HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 30 LEGALo 0S26-2003 Inspectlon freguest Reporttng 9.55 ao ' vArL- cCI -'TowH hF Page 1 AP,D InfofmatlQn R€que$i€d lnspect Oatgi lnspeiuon Ar€,{: Slte Address; _ TyF6: A"BL$LD Qccrlpancy: Tuxrsd8yr June 2S, 20(tl t?s$ w*ESTHAVEN CR VAIL l?50 Weslfisren Crrde Sub Tylrt u5€ SffiJ3: lnrp Area: : ASFR:VN I6SUED CD GEORGE $HAEFFER CONS'IRI CTION Pirone: 97tL84$5656 GEORGE SHAEFFER COITISTRIJCTXS'I Phon€: 97[1a45"5&56 I'IEAGHER, CTNTHiA STFOUiit exlerld rnasH wlflq a{rd oraand to 3 bsdrcoingqlq9o_tflf*hfts o-pfrov€d by Phnning cn 321rO3. REVIS'ONS APPROVED 9Y Gc.D 032lr03 - GDEI{CKLA Fks spmfior sy$pm rqrksd ln bolh pxlstlng and proposdd rddi$on. - MVAT GHAN 00 BLD6+lml OEORGE S|IAEFFER COa'lSTRiJCTllt\l ,n/-,-Lc'c3 "'$. " ^ nddneYtea nme: ogioo Atu'41u44' Phofie: 376€174 ,.' I f;r$ff€dBy: DG0LDEN * \_J//' Tlm€ Exo /:, ELEVATOR CEhTIFM:fE-- AND FLUMBIIG Fll,tAL. I.REMO{/E PLAsT}C FROM,a.TT}C ABO\/E }I,{STER +LSET. z.FRcli/FE I.IINDRAIL AT EXTERIOR STAIRS 8.t 8ACK, 3.RI.'N EXCEEDS g€f ON REBUII,T STAiRS. 4.OVER 4" T'AX AT TJPFER D€CK AT BOT'T'O'i,I RSi.- OIT TOIIO\/E FURMTTJRE Ih- | ,t,t-/ l-'/-ul,r: . :Ot._,,, +tr.'u ii o'U'ts/Og lrcp€ctofi GCD Acdon: APf,PPROATED ComrDeils: EhrehEER APFRCVED FOLNDAT}O}.I POURESW/O tilSPECTIO'{ \ITA LETTER. Acllon: .qP AFPfiOVED A6ilon: CR CORRECTEN REOUIRED APPROVAT AIVD ? NEW SETS OF PLANS REFLECTTI.IG CFIAf-IGES. SPOKE TO CONTRACTOR. F liow iNFORtulEt) hEpector: €CD Acilorr: DF.l D€NIED DENIED REVI$KIi.JS gUBMITTEO 03/t&03 O 4f'{n. ILC N('T AFPRO\JED. APDITIONAL F€85 RFOD TO BE PAIS, ln3rc{Dr: @D Acuon: Dh lfENl€D SA['E REASOI'IS AS LISTED AfJOVE. Acthrh.: BO?-0341 Const TYoi:Oiiiier: Polhcx ReoltegE$ Inspector{sJ Itcfii: RequeCor: Asslond T6:- Ac0on: ItemCo{firmril$: lbmComrmnis: trisoec{ac-ilblury 0319/O3 Coflm€ntB: tH2(y{t3 Commcntu o82403 lhm: {O BLOG.Fodno#Sle€{ " Anorw*d '- 11li7ld2- tnrpctor: @D' Acton' PA PARTTAI- AppROVAL COMmant*: ALL PERIMETER FOOTT'$S AND ? II.{TEFIX]N PAD€. t}2t19/03 lrn!trtof: GCD Artlm: COIIDAPPRO\IES]CO}.|D|TIONS CommeTb: PrcUDE EI-IG AS BUILT FOR ELEVATOR PIT AI{D FOTJNDATION. PAD IS E.tr X 6.8I WT}I 15 REBAR A 12. OC. I.IO FIJRTHER IIIISPECTIOIF UHTIL PLAI.I CFIAI*IGE [S 9I.EIi'ITTED AI.TD APPRO\,ED. F AS zuILT tS E)|FFEREHT FROIT{ PAD M)TED ABOVE hI PTTCE WARK REOD TO BE REi'OIJED- 0E24O3 lrppe{tor: GCn .qaion: AF AFPROVED Comnrgils: ELEVATOR PAD FROM @-19-03 ,qpPfi.tHl5tlg lrEg€cbr: GCD ,{:flor,; APAPmOVED comnrents: HoT ruB, PAT$ FCORI{GS.nsn: ?O BLDCr-Foundailofi/Sle€l ' AFprovscl - 1t/1&82 llBDoator: GCg, - .qcftr': APAPPROVED Conrm.nt}: ALL EXTER{3ft FOLJNBA'l'tt)N WA!-L$.03n4ol Inep*to,r: GCD Adon: cR cOlilRECTlON REOUIRED Commefits: FOt NDATFI| nofr NEW DOf{lvl€R poURED W/o |}}SPECTKiN, tlvz.ffO3 lmp€cbr: GCD Cofirn€'Ts: ELEVATOR FOIJNDATION L__ REF.T131 lncpector: GCn I __l Run rd: 1113 ESmm-- lLm: 50 Page 2 4J'ROVIDEAS I.IEAD€R IS SPECTED, 6.1{ \rE EnC REVlErl, 4 2X8 HEADER A 2 FtY LVr BEAIT, lN BEDRootl 5. 6RECALL }IVAC MECH IT.JSPECNOil. - o|( TO INSt'LATE EXECPT AT FMEPLACE, 03/27103 tnsDtclor: GcD Actton: cR CCRRECTFN REAURED CoMMeNb: ]TEMS t 2.3,5,6 APPROVED BY ET.IGINEER. ITEM 4 STILL REOS EIIIG.S APPROT/A. PROVIDE ORFI'\|AL STAi||PEDLETTER TO AU[.D DEPT.(B/2903 In$.dor: GCD Aclbn: PA PARTIAL APPROVAT CoBtMc E: LN,NG ROOI$ EXTENSICN BEDROOT.,3 EX 'ENSION AND BEDROOiI2. 041ryt}3 hts!€cbr: C'CD Acllon: hlO ttOTlFlEO CoM|t|€It3: REOTJESTED E'\I6II.JEERED STAh€PED REVISIoNS I-iAVE BEEN RECENED AI{D APPROVED. STILL IWED IIIS'PECTION ON GAFjGE A ,f, EXISTII$3 D'WELt,t'lG. 0412410g lmpeclor: @D Aclhn: PA PARTIAL APFROVAL COMME S: ALt INTERIOR FR/AMING APFROVED. CAI.J TIGHTS IN GARAGE CEILIIIo BOXED IMTH 5/8. GY?. DECKS REO IM}PECTIOI{.BtDc'lns|lN.[|on "AlDro'red "g3l27lt3 inspoc'lor: GCD Comme{rE: ADD{T|O}I ONLY.08/31/8 Inrp€cb|: GCD Adtr|i PApAFITIAL''PPROVAI- Conmonte: Lfir!\lc RooM INSULATICN. 0/#04/00 InaD.dor JRM Acllcn' na pPglffAL.AltPRO{/At Cdtlm€nlr: APPROI,ED 2ND AhID 3RD B€DROOMS OTTTY Ardon: PA PAfrTIiAL APPROI/AL lbm: 7(}hm: qt &u2go3 Cottrmdl|tr: O4Ot,Oo Comrnafir: ELOEHbG. BLDG-Fl'!l(F/Ayfff Comm3|ts: * ADprolnd "lnsDcclor: @D $,cllon: CR CORRECTIoN REOUIIED '.FIET/EVE PI,IST}C FROM ATTIC ASCh/E HASTER CLSET. ,2.PFo\mE HA|.FRAIL AT EXTEB6,R STAIRS lN BiccK. 9NUN EXCEEDS 3lS ON REBI\'ILT STARS. ..OTER f ilIAX AT UPPER D€CT*T BOTTOfgt RAL. O(TOi,lO/E FURMruRE N. 06/25,8 lnsp€cier: GCD lction: COITIDAP CommenE: NEED 'WI,CCOG ELEVATOR CERTIFICATE AITID PLUT,BO.IG FINAL. ldtt: nsn: bn: lsm: ugtt: 22 PtAIillLC Sne Pbn " ADorDved - Br211O3 ln$Ddcto,r: ' bo[beoF Artbn: lP APPROVED 53.1 Pt/{il - FIN1L C/O "Apprdnd "ogtg/og lmF€etor: ' 'bqlbcon Actbn: AP APPROVED 91 PW-Fhof t$tvcrwt oroda *lDDro\rsd * Od2SO3 Inci5dor: b .' Actiorr: APAPPROVEI) Coormonts: M(,|ra bouldrf roct up brrm 2 ft orn of roadurral. add mse ro€d b€r€ !i?il of drivcr€y rl o$r ot.$ph6lt 539 PW-FINAL C/O " ADDroved 0fl201'3 Inspecbr: U( " Acton: AFAFPRoVEo 5S2 P1'U-TE[{P.C/O Rtrn Id: 1113AEPT131 I_l ResrerGd Inepect DaF: Thurcday, June 19, AXlo Insp€c.ton Arua: CD Slb Adrlrscr: lztfi WESTHAI/EiI CR VAL t250luce&rlren Clrde ArP,I, |nfort|E0on T}Dc: OccuD.frcy Sbfr|.; lSStEOIr|3pArr: CD PhorF: glt}84i55l56 Pione: 97D8/F€666 539 PW#r{ALCtrt GEORGE S}IIEFFER CONS'TRI'CTION 37&6t7/l cDAl,ts TlmcEre: Requesbd Tlmei 03:00 Pt' Plrooe: 97G84t€656 Eilg|€dry DFLORES K Requerbd Tlmei- Phme: Etiletrd* DFLOtrS K TldteErO: 03:00t vr$&s6666 lnrlccdonHlsbnt Hn: lO BLDoF_ol&gtrf$rl *_Approv.d .' hooacbc GCD " Acdon: FAPARTIALAFPR$TA ALL FERhIETER FOOThIGS AI.ID 2 IITERIOR PADS.hcpocbn GCD Acdon: COISAPPROITEdCOI€|TIOII}9 Pfib\mE ENe AS BI,JILT FOR ELEVATOR PfT Al.lD FOt itDA'ItOttl. P D S E8r X SS Unftl f5 REEAR A 1? OC. ltlO R RTI€R hlsFEeil€f.rS t htTlL Pl.Al'l CliAMiE lS SIr$ilTTEDAIS AFFR€R ED. F AS zun T ts D#FERENT FROil PAD IIPTED AEOh E N PI.ACE WORI( RECD TOBEREIIchGD.B/:ilog h!€c[or: @D Acdon: APAPPROVEDCcmHil3: ELEVATOR PAD FROil oa-t${ts lppR.(E/15/(ts lmpectofi GCD A.don: APAPPROVED Co|lnrcr$s: HOT Tl,.E, PATIO F€,OR[.lcS.bm: 20 BlDeftuxfdon/Suel -ADo|ornd"llllSNI htrD.ftn GcD -- Actm: AtAtPRovEDComrrrilr: AttEXIERIOR FOUnDAIloNfvALLs.B,:l4rB krsdc GCD Arilon: CRCORRECTIOiIREOIffiED Coft rE*3: FOt l'DAnOil FOR t€W DoRffiR FOt REDWOFIS,PECTIO}I.(Bt:n/|B hED.6c GCDCcilncnlr: ELEVATOR FOttlDAnOi.l. IcOm: APAPPROUED $n7fiP CoNtt|n il$fivtgffi Co||t|lranE: (Wls/tI3 heDecbr GCD A.ilon: APAPPRCilED Oomordilr: ETGSEER IFPRO\TED FOt tIOAtIOtI FOUREDWIO SIISFECTIOf{ VnIETTER. hom: $ BLDOFTflil{rooo/l7rtB-l|Eoccbr .nM A.ilon: Di'lOEi{ED Conrmrils: DCtffiD NO lLC, tlO ATARM OR SPRt.IKLER ROT GH INSFECT|0tIS.. Cln|.lGiES TO Plll.lS I-IAVE OCCURED ,EI"EVATOR ADDED, }.IEW DORT,fliR T}IAT REOT.MES DRB APP AIS ATPROVAL A}ID 2 NEW SETS OF ru\NS REFLECTNG C}IANGES.. SPCXE TO Iil(E COIITRACTOR, lS l.ldl, hIFORMED(tr|fl(B hcledor: @D Adlon: DNDEI,flEDcoflnenb: DEIUED RE\ASiloIt[i SUBMTTED q3/t8rfi] A 4oilt. LCl.lqTAPPm/ED.ADOfTPNAL FEES RFODTO BE PA[). Lilrty:CoctTyti: Clriicr:ADDlcrtCritrdr: OUrn:krbllon: lS[oe: l.ldce: clbild ||*(fi|gmd ero.fidfo 3 b€dloorts ItlApQlqttlo.r3 afprond UVnatutrpon 3,21/t13. REVlSlOt*iAPPRCI/ED BrYCCDGt/2t,m. GDEiICKI-A Fke s$il(beysem r€qulr€d ln both oxks|g and popooed aldinon- - mrAtrcl{AN R€aucetrd lneoccdon{sl Itril: 5$f H.fl[-F|]!ILCJoR.fltrn OEORGF SI{AEFFER COSISTRTJCTKINCofiimd*r: 37e6174 A$h0€dTo: CDAI/I$- ffin: 14fl?*, ' $e lbm:Rarsc Cminenir: Aillon€dTo:- Acfion: HXt{Xlft Fobc* *ilrn-D €EORCIE S}IAEFFER COiIS'TRI'CTIOD.I GEORGE SHAEFFER COh}SIRI'CTIONr€ff itER. cYT.tTltA sTROtf I SUbTVD.: ASFR(*e: VN REPT131 oS/:ltYoE h8pocfoc GCD A.ilon: DN DEiIED Run Id: 1098 q7f R.ouc6bd lnso€cfrodis I t PageS Requeeted lDspect Drte: lnspecuon Area:glh Addressi W€dnssday, June lB, ?003 flso wesrnoveru cR vArL lls0vuesthrver Clrcle &FLEC Phone: 97S949€151 Phonr: 970"949€161 SE$E: ISS{ ED lrlsp Ar€a: eg frsn: 1{O ELEC.T.ntp. Pormrl3rn: 12O ELEC-Rq'Eh "ADprovod*OeYl4IB lnE9€dor: €o Actirfl: Comtr€r*3: EilaFbo mdwinoqilt&,(x, lns$cnor; sc - Aeflon; Commenb: ncw cdrf0on - flf,l27l()3 lNn€cbr: sE Ac{ioo;Comm$6: lMirc room -triillrev OifEg0S moEctor: €q ' Actlon:' Commenb: berhoon€ andlcrsrlr{tDdco,otfl ehr t,_ 040€M06 lnspectoc 6E Arfion: Comment3r b.druDm m I fdtchen elov tobbv0#2403 hjndor: eo ' Actlorr: Commor{s: qorco}bonddf.b'athroom O5/01/G l-n*Cdoc ea A.rlofli _ -C€*wr8n!r: bollei rcom arfr crawbpaceItsn: 130 ElEc-condufiItsn: 1.lO ELEC-llhaligl|: 190 ELEC-Flnd ATPRAPPROtEO ApPRAPPRotFp, APPR APPR APPR APPRO\€D*.' APPRAP.PROVED APPR APPROI,IED I ttun Id: 1094"'' REHr131 47f Requested Inspe€i DNte: Incp€cflon Ar'f,s: Slb Addrescr Tu6sd!y, June l7r 2003 €o 1tr50 wESTHA\EH cR VAIL | 2S0llJestlraven Clrcfi ArPrDlnlgrmstbn Actitt{ E0&m11 Const T\ryi: Onrbr: Poflrck -Applkanl: WAGNER ELECTRrc, F'IC.Crtibrcbf: WASNER ELECTRrc. lt.Ic.Orrnr: IEAGHER, CYlVTtlll $TRO{JMDe*dptlon: elettlcatrtpdc Requeebd lneoecrdglr{sl . ltem: f90 ELEC#lnal R€q$€sted Tlme;' ptpne: Entared By: o silbrffi: ASFR Slrtus: lsst €D lrt8p Ars: cg PlFfie: 97&949€161 Pfs,te: 970.9496161 In3!€adon Hle6n, bn: 110 ELEC-Tenp. Po*trli$l: tA) ELEC-Rouf,h - tuDrov€d " 03/1483 ln$estor: ea " Andon: Commenls: oarUat-Uo natlwtno 0€/t &tcK) imoectdl .o - Actbn. Csnm€nE: n€*.ddition - 03y27rc3 fnneclor: €o Actlon: Coarunerts: lMilE room -h5ll$lav 0g/2&(B lnsoldor: .a ' Acton: Commerdsi bcdpotrz qtdlcrsdec.rc{}-€btt shs{t&l/oilO3 lnrDeclofi co Ac{on: Cornmsnts: bedroom m t:ldtchen elev lc+bv O4t?'?.ifI| hspmhr: €o A{rbn: Comments: qoraoFh.rridt+hdlroofil {t&01I03 lirspddor: €o ,€tion: REPr13{ V\ubnil Si4 '- , L' 'r;(, _ _I_ ,i, TVoe: Occupoircy: Tlflt Exp: SELEC Rcquelktr; WrG_NEzu:t"ECTRlC, lttc.08;00 Aftl 39D8686 DGOLDEN K re4 1{e} f t''t't *vr iY l,qk 6'r^ 6), 1,.-t t1 | '-7' | '-'' w ''^ '-7 'n' k " --.,,.j^V '-9::--.AppRAtrpRotED u.-:a{;u b*do_l , AppRAppno'.rED NA :t "-*--1y1.\tt'1$/z APFN APPRO\€D .4PPR APPR APPR APFR APPRE}VED APPRO\€D Tvrn', 'al, i,;?, &l/oilO3 lnrDeclofi co Actlon: Cornmsnts: bedroom m t:ldtchon el€v lc+bv O4t?'?.ifI| hspmhr: €o A{rbn: Comments: qoraoFh.rridt+hdlroofil {t&01I03 lirspddor: €o ,€tion: Commerrts: bolhr room arftl oadspacolbm: .l30 ElEc4ondult from; l4O €LEC-Ml*c. 1S! ELECrFlnal - --l 06-192003 Requested lrrspect Date: Thursday, June tS' 2003 lncE€c.tlon Af,ea: Jmil Slte Addless: l?50 stESThAtlEH CR vAlL I?50Yf€6thwett C,rcle ArPrD lnlbrmatl,on AdtYlty: tutt}}m0? CordTn€: O,vtier: POLLACKROilI TW{r: FfdECH Occupshcy: suhrlm: A.SFR h8p Araa: $SSUED JRM Kah.b PtumDho. tnc. Phorc; 97S390'77$ Kalblb PlumbkrE. lnc- Phone: 9?$39Cr7735 ADD 91.IOUI'I|.|EIT ON 2 ffiCKS. RSFLPCE BOA.ERS TEfuIPER FLOORS, MOTTE GAS LINE CLTMATE CONTRO{- WILL BE DO{}IG Dt CTlllG. FtUE,lEl.tTS gTc - JITONSfiAGOI{ ffiE*#*r .*'J#g;.,lri;'R3A'fr EtrH*S Rli#6'pr',litfro,r'* ------ P'd;: UiiiSdtjlzas Uffi: ffitrfr- ,msErp: E- Ents*d'r DFL'RE' K - Re ues specfion(sl /)Cr- I ? -,C 3 tbm: 390 ilEcH#ln8l RequestedTlmel 09i00Pt Rmrmiori Knlhob Ftumhkra- lrc. Phofie: 97*Sil17735Requ€Sor: Kslbrb Plur$flo, llrc. Corim€nlsr 3q>7736 "/ rnepeg onHrstoq O la /,rr. {'n,i Itom: 2{t0 rrECl'l-Rough i' ltgn: 3t0 lffiCFl-l'ledng * AFptov6d * 01/17/03 Insoetlor: CDAtilS A{#on: APAPPRO\LD Comrnont3: INFLOOR HEAT AT 5(B alrhcr- diiiiiati iins€crda cfD Ad*lori: EAPA&rlqLApJRovAt comnients: iN FLooR xeli ru epcxnoni BATHS 4 Aliq I 4i'lFup!)ptYlqg rEsr.--dltEl,.'oit iii:roector .nu Acdon: PIPARTIAL$'rSFECTKIN COMn{IT1!S: 655P6qi'EP MASTER BATHRM IN FLCOfI TSIFERED !{4T ONILY 4tr OgtSnS h$.ctot: GcD Ac{iofl: PAPARTI,ALAPPRoVAL Coffin€nt$: AmITIO|il lN FLoOR HEAT 6SpGl TEST o4CI403 intoeaor: JRM Acfor': pAP4EfnL-4F?FOVAI- cofir'iidrB,: iiFFRovED EJSEBoARD t-iAET Loops rN lrt FIDRY Roolr,w]rERooil, ToY Rctoti GARAGE AT M' ffR TEST OC16/0il tn-ened{or: GCD Aclbn: PAPARTIALAPPROT'AI COMIN€NIS: ENTRY DECK SNCI'IT MELT.- odz4l[f3 in8oeclor: GcD Adlo$: pAPART!\L4lFftovAt commenc: ALL BCI-ER ROOM FfYDeCMC PFING 6 q4t{LS 4J sojssl.- od,criffi ln*cc1or: GcD Acrhfi: PNEN[r-!AL-irPRoVAL ctniindrts iffiffiitiAY S*6mELT 50psi rEsr. BAcK D€ct< st'lou,ilElr sopel Ttsr t3m: 315*H$83r"Hs*il1%Eo- **r': pApN[J[lApFRo\/AL contmBf{s: i\DDmo{'l c'AsTtTE RGUGH IIqSPECTION 16rx$ IES-T.-, fJdlz4ff3 lnsoasr: GCD Acton: AP -APPROVED comment3: GAsTm TO LAUNDRY ROOI,| 10 psl TEST. GAS PIPE FPR BBO BLACIT IRON ?O FiI TEST 330 3Sr 340sn llom: iloril:lsfi; lHn: MECB.Exhaust l-loods UECI'l-StSplyAFt Ecl"l-lrllsc, ilEeH-Fltnl Doscthdan: l$dce: REPT131"Run Id: 1098 -l I AfPtD lnGormstlon Acfi,'M lroe{xE8Con*Tre: Ou,rhr: Ifolhck Requested Inspect Drte: Insp€ddo Ar6G: Slbtuhlrcgs: TlD.: SiiLCH Occupancv: j*f,[*oy, June'l$,2003 t250 vresTHAlGilcR vArL t ?Soylreft'aven Clrcle subrm: A.SFR Stct|3: FSTEDhspPs' ,"t ADgilcant CLIIIATE CONTROil CO OF GWs Phane: 97S9,rl$2326Cdiba#: CLIITIATECOf.ITRO|COOFOWS Fhone: 97s94$2326Ounac MEAGfr{ER, CYNTFflA STROUM Dgcfudon: RELOCATE EXISThIG FCUS I/V/NEW DUCT WORK TO ACCOTIADATE REi/MO,EL COttIiIEnT ROUTED TO fiM FOR REVIEWAPPROVAL " DFLORES Reoucrbd lnsocctordrl Itsm: Rgturesbr Conimcntr: Asrhn€d To:- Af,{on: tt/) lt ') ll t:-- /"r'u3',,,t"/ tTfme: o3:oo Pf5 A.i tFhone: 97$'94S.2iHld 390 fTECH-Flnrl CLIIIATE CONTROL CO OF GVYS9$9r5r * cDAvts J\ I, * TlnnEl+ EnteredBp DFLORES K !rm: 310 frem: 315fion: 320 nefir: Slixlhm: 3/$' Item; 3q) -+- Il!l,J-: (U__-,-,.4<-l- L' /l,4.tt lr ..lirifli2s.lrnattzW D L /tt- Tco fnso€cdsr HlsbrY I Itdn: 2(xl C,lttl" G"-' {1*z-{a_/5D f|ECFI-RouE[l03130t lrxpedor: GCD Aclbn: PAPARTIALAPpRCT/AL Comm€nb: ADD|TICIN l'lvlc ApFROVED. ST,EIIITAS BUILTS A'.ID REVFTf,iJS OUO|UO3 Insgrdof, JRM AcdON, PAPARTIALAFPRO/A Commerds: At+Roi\,ED HVAC ROt cH FOR UMT t A E} 2 (GRE lTRtt A'IC BEDffil 2,3) DRYER EJCT BOOSTER LOCATED IN ELEVATOR SMFT UUST II.AIIE RATED READ PA'{EL MECI-+l-l6tn€ PLM&GssPldimMEcl'l-ExhaubtHoods - Aoprowo " tlgt3,{}3 hEdor: GCD Actbo: CRCC$IRECTPftIREGIffiED COIilMfib: ALI ENVIRO fiJcTS NPPNOVED EXECPT ORYER VENT WITH 4 ilS AT{O 16 FEET LEI{*IT. PRCNflDE SPECS OR RE-ROIJTE. I.IO BC}ILER VE}IT COT'|BAR h}$TALLED' OOJ?ryft, [rsoodoe: JRM Actlon: APAFFP.O\'ED Co||un€nb: AFFRWED REROUTED LfrYER DIJCT Af{D DIJCT FOR }IVAC I'.T BEDR}I '3 ONLY lr€Ct+SuDolv ArtvEc$iffii.' liffiCH.Fk!61 REPT131 Run Id: 1098 I Inspestlon Request R€qucsbd Inspect Drh: UvednesdEy, June 18, 2lXXt' lmo€duon Area: G0 slb Artdreci: 1250 WESTHAVEFT CR VAIL {?50 Weetiaven Clrde ArPrD lolbnn tlon stfrrr: ISS1 EDhspAra: GD ReouesEd Tlme: 03:fl1 AIf,' Phom: 97$&17-96e! -o.- 977- 02et Entsr€dBr DGOLDEN K Tlno Exp: flftrtauu To ,t'/. 7' ('a/,u 7 n u t* *#.$ffi AcIIoa: APiFPROVEDtFESo,t [rsgrcbr: JRM commenli: FrP ROUGH APPRO\IEO 310 tlECl.!}l.G$m 315 PLHE.GtsPhlm 3eo r|Ect|-E'fiatitFbode 330 lrECl'l-SuDpVAh 34O MEC}I-MEG. - 3gt lEcl'l-Flnrl D/4Ftr trt7-, 4flL/Flz-{ ,i'.proved* ":- -":: 7'f /-/r-as lbm: lbm: lbm: lt|m: ll6mrlbn: flrm: Arfvty: IF$00{X} Type: STTECH sub T)F€: ASFR Comf Typa: Occupancf tJ$:Orib: Polhcl( AEEdcart HEARTH EXCl|At'lGE, lt{c. {THE) Phons: 97D42?-9623 Corfuaclor: HEARTH EXC,F|,Ai'|GE. lltlc. iTHEi Phone: 970'827'9623 Onner: IEAGFGR,CYwT}{A9TRO{JM - Dascrhdon: hTSTALIITION OF A DIRECT VEhIT GAS FIREP|-tCE CofiJt|dlt ROt,TED TO GD FOR REVIEW. DFLORES ReouGCEd Inrp€cugn{F} lbrn: 390 l,EcH-Flnrl Requ€don HEARTH EXC}IAI.|CIE, lNC. (THE) &ffi: oDEl.rcKLA lncoecton HlsbrY REHT131 Run Id: 1094 I I l- ArPOlnlbrm.flon Request€d Insp€ct gate :- Insper-{on Area: Slte Address: F(B,tnO1 TyTe: BFLIilB Occupanclr PO-r-ACK RON Thursdcy, June 26, 2003 '250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL l }Sotffesthrven Clrcle subrffi: AsFrtAc{lrltv: Corud Tvl5: oniiar: Apglh.ntcffir!&: D.scrlp&|r: lEtn: Requerior:AfislodTo:- Ac{on: frunC,omnsss: R€au€ftrd lnsoe€don{rl 290 Tlm€ ExE: TOBE COIiiT R'Lt CO FOR CRApPER FLUSl"i TAl.llt WC. Ol( FOfi TCO lBcoedoil Hlsiorv lem: 210 Pl-M&Urxbrqbthd * AoDroved * ol/t3tB'lnrprioc c€o Adtiori: APAFPROVEDCfiifli€ds: SrrclAiR TEST. 011?2/(}3 lriiDoctror: cdsttr F.ctbn: npA:PRO\lED c;ommadB: waato [n€ locstod ln crswt$aoce d gd{10ofi S altl€ti Inclu$a$ taer iln€ 0919103 lnrpscto7: @D Asdon: APAPPRoVED tism: 23K) PLMFRoudrftlrai$ * llprovad * 08f{3md hs!.ctof: @D ' A.rhn' PAPARTHLAPPRO\,AL COMME TTS: ADDIT}CN TYATER PIPE SODSI TEST O.U(WT}3 tNeDEdOT: JRM ACTOR: APAPPROVED Comnienls: APPRo\/EDROTJGH WAT€R 1OO# AIR TEST fi.|n: ntm: fran: lEm: fur|: ?A)PLMSRM$RflqfvD.WV. 82121/06 l€oect( * ApFov€d *' t2l21lg5 lrEDodor: JRM ' ' Aihn: Pl PARTIAL lflSPECTlOt\t Cqrrme'Its: APFROVED UNDER SLA6 DWV, FLO'd TEST !N GARAGE SLAB O$iLottd TEST !N GAFQ,\GE SL{B ONLY AcOOn; PA PAR.NAI APFROVAL0S13DO lnsF(to.: GCDCmrmnb: ADDfTION Dttlfu Spci TEST.(14/0/U03 lnep€cbf: JRM CornmrntB: A,:rPRO'VED KITCHEN L.Ydfv 24O P{-M846 Plpang * Appro{,cd * 0fl14&i hrpeclot: cdsvl$ conrnent$: I0CA|RTEST Aclio{l: PAPARTI,AL AFPROVAL Artonr MATPRO\IED e50 260 I l I I I I t stifr$: |SSUEDlmpfi*: JRM Ktlb6b Plumuno. lnc. Phone: 9il-890F?73li t(albab Plumurf. lnc. Phons: gB39S7lB5 PTUiTEil{G FOR NEW PCIJVDER RM.3 NEW BATHR}IS REPLACE WATER I€ATERS PLMePooYfnTubftM&fffo". "fupfor,ed"_o4t6,o3 Inspocffi: c*0 Arlhfl' APAPFRoVED Commelile: Ei.lTRY DEcl( DRAINS 2g) PLMBFlnsl 06/19/(B Frs!.tb.: CiCD Ac{on: pAPTfiTIALAPFS|OVAL Co rmGnb: I,A$TER TUB REOD TO 8E COT/IPTFTED FOR FULL CO PRO\',IDE INSTRUCTTON$ FOR CRAFPER FLUS}I ''A'{K WC. Ofi F€IR TCO EntaredBy: DGOLDEN K REPT131 Run Id: 1113 , TOWI\I ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proje€t Name: Vail LLC DRB Number: DR8030127 Projed Description: Construction access from Lot 31 Participants: OWNER VAIL LLC 04/28/2003 Phone: 1104 DRUID RD S CLEARWATER FL 337s6 License: APPUCANT William ReslockArchitect O4l2Bl2OO3 Phone: 303-773-9578 7233 E Costilla Place Englewood, CO Reslockarchitect@aol.com 801 12 License: APPLICANT George Shaeffer Construction05/08/2003 Phone: PO Box 373 Vail, CO 81657 License: Project Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1250 Westhaven Circle Legal Description: Lot: 30 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: Rogers Vote: 4{ DateofApproval: 05/08/2003 C,onditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005833 That the applicant shall submit a re-vegetation plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval by staff prior to the use of the temporary construction access. Cond: CON0005834 That all re-vegetation shall be completed and inspected by the Tourn of Vail prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 32O.OO Project Name: Proiect Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER Ron & Mimi Pollack 05/2312003 Phone: POB 902 Clearyvater, FL 33757-0902 License: APPUCANT William Reslock 05123J2003 Phone: 303-773-9578 7233 E Costilla Place Englewood, CO 80112 License: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL VailLLC Change to approved landscape plan (front yard) LoU 30 Block Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. 210312403001 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Crmmunity Developmert 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:, 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB030168 Location: l250Westhaven Circle Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 05/28/2003 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 o projects requiring design review must receive approval prior !o submitting a building permit applicatlon, pleisb' : ' r: rr to the submittal requirements for the, particular appr.oval that is reguested. An application for Design Review ' ,,.1, Inot be accepted until all required informatisn is received by the Community Development Department, The , Addrcss; I $6s0 $3oo $2s0 $s0 No Fee $20 $20 No Fee Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. r,ro., @ (contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for s) of Owner(s): aaZ CuuByt,afeft s) Signature(s): rLrrA 7t- Address: of Review and Fee: Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration ( multFfami lyicommercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request FrtJ l. $r-.r P,,r-oar- - -?L ja1$l t Phoner of Applicantl et$t-€:vJ oee Phone: Fax: already approved by Planning K.l6o0t Lot Voltoge (i2 voll) U.S. Pob llo. M. 330,60A, Ma tbtsflt No 69116, t<orcon tus. frN. Na i26OBs K- | 5005 Low Vqt K- 15205' Llh 6 V K-l50t I Law Volto K- l521 I Ling Vortoge K-1520t Ltne Volroge <izO uort> Adiustobls Shteld in T0xtul6d Archttrcturot Bronz8. Teflured Bhct or ISuplYrF. jqr.E._Diq*stotlminum. (24 4_w) tomp rnclud€d with 12 volt 60-W (120 \olD, 6'dio. x 9 i/,. high Four 'll€r ln U.S. Psle K- | 520t tour Tior u.s. Pohd.No. ,6s. fia603 0.te T16r in t6xflf0d tuch[scturot Eroltr Virtlgrb. oie{0sf olliminum. (24.4.!\D 75-W (120 volt), ll%'dio. )(.9 %1iigh. lncluded u.S. PMtt tk. M. fiqffi3 voli: K-15026 Low Voliog€ ('2 vorlj l(- I 5028 Lrne Vottoge (r20 vo[) 6' dio, x 4'f high C€nb| lroud (K15026) in lExlured Archh.clurol Brcnre, Toxturod Sjock or lrxtlrad Vardi0qls. I I 'l' dio. r 5 tr' higi. Center Mounl (lGl5O28) ifl Te urcd Vsrdlqfls. Discosl olumi fi. (24.4-W) lomp includsd. lJ S. P.tint No. Dca. 33O6Os KICHLER LIGHIING 265 K-15?22 Lln e Volii Lorg€ Side frour ln 75.W (l20volt), ll '/.' dio. u.S. Pohnt No. M.33Offi3 *** ** ** ***x* ** 't ****** *** ** * * * * * ** * 'f** +**:F* ** * *** * *:t *** ** * *** *** * * * * * *,F* **,r(** ***** ***** *i. * + t * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Starement ** ** ** * * *:F*** +i. * * *{.*** ** ** * * * * ** * * **{<* * *,} * * * * * ** !B * * 'r* * * {< {.rFx r+ * * * * * * * * * * ** *1. 'N. **:* **** **** * * * ** * St.atement Number: R030004034 Amount: 920.00 OS/23/ZOO3L0:03 AIn Palme[t Method: Check Init: JAR Notation: 2575 Reslock and Sullivan Irl-,C Permit No: DR8030158 Tl4)e: DRB - Chg to Appr PLans Parcel- No: 2103124 03 0 01- Site Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAUr Location: 125owesthaven Circle ToEal Fee6: $20.00 This Payment: 920,00 Total ALrLr pmts: 920.00 Balance: $0.00 1.*{.* * * ** * * * * * * * ** **:f** * *.s** {.,r*** *:r* * * * * * * * * ** * * * * *** * ** *i.* * * + * {. * * * * **** ***** ***{. * *{.*** ***:* * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Curr"ent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEII FIES 20.00 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENP VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, eo dl6t7 970-479-2135 ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location.....: l250WesthavenCircle ParcelNo...: 210312403001 ProjectNo : -TqTOl -oA33 O$IIIER MEAGHER, CYNTHIA STROI'M 1420 FTFTH AVE STE 3OOO t2/La/2002 Phone: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: Status. . Applied. Issued . Expires . 402-0083 '362 €oo11 3ot -o&.f Bo{-o3rl I.: ISSUED . : l2/1ll200z . i 0Y18n003.: 09/14/2003 COI]ITR"ACTOR APPIJICAM Desciption: Valuation: SEATTIJE WA 98101 I-,icense: TIIIIIJ EIJECTRONIC P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 81620 I-,i.cense: L3-2-S THIIIJ ELECTRONIC P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8162 0 I-,icense : 112 -S install fire alarm system $700.00 -->-[tc,-.-(.-- Electrical---> DRB Fe+----> Inv€stigation--> Will Call----> TOTAL FEES-> $53 - 0o $0 .00 $s3.00 $53 .00 $0. 00 Approvals:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIT{E}flI o2/o3/2003 mvaughan {r,*'*,t *+:ti' 't.} t t,a:t a:}:} a +'}!t ***'t:a+'t**:} 'l*'l * + *:* ** * '*:*:l',}t:lt ttti++,}++r!|+a*a'i*'la *++ l*,t'*,}'t Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan' and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town apqli thereto. AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM' tr*"'s*t gYSTEMS t2/LL/2002 Phone:970-949-4634 SYSTEMS a2/LL/2002 Phone:970-949-4634 FEE SUMMARY ++'t+rt*'arNr**'t***:r*:**'t'*:*******'1.'*'**:*+rt't+'l'r*'r*'|:rt*'*'.***'*a'r*a'r*:*:t 950.00 $0.00 $0. 00 s3.00 9s3.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees.----> Total Permit Fee-----> Payments-------------> BAL"ANCE DUE------> REQI,IESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOIJRS OF WNER NTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF \ '1.**+*****{.'t,t****++*********!t ********+*******,r******,t*+***********!t ****,F*,r****+*t*****,}'}*{.*,}* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO SbtCMENt+***************+++**'s****'t ****'f*++******************++*********+*******'***{r*!t !t*{.!**+'t ******* St.atement Nurnber: R030003219 Amount: 953.00 03/LB/2Oo304:4G pM Payment Method: Cash Init: DDG Notation; cash Permit No: 402-0083 Type: AT ARM pERMfT Pa.rcel No: 21031240300J. Site Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: lzsowesthaven Circle Total Fees: $53 .00 Thls Payment: $53.00 Total ALL pmtssr $53.00 Balance: S0.00 * * 't* * * +* * * * *** * * * tl,! #*** * *:* !t + * * * * * * * * * ** {' * * * * * * 't * * * + {r 't* * + * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** *'t ** * + * * * * ** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Prnts EP OO1OOOO31114t)O TEMPORARY POWTR PERMITS hIC OO1OOOO3112BOO !'IILL CALL INSPTCTION FEE 50.00 3.00 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 -oo0 |CONTRACTOR INFORMA Plumbing Contractor:ContactEnd Phone #'s: :ut.cllo 3?o'-? COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ LO,ffiE Conbct Asesnrc Offce at 970-328-8640 or uisit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) 2iO 3 t21O 3 Aa i rob Name: ?ou^+tr (Lvs,1lptxttE JobAddress: 1250 u.tesrlt*uax CR, Legal Description I Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Name:(,, tbUnOp ll ndoress:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of worl Rwtncr wW_ ;ffi:|'DerzRou / Ftuub 3 ueus B+rrlRmurs ru *DDtvo:<'/ Work Class: ruew Qd Addition ( [ Abrauon ${ Repair ( ) Other ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family(yQ Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) tlo $t) *********************d.t(****************FOR OFFICE ONLY*******:tdr****************{r***********usE Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Sion-oft: F/even/onqformgplmbperm *,**{t*r.***r.****!t*+****:f *r}r}*****+:*1.+*+******************:t ******:****,i{.r****{.************:t **tt*r** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement***'1.******x***,*****,t(!t *'i****+*{.***{.*****************'t {.*rt*****x<**r.!*{r*'r******'i*'t **i'r*:t {.+{*{.*f *,t Seatement Number: R030003866 Atnourt: S20.00 04/28/2OO3O4:.22 pM Palment Method: Check Shaeffer construction CO Inits: iIAR Notation:'72292 George Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: IJocation: This Payment: DRBo3 01-2 7 210312403001 1250 WESTI{AVEN 12 5 0 lr{esthaven T)4)e: DRB- Chg to Appr Plans CR VAII, Circ 1e Total Fees: ToTal ATIJ PInTs: Balance : $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 920.00 *'t't **+*+***,t 't t {.*******t't****r**!t **** 'r****.****:f *,tr****r(***!t*rt***1.:t tt **1.t t ****++*lNr,{.{.t +{.****{.*,}t ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pnrts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVlEI^] FEES 20.00 o Application for Design Review Depatment of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2152 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projecG requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular apprwal that is requested. An application ior Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review apprcval lapses unless a buitding permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. ,/Description of the Request: ?rt,tio€ .+tczqs; re.nn to r Z/ t/gg.ty'A-U€,/ locationof the Proposalt toti <9/fiJ.n'-iubdivision: Physical Address: t" SO tt/ttf ilertsl /t^o/.- o ,*ffi ,**q (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoningt Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Po. Bax 31 Vei co E/6 E-mail Address: Type of Review and Feei tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (m ultFfam ily/commercial ) S- Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) A Changes to Approved plans 5Nb $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild, $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Design Review Board. No Fee Staff or the RECEIVED APR 2I 2003 F$fiff* Siol't€** no.: 23;1?? ay: Application Date: DRPlanner: Pft tr Separation Request h{' CEORCE SHAEFFER Finehp{. qa" r-' ii,iJu" '- -- E- . r-\ b*,t {<rvox --- | ratl " 'ii-^'i, r r Lr r--- E]tlD)L I r\--' It-=\. 'tr i Trc'''6--hfr ,.5:F.., ' - o -r-." \ h.at eo S"t - g. . , +- r p6a{tE. ENTRY boOR,Nll-\I ) Lr.: EyttobEL la sD B,FoSTs4t iTl iil --- Itil P,O. Box 373 o Vail, Colorado 81658 . (970) 845-5656 o (970) 845-7013 FAX CEORCE SHAEFFER _i 2ilf; .fff ftlfi rf^ t$ &T{ r li c\m\I 0a ,f; Fl>t \- I ll lyrl 16ltNit:-J I l -C\ ) \\s- lr'tt|*ra *Afl6d)/J fr,6!X3L_ - fl J \ o I cO 'o'd q, c fr',XU: ^pF P.O, Box 373 . Vail, Colorado 81658. (970) 845-5656. (970) 845-7013 FAX CEORGE SHAEFFER -- 3G+b Ab6$tr L>ctq , t-tjftqaroNE/,/ n*r*r.R-{ q / / /I\no,A-ro\'r'' c.Fpr{L R}-\ \ I zx rzFs I D*e R*L 7 f K rzRs -/botra€rc? t, ^., .--.] "[3] t4't t'rru - 7t4't 4pp 7/ze/oe PO Box 373. Vail, Colorado 81658 . (970) 845-5656. (970) 845-7013 FAX APPLICATION o WILL tl NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED BuildinsPermit#: Boz--o5{lfo+zg?fisr ffi__m) mVN0PVttn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contracton Qc o<- r- e 5 *+e, en c- Coa=r Town of Vail Reg. l{o.! t2.q - ts Gontact and Phone #ts: l,Aitre- (..,.r-i-- 3?G-Gt0t' ATTENTION: JR, CHARLIE, GREC, DORIS Contractor Signature:ryLZr/-z:;>K-A COMPLETE REVISED VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT (Labor & Materials REvfsED AMOUNT: $ ft7aa ELECTRICAL: $ I OTHER:$ g PLUMBING: $d MECHANICAL: $d REVISED TOTAL: S lfrfl|'g,ooo For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www. r#'[tH-t#Llo3 tL/ o7 oo3 Job Name: T--> *'C, L L,\C 1a--' Job Address: tz to ula+r{<oent (, - Legal Description Lot:3 (Block:Filing:Subdivision: (/.": /ya) Ownersttame: /6.[ LLC_Address: /to,r gBu;o Po {onrt c/co*nh4-Phon' Dz,r-rtqr- ef,i o ArchitecVDesign"r' Bit\ p.s.l".e_ll Address: 7z:3 'non"io= 2D 3-gfra Engineer: lta,.rc.a-o I l1lo-rA AddieSa: tu"S:X:ff- 2o. ea'reza,lllPhone: Cr?- ??1? REASON FOR REVISIONS: t{^-rare_- tt*aLre l.\qeef t tup a AP> ?aoe- {-o fe.Are- Peioa4J*.t +r4.4t '-r-o A.A*'41e- d*, tro>sc,ap.jl -* fA{t\t r.ew- /4-e-6 - rJex-r 7A'<F *r+**ffi *t**i********rr******RouTl NG lN Fo RMATION FO R OFFIC E US E ON LY**r+*r*l*}}},Frtri#'t**s****rt*** R ECE IVED APR 2 r 2003 C:\windows\Desklop\DFLORES INFO\Revised Bldg permit.doc 4"+toP Mo tffio{tpyry9 Fass BUILDING DEPARTMENT:PLANNING DEPARTMENT: eEsreq 10n6n002 rOWN OF VAIL o o BUILDING PERMIT # JOB ADDRESS: THIS CHECKLIST MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE REVISON PERM]T APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: . NEW REVISION APPLIGATION FILLED OUT r PAGES OF DOGUMENTS BEING REVISED r PAGE #'S BEING REvlsED MUST BE HIGHLIGHTED OR BALLOONED REASOI{ FOR REVISIONS DRB APPROVAL IF NEEDED 3 SETS OF REVISED PLANS ARCHITECT /ENGINEERED DRAWINGS STAMPED Applicantts signaturel Date of Submittal: Received By: o INCOMPLETE ORNOT BE ACCEPTED IF o TIONwlLL .)ls MWNWYAILIY 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Town of Vail Reg. o,! 39o -16 COMPLETE REVISED VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT (Labor & Materials ll REvlsED AMoUNT: $V€rpe O.,$-ECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $REVTsED rorAL: s i\5 i 00O. OU For Parcel # Contact !l****sffi*d.rr**r*+*******r***RouTlNc INFORMATION FOR OFFTCE USE O N LY***#***rlrs*++,.**'F*+*jr********* Assessors Otfice at 97 0-328-8640 or vi sit www. eag le-county. ffiar€'€su zfD3r2-+o3ao( JobName: A/J".L' R;,-, , Job Address: I z so cJ*$l!",t"- C,tJ Lesat Descripton lf r-ot: ll ero"r,Filing:Subdivision: owners,Nam6:POllatl Addressl)q) |,r lhuUr (Syd*-Phone: ArchitecUDesigner:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: i-, r-r*t'2 Gut ,t-- PLANNING DEPARTMENT: SEE NOTE-q C:\windows\Desklop\DFLORES INFo\Revised Bldg permit.doc o 'l a BUILDING PERMITS REVISION GHEGKLIST: ! BUILDING PERMIT # JOB ADDRESS: THIS CHECKLIST MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE REVISON PERMIT APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: o NEW REVISIOH . PAGES OF DOGU . PAGE #'S BEING . REASON FOR r DRBAPPROVAL . 3 SETS OF o ARGHITECT /EN 6 /> sC> Hrik,---(rJ- i i'----+_ ', Applicant's signature: I -J* ---f-o"te of submitt.t o L/ 2L / d 9 Received "r= n\4(n'j'j""F rO}yN OF VAIL F?ffiVffiM I sE D M usr trSidid ffl All#eHA*lgar r.ooN ED IrJ, BUILDI;!G NEEDED _, DirTi \ S|CNATU:IE*ii&tfnz LMXil z$i,iii\JG ERED DRAWINGS STAMPEDN SEE ruOTES e#EH _d3 APR-30-2003 poslr ra* note Fluln i, IT APPLICAIION FA}( No, e70s1208 tcdf # P. 01/01 Aal[dinr &bAffrnl tGEdllcrrt Owtr!: lldtla8, Ptflid{t (fu[offlilnltr lllrrtuWtn& ' |t|trflc[| lrsctry cdr& tu' I b?. rd rd cd,r;tf $h nnBrdn nl'ur r|r rIE Dk tu d drE- Au fi,t r:d"G o' br ad fu rnd: !fr tD. of r,r* gn f noqru ril rHr;d!rf bri r lt- nh crdf rf e tEr* {!r r;* 5;dh ddlry ro vil& r,ng tt FuYUor3d rt Sr fiF t hErl HEXtXMAr.il4XlOil"Ue[r-!EEF F qltr-rl5i EtF! F ;ta iGit Urbtd itF.tdtt U0,000.00 uf lilfro-EIOJIO orcr fArufl oaillSr - t'!0o0 r[r 1610 ftr o{r 31,0tO00 orHql tNEdottg It0,000{0 &srtrr Fftrr iflG rffi- iJb b ard bdret h[.0s.00 of vcrtrr - ufrii' (htlfil0.OL0 dttr-r!lztlDfl Dfs! 5t.dl Or raA !l!Ot il ocf,rrdr irrtof omrSl0p000t @ ftcs h;ric rbfru *d bs lftnl bT-ls i-A d ri* Unifrn; fffih D& rTllbNo r4 rt tr tfuftcSffing'Cod.. \ |Fa.eP'd++!#**-5-ssh;rtiEdr*t*r .' tDs!V^Llrgryp;t1 "/.t fN::, ToElSr*Dd$hH [.n+r* iHrortdby: Dbrllcn @ r!l'*r d fH hF3€s tn y_ry.t d ry ft l{or|tiltt-Cebrrdo M cd G'lrerufirn tI{ rill u trr|rio tl t$f,iD[Ilc ftf-ry'ql-flFimt -l*f!llt*Hgl;;ffi;'ffi;fift E."rttr frrpetoir "1 (t?11t rerrau x loa--!rpr' ilr3' cr'& !'tre to Ftiifit,:!tli:: I.) k Il.Pil 2 S Z[S3 $o F oSt'I (v",t lrc) ApylnoLftrlF Cornrnunlty Dcvclc;::.:rt OcP:il:.::1t Building SafetY & lnspect;cn Services $ectlon 106.43, Udf{fr Bdldhg Coit V.lHlry of PermiL The lssuatca or granting of a pcmil f opproval of pl@. rpccifrcarions rnd computltioue e\all not be conshrd to ta a Frmil fG. or arr approval of. any violatiou d dry of rhe provisions of this code or of aay othcr ordinaace of the jurisdicto. Pcrmis prcsuming to give authority ro violate or cancel the pmvisions of ttir @de or other ordinaaces of the jurisdictiol shall not be valid. Tlp issuance of a permit based on plans, specilications and othcr data shall trot prevent the buildiDg ofiicial from thereafter requiring the correction lf Gnors in said plans, spe;:ri"i:u:i:is ,L.ld othe. diir, or from prelenting building operations bcirg crr':rc o:r i.,.-,ir;nde, !r'-,.tr lil v;olatiolt of this ccde o( of ,^rr,04'16 'O3 ,d"ulnl LV L NEVV INITIALS: ffit-*%l-\'..'--tr* '"€ t= 15681 I t*ia) x.dB rtz : 4.tgfrrtrq W*i4 fo @tt&rt*/ -kf { i,r ft&nf ,#rFL F,ffi*tir lefrrl e*p#"eE y-b tra'tW> ,lr<{o> t'tfi 7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 97O.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Vail LLC Project Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER VAIL LLC 1104 DRUID RD S CLEARWATER FL 33756 License: 04/022003 Phone: APPUCANII William ReslockArchitect 04/07/2003 Phone: 303-773-9578 7233 E Costilla Place Englewood, CO Reslockarchitect@aol.com 80112 License: CO NTMCTOR GEORGE SHAE FFER CONSTRUCIO N04 | 0l 2003 Phone : 970-845-5656 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 81658 License: 1298 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL DRB Number: DR8030094 Change to approved plan - minor reconfiguration to patio, add hand rails, add door and door light Location: 1250 Westhaven Circle LoU 30 Block Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. 210312403001 Mo'tion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: O4/ L7 /20A3 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Application for Desigin Review Department of Community Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.\rdil.co.us General Information; All proiects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application ior Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Communlty Ds/elopment Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval.o Description of the Request: Jtl Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonins: Sry frr-,h [V:-nN feq@- Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Mailing Address: gtTc- a<l{- €6sb Name of Applicant: 6eoe-z- s- S A,leppEe- Co,o. r,er-ar-aol r Phone: E-mail Address:Jgryax: A'ls-- rro t3 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addit'rons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) D Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) t4 I Ei/ lChanges to Approved Plans Separation Request \ cE lu E0 For office u*q only: Fee Paid: C4)ti i,; '"]1)3 4so PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name { Common Name Ouantitv r Size {e*t (f n't EfiSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED f,-,as ruo*el Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Foqtaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL nl+ iLq Bo.t>- Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc') Page 7 of I2l02lAUO2 QWEST 970.384,0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4O77 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.s892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart This form is to veriff service availability and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date ta/t,t". o-.T LezftT.s U' /y, tl ,l (i:, 4 4 ,hucls EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION D]STRICT* 970.476,7480 (tel) 970,476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 97o.949.t224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar ,l;*t 7{.-e4c rt,lq.tD.t{- cdL I T, 5z-a //.; t,' '. 'z- .ut7; qt /t2 'rs trv Lt{ 4- 4 -a,oo3 *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility @mpanies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail, However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public WorK at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained separatelv, i t7,1( 6att UTILITY TOCATIO N VERIFICATION I{,( ny; Page 8 of L2/O2/07/O2 GEORGE SHAEFFER PO. 8ox 373 . Vail. Colorado 81658 . (970) 845-5656 o (970) 845-7013 FAX I- <6 one Ti6I ]n Tof0rsd Archit€ctur0l Bronze, Texlursd Blsck or Tenufed , .. Vsrdlglls Di6-cost oluminum, (24,4.!V) lomp includod with i2 v0 , 75-W (l2O volD, 1lN" dio. x 9 '/,'high. U.5. Potonl No. Des. 330.603 K-15222 Llhe Voltogq (l-2'O vol't) Lorge Side Mounl in loxturcd Voldloris, Di6"Crsl Oluminum, 75-W (120 voll), llZ'oio. x 5'hrgh. U.S. Polen! No. Des. 330,603 S:l !_q_2-t_ lgy__volit s " I lly.g l!_ I:].1 931 -Lj l q- Y9 11 1 s- : -!-1-.10-1"-rl l 6' diq. x 4 X' high. Center Mounl (K-15026) in lextured Arciiteclurol Bronze, Texlured BlocI or Textured Vordigris. 1l %' dio. x 5h' hign. Conlor Mounl (K-15028) in Textured Vedlgrls. Di€:cosl oluminum, (24.4-\,1,) lomp included, U.S. Polenl No. Oas. 330.fu3 '.'KICHLER LIGHTING 165 I r'it, 5l-5999--!-"-*y-?llry?-ll?-"*:1tl-------*--,.---- Minr-Accent In TefiUrgd Architocturol Bmnze, Isxturod Block Tsfured Verdlgrls or Tsxtursd Whlle. Dieca$ dluminum. (6.5-!V) lomB inbluded, 3%'wide x 2%'high x 2'/4 extffsion. U.S. Pofenr No. Des. 330.603 Voltage (12 volf) Louvetsd Brick Woll Light in Toxtulerl Aruhltsctur0l konze. Housing ond toce plqte in die{ost oluminum, wilh gloss lens. (210-W) lomps included, g'widex3%'high K-l6o7;4 Low_Y:I:g"1 _f13.vorf) -- Brlch Woll lighl in Tsnursd fuchltscturol Bronzo. Housing on'd focs plole ind|€-c0s|o|UminUrn,wilhg|oss|6ns'(2.]0.W)|qmp9|nc|udgd, 9'wid€x3%'high '':. K_-tj_9ls___9y fgrtos" (r:_I"r:)' __ Undsr Roll Light in Toxtured Al6hlt0ciur0l Bronze. Duroble oluminum ,, xrcHLER LlGHrrNq K- 1507O Low Volf dge 1.2 volt) mnsfucfion. (16-W) lomp includ€d, 2" dio, x 3 X' high. * * * * ** * *,i * * ** * + * * ** * * * * * + * * * * * {. * * * * * * + * * *:* ** ** * + 't * +*** * * * ** * * * * * * * *** * * * * * *+ *** ** +* *,F * * *,}* * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO SbtEMCNt***+ * * * * * * *+ +*!* * * *{.** * *** + * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * ** ** * * * * *** +* * * * * ***** ** +** * * * * * **** * **{.** {. * * * * **,* * Statement Number: R0300032d? AmowrE: 920.00 04/07/2OO3O3:54 pM Palment Method r Check hit.: JAR Notation: 72L23 George Shaef fer Constlruction Co Permit No: DR8030094 Tlt)e: DRB- Chg to Appr p]ans Parcel No: 21,03124 03 001 Site Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR vAIt L,ocation: 1250 Westhaven Circle Total Fees: $20.00This Palment: $20.00 Total- ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0. oo * ** '* * *'** * * ** +*{. * * **,* + * * *!t * * * *,3 * * * * t * * + * * * * * r. * * * * r. * +* *d. *** + + * * * + * * * * * f *!* + * * * * * + +* * * * *,}'t'} *** ** ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmt,s DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI,J FEIS 20.00 0 ,R' tfqts (\ ,, \/*$-- QLyMonroe & Newell Engineers, Inc.SHEFT NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY DATE oo fnffi. ,, Z*Pe Va hs s f'l' l / {s, r ,'r,r tz \ *;WLYf4,W*& - f}FV &fl\N4-qf-WftV VWUVT- | rr- I rt' r { -'Ftl -f-s!= 15681 F;/" fth. ^k/l,b, Y+''{''a Y/+t L;* z/wleV \/t /0" oo { +rwe wva> YFa{{t*e- t-}Bw 1lszy a@ !4''tr''a \IEIL W'4t4* ffiffi A Monroe & Newell ,"" V#\L ',lz Engineers, Inc.SHEEI NO. CALCULATED BY CTIECKED BY Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479,2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: Vail LLC revisions DRB Number: DRB03003B Project Description: Change to approved plans (dormer addition to 9Al corner, laundry room in garage & elevator) Pafticipants: OWNER VAILLLC 02/2712003 Phone: 1104 DRUID RD S CLEARWATER FL 33756 Ucense: APPUCANT William ReslocMrchitect 02/27/20D3 Phone: 303-773-9578 7233 E Costilla Place Englewood, CO Reslockarchitect@aol.aom 80112 License; Project Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1250 Westhaven Circle Legal Description: Lot: 30 Block: Subdivisionl GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel l{umber: 210312403001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz Q3/L7/2003 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review comrnittee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005751 The site plan shall be revised by the applicant to identifi/ the ridge elevation of the new dormer with the revised building permit application. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paidl $2O.OO Application for Design Review Depadment of Community Deveiopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970 .479 .2739 f ax: 970 .479 ,2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Location of the Proposal: tot:'aO Block:_ P.hysicalAddress; l2q o parcef No.r 7,'la', lZ+4'5oo\ Zoningl Name(s) of Owner(s): (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: 6attz-- Minor Alteration (multi-fami lylcommercial) lvl inor Alteration (single-family/duplex) ?u"*Jooo Zo retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning StaFt or the.e[ Chanqes to ADDroved Plans D Separation Request 414 t' Phonet 12i + Address: No Fee Design Review Board. Ma'.. {-i ,tt i?t 1r:s?Hir ,lf}siRgr_ ?a_o_oI -f \\UtVtN p-"V bl16.e'T-\ 1 ..\I I f".. ) | ''', I \ '" I I \EDPPH. ffi- /'b.1.(;e-,a' w{H o \\ / \ \\Il } \ \ II / r\,I rl l-- #"*l' ..r'I \ \ t.:* s ^\s r- {\ III I \WrW6-'bt-11.o' ut CPfia;ffi\ Yf t I I ITr \ \, kg""Th'j g"l'l '"2 '-l - 1r'.,fr I nr tsF*"q?qt^ff F'DEE I o tlo,t LL<- I L5* a , -1rz An-<n A,rr-o rlaeL-t- GZ?L ee-tv Yr QrLf ,x )rLD 4.^l-zxr-q- Iz*lLv 6rJr pt LE,VE L r(L \ V t\'l{" Ltr UE 4 04 b" L qrzrb 4t4o 1r c-EAvlu 5?hc& y.€,u,16-gUO 4G6 5F. 6.AP^qL 5n6 tf 3l-re- u{eit*v l'f,.lo d 5p 5" 5F ,ttl-lL),t+< tr ^.vdN <-t.&cl g. z1tG1 ga. FT +? bt.? 5F $5o St Eql b.1 7r a?1 .yo1l Z5 zo Z-rq-oj +***tk*****d'*+:t+***********,t ******+******:t * **********r.**+***********'****N**,F+***+*,r*x*{.****** TOWNOFVAIL, COLOAADO shrement*+:1.*:b*****i*******+********+* * * *+************** *+* ***********:t(*++***********r.*******+r.****** Statement Number: R030003682 Amount: 920.00 02/27/ZOO3O3:27 pvt, Pay.ment Method: Check fnitr JAR tilota|'ion: 2522 Reslock and Sullivan Permit No: DRB030038 Type: DRB - Chg to Appr plans ParceL No: 21-03124 03 001- SiTe Addlesg: 1250 UIESTHAVEN CR VAII, Iroca.tion: 1-25 0 West,haven Circle Total Fee6: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: 50.00 * *** * * ** * * * * * +* * * * * * *+ * * * * ** * +:* *** rl* ++ * +* ** * *****:t * * !F * * * * * * * t * * * * * * ry:* ** * +* * * *,t * * * * * * * * ** # *1.* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Cunr^ent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REV]EI/ FEES 20.00 s. ? a d'.++l]--i*Fi:. afl*fi !.=1,ir vail, Colorado Denvet, Colorado D illon, Colora d o Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. February 24,2003 Shaefler Construction PO Box 373 Vail., CO 81658 Al{n: Mr. Mitch Sturde Re: Vail, LLC (M&N #5778) Gentlemen: The multiple micro lam wood beams in the mastet bedroom floor Yt" diaroetethole centered inthe beam and located 5'-6" from the If you have any questions or comments, please call' Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS, INC. :, . , .,; , ..,mav Ele drIIleO wlln a / outside wall. ,+A/o 1701.\raynkoop | 2 ^a.\ A)1-4q27 e FAX ww!/.monroe-ne'well con Street. Suite 200 o Denver, Cololado 80202 (?,lift 623-6602 + email: clenver@monroe-nevrell com ffi f=- rsoar^E -t\\\t!!rtlr. lEl!trKFJ!' et,tnus co.porare sp'nsor Monroe & Newell EngrySers' Inc' 1701 WYnkooP Street' Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 3l3rc23-4g27 3031623-5602 Fax E-mail: denver@inonroe - newe l" l www ' monroe -newell- ' com FACS IMILE TRANSMITTAL LETTER Date:Pages (including hansmittal): Attention CompanY Telephone Fax From Subject Message: *ttu -FWcqzA- Telephone Fax Project # u g;tf Iftransinittal is not as indicated please notiff sender q/t /o7 Monroe & Ne'well Engineers' Inc' 1701 WYnkooP Street' Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 303/623-4927 3031623-6602 Fax E-mail: denver@monroe:nevre 11 www ' monroe -newelf ' coin Attention L/uIuP4trJ Telephone Fax From EncLoseo: FAC SIMILE TB-{NSMITTAL LETTER o^,",?ffuf|%Pages (including transmrtal): -1- Telephone Fax Pioj ect #- LlL './-)lt.-/(XUIHl *lEL TdtPE oil/ /g Iftransnrittal is not as iiidicated piease notifl sender il€ ^trl M*tL 9/*arce ry'/ Monroe & Newetl Engineers' Inc' 1?01 WYnkooP Street' Suite 200 - Deriv.r' Colorado 80202 zosrcz{-+izt .,' ., 303/623-6602.Illro",'u'ell-.con E-nrail: d-,rve ronc:lroe - nev;e 1l l) dLa.gjal"* FACS IM]LE' TRAN SMITTAL LETTER P ages (including transmiital) : TelePhone Fax Projeci r,. Attention CompalY Telephone Fax From Sublect .L.ncloseo: i{' ifiiansiniital is not as indicateo piease noiifu N1[onroe & Nervell Engineers' fnc' 1?01 WYnkooP Street' Suite 200 !snvor, Colorado 80202 3l3rcj.-4g27 303t623-6602 Fax E-mail: denver@monroe -nerueIl i^/-ww ' mollroe - newe1l ' con FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL LETTER ou", V/r{/sj P ages (including transmittal): rrlllrllgfuwLW Telephone Fax )/HLL_LL-Project #,' Attention CornpanY Telephone Fax From Subject Lncloseo: d/of za l= 15681 it \/*lL jc Monroe & Newell Enelneers, Inc.SHEEI NO. CALCULATED BY ,;ffi-tl CHECKED BY SCALE L I a (0t l{- *Le 1{I '.11 w 'l-/)*I v /l't s( f,,/ I l! \\ t 4 ,)L 7t ts /{L:{ IE 'x)7 fr /4Y 6 I b )E4 4 14 .l r #)tl L tt zA +=/r ? b- q9 FIE(;l.Q :r-s2 N {.""'i ||,VI | ','' )1 1 ft fi t\\r, rl ?4 s u 7 fl';-Jiz t!eo r-i ,t tt l-+,9 4 4l' \,ti-/\/l il ....t.l s {{\ 1t)x *7 7 +,1,a -- t- !n 4 v L vt /l )3 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc' 1701 WYnkooP Streel Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 3A3/623-4927 303/623-6602 Fax E-mail: denvEr@monroe - newe l1 www. monroe -newell- . com FACSIMILE TR*ANSMITTAL LETTER o^n 4lrfo7 P ages (including transmittal): Attention Company Telephone Fax Frorn Telephone Fax I . i' fuL-4!.---Subject Enclosed: P::oject # ,/b' LUL Message: H.,vdi$ 4).7a i:I lsoar 4[lo?If transmiital is not as indicated please noiify sender TOWNOFVAJL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970479-2138 PARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELbPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0011 Job Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1250Westhaven Circle Applied . . : 02/07/2003 Parcel No...: 21,0312403001 Issued . . : 02/20/2003 ProjectNo: ^ ,. , Expires..: 08/19/2003 {o\t ""k-OBINER MEAGIIER, CYNf}IIA STROI]M 02/ O7 /2003 PhONC: 1420 FTFTH AVE STE 3OOO SEATTIJE WA 98101 License: CONTRACTOR WAGNER EITECTRIC, INC. O2/Oi/2OO3 Phone: 970-949-616L P.O. BOX 1620 AVON, CO 41520 I-,icense: 223-E APPLICANT WAGNER ELECTRIC, INC. 02/07/2OO3 Phone: 970-949-6L6L P.O. BOX 1620 AVON, CO I l_62 0 License:223-E Desciption: electricalwork Valuation: $2500.00 FEESUMMARY Total Calculated Fees-> S14? .00 {oyu, -oz?3 Electdcal---> Sx44. oo DRB Fee-> Investigation-> WillCa11--> s0.00 $o. oo $3 .00 Addi6onal Fees-> Total Perrnit Fee--> BALA\JCE DIJE-_> pavments--> $147.00 $0 .00 $147 .00 $0. 00TqTALFEES-> 5147. oo Approvals: ICefm: 06000 ELECTRICAI DEPARTMENI 02/07/2003 df Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT *{,r***l.F********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (ALOe.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorr filled out in full the inforrration required, completed an accuraie plot plan, "l'td rtrt" that all the inforrration as required is correct. I agree to comply wilh the inJormation and plot plan, to ctmply with all Town ordinances and state liaws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninE urra ,oUairri"ion codes, design .ut"orrOupproved, Uniform Building coa" uoa tr ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI]ESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIfiPIIONE AT 479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. SIGNATI.]REOF OI^/NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OI^.INEF * * ++ t * * ** +* 'l * * + * * * + + * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * + + 't * * * * * {. * * * *** * t {i * t * * ** * 'i * * *{. * * + * * * * + + + t'F* *** * * * {. + ** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Starcllrerrt*******{'**+*******+****t***.t*******+**:}*********ri.:t ri.{.{.i + * * *,F* * * *** **** * | i + i f + t ** +*:} * * * * * * * * statsement llumber: R030003553 Amor:nt: 9147.00 02/20/200309:22 FJ.rlPalment Method: Check Electric Init: LC Notation: #22 8 83,/Wagner Permit No: PErcel No: Site-fddress: IJocation: This Payment: E03-0011 r)G)e: 210312403001 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL 125owesthaven Circle $147.00 Descri pti on EIIECTRICAL PERMIT TotaL FeeE: TotaL AlIr Pmts : Bala.rrce: $147.00 s147.00 $0.00 :* ** * ** + * + ** ** ** * * **** * ** * * **** * * ** * * + * * * * * * * *** * | * * * * *** ***:t ****** +*+***'r'r{.,r.,r*t '1.* '}* * ** r. * * * 1. * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts EP 00100003111400 t4|c 00100003112800 TTMPOMRY POWER PERM]TS lilLL CALL INSPECTION FIE 144.00 3.00 Feb OE aOOg 1: O?PFI "'T*S7OS,+9+33So 97 G4t9- 2t.49 (Inrpecttunr) p.2 Frojcct#: I lr'/t.,l Building Permit #: YaiL Colondo E1657 COMPLETE 5Q. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR. ALL OTHERS (Labor & Matcriat'F) Parccl # (Rffu )L Work Classr New ( ) Add Rernodel( ) Repalr( )TisnpPower( ) Other( ) ( ) Eoth( )Does an EHU edst at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Duplex( ) MultHamily( ) Comrnercjal ( ) Restaurart( ) O$rer( ) No. of Edsting Dwelling Units ln this butldtng;No. of Acconrnodation UnlB in thb building: a Fire Sprinlder Systern Bbfi Yes ( ) No ( ) FTIN STRUCTTJRE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ 7 COI{T RACTOR IN FORI4ATTON Elstri:al Contractoi: $laoftac l3\aAr. r -Trrc Iown of Vail Reg. No.: aaB- E_ Contactand Phone #'s:qUq*L\t.,r oq $0-agt5 Contractor Slg natu €tr;an..E.!}'d.-hzrr.vnfn **t**frr. * r******ir *ttr., * i *i'*'r*** ** | | r rFOR OFFICE USE OIILY*t 'r *r r****-'rr * * * **.**l**r r*r rt *.*irrt t| Fl /Atcrvoney'ta rrnq lslrea*a TO\AAIOF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL/ CO 81657 970479-2138 o?oor*r*T oF coMMU*r* orurto** NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M03-0009 Eoi-6:Ps-',.3tr.'L_M01 Job Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1250 Westhaven Circle Applied . . : 02/03/2003 Parcel No...: 270312403001 Issued . . : 02/04/2003 ProjectNo : ?G5-6\41,33 Expires. .: 08/03/2003 owNER MEAGHER, cyNTHrA STRoIIM o2/o3/2o03 phone: 1420 FIFTH AVE STF 3OOO SEATTIJE WA 98101 Iricense : coNrRAcToR HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (THE) 02103/2003 Phonez 9'7O-827-9623 P.O BOX 570 MI}ITURN, CO 81_645 IJicense : l-74 -M APPT,ICAICT HEARTH EXCHANGE, rNC. (THS.I O2/O3/2OO3 phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MI$TTURN. CO 8164 5 I-,icense : L74 -M Desciption: INSTALLATION OF A DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $6,400.00 Fireplace Informatiorx Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliancm; 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet Meciunical-> S140.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Ca11--> 53 s . oo DRB Fee*---> 90.00 Total Calculated Fee$-> $178.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEES--------> $178.00 Total Perndt Fee*---> $178.00 50. 00 ,{{di[orlal fses-__>$0. 00 Payments-*-> $178.00 BALANCEDUE ---> so'oo 93.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT o2/o3/2o03 df AcLion: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEI{I CONDITIONOF APPROVALcond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond; 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AfR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TI{E 7997 tI(C, OR SECffON 701 0F THE 1997 TMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALTLTATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUCT]OIIS AND TO CHAP?ER 10 OF jrHE ].997 UME, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BIDG. ) : GAS APPLIAIICES SHAIJL BE VENTED ACCORDIT{G TO TERMINATE AS SPEEIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 T]MC, OR Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH THE 1997 I'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC, Cond: 31 (BIJDG.) I BOILERS SI{ALL BE MOITNTED ON FIJOORS OF }IO}ICOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IJNIJESS IJ]STED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FI'OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIAI.TICAI, ROOM PRIOR TO A}T INSPECTTON REQUEST, Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTATNING IIEATING OR HoT-WATER SUPPIJY BOILERS SHALIT BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 7.022 OF TIIE 1997 I]I4C, OR SECTIOI{ 1004.6 0F THE 1997 fMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inJormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the irrformation and plot pla& to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the tonrns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNA o CI{AP?ER CHAPTER CHAPTER 8 AND SHAIJI] 8 OF THE L997 Il"rC. 3 AriID SEC.10]-7 0F OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI Proiect Building Permit #; Mechanrlcal Permlt #: r0mv0F 75 S. Froffirs€ Rd.Vai[ Colondo g165?be accepterl without the fottowing: Mechanicat Contra6l own ofVail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 7- 76 e7 / 4p7 @MPLETE vAlWnurr Gamr & Materia ls) I r.rrcrnr,rrclt:+ 6@ 7 t - / /?-si-4o.too *o*7? fo gg!gt:r___!Ery( ) nooiuonx) *t"rtign( ) Repair( ) otherl ;BoilerLocation, tnetioi@r( )Does an EHU odst at ftb location: yes ( ) Ho I i PIerUnn'*rnttxt orOoT l-l.rurt-tmil( ) Commerciat( ) Resraurant( ) otner( ) No. of &tsdng Dwelting Units in thb bulldlna No. of Accornmodafion Units in this building: ruo/fype of ffeptaces proposeO a conye*.ion trom.: yooO tt*tr:**'***{"F{'l'*!r**!t'***tt ,tt*{,FoR oFF:IcE usE of{Ly**,**!r,*:F**rrrf ***t *rr!r**:r******r.,* Fi / wr|tom/fo m3/ nndrprrm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO,81657 970-479-2138 ontnrvmr.rr oF c oMMUNrry DEVEL'-lfo., NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT PErMit #: PO3.OOOI $OI -OOOI Bo1-of oS-tpa<',s'tl Job Address: 1250 WESTI{AVEN CRVAIL Starus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: l250Westhaven Circle Applied. . : 0l/07/2003 ParcelNo...: 210312403001 Issued. .: 0l/09/2003 ProjectNo ' PfifOl- OAG3 Expires. .: 07/0812003 owNER POLIJACK RON ot/o7/2003 phone: l,icense: CONrRACTOR Kaibab Plurnbing, Inc. O|/O7/ZOO3 phone: 970-390-7735 P.O. Box 1451 Eagle, CO 8L63 L License t 282-p APPL,TCAI(r Kaiba.b Pltllrbing, fnc. 0L/A7/2OO3 phone: 970-390-7735 P.O. Box 145L Eag1e, CO 8 L531 ticense:282-P Desciption: PLUMBING FORNEW POWDER RM,3 NEW BATHRMS REPLACE WATERHEATERS Valuation: 520,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# ofGas Logs: ?? # of Wood Pellot: ?? Plurbing-> 9300.00 Resturrant Plan Review-> Plan Check---> S?5. 00 DRB Fee---------> SO . OO Totat Calculated Fees-_> S3ZS . 00 $0. 00 Additiotral Fees-..-_-->$o .00 Investigrtion->$0 . 00 TOTAL FEES------> 9378 . 00 Total F€rmit Fee---> $3?8 .00 will cdl--...> g3 .00 Pslments----*---> S378.00 BALANCE DUE-_-_>$0.00 ITEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT oL/o7/2o03 RM Action: Ap Item: 05500 FfRE DEPARTMEMI CONDITION OF APPROVAICond: 1-2 :::L-..:].;--::-:l?..:T-:.",=-::'.-:X--T-'--::::.-T-:-.T":--:::-":-.:::.::::..::.1i,:lT."i;-.-,,,"+,*,,,,,**,,*:,.*,:,.ir*++,** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struature according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto' REQUESTS FORINSPECTION S}IALL BE MADE TWTY.FOUR HOIJRS OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF TbwNOrven 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, eO 81657 97M79-2138 #oo*r*oFcoMMuNrt or*t[*r*, NOTE: THIS FERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT Permit #: M03-0008 3o(-osoi dlo(-o215 3g t -o oo'l k6t _ ooo 6 JobAddress:lzs0WESTHAVENCRVAIL Status...: ISSUED @1'63't\ gp3-ooo<- Location.....:l250WesthavenCircle Applied..: 0l/21,/2003ParcelNo...: 210312403001 Issued. .: 02/04/2003 Project No : ? ffi5\{)133 Expires . .: OAIOZIZOO| oSINER MEAGHER, cyMrHrA srRorJM oa/2L/zoo3 phone: 1420 FTFTH AVE STE 3OOO SEATTIJE WA 9 8101 lricense : coNtRAcToR CIJTMATE COMTROIT CO OF GWS 0L/2L/2OO3 phone z 970-945-2325 P O BOX 1042 GIJENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 816 02 License : L29 -Y! APPrrrcAr{:r CTJIMATE COIrITROL CO OF GWS 0L/27/2OO3 phone: 970-945-2326 P O BOX LO42 GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81602 Li.cense : L29-Y! Desciption: RELOCATE EXISTING FCU'SW/NEWDUCTWORKTOACCOMADATE REMODEL Valuation: $87,150.00 Fireplace Infoflnation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical--> $ 1 , ? 6 o . 0 0Restuarant Plan Review-> $ 0 . o 0 Total Calculated Fees-> $ 2 , 2 0 3 . 0 0 Plan Check-> $440. ooDRB Fee $0.00 Investigation-> $0. 00TOTAL FEES--------> 92,203.00 Total Permit Fee--> $2,203.00 Will Call---> $3 . 00 Payments-*.-----> $2, 203 - oo BALANCE DUE-->$0.00 ITem: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 0L/30/2003 irRM Acrion: AP IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMETiilT CONDITIONOF APPROVAL Cond:1"2 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CO!{PLIANCE. cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 ttMC' OR SECTION 701 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALL,ATION MUST CONFI3RM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IJMC, CHAPT'S OF TIIE ].99? IMC. Cond: 25 (BtDGr ) r GAS APPI-,IAIICES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CIAPTER Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEjATING EQUIPMEIflT MUST COMPIJY IiIITH CI{APTER TTIE L997 UMC A}TD CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31- (BIrDG.): BOILERS SIIAIJIJ BE MOIDfTED ON FI-,OORS OF NOIICOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINIJESS IJISTED FOR MOIJNTING ON COMBUSTIBTE FLOORTNG. Cond: 32 (BLDG.); PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE AI{IAITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRAftiIAGE OF MECIIANICAIT ROOMS CONTAINfNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIIJERS SHAIJI-' BE EQUIPPED IiIITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF TIIE ]-997 T'MC, OR sEcTloN 1_004.6 0F TI{E 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatio& filled out in full the infornntion required, completed an acquate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes/ design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. 8 AND SHAI-,IJ 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. 3 Al-lD S8C.1017 OF AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OFOWNER CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI ApprJcAmo*t* *, BE AccEprED ,r rn"o'"u*to 75 9. |+onhgE Rd. Vail, Colorrdo 81657 BuildiDg kftit #: . I_ t{ehnnical Permit#: 97H7N-1149 0rqedm) will no,t be without Sie ftdhwingl Room lryout dralsn b ecd€ b iltdrdc: Room Air Duct €as ***** rts:***{c:r*rr:}!3!B!*tlr*rl.*r*:}!i i I 'l l \WAiIWNtA\CdEIMCIRMS\PERMITS\I'IECTPERM.DOC OFEICE USE OI{ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, GO 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER POIJITACK RON 0L/O7/2oo3 ptrone: License: CONTRAC?OR KaibaJc Pludbing, Inc. OL/O7/2O03 phone: 970-390-7735 P.O. Box 1451 Eagle, CO 81531 I-,icense : 249 -yl APPL,ICATqT Kaibab P1umbing, Inc. Oa/O7/2OO3 phone: 970-390-7735 P.O- Box 1451 Eagle, CO 81631 L,icense:249-M Desciption: ADD SNOWMELT ON 2 DECKS, REPLACE BOILERS TEMPER FLOORS, MOVE GAS LINE Valuation: $36.000.00 Fir€plac€ Irformation : Reshicted: t**'r'i'r,tt'l****t+**'**'*++*'l****'*'r*:***:tr.**i!*+*:*:t*'r*r'**.tt**i*r.rr****:t+*,it** FEE suMMARy trtt+*,a'l**'l'r'ra'i*i'**'t*** Mechanical--> $720.00 Restuarant Plan Review*> Plan Check---> $180.00 DRB Fee-----------> Job Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CRVAIL Location.....: l250WesthavenCircle ParcelNo...: 210312403001 ProjectNo , ?RSd.OZ.:3 # ofGas Appliances: 0 so. 00 Total calculated Fees--> s903 ' 00 $0. oo Additional Fees-----> Investigation-> Will Call---->93 .00 BALANCE DUE_---.> Item: 051-00 BUII-,DING DEPARI'I{ENT o1l15l2003 .TRM Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: l-2 (BtDG.): FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,1ANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTTONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 VMe, OR SECTTON 701 0F THE r-997 rMC. Condr 23 (BI-,DG.): INSTAIILATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS A}ID TO CI{APTER L0 oF THE 1"997 UMC, CII;APTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BI.DG.): GIAS APPIJIAI.ICES SHAI,I, BE VE}fiTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHATJI-, $0.00 TOTAL FEES------> S903.00 Total Permir Fee-----> $903.00 Payments---------> $9 03 .00 90. 00 $0.00 opilnrunNr oF coMMrJNrry DEVEL'#', NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0002 3ol <:oo { 3ot-o:o5t?"-ost' \ Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0110712003 Issued. .: 01116/2003 Expires. .: 07/15/2003 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellefi 0 TERMrlIArE As sPEcrFrED rN rLro. oF rHE 1ee7 uMc, o* "*t* I oF fitE 1ee7 rMc. Cond: 29 (BrJDq.); {ccEss ro ITEATTNG EeurpMErflr MUsr coMprry wrrH cHAprER 3 A}rD sEc. j-01-z oF THE 1997 T]MC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 199? IMC. Cond: 3L (BLDG.); Borr.ERS SHAIJTJ BE MouNrED oN FIJooRs oF NoNcoI'{BusrrBr,E coNsr. IINTJESS IJISTED FOR MOTJMTING OIit COMBUSTTBLE FIJOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AI'ID CODE AIIAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN I'IECHAIIrCA]-, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTTON REOTTEST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : DRAIIIAGE OF MECIIAIIICAIT ROOMS COIIITAINING HEATING OR HO?-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITII A FIOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE L997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town REQUESTS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR 149 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ApplrcATroOraa Nor BE AccEprED rr rnaorrlrlon unsreneo - I Proiect# ?e-Tot- ALSJfr, at-i roject#= (Z-.tot-rsuJJ ' /\\\ FnF\s,e t lf nl .0n?. ?lil'#3,i""iili,f,d3 ,n* rffi,/ f -l V J - inJ 1- et-o-47e'21'4e (rnspections 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:o Mechanical Room Dimeniionss Combustion Air Duct Size and Location /rn Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locatiorrtr0 HeatLossCalcs.*o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION .l<- Ptuvtael aY I,,nt" h rV-X r-o * tx**res 5vt 6iU't d qol Permit will not be accepted without the followinq: Mechanical Contractor:Town of Vail Reo. No.:Lv? -rt|Contact and Phone #'s:{.w ?7a ??a t COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT bor & Materials @0n' Conbct Assessots Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bfdg. permit # is pi,roviAea atovel 214 3 t2 qs3pg 1 tob Name: PaLLrlK RES t uwcz JobAddress:1, 50 rt)8sfl1*1/Ev) cR. \ Legal Description ll Lot: ll atock: ll riting:Subdivision: owners Name: R * fu UM, ll nooress:Phone: Engineer:Address: ,u.\,Phone: Deraited descripuon of work: AOb =,l.roAA_f4 RgtoCne.tN fuEN Bktilf?aasl\our GA< Lttva n)u,t P:ffijZoou / re'uera RH: WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) AlterationQQ Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior (/l Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family K) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noflype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) tto (X ******r.*****************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*****xx********************** Other Fees:Planner Siqn-off:Accepted By: DRB Fees:Date Received3 F:/everyone/forms/ mechperm AA Yru*r,a l/&,oww O L*rntl f tuw6/af -tuc fra.t r,gt tl*^ lrrr*, ,^l,t0r;l6'$fi'ffhev LII-. - tltr --r--7lt r -. LL- U- t}t u,\d'$' ;"]f,*""-"s ^'{{,t,"\;'"* . d Y' .,f,' v .$J\ $' last \?UklEK t N N rrF+\N\6 trl s\ *rlbw frar*W.s*-i,qu,ffi Yr|t, QAitd 383 355 0,488 F.Ee +'l,r'rft HEFH *fr** It"llst EHiII-E l.t tlfr :gE3g ;5{g o:trf17fpoUl fl.$-'tn(p I E , F 6,,'--._-_-7..:--------J ] l;E-t-t.rranti I Erilllltllllll.L nt.ltltttlltu tFq,'-rlttlltl:t r lililltfllfltii 1 |li]|JrI||J'tll/ I i' !-t,r, - *{rr g;afl,'- '."ut'?l-?i ....----i:a 0 Colorado' 6045 E. 76th A.ve,- # 12. Cornmerce City, CO8OO22 (303) 288-3901 r Fax (303) 28&1936 I I Flydraulic Calculations T I project Information I ProjectName: i;lf'r[ffi;1'.x'1,,.* ff:'- lit#:f r Vail, CA Index 105 - Calculation Area: Master Bedroom Design Criteria I Occupancy Classification: Residential I Construction X Combustible n Non Combustible I Density: I Area of Operation: Area per Snrinkler: I **oer orron*,"r, Catculared: I to'" otf;*ulil., i,,,ic" I 0 sp-outside Water SupplyI i'#,T.,", ;3i:i Flow 530 gpm N/A N/A. 256 sq. ft. max. 4 head(s) Rack Sprinkler Allowance o gpm Sprinklers Make: Tyco Model LF II Size: 7/16" K= 4.20 Temp: 160o I I I I Calculation Summary Total Sprinkler Water Flow: 75.2 gpm FIow & Pressure: (at base of riser): 75.2 gpm @ 8 L9 psi (at city connection): 7 5 .2 gpm @ 81.5 psi ll tr l Notes: I t I I I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS paoe LDArE: L/L4/2003 c,luassz+1nAss DArA\8rre_i]snrJOB'TfTLE: Pollack Residence - 4 Head Ca1c. _ Master BedroomWATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE NODE TAG STATT C DPFCq (PSr ) 90.0 RESID. PRESS. (PSr) 30.0 FLOW L4? (GPM) 530.0 AVAIL. PRESS. (esr1 88.4 TOTAL REQTD @ DEMAND PRESS.(GPM) (Psr ) lJ, Z oJ-. f, AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALIIOWANCE OTHER }IOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE 75.2 GPM AT SOURCE O, O GPM O. O GPM SPRINKLERS 75.2 GPM NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION zo. r zo . b 2A .0 za. t 26 - -L 28.0 J /.5 ?? tr Jf,. U 5Z . U 27.O 3L.5 24.7 18.5 zJ . > J-.' . f, L8.2 la . z l_8 .2 1"8. s 18.5 rb .5 oq v.: NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (PSI ) (GPM)I 1 l'=la 5t; ItrtIC nt; L0 li,I2rlir r.5 ll; t9 l;. 21 .13Jz+ ZJ t:: z6 I K= 4.20 K= 4. i-2 K= 4 .1"2 K= 4. L2 .t3. ,/ 45 .4 44 .8 44 .6 44 .5 44.3 43 .7 1p. A lJ. ! 20 .7 24 .4 34 .6 38.9 45.9 47 .2 Lt.3 +1.d 49 .6 trA 1 50 .2 50.I 53.6 +b. tr 5L .2 s3.6 54.6 59.0 54.6 .f,f,.,L 3t . > EO ,4 1a T 1a n 10 0 zv , J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPRTNKLER DATE: I/t4/2003 ,lOB' Tf TLE: pollack Residence _ NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE(m) HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS page 2 c : \HAss74 \HAss DATA\et-1d_4 . sDFCafc. - Master Bedroom PRESSURE DISCHARGE(Psr) (GPM) SYSTEM 4 lfa^..l rYPE I{.1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R5 W1 w2 6 6 l_f OU 53 oo 78 ItL dJ db olSOURCE 75.2 I I t I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 3DATET 7/1.4/2003 c: \HAss74\HAss DATA\8 j.lG-4.sDF 'JoB' TrrLE: polrack Residence - 4 Head carc. - Master BedroomPTPE DATA PIPE TAG END ELEV. NODES (FT) NOZ. PT (K) (PSr ) 0.0 45.7 0.0 45.4 0.0 45.7 0.0 45.4 0.Q 45.4 0 . 0 44 . A 0.0 44.8 0.0 43 .7 0.0 44.6 0.0 44.3 0.0 44.5 0.0 44.3 0.0 44.3 0.0 43.7 0.0 43.'7 0.0 34.6 4.2 1-8.6 4.I 19.1 4.\ 19.l- 4.L 20.7 4.I 20.7 4 . 1 24 .4 4.L 24.4 0.0 34.6 0.0 34.6 0.0 38.9 PRES S . SUM. (Psr ) PF O.OpE -n ? PV pF n n PE -0.2 PV PF O.O PE -0.5 PV PF A.2 PE 0 ..0 PV DF A A PE -0.3 PV PF O.O PE -A.2 PV PF O . O I,E: -A A PV PF 5.1 PE -3.0 PV PF 0.7 PE -0.2 PV PF 1.6 PE O.O PF 3.7 PE O.O PV PF 9.r- PE 1.1_ PF 3.1- YEJ I . J PV (GPM) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.) E 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.6 0.0 8.0 0.0 -_LO.l IO .I b. F, 18.0 1R n 1-l ? 18.8 - 54 .9 18.8 20. L 20 .3 -75.2 1V.J _L6..4 0.0 -42.6 0.0 10. s 0.0 FT, / FT 1 nqc Dr. 'I q n E'.r.: 0.000 TT_, -1 . Vf J t ! 'l q n E"FF/: 0.000 TL L.1>L YtJ 150 FTG 0.000 TL I. ZJL E)r 150 FTG o .077 TL 1.055 PL 150 FTG 0.000 TL t. vf,f, t,_L 150 FTG 0.000 TL 1.055 Pr 150 FTG 0.000 TL I.29]- PL l qo FTrI 0.077 TL l_ . 055 PL 150 FTG 0.070 TIJ r. u)f .H! 150 FTG 0.250 TL I. Uf,5 I'L ]-50 FTG.0.542 TL 1.291" PL ' 150 FTG 0.363 TL I.29L PIJ 150 FTG o . r27 TI) Q (GPM) DIA (rN) IJENGTFIDISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) 1 J Di r\a ' 1 25 .9 26 .6 Pi na . , P i ha . ? 28 .0 Pipe; 4 28.0 28 .0 Pi na. c zb . b Di ne. A 25 .I 26 .6 za. o 28.0 Di ne. a 26 . t) 55. U Pinc' q 37.0 Pi na. 1 .1 37 .5 3I.a Dine' I l Pi na. 1) 37.5 Di na. I ? J5. U 5Z.U 2 ETR z,v . za U.|JJ ET 11.33 6 .67 2ET 9. OO 2R 15.00 3ER 15.75 1. s8 ET 12.08 2ET 20.L7 32 .4r /IttrT( 7I .91_ 4.08 ER l-0.08 3.58 R 5.58 3.75 R 6.75 7 .00 Z'. UU 7 .58 ETR 24.O8 l3 l3 A I 4I' 5I' li t; t, E l^ l" B l" l; l: t; I II SPRINKLER sySTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSTS page 4I DATE': I/J-4/2003 c: \HASS74\HASS DATA\81.]-6-4 . SDF, JOB. TITI_.,E: pollack Residence _ 4 Head Cal-c . - Master BedroomI PTPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS.t --lP^ TIIY Noz. pr Drsc. vEL(Fps) sw(c) (Fr) suM.NODES (FT) (K) (PSI ) (GPM) FL/FT (PSr) t Pipe: 14 -42.6 i,.s27 pL 13.46 pF 1.1- 9 32.0 0.0 38.9 0.0 7.s l-50 F:rc E. pE 5.8l_0 L8.s 0.0 45.9 0.0 0.056 Tr_, 19.46 pV I Pipe: J.5 _32.5 1_.2gL PL, 7.42 PF 2.o4 28-o 0.0 44.8 0.0 8.0 150 FTG 2ElI pE 0.4r F 27-o 0.0 47.2 0.0 O.O,7.t TIr 25.42 pV - Pipe: 16 -l-0.4 L.s27 pL B.g7 pF 0.1_ F 27.0 0.0 47.2 0.0 1.8 150 FTG ET pE 3.8I G 18.2 0.0 s1.2 0.0 0.004 Tr, 25.97 pVI Prpe: L7 _22.2 l_.291 pL 2.58 pF O. GI F J'7 ^I _ 0.0 47.2 0.0 5.4 l"5O FTG ET pE _0.6 I 11 28.3 0.0 47 .3 0.0 0.038 TL 16.08 pV I Pipe: l_e I 11 28.3 0.0 47.3I tz 32.4 o. o 46.G I pipe: L9 a 12 32.4 0.0 46.613 31.5 0.0 47.8 I Pioe:20 L3 3t-.6 0.0 47.8 _ 14 29.7 0.0 49.6 t Dina. .1++ysr &r !4 28.7 0.0 49.5I rs 1e.s o.o s4.t-I Pipe: 22 I 13 31.5 0.0 47 .8 116 zs.s 0.0 s0.2 l* l,ul'l 1,, L8I 10l" I -22.2 1,.29r PL L2.33 PF 1.l_0.0 5.4 L50 FTG ETR PE _1.8 0.0 0.038 Tr_, 28.83 PV -11.6 r.29L PrJ 28 .83 PF 0.9 0 .0 2 .8 150 FTG 4ET7R PE 0 .30.0 0.011 TL 76.83 PV -l-3 .8 r.297 PL L4.00 PF 0. s 0 . 0 3 .4 l-s0 FTG 3E2R PE 1 .30.0 0.016 TL 33.50 pv -1_3.8 A.527 PL l-0.19 PF 0.10.0 2.4 150 FTG E PE 4.4 0.0 0.007 TL r6.a9 PV 2.3 1.29! PL 49.83 PF 0.1-0.0 0.5 150 FTc PE 2.5 0.0 0.001" TL l-15.83 PV -10.7 7.291" PL 39.08 PF 0.80.0 2.5 150 FTG PE 2.80.0 0.0L0 TL 82.58 PV Pipe: 23 32.4 0.0 46.625.9 0.0 50.2 Di ha. .),1 ! +yv. z= z+- | Pina. ?R a^ 11 Pi nc ' ) E 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.2 50.8 s0.8 E,t < 45 .9 -8.40.0 2.r 0.0 -8.4 0.0 1.5 0.0 -+2. o 0.0 1 .5 0.0 l_.291 PL 6.92 ].50 FTG 2E 0 . 005 TL 15 .92 L.527 PL 6.20 150 FTG E 0.003 TL 72.20 L.527 PL 0.83 ].50 FTG T 0.056 TIr 12.83 PF 0. l- DEI A R PV PF O.O PF O .7 PE O.O PV I I I I I I I . SPRINKTER SYSTEM HYDRAULTC ANALYSIS . page 5DATE: L/r4/2003 c:\HAssr4\HAss DATA\8116_4.SDF,fOB' TITLE: Pollack Residence _ 4 Head Calc. _ Master BedroomPrPE TAG e(cpM) DrA(rN) LENGTH pREss.END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM.NODES (FT) (K) (PSI ) (GPM) FT,/F,T (PSr ) Pipe: 27L9 l-8.5 o.o 46.5c l-8.2 0.0 5I .2 Pipe: 28 G 18.2 0.0 51.220 I8.2 0.0 53.6 Pina. ?o 20 1,8 .2 0. o 53.6 0.02L I8.2 0.0 54.5 o.o Pipe; 30 15 tB.5 0.0 54.121_ 18.2 0.0 s4.6 -42.6 1.527 PL 40.33 PF 4.s0.0 7.5 150 FTG 8RL PE 0.10.0 0.055 TL 79.33 PV -53.0 7.527 PL ]-2.r7 pF 2.4O.O 9.3 150 FTG TR PE O.O0.0 0.084 TL 28.67 PV lz: a,o 23 I 18l" 23 l'n l"! lzz t,, t,, l" z6l" Pipe: 31 18.2 0.0 54.6 9.5 0.0 59.0 Pipe: 32 18.2 0.0 53.6 18.5 0.0 53.7 18.5 0.0 s4.618.5 0.0 55.1- Pi na. ?( 18.5 0.0 55.1_ 9.5 0. 0 59 .9 9.5 0.0 59.0 9.5 0.0 59.4 P i nc . ? P 9.5 0.0 59.49.s 0.0 60.2 Dinc. 1q- rP! r J / q q n n Eo o 9.5 0.0 60.2 -18.1 1,.527 PL 33 .92 PF3.2 150 FTG T9R PE 0 . 011 TL 86 .42 PV -13.8 1.52? PL 1,2.25 PF O. O 2.4 150 FTG 2ETR, PE0.0 0.007 TL 40.75 PV -31.9 r.527 PL 9.00 PF O. O 5.5 150 FTG T PE0.0 0.033 TL 21.00 PV -34.9 !.527 PL I.42 PF0.0 6.1 l_50 FTG R PE0.0 0.039 TL 5.92 PV -43 .3 L.527 PL 2.42 PF O.O 7,6 ]-50 FTG E PE0.0 0.058 TL 8.42 PV -43.3 2.009 Pr., 7.00 PFO.O 4.4 150 FTG ER PE0.0 0.015 TIJ L8.50 PV -43.3 7.521 PL 9.00 PF 0.90.0 7 .5 150 FTG E PE 3.90.0 0.058 TL ls.oo PV -31.9 2.009 PL L0.00 PF o.40.0 3 .2 150 FTe 2TR PE O. O0.0 0.009 TL 44.50 PV -31_.9 2.009 PIJ 37.50 PF 0.80.0 3 .2 150 FTG T8R PE 0.00.0 0.009 TL 88.50 PV l.u 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.7 n) 0.0 0.3 0.0 Pipe: 33 -g.4 I.527 pL j_1_.75 pF 0.118.5 0.0 53.5 0.0 L.5 150 FTG ETR pE 0.018.5 0.0 53.1 0.0 0.003 TL 34.25 PV Pipe: 34 -43.3 !.527 pr_, 4.67 pF t_.018.5 0.0 s3.7 o.o 7.6 150 F?G T PE 0.0t8.5 0.0 54.6 0.0 0.058 TL a6.67 PV I I I I I I I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAU]JIC ANALYSIS pa.,a 4DATE: r/r4/2003 --:-,.:;;::::_"__ _^ t,aYc o . JoB.rrrrJE: pollack Residence - 4 Head c.r". l')l:::;-):3::"3"tott11'6-4.sDFPTPE TAGEND ELEV. Noz . pr Disc. vBJ,?;f:, #tJi., "?ilFi'* "3ffi:NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (CIII1 FLIFT (PSI) Di h6. ,4 ^r ryv. =v _75 .2 2.009 PL 6 .33 PF 0. 528 9.s 0.0 60.2 0.0 7.6 150 FTG E pE 0.0Rl. 9.s 0.0 60.7 0.0 0.042 TIr 13.33 pv Pipe: 4t , _75.2 2. OO9 pL 3. OO pF 1.1Rl 9.s 0.0 60.7 o.o 7.6 150 FTG RGV pE l-.3R2 6.s 0.0 53.1- 0.0 0.042 TL 26.00 pvPipe: 42 FIXED PRESSURE LoSs DEVICER3 G.S O.O 64.3 0.0 1.2 psi, 7s.2 gpmR2 5.5 0.0 63.L 0.0 R5 l*u R6 ll]L w2 ls' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 b+ - I 65. r. ?Q 1 oo. r '7Q 1 Ql A aL.:t a? t 86 .7 pipe: 43 R3 5.5 0.0 R4 3.5 0.0 Pipe: 44 Rs 3.5 0.0 R4 3.5 0.0 -75.2 2.009 PIr 3.00 PF 0.50.0 7.6 tso FTG 2R PE 1.3o.o a.o42 TL 12.00 pv FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVJCE0.0 12..0 psi , 75.2 gpm 0.0 0.0 0.0 I I Di ria . , tr4 +ye . =J J.f, Pipe:45 -t n Dina. A '',r+}/L. =t -z-w D i na . A or -yu . =u -z.v 1q n 0.0 86.7 DJ(Uf,J UJ.-5 -75. .0.0 7. 0.0 _75. 0.0 8. 0.0 0.0 0.0 _75. 0.0 8. (N/A) 959 PL 150 FTG 04I rL PF L.4 rfJ Z . + PV PF L .'7 PE O.O PV DEVICE 00 PF 2.2 .Fl: DEr -.7 ^50 PV 2 2.009 PL 8.00 5 150 FTG 3ER 0.042 Tr_, 33.50 2 1_.959 PL 25.00 O 150 F?G ER 0.048 TL 36.50 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS 3.0 psi , 7s.2 gpm 0 30 | *or"", I I I I I T I (1) Calculalions were performed. by the HASS ?.4 computerunder license no. 10070888 granted by HRS Syst.ems, Inc. 4'7 92 LaVista Road Tucker, GA 30084 (2) The system has been calculated to provide an averageimbalance at each node of 0.002 gpm and a maximumimbalance at any node of 0.075 gpm. (3) Total pressure at. each node is used in balancinq theMaximum waEer velocity is 20.1 f t./sec at pipe rI. program system. I I I SPRINKITER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 7DATE:7/14/2003 ,roB. rrrr-,E: pollack Residence - 4 Head c.r.. f ')::::;-)::::":"t"ttr-16-4lsDF I I I I I (4) PIPE PAGE: C Di"ameter (in) t. >J> ljA\JJa: 11 Diameter (in) 1.055 L .291 r . 527? nno ETR E]l Tee RunTee 3.00 7.so 3.00 4.50 9.00 3.006.00 l-2.00 4.507.00 15.00 4.50 f^!tt 45-E1l Gat.eva 1.50 L. s0 1.50 1. so 3.00 1.50 3.00 L. s0 rn Feets fl v Angl-Va ChckVa 36.00 17.00 in Feet frv Anglva ChckVa 18.00 7.50 23.00 l_1.00 27 .00 l-4 .00 36.00 l-7.00 FITTINGS TABLE Name: HOUSE . pIp MATERIAL: Cppr-K HWC: 150Equivalent Fi E. t ing LengthsETRLG E1l Tee RunTee 45-Ell Gateva7.O0 t-s.00 4.50 3.00 1.50 MATERIAL: Cppr-M HWC: 150Equivalent Fitting Lengths a Cp1n9 n En 1.00 1.00 1.00 I I I I t I t I I I I E P{o| O ci r')n 3 'Fl o rj U)() & '.1 I t I T I I I DATET L/L4/2003 IIOB ' TITL,E : Pol lack SPR]NKLER SYSTEM Residence - 4 Head HYDRAUIJIC ANALYSIS Page 8c: \HASS74\I{ASS DATA\8115_4 . SDFCa1c. - MasLer Bedroom r{ or I I I I I I I I I I I t tO C) !oTot Zrt4-; !)>." d P(n D Cn d dF rn c{ o o c94 t. -l O O N c; \0 A.- rtl r,1 p(Hr,C])Dtr -Om.i^ I I I I I Serres LFII R E:; f-?A':f"l""d ent sp ri n kt er, F I at ptate *..^,- I ILJICE f F/ow Control f fyro Fire- / lproduets esidential General sialled or frnished. Thc;in nr +i;; i i;_" ;-# ;:;i; ; 1?,R :;'[., ri:;Description the cenrer ot rn. ".,i^1-.,"^lew^ie 'rrcrr ( io, r,^^,i :^:i : "..'., ry ' rore Inro ptas- i?;.ll"Tl; ::l,ll^n i, resl eic" oy senryIl:l-"ll:l Lrrr (r Y2ss6, Fesicie"r,ra,uonceated pendent Sn.i"oeco,:r ve risl'rl;ffiX:,ilfi : lJ:lll,lli ill"t .'"lisirecr for tise rn resr-utr||||.ir occupancies such .oo,'rn,un ii io,.ffi,. llil,f,.nl?Srl= Ttre_ covprp141s aasemoty corceals the ."I_r,nk!9, opur"ting comJo"n"erts abovetne ceilinq. The fla-i or"riiJ ^i'pt ",' " ""."-I,,yu "' *i' [plill?:;';Sff Xiiu.!ty appeaJinq Spr .r klar rta",, fl :,j? Jp e;li"-{Ui:: lnT :ni l,,J Sl: I::i:T i i-i 1;1,Y?,",?;"ffi 1'0., " "nluslmen i reduces'rr,p _.,t.lricr the t".J" o- jl"li,"trrrracv ro klers musr r; ;;i i;'fri,l'l*"u,'.perfe.t fut,n"'i, "ionl 'rYrJ-r 'rssLlre ir The Serres LFlt ara r^ n....-_nip" 'e.,Juniiui !oi,l,?,31 "'?io n *"' 3',^* ;0" o i'o- ru ni il ;'l :1 ;J; :il',i::ore nomes per NFpn r tny-,.l j,l": g:,^l{.Fui ;", lu.liil= T".l lJSl;; il::'.!iffi:'l:'#fj^", and incrud- , ch i. *,i'pil ;;,1ffi,n;'.1:',l tooo the resioeniilr' Jo'v" '^ er rsvsi€ms for paocv per rurp{i j. ' " -' drr} occr- The Serres LFli iT'rrcoar l.-^ teo ;, k.i",ri.."tl;,';;;":;;lt: . o, qr,.rer.t resideri.er fio*"Xl""li.;" t" l:i"::::: "*' qiiil:";i:; T r?gJ::If, '! ,.drtsr supoty reqUiremenis pusnrng the ceiijProtective Can 9"1-{lifl f, :i'ii,"i ".%1 i[?' [: :r?l',1": is co,rroreie ir" Fi.ji"luil.cap is removeo Snijjliil5"fir,r;';;[Hfl.ancr the cover Plate WARNINGS t:^e- sen.es. L FtI (Ty2sg6) ResEental : :..?,".?t."d pendent Sprinirers de-sctlDed herein must be',nstatted andtnatntained ,n complianii "wtttt tttisdocunent. as well aZ witi i.. b| e s ta naa rdi ; ; ;;;-/i;ii; ;;f Eff ';",?,'.lsction Assoctatton ,,, liini,l,^ 7 11n 1 ",, 9 1 "i 2i i ;,:, : ; : :,1; :: : ;,': r' :,;tng )uflsdictlon. Failure rn )n'i,ipa',ttis-lnlsri;,i'J,,'ini,!"'3.1r?"!"ry !!",!y!?r ,t responsiote to| njantatn.Irtg tnetr ftre prcrcClrcn Rv.:t^hyi :" : !. lj 6' ;,' ; ;Z: ;1i; ;' :"Xif,,Xi,, tc ul.l)tdtt!ng canfuactat or soinklerman,uf acturer shouta be- ci,nractearetatrve to any questrcns. ;he Serles LFll ir tc",aa ,-.:esr3.,6g lrn'. . ' l<fjnb',ttas beer ,,rra et d s:r rru.r#'.;l':'tr'r'ly a 1d il"ll:i1 n ;'p,., i# . ii iiiT',:;! lr'.'"1Lir-rrres and :Ll JmDrove t1e charc9 _or 0cc,rpacts :o esaaile or- ia uirr".,urua. ]1.:.^Yi:: LFIr rr'l2se6r pesrie rr.ar .-r,q:dreu r,eq0ent spI ra g,5 tr1gl.llpfi Hl a Disp-osat-. e prcrecriveuaij In-6 Prorecitve CaC,S Iemr 1.,1rgi yoi ;",ii.ir1'..' 'jlitlliT I ::.:-i:","e-q.qi :o i:erlr prorec: rh€jt-,,,rhrer y/Trte ihe c:ri,rg is cerng n_ Page 1 of 4 slN TY2596 Technical Data Approvals: UL and C-UL Ltsied. Maximum_Workin g pressure, r,,5 psl {12.1 bar) Dlscharge Coeff ic ient:K = 4.2 GpM. os,1 L .60.5 Lp,lt,oail zl Temperature Fla lin o:160 Ft71 C S'rrjnkle*r vJ,ih 1 35" F !'aj = a Cover plate Vertical Adjustment: t/4 Inch (6.4 mm) Finishes; Cover plate: Off White, Bfiohi Wh,ra .h.^.cuslom _..yi.L yy, Le! unrome. or Physical C h a racte r ist ic s j UOOVe."", Bras sc"i"i- Bronze SJalni .assemr:rv . . Brass .-,;^-_ - . Berylriun frll5xsi y/r Tsf to6t;_ctoered Ljnk Lla,ves NrcKelI o\/6f . Bronze X:i:.:::.,". Scrsw Brass cuio?Xin, r,,-" B ronze c;,;;;;" ;.-,^,--Bronzec,, ^^^ -. l..- oLc,rntess Steel dii.5:ij ii' , sreei 9e iainer CooPer co"e,, Fi^te Ej"ct on sprinq Blass Stainless Steel lDuFont RegistereC Trademark I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sprinkler/Model Identification Number JULY,2OA2 TFP44O I I I I I I I t I I I I I I Page e of 4 Operation I,iherl "lqcsea .c Lea,..orl a fire.:ne Y:::. " ql! f;t rc,r .s ri.,rcl;rij so,- T,jl9 ;:, the SJppof r Ci,o 'ii ,nree 111 ii ; : l,i# il'fl f ;::j,: ;:-,'.? ; : l-or suppo.{er:l by the ArTS d,oos d:..,.,,r10 ts ocer:ileo josit;or -hJfJSore ir,,yj _r e )Drrrklei. ASSenbte iS :tnl- i: :1?: ri; ;''i" ; tr i'; 1t.",[i: I :i j;l. der. When the raied r.-ill '.u - "0.-i r.. ."" ro:;;.,;J' y:Ji ;'i: ^.:rIlK natvEs separale allor'vinl ihe spf,n_trer to iLtivate ancl flcw y,,aiei. Design t t I Criteria Ihe ^Serie_s _LF (Ty25961 Fiesidenrjal :^":lu?igd pendent Spri;klers are uLanc.(-_UL Lisied for,nslarrarion rn ac-cordance with tne forloJvrhg crrteria. wnen "o,oitior!!^lf, ,n,, ,n e s c o p e i i ri e' pi; ; i; ; ; i { :,,2:,,' :"i:,ro rne Hestdenttat Sot,|',,tar Sltgsljn t:i!!:. lrP fa fo t t t te man u hcr u,er,sre,c.ommendatons Lhat mav Ia,a, a i,"- e,iiii,f iiii,E"r?"7i,1iJ. System Type. OnlV trJet ornFmaY be utitizeo. ' " -r rJ Pd sYsiems ,ll9j:l'1. Design. the mjnimum re- -qylr.go sglinllgr fjow rate for sysre,nsoe.srgned io NFPA t3D or rufpn rfFI:-g]u.l rn Tabte A as a iunctron ofremperatLr[e rarrng and the rnaximumatio,r6ble_ co.,,erag; areas." fhe sp n_{rer'row rale ts the minimum req"rlre,Jd,scharge irom each o'? in" rot"tnumbef of ,des jqn sorinktc..,:,rieq 'n r'liei-#'D'i? rrrilpl{'.r;; "0..' For_systems de,stgned lo NFpA rJ the :.r:9sl ?f cesrgn spr,6qlfss ,. 1o o"llr? {nt fOur fiOSl hvdrr,,li^.na,'o'rs ij.'nrilil tt":'-1:i' t o= r',',err olsc nu,qe'i.'i; ;"".11 :,T#J,j;;sprinklers js rd Ce t,o-i,i^.i^f",,r* "gi ' " "' :e gI ealel Of ihe . The ilD,? rai:s oivpn !r T.hrnrpr i io )1" Y'j;' ;i,'-:,::1 j.;:i E'Tr0erarure..ar,rg anc tre flalt_'rr..m a'cr,aDie cor.erags ,,e 3.. A rr,i1,m!fi d;scltarJe ci D i qpm. iq.j, ?::, jl: ,d+srJr area "oi pr."c'Jr iite rSur mcsl h\,rtrr rtr..*o "r,'i lo i, i";i., ;'iJli['J i;, l:;r ii?::9:-11-11i be ns P''ii.,", ouLr e ruLrf 5pflni(iers. P3*yl!,"1 ro water Distriburron.LocaloltS of SprinalerS afe to be,r accordance ,w th ll-e obslructron ruteSu, r!rrH LJ ror residentral sprinklers. Op-erational Sensitivity. Tne sprtr.l. ::?i19|," to be Insta ed ie,arrve to rne F:;';?3 f "'"'"n surrace as shown tn Sprinkter Spacing. The m.nrmumspacing b_erv,,een s-prnt ters ,s 8 reeiji ^u- l, I ne, maximum spacing pf _rween _sp'inklers cannot exceed fielEi'.gln ol tltg.coverage area (Fef 12g1"A) Derrg hyd.aL, lCatiy ca,cul6lgg r6.g. :1a1murr i2 reer for a 12 tr x 12 tt. ::":r3Se area or 20 feer fcr a Z0 ft x.r 1. cavetaqe areat. Installation Tte Se,res LFll , T'12396) r.L.rsr 0e r.t. i{ l;:' i.?:'""=ta1ce \rtltr i.e io rc',- _ fioIFS ",.1!-aS? ic t.t.1e _f usibte Link AssemDtyo.u^tt.tg tiStallatian ca1 be avorcied Ot, laldttng. it-,e sp,ia6ts7 Oy ne naii ?lTj olty il , ilc rpt pppt1, pressttreto na tLtsrble tink Assemblyt. A teak-,ltght 1,.2 ;.ch NpT sptinktet p;nlsnoutd be obb,ned trith i 1orOu, o, , t:..1 .j ft.!b^s 19 5 to tg.a Nmt A naxr_!:'2o::'. ft tbs (28,s Nni or torque ' i, ; ; ; E,Y,i : "., i3, ; :,";' ";1 ; fl i :i : i f ,; "s!,!!!*, rntet wtth- consequun, t"a,r_age ot tnlDajtmenl ol 1e gp7ipa1g1 DD,,Fat attenpt b coolpensate rct \.t -suttcent adjuslmenl in an EscttGneon f,ili9-,!,1 t'ya' or over-tight;ning rhe ?!l:i,l!..!?, ,qeadj,rst the p6s,tion o rnespnnKer t ing to sL l i:f15,& ri' i,- i T#j."'"," fl1, iJ ll,, ;;wtfll-, tte centerjire of the splinxrer per.gend.c,"rlar 1o il-e mounritg surlace Step 2. Fenrove ihe prcteciive Oap. l,l:t l. ,fl,n ;,pe,rh,ead sea,anr ap. fl {ul ?:i F"tldti:^1,!il }" _,1# 1:,1.j-it ,.nC :rgf,ten the Sprinkler;Sup- Port Uup Assemblv rnro tha f,|t ,rar.ripe-ie"vjiei;'n"*;, r;;1t itns rhe r"rcr'iaicrer;;;;' ""' drceQt a 1!2 :,1:f 1:,q.ep ace rhe Frotecrive Cap by, !:l:1.9 .t up-u/ards untit ,t ooloms our .a€-arls r i:e Supco.l crrp. The prorec- r \€, Lap helps prevenr itamaqe to the :-:ll::lo. and A.ms during cEirrng rn-s:aJratroq and/or dur;ng aplpticgtior, o.I I TFp440 Maximum Coverege Area t', Ft, x Ft. (nlxm) f',,laxirnum Spacing Ft. (m) ldinlmum Flow (bl and Residual pressure For Horizonial Ceilinq (Max. 2 hch Fjse for J2Inch Run) lllinhntm F,ov/ (b, and Besidtral pressure For Sloped Cei!inq ([4ax. 8 Inch ftis; for 12 Inch Run) 160'F t71"C Sprinkler 160,F 1.C 12' 12 i3 7 t 3.71 l3 GPl.l 149 2 L-FS 9.6 psi i0 a6 barj rE $ PIll /68 1 LFf.,lj rg 4 csi i1 27 oa.) (.4.3 x 4.3)14 GP[4 (5,3_O !_P[4; 'l I 1 psi {0,7i tra.) re Gppr r6s,t Lpl.,4t'18..+ psi i j .27 t)a,)16 x 16 !4,9 x 4,9 j re ceru roo.o rei"1 14.5 psi ij,00 trar) tS O ei,,l 1ee,r ]-FD 1 8.4 psj f1.?7 barj (5,5 x 5,5)aO Gel,t 1zS Z leruq -22 7 psi \1 .S /- bar)20xZA i6,1 x 6.1)24 cPM (9C,A LPrl) 32 .7 psi (2 ,ZS ba', ial For coverage a,ea dimenslons tess lhan cr belween ,,,ora ,nd,a"ro.-.1:::::.?|'Y ro use lhe minrmlrm req,,red tr"* r".G ""iii jii'llil?1i'tr "^/Frclr tlyciraulrc dgstgn crit€ria afe sialeo - --\ "iv"c')r t"ulerage area fb' F-e.JUl'e.t.enr is based on rnirr,rum rlo!,; In Gpi,4 (LpL/i hcrn pi,.h., fii::51:1;"'1'i8,fl i:,T['.1 il,;i5j];;;';l ;;i;:'15'"- fiil',iJili?i;=li, NFPA 13D AND NFPA I:T,ABLE A ,,,;;;;ifi'm:,#,f:f:#!fr:r,;fsr:::::::'^ I I I Trp440 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I Fage 3 of 4 BOD./ i1J,2'NPT)SEALING sPajNi{rEP ';'/FEtiCH[.tC NFEA CAP SAODLT SUPPCF I cuP 'r'/tri-l -'- - EOLL- FORtviED-II-]FEADS cct,rPRESSiO^i scrtE\1 LtsVLH SOLDER LINK E tEI..4ENT DEFLECTOF IOPERAIED POSITION] GUIDE A Rlvl GUiDE AElvl FRA}'/,IE DEFLECTOR ,, ASSEMBLY IHREAD JNTO SUPPOFT CUF Uf'lTlL lr4OUNTJf.jG SURFACE IS FLUSH YVITH cFtLiNG RETAII]ER WITH THREAD DifuIPLES EJECTION SPRING SOTOER TABS t3) COVEF PLATE/RET,AINEH '----'--- covER PLATE ASSEMBLY FIGURE 1 SERIES LF (TY25g6) RESTDENTTAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPNINKLEB '-'r'RFi'JCii ri E 'vcbt F!SH fiFEi.JC,ii N TO ENSLJ FE Fr,tcAC€i/Et1l ,?X'IIN S PBII.]KLFF i.!.F;ENCHiA]G ABE4 FIGURE 2 W-TYPE 18 SPFINKLER WFIENCH IOVER- Spplqri FF- l:.1rJl_f R suPFoF;auPj1:5r'r'rULt; .4S SEHeL, *---- 3-t:4" DiA ilrt 'r Fiarl j 1'7tE -1i2' ttJ! t -!P :i. -n an rit:::: .: :::: . , t.iaui.iTii rG 3.r15' - SIJFFACE ia 2 rtn! DEFLECIOR tN OPERATED FOSITlON sERtES LF (Ty25g6) RESTDE -tt'utlE :t srALr AnoN ntME^t..,,1^ta , !:y!_c-g!!g_E4LED qENDENT SFRTNKLERrusretrartouomrnsrcns/b'i6rz-ciiiETir'if iiii#o'[!!rl'fir I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I Pag€ 4 of 4 1t'e'irxsr^coattltg c'lhe c€,1;ro tt may :l:: .?g ! iq j .o rocale the cenr-er :r rrri ::*i3:.: rro,e p,/ geclt-v pr.,s-r,rg rhete ri! rrater:a frl& ii :ilp --^,-_g:rri rr rha lop - =- . NOTE),5 1-o:'.q eS.lhe pijtec:lre Ca, rcp1A.,tsn_;)12t 4 :12 c.lsien-, t, cot.).\.Lt?:e) t..tt_)r vu! Ui Seit/]Ce' Step 5. Afier ihe cei lnrr t.,r< ho^, p 'i.n 'u'irl ii' i"-r',f ;#'i;{ TI,i-a leler clearance nole a,t.J .i rrrupr_,-atror lOr irslalr,ng t,re Cove,.p,:iie As- :_e'nDly, remove and discarci the pro_ l-,u^gliu ? cue and rEaty lf ?r rDeUelrcLiot moves uo ano o6*n fiee,y. lf rhe SprinK er has been damaged and ::::.,y:jF^:., coes nor qove up andu!_rv. rcery. reptace lhe :.nirre Spt.i,t_ I,ul ll_rglb,v Do nor a empr ro nrod_ny or repatr a damaged sprihkler. !J:q,u: Sql:* on fl.re Cover plare As_s^em5|y until ns flange comes ifl con_ract wrth lhe cerlir rg. Do.oi co.]l,nue lc screw on the Coverrrare-Hssembly suci lhar rt ljts a ceit,Ing panel out of iis normal posrtlon. lf_theCover plate Assembly uannol Deengaged w th^lfe Mountrng c p or rne -Y _o-":l iiqJ9 Asserno,y ca-nnor ue er.gaged sr'Jificre.tl,/ lo iorract rhe cerl_ng. rne Sprinkler trtitrng In,JSr be j epo Care and Maintenance The.Se,res I Ftl fTyASg6) mLrsr Delrlltai:*g and servrced in accord.ance wlth the lollowing instruciioos: . ,VOTES Aosetlce oi an Escutcheon pt o i a t, i,", i i i,i ."7 ;; ;i: h;' i :' :",i,v" ?:!::" ,lof,ig , tire protectian sysrcmrtatn canttal ual,te for nlainrcr,tance :.?t1,.r: tne ft:e P:oieci;ct. svsrem'x|'t:) .:.1 "o!.1ltol9 penltsso!1 :o shu! ?:::n the. atfecied tire praiecter] svs.r.e,., nu;i be ajta,:1ed ::an ,n: pn,-pi,aJrl.cIt;es :rct att ilersonne; iu,lc nrat, D!€ a:|ectei! by :l.ts aC!:ot1 ,r,L,S! be.a. !Cr i'< ers '.1!-'rc- are ic_r,.]i :c oe ea4_itg o. erf rb.,ng .., srb e s,q ns c i c orrc-slcn :lruS i be rep)aced. Aulomairc aprinklers rTtuSt n3ver ile .>,lfp-e? !r ,lor:q .fu_irere rre -e..rpera.-rre _,v lt clceej . 0C F 3g,C and il-eyrtirsi re.tet Ce pet tteC. OiA reO, COa.e;' !_r-0i^er'.../ se..aitereJ af:er ,eav rE +l^eracrori l,4ocif ed cr ove,, heared #rir-Kiers musl be replacecj. C^a-e n r,st be eiercrsei:a arord dam_dgc - Je,JrE. aL,rr1j. ani after ,:islaj.'rr'.Itr S0r.t.k:erS ._:amag3d EJ 3rcp. l:.;?- :r,.0 j.: i..i reic.r :;,rst. s:,ppaqer! Ine Lhe. .rLSt be i_epjace_d, Tf € f,... "rsr ,-> rsspors,ble for lne n-rp€cl,on iestj;.tE 3no na rienaire Gi;f Eir 'lj'? At D.E j-. .L-, S !St:.O l,i f t?-"r!=s I CCT:C ,ar Ce \..,..!1 l.l,S :i!CJ- :]:]' u: ;re . a-' ti!' i,re ipsicabre :lino.erCs tf ti 5 112r,-,.u1F.r.6 p.:tec_ lrO.\ ;ssOc at,c., e.g.. NFp4 25r InadJ r'ar .J tnv S:A-tO"ar-JS 1f a|V -linernd-rno-,tej ha,,ng ltrr soi:r or. inJ ,n.s-rdr Ing cO:tlraCiOr or Sp.tnk et manJ iX!ii;; g;;1t te contactecj rerarive to -, NOTE tn^e"own-er ntusl assure lhat Ute spnn. l'!!9 ate nat.used tor hangtnq 6i 6r1ya0tects and thal tne sp,inkl;rg are s,.1ly ",;-,,"n' : i " : X, ! nii " i' "? f ! i',1,,!"'l !,1ope,ra an ii the evenr af d ftre ar inad-verent opention nay resLtlt il ig 1s66m mgn.Jed that automatic ,tl^l il l". sys €r!s be ,.rspecieo, ffi:;??' :I".:li,:rained o, a quariiied Limited Warranty TFF44O rN \JO EVETJT SHAI , rv./-\ -,-- ir:,:iitJ;;._k ffh, n *t tUNL/rts ANv CTIEq 1g641. 1n_.9lI ^f ?F rr'rclDEil;A;,-r-NDTFEcT :i..,Y:]^ oR coNSEOUEi\Tra LuAlV,ALr=S lNal I Intf, /: ar.T NO-- l,1rrED ro icEc;"frH-aq:;^ --c^ F DL ESs i ;;L;+;?ff ;'.::. fj_E nns6u67s vrrj i,pn1lE[ 1?9.qr_ llE poss,eirirv oi su*r $ilt"..';"TB. |rA&.'="$'l Il9lflII^LXCEro ni,ITilo,r,r,EUUAL TO THE SALES PFICE. Orderina Proeedire When placrng an order. indicate tne r,Jtlilroouct,narne. COlllact yOL,r locar dis_rTroLltor tor availability-. Sprin kler Assembly: -S_eries LFf t {Ty2F gq.K_a.2. Resroen _rrar Uor'cealed Pendenl Spf,nkle, wrln_uur Lover Ptate Assembtv P./N 5t-122-1.160. Cover Plate Assembly: Cover Plate Assemblv na,tin.t , t -^-^ fy),finish tor r\e S;d. l;i,'{i?;;6; ^:4 z. Hesrdenlial Concealed pet_ oe nt spflnkler, p/N {specify}. Produc,s marufacturecJ by lyco Eire Froducts are rvarran,ed sb,ety ic theoriginal,Buyer tcr ien /,Oi yea,..lqarnsi defecls rr rnaler rai ano work_ III_:,h,? uit-,en pard fo, arld propertylqStalleC and rna.nia,ned Ulder .lormal JSe a-nd s_erv,ce. Tr-rs war,a|lly will ex.plre,len 110) years ,.om date oi shtp-rnent by Tyco Fjre products. No war-ranry rs given for products or :.o] lpon."nl:. ma'rLiractLtred by compa_ i,9^1 ioi afti ra'ed bV ownsrln|p ,a116ryco f rrc producls or for prodLtcts a1ocorrpone-tts r^;hict have been s n,o"rto mrs.rse. mp,ope. n"i",ijtio", iJ'rro_ 1?l:.91 "t,,"n have noi been jnsialted, ?arn';1 red. mod fret Jr reparreo.n ac-aorcs:tc€ wiLr app.rcao'e S{ancJa.OS OitnF N?:Cna Fi16 p16rgq1,6r. Assocra_r,r-.-41-J Orife si;rdarcs 3f any oihera,JI-ll t es Fa rrn! urrrrEd citf n. lrl:,te-ira,s rcrJil Lrv Tvcc F,r9 pro0ucts to beo€lecir./e sl-a' j be ei:1ar reoa.reJ orrepracet ai lvcu F..e prldLtcts, soleoptio1. Tyco F.re prldJcts xeithe. as.SUrneS rO, :L,rnOfEeS any persCrl tOaSSu:ne forii any crne" ibliq;1,aa ,,connectrcn wlih the Sale cf prOiOucrs orpars ct 0rorlL,cls. f;cC F r'e procJ:lclssral tol. be respcfrsjb.e for sprnkiersyslern cesi3n eirr s cr inaccirrate orj,:olq'_.:u,r;or-natrof sLrpotied by 5 Uyer o. BUyer'S reoresen-at,veS. PrN 56-132.9-135 P,'l.t 56-iae,4,1i5 PrN 56-122-5-13: PiN 36-122 X- 135 Sprinkler Wrench: !?"?g,!^ry:rirr_. I I So:rnk rer wreiir;r,,r-lr\ )tJ-UUU-1-265 t TyCO FIB€ PRODUCT$, 45i Norlh Cannon Ayenue Lansdale. pennsytvania 19446 I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I #gI{s Tuhe Hnndbook'I ec{micsl Datn: Tubles %ionsandptt ical kchnicatData; Tnbles t ne Loltper Tube Hantlbook fil e: f C : \WT\De\{5 1pg5rz -r,^-. .--rl. r L,r\copper submittals\,copper tube type M.htm Nominal or standard size, in ches Nominal dimension -r s, inches '.ystcal Chartffi tcteristics -*---:areq l.alue (based on no Wall thick:ress Cross sectional area of bore, sq. inches rl ,uar utmenston!) i:ir il Contents of fxbe 1lper linea r fr ilOutsitle diqmeter Inside dialreter i Weieht l/ orrurre li 0tr1\" i pounds i Pt'I linear fr. Weight of tube & water pounds per iltI t, t__1 .500 linear ft. .45A 025 LU 159 .145 .214,/,.ol).00110 00826.)09 428 )<A 204 .314 .87 5 .00176 .an2.81 I I 055 032 517 .328 I 00359 .4269L125.UJ).874 .465 .8437'/o .00607 04541 291 1.3 I 682 r.25I ,/,|.Ql).009 i 0 06811<a1 049 183 3.17 .940 1732) 11< z.otJ .0127 09512.009 2 495 2 981 058 146?tt- ,2 .0220 .rof .065 489 3 z.v 7 4.14 .0340 254 .072 6.98 9.40 12.2 268 358 4.66 1 tt- '2 J.0l) 4.125 5 l ?{ 570 .0485 ,JOJ3.459 083 .09s 4 7.64 .UO)J .488 5 983 0847 .6344.907 5 88i 7 785 109 18.9 o. 0t)6 tn 11 61)<148 131 .982122)'7 1 8.92 2078.12s 189 1.41170.+ /.o 16.5ln ra< Lz.!zJ 37.1 331I 701 ?1)73.9 106 ,J IJ 3.8411.617 '\a A )o. /82s ,/JO 5t13/98 Table 5, Type M - pressi 'lyi:!J'-"t'b,;;;; ,j i,i{i:l:" in fittings and varves expressed in I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I Nominal or % l-J i,;,-t i - i - r- i- r: i:i- ':,1;-'f i;Iri;-;-:i'-i -i ii,: ;:;._r-,-ii*l ;;-i-;:L--; i_,:_i- i- i-;i*..,.,,|;],..i ; . i i _i_t I z i e i s i_j " l*;*i;_ir: i- ;:,i2'/, !t izii{i*ti--i *; i*; i-_,r.,--i.-..:*i**_* !-:: !l- t 31 _ i z -[-l--i--*_.i-*--_i--- &J J i 2s j ir i so -i-:3 ---*;*-i--- Ll:--i-i:[€-_l j rzs i rn i_r, ; i;:i li t-i: ;--r-,-i -['11,11iii,--o'i;;,';1 i :,i i-1 i-, r-i-1-i--'i-# i, -i---i-n*i-,_ i ;;-;T l- *- f-- i;-i-;;-1T; l l ---':---Li',- r-;-i t4 --f* ; - i--; - r -f ^i-Lr: [1'-'-_l Allorvances are for streamlined il:,f j,,"1.,tTI_j,;lfr iffi..!,1lil::*iilff Xl';?.ssedthreadednringsT he. eq u ivalent t.;g,t,,lir.r,io,u r{ance s.ho14 n on the ta b le. lff #::; I,j?,ili;i,il,' * ;:fil1;Tl:l:ilfl:iffiffj:Tjjj.,,,l Technical Data: Jahlest rte Cooner Tubifubook 7/R/01 o.nl 6 nt I t BA.KFLolv pnrGGrJru REDI,JCED PRESSUR E ASSEII4BLYI I I t I I I Ch aracteristics p.hysical p ro pe rtie s Stze vax r//orking pressure nyorosla tic Tp sr p.^ ^ ^ Temperature nrngu end Connections Materials vatve Body Elastomers Spfin gs Agency Cornpliance 'lt" , jlt" , 1" , 1'li' , 1.,1r,,, 2,,'175 PSt (1200 Kpa) 350 PSt t2aor' vo^i'_ -v ]\l o]rt-t to 140.F io"c to 60.c ) l nreaded Af.lSl B2. j Bronze Silicone Stain less Steel , :i::1i,Y1 gonrormance rcs1 1-s2). ncte Llsted (Std 1n1?l. CSA . Approved by the Founrlation r ffi :i il,"i:';#,T I'J:ffi :iT : ::ffi ; :, Application Health Hazard Options E Wya - Strainer A4O0E! 860 (1/?,, . 2.,) REDUCEO PRESSURE ASSEMBLY L') 0- ! (tl CL ! .f a4 J E I I I I I I I I T I Model 860 (i/r"- 2") Flow Curves=30ao_ ?( E'' t/) o- (l) 6- J E i !j'n vl) 30 1Q 411 "I t2 180 ( GF \,j) 5 30 20 10 5 30 20 ,J 10 5 lnstallation Recommendations 5 .30 20 15 1A J! ztJ jj 1C 60 t3q.fi ,l1l tlI 11 MoDEI 8So (1,".2') Outdoer lhstallaflon Flow+ 1 2" lr',ininum Cleata nce lo Fixed Str.tciure 5 120 (GFM) I I I I I t I I I T I I I I Check,4ssembly ITE l,,l DES C RtPTio.ri r,tltEntqLs 1 Bod./ pr^^-^'2 ta,p,=.-. ;.:::1t o.p,-o ;;=Z Cave.Zt.,rtze St. c:ne-? S:al - --, lju.il \J -trt; jir c:ne4 PopFet f.rcrvr5 Se6t Disc jil,ccne Ruboer : -, !,sc Rela,rer Noryl s 2 Rnd HD Screw phi ips, 18.6 SS6 Sprjng SS6 1 Spriog cq. : Guide NoryrI Relaine, Spacer Noryl9 Ballvalve Bronze9.1 BallVatvp' trfonzejl Test Cock gronze :: Sear Ring_RV Noryr ::, Gaskel FJqg-R',/ Sr,icone Rubb€r13 Spring_Rv SS :: seat Disc'RV silicone Rubber/sstr u'aqnlanm-A\/ - .r{ubber/Fabr |c l: orle.Diaphragrr-R\./ Rubbe/Fabrrcrr SmallFiston-Rv Norvt17.'t Rnd HD Screw ;;irnrraps, 1E-€ SS ::: vYasner lB'8 ssttr HerNul 1E.B SSro Uyt,rder.Rv rlpHtng-Cytinder Acelal'18.2 Slde {pluo} ^,.',-:t\!\)rlrv Uover-R\/tJronze :u o-Ring s/ricone :] Hez HD e5p5s.., 1g_B SS :: Large piston_Rv NoryltJ Guide-RV w,riur :: idenrrficarron ptate er"rsb1 Dri,,e Screw Slrct SS I s/zE sions and weights I ii,= :';?:;,'"i::: :::";:ri lii';* i;; ::;,8!::', ';'r'ii 1'ti,I ';:: :i:,i'iiiii :';:::;' ':';;i;, ;';:';'l:i?, ;:i;:':'ii :"|:;::' I t 17ti, (.14s.91) 3,h t.ae sq 21i, (6?.sa') ,,: |i;;;; {:;i::!::; ::: rr.,t,t::, f.,tote. Dimensions afe norninal. Allov/an( l, o^,r^,^ - _.-..-- c,,u,,l|lrar.Arlov/ancesmustbemadefornormal manufacturin! lolerances F:y ;;; ;:1,-^::esna, c A 337 a7.BL7 0F.:. 55g as,,.on.^ 't.I.v' vt 3.11ar't0 ""rv . wyn// Cmb,jnd,CoT Model 860 (1/r" Relief Vafve Assembly ,_ __,v , vyy/w,Cmb,ind,Com 860srri r,lee Armare,i,rscopy.rehred.prjn,ednusA Iso 9001 ccrtificd lfWllfvtn Industries, Inc.j i A United Dominron Comlanv I I @"pcTrER VSR.CF I ponrrrtr"trtistg;rrc VAI{E TYPE \ry'ATtrtrtri ., ii:it:1,. [1'_i ffi :*t;il ;"-,i;il5 6 3 I 45.4 1 d 1(314) 8784121, rrJni iii'"": jl , \-wYl v.,J,€ 5.r 0 ronui' El*.triJdJnrt & bnrnh rr ^5;- Gier Caneroi Road www,poflera/gnal comI I I I I I I I Thnrr.r., r, a_. - _-",r,=rqrj |1030','v',r ri rr UnIafjO, Can8da Lar rF\^ UL, CSFt/ end trrso |-,rrrD.>,ervlce pressurre ; Up tc 17S pst Mln/rnum flaw Aatetor alef m j 10 Gpl.4l,,laxlmum Surger 1g FFS uonract,qat/ngs: Two s6ls cf SPOT /Form C)15,0 Amps ar tzS/esO Vni Envrronmentsr .r::ffn:::t voc'"'i,i"u ftrf##;ii:*Tfi% : ^ l_t :;;T: :,,,,, :" I"Jl ;lT:ff ".,", H:;:ili?" I l', f .,'0',;"0' "'' cau'on;Jil,,".."J.ffi1f:iJ:;f i.'."J;';:f :ll';;*"" Drze6 Avalls ble i PIP€.SECTION SHOWNr rJrl iLLUSTRATIONpuRposes oruli fll'^:r_ll.*. pr.r".s,1i; i;5:li? j,ii I eee, can adian -P;;il: ililr.Aulomalic SprinklerPotter Eredrjc, n-J., iJno * l# :h{,*i"1,;.,'m*, i il:'i ff i,1',' 3l"l:.f jy:,'-.'', r o*u,,'nn NFPA.13 fi:;i.""Jlif :,",ff :?"T'" lcli r sro,i6s ilF5i. ] lBNationar Fire lr"i, bToJ I I I I t I cENEFAL rruroEffi Opttonat: Cover Tampe r S*,"n *,,, Srock No. OOSOJ!to.t, if, {*ti,,#jff#jild,?,;,,:rf.,"rd,."*'"' JffrTifft""i:: b€ ussd as a s€diorar vratotatowcer.cror #tr*fffit**+t*r INSTALLATIONT S"sJ;; ffisru*fimffi n: !ilt#sra: :+l fiidiil!traT s i;ri#.il:,1? :l,n' m *il: l ;;h :lT: g":i"*'j", "'J';' 3;:H#' ffi i:f ','"J#i'!i'i:',+;!.a\,\i;',r',,'+ir.":ur;" a holE v/ilh a diam€l8'' o1 2' .i;r'5," .,il,r oth8r sizas fsqLira :';:t[1 :;i1i",iii: :i:: fl#J::Ti;ifliL?x?n ", f,'i!'i? J,T;1 J e,''il J: l#" I #ff ffi :,;,1;,1,,ff1 ffi *,ti# lllh:ffi ' lT.rul'i';ti:i'ii: ;i; #Jl;i! il,1i'il;i,,. PF]NIFO /il USA PAGE 1 OF 2 I I il5J111"",,,;, li# FROI,,{ oFti, cor,llpol aLlRtt FAIl'L I I t I I I t I I I I I I POTTETT rtu, I VSH,CF ,.JttFI!:'?l4F??!r'#copFER oR bLii?fiirpr '.JI?i, If,fl "lii i l ii#,;,?,i i,, i:: l. - _" FIG, 2 !!1'-'o ,ctt9;,.ra ,trLr !f,A.it6a ltLta 1.. ii'i E : ti :[i" 2;.i 7t i;t, !!,1 ;1,t ; ! .' i fi ;i :;::;, ; i-::l;":i!i','!ii,: nii : :' l'3 ill3"l.:'I'io!',.' , "o|., :?.::i:,;,;:;,;:E ::: D,t.r d /.) | -]D ';l;!'.', ;ii 2,1t^ =_t 27ly;,,;;,ijji,L ;Eii,.l,irt or'',L[i ",., Onl j a c- s,:,r '|f r1t qoLun rJ'r,16spv c,_4- | rs 3HOv/f/ CA{JTION; An uninsulal€d s6cl;on ot a .i^,co''ductor,r.,orro #i"Ji^l^ll_qr" the rofminai ,no ."*#"lllto "rorno g*lisfl#,rultl**- -L,J'rt O',, DlRECIlot!.tF w,AIfpFLOy,/ ct ost oN FIG, 3 ;?',;ii:li iF:"i!:-,,€MeE TyprcAL ELEcrRrcAl CONNECTIONSF:.r1::i0 CUsS e /srrrE .E-).lrJD-Or_r-,,rr PEllStoF cytlstt t.t1rE, 'l !iCrlauri- | r,,i-. fYFEAL SrxTl.r !:itiu !l'Jl, o" r/- -t ;1..;; ", Nol€: for sup€rvised crfcuits seeJu.t trcn T 6 rmjna) C onna ction s"orawrng and."rtion nor. _iRgr,. t). c\tc *1E ) _ t _r op 'j oil EDL RESISIoR 10 AOt L DEvtcts OF RE]UFIJra aor.JrEoL ,ru, r E,i I,hE Mode/ VSR.CF h€s s ignaring unit, yrnite ihe ^two switches, one can tre rlsed toorter contact js r.rsed to opurrt, , i \i: -.-,-- :','" /P -.4,"/ TESTING ;3:i:LXilf^:lil,iillli;i,,?i{ieraryo'ernoreI I I I ,*$###!ffiu'rffi' t,l, thgre eta nc provislons I ru lt t'; i'; i#i Hirlff , l;;,r:i',ir;,:i, y' ;l;-" f'ow ol 10 gpr'r is feor;red ro adivara rn,s IMPORTANT NOTICET Firrespcnsibie ti ,rr'ir', .rLt"tlLldu:u the petson ru ;;rru,# ::il I ;'X:iJ;f;::li,n l;I,n., ,'f prctdzT thj.F_i3c at lne sr,o rld aJr,,ays e i,lspectof,s tpsl val,,,e ihrr , ;lo :l'l: ".,1 ;;;;;';;;il;;:,,t uir rJs€o lof tesl pUrpcses, r,! usAlHTEOj'tlr;ffin*m I pncE a op e I I I t I I I I I I I I I l" l= t:JI t J 'T'*||ft%'r?,?j;fl'" hos on Inregror Frushins r=.;;, Io",o,u ser ar r z5 psr wirh orher 1l relieves excess sysler The,provided Rerief vo,' pressufe coused by surges or temperoture chonges. oroinoginl[ini' o' u"iue Piping solves fhe nogging prob]em of Rerief Varve ouflet HE'H?fftirurB:?f,J?,i:.#;3Tsg.J?s,:f?:",yJlil$i,s:.}?rJ,fl,* ond ,he Bvpass li.,-^:::rrrr componenrs ore jncluded in rne pod<ose, i'''J'J;!';3f?1i,T1!.'"?lllJl%:"cessaIv ror the insrorarion or o pressure souse, I I I t I I MODEL IOI I WIiH RELIEF VALVE AND BYPASS PIPING MODET IOI lT MODET IOIIT HffiSffaruffiMODEL lOI I ffiA-ilru' TRONT VIEW .MODEL I OI I fi [Tdiii',{,:fiii',?d,di#!#qrilfi ,'#,fff n::'TAppNG FROIT vtEw. MoDEr t0r lr MATERIAI LIST---_---- PARI: HANDLE STEM BALL BODY VALVE SEAT INDICATOR PLATE I(tsLIEI. VALVE BYPASS Fir|INGS BYPASS IUBiNG MAIERIAL: STEEL ROD BRASS C.P BRONZE BRONZE IMPREGNAIED IEFLON\IFFI BRONZE BRASS NYLOBRAID r0l I AND t0t lI It 9n6 11p/v 4 snt )rs7ro 10 tsne iu l5lt6 l4 zna lU 7,t16'ir'oirobte qn , ,in,,o7riiiloii JOB NAMEI ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: l^nhlTDlr^T^n- I POTTER osYSU-1, -2 o ursrDE€cR flvllD yor(E vA L vEI I ii"1-l*i^il':listrc-Eil---! i:i^:,i:7:::: !,.st. Louis, r,rb ogras.qror supERvrsoHv swiiiirr (s14) 87a.4321. (eoo) szs.isso w'#tv, p otters ig na l, co m PonerErecu.-c-Sisffis1-ffi hn,^A;rr ^ Sl 9lrn. Cameron HoadThornhill, Onfurio, Cun.;; iliff;r-_____ i905) 882.18s3I I I I I I I t I Dimensions: ?-,! L X 2 2s^V/ X S.BB"H'\ /^-r / 5.7s-nW X 14.€crr _Weight: t,Orinirf '' trnctOsure: Cover _ Die-Cast Finish - Red Spatrer Enameia^^^odse _ Ute Cast Zinc ^ AII parts har c o v e r ra m p e ;, -i; ;;: :,*,?f ff il ::il:.rl, f in is h e s confact a;r,nn",ootional cover tamf e-, riiavaitaote. OSySU.l:One si oSYsU-2: r*" ':i-tl'sl!T (Form c) 15-oo Amfs;;-,;:i:;ffii|r (Form c) "-..,_^., r.50 .ALos at goVDC resjsivec'nvtronmental Limitations; :1!llt" 140"F (.40.c to 60"c)NEMA 4 and NEM, r n ooo,. o,.l ulooiln "u ?^[fif .,,J:,(jr^?"., ^I o c a t i o n s. s e e g u r r e r, " il.- .,"; ^u;t 11a za rd o u s " " " .,, Ji,J:"1j.:.]J: i":i:A io s4 00 7 o s o i "T uli x 3313U:l S,'ti[ ill 1 01 0106 1010206 "u*,." illl.kours for 1/2,, conduir provided Automatjc Spnnkler y:^:,:l y: famiry dweilins nesloential occupancv r.Nationar arr. o,"In., Iio'J lo rour 51si-1.. NFPA-13 NFPA-13D NFPA-13R NFPA.72 l*! 3r.rT" LrsrED, ro' oor;;;;lffi I I I I I f^u^"^.Ijl |NFoBMAiloN g i-;; ;.,Y, ;J : : :"f ITf :,,. | ! e o n " n p o s i r i s p e 1 s n X?"1::iI; j'i?i"i;'xtriJJ:ll#t'.',1:t1,i;Jj:l" i; t!!'tLl? Jilil:,:;i:*,, di!! fi: :'., J; I:i 3r:i*: jff lqf i5i:{,.,ilT i,:,i* ;,,. Tf e c,iver is held in place br l,;fllif ::fi {Jtr{#:,,;,:;H,l' lll' n:, . 'JUrerng o!?ner of responsrb,e pany, Eeplacemett or ;,.i1i;;i:tffi;:ff,11,i:x kevs are ava,rab/e see ::Il,olAL covEF TAMPER swrcH ftii: ti,fl xl,i ?'ff : :n5il#i,.il,,'TA'ilol :;:, "cover. See ordering information on pria i."., ' ,'," TESTING TL^ ^^.,^. .| ','= rJDybU and its assocral€r^t nrar^^r:,.^system shoulJ o. i.ro.",l j Tdprotective''nonrtoring with appticable N;;;'.;:: anc tesled in accordanJe autho.ty i.rr'ng jrnro,;;i;;t,:id standards and/or fhe q u a rterry "r ;0";;;;"#nlirjtu n *ttt' te r recomrne ndsI' I #[:fiiiSS9ffi ED lNt/SA- PAGE 1 OF 4 t T I T I I I I I vl^t-(Jt lH( ;;;- | t. rlt4,trDTHESE SV/rrcHES t/oLiNr c?)l:fj,:rlTly ro Mosr 2, To 12'oS & y y,qr VpyALVFS AS st/ALL AS 1t2' J.HOOKS vnv ajnt["ulFED of,t vAr vFc *,,i,]l;,lf_ly],Vtlr MouNT ot.r SO/,{E vALvFs As sr'/ALL As 1/2' r rooriir,rn?'rJ#:",rf;Jzlir?Iri;ffixr,:,Hit*t1Air,'r# .: !-',,a E ,'.= :r.:-)Laa EOLI unY$U_10 -2 ourstDE scR:y-{ND YoKE VALVE ljl51u,rorii s#r.c; 1-.--i: '..1 -1,_.;:-,,,., ,-.- --:.- ' :i .t[] :..i ,:,.--rL _ r_l':ii.1f ilT -,p :;;.--'.ll r=,. ,--..'F-.|. BP;r.t' rr v'tr,. # 97.t _ 3 t;SMALL VALVE INSTALLATION ' Bemove and d,scard , !'"tir".!ffidffi;;;;;."l, ;.,I;?ilH:i:ln *r;*jn;";#:i;;:""#l I ;3,J*i,tigi' :.::fi *:1",,,;rui:$.r.r*i{:t ;ffi"r'::j:;' J ;',[',"^: l; :nlli:i;;;:.'.'l;:'t ilr ;nd#lull{,',::l:,il?"',ir;jiJi: !*trI irld *:l#;ffi ffi :"f:',,','1;3'' = = I ,#;T$*.';ffffi::**;' 6. Remove the oSySU. il"_l :il: deep groove centeted an * flitFi H:,!i'"x? lbyjtr ili i j#Ll !ir"t,::|:"" . i{:"f iff r:5,r, r:# iT :? iff 3,: : :J : In: *r:rr 7. l',4or.rnt the OSySLi with' ;:*:r*n:[1tril#i#ffJil::";, co rre cr y,h e n- s w u. n " " " i" ll J ?".,iJ:,ffi ,tli,J,#; :: i :ff ":?Ji,ffi ii,J:,:J?t%'".,'"'.illlip;.jrjj["l"' ',ii{j,,ffi[Tj::,',:ffi: :,1.il:,i,lu,,?irl,ili, ;il;:''J::Tni:;;;':#;1",1,,;,J,",ft,i,,JilT:''" NOJE: -CLoSE THE VALVE iiF*',i"iriB#.iiiii::l?if ii?Hi#' c o u,. o n e-s u ir- i',i ; ;; I ;ll? il ;:ff IrTJifi ii'. I I ttrr, *aezoooa:;ITi MFG. #5400979 . 2,€7 JrF--"rrcu tN USA PAGE 2 OF 4 I (ElPOTTETT OSYSU- 1, -2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVEI t I I I I I I t FIG,2 LARGE VALVE INSTALLATION .3"THRU 12 SIZES j- l;'- .1,2_^rtL-.,E:, t-:r ,-. =F,i -.-5',-_r: aia?lL.:t tr. -.t,,.- 1,"-.DE'-r,i iTtr-t-i r )'-,' ,1 ,., i, s7i u)',1 ,,' _i !" 1,r., i"=. , :i,ll I il, t.1,) -tl.t ).!t-. l,i::? ,,':J,:i i;i,' ' ', -;llTar. er 1 N?.t-, t_r F1L'\EF r,POij'/E t'-tf t \/ALr/[.TFt/ IFIP POD D'uL HsTg_ 4 SUPERVISORY SWITCH I I I I I I I LARGE VALVE ]NSTALL,ATION ' 3ii+:i+J"+ i,i ?iy". i;::| fl : "jiil I ffi :", i:;,,. ffi ::ff ll;:i il',Xf J;fl,J..liil; ";; ;:ii;J ; ;;I " t yilt;T ffisu looserv with the carriase borts and 3 Loosen the locking screw nl _" ln im i:;: il : ff : ji:.:] i: i^il : jHil.ffi.. l:'et *l ; ",";:tH f#r,',L;'ifr # r;: o " lil: :il d*i";n'},; ;Ti;il? _::;i : J: : iJtr . ff ?, ";3,::[ii:Jhi:1ff:J::f,i#.j:#:". 4. llark ihe valve stern at the center of the ti.ip rod.5. Remave the CSyS;. Firp enr:lliti:*i;r :"'tB:',:;:.:ili:t:;;; edges of the gr.oova to prev"e.rt lxT:H li JT ;:}:fiT,ti: ;11i". 1iiliytt3,rio,. ' $::;::n" osYsu rooserv wirh the trip rod cenrered in ' ":[:iri{,]fi!; B i.,il I ;,',1 5 : :""J : t,^:;ffi J,; i,:,, n,, correct Vrhen switches areseated in rhe valve .,"rn o.llt.1tliulted wrlh lhe Irrp rod ; ry k+n[ liii 1 $r[i #j: I A'i;i r i:T;,,n, ' &'iiiiTi'#iJfi;:'#:1'rd rouT rins hardware and that 'I.;;';';;;;"J;:'::Y:'oLt or the sroove easjrv ;llu j::: ni, ;;t,:";5.1,'3,;_"; ;#l J:,,i:,,, r.rv tE:9j?* l::Jl:v.l j:!!Ly ro DETEFi/rNE rHAT li F il:SH.:f,2.^ ::, i :1",,iff ii?,tili,:ffTIE swlr3H aer^ro nci,u;lJl*1,'."1' tr | nh swlrcH CourD npsr rr i ''ii:", , :: .!l 8Y TFE SrEM THREADScouLD REsuLr rr,r n nili faiil;Hl^illJifiEii I I t'trr, *eeiofr]lE''i l4rc. *saoogzs.;;i "PAGE 3 OF 4 I [P,POTTER OSYSU-1, .2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE V.ALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH DIMENSIONSrlu, oI I t I I I I I I PARTS o1L ll92.r-3 F00 RtTFrCit0 I Frc. s BFEAKING EXCESSIVE ROD LENGTH SW'7CH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMFING PLATE TERMINAL TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS "$--"'"'""rrJDrcAti|r6 oEr.4ct ol,\at I I I I CAUIION: ln ufrnsulated sec|on ol a s notF .^."snoutd_nor be,oopec",;r;ji;;#;;;t:; 5e./e as l\-vo sepa,ale connecl onr Tlmusr be se,ered '".^Lu 0,""L"^i ",,'j" " t' o' he:o.nec,ion inrn" J. ",l"llt'"'ilt;It1".a9aoft a\ a slD4t)ad l-cn r.rnCer.ne te-znrrai Contacts show0 in nomal (valve open) condjtion. TYPICAL SWITCH ACTION L/E i:..Jstr Lil'] aLas€D .7l,-,,L postlilrl aat'1 L() -)stt tt ).-'t" t-- /I rar l].a ic,.r l F--.'_-| ,, .) :ri ,i2 d_r\;,.-l- 10 Slp€R?tsoR? alPcurtot €!rlIPOL pAreL ORDERING INFORMATION MCDEL DEscR IPTIoIJ ;;,:: l Cr,si': :(r€rl & r..!E.S,.r!€rJiscr/ S-ir.h (st6gl: s,,jt.'. j tl::j j:.-': r >u.: OJrside SJr:# E yt;E-- corsr gqp6y7 s'Jperyisory s,til'h lDolbl' sr',ilcrj loloao€ " Fer Ke.y ior Civ:i Screws anrr rn.r r.r -^ r,; .-._ '.a9a293 . 4s ai.C t-:ta ;r:n :,ll-::fFE.rs _ ,J:t,crat :o"erTan-i€r S..,.i.f ., | - *". 't: Dr?ssLrz 124,.1251s113e val?e initaiialion ! it. tit ,.^. t,^/, ---.- co-c0131 -__*< ion liis (iireq,Jire4) coolacl valvo rflanuracluref ilff:liiiffi*B PAGE 4 OF 4 It FARH-LAHfuI Johnson Fire & Specialties, lnc, COt/tu1ERCtAL or R ESlDEl,tTiAL EXTER/OF or iNTERIOR Y/EATH EB P R OOF CONSTRUCTION COMPLETELY DISTIIALAEM S]GNAL NCTIVE FROIM ANY OTHEB rnST, EASy MOU|JTING _ OtJ ANy TypE OF WALL EL]h4JNATE THE i.JEED I , orr euir-oir.ra ;-TE;?#R ANY ADDirrof'rAL srcNs APPROVED FOR Il.qtr OCCUpe,n]C*re'L'n uDtr lN ALL HARD-OF-HEARING AVAILABLE lN 1r <rra n .w,r,rouiir_o;rilil5+fr3rr?" oB 12vDc wrrH oR l"lAll'lT ENANCE_FR r ecuono,uiiit"r'oiiilo#JutArroN FULLy Say Goodbye to - Water stained yralls Ugiy signs to spoilesthetics No lvlore - Old_fashioned belispipes that ctog anJ freeze ,,4\ i..fl l,'i-.', -A-itl,9;t (FH> \id d ",.o-nr-*,r ".,_*,_ -YFl,i &?o\+.! I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I t I I The FARR.LARM ipraffical signal made. ",tl.t:_o,tt attracrive and e"l unJ;;; ffi;;"j,11"?*ouct in size, (8"x exrerio*U_ft;;;"":omrse the esrherics of rhe or a water-'otor gong. :ca-lc bell with a bird cage' ,t:t^T:,.d mounring is directiy above rhe fireoepafiment connection. During daylighr Fire Depanment to the occupa:rts and exis ts. t-^,,-^ .,rruur s, rIe norn wj.l] direct thethe connecrion as well as alerlpassers-by tliat a fire concijrjon ll night. the flasher/srrobe can be seen from adrsianc€ io guide the Fire Drp;;,;.;,; ,J,,''.lll'.rfi:l potice pauolii.s rn *o;r;ri,.rir:rp,r, ::"i l*l*borhood with rheir windows uo ,uo,no,near rhe horn, bur rhey wilJ ,,r.,,fr. figh,,i "'", ' Ql-^- ,n--wrrruc 1rlJ, every FARR_LARI,I is assembled byiand, inspe*ed and tested at the fa*ory llarch, 1989 l,4adeintt, AUDIBLE / VISIBLE SIGNAL SERIES 33{O t14Fl#'.''(J** ueneraf speciileaii I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I ons Signal Specifications Approvals UL ULC CFM, FI,T, CSA, BSA, 8FF lJli;flr,?ir.;rterismeasured r u>4, FM, BFp *nt+*l*+*tm*n***##l+##**oo***:u,'ffi'f*l+ IIODEL 330G115 Ordering lnformation srntes ss00 l"rr.r,lj-,:::rl."wi1 h inc a nd e s ce n r I js h I"."ur r_u. r_lQSfl rate @ 60 per minute". . SEHIES E:OOil /ODEL 4ODEL IODEL 3300N1_115 3300t{1.24 3300u1-12 Audible only sFF/Fs 33oo & fiaoHL :EBtEs a3ooG QDEL 3gms.r c tror,3.?oos.2j - 1r0r|.3300s.12 f;:3f:1| ##th 8,ooo,c F sirobe Modei uumbef lflput Voltage Rated Curfent dBA @ 10 Feet3300_115 3300N1-115 3 300ft1.24 3300f.J1. 12 11sVAC 115VAC 18-31.2 VDC 9.15,6 \/DC 0,160 0,160 0 063 v. t13 95 95 J1 923300s.115 11sVAC 3300s_24 3300s_12 1:CFM, BSA, FM, BFP1B-31.2 VDc 9-15.6 VDc UL, ULC, CFM. BSA, FM, BFP ,Onl,SOttf@ 1297516th AVE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55441 I I t I I I I I t I I I T I I I I I GUARDIAN FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. :110 ,,r y/ 381h STRIETMIAMI FLOFTDA 33142 (305) 633.0.r61 rHE FESIDENTlAL FIRE DEPARTIIENT INLET CONNECTICN 'GUARDA..J rJumber i5t-; 1 1t), .,t t,-,,*, Sasl brass constrlc:ior:. a"raO O,r,a lri :les:al inlet body, femare pin lug sv,tj,.ter andplug & chain, l) .,3:1,:f,:r^1r,rh NfpA 13D concerning rheinstallation of sprinkler ., - - .,*" "'r'J Lr rtr ,amif\/ .r\.,^r;_ _ _ - l4e rn s in one and lvvo requjred by local authorities, {--:t. , - -- iv 'r / t.,r rltar t tUY UWellfinq .n.l ^+L ^':, - crr,Lr utqer structures ORDERING DATA SPECIFICATION Frtr tr c^,,,_. .. I I irufElce]l._ra 20A lb, wwp bronze check :"^,:!:",S,irtng . Fegriniing Type . Rene,a,ab,te Disc200 psl Non.Shock Cold V/ater PAEI I t I I t I Conforms io lvlSS Sp.EO MATERIAL LISi SPECiF/CAIIOHL Eonnet Bton;re ASTt.l 8.61qr g_SOq ntb;;.- do1y Eronze ASTl,i 8_62 j, A.SAI eloyffi3. hinge pi,l 1;ia,f,:1i,.,;::il** .4. Disc Hanqer Erorze ASTI/ 8.625. hang€r Nut Efonle isIt4 8.97 A11s7 6655gg6. oisc Hodef gfonze AsTfl g,€2 7. S€at Disc Hubber {IFE ZVr" & 3")€. S".at Disc Nul Eronte lsn g.16. o, g-SZ O,;;;9. tltnge pin ptug ( ot Sfioirn)8.onze , SIM 8"140 Altoy C3?0OA KT.4o3-W tvpT ro ll pT '1n c..' ^:--,., -_--._. e!e( u,5! wisner AST/i b..Za A,lol C6S5O0 OIMENSIOI,JS -WE]GHTS -QUANTITIES KT-403-w tnreaded Hominai S,ro DIme4s;615 ffit';'",#i:#,igT:fffll "' i l.!.i ;, lo ;,",i;:.,J"? i jn,;i.. .';:.., ;, l!;.1;'"'eciD'"3rin! AFftor. B8t u/t. 8or 0urrtily tiasler Cr riofl 0uaility2\t 1\ tr't t 21Iid ttA .3 l0 ''|/t 10 1.9 I I 2"J 't rk 4t/? 3,0 5Vl i1'1r t.t I a..s z,/z and 3" supDJ ed :s Kl-413.y with / |.E seal disc. lNC,, ELKHA,IT, INDIANA NIBCO i0 I t T I I t I I I I I I I t I t I I I tffit ."-ixio.ll?,?6":i,,,, ( FIG.21,,TIN" STRAP Size Ronge . l/Z thrtr 9 ;^-i "; ; i; i:7 ^;[ ; J t1x, n c h pi pe rtntsh . Ualvanjzed Order By - Figure number and pipe size. Size Rqnqe - q,, te-xu"*i^"i n."o^1', Materi.al - c_*uo" str"i=^K ::::.T: .For suspendins pipe LrGHr *83'uff "*oc*Er rnounting surface. ,t;fr:,|L, lnoT;,#, 0.,, indi c2w. t'i, a n a. H,. s/16 DtA (2) 'cu6iomer piease specif! I I I I I T I I I I I I I "% Fig'zoa " Tri m I i n e,' Adj uita b I e Band Hanger ls:ii :i"::;:,",!i:i,i,:t 8!i,n i...,,o c eo aruii *u;i{ il l;: [; ru*?J: T.Tir iri #; i: reafures #f, d'iil#"{' """'i' J::i li:* oil *"1' n'f' r a ; :ifl :',' :.:il' il"?';"[:J:.'3i1;,1i1 J]: l,x;' :tr#",,;#:r?l),?ii[1 i:ff ff ff tjjHfl.n,,. ",,. tfl fj"*"',",,!;S :H f i{i:il#ilf} iir :.K '.;iffi +'"f,?:::[Xi r;fl; tn,-u e r 6o"nio,,", to il ii:i: f*;,li'fl ir,? i":?J'sF J 3 : ill' o I:: :: ;: ;: rn:ijtr"il: il:'".]'' " m a'[e r a s II'ICH PIPE 1/2 THRIJ 2 I PIPE SIZE Roo srzEINCHMETRIC'l,laX. Rfc.nppRox. 400 400 400 Ao 4Q0 400 2ta 3/8 t- 3/8 3t8 I 1 8mm or 1Offi LOAD LBS.wT./100 Bmm or 1Omm cr 1Omm or 1Omm or 1Omm 3.1i8 3- 1/B 3,3i3 2,i t) 1-Jtd 1l t1i -1i+ 2 Emm 8mrn 8mm 3.3i4 3.7t8Ior 1 0mnt 1-lt6 13 1r', ic'l 'i- ltz 10mm 1Omm JUfnm 5.5i8 | -,:t6 3/8 oto 3iE EA 4 5 6 I I 4-1t8 4 5.1t4 600 600' 600,)td IUmm l2mm 12mm izmm 7 -3/8 9- 1i8 10-1/B 13- 1/E 5 6.1t4 6-3/4 8-3t4 '1000 1250 1250 ]*, \Jla?l F 2001nI OD ta 10d ELECTRONICS, Fire Alarm System Specifications for the Pollack Residence 1250 West Haven Circle Vail, CO {txg** rAKs' H HS,ffiiTSlt,B REJE.TED $'BMlr t'#'iiio'ttt iil.tiiiEi infteertD TtE oFHlsv{onu[ cf sPfctfl('Ar P.O. Box 534 Avon, CO 81620 ( e70 ) e49 - 4638 FAX 949 - 1928 mthul @ thulelectronics.com Lo{ so "^*-k-* CouueRcru- Swrenas Dnnsoru ulsl[-40, Pailitioned $ecurity System &r AOEMCO Group Cornpary TI ne uStR-+0 advances well beyond that of traditional security systems in sophistication without sacrificing everyday convenience for the end user. Flexibility is the key with this UL Listed - two partitioned security system. The Vista''|0 supports a host of easy to install and operate devices including: traditional hardwire. compatible wireless and V-Plexil (Polling Loopf devices. In addition, powerful output control through relays and X-l0 power line canier receivers can activate lighting, HVAV. appliances and overhead garage doors. An optimal two-way voice feature is also suPPorted. Key Featurcs o Nine zones standard t Expandable to 64 zones I 70 user codes I Two partitions i 100 event log capacitY I Seven authority levels t} Four trigger outputs t Hardwired, wireless and V-Plex technology I Ternporal Code Compliant t Supervised digital dialer circuit <) Supports major communication formats O UL Comrnercial Burglary Listed lS0S01 Bqine€ring and MaflJfacturing ouality Systsrm CenfiiBd io lntemational Stsndard lS$9001 Th€ infonnarion mntsircd is iflGn&d lo be ultedare and accurate. All specificatiorE are subiect lo dange y{ilhout notics. For nore inlormati0n contact us at 800"573-0154 or visit ou website al htbl\ 'r,widemct.con rt ulsr[-40' ' Partitioned Security System An AOEMCO GrouP ComPanY APPTICATIONS the V|STA40 partitioned sec$rity sYstem is well suiftd for a rrariety of applications as a mid'sized integnted burglary alarm control/communicator' A diverse line of AOEMCO alarm notification appliances as well as initiating dwices supForts this extremely powerful contml. Some ol fte applications supported are medical and professional buitdings, supermarkets. ctrurches or slnagogues. officE buildings, retail sbles, and factory or warehouse environmens. INSTALI.ATION lte VISTA-4O partitioned security system has been designed to mount both quick$ and easilY in a corwenient cabinet' It mee$ all applicable requkements for UL Commercial Brrglary installations. SPECIFICATIONS Electrical: PrimaryPower: . - l?$/AC to AUEMCO No' 1361 Xftnr. or 43fi1 if X-10 is used - Secondary rated 16.5AC, 40VA 0uiescont Panel cunent draw affiE[ BackuP batterP - 12VDC, 4.0AH min to 7.0 AH max - Lead acid battery lgelt]'Pel Alarm Power: - 12VDC, 2.8A max - For UL installations, combined Aux and alarm output cannot exceed 750mA Standby timel - Four hours wittt 400mA standby load using 4.0AH battery Fusing: - Battery input, aux. and notilication lbell) outputs are protected using PTC circuit protectors. All outputs are power limited. Line seize: - Oouble Pole 165 Eileen Way, Syosset, New York 11791 o @ Copyright t $18 Pittway Corponation ADEMCO is an 1509001 Registered Company ws4oc/D 7/98 Ringer equivalent - o.is Dial lormat - Touch tone or pulse Fomals: - AOEMCO Low Speed, ADEMCO 4+2 Express. AOEMCO Contact lD. Sescoa and Radionics Mechanical: Cabinst dimensionr: - 14.5'H X 12.5'tJV X 3'{l Environmental: $orage tenp: - -10'C to 70'C - 0perating Temp: ()oC to 50oC - Humiditv: 85% ffH EMI: Meets or excaeds the following tequirements: - FCC Paft 15, Class B Device - FCC Part 68 - IEC EMC Directive AGENCY TISTINGS The VISTA40 has been approved for use in burglary applications. lt has been listed under ttre following agencl approrcls: - U1609 6rade A Local Mereantile Premises and Mercalrtile Sate and Vault - Ut611/1610 Grades A, AA, Cont"l Station - U1365 Gmdes A, M Police Connect Fro: - Calitornia State Fire Mushall - Besidential - U1985 - flesidential Fire COMPATIBTE OEVISES The complete line of ADEMC0 hardvvired. compatible wireless and V-Plex polling loop dadceu suppofis fie VlSTA40 fsr commercial burglary applications. See ADEMC0 Group Control Accessories Compatibility Chart. ORDERING INFORMATION Part No. Description V|STA40 Partitioned SecuritySYstem Aux. standbY Powec+ffi@ lotal power: - 2.8A fmm all sources I AtrlETv|Ccl U|. mn'eddrauablc Eodt vitL ibcrc roltroL (|gt to rildr$r Cl). Usc ddr..rrbL aodc (ddrlt.cr 00-30). I<G14od color rubjcct to lDprovll ofloc.l authority hrviigjurirdistio!. PcrE.o.lt dirpl.t br€ui&fi.g ir rn oltior on romc controh; rcc thc cootroh istructionr. N67sev8 8t98 REMOTE KSTPADS 6128, 6187, 6137& 6138, 6139, & 6139R rt***** ' Noic: INSTALI,ATION GUIDE A 2-t is. dph&uuto.rlc diaplry Lc!'prd rDuft bG uttd t{ trrcgr|u tb!|c coatrcb. y1g1a-gg ptrt 71STA-5g ULt+r 5 l4gxgtr*/Vtgf A€if ltly GNNERAL INT'ORJVIAIIION The 6128, 613?, 613?R, 6188, 6189' and 6139R Remote Keypads are keypad addrcssabla (ao DIP gsitchee), aDd are int€ndcd for use with the corrtrck lfutad in tlrc trbk above. They een bG set for tlre non. addressable operetion (eddress 3l) if reguired by thc control with which thcy are usedi Notq llre 6f8?R and 6139R havc red bezels instead of gray, Otherwire, they are exactly the aarr€ aB th" 613? and 6f39, regP€ctively, The 6128 and 613? are frxed-word- keypads thrt Frot,idr twodigit numerics for zrre identilisation, rDd a set of pre-dcriglated English larguage ptompts (c.9., AI-ARI4 AWAY, S[AY, CHECK etc.) for indicating tbe rystru'B status. Th€ 6138 ir a one-line alpha keypad that displeys a 2-line mesaage onc liDe Et c titne. the 6189 ir a two-litrc alpha ke'?sd €quipped with a programmable Z- lin€, Sz.cheracter (16 charactert per liac) Eagliah languagr dirptay for complet€ zone identilicetbu (if degcriptora are programrnedl, plus syst m status. To display the second liae of iaformatioa, pless the t*) hey. Preas tbe lltl key agaiD to tetum to thc rirst liae of information. The display automaticslly retums to the first liae of information if no Ley is preesed for three gecondg' Notel After pressing tlre lfl hey to view the secol* line or rerum to the frrst IiDe, eto'it at least t}ree seconds before entering a control paoel commaDd (..9., 8rm the iYst€m), Thc Leys on the Leypads are lo.ated behind a decorative door, aod are contiluously bacLlit for convenience. The inside of the decorative door has space for a zone ID label (supplied) ou which the installer caa writc descriptione of each zone for handy user teference. All keypads allos panic alarm sctivation (if enabled i! contnprogram:aiugl, For the 6128, pa6h alayms &re activated by praesin key paire lll & t*1, t*l & Url, aad lgl & l#1. The 6r3?t6!3?R-61g8, aD6I39/6f898 3rc Sujppld yittr {cdicaed eiagle keys for praiactivation - keJrs A, E, end C (tho D Ley is not uscd ac panic). whicare equivaleot to t}e lll & t*1, t+l & l*J, and l3l-& ldl kcy!respestivGly. Single pauic le:n (A B, and C) must be held dovn for at leas 2 B€conds to ectivatc an alerrn A set of adheeive-bsched tsbels with some t;pical paoic symbols (i.e $e, police, pereonal cmergelcy, etc.) le providcd. ,itrese liUcts can Uplaccd on or nert to tlre heye to idendry each hey.s function for tlre en user jas detelnined \r tlre coatrot panel,E crpability anal programrninj s€e the control! ilstrustioDB). WIRING AI$D INSTAIJ.AIilON Tbe kelpads can bc our&ce moualed directly to a dryrvall, or to rsingle-,m double-gang electrical box. For flush mountini tt " 6f Se ant 613916139R to dryrall, use tlre optionel 6fggTRK Flu-sh Mount Ki(6f28 & 613?/6t37R cannot be llush mouatedl. .1. Remove thc case bec&, by pushing dowD two .sBap€.' See diagram or tlre next page. 2. Route wiring from the coutrol pancl through the opening in the casr back. 3, Mount the cage back to a wall or electrical box. 4. D. 6. Plug the supplicd flying lead connector into the keypad PC board and splice tlre paael titiDg to it or wire directly to thb tarminsl bloct on the PC board (wire colora are nerked oflt to t€rmiDals). Wire colorg and fuDction8 are descrlbed ir the SPBCIFICATIONS gection. Re-attach thc keypad to its case bact. fumove the cleat protective frbns from the LCD display and keypail labele. I il e.mowc|'. D|ca W ptttl*tg atota, Au2','@' ttot 0 th. holp,t t,op$tf n.t ruMrv ,ha crta $an SETTING TITB I{SYPAD ADDRTSS ?lre keypad caD be .ct for an addresc oi G3l {the heypBd vill tot r"""pt ""t"lu. grcatar than 8l), urhich is stord in EEROM mcmory' The kevpad's difault gddrese is 31 (non-addrceeable mode-sonre early versions of 6139/6lg9R default to I l)' lTo chaage the heypad'r address, do the folhwing: Ui. B"t"i addrcci tmde: Pow€r uP (plugin) the kelrpad'. Within 80 seconds ofpower'uP, Press and hold down the lll and I3l keys at thc same time ior 3 seconds. (If unable to €Rt€r address rnode' Pow€r uP and try again.) The curreat ke1ryed eddr*s wlll be dlsptaycd, and tlre curgor will be under rhe "teaiJ digtt. tf l0 cecondr heve Pasred with Bo k€y c[try, the kelaad automiti"alty cdtr addr'$ mode' You rnust Powet tlown, powcr up and strrt .ddteG mo6c agars' ^hr6D6.ir.}t.t|uf'Gtu'intcomp.,y,.DMtlmofP|1ts'rycor9onrion.'!rdii'divitloq'Nb.ld.rt..$ddith|.rtE.u.''}'r6ttEi|..nw.''sy!.tot.i'|.onfomIt"*irhirlo'adrnrrrrJiJicrlt-'ilar"Lr'*d".tr"a..i"-..ir.'inti.'.rrctrarrr&rpurrdoarnr}onudrrrri*&rt,t!dsraf|$.d.|'.l|g|prr li*S:ilffr'ffi ,.;ih$fi ff ffi s:lrr**q*m;t*:l*mr****::ni6U,ugriffi"'ffitr*r# Birh S.ll.r,r rF.iicrti.E !r pto,.t! dttcdrr. i;h.tlrislr a *orlrunrhip uqdr roui "* iitf *ttii.. Stilo tttttt brrr noot[atio Uridcr i..lt.'!dorirnProD.rt,'tPd'!dorr.'vr..{tD,.ny0roth.rth$Ad.m-tr"o'y..r"icr.io"irrnagrrtr'tcr,rurnFodoct.'r'uDoft.6oDiit|i|td'MP l!ry, Syo**L .'.-c*' Ytrtl I tl9l. s.|}.rdo..not'.D'l*nttHth.9'{duGlti|tG|hrr|yDolbGGor'P'o't|i!.d@Gi"!rrrnvcnr.d:0ui0EFod!ct.-Yi!lF.Yo,r.DyFr.oi.li.{u'ycr .r$ir.:ot|L.tt|i.P'oducrrr'it|inrtlcerclroia"jo.q"ir.*.-i"gorpno"uon..cwtn'oei.'J.'iona.o'rr-p-p.'|yti.t.ll.d.ndb'ln|..ir.d.l.'|!b.yoy :lyrr:#-*l's;;i#,mruuu$i5'r1.,*m'$"+.u+rn:lrunqm#iffi ffi ffi Hf#ffiH ffi 1,f; t#"xmfi s:#f'E:iiUt-q'."f.i5*H-'i NOTE: Tbc te)?.d will not €oter addrees hode iftlre panel to whi< it ig conuectrd is ir pro$anntDg mode, 2. Set the curreat addrGs to f00': Precr l0l to elear tle current "tcc digit, Tlrt cursor will morve to the 'onee' digit positioa. Press l0l r clear the current "oaes" digit. The cursor will move back to tl 'tels* digit poritioo. 8. Enter the lre;ryad'e sddress: Eutcr tbe proper 'tens" digit of tl keypad's addreas. .Tlre curgor will move to tbe 'ones" digit positb: Enter the propcr "ones' digit of the lqtpad's addrese. Note thr addregc '81' sets the hb1ryad to noo-addressable mode, {. &dt addresc rnodc,' Pre* l*l to cav€ ih6 dlsplaFd addresc ard G*it addregs mode. VISWINC TIIE TBr?AD ADDNESS Prerr aad hold dowa t}e tfl ad ftl teftr ot the mme tine for aboot ccrondr. tbr curtnt adilress is dirplayetl No ley cnFy is allowc Pnu aay tey to erit or sait lO eecodr to exit viewing mode, SPECIFICAITONS Phf'cical: 6128: 4€/d'll r 5-3/ilq[r r I'D (121tDm x ld6mm x 25.,tmn] 619761878: 4-S/,t"lI r &U41 r lrD (l21un r l69nn r 26mm) 6l88fGl3V6l39B: {r9/4'tl t 6a/,lTtl r l-V,lT) (121ruD r lEgrnm r 3furm)WiriBEl Red: +I2VDC (all Ke.lpde) Blrck Ground.Blue: IfPrercnt, rot ured. Green: Dats to coDtrol Patrel.Ycllw: Date fron control Paacl. Currert:6lZgr .10rnA rounder oa" 2OmA etandby, alarm sounder otT. 6lg?619?R: 86rnA (ARMED LED Ut, LCD bacLliglht and eounder or Educcc to 4OmA rhen pan€I is operating iB 6taod- rnodr (backlght ofi). Fir€rssB: Dirplayr:6188r ' 6139,61SgR 6128, 613?: Sounder: I r 16 alpha-nuoeric supertwirt l,CD, backlit, 2 x 16 alphe-nuneric rupert*trt LCD, be*lit. Fired-Word LCD (6137 becklit). Piezo-el'ectric (firc alarm is loud' pulsing single toac; (all l(rypada) burglary alnrra ir loud, coatbuous, dtral to6€). AI)EMCO LIMNEDWABNANTY iil$,x.lg-rlr$I$?rtr_*'r!!$!!W..t'*g^l.,sHre-ndE"l$",$fi#'i-,;il&?rlli#e*diliriirpb. on upow erv onren a^sis'driiliiirr-iv*rsonvrn'Evutr tt rnc t ss on DA AoE ls SAUSED BY mE sELLE O\[N ]|ECLKTE|CE OR FAULT. Xiffip*iT"i &"ii'ii rHtffdiiffie ^.+; ++i11]vEliii!.?I {g4N*-,g9u}4-}il.*"rnir '. tr'.. .nt t'wiow ir'rmrrcr rd tr tr' o. t w.r'.nrv E d' hv s'I. 165 Eileen Way, Syosset, New Yotk 11791 Copyrighl @ 1993 PITTWAY CORPOFATION ilt il llllllllllllllll llillll lll N675?V8 8/9e AtrTETV|EtrI An ADEMC0 Group ComPanY glth their .phisticated look, durahility and adaptabil@ these devices are the right choice for all your system smoke detector needs. 5192 Smoke Detector The ADEMCO 5192 Series low profile, addressable V-Plexil smoke detectors deliver stateof the-art features and benefits in a cost-elfectiw package. These detectors are designed to provide open area coverage and are compiatible witfr ADEMC0's VISTA controls supporting V- Plex technology. An LED on the detector will blink periodically during normal conditions, remain on steady during alarm and cease to pulse if the chamber is out ol acceptable sensitivity range, An extremely powerful feature available within the 5192 Series is the Automatic Maintenance Aleffieporting capability - a leature normally found in today! high end analog addressable systems. The detectors continually monitor tlnir own sensitivity levels in addition to the basic normal and alarm conditions. these Hl6H and LOW SENSITIVITY signals are communicated back to the control, via the V-Plex addressable loop, to indicate locally ard at the central station that the detector may not be able t0 detsct smoke or may false alarm. This feature wo*s with Vise-3?FB. 128F8. 1288 and First Alert Protussional FA1600C. More important iB the cost saving associated with Automatic Maintenance Reporting. The feature is an approved alternate to NFPA 72 field sensitivity calibration testing that require external test melers. This eliminates the need to schedule inspections to determine detector sensitivity/viabi I ity. Another important benefit of these V-Plex {addressablel smoke detectors is their ability to operate on existing wiring. There is no need to run special twisted pair, data grade or shielded wires, providing you with the right choice lor all your retrofit applications. That equates to cost savings in time and materials! FEATURES: t Low profile design o V-Plexil addressable loop device a Automatic maintenance reporting O Available with integral heat sensor o Simple 2 wire installation + Tamper resistant t DIP switch or serial number programmable t Lines on existing or conventional wiring APPTICATIONS The 5192 Series smoke detectors are designed to prorride open area coverage and are well suited {or most fire detection applications. These smoke detectors are compatible with all ADEMCQ VISTA Fire and Burglary controls that support V-Plex addressable loop technology. These agency listed alarm initiating devices support most commercial and residential applications. They are suited l0r use in museums, hospitals, day care centers, retail stores. strip malls. schools, libraries, fast food chains, medical or professional office suites and in factory and warehouse environments. AEETvlEtrlGFTOUFq)MNEBqAL S\€IE IVE DIVIEiETI ti AtrTEIVIEtrI An ADEMCO Group Company provide easy wiring connections. The detectors are designed to meet all applicable requirements for UL Commercial and Hesidential Fire instaftations as well as NFPA 72 requirements when installed in compliance with the National Electric Csde and approved/isted control panels. COMPATIBITITY These smoke detectors are compatible witr alt VISTA contml panels that support V-plex {addressablel polling loop tectrnology. Ttre detectors support DIP switch or serial number addressing. DIP switch configuration are compatible with 5l40XM. V|STA40. and VTSTA- 50P controls, Serial number addessing is support€d on VISTA3?FB, VTSTA-100, VISTA- l28FB, VS[A-1288 and First Alert Professionals FAl600C controls. Refer to confol panel and srnoke detector installation instnntions for details. Automalic Maintenance Beporting Gompatibility The aulomatic maintenance feature is compatible on with the following control panels O/UIX VISTA-32FB [corning soon), VTSTA-I2BFB, US[A- l28B and First Alert Pro{essionals FA1600C. The automatic maintenance may be disabled for all ofier controls that d0 not support this feature. Befer to control panel and smoke detector Installarion Instru*ions Jor details. SPECIFICATIONS Eleclrical: System voltage range:j7-14U 165 Eileen Way, Syosser. New york .l't791 . Copyrighl O 1998 pinway Corpomlion AOEMCO is an lS0$]01 Registered Company U'ISAD 1t9S lNsTAu-ATt0trt The 5192 Series smoke detestors are supplied with a convenient mounting bracket that allows the detector to be mounted to a variety of electrical junction boxes. A removable terminal block, that accepts 14 to 22 gauge wire to StandbILffi Diameter: .r) 5.5 inches (140rnml{irncluding mountir€ bracket. Heightt 1.7 inches (4i}mm) {including mounring bracker, Weiglrtt 5.3 ounces ll50 gramsf Environmental: Installation temporaturG rarge: a 32" to 100"F 10" to 38.C1 lnstallstior humidity range; + l0% to 93% RH, non-condensing Heat sensor {S|9llSDT only}:t l35o fixed tempercture electronic tharmislor EMI o Meets or exceeds the following requirements + FCC Part 15. Class B Oevice + IEC EMC Directive ACENCY LISTIiIGS Fire: O U1268 Commercial System Smoke Detectort Meets UF 217 Bequirements for Residential Applicationsil Factory Mutual(Pendirgl o California State Fire Marshall + MEA lPending) COMPATIBTE DEYICES + USIA"40 Partitioned System .{Besidential Firel + VISTA- 0P and VISTA-S0PUL Partitioned System *(ffesidential Firel <l VISTA-100 lntegrated Fire/Burglary Control '{Commercial Firel + VISTA-I28f8 htegrated FirelBurgtary Control lCommercial Firef <} VISTA-1288 Partitioned Burglary Control (flesidential Firel o VISTA-32FB lntegrared Fire/Burglary Control (Commercial Fire Pending| *Automatic Maintenance Heporting feature not supported by control panel AtrIEMEtrIGmtf-F CDMIIEFOAL $\ TEN4S DMSDN gunent(maximum @ l2Vl: REMOr'ABLE TERMINAL BLocK dagram b'r 5192SOEDT smole d€t€ctof J -{-uJI Er-tft J =orS _$g HH fFr6 o 0tdering lnformation Descriotion r$uffi@r,Sffi@icoW&S' Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Oetector w/ntegral Heat Sensor Part No. ftdffi 5192SDT ; Multl-Alen Model! Sounder MAtz/24O Strobes ss24LO SS24M ss24LOl-A Mlnl-Alert Soundors Sounder,/Strobes MASS24LO MASS24M MASSLOLA Whltc r.*hrrE|flSA PA400Wf Whlte PS24LOW Red Eelge PA4OO PA4OO PA4OOR-F PA4OOBf Add-on Strobe3 Red PS24LO Produet ovGrylow Multl-Alert Sounderl L2 and 24V operatlon 8 lield-selectable tones Multl-Alert Strobes and Sounder/Strobes: 24V operatlon 1,5 or 15 candela UL1638 llsted Mlnl.Alert Sotrndersl L12 and 24V opelatlon 1.5 cd add-on strobe avallablc g@g@r!!,r""* Eng;lneerlig Speclflcatlons System Sensor's Multl-Alert sounder and soundGr/strobes arG suitcd to p?ovldc ar or secdndary slgnatlng for tire and securlty appllcatlons. The MA and MASS mo provlde elght field€electable wamlng ton6. The Multi-Alen models mount directly to 4o square back boxes. Optional rrrcr pfatc are available for either flush or serni-flush installatisrs. J'lv4icdrlM{T?fu4D is suiu for oudoor applications i,vtrcn irstall€d wifi drc VBB wcadrer-poof back borc Multi-Alert strobos. System Sensor's Multi-Alert strobes are UL1638 complianr electronic visible warning signals that flash approximately every 1.5 seconds, circuits are polarized to be compatible with DC alarm supervision. Mlnl-Alert soundels, System Sensor's P4400 series Mini-Alert sounders oper at 72 and 24 volts and are ideal for hotel, motcl or residential fire system applications, where a smaller notification device is desired. The PA400 sounders are available with or without FIRE identification, and are offere< red, beige, and white, Mufti-Alert Sounders'shall be a System Sensor Model MA 1U24D capable of operating at 12 and 24VDC. Sounder shall listed to Underwriter's Laboratories Standard UL464 for 6re protective signaling sy$ems. Sounder shall have an operati t€mperarure between -31'F and 151'F. Sounder shall have eight tone options, selected by means of cliq1, . Mtnl.Alert sounders shall be a System Sensor Model - capable of operating at 12 and 24VDC. Spqndq shall be listr to Underwriter's Laboratories Standard UL464 for 6re protective signaling systems. Sounder shall haVe an operating ten peramre beween 14oF and 140'F. Multl-Atert and Mlnl-Alert Sounder/Strobes shall be a Syscem Model - capable of operating at 24VDC. Sounder/strot shall be listed to Underwriter's Laboratories Standards UL464 and UL1538 for fire protective signaling systems. Sounder/strobe shall have an operating remperarure between 32oF and 120"F. Sounder shall have eight tone oPtions, sell ed by rneans of clips. Strobe shall be powered independently of the sounder and shall op€rate at 24VDC, with a UL ran i;iie of 225 to 3bVDC. Actual operating voltagimust be between 18 and 33VDC. Strobe shall have a minimum light outplt of 1.5 or 15 candela and shall be ULl638 listed for private mode applications' Multf-Alcrt Sounder Speclflcatlonr Dlmenrlong 4' x 4' r,2V.' Moufltln8 Su.f.fcs 4' r 'f' back bor (1y2. to 2T.. daaplRo3h 4'r 4. BBD deop brrk trox (2V.. d.Gpl Seml.flGh.l.r 4_. brck box (1y2. to 2 t/... rt€.p, nlth MP€F mounlirE 0t8le Opera$ne T6rrF€rdrne RrrE! '32. ro 15!..F (€5o to eo.c) $bt8n 5.7 oz. l':82 S, Ope''ung lroltsS! 13/Dc to 24VOC nflR unllltGradr D|men3loos 4.x4.xattA6. Input Tormlnsls 12btaAWG. 'Adual 12 V operatlng voltag€ cannot ba l€si than 9,6VDC of grasLr than l8.ryOc, ActuBl 24 V opsrallng vollage c3n ot be l6ss than 18VC|C or Srootcr tIBn 33VDC, Multl-Al6n Strobe Speclfl catlonr Mouatlni . ..:_... i... '.' Sur{scc- 4' x 4' back tioi {it2l to 2iis: deep} | Seml.flurh 4' x.4' brck box (172. ro 2 ya. deegi Op€r.ti4 lempcr'|l,rr Range .31' ro 151.F (.35. ro 66.C1 Welght 8.2 oz. 1232 8l wlth MP.SF nlountind glat? Opora$rE VoltESc 24VDC and furR unlllbred. InD{it Tirnlnlta 12 !o 18 Alr{G " ''r .Actusl 2aV opcrrtln8 vrltal. cannot bo l€Es th8n 18VDC or tltaotat thrn 33VDC, Mlnl.Af ert speclfl catlonr Dimenlions 4Vz' r2rl1" w.* MountinSSurfa@ Sil|lte gang back bot .nush 4' r 4' BBD .lrcp b6dr bor {a%.d'rp) oparating lemparature RanEe 14' to 14O.F Gr.O. to 6O.Cl w€rght OperatinE Volrage 12voc lo 24VOC RirR uttiltcred' Inpst Tlrnlnsls 12 td 18 Atir/G .Actuat 12V op€/stlog.vollrle cannot be l6ss th8n 9.6VDC or gte€l€r th.n 18,7VDC. Actual 24v ogcrating roltgg cannot be tess than 18VOC or gtcater than 33VOC, orderlng Intormatlon,/Curont Draw Multl-Alert/Mlnl-Al€rt Model Numbers I ir) Red whtt?D.scription vlrhaee Candela dB OutFut Multi-Alert Eorxrdgr L2/24VDc ?5€5 ss24LO Mshl{bn $roba 24\rOC 25 mA 1.5 ss24M MulttAlBrt 3t|obe 24VDC 75 rnA 15.O ss24LO|-A Multlllert itmbe ('FUEGO'tBns)24VDC 25 mA 1.5 MAS524tO Multl-Al€rt sound.r /stmbc 24VOC 1.5 75€5 MASS24M Multldlcrt soun&r,/strobc 24VDC t5,o 79a5 MAS324LOLA i,bltlAhrt sounde./stoba l'FUEGO.lenr)24\rDC 1.5 t$a5 PA4@R PA400B PA4OO&f PAIOOBT P*KEWF MinHlen Sounder l'Flre' ldenlifica on)L2/24VDc 72lLS rrA a2 PS24LO PS24LOW Ad.'on strobe ut/24vw Accescory Model Numbers Desc.iption Wgatherproof back box lot MA !2124D r Current ranE€s from tomA to 55mA depending upon voltage .nd sound Erlected*r Currenl rEnges Irom 35mA lo SOmA depcndlnS, upon voltag! and sound selectedr'. Sound ostput vades depending upon voll8ge and sound sllectgd, Note: LO end M style sgobe and 3ound€r/strobe models ore not MEA apprwed. Systcm Sensot Sales and Servlce MPf Rush MFSF Syrt€tn s.ff o? llcadqu|'t"t 3825 ohio A,enur St. CharleB, lL 601?4 Ph: aO&SEN9OR2 Fr: 630/3776495 Documents on Dem6nd 1€oo?3e767? x3 ww!v.s!€lemsensoa.com Slrtrn Samol Canad. Ph: 905.812.0757 Fx 905.812.ot?l Sy3tcl' Scnsor h ChlD. Ph:,6253 Fr: Syn m 9rnaoF Fr El|t Ph: O11.85.22,191.9003 Fx: 011.85.22,736.6580 Slrtam SGn$r- Auat allt Ph: O11,613,54,2a1.142. Fx: O11.613.54.281.1?2 Systcm SGrsot Esropc System Scnsor ln Slngrpor! Ph:011.44.1403.276500 Ph:011.65,273,2230 Fx:011.44.1403,276501 Fx011.65.273.2610 O 1999 st6ten Sensor The company reserws lhe ,ight to cfian€e p.odrlcl 3ppclfcatiqE whhout notk!.AO$?D707.11/99l1Olq. r571 tor 9{l{630 Itoa r Meuco frrBrtk Systeo {-06.0! lr38p p. 6 ot 5 lnstaff atlon lnstructions Tfte 1193SN ls a *daft€d tir€-zon€ epandcr used to connect alarm senslng doylcc! lo conbolc whlch rupport serlaf nuriber polling loop devices 9.c., MJta- 4Q Msle-SOP, and Msb-100). Th. {193$N can bo conllgured as on€ s{rp€rvb€d zona (l0K EOLR) and onc unsupervlsed zorFi or two unsupewised ror*s (nonnalfy closed devices only|. consuft the conbrof panof lns:taltaton lnstustons for programming krtormation. Eloctrlcel Speetficatlon: Vottagrl 7.1l\rDC (e3 ruppllcd lrori Op ldemco contsol paneltor muldpfor pgfng bopl Wlrht Obgrrm For Fln Appltcrtton* Th. 4lggsN must b. mountod Inside tfrc contol panal cabin€t or Inslda a UL- Uste'd funcUon box Loop I must b. us€d hltrc supeMsed conllguration for Fln. Loop 2 nay ba utod for BuOlery. For IJL Burglrrl Applhetlom: ll usfng en wuupcrrlead ronc of th€ {t g3{lil, fi€ unll must ba mounted wiftln g lcet of tlrc dum lnlthtng dsvics, with m htxvmlng barrlen. 4t, r|.tt: IJSTED s7E8 $rlrrTE ltooP rl sup€Rl/ts€o EoLR loK Chemetronics Heat Detectors 600 Series .*r firrrrrrrrrrrrtz;nerffiefroffcs= Decorative Heat Detectors Click here to download the dstsshe€t {PDF} 600 Series Rate of Rise and Fixed Temperature Heat Detectors The Serlec 600 detcctor ofiers Rate-of-Rise and Fixed Tcmperaturc propenies, with 135"F (57'C) or 200'F (94oC) setiingg vlsual indicatlon, Slngle or Dual clrcuit optlonq and normally open contacts, incorporated Into an atlractlve, low profile design. Cllck on the folowing toplcs for morc information DESCRIPTION SPECIFTCATIONS INSTALLATION cAUTIONS ELECTRICAL RATTNGS LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Description: The Series 600 heat detector is attractive, durable and fest$rcs a combination rate-of-rlse and llxed temperature operation. The heat detectors are available h f35'F (57C) or 20fF (94'C) tempcrature ratlags. Rate-of-Rise The rste-of-rlse function detects heat qutckly by responding to a rapld temperahrre lncrease. The pneumatc element responds to a rapld rise'ln lempersturc, spproximately 15rF (89C) per minute, whcn the alr expands faster within lhe sealed chamber than it can escape through the callbrated rrcnt The Incrcase in preessure depresses the diaphragm, causing the electrical contacts to close the clrcult. Rrte.of.rlse unlts have a wide spacing allowance of 50 foot centers. Sce Specificgtlon Table for details. Fixed Temperdure The tixed temperature function reacts to heat by respondlng to a speciflc t€rnperature setting. The element is constructed of g fusible alloy, which fuses at the fixed temperature settlng ofeither l35T (57'C) or 200'F (94"C). When activated, the external heat collector drops away to provide qulck vinral conlirmation that the element has operated. Inw ProJile Page I of3 http://www.chemeuonics, com/600.htm uruoa Chemetronics Heat Detecton 600 Series Page 2 of 3 The unlts protrude only l-318 inches from the ceiling surface with ajunction box mounting. The pleasan{y contoured, all-white linlshed design conforms aesthetically to most cellingr. Installatlon: Each detector lncludes a patented reverslble mounting plate. In one positlon, it easlly attaches 1o a 4 Inch square junction box,.$1/4 or 4lnch octagonol box, or a plaster rlng. In the opposite positioq the plate can be used for open wirlng wlthoul r junctlon box. A U4 tncb ryrce between the detector and thc mountlng surface pror'ldes room for the rryire conneetions. All mountlng scrtrrc are concealed, The detector attaches easily to the mountlng phte with a push and twirt motlon, requiring no toots. The mountlng plate ls molded from o whlte self.extingulshlng thermosplsstic, rated at 2211F (105'C). The plate ls extremely strong yet ls pllable enough to adrpt to uneven mountlng surfaces. Tbe tigures below deplct the typlcal instsllations and wlring connecdonsl Dut CttT.tta O.|cctor Used E:Ba'd wo lndapcnden ScrewTcrmlnalg Srendt tt Slngt Clrcull Datector WarElftfitLnl ucaetw{,- -/:t r lt\, I s{frffi |t gI{f l \tl:ttl-\\ \\ to next detcc,o' or fid ot ,it c resigtglt ,vore Alf $rfurlc NoTE: Nl duat citcuit modog ctrcrJit fiOdeE @nE oornc wiLr ona lgJ aonnary with ono (t) oqen.try @nAAs. mrmalry opan dry conlj'.ct. Specification Table; Cvtwcvttafr Jno{,tlt ing 1 / I / PEte 8-32. Rivntt 'fudScrcnsgabt' &9" Flet lleed Wood Scferrf Yll?atrl&E&to ocxtddfg6/.orol at'ddtiaer€s&,o{^ Wfuecprrrnccted tonextd€'l8tr,ior or erd oI IIr'€ resrsloc rM@end 621 Model 602 snd 622 Model 603 and 62il I and 524 -No Markingv Model 601 = single circuit Model 621 = dual circuit r\ GrayRing\:Z Model 602 = single cirorlt Model 522 = dual clrcuit (e) GrayDot \-/ Model 603 = single circult Model 623 = dual clrorit Model 604 = single circuit Model 524 = dual cireuit Gray Ring and o",@ Rate-of-Rise and Fixed Temperature, 135'F (stCJ Rste.of.Rise and Flxed Temperature, 20fF {94'C) Fixed Temperature only, 135.F (57.C) Fixed Temperature onlyt 200"r'(94'c) Chemetronics Heat Detectors 600 Series CAUTION: VYhere life safety ls Involved, smoke detectors MUST also be used, Heat detector should be used for orooerrv Prolection only. Reliance should not be placed soley on heat detectors for life safety. Detectors must nlt 6e " painted. H€aa delectors should be electronlcally supervised wlth battera backup at tbe pauel Electrical Ratings: 6.125 Volts A.C.,3.0 Amps. 6.28 Volts D.C., 1,0 Amps. 125 Volts D.C., 03 Amps 250 Volts D.C.,0.1 Amps. Listings/Approvals: Listed by Underwrilers laboratories (UL) Faclory Mutual Approved (FM) California State Ftre Marshal Approvgl (CSFM) tr/2?(M061:fi)S City of New York (MEA) Listing No. 18E-94.8 Llsted by Underwribn' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) SALES 4fi) Maln Street MA 01?21 Phoner I 800 496 E3E3 t800 4967n2 llome - Products - Company - Sales - Support - Links Copyright @ 1998 Page 3 of 3 ppllcalions: Normal ceillng lemperatures exceedlng f OfF €8"C) ceiling temperatures cclling tcmperatures exceedlng l0tlnF (3ErC) pplications: Normal ceillng lemperatrrcs not l50PF (6fC) Spacing Allowance x 50 fL .l,IL x30fL-trM Spacing Allowance x 50lL - lll, x30ft-FM Spaclng Allowance x 25 fL. UL x20ft.trTvf Spacing Altowance http ://www.chemetronics.com/600. htrn 4/1U00 11-05-gg lEi:48:39 FROM: Flrelite/Nottf,ler TO: 9?09494888 PACE HD.6OO SERIES IE'TT'|C MEHODC Models HD-601/HD-621 and HD'602/tlD€22 can be tested by lh€ appllcallon ot qubk h€at from any convenl€nt source. A portabl€ hair dtyer ls recommended. Howwer, do not appv heat lhat exceeds the lixed-lemperalure ra ng of the det€+tor. Modsb HD€03/F|D€23 and HD60tf/HD'624 csnnol be testod. However. the tusble a[ry etem6 b generally consb6r6d so reliable that testh€ ls not necessary. Model HD-601/HD{21 Mod.l HD60t/}lD'522 Mo.|er HIrBm/HD€t|:t Model 1{D{t}4/HD€A.l ffi,ora (\ ffirnn*,r, ff Tffi'o*a A ffi"E\"iif'*d iA\Mttea, FaMt \-/ Mt r+tz,la.'t *i0 vr Mt*44 Ftaa* \.,,/ tfrflroGa. (@h4 vl tu}olfrdnFd. tuW.rdFH- tui.tF..t'/{dtt/t Fw-rwnrrr,r..r?',',; tw Fz+) Lry.nn ecf Eat) ,g.t@-C, 7#t (t..E 'Wahn; rsrflEnF. ttr A#r'o: tbtn |',pt*n twr06: a,N.t gt rffi t Wh,e a./h/'rry rtotalfifr,.dqa.ttl ''#{ ,htthradQne bqttl't inu&ttr/|t ,''w//'a, aM at ht l,/ri.Mu d.ffiU t .V.rttta.,€,'ahr, t(trF 'rtt'utryrrt,t-/Dt aW @t b*@y 1,d'FrMFNq (s1c)Anrdrarrl&) .n*lctwFqe) (u!c)Ertdr4u@t) ,A*r\tn w8 *ynar6' ,bhvi, &Eia **tE tt',*wn q,,E'r, **rr. k '''flq&{c'gtua.5OA rSOl-Ut gotLtEOA.rL 8'a.tl''..at ,5 tL t ,S ft. - ,t, A Fygra t At -A, &t tth.N ,olt,tpi-na 'ffirb FA daetcdar, tq,n *fiA Screw Terminals Stsn.irrd Slagtr Du.t Cl'fun [r.t cbj Cfcun Dc|GcE r Usect to *mt jwo lndepen&ntggn8t5" Wirclrcmalarm pst'el ot Nevlot6 -/, n:tt \/ .ulu \ I l!I{ tr.l I \ |l,tlt / ""r*noto nax', deracfot or end ol lir'€ .sgtslgr. NOTE: Nl sittgle IilOTE: Afl clud e,ircuit nddels citcuit modab @me d'n,e with one (2) nonaw wth ot|. (l) Wn dry @ntsrcl/ noflnal9 opcn dry @t D9Cf, Itlltacrrrnlr'(dk n9'd de|F,ctor ot eN ot lir'€ '"'sislor. Wi'€ ,tom alarm ilorEg Appllcatlon: H6al dsloctors should be used for prop€rty pro!6+ tion. RellancB should nol bo placed Golely on heal det€ctors lor lfe sarety, When llto satety F hvolved. smol(e dBtecto.s must also be us€d, B8ttery Bad(-up: Heet det€ctors should bo €bctrcnlcalv super- vlsed wlth batt€ry back-up 8t the pansl. The rate-ot-rFe m€chanlsm may be subiGrcl lo r€ducad sensithr. Ity over tlme. Annual lestlng ot lha rate-d-rlse opera on b r€commended. ELECIn|GAL RA'ING' 6-125 Volts A,C., 3,0 Amp. &28 Volls D.C., 1.0 Amp. 125 Vots D.C., 0,3 Amp. 250 Volts D.C.. I AmF. '6,nel or detedorl WrEconnedd ta next datec,or or end of lirio lasGtor Es b P.e. 2 ol 2 FILE No.082 07127 '# 7Lt(t2 tD:GEflEsts CABLE SYSTEnS Frfirl 414 947 W24 PAGE 1 GENESIS CABLE SYSTEMS Customer Speclflcatlon Part NumbBr: Deecrlptlon: Compliance: 4107 wruaea@aRh UL Standard 142a; NEC Arilole 260 Conetructlon: Conduc.tor No. of Conductors TyPe Color Thlckness Dlamot6r Lay Length Type Color Thloknoss Dlamctcr Legend (lnk Prlnt) Wtrq*S InsuJgtlgn Polypropylene Black, Red, Ylw, Gm 0.008" nom, 0,057" nom" Straight Jsc,Egl PVC Red 0.015" nom. 0.167" nom, O|n.rtr Crbt. tyr!)mr - tE AWg 1rC _ {UL} Ty?! FpL E17c10t - wrol Propertlec Temperature Ratfng Opcratlng Voltage GaoEcitance lmpedance DC Reslstance' Flame Rating -20 to 7b oc 300 Volts max. 18 pflft nom. 100 Ohms nom. 6.32 Ohms/M'at 20oC UL VartlcalTray ,r.---r-=- I; r 'gH$F ffi gHgs =gE=HPEEFEE=PEai=EE;c-=F; zjjgEgs lgP*i =!r E a6FEE FJl=9i EH HFigH 6E SHss 5E Eg=H Eg EE f E5;fiS o i'i =EFFH= A; i q /l f_\ -\-r r =q a ara :- trlal I lt a! E - a II ; I g q .l g z ;cltl3l9l Klr0x-Bl ,2,S SzDit'sl The leading high securitY keY box. Ideal for larger bustnesses and i n d ustri al P ro Perties. KN0X-80X" ( . Heavy-duty, high security construction. Medium capacity storage. Holds keys, access cards and small entry it,. 12- solid steel doorr Dimensions: Surface 5'H x 4"W x 3-U4'D Recessed 7'H x 7'W Flange ' Ship Welght 9 lbs. a t Colors: Black" Bronze, Aluminum Options; - Alarm tamper switches - Aluminization (additional rust and corrosion protection) Use Recessed Mounting Kit for new masonry construction KIIOX.VAULT Heavry-duty. high security construction Large capacity storage Holds keyl access cards, floor plans, and other entry items 5/8" solid steel door Dimensions: Surface 7'H x 7"W x 5"D Recessed 9-112'H x 9-1/2"W Flange ShipWeight 29lbs. Colors: Black, Bronze, Aluminum Optaonsr - Alarm tamper switches - Single, dual, or combination ' Aluminization (additional rust and corrosion protection Ure Recessed Mounting Kit for new maronry construction KHllX KEY SWITCH. Electronic override for perimeter gates, parking garages, and gated communities . For fire, EMS & law enforcement ' Single or dual-keY options . Ship Weight 1 ]b. JHN 3ij, 'EZ lE;ElPf.l POI^|ERS0NIC 1 658 356 366e r.Ll5 POIAEE/!/!4,////n/il/x/////////ililt///t//u//1// o*tttttt*wwtw*worramilfifl '/5QfrlC .1 .l i Rechargeable Sealed Lead-Acid Battery Shotl Lile - % ol nominal capDaily ar 50' F (2C Cl PS-1270 Power-Sonie rechargeable batteries are lead' tead dioxide systerns. The dilute sulphuric.acid el€ctrolyte is iuspended and thus immobilized Should the battery be accidently overcharged producing hydrogen and oxygen, special on€- wav valves allow the gases to escape thus av6iding excessive pre-ssure build'up. Othet' wise, the batery is cornpletety sealed and is' therefore, rnaintenance-free and leak Prooi. PS-1270 is air transport aPproved, ancj tneels all currenl requirements set torlh by the C A B., F.A.A., l,A.T.A. and D.O.T. U.L. recognizes model PS'1270 under file num' berMH 14328. nr@ PEAFOiMAT,|cE SPECIFICATTONS Xominel Vollr06-12 volts t6 cells ir setiss) tlsmlhrl Coprdly viuarron rasr (2000 cycre$/mrnure, 0.10 inch oxcur€ion, a hou*)................. Tlll"-l,iT?'H;'"Jr"J ;[lT; 97% t I ./i 839; Op.rating lemPltalure RBngc Charge..... ,4oF {-20oc) 1e 1330F (5Coc) '4qF (-?0"c1 t' 140'F {500c1 Highimpact P?lyetyrcno ,rRN 3A ',Be lZ:@lPt'l PoI^IERSoNIC t 65@ 366 366e I ? -/-.] PS-1270 ao'c (10{'l),!'c ter")0'c N:'F) TECHNICAL DATA: M, t40 rs.0 tr r2.o'a I rr.o . E r0.0 FE e.o i'0 t o Er 5oE o o uaGl!o a0 r5 t0 6 r ^ 10Otl;ro Ero3*o E20 0,po ta I.lt* r ' PEro I!lo ,10 14 _ 100lt Ero € 6q0 Eoo E,o She$Li[e and Smrage z t € I 10 1? l{ l€ Sl.ndlr€ Pcriod (tlonlhsl . zCXl 400 soo t00 Nutnb.t ol Cyclte Disc h*ge Chtac t e istics 2 t.a a 12 a laaat- t 4 a lr0 z! '9ttn.-'X-tur. Dirh€rg9 Tlm. DLrch*rge Time vs. Discharge Current -l I \ t'$iJ. \ro.iv | -^,,!-T't\ ?r0't\ 9.O t\$fii tot -t ro O.t t.t 0.5 7 Oischorge Cu.t nl (A) .. .t?0 CHARSINGiuJ" oipfltu*"3 Li nit initial cutrent to l SoomA Chatgc unlilbat' L'r"'"on-"i" (undgt charge) tsaches 14 40 to 14 70 volt! at 6g"F Eiid; ff;;ii'i.;o to li,7qrots untitcurrentdropg te aPPto*ffEleiv i*1.'1.1111y i" r"lly chatg.d undet Inose condfions' snd cnat?8r .n.u'o ri not'6t o,"conneoied or cvYitchedto "{loet" vonage' :H;a;':;;fi;-Bti' Sswtc€r Hold balletv aooss contta r'.on' .;;;r;; oj'ig.so ib 13.80 voltr con'inuouslv' whtn haid. al.h-is ;:iirril;:;;il; *'il rjck tte qwn curenr lBvGl md maintsin itserr ir e lutly cnargod conditon. NoTE: ovo t; lho sstl'dischargc charattcriElbs-ot thig r'/Pe -of -bat- ilivl ii''i i*p,itiir"i itrar rhcv E drargad "lt.r.6's t:ll-t":l:l::; ii!. ottt.*i.t oa*an.nt lo35 ol capacity mlghl occut as a rssux of Moog|. P*ttt0 {@ Iso9002 FM39t70 FM39t7l CUSTOMER SENVICE 91 93 SicmPrG Viv|r Ro.d San Olcgo, CA 9U73 UBA ret: 81d66'1.:t090 Frx: 619661-3F48 cuglOr'lor'strvicg Q powct'so n ia' co n sultalon. SALES I ARKETINq 3t06 0plinO Str?at Brdwood dttY, Cl gloeS Ugl i"ri sso'ica"io0t Fex: 650'36€-3662 Life Clwracreristfus in Stand'By Ase L{c Charactcrkti/,s in CYclic Use |, or.orr'rr cut*tr 0-2c iFtarl volug' I 'iry/Ccll)lllffiit::ilj.l;Ifl,ffi;"'Physical l)imcnriors: itt. (trmt h.T lt rIFiif 4,e nt on al-c tt€ s Q powc l' t on'c'Gom www,power'gonlc.com Polling Loop Current Draw Worksheet a + If the total cu*ent draw excee rnusr rused. Auxlllary Power Currenl Draw Worksheet r For IJL fire or firerburglary installations ?50rnA maximurn including atarm output and polling loop. rr lfusing hardwire devices such ao PtRc, refer to ttre specificationa for that particular unit's current draw, t Only appties if powered ftom contint's auriliary power. 4194 Contact 4l92SD Photo Srnoke 4276 Dual Element PIR 42?8Quad Element PIR 4r90WH Z-Zone RPM 4t13 s 42788X-SN PIR Tolal Currenl. Devlca Currenl f Unlls Total Current 6128 Keypad 3OmA 613? Ke;pad 85mA 6139 Keypad r00mA L{4Po -,46?6 Ground Start Module 50 mA d28l RF Beeeiver 35mA 588f RF Receiver 6OmA 429? Poll Loop Extender 50mA + ext. loopl 4?04 Relay Module tEmA standby 40rnA pcr activo retay,. 6oq Heat -7 Total ,?urrenl+4O0 r^4 , J.3-9 ",' WSfl,<O liri,allatiott Instnrctions rFor UL burglary installationc 1.?A maximum. Total Current Draw Worksheel Alarm Oulput Current Draw Worksheet Ballery Note:The cabinet supplied with the VISTA-40 can house up to two 12V, ?AH batteries wired in parallel. Devlcs Current # Unlts Tolal Currenl PA 4OO W l9 r^ 4 8 n"o ia Total Alarm Output+- tJ.0 nA "For UL fire or firc/burglary installations ?60mA marimum ineluding aux power and polling loop, Oulput Total Slandby Curr 'nl Tolal Alarm Current Auxiliary Power Tolal 4 ao *,4 q ao,^A Polling Loop Total ? L.l *.A n/[.1*,1, Alarm Oulpul Tolal l?.O mA PC Board Currenl 250mA 330mA Tolal Current Draw (ftt t ^A tqc.1 ^A Eattery Calculatlon Table Calculaled Value For 4 hour slandby lime, use lollowing lormula: Tolal standby load x 4 hours x 1.4 loadlng conlingency faclor For 24 hour standby time, use lollowlng fotmula: Tolal standby load x 24 hours x 1.1 conlingency laclor Tolal alarm load x 0.067 hours (lor 4 minule alarm) Total alarm load x 0.25 hours (for 15 minul€ Add standby and alarm capacllles Selecllon Table Capaclty Recommended Battery Commentg 4AH Yuasa NP4-12 7AH Yuasa NP7-12 1zAH Yuasa NPl2-12 Fits in large mercanlile cabinet only 14AH Yuasa NP7-12 Connecl two batleries in parallel 17.zAH Yuasa NPGIB-12 Fits in lal ge mercanlile cabinel only MWNOFWN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ,"$:J,okTd uilding Permit #: ut'trL/'n 4' - M1v COMPLETE V For Parcet # Conbct * *,r*:r ** *** ***** rt ** *.t*:t*tr* * **** **:+ **:: * * FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****+************+** ***i************* i Planner Siqn-off: F:,'everyo nqfonrE/bl dgperm Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 l0ll'r\ 0f itll Department of Community DeveloPment Project Name: Project Address: This Checktist must be mmPleted before a Buildino Permit apoh-ation is acceEfted, All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval aftachec if project is a Multi-Far.rily complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (r'efer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,Darkinq or material storaoe altowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aoproval Asbestos test and results submitted if demoiition is cccurring Architect stamc and signatut-e (Ail Commercial and Multi family) Full floor pians including buiiding sections and elevations(4 sets of pians for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and dcor schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loaCs) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) fuils Report must be submitted prior to footing inscection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetmtions indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicanfs Signature: Date of submittal: Received By: tr a T'1 'J n f, ! !] f, [] tr D i"! -'t f 3 F:/eve!"yone/formVbld!enn2 MWNOF BgILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimaled time for a totai review will take as long as three (3) weeKs. AII commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and smail projects shouid take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three {3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedlte this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not pickeci up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I faii to do so it may affect future perrnits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Proiect Name: )lDate: to,,/I/oz- F:everyone/formtbldPerm3 DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBUC WORKS! Please read and check off eech of the items below: s The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Pubiic Works Depaftment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the in$allation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vaii Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department wiil be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance- Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: F:,/everyone/formtblCcerm6 DEPARTMENT oF coMMLrNrrtQurropMENTTOWN OF VA]L 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: BO2-034I Job Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Sratus . . . : APPROVED Location.....: 1250 Westhaven Circle Applied. . : l0/10i2002 t .. Pmcel No...: 210312403001 Issued . .. : I I lt, loL e4f r-v ProjectNo , 0(:{Ol- oZ93 Expires. ..: ow!{ER MEAGITER, CytfTHrA STROIIM tOltO/zOA2 phone: 1420 FIFTH AVE STE 3OOO SEATTIJE WA 98101_ License: CoNIRACTOR GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTTONLO/LO /2002 phone : 970-845-5655 P O BOX 373 VATIJ CO 81658 License: L29-B APPI,ICAI{flT GEORGE SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION1O/10/20o2 PhONE : 970.845-5656 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 81558 Iricense: t29-B Description:extend master wing and expand to 3 bedrooms Occupancy: R3,U1 TlpeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $500,000.00 Add Sq Ft 1500 Fireplace lnformation: Restricled: Y 'tr***'t:!'* **:t i*i'|'a'l'l*'ll++,a:l+:|*tf # ofGas Appliances: 0 Building--> 92 , 34 0 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan check--> s1, 521 .00 DRB Fee---*-----' lnvestigation-> Will Call----> # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pelle[ 0 FEE SUMMARY :r+*.**'r't.****:*****'r:**'r:*:**:*'****************.1't***'*:r*:i**'t**'r***** So. o0 Total Calculated Fe€s-> $4, 089.00 S0 . O0 Addftional Fe€s-*-->$0.00 'l*:* li.*t*,|ll 'l*+ l++* $0.00 Recreation Fee---------> $225.00 Total Permit F€s*---> $4,089.00 $0 . 00 Paymonts-----------> $3, 854 . 00$3 .00 Clean-up Deposit-----> TOTAL FEES-------> $4,089.00 BALANCE DUE----> $225.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT 10/2e/2o02 Cdavis Action: AP Make note of corrections listed on plans IIEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMEMT ' Lo/3a/20o2 bgibson Actions AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMf Lt/o5/2oo2 mvaughan Actionr AP This property sha1l be equipped with a fire sprinkler system in both Lhe addition and .*irilg properry. rtem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS ,]-o/29,/20o2 Is AcLion: coND discuss use of east 1ot for additional DRT !4eeting. Permit, Bond and Planning approval required. Contractor has stated he has some parking available, use of neighbors lots, See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot ptan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struclure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI]R HOURS ]N ADV AT 479'2149 OR N OltR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM- SICNA OWNERO NTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNER Will need to winter parking at I u$.lc-JiJuz lEstlesti,B{,} f,teque:lt ReDorttng -rl,l?.-qm _ _ 'u,4JL. to- i(ll{il.bF " R€questErJ irlsp.'ct Dat: Friday. *la;r:h t5. ?oiJ? ''.9ffi11'#j:;, filo wes,"AvElr rR vAdL 1,ISO UVEST HAVEN CIRCLF Af,Olt&m*tro! Aclrvity' B{f2-oc{i. ,rvi" .:. "i ;rl i'r SuLn Tvpe: ASFR $lailS: |SSU€D Const Typir: {,21.6 r.p,*n,- r' Lr'*a' i/ N tnsp *66' ,-O otrner: VA.,L LtC AF{'lhant' SFIAEFFE'T C*tlSTRl.rCTiilFr P!)cne 37044Sgli56 Co'*rsclor: SFIAEFFE'iC,;)NST!1IJCrIcF| Fnane: 9:/G845,56$6Dacrlpli,osi: A!.[,A r:i,.csET Ar\tD AoD souNat )i ii:il.'LR']'ltf.J ,rtjD RE0(} DRvu'tALL Poge 3 REusgjFd |nsE$;tisnisr tteft: 9e Ellr$-Final Requestor: SHAEFFER t ;S$.15 f Rtli:l tcl i Co|nmentn: 37{i-34€9 r€il}l Ascloned To. CDAVTS' AclSrn: li!'tr''-r E tt'' lr.rssFoilol Hijlgry fiarni 30 BLD_G:F-rgqilg "' Al*l?. ririj fi1.t25;A? F,s&e4tc'i: c(tdlitu1.t J3,Ut tl'rspe4lcri: Ciflrnrsnis PARTtfu. Reoij{rsted f inre: 0'lr@ Pm' Phorrs: 97S'8456666 grrier8d By: DFLORE$ K d':,i,]l FA PARTIFI AFPRCfVAL PARTIAI"- AFPR,TVA'. INCLL'DE* 'FOYS $ii#lFJlhd" l'lijf i+l-rFY BEO I't'jO tSATH AtlD 01{?*U.}. r!rspoet${: CnAliiS .iirJic.r-. A,P CoormoNs. Sfi)FlTS ,{lqlc, Or/ERFt?r.r,4F ?1"-,.. iiN.g.AL SrJC m,'l +Li lnspiBclc{: JRhil 4i.rDn: AP comrnents AFFROVEO FR.AMll lrll r:i-},:FlT {i lr.r i;*FAtiE ffi$n: 5a BLBG.IrrsuITUSn '-' AlDlov+rj "(i-lOSUltUSll .' a.!DIO 0ll?S'O? htisacl6|: |ilq$S rn'rrnsflts- SOUNO INSULFTi(I :i1,4'n: PA C,omrnsnl*:rmrnsnl*: s5iuND tNsulATi()rj ii.l *3}r.iiT!fr.{ WALLS O2!O1ig2 !l|gl!!tor, lDAyls ,.A:*.rn, 4 comma4ls: REST ()F ry\rgul-All.Jr.,i r.:r1.hrP!.gYli l-' EZJIE;It"! lnsFortor: JRh'l .*r:lior comm€;11s: APPROVED lNStlL $J GAi-r.,1d;i. f F:,-irdl S:Ei/o2 Inspetcr JRM {:::icn: AF C+tttments: CRAlfdt" sPAfie Al',10 $Crr'l-t'02ii5i0t lnso€lv^nfr iRRl A;rh'n. AP CgnrrBnl+: AFFR0!tD lN (l.AFA(if; &ii[i Its{rl: ,60 BLDC}$trF€trDc k Nal!C*$tiactrock Nal!. . _"' Agpr*v* " tialo1tu? lmD.ictr)i. d;,Avlb .\l:ii{:n. P& PA$TiAL AFPROVAL,'":xicn: FA PARTT$'L AITFFIOVAI t)l!9".:t)? lll6D.icl)i. L u'AVlb &l:ii{:n. H& f,'Alt I l,AL A|'PXUVAL I 'JZl&Ugz lnsr'sclsr: JRM ,'":xicn: FAPARTIqLAITFFIOVAI U , Cs!fimerts. APPROVEil lAtttFt'i-ii.l'; r'i"',.1-i. Lirr'ii'"{ i*&LrNDRY,,GlJE.$jf,EEgF-9tOM lt )l-02j:8r0l tnst)ector: iHM &cile : PA pAftl'lAt ApPROVAL - I t'/ C:o{nm€nB: APPR $llEETfrfi{:rt iti;ili'JSti-i f)f.ii..lt'l(i t"ltt ,,/ I O3|12jQ2 Insrreetor JRM ,idkg': Atr APFR$\|fD ./|lem ltl Bl0f,r.L{kr ,, . - | /2}^ La*.:--J . ,rffi,k:(v'P(W ftt:m Id: 1386REPTI-3]. rl Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of C,ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Roa4 Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 tax:. 97 0.479.245? web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prciect Name: Pollack (Vail LLC) DRB Number: DR8020405 Project Description: Installation of temporary parking at 1240 Westhaven for the construction of an addition at 1250 Westhaven. Participants: OWNER VAIL LLC 1tl15/2002 phone: 1104 DRUID RD S CLEARWATER FL 33756 License: APPUCANT William ReslockArchitect Ltlt5lz00z Phone: 303-773-9578 7233 E Costilla Place Englewood, CO Reslockarchitect@aol.com 80112 'License: Project Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1240 Westhaven Circle Legal Description: Lot: 30 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403001 Commentsl BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: IlateofApproval= lt/15/2002 Conditions: Cond: B (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Torun of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005668 The applicant shall enter into a Developer Improvement Agreement with the Town of Vail and provide a cash bond or letter of credit for t25o/o of the value of the proposed oonstruction and site restoration at 1240 Westhaven Circle prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of the addition at 1250 Westhaven Circle (PRJ02-0097). Cond: CON0005659 o The applicant shall remove the temporary parking and restore the site at lZ40 Westhaven Circle to its original condition prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy and/or Certificate of Occupancy for the addition at 1250 Westhaven Circle (PH02-0097) or by September 1,2003, whichever is more restrictive. BillGibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Hov lA Po I I acl< Oe o5!37p 6e e Sh6effoFgo s?o -a+5 *?o 13 11/13/@ t P.@s1 F.1 ?lp.- ,9t/5'-. lot 3 -). Appllcefion for Defign R€uiemf DcFtE rcrtof cfiilrrf*y hl{.trtrEtt 75 SBfi fronrge ffi, vrf, effi Ef6Ct id: gm..fi9Jr1' frx r70.{t9.zts! lrEk ry$n ct.Sil.{o{S Gmer*frfrnndm Al_''Icilct Gqtrrto drin |tytsr mE recdrr msml fb b cfirdE|E - hdrnB pqflrt ilDftrr H@ |flEr E{* rtrftil rulirtr€|E frr tra FUffaftr estd rluc ir 'tq|!*d. ft ilFtddr lhr DcrtF nt|'h4md Dr.q.fd r*tl* al tEquhTd hfrI'nrdgn ts tEEdEI by dtr ftdnllrly Der,rJoorrs* Depxtrst ttr Prq6c fiay *o ne€d ta bc tllda*d try th topo ftrrct fir4 r lhc Ffum*E ilrd Rnilruffrnrl ftffir{r5b|L otcaE r|Y|.t |pFwd F rdr* r lrflU Dryrdt b bd nd cmfrdon mcmlrrr rltt*orrtrrroiltt;|frFonl tocrdrr dtlrc trrap,ml: 6.SlBndt_ SubdhHon; Frtd l|o,'r @ (carGrt Eagle fr. l6sctror*crt}3:&sc0 lbrrr€ rf.) Zonlq: llei[qgAdrtu*: Ilancdrpfilnrt Hil||grfftfr FsldlAilfl|* TIFCdRt$q*|rdh: tr ssri ft*e*Id*aitnru Itail, CofitEuaJo|r Adddo.r l.lhof tlEnEorl (nUE,'twHium.rCatl f,mdrflEat&n (sktgliffttrfiftt{fF) OE|rcPAmurdttbru scFrdqnRcsmt '6AI nt ur) ft-.=-. o o tr tr H u l$ E[s $1.00 or:qse f€ot dtdl liJn 5rs- llo Fce t650 Fors*umqof rrrrrhrilthgrdiltqfr*dH. f300 For a6 eiEiEorr $!'lr cps|t lboilge i5 #rtcd b f,ry ,rsHcrtrl 0f ccnrnctdd hffirC fsSrd{s fs0.dddarE f lnhrh. srt{r!k4tZfo kr ilftFf rlr|trgrs b hff'qs ad *!n |d{Efi6 rdt f,, ilrodlng, 0*tih& *rrds{r dHr. hSErdrub *nrs afll ilt'inlE*dq,eEtto &r r{nErdllngests b$ffinqF rd |fre LnDnt'4ill|tl$' BIdl E rrrodlnS. pfiUnG ilrd f adffiqr btlr4*19, Ftar af rctnftlE rdlt, etE'1f,0 fu |rvlrbr|s b planr xnilft #|1n dd tr Hinfttg Sffi a tlt OlshrrncrFrrhfil. lrlo Fca +* * * *,1.* * * * * * ** *,F * **** **** * * *** + * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * {t * * * * ** * 't * * *. * * *i * * * +* ***** *,N.*** ***** * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO srat€menr + t*'* * * * * * + * ** * *** * * + + * * * * * * * ** ** * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * *,F * **** * * * * *** * **** *** ** * *** * * *** + +*** * * * * * * * St.atsement Number: R000003444 Amorurt: 920.00 LL/LS/2OO2O9:10 AM Palment Metshod: Check Init: ,JAR Not.ation: 70500 Georqe Shaeffer ConstrucLion Co Permit No: DR8020405 T)G)e 3 DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 210312403 00L Site Address, L250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIIJ Location I 1240 Westhaven Circle Tota1 Fees: $20. oO This Palment: $20.00 Total" AIJIr prnts: $20. oO Balance: $0.00 * * * * * ** * **,* * * * * * * {.**+ * * * * * *:* * '} * + * * ** ***d. * * * * * * + + * *** * * * * *:1. * **** ***** * * * * * * * * *+ +* * * * **'t'8 * * * *,} ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI^] FEES 20.00 TOWNOFVAIL Z5 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97M79-2138 DEPARTMENT oF COI\,{\4UI\T DEVELOPMENT Pol"[r'-Lu NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D02-0062-R- (-o3o5 36203c{( 3o2 -oo o L{ fob Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Starus . . . : IASUED [,ocation.......: ].250 Westhaven Circle Applied . . : 10/70/2002 Parcel No....: 2103'1,2403001, Issued. . . : t0/22/2002 ProjectNo.: ?? ?RSOI-O133 Expires...: 04/20/2Wg o$rNER MEAGTTER, CYNITITA STROIJ!,I AO/L0/20O2 phone: ]-420 FIFTH AVE STE 3OOO SEATTI,E WA 981_01 License: eoNrRAcToR GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTIANI-O/L0/2002 phone : 970-845-5656 P O BOX 373 VAII, CO 81558 License:129-B APPLICAN| GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION10/10,/2002 Ptrone: 970-845-5556 P O BOX 373 vArr, co 81658 License:129-8 Desciption: DEMO DOSTING MAgTER WING Occupanry: Type Construction: Type Occupanry: ?? Valuation: $10,000.00 Fireplace Infor:nation: Reskicted: l.nvestigation-> WillCall--> Building--> $145 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> 594 .25 DRB Fee*-> AddfuFL 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of S0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 9242.25 so. oo Additional Fees-->50. 00 S0. 0O Total permit Fee----> 1242 .25 S0.00 pao'rents_-----> 1242.25 S0.00 RecreationFee-..'---._> 93 . oo Clean-up Deposit-> TOTAL Approvals: I€C-m: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT 1o/L0/zoo2 DF Action: AP ltem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT **********rn***rrrir+*:r.* **r**rrr**r.r:fr**rr.r*,t*r* **ri***iiffi*i:*||**t fi*4f,****||********* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. $0. oo I hereby acknciwledge that I \ave read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to compiy with the in{ormation and plo! dan, to comply with all Town ordinances axd state Laws, and to build ft6 structure iccording to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, desiSn review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of lhe Town applicable- thereto. DECLARATIONS REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE PM. OFOWNEROR Al 479-n49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 FOR HIMSELF AND OI^/NEI PAGE2*************#fi*****tr***tr'l-***:|*!r"j***.t':t**ti***********#:rrh**.rih********************rt**Nrii***rr**:t** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D02-N62 asof 10-22-2002 Sratus: ISSUED*******tt***********'&f**rr**x***d':t*****!*r**************x***************:trrtt*rllr***:t*:htii***ir.l*:t*rt****ii&**** Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: 1O/10/Z0O} Applicant GEORGESHAEFFERCONSTRUCTION Issued: 10/22/2002970_845_5556 ToExpire: 04/20/2003 Job Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1.250 Westhaven Circle ParcelNo: 210312403001 Description: . DEMOEXISTINGMA9TERWING Conditions: ** ** + + ** !td"! + * t + ** ***'* + * * * * * * * *+ + * * * ** * **,t* **,1. * ** ** * * * * * *,r** ** + * * * * * ** * * * + + * * * * ** * ** +* * * ***,tr TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO SbtEMCNt ++ * + * * +* * * *** ** ** * * * **** *:**** + * * '& * +*** * * * * * * + + * * !* + * ** * * * + + * * * **1.* * * ** ** **** * * * * * + ** ** + ** * * r * Sta.tement Number: R000003319 Anount: i24Z.25 tO/22/20A2O1 : l-7 pM Payment Method: Check Init: I_,C NocaE,ion: #'7o2'z/george shaef fer Permlt No: D02-0062 Type: DEMo. oF PART/ALL BLDG. Parcel No: 210312403 001 Site Address: 1250 WESTIIAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1250 Westhaven CircLe Tota1 FeeE: $242.25This Payment: i242.25 Total AL,IJ pmta: lZ4Z-25 Balance: $0.00 * * + * * * * *:* * {.* ** * * * * **** * +* * '} * * ** * * * * + * * * * ** * *** * ** ** * * * * * * * * * **{.* **,** * **1.'t* * * * * + * ** * **,** !t {. *,t* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cur^rent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERM]T FEES 145.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 94.25 lnc OO1O(]O(]31128OO WILL CALL INSPICTION FIE 3.OO ll l' APPLICATION oAF Building Permit #: MWII OFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vafl, Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VALUATIONS BUILDING PERMIT ONTRACOR INFO own of Vail Reo. No.:and Phone #'s: Email address:CO BUILDING: $ PLUMBING: $ Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Eaf.c-e1:* zlo-b\u40 =ner I Job Name: -.--' /, ?'or-r,*c K- (l:-.Job Address:""'*i;;n sl63---4.a,-1q4 C-teeta; . y'a Legal Description Lott.4O Block:Filing:Subdivision: G, r+-r_r LVort) ownerlNamet Po,Y^k<-*Rddrers)t 6 rArs-.<n4.+r) sx) ( ,e-, Va Pjgq'- At -A41u ArehitecUDesioner.', {r-)u r- r Arir K*.t rtr t-Address:n231 E Cc,srrr t n 4ar"e, itgl::i a-, A, Nrn-,-,, llA$5ess:..,-^,r$tilaei k"- =rr,#)Sfontq-be4g-t7tr?Detailed description of work: WEft arL6TtNct rn 4<17-F / t)tnla, Work Class: New ( )Addition ( L) Remodel ( ) Repair ( ;" Demo (/f OIhet ( t Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (g/Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family pf Two-tamily ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: r I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: I No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a fiie Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( For Parcel # Contact *********!****+********i***********FOR OFFICE USE ONLf****i.*********r***!R:H**,t*****!***** z- Planner DrnnnnTnA?nn?IIL\rU vv I v " Lvvr- \\Va il\data\cdev\FORM S\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM. DOC 07 t26t2002 PAGE 2 '8 *{( * * * {q'* ** * * * { '$ *** *,h * !* * *:f **#)t(***+'t*****{.,r***+:t :k * * * * * *{. * !t * * **+ + + * * * *:* ** * r*,} ****:t * * + * * * * * * * ** ** * {r * * !* *** * * * * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 802-0341 as of il-06-2002 Status: APpROVED * * ** * * * * ** *,lr '*r& * * +'* * * * * * * ** * * + 4. + * * * ***:f {.****+!t +******,r.****!t '} ** +:F*,N. * * *:f ***,r.**,F**f {. !* + * + * * * !&**:* *,s * r* * {.,F **** * * Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFRBUILD PERMIT Applied: t0ltDt2}02 Applicant: GEORGE SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION Issued:970-845-5656 To Expire: Job Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1250 Westhaven Circle ParcelNo: 210312403001 Description: extend master wing and expand to 3 bedrooms 'F*,i****:*:******tr<******,1.*****t *,t*,l.*****+'l***** **.&**!t< conditions ********:r****:8*:r.,F*,rrk'r:r{.******+'i*:r{r*****:F'**** Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Cond: 16 @LDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE RXQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.9.1 OF THE 199? UBC. *+**'!**{'*+*************+**************+*+************'t *+{.+******,}***,f **********++*********r.'N. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO ShtCMCNt*'***,lc:s******'*******,t*:l**++**********,1**+++*******'*'t**{.t ** *** + + * * * * * * * * * *:t * * * +* * 'r+ +** * * **** +* Statement Nr.uriber: R000003392 emount: 9225.O0 :-L/06/ZOO2O4:22 pM Payment Method: Check fnit: DDG Notationr George Shaeffer ? 0431 Permit No: 802-0341 If4>e: ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Parcel No: 21_03124 03 0 01 Site Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIIJ Irocation: 1250 Westhaven Circle Total Fees: $4, 089. 00 This Payment: $225.00 Total ALL pmts: 94,099.00 Balancer $0.00 * ** !* + * *!t* *** * *+* *******+:1.**'*** * * ***{.*** {t + {.*+** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * *** +*i. + + * **'f ******{.:t '}'}*!t *'&**+* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEIS t^lc OO1O()OO31128OO t,jILL CALL INSPICTION FEE 222.00 3.00 {' * * ** * * +*:* * * * * * * *{.* 'N. * * * * * + + * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** ** * +******* *****'tr******,F*****+**:f*+*,****** **** ** * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemenr**tl***+*+*'*****'*:t**+'**+*+++******,,.****{.'t(.F*+{.***+*****+**)t ****,t**{.**'}*********++*!F******+:f *** statement Number: R000003391 Amount: 93,864,00 LL/06/200203:15 pM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notationr #70428/georgeshaffer const Perml-t No: 802-0341 T)4)e 3 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2103124 03 0 01 Site Address: 1250 WESTHA\IEN CR VAIIJ Lrocation: 1250 Westhaven Circle Totsal Fees: $4,089.00This Palment r $3,884.00 Total AIJL, pmts: 93,954.00 Balance: i225.oo * * * * * * * * * ** *i. * * 'l * * **!*'* * * * * * * *,1. * * * * * '* * * **i.** * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * 4.* {. * * {. * * *{.** * ** '} * * * *'F* * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriot.ion Cufrent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERIV]IT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREAT]ON FEES 2,340.00 1.521.00 3.00 Project Name: Project Description: Vail LLC Addition Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmert of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 8.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB020102 04/2312002 Phone: Participants: OWNER VAIL LLC 1104 DRUID RD S CLEARWATER FL 33756 License: APPUCANT William ReslockArchitect 0412312002 Phone: 303-773-9578 7233 E Costilla Place Englewood, CO Reslockarchitect@aol.com 801 12 License: Project Addr€ss: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: Legal Description: L'oU 30 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403001 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vo'te: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval= Lll 08/2OOZ Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please mnsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actlvities, Cond: CON0005616 A revocable right-of-way permit and stamped boulder retaining wall drawings from a license PE shall be submitted with the building permit application. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: S3OO.OO r0rf,\i G€ne€l Information: A I pr61!8ctt r.:quiirng desr,_.;rr rtview musT teceive approvai.priOr to subrnittijtc a burlii'lg per.r, it aptiicat,or, rc.t'?' tc the subn"rttai requir?.nrnis iDi the pBrlcultr agpraval tf.at Is .'"oiiuestrd. An aopiiaation for Desiqn R!.{it$i,.: :anrit oe accepiso u$ril all requi,-ed rnfcrmation.i9 recelved ry the CornfiLnifr npvelop,lne 1i Cepartmtnt,. $rlbiri pr0)€t fflay aiio need io lt re v:svled Dy tl'le TOwn Council ancicl the Pla^ning arrt txviroornentat Co.rl$frt&$h":, @esign rcvi€lw app?oval lapses unleis a lrvi,dlhg penmtt ls issued aDd constructio:r 1--ornmaDces *ltiD|t|r:' grre y€ar of the apprcvol, oescription of the Request' ACd-fato-I5 . To f.S:4ri*fal / 5€cp*p#1 -_. .,i;i. e lilA-iln)Na r?-)?,c9 sF :::i Lgcttion Physical of the Proposal; l-ot: Llepadr.nent cf Communr.l Ceveiepment 75 S,)uth Fror,tage Road, Vair, Lolcraoo :lii>97 tel: 97U.479 1139 fa>r 9/-C 41? 24:;) wel,: vJww.ci, r'drl.a; .J5 - Subdivtsicn: !j!s $i,00 per squa.-e foo( <.1 tota' 5i9^.:rei:. For EonttrrjcticD c: A nev/ buriLlirg cr' JsiY10/reb,,iiic. Sf: an addltion \rhere sq'-,;f€ fcotage 5 addcd tc ant rcgidenllil d{ .:jimrnej arir '0'riklinq i inclur;es ;i 51 acdit,c,ng ,i iilreriof con!r96i0F3),, 'r.-Lrrrrrrrcil-rol vr.:rr\llrrtr rrrt!rurrc) r:JJ oLU^,\rrr; !ur'tsr)rrrFr.,r/,ri. irj' rnino.' changes to b0ilc,ngs and Site trnprcve rents, suc'l AS, !" itioof(-"g, gaint'n€, wirrdory adlitii)ls,'nn05(aninq, ienlles affC. ,el.anin9 \vails, etc Fo. ;r'rnor changes !C buildrngs reroofing. paintng. wi4diw F.arcelNo.: U9?V\??*"J--. iCcrrtac lasie tio Assessoi ar 970 .t2B-86{0 ror pa;'cel zoning: flb Haae(s) of Owner{s)j .Mattins Addressr lla$' €c$rc }xo. 9,_--aeARU.8.fc-E4,natk_et 1.L3__*&.\ _+ S1_q._*._-."* Owner(s) Signature(s) ; l{ame of Aoolicant: Address: lL6o bJgfl*+t+ys! _e\Ew__-,_-_- ._ ,'i,: ne; .-} - "_-I J_z_J= _t._ !____;;.-ji,, .-Ag3*i11-n. -q -6-3-$ -- - ' , ,.,- Type of Review a nd Fee: I Srq rs :l Conc€ptual i{e vre$, I I'lew Cclrsii,Ji*.;11 fl Aodition [:i l'1in3r Alt€rati0n 1m ulti'Fa ll iiy' ..,r'rrTef'::a l) l4;rw Allera,tc. (sinBle- fanr ii)'/d t'Fle): i cna nges tn APProved Piens 5E!.a ratior'r Re'.)rre sf i eta'l\lng :$raiis, et: $?0 cor revigaons tc p,tns JirniiCy iesig h Review aoaiJ. No Fee axi sire imirovement:., SUCII 3s, . 3ddil.)onr, iandscapirig fdnces rtnd airi.{ed oy Pl.Jrrnrng Staff or tlie $s0 lic iec 9F 5ft il(ru $2C c !-l xo., 8,lK ey, ORB No,: Piojec N-c.: >/az rt ]OINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER IOl4fr/ I, (print name description) a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Townl applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of nlA2/07102 T0t4nl MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Information l This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements' Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Stamped topographic suryey*, if applicable Site and Grading Plan, if applicablex Landscape Plan, if appiicablex Photos or drawings which clearly convey existing conditionsf Photos or drawings which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)* Exterior color and material samples and specifications' Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable Wiitten approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable The Admlnistrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Desjgn Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please suhmit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*)' Topographic surveyi 0 Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor b Date of survey 'l North arrow and graphic bar scale e Scale of 1"=10' ar t"=20')q Legal description and physical address t Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, and floodPlain) e Ties to existing bencirmaik, either USGS landmark or sewer inve(. This information must be clearly stated on the surveYrs property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (,0f) ofa foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner' lil Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curye information' t lndicatjall easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the propefty as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions' {l Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the proPerty at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), a-nd a minimum of One spot elevations on either side of the lot' {l Topographic condition$ at two foot contour intervals t! Existing trees or groups of tfees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a Point one foot above grade' E Rocr outcroppingi- ano ogier significant natural features ( large boulders, intermittent Streams, etc. ).\B All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc. ).g Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Pase 3 of 12102107102 I E \ sh \F *! E t Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site, Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their soufce to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV SewerTelephone Water Size and type of drainage culvefts, swales, etc. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. ElectricN {l Site and Gradino Plan: \ Scale of 1"=26'or laraerrE Property and setback lines Existing and proposed easements Existing and proposed grades Existing and proposed iayout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations, Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines, This will be used to calculate building height. Proposed driveways,, including percent slope and spot elevations at the properfy line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction,a Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. Location of landscaped areas. Location of limits of disturbance fencing Location of all required parking spaces Snow storage areas, Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 5'feet in height.a Delineate areas to be phased and appropriafe timing, if applicable Landscape Plan: t Scale of 1" = 20' or larqert Landscape plan must bi drawn at the same scale as the site plan.b Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as - bubble) if the strand is not'being affected by the proposed improvements and grading.E Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.b Detaiied legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.b Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction. _b Indicate the location of all proposed plantrngs,t The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Page 4 of l2l02l07lO2 TI }l\- TJ \ \ j-r ia .a \8 o D Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be inciuded with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Planro Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.a Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area a Aftach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture, II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint exjsting buildings, the following supplemental information is required: s Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) a Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed coiors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of rU02/07/02 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material SIIAF€ &ta^L S'tafll6, CE?r'-TL t J-q )rL eueg Y)oov ?-- l l, (AP/*t< LLL1? vJoor? ZT L LV'PAR 4e0/{L La ? PEYL ?tJe)-oze? fuvueeyq 14 *rd r-ttma Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes! M.*rc,r+ F-*t+f c1 (t ,. It lr fl tl ,t It ll t, tl It rf rl rt rt Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip' Page 6 of 12102107102 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Size i+,";' (tq'., Tt- PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS ENSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED L*rrrq aweFg J uiltPEc.5 e,a"' Saet-. 5 qLt-" gFL ao rr€ Fetp ,aeaIt&-q4)- lb a lo 1 1- 1o Looat ?otE_, Minimum Requirements for Landscaping : GROUND COVER SOD \FFI I IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs * 5 Gal, Square FootaqeTv pe Zia" a? r ur 5ln$Urxr Wa T tMrz!-__*x{ &de-> I oo 5?- Please specify other landscape features (i,e, retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc') Page 7 of 12/02/07102 UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing youf utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and avallability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan, Authorized Siqnature Dste QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.?62.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELEC|R]C ASSOC. 970.949,5892 (tel) 970.9a9.4s66 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.26?.4024 (tet) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogaft EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tet) 970.476.4089 (fax) Conttsct: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND O?n A4q 1))4 v 'l 1 ? t/tel\ 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact; Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signbtures from 6ach of the utility companies/ and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2, If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail, However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified pioblems. 3, These verifications do not reljeve the contractor of the responsibilifi to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before diggng in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is not a Public Way permi.t and must be obtgined separately, Page 8 of L2/02/07/42 1- t -l'r ,t'xt5T'.* Ke+tq€IILE NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Pre-application Meetinq A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged, The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identify any critical issues pertaining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application, In many cases/ the pre-application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages, A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 97 0.479.2128 or irodrjguez@ci.vail.co. us Time Requirements The Design Review Board meeLs on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines, A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at hftp://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/planning/drb/meetlngs/default.htln For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set fotth in Title 12, (Zoning Regulations) and Tjtle 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Requirements fot properties loc=rted in ha3ard areas fii property is located in oiaAlacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc,), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific aeological investigation determines that the subject properfy is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizlng the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. ApplicanG are strongly encouraged to consult with Communify Development staff prior io submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. ReEuired Plan Sheet Format for att surv"yt, iite ptans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be24"x 36", For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed' 2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20', All plans must be at the same scale' 3. Graphic bar scale. 4. North arrow. 5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description' 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7, Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. B. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger' 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. Page 9 of L2.l02lO7102 Desiqn Review Board Meetino Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting' The applicant, or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussron on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit' Staff Aoproval tire ROministrator (a member of the pianning staft) may feview and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Bobrd for a decision, All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees ff tnEippfication requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00, Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 444, etc' The applicant shail be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 500/o of the application fee' it, at ine applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearihg, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re'publication shall be paid by the applicant' Applications deemed by the Community Development Depa(ment to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an external consultant is needed, the Communify Development Depaftment may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review comoletion, Page 10 of I2l02lA7l02 IOWN Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us *This checklist must be submitted prior to Pablic Warks review of a proposed development' \ -!f -E -E -E E \ Landscape plan \ Title Report (Section B) r9 Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche. wetlands, floodplain, soils) \r Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) )r Trees)f, Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, noalacfrirn ala \ H!uLJ!' rvr r, v\v,. / Topography Utility locations Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. t ts -E \t owners/Project rvure, 'l nlL LLC Project Address:126a.Nct-H*ve.N c;trlcv€ nppricant, ilrr+-t.ar,e €raq,+.J. trFl,*-l - phoneNumbe. j92-41,n51+ Submittal E Stamped survey of property u Civil/Site plans Survey Reouirements: Surveyor's wet stamp and signature Dafe of survey North arrow Proper scale (1"=10' or I"=2Q') Legal description tsasis of bearings / Benchmark Spot Elevations E Labeled right of way and propefry lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.-Er Lot Size \ Buildabte Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 400/o, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: L Access (check all) o Driveway type and finished sufface are shown on the site plan' o Unheated \ Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) \ Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if unheated; 10% of driveway area if heated)-E AII driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development standards,p. 11. steepestsectionDrivewayGrade(nottheaveragegrade)t t\.,5 -ro E parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standafds' pp.12&14 il. Construction Site (check all)'.8 Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan'\s Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan' E I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction' \ I am aware that a Revocabie Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction' Page 11 ot 12102/07102 III. Drainage (check all that apply)o The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12. tr (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)a 4 Foot Concrete Pan a I Foot Concrete Pan E Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site. o Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) ry, Erosion Control (Check all that apply)o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre. o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped' tr .Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and propef erosion control devices are shown on the site Plan' V. Floodplain (check all that apply) a The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain' o i00 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan' o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer) o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VL Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)-\ fhe pr6ject lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20) \ A Hazard Report has been provided o The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VIL Grading (check all that apply) \ Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. \ All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade. n All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stabie soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans' o only existing contours are shown on the site plan, rhere is no proposed grading' ViIi. Parking (check all) a All resid'ential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development SLandards, pp. 12&15' IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply) \ All retaining walls conform to the standards ln the Development standards, p. 19.--E All retainin! walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered ancl a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans \ Al retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall constructton. D No retaining walls are required for this proiect. X. o o Sight Distance (check atl that apply) pro'per sight disiance has been attained and shown on site plan a5 per Development Standards, p'12' Proper sight distance has not been attained' Explanation why: Additional Commenls pte"se wo"'d" any additional comments that pertain to Public worlG Review. Page 12 of tLl02/07142 FROFI : ,Bruce R. Col lrns FRX NO. i 97A 876 5397 Apr. 21 ?AA2 Aet l2Pt4 pl Cot utrts d AssocrATes oaoroeic^L ANO I'l^rvrlt REsot,F{t cof.j5r./ll^Nrs P.O. 8ox ?3 , 7116 l,lrruEotA Derye srLT, GOLoRAOO 81652 Pt+orue/Fo< (97O) 875-54OO bocolQr"of . nct April 19, 2002 Mr. w. F. Reslock 7233 E. Costilla Place Englewood, Colorado 801 12 Rr' Lor 30, 1250 WESTHAVEN CtRcrs, GIEN LloN SuSD}VISIoN As AM€NDED, VAIt Dear Mr. Reslock: At your request I have reviewed Town of Vail geologic hazard maps, and other available information regarding the subject propefty, as well as available reports regarding adjacent properties. ln addition I visited the site on April 18'r'. The exi$tirg hone on the lot is to be enlarged, with the addition of a new garage on the downhill northwesr sorner; a guest bedroom on the mid-slope southwest corner: and a master bedroom-study extension on the upslope $outheast corner. As you know the lot is included in the "moderatc hazard" category for debris flow on the Town of Vail geologic hazard maps. lt appears that the lot was included in an alluviat lan complex related to a significant drainage well to the east, now th€ route of the lower part ofthe Cascade Vitlage ski lift. Because of lift-related and other construction, as well as tlre development of a second drainage along the northeast side of lot 30, flow in this drainage can no longer reach lot 31 except under the Inost extreme circtrmstances. Overflow from the deeply.incised channel on the northeast side of lot 30 is also highly unlikely. There is a srnall, steep dlainage immediately southeast, which has constructed the small alluvial fan upon which at least the eastern part ofthe horne has been constructed, and which has been superimposed on the older rnaterial. Whilethere is no evidence for recent debris"flow on the fan irself, it is appat€nt that there has been sufficient adivity in the upper reaches ofthe drainage to discourage vegetatiou growth. lwould therefore suggest that a continuous or overlapping swale-rock wall comtrination, a berm or berms, or a series oFretaining walls and terraces cornbiued wrtlr site gmding with at least three feet of total reliefon the upslope side, or anycombination thereof,, be incorporafed into final site grading and landscaping upslope from the eastern and southern port;ons ofthe structure, subsrantiallyas indicated conceptually by rock walls on the site plan provided. Alternatively, the foundation wall ofthe additions that face upslope cen be constructed ofconcrete to a height ofat least three feet above firral grade and capable oF withstandirtg a load of 600 pounds per square foot, with no significant openings in this interval. Landscaping and gracf ing downslope from the swale/wall or berm, as well as foundations and above-grade openings for the proposed additions should be designed with the remore possibility of overflow in mind. The newgarage is not exposed to the mapped hazard and reguires no mitigation, As always, care murt be taken to assure thatgeneral site drainage is adequate to convey strrface weter, including snowmelt, away frorn the strttcture, and that foundation dlainage is acleqttate for its design. FROI'1 : Eruce A, Collrns FffX N0. : 9?A 876 539?Apr, 21 2A@Z A7:eFlpyt pz page 2 The sire is in ar aren -{:nod€sr.georogicar *T'il1ry.u,ni yirr., the mirigario, measuresrecommended' the proposedi--:'"1;ri[ .$;; :r::ttabre- so iong-asoveraft site drainagets appropriatefy tied into adjacent road aid street drainage systerns arrdiandscaping and gradingis designed ro corrduct oorentiar no* prop.rrvrir,ere is nottring ,o ,,.,gg*it that the proposedhazard'mitigatirrg measures wirt increaie irie irir.ra ,o ott *,^ prJperry o-rl*,,.ur.r, or to publicbuitdings, rights-oFwav. roads, s*eets:r;;;;;;;: "tirirres, oi aciti,lJ, o, o*_, properties ofanvkind' This reporr is inien<fed.ro co;;iilil;;opriate portro", "iioii of vair Regurationschapter 12-21'1s, anrr notrring.contaircd hcrein shourd r*-i"iiii,=iJi, ,ugg*rring that thcsubject property is not exposed- to the mappeJ t ururor, that mirigations recomme nded hereincan or will eliminate such.hazard$ in ttreii tinlireqa'or.rhat nazarasT.,ot iJ"iiin.a by rhe Town of #i1,:i.i:r."#:J?j.,, havq any,r,,;;iio;;;;;lquire any fur*rerinformriion, pr"rse cro nor n4oRT^Itr.NoncE: Thit report-conc€ms ttsttiral p,ucesses thar ar€ unprcdrcIable and in large measurr poorlyulderttood' lt is intcnded to idcnti& potentiar ouu.not l. tr."nrdsrvithin rhe ccop.o-rworL to *r,hh the rubjectproperty is exposed and to suggest lnitigstirtg mea$urcs in complianct wilr appi*ur.Lg.rlations. Nothirg inthis repon should De coltsrued or inturit ,.i "r .ugslriing tlrc absence "riii[ a*.uu"a hazards, or that therecornmendtd mitigations will pmtect the subject ptrrpcfty rtour *re aesc*cJirai.iJr ,ro.r"lr circunstonces,fortteen or unfo[tsecn' Nothit€ i,t this rcpotc snoutd il ionstruerl o" i ,tcrprctsd as sugEesting thar additionaltnidentified hazards are not prEselr. l! murt alro bc undcrctood that .mi(igation" daeB oot mego either threlimination ofthc hazard{s) qr prtrrntion ofthe conscqucnces uf a hazard i-vent o, *rl?n,r, odty thr reductionto thq gfislq ss3sonabty possible ofthe lauer, By a..epting iri, ,.port a,l prerent ind sl.bsequent panics rheeto88fee to indemnis and hord ltrri:.T the preparc-r for aiv an' at apig.s, iirc;i -'r** of coDfequedtier,includltg peRoDrl injury or toss o-ftifc. ahnlc an<l t,:yorrrtihe o.iginel coi oirhic iir,.ty,'.orrroo lry or rsrultirlgl'mm any occurrcnce of the described or othcr rt"-.itti.'*r,or,er or not ssch dam.Ees Inry rcst,lt fr.orD failureto identify srid h.azardls; or fipm thilurc or inadequacy oi properly engineercd, c<ilsttucterl, rnd maintrinedrccommended mitigations. The prcparer rrf this rcpon cannot and will tlot be responsiblc in any way or rnanncrwhatsocver for the proper cngineering, constnrctiln, enrl/or nrai[tenance ofrecoorr"nd"O mitigatigns, or rheitredequary or failurc of impncper{y cirgineered, construcicj, ".r.tpr ..i,rrrinJ ,""oi.J.no"d nririgaaions, ormitig.tioB ihat havc bccn alrcrcd in alry waywhatsosrtr fionr those recommetxfed by the preparcr. This pportmty bc amcnd€at or wlthdrsvyn wirhout noticc rt rny timc prior to rcceipr of p.ymeit. 125o t /e+t+lavrrl .RLL?. lLs" u)ezf *AVEdgrlLrJE '37n*t",tctksL K-9707 ETRUSCANlM R.97 07 OLDE BRICK@ K.97O7 OLDE BROAI Seedy gloss ponel6. Solid Bross. I (M) Hgl. l2%", Width 5h', Extens canlsr of woll opeFtng 51":U,t. listod' ir,(,;,rloJ, ETR;r'is cn ni 1$rr;; ICHTER TIGHTINGK lZqe ufo-*venf €,rv.As 3L Ass.o. 21 lt 1 fungrf Al\a*,eLL qnfa +nb? .1Cs*,, ngo z- ?-$e,AJJ#roNe ilo_ -bnlb"l 1F GaFA ow CleP.Af,aY |FXU- Efiig{ Wltu Lrvnta Late,> k-Vftwfi l_g{Et-bLlL 1r +?,5 # gtb *F 6s+ tr .t-*tlyil - 4Vb9? Asffi = i5,og H 6P.rvlL 7fuIE?euvdc& f;itt '1 4 44.".7| N*, @,ut:r."yr.-- n?.-. Cur-wa. allr^-A 1f* C-a.e"rr;r; t.}rrf t ilpfdu^1tg FILT C$BY TOITN OFUAIL Deparlmenl of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 e70-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www,ci.vail.co.w October 3, 2002 Bill Reslock, Architect 1233E' CostillaPl' Englewood, CO 80112 RE:VailLLC(Pollack)residence-l250WesthavenCircleA,ot30,GlenLyonSubdivision Dear 8i11, TheTownofVailhasrecentlyrwlgwedtherevisedDesignReviewapplicationfortheproposedaddition at 1250 Westhut'* Ci'"l"' TLe following it " u*rnuw Jf th" totrn"ots from that review: Public Works 1. on revise site plan' on the south west side of home' I nloOo';eg window well is shown' Show location of window well drain anJ where the drain will daylieht' 2. provide u .iuo,p"o drawing r"r..t"i"#Jrluiiri"i*"t*rt- it"lgr't o:r+-a ft from a license PEatthebuildingpermitstage.Si"g;L;;;"bleti"rwuttdrawingarerequired. 3. show on ti'" pi"["r*"io-n otal required parking spaces' 4. Show on site plao' some from of "'otioo control on Westhaven Circle Planning The site plan must be revised to identify the location and size of the snow storage area' The architectural floo. pr*ffiil'"'do** n tia"ntial Floor Area (GRFA) calculations rl;f:[ffif :#ir*:::t:t'Ti"#i5; an warls that sepmate GRFA rrom crawrspace or open to below u"u' rilt*" are considered interior walls)' b. All fireplaces, "-', *il?ii't;;;;;t must be counted as GRFA on each floor , 5.":.1,{:r:;j::T3,':::iiffTJL'#T)-u,, u" rabered as "ce'ing beight ress than 5 feet." d. The access openings for all crawlspaces must te identified on the floor plansn and any opening fo. "'u*l*putt' ""it"""tfa ^ GRFA must be labeled as "opening uot *i"u,oift* 12 square feet in area'" ' r !! e. Label the existiog o**iliJt"Ireas becoming.GRFA as "interior converslons' The architectural "t"uution"i"'i Ue revised to address the following: a. All extenor colors and materials must be specified' i. r,'iip'"p"*o e.xt1i.9r risrrtilc !xtu19s mr,.s1^:i:H;.h"o on the roof lines and ". it " pt"po.ed building height elevation must De I ridses. L 2. {p*o""*rr*o ,0ct. a3 2OO? 2: .f 3ptl :I$ /l 13 | - rtliire F.s,EaMt-/ | q \l r. t | =t- |f,ft*-afJ,Y' I -)\J-''\'.. \. \ \ e- HP LRSERJET 32OO ',''.-ffpi\"\,,', ], I l: )i J i,' .-i* p,Z t ,r' ,,' ,,' ,,' ,' ,,' -:' i ,/* ,'' ,/ ,i *'i,t' ,].i i^,t !' ,' ,' L' Lt f&t t r .$$. i^-\-l:,','Ji',.,, .. \ Hvr'{!i rlr,AtNii^-\-.:,','Ji,.,, . I, : ,-1l'->'-":\\ trt.t rt r )r' r.t.t r..:\- . E--.. -- t \[ \ it!r.lfi r: 'i.t=*'l,.|l ,41,i /' ),' ;' l' ,/ ;''Ji:"',)a,7:,:i'):,s dl r;tr'llli i ,' i '1 i;*,' ; !*,':,' ,e,\* , i i , I ','ll {u :['t ''f']'',,i'ri-j.i"l"*/ if "-'rl't ,,il ,,' [" ,' ,,6' ,,'' ,l ,," ;'- ,':'gi,{.;=l :$; $#' ," ," ," ," ,/ / {t ,"--/'7 ,i*/i1w:;|i[ ,, ,Y | ,, ,,'^ ,,' ,,,' ,,' ,, ,,' /, .,, ,,' ,f ,,:r l ,,' ,' ,-,itr .,,1, ,_^^i' i ,,' ,' ,b,r' ,' rlo ^/tr! '.r/'//t/// ," 9'6,"',/ ," ," ,"#4*l' ',' / ,' ,' ; , r // / / 6 ,1{ n' l:tt t o,o;t{ ui i r i i l,'' ry )C' 1,%d,'i,.$ | '| ;..r , /, ,, ,r*q,, ,, ,f ', Frly--<" \ os /f ' ,'i/7\i,., t i? ,8,,, /t. o.'u. I f ,,,J, 1 ; ,, ,, (oeePjT 6""rt a f}-)oe fi F;N7 *66 s gP- {-ent*92 t/\ o *l Ir Itll I!it, r{ q70- 37b-t474 GYL?^ { se i| , ,l a i rlai l : I i i ! i l i i I I .i'I i l l I I Ilt ii I' ri I i :l. il L i l I I lt,1 ,i LIjj ili!'rl ti lit 1l Ili iili i,it i Ilt Li lltl,liiiI Iii Ili iI" _ ll il ;i i1 rl lt -ii tli! ti l25o lJ*t Havert Stre- Aeea ALLOI^JAFI' Gr{FA c,R;Lf> t-'f 6zpA 5fupt' n - L. e?- 5a. ?t 4.tue el-h. 21t61 41Cc 17 5q FI 'n5o 5 t lc.? Sa. FT {-V-atrJr.'. 5?xz Reca{eAEtr 4a}zaqe sfi e &tL*Fcav At{-.tlh, ED .2 * Zltb1 = 64tq at +21 Gaa 1q Fr So- ?T 9t {e taEnS6E \DED io 2 2- 9f 6rl{LA<^le LV{Et- Eilrya1 vL{Eu Lrv tNta l.lgv ZL+ eq ?T 22tol 9qrA t-+75 6a Fl +X cA 5e' ?f ne?'Z < 21tu1 sF = ,ll.l"/" lZqa l,Jr6ru^vsrf crVtlu. qtt- Ap.e* Z't I L1 9E ff Alta*,aLLqWa +nb;,1&*,, ngd tL. ?-$a AJJ*roNr q.oa .bnlb'7 3? Gag.SOtg LaftLg*nsV W,ffu LrVdq Lalts|- 612-1xvJL +fbIES.euvAe& E*ryfq t#,a,tL N"", 6u*,tq,-' bLlL tr 4?.5 1r $.-. C-u.tvao dl,,"r{A tfr* Cr*fta; LLrf 5nc 5F tzZ+ 3f ,t- * ?,illt'7 -- 84.ffi r? Affi = 6.6s Z zcb I qts 1r1z k;pttoot\ Le{Et-, eooaI HP LHSERJET sEOO CIJ CP_F*.:figx ] L(]\ "\-l l) I I tit *-f I { d fA.tla OtohS' ,-' .Ltvtl.lq.Rt4'aDotttca't btlL:II- WgHW a\ tlp so \\ I \ \ \ \ - ,). _ \ ll-t b$s ffio(L'0l1l.o' A-Lffi)r (*_ IEO I I .... -..fr' r Nol, 13, 2002 3:32PM,tt,LO|\lGS N0.7762 P, 2 TO: Shaeffer CorutnrstionATTN; MitchFROM: Long'sExcavatiorl InaRE: 1250 WESTIIAVEN CIRCLE Long's Excavation, Inc. is supplying priciqg for the above project. WORK INCLUDED: 1. Excavele and plaoe 8" pvc arlvert rmder temporary parking. 2. Instsll boulders per plan 3. Place 4" of gravel on puking 4. Remove all uponjob completiou dnd restore. TOTAI COST $ as00.00 P.O. Box 894 I Avon, Golorado 81620 . 970-949.4682 . Fax 9?0-S49-4588. tongsexcavation@atibi.com tlov,tg, lOOl 3;3lPlri +++f*+ LONG$N0,77$2 P, I +***+ri*i+* Fax Tran$miftal Cover Sheet Long's Excavation, Inc. PO Box 894 Avon,CO S1620 97A.949.4692 (phone) 970.949.4586(fad lengs exba\rarion@attbi cpU tr**tt * *t * * * * * * * * * *I * * * * + +i * * * * *t *t *I * + *I * * *t * * * *t *tI * * * * * * *tta D*e_/{-12:4.2 To ,,{.e"nqr { from , rQrfv, Regarding lz fo .. Ne*Jt w\ Comrnents: # of pages Z*" (Including Cover) i I},GORTAI.ITNOTICE fhG mgmgc & atacfiments are intcnded for the individual tb urhorn rhey are add.ressed eNLy_Plcase forura*d this ernsndttil to rhe intcnded recipicn. L-uai",aj- ifi; i;"--;;;i *E?* i"crror, plea5c contac( our of,Ece as soon as poosiblc- Tbenk yon, ^la.ra^r [and Title Guarantee Company YOUR CONTAGTS Date: 0,f-17-2001 Froperty Address: LOT 30, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION Our Order Number: Y272204-2 BuyedBorrower: MIREIITEPOLLACK Seller/Omer: CYNTHIA STROUM MEAGHER *******+*************trF*****r*:*:*:;+********r3:3**:f+:*+*:f:***:F:S*:f:*rf,:t+:ts*** Note: Once an original commitmmt has been issued, any subsequent modifications will be emphasized by underlining or commmts.******!**rt++*+:*****t*$*********+*:**r***3**rt***'+:F!F***+****+***!s'**:g**:* If you have any inquiries or require further assistancg please contact one of the numbers below: For Closing Assistancet For Title Assistance: Katbryo Shian OO3O BENCHMARK RD. #216. PO BOX 3480 AVON. CO 81620 Phone: 90-949-5099 Fax: 970-9494892 EMail: Icshirn@ltgc.com Vail Title Depr Tricia Kellogg IO8 S. FRON?AGE RD. W. NO3 P.O. BOX 3s7 vArL, co 81657 Phone: 97047il2251 Fax 9704764534 EMait pkellogg@ltgc.com THANK YOU I-OR YOTJR ORDER! ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Alta Owners Policy 10-17-92 Deletion of Shndard Exception(s) (Owner) Tax Report R008214 95 ,000 . 00 $40.00 €ts .00 TOTAT $5,05s.00 Forn CoNTACI ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl {Requirements) Our Order No. ynZZ04-2 The following are the rcquirements to be complietl with: Item (a) Paym.ent to ol for the account of ihe gmntors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or intercst to be insured. Item O) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be iusured must be execued and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Palmenr of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against ihe subject premises which arc due an{l payable. Item (d) Additional reguirements, if any disclosed below: 1. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT TITE TERMS, CONDMONS AND . PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 2. WARRANTYDEED FROM CYNTHIASTROUM MEAGHERTO MIREILLEPOLLACKCONVEYING SUBIECT PROPERTY. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (I,Xcepnons,Ow OrderNo. VnZzO4-z The policy or policies to be issued wilt contain exceptions to the follorring unless the sarne are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or clalns of parties in possession not shown by the public records. Z. Easemeots, or claims of easments, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, mnflics in boundary lircs, shortage in areao encroachments, and aay facts which a core$ survey and iuspection of the premises woutd disclose and wbich are not shown by the public recortls. 4. Any lien, or rigbt to a lier, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furtrished, imposert bry law and not sholtr by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbranccs, adverse claims or other matters, if anyo created, first appearing in the public records or atfaching stbsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date tle proposed irrsured acquires of record for value the estatc or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessmeffs which are not showl as existing liens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition, the owner's poliry wilt be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted ia Section I of Scheilule B hereof. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY TIIE AUTHORITY OF THE UMTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECEMBER 29, 1920, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 42. RESTNCTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE. BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR FSSTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNI.ESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTEM THAT SArD COVENANT (A) rS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTA]NED IN INSTRUMENTRECORDED APRIL 04, 1978. IN BOOK 268 AT PACE 698 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 25, 1987 ,IN BOOK 468 AT PAGE 447 THROUGH 4?2 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEP'TEMBER 15, 1987, IN BOOK469 AT PAGE 8OI AND AS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 3. 1987 IN BOOK 469 AT PAGE 38 AND 39 AND AMENDMENT TT{ERETO RECORDED MAY 2. I99O IN BOOK 528 AT PAGE I54. EASEMENTS, RESERVAT]ONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN AND RESERVED ON THE RECORDED AMENDED PLAT OF GLEN LYON SUBDIV.IS]ON. 12. THE EFFECT OF THE FOLLOWINC gN SUBJECT pROpERTy AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PR.EPARED BY EAGLE VALLEY SURVEY]NO. INC. DATED 9. 10. ll ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 (Exceptions)Our Order No.v?j7220+2 The policy or policies lo be issued will contain uceptions to- the following unless the same are disposed of to the safisfaclion of the Company: 4/13/01 JOB NO. 1336: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Required by C.R.S. l0-ll-122 A) The subject real propeny may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurivliction nay be obained from the Counry Trcasurer's authorized agent. C) The infonnation regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of Couoty Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Effective September l, l9y7 , CRS 30-10406 rcquires that all documects received for recording or filing in the clerk ald recorder's of6ce shall contain a top margiu of at least one ioch and a teft, right and bottorn margil of at lease one half ofan inch- The clerk and rccorder may refirse to record or file any document that does not. codorm, except that the requirenent for the top margin Sall not apply to alocuments using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing bformation at the top ruugin of &e document. Note: Colorado Divisioa of Insurance Regulatiors 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires t&at "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenwer the tide entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the tansaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the nansaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the lrriders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechauic's lien proteetiou for the Owner may be available(typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Cornrnitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with tln following conditions: A. The land described in Schedule A of this commitme must be a single frmily residence which includes a condominium or torrnhouse unit. B. No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for pu4poses of construction on the land described in Schedule A of thi$ CorDeifient within the past 6 montbs. C. The Company must receive an appropriate aff davit indemoifying the Company against uu-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D. The Company must receive paym.ent of the appropriate premium. E, If there has been constructioo. improvements or major repairs undertaken oD the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitnent, the requirements to obtain covenge for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropdate premium fully executed Indernnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid infonnation by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circunrstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay, Nothing lrerein contained will be deemed w obligate ttre company to provide any of the coverages retbrred to herein unless the above condirions arc fully satisfied. Form D ISCLoSURE Land Title Guarantee Gompany YOUB CONTACTS Date: 0,1-17-2001 Property Adrhess: LOT 30, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION Buyer/Borrower: MIREILI.E POLI.A,CK Sellr/Ownen: CYNTHIA STROUM MEAGHER OurOrderNumben: V2722Wz ***t*******lFrt***!i*******************:$*:r**:********+****+*:3:*****t;:$** Note: Once an original cornmitment has been issued, any subsequent moilifications will be emphasized by unilerlining or comments.***:s******:f,'t*:!*****3+*******:3rs*$******rs********++*+*+******+****:t:f If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, pleasb contact one of the numbers below: For Closing Asslstance: For Title Assistance: Ikthryn Shinn Vail Title Dept. 0030 BENCHMARKRD. #216,PO BOX 3480 Tricia Keltogg AVON, CO 81620 108 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 Phone: 970-94.9-5099 P.O. BOX 357 Fax:. 970-9494892 VAIL, CO 81652 EMait kshinn@ltgc.com Phorc:970476-2251 Fax: 9704764534 EMaiL pkellogg@ltgc.com ESTIMATE OF TITIE FEES Alta Owners Policy lO-17-92 Deletion of Standard Exception(s) (Owne| Tax Report R008214 $5,ooo.0o i40 . oo 91s. 00 TOTAL $5,0s5 .00 forrn CoNTACT THANK YOU FOR YOIIR ORDER! l. ALTA C OMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) The following are the requirements to be comptied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mongagors interest m be insured. Itena (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be to-wit: Ite.m (c) Paym.ent of all taxes, charges or assessments lwied and and payable. Iten (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TTIE COMPANY TTIAT THE TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF THF TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. WARRANTY DEED FROM CYNTHIA STROUM MEAGHER TO MIREILLE POLLACK CONVEYING SIJBJECT PROPERTY. NOTE: ITEMS I-3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED FROM THE OWNERS TITLE POLICY. UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVTT. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ]S DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FIIRNISHED AT THE REOUEST OF CYNTHIA STROUM MEAGHER. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REOUEST OF MIREILLE POLLACK. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS REOUIRED UNDER SCHEDULE B.I. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES. ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2OO1 AND SUBSEOUENT YEARS, ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWERCHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (rrxceptlons,Our Order No. V212204-2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1 . Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public reconls. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public recortls. 3' Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shonage in area, ensroachmenB, and any facts which a correca suwey and inspection of tbe premises would disclose and v/hich are Dot showr by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, bbo,r or material theretofore or hereafter furnisherl, imposecl by law and not shown by the public records. 5' Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, fust appearing in the public records or ataching subsequert to the effective date hereof but prior to the date {he proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or rnortgage thereon covered by this Corrmimrent. 6. Taxes or special essessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7 . Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition, the onmer's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section 1 of Scherlule B hereof, 9. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DMCI{ES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY TTIE AUTHORITY OF T}IE UMIED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECEMBER 29. 1920, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 42. 10. RESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTA]N A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI.{USE, BUT OMITTING ANY COWNANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTTON 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL M, 1978, IN BOOK 268 AT PAGE 698 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 25.198'I,IN BOOK 468 AT PAGE 447 THROUGH 472 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 15, 1987, IN BOOK 469 AT PAGE 8OI AND AS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 3. 1987 IN BOOK 469 AT PAGE 38 AND 39 AND AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED MAY 2. I99O IN BOOK 528 AT PAGE 154. I1. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN AND RESERVED ON THE RECORDED AMENDED PLAT OF GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION. 12, THE EFFECT OF THE FOLLOWING ON SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERT]FICATE PREPARED BY EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING. INC. DATED ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptions)Our Order No.vn22w2 The policy or polides to be issueil will contain exceptions to. the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 4/r3l01 JoB NO. 1336 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Required by C.R.S. L0-Ll-122 A) The subject real property may be located in a speeial taxing alistdct. B) A Certificae of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Trcastrer's authorized agent. C) The hformation regarding special disnicts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Effective September l, 1997, CRS 30-10406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office slall contain a top margin ofat least one inch and a left, right aud bottom margin of at lease one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder nray refuse to record or file any documeft that does Dot. confomr, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documeats using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing bformation at the top margin of tbe doclment. Note: Colorado Division of Insurarrce Regulations 3-5-1 , Paragraph C of Articte VII requires rhat "Every title entity shall be responsible for atl matters which appear of record pdo'r to the time of recorcling whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for reconling or filing of legal documenB resulting ftom the tansaction v'hich was closed". Provided tbat Lanat Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the inzured transaction and is responsible for recording fhe legal documenB from the transaction, exception uumber 5 will rot appear otr the Owner's Title Policy and the l*nders Policy wben issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available(qpically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitrnent from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upot compliance with the following conditions: A' The land ilescribed in Schedule A of this cotrtmitment must be a single fa*ily residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit_ B, No labor or materials have beeo furnishbd by mechanics or material-men for purposes of coastruction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commiurent wiihin the past 6 months. C. The Company must receive an appropriate afftdavit indennifying the Company against un-6led mechanic's and rnaterial-men's liens. D. The Company must receive payment of the appropriate prcmium. E, If there has been construction, improvenrents or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased wittrin six months prior to the Date of the Commitnent, the requirements to obain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: rlisclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payrnent of the appropriate premium f,rlly executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any ailditional requirements as may be necessary after an examinatioa of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has confiacted for or agreed to pay. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the conrpany to provide any of drc coverages refered to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied. FOIM D ISCLOSURE ^,=. I ii. -l--,- -t ,.--- F''-.*.-;ii --i-" . i -* rit lii-.''- r,*___ i lr'* i-.- 1- itl - ... ..1 .- l iir *!- -i.- .1.' ,l-_ ti:tl l--i--iil-j---i--r -- lr ,_! | --_:-rti -r--.1 --r- - t-,, lrl t. - - _--- t*.- i l- --r --i.- lrti i ---:.__,-rllltl*r -l ; l- _r_1,__ l i1 ,il tt: il l*t -' ---- -Iii- jii '.lt Oct. a3 ZOO2 ?:43prr Hp LFSERJET 3aOO ' r' ,' i6,;;:, b*, ,' ,, i I t .' ,' \, ./tu t' t c*,raniffifr'-en / r ,, ; ., ,* ,' ? 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Applied. . Issued . .. Expires . .. Phone: : ISSUED : .01/10/2002 : 0l/11D002 : 07/1012Q02 Description: ADD A CI,OSET AND ADD SOI]ND INSI'I.ATTON AND REDO DRYWAI,I, Occupancy: R3,Ul TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $30.000.00 Add Sq Ft: Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 Building----> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> will Call----> $3 50 . 00 Restuamnt Plan Review-> i227.5o DRBFee------------> $0 - 00 Recreation Fee----------> $3 - 00 Cl€an-up Deposit------> TOTAI, FEES----_-.> 90.00 $0. 00 90. 0o $s80. s0 Tolrl Calculated Fees-> Additional Fses-----> Total Permit Fee-----> Payments------------> BALANCE DUE-.----> s580. s0 $0. 00 $580.50 $s8o. so NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 1"."4 SO ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL 1250 WESTHAVEN CIRCLE 210312403001 ?o-sot'ozgj Approvals:ltem: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMEM| 1L/LO/2OO2 CDAVTS Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNII{G DEPARTME}flr IteM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEil{II Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECTARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. OFOWNEROR AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2*t*************'t*****{t*'&***'1.*:t *!g***,tr*******+***,t *****!t*{.***+***********'i**+{r!r,**{.*rF+*********f ***'}**,}*:F** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 802-0004 as of 0l -l l-2002 Status: ISSUED****:*******'1.**+**.*'rtt:F+****t*+**********x<,i+,F+*****t!F+**:F,***:t*:t****{.*****:s***:r*t****!&****'t***{.*'}+***:t rr*'}+:t Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: O1h0tZ002 Applicanr SHAEFFERCONSTRUCTION Issued: Olltl/2002970-845-5656 To Expire: 07110/2002 Job Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1250 WESTHAVEN CIRCLE ParcelNo: 2103124Q3001 Description: ADD A CLOSET AND ADD SOTIND INSULATION AND REDO DRYWALL *{.+:f *******{.*****,k***r.************'F***d.*********** COnditiOnS f '***,Fd.*+d.*.*,F******{.**{.*4.:t{r*******t,*{.,t*!****** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: CON0005159 NO EXTERIOR WORK ALLOWED FOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT LINTIL DRB APPROVAL IS OBTAINED * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *!i******** ** d. * * *+ ***++** * t* * * * +*** ***** +* * * * * * * * * + *C. {. * * **** * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemenr****!F************{.'e***+***********,r******+,t * 't * *** * ******* +*** !t ***+***** * f,* * * * * * * * * * +* ** * i. *,r t Statement. Number: R00000188? Amount: 9580.50 OtltI/2AO2O3:20 pM Palment Method: Check Ini! : l,C Notation: *6?3oe//George Shaffer Permit No: 802-0004 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUIL,D PERMIT Parcel No: 2L0372403}Of SiUe Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL IJocation: 1250 WESTHAVEN CIRCIJE Tot.a.l Fees: $580 .50 This Palment: $580.50 Total. AIIJ Pmts: $580.50 Balance: $0.00 ***** **** * * * +* **** * ***** * *** t i.tr*+******{i* **+***** i! * * * + * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ir * * +*{. * * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Curnent Pmts BP O|]1OOOO31111OO BUITOING PTRMIT FEIS 35O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FIES ?27.50 |aic 00100003112800 t^llLL CALL INSPECT]ON FtE 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #: mruDFYtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 nits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION etc.! General Contractor: GrnAnE,5tl hc e Fp,p ?ongt* Town of Vail Reg, No.: b^t 179. -ts Contact and Phone #'s: Spre-r )4r\rpr+bruq tto rtc vll4 ContractUr SignaW ////-'--t ftr- COMPLETE VALUA TIO NS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials !$toI!!: $ 9-n,mO ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ Coun Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit Parcer # zloStz4oSc()) (applicatioii "witl'not belidtbpt6d. rrirrithout parcel nUmber) Job Name: 6VOu,*c-r- Ru<,r),'NtE Job Address:-i;'ao -i5'.<rr+rfiN Q.z . Legal Description Lot:Block:Filingr Subdivision: Arsnt L,nxl Owners N"ru,Va,,-L,4-nfffis: ne))ta e-D eLe-efi^*ffi Phone: ottH#"tHr..* o-o99'gq E. r.*.Tr r * B er#:kr"Wno4.= -t1:' ot41{ Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Anotta (I-axv- {. 5,.! t:il6 )Ns()r-*r-.t?t^, ,'>,/r>p- e-1fut WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (zf Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior(rJ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bfdg.: Single-family(y'f Two-fanily ( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existina: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burninq (14 No/Type of Fireplaces Prooosed: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (vJ No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( For Parcel # Contact ***********************************t**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****i*****'t*************************** F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm TOI^/'NIOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 ^v DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 801-0305 job Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Sratus . . . : ISSIIED Location.....: 1250Westhaven Circle Applied . . : 10/01,/2001, Parcel No...: 210312403001 Issued. .. : 10/10/2001, ProjectNo : f t?5Sr -OLg| Expires...: U,/UlzCf]z OWNER MEAGTIER, CYNIITIA STROI]M TO/OA/2OOL PhONC: 1.420 FIFTH AVE STE 3OOO SEATTTJE WE 98101 I-,icense: CoI{IRACTOR SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTTON 10/oL/2001 phone: 97Q-845-5656 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 81_6 s8 License : L29-9 APPLICANT SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION LO/0L/zOOa Phone: 970-84s-5655 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 81_558 License z !29-B Description: EXTEND WIDTH OF DRIVEWAY WITI{ STONE VENEER RETA]NING WA],I, Occupancy: R3,U1 Type Construction:V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $15,000.00 Add Sq Ft 0 Fifeplace fnformation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # oI Gasl-ngs: 0 # of Wood Pellet ****** FEE SUMM *******'r****#t**r***** Buildjng--> S195-oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total CalcuiaH Fees--> $374.75 plan Check--> 6126..1s DRB lee---_--_--_> gs0-00 Additional Fees--> $0.00 tnvestigaEon-> $0.00 Recreadon Fee-----> $0-00 Total Permit lee-.__> 9314.'15 Will Call-> g3 .00 Clean-up Deposit-----> $0 . 00 Payments-.._-_---1 9374 .75 TOIAL FEES-> 5374 .1s BALANCE DUE-> $0 . 00 Approvals:Ite'm: O5]-OO BUTIJDfNG DEPARTMEIflT to/o5/200t cDAvrs Action: AP SEE CORRECTToNS ftem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ITEn: O55OO FTRF DEPARTMEMT ftem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 1.0/08,/2001 LS ACtiON: COND PII,ERS MUST BE AT I,EAST 7 FT OF EDGE OF ASPHAT,T, AI{D A REVOCABI,E RTGHT OF wAy pERI'.rr rs REeurREDQ"o*" FrNAL rs rssuED. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI]ESI5 FOR INSPECT]ON SFL{LL BE MADE TWIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A OF O\,\N{ER AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 CTORFOR HIMSELF AND O\^INEF CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Pernit #: 801-0305 as of 10-10-2001 Status: ISSUED *|i***!t*************?****tit**t****************:r**d-*d.ll:t*r}****************jr***rffi**r***:Hr*r.********tttr*rtit** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 1,0/01/nU, Applicant SHAEFFERCONSTRUCTION Issued: t0/10/2001. 970-W5-5656 To Expire; O4/O8/2W? job Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: l250WesthavenCirde ParcelNo: 210312403001 Description: EXTEND WIDTH OF DRIVEWAY WITH STONE VENEER RETAIMNG WALL ********r************rH!t**'t***************tih**** COnditiOnS **c***********iiffirffid,tr.*ritrffi.*t *'lit*it Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0005050 A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER IS REQUIRED TO APPROVE THE 8'0" PIER INSTALLATION AND DESIGN. THIS INFO MUST BE PRO\IIDED TO THE TOI^AI PRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT t,' ***************{.+***4.************** *,}* ************++***++**{r****:}*************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Staremenr * * * * *.t * * * * + + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,F * * * * * * * * * * *+****++ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,! * * * * * *,t * ** * * * * {. {.:N.* * * * gtatement Number: R000001542 .Amount: i374.75 LO/LO/2OOLLl :3 j, AM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #66205/shaeffer Constructi.on Permit No: 801-0305 Tl4)e: ADD/AIT SFR BUIIJD pERMfT ParceL Nor 2103124 03 001 SitC AddTCSS: 1.250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIIJ L,ocation: 1zsowesthawen Circle Total Fees: 5374,75 This Palrment: i374.75 Total ALL PmLs: $374,75 Balance: $0.00 *****+*+**+*****************************i.!F******'f,********t r.********{.***{.'}:F***'&*********'}*:t*:r ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Cunrent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI.4IT FEIS DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIET^I FEES PF OOTOOOO31123OO PLAN CHICK FEES I'JC OO1OOOO3112BOO W]LL CAIL INSPTCT]ON FEE 195.00 50.00 126.75 3.00 / Il* I MWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frortage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 lt"rFrNco,,i lT' Qbotot*F " ''bfli"l"f #lfftffu t - op r "* Building Permit #:-- 97 A-479-t149 (Irspections) Separate fora2 CTOR TNFO General C-ontractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMTT (LaboT & MatETiaIs BUILDING: E #rc- ffiA ELECTRIQAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: E MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcet # Conbct Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit Parcef;# 2to3l24O3OO )(application,,willnot be accepied' without parcet number) JobName: Pn, , ac {- R*Y*'#Job Address: .7 i zlo t-r*)e=rr] A{EN IiP Legal Descripuon ll Lotr #O ll sloct: ll Filing:Subdivision: 9t"" N"t"Kc^l P-,-r-ncr Address:Phone: ^"'I51YPT'RH € €nr n. r ^tE.t:t; ; . ( crrn D,htr - Edcrffi4lYaq:::z-Zb1L Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: .F frrfgN r). .^)rDTA. cJp fJP)r )tirr\Au t-\J tTt+ .3F6 A/ E M WorkClass: New() Addition(rzf Remodel( ) ilepair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (u) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this locatrlon: Yes ( ) No ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building;No. of Accommodailon Units in this building: NoffvpeofFireplacesExr'stinq: GasAppiiances( )GasLoqs( )Wood/Pellet( )WoqdBumino{ ) ,. No/Tvpe of frreplaces Prooosed: Gas Appliances { ) Gas Loqs ( ) woodiPellet ( ) Wood Bumtnq (N Yes( ) No(tz) * *****r.****:i************ * *rr**:i****** **FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******:t*******'t*:t*********'t***'******** F:,i ereryonelfonns/bldgperm ffioDSEP 262001 TVWN AF WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" I5 REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": ls this a new residence? Does demolition work being public property? Is any utility work needed? Noy'- a YES performed YE5 NO t/ No/ require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or YES a Is the drive.aray being repaved?NO I/ Is a different access neded to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NO ls anv drainage work beinq done that affects the Right-of-lvay, easements, or public propefty? YEs -NO l/ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES is the Right-of-Way, ea5ernents or public property to be useC for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO . I./ If answer is NO, is a pBrking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YEs_ No_t_ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "public Way Permif applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. Date Signed: lZttgTM contractor Siqnature - company Name Job or project *ur* 6+-a.Z ,(aretn.o @rt /.rc-) F:/ever.Jrcne/forms/bldcerm4 BgILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vaii Fire Department Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departrnent review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total re*riew will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permics will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projecG impact the vanous above mentioned deparbnents with regarci to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersiEned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the pennit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must stillpay the plan check fee and that if i fuii to do so it may affect future permils that i aoply for. Project Name: 62. o^r", arl/t,b/ F : everycne/forms/bldpsrn3 MWNOF DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: r The Town of Vail Buiiding Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. I The Town of Vail Pubiic Works Depaftment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or. streets and the insiallation of temporary or permanent culvets at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approvai must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vaii Building Department for footings, temporary eiectrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2LUB to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resutting road patching as necessary- Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final CertifiEAte 8f Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: 6-r,r.^e /"= / ?/nb/ot/./ F:/everyondforms/blCcerm6 TOWNOFVAIL' 75 5. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97M79-2138 of**r* oF coMMUMt, or*rQ*"* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: Fl01.4245 ]ob Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Starus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1250 Westhaven Circle Applied . . : 10/19/2007 ParcelNo...: 210312403001 Issued..: 10/24/2001, ProjectNo : lff:COt -0233 Expires. .: 04/22/2002 corvrRAeToR wAcNER ELECTRfC, rNC. LO/ag/200L phone: s70-g4g-6L6J, P.O. BOX 1620 AVON, CO 8152 0 L,icenge:223-E APPIICAIiIr WAGNER EITECTRTC, INC. LO/1,9/200t Phone: 970-949-6t6L P.O. BOX 1"520 AVON, EO 8162 0 License:223-E owNER VAIL IJIrC O9/2O/2OOL Phone: 1104 DRUID RD S CIJEARWATER FI.' 33756 owNER MEAGHER, CYtflTHIA STROUM t0/24/200L Phone: Lricense: Desciption: ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND REMODEL Valuation: $12,000.00 FEE SUMMARY *i****'r'****** Total Calculated Fees-> $219. OO DRB Fee->$0.00 Additional Fees->$0.00 Investigation--> 50.00 Total Permit Fee-> $219.00 Will Ca11-> 93 . OO Paymentsa-----> $2r9 . 00 TOTAL FERq-> 921e. o0 BALANCE DUR--> S0. 00 *****'i}***#****** Electrical---> 5216 - oo Approvals:Iddm: O5O0O ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT to/19/2ooa DF Action: AP :::::::3:*:-.:'"-:*'jXT-*****.,*f *,,**** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIOITS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPI-'IANCE. ***'rri****Jt**r:n******f*****1***.****tr*** *+i****'t#********* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowled,ge that I have read this applicatioO filled out in fulI the in{ormation required, completed an sent By: !4$en; s7094s4s3s; oct-2s-ot lo:loAu;wr.-r--rruu.{,. f ra'n, I tO*,,iI_DE9_dtpT. tD.9?6r ffiry*d; *", ;?ffi $,€+rirEdi' affiEcL r rsrce ro effi?ry wirhaffiuaE plot pla& ard stae rhst alt the irrforzution T Tq"bdt ry* r_egree ro utply wi6 +PIotfla. te66sp4rwitr all Toqrn ordL"rroo,"a olefaruc and.to bu{dthilsfficttge an$,rahgberd culdivision oodec, d+*kn revieru "pp"o{r€d;U;ifofr\ B"ildtrgibde &d "tiur ordinaraea of thi.th€ftb. Page 2t2 arod bwne zonint .pplicable @uFI9KxlNSl6cllollstt II.*MADEt$lavrY-rcuarrxlRsnllnvrrycpErlEItH{oNEATr}:mro*AT?!t IEOM8OO Ar'- 5 SIGNAIIIRE OT,IIhIEI /\NDOWNEI s7094S4339;oct-18-01 11 :34Afr;I Wru I{OT bEAGEFTED IF IilCO'IPLEIE ON J}Elcctricrl FGniit*rgrGarg-11lr9 NNfiN 75tt Fruter.f,d.Yri' Cob6do 8165? COHPI.EIE SQ. FEET FoR ilErU EUItrs ard VALI ,lTtotrs FOR TuI OI}|ERS (t-abs ffiTTRTCToI, IilFORHf,TIOT{ Page 212 .aaaai*lltraaraalt*a.aar E/{|,try(|lsrFrt3 d.cpeilt .r r.**..rFolt orErcE lrsE lot|LY]**.r**ri...rrr*r-rrt. r \OBr aY C) Job llame ua\\ LLc* ttrotrcbs: Uar( ) Addftlon( )Repair( ) TernpFoffi ( ) omvl EEhr( ) Eodr( )Does an EHU exl*atthb lstion: tlDlis( ) t{ultt+m}( } bmrnrcftrl ( ) Rcetaumrt }O[rGr( ) l'lo d ffi!ru Durcnng [nin)n Uris UunOliry:llo. dAccormodatftrn Units ln thb AMOUilT Or SQ FT rN STRITCTURE: TO\^.AIOiI VAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-21,38 Mechanical-> Plar Check-> lnvestigation-> will call_> #**** oF coMMUMrv pnvs?pM'Nr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES /01- lo 1@4* Job Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location.....: L25OWesthavenCircle ParcelNo...; 210312403001 projectNo : {Vsnl-o>3} O$I}TER MEAGIIER, CYT\IrHTA STROI'M 1420 FIFTII A\/E STE 3OOO SEATTLE WA 9 8101 License: coNrRAcToR ENCOMPASS MECI{ANICAIJ SERVICEI2,/L2/2001, phone: 970-949-7747 5541 CEM|RATJ AVSNUE BOULDER. CO 80301 License.:147-M APPI-,ICAI{r ENCOMPASS MECHANICAL SERVTCE12,/t2l200L Phone: g7O-g4g-I747 5541 CEI TRAL AVENUE BOUT,DER, CO 80301 I-,icense t 1-47 -M Desciption: Install snow melt loops for driveway alteration(no boiler at this time Install water heater Valuafion: $8,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: MECHAMCALPIRMIT Permit #: M01-0273 Status...: Applied..: Issued. .: Expires. .: 72/12/20OL Phone: # of Gas Appliarrces: 0 # of Gaslngs: 0 #of wood Pelleb 0r**s**.fri#*r*** *' FEE sL,lrMARY S160. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> s40.00 DRB Fee-> $0. oo TOTAL FEES--> S0.oo Total Calculated Fees-> $0. 0o Additional Fees-> 5203 . o0 Total Permit Fee---> PaYments-> BALANCE DUE-> 5203.00 $0.00 . $203.00 $203 " oo $0 .00 ffi;il*ffi fr ilffi iffi ffiT;ffi ffii,tr'*'* *"**i*ffi "*** L2/]'2/2}OL cdawis Act,ion: AP Upgrade to pernit or new pernrit requried w. Boiler system is to be installed ILeM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEM $3 .00 Cond: 12 (BLDG.) : FIELTD INSPECTIONS Cond: 22 (BIDG.): CoIi(BI]STION AIR IS CONDITION OF APPROVAL ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,TANCE. REQUTRED PER SEC. 7O1 OF THE l-997 UMC, OR SECTTON 70i. oF .THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (Br,Dc-): rNSTAr,r,ATroN Musr coNroRM To MANUFACTURES rNsrRucrroNs AND To CIIApTER10 OF THE 1.99? UMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1,gg7 TNTC.Cond: 25 (BLDG- ) : GAS APPIJIANCES SHAIrr, BE VEICTED ACCORDING TO CHApTER I AND SIIALTT TERMTNATE AS SPECTFTED rN sEc.8O6 OF THE LggT IJMCT OR CHAPrER.S OF THE L997 rMC-Cond: 29 (BI,DG.): ACCESS TO I{AATING BQUIPME}TT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND sEc.1O17 oF THE 1997 I]MC AI{D CHAFTER 3 OF TFIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI,DG.): BOITERS SI{ALI BE MOUI\TTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. I]NT,Ess I,TSTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBI.JE FIJOORTNG. . Cond: 32 (BI.DG.): PERMIT,PLANS At{D CODE ANAIJysIs MUST TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 BE POSTED TN MECHANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR (BLDG.): DR-LINAGE OF MECHANICAL, ROOMS COI\ITATNfNG IIEATING OR IIOT-WATER SI'PPLY BoILERS SHALIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF TIIE 199? Ul'lC, oR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application" filled out in fulI the information requtue4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot p1an, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION STLALL BE MADE TWTNTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8OO AM . 5 OFO\{\IEROR ******++*{'****+***t+*+t*+**ti*+*{.**++**********{.t **+++**{'*****++*******+*******+***********!** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO statement* * * * * * * * * * * ** {' * * ******t* ************ **{.,}***++*r.* *t * * * * * * **** **t+ * *{. * + r * + + r {.,$ {. r*r. * ++ + * * * *** * * sLatement NrJnber: R000001833 Amount: g2o3.OO L2/L3/200LL1 r27 AIl Pal'mene Uethod: Check Init: KF Nota.tion: . Permit No: M01-02?3 Tfpe: MECIANICAL PERMTT Parce1 No: 210312403 oot Site Address: ]"250 YJESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 125owesthaven Circle ?otal Fees: $203.00This Payment I $203.00 Total AIrIr prRts: s203.o0 Balance: $O. O0 *+!t'F*** * ***** * ***r. ****+** *1. * ** + + + * * * *:F,i * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *+ + * * * *,* * * * * * + +* * * * {.:r** * *+*** **r.** *** ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts |!1P OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 160.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FIES 4O.OO hlc OO1OOOO3112BOO I,,IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO AppucATroeLL ilor BE AccEprED rF rr{coMplnlR uNsrcnED\ ll?,ffi.#"ffi Mechanicaf Permit *: frfu_e273 97O- 47 9-2749 (fnspections) Pmvide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:r Mechanical Room Dimensionsn Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationn Flue' Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationn HeatLossCalcs.c Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets TWNOFYAIL 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colomdo 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Contact Assqserc ffice at g7O-J28-8640 or visit for Parcel #:::Parcel # (Requircd if nrtE fa{ aiooi - 'oo*'*t' tr*+An'o rt/r*rt*JobAddress: Wfu WQih*e.nt C,y_{* Legal Description ll Loil ll ebck: ll ritins:Subdivision: n*T1fT"t fyrt.n.,j*Address: r4zo F:#t^Ava sk- 3ba fl Pnone: E"9'"a: nr /p lf noar Detailed description of work; Fnd-hfi S,.ot nt l* * /,a/*"* urohu lt^h* Wo{Ctass: New() Addition(rzf Atterarion( ) Repair( ) Orher( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( )r/pther 1 7 Does an EHU exlst at this location: Yes ( ) No (,-) Type of Bldg: single'family (r ) Duplex (tz) Multi-family ( ) commerciat ( ) Resraurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: -7*No. of Accommodation Units in this buildlngl. ,/O NofivpeofFireplacesExistinq; GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace tb ari eFn ptrase ttievicez yes ( ) trto ( ') COMPLETE VATUATION FOR MECHANTCAT PERMIT (tabor & Materiats) MECHANICAL: $ 8. O@'o CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION own of Vail Reg, No.:Contact and Phone #'s: ltue 6a'J frq-r rt F {.***x.1.***********x******FOR OFFICE USE ONLy***r.****#*{.r.***i(************* F: /everyone /fu rmr / mechperm TOWNOF,VAIL ,' 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 816s7 970-479-2138 o.?*rrr*r oF coMMUNrry DEVELo#o,t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0008 Job Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: l250Westhaven Circle Applied . . : 01/18/2002 Parcel No...: 2103 12403001 Issued . . : 0ll24l2$t2ProjectNo: Expires..: 0712312002 owr,rER MEAGI{ER, CyMIr{rA STROUM 0!/L8/2002 phone: 1420 FIFTH AVE STE 3OOO SEATTIJE WA 9810l_ Licenge: eoNTRACTOR ENCOMPASS MECTTANICAI SERV]CE0I,/L9/2002 phone: 9',11-949-L74',1 5541 CENTRAI, AVENT}E BOUI,DER, CO 8 03 01- l,icense : 14 7 -M . AppLrcAr{T ENCOMPASS MECHANTCAL SERVICEOI/a8 /2002 phone:' g7\-949-t741 5541. CE}flTRAIJ AVENTJE BOIII,DER, CO 803 01 L'icense : !47 -tq Desciption: remove hw bb install fan coils w/ hot water heat and ac Valuation: $95,000.00 Fircplace lnfamation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of WoodPellet 0 * * *rt,a *+,|!r* +tr ii** ** MechanicaF-> g1,9o0.oo Restuarant Plan Revie\ir'-> 9o-oo Total Calculated Fees--> $2,3?8.00 Plan Check--> $475.00 DRB Fee-----------> $0.00 Additional Fees---._--> 90.00 Inv€stigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES--------> $2,3?8.00 Total Permit Fee-----> $2,378.00 will call---> s3.00 Palments--------------> $2,378 - 00 BATANCE DUE------.--> So. oo Itern: O51-00 BU]IJDING DEPARTMEIIT ot/24/2oo2 JPJ( Aerion: AP ftEm: O55OO FTRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BI-,DG. ) : FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond l 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTfONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 UMC, OR SECTION 70L 0F THE 1997 rMC, Cond: 23 (BI,DG. ) I TNSTAI,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT'RES INSTRUCTTO}IS AND TO CIIAPTER 1-O OF THE 1997 I]MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 fMC. Cond.:25 (BLDG. ) ;' GAS AppLrANcEs sreOaa 'ENTED AccoRDrNe To cr{Apr"" I ArirD sro*,,rr TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TI{E 1-99? T]MC. OR CIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCF"ss ro HEATTNG EourpMENT MUsr eoMply wrrH cHAprER 3 AND sEe. 101-7 oF THE L997 I]MC AND CTIAPTER 3 OF TITE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BoTLERS sHALL BE MoulilrED oN FtooRs oF NoNcoMBusrrBr-,g coNsr. IrNLEss I,ISTED I'OR MOUI TING ON COMBUSTTBIJE FI'OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMfT,PLANS AND CODE AIIAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTION REQt]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MEC}IANICAI! ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR IIOT-WATER SUPPLY BOTI,ERS SHATIj BE EOUIPPED WITI{ A FIJOOR DRJAIN PER gEC. 1022 OF TITE 199? I]MC, OR sEcTroN too4.6 0F THE L997 fMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN Y TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. TURE OF OWNER OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF -v * **** ** ** *** * *:t*********************x*************x* F:/everyon€/forms/m€chperm E - r) BI Bro dFrofTl A\42 Foco, \|€tct o-(!(a =oi,= (.f ao I I l* Il' l-l"Tfl*?l+ l$#5 FgIT l- ImI c)! i! O :- q) :-: o)f = rJ () l..... ('(o: F AFood (nog QEo a a;o;' Hd ,= + t>o'tl o.-= ;En. p fioII!o= F o doJo sDf-ga s= <,r -@ o o o a) i.rr t bo i'r b ^. -@ =,, 9.E=3tg F; 63q Fg_ Ni'J6F5 iv6-.rbbgggH' cgPqs 5'= aad4,.=,E' l.:ggE - o." L L r^ >i'() '. -+E il +. < =f -n -*F :.i ; "<<R :E -nqg+ ,*= ooJ =!a$(oro o<< o- 9a<-= s == =ogo oPoo>to 7J=o€o.< )a.< @gJ@ FFF ;ni E1-|=ogdiQ-s 6 obR <, Ix >= <=5 =3 SJ =- o o JJ; 1- (DrD{ r)r\a- :. = = a-;- == ;i ;ill <i:Jfnn I !tq. q. ilt YiA'0- zz:a :l Ec x}j oo:Y :Y i$ i$ bt)OO N t\) g q.g <AEqtrO O)o) e.- ;E9#i 5 tr €fi$*; $u#s,u s s.$€usEHBA+;: EENFF.T- dEsS+ff+.iC(DE. c='Y::sgg8F d3dfifi'3 f€333d4 (rr6c'l 'n 'n -Tl o:4 zV0r< (DlY o! o=c,5 o!D = -c; 6i6 m Ia = d aq. o or a n m @t- d n s.:- !tId o D -o) = O TJ N) v) o 3 Uo a ! o 6 CD 3 --J rc (D oAag6 -il+<@;<h(/, 4Ye e= zni< fr U) >o -=* =Pzo >QA 3A+il =,6 = ^ Dt'+=il €d p >n -=s =a I.>oR+3i<€<€ o 3 ^LPr "tt-'Tl '1'l i ri, 'Tto OJ -Tt'Tt'Tl'Tl|l')drorot .)oc)o J$ j- l\Jo(D(o _.lOl@O Ni-l\1Oqr(o .{(too N:* (t cr -,t (tlN(t(oo (o t\J t$ 5 { o,6 (rl (o (Jr :..1 -'l z (D r>it E' Fq.l,d E' =.6'$ '-tDii 3ioi .r a6'rP€E i< >dt.@ =!r ;.D xr!5< cso '= (rt.aD :,l" !i|!E}{ 6El ilD E !-.!1 5oo gF F.t 6'€rxox E< 36XE =a Yoe< a*z *qtt atll- a+ aD lt q) 7d !o lD5E oq E { r-l '1-l :-+ il.xa6gz*tu; d!q Ae- QDx-a/_r otE.o*s:fii6 m Io l,g q, (D doa o -{ c)m @ f- 6'a -lo b o)6c6 (D i. o 5N oN) o (D 7 o 6 9 U) (D 3I oo QcrPCEE**.erq df utqE 6 O- -s€4 ff\P6 D- il(lJ -l-:z =o =:= f -E<<. 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O (]) 5 @ (g (o rN (t (r r\) -J o (n N) a F) (o cD (D { (,l (' 5 95299999999999P999o0qo9oooooooooooooooooooc'ooQoaoaoa N'N)(J1arrN)aoooorooiJr F 5 (O (O _{ A o) @ -.r N Or t$ 5 qr 5 N O)o o, F co (o o (o r or (' @ (t N) (' (D o c,l i8:.,id,Ai.-1 i,, r$, ,6,b6_..t (r @ (o (, r o o) a s o (Jl co -..J J a r\)L'o ir' :. it' i.l b :- I io i.r i.c -.1 il b b i.,(,1 A -\, (, N' Ct N) O) q) O) _..1 @@ o.)(r) + (t (o cocrtr(r(t{N) ! f coa ctr co J (o Nl \) co a co a <n o) (o co o) Nlo or a lu N o o N or o (I o (' o cD (o o d9 o-0 U',{FA >x. N=<' >: m T 0) o oor -{ m @t-I \ (,t ltt ei d (D A' 9 o s ot\) I llAR-19-2002 TUE 0B:06 All ENC0I{PASS I1ECH SERVICES $rnrcon,tPA$$tmffi., FAI{ N0. s?08457144 P. 0l/01I [-AX COVER SHEET No. l5 iP&OIf, CT: Pollack Residence 3il912002 Tcuna ofVeil Charlie Davis e7Q 4'19-2138 97A 47e-2452 Poltaok Rcsidcnce JOBNO.:BJl062 i I ,DATtrr TIME: fROM: NAME: PIIONE: FA)$ 8:05 Encompass Mochanicql Se'tvices Steve Boyd 970.949-t747 970-845-7144 ONE; AX: CT: oF PAGES INCLUDING COVER StrEET: I echanical Permit M02-0008 JR's requeet Encompass Meshanical har sta{ed the HVAC equipmcnt with Factory scrvice personell. r servicc art4 engineeriug dspaftnent has confirmed opemtion of thc hoating system, humidification, qonbol fem as well as the Air conditioning systen ftr tho Pollack Rcsidcnce locatsd at 1250 Westhavcn Dr{ This ludes a comfort tcst aad balanco of thc air distribution ductwork, I Itl lVe will need to necheck ttre AC systnm in the spring whe,n tho outdoor ternpcratuca are lvaffIcr so we can confrrm $e refrigerent pirssures. u' \ --=.,__ CC: Robort Molrdng; GSC W5'7o13 I o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 webr www.ci.vail.co.us Pollack DRBNumber: DR8020010 Change to approved plan - electrical panel enclosure & placement of 3 air conditioning units with 5 juniper scrubs for screening - OWNER Pollack, Ron & Mimi 0V14/2002 Phone: 1104 Druid Road South Clearwater, FL 33756 98101 License: APPLICAI{T George Shaefer Construction OUl4l2002 Phone: 845-5656 POB 373 Vail, cO 81558 License: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: lzsowesthaven Circle TOUIJV Project Name: Project Description: Participants: PrcjectAddress: Legal DescripUon: Parcel Number: Comments: Lot 30 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB, 210312403001 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 0U2B/2002 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction adivities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.OO / TA -m General Information: This. applicauon. is.br any project requiring Design Rei/iew approval. Any project requiring design rwiew mustreceive. approval prior to submifrirE a.building permit application. Please rei:i m -ure submital requirements for theparticuhr appro'/al that is requested. An appticatioi for Design Rsriew canrpt be accepted until all requfrerl IPT-Til: IT..'".d by.the_community Development Department. The project may atso need to be reviewid byme lown council and/or the Planning and Envimnmental Commission. Design Review Board approval lapsiunless a building permit is issued and consbuction commences within one year of the approval. Application for Design Review DeparbTent of Community Development 75 South Fmntage Roa4 Vail, Cotorado g1657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us location of the Propcat: Lot 3, glock:_ SuMivision: Physical Address: Parce|No.:W(contactEag|eCo.A5sessorat970-328-86,40forparce|no.) Zoning: Name(s) of (hrvner(s): Mailing Address: 5,Ji-- DescripFon of the Request: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: E New Constructiontr Addition tll Minor Alteration $200 $s0 $20 Phone: For constuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square botage is added to any residential or commercial building (incldes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to builclings and . site improvernenB, such as, remofing, painting, window additions, landraping, frnces and - / _---$ retaining walb, etc. AchaneestoApproved Plans Qaj 5Tr,fif:?[_T"ll?rc already approved by Plannins staff or the PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPIJCATION, ALL SUBMTnAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. JAN- I I -02 Jan I ti l' FRI 04r28 Pll o? .10:5O'r --m nt" ",lr""n FAxNo' !- e-= I Appfication fur Design Reviers Dcpa/filE t gf c,'nmtnlty Dcvllognsrtr ?-llpgp-e qrd, v*l ffi.oo ersszr€r:'7o.47tl.zti!) iax: im.+iiirsz. rcD: r|lvrr.clvalr,co.t s ffiffiq, H;gffi ffim"H* Hfl.ffi.^g-rytr resuli'€ dErn ,. h{,,,.*il,;ffiffi P"1;,f .cJffirJl#ryFffi &*,tH$ffiHffififfiffiTyffi' 'lf,Hro*,tlfn',gg* ffiffiunrsrr!rdrdir!r*'-'ri;;;ff.*i..:ffiiffi- Jtr.**iffi; Des6lip6;sp 61, g* Reqm3t: D n',l| , vl F.2 TO 9!ileral InfomtoUor: location of th€ p.opo6ar: fot,..'.5.!!lebck:_ subdivision: PhFicalAddre$: Parcer ffo.: dl@E qApO I Zoning: ilamcdr) of Ournc{s}: tta{lng Addrers: EAll'J" Owne{s) Signature(s}: llrmc dAppri€art: Phonel Type ol F,eviw and Fee:n New ConstuctidlE lddrbr d ninor lkrauon x**r^o***o t20o $s0 s20 @ lffi iii",H!tH:,ffHi$*Fitff,ffr wuzs souft RoirrAGE nonq vrn, cotoudo-oii# '*- (o,;n *tdy approrcC bt p{afftitrg Sbf, i4 3?6316? W?, JAf,l I I m02 e Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 r0fi/N TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Infonnationl This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not reguire DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAT REOUIREMEI{TS u Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableo Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditions*u Photos or plans which cleady convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used.tr Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicabletr Written approval ftom a condominium association or joint owner, if applicableE The Administrator and/or DRB mav require the submission of additional plans. drawinos. specifications. samoles and other maGrials (including a modet) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Plewe suhmit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). II. REPAINT PROPIOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buitdings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)D Archibectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, ek.) The following is an example: o C.olor {vc (Y1crc-n Ett srtllq Please specify the manufacturer's color and number and attach a color chip. All exterior lighUng must meet the Town's regulations regarding lighting (see Trtle 1,+ - De/elopment Standards). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of frxfures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide the height abwe grade, lumens outpuL luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the light fixtures. LIsT OF PROPU;ED MATERIAU; Tvoe of MaterialBuildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting otdler - ELE(jZrCtr)EvcLotvea, Notes: PROPOSED I.AI{ DSCAPING 'Botanical Name Common Name PROPOSEDTREES AND SHRUBS OCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Tre6 - 2" Gliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal, Tvoe SguareEqqfase GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION @NTRq- Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) t UTILITY TOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verifr service availability and location for new construction and should be used in coniunction with preparing pur utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and avaitability of uUlities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following uUlities for the accompanying site plan. Aulhodzed Siqnature ry QWEST 970.384.0238 (teD 970,384.0257 (fax) Contach Jason Sharp PUBUC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.468.2528 (t€l) Contact: Bruce Miller HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.s892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax). C,ontach Ted Huslqr E(CEL ENERGY 303.s71.7s18 (tel) 3A3.571.7877 (tax) Contact: Paul Kellogg EAGtf RIVER WATER & SANITATTON DISTRICT* 970.,176.7480 (tel) 970.+76.4089 (tax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.%9.L2?1x 112 (tel) 970.99.9138 (fax) Contact Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utili$ verification form has signatures from each of the utility @mpanies, and no commenb are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has mncems with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which neds to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached tethr to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to reolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibili$ to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locationS must be oftained before diooing in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildins oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and rnust be obtained seoantelv HEATING & COOLING | :opyright 1999 Carrier Corporation Carrier's WeatherMaker 38TZA widt Pu.ro D pmvides a completely unique collection of features wf,ich clannotte matched by any other. facnily of equipment. The 38TZA faniily has been designed as the first air condidoning system utilizing Carrier's unique Puron@ refrigerant. The erwironmenta:ily sound refrigerant allows you to make a responsible decision in the protection of the earth's ozone layer. Cariier's WeatherMaker slsterns with Puron@ are certified by the indepeddenr Grcsn Seal organization. These slntems also meet the Energy Sar@ guidelines for energy efficiency. FEATURES/BENEFITS WeatherArmor III System is a three component systesF-The casing steel is galvanized and coated with a layer ofzinc phosphate. A modified polyester powder coating is then applied and baked on, providing each unit with a hard, smooth finish that will last for many years. All screws on the cabinet €tatsrior are' SermaGuard coated for a long lasting, ru sGresistant, quality appearfr ce. The coil is protected with an enhanced coil guard. With spacing of 3/8 in. and construction ofcoated 12 gage wire, the guard helps to protect frori i-nctement weather (hail), vandalism, and incidental damage. Puron@ E nviroumentally Friendly Refrigerant - Is Carriei's uniqud refrigerant dg;iigned to help Fotect the environmen( Puron@ is an HFC refrigerant which does not contain chlorine that is damaginq to the ozone layer. The most importrm-t advantage of Puron@ refi-igeranf is that it has no:t been banned in future air conditioning systems as the traditional refrigerant, R-22, has . been. Puron@ refrigerant is in sewice in thousands of systems providing highty retlabte, envtronmentallv sound performance. For specifi'c R-22 phase out rntormahon see your Carrier distributor. High Efficiency Performance - Is delivered thmugh a combination of feanrres including Carrier's Puron@ relligerant, unique scroll compressor, and advanced heat trans fer surfac es. Efficiency ratings are l2 SEER (Seasonat Energy - , Efficienry Ratio) with enhanced ntings of Fofm 38TZA-2PD fp6 38TzA (60 Hz) Air Conditioner with Purono (R-410A) rF\\7uro ll, I *'t **t *****++***********!x******r,r**!r**!r**+{.***'r*f**1.***t'!********t*****+,tt+++**+****t(*****a'}i} TowNoF VAIL' cOLoRADo stat€ment * t* !t * * * * * * * * * * + + | * + +* + + * * * * * * * * * * * + ** * + * ** * * * * * * * ** +* * +*+ + +* + *+ *** * *'** ***l.t * * * f t *** *t*++ f *** Staternent Nuldler ! Roo0oo1899 Amount: $20'00 oa/L4/2oo2o4:05 PM Palment MeEhod: Cash rnit: iIAR Notat ion: Permit No: DRBo2OO1O Type: DRB - Mlnor Alueration Parcel No: 2103124 03 001 SiIe AddregE: 1250 9TESTHAVEN CR VAII, Locatiol: 1zsowestshaven Circle Tolal Feee: $20 ' oo This Patment: $20.00 Total Ar'L Pmte: $20'00 Balance: $0.00 + + + +,* + + *,i* * * * * * * ** * * * * * {.* * * * * *'t * * * !a *'a * * * * * + + * + * + d. 't * * !td! * * S * * {. * * * * + * 't' ** ** ++ * + + + * + * * + + + * * * + * ** * ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIE!/'l FEIS 20.00 oa oo ,'1 : rf t., ''' ".r,.i. . 'iti i'' ?': h-I '.".'.., f; li". -tI t,#"'. 1", d$r, t :| ,l t>- oa oo ffi I{/JVOIllAII,ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM DeparEnert of Community Development 75 South Fontage Road, Vaif Cohrado 81657 tel: 970.48.2L39 fu: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project l{ame: Pollack Residence DRB Number: DR8010188 Project Description: Driveway Re-alignment Pafticipants: OWNER MEAGHER,CYNTHIASTROUM 0706/2fl)t Phone: 1420 FIFTH AVE STE 3OOO SEATTTE WA 98101 License: APPLICANT BillReslock 0705/2001 Phone: License: Project Address: 1250 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL l-ocation: Legal Description: LoE 30 Block Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403001 Conments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vofte: DateofApprovalz O7lL6l20OL C,onditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). ENTryI 0711612001 BY: BRENT ACtiON: AP BOULDER WALLS MUST REMAIN AT LEAST 7' OFF OF EDGE OF ASPHALT. Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON000,469 BOULDER WALLS MUST REMAIN AT LEAST 7' OFF OF THE EDGE OF ASPHALT. Cond: CON0004870 A REVOCABLE RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Pald: 120.00 oo It{tilt mF. R€sroc& Atu/hl'rf,' 7233 E. C,,stiila Place Englewcf,d, Colorado 80112 T*phorc: (303) 7799578 Fax: (3@) 777ffi94 l_: W* LJ &pryAsAP lJPtg'6,aco rment LJPl€'/s€re{ttotr l) Fuyourtnffit Totd 0€g€6,A;fu6Ncover: COHNENII. Arp).<->-tr oN , PLAN' [ 5L 1: *;:; t46b t leii*t;,=il c-,R<-16 .' itsrca)-6-frmie-'[flout|fVao' i siEa oo '.i CENIIRAL INFORMATION This application is tbr anv projcct rcquirirrg Design Rcvierv approval. Any project rcquiring dcsigr rcvierv ntust rcrJcivc Dcsigrl Rcvicrv approval prior t0 subnritting for a buildrng pernrit. For specific infornration, scc thc subtlittal rcqtrircnrents f'or thc partictrlar approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc appiication cannot bc acccpted until all thc rcquircd irrfornrafion is submitted. The proiect rlay also nccd to bc rcvinvcd by thc Torvn Cotrncil and/or the Plaruring and . Environrncntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Revielv Boarrl approval crpircs ouc year aftcr linal approval unlcss a building pclmit is issucd and construction is staltcd. DESCRIPTIO)'I OF THE REQUEST:loetb L Q,.tt<ez c PHYSICAL ADDRESS:xJa+r*AvebJ 4-\Rcl-9" NAME OF O\il..-ER(S): RaM 'avus,c-,v- -+F MAILINC ADDRESS: C.NAIV1E OF APPLICANT: FI,TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Nclv Construction - If 200 tr Addition - :S50 CLeAnil ATeF, PHONE:121 4+l 4q1u PHONE:30 ? Clonstnrction of a ncrv bLrilding. 'lnclLrdes any addition rvherc squalc lbotage is addcd to arly rcsidcrttial or corrrncrciaI bLtilding. S20 [ncludcs rnirtor cirangcs to buildings and site i ntpro v cr']lcn ts' such as' rcroofing. painting. rviudttrv additions. la-ndscaping, fcnces and retaining rvalls. ctc. PLEASE SUBN'IIT TIIIS APPT,ICATTON,,dLL SUBIVIITT'AL REQUIR.EiVIENTS AND TI{E FEE TO THE D E P ARr i\{E N r oF c o }'IlvI u N rr I,T; J;filtJ }ftrt ] . o u t " FRo N rA GE IIoAD' \ Mino,.Altcration - ol I OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : oo+{IvL.b* D(Lh tt 1 - oo PROPOSED LANDSCAPINq oo Sizr* c*T@ PROPOSED TREES AND SI{RUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: GII,OUNDCOVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL llotnrtical Nanrc Conrnron Nantc Ouantity E, xr:r'<a g+tR.d 69 -fo AE_-W aA_ ggyzLlxc-€Q E-xt fr14 '(A€f-C -tc b6 Eere-LaTeq aA 7,A?L,\1€P, *Minintunr rcquircnrcnts for landscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch caliPcr conilcrous trccs'6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons SsuilclsotascT)rpc NA lfA1nv; @xLab \qtLT figr,)e oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reraining watls, fenccs, swimming pools, etc.) Pteasc specify. Iniiicatctop and bottonr clovaiions of rctaining walls. Maxinruirr hcight of walls rvithiii the front sctback is 3 feet- Maxinrum hcight of walls etscwhcre on thc proPcrty is 6 fcet- L.AN irfar r^l *Lb (21-o" Wr"* !En !tr I -*- -l @ mlgLO.l-tt| -{ ;-.i ol<x fI.I'YIlm: 6f9e z- l;: gEi sI.-m=t'-t - 3<ci3.o€Ted9ntctl>I5g .n !m! + Itsl N) {rll CDFI E z H =PFT \Z -tn> =ooYFr oozg Fcc){6zTFIf, ={ TI 'I'Ol- z=9@z= 66)z ozlqmt D&, lFlhoc)Lr- ot:'otiF9 mt =t -{o @mx m!-t oz(-o @ U'{ m Tma =-.1z9 I lc>lol(nlo)to) l-O I 4o art 3moT z 9p-t c3s 6@A=Y r,, 2"-{mnz>mon-l> n im -{ eo z =r Eo gq o H o o o H Hf,aAc)>'t- otsl z t- z TA Ed IIl = rr F o Hct Epr o FJ { l-lmlO Fl= ,o lo}'lr\0 l< .r_ l> 6|fl lzto I I IEl"l la I I l-{ EF le IFt, lm ls,lz I7 $ Ftp rtoo rg tu tlto l=lo l''|t< lP Flzlo l..-l.{lo\ l+ I \I)$,\o Is.ttt\) t-t LiJtoFt€Flzlto txIrr l;IrEr- lo lq lolrr, Ilz lii19 liDl13| -t1lsls'trltFlltttl \o l..Jo\ o\._J l-nl- rzop. P t-)p Io€z .n zru m i 9 N) I o = 0l !3 =E>t>Fl<>|mor)ol< fiB P.!r Ig Dtrqq lD r I I I I IO!€ -zzc) -'z I II o zm a ll t- cm |---lm oz 0 .-l z l- = ou c o -rl t-c P 6z c)NF2 sri iHP Eon)'n =ZataQoolznoq3o 6 z,6= F bz at,o6 6-nzz € 7il*loN o =lBu m =lP.(,r - *fash.,E<lo3 lol l?s'tH. IF F oxrto 11 B l+l o o r- 3 EIEEE F E 1: t+O: =Dr Oftz -e!.- !{ Ee 5;iFFar 5 a <n Y=(,O -=-.O0)5e Pti;:-F ES:Fd :a iif;R9P'96 [;-g t;lag[€ ai - efE:F il ig33iel H;gaE Elisii: sl r egFr*l EieEA 3i iiH*t *l e;i;e ql Ed'-o l-.lr l..J \J F (D -Izoz -{ m aoo NJ \o z'- llq? iEotF F-,F{ I I I I I I tsF gt, -., r- t- l.ol.J (A o o ortood FI g) el ol<l 2ql >t--l I "l I I I >l-l I -{ -{ t- !mn =-'n mm U) rn m{ z'n anm ma = ='Ttmm(t) 1..){ oo 5' o /e)33>3 K ' /D ' 1'>- ..r--- : trz\ sn fl * I E a. rIJ L I t E T 9):t'l) ':l 2 r:t rtFg ts Errt -{ t.ri- R,- I -'r Iol =5<Nrr0rd ai € 19 P :!" -,--'.- :I AJ <: 9e 9 [4: '5'=1Pq: "e|\ \.ll \ N 6(f1 ?.s'- iaqA,a cr --: ri> 6o dr :, J "-' =7 { * $-.--.---'z. ttCI\rst+E rlI i\$ CT F/+ or \Itr I o.t-l{ T 3 7 (-s $o * $ s -c T o = = ::. iE>l-_1(3idlf;i E)- d5:< FJisr 49,<D* =Er=.oe- (o or,ti.a^9 6.iifpn,5;E, oIl3'F2*E Eqd dt=E3.E: vr<rr!E)q)ct a=. 1 o(o E6 tr F $ t- .'-.--- til A)it uszg\ d f iI $ NI J\F -n F$g T .$ \E ,-R }*$F r 5$?;ZE S\F il $ ll ts $FB:+E $r n -Cr- E $ $ $Ir tEs "q?FqErlfri EFF q I-. 5J $iiqt iE X=:EII! F $tl E; Tt E F 0G-1\6- a r_ -- GA,rt-.=- !IL-;rr- -a - XRI.T CONSUL YAHTA/CPTT I HC EOtt{91E"?P. 62 KRM GONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. W 4372 vAlr-, (ruLOR 90 Et65E(totl l|lrtilr r (il8) Ar-tar? NEI^] Cl?rL' '.1$t'';fS.;lLogllNq \" /.oln llgcuttql \.N4-ieH .lbf cF'a:I.'i',J$^ , | .d prrifv'-"" . lf t'tL* ta t- t :lt -:=--:".--slF-:;;ci i, SIF(DD = q 'eir tlMr3oN ullE xAH,rr ri -#_ri_!- til-Al _-t I "l-flrni i,---,1- \\ry T \. \P1't'r^'flur \ Vm.3ru'tsDrrt \r. Nf! f€rf:goLrp gt tg.urt0 $tEl]t t 'dtclltF li h,rDrll Pf ftcAt I ,l il. 'r '<: r:) 9l a (] .:l (D 31- t:' (! c 52iA'T: sf) \ -i)l 6& c.qtg. 3q (,d; 6. =.saE'f aa iii l' fuvuo.IDB t- n -tt fl --S:4-gqr.,u ---I.-..i+ * = \ 4.. --.-.. - y.::::..: *:.9.:', ,i'.,.':.,:.:.i:.:-';:- :::,:,,.1-,::: ;:Jffr+€-+r-€.-- r;3,:3: H; ,-st'-+ e Bi * i3E;-eo l-r+$p=;- *-4-43e:+r =r l* E;ilE1siw i5a*Hi, ;1 r, - z3ai:qi;- Lrn+ E =:r:._:!O-' g' rl Cro -9: i A:.t; 'l ; -Y, s rl i q: ll-#+,fffl4rttCt',i,F*hJ.,Bll,,,*qfH:;a / N EEHg3 I .*.,rn,,. zrrcdorcrslrs Ig*,?"ttit?$A I f\'0r3"3 (r"fr':;:,:f" q- \Fr6?di. 6lh* ?.1 t,s. Nofclra a !$fff ,'*"''rrur, ,// '8"4i.1t"''on' s:x ijlr *lA 6.L.|or? er6?f,, Lt?-'r:fll orl. hl/ Vt Qel?' ' . *6F"#.T.L0\L*-.. F -rFr- . /d*_:_!/*:#l'EXsro. Clhx?-l t Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motlon by:'T '/2-QlN Seconded by: (<tHLE Ql<tQt-rcar*refty. CZpenovar/t' - / \.*__:7 DISAPPROVAL ? Sum mary: E statt Approval I I l ftot rn, sFR, 20il[ cilrcK forR, R P/5 Z0ii[ I]ISTRICTS Legal Des Orater Zone'District Lot Area Setbachs: tion: Lot(4O Block Required {^OF _ Fi f ing Architect Propcscd Use nneol Sides-Required .l5, proposecl Proposed ,,-+-.-__. _ Rear -Rcquircc i5' Proposed /o{' __..-.---.I'laterccursc-required /fh proposed .',.-...-._-__- *- S-1.ope GIIFA: . . GRFA: A'l 'lorred propo:ecl Primary Al lor+ed X'ZO Secondary Al]or+ed - /O60 _ sc.o,rao,1, propcsed Site Covcrage: A'l'loi.rccJ Landscaping: Pat'hing: . Ilrive; S1.ope per:nitted lnvirrcnn;enta'l/llazar.tls: .Avi.lanche -&-E7zfr+ /a,,<q Proposc'ci 35/g fr Propos ed Prop:;: r:d .[ctua]. tReqttirecl L/ Fl ood l'i a in '51ope f ( l).ii r..: f* : / tr't -.; U; U -'l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON '' I 'l ) lrt -u JoB NAME vyED ^, .i', /,-L- .z'-- THUR CALLER BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D ! FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t) ,', .' t"' -' DATE INSPECTOR ,'-1' 1 / q ) tfl ln I./,/ + PERMIT DATE OE PROJECT )'4?I ("' JOB NAME , r9,9N oF vArL l'7 ' &, CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED <!-)PMAMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION:1,c)) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr D E Tl UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_., ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL n drtrunl N FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH.tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS o tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: 5{otsneenoveo {rer ruseecTroN REQIJ rRED DATE INSPECTOR .->ob '4 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT UAIE rNstnoN REouEsT TOWN OF VAIL Naue /\a,aqlur RemaD*LJOB INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED tN/1,'1 READY FOR LOCATION:T tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND RoucH /'D.w.v. FRAMING o tr tr D r'rl-1 tr ROUGH i WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR _ D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION FEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR F&t rNsPECTroNrs coMPLEtED The Ltens u.ror tto be eouplere before g1v1ng a pe:mlt a f1na1 C of O. Please check off la the box provlded. FINAI PLI'MBINC DATE: n n FINAT. MECBANICAL DATE: I}|P:RoVEMEM SURVSY RESTD. NAI'E: FINAL ELECTRICAI DATE: u u TEI,TPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY LANDSCAIING DUE M n DATE: FILE \ S\A*T\ TII'l'.Ounir t F opm 231? Filc No. V8O9S 5CHEDL]LE A Policy No. A2383477 Amount |l72,5OO.OO Addne es .}*x. 1. Pol lcv Datcl October O3r 1985 at S:OO A.l,l. 2. Nama of Incunedt CEOFFREY E. I.IEAGHER and CYNTHIA STRITUH FIEAGHER ' as Tenents in Comrron 3. The Gsti.te or intarest in the land descritred ln thts Scheduleand u,hich is covcrcd bv thts Folicy isr A Fcc 4. Title to the estatc or intcr.est covered bv thlr palicrr at thcdetc hcrcof is vertcd lnt GEOFFREY E. ?IEAGHER rnd CYNTHIA STROUH I,IEAGHER ' as Tenants irr Common S. Thc land r'€fcrrcd to in this Fc,llcy is situatcd in EAGLE County' Colorado, end lg dcgcribcd es folloursr LOT 30, GLEN LYON SUBNIVISION, ACCBRTIING TO THE RECORDEtr AI,IENDEN PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORABO. Pase ! Thts Policv valid only if Schedulc F is attached. o ,| TlH"Ounen Forn 2313 Ftlc Na. VBO9B Pol icv No. A23A3477 SCHEDULE E Thic policv doec not inrurc eeainst logs ar drrraEc bv Feason of thefollorolnrt 1. Rightg or claimg of Farti€s in roslession nct shourn t,v thepubl lc r€cords. 2. EaEenents r ot. clalmg of crgerrents, not rhoun by the putrl icrccocdg. 3. Diccrspencicgr conf l lcts in bcurrdar.y I ines, rhortase in er.ee, cncroachmentg, and srry facts urhich e coFr'ect gurvey andinspectlon of the rrenrlges u,ould dicclosc end uhich ane notrhoun bv the publ lc ncconds. 4. Anv I ienr or right to a I icn' f or services, I attor' or rraterialtheretoforc on hcrgaften funnlshedr lmposed bv I ar.rl and not ehourn bv the publ ic records. 5. T985 TAXES NOT YET DUE ANB PAYABLE. 6. LIENS FOR UNPAID I.IATER AND SEI.IER CI.IARGES, IF ANY. 7. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LOTTE TCI EXTRACT AND REI.ICIVE HIS gRE THEREFROT,I SHOULD THE SAITE BE FOUNT' Tg PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREI'IISES AS RESERVEE IN UNITEIT STATE$ FATENT RECORFED Aucust 16, lPQg' IN BOOK 48 AT FAcg 542. E. RIC{HT OF WAY FOR DITCHE$ OR CANALS CtrNSTRUCTEN EY THE AUTHtrRITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERvEtr IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORBEII Aurust 161 1909IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 342. 9. RESTRICTIONS T.THICH NO NCIT C(INTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUTE, BUT OI.IITTINB RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN' AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUITENT RECORDED Apr.il O4' 1978, IN BOOK 263 AT PACE 698. Plsc 2 q ., ,t t .,.I OF CLEN LYON SUBDIVISION ' ?q tl rtil'?lThlr Aorndocnt !o Procrcrlvr Covtnentr of Chn Li6nSubdlvtrton 1r rrrcutrd rr of rhlr f 6n of Jt'u.t-- l9!7. bt 3b.undrrr lgncd rr rhr orn.r. of rc 1rrF737- of tf,i-r ruitecr rri olth. prlvat.ly-ov116 lend lncludrd etthl! th. bowrdtrl.. ol C16Lyon ( "Glrn Lyon Subd{vtr1on") rr rrt forch on cb. lo.od.d thCfor Glcn Lyon Subdtvlrton rrcordrd July l!, 19r! la !ool, 212 tcPrjc 370 ln thc rlcordr of Eegle Countt, Col,orrdo. n'lcITALS Ey Procccclv. Cov.nrncr of GLrn Lyon Subdlvtrl,o ( "Covrnentr") rrcordrd Aprll 4, l97E ,,ir looL 268.t Pra. 694, otthr recordl of Eegh Councy. Coloredo, (hanrr (er tbrt Can ladcftned ln rh. Covanlnr.) l4orrd c.rcrln r.rtalccloGa oo Cat Gattrrrl propercy locetrd !n Eeglr Councy, Colorrdo Laora o eLa Lyon Subdtvlrlon. Purruenc Eo Prr.trrph lt of thr Covmncl, tb Cov.nrnrs oey be eD.ndrd by th. vrlitrn conr.nt ol '157 of 3brorn.rr of thr rr^rrfrcr rrre of Glon Lym Subdtvlrtor. ltrnndrrrt3nrd rapr.r.nc rt l.rst 751 of ruch rurfecr errr roddrrtrr to a!.nd th. Covanrncr r. a.t fotth brlov. N{EtfDt{lIT For Sood rnd velueblc con.l.d.rrlton !h. dnara bcoby ntth. D.clrr.tlon er folloyt, l. Prragraph I.4 le euendrdgarrgrrph to read ar follorgr: "Prdrrtrten brldgrr , rkltretlr end rrLeted .qulpo.nt conat:uctcd on ?rac! J. Trecc AIIENDI{INT TO ?ROTECTTVE COVETTAITS 'r' by thr rddltlon ol . n.r Ltftr, llft rrrr lhrr, rllrnd rtruccuraa lay ball end thr Strrel trlct." Z, Thc eccond parrgreph of Prrajrrph l. 6 1r hcrby an&dln lrr anElr.ry to reed ra folloeat "Erccpt for thc ltructur.r vhlch lry br pleccd on trrccJ, Tr.cc r .nd thc Slreeo Trecc, no oth.r atructurar alChart.Bporrry or pcto.n.nt, rhel! b. ar.ctad, conacruclad oap.rolct.d to r.Brln on thc SubJecc Trrccr." ..2c Exrcutrd rr of Ehr detr ftrrt tbovr uritcrn, Lor oR rRlcr 30 Otfltll r STATE OF COI'NTY OF Thr toregoSubdlvlrlon;verI9E7, by ;''t) AlandD.nt d t(r cor l{ltne.. !y hrnd end offtclrl rrel. n a abova , )) sc ) Thc forcgolnt Ao€ndo.nr S ubd lvl r i,on uer ecknoulodgcd l.litncas my hand end offlctal raal My c ocm18 8lon crplres. l{y co@t!.lon rrptror , iho-v LOT OR TTACT OIJNER: STATE OF CCI'NTY OF I987, by 3. Thlr Amndlrn t co Cov.nrnr. lry br mcutrd tn rrvrrrlcounEcrperE. uhl,ch rtrrn rrkrn ro3tth.r .frrl1 con.Gl!ut. r alnll.tnr EflE.nE end chfu ADn'b.nt .hal I b.cou rf f r:tt vo upon th.r.cord.tlon ln thr rlcordr of Etglr Coulcy, Colortdo oicounterp.rEr .r.cuE.d by th. oyn.rr of rt l.|rc 751 of th.rurfscc ercr of Glrn Lyon Subdtvltton. Ond f brforr D. thl. d 6rlt .r/L'4 r 4t t ,--f yon co Protactlvcbrforr oe rh i. ttret' 4\r to ?rot.cttva Covanrnta CO o! l/qsE Covcnentr to Glan Lton _ dry of _, ' la lhadlcltrd ebove. Nocury Prrb I lc 2 Q"'of$c'1 t' 6RFA lawHEt< GLEN LYoa) '6Arn = A7,t67 ,9t + tgtt6t-a- F,antuv 7s [er t2., {= 3/lZ to%= _,1,!(L lor ,3o 'A'4TI+L 6t<FA x- 2 3 faau> It, C> f< F.4 l0b A-4trq q1 /i >-(' a .\ -)-*ffi Tizf*f ,*Lt-Oq)L6t-E =.' on(.,i/ /'[X]> : t-o , />o d. 1:/\- / /aL-') u'- Lsvgu l-avsu Ltrg,u hEC,J +6,2s fut bE 570.,f 5' 1o,,F o TITILITY LOC.\TION VER I FICATION SUBDIVISION SUBDIVISION JOB NA.\II LOT 30 BTOCK FILING ADDRESS The locationlines, nust accornpanying site plan. be nain trunk the follorYing of utilities, whether they be approved and verified by lines or proposed utilities for the Oa te Mountai n Be'll l -634-3778 lfestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Senrice Company Gary Hall Ho]y Cross Electric Assoc. Ted HuskyTMjchael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley }later anci Sani tation 0iscrict David Krenek /JET{ *o:fu it .- .ri ,'l' ) ,, a^ * For nctv con /-/,f ..0/ ol ease fi I I o aiiached shes 4nft,/act<. lL'u'fl- ltr-39 ' N0TE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Tor,n of Vail, Departnent of Pubtic l'lorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Torvn of VaiI. {' building periirit is not a street cut Pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separatelY. This forn is to verify ser.rlce availrblity anC loceti.on. This should be used in conjunctioa with prepering your utility plan and scheduling installations. o oo 3 3c = CL(D Iott 3o3 -l trml Fmoo - T m -lmIT 6 -l ;o z m .ll !mu =I =PP tn> =ooYPf- FrFrFrxr D<l E{, fl Fll FnUb4IXJ ooz(n {Fco =ozTlttF ={ '- I3u Etoz= ftl-2E ooFEZ P rdz q,z10;-{ml=l lE8 I ro{l'oI r-'Tl91'ss =J -lo @mxmT-{ oz co TD U' -=-t' -tt nlv ={ zo R (..i -G0'L> 4o 9; ooz-t o{ 9-oz. t- 3= JZ96)7 rm o |- 2a-.{ mnz>mC)E-t>or t-t z r B rt F aHt, zc) noI mo--t i I TDt- 3fz tr{llq lzIF l5 t= IE tp i* lg t; lFtzlo t I I Elo l.lrt<t> lFItlm lc-,lz le I 3 € HHF' 181€PHItttr trt- t H z lito t€tz :- l'nIl!\o [-tsl! t.|)ltnrP qF -l I I I I Ftll at F I I'tItrlIEtxItIIflt*<tD{IXIEt*{ID{Itrl I i,aItrlIE l- t-llo t€ lzlo Hlmlortz li s'o\ I@ @o\ .tl 3 ts F b (n c) ldl€ lz l' t; lm lFlz le I I tr.) looIJ < l-nPlnr- l=>l ut'dnlui; lolz IIFr- l.olo tFdolH lFq@lF q lrrFI zlEI>t6)tr{l = m \o UJ FI F q t< HHr { D.J o\ E, NJ\o I N)\o\o -otr€otr 26 '' z = z U)cr -{ oz -lIo z (1' t-t-cm --{o<'ntr m I m J €-t- -o I '1, q) tmI t6> lo ttsF HH F H N o, I I \0 I \o lo l- x<63Eci>nz (.,e9oq s64 = Eb 66zz No= q,r- 5-<f,t< F,g46)tF-r> Frtl--'o J'n#Fr-. f-Hr€ EEkHz. I |--lm 4 z { z t- m = _n rlotq ,,iigiF 'u*reitgi ' gsi i; IlIiiigiE l[Eiiii 5 F g 4 PHz Lt zrt \o6 @ il -l I I I i I I gl -rlml zlE!c)lrl>Eol u) =l<z- -q, I A aV,>ro Y> IX I I I I Ir3 Yl F<Imr NJl-o IIts\o,O 100 Io{ r !m -'ll mmv, tmovm _-{ z 't1 111m X t,| g 2 _q m, =- mv = =.Tl mm(ns' __l 6 6 @o\ NS 313 7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ./- 7-23 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI . a'Lr/1r .'; AM PM-; CTION RE BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr INAL tr FINAL ELECTR!CAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,s-APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ooza{n o{ozTlttu ={ z -tm @l i'? O{.9x< o'n .E mu + io mxm.It I oz(-o @L-{m I m (:) F.(' OJO ITB FI ;iElg:iE!" lE = 3-'- liq gl=e =LJL ll-l T 5rr 6 € ='- 4 o>=dP9s n *1= C tt = tr., > Iz fis +m! -t c) 4o qn R<ZA ;>6z Y> 9p--l c3=C)= 3An cc ; I c !t mt-m o r c) 2a--{ mnz>mon--t > v noI =m =zm z m t F an a(f r-rfimuiA()>'r r --{ H H u) vt t-c^,"l I I '71rz Fo E- -.{ m-m l€z o-n ,m F,z l { m- F\o5\o I._l t-{ lol{z o T t- m F'z lo @ I 3 PH F{r Fqt Hz ! n \os\o I\.J !\.1 { € )ll T ) @ Iro 3 = tsHl. Pl- F rd F< E Hz -l m-m 5.{ Or Io\i.)\ltc J =z -n z- m z (.1)s' I I = G'rld H z mT m :. -l I r) D l{ l€ lzlo l-nt<l> f IM lzloiIHlcolotll> I I I I I = t. /'l)I't7 ai --1 1 fr I\, I Ft>Ft> lo mw rh IlHl6lN I lJl IIH ll>IEIF lc,lc)Itrt Ilcn I l 3 tiF H F o --t F t. F \o I\o NJ(,| \o F rrp lo [nwl(, I tF-lNlvr It€lutr- l>I<tfdlz IIH lF z m Kz t- FP trl !1 <n (QO- 63Qo9d dRg 8 +3a=x:o o'<Q{{E6- ='1 cL Its8 o:1 f -.o gt :+-6'!- - =.=P=q)(DQ 3areB.?0r--.-it flC *@ e- dsE o)E!r -;',r +ii *o:'v=Xo =. -- l-i=?r>o -:3 o <oo =.f c o)o-=< =r,^:o'O: t ,'J- Jj39. o.x o fcjias3;9 PR6ai€(,(D=. D XO { v, q = 6' o c a soo d (o o o i t u; N 5'(o qt o oooo!" o. @. :t 'flru_8,2 h2\./ !t4E/,./offif? 41/:=Aot4, =.Y-'4tb 'dnor8 o f o dk\q =amr_r'l z i't- m €zm xz r- -tz -.i oz - m =(, z mm mol<' lz l=tfl>l- c fro<>-n!--l m 'n ! 2la r-l-l .'l-l -.{ _o m -t =xzm t t-c IOg€ +i-za I/-'z = z>9RId Li< io d!coozcz; It.ltttl_ ztn€ r--t m o2 =z xm-E -l m ou c ]| : z t4Xt.'l tq H z Hzts: e H B tFo A) Pa?, i* =pr!i*i FgXYzC)HB ?9taFaqHI" 3 !F6= 5 bq.33 - 34-nzzP€ LF9.^w..I'l I H > -El ::-Hl o"'= a4t (lJ 4lcl s - < ll r<tltltltl lr llr €o o z 2 F F 2oz m U' : > n Fll9ltz't3!'Tllolr;l ll 'lI.ltl li ll tllol r!'l;l i; rl ll -{o--{ r m = ='Tl mma am + x m zc m a m ^zutnsm€ m mI z_tl m mo z |- z m -t,o t- r z mc)x c =.It m = = mn = ='Tl mm(, VALUATION !m7 ={ zo m -zo t- ! = = mf'm -.t 6 @ t- = N)|'.) o @5 o o tJ \l l\J FJ F's a\) @ F. o ct U+ sasoa 918116 9tP FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belol items need to be complete before giving a perm'it a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. PLUMBING ELECTRI CAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C Of O DATE: Project Id: 1,g46ggn RES.Address: LOT,30 GLENLION SUB. Occupancy: Ml ,83Type of Const: V-N al tTown of Yail 75 S. I'rontage EoadVaiI, Colorado 81652 PIan analysls based onthe 1985 Uniforn Building Code Date: MaY 31, 1988Contractor: G.M.A. ASSOC.ArChitECt: GORDON PIERCEEngineer: NONE Plaas Examiner: GARY MTRRAIN !IOTE:The code itemE listed ln this report are not intended to be a completeItsting of, all lroEsible code requirements in the 1985 UBC. It is a guide toseleeted sEetions of the code. ----------:TYPE Ol' COHSTRUCTION: V-N SEPARATION DIRECTIOT{ BOUNDABY AREA INCNEASE FINE PRO?ECTION NOSTH Property line 18-0 Feet 16.0 FeetEAST Property line 144.0 Feet 144.0 E'eet SOU?H Proparty lLna 29.0 Feet 29-0 E'eetI{EST Property line 31.0 Feet 31.0 FeetArea increased 22.5 % for oBen area on 3 sLdes. FL NAI{E OCC AXEA AILOIMD A/A OCC LOAD REQ'D EXITS EXIT WIDTH 4.nt-i | . 2 Dwelllng R3 1863 Unlimited 6 1 0.1eTOTAL 1863 Unlinited 6( 6) 1 0.12( 0-12)1 Dwelling R3 1150 Unlinited 4 L 0.08TOTAT 1150 Unlinited 4( 7J 1 0"08( 0.14)B Parklng Garage Ml 638 3000 0.21 3 1 0.OBB Dr+elling RA 104 Unlirnited 0 1 0. 01 TOTAT BUILDING TO?AL 742, 3488 0.21 4( 7) 2 0.0?( 0.14) 3013 Unlirnited 10* NOTE: Indicatas that this occupancy l-e not allowed on this floor-TabLe 5-D# NOTE: IndicateE that this oceupancy is an accesaory area-Sec. 3302.(a) exc. The allowed H area is 3O00 sq.ft. for a mixed occupancy.-- Sec. 1102. NSSU]RED OCCUPANCY SEPABATIONSH1-R3 t hr Materl.als approved for thr constrtretion are required on thegarage side only and 1 3/8 tnch solid cor€, self-closingdoor. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex S3 AII glaatng in haaardous locations (see section 5406.(d)) is required tobe of safety glaulng material . -- Sec. 5406. l. I .,?i.ExTaBIoRHALtFIREnATINGsANDoPENINGPRoTEcTIoNs" NORTH EAST SOUTH I{EST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BBG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPIIGWALL WALL PROT 1IALL TIALT PROT IfAtL WALL PROT WAtt I{ALL PROT'ul ohr Ohr Noae Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None R3 Ohr Ohr lilone Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior wa1ls nay be of COHBUSTIBLE rnaterLel . None -- No fire protectLon requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected wlth 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 508 of the area of the well maxLmum. Sec 804. (b) NOP -- Openin6s are not peraltted in thls wall.* -- These walfg may be required to have a parapet waII 30 laehesabove the roofing. The parapet walI is requlred to have the samefire rating as the wall. See section 1709. for details and exceptions. OTEEB BUITDING ELE!{ENTS Tab}e 17-AELEMEHT MATERIAL FIRE RA?ING NOTES AND SXCEPTIONSInterior Bearing wall ANY HOI{EIntsrl.or nonbrg wall ANY NOIIEStructural Fra.ns A!{Y NO}IEExterior $truct f,'rame See footnote f1Shaft Enclosure ANY t hrFloor,/Cel}lng Assenbly ANY NOI{ERoof/Ceiling Aasenbly ANY NONEStairs ANY NOIIE IOOTNOTES:1) Mtnimun on exterior side afso based on exterior brg. wall reguirenente.Provide a thr ceiling in the basement. -- Sec. 1?03. Based on section 3202. (b) The rooflng on thia bullding is not required to be fire retardant. EXIT NOTS$: A staimay in a dnellJ,ng nust be at laast 36 inches wide. -- $ec. 3s06. (b)-- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.*1 The uaximum rise of a EteB is I lnches and the mlnimum run is g inches. Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Mlninun helght=36 lnches, maxl-mum opening sl-ze=6 iaches. -- $iec. 1711. exc E The ninimrrn headroom is 6 ft.- 6 Lnches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Provide a solf-closing, L 3/4 Lnch thick, solid cor€ or noncoubustible door between basement and lst story. -- Sec. 1?03. The naxlnum travel dlctance ln this bulldlng is 150 feet. -- 8es. 3303. (d) rl "':ADDITIONA! REQUIRE}IENTS BASED ON OCCUPANCY For Ml occupancy Eor R3 occupancyProvide a window or door to the exterLor from everysleeplng. -- $ec. 1204. A-wLndon muat provide a clear open area of b.T sq.ft., a clear hetghtol 24 inchee, and a clear width af 20 inches(minlrnum). -- Sec. l,ZO4.Alr habitabre rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to 10% ormore of the floor ar€a. (min 10 sq.ft.) -- Seo. 1205.(a)Art habitabre rooms reguire an openable exterior openings equal to 5tor mor€ of the floor area. (min 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) The ninLmun ceiling in a habitable spaoe is ? feet 6 lnches excelttkitchans, halls, and bathe may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --Sec. -- 1207. (a) room uaed fof { tnwn 75 soulh lrontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$'2138 (303) 479-2139 Augarst 3L, 1989 oflice ol community deve{opment Cindy Meagher 100L 4th Ave. plazaSuite 3711Seattle WA. 981,54 Re: Final inspection report conducted on Meagher residence, LZsollesthaven circle, Vail", Colorado, August 24,L989. Town ofVaiJ- permit No.3337. general contractor GMA and Associates. Dear Mrs. l{eagher, The following iterns are a list of code violations I have found, on the final inspection of your newly constructedresidence. These itens must be corrected before a final approvalwill be issued to project. 1.) North side, main entry deck guardrail is notto code, ft is reguired to be 36r' high uith no openings greater than 611 allowed. Per the l-985U.B.C. section l-71-L. cuardrail is currently 341rhigh and has openings greater than 6!r. 2.) Guardrail at top of stairs at living room / kitchenIevel has not been fastened securely to the wall. The l-985 U.B.C. table 23-B states a design load of 2o lbs per lineal foot applied horizontally atriqht angles to the top rail. 3.) Structural roof beam (east side over kitchen) showssign of excessive checking, cracking and rotation.Subnit engineers report with P.E. stamp oncondition of bean, also provide verification of a]}roof beam structural connections. (. 4., Drainage on south deck is sloped towards the hottub, soil and sand base shows sign of erosion and settlement. Drainage is to be corrected toprevent tub base erosion and settlement. 5.) Electrical power supply to hot tub timer is not tocode, remove extension cord and wire t,imer per 19gz N.E.C.. 5.) Mechanical room combustion air is blocked off, combustion air must be maintained to provide proper operation of gas fired meclranical eguiprnent. 7. ) Water heaters in mechanical room are not accessibleto repair or removal . The 1985 U.M.C. section 5O5reguires 30rr clearance in front of equipment. 8.) AfI exterior hose bibs are to be furnisbed with an approve vacuum breaker. Per l-985 U.P.C. section 1003. 9.) weather protection on exterior surfaces around beams, need to be caulked and sealed per L985U.B.C. section l-707 (a). L0.) Exterior siding east side is in contact with theearth, the L985 U.B.C. section 25L6 (c).7 requiresa 6rr wood to earth separation. 11.) L,andscaping has not been cornpleted as approved bythe DRB, this must be addressed before final approval . In addition the driveway pavement is notflared and tapered to street properly. If you have any guestions concerning these correction itemsplease contact our office at anytime (3O3) 479-2L3A. These codeviolations should be addressed as soon as posslble. Sincerely Joe Norris Toun of Vail Building Department --1 -rlq'//or'-- II Icc: GMA'& ASS0C. August 12, 1988 Joe NorrisBuilding Inspector Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RdVail, eO 81657 Dear Joe: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that I have approvedthe additional steel that was added to the fireplace slab at the Meagher residence in the Glen Lyon Subdivision. Basically, we added #5's each way in lieu of the Wl .4 x W1 .4mesh. The other 3 #5's remained the same. Please call me if you have any questions. GRP/edn cc: G,lM.A. & Associates 1000 South Frontage Road West Post C)ffice Box 2313 . Beaver . Vail. Colorado 81657 C ree k. Colorado 81620 303 | 47 6-4433 30-3 i 949 -6049 Pierce .1'l' vHlL"' February l?r 19Bg Gordon n. 'rr:Ii"" tt:-i::?t l,ltt,uio'Io"lta"u'"- lubnt Ml' Atli'n Berge' ,,tr!/:-) - REr Mergher Raeldtnce (MES*1602 /113\ ' ' #n**mnfir*gryf1ffi ;ufil:*;dl$;l;hi*:g5r'l}**qil#*i5?#" . trly +'- mt^ a '1n6tlon. -ti':^-;;, Yl*:":1l; ;;; Lrton"n rr*nt's ]'vvr -*rrr.rrhd hb tirIi,.:tT".llit- u**##fi it"i ;;;t hPB arrea f;d;. ?"J Jlll "tLl 1,,'o' anrse Eri glnterlng -ltttttt"it ^T"ffi;*oottto ./ .{ bq montbquqg l91 "qrtlu!1:ll! :*^'::"::lltll !'f-llo![tildo i:#itll ::";*,:";3"h? i;"Xi"ll"'il[ili'"ia-i"'oarar acLron ;;:;-;;";aiiti6""i'lliior'inE-ina'ernrorce tht bEam'; .It you have. xny guoltlong or aommenbsf ptrdag€ call' YerY brulY Yourg I the t,o tha io PDM/cr W***k, . AssoEiaC€s E FIAVI/EFI X . VAIL. C(,LC'FIADCI 1 El165E' September 7, 1989 Cynthia Stroum l{eagherI00I Fourth Avenue plaza, Suite 3711Seattle, I{A 98154 Dear Mrs. Meagher: I received a letter from the Town of Vail regarding your VaiIresidence. It listed eleven (11) minor itens thaL need to be doneprior to your receiving a final Certificate of Occupancy. Minor corrections are to be expected in any final inspection. These items can be corrected in a minimal time frame; provided, however' that access to the home is provided. Some iterns willrequire input from yourself, the architect or the engineer, andtherefore, timeliness is dependent upon quick response. If you would like to proceed with the elevation of t.hese pending items, please send us a statement of written pernission along with the narne of a loeal representative who will provide access to the home. Sincerely,638: Gary Bossorr, cc: Joe Norris Town of Vail 3tr3 z176 ..lt'go I JttLy 24 , L99O Pierce Segerberg Spaeh Architects 1.000 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail , CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Gordon,R. Pierce REr Meagher Residence. NIE3#L602/L73 Gentlemen: This letter is being written in response to a letter by the Town of Vail dated. 31 August , 1989 to Ms. Cindy Meagher concerning the final inspection report on the residence. Item 3 of that letter requested a seructural engineering report on the condition of a cracked. roof beam in the living area. It also requested verification of all roof beam connections. As you may recall, we wrote a letter in the first part of 1989 provitling our opinion of the cracked beam and sug- gesting it be monitored. Also at that time, as requested by the owner, we provided details for repair of the beam. Beeause of a break in relations between the owner and the contractor, we did not vievr the beam in the summer or fall of 1989. Based. on our observation of 13 Juty, 1990, it is apparent that the beam in question has been rePaired. This repair apparently has been specified and observed by one of the structural engineers that has been retained by the owner subsequent to the break in relations between the owner and the contractor. That engineer, by way of his actions' has assumed responsibility for the structural sufficiency of the beam in question and he should attest to itrs condition. However, the repair that has been accompJ-ished appears generally consistent with one of the methods we d,etailed. Based on this and. our observation' it is our opinion that the beam is structurally sound at this time. During our recent site visitr lre observed photographs provided by the contractor of some of the roof connections. Specifically, we reviewed photos of the P. O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 onroe Engineering Consultants I I I dormer ridge beam to main roof beam connection and of the dormer valley beam to main rid.ge beam and to Lhe dormer edge beam. these photos indicate the proper number of lag boits were installed and that they were properly spaced' The contractor has assured us that the specified 3/4" diameter by 3.4" lag bolts were used.- Based on the photos and contractor's aisurance, it is our opinion that the reviewed conneclions are generally in compl-iance with our design. t If you have any questions or comments, please don't PDM:Im cc: Mr, Gary'Mr. GarY Morrain, Bossow, Town of Vail GMA onroe Engineering Consultanls P. O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Cresk Blvd., *307 Avon. Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 roe Engineering Consultants August 9, 1990 Pierce Segerberg Spaeh Architects L000 S, Frontage Rd.. We.stVail-, CO 81557 Attn: Mr, Gordon R. Pierce RE: Meagher Resid.ence. MEC+1502/L73 Gentlemen: Supplementing our letter of 24 July, l-990 to you concerning thelag boJ-ted roof beam connections on the projectr we have the foJ-lowing comments: 1. The strength of J-ag bolts was not specified for the projectsince the steel capacity is not a factor in these connec-tions. The capacity is governed by bolt <liameter and embedlengths in wood. 2. The roof beam connections were designed and d,etailed for adesign snow load of 80 psf in accordance with Town of VaiL requirenrents -^..{il!if ig.i,;,rrrr_ Peter D. l4onroe, ftn;".. --.f-., :;President "io,.1,:1:'".:*,r:;i'1". .rts PDM: rm ''+);;;,,{i,;'1;''+'' cc: Mr. Gary Morrain, Town of VaiIMr. Gary Bossow, GMA P. O. Box 1597 48 E, Beaver Creek Blvd.. #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 Very onroe Englneerftrg Cofiants It8 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., *307 Avon, Cobrado El62O 303€49-7758 LETITEI OF TIRANSNfl I]TTAL Plans E Samples E Specifications wE ARE SENDING you Xltt""h€d tr Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr n tr Prints n Change order coPl Esi DATE NO.DESCRIPTION &iTrt tolaStwuav Lfu-s:tlsl ffrS,Dr utul\i'oo,! t{2s fenrsrnrrzou- -t-> SPG 3rq, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked belorv: fl For approval U For your use tr As requested tr Approved as submitted E Approved as noted ! Returned for corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval D Submit-copies for distribution E Retu rn -corrected prints I For revielv and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS $${!38 COPY TO SIGNED: ,f ancro.urca rtc aot a. not.d, kindlt totify ua at oact,trorErao2 ,@l!E,6nbt, x!, ot{il. onroe Engineering Consultants Date: Avon, Colorado 81620 TO: 303-949-7768 FAX:303-949-1959 TRANSMITTAL eroject #: t'Ag4e= .Fs Total Pages: I)(inctuding transrnittal), LETTER COMPANY: PHONE: FROM; SURTECT: -]|7]3 MESSAGE: ft'ffiflnq \.s{tsS. _ _- - * .. _.t.t r\r. L,lruu tn&rr .wlm- cp evlrsg lrrqrF wH . A,'n Hcgt F{Arn q51 OF _on EtrO If t,ransmittal l"s not as indicated please notify sender onroe Engineering Co P.O. 48 E_ Avon, feaver Creek Blvd.^ f307 Colorado 81620 303-949,7r68 ffiTTry @F TRANSnflilnTAL E Samples the following items: D Specifications TO D tr tr tr tr tr Frints Change order Plans WE ARE SENDING yoU Xnttached E Under separate cover via Shop drawings Copy ol letter coPtE9 DATE NO.oEsj8{'floN{-O -l$:dt l--4#I]1ii"rr,LrucsIIE/K (iyrn r;uc:tdcllgnlf:.ity-1, ?..[]ilf'-i\dtzl*:It ti THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval D Approved as submitted \-./-.4for your use I APProved as noted ffAs requested E Returned {or correctisns E For review and comment tr D FOR BIDS DUE Resubrnit-copies for approval Submit-copies for distribution Return -corrected prints U tr B 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS tl enclosi/'es aa! aol a! notad, kiadt, notiflt ua .t oncc. rfiooqcr 24o.! /'6, hc. cd4 tft$ otall onroe e n gi n.e ri nt o ne utta nts P.O. 48 E. Avon, Box 1597 Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Colorado 81620 303-949-7 7 68 ,o" i1*Gd& Rge. SHEET NO, ff ,4, CHECKEO BY CALCULATED BY -[- u nOOUCT ?0'trffi)tra. O'oto, |ls$ 0t{t. toOd.r Ptlo[EtollFiE t{x}z5€q0 48 E. B€aver Creek Btvd., #307Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7 7 6a CHECKED BY SHEET NO, CALCULATED BY oF. "^,,5/lz/goora ' ' moottct mer,@rnc g,oroatirii o.?l-ro odspfEN€lolL rREE !e0o2?$03N0 onro6 engineerift onsultants Box 1597 "oa"u,-orro rrlWY}J- oorcP.O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd.. #307 Avon, Colorado 81520 303-949-7768 CHECKED EY pnoouCr asrti@)r*., Cton, rr$e 0r.t1 lo odu ProN€ ToLL FFEE 1.8&c25.8€0 --E-T _(_ _ \\=s tl -tJ]l.,u "t d l.l cl l_*_.1 ,-- -l I I iltl tLl'v .t IF^l fii l; til, ,--', : . a :',,- "-!,---i ': -t.--)-- HT;$.L :e#F--A , , *,- | , , ,, I t,* "' ':- ^',---' : : : : | - : ::):j:.i: PFoDlcI aHrr@r"!. erkli Mas! 0J.7t To o,0E FnciiT0iL rREt r&Tazfi3N! CALCULATEO BY oerc--b:-.4]'-&&.48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon. Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 CHECKEO BY OAIE \."',, I ,..,....1,..,..-....;.-.......a,-,.........t... .. j.L:. :. :' i, : : .. : a '..'''.'..''' i - - t -i . ' llrl 4l- -' '. l -"" ,- -r'" ': ii:::ti.. .L .. ..... .. ... .....:.... .. .. ...... ... trll ^ i : ', -il . I ..... ..t.. : :i:;a-dt 14+ 1" "itii,te', Z_ ::bBZ,8p = ',-l PFof,€r ?61 @/ .r G !,cd. {r3! h4r.'0 O,oer P,O\E rol, FF€E t-8u!??5{-100 CALCULAT€D SY l.{, b.oo'e ? -e l, -&g 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 oHEcKED tsy onroE EngineerirGonsultantg P.O. Box 1597 **- = l9?S lvl :! '.. ..: ,. r8o{,Jcr ?ofi,,i@lr'c. Gtoer. ftla 0 rfi To odd prol,|E rot L ti!! |{r}afig& onroe engineeril0onsuttants 48 E. Beaver Creek Btvd., #3Oz Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 CHECKED BY fdoougr 20fi,@Il!.6rotct u8! 014t1. to o.d.rPHo|l€ Tou nEE !r0c25.5!No on106 en g ln eeri n?o nsu tta nts ,"" t"{tG1ezu SHEET NO P.O. 48 E. Avon, Box 1597 Beaver Creek Blvd., #3O7 Colorado 8152O u, \LQ, 303-949-7768 CALCULATED CHECKED BY DATE =l *,1 ?r ,F.J t :r-L:rr'. :.{ v I L t, I \\ \ a /e ,a,|\-rJ('T-,F-:)Ei '-)l\-fJi -fi l4oOlrCTa$l/A€Fllnc,Goron, .n 01or.Toon,!iPIONElouF8!E1+dlafi$o onro€ gngineeritGonsuttants SHEETNO.-OF . HEAGI+gR, :1. P.O. 48 E. Avon, CALCULATED BY oor, (3'o | -ffi Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Colorado 8162O 303-949-7768 CHECKEO BY IJ "A 5, \t:J---!it-c al -13 z t'L_B fl \\r #\-r i<H D )e >f r"4 I t4 I \\f: g >rC I l-zc +C 7,-tz '2 t"..,ili \@,I t IT &,1 (-7,\l O u E tiODUdf0H,@h..,G'dtu,ltrs!.01.71 ToOdnPfioriETOLLFitt1.{pu5s8l CALCULAIED BY ll -++. -) 48 E, Eeaver Creek Blvd.. #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-77 6a CHECKED BY DATE OATE Tt 1 =r,J z J -l- ?t q i-),-J.Lf /\IE ..."x.t^L rt4 l* : 1c t"J f.J *j_E rh- T n a L +4 't I n ,\ I 6 7t I'o A g5 ,a-- cl.t IL'-tt '-4'r\ to &ll*o tt o .....1...).L .\-)1 q -T:5I:It 'l ta1T-\6',H l-)-/t o r A D.e ;{rl G(a {2 7 Pfioouo 2!6rrt6Elli., &oh. t&rl' 0ra?1.lo o(lr PHol'rE rolt lieE r{&?5-640 l\ ( JOS SHEET NO CALCULA'ED BY F{r 7. 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81520 303-949-7768 CHECKED BY OA'E OATE onroe Engineerilonsultants tnooucr 2oe1 a^iF/'lc, c.orm, t&r!. 0r.?r. ro ororr pirorg ToLr tnlt 1.t[o]2t+!&t r- HL'II: ; FENJE{:T ! ,:ULI'Jtr.L i ; T1/\ fr . TII"lFHR SHAr'l Ileanr l'1ai-F: ;.l:. ET_} l7.1&OL$El*t ===== :1:= =3 ==;;: !: = =:: CEFITEFI TJFPIT"] + I lffi,.'g5 il e*4' U €'g yu"q! .\:2" LAGg-,tlrrg UFc:l "P= &&Ee i{ -DL i{--LL_ Fi'p -rJL hln-i I .{-L-ef t X-Ri gitt F]- I *L_ r' -.t L..L i-'*: st...F*: i....t_ F*3 nL- F--1 t l x -.j CAl.l'f , SF'r'if.,l i,Jp-*l hlp-'1...L 3*Ltli t X-Ri ght r -_ .l L,t t-- F *i L..L v--| F-: Ijt_. tr-: LL Y _": .r1 /,E 1 .r+ /t + +t /.i: + r:+ $i- t r-* J+ -* {- I t-r 5 't.l: s+ +t f r+ +r t_t+ 1t-.- 1t-.- 1 t,- I L-- ps.i -*iF'54 ng.i 1.rnI: I FEAT{ HISTI'I iN i PEAi't OEFTH i r, ',.-]F'0S. I'inf,l . '. in-h NEG " HnF4., i n- h 123t 8t? D[*I$t'.r -*-;;*:;- i:C) r U r-r { :-1,-(I r_r r-, rJ {J i: r:i " +{:i i:r. ilii I r {:iiJl:i ,: " d1i*{t 4, {: i. r 5{lll 5 r 6tlt-i rir r-.' !. r iJ{::i:} .!. i *E* ?*. il i1 f1 iti ] I t-ir-t I r'lr-.i'rI ! r-/ r'r \-' r'i U {-! | l.l :::*=*=*==:: I 1q/-1I ! .:.Lr i' 1 . $f +i]& .r '1F,L . l- LJ \<.- lo,t tt-111a;;,i.'' / . r,-'J J I . .l{:} 6&. {:} 3,a.'.r{F+ 2,14 51" u b "'.,lQ€,1 o1--* v----" - 7'--*"*-"-* [':':>l ,,'O r :,.. -- -': FAEiH :€rr3 **+" SYr FFiilJEf,T $IJSJEf,T NAT[: ftHATTIilI.J5 L-+ft : ill. Ihs I I 1l--- E,j sFr]- " !-\l 1la-r\rl:frrL ! r.J L- L.t". t hi: +-rr'[;r|:I:af " .-, ! I ri._J '! i1 l-l 17!\r 7 - L. 'T ir?E rj it d -:{ =r::::==it:;::::; ii Ot*rfi '| llfrl ?"? L lil' t:' tiai " .a '= C $ * lleptlr trb: Al l. ;:r,,r FL:r ArLi.raL Fv: A1 1 r:r.l Fv r *r: h.,.r,:r,1 sEF- L.rlT I flt'J:l p 3i. -...; f' -; T. i:El'.I '!-EFi FF#,f.i I; X*Si =t " 11- a l LJ L- ]-JE T IL r' ile'{:1 . L-L- De t 1 l.- ,' lJ*f 1. "L./'Irt *e{ 1 " [Al'{ I" 5F1r-]].1 t .r \_-Ul,:lL, SL De-F 1. " LL Se$l. i+ i.n 'r r- 1i.. it tr,, *Et-i ? r:t ?.-,! ,r r / i:,:, ?a i. 1"111 $&a 5" {:ri:} --i1 l-l.{.? - r-r I I r) P.O. 48 E. Avon, onroe Engin".rinfton"ultants Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 cALcuLArED r" N,9, oo..G-2-o *Ef CHECKEO BY DAIE SCALE Box 1597 '1 :rl(T 7\,LJ Btl.7 0 -(}et P!.a z I-.- "t LV : |:r a 'l*\-'iu I E.lzlT:.1Cl-T \J lrD .t:i.Lt>E 2r-4 1o \l 7,t >f g t.t,tt ]-.l I 1-P: /, \t,el fiI J\IJ Bt )u r*1 (v t5 ld s r 3e 3 T-L l-E ft fr \1\-IS fII ?fl oolcl 20fl ,@hc., G'oron,ihls 0rol. toOndrHot!rcu. tRE! l{}125-53S FfiEE : PRil.JF-T'I ::TI.JgJ€f,T $A]'H I nv. TIt-l itrR F E i'\ f'l f,EHlrF{ Sr:'ftFl +t I 36".i+ _.--* ',iJ -nL }J-L.L kln -fil Llrr--l i X-Leri t Y-.ili,rlrt T - t. iJ L- $"'- 1 i_ i- t-'-3 I't...F-2 t_t_ F-3 r-L r"-r-it',i t , ifr i-iti ir]p-tri-- hir-l-L X*L*{ t X*Ei rrht F.1 NL r:'- I L_i_. ^-- t F *t rrl.. F-? LL :t+ /J+ .{.! i -f .t- .r+ / -! +. l_L l- LJ :-' I LJ ;} J+ t $-. - Ii.J= .t+ tr.rl,L .r.r. / _{ .{- 'I 14- '! l1 * psl p5i psi .'}Fh }FV 1[: '1. 1ntr )' EEAl"l LJIDTi4 in'i Fr:4f"1 fiHPTH i n FES. r'ltrt'| . i n* h. NEG. l'lFl"l , in-l'. ttI:lfTi:hl hlesft P1.:1r'!,: lrlrl:. !1I-1 t$Ob*t"l)g, $_ {:} {J * fi, {j{:: {:i, {J{J I , {:!i:i{:i { ilr-t!'r &. &*(] ,n L_' . Ul-! t ,-1i1 1 1 +t)lt -' t-J l_i r_1 l.r ii:=::=':l::3::::i a t *Jr-r I r {:e't l-!b 13 --''' a'7 €.f1 ===:i====s 1 r {17$. 1 *6. {t o C, ftf:r r F,IlI]JETJT *Ui3JEf,T NAT'E RFAC T I fiN5L*lt: DL lt,sLL ],h,= cf,i.4t-+, . l1t r [rF.riru!rL t".L. 1b=. c't-t:, Fa: t-- l::* " '-1 i l,fLJ 'L"r i1 I -t T.1?F i:: il/l ?/ I r -'r'-t xs :: :i:.i a: i: ::i = :: i* ?,{. ilci f".c _, 'i"l-.-, + t..lrl ,|JEHLll Fb: A1 1or.,r Fv: *l 1 c:r* nEFL-EC r I nf{5 l.-- trENTE:Fl SF'f{T.J I r X-iii=t, SL-. f,'erf l. | , t\-- r_ 1l- i !.rliT l-, t-t- Il*$ 1 | / !-r,= -i 1 Ll'Ii:t DeS I " [At!T, SPilt't ; .j ri*UI:]1.' DL f,,ei 1 LL $efl. TL I {-r ln t ! "t !.] t] r"r "7E n +r+ -Tn.'1 --u. ] ,:-f: **. 3:Ci onroe engineerin?onsuttants Beaver Creek 8lvd., #307 Colorado 81620 JOB SH€€T NO, P.O. 48 E. Avon, CALCULATED BY \,L/,DATE 303-949-7768 CHECK SCALE ED BY O ATE Box 1597 tr \q E*.Jz 'l-es t\I:'ji1 w I :{a 4 b I #r (};L J I f t \ -l 6 7t*$c 7 .'''..''. F t-A t-f)' :.\F; ..'. : I b9 A I tJ - r\,Y- Ll -gt L,:)<.4,Ft -T trd C c)i : rnOOUCr mr,6ffi?r's, eroroxlr 0t1ll.lotu ' P{o!ETOI rqEE t.ro.zr]ss PRflJE{:T #llF{,1E[-f DATE :EV' TII'I FEFI E:r r: n h't f,ENT'i:R SF AN -t t i t:l " r:i,l t4-LL_ t{p-DL l.rlp-L.L X-Lef t X-Ri nlrt' P-l NL F.- 1 LL Fi-: t']L- F_: LL F_;5 DL F-3 !-t- CANT" SPAhi lrlr - | 1! L"ln--l I X-Le.l l: H-Ri ghl: F- ! nL_ F-t i-l_ t- --i LIL P-: LL X_: .:,. Fv .J. E t.tn[: +! /ll *,i+t *+./ + t +}/ T L l+ t t- _* .c+ lbs .fL #,/f t #,/fL +t i-L, TL I LI ':' p31 Fsl :: EEAl"l rdIDTll in ::. BEAt'l DEFT'll in I3f.iC h.|n!,4 i e-l- NEG. l40l'l , in-i: nEsIEf'r Fearn t"tari: :.'ttfl6@?*l "yffid====:::====*=======i======i==:= / .J r-.' IJ L-! u. +u I r t:rtJt:! I ! &.:iiJ E, il I r'i ? 1t-1I t iJlJL' 6 r 6fi{l .t {3 r {-, LJ r:l L-t " l-i :l ^ U l..i IJ .-! fii\ ?a fl ir ':1.'1r-i 5 l aiir 1_' r:1 il. rl I nr;frI t r- !J !.' oEi { /- f rr-t A I 'f c-l '=---Tl - *. 1I t.\J IllI:(t. 83 I---;:t-;- Er-,r.t { nn i1I'i-t.rJ F:.46H ; fTROJEi:T l.1/a-rt:EY: REA{:TIfJhIE i | -f J- " t1t I L- |L*r=_f L i lJ L- tr.J: | | I l-- tr'; -l'+ r rrl I l. -rlrLJr,r. ' ,J t_ STRE$5HS : r-.t=tr Lr I trh. Al l.rr.' r,:it, dr |:!., /1--.+., ! -. 1 -.-:!-r r- LL{ia! |J :]r Fu: Al 1i:r.,l psi F=r DEFLECT I fllj5 I 1?1 I t-,r! ft 7e-'v' I ! ?g{t t .t '::?Tr t i -'.-'-r ::=e*==':== i1.94* 1 ,46r.i 1 1474 11S,ll t*1. 1s l-----'---- I 11.0 I | ._r r-r r? l- t I._r { '-rlf ' rL?'t rr-!J I iJ " 5*,7 ' /lrl. r n tt:i t$J g / I]ET.ITER EFAN : :' X*Di *t. IIL- De'f 1 i... / -D*{1" LL fie'F I i ,t I1*J 1 L.rT*t llef 1 . f;Af'.il.5i:6tN: r' ,1, -ur=r-. Fl- tre{ L LL De'f 1 in I -rl .{145 in : -iJ,;S7 in ft I FAGE : FRI]JEf,T 5I.JB;1Ei:T FATII : .TTHBEF{FJFAI'1 .r'--- r.{-.-r.. '-.,- <* a!;r e*{lll l-i i:1l f| \rr.z ! | ::=5====::i========:: : :;:ii==:::i==*; rf hl-l-I:tf, |:l:rn hl .| + hI- I]L IrJ-L-L tlf F-ilt- FIp-LL X-Let t H " Ri glrt F-I NL !1*L t-L :{-1 F'-: NL F_? LLx*f F.-;: ilt- t" --.:, i... i.._ H ":l r*f..lt'" sFfihr l,lp- 111- trlp-!-.1.- X-LF"F T Y -ti i rrh i' p-r $L 1:'- I LL x-1 t1--2 ItLP-.: LL ..- r!- )Fv }E .l L" D. F. +t,/f t */{r- t+./+ t 'tf / t L ft I !J= 'I t-- * Tt. 1'.-* {+ ++/ft ++,/f I TL It.- 1!-_- .E t- .:. LJ 3 F,5 i lJ:rlp!;i :} EEAI"I hJIDTH in! FHAI-I DEFTt"l i. n FfS. HnH. irr-f,: NEE. l'lDt"t. i n-|,. !/I:;)I1:!.r .r tl ai: iJ t) " ${:! ii. i_:(:! { irr'l ii ;t I l_t r_r l-.!ir:.: iJ iJ {:} {J i-.r i), *{i O. Clii i:! rL + {) :: =:: =::: = = 3:3 I !:l5O 1" &E+r]& -r !f .t-/.,J t' tq.1* "/ ,5fr,+. : U. L] Ff.trGE : FftNJHtrI SLJBJE[:T I}ATH trv. REA{J I T fiFIS L.E{:t : El- lhs LL t h* il.'.,; --l. {- " r,l 1l. -r!rr:JrrL A lr L- rLr= L.L- I U5 ;::::i: :::::== == :a==s=:: :: ':-rn,t:cEE:*. 1,f,E? ?!gf,B 1,47* G r '-r r: I. ::== ======: ,J. ?+7 I ! r+fli:l I ! n..1? I IC'r l:] {f,c cq ilf - lep:th FLir Allas Fv: Al Lsrq F.r; A*tr-ral FEFLETT i NFJS CEl"l'IEil SFtlil r I' X-fii r.t. L'L. jJHT i I .,' !a ^.t 1 LL IJef I l-,/ $e{L, | ,'f --! r!- i 1L- / t r.-. L L/ET .L ! {:Af{]'. SFAI,J : l ,\*!li st " DL Deil. iaL ril Ln t:l . IJST _,r -rf]q *. 37: frr:j* 50t rJ. Or:i .] , (J0o {] . ijr:r:iLL De{i, in , P.O. 48 E. Avon, Box 1597 Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Colorado 8162O 303-949-7768 CHECKED 8Y-=...-- OATE :ttt.: ..-. - :- .: .t .......: ...... pnoDuCT 2ofiiffi) hc ,6.oloi, r,l!!! or.rt. to Od.r PNONE lO!! tFE! rmF25.as0 tr'* ti f:: F flilJEll"l" : C! lE 'I f: r-'-f . I]ATE. :*V' -t-lHFEit BHfif4 ltetani ll-.r. r- l: :r' .r'r' TtrhlT'trf, |:H,At!l '{ + r t-uL !{-L_t_ blp -ilL l,Jp-Lt... li*Ls{t X*Ri ';ht: F,.- i $L l:- I l._L F.*: NL t3-: LL_ F*f, l")t_ f]-3 LL. v-? {:AhtT, tF Ar'l 14p*SL" rtt.-.__-t I X-Lef t X*Fi nlrt P-1 NL F* I l".L tr, - "f t1l F-: LL- Y,-"f ... r,.. .i t: .:. L, S. F, il /.6+. {.*./f t .l+ J-c + *i'$ t .t {- ..c+ 'I t- - .f t- ! L- 1|. - tl: 1 l-. -- ft .a+ +r 1.c.1" +r ! t+ 'L .!- 1 L- '| t- ,- I !-.- Tr- p5i F:rr ) FEAI'I tdIFTH inj, EtEAl,l SE}IT!{ in PnS. HnH, i n-1.. NEG. l'4Dl'1 . in-1.: :]HSIGhI -;;1il---- iJ t-! rl i], iJrJ i,,t:tt}{.:.i .---'r |51'4 -'-' 4.t3 -' I ! *lr* -. ::r r 3Yj: .- 1a fi-/ { r-i l..-i T cf,r/I -.- l'.,"'-..2. E i'l r--1 ra ._r.1 l\_l r-1 t1 E lt ir !.-, { '1E/'!.l. t -saJ:; I . AE +il* -? F- 23, 5tl 785. O :;.1, il PA$H : FRNJECl- $uB;rc"r r"\n"r[:ev" REATT I Nhis | ,-.C+. . t1t I t .- !- 1- l. LJ :t l-'r flFlf ' 11! t la.= === ===3; a:= ====::=== i::'T E rc:cltrd: . i*- o"ot* Fb: Al 1nw Ftr : Ar: t ira 1 Fv: Fll1ar+ Fv; Acti-tal DEFLECT lfif'13 IENTER $f'Al.l r:, X -tl i ':rt . L' I- UdT I L r i]*f1. LL- il*{ I L^ I !,JL'T 1r L-.1Tnt liB{ I . f,Al.'lT. *FrlN ; .:. .{-l}i *t, DL De{l, LL De*l. I.LJl.? _r 'r gilJ r l:*rif '| Qtl rr t ,'-i z. Fl.f "1Lr t &sr- :::==::5===;: t-r r T r-Cl I r 16r) I r 1::7 T5. tl f .L -:, . r-! 11 al4r'i _{ rq(f .]. jl1r+ {.t l, _? --*,:tlt:; 1n 1n onroe Engineerifi onsultants 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-77 6e l'':':i ----,. -........;..... ....:,....... ..:,-........ :...........:. -. oe ,==: ICO Cx ECso"r l *"st'l'- ' l i -t:--: . lt:i L) | - I fr.rL--: - x ZZYz :: '-- i-''- t-.". i"- - i - "" nooucl r!E-r,4ffi)rm, qobr,, rr!|l 014t1 t otu ProNE TolL FnE! 1.64$as.53No onroe EngineeriQonsultants a"ra, "o. I o, P.O. 48 E. Avon, CALCULATEO BYBeaver Creek 8lvd., #307 Colorado 81520 303-949-7768 CHECKED BY DATE aoDucr20$i@||t' crobr'. u|3:.o1.x rotu Fnori:to!! Fi€E lteE56t0 onroe Engineerin SHEET NO. qALCULATED SY OATE OATE P.O. 48 E. Avon, Beaver Creeh Blvd., #307 Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 CHECKEO BY :i . | . ... .t .... ), ..t......-....... ,.. -).,-,,.... ii :i moougr 20+1/@h!.,6ot (lll!. 0r.rl Too'da PHOIE T0!! anE! 1.!&A!€dt a?og, (7y \ \/ R oOr= gl-()FE l--o"r,>s .1* \ a-- Zo ,pLF I S.s . o.8 B? .-t\ | * LY ;.l=t A Kt /-R,= (O OO . Zr''/z t- zI .qco H ..s,.- * !eT?o. ?,1 - doo .- 64,q.' '-=2q_*€tt*'-bFZ f** 31uF r |#fr ' r7z&' Ae.s_ : 1.5. -/s'r'5?- *' 76.3 A^..- ? t(,-r) /zr=lpgla s.7z/z = 64, 7 , 'nt''ir+* | " q,7z.lt .zzg.4ooo }frfgn -oo." = 4z*e '2* I v-\ |g1J-igrr),gs/+,'*_ \ &" (oz/q" "* 13r/-" - l7/4t *-iB" nul[k BgDeoor*l f**- -*'l-****l g ioo '=goa'/rt x-*-*_-_*__-s-*. ." "*,*.., --y 4, = foo6 + flno; /5,6 A{e fo, = J5# =eq.L r.*= E77 r;o hrcrto-> oe, 3 - l3/4' z'/8 ol5 i >'/A x- 12- x [l/et F, L , t- Soq:c{* i '-7 r..-g- .?- 1A\= 45,5 !.\,.Ss, cJ t',.'r.,r.r.t-*r r.i. .i...t e-rt'rr Crnt.r., 1trol R, *(9.- , 8'/s \/a = 7,\z L Rz = 4 ?cxr - Zlz -- l, o7 '*,i-- !r | ., -2,, *W 8=,o E - = .b."-8 ,EC\A{J 2-2xt7 A eo - 1,, , Z rz,/,i,,.a) F 1,-j , /," \. - t 3,2-4 z,9za- '''"r/(2,il tz -- l8 Te-o - #7 ' nz-B f5a*- ,94./u*oo = Br-4- d, C>.r .-,r-,.tt'i r-;r:-Lt c-7 = i) I lvr = (fir3 rl * -- ' l+AZ/s) ,/iq.+ -. e&5 - '.+ a)- ?-.2::, - \ GL^//J? 81'g .\4,4L - 1.2G Vt A=a a^/e.:- -le-o- * A.Zto ,=,/Z,Z = 5,o.i = #.*e. . t\z& #6^E? ,g , \a,41/,*n=--., = 43g, 3|r,sr-t :;OE?J.!Lk- T--.r.tG E IR, : i 4oo 8- 1r" /Bt l,'ef- kz= -2, la +4oc' ji: - I - rq-.l e(} - t\ / 9e* = 'r*€.q- - 1.07/1 tGT - a,V r\nz. ul g, = (..6,4 r s.z),/a,'- = l,'./LLl H = l,v,3,e - q.44{A **--_ *! - *9e.o. = 9Aa ' tz/177 = P-s* Aeq = aa^ ' -2 -a?,=,t215r' 'tGv bY: lL _ + 4,o' "l 5 - '34 ,^2 /3 I tns f;> '--t ll Ae.l JK L& ac 4eo-= l4 '12/z.zr: Zl,E Tzo- oL- . t*r=- , "r,93 9g;C-nO1-),, L-Z*t-z Yl : 2,13, ?,9 /4 = 4 14+ A*o- /,s.t'tfuuy *25 ,LL \ lZB . #r- /rtr ',.,o.'c-: 8Y ,\Pq= l-,+'li7/,bi =- _ .o,^3, u _L,,L, i €X : tf,E." i'r?za.Eid=-*'5'q*=-az3 t *'f/,-^-*.. * r y i l**/Ft 9Eo* n,6 t , r= c: T*o i?' \:= t4 / 2,L .dt Q-=5,El Votv '7 *'t c, - -zq tr[r X.c- {.."nge. *ld r*''-. ..x\j ,"r 4 JOB onroe Engineerifionsultants u".., "o. I o. "o."u.or.o ur *, 5, oor, 6 - 2\I|c- 48 E. Avon, Box 1597 Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 CHECKED BY-_-.*- DATE FioD(,Cl?G-1/^ffi/hc. Grdor, Mar.0r{1 r0 odsFH0.rC ToL FneE r,8$25€m onroe Engineerilonsultants ftgAcFlsR .E-3, CALCULATEO SY H,?,a -a -8e>48 E. Beaver Creek Btvd., #307Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 CHECKED 8Y DATE DATE SCALE .......,... ..:- .: .....,.. .. :/:' )6o 1 lZ,4't)ji1 ' j: EIIJ-IAF; i r l/ llro/c ,''..-.|'-- :'! riOflJCt ASl l@?lx" O,ohn {rs. Otl?r to O'dr P{Ot€ rotr FiEE |.!OI!5{3O Hg,r.eg eTz_ QE-, CALCULATEO BY DATE DATE 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 CHECKED BY SCALE onroe Engineerintnsultants $Oouctaar/ffi)h.6'orc'. r*r01|n To O|lx{ FriO{€ ToL! rnlE r.go$!r5.6w &E-, onroe Engin""rin g;n"ultants Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Colorado 81620 JOB SHEET NO. CALCULATED AY o^r..j -,1?t -,9€t P.O. 48 E. Avon,303-949-7768 CHECKED BY 8ox 1597 roDtfi ?0$ffiJtr"G|!ro.urls01at1 ltola ProtrEToutalli.F"zsau onroe Engin."ri,ft on"ultants Beaver Creek glvd., #3O7 Colorado 81520 "1.- cALcuLATED u" lt. 1, oore 6'ZZ-&P.O. 48 E. Avon,303-949-7768 CHECKED BY Box 1597 noalcl ?|trl^ffill|E.. smhil [.s 0117r Ir 0d6 Pr(r{E rou fiEE r.ao2663& onroe EngtneentOonsuttants P.O. Box 1597 CH€CKED AY CALCULAT€D BY .tf , L",DATE 303-949-776a DATE o /< Oli ilfi 'rl ll r- lt *lt siV { rF frl,':= j-E,v€L- **,a*,C z> /tL P- - =teo */Ft r( = t\uz {-ru/ca \L> <) 54,4 I r. 4 / -l ll',/\ / t-+ || | vt (= V.S?+ 4 , tT,, ,5,52 - $.tsl:fu aB-s = IBE {:os L/tb- = o,4l rr L4o ,,9.tL 'r/^t| \->, , 9g&- -T- --r-€.e- .: AF \e3'* /i€ ?-o-=- (F, .r32,/, n (,,o .1i g, t. .:z5\/,2.V * 4,-/l Rr-o. = 15. t3.4 + 4,c , i3,5",/t'\/r=.V = .3G .1- l /eca : liq,5,\z/z*\14r> \r5 1.1 4 , tZ/1 ,7-, -_ \1-J T{.11 = #{.. \'tz?)' i.ep . rs3 {< . t:.r +3,5, +\/tvo'.re: = ZO5 Tea* Zai t t5-:75 : Z-rc i5.5 ?oe, Q __L*-\,o , 18 R: t9o f.rt ay_15 + loo 24 #a - znjQ*,q.41 -l-lz€tr '> J 'lfoocco & sHEErNo.+oF CALCULATED BY DATE48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 OATE \(r ,,F,Q-2.,7t, ::,i):^* : '- -t- --: - -':- "' '- nr.- ",/^ r., \ r:-;= /Z: ,* | --l---, ., .. . ' -v| ;t .., . .,|... -..... :..,.. ,.. .:.... . -. . ' :,,r: : , I t, 'r, ' : 'lYae ':. 2,,-7, ( 2 t t PBowcratsir@lhc G'Dl0n, s.or.ir toOfi &iod!rouFFEEl.ptttg1.No onroe Engineeri+onsultants P.O. Box 1597 "*.., "o. I o. DATE48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd.. #307 Avon. Colorado 81520 303-949-7268 ^ ='s+, /a rc\bYa' PioDtET?t$/@|s 6'0104 M&c 01ar. ro ordr hroNE ToLr mE€ 1{&45€!0 onroe rngineerift onsultants Box 1597 "*uu DATE CHECKED 8Y CALCULATED BYP.O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 DATE Y,f,s (-,) z 31 ft n k ? ?n tl r',l{v 4tr G +?t tg x 2- T 4 n l.>(4.I =A t<7A PSooucT 2091/,6)!i Gdm x$s 0lrl1. ro Odd PHoNt tO{ fh!! l.!0?ffi3d) ==l 'li I.; * o_Tn \t $ it.O lV SHEET NO.- OF- CALCULATED BY 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 CHECKED BY P.O. 8ox 1597 iE G )L .\\ $,[*JF l-T 1t t-\G 7c 2 ) qa >€Tl Itr d ?,J€-2 -.tr c .Wr 4er t ',|v e =c i3- :2e ,>j r-3t 1"rc T r*\.r\,A ry I )<1:D 7c (:) lc >a aJ-*/.;-- - 'r* -.E \7 \(/ I 3 G:bn I 4t'L Jl J l,x 2 ')fr b G ) 7l ;a .l \ :t 4r1Z 4 '-F '.I 1c L)\:>/E <- tl Pic0.JCr ?ofi /@hc- oor0.. adlr 0r. roodllPNONEToltFRE€!m22s380 SHEET NO CALCULATED 8Y CHECKED BY DATE48 E, Beaver Creek Blvd.. #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-77 68 <7- tr (=) 7 \I \:)-,4 Ir )a\a 7 t x.-(,;t l'!'v,-1. liODUcrati,@)L'c.g'oror!Ns.01.71 roOrorPH eT0$ff,€E1.e00?!5,6e$ P.O. 48 E. Avon, Beaver Creek 8lvd., #307 Colorado 81620 EAGI-IE ""aa, "o. i cALcuLATED "" F{ .9 . CHECKED BY-303-949-7768 o^r. a-?-gg DATE SCALE onro€ Engineerift onsultants Box 1597 PnooucTnHl@)[,c. Gmlm fr|s firr. ToordaftroNE rou ftlE rdoa5-0!E0 onroe engin€eritconsuttants Eeaver Creek Blvd.. #3O7 Colorado 81620 JOB SHEET CALCULATED BY OF P.O. 48 E. Avon,303-949-7768 CHECKED BY DATE DATE tooucT 2o$1,@ltt- 6oroi, rsr 0r17r. To ordlrproNt Tor! FF!€ Hq!?66u February 17, 1989 Gordon R. Pierce Architect 1000 S. Frontage Rd. Westvail, co 81657 Attn: Mr. Arlin Berge Re: Meagher Residence (MEC#I602/173) Gentlemen: As requested, Monroe Engineering Consultants recently completedan observation on the residence, along with yoursel-f and Mr. Gary Bossor the contractor. The purpose of our observabion was to observe the cracking which has occurred in the heavy t.lmber beamswhich frame the roof of the structure, Our observation indicated t,hat in general the heavy tirnber fram*ing in the residence appears to be in good to excelLent condi-tion. The one excepbion to this is the bottom beam of two beamsvhich frame the primary portion of the roof and to rqhich the dormer over the kitchen frames into. This beam shows a greaLer degree of splitting at this time than we r+ould aniicipate. We feel the splitting observed is a combi-nation of factors including drying and natural shrinking in the beam, the fael that there is a knot in the bottom of the beamwhich the one split appears to have sbarted from; and the possi-bility of a stress concentration oceurring where this beam has been drilled for a countersunk 1ag bolt extending into the hori-zontal beam which frames over the top of the living room. Basedon the exLenL of current splitting and on the fact that thesesplits are appafent only on the east side of the beam and do not show on the vest surface of the beam at this time, it is ouropinion the beam is strucburalLy adeguate. As you are aware, the Colorado mountain environment,, wit,h itsnatural dryness ' tends to cause large bimber beams like ehis Co continue drying for some tirne. The drying and shrinkage oftencontinues for quite some t,ime after installation of fhese timbersin a building. For bhis reason and based on the amount of split-ting that has already occurred in this beam, we suggtest this beam P. O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd.. #307 Avon. Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 onroe Engineering Consultants be nsnlbqred fes enlargemenb of the aurrenb spllfttng. If thesplitting continues to grow, and especlally if it extends to thewest side of the beam,'we vould recommend remedial action toprevent additional cracking and reinforce Lhe beam. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, #&f,*r^s-<-Peter D. Monroe, P,E. PDM/si onroe Engineering Confants .O. Box 1597 TO 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon. Colorado 81620 ffiTTq30F TRANSnnTTTAL "^"3/ll/gq l"'"" 16q>2/lv=arrEN.oN 'kaltn GroCg FEi I I lnnc,r+ere \(esmsrer E Samples the following items: tr Specificatioqsl 303-949-7758 B Prints E Change order I Plans WE ARE SENDING VOU XAtt""hed tr Under separate cover via D Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr Pru. Co 8168l coPtEs DiT€NO.DESCRIPTION B,ls/Bg z AurEznm= Rff+NZS rere Llr,,JtnG rzrn €E1nt QmmonRu lntr€trernn-rtrn on Kbxy 9ffAr1-2. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval E Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ft For your use FAs roquested E Returned for corrections E For r€view and commont tr tr FOR BIDS DUE E Resubmit-copies for approval D Submit-copies for distribution E Return -corrected printa r*rt8ot l@*,hb ornl tt arclor.rrr, tt ngt.r aoea4 tLdtta nolrtt ua rt onca. I He.rrp;her Residence * 173 3/ 17 /89 RgtrRIR gll pRYrhrg cRficKs Is F. S. BEAT'T IN LIVTNE ffXl+I CnRRYINE EAST pORltER l. Repair. uf Er"aeks Use SIKffo type HI-MAil-LV - This Fpoxy can be used fcir- er-ack€ of up to S/4" width. - FilI all ma.j*r' cracks with epoxy and trbsarve nranufaetur* et't s reefimmendat inns frr appl icat ion. - Ctrmprese the cl'acks at the b*t*onr ':f the heant with c- clamps $r" grnal I scFews which at.e t* he renroved efter har.den i rrg nf epnxy, - pi t I al, I er*ackg c*rnpletely with epaxy. Fr^everrt hnhbles and vu i d:i. E, I-gl.:feegg gt BSA& CapacitU * The capacity of the beam can be increased by c'snnect ing the tun pants srrf f icient ly tn cal"ry the hori ttrntal sheal* at the eenterl ine. - lvlake a hi:r"irsrrtal cut alnng the joint between the two R.5i. besmg with circular saur (j*int is guide). flftar cutting one *iden f t I t it sol idly with SIKff I{I*F{OD-LV epoxy. Sfter hardeninq the cther side should be cut and filled. See attaehed sect ian. P.O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 tiODUCt 2c! rtlEF /lnc , Goldn, lilss 01471. To oder PtloNE ToLL FnfE I-t0l!225.0!80 P.O.ia E. Avon, onro€ engheerhftonsultants Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 GHEOKED AY OA'E SHEET NO. mfi si/m)llr., c4en tn0r.ri.r.Oqt frf}rG tou tEt 1-&!t do shEEtNo.-oF- "o."r. r.o ""80O- o^r.48 E. Beaver Cre€k Blvd., *307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 CHEOXEO AY DATE mrrt SlfiF)rr- cr.rrl lr.i 0rr?t xool||Florf roufllf Hoaltdo onroe erylneeafr ongultants 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 mdjcrl6rmltE.0d!ilb.atol t!(nr Eoii t(u fllt !s"26.13D 303€49-7768 CHECKEO BY- DATE Jo" l1EA.l$+EP REe>, SHEET NO, DATE CALCULATEO AY \\,s,48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 CHECKED BY FSooUcT 20s1 /@Jhc . smrm Me*r. 014?1. To oder Ptlot{E toLL F8€E l{b?ffiE0 onroe engineerinfconsuttante ,o' f-\gfi+@-, ee+'. SHEET NO P.O. 48 E. Avon, cALcuLATED "" Fl rB,Dor. 3 -lB'-8q Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Colorado 81.620 303-949-7768 CHECKED BY OATE Box 1597 t{ooucr 2!+1-rr@lhc. Grorm Mais.0r4r.lo od$ iH0NE ToLL FFEE 1.ooozz5.gm ^fi\{u t ng consu May 8, 1989 P. O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., *307 Avon. Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 Gordon R. Pierce Archibects1000 South Frontage Road WestVailr CO 81657 Attn: Arlin Berge REr Meagher Residencer MEC #1602/173 Gentlemen 3 We have revier,red t,he inf orrnation received by our officeon 28 April 1989 from Denver Engineering essociaLes Inc.concerning repair of t,he timber roof beams in the livingarea. Our conrnent,s concerning the proposed repalrs areas foLlows: fn our opinion the extent of the repair ealledfor is excessive and is not warranted by eitherthe original design and,/or the existing condi-tion of the beams a8 of our last observation some veeks ago. ft is our opinion that repair to the west pairof beams in Lhe residence is no! warranted. In our opinion the temporary shoring is nobrequired and Is unnecessary. ft is our opinionthat any releveling att,enpt at this time willonly cause additional danage to the beans andthe surrounding strueture. Also? ve have notseen any measurenents that indieate the beamsare defLected significantly at this time. We are very concerned if the vertical boltsthat are proposed to be instalLed can be thor-oughly epoxied into the holes to be drilled forthem. ff epoxy does not completely fill theholes, it is our opinion that the beams willnot be as strong in t,helr end condition as theyare currently. 3. onroe Engineeri The owner needs to be aware that this work isgoing to be visible. Our review of the subnittals on both of theepoxy products recommended indicates t,hat theydiscuss repairs of eonerete. Neither of thesesubmittals menbions repair of wood. We assumethat Denver Engineering Associates fnc. hascontacted lhe manufacturers of these productsfor recomnendations of their use. As we have stated consistentl-y since we first looked at the residence concerning the beamcracks several monlhs ago; it is our opinionthat no remedial action is advisable at thistine. ff the owner does determine remedialaction should be undertaken on these beams; westill suggest that iL be done in September or Oetober of this year. Thls wiLl allorr the beans to season addltionally until that Lirne. As you can see from the comments above we have somereseryatlons and concerns with reqard to bhe beam repairsoutlined by Denver Engineering Associates fnc.. Houever,it is our opinion that the repairs proposed vill not havea negative impact on the load carrying capaeiby of the beams in guestion and we therefore take no exceptions to the. proposed repair work other than those outlined above. While r+e do not agree vith the extent of the repairs and some of the details recommended by Denver Englneering Associates fnc., it is our opinion Ehat it is not eitherin the o!/nerre or the general contractor's best interesL Lo employ a third parLy engineer at, this time. Hovever,this declsion should be made by the owner and the gieneral contractor. After estimates of the repair constructionare completed' the general conlractor may feel bhat it isin his best interest to assume the financlal irnpact ofhiring another engineer. If you have any questions or comments, please don'thesitate to call. Very truly yours, ffisn,*- Peter D, Monroe, P.E. PDM: dj e 6. G'MA ABsociat€!t p-o- Bo)< 505=i v,All.COLC'TIADO A1C;sll .;5g Uttt r^gqa August 31, 1990 Mr. Gary Murra in75 S. Frontage Rd-Vai1, CO 81657 Dear Mr Murrain: It is our understandlng that, rnaintenanee items or repalrsare being made to the Meagher Residenee. It is our desiret,hat G.M.A. & Associates building permit noL be used forthese repairs without the direct involvement or approval of G.M.A. & Associates. H';=\Gary Bossow 3c'3 .l7t.4BAO o Qctober 9, L990 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West VaiI , CO 81657 Attention: Mr. cary Morrain, Chief Building Official RE: Meagher Reaidence (MEC+173) Dear Mr. Morrain: Based on our discussion last week, itConsultants, Inc. understanding that 1990 and 9 August 1-990 by our officesoncern for the roof beam connections If this is not the case, please let us yours I Monroe Gordon R. Pierce; Pierce, Segerberg, Spaeh Architects Gary Bossow; GMA Associates David Fisher; Alred Fisher Architects onroe Engineering Consultants, Inc. is Monroe Engineeringthe letters dated 24 July have resolved the town'sin the residence. know at once . Peter D. PDM/m1p cc: Mr. Mr. Mr. P.O. Box 1597 48 E Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 FAX 303-949-1959 onroe Engineering Consultants August 9, 1990 Pierce Segerberg Spaeh Architects l-000 S. Frontage Rd. We.stVail-, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Gordon R. Pierce RE: Meagher Residence. MEC#1602/173 Gentlemen: Supplement.ing our letter of 24 Ju1y, L990 to you concerning thelag bolted roof beam connections on the project, we have thefollowing cofiments: 1. The strength of lag bolts was not specified for the project since t.he steel capacity is not a factor in these connec-tions. The capacity j-s governed by bolt diameter and embedlengths in wood. 2. The roof beam connections were designed and detailed. for a d.esign snow load. of B0 psf in accordance with Town of Vail- Peter D. Monroe, President PDM:IIII. ".':rrrIritir* cc: S*. €.ary l4srrairf, Town of VailMr. Gary Bossow, GMA P. O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 Very onroe Engi neering Consultants JuLy 24, 1990 Pierce Segerberg Spaeh Architects L000 S. Frontage Rd. WestVaiI, CO 8L657 Attn: Mr. Gordon,R. Pierce RE: Meagher Residence. MEC#1602/173 Gentlemen: This letter is being written in response to a letter bythe Town of Vail dated.31 Augus{:, l-989 to Ms. Cindy Meagher concerning the final inspection report on the residence. Item 3 of that letter requested a structuralengineering report on t.he condition of a cracked roof beam in the living area. It also requested verificationof all- roof beam connections. As you may recall, we wrote a letLer in the first part of L989 providing our opinion of the cracked beam and sug-gesting it be monitored. Also.at that time. as requestedby the owner, we provided details for repair of the beam. Because of a break in relations between Lhe owner and the contractor, we did not view the beam in the summer orfall of 1989. Based on our observation of 13 July I L990, it is apparentthat the beam in question has been repaired. This repair apparently has been specified and observed by one of the structural engineers that has been retained by the owner subsequent to the break in relations between the owner and the contractor. That engineer, by way of his actions, has assumed responsibility for the structural sufficiency of the beam in question and. he should attest to itts condition. However, the repair that has been acconplished apPears generally consistent with one of the method.s we detailed. Based on this and our observation, it is our opinion that the beam is strucLurally sound at this time. During our recent site visit, we observed photographs provided by the eontractor of some of the roof connections. Specifically, we reviertted Photos of the P. O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 o dormer ridge beam to main roof beam connection and of the dormer valley beam to main ridge beam and to the d.ormer edge beam. These photos indicate the proper number of lag bolts were instaLLed and that they were properly spaced. The contractor has assured us that the specified 3/4" diameter by 1-4" lag bolts were used. Based on the photos and contractorrs as$urance, it is our opinion that the reviewed connections are generally in compliance with our design. , If you have any questions or comments, please don'L hesirate to ca11. .-..,.,illiilri1:i.,,,,ii".,.*-.,-. -+.. "._: r,. - i...,r,i,.,- ..r -,.-irr r.i.j-.._ _r-:,very truly yours .d-'i"";J*';i" "ii; ::: !.:'1 -'--'\ \ /:\ ^ --i "' o.\' i- nrq.jf;ss:,i'i(}\-.rdl-'w Y I r vL,r vzv rrn_,, ,:.:Peter D. Monroe, --.3_l;.Ej.i- ..,f,.l,r;-President ,.+;.'..ijiio;.j.:!,1"i;- . :j,..+-,,/;.1. ,:- E-e o. o-. - _!\i PDM: 'm -'"""it'?"il';itt*' cc: Hr. Gery. MorraLnr, Tovrn of Vail I"lr. Gary Bossowf GMA onroe Engineering Consultants P. O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd.. #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303€49-7768 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE .. ' -. l- -!tz' JOB NAME iNSPECTION: MON INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUESTvAlL- !1 CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ''-.:,- IAM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D tr { ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS coNDulr - tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL D FINAL J Q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME '|/'\MON WED TH L, T AM rNsilnoN $F8-Y'ettTOWN OF CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu pLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr o POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR !fir.rnr-,FINAL D DISAPPROVED O BEINSPECTION REQUIRED t". I I GORRECTIONS: INSPECTORLrf\ | tr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF REOUESTVAff* *u, JOB NAME . THUR FRI CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD. NAILING GAS 'PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK D POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL D HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS fI SUPPLY AIR trl FtN{Al- fii APPRoVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECT[ONS: i l,- I DATE INSPECTOR v l, I ,'\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT op;re /* 7 fJ ne CTION RE€I.'EST TOWN OF VAIL II ,C INAME /!1r'4 6slt- r? /l*' ,t-, UftLLtrN /. ,t./1.:. READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED tm; FRI AM {.M- LOCATION: lZ {j!) rt ) i.',.7,,.4a.,fErL-) (neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS C FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND. D ROUGH i D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION D SHEETROCK NAIL INAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr D tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR n"rI\t-/fry({'D*;4 '-. /,,/Xl ZONE CHECK rUK SFR, R, R P/S ZONE Bl ock DISTRICTS n^rc. ,l)rt'l}I licni uE.en*mrmr- j o Filing ADDRESS: Ol.lNER ARCH I TE CT a USE \ Hei qhL. 'Tota.l GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA SeI,DaCKS: --, Fr0nf, \*'--- -'- Si des Rear 1 ^ u'l ^ltA I(l' t,'t ,. (LIt) - - I'l F LA Phone Phone oh Proposed 3Z- -/.|. .- , / n' Iz<-]tj'rC L.' tA > | 2e ' ----{- "'l o a o/( No /(,'- /oa,J ZONE DIS PROPOS ED LOT SIZE - Al.1 owed - /?n\ /e?\ \.r\-,| / \.J.J / .fzta 20' l3 15' 13s)(50) a /'t t/D Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining .lla11 Heights Parki.ng. Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Perrnitted Envi ronmenta'l /Hazards : (300)(600 (eoo) ( 120 (so)(1oo) (2s ) (so ) (2oo)(4oo Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope t,|etl ands Geol og ic Hazards Comments: Zon'i ng: Approved/Di saPProved Date: i'$ , i' Prolect Application ,,J Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone i)r+t't c4--- Owner. Addr$s and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone --.-,,!- I Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: ') A l'aO secondedry S"/''(f- DISAPPROVAL Summary: ,/?rt.:,{E Statr Approval .., , t rl APPLICATIOTI DATE: I DATE 0F DRB IEETMG: riby, a._ tes8 a+-- :t DRB AppLIcATroN T.TTTTHIS APPLICATION t.IILL N()T 8E ACCEPTTD UNTIL ALL INFONilATION IS SUB]IITIED***'T I. PRE-APPLlCAitOrt Ue tt$rC: 'i ' . ' A pre-applicatlon {99!!ng with-a pllnntns ,taff.member is strongly.orungur,"O ,o. determine if any addiLional lnformqli$ !t neqded. No'appllcatio-n'wiii"be accepted. unless.it is complete (must includr!'1ll items required by the zoning administraior).It is the applicant's responsibilitf to make an,appointrnent wi.th thE staff to find'out about additional submittal requlrements. Please note that a C0HpLETE applic:-tion will streaml'ine the-approval plocess for.your project by decreasing the nunber' of conditions of approval .that the,llRB nray stl-pulati:. -ALL cirnditions oi approval must be resolved before a building permlt ls issued. A. PROJECT OESCRIPTION: . B. LocRrton oF PRoPosAL: Addres s Legal 0escription Lot Block APPLICANT;Geoffrey !4eagher 30 GIen Lvon F i I i n9 s:rlA.Uei-s-ion Zoning c. l{AJ.rE 0F Address D. NAI.IE OF ' Address r f. ilAilE 0F 119-39th Ave. E Seattle, I'ilashinrrton 9011'2tuluphon. APPL I cANT.s RIPRESENTATIvE: ff:::I., *.; . Ni?I:" ,:::*::i. 1000 S. Frontage Road l{est telephone 426:44i3 0u1{ERS:Sime as Applicant S i gna ture Address same as applicant te I eplto ne F. DRB FtE: The fee wtll be paid at the $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - '$ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000| 0ver $l'000,000 tirne a building perrnit is requested. FEE $ 10.00t 2s.00 $ 50.00 $ 100 .00' $200.00 $300.00 II.IPOBTAIIT I{OTTCE REGARDING ALL SUBHISSIOIIS.TO THE DRB: l. ln addition to meetlng submittal requlrements, the appllcant must stake the slteto indicate property llnes and building corners. Trils that wilt Ue rimoveoshould also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB vislts thetl te. 2, The revlew process for NEI{ gUlL0litGS of the 0esign Review Board, so plan 3. People who fail to appear before"the meeting and who have not asked for a republ ished. :l ulll normally lnvolve tvo separate fie=ii;1gr on rt least two meetlngs for thelr approval. Design Revien Eoard at thelr scheduled postponement ulll be required to be STREET AOORESS: luilc cten tyon subdivision diiiiipiioii-oF'Pno The folloninq informatlon ls requlred for submlttal Eoard before-a final approval can be fiven: A. . EUILOI}IG MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Sldi ng . .'.Other i{all }laterials 2*10 i.s. cedar . l. .l. stonelrlVer rockt @ 2x rouqh sar,tn ce<lar rlark brown by the appl icant to the Deiigh Review c01ofl -cedar shakes' lx r.s. cedar ' liqht brown/tan Fascla . Soffi ts llindows lflndow Trim 0oors lloor Trim 'lland on Oeck Ralls Flues . Flashingr.. Chlmneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other 2x10 r.s. cedar dark brovrn 8. LANDSCAPING: Name of Des I gner : phone: PLAI{T .}IATERIALS: Eotanical llame 'pRoPosEo rREEs "In,-*i- E:(ISTIIIG TREES TO 8E REi'toVEo as aeeded-;fer degefoPuenl Conmon llame Soruce Quani tv 7 4 Si ze' 10 '112' - It4 -esne[- rlndicate caliper for I I decidticious trees.tndicrte height for conifers. aIti,' ' ptAiri llAIEEtIr[sl ggtaqlcal t{ame (con'tl SHRU85 EXISTTNG SHRUES TO BE REI.ilIVEO 0uani tv Slze 5 qal. ,..1# ' l8r124 n_. . 5 gal . - 5 oa1. - Cormon llame ---rr- Juh'irrerus Horizontalis BIue Chip 20 .. ! .. r . r.. alunlbler ' Dwarf Muqo Pine 5 -- Spirea Nipponita Snowmound Spirea Symphoricarbos Hancock Coralberry 11----.: - - Chenaulti none '--' - - Souarg Footaqe '---- hydro- seed w,/ BluegrassGRoUI{o c()vERs Ius s0D Canadian Bl"uegra.ss SEEO Toro-Turf snr:inkler headg w/ autornatic tLmer system deslqned and installed by' TYPE OF IRRIGATTOI{ TYPE OR HETHOO OF ER05I0il ColrTRoL landscaPe contractor ' G.OIHER' LA!|0SCAPE TEATURES (retaining rralls. *Site to be-left iir natural state fences r swiming pooltr etc.) as much as nossible. Pleasa specify. Mininal- re-grading and pJ-antlng .to be done " t: rl UTILITY LOC.\TION VER IFIC.\TION SUBDIVISIQN oI"I 'r .' tt a. .ri .a SUBDIVISIO:{ JOB NA.YE LOT 30 FILING ADDRESS The locatlon of utilities, whether theylines, nust be approved and verified by aeconPcnying 3ite Plan. be nain trunk llnes or proposed the follouing utilltles for the Auihorized Sionature Da te Mountain Bell I -634-3778 llestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Servlce Company Gary Hall Holy Cross E'lectrlc Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley llater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek /-r,tttr ll!ll.'?,i.|i'l aEieched shee E : _frf_,o,o,o l{e)afl- tt-tt / /Jfr6{ /-/e 2o62 /-/!-33 N0TE: These verlfications do not relleve the contractor of his responsibllity to obtain 8 street cut pernit from the Tor'n of, Vail , Oepartment of Public lforks and to obtrin utility locations before diggtng in any publlc right- of-way or casenent in the Tour of Vail. A bullding pernit ls not 8 Street cut pernlt. A street cut perEit Dust be obtalned separately. Ttris fonr ls to verify seryl.cc availablity and location. This should be used ln conJunccion ri.th preporlng your utility plcn ond schcduling instirllations. rf -t- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE The undersiqned hereby confirms acknowledgement ofreceiving personal rtotice from both the Town of ValI and Cben & Associates (ConsuLting Geotechnlcal Enqineers) of the factthat l-,,ot 30r Glen Lyon subdivision,Colorado, is in anarea of geologlc sensitivity, DA*ED , JUnt, ?_,WE STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING THr,S IS TO CERTIFY that on this _ day of_ . 1988' before me, the undersigned, a n6EEry puurTcTfrTfr?iJo-r the State of washington, duly commissioned and sworn' personally appeared GEOFFREY MEAGHER and CYNIHIA sTRouM MEAGHER to me known to be the individuals who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they signed the 6ame as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. hand and official seal the flrst above written. day and year in My eommi*elon L^ f 3's J (t '- (1"* Dl5. State of Washlngton, f r" t Chcn&Associates Gonsultrng Geotechn'cal Engrneers 96 South Zuni Denver, Colorado 80223 303,744.7105 Casper Colorado Springs f l COl Ins L r:nwood Sprngs I)lroefrx Flock Spnngs Sall lakeCty San Antonro May 23, 1988 Subject: Debris Flow Hazards Assessnent, tot 30, GIen Lion Subdivision, Vai1, Colorado Job No. 4 355A 85 Mr. Geoff Meagher 900 East Pine Streec Seattle, Washington 98122 Dear Mr. Meagher: This report presents the findings of a debris florp hazards assesgrpnt forLot 30, Glen Lion subdivision, Vail, Colorado. Tfre roork was perfofid inaoordance with our verbal agreefiEnt with Gordon R. piere, Architects onApril 21, 1988 and subsequent discussions. Itris letter expards on informationpresented in our previous letter of April 30, 1988 wtrich discussed thegeologic crorditions and potential for debris floqr at the subject site. Purpose and Scppe of Strdy: This study roas conducted to assess the debristh respect- to the proposed construction of asinglefamily residenee. ltle investigation consisted of a field recpnnaissance and the assessrEnt of site specific debris flow hazards. ftrisletter has been prepared to sunnarize inforrnation obrtained by theinvestigation arrl to present our c-onclusions. current Site Corrlitions: I,ot 30 is in the Glen Lion subdivision wtrich is onffire creek valley. Ttre lot investigated is on theuphill, south side of the utrper loop of l{est}raven Circle. An existing duplexis located on the adjacent I-oE 29 to the t€st at about the sane elevation asthe proposed residence. Ttre adjacent lot to the east, Iot 31, is vacant. Ttponly other structure in the innediate vicinity is a residence on Iot 35, ntrichis directly dor*nslope of the proposed residence on the north side of l$esthavenCircle. I.ot 30 ard the adjacent lots are located on the upper slopes of snallcoalescing alluvial fans arong the south valley side of Gore creek. Tfrealluvial fans have develo@ at the mouths of sralt, first order epheneral drai.nage basins drich head on the south valley side. Ttre apex of one or *esecoalescing fans is located about 250 feet directly upslope of the proposedbuilding site on Lot 30. Ttre fan surface has a slope of about 30t wtrich exterds frqn tlre apex, through the building site ard do,mslope to ttre north.Tte va1ley side and eplreneral channel upslope of the alluvia1 fan are steep. Slopes in this area are about 50t to 60t. The epherneral channel terminates atthe fan apex. lrbll developed channels are not present on the fan surface arrilthere are no well defined routes for surfac-e runoff wtrich discharqes onto the fan. llr. Geoff Meagher I',l,ay 23, 1988 Page 2 Vegetation on the fan surface, ard at the proposed building site,cusists of open groves of large aspen and occasional conifers vtrich are intermixed with grass rneadow land. Vegetation on the valley sides above thefan is dense aspen groves with sorne conifers. Proposed Construct,ion: The residence will- be a three level, wood frarrestructure stepped into the hillside. The garage and driveway wiII be located on the loqer level. Ttre main living area will be on the upper level. A deckwill be construqEed at the back of ttre house at the upper level. Ilreelevation of the deck will be about 4 feet below the existing fan surface.Ttrc maximum cut at t]le back of the house will be about 5 feet. A lorpretaining wall will be used in this area to retain the upslope soils. Surfacrerunoff will be diverted around the structure by an U-sha@ drainage swale. The alluvial fan at the site ard tlre adjacentfans alorg ttle soffi- sItE-E the valley, result frorn sedinent depositionduring ttre past 151000 to 20,000 years since the retreat of Ltre late Pleistocene valley glaciers. Tfre fans were built up stowly as a combinationof vrater flood sedinentation, debris flow deposition ard debris flooddeposition. Debris flows and ftoods differ from r.rater floods by the anount ofsedilent' rock ard organic debris transported ard deposited by the flor,ls. Ttre sedirnent concentration of r,rrater floods generalty does not exc€ed 20t byvohne. Debris flols ard debris floods can have sedinent concentrations as high as 70t. ltre high sedinrent cpncentrations result frcm the inortrnrationof earth materials ard vegetation into the flood waters caused by land sliding and channel scouring in the steeper pa.rts of the drainage basin. Debris florps are relatively infregrrent and reguire unusual ccrnbinationsof meterorological events to be triggered. Triggering can result frcrn intense thunderstorm precipitation ustrally preceded by a period of precipitationsufficient to saturate tlre qper soil mantle. Debris ftoqs can also be triggered blr rapid periods of snow rplt, as roas t}re case in the Vail area in May 1984. the l4ay 1984 vail debris flows resulted frorn the combination of (1) an early season snolvfall containing unusually large anounts of water, (2) a heavy spring snow pa.ck, and (3) a generally cool spring with an abrupt rise interq)erature in mid May (t'tears, '1984). Fort1l-tero slopes failures which resulted in eitter debris avalanches or debris floros rccurred in the VaiI area between l'lay 14 ard 28, 1984. Debris florss did not ocrcur in the area of Iot 30 in !'tay'1984; hocever,the geologic corditions at ttre site are similar to sites wtrere debris florpsdid occur. In our opinion, there is a potential ttnt l.ot 30 ard ttre adjacrentlots crould experience debris flows at scrne undeterrnined time in ttre future. Current understarding of debris flow frequencies in the Vail area is not adequate for the assignnent of nLnnerical probabilities as is routinely donewith $rater flood freguencies. Considering the unusual meterorologic corditions wtrich resulted in historic debris flo!,n in the Vail area. it is our opinion, that there is a relatively 1ow probability that debris flor,,ls will Debris Florr Hazard Assessnent: Chen&Associates Mr. Geoff lGagher May 23, 19BB Page 3 inpact the site during the service life of the structure. However, the ov,ne r should be aware that the site is not risk free. Considering the presence of an unctr,anneled fan surface, it is possible that future debris flords hnuld entirely miss the building site; however, it is about egually likely that the flolvs would impact the structure. If future flows rrere to encounte r the structure, impact and fluid pressures could be high enor-rgh to result in structural danage to a building of normal design. Hazard Mitigation: Because of the steepdirect protection of the struc.ture is themitigation alpropriate for the site, unless o$rne rs can be arranqed. terrain and adjacent properties, only type of debris flor hazard cooperation with adjacent property Because of the steep slopes of the fans, relatively high inpacE pressure should be expected if direci protection is used. If design evaluation indicate excessively high pressures, sonre pressure reducEion can be achievedby reorienting the upkrill building wells so that they are nrore favorably positioned with respect to potential florrr directions. If cooperation with the owner of Lot 31, to the east, calr be arrarged, it aplnars that another mitigation option r"ould be the use of deflection berms todivert potential debris floqrs to the east of the building site. If ttris opt,ion is used, the deflection berms should be designed in c-onjunction wittr the mitigation effort for adjacrent l.ot 31 and other doronslope properties. Illqcact on Mjacrent Properties: Under the existing conditions, r'dthout a residence on Lot 30, all adjacrent properties are subject Lo ttre same debrisflow hazard as is currently present on Lot 30. The construction of ttre residence, with or without direct protecbion, at the location proposed onIot 30 will not, in our opinion, increase the hazard to adjacent existingstructures. After cpnstrucEion on Iot 30, the hazard to the existing duplex on Iot 29 to the r{est will not substantially change. Sorne reduction in thepotential debris flow irnpact pressures can be expected at the existing dolvnslope residence on Iot 35 after construction on Iot 30 is conpleted. Structures are currently not present on Iot 31. If deflection in this direction is considered, cooperation with the lot ovner will be necessary. Lirnitations: Ttris report tras been prepa.red in accordance with generally accep'ted- geotechnical engineering ard engineering geologic practicei in ttris area for use by the client in assessing site specific debris flow hazards. Our conclusions sutrnitted in this report are based on the site recoruraissance and our understarding of the proposed construction. additional investigationswill be reguired to provide design criteria if debris flor mitiqations are used. Chen&Associates .1.1r. Ceoff [leagher l,[ay 23, 1988 Page 4 Irle have enjoyed the opportunity of urorking with you on this project. Ifyou have any questions or if $re can be of further service, please tet us lmosr. Sincerely, CIIEN AND A.SSOCIATES, 11,C. RH'/djb Rev. By: HHoc: Gordon Pierce, ArdtitectAttention: Mr. Bil_l Reslock Chen&Associates CnenCtociates Co||3uning Gsoladlni:el E'tginoe'3 3:"?::H#*J SBftt[4.7105 Casper Colorado Spdngs R. Collins Glens,ood Sprir€s Phoonix Rock Springs salt Lak€ cily San Antonb Aprll 30, 1989 SubJect: C*ologic Recpnnaissarrce, Debris E[m Fotertial, Iot, 30, G[en Lion Subdivision' Vail, Colorado .tob No. 4 355A 85 llr. C€off lb4[er 900 East Fire Street, Seatt1e, l$shington 98122 Gentlmnr Itris report sr,.mrizes tlre resulta of a geologic reconnaissane of ttresite for a proposed residerre on Lot 30 of -tlre Gten Lion subdivisiqr on libstJBten Circle in VaiI, Colorado. Ilre rlcrk ms perforned in ac.ordarre withour nerbal agresent with 1lnr of April 21, 1988. P9fmsq 3rd Scope of Sttdy: tre reconnaissane rms conrlrrted to obsene thesrt'e wlth respect, to edstirg geologic corditions ard prelirninarily erralu*edebris flow poEenlial on the Iot. site corditions ard preosed construction: the IoE is located within tlp GlenLion srbdiv f tJle Gore Creelc valley. Ite site slopes northrcstmrd tomrd the Gore Creek Valley at. slopes in ttre rarge of approxfunately 30t to 35t. I?re lot is approxfunately rectargular in shape. Elevations of the lot rarge frcm agprorimately 8,228 feet al tlre southeastern edge of the lct, dosr to approxi.nrately 81154 feet, at the norttrrestern erd of the lot rear the eclge of gbstJraven Circle. \legetation on tlrc site consisls of a gro\re of redim sized aspen trees wittr lon shnrbs ard grasses. Ilpslope of ttre lot, t}re slopes are steeper to the southeast as the elevations rise into the npuntainous terrain. Stopes above tne lot are as steep as 50t to 60t. An existirg large duplex is located on Iot 29, adjacert and to the southhest of Iot 30. ttre adJaoent Id 31, to the northeast, is vacanto Based on plana furnished by your ardritect, rr understard ttre proposed residerrce is a ttrreg-level strrrture. lte constr&tion is planned for the lcnrer sections of ttn site just above lrbstlraven Circle Rod. t?re house wiII "stair-step" up the hillside and will dayligtrt on the dotnslope side adjaentto l€sthaven Circle. Dqbfis Elow Potenttal: Based upon debrls flow hazard mapping of ttre VaiI @ site liis witirin a npderate risk -debris flcrn hazardzorE. A tnoderale debris flow hazard zone is clefirEd as an area sr:lcject to lorrerergy flons and debris ffooding. !to&r*e irnpact ard detrreitional loads Frr. ceoff lleastrerOApril 30, 19Bg Page 2 H:.;m..ff. rr, n'y be feasibre to crnsrrucr a wrde varrery of sr^d,ural 9b ctnctr that tlre site is exposed to poterrtiar debris ftons.originatirgon the valtev sloe aborc tt*-i.,t,.T;;"d. .1"-il-Gr&i"'."*rrn rssance, the14 lies qr i snirr debris far -and Jirainage g_'try. ries above the lort. t'edebris fan aptrnars to G-$e-resfrl oi]r"uious debris frorrs. T$ ;i ;H,:ll; IffiHtt'ffi;,Hiffff".i:site' Mettrods oe mitiglti-on tiiv Titrri; trie c6nstruitiJri or deflection bermsto deftect r,uater ard a.elris "ei, i;*-ury pf"e""J-iJi&;;, or by desiqnimthe structure to hritt'tani-'p"t".,ti"r impacts frcm debris flons anafloodprmfing t}re structure. ffiffs'i1#,.iffi*l#itf ffi ffi ::,"ffi'::Factors r"trich musf be- considered l".i;;;-pod'rft -d;bris frow energry ardclepEh. Addittonal inves'tiiari; -il' #"-;d;ary"-tl"**r,r"t" porencialeffects ttrat construction of ttle re;i;ence arn debris- flow rnitigation on t5esite rnay harre on adjacent properties. - - G-'-Limitd'ions: rrris report has been prepared in acrordane with gererarly3:::*{ :rsineering geologic.practicej in uris ;;;. ;;;; by the erienr foroesrgn lxrq)oses. orr cpnclusions arrt reccnnerdations sr:hnitt"i in-uri"-;, ;are based on a oeologic reeonnai"** or trre siie "-rd ;; urderstanding ofthe prqnsed cpnjtruction !€ harre enjol@ the qportunity to vnrk wittr 10u. rf l.u have anyquestions or if ne can be of -iurther ="rui*, pi";;;it-.' Sinerelyl CHEN & ASSoCLAIES, Ilr. ceoloqist FHS/rrb Rerr. Qr: RGIrtec: Gordon pierce, Archir_ectAttn: Mr. Russe[ cies Chen&Associates JawN rY0rJ q^.(>D, l.o{ao otllcc of communlty danelopment75 goulh lrontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47$2139 August 31., 1989 Cindy MeagherlOoL 4th Ave. plazaSuite 37L1Seattle WA. 99154 Re: Final inspection report conducted on Meagher resid,ence, 1250!{esthaven circle, Vail , Colorado, August 2411989. Town ofvail permit No.3337, ginerar confrac€or eita'ind Associates. Dear Mrs. Meagher, The following iterns are a rist of cod,e violations r travefound on the final lnspection of your newly constructedresidence. These items-must be coirected blfore a ii"ii approvalwlII be issued to project. 1.) North side, main entry deck guardrall is notto code, It is requJ.red to be 36" high with noopenJ-ngs greater €han 6n allowed. pei ttre tggSU.B.C. section 1711. Guardrall Ls currently 34"high and has openings greater than 5rr. 2.) cuardrail at top of stairs at living roon / kitchenIevel has not been fastened securety to th'e wall.The 1985 U.B.C. table 23-B states a design load of29 llr per lineal foot applied horl.zontatly atright angles to the top iiif. 3.) Structural roof beam (east side over kitchen) showsgign-of excessive checking, cracking and rotition.Submit.engineers report with p.E. sf,amp onconditlon of beam, also provide verifi-catlon of allroof beam Etructural connectLons. 4.) Drainage on south deck is sloped towards the hottub, soil and sand base shows- sign of erosionand settlement. Drainage is to be corrected toprevent tub base erosion and settlement. 5.) Electrical po\irer supply to hot tub timer is not tocode, remove extensl_on cord and wLre tiner per 19g7N.E.C.. 6.) ltectranical roorn cornbustion air is blocked off,conbustion air must be roaintained to provide lroperoperation of gas fired mechanical egu-iprnent. - 7.) water heaters in nechanical roorn are not accesslbreto repair or removal . The 1985 U.M.C. sectl.on S0Srequires 30r clearance in front of equipnent. 8.) AII exterior hose bibs are to be furnished with anapprove vacuum breaker. per 19gS U.p.C. sectLon 1003. 9.) Weather protection on exterior surfaces aroundbeans, need to be caulked and sealed per 1985U.B.C. section 1207 (a). 10.) Exterior siding east side ls ln contact with theearth, the 1985 U.B.C. section 2516 (c).2 reguiresa 5rr wood to earth separation. 1X.. ) Landscaping has not been cornpleted as approved bythe DRB, this nust be addressed before finalapproval . In addition the driveway pavernent ls notflared and tapered to street properly. _ If you have any questions concerning these correctLon itensplease contact our office at anytture (:Of1 4Z}-2L3A. These codeviolations strould be addressed ls soon as-possible. Sincerely .foe Norris Town of, Vail Bullding DeparturentQ'{/,-- cc: GMA & ASS0C.