallon tank in place i( it could be demonstrated that it could withstand a "red" avalanche as defined in the Town's hazard regulations once an evaluation is made of its structural integrity. ln addition, the PEC did recommend planting trees around the existing tank if it stays in place. One member also lelt that the tank needed to be repainted using a color that would blend it into the background. The Commission also felt comfortable with a gravet or non-paved surface. Replacing the wetland vegetation on the site that would be disturbed was highly recommended. The final issue was installing a gate at the north end of the access road that could be locked to prevent unauthorized vehicular access onto the site. other sta{f issues include: 1) The retaining walls are 4 leet high. The Maximum height allowed for retaining wall without a variance is 3 feet high. 2) Erosion control and reseeding the sight will be critical to reduce soil loss. The Town staff reccomends that a detailed erosion conlrol plan be developed for construction and a reseeding plan be prepared so that plant species charateristic of that site will be planted after construction. fp *r"o""o " rr* \ TheTownCounci|isschedu|edtoreviewlhisprojectonJanuary2lst.Thepurpose.ojthi:,. worksession with Counciiwill be to ensure that they are comfortabtq witf ]!is project if and when this property comes into fotn o*n"tthip. lf the pr6perly is annexed and zoned prior to the construction of the tank, in"t" ."y ne aboitionaf permiting requirements_. .lf you have any ;;;;il;;;;;s;roins peclieuierbr this project ptease calr me ar47e-2146. Russell Forrest Senior Environmental Policy Planner ATTACHMENT A DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank Proposed by: The Eagle River Water and Sanitation District December 5, 1996 Prepared under the Direction of the Holy Cross Ranger District White River National Forest Minturn. Colorado HYDROSPHERE Rosource Gonaultant! lOO2 Whlnut . Sulte 2OO . Boulder, CO aOgO2(3o3) 443.7839 . TeleFax (3O3) 442-06t6 _! t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I T T Table of Contents III. ALTERNATIVES INCLUDING THE PROPOSED ACTION ....................3 A. Introduction ... Error! Bookmark not defrned. B. Alternative A: No Action C. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadow Site..,.,............... ..............,3 D. Alternative C: Vail Meadow Site - Lower Tank Position E, Alternatiyes Eliminated from Detailed Consideration.. ......,.........,....,.,,......4 l. Upper Tank Positions at Vail Meadows Site....... ................4 2. On-Site Replacement of Existing Tank.............. .................4 3. Site Locations Within the Town of Vai1............... ...............5 4. Other Locations on National Forest System Lands................ .......................5 B. Natural Hazards E. Hydrology F. Water Quality G. Vegetation J. Threatened and Endangered Species 10 lr t7 I( Air Quality l8 t t I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I A. Physiography and Geology l. Alternative A; No Action ,,''..........'.........24 2. Altemative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site............ ....................24 3. Altemative C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position...... ...................24 4. Cumulative Effects.............. ....................24 D. Groundwater 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site .,...............,.......24 3. Alternative C: Vail Meadows Site -.Lower Tank Position...... ...................25 4. Cumulative 8ffec1s.............. ....................25 E. Ilydrology 1. Alternative A: No Action... ....................25 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site............ ....................25 3. Altemati,te C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position...-.....-... ............26 4. Cumulative 8ffects.............. ....................26 F. Water Quality l. Altemative A: No Action...... .................26 2. Altemative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site............ ....................26 3. Alternative C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position...... ...................27 4. Cumulative Effects................''...,..'''.'...,..............2,| I I t I I I I I t I T t I I I I I I I L Wildlife l. Alternative A: No Action... ....................29 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site.................... ............29 3. Alternative C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Positioti...... ...................29 4. Cumulative Effec1s................. .................29 J. Threatened and Endangered Species ,,........ ....,.....,............29 1. Altemative A: No Action .......................29 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Si1e............ ....................29 3. Alternative C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position............. ............30 4. Cumulative Effects .............. ....................30 K. Air Quality O, Specific Mitigation Measures 1a vilt. I I I T I t T I I I I I I I I I I t I DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT VAIL MEADOWS WATER STORAGE TANK Eagle River Water & Sanitation District I. PREFACE An environmental assessment is not a decision document. It is a document disclosing the environmental consequences of implementation of the Proposed Action. It is an important document for Federal, state and local govemments to use in ariving at their individual decisions regarding the proposed action and altematives to it. The environmental consequences on lands, activities, and resources administered by the other Federal, state, and localjurisdictions resulting from the Proposed Action have been disclosed in this Environmental Assessment (EA). Through consultation and cooperation, other Federal, state and localjurisdictions have assisted in the disclosure of environmental consequences and development of altematives to the proposed action. The Forest Service decision will relate only to lands administered by the Forest Service and will be documented in a Decision Notice. Decisions by other jurisdictions to issue or not issue approvals related to this proposal can be made by them based on the disclosure of impacts arrailable in this document. Listed below are cooperating agencies in the preparation ofthis document and, to ow knowledge, the approvals needed by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (the District) which is the project proponent . U.S. Forest Service, White River National X'orest - The proposed project would be located on National Forest System Land and would require a Special Use Permit. Town of Vail - The Town has jurisdiction over all construction activities within the Vail boundaries and will require a building permit for conskuction of appurtenant facilities. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Under the Clean Water Act (PL 92-500 as amended) the applicant must comply with the requirements of Section 404 prior to the discharge of any dredged or fill material into waters of the United States. Eagle County - Eagle County Land Use Regulations require a Special Use Permit, a permit under applicable sections of the regulations concerning Activities of State Interest (1041 Permit), and a building permit. I T t DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Page2 II. PURPOSE AND NEED FOR PROPOSED ACTION The proposed project involves the constuction of the Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank. This new tank will provide I million gallons (mg) of treated (potable) water storage and will be located on National Forest System land within the White River National Forest approximately 172 feet south and uphill from 4n existing 500,000 gallon tank located in east Vail. Studies conducted by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District have determined that I mg of additional treated water storage is needed to meet surrounding domestic water needs during peak demand periods while maintaining adequate equalization and emergency storage levels. The specific emergency storage volumes are to provide needed fire flows and for potential water line leaks, pump failures, and power outages. (Menick, 1994). The availability of water to meet current peak hour demands and fire flows will be sigrrificantly improved by the addition of the new 1.0 mg tank, which will provide up to 1.5 mg in total storage volume with the existing Vail meadows tank. After completion of the proposed project, the existing Vail Meadows Storage Tank (500,000 gallons) will be taken off-line for an engineering inspection to develop rehabilitation altematives and costs. I I I I I t I I I t I T I I I I t I DRAFT ET.IVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT llarl Medqwslilaterflorage faft Page 3 III. ALTERNATIVES INCLUDING THE PROPOSED ACTION This section of the EA presents the altematives evaluated as a part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance process, including alternatives considered but eliminated from detailed analysis. Altematives were defined based on the criteria of meeting the purpose and need for the proposed project. The altematives considered in this EA are those that are most feasible in terms of teihnical and engineering aspects, and which minimize environmental impacts. Alternative locations for a new tank are limited by the elevation at which the storage tank would have to be built. In order to meet minimum pressure requirements in the water distribution system for fire flows, a new tank must have a minimum base elevation of 8,767 feet MSL. In order not to exceed existing maximum pressures within the distribution system, the high water elevation ofthe new tank cannot exceed 8,790 feet MSL (RBD, Inc., 1991). Considering the minimum required base elevation, topographic maps were use to identifu potential alternative sites for construction of the storage tank. The altematives identified were then evaluated for potential fatal flaws and several options were eliminated from detailed consideration in this EA due to engineering and/or environmental problems. The altematives considered are described below. A. Alternative A: No Action Under the No Action Alternative, the Forest Service would deny the Special Use Permit Application for the Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank as submitted by the District. B. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadow Site The proposed project involves the construction ofa new I mg storage tank south and uphill from the existing Vail Meadows Storage Tank. The facility would consist of a post tensioned concrete tank 88 feet in diameter and24 feet high, and associated piping and pumping facilities. The tank would be entirely buried such that the top of the tank would be covered with about 18 inches of soil and the uphill side of the tank would be about l8 inches below the elevation ofthe existing natural ground level. The location ofthe new tank would be within National Forest System boundaries on a parcel of land that could be conveyed to the Town of Vail in conjunction with a proposed land exchange. The location and site plan for the proposed project are shown on Sheet I in Appendix A. The proposed project involves positioning the new storage tank approximately 172 feet uphill from the existing tank. Construction of the new tank at this location would require permanent relocation of a 360 feet long segment of the unnamed intermittent drainage that flows from the steep slopes to the south and through the proposed tank site. The project also includes realignment ofthe road and relocation ofunderground utilities (electric and cornmunication) that cunently serve a cellular communication facility I t T I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Page 4 Vail Meadows Weter Storaqe Tank located to the south of the site. As proposed, the buried tank would be located within an avalanche runout and has been designed to withstand the snow loading from a potential I O0-year avalanche event. After construction of the new I mg storage tank, the existing 500,000 gallon tank may eventually be removed depending upon its condition and future maintenance requirements. Because of the possibility of future removal of the existing tank, the plans for the new tank include design features and landscaping to restore the natural appearance of the site and mitigate visual impacts. C. Alternative C: Vail Meadow Site - Lower Tank Position Under this alternative the new storage tank would be positioned approximately 75 feet south of the existing tank. The tank would be located on National Forest System land and some of the earth work and grading for its construction would be on land owned by the Town of Vail. A large retaining wall on the downhill side of the tank would be required to support the tank foundation. Construction of the storage tank at this site would require temporary relocation ofthe drainage channel during the constructionprocess. Following construction the drainage would be returned to its approximate current location. The cellular communication facility access road would be realigned around the east side of the new tank. Slope conditions would require the entire north side of the storage tank to be above grade. D. Alternatives Eliminated from Detailed Consideration 1. Upper Tank Positions at Vail Meadows Site There are four possible locations which could accommodate a new storage tank at the Vail Meadows site. These locations are shown in Appendix B, along with a decision matrix used to evaluate tank positioning options. The two higher locations at the Vail Meadows site were considered but found not to be feasible due to high avalanche hazard exposure, safety, and engineering considerations. Both ofthese sites are within the direct impact zone of the Vail Meadows avalanche. While the tank could probably be designed to withstand the direct impact ofa 100-year avalanche, the cost ofsuch design features would be substantial. In addition, because ofthe higher elevations ofthese sites, substantial modifications to pumping and conveyance facilities for delivery of water into. the tank would be required, and additional pressure reducing valves would be needed in the distribution system. Due to these factors, the two upper tank positions were eliminated from detailed consideration in the EA. t I t T t I I I T I I I t I I t l I I DRAFT EI.MRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Page 5 Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank 2. On-Slte Replacement of Existing Tank This alternative involves replacement of the existing tank u,ith a new I mg tank at the same site as the existing 500,000 gallon tank, located within the botrndaries of the Town of Vail. To meet minimum pressure requirements in the water distribution system for fire flows, a new tank at this location would have to be raised to a base elevation of 8,767 feet MSL. This altemative would require that the existing storage tank be taken out of service during installation of the new tank. The temporary intemrption of water supply would be an unacceptable risk. Furthermore, this altemative may cause unacceptable visual impacts associated with an elevated storage tank, and considerably higher costs would be associated with protective measures against avalanche hazard because the tank would be above ground instead ofburied. 3. Site Locations Within the Town of Vail This alternative involves development of additional storage capaclty elsewhere within the Town of Vail. East of the existing site is an altemative area within the Town of Vail and at the necessary elevation. This area is heavily wooded with mature tree stands and would be very difticult to excavate due to large arnounts ofexposed bedrock. This option is not feasible because ofthe level ofsurface disturbance that would be necessary to excavate, because complete landscape restoration would not be possible, and because visual impacts resulting from construction at this site would be substantial. Additionally, easements and a water main extension would be reouired at this location which would substantially increase the cost ofthe project. 4. Other Locations on National Forest System Lands This altemative involves development of additional storage capacity elsewhere within Forest Service Lands. At the elevation of 8,790 to the west of the proposed site, the mountainsides are sloped steeply to the north and are heavily forested. This option would require considerable disturbance for construction of an access road, tree clearing, and construction of a platfomr for the storage tank. The environmental and visual impacts associated with this option would be much greater than would occur at the proposed site. I t I t I I I I I I I I t I I T I I t DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Page 6 Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank IV. AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT Extensive environmental baseline information has been developed on the study area through several previous studies including the Black Lake No. 2 Enlargement Environmental Assessment, the Forest Service Environmental Statement for Meadow Mountain, various reports by the U.S. Geologic Survey and the Soil Conservation Service, and site specific investigations conducted under these projects.. Information from these studies has been summarized and updated with current field observations to provide a description of the site and the environmental and cultural conditions for the surrounding area. In this EA, the study area refers to an area bounded on the west by the Town of Avon; on the north by Interstate 70; on the east side by Vail Pass; and on the south by the divide between the Eagle River watershed and the Arkansas River. The project area is limited to the immediate vicinity of the proposed project, i.e. the Vail Meadows site. This EA focuses primarily (but not exclusively) on the general aspects ofthe physical and biological environment, and cultural features for which issues and concems were raised during scoping that could be affected by the proposed action. There are a total ofthirteen resource categories. Each resource is discussed to a level of detail relative to its potential to be affected by the proposed action. A. Physiography and Geology The Town of Vail lies on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains at an elevation of approximately 8,000 feet, just west of the Gore Range. Physiography in the Vail Valley is quite diverse ranging from large, flat meadow areas to steep aspen, spruce and pine forested slopes. Mountain peaks, which surround the town on three sides, rise to elevations over 13,000 feet. Meadow areas which were once abundant within the valley are now primarily occupied by the Town of Vail, including both residential, commercial and recreational developments. Forested areas on the south Side ofthe valley are now largely occupied by the Vail Ski Area but for the most part remain in their natural state with the exception of ski lifts and trails. The Vail Valley is situated in a geologic structural trough which stretches from Vail Pass to the town of McCoy in north central Eagle County. Most of the area ofthe Vail Valley is underlain by the sedimentary rocks of the Mintum formation from the Pennsylvanian age. The Mintum formation consists of gray, pale yellow and red sandstone, interbedded with conglomerate and thin beds of shale. Outcrops of the Mintum formation can be found throughout the area. To a lesser extent, similar rocks belonging to the Maroon formation occur in the area. Some Precambrian gneisses and migmatites can also be found. T t DRAFT EI..N/IRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Vail Meadows Water Storage Trnk PageT During the quatemary period, several large valley glaciers were present within the Gore Creek Valley which gouged out the lower valley floor, forming steep cliffs. Oversteepening of the lower valley wall and deepening of the valley itself removed upslope support for large sections ofthe formational bedrock which dipped towards the valley axis. This glacial activity modified the mountain topography to approximately present conditions. A result of the oversteepening of many side slopes in the area is the existence of numerous unstable slopes which are the source of frequent small landslides. Mineral resource areas are def,rned as areas from which mineral extraction is possible given economic conditions and existing technology. Mineral resources can be metallics (precious and base-metal ores and fenous-metal ores), non-metallics (construction aggregates, building stones, evaporites) and mineral fuels (coal, oil, natural gas, oil shale, uranium). There are no known mineral resource areas at the locations of the alternative storage tank sites considered in this EA. Crurently mined mineral resoluces, namely construction aggregates, are located to the east ofthe study area in the larger creeks and river valleys, and metallics are found to the south in the vicinity of Gilman. B. Natural Hazards Geologic hazards typical for high mountain areas iuclude seismicity, faults, liquefaction, Iandslides and associated slope stability problems. Rockfall, mud and debris flows and ground surfabe subsidence are also sources ofgeologic hazard. The majority ofpotential geological hazards typical for mountain areas in Colorado have been defined by Rogers et. al. (1974). The State of Colorado is located in the interior of the North American plate, far from any plate boundaries. As such, Colorado is considered an area of low seismic risk. The potential for earthquakehazard in the study area was evaluated by reviewing seismic histories and taking into account the hazard zone system applied by Uniform Building Code criteria. Underthis evaluation scale, high earthquake risk areas are labeled Zone 4 ' and low earthquake risk areas arc Zone 1. Based on the known fault system, Colorado is located in seismic risk Zone I although the most recent data indicate that the state should be in Zone 2 (moderately low risk) (Kirkham and Rogers, 1981). Two potentially active faults exist near the study area (Kirkham and Rogers, 1981). The Gore fault consists of a system of faults trending in a northwest-southeast direction approximately parallel to the Interstate 70 corridor and to the northeast of Vail Pass. The Mosquito fault lies firther east of the Gore fault, near the Copper Mountain ski area, and has a north-south orientation. Neither of tlese faults cross any of the altemative tank locations evaluated in this EA. Liquefaction is a process which occurs when fine-grained, saturated soils are shaken during an earthquake. This process temporarily transforms soils into a fluid state. As the soil liquefies, structures within the soil mass may be damaged. Based on the limited I I t t I I I I I I I I I t I t I t I I I I I I I I I t I I t DRAFT EIWIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Vail Meadows Water Storase Tank Page 8 seismic risks in the study area, and in the absence ofsignificant, saturated fine-grained soil deposits, hazards associated with liquefaction are considered unlikely to be of importance for any of the alternative tank location sites. Several studies oflandslides in the area have been conducted over the past twenty years (Barton, eIal., 1972;Colton etaL, l975; Golder&Associates, 1984, 1985, 1986; Robinson and Cochran, 1971; and Cattany et al., 1986). Many small, isolated landslides have occurred over time within the study area and numerous minor landslides of soils covering the bedrock formations have been documented. Larger landslides have also occurred and include several caused by glacial activity. Portions ofthe Vail Ski Area have been developed on ancient landslides. In 1986, Govemor Lamm's Minturn Earthflows Task Force published the results of their review of the problem of landslides in the Dowds Junction area and summarized the available mitigation options. (Cattany et al., 1986). None of these studies have identified the Vail Meadows Storage tank site as an active or potentially active landslide area. Rockfall is a common geologic hazard within the study area. Rockfalls are typically associated with the presence of sandstone cliffs of the Mintum formation bedrock. As these slopes are usually steep (on the order of25 to 30 degrees), the moving rock fragments can reach high velocities and become a serious hazard to structures located in their path. Rockfall in the study area is largely seasonally related, with the majority of the rockfalls occurring during the spring snowmelt period. Areas ofthe rockfall hazard are relatively well defined within the Town of Vail and mitigation measures have been undertaken to protect above-ground structures exposed to this hazard. The Vail Meadows Storage tark site is not located within any ofthe inventoried rockfall hazard areas. Mud and debris flows occur when a water saturated mass of soil flows rapidly down slope. Mudflows typically develop during tonential rains or during very rapid snowmelt runoff. Runoffinitiates rapid erosion and transport ofpoorly consolidated surficial material. Numerous mudflows have been documented in the Gore Creek valley and on the slopes above the Eagle River. While there is evidence of historical debris flow activity within the drainage zuea above the Vail Meadows site, the area now appears to be stable due to dense forest and vegetative cover. The Vail Meadows Storage tank site is not located within any inventoried mudflow or debris flow hazard areas. Several snow avalanche hazard zones exist within the study area. Some of these avalanche "chutes" are relatively small and pose no threat to homes or other struchrres. Homes and buildings lying within the snow runout paths of other larger chutes have required implementation of protective measures such as diversion or splitting structures. Avalanche hazard potential within the study area has been extensively studied by the Town of Vail and others. Reports from previous studies are listed in the References section of this EA (Mears, 1976,1990,1995; Halley, 1975,1977; Hydro-Triad, Inc., l99o). t I t I I t DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSES SMENT Page 9 Vail Meadows Water Storase Tank The existing 500,000 gallon water storage tank, and the site of the proposed project, Iie within the runout zone for the Vail Meadows Avalanche. Because of the relative high hazard this chute presents to the existing storage tank and nearby homes, several studies have been conducted to characterize the dynamics and runout path ofsnow slides at this site. This information has been relied on in the design of the proposed project. c.Soils The U.S. Soil Conservation Service has identified, described and mapped soils within the Vail Valley and throughout Eagle County. Soils within the study area are relatively deep and are the product of either weathering of sandy rocks or deposition by streams or glaciers. Most of the soils are sandy, include a considerable amount of gravel and are relatively permeable. Soils generally are colluvial, debris flow deposits on the mountain slopes, and deep alluvial deposits in drainage bottoms. Soils at the site ofthe proposed project have been studied to provide information for foundation design purposes (Chen Northem, 1990). Subsoils consist of approximately one foot oftopsoil overlying medium dense silty sandy gravels with occasional sand lenses. Sandy soils contain some cobbles and boulders. Gravels extend down approximately 12 feet. Approximately sixteen feet of loose to medium dense, silty and slightly gravelly sand exists from depths of12 to 28 feet. Dense sandy gravel occirs from 28 to 31 feet below the surface. No free water was encountered in borings during the time of drilling (November 1990), although soils were fairly moist. In most areas at the site ofthe proposed projeci, soils are relatively stable as a result of the mature grass and shrub vegetative cover. Spring runoffand occasional heavy rains have resulted in some erosive damage around and the existing tank and along the site access road to the north. D. Groundwater Groundwater conditions are variable throughout the study area and are largely a function of topographic conditions and the presence of streams or other surface water bodies. In areas close to Gore Creek, the Eagle River, and other smaller streams, shallow alluvial aquifers are present. The depth to the top ofthe water table can vary both on a seasonal and annual basis. Water table elevations are usually highest in areas adjacent to streams and decrease in depth below the surface with distance from the stream banks. Water table elevations may occasionally and temporarily be close to the ground surface during periods of torrential rains or during periods of rapid snowmelt, but these conditions rapidly decline following these periods. Groundwater may also be encountered at shallow depths in relatively flat areas such as local depressions or immediately adjacent to natural springs. t I I I T I I I I T t I T I I I I T t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT E]..ryIRONMENTAL ASSES SMENT Vail Meadows Water Storase Tank Page 10 Several alluvial groundwater wells to the east of Vail Village supply most of the municipal water for the Vail Valley and these wells also have a localized effect on groundwater levels. In some podions of the study area, topographic modifications for highway or road construction have changed natural drainage conditions and may inlluence the groundwater levels and recharge areas. At the site of the proposed project, several test pits were dug during site wetland investigations. Several of these test pits were excavated to 2.5 feet and within l0 feet of a small intermittent strearn that traverses the project site. Groundwater was not encountered in any of the test pits, indicating that alluvial groundwater in the area is probably limited to a narrow area immediately next to the stream, and probably occurs only when the stream is flowing. Test borings to 31 feet below the ground surface for investigation of soil conditions at the site encountered moist soils but no free water or saturated soils. E. Hydrology The sfudy area is located within the Gore Creek watershed which is tributary to the Eagle and Colorado Rivers. Streams and creeks within the study area are fed primarily by precipitation, the majority of which is snow during the winter months. Consequently, peak streamflows usually occurs in early to mid-June. Streamflow during the late sufirner, fall, and winter originates mainly from growrdwater discharges. Gore Creek drains approximately 100 square miles and is the primary source of water supply for the Vail Ski Area and the Town of Vail. The mean annual stream flow in Gore Creek at its mouth is 129 cubic feet per second (cfs), with an average annual discharge of approximately 92,000 acre feet. Peak flows during spring runoffreach 1,500 cfs during the month of June; the lowest recorded flows have been between 10 and 12 cfs during the month of February. The water supply for the Town of Vail is diverted from Gore Creek primarily via an alluvial well field located near the confluence of Booth Creek and used for domestic pulposes, lawn irrigation, and golf course irrigation. Water for snowmaking at the Vail Ski Area is withdrawn from Gore Creek by way of an infiltration gallery located at a point near the confluence ofRed Sandstone Creek below the discharge point for the Vail Wastewater Treatrnent Plant. Snowmaking water supplies are also obtained from an infiltration gallery at the confluence of Gore Creek with the Eagle River. An ururamed intermittent stream traverses the site of the proposed project and drains the steep slopes rising to the south. The drainage area above the existing tank is approximately 205 acres with elevations ranging from 8,760 feet MSL at the existing tank to about I1,360 at the top of the drainage. The strearn channel is somewhat incised as it flows through the Vail Meadows site. The stream typically flows only during the spring and early summer months, and is often dry during the remainder of the year. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSES SMENT Page 11 Vail Meadpws Water Storage Tank During a site visit on June 5,1995, a flow of about 4 cfs was measwed. During a site visit in early November of 1995, the stream was virtually dry. An analysis of potential flood flows in the Vail Meadows drainage indicates that a 100 year flood event could generate flows of about 40 cfs at the site of the proposed tank. (See Hydrology Report, Appendix C) Field observations in the upper reaches of the Vail Meadows drainage above the proposed tank site were conducted by Robert Weaver on July 10, 1995. The gradient of the stream is quite steep, averaging about 40 percent and the skeambanks are very stable as evidenced by the dense vegetation root mat along the stream. The streambed consists of large semi-angular rocks that are well packed together and bedrock outcroppings which form a series of small waterfalls. These conditions are consistent from the headwaters, where the stream channel becomes defined at about 10,600 feet elevatiory down to where the gradient breaks just above the proposed tank site. The stream channel appears to be quite stable and there is very little evidence oferosion in the drainage area, even in areas that have been impacted by avalanches. There is a sharp break in the gradient of the stream where it reaches the Vail Meadows site approximately 300 feet south of the existing water storage tank. About 150 feet below this break in the gradient, the stream bends sharply to the east, traverses the valley floor above the existing tank, and then tums back to the north and downhill generally parallel to the site access road but roughly 200 feet to the east (Figure 2). It appears that the course of the stream was moved to its current location during construction of the existing storage tank. The original course ofthe stream appears to have continued in a generally south to north direction, through the area where the existing tank is located. During high flow conditions, it appears that flows periodically exceed the channel capacity in the area where the channel bends to the east above the existing tank, with excess water spilling down the original stream course and following an artificial drainage to the west of the existing tank. This has resulted in some erosive damage to the access road below the existing storage tank with some deposition of soil and gravel on Snowshoe Lane. Ultimately this material reaches Gore Creek via storm the storm drainage system. A large avalanche at the Vail Meadows site could have an impact on the pattern of seasonal snowmelt and streamflow in the drainage through the tank site. The most important change following an avalanche would be that snow distributed througlrout the upper reaches ofthe drainage would slide to the lower reaches and become concentrated in the avalanche runout area at the site ofthe proposed tank. The potential impacts ofan avalanche on streamflows would depend primarily on the counteracting effects pf faster ablation resulting from the movement of the snow to a lower elevation where melt rates are higher and a reduction in meltwater production due to concentration in the runout area (i.e. reduction in the ration of snow surface area to volume). (de Scally, I 996) I DRAFTENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT page 12 Vail Meadows Water Storaqe Tank ! ,r Application of de Scally's formulas for computing potential changes in steamflow I associated with avalanches to the basin above the storage tank indicates in the Vail - Meadows drainage, the impacts associated with the concentration of snow in the I avalanche runout area would more that offset the impacts of the higher melt rate. This I result is consistent with research in other areas. At the Vail Meadows site, a major avalanche could result in a reduction in average daily snowmelt flows of up to about 1.6 - cfs. (de Scally, 1992) t F. Water QualityII The Colorado Water Quality Control Commission has classified Gore Creek and its tributaries for the following uses: Class 1 cold water aquatic life, domestic water supply, I Class 2 recreation and agriculture. The Eagle River from Beldon downstream to theI confluence with Gore Creek is designated as Use Protected with classified uses including Class I cold water aquatic life, domestic water supply, Class 2 recreation and agricultue. I These classified uses extend down the Eagle River from the confluence with Gore Creekt to the confluence with the Lake Creek, with recreation upgraded to Class I for the I Table I provides a surnmary of key water quality pararneters monitored in Black Gore r Creek and Gore Creek near Vail. Data are from the State of Colorado STORET water I quality data storage system. Gore Creek is predominately a calcium-bicarbonate type- sfteam with hardness in the soft to moderately hard categories (average hardness is about I 59.2mgllCaCO,). ValuesforpHrangefrom6.9to8.6withamedianvalueofT.80and t the water is fairly alkaline. Dissolved oxygen (DO) content ranges from 9.3 to 9.9 mgn with a mean of 9.3 mgll indicating that DO levels are generally at or above the 100 I percent saturation level. Dissolved nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) are generally low I with nitrate-nitrogen averaging about 9.6 mg/l (range 0.01 to 29.0 mg/l) and ortho-phosphate averaging 0.02m{l (range 0.0 to .15 mg/l). I Degradation results from increased concentrations ofnutrients, total dissolved solids, select metals (cadmium and lbad) and suspended solids. I Water quality throughout the Gore Creek drainage is generally very good, although there is some degradation from nonpoint sources of pollution including runoff from Interstate I 70 and urbanized areas. No sampling data is available for the intermittent creek at the I Vail Meadows site. I Table { Selected Water Quality Parameters Black Gore Creek, r Gore Creekl and the Eagle River2 I I I I I I I I t DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Page 13 Vail Meadows Water Storaee Tank Black Gore Creek nearParameter Vail Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) Average (Min-Max) pH Average (Min-Max) Total Alkalinity (mg/l) Average (Min-Max) Nitrite + Nitrate N Diss. (mg/l) Average (Min-Max) Orthophosphate POa (mg/l) Average (Min-Max) Total Hardness (mg/l) , Average (Min-Max) lron Dissolved (pg/l) Average (Min-Max) 9.54 9.1-10) 7.93 (7-8.6) 88.23 (53-100) o.72 (.01-12) 0.72 (0-1.8) 83.01 (16-150) 51.57 (30-100) Gore Greek at Vail 9.30 (7.s9.9) 7.80 (6.e-8.6) 63.60 (26-80) 0.96 (.01-2e) 0.02 (0-.15) 59.20 (21-110) 65.80 (20-1e0) 6.00 Eagle River below Dowds Junction 9.62 (8.0-10.8) 7.87 F.a-e.7) 71.57 (34-e8) 145.25 (46-205) 94.28 (20-170) I I I I I I I I t I I I Manganese Dissolved (pg/l) Average 40.00 1. EPA STORETT water quality data collec'ted 1973 to '1983. 2. Advanced Sciences. Inc. 1990. G. Vegetation The study area is located primarily within the Lodgepole pine and Engleman spruce- subalpine fir communities which occur between 7,000 to I1,000 feet in elevation. Lodgepole pine, typically found at 7,000 to 9,000 feet, often forms dense stands with little understory. At higher elevations, Lodgepole pine gives way to spruce-fir forest. Douglas-fir, aspen, lodgepole pine, and blue spruce are also found in this forest type. These species often form dense stands with little herbaceous understory because of shading and litter accumulation (Brown, 1985). Historically, the valley floors within the study area were characterized by grassy meadows, wet willow meadows, and sagebrush benches. Many of these vegetation communities still exist but in areas impacted by human development they are much smaller and less frequent. Understory species in the study area vary depending on topographic, soil, and microclimate conditions. The more common species of graminoids and forbs found in the understory of quaking aspen are blue wild-rye, fringed brome, elk sedge, bedstraw, Richardson's geranium, and fireweed (Hoffinan and Alexander, 1983). I t I I I I I I I I I I t t t I t I I DRAFT EI.ryIRONMENTAL AS SES SMENT Page 14 Vail Meadows Water Storaee Tank South facing slopes within the study area typically support sagebrush, scrub oak, and other woody shrubs, with grassy understory and meadows and scattered aspen groves. Most of the other valley slopes, in contrast, support aspen-conifer woodlands. Mountain/plateau grasslands and meadows are often found interspersed with the other dominant vegetation and typically include a variety of species. Grasses, forbs, and scattered shrubs dominate the herbaceous cover. The more common grass species include bromes, bluegrasses, oatgrasses, sedges, wheatgrasses, fescues, needlegrasses, hairgrasses, reedgrasses, bentgrasses, and junegrass. The forb component varies with location and is diverse throughout the region. Shrubs include big sagebrush, fringed sagebrush, rabbitbrush, snakeweed, shrubby cinquefoils, wild roses, and prickly pear (Mueggler and Stewart, 1980). The project site is vegetated by primarily with scattered aspen trees, gftNses, wildflowers and noxious weeds. In addition, the small intermittent stream supports scattered willow clumps, sedges and rushes in some areas adjacent to its banks. H. Wettands, Riparian Areas and Floodplains Several recent studies in conjunction with this and other projects have identified and delineated wetlands within the study area. Small isolated wetlands occur throughout the study area as do many riarrow strips of riparian wetlands along Gore Creek, its tributaries and the Eagle River. Riparian scrub wetlands exist on hillslopes and alluvial terraces above and adjacent to Gore Creek and the Eagle River. The predominant overstory vegetation consists ofvarious species ofwoody shrubs including mountain plainleaf, wolf willow, bog and water birch, red osier dogwood, and thinleaf alder. Ground cover consists of species common to wet meadow areas such as sedges, rushes and wet grasses. Riparian scrub wetland areas are valued for functions including flood storage and desynchronization, shoreline anchoring and dissipation of erosive forces, sediment trapping, nutrient retention and removal, wildlife and aquatic habitat, and heritage values. They are moderately valued for ground water discharge, and food chain support. They may also'have some minimal groundwater recharge value. Wetland vegetation at the site of the proposed project is limited to small isolated willow clumps immediately adjacent to the unnamed intermittent creek traversing the site. There are also a few areas of rush and sedge growth intermixed with the willow clumps. Wetland vegetation is not continuous along the course of the drainage and averages only about 2 feet in width either side of the drainage. Wetland vegetation at the Vail Meadows site, although sparse, provides some wildlife habitat and certainly functions to help stabilize the banks of the intermittent strearn. The total area which is covered predominately by wetland vegetation at the site is estimated to be about 0.05 acre. I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I T I I I DRAFT EI.WIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Vail Meadows Water Storase Tank Page 15 As previously described in the discussion of groundwater, the water table was not encountered during excavation of several test pits for examination soils. Soils in these ureas Eue primarily sandy loams and do not show evidence of regular and substantial variation in groundwater elevations, nor do they show much organic content. As such, the areas containing wetland plant species technically do not meet the hydrologic and soil criteria used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for delineation ofjurisdiction wetlands under Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Public Law 92-500). However, these areas do appear to provide functions which are similar to those provided by jurisdictional wetlands including wildlife habitat, shoreline anchoring, sediment trapping and flood retention. For this reason, it is likely that the Corps would require mitigation of any wetland impacts. l. Wildlife Wildlife resources within the study area are predominantly upland in character. Specific habitats include subalpine meadow, riparian wetlands, and spruce, pine, fir and aspen forest. These habitats provide for a diverse assemblage of both game and non-game wildlife. V/ildlife resources have been extensively sfudies in the Vail area, with many of the studies focusing on the Vail Ski Area. The Ski Area provides superior habitat for a wide variety of wildlife species due to the diversity of ecosystems. Some of the most commonly appearing species of birds and small mammals are red-tailed hawks, great horned owls, blue grouse, white tailed ptarmigan, moming doves, chickadee, nuthatch, warblers, dipper, bats, marmots, badger, skunk, weasel, red fox, porcupine, pika, mink, muskrat, ground squirrels, mice, voles, and rabbits. The dominant large mammals that inhabit the area are mule deer and elk, which are aftracted to the area during the summer by the abundant forage, well interspersed habitat, and good cover available at higher elevations. The Vail Ski Area and the proposed storage tank site are located in the northeast comer of Game Management Unit (GMU) 45 . Winter range is the most limiting factor for the 600 elk which. inhabit GMU 45. Winter range in the Vail area occurs to the west, south and north of the Vail Ski Area (Forest Service, 1986). In recent years, elk have been observed during the early winter months in the aspen behind Cascade Village to the east of the proposed project site. The upper half of the area behind Cascade Village is heavily used as a movement corridor. Elk generally tend to migrate into and across the ski area from west to east in the spring following the receding snowline. In the fall and early winter, the elk move across and out of the ski area to the west and south. During the spring migration, calving occurs at elevations between 8,400 and 9,600 feet, depending on the snowline elevation. Potential calving habitat within the Vail Ski Area includes portions of Sun Up and Sun Down Bowls, the Cascade Village area, Golden Peak, Teacup Bowl and the east side of China Bowl. Most of the elk moving through the ski area use summer ranges to the east t I I T I I I t I I I I I I I I t I t DRAFT EI.TVIRONMENTAL AS SES SMENT Page 16 Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank of Two Elk Pass. The most important surlmer range arezts within cunent and proposed permit areas are the Category 2 bowls, the upper portions of the Category 3 bowls, and the ridge to the north of Mill Creek Road (Thompson 1985). Deer winter range areas are located primarily between Edwards and Gypsum to the east of the Vail Ski Are4 with some deer wintering as far east as Dowds Junction and as far west as Dotsero. The area on the eastern edge of the ski area, to the south of Gore Cresk and east of the Eagle River, is used as a staging area for northwesterly migration and is considered critical habitat by the CDOW. During the summer months, deer are common throughout the ski area. The best habitats are aspen/lodgepole stands on the north side of the ski area, particularly the lower aspen habitats which support luxuriant shrubArerbaceous understories. Deer habitat throughout the current permit area is considered good to excellent. Deer using the Vail Ski Area have demonstrated a remarkable tolerance for the relatively high levels of human activity within the area (Thompson, 1985). Residential, commercial and ski area development in the Gore Valley and to the west over the past 20 years has raised concerns regarding impacts to some migratory big game species. The Colorado Division of Wildlife has given particular attention to development activities which encroach upon winter and-summer ranges, and calving areas, or potentially interfere with migratory movements. Numerous game tracking studies have been conducted in the southern portion of the Vail Ski Area, as tJris area is heavily used by both deer and elk during as a migratory corridor and as calving areas and summer range. The proposed project site at Vail Meadows is not an important summer or winter range area, nor is it within an identified migratory corridor. Habitat conditions to the south of the proposed storage tank site are suitable for big game summer range as evidenced by signs ofbrowsing and fairly frequent sightings ofdeer, elk, and black bear by local residents. J. Threatened and Endangered Species The White River Nation Forest has completed a Biological Evaluation and a Biological Assessment for the proposed project whieh are included in this EA as Appendix D. The purpose of the Biological Evaluation is ensure that the proposed action will not jeopardize species listed as sensitive by the Regional Forester or Forest species or special emphasis. The purpose of the Biological Assessment is to document the analysis used and conclusions reached regarding potential affects on any Federally listed threatened or endangered fish, wildlife, and plant species due to the proposed action. The White River National Forest lists 34 species as sensitive or of special emphasis. Evaluation ofhabitat requirements and field reconnaissance concluded that the proposed project would not conflict with any of the listed species. (Johnston, 1995) t I I I I l T t t I I t T I I I t t I DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL AS SES SMENT Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank Page 17 A list of ThLreatened, Endangered, and Candidate species occurring on the White River National Forest was received from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service on March 23,1994 and February 14,1995. (See Appendix D.) The following Federally listed or Candidate wildlife species are potentially found in the vicinity of the proposed project: Bald Eagle (endangered); Peregrine Falcon (endangered); Canada Lynx (candidate); Whooping Crane (endangered); Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (threatened); Black Footed Ferret (endangered); Greenback Cutthroat Trout (tlreatened); Bonytail Chub (endangered); Humpback Chub (endangered); Colorado River Squawfish (endangered); and Razorback Sucker (endangered). K. Air Quality The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Quality Control Division has adopted the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for o'criteria pollutants" which have been established by EPA to protect public health (Title 40 CFR Part 50). Eagle County and the Town of Vail are located within Colorado Air Quality Control Region 12, which is in attainment for all criteria pollutants except PM,o (paniculate matter under l0 microns). The applicable national and state standards for PM,o , carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides are shown below: Pollutant Carbon Monoxide Particulate (PM,o) Nitrogen Dioxide Average time I hourb 8 hour b Concentration " 35 ppm (40 mg/m3) 9 ppm (10 mC/m') Annual arithmetic mean 50 pg/m' 24 hour b 150 pglm3 Annual arithmetic mean 100 pglm3 No short-term standard Notes: a) ppm = parts of pollutant per million parts of air; mg/m'= milligrams of pollutant per cubic meter of air at standard conditions (atmospheric pressure of 29.92 inches Hg and temperature of 25o C); pglmr = micrograms pollutant per cubic meter of air at standard conditions. b) Concentration not to be exceeded more than one time per year in averaging time period. The pollutants of interest for this project are carbon monoxide emitted from construction equipment and vehicles traveling to and from the site, particulate matter from construction activities and diesel emissions. I t I I I DRAFT E}WIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Page 18 Yail Meadows Water Storage Tank Generally, ambient air quality in rural areas of Eagle County is well below the PM,o standard, but compliance problems exist in some populated areas valleys due to the combined affects of auto emissions, wood burning fireplaces, road sanding, and other sources. Because Vail is prone to frequent temperature inversions during the winter, emissions from these sources has caused seasonal decreases in local air quality. The Colorado Air Quality Control Division has periodically monitored air qualify in Vail. Based on this monitoring, Vail has not exceeded National Ambient Air Quality Standards over the past few years. (Town of Vail, 1996) The Town of Vail conducted its own study of air quality in the Vail Valley in 1992. That study determined that although PM,o standards were not being exceeded, wood-burning fireplaces account for 74Yo of the variation in maximum levels and 79Yo of the variation in winter averages PM,o. The total number of skier days combined with the number of fireplaces accounted for 90%o of the variation in PM,o. This indicated that the number of wood-burning fireplaces and the number of winter visitors have a significant impact on air quality during periods oftemperature inversions. The study concluded that gas conversions in lodges could significantly improve air quality (Town of Vail, 1992). Carbon Monoxide (CO) levels in Vail were monitored during the 1987-1988 winter and no exceedances of federal standards were found (Town ofVail,1992). Several yeils ago Vail adopted ordinances prohibiting wood-buming fireplaces in new construction, allowing only the installation of certified fuel burning devices, gas appliances, and gas log fireplaces (City ordinance 8.28.030 and 8.28.040, YaiI,4-7-92). L. Visual Resources The Vail Valley is generally an area of high scenic quality. The study area consists of mountainous terrain ranging from approximately 7,500 feet in elevation at Dowds Junction to 10,549 feet at the top ofVail Pass. Surrounding peaks rise to elevation over 13,000 feet. Skiing, hiking, biking and other outdoor recreational activities are enhanced by the relatively pristine nature ofvisual amenities in the area. The visual appearance changes dramatically with the seasons. The dominance of aspen trees provide a lush, green vegetative cover during the spring and sunmer months and spectacular changing colors in the fall. The U.S. Forest Service has assessed the visual resources.of the portions of the study area lying within the National Forests using its Visual Management System. This system determines the visual quality objectives (VQO's) to be used by the U.S. Forest Service for managing its visual resources. U.S. Forest Service lands located within the study area are managed for the VQO's of partial retention (PR). Under aPR classification, activities that alter the landscape must be visually subordinate to that landscape (USDA, 1984c). The Vail Meadows site is visible from much of the residential area lying to the north and from the Interstate 70 conidor. However, the existing water storage tank, which is T T I I I I t I I I I I t I T I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I t t DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL AS SESSMENT Vail Meadows Water Storase Tank Page 19 entirely above ground level and visible from parts of East Vail to the northwest of the site, blocks the view of the area where the new tank would be built. M. Cultural Resources Historic land-use patterns have radically altered many portions of the study area. From the 1880s through the 1960s widespread cultivation altered much of the land surface. Since the early 1960s development within the Town of Vail, the Vail Ski Area and the I- 70 corridor have altered major portions of the valley floors. In some areas, modifications to the valley floor along Gore Creek have been extensive. Most surface or shallowly buried prehistoric sites along the Interstate 70 corridor have been excavated or destroyed. However, there is some potential that more deeply buried sites may remain along portions of the old U.S. Highway 6 or in broader portions of the valley where earth-moving involved with construction of the interstate highway was less extensive Metcalf, 1992). Several cultural resource investigation have been completed in the study area and the results of these surveys are summarized below. In 1993, Metcalf Archeological Consultants conducted a cultural resources inventory in conjunction with environmental studies related to construction of cellular communications facilities near the Vail Meadows site. This survey did not reveal any significance cultural resources in the surveyed area. The U.S. Forest Service recently conducted a cultural resources inventory of the proposed Vail Meadows site during investigations concerning a land exchange with the Town of Vail. This survey did not reveal any indication of cultural significance and the site has been "cleared" (Kathy Hardy, USFS, pers. comm. 2/28/96). I DRAFTENVIRONMENTALA''ES'MENT I I I I I I I I t I I T I I t t t t Page2O Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank V. ENVIRONMENTALCONSEQUENCES A. Physiography and Geology 1. Alternative A: No Action Under the No Action altemative, a new water storage tank would not be constructed. The District would continue to rely on the existing 500,000 gallon storage tank at the Vail Meadows site. Implication of this alternative on storage needs for emergency situations and fire protection are discussed in Purpose and Need section ofthis EA and in planning studies conducted for the District (RBD, l99l; Merrick, 1994). Exposure of the existing tank to high severity avalanche hazard would continue to pose a risk because water levels in the tank would be drawn down more frequently. 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site The primary change in existing physiographic and geologic features associated with construction of a 1 mg water storage tank at the proposed site at Vail Meadows would be the excavation necessary for tank placement. Tank placement would require excavation of approximately 2,500 cubic yards of soil. Spoil material excavated would be used to partially bury the tank on the downslope side. The excavation area would be slightly larger than the diameter of the tank to accommodate a small access road around its perimeter. This would require additional cut on the upslope side of the tank. The tank would be fully buried on the downslope side, and fill material would extending roughly l0 feet above the pre-existing grade. This alternative would also require relocation of a small intermittent stream channel. The channel would be reconstructed at a slightly higher elevation than the existing channel. Additional information regarding modifications necessary to the channel location is provided in the discussion ofhydrologic consequences below. 3. Alternative G: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position Changes to physiographic and geologic features associated with construction ofa tank at a lower position at the Vail Meadows site would be very similar to the Proposed Action although due to existing slope conditions, would not require as much excavation. However, the downslope (north) side of the tank would be entirely above grade and a retaining wall approximately 60 feet long and 8 to l0 feet high would be required to cr€ate an adequate foundation for the new tank. In addition, this alternative would not require permanent relocation of the small stream channel, although the channel would need to be relocated during construction activities. I DRAFTEI.ryIRONMENTALASSESSMENT Page2l Vail Meadows Water Storaee Tank r 4. Gumulative Effects r There would be no significant cumulative impact to area physiographic and geological t) resources associated with either of the three alternatives. t B. Natural Hazards t 1. Alternative A: No Action I The No Action Alternative results in a much greater risk associated with exposure of theI existing 500,000 gallon water tank at Vail Meadows to snow avalanche hazard. A study ofthe potential impacts ofan avalanche on the existing storage tank indicated that a 100- I year avalanche event could result in the tank being damaged or ruptured ifthe avalanche - occurred at a time when the tank was less than 80 percent fi.rll of water. (Hydro-Triad, Ltd..1977]. I 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site t The proposed new water storage tank at the Vail Meadows site has been designed to withstand maximum anticipated loading conditions associated with a 10O-year avalanche I event. Tank materials, reinforcement, and below grade positioning would provide t sufficient protection to prevent structural damage or movement of the tank. The additional I mg of water storage capacity would enable the District to maintain higher I levels of water in storage in the existing tank throughout most of the winter. Changes to I topography associated with the new tank would not have any measurable impact on the avalanche runout area bslow the tank. (Mears, 1995) ! 3. Alternative C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position I The uphill side of the new tank would be below grade and design features would beI included to enable the new tank to withstand snow loads associated with a 100-year I avalanche. This tank site, because of its close proximity to the existing tank may I effectively reduce the potential side impact of an avalanche on the existing tank. However, this location may also increase the risk of damage from snow loading on the I top ofthe existing tank because a large avalanche could pass over the top ofthe new tank I to the top ofthe existing tank. This could offset the potential benefits ofbeing able to maintain higher water levels in the tank when it is used in combination with the new I storage tank resulting in a higher risk ofexisting tank failure I I t I I DRAFTEITIRONMENTALASSESSMENT Page22 Vail Meadows Water Storase Tank r 4. Gumulative Effects I There would be no change cumulative impact in area natural hazards associated with either of the tlree alternatives. The Proposed Action would result in reduced avalanche I hazard to the District's water storage facilities.I C. Soils I 1. Alternative A: No Action I Under the No Action alternative, construction of a new storage tank would not occur and ' there would therefore be no associated soil disturbance. However, as discussed below I under hydrologic consequences, soil erosion resulting from overtopping ofthe small I stream during peak flow periods would continue and would ultimately require some form of stream channel stabilization and storm drainage improvements at the site. l| 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site I Changes to soil features associated with the proposed action would primarily be due to - construction ofthe tank and the required excavation. The area ofpermanent soil I disturbance associated with construction of the access road and emplacement of the I storage tank would be approximately I1,000 sq.ft. (0.25 ac.). The area of temporary disturbance during construction activities would be approximately 34,000 sq.ft. (0.78 I ac.). I During project construction and the period of time required for reestablishment of I vegetation, soil losses from erosion will be minimized through the use of sediment t control fencing, hay bales, sediment retentionponds and other construction practices designed to prevent soil erosion. I The proposed action would also require relocation of a small stream channel. This action. would include improvements to the stormwater drainage at the site resulting in a I reduction in soil losses from erosion. I 3. Alternative C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position r Changes to soil characteristics associated with construction ofa tank at a lower position at the Vail Meadows site would be virtually identical to the Proposed Action.I I 4. Gumulative Effects t There would be no significant cumulative impact to area soils associated with either of the three alternatives. t I t I I I t I I I I I I DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Page23 Vail Meadows Water Storase Tank D.Groundwater 1. Alternative A: No Action The No Action alternative would result in no consequences to regional or local groundwater conditions. 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site As evidenced by soil and wetland studies at the Vail Meadows site that involved excavation of test pits, groundwater appears to be present only in areas immediately adjacent to the small steam channel that traverses the site. Furthermore, groundwater appears to be present only during periods when water is flowing on the surface of the stream charurel, which is generally limited to the snow melt period. For these reasons, the affects on local groundwater conditions at the site will be minimal and will be limited to the immediate vicinity of the construction activities. 3. Alternative G: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position Changes to groundwater conditions associated with conStruction of a tank at a lower position at the Vail Meadows site would be virtually identical to the Proposed Action. 4. Cumulative Effects There would be no significant cumulative impact to local or regional groundwater resources associated with either ofthe three alternatives. Hydrology 1. Alternative A: No Action Under the No Action altemative, there would be no affect on existing hydrologic conditions. However, as discussed below, erosive damage in the area of the existing storage tank resulting from periodic overtopping of the small stream traversing the Vail Meadows site may require bank stabilization or other protective measures in the future. 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site As shown on the Site Plan (Appendix A) the Proposed Action would require relocation of the small intermittent stream channel that descends from the steep slopes to the south and haverses the Vail Meadows site. This stream channel relocation would impact approximately 360 feet ofthe existing stream channel through the site. The existing channel would be replaced by approximately 420 feet of existing channel that will be t t I I I t T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSES SMENT Vail Meadows Water Storase Tank Page 24 designed to contain flows ofup to 30 cfs. This new stream channel would cross the valley floor about 100 feet to the north ofthe new tank and continue down the valley on the east side of the access road. At the north end of the site, just below the point where there is a gradient break in existing stream charurel, a debris catchment and diversion structure will be installed. This catchment would serve to reduce the risk of stream channel obstruction that could be caused by debris &om an avalanche, and the diversion structure would be designed to divert flows in excess of25 cfs into an overflow channel. The overflow channel will be designed to convey about 15 cfs and will follow the course ofthe existing drainage for about 70 feet below the diversion. At this location, the overflow drainage will join new drainage course that will pass to the west of the new and existing storage tanks. A catch basin on the west side of the existing tank will divert drainage into a 30 inch culvert that will follow the site access road down drainage ditch on the north side of Snowshoe Lane. The drainage ditch along Snowshoe Lane in the Town of Vail will be improved to accommodate the overflow drainage. The drainage improvements described above will serve the reduce the erosive damage that has been caused by bank overtopping ofthe existing stream channel in the area immediately west of the existing tank and along the site access road. In addition, the proposed changes will improve the flood flow conveyance capabilities of the drainage system and reduce the risk ofon-site and downstream damages that could be cause by a flood event. There Proposed Action will enhance the Districts water supply system by increasing treated (potable) water storage capacity but will not result in any additional consumptive use of water. 3. Alternative C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position Changes to hydrologic features associated with construction of a tank at a lower position at the Vail Meadows site would be virtually identical to the Proposed Action with temporary relocation of the stream during conskuction, Following construction, the stream channel would be restored to its existing course and improvements would be made to accommodate flood flows and reduce erosion problems. The impacts of these actions would be virtually identical to he the Proposed Action. 4. Cumulative Effects There would be no significant cumulative impact to local or regional hydrology associated with either of the three altematives. Upon project completion, the relocated ' stream channel would serve to reduce site erosion and slightly reduce sediment loading to Gore Creek. In addition, the risks associated with potential flooding would be reduced. I I t l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSES SMENT Page25 Vail Meadows Water Storase Tank F. Water Quality 1. Alternative A: No Action The No Action altemative would not result in any permanent impact to either surface or ground water qualify at the project site or within the study area. Periodic erosion caused by bank overtopping of the unnamed stream at the Vail Meadows site would continue and would contribute to sediment loadine to Gore Creek. 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site During the construction period, impacts to water quality will consist of imcreased sediment loading from disturbed area to the unnamed drainage below the site and to Gore Creek. This impact would occur primarily in the early stages of construction and during storm events. Because construction will begin in the spring during relatively high stream flows, sediment will most likely be transported downstream with very limited deposition in the stream channel. Sedimentation would be minimized tluough the use of construction practices designed to minimize and filter runoff from disturbed areas including the use of sediment control fencing, hay bales, and sediment retention ponds. Revegetation following construction would result in restoration of the site to pre-project conditions within a period of about three years. The Proposed Action would have a slight long term beneficial impact to the water quality of Gore Creek resulting from drainage improvements at the site and associated reductions in soil erosion. The relocated steam channel would be designed to prevent overtopping and associated erosion under expected peak runoff conditions. 3. Alternative G: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position Changes to water quality associated with construction of a tank at the lo*er position at the Vail Meadows site would be virtually identical to the Proposed Action. 4. Cumulative Effects There would be no significant cumulative impact to local or regional water quality associated with either of the three alternatives, although the Proposed Action may slightly reduce sediment loading to Gore Creek. I DRAFTEI\*IR.NMENTALASSE'SMENT Page26 Vail Meadows Water Storase Tank I G. Vegetation r 1. Alternative A: No Action t Under the No Action alternative, there would be no impacts to vegetation at the project site or in the sfudv area. t 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site I The Proposed Action would require permanent disturbance of vegetation and soils ofI approximately I1,000 sq.ft. (0.0.25 ac.). This disturbance would result from emplacement of the storage tank itself and grading for the access road to and around the I perimeter of the tank. In addition, 34,000 sq.ft. (0.7S ac.) of temporary disturbanceI would result from construction activities inthe area. The disturbed areas would include areas containing riparian wetland vegetation as well as areas that are dominated by a I variety of grasses and noxious weeds. Impacts to areas with wetland vegetation would be - mitigated as discussed below Other disturbed areas would be revegetated using a native r grass and wildflower seed mix along. t 3. Alternative C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position t Changes to vegetative characteristics associated with construction ofa tank at a lower position at the Vail Meadows site would be virtually identical to the Proposed Action. r 4. Gumulative Effects I There would be no significant cumulative impact to vegetation resources associated withr either of the three altematives. t H. Wetlands, Riparian Areas and Floodplains 1. Aliernative A: No ActionI The No Action altemative would result in no impact to wetlands, riparian areas or I tloodplains.I 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site - The Proposed Action would require a permanent disturbance of wetland vegetation I adjacent to the unnamed stream traversing the Vail Meadows site. Wetland vegetation I consists of mature willow clumps interspersed with small areas of sedges, rushes and wet grasses immediately adjacent to the stream. While these areas do not technically meet the I I t I I I T I I t T t I I t I I T I I I DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank Page27 defining wetland criteria to come under the regulatory jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, they do provide functional values associated with wetlands. Impacts to areas sustaining wetland vegetation would be approximately 0.05 ac. These impacts would be fully mitigated through the establishment of a similar amount of wetland vegetation along the new stream channel. Willows, sedges, and rushes would be planted adjacent to the new stream channel during other revegetation efforts and shown on the Site Plan (Appendix A). This effort would serve both to stabilize the newly constructed stream banks and replace any lost wildlife habitat. It is also expected that some wetland vegetation would naturally become established along the relocated channel. Additional mitigation efforts are presented below under Specific Mitigation Measures. 3. Alternative G: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position Changes to wetland and riparian areas associated with construction of a storage tank at a lower position at the Vail Meadows site would be similar to the Proposed Action with the exception that this altemative would not require permanent relocation of the small stream channel. The area of impact to areas of wetland vegetation would be about 0.05 ac and mitigation requirements would be very similar to those described above for the Proposed Action. 4. Cumulative Effects There would be no significant cumulative adverse impact to wetland or riparian areas associated with either of the three altematives. Following stream relocation and revegetation efforts, streambanks would be more stable and could be more heavily vegetated with wetland plant species. The wetland functions and values currently found at the site could therefore be enhanced. t.Wildlife 1. Alternative A: No Action The No Action altemative would result in no impact to the wildlife habitats of bird and terrestrial species known to inhabit either the project site or the study area. 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site The Vail Meadows site provides suitable habitat for birds and small mammals including blue grouse, white-tailed ptarmigan, chickadee, nuthatch, warblers, marmots, badger, skunk, weasel, red fox, coyotes, pika, ground squirrels, mice, voles and rabbits. Approximately I1,000 sq.ft. (0.25 ac.) of this habitat would be permanently displaced by the Proposed Action. In addition, approximately 34,000 sq.ft. (0.78 ac.) of this habitat I DRAFTENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT Page28 Vail M6adows Water Storaee Tank . I would be temporarily disturbed during construction activities. During the construction I period, wildlife in the immediate vicinity would be displaced, at least temporarily, due tor habitat disturbance and human activity. Following project completion and restoration of ,- disturbed areas, it is likely that wildlife would return to the area. I 3. Alternative C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position I Changes to wildlife habitat associated with construction of a tank at a lower position at the Vail Meadows site would be virtually identical to the Proposed Action. I 4. Cumutative Effects t There would be no significant cumulative impact to area wildlife associated with either ofI the three altematives. Area wildlife may be temporarily displaced during construction activities, but would be expected to reestablish in the area after project completion. r t. Threatened and Endangered Species r 1. Alternative A: No Action I The No Action altemative would result in no impacts to Federally listed threatened or I endangered species or those species listed by the U.S. Forest Service as sensitive or of Special Emphasis.It 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site I In April of 1995, the U.S. Forest Service conducted a Biological Assessment (BA) to identifr and document potential affects on any Federally listed Threatened or Endangered I species resulting from the Proposed Action at the Vail Meadows site (Appendix D). The I BA determined that construction of a storage tank at this site would not adversely affect any Federally listed species. I The Forest Service also conducted a Biological Evaluation @E) in April, 1995 to identify and document potential affects resulting from the proposed action on species listed as I either Sensitive to Region 2, or listed as Forest Service Species of Special Emphasis I (Appendix D). The BE determined that the proposed action would not adversely affect any such species.II In 1988, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in cooperation with water development interests, conservation $oups and the states of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, I implemented a program designed to conserye and recover these endangered fish while I permitting new water development to proceed. This environmental assessment addresses the impacts of construction of a treated water storage tank that would make use of water I I t I I I I I I I T T I I I I I I t I DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSES SMENT Page29 Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank currently available to the District and currently being used within the District's service area. The proposed project would not result in any additional consumptive uses of water that would be subject to depletion charges under the Recovery Program for the Colorado River Endarigered fi shes. 3. Alternative C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position Potential affects, on habitats ofFederally listed Threatened or Endangered species or on species listed as Sensitive or of Special Emphasis by the U.S. Forest Service, associated with construction of a tank at a lower position at the Vail Meadows site would be virtually identical to the Proposed Action. The BA and BE developed by the U.S. Forest Service have determined that no impacts would occur through project development at the Vail Meadows site. 4. Cumulative Effects There would be no cumulative impact to'Threatened, Endangered or other sensitive species that potentially inhabit the area associated with either of the three altematives. K. Air Quality 1. Alternative A: No Action The No Action alternative would result in no impact to air quality at the project site or in the study area. 2. Atternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site During construction, there could be a slight increase in fugitive dust and diesel exhaust emissions. These impacts would occur during the summer months when temperature inversions are infrequent and would be minimized and controlled in accordance with standard construction practices. Operation of the project would have no air quality impacts. 3. Alternative C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position Changes to air quality associated with construction of a tank at a lower position at the Vail Meadows site would be virtually identical to the Proposed Action. I I I DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Page 30 Vail Meadows Water Storaee Tank I 4. Cumulative Effects . There would be no significant cumulative impact to air quality associated with either of the three altematives. Construction activities would result in a minor and temporary I increase in PM,o resulting from diesel emissions from heavy equipment.I l L. Visual Resources I 1. Alternative A: No Action I The No Action altemative would result in no impact to visual resources at the project site or in the study area. t 2. Atternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site I The project area is visible from some residential areas in East Vail and portions of the Interstate 70 corridor, but not visible from the western portions of the Town of Vail or I from the Vail Ski Area. The new storage tank would be partially buried, with the uphill I side of the tank at or near the pre-existing grade. The tank would be screened from view through because it would be buried and the area would be revegetated and landscaped so I as to blend the surrounding area. After revegetation of disturbed area, therb would be no t visual impact. I The buried tank at this location would have virnrally no visual impact on the nearby t neighborhoods or on the Interstate 70 corridor. 3. Alternative C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank PositionI Changes to visual resources associated with construction of a tank at a lower position at I tfre V-ait Meadows site would be more pronounced than those resulting from the Proposedr Action. This would be due to the natural grade at the Vail Meadows site which make it ,- impossible to fully bury the tank. The north side of the tank would be fully exposed I above ground. Visual impacts would be similar to those already experienced with ther existing storage tank. r 4. Cumulative Effects I There would be no significant cumulative impact to visual resources associated with I either of the three altematives. If the existing tank is removed in the future, thb Proposed Action would result in a positive impact because of the reduced visibility of the new tank. t I I I DRAFTE}IVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT . Vail Meadows Water Storaee Tank Page 31 t M. CulturalResources I 1. Alternative A: No Action I The No Action altemative would result in no impact to cultural resources at the project site or in the studv area. t 2. Alternative B: Proposed Action - Vail Meadows Site I As part of environmental investigations conducted in 1993 for development of a cellular I communications facility site, Metcalf Archeological Consultants prepared a Class IV culhual resources inventory for an area that included the Vail Meadows storage tank site. I In addition, a cultural resource inventory was conducted in conjunction with the land! exchange proposed by the Town of Vail. No cultural resources were fourd in the project area during either of these surveys. As such, no impacts to cultural resources would I occw as a result of the Proposed Action.I 3. Alternative C: Vail Meadows Site - Lower Tank Position I As with the Proposed Action, there would be no impact to cultural resources associated I with construction of a tank at a lower position at the Vail Meadows site. I 4. Cumulative Effects I There would be no cumulative impact to cultural resources associated with either of the three alternatives. r N. Summary of Environmental lmpacts that Cannot be Avoided t Permanent environmental impacts associated with the Proposed Action that cannot be avoided would include: I a. reduced storage tank visibility, i.e. enhancement ofvisual resources; b. disturbance of 0.25 acre of grass and shrub vegetation; ! c. disturbance of approximately 0.05 acres of wetland vegetation; I d. relocation ofthe drainage channel, improved stream bank stability, and reducedr sediment loading to Gore Creek; I e. creation of approximately 0.05 acres of wetland vegetation; and f. reduced avalanche hazard to the District's water storage facilities. ! I I DRAFTENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT Page32 Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank I - Temporary environmental impacts that would occur during the construction phase of the I Proposed Action and possibly for a short period thereafter would include: a. minor increase in diesel emissions, fugitive dust from heavy equipment;Ir b. increase trafFrc and noise levels due to constructionvehicles; and I b. disturbance to approximately 0.78 acre of grass and shrub vegetation. r O. Specific Mitigation Measures t Specific precautions and mitigation measures associated with the Proposed Action will - include: I 1. final project design specifications that contain: I a. a detailed design for stream relocation, stream bank stabilization, wetland vegetation re-establishment, and area wide revegetation with native plant species; I b. an on-site erosion control plan; r 2. the following mitigation measures to be implemented during the construction phase: r a. measures to intercept runoff from disturbed/exposed soils; I O,frl#$"ftthe construction site will be stored and used during revegetation of I c. if possible, wetland plants disturbed will be stored and used in addition to new planting in areas adjacent to the relocated stream channel;| '#.TH,T,1,ffil1i,::l:"::f*in*";;;i,nt*:*'J;;;lill:;i"iili Forest Service; r e. measures to minimize erosion during the period required for revegetation; and t f. signing for safety at the construction site. I I I t I DRAFTEWIRONMENTALASSESSMENT Vail Meadows Water Storaee Tank Page 33 I u. coNsuLTATroN AND cooRDrNATroN I Bill Andre, District Wildlife Manager, Colorado Division of Wildlife Russell Forrest, Town of Vail I Tim Grantham, Lands Forester, Holy Cross Ranger District, White RiverNational Forest,r Minturn, Colorado I *"*r Tfr**ttforester, Holy Cross Ranger District, White RiverNational Forest, I William Wood, District Ranger, Holy Cross Ranger District, White RiverNational I Forest, Mintum, Colorado I vn. Lrsr oF PREPARERs This Environmental Assessment was prepared by the following individuals under the I direction of William A. Wood, District R*g"t, i{oly Cross Ranger District, White Riverr National Forest: t Robert $;rY,illr;,Tffiffi:ffi:Hl's'rt]3;"'on*'Resource consurtants' 1002 t Edwardr' Armbruster' waterff#'r",?:J,:::EirtJ#iio*reResource consultants' I Mark Van Nostrand, Project Manager, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, 846 - Forest Road, Vail, Colorado,8l657 I I T I I t I I DRAFTENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT page 34 Vail Meadows Water Storaee Tank I I VIII. REFERENCES I Advanced Sciences, Inc. 1990. Vail - Gore/Eagle W'ater Quatity Moinitoring Programt Results. Report prepared for Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. I Algermissen, S. T., et al. 1982. Probabilistic Estimates of Maximum Acceleration and t Velocity in Rock in the Contiguous United Stqtes. U.S. Geological Survey,, Open File Report No. 82-1033. t Barton, Stoddard, Millhollin & Higgins. 1972. Vail Pass Environmentql Study. Repon for Colorado Department of Highways, Project No. l-70-2 (19), Vail to Wheeler I Junction.I Brown, L. 1985. Grasslands. The Audubon Society Nature Guides. Alfred A. kopf, I New York, New York.I Cattany, R. W., et al. 1986. Options to Mitigate Potential Damages from Earthflows I near Dowds Junction, Colorado. Minturn Earthflows Task Force.I Chen Northem, Inc. 1990. Subsoil Stu$t for Foundation Design - Proposed l{ater Tank I - Existing Gore Valley Water Tank Site - East Vait.. Report prepared for Upper! Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District. I Colton, R.B. et al. 1975. Pre:liminary Map of Landslide Deposits, Leadville lox2ot Quadrangle, Colorado. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies, tvtap trlF-}0t. 'I Golder Associates. 1986. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Black Lake Dam #3, Vail Pass, Colorado. Report to Tipton & Kalmbach, Inc. r Gooding, J. 1981. The Archaeologt of Vail Pass Camp: A Multi-component Base Camp I Below Tree Limit in the Southern Rockies. Colorado Department of Highways, I Highway Salvage ReportNo. 35. Boulder, Colorado. I Greystone Development Consultants, Inc. and Resource Consultants, Inc. 1991. I Environmental Assessmentfor the US West Communications Baily to Rifle, . Colorado Fiber Optic Cable Project. I Halley, R.L., 1975. KAC Avalanche Study, Vail, Colorado. r Halley, R.L., 1977. Vail Meadows Avalanche, Vail, Colorado. Report preparedfor I Gore Vallley Water District by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. I t I t DRAFTEIMRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Page 35 Vail Meadows Water Storage TankII r Hoffman, G. R., and R. R. Alexander. 1983. Fore$ I/egetation of the White River I National Forest in Western Colorado: A Habitat Type Claxificarioz. USDA Forest Service Research Paper RM-249. I Holden, P. 1986. Aquatic Biolog Studies Relatedto the Enlargement of BlackLake No.I I near Vail, Colorado. Diaft Technical Report of Biowest, Inc. I Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc. l99la. Environmental Assessmentfor theI ' Access Roadfor the Spraddle Creeksubdivision, Vail, Colorado. Boulder, Colorado. Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc. l99lb. Environmental Assessmentfor Black Lake No. I Enlargement Project. Boulder, Colorado. Hydro-Triad, Ltd., 1990. Vail Meadows Avalanche, Bighom, Vail, Colorado. Report prepared for GCI Environmental Developers. INSTAAR. Evaluation of the Snow Avalanche Hazard in the Valley of Gore Creek, Eagle County, Colorado. - Keammerer, W. 1992. Plant Species of Special Concernfor Eagle and Summit Counties. Stoeker-Keammerer. Boulder, Colorado. Kirkham, R. M. and W. P. Rogers. 1981. Earthquake Potential in Colorado; A Preliminary Evaluation. Colorado Geological Survey, Deparknent of Natural r Resources, Bulletin 43. I Mabey, M. A., and T. L. Youd. 1989. Probabilistic Liquefaction Severity Index Maps of t the State of Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey, Utah Department of Natural Resources. Open File Report No. 159. I Mears, Afi, 1976. Vail Meadows Avalanche Dynamics Study. I Mears, Art, 1990. Quantitative Analysis of Runout Distance, Energt and Avalqnche- I Zoning Implications, Vail Meadows Avalanche, Vail, Colorado. Report Prepared for Town of Vail. I Mears, Art, 1995. Snow Avalanche Loading Analysis - Proposed lV'ater Tank - Tail Meadows Avalanche, Vail, Colorado. Report prepared for Mr. G. Schaefer, SDG, Inc. t Merrick Engineering Consultants, 1994. Executive Planning Document for the Vail I Valley Consolidated l{ater District. Prepared for the Upper Eagle Valley I Consolidated Sanitation District. I t I DRAFTE}WIRONMENTALASSESSMENT Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank Page 36 I Metcalf, M. D. 1989. A Class I Cultural Resource Inventory of the Vail Valley I Consolidated lhatur District, Eagle County, Colorado. Metcalf Archaeologicalr' Consultants, Inc. Eagle, Colorado. I Metcalf, M. D. lgg2. l{estGas Proposed Ncitural Gas Pipeline over Vail Pass, Wheeler I r-.---.:^--:- rr^-,.J r-..-^.:^-- "'-.----:. ^-^) r?-^r^ t-^,.--.:^- ,'ar- - - ,.-,-r.--,--,,: ';:::;,'";::i,f:::;";;":#::,:,:::,:tr#,::x{::;:':" I cutnrat ! Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc. 1990. Abbreviated Class I Report on the I Proposed Fiber Optic Line for US West, Jeflries to Glenwood Springs. Prepared I for Greystone Development. Englewood, Colorado. I Mueggler, W. F., and W. L. Stewart. 1980. Grassland and Shrubland Habitat Types of t llestern Montana. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report INT-66. I RBD, Inc. 1991. Prelininary Sitingfor the Proposed Vail Meadows Water Storage I Tank. Preparcd for the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. I Robinson, C. S. and D. M. Cochran. 1971. Intermediate Geologic Investigations, Big I Horn Creek to Wheeler Junction, Vail Pars. Report for Colorado Department ofr Highways, Project No. l-70-Z (19). I Rogers, W.P. et al. 1974. Guidelines and Criteriafor ldentification and Land-Use Controls of Geologic Hazard and Mineral Resource Areas. Colorado Geological r Survey, Department of Natural Resources, Special Publication No. 6. Thornbury, W. D. 1965. Regional Geomorphologt of the United States. John Wiley and Sons. New York, New York. I Enlargernent Projecl. Denver, Colorado. ' Town of Vail. 1986. Vail Land (Jse Plan. Community Development Departrnent. Vail, Colorado. Tweto, O., R. H. Moench, and J. C. Reed Jr. 1978. Geologic Map of the Leadville lox2o I Quadrangle, Northeastern Coloradoi. U.S. Geological Survey. Miscellaneous t Investigations Series, Map I-999. I USDA Forest Service. 1984a. Keystone/Arapahoe Keystone Mountain Expansion, t Environmental Assessment. Arapahoe National Forest, Rocky Mountain Region. I USDA Forest Service. 1984b. White River National Forest Land and Resource t Management Plan. Glenwood Springs, Colorado. I I I DRAFTENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank Page37 I I USDA Forest Service. 1984c. Final Environmental Impact Statement snd the Land on Resource Management Planfor the White River National Forest. Glenwood Springs, Colorado. I usootBureauofReffiE),1);Iii,il"t;::,:#::',;:,:::"1:';:":,::';ril:;:;' I Program, Colorado-Big Thompson, llindy Gap Projects, Colorado. Billings, ! Montana. I Vail Associates, Inc. 1987. Vail Master Development P/cn. Prepared for the U.S. Forest I Service. Mintum, Colorado. r Scanlon, S. 1992. Draft Analysis of Wood-burning and Air Quality in the Vail Area. t Vail Department of Community Development. Vail, Colorado. I I I I I I t I t T t I qv r tl $r fiEifr ils ili .ii:;riiil imel ,'G\ fl @ar Ito,' !t e It E l,; tE! lEl dli1; i i ! TI "'iiitii'riliii --2,:tt ":.-e., Jh 6i--i Tlnir I!l ,,': J.] '. El Illl sl: Ttl ;J :t, )l+ il&Hii! Jlt Town of Vail Conditional Use Permit Submiffals November 18, 1996 by Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Number Item I copy Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank, l04l Permit Application to Eagle County, dated June 20.1995. 1 copy Preliminary Drainage Site Plan by Alpine Engineering dated November 12, 1996. 4 copies Vail Meadows 1.0 MG Water Storage Tank Plans by RBD Engineering, dated February 1996. 4 copies Survey Contol Drawing for Lot 9, Section 18, Eagle County by Thompson- Langford Corp., dated November 30, 1995. I copy List of 12 adjacent property owners to tank site I each Selfaddressed stamped envelope for 12 adjoining property owners 1 each $200.00 check for Conditional Use Permit Fee interofficeMEMORANDUM - tO: MARKVANNOSTRAND fTom: CAROLYNNBIVEN subject: ADJACENT LOT OWNERS (VM TANK) date: November 18. 1996 Here you go: 1. Lot23: MARTIN L. WISNER 1920 Spruce Drive Erie, Colorado 80516 2. Lot22: ROBERTandJANEBORNE 5032 Snowshoe Lane Vail. Colorado 81657 3. Lot2l: DALLAS and BYRON FIJRSETII 5726 Windsom Houston, Texas 77057 4. Lot20: GEORGE and LIZETTE LAMB 5155 Main Gore Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 5. Lot26: LOIS M. BECKER 6363 E. Dorado Circle Englewood, Colorado 80lll 6. Lot25: GARYandLESLIEURANEA 30 Waterford Circle The Woodlands. Texas 773E1 7. Lot24: THOMAS J. JOST P.O.Box2727 Yail. Colorado 81658 MARK VAN NOSTRAND Page2 Noverrber 18, 1996 8. Lot18: RICHARDH.andBARBARADEVOE P.O. Box 1098 Naples, Florida 33939 9. Lotl7: ERIC M. BERG P.O. Box3002 VaiI, Colorado 81558 10. Lot 16: PHILIP A. and BONNIE J. ffiNAIJLT P.O. Box2909 Vancouver, Washington 9E668 11. Lot27: FRBDJ. andDIANEV. DIDO 5301Nassau Circle Englewood, Colorado 801 10 12. Lot 19: FRAI\K W. JOHNSON and TINA Z. FLEISHMAN 5165 Main Gore Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 -.". - ! Adjacent property owners for Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. A request for a reviw of a new water storage tank, located on an unplatted parcel ofland in East vail. Applicant Eagle River Water and Sanitation Distict Planner: Russ Forrest l. Frank W. Johnson andTnaZ. Fleishman 5165 Main Gore Drive Vail, CO 81657 2. Fred J. And Diane V. Dido 5301 Nassau Circle Englewood, CO 80110 3. Philip A. and Bonnie J. Henault P.O. Box 2909 Vancouver, WA 98668 4. Eric M. Berg P.O. Box 3002 Vail, CO 81658 5. Richard H. and Barbara Devoe P.O. Box 1098 Naples, FL 33939 6. Thomas J. Jost P.O.Box2727 Vail, CO 81658 7. Gary and Leslie Uranea 30 Waterford Circle The Woodlands, TX 77381 8. Lois M. Becker 63638. Dorado Circle Englewood, CO 80l l l g. George and Lizette Lamb 5155 Main Gore Drive Vail, CO 81657 10. Dallas and Byron Fr.rseth 5726 Windsom Houston. Tl{77057 I l. 12. Robert and Jane Borne ,5032 Snowshoc Lanc Vail, CO ttl657 Martin L. Wisner 1920 Sprucc Drive Eric, CO 80516 F:\EVERYONE\JUDYR\ADJACEN. I I 2 rHrs rrEM "it tii5filYouR PRoPERTY NOTICE lS HEREBy GIVEN that the Planning and Environm_enta.l^Commission ol the Town of Vail will hold a pubtic nearing in accordancew"ith Section 18.66.060 ol the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on oec-emoer io, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration ol: A reouest lor a side setback variance in order to construct a two car garage, located at 4532'streamside Circle East/Lot 15, Bighorn 4th Addition' Applicant: Lillian and william Bresnahan, represented by Kathy Langenwalter Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a minor subdivision to create two primary/secondary lots and a variance lrom the 30' minimum lrontage rlqrl*rr".r, located at 2339 Chamonix Lane/Tract A, Vail Heights, Filing 1' Applicant: Robert Hunter (AKA Schmetzko), represented by Rick Rosen Planner: George Ruther A reouest for a variance to allow lor two satellite dishes, located at 2099 N. Frontage Road WesU Vail Commons. Applicant: KTUNPlanner: Tammie Williamson A reouest for a review oI a new water storage tank, located on an unplatted parcel of land in East r-.iail.' Gptlcant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation DistricttPlanner: Russell Forresl A request f or a minor subdivision to relocate the common plgeglly. line between Lots 7 and 8' tocatbO at 666 and 696 Forest Road/Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, VailVillage 6th Filing. Applicant: Neil and Nancy Austrian Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for an amendment to the condition of approval tor the Town of Vail Public Works expahsion pertaining to employee housing at the site' Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: AndY Knudtsen A request to amend Sections 18.27.030, 1 8.29.030, and 18.30,030 of the Zoning.Code to-allow van storage/transportation related businesses in the Commercial Core 3, Arterial Business' and Heavy Serviie Zone'Districts as a conditional use and add Sections 18.04.415 and 18.04.385 providing definitions for vehicle storage yard and transportation business. Applicant: Town of Vail Pianner: Dominic Mauriello The applications and inf ormation about the proposals are. available for public. inspection.during reguidr'o1liCe hours in the project planner's'office located at the Town ol Vail Community Ddvelopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interprelation available upon request whh 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Developmenl Department Published November 29, 1996 in the Vail Trail' f a TOWN OF VAIL RECEITT NO.-.- DEPANTI\IE}iT OF COlI:IIUIiITY DE\ELOPMENT ,^* ll , JI-,nL- CIIECXS MADE PAYABLS TO TO\WT OF T'AIL ACCa)UTT:\O.ITEM - ."' NO. - T/|'X- - - CO6T E.A: fiyrAL 0 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 0 oo00 4241 5 UNIFORM BUILDING COD's54.00 0 oo00 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE s39.00 0 oooo 424t5 UNIFORM MECI{ANICAL CODE $J 7.00 0 oo00 42415 UNIFORA{ FIRE CODE s36.00 (l oo00 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s17.00 0 oo00 424 | 5 OTIIER CODE BOORS 0 0000 4 r 5r8 BLUE PR]NTS (MYLARS 57.00 o oooo 42412 X[ROX COPIES s0.25 0 ao00 424t2 SIUDIES 0 0000 424 t2 I'OV}EES COMPUTER PROGRAM s5.00 0 oo00 42371 P E N A LTY FEESTRFINSPEETMNS oo00 4 t332PLAN REVII:w RE-CIIECK FEE [S40 Pt.R IIR.I U u)00 12332 OFF IIOURS INSPECTION FEES 0 0000 4r412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0 ooo0 4t4ll S,IGN APPLICATION FEE 520.00 (.)(ru00 414 l3 ADIJI I'IONN L SIGNAGE FEE IS I.OO PER SQ.FT.I 0 oo00 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION o 0000 4lji I PRb PAID DIJSIGN RI]VIEW BOARD FEE 0oot)O 42371 INVESI-IGATION F F-E (BUILDING) J oo00 45 l lo TOV PN R}IINC FUND 0 oo00 22027 TOV NEWSPN PI:R DISPENSER FUND* 0l 0000 2l I 12 TAXABLE(4'4a!m* 0l 0000 4t0t0 TA-\ABLE@4.02 (TowN) 0l 0000 42371 B UI LDI nNG INVESTIcn TION O I IiLR PEC APPLICATION FEES .9..{''{,t}bqIio ADDITIONAL GRFA "250"s200.00 o oo00 4t310 (JPNDI I IONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 )o.07) ot€ee0-4+33€-IXTERIOR ALTERATION [LESS TTIAN IOO SQ.FT.I s200.00 €:0l oooo 413i0 EXTERIOR ALTERATION [MORE TIITNIOOSOTT.]5500.o00l 0000 4tji0 SPECIAL DEVELOPT4ENTDISTRICT INEWI s 1.500.00 0000 41330 S PECIAL DEVELOPM ENT D ISTR]ETTNiA'OR NiEND-s I,000.0t)0l 0000 4 r 330 SPI]CIALDEVELOPMENre s200.00 UI 0000 4l jio SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 41330 VARIANCE s250.000loo00 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS 5250.O00l 0000411_10 RE. ZONING 5200.00 OTHER '1 OTHER cJrsg r-r r*.,,O175',n.oLr gSC-eV: M \ \'t A. ryPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) tr Bed and Brealdast dI Conditional Use Permit tr Major or El Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr SignVriance tr Vriance tl Zoning Code Amendment Questions? Calt the Planning Staff at 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR PI,ANNING AND ENVIROI\MENTAL tr Amendmcnt to an Approved Development Plan tr Employee Housing Unit (TyPe: ) tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (VailVillage) n Major or tr Minor CCII Exterior Alte,ratioa (Lionshead) tr Special Development District tr Major or E Minor Amelrdment to an SDD B.DESCRIPTIONOFTHEITEQLIEST: Construction of a 1.0 MG Water Stora LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT_2_BLOCK_FILJNG r.5 S., R.79 W., 6th PM,Sec */r t'ta 18 ADDRESS: N/A BUILDINC NAME: ZONING: Resorrrc.e. r'rrrrenf Iy IIS Farpqf Serrzicc ownerqhiF NAMEOFOWNER(S): Eaqle River Water & Sanitation District MAILINGADDRESS: R46 Forpsi Road vai1, co 8155? PHONE: (970) a?5-7ann OWNER(S) SIGNATIJRE(S): NAI\,IECFREPRESENTATI/E: Mark Van liosirand, Proiect Manaqer MAILINGADDRESS: R46 F'nrect Road Vail, CO 81657 p11gNs. (970) 476-7480 Ext. 46 FEE - SEE THE SI.]BMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SI]BMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, (Ea.t vail M-adews 1.0 Mc rank) and miEeellaneeus site improwents for access and drainage c. D. E. F. c. H. vArL. coLoRADO t1657. For Office Use Onlv: F @ Paid b - cw? l?6--By''t LU?J\ ll )c. | ^Application Dil.LIP^ -- tA-PEC MeetingDatc:lz -U, Revird 6/96 't' ST,BMITTAL REQIJIREMENTS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE e ptr-rppti.utio" "onf**re with a planning sfaffmember is s{rongly cttcouraged' No application cen be acce,pted unless it is cornplete. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointmail with the staff to detemine additionat submittal requireme'nts' IL SIJBMITTALREOUIREMENTS tl FEE $200'00. The fee nt$! bc paid at the time of submittal' A Stamped, addressed envelopes anda list of the names and mailing addresses ofall property owners adjacent to tho subject prop€rty, including properties behind and across sEe€ts. The applicant is reiponsible for correct names and mailing addresses. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's offi ce. tr A description of the precise natrre of the proposod use and its operating characteristics and measwes proposed to make thi use compatible with other properties in thc vicinity. The desoiffion mu$ also address: l. Relationship and inrpact of the uso on dwelopmeirt objectivos of the Town. Z. Effectoftheuse on lightandair, disnibution ofpopulation, transportationfacilities,utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon raffc, with particular ref€rence to congestion, automotive and pedestsian safety and convenience, traffic flow and confiol, access, manzuverability, and rcmoval of snow from the streets and Parking area. 4. Effectuponthe characteroftheareain which theproposeduseisto belocate4 furcludingthe scale and bulk ofthe proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. tr A preliminary title report, including schedules A and B, to veri$ ownership and easements. O If the building is condominiumized, a leter from the condominium association in zupport of the proposal must be submitted to staff. 11g- See USFS Survey Four (4) copias of the following: tr An irnprovement survey of the property showing property lines, locations of all irnprovcmots, topography, and nafiral feahres. tr A site plan at a scale of at least l " = 20 showing proposed developmort of the site, including topography, building locations, parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage features. tr Building elevations and floo. ilun , at a scale not snuller than one-eigbth inch equals one foot Page 1 of 2 tr Any additional material necessary for the rwicw of the application as determined by the Administrator' For intsrior modifications, an improvoment survey and site plan may be waived by the Administrator' PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED' ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION rurUSr en SI.IBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. TMEREOUIREMENTS e" mi pranning and Environmental commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete apptication form and all arcompanying material (as described above) must be accepted by tn. Cor.*ity Dwelopment Department by the appropliate submital date' which ii a minimum of four (4) weeks priorto the date of the PEC public hearing. lncomplete applications (as determined by the plarming sbff) will not be accepted' B. All pEC aoproved conditional use permits shall lapse if constuction is not commenced within oo" y"r of th. date of appmval and ditigentty pursred to completion, or if thc um fcr which the approval is granted is not commenced within one yea' ADDTTIONAL REVIEW AND FEES n, tftn* upptication requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increasedby S200.00. Examples of such reviov, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying ary publishing fees which are in er(cess of50% of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is posponed for hearing causing the matt€r to bo re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publicatron shall be paid by the applicant C. Applications deemed by the Commrmity Dwelopmsnt D€parfinent to have design. land use or other iszues which may have a sigrificant inrpact on the community may require rwiew by consultants in addition to Tovyn staff. Should a determination be made by thc Town staffthat an outside consultant is neede( the Community Dwelopment D€partm€nt may hire the consultant, Tbe Deparfinent shall estimate tbe amount of money necessary to pay the cons-ultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application' Expenses incurred by the Town in excess ofthe amount forwardod by the applicant shall be paid to the Torvn iry the appiicairt wi"hii: iC days cf ro€ficadon by the Town. A-ny ercess funds will be retumeil to the applicant upon rwiew completion. n. tv. v. Prge 2 oI 2 NOTE: THIS PER}TIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AL? COMM BUILD PERMT 1.v oN JOBSITE AT ALI rT|fwE.e \ Permit #: 896-0020TOI4.N AFVAIL 75 South Frotrage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p art nte nt of C o t nnwni ty Development , Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . 100.00 AdditionaL Fees--------->.00 Totat Per|||it Fee--------> T;850.40 BALANCE DUE---- Phone : 30347 67 480 Phone : 30347 67 480 .0O Total catcutated tees---> 1,E50.40756.00 Restuarant P lan RevieB--> 191 .10 oRB tee--------- .00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 clean-Up Depos i t--------> TOTAL FEES--.--- Job AddressLocation,.. Parcel- No. .Project No. 846 FOREST RD 2L07-07 2-0 9-0 01 PRJg 6 -0 014 03 /74 / Lee 6 o4/or/Lee6 oe /28 /tee6 I S SUED .00 1,850.40 1 ,850. 40 .00 APPLICANT UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONS DIST 846 FOREST ROAD, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONS DIST 846 FOREST ROAD, VArL CO 81657OWNER UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED DIST/ PO BOX Y, AVON CO 81620 Descriptlon: 2ND FLOOR OFFICE REMODEL & ADD EXTERIOR STAIR Occupancy: 82 B2 Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V 1-Hour Type Occupancy: Valuation: L04, 000 Add Sq Ft: t i rep [ace Information: Restricted:#0f Gas App t i ances:#0f Gas Logs:#ot Uood/Pa L tet: ffi*ffiffi*ffi**rr****#***#*******#Jr*tit******** FEE SUlll'IARY ***************tc*r-frlr**ffii.i*ffiffiffir***ff Bui Ldi ng-----> P[an check---> Investi gat ion>tliLl Cat L----).-t00.00 \ Paynents(- --- -- a *ffi*#*lit*t#****ff**ffi#ffi#trtiHtr***********i********iiiiiiii**t*******ffi*tffiH#ffi* Ite.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Division:03/.74/.1996 DAN Acrion: lCote CHUCK-PLAN nkal,trtieR-O3'/19'/I99 6 CHUCK Action: APPRIt'e.ml'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:03/74/1996 DAN Action: NOTE RANDY-PLANNER03'/14'/1996 RANDY Action: APPR see conditionItem:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT nah+. E'rErE' nivision: oa7l4 /Ltt o-nAN--- --- A'C€ioii; NorE MrKE-pLANs--r- 9?'/277\226-JEFF A Action: APPR apprved recomd fire alar 6\iia'ti3780.il$BFtt *RE[i"": AppR Dept: PUB woRK Division: ffi *ffi *ffi **ffi trirtiH*t b(Ltffi **J.*ff(*ffi ffi ***tJ.trr*ffi t***t**t****ff *****ti*i#*S*fi *l#ffi *lrH See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoPtcdg€ that I have read this apptication, fiLLed out in fuLl. the information requi red, conpteted an Eccurate ptotptan, and state that att the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y with the infornation and ptot pLan,to compty with al.l. To\^,n ordinances and state [ars, and to buiLd this structure according to'the To]rn,s zoning and subdivision codes, design revieH appfoved, unilorn BuiLding Code and other ordinances ot the Town appl.icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A1 179-213E OR. AT OUR OrFICE FROI,I 8:OO AI.I 5:OO PH send cl.ean-up Deposit To: UPpER EAGLE VALLEy CoNSoLIDATED {2 r"'"'o'*u* t *************************************************.k:,r).**lt't'.].****** TOWN oF vAlL, coLoRADo Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0119 Anount:253.00 04/o!/96 14:39 Payment Method: CK Notation: CK#021710 Permit No: M96-0017 TYPe: Parcel No: 2101-072-09-001 Site Address: 846 FOREST RD B-MECH MECITANICAL PERMIT Total Feesl 253.00 Total ALL PmtE: Balance: Init: CF 253 .00 253.00 .00 Amount 200.00 50.00 3.00 **************************************************************** This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHA}IICAL PERMIT FEES PI-,,AN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE !L). - - )--l i, J- -r,)L Legal Descrlptlon: I,ot_ Block_ Ftl o$nera Nane: tL-Af /(+D,Addrecsr Elrctrj.cal ContraeEorz Nfut &z'<lktb t??-orrlf Town of Vail n"e. -3 AddreEs; - - phoneNua$erl ?C- txtrC Nunber of Accorilrrodatlon Unite: {re4lag3;: caE Appllances_ Gas Logs_ uoodr/peller **jr,1 t*l *l ! i *. "vAtuATI oug rrit!!l * !t lrr* * l** ** t *** *** * *.****'ffi#diiffiVru'*titLiiifitr OTHERT I }IECTIANICIL:fOTAD! trolr ************r*.*****ttaf* Town of Vall Ree. NO.Phone Nunber: Tol'n of vall ReE. NOPbons Nunberi trovn of Val,l RcA. NO.got] Phone Nunbar: BUTI.DIIIC FI.AH cHEcK FEE3 PI,['I,'BINC PI,AN CHECK TEE!UECIIAIIICIL PIA}I CHEGK FEEI RECREAIIoI{ PEEr Plunblng Addraec: Contractort tr-,**********r*****t**t*t*t***** FOR oFFrcn usE ***********************r*i***** Mechanlcal Contractor: Address: BUTLDINC FERMTT FEEs PI,UMBINC PERMIT TBES MECHEJ{TEIL PENMIE FE83 EI.ECTRICAI/ FEEs OTHEN AYEE OF FEET DRB FEES I J-other rrchltect : (reV k*-,rUt ceneral Descrlptlon: work clacs: t t-New f (Yitt Nuuber of firellLng Untts: _qfA PWMBING! Address ! fi8fH$-fliEiEIEia.,e BUIIJDINCS STGNATURI: EONfNCT SICNAEURES 75 South Frontage Road Departtnent of C ommunity Devebpment**WttgEbMtIbW'Sf***tt*********************************************************** Status: fSSUED******************************************************************************** 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452Permit #: 896-0020 CONDITIONS as of 04/07/96 permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant: UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONS DIST 30347 67 480 Applied: 03/L4/t996 rssued: 04/0L/I996 To Expiret 09/28/1996 Job Address: Location: Parcel No: 2101-072-09-001 Description: 2ND FLOOR OFFICE REMODEL & ADD EXTERIOR STAIR Conditi-ons:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIF.ED tsEFOR.E ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. No exterior changes other than the externaL stairway.4. SECOND LEVEL BATHROOMS MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 11 OF THE 19 94 UBC {p *'no'o'u" NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT .]OBSITE AT Permit ALL TIMES #: 896-0020 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. 846 FOREST RD 210L-07 2-0 9-001 PRJg6-0014 D e p art m ent of C ommunity - Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . Development ISSUED 03/74/ree6 o4 / oL /Lee 6 oe /28/ree6 Description: 2ND FLOOR OFFICE REMODEL & ADD EXTERIOR STAIR UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONS DIST 846 FOREST ROAD, VArL CO 8l-657 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONS DIST 846 FOREST ROAD, VAIL CO 81657 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATEDDrsT, PO BOX Y, AVON CO 81620 Phone: 303476?480 Phone: 3034767480 #Of Gas Logs:fof llood/PaL let: .00 Totat Cafcutated tees--) 1,850.40 Additional, fees--------> .00 Total Pernit FeF-------> 1,E50.4O Dept:pI: PLANNING Division: R Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: 82 92 V 1-HR Type V l-Hour 104,000 Add Sq Ft: Fifeptace lnfornation: Rest ri cted:fof Gas Apptiances: iffiffiirtffiti*iffi**#*trtrt*tr*t*ffiJr*ffi****r* FEE SUl4llARY Bui Ldi ng-----> Ptan Check---> Investigat i on> UiLl caL t----> 756.00 RestuaPant Ptan Revi eH*->t91.40 DRB t > 100.00.00 RecreationFee---------->3.00 Ctean-Up Depos i t-------->.00500.0O Payments----- TOTAL FEES----- *ffiffi **l#ffi#r,t**ff rffi ft ffi *#riiffi ld*ffi *i***********t#*#**rffi*ffi 6i7i+ tl6ia-DIli-"03'/19'/t996 CHUCKIt'em:' 05400 PLAN03/14,/1996 DAr,r ITe.m: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:O3/I4/L996 DA\T AcIion: NOTE CHUCK_PLAN EXAMINER03'/19'/1996 CHUCK Action: APPRO3'/19'/1996 CHUCK Action: APPRII.e.m:. O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT03/1411996 DAN Action: NOTE03'/1471996 RANDY Action: APPR]I.em:, O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 03/14,/1996 DAN 93'/14'/t22Q^R&NPI]I,e.m:, O56OO FIRE DEPARTMEN10311411996 DAN Action:03'/27'/7996 JEFF A Action:Itbm:' 05500 PUBIIC WORKS DEPARTMENTAcTiON: NOTE RANDY-PAction: APPR see con ARTMENTAcLion: NOTE MIKE-PLAction: APPR apprved AcTiON: NOTE RANDY-PLANNERAction: APPR see conditionIIE.M:, 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DeDt0311411996 DAN Action: NOTE MIKE-PLANS ' 9?'/27'/!29_Q^J-E_qq_4_ --49!ton : APPR apprved recomd Dept:E MIKE-PLANS -FIRE fire alar PUB WORK Division: Division: 03 /tItem:' 05500 PUBEIC WORKS03/19/1996 CHUCK Action: APPR Dept: ffi '#**#!*,Hffi **li*ffi ffi*****i*ffi*#*i**t**it***ffi t***H*t******fi*ffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtcdge that I have read this apptication, fil.tad out in futl the infornation requi red, comptetld an lccufatc ptot p[8n, and state that atl tha infornation provided as required is cor,'ect. I agrec to conpl,y vith thc infornation .nd ptot pLan,to conpty vith att Town ordinances and state taHs, and to buitd this structure according to thc Toyn's zoning and subdivision codes/ drsign reviev approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinsnces of the Tovn appl,icabLe thereto. REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IiIADE TI,IENTY.FOUR HOURS It{ ADVANCE 8Y Send Clean-Up oeposit To: UPPEB EAGLE VALLEY CoNSoLIDATED Ar 17lt-2138 0R AT OUR oFFTCE FRotl {p *"no"o 'u"* 75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development ***lhtYetbHtb&657 *************************************************************** 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452Permit #: 896-0020******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS as of 04/ot/96 Status: ISSUED Permit TIT)e: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicant: UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONS DIST 30347 67 480 Applied: 03/t4/1996Issued: 04/OL/1996 To Expire. 09/28/L996 Job Address: Location: Parcel No: 2101-072-09-001 Description: 2ND FLOOR OFFICE REMODEL & ADD EXTERIOR STAIR Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL iS R.EQUIRED tsdFORE A}iY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. No exterior changes other than the external stairway.4. SECOND LEVEL BATHROOMS MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 11 OF THE 19 94 UBC {Srun"*ruo o ON TOIVN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address...:Locati-on......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES M96-0017 D epartment cf Conmuniry Development APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER 846 FOREST RD 2L0L-07 2-0 9 -0 01 PRJ9 6-0 0 14 LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL 2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND JUNCTION LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL 2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND JUNCTION UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED DrsT, PO BOX y/ AVON CO 81620 Phone : 3Q324257 9O 81s0s Phonez 3032425790 81505 Status. . epplied. Issued.. Expires. VaLuation: fof Gas Logs: ISSUED 03 /t4 / Lee6 a4 /at / Lee 6 0e /28/Lee6 co co Description: 2ND FLOOR INTERIOR REMODEL Fireplace Information: Restricted: #Of Gas AppLiances: rt*trrr*t**ffittffit*ffi*rtffitrffi**Jci.ffi tffi*** FEE SUllt4ARY 10, 000 . 00 #of lood/Pa I Let: l'lechani ca [--->200.00 Restuarant P(an Revi e!-->Totat Catcutated Fees--->253.00 Ptan check---> 50.00 DRB Fee--------Invcstigation> .00 TOTAL FEES----- ffiffii1";;;-:-::-:---:-l "':ff *ffi ,rffi lffi*i*#riffi ffi **ffi ***t#*ffi ***t********ff ***ffi fr Jrt li#f**H* rLem: .O51OO BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT04/0L/1996 CHUCK Action: APPR DeDI: BUILDING Division; CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991 uMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-}IATERSUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 nMC. **********************************************************L********************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I hava read this apptication, fil,Led out in ful,l. the information requi red, conpteted an accurate ptot Ptan' and statc that att the information provided as required is correct, I agree to comp(y uith the information and ptot ptan,to conpty uith alL Tovn ordinanceg and state [avs, and to buiLd this structure according to the Toyn'3 zoning and subdivision $ *'"'"uo 'u'* REOUESTS FOR o Uniform ts:,;i iding Code and BE }IAOE TI,JENTY-FOUR HOURS other ordinances of the IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE o Toun app L'i cab te AT 479-2138 0R AT ,| 1.. - I theteto. OUR OfF ICE ,*''rCIp4r0RI4 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Deparunent o. F Rott 8 : 00 At{Pr,l Developnent {2 *rn"uo r*r, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE Perrnit ALL T]MES t19 6-0077 AT TAWN AF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 Job Address...:Location....,.: Parcel No.....:Proiect Nurnber: APPLICAN? CONTRACTOR OViNER Description: 2ND FLOOR INTERIOR REMODEL Fi reDtace Information: Rest ri cted: Department of Community Development 846 FOREST RD 2roL-07 2-O 9 -0 01 PRJ96-0014 LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL 2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND JUNCTION LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL 2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND JUNC?rON UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED DIST, PO BOX Y, AVON CO 81620 Phone: 3032 4257 90 81505 Phone z 3032425'1 90 81505 St.aLus. . . Applied.. Issued. . . ExpS-res. , ISSUED o3/L4/ree6 o4 /oL /tee6 oe /28/tee6 co co ***iffi*ffi*#d.|ffiffi*t Hi*r**Hffi(******i* FEE SUlltlARY **#ff*ff*****'r**Jrrtffirffi*f,iffi**i.*J.**ffiik,t**ff( Valuati-on: fof 6as Logsl 10, 000 . 00 fof tlood/Pa L let:#0f Gas ADo[ i ances: DRB tee-------- TOTAL FEES----- llechani ca [---> P l.!n Check---> Investigat i on> U'itt cal,l,----> 200.00 50.00 .@ 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Revier--> .0O Totat catculated Fees---> 253.00 .00 253.00 AdditionaL Fees---------> Total Permit FeF-------> Payments------ BALANCE DUE---- .00 253.00 ?55.00 .00 ***ffi ffi*ffi *****ffi d***fi *tr**ffi *ffi *#r**ffiffi ffi trff **ffii**** Itemi 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/OL/I996 CHUCK Action: APPR DeDt: BUILDING Divisi-on: CONDT?ION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COI{BUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TNSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991 r.JMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOTLERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WTTH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1.991 UMC *** * ** * ** * * * J.* * * ** ** * * ** * * * * * rr * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** *** * * * * * * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this application, fitted out in {ul,t the information requi red, conpteted an accufatc plot Ptan, and statc that alt the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty vith thr infotmation and plot p(an,to comPty vith atl, Tovn ordinances and state [a!rs, and to buiLd this structure according to thc ToHn'3 zoning and subdivision {; *u"r"rro ruo codes, desi REQUESTS FOR o Uniform Bui tding Code and BE I4ADE TI.'ENTY-TOUR HOURS other ordinances of the IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Ot,R OFFICE FROI{ 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department Development {j u*o'uu o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLIjMBING PERMIT Permit *: P96-0016 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 846 FOREST RD FAX770-479-2452 Location... : Parcel No.. : 2L0t-072-09-001Project No. : PRJ96-0014 APPL]CANT LUNSFORD BROTHERS MECH. CONST. 2481 COMMERCE BLVD., GRAND JUNCTION, CONTRACTOR LUNSFORD BROTHERS MECH. CONST. Dbpartment of Community Development Status...: ISSUEDApplied..t B/ta/7996 rssued. ..2 04/01/7996Expires..r 09/28/t996 Phone z 3032425790co 81s05 Phonet 3032425790 co 81s05 OWNER 2481 COMMERCE BLVD., GRAND JUNCTTON, UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED DrsTf PO BOX Y, AVON CO 81620 Descripti-on: 2ND FI-,OOR OFFICE REMODEL Valuation:10r000.00 **ffi#*i#rlri****urft***ffi*r* FEE SUtll.lARY #*i.**ffi****ir*t**rrt *#r**tr*tttrl*****i*t*t r*ffi**.i**i* P(urbi ng-----) PLan Check---> Invrstigation> Restuarant Ptan Revi err--> TOTAL FEES----- [i tt cat l,---> 5.00 Item: 051OO BU]LDTNG DEPARTMENT04/07/L996 cHUcK Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: 150.00 37.50 .00 .00 190.50 Tot.t Cal,cutated Fecs---> AdditionaI Fers--------> Totat PerDit Fee-------> Payments----- 190.50 .00 190. 50 190.50 *****,rffiH#ffiffffit*#(****ffi**ffi**H*ffi*ffi*ffi******ffi***ff*H*ffi**tffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL *ffi ffi #ffi t**ff ffi ff *ffi ffi**trrdffi i*t***#*-t*******trffi *ffi *ffi *rr*'**ff(ffirik**ffi **** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknouledge that I have read this apptication, fil,led out in ful,l, the intormation requi red, cornpteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that a[[ the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to conpty vith the infornation and ptot ptan,to compty vith aLL Toun ordinances and state [axs, and to buiLd this structura according to the ToBn's zoning and subdivision codes, dcsign review approved, Uniforn Buitding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabLe thercto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Al 479-2138 oR AT OUR otFtCE FROil {S run"uo"uo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLI'MBING PERMIT PeTmiI AT ALL TIMES P9 6-0 016 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970- 479-2 I 3 8/4 79 -2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address Location. . . Parce1 No..Project No. 846 FOREST RD ztoL-072-09-001 PRJ9 6-00 14 Department of Community Development Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 03/t4/1996 Issued. .., 04/01/1996Expires..: 09/28/7996 Phone : 30324257 9O co 81505 Phone ; 3A324257 90 co 81s05 Valuation:10, 000 .00 #.**ffiJrffi******ffi*'s'tffi* FEE SUt'lllARY ffi**fi#r****tJr*rnf**fi*#r*****tt**t#jr**f,****ffi****t* P Lunbing----->150.00 APP],ICANT LUNSFORD BROTHERS MECH. CONST. 2481 COMMERCE BLVD., GRAND JUNCTION, CONTRACTOR LUNSFORD BROTHERS MECH. CONST. 2487 COttutERCE BLVD., GRAND JUNC?ION,OWNER UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED DrsT, PO BOX Y, AVON CO 81620 DeSCription: 2ND FLOOR OFFICE REMODEL Ptan Check--) 37.50 Restuarant Ptan Revi e\,--> TOTAL FEES----- .00 190. 50 Investigation> Ui l.l, cal.t----> .00 3.00 Totat CaIculated Fces---> Add i tional Totat Perrit Fee---*--> 190. 50 .00 190.50 Payrents------- BALANCE 0UE---------_-> .00*ffi ffiffi *ffi**ffi ***t**tr**t********#Sr*ffi ffiffi ***##ir*ir*tr* ITem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/OI/1996 CHUCK Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divi-sion: tt****f*,k*ffi*ffiffi**Hffitrllrr**ff***rrffiffiM*****t*ff(****rt**#***ffi*ffi****rrirr*#*rr** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *ffi *tt.ffi **trJr't**iijrJr*r**|t:t't/r#ffiffi ffi H*ffi **i*t**ffi *******ffi *#*t**ffi **Jrt#*ffi*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have rcad this apptication, fil,Led out in futt the intornation required, compteted an accufate ptot ptan, and state that atl the ihformation provided as required is cofrect. I agree to conpty Hith the information and ptot ptan,to conPly with au. Town ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, UniforD Buil,ding code and otheF ordinances of the Torn appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TSENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY {g *rn"uo r*", NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descri-ption: E Iectr i ca [---> DRB Fee Invest i gation> tJi tI ca t (----> TOTAL FEES---> Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 1E0.00 .00 .00 3.00 'tE3.O0 ISSUED B/L4/ree6 03 /Le /Lee6 oe /t5 /Lee6 TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT 846 FOREST RD 2tot-o'12-09-001 PRJ9 6-0014 Department of Community Development Permit #: 896-0026 Status. . Applied. Issued. . Expi-res. NEW ELECTRIC INC P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 NEW ELECTRIC INC P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED DrsT, PO BOX Y, AVON CO 81620 zND FLOOR REMODEL Phone: 3039494651 Phone:3039494651 Valuation:10, 000.00 *f**rffi*H*ffi*ffifftrtrr**tctdr* FEE SUlltlARY TotaL CaIcuLated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee-------) BALANCE DUE---- 183.@ .00 1E3.00 163. @ .oo ffi***#tloHrt*r**tffit#******ffiM**t*rrffi****ffi*ftr.*#*tHr***ffi***roHrffi**f***t*********** IICm: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT03/79/1996 CHUCK Action: APPR DePT: BUILDING Division: ffi**ffi*****ffffiHffir*ffr*l'Htukffii*tr**ffiffi***t*lnttrtffnhrt****Jrtrffi***ffiHrf*************tt*ffi****t*f*f*lrrffit* CONDITION OF APPROVAL t*iffiffi '|*ffi **f ,*ffi ffi #ffiffi **H*'*ffi tt**rrt****H*ffi*ffi **rr*ilrffi t**tffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorrtedgc that I havs read this appticEtion, fil.ted out in futl, th! infornation required, compt.ted an accufatc ptot ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to cornpty vith thc infornation ard ptot pt6n,to conpLy uith. att Tovn ordinances and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according to thc Torynr s zoning and subdivisim codes, design revicv approved, l,lniforn BuiLding code and other ordinances of the ToHn appticabte thrrcto. REGUESTS FOR INSPECTI0NS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 479-2138 oR lT OUR oFtICE tROll E:00 At| 5:00 Pil 44ll ii tPun"uo'uo OR COI{TRACTOR FOR NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97 o - 47 9 - 2 I 3 8/479 -2 1 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER E t?ct ri ca[---> DRB Fee lnvest i gation> Uil.t cal. L---> Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. 160.00 -uu 3.00 ISSUED 03/L4/tee6 03 /Le /Lee60e/ts/ree6 TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT 846 FOREST RD 2L0L-07 2-09-001 PRJg6-0014 D epartment of Community Development Permit #: 896-0026 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. NEW ELECTRIC INC P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81520 NEW ELECTRIC INC P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 UPPER EAGLE VAILEY CONSOLIDATED DIST, PO BOX Y, AVON CO 81620 Description: 2ND FLOOR REMODEL FEE SUI'II'IARY Phone: 3039494651 Phone: 3039494651 Valuation:10, 000.00 TOTAL FEES---> 183,@ Totat Catcutated fees---) Additional. Fees---------> TotaI Perm'i t Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- 183.00 .00 183.00 1E3.00 .00 lcffi**#**##H**til*#* Jr**ffi#ffi tffi ffi**#ffi **ffi *t#***ffi ffi t*ffiiffiffi ffi ***t*# Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT03/L9/1996 CHUCK Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: ffif****|tffirh***trt**i*frrtt*ffi*ffi*******t**t*ffiffirt*ffiffiffiffiiffirrtffiffitffi**ffi****rrffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL *ffiffi**ffi***ffiffiffiffi**ffiffiffiffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedga that I havr read this apptication, fitted out in fuLL the infornation required, conpLcted an accurate ptotp[an, and state that all the infornation provided as regui red is cornect. I agree to conpty rrith thc information and plot ptan,to compty vith atl, Tovn ordinances and stat! [avs, and to buil.d this structure according to the Tounrs zoning and subdivisibncodes, design rcview approved, uniform Euil.ding code and other ordinances of the Tovn afpticabte thereto. REQI,IESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47}2158 oR AT ouR oFFIcE FROII 8:oo AIt 5:oo Pil 1 {prrn"uoruo lnspection fi re{u€!}t t{ ePorting vAtL. co_.'TotvH oF . Re.ruested lrfscect Oite. I hutsdd!, May t)9, 2t)0?' slr$ Aodler e; *riri FoRtSi R0 vAlL IUe&.l!lqllslee AcUvity. B*;0O2S Typ€: A{Orntu} ;ub T$€ ACOM ConC Tvoa. tlcc irr,air.: v Us€. V 1'HF Aoolicint: UPPEii EAGLE VALLHY (]ONS'f,XS f PIK'n€: 3O'347t,748O'br.rrner: UPPER EAGLE VALLFY CONSOLIDAI Et' Contraclor: UPpEr? FAGLE VALL€',' ']ONS C,lS7 .)hone' 3)3!7t;74m !.\SCT|gTION: zND Fi.:$R OFFTCE FTEMOTJEL fi ADF EXIEEIOF !JfAIi: C.orninenl: Ftre neFr. recommgnds n flte alaitt' slElern for ihie o(cL:L€nty - JEFF-A B€s!#"&ss€.:uo!(nj stCIg"2002 /;ub €rn Item; Requr'slol: Conrmsrds. Asrioned To:- Artbn: Insleclgn Hlsj{.. fiarn: 30 ftam: 6+ v^u Stabs: ISSUED lnspA'€r: 90 ELC6.Finai EAcLf FIVER WATER & $AN. US1 :r'.onrnn Mliitrr \ldll catl cDAvi..-: Tline ExD: R€querted fime: 08:00 Alll' Phona: 97(F47S74I{) gnloftd By: LCAMPBELL K. BLDG-Ffa:-'rhg "' Apprc'J6d " 0r-r03ilh; -irini)€{acr. OS Cdnm€:rt\ APPROV€D BLfS-Sh€€tu{€k hlarl ^* Approre '" ftilz5,3€ Insp€clcr. iF(:cflmanl] ALMQST i.{iNl- BLli3-Fi!r5l BLDG- iemu tjio Adtiati APP,"-i APFJRQ',/E[) Aci,on APFR aPPna''lEt) (l \/d-u 'tsm: 9A Itam: 53O J)- ,/( f*51[ t I ).,I ,Lv REPT]"-J].Run .Id: 1-567 \ Page 14 Fle{4uesied lnsD:ct liate. lngp€ct'an 't}deii.Slte AodrPts. AtP/q|ntqryetlsl Actlvifj' irt96 0O i 7 T{F€ B-r'r[:. i"i C,m#i TVt*: Orcupercv. Apfiiidnt: LiJN$F{:'RB tsFtOS ME.-.F{AN{{A! Ownef ] UPPEF E ALiLE VALLf, } i.)OIJ$OL J{,1.I.TE L, Con$ortr,r: LUN$FORD BROS h'aCF!AN|CAJ DescfiF{(n: 2ND FLOOR lNTERtt}F F€}JICDE. Beq{es ed-jn$leg$elj,cj Itetr: -591r MECH-FiiralRe{ E3loI,' Mzrtiatr Miller ERWSE Coniments. vr l rtrII Assigned ]t. Ct,AVl$ Action. Sub T'vu*. .ACOM StdrtuF I$SUEDiJir: lusp tuer: CFP{unc: "ltfil?4?5?9O Pfane: 30324?5?S) Flequn$H ilme: 08:00 Allll Frorre: 47&7480 Enl€red Bv: L{-AMPEELL Thtrrsday, fdry 09, ?0t12 r.F *46 FCrR5g.-t RD VA|L Time [ro:K n\_/---- !l$Se!!oxjjisiory llam: tusm- ll€m: Asm: ftom: itam: . ', lr V zCO MECFLFfirsh 34O F||.tvl$.Oae Plphg 310 MECH-fi6a$nu 3?f) MECH-E rhasSt t+:orJs 330 MECI+S,rF{,ry Air :)4O lviEgH-Misc. 35rft i*l€Cil-i*ral . i oi){[u- lr/ \ 4(tir/,r\V U il 0Y \ REFT1"Tl Rlrn Id: 156? Appendix A Vail Meadows Storage Tank Site Plan and Drainage lmprovements Appendix B VailMeadows Site Altemative Tank Positions and Decision Matrix l "[ui I F =.m ooco {=aaa=o> >mg; 4d6B o m { zx (! oc a (D ct c) o o v7u, (Du, : .)4:u | | | | E5'0E I oq'lp$9s5.3 56:X3. ='6< - 6 (D5!1 (,r: E *== qgqKE s 1E H5 {: ** b: :;;: +q.;o LlX.iCE;q Hv=E = 19 ii uE E :.7 399 =':.LFia ia+ ee' q: EB $q€ 93?,F* 3Eg oo5grr *Fd 'n?e"3' gE; €3E|E' e.=-. . F (DE. +Es 5'e?6 ;c: =-OXator:3 F c?$tr 3E'gH[* a1 HF =E *T'+n* ?H B.Hg g3sr[ ? Fs:o o (! > o oa .Dra €Eg HF eg*HE Es ,-.F ra i+ o€ ?=. Fx g- H$ ET ;_., j 6, .]l =.Fi w At 3> H g =: i@o-=*Es $ 4-=. < s.t e j ai F'HE EB =' Fa0q l1o: ^(h+Y=+, E<i+ !:9 =rr<qdFrt (!!r-<o!!o 5(Doo. fD:, E'@c) a t! Rl = < Fl ()Z -lE=-HE'o on oq-E.6 < rr< <3 = -^ 'r Oo -.x * + . -Ei-59 ==' frl .E€B 6'=. od5qto.5'lf993 {R 9.i: (, (D ='(}=PL Fp 8-otFD -ao'= 5 E o C_r..d= 3a 2!1 < ='-.tA 0a 3-.7 €' ? E & 3.9.I-o ef € E ='4Ol .+=(D83 H3 ttt 6 Oa !t5'H ; EAtff E5 =488 gr F*i€ $il =ol+,3(D,f A sL go- EH€ F 's.t[ E "tg?o a oo F E;. I =FF.E.E: =3X -o i€ A "EER3H RE. =s * E+ o':6 CI.d = 2g. < ,)j 0c ?*F *8 1+f aa= eBEsEiei gils EEe' +E 3;B g i E s.rqE? -i =FR?)s*[{je 5'E. l.goa oG 5c)>n,Fa gstDoEE€ s *r figg 0 (D I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I T I I T V) A' (D o at o o o o o c) o ts (D oa v) ag F) rat at2 oaa gR 3 >sal* e A F's'6'F.s=5a;io 91 6 6:rTHSFai iagoa o 9.4 !il F+' F ::(D =. O. t(.D n(DIe(D *> llor-io o E7 R B'F E. { F: "8.E 4 E 8.JJ -ot f o 5Ar O o.: = -.+xraa\*s E;S = (D o.()5 !" *B5.dX'(D@Y : uta OQth= qq V) tD oI .Do (Da o.o o (D:tx'g g 6.Fi5g*e6';EF.9:1g;g* 5+O-Oi:frgE iaF *a f iie 5 d3 F+) Dt li(Di. o- -5R(D 6E SYtris g€ ?e4J!oo:,, = 6.x< s6'o, (D FgE rs *1 -X::l-rXH;AE8 ;Dr 5- r-C OEsFE E' Es x 5 -= F:'gcf o Y -=.ttase a (h (D ?5'E<i3[.€ Q ;': A' 6 i$" F o= f.a BO ?oa) x!D () F() it Ege' 6.i5 q :i ='==' at X =a.i!oo=E E. -o €' 3C'ri(D (lt ,='!t @ v.:2?6d6.;Y';6'x<qx'-.=o) q' (D gH€ +Ega='Eu. s ai;Er=X<-rH;AE3 E aiiFia:5'i'39 o Asa (a (! o Aa=€gis E[*FiE: :' ? ts B. sr" I 3HFgg3't - =r.j5 E X fi E.q.E 5'<+9) E< +o D=.6'! =(D s.a (Db FVI :Iooko -(D oq $A5 EiE€E gF €g€ FaF3i $1-Fi *gE f$ +$ ^? ah (D ! T I T I I I I I I I I I t I I l3 qF 57I F= I F'0a(D t\) I I I I I I T I I I I I I t I I I I Appendix G VailMeadows Water Storage Tank Site Hydrology Report ,l \ I ;' I I I t I I I I I I HYI'n'OSPHERE Rc3ourcc Go n tu lte[tt July 02, 1996 Gayle Grider, Project Manager Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO RE: Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank Site Hydrology Report Dear Gayle: This letter presents our findings from the work we've done to estimate the 100-year discharge (Qroo) ofthe unnamed creek that flows through the site of the Vail Meadows Storage Tank. The creek that flows throulh the site is not currently gaged, nor are we aware of any records of historical stream flows. Our estimate of the 100-year flood discharge at the site ofthe tank is therefore based on streamflow characteristics ofnearby gaged streams and on a method developed by the U.S. Geological Survey S.ircher et. al., 1e85). USGS Method to Estimate Stream Flow Characteristics The U.S.G.S. method utilizes the results of regression analysis performed on numerous gaged streams in Colorado. These regression analysis define relationships between stream flow characteristics and easily measured drainage basin characteristics. Specifically for drainages in the mountain regions of Colorado, these relationships allow development of flood flow estimates using information on basin drainage area and mean basin slope. The U.S.G.S. methodology is faidy simplistic but provides a reasonable indicator of the magnitude of potential flood dischaige. We should mention that we have spoken with Brian Richter, one ofthe co-authors ofthe report describing this method, and he agreed that this is a reasonable approach for the drainage area above the Vail Meadows site. Policy Analysis . Enfineerin$ ' Environmental Assessment ' Information Systems I I I I I I I I 1OO2 Walnut, Suite 2OO . Bouldeq Colorado 8O3O2 USA ' 1-303-443-7839 ' TeleFax 1-303-442-0616 T I I I t t t I I Gavle Grider July02, 1996 PageZ The equation presented by the U.S.G.S. to estimate stream discharge in the mountain regions of Colorado with a I in 100 year reculrence interval is as follows: Qroo = 98.5 x Ao 6sB X soo tut where: A = contributing drainage area Sb = mean basin slope Using this equation, a drainage area of 0.32 square miles and an estimated mean basin slope of 44olo results in an estimated Q'* at the tank site of 30.5 cfs. Flood Probability on Nearby Greeks The flood discharge characteristics ofseveral creeks in relatively close proximity to the tank site were estimated using a technique for defining probability known as Log Pearson Type III. The Qroo was estimated for six creeks in the area surrounding the Vail Valley using data from gaging stations monitored by the U.S.G.S. Included were Gore Creek, Black Gore Creek, Big Horn Creek, Pitkin Creek, Booth Creek and Red Sandstone Creek. Each ofthese creeks have duly gage records ofat least sixteenyears. Contributing area and mean basin slope of each of these drainages upstream of the monitoring points are shown in Table 1 along with the corresponding estimate of the Q'oo.I I I I I I I I Gaged Site Gore Creek (upper station) Black Gore Creek Bighorn Creek Pitkin Creek Booth Creek Red Sandstone Creek Table 1 Area Slope Est. Qroo 14.3 misq. 28 o 513 cfs 12.6 I 2794.5 45 206 5.3 30 2236.0 30 2417.3 8 188 I I Flood probabilities estimated for nearby creeks using the Log Pearson method were then used to estimate the Qroo at the site of the Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank by making adjustments to reflect differences between sites in dranage area and basin slope. This "proportioning" of the Qroo estimated for each of the gaged sites resulted in estimates of the Qroo at the tank as shown in Table 2. The average of these proportioned values results in an estimated Qroo at the tank site of 39.7 cfs. Hy&osphere Rcsourc€ Consultants, 1002 Walnul Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 I Gavle Grider July O2,1996 Page 3 I I I t I T I I I t t Gaged Site Gore Creek (upper station) Black Gore Creek Bighom Creek Pitkin Creek Booth Creek Red Sandslone Creek Average Comparison of the Two Methods and Other Considerations As shown above, use of these two methods resulted in estimates of the Qroc at the tank site ranging from 30.5 cfs to 39.7 cfs.. Through discussions with the USGS @enver office), we learned that their hydrologists often use a value of 100 cfs per square mile of drainage area as a rule of thumb for estimating the Qroo in similar drainages. Following this guideline would indicate a flood flow of about 32 cfs, which seems reasonably consistent with the estimates from the analysis outlined above. While our two Qroo values seem fairly close given that they were developed independently using two different methods, they do indicate a potential error of roughly 25Yo to 30% if one of these values is selected for design purposes. Unfortunately, flood flow estimation for drainages ofthis small size is a fairly inexact science and the available methods do not support very precise estimates. A conservative desigrr approach might best utilize the larger of our two estirnates in sizing a new channel at the tank site, although this decision should also consider associated increased costs and possibly other factors. Potential Streamflow lmpacts From an Avalanche As you are aware, the drainage area above the tank site encompasses a snow avalanche path. In developing flow discharge estimates, w€ spent some time investigating the available research on the effects that a sizable snow slide might have on the timing and peak discharge of snowmelt runoff. Although there has been some research on this issue, it has mostly been performed in much larger drainage basins and avalanche slide areas. The research does indicate that avalanches can result in a temporal shift in the snowmelt patterq and therefore the downstream flow characteristics. However, the precise effect seems to be fairly site specific and depends largely on local temperature regimes as well as basin aspect and other characteristics. @irkland, pers. comm.) A large avalanche at the Vail Meadows site could have an impact on the pattern of seasonal snowmelt and streamflow in the drainage through the tank site. The most Table 2 Gaged Site Est. Qtoo 513 cfs 279 206 223 241 188 Tank Site Est. Qroo 44.1 cfs 43.6 31.7 37.0 36.7 45.3 39.7T I t I I I t Hydrcpherc Resource CoosultanB, 1002 Walnut Suite 200, Bouldcr, CO 80302 I I t I T t I T t t I I I I I I t t t Gayle Grider July 02, 1996 Page 4 important change following an avalanche would be that snow distributed throughout the upper reaches ofthe drainage would slide to the lower reaches and become concentrated in the avalanche runout area at the site of the proposed tank. The potential impacts of an avalanche on streamflows would depend primarily on the counteracting effects of faster ablation resulting from the movement of the snow to a lower elevation where melt rates are higher and a reduction in meltwater production due to concentration in the runout area (i.e. reduction in the ration ofsnow surface area to volume), (de Scally, 1996). Application of de Scally's formulas for computing potential changes in streamflow associated with avalanches to the basin above the storage tank indicate, in the Vail Meadows drainage, the impacts associated with the concentration of snow in the avalanche runout area would more that offset the impacts ofthe higher melt rate. This result is consistent with research in other areas. At the Vait Meadows site, a major avalanche could result in a reduction in average daily snowmelt flows ofup to about 1.6 cfs (de Scally, 1992). Estimated Channel CaPacitY Last month. Bob Weaver and I visited the tank site to take some channel and discharge measurements and investigate options for rerouting the stream to the south of its existing location. At the time of our visit (June 5th), the stream was flowing at approximately 3.9 cfs. Our measurements were taken immediately upstream of the culvert that crosses under the site access road. The width, deptb and gradient ofthe existing channel at this location suggest a maximum capaclty of approximately 40 cfs. However, this point in the channel is fairly incised compared to other areas upstream and it is likely that other portions ofthe channel would experience overtopping at discharge rates which are considerably less than 40 cfs. Ifyou have and questions concerning these findings or anything else, please feel free to call me or Bob Weaver at303-443-7839. Sincerely, Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc. JimMcNeil Bob Weaver Ed Armbruster Hy&osphere Rcsource CoBultants, 1002 Walnut Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 I I Gavle Grider July02, 1996 Page 5 References Birkland, Karl, 1996. Personal Communication. U.S.D.A U.S. Forest Service, GallatinNational Forest, Bozemarl Montana. de Scally, Fes A., 1996. Hydrologic Roles of Snow Avalanches in High Mountain Environments: A Review. Paper presented at the Western Snow Conference, Bend, Oregon. de Scally, Fes A., 1992. lnfluence of avalanche snow transport on snowmelt nmoff. Journal of Hydrologt, 137 pp. 73-97. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. , Amsterdam. Jerret, Robert D., 1996. Personal Communication. U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado. Kircher, James E., A.F. Choquette and B.D. Richter, 1985. Estimation ofNatural Streamflow Characteristics in Western Colorado. U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations Report E54086. McCain, Jerald F., and Robert D. Jerret, 1976. Manual for Estimating Flood Characteristics of Natural-Flow Streams in Colorado. Colorado Water Conservation Board, Technical Release No. l. Norflect, James G., 1988. Determination of the 100-Year Flood for Sizing Spillways and Low- Hazard Dams. Colorado DMsion of Water Resources, Office of the State Engineer, Dam Safety Branch. U.S.D.A. 1984. Procedures for Estimating Peak Flows in Colorado. Soil Conservation Service, Technical Release No. 55 - Urban Hydrology and Small Watersheds. Richter, Brian D., 1996. Personal Communication. The Nature Conservancy, Hayden, Colorado. Hydroslhcrc Resource Cons.rltants, 1002 W.lnut Suitc 200, Boul.ler, CO 80302 I I I t I t I I I I T I I I T I t t I I I Appendix D U.S. Forest Service Biological Assessment and Biological Evaluation DAVID General I t I I :I t I T I T I I t I I I I I t 9IIIITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST HOLYCROSS RANGER DISTRICT BIOLOGICAL ASSESSUENT EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER SPECIAL USE APPLICATION April 12, 1995 Biologist D I STRICT Prepared by: Approved by: JAYIES %. JOHNSTON Zone Wildlife BiologiEt WILL Di strict I I I I I I I T T I I I I t t t I I I $TIIITE RIVER NATIONAT FOREST HOIJYCROSS RANGER DTSTRTC? BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT for UPPER EAGLE VA]-,LEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT SPECIAJ. USE APPLTCATION April 12, 19 95 Prepared bv: DAVID B . I,ABEIJIJE ceneral Biologist approwed by: 'JAMES T. .JOHNSTON Zone lfildlife Biologists Receiwed By: WILLIAI'iI A. WOOD Disericts Ranger Unitsed States Department. of Agri culture ForesE Service White River Natsional Fores E Holy Cross Ranger Discrict P. O. Box 190 Minturn, Colorado 81545 303-827-5715 I I Reply tot 267 o / 2720 Date: April 12, 1995 Subj ect : To:District Ranger, Iloly Cross Ranger DisE.rict. T TNTRODUCTION Forest Service Manuel 2600, Section 257!.11 (ammended 2500-91-3), provides direction on the review and actions and programs authorized, funded or i-mpI-emented by the Forest Service relative to the requirements of the Endarrgered species Act (EsA) . This is the Biological- Assessment for the Upper Eagle Vall-ey Consolidated Water Districts special Use Permit. application. The purpose of this Biological Assessment (BA) is to document tbe analyses used and conclusions reached regarding potential- affects, if any on any Federally Lisced Threatened or Endangered fish, wil-dLife and plant species due to this proposed action. II . PROPOSED ACTION,/PRO,IECT DESCRIPTION The Upper Eagle valley Consolidatsed water District is proposing t.o conseruce a 1.000,000 ga11on treated water storage tank in Easts vail on NFS land. when they originally made the proposal several years ago, the Forest Service denied the request. Since thaE. time, the Forest Service has made a decision through the Land Ownership Adjustment Anallysis to convey this parcel of land. The water district has a desire to acquire this property, but has an immediate need tso upgrade Cheir municipal waler supply system serving the Town of Vail . The tank would be a partially buried concrete structrure, approximately 86 feet in diameter by 26 ft. high. The removal of Che existing 500,000 grallon t.ank would follow the proposed construction. III. AREA COVIRED BY TIIE PROPOSED ACTION(S) The Hofy Cross Ranger District is focated on the Whiee River National Foresc,' Eagl-e County. Colorado. The forest is located enEirely wit.hin the upper Colorado River Basin on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains. The project site is located in East Vail, T.5S., R.79w., Section 18. IV. IDEIiTTIFICATION OF TISTED SPECIES A}ID SPECIES INFORMATION Two Federally Lisced bird species frequent the Eagle and Colorado River area. No known Threat.ened or Endangered plant species has been documented in Biological Assessment for Upper Eagle valley consolidatsed Water Distsrict Proposed East Vail Wacer Tank I I I t t l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I t t I I I I I I Page 3 IV. IDEIf,IIFICATION OF I.ISTED SPBCIES A}ID SPECIES INFORTIATION (CONI. ) the analysis area, nor has any portion of the analysis area been designated as critical habitat by the secretary of the Interior (PL-93-205, Section 4, L97a) . There are no known listed or candidate plant species found in the analysis area . A l-ist of Threatened, Endangered, and Candidale species occuring on tshe whiee River Nauional Forest was received from the u.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on March 23, L994 and February 1-4, 1995. Listsed or Candidate wildlife and plant species which are confirmed in the Rocky Mountain Region and that are discussed in this Biological Assessment. are: Bald Eagle-FT, Peregrine Falcon-FE, Canada Lynx- FC, whooping Crane-FE, SW Willow Flycatcher-FT, Black Footed Ferret-FE, Greenback cuuthroac Trout-FT, Boneytail Chub-FE, Ilumpback Chub-FE, Colorado River Sguawfish-FE, and Razorback Sucker-FE. BaJ-d Eagle, I{aliaeetsus leucocephalus, are Endangered Federally. They migrate through Lhe higher elewaEions in Colorado during October and Nover 3er and winter on the Eagle and colorado Rivers. They prefer areas near water, as they feed on fish and waterfowl- They use monEane lakes for feeding and resting during migratsion. Eagles may use stsream corridors to go into the forest for hunting and foraging during the wj-nter months. Eagles frequent the analysis area during the winter and early spring. There is suffj-cient prey species in tshe area. There is not any cribical habitat (Roost trees near live streams/riwers, nese sites etc.) for eagles in the area(s). The upPer Eagl-e Valley Consolidated Water Districts proposed East Vail Water Tank Special Use will nots signj.ficantsly affect the BaLd Eagle or its habitat. Americai Peregrine Falcon, Falco Pereqrinus Anatum, is FederalLy Endangered. Peregrines nest orr high, precipitous cliffs and riwer gorgfes - There is not any suitable habitat near the analysis area for this species. Peregrj-nes have been documented in the Eagrle va11ey and in Glenwood Canyon. An immature female and matsure male was documenled along the Eagle River in ,JuIy. 1993 and ,June 1994 (Per. comm. cDow Bill Andree) . The pair did not sucessfully breed and nest due to tshe age of the female. There is a possibilitsy .that the pair will return and attsempts tso inhabit lhe area in 1995. The rnale peregrine Falcon was seen on the Eag1e River between Vail and Red Cliff on May 2, Lgg4. A Peregrine Falcon was also seen near Hanging Lake in Au$-rst. 1993. Their feeding and flying activities have been away from the special use area. This area is heavily used by the publ-ic Ehroughouts the year' The proposed application and associated activities wilt nog adversely affect Peregrine Falcons or thei"r habitat . Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Empj-donax trailii extimus, has receirtsly been Listed as Federalfy Threatened. This species is found below 8500 ft. elevation and prefers large bodies of sti11 water. Willow ssP. fifteen to twenty feet tall with cottonwood trees interspersed for resting is the preferred habitats. There is not any suitable habitat for the sw wil-low Flycatcher in Uhe upper Eagle or Colorado Riwer drainages on the white River National Forest. Page 4 Iv. IDENTIFICATION OF TISTED SPECIES AND SPECIBS INFOR!{ATION (Cont. ) Canada Lynx, Felis Lynx, is a Federal Candidate Species, a State Endangered Species, and is being considered for Federally Threatened stsatus (Went t.o Committee on May I, f994) . Lynx have been recently documented near vail, CO. They normally occur in high elevation stands of Spruce-Fir abowe 9,000 feet and prey on smal1 mammals and birds. Snowshoe hare are their preferred prey. Ll.rrx are nocturnal , very secretive, and den in downed logs. There is lynx habitat, primarily old growth scands of spruce-fir in the permit area. The home range of lynx is fairly 1arge. There will not be an adverse affect on the Lynx due to the tl4)e of activities and t'he large home range of | 1-!a cha^ i 6d whooping Crane, Grus americana, is Federally Endangered. The species breeds from central Canada south tfrrough tshe prairie pothol-e region to nort.hern Nebraska and wintsers along' the gulf coasts of tshe United Stales and Mexico. The whooping crane is a migrant across National Forest System Lands in Colorado. They prefer marsh areas adjacent Eo small grain fields to feed and rest in during their travels. There is noE any suitable habitat in the upper Eagle Va11ey for Whooping Cranes. The permit issuance will not have an adverse affecc on tshis species. Black Footed-Ferrets, Mustela nisripes, is Federally Endangered. There is a definitse associat,ion between prairie dogs/cowns and Bl-ack-Footed Ferret habitat. There is not any ferret habitat on the White River National Forest. There will noL be anv affects on this species. Greenback Cutthroats Trouc, Sa1mo clarki stomias, is Federally Threatened. This species prefers cold, c1ear, gravelly mountain streams and lakes which provide an abundant food supply of insects. The native range and distribution of tshis fish is on the fronts xange of Col-orado. It is not found in the Colorado River Drainage of the western Slope. A11/any management actiwities on the white River National Forest wiII not affect the Greenback Cutthroat Trout. Four Big River Fishes The BonyUail Ch'ub (Gila eleqans) , Humpback Chub (Gila cvpha), Colorado Riwer Sguawfish (Plwchocheilus lucius) and Razorback Sucker (Iyrag.chgn_lCxq4gg) are all Federally Endangered. These fish are located in the lower colorado River drainage system. water Depletions withj.n the system will cause a "May Affect" for lhese species. There is not any water depletion associatsed with this Specj-al- Use application. The proposed action will not cause a "May Affect' on the Four Big River Fishes. V. DETERMINATION Best Management Practices and Forest Standards and Guidelines wilL be foll.owed for all projects to limit sediment input into stream systsems. The proposed action will not affect water cruality. I I t I t t I t I I I I I I I I I I I T t v. DErERurrihrroN (conr., n"n" t In sunmary, this proposed Federal Action of granting a Special Use permit to I t,he Upper Eagle Val].ey Consofidated Water District on NaE.ional Forest Land t wiII not adversely affect any Federally Listed plants or animaL species. I t I t I I I I T t I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t YIHITE RIVER NATIONAI FOREST B IOI.,OGI CAI, IVAI.I'ATION For SensLtive PIants and Aniaa1 SPecieE SU}'IiIARY PAGE I Introductslon: Aceivitj.es considered in the Environmentsal Analysis for this project require a Biological Evaluation to be completed (FSM 2672.4\. The intent of this process is to conduct and documenc activities necessary to ensure UhaU proposed actions will not jeopardize t,he contj.nued viability of: A. species Listed as SensiEj.ve by the Regional Forester. B. species list.ed as Forest species of Special Emphasis (LMP-EIS) . ProJec! Degcription: The upper Eagle Val1ey consolidated water District is proposing to construct a 1,000,000 gallon tsreated water storage eank in East vail- on NFS land. When they originally made tshe proposal several years ago, tshe Forest Service denied the request. Since that time, the Forest Service has made a decision through the Land Ownership. Adjustment Analysis to convey this parcel of land. The waE.er districts has a desire to acquire tshis property, but has an immediate need to upgrade their municipal water suppJ-y sysEem serwing the Town of Vail . The tank would be a partially buried concrete structure, approximately 85 feet in diameter by 26 ft. high. Ilabitat Description: The projects site is located at an alE.itude of 8800 fts. in a subalpine forest ecosystem. Englemann spruce; sub-alpine fir, and imnature aspen forests dominate the area with gravel moraine t14>e soils. Project Na.Be r EaBt vail water Tank Ranger Distsricts! HoIy CroEg Approved by:itAt[Es T . ,f,oHNsToN PRETIEL,D RSVIEW FIELD RECON species with potentiaL F=Found or documented occur- NF=Not Found ances in the project NC=Not CorTtr)lete area.NN=Nots Needed Canada Lynx (FC) Harrington Penstemon Brownie Lady Slipper Co1 . River Cutthroat, Trouc RingEai 1 PreParer: DAVID B. L,A.BELLE Datse Prepared: April 12, L995 DaEe Raceived: Project Locatsionr The lloly Cross Ranger District is located Nauional Forest, Eagle Countsy, Colorado. The project site vail, T.55., R.79w.. Section 18. The Biological Evaluation is a 5-step process. Evaluat ion giwen species may be compLete at the end of step fl or may lt5. CONFI.,ICT DETERMINATION Conflicts ? Yes/No NO NO on the White River is located in East of impacts on a extend through step S IGNIF X CAI.ICE S =Significant NS =Not Significant BIU=Bio. Investi- gation Underway. NS STEP #1 STEP #2 STEP #3 STEP #4 NO NO NF NF NS NS NSI I I NF NO NS PREFIELD REVIEW Species with potent,ial or documented occur- ances in the Droi ecC Townsends Big-eared Bat American Marten Fringed- tai.led Myocis Dwarf Shrew Wolverine qr.\^f t- al,l F- | Americarr Bittern Greater Sandl:,iIl Crane White-faced Ibis Common Loon Osprey B_LaClt sw1rl: Black Tern Lewis' Woodpecker Logrgerhead Shrike Fox Sparrow Ferrug'inous Hawk Drr1.r\l a M='.t-in Pygmy Nuthatch Olive-sided Flycatscher Merl in -''r.nree-Eoeo wooopecKer Golden- crowned Kinglet Flammulated Owl- Boreal Ow1 NortLrern Goshawk Northern Leopard Frog Tiger Salamander Western Boreal Toad FIELD RECON .b= I Ollno NF= Not Found NC= Not Complete NN= Not Needed NN NN NN NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NN NF NN NN NN NF NF NF CONFLICT DETERMINATION ConfIictss? Yes /No Page 2 SIGNIFICE}ICE S = Signinifance Ns= Not Signifance bIU=lJl-O. l.nVeSCl- -qation Urrderway NS NS NS NS NS NS 1\5 NS NS I\D NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T NO NO NO Blank spaces above indicate steps that were noE necessary to completse the evaluation. Question marks indicate steps waitsing for field reconnaissance results. Entries of NC, ? and BIU symbols mean that the Biological Eval-uation is not ful-lv comolete . There are not any surveys needed to complete the analysis. zurthe! documentsation is not needed due to the habitat needs of the Sensitive Species, type of activities, and kind of Special Use Permits (construction of nevt 1,000,00O ga1lon water tank and removal of existing 500,000 gallon water tank) A1I species found in the Prefield Review are discussed in Appendix A witsh -Page2- t I I II! t I I I I I T I t I t t Page 3 e:q)lanat,ions of conflict. Decerminalion and if uhey are Significant. A Biological Investsig:ation is sometimes necessary tso compLete Sigmificance and is referenced in the attached discusEion when appropriate. Supporting documentsation and worksheets for evaluation of habitats, possible species, survey intensj-ty and significance of effectss are i.ncluded in the supports file for this environmentsal analvsis and are available for rewiew at the distsrict COMMON NAME Brownie Lady Slipper Harrington BearCong'ue colorado River cutthroat. Northern Leopard Frog Tiger Sal-amander Western Boreal Toad Wol-werine Canada Irynx Marten Townsend' s Big-eared Bat Fringed-tailed Myotis Dwarf Shrew Note: The proposed special affec! the above rnentioned American Bittern Sandhill crane White-faced Ibis Osprey Btaek Tern Bl-ack Swift Common Loon Ferruginous Hawk olive-sided Flycatcher Merl- in Loggerhead Shrike Pygmy Nuthatsch Purple Martin APPENDIX A SCIENTIFIC NAME rirny j rti rrn +.e^.i ^,,1-1.,-ry Penstemon harringlon Trout oncorhwnchus clarki pleuriticus Rana oipiens Ambvstoma tiqrinum Bufo boreas boreas Gulo qulo luscus Felis lnnx canadensis Martes americana Plecotus townsendii Myotis thvsanodes Dahasapenis Sorex naDus use project and its lobation will specr-es Botsaurus lentiqinosus Grus canadensis Pleqadis recalis Pandion haliaetus Chlidonias niqer Crrpseloides niqe:: Gavia immer Buteo reqaLis contopus borealis Falco columbarius Lani.us ludovicianus Sitta p\/cmaea Proqne subis HABITAT Open Woodlands Sagebrush Streams, Lakes Ponds, Streams Ponds, Streams Ponds, Streams Mixed Forest Mixed Forest Mixed Forest Caves, Mines Caves, Mines open woodlands not adversely Marsh, Wetland Marsh, Rivers Marsh, wetland I-,ake, Lge. Rvr. Marsh, Lake Waterfal l tgie. Lakes Prairie Hardwoods Spruce - Fir Plains Ponderosa Pine OG Aspen I Note: These species might. be found on this portion of the llhite Riwer Nationalr Forest.. The proposed special use project will not adversely affect the species or their habitats . I I -Page3- COMMON NAME Northern Goshawk Flammulated ow1 Three-toed Woodpecke.r Golden- crowned King:1et Boreal owf Lewis' Woodpecker Note: The proposed special APPENDIX A SCIENTIFIC NAME Accipiter qentili.s Otus flammeolus Picoides tridactvlus Regulus satrapa Aegolius funereus Melanerpes lewis use projects will not adversely Page 4 HABlTAT Aspen, Conifer OId Growth coni f ers spruce - Fi r cl'r?!r/.a-Fi r Rj.parian affect these species. I I I I I I T T t I I I t I I I I I t Summary: The proposed East VaiI adwersely affect any of Ehe R2 water tank special sensitive plant or use project will not animal species. -Page4- HYDROSPHERE Reaource Consultanta l@2 wblnut . suite 20() . Boulder, co ao(}02(303) 443.7a39 . TeleFax (3()3) 442.o(t16 - a. TOWN OF VATI, 75 S. !'RONTAGF] ROAD vArL/ co 81651 97 0-41 9-213t3 OWNER 846 FOI1EST I{D WAS'T-'E VJA'IER PLANT 2I0L-072-09-001 SLatus . . . nnn l i r:i.rP|,-Lfvs.. Issued... Expires. . Phone: 30394 Plrone: 3039491662 I S SUED 08 /20 /1.ee 6 oe /r't /ree6 03 /76 /Leel 97662 DEPAF,TI.{ENT Ob- COM}IUNITY DEVELOI,MENT NOTE: THIS PERI'{I'I }1UST BE POSTED ON JOBTiITE AT ALI-, TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 896-0193 Job Address Location. , . Parcel No. . Project No. APPLICANT ilON'S ELECTR.IC COMPANY P O BOX 591, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOI1 RON'S EI,ECTRIC CONIPANY Description: REPLACE LITE FITURES ***************)t* ****************t**********Jr******i******* E tectr i ca !---> P o ilo)< 591, AVON CO 81620 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED DIST, PO BOX Y/ AVON CO 81620 126.0C WITH l'lBTAL HALIGENVaLuirtion :7 r 000.00 FEE SUllllARY ************Jc*******ir*Jct*t*i******trffi*********Jcl*****Jr*** Tota I Calcutated Fees---> 129 -OO Addi tionaL f ees---------> Tote I Permi t Fee--------> Payrnents-------- BALANCE DUE"---- DRB Fee Investigation> .00 liLl catt----> 3.00 ToTAL FEES---> 129.OO .o0 129.OO 12 9. 00 .00 ********* *** ****Jr**** * *Jc***** ***JciJ<****Jr* **l*irH** *-i *:rA-**r.***Jr*1r* *****i ****i * 1* * *****.** Jr****-lr**** **fh**Jr#Jc*Jr********Jrlt**irl* DepT: BUILDING DiViSJ.ON:Iten: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTI'{ENT08/2O/7996 CHARLIII Action: APPR ******)t******************Jc*****************Jrt**trHtr*****fi*******Jr* t******i***********t*t ***t*lr*JrJr*****iot*i}ffi******Jr******'jrtJrt CONDITION Oi.' APPROVAL ****i*Jci*ii***ffi*****r#**Jcrr**rr**x******tr***}t,.**J.*****Jrt*********ri***lc*fii**lrf,************r.ti*****ir*,rkt*ffi**tr*Jrf*Jct******** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowLedge that I have read this appl.ication, fill.ed out in futl the in{ornation reqttired, contPleted.an accurate pLot pLan, and state th;t a[], the information provided as required is coffect. I agree to comPly ]rith the infornation and ptot pLan, to cimpty with all. Town ordinances and state [aHs, and to bu'i td this structure accordjng to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes, dis.ign reviev approved, Uniforn Buitding code and other ordinances of the Toun apPl'icabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEI-EPI]ONE AT 179-2138 OR AT OUR OTFICE F ROI'I 8:OO AH 5:OO PI'I ,4 _ sieHliunr oF oUNER oR coNTRAcroR FoR Hrl4SELF AND ot'JNER ,o"" ou uorr, 75 S. }'RONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 D-47 9-2I38 owNE11 846 FORITST RD I{ASTE I^JATER PLANT 2LA7-0t 2-A 9-001 ISSU]]D aB/'20/ree6 oe/77 /7ee6 03/L6 /rsel y ItJoz DBPARTMEN'I O!- CO]{.4UNITY DEVELOPMEI'IT No'lll: THIS PERMIT I{UST Bil POSTEI)ON JOBSI'I']J AT ALL TII'IES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 896*0193 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No. . n-^-^^a- rl^rr(J_J(j\-t- rrL/. APPLICANT RON'S ELECTRIC COMPANY P O BOX 591, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR RON'S EI,ECTRI(I COMPANY Phione: 30394 Plrone:. 3039491662 Tota L cal.cutated Fees--'-> 129.00 Status. . . Applied.. fssued... Expires. . P O BOX 591, AVO]I CO 81620 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATF]D DrsT, PO tsOX Y/ AVON CO 81620 Descripti-on: REPLACE LITE !-ITURBS WITII I"{ETAL IIALIGENValutlLion:7,000.00 ***'+***fkt?i**]r'I*****)t*********,c*#************i************FEESU|,1l,1ARY********Jc****'r*i*****,d*i).***rd**jr*JrH*Jr**tll.lt:t E lectfi cat---> 126.00 DRB Fee Invest i gation> l.JiLt Cal.l----> Addi ti ona l- Fees-*------ -> Tota I Permi t Fee--------> Paynents-------- EALANCE DUE___-- .00 129.00 129.00 -00 ****ir******************f*******)t*****Jr**************r*rc**rki*******#***************************)k*******i.lt*.,C*irk'k*J.iJr***ht*irt** Dept i BU TLDING Di-vision: .00 3.00 T0 r/rl F EE S---> 129.00 ]t-cm: O6OOO EI,trCl,,iIICAL DEPARTMENT OE /2O /rcgA CHARLIE AcTion: APPR *************rr*tri****i*rrrr*Jr**********trA**Jrt*r****ti**Jr**t**lit**:t**********rtht********t:******** k#*r.***Jr***J.****ti'tJ'tir**l#t** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *********J.******tctc****ici******tr*rtt*i**Jc******t.l*****r(ikljrr******i'**JiH**************ir****rt**ij.k**t**Jrk**irirl***trk***Jcl#t**#*-i DBCLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this app[ication, fitLed out in futI the information required, compteted-an accurate ptot pt.an, and state th;t atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy with the in{ormation and ptot Ptan, lo compty Hith att Toun ordinances and state [a!,/s, and to buitd this structure accofding to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design rev'ieH apprcved, Uniform tsuitding code and otber ordjnances of the Town appticeble thereto. REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE |'IADE TIIENTY-fOUR HCURS IN ADVANCE BY TFLEPHONE AT 179-?138 OR AT OUR OTFICE TROII 8:OO AII 5:OO Pt''I ...1z1-4-L SiGNATURE OF OI'INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OI'INER TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON EIJECTRICAI-' PERMTT Job Address: 846 FOREST RDI,,ocation...: WASTE WATER PLANT Parcel No.. : 2101-072-09-001 Project No.: APPLICANT RON'S ELECTRIC COMPANY P O BOX 591, AVON CO 8l-620 CONTRACTOR RON'S EI,ECTRIC COMPANY P O BOX 591, AVON CO 81620OI,'INER UPPER EAGIJE VALI-,,EY CONSOLTDATED DIST, PO BOX Y, AVON CO 81620 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E96-0193 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . APPROVED 08 /20 /Lee6 08 /20 /Lee602/16 /lee7 Phone z 3O3949L662 Phone: 3039491662 DescripLion: REPLACE LITE FITURES WITH METAL HALIGENVa].uaTion: tEE SUllllARY*ffi*ffiffi E tectri ca t--->126.O0 7, 000. 00 DRB Fee TotaL Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee-------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- 1?9.W .00 129. 00 129.00 Investigation> lli l. L cat l,----) .00 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 129.00 rffirffi DEpt: BUILDING Division:rLe-m: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO8/20/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPR **t ffiffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL rt DECLARATIONS I.hefeby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication/ fil,Led out in ful,l, the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan. and state that at[ the infordation provided as required is correct. I agree to conpty uith the infornation and ptot ptan,to comply ]rith al'|. To|{n ordinances and state [avs, and to buil,d this structure according to the To]rn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforn Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Toyn appticab(e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR }IOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-213A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII E:OO A 5:OO P SIGNATURE Of OI.'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OI.'NER ;.3";::""*::i? oT.if,i o,avArL coNsrRucrfutrl APPLICATTON FORM PERI'IIT /I PERMIT Legal Description: Owners Nane: u/1t'' .. Lot Block filino qTrRnr\/r c rnN. Jyt-( Lr ,/p-^ b f AddreSs: f7( /,t46 t7- 4{Ph. Architect: Address: ph. ceneral Deseripti on, ft O , , U , r' Fo,"^ rG ;^ -, 1*" I{ork class: [ ]-New f1l-Alteration [ ]-Additional I i-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dryelling Units:Nurnber of Accomnodation Units: ^ {pnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ Woodr/peltet_v 't********************************* VADUATTONS ** * ******** ************* ********* / ao.BUILDTNG: $ _ ErEerRrcAtz$4*:z OTHER:l t oo' _3Lwaruc, F l.rEcHAlildi]t-: ;;ffl: - l*******!t***:l!t************rl* co}i|1lRjA,croR INFORMAI'roN ********* ******************t teneral Contractor: Address:Phone Number: Electrical Contractor:Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Address: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. **********f.** *** !r ** ** ***** * ** * ** BUTLDING PERI,!iT FEE: Req. No../a J t ,'2(- (z.c Z Plua$ing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: FOR oFFrcE usg ** **** * * * ***** * * ** ************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:I,TECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI.!fT FEES: PLUMBING PERMTT FEEs MECHANTCAL PERIIfIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: DAfEz y/2. /r( , APPLICATfoN MUST BE FIL,LED OUT COMPL,ETELY OR IT l.tAY NOT BE AccEpTED I*#**************************** PERMIT INFORI.IATJON *****************************rl I 1-Pr.ri lalina I 1-b1 r.-l^:--[ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [rr]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Name: uftg^u"rlt Ltuu/*+ Job Address: F 7 ( F, r< L,r- r<,1 {4/'' b tzf gL u-.r c-3 Tltz- CLEAII I'P DEP.OSIT REFTIND IIO: 75 south lrontage road Yail, color.do 81657 (3osl 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&'ECT: olllce ol communlty deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACIORS CURREMTLYL REGISTERED WIIH THETOWN OF VAIL TOI,'N OF VATL PUBLTC WORKS/CO!,TMI,NITY DE\IEIOPMENT ITIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUETTON PARKING & }TATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawfur for anvperson to ri*er, track or deposit anv-soir,-rJJxl"i"ial-i"ii:i=or matet'ial, incruding trash &urnpsterl, l-ii"ui" toilets andworkrnen vehicres. upon any streetl siaewaix, -iri"v or publicplace or anv oorti-on ttreieoi. - trre ;ighi:;i;;y "" arr Town ofVail streeti incr roaa=--is-iiproximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordi"."":^I]ll_ b". =tr_iEIfV enforced by the Town of VailPublic liorks Department. perslns found rrifuitirrg this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour *tiii." notice t"-r"rn"i" said naterial .rn the event the perso" r;-;;iified does-";t-;;rp1y lrith thenotice within the 24 nJui-tirne specified, the public worksDepartment wilr. remove saia-nitei-i"i ii-tnJ'I*i"rr=e of personnotified' The provi=ions-"r this ordinance shitr not beapplicabre to construction, niirtenan"" o"-""fair proiects ofany street or altey or any utiiiiies -i; G"-;iint_"_r.y. To review ordinance No. 6 in fulr., prease stop by the Tohrn of:::i"::i13i"3"":f,ifffii:":a"oiiain a copv- rirani v;" ;;;"y;;" l""g and acknowledged by:r contractor, owner) 75 roulh trontege rold eril, colondo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 otllce of qomlnunlty dcv.lopmotrt UILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If this peryit reguires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Ensineerts (pubric Tl|:l review anJ app"ovat,-i piiliiini'b"p."*"ntreview or Hearth Departnent review, unir-i-""uien fv'tii""iuitaing S;tt[Hlr,h"lll .rrtr.ted tine ror'a-totar ".ui"*-il.j"i.il'a, r6ns Al'l commerc-'iar ('large or smarl) and ail mu]ti-family permits willhave to follow the ibove menti6neJ ri*i*rr requirements. Residentialand.small projects should take a teiier'amouni of time. However, ifresidentiar or smarler.projects impaci ttre vJiious;il;.,lntion"adepartments with reqard' to-necessaiy-review, these projects mayalso take the three-weet perioJ. Every.attempt wil'l be Tgge fV this department to expedite thisperm'it as soon as possible. - 'v 'rrLv' eg r'' l:-ll. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and t.imeT rame . Communi ty Devel oomont Depa rtment. I YES O MEMoRANDUM TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPAFTMENTDATE: MAY9, 1994FE: WHEN A "PUBL|C WAY PERM|T''tS REQU|RED Job Name: Date: Please answerlhe following questionnaire regarding the need fora "Public Way permit.: NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being pertormed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls diflerent access needed to site olher than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Fighl Ol Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !f19u_ alswered ye9 to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" rnust be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at C9.ryqu1ity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie oavis, rtre iown' ol Vail Construction Inspector, at.47g-2159. I have read and answered a[ the above questions. Job Name Contractofs Signature DaG PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit aootication.lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either community Developmeni, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 13Og Vail Valley Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan will.expire on Oct. 1sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the tratfic control plan or a iite plan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's otfice for review. tf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g houls to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any thai may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. 7l As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confusi the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The above-ptocess is.for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid onty untit November 15th.* A new Public way permit is required each year if work is not complete. cdlpway 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D e p art m e nt of C omn u n i q* D e ve loprn e nt rltFORlrlATIOf, IEEDED WHEI{ rFqLIIf,c FOR A I,IECHAIWCAI, PER]|IT HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCAIJE FLOOR PI,AN OF MECHANICAL ROOI'{ WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWI IN TO SCAI,E, WITH PHYSICAI DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN I'{ECHATIICAL ROOM. sHow srzE AND tocATroN oF coMBusTroN ArR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHE?HER ETEVATOR EQUIPMENT WII.,L ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAI., ROOM. FATTJITRE ao PRovrDE THrs rltFoRrtArroil nrlr DEI"ar rouR PEnuIl . 1. 2. 3. 4. Inwn 75 roulh frontrge fold v.ll, cdo|ldo 81657 (303) 4792138 (3{r3) 47$2139 otfice of community developmenl NOITCE TO CONTRACTORS/OV{NER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 'J,99Lt the Town of vail Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures t.o ensure that new tonstructionsites have adequately established proper drainage from buij-dingsites along and adjacent t.o Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of vair Public Tforks Department will be required toinspect and approve draiaage adjacent to Torra of vail roads orstreets and tbe installation of tenporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from the road or street on to tle construction site.such approvar must -be obtaineci prior to any reguest for inspectionby the Town of vail Building Department for fobtings or temporaryelectrical or any other i-nspection. please calt 479-2160 t;request an inspection from the public works Department. Arlow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of vail public works Department wil-L be approvingal1 fina-l drainage and culvert installation with resulting roadpacching as neceisary. such approval must be obtained. prior toFi.nal- Certificate of Occupancy issuance. REtrT131 TOttN OF VArL, COLORAD(] 69/18I9E. O6246 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION I''ORK SHEETS FOR: 9fI8/96 PflGE AREA: E6 e6 Activity: Addregs: Locet i on: Parce I : Descri pt i on : Appl icant : Owner: Contraetor: E96-0193 9ll$/96 Type: B-ELEC Status: ISSIJED Constrl ACOII A46 FOREST RD I.JASTE T.JATER PLANT ?)OI-O7a-O9-OO1 REPLAC€ LITE FITURES }IITH ''IETALRON'S ELECTRIC COiItrflNY UPPER EA6LE VRLLEY CONSOLIDATED RON' S ELECTRIC CTIiItrANY Oec: HALIGEN Fhone: Phone: Fhone: Use: LITI:S 36;39491662 3S:3949r66e Inspeetion Request Inforration.... Requestor: RON/RONI S ELECTRIC Req Tire: 08:OO Corrents: I.JILL Iters requested to be Inspected... OOI9O ELEtr-Final Fhone: 47]t-14?!) CALL PLEASE ? rt'N Tire Exp Inspection History-. . . .9 */f 7,/' -1tIter:Iter:Iter: It dr:IterlIter:fter: OOLIO ELEC-Terp. Power OOIP0 ELEC-Rough 06130 ELEC-Conduit D6L4g ELEC-l4iec. 60190 ELEC-Final 6SAE4 FIRE-ALARII ROUGH OO53S FIRE_FINAL ClO &tsD NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Li\l)L_. 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 38/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER E Lectri cat---> DRB Fee Investigat ion> ui Lt Cal.l---> TOTAL F EES---> Job Address Location. . . Parce1 No.. Project No. TRI PHASE ELECTRIC P O DRAWER 920, GYPSUM TRI PHASE ELECTRIC P O DRAWER 920, GYPSI]M VAIIJ WATER & SANITATION BOX Y, AVON CO 81620 TOWN OF VA]L ELECTRICAL PERMIT co 81637 co 81637 DISTRICT D epartment of Conmunity Development Pernit +; E96-0037 Phone z 3039490249 Phone t 303949Q249 2,000.00 Status...: ISSUED INTERSECTION OF BUFFER CRAppIied . . tL04/04/t996 2701-072-09-002 1ssued...: 04/04/1996 Expires. . : 70/0t/1996 Description: ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR PUMP STATION IN Valuation: FEE SUI.IIIARY 50.00 .00 3.00 53.00 Totat Catcutated Fees---) Additional. Fees--------> Totat Pern'i t Fee--------> Payments------ BALANCE DUE-.-- 53.00 .00 53.00 53.m .m Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Di-vi-sion:04/04/7996 DAN Action: APPR FOR ERNST G.' trffi*ffiffi*ffiffffitrJ.*r**#*ffiff*ffi***Jr**ff******tr*rrt*****rffiffiffiffitffiiil,-t#*l** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. INSPECTIONS REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ,rrr**ffi ffirril-i*ffi #***i*ffi ffi ffi ,.ffi tit*ffi *ff(r(ffi til*ffi tiffi ffi * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitled out in futt the information required, conpteted an accurate ptot pl.an, and state that a[[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty vith the infornation and ptot ptan, to compty yith atL Tovn ordinances and state taHs, and to buil,d this structure accofding to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, des'ign reviev approved, Uniform Bui[ding Code and other ordinances of tha Town appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR ]NSPECTIONS SHALL BE tlADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 2o1 *rrrrrro r.*r*!7 UQ tt SD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t3V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Department of Community Development Permit #: E96-0037 Job Address rLocation... : INTERSECTION OFParcel No.. : 2t0I-072-O9-OO2Project No.: APPLICANT TRI PHASE ELECTRTC P O DRAWER 920, GYPSUM CO 81637 CONTRACTOR TRI PHASE ELECTRIC P O DRAWER 920, GYPSUM CO 81637OWNER VAIL WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT BOX Y, AVON CO 87620 DRB Fee Status. . . BUFFER CRApplied..Issued.., Expires. . ISSUED Lo4 /o4 /7es6o4/o4/tes6 L0/ot/ree6 Description: ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR PUMP STATION IN Valuation:2, 000 . 00 lr**********ff*tffi|k*Jclt*tt't*ffi't/rffiffi***ffi**ffffi FEE SUlll'IARY ****t*ffiff*Mffi*ffiffffiffiffiffi E Iectri ca t--->50.00 Total Catcutated Fees---> 53.00 Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- Phone t 303949O249 Phone z 3039490249 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 lnvestigat i on>9itt cat t----> TOIAL FEES---> 53.00 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E }IADE TI'ENTY-FOI'R HOURS tN ADVANCE .00 3.00 ff***trt****ffi*tr**ffiff***irtffiffi*ffi**ffi*ffirrffi*HH'*ffi****t*********fttrt*tr*tr#****ffiffiffi Ite{ri .069Q0 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04/04/1996 DAN Action: AppR FOR ERNST G.- ffiffiffffi***'t*ffi**ffiffiffi****'Hr**ffi*ffiH***|t***********'H********tr****ff****lrt*t****rr*ffiffi*#ffi* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. INSPECTIONS REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE *ff ff ffi rffiffi ffi tlt*ft *******t*t**ffi ffi ff *ffi ***ffi ffit****ff ***t*rt**#ffi ***ffi *ffiffi**ffi ** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLted out in ful,l. the infornation required, compteted an accurate ptotp[an, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty iith tire iniornation and ptot ]ltan,to compl'y with al.l' Torrn ordinances and state taws, and to buitd this structure accord'ing to the Toun's zoning and subdivisioncodes/ design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabte thereto. {g r'"'"'uo o*"^ **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprintedt 04/08/96 09:15 Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-o120 Amount:53.00 o4/04/96 0e:28Init: CDPayment Method: CK Notation: # 7958 896-003? TyPe: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2701-072-09-002 INTERSECTION OF BUFFER CR. RD. AND LION'S RIDG Total Fees: 53.00 Total ALL PmtE: Balance: **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4L336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 53.00 s3.00 .00 Anount 50 .00 3 .00 qY?-3YC/ PERI-IIT /I €?6-oob7 - t APPLTCATTON ltusr BE FTLTJD OUT COMPLETELY OR rr !,tAy Nor BE AccEprEDUx* * * ************** * *********** PERI{rT TNFORUATION ** ************* * ***** ** ** * ***rl Job Nane: /\r^ [ ]-Buildinqf /-Jf.. C-.J. A,*a j',udob Address: lfiv 8.^P<, C^--k fL (- J-Plunbing ltJ-Electricat [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Legal Description: Lot Z)lt":*- ririns suBprvrsroN,/G,- Ohrners Nane: Architect: Address: Address: Ph. Ph. General Description: work cLass: [\]-Nesr [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additionar t l-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accomroodation Units: Jt*"t and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances- Gas Logs_ I{oodlpellet_v 't**** ****** * *tl:t ** ****** **** ******* vALLtATroNs * * * ********************* ** * * *****rl BUfLDING: $EIJCTRICAL: g 2r.roo "l PLIIIIBTNG: T- Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractorz -fftIty'h"t. Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: }IECHANICAL PERTIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: OTHER: 9 ToTAL: l- Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. No./lK-E Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. ******** ***** ****** * ************FOR OFFTCE USE ** *** **** * ***** ********* ** r**** BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUI.fBTNG PI,AN CHECK FE83MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RE! CLEAX I'P DEP.OSIT REFIIIID TO: 75 roulh |roniage road veil, colorado 81657 (3o3, 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DAIE: su&TECT: offlcc of communlty deurlopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURREMTLYL REGISTERED WIIH lHETO!{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC ITORKS/COMMUNITY DE\Er,oPMENT l,taRcH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to ritter, track or deposi.t ;;;-r;iri-rJ"x, sand, debrisor material , including_trash iunpsters, portable toilets andworkraen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewaix, -;Ii;y or publicplace or any porti-on th;;";i:--;n" ;i;hi:;i;;-ln au rown ofVail streetl ind.rg"g= is afiroiir"t"iv-s-it.-iri pavenent.lhis ordinance ,11] b".;tri;ii;"enforced by the Town of vailPublic ?rorks DeDartment. persLns found ril,r"rl"i this ordinancewitt be siven a 24 hour rriii."""otice-to-;;;;;;'".id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not compry with thenotice within ttrg_ea rrour tirne-lieciried, the pultic worksDepartment witr remove said nateli.i-ii-irr"'!"pli"e of personnotified' The orovisions-oe-'trril orainance snirr not beapplicable to cbnstruction, ,iirri.r,.r,9e 9I repair projects ofany street or all_ey oi any utiiiii"= in the right_a_vray. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:::i"::ti:i"3"":ii**:*"::-'";;;i" a copv- ri'a,,i vou ror your (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 touth ,rontage .o!d Y!ll, color.do t1657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 omct of communlty dcvclopmcnl UILDING pERtiIT ISSUANCE TItqE FRAr,tE If this pe"ryjt. lequi,res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approva.l,Engi neer rs ( publ ic t.torks ) reyi ew .nJ upp"ouuil'"' iiil.,iil!"i.pu"*"ntreview or Health Departmint review, ani ..review by the 6uilding liri[gt3'h"ll,] .'.r*ted time tor'a-tota.r ilui;*-;"i"Lil'as r6ng All commercial ('rarge or small) ana ail mu]ti-famiry permits willhave to folrow the ibove menti6ned ri*i*rr requirements. Residentialand.small projects shourd take a reiier amouni of time. However, ifresidentiar or smar'r er.projects inpaci the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to-necessiiy-review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermrl't as sqon as possible. - yv L^rLs' r's ul I' the undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and timeframe. Comnuni ty Devel ooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: O MEMoRANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'tS REQUIRED Job Name:o-a Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way permit.: YES NO x X Y 'X or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or \., ffi public property to be used for staging, n parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging v or fencing plan required by Community A Development? !f19u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained.,Public Way Permil" applications may be obtained at the public Work's office or al C9.r.nq1u1'tf Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Townof Vaif Construction Inspec,tor, at 429-215f,, I have read and answered allthe above l&. Q*+ llr) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utitity work needed? fs the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfeAing the right of way, easements, X K3) 4) s) 6) l" Job Name Contracl iC PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PBOCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoolication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Gommunity Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (tocate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction tratfic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. 1Sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approvalthrough the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic controt ptan oi a lite plan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g houls to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any thai may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but ptease allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy wiil be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The above process is for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only untit November isth.* A new Public way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. cdlryAy o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303479-2452 1. 2. Departme nt af Comm u ni ty D eve lo pment T|IFORUATIOI{ ITEEDED IfHEIf APPLTIf,C FOR A IIECTTAf,ICAL PERIIiII HEAT LOSS CAI-,CULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PIAN OF IIECHANICAT ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATTNGS OT ALL EQUTPMENT TN MECHANTCAI, ROOM. sHow srzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FTJUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE TNSTALLED INMECHANICAI ROOM. FATLURE To PRovrDE rHrs rlfFoRlrlarrox wrlr., DELAI youR pERltrr. 3. 4. TOWN OFVAIL 75 loulh tnonlrge road v.ll, cdorudo 81657 (303) 4tSA38 (30:t) 47}'2139 ofice ot community development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS,/OMIER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, L99L, the Town of Vail Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adeguately established proper drainage from buirdingsites arong and adjacent to Town of vail roads oi sc.eecs. rhe Town of vail public works Department will be reguired toiaspect and approve drainage adjacent to Towzr of Vail roads orstreeta and the installation of tenporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from the road or street on to tie construction site.such approval must -be obtained prior to any request for i_nspecti_onby the Town of vail Building Department ror tobtings or temporaryerectrical or any other inspecti-on. please calr 4'l9-2160 t;request an inspection from the public works Department. Allow aminimum of 24 hour notice. A1:o,_ the Town of vail pubric works Department wir.l be approvingall final drainage and curvert installation with resulting roa6pacching as necessa_ry. such approval must be obtained prior toFjnaf Certificate of Occupancy 1lsuance. John schofield said the Public works Department has no plans to move Lions Ridge Loop' George Ruther mentioned that a bus turnaround was to be installed, but Pat Dauphinais has constructed a bus stop at Glacier Court' Gene Uselton said the proiect is very attractive and he has no objection. He still is concerned that it is 1'from the right-oFwaY. Greg Amsden stated that after reviewing the public input, he 19 cgntggqp with what the actual irpi"t iJ "" gte vair point rownhomes.'Theie is a cinyon effect with the vail Point units' but it aiio erists in the other ptip"tti"J. View corridors are not in existence there and 15 units are altowed. This is not Oefiini"ntaf io Vail Point, Greg said that a 407" slope proves a.hardship' We have not considereO C"pstone's landscaping issue' but are.instead looking at site . ciiitrainii. Ani broOtems witir warranties aie fcivil matter. I don't see any tenement there' lt is not a step down from what is already there' Henry Pratt said as far as site plans go. for.tight sites, this is well done. The canyon effe9ts are not ttier" since the buiEings aie turn-ed to br-eak up the mass. My concern is that there is no pfac" on n" site to pile sn-ow. t don't have any simpamy forthelandscaping that Gapstone has Filln.-it is rortn mbving it, if ii gers in the appiicdnt;s way. The de.-gree of encroachment is not Enorgn to justify r g' intolnb tront setback. itre right-of-way is justification for building iqtg lhg front setback. fne Oevenplr has offered to give up tne S0O square feet of additional GRFA that he is entitled to and alttrotlgh it is a nice gest-ure, it is not enough reason to encroach- | feel there are two units too many. Diane Golden said something is going to be built there. She agrees with Gene and Henry regarding the amount ol setback variance that is being requested' Galen Aasland said the developer has a right to build. He appreciates Cap_stone's cortcerns, bul. atso recognizes that the landsiaping encrdaches into the developer's lot. Glvi.ng up 500 sq. ft. ol enrn is insignificant. There is i oiitina advantage for triplex units. There is however, no place to prt sno*. tan the developer develop this lot without the variances, since it doesn't meet the criieria necessary for the varjances. The problems are self created. Galen thinks Units 1-3 could Oe initteO-oneit6warOsbapstone, or be rirade smaller. Galen feels there is no reason.to grant a 1g' and 17' variance. lt wai enlightening to learn about the zoning that was previously in place that Bruce ChaPman mentioned. Greg Moffet said there is a hardship on the lot. This is not a grant of specialprivilege' because the -road sits so far away from the iot, the developer is waiving developer rights, the mature.. fanO""aping and the sloie of the lot, regardless of how it got there. This request does meet the criteria needed for granting variances. Larry Eskwith stated when granting variances, he law states you grant.the very minimum amount of viriance. By shifting twobf these buildings, you could accomplish this. Marty Walbaum said the project encroaches too far. 19' is too far, since things could change'-. such as the Town ot Vait milnt come up with a better road. The project does encroach upon the view corridor. lt was presen'led by the broker, that due to the easement, the view corridor would not be blocked. Steve Gensler said when the fill is removed and the lot is taken down to its natural grade, the view will be the same as it is now. Planning and Enviromentsl Commission Minutos August 12, 1996 Greg Amsden asked about the possibilities of reducing the encroachment' Steve Gensler said he is trying to get spacing between the buildings. He doesn't want to touch tne Capstone landscaping. We are trairsptanting one tree where Building # 6 is. Ron Preston, the Architect, explained why they are constrained to this encroachment' To clip coiners would compromise ouiselves and meie corners are not on the buildings that everyone is complaining about. George Ruther reminded the PEC that this is not a worksession item. lf the PEC is not finding a narOjNp enough for a 19' variance, there is an opportunity lor the PEC to table this item and have the applicant redesign. Greg Motfet asked il the applicant is comfortable_with tabling the item, since there is a problem with-the magnitude of the bhcroachment. The PEC does however, understand that there will be some encroachment. Greg Amsden asked the staff and/or Vail Point what would be a sutficient encroachment? Henry Pratt made a motion to table this item until the applicant reduces the encroachment into the setback. The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. 4. A request for a conditional use permit to replace an existing well and pump station, located on the lower bench of Donovan Park. Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, represented by Gail Lucas Planner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an oveMew of the request. Staff believes that lhe applicant has met the- criteria and therAfore, staff recommends approval with the three conditions listed on page 7 of the memo. George stated that he had a conversation with Gail regarding condition No. 1. He would like to change the condition for the 4" underground drain line to read, "that it have a new location, not necessarily to come out ol the east end, but out ol the west end, and that it not disturlc the landscaping." Galen Aasland said on page 3 ol the staff memo regarding item No. 2 that stone is appropriate. Stone should be on the outside. Diane Golden had no comments. Henry Pratt agrees with Galen that stone should be used instead of block on the outside. ls the celestory required and il not, he would like the height lower. Henry also asked if the back roof was needed. Gail Lucas said since we have to be back from the bank of the creek, we need to be up above grade. Henry Pratt mentioned that there are other ways ol doing that. Planning and [invironmenl.al Cornmission Minutcs August 12, 1995 Greg Amsden had no comments. Gene Uselton asked what the depth of the well was. Gail Lucas said the wellwas 200'deep. The idea is to take allwells out along the creek' John Schofield said stone was more desirable. Gail Lucas reminded the PEC that stone was proposed in the first place, but Public works staff asked for block. Greg Moffet said we can direct the DRB to request stone. Henry Pratt made a motion to approve the request in accordance with the staff memo, including- rhe c6nditions on page Z, witn ih'anges to conbiton No. 1 and a new condition to direct the DRB to request stone on the outside. John Scholield seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. 5. A request to amend sections 18.24.020,18.24.030, 18.24.040, 18.24.050, 18.27.030, 18.28.030, 18.28.040 and 1 8.29.030 of the Zoning code to add Brew Pub as a conditional use in the Commercial Core l, Commercial Core 2, Commercial Gore 3, Commercial Service Center and Arterial Business Zone Districts. Applicant: Vail Associates, represented by Jack Hunn Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview ol the proposal. He stated that when we recentyamended the brew pub variaice, we expanded the amount allowed to be produced. This amendment will allow Breiv Pubs in all of the Gommercial Zone Districts as a conditional use. He stated that the impacts ol a Brew Pub are simitar, il not the same, as that of a restaurant. Statf believes that the cohditional use process is appropriate for a Brew Pub, so that impacts can be evaluated on a s1e-by-site basis. Outdoor seating is a separate conditional use permit and should not be confuied with an approval for a brew pub. Jim Lamont has provided a memo outlining his concerns regarding Brew Pubs in a CC1 Zone Disrict. Greg Moffet asked the applicant if he had anything to add. Joe Macy said that he initially wanted a change in the cc2 zone District. subsequeltly, staff has expanded this to include other districts. He doesn't agree with Mr. Lamont's logic. Bral pubs - ar6 a nice mix of eating and drinking and are more popular in Colorado than anytvhere else in the U.S, lt is an amenity for the Town of Vail. Jirn Lamont, EVHA, attended meetings on the issues within the CCI pertaining to noise and truck deliveries. This amendment had not been reviewed by his President's Advisory Committee. There is frustration with the noise levels and truck deliveries. A brew pub is not appropriate tor the CC1 Zone District. We are asking for specific standards before you go through the conditional use permit process. Bottle handling for selling otf-premise presents a noise problem. What is the degiee ol tirew pub production? | have been out every night with the police with noise meters. The Hubcap'has been turned into an outside beer garden. The number of people Plannbg and Environn€mtal Commissron Minutes August 12, 196 creating noise after 10 pm is directly related to not having specific.reguirements for each zone OiJirct." tt changes frorir Commissi6n to Commission, from Council to Council. That's why standards need to aPPlY. Greg Motfet asked for additional public comment. There was none' Galen Aasland said that this was an appropriate use and he had no further comments' Diane Golden had no comments. Henry Pratt is in favor of this proposal. John Schofield supports the proposal. Gene Uselton ditto to Henry' Greg Amsden had no comment. Greg Moftet responded to Jim Lamont's comments on the boards changing and said that this is the iemocratic process. He stated that the police will deal with the noise issue. Galen Aasland moved to approve the request with no conditions, word for word, in accordance with the staff memo. The motion was seconded by John Schofield. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0' Joe Macy said he appreciated the assistance of Dominic Mauriello and the staff. 6. A request for a landscape variance to allow for a building addition and additional suriace parkihg, located at 2131 N. Frontage Road/ Lot 3, Vail Das Schone 3rd Filing. Applicant: Safeway, Inc., represented by Dennis Wyatt Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview and said the applicant has worked closely with staff to provide better access and to improve the cross access. Safewayfias p_rovided substantial iandscaping and pedestrian improvements, including stairs down from Chamonix and a better drainagi system. The Town of Vailparking requirement is 105 spaces and Safewaywould like . 128 palkind spaces. We find the Town of Vail standard is low and we believe that this is a good request. There is a physical hardship on the property. Staff belieles the substantial improvements mitigate the loss of landscaping in the back. Dominic also mentioned roadway improvements in the front of the site. Staff is recommending approval subject to the three conditions on pages 4 and 5 of the staff memo. Katy Press, Real Estate Manager of Safeway, said Dominic did well to recap and williust answer questions. John Schofield asked for the time schedule for snow removal. Katy Press said she is not lrom this area, so she will defer that to staff to answer. Planning and Enviromlental Commisslon Minutes August 12, 1996 10 Mike Mollica asked if John had anything in mind' John Schofield said perhaps the same standard as Vail Commons,.or tlghter; be reasonable'.but fleiiore- He woutd rire toTee iom- protection for the bike path and also a bond lor landscaping. Gene Uselton agrees with John. He complimented the applicant on,the,.plan to identify parldng spaces. Gene asked how they were planning to limit access to the loadlng area. Katy Press said rhe safeway policy is not to tow_. lt won't be as convenient to access the liquor stoie as it used to Ue. ttopdtully they can use Mr. Gart's parking spaces' Greg Amsden said there is a concern with parking for the liquor store and he would like Saleway to address that. Katy Press said we could look at a gate' Henry pratt said Safeway might take a look at the Lodge which has a voice-activated gate. Galen Aasland agrees with a gate on the north side of the walk and to incorporate some landscaping, so is not to seeihe gate. Snow storage should_be the.same as for Vail Commons. He is conc6ined with the distance-between the road and the first parking space. He would like to see it bermed up to 3'for icy roads, or cars that are in the way of being hit. Diane Golden said her fellow Commissioners have brought up everything. Henry pratt agrees with John on the landscaping. He teels it is better to have 7or I more_parking spac6s and give up the landscaping islands. Hg ql* agrees with a berm.. Henry asked il lve are g'aining anyfring r,riitn me accel and decel lanes? They just make people drive faster' Dominic Mauriello said it's a GDOT requirement. Greg Moffet approves ol the gate to restrict access to the dock area and the liqror slore' This doei not constitute any speciitprivileges. The Code really rnissed on parking lor this fin9.g!. use. The hardship is t-he'fact ttrbt me site does not provide enough parking for this use' All the required findings are met. Dominic Mauriello pointed out that the memo has recommended findings' Henry Praft made a motion for approval with three additional conditions; that a gate or tratfic, barri6r be added to prohibit people from parking in the truct( loading area, and to guafantee that the landscape island be maintained in a live condition tor 3 years, and that snow removal pertormance be the same as other properties in the area. The rnotion was seconded by Diane Golden. Mike Mollica asked if the wall on the bike path was to be included in the motion. Henry Pratt added a condition No. 7, that the bike path be better sepalated. Galen Aasland said to include the berm as well. Henry Pratt said ok. Planning and Envirmme'ntal Comnission Minutes August 12, 1996 11 The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. 7. A request for a worksession to discuss a variance to allow detached garages..in the front sebdck, located at 2853 and 2833 Kinnickinnick Road/Lots 7 & 8, Block 4' Vail lntermountain/Lodges at Timber Creek- Applicant: Jim MarxPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Henry pratt made a motion to table item No. 7, at the applicant's request, until August 22, 1996. The motion was seconded by Diane Golden. It passed unanimously by a vote of 7'0 B. An appeat of an administrative decision relating to Section-18.94:095, Demo/Rebuild, of the Tdwn ol Vail Municipat Code, as it relates to Chapter 18.71, Additional Gross Residential Floor Area, iocated at 3110 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 9, Block 3, Vail Village 11th Filing. Applicant: BillPiercePlanner: Dominic Mauriello Greg Moffet asked the Board members to state who ttrey have spoken to since the item has been known. Greg Amsden said he spoke with Rick Rosen and Bill Pierce. Henry Pran said Bill Pierce and Tom Moorhead. Galen Aasland said Bill Pierce. Greg Moffet said Tom Moorhead is here as an advisor to the PEC and to make sure all potential exhibits are brought to your attention. Greg Moflet said if you are going to address the Commission, please speak into the microphone, so the record is clear. Dominic Mauriello explained this appeal of an administrative decision. He gave an overview of the background and explained what the definition of a demo/rebuild was. He also explained the definition of a building. He stated that the definition was included in the PEC packets. Dominic said the applicant was granted 250 sq. ft. to each side ol the duplex. Dorninic conducted site visiE on iuly 22, 1996 and July 23, 1996 with Building Inspector, Chuck Feldman. In Chuck's estimation, 65% of the project was destroyed. Guy Cuccia, the superintendant on the project, estimated lhalTcf./o of the structure was demolished. A redlag was issued on July 24, 1996. Tom Moorhead stated to the PEC that included in the packets are the Council transcriptions of the meetings where the Council considered revisions to the 250 ordinance, as well as an atfidavit from Jim Curnutte, the former planner for the project. Planning and Environmental Commiseion Minutos August 12' 1996 t2 Rick Rosen, legal council to Hughes, wants it on the record that unless l'm shown something i,ivirg "thd*ie, it is pertecuy iegal to tatk with.a Commission member, regarding an item 0n #o"if . He said that tie reietiteO"tnai this meeting opened with the Commissioners needing to iii wno they spoke with and the connotations that had' Greg Moffet explained that we are trying to make sure all discussions are disclosed' Rick Rosen said that Bill Pierce will give a chronological order of proce-ss' Tiey are using "ppioririt"f' 950 sq. ft. of additionil square feet in addition to the 500 sq. ft. william pierce, the Architect, said that in 1995 the owners got together to- renovate the ploperty to riiirirelhe square tootige. The request was for two, 250's plus 950 !9' !.of av-ailable Onfn. This was the amouni-permitted t6 be adrled to the existing h-om^e Plus 77 sq' ft' of sjte "oueiage. ine existing squarb footage was approximately 3,700 or 3,800 sq. ft for both sides' not including the garages. Galen Aasland said the initial amount was 3,700 sq. ft' Bill Pierce said the applicant used only 850 sq' ft. for the garages' s9 t't!Y could build more oaraoe space. Theydecided not to eipand ttie garages, because the site coveragg space is too ilri6A-. -frJt"ro*if about 57o of the itoor areabf ttre house for additions. We submitted the ;;lgh;iOmwings inOctober, 199b of the existing house, betore the remodel, so that the extent of woii woutO beilear. We highlighted in red an overlay ol the areas that exist. The Tuchman sniet n-zo+, dated 10/9/95-snoivs existing conditions with the addition over the living room' on the 30th of October we submitted the Hughes, sheet A-204, dated 10130/95. These all ieteienceO where the Tuchman roof is bding removed. Sheet A-7, dated 5t7l92 on the original shows there was never a question that this was not a substantal remodel. Sheet A-204 (Hughes) shows the roofline is a roof and a half above the existing roof' At the 1Zi 1/g5 pEC meeting we received unanimous approval. Jim Curnutte summarized the request and with one minor cnange and telt comfortable with the request, since it was a siriigntfon^,arO application. Jim'Jaffidavit admits that he met with us and went lhrough in detail what we were doing with this house. On January 22, 1996, the staft approved the DRB application after adding.one window. After that approval, the owners wanted to make it look bener. They resubmitted drawings. On Marclt 22, 1dsi6, the DRB unanimously approved Sheet A-301 and Sheet A-303. Diane Golden asked at this time il they went back to the PEC' Biil pierce said no, we did not alter the floor area, just the style. On May 15, 1996 we submitted the building permit application. Sheet S-4 shows atl rooting members. There were 200 new roofing me-nibers. Nbi one section showing has one rool remaining when the building permit was issued'. This was in the To$,n's hands lor 6 months. $750,000 was the valuation and we had given staff countless opportunities to review these documents. One ol the key issues here is the 6rdinance that says flooi area cannot be removed. Stafi says if you remove the roof or the walls' it is taking the deiinition to its fullest definition. There is no delinition of what removal of GRFA is. The siitf memo refers to interpretation and intent. This is ok if it is done before issuingthe. building permit, not after. This reiers to the removal of the lloor area, not the walls and rools. ls tfre tucnman/Hughes proiect the first to come through since the change? Planning and Environmenl.al Commission Minut6s August 12, 1996 13 Dominic Mauriello said it is not the first one approved' Rolle Kjesbo of Nedbo Construction was hired to do the work. He submitted the application on 5118 and picked up the pemit on 6/15. He hasn't changed anythingr as per the drawings. Rick Rosen said you have heard from Bill Pierce, that we had an I month approvalprocess. At all times it was cl-ear that roof elements were going to be picked up, cleaned up and put back. per Tom Moorhead, the removal of a roof destroys GRFA. The actual transcriptions and the minutes on that Ordinance give no definition. I can't find a definition on demolition, destruction or removal ot GRFA. We have not done that. We have iust done a remodel. An example of a demolition exists on Beaver Dam Road, where a structure has been bulldozed, then brought back out of the ground. Although 1,450 sq. ft. has been added to the structure, only 500 sq. ft. has been through the 250 GRFA ordinance. lt would have to read demolish, destroy or remove. The pEC recodmended approval. lt then went back to staff after this PEC aPPloval. Staff approved fie 1t22tg} desibh. All the exterior changes werq !o be cleaned up. Staff took 6 . . weefs anO issued a building permit on June 18fi. On July 22nd, an ex-planning member said- we had demolished 50% of the building. We're not going to tell you that we didnl take the rool off. We have not violated the ordinance. I think you need to overturn the interpretation. Greg Moffet asked lor any public comment and questions from the Commissioners. Dominic said he had 6 photos taken on the 23rd of June, 1996 lor the Board to see. Galen Aasland asked Billwhat portion ol the structure was demolished? Bill Pierce said about 5%. Biil Pierce said by definition you can demolish 100% of the garage. Bill said approximately 150 sq. ft. was demolished. Galen Aasland asked Tom Moorhead for the definition of a demo/rebuild. Tom Moorhead said it is defined on page 2 of the memo, with 50% or more of the GRFA being removed. The word "structure" comes under the definition ol a structure and a building in lhe Zoning Code. Galen Aasland asked under this detinition, who determines this, the applicant, or the statf? Tom Moorhead said the applicant, and that Jim Curnutte references the definition of demo/ rebuild right in his memo. lt needs to be addressed in the process by the applicant. Bill has stated that 5% had been removed, so its either 5% or 70'/o removah that's what your grappling with. Rick Rosen directed Galen to look at the minutes from the 1st and 2nd Town Council meetings on August 15, 1995. No one can figure out what is meant by demo/rebuild; bulldozing and pulling out ol the ground, or GRFA. There is no clear definition of demo/rebuild to calculate GRFA to remodel a property. The ordinance was given as an inducement to upgrade existing property. Diane Golden asked stafl if you bulldoze, can you then only add what was originally on the site? Greg Moffet said if they bulldozed, they could only use the 950 sq. ft., not the 500 sq. ft. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes August 12, 1996 t4 Dominic Mauriello said they would not be entiiled to the additional 250 sq' ft' if they bulldozed' Greg Motfet said there was no statutory delinition of GRFA' Dominic Mauriello said that architects in Town dealwith the deftnition of GRFA on a daily basis' Diane Golden said she is not clear on walls, roof and floor area' Tom Moorhead said in the definition of a demo/rebuild, it reterences back to GRFA' Henry Pratt asked if a demolition plan was ever submitted to staff? Bill Pierce said, no. Henry Pratt asked what percentage of the lraming was removed and replaced? Rolle Kjesbo said 5% of the floors. Henry pratt said the Town said 7o/owas demolished and you are saying 5%. what percent was framing? Bill pierce said 100% of the roof is new. 5% of the existing GRFA was removed and buill' Henry Pratt asked how much of the exterior walls were replaced? Bill Pierce said maybe 50%. Henry pratt said when you say 5ol" of GRFA, ltake that to be 5% of the floor. The exteriol and interior are exactly the way they were submitted. Greg Amsden said he had no further questions. Gene Uselton said he had no questions. John Schotield asked if the proiect was constructed according to plan? Dominic Mauriello said no, but the walls are In right places. Rolle Kjesbo said the walls are according to plan. Dominic Mauriello illustrated on page A-202 andA-201, which was submitted for a building permit on 5/15/96, the new floor and new walls and the existing walls which were to remain. Rolle Kjesbo said the structural engineer did not recommend a pony wall. Dominic Mauriello said that the walls are located according to the plans, but they are new walls. Rolle Kjesbo asked Dominic if this plan rellected the construction on-site? Dominic Mauriello said, yes. Rolle Kjesbo said we had to put a new header in. Planning and Eovironrnental Comnission Mirule$ August 12, 1996 15 John Schofield said there is a ditference for the means and methods of a finished product. ls there any interpretation that has been published that follows the guidelines in your memo' oI an interpretation by the Council or PEC? Dominic Mauriello said it is codified. John schofield asked if the additional GRFA under the 250 0rdinance was not involved' then there wouldn't be an appeal? Dominic Mauriello said, Yes. John Schofield asked if all building permit requirements were done? Dominic Mauriello said he had no idea; he would have to check with the Building Department' Bill pierce said we had a sloping pony wall and the structural engineer said we couldn't put a wall on a structural pony wall. John Schofield asked if the staff interpretations had guidelines as to what had to be removed? Diane Golden asked if half were done at a time? Dominic Mauriello said we are looking at this on a per unit basis' Diane Golden asked if they just worked on one unit at a time, could they avoid the demo/rebuild issue? Bill Pierce said yes to Diane's question. Dominic Mauriello stated that when rnore than 50% of the GBFA is removed on each side, it would then be a demo/rebuild. Bill Pierce said he could have done this one side at a time and would have met staff's interpretations. Dominic Mauriello said that is not what occurred in this case. Galen Aasland asked when the DRB plans were submitted, were the floor plans the same as the PEC approval? Tom Moorhead said there was discussion on 8/15/95 on pages 7, 8 and 9, regarding the removal of the roof. lt is the interpretation of council that constitutes lr,hat the law is in the definition of code. Greg Amsden said he read through it and it was a very dubious motion. I'm confused on what was said there. The language was in the final draft of the ordinance. Rhk Rosen said on page 7, 8 and 9, Tim Drisco said it is opening an incredible can of worms. No one can stand up and say what demo/rebuild really means inTim Drisco's words. Gene Uselton asked about the series of drawings that came before the DRB. Plarrring and &rvironmental Commission Minut€s August 12, 1996 15 Rolle Kjesbo said we interpreted tre drawings to be on stafl and on budget. Gene Uselton asked if staft was responsible for calling it to your attention. Rolle Kjesbo said yes' that's why we have plan review' Greg Moffet asked, with reference to the structural engineer who works lor Bill, what is the level of inleraction with the Building Department? Bill pierce said they work for us, come to the site to make regular inspections and to look at whether you can build as ProPosed. Rolle Kjesbo said the framing inspection requires a letter trom the structural engineer. Greg Motfet asked if there is a point where the engineer needs to communicate with the Town' ;i it h f,ol6ws the plans, does he not need to talk to the Town. Could this have been accomplished wim6ut being a demo/rebuild by systematically going around doing thi$' Dominic Mauriello said we would not approve it because that is a method to violate the intent of the ordinance. Clearly they could do it. Rick Rosen said the purpose was to upgrade. The applicant wanted to add a bedroom. There's no waywith "t"tf'" inle-rfteiation this coirtO Oe done. 'They cant pull down the exterior wall. fiis was n6t the spirit of the'ordinance. They would have to put up a wall to tear dorvn a wall- There is a need to codify the interpretation. Dominic Mauriello said it was clear from Jim Curnutte's memo that the entire roof was not being removed. Bill pierce said if you read the affidavit, he was of the opinion that it was not a demo/rebuild' Jim spent time with my statf and the plans on the site and it would be inconceivable that Jim' with his experience, w6uld say that he didnl see the roof needing to be removed. Greg Moffet asked if lwanted to convert interior GRFA and wanted to replace fie whole roof in the process, could this be done? Dominic Mauriello said not if it exposed more than 50% of GRFA' George Ruther said on March 11, 1996 a homeowner did just that, but made it very clear that they were going to remove the roof. Rick Rosen said we came in on March 20th and this was not picked out by staff? Dominic Mauriello said the scope of the subsequent DRB reviews was minor changes (such as windows) to an approved plan and not a new review ol the demo/rebuild issue. Galen Aasland asked Rick Rosen about whose responsibility it was to conform with the code? The applicant, or the Planner? Rick Rosen said we, as tiaxpayers, pay statf to say yes, or no and to help us follow the rules. Galen Aasland asked whose responsibility is it to meet the code? planning and Envirommenlal Cmmission Augurt 12, 1996 Lj Rick Rosen said both Parties. Greg Moffet questioned Dominic regarding in the Background (lll), the second to last sentence' in me irst parajraph, by whom was the understanding reached? Mike Mollica stated that itwas the staff's understanding that removing the root would eliminate GRFA. George Ruther said the intent was abused. Was the applicant upgrading.^the existing structure or demoiishing it? At what point have you taken a house beyond a remodel? Are you still confined' oiconJtraiieO by the existing structure? This is abusing ihe intent of the 250 ordinance. Can you not go in ani remove more than 50% of the existing strudure to design a house to meet your personal needs? Rick Rosen mentioned an analogy of adverse possession. lf I stick a fence on someone's property and it remains for 17 yelrs, it becomes my property. I have the right to pullthat fence borirn ahO put it back up in same location and still keep my status. Using this analogy' the applicant put a brand new wall in the same location. Greg Moffet asked Tom Moorhead, since this is unlike anything^l've ever done since I've been on the commission, how do we choose to go to executive session? Henry Pratt asked why we would need to go to executive session? Tom Moorhead stated the Commission has the ability to go to executive session for the purpose of deliberation. Greg Moffet asked what we were required to find as it relates to the interpretation ol the statute? Tom Moorhead said the PEC, regarding all appeals, based directly on evidence, must find if the standards or conditions from the Zoning Title have or have not been met. The staff interpretation ol a demo/rebuild does not entifle the applicant to any additional 250's. You are making a determination on the evidence presented to sustain or overrule the staff interpretation. Galen Aasland asked if a house was built and burned down by a fire, would the applicant be allowed to build it as before? Tom Moorhead said that this does not have anything to do with the appeal before the commission. The situation has been clouded because it's underway. ls this application appropriate in relation to the ordinance? We are talking about hypotheticals here. George Ruther gave an example ot this happening and the applicant not being granted the 250. Gene Uselton said the contractor submitted fte plans and did what he was required to do. Could statf have recognized ftat this was going to be a demo/rebuild and detected it? Dominic Mauriello said no, not from the plans that we had. Mike Mollica said it was Jim Curnutte's understanding that this was not a demo/rebuild. Rick Rosen said since Jim Curnutte is not here, let's go oft of his affidavit. Planning and Environmenal Commission Minutes Augusl 12, 1996 18 Tom Moorhead stated in paragraph 10 of Jim curnutte's affidavit, this project was never represented to be a demo/rebuild, per Laura Nash' Rick Rosen introduced Laura Nash. Laura Nash stated that it was very cleal that Jim knew that the roof was coming off' Gene Uselton asked if we had a legitimate right to assume hat the applicant knew what the interpretation of the statute was. Dominic Mauriello said that right on the application, a paragraph talks about a demo/rebuild' Gene Uselton asked if the applicant understood what that meant? Greg Amsden said he doesn't understand it. Debra Tuchman, owner of the east unit, stated that in order to qualify for the 250, we had to keep it in intact. we went to.onJO"-raOfJJiins to do tnat. There are part-s of.the house that lwould nave rixeo to change, ouiit wli i rerirooer and I couldn't change some things' Because.of my i"Vr"n;ilnt"nt ot [he orAina*.e, we were issued a permit. fT *] 9tlTJrom looking at the - .. prins. Witn fnowtedge of tne pins ,p f1o1t the gianting of the permit had the blessings of.the ?own. fney renOer t6eii interiretation of the plani when a permit is g-ralted. I understood that a structural eirgineer was needdd w1h the amount of glass that was added. Susan Connelly saicl there seems to be a distraction because of one's distaste of GRFA' The pf"nj rn"ie apjroved because it was not a demo/rebuild. lt is the PEC's job to interpret this. Greg Moflet asked that if regardless ot the PEC'S action, is this subiect to a eall-up or appeal by Council? Rick Rosen said it was his understanding they could not appeal to council. Diane Golden asked if they iust built the additional 950 sq. ft. and not the 250, could they do it? Dominic Mauriello explained that if you build a new house today, you are no longer eligible for the 250. Rick Rosen said we are both clear on that position. Tom Moorhead said the applicant is subject to an appeal or call-up to the Town Council. John Scholield said there are several facts in dispute regarding the percent of demolition. The definition is less than clear. He made a suggestion to the staff that the definitions be published and a separate demo/rebuild definition be tormed dort{n the road. I definitely think there is a conllict between the staff interpretation and the code. I see nothing that addresses that. Gene Uselton said my comments have nothing to do with GRFA. There is no uniform opinion within the pEC mem5ers as to the interpretation. How then could the applicant be expected to comply? Planning and Envirmmental Comf,$ston Mirutes August 12, 1996 19 Greg Amsden said we need to take a look at the code. That would mean that I can't put a new roofbn my house. We have to make GRFA proactive. This whole area needs to be defined. Will therebe any negative impact to improve the property? There's a gray area here. Galen Aasland said the Town has acted responsibly, with regard to questioning it this is a demo/rebuild. Where there's a 250, a demo plan should be required. As soon as it got to be his much, a demolition plan should have been submitted, This does violate the spirit of the 250, however, the applicant was trying to make this work. The Town's delinition needs to make a much clearer statement. Diane Golden said the Town Councilhas directed the statf and the PEC to be proactive. We're here to help make Vail better and build homes that people can stay in. The definition is hazy, unclear and needs clarification. Henry Pratt said the issue of the demolrebuild has been clouded. There was a lot more framing removed belore the photos that were taken, For that reason, statf's interpretation has been violated, but ldo not feel the intent has been violated. fn driving home, I noticed on a constant basis, even though the framing changed, the mass never changed. I disagree with staff's interpretation, lf floors were taken out, or walls put back in a diflerent place, then I could see staff's interpretation. During a walk-through, I saw stairs and conditions that lwould not hat/e rebuilt in the house, so the intent was not a tear-down. Greg Motfet said he does not see bad faith on the part of the staff, or the applicant. The' dilemma, in my mind, is that a demolition means to bulldoze. lt is clear that there were great pains being taken in this project to not have a demo. The code is not clear. We are required to jump from definitions of structures to definitions of buildings in different sections of the code to get one definition. lt is not obvious. We are looking at the code as an objective document. Applying staff's interpretation would create a financial hardship on the applicant. I don't think, however, that staff is acting out ol line on this. Henry Pratt made a motion to overturn the staff decision in favor of the applicant and also to direct staff to modify the interpretation for everyone who uses it. Tom Moorhead said to make one motion. Henry Pratt withdrew the motion. Henry Pratt made a motion to overturn staffs ruling, based on the findings that the interpretation is not clear and that the applicant acted on their own interpretation, which I find to be reasonable. The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton. It passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0 Henry Pratt made a motion to direct, or ask stafl to more clearly define what a demoirebuild is and have his definition not work against what a 250 is intended tor. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. Gene Uselton would like to amend the motion to include publishing the definition. Planning and Environmental Cornmission Minubs August 12, 1996 20 Greg Moffet recommended an amendment to change the code' Henry Pratt said both amendments were acceptable' Greg Amsden seconded the amendments to fie motion' The motion with amendments passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0' llll l//lll I 9. lnlormation Update Susan Connelly wanted to thank all who participated in Vail Tomorrow and had surveys. Mike Mollica had the Courcheveldocuments as handouts to the PEC. 10. Approval ot July 22, 1996 minutes Gene Uselton made a motion for approval ot the minutes' Diane Golden seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. John Schofield made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Gene Uselton seconded ihe motion. The motion to adiourn passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 P.m. Planning andEnvirmmental Commission Mimrtes August 12, 1996 2L o"*ln Review Action rorl" TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Y Date Project Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: --_-^-\ ArchilecV0ontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot- Block- Subdivision-T>- t'',,t+z-./ ?+zL ZoneDistrict (, t / Project Street Address'. L,a,,L(l Er- r t t ,:c i L'-'r:t,.,, tL ?,,1/l/ Comments: (Board./ Staff Action Motion by:tli' t , Seconded byi t)\-r!i)T p Approval D Disapproval ! Staff Approval \/n+a. '-:--,\ Conditions: / . ' DRB Fee Pre-paid -*.,^'Io f;Or*"n!* the Planning staff at 479-2138 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.t i*.pptl*tion is for any froject requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information. see the submittaliequiriments for the particular approval that is roquested The application can not be accepted until all roquired infornration is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Coucil and/or thc Desigr Rwiew Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) tr Bed and Breatf,ast E Conditional Use Permit tr l{ajoror E!}lircrSubdivision tr Rezoning tr Sigr Variance tr Variance tr Zoning Code Amendment B. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIROI\MENTAL COMMTSSION APPROVAL tr Amendment to an Approvcd Developme'nt Plan tr Employee Housing Unit (TYPe: -) tr Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (varl Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Extctior Alteration (Lionshead) D Special Dwelopment Disfict tr Major or E Minor Amendment to an SDD . See attachment ' TOWN0TVAIL c. D. F. G. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ADDRESS: Donovan Park LOT-BLOCK- FILING BUILDINGNAME:None ZONING: General Ufie NAME OF OWNER(S): Easle River Water and Sanitation District MAILINGADDRESS:846 Foresr Road- Vail- CO 81557 PHONE: 970-476-7480 NAME OF REPRESENTATWE:Gail , Lueas MAILINCADDRESS:as above PHONE: as above FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SIJBIVTIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SIJBMITTAL REQINREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S): vArL, coLoRADO 81657. reePutr. Zft),@ CW::-By: L.rd. Rcvird 5D6 ': , l ,O, ATTACHMENT TO APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (formerly Vail Valley Consolidated Water District) needs to replace its West Vail Well 7 and Pump Station. These facilities are located in Donovan Park, on a easement granted to the District. This District requests approval of a C-onditional Use Permit so that these aging facilities can be replaced- The District believes that replacing these facilities will not have a negative impact upon the development objectives of the Town, light, air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities or other public facilities and public facilities needs, traffic or character of the area because no enlargement of use or change of use from hisloric practices will occur. The District believes that the replacement of these facilities will improve safety along the adjacent Bike Path and character of the area a) because the new facilities will be located further from the Bike Path, b) the well will be relocated so that it is inside the pump station building c) the pump station building will be partly located in the hillside so that has less visual impact and d) the new building is aesthetically more pleasing. Because the site is located on an easement from the Town and is located within Donovan Park the only adjacent landowner is the Town of Vail. 11. I{!- 0 t/o.c g velo^4 vcu\ v (r\;';.1:;E v\.rei.!\ re{e I r rpo rn ! la' I lrcorurr't ltrrar li Tnr Dr,a, r^a. ,u zlst : ,rr ol t.brulry ,lt SO I ll'.-:-tllb.t'.r..., Yllliclrt.cgRPoR t(o$: I ll II x{n !;$Ernrr m. llr rotFndoe Inl; crrrtrr{ t'a 6t.tka r!'ltt ral l/ rltt!. oa tl. brt I ii| ??n ^ - .^^2 :Io(6.shr.ot colorodc .ot it. rtnr rqr, s. I Ftg 25 lggg ,lTtlq Of VAI|,,.COLiR.IDO1 . nunlctp.l I - ;li. I t_ /4.1<t:@ il)..r.tto..dn aulr F du'l t!{ crl.{!l rnd,t rnd }t tlrro. ot ttrr lrrr | , .l!h..B.!ot (:olorrdo il t!. 3iord t{r' vh.'rc lelol | " s-r,r.. H.--...135G12.- rclul::-! i',-:tl-l-li;tt -r-'*.?. :in'll,. i:'|)r'nf i oddr.sr IE lhrFtclp,rl But:dtnF. V..|l l. {:'rlorrdo 11657 I il wlalr;sstTlr, T||r t!. rrti ,.tt o{ dt. tr.ir t..r, ld Eil h .@.lav.d- .l th. .q .{ Tht.o :ll I t'rfl llE!r'hc Huncrcd Ssvrory-Ftsr Tllour.ml n'|d noll0O drll,ris (51,875,0O0.0O)--n!ol.uA\rs ll t. i!. . 'l r..lt d $. n'rt F.r ln !.rd td{ !I l[. r.ld F.t' ol r\. .<6d t.'1 $. tr<d?t 'r"r'd b r'r'bt il (oitlrrr/ ua .(b'lt{f.{. ||A rn r.{. !.r..h.d, told r'{ ct!'r74 r'.1 !t thl. P'.'.rt' d€' .n'! t'riti' ll r.||.o.r,r, Ina .dtr r. Er' r.h. r.ia pst.l rhi ..€6J Fr.! ll| .D- r..r Ea ..ti.t|. lo..r.t ltl rh. lollcrhr ll dr,-iH i FGt! cI trd..hEtc.thf .'d !.i. tr it'. Cogr( ol trBlc li ..Jl j6lr.l C.L.rd., !o-'l!: li ; scs Exhlblt lnd lncotporolcd hctcli llt t.rtLl .tt ..i..i- n ! arch -.d haInt'l rpccl fJc refc:r:t,cr t h€r.to. il -+-i tOOE?t{tR rir! rll ud rlttlLr. $r !.'.dldr.!tr,ra rggclarn't, rh'tlr6tc Ll6rlt'' o' i' !t'ir' rop<rgiror..^d !r. rna'lr Ea trErl..( t6r-tdtr &d ftr{bd"t r€la l"("!d F.6l! li"t('li rtd ril tlc .:blq r;rhl tirl. hte-t'( .lri' !A{ d6{d '!:t.t€ oa r!' rjd F t o' 5' l'tr ?"! 'lUd lo hr " .,q!it?. c :r rla lo |,|. r!.'. !..tti'r.i FGI*r rlu A. h.ttdtblittr rld rPtt'ld&rr TO t(A.ra AND TO tiOLD dt. -jd,6i..' rban t 'rrtnd in{ d.6rr.{ 'lrr tl. .g9'is!..er 6r. ri. clit F.?r.rf t!...t6d tsr ltt 'Gtrt--.!d ltrlG. Intit A,'l htt nlC Yali Clty Cor'l,Jtation, i Colorsdo coryor!tlcn r..t .l ltr. f'rl F ! t r ttt.E lt! rEaEr .rl !'ld.' doil 6rn!( t^!rl' !'rl|j' E{ t.rr' t! rnrl 'ith ilf .da F.rr..a rh. F€ra t.t! ln rE€E rrd !rtr!* lh|a rt l!. tt!. cl l!' t'r"tb( "' 'elh"7 ol ll'!' 9t"' "ntr h tr'itr ,.i!td c{ rr{ F6}6.!s'. t-"r.d. g of t!'d. ,E. Fd'Gt 'b'olrr' ''{ Ll'l'r'iu': 'rn|r o( hr.rlb^.i. h Lr, I l"r dErlq rla t a rFl rkh! hI F-rr tra rtrrl .ra€.lt t Frtq L.F&! trll rnd .''lrq !l'. .sr i.arinrr t.d 16r rlorrrr{ r.a t!|t O. rar rrr krr u'' 'l6t l'a' d! |'lr"" s{ orhi' ll rnnr. !..!r:r1 rt.1 tki.. r*!...r..,6.r s{ hcal.rctr J rirrt'. lrd r r.!:'. .ritl .rc. pt tor lj€lrcr!"nca. rcslrlctloxa rnd cov.oonla o( accoad .nd car!.rni .4 !!.1!9!E t^t.'. ll€tr.cr!"nca. rcs!tlctloxa Ind covaoon!a o( accoad .nd Catlalni a.l viiora't t,tt\'a rccaulnr !itcr D<'crchsr 31. 197t, .ind llla'gt fot c.tt.il.'[gt and rlnrltt to tc rlc! ter. JGlJ.i 'rqd i:on Litnt0rl ! . dc.t- ,: trrntco t. tha Vrll Vt:l!t! 9.tt 9Jt.r .t:rd S{nllatlon. trtttrlct tqf. JGIJi nnd Innratr .1nd cr rasl t,halato. talrllnt to lilc ldn6 al atxl,n on L:!nl0rl ! r dc "v-$eq -1" rr'.-511-t-E l'.{,-J [..p-o)tr.s(, kr..yMsL tr..lt:f fi].'grf ;."?f lIbl'.,191'ilt{.ffiii!-F.'.ij}",,i";HJi:i.:i*.i*i:lrj*M*i'.'*{r;Si};.1s:ifbi;;1gj'iri-rir*-* <rt...r ri4 r.ririt rFn.a uC.trt t:srsr d Pcrrdr rr'fttlt tlritha '? lt 'Lln lil' r"i'l' o' 6t F'r tr6t6 . th" trltl t..t 6a 'Ir fni Fn Arll tna 'nl WARE,IX? AHD tOREYll DEFIND' lH 9|ITNBSI fgliflfo?, Trr ,r3 t..rt.l tt. ftr. Fn tro.'-r{ ltt !6to'rtt .la' ro !r l-'trat' '!5' . li b.! rf.\ hl1 taL trtlrrl' !f:.E,F.- 5 et-.-{tra'.,/iltg.-..'8'i ot'.c- / Ho2: '., At!r.he{ to ljttrtnat Dcod d.G.d F'brtlrt 41L' l9E0 trrtlrr I'c" A Dttcrl of lrnd vlthln th. Nor!t|vctt qurtt'r ;f th. Soutln..t Q$r!!.r o( s.ctlori 12. lovnthlP i si,,th. r.n3r 6l g.tt of th' Slxth PrinctP'l tlcrtdlan. attc corEtt7, Coloredo dcrcribc{ ra (ollonr: !.rlnnint rt I goln! on thG torBhGrrt rfitt-of- ..i-ii..it cotr crrck ottve tn Ftltnt tlo' 2' v'if vfff.g. ll..tr .rrd b'rtlnt S J6'.29' 5{" E (rot thc virtctlt corn.! ot l't | | dltlrncc oi i: r... (thc vcrtcrly co:'r'r of lat I bctnl io.".a fv thc .ou!h rttht-of-tlt llnc ot lnl'F- ri.i" arit-.y xo. 70 rnd !h( 'rrccrlt tlthi- of.-or. Iior o( Gotr cttct Drlvc)' t.or rlld potnt I 66' 55r 24" Errt ' dl'- irn.r ot lil !c.1. to!. or l'r" !o I Potic' .t i.. n l' oA' 16" f'rrt I dlrtrnct ol l0 faaa, -ra or tclr. to t PoIn!' th,.ncc 3 if' i:' lf' b.t I dlllrncr o( Kl tcct' J..-it 1..., to . gotot. thtn" s l' 0{' !6- ll..t . dtrtrocc o[ 30 ('rt' rot' ot i.r.. a" . Polnt. thcn" s tE' tJ' :{" I.t'. ar.t^.,.. of 260 t"t. rote or' ltrr' to r Flnt. 3h.nc. lt l' 0lr 36' xr't r dbtr... oa lt tact. ,olo or l!'t' to I polor. ttt.n . souii !l' 55' tl' Errt I i(.a.o.. of 50 dc.t. Ft' or l'r" to 'r"tia. aft.t.. souah l' o'r 16" tl"t I d1'- lrocr of 5o (c.t' rora ot l'r'r to ' Potnl' iEocc tlotth ts' 5Jt 2{'9"t t dl'trnco dI t0 fcrt. tolc or lctr' lo I gotnt'' ii.icc xorrh l' o{' 16' !"! ' d!'l'nc' of l3 fcct. xrr or lcrr, to I Poln3' ii.ii. x".rt 8E' 55' 21" scra | 'll!t^ttc'of 260 (..a. tgt? o( lal'r ts I lolo!' ir'.n.. i"".i l' oar 16" gc't ' dlrt'oc' ot :! f.ct. totr ot lrrt. to ' Poln! on tir norrh b.nl o( Ccrr crc'Lr th'nc' IortD i6' o' o' llo.t rlonS rrtd brnt ' dlttrocr ii ct r..t. tst. or lG'tt !o r Fltlt' i!.tcr trortb l' O{' !6" l.tt I dtrlrnct ii :f f..a. Itr. oa l.ta !c ' t'otnt' th'rt' ilrii ii;-isi 2r" ecrt r dt'trocr of llt i.:;;.. i. 1..t, t" ' Polnt on lh' nortl- ...i.ttr rtrtt-of-vry ol Corl cra'l Drlve' tl*oco iorti 16' 29' tl' f"t ' tllrtrn€? .i-il-f..., -.. or l.rr. .lonr r.ld rllht- Ji--.1 .f LRlnnlnt' s'td t^rcGl 'ont'lnltr'0.ll:crlr, tslc o' l'rt' DAVIScoLoRs Color Standards for HABVEST GOLDENEt}D 218S.5084 SPANISH GOtO 3 L8S. 5084 WESTERT.I GOtO 1% 18S.5844 GBANITE BED 4 t8S. 1395 the Eoncrete lndustry OMAHA TAN 1 18.5084 CLIFFSIOE SBOWN 2% L8S. 6804 rfeSe a.a pil it:€l !ar9r'alr )a rC1 0nS r al(lr-.d i0 t0nCre:€ itb Slaldards rrade b! rl_ trnq ',Ie Qr,,fc?i]ert af1l,rIs, ri lf e 0.1'. s I qnef :s r'.e cr, arc i/ale' l!'il ; s!Tfl ,l::tn a.).:rEllC:,:rC. .il 'e.'ri::r ttfs::Arrpa5Crl:..e(trarllnlCll)_darkareaS l .t : t o l l l e r e l t € s nidle i ir rl!al 'r'l s r rrj iac tL.r nit r €l10ds a1l!';ealfe ctnilIcr'ls J iie'? rcei r a0fcre:€ rti, r .rter a s \1.'r a !c anlrse '.raf all!rt tllcsi \ra: a1 0 ls are s1 qht and efhaTc?c!rafetesna1!fit iilrlr€t 0:fcr ritf tt cas c,lri L're r nstqhl r 0' leac:0 premature .,/ear V0re f{t l alilr L,rr tr tak Quantities belorrr indicate the vreight of pigment to mix with each 94 lb sack of cement SUNSET ROSE .t t 8. 160 EAJA REt) 2 L8S. 160 ERICX RED 4 LBS. 160 TILE BED 3 L8S. 1117 PtUM 2 rBS. 1395 ffi LAXESIOE BBOWN 5 LBS.6804 PUEBLO BROWT'I 21li [8S.61078 SI()U()IA SAIID 1 t8. 641 SAN DIEGO BUFF 112 LBS. 5237 MIAMI BUFF 1 LB. 5447 MESA EUFF 218S.5447 DARK GRAY '1 18. 8084 or 5 LBS. 860 YOSEMITE SROWN 2 LBS.641 LIGHT GRAY r,'? 18.8084 or 214 LBS. 860 PADBE ER()WN 5 LBS.61078 FLAGST()NE BR()WIi 3 LBS. 641 TAU PE 2 t8S.677 KAH LUA 418S.677 JET BLACX 1% LBS. 8084 or 772 LBS.860 EE t DA/IScoLoRs Color Standards tor the Concrete lndustry COLOE CWCEII|EAIED PIEME'Ir Davis Col0r Concentrates are pure mineral 0xide pigment powders mixed n t0 give concrete versatility, lasting color and appeal. They contain no f llers or admixtures and are manllactured t0 slrict t0lerances t0 maintain color u nlformity. Davrs Color Concentrates are packed in 0ne-Bag 0ne-Yard s zes and lower priced 50 lb. bulk bags. Dav s pure oxide concentrates rneet ASTIVI C-979 and are lightfast, lime proof and \,veather resrstant. Davis 807 and 8084 are specially treated carb0n blacks lor rapid mixing and h gher tinting strength. Concrete col0red !,/ith 807 and 8084 requires care (see lim tati0ns) but remains the l\,10ST EC0N0MICAL of our colors. Davis Color Concentrates are lor- m ulated for mix-in use only. They sh0uld not be sprinkled or dusted on to the concrete s!rface. ABE I'IEBE OTHEN COLOAS? Dlllerent shades of the col0rs on this card can be made by adding more 0r less concentrate povrder with each sack 0l cement than ind cated. We a so make a \/ide spectrum of other colors, match colors and can custom blend to meet mosl c0l0r schemes 0r samples vJith appropriate lead time. Ltght or pastel c0 0rs are very hard to achieve in natu ral y gray concrete un less wl] ite cement is subslrtuted for th€ gray cement in the mix. XEY fO SUCCESSFUL COLOBEO CONCBE|E Co ored concrete is a lasting asset r,vh ch will add va ue to your home or developnrent project. [.]nsuccessfu c0loredconcretejobsoftenstartwiththe belief they are n0 d fterent than oth€r jobs. Successfu colored concrete does n0t require ski ls d flerent than used 0n other lobs, t requtres attentl0n t0 detail, proper plannng and above all UNlF0RtMlTY. Uniformty ol raw materials, site conditions. p acing and finishing methods and curing. The next section out|nes detals which should be folloi",'ed to maximize the un tormity of colored concrete. Af T'IE BA1CH PUTI| The same cement. aggregate and fine mater als slr0uld be used thr0ugh0ut the iob. Cement and aggregate col0r cnanges musi be avoided. The cOntent of cement aggregate, f nes, pigment and water must be kept c0nsistentlr0m oad t0 load. The pigmentt0 cement ratio sh0uld bethe same on j0bs requrr ng multlple mrx designs i\4aintainsumpat4'or5 The add - tion 0f walerto achieve higher s ump 0r t0r purnp mixes v,,ill cause the c0ncrete to be Dale or ''washed out . f lrigher slump concrete is requrred. a water reduc- ing or plasticizing admixture should be used instead of adding vrater. Calciu m Chloride set accelerator shou ld not be used Add proper pigment vreight nto mixer after aggregate, cement, vr'aterand other admrxes (if specified). Mix at charg- ing speed for at least 510 10 mrnutes (50 to 100 revolutions). Schedule del veries f0r c0nsrstent mix ng tin'res trom load t0 lOad. Alter pour, clean m xer thoroughly to plevent col0r carry-over. AI TiiE JOB SITE Subgi'ade must be un formly graded. compacted and thoroughly m0istened. The subgrade must provide a bed f0r a slab of un f0rm thickness with0ut drawing \/ater out ol the fresh concrete. Water should not be added t0 the mix, into pumps 0nto the fresh surface or 0nt0 finishing tools or brooms. Th s will cause col0r lo pale or discolor. Schedule iob and crew size to provide arnple time for trowe ing. Trowe ing may begin atter the disappearance of bleed vrater and sh0uld be comD eted while the concrete is stffyetstillplastc S0sh0uldbr00ming. Lateorhardtro\,/eling(andedging) v/il cause 'burning" and dark spots. Do not sprinkle pigment cement or mortar onto the lresh surface. Eroom or rotary fin ishes (rough finishes) are less likely to disc0l0r than smooth troweled f nishes. cuBntB pnrwq AnD HAnoEiltilE [Jneven curing = uneven d rying = uneven c0]0r. T00 raprd dry ng wlll produce a weak surface pr0ne t0 shrinkage cracks. dusting and premature wear The surface of colored concrete sh0u1d be prevented lr0m drying for at least5 days bytheappl cation0f averythincoatof DavisW-1000ClearCure & Seal or Color Seal ll. (lnformational product sheets available separately) The substitltion 0f water curing, plastrc rnembrane sheets 0r other cur ng methods or products can resull in surface discolorations Wood, sand and 0ther objects placed on fresh concrete may cause d scol0ra- tro n. Surface evaporation otlen leaves behind a',,i h le powdery res due (ef- f l0rescence). Proper curing reduces etf lorescence residue LIMITAfIO'I The color efJect ol Davis 807 and 8084 in c0ncrete can some tlmes be degraded from repeated wett ng and drying. ALL concrete includ ng c0lored concrete benefits Jrom being sealed agarnsl mo sture exposure. Davis 807 and 8084 are more susceptible t0 r,vater leaching. unlrke other Davls Color Concenkates. Davs 807 and 8084 are not recommended for use in air- entrained c0ncrele. Dav s 860 sh0u d be used n air entrained c0ncrete or concrete exp0sed to repeated ' etting or drying. A NCfl ITEC| U RAL S PEC I F ICA f IOII The informati0n on this brochure as well as other nlormation in our Spec-Data and Sweets brochures can be directly inc0rp0rated into architectural specifications regarding colored concrete 0ur product call out wou d be: 'C0n crete should contain inte0ral pure-color con' centrate nu rn ber - rnanufactu red by Davrs C0 ors at an addtition rate of _ pounds per sack o{ cement and cured vJith Davis W-1000Clear (or Color Seal ll In a m'l.h,n^ .^ ^rl WANBAilff Th-oIn'orrnalon:oftaneo Ilflstrcch!re s tclu'b3sl{nolvlecg€ tTU€ancncclra:e bJlnl reccnJtei da1ons or sugg€sbons rra rnac. vJ lhoulglraran:ee Sncell9conohonsoiycJr!sacfc,rrpcaLrtlsilrp bey0ndcrr0ontro theDavrsCoorsCom!lnydiscarmsary rabrlll rrcur'ed nc0 leclofrvlhtheLrseol rLfproduclssnc nlDrmat on conlirfel h!re n andalys!0hs:a1rm.'nlo.er)nrfi?ndal.nss:rfiaderh.r rct b nd lie Lrnrpalv Fu her.i rre rolh fg tr.ta fed here I sl 3 | ba cons:r!ec rs ir 'e:3nmefdal rf l{i .rseln,/!rcc!c:fcrf'lclJllex3lfltralenlsalv€'roarlnalafi;so_lidslarlntlcersernlecrl n 'ac: s lran:ec ne'e n L rc-rr ll4 cla rs o- ari t;tents HEADQUAflTEBS: EAST: 7011 lVuirkirk Road Eeitsville. Maryland 20705 Phone: 1-800-638-4444 In Maryland: (301) 210-3400 Fax: (301) 210-4967 DAVIS C0L0RS s A sr3sn A3/ oF Rocxr;oo! NoLrs-R Es WEST: 3700 East Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles. Calitornia 90023 Phone: 1-800-356-4848 In California: {213) 269-7311 Fax: (213) 269-1053 AVAILAgLE AT: REPRINT 1/96 a-. I t.vtt.t t /17191 DESIGN REVIETI BOARD APPI,ICATION . TOWN OF VAII,; COLdUIIDI3 1$$O DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** INCOMPLETE APPI'IEATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDTII'ED FOR REVIEW. **i******* W: DESCRIPTION: I'lest Vail I^Ie11 il7 punn Station. S"" Pg TYPE OF REVIE!\I: _Ltlew constructionAddit.ion ($50.00) ($200.00) Minor Al.teration ($20.00) ConceptuaL Review ($0) ADDRESS:Toron of Vail Donovan Park i,lU t !vr*li{t, ilt i ULr i T B. c. D. F F. I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION: LOT Block Subdivision See jrlt4clred. If property is described by a meets and bounds iegal- descript,ion, pLease provide on a separaEe sheet and atEach to this applicacion. , ZONING: nenal.a 1 rTea - nr. T^r'n ^F \/.r i I nr-.\larrl' - use{L t'y oa^erert Eagle P,iver lrrater and Sanitation District (formerly NAI'IE OF APPITICAI{T: t/ai1 Valle'.2 Consol id..ted t^tater ltiqtrict) ' Maii.inq Address: 846 r'orcst a.oad, Vnil , co 81657 Plrone .(97o) 476-7480 G.NAME OF liraiLing APPI,ICA}flT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Gail Lucas Address: as above Phone (970) 476-7480 H.NAIIiE OF O9INER (S) : as above OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address:-4brc Phone as above APPI,ICAIIONS WIIIJ NOT BE PROCESSED WTTHOCN OWNER'S STGIiTATT'RE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE! DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the t,ime of submiLEal of Lhe DRB appLication. Later, when appl-yinq for a building permiL, please identify the accurate vlfuit,ion of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table bel-ow, Eo ensure the correcE fee is paid. FEE PAID! f CHECK #: DATE: BY: FEE SCHEDUI,E: I. 'J. VALUATION$ o-$ 10,000 $ 10, oo1 - $ 50, ooo $ 50, oo1 - $ 150, ooo $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ over $1, 000, 000 FSE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ E:KPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FIIiIAIJ APPROVAIJ IINLESS A BUILDING PERUIT fS ISSUED AM CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. I IrI. PRE.APPIITCATTON MEETTNG: A pTe-+ppl.icat,ion meet.ing with a member of the planningstaff is encouraqed to det,ernine if any additioiral - application information is needed. It is the applicant,sresponsibiLity bo make an appointment with Lhe st,aff todet,ermine if there are additional submittal requiremenbs.PLease note that, a coMpr.,ETn application wilr st.reamline thereview process for your project. III . THPORTAIflT NOEIGE REGARDTNG }I,L SUBMISSIONS TO TIIE DRB:] A. In addiE,ion to meet,ing submitf,al requirement,s, theapplicant must stake and tape the project, sj.te toindicate property l_ines, building fines and buiLding.corners.' AlI trees to be removed must be t,aped,. AiLsit,e tapinqs and sEaking must be completed piior Lo theDRB sit.e-visit. The applicant must, ensure Lhat stakingdone duringr the winter js not buried by snow. B.' The review process for NEW BUILDfNGS normally requires' two separat,e meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. Applicants who faiL to appear before che Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meet,ing date and. who have notasked in advance that d.iscussion on their item bepostponed, wilL have their items removed from the DRB agrenda unlil such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The folLowing items may, at, the discretion of thezoning administ.rator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Department st,aff (i.e. a formaL hearingbefore the DRB may noE, be required): Windows, skylight.s and similar'exLerior changeswhich d,o not aLt.er the existing plane of thebuilding; and BuiLding additions not visible from any oEher loLor public space. At the t,ime such a proposaL issubmitted, applicant,s must incLude l-et,ters fromadjacent property owners and/or'from the agenE foror manager of any adjacent condominium associacionstating the association approves of the addiLion. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetLand, etc.), a hazard sEudy must, be subnit,t.ed andttre oq,ner must sign an affidavit, recogrnizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged Lo check with a Town pLannerprior Eo DRB applicat,ion to deEermine the reLat,ionsbipof the property Lo all mapped hazard.s. For all resident,ial const.ruction: a. Clearly ind.icate on the floor pLans the insideface of the exterior strucLural waLls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate vrit,h a dashed line on the site plan afour foot, distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walIs or supporting columns. If DRB approves Lhe appl-ication with conditions ormodificatsions, all conditions of approval mus! beaddressed prior Lo the application for a buiLdingpermit. a. b. E. F. G. o a , I-ITST OF MATERIAI,S OF PRO.'ECT: l@ST VAIL WELL NO. 7 REPLACEI'IENT PUMP STATIbN DESCRTPTTON: LOT -- BITOCK :_ SIIBDIVTSION --- .STREET ADDRESS3 Donovan Park NAI.{E IJEGAIJ The foLLowing informaE,ion is Review Board before a final A. , BUII,DING IIT,ATERIAI.TS: Roof Sidinq Other WaLL Mat.erials Fascia Sof f it,s Wind.ows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck RaiLs Flues - Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining WaLLs Exterior Lighting OLher reguired for submit,taL approval can be griven: TTPE OF MATERIAIJ Standing seam steel Lo the Design COIJOR Forest Green ConcreEe Block San Diego Buff Plvnood Sheathi.ng Tan Insulated Safety Glass Clear Red l.lood Tan Sreel fAJ S Eeel None None Steel to match roof Forest Green None None None None 1 - 150 Watt Incandescent Hubbel Black or Tan None Nane of Designer: Phone: Jon Ford - Leonard Rice EngineersB.I.TAIIIDSCAPING:(303) 4s5-9589 o Corunon NtrmePI,AI T MATERIAI.IS I PROPOSED TREES AND SHRT'BS GROI]ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION BotanicaL Name Ouantitv size*.'.f *Indicate caliper for deciduous t,rees. Minimum calioerf or. deciduous trees is 2 jnches - fnaicaEG-trEigtrf- torconif erous t.rees. Minimum heicrht, f or 'coniierous trees is 6 feeL.**rndicaE,e size of proposed shrubs5 crallon.Minimum size of shrubs is Twe none Sqlare Footage none hvdro mulch native olant.s and qrasses none c. TYPE OR METHOD OF on slooe greater than 3:1 \orth American Green EROSION CONTROI, SC 150 erosion controi blanket LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If ext,erior light.ing is proposed, pLease strovr the nuniler of fixtures and locations on a separat.ef.ightinq pIan. Idencify each fixture from ehe Liahting plani? the space below and provide the height above grade, - tfrpe off.ighE proposed,, lumen output, Iuminous area ana i cuL sheet ofthe liqrht f ixture. (Secuion 18 .54 .050 J) D.OTHER LAIiIDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal_ls, fences, swimmingrpools, egc.) P1ease specify. Indicate height,s of retainingwaIls. Maximum height of wa1ls within Lhe front, setback il3' . Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is G, t' PROJEC:T SUMMARY Replacement of Eagle Rlver Water and Sanltation District (formerly Vail Valley Consolidated Water District) West Vail Well #7 Pump Station Replacement Attachment to: Design Review Board Application This Design Review Board Application covers the second phase of a two phase project. The first phase was the replacement of an existing District municipal water well. This second phase is replacement of the pump station building and connection of the well to the District's water distribution system. The well and pump station are krcated on Town property and are used and accessed by an easement granted to the District by the Town. The well is being replace this summer. This second phase will probably begin early this fall (September) and be completed in June 1997. The purpose of this project is to replace ficur old wells and pump stations with one new, modem low maintenance frcility. The other hcilities will be removd unless water rights considerations preclude removal. Depending upon the results of the drilling of the new well, Well #8 may remain operational. This well is located on the easement about 3fi) feet east of Well #7. The Pump Station location was chosen so that it is as far as possible from the Town's Bike Path as is possible given the site constraints. This was done by locating the Pump Station partly in the hillside. The project site is constrained by the topography, lhe existing easement grated to the District by the Town, the Bike Path and the District's existing pump station building (as shown on the Site Plan). To provide room br the dri[ing equipment, the District proposed to relocate the existing Bike Path to the south as shown on the Site Plan. It also proposes to excavate the site to construct the building. The excavation and soil stockpile locations are shown on the Site Plan. The only utilities that are in the vicinity of the well site are the District's water lines. During construction the District proposes to install signage waming of construction and a detour. To further promote safety of the public, the District proposes to install a 6 foot high chain link steel fence between the Bike Path and the construction. There will be periodic times that the drilling contractor will have to move equipment around on the site. During those periods the Bike Path will need to be closed. The District proposed to limit each closure to 15 minutes in length and to post flaggers on both sides of the construction area along the Bike Path. I C:\WP5 1\71OI]EV1 1\PMPSTN#7\PROJSIIMM.WPD TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ? MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department August 12,1996 A request for a conditional use permit to replace an existing well and pump statidn, located on the lower bench of Donovan Park' Applicant: Eagle River water and sanitation District, represented by Gail LucasPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST The Eagle River Water and Sanitation District is requesting Planning and Environmental C|f,1iljliil (pEC) review-and ipprovaf of their ryq'uest fol a conditlonal use permit to allow for thJ replacemint of me existing West Vailwell # 7 pump station' The existing West Vail well # 7 pump slation is generally located.on the west end of the lower Uencn ol O6novan park- As indicatiO on the atiached dite plan, ttre new pump station is proposed to be located +pioiimiietv 4' to the north and eist ot the existing pump station, and ilirr[e apdioiiriieriZeiS sq. ft. in iize. The gymp station is intended.lg house a new well- head and the appurtenani r"aieiierice lines. The'new pump station will be constructed of San Dieoo Buff. solit-iaceO, concrete block with a forest{reen, standing-seam' metal roof and Ai6;d ;;;inO t"inio", tim. One exterior outdoor light is proposed to_illuminate the area in tront ot the entrance door to the pump station. The recessed can light will be furnished with a motOn sensor, to activate the lig'ht on an as-needed basis. Building elevations have been attached for reference. In order to construct the new pump station and drill a new well-head, an area of Donovan Park *ititemporarily be excavateO, anO'tne existing bike path will be permarently relocated. A grading pfaniniiii" itan, lttusfa1ng the tempotary.anO peimanent changes to D-onovan Park' have been attachei for reterence] me apiticani has iroposed to erect a 6'tall, chain-link fence arounO the entire perimeter ot ttre cbhstruction site io act as a safety barrier between the bike pJtf, anJ Construciion aiea. ne applicant has also proposed to govide warning signs.on the 6;3! tig.r, 50' and 100', in both dirditons of the construbtion site, to warn bicyclists and pedestrians of the construction ahead' The applicant has stated that the existing pump.station and welFhead in Donovan Park will be remoJ&. The existing facility will ne rei6ved, however, not until the new facility is.on-line and opJrationaf . ln additio-n to th6 removal ol the existing pump station in Donovan Park, two other plmJ sfations in the immediate area of Donovan paiX witt be removed. These facilities are ioiafeO on the south siOe-ot Gore Creek, across the Matterhorn Circle Bridge-, a1d ol thesouth siOe ot Gore Creek, appioximately 1/4 mile downstream.. The applicant has further stated that tne existlng overneiC'riieitiiciipower and utility poles willbe removed and electrical service will be replaced with underground conduit and power cables. t o II. REVIEWCRITERIAFORTHIS REOUEST The review criteria for a request of this nature is established by theTown of Vail Municipal Code' ln addition to the condirioilirl" "rit"ri", staff_traslnctuded criieria lrom lhe Zoning Code' the Vail Comorehensive pran,'in-O-t*n" e"tirO i. Fo-rd Park/Donovan Park Master Plan' as we UJfi"u" tfit titt netp tne PEC in its evaluation of the request' A. The Town of Vail Municipal Code Theproposed|ocation|orthenewWestVai|we||#Tpump.station'isonthe|ower bench of oonovan Firt- According to the official Town of Vail zoning map' Donovan paft is ioneO eeneial Uie (cU) District. Accoldlng to.Section 18.36.010 ot tne Municipat CoOe, tne purpose of the GU District is: "to provide sites for public and quasi-public $t-$.',9ll9ecause of their s-piiir cnaiJaLristibs, cannot de appropriately regulated by the devetopmJnf stinOiiOi ptescribed i6r oiher zone districts, and for which oevetopmeni itanoaros bspecially prescribed lor each particular oeveropm6ni piopoiat ot plolnt iiq necessarv to,acli:y.:,!h" purposes pitt"ti'O"O in be&ion le'Oz'tjzO ano to provid6 f91$9 qlb,It welfare' The Generat tir" Oiltn t i" intended to insuie that public buildings and grounds andcertaintypeso|quasi.pub|icusespe]mittedinthe.districtare appropriatatjf'Vlocat iO and designed tb meet the needs ol residents and visitors to Viif, io nirmonize wifr'surrounding uses, 1d'in the case of bui|dingsandotherstructu]es,toinsureadequatelight'^air'.openspaces' and otier imenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses'" According to Section 18.36.030 ol the Municipal.Code, a wagl.alg sewage treatment prant sniiiO" petmitteO in the Genbral Use Zone District, subjeqtt9 the issuance ot a conaiiio-na'i use permit in accordance with the provisions of Ghapter ts.oe ot the Townof Vail Municipa| code. For the PEC's re|erence, the conditional use permit purpose statement indicates that: "in order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, iplcirieo uses are permineo in certain distric{s subiect to the. . grintind oii "onOitional usd permit. Because of their unusual or special characterisfics, conditional uies require review so that.they may be located properiywitn respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their atfeG 6n sunouhding propdrtids. The review_process prescribed in tnis chipGr is intended to aisuie compatibility and harmonious Oevefopmini Oetween conditional uses and surrounding propenies in the Town at targL- Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may G permitteo subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may preiscriOeiJinsuie that the location and operation of the conditional uses will oe in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or pioperties. where conditions cannol be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use PeImit shall be denied." ln the General Use Zone District, development standards shall be prescribed by the Planning and Environmential Commission' These include: 1. Lot area and site dimensions 2. Setbacks3. Building height4. Density control5. Site coverage6. Landscaping and site development 7. Parking and loading In the statf's opinion, the only development standard relevant to the applicant's ieduist, pertains to tanCsliiing and'site development. Staff would suggest that ffi;1|i id;nO environmdntal Commassion diicuss w1h the applicant, whether inere G a n6ed for landscaping to be incorporated w1h the proposed.pump ;i;iio". buiren1y, no tandica[ing exists around the existing pump station. section 18.54.051 of the Municipal Gode, details park design guidelines, "S"OfirneO especiatty for devel6pment within Town of Vait parklands' Tfe.p"* llsid g"iaetirieJard lntenOeO td Oe used in conjunction with theg€ner3l {esign;;il 6Jruefines found in Section 18.54.050 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code' f-trese ieiign guidelines shall be used when reviewing ?ny proposals for the Oeuef opmeit o'f Town of Vail parkland. Statf has identified the park design ouidelihes, which are most reievant to the proposed conditional use permit iequest. They are as follows: 1. Building materials and design - Natural materials are strongly encouraga in park construction. Materials and delailing musl . iomptit-ent tt i park's environment, as well as be functional and attractive. Stone - Natural rock should be used for architectural features' such as exposeO walls and small retaining walls. iandy gray and brown colors are encouraged, as they blend in with the natural environment. ConJtruction should minimize exposed mortar and detailing should rellect concern for local climatic conditions' Pedestrian walks/plazas - Asphalt is discouraged, except when necessary for bike Paths. Visual impacts - Structures, shelters, or other site buildings shall G designed in a low-profile or be set into slope areas to reduce their vertical dominance upon lhe site. Landscaping/site planning - Plantings should be used to soften the eOge beiween developed and natural park areas and to heavily screen conflicting adjacent uses. Lighting - Lighting fixtures shall be as subtle as possible' so that th-y blend in with the natural park setting. Site preservation and maintenanq - Natural areas hat are Oistu:rOeO during construction shall be vegetated to en@urage olant associations that develop naturally on the site. Revegetation 'stroutO match pre-existing conditions as closely as possible. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 8. Erosion control - Temporary erosion confol measures during constructi|i]-and permaneirt control measures after construction shail be "itaorisnrio to prevent sediment pollution of the creek and to stabilize dGiuroed areas. Any park proiect shall be required to include a site preservation program during construction pnases' nOOitionarlv,liinits ot site dibu6ance shall be clearly and physically defined, ai well as enforced in order to minimize disturbance to other areas in the Park. The Vail ComPrehensive Plan severalelemenrs of the vail comprehensive Plan indirectly address the "oi"t","ton of public and quasi-public facilities. The relevant elements and sections have been listed below tor reference: Land Use Plan 1. GeneralGrowthiDevelopment 1 .1 0 Development of Town-owned lands by he Town of Vail mdy be permitted where no high hazards exist' if such development is for public use. 6. CommuniV Services 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased growth' 6.2 The Town of Vail should play a role in future devetopment through balancing growth wifrl seMces. Gerald R. Ford Park / Donovan Park Master Plan According to the Gerald R. Ford Park / Donovan Park Master Plan' in parl' Vhen new construction of trails, buildings, roads and play facilities witl disturb natura| areas, the creative b|ending o| grades, and the use of trees, shrubs and ground cover native to this area should be used to revegetate the diaturbed areas. structures, shelters and other site buitdings are to be designed in a low-profile or are to be setinto sloped aieas to reduce th-eir vertical dominance on the site. Constructid'n materials should be harmonious with other materials beino used on the site. Building materials should be sandy-gray and Srown in color to blend in with the natural environment'" CRITER|A AND FINDINGS Upon reviar of Section '18.60 of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Depadment r-&ommenOs approval oitre conditional uie permit request !9 {loq for the replacement and riionstruction 6i tne WesrVlil well # 7 pump'station, gdnerally located on the west end of the lower bench of Donovan Park, based upon the following factors: CONSIDERANON OF FAGTORS: 1.Re|ationshipandimpactoftheuseonth6deve|oPrnentobjectiveso| theTown. Uponreviewoftheapp|icant'srequestfor,aconditiona|use.permiltoa||ow t-ol ine reptacemenr dnd reconstrdction of the West Vail well # 7 Pn'p siation, siatf OefieveJttre pioposeO conditional use will have minimal' if anJ. ndoative irnriicis-on [he'uses adjacent to the location of the proposed iliii ;41fu. slar rurilrer betieves rrat fre aeetlT{sle.:ire to replace andreconstructthewe||pumpstationinDonovanParkisinkeepingwith the derelopment objectiries dt tne town.. The applicant has propo,sed a itructr,te wnicn compties with the regulations putJn place.to.insure cirp"mf" and harrironious develodnent within Town of Va1 parklands' G maicateO in tne Town of Vail Land Use Plan, the Town.of Vail should olav a role in futuie development thfough balancing grolvth nith services. Stdf Oetfeues that the appiicant's request to replace and reconstruct a n"* p-r-p station in bohbuan paft ii in keeping with that objective and serves a true Public benefit. 2.Theeffecto|theuseon|ightanda|r,distributiono|popu|at|on' transpoltatlon tacllltles, uillltles, schools, parks and recreatlon facilities, and other public lacilities needs' Sta|f be]ieves the new pump station wi|| have minima|, if any, negative ettecs on tight and air,'distiibution of population, transportation facilities' utilities, sch-ools, pafts and recreation facilities, and othej public facilities needs. The na,rr'pump station is proposed in the immediate area of an eifiting, yet outdited, we1 pump'stahon. -Statf does not believe fiat the ieCondru'ction of the new pirmp'sta$on, atthough slightly_larger in size' will have any negative impacts on the uses in the Donovan Park area' 3. Effect upon trafllc with partlculal reference to congestlon, automotive an<l pedrstrian safety ahd convenience' trafflc flow and Gonuol' access, maneuverability, and rcmoval of snow lrom the str€et and parklng areas. staff does not believe that he above described criteria relates to the proposed request. 4. Effect upon the character of the arca in which the proposed use ls to be locaied, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relatlon to surYounding uses. Upon review o| the app|icant's request, staff be|ieves the proposed new West Vailwell # 7 pdrirp station isin keeping with the character of the area. The new OuitOind, wh1e 161 sq. ft. larger than the existing building, is Oes6neO to be builtinto the hillsidri to x1e north. This design minimizes the ov&all vertical appearance ol the building. Staff also believes that the propos€d exlerior Otiii.fing material collorms with the Park Design buidelines, as described-in Section 18.54.051 of the Town of Vail ruunirxpt code. The applicant has used similar exterior materials iucce&tuny in tre conitluction and opetation of a well pump station in the Vail Gotf Course area. 5 Staff would again suggest that the-Planning and Environmental commission discuss with the applicant, tn6 appropriateness of lan-dscape material Oeing aOiii arou;J tn-Jne" rnel puirirp station to help screen and soften the appearance of the new st]Uc{ure' FINDINGS 6Ent-g a conditional use Permit: l.Thattheproposedlocationoftheuseisinaccordancewiththepurposes or ii;';H;itha use permir section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located' 2.Thattheproposed|ocationoftheuseandtheconditionsunderwhichit;;iib"bliiteO ormaintained would not be detrimental to the public h";tfi3dt, oiwettare or materially injurious to properties or imProvements in the vicinitY' 3.Thattheproposedusewou|dcornplywitheachoftheapplicab|e. pr**iSbn! Jitn" condilional use p-ermit section of the zoning code. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Gommunity Development Departme.nt staff recommends approval of the applicants request for a conditionat use prrrit io "fl,i* for the replacement and reidnstruction of an existing well and pump station, genera||y |ocated on the west end of tlre |ower bench of Donovan Park. Stat| finds that the appticantti"trr"st io*plies w1h each of the above criteria and 1ndings as identified in Sections tt and ill of this memorandum. Staff furtrer believes that the applicant's reouest for a condition"il;'F;ii;iiinot trave any negative.impacts on the proposed use of il;*;" P;tk or the develophent oblectives of the Town of Vail' statf would recommend that, should the Planning and Environmental commission cfioose to [riiir i" inOioJii or 1'e lpiiicinis conditionat u-se permit request, that the PEC find: l.Thattheproposedlocationo|theuseisinaccordancewiththepurposesol.t|9' conoition[i-isi-iJrritJ"ction orthe zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located' 2. That the proposed use would comply with each.of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code' 3. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of.!h.e. ^ conoitionli-r.islErmit iection ol the Zoning Code.andlhe purposes of the distnct in "rnicn iiJl1J6 6CnA tnd trar the proposed location of the use and the conOitioni'inler wnicn lt would be oper'ated or maintained.would not be Oetrtmentafio me public health, safety, or welfare or.materially iniurious to. . propertieioi-iffifiiedG i^ iG vicinity, and that the proposed use would co.pry ,itil'eaJn oi it s"ppri"aote proviSions of the conditional use permit section of the Zoning Code. shou6 the planning and Environmental commission choose to_grant an approval ol this request' staff would recommend ffrat fre approval carry with it the lollowing conditions: B. 6 t 1, That the proposed 4", underground drain-line be installed out of the east end of tn" purd stition,iatnei tnan- tne west end, to insure that the entire drain-line remains within the platted, utility easement' 2.TharfieDesignReviewBoardreviewandgrantanapprova]oftheproposed slructJre prioito application for a building permit' 3. That all areas disturbed by the construction, or by the removal of. existing or .-- orooosed ra.iritieil-ue ieGgetateo in accordancd with the specilications kjentified by ihe Tovm of Vail Parks Supelintendent' *aue i= 27':;e-* H,anay.LlazEsrDel,Sloq= A^*.D+Vbt< J"tn'r 5lo,.rs. /x , U Wco'n"-r€vrr> hnql Stol€ Di,tue . No tomrnar H*1 l+7Vae- vl/ L.uoihodt o, -l '.--....'. /,',l -/ t/ I / I /t.,-=_/ I (J g (.t /# Mr r5 rl*Er p >l ivI L 'i .! .9 e ds or 'i 6 l cl ilxlol EI il sl€l rl3l:t FI9l /,, l \ ,'' "- -'/ \ \, ,-- ( \ Y .. I tll \d (D z!: tl uvf. il F; I $ l/ illl Ill I I \ r) (' Y I -.-'.a ^+"( r))) r-"- ^/ \.',t\t\ \ -J\ \ ) )xr of.-\ -r-'.--.r' I fl ) a>& ":3)' -8x aF H A(rl >.t el &lolt|-l uJtol ullFI6l ol el {91zl FI I tf, € i bE E.E !6 5l 39 B: Bt t ! .s x /"s3 ri'E I l€i :iii -- -/\ \-.l1 lttl r!lr (( t\,.t t(t (, //,/' _""- =-- "lr1' I I I It /8,l s{ il $M- rtffi /ii ll _ /-' l)i1rtt, -r)"r/4 ,) ,1, t/lr1\ ) --.-/ ./- ,/ ,/ /r ^dt"tJ r-1lg"( \ ..\\ \ ^_/ '\ ti I I ir l1 ,1t !x \ t* :gJ ;'ii FsgItig s;r il s. rl )a- l ; '.: ':'i 'i ::| ..,!,t r,.1 ..-:. l.) ..'t ..1 i:l :-lii:tli:.1 ,;.' I ,'l :ij :;ii ::-i : |]l 'j', !. :t:: i iirl ;:i:i ai..j 't1.i.:; ti: i I l'jf:.i l:i'ir: S t.,.t d+\ \€rtssb.r s(od I I _J--l_-rr\-\-z \V _i_t_l_ MEMoRAlrpuM FILE coPY TO: Greg Hall, Towu Engineer Mike McGee, Fire Marshall Russetl Forrest, Senior Environmental Policy Planner FROM: George Ruther, Town Planner DATE: JulY 25, 1996 RE: The specifications for the Eagle fuver Water and Sanitation District, West Vail well #7 rePlacemort PumP station' The attached specifications for the Eagle River Water and Sanitafion District well #7 replacement pump station are for your review and approval. I am not certain if there is any information .*t"io"a within thiivohminous document that is of importance to auy of you or nol Should you have any questions, comments, or concems, please forward them to me at your earliest convenience. Thanks. a TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment 4tcupr July 18. 1996 Gail Lucas Eaglc River Watcr and Sanitation District 846 Forcst Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Fax: 949-5674 RE:The proposed conditional use permit for the construction of a new well station in Donovan Park. Dcar Gail: Thank you for your application for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of a new well and water station. to be locatcd on the lower bench of Donovan Park' Upon prelimhary review of your application, staffhas determincd that the following information must be submitted in order to stay on the aganda for the August 12, 1996, Planning and Environmcntal Commission meeting. Please submitih" fotlo*ing information to the Town of Vail Community Development Department by no later than August I' 1996' @o @, please indicate on the proposed site plan the location of a construction fence along the north, west and east sides of the platted utility easemcnt. The purpose of the construction fence in this location is to insurc that site disturbance does not occur outside ofthc plattcd utility eascmcnt. The proposed 6'high chain link construction fence, to be locatcd adjacent to the north side ottnl Ult. path, must be either screened with green mcsh' or covered with grcen plywood. wood siding is required on the new pump station building. Pursuant to chapter l8'54 of thc Town of Vail Municipal Code. Design Guidelines, cxposed cinder block siding is not permitted. Please providc architectural details of the pump station ( i.e. siding, roof material, color, \ \ {g *u"rttuo r.u"* ctc. ) f\ 5. please remove the word "temporary" from the relocation of the bike path. Upon review /W/ Z of the realignment, thc Town of Vail is agreeable to ailowing the realignment to become a l--/ pelTnanett realignmcnt. 6. The proposed drain line is outside of the utility eascment. Please realign the drain linc so that it lies within the utility easernent ?.r,.t +o E&T 7 . Will any exterior lighting be needed for the new well and pump station? If so, please submit manufacturer's specifications on the proposed outdoor light fixture. eA@> Att .V It appears that the construction ofthe drain line will occur in the 100-yr. flood plain. please contact Russell Forrest, Senior Environmental Policy Planner, with the Town of Vail as he will need to make a determination as to whether this is pcrmitted. y As indicated on the conditional use permit application, please provide addressed and stamped envelopes ofall adjacent property owners to Donovan Park' Again, staff has had the opportunity to review your proposed plans for the construction of a new *JU uAa pump station in Dono.ran Park. Each of the issues listed above must be addressed by August f , f S9e. in order to remain on the Planning and Environmental Commission agenda for Monday, August 12. 1996. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter. as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. You can reach me most easily during regular office hours at 479-2145. Sincerelv. fl' -*?at-u George Ruther Town Planner GPJjr cc: Russell Forrest vt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Col.orado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development 4tcap, Gail Lucas Vail Valley Consolidated Water Dstrict 846 Forest Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Replacement of the vail vallcy consolidated water District well Station # 7 Dear Gail. The Town of Vail has received your request for the replaccment of Well Station # 7 in Donovan Park. Upon rel'iew of your request, staffhas determined, that the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission must grant a conditional use permit, in order to construct the proposed new well station. According to the Offrcial Town of Vail Zoning Map, the area proposed for the new well station is zoned General Use (GU). Pursuant to Section 18.36.030 of ihe To*n of Vail Municipal Code, water and sewage treatment plants are allowed in Donovan Park subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit according to thc provisions of Chapter 18.60, Conditional Use Permits. I have tentatively scheduled your request for review by the Planning and Environmental Commission for Monday. August 12, 1996. In ordcr to rcmain on the agenda for the August 12 meeting, you will need to submit a completed application for a conditional use permit The compteted application and thc applicable fees must be submitted by noon, Monday, July l5' t996. lfyou have any questions about the information addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. You can reach me most easily at 479-2145. Sincerelv. rL*n--R-o,-, George Ruther Town Planner {p *'"'"""o 'uo '/ -t'' -- WarEn & SarulreroN DlsrRlcr 846 Forest Road . vail. Colorado 81657 (970) 475-7a80 r FAX (970) 476-4089 July 25,1996 Mr. George Ruther Community Development Town of Vail 50 So. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 REI WEST VAIL WELL PROJECT Dear Mr. Ruther: Enclosed are the following self-addressed, stamped envelopes for the property owners who own property adjacent to the Donovan Park site of the District's Well Nos. 7 and 8: Mr. and Mrs. A. Aldrete Ms. Alice Parsons Mr. Paul Mills Ms. Florence Habernicht Mr. Paul Mills Ms. Susan Bristol Ms. Velma Sanders Ms. Velma Sanders Mr. and Mrs. P.R. Gout Please contact me ifyou have any questions. Thank you. 784 So. Frontage Rd. W. 1552 Matterhorn Circle l6l2 Matterhorn Circle 1622 Matterhorn Circle 1632 Matterhom Circle 1652 Matterhom Circle 1642 Geneva Drive 1672 Matterhorn Circle 1699 Geneva Drive Enclosures Delivered by hand cc do enclosures: Gail Lucas lVen ive Paraleeal WprEn. WnsrewerrR, Oprnnrrorus & Mrruecer,rer,r Seavrces N ,t,rru MAY AFFE.T YouR PUBLIC NOTICE NoT|cE|SHEREBYG|VENthattheP|anningandEnvironmenta|commissionoftheTownofVai| wi1 hotd a pubtic nearing-in'iccoidance witn Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vait on August r z, r gdeilJioo p.r.l. in tn" ro*n ot Vail Municipal Buildihg' In consideration of : A request for height and front setback variances to allow for the construction of four triplex o',jirc'i.jr, 6;"i;i;i 18il til"sriits; Loop/Lot 27, Block 2, Lionsridge Filing #3' Aoplicant: Steven Gensler and Stephen Katz Pidnner: George Ruther A reouest tor a conditional use permit to replace an existing well and pump station, located on the I lowei bench ol Donovan Park. { npgicant: Eagle River,Water and Sanitation District, represented by Gail Lucas- - Pianner: George Ruther ArequesttoamendSectionslS.24.O2O,-18.24.030,18.24.040,18.24'050,18'27'030'18'28'030' 18.28.040 ano rii.ig]db-ti;iid2;i"g bode to add Brew Pub_as a conditional use in the Commerciat corJ'L-Conir"rci] core?, cJrreriiit Core 3, Commercial Service Center and Arterial Business Zone Districts. Aoolicant: Vail Associates, represented by Jack Hunn Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A request for an amendment to an apprwed site development plan to allow for a shift in the building enuei-ope ot auitding-;f8, roiitioit zz'gza xinnict(innick hoad/lnnsbruck Meadows #8. ADolicant: Bob BornePidnner: George Ruther A request for a renewal of a conditional use permit to allow lor the continued operation ol a mobile. catheterization laboratory i th; t;il Valley Medical Center, located at 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots F & E, Vail Village 2nd Filing' Applicant: Dan FeeneY Planner: Dirk Mason A reouest for a landscape variance to allow for a building addition. and additional surface parking, io"aGo ii2131 N. Froritage Road/ Lot 3, Vait Das schone 3rd Filing. Applicant: Saleway, Inc., represented by Dennis Wyatt Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a worksession to discuss a variance to allow detached garages in the Jront Setback' ioci6O ii 28s3 and 2833 Kinnickinnick Road/Lots 7 & 8, Block 4, Vail Intermountain/Lodges at Timber Creek. Applicant: Jim MarxPidnner: Dominic Mauriello llllllllll Sign language interpretation available upon request wilh 24 hour notificalion. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Communitv Development Deparlment Published iulv 26, 1996 in the Vail Trail. o PROPERTY M 'l,tc'' l' i'rrtn l.crp6o. Trf Dr.rO, th{..llt zlst I .a.r or F.bru.ry ,r, 80 t tr.- ., VAILIr':rfl CORgORAtfOt! j . .o.F.ajor adt tttrb.{ .!a arbtbt r!a.. rnJ !t rkr!. ol tle brt ol tl. Stri. ol Col.orrdc .ol $. aht t.rq lra Tty{l{ OF VAll,, .COL'R DOr.. lt$nlctprl }..o{rondi ltrlt 6t|!H.!a G|lrdor rarlr r rn{ lr rlrll'. ot Gr br. t'J,! EAnXECt I.*--@r----.-1" rr.-.-...195G12..-{:rLu:.!i.1 "':l.,l,..l.i.ir:-....--n...a., ii" ;L'j ':(''ntl' rtcotllRl llluD !1t[ timnlllil FtB zs tgsd ol drr rstr ol (:olorrdo bl tl, *.o.d Frr' veLae lelaladdr.3r l6 lhlrtclp,ll Bul:dIof,, Vl|, I, (irlor.^do f,t657Wlttlls3Erll TL|r th..rld D.rt o{ri.trrri r.!t. lo".!d h G;r!.isrd€ ol rh. r@ oa Thrc(.YllllanEtfht Huncrcd Sevcnty-Fh. Thou.lmt ;rrrd ool100 d:llrrre (Sj.8?5,OO0.OO)--)AraAXrrS t /a.!<:.ga_2 Cor.tt ol Ea8lc ro ih . 'l rrrt oa tl. 0..rt Fn In l.ra D.Id lt tlr. 'rld Frt ol r\. .r.dd r..! rl. r...lpr r!.r.€a b [...bt .onln..d url rcfaorldrar, luA r!nt.{. $rit'ln.d, .oli3 rna c6r.t! d, ntd rt rh.. p...cou d.r. Fiil 6ftrb. i.l[.dItt ,na .6lld. 6to ttr.,ria F rt oa thr .ccal t ri. ll. .]-r.ro...!.1 .| rrr lorcrc. .ll Oc t llorhr drrnib.d r F't!l ct l!{ rlt!rr...ths std l&r h tl|. .rl lttt. 6l Colrrd., to.rltl "4" aitrch.:d her'rto bY sf'ac t f, c refs.-er,.e th.r€to. r.rrdr .rd lri..r !ar-.| r[ |||{ .r1t Froar or p.rtdr hrtrllt chiiht o? io .Lltr tir. r.\oL c !,|r Pr.i th6roa, tlr. t.ld r..t o{ !L. f,.rt Frr .!rll rld iill WARRANT AND FOREVRR DEPd ND. tll WltNlSt lgltfllot, Tl. rril F t ol t'|. fir.. t n h.rl cr-d l.r.o.F.tr. d&. lo br l.J.r!ro xtb' j Sce f,xhthtt !nd lncotpord!cd hc r.ln ..rrlia tt ilt .r F.ia6f r.l lt .rto.rt. ..rl lo L l.rn!|to rrlh.d,.n.n.d bt l'r Rtrlrt, i. l|ry rr.l +.: tOOEIHER iA..u r!{.btdrt tl. [6.dln!rr!t! tra rptt.i.ttncn l]t.rn'to Ll..dnt of h rnt'ir. .DD.n:i!iit. .rd tr. ts'.r.lrr .!{ .?rrrrlo!* tEtrbdr' Eit .irtrbd.F. tlrrt, l.rxr .!d FoGtt rh.t {i t.d dl tl. ..trt., riait titlc hlr-'trl .bt'r |.!d tl.r'|!a r!!!..r.r ol ll. EJd Fri' nl '1. R.|r Fn, drhd h lrt 6t "idt .i : r .na lo ?h. rb.r. Li|rh.d F6lt r' rlil tf,. h.t.dlar.xrt .n l rp9!tl6.!xtt TO tl^ t: AtlD tO IIOLD tlt. rld trtli|.t rlor trrrrlac{ rna a...tr-t d, rlit lh. r?9t'ror..... 'rlo ih. E! B-t r, tl. ..t!nd t rt lir .*c..-rt .!d .r.l.n. fc.t r. A.EJ |l|. qli Vril Clty Corl,or'ation, I Colorsdo Corporatl(,s prrt.f tl. lrrr F ! ld trt.lt ltr rE tct tia r.iltla aotl .!tti..rt, 3Fnq b.rFh .r.a rt!t' 6 .n illh th. dd Frt I rhr..a6d D|'t lb,crtFr r.i r.lrnr tlul aa rlc lh!. rl ll. t|!|..lb{ ald d.tlr.rt ol ll.!. tt.t' .ntr lt L r.n ft|'d .{ U. t a.Lr .!or. .dtrt7.d, .r .a a..4 ,lr. t dr.q rb|.hr. .ta bd.l..rlblc .rnG ol irt..iEn .. h t!i. h L. i!t|.. |'ra L.6 ro.i rbhl trll !.'rt r.{ ,rtd rlrla.lt L tl.nl b..ttkr ..ll .6{ :'$trt !lr..rD. i Erinri lrd,o?r dor.tr'{ rld rt.r rl. -d. r.t,ri ud rl.rr l.d..lt |l'tn.' .nd oll.r rnnt.. Lrlrh4 nl6 lhir. irtt. .rr....rEtt .Aa h.Gl|r!.rr J rbt.t ? lld a lrtltr .i'tti arc( pt lot er8aaantr, rlstrlcllona and covcn6nlr of racoad tod C!fiarii 6.1 vrtora trt!'. cc.rulnt oatcr Dcc"Gbcr 31 , 1c79, .tnd rlrc-Dt f oi c.r.gi..nt. r-na ?G'lii-t" t o tn6 t n alo?' drt ol ichru/rat:l'.jtttil--cofir'r-r-!n r., rcl'.'L{rd b.ror... rrl. 2l6t ' t t(t:rr. :'.D.rld G. Eloo',r. It tO:Dr':"-D.rld G. EJoo',r,ltrbc;i:c' :Gl.r5c - 'S,ltt trl ol Vnrl Cltt Corgorltlon, !l|t roEhl aorri,.l6. llfro !.t [.{ Urr U"t Co'-Soticl Wgr*rlC,t wcr( f,7 cr-d lotw &o6 TANI 3 Hoz -) -'l .l Alhch.d !o llrrtrnty Dacd drtcd Fcbrqrt e.il, l98O EXUTIIT "C" A p.lcti of ltrd vtthln !h. Nottttvc.t qualt.t of the Soutlnart Q$.t!cr of s.ctlon 12. ?oYnthlp 5 Soutir. R.n!a 8l llG'G of thr stxth PrlnclPrl xertdlra. t.31. courtt. colotldo d..crlb€d ee follwr: !.ttonl,tr! .1, a Por'nt on lhc northc..t rt'ltrt-ot- ""t lln" of cor. ctlcl Drlvc h Ftllnl Xo. 2. veil vllhtc !tc.t. .nd bcrilnB s 36' 29' 51" E ltor tha rertcrly corlct of lrt I a dlttrncc of I5 t..c (lh. Yclt.rty colnct of t.t I b'lrt fooed b1 thc .outh tl*ht-of-Yrt lln' of lni!'- rtrtc 8ttlu.y lfo. 70 .ntl tha Gr.tcrlt tltbt- o f-v.:r liot of Cor. Cr..l Dtlv.). fro. !.la loltt S 8!' J5r 2{" h.t . d!t- trnce ol 132 fcclr iorc oa lcr.. to I Polnt' rh.!c. x t' O{r 36" !r.t . dhtrnct ol l0 l.c!. Dr. ot lGa.. to r Polnt. th.ncr 3 !8' str tl' !!lt t dl!!rnc. of fil lc.t. .or. or lrt.. to r Polot. th.ocG S l' 0" 35' tl{B r dtrtencc of J{, fGGt. tot. or 1.... to | ?oltta. thcnc. s 18' 55' :{' !^rt . it.trnce of 260 f.ct. iol. ot lat'. to r 9oh! r thctic. lt t' 0{r 36" hlt r dl.t.!e. ol It lact. I'olo ot lca.. lo 'tolat. th.oe. South !8' 95r 21" bit . dl.lrttc. ol 50 fcGt r Dt. or lcra. to t polnt. thtnc. sosth l' 0lr 36i' ta..t '| dlt- iracr of 50 ft.t. !or. or l.t.r to ' Polnt. tLncc llorth ft' t5r 2a" ll..t . dlr!'ncc of 5O fcct. ror. or l..r' to r tolnt. ticncc lto rth l' 0q' 16' E.rt . dtrt'ncc ol l5 t!.t. Dr. or lcrtr to . Polnt. thcnc. ttorth 6t' 55r ,f" llc.l . dlit^ncc ol t6O lcc!. rorr or lnrrr to I f'olnt. thclca louti l' Ul' !6" llcr: I dlrtrnce of !! (a.t. rort or llrt. to , ttolnt olr thr north lrnl o( col! CIGGI. th!i|c' Notth te.t tlori! rrtd brol I dlrtr!3' of 3l tt.t. Frr or !atr' to I Itlnt. th.ic. lottb l' 0{' 16" l.at I dl rtrnct o( !, ftal. Fr. ol lct+ to ' l'oltrt' thcitcc iortl !!' tJ' 21" gc.t r dlrt.n.r ol lli fcat rora or tor. to . Potnt on th' lrortb- ...t.rlt tllht-ol-e.y of cor. Cr"l !tlv" thclcr iotth 36' 29' tr' I.tt ' dlrtr^c" of 2J fcet. rrc or lcrr' nlonl 'rld tltht_ ol<.f ol S.ttnnlnl. S.td P'tcGl cont'lnlnt O.3t .ct.r. lotc ot laaa. I o \ Community Development Plan Routing Form Approved /\-_oenied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Mattinez. Public Works George Ruther, Community Development Co,,ttrlza.tcniatJ otr tJeut funV sr*fioJProject Description: Trpvde yta]rfiel 4,r, Mnrc *- llucr"\& \P\e'-se' J .;r Vrr.3i 1>rourde L'Ji.ifl?e ed 6) r-,",zlvvi )o -o r ilrer€d 0i lr qV Community Development Plan Routing Form Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions l. €d\-r r,.,- *;i\ tradd \O \I)t\ rrrre. brV.ii grrrtr trj {€'.rir'-kI\{-l,Gr ..i91 3 Ir (}c\ .,\f s: \'i L\t ( CCI.J' €d ? i' 5t ',:r-ir lc r-(f i (.,'it cc ,lqY gF '95r ,.a 92!16Ft'1 L R C l^l E May 8, 1996 3, lncluding this cover sheeL P.1 Ithtr Englmn, Inc. o C$strltingLmnsd Blco tcl frx f! rai drll: Pego83 Larry. Mr. Lan? Pardee 97p41g-21g4aa45e' Sp*lf,catlon of slmage for Well corutructjon prolect o,to 7-/4*f - f I nr.1'\ n /l d,afuhJ a<tcr g *f 4,/, /^/L n br',r{' - f" f",'*7 =t' 7"4: o t u^ ["e- 44a5fo'z cf a>t a /-a,..( 9/*" t t-tu to< 14, *o ? f4rr-' ltt-, t4L".7\ "-'- I, ITTAL . tver l'J o/- )+l d;r"' ' I am contrcd$g you at ilre sugEestlon of Greg HaIl;' Gait Lucas of the Upper Easle VallEy Consolldrtld Sanitatlon Disri$ and I m* wlth Greg at the locatlon of tlre West Vail Well 7 about a month ago. The Dlstrlct plans to replxe thls well tltis year and the pump stitjon next year. Our hope b to beglnnlng drllllng in lufy. To help you, help ut, we are gansmlting 2 pages of drawlngr of the sitt (that need spliclng). The wefl llte ls adlacent to a Eike Path. Because of the s]te constralnt, there ls not a lot of 31ea o work Ws will agempt !o keep the Btke Path open mst of the tlme; horvwer tlrere may be shon perlods t 5 to 20 minutes in duratlon that the Fsttt will need o be clorcd so that rqulpment can be moved around. ln addidon, we rvould tlke o tcmporally relocate the path as shown on tlre Slte Plan. For saftty reatons we would like to place slFage ln botlr dlrections on $e Bike Padr. we are ln the llnal dalgn and specifrcatlon preparadon stage, So tfiat contfaqton know how to bid th'6 wort, we need your lnput and rcguiremens about ltgnrge or other lsues peruinlng to working adlacent to the Blke Padt. I know that your are busy with Inspectloff, So I am hoplng that you can call me when it tS convenlenl You can call t-8@45t'9589. Thenks for your help. Cci fea',\ Loc"'S Frcrn the derk d,., Jcn F.d, VrclPr*tsr{ l-eori$d Rbe Co18ulthl wtr E'rNlilnt. lno. 2.lCt tSh 8t, eunr go0 om|'r@tm&l (3O!) rs$ctr0 Frr (ra)a599115 1"L,o^lL t)1d; r,,p*l;-'"' '*s'P,2 1Q ,-*P e --+r*----r-__--"- ItOlEr g!r. mep pTovldrd by NPil. Eagin:cring ln?, tot Ptcvlout 0!t&l!taj'af: "?" ( \ zsee.g (To unfi, nsr ucrf :==__:= Cot| Cn I I t II ; Stoc&pilr ot nqlar|ol Scalr 1'=30' P.3 x 7976,8 7976,8 OPTION PROFILE to .1, 7956 SITE PLAN Bufldino tct Porty inlo frlll. No rrtoinhg 7rii"'ildiia'iwi leil- rrcovrlion rsqult*i. aJi'ding har Uiidgft toa ndtutll [gnr. Vail VatlcY Co,ruoli&Ed Wat€r D Wcst Vatl Wdl RcElrc€on€ol St$ePlu ffiGardtfuh'rl;E #tf,r,s)ffi oat7 I --,-}- r: TOWNOFVAIL RECEIIT ]TO. ,/ . l I DE XTIIL\I OF COl rlLf{tTy DE\ILO?ME T n*n Q-d(t\ | LAL4^5 DATE rRqrEcr CBECI(S MADE TAYA'BLE TO TOW]I OF I'AIL 0l oo00 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS T,IAPS s5.000t 0000 424t5 UMFORT,T BUILDINGEODE s54.00 0I 0000 424t5 UNIFORM PLLII\4BINC CODF s39.000l oooo 424 I 5 UNIFORM I,1ECHANICIT CEDE s37.000t 000042115 UNIFOL\{ FIRE COJE 536.00,l U)00 42.1 l5 NATIONAL ELECTRIEAITODE s37.000l 0000 42115 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 415.{8 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)57.000l 0000 424 l2 XEROX COPJES s0.250l 0000 424 t 2 STUDIES 0t oo00 42412 TOVFEES COI1PUTER PROCRANi s5.000t 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS0l m00 4 1i32 PLANRE\{IEWRE.W 0t oo00 42_132 OFF HOU RS IN SPEETIONTEES 0l oo00 4t4ll CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 4t.lTI SIGN APPLICATION FEE 5f,0.00il0t 0000 414t3 ADDIrlon"AL slcNAcE FEE ISI.@TERSOIET-0l 000042440VTC ART PROJECT DONARON 0t 00004ljil PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE0l 0000 4li7l INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING)il oo00 451t0 TOV PARKING FUND 0l fi)00 2:027 TOV NE\YSPAPER DISPENSER FUND-* 0l 0000 2l I l2 T,TXABTE@115ffir 0l 0000 41010 '|',L\ABLE (A { .oZ_lIaL'N) 0l 0()00 42371 B U ILDINC INVESTIGATIO^\ 0l 0000 4 l3i0 EXTERIORALTERATIOW s500.00 I 0000 4 t i30 sPEqtA i 0t 0000 4t 3_r0 RE. ZONING s200.00 OTHER IOTHER ceSErX= rcx.rr TM.OLJ ?'Ff. gf : vv I l.; -. r I It RECEIPT - rc Ton Jltl , t4l?t75?1 IECETVED FROM (-at ADDRESS Permit lrfumbers Policc Reccipt l{unbers HOW PAIL- CasfrF-Chect pF.iF-- ---io.rln oF uFlrl- Hiscel laeq'rs Castl A?-15-95 15:86:39 ReceiPt * 283144 tkcount * GRIL LUCffS".COHDITIDHNL ktounl fendered V Irer Paid s1gass41336g9E Change ret'urned ) u5E 286.0s firornt Faid ?:Ag.as g.gB THFI}-IK l/(]LI Vour cashier JUDV Category Number o.esl gn Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ,-- | ,- 1r ln.ra u//5/Yb Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone:- Legal Descrfption: Lot- Block- Subdivirsion-.-i'r" ,n'rqzJ 2-hzl1 zoneDistrict A i / Project Sfreet Address: Comments: (Board/.Staff Action Motion by: /.Lii l Seconded by: l-"1 r"-1.,':f flnRcrou"t E Disapproval I Staff Apprcval Vote: z{-.^ Conditions: l. Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid 'S'o" ollign Review Action rot TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Dare I | rclg6 eroleaNane: w*r \ltrl '.u6:ce 91 Q4t4tena.-tr Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: nr.nitffi)ddressand bnone: hnl L'-tr 4+, F-ne Qt',a: ul*re: s,oru'/*ioJ o,gl. Legal Description: Lot - Block- Suoaivisiona->' t-tr*z-! Q4fL zone District 4 U ProjectStreetAddre*s: Lou4. fu,h c+ -T-e't43^/hrJ ?td- Comments: @taff Action Molionbyi Llvn Vote: €-A $ npproval ! Disapproval ! Statf Approval Conditions: Town Planner oate: BlLt lql DRB Fee Pre-paid 5).oo gn Review Action TOWN OF VAIL ., Category Numberj ua+f Dare //'27'2{- Projea Name: S Building Name: Project Description: 6, r,/e ft/uEr-rtF4{., /' (,' f'rlrt ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: , ,' /r* Legal Description: Lot - Block- Subdivision zone District 6. U. Proiect Slreet Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval n Disapproval n StaffApproval Conditions; -":] /r ,/ I /,4*J" '>{r'=-'t* TownPlanne/ ,/ .kgs16' i"'/ ) 7 't j' DRB Fee ere-paa tt/h Are*^!f o VAIIJ DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** ********** B.TYPE OF REVIEW: (tC vr/W , . --New consLruction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00)-*tinot Arterabion ($20. 00) conceptual neview ($0) I fitllvi, u[V, D DESCRIPTION: IJO E c. D. E. F. ADDRESS: LEGAI, DESCRTPTTON:B10ck Subdivision If property is described by a meets and bounds leqal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attachto this applicaEion. zoNrNG: /or^ ' rc, 7 bft'l-,i NAI{E OF Mailing APPI,TCAITIT: Address: G. H. NAI'{E OFtlailing APPI,ICANT' S REPRESENT Address: Phone I / I. iI. NAr.!E OF owNER tsl : ll6(L=r> Mailing Address: APPITICAIIONS WII[' NOT BE PROC,ESSED WITHOW OIINER'S gIgNAtTURE Condominium Approval if applicable DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are co be paid aE Ehe time of submittal of the DRB applicat.ion. r,aLer, when applying for a building permit, please ittentify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDI]LE: VAI,UATION$ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -s 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500 , 001 $1, 000, 000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ BXPIRES APPROVAIJ I'IILESS A BUIIJDING PERUIT IS IS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0 .00 $100.00 $200. oo $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YEAR AF1TER FINAIJ ISSUED AIVD CONSITRUCTIOII I I t t t T I I I t I t I t t t I I I DRAFI Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank Application for a Permit to Conduct Designated Activities of State Interest Eagle County, Colorado June 20, 1995 Submitted by: Vail Valley Consolidated V/ater District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Prepared by: Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, lnc. 1002 Walnut Street, Suite 20O Boulder, Coiorado 80302 I I I I I t t I I APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO CONDUCT A DESIGNATED ACTTVITY OF STATE INTEREST OR TO ENGAGE IN DEVELOPMENT IN A DESIGNATED AREA OF STATE INTEREST TO: PERMIT AUTHORITY. EAGLE COUNTY RE: VAIL MEADOWS WATER STORAGE TANK FROM: VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone: (970) 476-7480 SUBMITTED: June 20, 1995 RECEIVED: June . 1995 onerr I 1. MATTER OF STATE INIEREST I The Applicant requests that a permit be issued for each of the items checked below: r A permit to engage in development in one or more of the following areas of State Interest: r ( ) Flood hazard areas I A permit to conduct one or more of the following activities of State Interest: I ( ) Site selection and construction of major new domestic water and sewage treatrnent I systems. I (D Major extensions of exisring domestic water and sewage treatment systenN.I (X) Efficient utilization of municipal and industrial water projects. I I t I I I I I I I I I I T I 2. PROPOSF'-D ACTTVITY OR DEWI.OPMENT General description of the specific activity or development proposed (attach additional sheets if necessary): The proposed project involves the construction of the Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank. This new tank will provide 1 million gallon (mg) of treated water storage and will be located on National Forest System land within the White River National Forest approximately I72 feet south and uphill from an existing 500,000 gallon tank located in east Vail. The proposed project includes realignment of an existing dirt road that provides access to a telecommunications site located on the mountain-side above the site for the proposed tank, construction of a buried reinforced concrete water tank, installation of interior piping, installation of an underground valve vault, and installation of piping for connection of the storage tank to the water supply system. Studies conducted by the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District (WCWD) have determined that 1 mg of additional treated water storage are needed to meet local demands for emergency storage for response to pipeline failures, equipment failures or power outages, and fire flow storage needs. (Merrick 1994) In addition to satisfying this storage deficiency, the proposed storage tank has been positioned and designed to provide protection to the existing 500,000 gallon Gore Valley Tank which is currently located in a "high-severity" avalanche geohazard zone. 3. GENERAL DESCRIPTION A general, non-legal description and the popular name, if any, of the tract of land upon which the activity or development is to be conducted (attach additional sheets if necessary): The proposed project is to be located in Eagle County, Colorado on land within the White River National Forest, immediately to the south of the boundary of the Town of Vail, near the eastern end of Main Gore Drive. 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION The legal description, including the acreage, of the tract of land upon which the development or the activity is to be conducted, by metes and the bounds, or by government survey description (attach additional sheets if necessary): The Vail Meadows tank site would be located in the Southwest % of Section 18, Township 5 Sourh, Range 79 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. The entire site is approximately 1.03 acres. I I t I I I I I 5. OWNERS AND INTERESTS Set out below the names of those persons holding recorded legal, equitable, contractual and option interests and any other person knovm to the Applicant having an interest in the property described in Paragraph 4, above, as well as the nature and extent of those interests for each person, provided that such recorded interests shall be limited to those which are recorded in the County Recorder's Oflice of this jurisdiction, the land oflice of the Bureau of Land Management for this State, the Office of the State Board of Land Commissioners of the Department of Natural Resources, or the Secretary of State's Office of this State (attach additional sheets if necessary): United States Forest Service, Department of Agriculture - Responsible for the management of National Forest System Iands and administration of the Special Use Permit for the Vail Ski Area. Vail Valley Consolidated Water District - Owner of water rights for the water supply system serving the facilities on Vail Mountain. Town of Vail - Construction Perminins authoriw for facilities located within the Town boundaries. 6. SIJBMISSION REQUREMENTS Submission requirements described in the regulations which have been adopted by this jurisdiction for each ofthe activities or areas checked in Paragraph 1, above, are attached to this application. Those attachments are identified, by letter or number, and described by title below: Attachment A I')escription Permit Submission Requirements, Major Extension of Existing Domestic Water and Sewage Treatrnent Systems (6.04.13) and Efficient Utilization of Municipal and Industrial Water Projects Comments of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources Comments of the Colorado Departnent of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control Division Engineering Plans and Specifications Table 1, WCWD Water System Master Plan, Summary of Identified , Problems and Master Plan Recommendations Wastewater Operations Report - 1994 B c D E F I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G Source Development Area and Development Area Map 7. nESIGN AIYD PERFORMANCE STANTIARnS Major Extensions of Domestic Water Systems) The attached analyses show that each of the design and performance standards set forth in the regulations for each of the activities or areasi checked in paragraph l, above, will be met. The individual analyses are identified by reference to the appropriate paragraph or section numbers corresponding to each standard in the appropriate regulations adopted by this jurisdiction. The following sumrnary analysis, pursuant to Article 6.04.15, Approval of Permit Application, addresses project compliance with the approval criteria for major extensions of domestic water systems. 1) A permit application for a major extension of existing domestic water or selvage treatment systems shall be approved, with reasonable conditions, if any, in the discretion of the Permit Authority, if the proposed development complies with the following criteria: a) Major extensions of domestic water and sewage treatment systems shall be permitted in those areas in which the anticipated growth and development that may occur as a result of such extension can be accommodated within the financial and environmental capacity of the development area and source development area to sustain such growth and development; Anticipated growth and development in the development and source development areas are addressed in the Vail Land Use Plan and the Eagle County Master Plan. The purpose of the proposed project is primerily to increase the quality and reliability of water service to existing development. The Town of Vail and the WCWD have taken into consideration the financial and environmental capacities for their respective entities in the preparation of these plans. Funding for the proposed project will be provide from cash reserves of the WCWD that have been budeeted for constnrction of this proJect. b) The proposed development does not conflict with an approved local master plan or other applicable regional, state, or federal land use or water plan; The proposed development is consistent with all applicable planning documents including the Eagle County Master Plan, the Vail Land Use Plan, the Regional I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 208 Plan, the Water System Master Plan for the WClVp, and the Land and Resource Management Plan for the White River National Forest. c) The proposed development does not adversely affect either surface or sub-surface water rights of upstream or downstream r$ers within the development area and source development area; The proposed treated water storage tank does not result in the development of any new water supplies and is consistent with the WCWD's Decree and Plan for Augmentation (Case No. 82CW328). No injury to upstream or downstream users would result from the proposed development as operation of the system must conform to existing water rights and augmentation plans. d) Adequate water supplies as determined by the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment are available for efficient operational needsl The Colorado Departrnent of Public Health and the Environment reviews the water supply systems for Vail on an annual basis, and has found those systems to be adequate in terms of quality and capability. e) Existing domestic water treafinent systems servicing the area must be at or near operational capacity; The domestic water treatment systems for the Vail Valley have been designed to have adequate reserve capacity to serve existing consumers and anticipated growth. The proposed project will have no affect on existing domestic water treatment systems. f) Existing domestlc sewage treatment facilities servicing the area must be at or greater than eighty percent (807o) of operational capacity; Not applicable. The proposed project does not involve or affect existing or proposed domestic sewage treatrnent facilities. g) The scope and nature of the proposed development will not compete with existing water and sewage services or create duplicate services; The WCWD water supply system and the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District wastewater system are the only existing water and sewer systems in the Development Area. The proposed development will enhance the existing water supply system and will not create duplicate services or compete with existing water and sewage services. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I h) Age of existing water and sewage systems, operational efficiency, state of repair, or level of treatment is such that replacement is warranted; The proposed project does not involve replacement of any such facilities. Studies conducted by the WCWD have determined that 1 mg of additional treated water storage are needed to meet local demands for emergency storage for response to pipeline failures, equipment failures or power outages, and fue flow storage needs. (Merrick 1994) i) Area and community development and population trends demonstrate clearly a need for such development; The population growth projections used as the basis for the Vail Land Use Plan and the Eagle County Master Plan indicate a two to three percent per year rate of growth. Community development, population trends and growth in the VVCWD service area have been consistent with these projections. As stated above and in Attachment A, the proposed project is intended primarily to enhance the quality and reliability of service to existing customers. j) Existing facilities cannot be. upgraded or expanded to meet waste discharge permit conditions of the Colorado Water Qual$ Control Commission; Not applicable. The proposed project does not involve any facilities related to waste discharge permit conditions. k) Appropriate easements can be obtained for any associated collector or distribution system that will serve existing and proposed needs; The WCWD has submitted a Special-Use Permit Application to the Holy Cross Ranger District, White River National Forest. Approval of the application is expected by the end of June. l) The benefits of the proposed development outweigh the losses of any natural resources or agricultural lands rendered unavailable as a result of the proposed development; The benefits of the proposed project are represented by the ability to provide more reliable service to VVCWD customers for fre protection and other possible emergency requirements. Losses of any natural resources associated with the proposed project would be minimal and temporary as the most of the areas disturbed during construction would be reclaimed. No agricultural lands would be impacted by the proposed development. I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I m) The proposed development will not decrease the quality of peripheral or dovrnstream surface or subsurface water resources below that designated by the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission as established on May 22, 1979, and effective July 10, 1979, or more stringent standards subsequently adopted; During construction of the proposed project, temporary increases in sedimentation may occur due to runoff from disturbed soils. Once construction is complete, disturbed lands would be reclaimed and revegetated and sources of sedimentation from the area can be expected to return to pre-project conditions. n) The proposed development or its associated collector or distribution system or new service areas will not violate federal or state air quality standards; Air quality standards would be maintained in accordance with standard construction practices. The Town of Vail, in compliance and cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Colorado Deparfrnent of Health, have monitoring programs in place to measure particulates (PM-10) and carbon monoxide. If air qualiry violations occur, to the extent that corrective steps need to be taken, the Town of Vail is responsible for instituting and enforcing the necessary action. o) The proposed development or its associated collector or distribution system will not significantly deteriorate aquatic habitats, marshlands and wetlands, groundwater recharge areas, steeply sloping or unstable fs11nin, forests and woodlands, critical wildlife habitat, big game migratory routes, calving grounds, migratory ponds, nesting areas and the habitats of rare and endangered species, public outdoor recreational areas, and unique areas of geologic, historic, or archaeological importance; The proposed development would not cause significant impacts on any of the areas of concern named above. Project impacts are detailed in Artachment A to this application. p) The proposed development or its associated collector or distribution system will not significantly degrade existing natural scenic characteristics' create blight, or cause other nuisance factors such as excessive noise or obnoxious odors; The proposed storage tank wiil be buried and positioned to minimize impacts on the natural scenic characteristics of the area. Reclamation of disturbed areas will include restoration of natural topographic features to the extent possible, landscaping, and reseeding as necessary to restore the scenic quality ofthe area. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I Nuisance factors associated with large construction projects, including noise, increases in fugitive dust, and diesel exhaust emissions, will impact the immediate vicinity of the project. However, these impacts will be limited to daytime hours during the period of construction. After construction, these factors will return to pre-project conditions. q) The proposed development or its associated collection or distribution system will not create an'undue linancial burden on existing or future residents within the development area and source development area. The cost of securing an adequate supply of water for existing and future needs of the residents of the County shall be considered in determining whetler an "undue financial burden" will result; The cost of the proposed development will be financed from the existing cash reserves of the VVCWD and is included in the District's budget. There would be no impact on the cost of securing an adequate supply of water for existing and future needs of County residents as this project would be developed under water rights which have already been secured and are currently being utilized by the WCWD. r) The development site of a proposed major extension of an existing domestic water or sewage treatment system is not subject to significant risk from earthquakes, floods, fires, snowslides' landslides' avalanches, rockslides, or other disasters which could carse a system operational breakdown: The proposed development has been designed with appropriate consideration of natural hazards and would conform to recommendations of the State Geologist. The site is located within an avalanche hazard area and the storage tank would be buried and designed to withstand an avalanche and to provide protection to the existing 500,000 gallon storage tank. s) Any proposed domestic water treatment system and distribution system is capable of providing water meeting the requirements of the Colorado Department of Health; The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment regularly monitors the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District system and water qualtty consistently meets and exceeds all applicable drinking water standards. I I t) The construction of structures, buildings, and improvements associatedI ilr**:l"H#,,*Hlf,T:il:#lffH#J#1,ffi:n:tr##: I ;:**"sed project would be located within the boundaries of the White River I nal Forest where there are no existing or proposed communities. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I t I I I 7. nF'SrGN AlyD PERX'ORMANCE STANTIARnS (Efficient Utilization of Municipal Water Projects) Section 6.05 delineates the submission requirements necessary for an application for a permit to address the effrcient utilization of a municipal or industrial water project. Review of these requirements reveals that nearly all of them are identical to, or very similar to, the requirements listed in Section 6.04 concerning the permit for major extsnsions of existing domestic water and sewage treatment systems. Accordingly, the Section 6.04 permit submittal for the proposed Vail Valley/Upper Eagle Interconnection Water Main is hereby incorporated as part of this permit application and those requirements which are unique to the 6.05 submission requirements are specifically enumerated as follows: 6.05. 13 SLTBMTSSTON REQLTREMENTS 7\ Detail proposed methods of insuring efficient use of water resources within the municipality or industrial area and the source development.area. Such methods should corsider metering of nll users, examination of rate structure to discourage waste, and recycling of water for reuse where permissible by Colorado water law. The conservation nlan adonted bv WCV/D has been submified to Eagle Counw with previous applications. Wafer conservation and efficiency measrlres withiit the dEvelopmenl hnd source development areas are summarized below: a) Shower head restrictors and low water use toilet fixtures are required by building codes. b) Essentially all customers are metered and water use for this project will be metered. c) Water rates are "consumption base" which provides economic incentive not to waste water. d) l,eak detection and repair programs have been implemented to reduce line leakage and pumping costs. e) Use of well water supplies for domestic purposes reduces treatment costs and reduces the risks associated with surface water contamination. f) Water for snowmaking on Vail Mountain is diverted from Gore Creek just below the "outfall" of the Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant and divcrsions are limited to "outfall" flows unless minimum stream flows are adequately satisfied. This approach essentially provides recycling of wastewater for snowmaking purposes and protects stre:rm flows needed to sustain aquatic habitat. g) The WCWD has implemented plans to impose lawn watering restriction during summer peak demand periods. l0 I I I I 8. MASTERPLANI r a. Does this activity or development comply with the Master Plan of this jurisdiction? r Yes(D Noo - b. If it does not comply, please explain how it does not apply: I 9. ADpTTTONAL TNFORMATION REQtnREp By T.OCAL GOVERNMETYT Attach any additional information required by this jurisdiction. I 10. DURATION OF'PERMIT I The applicant requests a permit in perpetuity. APPLICANT Vail Valley Consolidated Water District I BY: I I I TITLE: I AlCIfE: Within ten (10) days following receipt of a completed application for a permit, the Permit Authority shall determine and set a fee in an amount necessary to cover the r costs incurred in the review and approval of the permit application, including all hearings I conducted therefor, and shall notify the applicant in writing of said fee and its amount. Not later than ten (10) days following his receipt of such notice, the appHcant shall I present to the Permit Authority non-refundable certified funds in the amount as set. I Until the fee is paid to the Permit Authority, the application for a perrnit shall not be further processed. I t l1 T I I I T I I I ATTACIIMENT A T I I I Penulr SueMtssloru ReoutnEMENTs, Major Extension of Existing Domestic Water I and Sewage Treatment Systems (6.04.1 3) I and Efficient Utilization of Municipal and lndustrial Water Projects I I t I I I T I t I I I t I I T t T T I I I I I I ATTACHMENT A EAGLE COUNTY PERMIT SUBMITTAL FOR MAJOR EXTENSIONS OF EXISTING DOMESTIC WATERAND SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS AND EFFICIENT UTILIZATION OF MI]NICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL WATER PROJECTS EAGLE COTJNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS. ARTICLE 6.04.13 6.04.13 SUBMTSSTON REQUTREMENTS 6.04.13 (r) AN ABSTRACT OF THE PROPOSAL TNDICATING TIIE SCOPE AND NEED FOR THE DEVELOPMEI\IT Scope OfThe Project: The Vail Valley Consolidated Water District proposes to construct a new water storage facility in east Vail. The proposed Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank will provide I million gallon (mg) of treated water storage and will be located on U.S. Forest Service land approximately 172 feet south and uphill from an existing 500,000 gallon tank located in east Vail. Need For The Project: Studies conducted by the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District CWCWD) have determined that I mg of additional treated water storage are needed to meet local demands for emergency storage for response to pipeline failures, equipment failures or power outages, and fire flow storage needs, (Merrick, 1994). In addition to satisffing this storage deficiency, the proposed storage tank has been positioned to provide protection to the existing 500,000 gallon Gore Valley Tank which is currently located in a "high-severity" avalanche geohazard zone. 6.04.13 (2) PRELIMINARY REVIEW AI{D COMMENT ON TIIE PROPOSAL BY THE APPROPRIATE AGENCY OF THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF NATIJRAL RESOT]RCES AND TI{E COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF ITEALTH WITHIN SIXTY (60) DAYS; I I I I T I I I I I I T I I I I T I I Comments from the Colorado Departrnent of Natural Resources will be submitted as ATTACHMENT B, and comments of the Department of Health, Water Quality Control Division will be submitted as ATTACHMENT C, after their respective reviews of this application. 6.04.13 (3) ALTERNATM POTnNTIAL SrTE LOCATTONS AND DEGREE OF FEASIBILITY OF EACH; ln the Water System Master Plan and the Executive Planning Docurnent, Merrick (1994) evaluated local demands for emergency storage for response to pipeline failures, equipment failures or power outages, and fire flow storage needs. Merrick's recommended altemative to add 1,000,000 gallons of storage in East Vail would satisff the present storage deficiency in East Vail and provide for protection of the existing 500,000 gallon Gore Valley Tank which is currently located in a "high-severity" geohazard zone. Alternative locations for a new tank are limited by the elevation at which the storage tank would have to be built. In order to meet minimum pressure requirements in the water distribution system for fire flows, a new tank must have a minimum base elevation of 8,767 feet MSL. In order not to exceed existing maximum pressrues within the distribution system, the high water elevation of the new tank cannot exceed 8,790 feet MSL. (RBD, Inc., l99l) Considering these factors, the 8,790 foot contour line was followed to identifu altemative sites for construction of the storage tank. These alternatives are described below. Alternative Number I (PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE): Construction of a new I mg storage tank approximately 172 feet south and uphill from the existing storage tank. The location of the new tank would be within National Forest System boundaries. A partially exposed underground tank at this location would have virtually no visual impact on the nearby neighborhoods or on the I-70 corridor. Disturbance by construction would be minimal, as the subsoil consists mainly of sand and gravel with no grorxrdwater and the area is vegetated with grass, weeds, and scattered spruce, fu and aspen trees. Additionally, a properly designed buried tank at this location would be protected from avalanche avalanches. Alternative Number 2: Replacement of the existing tank with a new I mg tank at the same site as the existing 500,000 gallon tank, located within the boundaries of the Town of Vail. To meet minimum pressure requirements in the water distribution system for fire flows, a new tank at this location would have to be elevated to a base elevation of 8,767 feet MSL. This alternative would require that the existing storage tank be taken out of service during installation of the new tank. The temporary the I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.04.13 (4) 6.04.13 (4) intemrption of water supply would be an unacceptable risk. Furthermore, this alternative would cause unacceptable visual impacts associated with an elevated storage tank, and considerably higher costs would be associated with protective metrsures against avalanche hazand. Alternative Number 3: Development of additional storage capacity elsewhere within the Town of Vail. East of the existing site is an area within the Town of Vail and at the necessary elevation. This area is heavily wooded with mature tree stands and would be very difficult to excavate due to large amounts of exposed bedrock. This option is not feasible because of the level of surface disturbance that would be necessllry to excavate, because complete landscape restoration would not be possible, and because visual impacts resulting from construction at this site would be substantial. Additionally, easements and a water main extension would be required at this location. Alternative Number 4: Development of additional storage capacity elsewhere within Forest Service Lands. At the elevation of 8,790 to the west of the proposed site, the mountainsides are sloped steeply to the north and are heavily forested. This option would require considerable disturbance for construction of an access road, tree clearing, and construction of a platform for the storage tank. The environmental and visual impacts associated with this option would be much greater than would occur at the proposed site. PROPONENTS OF PROPOSAL: a) Names, addresses and business of all local and other interesfs proposing site of major expansion of a domestic water or sewage treatment system; VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7480 6.04.13 (4) b) Name and qualifications of the persons responding to requirements detailed in these Regulations; Robert M. Weaver. Environmental Consultant and Project Manager, Hydrosphere Resowce Consultants,Inc. I I I Edward J. Armbruster, Water Resources Engineer Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc. I K. Kelley Close, Environmental Planner Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc. II Gayle Grider, Project Manager Vail Valley Consolidated Water District r 6.04.13 (5) SCOPE OF PROPOSAL I 6.04.13 (5) a) Provide detailed engineering plans and specifications of proposalI including proposed system capacify and seryice area plans mapped at - an appropriate scalei I See ATTACHMENT D t 5.04.13 (5) b) Provide a description ofall existing or approved proposed systems within the development area and source development areal I WASTEWATER SYSTEMS: Wastewater ffeatrnent for the development and source development areas is provided by the Vail, Avon, and Squawr :i"hIH:J"[:ff:r:l:,'.]ffi: Jffi.','Tf;d'J"ffi*X'ffiJ11""l: aerobic digestion, ozone and solidslandling facilitiei. I WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS: The development and source development areas are made up of commercial and residential units that are served by r the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District WCWD) and the existing water supply systems for the Vail Ski Area operated by Vail Associates, I Inc.. The three categories of water services provided by the WCWD and I Vail Associates, Inc. are described as follows: I l. Municipal water serwice includes all potable treated water I delivered through the central treatrnent and distribution system for domestic and commercial uses including residences, hotels and lodges,r [:nHTl:#';.,1i,:l;ffi:ffif,'#,i*iKl11;#iiil'it3,13"s'; properties. I 2. Irrigation service, includes raw water irrigation of the Vail Golf Course, parks, and open space areas. I r4 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 3. Artilicial snowmaking selice, currently includes up to 603 acre- feet of untreated water for snowmaking during the winter months for the Vail Ski Area. Federal and local permits have recently been approved for the development of facilities to deliver Arkansas Well water from the Climax Mine to the Eagle River, including facilities to deliver snowmaking water from the Eagle River to the Vail Ski Area. The primary water supply source for the VVCWD syst€m is a well held Iocated near the upper end of the Vail Golf Course near the confluence of Gore Creek and Booth Creek. The Gore Valley Water Treatment Plan located in East Vail and four wells located in West Vail operate as standby sources of water. The District's system includes seven booster pump stations and eleven treated water storage tanks. The WCWD has recently completed construction of a water supply pipeline and pumping facilities to connect the Vail water supply system to the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority system that now serves the area extending from Edwards to Eagle-Vail. This pipeline, known as the interconnecting water main, provides alternative points of diversion for the existing water rights associated with both water supply systems. Vail Mountain snowmaking water is delivered from a surface diversion located on Gore Creek below the Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant. Water is pumped from Gore Creek to a storage and operating reservoir located above Lionshead near the intersection of Bom Free and Gitalong Road. Water from the reservoir is then pumped to a distribution system covering approximately 330 acres of skiing terrain. Domestic water supply for Vail mountain is provided ftom two sources located within the ski area: Plow Spring supplies water to Two Elk restaurant and Camp One; and Tourist Trap Spring provides water for Mid-Vail and Eagle's Nest restaurants. Chlorinating facilities for these water supply sources are located at Two Elk/Camp One and Mid-Vail. 6.04.f3 (5) c) Detail the design capacity of each treatment system and distribution or collection network in the community or development area and source development areal WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS: Due to widely varying elevations associated with the mountainous terrain within the service area of the Vail District, the systems have been divided into numerous pressure zones. These pressure zones, their current Single Family Equivalents (SFE) and their current usage and design capacities in gpd are listed below: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I Vail Vallev Consolidated Water District: No, Zone Name Total Current (sFE) 1,536 88 4,129 3l )) 58 543 43 1,t74 36 38 186 t9 Annual Average (epd) 529,920 30,3600 1,424,510 10,700 18,980 20,010 187,340 14,840 405,030 12,420 13,110 64,170 6,560 Maximum Day Usage €pa) 1,981,920 66,800 3,133,930 23,540 41,760 44,030 412,150 32,650 891,070 27,330 28,840 141,180 14,440 I 2 J 4 ) 6 Bighom, Gore Val. Booth Falls Vail Potato Patch Lions Ridge Upper Buffehr Glen Lyon West Vail (south) West Vail Meadow Creek Larkspur Intermountain Cortina Street 8 9 l0 ll 10 9 The treatment and distribution systems for the Vail Dishict are sized to meet peak demands and for build out of all zoned property. WASTEWATER SYSTEMS: Listed below are the design capacities of the three wastewater treafinent plants operated by the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District, in millions of gallons per day (mgd). Plant Vail Avon Squaw Creek Total Design Capacity 2.7 mgd 3.2 mgd 1.2 mgd 7.1mgd 6.04.13 (5) d) Speciff the excess capacity of each treatment system and distribution or collection network in the community or development area and source development areal WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM: The Vail Valley system is, to a large degrce, designed to serve the ultimate planned population of the service area and currently operates at approximately 89 percent of the projected modmum I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t day demand at build-out. Additional information on current water usage and excess capacity is provided below under paragraph 6.0a. 15 (5) e). WASTEWATER SYSTEM: Listed below are the present wastewater flows, the estimated build out flows, and the excess capaclty for each wastewater treatrnent plants in the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Water District system. The Upper Eagle Valley system is cunently operating a approximately 68 percent of design capacity. Present Excess Buildout Flow Capacity Flow Plant (mgd) (mgd) (mgd) Vail 2.07 Avon 2.12 Squaw Ck. 0.62 Totals 4.81 0.63 1.08 0.58 2.29 2.70 3.20 1.20 7.10 6.04.f3 (5) e) Provide an inventory of total commitments already made for current water or sewage servicesl SF'E Projections for VVCWD System District Bighom Gore Valley Intermountain Lions Ridge West Vail Vail Village Non-metered wcwD Subtotals Existing Str'E's 553 910 484 864 I,083 4,039 3 7,936 Estinated Developable SFE's t) 78 90 140 368 199 0 950 Total SFE's at tr'ull Buildout .628 988 574 1,004 1,451 4,238 0 8,886 Current Buildout Percent 88.1% 92.t% 84.3% 86.t% 74.60/o 95.3% -100.0% 89.3o/o Existing SFE s from 7/31192 account listing Estimated Developable SFE s from LJEVCSD 0 Detail the operational efficiency of each existing system in the development area and source development area, including ager state ofrepair, and level oftreatment; WASTEWATER SYSTEMS: The Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant was built in 1980, Avon in 1980 and Squaw Creek in 1982. All three [eatment 6.04.13 (s) T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I plants arc in good repair and are currently operating well within permit limits for all effluent parameters as shown in Wastewater Operations Report for 1994 (ATTACHMENT F). The level of treatment provided by the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District is described above under 6.04.13 (5) (b). WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS: Development of the Vail water supply system began in the early 1960's in conjunction with development of the Vail Ski Area. The water supply systems, wastewater teatment systems, and all collection and distribution systems within the development area are maintained in good condition, function effrciently and consistently pass inspections conducted by the Colorado Department of Health. The level of raw water treatment provided in the Vail system involves fi ltration and chlorination. 6.04.13 (5) g) Detail tbe source and rights for the water supplies for the system, including any permits, decrees or contracts for such rights, or the application submitted for change of water rights, appropriation of water or augmentation plans; Water rights for the WCWD service area are included in the Augmentation Plan for the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. This Augmentation Plan was decreed in the District Court, Water Division 5, State of Colorado, Case No. 82CW328 on August 6, 1987, (1041 Application of May 16, 1988, Attachment L). The proposed treated water storage facility would not require any change in water rights or modification in the augmentation plan. 6.04,13 (5) h) Detail water utilization including historic yield from rights and . uses by category such as agricultural, municipal and industrial, and supply obligations to other systems; During 1994, the WCWD diverted approximately 3,126 acre feet for municipal water service, I 16 acre feet for inigation service, and 258 acre feet for (the 1994-95 ski season) for artificial snowmaking service. (VVCWD, 1995) The District has acquired most of the water rights in the Gore Creek Valley which were historically used for agricultrual irrigation. The District Court, Water Division No. 5, has determined that the historic consumptive use associated with these water rights is 903 acre feet per year. (See Attachment L to the Vail Mountain Water & Sewer Facilities l04l permit application dated May 16, 1988 for additional details.) The only supply obligation to other systems is an agreement with the Upper I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I t I Eagle Regional Water Authority for development and operation of the systems interconnection, (See l04l Application of March 2, 1994 submitted to Eagle County by the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District.). 6.04.13 (5) i) Provide a description and detailed engineering plans and specificafions of the proposed tonstruction of structures, buildings, and improvements associated with the project and the financial, environmental and social impacts thereof on the community or surrounding areas within the development area and source development area; A new underground I million gallon storage tank is proposed near the site of the existing 0.5 million gallon aboveground steel tank to address the storage deficiency indicated by the storage analysis performed in October, 1994 by Menick Engineers and Architects. A new tank at the existing site is recommended because it is the most feasible and hydraulically favorable site in east Vail, and because of the exposure of the existing tank to potential damage due to its location in a "high severity" geohazard zone. The proposed new tank would be operated in conjunction with the existing tank to provide a total treated water storage capacity of 1.5 million gallons. Engineering Plans and Specifications for the proposed water supply facilities are included in the application as ATTACHMENT D. The estimated construction costs for the new water supply facilities is $1,000,000 with annual operation costs and maintenance costs of approximately $60,000. Associated Structures Structures associated with the proposed project include an access road, a 1.0 million gallon reinforced concrete storage tank, an underground valve vault, 100 linear feet of 14 inch ductile ironpipe (DIP) and fittings, 154 linear feet of 12 inch DIP and fittings, and 103 linear feet of 8 inch DIP and fittings. The area of permanent disturbance associated with constnrction of the Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank would be approximately I1,000 square feet (0.25 ac.). An additional 34,000 square feet (0.78 ac.) would be temporarily disnrbed during the construction process tbrough heavy equipment operations, equipment and supply storags, site grading and utility and site work. I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 6.04.13 (6) 6.04.13 (6) Social. Fconomic and Environmental Consequences of the Project on the Community: Construction of the proposed water supply system would have a total cost of approximately $1,000,000. Approximately 4,000 man-hours of skilled labor would be required to construct the access road and emplace the storage tank and associated structures. Maintenance of the water facilities would be accomplished by existing WCWD staff and would not result in the creation of any new jobs. The project would improve the capabilities of an existing water supply system, but would not result in economic activity that would generate additional development or population growth beyond what is already occurring within the Gore Creek Valley. Assuming a multiplier of up to 7 for monetary circulation effects in resort communities indicates one-time econohic effects from construction of the water supply system in the $7.0 million range. The environmental consequences for the community from this project would be minimal. Construction impacts of short-lived sedimentation increases in the Gore Creek drainage would not be noticeable in the Eagle River, to which Gore Creek is tributary. An increase in noise, dust and construction traffrc during the summer construction season could be nuisance factors for area residents and wildlife but this affect would be short lived and not appreciably greater than other summer time construction activities which take place in the Vail Valley. Nuisance factors and safety concems may require temporary closure of areas in the immediate vicinity of construction activities to public access. DEMONSTRATE THE NEED FOR A MAJOR E)(PANSION OF A DOMESTIC WATER OR SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM: a) Provide population trends for the development area and the source development area, e.B, present population, populatiou projections and growth rates; The current population of the Town of Vail is approximately 5,400. Cunent development trends indicate that the Town of Vail is approaching full buildout and funre growth depends upon development of scattered lots and potential redevelopment of existing improved properties to higher density levels (Menick, 1994). The current estimated population of Eagle County is approximately 23,500. U.S. census figures for 1990 show Eagle County as the second l0 to in I I I T t I I t I t I I I I I I I I I 6.04.13 (6) fastest growing county in Colorado with a projected ten year population increase of 64%. The population growth projections used in the Eagle County Master Plan indicate a growth rate during the next ten years of 2o4 per year. These planning documents indicate population growth rates averaging 2Vo to 3Yo per year through the year 2000. b) Specify the predominate types of developments to be served by the proposed extension of water or sewage treatment system; The developments to be served by the Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank are residential, commercial, and industrial users of teated water within the service area of the WCWD. c) Specify at what percentage of the design capacity the current system is now operating; As described above under paragraph 6.04.13 (5) d), the water supply system operated by the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District is currently operating at approximately 89 percent ofdesign capacity. As described above under paragraph 6.04.13 (5) d), the wastewater treatment system operaled by the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District is now operating at approximately 68 percent of design capacity. 6.04.13 (6) 6.04.f3 (6) d) Specify whether or not present facilities can be upgraded adequately accommodate the ten year projected increased need treatment and/or hydraulic capacity; As described inthe lVater System Master Plan andthe Executive Planning Document (Ivlerrick, 1994), a significant storage deficit is indicated for east Vail under certain combined fire flow and emergency conditions. It is infeasible to replace or upgrade the existing 500,000 gallon storage tank located near the site ofthe proposed new storage tank because replacement would require an intemrption in water supply and fire protection to certain portions of the service area. Furthermore, the existing storage tank, constructed ofsteel, is located in a high-severity hazard zone and is prone to avalanche and rock slides. The proposed new storage tank would be buried below ground and would provide some level of protection to the existing tank against avalanche and rock slides. The proposed new storage tank, used in conjunction with the existing tank, has been designed to accommodate the required treated water and fire protection flows under the ten year projected increased need. During ll I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I construction of the new storage tank, the existing storage tank will remain on-line, eliminating the need for intemrption of service. Following construction of the proposed project, the existing storage tank will frrnction along with the new storage tank to meet treated water and fire protection flows within the service area. 6.04.13 (7) Er\-VTRONMENTAL TMPACT ANALySTS: 6.04.13 (7) a) Land Use: 6.04.13 (7)a) 1) Provide a map (at an appropriate scale) detailing existing land uses of the proposed development, source development area and the project service area, including peripheral lands which may be impacted. The land use map should include, but not necessarily be restricted to, the following categories: residential, commercial, industrial, extractive, transportation, communication and utility, institutional, open space, outdoor recreation, agricultural, forest land and water bodies; SEE ATTACHMENTS G. The Vail Land Use Plan and the Eagle County Master Plan provide detailed information about land use, zoning, transportation, utilities and open space in the development and source development areas and the service area of the WCWD. a) (2) AIt immediately affected public land boundaries should be indicated on the map. Potential impacts of the proposed development upon public lands will be visually illustrated on the map as well as described in textual form; All applicable public land boundaries and impact areas are shown on the development area map and the source development area map (ATTACHMENT G), and the Engineering Plans and Specifications (ATTACHMENT D). The site of the proposed water storage tank is located at an elevation of 8,767 feet in a subalpine forest ecosystem. Englemann spruce, sub-alpine fir and immature aspen forests dominate the site and surrounding area' with gravel moraine type soils. Through construction of the proposed water storage tank and associated facilities, approximately 11,000 square feet (0.25 ac.) of pennanent disturbance would occur to surface vegetation, including removal of 6.04.13 (7) t2 I I T I I I T I I I I I I I I I T I I several trees. Construction activity in the immediate vicinity of the project would result in additional temporary impacts of 34,000 square feet (0.78 ac.). Approximately 9,900 cubic yards of soil and rock material would be disturbed. No permafrost areas would be impacted. With the exception of the area underlying the new storage tank and the access road, all disturbed areas would be restored to approximate natural contows. All excavation for the placement of pipelines would be backfilled immediately following pipeline placement. All areas would be revegetated using indigenous plant species. During and after construction, until revegetation becomes established (approximately I to 3 growing seasons), there may be increased runoff and sedimentation from the areas disturbed by construction. Placement of water bars and use of erosion control fencing would minimize these impacts. Some areas sunounding the water tank would require riprap to stabilize slopes and protect the new facilities. There would be no impact on the geology at the site of the proposed water storage tank, associated facilities or access road. Standard construction techniques would be utilized to minimize the likelihood of leakage from the storage tank and pipelines that could trigger slope failure. The area ofthe proposed project has been surveyed by archeologists, and there are no known historic or pre-historic cultural resources in the construction zones. If cultural materials are encountered, tlte project would be halted until the State Archaeologist can be consulted. During construction, big game may be temporarily displaced from the construction area which would extend over a distance of approximately 500 to 1,000 feet in all directions from the areas ofintensive construction activity. Increased traffic associated with the construction would cause a minor increase in disturbance to wildlife, and there could be a temporary increase in the risk of mortality from road-kill. Previous experience in the Vail Valley is that even during heavy construction, big game species continue to use the area and no adverse impacts have been noted. Approximately I year's production of vegetation from portions of the construction area would be lost, resulting in an unquantifiable loss of small game and non-game wildlife. Impacted species would be chipmunlq chickaree, pine grosbeak, kinglets, stellar jays, ravens, and other species that frequent ttte spruce-pine forests that characterize the construction site. There would be no impact on threatened or endangered species from the proposed project. The White River District Office of the U.S. Forest l3 T I I I I I I I I I I I I T T I I I I Service has conducted a Biological Assessment and a Biological Evaluation in regard to the proposed project. The Forest Service has concluded that the proposed project would not adversely aflect any Federally listed Threatened or Endangered plant or animal species. Diesel emissions and noise would be nuisance factors associated with construction activities, temporarily diminishing the aesthetic quality of the impacted areas. Access to the area by non-construction personnel would be restricted during the construction period. Following construction and reclamation of disturbed areas the pastoral/forest character of the landscape surrounding the construction site would retum to existing conditions. Operational Impacts on Public Lands: Operation of the proposed project could require periodic maintenance or repair of the water tank and associated facilities. Operation of similar systems elsewhere at the Vail Valley has shown that occasional repair of pipeline joints, presswe valves, or other features are necessary. If necessary, such repair activities may result in temporary disturbances similar to those resulting from the original construction, but limited to smalle r areas. 6.04.13 (7) a) (3) Specify whether the proposed project conforns to this County's planning policies; The proposed project is in conformance with the Eagle County Master Plan with respect to the following objectives and policies: a) Promotes development design that is sensitive to the existing landscape; b) Clustering of development; c) Payment of capital costs associated with demands on the community; d) Energy efficiency; e) Strengthens recreation and tourism industry; f) Broadens year-round swnmer business and employment opportunities; t4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I 6.04.13 (7) 6.04.13 (7) 6.04.13 (7) g) Protection of critical wildlife areas, natural water systems, unique Iand forms and air Cuality; a) (4) Speci$ whether the proposed project conforms to regional and state planning policies; The proposed project was identified ir.the Executive Planning Document for the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District (1994). The facilities to be served by the proposed project were included in the Town of Vai^ Master Plan. The Northwest Colorado Council of Governments will be asked to comment on 208 plan compliance. Comments from the Water Quality Control Division on this application have been requested and when received will be attached to this application as ATTACHMENT C. a) (5) SpeciS whether the proposed project conforms to federal land management policies; The U.S. Forest Service has conducted and evaluation of the proposed project and found it to be consistent with existing Eianagement prescriptions found within the Land and Resource Management Plan - White River National Forest. a) (6) Describe the present use of the land in this development area and source development areal The development area is located within the White River National Forest and is currently utilized primarily as wildlife habitat. An unimproved road currently crosses the site of the proposed project to provide access to an existing storage tank and communications station operated by U.S. West, Inc. Forest Service management e,mphasis within the development area is on production and utilization of wood fiber either as sawtimber or roundwood products. The source development area includes the lower portion of Black Gore Creek, and Gore Creek from the Black Gore Creek confluence downstream to the Eagle River. The land uses within the drainage of Gore Creek are primarily residential, commercial and industial uses associated with the urban resort community of Vail. The land uses within the Eagle River drainage below the confluence of Gore Creek include agriculture (livestock and hay meadows), summer and winter recreation, urban resort and residential communities, and some mining of aggregate. Land ownership is primarily private with some dispersed sections managed by l5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.04.13 (7) 6.04.13 (7) 6.04.13 (7) the Bureau of Land Management; The area also provides extensive wildlife habitat for big game, migratory birds, and many small game and non game species. a) (7) Detail the present zoning of the land in the development area and the source development areal The development area is entirely on U.S. Forest Service land which is zoned resource by Eagle County. The Forest Service has designated this area as managed primarily for timber production. Within the source development area which includes the Town of Vail. zoning is typical of that for a resort community, ranging from low density residential to resort accommodations and services. This zoning is detailed in the Vail Land Use Plan which was included in the 1988 l04l permit application as Attachment K. a) (E) Detail the agricultural productivity capability of the land in the development area and source development area (SCS Classification); Due to the forested and steeply sloping nature at the site of the proposed water storage tank, agricultural productivity capability is minimal in the development area. Much of the source development area is unfit for agricultural use due to high altitude, severe climate, and steep slopes. Historically, grazing and feed crop production were the prevailing land use along the Eagle River corridor below Gore Creek, but much of this agricultural land has been converted to urban and industrial uses. Portions of the sowce development area within the Town of Vail include areas now used by the municipal golf course. These lands formerly had some agricultural productivity but since the constnrction of the Town this productivity has been lost. a) (9) Specify how the proposed development will utilize existing easements or rights-of-way; The proposed water tank would be constructed in close proximity to an existing water tank currently in service and operated by the WCWD. An unimproved road currently crosses this site to provide access to the existing storage tank and a tele-communications station operated by U.S. West, Inc. Construction and operation of the new storage tank at the proposed site will make use of the existing access. The right to access this l6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I site via the existing road is being requested thrrough submittal of a Special Use Permit Application to the U.S. Forest Service. 6.04.F (7) a) (10) Describe the probability that the system may be signilicantly affected by earthquakes, floods, fires, snowslides, avalanches, rockslides, or landslides and any measures taken to reduce the impact of such events upon the system; The site of the proposed project is located within a high-severity geohazard hazard zone. The proposed water storage tank and associated facilities have been engineered to be situated below the ground surface and will not be exposed to avalanche and rock slides. Engineering studies have further concluded that it is improbable that the project would be affected by earthquakes, floods or fires. a) Earthquake: The area has no significant earthquake history near the site. The Gore Range Fault is classified by the Colorado Geological Survey as potentially active but there is little evidence of recent movement. It is unlikely that earthquake activiiy would adversely affect the proposed project. b) Floods: The Eagle County 100 Year Flood Study, prepared for the Colorado Water Conservation Board by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. contains floodplain information and mapping. The project is located well above any streams or drainage ditches that have any flood history. c) Fires: The high altitude, and cold, humid climate, along with the aspen, lodgepole and spruce-fir forest, which dominate the area, is not fue prone except during times of unusual drought. Furthermore, the structures will be located below ground. The proposed project will not cause or be affected by fue hazards. d) Avalanches: The proposed project is located in a designated avalanche hazard area and has been designed to withstand potential snow slides and provide protection to the existing 0.5 million gallon tank. e) Rockslides: The proposed project is not located within rockslide hazard areas. 0 Landslides: The proposed project is not located within landslide hazard areas. t7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T t t t I 5.04.13 (7) 6.04.13 (7) 6.04.13 (7) 6.04.13 (7) 6.04.13 (7) a) (ll)Specify whether the demand for this project is associated with development within or contiguous to existing ser.yice areas; The demand for this project is associated primarily with existing development within the Town of Vail. b) Water Resources: b) (1) Describe and indicate on an appropriate map relevant surface water bodies and groundwater aquifers in the area and their uses; The site of the proposed water storage tank is located within a small drainage which is tributary to Black Gore Creek. This drainage typically carries surface drainage during snow melt periods but is often dry for the remainder of the year. Site visits by WCWD and the U.S. Forest Service have not identified the presence of seeps, or springs in the area. The site is located approximately 1,200 feet laterally and 150 feet vertically from the main channel of Black Gore Creek. The location and extent of groundwater aquifers is largely unknown. b) (2) On the same or another appropriate map indicate any floodplain associated with the proposed development. Documentation of historical flooding activity should be included. Detail potential adverse impacts of associated floodplain; The proposed project is not located in a designated floodplain. There is no evidence or documentation ofhistoric flooding at the project site and such flooding is unlikely because of the location of the site well above Black Gore Creek. The proposed project would have no effect on the floodplains of Gore Creek or the Eagle River. b) (3) Describe potential effects of the proposed development on eutrophication, wasteload allocations, and water quatity of the Eagle River and any existing or proposed reserroiru in the County; Futrophication: The project would have no impact on eutrophication of any existing or proposed downstream reservoirs in Eagle County because no such reservoirs exist. The process of eutrophication occurs when mineral and organic nutrients reduce dissolved oxygen to levels producing an environment that is more favorable to plant life than animal life. Construction of the proposed project would not cause increases in nutrient l8 T I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I loading sufficient to cause eutrophication or any changes in the trophic status of any water bodies in Eagle County. During construction of the proposed project, there could be a short-term increase in suspended sediment in Black Gore Creek, Gore Creek and the Eagle River as discussed below under Water Quality. Sedimentation would be minimized through use of construction practices designed to minimize and filter runoff from construction sites. Any short term increase in mineral nutrients would not effect the trophic status of the streams because of the high levels of dissolved oxygen in the rapidly moving waters of Gore Creek and the Eagle River. Wasteload Allocation: Wasteload allocations for the wastewater treatment plants discharging to Gore Creek and the Eagle River have been determined by the Colorado Department of Health and are included in the effluent limits set forth in the NPDES discharge permits for wastewater plants. Ammonia effluent limitations are based upon the assimilative capacity of the receiving streams during extreme low flow conditions known as7-day,10- year low flows (7Q10's). Wastewater treatment plants in the Eagle River Basin were designed to meet wasteload requirements under low flow conditions d in anticipation of future population growth. The Wastewater Operations Report in ATTACHMENT F illustrates average monthly wastewater effluent quahty compared to permitted wasteload allocation limits for the Vail, Avon, and Squaw Creek' Wastewater Treatment Plants. All three of the wastewater teatrnent plants affected by the proposed project are cunently operating well within their wasteload allocations. The proposed project would not increase flows and wasteload to the wastewater treatment systems and the wasteload allocation would remain well within oermitted limits. 6.04.13 (7) b) (4) Describe the potential effects of the proposed project on the above-detailed water features, including the effects on present water quality and current uses. Include a detailed statement ofthe proposed project's impact upon the total dissolved solids and hardness of the Eagle River measured at Dowd Junction and Dotsero and of the Colorado River measured at the Garfield-Eagle County line; There would be no increase in the diversion and consumptive use of water or the amount of effluent from the Vail, Avon, and Squaw Creek Wastewater Treatment Plants due to the proposed project. There would l9 t I I T I T T T t I I I t I I I I I I 6.04.13 (7) 6.04.13 (7) 6.04.13 (7) also be no change in TDS or hardness levels of the Eagle River and Colorado River. b) (5) Describe the potential adverse effects of the proposed development upon plant and animal life dependent upon the water resources in question; The potential adverse effects of operation of the WCWD water supply system under buildout conditions have been addressed in previous applications and measures have been implemented to mitigate those effects. b) (6) Present technical material describing and quantiSing the impact the proposed development will have upon salinity, total dissolved solids in the Colorado River, and formulate and propose a plan for the mitigation of such impacts. The Permit Authority shall apply the standards listed in the regulations for the determination of compliance with this subsection: As described above under 6.04.13 (7) bX4) there would no increase in total dissolved solids and salinity in the Colorado River. Therefore, no mitigation plan is proposed. c) Air Quality: Detail the impact of the proposed development on ambient air quality of the area or community in question; Air quality impacts would occur in the source development area only during construction. Project construction activities would cause slight increase in fugitive dust and diesel emissions, which would be controlled in accordance with the project specifications and conditions in the U.S. Forest Service Special Use Permit. The Town of Vail, in compliance and cooperation witlr the Environmental Protection Agency and the Colorado Departnent of Health, has a monitoring program in place measuring particulates (PM-10) and carbon monoxide. If air quality violations occur to the extent that corrective steps need to be taken, the Town of Vail is responsible for instituting and enforcing the necessary action. To date, the Town has passed resolutions to limit the number of fireplaces allowed for new development and implemented programs to encourage conversion of wood buming fireplaces to gas logs. d) Significant Environmentally Sensitive Factors: Identify and locate on a map of an appropriate scale the position of any of the following 6.04.13 (7) 20 I I I I features present in the proposed development and source development area and its environs and detail the potential inpact of the proposed development upon each feature: See ATTACHMENTS G. I 6.04.13 (7) d) (1) Marshlands and wetlands;II ffi#.:;':i;iJi,"J,"J.J:i"i"Tl";*i#S'$T;,n1il::r3:*,*I revealed no wetland areas which come under the iurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I 6.04.13 (7) d) (2) Groundwater recharge areasl The project would not adversely affect ground water recharge areas. Ground water recharge in the vicinity of the project occurs primarily from snowmelt during the spring. - 6.04.13 (7) d) (3) Potential natural hazards; I Natural hazards are discussed above under 6.04.13 (7) a) (10). I 6.04.13 (7) d) (4) Forests and woodlands; The total area of disturbance associated with construction of the VailI Meadows water storage tank, associated facilities and access road would be approximately 1.03 acres. A portion of this area has been previously I disturbed during construction ofthe existing storage tank and access road. All impacs associated with construction of the new storage tank would bet n'*i:.Iilf #:'"3i%:'*,,*''uHffiff"1"*ftrx f"f'",il: tconstruction process, approximately 0.78 acres of disturbance would be I temporary in nature. Areas of temporary distrubance would be revegetated t following construction to approximate existing conditions. I 6.04.13 (7) d) (5) Criticar wildtife habitat;I I HH""I:H"Ail"lH::i,nffi;iffiil1ffi,':i,:H:,Til'il:ili threatened or endangered species are know to inhabit the area of the I ProPosed water storage tank. r2l I t I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I 6.04.13 (7)d) (6) Public outdoor recreational areas; The site ofthe proposed project is assessable to the public but experiences little use for recreational purposes. d) (7) Unique areas of geologic, historic, and archaeological importance; The area has been surveyed for geologic, historic, and archaeological resources and no areas of significance were reported. Accordingly the project would have no impact on unique areas. d) (8) Critical aquatic life habitat; The project would have no impact on areas of critical aquatic life habitat. e) Visual aesthetics and nuisance factors; The effects of the proposed project on visual resources would be most pronounced during construction and would be minimal after project completion and successful revegetation of disturbed areas. Nuisance factors resulting from project construction and operation would include elevated noise levels associated with construction machinery. Increased levels of fugitive dust may also result, depending on soil moisture conditions during the construction period. 6.04.13 (7) 6.04.13 (7) 6.04.13 (7) 6.04.f3 (7) f) Describe impacts upon the need for and supply of public transportation in the County. 6.04.13 (8) No impact on the need for and supply of public transportation in Eagle County is anticipated during construction or after completion of the propose project. FINAIYCIAL IMPACT ANALYSIS OF MAIOR EXTENSIONS OF EXISTING DOMESTIC WATER AIID SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES WILL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO TIIE FOLLOWING: a) Review and summary of any existing engineering and/or financial feasibility studies, assessed taxable property valuations, property tax collection experieuce, and all other matters of aid in deternining the feasibitity of the extension, including such as related to: 5.04.13 (8) 11 T I I I I T I I I T I I I I I I I I I 6.04.13 (8) 6.04.13 (8) 6.04.13 (8) a) (3) Estimated construction costs and period each major extension componentl Construction Costs: Earthwork/Excavation Storage Tank/Pipelines/Appurtenances Indirectsilvlob ilization/Engineering/Contingency Total Project Costs Estimated Period of Construction: July 5 through october 31,1995 6.04.13 (8) 6.04.13 (8) a). (1) Service area and/or boundariesl The service area for the proposed project is that of the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District as shown on ATTACHMENT G. a) (2) Applicable methods of transmitting, storing, treating, and delivering water and collecting, transmitting, treating, and discharging sewage (including effluent and/or sludge disposal); Detailed descriptions of the WCWD water supply, treatment, and distribution systems are provided above under section 6.04.13 (5) b) of this permit application. of construction of $90,000 $720,000 $190,000 $1,000,000 a) (4) Assessed valuation of the property to be included within the service area and/or boundaries: The total assessed valuation of the property within the service areas of the WCWD is $359, 125,060.00. a) (5) Revenues and operating expenses'of the new facility including (but not limited to) historical and estinated property taxation, service charges and tap fees, standby charges and all other revenues of the new facility; No additional tap fees will result from construction of the proposed water storage tank. It is estimated that annual operating and maintenance 23 I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 6.04.13 (8) 6.04.13 (8) 6.04.13 (8) 6.04.13 (8) 6.04.13 (8) expenses would total $60,000. Operating expenses will be paid from the revenues of the District. a) (6) Amount and security of proposed debt and method and estimated cost of debt service; Funding for this project, in conjunction with other planned improvements, has been secured by Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. No debt will be incurred by the WCWD for the proposed project. a) (7) Details of any substantial contract or agreement for revenues (as in "(5)" above) or for senices to be paid, furnished or used by or with any person, association, corporation and governmental body. There are no other contracts or agreements for revenues other than those described in 6.04.13 (8) a) (5) above. b) Provide a debt retirement schedule based upon anticipated service fees and tax basel Not applicable. Funding for this project would be provided by Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, from cash reserves and other capital funding sources available to the District c) Identification of the person, association, corporation and governmental body that will benelit by, use and will pay any or all of the revenues; The water consumers residing within the service area of the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District will benefit, use and pay for the proposed project. d) If the major extension capacity exceeds the proposed ten year population growth needs as detailed by the appropriate region's 208 planning demographic projections, then detail the excess seryice capacity and the cost of such excess capacity to the community; The project extension capacity is within the population growth needs detailed by the 208 planning demographic projections. e) Increased domestic and/or municipal water treahent costs and/or wastewater treatment costs: The applicant shall submit a plan to offset increased domestic and/or municipal water treatment and/or 6.04.13 (8) 24 I I I I I I I I I I I t I t t I I t I 6.04.13 (9) 6.04.13 (10) wastewater treatment necessary to meet water quality standards and determined to be a result of flow modification through changes in the transport of nutrients, total dissolved solids, hardness, minerals o.r other pollutants due to the operation ofany project facilities proposed by the applicant. Not applicable. The proposed project will have no measurable impact upon water treatment or wastewater treatnent costs within the Gore Creek drainage or the Eagle River downstream. Wastewater ffeatment issues are within the province of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District. Water supply issues are within the province of the Vail Valley Water Conservation District. Both entities are in full compliance with applicable permits and standards, and both entities have the ability to provide service. ANY DEMOGRAPTIIC DATA NEEDED TO FI]LFILL TIIE REQUIREMENTS OF THE THESE RXGULATIONS SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH THOSE USED FOR 208 AREA WIDE WASTE TREATMENT MANAGEMENT PLANNING. As stated above, projections upon which the demand for this project is based are within the 208 area wide treatment planning projections. FOR EACH ALTERNATIVE EXPANSION BEING CONSIDERED BY THE APPLICANT, THE INTORMATION SPECIFIED IN SUBSECTIONS (1) THROUGH (9) OF THIS SUBSECTION 6.04.13. The altematives considered by the applicant are detailed above under paragraph6.04.13 (3). 25 I I I I EAGLE COT]NTY PERMIT SUBMITTAL FOR EFFICIENT UTILIZATION OF MI]NICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL WATER PROJECTS I Section 6.05 delineates the submission requirements necessary for an application for a I permit to address the efficient utilization of a municipal or industrial water project. Review of these requirements reveals that nearly all of them are identical to, or very I similar to, the requirements listed in Section 6.04 conceming the permit for major I extensions of existing domestic water and s€wage treafinent systems. Accordingly, the Section 6.04 permit submittal for the proposed Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank is I hereby incorporated as part of this permit application and those requirements which areI unique to the 6.05 submission requirements are specifically enumerated as follows: I 6.0s.13 STJBMISSION REQUTREMENTS I O Detail proposed methods of insuring efficient use of water resources I within the municipality or industrial area and the source development area. Such methods should consider metering of all users, examination of rate structure to discourage waste, and recycling ofI water for reuse where permissible by Colorado water law. Water conservation and effrciency measures within the development andt source development areas are summarized below: r a) Shower head restrictors and low water use toilet fixtures areI reouired bv buildine codes. b) S.r"ntiully utt ",rrtorn"r, are metered and water use for this projectI would be metered. I c) #$J:T:, il"*,:'ffii:ion base" which provides economic r d) k"tr".il"Ji:"ilil.#Tiliffiffi;.n*. been impremented to r e) "u"T.,"';l':ji:::1",ff'h'JT:3;1,H"'#;"uffi5"*T:contamination I I r26 t I I t t I I I I T I I I t I I I I I D Water for snowmaking on Vail Mountain is diverted from Gore Creek just below the "outhll" of the Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant and diversions are limited to "outfall" flows unless minimum stream flows are adequately satisfied. This approach essentially provides recycling of wastewater for snowmaking purposes and protects stream flows needed to sustain aquatic habitat. 27 t I I I I I I I I T I T T T I I I T t Comruerurs oF THE Cor-oRnoo DepnnrueNT oF NRrunnl ResuRcEs ATTACHMENT B I T I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT C I cort,'ruerur;x1Jfa3ft,?v3s^l?:'"t-J:$iJ|ror Hrnrrn I I T I I I I I I ATTACITMENT D EruerrueeRrruc Plnrus aruo SpecrFrcATroNS, Vrul MenDows Wnren Sronece Terur I I t t I T I T T I I I t T T T T T I ATTACHMENT E WCWD WnreR Svsreu MRsren PLAN, SunnruRnv or loerulneo PnoeLEMs AND MRsrrR Puru RecorurueNDATloNs I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table I WCWD Watcr System Msster Plan SumrnarT of ldentitied Problems and Master Plan Recommendations R.w Wcacr Supply Trc{t d Weter Supply .rd Qurlity Gorc Vallcy WTP: Produccd watcr quality below SDWA sandards. Plant in quesdonablc operational status. If Gore Va.llcy WTP is noo-opcrdlional, no siandby trcllcd wacr supply for East Vail to backup Booth Falls pump station. WCll'D rreatcd watcr supply unablc to providc marimum day dcmand at Disrid buildour if largcst groundwarcr wcll is non-opcrntional. High warcr hadncss in watcr producad from Wcst Vail croundwatcr wclls. Storagc volumc in East Vail found to bc 2.0 mg bclow lcvel rccommcndcd by Mascr Plan storage criEria at Di!trlct buildout. Stongc volumc scrving Vail and Wcsr Vail found to bc from 2.0 mg to 3..1 mg bclow lcvcl recommcndcd by Mastcr Plan srorage crircria at District buildouu Srorage volumc for Conina prcs*irc zone found to bc 0.2 mg bclow lcvcl rccommendcd by Mastcr PIan storage critcria at District buildoul 9 Inadc4uarc sizing ofdistribution mains in East Vail are unablc to providc ISO rccommcndcd fire flow ratcs of up ro 45fi) gpm. l0 Thc 3,000+ foot 6 inch and 8 inch deadend main along Manns Ranch and Bald Mountain Roads could bc impovcd rhrough a loopcd conncdion I I Thc 3.000 foot 8 inch main along Basingdale Blvd could be improvcd through a loopcd conncction. | 2 Ability of VVCWD disriburion nawork to mcct rhc exisdng and Altcmativc 5: Conduct prclirainary study for upgrading Goc Valley WTP. Altcrnadvc 5: Conduct preliminar-v study for upgrading Gore Vallcy WTP. Not dirrcrly addrcsscd. Sordy bcing conductcd by Arbcr Associaacs. Trcetcd Water Sloragc Altcrnarivc l: Add a 2.2 mp of new storaqe in Eas! Vail. Altcrflativc 2: Construct an incrconnecting main bctrvecn East Vail and Vail to allow ncw East Vail storage to s€rvc main Vail. Altcrnative 7: Funhcr study of additional Vail slorrge. Altcrnativ€ 4: Construct bypass piping from West Vail in licu of additional storagc to address firc warcr stoGge shonages. . Wrtcr Dktribftion 8 Booth Falls pump sbrion firm capcity found to bc I 18 gpm AlEmativc 5: Gore Vx,llgy W.fP rpgrade would rclicvc problcm bclow thc maximum day dcmand nrc for Ebst Vail at buildoul Rccommcnd funhcr analysis through hydraulic modclin& 4O0' conncction to complcta loop proposcd 4O0' conncction to complec loop proposcd Rccommcnd funher analysis through hydmulic modcling. futurc dcmand for water during pak periods .rnd firc flow unablc to be confirmcd by Mast€r Plm approach. Sourcc: WCWD Water Svstcm Master Plan Mcrrick & Co., tanuan 1994 I T I ATTACHMENT F' t t I I I I I wnsrewRrrn opeRAToNs Rrponr - 1994 I I I I I t I T I ; s g g ct E ItE8E ESEa EEEIs8F ssEd eeF=+-U 88Ere sESs-s 1F3E:;;FdJ o.=e -: =eisori eEEeeE q=eElFrHo-3 l55o- Eqgqe9 eq9c9,"rgocF :-F<'o eEEqq easeEq EqeeR?{.rFo.. ..r|Cc cl l.oFc!- eeqee eSeeiS sqeEE.r9'-oc{ e.'.?ec.1 Ff!Ee6r qREERe EFEee!6Rocr\ .^..9c".r Bqeeae eqeeqt.ler!'rO=3 \oFCQn qqqFE EqSqeE EEeEqr?'Fc.r .'rl,';oc5 d-!o- eEEqE sqeeiE EqeEFr-ncc.. .cr.'dee; =!:o! qqSeEE EqeeqFC\\AOO- O!tFO.{ 8S8SR8 8S88Srioi.co--: drrrddd eqEes EaEqFs 8e8Esrrl]e.i .jsoora EFrEo- E9eqE Aee4:q SEenE Z h6Eo- r 6\ooo8 !-nq,o s,it .6 4 Etr= EEt a g e ' ^.= EPE: z 8qEE8!=pa"i 888fiEiG.iic.r IEEFEer14Ro.{ =t5E:5l..idc.i EqEqE6Gr;e.l sFEqEeF3o.r .EEI',E {? B >I- ^<> F.-z>=<a4 z FU z E !t F? z tr Fd\ 21 F e -ir AFP =F=E; c. lzAE?F F5 B .l;) =6R E < 9j ii>t i3; 6oPft E- I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I T I T I I I I I I t I I I I T I I t T T il I I ATTACIIMENT G Sounce Drveloplrerur AneR Mnp AND Developnnrrur nRea Map I I t t I VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT souRcE DEvELoPMEHT AREA & DB/ELOPMEilT AREA tor lh' VA|L MEADOWSWATER STOMOE TANK SErtv EYINO5PIENE Jun.l00l ';1.-=5,', ATTASHMENTc L .\ 't! ! (, )'))l l'{a=/Jf <;tl/[1-ir--..t.. (..VAIL VALL EY t'\ cor sot- toar e o ATER DISTRIC-ff$J T I ./l4,ntzttz-c cu#- '- /lt k (n.7u..,.7 / __o/ u, r- '-- Q.^l/ ,-'..u. 2 ' I lr z ,? \'-- 7 7 t-/62 r4 4/ ; FILE COPY MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development August 14, 1995 A request to review the proposed East Vail water Tank located s.E. of 5004 Snowshoe Lane, more specifically located in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 18' Township 5 South, Range 79 of the 6th Principal Meridian' Applicant: Eagle River water and sanitation District Planner: Russ Forrest TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJEGT: I. PURPOSE The Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (the District) is requesting that the Town of Vail review their proposed plans to create a new 1 million gallon water tank directly south ol the existing water tank in East Vail (See Attachment A). The Town of Vail Fire Department and the Districihave identilied a significant need for additional storage in the East Vail neighborhood to adequately fight fires and to simply provide adequate pressure for day to day useage. The property that the new tank would be located on is owned by the U.S. Forest Service and is iocated outside of the Town of Vail municipal boundary. This property is in the Town ol VailiUSFS land exchange and is expected to come into Town of Vail ownership in the Spring of 1997. The District wants lo ensure that this tank will conlorm to Town standards before compensating the Town for the cost of the land. Staff is proposing that this action be reviewed utilizing the criteria for a conditional use permit for the General Use District. II. PROJECT DESGRIPTION: The proposed action involves the construction ol a new 1 million gallon water storage tank focated approximately 172teel uphill from the existing tank. This tank would be 88 feet in diameter and 24 feet high. The action would also involve associated burried pipe and the permanent relocation of a 360 foot long segment of an unnamed drainage that flows from the steep slopes to the south and through the proposed tank site. The project also involves the realignment of a dirt road that serves the existing tank and a cellular communication facility. Significant regrading would also occur to bury the new tank. III. REVIEW GRITEFIA: Staff recomends using the review criteria for a conditional use permit in the General Use District. The conditional use criteria are listed below: A. Town. The purpose section of the conditional Use section of the zoning code, section 1 8.60.01 0, states that: "Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review and evaluation so that they may be located properly with respecl to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effects on surrounding Properties." The purpose section of the General use District of the zoning code, section 1 8.36.01 0, states that: "The General Use District is intended to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses and is intended to ensure that pubic buildingsand grounds and certain types of quas+ublic uses permitted inlhe Djstrict ire appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and viiitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air open spaces and otner amenities appropriate with the permitted types of uses." Stalf believes that the development of a 1 million gallon water tank is consistent with the goals of these purpose sections of the zoning code. The tank is necessai to meet the water needs of residents and visitors to Vail. Efiect of the use on light ancl air. distribution ot population. transportation facilities. utilities. schools. parks and recreation facilities. and other public facilities. An environmental assessment was prepared for this proposed action (See Attachment B). No long{erm negative impacts are anticipated relating to the above stated areas. There may be a short{erm dust impact to air quality as the result of the construction of the tank. Overall, there will be a positive public benefit in providing a more reliable water service to East Vail. c. pedestrian safety and convenience. traffic flow and conrol. access. The proposed does involve realignment of an access road. However, this will not affect tr patterns in East Vail. lt has been recommended that access to the site blocked lor private use to prevent vandalism and nightime disturbances at tank site. surrounding uses. The proposed use is an underground water Storage tank and it should have little or no effect of adjacent properties. However the existing tank is above ground and visible from most areas of East Vail. D. E.Other factors recommended tor discussion with the PEC: Removal of the old storage tank: The District is requesting that the old 500,000 gallon tank be left in place. Once. the new tank is constructed, the District would like to determine the structural integrity of the old tank to determine if the tank should remain in use along with tne new tank. The old tank does stand out in East Vail and is exposed to potential damage in lhe event of a an avalanche on the site. Hazards: The site is in a designated High Severity Avalanche Hazard area. The new water tank has been designed to nithstand maximum anticipated loading conditions associated with a '1oo-year avalanche event. The Environmental Assessment states on page 21 that the project would not change the hazard down slope. This indicates inat f fne ob tank were left in place it would still be exposed to high severity avalanche hazards. Landscaping: The proposed action would impact vegetation on 0.25 acres of land with the extensive regrading that would be required. The Environmental Assessment calls for reseeding with a natural seed mix. Staff would also recommend the planting of 10-1 5 aspens down slope of the tank. Hydrology: The stream channel on the site, which has a length of 360 leet, will be replaced with a new channel 420 teet in length. Wetland species will be planted in the new channel. The new channel will be designed to better handle high water levels. The PEC should be aware that the adjacent properly owners use water running off the site lor water features. The Town Engineer is still reviewing the hydrology to ensure thal the proposed construction will not adversely affect the flooding hazard on or ofl the site. Wetland lmpacts: Approximately 0.05 acres of wetlands would be disturbed on this site along the drainage that will be relocated. A 1:1 replacement (at leas$ will occur when the new drainage corridor is put in place. There may be the opportunity to improve the quality of the wetlands since the current value of the existing wetlands is low as delined by the Army Corps of Engineers. Development Standards : Development would be contained to a one million gallon water tank on the site. However the following standards are appropriate to discuss: Tank Color: Obtain Design Review Board's input on the color ol the tank. Road; The road as proposed wou|d be dirt, which technica||y wou|d require a paving variance' Since the property is not located within the Town;s municipal boundary, and given the natural characteristics of the immediate area, staff feels that a gravel road on the site is aPProPriate. IV. FINDINGS: granting a conditional use Permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. V. CONCLUSION: The primary issue with this project is whether the existing tank should be allowed to remain. Staftwouldrecommend thai the PEC support construction of the proposed tank with the following conditions: A) That the old tank be removed, unless a compelling health safety justification can be provided to the PEC tl.tat 1.5 million gallons ol storage is needed (versus 1 miliion) and that the high avalanche hazard could be mitigated for the existing tank' B) That a rnore specific revegetation plan be prepared that identifies the exact seed mix that will be used and the planting of Aspens downhill from the tank' C) That no lighting will occur on the site. D) That the access road be realigned on the property to be obtained through the land exchange. The removal of the old tank may facilitate the ability to keep the road entirely on the exchange property. Alt€chment A: ProposEd site Dlan Attachment B: Envi.onmental Assessment f:\everyonevussvnemotank.dl6 E Qs- oi?7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - JOB runvE CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED AM PM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o u tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: EI'TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr INAL tr FINAL C] REINSPECTION REQUIREDO DISAPPROVEDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE -, INSPECTOR ((' t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. SERVlCES 10?9, AVON SERVICES l_079, AvoN FOREST RD, VArL, CO 81657 SOUTH FRONTAGE RD 00 01-0 00-06-000 Status. . . & l{,ATTEApplied. . Issued. , . Expires. . co 81620 co 81620 Phone: 3039496013 Phone: 30394960L3 Phone: 476-7480 Invest igat ion> lliLL CatL---> TOTAL FEES_-> .00 3.00 53.N AdditionaL Fees--------> ,00 Total Pernit Fee-------->55.00 Payments------- EALANCE DUE---- ffi***#**:Rffi ffr**#*ffitr*ffi ffiiffir*#t**tr*r*ff ****Hffr*****ffi ffi ffi ***ff ****Jr** Dept: BUILDING Division:rtem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO7/7I/L995 DAN Action: APPR **f*ffi*lnkffi*,r*Hffrnbi-rikt#triiffirilffi#fi(*ffi***ff*****l*ffr******ftrH***#r# l*ffiff*'l*******tt**l**lr*ttrrrhl**Jr*Jnt***** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **tot|t*ffiHffi ffi **t****t**t**ffi **ir,(*'r't***ffi ffi *ffi td.ff ffi t**ffi **J*ft ****ffi ffi ffi*ffiffi **ffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutcdge that I have read this apptic8tion, fitted out in futt the inforrEtion required, conpteted an accurate p(ot plan, and state th€t a[[ the infornation provided as requi red is correct. I agnee to conpty uith the infor]ation and pl,ot plan,to co[ply vith 8l.t Toun ordinances and state [a!rs, and to buitd thjs structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforn Building Code and othrr ordinances of the foun appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAOE TIIEITITY-FOUR IIOUftS II{ AOVANCE 8Y TOWN OFVITL 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213q479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT RESORT POBOX CONTRACTOR RESORT POBOXOWNER UEVWCSD 847 !'1. oRB fee Description: REPLACE DISCONNECT METER Valuation:400.00 *ffi1rffi*rffii*rn*#***ff****'*rffird*ffi*l*tt FEg SUflllARY *******ffi,*****ffiffiffi* E [.ct ri cat--->50.00 Total. caIculated Fees--->53.00 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 895-0147 D epartment of Cownunity Development ISSUED 07 /t7/re95 07 /12/teeso1/08 /Lee 6 {g*ntoto"uo I **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0046 Amount: Palrment Method: CHECK Notation. #2624 53.00 o7/L2/9s 14:04Init: LRD Permit No: Parcel No: Location: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description BLECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WItt CALI, INSPECTION FEE 895-0147 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAT PERMIT 0001-000-06-000 SOUTH FRONTAGE RD & MA??ERHORNTotal FeeE: 53.00 53 .00 Total AI.IL PmtE: 53. 0O Balance:.00 *rt************it!t************,t tt),J,),rt*trtt **** * ***** ****** *** * ******* Amount 50.00 3. 00 NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMI? JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 895-0147 Department of Community Development Status. . SOUTH FRONTAGE RD & MATTreppfied..0001-000-06-000 Issued. .. Expires. . TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 97A-479-2452 APPLICANT RESORT POBOX CONTRACTOR RESORT POBOXOWNER UEVWCSD 847 W. Etect ri ca l---> DRB Iee lnvesti gati on> xitL cat l---> TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. SERVICES 1079, AVON SERVICES L079, AVON TSSUED o7 /1t/ree5 o7 /L2/Lees0L/08/Lee6 co 81620 co 87624 Phone: 3039496013 Phone: 3039496013 Phonez 476-7480 Valuation: FOREST RD, VArL, CO 81657 Descriptionr REPLACE DISCONNECT METER ffitffi*ffi**ff* F€E SUllllARY 400.00 50.00 .00 .00 3-00 Totat Calcutated Fees---> Addit iona L Fees---------> TotaL Pernit Fee--------> 55.00 .00 53.00 53.00 .@BALANCE OUE---- f,ffi******ffi*droHrr*rh*ffnt*lrlr"tt,r*ffi*tikrrtr*rur*Jr'r}rt#riHr**Hr*lnh*tuc***rHrffc*ffi**ff******rt*********Hlrt ITem: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPAR?MEN?0711111995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: f,*rHr*f,**Jr****#*rr****t**ffi*Jri**fthHnt*Jr*J<rr*ff*H*******ffiJ<*lr*****iicH:t*#i****tr****#**#*rr****l***rrH***t-tilft*tff*** CONDIT]ON OF APPROVAL ***tH*ffi**tr*t*trf**t*ffi***Jr*ffirt*fft*rt*#*ffi***t#**ffffi*****fiH*ffi******t**ff** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovhdge that I have read this application, fiLLed out in fuLl, the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptot p[an, and state that att the inforD€tion provided as required is cofrect. I agree to corDpl,y uith the intormation and plot pLan,to coltply riith al,l, Tolrn ordinances and state laus, and to build this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvcd, Uniforr Buitding code and other ordinances of the ToHn applicabte thereto. REOT'ESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE I.IADE T!'ENTY-FOT'R HOURS IN ADVAT{CE BY {g*rn*orur* €6 PERI'IIT /fVATL CONSTRUCTTON APPLICATION FORMoarn: 7- /a -?S al arffiaffitt9$f\hfl#f*l"o our cor,{plErEl.,y oR rr !,rAy Nor BE AccEprED f,*************************-.: T*IT INFORUATION ***************************** WN OF ERMIT [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbi"g fi-nlectrical [ ]-Mechanicat [ ]-other rb Name: [(E VtucSD - rob Addre =,, W o,l fhnlfulurn Legal Description: Lot Block Filin orr'ners Name: U FUIICSO Address , 9Il 1,,0 , 6r"t/ Rd ,tArchitect z N.Llvc-- Address: ceneral Description: work crass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional]qf-sspair I l-other Number of Dwelling units: f Number of Accommodation u^r, !_up91ryn, Er,EcrRrcA r, L4ffi i- orHER: e IilIMBTNG: MEcHANTcAt: $- ToTAL: - ffi;;RIifATTON *************************** Town of VaiI Reg-.,NO. rl-ca Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number:AddressJ PJ-unbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************** * *** * *******FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUI.IBING PERI.{IT FEE: I'{ECHANTCAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE * * * * * ******** * ***************** BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEES MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PER!{IT FEES: Reg. NO. BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTIRE: Ph. **************'Contractor: z Pt>, I DV, COmrnentS: VALUATION CLBAN I'P DEP.OSIT REFTINII TO: t o MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 1) 2) Job Name: Date: Please answer lhe following questionnajre regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit': YES ls lhis a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of lhe right ol way, easements or public propefi? ts any utility work needed? fs the driveway being repaved? ls difierent acress needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? NO / v v v v r {,r 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or al Community Devefopment. ltyou have anyquestions please catlChartie Davis, the Town of Vail Construclion Inspector, at 479-2158. I have all the above questions. Job Name Contractols Signature I 3) PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoolication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expire on Oct. 15th. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submifted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 houls to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will'review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The above process is for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until November 1Sth.* A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 4) 5) 6) 7) cdprvay 7 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2. FAILURE Department of Communiry Developnent INFORI.IATIOI| ltEEltED llllEtt APPLIItrG FOR A ilECHA}|fCAL PERI.IIT 3. 4. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PIAN OF MEC}TANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSTCAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAT ROOM. sHol{ srzE AND LoCATION OF COMBUSTTON AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT W]LL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. TO PROVIDE IHrS IXFORUAIIOf, WIIJL DELAY IOUR PERI.IIT. TOWII{OFVAIL 75 routh trontrge roed vell. colorado 81657 (3Gr) 4792138 (303) 4792139 olfice of communlly developmenl NOTTCE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUTIDERS Effective June 20, L991, the Town of Vail Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adequately established proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or sLreets. The Town of vail Public Works Department t|ill be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads orstreets and the installation of tenporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from th.e road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. Please call 479-2160 torequest an inspection from the Public Works Depart.ment - Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. A1so, the Town of Vail Public Works Department wi]l be approvingall- final drainage and culvert install-ation with resulting roadparching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior toFi.nal- Certificate of Occupancy issuance. lnwn u ||flI 75 south t?ontage roaq Ysil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 ot 479-2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJEST: offlce ol communlly devclopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH TTTETOVIN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMLNITy DEVELOPMENT UARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I,fATERIAL STORAGE rn sumnary, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track. or deposit any r"ir,-"""t , sand, debrisor naterial , including trash luurpsters, poriabl" toilets andworknen vehicles. upon. any streetl siaewaii, -;Ii;y or pubticp1?:" or any portion theieof. rrre right-oi-way -on arl Town ofvail streers and.r?ags is approxinaieiv-s-it.-iri pavenent.This ordinance wirr be. striliry -entorcia uy ttre-rown of VaiIPublic t{orks DeDartment. pers6ns found viirating this ordinancewilr be given a 24 hour written i"li""-ti-;il;:"=aid nareriar.rn the event trre person so notified-aoes noi compry with thenotice within the 24 hour.tirne Jpeciii;e,"tr,"-iiriric r{orksDepartment will remove said mateiiii-ii-irr""""ili=e of personnotified. The provisions or irris ordinance sharl not beapplicable to c-onstruction, riirl"r"ttce or repair projects ofany street or atley or any utitities i" it"-rltfri_"_"r"y. To review ordinance No- o in fulrr prease stop by the Town ofY1i-l Bui+ding Department to obtain a copy. ttranr you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. F"-*. o luttn ||al 75 routh tronhge roed vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otflcs of communlly dcvclopmart BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this peryit 19eui,re9 g Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approvat,Engineer"s (.pub,lic works) leviery and approvai,'i ii"iiiini'b"p""t "ntreview or.Health Department review, ani'a,"evfew uv-liie duiibing' - - Department, the estimated time for a tota'l "eui"n-ilay"iall'as t6n9as three weeks. fll-"9ry:Tial (large or smatl ) and all multi_family permits willnave to toilow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnis. Residential :19.:i311_pr!je9t1.shoutd take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresroentrat or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to necessary review, thea; ;;;j;.Ii'*ya'lso take the three-week period. ' Every attempt wr:ll be made by this department to expedite th.i spermi't as seon as possible. I' the undersigned, understand the p'l an check procedure and timeframe. lt Cormuni ty Development Department.