HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 TRACT D EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION 2000-2006 PART 3 LEGALo DEPAR o DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 TMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P02-0039 Job Address: 846 FOREST RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 846 FOREST ROAD Applied . . : 05102/2002 Parcel No...: 210107209001 lssued . . : 05/17/2002 ProjectNo Qf-SOZ-O j] Expires..: 11113/2002 O$INER EAG],E RIVER WATER & SANITATIO5/O2/2}O2 PhONC: 846 FOREST RD VAIIJ CO 8L657 I-,icense; CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE PLUMBING & HEATTNG0S/02/2OO2 Phone : 970-328-442L P.O. BOX 428 EAGLE, CO 81-631 L1cense : 236-P APPT.,TCANT I{ARNEY-NArLL, rNC. 05/ 02/2OO2 Phone : 97O-748-9'750 P.O. BOX 6429 AVON, CO 8L620 Li,cense: Desciption: TENANT REMODEL Valuation: $10,000.00 Fireplace lnformation:Restricted: ?? # ofGas Appliances: 11 h ofGas Logs: ?? # of wood Paller: ?? ir * + **,1*,t:t* 'a,t,* t *:i,* Plumbing--> 9150 . oO Restuarant Plan Review--> S0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees---> 5190. 50 Plan Check--> $3?. so DRB Fee----------> $0.00 Additional Fees-----> S0 - 00 Investigarion-> $0. oo ToTAL FEES-------> $190.50 Total Permit Fe€------> s190 - 50 WillCall---> S3. oo Payments---------'-'------> 5190 ' 50 BALANCE DUE-----> $0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/L6/2oo2 cDAVrs Action: AP Ttem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI_,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. * +* * * * * 't* * t * t * rr t * ir *,t * 'l'l * | I + l* *,a* 'l:l:a *,| * | *,4 * t l.,i 'rt +*,* *,t i * * 't* **'!++***'l*'i t *'| * i* l* t *:t ***l|t 't'"* t | | t' r't:l DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Torvn ordinances and state laws. and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved. Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWNET TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Satmeirt Statenent Number: RooooO24O5 Amount: $190.50 O5/L7/2OO2O9:5? Alrt Pa)ment Method: check Init: Irc Notation: *42 93 /Avalanche Plunbing Permit No: P02-0039 T)4)e I PLIIII{BING PERUfT Parcel No: 210107209001 Site Addresa: 845 FOREST RD rrAIIr Location: 845 FORE8T ROAD Total Feee: $190.50 Thia Palment: $190.50 Total ALL, PmtE: $190.50 Balance: 90. O0 a+a++*f*a**++a+f+a**f++a**+a*a+***a*****r+++*'}fla+r*a*ifar*aa'}'i*{rr}tt}{'aaaf**aa+aa+a+a*'}aaata+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 37.50 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERI'IIT FEES 15O.OO t.lc 00100003112800 t.ltll CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 I NVt{W 75 S. Frontage Rd Vail, Colorado 81 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION PLETE VALUATION FOB._PLU MBTNGIEE]'qI (Labor & Materiats) PLUMBING: $ it ,il ''-i Offrce at 970-or visit forParcel # *'rl!t*t*******:tt*it*****t******t**r*r****FOR OFEICE USE ONLYr*r**rnr*n**r*it*r**jri*,r***r*rrri*.i* F/everyone/forms/pl mbperm JobAddress: gvr" F"{rlsr fu, dr,u, Co Filing: Z PpmmFT"c ng.?t t>? !)Mdress:gq6 6w*, Ro l)frt.G Phon"rllo.rrTb- Detaifed description of work: fe.,,r*l\'r (t*o$ ou WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration(X) Repair( ) Other( ) /&r*cD€u Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duptex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ffi Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling UniB in this building: Nlh No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No o o l TOI^/NOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2738 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 846 FOREST RD VAIL Location.....: 846 FOREST RD ParcelNo...: 2'1.0'1.07209001. Project No : OWNER EAGI-,E RIVER WATER & SANITATIO4/30/2O02 846 FOREST RD VAIL CO 41557 License: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Uc-.l U.t\-1 ( )-'ec,? E--r-\- Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires. Phone: EO2-0052 .: ISSUED.: 04/30/2002 .: 05/03/2002.: 10/30/2002 CONTRACTOR D.P. ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 711 EDWARDS, CO 84632 License: l-l-9-E APPI,ICANT D.P. ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 7l_1 EDWARDS, CO at632 License: 1-1-9-E 04/30/2OO2 Phone 3 97O-926-41-4O 04/30/2OO2 Phone z 9'7O-926-4L4O Desciption: TENANTREMODEL/UPDATINGELECTRICALSERVICE Valuation: $18.500.00 FEE SUMM,{RY Electrical------> DRB Fee-----> Investigation---> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEE}-> 9342.00 $0.00 $3.00 9345 - 00 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees------> Total Permit Fee-------> Payments-----------> BALANCE DUE-..-.--> s345.00 $0.00 9345.00 s34s.00 $0.00 Approvals:Itelm: 05000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENT o4/3o/2o02 DF Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioo filled out in full the inJormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninl and subdivision codes, desrgn review approved, Uniforrr Buitding C-ode and other ordinances of the Tov"n applicable thereto. REQUESISFOR INSPECTIONSHALL BE MADETWENTY-FOI'RHOLJRS IN ADVAI)4E BYTElspnOr.rs AT47+2138 OR ATOLJROFFICE FRoM ttrAM-sPM. ' ' h'a/--v/- OFOWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HITISELF AND OWNEI DEPARTM ENT oF coMMUnO orurroPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALl- TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT 846 FOREST RD VAIL 846 FOREST RD 2r0l07209001 Permit #: BO2-0022 Status . . . Applied. . lssued . . . Expires . . . Phone: ,\ t(Ua..^-\ VtL\ct7r X() : ISSUED : 02/28/2002 : 02/28/2002 : OBl27/2002 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.......: Parcel No....: Project No . : OWNER co}flrRAcToR APPLICANT Building---> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> Desciption: RETROFIT OF EXISTING AND INSTALLATION OF NEW EQUIPMENT EAGI.,E RIVER WATER & SANITATI02/28/2OO2 845 FOREST RD VAII-, CO 8L657 L,icense: STANEK CONSTRUCTORS, INC 4OO CORPORATE CIRCLE SUITE A GOr_,DEN, COLO 80401" I-,icense: 26L-A STANEK CONSTRUCTORS, INC 4OO CORPORATE CIRCI,E SUTTE A GOLDEN, COLO 80401 License: 02/28/2002 Phone: 02/28/2002 Phone: 303-980-8233 F2 II FR Type Il Fire Resistive n., Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: $45,000.00 Fireplaca Information; Resrictcdl Add Sq Ft: # ofcas Logs: 0# ofGas Appliances: 0 $455 - 00 Restuarant Plan Revieu'-> $29s. ?s DRB Fee------------> $ 0 . 00 Recreation Fee----------> 93.00 Clean-upDePosit-------> TO rAL FEES-------------> s0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 s0.00 s753 . ?5 $0.00 s753.75 s0.00 Cond: l2 (BLDC.): FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REeUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODECOMPLIANCE. fu{ ,t"r:' ...rtf \v # of wood Pe llet: 0 Total Calculated F'ees-> Additional Fees--------> Total Pemrit Fee-----> Payments-----------2 BALANCIi DUE-----> Approvals:Item: 051-00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 02/28/2Oo2 JHM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FrRE DEPARTMEMT Ttem: 05500.PIIBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:OO AM . 5 PM. Scrd Clcer-rp Dcpocit To: N/A SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *+* ***** **** **+* ************.+* * * ******+***++*+ ****+******* ** *+** * ********** ***** **+*++++**+r TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopyR:prlntcd omtL1&2o02ltl3z23:oil U2fnnW2 Statement * ** * 'l ++* '1.,! ****** {. *,} *******:1.**:lf * f*** ** * ** * * * *+ t * *******,t*********,i,}***'1.****,t1.** ***+{t*:}****** staeement Number: Roooo02o05 Amount: $753 -75 02/28/2OO2OL:22 Pilt! Pa)zmen! Metshod: check Init: DF Notation: Permit No: BO2-O022 T)4)e: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERI*IT Parce1 No: 2LOLO72O9OO! site Address: 845 FoREST RD vArL Location: 846 FOREST RD TotsaI Fees: $753.75 This Palzmerrt: $?53 .75 Tot.al ALL PmLS: $753 .75 Balance: 50.00 *1.** *****:I *!N**** * **:t *+**+*,i*t.fi.*+*****************************{.***+****+++++:1.tt********+*+*'t+ ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descr^iption Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILD]NG PERI.IIT FEES 455.00 pF 00100003112300 PIAN cHEcK FEES 295.75 I^JC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO ll NWtl0FVt 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits a co OMPLETE OR U Project #: Building Permit #: plumbing, e OR INFORMATION General Contractor:Slq11.Y Cansf. Crntact and Phone #'s: 30? - ?ga- 62 3 3 '9'ur'2 BUTLDTNG: $ 20.0oo PLUMBING: $TOTAL: $ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PE bor & Materials a-#6rAN Contact Eaqle CountyAssessors office at g7b>?2&86e,a visit www. eaole-countv. con Parcel # ?lO\ ("Tz-Aa 6 o\ o O2-. Jiiflplication will not be accepted without parcel number) rob Name: l/t, " uk/rf- (,1v Job Address: gqa -ezes- 4J Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Name: €** fl'72 tJa e'<Address: er6 pizg-'e/.Phone:gp-t176- 7C€c) ArchitecVDesigner. 6(Nn + 6/{.<//Address: /65" CG //uO. s",* Zoo Phonei Jo3-Z{?.svoo Engineer: (rl<lr,rn c to..lJ,rc4 ll Address: 6oL4+t ,Q oouol Phone: ,,t t' Detailed description of work: (er/^O 6f pg: y'.rtsh t1 .," / rastu//tt n.u,oF Fe<) Lil*/.t<,-? WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ftJ Repair( ) DemolQ Other( ) Work Type: Interior QQ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Ofrer (l) /dOUc Ct/a2t No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: NOAA No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Uolt--o 6\/Noflvpe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( furro"of Fireolaces Prooosed: Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (,4 ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) Fees: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm of Construction: G **************r***********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*"********r.**************if********it*** TOI\AI OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2738 toortr*r oF .'NMUMTY orutorr*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0016 Job Address: 846 FOREST RD VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 846 FOREST RD Applied . . : 02/28/2002 ParcelNo...: 2L0107209007 Issued. .: 03/05/2002 ProjectNo: QOX0Z-0132- Expires..: 09/01,/2002 orrNER EAGL,E RIVER WATER & SANITATIO2/2g/2OO2 Phone: 846 FOREST RD VAIL CO 816 57 Iricense : colrrRAcrot.-'rnr pHese rr-,ncrnrg o2/28/2oo2 Phone 97o-524-7L35 \ 0325..I{ARDSCRABB]-,E ROAD GYPSI'M CO 8L637 License:118-E APPLICANT TRI PI{ASE ELECTRIC O2/28/2OO2 Phonez 970-524-7!35 0325 HARDSCRABBLE ROAD GYPST]M CO aL63 7 I-,icense: L18-E Desciption: CONNECT POWER AND CONTROLS TO NEW tIV EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY OWNER Valuation: $13.700.00 FEE SUIvIN{ARY ElL'ctrical-------> DRB Fee-------> Investigation----> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-> s2 52 - 00 so.00 $0.00 $3.00 $255.00 Total Calcu latcLl Fces-> $255.00 Addihonal Fe'es------->s0.00 Total Permit Fee-----> S255. oo Pavments----------> 5255.00 BALANCE DUE..-_..>so.0o Approvals:I€e-n: 06000 EL'ECTRICAL DEPARTMEIiII| o2/28/2oo2 DF Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond:12 .::-1.:::.1":."::.."."":..::::-'.:":::.::..::...::.::.:::.:...::".:::.:":.::-:"::.'-..-"":I"T-'.T.-"""-; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inJormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and r ,o1 "J-;" iq,"r,r*or."or-l-DEuTEp1. t ,o.rr".1", .AGE =r^, ':j:: If. ;pf..pf"* ai-ilfy*itf,"U fownotdrtrancesJIdSLEbr^rr, *a tobuildthis stuch'e accordins-to-thetorarurszorrhl qndsubdf,Usiapcdee-desienr,ariewappnwe4Unirorrnr.,ffingCod€ando6erorOinanclof YY-W*q'.qmPr i .1,, .: Ii,;**,"i#"-t,gry*n"$*or rror^DEr{r/ENry-FouR"r*^^-,i*tre Wy*uT"nf *o'F[cErtorltflAM-t ..... . .. . ::.,. .i ,:: . '..,i , l; ,' : ; ," i ,i ,i l, '.)' '.i rig pvd crulo3-El :FvFtd rul gngL-rzg-glE 69:Er zggzlga,lEg ***** * * l***** i!* **+ * ,|.* +|{.**+*t*i****,1* ++*********l*i* *******+* * * * f* * l|. * * + + * + +* + {. r * * | * * ** 1. +**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement**l**** + * **{'***** ***+{' * * **t*** *t****** | *+******tt+* ++t +,t*t* ***+*****t+* + ++ + * * ** * + * ** + * * t* 1* * Stsatement Number: R000002013 Amount: $255.O0 03/05/ZOO2L2t37 pttl Payment Method: Check Init.: LC Not.aE,ion: *L3995 lTrj- Phaae Elect Permit No: 802-0015 Type: ELECTRICAL, PERMIT Parcel No: 210107209001 Site Address: 845 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 846 FOREST RD TotaL Fees: $255.00 This Payment: $255.00 Tot,al ALL Pmts; $255.00 Balance: 50,00 {.**,1.* i ** * * ***** +* + * *******{.* l. **l * *i. **l*********** + lt f*+ i {. **|lii*++**+ +*lt* t tt** * **+** *** *****t* ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY PO|,IER PERI,IiTS I.IC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEI 252.00 3.00 3& IOVNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 SOUPLETE oR UN CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) Electrical Contractor:7r, Fksz Eterj. Town of Vail Reg, No.:CBntrF and Phone #'si qio S.2.t _ r/ 35- - lc-,h ^ //12 -- ryW'"tilnL L7 Alo - 3?os- \CO,TnPETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT ]N STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ l-< )o.> - Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Name:Job Address: Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: o-*',f descri{ionof work:Q>^.4 Fbut . * (u^*r- lt -f'- /leu UV qrt-^.Vn'+^ Jta;/:.tflt1q I 4r.y OrJ n< n- Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair ( ) Temp Power( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MulU-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) O$er ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ************************************'l**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY"******************'t***************** Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:AcceDted Bv: Planner Srqn-off: F:/everyone/formtelecp€rm $k{';H;,, Tel (30) 239-540O Fex: (303) 239-5454 www.brownandcaldwell.com P:\Data\GEN\Eaglc-tuvcrweil UV Follo$-up\l€ttcr DAtr{ - TovN 9-17-ol.doc Enuironmental Etgineers o REcD ocT - 6 2oo, Town of Vail 0FFFf,;: ffi0PY October 2,2002 Town of Vail Building Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: J.R Subject: Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant Ultraviolet Disinfection System Reference: Town of Vail Permit E02-0016 andB02-0022 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to verify that this project was designed under my supervision. The design was intended to be in accord with all applicable codes and standards, and with the {JV system manufacturer's specifications and requirements. Based on periodic inspections both during and after the construction phase, I believe the installation to be in accordance with the plans and specifications. If you have any questions about the services provided or any other aspect ofthe project, please give me a call. Sincerely, BROWN AND CALDWELLkks' Project Manager CC: Robet Trueblood, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Bill Nelson, Stanek Constructors, Inc. Consultants PROJECT MANUAL for Vail WWTP UV Installation Brown and Caldwell 7697 Cole Boulevard, Suite 200 Golden, Colorado 80401 October 2001 For Information Regarding this Project Contact: David A. Myers, P.E. (303) 239-s476 Town of Vail OFFIC; OO Eagle River Water & Sanitation District DAVID A. MY€NS 174/l2 o C I I ! . .l\t r !\; , yry 9f, oo Eagle River Water & Sanitation District PROJECT MANUAL for Vail WWTP UV Installation Brown and Caldwell 1697 Cole Boulevard, Suite 200 Golden, Colorado 80401 October 2001 For Information Regarding this Project Contact: David A. Myers, P.E. (303) 239-s476 oo I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ULTRAVIOLET INSTALLATION PROIECT MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS I Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of Contract Section No. TitleI I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I 00020 00100 00200 00410 00505 00510 00600 00650 00670 00700 009r0 00920 Division I - General Requirements Section No. Title 01010 01014 01015 01060 01071 01300 01310 01380 01500 01560 01660 01662 0t720 01730 01999 Invitation to Bid Instructions to Bidders Bid Form Bid Bond Notice of Award Agreement Performance, Paynnent and Warrantee Bond Certifi cate of Insurance Notice to Proceed General Conditions Certificate of Final Completion and Acceptance Notice of Final Payment Summary of Work Work Sequence Contractor's Use of Premises Safety and Health Standard References Submittals Construction Schedule Photographs Contractor's Utilities Environmental Controls Operational Testing Commissioning Record Drawings Operation and Maintenance Information Reference Forms 2t/21285 Rev. l0/l l/01Vail WWTP UV Installation VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLAI{T ULTRAVIOLET INSTALLATION PROIECT MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Division 3 - Concrete I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T Section No. 03200 03300 03600 Division 5 - Structural Metals Section No. 05100 05501 05505 05530 Division 11 - Equipment Section No. Title 1 1738 Division 16 - Electrical Section No. 16001 Drawings Title Concrete Reinforcement Cast-in Place Concrete Grout Title Structural Metals Anchor Bolts Miscellaneous Metals Grating Installation of Owner-Fumished I-IV Svstem Title Requirements for Electrical Work ll 21121285 Rev. l0/l l/01Vail WWTP uV Installation I l I I Division 0 Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of Contract I Section No. Title - 00020 Invitation to Bid I 00100 Instructions to Bidders 00200 Bid Form r 00410 Bid Bond I 00505 Notice of Award 00510 Agreement I 00600 Performance, Payment and Warrantee Bond I 00650 Certificate of Insurance 00670 Notice to Proceed t 00700 General Conditions t 00910 Certificate of Final Completion and Acceptance 00920 Notice of Final Payment t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION OOO2O INVITATION TOBID PROJECT: VaiI WWTP UV Installation CONTRACT NO.: (Bngineer): Brown and Caldwell (Owner): Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Sealed bids will be received by the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado 81657, until 2:00 p.m. local time November 15, 20o1. Bids received after this time will not be accepted and will be retumed unopened. At said place and time, and promptly thereafter, all bids that have been duly received will be opened publicly and read aloud. All interested parties are invited to attend. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities or informalities in any bid. The work to be performed generally includes: The construction and installation of a new unltraviolet (UV) disinfection system at the Vail WWTP according to the attached plans and this specification. The OWNER will supply the UV equipment, to be installed by the CONTRACTOR. Bids shall be submitted on a lump sum basis. Copies of the Drawings and Project Specifications for use in preparing Bids may be obtained at the District offices at 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado, or from the Engineer after October 15, 2001. Mailing address: Brown and Caldwell, 1697 Cole Boulevard, Suite 200, Golden, Colorado 8&101 upon paying $50.00 for each set of Bidding Documents. Payment is to be made to Engineer. All payments made for Drawings, Specifications, and Contract Documents are nonrefundable. Copies of the Drawings and Project Specifications are also on file and may be examined at the Engineer's address during normal working hours after October 15, 2001 . Each Bidder shall file with his Bid a cashier's check, or a Bid Bond, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. The Bidder to whom a Contract is awarded will be required to furnish a Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond guaranteeing faithful performance. No Bids may be withdrawn within a period of sixty (60) days after the date Bids are opened. A mandatory Prebid Conference will be held at the Vail WWTP, 846 Forest Road, at 10:00 a.m. on October 23,2W1. I I I I I T I 2lt2r2g5 Rev. l0/12l0tVail WWTP UV Instalatioo 00020-l o Bids will be considered onlv from Bidders who have attended the Prebid Conference. Bids I I from Bi indicated in the Engineer's records to have been in attendance at the Prebid Conference will be retumed unopened. OWNER: Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Dennis Gelvin District Manager Published in: Eagle Valley Enterprise October 11,18,2001 Vail Daily october 9, 16, 2001 *'kEND OF SECTION** 21t2r285 Rev. 1Ul2l01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t Ivail WWTP UV lnstallation ooo20-2 I I I I SECTION OO1OO INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PROJECT: Vail WWTPUV Installation CONTRACT NO.: I (Bngineer): Brown and Caldwell (Owner): Eagle River Water & Sanitation District T PART I--DEFINEDTERMS I l.0l I Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are defined in the General Conditions have I the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. The term "Successful Bidder" means the t lowesr, qualified, responsible Bidder to whom Owner (on the basis of Owner's evaluation as T hereinafter provided) makes an award. PART 2--COPIES OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS | 2.ol I Complete copies of the Drawings and Project Specifications for use in preparing Bids may r be obtained from the Engineer. All payments for Bidding Documents are non-refundable. I 2.02 - No partial sets of Bidding Documents will be issued. Complete sets of Bidding Documents I shall be used in preparing Bids; neither Owner nor Engineer assumes any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. I 2.03 I Owner and Engineer will make copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms for the t purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work only and do not confer a license or grant for any other use. I PART 3--QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS I 3.or Each Bidder must be prepared to submit written evidence of his qualifications to pedorm the I Work as set forth in Part 17 of this Instructions to Bidders. Bidders may be required to submit 2rnt285 Rev. 10/11/01 I vait wwTP Uv Installafion 00r00-1 evidence that they have a practical knowledge of the particular Work bid upon, and that they have the financial resources to complete the proposed Work. In determining the Bidder's qualifications, the following factors will be considered: work previously completed by the Bidder and whether the Bidder (a) maintains a permanent place of business, (b) has adequate plant and equipment to do the Work properly and expeditiously, (c) has the financial resources to meet all obligations incident to the Work, and (d) has appropriate technical experience. Each Bidder may be required to show that he has handled former work so that no just claims are pending against such work. No Bid will be accepted from a Bidder who is engaged in any work which would impair his ability to pedorm or finance this Work. 3.02 Each Bid must contain evidence of Bidders qualification to do business in the State of Colorado. PART 4.-EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCLMENTSI VISIT SITE 4.01 Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder must (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly; (b) visit the site to familiarize himself with local conditions that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work; (c) familiarize himself with Federal, State, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations that may in any manner affect cost, progress, or performarice of the Work; (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents; and (e) attend the Pre-Bid conference and site visitations described in Part 6 herein. 4.02 Access to the site may be ananged through the Owner by contacting James Edwards, Icad Operator, Telephone: 970-416-7480. Site access will be limited to normal working hours and to pre-arranged times. 4.43 The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by the Bidder that he has complied with every requirement of this Article 4 and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance of the Work. PART s-.INTERPRETATIONS 5.01 All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents are to be submitted to Engineer in writing. Replies will be issued only by Addenda. Questions received less then five (5) I I T t I I I I I I I I I 2tn1285 Rev. I0/l l./01 I I I I I IVail WWTP UV Installation 00r00-2 I I t I I I t I I I I T I I I I I I I days prior to the date of opening of Bids will not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. Addenda will be mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by Engineer as having received the Bidding Documents. No Addenda will be issued later than three (3) days prior to the date for receipt of Bids except an Addendum, if necessary, postponing the date for receipt of Bids or withdrawing the request for Bids. 5.O2 All Addenda to the Contract Documents shall be properly acknowledged in the space provided on the Bid Form. PART 6--PRE-BID CONFERENCE (MANDATORY FOR BIDDING) 6.01 A Pre-Bid conference will be conducted by Owner and Engineer at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid. Representatives of Owner and Engineer will be present to answer questions. Any questions which, in the opinion of the Engineer, cannot be answered by direct reference to the Bidding Documents will be answered by formal written Addenda as outlined above under Part 5. The Pre-Bid conference will include a tour of the site of the Work, conducted by representatives of Owner and Engineer. All interested parties are invited to attend. PART 7.-BASIS OFBIDS 7.01 The Bidder shall submit bids for all alternates, if any, listed on the Bid Form, as required by the Bid Form. PART 8--BID SECURITY 8.01 Bid Security shall be made payable to Owner, in an amount of five percent (5Vo) of the Bidder's maximum Bid Price, including alternates, if any, and in the form of a Cashier's Check or a Bid Bond on the form attached issued by a surety meeting the requirements of the General Conditions. 2tnt285 Rev. l0/l lr'0lVail WWTP UV Installation 00100-3 8.02 The Bid Security of the Successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed the Agreement and fumished the required Contract Security, whereupon it will be returned. If the Successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Agreement and furnish the required Contract Security within ten (10) days of the notice of award, or in the event the Successful Bidder fails to enter into such Agreement and furnish such Contract Security, if the Successful Bidder fails to pay to Owner the difference between such Bid amount and such larger amount for which Owner may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by such Bid, then Owner may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid Security of that Bidder will be forfeited to the extent of such difference. The Bid Security of any Bidder whom Owner believes to have a reasonable chance of receiving the award may be retained by Owner until the earlier of the seventh day after the "effective date of Agreement" (which term is defined in the General Conditions) or the sixty-first day after the Bid opening. Bid Security of other Bidders will be returned within seven (7) days of the Contract award. PART g--CONTRACT TIME 9.01 The number of days within which, or the date by which, the Work is to be completed (the Contract Time) is set forth in the Bid Form and will be included in the Agreement. PART IO.-LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 10.01 Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Bid Form and the Agreement. PART I I--SUBSTITUTE MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 11.01 The Contract, if awarded, will be executed with the Successful Bidder on the basis of material and equipment described in the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without consideration of possible substitutes or "or-equal" items. Whenever it is indicated in the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or "or-equall' item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by Contractor if acceptable to Engineer, application for such acceptance will not be considered by Engineer until after the "effective date of the Agreement." The procedure for submittal of any such application by Contractor and consideration by Engineer is set forth in the General Conditions which are supplemented in the Supplementary Conditions. I I I t I I I t I t I I t t I I I I t 2lm2E5 Rev. l0/l l/01Vail WWTP UV lnstallation 00100-4 I T I I t I t t I I I I I t I PART I2--SUBCONTRACTORS 12.0r The Bid Form requires that Bidder identify certain Subcontractors and other persons and organizations to be submitted as part of the Bid. The apparent Successful Bidder, and any other Bidder so requested, shall within seven (7) days after the date of the Bid opening submit to Owner a list of all Subcontractors and other persons and organizations (including those who are to fumish the principal items of material and equipment) proposgd for those portions of the Work as to which such identification is so required. Such list shall be accompanied by a written statement of qualifications including financial data, a summary of previous experience, previous commitments and evidence of Authority to conduct business in Colorado. If Owner or Engineer after due investigation has a reasonable objection to any proposed Subcontractor, other person or organization, either may (before giving the Notice of Award) request the apparent Successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Bid Price. Ifthe apparent Successful Bidder declines to make any substitution, the contract shall not be awarded to such Bidder, but declining to make any such substitution will not constitute grounds for sacrificing Bid Security by such Bidder. Any Subcontractor, other person or organization so listed and to whom Owner or Engineer does not make a written objection prior to the giving of the Notice of Award will be deemed acceptable to Owner and Engineer. 12.02 No Contractor shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, other person or organization against whom the Bidder has reasonable objection. PART I3.-BIDFORM 13.01 Two copies of the Bid Form are included herewith; additional copies may be obtained from Engineer. t3.02 Bid Forms must be completed in ink or be typewritten. The Bid Price of each item on the form must be stated in words and numerals; in case of a conflict, words will take precedence. 13.03 Bids by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice-president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of Authority to sign) and the corporate seal must be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant seqetary. The corporate address and state ofincorporation shall be shown below the signature. I I I I 2U21285 Rev. l0/l l/01Vail WWTP UV Installation 00100-5 13.04 Bids by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, whose title must appear under the signature and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. 13.05 Bids by joint ventures shall be signed by each participant in the joint venture or by an authorized agent of each participant. 13.06 The names of all persons signing Bids must also be legibly printed or typed below the signature. A Bid by a person who affixes to his signature the word "president," "secretary," "agent" or other designation without disclosing his principal may be held to be the Bid of the individual signing. Evidence ofthe Authority ofthe person signing shall be furnished. 13.O7 The full name of each person or company interested in the Bid shall be listed on the Bid Form. 13.08 The Bid shall contain an acknowledgment of receipt of all Addenda, the numbers of which shall be inserted on the Bid Form. 13.09 No alterations in Bids, or in the printed forms therefor, by erasures, interpolations, or otherwise will be acceptable unless each such alteration is signed or initialed by the Bidder; if initialed, Owner may require the Bidder to identify any alteration so initialed. No alteration in any Bid, or in the form on which it is submitted, shall be made after the Bid has been submitted. 13.10 The address to which communications resarding the Bid are to be directed must be shown. PART r4--SITBCONTRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT LISTS 14.01 Each Bidder shall list on the form provided, the name and the address ofeach Subcontractor who will perform work or labor, or render service to the Bidder in or about the Work. Each Bidder shall also list on the form provided, the name and the address ofeach licensed Subcontractor who, I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I21m285 Rev. l0/11/01Vail WWTP UV Installation 00100-6 I I I I I I I I I under subcontract to the Bidder, specially fabricate and install a portion of the Work, in an amount in excess of $10,000.00, describing the portion of the Work which will be performed by such Subcontractor. The license number for each electrical and mechanical Subcontractor shall be included in the listing. 14.02 Each bidder shall list Contractor supplied equipment with purchase cosi of over $1,000, identifying manufacturer, model number, and capacity. PART Is--SUBMISSION OF BIDS r5.01 Bids shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid and shall be included in an opaque, sealed envelope addressed to Owner and identified on the outside with the Bidder's name and address and with the words "Bid for Vail WWTP UV Installation." 15.o2 Each Bid shall be accompanied by the Bid Security and other required documents. 15.03 If the Bid is sent by mail, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate mailing envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face thereof. 15.04 Bids shall be deposited in the designated location prior to the time and date for receipt of Bids indicated in the Invitation to Bid, or the modified time and date indicated by addendum. Bids received after the time and date for receipt of Bids will be returned unopened. Bidder shall assume full responsibility for timely delivery at the location designated for receipt ofBids. r5.05 Oral, telephone, or telegraph Bids are invalid and will not receive consideration. No Bidder may submit more than one Bid. Multiple Bids under different names will not be accepted from one firm or association. I t I I I I I I t I 2tm285 Rev. lo/l l/01Vail WWTP UV lnstallation 00100-7 PART I 6--POST BID/PRE AWARD SUBMITTALS 16.01 The three low Bidders identified by Owner must submit the following information by hand delivery to Engineer on the day following the Bid opening: A. List of a minimum of five recent similar projects the Contractor has performed. B. Copy of the most recent financial statement of the Contractor. C. Copies of the most recent financial statements of all listed Subcontractors included in the Bid submittal. D. List of Project Managers and Superintendents to be used on this project for the Contractor and all listed Subcontractors. Provide resumes and a listine of recent projects for all of the above. E. Names and telephone numbers of a minimum of five references on similar work for the Contractor and all listed Subcontractors. F. Names, relevant experience, and position of individual who will perform site surveying if not a licensed Surveyor. G. License number of Bidder and all listed Subcontractors. r6.u The above information must be available at the time and place indicated to be considered in further evaluation, and therefore, all Bidders are recommended to compile this data prior to submitting their Bids. PART I7--MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAV/AL OF BIDS 17.01 Bids submitted early may be modified or withdrawn by notice to the party receiving Bids at the place and prior to the time designated for receipt of Bids. Such notice shall be in writing over the signature of the Bidder or be by telegram; if by telegram, written confirmation over the signature of the Bidder must have been mailed and postmarked on or before the date and time set for receipt of Bids; the notice shall be so worded as not to reveal the amount of original or modified Bid Price. Bids may also be modified or withdrawn in person by the Bidder or an authorized representative provided he can prove his identity and Authority. Withdrawn Bids may be resubmitted up to the time designated for the receipt of Bids provided that they are then fully in conformance with these Instructions to Bidders. I t t I 2tnr285 Rev. l0/11/01 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I tVail WWTP UV lnstallation 00100-8 I I I I I I I I I I 17.02 If, within twenty-four (24) hours after Bids are opened, any Bidder files a duly signed, written notice with Owner and promptly thereafter demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner that there was a material and substantial mistake in the preparation of his Bid, that Bidder may withdraw his Bid and the Bid security will be retumed. Thereafter, the Bidder will be disqualified from further Bidding on the Work. No right to claim mistake shall exist for Bidder following this twenty-four (24) hour period. PART 18--OPENING OF BIDS r8.01 Bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. PART Ig--BIDS TO REMAIN OPEN 19.01 All Bids shall remain open for sixty (60) days after the date of the Bid opening, but Owner may, in his sole discretion, release any Bid and return the Bid Security prior to that date. PART 2O--AWARD OF CONTRACT 20.o1 Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities and to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder, and the right to disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive or conditional Bids. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 20.o2 In evaluating Bids, Owner shall consider the qualifications of the Bidders and whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements and alternates (if any are accepted) in the order in which they are listed on the Bid Form but Owner may accept alternates in any order or combination. 20.03 Owner may consider the qualifications and experience of Subcontractors and other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of material or equipment) proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors and other persons and organizations must be submitted as provided in the Bid Form. Operating costs, maintenance ztnt285 Rev. l0/l l/01 I I I I I I t I I Vail WWTP UV lnstallation - 00100-9 considerations, performance data and guarantees of materials and equipment may also be considered by Owner. 20.o4 Owner may conduct such investigations as it deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of the Bidders, the proposed Subcontractors and other persons and organizations to do the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to Owner's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 20.05 Owner reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder who does not pass any evaluation to Owner's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 20.06 If the Contract is to be awarded, Owner will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within sixty (60) days after the date of the Bid opening. PART 2I--PERFORMANCE. PAYMENT AND WARRANTY BOND 21.01 The general conditions set forth Owner's requirements for the Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond. When the Successful Bidder delivers the copies of the executed Agreement to Owner, it shall be accompanied by the required Contract Security. **END OF SECTION** t I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t2V2r285 Rev. l0/l U0lvail WWTP UV lnstallation 00100-10 I I t I I T I I I t t I I SECTION OO2OO BID FORM PROJECT: Vail WWTP IJV Installation CONTRACTNO.: TO: Eagle River Water & Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 TI{E TINDERSIGNED BIDDE& having familiarized himself with the work required by the Contract Documents, the site where the Work is to be performed, local labor conditions and all laws, regulations and other factors affecting performance of the Work, and having satisfied himself of the expense and difficulties attending performance of the Work, HEREBY PROPOSES and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into Agreement in the form attachd to perform all work, including the assumption of all obligations, duties and responsi- bilities necessary to the successful completion of the Agreement and the fumishing of materials and equipment required to be incorporated in and form a permanent part of the Work, tools, equipment, zupplies, transportation, facilities, labor, superintendence and services required to perform the Work; and Bond, insurance and submittals; all as indicated or specified in the Contract Documents to be performed or fumished by Contractor in accordance with the following Bid prices (Contactor must submit on Base Bid and Bid Alternates, if any, to be considered). A. BASE BID PRICE:Dollars ($) The undersigned Bidder agrees to fumish the required Bond and enter into Agreement within TEN (10) days after acceptance of this Bid, and further agrees to complete all work covered by the Bid, in accordance with specified requirements and in accordance with the following schedule @idder to enter number of days after award of contract for all of the following):I I I t I t 1. Startup of all Major Equipment 2. Substantial Completion (Ready for Punchlist): 3. Punchlist Complete: 90 Days 130 Days 160 Days Liquidated Damages. Owner and Contractor recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that Owner will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially completed within the time specified above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving, in a legal 21t2t285 Rev. 10110/01Vail WWTP I.Jv Installati on 00200-l or arbitration proceeding, the actual loss suffered by the Owner if the Work is not substantially complete on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, Owner and Contractor agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) Contractor shall pay Owner in accordance with the following:I I t I I t I T I t I I I I I I I 1. Late Startup of all major Equipment 2. Late Substantial Completion (ready for Punchlist) 3. Late Punchlist Completion $200 Per Day $200 Per Day $200 Per Day Receipt of copies of the following addenda is hereby acknowledged. AddendumNo.Bidder's Sisnature Date Acknowledeed Enclosed herewith is the required Bid Security, in the form of Cashier's Check/Bid Bond (strike one), in the amount of Dollars ($__-) which the undersigned Bidder agrees is to be forfeited to and become the property of Owner, as liquidated damages, should this Bid be accepted and he fails to enter into Agreement in the form prescribed and to furnish the required Bonds within ten (10) days, or should Bidder fail to enter such agreement and give such bond or bonds, if Bidder fails to pay to Owner the difference between the amount specified in this Bid and such larger amount for which owner may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by this Bid, but otherwise the Bid secwity will be returned upon Bidder signing the Agreement and delivering the Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond. In submitting this Bid it is understood that Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, and it is understood that this Bid may not be withdrawn dwing a period of sixty (60) days after the scheduled time for the receipt of Bids. The undersigned Bidder hereby certifies (a) that this Bid is genuine and is not made in the interest of, or in the behalf of, any undisclosed person, firm, or corporation, and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization, or corporation; (b) that he has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to put in a false or sham Bid; (c) that he has not solicited or induced any person, firm, ot corporation to refrain from bidding; and (d) that he has not sought by collusion to obtain for himself any advantage over any other Bidder or over the Owner. 2t/2t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP uV Inslallation 00200-2 I The fuIl names and addresses of parties interested in this Bid as principals are as follows: I I I I t I I I t I I t I t t t SIGNATURE OF BIDDER Date: Ifanlndividual: Signature) If a Partnership: print or type name: doing business as: by: ( Signature) (General Partner) print or type name: 21ntz85 Rev. 10/10/01 I Vail WWTP W Installation 00200-3 If a Corporation: (sEAL) Attest: (a Corporation) Sienature) I I I t I I by: ((Officer) print or t5pe name: Title: Title: If Bidder is a joint venturer, all venturers or lheir authorized agents must sign below.ilffiii,:-1ilyff'*"' I An Individual: ( Siearature) |print or t1pe name: I doing business as: Oi, i Sienah,.e) (General Parnrer) | pnnt or type name:I I by: ( Signature) print or type name: Title: (sEAL) Attest: Title: A Corporation: (a Corporation) I I I I I 00200-4 21nr285 Rev. I O/10/01 Ivail WWTP UV Installation t t I t MATERIAL AND EOTJIPMENT SUPPLIER LISTING The following information is submitted for each major supplier of material and each manufacfurer and supplier of equipment for manufacturers and suppliers of major items of material, equipment and systems to be used in the work if the Bidder is awarded the contract. I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I Specification Section No. Material or Equipment Descrinfion Manufacturer and Supplier The Surety who will be the surety on the Performancg Payment and Warranty Bond will be Signature zvzl285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail rffWTP uV Inrtallation 00200-5 SUBCONTRACTOR LISTING The following information is submitted for each subcontractor that will be used in the work if the Bidder is awarded the Agreement. Additional numbered pages shall be attached to this page as required. Eachpage shall be headed'SUBCONTRACTOR LISTING" and signed. All work to be subcontracted over $ Amount of Subcontract shall be listed. Signature: Name: Title: **END OF SECTION** Name and Address of Subcontractor Portion of Work I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I 21/2t245 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP tJV Installation 00200-6 I I I I I I T t I I I I t SECTION OO41O BIDBOND PROJECT: Vail WWTP IJV Installation CONTRACTNO.: THE STATE OF COI.TNTY OF ) )ss. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ) That we,of the City of . County of and State of (hereinafter called "Principal") as Principal, and (hereinafter called "Surety") as surety, authorized under the laws ofthe State ofColorado to act as surety on bonds for principals, are held and firmly bound unto - (hereinafter called "Owner") as obligee, in the sum of Dollars ($______) in lawful money of the United States forpayment ofwhich sum the Principal and Surefy, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally and firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has submitted a Bid Form (Proposal) to enter into a certain written I t I t I I agreement with Owner for Construction of referred to as "Agreement". NOW, TIIEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if Owner shall accept the Bid Form (Proposal) of the Principal and Principal shall faithfully enter into Agreement with the Owner in accordance with the terms of such Bid and give such Bonds as are specified in the Bidding or Conhact Documents; or in the event of the failure of Principal to enter such Agreement and give such Bond or Bonds, if Principal shall pay to Owner the difference between the amount specified in said Bid and such larger amount for which Owner may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said Bid Form (Proposal), then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. The sum of this Bid Bond is liquidated damages, and, subject to the conditions stated above, shall be forfeited to Owner for the lesser ofthe difference herein above provided or its entirety upon Principal's default. The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligation ofsaid Surety and its Bond in no way shall be impaired or affected by any extension of the time within which the Owner may accept such Bid Form (Proposal); and Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension. hereinafter 21121285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP Uv Insiallation 00410-l Signed and sealed this - day of October 10,2001. 2u2128s Rev. l0/10/01 I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I PRINCIPAL: By: -Name: Witness: Witness: Title: SURDTY: By:- Name: Title: Surety's No.: **END OF SECTION** Vail WWTP IJV Installation 00410-2 I t T I CONTRACTNO.: I ro: [name of contractor] Iaddress] I I Vail WWTP UV lnstallalion SECTION OO5O5 NOTICE OF AWARD PROJECT: Vail W-WTP tFV Installation I The Owner, having duly considered the Bid Form submitted on 20 . for the Work covered bv the Contract Docum€nts (titted and numbered | ) in the amount of ($- I ), and it appearing that the Price and other information in yow Bid Form is fair, equitable and to the best interest of the Owner, the offer in your Bid Form is hereby accepted. I In accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents, you €ue required to execute the Agreement (in two counterparts) and the Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond (in six I counterparts) within ten (10) consecutive days from and including the date of this Notice of Award.t In addition you are required to furnish at the said time Certificates of Insurance evidencing I compliance with the requirements for insurance as stated in the Contract Documents.I I The Bid Security submitted with your Proposal will be returned upon execution of the I Agreement and furnishing of the required Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond and - Certificates of Insurance within the time limit specified. In the event that you should fail to execute I the Agreement and furnish the Performance, Payment and Wananty Bond and Certificates of I Insurance within the time limit specified, said Security will be retained by the Ovrner as liquidated damages and not as a penalty for the delay and extra work caused thereby. t You are required to retum an acknowledged copy of this Notice of Award to Owner and Engineer. EAGLE RTVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT: Name: Dennis Gelvin Title: General Manager By: I I T I 2tnl285 Rev. l0/10/01 Date: 00505-1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF AWARD: Receipt of the above Notice of Award is hereby acknowledged this INAME OF CONTRACTORI: By: **END OF SECTION** Name: Title: day of 21t21285 Rev. l0i 10/0'lVail WWT? t-IV Installation 00505-2 I I I SECTION OO5IO AGREEMENT I THIS AGREEMENT, made this - day of -, 20-, by andr between (Owner) , hereinafter called the hereinafter called the WITNESSETH: I ::3#:I;#e I I WHEREAS, the Owner has caused a project manual to be prepared comprised of bidding and contract requirements and technical specifications and drawings for the construction of the Vail - WWTP UV krstallation as described therein, and I WHEREAS, the Contractor has offered to perform the proposed work in accordance with I the terms of the contract as defined in Section 00?10 of the specifications. I NOW, TffiREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements of the I parties contained in the contract and to be performed, the Contractor hereby agrees to complete the t work at the price and on the terms and conditions therein contained, and the Owner agrees to pay the Contractor the contract price provided therein for the fulfillment of the work and the 11 performance of the covenants set forth herein. I The fuither terms, conditions, and covenants of this agreement are set forth in the contract I documents, each of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof: I Contract Documents I o Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of Contract 1. This Agreement I 2. Performance Bond and Payment Bond I 3, Notice to Proceed 4. General Conditions I r Divisionl-GeneralRequirementsr r Division2-16 - Technical Specifications r Drawings (9 Drawings) I 2v21285 Rev. l0/l l/01 t t I Vail WWTP UV Installation 00510-1 of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreernent has been executed on this _ day 20 Sioratwe for Owner Title of Signatory Attest: Title of Sigrratory Name of Contractor Sienature for Contractor Title of Signatory Attest: Title of Signatory **END OF SECTION** I I I I I l t I I I I I I I I I T 2u21285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP UV Installation 005t0-2 TIIE STATE OF COUNTYOF SECTION OO6OO PERFORMANCE, PAYMENT AND WARRAN'TY BOND PROJECT: Vail WWTP UV Installation CONTRACTNO.: KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: ) ) ss. ) That we, I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I of the City of County of State of (hereinafter called "Principal") as Principal, and (hereinafter called *Surefy') as Surety, authorized under the laws of the State of Colorado to act as surety on bonds for principals, are held and firmly bound unto EAGLE RMER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT (hereinafter called "Owner") as obligee, in the pe,nal sum of ($ _) in lawful money of the United States for payment by Frincipal and Surety, and bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, adminishators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally and firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has, on 1998, entered into a written Agreement with Owner for constnrction of the Project as defined in said Agreement, which Agreement is by reference made a part hereof and is hereinafter referred to as the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the conditions of this obligation are that if the Principal shall: (l) faithfirlly perform said Agreement on Principal's part and satisfu all claims and demands incurred for the same; (2) fully indemnify and save harmless the Owner from all costs and damages which said Owner may suffer by reason of Principal's failure so to do; (3) fully reimburse and repay said Owner all outlay and expenses which said Owner may incw in making good any default; (4) pay al1 persons, firms and corporations all just claims due them for the payment of all laborers and mechanics for labor performed, for all materials and equipment fumished, and for all materials and equipment used or rented in the performance of Principal's Agreement; and (5) keep the Work constructed under this Agreement in good repair for a period of TWO (2) years from date of final acceptance by said Owner, then this obligation is null and void; otherwise it shall remain in fi,rll force and effect. 2y21285 Rev. 10/10/01vail WWTP UV Installation 00600-1 To the extent permissible by law, the Principal shall protect, defend, indernniff and save harrnless the Oumer and its officers, agents, servants and employees, from and against suits, actions, claims, losses, liability or damage of any character, and from and against costs and expenses including, in part, attomey fees incidental to the defense of such suits, actions, claims, losses, damages or liability on account of injury, disease, sickness, and death to any person or damage to property, including in part the loss of use resulting lherefrom, based upon or allegedly based upon any act, omission or occurrence ofthe Principal, or his employees, servants, agents, subcontractors or suppliers, or anyone else under the Principal's direction and control, and arising out of, occurring in connection with, resulting from, or caused by the performance or failure of performance of any work or services called for by the Agreement, or from conditions created by the performance or non- performance of said work or services, This indemnity shall not extend to liability arising out of the preparation by the Owner of the design or specifications or the giving of written directions or instruction by the Owner as may be required by the Contract Documents, provided the giving of such written instructions or directions is the proximate cause of the injury or damage should it occw. Whenever Principal shall be, and is declared by Owner to be, in default under the Agreement, the Owner having performed Owner's obligations thereunder, the Owner may avail itself ofthe provisions ofSection 15.02 B ofthe General Conditions which are incorporatedby reference in the Agreement and the Surety shall promptly pay the amounts, if any, due Owner by Principal. Any suit under this Bond must be irstituted before the expiration of two (2) years from the date on which final payment under the Agreement falls due. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than t}te Owner named herein or the successors and assigns of Owner and to all persons, firms and corporations for all just claims due them for the payment of all laborers and mechanics for labor performed, for allmateials and equipment furnished, and for all materials and equipment used or rented in the performance of Principal's Agreement. The Surety hereby waives the right to special notification ofany notification ofor alterations, omissions orreductions, extoa or additional work, extensions of time, Change Orders, Field Orders or any other act or acts of Owner or its authorized agents under the terms of the Agreement; and failure to notify Surety of such shall in no way relieve Surety of its obligations. I I I t I 2U2t285 Rev. l0/10/01 I I I t I I I I t I I I IVail WWTP lfv Installation 00600-2 I I I I t wibress: Signed and sealed this - day of --, 20-. PRINCIPAL: By: Address: SURETY: By: Address: I t witness: Surety's Telephone No. I I **END OF SECTION** I I I I I t I I I I Vail wwTP uV Installation 2v2t285 Rev. 10/10/01 00600-3 I I I t I The Certificate of Insurance, to be submitted by the CONTRACTOR, shall include evidence I ofall coverages required in Paragraphs 5.02 through 5.08 ofthe General Conditions, I I I I I I I I I t I I I Vail tfWTP IIV Installation SECTION 00650 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PROJECT: Vail WWTP UV Installation CONTRACTNO.: **END OF SECTION** 21n128s Rev. l0/10/01 00650-l I I I t I I I SECTION 00670 NOTICETOPROCEED PROJECT: Vail W-WTP LIV Installation CONTRACTNO.: t ro: TNAME oF coNTRACroRl I 20-.,orwithin I ten (10) consecutive calendar days thereafter, with the Work covered by the Contract Documents I titled and numbered Specifications No.- for the sum of I ($ ). You are to notiff the Owner and Engineer 48 horus before starting work and retum to Owner I and Engineer an acknowledged copy of this Notice to Proceed. ! EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAIYITATION DISTRICT: By: Name: Title: Date: Location: Vail. Colorado 81657 I ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT OF NOTICE TO PROCEED: I Receipt of the above Notice to Proceed is hereby acknowledged this - day of t ,20 INAME OF CONTRACTOR]:I I I I I Vail WWTP Uv Instellation IADDRESS] You are hereby authorized to proceed on By: Name: Title: **END OF SECTION** 2t/21285 Rev. l0110/01 00670-r oo I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t T I T I T I I I I T I I I I I GENERAL CONDITIONS I T I I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Part Number Title Pase PART 1- DEFTMTIO PART 2 - PRELIMINARY MATTERS.. ............3 2.0r DELTVERY OFBONDS. ......'.......'.....3 2.02 EXECUTION AND TRANSMISSTON OF DOCUMENTS...............-'.'.....'...'.3 2.03 COPTES OFDOCUMENTS........... .................'......'.4 2.O4 COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT TIME; NOTICE TO PROCEED.....4 2.05 STARTTNG THE PROJECT ............... .'..........'....'..4 2.06 BEFORE STARTTNG CONSTRUCTTON........... ......'....'-.-.'.-.-'.'4 2.07 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERBNCE................ ........'."........'.s (PART 3 - 3.01 3.02 PART 4- REFERENCE POINTS ,.........6 4.Or AVATLABILTTY OF LANDS........ ......................'....6 4.02 PIIYSICAL CONDITIONS - IIWESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS ..............7 4.03 UNFORESEEN PHYSTCAL CONDITrONS..........,. ....................7 4.04 REFERENCE POINTS... .-.--........'......7 BONDS AND INSURAN ....7 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT AND REUSE PART 5 - 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 s.06 5.07 5.08 PART 6- 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 PART 8. OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.01 OWNERTOCOMMUNICATETHROUGH ENGINEER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE.... ................29 PART9. STATUS OFENGINEERDURINGCONSTRUCTION................................3O 9.01 DUTIES OF ENGrNEER................ ........................30 9.02 VISTTS TO SITE .........30 9.03 CLARIFICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS...... ...............30 9.O4 REJECTTNG DEFECTI\rE WORK......... .............30 9.0s PROJECT REPRESENTATION...... .....................30 9.06 DECISIONS ON DISAGREEMENTS ..................31 9.07 LIMITATIONS ON ENGINEERIS AI\D owNER'S RESPONSIBTLTTIES...... ....................31 PART 11 - CHANGE OF AGREEMENT PRICE ...................33 11.01 AGREEMENT PRICE CHAIIGED ONLYBY CHANGE ORDBR.............33 11.02 COST OF THE WORK ....................35 11.03 CONTRACTOR'S FEE............. .......38 11.04 ADJUSTMENT OF'THE UNIT PRICE ...............38 PART 12 - CONTRACT TIME AND CHANGES.. .................38 12.01 DETERMINATION AND EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME ................38 12.02 CONTRACT TIME CHANGED ONLY BY CHANGE ORDER.,................39 I I t I .29 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I t I I I t I I I I I t Table of Contents (cont.) PART 13 - WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE; TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEF',ECTMWORK........ .........................40 13.01 WARRATITY AND GUARANTEE.................. ...........................40 13.02 ACCESS TO WORK........ ......-..........40 13.03 TESTS AND rNSPECTIONS................ .................30 13.04 UNCOVERING WORK........ ............41 13.05 oWNERMAY STOP TI{E WORK ......................41 13.06 CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE AND TJNAUTHORTZED WORK......... ..................42 13.07 TWO YEAR CORRECTION PERTOD ..................42 13.08 ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTTYE, WORK .............42 13.09 OWNERMAY CORRECT DEF'ECTIVE WORK.,...... ..............43 PART 14 - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE, SCHEDULE OF VALUES. PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTORS AND .......43 ADDRESSES.................58 r4.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 t4.tl PART 15 - 15.01 15.02 r5.03 15.04 PART 16 - 16.01 r6.02 16.03 16.04 PART 17 - 17.01 r7.02 17.03 Table of Contents (cont.) 17.04 CTIANGE OF ADDRESS... ...............s8 I I I I I PART T8 - PART 19 - PART 20. PART 21. 21.01 21.o2 PART 22 - STREAM LI NED SPECIFICATIONS HANDLING OFDISPUTES DTSPUTES.. ..................60 DISPUTES WITH THIRD PARTIES ...................61 DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND LIMITATIONS OF THE AUTHORITY OF'RESIDENT PROJECT I I 22.01 DESCRIPTION.... ........61 22.02 DUTIES AND RE,SPONSIBILITIES ....................6I 22.03 LTMTTATTONS OF AUTTIORITY ........................64 PART 23 - DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND LIMITATIONS OF' THE AUTHORITY OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATWE.............64 23.01 DESCRTPTION.... ........64 23.02 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ....................64 23.03 LIMTTATTONS OF AUTHORITY................... ...........................65 I I I I I I I t t I I1V I I I I I I General Conditions PART 1- DEFINITIONS Wherever used in these General Conditions or in the other Contract Documents, the following terms have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof, Addenda - Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening of Bids which clariff, correct or change the bidding documents or the Conffact Documents. Agreement - The written agreement befween Owner and Contractor covering the Work to be performed. Agreemert Price - The moneys payable by Owner to Contractor under the Conhact Documents as stated in the Agreement. Application for Partial Payment - The form designated by Engineer which is to be used by Contractor in requesting progress or final payment and which is to include such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. Bid Form - The offer or proposal of the Bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed. Change Order - A written order to Contractor sigrred by Owner and Contractor authoriziag an addition, deletion, or revision in the Work, or an adjustment in the Agreement Price or the Contract Time issued after the effective date of the Agreement. Contract Documents - The Agreement; Addenda; Instructions to Bidders; Bid Form; Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond; Notice of Award; Notice to Proceed; Drawings dated -, consisting of sheets number - through -; Specifications; Addendum no(s) _ to specifications, if any; these General Conditions and Supplernentary Conditions, if any; Documentation submitted by Contractor with Bid and prior to Notice of Award; Contractor's Bid (pages - to -, inclusive) marked as Exhibit A to the Agreement; any Notice of Partial Utilization; Notice of Substantial Completion and Notice of Final Completion and Acceptance; Summary of Work; and any modifications, Change Orders, Field Orders or other such revisions properly authorized after the execution of the Agreement. Contract Time - The number of days stated in the Agreement for the Completion of the Work. Contractor - The person or entity with whom Owner has entered into the Agreement to perform the Work. Day - A calendar day of trventy-four hours measured from midnight to the next midnigttt. 2t/2t285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vail WWTP UV Installation 00700-l Defective - An adjective which when modi$ing the word Work refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or deficient, or does not conform to the Contract Documents or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, test or approval referred to in the Contract Documents, or has been damaged prior to Engineer's recommendation for final payrnent. Drawings - The drawings which show the character and scope of the Work to be performed and which have been prepared or approved by Engineer and are referred to in the Contract Documents. Effective Date of the Agreement - The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective, but if no such date is indicated it means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by the last of the parties to sign and deliver. Engineer - Named as Engineer in Agreement, who shall also serve as Owner's Representative unless Owners shall appoint, in writing, a different representative. In the event that no Ensineer has been utilized on said Proiect. all references to Engineer contained herein and in the Contract Documents shall refer to the Owner or Ownerrs reoresentative. Field Order - A written order issued by Engineer which orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with paragraph 10.018 but which does not involve a change in the Agreement Price or the Contract Time. Modification - (a) A written amendment of the Contract Documents signed by both parties, ft) a Change Order, or (c) a Field Order. A modification may be issued only after the effective date ofthe Agteement. Notice of Award - The written notice by Owner to the apparent successful Bidder stating that upon compliance by the apparent successful Bidder with the conditions precedent enumerated therein, within the time specified, Owner will sign and deliver the Agreement. Notice to Proceed - A written notice given by the Owner to Contractor (with a copy to Engineer) fixing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to run and on which Contractor shall start to perform his obligations under the Contract Documents. Owner - The District with whom Contractor has entered into the Agreement and for whom the Work is to be provided. Plans - The official plans, working drawings, or supplemental drawings or exact reproductions thereof, prepared by or approved in concept by the Engineer which show the location, character, dimensions, and detajls of the Work to be done and which are to be considered as part of the Contract Documents, supplemental to these Specifications. Project - The total construction of which the Work to be provided under the Contract documents may be the whole, or Part. 2t/21285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I t t I I I t T I I t t I t I I Ivail wwTP lJv installation 00700-2 I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I T Resident Project Representative - The authorized representative of Engineer or Owner who is assigned to the site or any part thereof. Part - Section(s) of these General Conditions. Shop Drawings - All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data which are specifically prepared by Contractor, a Subcontractor, manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor to illustrate some portion of the Work and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedules, performance charts, instnrctions, diagrams and other information prepared by a manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor and submitted by Contractor to illustrate material or equipment for some portion of the Work. Specilications - Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and worlonanship as applied to the Work and certain administrative details applicable thereto. Subcontractor - A person or entity having a direct contract with Contractor or with any other Subconffactor for the performance of a part of the Work at the site. Substantial Completion - The Work has progressed to the point where, in the opinion of Engineer as evidenced by his definitive certificate of Substantial Completion, it is suffrciently complete, in accordance with the Contract Documents, so that the Work can be utilized for the purposes for which it was intended and it is ready for punch listing. Work - The entire completed construction or t}re various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be fumished under the Contract Documents. The term "Woik" shall be understood to mean the fumishing of all labor, materials, equipment, and other incidentals necessary or convenient to the successful completion of the Project and the carrying out of all the duties and obligations imposed by the Contract Documents and the entire completed construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. PART2. PRELIMINARYMATTERS 2.OI DELIIiERY OF'BONDS When Contractor delivers the executed Agreements to Owner, Contractor shall also deliver to Olvner the Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond. 2.02 EXECUTION AI\D TRANSMISSION OF DOCUMENTS A. At least six (6) copies of the Contract Documents will be prepared by Engineer. All copies will be submitted to Contractor and Contractor shall execute the Agreernent, insert all Certificates of Insurance, and submit all copies to Owner 2t/21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP t-IV Installation 00700-3 within ten (10) days of Notice of Award. The date on the Agreement and Bond forms and the Certification Date on the Power of Attorney shall be left blank for completion by Owner. B. Orvner will execute all copies, insert the date on the Agreement and Bond forms and the Certification Date on the Power of Attomey, and transmit all copies to Engineer within ten (10) days for review and distribution. Distribution of signed copies will be one copy each to Owner, Contractor, and Engineer. Contractor shall be responsible for distribution ofcopies to the Surefy. 2.03 COPIESOF'DOCUMEI{TS Owner shall furnish to Contractor five (5) complete sets of the Contract Documents for use in the execution of the Work. Additional copies will be fumished, upon request, at the cost ofthe reproduction. 2.04 COMMENCEMENT oF CONTRACT TIME; NOTICE TO PROCEED The Contract Time shall commence to run on the dav indicated in the Notice to Proceed. 2.05 STARTING THE PROJECT Contractor shall start to perform the Work on the date when the Conhact Time commences to run, but no Work shall be done at the site prior to the date on which the Contract Time commences to run. 2.06 BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION Before undertaking each part of the Work, Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and veri$, pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable field measurements. Contractor shall promptly report in writing to Engineer any conflict, eror or discrepancy which Contractor may discover; however, Contractor shall not be liable to Owner or Engineer for failure to report any conflict, error or discrepancy in the Drawings or Specifications, unless Contractor had actual knowledge thereofor should reasonably have known thereof. Before any Work at the site is started, Contractor shall deliver to Owner, with a copy to Engineer, certificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance requested by Owner) which Contractor is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with Part 5. t I I I I I I I I I T t I I I I I t I B. 21t2t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP IJV Installation 00700-4 I I I I I t I I I T I I 2.07 PRECONSTRUCTIONCONFERENCE Within twenty (20) days after the effective date of the Agreement, but before Contractor starts the Work at the site, a conference will be held for review and acceptance ofthe schedules referred to in Section 6.13, to establish procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submiftals and for processing Applioations for Partial Payment, and to establish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work. PART 3- CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT AI\D REUSE 3.01 TNTENT The Conhact Documents comprise the entire Agreement between Owner and Contractor conceming the Work. They may be altered only by a Modification. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. If, during the perforrnance of the Work, Contractor finds a conflict, eror or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, he shall report it to Engineer in writing at once and before proceeding with the Work affected thereby; however, Contractor shall not be liable to Owner or Engineer for failure to report any conflict, eror or discrepancy in the Specifications or Drawings unless Contractor had actual knowledge thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. It is the intent of the Specifications and Drawings to describe a complete project (or part thereof) to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any V/ork that may reasonably be inferred from the Sperifications or Drawings as being required to produce the intended result shall be supplied whether or not it is specifically called for. When words which have a well-known technical or trade meaning are used to describe Work, materials or equipment, such words shall be interpreted in accordance with such meaning. Reference to standard specifications, manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association, or to the code of any govemmental authority, whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the latest standard specification, manual or code in effect at the time of opening of Bids (or, on the effective date of the Agreement if there were no Bids), except as may be otherwise specifically stated. However, no provision of any referenced standard specification manual or code (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents) shall change the dufies and responsibilities of Owner, Contractor or Engineer, or any of their agents or employees from those set forth in the Contract Documents. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by Engineer as provided for in paragraph 9.03. 21121285 Rev. 10/10/01 A. B. C. I I I I I I I Vail WWTP IJV lnstallation 00700-5 I D. The Contract Documents have been made, executed, and delivered ,; ;" ;a;; I of Colorado and shall be governed and construed for all purposes under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. D. The Project Manual consists of Invitation to Bid, Instruction to Bidders, Bid Form, Bid Bond, Agteement, Performance Payment and Warranty Bond, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Specifications. Should any construction or conditions which are not thoroughly or satisfactorily stipulated or set forth by the Specifications be anticipated on any proposed project, Supplementary Conditions for such Work may be prepared and attached to the Bid Proposal Form and Agreement, and shall be considered as part of the Specifications, the same as though contained fully therein. Should any Supplementary Condition conflict with the General Conditions, the Supplementary Condition will govem. 3.02 REUSE OF DOCUMENTS Neither Contractor nor any Subcontractor, manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or diskibutor shall have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications or other documents (or copies of any thereof) prepared by or bearing the seal ofEngineer; and they shall not reuse any ofthem on extensions of the Project or any oiher piojeCt withont written consent of Owner and Engineer and specific written verification or adoption by Engineer. PART 4- AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS 4.01 AVAILABILITYOF'LANDS Owner shall furnish, as indicated in the Conhact Documents, the lands upon which the Work is to -be perfoJqled, rights-olrvay for access thereto, and such other lands which are designated for the use of the ContraCtoi. Eadements fof permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid for Iby Owner, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. In acquiring r easements or rights-of-way, the Owner shall proceed as expeditiously as possible, -but in the event all easements or rights-of-way are not acquired prior to the I beginning of construction, the Contractor shall begin Work on such eimements and - riglrts-of-way that have been acquired. In the event a delay in the acquisition of I rights-of-way causes unavoidable delay in Contractor's prosecution of the Work, I then Contract may make a claim for an extension of Contract Time, as provided in Part 12. Contractor shall provide for all additional lands and access thereto that may I be required for ternporary construction facilities or storage of materials and t equipment. I I I I I I t I I I I 21121285 Rev.lO/lO/01 I IVail WWTP W Installation 00700-6 I I I 4.02 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS - IIIVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS Owner shall identify and make available to Contractor copies of those reports of investigations and test of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work which have been relied upon by Engineer in preparation of the Drawings and Specifications. Such reports are not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness and axe not part of the Contract Documents. 4.03 UNFORESEENPHYSICALCONDITIONS A. Contractor shall promptly notify Owner and Engineer in writing of any latent physical conditions at the site or in an existing structure differing materially from those indicated or referred to in the Contract Documents. Engineer will promptly review those conditions and advise Owner in writing if further investigation or tests are necessary. Promptly thereafter, Owner shall obtain the necessary additional investigations and tests and fumish copies to Engineer and Contractor. If Engineer finds that the results of such investigations or tests indicate that there are latent physical conditions which differ materially from those intended in the Conkact Documents, and which could not reasonably have been anticipated by Contractor, a Change Order shall be issued incorporating the necessary revisions. B. Rock encountered during excavatior; and dewatering of soils shall not constitute unforeseen physical conditions pursuant to paragraph 4.034. Contractor shall not be entitled to a Change Order for expense and delay resulting from greater than anticipated rock excavation or dewatering. 4.O4 REFERENCE POINTS Owner shall provide engineering surveys for consffuction to establish reference points which in its judgment are necessary to enable Contractor to proceed with the Work. Contractor shall be responsible for laying out the Worlq shall protect and preserve the established reference points and shall make no changes or relocations without the prior written approval of Owner. Conhactor shall report to Engineer whenever any reference point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations, and shall be responsible for replacement or relocation ofsuch reference points by professionally qualified personnel. PART 5- BONDS AIID INSURANCE 5.01 PERFORMANCEANDOTHERBONDS A- Contractor shall amount at least vail wvy'TP tJv Installation furnish a Performance, Payment and Wananty Bond, in an equal to the Agreement Price as security for the faithfulooToo-7 *"""#lifol I T ! I I I I t I I I I I I I I performance and payment of all Contractor's obligations under the Contract Documents. This Bond shall remain in effect at least until two (2) years after the date when final payment becomes due, or until the two-year correction period in paragraph 13.07 is over, except as otherwise provided by law or regulation or by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall also furnish such other Bonds as are required herein by the Supplementary Conditions. All Bonds shall be on the forms prescribed by the Contract Documents and be executed by such Sureties authorized to do business in the State of Colorado as are named in the current list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts, U.S. Treasury Department. Each Bond shall be accompanied by a power of attomey authorizing the attomey-in-fact to bind the Surety and certified to include the date of the Bond. If the Surety on any Bond furnished by Contractor is declared a bankrupt or becomes insolvent, or its right to do business is terminated in any state where any part of the Project is located or it ceases to meet the requirements of paragraph 5.01A Contractor shall, within five (5) days thereafter, substitute another Bond and Surety acceptable to Owner. The Performance, Pal.rnent and Wananty Bond shall be in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Agreement Price, as indicated by Change Orders and all modifications, as security for payment of all wages and bills contracted for materials, supplies, and equipment used in the performance of the contract. 5.02 CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE REQTIIREMENTS A, Contractor shall purchase and maintain during the entire term of this Agreement including any extension of the Contract Time through Change Orders, and as provided in Paragraph 5.02B such commeroial general liability and other insurance as will provide protection from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from Contractor's performance of the Work and Contractor's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether such performance is by Conhactor, by any Subconhactor, by anyone directly or indirectly ernployed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: 1. Claims under workers' or workmen's compensation, disability benefits and other similar employee benefit acts; 2. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of Contractods employees; 2v21285 Rev. l0/10/Ol I I t I I I I I I T I I I I C. I I I I IVail WWTP UV lnstallation 00700-8 3. 4. 5. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t t o Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than Contractor's employees; Claims for damages insured by personal injury liability coverage which are sustained (i) by any person directly or indirectly resulting from the employment of such person by Contractor, or (ii) by any person for any other reason; Claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, because of injury to or destruction of tangible property, including loss of use resulting therefrom; and 6. Claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle. B. The insurance required of Contractor shall include the specific coverages and corresponding limits of liability provided in paragraph 5.02E, or as required by law, whichever is greater. All coverages shall be underwritten by carriers authorized to do business in Colorado, with an A.M. Best's rating of not less than A- and a classification of X or higher, unless otherwise acceptable to Owner. All such insurance shall contain a provision that the coverage afforded will not be cancelled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice has been given to Owner and Engineer. "Will endeavor" and "but failwe to mail such notice shall impose no obligation of any kind upon the company, its agents, or representatives" wording shall be deleted from the certificates. A11 such insurance shall remain in effect until final payment and at all times thereafter when Contractor may be corecting, removing or replacing defective Work in accordance with paragraph 13.07. In addition, Contractor shall maintain such completed operations insurance for at least two (2) years after final payment and fumish Owner with evidence of continuation ofsuch insurance at final payment and two (2) years thereafter. C. Workers' compensation shall include "all states" endorsements. To the extent that Conhactor's work, or work under his direction, may require blasting, explosive conditions, or underground operations, the commercial general liability coverage shall contain no exclusion relative to blasting, explosion, collapse of buildings, or damage to underground property. D. Contractor and his insurer(s), agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the Owner, the Engineer, and their subconsultants, employees, officers and directors, for work performed under this Agreernent. Policies shall also speciff that the insurance provided by the Contractor will be considered primary and not contributory to any other insurance available to the Owner or the Engineer. 21t21285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP IJV Installation 00700-9 I t Contractor shall indemnifu, defend and hold harmless the Owner and Engineer E. The limits of liabilitv for Contractor's Liability Insurance shall not be less than:I I I I I t I$150,000 Each person $600,000 Per occurrence Combined Single Limit $1,000,000 General Aggregate $1,000,000 Products/Completed Operations 1. Workers' Compensation: 2. Employer's Liability: 3. Commercial General Liability: a. Bodily Injury and Properfy Damage Combined: Statutory $i00,000 Disease each person $100,000 Each accident $500,000 Disease Policy Limit I I I Aggregate or as to b. Properfy Damage onlY: 4. ComprehensiveAutomobile Liabilify: a. Bodily Injury and Property Damage 00700-10 $600,000 Per occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate 21t2r285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I I IVail WWTP ttv Installation I I I t I t I I I I I I I t I t I I I Combined:$150,000 Each person $600,000 Per Accident $600,000 Per Accident or as to b. Property Damage only: $1,000,000 aggregate F. At the option of Contractor, evidence of coverage and limits may be furnished by an umbrella liability policy certificate in addition to certificates for Workers' Compensation and employer's liability, and commercial automobile and general liability policies. 5.03 CONTRACTUALLIABILITYINSURANCE The commercial general liability insurance required by article 5.02 shall include contractual liability insurance applicable to Contractor's obligations under paragraphs 6.14A and 6.14B. 5.04 OWIYERAI\D ENGINEERADDITIONAL INS{JREDS Contractor shall name Owner and Engineer as Additional Insured under its Commercial General Liability insurance, and shall fumish proof of the same by delivery of a current and valid Certificate of Insurance. The liability limits shall be as specified for commercial general liability insutance. 5.05 PROPERTYINSURANCE A. Owner may, but only will do so by Change Order or Addendum, purchase and maintain property insurance upon the Work at the site to the full insurable value thereof. This insurance shall include the interests of Owner, Contractor and Subcontractors in the Work, shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and shall include "all dsk" insurance for physical loss and damage including theft, vandalism and malicious mischiei collapse and water damage, and shall include damages, losses and expenses arising out ofor resulting from any insured loss or incurred in the repair or replacement ofany insured property (including fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals). Contractor shall purchase and maintain similar property insurance on portions of the Work stored on and off the site or in transit when such portions of the Work are to be included in an Application for Paxtial Payrnent. 2V2t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP UV Installation 00700-l l Owner intends to, and may, but is not obligated to purchase and maintain boiler and machinery insurance. If Contractor requests in writing that other special insurance be included in the property insurance policy, Owner shall, if possible, include such insurance, and the cost thereof shall be charged to Contractor by appropriate Change Order. Prior to commencement of the Work at the site, Owner will in writing advise Contractor whether or not such special insurance has been procured by Owner. D. Builder's Risk Insurance. 1. Conhactor shall purchase and maintain builder's risk insurance. This insurance shall be written in completed value form and shall protect Contractor, Owner, and Engineer against risks of damage to buildings, structures, and materials and equipment not otherwise covered under installation floater insurance, from the perils of fire and lightning, the perils included in the standard extended coverage endorsement, and the perils of vandalism and malicious mischief. The amount of such insurance shall be not less than the insurable value of the Work at completion less the value of the materials and equipment insured under installation floater insurance. 2. Builder's risk insurance shall provide for losses to be payable to Contractor, Owner, and Engineer as their interests may appear. The policy shall contain a provision that in the event of payment for any loss under the coverage provided the insurance company shall have no rights ofrecovery against the Contractor, Owner, and Engineer. E. InstallationFloaterlnsurance. Contractor shall purchase and maintain installation floater insurance. Equipment such as pumps, compressors, basin equipment, motors, switchgear, transformers, panel boards, control equipment, and other similar equipment shall be insured under the installation floater insutance when the aggregate value of the equipment exceeds Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). This insurance shall protect Contractor, Owner, and Engineer from all insurable risks of physicai loss or damage to materials and equipment not otherwise covered under builder's risk insurance, while in warehouses or storage areas, during installation, during tesfing, and after the Work is completed. It shall be of the "all risk" type, with coverages designed for the circumstances which may occur in the particular Work included in the Contract Documents. The coverage shall be for an amount not less than the insurable value of the Work at completion, less the value of materials and equipment insured under builder's risk inswance. The value shall include the aggregate value of the Owner-furnished equipment 2112t285 Rev. l0/10/01 I T I I I t T I t I I I T t I I I I I 1. , Vail WWTP tIV Installation 00700-12 I I I t I t I I I I t I t t T I t I I and materials to be erected or installed by Contractor not otherwise insured under builder's risk insurance. Installation floater insurance shall provide for losses to be payable to Contractor, Own€r, and Engineer as their interest may appear. The policy shall contain a provision that in the event of payment for any loss under the coverage provided the insurance company shall have no rights or recovery against the Contractor, Owner, and Engineer. 3. Certificates of insurance covering installation floater insurance shall quote the insuring agreement and all exclusions as they appear in the policy; or in lieu of certificates, copies of the complete policy may be submitted. F. Builders risk insurance policies shall contain a provision that the coverage afforded will not be cancelled or materially changed until at least 30 days prior written notice has been given to Owner. G. Insured losses under policies of insurance which include Owner's interests shall be adjusted with Owner and made payable to Owner as trustee for the insureds, as their interests may appear, subject to the requirements of any applicable mortgage clause, and any direction by arbitrators. Owner as trustee shall have the right to adjust and settle losses with the insurers unless one of the parties in interest shall object in writing within 5 days after the occurrence of loss to Owner's exercise of this power and, if such objection be made, arbihators shall be chosen as provided in the General Conditions. Owner as trustee shall, in that case, make settlement with the insurers in accordance with the direction of such arbitrators. If distribution of the insurance proceeds by arbitration is required, the arbitrators will direct such distribution. Owner and Contractor waive all rights against each other and against Engineer for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by insurance except such rights as they may have to the proceeds of such insurance held by Owner as trustee. Contractor shall require similar waivers by Subcontractors. Each waiver shall be in favor of all other parties enumerated in this paragraph. 5.06 PARTIAL UTILIZATION - PROPERTY INSURATICE If Owner finds it necessary to occupy or use a portion or portions of the Work prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work, such use or occupancy may be accomplished in accordance with paragraph 14.064; provided that no such use or occupancy shall commence before the insurers providing the property insurance shall consent by endorsement on the policy or policies, but the property insurance shall not be cancelled or lapse on account ofany such padial use or occupancy. 5.07 ACCEPTAIICE OFINSURANCE A. If Owner has any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the insurance required to be purchased and maintained by Contractor on the 2t/21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP UV Installation 00700-13 basis of its not complying with the Contract Documents, Owner will notify Contractor in writing thereof within ten (10) days of the date of delivery of such certificates to Owner in accordance with paragraph 2.A68. If Contractor has any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions ofthe policies of insurance required to be purchased and maintained by Owner in accordance with paragraphs 5.05A and 5.06 on the basis of their not complying with the Contract Documents, Contractor will notify Owner in writing thereof within ten (10) days of the date of delivery of such certificates to Contractor. Owner and Contractor will each provide to the other such additional information in respect ofinsurance provided by him as the other may reasonably request. Failure by Owner or Contractor to give any such Notice of Objection within the time provided shall constitute acceptance of such insurance purchased by the other as complying with the Contract Documents. 5.08 DEDUCTIBLES No insurance coverages required to be obtained by Contractor or Owner pursuant to this Part 5 shall have a deductible greater than $1,000 or as reasonably approved by Owner. PART 6- CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.01 SUPERVISIONANDSUPERINTENDENCE A. The Contractor is an independent contractor and nothing herein contained shall constitute or designate the Contractor or any of its employees or agents as employees of the Owner. The Work to be performed by the Contractor shall be at its sole cost, risk and expense, and no part ofthe cost thereofshall be charged to the Owner, excq)t the palmrents to be made by the Owner to the Contractor for the Work performed as provided herein. Owner shall not be responsible for Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction or for safety precautions and programs incident thereto. B. Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work competently and efficiently, giving the Work the consistent attention necessary to facilitate its progress and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction. Contractor shall be responsible to see that the finished Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. C. Contractor shall employ at all times during its work progress a competent resident superintendent, who shall not be replaced without written notice to Owner and Engineer except under extraordinary circumstances. Such superintendent shall be capable of reading and thoroughly understanding the I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 2112t285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I I tVail WWTP UV lnstallation 00700-14 I I I o D. I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I I Plans and Specifications and shall receive and fulfill instructions, suggestions and communications from the Engineer, or its authorized representative. The superintendent shall have full authority to execute the Work specified in the Contract Documents without delay and promptly to supply materials, tools, plant equipment and labor as may be required to perform such Work. Such superintendent shall be fumished irrespective of the amount of Work sublet. The superintendent will be Contractor's representative at the site and shall have authority to act on behalf of Contractor. All communications given the superintendent shall be as binding as ifgiven to Contractor. The Contractor shall employ such superintendent and forernen as are careful and competent, and the Engineer may request the dismissal of any person or p€rsons employed by the Contractor in, about, or upon the Work who shall misconduct himself or themselves or be incompetent or negligent in the proper performance of his or their duties, or neglect(s) or refuse(s) to comply with the Contract Documents given and such person or persons shall not be employed again thereon without the written consent of the Engineer. Should the Contractor continue to employ, or again employ, such person or persons, the Engineer may withhold all pay estimates which are or may become due, or the Engineer may suspend the Work until such orders are complied with. All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor, excqrt as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall notiS the Engineer at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the time he intends to start Work on the site. The Contractor shall operate at such points as the Owner tbrough the Engineer may direct. The Contractor shall conduct the Work in such a manner and with suflicient materials, equipment, and labor as is considered necessary to insure his completion within the time limit set forth in the Agreement. Should the prosecution of Work for any reason be discontinued by the Contractor, he shall notifu the Engineer at least forfy-eight (48) hours in advance of resuming operations. 6.02 LABO& MATERIALS, AI\D EQUIPMENT A. Contractor shall provide competent, suitable qualified personnel to survey and lay out the Work and perform construction as required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall at all times maintain good discipline and order at the site. Except in connection with the safet;i or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise indicated in the Supplementary Conditions, all Work at the site shall be performed during regular working hours, and Contractor will not permit overtime work or the performance of Work on Saturday, Sunday or any legal 2t21285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP Uv Installation 00700- l5 holiday without Owner's written consent given after prior written notice to Engineer. B. Contractor shall fumish all materials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water and sanitary facilities and all other facilifies and incidentals necessary for the execution, testing, initial operation and completion of the Work. The Contractor shall fumish such equipment as is considered necessary for the prosecution of the Work in an acceptable manner and at a satisfactory rate of progress. All equipment, tools, and machinery used for handling materials and executing any part of the Work shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall be maintained in a satisfactory working condition. Equipment used on any portion of the Work shall be such that no damage to the Work, roadways, adjacent properfy, or other objects will result from its use. The Agreement may be terminated if the Contractor fails to provide adequate equipment for the Work. C. The source of supply of each of the materials required shall be reviewed and accepted by the Engineer before delivery is started. Representative preliminary samples of the character and quality specified may be submitted by the Contractor or producer for examination and testing. The results obtained from testing such samples may be used for preliminary review but will not be used as a final acceptance of the materials. All materials proposed to be used may be inspected or tested at any time during their preparation and use. If, after testing, it is found that sources ofsupply which have been reviewed and accepted do not furnish a uniform product, or if the product from any source proves unacceptable at any time, the Contractor shali furnish acceptable material from other sources acceptable to Engineer. Samples of all materials for test upon which are to be based the acceptance or rejection shall be taken by the Engineer or his authorized representative at the discretion of the Engineer. Materials may be sampled either prior to shipment or after being received at the place of construction. All sampling, iaspection, and testing shall be done in accordance with the methods hereinafter prescribed. The Contractor shall provide such facilities as lhe Engineer or his representative may require for conducting field tests and for collecting and forwarding samples. The Contractor shall not use or incorporate into the Work any materials represented by the samples until tests have been made and the material found to be acceptable. Only materials confirming to the requirernents of these specifications and which have been accepted by the Engineer or his authorized agents shall be used in the Work. Any material which, after acceptance, has for any reason become unfit for use shall not be incorporated into the Work. Additionally, Contractor and Engineer shall be subject to the procedures and responsibilities set forth in paragraph 6.13 as it pertains to samples. 2v21285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I t I I I I t I I I I I t I I t I Ivail WWTP UV Installation 00700-16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I t I Whenever materials or Specifications by using Vail WWTP UV Installation Except as otherwise provided herein, sampling and testing of all materials, and the laboratory methods and testing equipment required under these Specifications, shall be in accordance with the most current edition of the standards set forth in Technical Specifications. The testing ofall samples shall be done at the expense ofthe Contractor at an independent laboratory accepted by the Engineer. Laboratory sieves shall have square openings of the sizes specified. The Contractor shall furnish the required samples without charge. All samples have been checked and stamped with the approval of the Contractor, identified clearly as to material, manufacturer, any pertinent catalog numbers and the use for which intended. The Contractor shall give sufficient uotification to the Engiaeer of the placing of orders for materials to permit testing. D. All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor, except as otherwise provided in the Conhact Documents. E. Materials shall be stored so as to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the Work. When considered necessary by the Engineer, they shall be placed on wooden platforms, or other hard, clean surfaces and not on the ground, and shall be placed under cover or otherwise protected when requested by the Engineer. Stored materials shall be located so as to facilitate prompt inspection. Contractor is responsible for the safety of any of its materials, tools, possessions, and rented items stored on the job site, and for protection of the project and shall hold Owner and Owner's authorized representative harmless for any damages or loss incurred thereto. F. No material, equipment, tools, supplies, or instruments other than those belonging to or leased by Contractor will be removed from the project site by Contractor without the prior written approval of Owner. G. All materials not conforming to the requirements of these Specifications shall be considered defective. Whether in place or not, such material shall be removed immediately from the site of the Work, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. No rejected material, the defects of which have been subsequently corrected, shall be used until approval has been given. Upon failure of the Contractor to comply promptly with any order of the Engineer made under the provisions of this article, the Engineer shall have authority to remove defective materials and to deduct the cost of removal and replacement with specified materials from any moneys due or to become due the Contractor. 6.03 EQIIIVALENT MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT equipment are specified or described in the Drawings or the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particularooToo-17 ."""Ji"tTi manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor, the naming of the item is intended to establish the type, function and quality required. Unless the name is followed by words indicating that a substitution is permitted, materials or equipment of other manufacturers, fabricators, suppliers, or dishibutors may be accepted by Engineer if sufficient information is submitted by Contractor to allow Engineer to determine that the material or equipment proposed is equivalent to that named. The procedure for review by Engineer will be as set forth in paragraphs 6.03A. and 6.03B. below as supplemented in the other Contract Documents. A. Requests for review of substitute items of material and equipment will not be accepted by Engineer from anyone other than Contractor. If Conhactor wishes to furnish or use a substifute item of mateial or equipment Contractor shall make written application to Engineer for acceptance thereof, certi$ing that the proposed substitute will perform adequately the functions called for by the general design, be similar and ofequal substance to that specified and be suited to the same use and capable of performing the same function as that specified. The Application shall state whether or not acceptance of the substitute for use in the Work will require a change in the Drawings or Specifications to adapt the design to the substitute and whether or not incorporation or use ofthe substitute in connection with the Work is All variations of the proposed substitute from that specified shall be identified in the Application and available maintenance, repair and replacement service will be indicated. The Application shall also contain an itemized estimate of all costs that will result directly or indirectly from acceptance of such substitute, including costs of redesign and claims of other contractors affected by the resulting change, all of which shall be considered by Engineer in evaluating the proposed substitute. Engineer will be the sole judge of acceptability, and no substitute will be ordered or installed without Engineer's prior written acceptance. Owner may require Contractor to fumish at Contractor's expense a special performance guarantee or other Surety with respect to any substitute. B. Engineer will record time required by Engineer and Engineer's consultants in evaluating substitutions proposed by Contractor and in making changes in the Drawings or Specifications occasioned thereby. Whether or not Engiaeer accepts a proposed substitute, Contractor shall reimburse Owner for the charges of Engineer and EngineeCs consultants for evaluating any proposed substifute. 6.04 CONCERNING SUBCONTRACTORS A. Contractor shall not employ any Subcontractor or other person or organization (including those who are to furnish the principal items of materials or equipment), whether initially or as a substitute, against whom Owner or Engineer may have reasonable objection. A Subcontractor or other person or organization identifred in writing to Owner and Engineer by Contractor prior to the Notice of Award and not objected to in writing by Owner or Engineer prior to the Notice of Award will be deemed acceptable to Owner and Engineer. t I I I I I I I t I I T ! I I I I I 2v21285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP W lnslallation 00700-18 I t I I I I t T t t I I I I I I I I I Acceptance of any Subcontractor, other person or organization by Owner or Engineer shall not constitute a waiver of any right of Owner or Engineer to reject defective Work. If Owner or Engineer after due investigation has reasonable objection to any Subcontractor, other person or organization proposed by Contractor after the Notice of Award, Contractor shall submit an acceptable substitute and the Agreement Price shall be increased or decreased by the difference in cost occasioned by such substitution, and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued. Contractor shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, other person or organization against whom Contractor has reasonable objection. B. Contractor shall be fully responsible for all acts and omissions of his Subcontractors and ofpersons and organizations directly or indirectly employed by them and of persons and organizations for whose acts any of them may be liable to the same extent that Contractor is responsible for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by Contractor. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between Owner or Engineer and any Subcontractor or other person or organization having a direct contact with Conhactor, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of Owner or Engineer to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any Subcontractor or other person or organizatiorL except as may otherwise be required by law. Owner or Engineer may furnish to any Subcontractor or other person or organization, to the extent practicable, evidence of amounts paid to Contractor on account ofspecific work done. C. The divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of any Drawings shall not control Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or delineating the Work to be performed by any specifrc trade. D. All Work performed for Contractor by a Subcontractor will be pursuant to an appropriate Agreement between Contractor and the Subcontractor which specifically binds the Subcontractor to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of Owner and Engineer and contains waiver provisions as required by the Conffact Documents. Contractor shall pay each Subcontractor ajust share ofany insuranoe moneys received by Contractor on account of losses under policies issued pursuant to the Contract Documents. B. Contractor shall fully cooperate with Owner and such other Contractors or Subcontractors as may be performing work or supplying materials in connection with the Project and shall carefully fit its work in with that of all such other persons or entities. Contractor shall neither commit nor permit any act which will interfere with the performance of the Project by any such person or entity. F. Contractor shall promptly pay in full for any and all damages caused to the project site by Contractor or by any Subcontractor or other person or entity of any nature furnishing materials, equipment, machinery, supplies, labor, skilled 2v2t285 Rev. 10110101Vail WWTP IJV lnstallation 00700-19 services or instruments for whose actions the Contractor is responsible hereunder. 6.05 PATENT FEES AND ROYALTIES Ifthe Contractor is required or desires to use any design, device, invention, product, materials, or process covered by letters ofpatent or copyright, he shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or patent owner and shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to said use in performance of the Work or incorporation of the Work. The Contractor and the surety shall indemnity and hold harmless the Owner and Engineer from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented design, device, invention, product, material, or process or any trademark or copyright in connection with the Work agreed to be performed under this contract, and shall indemnify the Owner and Engineer for any costs, expense and damages, including attomey's fees, which they may be obliged to pay for reason of any such infringement at any time during the prosecution, or after the completion of the Work. 6.06 PERMITS Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall obtain all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, including but not limited to all inspection charges of agencies having appropriate jurisdiction and give all notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the Work. Owner and Engineer shall assist Contractor, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. Contractor shall pay all charges of utility service companies for cormections to the Work, and Owner shall pay all charges of such companies for capital costs related thereto. A copy of all permits and licenses procured by Contractor shall be supplied to Engineer within a reasonable period of time. 6.07 LAWS AND REGULATIONS Contractor shall be familiar with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations which in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the Work or the material or equipment used in or on the site, or in any way affect the conduct of the Work, including rule and regulations that Owner may promulgate at any time for the safe, orderly and efficient conduct of all Work on the Project ("the applicable regulations"). If Contractor observes that the Specifications or Drawings are at I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I ith, Contractor shall give Engineer prompt written notice thereof, and any necessary changes shall be Contractor, at all times, shall observe and comply with all applicable regulations and the Contract Documents and its surety shall indemnifu and hold harmless the Owner, the Engineer and their consultants, agents, and ernployees, against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation ofany applicable regulations, by anyone for whom Contractor is responsible. 2tnl285 Rcv. 10/10/01 I t tvail WWTP UV lnstallation 00700-20 c. D. I I I I I T I I I I I t t I I I I T t 6.08 TAXES A. Contractor shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes required to be paid by him. B. Owner is exempt from Colorado State sales and use taxes. Aocordingly, taxes fiom which Owner is exempt shall not be included in the Agreement Price. Owner shall, upon request, furnish Contractor with a copy of its certificate of tax exemption. Contractor and Subcontractors shall apply to the Colorado Department of Revenue, Sales Tax Division, for an Exemption Certificate and purchase the materials tax-free. Pursuant to Subsection 39-26- lla(l)(a)0ilXxA), C.R.S., Contractor and Subcontractors shall be liable for exempt taxes paid due to failure to apply for Exemption Certificates or for failure to use said Certificates. 6.09 USE OF PREMISES Contractor shall confine construction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment and the operations of workmen to areas permitted by law, ordinances, permits and the requirements of the Contract Documents. During the progress of the Work, Contractor shall keep the premises free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish and other debris resulting from the Work. At the completion of the Work Contractor shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the premises as well as all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery, temporary stnrctures, stumps or portions of trees and surplus materials, and shall r€store to their original condition those portions ofthe site not designated for alteration by the Contract Documents. Materials cleared from the site and deposited on property adjacent will not be considered as having been disposed ofsatisfactorily. Contractor shall not load or permit any part of any structure to be loaded ia any manner that will endanger the structure, nor shall Contractor subject any part of the Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it. All structures or obstructions found on the site and shown on the Contract Drawings which are not to remain in place or which are not to be used in the new construction shall be removed to the safisfaction of the Engineer. Unless specified in the Bid Proposal, this Work will not be paid for separately but will be included in the price bid for that portion of the Work requiring the removal of the obstruction. All material found on the site or removed therefrom shall remain the property of the Owner unless otherwise indicated' The Contractor, with the consent of the Engineer, may use in the proposed construction any stone, sand, or gravel found on the site. The Conhactor will not be paid for such excavation unless specifically stated in the Bid Proposal, 2u2t285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP IJV Installation 00700-21 I I I and it shall replace with other suitable material, without compensation, all of that portion of the material so removed and used. If it was intended by the Engineer and indicated in the Specifrcation that any or all of the material so excavated and used was to have been wasted, then the Contractor will not be required to replace it. The Contractor shall not excavate outside of the proposed slope and grade lines as indicated on the Drawings, without prior consent by the Engineer. 6.10 RECORD DOCUMENTS Contractor shall keep one record of all Specifications, Drawings, Addenda, Modifications, Shop Drawings and samples at the site, in good order and annotated and updated weekly to show all changes made during the construction process. These shall be available to Engineer for examination and shall be delivered to Engineer for Owner upon completion of the Work. A11 changes of drawings from the original drawings shall be neatly marked thereon in brightly contrasting color. 6.1I SAFETY AND PROTECTION A. Contractor shall be solely responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: |. All employees on the Work or other persons who may be affected thereby; 2. All the Work and all materials or equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or offthe site; and 3. Other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, stnrctures and utilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construcfion. The Contractor shall be required to assume sole and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the course of construction of the Project, including the safety of all persons who may enter on the job site for any reason and the security of all property located on the job site. This requirement shall apply at all times during the course of the contract and not only to normal work hours. B. Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders of any public body having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or property or to protect thern from damage, injury or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. Contractor shall notiff owners of adjacent property and utilities when prosecution ofthe Work may affect them. All damage, injury or loss to any property referred to in paragraphs 6.1.1A.2 or 6.11A.3 caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in I I I I t 21t21285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I I I I I I I I IVail WWTP uV Installation 00700-22 D. E. I I I I I I I I I I T I T I t I I t I part, by Contractor, any Subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by Contractor (except damage or loss attributable to the fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the acts or omissions of Owner or Engineer or anyone employed by either of them or anyone for whose acts either of them may be liable). Contractor's duties and responsibilities for the safety and protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and final payment has been made. Contractor shall designate a responsible member of his organization at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. This person shall be Contractor's superintendent unless otherwise designated in writing by Contractor to Owner. Contractor has the affirmative duty of ensuring compliance with all Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSIIA) regulations, of designating a representative who is a compet€nt person for purposes of identi$'ing existing or predictable hazards at the site, of providing required safety instruction for Contractor's Subcontractors and employees, and of immediately taking precautionary measures when necessary and remedying all identified OSHA violations. Daily, and other, inspections of the work site, including of excavations, adjacent areas and protective systems, shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. Contractor's obligation to indemnify Owner pursuant to paragraph 5.02D. shall include failure of Contractor to effect full compliance with OSHA regulations. The Contractor shall at all times conduct the Work in such manner as will incur the least practicable interference with traffic and existing utility systems. No section ofany road shall be closed to the public, nor any utility system put out of service except after permission has been granted by the Engineer. Each item of Work shall be prosecuted to completion without delay and in no instance will the Contractor be permitted to transfer its forces from uncompleted Work to new Work without prior written notification of the Conhactor to the Engineer. The Contractor shall not open up Work to the prejudice of Work already started. Unless the Contract Documents specifically provide for the closing to traffic of any local road or highway while construction is in progress, such road or highway shall be kept open to all traffic by the Contractor. The Contractor shall also provide and maintain in a safe condition temporary approaches, crossings, or intersections with roads and highways. The Contractor shall bear all expense of maintaining traffic over the section of road affected by the Work to be done under this Contract, and of constructing and maintaining such approaches, crossing, intersections and any necessary features without direct compensation, except as otherwise provided. 2U2t285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP uV Installation 00700-23 I The Contractor shall not close any road to the public except by express permission of the appropriate engineering authority. When the road under construction is being used by the traveling public, special attenfion shall be paid to keeping the subgrade and surfacing in such condition that the public can travel over same in comfort and safety. The Contractor shall cooperate with the appropriate officials in the regulation of traffic. If the Conhactor constructs temporary bridges or temporary strea:n crossings, its responsibility for accidents shall include the roadway approaches as well as the structures of such crossings. The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain all necessary barricades, signs, danger signals and lights to protect the Work and the safety of the public. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of any and all applicable Traffic Safety Manuals which may be published by a govemmental entity having jurisdiction over the project area. All barricades, signs and obstructions erected by the Contractor shall be illuminated at night and all devices for this purpose shall be kept buming from sunset to sunrise. The Contractor shall be held responsible for all damage to the Work due to failure of barricades, signs, lights and watchmen to protect it, and whenever evid6nce of such damage is found prior to acceptance, the Engineer may order the damaged portion immediately removed and replaced by the Contractor without cost to the Owner if, in its opinion, such action is justified. The Contractor's responsibility for necessary barricades, signs, and lights shall not cease until the Project shall have been accepted. The Contractor shall provide and maintain in a neat, sanitary condition such accommodations for the use of its employees as may be necessary to comply with the requirements and regulations of the State Department of Health or of other authorities havingjurisdiction over the Project. When the use of explosives is necessary for the prosecution of the Work, the Contractor shall use the utmost care so as not to endanger life or property, and whenever directed, the number and size of the charges shall be reduced. The Contractor shall notiSr the proper representatives of any public service corporation, any company, or any individual, at least eight (8) hours in advance of any blasting which may damage its or their property on, along, or adjacent to the site. All explosives shall be stored in a secure manner and all storage places shall be marked clearly "DANGEROUS E)GLOSIVES," and shall be in care of competent watchmen at all times. 6.12 EMERGENCIES In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, Contractor, without special instruction or authorization from Engineer or Owner, is obligated to act to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. Contractor shall give Engineer prompt written Notice of any I I I t I I I T I I I I I I I I I I F. G. 2|21285 Rev. l0n0/01Vail WWTP UV lnstallation 00700-24 I I t t I I I I I I T I T I t I I I I sigrificant changes in the Work or deviations from the Contract Documents caused thereby. 6.13 PLAIIS AND SHOP DRAWINGS A. The approved Plans will show details of all structures; lines and grade of roadways and utility systems, typical cross-sections of roadways; character of foundation; location and designation of all structures; and the general arrangement of circuits and outlets, location of switches, panels and other Work. B. Drawings and Specifications are complementary each to the other, and what is called for by one shall be as bindiag as if called for by both. Data presented on Drawings are as accurate as planning can determine, but accuracy is not guaranteed and field verification of a1l dimensions, locations, levels, etc., to suit field conditions is directed. The Contractor shall review all structural and mechanical plans and adjust all Work to confirm to all oonditions shown therein. The mechanical Drawings shall take precedence over all other Drawings. C. Discrepancies between different Plans, or between Plans and Specifications, or regulations and codes governing the installation shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer in writing as soon as said discrepancies are noticed. In the event such discrepancies exist and the Engineer is not so notified, the Engineer shall reserve the right to exercise sole authority in making final decisions in resolution of such a conflict. It is mutually agreed that all authorized alterations affecting the requirements and information given on the Approved Plans shall be in writing and approved by the Engineer. When at any time reference is made to "The Plans", the interpretations shall be the Plans as affected by all authorized alterations then in effect. Plans will be supplemented by such Shop Drawings to be prepared by Contractor as are necessary to adequately control the Work. D. After checking and verifuing all field measurements and approving of Shop Drawings, Contractor shall submit to Engineer for review, in accordance with the accepted schedule of Shop Drawings submissions, six copies (unless otherwise specified in the Special Conditions) of all Shop Drawings, which shall have been checked by and stamped with the approval of Contractor and identified as Engineer may require. The date shown on the Shop Drawings will be complete with respect to dimensions, desigr criteria, materials of construcfion and like information to enable Engineer to review the information as required. E, At the time of each submission, Contractor shall in writing call Engineer's attention to any deviations that the Shop Drawings or samples may have from the requirements of th€ Contract Documents. 21/21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP UV Installation 00700-25 I t T I I I I I I t I I I T t T I I I F. G. H. J. K. Engineer will review with reasonable prompbress Shop Drawings and samples, but Engineer's review shall be only for conformance with the design concept of the Project and for compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents and shall not extend to means, methods, sequences, techniques or procedures of construction or to satisff precautions or progftlms incident thereto. The review and approval of a separate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. Contractor shall make any corrections required by Engineer and shall retum the required number of corrected copies of Shop Drawings and resubmit new samples for Engineer's review. Contractor shall direct specific attention in writing to revisions other than the corrections called for by Engineer on previous submittals. Contractor's stamp of approval on any Shop Drawings or sample shall constitute a representation to Owner and Engineer that Contractor has either determined and verified all quantities, dimensions, field construction criteria, materials, catalog numbers, and similar data or assumes full responsibility for doing so, and that Contractor has reviewed or coordinated each Shop Drawing or sample with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. Where a Shop Drawing or sample is required by the Specificafions, no related Work shall be commenced until the submittal has been reviewed by Engineer. Engineer's review of Shop Drawings or samples shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for any deviations from the Conhact Documents unless Contractor has in wrifing called Engineer's attention to such deviation at the time of submission and Engheer has given written concurence and approval to the specific deviation, nor shall any concrurence or approval by Engineer relieve Contractor from responsibility for errors or omissions in the Shop Drawings. The cost of furnishing all shop drawings shall be bome by the Contractor. Finished surfaces in all cases shall conform with lines, grade, cross-sections and dimensions shown on the Approved Plans. Any deviations from the Plans and working Drawings, as may be required by the demands of construction, will in all cases be determined by the Engineer and authorized in writing. The Plans and Specifications, and all supplementary plans and documents, are essential parts of the Contract Documents, and a requirement occurring in one is just as binding as though occurring in all. They are intended to be cooperative to describe and provide for a complete Work. The Contractor shall not take advantage of any apparent error or omission in the Plans or Specifications. In the event the Contractor discovers any apparent conflict, elror or discrepancy, he shall immediately call upon the Engineer for his interpretation and Engineer's decision shall be final. Any apparent error or discrepancy must be resolved before Contractor proceeds with the Work affected thereby. 21nr285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP W Installation 00700-26 I I I I I I I I T T T I T I T I I I I 6.14 CONSTRUCTIONSTAKES A. Unless otherwise directed in the Supplementary Conditions, the Contractor will furnish and set construction stakes establishing all lines, grades, and measurements necessary for the proper execufion of the Work contracted for under these Specifications. The Owner will provide basic horizontal and vertical control. If construction surveys are provided by the Owner, the Contractor shall request that Owner provide engineering surveys and placement of construction stakes no less than 48 hours prior to the time such service is needed. The Contractor shall satis$ himself as to the accuracy of all measurements before constructing any permanent structure and shall not take advantage of any errors which may have been made in lalng out the Work. The Contractor shall be held responsible for the proper preservation of all marks and stakes. Stakes provided by the Owner, which must be reset after initial placement, will be replaoed at Contractor's expense at the current billable rate for a three-person survey crew unless the stakes were removed or destroyed by causes beyond the Contractor's control. Said cost may be deducted from any funds due the Contractor. B. The Resident Project Representative shall be authorized to inspect Work done and material fumished. Such observation may extend to any part of the Work and to preparation, fabrication, or manufacture of the materials to be used. The Resident Project Representative is authorized to call the attention of the Contractor to any failure of the Work or materials to conform to the Contract Documents. He shall have the authority to reject materials or suspend the Work not conforming to Contract Documents until any questtons at issue can be refened to and decided between the Engineer and the Owner. If the Contractor refuses to suspend operations on verbal order, the Resident Project Representative shall issue a written order giving the reason for shutting down the Work. After placing the order giving the reason for shutting down the Work in the hands ofthe person in charge, the Resident Project Representative shall immediately leave the job. Work done during the absence of the Resident Project Representative will not be accepted nor paid for. The Resident Project Manager shall in no case act as foreman or perform other duties for the . Conhactor, nor interfere with the management of the Work by the latter. Any advice which the Resident Project Representative may give the Contractor shall in no way be construed as releasing the Contractor from fulfilling all of the terms of the Contract Documents. 6.15 PRIVATE PROPERTY AI\D EXCAVATION The Contractor shall not enter upon private property for any purpose without first obtaining permission, and he shall be responsible for the preservation of all public and private property, trees, fences, monuments, underground structures, etc., on and adjacent to the site and shall use every precaution necessary to prevent damage or injury thereto. He shall protect carefully, from disturbance or damage, all land 2ll2't285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP tMnstallation 00700-27 I monuments and property marks until an authorized agent has witnessed or otherwise I referenced their location. and shall not remove them until directed. He shall be responsible for all damage or injury to property or any character resulting from any I act, omission, neglect or misconduct in his or any subcontractor's manner, or method ' of executing said Work, or due to his or any subcontractor's non-execution of said I work, or any time due to defective Work or materials, and said responsibility shall I not be released until the Work has been completed and accepted. The Contractor's ' attention is directed to the importance ofprotecting all public utilities encountered I on the Project. These may include telephone, telegraph and power lines, water lines, t s€wer lines, gas lines, railroad tracks and other overhead and underground utilities. Before any excavation is begun in the vicinity of water lines, railroad tracks or structures, sewer lines, gas tines, or telephone conduits, eact utilily compalny concemed must be notified in advance of such excavation, and such excavation shall not be made until an authorized representative of the utility company concemed is I on the ground and has designated the location of their facilities. When or where any I direct or indirect damage or injury is done to public or private properfy by or on account of any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct in the execution of the Work, Ior in consequence of the non-execution thereof on the part of the Contractor or I subcontractor, Contractor shall restore at his own expense, such property to a condition similar or equal to that existing befbre such damage or injury *is ggne if Irepairing, rebuilding or otherwise restoring, as may be directed, or he shall make I good such damage or injury in an acceptable manner. In case of the failure on the I purt oftn" Contractor to restore such property or to have started action to make good Isuch damage or injury, the Engineer may, upon forry-eight (48) hours' notice, I proceed to direct the repair, rebuilding ofor otherwise restore such property as may I be deemed necessary and the cost thereof will be deducted for any moneys due or I which may become due the Contractor under the Contract Documents. The cost of damages due to Contractor's operation or cost of protecting utilities where required 1 to permit construction under these Contract Documents shall be included in the I original Contract prices for the Project. I PART 7- COORDINATION OFWORK 7.OI OWNERS RIGHT TO PERF'ORM Owner may perform additional work related to the Project by himself, or have additional work performed by utility service companies, or let other direct contracts therefor which shall contain General Conditions similar to these. Contractor shall afford the utility service companies and the other contractors who are parties to such direct contracts (or Owner, if Owner is performing the additional work with Ownet's employees) reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of Work, and shall properly connect and coordinate his Work with theirs, and shall conduct his operations as to minimize the interference with theirs, as directed by Engineer. 2t/21285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I I I IVail WWTP tJV Installation 00700-28 I I t I T t I I T I I I I T I T T t I 7.02 CONTRACTORTO COORDINATE If any part of Contractor's Work depends for proper execution or results upon the work of any such other contractor or utility service company (or Owner), Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to Engineer in writing any patent or apparent defects or deficiencies in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. Contractols failure so to report shall constitute an acceptance of the other work as fit and proper for integration with Contractor's W'ork except for latent or non-apparent defects and deficiencies in the other work. Such acceptance by Contractor shall render him responsible for subsequent correction ofany such work. Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting and patching of his Work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and integrate with such other work. Contractor shall not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and will only cut or alter their work with the written consent of Engineer and the others whose work will be affected. If the performance of additional work by other contractors or utility service companies or Owner was not noted in the Contract Documents, written notice thereof shall be given to Contractor prior to starting any such additional work. If the performance of such additional work not noted in the Contract Documents causes unavoidable additional expense to Contractor or causes unavoidable delay in the Contractor's prosecution of the Work, Contractor may make a claim therefor as provided in Parts l1 and 12 respectively. PART 8- OWIIER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.01 OWNER TO COMMUI\TICATE THROUGH ENGINEER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE Except as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, Owner shall issue all communications to Contractor through Engineer or the OwneCs Rqresentative. 21m285 Rev. 10/10/01vail wwTP tlv lnstallation 00700-29 PART 9. STATUS OF ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.01 DUTIES OF ENGINEER Engineer will be Owner's representative during the construction period unless the Owner shall desigrrate in writing another representative. The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of Owner's representative during construction are set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be extended without written consent of Owner and Engineer. 9.02 VISITS TO SITE Engineer will make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction to observe the progress and quality of the executed Work and to determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. Engineer will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. Engineer's efforts will be directed toward providing for Owner a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents. On the basis of such visits and on-site observations as an experienced and qualified design professional, Engineer will keep Owner informed of the progress of the Work and will endeavor to guard Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work. 9.03 CLARIFICATIONSAI\DINTERPRETATIONS Engineer will issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications or interpretations of the Contract Documents (in the form of Drawings or otherwise) as Engineer may determine necessary, which shall be consistent with or reasonably inferable from the overall intent of the Contract Documents. 9.04 REJECTING DEFECTIVE WORK Engineer will have authority to disapprove or reject Work which is defective, and will also have authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work as provided in paragraph 13.048., whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed or completed. 9.05 PROJECTREPRESENTATION Engineer will fumish a Resident Project Representative to assist Engineer in observing the performance of the Work. The duties, responsibilities and limitafions of authority of any such Resident Project Representative and assistants will be as provided lurPart22. 2t 121285 Rev. l0/10/01 I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I t T Vail WWTP UV Installation 00700-30 I t t I T I I I I I I T T t T T T I I 9.06 DECISIONS ON DISAGREEMENTS A. Engineer will be the initial interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the Work thereunder. Claims, disputes and other matters relating to the acceptability of the Work or the interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents pertaining to the execution and progress of the Work shall be referred initially to Engineer in writing with a request for a formal decision in accordance with this paragraph, which Engineer will render in writing within a reasonable time. Written Notice of each such claim, dispute and other matter shall be delivered by the claimant to Engineer and the other parfy to the Agreement within fifteen (15) days of the occlurence of the event giving rise thereto, and written supporting data will be submitted to Engineer and the other party within forfy-five (45) days of such occurence unless Engineer allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data. In his capacity as interpreter and judge Engineer will not show partiality to Owner or Contractor and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith and in accordance with professional standards in such capacity. B. Notwithstanding Paragraph E of Part l0 of the Owner-Contractor Agreement, the rendering of a decision by Engineer pursuant to paragraph 9-06,4'. with respect to any such claim, dispute or other matter (except any which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as provided in paragraph 14.11) or the determination by Engineer that it shall not render a decision with respect thereto, will be a condition precedent to any exercise by Owner or Contractor of such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or at law in respect of any such claim, dispute or other matter. 9.0? LIMITATIONS ON ENGINEER'S AI\D OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES Neither Engineer's nor Owner's authority to act under this Part 9 or elsewhere tn the Conhact Documents nor any decision made by Engineer or Owner in good faith either to exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to any duty or responsibitity of Engineer or Owner to Contractor, any Subcontractor, any manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, or distributor, or any of their agents or employees or any other person performing any of the Work. Whenever in the Contract Documents the terms "as ordered," "as directed," "as required," "as allowed" or terms of like effect or import are used, or the adjectives "reasonable," "suitable," "acceptable," "proper" or "satisfactory" or adjectives of like effect or import are used, to describe requirement, direction, review or judgment of Engineer as to the Work, it is intended that such requirement, direction, review or judgement will be solely to evatuate the Work for compliance with the Contact Documents (unless there is a specific statement indicating otherwise). The use of any such term or adjective never indicates that Engineer shall have authority to supervise or direct performance 2t/2t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP IJV Installation 00700-31 PART 10 of the Work or authority to undertake responsibility contrary to the provisions of paragraphs 9.07C. or 9.07D. C. Engineer will not be responsible for Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, and Engineer will not be responsible for Contractor's failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Neither Engineer nor Owner will be responsible for the acts or omissions of Contractor or of any Subcontractors, or of the agents or employees of any Contractor of Subcontractor, or of any other persons at the site or otherwise performing any of the Work. CHANGES IN THE WORK I I T I I I I I I I I D. IO.OT OWNER MAY ORDER CHA}{GES A. Without invalidating the Agreement, Owner may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions, or revisions in the Work; these will be authorized by Field Orders or Change Orders. Upon receipt of a Field Order or Change Order, Conhactor shall proceed with the Work involved. All such Work shall be executed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents. If any Change Order causes an increase or decrease in the Agreement Price or an extension or shortening of the Contract Time, an equitable adjustment will be made as provided in Part I I or Part 12 on the basis of a claim made by either pady. which do not require an adjustment in the Agreement Price or the Contract Time and which are consistent with the overall intent of the Contract Documents. Only changes authorized by a Change Order or Field Order shall be binding on the Owner. The Contractor shall perform changes authorized by a Field Order in a timely fashion and as specified in the Field Order. Iq notwithstanding this Paragraph 10.01 8., a Field Order causes unavoidable additional expense or unavoidable delay in Contractor's prosecution of the Work, Contractor may make a claim therefor as provided in Part I I or Part 12, respectively. I I I entitle Contractor to an increase in the Aereement Price or an extension of the Contract Time, except in the case of an emergency ils provided in paragraph 6.12. D. IfNotice of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or change in the Agreement Price is required by the provisions of any Bond to be given to the 2v21285 Rev. 10/10/01 I t IVail WWTP UV Installation 00700-32 I I T I t I I T I I I I I I t I I t t Surety, it will be Contractor's responsibility to so notify the Surety, and the amount of each applicable Bond shall be adjusted accordingly. Contractor shall fumish proof of such adjustment to Owner. E. If Owner and Contractor are unable to agree to an adjustment in the Agreement Price or Contract Time of a Change Order as provided in Parts l1 and l2herein, the Owner may issue the Change Order without an adjustrnent and the Parties may proceed to Dispute Resolution. The Conhactor shall promptly perform any such Change Order. Alternatively, the Owner reserves the right to perform the Work described in the Change Order directly or to hire other contractor(s) to perform said Work. In this case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to any increase in the Agreement Price, nor to any additional cost or fees, nor to any extension of the Contract Time, and the Contractor shall permit free access to the site by the Owner or any other contractor engaged by Owner to perforur said Work. PART 11 - CHAI\GE OFAGREEMENT PRICE 11.01 AGREEMENT PRICE CIIANGED ONLYBY CHANGE ORDER A. The Agreement Price constitutes the total compensation (subject to authorized adjustments by Change Order) payable to Contractor for perforrning the Work. All duties, responsibilities and obligations assigned to or undertaken by Contractor shall be at his expense without change in the Agreemeirt Price. B. The Agreement Price may only be changed by a Change Order signed and approved by Contractor and Owner or by a Change Order issued pursuant to paragraph 11.01B. When a price for extra or changed Work by way of a Change Order has been issued under paragtaph I1.01B, Contractor and Owner agree that the price set forth in the Change Order shall include the cost of the extra or change plus any direct, indirect, and impacted costs attributable to the change or extra. In the event that there is an immediate need for a Change Order involving a change in the Agreement Price, a Change Order may be approved by the Owner's Representative and the Engineer, subject to the following conditions: (1) the Ownet's Representative must obtain and document the oral approval of one member of the Owner's Board of Directors to the Change Order; (2) the Contractor must approve the Change Order; and (3) the amount of the aggregate value of any Change Orders issued under this immediate need may not exceed, within any 30 day period, $200,000 or five percent of the Agreement Price, whichever is less. C. The Owner, through the Engineer, may request changes to the Agreement for additional work or in response to claims by Conhactor. All Change Order pricing and time extension analysis shall be in accordance with the following: zv2t285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP uV Installation 00700-33 I 1. The Engineer shall submit to the Contractor a "Request for frofoiat" I outlining the scope of work contemplated for said construction changes. 2. The Contractor shall submit within fourteen (14) days of receipt of a "Request for Proposaln a complete cost and fee and time extension analysis for the proposed change which shall include: a. Detailed itemization of materials and labor estimated for said work: b. Detailed itemization from all Subcontractors for their respective labor and materials for said workl c. Copies of quotations from suppliers substantiating all materials and equipment costs; of overhead and fees in accordance with Paragraph e. Any request for Contract Time extension with all substantiating rationale therefor. I D. Contractor shall be entitled to submit a claim for additional compensation for changes ordered by Owner through a Change Order, ifsuch Change Order does not contain an agreed-upon adjustment, and for changes ordered by Engineer through a Field Order, subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents. If the Contractor believes extra compensation is due him for Work or materials not clearly covered in the Contract Documents, or not ordered in writing by the Owner or Engineer, he must, prior to beginning the Work on which he bases the claim, submit in writing to the Engineer and the Owner his intention to make a claim for such extra compensation and must afford the Engineer every facility for keeping track of the actual cost of the Work. Failure on the part of the Contractor to give such notification or to afford the Engineer proper facilities for keeping strict account of actual cost shall constitute a waiver of the claim for such extra compensation. The filing of such notice by Contractor and the keeping account of costs by the Engineer shall not in any way be construed to provide the validity of the claim. When such Work has been completed, the Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days file his claim for extra compensation with the Engineer, including an itemization of all items for which extra compensation is requested and documentation reasonably satisfactory to Owner. Engineer shall present the claim to Owner with Engineer's recommendations. E. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for an increase or decrease in the Agreement Price shall be determined in one of the I I T I I d. I I I I I I I t following ways: 2 2't285 Rev. l0/10/01 IVail WWTP UV Installation 00700-34 the and cash with I I I T I I I t T T I I I t I I I t I 1. On the basis of the estimated Cost of the Work (determined as provided in paragraphs 11.01C.) plus a Contractor's Fee for overhead and profit (determined as provided in paragraph I1.03A.); 2. By mutual acceptance of a lump sum. 11.02 COSTOF'THEWORK A. The term "Cost of the Work" means the sum of all costs necessarily incurred and paid by Conhactor in the proper performance of the Work. Except as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by Owner, such costs shall be in amounts no higher than those prevailing in the locality of the Project, shall include only the following items and shall not include any of the costs itemized in paragraph ll.02B. Whenever the cost of any work is to be determined pursuant to paragraphs 11.02A. and 11.02B., Contractor will submit in fomr acceptable to Engineer an itemized cost breakdown together with supporting data: 1. Payroll costs for employees in the direct employ of Contractor in the performance of the Work under schedules of job classifications agreed upon by Owner and Contractor. Payroll cost for employees not employed full time on the Work shall be apportioned on the basis of their time spent on the Work. Payroll costs shall include, but not limited to, salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe benefits which shall include social security contributions, unemployment, excise and payroll taxes, workers' or workmen's compensation. Such employees shall include superintendents and foremen at the site. The expenses of performing Work after regular working hours, on Sunday or legal holidays, shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by Owner. 2. Cost of all materials and equipment fumished and incorporated in Work, including costs of transportation and storage thereof, manufacturers' field services required in connection therewith. All discounts shall accrue to Contractor unless Owner deposits funds Contractor with which to make payments, in which case the cash discounts shall accrue to Owner. All trade discounts, rebates and refunds, and all retums from sale of surplus materials and equipment shall accrue to Owner and Contractor shall make provisions so that they may be obtained. 3. Payments made by Contractor to the Subcontractors for Work perfonned by Subcontractors. If required by Owner, Contractor shall obtain competitive bids from Subcontractors acceptable to Contractor and shall deliver such bids to Owner who will then determine, with the advice of Engineer, which bids will be accepted. If a subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is. to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work Plus a Fee, the 21t21285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP Lry Installation 00700-35 I 4. Subcontractor's Cost of the Work shall be determined in the same manner as Contractor's Cost of the Work. Al1 Subcontractors shall be subject to the other provisions of the Conhact Documents insofar as applicable. Costs of special consultants (including, but not limited to, engineers, architects, testing laboratories, surveyors, lawyers and accountants) employed or services specifically related to the Work. Supplemental costs include the following: a. Cost, including transportation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, appliances, and hand tools not owned by the worlcnen, which are consumed in the performance of the Work, and cost less market value of such items used but not consumed which remain the property of Contractor. b. Rentals of all construction equipment and machinery and the parts thereof whether rented from Contractor or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by Owner with the advice of Engineer, and the costs of transportation, loading, unloading, installation, dismantling and removal thereof - all in accordance with terms of said rental agreements. The rental of any such equipment, machinery or parts shall cease when the use thereof is no lonser necessarv for the Work. I t I I I I I T T c. Any Sales, use of similar taxes related to the Work, and for which I Contractor is liable, imposed by any govemmental authority. I Deposits lost for causes other than ContractoCs negligence, royalty I palnnents and fees for permits and licenses. I Losses and damages (and related expenses), not compensated by I insurance or otherwise, to the Work or otherwise sustained by t Contractor or in connecfion with the execution of the Work, provided they have resulted from causes other than the negligence ofContractor, I any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly ernployed by any of t them or for whose acts any of them may be liable. Such losses shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of IOwner. No such losses, damages and expenses shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining Contracto/s Fee. If, however, any such loss or damage requires reconstruction and IContractor is placed in charge thereof Contractor shall be paid for services a fee proportionate to that stated in paragraph 1 1.03A. Cost of premiums for additional Bonds and insurance required because ! of changes in the Work.I00T00-36 *'.',HtTi tVail WWTP IJV lnstallation 4. I t I I t t I I I t T I I T I I I I t g. The proportion of necessary transportation, travel and subsistence expenses of Contractor's employees incurred in discharge of duties connected with the Work. The cost of utilities, fuel and sanitary facilities at the site. Minor expenses such as telegrams, long distance telephone calls, telephone service at the site and similar petty cash items in connection with the Work. The term Cost of the Work shall not include any of the following: 1. Payroll costs and other compensation of Contractor's ofificers, executiv€s, principals (of partnerships and sole proprietorships), general managers, engineers, architects, estimators, lawyers, auditors, accountants, purchasing and contracting agents, expediters, timekeepers, clerks and other personnel employed by Contractor whether at the site or in his principal or a branch office for general administration of the Work and not specifically included in the agreed upon schedule of job classifications referred to in subparagraph 11.02A.1.-all of which are to be considered administrative costs covered by the Contractods Fee. 2. Expenses of Contractor's principal and branch offices other than Contraclor's office at the site. Any part ofContractor's capital expenses, including interest on Contracto/s capital employed for the Work and charges against Contractor for delinquent payments. Cost of premiums for all Bonds and for all insurance whether or not Contractor is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain the same (except for addifional Bonds and insurance required because of changes in the Work). Costs due to the negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, including, but not limited to, the correction of defective Work, disposal of materials or equipment wrongly supplied and making good any damage to property. Other overhead or general expense costs of any kind and the costs of any item not specifically and expressly included in paragraph I1.02A. 2v2t28s Rcv. 10/10/01Vail WWTP uV Installation 00700-37 11.03 CONTRACTOR'S FEE The Contractor's Fee allowed to Contractor for overhead and profit shall be determined as follows: 1. A fee based on the following percentages of the various portions of the Cost of the Work: a. For costs incurred under paragraphs ll.02A.l. and 11.024.2., the Contractor's Fee shall be ten percent (10%); and b. For costs incurred under paragraph 11.02A.3., the Contractor's Fee shall be five percent (5'/"); and ifa subcontract is on the basis ofCost of the Work Plus a Fee, the maximum allowable to the Subcontractor as a fee for overhead and profit shall be ten percent (10%) as set forth in Paragraph 11.034.1.a.; and c. No fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized under paragraphs 11.024.4., 1 1.02A.5., and I 1.02B. B. The amount of credit to be allowed by Conhactor to Owner for any such change which results decrease. When both additions and credits are involved in any one change, the combined fee shall be figured on the basis of the net increase if any. 11.04 ADJUSTMENT OF THE UNIT PRICE Where the quantity of Work with respect to any item that is covered by a unit price differs materially and significantly from the quantity of such Work indicated in the Contract Documents, an appropriate Change Order shall be issued on recommendation of Engineer to adjust the unit price. PART 12 - CONTRACT TIME AND CHAFIGES 12.01 DETERMINATION AND EXTENSION OF'CONTRACT TIME The Contractor shall perform fully, entirely, and in a satisfactory and acceptable manner the Work contracted, within the number of calendar days stipulated in the Agreement. Time will be assessed against the Contractor in accordance with the Notice to Proceed. If the Contractor does not begin the Work within the limit designated in the Notice to Proceed, the calendar days shall start on the first calendar day after the last permissible starting date as set forth in the Notice to Proceed. If the satisfactory execution and completion of the Work shall require Work or materials in greater amounts or quantities than those set forth in the Contract Documents, then the Contract Time may be increased as negotiated between t I I I t I I I I zt/21285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I I T I I I IVail WWTP UV Installation 00700-38 I T t I I I T t I I T I I t I I T T I Contractor and Engineer and accepted by Owner as set forth in a Change Order. No allowances will be made for delays or suspensions of the prosecution of the Work due to the fault of the Contractor. 12.02 CONTRACT TIME CI{ANGED ONLY BY CHANGE ORDER The Contract Time may be changed only by a Change Order. If Contractor desires to make a claim for an extension in the Contract Time he shall give immediate verbal notification to Engineer followed by written notice delivered to Owner and Engineer within five (5) days of the occurrence of the event giving rise to the Claim. Notice of the extent of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within fifteen (15) days of such occunence unless Engineer allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Time shall be determined by Engineer if Owner and Contractor cannot otherwise agree. Any change in the Contract Time resulting from any such claim shall be incorporated in a Change Order. In the event that there is an immediate need for a Change Order involving a change in the Contract Time, a Change Order may be approved by the Owner's Representative and the Engineer, subject to the following conditions: (l) the Owner's Representative must obtain and document the oral approval of one member of the Owner's Board of Directors to the Change Order; Q) the Contractor must approve the Change Order; and (3) the aggregate amount of the time extensions of any Change Orders issued under this paragraph 12.024.2 may not exceed, within any 30 day period, ten days. Where, due to delays beyond the control of Contractor which cause unavoidable delay to the Contractols prosecution of the Work, Contractor is prevented from completing any part of the Work within the Contract Time or within scheduled milestones, Contractor shall be entitled to request an extension of time equal to the time unavoidably lost if Contractor makes a claim therefor as provided in paragraph 12.01. Such delays may be caused by acts or omissions of the Owner or others performing Work as contemplated by Part 7, or to fires, floods, labor disputes, epidemics, acts of God, or to abnormally inclement weather conditions. Weather conditions shall only be considered abnormally inclement if there was greater than normal inclement weather considering the term of the contract and the latest ten-year average of accumulated record mean values from data compiled by the U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atrnospheric Administration for the locale of the Work. Atl the time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Agreemenl The provisions of this Part 12 shall not exclude recovery for damages (including compensation for additional professional services) for delay by either party. 21/21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP try Instal latioa 00700-39 PART 13 WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE; TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTAIICE OF DEFECTIVE WORK I l I 13.01 WARRANTYATTDGUARANTEE t Contractor warrants and guarantees to Owner and Engineer that, without exception, all Work will be in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. Four copies of all manufacturer's guaranties or certificates that are required by the Contract Documents shall be submitted to Owner through Engineer prior to acceptance of the Work. No exceptions to Contract Documents and guarantee or waranty requirements are permitted. Prompt notice of all defects shall be given to Contractor. A1l defective Work, whether or not in place, may be rejected, corrected or accepted as provided in this Part 13. 13.02 ACCESS TO WORK Engineer and Engineer's representatives, other representatives of Owner, testing agencies and govemmental agencies with jurisdictional interests will have access to the Work at reasonable times for their observation, inspection and testing. Contractor shall provide proper and safe conditions for such access. 13.03 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS A. Contractor shall give Engineer timely Notice of Readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals. B. If any law, ordinance, rule, regulation, code, or order of any public body having jurisdiction requires any Work (or part thereof) specifically to be inspected, tested or approved, Contractor shall assume fulI responsibility therefor, pay all costs in connection therewith and fumish Engineer the required certificates of inspection, testing or approval. Contractor shall also be responsible for and shall pay all costs in connection with Owner's or Engineer's acceptance of a manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor of materials or' equipment proposed to be incorporated in the Work, or of materials or equipment submitted for approval prior to Contractor's purchase thereof for incorporation in the Work. The cost of all other inspections, tests and approvals required by the Contract Documents shall be paid by Owner (unless otherwise specified), except that the cost of re-testing of materials and equipment as a direct result of a failure to pass a specified test shall be paid by Contractor. C. All inspections, test$ or approvals other than those required by law, ordinance, rule, regulation, code or order of any public body having jurisdiction shall be performed by organizations acceptable to Owner and Contractor (or by Engineer, if so specified). 21121285 Rev. 10/10/01 t I T t I I I I I I I I I I IVail wwTP uV Installation 00700-40 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I t I I D. If any Work that is to be inspected, tested or approved is covered without written concrurence of Engineer, it must, if requested by Engineer, be uncovered for observation. Such uncovering shall be at Contractor's expense unless Contractor has given Engineer timely Notice of Contractor's intention to cover such Work and Engineer has not acted with reasonable promptness in response to such notice. E. Neither observations by Engineer or inspections, tests or approvals by others shall relieve Contractor from his obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. F. Any Work outside the normal five (5) day, forfy (40) hour week may require that the Resident Project Representative be on the job. All inspection so required shall be done at the Contractor's expense at Resident Project Representative's current billable rates and the cost thereof shall be deducted from any funds due Contractor. The ConJractor shall notifr the Engineer at least24 hours in advance of starting any such overtime Work. 13.04 UNCOVERING WORI( If any Work is covered contmry to the written request of Engineer, it must, if requested by Engineer, be uncovered for Engineer's observation and replaced at Contractor's expense. If Engineer considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by Engineer or iaspected or tested by others, Engineer shall issue a Field Order so directing and Contractor shall thereupon uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or testing as Engineer may require, that portion of the Work in question, fumishing a1l necessary labor, material and equipment. If it is found that such Work is defective, Contractor shall bear all the expenses of such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection and testing and ofsatisfactory correction or reconstruction ofthe defective work, including, for all ofthe foregoing tasks, compensafion for additional professional services. Contractor shall not request payment fot, nor shall Contractor be entitled to, compensation for such expenses. If the Work is found not to be defective, Contractor shall be allowed an increase in the Agreement Price or an extension of the Contract Time, or both, for any expense or delay directly attributable to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing and reconstruction, provided that Conffactor submits a verified claim as provided in Parts 11 and 12 within twenty (20) days of performing any such tasks. 13.05 OWNER MAY STOP THE WORI( If the Work is defective, or Contractor fails to supply sufficient skilled workmen or suitable matefials or equipment, or fails to furnish or perform the Work in such a way that the completed work will confomr to the Contract Documents, Owner may 2U21285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP tMnstallation 00700-41 order Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however, this right of Owner to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the pad of Owner to exercise this right for the benefit of Contractor or any other party. 13.06 CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE AND UNAUTHORIZEI) WORK If required by Engineer, Contractor shall promptly, without cost to Owner and as specified by Engineer, either correct any defective Work, whether or not fabricated" installed or completed, or, if the Work has been rejected by Engineer, remove it from the site and replace it with nondefective Work. Work done without lines and grades having been given, Work done beyond the lines and grades shown on the Plans, or as given, except as herein provided, Work done without proper inspection, or any extra or unclassified Work done without written authority and prior agreement in writing as to prices, will be done at the Contractor's risk and will be considered unauthorized and, at the option of the Engineer, may not be measured and paid for and may be ordered removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 13.07 TWO YEAR CORRECTION PERIOD I I I I I I I I I If within two (2) years after the date of final payment or such longer period of time I as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee I required by the Contract Documents or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents (unless establishment of a shorter correction period is made by I Addendum), any Work is found to be defective, Confractor shall prompfly, without I cost to Owner and in accordance with Owner's written instructions within seven (7) days after Owner's issuance of written instructions correct the defective Work at I Contractor's cost. If Contractor does not promptly comply with the terms of such I instruCtions oi in an emergency wher€ delay would cause setious risk of loss or damage, Owner may have the defective Work corrected or the rejected Work Iremoved and replaced, and all direct and indirect costs of such removal and I replacement, including compensation for additional professional services, shall be paid by Contractor. Contractor shall also pay for -y d"*ug" U*" t13th3r yTIi Iother property or persons which occurred as a result of the defective Work within I the correctionperiod. I13.08 ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK I If, instead of requiring correction or removal and replacement of defective Work, I Owner prefers to acrcept it, Owner may do so. In such case, if acceptance occurs prioi io enginee/J iecommendation of final payment, a Change Order shall be I issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents, including t appropriate reduction in the Agreement Price; or, if the acceptance occurs after such recommendation, an appropriate amount shall be paid by Contractor to Owner. I 2v21285 Rev. 10/l0i0l I Vail WWTP UV Installation 00700-42 I t I I I I I I I I T I I T I T I t I 13.09 OWNER MAY CORRECT DEFECTIYE WORJ< If Contractor fails within a reasonable time after written Notice of Engineer to proceed to correct and to correct defective Work or to remov€ and replace rejected Work as required by Engineer in accordance with paragraph 13.06 or in accordance with paragraph 13.07, or if Contractor fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents (including any requirements of the progress schedule), Owner may, after seven (7) days' written notice to Contractor, correct and remedy any such deficiency. In exercising its rights under this paragraph Owner shall proceed expeditiously. To the extent necessary to complete corrective and remedial action, Owner may exclude Contractor from all or part of the site, take possession of all or part of the Work, and suspend Contractor's services related thereto, take possession of Contractor's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which Owner has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere. Contractor shall allow Owner, Owner's representatives, agents and employees such access to the site as may be necessary to enable Owner to exercise its rights under this paragraph. All direct and indirect costs of Owner in exercising such rights shall be charged against Contractor in an amount verified by Engineer, and a Change Order shall be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents and a reduction in the Agreement Price. Such direct and indirect costs shall include, in particular but without limitation, compensation for additional professional services required and all costs of repair and replacement of work of others deshoyed or damaged by correction, removal or replacement of Contractor's defective Work. Contractor shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Time because of any delay in performance of the Work attributable to the exercise by Owner of Owner's rights hereunder. PART T4 CoNSTRUCTION SCHEDTJLE, SCHEDULE OF VALUES, PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTORS AND COMPLETION 14.01 SCHEDULES A. Within ten (10) days after issuance of the Notice to Proceed and at least ten days prior to submitting the first application for a progress payment, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to Owner the progress schedule listing all Work tasks required, duration of tasks, sequence of Work, and significant milestone events; a schedule for Shop Drawing submission; and a schedule of values. These schedules shall be satisfactory in form and substance to the Owner and the Engineer and shall employ the CPM or PERT method if so directed in the Supplementary Conditions. The progress schedule shall be an accurate reflection of the Work to be performed by Contractor. The progress schedule shall be subject to the review and concurrence of Owner, but Ovrner's concrurence shall not Constitute any guarantee or warranty by Owner that the Work can be perfonned as scheduled. Notwithstanding Owner's review and 2v21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP IJV Installation 00700-43 concrurence of the progress schedule, Contractor shall be paid only according to its completion of the schedule of values, as set forth herein, and not according to the progress schedule. The Contractor shall revise the progress schedule if so requested by Owner. I I T Agreement Price and shall subdivide the Work into component parts in sufficient detail to serve as the basis for progress payments during construction. Upon acceptance of the schedule of values by Engineer and Owner, the schedule shall be incorporated into the form for Application for Partial Pay'rnent and such form shall be subject to Engineer's and Owner's reasonable approval. The Conhactor shall revise the schedule ofvalues ifrequested by Owner. The Contractor may include on its Application for Partial Payment, payment for materials stored at the construction site, provided that title to such materials will pass to the Owner at the time of payment free and clear of all claims, secwity interests and encumbrances. 14.02 APPLICATION FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS A. At least ten (10) days before each progress payment falls due (but not more often than once a month), Contractor shall submit to Engineer for review an Application for Partial Payment completed and signed by Contractor covering the Work completed as of the date of the Application and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents and also as Engineer may reasonably require. Each subsequent Application for Partial Payment shall include an affidavit of Contractor stating that all previous progress payments received on account of the Work have been applied to discharge in full all of Contractor's obligations reflected in prior Applications for Partial Paynnent. The amount of retainage with respect to progress pa).rnents will be as stipulated in the Agreement. B. The determination of quantities of Work acceptably completed under the terms of the Contract Documents will be made by the Engineer and based on measurements taken by him or his assistants. These measurements will be taken according to the United States standard measure. All surface and linear measurements will be taken horizontally unless otherwise shown on Plans or specified. Structures shall be measured as shown on the Plans. When base course, topsoil, surface course, or any materials are measured by the cubic yard in the vehicle, such measurement shall be taken at the point of delivery. The capacity of all vehicles shall be plainly marked on said vehicle and the capacity or marking shall not be changed without permission of the Engineer. The Engineer may require all vehicles to have uniform capacity. C, No progress payment except final pa;rment will be made for a sum of less than $1,000.00. The estimates will be approximate only, and all partial or monthly estimates and payments shall be subject to correction in the estimate rendered T I I t I I t I I I I I I I I 21n1285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP UV Installation 00700-44 I I B. t I I I t I I I T I I I I I I T I following discovery of an error in any previous estimates. Should any defective Work or material be discovered, or should a reasonable doubt arise as to the integrity of any part of the Work completed previous to the final payment, there will be deducted from the first estimate rendered after the discovery of such Work an amount equal in value to the defective or questioned Work, and this Work will not be included in a subsequent estimate until the defects have been remedied or the causes for doubt removed. 14.03 CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTY OF TITLE Contractor warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by any Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, will pass to Owner at the time of payment free and clear of all claims, security interests and encumbrances (hereafter in these General Conditions referred to as "Claims"). 14.04 REVIEW OF' APPLICATIONS FORPROGRESS PAYMENT Engineer will, within ten (10) days after receipt of each Application for Partial Payment either indicate in writing a recommendation of payment and present the Application to Owner, or retum the Application to Contractor indicating in writing Engineer's reasons for refusing to recommend payment. In latter case, Contractor may make the necessary correcfions and resubmit the Application. The Owner shall pay Contractor within forty-five (45) days of Owner's approval of the Application for Partial Payment. Engineer's recommendation of any payment requested in an Application for Partial Payment will constitute a representation by Engineer to Owner, based on Engineer's on-site observations of the Work in progress as an experienced and qualified desigrr professional and on Engineer's review of the Application for Partial Payment and the accompanying data and schedules, that the Work has progressed to the point indicated, and that, to the best ofEnginee/s knowledge, information, and belief, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning Project upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents and any qualifications stated in the recommendation). However, by recommending any such payment Engineer will not thereby be deemed to have represented that exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections have been made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work, or that the means methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction have been reviewed or that any examination has been made to ascertain how or for what purpose Contractor has used the moneys paid or to be paid to Contractor on account of the Agreernent Price, or that title to any Work, materials or equipment has passed to Owner free and clear of any Claims. 2t/21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP tJV Installation 00700-45 C. Engineer may refuse to recommend, and the Owner may refuse to pay, the whole or any part of any payment if, in their opinion, it would be incorrect to make such payment. They may also refuse to recommend to make any such payment, or because of subsequently discovered evidence or lhe results of subsequent inspections or tests, nulliff any such payment previously recommended, to such extent as may be necessary in Engineer's or Owner's opinion to protect Owner from loss because: 1. The Work is defective, or completed Work has been damaged requiring correction or rep lacement, 2. Written Claims have been made against Owner or Claims have been filed in connection with the Work, 3. The Agreement Price has been reduced because of modifications, 4. Owner has been required to correct defective work or complete the Work in accordance with paragraph 13.09, 5. Of Contractor's unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. or 6. Of Contractor's failure to make payment to Subcontractors for labor, materials or equipment. 14.05 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION I T t I t I I 21121285 Rev. 10/10/01 I t I I I When Contractor considers the entire Work ready for its intended use, Contractor I shall, in writing to Owner and Engineer, certifi that the entire Work is substantially I complete and request that Engineer issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion. Within a reasonable time thereafter, Owner, Contractor, and Engineer shall make an I inspection of the Work to determine the status of completion. If Engineer does not I consider the Work substantially complete, Engineer will notifu Contractor in writing -giving his reasons therefor. If Engineer considers the Work substantially complete, I Engineer will prepare and deliver to Owner a tentative Certificate of Substantial - Completion. There shall be attached to the Certificate a punch list of items to be - completed or corrected before Project completion and finai payrnent. I 14.06 PARTIAL UTILIZATION A. Use by Owner of completed portions of the Work may be accomplished prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work subject to the following:I 1. Owner at any time may request Contractor in writing to permit Owner to use any part of the Work which Owner believes to be substantially I complete and which may be so used without significant interference with t I vail WWTP Uv Installation 00700-46 3. I I t I T I I I t I t I I T I t t I I construction of the other parts of the Work. If Contractor agrees, Contractor will certifr to Owner and Engineer that said part of the Work is substantially complete. Within a reasonable time thereafter, Owner, Contractor and Engineer shall make an inspection of that part of the Work to determine its status of completion. Prior to Owner's use, Engineer will deliver to Owner and Contractor a written recommendation as to the division of responsibilities pending final payment between Owner and Contractor with respect to security, operation, safety, maintenance, utilities, insurance and correction periods for that part of the Work which is binding upon Owner and Contractor as to that part of the Work, unless Owner and Contractor shall have otherwise agreed in writing or shall object to the Engineer in writing within fifteen (15) days of receiving Engineer's recommendations. Owner shall have the right to exclude Contractor from any part of the Work which Owner uses, but Owner shall allow Contractor reasonable access to complete or correct items on the tentative list. In lieu of the provisions of paragraph 14.064.1., Owner may take over operation of a facility constituting part of the Work whether or not it is substantially complete if such facility is functionally and separately useable; provided that prior to any such takeover, Owner and Contractor have agreed as to the division of responsibilities between Owner and Contractor for security, operation, safety, maintenance, correction period, heat, utilities and insurance with respect to such facility. No occupancy of part of the Work or taking over of operations of a facility will be accomplished prior to acknowledgment from the insurers providing the property insurance on the Work that notice of such occupancy has been received and that said insurers, in writing, have effected the changes in coverage necessitated thereby. The insurers providing the property insurance shall consent to such use or occupancy by endorsement on the policy or policies, but the properfy insurance shall not be canceled or lapse on account ofany such partial use or occupancy. 14.07 FINAL INSPECTION Upon written notice from Contractor that the Work is complete and that all iterns on the punch list have been completed, Engineer will make a final inspection with Owner and Contractor and will notifu Contractor in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. Contractor shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to remedy such deficiencies. 14.08 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT After Contractor has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of Engineer and delivered all maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, Bonds, certificates of inspection, marked-up record documents and other documents-all as required by the Contract Documents, and after Engineer has 2V2r2E5 Rev. | 0/10/01Vail WWTP uV Installation 00700-47 indicated that the Work is acceptable (subject to the provisions of paragraph 14.11), Contractor may make application for final payment following the procedure for progress payments. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied by all documentation called for in the Contract Documents and such other data and schedules as Engineer may reasonably require, together with complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to Owner) of all Claims arising out of or filed in connection with the Work. In lieu thereof and as approved by Owner, I T t I releases and receipts include all labor, services, material and equipment for which a Claim could be filed, and that all payrolls, material and equipment bills, and other indebtedness corurected with the Work for which Owner or its property might in any way be responsible, have been paid or otherwise satisfied; and consent of the Surety, ifany, to final payment. Ifany Subcontractor, manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor fails to furnish a release or receipt in fuIl, Contractor may furnish a Bond or other collateral satisfactory to Owner to indemnify Owner against any Claim. 14.09 F'INAL PAYMENT AIID ACCEPTA}ICE A. If, on the basis of Engineer's observation of the Work during construction and final inspection, and Engineer's review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation-all as required by the Contract Documents, Engineer is satisfied that the Work has been completed and Contractor has fulfilled all of his obligations under the Contract Documents, Engineer will, within ten (10) days after receipt of the final Application for Payment, indicate in writing his recommendation of payment and present the Application to Owner for payment. Thereupon Engineer will give written notice to Owner and Contractor that the Work is acceptable subject to the provisions of paragraph 14. 1 1 . Otherwise, Engineer will retum the Application to Contractor, indicating in writing the reasons for refusing to recommend final pay.rnent, in which case Contractor shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. If the Application and accompanying documentation are appropriate as to form and substance, and acceptable to Owner , Owner shall, within thirty (30) days thereof, cause publication to commence of Notice of Final Settlement, in accordance with statutory requirernents applicable to Owner. In the event no claims are made against Contractor in response to said publication, Owner shall pay Contractor the amount of final payrnent recommended by the Engineer in accordance with the Notice of Final Settlement. In the event any claim is made against Contractor, Owner may withhold up to twice the amount of any asserted claim against Contractor until said claim has been resolved together with other amounts permitted by the Agreement and Part 18 hereof; however, Owner shall pay Conhactor the balance of the final payment net of the withheld amount. B. If, through no fault of Contractor, final completion of the Work is significantly delayed and if Engineer so confirms, Owner shall, upon receipt of Contractor's final Application for Payment and recommendation of Engineer, and without terminating the Agreement, make payment of the balance due for that portion of 21/21285 Rev. 10/10/01 I l I I I I I I I I I I t IVail WWTP UV Installation 00700-48 I T I t I t T I the Work fully completed and accepted. If the remaining balance to be held by Owner for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in the Agreement, and if Bonds have been furnished, the written consent of the Surety to the payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submitted by Contractor to Engineer with the Application for such payment. Payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of claims. 14.10 CONTRACTOR'S CONTINUING OBLIGATION The Contract Documents will be considered complete when all Work has been finished, the final inspection made and the Work frnally accepted by the Engineer, all claims for payment of labor, materials, or services of any kind used in connection with the Work have been settled by the Contractor or its surety and final payment has been made by Owner. The Surety Bond executed for performance of the Contract Documents shall be in full effect for a period equal to the warranty correction period following the date of final payment. Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph 14.10A., Contractor's obligation to perform and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. Neither recommendation of any progress or final payment by Engineer, nor the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion, nor any payment by Owner to Contractor under the Contract Documents, nor any use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by Owner, nor any act of acceptance by Owner nor any failure to do so, nor the issuance of a Notice of Acceptability by Engineer pursuant to paragraph 14.09A., nor any correction of defective Work by Owner shall constitute an acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of Contractor's obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 14.11 WAIVEROF'CLAIMS The making and acceptance of final payment shall constitute: A waiver of all claims by Owner against Contractor, except claims arising from unsettled Claims, from defective Work appearing from final inspection pursuant to paragraph 14.07 or from failure to comply with the Contract Documents or the terms of any special guarantee specified therein; however, it shall not constitute a waiver by Owner of any rights in respect of Contractor's continuing obligations under the Contract Documents; and A waiver of all claims by Contractor against Owner other than those previously made in writing and identified by the Contractor as unsettled at the time of the Final Application for Payment. 2v2t285 Rev. 10/10/01 B. B. t I I I I t t I I I I Vail WWTP UV Installation 00700-49 PART 15 - SUSPENSION OF WORK AI\D TERMINATION 15.01 ENGINEER OR OWNER MAY SUSPEND WORK A. The Engineer, in consultation with Owner when time permits, shall have the authority to suspend the Work wholly or in part because of unfavorable weather or other essential conditions, or because of the failure on the part of the Contractor properly to prosecute the Work in accordance with the Contract, to carry out orders or to remove defective material or Work. The Contractor shall not suspend the Work without written authority from Owner or Engineer. Prior to resuming Work, Contractor shall give the Engineer adequate notice to afford opportunity to re-establish observation and inspection of Work being performed. B. In the event Contractor is ordered by the Engineer, in writing, to suspend Work I for some unforeseen cause not provided for in the Specifications, and over wlich the Contractor has no control, the Contractor may be reimbursed for I actual money expended on the job during the period of *rp*rio". No t allowance will be made for anticipated profits. The period of suspension shall be computed from the date set out in the written order for Work to cease until I the date of the order for Work to resume. Claims for such compensation shall t be filed with the Engineer within ten (10) days after date of the order to resume r Work or such claims will not be considered. The Contractor shall submit with I its claims, substantiating documents covering the entire amount shown on the claim. After receiving relevant information from the Engineer, the Owner shall I take the claim under consideration, and may make such investigations as are I deemed necessary, and shall be the sole judge as to whether such claim is equitable and such decision shall be final. No provision ofthis article shall be a construed as entitling the Contractor to compensation for delays due to t inclement weather, delays due to failure of surety, for suspensions made at the request of the Contractor, or for any other delay provided for in the ISpecil'icarions. I C. Owner may, at any time suspend the Work or any portion thereof without cause I for a period of not more than ninety (90) days by notice in writing to Contractor t and Engineer which shall fix the date on which Work shall be resumed. Contractor shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. Contractor will be I allowed an increase in the Aereement Price or an extension of the Contract ! Time, or both, directly attributable to any suspension if he makes a claim therefor as provided in Parts l1 and 12. 15.02 OWNER MAY TERMINATE A. Upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events, Owner may termilate the Agreement if: 21n1,285 Rev. lo/l6i0l I I I l I I I I I IVail WWTP tIV Installation 00700-50 I T I t I I I I t I I I I t t T t I I l.Contractor is adjudged a bankrupt or insolvent, Contractor makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, A trustee or receiver is appointed for Contractor or for any of Contractor's property, Contractor files a petition to take advantage of any debtor's act, or to rcorganize under the bankruptcy or similar laws, Contractor repeatedly fails to supply sufficient skilled workmen or suitable materials or equipment, Contractor repeatedly fails to make prompt payments to Subcontractors for labor, materials or equipment, Contractor disregards laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public body having jurisdiction, Contractor disregards the authority of Engineer, Contractor fails to start the Work on the date given in the Notice to Proceed, Substantial evidence that progress being made by the Contractor is insufficient to complete the Work within the specified time, Contractor deliberately fails to observe any requirement of the Contract Documents, Contractor fails promptly to make good any defects in materials or Work or any defects ofany other nature, the correction ofwhich has been directed in writing by the Engineer, Contractor fails to remedy any default under the Contract Documents within seven (7) days of receipt ofNotice of such default from Owner, or Contractor otherwise violates il any substantial way any provisions of the Contract Documents. B. Before the Agreement is terminated, the Contractor and its surety will fust be notified in writing by the Engineer of the conditions which make termination of the Agreement imminent. Seven (7) days after this is given, if a satisfactory effort has not been made by the Contractor or its surety to corect the conditions, the Owner may declare the Agreement terminated and notiff the Contractor and its surety accordingly. Upon receipt of notice from the Owner 21t2lz8s Rev. 10/10/01 4. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. Vail WWTP W Insallation 00700-51 I that the Agreement has been terminated, the Contractor shall immediately I discontinue all operations. The Owner may then proceed with the Work in any lawful marurer that it may elect until it is finally completed. Owner may t exclude Contractor from the site and take possession of the Work and all I Contractor's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site and use the same to the full extent they could be used by Contractor (without t liability to Contractor for trespass or conversion), incorporate in the Work all r materials and equipment stored at the site or for which Owner has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as Owner may I deem expedient. In such case Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the I Agreement Price exceeds the direct and indirect costs of completing the Work, t including compensation for additional professional services, including but not limited to fees and charges of engineers, architects, and attomeys and any court I or arbitration costs, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such costs t exceed such unpaid balance, Contractor shall pay the difference to Owner. Such costs incurred by Owner shall be verified by Engineer and incorporated in I a Change Order, but in finishing the Work, Owner shall not be required to I obtain the lowest fgure for the Workp Where Contractor's services have been so terminated by Owner, the termination shall not affect any rights of Owner against Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of moneys due Contractor by Owner will not release Contractor from liability. Upon seven (7) days' written notice to Contractor and Engineer, Owner may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, elect to abandon the Work and terminate the Agreement. In such case, Contractor shall be paid for all Work executed and any expense sustained plus reasonable termination expenses. 15.03 CONTRACTOR MAY STOP WORK OR TERMINATE If through no act or fault of Contractor, the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety (90) days by Owner or under an order ofcourt or other public authority, or Engineer fails to act on any Applicafion for Partial Payment within thirty (30) days after it is submitted, or Owner fails for forty-five (45) days to pay Contractor any sum finally determined to be due, then Contractor may, upon seven (7) days' written notice to Owner and Engineer, terminate the Agreement and recover from Owner payment for all work executed and any expense sustained plus reasonable termination expenses. In addition and in lieu of terminating the Agreement, if Engineer has failed to act on an Application for Payment or Owner has failed to - I t I I I I t I C. D. make any payment as aforesaid, Contractor may upon seven (7) days' notice to Owner and Engineer stop the Work until payment of all amounts then due. The provisions of this paragraph shall not relieve Contractor of his obligations under 2lt2'1285 Rev. l0/10/01 I I IVail WWTP UV Installation 00700-52 T I I I I I I t I 3. I I I I I I I t I t paragraph 21.01C. to carry on the Work in accordance with the progress schedule and without delay during disputes and disagreements with Owner. 15.04 OWNER MAY TERMINATE FOR COIIVENIENCE A. The Owner may terminate the performance of Work under the Contract Documents in accordance with this section, without cause and in the Owner's sole and absolute discretion. Such termination may be in whole, or from time to time in part. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery of a written Notice of Termination to the Contractor specifying the extent to which performance of Work under the Contract is terminated and the date upon which termination becomes effective. B. After receipt of a Notice of Termination, and except as otherwise directed by the Owner, the Contractor shall: 1. Stop Work under the Contract on the date and to the extent specified in the Notice of Termination. Place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities except as necessary to complete the portion of the Work under the Contract Documents which is not terrninated. Terminate al1 orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of Work terminated by the Notice of Termination. Assign to the Owner, in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Owner, all of the right, title, and interest of the Contractor under the orders and subcontracts so terminated. The Owner shall have the right, in its disqetion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts. Settle all .outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and subcontracts, with the approval or ratification of the Owner to the extent it may require. Its approval or ratification shall be final for all purposes ofthis clause. Transfer to the Owner, and deliver in this manner, at the times, and to the extent, if any, directed by the Owner: a. The fabricated or unfabricated parts, Work in process, completed Work, supplies, and other material produced as a part of, or acquired in connection with the performance of, the Work terminated by the Notice of Termination; and 2v2t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP UV Instal'lation 00700-53 b. The completed or partially completed Plans, drawings, information, and other property which, if the Project had been completed would have been required to be fumished to the Owner. 7. Use his best efforts to sell, in the manner, at the times, to the extent, and at the price or prices that the Owner directs or authorizes, any property of the types referred to above in Paragraph 15.04B.6., but the Contractor: a. Shall not be required to extend credit to any purchaser; and b. May acquire any such property under the conditions prescribed and at a price or prices approved by the Owner. The proceeds of any such hansfer or disposition shall be applied in reduction of any payments to be made by the Owner to the Contractor under the Contract Documents or shall otherwise be credited to the Agreement Price or cost of the Work covered by the Contract Documents or paid il such other manner as the Owner may direct. 8. Complete performance of such part of the Work as shall not have been terminated by the Notice of Termination. 9. Take such action as may be necessary, or as the Owner may direct, for the protection and preservation ofthe property related to the Project which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the Owner has or may acquire an interest. C. After receipt of a Notice of Termination, the Contractor shall submit to the Owner his termination claim, in the form and with the certification the Owner prescribes. Such claim shall be submitted promptly, but in no event later than sixty (60) days from the effective date of the termination, unless one or more extensions in writing are granted by the Owner upon request of the Contractor made in writing within a one (l) year period from the effective date of the termination or authorized extension. However, if the Owner determines that the facts justiff such action, it may receive and act upon any such terrlination claim at any time after such sixty (60) day period or extension. If the Contractor fails to submit his termination claim within the time allowed, the Owner may determine, on the basis of information available to it, the amount, if any, due to Contractor because of the termination. The Owner shall then pay to the Contractor the amount so determined. D. Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the Contractor and the Owner may agree upon the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor because of the total or partial termination of Work under this subsecfion. The amount or amounts may include a reasonable allowance for profit on Work done if acceptable to Owner. However, such agreed amount or amounts, exclusive of settlement costs, shall not exceed the total Agreement 2u21285 Rev. l0n0/01 I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I IVail WWTP IJV lnstallation 00700-54 I I I I I I I I T t I t t I t I I ! I Price as reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made and as further reduced by the Agreernent Price of the portion of the Work not terminated. The Contract Documents shall be amended accordingly, and the Conhactor shall be paid the agreed amount. Nothing in this paragraph prescribing the amount to be paid to the Contractor in the event of the failure of the Contractor and the Owner to agree upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor because of termination of Work under this Section shall be deemed to limit, restrict, or otherwise determine or affect the amount or amounts which may be agreed upon to be paid to the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph. E. If the Contractor and the Owner fail to agree on the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor because of the termination of Work under this section, the Owner shall determine, on the basis of information available to it, the amount, of any, due to the Contractor by reason of the termination and shall pay the Contractor the amounts determined as follows: l. For all Contract Work performed before the effective date of the Notice of Termination the total (without duplication of any items) of, a. The cost of such Work. b. The cost of settling and paying claims arising out of the termination of Work under subcontracts or orders as paragraph 15.04B.3. above provides. This cost is exclusive of the amounts paid or payable on account of supplies or materials delivered or services fumished by the Subcontractor before the effective date of the Notice of Termination. These amounts shall be included in the cost on account of which payment is made. c. The reasonable cost of the preservation and protection of property incurred and any other reasonable costs incidental to tennination ofthe Work under the Contract Documents, including expense incidental to the determination of the amount due to the Contractor as a result of the termination of Work under the Contract Documents. 2. The total sum to be paid to the Contractor shall not exceed the total Agreement Price as reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made and as further reduced by the Agreement Price of Work not terminated. Except for nonnal spoilage, and except to the extent that the Owner shall have otherwise expressly assumed the risk of loss, there shall be excluded from the amounts payable to the Contractor the fair value, as determined by the Owner, ofproperty to the extent that it is undeliverable to the Owner, or to a Buyer under paragraph 15.048.7. of this Part 15. If the parties do not reach agreement under Paragraph 15.04D. and the Owner utilized this Paragraph 15.04E., no allowance for profit shall be included in the calculation of the sum to be paid to Contractor. 2112t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP W Installation 00700-ss The Contractor shall have the right to dispute under the Disputes provision any determination the Owner makes under this Part 15. But, if the Conhactor has failed to submit his claim within the time provided in paragraph 15.04C and has failed to request an extension oftime, he shall have no such right ofappeal. In any case where the Owner has determined the amount due, the Owner shall pay to the Conffactor the following: 1. If there is no right of appeal hereunder or if no timely appeal has been made, the amounts so determined by the Owner; or 2. If a dispute proceeding is initiated, the amount frnally determined in such dispute proceeding. In arriving at the amount due to the Contractor under this clause there shall be deducted: 1. All unliquidated advance or other payments on account therefor made to t the Contractor, applicable to the terminated portion of the Work. 2. Any claim which the Owner may have against the Contractor in connection I with the Contract Documents.I3. The agreed price for, or the proceeds of sale oi any materials, supplies or other things kept bt the Contracior oi sota, un0ei the provisions of this I section, and not otherwise recovered by or credited to the Owner. I H. If the termination hereunder is partial, before the settlement of the terminated portion of the Contract Documents, the Contractor may file with the Owner or I request in writing for an equitable adjustment of the price or prices specified in I the Contract Documents relating to the continuing portion of the Work (the portion not terminated by the Notice of Termination). Such equitable I adjustment as may be agreed upon shall be made in the price or prices- Nothing r' conta;ned herein shall limit the right of the Owner and the Contractor to agree upon the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor for the completion of I the continued portion of the Work when the Contract Documents do not contain ! an established Contract Price for the continued portion.t PART 16 - MISCELLA}{EOUS 16.01 GIVING NOTICE Whenever any provision of the Conhact Documents requires the giving of written notice it shall be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the finn or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or ifdelivered at or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, 2U21285 R€v. 10/10/01 F. I I I I I I IG. I I I IVail WWTP UV Installation 00700-56 I I I t I t I to the last business address known to the giver of the notice. Notice may also be given by facsimile, providing the notice is also immediately sent by fust class mail, exce,pt in those cases which require an original to con{irm the validity of a signature or other element of the document. 16.02 COMPUTATION OF'TIME When any period of time is referred to in the Conhact Documents by days, it shall be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period. If the last day of any such period falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day made a legal holiday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, such day shall be omitted frorn the comPutation. 16.03 CORRECTION PERIOD Nothing in the General Conditions conceming the correction period shall establish a period of limitation with respect to any other obligation which Contractor has under the Contract Documents. The establishment of time period relates only to the specifrc obligations under the Contract Documents which may be sought to be enforced,.not to the time within which proceedings may be commenced to establish Contractor's liability with respect to its obligations other than specifically to correct the Work. 16.04 GENERAL Should Owner or Contractor suffer injury or damage to its or his person or property because of any error, omission or act of the other party or of any of the other party's employees or agents or others for whose acts the other party is responsible, the injured party shall notiS the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. The duties and obligations imposed by these General Condifions and the riglrts and rernedies available hereunder to the parties hereto, and, in particular but without limitation, the warranties, guarantees and obligations imposed upon Contractor by paragraphs 5.05, 13.01, 13.06, 13.09, 14.03, and 15.02A. and all of the rights and remedies available to Owner and Engineer under the Confiact Documents, shall be in addition to, and shall not be construed in any way as a limitation ol any rights and remedies available to any of or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available by law or contraat, by special warranty or guarantee, or by other provisions of the Contract Documents, and the provisions of this paragraph shall be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Contract Documents in connection with each particular duty, obligation, right and remedy to which they apply. All representations, warranties, and guarantees made in the Contract Documents shall survive final payment and termination or completion of the Agreement. 21/21285 Rev. 10/10/01 t I I I I T I I T I I I Vail WWTP Lry Installation o0700-57 C. Should Owner determine that Contractor is performing in such a fashion that Contractor will not complete the Project timely, Owner shall give Contractor notice of Owner's determination and Conhactor shall have fifteen (15) days fiom the issuance of Owner's notice within which to correct his performance and to furnish evidence satisfactory to Owner that the Project will be completed timely. In the event that Contractor does not within said fifteen (15) days correct his performance and furnish evidence satisfactory to Owner that the Project will be completed timely, Owner shall have the right to remove the Contractor and retain a replacement contractor to complete the Project. Owner may thereupon withhold all payments to Contractor until the replacement contractor has completed the Project and then determine what amounts, if any, are due Contractor. I I I I T t t I I I I I I I I I I ! t PART17 . ADDRESSES 17.01 OWI\ER Owner is the District named in the Agreement acting through its duly authorized agents. All notices, letters and communications directed to Owner shall be addressed and delivered to Owner at the address indicated in the Agreement, with one (1) copy to Engineer. 17.02 ENGINEER All duties and responsibilities assigned to Engineer in the Contract Documents, with the corresponding rights and authority will be assumed by the Engineer named in the Agreement and its duly authorized agents. All notices, letters and communication directed to Engineer shall be addressed and delivered to Engineer at the address indicated in the Contract Documents. 17.03 CONTRACTOR The business addresses of Contractor given in the Bid Form and Contractor's office at the site of the Work are hereby designated as the places to which all notices, letters, and other communication to Contractor will be delivered. 17.04 CHANGE OF' ADDRESS Either Owner, Contractor, or Engineer may change its or his address at any time by an instrument in writing delivered to the other two. 2U2t28s Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWT? tMnstallation 00700-58 I I t I I I t I I I I t I I I I I t t PART 18 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Time is an essenfial condition of the Conhact. In case the Contractor shall fail to fully perform and complete the Work in conformity to the provisions and conditions of the Contract Documents within the specified time limits set forth in the Contract Documents for such performance and completion or within such further time as, in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents, shall be fixed or allowed for such performance and completion, the Contractor shall and will pay to the Owner for each and every day of the additional time in excess of the specified time limits and any granted extension thereof, the sum set forth in Part 5 of the Agreement as liquidated damages and not as apenalty. The parties agree that Owner will suffer loss and damage; howevet, due to the uncertainty and difficulty of measuring actual damages for every day the Work remains uncompleted and unfinished, the parties agree that said sum is a reasonable forecast of compensatory damages. The Owner shall recover said damages by deducting the amount thereof out of any moneys which may be due or become due the Contractor, or by an action at law against the Contractor or its surety, or by either or both of these methods. Should the entire completion and final acceptance of the Work herein embraced, together with any modifications or additions, be delayed beyond the time herein set, it is understood and agreed that aside from any other penalty or daurage, all costs of the engineering, observation and inspection on behalf of the Owner which are incurred after the specified time limits have elapsed may be charged to the Contractor and be deducted from any estimate or payment otherwise due and payable to him. In case of joint responsibility for delay in the final completion of the Work, where two or more separate contracts are in force at the same time and cover work at the same site, liquidated damages assessed against any one Contractor for the delay shall be determined by, and in the judgment of, Engineer. PART 19 - EXISTING UNDERGROT'ND INSTALLATIONS A. Existing underground installations such as water lines, gas lines, sewers, telephone lines, power lines, or similar concealed structures in the vicinity of the Work are indicated on the Drawings only to the extent such inforrnation was made available to or discovered by Engineer in preparing the Drawings. There is no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of such information, and all responsibility for the accuracy and completeness thereof is expressly disclaimed. Generally, service connections are not indicated on the Drawings. B. Contractor shall be solely responsible for locating all existing underground installations, including service connections, in advance of excavating or trenching, by contacting the owners thereof and prospecting. Contractor shall 2r/21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP W Installation 00700-59 use his own information and shall not rely upon any information indicated on the Drawings conceming existing underground installations. C. The General Conditions provisions regarding Unforeseen Physical Conditions do not apply to the existing underground installations indicated in the preceding paragraphs. Any delay, additional Work, or extra cost to Contractor caused by underground existing installations shall not constitute a claim for extra Work, additional payment, or damages. PART 20 - STREAMLINED SPECIFICATIONS These Specifications are wriften in the streamlined or declarative style, utilizing incomplete sentences. Omissions of such words and phrases "The Contractor shall," "in conformity therewith," "shall be," "as shown on the Drawings," "a," "an1" "ther" and "a11" are intentional in streamlined sections. Omitted words shall be supplied by inference in the same manner as when a note appears on the Drawings. The omission of such words shall not relieve the Contractor from providing all items and work described herein or indicated on the Drawings. PART 21 - HANDLING OF'DISPUTES 21.01 DISPUTES A. Any claim, dispute, or other matter in question between the Contractor and the Owner and relating to the acceptability of the Work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents pertaining to the execution and progress of the Work shall be referred initially to Engineer, as specified in Section 9.06. Any such claim for which Engineer has rendered a decision, or any other claim between the Owner and Contractor, may be submitted to alternative dispute resolution, including arbitration or mediation, or any other dispute resolution process, excluding lifigation, upon the mutual consent of the parties. The parties shall determine whether any such arbitration shall be binding or non-binding. I Neither parfy shall be compelled to participate in any alternative dispute I resolution process and nothing in this paragraph shall preclude either party from pursuing any legal remedy available to it, subject to the conditions ofParagraph 9.068. B. If the parties agree to submit a claim, dispute, or other matter to arbitration, the Construction Industry Arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association then obtaining shall be used, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. An award rendered by an arbitrator or arbitrators in a binding arbitration shall be final and binding on all parties to the extent and in the manner provided by the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure. All awards may be filed with the clerk of one or more courts, State or Federal, having jurisdiction over the party or parties T t I I I t I I t I T I T I 2tr2tzg5 Rev. l0/10/01 I I I IVail WWTP UV Installation 00700-60 I I I t I I I against whom such award is rendered or its properfy, as a basis ofjudgment and of the issuance of execution for its collection. C. The Contractor shall continue to perform the Work and adhere to the Contractor's construction schedule during all disputes or disagreements with ttre Owner. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as Contractor and Owner may otherwise agree in writing. 21.02 DISPUTES WITH THIRD PARTIES A. All disputes which involve parties in addition to the Owner, Engineer and Contractor shall not be the subject of arbitration, except by the mutual consent of all the parties involved in the dispute. B. Engineer shall not be deemed or considered a third party beneficiary of the Agreement or Contract Documents, nor a party thereto. PART 22 DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND LIMITATIONS OF' TIIE AUTHORITY OF RESIDENT PROJECT REPRJSENTATIVE (IF ANT) 22.01 DESCRIPTION Resident Project Representative is Engineer's Agent and shall act as directed by and under the supervision of Engineer. He shall confer with Engineer regarding his actions. His dealings h matters pertaining to the on-site Work will, iq general, be only with Engineer and Conhactor. His dealings with Subcontactors will only be through or with the full knowledge of Contractor or his superintendent. He shall generally communicate with Owner only through or as directed by Engineer. 22.02 DVTIES AI\ID R.ESPONSIBILITIES A. Conferences: Attend preconstruction conferences and regular project review meetings. B. Liaison. 1. Serve as Engineer's liaison with Contractor, working principally through Contractor's superintendent and assist him in understanding the intent of the Contract Documents. 2. As requested by Engineer, assist in obtaining from Owner additional details or information, when required at the job site for proper execution of the Work. 2v21285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I I I I I I t I I I Vail WWTP LJV Installation 00700-61 I I t I I I I C. 3. In the interest of preserving the proper channels of communication, advise Engineer of any direct communication between Owner and Contractor. Shop Drawings and Samples. 1. Receive and record date of receipt of Shop Drawings and samples which have been reviewed by Engineer. 2. Receive samples which are furnished at the site by Contractor for Engineer's review, and notifu Engineer of their availability for examination. 3. Advise Engineer and Contractor or his superintendent immediately of the cornm€ncement of any Work requiring a Shop Drawing or sample submission if the submission has not been accepted by Engineer. Review of Work.D. 1. Conduct on-site observations of the Work in progress to assist Engineer rn determining that the Project is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents and the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents. Report to Engineer whenever he believes that any Work is unsatisfactory, faulty, or defective or does not conform to the Contract Documents, or has been damaged, or does not meet the requirements of any inspections, tests, or approvals required to be made, and advise Engineer when he believes Work should be corrected or rej ected or should be uncovered for observation, or requires special testing or inspection. Verify that tests, equipment, and systems start- ups and operating and maintenance instructions are conducted as required by the Contract Documents and in presence of the required personnel, and that Contractor maintains records thereof; observe, record, and report to Engineer appropriate details relative to the test procedures and start-ups. Accompany Owner and visiting inspectors representing public or other agencies having jurisdiction over the Project, record the outcome of these inspections and report to Engineer. Interpretation of Contract Documents: Transmit to Contractor clarification and interpretation of the Contract Documents as issued by Engineer. Modifications: Consider and evaluate Contractor's suggestions for modifications in Drawings or Specifications and report them with recommendations to Engineer. 2v2't285 Rev. l0/10/01 3. 4. I I I I I I t I I I I 6. Vail WWTP uV Installation 00700-62 9. 10. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I o 7. Records: Maintain at the job site orderly files for correspondence, reports of job conferences, Shop Drawings and sample submissions, reproductions of original Contract Documents including all addenda, Change Orders, Field Orders, additional Drawings issued subsequent to the ex€cution of the Agreement, Engineer's clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents, progress reports, and other Project-related documents. b. Keep a diary or log book, recording hours on the job site, weather conditions, data relative to questions of extras or deductions, list of principal visitors, daily activities, decisions, observations in general, and specific observafions in more detail as in the case ofobserving test procedures. Send copies to Engineer. c. Record names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all Contractors, Subcontractors, and major suppliers of equipment and materials. d. Advise Engineer whenever Contractor is not curently maintaining an up-to-date copy of Record Drawings at the site. Reports: Fumish Engineer daily and weekly reports as required to represent the status of the Work and of Contractor's compliance with the approved progress schedule, schedule of Shop Drawing submissions, and other schedules. Guarantees, Certificates, Maintenance, and Operation Manuals: During the course of the Work, veriff that guarantees, certificates, maintenance, and operation manuals and other data required to be assembled and furnished by Contractor are applicable to the items actually installed; and deliver these data to Engineer for his review and forwarding to Onmer prior to final acceptance of the Proj ect. Completion: a. Conduct final inspection in the company of Engineer, Owner, and Contractor and prepare a final list of items to be corrected. b. Verify that all items on final list have been corrected and make recommendations to Engineer concerning acceptance. 2t/21285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP IJV lnstallation 00700-63 )I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 22.03 LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY Resident Project Representative shall be limited in authority exc€pt upon written instructions of Engineer. The Resident Project Representative shall not: 1. Authorize any deviation from the Contract Documents or approve any substitute materials or equipment. 2. Undertake any of the responsibilities of Contractor, Subcontractor, or Contractor's superintendent. 3. Advise on or issue directions as to safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. - DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AIID LIMITATIONS OF TIIE AUTHORITY OF' TIIE OWI\ER'S REPRESENTATIVE DESCRIPTION The Owner's Representative is the Owner's agent and shall act as directed by and under the supervision of Owner. He shall confer with Owner regarding his actions. His dealings in matters pertaining to the on-site work will in general be only with Engineer and Contractor. His dealings with Subcontractors will only be through Contractor or his superintendent. DUTIES AIID RESPONSIBILITIES Owner's Representative shall coordinate all construction activities and Owner Purchase Agreements. He shall: A. Conferences: Attend Preconstruction Conferences and regular project meetings. Arrange a schedule of progress meetings and other job conferences as required and notify in advance those expected to attend. Conduct meetings and maintain and circulate copies of minutes thereof. B. Liaison: Serve as Owner's liaison with Contractor and Engineer, working to help expedite the project to assure the scheduling requirements are met. C. Modifications: Consider Contractor's suggestions for modifications in Drawings or Specifications and report thern with recommendations to Engineer. D. Reports: B. PART 23 23.01 23.02 I I I 2v21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP UV lnstallation 00700-64 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 1. Fumish Owner with periodic reports of progress of work and of Contractor's compliance with the approved progress schedule, schedule of Shop Drawing submissions, and other schedules. 2. Consult with Owner in advance of scheduled major tests, inspections, or start of important phases of work. E. Payment Requisitions: In cooperation with Engineer, review Application for Payment with the Contractor for compliance with the established procedure for its submission and forward it with recommendation to the Owner for payment. 23.03 LIMITATIONS OF'AUTHORITY Owner's Representative shall be limited in authority except upon written instructions of Owner as follows: Except as provided in paragraph I1.018. and paragraph l2.O2A. shall not authorize any deviation from the Contract Documents or approve any substitute materials or equipment, modifications or Change Orders. Shall not undertake any ofthe responsibilities ofContractor, Subcontractor or Contractods superintendent. Shall not advise on or issue directions as to safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. **END OF SECTION{'* 2t/21285 Rev. l0/10/01 l. 3. Vail WWTP tMnstallation 00700-6s I I I I Owner: EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Date: The Work performed under the Agreernent for the above referenced Project has been inspected by the authorized representatives of the Owner, IINSERT NAMES OF I CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERI. The Project was hereby declared to be tully complete on I Contractor shall maintain responsibility for conection of all warranty related work on the - Project until , 20-. I EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT as Owner accepts the Project as tully complete: I Bv: SECTION OO9IO CERTIFICATE OF FINAL COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE PROJECT: Vail WWTP W Installation CONTRACTNO.:(_J I I I I Title: Project Manager I Date: - f INSERT NAME OF CONTRACTOR] as CONTRACTOR accepts the above Certificate of I Final Completion: I R';; Title: t Date: I I I 21/2t28s Rev. 10/10/01 I vail wwTP IJV Installation 00910-l c .l ERT NAME OF ENGINEERI as ENGINEER has determined and accepted the Project as fully completed to its satisfaction: **END OF SECTION** IINSI being By: -Name: Title: _ Date: 21/2t285 Rev. 10/10/01vail wwTP Uv lnstallation 00910-2 I I I I I SECTION OO92O NOTICE OFFINALPAYMENT PROJECT: Vail W-WTP UV Installation CONTRACTNO.:(---_J I NOTICE is hereby given that the EAGLE RMR WATER & SAMTATION DISTRICT I of Eagle County, Colorado, will make final payment at 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 on 20 . at the hour of .m. to I of -, Colorado for all work done by said Contractor(s) in I *nrttu"ii* *o* pofor-"a *itni" EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT . I Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company or corporation that has I fumished labor, materials, team hire, sustenance, provisions, provender, or other supplies used or consumed by such conhactors or their subcontractors, in or about the performance of the work I conhacted to be done or that supplies rental machinery tools, or equipment to the extent used in theI prosecution of the work, and whose claim therefor has not been paid by the contractors or their subcontractors, at any time up to and including the time of final settlement for the work contracted I to be done, is required to file a verified statement ofthe amount due and unpaid, and an account of - such claim, to the EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT, 846 Forest Road, Vail, I Colorado 81657 on or before the date and time hereinabove shown. Failure on the part of any I claimant to file such verified statement of claim prior to such final settlement will release ther EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT, its Board of Directors, officers, agents, and t employees, of and from any and all liability for such claim. I BY ORDEROF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAGLE RTVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT Name: Dennis Gelvin Title: General Manager By: I I t published in the [Name of newspaper] First Publication: I Last Publication: T 20- 20 t I vail wwTP Uv Installation **END OF SECTION** 2l/21285 Rev. 10/10/01 00920-l I t r Division I General RequirementsI Section No. Title Ir ololo Summary of Work I 01014 Work Sequence I 01015 Contractor's Use of Premisest 01060 Safety and Health I 01071 StandardReferences I 01300 Submittals 01310 Construction Schedule I 01380 Photographs I 01500 Contractor's Utilities- 01560 Environmental Controls I 01660 Operational Testing I 01662 Commissioning 01720 Record Drawings I 01730 Operation and Maintenance Information I 01999 Reference Forms T I I I T I T I I I t I I I I I I I T I t t t T I I I I SECTION OIOI5 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF PREMISES The Owner's operating personnel will be responsible for operating the existing heahent plant throughout the execution of this contract. Equipment presently installed in the treaftnent plant must be available to plant personnel at all times for use, maintenance, and repair. If it is necessary in the course of operating the plant, for the Contractor to move his equipment, materials, or any material included in the work, he shall do so promptly and place that equipment or material in an area which does not interfere with the plant operation. The Contractor shall not adjust or operate serviceable or functioning equipment or systems except as specifically required by this contract. The existing teatment plant will remain in operation throughout the execution of this contract. The Contractor shall schedule and conduct his work to minimize necessary shutdowns and interference with normal plant operations and maintenance. The Contractor shall notiff the Construction Manager, in writing, I week in advance of the time it is necessary to take out of service any existing tank, pipeline, channel, electrical circuit, equipment or strucfure. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing whatever temporarSr piping, pumping, power, and control facilities as are required to maintain continuous plant operation and complete treatment except as otherwise specified. The integrity of existing plant utilities shall be maintained by the Contactor at all times. **END OF SECTION** 21nr285 Rev. l0l10/01Vail WWTP UV Installation 01015-l I I I sEcrIoN 01060 SAFETY AND IIEAITH I l.o cENERATI - Portions of the existing plant are exposed to wastewaters of varying degrees of treatnent. I Workmen involved in the removal, renovatiorl or installation of equipment within the treatnentr plant may be exposed to disease-producing organisms in wastewatsr. The Contractor shall require - his personnel to observe proper hygienic precautions. Ir Solvents, gasoline, and otherhazardous materials enter the plant with incoming sewage, I and, therefore, certain areas are hazardous to open flame, sparks, or unventilated occupancy. The I Conhactor strall take meilsures to assure his personnel observe proper safety precautions when working in these areas. T 2.0 SAI'ETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS I The Contractor shall comply with Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, I prornulgated by the Secretary of Labor under Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, as set forth in Title 29, C.F.R. Copies of these regulations may be obtained from - Labor Building, 14th and Constitution Avenue N.W., Washington, DC 20013. t The Contractor shall also comply with the provisions of the Federal Occupational Safety and I Health Act, as amended. t **END OF SECTION** I 21t2t285 Rev. 10/10/01 t I t I I I I Vail WWTP UV Installation 01060-1 I I T I 1.0 cENERAL r The work covered under this contract will be performed at the Vail Wastewater Treatnent t Plant (WWTP). 846 Forest Road. Vail. Colorado. I 2.0 DESCRIITIoN oF owNER's IRoJECT I The overall project will consist of construction and installation of an ultraviolet (fV) I disinfection system within the Vail WWTP. I 3.0 coNrRAcrs I The CONTRACTOR will install the tIV equipment, which will be supplied by the t OWNER, and will perform all construction activities and supply all materials and equipment as described in the contract documents. I I T I I I I I I **END OF SECTION** SECTION OlOIO STIMMARYOFWORK 4.0 WORKOFTHIS CONTRACT The work to be performed under this contract includes concrete work, mechanical equipment and electrical work. 21t21285 Rev. l0/10/01 I vail wwTP Uv lnsrallation 01010-l I I I SECTION OlOI4 woRKSEQUENCE I 1.0 CONTINUITY OF PLANT OPERATIONS I A. GENERAL: I The existing wastewater heatment plant is currently and continuously receiving and treating sewage, and those frrnctions shall not be intemrpted dwing this Foject. The Conkactor shall I coordinate the work to avoid any interference with normal operation of plant equipment andr processes. I B. BYPASSING;I Bypassing ofuntreated or partialiy treated sewage to surface waters or drainage courses is I prohibited during construction. In the event accidental bypassing is caused by the Con&actor'sr operations, the Owner shall immediately be entitled to employ others to stop the bypassing without eivine written notice to the Contractor. I Penalties imposed on the Owner as a result of any bypass caused by the actions of the - Contractor, his employees, or subcontractors, shall be bome in full by the Contractor, including I legal fees and other expenses to the Owner resulting directly or indirectly from the bypass. C. SUBMITTAL:I- In accordance with Section 01300, the Contractor shall submit a detailed outage plan and - time schedule for operations which will make it necessary to remove a tanlg pipeline, channel, t electrical circuit, equipment or structure from service. The schedule shall be coordinated with the - construction schedule specified in pmagraph 00710-14.01 A of the General Conditions and shall ) meet the restrictions and conditions specified in this section. The detailed plan shall describe the I Contractor's method for preventing bypassing of other treafinent units, the length of time required tor complete said operation, the necessary plant, and equipment which the Contractor shall provide in r order to prevent bypassing of associated treatnent units. Ir The Contractor shall observe the following restrictions: r :J::ffi:,TfilH1":1H"S::lt*T:Hl*:1T1':*f#'frfi',hede,ailed outage plan and schedule. The Construction Manager shall be notified in writingr 3lliffi:Tl[TiJ ;il?":ff"'1ffi3,"1*1i*l'ff"m:f #;H;'ilJ" WWTP oPeration. ! **END oF sECTIoNi'* I I Vail WWTP W Installation 2tnl285 Rev. 10/10/01 01014-l I I I I I I I T I SECTION 01071 STANDARD REFERENCES Wherever used in the project manual, the following abbreviations will have the meanings listed: I I I I T I I t t I AA AABC AAMA AASHTO ABMA ACI AEIC AGA AGMA AHA A]SC Aluminum Association Incorporated P.O. Box 753 Waldorl MD 20604 Associated Air Balance Council 1518 K StreetN.W. Washington, DC 20005 American Architectural Manufacturers Association 1540 East Dundee Road, Suite 310 Palatine, n- 60067 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Ofhcials 444 North Capitol Street, N.W'., Suite 249 Washington, DC 20001 American B earing Manufacturers Association 1200 19th Sheet N.W, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036 American Concrete Institute 22400 West Seven Mile Road P.O. Box 19150, Redford Station Detroit,ifl, 48219 Association of Edison Illuminating Companies 600 North 18th Street P.O. Box 2641 Birmingham, N- 35291 American Gas Association ATTN: Records 1515 WilsonBoulevard Arlington, VA 22209 American Gear Manufacturef s Associatiorg Lrc. 1500 King Street, Suite 201 Alexandria, VA 22314 American Hardboard Association 12 l0 West Northwest Highway Palatine, IL 60067 American Institute of Steel Construcfion One East Wacker Drive, Suite 3100 Chicago,IL 60601 2v21245 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP UV Installation 01071-1 AISI AITC ALSC AMCA ANSI APA API ARI ASCE ASCtr ASE Code ASHRAE ASME ASTM American kon and Steel Institute 1101 Seventeenth Street, NW, Suite 1300 Washington, DC 20036 American Instirute of Timber Construction 7012 South Revere Parkway, Suite 140 Englewood, CO 80112 American Lumber Standard Committee P.O. Box 210 Germantown, MD 20875 Air Movement and Control Association, Inc. 30 West University Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60004 American National Standards Institute 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor NewYork.NY 10036 American Plywood Association 7011 South 19th Sheet Tacoma, WA 98466 American Pefroleum Institute 1220"L" StreetN.W. Washington, DC 20005 Air-Conditioning and Refrigerafi on Institute 4301 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 425 Arlington, VA 22203 American Society of Civil Engineers United Engineering Center 345 East 47th Street NewYork,NY 10017 American Standard Code for Information Interchange United States of America Standards Institute 10 East 40th Street NewYork.I\ry 10016 American Standard Safety Code for Elevators, Dumbwaiter and Escalators American National Standards Institute 1430 Broadway NewYork. I\ry 10018 American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc. 1791 Tullie Circle, NE Atlanta GA 30329 American Society of Mechanical Engineers 345 East 47th Street NewYork, NY 10017 American Society for Testing and Materials 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken. PA 19428 I t I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 21t21285 Rev. 10i 10/01 IVail WWTP tIV Installalion 01071-2 t I I ! I I t I AWPA AWS AWWA BOCA CALTEST CALTRANS CBM CMAA CRSI DEMA DHI American Wood-Preservers' Association 9549 Old Fredrick Road EllicottCity,MD 21042 or P.O. Box 286 Woodstock, MD 21 163-0286 American Welding Society 550 NW LeJeune Road P.O. Box 351040 Miami, FL 33135 American Water Works Association 6666 West QuincyAvenue Denver, CO 80235 Building Officials and Code Administrators, International, Inc. 405 I West Flossmoor Road Counby Club Hills, n- 60478 Materials Manual, State of Califomia, Business and Transportation Agency Departrnent of Public Works State of Califomi4 Department of Transportation 6002 Folsom Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95819 Standard Specifications, State of Califomia, Departnent of Transportation State of Califomia, Business and Transportation Agency P.O. Box 1499 Sacramento, CA 95807 Certifi ed Ballast Manufacturers 2120 Keith Building Cleveland, OH 44115 Crane Manufacturers Association of America, Inc. (Formerly called: Overhead Electrical Crane Institute) (OECD 8720 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite 201 Charlotte, NC 28217 Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute 933 NPIum Grove Road Schaumburg, n- 601'73 Canadian Standards Association 178 Rexdale Boulevard Rexdale, Ontario, M9W IR3, Canada Diesel Engine Manufacturef s Association 30200 Detroit Road Cleveland OH M145 Door and Hardware Institute 14170 Newbrook Drive Chantilly, VA 22021 CSA I I I I I t I I I I I 2t/21285 R€v. 10/10/01Vail WWTP uV lnstallation 01071-3 DIS EEI FEDSPEC FEDSTDS FM HI HPVA EIA EJMA ESO HEI Division of Industrial Safety Califomia Departrnent of Industrial Relations 2422 ArdenWay Sacramento, CA 95825 Edison Electric Institute 90 Park Avenue NewYork,NY 10016 Electronic Industries Association Order from: Global Engineering Documents 18201 McDurmott West kvinqCA 92714 Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association 25 North Broadway Tarrytown,NY 10591 Electrical Safety Orders Califomia Administrative Code, Title 8, Chap. 4, Subarticle 5 Office of Procurement, Publications Section P.O. Box 20191 8141 Elder Creek Road Sacramento, CA 95820 Federal Specifications Gensral Services Admini stration Specification and Consumer Information Distribution Branch Washington Navy Yard, Bldg. 1 97 Washingtorl DC 20407 Federal Standards (see FEDSPECS) Factory Mutual Engineering and Research Corporation 1 15 I Boston-Providence Tumpike P.O. Box 9102 Norwood, MA 02062 Heat Exchange Institute 1300 Sumner Avenue Cleveland" OH 44115 Hydraulic Institute 9 Sylvan Way, Suite 180 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Association 1825 Michael Faradav Drive P.O. Box 2789 Reston, VA 22090-2789 Intemational Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials 20001 Walnut Drive S Walnut, CA 91789 I I I I I I I t I t I I l I I I I I I IAPMO 21/21285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP tMnstallation 01071-4 ISA Inc. I I I t I I I I I t I I I I T T I I I ICBO ICEA IEEE IES JIC MFMA MILSPEC MSS NAAMM NACE NBC NEC Intemational Conference of Building Officials 5360 Workrnan Mill Road Whittier, CA 90601 Insulated Cable Engineers Association P.O. Box 440 SouthYarmouth,MA 02664 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 445 Hoes Lane P.O. Box l33l Piscataway, NJ 08855 Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 120 Wall Street NewYork,NY 10017 Instrument Society of America 67 Alexander Drive P.O.BoxL2277 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Joint Industrial Council 7901 West Park Drive Mclean, YA 22101 Metal Framing Manufacturers Association 401 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago,IL 60611 Military Specifications Naval Publications and Forrns Center 5801 Tabor Avenue Philadelphi4 PA 19120 Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Indusby, 127 Par}- Street, N.E. Vienn4 VA 22180 National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers 11 South La Salle Street, Suite 1400 Chicago,Il 60603 National Association of Corrosion Engneers 1440 South Creek Drive Houston, TX 77084 National Building Code PublishedbyBOCA National Electric Code National Fire Protection Association One Batterymarch Park P.O. Box 9101 Quincy, MA 02269 Northeastem Lumber Manufacturers Association, Inc. P.O. Box 87A NELMA 2t/21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP UV Instal'lation 01071-5 NEMA NESC NFOR NFPA NHLA NSF OSHA PCI PPIC RIS RMA SAE Cumberland Center, l\rc, 04021 National Elechical Manufactureds Association 2l0lL Sheet, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20037 National Electric Safety Code American National Standards Institute 1430 Broadway NewYork,NY 10018 National Forest Products Association (Formerly National Lumber Manufacturer's Association) 1111 19 Street NW, Suite 700 washington, DC 20036 National Fire Protection Association One Batterymarch Park P.O. Box 9101 Quincy, MA 02269 National Hardwood Lumber Association 6830 Raleigh LaGrange P.O. Box 34518 Memphis, TN 38184-0518 National S anitation Foundation 3475 Plymouth Road P.O. Box 130140 Ann Arbor, MI 48113 Occupational Safety and Health Act U.S. Deparhnent of Labor Occupational and Health Administration San Francisco Regional Office 450 Golden Gate Avenue, Box 36017 SanFrancisco,CA 94102 Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute 175 West Jackson Blvd., Suite 1859 Chicago,Il 60604 The Plumbing & Piping Industry Council, Inc. 510 Shatto Place, Suite 402 LosAngeles,CA 90020 Redwood Inspection Service Califomia Redwood Association 405 Enfrente Dr., Suite 200 Novato, CA 94949 Rubber Manufacturers Association 1400 K Street NW, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. 400 CommonwealthDrive Warrendale, PA 15096 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 21/2t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP lJV lnsEllation 01071-6 TPI I I I t I I I I T I t t T I I I I I I SAMA SBC SBCCI SCMA SDI SMACNA SPI SPIB SSPC SSPWC Scientifi c Apparatus Makers Association One Thomas Circle Washington, DC 20005 Standard Building Code Published by SBCCI Southern Building Code Congress Intemational Inc. 900 Montclair Road Birmingham, AL 35213 Southem Cypress Manufacturers Association 400 Penn Center Boulevard, Suite 530 Pittsburg, PA 15235 Steel Door Institute 30200 Detroit Road Cleveland, OH 44145 Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc. P.O. Box 221230 Chantilly,YA 22021 Society ofthe Plastics Industry, Inc. 127 5 K Sheet NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20005 Southem Pine Inspection Bureau 4709 Scenic Highway Pensacola, FL 32504 Steel Shuchrres Painting Council 4516 Henry Street, Suite 301 Pittsburgh,PA 15213 Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction Building News, Inc. 3055 OverlandAvenue LosAngeles,CA 90034 Tubulm Exchanger Manufacturer's Association 25 North Broadway Tarrytown, I.ry 10591 Truss Plate lnstitute 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Suite 200 Madison, WI 53719 Uniform Building Code Published by ICBO Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, tr- 60062 Uniform Mechanical Code PublishedbyICBO Uniform Plumbing Code Publishedbv IAPMO TEMA UL UMC LIPC 21/21285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP lJV Installation 0107t-7 o I t I I I I I I I I I I I USBR WCLIB WWPA Bureau of Reclamation U.S. Departrnent of Interior Engineering and Research Center Denver Federal Center, Building 67 Denver, CO 80225 West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau 6980 SWVams St. P.O. Box 23145 Portland, OR 97223 Western Wood Products Associafion (Formerly called: West Coast Lumbermen's Association (WCLA)) Yeon Building 522 SW 5th Avenue Portland. OR 97204 **END OF SECTION** I I I I I I 2u2t285 Rev. l0/l0i0lVail WWTP LMnstallation 01071-8 I I I t I t T I I I I I T I I t I I I SECTION O13OO SUBMITTALS 1.0 GENERAL Submittals covered by these requirernents include manufacturers' information, shop drawings, test procedures, test results, samples, requ€sts for substitutions, and miscellaneous work- related submittals. Submittals shall also include, but not be limited to, all mechanical, electical and electronic equipment and systems, materials, reinforcing steel, fabricated items, and piping and conduit details. The Contractor shall fumish all drawings, specifications, descriptive data, certificates, samples, tests, methods, schedules, and manufacturer's installation and other instruc- tions as specifically required in the contract documents to demonstrate frrlly that the materials and equipment to be fumished and the methods of work comply with the provisions and intent of the contract documents. 2.0 CONTRACTOR'SRESPONSIBILITIES The Contractor shall be responsible for the accruacy and completeness of the information contained in each submittal and shall assure that the material, equipment or method of work shall be as described in the submittal. The Contractor shall verifo that all features of all products conform to the specified requirements. Submittal documents shall be clearly edited to indicate only those iterns, models, or series of equipment, which are being submitted for review. All extraneous materials shall be crossed out or otherwise obliterated. The Contractor shall ensure that there is no conllict with other submittals and notifu the Constuction Manager in each case where his submittal may affect the work of another contractor or the Owner. The Contractor shall coordinate submittals among his subconfractors and suppliers. The Contractor shall coordinate submittals with the work so that work will not be delayed. He shall coordinate and schedule different categories of submittals, so that one will not be delayed for lack of coordination with another. No extension of time will be allowed because of failure to properly schedule submittals. The Contractor shall not proceed wi*i work related to a submittal until the submittal process is complete. This requires that submittals for review and comment shall be retumed to the Contractor stamped "No Exceptions Taken" or "Make Corrections Noted." The Contractor shall certifr on each submittal document that he has reviewed the submittal, verified field conditions, and complied with the contract documents. The Contractor may authorize in writing a material or equipment supplier to deal directly with the Construction Manager or with the Owner with regard to a submitial. These dealings shall be limited to contract interpretations to clariir and expedite the work. 2112t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP UV Installation 01300-l 3.0 CATEGORIES OF SUBMITTALS A.GENERAL: Submiuals fall into two general categories; submittals for review and comment, and submittals which are primarily for information only. Submittals which are for information only are generally specified as PRODUCT DATA inPart? of applicable specification sections. At the beginning of work, the Construction Manager will fumish the Conhactor lists of those submittals specified in the project manual. Two separate lists will be provided: submittals for review and comment and product data (submittals) for information only. B. SIJBMITTALSFORREVIEWANDCOMMENT: All submittals except where specified to be submitted as product data for information only shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Corstruction Manager for review and comment. c. suBMrrrALS (PRODUCT DATA) FOR TNFORMA',TTON ONLY: Where specified, the Contractor shall fumish submittals (product data) to the Construction Manager for Information only. Submittal requirements for operation and maintenance manuals, which are included in this category are specified in Section 01730. 4.0 TRANSMITTALPROCEDURE A. GENERAL: Unless otherwise specified, submittals regarding material and equipment shall be accompa- nied by Transmittal Form 01300-A specified in Section 01999. Submittals for operation and maintenance manuals, information and data shall be accompanied by Transmittal Form 01730-4 specified in Section 01999. A separate form shall be used for each specific item, class of material, equipment, and items specified in separate, discrete sections, for which the submittal is required. Submittal documents common to more than one piece of equipment shall be identified with all the appropriate equipment numbers. Submittals for various items shall be made with a single form when the items taken together constitute a manufacturer's package or are so functionally related that expediency indicates checking or review ofthe group or package as a whole. A unique number, sequentially assigrred, shall be noted on the transmittal form accompanying each item submitted. Original submittal numbers shall have the following format: "XXX"; where "XXX" is the sequential number assigred by the Contractor. Resubmittals shall have t}te following format: "XXX-Y"; where "XXX" is the originally assigned submittal number and uY" is a sequential letter assigned for resubmittals, i.e., A, B, or C being the lst, 2nd, and 3rd resubmittals,respectively. Submittal 25B,forexample,isthesecondresubmittalofsubmittal 25. I t I I I T I I I I I I t I I I I t I2y2t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP uV InsEllation 01300-2 I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I T B. DEVIATIONFROMCONTRACT: If the Contractor proposes to provide material, equipment, or method of work which deviates from the project manual, he shall indicate so under "deviations" on the transmittal form accompanying the submittal copies. C. SLIBMITTALCOMPLETENESS: Submittals which do not have all the information required to be submitted, including deviations, are not acceptable and will be retumed without review. 5.0 REVIEWPROCEDL]RE A. GENERAL: Submittals are specified for those features and characteristics of materials, equipment, and methods of operation which can be selected based on lhe Contracto/s judgment of their conformance to the specified requirements. Other features and characteristics are qpecified in a manner which enables the Contractor to determine acceptable options without submittals. The review procedure is based on the Contractor's guarantee that all features and characteristics not requiring submittals conform as specified. Review shall not extend to means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or to verifying quantities, dimensions, weights or gages, or fabrication processes (except where specifically indicated or required by the project manual) or to safety precautions or prograrns incident thereto. Review of a separate item, as such, will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. When the contract documents require a submittal, the Contractor shall submit the specified information as follows: 1. 7 copies of all submitted information plus one reproducible original of all information shall be transmitted with submittals for review and comment. 2. Unless otherwise specified, 4 copies of all submitted information shall be transmitted with submittals @roduct Data) for information only. B. SIIBMITTALSFORREVIEWANDCOMMENT: Unless otherwise specified, within 10 calendar days after receipt of a submittal for review and comment, the Construction Manager shall review the submittal and retum 4 copies of the marked-up reproducible original noted in I above. The reproducible original will be retained by the Construction Manager. The retumed submittal shall indicate one of the following actions: 1. If the review indicates that the material, equipment or work method complies with the project manual, submittal mpies will be marked "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN." In this event, the Contractor may begin to Vail WWTP IJV Installation 2u2r285 Rev. 10/10/01 01300-3 I implement the work method or incorporate the material or equipment covered by the submittal. If the review indicates limited corrections are required, copies will be marked "MAKF CORRECTIONS NOTED." The Contractormaybegin implementing the work method or incorporating the material and equipment covered by the submifial in accordance with the noted corrections. Where submittal information will be incorporated in O&M dat4 a corrected copy shall be provided. If the review reveals that the submittal is insufficient or contains incorrect data, copies will be mmked 'AMEND AND RESUBMIT." Except at his own risk, the Contractor shall not undertake work covered by this submittal until it has been revised, resubmitted and returned marked either "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" or "MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED." If the review indicates that the material, equipment, or work method does not comply with the project manual, copies of the submittal will be marked "REJECTED - SEE REMARKS." Submittals with deviations which have not been idenfified clearly may be rejected. Except at his own rislg the Contractor shall not undertake the work covered by such submittals until a new submittal is made and retumed marked either'NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN' or "MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED." C. SUBMITTALS (PRODUCTDATA)FORINFORMATIONONLY: Such information is not subject to submittal review procedures and shall be provided as part of the work under this contract and its acceptability determined under normal inspection procedures. 6.0 EFFECT OF REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR'S STIBMITTALS Review of contract drawings, methods of work, or information regarding materials or equipment the Contractor proposes to provide, shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for errors therein and shall not be regarded as an assumption ofrisks or liability by the Construction Manager or the Owner, or by any officer or employee thereof, and the Contractor shall have no claim under the contract on account of the failure, or partial failure, of the method of work, material, or equipment so reviewed. A mark of 'NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN' or "MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED" shall mean that the Owner has no objection to the Contractor, upon his own responsibility, using the plan or method of work proposed, or providing the materials or equipment proposed. **END OF SECTION** I I2. J. 4. I I I I I I I I t I 2v21285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I I I IVail WWTP UV Instal'lation 01300-4 I I I SECTION O13IO CONSTRUCTION SCMDULE 1.0 scoPE I This section specifies reports and schedules for plarming and monitoring the progress of the work. ! 2.0 DBSCRIPTION I The Contractor shall provide a grapfuc construction schedule indicating the various! subdivisions of the work and the dates of commencing and finishing each. The schedule shall show the time allowed for testing and for other procedures which must be completed prior to t}te work I being put into operation. The schedule will take into account the time of completion and thet specific dates given in the Agreement and the work sequence described in Section 01014. I 3.0 suBMITTALPRocEDLIRESI Within 20 days after the date of the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall submit in I accordance with Seciion 01300, a construction schedule conforming to paragraph 01310-2.0. Ther submittal shall consist of a reproducible original and two copies. The submittal will also include the r Contractor's schedule of values for the project sorted by specification division, which will be the I basis ofpavment requests. - Within 7 calendar days after receipt of the submittal, the Construction Manager shall review I the submitted schedule and retum one copy of the marked up original to the Contractor. Ifthe - Construction Manager finds that the submitted schedule does not comply witlt specified I requirements, the corrective revisions will be noted on the submittal copy retumed to the Contractor. t 4.0 '.I{EDULE REVIS''NS I Revisions to the accepted construction schedule may be made only with the written approval'- of the Contractor and Owner. A change affecting the contract value of any activity, the completion - time, and specific dates (Agreement) and sequencing (Section 01014) may be made only in I accordance with applicable provisions ofparagraphs 10, I l, and 12 ofthe General Conditions. I 5.0 PROJECT STATUS UPDATEt Project status review and update shall be provided each month as part of the Application for I Payment(paragraph l4.02ofGeneralConditions). T I t I Vail WWI? t-IV Inslallation 2u2t285 Rev. l0n0/01 01310-1 The Contractor shall conduct weekly project status meetings, with the Engineer and Owner's representatives present. The Contractor shall provide a weekly agend4 the meeting minutes from the previous meeting, and a 3-week look-ahead schedule. **END OF SECTION** 2112t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP UV lnstallation 01310-2 I I I SECTION OI38O PHOTOGRAPHS I r.0 PRECONSTRUCTIONPHOTOGRAPHS The Contractor shall provide preconstruction photographs prior to commencement of work I on the site. The photographs shall be minimum 35-mm film size, and shall indicate on the front of I each print the date, name of work, and the location where the photograph was taken. I 2.0 coNSTRUCTIoNPHoTocRAPHSI The Contractor shall provide construction photographs showing the progress of the work. I The photographs shall be taken of such subjects as may be directed, shall be minimum 35-mm film a size, and shall indicate on the front ofeach print the date,job title and briefdescription ofthe photograph including the location where the photograph was taken. Starting with the I commencement of work, and continuing as long as the work is in progress, l0 monthly photographs - shallbetaken. **END OF SECTION**I I I I I I I t I I I Vail WWTP UV lnstallation 2112t28s Rev. 10/10/01 01380-1 I I I I I Vail wwT? try Installation SECTION OI5OO CONTRACTOR'S UTILITIES I 1.0 OFFICE I The Contractor shall maintain a suitable office at the site of the work. r 2.0 PowER I The Owner shall provide power for construction at the plant site. The Contactor shall make I arrangernents with the Owner for power takeoffpoints, voltage and phasing requirements, transformers and metering. The Contractor shall provide the special connections required for his I work.I 3.0 TELEPHONEII The Contractor shall provide telephone service at his construction site office. I 4.0 SANITARYFACILITIESI The Contractor shall provide toilet and washup facilities for his work force at the site of I work. The facilities shall comply with applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to the - public health and sanitation of dwellings and camps' I t I I t t I **END OF SECTION** 01500-l 2V2r285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I I I t I I I I I I T SECTION 01560 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS 1.0 SITEMAINTENANCE The Contractor shall keep the work site clean and free from rubbish and debris. Materials and equipment shall be removed from the site when they are no longer necessary. Upon completion of the work and before fina1 acceptance, the work site shall be cleared of equipment, unused materials, and rubbish to present a clean and neat appearance. 2.0 TEMPORARYDAMS Except in time of emergency, earth dams are not acceptable at catch basin openings, local depressions, or elsewhere. Temporary dams of sand bags, asphaltic concrete,.or other acceptable material will be permitted when necessary to protect the work, provided their use does not create a hazard or nuisance to the public. Such dams shall be removed from the site as soon as they are no longernecessary. 3.0 AIRPOLLINIONCONTROL The Contractor shall not discharge smoke, dust, and other contaminants into the atrnosphere that violate the regulations of any legally constituted authority. He shall also abate dust nuisance by cleaning, sweeping, and sprinkling with water, or other means as necessary. The use of water, in amounts which result in mud on public streets, is not acceptable as a substitute for sweeping or other methods. 4.O NOISE CONTROL Between 7:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., noise from Contractor's operations shall not exceed limits established by applicable laws or regulations and in no event shall exceed 86 dBA at a distance of 50 feet from the noise source. **END OF SECTION** 21t2t285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I I I I Vail WWTP UV Installation 01560-1 I I I I I I I t I t I SECTIONOI660 EQUIPMENTAND SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AND OPERATIONAL TESTING PART I--GENERAL I.O1 DESCRIPTION This section contains requirements for the Contractods performance in documenting testing work required under this contract. In addition, this section contains requirements for the Contractor's performance during installed performance testing of all mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment and systems, including structures for watedight construction, provided under this contract and a1l equipment fumished by the Owner. This section supplements but does not supersede specific testing requirements found elsewhere in this project manual. I.O2 QUALITYASSURANCE A. CONTRACTOR'SQUALITYASSI]RANCEMANAGER: The Contractor shall appoint an operations specialist as Quatty Assurance Manager to manage, coordinate, and supervise the Contractor's qualrty assurance program. The Quality Assurance Manager shall have at least 5 years of total experience, or experience on at least five separate proj ects, in managing the startup commissioning of mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, and piping systems. Operations specialists shall have equivalent experience in plant operation and maintenance. The quality assurance program shall include: l. A testing plan setting forth the sequence in which all testing work required under this project manual will be implemented. 2. A documentation prograrn to record the results of all equipment and system t€sts. 3. An installed performance testing program for all mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment and systems installed under this conhact. 4. A calibration progtam for all instruments, meters, monitors, gages, and thermometers installed under this contact. 5. A calibration progam for all instruments, gages, meters, and thsmometers used for determining the performance of equipment and systems installed under this contract. 6. A testing schedule conforming to the requirements specified in paragraph 01660-2.02c. t I T I I t I I 2lt2t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP uV Installation 01660-l I t For the purposes of this section, a system shall include all items of equipment, devices and appurtenances connected in such a fashion as their operation or frurction complements, protects or Icontrols the operation or function of the others. The Quality Assurance Manager shall coordilate the activities of all subconffactors and suppliers to implement the requirements of this section. B. CALIBRATION: I All test equipment (gages, meters, thermometers, analysis instruments, and other equipment) I used for calibrating or verifuing the per calibrated to within plus or minus 2percent of actual value at fulI scale. Test equipment employed r for individual test runs shall be selected so that expected values as indicated by the detailed I performance specifications will fall between 60 and 85 percent of firll scale. 1.03 SIIBMITTALS Submittal material, to be submitted in accordance with Section 01300, shall consist of the following: T I I1l. 2. 3. 4. A complete description of the Contractor's plan for documenting the results from the test program in conformance with the requirements of paragraph O | 660 -2.02 A, including: a. Proposed plan for documenting the calibration of all test instruments. b. Proposed plan for calibration of all instrument systems, including flow meters and all temperature, pressure, weight, and analysis systerns. c. Sample forms for documenting the results of field presswe and performance tests. The credentials and certification ofthe testing laboratory proposed by the Contractor for calibration of all test equipment. Preoperational check-out procedures, reviewed and approved by the respective equipment manufacturers. Detailed testing plans, setting forth step-by-step descriptions of the procedures proposed by the Contractor for the systematic testing of all equipment and systems installed under this contract. A schedule and subsequent updates, presenting the Contractor's plan for testing the equipment and systems installed under this contract. 2u21285 Rev. l0A0/01 I t I t I I I I I I 5. Vail WWTP UV Installation 01660-2 6. I I I I I t I I I I I A schedule establishing the expected time period (calendar dates) when the Contractor plans to commence operational testing of the completed systems, along with a description of the temporary systems and installations planned to allow operational testing to take place. A summary of the Quality Assurance Manager's qualifications, showing conformance to paragraph 0l 660- I .02 A requirements. PART2--PRODUCTS 2.OI GENERAL The Contractor shall prepare test plans and documentation plans as specified in the following paragraphs. The Conshuction Manager will not witness any test work for the purpose of acceptance until all test documentation and calibration plans and the specified system or equipment test plans have been submitted and accepted. 2.02 DOCUMENTATION A. DOCIIMENTATIONPLANS: The Contractor shall develop a records keeping system to document compliance with the requirernents of this Section. Catibration documentation shall include identification (by make, manufacturer, model, and serial number) ofall test equipment, date of original calibration, subsequent calibrations, calibration method, and test laboratory. Equipment and system documentation shall include date of test, equipment number or system name, nature of test, test objectives, test results, test instruments employed for the test and signafure spaces for the Construction manager's witness and the Conhactofs quality assurance manager. A separate file shall be established for each system and item of equipment. These files shall include the following information as a minimum: l. Field pressure testsr 2. Field performance tests' 3. Fieldoperationaltests' Section 01999 contains samples showing the format ard level of detail required for the documentation forms. The Contractor is advised that these are samples only and are not specific to this project nor to any item ofequipment or system to be installed under this contract. The Conhactor shall develop test documentation forms specific to each item of equipment and system installed rurder this contract. Acceptable documentation forms for all systems and items of equipment shall be produced for review by the Construction Manager as a condition precedent to tEach of these tests is required even though not specifically noted in detailed specification section. I I I I I I t I 21121285 Rev. 10/10/01vail WWTP UV Installation 01660-3 the Contractor's receipt of progress pal,rnents in excess of 50 percent of the conhact amount. Once the Construction Manager has reviewed and taken no exception to the forms proposed by the Contractor, the Contractor shall produce sufficient forms, at his expense, to provide documentation ofall testing work to be conducted as a part ofthis contract. B. TESTPLANS: The Contractor shall develop test plans detailing the coordinated, sequential testing ofeach item of equipment and system installed under this contract. Each test plan shall be specific to the item of equipment or system to be tested. Test plans shall identify by qpecific equipment or tag number each device or contrcl station to be manipulated or observed during ttre test procedure and the specific results to be observed or obtained. Test plans shall also be specihc as to support systerns required to complete the test work, temporary systems required dwing the test worlg subcontractors' and manufacturers' representatives to be present and expected test duration. As a minimum, the test plans shall include the following features: 1. Step-by-step proving procedure for all control and electrical circuits by imposing low voltage currents and using appropriate indicators to affirm that the circuit is properly identified and connected to the proper device. 2. Calibration of all analysis instruments and control sensors. 3. Performance testing of each individual item of mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment. Performance tests shall be selected to duplicate the operating conditions described in the project manual. 4. System tests designed to duplicate, as closely as possible, operating conditions described in the project manual. Test plans shall contain a complete description of the procedures to be employed to achieve the desired test environment. As a condition precedent to receiving progress payments in excess of 75 percent of the contract amount, or in any event, progress payments due to the Contractor eight weeks in advance of the date the Contractor wishes to begin any testing work (whichever occurs earliest in the project schedule), the Contractor shall have submitted all test plans required for the systernatic field performance and operational tests for all equipment and systems installed under this conhact. Once the Construction Manager has reviewed and taken no exception to the Conhactor's test plans, the Contractor shall reproduce the plans in sufficient number for the Contractor's purposes and an additional ten copies for delivery to the Construction Manager. No test work shall begin until the Contractor has delivered the specified number of final test plans to the Construction Manager. C. TESTING SCIIEDULE: The Contractor shall produce a testing schedule setting forth the sequence conternplated for performing the test work. The schedule shall be in bar chart form, plotted against calendar time, I I I I I t I I t I t I t I I I I 21t21285 Rev. l0/10/01 IVail WWTP uV lnstallation 01660-4 I I I I I t shall detail the equipment and systems to be tested, and shall be coordinated with the Conhactot's constructionschedulespecifiedinSecfion0l3l0. Thescheduleshallshowthecontemplatedstart date, duration of the test and completion of each test. The test schedule shall be submitted no later than 4 weeks in advance of the date testing is to begin. The Construction Manager will not wibress any testing work for the purpose of acceptance until the Contractor has submitted a schedule to which the Construction Manager takes no exception. The test schedule shall be updated weekly, showing actual dates of test work, indicating systems and equipment testing completed satisfactorily and. meeting the requirements of this project manual. 2.03 SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENTPERFORMANCE TESTS Each item of mechanical, electrical, inskumentation, and HVAC equipment installed under this conEact shall be tested to demonstrate compliance with the performance requirements of this project manual. Each electrical, instrumentation, mechanical, piping, and HVAC system installed or modified under this contract shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of this project manual. 2.04 OPERATIONALTESTS Once all equipment and systems have been tested individually, the Contractor shall fill all systems exce,pt wastewater, scum sludge and other wastewater derived systems with the intended process fluids. Wastewater-derived process systems shall be filled with water. After filling operations have been completed, the Contractor shall operate all systems, simulating actual operating conditions to the greatest extent possible. The Contractor shall install temporary connections, bulkheads and make other provisions to recirculate process fluids or otherwise simulate anticipated operating conditions. During the operational testing period, the Contactor's Quality Assurance Manager and testing team shall monitor the characteristics of each machine and systern and report any unusual conditions to the Construction Manager. 2.05 PRODUCTDATA Product dat4 to be provided in accordance with Section 01300, shall be the original and three copies of all records produced dwing the testing program. PART3--DGCUTION 3.OI GENERAL The Contractor's quality contol manager shall organize teams made up of qualified representatives of equipment suppliers, subcontractors, the Confractor's independent testing laboratory, and others, as appropriate, to efficiently and expeditiously calibrate and test the equipment and systems installed and constructed under this contract. The objective of the testing program shall be to demonstrate, to the Construction Manageds complete satisfaction, that the structures, systems, and equipment constructed and installed under this conhact meet all performance requirements and the facility is ready for the commissioning process to comm€nce. In I I I I t I t I I I I I I 2v21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP UV Installation 0r660-5 I taddition, the testing program shal1 produce baseline operating conditions for the Onmer to use in a preventive maintenance Program. 3.02 CAIIBRATION OF FDGD INSTRIJMENTS Calibration of analysis instruments, sensors, gages, and meters installed under this contract shall proceed on a system-by-systern basis. No equipment or system performance acceptance tests shall be performed until instruments, gages, and meters to be installed in that particular system have been calibrated and the calibration work has been witressed by the Construction Manager. I t All analysis instruments, sensors, gages, and meters used for performance testing shall be subject to recalibration to confirm accuracy after cornpletion, but prior to acceptance ofeach performance test, All analysis instruments, sensors, gages, and meters installed under this contract shall be subject to recalibration as a condition precedent to commissioning under the provisions of Section 01662. 3.03 PERFORMANCETESTS A. GENERAL: Performance tests shall consist of the following: L Pressureand/orleakagetests. 2. Electrical testing as specified in Division 16. 3. Wiring and piping, individual component, loop, loop commissioning and tuning testing as described in Division 17. 4. Preoperational checkout for all mechanical and HVAC equipment. Preoperational check-out procedures shall be reviewed and approved by the respective equipment manufacturers. 5. Initial operation tests of all mechanical, eleckical, IIVAC, and instrumentation equipment and systems to dernonstrate compliance with the performance requirements of this project manual. In general, perforrnance tests for any individual system shall be performed in the order listed above. The order may be altered only on the specific written authorization of the Consfruction Manager after receipt of a written request, complete with justification of the need for the change in sequence. B. PRESSUREANDLEAKAGETESTS: Pressure and leakage tests shall be conducted in accordance with applicable portions of Divisions 3 and 15. All acceptance tests shall be wibressed by the Construction Manager. Evidence t I I I I I t I 2112t285 Rev. 10/10/01 I T I t I IVail WWTP UV Installation 01660-6 I I I of successful completion of the pressure and leakage tests shall be the Construction Manager's signature on the test forms prepared by the Contractor' I C. FUNCTIONALCTIECKOUT: I Prior to energization (in the case of electrical systems and equipment), all circuits shall beI rung out and tested for continuity and shielding in accordance with the procedures required in Division 16. I D. COMPONENTCALIBRATIONANDLOOP TESTING: I Prior to energization (in tlle case of instrumentation system and equipment), all loops andr associated instruments shall be calibrated and tested in accordance with the procedures required in Division 17.I I E. ELECTRICALRESISTANCE: I Electrical resistance testing shall be in accordance with Division 16.I F- PREOPERATIONALTESTS:Ir Preoperational tests shall include the following: II l. Alignment of equipment using reverse dial indicator method. 2. Preoperation lubrication, I 3. Tests per the manufacturers' recommendations for prestart preparation and r preoperational check-out procedures. I G. FLTNCTIONAL TESTS: I l. GENERAL: Once all affected equipment has been subjected to the required preoperational check-out procedures and the Consfuction Manager has witressed and has not found I deficiencies in that portion of the work, individual items of equipment and systerns maybe started I and operated under simulated operating conditions to determine as nearly as possible whether the equipment and systems meet the requirements of these specifications. If available, plant eflluent I may be employed for the testing of all liquid systems except gaseous, oil, or chemical systems. If I not available, potable water shall be employed as the test medium. Test media for these systems shall either be the intended fluid or a compatible substitute. The equipment shall be operated a I sufficient period of time to detsrmine machine operating characteristics, including noise, I temperatures and vibration; to observe performance characteristics; and to permit initial adjustnent of operating controls. When testing requires the availability of auxiliary systems such as looped I piping, electrical power, compressed air, conffol air, or instrumentation which have not yet been t placed in service, the Contractor shall provide acceptable substitute sources, capable ofmeeting the requirements of the machine, device, or system at no additional cost to the Owner. Disposal I I Vail WW'TP IJV Installation 2!21285 Rcv. 10/10/01 01660-7 I I methods for test media shall be subject to review by the Construction Manager. During the I frrnctional test period, the Contractor shall obtain baseline operating data on all equipment with motors greater than I horsepower to include amperage, bearing temperatures, and vibration. The Ibaseline data shall be collected for the Owner to enter in a preventive maintenance system. t 2. RETESTING: If under test, any portion of the work should fail to fulfill the tcontract requirernents and is adjusted, altered, renewed or replaced, tests on that portion when so I adjusted, altered, removed, or replaced, together with all other portions of the work as are affected r thereby, shall, unless otherwise directed by the Construction Manager, be repeated wtO* . . Ireasonable time and in accordance with the specified conditions. The Contractor shall pay to the Owner all reasonable expenses incurred by the Owner, including the costs of the Construction r Manager, as a result of repeating such tests. I a, machines ,r,lir u",Jr"i"ffiTlffi:ffffiX,ff:"H#;,"1*,'Jililtr iT:rT,Tl'l1:t' I shall be checked for loose connections, unusual movement, or other indications of improper operating characteristics. Any deficiencies shall be corrected to the satisfaction ofthe Construction I Manager. All machines or devices which exhibit unusual or unacceptable operating characteristics I shall be disassembled and inspected. Any defects found during the course of the inspection shall be repaired or the specific part or entire equipment item shall be replaced to the complete satisfaction I of the Construction Manager at no cost to the Owner. I 3.04 OPERATIONATTESTS I The Contractor shall provide system operation tesfing. After completion of all performance testing and certification by the Construction Manager that all equipment complies with the require- I ments of the specifications, the Contractor shall filI all process units and process systems, except I those emtloting domedtic watei, oil, air, of ChemidalS, with plant water, oil, air, and chemical systems shall be filled with the specified fluid. I As-built documents specified in Section 01720 of facilities involved shall be accepted and ready for tumover to the Owner at the time of operational testing. t **END OF SECTION**I t I I I I 2v21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP IJV Installation 01660-8 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION01662 COMMISSIONING PART I--GENERAL 1.OI DESCRIPTION This section contains requirements for the Conhactot's performance during the commis- sioning of the structures, equipment and systems constructed and installed during the course of this contract. All commissioning worh as described in this section, shall be performed by the Contractor. r.02 QUALITYASSURANCE A. CLEANUP: Following completion of the operational testing period, the Contractor shall remove, clean, and replace all permanent and temporary filters and strainers in all pipeline systems; dewater and clean al1 sumps; and dewater all process units for final inspection as a condition precedent to commissioning. PART 2--PRODUCTS Working with representatives of the Owner and the Construction Manager, the Contractor shall develop and produce a detailed, written plan for the startup and initial operation, under actual operating conditions, of the equipment and systems installed and constructed under this contract. The document, after acceptance by the Construction Manager, shall serve as the guidance manual for the commissioning process. PART3--DGCUTION After completion of the equipment and system performance and operational testing, where required, and agreement on the part of the Construction Manager that the systems did meet all test requirernents, commissioning will begin. The commissioning period for each modified or new unit process system shall be I week. The Contractor shall remove all temporary piping, bulkheads, controls and other alterations to the permanent systems that may have been needed during the performance and operational testing and shall perform the tasks necessary to make the improvements constructed under this contract fully operational. The Ownels operation and maintenance personnel will be responsible for operation of the systems to be commissioned. The portion of the work to be commissioned shall be firlly operational, performing all functions for which it was designed. 21t2t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP IJV lnstallation 01662-r The Contractor shall be available at all times during commissioning periods to provide immediate assistance in case of failure of any portion of the system being constructed. At the end of the commissioning period and when al1 corrections required by the Construction Manager to assure a reliable and completely operational facility are complete, the Construction Manager shall iszue a completion certificate. Each system shall have been issued a completion certificate as a condition precedent to the final acceptance ofthe work ofthis contract. During the commissioning period, the Owner shall be responsible for all normal operational costs and the Contractor shall bear the costs ofall necessary repairs or replacements, including labor and materials, required to keep the portion of the plant being commissioned, operational. **END OF SECTION** I T I I I t T I I I I I t I I I T I2r/21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP IJV Installation 0r662-2 I t T SECTION 01720 RECORD DRAW]NGS I Record drawings refer to those documents maintained and arurotated by the Contractor I during construction and are defined as (1) a neatly and legibly marked set of contract drawings showing the final location of piping, equipment, electrical conduits, outlet boxes and cables; I (2) additional documents such as schedules, lists, drawings, and electrical and instrumentation t diagrams included in the specifications; and (3) Contractor layout and installation drawings. I Unless otherwise specified, record drawings shall be full size and maintained in a clean, dr5i, t and legible condition. Record documents shall not be used for construction purposes and shall be available for review by the Construction Manager during normal working hours at the Contractot's I field office. At the completion of the work, prior to final payment, all record drawings shall beI submitted to the Construction Manager. I Marking of the drawings shall be kept current and shall be done at the time the material andI equipment are installed. Annotations to the record documents shall be made with an erasable colored pencil conforming to the following color code: r Additions - Red Deletions - Greenr Siffi:,:ll. - "olli,*. *Legibly mark to record actual depths, horizontal and vertical location ofunderground raceways, cables, and appurtenances referenced to permanent surface improvements. **END OF SECTION*'F I I I I I I I I I 21/21285 Rev. 10/10/01vail WWTP tIV Installation 01720-r 1.0 I I I I I I I I T I t I I t SECTIONOIT3O OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INFORMATION Operation and maintenance (O&M) instructions shall be provided in accordance with this section and as required in the technical sections of this project manual. O&M information shall be provided for each maintainable piece of equipment, equipment assembly or subassembly, and material provided or modified under this contract. O&M instructions must be submitted and accepted before on-site training may start. 2.0 TYPESOFINFORMATIONREQUIRED A. GENERAL: O&M information shall contain the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the manufacturer, the nearest representative of the manufacfurer, and the nearest supplier of the manufacturer's equipment and parts. In additiorU one or more of the following items of information shall be provided as applicable. B. OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS: Specific instructions, procedures, and illushations shall be provided for the following phases of operations: i. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: List personnel hazards for equipment and list safety precautions for all operating conditions. 2. OPERATOR PRESTART: Provide requirements to set up and prepare each systern for use. 3. START-UP, SHUTDOWN, AND POSTSHUTDOWN PROCEDURES: Provide a control sequence for each ofthese operations. 4. NORMAL OPERATIONS: Provide control diagrams with data to explain operation and control of systems and specific equipment. 5. EMERGENCYOPERATIONS: Provideemergencyproceduresfor equipment malfunctions to permit a short period of continued operation or to shut down the equipment to prevent further damage to systems and equipment. Include emergency shutdown instructions for fire, explosion, spills, or other foreseeable contingencies. Provide guidance on emergency I I I I I 2u21285 Rev. I 0/l 0r'0 IVail WWTP UV Installation 01730-1 operations of all utility systems including valve locations and portions of systems controlled. OPERATOR SERVICE REQUIREMENTS: Provide instructions for services to be performed by the operator such as lubrication, adjusfinents, and inspection. EN\,TRON\4ENTAL CONDITIONS: Provide a list of environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and other relevant data) which are best or eacn proouct or prece o which equipment should not be allowed to nrn. 3.0 TRANSMITTAI PROCEDURE Unless otherwise specified, O&M manuals, information, and data shall be ftansmitted in accordance with Section 01300 accompanied by Transmittal Form 01730-A and Equipment Record Forms 01730-8 and/or 01730-C, as appropriate, all as specified in Section 01999. The transmittal form shall be used as a checklist to ensure the manual is complete. Only complete sets of O&M instructions will be reviewed for acceptance. 5 copies of the specified O&M information shall be provided. For ease of identification, each manufacturer's brochure and manual shall be appropriately labeled with the equipment name . and equipment number as it appears in the project manual. The information shall be organized in the binders in numerical order by the equipment numbers assigned in the project manual. The binders shall be provided with a table of contents and tab sheets to permit easy locafion of desired information. If manufacturers' standard brochures and manuals are used to describe O&M procedures, such brochures and manuals shall be modified to reflect only the model or series of equipment used on this project. Extraneous material shall be crossed out neafly or otherwise annotated or eliminated. t I T I 6. '7 I I 4.0 PA\MENT I I I I I I t t I t I I Acceptable O&M information for the project must be delivered to the Construction Manager prior to the proj ect being 65 percent complete. Progress payments for work in excess of 65 percent completion will not be made until the specified acceptable O&M information has been delivered to the Construction Manager. 2t/21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP IJV Installation 01730-2 I 5.0 FrELD .HANGES I Following the acceptable installation and operation of an equipment item, the item's I instructions and procedures shall be modified and supplemented by the Contractor to reflect any field changes or information requiring field data. I **END OF SECTION** I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 21121285 Rev. l0/10/0t I vail wwTP uv lnstallation 0r730-3 I I I SECTION 01999 REFERENCEFORMS I The forms listed below and included in this section are referenced from other sections of lhe I project manual: ,- Form No. Title I 01300-4 submittal Transmittal Form I 01660-4 Equipment Test Report Form r 01730-4 Operation and Maintenance Transmittal Form I I 1000-A Manufactuer's Installation Certification FormI 11000-8 Manufacturer's Instruction Certification Form I1000-C Unit Responsibility Certification Form I 11060-A MotorDataForrnI16000-4 Wire and Cable Resistance Test Data Form I I I I I t t I I t I Vail WWTP UV Design and lnstallation 21121285 Rev. 10/10/01 01999-1 I 01300-A.SUBMITTAI TRANSMITTAI FORM: S UBMITTAL TRANSMITTAII Submittal Description :Submittal No:r Spec Section: Routing Sent Received OWNER:Conhactor/CM PROJECT:CM/Encineer Engineer/CM CONTRACTOR:ClWContractor I I I I tWe are sending you trAttached EUnder separate cover via ESubmittals for review and comment EProduct data for information onlv Remarks: ItemCopies Date Section No.Description Review action' Reviewer initials ReYiew comrFnts attached 'Note: NET = No exceptio[s trken; MCN = Make corrections noted; A&R = Amend and rcsubmit; R: Rejected Athch additional sheets ifnecessary. Contractor Certiff either A or B:trA. We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirernents, including coordination with all related work, specified (no exceptions). DB. We have verified that the material or equipment contained in this submittal meets all the requirernents specified except for the attached deviations. No.Deviation T I I I I I I Certified by: Vail WWTP UV lnstallation 01999-2 Contracto/s Signature tSee paragraph 01300-4.0 A, Transmittal Procedwe. 21t21285 Rev. l0n0/01 I 01660-A. EQUIPMENT TEST REPORT FORM: Page 1 of 4 I NOTE: This example equipment test report is provided for the benefit ofthe Contactor and is! not specific to any piece of equipment to be installed as a part of this project. The example is fumished as a medls of illustrating the level of detail required for the I preparation of equipment test report forms for this project. CITYOFSAMPLE EXAMPLE WATER TREATMENT PLAI\T STAGE ry EXPANSION PROJECT ABC Construction Company, Inc., General Contractor XYZ Engineering, Inc., Construction Manager EQUPMENT TESTRBPORT I Equipment Name: Sludge Pump 2- Equipment Number: P25202 I Specification Ref: 11390 t Location: East Sedimentation Basin Gallery I I I I T Contactor Construction Manager Verified Date Verified Date T PREOPERATIONAL CIIECKLIST I \{echanical t I I I I I Lubrication- Alignment_ Anchor bolts Seal water system operational Equipment rotates freely Safety guards Valves operational Hopper purge systems operational Sedimentation tank/tropper clean O&M manual information complete Manufacturer's installation certifi cate complete 2v21285 Rev. 10/10/01 I vait wwrP rJV Instatlation 01999-3 o Contractor Verified Date Page 2 of 4 Con struction Manager Verifred Date Electrical (circuit ring-out and high-pot tests) Circuits: Powerto MCC 5 Conhol to HOA Indicators at MCC: Red (running) Green (power) Amber (auto) Indicators at local control parrcl_ Wiring labels complete Nameplates: MCC Control station Control panel Equipment bumped for rotation Pipins Svstems Cleaned and flushed: Suction Dischmge Pressure tests Temporary pipilg screens in place Instrumentation and Controls Flowmeter FE2502F calibration Calibration Report No. Flow recorder FR2502G calibrated aeainst transmitter VFD speed indicator calibrated against independent reference Discharge overpressure shutdown switch calibration Simulate discharge overpressrue Shutdown zv21285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I IVail WWTP try Installation 019994 I I T Page 3 of4 Contractor Consfuction Manager Verifred Date Verified Date FI]NCTIONAL TESTS I Mechanical I t"i"Jo?ot*Tfl#tem'erature PumP oPerating temperatureI """tx'ffil,";"""t I Pump operation: 75 gpm/50 psig Measurement: Flow Presswe Test gage numberI 1ffift:T' I Remarks: I I I t I Electrical Local switch function: Runs infllND No conhol power in OFF Timercontrol wAWO Overpressure protection switch PS2502C tunctional in both HAND aTAAUTO- Overpressure protection switch PS2502C set at 75 Psig PLC 2500 set at 24-hour cycle, 25minON . OPERATIONALTEST I 48-hour continuous test. Pump cycles asI specified, indicators frrnctional, con- r ffols functional, pump maintains capac- I ity, overpressure protection remains! functional. hour meter functional I I vail wwrP uv lnstallation 2v2t285 Rev. l0/10r'01 01999-5 Pzge 4 of 4 RECOMMENDED FOR BENEFICIAL OCCL]PANCY Construction Manager ACCEPTED FOR B ENEFICIAL OCCUPANCY Ownef s Representative Date Date 2v21285 Rev. 10/'10/01Vail WWTP IJV Installation 01999-6 o MAINTENANCE01730-A. OPERATIONAND TRANSMITTALFORM: Submittal No:2Date: To:Contact No: Spec. Section: Submittal Description: From: Attention: I I T I I T I I I I I I I I I t I I I Constuction manager 1. Table ofcontents 2. Equipment record fonns 3. Manufacturerinfonnation 4. Vendor information 5. Safety precautions 6. Operator prestart 7 . Start-up, shutdowr\ and postshutdown prucedues 8. Normal operations 9. Emergencyoperations 10. Operator service requirements 11. Envkonmental conditions 12. Lubrication data 13. Preventive maintenance olan and schedule 14. Troubleshooting guides and diagnostic tecbniques 15. Wiring diagrams and control diagrams 16. Maintenance and repair procedures 17. Removal and replacement insfructions 18. Spare parts and supply list 19. Corrective maintenance rnan-hours 20. Parts identification 21. Warranff information 22. Personnel training requiranents 23. Testing equipment and special tool information Remadrs: 'See paragraph 01300-4.0 A, Transmittal Procedure. Vail WWTP UV Installation 21m285 Rev. 10110/01 0t999-7 Contactor's Sienature o CTTIRER I I I t 11OOO-A. MANUFA Contract No: 'S INSTALLATION CERTIFICATION FORM: Specification section: Equipment name: Contractor: Manufacturer of equipment item: The undersigned manufacturer of the equipment item described above hereby certifies that he has checked the installation of the equipment and that the equipment, as specified in the project manual, has been provided in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and that the trial operation of the equipment item has been satisfactory. Comments: I I I Signature of Authorized Representative Contractor Manufacturer I t I I t Signature of Authorized Representative I I I I 2'U21285 Rev. l0/10/01 IVail WWTP IJV lnsta'llation 01999-8 oo I 1OOO-8. MANUFACTTIRER'S INSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION FORM: Specification section:- Contract No:I :::T;,"J:"*"' The undersigned manufacturer ceftifies that a service engineer has instructed the wastewater I treatrnent plant operating personnel in the proper maintenance and operation of the equipment I desisratedherein. I OpJations Ctrect< List (check appropriate spaces) I Start-up procedure reviewed Shutdown procedure reviewed Normal operation procedure reviewed Others: I Manufacturer of equipment item: I vtaintenarrce ctrect rist (check appropriate spaces) I I I I I I Described normal oil changes (frequency) Described special tools required Described normal items to be reviewed for wear Described preventive maintenance instructions Described greasing frequency Others: Manufacturert Date T I Date I Date I I vait wwrP uv Instaltation Signature of Authorized Representative Signature of Owner's Representative Signature of Contractor's Representative 2l/T2a5 Rev. l0/10/01 0r999-9 2v21285 Rev. | 0/10/01 I t I T I I I I t I I I I I I I T I t lIOOO-C. LTNIT RESPONSIBILITY CERTIFICATION FORM (Job Title)(Job Title) - CERTIIiIICATE OF IJMT RESPONSIBILITY for Specifi cation Section In accordance with paragraph 11M0-1.02 C of the contract docurnents, the undersigneil nwrufacturer accepts unil responsibility for all components of equipment furnished, under specificaion Section We hereby certity that these components arc compatible and compise a functional unit suitable for the specified performance and design requirements. Notary Public Name of CorPoration @ Addt"* Seal: BY: Duly Authorized Official kgal Title of Official Date: Vail WWTP UV Installation 01999-10 ot I l1060-A. MOTORDATAFORM: EquipmentName EquipmentNo.(s) MfrModel Frame IIP RPM Service factor Freq _ Amb temp rating degrees C Desigrr letter OIEMA MG-I.16) Insulation class Afnosphere I Site Location Volts I NameplateMarkings MfrI t Phase FLA LRA Time rating 0TEMAMGI-10.35) KVA code letter I The following information is required for explosionproof motors only: A. Approved by UL for installation in Class , DivI I I I B. UL frame temperature code -; Grotp - (NEC Tables 500-2 and 500-2(b) The following information is required for all motors 1/2 horsepower and larger: A. Guaranteed minimum efficiencv B. Nameplate or nominal efficiency (paragaph I 1060-2.04 G) Data Not Necessarily Marked on Nameplatett I I Tlpe of enclosure Enclosure material Temp rise degrees C (NEMA MGl -12.41,42) Spaceheaterincluded?-les -No; ifYes, watts volts Type ofmotor winding overtemperature protection, if specified: t Use the space below to provide additional information on other motor modifications, if specified: T I t I vair wwrP rtv Instaltation 2t/21285 Rev. 10/10/01 01999-l I o 16000-A. WIRE AND CABLE RESISTANCE TEST DATA FORM: Wire or Cable No.: Location of Test l. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ternperature, T Insulation resistance, meqohms CERTIFIED Contractor's Representative I I I I I WITNESSED Owner's Reoresentative 21/212a5 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP UV Installation 01999-r2 Date oo Section No. Division 3 Concrete Title Concrete Reinforcement Cast-in Place Concrete Grout 03200 03300 03600 I I I I I T I I t I I I t I t I t I I SECTIONO32OO CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT PART I--GENERAL I.OI DESCRIPTION This section specifies reinforcing steel for use in reinforced concrete. I.O2 QUALITYASSURANCE A. QUALTTYCONTROLBYCONTRACTOR: To demonstrate conformance with the specified requirements for cast-in-place concrete, the Contractor shal1 provide the services of an independent testing laboratory which complies with the requirements of ASTM E329. The testing laboratory shall sample and test concrete related materials as required in Section 03300. Costs of testing laboratory services shall be bome by the Contractor. B. REFERENCES: This section contains references to the following documents. They are a part of this section as specified and modified. Where a referenced document contains references to other standards, those documents are included as references under this section as ifreferenced directly. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this section and those of the listed documents, the requirements of this section shall prevail. Unless otherwise specified" references to documents shall mean the documents in effect at the time of Advertisement for Bids or Invitation to Bid (or on the effective date of the Agreement if there were no Bids). If referenced documents have been discontinued by the issuing organization, references to those documents shall mean the replacement documents issued or otherwise identified bythat organization or, if there are no replacement documents, the last version ofthe document before it was discontinued. Where document dates are given in the following listing, references to those documents shall mean the specific document version associated with that date, regardless of whether the document has been superseded by a version with a later date, discontinued orreplaced. Reference Title ACI315 ASTMAS2 ASTMAl85 Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement Steel Welded Wire, Fabric, Plain for Concrete Reinforcement 2v21,285 Rev. 10/10/01Vai'l WWTP IJV lnstallation 03200-l Reference ASTM4.6l5/A615M REVB ASTM A616IA616M ASTM A617IA617l|.l ASTM A7O6/A7O6M REVB ASTM 477511^775}/{ ASTM E329 AWSDI.4 CRSI-PRB CRSI-MSP I FEDSPEC w-461H Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement Rail-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcernent Axle-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement Low-Alloy Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcem€nl Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel Bars Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel, and Bituminous Materials as Used in Construction Structwal Welding Code-Reinforcing Steel Placing Reinforcing Bars Manual of Standard Practice Wire, Steel, Carbon @ound, Bare, and Coated) I.O3 PLACINGDRAWINGS The Contractor shall prepare reinforcement placing drawings conforming to the requirements of ACI 315. Placing drawings shall include bar lists, schedules, bending details, placing details, and placing plans and elevations as required to fully delineate this portion of the work. The placing drawings shall be submitted to the Construction Manager for review and comment. Review shall be for general conformance with the contract documents regarding bar grade, size, spacing, and configuration. Bar dimensions and quantities will not be reviewed. I.O4 SLIBMITTAIS Reinforcement placing drawings conforming the requirements of paragraph 03200-1.03 shall be provided in accordance with Section 01300. PART2--PRODUCTS 2.01 BARREINFORCEMENT Reinforcing bars shall be deformed billet steel in conformance with ASTM A615, including supplementary requirements. Bars shall be Grade 60, except ties or field-bent bars where specified shall be Grade 40. Bars to be welded shall be Grade 40 or shall be deformed billet steel conforming to ASTM A706. ASTM A616 or ASTM A617'steel shall not be used. Bars provided as dowels for I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t t I t 21121285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP ItV Installation 03200-2 I I future construction and bars where specified shall be epoxy-coated in conformance with ASTMI Azis.J _ 2.02 WIREFABRIC - Wire fabric shall be welded steel mesh conforming to ASTM A185. I 2.03 wTREANDPLAINBARSI - Wire used as reinforcement and bars used as spiral reinforcement in structures shall be cold I drawn steel conforming to ASTM A82. 2.04 TIE WIRE I ' The wire shall be minimum 16 gage annealed steel conforming to FEDSPEC QQ-W-461H. t 2.0s BARSUPPORTS D Bar supports coming into contact with forms shall be CRSI Class 1 plastic protected or I Class 2 stainless steel protected and shall be located in accordance with CRSI MSP-I and placed in ' accordance with CRSI PRB. Concrete block supports shall be provided for footing and slabs on I grade. Stainless steel or plastic protected plain steel supports shall be provided for other work. r 2.06 PRoDUCTDATA I The following information shall be provided prior to installation in accordance with Section 01300: I l. Certified mill test rePorts 2. Welder qualification certificate in accordance with AWS DI.4. I r PART3--E)GCUTION I 3.OI FABRICATION I I Reinforcing steel shall not be bent or straightened in a manner which will injure the material. Bars with kinks or with bends not shown shall not be used. Heating or welding bars shall I be performed in accordance with AWS Dl.4 and shall only be permitted where specified or I approved by the Construction Manager. Bars shall not be welded at the bend. I 3.02 PLACEMENT I Reinforcing steel shall be placed in accordance with CRSI PRB and CRSI MSP-I. I t Vail wwTP IJV lnstallation 21t21285 Rev. 10/10/01 03200-3 I T Reinforcing steel shall be positioned accurately and secured against displacement by using Iannealed iron wire at intersections and shall be supported by concrete or metal chairs, qpacers or I mefalftangers; Tackurelding of cross barrisrrotacceptable. Bas shown onthe ffi l:-:n:**19:::i}'::"1::::#:.*T:,*iiy::,*::-*:*':-':::f"1.::::t'i:o "' Isupports. Steel rods and pegs may be used to support reinforcing steel on rock foundations. r Reinforcing steel shall be placed in such a manner as to not damage waterproofing membrane or plastic lining which has been previously applied or constructed. Reinforcing steel shall be shop- tent or slightly relocated wheie necessary to clear waterstop. Reinforcing sieel shall not be placed I on fresh concrete or forced into fresh concrete. Supports for embedded items shall not be welded to the reinforcement. Additional reinforcement may be provided for this purpose. 3.03 SPLICING Reinforcing steel shall be spliced as shown. Additional splices may be provided where approved by the Consfruction Manager. In slabs, beams, girders and walls, reinforcing steel shall not be spliced in areas of maximum stress. Splices of adj acent bars shall be staggered at least one splice length, unless otherwise specified. Splices in welded wire fabric shall be at least I l/2 meshes wide. 3.O4 CLEANING Reinforcing steel shall be cleaned of mill rust scale, dried concrete, or other coatings that may reduce bond. Reinforcement reduced ilr section is not acceptabie. When concrete placement is delayed, reinforcement shall be cleaned by sandblasting if directed by the Construction Manager. 3.05 REPAIROFEPOXYCOATING Epoxy coating damage need not be repaired in cases where the damaged area is 0.1 square inch or smaller. All damaged areas larger than 0.1 square inch shall be repaired in conformance withASTMA775. **END OF SECTION** I I I I t t I I I I I I I I 21t2t285 Rev. l0A0/01Vail WWTP LJV Install ation 03200-4 I I t t I I I I I I I I I t t I t I I o SECTION O33OO CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART I--GENERAL 1.OI DESCRIPTION This section specifies cast-in-place concrete for foofings, slabs, floors, walls, piers, channels, pavements, sidewalks, curbs, pipe bedding encasement, electrical conduit encasement, and miscellaneous structures. I.O2 QUALITYASSLIRANCE A. QUALITYCONTROLBYCONTRACTOR: To demonstrate conformance with the specified requirements for cast-in-place concrete, the Conkactor shall provide the services of an independent testing laboratory which complies with the requirernents of ASTM E329. Costs of testing laboratory services shall be bome by the Contractor. B. BASISFORQUALITY: Cast-in-place concrete shall conform to the requirements of ACI 301, except as modified. Unless specified otherwise, all formwork shall conforur to ACI347. C. REFERENCES: This section contains references to the following documents. They are a part of this section as specified and modified. Where a referenced document contains references to other standards, those documents are included as references under this section as ifreferenced directly. In the event of conllict between the requirements of this section and those of the listed documents, the requirements of this section shall prevail. Unless otherwise specified, references to documents shall mean the documents in effect at the time of Advertisement for Bids or Invitation to Bid (or on the effective date of the Agreement if there were no Bids). If referenced documents have been discontinued by the issuing organization, references to those documents shall mean the replacement documents issued or otherwise identified by that organization or, if there are no replacement documents, the last version of the document before it was discontinued. Where document dates are given in ihe following listing, references to those documents shall mean the specific document version associated with that date, regardless of whether the document has been superseded by a version with a later date, discontinued or replaced. 21t2t285 Rw. 10/10/01Vail WWTP ttv Installation 03300-1 Reference ACr 21l.1 ACI3OI ACI3O4 ACI3O5R ACI3O6R ASTMC3l ASTMC33 ASTM C39 ASTM C42 ASTMCI36 ASTMCI43 ASTMCl50 ASTMCIT2 ASTM C26O ASTM C3O9 ASTMC494 ASTM E329 CRD-C572 I I t I I Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal and Heavy Weight Concrete Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete Hot WeatherConcreting Cold Weather Concreting Standard Method of Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field Concrete Aggregates Standard Test for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete -Mixed Concrete Sieve Analysis ofFine and Coarse Aggregates Standard Test for Slump of Portland Cement Concrete Portland Cement Sampling Fresh Concrete Air-Enhaining Admixtures for Concrete Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Cwing Concrete Chemical Admixtures for Concrete Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel, and Bituminous Materials as Used in Construction Corps of Engineers Specifications for Polyvinylchloride Waterstop 1.03 SLIBMITTAIS Reports of concrete mix designs shall be provided in accordance with Section 01300. Requirernents for the reports are specihed in paragraph 03300-2.02 C. 2r/21285 Rev. l0/10/01 I I I t T I I I I t I I IVail WWTP Lry Installation 03300-2 I I I I I I PART2--PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. CEMENT: Portland cernent shall be ASTM C150, Type II or Type V, low alkali, containing less than 0.60 percent alkalies. B. AGGREGATES: l. GENERAL: Fine and coarse aggregates shall conform to ASTM C33. Fine and coarse aggregates shall be tested in accordance with ASTM C136. Aggregates shall be nonreactive and shall be washed before use. When sources of aggregates are changed, test reports shall be provided for the new material. The tests specified shall be performed prior to commencing concrete work. 2. FINE AGGREGATE: Fine aggregate shall be hard, dense, dwable particles of either sand or crushed stone regrrlarly graded from coarse to fine. Gradation shall conform to ASTM C33. 3. COARSE AGGREGATE: Coarse aggregate shall be hard, dense and durable gravel or crushed rock free from injurious amounts of soft and friable particles, alkali, organic matter and other deleterious substances. Gradation of each coarse aggrcgate sizn specified in paragraph 03300-2.02 A shall conform to ASTM C33-Table 2. C. ADMIXTL]RES: 1. GENERAL: Admixturesshallbecompatiblewiththeconcrete. Calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride are not acceptable. Admixtures shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and shall be added separately to the concrete mix. 2. WATER REDUCING RETARDER: Water reducing retarder shall be ASTM C494,Type D, and shallbe MasterBuilders, Pozzolith 300-R; Sika Chernical Corp., Plastiment; or equal. 3. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: Air enhaining agent shall be Master Builders, MB-A810; W. R. Grace and Co., DaraVair; or equal. The air enhaining agent added shall produce, in accordance with ASTM C26O, an enfrained air content specified in paragraph 03300-2.02 A for each class of concrete. t I t I t t T t I I I I I 2v2r285 Rw. 10/10101Vail WWTP ItV Installation 03300-3 D. WATER: Water for washing aggtegate, for mixing and for curing shall be free from oil and deleterious amounts of acids, alkalies, and organic materials. 2.02 CONCRETECHARACTERISTICS A. MIXPROPORTIONING: Concrete shall be normal weight concrete composed of specified cement, admixtures, aggregates and water proportioned and mixed to produce a workable, strong, dense, and impermeable concrete. Concrete shall be provided in accordance with the following: Notes for table: u Compressive strenglh shall be determined at the end of28 days based on test cylinders made and tested in accordance with ASTM C39.b Concrete encasement for electrical conduit shall contain 3 pounds ofred oxide per sack of cement. B. USE: Concrete shall be provided by class for the corresponding use listed as follows: Type ofuse Class of concrete Concrete 12 inches thick and greater (Note l) Concrete less than 12 inches thick Pipe bedding and encasement, electrical conduit encasement (duct banks) and concrete fill Notes for table: Note l. At contactors option, Class C concrete may be used for all concrete required to have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of4000 psi. I I I I I I I T I I I I t I I I t I T B C E 21/21285 Rev.'10/10/01 Concrete class ASTM coarse aggregate size Min. cement content, sacksi cu yd concrete Maximum water/ cement ratio by weight Minimum percent air content Maximum slump in inches Minimum" 28-day compressive B c Eb 467 6'7 46'7 ).i 6.0 3.25 43 43 60 5.5+l 4 4-1t2 6 4000 4000 2000 Vail WWTP W lnstal lation 03300-4 I I C. CONTROL: t Before beginning concrete work, the Contractor shall determine the proper proportions of materials for class of concrete B and C. Methods for selecting and adjusting proportions of the I ingredients shall be in accordance with ACI 2l I .1 . Reports from the concrete supplier of each mix I design shall state whether the items reported comply with the specifications and shall show (1) the expected strength, (2) conesponding slump, (3) expected drying shrinkage, (4) weights and test I results ofthe ingredients, and (5) other physical properties necessary to check each mix design. I Copies of the reports shall be submitted in accordance with paragraph 03300-1.03. I 2.03 v/ArERsroPS Waterstops shall be manufactured from virgin polyvinylchloride @VC) conforming to the I Corps of Engineers Specification No. CRD-C572. Unless otherwise specified, waterstops in construction joints shall be Greenstreak 679, I Vinylex R6-38, or equal. Waterstops in expansion joints shall be Greenstreak 735, Vinylex RB9-r 38H, or equal. Waterstops called out as expansive waterstops on the Drawings shall be MC-2010M as manufactured by Adeka Ultra Seal, or equal. I 2.04 SEALANTS ANDJOINTFILLERS I Sealants and preformedjoint fillers shall be as specified in Sections 07900 and 07905. I 2.Os BONDING COMPOUNDS I Epoxy resin bonding compounds shall be used for wet areas and shall be Adhesive r Engineering, Concresive Nos. 1001, 1001-LPL or 1180 as applicable; Sika Chemical Corporation, I Sikadur 35, Hi-Mod LV, Sikadur 32, Hi-Mod, or Sikadw 31, Hi-Mod Gel as applicable; Burke - Company 881 LPL Epoxy; or equal. Nonepoxy bonding compounds shall be used for dry areas and - shall be Bwke Company, Acrylic Bondcrete; Imperial Chemical Industrial, hc., Thoro Systern I Products, Acryl 60; Thorobond; or equal. Bonding compounds shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. I 2.06 RETARDANT I Retardant for exposing aggregates for nonformed surfaces in constructionjoints shall be I Sika Rugasol-S, Hom Aggretex-H, Burke Company True Etch Surface Retarder, or equal. I a minimum penetration of l/8 inch. I 2.07 CURINGAND SEALINGCOMPOUNDS I Curing and sealing compound shall be Master Builders, Masterseal; A. C. Hom Inc., Hom Clearseal EMl80; Burke Company Spartan-Cote WB Cure Seal Hardner; or equal; conforming to I t Vail WWTP UV lnstallation 2t/212E5 Rev. 1Ul0/01 03300-5 ASTM C309. Curing compounds shall be clear and shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, except as otherwise specified. 2.08 PRODUCTDATA The following informafion shall be provided in accordance with Section 01300. A. MANUFACTURER'SDATA: Copies of manufacturer's data shall be provided for the following: l. Waterstops 2. Retardants 3. Curing compounds 4. Bonding compounds 5. Admixtures B. TESTREPORTS: Three copies ofreports from the concrete supplier shall be provided certiffing that all concrete materials comply with the specifications and all test requirements. C. READY-MXEDCONCRETETRUCKDELIVERYTICKETS: Each load of ready-mixed concrete delivered to the job site shall be accompanied by a delivery ticket showing the information listed in ASTM C94, Section 16. PART3--DGCUTION 3.OI GENERAL Construction ofcast-in-place concrete shall be in accordance with the pertinent recommendations contained in ACI Manual of Concrete Practice of 300 Group. 3.02 CONCRETE Concrete shall be truck-mixed, ready-mixed concrete conforming to the applicable portions of ASTM C94. Materials shall be proportioned by weighing. The Contractor shall be responsible for producing concrete ofthe specified characteristics. Concrete shall be delivered to the site of work, and discharge shall be completed within l-1l2 hours after introduction of the water to the mixture. I t t I t I I I I I t I T I I I I I t 21t21,285 Rev. l0n0/01Vail WWTP tIV Installation 03300-6 I t I 3.03 CONVEYING AND PLACING CONCRETE A. CONVEYINGCONCRETE: I Concrete shall be conveyed from the mixer to the forms in accordance with ACI 301, I Chapter 8. Concrete which has segregated in conveying shall be removed from the site of the work. I B. PLACINGCONCRETE:t 1. GENERAL: ConcreteshallbeplacedinaccordancewithACl30l, I Chapter 8, and ACI 304, Chapter 6. Pumped concrete shall be the class and consistency specified inI paragraph 03300-2.02. I 2. PLACINGCoNCRETEINHOTWEATHER: Inhotweather(abovet 85 degrees F), concrete shall be placed in accordance with ACI 305R' I 3. PLACINGCONCRETEINCOLDWEATIIER: Incoldweather(belowr 45 degrees F), concrete shall be placed in accordance with ACI 306R. I 3.04 coNCRETEFoRMWoRKI Formwork shall be installed in accordance with ACI 347. - 3.05 CT]RINGAND SEALING I A. GENERAL: r Concrete curing shall be completed by water curing or by using a clear membrane curing I compound orby a combination of both methods. Repain or treaftnent of concrete surfaces shall be coordinated so that intemrption of the cwing will not be necessary. t Concrete surface temperature shall be maintained between 50 degrees F and 80 degrees F for at least 5 days. Curing concrete in hot weather (above 85 degrees F) shall be in accordance with r ACI 305 R. Curing concrete in cold weather (below 45 degrees F) strall be in accordance with ACI t 306 R. I B. WATERCURING: I When water curing is used, concrete shall be kept wet continuously for a minimum of I l0 days after placement. Absorptive mats or fabric may be used to retain moisture during the cwing I Period' I t I VailWWTPuVlnstallation 2l/21285 Rev. l0A0/01 03300-7 C. CURINGCOMPOUND: When curing compound is used, it shall be applied as soon as the concrete has set sufficiently so as not to be marred by the application or immediately following form removal for vertical and other formed surfaces. Preparation ofsurfaces, quantities used, application procedures, and installation precautions shall be followed in strict compliance with the manufacturer's instructions. Curing compound shall not be used on concrete surfaces to be coated, waterproofed, or I moistureproofed. 3.06 PROTECTION I Concrete shall be protected from injurious action by sun, rain, flowrng water, frosl and Imechanical iniurv. I t I t Consffuctionjoints shall be located and formed as specified. A rough surface of exposed concrete aggregates shall be produced using a surface retardant at construction joints. The limit of the heated surfaces shall be 1 inch away from the joint edges. Within 24 hours after placing, retarded surface mortar shall be removed either by high pressure water jetting or stiffbrushing or combination ofboth so as to expose coarse aggregates. A rough surface ofexposed aggre9atemay also be produced by sandblasting followed by high pressure waterjetting. Sandblasting, ifused, shall remove l/8 inch oflaitance film and shall expose coarse aggregate to insure adequate bond. Reinforcing steel and welded wire fabric shall be continued across conskuction joints. Waterstops shall be provided in construction joints at locations as specified. 3.08 INSERTS AND EMBEDMENTS A.INSERTS: Where pipes, castings or conduits are to pass through structures, the Contractor shall place such pipes or castings in the forms before placing the concrete, or he may provide openings in the concrete for subsequent insertion ofsuch pipes, castings or conduits. Such openings shall be provided with waterstops and V-shaped construction joint as shown and shall have a slight flare to facilitate grouting and permit the escape of entrained air during grouting. Additional reinforcement shall be provided around large openings as shown. The grout shall be nonshrink grout as specified in Section 03600. I I I t I 21r2t285 Rev. l0/10/01 I I t I I IVail WWTP lJV Installation 03300-8 I I t I I I t t I I T I I I I I T t B.EMBEDMENTS: Gate frames, gate thimbles, special castings, charmels or other miscellaneous metal parts that are to be embedded in the concrete shall be set and secured in the forms prior to concrete place- ment. Unless otherwise specified, anchor bolts and inserts shall be embedded in concrete as shown. The Contractor shall provide inserts, anchors or other bolts necessary for the attachment of piping, valves, metal parts and equipment. Operators or sleeves for gate or valve stems shall be positioned to clear reinforcing steel, conduit and other embedments, and to align accurately with equipment. 3.09 E)(PANSIONJOINTS Expansion joints shall be as specified. Reinforcement or other ernbedded metal itsms bonded to the concrete shall not extend through expansion joints. Waterstops shall be provided in expansionjoints as specified in paragraph 03300-3.10. 3.10 WATERSTOPS Waterstops shall conform to ACI 301, paragraph 6.3 and shall be provided at the specified locations. Waterstops shall be securely held in position during placing of concrete. If, after placing concrete, waterstops are materially out of position or shape, the surrounding concrete shall be removed, the waterstop reset, and concrete replaced in accordance with paragraph 03300-3.11. Field splices shall be heat fused welded butt splices only and shall be acceptable only in straight sections. Lapping of splices or joining by any means other than heat fused welding shall not be allowed. Crosses, tees, and other shapes used for changes ofdirection, intersections, and fiansitions shall be factory fabricated. 3.II MODIFICATIONOF EXSTING CONCRETE Existing concrete shall be removed and the remaining surfaces resurfaced as specified. The remaining concrete shall be protected from damage. Clean lines shall be made by sawing through the existing concrete. The concrete may be broken out after inifial saw cuts in the event thickness prevents cutting through. Where it is not possible to use a saw, the initial cuts shall be made with chipping hammers. These cuts shall be sufficient to prevent damage to the remaining concrete. In gsneral, an opening in existing concrete shall be oversized 1 inch on all sides and built back to the correct dimension with an epoxy grout. Where oversized opanings carmot be made, the concrete shall be cut to the correct dimension, with the exposed reinforcing cut back an additional I inch and the resulting hole filled with epoxy grout. Cut orbroken concrete surfaces shall be resurfaced with an epoxy grout. Concrete surfaces to be coated shall be dry. Where new concrete adjoins existing concrete surfaces or surfaces which have been cut, such surfaces shall be cleaned by sandblasting to remove laitance, loose coatings and foreign materials, and coated with the bonding compound just prior to the placement of the new concrete. Bonding compounds shall be as specified in paragraph 03300-2.05. Unless otherwise specifid continuity of reinforcing steel shall be obtained across the joint either by exposing existing bars to provide sufficient laps with new bars or by welding existing bars with new bars. Dowels shall be drilled and set with epoxy grout into existing concrete. 21,t21285 Rev. lC|/1001IVail WWTP IJV Installation 03300-9 3.12 FORMED SURFACEFINISHES REPAIR OF SI.]RFACE DEFECTS: Surface defects, including tie holes, minor honeycombing or otherwise defective concrete shall be repaired in accordance with ACI 301, Chapter 9. Areas to be patched shall be cleaned. Patches on exposed surfaces shall be finished to match the adjoining surfaces after they have set. Patches shall be cured as soecified for the concrete. I I T I I 1. FINISH A: Finish A shall be a grout clean finish in accordance with ACI 30l,Section10.3.2. Surfacesshallbelightlysandblastedpriortosacking. Forinteriorareas not exposed to moisture or weather, water used in the mortar shall be mixed with a PVA bonding compound as recommended by the manufacturer. Unless otherwise specified, Finish A shall be provided for all surfaces exposed to view, both painted and unpainted. 2. FINISH B: Finish B shall be the same as Finish A, except that the final burlap rubbing may be omitted, providing the steel kowel scraping removes the loose buildup from the surface. Finish B shall be provided for waterproof and moistureproof coated surfaces. 3. FINISH C: Finish C shall be a finish which has surface imperfections less than 3/8 inch in any dimension. Surface imperfections greater than 3/8 inch shall be repaired or removed and the affected areas neatly patched. Finish C or smoother shall be provided for interior surfaces of tanks and channels from I foot below minimum water surfaces and down and otherwise unfi nished interior surfaces. 4. FINISH D: Unless otherwise specified, Finish D shall be the finish for surfaces not exposed to view in the finish work or by other construction, which may be left as they come from the forms, except that tie holes shall be plugged and defects greater than l/2 inch in any dimension shall be repaired. 3.13 SLAB FIMS}IES A. GENERAL: Where finish is not specified, floor slabs shall receive steel troweling. Dry cement shall not be used on new concrete swfaces to absorb excess moisture. Edges shall be rounded to a radius of l/2 inch. Joints shall be grooved to a radius and depth of l/4 inch each. B. FLOATFIMSH: Float finish shall conform to ACI 301, Section 11.7.2. Ploating shall be performed with a hand or power-driven float. Floating of any one area shall be the minimum necessary to produce I 2v2t285 Rev. l0/t0i01 I I I I I I I T I I I IVail WWTP UV Installation 03300-10 I I I I I T I I t I the finish specified. Floating shall compact and smooth the surface and close any cracks and checking of surfaces. Float finish shall be applied to surfaces of channel and tank bottom slabs and to footings. C. STEEL TROWEL FIMSH: Steel trowel finish shall conform to ACI 301, Section I1.7.3. Immediately after final troweling, tle surface shall be cured and protected as specified in paragraphs 03300-3.05 and 03300-3.06. Steel howel finish shall be provided on floors unless specified otherwise. D. BROOMEDFIMSH: Broomed finish shall conform to ACI 301, Section 11.7.4. Broomed finish shall be provided for walks, tops of walls, slabs on grade exposed to atrnosphere, and where otherwise specified. 3.14 FIELD SAMPLING AND TESTING OF CONCRETE A. GENERAL: Field sampling and testing shall be performed by the independent testing laboratory specified in paragraph 03300-1.02 A. Samples of concrete shall be taken at random locations and at such times to represent the quality of the materials and work throughout the project. The laboratory shall provide the necessary labor, materials and facilities for sampling, casting, handling and storing the concrete samples at the site of work. The minimum number of samples and tests are specified in paragraph 03300-3. I 4 C. B. SAMPLING: Concrete shall be sampled as follows and tested in accordance with paragraph 03300- 3.14 C. Samples of plastic concrete shall be obtained in accordance with ASTM CI72. Samples for pumped concrete shall be taken at the hose discharge point. Samples for other concrete shall be taken at the hopper of hansit mix truck. C. TESTING: 1. STRENGTH TESTS: The strengths specified for the design mix shall be verified by the testing laboratory during placement of the concrete. Verification shall be accomplished by testing standard cylinders of concrete samples taken at the job site. Standard cylinders shall represent the concrete placed in the forms. One set of three standard cylinders shall be cast for each 50 cubic yards, or fraction thereol for concrete placed in structures, building slabs and footings, but at least three cylinders shall be taken from any one batch. Casting, handling and curing of cylinders shal1 be in accordance with ASTM C3 I . Additional clinders shall be provided when an error in batching is suspected. For the ftst?l hours after 2l/2t285 Rev. 10/10/01 t I I I I I I I t Vail WWTP uV lnstallation 03300-l I casting, the cylinders shall be kept moist in a storage box constructed and located so that its interior air temperature will be between 60 and 80 degrees F. At the end of 24 hours, the cylinders shall be transported to the testing laboratory. Testing of specimens for compressive strength shall be in accordance with ASTM C39. Tests shall be made at 7 and28 days from time of castiag. One test cylinder from each group of three shall be tested at the end of7 days, and two shall be tested at the end of28 days. Each strength test result shall be the average ofthe strengths oftwo test cylinders at 28 days, except that if one cylinder in a set of two shows evidence of low shength due to improper sampling, casting, handling or curing, the result of the remaining one cylinder shall be used. The average ofany three consecutive 28-day strength test results ofthe cylinders representing each class ofconcrete shall be equal to or greater than the specified strength and not more than l0 percent of the strength test results shall have values less than the specified 28-day strength for the total job concrete. No individual shength test results shall be less than the specified strength by more than 500 pounds per square inch. Certified reports of the test results shall be provided directly to the Construction Manager. Test reports shall include sufficient information to identify the mix used, the siationing or location of the concrete placement, and the quantity placed. Siump and ambient temperature shall be noted. I I t I I I I I T concrete required for any portion of the work, adjustrnent in the proportions, water content, or both, shall be made as necessary at the Contractor's expense. Changes and adjustrnents shall be reported in writing to the Construction Manager. If compressive test results indicate concrete in place may not meet structural requirements, tests shall be made to determine if the structure or portion thereof is struchrally sound. Tests may include, but not be limited to, cores in accordance with ASTM C42 ard any other analyses or load tests acceptable to the Construction Manager. Costs of such tests shall be borne by the Conhactor. 2. TESTS FOR CONSISTENCY OF CONCRETE: The slump shall be as specified when measured in accordance with ASTM C143. Samples for slump determination shall be taken from the concrete during placing. Slump tests shall be performed whenever standard cylinders are cast. D. FINALLABORATORYREPORT: A final report, prepared by the testing laboratory, shall be provided at the completion of all concreting. This report shall summarize the findings concerning concrete used in the project and provide totals ofconcrete used by class and structure. I I I I I I I I t 2r/212a5 Rev. 10/10/01vail WWTP uV lnstallation 03300-12 I t 3.15 CLEANUP I Upon completion of the work and prior to final inspection, the Contractor shall clean all concrete surfaces, except outside sidewalks or paved areas and those having curing and sealing I compound. T I I I I I I I T I t t I I I Vail WWTP uV Installation ,!*END OF SECTION** 2v21285 Rev. t0/1001 03300-13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I SECTION 03600 GROUT PART I--GENERAL 1.OI DESCRIPTION This section specifies grout for uses other than masonry. Masonry grout is specified in Section 04200. I.O2 QUALITYASSURANCE A. QUAUTYCONTROLBYCONTRACTOR: To demonstrate conformance with the specified requirements for grout, the Contractor shall provide the services of an independent testing laboratory which complies with the requirements of ASTM E329. Thetesting laboratory shall sample and test grout materials as required in this section. Costs of testing laboratory services shall be bome by the Contractor. B. REFERENCES: This section contains references to the following documents. They are a part of this section as specified and modified. Where a referenced document contains references to other standards, those documents are included as references under this section as ifreferenced directly. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this section and those of the listed documents, the requirements of this section shall prevail. Unless otherwise specified, references to documents shall mean the documents in effect at the time of Advertisement for Bids or Invitation to Bid (or on the effective date of the Agreement if there were no Bids). If referenced documents have been discontinued by the issuing organization, references to those documents shall mean the replacement documents issued or otherwise identified by that organization or, if there are no replacement documents, the last version of the document before it was discontinued. Where document dates are given in the following listing, references to those documents shall mean the specific document version associated with that date, regardless of whether the document has been superseded by a version with a later date, discontinued or replaced. Reference ASTM C33 ASTM C4O ASTMC8S Concrete Aggregates Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for Concrete Soundness ofAggregates by Use ofSodium Sulfate or ium Sulfate 21121285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWT? IJV lnstallation 03600-r I t Reference ASTMCIlT ASTM C136 REV A ASTM C15O ASTM C289 ASTM C494 ASTM C881 ASTM D2419 ASTM E329 REV C CRD-C62I Material Finer Than 75 pm (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates Portland Cement Potential Reactivity of Aggegates (Chemical Method) Chemical Admixtures for Concrete Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systerns for Concrete Standard Test Method for Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine Aggregate Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel, and Bituminous Materials as Used in Construction ification for Nonshrink Grout PART2--PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. CEMENT: Portland cement shall be ASTM CI50, Type II or Type V, low alkali, containing less than 0.60 percent alkalies. B. AGGREGATE: 1. GENERAL: Aggregate shall be nonreactive and shall be washed before use. When sources of aggregate are changed, test reports shall be provided for the new material. The tests specified shall be performed prior to commencing grout work. 2. FINE AGGREGATE: Fine aggregate shall be hard, dense, durable particles of either sand or crushed stone regularly graded from coarse to fine and shall conform to ASTM C33 as modified herein. When tested in accordance with ASTM C136, gradation shall be such that 100 percent by weight will pass a standard No. 8 mesh sieve and no less than 45 percent by weight will pass a standard No. 40 mesh sieve. Variation from the specified gradations in individual tests will be acceptable if the average of three consecutive tests is within the specified limits and the variation is within the permissible variation listed below : I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I t t 21121285 Rev. 10/10i01Vail WWTP IJV Installatior 03600-2 I I t I I I I t I I I I t I I t I I I Other tests shall be in accordance with the following specifications: Test Requirements Color lighter than standard 3% maximumbyweight l0% maximum loss with sodium sulfate Innocuous aggregate Sand Equivalent C. ADMIXTURES: l. GENERAL: Admixtures shall be compatible with the grout. Calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride are not acceptable. Admixtures shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and shall be added separately to the grout mix. 2. WATER REDUCING RETARDER: Water reducing retarder shall be ASTM C494Type D and shall be Master Builders Pozzolith 300-R, Sika Corporation Plastiment, or equal. 3. LUBRICANT FOR CEMENT PRESSURE GROUTING: Lubricant additive for cement pressure grouting shall be Intrusion Prepakt Intrusion Aid, Sika Intraplast N, or equal. D. WATER: Water for washing aggregate, for mixing and for curing shall be free from oil and deleterious amounts of acids, alkalies, and organic materials; shall not contain more than 1000 mg/l of chlorides as Cl, nor more than 1300 mgll of sulfates as SO+; and shall not contain an amount of impurities that may cause a change of more than 25 percent in the setting time of the cement nor a reduction of more than 5 percent in the compressive shength ofthe grout at 14 days when compared with the result obtained with distilled water. Additionally, water used for curing shall not contain an amount of impurities sufficient to discolor the grout. 2tnn85 Rw. l0A0/01 Orgarric Impurities Amount of Material Passing No.200 Sieve Soundness Permissible variation in ASTMC4O ASTM.CIl7 ASTM C88 ASTM C289 ASTMD24I9 Vail WWTP uV lnstallation 03600-3 2.02 GROUT DRYPACKGROUT: Drypack grout shall be a mixture of approximately one part cement, l-l/2to 2 parts sand, water reducing retarder, and sufficient water to make a stiff workable mix. B. CEMENTGROUT: Cement grout shall be a mixture of one part cement, two parts sand, proportioned by volume, admixtures for pressure grouting, and suffrcient water to form a workable mix. C. NONSHRINKGROUT: Nonshrink grout is available with both metallic and nonmetallic aggreg te. Metallic aggregate grout shall be Master Builders Embeco 636, Burke Company Metallic Spec Grout, Sonnoborn Ferrolith G Redimix, or equal. Nonmetallic aggregate grout shall be Five Star Products, Inc. Five Star Grout, Master Builders Masterllow 713, Burke Company Non-Ferrous, Non-Shrink Grout, or equal. D. EPOXYGROUTFORCRACKREPAIRANDDOWELANCHORAGE: Except as noted below, epoxy grout shall be a high modulus, two-component, moisture insensitive, 100 percent solids, thermosetting modified polyamid epoxy compound. The consistency shall be a paste form capable ofnot sagging in horizontal or overhead anchoring configurations. Material shall conform to ASTM C881, Type 1, Grade 3, such as Adhesive Engineering Concresive 1440 series, Sika Corporation Sikadur Hi-Mod Series, Adhesive Technology Corporation Solidbond 200, or equal, and shall have a heat deflection temperature in excess of 130 degrees F. Epoxy for pressure grouting/crack injection shall be a two-componott, moisture insensitive, high modulus, injection grade, 100 percent solids, blend ofepoxy-resin compounds. The consis- tency shall be as required to achieve complete penehation in hairline cracks and larger. Material shall conform to ASTM C881, Type 1, Grade 1, such as Sika Corporation Sika&r 52, Adhesive Engineering Company SCB products, Adhesive Technolory Corporation SLV 300 series, or equal. E. POLYMERCONCRETE(FORRESLIRFACINGORPATCHING): Pollrner concrete (for resurfacing or patching) shall consist ofa liquid binder and dry aggregate mixed together to make a mortar or grout of a consistency as required for the application. The liquid binder shall be a phemical and oil resistant, stress relieved, low modulus, moisture insensitive, two-component epoxy-resin compound. The consistency shall be similar to lightweight oi1 for proper mixing with aggregate. Material shall conform to ASTM C881, Type 3, Grade 1, such as Sika Corporation Sikadw Lo-Mod series, Adhesive Engineering Concresive 1470, Adhesive Technologl Corporation 400 series, or equal. I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I T I 2tm285 Rev. ltYl0/01Vail WWTP IJV Installation 03600-4 I I I I The aggregate shall be oven dry in sealed packages until time of mixing, and shall be of size I and consistency compatible with recommendations of manufacturer of liquid binder for intended application. T F. ADHESIVECAPSULESFORDOWELANCHORAGE: I Adhesive resin capsules shall consist ofsealed glass capsules containing premeasured I amounts ofapolyester or vinylester resin, quartz sand aggregate and a hardener contained in a separate vial within the capsule. Adhesive capsules shall be Hilti IIVA Capsules, Molly Parabond I Capsules, or equal.I 2.03 PRESSURE GROUTINGEQLIIPMENT r Pressure grouting equipment shall include a mixer and holdover agitator tanks and shall be designed to place grout at pressures up to 50 psi. Gages shall be provided to indicate pressure used. I The mixer shall be provided with a meter capable of indicating to one-tenth of a cubic foot the ' volume of prout used. I 2.04 ,*oor.r", DArA The following information shall be provided in accordance with Section 01300.Ir A. MANUFACTURER'SDATA: I Manufacturer's data shall be provided for the following: 1. Bonding compoundsr ? il:::fsfl:* 4. Retardants I 5. Epoxygrout 6. Polymer concrete -I B. LABORATORYTESTREPORTS: I Test reports on previously tested materials shall be accompanied by the manufacturer's I statement that the previously tested material is the same type, quality, manufacture, and make as that proposed for use in this project. Test reports are required for the following: I l. Cement 2. Aggregates I 3- Retardants t 4. Bonding comPounds 5. Epoxy resin t I Vail WWTP IJV lnstallation 2v2r285 Rev. 10/10/01 03600-5 I C. EVIDENCE OF TESTING LABORATORY COMPETENCE: The Contractor shall require that the laboratory provide directly to the Construction Manager evidence of the most recent inspection of its facilities by the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory of the National Bureau of Standmds. The evidences shall show that deficiencies mentioned in the report ofthat inspection have been corrected. The evidence of inspection shall be provided prior to delivery of materials to the job site. PART3--DGCUTION 3.01 GENERAL Bonding compound for use with grout is specified in Section 03300. Primer, if required for polymer concrete, shall be provided per manufacfurer's recommendation. 3,02 DRYPACKGROUT Drypack grout shall be used for built-up surfaces, setting miscellaneous metal items and minor repairs. Surfaces required to be built up with drypack grout shall be roughened by brushing, cleaned, and coated with the bonding compound specified in paragraph 03300-2.05 before the application of the grout. The drypack grout shall be applied immediately following the application of the bonding compound in bands or strips to form a covering of the required thickness. The covering shall be smooth. Construction joints in the grout shall be sloped and shall be cleaned and wetted before application is resumed. Drypack grout shall be cured in accordance with Section 03300. Grout shall not be placed during freezing weather unless adequate protection is provided. 3.03 CEMENTGROUT Cement grout shall be used for filling nonbearing portions of equipment pads and pressure grouting. Except for the specialized equipment for pressure grouting, mixing and placing apparatus shall be similar to that normally used for cast-in-place concret€. Grout shall be mixed for a period of at least 1 minute. Diluted grout shall be agitated to keep ingredients mixed. I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I 21/21285 Rw. 10/10/01Vail WWTP W Installation 03600-6 I I t I I I I I T I T I I I I I I I I 3.04 NONSHRINKGROUT Nonshrink, nonmetallic aggregate grout shall be used for the bearing surfaces of machinery and equipment bases, column base plates and bearing plates. Nonshrink metallic aggregate grout shall be used for setting anchor bolts and grouting reinforcing steel holes. Grout shall meet the requirements of CRD-C621 and shall be placed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Holes required for grouting shall be blown clean with compressed air and left free of dust or standing water. Horizontal holes for grouting shall be drilled at a slight downward angle to facilitate holding the grout until setting is complete. Bolts or reinforcing steel installed in horizontal grout holes shall be bent slightly accordingly. 3.05 . EPOXY GROUT Epoxy grout shall be used for repairing cracks by pressure grouting or gravity flow, repairing structural concrete, and may be used for setting reinforcing dowels or anchor bolts into holes for grouting. Concrete shall be primed in accordance with the grout manufacturer's instructions. Use ofepoxy grout for anchorage ofbolts or reinforcing dowels shall be subject to the following conditions: l. Use shall be limited to locations where exposure, on an intemittent or continuous basis, to acid concentrations higher than 10 percent to chlorine gas, or to machine or diesel oils, is extemely unlikely. 2. Use shall be limited to applications where exposure to fire or exposure to concrete or rod temperature above the product's heat deflection temperature or 120 degrees F (whichever is less) is exhemely unlikely. Overhead applications (such as pipe supports) because of the above concems, shall be disallowed. 3. Approval from Construction Manager for specific application and from supplier of equipment to be anchored, if applicable. 4. Anchor diameter and grade of steel shall be per contract documents or per equipment supplier specifications. Anchor shall be threaded or deformed fuIl length of embedment and shall be free of rust, scale, grease, and oils. 5. Embedment depth and hole diameter shall be as specified. 6. Holes shall have rough surfaces, such as can be achieved using a rotary percussion drill. 2t/21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP uV Installation 03600-7 7. Holes shall be blown clean with compressed air and be free of dust or standing water prior to application of grout. 8. Anchor shall be left undisturbed and unloaded for firll curing period. 9. Anchors shall not be placed in concrete below 25 degrees F. 3.06 ADI{ESIVECAPSULES Adhesive resin capsules may be used for setting and anchoring reinforcing dowels or anchor bolts into predrilled holes in concrete. Use ofthe adhesive resin capsules for anchorage of reinforcing dowels or bolts shall be as specified in paragraph 05501-3.03. 3,07 PRESSUREGROUTING Prior to grouting, systems and holes to be grouted shall be washed clean. Washing is not required for grouting soil voids outside pipe cylinders or casing pipes. Grouting, once commenced, shall be completed without stoppage. In case ofbreakdown of equipment, the Contractor shall wash out the grouting system sufliciently to ensure fresh grout and adequate bond and penehation will occur upon restarting the grouting operation. Grout pressure shall be maintained until grout has set. **END OF SECTION'** I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I2'U21285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail wwTP uV lnstallation 03600-8 oo Section No. 05100 05501 05505 05530 Division 5 Structural Metals Title Structural Metals Anchor Bolts Miscellaneous Metals Grating I t I I I I t I I t I t I I I T I I t SECTION 051OO STRUCT{-]RALMETALS PART I--GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION This section specifies structural metals consisting ofstandard shapes, fasteners, rods and plates that are used in structural supports and connections. t.o2 QUALTTYASSTTRANCE A. GENERAL: Structural assemblies and shop and field welding shall meet the requirements of the AISC Manual of Steel Construction. The use of salvaged, reprocessed or scrap materials shall not be permitted. B. REFERENCES: This section contains references to the following documents. They are a part ofthis section as specified and modified. Where a referenced document contains references to other standards, those documents are included as references under this section as if referenced directly. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this section and those of the listed documents, the requirements of this section shall prevail. Unless otherwise specified, references to documents shall mean the documents in effect at the time of Advertisement for Bids or Invitation to Bid (or on the effective date of the Agreement if there were no Bids). If referenced documents have been discontinued by the issuing organization, references to those documentS shall mean the replacement documents issued or otherwise identified by that organization or, if there are no replacement documents, the last version of the document before it was discontinued. Where document dates are grven in the following listing, references to those documents shall mean the specific document version associated with that date, regardless of whether the document has been superseded by a version with a later date, discontinued or replaced. Reference itle AISC Manual of Steel Construction ASTMA36/A36M ASTMA53 American Institute of Steel Construction, Manual of Steel Construction, Allowable Stress Design - 9th Edition Sfructural Steel Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless 2v21285 Rev. l0/l00lVail r WTP uV Installation 05100-l t I Reference ASTM A28314283M ASTMA3OT ASTM A32OIA32OM ASTMA5OO ASTMA666 ASTM B3O8 Low and Intermediate Tensile Sheneth Carbon Steel Plates, Shapes and Bars Carbon Steel Extemally Threaded Standard Fasteners Alloy-Steel Bolting Materials for Low Temperature Service Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes Austenitic Stainless Steel, Sheet, Strip, Plate and Flat Bar for Shuctural Applications ASTMA36 ASTM A53, Grade B ASTM .4'500, Grade B ASTM ,4'36 or4283 ASTM A666, Grade A, Type 304 ASTM A320, Type 304 ASTM A307. Grade A t I I I T t I I I I I t Alutrriniim- Extruded AWS-DI.1 Structural Weldine Code-Steel PART2--PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. STEEL: Materials for struchrral metals shall be as specified in Table A. Table A, Steel Materials Standard rolled steel sections Pipe columns Structural steel tubing Stnrctural bars, plates and similar items Stainless steel Stainless steel bolts, nuts and washers Steel bolts B. ALIJMINUM: Unless otherwise specified, aluminum shall be extruded from 6061-T6 or 6063-T6 alloy, conforming to ASTM 8308. I t I 21t21285 R€v. 10/10/01Vail WWTP uV lnsEllation 05100-2 t t I 2.02 FABRICATIoNI Fabrication shall be in accordance with the AISC Manual of Steel Construction. t - PART3--EXECUTION I 3.01 INSTALLATION I A. GENERAL:I Measurements shall be verified at the job. - Holes shall be punched l/16 inch larger than the nominal size of the bolts, unless otherwise ,- specified. Whenever needed, because of the thickness of the metal, holes shall be subpunched and I reamed or drilled. No drifting of bolts nor enlargement of holes will be allowed to correct ' misalignment. Mismatched holes shall be corrected with new material' I Dissimilar metals shall be protected from galvanic corrosion by means ofpressure tapes,r coatings or isolators. Aluminum in contact with concrete or grout shall be protectd with a heavy coat of bituminous Paint. Ir Metalwork to be embedded in concrete shatl be as specified in Secfion 03300. Metalwork - shall be placed accurately and held in conect position while the concrete is placed or, ifspecified, I recesses or blockouts shall be formed in the concrete after desigrr strength is attaine4 and the - metalwork shall be grouted in place in accordance with Section 03300. The surfaces of metalwork t in contact with or embedded in concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned. t Structural steel completely encased in concrete shall not be galvanized orpainted and shall - have a clean surface for bonding to concrete. Metalwork which is bent, broken or otherwise I damaged shall be repaired or replaced by the Conkactor. I B. WELDING: ' Welding shall be done by operators who have been qualified by tests as prescribed by I AWS WI Sect. 7 to perform the type of work required. The quality of welding shall conform to I AWS Code for Arc Welding in Building Construction Section 4, Workrnanship. I Unless otherwise specified, continuous welds shall be provided on all structural members t that are exposed to weather or submerged in water or wastewater, and continuous seal welds shall be provided on both sides of all plates or structural shapes that are in contact with or submerged in I water or wastewater. I I I vail WWTP trv Installation 2v2t285 Rev. l0nOrcl 05100-3 C. BOLTEDCONNECTIONS: Bolted cormections shall conform to AISC Framed Beam Connections and shall be bemins tlpe cormections with threads excluded from shear planes. 3.02 CORROSIONPROTECTION Unless otherwise specified, all structural metal and stuctural steel, including that used in the fabrication ofprocess equipment, shall be coated in accordance with Section 09900. Surface preparation shall be as specified in paragraph 09900-3.02 and applicable COATSPECS and shall include the following operations: 1 . Grind the exterior and interior edges of all flame-cut plates or members to a smooth surface. 2. Grind all sharp edges offofthe sheared plates and punched holes. 3. Grind rmeven or rough welds with high beads to a smooth finish. Application requirements shall be as specified in paragraph 09900-3.03 and applicable COATSPECS. 3.03 CLEANING After installation, damaged surfaces of shop primed metals shall be cleaned and touched up with the same material used for the shop coat. Damaged surfaces of galvanized metals shall be repaired as specified in Section 05910. **END OF SECTION** t t I I I I t t I t t I I I I I t I 2u2t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP lJV Installation 05100-4 I I t I T I t T I I I I I t I I t I I SECTION O55OI ANCHORBOLTS PART I--GENERAI I.OI DESCRIPTION This section specifies anchorbolts complete with washers and nuts. Unless otherwise specified, anchor bolts shall be hot-dip galvanze'd or type 304 stainless steel. I.O2 REFERENCES This section contains references to the following documents. They are a part of this section as specified and modified. Where a referenced document contains references to other standards, those documents are included as references under this section as ifreferenced directly. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this section and those of the listed documents, the requirements of this section shall prevail. Unless otherwise specified, references to documents shall mean the documents in effect at the time of Advertisement for Bids or Invitation to Bid (or on the effective date of the Agreement if there were no Bids). If referenced documents have been discontinued by the issuing orgarization, references to those documents shall mean the replacement documents issued or otherwise identified by that organization or, if there are no replacement documents, the last version of the document before it was discontinued. Where document dates are given in the following listing references to those documents shall mean the specific document version associated with that date, regardless of whether the document has been superseded by a version with a later date, discontinued or replaced. Reference Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures Structural Steel Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength Alloy-Steel Bolting Materials for Low Temperature Service Uniform PART2--PRODUCTS 2.OI GENERAL Anchor bolt holes in equipment support frames shall not exceed the bolt diameters by more than11 percent, up to a limiting maximum oversizing of 1/4 inch. Unless otherwise specified ANSI A58.1 ASTMA36/A36M ASTMA3OT ASTMA32O/A32OM UBC 2v2t285 Rev. 10/10/01vail WWTP UV Installation 05501-1 minimum anchor bolt diameter shall be l/2 nch. Anchor bolts for equipment mounting and vibration isolation systems shall be provided as specified in Sections 11002 and 11021, respectively. Tapered washers shall be provided where mating surface is not square with the nut. Expansion, wedge, or adhesive anchors set in holes drilled in the concrete after the concrete is placed will not be permitted in substitution for anchor bolts except where otherwise specified. Upset threads shall not be acceptable. 2.02 MATERIALS Anchor bolt materials shall be as specified in Table A. Table A, Anchor Bolt Materials I I I I t I T ISteel bolts Fabricated steel bolts Expansion anchors Wedge anchors Adhesive anchors ASTMA307, Grade A ASTM436 HILTI-BOLT, McCulloch Industries, or equal ITT, Phillips Drill Co., or equal. HILTI-HVA, PARABOND Capsule, or equal " Use Type 316 where specified. 2.03 DESIGN Anchor bolts for equipment frames and foundations shall be designed in accordance with the Uniform Building Code for seismic zone l. 2.04 PRODUCTDATA The following information shall be provided in accordance with Section 01300 for all bolt systems not cast-in-place: 1. Data indicating load capacities. I t I t I I Temperature limitations. Installation instructions.4- 2v21285 Rev. l0/lUOl t I IVail WWTP LMnstdlation 0550r-2 I I I T 5. Evaluation report for expansion and wedge type anchors as specified in paragraph 05501-3.04. PART 3--EXECUTION 3.OI GENERAL Fieldwork, including cutting and threading, shall not be permitted on galvanized items. Dissimilar metals shall be protected from galvanic conosion by means ofpressure tapes, coatings or isolators. Grouting of anchor bolts with nonshrink or epoxy grouts, where specified, shall be in accordance with Section 03600. 3.O2 CAST-IN.PLACEANCHORBOLTS Anchor bolts to be embedded in concrete shall be placed accurately and held in correct position while the concrete is placed or, if specified, recesses or blockouts shall be formed in the concrete and the metalwork shall be grouted in place in accordance with Section 03300. The surfaces of metalwork in contact with concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned. After anchor bolts have been embedded, their threads shall be protected by grease and the nuts run on. 3.03 ADHESI\IEANCHORBOLTS Use of adhesive or capsule anchors shall be subject to the following conditions: l. Use shall be limited to locations where exposure, on an intermittent or continuous basis, to acid concentrations higher than 10 percent to chlorine gas, or to machine or diesel oils, is extremely unlikely. 2- Use shall be limited to applications where exposure to fire or exposure to concrete or rod temperature above 120 degrees F is extremely unlikely. Overhead applications (such as pipe supports) because ofthe above concems, shall be disallowed. 3. Approval from Construction Manager for specific applicafion and from supplier of equipment to be anchored, if applicable. 4. Anchor diameter and grade of steel shall be per contract documents or per equipment supplier specifications. Anchor shall be threaded or deformed firll length of embedment and shall be free of rust, scale, grease, and oils. 5. Embedment depth shall be as specified. Adhesive capsules ofdifferent diameters may be used to obtain proper volume for the embedment, but no more than two capsules per anchor may be used. When installing different T I I I I T I I I T I I I I t 21t2t285 Rev. 10/10,01Vail WWT? IJV Installation 05501-3 6. 8. diameter capsules in the same hole, the larger diameter capsule shall be installed first. Any extension or protrusion of the capsule from the hole is prohibited. All installation recommendations by the anchor system manufacturer shall be followed carefully, including maximum hole diameter. Holes shall have rough surfaces, such as can be achieved using a rotary percussion drill. Holes shall be blown clean with compressed air and be free of dust or standing water prior to installation. Anchor shall be left undisturbed and unloaded for fu1l adhesive curing I I I T I I 10. Concrete temperature (not air temperature) shall be compatible with curing requirements of adhesives per adhesive manufacturer. Anchors shall not be placed in concrete below 25 degrees F. 3.04 E)GANSIONANCHORS Use of expansion or wedge type anchors shall be subject to conditions 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 , and 8 specified in paragraph 05501-3.03. The Contractor shall supply the Construction Manager with the current evaluation report from the International Conference of Building Officials for the particular brand of expansion anchors to be used. **END OF SECTION** I T I I I I I zrn1285 Rev- 10/10/01 I I I IVail WWTP W Insullation 05501-4 I t I I I I I I I SECTION 05505 MSCELLANEOUS METALWORK PART I--GENERAI 1.01 DESCRIPTION This section specifies miscellaneous metalworlg which consists of custom fabricated steel metalwork other than structural metalwork. I.O2 QUALITYASSURANCE A. GENERAL: Shop and field welding shall conform to the requirements of the AISC Manual of Steel Construction. The use of salvaged, reprocessed or scrap materials will not be permitted. B. REFERENCES: This section contains references to the following documents. They are a part of this section as specified and modified. Where a referenced document contains references to other standards, those documents are included as references under this section as ifreferenced directly. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this section and those of the listed documents, the requirements of this section shall prevail. Unless otherwise specified, references to documents shall mean the documents in effect at the time of Advertisement for Bids or Invitation to Bid (or on the effective date of the Agreement if there were no Bids). If referenced documents have been discontinued by tlte issuing organization, references to lhose documents shall mean the replacement documents issued or otherwise identified by that organization or, if there are no replacement documents, the last version of the document before it was discontinued. Where document dates are given in the following listing, references to those documents shall mean the specific document version associated with that date, regardless of whether the document has been superseded by a version with a later date, discontinued or replaced. Reference American Institute of Steel ConstructiorL Manual of Steel Construction, Allowable Shess Design-9th Edition Structwal Steel Gray-kon Castings Low and Intermediate Tensile Shength Carbon Steel and Bars T t I I t t I I I T AISC Manual of Steel Construction ASTM A36IA36M ASTMA4S ASTM M83/4283M 2t/2t285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail r,rr'WTP try hstallation Plates, 05505-l Reference ASTMA3OT ASTM A32O/A32OM ASTM A5OO Carbon Steel Extemally Threaded Standard Fasteners Alloy-Steel Bolting Materials for Low Temperature Service Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2--PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS Materials for miscellaneous metalwork are soecified in Table A. Table A" Materials for Miscellaneous Metalwork Nonstructural steel bars, angles, clips, and similar items kon castings Structural steel tubing Steel bolts (except flanges and anchor bolts) Stainless steel ASTM A'36 oTASTM A.283 ASTMA48 ASTM .4'500, Grade B ASTM .4.307, Grade A 2.02 ASTMA32O, FABRICATION A. GENERAL: Holes shall be punched 1/16 inch larger than the nominal size of the bolts, unless otherwise t I specified. Whenever needed, because of the thickness of the metal, holes shall be subpunched and Fabrication including cutting, drilling, punching, threading and tapping required for miscellaneous metal or adjacent work shall be performed prior to hot-dip galvanizing. B. SEAT ANGLES, SUPPORTS AND BRACKETS: Seat angles over slide gate guides shall be welded to the guides. Seat angles for grating, supports for floor plates, clips for precast panels and brackets for piping shall be steel, hot-dip galvanized after fabrication unless otherwise specified. I I 2v2t28s Rev. 10/10/01 I I IVail WWTP UV Installation 05505-2 I I I I t I I I I I I I I t t I t I I C. POWERDRWENPINS: Power driven pins may be used in interior locafions of nonprocess areas. Pins shall be heat treated steel alloy in accordance with AISI 1062 or 4063 and shall be zinc-plated. Pins shall have capped or threaded heads capable of transmitting the loads the shanks are required to support. Pins that are connected to steel shall have longitudinal serrations around the circumference ofthe shank. Complete information describing pin capacities and connections shall be provided to ttre Construction Manager. Proposed use and locations shall be approved by the Construction Manager prior to their use. D. IRON CASTINGS: Castings shall be as specified on the drawings, Castings weighing less than 100 pounds shall be hot-dip galvanz.ed after machining. Castings weighing greater than 100 pounds shall be galvanized where specifi ed. E. OTHERMISCELLANEOUSSTEELMETALWORK: Other miscellaneous steel metalwork including embedded and nonembedded steel metalwork, hangers and inserts shall be as specified on the drawings and shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. PART 3--DGCI.]-TION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. GENERAL: Fieldwork shall not be permitted on galvanized items. Drilling of bolts or enlargement of holes to correct misalignment will not be allowed. Dissimilar metals shall be protected from galvanic corrosion by means of pressure tapes, coatings or isolators. Metalwork to be embedded in concrete shall be placed accurately and held in correct position while the concrete is placed or, if specified, recesses or blockouts shall be formed in the concrete. The surfaces of metalwork in contact with or embedded in concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned. If accepted, recesses may be neatly cored in the concrete after it has attained its desigrt shength and the metalwork grouted in place. Embedments shall be as specified in Section 03300. B. SEAT ANGLES, SUPPORTS AND GIIIDES: Seat angles for grating and supports for floor plates shall be set so that they are flush with the floor and also maintain the grating and floor plates flush with the floor. zv2r285 Rev. lO/lUOlVail WWTP [fV Installation 05505-3 C. POWERDRTVENPINS: Power driven pins shall be set by a craftsman who is certified by the manufacturer. Pins shall be driven in one initial movement by an instantaneous force that has been selected to attain the required penetration. Driven pins shall conform to the following: Material penetrated I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I Concrete Steel 20D 7D Where D = pin shank diameter. When required by the Construction Manager, pullout tests shall be carried out by the Contractor to prove the effectiveness ofthe anchorage and the capacity ofthe pin. 3.02 CLEANING After installation, damaged surfaces of shop primed metals shall be cleaned and touched up with the same material used for the shop coat. Damaged surfaces of galvanized metals shall be repaired as specified in Section 05910. **END OF SECTION** center of pin's shank to edge of penetrated matl. 21121285 Rev. l0/10i01 I I I IVail WWTP UV lnstallation 05505-4 I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I T I I I SECTION 05530 GRATING PART I--GENERAL 1.OI DESCRIPTION This section specifies floor grating. I.O2 REFERENCES This section contains references to the following documents. They are a part of this section as specifi.ed and modified. Where a referenced document contains references to other standards, those documents are included as references under this section as ifreferenced direcfly, In the event of conflict between the requirements of this section and those of the listed documents, the requirements of this section shall prevail. Unless otherwise specified, references to documents shall mean the documents in effect at the time of Advertisement for Bids or lnvitation to Bid (or on the effective date of the Agreement if there were no Bids). If referenced documents have been discontinued by the issuing organization, references to those documents shall mean the replacement documents issued or otherwise identified by that organization or, if there are no replacernent documents, the last version of the document before it was discontinued. Where document dates are given in the following listing, references to those documents shall mean the specific document version associated with that date, regardless of whether the document has been superseded by a version with a later date, discontinued orreplaced. AISC Manual of Steel Construction ASCE Joumal Vol. 88-5T6 ASTM A36IA36M ASTM A56914569M ASTM B2IO ASTM8221 American Institute of Steel Construction, Manual of Steel Construction, Allowable Stress Design-9th Ed. Suggested Specifications for Structures of Aluminum Alloys 6061-T6 and 6063-T6 Structural Steel Steel, Sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot Rolled, Commercial Qualtty Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Searnless Tubes Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Shapes and Tubes 21lztzEs Rw. 10/1001Vail WWTP tIV Insbllation 05530-l I PART2--PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A.ALUMINUM: Aluminum grating bearing bars shall be of alloy 6061-T6 conforming to ASTM B221. Aluminum grating cross bars shall be of an alloy conforming to either ASTMB2ZI (extrusions) or B210 (drawn). 2.02 FABRICATION A. GENERAL: I Rough weld beads and sharp metal edges on gratings and plates shall be ground smooth. IWelds exposed to view shall be uniform and neat. Welds to be galvanized shall be sandblasted prior to galvanizing. Holes shall be punched l/16 inch larger than the nominal size of the bolts, unless otherwise I - speeified. Wheneverneeded;bec'ause ofthethicknessofthemetal, holes shallberift'pmc# - I I I I reamed or shall be drilled. Cutting, drilling, punching, threading and tapping shall be performed prior to hot-dip galvanizing. B. GRATING: 1. GENERAL: Grating shall be as specified. Both bearing bars and cross bars shall be continuous. Openings shall be banded with bars having the same dimensions as the bearing bars. Perimeter edges shall be banded with bars flush at the top surface of the grating and l/4 inch clear of the bottom surface. Bars terminating against edge bars shall be welded to the edge bars when welded construction is used. When crimped or swaged construction is used, bars at edges shall protrude a maximum of l/16 inch and shall be peened or ground to a smooth surface. No single piece of grating shall weigh more than 80 pounds unless specifically detailed otherwise. 2. ALUMINUM GRATING: Unless otherwise specified, gating shall be fabricated of aluminum. Bearing bars shall be punched to receive the cross bars. After insertion in the bearing bars, cross bars shall be deformed by a hydraulic press or similar means to permanently lock the bars into the bearing bar openings. Fabrication methods employing bending or notching of bearing or cross bars will not be permitted. Aluminum grating shall be Gary Galok, Seidelhuber, or equal. 21t2r285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I I I I T I I Ivail Vy'WTP UV Insbllation 05530-2 I II PART3--DGCUTION I 3.01 INSTALLATION -A. GENERAI: t- a Fieldwork shall not be permitted on galvanized items. Drilling ofbolts or enlargement of holes to correct misalignment will not be allowed.II Dissimilar metals shall be protected from galvanic corosion by means of pressure tapes, coatings or isolators. Aluminum in contact with concrete shall be protected by a healy coat of f bituminous paint.t Metalwork to be embedded in concrete shall be placed accurately and held in correct I position while the concrete is placed or, if specified, recesses or blockouts shall be formed in ther concrete after it has attained its design strength and the metalwork grouted in place as specified in Section 03300. The surfaces of metalwork in contact with or embedded in concrete shall be-I thoroughly cleaned. If accepted, recesses may be neatly cored in the concrete.I B. GRATING: r Grating shall be field measured for proper cutouts and proper sizes. Field welding of aluminum grating, where specified, shall be in accordance withASCE Vol. 88-5T6. I 3.02 CLEANING I After installation, damaged surfaces of shop primed metals shall be cleaned and touched up ' with the same material used for the shop coat. **END OF SECTION**I I t I I I I I vail WWT? tJV Installation 21t21285 Rev. 10/10/01 05530-3 oo Division 1.1 Equipment Section No. Title ! 11738 Installation of Owner-Furnished UV System I I I I I I I I I r SECTIoN 11738 I INSTALLATION OF OWNER-FURNISHED UV SYSTEM I PART I--GENERAL I 1.01 DESCRIPTION I This section covers the work necessary to install the Owner-furnished ultraviolet (UV) I disinfection system specified herein. I B. Major equipment components will be shipped for assembly by the Contractor. I The UV system will be supplied complete for assembly by the Contractor. The concrete channel, I relocation of equalization backwash piping, and other items noted on the drawings, will be furnished by the Contractor.I I I.O2 REFERENCES I The Contractor is cautioned to review the general requirements that apply as outlined inI Section 11000. TheContractorshalltakeparticularnoteof thefollowingdivisionsof the specifications: I Division 11 Equipment Division l5 Mechanicalr 3il[il: li fifii]i31,,",,"" I 1.03 EQUTPMENT I The Owner-fumished equipment specified herein will be shop tested and shipped for I assembly on-site. I The equipment to be installed by the Contractor under this section shall include but shall I not be limited to the following: I r All required UV modules including lamps and support framework for installation ! of the UV modules in the channels o One (1) downward opening gate weir (one per channel) I r one (1) ultrasonic level sensor (one per channel)r r UV-intensity monitoring and control system (l sensor per bank) r o Stainless steel junction boxes (l per bank) I o One (1) inlet stainless steel stilling plate (l per channel) o One (l) low level probe (1 per channel) I I vail wwrP uv Installation zUzt285 Rev. l0/l l/01 I1738-1 r Electrical cabinets housing the electronic ballasts for indoor installation (painted sheet steel, NEMA 12), fan ventilated r One (l) system control and power distribution enclosure with the central PLC (Allan Bradley, or equal) for indoor installation (painted sheet steel, NEMA l2) o Three (3) sets of Operating & Maintenance manuals o One (1) single beam photometer . Spare part and safety equipment: r Ten (10) IJV lampsr Six (6) lamp sleeves r Six (6) lamp end seals. Six (6) O-ringsr Two (2) face shields blocking IIV light wavelength between 200 and 400 nmo Two Q) size B, post mounted or wall mounted UV warning signs o F.O.B. jobsite including packaging of all the components supplied by Wedeco- Ideal Horizons r Manufacturer's field services o Cleaning system: automatic wiping system r One (1) air-compressor with air-receiving tank for the automatic wiping system. I.O4 SUBMITTALS The Owner will provide the Contractor with copies of complete approved shop drawilgs of all Owner-furnished equipment. 1.05 QUALITYASSL]RANCE A. PREPIJRCHASE EQUIPMENT CONTRACT AND SHOP DRAWINGS: The Owner-fumished IJV system equipment was prepurchased under the Owner's purchase contrAct. The Contractor shall be cognizant, prior to entering into the Agreement, of the provisions of the purchase contract, including the system components provided with the Owner-fumished equipment. The purchase agreement contract is available at the Owner's office for review by interested parties. Two copies of the purchase conhact and one copy of the equipment submittals (after approval) will be made available to the successful bidder. B. OPERATION: Owner-fumished UV system equipment shall be operated in accordance with the instructions fumished with the equipment and by the authorized representatives of equipment manufacturers. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 2112128s Rev. l0/10/01 Ivail WWTP UV Installation t1738-2 I I C. JOB CONDITIONS: I The Contractor shall repair, replace or correct to the satisfaction of the Owner'sr Construction Manager all defective equipment items caused by the Contractor's improper - placement and handling of the Owner-fumished IIV system equipment. After testing, the I Contractor shall repair, replace or correct faulty work. I D. TRANSFER OF EQUIPMENT: I All Owner-fumished equipment will be hansferred from the Owner to the Contractor at I the project site. The Owner will deliver the UV system equipment to the site where the I Contractor shall take responsibility for relocating equipment into the building and installing it in the location shown in the drawings. TT E. CONTRACTOR'S ACCEPTANCE: I Upon delivery to the site of Owner-furnished UV system equipment, the Contractor shall I assume the responsibilities assigned to him in these specifications in relation to the installation of Owner-fumished equipment.- I F. SCHEDULING: I The Contractor shall schedule his operations in accordance with the dates for the delivery of Owner-fumished IJV system equipment specified herein. G. ITEMS TO BE FURMSHED BY CONTRACTOR: I The following are the minimum items associated with the prepurchased equipment I systems which are to be provided by the Contractor. In addition, the Contractor shall install these equipment systems in accordance with the plans and specifications. t 1. Interconnecting piping, fittings, sleeves, valves and instruments. I 2. Temporary piping required for construction. 3. All conduits and interconnecting wiring connecting to items of I prePurchased equiPment. I 4. Anchor bolts for Owner-fumished UV system equipment. I PART 2-(NoT USED) I ! t I Vail WWTP W Installation 2U2l28s Rev. l0/10/01 I 1738-3 t PART 3-EXECUTION 3.01 DELIVERY TRANSFERRAL. STORAGE AND HANDLING A. DELIVERY OF EQIIIPMENT: Equipment shall be delivered as specified in the prepurchase contracts and in the specifications. Changes to the delivery procedure and schedule may be made if mutually agreed between the equipment suppliers and the Contractor and if approved by the Construction Manager. The Contractor shall assume responsibility for storage and handling of equipment at the time of equipment transferal as specified herein. B. TRANSFERRAL INSPECTION: Prior to the transfer of the Owner-furnished tIV system equipment to the Contractor, the I Contractor and the Construction Manager shall make a joint inspection of the condition of each r piece of equipment and shall note, in writing, the material transferred to the Contractor's care and . any defects in said equipment. Equipment and materials damaged or lost after their transfer to Lthe Contractor shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense as directed and approved by the Construction Managet IC. PROTECTION OF OWNER-FURNISHED UV SYSTEM EQUIPMENT' ' The Contractor shall protect the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's t recommendations against weather conditions and incidental damage from related construction at all times. The type of protection provided is subject to the Construction Manager's approval. It The Contractor shall provide reasonable protection against intruders and vandals including 24-hour surveillance ofequipment not enclosed in locked and secured structures. I 3.02 SERVICES OF EQUIPMENT MANLIFACTURERS'REPRESENTATTVES IThe equipment manufacturers shall provide services of skilled representatives for I inspecting the transportation, placement, installation, alignment, adjustments, and start-up and r testing of Owner-fumished W system equipment. The terms and conditions for the L manufacturer services are as specified herein for the related equipment. The Owner-fumished equipment manufacturer shall provide a factory trained field I service representative to inspect the installation of the I-IV system by the Contractor. Prior to start-up of the l-IV system, a field service engineer employed directly by the manufacturer of the I Owner-furnished equipment shall inspect the equipment, make necessary final adjustments and I certiff the equipment ready for operation. II I t I T t I 21n1285 Rev. 10/10/01 IVail WWT? UV Installation 11738-4 I I 3.03 FIELD TESTING I After installation and certification by equipment manufacturers' representatives, ther Contractor shall test each system as specified in the prepurchase specifications and as specified I herein. The Contractor shall cooperate with equipment suppliers in performing these field tests, I provide the necessary connections for electric power, other utilities, and proper ventilation, and provide necessary personnel for performing repairs, adjustrnents, conections, and other functions I for equipment and appurtenances installed by the Contractor. I 3.04 CERTIFICATION t After completion of installation of the Owner-fumished equipment, the Contractor shall obtain from the authorized manufacturer's representatives a written certification for each system I which contains the following specific wording:I "The UV system equipment has been properly installed, is free from undue stress I imposed by connecting structures or anchor bolts, field tested, adjusted, aligned,! lubricated, and calibrated, and is ready for full-time operation by the Owner. The r installation has been inspected and has been found to be in conformance with (the I manufacturer's name) standards and requirements." I The original written certification shall be delivered to the Owner with a copy retained by I the Contractor. I 3.05 TRAINING I Training shall be supplied by authorized representatives of the Owner-furnished W I system equipment manufacturers. Training for the prepurchased systems shall be as specified in I the prepurchase contract. Contractor shall provide coordination during the training process, including access to systems for which training is being provided. I 3.06 CONSTRUCTION I A. cooRDINATIoN:I I The arrangement of equipment shown on the drawings is based upon the best information t available at the time of design and is not intended to show exact dimensions. The drawings are, in part, diagrammatic and therefore it is to be expected that some features of the illustrated I equipment installation may require revision in order to respond adequately to actual equipment I installation requirements. The Construction Manager will review all equipment installations to asswe compliance with these requirements. It is to be anticipated that structural supports, I foundations, connected piping and valves shown, in part or in whole, may have to be altered in t order to accommodate the equipment fumished. The Contractor shall make adjustrnents in location and manasement of connections at no additional costs- T I vail wwTP uv Installation 2t/2t2a5 Rev. l0/10/01 I1738-5 B. DELIVERYSCHEDULE: The estimated dates that the Owner-fumished equipment will be delivered from the Owner to the Contractor are listed in the purchase contract documents. C. LTNLOADING, TRANSPORTING, AND STORING: Owner-furnished equipment shall be unloaded at the project site and secured and protected atthe storage location. Every aspect ofthe unloading and storing ofeach item shall be completed in the presence of the equipment manufacturer's authorized representative and the Construction Manager. The equipment manufacturer's authorized representative shall provide direct supervision of Contractor personnel during the crane lifting, carrying, and placing of each item. D.PROTECTION: Protection of equipment from any source of damage shall be the responsibility of the Contractor once the equipment has been delivered and custody transferred to the Contractor. Equipment shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense if damage occurs while equipment is under control of Contractor. 3.07 TNSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT GENERAL: The Owner-fumished (JV system equipment listed in this section shall be installed by the Contractor under the guidance of the Construction Manager and the equipment manufacturer's field representative. lnstallation includes piping, mounting, insulation, alignment, wiring, testing, and start-up of all Owner-fumished equipment. Installation instructions for all equipment included in the prepwchased equipment systems have been provided as part of the prepurchase contract. Copies of the installation instructions are available for inspection at the Owner's offices. Two (2) copies of complete installation instructions will be supplied to the successful bidder. B. AI-XILIARYEQLIIPMENT: Auxiliary equipment supplied as part of the Owner-furnished equipment shall be installed at locations shown or as required by the equipment manufacturer's installation instructions. Piping connection sizes and locations may differ from contract drawings and Contractor shall make necessary adjustments to equipment location or orientation to provide a correct installation. Piping and valves for vents, drains, or other piping connections not shown on drawings shall be provided in accordance with equipment manufacturer installation instructions. t t I I I I t I I t I t I I t I I I t27n1285 Rev. 10/10/01Vail WWTP Uv Installation 1.1738-6 I I t t I I l I I t c. CONTROLANDMONITORINGEQTIIPMENT: I Control and monitoring equipment provided as part of the prepurchase contract includesr control panels, control valves, and instrumentation and control devices. The Contractor is responsible for maintaining manufacturer specified limits on temperature, humidity and handling I for control, and monitoring equipment at all times during the storing, installation, iesting, andr smrt-up processes. **END OF SECTION** I I I vail wwTP UV Installation 2V21ZE5 Rev. 10/10/01 I t I tt738-7 oo Division L6 Electrical I :il;'- 1"1,""*""- ror Erectricar work I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I I I I SECTION 1600I REQUIRE]MENTS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK PART I--GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION This section specifies electrical work including electrical material, equipment, installation and testing requirements. The Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, material, power and other services necessary to perform the specified work. The electrical drawings included in this project manual are firnctional in nature and do not specif exact locations of equipment or equipment terminations. I.O2 QUALITYASSURANCE A. REFERENCES: This section contains references to the following documents. They are a part of this section as specified and modified. Where a referenced document contains references to other standards, those documents are included as references under this section as ifreferenced directly. In the event of conllict between the requirements of this section and those of the listed documents, the requirements of this section shall prevail. Unless otherwise specified, references to documents shall mean the documents in effect at the time of Advertisement for Bids or Invitation to Bid (or on the effective date of the Agreement if there were no Bids). If referenced documents have been discontinued by the issuing organization, references to those documents shall mean the replacement documents issued or otherwise identifred by that organization or, if there are no replacement documents, tlre last version of the document before it was discontinued. Where document dates are given in the following listing, references to those documents shall mean the specific document version associated with that date, regardless of whether the document has been superseded by a version with a later date, discontinued or replaced. I I I I I I T I I T I t IEEE 81 IEEE C57.r2.0l NEMA 250 NEMAICS 1 NEMAICS 2 Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials ofa Ground System General Requirements for Dry-Type Distribution and Power Transformers Enclosures for Electrical Equipmant (1000 Volt Maximum) General Standards for Industrial Controls and Systems Industrial Control Devices, Controllers, and Assemblies I I I 21121285 Rev. l0/10/01Vail WWTP UV Installation 16001-1 Reference NEMA ICS 6 NEMA ST2O NEMAWD 1 NFPA 70 LIBC UL67 UL 489 UL 506 Enclosures for Industrial Controls and Systems Dry-Type Transformers for General Application General Requirements for Wiring Devices National Electrical Code $rrEC) Uniform Building Code Panelboards Molded-Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit Breaker Enclosures I I I t I I I I I I I I I Transformers B. IDENTIFICATION OF LISTED PRODUCTS: Electrical equipment and materials shall be listed by an independent testing laboratory for the purpose for which they are to be used. Three such organizations are Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (JL), Canadian Staridards Association (CSA), and Electrical Testing Laboratories (ETL). The independent testing laboratory shall be acceptable to the inspection authority havingjurisdiction. 1.03 SI.]BMITTALS The following information shall be provided for all electrical equipment and materials in accordance with Section 01300: 1. A copy ofthis specification section, with addendum updates included, and all referenced and applicable sections, with addendum updates included, with each paragraph check-marked to indicate specification compliance or marked to indicate requested deviations from specification requirements. Check marks (/ ) shall denote fuIl compliance with a paragraph as a whole. Ifdeviations from the specifications are indicated, and therefore requested by the Contractor, each deviation shall be underlined and denoted by a number in the margin to the right of the identified paragraph, referenced to a detailed Construction Manager shall be the final authority for determining acceptability of requested deviations. The remaining portions of the Conhactor with the specifications. Failure to include a copy of the marked- up specification sections, along withjustification(s) for any requested deviations to the specification requirements, with the submittal shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the entire submittal with no further consideration. Verification of fault withstand and intemrpting ratings of all applicable power equipment and devices. I I I I 21121285 Rev. 10/10/01vail wwTP IJV Installation 16001-2 I I I 3. Interconnection diagrams-The Contractor shall prepare interconnectionr diagrams depicting all cable requirements together with their actual terminations as sPecified below: I Interconnection diagrams shall be drawn similar to the typical inter- connection diagram specified on the drawings. The interconnection diagramr ::x""'*i'ffi"#ilH,nffT'ffiTdffiTf"1";,'h;:Tff'f'fJtrj,:1 facturer's intemal corurection diagrams for panels. The diagrams shallr ilffi"*'T:ffi;*Ti:j;#f3#ffI#,::lfi:#:;.trffJl':' number of spare conductors. For each terrnination, the diagrams shallr ll:'#:*ffi#H'1ffi1tr;iliil:,'*f,Hffi*Hiffi*?li"#Ji" the diagrams. Interconnection diagrams strall be provided prior to r installation of equiPment. 4. Catalog-cuts including technical specifications, application informatiorlr il:t1';,Ti:ftrsffi:l;#1;'ffi';J"%kry":quipmentand/or r 5. Completed test Form 16000-A as specified in paragraph 16001-3.05 B. - 1.04 PROIECT/SffECONDITIONS I A. GENERAL: I Unless otherwise specified, equipment and material shall be sized and rated for an ambient remperarure of40 degrees C at an elevation ranging from sea level to 3000 feet without exceeding I the manufacfurer's stated ratings. I B. SEISMIC: I Electrical equipment and supports shall be braced in accordance with IIBC for Seismic Zone l. t c. coRRosrvEiHAZARDouS AREAS: I I.O5 DESCRIPTIONOFWORK I The following provides a general description of the required work of this project. It is I provided as a general indication of the scope of work. It shall not be construed as in any way I limiting the scope ofwork. I I vail W'WTP UV Installation 2rr2t2E5 Rev. 10/10/01 16001-3 The Division 16 Contractor shall provide all equipment and services specified under this specification section and as required on the Drawings. The Contractor shall terminate all conductors to equipment provided by others as shown on the Drawings. Owner supplied equipment is listed in Specification Section 11738. The Division 16 Contractor shall provide for the development and programming of the existing blower process control system graphical operator interface, historical data management system, and process control logic to incorporate the new IJV system. The Contractor shall engage the services of a single systems house to conduct and perform the development and programming work. It shall be the Contractor's responsibitty to solicit input from the Owner regarding the implementation of the process control system and shall obtain all the manufactures parameters for the aforementioned work. PART2--PRODUCTS 2.OI GENERAL Equipment and materials shall be new and free from defects. All equipment of the same or similar type shall be of t}re same manufacturer throughout the work. Standard production materials shall be used wherever possible. 2.02 RACEWAY, FITTINGS, AND SUPPORTS A. GENERAL: Conduit shall be provided for power, confiol, instrumentation, grounding, lighting, receptacles, and signaling systems. B. RACEWAY: Exposed conduit shall be threaded, galvanized, rigid steel conduit. Minimum size shall be Tqinch. Bushings shall be galvarized, malleable iron with insulating collars. Grounding bushings shall be locking type with a feed through compression lug. Unions shall be galvanized, ferrous alloy type. Threadless fittings are not acceptable. Running threads shall not be used in lieu of conduit nipples. Threaded hubs shall be used to terminate conduits entering boxes and enclosures. Liquidtight, flexible steel conduit shall be formed from spirally wound, galvanized steel strip with successive convolutions securely interlocked and jacketed with liquidtight, plastic cover. Minimum size shall be 3/4 nch. Fittings for liquidtight conduit shall have cadmium-plated, malleable iron body and gland nut with cast-in lug, brass groundrng femrle threaded to engage conduit spiral and O-ring seals around the conduit and box connection and insulated throat. Forty- five and 9O-degree fittings shall be used where applicable. I I I I I I T I I I I I I 2l/21285 Rev. 10/10/01 t I I I IVail WWTP UV Installation 16001-4 t I I C. BOXES: Boxes shall be hot-dip, galvanized cast ferrous alloy type FD with integrally cast-threaded I hubs for conduit entry. Boxes larger than FD boxes shall be welded steel and hot-dip galvanized t afterfabrication. I Conduit bodies shall be ferrous alloy type with screw taps for fastening covers. Gaskets I shall be made of neoPrene. I D. RACEWAYSUPPORTS: ' Hot-dip galvantzedframing channel sirall be used to support groups of conduit. Individual I conduit supports shall be one-hole galvanized malleable iron pipe staps with galvanized iron clamp I backs and nesting backs where required. Ceiling hangers shall be adjustable, galvanized carbon steel rod hangers. Straps or plumbers tape are not acceptable. Hanger rods shall be l/2-nch all - threadrod. I 2.03 CONDUCTORS, WIRE, AND CABLE I A. GENERAL: I Conductors, wires, and cable strall be provided for power, control, lighting, receptacles, I instrumentation, grounding and sigrral circuits. The quantity and size ofconductors shall be as specified. I B. POWERANDCONTROLCONDUCToRS: I Power and control conductors shall be single conductor, stranded, annealed copper with I 600-volt THU/N/THHN polyvinyl chloride @VC) insulation, Okonite, Okoseal-N; CABLEC; or equal. I I t20Y Black Red White Green Yellow Blue Violet I I I I I vail wwTP uv Installation Power(AC) Control (AC) Neutral Ground Foreign Voltage Power@C) Contol @C) 2v21285 Rev. 10/10/01 Single-conductor control conductors shall have the following colors for the indicated voltage: 16001-5 Single-conductor power conductors shall have the following colors for the indicated voltage: I I I I t I I I t I Phase A Phase B Phase C Ground Neutral 480V Brown Orange Yellow Green Gray 208/120V Black Red Blue Green White 16001-6 21nt2ss Rev. I0i 10/01 Cables sized No. 4 AWG and larger may be black with colored 3/4-inch vinyl plastic tape applied at each cable termination and in pull boxes, handholes and manholes. Tape shall be wrapped with 25 percent overlay to provide 3 inches (minimum) of coverage. C. INSTRLMENTATIONANDSIGNALCABLE: Cable for instrumentation and signal circuit shall be twisted shielded pair or triad as specified, No. 16 AWG 7-strand copper with 600-volt PVC insulation, 100 percent aluminum- Mylar tape shield, No. 18 AWG tinned copper drain wire and overall PVC jacket, Okonite, Okoseal-N tlpe P-OS, or equal. Instrumentation and sienal cable conductors shall be color coded black and white. D. SPLICING AND TERMINATING MATERIALS: l. CONNECTORS: Connectors for stranded conductors shall be tool applied t tin-plated copper, compression type of the correct size and UL approved for the application. Connectors for wire sizes No. 10 AWG and smaller shall be nylon self-insulated, ring I tongue or locking-spade terminals. Connectors for wire sizes No. 8 AWG and larger shall be one- hole lugs up to size No. 3/0 AWG and two-hole or four-hole for size 4/0 AWG and larger. I Mechanical clamp, dimple, or screw-type conn@tors are not acceptable. I 480-volt motor terminations shall be made using bolt connected lugged connectors and I factory engineered kits consisting of heat shrinkable, polymeric insulating material with high I dielectric streneth mastic sealant. f"r-lrr-ution of solenoid valves, 120-volt motors, and other devices fumished with pigtail t leads shall be made using self-insulating, tubular compression corul€ctors. I2. TERMINALBLOCKS: Terminalblocksshallbeprovidedforextemal I control and power wires size 10 AWG and smaller. Terminal blocks shall be 600 volts, healy-duty, rated 20 amperes for control and 30 amperes for power.I t IVail WWTP uV Installation I I I E. WIREMARKERS: Wire markers shall be yellow or white shrink tubing, Thermofit Marker System (TMS) by Raychem Co., or equal for conductors No. l0 AWG and smaller and locking tab cable markers, I WJI. Brady Co., oiequal, for conductors No. 8 and larger. Letters and numbers identiffing eachr conductor shall be machine printed in permanent black ink. I z.o4 cRouNDINGMATERIAL Grounding cable shall be concentric strands( annealed bme copper. Cable size shall be as t specified. ) Compression connectors shall be cast copper as manufactured by Thomas and Betts, or equal. I Bolted connectors shall be Brundy, O.Z. Gedney, or equal. 2.05 NAMEPLATES Ir Nameplates shall be made from laminated phenolic plastic. The nominal size of the I nameplates shall be 3/4 lr;rch high by 2 inches long. Nameplates shall have white backgrounds with I 3/16-inch black letters. If abbreviations are required because of space limitations, abbreviationsr shall be submitted to the Construction Manager prior to manufacture. Nameplates shall be fastened I using self-tapping stainless steel screws. The use of adhesives will not be permitted on the outside I ofenclosures. I PART 3--E)GCTJTION - 3.01 GENERAL I Unless otherwise detailed or dimensioned, electrical layout drawings are diagrammatic. The I Contractor sha1l coordinate lhe location of electrical material and equipment with the work. I Electrical equipment shall be protected from dust, water, and damage. t 3.02 RACEWAY, FITTINGS-AND SUPPORTS I A. GENERAL: I The Contractor shall limit the number of directional changes of conduit to a total of not I more than 270 degrees in any run between pull boxes. Conduit rlns shall be limited to 400 feet, less t 100 feet for each 90-degree change in direction, I Sigrral conduit shall be separated from AC power and control conduits. The minimum I separation shall be 12 inches for rigid steel and 24 inches for PVC conduits. I I vail wwTP uv Installation 21t21285 Rev. l0/10r'01 16001-7 B. E)GOSED CONDI-IITS: Metallic conduit shall be assembled to provide a continuous ground path. Joints shall be made with standard couplings or threaded unions. Bends and offsets shall be made with a hicky or conduit bending machine or shall be factory preformed bends. Exposed conduit shall be run on supports spaced not more than l0 feet apart and shall be constructed with runs parallel and perpendicular to walls, structural members, or intersections of vertical planes and ceiling. No conduit shall approach closer than 6 inches to any object operating I I I I I Conduit supports shall be secured to concrete walls and ceilings by means of cast-in-place anchors, die cast, rustproof alloy expansion shields, or cast-flush anchors. Wooden p1ugs, plastic inserts, or gunpowder driven inserts are not acceptable as a base for securing conduit supports. Liquidtight, flexible steel conduit shall be used for the final connection to equipment, devices, and instruments where flexibility is required. The length of liquidtight flexible steel conduit shall not exceed the lesser of l5 times the trade diameter of the conduit or 36 inches. 3.03 CONDUCTORS, WIRE, AND CABLE A. GENERAI: Raceway construction shall be complete, cleaned, and protected from the weather prior to wire and cable being installed. Pulling wire and cable into conduit shall be completed without damaging or putting undue stress on the cable insulation. Soapstone, Talc, or UL listed pulling compounds are acceptable lubricants for pulling wire and cable. Grease is not acceptable. Nylon pull rope shall be pulled through the conduit immediately after concrete pour. Each power, control, signal, and instrumentation conductor shall be identified at each terminal to which it is connected utilizing the wire markers specified in paragraph 16001-2.03 E. B. 6OO-VOLT CONDUCTORAND CABLE: Slack shall be provided in jrmction and pull boxes. Slack shall be sufficient to allow cable or conductors to be routed along the walls of the box. Conductors crossing hinges shall be bundled in groups not exceeding 12 and shall be so arranged that they will be protected from chaffurg when the hinged member is moved. Raceway fiIl limitations shall be as defined by NEC and the following: I I I 21/2t285 Rev. 10/10/01 I I I t I I I I I IVail WWTP uV Install ation 16001-8 I I I I I t I I I I t I I Lighting and receptacle circuits may be together in the same conduit in accordance with derating requirements of the NEC. However, lighting and receptacle circuits shall not be in conduit with other circuits. Solid wire shall not be lugged nor shall electrical spriag connectors be used on any except for solid wires in lighting and receptacle circuits. Lugs and connectors shall be installed with a compression tool. C. SIGNAL AND INSTRLIMENTATION CABLES: Signal and instrumentation circuits shall be run as individual shield twisted pairs. Terminal blocks shall be provided at cable junction for running signal leads and shield drain wires. Each conductor shall be identified at suchjunctions. Shields shall not be used as a ground path. 3.04 GROLINDING Electrical equipment and enclosures, metal surfaces of equipment, and metal structural members shall be grounded. Grounding system shall be provided in compliance with the NEC and as specified on the drawings. Exposed ground connections shall be made by bolted connectors. Exposed conductors shall be placed in Schedule 40, high impact, pollvinyl chloride @VC) conduit. Fittings for PVC conduit shall be solvent welded type. Grounding conductors entering enclosures shall be bonded together to the enclosure, ifit is metallic, and to metallic raceway terminating at the enclosure. Metal surfaces strall be cleaned prior to making grounding connections and bonds. 3.05 TESTING A. GENERAL: Prior to eneuglingthe electrical circuits, the tests shall be performed as specified. Unless otherwise specified" a 1000-volt megohmmeter shall be used for resistance measuremsnts. The measurements of the tests shall be recorded on the specified forms and provided in accordance with paragraph 16001-1.03. B. INSULATIONRESISTANCEMEASLIREMENTS: 1. GENERAL: General insulation resistance measurements shall be made on conductors and energized parts of electrical equipment. Minimum acceptable values of insulation 21/2t285 Rev. l0/l0i0l t I I I t I Vail WWTP LJV Installation 16001-9 resistance shall be in accordance witb the applicable ICEA, NEMA, or ANSI standards for the equipment or material being tested, unless otherwise specified. The ambient temperature at which insulation resistance is measured shall be recorded on the test form. 2. CONDUCTOR AND CABLE TESTS: The phase-to-ground insulation resistance shall be measured for all 480 volt circuits. Measurements may be made with motors and other equipment connected. Insulation resistance measurements shall be recorded in a format similar to Form 16000-A, contained in Section 01999. Insulation with resistance of less than 50 megohms is not acceptable. C. FUNCTIONALCIIECKOUT: Prior to energization of equipment, the Contractor shall perform a functional checkout of the control circuit. Prior to functional testing, all protective devices shall be adjusted and made operative. Checkout shall consist of energizing each control circuit and operating each control, alarm or malfunction device and each interlock in turn to verify that the specified action occurs. Contractor shall submit a description of his proposed functional test procedures prior to the performance of functional checkout. The Contractor shall verify that motors are connected to rotate in the correct direction. Verification may be accomplished by momentarily energizing the motor, provided the Contractor confirms that neither the motor nor the driven equipment will be damaged by reverse operation. 3.06 RECORDDRAWINGS Record drawings refer to those documents maintained and annotated by the Contractor during construction include record drawings in accordance with Section 01720, and the following I@ngs: t Interconnection Diagrams (16001, part l) Original Submittal Drawings (16001, part 1) **END OF SECTION** I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I T I I21t21285 Rev. l0/l l/01Vail WWTP UV lnstallation 16001-10 I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Drawings t t T I t I I I I t I I I T I I I o VAIL WWTP UV INSTALLATION DRAWNG LIST: Cl VONTY [,IAP. LOCAIIOI.{ MAP, AT{O ORAY NG UST Dl DE}t€[JnCfi PIAN 51 SIRUCruRA NOIES s2 srRUcruRAL ST flDARo oET rLSi s:t Rl s4 s€cTrors s5 srRUcruRAL sEcIoNs & D€TATLS Er aEclRlca sn Eot$ LEcExos, AND DElAlLs E2 E."ECIICAL PI.AN AND (r{E UNE B R 0 W N ANDCALDWELL DENVER COLORAD . UNE rs 2 NCsfS' aT ful szE(r Nor 2'-sctl Accfdro.Y)GENERAL VICINW MAP, LOCATION MAP, AND DRAWNG UST p6su xo. 21265 ORAf, AY IBL 0€9cN@ aY x cftEct(ED BY _ o{Ecrco aY I I'o I I IE I l7 I l6 I I I I l3 / ozo{E GEl{ERAlt()N ROOtl T t fltell-ll fl 2 KEY NOTES: fr) lu eoutpva{r ro BE RE}rolED rHRoucn rHE vArNrE}{ANcf, AREA - oooR. o2o{E GENERATIoI{ Roo ts Nor To BE us@ FoR EOUIPM€NT REITOVAL (!) exsrxc r.rcnoscREEr{ Axo Art prprNc. vrRrNG, gJppoR'ts, ANo - TtsctLIANEoUs APA,RIENANCES To BE REIIO\ED. A! PIPES ^'{OO]H8 CoI{CRETE POIEIRAIIoi{S g{A'L AE CAPPED AI{O SEATID. O exsr eouruzrnor BAcxrvasri prprNc, AxD puvp Hosr ro gE - RE|O\@ AID RELOCAIED AS grorN 6r SHEEr SJ PIPING AND VAL\€S IN IHIS AREA IO BE TIFTAS-|S : DEMOUTION PLAN J,/E--1'-O' z h 12c,zk*HO IRIM REINFORC'ING BACI( TO FAC€ OF EXSNNG EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAIIITATION DISTRICT B R 0 W N AND CALDWELL ENVER COLORAD . UNE ts 2 tNcflEs. AI FTJTL 9U(r Nor t-3ca.. rccoroicr.Y) :. / CURA AS REQIJIRED RE O\€ I t I I I I I I I I t I I I T ,.:...- ,.ao|2'o.c. ulRAsor{tc LE\EL PROAE REMO\G EX]ST }EIR 150 (rYP) A**_\r/ EorJrPvE{T PAD 12- OC, EtV ,5 DOfiEL C 12' O.C. EXPANSI\E : fr lRsroP DRIII 3/a-x7- Hotf & EPOXY GROUT : ',, '"',,PLACE COI{CRETE tN ttAx 3'-o' uFrs sEcnoN @ SCAL-E: 3/a'-l'-0- SECTION sc Le 3/8' A\:/ KEY NOTES: fi orlron BrlL BEARTNG pu$rlRqlry wrIH ADApTER LINK 5so LB.- CAPAoTY. 8Y ITC},ASIER CARR SUPPLY GOI,PANY, OR EOIJAL. 6) caroe ao c Lv NtzED sru cHAn wrH lrlrxulr soo L8. uFTTNG - cAPAorY. C:) or cvct-om HAND ctrlrt Hosr. Hoor( suspENsoN Hqsr vrrH soo - LB. crpecrn AND 12' uFT, By McMAs IER GARR suppLy co p^r{y, 0R EorjAL Itgx24(rr?.) :*9?ITP tou.^uz^n* t*l(t;"i f"i8[F BoLrs o l8' oc nlN (r)15 I&8 AL fiOx6 18.645 tllfT ,5 oOVTEL o 12' O.C. ,5 C 12' 0C, EVr D(PANS\E WAT€RST@ cot{c nLL SECTIONS EAGLERryERWATER& SAI\I'ITATION DISTRICT B R 0 W N AND CALDWELL DENVER COLORAD , UNE ts 2 rNolES. AT FUTI SzE (rr Nor 2"-3cru ^cc&ricrY) p66g. x6. 21265 ORAfr{ BY IEL O€SGNM BY X o{EcxtD BY _ CIIECXI! BY lJt36 IEjED T0 sT aJ (TYP.) I I I I t T I I I t t I I I t fr) Locrrt oorisLE IEE pREsrREsgNc srRANos BEFoRE DRTuJNG-- HoLEs. 0o Nor oalAcf, o(|slNc srRANDs. DR|LL 3/4'x7- HorE AI{O EPOXY CROUf UV 'IREI{C}I T'A|.I CC.ICRETE PATC|I EXSITG OPENING 4tF't2' l{ TYP. C€NIER tN tv^ttIN WALL SECTION sc^|..E: 3/a- I (2)3/+) r"323 BOLTS l4rJrJlExd-6' L6IG T.EG ATTACTIED IO tEB SECTION SCA.E: l'-l @ -1'-0- A\v ,-\DETAtLtsil SCAE l'-l'-0' STRUCIURAL STRUCruRAL SECTIONS AND DETAILS B R 0 W N AND CALDWELL DENVER COLORADO . UIE ts 2 tNc|lES' AT Ft'tt szE(r ior 2'-scxE rccdq|r(r, EAGL,E RIYER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT PRGI t{o--11395-- ORAIW 8Y IBL D€SGNTD BY X CHECXID SY _ clrEo(o 8Y UV INSTALLATION I t I I I I I I I I I I t I t I t-t lFl lFtl*l f, lHl PLAN DRAWNGS: RACEW Y S'tilBOt_& RACEW Y m vtRNG S\6IEI,| A80\tr FLOOR Lf\EL aELOW cEruIG, oPosEo uoN. RACEY{AY OR IIIRING SYSIEM AAO\E FLOOR TE\€L coarcEAlfD rN wA[ oR Aao\E c€ruNc uor'I. iloToR Al{D @ E EP EOUIPUET{I SYTIBOIS: IoToR MOTOR STAR'IER. INDIVIDUAL--NOT LOCATED IN AN MCC OR SMILAR GROUP ASSEMELY co BtN^ltoN xoToR sTARra--NoT LocArm N AN MCC OR SIMILAR CROUP ASS€TBLY RACIIYAY OR SIRIHG SYSIEII N M UNOER FLOOR. CR COI{CIAI.IO IN OR B€}IhID STRUCTURE OR EO{JIPI'EI{T, M COTIDUIT ROT,IED AELOIV CRADE IN CONCRE1E EICAS€Mtr{T. HOIIE RUN: DESIOIATIoIIS INDIC^IE ^ ONE-LINE oIACRAM OR PA}.IEL8O^RD SCHEDUI.T REFERENC€ €xfnr: HOT4ERUN TO *OIOR Cofl rRoL CENIER MCC 8101. REfER TO OflE-Ut{E FOR CASLE AND RACTIVAY REOIRE}'ENTS. EXATIPLI: RACEWAY NUHEER, REFER TO RACEIVAY SCIIEOULI FOR SIZE. ORCUIIS CONTAINED. At{D DEST|NAT|oi{ RAC€YIAY OR WRINC SYSIEX IURNEO TOVIARO IHE VIE\IER (uP oN PLAN DRATVNGS) RACEIVAY OR ViIRINC SYSIEII IURI'IEO AWAY FROT THE \4E$ER (DotrN ofl PLAI| DRAW|NGS) RACEWAY (n WRfiG SYSIEII CfiANC€ IN ET€VANoi{ OR OISIANCE FRo|' VETTER CO{DUIT S]U8 AND CAP gGN^L (S) OR LO|Y \rcLTACf, (L), HANOHO(f (HH) 0R yANHor.E (lrH) YfiH oE9GNAION. EXAYPI.E: s|Gt{rrl H^t{DHo(t UYBCR 23. JUNC.IION BOX YITTH OPNONAL IOENIIRER. ,r,Ncltot 80x, tYAtl LldJNlED. T-U Drscor{NEcT, NoN-FUSEo. 30A, I PotE UON. r00A, 3PI-JIOOA RATINCINo|CAIED GENERAL LINEWORK: tlEW YI(nX EXSNNC TO REYAIN NEW YJORX BY OTHER dSdPUNES EXSNNG TO 8E R€MO\@ NEI| EQI,'IPT/ENT OR PACKAOE BOUNOARY KEY NO'IE D€SGNATOR. REFERE{CE CoRRESPoi{UNG KEY I{OIE O{ 'IHE DRAIING ELEClRICAL SYMBOLS, LEGENDS AND DETAILS EAGLE RIVER WATER & SA}IITATION DISTRICT B R 0 W N AND CALDWELL DENVER COLORADO (r rcr 2'-sc^rl ^ccmro rcc rO NOTES: 1. HOIIERUN DESIGNAIIOI{. U1IUZED ON PLAI{ ORAY|INGS. 2. CIRCUIT REQ{JIRE ENTS INOICATEO ON REFERENC€D ONE UNE OIAGRAY. J. OIAGRAM A]IC REPREST}TAIIo|I OF RAC€WAY REOI'NET4ENTS. DRANiNGS DO NOT NECISSARILY OEPICI PHECAI RELAIIO{SHIPs OR INTERFAC€S $IIH OIHER EOIJIPMENT OR '|RAOES. PRoVOE Atr ofTSgTS, TRANSTToITS, nnNGS ANO ACCESSoRIES r$llcfl MAY SE REOIJIRE) TO FOR}.I A CO'PIE]E RACEWAY SYS'IE . 4. CIRC1JIT REQJIREI.IENTS UNCHANGEO FROI/ UPSIREAM ORCUIT REQUIREHAN]S. 5, ANCII,IARY CO Pot{O{T INIEGRAL IO XAJffi EOT,'IPXANT IET'. @ rcc t NOTES: I. HOT'ERUN DESCNATOR REFEREXCES ONE UNE DIAGRAI'. REFER TO OI{E IJNE OI^CR^I.I PRESENTAIION OETAIL AA1 AND REF€R TO REFERSICED O{E U E OIAGRAII FOR CASLE ANO RACEITAY REQUIREYE}ITS. 2. PLAN ORAIIING OEPICTS APPROXIITIA]E SPANAL RELAIIO{SHIP OF ASSOCIAIED EQUIPMO{T AND DEVICES. REFER fO ONE UNE DIAGRATIS FCR INIEFCONNECTING oRclJ|l REOUTREUEN]S. REFER fO OflE UNE otAGRAta PRES TATIO]I OETAL AEl. J. PUyPS ANo PTPTNG AAO\tr ARE S80t{{ AS lll-USTRAno|{ FOR SnlAq-S. NOT lN CONTRACT, l* F s! EHlixlsiEE T4OTOR CO?{IROL CANTER AREA CON1ROL CENIER TYPICAL ONE UNE DIAGRAM PRESENTATIONS,4\DETAILH\i:/ NO SC^|.r TYPICAL PLAN PRESENTATION /;\DETAILffi\:-7 NO SCAtt UV SYSIEI' JUNCIOT,T SOX t.B cot{DulT RTTING L(}.IC RADIUS naow (T)") BUSHING YiIIH CROUNO LUG AIID tro A|YG cRorJr{D wRE TO PANEL GROI'NO l. co{oufis As REQ{JIRED PER ONE UI{E OIAGRAV COR€ ORILI D(SNNG SLAB AND II{STAIL CONDUITS PRIOR TO POURING EQUIPIIENT PAD. CoRE DRLI. SlrALr BE r/4 rNCs I.^RC€R'tH^l{ @ftoutT o.D. AND s€At.ED W|TH NON-S Rtt.|K GROIJT AFIER COI{OUIT INSTAIIATIOI{. //:\DETATL@ NO SCAII I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I ( ] ) CONTRACTOR gIAIL RE}'O\E EXSING ORCUIT SREAKER UNIT-- FEEOING IHE SUMP PUUP AXD RECO'{NECT EqUP ENT TO OI{E OF THE NEYI BREAKERS HEREX. COI{TRACTOR SHAU. N'RNISH & INSTATI A NEW TWN CIRCUIT EREAKER UNIT COTIPITTE WlH DooR. OPERAIIIIC vECHANlsrrS. NAIEPLAIES ONE,l0 AIIP ANo oNE 30AXP, JPOrf, €0\0LT. 420004tC C|RCUT gRE XERS. INSTAI,]- IN MCC-OT. SECT, 6, \ERIFY AI.IP RATING OF CRqJIT BRSAXER TO BE REPLACEO IN UNIT 6GH OR 5KL 6 pRovtoe coa{D{Jrr AND REeuRED cot{DucroRs As ofnNED ctr{ - TlrE o{€-uNE DTACRAM. RoulE coNoutr BE-ow mAtNG As sHoYril lN oETAIL CF1. cOrilNECI aL! CONoUCTORS TO Uv SY$II JJNClrOir 80X ^ND Uv CO{lROi- PANELS AS REQI'|R€O BY Tl AT{UFACIURER fi nourt coNourr ^No coNDucrfis ro Mcc-Ex- (appRoxtt^rELy t6o FEEI) As orREcrED By IHE cor{s tRucltoN IANAG€R. 6) nourr cofloutr ANo co{DucroRs ro BLovER pLc caanET- leeenoxurrELv rJo tEcr) As DTRECTEo ay rHE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. t s ) ^PPRoXIIAIELY 100 ltllERco}lN€cnot{ CONOUCToRS PR0\,!0E0 - BY THE yANUFACIURER. CoI{TRACTOR sHAI.I INSIATI THE CONOUCTORS ANO 1ERTIINATE AS REQUIRED BY THE lr AflUFACTURER. 6o) unrurtcrunm gJppum DEVcEs slrALL aE coNNEcrED To - IHE uV s}sIEM JJNCTIoN 8ox As REQUIREo BY THE lrANUFACIURER, 2 ozo{E oEslRucT UNITS ozo E, GA{ERAllOt-. ROOtl :a::::: :r:l : I :, . . SLIDE GAIE : I SUMP II PuxP I EXISNNG C(T ;.1 3c SLO|NER^CO}|lRor PAIFL G) i r!* E=AtR COIIPRESSOR PARTIAL PLAN 3/8- -1'-o' -Xr6",4Pgt7'Ea -7 -6 5 5 =u d v 5 t-Hgz6 =a t =HXz6 >6 ONE LINE DIAGRAM (P^Rn^L) ELECTRICAL PLAN AND ONE LINE EAGLE RTVER WATER & SAITITATION DISTRICT W N AND DWELL R COLORADO . UNE IS 2 INCTIESF AT FUf sE--------1 (f, NOT 2'-SCAE ACCOROTAY) PRo,r ro---2L295- ORATN{ BY GATI OES|CNED BY OM orEcx@ BY _ clrEcxE) 8Y .\ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLTNITY DEVELOPMENI' 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 846 FOREST RD VAIL Location.....: 846 W FOREST RD ParcelNo...: 210107209001 Project No : owNER EAGLE RrVER V{ATER & SA}rrTATrOg/O5/2O02 Phone: 845 FOREST RD VAIL CO 8L6s7 License: CONTRACTOR A.K. EI.,ECTRIC 09/05/2002 Phone: 97o-390-3258 2103 ZEMATT I,ANE I]NIT 2103-A VAII-,, CO 8l_5 57 License:117-E APPL,ICANT A.K. ELECTRIC O9/O5/2OO2 Phone: 970-390-3258 2103 ZEMATT I,ANE UNIT 2103-A VAII-,, CO al657 License: 1l-7-E Desciption: ADD NEW STREET LICHTS Valuation: $3,000.00 E lectrical------> DRB Fee----> InYestigation--> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-.> Total Pemit Fee----> Pa)ments--------------t BALANCE DUE.---> os/05/2002 DF Action: AP :-".-:I--:-:-.-:-:--::-1"--:"-:"TTH********.****t*|.,}'t1.***+,}*+.+l':i*l******+++++*,i******++l,}|+++x****,t*+*++*.+******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 l"--1*"*'-;]-;.-T-::.?--lT.::-:::.1.:::--T:-:-::-".*::.J:--:-:"*:.1-,:::-..::*"-:-i:y.:::T::**********,*******,!{.:}+,+**.**** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan. to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. O*( 0,( A WJz.T(e-,rr# Permit #: E02-0171 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 09/05/2002 Issued. . : 09/27/2002 Expires . .: 03/26/2003 s54 - 00 90.00 $5? - oo Total Calculated Fees->$s7.00 (,P* Additional fee5-------> ( S57 . 00 ) $0.00 s0.00 $0.00 Item: 05000 EI-.,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV FROM E:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELP AND OWNET APPLICATION WILL ilOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCC \ . yL,r\.rrErf ElJ rF rNcoMpbffjl;1ronn.o Euitding permE Efectrical permit *:910-4:Ilyat49 tnsnoNVNnvytn l:'1 [tHnnYi.,, ConEct YVV.-{wo o*to "tg7o-s2 or uistt for parcet # I d COMPLETE ffi JobAddrees: G Address-] .!v.^,n.,E..n,aF € Exterior f l n'.rx r r o*r.r EHU "l No.of ExisfinrD,".@ No.ofAccomm"o@ for g hot tub: yes Yes( J---M es( ) N"T rolsa FrrN sTRucTURE: ETECTRICAL VAIUATION: g .oon /€'' COilTRACTOR IT{ FORTIIATION Contractoll ( ****t****t*aa**t***** tt -:f eveqoney'fu mgeleeerm .TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 Job Address: Location.......: Parcel No....: Project No . : OWNER APPI,ICAI{IT CONTRACTOR ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT 890 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL SOUTH OF 934 S. FRONTAGE WEST 210312109002 PRl01-0310 o8/L7/2oot Phone:TOY|IN OF VAIIJ I FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD vArr, co 81657 L,icense: VATI., RESORTS (VAII-, CORP) P.O. BOX 959 AVON, CO A/K/A vRD coNsrRucrroN co. License: VAIIJ RESORTS (VAIL CORP) P.O. BOX 959 AVON, CO A/K/A VRD CONSTRUCTTON CO. I-,icense: 115-A oB/L7/2ooL Phone: 84620 08/L7l2OOt Phone: 81620 Desciption: CONSTRUCTION OF A TINDERGROUND VAULT WHICH HOUSES 2-7srflfngunf PUMT€ Occupancy: U-2 Type Construction: V-N TypeOccupancy: ?? date Valuation: $200,000.00 Add Sq Ft: # of Gas Appliances: Wood Pellet; **t* FEE SUMMARY Fireolace Information Restricbed: Bu dhg-> Plan Check-> lnvesdgation-> Will Call--> S1 , 140. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $?41. oo DRB Fee_-.--> $0.00 RecreationFee--> $3 . oo Clean-uP DePosit-> TOTAL FEES--> $0. 00 90. 00 $0. 00 $s00.00 92,384.00 Total Calcu.lated Fees- > Additional Fees-> Total Pemdt Fee-> Payments---> BALANCE DUE-> $2, 384 . 00 ($300.00) 92, 084 . 00 92, 084 . 00 90. 00 ._ llVt,l LwLr/^t+> DEPARTMENT OF COIVOVTUIWTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TFIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #:8;01-0246 ISSUED 08/17/2001 0e/1.4/2001 03/13/2002 970-845-2354 TOV/Comm. Dev. #of Clean-up Deposit Refund approved v<- # of Gas togs: Jzc-'1-e-a"l.. .'Lf*F ayz( Rc Lt-d-r^JApprovals: IEe.m: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMEN| o9/o4/2OOL GF(G Action: AP engineered plans . Item: 05400 PLAIiINING DEPARTMENT Itern: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI work EO as per f,temr O55OO PI]BI-,IC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information require4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infomration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OVVNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 Permit #: 801,-O246 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 0618-2003 Status: ISSUED PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Applied: 08/77/2007 Applicanf VAILRESORTS(VAILCORP) Issued: 09/1.4/2001.970-845-2354 ToExpire: 03/13/2002 Job Address: 890 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: SOUTH OF 934 S. FRONTAGE WEST Parcel No: 21.03121.09002 Description: CONSTRUCTIONOF A UNDERGROTIND VAULT W{ICH HOUSES2-7sHP PUMT€ Conditions: Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0004976 (BLDG.): WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LINES ARE REQLIIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN AND A SEPARATE ELECTRICAL PERMT IS REQLTIRED. Cond: CON0004989 All work is to be in accordance with approved engineered plans. + + * ** * * ** * + + *t + + + +* +*** + * * ** + * * ++ + +** +* +*** *+ f * * * ** * * * * ** * * * t* + * * ** * * * ** * * + +* * * + *t + * * + * * * +t + TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Rcpdntod on ll6'1&2fi13 rt ll:ft:36 06/1812003 Statemeot + + * * * * * * * * + * * * t + + + * * * + * * ** * ******* * * * + + ** * + * * * * * * + * + * * * * * * * * * f, * * * * * * * * * * +* **+******f **** **** Statement Nuriber: R000001364 Amount: $2,084.00 09/LO/200102:00 pM Payment Method: Check Init: ITRM Notation: !62060 Permj.t No: 801-0245 114>e: ADD/A],T COMM BUIIJD PERrtr Parcel No: 2LO3L2IO9OO2 Site Addreas: 890 S FRONTAGE RD tfEST VAIL Locatsion: SOUTH OF 934 S. FRONTAGE WEST Total Fees: $2, 084 .00 This Payment: $2,084.00 Total ALL' Pmts: $2,084.00 Balance: S0. O0 * * * ** * * ** + * * + {' 'f * * + + ** +* + ** +* + * * ** * * * * ** * + * * * * * *{. + ** * * + * | + * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f, ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptjon Cunrent Pmts AD D2-DEPOB CLEANUP DEPOSITS 2O3.OO BP OO1OOOO3111iOO BUILDING PER}4IT FEES 1,140.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 741.00 FoLOD'o 3 EI o rFlo,o9.odrto(3t ? oat lrntIEt8oITHHctq!EEllqOA T a4 cE El0 EIt g .t 6I o LoooEE.H +to('A>F .{lOA!l I 6l I oo al 6 BHo- A Rga F ,Ea)F4,! aE E. ficI (,F1.o j 0 EE EB!IE' cI Ea EE ET B|( E BE iEH' EEo Fl.H2q|D t3A I Ei IH a xtr 6t{l| t{H6ao2A cBI{8 PE H f;8 oH F.oDo !lH4 I FEITc 2 I& :.Hq|ITo * :: dD ataI> HIE4EaE| dro tot !i oe.!.H y /il LeL 1,n-.{- D TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 97M79-2138 ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Address: 846 FOREST RD VAIL Location.......: ParcelNo....: 270707209001, ProjectNo.: ?? Appl,rcAlft uppER EAGLE vAr.,LEy coNs Drsro3/!4/a996 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL CO 4L657 Permit #: 8)6100.20 Status...: FINAL Applied. . : 03/74/1996 Issued...: 04/01/1996 Expires. . .: 05/09/2002 Phone : 30347 67 48O TOV/Comm. Dev. License:362-B CONTRACTOR UPPER EAGLE VAIJLEY 845 FOREST ROAD VAIIJ CO 81557 License:. 362-B OIIINER IIPPER EjAGLE VAITLJEY DIST PO BOX Y AVON CO 4L620 License: DEPARTMENTOF CO DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES o MMLINITY AIso is CONTRiACTOR coNs DISTo3/L4/1,996 Phonel. 3034767480 Also is Applicant coNsor-,rDAo3 / L4 / L996 Phone : Desciption: 2ND FLOOROFFICE REMODEL & ADD EXTERIORSTAIR Clean-up Deposit Refund approved amount date v<, 0 0 # of Gas Iogs: Occupanry: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace hformation: Buildlng-1 Plan Clrcck-> Investigation-> will call-> 82 B2 V 1-HR Type V l-Hour ?? $104,000.00 Restricted: S?55. oo Reshrarant Plan Review-> 5491.40 DRB Iree-> So. oo Recreation Fee--> $3 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit-.> TOTAL FEES-_----_> Add Sq Ft: # of Gas Apptances:#of Wood Pelleh ****** FEE SUMMARY $0. o0 $100.00 90.00 $500 - o0 PaYments-> s1,8so.40 BALANCEDUE-> Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-..--> Total Perurit Fee-> $1, 850.40 90. 00 $1,850.40 $1,850.40 $0.00 Approvals:I€EM: O51OO BUII-,DING DEPARTMEII1T 03l14l1e96 DAII 03 /L9/L996 CIIUCK IIEM: O54OO PI,ANNIT{G DEPARTMENT 03/1411995 DAN 03/L4/1-996 RANDY NOTE CHUCK.PI,AN EXAI4INER APPR NOTE RJANDY-PI,ANNER APPR see conditsion Action: Action: Action: Action: Item: 05600 FIRE 03/14/3,ee6 03/27/Le96 fire alar DEPARTME}flT DAN i'EFF A Action: NOTE Action: APPR Action: APPR MIKE-PI,ANS apprved recomd Item: 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS 03/L9/L996 CHUCK See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECflON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR ATOUROFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4 PM. SIGNATURE OFOWNER OR CONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OI^/NE[ PAGE 2 Permit #:896-0020 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 06-1&2003 Status: FINAL PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBTIILDPERMT Applied: 03/1.4/1996 Applicant UPPEREAGLEVALLEYCONSDIST Issued: 04/01/1996 3034767480 To Expire: 05/W/2002 Job Address: 845 FOREST RD VAIL Location: Parcel No: 210107209001. Description: 2ND FLOOR OFFICE REMODEL & ADD EXTERIORSTAIR Conditions: Cond: CON0001007 No exterior changes other than the external stairway. Cond: CON0001008 SECOND LEVEL BATHROOMS MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 11 OF THE 7994IJB,C Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ,-z *{' + * * * * * * *+ * + * + * * * * * * * * ** *+ + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t **+ * * * tf + * * + * * * * *t{r*{' ** {. ** +* * * * **** * * * ** * * * * * ** ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Rrprhtcd on llGl&2Olll rt 15:14:ll 06/r8t2003 Statement + + * *+ + + 'i** * * ** * * * *+ ***+* + +*++*+**** * * **** ** ++ *i * ** ++ + + + ++ + + +r|+ ** + ++ +{. * * ** **** * * * ** * * t ** * *** * Statement Nruiber:REC-0r.19 Amount.: $1,850.40 04/0r/199602:33 pM Paymen! Metshod: CK Init: CF Notation:cK #021710 Permi t No: ParceL No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: 895-0020 2\070720900r 845 FOREST RD Ilrtr)e: ADD/AIT COMM BUILD PERITIT VAII, Total Feea: Total AIJL, Pmts : BaLance: $1, 8s0.40 $r-, 850 .40 $o. oo $1, 8s0 .40 :i 'i +* ** ** *,i,i **** * ** * + *+ * * + *+ * * + ++ + * {l ++t + + + *+*+ + * + ++ + *:+:i +* * * **+ * * * ** * * * ** *,1* ** * * ** * ***+ * * * ** ** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descn ipti on Curnent Pmts AD D2.DEPO8 BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 |'lc 00100003112800 CLEANUP DEPOSITS BUILDING PERI"lIT FEES DESIGN REVIE!\l FEES PLAN CHECK FEES I.IILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 500.00 756. 00 100.00 49t.40 3.00 oo <; rtsoaOD'o0-oa 6 II3I o ui!qlp F o 6 E. e dE I 6 (, l{ !T (, o tt o d !! o <; r,l o ||t orll o || c C) <;o HOEOE;8 It o Et! Io l.-zrlD€88" tl ioERCToo oU )io 6 oBg.nI aT'a aoAI Tq9. ADa, tclE dtcoo t[oo -,rE Ioro o.rB (nCd8 eLI AF.,2 Eg!ta o|I E4 EE E9qt(p 6a ItEo-it oIT HHHiz(|D Er { FI4o t)a E F. e x rc' F. E 6tl E TCII., ETcoEITP gE EE8 Al.l F.ql E q Eo!. F.EIIc oa EII !.HqlIg '!l F T c d9 xl otFIIi.ot4 0.t ca!ao qro t frfr8 TOWN OF iiAIL ' 75 S. FROTiTTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTI,IENT OF EOMMT'NITY NC,1fE: THfS PERMfT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AIT COMM BUILD PERItrT ilob Address: 846 FOREST RDLocation...z 845 FOREST RD WATERParcel No.. : 2LOL-072-09-001Project No. : PRiIo0-0154 OhINER E,AGLE RIVBR WATER AI{D SAIVTTATION DISTRIqT, 845 FOREST RD, VAII., CO 81557APPIJICAI\If WESTERN ST]MMrT CONSTRUqTORS DSVELOPMBNT ( G^-^\ C.. t\ot Z]9 Lot s\ - ON iTOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 800-0170 StsaEus. . TREATApplied. Iesued.. Bt<pires. ISSI'BD 07 /20 /2000 08 /Ls /200002/LL/200L 5470 NORTH VALLEY HIGHWAY, DETiIVER CO. 80216coNrRAgroR I|TESTERN SItMMrr CONSTRUqTORS, rNC phone: 303-298-g5oo 5470 NORTII:TLEY HrGI{WAY, DENVER CO 80216 Description: TREATI|ENI/AERATI ON Pr,ANr Occupancy: S2 T]E)e Construction: I FR TIG)e Occupancy: /PRocEss MoDrFreATroNs Not. in tsable!lype r Fire-Resistive Phone: 303-298-9500 llof ood/P€Il,sl: lolaL Calculatcd Fcc6- - - >1,26.) .OO Valuation: Flr6placo Infornat.lon: R€rt.rLcg€d:*Of (116 Appllanccs: Add Sq FE: l+of, gas &ogs: 100,000 *tt*r*ir*rrrr*r**..*rat*+r*rr* trrr.r*r**i.ea FEE st uuARy .r*.*r*r*rrriir* itar*rrr*.** BuildinE-----> Plan Chcck- -- > Inv.EEl.g.t lon> t{tll c.Il----> 2,590.00 L,671 .0O .00 3.O0 .00 .00 .00 .oo 4, 250 . O0 Ra€tuaran! PLrn Raviara- -> DRB Fcc-------- Rcclcat.ion Fae- - --- - - -- -> Clcan-tt) D.lrorlt - -- -- -- -> TOTA'J FBES-'- - - CHARLIE AcICIIARLIE AcLion PI,ANNING DEPARIIIEIITCIIARIIE Action: NCtfEAOCHS AcIion, APPRFTRE DEPARTIUENTCITARI.,IE Act,ion: APPRPI'BLIC WORKSCHARLIE AcLion: APPR Addilional Fcs!------ --- > -3,036.o0 Tot.l Perul,ts Fec--------> Palmantd-------- BAIANCE DUE.-.. L.224-OO 7,22t.OO +'rrl r **,rtr*+rrt rEem: 051_00 o7 /20 /2000 o7 /20'/2000IEem: 05400 07 /20 /2000 o7 /2t/2000It,em: 05600 07 /20 /2000Iti:.m: 05500 07 /20 /2000 BUILDING DEPARTIIENT DepI:HARLIE ACIJ-ON: NOTE PI,ANS TO CHARTTEIIARLIE AcLion: APPR see condiEons BUILDfNG Division: DEPT: PI.,AIiTNINGPLAIVS TO AIJLISION Dept: FIRE Dept: PtB WORK N/a N/A Division: Division: Divisi-on: r'',itrttt'*ttlt'}...'r'*'**tttt*tt.'lt't'|'**1t'i'.tttttit't*t+t*tt*tttttltt''l|ttt'*!tft'r|*t'rtt,t*'t'trt+!|jittt*tl't''+r'rri?tt.,a'.iiii See Page 2 of this Documents for any condit.ions t,haE may apply to this permlt.. DECI,ARATIONS r h€roblr acknorlrdgr tshat I havc rrad thir appllcatlon. fil1cd gut 1n full chc infonacion r€quircd, coirpL.led rr1 accur.ta plot.Plan, rnd .trt6 th.t r1l tshe infortation provldrd as rcguircd is colrccts, I agBcc tso cooply elth th. infonation end ptot plrn,Eo conply ||llh .11 Toln ordlnanct|e and stsalc l..rs, rnd Eo bulld chlE .tructur. .ccordlng to ghc Toyn,E ronLng and BubdLvi.l,oncodc6, dc6Lgn r.v1cr approv.d, unlfor! Butldtng cod. and ocher ordLn.lrcor of chc Torn appllcable chcrctso. RBQUESTS FoR IN€PaqIIoNg STaALI/ BE IIADE tr{ENT!-fOrrR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEP}|O!{E AT {79-2139 ORt/8:00 Al, 5:00 P g.nd Cl.ln-Itp D.po.le To: N/A SIO A?SRE OF OWICEN OR CONTRAC'I1CR FOR HI!'9ETJF I!{D OWNBR ************!t****!r**!t*:t********************************************************* COIIDITIONSPermlt, #: 800-01 70 as of og/Ls/oo Status: rssUED******************************************************************************** Permit l\pe: ADD/Ar.,t coMM BUILD PERMTApplicanE,: EAGLE RIVBR vtATER AND sAr{rrATroN 3 03 -2 98 _ 9500 Applied: 07/20/2OOOIssued: 08 /L5 /2000To E:cpire : 02/1,L/200L Job Address: LOCATiON: 846 FOREST RD WATER TRE.ATMBNT PI,AI.ITParcel No: 2101-072-09-OO1 DescripEion: TRE,AI!,IBIU/ENNEITOW PLAIiIT /PROCESS MODI FI CATIONS Conditione:1' FIRB DEPARITIIBNf APPROVAI Is REQUIRED BEFoRE AT.I.:T woRT cAI{ BE STARTED. 2 . FTEIJD rNsPEgrroNs ARB RBQUTRED To cHEeK FoR coDE clctlPI,rANcE -3. A_final report from t.he mechanicar and erect,rical engineersof record is.required prior to final inspect.ions occirring4. This permit is good for interior work. Any exuerior chang6erequi.res DRB approval .It is propoaed E,o add one nertr air int,ake on roof .Any addibional- roof top equilnrent must, obtain prior DRBapprovalA eeparat.e mechanical and elecErical permit, rnust be obtained *a*tl}ttt*tt*tt+*f**tt*tt,ttrl*titit*tt*itt*ti*rr*t*rtt*rit:l**trrtr* TOrN OF VArl,, corJRAm gtateu|nt tttl**ttt**tt*t*it***rt****t**t*t+l| *itt***tirr*ri**r!**i*ttt*rttt gtatemnt l[umber: REC-O666 Amount i 1,224. OO O8/t5 /OO 74 :4OPalmenB Uethod: 19103 Not,ation: ffEgTERt{ AIT UIT Init : iIN Petmit No : Bo0 - 01?0 Type ; A_clDlrttr! ADD/ALT Cptot BSTIJD p Parcel. No: 21OL- O?2 - 09- OO1glte Addresg: 946 FOREST RD Locatlon: 846 FoREgT RD WATER TREA'ITI{ENT PI,AMT Total Fees: L,2Z4.OOflr16 PaynenC L,224.0O Total AIJIr Pmts: Balance : L ,224 . OO *a**|}ttat*trtl*t**tt*ta**aataia*tl*+**rl*a*tt**.*a**t*a**ar*a,ltaaa Account Code Descrlpt.ion BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERIiIIT FEES PP OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CIIECK PBBSgC OO1OOOO31128OO I|ILL CAI,IJ INAPBETION FEE .00 AnrouDt 740.00 481.00 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNS Project #: Building Permit # 8,60- OnO 97 O- 47 9 -2t49 (Inspections) MVNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vaif, Colora-do 8a657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! Contad Assessorc Office at 97O-328-854O or visit for Parcel # l"*J! #ffizo Ttotctla^ol ool 3s6 Nl.r., VAr L ilLftf A{E Pdl]$J r1oPtFta"l--flo^t<-JobAddress: flt- fi4P37 P-) l/a-, r' la Bl/-r:1 Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:F rz_\. t t st-)ootSE'r*to" PJ Jo,e to Phone: 4tu- 41b - 14 & Architect/Designer:Address:Phonel trngf neer:rl l--{-? ?t (trt,iFV? tL(Address: #IlffAt.rJ;?" ll Phone: b11L4_ ts,) Detailed description of work:rl. | .lLk<srz- Lls-rr--.2 le=:,;ago--r-HoDlFl(-cl-r^,tl< Tc> [*aur ^-=r - -T-e*^rr..np-r-t1- Work Class: New ( )Addition ( )Remodel ({ aepair ( S oemo(-t' Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (r7)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( -f Type of 8ldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Mutti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other (-J- No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ,.a7U No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinS: ^a /O No/TypeofFireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( )GasLoqs( )Wood/Pellet( )WoodBurninq( ) N/N No/Typeof FireplacesProposed:GasADpliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninqfNora[l6Wfot Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (t) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (t'J No ( ) CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) t CONTRACTOR INFORMATION BUILDING: $ lql. ooO ELECTRICAL: $ Zll gA OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ ru/a MECHANICAL: $ ZG h@ rorAl: s 41/#/b REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO:F'/aa. aso a) General Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.:and Phone #'s: 5GoPor'_ **:?****'k********tr*******,t**************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**)t****^!***:t+*******r.***************-! F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm ,/ JuLy 22, ZW5 Mr. JRMondragon Town ofVail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 0oo- ot?o Town of Vail OFFilSE COPY Subject: Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant Aeration System Modifications. HDR Project No.08432404450 District Contact No.99. 1 5.032. Deer I\'1r. Mcndragon: We arc sanding you this letter at the request of Tom Gordy with Westem Summit Constructors, Inc. Apparently there is a permit still outstanding with respect to the above project. According to Mr. Gordy the Town of Vail needs a letter from ttre consultant stating that the project was completed in accordance with approved plans and specifications. Based on my knowledge of the project and discussions with the chief plant operator all contractual obligations by Westem Summit have been fulfilled and the prqject was completed in accordance with the contact documents. Ifthere are any questions or corrments, please call Bob Rogers at (303) 764-1543. Sincoely, HDREngineering, Inc. 64dx6r Bob Rogers // Project Engineer lo, J0 lzt rt 1 r t TO!n[ OF V?irL I 75 S. FROITITAGE ROrl.r-rvArL, co 8L55',7 97 0 -479 -21,38 . : ::,.,',,.,.-?lijiNT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEMT l:lOTi ":riiii -:t:,::r.-_'i MUST BE POSTED Di.:i.-,. {,):: I,,ART/ALL BIIDG. J,.. ' ..i1r1....,-'::l*: ii+6 FOREST RD l-r.. t-,lll: ;.;,;6 forest rd F;, ,'.r,r. i r..r ::)0L-072 -09-001 ?-- r' e'al': ir[:;,. : P-1?..]00-0154 T!-$. .i Fire-Resistive ON \TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE. #: D00-0029 Status. -Applied- fssued. . E>cpires. rSSI]ED 07 /L4/2000 07 /L4/20O0 oL/LO/20OL APPLICANT corfitRAcToR OWNER Description: demo interior hra-L r s r i:: ',,ii,..r Occupa.rr:'.' t I]pe Constrr:<:t-rt-.r: : Tlpe Occupall{,r',.': Valua;.ion: Firepl.ace Informaiio:1: Restr_:cl-d: WESTF:rllI i' ii4T'r r1,.rii5l-:rit-ICTI'iORS. INC Phone:P.O. BOX f.i'z':.. S',:.:li\L4i3OAT SPRINGS, CO 80477 wEsTFrtri:i i ': ]iIIT rliri:{s'i'RTJCTORS, INC Phone: P " O. l,lo'{ .,,:i.i r i:;i1l jliOAT SPRINGS, CO 80477 EAGi,F 'i.i ' t,',-'''i. - ':,i,il SANfTATION nISTF_I.J,i, ;..- ,-:,..11.',1.i,,:, ,<r), VAIL CO 81657 :,_rr, a,.!, :r,,-iFliances: Add Sq Ft: *Of cas togs I 303-298-9500 3 03 -2 98 -9s00 *of wood/Pel1er: a,ril,aiFd------ Plan check-- - > ftvestiEation> will call----> Total calculated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> Total Pefini-t Fee--------> Palmenls------- 1:,.1 . j) ,1 .Cil .00 - 00 .00 .00 36.O0 .00 36.00 3 6.00' . ;";:1",..;."--;".:;;;:........-"-ll;11".-.".":i:fl::-:H.;;;;;;;:;;;;:.".-.."."".-;::""" Item: ..;l Crl !i J.".. ,rr, '.., ':r.'tt,iH;ij'I DepL: BUILDING Division: O'7 /'j-4t ll'-10i. .'Iil"..i--, 'i' ;-. ;;11 .. .:-rlPR charlie daviBftb.m: .oaqau ?;).'.::.',. i-i. r,-.j::"-1.l-l-rrl'i Dept: PI,ANNING Division:07/L|/?]DA CI3-: , : .\c' .'i.. aPPR n,/aILem: 05600 Ffij:: :idP,:r.R'l'i4Et'lT Dept: FIRE Divisi-on: 07 /L4/:qaa ::v.?. l,.,- ,; : 43?R n/aItqmi .q5500 ;,aits:.,. : .,rij.-i'.: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Oi /L4/2I0C :ii.l,R.r 1:rl l'-'r:: r -i'PPR n/aItqm:' .c=ic:') ::"iiv- . r-iii.:"'l-i,,-, :-;j.i-:,TH DepL: HEALTH Division: 07 /1-4 /2tJ0D C..:-A-lill,.' .:..*:::.'.r.: .:jll-rR n,/a f t .m: oig0ir ..,1Q.-' Dept: CLERK Di-vision: 07 / 3,4 i 21 0 t' ,:. '-'',.i-l .:r' . 'r - : ::.?PR n,/a t, * * * ** t * * *:.* ' { See Page 2 af t!,Ls ). - 1,,-,::!: .:';..-' ;..i,,. conditions thaL may apply to Ehis permiL. T,TECLARATIONS I hereby acknop-edge rhac 1 h'l.'e -r::a , ,'.. s !.-::. i,:,:ri. iilied .rut in full the infarmation required, coupleted an accurat.e plot --- -:.= l-j -r:, , l--! '-. . .r .e.,rr:ed is correeE. t agree t'o colnply llilh Lhe infodnatsion and plot plan, co conpfy wiEh atl Trvri orc-,1:..r. :: ! r--1d this st1'ucture according to the Town's zoning ahd Eubdivieion codes, desigrl revi.r!, : irli,:-v:: il I-:::-: r' I il.,:r<. :.r,.. ,j :.'--"r=r ordinances of the Tosn appLicable thereeo. REQTTESTS FOR Ii:JSpEC-"IJ1: S,'_\!,- -r r-l,._i : r'': ',. .'r ': - _: : 1rlJlilNCE BY TEI,EPHONE AT 479-213S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0O AM 5:00 pl,| send Clea.l-U-r 'Fposr!- ir: . E artL* EerJrsp SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR COMTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER **********tr** t i -r ,l J'r "i = .' . -' t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'Ji)NDITIONSPermit #: i-,-,-,-,-,,,I :,,.| af 07/14/00 Status: fSSUED *********tl*t'- lrn t*,' i: r ' k. . i i * * * * t( )t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jr * * * Permit 'I-:/p,. - lrT';. t. , .-i ' lr:i i'1r]. Applied: 07 /I4/2OOAApplican". : hiE r' ';r.' l',ir,:, ' '' :'.'; , ,:-1JCTORS, INC Issued: 07 /L4/20A0 -i;:i . .r:: , To Expire z AL/LO/2OOL .fob Addres,: : Locatitft.:: r-l u : ':,.1 ',1 Pdrcel N,', :r i . -r lt '' Descript:u:' , demo ince.,-'i-D-r:' r..",-:.-.-.r-; :r.:, :.r-r .,.,.. Condittr on,f 1. FTRE .-r,ii,''.i:. '",:1.'" '\'.)) .. :'.'-.., REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CA$T BE S'I'AR'.. i]. MAY-II-CO MTfiOPYAIL 75 S. Frontase Rd.vail, ColoraAo 81657 1S.4El FROM . TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.I O.97cl47sl2452 APPIICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: 97 f'.47 9-2a49 (rnspecti ons) TOWN OF VArL BUTLpTNG PFRM.rr AppLTCATION Seperete Permits ere required for electricel, plumbiog, mechanical, etc.! PAGE 2/ 7E Conhct llsrespts Ofre at 970-328-8&0 or w3it coltPLETEVALUATIoNS FoR BUrU)rNG PERMTT (tabor & Materials) +**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*"**-*****t******rr*** # ztosr2zo3ozo Job NameVail !f,I/VTP Aeiation llodif icatio gobMclress:846 Forest Road Vai1, CO' ' g1 Phone: ,o3. +b;4 _ E z Work Cass: Nev'/ ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel (vt Repair ( ) Does an EHuexisfa-t tnis location: Yes ( ) No ('-tWortType: Interior( ) Exterbr( ) Eoth(; Type of Bldg.: Sangl+family ( ) Two-family ( ) Mufti-famiiy ( ) Commercial ( ) Re*aurant ( ) Other (",7' No. of Accommoctation Units in thb building: / /eNo. of Existing Dlvetling Units in this buildin$ t{/4 Gas Appliances (o ) @s Lms (o Does a Fire Alarm Exist:a Fire Sprinlder Systent Exist: Y6 (€1 No ELECTRICAc I 342. E@BUILDING: $ lfl, aO t TOTAL: $ l,lfg-oaoMECMNICAL: { zL,oocs REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT 11): CO NTRACTOR IN FORMATION Contact and Phone #'s: ', 6,o/ r>v <o3-Z?3 -?5dO&€11EEN Atman ( Town of Vail Reg. No.: 'A " Ltgarrr42' 'tro7 11 F:/evffifonnYudgperm fficDJUN L52000 TOWN OF VArL75 S. FRONTAGB ROADvArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 DBPARI!,TEIIT OF COMMUNTTY DEI/BLOPIT{ENI NOtrE: 1IIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELEEfRICAI. PERMIT Permi-t. #: 800-0153 status...: ISSIIBDApplied..: O9/Lo/2OOOIssued...: 08/LO/2OOOExpires..: 02/05/20OL APPIJICANT }|ASTER ELECTRIEAL COriITRACTORS PhONC: 303 -7gL-42L59822 TrTAN PARK CIRCTJE, I,NIT A, IJITILETON, CO gOL25coMrRAqroR IIASTER EtEcrRreAL coNTRAeroRs phone z 303-79L-42t59822 TrTAr'I PARK CTRCLE, IrNrT A, LTTTLETON, CO 80125OWNER EAGLE RI\TER WATER AND SA}IITATIONDrsTRIer, 846 FOREST RD, VArL CO 8l_65? Deecript.ion: ELTECrRICAII FOR ARBATION SYSTEM Valuation:89, 900 . 00 rrrtrrtl'rtrtr,t.t'l'r.+t*ttttt.tttirt,r.'ri,r.'r*ttrr.r*.rrrrrri pEE gouttA.Ry *tir..rt!rrrrr.rr*rrrrrrr.rr,rt*r ilob Address: 846 FOREST RDLocation. . . z 846 FOREST RDParcel No. . : 2LOL-072-09-001Project No. : PRrI00-0154 1.59O.00 .00 1,590.0o r,590.00 .00 !ri't'ttt*"ttttt*tt**tttrttttrtt ttlttiltttatttttttrrrtaatttttrttt ttttrtatrrattttt.rr rat*ttrl!rttttrtIra rrartt tttaJrrtrrirracIttrtrfo*r Itqmi .960q0_EI,EgTRrcaL DBPARMN:I DepE, BUTLDTNG Division: 98 / L0 /?goa cEAEtrE -ecc-ion :- AppH-ctrlRr,rs DAfiS-rr€m:'0s500 E_rRB_QreeFfrnui ----- -.. ---- -'b6frc: FrRE Division:08/LO/20O0 CHARLTE -AcEiori; AppR N/A t***t ' t**t+** t\' t+o*****l a *r*1**tt,|t*ta*tta*t**** a *f*+r*ar a *rr* rrr ta alrtr*t.ra aattt**r*arrr*r1r**+rr*tt9r**+*r r*Jr,rriar*r**r*rrr*t,, COIIDITION OF APPROVAI, 1 . FIEI.,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. ttttr**t**lttii *tta.**r+rtt**ttti'rrt*t***a*r *i*,r*r*rr*rar*r*trrr.rt *r*rirrlr**+ DECI.,ARAITIONS r hercby rckno,Iodgc chac r hav6 rsad !hi.€ appllcaEion, fi11.d ou! ln full Eh! infomation r6quircd, conpl.ted an accurqce plotplBn, and st'cr thtc ill thc inforutslon provld6d E. rsqulr.d Ls corloct.. r agE.. Eo cdpry rlth t'hc lnforurtlon anal proc prrn,tsg conply vith all aoxn ordlnrncog and gtate lars, and !o build ehi6 Bt!.uctur. accordlng !o thc Torn,. ronlng and.ubdlvl.6ioncoder, doligtr revLar epprovcd, Uniforu auilding co& and oth.r ordin.nc6. of the Toyn applLcablc !hor.co. RIQLA8TS FOR IIaPECIION9 axALL BE UADE TI|E*T!-FOUR HOttRg IN ADVAIICE BI TEITEPHONB AT {?9-2139 oR AA OUR OFFTCA FRo!.r sloo xrl sroo pr glccgricrl---> DRB Fce hvo.tig.bLon> WII-1 celL----> TOTAJ. FEBS.--> 1,587.O0 .00 .00 3.O0 1,590,00 Total C.lculalcd F!.s-- -> Additlonal, Pce6- -- -- - -- -> ToEal Pcrrrit Fcc--------> P.yucnt6 - - - - - - - - AAIAIICE DI'E-. -. - *t*ttt*t**ata***t**tat**t**itttt*t*tittttttt*trr**tt*aa*rli***tt $oIfN oF vArIJ, COToRADO gtatemnt at*tttt***l*it*itit**t*ttt*tail*tt**trliltrft*itlr**rrrrrrrtttar**i* Statennt Nrrfiber: RBC-O66S Amount: 1,S9O.oo OB/14/oO 13:53 Paynent tlethod I 1O9S9 llotatlon: UASTER EITBqIRICL Init: iIN Permlt lto: Parcel tfo: Eite Addrees : Locatlon I ltls Pa)rnent 800-0153 TlDe: B-ELEC ELESrRICAL pERltrT 2101-O?2-09-001 845 FORBST RD 845 FOREST RD Total FeeE 3 1,59O.00 Total AI,L Prnts: Balalce : trtalliittt*ttt*tt+*i*ttt**tatrtattat*+a*r*r*t*?***r*aarrr**rr+*t}r* Account eode Deacrlptlon r-,590.o0 1, 590 . 0O . o0 Anount 1. 58? . OO 3.00 BP OO1OOOO31111OO EIJEqTRICAL PER IT FEBET WC OO1OOOO31128OO TIILL CAIJJ INSPEqTION FEE JUf{ 05 -'bo' -oe, zb;iN u-e-srEen- suNttri-' -' APPIJCAI1ON WILL $OT SE ACCEPTED IF IflCOMPLETE OR, UNSI€ilED Pnsject*i ?Rf,or-' olg? Building Permlt 4,:_Bpo_- I -.!-/5 El€ctricat Permit#: 97 O.47 9-214;9 (tnspections) MWWVAIL 75 S. Frorrrqe Rd.Vail, Colot?rao 81657 COTTIPL€TE SQ. FE€T FOR NE!I, BUILDS ancl YATUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Tatrcr & i|ater|als) AMOUi{T OF 5Q Fr rN STRUCTWE:ELESiRICAL VALUATION: g 87, tA COI{TRACNOR IN FORIIATIOX /7x?a ts713 9 uisit HrcdS Parcd # (Rnquired |tno @ aOovcJ Z ro tJ i zoS oo t Job $fsrie: V4/t t^GsTP 4t&nrtou Sysrrr>t . ll Job eddres:.rloutf p.Jtali Q'/Q Fc'ecs7?d, VntL, Ct 8tbs4 t€g|al Oescripbbd Lot: 6i Enqtneer: fl R,46lry€F49rrc]lMt._s1""#u"€;:3{.:* f erronez-o-. ?6'/ -;; Detalfcd cFscripDon ef r.orft: A ERAT/aV Sqs/t/e Lt ? G RAgd workctass: l'fehr( ) A(ldiuon( ) R€rFodel 1{^n'!pv1 1 Temppower( ) Other( ) Work Typc: lnterior (;f- Erterior ( ) Both ( ) ll Ooes an EHU edst at d1G tocrtion: ves ( I ie kf Type of f,dg.: gngleam'ly ( ) DuCo( ( ) Mrilti-fanrly ( ) Cornr,reroai ( ) R6$ur".t ( ) c/6!I (-f I'lo. of Exr*ing Dwelting ttlib io lhis buitcling: tJ/f1 No. of Accommodauon Units in ths building: {/n Is Lhis permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( 14 Does a Flre Alarm Exist: Yq (4 No ( )Ooes a Frr.e Sprinkler Sy#m Exist Yes ( ) iio ( 6htr/.10{ anci Phone #'{:o:,)?l l-.lat'. an tl ?obsal 5'r,ll' , V,it a.A,a.*l .rrItscnttIttt,u+++r++++li+*I**ai*r*tr***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY:*++a r.. d+++*+ *+* **irrtr F+ +***t-+-** *r.' t F:/en€ryo.E/fUns/ecQgm - t' ' t(Jrr 'l 'f o f 3 J AmeBdmentto the 1999 N.E.CrTovUr of V,ail Ordinance 10-1-6, Overheed services are not allowed In theTown of Vail. Underground services hale to be in coodrril (FfC) from tf}e transformer !o ste electri meter, main disconnect switdl and to the tirgt eledicat distribuuon circ',rlt break€r panel. The main disconnect swlEr shall be locaEd next to the rreter on the e<berior waii of tire structure easiiy accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspeded bcfore back-filling the trench. In rnulti-family dutr{ilrq uni6 no ele&ical*irir4 or teeder cables shall pas frctn one unlt b anofter. Common walls and spaces are acceo'Ed. NM Cable (Romex) is not allorryed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding ftree (3) stories. No use of atumingm wire smaller than stze #B will be permiBed with Ure Town of Vaii. TOWqI gE YA I L q L_F .crRr CAL P E RIul IT G UIDELTN ES All in$allations of ocerlor hottubs or spa'S require a DRB approvat fronr planning. Thls apptiGuon will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval forn attached (lf applicable)- If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tJb or spa on a neur elevated platform or deck over 30" aboye grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permlt is for insHlahon of an ecerior hot tr.rb or spa on any odsting deck or ele\,rated plaform, a structrJral engineer must revis^/ the existirrg condiuon and veriry that it will support the addeC eoneentraEd load. Please provide a copy of the structural enganeers wet $amped letter 0r clrcwing with this application. If trus ls a remodel in a rnslti-fiamily building wtth a homecwners assqciation, a letter of perrnission ftom the association is rcqulred. e If tfrts perrnit is for a comrnerc'ral space, t1^ro (2) sets of *arnped drawings are required. 6--a:'9. DaE Signed $ you have any questions regardlng the aborre inFormauon or have addilJonal guEstiorE, please conEt the Town of Vail Etectrical Inspector at97|H79-2L47. The inspector can be rcachcd on Tu€day, Thurcday and Frlday mornilgs bdtreen tl|e fEsrs of Esn and 9am. You may also leave e voice mail and ttrs insp€dor win c.ll yos back. / Drawings For ru6T JUL t7 2000 Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications Prepared for: Eagle River Water & Sanitation District 2000 District Contract No. 99.15.032 HDR Project No. 08432-0O4-O5O TVWT'I07TYAIL tG|bo106 l,frfrl APPROVED Communlty Developrnent D€partfii€nl Bulkling Safety & triep€dbn S€nlce Ldb.l6 + L'trHtoarlHilUdDt EtL Ttcirua tq of I FEi c go*-C-1ir rDrdi--. nd ;;fi;r:T-:11 S tb-e e bc.i.ro..t *6itil c al:rErt or| FFi alEud Cdr. Fi[r6. n t.qrEt Eccrtld-brFlE aiuornloi. avry d lE Fovi-G of da o& CoaD cbdldin[cr I*lry q rE ptovtrEdu.l dcdrycbqdiooodrtoJri&d[.hdo Fsnaar b rm tfrIrliU ;t ..t tu *ifi;incecdfuF!vU60(r8oocccbodbrcdtrior6caro ou;;;ilF"* q' ::gg: p:nn H,o g}nl. rpcc.t6cdj6, rod o.lpdruft[lb iscouca.of-r rn& !.4 -;h*,r..trii,iorE oorrao.r,*td pTvenl .lt boitdhg officirf tum $cr;ncr nqdd4 to-*ffi oCattotr io rlid phns, spccificarions urd odr".0"r", o, iro,n HJ;;-m...ttor io rlid phns, spccificarions urd odr".orti JEE{Srffi"r ryr, T:nS cagrrf 9n rhgryundcr when in ,iofdrn' of ifrlEl-i of ooru'7- ) l- o,o Boo- ot?o " FilR HDR Engineering, Inc. , Tounnoftfrdl OFi;lr,h" f;:)pY DRAWING INDEX PROCESS LEGEND .GEIIEBAL G-J G-4 COVER SHEET VCINNY MAP, LOCATION I{AP. OMWING INDE{. LEGENDS AND GENERAL NO]ES AEBREVIA1IONS ANO SCHEDULES PROCESS SCHEMATIC (---r.T T+<- !- ^ ---1 NlW PIP! LISS TH^N 4- NEW PIPI 4- AND GREA]TR CHECX VALVE H RNTSSED M[C|i^NTA! COUPllr'lG (SIEE! PIPE ONIY) BLIfiID FIANCE VALVE NUMBER Off EOUIP|IEN.i NUYBER loroRrzED valvE DANOL'NON ORIENTATION PLA}{ DEI.|OUNON NITRINCATION CEU.S PLATI DEI,IOLMON SESIIONS (___K/+r_r-u:_:T.'v__:o- AS-1 AIR INTA'G BtCIOSURE Pft)CSSP-l ORIET{TAION PI,ANP-2 BLOWER ROOM PL.A,|.IP-3 SEIICTOR BISIN PTANS AND SECTIONSP-1 NITRINCATION CELIS PI,ANP-5 SECIIONSP-6 SECTIONSP-7 DETAII.SP-E MISCELTANEOUS IUPROVEMENTSP-9 DETAI$ uEct{afltcarV-l BLOWER ROOU I{VAC PLAN .Elrcl&calE-1 LEGEND & ABBREVIAIIONSE-2 AEMNON BASINS ELICIRICAL PLANE-3 BLOWER ROOM ELECIRICAL PLAN€-4 NTTRIFICATION CELIS ELECTRICAL PI,ANE-5 EL.ECTRICA! ONE-UNE OI,AGRAI|SE-6 EECTRICAL SCIIEMATICS r------1.- F-------l-o_:=--+__o- ., 1F7-,-l-----#<_--zi--_----6- _s:;+ '-l I--E:T-I rfr'l-T----t/F- LOCATION MAP ,*'."r (D GENERAL LEGEND DIRECTION Of SECTION INSTRUMENTATION I.IGEND A,ERATION BLOI{ERS PROCESS & INSTRUMENTATION DIAGRAT,' AERATION SfSTEM PROCESS A INSTRUM€NTATION DIAGRA,.4 INSTR UM EI^.'TANON ONE_UNES INSTRUMENTATION DETAII-S & - SECJION NUMETEF ..- SHEFI NO ON WHtCfi SICT|ON tS SHOWN - SHIEI NO FRov wHrCH SICT|ON tS ]AX[N t-5 a - DFTATL NU9BER Ti'il -_ sHtEr No oN wHrcH DfirJ! ts sfiorvN N /zT\./l-\\L/ I o CE|.ITER LINE SPECIFIC NOTLS GENERAL NOTES i) A!! YTCR^ IJ'{DER IHIS CON]FACI sHA!L 8t GOVIRNLD 8Y T.AGLI RIVEP h'AT!F AND S^NNA-IION DISTRIC] S'IANDARDS AND SPICI'ICATICNS AS APPINDID 'OR -IHIs PROJIC'T. 2) ANY XNCV/N SEWERS, WATTF M^INS GAg MAINs. ICLIPI]ONI CONOUNS TLTCTRIC CABLIS, ANC OIHIF UNDiRGROUND LTrlLllIIS ANO STRUCTURIS ^R! SHOV?N ON I'It ORAWINGS ONLY 1O THI EX]IM SUCN INFORSATIOI BAS BEIN MADI AVAIIABL! TO OR OISCOVTRTD 8Y THE TNGINEIR. N IS IXPECTED TItAl THERI UAY BE DISCREPANCIIS ANO OMISSIOiIS IN Tfri Loc^TroN aND ouaNTrlrts ot urlLlilts AND sTRucluRcs sHowN lxls lNfoRMAlroN rs s{owN FoF lHt coNvtNrtNct of lfll coNrRAcroR BLli !s Nol Gu^FAMttD Io Bt EIIHER CORRECI OR COI.IPL.rIT A,ID AlL RESPONSIBI..MY FOR IHT ACCURAgY AND covPLFrENlSS lHER[Or |s IXPFISST.Y DTSCL TMID rrlt coMrMcIoR sxA!! $A(t Sucf] INVESIIGATION AS HIISHE TIiIN(S NICISSARY TO VTR Y 'IHt CORRICTN'gS ^NDCoMDLEIINESS Or Tfr[ UTrlrTrEs S|TOWN J) AlL WORX SBOWN ON THISI DRAWINcS. WnF ',]HL IXCIPT'ON O|Ifit BIOWER lM^X[ wlll 8t INSIDI AN EXISTING BUIIDING r- frl;E- t-I t-F- I E-l- I T-FE- I E- r-" I Vicinity Map, Location Map, Drawing Index, Legends and General Notes t-F- *"." ,*t l-- ^s s"o-., l-DF Engheering, tnc. BJ;s{,f,p,rffi' t;;Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications Eaole River Waler E Serit.tbn t Btrictt**I u-z NFW GATT SCHEDULE: A8 NO 5 INLFT ST VALVE SCHEDULE: TAC NO.DESCRIFTION TY?E srzE oPIRATOF / COMMET{Ts s]',cllo A8-r 8FV 12'ELICTRIC,/THROTTUNG _ RETROfTT El|sNl{G YANIJA VAIVE SUCIION AB-2 BFV TLICTRICAHROTTUNG - RITROFTT U|sNl{G H^NUA VAV€ sucTloii Aa-J aFv 1a'EIICIR|C/IHRoTruNC - RITROfTT ct|snNC MNr,r! V LVE HEAD€R ISOLANON fxtsTrNc - N0 cn NGt D|sCn RGf ^a- r EX|ST}{G - t{0 Cn n6E DISCHARGE AB- 1 E(|SinNC - NO Cr{ NGE HFAINR EOLATION EItsm|G - N0 cMnct DlscrqRct Aa-2 D(SI}{G - NO CIIANGI uscx^acE AB-2 EXSNNG - NO CTUNGE Dl$rtARC€ la-3 o('fl{G - r{0 cH^rct Drscri^Rct A8-!cx|snnc - No cft NGt HEAD€R ISOI TDT{q|sTr{G - No cH n6E fttADER tsol,Aror,r ExtsTrNG - N0 Cr{ll{Gt A8 NO. 5 |SOL TTol{gFv a' AA N0. 4 lsol^Trod BFV A8 NO. 3 ISOLAI|ON aFv a' AB NO. 2 rSOLAlrOt BFV AV- 18 AB NO. 1 lSOLAlloN BFV 12' Nc NO 1 |SOL ltor,l urstr{G - No cHANGt AV-20NC N0. 2 |SOIATTON exsTlNG - No cf{ NoE NC NO. f ISOLAIION EXISTING - NO CIIANGT Av- 22 Nc no. . tsol^TloN EXTSTTNC - NO CTUnGE AV-2J NC NO 5 rSOLArlOri CX|STING - NO Ct{ NGE av- 21 NC NO. 6 |SOLAITON EX'STTNG - NO CRAnGt AV-25 NC NO ? ISOLATTON EXTSIING - NO CH NCT av-26 |c No I rsol^TroN EXTSTTNG - NO Cfl ^Gt AV-27 NO] USED AV-28NO'I USED AV-29 SUCTION AE_5 8rv 12'fLIGFEAE9EIIG av- 30 sucT)or 8FV 20'ElfcrRrc/THROiTUNG DrscHARGt r.S-5 8FV 12'TURNFHM FI OWNTR AV-32 OISCHAFGE AB-5 oDcv 't2' AV-33 DtscriARct A8-4 Brv rt' DrscFrAFcE Aa-.0Dcv 18' av- f5 H!ADEF TSOLATION BFV a' AV- 35 NC HTADER CON]ROL BFV ELTCTRIC/THROJfuNG NC HTADER COI{TRO!8FV 6-EIECTRTC/T|IROTIUNG av-38 Hc^DtR rsoLATror.,r BTY 12 Av-39 HEADEB ISOLATOII 8FV AJ'{ HTADER ISOL-ANON aFv t2' AB NO. 5 COTITROL 8FV e'fLEcIRrcflEqlqlg Av-42 A€ N0. 5 tsoLATroN BFv sE No 5 rsoLAnoN 8FV ^E NO 4 COMIROI 8Fv E-r crRtc4lE9lq!g- aE NO I CO|,ITRoL 8FV cLEcrqIlIlqMG _ E N0. 3 rSoLATtoN 8FV I s8 NO 3 TSOLATTON 8FV ^8 NO r COI{TRoL 8FV 't2 fLtCTRICITHROmJxG AV-!tg AE NO ? CONTROL BFv 12 CLCCTRTC/rnRoTTuNG Dv- 1 DETV^TERINC ISOLATION AA NO. 1 Pt96 tN- 2 i DwATERTNG TSOLATTON a8 n0. 2 PLUG 0v- 3 OEIVATERING TSOLATION AA NO.PLUG DV-,(OEt^TERI{C ISOLATTON Ag N0 PLUG ov- 5OEWATERING TSOLATION AE NO 5 PLUG DV-6 DEWAIERING TSOLANON HW PLUG lJ,t-7 OFWATERING ISOLATION tO€PLUC €OB 'TUsH WAISR PLUC ELICTR|C-OPIN/CLOSE FV- ?IOB FIUSH WATER PLUG ELECTRTC-oPtN/cLost EOE fIUSH WATEF PLUC ABBREVIATIONS AA B 8FV au cuu DDCV DV EOB !OUIP EXP HD JI NC NR5 oc SB sLi UN5T6 AESA'IIO'I BA9IN OR AIRATION 8lOWER AF METER ALOi/ER AUTTEFFLY V^!\€ a r,r CL[^R^NCT co+JcRm lasoxRY uNfl OOUBIT DOOF CHECX VAIVE OEWATIRING VAIVT ELEVATION touruzATtoN E{srN €OUIPI,IEM txP^nsroN FLOII ELEVIM HE}D HANO WHEIL HT}DWORKS JOINI lOW PRESSURI AJR MOIORIZID VA!V' OPERATOR MIXER NITRIFTCATION CELL NON POTAELI WATER NON RISING :;TET' ON CTNITRS st-Ltc1oF 84stN SPACING slarNLtss SlttL SLAIING SUI,IP urrslaTrN6 VfFTICAL . DOWNWARD ACTN&. t- lE- l- i-I-- I t-tr- i r- l* E-ri;- I Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications t-t-r-I U^RCB ?Ooor=;---:=:::-- l,f"iltS,.l't Abbreviations HDR Enghaering, fr.l*-^tUe^* Ftvd wetlr t sarirstion t stnct rFF -l l.-!!:lJ [at!u E]+2--r^frr ir&'!rlL*--vFfiF+- ii *:z*r | - i -t{r--r' __l @; it--_-I I t^\,-tJtr -i-L 1/r '---- rEs-l I t^Fl i I *i+r-.' r,* -T I,,, I ; 16r TMAXEA If- "1tr -, V Tii_5-1 | t ffil -r .r '--:-" I' I i*r Rl lil t2o' I r_i:t- t-,.-:.-t -"_'---1tr--T'-I U.-':r-il i rl=tr | 4i L*---17p51-1-- | I'rrlt | , trv-t I te-rt I _ |-T_ rilirtt;.l'l t_:'rlrl tli -r-{FlI ltg, ----rF-| L-l!:l!J I i I I i I I i | | ,lrrntrrc ro.l| | caJ- r€. 5 r,. T-----| | f^r=i]L -i-t- -;,tF .".-- I I _a't_ I i||ffincrT|or{c€[ r€. 1 {ttRrftc loi{ c€Lr No. c NFR|F}CATIONce-r No. 7llI I-F:]il r--=:-l I lav-ro,\ | - I I r +.-1rr-r-\r- T-- r fl Frr=l l-::-$r.-- | i i .-"r:-- lrrs-;llL=:.i.:J , I A n- Lrj: I I -'--T :'lr I MrEfrc^T|orca! t|o. a l-^a-:Fl MTRNCATIo.{cErr No, I Tii=-l TT-i T|i;ii] AERAIIoIT BASt NO. r ITfi] L-SJ-J T^J:l AERATTOfi B^S|N r{O. 2 fT:fut ':l I rrJ , ri: I iI L-----.rtXlSIlNG IN]AK! Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications ^Va^* Flivq wator a slritlrbo tjisrricr t-' 2ooo l* t-- - - I -r.rr*- - I a^sN ; No5 -Te-- / r "-^-;tYr........- -r .-l !- 1' - ----lS rc:o '.1 | liF::tl T^n:in ARA]lo+r Bs|N nO. J AAAfx)n 8 9X N0. ,{ @ T';;i-l fFn I M.5t I.T=n t!-rl I N:nl AERAIIoti BAS|N rro. 5 L r:fi:T'l F:in l'DR Enfine€rhg, hc. tffi- F-""" lo rsrrctn F-7'E'- lc ,, s!r* I E_lE- t- t-t.l-- I t--l-tt*u RcH 2OO0 t*-No sc^L! Ll!:ilJtir t'r+-{tF -----r T I i |- I I Ir- I i It- I I I I [ .rr-",o"I ETSNi No. s .f- Process Schematic ll1 ll fi /-\Yy illll ili i--Bii iliii",*ffi in 2 /'t rl1/'t i 1 ii - :.j 'l i. ,' llt :r \\--.--"' ;; r'ArER^ls x^'{rFo!Ds ^ND suPPoRrs BURN B o< ;nNG lrcHr srR,NG ^s NEcEss^Fr r(x i t iiill "rg9l il i lil4ofi. 7, / 'l ^NcnoR Bolrs D{To co}icnElE ^ND 6Rour ssoorx t l*iffi"Flfl* lrcHT STRTNG ^s NEcEss^Rr r(x | |' 'tt ilill "o*-,lr: i*1 K,,-4) | i: ',tor.lg sn*-"r"#!p+'*"" ra*-.Jii * * * ;i iiiii i:i i4 *P^at " ii \r I lix-- -' ---- -' - -- li iirr iir--: ri tt191;911 ' -';iin ff+--Y--,#;: ;'ic-,n{.;r (;)rs ffi d e M ir ,liii il i 11, z o,-6n9t ii '.-./ i;il* - ** ,* * *. ;r \i):: it '- :tt 2 Y 1 t., lT::::'::::-1-*;-:' Bi#*SF*l-ffii-.i**"* i ii it'-;'fr,'{m.*B 'l!RLxovLcoNDUI1ltx^l}lAl'oNEt'|NNu.JuLwAltHln$||l||||;||-/).||'' PUyP FROV cENrtR cH NNEL RElocATt To oWRHtaD lvnB r | ,t,ii i 'q| ;li T:\18) tl \:/rHt AppRoxlr.ATI Rourric sHowN I r ilill i.!=-h, I llt *1.-,:..1 - RTMOVE rr-8 fAN AND 'SSOCIATEo C0N0UI1 ^r{O WrRrNc v PUyP FRoV CENTTR CH NNEL REIOCATI TO OWRHTAD lVnB REIOCATE F^N PER OR^WI G I'-1 THE APPROXII'AIE ROUTIIiC SHOIIN l:lll ll ij \ L-iliri' ili iii o Lr iin n n ir ,-,'\ 'r,r'lr iii ,!i ,, ..I (r|!i lli ili iil rr rl W,ffir tllfr 7ffiHffiV+ +l+ ,,,1 - lii i ilrri;riiiiitii ^.o= "'o-." i i li, iiil *","' i *-, il t ii il i1 f_)) \j-l \:/ | ,ll ,r - (' li'i tl l: rt,,1ii,rtiL il, l foR torjrL12aTroN BAsrN oEvo BtLor{ stt sHtEr F-8 l I t-L ri --) ^ l-t ,, a> ^{,}- rl €=' lll lr €.- 1r* <-r ,l - .--r , l - <-? | tl BAsrN No ! l]l ll i -r-:.=- iii ll lt ' I F=l ill - ,.:\ ll aAsrN No. s !. ili'i B\Sr^ N0 lI A t'!: --,-,-J=i ill t, \i5: I iii' -\ll ,t I ttrlr I I lit / .;,r I'it/,&/Hq/ =-.t'L-_---__i-_-_-_-_---_- - -_-) .,, ll lrrrf l-:t-l*- I t-l-- I l--tr- I r l-b, t" Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications Demolition Orientation Plan l=t "** r*. lAl-DR Encin€Brhg, klc.^'/fre"* Rivor waror e ss.irqtira DisFbt 2ooo l* t/E - 1-o' .CEMEAL-.NO]ES a. sEE spEctFtc4rtoNs roR stouENctNc. SPaclltc Nolrsl "CREUO€ sXa REDuCSR ANo 4' P|PE FOR NtW PrPrNC. REUWE '' AR PIPE, cAP 614 IEE- REtrovt Exrs?rilc OTFFUSIR GR|DS rN gOTT(x of NtIRrFtCAtlON C€LIS ||^lCtUDlr.|G LATERAIS. ! '{FOrIrS ^}lD suPPoRTS. Giot,I ANy ^.tr.!rcED cor,rciclL sraoolH wll]i r{x-sHilr|( 6RouL suR|{ Attr A|cHoRgolTs r{to co{cRErf aD cRoul tiolEs. C P lr5 tE! Al 6' DROP tIG. t,tJ"'lT tr ll lll\9.{iii 1l lr llr-or ii ii cf,u No. s fi rl ;lF-r f-l l- I -l I j-!r ll J-l i- t- -J--l l1 L------Ji,i--1;i t l\ _ -.t'_ :l-------'r I L_ =-r.c.+l -1.})* .-_r ctl.o. 2 ,-r (- e/.4Y CELL NO L F 1 _-----_.,] ------t -j Fl -r n LI LF.i r- 5:== :::r : r ==: == = : : : - : - ------==: - __-=====__n--- l1 l1 l1tr *z_.(}=- ll - '-' l1l1 ctu ro': l1 l1 l1 l1lr___h--- Jr lll-:) iii:; ill\\*###+ iidJil tiiiiiiliijliii -,|*7rffi.* iPc I : "*=aa4,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r--J- -'l I _J r-. <-"<'\'f CELL NO. J-J CtLL NO 4 a--.. t- <-<4 r cttt No /1\ | t lt I O-l I I r I Il-E 1 rl ,l t- t* 1". ,. *ro,, lD oasdc€n I I Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications t-| - T- ll'-tl t- .*." r"*- l--J/t6' . ,-o'F- Demolition Nitrification Cells Plan FDA EndneeriE, hc.--E'V e"* Rivcr Wsior A Sarfittron Diltict .G!!t3AJ.-!On: a. sct sP€ctfrcar|oNs Fon sEouENctNc. <PFC|F|C itOlFS ( 1)Gswt 6x4 REDUCEF ^ND 4' PIPE roR N[w PtPtNG. ( 2 ) C^P 6r! IEE ( 3 )R€rlOvE fxEn{c DTF USER CRIDS rN BOnO{ Orv NnRfiCAItOn crlJl r{cruolNc LAlfRAtS. r.AroFotl6 I'tD SUPPORIS. GiOUT ANY OATAGED CONCREIE. st @T8 wfiH NON-SHRL|( CROUT. EURN anr ^'{C|{ORgotrs $ro coNcRclE ^nD oRotn Holls- L---r u---.t L_Jr--) -----1 t---- --T r-----t r------1 l------r a---- --'t t-----l Tlt | il lt ll ll llII I SUPPOFI fOR gEOIA ABOVE. I iir /Jil)\ ._. i-.\ iii I I llr i | ..1i.,. l' ,':--_----j-. I\, il: rI ii:-l--r--,: 'i:/i' ')r-+"-lii r Fii i F-r--=-== i li-I Hii-; ; r---- --r i iil ?.' saNnolr_' I lili il i i i iilio,'rt-, [3i,Ti:':,"\ iiil];l' .-""-jl:ili'. *-lrliii r15-'"""'\iiiililiirilill|itl-i-+-.1- l--l-.lltl rfii ; l, ,i i ht-rir# l' ,l 3ri---r itl-;-+.1--*:i i i. ll: *-:.t--..\jr) ar) ili ,, t) i :| !-- ->*-xjj'!-- -'!: -- ) c.LL No.4 I a7-+=-€,ffi-,r-T=:'-_:=-\:i | | ii, ---17''i | -'i-------I-r. rlr I t-16- t-rF;-- Ilr |.tl]loi Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications l--;c" r"* i: ^s s,o-. oNt PER Ct!! F_ t- I t-T-F_ I l-- I -^E^V e"* Rivs warct ! s|'ihtbn Disrrior fDR Enfireori1g" hc.t* .tur.lrNuu GRAVIL SIOP E|FS W|TH \r AIS]HETTC ,rOtr.tTS,si sHowN MEI]BR^NI ROOFINO rirTr coNcREr! PAVER 8^tL sT (a^u-.sr ]/2. ROO' UNDIRLAYSI|{T 5/8- ROOr SHcAT|{N6 NOI SHOWN) 'C ANODIZEO ALUurNUrr CR^V& SrOP WR^P ROOF UEVBRANT OVER EOGE Or RmF TO EOTTotl Or I r,{ 2xr wOOD SIUDS 3 1/2' BAn TNSUL TTON't/2'A/C l^Ct ErrlR|oR GR^D[ PLYIIOOD - P'JMI coNnNuotrS ANODTZED Alt r.rNur SURFaCI rour'rTED cothtfER FI.ASH|NG -5/A' B/C t^Ca ErIERTOR GR^D[ PIYWOOD W II SHEATHING 12' EATT INSUUITON CllJLX IOP W^TEFnGlfr 4' 8FSNEW ROOT DR^IN 2 ROO| JO6rS ?!12 HE^DER UNTE! NEW r.dOOtZED AUSINUM BOTTOM DRIP FIAHING ANOOIZED AUMINUVI'lE|t' gEVBR i'lE ROOnNG ArR |NTMI ttlTER Ar{D OUCI 4- nFS W,/CONCRM P^VER A{LASI ^ROUND ETTNI AR€A Of NEW ROOFNG wrTHN THI SIRUOURT COU'IIfRILASnING rgP OF INSUIAr|oN - +2'^LuM. oRrP 0 SoTTo! or ars Ntw/fxFnNG RooF l!-tN oPER ROOF UANUF SI^NOARD DTTAL NEW STUO tfA.L SIRUCTURI AlUMrNUr.l CR vf,t SIOP ... H^RDEOARD PECSOARD - P^'NI JATB AT RTTURN cxrsTrNc rNsutAtroN [rFs |{lrH v' ATSTXFTTC JOrirTS a5 580WN 6o ,,-\ - -----J-i:---l = L-rs:l-lI L-A:.!J 2r4 BOl'To|r PTATE ANCHOREo tO EXISTTNG CONCREII OOUBLT IIE coNcRfrt oouBLI ret ro -0" sc-.,t_f: t/a- = 1--0- ROOF PLAN SCArt. t/4'- 1--0',ltJof Pto"'O€ fto5rcrROOF UNDERI-AY EM ACCIP]ABLI IO ROOT MANUFACTURTR A,/C IXTfRIOR GRADE PIYWOOO ROOF SHI1TIIINC AI.IOOIZED AIUMINUM TRAVEL S]OP 2x12 SoLID w00D BLOCXTNG O PtRrMfttR 2 2,a IOP PLIJI 2,. STVDS o 10_ OC 3 1/2- UNFACED EATi |NSUL,,.T|ON 5/B' B/C 'XIERIOR CRADT PLYWOOD SHEAT']INC !/1'Etfs 1/2_ 8/C IXTIRTOR CRADT PiYWOOD - PaI'rT I/2- ROOF UNOIRLAYVIM ACCEPITAIT TO ROOI M^NUFACIURIR 5/8'B./C tntRlOR GRADT PL\'WOOD ROOF SHIATHING 5/8. B/C IXTIRIOR GRAOi PIYVTOOD SHEATHING f,/1' rrs r/2' 8/C trnRrofr GRADT PIYWOOD - PAIM 2112 ROOr JOTSIS O 12' OC I?- UNIACD €IAT] INSULATION 1/4' HARDBOARD PEGBOARD I 2112 HE OTR Al OPINTNG ANODIZID AIUMTNUTJ DR1P Ai BoTlOv Of trrs ANODIZED A!U|rINUV COUiITIFFL,!5IIING cur oLn tx|slrNc RoonNc aND rNsutarroN a-r ptNrHoust aRLl aND AS RTOUIRTD AROI]ND PEN'IHOUST II/AILS TC PROPTRIY FIAsH IMO txrslrNc PRtcAS coNcRfit oouBLt ltt Roor slRucrrrRt Na$ ROOI |NSU!{T|ONN'\^ }.{TMBRANi ROOFTNC -TO MA]CH TXIS'IINC BOTTOy PL rt ANIHORID lO exrS]rNG pRtCASt CONCRITI DCUB!! PROVIDT'IAPTRID INSULATION TRANSIION IN CIPENING A5 sH5V,/N Nf\I' INSUL ]ION IO MATCH EXtSITNC IxtsTrNG rNsurA]t0N PROVIDi NTYY TO IXISTING ROOT TIE-IN AROUND PERI*ITEF Of STRUCTTJR! iN ^ccoRD^Nct wJtE RoortNG YANUTAOURERS OFT^ILS =t- I t--tr- I I i I l--"- I l" *oso" Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications t-I M^RCri ?ooo zooo l: ,s s"o*-- SOrtE: 1/{' r 1--O' 2rl? SOLID woOD BRToGING O MIDSPAN 2112 ROOr JOI$S g 1?_ OC 12'UNTACD EATI INSULAI ION 1/'. MRDAOARD PTGEOARD. P^I|'T NIW ROOT INSULATICN NEw UEgBF(ANI ROO|rN6 IC MAlCfr txrslrNG SCt{-t: l/a" = r'--0' HDF Enginearng, lnc.t*"'\ /{-'t' --t----./ Eara Rivcr Water & Saritation Dstbt cllilAl_.lari A A] 2? locrTroNs rN AfR^TtoN 8A5|NS paTCH CONCRFI!. 22 SOUART FEFT TOTAJ- PATCH WORX. REPAIF ]O INCI.UO' CHIPPTNG OL'T LOOS! CONCRFTE: CHIP CONCRETf EACk PASI FIRS' LAYER OF REEI^R: ^NO GROI'IING B{CX HOlt W1TH NON-SHRINX GRO![. .D u)o a.)6o t? ( 6,) (e/ @ (11)coNNtcr prpt To owNfR tuRNrsHED suBr,,rERsrBLtv oEwATtRTNG puvp. DrscH^RGt To tNcLUot EoLAI|oN PLUG VA!V[ AUr NO CHtCx V^LV[. REPIACI fXrSIlNC.' vfRItc^L PrPf r\,tT|l 6-. 6:l "oun e' su rN cH^r{NtL To EouarzAlroN BAsrN ANo!J CRN UNTT INLEI. SLOPE |LOOR TO OII'ATTAING PUMP. SIE DEIAIL 4/P-?, PROMDT RTSIR^NED OResSlR COUPLITTC PER DFTAIL 2/P-9. (ls)Ror-trE NEw ^rR HEADIR rN s Mt localroN as ExrsIrNG. rNs-IAL! NEW D|TFUSER SYSTET,T rN 8AS|N. tNst^!! sEpAa^T! ITFTUSER Sysrtr tN SELECToR BASIN, DROP P|Pt TOR ^IRANON B^SIN. CIYPICA) t6't 12' REDT C€R, PROVIOE PTI{EIRATION THROUGH DOUBI.E T!! co|cRrrE cLoslrRE mcE. No sE L R€ourRED. r6-!E' REDUCER. sE! DrTAI 4/P-9 FOf; NEW FLOW SPLn. oPINTNGS 10 EOUAUZATTON B^S|NS. NOI USEO DO PROEE r.Ourfl PtR oErArL ?/P-7. = I t- I i Httr-l @ AERATION BrSrN NO. 1 1:l 6.)*-a' AgRA]ION EASrN NO 2 /T\\t-l 6' SU (rYF )q tL. E,-.67 6' SU {lYP )q EL. E7.b7 ROTATE tXISTINST€i & VAW I tsc I ff li_____ _-_l -l "1 i-t- I Ii-fF- i* l-- I T- tb I l-- I Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications ^tU e"X Rivs ware. E sEdtstbn DiEtrbr tr "*.- ,"* -2ooo iE- 1^- - r'-d F"Fi)F Enfin€erhg, Inc.l* s!! P-f, roF TN|AFGIO PLAN 6- SU (TYP )q tr a757 l--:--------------:-:i-------------:----::::-:--:------L----:l:=======Jli f;---_--il..'1=''--:o:--ffi'=-==-l-:-:"- ll II'l rr \ral i,. -:-ili rr H rR I I zu]/ lll, Il ,' 'r -{,h |l / f? | ;rF/ lla | .. r ., rf.-sEr sHEFr p_4 ", rrJ .9,1 r;tll I R,I-l-'') ll 1 j l, FoR coMrNUAroN '4@rrl lil fF:-;t*r i :,rrlr 'll IIT:frE-:itst-- -iri iti _ ll :l^8-2.Ff+iii-lril Iilll A ,t.i I liit iilij iiii ,(. f i' - ' ii ll-;i}-.1 iiii aq | | ll - !i"-rtr t_t-.rY | | 'l trii iii -l--iil @i I i ll 'il ,.,sHEETp-4,oR iit@+rJ i F.g 9f ll ....----t.,, ii ,lR$t*t,ftE'$; T:#^, iir'i-tfi iillliliii:l !I-' ii ##lffi-$ r! rlrr ri+ ililiil | '.., rr ;giiti I il ir ;' rlr : ;l; I l'f-1-3E::J __Il_____--Jllt l | :t, h I;; #----l--if,-------[- rf --------lr;; #.--:--6----liJl* rr--------]lriiIe$]ffi=TT,ell ,i, lll-l lil" 1-'i '-l,l'tl/lr -r iil I ili L' ii llT'r- ili I iii I 'n ri[r' 'i, | ::l Iir ili i lir I ll rr i!l i!,:,r,lr:, | 'J-:.--i:- -:-] | : rl; .fl] - -.1- -- rl--ll-- . r,l 'lr 1l 1l ;l lrii:ix,'-Jjl-i+{l iii i ri ll ---- - ----f]lt - Ir,,il lt., sEt 'HEET P-E FoR il ilIMPROVIVEMS TO ll I I tOlJAtlZarrON BasrNs EtLow ll rr l| ,, F,*", ll ..qrrrr,,r,,rrll -eEE .+:+et | -$r'l n Ll i.'',t::= =E==C' --: ,, -rr- r(\ l.Jt- -I.r4y'lr ..-rr:==E1 =: ==== {' ^\ -..y; ?a'.!.,...</.) ,. = -# -=== -- -=-Sq-kFY:16";.?'2 '',,===-'==itffi*-ffiii ie;,ffiIi''.-s, -\.tr"ffir; Orientation i:i lfA-!:nlllt l-----11iE i--i-1-r-,Lrt1"l ' I r--.rJ f-i!t=F\ r_l F-r\ l/i lTi -4l---!---'+-,Fi---f - tjr-jl .rti-----s-.'r- 'c.fAra- r l:-::---1 IAV-f]l - stlEEAr_lout 1 PROVDE ?' GE OAIVANIZED SIICL PIRFORATTD SOuND amNuATroN P^NEIS lN lnE ELOWER ROOg SlslLAR T0 €C(E! INDUSTRIES INC. MODEL "IFP' P^NTLS SHALL B[ J0.r95., SHAL! HA!'t MANUFACTURERS S]ANDARD WHITI PAlr'nm FlNlSfl, SH^II H vt ,4ANUFACIURERS STANDARD 2" TH|CX ACOU$|CAL INSULATTON aNo SfI LL B! PFOVIDED IVITH AI-L NTCESS^FT RANG€RS, HARDWARE AND TASTENERS FOR lNs.Ir,l-l T|ON rcs NOTED PROMDI stMyur 2' CLLAR S1^r{0OrT AT WAI r.oUr{IED P^r{tr.s. coLrNc P^NEIS sR^u Br loutrrED ro BoTros of rXI'ING PREC^ST CONCRETT DOUELT TEE ROOF srRUcTuRE. PROVTDI 20 CEltlNC sOUtfif,D PANEIS ANo :lo wa! MounlTED PANEIS. INSIAI! P^'{EI-S lN LOCAIIO{S AS DIRECTED BY ENGINCER. 5erclBC__Ulltl f 'tlT: il il i! iI -l r- I m6:a t''(1) (, G) \./ \5/ \6/ \, G) \l-) (Do PRC^/IDE PENETRATPNS FDF TXISI|NG APES (')- N€ EXSNNG 3,/1.^'R LDIES IMTO NEW XE^DER IN aDonDN to ExtsTtNG lrt-tNs. PROVTOE |sO|AlrON B^!L VA\€S ON EACH TIE-IN. 'IE INTO IXISTING HEADER BEIOW WfIH A 12' If,t. FETEL! JOIM |URNISHED 8T O{NER. NEVi yONOFI^,L IOUTPMEM P^D PIR OSTAL 5/P-7. LOCATE VTAII- SO IHAT ELOCX GOES ACANST IAST SIDE OF DOUALT IEE ItG- Trt Nrvr oscftaRct lNlo EXTSIING t5' PtPe. PROVDT Fltx|aLT JOIM ON BIO\YER TOR INLFI AND OI'TLET coN{EcIroNs. Ttt NEW I' SUCr|ON rMro EXtgtNG 16" HSADER. RESTRANED ORESSER COUPLING PER DTINT 2/P-9, I -lr'.t 2 -9 3/4' 12'LPr .1 I r.Jr** TI acTtvt LtAt- -T c/l tL 1o312 I I -'r'T 1 l1 lr ,. ------J L__ 1"1 rl F_ I l-- E-T- - t* t4 lh,ti-'i- t-l lm- ru-Fa- lc;- rF-- I Vail WWTP Aeration System Modificationsl--ll--lt-t r scr\[. 1/a- - 1-0- Blower Room Plan HDR Enrircering, nc. lF- |c-\5 et* Rivor wster E saritEtbn ctsrbt 1 -0- 1 -O' 1 -0' 1 -0- sPtcrFrc Nolls: *5 OOWILS ORILL AND EPOXY GROUT 9'INTO IXISIING CONCR'rI (TYP.) WITH INA ADHISIVI ANCHOR CAFTRIDGES. l,/,1' s-s €xPANsroN ^NCHOR ONt ON IACH SlDt Of Fi-aNGL oN GrGE Of n/8. ||rN. Ot 5' FRO|4 w Lt tact- cHrP otn 8E/a| POCI(EI FOR VIXER SUPPORT BEArl. ANCHOR PEF SPECIFIC NOTT 2 GU^RDRA|! PEF OE'TAIL t/P-9, TTRITTNAT! EXGTING GUMDRAIL AT CORiIER ON NCW GU^RDR^IL TNSIA! NEIY POSI. |'tcHoR aNc!f, ro coNcRfrE w tt wlTH 3/4'r ss. EXP^}r9ON ATCHORS AT b" 0.C. IVEIR PIA]! SEE DEIATL 5/P-7. uP t5 B^RS ^RCNJriD CORNER IHREf Fr. EACB w t. ROUGHEN EIISIING CONCRT'! ^T JOIM WIIH NEI{ CO|rCREIE, pRovlDt coATtNG oN I,ITERrOR 0F SE![C[OR BASTN warrs PER SECTTON 09850. STLICTOR BASIN NO. 3 PLAN SC{E:1/.'-l-O_ SILECTOR BASIN NO. 5 PLAN SC-a,LE: 1/a'- 1-0' ') -ttlPl t- trt I I 1=- I r-l-_ I i- I ffi-ru- tEi6=-- 1.. ,,.r".* l Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications | ,.'*"tor Basin Ir -- l.;=-E-I r.ARcH 2000 | ^. Plans and Sections t-lE-i]=-tt- e o o (.)(t oL6"6"1/'' 1 -0' 1 -O' r'-O- 1 -0' 1 -0- i;;; x; --\- /s c. i:- r.w CII{TIF IN WALL : -B'I i: -c- i2 -0'' r2 -0"; 12 -o llllrll 2 -o'i 2 -L t i -o't2 -t'" l; SCALI: i,/{'- 1-0'scalE 1/.'' 1-0_ I'DB Enlinesrhg, hc.^tU a^A. Rivsr warcr t saritsti]n Dstrict zooo l-,7i; = ' -o'rF*-r <2 ) (r) (, 6il(') (8) \, @ o !$r8at-l!9Itl A SEE SHEIT D-f FOR A TYPICA! SECTION THRCTUGH NITRjFTCIT|ON CCLLS. sercfjc-loEs fl tnst^r-r Nrw DrfrusER GR,D sysrEu rN NtrRrFrcrrclNv ctus sEt stcroN l/o-J FoF clf^R^rcEs a0 ccEss l|e-hno cxrsturc a'LPa A' r 5' RIDUCIR 5'r.'REIUCER. RE$O€ AAIO REPLACT DOUBLI MODU|JAR YTAI SEAI O'I6' DRAN UNE. GROUr ON rH! WFr SrD!. (TfiCr! OF t) DO PROBI I'OUM PER DFI^IL 3/P-7, 12' \€Nr. ItPtC^_ 2.- r,rANW t, TYP|CA!. REI1OW ^nD Rtpract DOUSLI UODULAF Sr rt SlA ONt5- TNFLUIM. GROLn ON THE r{€Sr s|Dt. (TYPIC4L Ot E) RtMOVt AND RtplACt DOUBLI T4ODU!^F W !t SgA ON.- alR L|NE. GROU ON tHE vrE SloE (TYPICAI- Ot 3) LfvtL txrstNc flaERcLrss wErRs ANo PROvlOt RAM-NEK OF TOUA TIPT ST TANI BETWETN WEIR AND IVALL. SLOTS IN Y'EIR |r Y NEED IO BE ENLARGEO FOi PROPER LEVEIIiIG. Il-t* rt rl r- --t r_-l r-----'l L_l i tL tL.lt-,--ri--J F --l - -LJ- --r-.r- --.i-J-t * -,, - iirlllrl I L_ I t/I \\\\ | /l I ll L______Jr-2,--s--r L-$-.'l--Jl--------r L F Il-JI i:l H - L-I Ll--l r =I r-lE- t* i I .- -'t I HDR Enginooring, hc. L-___------..)L - --tL- --r AIRA'IION BASIN NO 1--t- I I t- l__ t-l-- I -Tl CN rT! r-- Tr cEtt ro. r o ,-. tr orP.)( E X ;..:l-'+; crrP.) Fts ..+ It*+tl ++'1 -+t1 / | +- -1 11 f.t.- lr*. l\ o II I z-rt---..-\) I I I Iln,----l) o o ii 11I liitir| --i; -r r:! /L * r.lrl {+/ t,iii 11) Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications ^'Jy'** Rive( wster & s.dlstio.r ctretrbt :tril h-- --lii Tr------------j--r-l r -l+ -.iril'|1"lrl't'' lJ h ctLl No. l-- "^* r.* 2oo0 l* !/16' $,?-"P-#at s9lImc-.Nors ( 1)DrFFustR MANUTACTURIR RgsPoNslB[fi BEGTNS al\J THIS EIEVATION. 15' ' 12' REDUCER. DRESSIR COUPLING (EXISfING), t6- r 12- REDUCTNG E|-8OW. 12- t 8' Rf,OUCgR. l5' r a' RtolrclR. RESIRA'NID DRESSER COUPUNG DEIAII- 2/P-9- ci!-s-rc+-ffi+ ltfvAlroN) Li---t,--- -!l*++-!-rt-t* .,1i-ffi+-i tLwAlroN) stcTroN /;\-*.r-fE--E t- I l---tr- I r- I I y sn r.an^ri rc H aaff lc n aarN lP o€fitt lD Brs*cfF lc |{rgl Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications fDR Enfin€€rhg, hc.1t*ll F- *"*.,*r- l'E ^s s,..o-, - 5 ::::::.-::::-:::.::.::f- -!- - -J - - ---I 1 12. LPA )-=. , --.1 .-tl I t I--t *l l J- I T l I .lll!- rL Broo $ V gt* Rive. wate( E ssriratbn DiEtrict /:\\:J r---rT- - -rT ---1 T;- -r T- sPFCtFra NOTTS. +r"-ri REsTR^rN€o DRESSER couPLrNc PER oflAl! 2/P-9. SEt SHEfl AS-1 FOR ltflax[ ENCLOSURT TLEXIBLE JOt.rI. SLOWER INTAXT FILTER./SILTNCIR, loP of cvu w tL. PROVTDE NEV/ t' CMU Wr.Ll FROV 'LOoR 10 SOTTOT Or STRUSTURI AaOr'E. PROVTDI HORIzOTJTA! JoMt RcDTFORCING ar 'r5- o.c. SiraRTrNc 8'^gcitr tHa FLooR L,ilE. cuu ro 8t NORra , {HEAVT) WEToHT UNnS CONFORTI|{G rO ASrs Cao Ttpt r . PR('DE iyPE 'S rOf,lAR CClNfCrRvtNG lO ASIg Cz?O P^rt{r ctu Io v TcH ExrsnNG. 6. LP^fi ".moe 4'.r1l.'ro-a- c,av. srEll arroL! war suPPgRIv^l Top or wai oN ttsr SrDt. ^Llorr 1/2' sP^cE BtrwtIN TOPof WALL ANo BOTTO* Or s]RUctURE. r|t! sP^ct wlTX couPREssBE nutR AND SCA WnH POLYUR'TI{ Nt S0rlL R rO lAUa{O -WLKErr' 116. (i\."o"or B'cMU BoND B[a LrNrE! w/ 2- ,5 B^Rs aND soLrDv cRolJn Ftu AsovE DooR opENrNc LTMTEL ro Bt^R a' oN trc8 srDt or oPExrNG. (l ""*tor rwo paR or J-0'ri-2"1 f,/.' souNDlgss TNSuLATEDV AIUMINUM DOORS WIIH AU|IINUU FR^M!, DOORS TO BE S|SILAR TO XAIVNE'R FTUSHLTTTE TNTR^NCES OR APPROVEO IOUAL. DOORS sH r rt vf 0.052 rNcH Tr{c( tuBosstD rrct sHEfrS w/ ?.5 L6/CU Fl FOAI' rN Pt Ct UREIh Nt INSULATTON. PROVIDE FUL! HETGHI r rUL! wloTri I 0.125 tNctl HARDBO^RD B^CXCR ON fact oF taor oooR. FtNtsH sH !L BI CLf.^R ANoDIZEo. PROVIOT MANUFACTURTR.S SID. FRA}.{T WTTH MINIITU9 OT f, I'ASONRY JA'.IB ANCHORS PER JAUB TFUMI FINISH IO U^TCH OOORS. DOORS SHAI-L Bt IANDEu vOuf'tTED lN THE FRATI (ONT ON IOP OT ANO'IHER,) PROVIO! CONCEAID a-roMAirc DooR BorTo! oN Eacft 00oR r4our''rED rN lH! TOP PORTION OF IHT TR$4E SUCit THAT THE DOOR AONOM WHIN ACTUATEO WILL SEAL AGAINST THT TOP SURFACT OF THE SOTIOV DOORS 'IELD VTRITY ACTUAI HEIGXT OT OOORS. AND DOOR [IFR. MAY A'I IT'S OFTION PROVIDE OTHER SIZE(HEIGf COMBINATIONS IIOWI\GR IIOT MORE ]HAN 2 OOOR HercHTS WrL! 8E ACCEPTED. IOP LTAFS lO Bt Cln OUI FOfi uoNoRAlL BEAL/ PINFTRAT|ON. VtRtft Stzl. PROFILI AND LocATtoN StaL aRouND MONORaTL w/ 1/4'IH|CX NIOPRENI TO FN T|GHT TO BT }T ANO VOUIITED TO DOOF IN ALUIINU! RCCtPTOR. (10 ) HARDWARI FOR NTw DOORS]v 6 pR r'rNcts slANLai FBBIgg ! . l/2 r a \/2- | 630 1 PR SURF^CE EOLTS 2 t^ SPRTNG aCTrVAttD SIANLEY /1055 (tNCASt CHAIN lN cRArN EOLTS w/ rltXIBL[ CLIIR POLY'I|{YL€NE 96' Cfr lN TUETNG FIJIL LEN6I8 - gOUMT ON UPP'R DOORS) fE bl 1 l^B- I SECTION /Ntffi;Z=a'-" -E loP or yoNoRArL !L r 02.a6 r- --P 'rE rli, ct- - -, -T SOUND SE^!S WTATHIR STRIPPING 4 aLtlouanc 000Faorrous (oNt aoTroM oN E^CH DOOR). t SURFACE BOITS REESI i 79? ON HIAD OF UPPER DOORS & JAVBS Oi ALL OOORS. REtsa 92C EAC|' Lt^t al MErITNC tocEg Or rHi DOORS Rttsl fJTr - MorJM CLYr,rN - JOHNSON 1631'1632 r 626 PROVTDI 1 BOL] IACH Al 8OT]OMor LowtR DooRs a rD 10 BoLTs IACH AI ]OP Of UPPER DOC'RS. IOIIIF BOLTS IO ENGAGI PL,A'[ IN ILOOR ^ND UPPER BOLTS TO ENGAGE socxo MourfTID oN rAct or UPPTR DOORStvES/6ro?-5!630 PROIIDI THRIJ BOITS. 2 T^ PULIS o @ o @ F-- tXlsllN6 I clu wAlL I 6l)w",., cnounEl wrDTH pRroR To cAIt sHop DRA*TNGU SUBY|T.IAL f-----l d] "*oror opENrNc tN GRATTNc roR opERaIoR Nlnx $) cno.n tr aNY oPtNiNc BfIwi[N wAlL atl! iiArra-f*;;l__I I I It t-lr I t- t-t-16r-l- Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications t-MARCH 2OOO l'OB Engineoring, Inc.IE- F;_lt* 6,iJi. q .t ,o'.roa-..r-jj7I---'i" t**\5u* Rivs waror E s$itrti tlstricr zooo l* As s*owN Sections !l 1/4' , 2" ssr B^R SIOCX BEM TO FORV RET. HOOP EXI9TINC NITRIFICAIION grstN wAL! 1/a' r 2' SS1 AAR SIOCX BENT IO FORU RTT, HOOP PLACC AT 3 -o' O.C. ALONG AIGLE 1/2' r ?' ss,I BAA SIOCX 1/2' 1l1tCK | -9' SOUARE SI I 2' t 2' , 1/a' Sg1 D.O. SENSOR CNRRER PIPI Plltf BolM Io €POrr GRolmDssr ^NcHoF B0tT5(.{ PER P!^TE)r/2' r 2' Sgl BAR STOCX ATTACH ANGL! cor! lo ulN. OF ENRA CAALI ON HOSt RACK ATTAcftED To GUARDRA'T TO GUARD R^IL Fu$rGE CN r 1/2' PVC CAEL! CARRITR S|FE l?,J,5,*5f-"-- SUPPOFT BRACKFI /14 012't SEf NOTE A 6" LEG (TrP) SECTION /;\*---E *< aND 12'lrP Plact vfRTtca! LfG IN 3/4-C DRILLED HOLI FILITD w,/ NoN-SBRI x GROL'I 5?tt!I!t-r!olE5 fi).roc* *-ur" oul 2 rNcHas ll.! ARouNo !orE!, A PROVIDI AN ADDTT'ONAI LAYTF OT,4 AI 1?'TA'H WAY WIIH 1 1/2. CLEAR ToP AND BoTToM TOR IACH E. ADDITIOTIIT PAD THIC,<NESS EICIEDINC IHt :l 1./2- UtNtguM lHlCKNtSS COIL 6 rrlN OT TXIRA CABLI ON HOOK ATXF€D FL trct ON r r/?' PVC C^BLT CARRIIR Prpt 5!jDNC DOviN suDPoel ERacxIi 5/E' | 6- SIOI (rYP ) CORD CAULR OP:NIN5 tffi r,/2' S.S THRLTDID BOL]S IT4BEDCD IN coNc rNl s.s NL,TS A,'JD WASHIRS tr- I t-l-- I l.,.."r* lTr- -lE.- I Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications t-t-- I f- "*"- ,*" l-- ^s s"o-,lr D,O SENSOR CARRIER PIPE z 2' r 2- t 1/a' ssl D.O. SUPPORT D.O. SUPPORT l" , ^ro* HDR Enginaering, hc.^tUu"* River water & sa.itstiofl Dierrict SPECTFTC NOIfS: { r )coNNEcr ro NEw suBrtRSlBLt PueP. (z)rocere p|Pt 6' orr rlooR. HEADEF prpE ro BtV F^aRE^TID S1EEL ( ] )CORI DRI!! HOLT '{ IVAL! AND PROVIO€ A gNGLE \-J MODULM wat_! SEA. (1)REMOtr CH^IN AND FLTGHT UECHANSTjS x{OU ACCESSORIIS. BURN ANY ANCHOR BOITS IiITO CONCRfiE AND GROUI. GROtrT ^NT WAL! OPE'NN6Srs ^ RESUII 0r RtMova- No L t- T_T------r r r1 NOZZLES TOUALY SPrcED CINTCRLNE Ot PrP! 2'-6' Sf,rO TOp Of slaa- PF(MDI ^ 2'wELrED t IHRE^DEo BR^}rCH C*F Of6' slltt prPE. PRo Df ^ THREID@ gi Pt-^nr €ND2'r 3/,.' REDUCER. T"l_L-_t_lr 11 NOTzLES EOU^LLY SPrcgD ll --l 1 rf tr r-------'l l-------- II - - -..,--J r l Noz2fs EOUAI-Y SP^CED NOT!: EXISTING SUBALTR SYSTEV IO REI'AIN. L-J li ii lt L----J L---- ---r t.---^---.F-l*--r-_--.r...-1_rr____t T_____1lIl \ ,l \ Iil------1 a------l ,rfrrlIlt rttrl""r, *:l*-"?au#-{t6i: os[1,]s,na+tht:#:rt.3 "; --t ao o'?' au 6- -n rl llr\__J_--___! t l"- I T. I f--I_ I lr *taur$r lc irEEtN Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications Miscellaneous lmprovements f-t-'M^RC! 2000 i1 i; -\li..- 4 )lt \-r 6' NPW- a"r3Jrff HDR Engnesring, lnc. F-."- NU eto" River waior & saritatbn Distbt 2ooo l*1/.'- \'-A'rF -r. l-\-r seEcl!:lc__lalfs f]r/:' eoo"r cRourED ssr aNcHoR BoLrs\-J urNtuuM tMBfD a' ( 2 )r/2' tpon GRourcD ssl ^NoioR 8o!Ts ^lv 6. CTMERS DOWN TO w^rER DIPIH. ntNrMU! EsBEo r'. (])1/?. sst SOLI OOUBLE NUTTfD PRoMDtu IHRET AAOtr w TER L[v€t. (. )1,/2' SsI PL Tt. WELD 6 ' 2 ' r/.'\J STIFFNEF ANGI! 10 PLAIE, f) erouor 5/B'woc slor J' LoNG N crr.rERu or rNGlI. fi) enw'N s/8" wrDf sLor E' LorG rN c$.rrERv of t {GLf. RAILING - WTLOID TO 8M.:- A1 CONTRACTOR OPTION PROVIDT FLOOR FUNGE TELDED 10 BOnOe Ot \ERI. POST & BOLIIO TO STRUCTURIw,/2-1l2-o s.s. Bolls 5 ' 6 , \/a' 59 ANCLE 6' LO G. SLIDE GATE r/2'SSl BOL1 V NLiTS ^ND WASHERS. RELOCATED HAND RAIL ATTACHMENT DETAIL ri\ No scar ----------E r t ___J 1l tBrckNEss GUSSFT PLATE PLAN DETAIL A\E-sc.r-F:i-] I t-F;- i r-l-- I Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications t-I- "^* -* F- ^s s,..o*,.I'DR Engineering, lnc. EI Etrlr E triq- PIPI orA' SIUD DIA NO 80!ls .I H8 r HOL[ DIA L HT 5/8'z J 3/124'11 7 /E'2 25 l'J/1 1t 7 /e" 12'3/1 2 3/E'41/8'1/e'J /8'2 25 J/e'a 1/a'2a'i., 1/8-2 1t''7/E'2 5 \ /2-11 i /E'2 ?o-2 3 )/.)/.3 1/1 24 2 ltu lg/.4 lr str^*,* lC H ABar t** 1". o *,*F;- l ^tJ er* Rivd watr. t saritstbn crsirict a.r2z-CONNtCI IO IXIST rMA([ DUCTWOR( glTrvEEN oouELI IIt Lfos rRO|'t OOTTOII Of leE LEGS TO UNOERSIOE OF TTES covtR oPNG w,/ J/{- IXPANDIO ALUU YtSH - RTMOVT PORTION OF WALL ATTACB DUCTWORX TO JOrJo OP€NING lll FLOOR IIRMINATI f,?rl? OEDw/ txPANotD Alvll MISH AT UIIDERSIDIoF FIOOR SL 8- TRANSITTON 'S RIOUTRED roR DUCTWORK TO urSS EXISI AND NTW AiR PIPING AIONC WALT RILOCATED EXIIAUSI FAN Tf-E INSIAL! FAN IN VEFTICII WTTH SPRING ISOLATORS PROVIDI NIIV FAI'I MOUMING BR^CKrrS 'S NECESS^AY t^r',i |liLFI 0 2 -0' aELorv DOUBLE TTt BIAFIIIG 2E'. TO fOrJO IRANSTToN CONN li -L -d .l+ii.l i't I F ll EE-l0l RgLoc^TE EXTSITNG CEILING_SUSPEI'|DEO EXHAUST fAN EF-E ,'j RELOCATa lXtSrNC PNfUsAIrC THaRgOSTAT (T-1) TO THIS l__i LocATroN aNo coNNtcI To NE$'AiR r.tANoLtNc uNrr aHU-101 | cR[,tP vfNT GLASS TO POSNIW PRTSSURE COATED \ET'TT 0R APPROVCo EOU r 2 SFTS OF I'^NUTACTURTD AIRFOI! TURNINC VANTS { RUNNERS Srl O 45' 24 GA GATV STETL oR .ol2 aurl-sEE SPECS FOR DUC] TYPE REC'IANGULAR OR ROUND.IO SU'T OPTNING IJ T1 tl 1L ll RTLOCATI AL COVTROIS ANO OA'.1P[F UOTOR FROV EXIS-TNG SYSTEU TO NEII SYSTI! sEouiNc! or coMRo! roR Nc\^ ^R H^ND|,iNG uNri AND DAVPEF ]O BT THI S&IE 'S FOF PREVIOUS UNII +++ 1ri fl-"r -r---- ---l I 2' MtN IO 4- $AX NOTIi FL l OF ANGLT VErA]' ED6t 10 SUn EOUTFTTEN] OR DUC] CONNICTION FLIXIBLE CONNICTION DITAIL NO SC !t \T'IUTACTURED AIRFOI! 'IURNING vANtS & RU|'rNER {NOT SHOP UANUF^CTURED) DLicr slz85 uNlouA! fi L_r 1- l'{DR En5ineerhg, lnc.l"* I l --l II T_lE- t* r-tr* I t-l-- I l- I L RCTS'] DIMINSION GOVTRNS CON'RUCTION FLOWrLow .----.-.\\-T-'---_E_ \20 r,rax (4 J,/a- rN 12-) J oN orv?RGTNG fLorv ---\-]q MAX ON CONTRACIINP a!orf (7' rN r2') TRANSITION DETAIL NO SC{E yaRCH 2000 2ooo l* 1 /.' \cc-\-----rr --t----- --A-i---'--:\-_ __ _ VIR OPNG V J. PANDTO ALUU Yt--t--- -----=:-- -'-:=a Ir{\T\ Y-----\--\ON DUCTI60'ArT 'Anu- 101 'FLEX COIl! ]EP,f,-orP 2) f-,1-- I.]-l- - li liit BOr Or ,lr), FO] | --- r- ti ri I,i {rYP 5) DIFFUSERS. RIGISICRS AIID GRILTS PERFORY NCT DATA MOUMIII{G TYPI taAx sP INS WC NC stz€UNIT IL!I,STR^IED ACCESSORTES REY^RXS R-1 EXPOSED DUCI SUPPLY o.o)AS SHOWN Ar{EXOSIAT x2HO OPPOSEO 8L^DT D^TPER AR }TANDLIi{G UNN PERFORTTA}.ICE D^IA yARx xo.LOCrT|OT TYPE CFLl SP DROP rNs wc voloR UNN IUUSTRATED REU RXS taP \o[r5 AHU- 101 BLCAVER R@M AIRFOI! WHIE!9000 1.O01571 5 a50 scouAY LSL-1r4 COrElMTlOll tlllfR/ MiXING BOX cErLrNG-susPEr.roEo w,/ VIBRATION ISOLATORS EXHAUST FAI{ PERFORriAr,lCt OAIA LOCAITON TYPI CFM SP DROP rNs rvc YOTOF UNN ILLUS]MTED RIY^RKS VOLTS tf-ro1 BLOWTF ROO*i 90000.50 50 EOO a60 )LOREN COOK 2E CVB COUBINAIbN TILTER/ MIXING EOX OOUBLE N€GATM OR AIgOSPHERIC SIDE T- t- Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications ^tU e^* Rrvc. wster & Srritriion Dbtrict t* ir I ONE_LINE DIAGRAM LEGEND SCHEMATIC SYMBOLS NORMAILY OPIN PUSN BUTION g_l! NoRMALIY CrOSeo PUSH BUTTON j; u*r^aat opEN. M^rNratNED pusrl BUTToN llF Y." Ill-llc.Eo v I __l_oo MISCELLANEOUS PLAN SYMBOLS CONDUIT AND WIRING INSTALLATION PLAN LEGENDA cRouND RoD -*- cRouND coiNeclo.l tr JUNcroN 8ox tr PULL Box__-z\ (2 voToF ! urscE[^NEous DEvrcr @ vaNUA!. STraTER f| DscotrEcr ssTot lglJ SEPARAIItY lJOt NTEogJ ',O]OF SIARER E TIGHIING PANEL d ltcxlrxc paNEL $rH liaNsroRvtR ofTsFl flT8€R ABOW OA EELOW N eorEn PrxEl ABBREVIATIONS e LPY- @ FLUORTSCENI TYPt LrGllTlNG FIXIURI: 'X' INDCATIS FIXTURE NUMBER. SEE flxTURE SCHIoULI: "LPY-Yf NDICATIS ITGHTING PANEL gRCUr]: '?' INDICAIS FtxTURt CON]ROLIIO 8Y SlvlICH 'r'. Sff NXruRE SCHEDULI FOR ANY ADDI'IIOIIAI NO]ATION, INCANOESCENT OR HID TYPt LIGHTING FIXIURE: .X'|ND|CATES FIXTURE NUMBER. SEE FIXIURI SCHEDUL!: "!PY-Yr TNDCATES LlOtnNG PANTL ORCUII| -r' INoICAIES FlXruRt COijTRO|I"EO BY suaTcli 'r'. sEE nxTuRE sclEDuLE FOR ^NY AoDrTrONA! Norarlo\l. DUPLET RTCEPTACLT.LPY-.|T NOICAIIS LICIITING PA'.|CL C1RCUIT. 2'O V T' RICEPI^OI. AUP RANNC NOIED, 480 V..3' I'/EIOING RECIPIACLE. A|rP RAIING NOTEO. S|NGLI POLI SfiICH.'z' INoICAIES LIGHTS vrtllcH ARt CO{IROLLED BY SW|]C|. TYPTCA! rOR ALr SWICHIS. 3-WAY SWTCB D UER SWIICH -----]I (x) |tvl ( x ). 3.,3rV G>____+:ltrF-------1 INDICaTING UGiTr 8-BLuBllr G - GREENT AxBtRi Y - Y€tlow NORHAIIY CLOSEO. MAIN'IAJNCD PUSH BUTTOI CONOUIT EXPOSED COf'JDU'I CoNctALfD co{Durr TURNTNG OOwr{ C(NDUII TURNING UP Co|IDUII PIUGGED TLUSIT Cot{D{,IT CAPPED HOr,l|T RUN IIOI,IT RUN TO UGHTING P^N!L!r-! !1, oRcurl NuraBlR 3l 5HoRT oAsH ts Pft^s[ co{oucloR, Lor.lc oaSH rs NluTRaL Co.roucroe. cuRlED LINE tS GROUNO CorIOUCTOR R - RfD; WXIIE: A - TTOTOR STAFIER OR CON1ROL NORM^IIY CLOS€D G€^RED UXIT STITC.II NORMALLY OPEN GTARED U|rIT SYIITOI roRout sr{|Tot FUS€ MOTOF CON]^CIOR COL RTLAY COII PolEillro|ltttF swrcB -E- UNoERCROUND CCNCRIlI e]rCaSEo DUCIE^NX _ EE _ DIRECT BURIID CONDUTT - EEE- DRCCi BURTEi CaBloRcurr 's2m' r\rllt f, trlo PowER coNDucroRs. 1r1O GROUND CoNoUCTOR, aND 3 t1. CCNTROL CONDUCTORS AL! IN 1" CCNDUI'T TO 15 HP MoTOR AND COi{TROI SIAnON CONOUII BODTES. JIINCTION BOXES, OR PUL! EOXES ARE NOT NtcEsSaRtLY S8oi'lr. INDICATES TIIAT AL! OR PART OF ORCUIT IS ROUEO UNO'RGROUND CII}IER IN DUCTBANK oR URECT BURrf,D. CONDUTI sl?E 91o$rr rS FOR ^BOVE GTADI OF INSIDI STFUCTURES slE oucTB^nx sccnoNs FoR coNDUfr srzt of UNDEFGaOUNo PORTTON Ot CTRCUT'T. ..----.-_=...\ ------+t----.-0"0 \ 9D GROUND CABLI -\r_Xr- ToccLt s$loi MANUA! staRtfF MS {,r OvERTOAD --l I , "*or"o T-O FrOAr SWrCH-OPENS ON RTSTNG !.rvEL ot€ FLoal s\llcH-cLosts otr RISING Ltvtt ATTERNATING CURR€N'I ANA'UNCIAI(],R ALARU RELAY AU]O TRANSfIR SWTCH AVERICAN WtR[ CAGI Bt^RING IfMPERAIURT clost, couN rIF oF coNT^croF CAPACI'IC'F CIRCUI'I BRt^K[R CTRCUI] BR!A(TR AUXILIARY CON]ACT (OP€N WH'N BRTAXER 15 OP€N ^NDCLOSED h}IEN EREAKER t5 CIOSED OR IFTPPED) crRcurl 8RE^XER AUXL|^RY COir'IACl (crostD wrtN BREAKER rs oPtN ANo OPEN \^'.I[N 8R!^(EF IS CIOSED OR IRIPPEO) CTLL INTTRLOCK ctRcutl c|iLORTNt caELt oPIFATID Srglclr CONIROL PANIL co.rTRoL Por.fF TFANS'ORIT'R Col.JTRO! RlLAY coNTROl S]^lrcn CYCLI IIM'F OE CURRINI TRANS'ORUER CYCLT IlnCR CIUICH CYCLI TrMtR |rOrCrR 2 CONDUCTOR!. CONDUIT DIRECI CURR!NI DOOF INTIRLOC( DAMPIF gOTOR OR OTSAND I,|!TER DOUELT POL! DOL'8![ THRO\{' oou8ll PoLt 9N6!c THROW DrscoNN[cT swrTcfr tMeT'r ccrlDurl[![ valroN oF tsfFGrNcY lrGHl IL[CTRICAT VANHOLT tLECIRODI RIIAY TND SYVI l CH tLAPSID llMt ui TtR It[ c tRrca! hANoHo!t KILOVOL] AMPERT XILOVAF (ILOWATT TIOUF lort LI\,EL LIGHININC ARRESIIR LIGHTINC COtITACToiI LOCAT-Ott -RtMOrt IICHTINC PANEL uMrI oR Ltvtl sw-IcH LOY' WATER CU]O[' MAG',IETIC I,'OICIR SIARTTR I/tIIII A\,lPERI MOrofi cor{'rRol cENrf R UOIOR CoNlFoL Lrr,lEUP THOUSAND ORCULAR UI! MOTOR CIRCUI'T PROTEC.IOR T.4OSTUR! DETICTOR VAGNETIC FIOII UE]ER |rAiiUTACTURER I.iANSOL! OF IIOUNIING HEIGHT YOTOR OFERA]ED GATI MOTOR OPIRAIM V^L Vt I,IANUAL MOIOR SI^RTCR MOTOR SPACT II! ATTR MILLIVOLT r,4!6AWLT ^TTPERTNTUTRAL r.lON-AU IO IRANSFTR Slr/lTcfi NORVALLY CLOSID NORMAlLY OPIN, NUMBEF OP!N ovER!o^D PUSH 8UT]ON OR PUIT BCX PHOTO!!!CTRTC POW'R TACIOR IETEF PqAsc. cH[rarcaL TtRv PROGRAT4gABLI LOGIC CONTROLLTR Pow!& Roor ltNTt-AroR pPoxrMrTY swilcH PRTSSURE Swlcll POTINTIAL]RANSFORI'rTF, PRO6RAI' 1 4'F 2 POLI RAISE. RELA! OR RIIER5I RICEPIAC![ REPEATNG TIVIR RESIS]ANCE T'TPT TEMP DT'ECIOF REr,rOlt llRsrrAl uNr'I SIZT 2 SIARTER SPACC HEAT!R SOLID NEUIRAL SoLINorD orLfR SINGLT POLI srNdlt PoLt DorrBLt]HRow SINGLT POLE SINGLT THROW SELECIOR SVYIICH SUPERVISORY CO{TFOL solENotD vaL v! SWTCHBOARO SWTCHGTAR s*rTcfr THERMOS]AT. TIMIR. OR TOTAIIZER TACHOMI'IfR TIRMINAl BLOCK 'IUE OILAY RTIAY I}TII Df,LAY rTER DT-ENERGZANOi ]IMT DELAY AflER ENIRGIZANON TTIIPERATURI TILEPHONE HANDFICILE TIMER MO'TOF TOROUT SWTCIi ItLgPHOr{t ]ERYrNAL BOx UNOIRGROUND UNDEF VO!]ACI, UTTRAVIOLIT UNINTERRUPTBLE POIEF SUPPIY VOLTS VOL] AMPTRE VARMfTFR VARIAAI FRTOUINCY DRIW VAL\€ LIMI'I SW]CH VAIV€ POSI]ION INDICATOR YTATTIIOUR MITEF WATT '.T]ERWEATHERPROOf TRANSFORYfR EXPLO9ON PROOf POSTTION SWTTCH PRTSSURT Sb'iTCH-OPENS ol,J RIgNC PRESSURI PRESSURT SHTCB-CTOSI5 ON FISNG PRESSURT NORI.'ALLJ CLOSED, WTN NMt DTLAY ON CLOSINC AFTiR COIL 15 DI_EIIERGIZEO NORYALLY OPEN, WTH N|lE DILAY O'.I OPE|IINC A|TER COIL tS DI-CNERGIZTD NORUAILY CLOSTD. WTH IMI DILAY ON OPTNINS AT-IIF COIL IS ENTRGIZTD NO€VALIY OP[N, WTN llMt DfrA'r Oi{ CLOSTNG ATTIF COIL !5 TNTRGIZTD lf}TPCRATUR! S\4I'TCH-OPENS ON RISING TEVPIRA]URI fLo|l swlcH-oPtNS oN rNcRia9NG FLorv r!ol( swTcH-closts oN rNcRragNc t!or{ Lrurl sr4/iTcH-NoRr4A!!.r op[n LrMri SvvlTCfl-NOR|rALlY CLOSED wRt coNNtclroN PorNT IXTcRNAL wR! TERI|NAT|9.J POINI NORMAUY CLOSED CONI^C] NORMALIY OPTN CON]AC] coNIR0t PowtR tRANsroRr,ltR KVAF L !c LOR Ltrco AC ATS 8r UC UV UP5 VFD \rLS z Cr cxt cL2 cos CP CP'I c1 crcclv {'c -T -IACH ID TDI TDD Tf|'{P THH TM ros TIE c CB ca-b" IJEOIUV VOLIAGE UOTOR S'IARTIR (CONIACIOR) FUIL vOLl^Cf,. NoN-REVaRSTNC UNIISS !oTED olHERW|St TOW VOL]AGI CIRCUI] BREAKER, 3 PO!t. ?0 AilPERt NEMA StZi 2 COTIBN^iON UaCNETTC MCIOR STARTER. IUL! vo: TACE, NOri-R[!€RSlr.lC UNLfS5 NOifD O-IHIRYVISI fVR. IULL Vq.-IACI SEVIRSINC SSRV SOUD-SrArt RIDUCID vOi.iAGt tlCP: MO]OF CIRCUn PRoTIC'IOR 3 POL[,60 AUPtRt COMBTNATIO+I sAO{tIC CONTACTOR POTINTIA!'IRANS'ORV€R CURRENi TR^NSTOR|IEF rust ANi Drsco Ntcr sw-rcfr AMP RATING AS R!O'D tI NO sHO$^T NON-tUS5i OTSCONN[C] SWTCt"r:t{HtRt a D'scor,tNtci rs sBow!. THE LIN! SIDS CIRCLJI1 SHALL BI CONNNL'ID TC lHt LOA, UNLTSS NOiID O1HlFwSt APPLITS iC EOTI 'USID ANO NON-'USED DlSCOl.lNtCiS f!txrBr[ rLoar s$TcH cABlt. tLtxr8Lt voroR caSL.!. ([Y-rNTfR!Oax SYUEOL crRcull MoNrTof DC DI 0M DPDT oFsl DS tc TL IMN tF tw I HFi vcc gCLU vcp rtD soG Mov r.tS vsH NATS NC NO 0 OL Pt PLC PS 2P RTU s? sr'1 SN so 5P SPDl SUPV SVIBD SWGR a_ @----- f foRtv^Ro fs tior\ s$r]cts C GROIJND GEN GIN'FATOF 6TI GROIJND 'AIJL] I'JTIRRUFIIF GLS GtARID tt|rr'r s\llcF /EG /8 GROUND $Rl B HIG! Hc Hol crRcur]HOA BAND-OFT-AUlO HO6 HAND-Off-Rtr.lOTt HP HORSTPOWER HWCO H|CH WATfF CuTOrf HZ HtRn (CYCL[) t/o rNPur/ouTpuT JB JUNCIION BOX k krY rNTfRLocxXV KILOVOL'I GENERAL NOTIS :i rN GtNtRAl CONDUTT_ ROUIING lS trol Sflowtl oN THt PLANS IHT CON-TRACTOR STALI BT RTSPONSIELI 'OF ROUTINC ^LL coNourls TNCLUDTNG IHOSI TNDICATED Ohi ONt-LrNtS AND HOI.{E-RUNS S5T SPECIFTCA IONS FOR CONDU'T INSTALLATIC^ RTOUIRTMINTS CONDUIT ROUNNGS AND STUB-UP LOCAIIONS-IIIA'I ARI INDICATID ARI APPROXIIIA'TE EXACi ROUTINGS SI1AIL BI A5 RIOUIRED TOR EOUIPMTNT'URNISIjED. soLtD LrNcs r{DrcaT[ NE\{ WORi( OF tOUlPr'1tNI FOF THrS CONTRACT. SHADED LINIS INDICATT IXISIINC IOUIPgENI Ofi WORK UNDCR ANOTHER COi'JIFAC] THIS lS A CtNtRAL LtGfND AND ABaRtMATtOT'rS Sr_lEtT. SOMI SYVBOIS AND ABBRTUANONS MAY NO] Bt UIILIZED ON ]HIS SPECIFIC PROJ€C]o E t- TF;_ 1* r-IF-l* t-- I f*- I t- Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications V** River wate( & Ssritahon ttshict Electrical Legend & Abbreviations F - "*.'. r"* fE t " "*.r ----------rF-n--1 :o-zo. I*'' it>l I I_-g-"5>+ I JF *1- I HDR Engjneering, hc.l-* TRANSTORMER WTH PRIVARY AND SECONDARY \DL'IAGI, XVA RATING. AND NUMBER Of, PHASIS. VNRIS AND lvlNDlNC COI{NtCTlOr'lS, rF APPLICABLI. as sHotvfJ I4O'IOR WlH EXPTCTED HORSEPOIIER sHov\N, oF f{or!-!oToR LoAD suc}l as A UNI] HEATER IN XW LOADS S}IOV{'i TAY VARY NIIIH EOUIPI,IENI FURNISHEO, IT EOUIPI'INI HAS LARCER LOAD, ^SSOCTATED CAAIL CONDUIT . ^ND ELICIRICA EOI'|PgENT gIAl! 8E ENLARGED AS REOUIRED. CNE-UNE TO A PACXAGT UNI'T. SUCI] AS A EELI ttLlEF PRESS OF ^rR CC||/pRESSOR. SBAU ,aPLY THA' ANY AND A!! SSOCTATEo EOUIPI.IENI S8ALI BE NSTAIIID AND I{'RED. e D0o 6m (M ,| a-^ooo o/o I----<(1 52 D- utDr\I"! voLrAct oRawoul crRcl,rl ERta(tF- | t" I I 1ol- \ DrSCRttr rNPUr/OuTPUl \)/,/ fDo-ourpur rnw pLc oc nru\v \D'-|NPU1 r0 PLC OC FTL ) "T"A G-1_: A -l- *-t\9 "-r" N A 4n- 't- -1-: B. \e o'4a t t\ -T- -r TL $ ,arror"orr*, swlcH-crosEs oN RrsrNG TEMFERaTT./RI sPFc|Frc NoTts: !t!!E4i-!Oitl Q coreLntc rocatED tN coNTRoL A Stt rNsTRUritMAlON ON[-L|N[ ON SHEFr t-4. E. SEE POTVIR ONt-LrNt 0N sHEFr t-5.Iil il Lqr rr-._':i 'r | ,, g'r* ll; -.',- | ,'- 'r iioL6-d'"*lbuE ii cffili i,r_;ii ii iil ff'ffi'.liti dl; ;l * il 'o'let6a'a6* EE ;i ,ilr ilii; - il .. fi tr i i 'r, **.,-- ii'l JlLl l'l: l: --- +li 1.4r I | | lr R*dr-r 'l ^ A ir ltl i:: EDt+r i?r:==ftt91 r ,,--.\ I .ffip@ :.osr'd{x.-Eg i; lrllltiii thiig-7J.s\ ) ii io@-r"@!,"*M***E :t ltll :liii iltt)i:,. ,l _ ii -_-, it ilo*"** :i 11liiiil [ 1 I iff*.___=r=-_===.t ''6y*s,,n rsr**,m**'",* il lll i *91;4rf --------;-}i @;;;*.'o.ou'.^'on*^. ll llll iliii S+f;i!r ll?i fi1 i1:1 | @n.r usco ii lill llill ill i$ I I I (,'|'': |/,) | \1,/ t_ll lllii.t-==l$ l-"-" I :1i tlll' I iir*' i-f - | r! iI. rlill ili*. I i ./ . .-Y,s+.* '- - - ll il illll ill-( ili" i' ) rj "''''n" "'*'|c^'LrRoo'" r/l n li r, ll*|hiiifi lil i / 'u ii I I I I I lll I iii',- I iii ', ,/ L'- stt slrtEl r-r ll iti il ll; = = = ------------------1, =- -li serI l .:i[T.'r-q TH 'lr .W \ ^^ :- ,.,^\" \ ^^ l'ilr, I Oiil rl rl| , i .5 " \-^4r ', ,{6 \ L€r,s llll;i illi+' , r 1l- f iii--]ltl lliiririilitli it o " Li 'i i:r..-"-t*,*lilllrirlii ,€fls, ry, lillll f ir it .i! |ii @ il G) .ll'.il t iii i li '1t ----- ----,1lr-ii ,Aiiit ili i L!-----=--------------+=============='' :t / n|it li 'n/ --)Irl L ,, i- -T -r'rrrl l rl ili t 'l,ilrrltrllliir"ii sE€ sHtFr P-8 roR L, tL TMPROV!VtNIS IO ,+-_rIi--liT{-'-'-H'----------------------- tf i I llr i, ^ i,i,.=*ll tAS{_[".*. I i, Fd--.",lr ; F*'- i t-----i-, - "!"r. t' 'l**"=:, sbf = E - t==--, --=- ====,- l jL--::!,r':8. (' i il o llfr lil'-- il r, 1l ,,fflt3l., I ll - | , llii"li;-lflt- | ll' , I Iil * ili ll *""',* T--]-i rri i iih ow,-*.t'=i ri lh uf I lil l iii I ll ll'lr lll r iii Qr rlr I :,1 rrrllll L-___ __ f-1t--l Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications Aeration Basins Electrical Plan t_-ll--l |- ,-".,. ,"* r-l __E--Ue"* River wrro( & Sartrstm Dasrrict aooo [- ve- - ' -o- 'c..ctltEA-lalIij A. SgE POY{ER Or{E-L[.rE ON SHEfl t-5. A. SEE NSTRUMET{TATON ONE-U E OI.I SHEET F'. serffE-loE 6r^p cttsr'rc acc-r BUs *,rH J sFIs oFv ]-4oo rcmil. f1,/0 N. f1loc. l' .,-1-r-t" I rolrJ* ,cc-: ;_tr,-Ti +-f tN \ERlrC.{, -r9 *g* ,96-z | |tllIrl /--? ELowtR coMROL PaxEL Il-l- -r-L - - -----JfAtr5r ; :== - _-:::--_-_ _ - - - - - --r ll1r il-T \Jr-- Tr .r -+ | J-! I I (--: I J t_--*- -.')r- -.,1 il - <., ir__: l\# L_.-nrl - J.': *.o.o" f-l B^s'N pLc L_J lMcr- il P,r l1 FilR =F- I t- I la. r."rcot Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications '!U et* Rivcr wrtcf a sritrtbo trctrict ir E|{r|ar,i r |c. |{aaaxt--t lC. |u..f,r lP o lntr t- l':rE;- rF sI sAacH 2000 I f Mec-Efi Blower Room Electrical Plan l'DR Ensheerhg, !" iF-t** l0 ats.Efr lc |rYr.^r{ zooo lE--l7i--i:6:-oBr 3? - OO. - 050 GT ERA1 NOTT<: a NnRtflcrrDN cElrs ARE^ CLAS9T|C-Ii|ON: teflfrc--llrE.a Qoo e"oac, soum PER DEr^r! i/P-?. coRRoSrvE."Crt [l r-'_1 T-1 T-----1 --;]_r ----rTrrFr-i- lr IIli-Ei-'€*Fl rll $+-t || | cEu N0. I lllll lllll -, r- -l lr I L r., +rJ-1,-ll '/+Y | 'trr 1 Irl ,J..1tr, I 'n-"L-l p. -l J LJLJ I L .-!J br tl lr -l -t i--i-- I Itr -J-I L:-_,_:t I hr #i.t IHL------Ji,i'-1;i L-'\* .L'--l CELL NO. 2 | ++-i. _F-1' I Ti. I -r.t- -1 cEu No. 6l-------r 1T itr l-L,,, l-ii:::---j L---_---_-----------:------ L -l -l Hft LJFi ;Ii Tu / I - --t I cEtL NO. 3 i:t ili ill iii 1li iii iii ill Ll n AIRATION BASIN NO. 5 iir i 'f-Fl_ \- t-- Ir t-l Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications Nitrification Cells Electrical PlanT-I l-- t-:- ll*tl l* vaRcr. zooo zooo I---7"' - ''-cfOR EnCiEeriE, h-rc. l--t V e"* Rivx weto. & s.ritstbn tx tr>r BUS: a80V, 30, 4W, 2000A, 42,000 AIC BUS: 480V, 3o. 4w, 10004, 42,000 AIC 6r^ 1r.. \Jsl /:\ srzt 5 ssF, s&E s 3 sEG: E^Ctt 3F !-roo krdt. l1/o;t. 11/6. t' E s:E = n I t I U .".' T z>tr! :s t z@t t- i6 EXISTING EM_MCC PARTIAL ONE_LINE 5 ? = 5ct Al gE :l G-o*or3n6nf c c [ '^ 36HE.: 6XE r 212> dE 6E < zJ xI l. E= L;- : F- 'R * Io- Y aa Yr4 ' -l s.' : Rt z EXISTING MCC_1 ONE-LINE i BLOWER', 12 \, I AERATION MAIN BLOWER BREA(ER l3o INCOMING SECTION ANO METERING 1ll exrsrwc ELoyvtR goloR SIAFTERS Srialr Bt RtP!^cto wtrH\.J NEW SSRV MO1OF ST^R'IERS A'TER NEW gCC StClIO'.' INS'IAILID f) txrsrrlc r 2c'v paNEL -N- ust Avatla8Lt spaRt r polt\-/ BREAXERS TOF V^LVE CONTROLS AND BLOI\'IF COMIFOL POWIF o B z MCC_1 FRONT VIEW or ro scAL! MCC-2 FRONT VIEW iloT ro sc^Lt FilR - I r- F_ I t- l* F_ t*l. re.sdr Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications Ver* Rivr. wrttr E srrnrtbn Diatict Electrical One-Line Diagrams f- "*." ,*" aooo F *llt-- AERATION BLOWER B-204 AERATION BLOV{ER SPrcE AIR HANDLING UNI] SELEClOR MIXER MX- 101 EXHAUST SELECTOR MIX€R MX-102 rLow EQUAL PUMP fDR Endnoerhg, t!". IE- t-"-tl D m eR-L lcR I.IFIER RELAY 8lOWER P€RMISSiVE RELAY LOrl CURRf,MT REUY HIGH CURREiTI R[!AY SUPPLIED WTIH BLOWER (FOR SURGE/OVERLOAD PROTECTTON) 4EOV f,t 120V FR(,|r PLC ELOYI€R CONTROL PANEL to TO PLC cor.PRlssoR rNLFr BE RING HIGI+ TEgP RITAY SELECTOR BASINS MIXIRS TYPICAL OF 2 ]-+f--{Ir*Lii--- F TO ELOWER CONTROI PAIIEL l?Ov rROs PLC t0 PLC TO MO]OR FA! RELAY .IO BLOWER CONTROL PANTI SIARTlc' sroP --l-l-------F-..-oIo--{.o H T'- MO]O€ S':AFI5Fln ce Il-trl ]O BT PROVIDED 8Y BIOWER SANUFACTURER DUPIICAT! CONTROIS FOR SECOND ELOWIR DEVICIS SHOWiI FOF ONS ELOWEF ONL\, CO|IIROIS fOF BOIH STOWIRS IN SINGLE ENCLOSURE AIR HANDLING UNIT EXHAUST FAN NOTI BLOWTRS Aa-] IHRU ^8-J TO 8t SrM[ 4. lrcrfl usrNc txrsTrNc RtrroTt coirTRoLs navlcE LoaATlorr L t6rNn A T]ELD A1 I|OTOP D AI rlcc €) PLC 'TIRMINAL X BLOVIR CON]ROL PANfL f I t- I t--l- I I t-l1;- I I Vail WWTP Aeration System ModificationsI t-l-' sARctr 2ogo l LOCA COMROIS BY HVACf---------'lll I I OL(3) f -r1- _] !f cro or nur I \7 i ri-------------ji-' HDR Enfineerng, bc.l*^JE e'ot. Riv.r watc. & srritrtion cxstrbt 2o0o l** No scru VALVE AND GATE ACTUATOR SYMBOLS ? I -E'r .{I-r- I---D<I4 t-Al-r-r-D<I* PROCISS DEVICE SYMBOLS cF GENERAL INSTRUMENT SYMBOLS oeo e (-7 f-V\ $NGLr rNsmugENr HousrNc colrArNnc \_Al Two (or roRc) rNsTRusENIaTlot{ FUNCToI{S e r-' DIGITAL SYSTEMS INTERFACE SYMBOLS NOTE: REFER TO DETAILED SYSIfi,l sYECTFICATIOI{S fOR FUNCToiTA! DESCRTPION. AISO SEt l/O SCHEDUIES FOfi CO'TPLCTE NPU] AND OUTPUI IISTNGS DIAPIIRAGM $IH POSiNO{TR PRESSURT-REDUCING v^r\,f . SELf- Coi.ITANED PRESSURE- STTSIATNTNG VAt\€. SELF- CO.IIAINED DIAPERACV VAL\€ AIR CYLINDER OR VANT TYPE OP€RATOR so!tNorD AIF-OL CNINDIR EllcTRrc uoroR II\ORAULIC CYIINDEf, Ftow coNlRot 0R rsot^noN GAIE vA\€: GLOBE. GATE, OR OIXER IN-LINE TYPE NOT OTHERI}ISI IDIN]IFIED vAt\G: EISIING OR FUTURT v^!\tr: IBRE! w Y ^TD OENOTIS ADJUSTABIC FRTOJEN'Y DRIVi ScRtw (LrrT) PUvP t-<rFITLD MOIJNTEO INS'TRUMENT INSTRUSTN'T IOJNIED CI rACE CIf PANEL INSTRUI'ENT gOUNIED BEHIND OR IIISDE CIf P NEL NSIaUnENI taot NIED Or fACE Of LOCA PAXEL tNSlRUUf Nr UOITNI@ BEi$.D oR rNSrDE Ot LOCAT PANET COTTPUER OR DISTRIBUTED Co|{IROI sYsIEr FU{CItctJ BLOCI( PROGR^|.g^B!! LOOC CO.IIROU-ER SilsrE|. FUrrCTlo|.l BLOC( X x :){: X v^!\tr: FqrR w Y NI vA!!€: BT,TIERFII, D^VPER ON LOU\€R 0 vllvt: RoTAFY BAIL TYPI M vA!\€t Pluc rpe THt f O!!O*iNG roDlllor.lAl OESIGN^NC|NS |rAY BE UnlEED ADJ^CEN'I TO SOTTE VAL\[ OR 6AlE STMBOIs C NORYALTY CLOSED rc rarls cLos[D TO FAILS OPEN frP talLs rN LAST PosllloN colrlRo! TNTTRLOCX FUNCrlo.l. SEt SCHEMAIICS AND SYSIE|.I SPEOFTCAIIONS roR sPEclFrc tuNcllorl PILO'T Ll6H1 O€ OTHER DtVCf USED rOR IUUIINATICIN F srsEs r/o ||{rERfa€ / DTRECIOTT ()F ARROW DENOIES t / |,iftxEF I,|PUT oR outPu]. I / SCIUD ARROW DfNOTES ANALOC INPUT )I OF OUIPUI. ODEN ARROW DTNOIES DIOIA!V INPU'I OR OUIPUT.I -J-. ,-- LETTERS, IaG NUgBERS, ^BBRE\aaIIO{S ^NDv >t' oTlrEF aNNolaTro{s ^R[ $srLAF lo lH[ F--1 GINIRAL NSTRT,TTEN.I L!G!NO, OASHED IINI t\-z! THRU SnTBOL REPRTSENTS TUNCTTO{S hi{CH I ARt NO] NOR8ALLY ^CCESSIBTI TO IHT Y oPERAIoR. SoLID lINt REPRTSINTS SI']^REO(' DTSPLAY OR OPTRATOF ACCISSIBLE FUNC'I]ON, Y I I l-'lT lnT FAT (v) Y FIT TAG NUMBERS AND ADDITIONAL DESIGNATIONS FIRST LITTER SUCCttOlNG LTTIIRS NuvaaR ^FIER DASH (-1. -2 nc) DENoTES UULTIPLT DTVICES USED IN IDENNCAI DUPLTC^II SYSIIMS a Lf TTER arTER THt LOOD NJuEtF (31A.318. rrc) rs useD lo orsTrNoursH vuLrPla sl9lLAF DEvlcEs IN THt SAMT INSIRUI.IENT LOOP. LOOP OTSIGNAT106] NUMBER TAG NUMBERS MEANINGS OF IDENTIFICATION LETTIRS frRsl L[mR succeEDl|t6 [TrEr3 INITIATING voorFtER ANALYSIS EURNER,coLausTror ustR s c,rocf usfR s cHotct us€R 5 cHocf co{uJctlvtrY(ELtCrRrCAt) c(xTRot DEI{gIY (gA55Jfi sPtdnc OFFERENTIAI rort^cf (tsF)PRISARY ELEI4EN W RAII R^l|O (FR^CnON USEF GLASS HANO (YANUALLY) INIIIATED XIGH CIJRRtN'I(ELtCrRrCAr)INDICAlT POV€R SCAN flr.it oR T[,rt-IIMI RATI OF CHANGE ccNlRor, slAno.,l LIvEL LIGH'I (PILOI)LOvr g yoslr,Rt oR HU|rIOITY gOTENI^RY ITDDLE 0R INTER- usER s cHoct usER s cHact usER s cfrocE USEF'S CHOICE o usER s cHoct r"r9?il.$*l PRTSSURT OR PdN] { TISI cof,lNE clto{ ) OUANlITY INTEGRATI OR TOIAUZT INIIGRA'E OR RADIAIION s FREOIJENCY S^TETY swrTcrl TI"'PERAIURt MUL.IIVARI'€Lt u LJL inr uN C Tl ON rlor,/ULTiTUNCTION vrSRaTron VA\E, DAII|PEF, $€rGH T OR 9€u UNCLAS9TIED UNCIASSFIED UNCLASS]FITD UNCLASSIFIED !\€NT, SIATE. OR PRISINCt RELAY OR COgPUT! z PO9TTON. DTMtNSTON DRIVT, ACTUATOF OR UNCLASSIFIED FINAL CONTROL ILTMINTpH - ADDTTTONAL TNSTRUS!NT tD[NTTF|CAT|ON sEt FUNCITON D[SIGNATIOT]S AND AEBRIMATIOT{S. LINE SYMBOTS GENERAL NOTES IN GTNIRAL. THI P d ID SYUEOLS AND DTVICE IDENT]FICATIONS ^RE SASTD CN INSTRUUEN'I SOCIETY Of AIIIFICA. S]AN9ARD PRACICI rsa-55.1 (1969). SO|{E MODfICAIIO}.15. ADOItiONS. ANO AITERAT]ONS HAt[ BEIN YADE AS NITDSD IO ACCOggCOATI THt PROJTCT RtourRtr,i€NTS. ADDIT]ONAI CONIRO! ^ND INTERLOCX REOUIRIVEN'IS $IICH CAN aE MOR! CLI^RLY TLLUSIRAED Ori SCHEr^llC Of;AwTNCS nA\4 EEEN OIiIITED FROII THE P & ID DRAWNGS SOTE PROCISS ITTI,IS. sucN as EoUTPMENI rSoLAlroN vAlvEs. B\Cass uN!S. ErC.. IVIIICH ARE NO'I CRITICAL FOF ^N UNDERSIANOINc OI TH: INSTRUMINTATIOi.J FUNCNONS HAVI ALSO BIIN OTIMO THIS rS A G[NtRAt LtGtND SHIEL Sor.lt SYT.4BOLS ^tlDAEBRCVIATIONS llAY NOT Bt UTILIZID ON THIS SPEOIIC PROJ[C]. PIPING AND EOUIPIIEN] LfGtND APPLIES 'IO P & ID SHIITS ONII AND UAY DFTER FROV LTCTNDS FOF O HEF SHEETS HAND SWITCH DESIGNATIONS P-O- A ttAND-Oaa-AUlO L-R LOCAT--RIuOE L-o-F tcrc a! - oFr - Rt r.OTt o-s-c op[N-s]oP-clost o-o ori-orr H'O-F HANO-OaF-RtMOrt o-s-F ofF-s!ow-Fasl o-o-a oN-oFr-AUIo R-0-s-f R!voIE-oFF- SLOw- rASr |IAJOR PROCESS PIPING G ILO* CHANN'L StCOtIDARY PROCIsS PIPTNG MISCILL^NTOUS PIPING TXISTING OR FU]URI PIPTNC AND TOUIPMTN'] ELEC]iIC SIGNAI. PNTUMA'IIC SICNAL tLtcIRrcaL orR[cTtoN ^RROYi srGNA! coirNtclroN PoNi rLo\ ARROV\ aO6 PROCISS plprNc PROCiSS OF SIGNAL LiN! GONC TO ANOttsitR Srrttl PROCESS OR SICNAI LINI FFOI/ ANOII.][F SHCE'I {I,(ATCH LT iITRS) PcocLSS LrNtS ceoSSrNG (N0- Co.lil[cT!o) INTTRNAL SYSTEM LINX ( soFl\4aR[ oi DArA LrN() TRANSDUCER AND CONVIRTER DISIGNATiONS |n ANNUIAR TYPI -dJ- DTaPHRAc$:,tal o PURGT OR fLASIiING DtVICt -1-j- --lrl-- pRrvARy lLOr\ IL€MENT ORtFtCt pLArt --I=- pR|lrARy t!ot! LLEMINT. \,!NTuRt TuBt ---=- pRtvARy FLow €LEr,|ENI: rLugt --|f- pRrMAFy FLOp CLEyEN1, wltR --]Ti- pRTMAR\ f I o$ 1tMtN: lJRarNt oe PFOPILLTR-'TYPT -----!-1-- pRTMARyFloh !L!r,{ENr: prrol-ruat T ___{D.- pRrvaRy FLOW fLtMENr r4ACNmC rlow r,4t.TtR .J------{ b- pRl|.aRy rLOr ELET.|ENT: TRaNStr_n|l4E UL'TRASON|C'7- A DoppLER T.rPt uLlRAsg.rc FLOW STNSCA J-\- PRr'^oY cLEMtNl: Ror^qlrEF Y DRAIN Tl TXERIAL orsptRstoN TypE FLorN ELIMINI L-- ]*r)-- co'rocIssoi oF B.oYvER -tz MIXEF PROOORTIot,JIN6 OR |rETIIRINc PUMP MOlOR FUNCTION DESIGNATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS I( GNN OR AMNUATE (INPU1:OUIPUT) -K G^JN ^ND RIVERSE l'. !D OR SUU (^DD AND SUBTRACT) A SUETRACT{DIFFERENCI) ,r IXTFAC] SOUARt ROO] - DMDI F( X) CHARACI'RIZT slGNAI ) HrcH-StlEC] < Low-scltcr X UU:TIPLY J TNIEGRAIT (III,4E IN'IEGFAi) CH<. MTTH^NT CL2 cHroRrt'lt RtStDua! CO2 CARBON DrOxlDt D0 Dtssol-!€D oTYGEN LEL LO{6F EXPLOSIVT LiVIT MLSS r,uxED LTOUOR SUSPINDaD SOLTDS 02 oxYGtN (PURITY) pH pH CILL TURB TUREIDI'].Y POWER SUPPLY ABBREVIATiONS t rSX R VO!TAGt rR[ouENcY sHr.r (tnN6 HYDRAULIC CURREN,' PNIUI,iATIC PUIST OUR^TION PULSI fR[OUENCY RESTSTANCI (rLtCrRtCA!) AS AIR SUPPIY !S EIECTRTC SUPPIY CS GAS SUPPIY H5 EYDRAULIC SUPPLY N5 N]TROGIN SUPPL! SS STTAM SUPPTY V6 WATER SUPPLY AS>- PON€F SUPPLY SOURC€ !A6EL ustD onLY v/}ttRt NEcEss^RY TO }if,LP C!^RIfY AN INSTRUUINT oR sYsTts ruNclrcN. txAMPLt r/F e CURRENI rO PNIUMAIIC TRANDUCIR t-F- I tr- I l--r--rfi- rE-1t* t--1 Vail WWTP Aeration System Modificationsf--l -- T-*tu u* Rivcr wrtef & ssritstpn Diatrict f- ,*." ,"* 2OOO l* No sc4!tHDR Engheering, Inc.lF- lE* /'-----1- --\-^ro ,/ /R-l(wI -"o",t>a-Y lnstrumentation Legend ZNl\,/ | l2o9.I I I RUN TRIPnmNZ \Z 1209.r 1209.4 ll ll P---6' i I I I I i I I I I I I o-s *cs -{ I I INIMT fILTER Z OPcN Cor.tlRol o@ Fo4.2 i2o{.rrT-il i _j_ j-,) L_ _;rc\61.*Yi T,Uhfi!([ nLTER I AV-5O I BLOWIR AB_4 DETAILI-rg-a-.l 05.l ,,-.\ //-\ |f Hs Y zr ll\205,,\205/ | .v '{ t RUN FALmnNZ \Z 1210.2 12r0.1 I - IO AIRAIION BASINS NnR'frcA-IroN cglts L'_-_) f ^v-r-l fae-E5l RUNm\Z l2or i_ T7\-1l/ ^,NI\, " ,4 E.2 1208.r I ) I I I airo? "l e@ 1202.2 i2o2 1 ZNM 1201.2 l2o7.\ tl I I I I -+ I /'-\,,^ |/ HS Y 2r \l\?02/\202/r,v \l/ t-1 fr f Av-? -l z oPEN coNtRoLr r rzst SZ LTZ 120r.2 i20r.rrT-i-r")6-l| ; | \?01/\201/ | ZNNN-Z NZ 1205.2 l?05.1 I I I TaB-, I lii@l| /'\/--< i I l/ z1 Y zc L--___/ |l\201 A 201 I It\-/v___ I lgirlj ]. RETER TO DRAIVING G.' FOR OVERALL PIPINo SCSEYA'TICf ^v- r--l l--Ag:il T- l-tT- I T- F_ I t'4 I t-r;i-l"I Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications Aeration Blowers Process & Instrumentation Diagram t-ft- "*.- ,"- f; .," sc*r z oPtN coirTRot ZN ZNt\ ' I L\zl 1203.2 l2ol.r r----r- - -i -,< ;:=<-lI i i /xsYzL\lI i i El^evl': l'| /+-\ /+-1' I I I\2034201 ) |I \_-,/ \a-,/_ _ _ I fDR Engtneriq" bc.t*tD tfSrGfF \9 e^* Riv.r w!tr. & srritrtlro Drirbt K" Kq r@*[56' I-ls6r 1 ;- . I lv-< | laHl{z-rffft *---r/Fre I I ^Fi. I T7S1Ka)t\/zl-j$z' z oPEri coNTROl rLOrvo-fir I /fn\\ ro1 /Yt e@ t101-2 ll or. r FLO{ KE 1102. i I I {Fn\\10?/YI ; ,,-\,/-\ |ll Hs Y zL \l\ r02 /\102 / lv .-t/ Ilr 0@ 1102.2 i10?.1tr il "LL,. MIRIfICAI}O|r cgJ- No. 1 IIIIRIFICATTON cEL NO. 2 , "*-_rz- _1_F rf--_-- I I lrv_2!l r -i-f 4/F -I I Nnnrncaror{| | cfir No. sr,_l----- I t .v_2. I L- -'-1: =;-'I [-l--0.o.nN''?4 { Jol l SEE P&ID Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications xffRtFrcaioN cE-L NO. A Aeration SYstem Process & lnstrumentation Diagram | "*,o" * II _59_xo-i_ | Z OPINr-7s'll'e)L\ZI 110 t---t- I L I lt*lt l- Vu* Rivsr wsrer e s$irEtbn ustrict zooo F'_ "o sco.r l- "*"r ,*t HDR Entineering krc.[*- T I i I ; I I I I I I T^r-E-l D.Ot^l r\, /l l)01.1i --\ ru ,/ P 5 PU!! BOT BTS|N 5P t PUL! BOt ErSrN {P J PULI BOt EASIN )P 1 PULt BOI Er SrN 1P 2 PUU BOX EASIN 2 :! 6-5 !('):- 3t FE iY:; =z .GI TEAI-.BOIII A SEt SHtn ri FOP t&C CaBLI/CONDUIi SCH!oUL! 1;\ pRovrDt 120 vAc. 1p-70 AUP BRCA(EFL/ N IXISIING P^NELBOARD SPACT lnstrumentation One-Lines rE;-- rrFE| |. RCN 2000 | .3^ I;3 ;iE ;U F, r 9E i:9 9! :i3c ei 3: o! oZ?"a- i" = ia ^!(') :: 6,o :a l: FEa i i: :qeis g: P:! i !: l;!2z !g Yt_' I 3e ;5s BLOWERS AB_4 & AB-5 ONE_LINE Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications \Hu* River warcr & slrir8tbo D.Ebr .? =E,a3 qE E 9! :1 9Z 6: IEi.Ei- l" ** l! e$rAr lc rq8gtr lc H.!3EN lP o li|EN 10. afs|r$ai lc xvraAr I IR clsoN b-t7t PLC PANEL ONI_LINE EE =q*5F?9 ? -= o-y: .F dL r, tr a>) --);tr =^9.;< ; l3 3 -14E--iJL!j-Ui _; -E -1-.1 = t -) 1i -tLa €Q ?i d"iv rl gI := :z- := E: E? EE AE A8 AE;= *c -n d: -iI EiE c ;3 s. ! 9a f-e ;E ^t,zE it z-3z ei 3: tttt'*ttlrl -a =96t = P: !o PLC PANIL ONE-LtNE (CONT.) t -y)^it :' r= H ?_- ;E;3d-E i :?ifr -3 ^?is -?fi; ;Z92 6E 6t I t-- I l - ;i :E FilR HDR Enqinaering, krc. t: -a 3c ELOI{EF PANIL (BT BLOIVER MFR) A! A< :.; 5>,i< !>- :e :g zooo i:----l;f.^-l- | : I COuPrJrfR Ii woRKslAIroN :i (ruruRE) i I I I AIIEN BRAD.CT !U]t BGEW Y PIUS O€LING PLC RACX ELO|VtR ROOrl MODULE TYPES A - rG c|tcun 120VAC ltlPVI E - 6 CIRCUII 12Ov^C OUTFIn c - t6 crRcu|.I r 20vac ouTPLn D - E CIRCUn .-zOFA lNPlJl t ! . CrRCUtr 4-206^ OltIPUl CABLE DESIGNATIONS D E CAIA HIGHWAY LP 'N' 15/1 L- 12oVAC 2_ AlL AROUNo EXCEFT BACX FINISHEO FLOOR AERAIION BASINS PIC NO SCALI PLC Z OPIN EN IND os[ rND MODULATING VALVE OPERATORS ALL scDUL^lNG VAtVtS S||aIAR AII OEVICES CONIAJNID IN VAVI OPERATOR UNLESS NOTED T-lE- l- I I T-lE;-E_ lc ...sen Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications16- l. *,* t-l=-r*a* r*o DC |rOTOR CONIROILER rCARv I ..i -"----7, -T HTR POSTION co{TRot5 2C XXt HAND OPEN HAND cLost ALITO f-t-lzr I l'., IL_r oox Plc coNn OUIPLI zsc r.5 a- ?omA OPEN CL --------{.<-x.t- crrlo o irt t Z! taszso t45 ^ STANDARD I&C CABLE,/CONDUIT SCHEDULT o CONDUCIORS GROUND coNDun coNDucloRs GFOUND CONDUIT 10 2- NO 2 1-NO, 12 3/4 40 2-NO 14 1-NO 1{ t1 f,-NO 12 1-N0. 12 J/4 3-NO. r4 r-N0. 14 1?4-NO 12 1-NO 12 3/1 42 4-NO 1a 1-ilo 1<3/1 1l2-NO 10 1-NO. 10 3/4 l2-N0. l 1-NO 14 >/ a' l-N0. 10 1-N0 10 J/4 4JE 6-NO. I r-No r{ 4-NO lO 1-NO l0 \/4 6-N0. 14 1-N0 ra 3/4 15 45 ro-No 14 1-N0. 1a 3/4 17 6-N0 12 l-No 12 3/4 46 rE-N0. 1 -NO rr 2' 18 16-NO 1-N0 l 19 .E 20-NQ. I -N0 1 1/2' 20 49 24-N0. r 1-NO 14 1 1/2' 50 1-NC r 2' 5r .16-NO 1r'1-NO I 2 ao-No 1 r-NO 1{2' a6-NO. 1 r-no. 14 2" 7A 1-?c rlEIS )/. 71 2-2C frErS 3/a 72 f,-zC l1trls )/^ 7l 4-2c lrErs 7/4 5-2C lrSrS 75 6-2C Ilars 76 7-2C t 16rs i 1/2' 77 E-2C *lETS i 1/2' r0-?c r 18Ts 79 SANUT CABLI 1/2' lnstrumentation Details & Schedules HDR Engineerirg, hc.r-I le r&so.r \He^* River wllcr & srritatin Dsi.bl zooo i* iro scalr oo oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Project Description: locating landmarks for below ground facilities Owner, Address and Phone: ERWSD, attn: Fred Haslee, 846 Forest Road, Vail CO 81657 ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone: n/a Project Street Address: n/a Legal Description: n/a Parcel Number: n/a Comments: n/a Building Name: n/a Board / StaffAction Motion by: BiIl Pierce Seconded by: Melissa Greenauer Vote: 4-1 (Woldrich opposed) Conditions: Action: Approved with Conditions 1) all posts must be at least 10'offofthe edge ofroad asphalt. 2) this approval is for a temporary ildemonstration periodt' and will be up for review again by the Design Review Board on or before March 15, 2001. 3) The use of bird/bat/butterfly houses is optional - stand alone posts are acceptable as well. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: March 15,2000 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROvAL\97\l DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: n/a oo Questions? Ct nunning staff at 47s-zt3a I0l4'l\ MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" applicatlon. I. SUBMITIAL REOUIREMENTS tr Photos or sketches which cleadv convey the existing conditions. tr Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). tr All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be useo. n Condominium Association approval (if applicable). n If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. t BUILDING MATERIALS: oo LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: oo CQ!O.R:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials r ascla Sottlts Windows wlncow I nnl -. Doors lJoor I nnt Haud or Dcck Rails Flucs Flar'^ltirrgs Chirnncns Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Wal ls Exterior Lighting** Other * Please specify the nranufacfurer's color, nr,rnrber and attach a srnall color chip ++ Ail cxtcrior lighting must nreet the Town's Ligbting Ordinance I 8.54.050(J). If exterieir lighting is proposed, plcase indicate thc nuurbcr of fixtrrrcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identiff each fiiture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, lunrinou.s area. and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixhues. ': {, 2 " Updated 6/97 PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: Tvnc GROUND COVER oo ao PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Conrnton Namc Ouantity Sizcr . +Mininrunt icquircmcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trecs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hciehtshnrbs - 5 gallons Squarc Footasc sr)n SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES(retaining wails, fenccs, swiurming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining rvalls. Maxinlrnr height of walls within the front setback i< 1 fe.1. Maxirnum hcight of rvalls elscrvhcrc on the propcrty is 6 tdct. oo oo TITJI.ITY LOCATTON VERIFICATION This fornr is to vcrift servicc availabiliry and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utiliry plan and scheduling installations. Thc location and availabiliry of utilities. whethcr thcy be rnain trunk linqs or proposcd lincs. mu.st bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc following utilitics for the acconrpanying .sitc plan. Authorizcd Signaturc Date U.S. Wcst Comrrunications t-800-922-t987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-578 | Cary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-s892 Tcd Husky/Jolrn Boyrl T,C.I. 9.19-55 3 0 Floyd Salazrr Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-748t) I'rc0 Hastcc * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signahrrcs. Firc florv nccds must bc addrcsscd. NOTES: l.Ifthc utility vcrification forrrr has signaturcs fronr each of the utilify companics, and no collrltrcnts arc ntadc dircctiy on thc lbrrtr, thc Torvn rvill prcsumc that therc arc no problcnrs and thc dcvclopnrcnt can procccd. lf a trtility company has conccrns with thc proposcd construction, the utility reprcscntativc shall note directly on the utility vcrification fonn that there is a problcm rvhich nccds to be rcsolved. Thc issr-rc shouiri ihen bc dcuilcd in an attached lctter to the Town of Vail. Howsvc;, ;l::se kccp in mind tirat it is thc rcsponsibility of the utiliry company and the applicant to resolvc trrv\.r.!.:.,. These vcrifications do not rclicvc the contraitor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pennit fronr thc Dcpartmcnt of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained bcforc disqine in any public right-of-rvay or cascmcnt within tlic Town of Vail. A buildine perrnit is not a Public Way pcrnrit and nrr$t bc obtaineil separately.' tl :' Ui:aated 6/97 z. 3. It. III. oo OO PRF-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrcrtcc rvith Torvn of Vail stafl'is rcquircd. No appiication can bc acccptcd unlcss thc tuattdatory prc-application nrccting has bccn conrplctcd. lt is thc applicant's rc.sponsibiliry to schcdulc this rnccting by calling 970-479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsign Rcvicrv Board nrccts on thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of cach month. A coniplctc application fornr and all accontpanying nratcrial nurst bc acccpted by the Conrnrunity Development Departnrent a nrinirnunr ofthrcc and a half13 l/2) wecks prior to thc datc of thc DRB public hcaring. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will bc rcvicwcd for conrpliancc rvith thc Dcsign Cuidelines as sct forth in Scction 18.54 of the Municipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. tfa propcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanchc, rocldall. floodplain. dcbris flow, rvctland, ctc). a haz-lrd study nlu.st bc subnrittcd and thc orvncr nrust sign an aftidavit rccogrrizirrg thc haz-ard rcport prior to thc issuarrcc ofa building permit. Applicants are encotrragcd to chcck rvith thc planrring staff prior to subnrittal of a DRB application to dctcrminc thc.rclationship of thc propcrty to all rrrnppcd hazards. Basic Plan Shcct Fornrat. For all survcys, r^itc plnns, landscapc plans and othcr sitc irnprovcrncnts plarts, all of thc follorving rnust bc shorui.|. Plan shcct siz-c rnust bc 24" x 36" . For largc projccts, largcr plan size may bcallowcd. 2. Scalc. Thc rninirnuru scalc is l"=20'. All plans nrust bc at thc sanlc scalc. 3. Craphic bar scalc. 4. Nonh arrorv. 5. Titlc block, projcct narnc, projcct adtircss and lcgal dcscription. Q Indication of plan prcparcr. addrcss and phonc nurrrbcr. 7 . Dlrtcs of original plan prcparation and all rcvision datcs. tt, Vicinity nrap or location nrap at a scalc of l "= 1,000' or largcr. 9. Shcct labcls and nuntbcrs. l0 . A bordcr with a minimum left side rrnrgin of 1.5". I l. Narncs ofall adjaccnt roadways. 12. Plan legcnd. (-_For new constnrctiou and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate propcny lincs, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be tapcd. Thc applic ant must enst rc that staking done during th c rvinter is not bui cd by snorv. All sitctapings and staking must be completcd prior to thc day of thc DRB rneeting. Applicants who fail to appear bcfbrc the Design Revicrv Board on their schcduled meeting date and rvho have rtot asked in advancc that discussion on their item be postponed, will havc thcir itenrs rcrnoved fronr the DRB agcnda urtil such tinreas the itcur has been rcpublished. If thc DRB approvcs thc application with conditions or modifications, all conditions ofapproval Inust be rasolvcd prior to the issuance of a building permit. D. : Updared 6/97 B. n B. oo oo STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Desigr Rcview applications. approve rvith cenain modifications. deny the application, or nray rettr the application to thc Design Rcview Board for dccision. Allstaff approvals are strbjcct to final approval by thc DRB. Thc following types of Dcsign Rcview applications may bc staff approved: Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent *ith thc architcctural dcsigr. ntatcrial,s and colors of thc building. and approval has beerr rcceived by ar authorized mernber ofa condonriniurn association. if appl icablc: Any application to nrodify an existing building that does not sigrrificantly changc the exisring planes of the building and is generally consistcnt with the architectural design. materials and colors of the building. including. but not lirnited to extcrior building finish materials (e.g. stonervork, siding. roof ntaterials. paint or stain.), cxterior lighting. canopics or arvnings. fences. antennas. satcllite dishes. rvindorvs, skylights. siding. utinor cornnrercial facadc improvcnrcnts, and other similar modiiicatiotrs: Anv application lbr sitc improvenrents or modifications including. but not limited to. driveway rnodi{ications. sitc grading, site rvalls. removal or modifications to existing landscaping. installation of acccssory stnictues or rccreational facilities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES lfthis application requires a separatc review by any local. state or Federal agency other than the Torvn of Vail. thc application fce shall bc increased by $200.00. Examplcs ofsuch rcvierv, may includc. but are not linritcd to: Colorado Dcpanmcnt of Highrvay Acccss pemrits. Army Corps of Enginccrs 4(X. etc. Thc applicant shall bc responsible for paying any publishing fecs rvhich are in excess of50% ofthe application fee. If. at the applicant's request. any mattcr is postponed for hcaring. causing the matter to bc re-published. thcn the entirc fce for such re-publication shall be paid by thc applicant. Applications dcemcd by the Conrmrrnity Devclopnrcnt Dcpartmcnt to have design. Iand usc or other issucs r,vhich may have a significant impact on the conrnruniqv may requiie review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is necdcd. the Comrnunity Devclopmcnt Departmcnt may hire the consultant. The Departmcnt shall cstinlatc thc arnount of money necessary to p'ay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwardeC to the Town by the applicant at the tirne of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess ofthc amount ionvarded by the application shall bc paid to thc Town by the applicant rvithin 30 dalzs ofnotification by the Torvn. Any excess funds will be reftrned to the applicant upon revicw cr>nrnlction. tipdated 6i97 A. iG SE E 'al ows ano ooves q pla orm a:iac'e0 t: ce lcea 1cr D, ( Kva r0 -( i uma€r o- lTee:. l'rit.f -i: liit :-ltt tl.,rt.' - ffi J lig.lfttlir''j r., r Ao,r i 2101. By Drnalc ana !illia'SloKe: Th s oeaitif- :ool rs 'led ,,,t (l ,r oroto- ao' of al three b ueoirC soecies : (otlar-s eve-,:r n.- you need ic know lo rrt^g:irese 3ei,jvec 0':; tc ycur 1a Ol.reb rC:ia ]os,tXr*-r1-'r'\13 \\'E OF H.{ BOXES FRONlT Society. Bluebiro Societ, cqllta r1, Dai n iur'o a '/afirn5 are io on. teslei; Tn:v u:: 0r.cr.--)e5 \,^.' .r-'Ila-- Inar,' l-ar (omoalTe-l! lhal ar! c acaa r o3,on afeaS naar wal: . \,'l; i c"i ;1a'a:0 s:: a!' a n:':-: Pur! € i,lai - (Easre'n, in) arlmakrn; the conseflli: AnenianLebi-a Ill.'../ 1)rr. i. ira-:r nlrtrr. oo oo tLqrne Lhabitat Oo}."sgn3 \cQO B** \L^ s toiMnrE YouR GRRorru'o o* trAcE To WALK THRoucH oR Lrv Re,ax w tlr :': t' .llonarch, ra lour qorJen sIeDun{L stanc: I.eSi D:a-ft'Ji ;:;i^e:-0ta;5 r t\ STe:0t^: sltres con: 'r a'.;rre:\ ct cii,t.rs jea:u rc ,JCi- Ta\rCr:e D rc5, n5e(15, i owe's anc ',,;i d ie Se ect on rav vary DV store. .aovbucs fr I eat I.c-sancs of planl-oestrov nc :rrios rr your garde'. Provca a non'€ lor these aooiab e r's:cls. rflln aat l0e\ Trac(|ng v: -, c,:a wealhe' rs :'ur actrvrt,. (t:rt hr mc:<' 'rnn rn ,- daiv rainta witn a dec- ^Dtivo .r n .r ^o ^r c,r00se 0re Dl 0ul TUnfilona ga!ges. v'(€ rave a vanerv o{ tnermomet:'s, snc,. ga-ges a': cl^: wr:t' i' ,'strumen5 lo ira(fl': your locat ',,.:alrer. Ava lab e . a ia ,e-i o: s-aoes, srzes a-o ressaces i:' FvD..r | (--< -- D6r(.n^ ,?pd qtn-p( ,\ailaOl( IC: 50unc are,:leJ Dt a c"rrn:. f ^oc-.e irom iar:e se,ec :- o- wrnc cnin:l ! derornrirc hir,lhatht, I.ese deroralr.a 3rrdDat.s \riil add a fiarr tc !JJr oarde:. !'ve have : varie:; c'oecoralrve b rdbatns anc icuntains. '1-&oSro I n.d-4 tort gtllnen $n Choose irom a var etv oi coior1,,l stained-qla;s caroe^ s:a(es feat"rrnc rirds, oulierfles an: rnse:s Add Dea,ty to lour qaroe'r cr a llcv,,enct Tnev nake,;.,oncer- iJ grfts iof birthoais noldays, annrve" sarle5. ieacners an0 cc-.i'0rKer:rcaJ housc; :nlo'i lne rlCn:: me C':'-: C' iiogs and toads. Enc:,'a:,' tnem ic TnaKe voJr 0a'l:' the r hone wiin a Wr -, aa roac n0me llBl I i OBL hor housc '1211. Ot 3ar louse : oes grec :: lre Organ zatron ior Bat Conservation (08[] (np. ti.:- . -. rrrr1 r:n nrrrco iCt -:scuito'eal n: Dats. membersn , :o OBC. Prov ce a craae ior bute'f res :o rocs: anc . J:'' raie \(iti a b"fterflv house. 1 r,,;i I look qie:: $'rF c't Questions? carr t0ranning staff at 47g-zL3B MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building, Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS W Photos or sketches which clearly convey the existing conditions. d Photos or sketches which cleadv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). d All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. fl Condominium A,ssociation approval (if applicable). n If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. / o% TYPE OF MATERIAL: ffiA r! \ BUILDING MATERIALS; Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIUeS Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other COLORT elz.V- * Please specifo the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip # All oderior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If o<terior lighting ls proposed, please indicate the number of fiItures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtu res. tltAvroJtzod, >lura..nurn 2+ ?PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPI T{G Botanical Name:Common Name:Ouantitv: Sizex: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: DOST1NG TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping:deciduous trees - 2 inch calioer coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools,. etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet' Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. tUTILIW LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781(Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Oed Husky;John Boyd) T.C.L 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) l..tA NIA hl* L[ f.r * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no commenB are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directty on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs b be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Worls at the Town of Vail. Utilifv locations must be obtained before diooino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. ,. n. PRE-APPLICAT]ON CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibility to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meeb on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Depaftment a minimum of three and a half (3 1/2) weeK prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Section 12- 11 of the MuniciDal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, floodplain, debrb flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with the planning sbaff prior to submittal of a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24'x 36". For large poects, larger plan size may be allowed.2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Graphic bar scale.4. North arrow. 5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers,10. A border witi a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. L2. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done durinq the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduhd meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their iterns removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been reoublished. E. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must lre resolved orior to tl\e issuance of a building permit' IV. q STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with cedain modifications, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision, All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. The fcllowing types of Design Review applications may be staff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized member of a condominium association, if applicable; B. Any application to modify an existing building that does not significantly change the exbting planes of the building and is generally consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, including, but not limited to oderior building finish materials (e,9. stoneworlg siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), exterior lighting, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dbhes, windows, slvlights, siding, minor commercial facade improvements, and other similar modifications; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway modifications, site grading, site walls, remova I or modifications to existing landscaping, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilities. ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A, If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Depaftrnent of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 500/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. C, Applications deemed by the Community Development Departrnent to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Departrnent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount fonvarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. VI. t t tF J I sEcrloN 07245 I 2 EXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEIVI (EIFS) I i PARTI- GENERAL . + l.l s[ ]l]l.\RY I i A. Sectron lrtcludes: 6 l. Exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS) a 7 B. Related Sections include btrt are not necessarily limited to: I 8 | . Division 0 - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of lhe Contract. I 2. Division I - General Requirements. l0 i. Section 06100 - Rough Carpentry. I I -t. Section 07600 - Building Sealants. l2 IJ 1.2 QU^\LITY,\SSURANCE 14 A. Ret-erenced Standards: i t I I t I t I I t t I I l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2l 'r) \ B. Qualifications: l. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. C150, Specification for Portland Cement. b. C578, Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation' c. E84, Test Method for Surface Burning characteristics of Building vlaterials. 2. EIFS Industry Members Association (EIMA): a. l0l .86 Test Method for Impact Resistance. l. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.(UL): a. BuildinglvlaterialsDirectory. 1,1 li 26 27 28 l9 _r0 l. Applicator shall be licensed or approved in rwiting by manufacturer. 2-. .+pplicator shall have minimum l5 years experience installing similar products on projects rvith similar scope. 3. .{ppticator shall have successfully completed minimum of three projects rvith similar scope during past 3 years. 4. Insulation board manufacturer shall be approved in rvriting by finish system manufacturer. J I I.3 DEFINITIONS l2 A. lnstaller or Applicator: Installer or applicator is the person acrually installing or applying the .\l product in the field at the Project site. .l-1 I . Installer or applicator are synonymous. .r5 i6 I..I SUB}IITTALS '.1 A. Shop Drarvings: lS l. See Section 01340. i() 2. Product technical data including: lO a. Acknowledgement that products submined meet requirements ofstandards referenced' I I b. Scaled detaits ofall joints, corners, terminations, and flashings' t I 1) Vlinimum scale of details: I = 8. I i c. Vlanufacturer's installation instructions. t-l l. lvlanufacturer reconunendalions for using metal lath specific to this Project. l\ Vail WWTP Acrarir)n System Moditicarions 072.rj - | ) l B. Miscellaneous Submittals: 2 1. See Section 01340. 3 2. Applicator qualifications. 4 3. Warranty. 5 4. Letter from EIFS manufacturer stating insulation to be used is acceptable as substrate for 6 system specified. '1 C. Samples: 8 l. For initial color selection, provide manufacturer's full line color samples for Engineer's 9 finish and color selection. i0 2. After initial color selection, provide l2 x l2 IN sample ofselected finish(es) and color(s). 1 I D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: 12 l. See Section 01340. 14 I.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING I 5 A. Deliver material in original containers bearing manufacturer's name, identification of contents, 16 written application instructions, and health, hazard and safety data. l7 18 r.6 WAR&\\TY 19 A. Provide manufacturer's standard limited materials warranty signed by the manufacturer. 20 1. Warranty period shall be 5 years. 2l B. Provide 5-year installation warranty signed by applicator against system or component loss of 22 bond from substrate, peeling, flaking, chipping, or cracking of surface as result of application 23 defects. 24 25 PARTz- PRODUCT 26 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURXRS 2'7 A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers are 28 acceptable: 29 l. Exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS): 30 a. Dryvit SystenL Inc. 3l b. STO Industries, Inc. 32 c. SYENERGY Wall Systems.33 d. usc. 34 e. TEC, Inc. 35 2. Polystyrene insulation board: 36 a. Any manufacturer acceptable to EIFS manufacturer. 37 3. Sealant: See Section 07600. 38 B. Submit requests for substirution in accordance with Specification Section 01640. )v 40 2.2 VIATERIALS 4l A. Primer/Adhesive: Acrylic based material mixed with Portland cement as recommended by 42 manufacturer for use as an adhesive and for fabric embedment. 43 B. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I or []. 44 45 . :-.. j :i., i- ::, Vail WWTPAeration System 07245 - 2 I eI I I J a t ; I Itt I T : ht FF hr I z ) .l 5 6 7 8 9 l0 il t! ll l+ t6 t7 r8 l9 20 2l !2 a) ),1 t5 26 27 28 i0 _rt JJ C.Rigid Polystyrene Board Insulation: l. Foamed, exPanded: a. ASTM C578, TYPe I 2. Density: a. llinimum I0 Pcf b. llinimum 2.0 pcfat mechanically anached areas' 3. ComPressivestrength: a. 1.0 pcfdensitY: l0 Pst mlntmum b. 2.0 pcf densrrY:25 Psi mrnimum +. Thermai conductivity (K value at 75 DegF): 0 25 minimtrm' i. Dimensional tolerances (2 x 4 FT board stze): a. Edge tnreness: Shall not deviate more than l/i2 lN/FT oflength or rvidth' b. Thickness tolerance shall be plus/mrnus li 16 [ir{' 6. Age (air dry) for minimum of 6 weeks prior to use 7. Thickness: As noted on the Drawings' 8. lVlaximum size board: 2 x 4 FT' ReinforcingFabric:Manufacturer'sstandardglasstiberfieldreinforcingfabric' L llanufactur., ,, ..rponrill. for providin! heavy-duty reinforcing l3!11q rvhere required by project conditions. Finish Coat: Acrylic based, factory-mixed coating' having integral color and texture' Water: Potable. Primer, Adhesives, Levelers, Groundcoats: As recommended by EIFS manufacrurer' Additives: Rapid binders, anti-freeze, accelerators etc NOT ALLOWED. Sheathing: See Section 06100: I . Acceptable for EIFS manulacturer' Sealant: Polyurethane based material approved by EIFS manufacrurer' MetalLath:DiamondmeshJ/4LBISYminimumgalvanized|oruseininstallingSystemover unsound surfaces. Venfy with system manuiacrurer' Fasteners for Mechanically Anached System: As recommended by system manufacrurer with rvashers. P.TRT 3 - EXECUTION INST.\LLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions' B. Provide metal lath over previously painted and,/or other unsound surfaces or where indicated on Drawings or where required by EIFS manufacturer' C. Verify sheathing and accessories are complete and sound' D. provide expansion, control, and/or aesthetic joints in accordance rvith manufacturer's guidelines and as shown on Drawings' E.Caulkallcontrol,expansion,andotherjointsinaccordancewithmanufacturer'sinstructlon' F. Cure material in accordance *rth system manufacturer's recommendations' END OF SECTION 07245 Vail WWTP Aeration System Modillcations 072.15 - -l D. E. F. G. H. I. J. l\. L. 3.1 l+ J) l6 l8 l9 .10 t2 o .. tPti|l ut utrtr^Nl ea)otrNo _,- r{tDr ( t)rl 'rt lt r,^!1A 8^r.L51 (8^tt,\sl NOI SHOWN) . t/:'ttot)t {)Nt)t xtArM{ Nl _' .r, / n_ r()i, ,,|lt^l|rn\ - ANOOIZTO ALUIINUM GRAV€L STOP WRAI ROOF IIIIJERANE OV€R EOGEOl 'lOOl TQ aOnOM OF 1r4 _Qt.lA!t" SC,AI-er l/a" = 1-=0' ANODIZEO ALUMINUM SURFACE MOUNTTO COUMTER TLASHING - 3 r/2- EATI TNSUL TTON 1/2" A/C F^CE EXTERTOR 6Rao€ PLYWOOO - PAINT 3/8" A/C FAC| En€RrOR GRAD€ PLYWOOO W^LL SHEATHINCJ/4" ErFS ANOOIZEO AIUMINUM COUNTIFFLAshING 2x4 WOOO 5IU0S EXISIINC INSULATION NEW ROOF DRAIN CAULK TOP WATERTIGHT Ntw NIW MEMSRANE ROOFINGAIR INTAKE FILTIR AND OUCT IoP OF INSULAIION - +2' NEW SIUO WAIL SIRUCTURE AUMINUM CIiAVEL STOP €IFS WTH TV' AISTHETIC JOINTS AS SHOWN ALUVINUM EOTTOM ORIP FLASHTNC w/coNcRerE PAVER &AtLdsr AROUNO ENTIRE AR[.A OF NEW ROOFING WITHIN THE STRUCTURT NEW/EXISTINC ROOF TIE_IN OPER ROOF MAI'IUF. SIANDARO OEIAIL t 2xa aOTTOM PLAIE ANCTIOREo ]C EIISTINC CONCREIE OOUALT IET EXTSTTNG CONCRFTE OOUATE rEE ROOF STRUCTURT 1/2' 5/8" ROOF UNOERIAYMENT ACCEPTASLE TO ROOFe/c EXTERTOR CRADE P|-YWOOD ROOF ANOOIZEO ALUMINUM FRAVE! SIOI 2rl2 SOLID WOOO StOCklNC O Pl*r|/tl' 2 2r4 IOP PLATT 2r+ STUOS o l5- OC 3 i/2" UNFACEo SATT rNSULrnor 5/6' 8/C EXIIRIOR GR^D€ PLY*oot, .,rt^t',,&. 3/1' €rrs (o?24s) 1/2' B/C E*IERIOR GR^OI PLYTIOOI 2!4 EOTTOU PTATE atcHonlfr () t r.'t.l. ritr.^ir ( ()f(.||t tt 1/2. ROOF UNOERLAYMEM ACCEPT SI.E TO ROOF I{ANUFACTURER 5,/8" B,/C EXTIRIOR GR^DE PLYWOOD ROOF SHEA'THING 2112 RoOF JOISTS o 12'Oc 12" UNFACO EATT INSUI.ATION I/4. HARDBoARD P€GaoARD 5/E- 8,/C EXTERIOR GR^O€ PLYYIOOO SHEATHING 3/4'EIFS 1/2' e/C ErIERIOR GRADE pLywOoD - pAtNT J/4'E|FS J 2tl2 HEAOER AT OPENING ) ANOOIZEO ALUMTNUU DRIP ^l Sorr()! (r rr' AnooEED AlurtNUM couNttFr (A,rnrr cuT our EXsTlNc RoofrNc lN() r||1r,r^rr.i rr |"trtrn,'.t Arrt^ r{tjas REoulREo aRouNo PENllrouJt r^rrr r, rrr)r.rrlt rl^',r rxto NEW WALLS EXISIINC PRECTfl CONCRCI[ o()un rtr rtrr '.r|r!f rrrrl N€W ROOF INSUIANOiI NEW MEMSRANI ROO'ING TO MATCH EXISTINC PRoVIOE TAPEREO INSU|IANON IR^XSITON IN OPENING AS sftoYiN N€W NSUI fTON TO tr TCh EXISIING PRONDE NEW TO EXISTING ROOF N€-N AaOUND PERIIETER OF SIRWTURE IN lccoRoA€E wrTH ROoF|NC INSUL TION ACTURERS DEIAIL5 t- Ir r- t_ t_ T_ - t-:- Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications Air Intake Enclosure l- **r r"- irt ^s sro* 2112 SOLIo trOOD 2rl2 ROOF JO|SE Nlh N€W ROOF INSULATION N€W ttvER^NE ROOFTNG T0 |'|AfCH EXtSttNG SCX€: l/4' . 1'--O- tDR Engheerlrgi hc.fE;- f6- fE-- TE;_ rrql{ll*lJttl " L-4 i'- . -. EaOa Fdv6r Watcr e Seritatbn Disrbt 2000 I,o I I I I I I' I I I o J sP€ctflc NolEsl \ I / RESIR^I}I€D DR€SS€F COUPLING PER OFrAI! 2/P-9 flsee ,"eE, As-r FoR TNTAXE €NcLosu't (J)FLEXIBLE JOINT. \? 8LoWER TNTAXT F[.rERIS|LENCER (, ToP 0F Cru waLL. (6)PROVIOE NTW 8" CMU WALT FROM FLOOR TO AOTTOU OF - SXRUCTURE A8OVE. PROVIO€ HORIZONTAL JOIN] R€INIORCINGAT 15" O.C, STARTING E'AEOVE TH€ FIOOR LINE. CMU IO8E IIORMAI (H[AVT) WEIGI]T UNITS CONFORMTNG TO ASTM CgOTYPE I . PROVIDE TYPT 'S' MORTAR CONFOSMING TO ASTM C27O --tf- - {f-'*a +i-q-'"*/,(;rl A. LPA PAINT CI.IU TO UATCIi €XISTINC @ eaonoe &4rr / 4"o' -B' ca!v. sTtEL aNcLr waLL St.rppoRTg AI TOP OF WATT ON EAST sIDE. ALLOW I/2" SPACE EETWEEN ToPOF WA.! AND BOTTOM OI STRUCTURE. FILL SPACE WIIH COMPRESSIELEFILIER ANo sLAt wrTH FotyuR[rflaNE surLAF To MAMEKo./uLxEui I 15. (8)?!9Vr0€ E" CMU 6ON0 EeaM UNTEL V 2- 's 8 RS aND SOLTD - CROUT FILL ASOVE OOOR OPENING. LIMEL ]O AAR E" ON EACHsroE oF oPENrNc. ( 9 ) PROvro€ Trvo PA|R OF J-o'r7-2-r1 J/4- SOUNOLESS tNSut-ATED - AIUUINUI.I DOORS WITTT AUMINUU FRAIII. OOORS IO 8E SIMILARTO X,AWNEER FLUSHIIN€ ENTMNCES OR APPROVEO TOUAL OOORSSHA! HAVE 0.062 INCH THICX EMBOSSEO 'ACE SHEEIS W,/ 2 5 LB,/CU FI FOAM IN PTACE URETHANE INSULATION, PROVIOE'FUIL HEIGH-I r FUI-L WIOTH r O.l?5 INCH H RDSOARo €aCKER ONFACE OF €ACH DOOR- FINTSH SMIL 8€ CLE1R ANODIZEO PROV1oE r^r{utACTUReR S Sto. FRAMT WIH M|N|MUM OF I MASONFI JAMS ANCHORS PER JATI8. FRAM€ 'INISH TO MAICH OOORS. OOORS SHALL EE IANOEM UOUNTED IN THI FR^,TE (ONE ON TOP OF ANOTHFR ) PROVIDE CONCEJ{LEO AIJTOM^TIC DOOR BOTTOM ON €ICH OOOR MOUNTEO IN ThE TOP PORTION OF IHE FRA}T€ SUCH T|iAT THE DOOR BOTTOM WHEN ACTUATEO WILL SEAL AG^]NST THE TOP SURFACT OTIHE BOTTOM DOORS. FIEI,O VERIFI CTUAL H€IGhI OF OOORS, ^NO OOOR UFR. MAY A] IT'S OPTTON PROVIDE OIHER SIZE(HEIGHT) COIiEINATIONS HOW(VER NOT MORE THAN 2 OOOR HEIGHTS WILL BE ACCEPTED, TOP LEAFS TO 8E CUI OUI FOR VONORAL 8EAII PENETRATION, VERIFY SIZE. PROFIL€ ANO !9C4!O! St ! aROUNo vONORAIL w/ l/.' THrCK NEOPRENL TO F|T NGHT TO EEAM AND MOUNTED IO DOOR IN ALUMINUM RECEFTOR. |-B2-Tl tE2i-tl -+=..-"*-j_ L____ x IOP OF MONORAIL EL r02.E6 fro) tunow^ae FoR N€ty DooRs:6 PR HINGES I PR SURFACE SOLTS 2 EA SPRTNG ACrV^to cH tN 80LTS lNl 96- CHAN SOUNO SEAS WEATHER STRIPPING 4 AUIOT.ATIC OOOR @TIOUS (ONE EOTTOMoN e^cH oooR)4 E SURFACE AOLTS Slr+lLE/ Fa8lgg r a 1/2 !. | /2' , 6JO sTAlrtF 1t055 (€Ncrst cHArN rN FLEXIEIE CLf,AR POLYETHYLENT TUEING FULL L€NG]H - MOUNI ON UPPEF DOOAS) REES€ , 797 ON HEAI} Of UPPEF 000Rs & J rBs ot aI DooRs. REES€ 92C EACH LFIF AT M€MNG EDGES OF THE D@RS. R€ESE 'J7I - MOUNI Gl,YNir - JOHNSON lSJl-1632 r 626 PRCIJ1D€ I MII EACH AI EOTTOU OF LOWER DOORS ANO 10 EOTTS EICH AT TOP OF UPPER OOORs. LOWER EOLTS TO ENCAG€ PTATE IN FIOOR ^NO UPPER EOLTS IO €NG^CE SOCKET UOUI{TEO ON FACE OF UPPER OOORS. lvES , 6102-6 r 530 PROV]DE THRU 8OLTS, EXISTING -2 E^ PUL€S o @ o @ l--- ExrslNG I Crlu w rL I (tl)vERtft cruNN€L wtoTft pRtoR To carf sriop oRAwtNGv SUBUTTA_ T-----t PROVIO€ OP€NINC IN CRATING FOR OPERATOR NW, GROU' IN ANY OPENING EETWEIN WA!! ANO FRAM€t__ ,^-! | ,A-L' I ,_..oJ " t- t- F;r* ITl:- ta-* l-' l- I I Il- ,,*." ,*" F ^s s'.or - Vail WWTP Aeration System Modifications t- :' EtCo Rivs Wrt€. A Sadtrtim DbHct +-tt-n".+ Scr,l-t: l/4'- 1-0' SC^te 1/.' r l'-0'SC^IE:l,/2'-l-0' fDR En€irertrg; ,rc.l*fffi- lE- rE- rE;- fE-llll.{lrtltttl 2000 Sections \ Oun,n"n, .rt8Hfl Xil Deveropmenr 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 o Tn f SA4t ReceiprNo. SBS€ ryable to the TowN oF vAlL Aaar""fu Proiect: ' Please make checks pi Account No.Item No.Code#iCostEach Total 001 00003141110 Zoninq and Address Maps zA $5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Unlform Buildino Code - 1997 - Volume 1 &2 $s0.9s 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildinq Code - '1997 - Volume 3 $57.20 001 0000 3141112 International Plumbing Code - 1997 cB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 lnternational Mechanicai Code - 1998 cB $s5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform l\/echanical Code -1997 $3s.60 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code $36.00 001 0000 3141112 National Electrical Code CB r $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Abatement of Danqerous Bldq.'s 1997 001 0000 3141112 Model Enerqy Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 3141112 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes s12.75 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books lJtf 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1 11.1 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 001 00003141111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/51 .60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 31s 3000Penalw Fees/Re-l nspections PN 001 0000 31 1 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/per hour)PF 001 0000 31s 2000 Off Hours lnsoection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 001 0000 312 4000Sign Application Fee sP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000Additional Siqn Application Fee SP 001 0000 311 2240Design Review Board Fee (Pr+paid)DR -7 001 0000 31s 3000Buildino Investioation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovement Agreemont Deposrl D2-DEP1 0 001 0000 31 2 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)FTL 001 0000 230 2000Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept Rev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.590 (State) - Tax payable TP '001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.070 (Town) - Retail sales Tax T7 OtheriMisc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPUCATION FEES 001 00003112500 Additional GRFA - '250'PV $200.00 001 00003112500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000311 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 1 00 sq. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000311 2500 Exterior Alteralion - More than 100 sq. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 SDecial DeveloDment District - NEW PV $1,s00.00 001 0000311 2500 SDecial DeveloDment District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 SDecial Develooment District - Minor Amend D\,/$200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees o\,/ 001 0000 311 2500Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoninq Code Amendments PV s2s0.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 s100 Greenstar Proqram Other -MS '\ TOTAL:2fl.X) comments: ar'/ B,G,/-?.I e"r )rlstt,(c Money Order #Check #Received ,r, Qt/U F:/Everyone/Forms/Salesacl.exe ta 7rcSll2 o s oD'o - The Torvn of Vail N9 "5 335 DATE RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS t-- I II I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I Permit Mrmbers HOW PAID_I *.,,, iii,,'JEltnl ufti#,Hi["-ti'*' ,mlFfr$Elliltn -H Hrlli- lt IEIDER DEIAIL res.so Btott, ,t/*r* III€: t5:81:01 .*lHlhttPrl**o iai'so TM}li YIIJ FM YtilR PflYIGIIT! I 10 T rs I TE !il t7 Io VAIL WWTP o UV INSTALLATION Town of Vall OFFBffiffi ##PY G21 2E5 to-tGill.ar l,; t I It I I il ;r *l 4 1 2 1 DRAWNG UST: Gt voNw rrAP, LOCAION UAP, AriD oRAl|lNG UST DI OOJOUIIO'{ PLAN 5 SIRUCruRA NOIES 52 SIRUCruRAL S'ANOARO DETAILS s3 Pt^'{ s4 sEclo{s s5 stRJcruRAL S€CnotlS & OETAILS El arfiRrcAL snr8q,5 EG€NDS, AllD DETAIIS ?2 E-ECI|CA Ptr}l AtrD q{E U}l€ DR r}.G |(t. tooto20$ - GENERAL VICINTY MAP, LOCATION MAP, AND DRAWING UST EAGLERI1IERWATER& SANTTATIONDISTRICT . ur€ls2HOr€s' AT FUI S':IE(f tqr t-3Al rffiarJ ppsJ. Ns. 21285 ORAIV}I 8Y lBL DEgGriD 8Y X o{Eo(@ BY_ CflECXED BY 1 oooo f. /' , s'"8 ,4, ;i' x:; llv { . .f $ ..ilL# -F *.il *, E_#-rary _F€ 11.".;, _.,4F, dr 'il;- . " ,ll i! :i : l. ; r,j KEY NOTES: (,) lr eeleuorr ro E rutror@ rHRoq{ fiE rarn{rElatcE liEA - Dofi- ozort coenrlot Roos tt; l.ot rg E t sED FoR EQIIPITBIT ROTO'AI. (D exmro srcRoscn8t alto aL PIPING' HmNc' srPPof,r!'-,Arro: xrsctr-ilreos rpptrnmtuces lo B€ RanovED. al. PIPES AtlD orxm con-cagrr PSlEIRAnoils sll^lr 8€ CAPPED A}lo SE^!F. (i Exsr EouaJzAnol Elcxrr stt ail{c. Arro PUrp Hqsl rc E - aevorai lro ng,oclrED As $oil ol $EEr ss l, l1 l [3 PIPINC A'{D VAL\€S IN THIS AREA TO BE LEFT AS-ts I ozcF€ CA\iiAnofl ROOI : Lnsr rrt.toart rc ge: REr|O\@ l! i ,'...- q I 2 DEMOUTION PLAN 3/!r'1'-t i--'l I I EAGLE RIVERWATER& SANTTATION DISTRICT(r ior 2f-rru @xeY)BR CA NV F^ltc lF, D1 ;I t II tl II SCCPE I,t€sE NOIE5 M€ C€NERAL ANo APPIY TO IHE ENIIR€ PRO- ICt gctPt HrrxE rHEn€ AnE SP€OFIC fiOCrnO{S TO t|f @lnrnY. AP?ucAel g$nc rot{s x|D @0E5 co{slFucnot 9lal BE H ACt(nO^NCE rllll IHE ulEsr IDtCrr 6 tHt Uff(nu A'&Dll{G @Oe D€ 480\E t{^I oor€D,i gcIpT r*rERE or}r€R lppuc,AStl co€s oR I|f FqIOilTG t{'Olfs ANE ||ORt RESIECN\E altFr^rD€ o€lors rH€ SrnuctRA 5Y51E|5 ArO oETrtrS Or IHESE Ar{:i rf,f 1|{E PR6IY 0€SOl. ^LlERr|AIll't Sr$tyS AI.ID o8^t-s r/AY 9€ USID lF rHg C{fiIRACTOR grEXtlS PtlNS rfi 9.€$r,|n^rr6 caqnlro{s Alo rEsr 0ATA !o.€D ^TO-S€AIIO 8Y A PROFESS|OI^L OIGilEI' f,lGSTEruD N rtf srAlt d c4oRlDo, Atio f D€ A[lIxr{AIllE Ptx{s ln€ lcctPrE 8r n€ @{slR dnd{ rA|Acn oval90r5 SrRrcrUR l OllE,lSOlS Co{rRq,$D 8Y m RAjED lO lEot^r{c L 6 ATCTRIC,IL €qJPvOrT 9rAi BE WRng) 8y rHE COrnAqroR PRlfi Io co{nRlcnor PffOVSO{5 FOR EAUIPTO{I D€IAJLS f XECIJAilCTT AXD AICTRIC^L EOUIPMENT gJPPORTS. AXOiS CtS eEN,tCS, RECEsSs, PrP!{q A}ro ErlS€D- roals r{ol grortlt o{ lH€ Snucnna Df,AtNGs &,7 n€er@ BY Olrfi @NrRACr mAnrCS $rAlI E pRe vo€D Pflfi ro c^.stl.lc colcnflE mficREtE co,rstRucll0{ *txL @r{FoRv ro.r}tE L rESt tDnor 6 llr€ Acr lot 9€oncrloNs tfi SLa.olrcs Rtlfl66G SrEL OgI{5 AU.oErrr|.ct fAfic^tn{. ro ftrfctp{ c Rtlfqc- f{G BARS' $rrSS OTXERUSE llOIED $Ar E il ACCm- Aric€ rtlr rr,lu^|. 0f nAl€ARo PRAcnc€ Fq oErrltic Rflr{FG@ Corcn€rt $R,cnnES (AO-!15). TAIESIDfllor. D€9Cx stno|cD6 A COaCnEle Fc - {@ Pst (|.ilArf CqfRESgr€ slRtlrcm At 2a DAl3 ||O AS ot{ttsE Sp€OtfD. 9. RANFmONG SrEA- ASry A5t5, cR.5O, Uctpl fm nES $nRUPi Ar0 EAiS XOIED Ol OftArlllrCs rO f Rtl.o E!lI. IHCH 9rAl E CR^oE {O G ASna A706. 8 RS TO E IILoED 9r Lt E ASnr A70a. co{ciEtE @wn cotcRgtE co\€R Fm RfilFectNG EARS *rAr E As FruO$S f,tIH rJrMyUU CoIER tr crrE 8lR OXTE|ER 0f AS Fruo$g Wi{O{ ElA roR€ SIRr}rC€Nr. A CO{CREIE CAST AGAINST E^RIH - J INO.IEs. 8. CO.TCREIE TO 9E rN COi{TACT tfiH U0Ur0 - 2 IHO{ES UNL'SS OIHSTIS€ NOIED. C, CC}ICR€.II IO 8E IN COIIACT hlIH EARIH OR I€AIHER. t, SARS CRE TER IHA{ F - 2 n{OiES. z BAns ,5 G ESS - r-rl2 nOrES 0. corcnEE NoT lo E r06D fi, cRq,,No, rElrHol oR uq.p. r. SEAlrs Aro ceufts - 1-ll2 lr{otEs z sJASs rA.ls. Aro .xlss - r [cH. urillyrx RstFficanolT @{cRElE COrSntCnx sfiar Eg RA{F6C!D orcngtE EXCgr U€Rf Pt^D{ CO{CRS|E 5 noGAlD Ot IHE oRAUTIGS' tt{llss olHfRitsf NotED, unt{u|l lEIpaA- rjn€ Aro sfirfi 6€ srEE slta! 8E PRouo€D Dt ACCOROA||CE frrH AO-a50 0R |JTEST REVSOT r.Ass corcnElE E{ tt E RErFfic€D tt}t F o t2' EU r|r|ratl. ll At FAc€s qTRA ACCESSoRY BAnS n Ad'nox lo lloE/a AccEssoFEs usED Io HotD RElilf(ncr|G s|EE_ Fruy n pEfiI{. ocIRA ACC8SSORY BAnS Slt^lt E USED AS FCtlOE a t| stl8s t5 Rr6ER SAnS AT J6'Oq tAX$r m SJPFMT IOP FElFMCilG STEE- 8. il r rJ,s nn Tro qJRTAfis t5 u 0R z sHApE SPACIRS AT 6 FEET OC ET uNrEss $orcllD oll{tnrtse A[ RoNFoRcsfENT ttp snrcEs slr I s^nsFy IHE t.o{GIHs tN tHE FruOHilC TAaE tf sPucEs FoR rltcH Df Fouom{c IAB.E 5 M'l APAiCla! $At E AS $OrN Or ]tE oRlrstc oR SHAll- AE REftXRD TO I}€ O'GTTEN Ffi DEERTU'|AfiNf u€ nfq.nED [.or6t]L trP spr.rcEs sHru ilot r r^r Ar FoNls s r^x,uu* sTREsS AS OOUUilED BY rHE txGD{TR LAP SPUC€S fOR CO{1INU06 Sl.^A ffi IOOhIUDiNTJ_ BE,r}l EARS srtrll 8t locAlED n lHt r.Dq,€ t/l 6 ''r. sp^fl toR Te 6^Rs lrP SPTJCE SOO|r.E |olES A CONC*ETE rS XOn|TAL rEorr coxcnglE illlt A vr0ruU CO.rCnEE COllPRf,SsllE SlRt}{CtH-+oOo PSL I rf{rur BAn sP^ct{6 6 6.. c A rcP 8li rs A HmfzoilTAr aM H{x[ rmt lx^x 12 [torEs 0F FRESfl COilCREIE 6 C^ST OrcCrLy BO-oYi t]€ BA& HffiZOTTA W t! SARS ARE @ilEo€ntD TOP SARS D FOR POXY-COAIE RENfGC8|'O{T. IU.NPLY lHE TAAJUIID v lUEs BY 1.5 FoR kGnrR BARS AltO 1.3 Fff 'TP 8ARs. E lrP gr,c€ nG]Hs FoR Stxrs $A[ BE AS SHOfi rN ]H€ IAStf o|t IHE ST t0AR0 Btl,r Bfv^to|{. RESINCIED BAR A}|CHORAC€ lt clsEs r}fnE Rtlfmcnc Srns cltat|oT E gtDotD AS F^R AS REq'RO DI.,E TO T|C II'IED SIEXT C If ADJACATT CoilCf,ttE SIRUCIIJnE llt€ SARS SHAI AIDO AS FAR AS POSga.E A|0 0{O il SrA,{OARO HOq(s. sr^loAno Hffi BARS tI{oTrC r{ A RC|{T I,IGIE 0€}t0s 0n HOO(S $ta! ccrFma lo l}f REounaao{rs 0F Act-3r5. CHAIfERS ExqPt As ollE[sE RfqrRo. rosED corcRgtE CoRNERS ArD EDCES Slr^lt HAv€ J/4' O.tAilF€RS RE- a{IRAXT CORTERS S}|XI NOT H \E Frr.EIS AflCHOR EqTS usE 0f lr|otofi 90LIs gtAl,l 8E N -lccoRDxtc€ ttH D6rAr. 8,.3Z @Nrnrxrrs I IERSI(pS As 9€OFED sflAtl. E nSrA[.LED lr at cottftlcltot .Ertls rt yA.ls Am srrSs 0F t qrO llO,Dl{C glslls At{t Cr|AnilA-S. *C[PT *l8t lOC rED - o'rl€Rffie Rqro{or Aro ctl^r At cotsnucnoN .nNls l| r Lls A'l0 srrSs As SPEoFED PRoR ro pucnc AoJ catT @NcREtE s^roan$ilG 0R ott€ PR€p$lrlot f H(F:ao|rAr n{D lBllcll.r'{Is |s RtqIftD AS SPSCfED. C€NERAI DTMENSoNS ANO AlvAllcris 0f D0sIlNG CONSInUCIo,T IRE gto*?{ FoR STOONC OrrLY. EFRC^NOI n€q.,RTD @r{lR^grm 9rAI noRqroty r|gEqt Aro s.m,gr q!il- ING COrsIFlJcIlo|t To t&Fr otno{go.s. 8.Ev^ltotg fic. rHctt ArTtcT tlrE rG( s{orit oil n€ DRr*tcs REPGIUTG OSCR€P^}IOES REPoRI x{y y &Allo5 0R USCTEPX|OES rO If OfCn ETfiE PROCTEilG MOOINCAIION OF COilCRETE PRIOR TO co{ sTRucTlo{ c!r{ IRACI Ft. GL 0E9O{ Ul/E I.oADS A FLOM ANEA& I. XEW GNAI}IC FLooR - r00 PsF 8. SA9rc - ZO€ | PA t'|FoRr. A|t$|c C00e i.r I1J c{ ca c7. vz sceE D€ Fq.rom,G lolES or rostcAroil tr qlst[F CINCREIE ^RE GSITTAL I'{' APPLY rc IflE OrIN€ PNO.ECT ACEPT TflERE THERE ARE SP€ONC INUCAICilS lo IHE CONIRARY. lrE To DosTlric srR cluRg vinERE 'IlE TO Anlnc SnuCruRE ts tNOcAlED. Cofl- 'IRACIOR 9iALL SIRATO.ilE{ ANo SA|oBLAS' DOIS-S Ato rED SPLC€5 lrfi Ntr RANFORCA.ATT AS DFIXIID q{ l|rt oRArilcs fi As onEcrED 8y lHE orEn 0R $tAtt pRc t'D€ DffEs AS roc ID 0r{ l}€ DR TilGS .gilT PREPTRAIOI a$rc co€RErE gJRFACES tO f,.EnO f,il rcr @arcREtE $ral 8€ tHoRqrqi_y cLEAlt@ By slr{oat$$tc /rlD @AIED rtH POXY gqtpfiG Cq.Pd,'l@ JrSr pFoR IO ilca.ofi 0F r€1r ctrtcRElE .DNT TREATTfI{I gJRF CES APOSED rO VEy gr^tt B€ XErlty SAW ArT ID A o€PIH F rlt Pfrm, IO RArOuNc nrE ASnNG COI{CREIE uin€ss l|olED 0lfir6E oil nG DRArncs lo0€}r SJRFAE< SIAIL RECAVE A IOoLED .rcNT 8E'IEE}{ i€r Ar0 frsl|.rc cd{cREtE DOTE TG DOIfLS 9{TTT E GROU1ED gY @AID6 NC DRI.I.ED Hq S Al{D DOTEI.S il'tH EPofi BOOilc CCTPdJTO ArO nstx$rc rHE OOIE-S rlIO I}€ t|(I.Es. EPtrY GRq,,T Sil[T E FORCED NTO XO(€S Rt flt ll€ tOG. Sr SpECnCAIOt{i Hd.ES $tAt! 8E 8Loril q,rT PRfi rO puO$C EPOXY. w ltRsIoP:; Y'llERE WA'IASTe BETr€Dl XEf, AriD AtsllNC @iICRETE lS REqIRED. CotfiRACIOR gaU PflPART ga@il @ilCngIE SJRFAC€ ATiD APPLY HIlROftruC iATTR-STOP il AC@RDANCE r|lH t| TERSIoP rAM.FAgrufi€rS RE@rtoo Tofis Als sPEc s€cnoN o:!bo \EFFY OoSnXG oilExstoilS srRUgruRrL'OIE.tSOils RElrID rO oR COTnOUID 8Y AISNNO SIRUCruRES SHAT E VTRFE TI FE..O BY l}f, @NIRACTOR PROR TO CO{CRflE tw( ALUMINUM ce c|l. L3. o5, u7. 41.APTCABI.€ COO€ ALUtil{UU Co|rSrRUCtOat SltAI CoflF@r nt rH€ LAr6r ED|lo|{ OF rH€ Ar-Uvr}iUU Cc|rSlRUCltoN UA}rUlL S IHE auurM,|l Ass@Allol. IAIENA uiluss oTHERSSE r{ocArED, stRugnnll Aurni t. slt^l! 8E AlroY 5061-15 As spEstED t{ ASIII 8-50E aur0f,l| n oomAcT nlH colcnEE sfiER€ aLrrurilu! ts lN cof{TAcT [tH @rcfgtE cR yAsorRy SJRfACIS' milTACt S,,RfACES srtrl.L B€ COAIED lllH lE Vy al(aj-i€srsfAffi BluaNqrs PxrT. oul IlrE srrecr Fm t|{E EOTTOI re.ls lo !p[sa.EE socur rF cnroE 6G rllf:nct}:li:- (u utro{rs 9fi mt r. xo6) 8An SZE |!l+F F tt F tg ,r0 Il r colEn RSALI.R BARS t6 r6 t9 2l 33 9 ,t5 57 6t tF BAnS t6 E 21 a a2 €@ 71 t9 t'corB REAl,tn EAnS te ra xl !t $a2 t6 e2 rF Erns l6 m 2t 105.t tl 9t It ltt NVER COLOR B R 0 W N ANDCALDWELL , ux€62HCH€SF--iErE- (t ror f-$U @n,EAGLE RTYER WATER & SANTTATION DISTRICT pno.r no. 21265 DRAf,N BY 6AT.I o€srcil@ 8Y orEo(o 8Y-- q{EqcD 8Y .5 "' ':* i*n"' HEX NUT ANO GALV. A}tCflOR EOLI AS REA'O. 8Y EOUIP. XFR r' rc s7r'lRr r. rrr.6' FA E1/t tflnu t-!y'!- arrro'FoR r-r2. ^'& tl.'(ar/c 3,/+' R (T\?.) UET^L BAS t/1' R tf\€t_[ttc ruT (F REOb.sEi SPEOnCAIO.S) srEE- EAUP. gAS€ @ { I 5 PLAN TAY 8E P\C SLEEVE OR cR06s 8AR:i 8€ARFIG EARS SPACEI Vi{ERE APPUCAd'E. TF. A[ BSARINC Ailo cioss sARs rO IN1ERIOR ENO 9Anos CRAIINC CI,JP orH€RilsE Fmrtl ^r \..ril.{ [' 5ffiff'^ffis,o., ,ffiJ iq!ua+2' t:-G'-r'*'1M Fi;R.,NF SIEE l lJil:f' ,/ ;E I l' ;-.l.' [ 'e srnucnnaL slJe / .. jF=:r . ' l sEE NorE I/ *"''1''-1 I ' L pLArE oR AS REo'D. th' otL 5TUD ofirJ-ED Afio TAPPED INTO GRATINC SJPFORT Yi/S.S. HEX NUT AND IYA9IER NO SCATE fr3ri/.t HlN. OR AS NOTED. NorI-SEInNC \'OD AFg^ IIIIHIN METAL BASE TO BE NLLED *tIH COTENT GROIJT.SIRUCIURA! SUPPORT Al@ rN BOLT HOI€S. st Ar E' EvtEF UNL€sS OIHERIIIS€ NOIED. SiERE 9. 8 rs 9' oR t.Ess us€ fi AT 6'EF. €LEVATIo0,I CONCRETE To KEEP \o|D ARoUNo EQlJlP. EASE AnOtOR AOLL AJ.toloR 80LTs 9IALL BE lilN. 9E 9{OtiN OR Lo|{CER AS REA'O. 8Y IOUIPU€NT MANUFACruR€R. ANCHOR EOLT DETAIL NOIES: I. AJ. EqJIPIIENT, INCLUOING TANKS 9IALL HA\€ A COTIC. EqJtP. BAS€ TO SJIT. D(C€PT AS SP€OFICAIY NOT€D O'{ lHE DIVGS. BAS€ SHAI.! BE PROIID€D BY l}IE CO{IRACTOR IN ACCORDAI{CI t|lII{ TI{E RECOTI|ENOATIoI{S OF lHE EAUF. TFR. ^rID AS APPRO\@ BY 1r€ @r{ST. TNSPEC1o& S€E r.EC}r. OWGS. 2. X{C}IOR 8q.TS SHAII 8E gZED FOR IHE EQUIPXENT LOAD PLUS SA$$C LOAOS (SASralC ZONE NOIED O{ Orc. s1). 3. ANO{OR BOLTS SHAr! PA{EIRAIE SIRUCTURAL S-AB AS REO'O. TO YEET IIINIYUII EMSED}TENT SPECIRED. EPOTY OOI|EL TO DOST. SLAA. 4. DRNTTD HqJs HIH AA SET DI NO'i 9IRXX GROUT oR ADHESIVE GROi.|I INSTAJ-E) IN ACCOROA}|C€ u|lH TTATUFACTIJRER'S Rf,COrrAnoAIOts UAy E USED N UAJ OF H@(E Bq_T. Ee^nsor 9.EIt TtP€ solts g{ar NoT BE us€D. a- J 1/2' OR t.O{6tH OF EOUpilENT ^ITCHOR BOLT LESS 3' xtN rt{tcHEvER F OREAEN. 6. REHF. PAOS UP TO 4' 111R. Vl/ 7S C 12- O.C, eW. RqHF PAOS ]|{TCXER rHAn 4- v F C 1t o.C. gr.. f 8€LOW lop OF S.^A u.N.O. STRUCTT,,RAL STANDARD DETAILS 3/4' :lA_!9!:g!E!!{_ cnour UNoER AL! | BEARING gJRFAc€s I s€E NOIES SEE NO1ES S',RFAC€ ROUOIEN@ TO IVIHTN T'(F EDGA APPLY BOND|IIC AGAI' PRIG lrt rNsratlltc{ OF @.TCREIE 8O{DING AG€NT $tAlJ. 8€ XA5IER auLoEn's co{cFEsve BrnxEs 681r.tL EPoxY, OR EQIJAL L GRAIUTC 9tAt_ COa{Ffiy TO IHE i|ETAL 8AR CRA'|r{C UANUA OF NAI|(I{^L ASSOCTAT|o.i 0f ARCH|IECIURAL *ErAL UAr{UFACIUReRS, UilITSS OTHEXSE *EONED, GRATINC *IAII B€ AJJITNUIT UNI.ESS NOTED ODElrtSE. Z GRAIbIC 9IAII 8E SWACED AD FMG€D. 5. hl{ERE Bq-rEO GRAIF{6 rS SPEC'FIO. PROUO€ .t GRAl|ilC CLjPS APPROX' {' FRor,| lllE CfiN€RS OF EACH P|ECA IDJ CENTpEcEs ra^y aE ANcHoREo HIH otrE cup Ar{o 2 sruDs (s€E s€cloN l). 4. GRATNC 9lAlI t RElrOY ElL 5. CttlR 9lr 9r u E PLAN D|r,Orstott FACE to FACE 6 opExtre 6. GRAlrf{G SO€XJIE lS SttASLE FOR O€SCN UvE LOAOS 6 250 PSF fi t€Ss' 7. I F r.Hutr. rorE {T 0F $€nnA REqJR@ (ilO{ES y'JN. FT.) FOR F|SERd,ASS. 6" llo BA,{D tO 6. 1/€ ttss n{AX CRAIT{C O€pl}r. 9. l l^t' At Atr.linr 1 1/t A7 FEA6L SS T(PPilC OR OIHER SJRfAC€ f RfirsH FL@R GRAING SCHMUI.E ANO CONNECIION DETAILS "l*p TPICAL EQUIPMENT PAD/:\ DErAtLti,iJ ro sc^t.E CnlIING T I t t I |l *t 5' 2' t2' t1 /( YlN. IIICREASE ANq.E slZE TO SJIT GR^IIII6 (s€E so.rEDrJE)- urE Ar{0 YTql) AT CORNERS 1/2') S1tfi ANCHoR O IE' oc v^x SPACER BAR S€LD€D TO GR^IINC AS RE@ TO PRO\,bE TOP FLUg{ */ IOP F @ilC. r,EA\€ I. GAP EVERY 2{ FOR DRATNAC€ CRAIilC DvansoN FACE OF OPO{ING GRATING SUPPORT AT CONCREIE l3't2't1,/1'HIN r/2', ANOTOR Bd-TS t6'oc. r^x 1/2' OA vrN. lficrroR 80LIs i 3/8'r 3'MlN. 1l lqE ADJJST 8{O PIT]E ORIENTAIION TO SUll LOCAIIOI{. sEcnoN GRATING END SUPPORT /-\DETA|Lt"H NO SC Le PROT DRASI BY DegorD 8Y CHECKTD 9Y CHECKED BY T_ DETATL@ xo sc^I GRATING SCHEDULE (3) B€^RING 8'N SZE CLEAR SPA{R8ticL^ss (t)ALUr||TUU l'r I-.J28 trtno 2'-6 11/1-tb.3u 7A r }nG y-6 I l/2'r I-.928 1 r/2 , Jfr6 a'-o 2'r I-1.675 I J/1 \ rfl6 5'-O 2'r !-r.675 2 t 3f16 5-6 2 1/+ t 3h6 t'-a 2 1/2 | tno 7-O REINFORCING MUST BE OUTSIO€ sEcnoN e I|?ICAL GRAIING s€/\T. SECNON H\-/ NO SCAIf NOTES: CUP *IIH SLOI]ED HOIf, BOLT IO GRA1ING ^NO fiOICH TO FII FI.ANG€ Of, gJPPORT. sEcToN e NO SCAIS B R 0 W N ANDCALDWELL ENVER COLORAD , UNE rs 2 rNorEs' AT rutt Stt(f tsot 2'-sru ^ccqoxclt EAGLE RTVERWATER & SANITATION DISTRICT FC (!rl3f|trc'|o UV hISTALLANON I F Ft I T I ! t RELOC^TED8lo(r .gr - __..--l. NORIH cRAnNG.c - -- _ ._ REC9.i-{NECT. IO KEY NOTES: Q) ro ae pRovoED By yllruFAcruRen oF rHE uv Eoupyorr. CD $ g*t ryptl{c ro aE q t/2. rHRE^Do GrLv^ilzED srEE_ROUIE SultlR tO AEC?RTCrL CO@UIT 6t OErt CZtr. -8St Ppnrc -(uNoER goEwru() PIPES REo!1'- I : i-T FOR AS_.: ': i CRAIING I .--l; --FACE OF i;{ r^so{^RY tY LL 99p1w.go-@gggrwr 17 - >Jz2ezb< FO t I *"@ '-@ AR:: i; : ; ia :!li,; r: h iillrl H El rxt|Eu lFrOi,EE p3q1 11e. 212E5 DR I}I BY 0€96ilED 8Y X qrEct(o 8Y CIIEOGD BY EBE -€ \€R!FY W/ uAltuFAcruRER PLAN s/a'a'-o' RO AL VER , UNE ls 2 tNdiES' AT FlJu_ s2r(f ror 2'-sru A@Net EAGLE RTYER WATER & SANTTATION DISTRICT to-lt-o -=q-d-E__ D^E_ W f.lSTAtLATlOl.l PLAN + 3 z I I I II III I I t t I I I I I I I h EIrl 'lp rl .l il !t I t. l3 I I I I t I I I l I I t KEY NOTES:'l @r-ocen ooug-E rEE prREsrxfs$lc sTR1,.6 EroRE rur.c- HO.[S OO NOT DATICE 6tltc sfnrrots. co{cREtE PAICH txsllNc oPsi|NG (2)'r'r ar25 BOLIS (rrP.) tJ/!'x4'x't' (TrP.)t (2)3h') EOLTS l+x'x3/8\O' LOr,lG tEC ATTAOIED TO YEB *5o12'O.C. UV IRENC}I WAI SIRUCruRAL STRUCruRAL SECIIONS AND DETAILS EAGLE RTVERWATER & SAT.{ITATION DISTRICTBR CA ENV . UNE IS 2 DTC}|ES ' AT FT'I gZ (f ror 2'-54f ^c@n, v:21 2150041 lo-l I -o1 nldceod DRAn€ r|o S5 I I. I fl g I I I F It $ PLAN DRAWNGS: CIRCUIT AND RACEWAY S\'}TBOI-S: RAC['\{AY OR II1RING SYSIE}I ABO\€ FLOOR LE\€L Bg-OW CEIUNG. EXPOSEO UON. R^CEWAY OR WIRING SYSIEY ABO\E FL@R LEVEL CONC€AIED IN WALL OR A8O\E CEIUNG Uot{. RACwi y 0R tfrRrNG Sl6lEv St OR UNo€R FLOOR, fi CO{CEATD N ON EEHND SIFUCruRE OR EOIJIPYO{T. C COI{DUIT ROI.'IED EB.OW GRADE IN COI.ICREIE RICASA'B.IT. HOIIE RUN; DEgO{ANONS INDICAIE A Oi{E-UNE OTACRAII OR PANELEOARO SO{EOUI.E REFERENC€ €XAMPL€: HoilERUN TO MOTOR COIITROL CENIER YCC 810I. RCFER TO O{E-UNE FOR CAALE AND RACEWAY REOUIRE},IENTS. EXAMPLE RACEIYAY NUUEER, RE ER 'O RACETYAY SOTEDULE FOR slZE ORCUITS CO,NTNNED. ANO OES1INATION RACEI{AY OR }'lRlNG SYSIE}I TURNED TOWARO 'lHE VE\!€R (rJP o?{ PLAN DRAYiNGS) RAC€Y/AY OR IIIRING SISIEIJ TURNED AI|AY FROM IHE vEfi€F (oo*N or.l PLAN oRA\i1NGS) RACfITAY OR hIRING SI TEU CHANGE IN EIfVATION OR DISTANCI FRolI VIEIIER co{DuT sn B Ar{D clP cougilA'|oN yoroR st^flEn-iot LocArED 'l ^'t t ocfi SLII.^R GRq'P ASSS'8I-Y DrscorrN€cT, NoN-R sED. SOt s pdr Uoil. IOOA Sp RA]ING INOTCAIE) FUSEO DISCONNECT: o-ASS R FUS€S Uor{. NEI.D INSIRUilO{T cot{lRoL sTAno.{. coilncrJRAllot{ AccoRoNG To corilRoL otAGSAMS. €Q{J'PMAn} DEstc?{A7oR eqvrl scil[ (s) oR Low \d-TAGE (L), -_r..}:- HANDHOE (HH) OR U^r{HOtr (yH) r$rH DESIGNAI|O{. EXAUPIE gGI{AL HAI{DHOLE NUYEEN 2J. (D€ 27ooA rrNclro{ Box nrH oprorAL Danrna. GENERAL LINEWORK: |rElr Dw( EFSnlrC T0 RArxr{ l€I F0( 9Y OD{ER DfSCrPt titEs EIISING 'O E RIIWD XAI Eq'ruO|T G PAO(^GE EqNDARY KEY NOTE DESTO{^TOR RFERO{CE CMRESPO{DINC XF' NOIE O{ IHE DRAViING B R 0 W N AND C A L D W ELLVER COLORAD (r NoT 2'-*!l ^@€V' '-a" EL€C1RICAL . _r l.l sYltBOLS, LEGENDS AND T.1-4,H ecc rO i,,,i-,:r*le;r'al.{t::1i: it E 8t AREA CON NOTES: r. xonteux DEslo{AIoN. ultu2E or{ Pt-at DRAwNcs- 2. GRCT'IT REAUNS.IENTS INOICAI@ O'{ REFERENCED ot{E UNE UAGRATT. 3. DIAGRAUTTAlIC REPRESIITA1ION OF RAC€YAY REOI'IRAIE{TS DRATINGS OO NOT NEC€SSARLY DEN T PH]gCAL RELATIoITSTIIPS OR INIERFAC€S INIH OTHER EqNPTENT 0RIRADES, pROUDE A[ OFFSSfS, IRAr{SllO{S, RTIINGS A|tD ACCTSSORES ilt{lcH lrAy BE REATJNED TO FOR'T A COXPLETE RAC€WAY 5161BT. ,r. ORqJ|T REAU|RE)rallS Ul{CtlAl{GED FRorI UPS'REAT ORqrT REQutRarO{rS. 5. AIiIC|LIARY COTPo}{EXT INIEORAL TO TTAJOR EOUIPMO{T ITEM. "li NOTES: r. HqrERuN D€so{ toR RerBorcEs qlc r.iE r|AGnAr[ RE ER rO o|€ tt€oi^cfi^r FrE fxHtfot D6tra A/E| rro tE'a Io iFrlorcED o€ u,cD|AGRA. F6 CrEE ArO RICE Ay i€qJlflEallt z Pr rl DRAn|rc oEP|qts AppRm|ArE spA'ttAL ianl|oagf oF AssoqAED EOLIPTOTT .rro DEucF, REFB ro oNE lxE dAcRlrrs F6 sflIncofiEgn|fcoRorT Raq.no.otrt RttEt r0 oc t c q^ciAr pn€sanl^Dox D6rAt vEt. J. PUIPS ArO FA|{C AAO'E l8f SHOrll AS lurslR^nofl FOR Sweqs. Ngt tlco{rtuc'. TY?ICAL PTTN PRESO{TAIION DETATL@ xo sca.E EIEi =r IRO{- CENTER l* F sEHi; i; i TY?ICAL ONE UNE DIAGRAM PRES€NTATIONS DETAILE\y NO SCAI.E w srslar.rrilclto{ Box co{DuTs As REOUIRED PfR ONE UNE OIAGfiAU Lor{G RAI'IUS el.8ow (TrP) Z*ry IED BU${NC r$Tlt cRouND tuc AND ,ro A*6 GRq.TND SRE TO PANB- cROutO coRE DRtl Dosrr{c sLAE Ar{D HSIAI coflotfiIs PRroR TO POORII{G EOUIPUOTT PAD. ClR€ DRll. s|tAT BE r,/{ NCrt ufiGfn ilArir cor{DrlT o.D. Ato S€ALED Hr{ NON-Sfifa( Gf,q,T AFEN COTO|,T |i|sTruAl|q{. DETATL@ lo-tO.O 3 tG,s;, ,1$' l't- J-: I €!tt-\ gs :o*; l{o sc ll i! :i:i:i i: ,!l: lr : i_,j : iil "i!\: I I I t I I t I I I I I II l t ..-^.ri _; , OZONE: GENERAIION --j: Roor4 j : i,l .- ..'"lc(-€(z) nog. oilqtr lro iEqltlD co{qrcroRs ^s Dttt ED o'lf oc-lr q{n r io'trE Oo.qrr E-ot GnAD.c As . lDfrI I Ofir c/tl. cofiEst xr-9qqlqt9is-r9-Yv.. irsiD-tEo dor Aro w collntr. PAr{15 As FEq.@'5 rvsrrtxil'Et ^n -i{ - ''-&'(!) E f otutt ^ro oqqrgtE lD roc-tl (lrPR@|^rltrY !60 ttfrt As FES'ED tY D€ oocimJcto. L^n cER (i\ nnfcoor Ato co.n ctoEl rg a'ora PLc c^ExET (lP"Rqor tO.Y rs frl) ls fEgED aY n{€ Cogfnglp'l lrAllACER 6 'irrolrtuv too ffEncot €gnod coouqr*t PR(MotDY at rE vrrttAcruREn csfiR gtc $lan- rgr^u rxE coogg ^r.o lEFilr tf ls FEqrR@ 8Y 7ll€-, r lrtlcruFEi. (-e'l rxflcnaen SJPPIED o€vc€s *tA! 8€ colr.Ec.ro ro.- r'f rry srgrEt .!ilcnot Box As R€auRED BY lllE r.Ar{JfAcnffi- z u>J22 E4HO Ir) (sEE OETAL C,r€l) E8E EBE EBE COTPRESSOR t6crro, 3/4-P\E TO NEAREST BIOG SIEA ------t r: :i i::i ti:, ,l ii i! ti il ;: :l Fz f u!! 1=EA I ; I I I I ! ; I I i iLI --rf- --i it ;j i; PARTIAL PLAN 3/a'a'-o' 56 U Ect<o E H*8.H El=fr ot-HF >6)q ONE UNE DIAGRAM (PARNAL) oR^illc ||O E2 .t I i{ I '11 :il :,i ' ;.,*-. . 'rFr: !:::i A : ?!-?'t{r'(r" 6sle!o6(|ircn t{,.r RD|oIE OlSlrG clRgrr 'EA(ER |'!r- FEEii€-iC a;t-prJr, Aro Ecor.€cr EqnPso{r ro o{€f rH€ rfr Elxas Ht'orL CCrrRAClOR 9{Al nnNlg{ .& }T'TAI A '|Erl TFt OROJTT SAATGN UMT COJPIEIE YIIX- 06l"Cn^rr gEctr rar4i,' oc gt tqE.IBr., ' rsr|lf, )EHL Igt a'EAADIl! I.'/CTDTI :ot||gs, rtAr,EPUI€S qi,€ aO Ar4r' Ar{o.IEl..2m^|C Gnort E4qE-rY rP t^rr6 c cnqfir url' lcH oi trL isfiPlL':.-J uv uliPs BANK 8 ELECTRICAL PLAN AND ONE LINE EAGLE RTVERWATER& SAI{ITATION DISTRICTBRO CAL NVER ORATN 8Y GAI o€scil@ 8Y Dr ET Ti,€EN 9OF0