HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 32 LEGALCOPYFIL T Deptrtment of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road Vatl, Colordo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 974-479-2452 www.ci.vqil,co.us April 6,2001 Ellyn Stevenson 1230 Westhaven Circle Vail, CO 81657 Re: 1230 Westhaven Circle (Lot 32, Gten Lyon Subdivision) DearEllyl In response to your inquiry, the following is a sirnmary of facton that may limit the potential for further development ofthe property located at 1230 Westhaven Circle (Lot 32, Glen Lyon Subdivision): The property located at 1230 Westhaven has a total lot area of 22,121 square feet. Based upon this lot size, a total of 5,312 square feet of gross resideotial floor area (GMA) is permitted for the entire lot. According to our records, the two existing dwelling units on this lot have been constructed to use the entire 5,312 square feet of pernitted GRFA. Although the permitted GRFA for this properly has been maxirnize4 these two dwelling uaits rnay each be eligible for an additional 250 square feet of GRFA in accordance with the "250 Ordinance" (please refer to section 12-15'5 of the Town Code). The existing dwelling units may also be eligible to convert existing interior spaces such as vautted spaceq crawlspaces, and other interior spaces info ORFA (please refer to 12-15-4 of theTown Code). According to our records, the average slope of this site beneath the existing dwelling units is in excess of30 percent. Due to the steepness of the slopes oa this site, the allowable site coverage on this lot is reduced from 20 percent to 15 percent (please refer to section 12-21-14 of the Town Code), Based upon the total lot area, the total allowable site coverage on this property is 3,318 square feet. Our records indicate that the existilg dwellings use 3,315 square feet of the allowable site coverage, leaving only 3 square feet ofsite coverage for further development. In additioo to GRFA and site coverage restrictions, other requirements of the Town Code related to building height, setbacks, landscaping, parking, geologic hazards, etc. may also limit the potential for further developnrent ofthis propeny. Ptease oote that our records pertaining to this pFopefly were accurate at the time ofa previous development application and may not accurately reflect the existing conditions on the property. An Irnprovement Location Certifreate prepared by a licensed suweyor and '?s-built" floor plans prepared by a licensed architect may be required to veriry the exisdng conditions on this property. . If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me ar (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, -A/&.L?r?. /J4 Bill Gibson Planner I {p*r,o TO}g}[ OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vATIr, CO 8L657 970-479-2138 APPI,ICAIq:T . COICTRACTOR OI^INER ,fob Address...: 1230 }ilESTIIAVEN CRLocation...... : 1230 WESTHAVEN CIRCLEParcel No..... : 2103-12L-07^OL5 ProjecE Number: MECHANICAL PERMTT CONCEPT MECHANICAIJ, TNC, Ar/oN, co g1_620 CONCEPT MECIIANICAI,, INC , AVON, CO 9L620 STEVENSON RAY ONE NE I.^AGOON ISI,AND CT, SEAWALI,' (llt^qn S"b. bt3z JOBSITE AT ALL TrMES Permit #: M98-01-20 STATUS,..: ISSUED Applied. .. 07 /1,3/L998Issued. . . :, o7/t4/L995 E:<pires . ., ot/Lo/t999 Phone: 9709490200 Phone z 9709490200 s PonvT Fr, 34995 valuaEion: 54,108.00 Total calculatcd Fees---> 1,378 . oo DEPARTIIEI\TT OF COMMTJNITY DEVEI-,OPMEIIT NOTE: THrg PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Description: ADDING BOII,ER,HEAT DRIVEVJAY AND PAVERS Fireplace fnfofllalion: Restri.etsed:*of eae Appl,iahcee r *of GaE Logs:*Of ood/Pallet: **ri**rr**tr*** **r**i*rr*+**** FEE 6ur4r,BRT Mechanical-- -- > Plan eheck- -- > rnv€EEigaLion> wil.l calI----> Rc6Luara'1e Flan Revief.--> DRB Fee-------- TOIrAL FEES- -.-. Adilitlonal Fee6- -- -- --- - > Tota1 PerniE Fec-_-_----> Payment.e - - - - - - _ 1, 100 .00 275.OO .o0 3.00 .o0 .00 1,378.00 .00 1,3?A.OO 7,378.0O ITCM: O51.OO BUTLDTNG DEPARTNIE}TT DEPb: BUILDING DiViSiON: 07113,/L998 ,rRM AcEion: APPR APPROVED ,tRM- ITbM:'O56OO FIRE DEPART14ENT DEPT: FIRE D1VJ.SiON:o7/13/L998 ,JRII Action: APPR N/A ior,rortrou oF APPRovAr, FIEI,D INSPE TIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. coMBusrroN ArR rs REoUTRED pER sEc. 607 oF TIIE L991-II!4c,- TITSTAT.,T,EIION MUST COftFORM TO MANUFACTI'RES INSTRUCTIONS AT{D TO APPENDIX CIAPTER 21 OF TIIE 1991 T]MC. GAS APPLTAI.ICES SHAtt BE VEICTED ACCORDING TO C}IAPTER 9 AND SHAI,IJ TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 I]MC. ACCESS TO IIEATING EQUIPMENT M['ST COMPLY WITII SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991 UMC. BOIITERS SHALT BE MOIINIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS I-.TSTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FLOORING. PERMiT,PLANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHAN]CAI, ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REOUEST. DRAINAGE OF MECTANICAL ROOMS COIITATNING HEATING OR I{OT_WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIIAII, BE EOUIPPED WTTH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. -L.2.3. 4. E 5. 7. 8. 9. DRB APPROVAL PER DOMTNIC10. NEED 225 SOUARE INCIIES HIGH AND LOW FOR COI\48 AIR *************************************************************:************+****** t her.by acknoltlcdge thit I havs reail thiE applicaElon, filled out. in fult the lnforoarion lequLr€d, cot[plcueal an accuEage ploL plan, anal Egatse tsh.t al.I t'he Lnfoldation provided as !.quirsd i,s corlect,. I egree Eo conpLy trith che information and plot. plan, tso conply rich all To$n oadiltances and EuaL6 1aw6, and to build t'hLs Btruceur€ aecordinE t9 lhc ?ol{n'd "onlng aad qubdivieion codc6, deBign r6vi€n aglrrorcd, Unifor!| Building eode .nd otshor ordLnalrcis of Cho tor,n cabl€ tsheret.o. REQUESj0S FOR INSPECIIONS SHAlrIr BE MADE TWAIfIY.FOUR IIOURS IN ADVANCE t OR AT OUR oFPICE FROM s:00 Alil 5:0o pM STONATURE OI'OWNER OR COIITRA TOR FOB TIIMSELF AND OWNER o r ir * * * r r * rlt r ritr t + r r *tllr * * | * r, * TOI{I{ oF vArrJ, coLoRADo sEat€nnt 9EaC6l[nt Nunbc!: REC-0424 lilount ! Pa)'EcnE McEhod! CK NoEBtion: 573f 1,374.0o o7/14/99 L4.55 Inlt: M.e,w Pennit No: t{99-0120 l)pe I E-MECH MEC}IANICAIJ Parcel No. 2103-121-0?-015 Sic€ Addrcse: L23o wESTttAVll!,t CR LocationI 1230 HESTIIIVEN CIRCLE Total Fe€6: ThiE Pa)rnenE 1.3?B.O0 Total AlIr EJut6 ! Balanca: Account code DeFeriptLon MP OO1OOOO31].].3O0 MECII}NICAI, PERMIT FEES PP 00100003112300 Prr.AIit CHECK FBES wc ooloooo3tl2Eoo ''ILL cA.lr INaPEcTIoN FEs !,37e.OO 1,378 . 00 . o0 Amount, 1, t oo. oo 275. OO 3.00 ^ APPLTCATION I'TUST BE FTLLUD OU? COMPLE?EIY OR TT }TAY NO? BE ACCEP?EDI r * * * * * * *:t :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * FERMIT TNFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * |r * * * * * * rr r(,* rr * * * * *I [ ]-Buil-ding [ ]-Pruhbing [ ]-Electrical l/-Mechanibar [ ]-other fob Name:Address: lZ Gla u- _.rxr?+lLegaL DescriptS.on: rot_]!8 Btock_ _ Fil.ing\9 lE Ar'*''rlorvrro*. lwners Narne:eruSod Address: lLbOU h. .\rchitect:Ph. :eneral- DescriPtlon: {,' I -Other ?LUMBING: $I EI,ECTRICAIJ: $ H EclrAN r cAr.: + *SI.rln$E i * * * r< rt * rt rt * * * *** rt.t * d' *' )eneral contractor: { rddreiss: ilectricaL contractor: iddress: ,lumbing rddress: Iechanical Contractor: \ddress: tt<> r rt !crt rt :t:t tt******** * * * * * *** ** rl ** * * *FOR ]UILDING PERMIT FEE: JLUMBTNG PEP.I"IIT FEE: fECHANICAL PER}IIT FEE: ILECTRICAL FEEI )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: fhone .ryunber: El Z,Z- € Zg I tla.//TI -Town of Vail Reg. No.-._-- Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. No. {g?-PPhone Nunber: Af ?- ozoO OFFfCE USE t\ * * r\ ri * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PIAN CHECK TEEI MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREA?ION T'EE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAT.'. PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SICNATURE: Address: 'tork class: I J -New p<l -Alteration t l*Additiona} [ ]-Repair I lumber of Dwelling Un.l-tsl Z. Number of Accornnodation Units: Z_ fmber and Type of Fireplaces: "u" on###nces- Gas Logs- wood/peltet- t*'t*it tr rt 't )t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jr VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\a]UILDING: $ tk**rt*ONTRAC?OR INFORMAI'TON OTHER: * TOTAL: $ * **'k* *** *** * * * ***lt *rl * * * * ** * Town of vail Reg, No. [-tl-6 Contractor: GROUP VALUATION f-, ,it O Ute Received I .on.o.. Eagle councy AssesEors ofrlce JUL 10 1998' ot 970-3?8-F940^ for Parcgl #. rowr.'r oF vArL coNsTRUcTroN rER..\trr il\ryCL /:AIOAIAI (21 Ot' PERMTf APPLICATION FORI,I( araz j lil eii - CLEAN IJP DEPOSIT REFT}ND TO: a 75 soulh f ronlage road vail, colorado 91652 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: of llce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI.IN OF VAIL TOI,IN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\IEIOPMENT MARCH l-6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.IATARTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to Litter, track or deposit. any u"ifl-=i"k, sand, debrisor material, incly!1ng tri=[-["*psters, portable toilets andworknen vehicl_es pI ?:" "' .nv -i J,.I3l ".f; XY"l;'I""i;. "i3;Hil5;_ili"I,'.:, i'f l#-",Vail streets and.roads is approx;;.;;i;-s"it]'i* pavement.This ordinance virr ue,;;.;;ii;"enforced by the Town of VailPubLic l^rorks Departrnent- p"r=Ln, found vi;rl_aiin; this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour rriil"n""oii".-to*;;;;;'said mareriar..rn the event the person so notified.ao.=-nlt"'""ilprv with thenotice vi-thin the- z4 hour.ti-.-=p."ified, tne putric HorksDepartment wirl relnove said rnarE;i;l-;r-"irr"^^Li.i=l-"r"iiironnotified' The provi=io"r-"r-"Iiir oto.nance sharl not beapplicable to cbnstruction, *iir',t.r'r.nce or repair projects ofany street or altey or any utilities i" tr,"-iijfri_"_r"V. 3:.I":i:y.ordinance No. G in fu1L,vd,rr nLrr Iolng Department to obtaincooperation on this matter. pS.ease stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your rr'lr 'l rl acknowJ-edg /ReIat o 75 routh lrontsge toad v!ll, cotor€do 8'1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 olf lco ol community devolopmerrt BUILDING PERI.iIT IS5UANCE TIIIE FRANE If this permit requi.res a Tov,n of vair fire Oepartment Approval ,Engineep''s (.pub'lii Horks) reyr,ew una'ipbrouui,"i'pjil'."inf'bupurt.ntrev i ew or Hea r th Depa rtm6n t _ iev iewl -u;;.-;- ;;; i u; ;i' iii;";rii ai nsDepa rtment, the es tima ted time tJr'a-totar' ;;;i;;',n.;"iu[a"'a, i ongas three weeks. All commerciar frarge or smar'r ) and ar mu] ti-family permits wi'r 'rhave to follow ine ibove rn"nti6n"J-riiirr* requirements. Residentia'rand.smal 1 projects shou'ld take t-rel;e. amound of time. However, tfresidentjal or snra'l 'l er.projects impaii the various above mentioneddepartments rvi.th reqard-to-necessai^y review, th;;; ;;;j;.1; ,.yalso take the three-week peiioJ. !l::{."li"ipt will be made by this departnrent to expedite thisperm?.'t.as. s.qon as possible. I, tbe undersigned, rrnderstand the plan check procedure and timeframe. t Sheet vras turned--i nEo-T Devel o pment Depa rtrnept.Communi ty TO: FROM: DATE: RE: o MEMORANDIJM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED I have read and answered allthe above ou need for a 'Public Way vEA Date Job Name: Dale: Please answe 1) E) he llowing questionnaire regarding the ls this a new residence? lS demolition work being performed lhat requires the use o{ lhe right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed lo sile other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling lhe right of way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit' required? A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property 1o be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no lo 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? or's Signature Permit": NO lL- e\ dl o) 6) 7) 8) ><* K lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' rrrt be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Communi$ Development. ll you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Construction Inspecior, at 479-215S Job Name Cont fF t'/6dy;t- Teledyne Laae Tabb 2 Tempershrtt Rke (degrs€a "F fiize 15"F zvF 25"1 GPM HL GPM HL GPIII HL 50 5.3 0.3 4.0 0.2 3.2 a.1 75 8.0 0.6 6.0 0.3 4.8 0.2 100 10.7 1.3 8.O 4.7 6.4 0.5 18 r3.3 22 10.0 1.3 8.0 0.8 160 17.0 2.5 12.8 1.8 10-2 1.2 n5 24.0 5.0 18.0 3.1 14.4 1.9 GPM High Nonnal Low GPM.tAlbter 0ow in gallom per minute. HL*Pressure dtop (Fld loes) througtr tre boiler, oprossod h Ft. of wabr. !,loie: Sluded area is the reconrmended frw afd temperature dre. fte quanti$ of ruder flontlrq tfttotgh fre pipe, wtrefier a g[col sohdbn (br fteeze prorFdion) is betns used, and the btal lengh of prping in the sysbm. Ta!ile 3 can hetp in proper pump sebctton. 1. The boiler must be plmd b prorftle cbarances on all sad€s ior rnaintenence and inspecdion. There must also be minimum distances mintained from combustibb surfacas. Avoid &rcafions wtrich can be damagpd by watBr af r0oisturc. A minimum of {5'access must be arrEihbts in fiontof the boiler for bumer hay renpval. Consult bcal codes,.- forclearancee b hotwaEr pip€s and accessories. lf the boiler is to be installed in a garage, all hrmets and burner $nition devim mu$t have a minfinum 18" deanance abow tte floor. should be paid to clearances b€fifleen the front of the boiler and the closet door when it is closed. CAUTIONT Do not imtall thb bollsr ln e location eu$ect to negatlve pnNasuru, or implups opention 5. All boilers are designed and cedifrcd ftr installation on a mmbustible foor. Ensure otat the boiler b level fiom all sitles. NE\IER store obiEcts on or amund the boiler. Eollsrs must ilEVER bo lffitailed on caryetlng. 2. pnNasulE, ot *One inch ctealanc€ usirytp Bftublewatl wntptpe Table 3 - ilax. Suggoded Circuit Longth in Feot Size 1E Pine 3r4'Pipo t'Pipe I - ll4" Pipe Punrp H,P PumpH. P.Pump H. P.Pump H. P. 1/2;5 ll12 1EL'1t12 116 $;E 1t12 1t6 1ti25 ltlz lrb 50 50 gs 3{Xt 6E0 76 35 160 3{10 450 e{0 tm TI ilio 260 gxl 620 125 z7 8t'110 170 360 GOD 1m l5 72 57 16{l 330 rg0 {80 225 fio 69 330* Aci.tuLr.ndrof prlmry/b.mfidary pb[U a{! .€qri€d. Con$[ fr{rory.t. Chart F bascd on 30 F fiE)dnum tBmpcrituF rise,2. Calculations ar€ ba€ed g| TyFe L coppcrft6i:q with on€ zone vei€ erid Eiffht *g|53.3. fypbat citurhtng pumF: 1f25 HtsTaco 007, BAG LR-20 or SLG 23, GrundioB UP'15-{2F, or oquhrelor|L Itt2 HFB&G LR-12, CrundhB UPZH2F, Or€Cuivelent 116 HH&G seriss tftt, Grundb UPi$75, or aqdvabnt :\{cslhs I \:l f-{ 'ri R$ $ trF d t- $ 6$lt $* $ ll s- T\sa $rf> 3eEL r ; 3 $+$tbt$l $F D H N CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. BOX 1155 AVON, COLORADO 81620 PHONE: (970) 949-o2AO FAx: (970) 949-0300 July lQ 1998 TO: George Sisnerqs; Gray5lone Construction and DevelopmentFROM: TimRosen fuir*[(a*<er-RE: Stevenson Snbwmelt Project; 1230 Westhaven Circle Vail, Colorado As requested, I have surnmarized the mechanical equipment sizing for the above project. We are melting approximately 2,360 square feet of drive and entry walk. We are also sizing the boiler for a future 216 square feet of melted deck. I have figured two Teledyne Laars JVI 225 boilers rated at 225,000 Bhrh input (sea level) each. They will be side. vented with "B" vent and combustion air will be provided per UMC. I have sketched the two-boiler system on the attached page. We will be running the gas line from a separate metEr set * l-ll7' per UPC. Tubing to be installed at tle drive to be Wirsbo 5/8" hePex with oxygen diffusionbanier. A Tekmar slab-mounted sensorwill automatically control the operation ofthe snowmelt system. Final pump sizing and erpansion tank sizing will be accomplished after piping run-outs are complete. Please call ifthere axe any questions or cornments. Thanks. I I iiLI-'T i .r1 LUr/ilr3,/9{J 1n s pect ion fteqLres,t . Reqttes Lor'; tiEOR[iE l<ec1 Tiner t1t&: tZttZt Ite s l"erlr-r€sted ts uruiSgra MEtrH*F ina I o _o u,e, ri., REurrEsr';i r,i-.,,i:r?illJr,l]i,t I!l,l,t,l,r[l r*urro F:oR: r.rzrl srerl F1AGE ij AHtsJl ; Ct) Aetivity: Flc)6-tdLEti't ttl/ lji9.j r{ yper iJ-f,tECH ritat,r-rs : I$5UED Constr-: ASFR fiddress r 1i:3O l^J[5] f.lt{VIf.l t]i Locationr 113'A WEti"lFlAtJEN tiliL,l-.1: F.,ar"eel: U10l$*111.-tij7*tz]il3 Ltr-:t:r Der"er-rpbion; ifl)bIi,ir:i HUILEBTt-ll:il1 L,fii.V[bli{y Fri\u F,HVLftli *pplicanLr tluNt-.ili-'l MLL;FIAI{IUHL,r .tl''lt.; F,hr:'ner Llwnep r liTEVCf'tSOt'l Fri'/ Ftrone r Uoriti"actor"; tit'll{t-lEf'f FlEtHHMt]ilL" ri{i- Fhon*: 'f inre H.xp ---lgM tlctionI AFtl-'[i fi:,'rRI) L--set Inspec'tion Item! I t em l Iteml ltem: Iternl Item: ltem! ltem: Histor'y.... "rlBlrAfA F|ECH-[iaugh u.lr3l4rrt F,t-tYli{-6A $ Fiprng krfiJ 1rA f4t:Ci]-.l.iear r. n g WAI L4ir$ Inspectoi'r LlO tdq'3Etl f,lliCH- [.xhar-rs t:: l-lrtict s, rdrdJJur lil[Cil-5ilppl y Hir'. tetflrtr4l4 |4EEl-l*M r sc. tiiur:9Vl t4LCl.l-i: i rra I riilZr53g i:lRF:-FItllrL LiLl lnf urnat r on. . ," " " lj I SNEI{U$ / GRF; Yl:r I i.ri'l tommerrtsl FLI:r'r$L llF]t..L" Tu be Irrspected,, I Frh(Jne: t4r-StlJ7 t,rtl: I l'rrr'l Use: ':) /9194c]0i6u {r 7rlr94grZii!r2rdr' - - - -t I l, TOWN OF VAIL o AP This application is for any project rcquiring approval by thc Planning and EnviroQenl4!ission. For spccific information, see the submittal rcquiremenls for thc particular approval n{iU frffi::f s[il'iH":'i information " K*]5ggpan'orthc "l'1*l'-* 1"""- A.A. TYPEOFAPPLTCATTO-N] ll'xE Additional GRFA (2s0) J Vtr Bed and Brcaldast QrrcstiofCall rhc Planning Staff at 479-213s PLICATION FOR PI,ANNINC AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION tr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tl Rezoning tl Sign Variance E Variancc tr Zoning Codc Amendmcnt B.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: ythcT t (Typc: Village) Major or E (Lionshead) D tr Spccial Devel Major or E Minor BUILDINGNAME: D. E, F. c. .H. 3crbln,^& r-tarr^..'ee,. l,.a Jcrrra*l coyr.trr:ro,,. zr* l(ao sf er* [o4*sf,ae. c. LocATroN oF pRoposAL: LoTSk &_BLOCK___:_ FTLTNC I, tl I r NAME OF OWNER(S):\, owNER(S) STGNATURE(S) j NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE: MAILINCADDRESS: PHONE: FEE - SEE THE SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRTATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, coLoRADO 816s7. Rcvircd &96 Az Fs)53 ps Eecpard: 74.@ cw: Z9(z ny, 4.P. zolvE-cHEcK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRICTS \ f;,' , 2-.F) -7/)l rio eJlowed -/-'+\tro(q92r ExistLnq 4rooosed I9!g! cRFA375$ f 1lL lt t\ttZ r -';ric Primary Gp<EA 60//4N secondary G?l.A, 4dF *lAN 2 /25 v: Setbaqks Front Sides Rcar Wat.er Course Setbaclc srre cover^s"(g/D Landscapinn (lroy) Retaining WaII lteights Parking Garage Credit Drive; v:levr Corridor Encroachment : Enwironmental/Hazards ! (300) (600) (e00) Permitted Slope:[L Date apProved by Town Actual Slope Engineer: Yes--NoJk2-- ??? 2g' 15' 15' 1391 1s0) s3tv. .-/3,27,3 3' /61 5 neqro leegrcqt+ 1) 2I 3) Flood Plain Percent Slope bars' 0'9:? / -r,EeAe @ Bloqk -- E'ilinv ft/trt l:ltns ADDRES$: J&o /4&oaa.-1!rc1fo PHoNE ({at )sla - rgts- ARcHrrEcf -., o4 PHoNE 9f9 -7074 ES l/etr P/,s Re;- Lor srzE 29. /2/ s"-f/ - Height Tot.a]- OWNER ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE 4'x*4 ,'t(4rc g.% nqr,, *!&-rt ty Geologic HazBrds J. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 13, 1998 A request for a setback variance, a site covemge variance, and additional GRFA utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an addition to an existing residence, located al 123O Westhaven Circle/Lot 32-A, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Marilyn Quayle, represenled by Erich Hill. George Rulher I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUESTS The applicanl, Marilyn Quayle, represented by Erich Hill, is requesting a site coverage variance, a rear-yard setback variance and up to 248 square feet of additional GRFA (250). The variances and additional GRFA are requested to allow the applicant to construct a dining room and front entry addition to lhe residence located al 1230 Westhaven Circle. The proposed new dining room addition would be located on lhe south side of the property, within the required, 1s-foot, rear-yard setback. The addition would encroach up to 8.5 feet into the setback and is proposed to be 233 square feet in size. The total area of the dining room addition proposed in the setback is approximately 108 square feel. Due to the orientation of the existing struclure, the new dining room addition would nol be visible from Weslhaven Circle, nor any other residential properties in the vicinity of the applicant's property. Additionally, the applicanl is proposing to construcl a 15 square foot addition to lhe front entry of the residence. The new entry is intended to improve the existing front entry access. A total of 281 square feet (266 sq.ft. dining room/15 sq.ft. front entry) of new site coverage will be added as a result of this request. Lastly, the applicant is proposing to converl a vaulled space to GRFA utilizing lhe interior conversion ordinance. The vaulted space that is to be converted to GRFA is located on lhe main fevel of the residence. The total area to be converted to GRFA is approximalely 122 square feet in size. The interior conversion will have no impact on the setback or sile coverage figures. A written description from the applicant, and a copy of the plans have been attached for reference. Since the applicant is proposing an increase of 1% (16%) over the allowable site coverage (15%), a reduction in the minimum rear-yard setback (15 feet) to 6.5 feet, and an incease in GRFA utilizing the additional 250 GRFA, a site coverage variance of 1o/o, a rear-1prd setback variance of E.5 feet and an additional 248 square feet of GRFA must be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission. .-t,:':ii-lrrl. . ' ?},[r j:"i]- " "!r r\ | -4.-.t'ffiS(r/ mworvmlY II. ZONING STATISTICS Lot Size: 22,121 square feet Zoning: Primary/Secondary Residential Allowed Exisiinq 2,375 sq. ft. (w/250f* 2,125 sq. ft. 24',- 76'116', 18', Proposed 2,373 sq. ft.GRFA*: Setbacks:Front: 20'Sides: 15'Rear: 15' N/C N/C 6112', Site Coverage:*** 15%, or 3,318 sq. ft. 15o/o, ot 3,315 sq. ft. 160/o, or 3,596 sq. ft. Parking: 3 spaces required 3 N/C * Secondary unit only.** The total allowable GRFA sq. ft. equals lhe existing sq. ft. plus 250 sq. ft. allowable by ordinance. "** Limited to 15% due to the steepness of lhe site trStr|) III. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A. Gonsideration of Factors Regarding the Site Coverage and Setback Variancesi; Upon review of Section 12-17-6 of the Vail Municipal Code, Criteria and Findings, the Community Development Department recommends denial of the requested sile coverage and setback variances based on the following factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Setback Slaff believes that the proposed residential addition will be compatible with lhe surrounding development. The additional mass and bulk that is proposed is similar to that enjoyed by surrounding homes in lhe area, and will not be visible from Westhaven Gircle. The applicant is proposing to construct the addition up to 8.5 feet into the required, rear-yard setback. The proposed building location will result in a distance of approximately 6.5 feet from the corner of the building to the rear (south) property line. The applicant's property is bordered to the south by National Forest Service property. <lL1o oG f,4rrolt"'+l i.{ *lb{ck. 2. Sile Coveraqe Staff believes that the requested site coverage variance is inconsistent with the developmenl objectives of the Town. The 15% site coverage limitation was adopted by the Town to minimize the negalive impacts of development on steeply sloping lots (>30%). The applicant's proposal will further impact the topography of the site. ln this instance, the applicant will be constructing lhe new addiiion in an area wiih a slope greater than 30%. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcc4gn( o{ a-lggcified .regulation is necessary to achieve comp-atibility'andltrfifqlty of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Site Coverage Staff believes that an approval of the requested site coverage variance would result in a grant of special privilege. Staff believes there are no unique circumstances, nor any extraordinary conditions which impact the applicant's lot. The maximum site coverage allowed on the applicant's lot has been limited to 15%, pursuant to Seclion 12-21-14 of the Municipal Code. The 15% site coverage limitation is intended to reduce site disturbance on steeply sloping lots, io direct development onto the "flatiel' portions of development sites, and to reduce the number of retaining walls and associated cuts in the landscape. Staff does not believe slope is a physical hardship or extraordinary condition in a mountainous community. An approval of this site coverage variance request is contrary to the intent of the Municipal Code. Setback The requested setback variance is not wananted. Similar to the site coverage variance, there are no unique circumstances, nor any exlraordinary conditions impacting the applicant's lot. Staff has reviewed lhe proposal and visited the site. Based upon our review of lhe proposal and our site visit, we do not believe there is a physical hardship which impacts the applicant's property. Many of the lots in the vicinity of the applicant's property are sloping in nature and are of a similar size. Sloping lots in Vail, in and of ihemselves, are not a physical hardship. Overall, staff believes that there would be a granting of special privilege it the variances were approved. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 3. Sile Coverage/Setback Staff does not believe that there will be any negative impacts associated with lhis proposal, if constructed, on lhe above-referenced criteria. Gonsideration of Factors Regarding Granting GRFA Under the 250 Ordinance: Before ac{ing on an application for additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmenlal Commission shall consider the following factors with respect lo the proposed use: Effect upon the existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures, ,-- - ^ ^ ti^ ,ar1, - ht/ g@w ?v IF The proposal wilf significantly impact the existing topography and vegetation on the site. The exterior addition requires the construction of approximately 105 linear feet of retaining walls. The retaining walls would be required to retain a steeply sloping () 30%) portion of the applicant's lot. Staff believes that the proposed exterior additions significantly affect the existing site topography, vegetation, drainage, and existing structures. lmpact on adjacent properties. The addition should not adversely affect views, light, or air enjoyed by adjacent structures. Staff believes that the proposed additions will not have a significant impaci on adjacent properties. Compliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Staff believes thai an approval of ihe additional 248 sq. ft. of GRFA will have significant impacts on the applicable development siandards of the Town. According lo the applicant's representalive, in order for the applicant to add the proposed 248 sq. ft. of additional GRFA to the existing property, a site coverage variance and a setback variance must be approved. Staff believes lhat, in this instance, if the additional square footage cannot be accommodated on the site without the granling of variances, the additional 248 sq. ft. of GRFA is compatible on the sile. According to Section 12-15-5 of the Municipal Code, in part, "The purpose of this section (Additional GRFA) is to provide an inducement for the upgrading of exisling dwelling units which have been in existence within the Town for a period of at least five years by permitting the addition of up to two, hundred-fi$ feet (250) square feei of gross residential floor area to such dwelling units, provided the criteria set forth in this section are mel. This section does not assune each single-family or two{amily dwelling unit located within the Town an additional two, hundred'fifty square feet, and proposalrhereunder shall be reviewed closely with 1. 2. respeot to site planning, impact on adjacent properties and applicable Town development standards." Staff has closely reviewed the applicant s proposal and believes that the proposal complies with the eligibility criteria in order for the property to apply for the additional GRFA. Staff believes, however, thai the proposal is not in compliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards, and therefore, the request should be denied. As siated in Section 12-15-5 of the Municipal Code, nol every dwelling unit is assured the additional square foolage. Staff is nol suggesting that the applicant could never receive the additional square footage, but instead, we are concemed that the proposed addition is not sensitive to the topography and the configuration of the existing site. Siaff would suggest . that the applicant amend the proposal and eliminate the requested varianges. C. The Planning and Environmental Gommission shall make the following findings before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent wiih the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. s. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Departmenl recommends denial of the requesled setback variance, the site coverage variance and the additional 248 square feet of GRFA utilizing the 250 Ordinance. Staffs recommendation of denial is based upon the review of the criteria and factors outrined'r ?r"t'ol,'l' "l lT:-ryij?i"*1'r j. :),. .:fi; ' - ...r _r -:-_ r .T - i*r?f;rrlr.? ai .-.-.i '. i'. : Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to deny the applicant's requests, staff would recommend the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following findings: 1. Thai the granting ofthe setback and site coverage variances constitutes a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Glen Lyon Special Development District. ThEt the granting of the variance will be delrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or will be materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity of Lot 32, Glen Lyon Subdivision. That the strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the setback and site coverage regulations does not result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the development objectives of the Municipal Code or the Glen Lyon Special Development District. There are nol any exceptions or exlraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the applicant's property that do not apply generally to other properties in the Glen Lyon Special Development District. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the setback and sile coverage regulations does not deprive the applicant of development privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in ihe Glen Lyon Special Development District. That the addition of 248 square feet of additional GRFA negatively effects the existing iopography, vegetation and drainage on Lot 32, Glen Lyon Subdivision. 7. That the addition of 248 square feet of additional GRFA is not in compliance with the Town's zoning requirements (i.e., sile coverage and setback regulations). Should the Planning and Environmenlal Commission choose to grant an approval of the requesled variances and additional GRFA, staff recommends the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following conditions part of the approval: 1. That the applicant submit a Geologic Hazard Acknoa/edgment Form and a Geologic Hazard Report, prepared in accordance with lhe requirements outlined in Chapter 21, Hazard Regulations, of the Zoning Regulations, prior to Design Review approval. 2. That the applicant submit a partial topographic survey, in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Town of Vail Design Review Application, prior to Design Review approval. 3. That the applicant submit an enginee/s stamped and signed set of drawings, for all retaining walls over four feet in height, prior to Design Review approval' 2. 4. 5. 6. lAbte +b --------2 .l,6la re-3="1" E,'rt.* l* tton"q i.r M*\. PARADICM DESIGN March 12, 1998 Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission and Community Development Staff 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado81657 RE: Addition to the Quayle Residence, Lot 32-A Clen Lyon Subdivision Dear Planning and Environmental Commission and Staff: lam representing Marilyn and Dan Quayle, owners of Lot 32-A Clen Lyon Subdivision (1230 Westhaven Circle). The addition is proposed for the eastern unit of the primary/secondary development. The proposed project includes an addition of 230 sf of dining space, l5 sf of expanded entry space, and '122 sf of loft space. The proposed dining addition is adjacent to the existing kitchen. lt replaces an existing eastern facing wood deck. A new exterior deck of 108 sf is proposed to the north of the dining room addition. The addition will be constructed to match the materials and finishes of the existing residence. Nine aspen trees are proposed to buffer the north side of the addition. We are requesting a 250 CRFA addition, a site coverage variance, and a rear setback variance. EXPLANATION OF THE REQUEST 250 CRFA Addition The design of this primary/ secondary residence was approved by the Design Review Board in July 19g1. When constiuction started in the winter of 1991t1992 the site coverage and CRFA were at the total af lowable amount for both units. The CRFA for the existing Quayle residence is 2125 sf. The 250 CRFA addition allows the owners to make a more useable kitchen/dining space (230 sD and to improve the existing entry (1 5 s0. The loft space (122 sf) involves converting existing interior space to floor area ' The loft construction is allowed under the current GRFA definition and does not contribute to the 250 CRFA addition. Site Coverage Variance We are requesting a I % site coverage variance. The site coverage for this lot was based on the allowance for lots that have a 30 % or greater slope. Thus, the site coverage was 15 % of the total lot area of 22,121sf or33lBsf. Lookingattheoriginal contourelevationsforthesite,partofthesiteis just below 30o/o and part of the site is just above 30o/o. The proposed addition would increase the site coverage by 237 sf or 1olo. Rear Setback Variance We are requesting a rear setback variance to allow the proposed dining area to encroach into the rear setback from 3 ft to g ft. The actual area of the addition in the rear setback is approximately 108 sf. The result is that a setback ol 12 ft to 6 ft remains after the addition. ARCHITECTURE SCULPTURE INTERIORS S35 INCA PARKWAY BOULDER, COLORADO 80303 3034994252 ANALYSTS OF OUR REQUEST AND THE TOWN OF VAIL'S VARIANCE CRITERIA 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Response: This lot borders the National Forest on the north and east sides. The addition's design is such that it will not be seen by the public fom the north, west or south sides of the house. The addition can be seen from the Cascade Village Chair Lift, if you turn around and look back down the hill to your right. As a result, the addition has no significant impact on existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degee to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement.of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among site in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. Response: Site Coverage Variance The existing primary/secondary residence was located towards the south end of the site because the lot is narrow and sloping; This was approved by the Design Review Board. At building permit, the site plan was modified to make the driveway less steep and to reduce retaining walls. This change leaves very little space on the site for a 250 CRFA addition because of the narrowness of the site. The proposed addition would increase the site coverage by 1% which is well below the allowable site coverage 00o/o) for sites that have a slope under 30% and is a modest increase over the 15o/o allowable site coverage. Alsq this site has an average slope of approximately 30o/". The site is not dramatically over 30% which indicates that some relief from the strict enforcement of the 15olo site coverage variance is warranted. These circumstances justify the 1olo site coverage variance. It has also come to our attention that the Town of Vail Design Review Board has asked the Community Development Staff to study removing from the zoning code the 15 % site coverage requirement for lots having a 30 o/o or geater slope. Our understanding is that the Design Review Board is questioning whether the 'l 5o/o restriction truly results in better site design. We believe our request is a good example of why the resfiiction needs to be revised. Our design has no significant impact on the site or on adjacent neighbors. We support the Design Review Board's re+valuation of the'15% site coverage limit. Setback Variance The setback variance still maintains a substantial reu setback ranging tom '12 ft to 6 ft. The addition is located in a manner that minimizes site disruption and results in no significant impact on neighbors. The requested variance is warranted because the lot is narrow, logical places for a small addition that do not impact the mass and bulk of the structure are limited, and the area of the encroachment is adjacent to a National Forest. The purpose of a setback is to allow for adequate light and air between structures and to provide a buffer between adjacent uses. The proposal meets these two objectives. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Response: As stated above there are no significant impacts on neighbors. No additional traffic or impacts on public facilities, or safety issues are created by this addition. For these reasons, we believe the proposal should be approved. lf you have any question or comments, please contacl me. Thank you for your time and effort on this project. Erich Hill, Architect Paradigm Design I IE -l -+- t! ', ,ttfi, lrT ffi 4ii,'.!u ,,.,:.g.'" :: .3.-.: ' r :. '.r, I i t<Eaqr ,. .l t' I fr\ I" I -\i t -- | .l'I t rl, 4 I t, I A 1,i ;.:[1:li ilt {\ .'JIi;l Firflrt, {1tl ,t .f I I I I I I I t, I .l I I /.::. i i l.r t', It"ta- 71 I I tl II lt ,l ! I tl I I l,'| ,I tl 'r tt, /;; :.t;i. :-1,//.-.7t f.i :i,j;fij\,u, 'l , r rh Itt..; rl f" , ,li ,,1 I lrl.t,r r i'.1 |ii ' {'i! ' lr ;'b. i r r'li.l il '::. I t r ..:l-f'.' I'j,t I ':l ,'if, | ,:l, ..1.t ,:l , .:.. i. / .:-il-..'.t, ;.d I., :l J ::l'l : .r.. I,i I , '.iJ,, , ,'r".I v',il'v ,,';,.';'l ' 1, t'.,:"t, ,'a:i'.i ,:l{ t ..;l t:, , 'IIH fr EIF$ll' f,F T$ I{ rffEFq t , t-: l{l $+ d $ld {l{ $lF {' I It- Lz F - lrn 'Y IEx lf)- lr4'18 {6 Ftt i.JL,. \ ll lx I i\' t: l- t: tfitV 3zT F flksE1 f,j=E,_ t:I I rtlg 'IIE {lY $1d tla bl tl.rJ -l\J -gtP s d $ $F2 ii Fc - .* -- l -.- - !---rt lu IH lo = 5c.tt e T m P E tftr i+*9>f > ofIrtt I F |-rl,rl tg E F T st+* I+ ulF I,tl .L N .0I Fft -f ..- ,aj *;' -€).-? 6,.= h IE.r-rl iIlcp tnlv -7il ir 3lil iI B'r 5lt:IH ,..+ EiXt Or $o \< FFi* F flI7.' I, f.i5His- Ir FRe+ F.i -L L gr tDItrl>t<I vvI v z EF-t!- l$ .D s. 5,>i elFl $l bl $si lp " $lF $lg + iNgT tr- + f-+- T +o i5. E Fr 2 r g t L o.L ql _9 tp IE h o )$t lF hi-t ;$ 9-F Ef8- f\'o irf $ ilg qr 1t I'l I a P N -9 ao o )o +trl lEl lul lgii r0 I l'Irl J o.f E ?.- ?{, F BIj o L i[l 'iR $tr f,Fir:- 0 $+ * pl$ $l$ */F t oi rt2 x 'C;WTITO: FROM: MEMORANDTJM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Deparunent ,$'*,r gull" t "- DATE: April27, 1992 SIJBJECT: A request for front and side setback and site coverage variances for the wilhelm Residence, 4289 Nugget Lane, west unit/Lot 5, Bighorn Estates, Resubdivision of Lots l0 and 11, Bighorn Estates.Applicant Robert and Karen WilhelmPlanner: Jill Kammerer I. DESCRIPTION OF TIIE VARIANCES REOI.JESTED The applicant proposes to remodel an existing duplex unit. under the redevelopment proposed, an additional 191 sq. fr of GRFA will be added to the residence. Chapter 18.71 - Additional Gross Residential Floor Area ("250 Ordinance") will be utilized in order to allow the addition to be constructed. ,Under this redevclopment proposal, site coverage will be increased by 177 sq. ft. In order to construct the modifications to the residence as proposed, the applicant must obtain site coverage, and east side, west side and front setback variance approvals. In conjunction with the redevelopment of this unit, the applicant will be installing 3 additional aspens along the wesrern property line adjacent to the strect. Further, the applicant will be converting one existing woodbuming fireplace to two gas fireplaces. A. Front Setback Variance t. Kitchen Expansion/Ski Storage (South Elevation) The applicant proposes to expand the existing kitchen and construct a ski storage area on the first floor. The existing structure encroaches 3'-5" into the required 2O-foot front setback. The kitchen expansiory'ski storage addition will encroach 2'-9" further ino the front setback. Therefore. a 5'-9" setback variancc is required in order to allow this kitchen exDansion/ski storaqe area to be constructed. resulting in a 14'-3" front setback. @lease note this area also requires an east side setback variance described in IC.) MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental CommissionTO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: . .€rf ff ffrfv .uru E vtronmentat UOmm|sSlOn q {n Community Devetopment Department J-J " ,\ Nfncus i:1":t:11",,, "*, side and west side serback variances ror rhe o,ro[lt s-l-i] T::i9^"_199' 1031 Easre's Nest circre/Lot 1, Brock 1, vairVi[age eigntn inlii. t Applrcant: G and S partnership Planner: Jill Kammerer l. The. applicant proposes to totally remodel the interior of an existing single family residence.Under the re^development proposed an additional 288 sq. ft. of liviigar;a will be added to theresidence. Chapter 18.71 - Additional Gross Residentiai rtoor nrei 1,zso Ordinance") wilt beutilized in order to allow this addition to be constructed. Under this. redevelopment.proposal, site coverage would be reduced by 91 square feet.However, in order to construct the modificationJto the residence as proposed, the applicantmust obtain rear, west side and east side setback variance approvati. A. Rear Setback Variance 1. Bay Window: The applicant proposes to remove an existing i foot by 10 foot bay windowwhich encroaches 6 feet into the required reir setbacli and to conitruct a newlvztoot by 10.foot bay window in the area immediately west of the bay window to be removed. The new bay window would encroach -6 leet-6 inches into the required 15 foot rear setback.. Therefore a 6 foot-6 inch setback variance is inch rear setback. 2.Third Floor: The applicant proposes to construct a new third floor on the eastern end of the existing structure. This new third floor area will not encroach further into the required 15 foot rear setback than the 5 feet the existing structure encroaches. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT;A request for a siE coverage variance for an existing secondary unit within a primary/secondary development, located on Lot 1, Vail Valley 3rd Filing, a Resubdivision of Part of Sunburst/1816 Sunburst Drive. Applicanu Jack StanteyPlannen Jill Kammerer I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE RTQUESTED The applicant is requesting a site coverage variance in order to infill an approximately 10 foot wide area, located between the primary and secondary units, and a portion of the covered walkway to the secondary unit. The allowable site coverage on the site is 3,214 sq. ft. The existing sire coverage is 3y'04 sq.ft. The proposed site coverage is 3,622 sq. ft. The site is currently 6Vo or 190 sq. ft. over the allowable site coverage of 2AVo. The applicant's request is to allow a 67o increase in site coverage over the existing site coverage. This site coverage increase amounts to an additional 218 sq. ft. over the existing site coverage. This results in the project being 408 sq. ft. over the allowed site coverage. If the expansion is approved, site coverage would be 32.67o or 12.67o over the allowable. Therefore a site coverage variance is necessarv for the additional 67o of site coverage over the allowed. The applicant must obtain DRB approval of additional GRFA square footage as allowed under the 250 Ordinance for the secondary unit in conjunction with this variance request in order for the redevelopment as proposed to occur. The project is currently 829 sq. fr. over the allowable GRFA for the site. il. BACKGROUND On March 6, 1991, the Design Review Board reviewed the redevelopment proposal for the structure, which included the addition of three spruce trees. The DRB voted unanimously to approve the proposal, subject to the following conditions: 1. Resolution of site coverage interprctation issue by Community Development Department staff. MEMORANDIJM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 10, 1991 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department October 25, 1993 A request tor rear setback and density variances for the Hamner Residence located at 2854 Snowberry Drive/Lot 1gB, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Millie Hamner Jim Curnufte ryrob DESCRIPTION OF TTIE VARIANCES REQUESTED A. The applicant proposes to add 120 square feet of living area (GRFA) to the second level of the eastern half ol the duplex located at 2854 Snowberry Drive/Lot '198, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. The area to be added is loqated behind an existing bedroom on the south side of the structure, which is adjacent to National Forest Lands. The western half of this duplex currently encroaches into the rear setback approximately 12-112 teet, to within 2-112 teel of the rear property line. Although the eastern half of the duplex does not currently encroach into the rear setback area, the applicant's proposal is to locate approximately 23 square feet ol the addition 6 feet into the rear setback, 9 feet from the rear property line. The apolicant has reouested a variance to encroach 6 feet into the required 15 foot re-ar setback. B. This site is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential (P/S). Under P/S zone district development standards, not more than a total of two dwelling units are permitted on each site with only one dwelling unit permitted on lots less than 15,000 square feet. The existing duplex was built on this 13,370 square loot lot prior to Town of Vail annexation of the property. A duplex subdivision was approved by the Town in 1984. Section 18.64.050(8) of the Vail Municipal Code, states that: "structures which do not conform to density controls may be enlarged, only if the total gross residential floor area of the enlarged structure does not exceed the total gross residential floor area of the preexisting nonconforming structure." This duplex does not conform to density controls because the lot on which it is located is less than 15,000 square feet. Although the lot has additionalGRFA which could be used, the number of dwelling units on the site (two) exceed 1a\--i - Fears' 4,t^l P.It- rs c^ s ., ,rcl .&.- +- Fre I a,^l- F,+ ant \\c,nanre /.i leccJ</ / ul4\rJfartcq l\ h€- *n 4r.ld a aap g<a.,*r0re srF f s.|r tdarra.rr,' ae Pro.:a-t5 ,r,*ot"f '$o arr r-1.lrsf. UJg ...a[.nJa^al tE-.-. -- -- t . Sl- l* l-Re=. S*a -a 9-.li aar.*ta i a5o--:g. h. ,Alln r st:te- fat Zdto , Sv.ht r.r.> - a-"tFo * C Da'-+ ^ ,.-E s a feqraelst qZolo_ Sthe* zcno. __ a!' Ar*'.4 ,a*.^ 829 *$ atcr o^ 4rgFA , f-, tr;,t,tnel,,^ [\8"-, -&$*-- - Le!,c- (ltd * -4 .*A*< -,ro'-l ,rar. - -i--:aLbaeAr-u a*ayr.e --o1l lon4h +',de: i ***. -rrl/--^ A5,D* qa$*o.: b. AtLr,^: :tJi rorpro-gu _2do ,_er.rsor3 ___:u€_ 1A) ?1.5-lo , }6"b ?.#a cov-l'a^y:- uLras__- a!La,*,e\, - --5, --6.r*vg Rns. fd- n:* Cr.k (roez) a . * btck -o.r$-\sdE D^ !44" Srde> li- Ce!--_ .- .-4.(. "-uery Sr*.ql.r $qr,q+eS. 1.- a?P,:€ aeldr-!:sr-- !4{s -bes r5,r^r!<"1 r,s/ 9$e ral q, >el blr.k--,s+f. I 2--. -,tNe lesl{eur- ue(- wEL {+e- u4qr$re.- 9n*Ilcl--- l,--\ -lLVrJc\ bt r€ . 3 . -T\,r 1ltoa.*^t t*- L{3 l l. +^4 - le.q! - ovrqf! t+ ok c[#'.Ue"e<- , -f\L. addr-*''o; -I= '^-+ - $r.able- {o -t{.L O.^.bl'c- Or urtnh-hor}. eIt)e adloae-* -+o tj^jry,oqd Ect"g{: t-a"44 -J s.^ppof -$or *te- arjtdv+F'A TO: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 13, 1995 A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an addition to the Ricci Residence located aI2576 Davos Trail/Lot 5, Block E, Vail Das schone 1st Filing. Tom and Nancy Riici, represented by Galen Aasland Andy Knudtsen DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicants: Planner: The applicants, Tom and Nancy Ricci, are proposing to demolish their existing detached one- car garige and replace lt with an attached two-car garage, a second story lamily room., and an dntraice to their home. A variance is required because the additions exceed the site coverage allowance in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district. Since the oreYioUs Ezt.S so. rt' The allowed site coverage is coverage is 2,3 1 9'4 sq uare .feet (?r -?9'9C"'), and the pioposeO site covelage is 2,68asquare feet (or 23.9%). The additional 433.6 square tbet bt site coverage rdquires a variance. They are also requesting to expand their living room by approximatery eO square feet, as well as raise the roof ridge over the living. roori by A teilt. 'ine living ioom addition will be located over an existing lower level and does not count as new site coverage. Other changes that will be involved with the proposal include removing the T-111/plywood siding that |unently is in place above and below the windows on the residence. The applicant is prdposing to cover the trim and plywood with a stucco linish. Landscaping will be changed' as'four larg? aspens will be removed as a result of this proposal. The applicant is proposing to reptaceitrese with lour 2-inch caliper aspen. The driveway grades do not change as the proposed two-car garage will be located in approximately the same place as the existing one- car garage. II. HISTORY OF LOT 5 on February 26, '1990, lhe Planning and Environmentalcommission (PEC) approv.ed a variance requesi for a setback gncioachment. In order to construct a new master bedroom on the lower level, the applicant proposed to encroach 3.5 feet into the l5Joot rear setback' The Design Review Aoard lOnBl approveO the proposal on March 21, 1990. In addition to the setback variance to allow toi tfi6 master bedroom expansion, the applicant also proposed expansions to the kitchen and a.second floor deck which did not require variances' On June 3, 1992, the DRB approved a 250. Though the 250 was granted, the addition was never constructed. The cuttent proposal includes 64.3 square feet of the 250' The applicant has submitted the 250 request and it will be scheduled tor a DRB review il the variance is I .granted.Sectionls.Tl.020requiresthat.variancesbeapprovedbyPECpriortotheDRB reviewing the proiect,,r,en uoth approvats are needed tbi one proiect.-t85J"::11.J::,:j ffiffi;il ffi;i" 1o,, rrtur" expansions, assuming the variance is granted by the PEC and the 250 is granted bY the DRB. lll.BACKGROUND The staff has researched projects in which similar requests were made, and has summarized them below: Dean/Rousch Residence. 2942 Bellflower (Julv '1993): ,S' :'i*t"F At the DeanlRousch residence, the applicants requested a 356% site coverdge variance (287 "k?nr*'";rt- tt.r.l"r t ", I Tavfor Residence. 2409 Chamonix Foad (Mav 1993): 't'"erft'' S,H"ffiij, il;il;;i;i"n""1+ teet into a z'jroot setback), and a wall heisht variance' The request lor site coverage and wall heighl variances were approved by the PEc' but the setback variance tor Anin"was denied. tisnouiJOe noted that ihe staff recommended denial of the variance, but the ;LC fip;;"d it. The inierior dimensions of theaarage Y9f-^22'5 bV - ,-i ^ l 22.S feer, and the "r"" ot tn"tlrage calculateo ioi tit" couei"g" was 576 square feet' 4#'#;*t'"0 * iF' 'r-,telt -t At the Taylor residence, the applicant requested and was granted a site coverage variance lor 1.g% (l21square feet) in orCili to construct a garage and builcling connection on the property' It should be noted that the altowed site coverage oi tnis lot is 20% (not 15%), and the applicant was also granted a variance to construct the garage in the front setback (the slope on this lot did not "*.""JiOy"i. fn" "pptoued interior dimensions of the two-car garage were 21 feet by 20 feet, ror aiotar-iriierior arba of +20 square feet. The garage contributed 462 square feet toward site coverage. ,t;jdl4)tzt'*'- ( At rhe Mumma residence, the applicant requested and was granted-a 11'^,t'l1llu"lt1".", - I llQ:T' lll:: Hi f Si.ll i""3ll ft 'Xii ;?jffiT ffi iffi ;; ti th "i ui'"'o" q4{# " l* Lt ^ " "U ; .'" . overage on site "ou.r"g" ;roun"teOio approximately 99 sqyry9 fegt. lne interior dimensions- irqYf of the approvect garage t"""ui" ZO teet'dy ZO teJ'ior a tdtd interior area of 400 square feet' { The garage contrinuteO 442 square feet toward site coverage' At the smail residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and front setback variances in order to .ontit,t-" g;rage'anO Cnie aOOiti-on' The interior dimensions of the approved garage ,n""rurl'ii'feei e-iiches by 22 feet 3-inches (504 square feet)' Please note that a site coverale varlance was noi necessary as a part of this request' At the Testwuide residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and lront setback variances in order to construct a garage aOOition to tnl existin! residence' The approved garage had interior Oitn"*ion. oiZt.5 feet by 24 feet' with a iotal interior area of 516 square feet. Please note that a site coverage variance was not neoessary as part of this request. Smail Residence. 4238 Nu et Lane (SePtember 1992): o Communi ty Development Plan Rou o ting Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Return To:George Ruther Date Routed:3/26/98 Retum By:4/2/98 Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Quayle Addition Lot32, Glen Lyon Subdivision Dining Room Addition Approved -X-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions l\everyone\dom\routf ;onn PARADICM DESICN ADfACENT pROpERTy OWNERS TO t-OT 32 A, c[EN tyON SUB. Lot 30 Clen Lyon Sub. Cynthia Meagher 1420 5th Ave. Suite 3000 Seattle, Washington 981 01 Lot 31 Clen Lyon Sub. Debra Mastalir 5752 So. Jasmine Englewood, Colorado 801 1 I Lot 36 Parcle A Clen Lyon Sub. Harry & Jacqueline McMahon 792 San Lorenzo St. Santa Monica California 90402 Lot 36 Parcel B Clen Lyon Sub. William & Caroline McDevitt Darrel & Kimberly Brown 7508 WeepingWillow Dr. Sarasota, Florida 34241 Lot 37 A Clen Lyon Sub. Linda Ruderman 524 North St. Creenwich, Connecticut 06830 Lot37 B Clen Lyon Sub. Wayne Ruting P.O. Box 149 Denver, Colorado 80201 National Forrest Service P.O. Box 25127 Lakewood, Colorado 80225 ARCHITECTURE Lot 38 Clen Lyon Sub. Resort Properties 1230 No. Lake Shore DR. Sarasota, Florida 3423 1 Lot 42 Clen Lyon Sub. Trudo & Marry.lane Setschert 1510 So. Tuttle Ave. Sarasota, Florida 34329 Lot 43 A Clen Lyon Sub. Century Construction Inc. 2740 Meadow Dr. St. Charles, lllinois 60'175 Lot 43 B Clen Lyon Sub. NA Company 4700w.160rh st. Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Lot 44 Clen Lyon Sub. Howard & Kathryn Stone 615 Palacesades Ave. Santa Monica, California 90402 Lot 32 B Clen Lyon Sub. Ray Stevenson 1 N. E. Lagoon lsland Court Seawall's Point, Florida 34996 SCULPTURE INTERIORS 835 INCA PARKWAY BOULDER, COLORADO 80303 3034994252 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NONCE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ol Vail will-hold a public he_aring in accordance viitn Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Aprit 13, 1998, at 2:fit P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipat Building. In consideration of: I rgq.ugqt for a minor subdivision, located at 1410 Buffehr Creek Road, Lot G-1, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2. fpplicant Eric Johnson, representing Leroy SchmidtPlanner: Dominic Maurielio A request for a side yard setback variance and a conditional use permit, to allow for the addition of a car wash, located at 2154 South Frontage Road/unplatted. AFplicant Sonny Caster, GTS, Inc., d.b.a. VailConoco ServicePlanner: George Ruther A request for a building height variance, to allow for an increase of one-foot in building height, located at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17, VailVillage West First Filing. Applicant: Julia WatkinsPlanner: George Ruther A request for a sile coverage variance, to allow for a residential addition, located at Unit #602, Vail 21 Condominiums, 511 East Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: BillWalkerPlanner: Dominic Mauriello \ ,A request for a site coverage variance and additional GRFA utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow lffor a residential addition, located at 1230 Westhaven Circle/Lot 32, Glen Lyon. -F V Applicant: Marilyn Quayle, represented by Eric HillPlanner: George Ruther A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourUunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C.Planner: Dominc Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a temporary garden center, located at2107 North Frontage Road/unplatted, Vail das Schone. Applicant: Clty Market, Inc.Planner: Christie Barton The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD lor information. Community Development Department Pubfished March 27,1998 in the Vail Trail. Please call $,prtifirutr uf (Drrupunru @uurn (Df liluilfiuillirrg lHrpurtnpnt THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE RESUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CADECERTIFYING THAT AT THE TIME OF TSST/ANCE THI.S STRUCTURE U/AS TN COMPLIAN CE WITH THEVARTOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN REGUI-ATING BT/II.DING CONSTRUCTION, AND OR USE, TOTHE BEST OF OUR I(NOWI-EDGE, Name STEVBNSON DUPLET Use Classif icarion Croup R-3 Building Permit No.Type Consrruction Owner of Building Stevenson Building Address 1230 Wesrhaven Cl.rcle I Lot 32,Glen Lyon Subdivlslon Septenber 19,1995 1'he hrril<ling rrfficial nrer, in rvriring, surpcnd or revrrkc a Ccrri_ I icart oI Occup:rnc i*ucd rndcr rhr proririons of rhis <odc whor_ cvtr rhc certilicatc is issucd in crnr. (r (rn rhc basis ol incorrcct inlrrrnration srpplicd, or rvhen ir is dcternrinrd that thc buildinq or$ttlKttrc or portion rhcre<rf is in violarion of lnr ordinarrct orrcgrrlation of rhc T<rwn of Vail or ant of tht, provisions of this codc- 00s646 Building Official POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE N #ffi--wft}ffi-*ffi $ffiffi;.i#h:rffii .A #.ffi tr s 16 $,wtifirutr rf (Drrupsnrg (Df lilutl Erpurlmrnt Unrutr ffiuililing THIS CERTIFTCATE |.SSUED PURSUANT ',l',O ',tHE R[8U'R[MEN'I-S OI: rHE UNIFORM rrUrtDlNC CODI CERTTFYING THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURN WAS IN COMPIIANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES AF THE TOWN REGUI-A7]NC TUII,D'NC CONSTRUCT'ON, AND OR USE, TO THE BFST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE. Nanrc STEVENSON DUPLEX Usc Clnssification SIN-G-!!-FAMIIY RLS. I,IENCE (2) .--Cr,up R-3 Building Permit No.005646 Type Construction Owner of Building S tevenson lluilding Address 1230 l,leathaven Clrcle Lot 32,Glen Lyon Subdlvislon september 19, 1995 'l hc builtlinB oJfieinl rru.v. in rvritittg, surptnd or rtvokc a Ccrri- ficerc of ( )cerp;tncr irlred rrntltr thc provisi rrrsof rhi,icrxlc rrhcrr- cvcr thc tertiiic:rtc ir irsrrcd in c[fr)t. (rr on thc blrir of incrrrt'tt inforurlt irrrr rrrpplitrl,r'r rvh,'n it ir rlo,:rnrin.d th.rt thc hui ingrrr rrrLr!nrrf {rr prxtir:n thrr<rl ir il tirrlltion ,rf :tn1'ttrdinlncc rtt rtgrrl.rtiol ol th. lorvn,l \/iril ol arrt of rhc proli,'iorrt of rhis POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE -f tli PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oRre J'' .'i," - .r'J- JoB NAME v INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER TUES '.tl:6 PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED , THUR FRI l, I I ..,/.:,',-."r -.-. -' r'GL !lneeaoveo CORRECTIONS: I] DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWooDNAILING - O TNSULATION . tr SHEETROCK NAIL n ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEF -tr ROUGH C] CONDUIT PLUMBING: E UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB o tr o FINAL MECHANICAL: B HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr tr FINAL l,iINSPECTOR -/Y rNS h i Ft'g*,.o$, $Fgyt7ro,,,^ 47g-21ga ["'' // uv ,r, NAME INSP TION:ES WED T,HUR _---@tnnFRI READY FOR LOCATION: ( T,'WY7II CALLER tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED O DISAPPROVED EUILDING: PLUMAING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V'tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / WATEF tr FRAMING tr GAS PIPING " B3'"',["%'#5il''*o tr POOL / H. TUB tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK FINAL tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL n Jfr't ,c. ;/./rr lt)/tt,jL--.t, ,L .)y'.. , /, !///,'/e-')L- )i-..ln t/., ni /.{e=--> 'O".t.2 ( )t {.L.t :-?e\/ '/n J irl l.'/r, -t-4 ',,. I \ . tv- ?r- rNSPEcroR--DATE {, ' J PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DArE q f L/ /qs JoB NAME o) INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FoR INSPECTIoN: MoN ruES wED rHUR @ q @ pM Itn.z'.LocArloN: t.)-,*) u)efir|.A{eN QI?LLE 479-2138 BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEHGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER f-r ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL/ H. TUB Pr.r..a O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr fI T] HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR '-t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ( t 'i i - l5? t MON CALLER Tt ttrs iinu,n " rnr 5 [,tla PERMIT NUMEER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEFI" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: r] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL C FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORFECTIONS: INSPECTOR-2 1 -) aa-/-d / - 7J * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMf T NUMPER OF r PlOlSCr'.ir,t 1ft,'i'11Y"',o,) 479-2138 NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER - il - , ;l(. INSPECTION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: )Q orsneenoveo \8. REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAMEDArE i ;i{-,1 i' READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS /,STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB. tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR t:1 D FrNrr AFPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED r& CORRECTIONS: I I -Lf <-* t, o,u-/ "//*/i ,) t' = INSPECTOR t INS CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ,j it. r^ O- TUES -------g PM t*r t/l->ln V@./ | lJl | \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER plxeeaoveo , CbRRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED ' tr REINSPECTION FEQUIRED oerc //-3- ?f rNSPEcroR runve (r-l li v r-r.-i :,onj INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 /jr \onre / READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER T) 6. g: l:S TUES WED THUR FRI AM (ruD >l ti ? PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILTNG D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o X tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL E FINAL ! neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED CI REINSPECTION HEQUIRED il n-r / "-> C i-t At,[l r rT; .:;;,tr. - ' t.; Ll,. t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING lr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr_ tr FTNAL-"..=-O FINAL ELECTRICAL" tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n D SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,/- ./,;' -9 r ' 2 ,/ ' .,.!,:' ,/,/--:;- ./ -/ ,,. ,1, ' -INSPECTOR ' /./t t/ ;' - i/:/'./ PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT CALLER TUESHEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WAIER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAI O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED )d orsneenoveo REINSPECTION REQUIRED o^r, 9f eof ?5 rNSPEcroR / The ltens below glvlng a pernl.t Please check off I'I{AT IT{SPECTIONIS COMPLETED Uneed to be conplete beforea final C of O. ln the box provlded. DATE: n n FINAI }fECHANICAL n tl u rwnovncNr Sunvw C' nrsro. wercr -S{errilqd^/ onn: 'fu\. ho4/<_ t. a, ga FINAL ELECTRICAI DATE: I'INAI. BUILDINC EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: \\*j'.*o=r:,,., \-.,,-,\ - \SirJ\ft i., lnwn 75 roulh lront gc rord r.ll, colorldo El€57(?f3, 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ofllcr ol communlily dcwlopmqrt BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE Il_!!i:_n:ryjt.19cu.i1e9 I rowl of vait Fire Department Approval,rngrneer's (-Public wglls) review and approval,' a planning' oepartment *:j:L:I.H.1llh !:pu"tniint ievtew, and' a_ "eview uv-lii""d,ii oi ngueparrJnent' tne estinated tine for a total review may take as 16ngas three weeRs. f]l cgrrngrgiat ('large or smal't) and al't multi_family permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requireminls. nesloentialil9.:ryll projects.shoutd take a 'lesser amount of time. However, tfresloenrTat or smaller projects impact the various above mention6d 1ft1"lm.:,.with regard' to-necessary review, tt,.ie p"oj..ii' ruyarso take the'three week period. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite this :permi.t as sgon as possible. - I, the frane. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time ^() tt-Jczn Sczn ProJect Name Comnuni ty Development Deparbnent. 75 soulh trontegc road raal, colorado 81657 (3031 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECT: ottlce ol communlty developm.nl AI,L CONTRAqIORS CURREMTLYT REGISTERED IYITE TIIETO9IN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COIi{}II NITY DEVEIOPMENT !,taRcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.'ATERIAT SToRAGE acknoqledged by: a.OB*---. rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyPerson to litter, track or deposit. ani ""irl-"o"i., sand., debrisor rnateriar, including trash l"'rpster3, poiiaui"- toil"ts andworkmen vetricles. upon-any streetl =ie;;.ik; -;ii;y or pubricplace or anv norti6n theieof. itre rigtrt-"i-;;t-;n ail Tonn ofVail streets ina,Ig"g= is aliroxinately S ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wltl be striEliv--enforc'ed-by-trr"-io* of, vailPlllig works Department. -p"isi,"= found viorating this ordinancewill. be given a 24 hour written noii";1o-i!iJi"'=.id nareriar.In the event the person so notifLed does-";t;;ply with thenotice sithin rhe- 24 hour ti""-=p""r;i;,";;"-ii[ri" -]lorks Department wilr remo-\re said nateii"r it -ih;;d;;.e or personnotified. The provisions-or-trri=-"iaii"#; ;ffii not beapplicabre to c6nstruction,-r.itri"t.nce or repair proJects ofany street or attey or any utilities i; i;"-;i!ii_._""y. -T".5"yigg-Ordinance No. e in full , please stop by the Town ofYlll stlllding Deparrroent to outiin a copy. rlani you for yourcooperation on this roatter. Read andYW contractor, owner) !-r / A ./. lt a,'t{r\_' \-I | \_:. P t' !;t I i iif 1', ('L r-.i ] I..(ir i . -INSFECTION REQUEST'i '. I l( rL TOWN oF VAIL 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr FTNAL, t:( n tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB O FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /'.i: :i ' .'..N* '].r' CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER .;. I BEADY FOR LOCATION: TUES WED THUR ____@. DISAPP IVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL DATE Irruspecron CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dopartment of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEBMIT TYPE OF PERMIT fl eutlorr,rc n pLuMerNc D elecrRrcnl I FoUNDATToN m( MECHANTCAL^ .n _. .. I23O WESTHAVEN LEGAL ]esc. LOT 1? BLK FtLtNG GLEN LYoN SUBDIVISIOl JOB NAME: STEVENSON MECI{ANICAL pERMIT OWNER Haue RAY STEVENSON MAtLAppREss 1880 S OCEAN AVE STUART, FL 34996crTY ,^fH^.- ^ ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR JIM GUIDA FIRM IOI,VN OF VAIL REG. NO l,-..r*,.0' CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM JERRY SIBLEY P & H rowN oF vArL REG. No. L34-P 827 -s736 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE rr l2t 194 DATE --------:-1132 35 r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III I V V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION 122a34 " tffChRffiCfil' thS#T lonxsrnmrm PERMIT NO. z9F BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBINGgr MECHANICAL /70 ,000 . 00 TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES ) BUILDING PERMIT $ .00 $ PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEWIOO ALTERATION O ADDITIONAT1 ) REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNIIS - ACCOI\4MODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO, FIflEPLACES MECHANICAL I ,400.00/PC=$350 RECREATION FEE @tcxruess R-vALLUE - OESIGN REVIEW BOARO*-- I l(^u\;\b.le\CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT." -^... I I41, \.eV USE TAX WILL CALL 3.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES I ,753.00 gHrJcE_FE!_DUSNN _ _ JLJ2U2!___ ,ILDING OFFICIAL DATEADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: ST. CUT INITIAL rNtNG ADMTNTSTRATOR DATE )NING & BUILDING NOTES:;;; ll I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, compteted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ortlinances ol the Town applicable thereto. t0,I 2 | fgg{ TOl/.CO|t4[4. DEt/, DEPI N I cr J FiL D rr \F+ q + fs3(' o 91a;i?t-t 6 ?U$ftci:!9) .3 rs)sq]o tss-Odx ).I v\ O'-n-Tl -rO<rrt; g?5 \J--E-< 4tl Fi t[! a- '58 iq+] in f ;1 f \G .nf, osI ;tI e Lo f g).f <!(x1{- 364 lv ;5tJ '-:ar(r, 1S 3 g o\ f+ f:^ ( fo" ir l-+ J INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIT\ Lt)DATE READY FOB LOCATION: Sbc/ (r PERMIT NUMBER OE PROJECT / 1 / /f JoB NAME INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING - GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOC,J n tr FINAL MECHANICAL:'t-:, tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL ,, w VED tr DISAPPROVED p RETNSPECTTON REQUTRED :1' CORHECTIONS: t I l^ 51,1 '-rDATE I r l)-<l\t ? INSPECTOR PiPer / d,rc.h itect-' o 8.25.94 Gry Murrain, Chief Building Offictal Tbwn of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. West \hit co Re: Stenerrson Duplcx, Fefirdt # 5648 1230Wes$aven [hiw Gary: Plcase be advised thet A.T. Srnith haq been terplaced es the contfacbr of reCtrd for tfcabqgr noEd projest The new coiltaftor is Jim 6uida. 59E9496258tp 11\g.J Og -COLo \_ () c-'n o|n ctlII Or{otoot.) xg {1\€r\t O.!t O.Iooo oslI o 0o o o 0(, c0 u oIoo xo .o T' ^oIo 0 (, 0 0 s d otl a -l-*LL!F-{ BF !-JF I1- i'liscel I ane'ru= Cash [:l:r-!]l-:li;i. 15:3?:.18r ;i:i'i:r.,i.Fr, l: i.5{tjiii ii,-.i:::,:...:rr.i. +i L.l'. S i1*-,: :-.::"li;::;i..ji1i:ii: F:!Ji..l[:]:i.iE !f,F.:'..SLtF['IUIgInFl - St_tpLE .'t 'li,-;iu,-; -r i-. :'-::i-r,-i*rEi l' 1ff8. Et6 i l.+rri psid gnn_nrt paid {it. !r:,rir*,].: l:j'1$j![r!:.i l. fiEl. FE ,li:.;,,,-:l;,+ f-i: i'.ti ,:;.j I' S. BE -T.HilF4Fi V[}LJ \i*:_r l ,:;=.h i *, r- HE I ti I I 'rRevised s/z/gz D. (Chapter lj .24 vail Municipal Code) 'i i,,. ..i:,i.,r.r, ,,_,. (pLEAsE pRrNr oR rypE) ' v v " "uil'ij'ti' UEV, D|jPT, A. pPLICANT /xy Szerr*=..^r MAIT,ING ADDRESS Onr /U,E. A*t'.oa:' a<tswa ?r._ B.APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :{S*eprt A _ Cnocno"ro., Srr,r.an-r F[. : yr74 pao,li,nltd0rj-&:I_gjE_ ADDRESS HoNES_*_Z?Z7_ HoNE.Icet)3r? -.?llL MAILING ADDRESS O LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET NDF.3SS R3O tuFs7f/n?rnJ rR. Unn r tOTjlL_BLocK_SUBDrvrsrou drrnlva"r TTLING panttu9 cHEcK # tt/3 ftzr/q @/L ?&ni|In.esfor a]l st An identificat.ion of the streets, alteys. parks, and other public areas or facilit.ies as shown on t.he plat, and a dedication thereof to Lhe publicuse. An identification of the easement.s as shownon the plat and a grant. thereof to t.he public use.Areas reserved for fut.ure public acquisit.ion shaLlalso be shown on t.he plat.. A written survey description of the area includingthe totaL acreage to t.he nearest appropriatesignificant fiqure. The acreage of each lot orparcel shalL be shown in Uhis manner as well . PROPERTY O OWNER'S SI APPLICATION FEE $].00. OO MATERIALS fO BE SUBMITTED: 1-. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivisionpl-at shal"l be submitt.ed to Lhe Department of CommunityDevelopment. The plat. shall include the following: fi'P* The final plat shall be drawn by a registered$urveyor in lndia j_nk, or other substantiaLsolution, on a reproducible medj-um (preferabtymylar) with dimensj-on of twenty-four by thirty-sixinches and shall be at a scafe of one hundred feetto one inph or larger with margins of one and one-half to tho inches on the left. and one-half inchon all other sides. Accurate dimensions to the nearesL one-hundredthof a foot for all 1ines, angles and curves used todescribe boundaries, streets, setbacks, a1Ieys,easements, structures, areas to be reserved ordedicated for public or common uses and ot.herimportant features. A11 curves shalt be circulararcs and shall- be defined by the radius, centralangle, are scored distances and bearing. AItdimensions, bot.h linear and angular, are to bedetermined by an accurate cont.rol survey in thefield which must balance and close within a linitof one in ten t.housand. North arrow and graphic scale. A syst,emati ication of al-1 gxisting and ,/. {^ nlk ". 4. ,4 :"t"tl*ii:""f,.:i'.;:T3r"I::t:i'.13'n round : subdivisj-on, and a description of all monument,s used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perineter monuments shall be established as major control monuments' the materials which shall be determined by t.he town engineer, A st.atement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. A certificate by the registered land surveyor asoutlined in Chapter 17.32 af this title as t,o Lhe accuracy of the survey and p1at, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes L973, Title 38, Article hl A certificate by an at.t.orney admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporale titleinsurer, that. the oroner (s) of record dedicating tothe public the public right-of-way, areas orfacil-1t.ies as shown tbereon are the owners Lhereofin fee simple, free and clear of a]l liens and encumbrances except as noted. The proper form for fiLing of the plat with t,heEagle County clerk and recorder. Certificat.e of dedication and ownership. Shoul"dthe certificate of dedication and ownershipprovide for a dedication of land or improvementsto the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of t.rust and mortgage holders on said real property will berequi-red to sign t.he certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple ownerthereof. AII current t.axes must be paid prior to the Town'sapproval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificateof taxes paid must be sigrned on the plat or astat.ement from the Eagle County Assessors Officemust be provided with the submittal informationstating that all- taxes have been paid. Signature of owner. ,,/n. ^,/i. 1. I ,1 /n. u(,The plat must contain the followinq statemerrt: ., ; tr'o ".^:=':.'b,vt% o K "For zoning' purpoaes, the lots create;ft;f thissubdi-vision are to be treated as one(floL)with no morethan Lwo dwelling units allowed oi-EnVombined area ofthe two lots. " The st.atement shall be modified toindicate the number of units and lots croposed." 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenant.s relating tothe subdivision, which shall assure the maintenance ofany common areas which may be created. The covenantsshaIl run with the land and sha11 be in a form suit.ablefor recording with the Eagle Count,y Clerk and Recorder. 4. Schedules A & B of a title report. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receivi.ng two copies of a complete submittat along with. /payment of the appropriate fee, thb zoning administrat5r -^llshall route one copy of the site map to the town enqineer/ lil for his review. The zoning adrninistrator shalL then conductt.his review concurrently. The town engineer shal-l reviewthe submittal and return commenLs and not.ifications to thezoning administrat.or who shall t.ransmit the approval,disapprovaL or approval with rnodifications of- Lhe ptatwithin fourteen days to the applicant. The zoningadministrator shall sign the plat if approved or iequiremodifications on the plaL for approval or deny approval due Revised 5/L/92 !3,1li3"ilQl:':;nxl'l.Eli,35'fl:li|1t:;::? fi3"oi5. FITING AND RECORDING The Department of community Development will record the pratand any relat,ed covenants wit.h the Eagle Count.y Clerk andRecorder. Fees for recording shall Oe paiA by t.heapplicant.. The community Development Departm6nt. wirl retainone myrar copy of the plat for t.heir records and will recordthe remaining mylar copy I FI Revised 5/l/92 If thls appllcation requires a gepaxate revlew by any local' State or Federal agency other than the Town of vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include' but are note llmited to: Colorado Department of Hlghway Access Permitsr Atmy CorPs of Engineers'404, etc. The applicant shal.l be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the applicatlon fee. rf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearingr causlng the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shaLl be pald by the applicant. ApplicatJ.ons deemed by the Community Development Department to havesignificant design, land use or other issues r*hich may have a significant impact on the comnunity rnay reguire review by consultants other than tor"fnstaff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Conmunity Development may hlre an outside consultantr it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by t.he appJ-icant at the time he files his application with the Conmunity Development Department. Upon completion of the review of theapplication by the consuttantr any of the funds forwarded by the appJ-icant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the lown in excess of the amount fonaarded by the applicant shal.l be paid tothe Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. DECLERATION WHEREAS, Ray Stevenson, hereinafter referred to asrrDecraranttt, is the owner in fee sirnple of the f ollowing describedrear estate, hereinafter rtsubject prbpertyrr, situate in the countyof EagJ"e and State of Colorado, Lo wit: Lot 32, GIen Lyon Subdivision, according to the platthereof recorded in the real property records of theCounty of EagJ-e, State of Colorado. WHEREAS, Dec)-arant has'constructed tr.ro (2) dwelling units onthe subject property; and WHEREAS, Declarant wishes to provide for se.parate ownershinof such units and certain separatefy owned proper-ty. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant does hereby publish and declare thatthe - following terms, covenants, conditions, easements,restrictions, uses, reservations, rirnitations and obligations sharibe deemed to run with the ]and described herein, shaLr be burdenand a benefit to Declarant, their successors and assigns, and anyperson acquiring or owning an interest in Lhe rear property whichis described herein and improvernents built therein, tnelr grlntees,personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. 1. .Division of Real property int-o Two Lots. The subjectproperty is hereby divided into two lots, each of which shall bea separate fee sirnpre estate consisting'of the rot designated Lriththe corresponding nurnber and retter together with aLr improvernentsthereon, including but not rimited to .a residence, and al-leasements and rights rocated thereon or appurtenant thereto asprovided herein, as foll_ows: . LotALot B such lots being shown on the subdivision plat depicting the subjectproperty as recorded in the records'of the clerk and Recordei ofEagle County, Colorado (the "plattt). 2. Description of Lots. (a) Each Lot shalr be inseparable and rnay be leased, devisedor encumbered only as a residence. (b) Title to a lot may be held individuarly or in anv forrnof concurrent ownership recognl.zed in colorado. rn case 6t any such concurrent ownership, each co-owner shall be jointly and severalJ-y liable for perfornance and observance of atl the duties and responsibilit,ies of an ttownerrr with respect to the lot in which he owns an interest. For aII purposes herein, except for paragraphl-L(c), there shall be deerned to be only two owners, the owner ofLot A and the owner of Lot B. The parties, if more than one,having the ownership of each such lot shall agree among themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership, but all such parties shall be jointly and severally liable for performance and observance of aL] of the duties and obligations of an ilownerrr hereunder with respect to the lot in which they own an j-nterest. (c) Any contract of saJ.e, deed, lease, deed of trust, rnortgage, will or other instiunent affecting a }ot may describe itby its lot designation and by reference to.the Plat. (d) Eactr l-ot shall- be considered a separate ]ot of realproperty and shall be separately assessed and taxed. (e) Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes Section 3O-33.3-1L6, the subject property is not subject to the-.general provisionsof the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act. 3. Landscaping and Service Facilities. (a) The owners frorn time to tirne shall undertake suchlandscaping and general outdoor irnprovernents on their respectiveIots as they nay rnutually and unanimously deen proper for the harmonious irnprovernent of both lots in a common thene and, exceptfor any expense or }iability caused Lhrough the negligence orwilLful act of any owner, his farnily, agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such owner, each o!^rner shall pay one-hal-f of allexpenses, LiabiLities and general upkeep responsibilities wit,hrespect to such landscaping and outdoor irnprovements. The owners may from time to tine by mutual agreenent appoint one owner as theresponsibLe owner or may establish a system of alternating annualresponsibility for such landscaping. The responsible owner wouldhandle aLl adninistrative matters with respect to and oversee themaintenance. repair, upkeep and replacement of all suchlandscaping. If no such agreenent respecting J-andscaping andoutdoor improvements is reached betr^reen the owners, each o\,.rnershall be responsible for the expenses, ]iabilities and. general upkeep responsibilities with respect to the tandscaping and outdoor improvements located in or on his own Iot. The owner of one lotshall not unreasonably danage the val"ue of the other lot such asby shoddy upkeep outside, and both owners shalL nake all reasonableefforts to preserve a harrnonious connon appearance of the lots. (b) Common utility or servi.ce connections, comtnon faciLitiesor other equipnent and property, if anyr shall be owned as tenants in cornrnon and, except for any expenses or liability caused throughthe negligence or willful act of any o\,trner, his farnily, agent orinvitee, which shall- be borne soJ-ely by such olrner, al} expensesand Iiabilities concerned with sueh property sha]] be sharedequally between the two or,rners, The owners, if necessary, shaLldesignate one owner to receive alt joint utiLity biLls (however,the bills will be in the joint names of both owners), which areused in common with both lots and that designated ovrner shall beresponsible, subject to contribution from the other or,rner forone-ha1f (l/2') of the expense, for the payrnent of such utility. The designated owner shal] notify the appropriate utility companyand inforn them of the connon billing address. Where separate meters for measuring costs or expenses for such util-ity service are avaifabLe, such cost shall be an individua] expense and not a joint expense of the owners. Expenses for construction and futuremaintenance, replacernent and repair of future cornmon utilityservices to the subject property shall be allocated equal.Ly amongthe owners of the lots for replacement, repair and rnaintenance expenses of existing utilities. Notwithstanding the above, if autility is separately rnetered but such service or any portionthereof is for the benefit of both Lot A and Lq! B, then the costof such service shall be eguitably adjusted between the olrners. 4. Party WaIl. (a) Each owner of a separate lot shall have a perpetualreciprocal easernent in and to that part of the subject property owned by the other owner and on which the party waII is located,for party wa11 purposes, including naintenance, repair, andinspection; neither owner shaLt alter or change the party waIl inany manner, interior decoration excepted, and the party walL shallalways remain in the same location as when erected. The costs ofrnaintaining the party wall shaLl be borne equatly by both owners. (b) Tn the event of damage or destruction of Lhe party waIIfrom any cause, other than the negligence of either party thereto,the then olrners shal] repair or rebulld said wa}} t6 iti previouscondit!on, which specifically includes the previoui soundtransmission coefficient, and the expense of such repair orreconstruction shall- be borne eguall-y between the two owners. Eachowner, their successors and assigns. shall_ have the right to thefuII use of said wal} so repaired and rebuil_t. If either ownerrsneg}igence shall cause damage to or destruction of said waLt, suchnegligent party shaIl bear the entire cost of repair andreconstruction (c) Either party shall have the right to break through thepaTty tarall for the purpose of repairing or restoring sewage, water,utilities, etc., subject to the obligation to restore said wall toits prevlous structural condition, which specifically incJ.udes the previous sound transmission coefficient, at his own expense and thepayment to the adjoining owner of any damage caused thereby.Either party shal} have the right to make uss of the party wa).lprovided such use shall not impair the structural support or the sound transrnission coefficient of the party wall. 5. Alteration, Maintenance and Repair. (a) If any irnprovernent on Lot A or Lot B is darnaged ordestroyed, such darnage or destruction sha1l be pronptly repaired and reconstructed. Repair and reconstruction neans the restorationof the improvements to substantially the same condition in whichit existed prior to such damage or destruction. The cost to repairand reconstruct any irnprovement on Lot A or Lot B shalt be the soteexpense of the owner of said lot except as rnodified by" paragraph3(a) above and without prejudice, however, to the right of any ru1_eof law regarding liability for negligence or willful acts oromissions. Notwithstanding anything contained above to thecontrary, if the negligence or willful_ act or omission of anyowner, his agent or invitee, shall cause damage to, or destructionof any inprovement on any lot, such owner sha1l bear entire costsof repair or reconstruction. (b) Each owner sha]I be solely responsible for allmaintenance and repair of the exterior and interior of hisresidence, including arr fixtures and improvements and all utirityIines and eguiprnent located therein or in, on or upon his lot (LoLA or Lot B on the PIat) , and serving such unit only. (c) Ut.ility or service connections, facilities or otherutility equipnent and property located in, on or upon either ofLot A or Lot B which is used solely to supply a service or utilityto one lot shall be owned by the owner of the lot using suchutility or service and all expenses and liabilities for repair andrnaintenance shal-I be borne solely by the ov/ner of such lot whoshall have a perpetuaS. easement in and to that part of such otherlot containing such property for purposes of maintenance, repairand inspection. (d) No o\dner shall nake or suffer any structural or designchange (including a color scherne change) , either permanent ortemporary and of any type or nature whafsoever to the exterior ofhis residence or constiuct any addition or improvement on his fotwithout first obtaining the prior written conJent thereto frorn theother owner, which,consent shart not be unreasonablv withheld ordeJ-ayed. (e) where the o\irner of either lot, in compliance with theother provisions of this Declaration, desire to buird, renovate,excavate, irnprove or otherwise alter the structures or improvement 4 l-ocated on his J-ot, and where the owner has obtained the writtenconsent thereto of the ohrner as provided in paragraph 5(d) above,the owner of the other lot shaLl- cooperate to the extent necessarvto enable that owner to obtain anf required building perrnit oisinilar perrnit or license. It is understood and agreed,- however,that shourd the To\nrn of Vail allow an addition or rnodification tobe made to either Lot A or Lot B, the owner of the Lot not makingsuch addition sharl" not unreasonably withhold his consent pursuanito this paragraph 5(e). Notwithstan-aing anything contained herein,the owner of Lot B may not rnodify any improvernent which r+ouldutiLize rnore than two-fift.hs, and the owner of r,ot A rnay not modifyany irnprovement which would utilize more than three-fiiths, of thEavailabLe zoning density or other zoning rights availabl"e to thesubject property. Any costs.or expenses, however, associated withthe obtaining of a building or siniLar pernit shaLL be the expensesof the owner desiring said pernit and shalt not be a joint eipenseof the owners of both lots. : (f) In the event that either lot, or fraction thereof, istaken by eminent dornain or in condernnation, the owner of that Lotsha]l re^ceive any surns payable with respect to s.uch taking. In theevent that both lots, or any fractions therbof, are taken byeminent dornain or in condernnation, the owners shall divide any sumipayabLe pursuant to such taking in proportion to the relativevalues of the lots, or fractions thereof, taken. 6. Mechanicf s Liens, Indernnification. (a) Except for items incurred as a corunon expense as nrovidedfor .herein, if either owner shaL] cause any - materiai to befurnished to his lot or any rabor to be pertorrned therein orthereon, the other owner shall not under .ny circumstances beliable for the pa)rment of any expense incurred br for the value ofany work done or naterial furnished; aLL such work sharl be at theexpense of the owner causing it to be done, and such owner shallbe solery responsible to contract.ors, raborers, materiarmen andother persons furnishing labor or rnaterials to his Lot or anyirnprovernents therein or thereon. Nothing herein contained shariauthorize either owner or any person dearing through, with or undereither . owner, to charge ths ]ot of the other - o\,rner wit,h anymechanicrs Lien or other lien or encu.nbrance whatever; and, on thlcontrary (and notice is hereby given), the right and power tocharge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against the other owneror the other ownerrs lot for work done or rnateriar furnished toone ownerts l-ot is hereby expressly denied. (b) Except as provided for in paragraph 9 below, if becauseof any act or onission of either owner any nechanicrs or other l_ienor order for the paynent of noney shall be filed against the otherownerrs l-ot or any improvements tberein or thereon, or against the other owner (whether or not such ]ien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the owner whose acL or omission forms the basis for such lien or order shal-l, at his own cost and expense, cause the sarne to be canceLled and discharged of record or bondedby a surety conpany reasonably acceptabJ-e to the other owner,within 20 days after the date of filing thereof, and further shallindemnify and save the other owner harrnless from and against anyand aII costs, exlenses, claims, losses or danages, -including reasonabLe attorneyts fees, resulting therefrom. 7. Use Restrictions (a) The irnprovernent located on the subject property shalL beused for residential purposes only as a permitted use, andconditional and accessory uses shal] be as defined by the Town ofvail Zoning ordinance. No structures of a temporary 'character, tra5.Ier, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out-building shall be used on any portion of any of the subject property at any time asa residence, either ternporarily or perrnanent.Iy. (b) No aninals shall be kept or rnaintainef in or upon eitherIot, except that each owner nay keep and naintain within his lottwo domesticated dogs or donesticat.ed cals, or one of each,provided, however, that such domesticated aninal(s) are kept undercontrol at all tines on the lot of the owner of said aninal(s), donot present a nuisance to the other owner and are controlled instrict compliance with aII appJ.icabLe regulations that may applyto such animaLs. (c) No advertising signs (except one rtFor Renttt or ttFor Sa1e'lof. not more than three. (3) sguare feet per lot), billboards,unsightly objects or nuisances shall be erected, placed orperrnitted to remain on the subject property, nor shall any lot beused in any way or for any purpose which rnay endanger the healthor unreasonably disturb the or+ner or resident of the adjoining l-ot. (d) Al-1 rubbish, trash or garbage shal} be regularly rernovedfrom each Lot and shaL] not be aLlowed to accumulate thereon. A]]such expenses are the expenses of each individual owner, and arenot a joint expense of the owners. (e) An owner shall do no act nor any work nor allow anycondition to exist that will impair any easenent or hereditanenLrelated to the subject property. 8. f nsurance'. (a) Each owner shall keep his lot, and a1l irnprovements andfixtures located thereon or therein insured against Loss or darnageby fire and extended coverage perils (including vandalism and malicious mischief) for the maximun replacement value thereof, and covering such other risks of a sinilar or dissirnilar nature as areor shall hereafter customarily be covered with respect to sirnilarproperties issued by a responsible insurance company or companies authorized to do business in the State of CoLorado. The insurancefor each lot shall provide that the policy cannot be cancelLed orsubstantially rnodified until after thirty (30) days prior written notice is first given to each owner and each first nortgagee. suchpolicy shall also contain a waiver of subrogation if such a policy is reasonably available. (b) Each owner shal1 provide and keep in force for theprotection of hirnself general public liability and property darnage insurance against cLaims for bodily injury or death or property damage occurring in, on or upon his lot and the irnprovements thereon, in a linit of not Less than Three Hundred ?housand Dol]ars ($900r000.00) in respect to bodily injury or death to any nunber of persons arising out of one accident or disaster, or for damage to property, and if higher linits shaLl at any tirne be custornaryto protect against tort liability, such higher linits shaLl becarried and each olrner shalI narne the other or^rner as an additional insured party under such policy. (c) Each owner sha1l deliver to the other owner certificatesevidencing all- insurance required to be carrj-ed under this paragraph I upon reasonabLe request, each containing agreements bythe insurers not to cancel or rnodify the policies without giving the other owner written notice of at least thirty (30) days. Each owner shall have the right to inspect and copy all such insurancepolicies of the other owner and require evidence of the paynents of,. premiums thereon., (d) Nothing provided in this paragraph shall prevent the owners fron jointly acguiring a single policy to cover any one or more of the hazards reguired in this paragrapb 8. Such premiurns shaLl be apportioned according to the relevant coverage to each 1ot. (e) Each owner may obtain additional insurance at his own expense for his own benefit provided that alL such poticies shal] contain waivers of subrogation and, provided further, that theliability of the carriers issuing covering the lots hereunder shallnot be affected or dirninished by reason of any such insurancecarried by any or{ner. (f) Insurance coverage on any personal property items storedwithin the improvernents ]ocated on each Lot shaLl be theresponsibility of the o$tner thereof. However, nothing herein shalf be construed to reqtiire such insurance. 9 . Enf orcernent. (a) If an olrlner. at any time, shall neglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of any obligation reguired hereunder, the other owner may, but shall not be obligated to, after thirty (30) days written notice to the other owner unLess the circumstances require immediate action, make such payrnent, or, on behalf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligation, incLuding but not Lirnited to, the payment of any insurance premiums required. hereunder or for repair, restorationor rnaintenance, and such other owner shall have an easement in and to that part of such defaultingl ownerrs Lot as is reasonably necessary for such repair, restoration or maintenance. (b) All sums so paid or expended by an outner, with interest thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (f.8?) per annum from the date of such pa)rynent or expenditure, sha1l be payable by the owner so failing to perform (the "def,aulting ownerrr) upon dernand of the other owner. (c) AII suns so demanded but unpaid by thg defaulting owner, interest thereon and attorneyts fees incurred by the owner paying such surns as a result of the defauLt shall constitute a lien on the Iot of the defaulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to alI other Iiens and encurnbrances and any applicable hornestead exemption, which the owners each hereby expressly waive. except: (i) liens for taxes and special assessnents; and (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust of record encurnbering such lot. The lien shall attach frorn the date when the unpaid sum shall becorne due and rnay be foreclosed in like manner as a rnortgage on real- properqy. To evidence such a lien, writt,en notice of the Iien shaLl be prepared, setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the narne of the defaulting owner, and description of the lot to which the lien shall attach. Such noti.ce shall be signed by the owner in whose favor the lien shall be filed, and the lien sha1l be recorded in the office of the Cl-erk and Recorder of the County of Eagle. fn any foreclosure or other co]lectionproceedings, the defaulting owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonableattorneyrs fees. (d) The Lien provided for herein shalt be subordinate to the lien ot any first nortgage or deed of trust, including all additional advanees thereon. Sale or transfer of either lot as the result of court foreclosure or a nortgage foreclosure through the public trust,ee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, shall exting'uish the lien as to payments thereof which become due prior to such sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any forrner owner of personal liability therefor. The first nortgagee of such lot who acquires title by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shall not, however be liabl"e for any past due anounts andlor obligations due hereunder and shalf only become liable for future amounts and/or obJ-igations on the date it becornes the otrner of such lot. No sale or transfer sball relieve such lot frorn liability for any amounts and/or obl-igations thereafter becorning due or from tbe lien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of a lot with respect to which sums shal-l be unpaid bya defaulting o\./ner, except transfers to a first mortgagee in connection with a forecl-osure of its Lien or a deed in lieu thereof, tbe purchaser or other transferee of a interest in such lot shall be jointly and severally liabLe with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. (e) Upon written reguest of any owner, nortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of'a lot, the ordner of the other l"ot shall issue a written statement settingforth the amount he is owed under this paragraph 9, if any. Such statement is binding upon the executing owner in favor of any person who rnay rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shalL be cornp}ied with within fifteen (15) daysafter receipt thereof, all unpaid sums whicb hecome due prior to the date of rnaking reguest shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting such statement. (f) Each provision of this Declaration shall be enforceableby any owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or rnandatoryinjunction or by a suit or action to recover danages. If courtproceedings are instituted in connection with the rights ofenforcenent and remedies provided in this Declaration, theprevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in.connection therer,rith, including reasonabLe attorneyrs fees. (S) Each owner hereby altrees that any and aII actions inequity or at Law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shaLl be brought in and only in the courts of the countyof Eagle, State of Colorado. (h) Failure to enforce any provision of this DecLarationshall not operate as a waiver of any such provision, the right toenforce such provision thereafter, or of any other provision ofthis Declaration. (i) Any exereise of any right granted hereunder by one ownerwith respect to the other owner's Iot, including but not linitedto, the use of any easement granted herein, shall be exercised in a nanner which shall not unreasonably hinder, irnpede or irnpose upon such other ownerrs use of his Iot. o 10. Easernents.. (a) Each lot shaLl be subject to an easenent for encroachnents created by construct.ion, settling and overhangpreviously existing. A vaLid easenent for such encroachrnents and for the maintenance of same, so long as they exist, shall and does exist. In the event any improvernent is partiaJ.ly or totally destroyed, and then rebuilt, the owners agree that minor encroachrnents of parts of an adjacent lot due to construction shall be perrnitted and that a valid easenent for said encroachment and the maintenance thereof shaLl exist so long as the irnprovementssha1l stand. (b) Each lot is subject, to a blanket easement for support of the residences and other structures or irnprovenents.presentlysituated, or to be built in the future, on the 1oLs. (c) There is hereby created a blanket easement upon, across' over and under the uninproved portions of each of the ]ots for the benefit of the lots and the structures and inprovernents situated thereon, including the party wa}}, for ingress and egress, installation, replacing, repairing and maintaining alI comnonproperty and utilities, if dny, including, but not linited to, water, sewer, 9ds, telephone, cable tv and electricity. Said blanket easenent includes future utility services not presently available to the Lots which nay reasonabJ.y be reguired in the future. By virtue of this easement, it shall be expresslypernissible for the conpanies providing utilities to erect and rnaintain the necessary equipment on any of the lots and to affix and maintain eLectrical andlor tel"ephone wires. circuits and conduits, on, above, across and under the roofs and exterior walls of the improvernents, aI1 in a manner customary for such companies in the area surrounding the subject property. Notwithstanding the forgoing, aLI such utility equiprnent, wires, circuits and conduitswi}l be placed on the lot benefitted thereby to the extentpracticable, and if placed on the other Iot, wiLl be placed underground if possible, and to the extent practicable will be placed as close to the lot line as practicable. Either owner shalL have the right to relocate within his lot any utility at his sole cost and expense. (d) There is hereby erected a blanket easement upon, dcross, over and through the unimproved portions of each of the lots for the general use and enjoyment of the owners of both Lot A and Lot B and their respective guests, invitees, licensees and tenants. No rights arising under the easement granted pursuant to thisSection 10 (d) shall be exercised in a way which unreasonably interferes with the rights of other persons arising under this Section L0 (d) L0 (e) The lots shall have a cornnon driveway, and there isgranted hereby a non-excLusive easement for ingress and egress purposes over and across those portions of a Lot which are used as a driveway and which are more particularly noted on the Plat. No owner sha]I hinder nor pernit his guest to hinder reasonable access by the other owner and his guest to the building and parkinqt areas and, further, no ordner shall take or prevent his guest to take rnorethan one-half of the parking spaces provided without the consent of the other owner. It is presurned that snowplowing will be occasionally reguired. The cost of said snowplowing shall be borne eguaLIy by both owners. Other rnaintenance, repair or improvernentof such parking and access facilities rnay be reguired from time to time, and the sane shall be undertaken upon the unanimous agreementof the owners who shall shar,e all expenses equally. 11. Geneqgrl Provisions. (a) Notice. Each owner shall r:egister its mailing addresswith the other owner and aII notices or denands intended to beserved upon or,vners shall be sent by certif ied rnail, postageprepaid, addressed in the name of the orirner pt such registeredmailing address. In tbe alternative, notices rnay be delivered ifin writing, personally to owners. (b) Duration. AI). provisions contained in this Declaration sha11 continue and rernain in fuII force and effect until January1 in the year 2020 A.D., and thereafter sha]I be auLornatically extended for successive periods of ten (L0) years each; unLess this Declaration is amended or revoked by recorded instrurnent signed by aLl- owners and aII lienors hoLding a first mortgage or first deed of. trust, of record on any portion of Lot A or Lot B. (c) Amendnent or Revocation. This Declaration may be amendedor revoked at any tirne upon unaninous written approval inrecordable form of all orrrners and a}l lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Lots A and B. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shallbe amended or revoked only by an instrurnent which specificallyrefers to this Declaration and which is signed by each of the thenexisting owners and first ]ienors. Any easement made must beproperly recorded at the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. (d) Effect of PTovisions of Declaration. Each provision ofthis Declaration, and any agreenent, promise, covenant and undertaking to conply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exemption or reservation or grant of title, estate,right or interest to effectuate any provision of this Declaration:(i) shall be deened incorporated in each deed or other instrument by which any right, title or interest in any portion of Lot A or l_ l_ Lot B is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth orreferred to in such deed or other instrument,. (ii) shal-I, by virtueof acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of LotA or Lot B by an ohrner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted anddeclared as a personal covenant of such owner and, as a personalcovenant, shall be binding on such owner and his heirs, personalrepresentatives, successors and assignsl and, shall be deemed apersonal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each owner of anyportion of Lot A or Lot B, and (iii) shatl be deemed a real covenant by Declarant, for themselves, their heirs, successors andassigns, and also an eguitable servitude, running, in each case,as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion ofLot A and Lot B. (e) Severabilitv. fnvalidity or unenforceability of anyprovision of this Declaration in whole or in part sha).L not affectthe vaLidity or enforceability of any other provision or any valid and enforceable part of a provision:of this Beclaration which shallremain in full force and effect. (f) Captions. The captions and headings in this instrurnentare for convenience only and shalL not be consiiiered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. (S) Construction. When necessary for proper construction,the nascul-ine of any word used in this Declaration shaLt includethe ferninine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural, andvice versa . (h) covernihg Lar^r. This Declaration is nade and executedunder and in respect will be governed and construed by the laws ofthe State of Colorado where the property is situated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned collectively being theDeclarant herein have hereunder set their hands and seals this 15day of Auqust , L994. L2 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 SOUTH FHONTAGE RD VAIL COTORADO 81657 ATTENTION: CHUCK FELDMANN "Idi0 ruo'rui,li0J.l1ot t60, d j d-iV SIUqFRELYry4& DEAB CHUCK: THIS LETTER I$ TO ADVISE THAT ELLIOTT PLUMBING HA$ TAKEN OVER ASPLUMBING CONTRACTOR ON OUR JOE_S LOCNTED AT 1230 WESTHAVENCIRCLE (STEVENSON PERMIT + SO+EI Nr.rO 1079 SANDSiOTE DN. (REGALPERMTT #6302). THIS CHANGE WAS MADE BECAUSE CARR PLUMBING WENT BfiOKE AND LEFTTOWN. BILL SMITH A. T, SMITH CORP, iPe v r '/ o.r ch iae€tg 21284 Chuck Feldrnan, Building Official Tbwnof Vail Rel SteYensonReddence l?30l#esthaven Circle Chuck: Orisinal detail for fireptaces of both north and south units was ss per drawings on shcet t I of plans. Botir elevetions have changcd to exclude or grmtly deuease amount of stone. Nortir unit now will hay€ store veneer up 5'4" above rubfloor. A smel base angle will disribute tud load diagonally acrcisc serreral &uble ? x l0 floorioists' South unit has 3 - | 3t4 x 9 1/2 misolams to stBngthen floor system below tbe fireplma The micrcIarns were installed to support a much heavier loa$ng $"t I?$ sin{i} be€n redesigned. New desigir will not liCve stone vcnenr. Aahral lo€& rrlillgS.@ t)'pical40#LL. 69949625ts o F. sl ?-1-Il -- L-lr\ It lIr1rr)Y rl\\tl LIn ft u)c{s I 0r{ O.Ifiofq' x 0 t of\ I Et Or I F7oo oNs € o.il o o E (J io U caro$ xo .0 T' .o J {t E 0 o o o -o o €t t5258 41q-046? Vl0rY3 FAX TRA}.ISMITTAL y241UA Wrcu/$r'- To: D+gurcntofC,nnmunityDarclognut TDi/n of Vail From: DlettePip€r Rcr SevcnrpnDnrpler Art aL, 6/et /1ou S"L' lB0tilcrttrrven CIrcle C.ommmtr: I'm rcquosing a chrngc of location cf the d*Eic metprs ftom molnting m ftc lrqrs b a nn1r pcdcsrd-il;Ed jutt E 5.! norUr of t1- erirting h'ufunm. 0K, ,r,# -ttil rt" o* o'/""-' ,lrt/ro,A \vtllq lFo o " / i" cJr Iiagta oarl o F. O1 -a*a ) Og _C \--c () c.o a 5 d ?|'lt xg tl\oh * g I o € I (, E fi xI iof E0 bo Ii |o{ ?.'{'il+ TOWN OF VA]L D EPA RT;\{E}iT OF CO&I}ILiNITY DDVELOP}IENT' S,\LES,1,CT]ON FOIT}{ SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD rPrf 3 0l 0000 41540 ZCNT{O .{,\D ADDFI-SS l {A.PS 0l 0(\10 4241J I.TNTFO L\{ B LIILDT\'C C O D E or oooo rzcis UMFOR.\,I PLU}'{D bIG CODE 0l 000042.115 UM FOR-\ | ilfEcH,r..jvl C/. L CODE 0l c)000{x{15 UNIFOR-\{ FIRE CODE 0l 0000 {2.{ t5 N,\TIONAL i:LECTRJC^L CODE 0t 0000 {24 t 5 oTltEn coDE !ooKs BLUE PRTVIS (IJYLAIIS0t 0000 .r 1543 0l 0000'124 l2 ):ER,OX COPIES / S'iUDI]:S s0.2J 0l 00c{r2i7t i PENAI.TY :.!.'-'sPEC'ItONS ot ooco.t l3i2 i Ft,rv Rr.r,inv ls.(0 FEil, Htl.l 0l 0000 42322 OFF IIOUR,S L\-SPECTION FIES 0r 0010.r 11t 2 CONT}I,\ CTO RS L}CL\S ES I.TII 0l 0000 4l:.30 SION APPL]CATION FEE.01 0000 111 l3 0l 00C'041{13 ADDITIONAI- SIGNACE F;E IS].OO PER SO,IT. lTC ART FROJECT DON,\T]ON 0t 0co0 .r 1331 PRE P,A.JD DESICN R5\4EW BOARD FEE 0t 000042412 BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DT *'01 0000 /+1010 T/\X 0r 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDING)T/.l.F A ta.r aatr, DUE : 0t 0000 .t 1330 | LXTERIoR ATION ll\j E THn"\ r0c so.Fr. ELOP.\{!.YI D h.,^ JOR AM 0l 0000 r' l:!10 |L DEVELOPIfENT DI CT {hu.^OR A.lt14r330 lsLtsDIvlSrON{1330 ;VARIA,,\C 0l C\300 .i 1330 | ZON]NG CODE A"VE\DI.|E\|TS * tr * * * * ,t * * -|-CI'JH BF LtfaIf- t{iscel larecus Csh f-ri,-fii-s,l 11: 16: BB Fi*,r*ip r * 1:41Tfl Fli,:nurrt. # l::H * 1649 ri i,i: r'r"urlm tl* 8, HEfi T I t{r:"'EE- I t'lsFErlr I 0t 15 P :ilI:I!.T1J FEE ini,,=*tr t t.errils t-F'l :' 40' 6B Item Paid fmount Paid *l. ri1"rijfl4if,IlBBr-t 40' 0r3 .ih.Elrg* r,=t,urne'J ) [1' qtj -l-HFlFlt< \.{fu tJ,:'r-rr,:a=l-ri er JElil'lIFEFl Town of Vail 25 SouLh Front.age RoadVail, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2t38 Plan analysis based onthe l-991 Uniform Building Code NAMe: STEVENSON DUPLEX NORTH Address: ].230 WESTHAVEN CR.Date: August 4, L992 Contractor: XXXXXX Occupancy: R3rM1 Architect: PfPER Type of Const: V-N Engineer: NONE Plans Examiner: C. Feldrnann NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of all possible cod.e requirements in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide toselected sections of Lhe code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 86.0 Feet 86.0 FeetEAST Property line 24.0 Feet 24.0 Feet SOUTH Buildinq 0.0 Feet 0.0 FeetWEST Property line 24.0 Feet 24.0 Eeet- EXTERIOR WAIL FTRE RATINGS AND OPENTNG PROTECTIONTable 17-A & Tabte 5-A NORfH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG $IALL WALL PROT WAtt WAtt PROT WALL WALL PR,OT V{ALL WAL! PROTR3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr NoneM1 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None lIrr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material - Sec .2201 . None -- No fire protection reguirements for openings,Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 508 of the area of t.he wa1I maximum. Sec.2203.(b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongfreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall.* -- These walls may be required lo have a parapet wa11 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the samefire rating as the wa1l. See section 1710. for detaits and exceptions. FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EX]TS EGRESS 3 Bedroom #1 l-5?3 BaLh room #1 523 Bedroom #2 1263 Bat.h room #2 443 Halls, closets, etc. 26t TOTAL FOR FLOOR 6402 Livlng/Dining room 39L2 Kitchen L162 Laundry room 342 Master bath 832 Master bedroom 2722 Bath room 262 Ha11s, closels, etc. 244 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1106L Garage 574L Bedroom 16?L Bath room 541 Furnace room 661 Hal1s, cLosets, etc. 152 TOTAI, FOR F],OOR 1O].3 BUILDING TOTAT, 2759 15.70 0.00 1_2.60 0.00 0.00 39.10 r_r_.60 0.00 0 .00 2r.20 0 .00 0.00 0.00 J-O. /U 0.00 0.00 0.00 ? .85 2 .60 6.30 2.20 0.00 19.55 s.80 1.70 4 .1_5 r-0.60 1 qo 0.00 0.00 I .35 z. tv 0.00 0.00 L L L 1 1" 2 1 t- I 1 l_ 1 L 1 '1-t 1 t_ t- L 1 1- Yes No Yes No No No NO NO No YES No No No YeS No No No FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meetthe following. -- Sec. L204.L) The minimum clear height is 24 inches2l The minimum cl-ear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maximum sil1 height is 44 inches2, The number of exits is based on Tabfe 33-A (Dwellings)3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exLerioropenings for vent.ilation. -- Sec. L205. (c) 5) The requirements for 2 exits from the 3rd floor is based onSec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. ROOM DIMENSTONS:Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6j-nches. Kitchens, halIs, bathrooms and toilet compartment.s may have aceiling heiqht of 7 feet measured to the lowesL projection. If the ceilingis slopingr then the mj-nimum height is required in onLy t/2 of the area. --Sec. L207 . (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at leasL one room which has not less than 120square feet of floor area. Ot.her habitable rooms except kiLchens sha11 have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1,207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in anvdimension. -- Sec. 1207. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS;All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1-) Glazing in ingress and egrress doors except jalousies. 2') Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies andpanels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4'l Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steamroomsr bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wal1enclosing tbese compart.menLs where the bottom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest. exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edgeof the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.'l) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than tboselocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of thefollowing conditions:A. Exposed area of an i-ndivj-dual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than L8 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the fIoor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizont.ally of theplane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in rail,ings regardless of height above a walking surface.Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fillpanels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS :A smoke detecLor is required on the ceiling or waII at a point centrallylocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 12L0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceil-ing or waLl in each sleepingarea. -- Sec. L210. (a) 4.A smoke det.ector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 121"0. (a) 4.If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is requiredin the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are reguired to be wired to the buildingts power source andshall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec.12t0.(a'l 3.Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwellingin which they are located. -- Sec. f210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REOU]REMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:1) Fireplace must be support.ed by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b)2, The firebox must be at leasl 20 inches deep and walls of firebox areto be L0 inches t.hick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) I t 3) The mininum cLearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney walls is 2 inches. Combustible material maynot be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustibfewithin 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch ofelearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h)4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches t.hick, andsupported by nonconbustible material. The hearlh size must be at least:If Opening size is: Front extension Side extensionLess lhan 6 sq.ft.L6 inches6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches-- Sec. 3707. (k) & (1)5) Chinney height must be per Tab1e 3?-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, material-s approved for l"hr fireconstruction are reguired on the qarage side only and any doors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch solidcore door or a 20 minute fire door, -- Tab1e 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maxj-mum rise of a step is 8 inches and the rninimum run is 9 inehes. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail- where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height= 36 inches, maximum opening size,= 4 inches. -- Sec. l7!2.(al exc. #1 The minirnum headroom is 6 ft..- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o)Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protect.ed as requiredfor lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (I) STIAFT ENCLOSURES:1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more Lhan9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gagegalvanized sheet metal with a]l joints locklapped. The outside must beL hr construction. AII openings into any such encLosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door I 3/8 inches thick oreguivalent. -- Sec. l-?06. (f )2') Gas venls and noncombustible piping installed in wa1ls passing througrh3 floors or less do not need to be in l- hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) All other shafts are requi-red to be encl"osed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. 1706. (a) ADDITIONAL P-EQUTREMENTS : R3 OccupancyThis project. will require a site improvemenL survey. Such surveyshall be submitted and approved prior to request for frameinspection. I inches l-2 inches o A11 crawl spaces within the Town of Vail are Limited to a earth t.ostructural floor ceiling height of 5r, be earth floor only, beventilated as per UBC 2516(c)6 with minimum access as per UBC2516(c)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. Ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require anengineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil retalnage,and slructural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permitted without prior approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visibLe and legible from the st reet . For Ml Occupancy Slope gara€Je floor to allow for drainage Lo outside or provide afloor drain !ilith with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or tosewer. Any garage fLoor drain connected to sewer nust be appprovedby Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage which arebearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fireresistive construction. UBC 503(b) . t Town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657(303) 4'19-2138 Plan anal-ysis based onthe 1-991 Uniform Building Code Nane:STEVnNSON DUPLEX SOUTH Address: 1230 ''TESTHAVEN CR.Date: August 4, 1992 ContracLor: XXXXXXX Occupancy: R3rM1 Architect: PIPER Type of Const: V-N Engineer: NONE Pfans Examiner: C. Feldmann NoTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of all possible code requirements in the 1-991- UBC. It is a guide toselecLed sections of the code. SEPA3AT]ON D]RECT]ON BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Building 0.0 Feet 0.0 FeetEAST Property line 16.0 Feet 15-0 Feet SOUTH Property line l-9.0 Feet 19.0 FeetWEST Property 1j-ne 32.0 Feet 32.0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTIONTable 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON_BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROTR3 thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr NoneM1 thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.220L. None -- No fire protecLion requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assembties. 508 of the area of the wall maximum. Sec.2203.(b) & Tab1e 5-A Maxj-mum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensj.ongreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4305. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wal}.* -- These wal1s may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wa11 is reguired to have the samefire rating as the wall. See sectlon 1-710. for details and exceptions. NAME AREA MTN.LTGHT MTN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 3 Master bedroom 3043 Master bath 1433 Bath roorn 243 Kitchen 1563 Living/Dining room 7'163 Halls, closets, etc. 539 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1.9422 Bath room #L 572 Bedroom #L 2492 Furnace room 1092 Laundry room 422 Bat.h room #2 542 Bedroom #2 L662 BaLh roon #3 432 Bedroom ll3 1112 HaI ls, closets, et.c . 4 8 9 foTAL roR FLOOR 1-3201 Garage 5421 HaI1s, closets, etc. 126 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 558 BUILDING TOTAL 3930 30 .40 0.00 0.00 15. 60't7 .60 0 .00 0.00 24.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 r_6.60 0.00 11. t_0 0.00 0.00 0.00 I.J. ZU 7 .15 1 .50 ? .80 38.80 0.00 2 .8s t2.45 0.00 2.L0 2.70 I .30 2.L5 5 .55 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes No No No No No NO YeS No No No Yes No Yes No NO No l_ 1 1 l_ 1 1I 2 t 1 1 1 1_ L 1_ l_ 1 1_ 'l 1 z FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The minimum cfear openable area must meetthe following. -- Sec.1,204.1) The mininum clear height is 24 inches2't The ninimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5-7 square feet4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches2', The number of exits is based on Table 33-e (Dwellings) 3) A nechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterioropenings for ventilation. *- Sec. f205.(c)5) The requirements for 2 exits from the 3rd floor is based onSec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shal1 have a ceiling height of not. Iess than ? feet 6inches. Kilchens, halls, bathroorns and toilet compartments may have aceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowesL projection. If the ceillngis sloping' then t.he minimum height is required in only L/2 of the area. --Sec. L20?. (a) Every dwelli.ng unit shall have at least one room which has not fess than 120square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. l-207. (b) Habj.table rooms other than a kitchen sha11 not be less than 7 feeL in any dimension. -- Sec. L207. (c) GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS : A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d)L) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies.2) GJ.azing in fixed and sliding panels of slid.ing door assemblies andpanels in swlnging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in st,orm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, st.eamrooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wallenclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of theglazing is l-ess than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent Lo a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edgeof the glazi-ng is less than 50 inches above the walking surface.1) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than thoselocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of thefollowing conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bot.t.om edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of theplane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of heightIncl-uded are structural baluster panels panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS :A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wa11 at a point centrallylocated in t,he corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.A smoke detector is reguired on thearea. -- Sec. L210. (a) 4.A smoke detector is required on allIf the upper level contains sleepingin the ceiling of the upper level -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shal-l- be eguipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3.Detect.ors snaff- sound an alarm aulibte in all sleeping area of the dweltingin which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. F]REPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:L) Fireplace musL be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b)2l The firebox must be at Least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox areto be 10 incbes thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the wa1ls nay be 8 ipctres thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) above a walking surface. and nonstructural in-filI ceiling or waLL in each sleeping stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. room(s), a smoke detector is required close to the stairwav. 3) The minimum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamberr and chimney walls is 2 inches. Combustible rnaterial maynot be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and conbust.iblewithin 12 inches may not project more Lhan 1/8 inch for each 1 inch ofclearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4't The hearth must be noncombustj-ble, a mj-ninum of 4 inches thick, andsupported by noncombustible material . The hearth size must be at l-east:If Opening size is: Front extensj-on Side extensionLess than 6 sq.tt.16 inches 8 inches 12 inches5 sq.ft, or greater 20 inches-- Sec. 3707. (k) & (I)5) Chinney height must be per Table 3?-B OCCUPANCY SEPASATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fireconstruction are required on the garage side only and any doors betweenfhe garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch soLidcore door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec.503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENfS: A stairway in a dwelling must be aL least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a sLep is I inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3305. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximun opening size:4 inches. -- Sec. L?L2.(a) exc. #1The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protecLed as requiredfor Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (L) SHAFT ENCLOSUR.ES:1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not rnore than9 square feet may lined on the inside wit.h not less than 25 gagegalvanized sheet metal with aII joints locklapped. The outside must bet hr consLruction. Alt openings into any such enclosure shall- be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door L 3/8 inches thick orequivalent. -- Sec. 1?06. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in wa1ls passing through3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) All other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly.-- Sec. 1?06. (a) CRAV'ILSPACE REQUIREMENTS : 1-) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exteriorwalls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than L square foot for each L50 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be locaLed as close to corners as practical . -- Sec. 2515. (c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 108 of t.he aboveif ground surface area is covered wiLh an approved vapor barrier and thebuilding official approves. For a 516.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area:Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of ventL/L50 3.442) Provide L8-inch by 24-inch access opening Lo the crawl space area. Note:opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is locatedin the crawl space. -- Sec. 25L6,(c) Z.3) Un1ess the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance todecay or treated wood, the rninirnum clearance between elrposed earth andfloor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders isis 12 inches. -- Sec, 25L6. (c) 2. ADDITTONAL REQUTREMENTS :For R3 OccupancyThis project will require a site improvement survey. Such survey shaLL be subnitted and approved prior to request for frameinspection. AII crawl spaces within the Town of Vail are limited to a earth tostructural floor ceiling height of 5t, be earth floor only, bevenLilaLed as per UBC 25L6 (c) 6 with minimum access as per UBC25L6(c)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. Ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design sha1l address drainage, soil ret.ainage, and structural design. Excavation below s.Iabs on qrade shall not be permit.ted without prior approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from thestreet. For ML Occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside or provide afloor drain with with sand and oil intercepLor Lo dry well or tosevrer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be appprovedby Upper Eagle Val-Iey Wat.er & Sanit"ation District. In garages with living area above, t.he wal1s of the garage which are beari-ng the area above shall be protected with one hour fireresistive construction. UBC 503 (b) . t Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 Pl-an review based onthe 1991 Uniform Building Code Name: STEVENSON DUPLEX Date: August 5, L992 Occupancy: R3rMl" Type of Const: V-N Address: 1-230 WESTHAVEN CR. Contractor: XXXXXXArchitect: PIPEREngineer: NONE Pfans Examiner: C. Fefdmann This project w111 require a sile improvement survey. This survey shall be submitted and staff approvedprior to a reguest for a frame inspection. Under no circumatances will a frame inspection be done without an approved site inprovemenL survey. AII areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit. basement shall have less than 5'ht. from earth to structural ftoor/ceiling above, be ventil-ated as per UBC 2516, with minimum access as per UBC 2516 and max, access of 9 sq. ft.. There shall be only one kitchen designated per dwelling unit allowed by the Town of VaiL Zoning Regulations. A11 other such labeled areas are nol approved and shal1 not be rough-in constructed as such. Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers ofpaper. Windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not with just screed metal). A lath inspection is required prior stucco application. In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventifation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculatinq fan. UBC l-205(c). I r.0 L1 Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall beinstalled as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shal1 notbe concealed within construcLion. Ducts sha]1 terminat.e outside the buildinq and not exceed 14'length. CrawL spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openingsshall have a net area of not less than 1sq. ft. for each 150 sq. fL. of under-floor area. UBC 2515(c)6. No domestic dishwashing machine shafl be directly connected Lo a drainage system withoul the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 608. Cross connection control- devi-ces shall be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by useof approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. Domestic ranges shal1 have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material . UMC 1-901. A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fireplaceflue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBC l-706. This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5,/8" Type X sheetrock andfire-taping joints. Approved gas logs may be installed in solid-fuel burning- fireplaces provided the installation is according to the listing instructions, any damper shall be removed or permanently blocked, and asafety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Furnacea not listed for closet or alcoveinstallation shall be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the volume of the furnace. A boiler unit will reguire a space 16 tirnes larger than the boiler. UMC 504(b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BrU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado Scate Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow rest.riction devices. AIso, the maximum water closetflush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per flush. I2 IJ _14 r-5 16 t7 t.t 19 20 21, The minimum clearance from the fireplace and chimney Lo combustible materials is 2 inches. -- Sec. 370?. (h) & Table 37-B The size of the hearth does not meet the minimum requirements. -- Sec. 3707. (I) A handrail is required along a stairway. It isrequired to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ofthe steps and if the side is open, the maximum sizeof an opening in the railing at the stairway is 4inches. -- Sec. 3306. (i) & !'112. A 36 inch high guardrail with a maximum opening of 4 inches is requied where step is greater than 30inches to floor or grade below. -- Sec. L7L2. The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protecled by thr fire-resistiveconstruction. -- 3306. (1) The open side of all decks, porches, stairsr etc. which are more Lhan 30i' above grade sha1l beprotected with a guardrail. Openings can not exceed4u. Within R-L occ. and all R-3, height. min. is 36"-ouLside R-L occ. height min. is 42r'. UBC l-71-1. At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayrnent sha1l be provided Lo protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a conmercial water & ice shiefd may be used as per Table 328L.Field inspection of underlayment is required. Because of this project's location, the foundationis reguired Lo be dampproofed Lo prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC L70? (d) . Party waII must. be a one hour seperation and be seperate from t.he foundation to the underside ofthe roof. zz 23 24 e o S,nilL Ocean, Boul"-""rd"r88o tr f r"lrr 4r,"- signed by me, ori n ny presence the 10th day by Ray of August, Beach County of Florida SEAL I{OTTAY R'EI,rc ETATE ffNOt[l'A Ir,fr couMBSloN E)(P.DAC. 3q,lt*t DOT\IDED THRU GENERAL INs. UND MqAhPru Ft'trid,n 33qez J t ^ ^aA a^^J *-*Ja^-'+6"*l fr'* drAa 'k56-,,"1 ft' cr'^-r\- L+ ; G.&^-^ f-yt-*- , The foregoing instrument v/as Stevenson, personnaly known 1992. Ao{ jL , Lb* $"u S"L. ..-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT h department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT El guu-otNc El ptul,tgtt'rc l@ etecrnrcm I rounonrron ! MECHANTCAL . -1230 WESTHAVEN CIRCLE NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON IN ON JULY 13, L992 JOBSITE PLANS IN SLOT 32 005646 LOT J4 BLI GLEN LYON JOBNAME: STEVENSON RESID. NEW OWNER 1807 OCEAN DRIVE MAIL ADDRESS MANALAPA}I, FL FtRM PrPER ARCH. BOX 5560 MAIL ADDRESS ",r, AVoN, Co 949-7074 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrRm A.T. SMITH CoRP. tOwH..Or vrru ReC. llO. 103-8 845-7532 I ECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. MECHAN CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO, TELE. OTHER CONTRACT 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM otvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : I 2 2a 3 4 CONSTRUCTION OF NEW DUPLEX PERMIT NO. z tr BUILDING 500,000 ELECTRICAL 50,000 PLUMBING 50,000 MECHANICAL IU IATJ OUU , UUU TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II R-3 r.5293 600,000 BUILDING PERMIT z,y4u t|{'""' *5ib,N i\ cJ!{trS \l \A< t> \t M-l xl114 0 PLAN CHECK 1 ,911 ELECIRICAL 265 'j :- NFw 6,-X) ALTERAION ( ) ADDTTTONAL ( ) REPATR (PLUMBING F750 //.qStJ4r334 DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT, ;JZ ACCOMI\,IODATION UNITS - -No. FTBEPLAcEs 2 MECHANICAL \\t!9, RECREATION FEE 961 THICKNESSINSULATION;R-VALLUE FLOOR R-30 EXT. WALLS R-19 OESIGN REVIEW BOARO 400 CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT 750 USE TAX ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST, CUT ALASTING PARKING DEMO X TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ I,r65 CHUCK FELDMANN AUG 2L, L992 JILDING OFFICIA. dATE - - MIKE MOLLICA AUG. 18, 1992 INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE )NING & BUILDING NOTES: - *((SNN NOTES ON PERMIT sEr) ) I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the informalion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and slate that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to lhe Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and ot her ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP TO:ffi# A-r 5or,7a C<27 4a f,a.- t3c'r339 AVdn./ ad. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANO THE OWNER.?4)d Date Fel s /tlz Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Application -t'. - /2_t .*c. ,trr,/.,,/.-; /- Motion by:dea /.:t,,,,/ Seconded by '-A?tr ft, E statr Approval r DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA FEBRUARY 5, 7992 3: 00 P.M- Craytborne - 2701 Davos TrailEricksoa Residence - 1385 Westhaven CircleStevenson Residence - 1230 Westbaven CircleNorris Residence - 485 Forest Road Lionshead Auxiliary Building - 395 Lionshead Cir.Tbe CIub - 304 Bridge StreetGrasis Residence - 2807 Aspea CourtGerald R. Ford amptritheater - 530 Frontage Road E. Town of Vail Municipal Bldg. - 75 S. Frontage Road SIIE VISITS 1 :00 P.M. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 }|(JEl\lJl{ 1 Vail Village Transportation Center confirmation KP/TOof selection of benches and plantinq containers. 247 S. Frontase Road. MOTION i SECOND: IA.BLED TO FEBRUARY X9TB MEETING. VOTE: *"3 2. Stevenson Residence - New Primary/Secondary JKRevisions to previously approved plans. 1230 Westhaven CircLe/Lot 32, Glen Lyon Subdivision. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 4-0 Subject to GRFA check at builoing permit. Ridge heightsnot to exceed 33' . Norris Residence - 250 Addition to separated primary JKunit (east) . 486 Forest Road/Lot 1,, Block L,Vail Village 6th Filing MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Approved. Craythorne - Tow Lo be construcLed between garage & AK residence - 2-l 0I Davos Trail/Lot 15, Block B, Vail Ridge. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-0 Consent approved. MEMBERS PRESENT: }4EMBERS ABSENT: George Lanb Sherry DorwardPat Herrington - (absent for a portion of the meeting) Ned Gwathney Diana Donovan (PEC) STAFF APPROVALS: Double Diamond Printing & Copy Centers - Sign on awning.1000 Lionsridge Loop,/Vai1 Run Building. I-,lfthouse todge Addition - Banner Sports clerest.ory window changes. 555 East Lionshead Circle. Duke Residence - Storage shed- 182 West Meadow Drive,/Lot 5, Vail Village 2nd Filing. TinberfalLs - Add hot tub east. of Buitding #4. 4495 Meadow Drive Zneimer-Lot 3 - Change window from DRB approval, change dormerconfiguration. Lot 3, Zneimer Subdivision. Hughes Precious Metal - Sign. 555 E. Lionshead Circle,/Lifthouse Lodge. Tynan Residence - Entry Change and hot tub.Vail Point/Lot 1, Block 3, Lionsridqe #3. Schink - Portable hot tub.Lot 1, Biock 1-A, Bighorn 5ch Villanueva'window - Add window on west side ground floor next tochimney. 4460 Tinberfalls Court, Unit. #1602. Coldwell Banker Display Box. 286 Gore Creek Drive/A c D Building. Pyka Residence - Addition and remodel of second floor. 4879 Meadow Drive,/Lot 15, Block 5, Bighorn 5th. r,*;'lO 'iii]31 nn3Dl Jill Kammerer, Planner @artment of Community Development Tbwn of Vail \4d1, co 81658 Rs Stensrson Duplex Glen Iryon Subdivision DearJill: The accompanying drawings rep,resent revisions to a previorrs submital to DRB. Changes are as follows: 1) The stair tower of the secondary unit has been revised . Its no longer on a 45 degree to fie main structure. 2) The entry tower of the pimary unit has been eliminated. 3) The bow window in the living room of the primary unit now has a dorm€ratop. 4) The east deck of the p'rimary unit has be changed to a patio. Furtlrernrore, my previous submittal was slightly over on GnfA. The rcvisions represent a new-square footage of2106 s.f. for the secondary side and 3162 s.f. fri ne primary Cde. fnis giies a total of 5268 s.f. with an illowable of 5312 s.f. All other items remain the same. t p a :) Opc ao \_ C)co ! (?oNIIo!orIooo xo It\oN Io dIooo oNp € ooo .9 o0 c o o o€o|o x II E .:o I o E(, o ooo dot Sincerely; Projecl Application out" 1, f 7/ /U( u) Project Name:- /Zit: h)aa//*rre-rt (tre/e Project Description: Contact Person and bo-t '/r,rt,a./&ctzlda P/,ntw ?+? zoZ4 owner,Addressandphone: €//ln SfuNnern i7f c J Oaea.?) tfu/ /t//4'n/?/4- -^ r F/. :/f : 354bP* /)/tN ,/407 ) 5 33 - ?8/5 Archirecr, Address and phonej &e' Canht ' /t;kt aba-uL Legal Description: Lot Block ritins@..on" f,/S Comments: 2e ,non. bta,tut. /fent , Bol 55bo, /uaz, ,2,. E/L,zf) Design Review Board Date 6 r7/ Motion by:&.a /a4?rb )) ' ,// seconded oy h/ kt'r,tq4'a, /r'k 5-<'t * 4'/'u"a A PPR OVA L D ISAP PROVA L Sum mary: fl Statt Approval oa t. ,tu 4*fr- ', - ?-E-fu--3ap=M-- ,_- .--3*t- m ?w, 1rl/-6: asop, A^*tA ?tyt-*- --- -\r1\J4l tl^r'|r \ -dii --\orrq. -( Sli*' AtL {} Ia z,r^44 * /r--*1, rfu &2. f "-rA ll l I ARTHIJR I. MEARS, P.E., Naurnl Flazardr C.multons 222 &* Codic Avc. G'!!iron, Glorado 81230 n3-ut.3216 June 3, L99L Mr. Duane Piper Piper/il,rchitects P.O, Box 5560 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Mr. Piper: At your request, I have completed a'site inspection andevaluation of the debris-flow hazard pbtential at the proposed Stevenson duplex, 1230 Westhaven Circle, VaiI, Colorado (Lot 32,Glen Lyon Subdivision) . HAZARD EVALUATION Town of Vail maps indicate Lot 32 is in la-flow are4. The moderate-hazard designatioifrexperience property danage through'flooding, erosion and impactof mudd.y water, soil, rock, and debris..rr A site inspection conducted for you on May 29, 1991 confirms the previous hazarddesignation for the following reasoris: L. The site is located below a steeply-encised channelthat can discharge water and debris at high velocitiesto the top of a steep alluvial fan; 2. The channel abruptly turns to the west through anangle of approxirnately 30o at'the top of the alluvialfan requiring nomentun change throuEh a sharp an{rLe,therefore some debris {water, rnud, small rocks) will leave the channel and flo!, across the steep fan; 3. The fan gradient (Lso-2oo) will enable debris to advance at rnoderate velocities downslope to WesthavenCircle, impacting the proposed building site at moderate velocities. Inspection of the channel and alluvial fan suggests that debrisflows are rare events. They have not occurred in recent decades, and perhaps have not occurred for several centuries. Furthermore, when future flows occur, they will not produce destructive events and rnitigation at the site can easily be incorporated into site planning and design. INC. Ilfu Wuury . Auhncha . Atukftlec&tnlEngineedng T DEBRIS-FLOW MITIGATION Mitigation from debris flows can be achieved by building lowerwalls so that they will withstand pressures resulting from debrisdeposition. Uphill-facing walIs 'rArr through [Jx (enclosed figure), will be subject to forces with a rnagnitude and verLicaldistribution as shown in the enclosed figure. Any exposed windows strould be built with the lower edge 2.5 feet above grade. The deck on the southwest side of the buifding can be designed toprotect building wa1ls xlr and ItJrl from debris flows if avertical surface designed to resist the specified loads is built around the deck perimeter. Alternately, a drainage swale at least 2.5 feet deep can be built around any part of the building perimeter as an alternative tothe vertical walls discussed in the previous paragraph. Such a swaie would be incended to stop ai"rci/or tliver'c debris before thebuilding walls are reached. A swaIe, hourever, will requireregular inspection to ensure that it does not become blocked orfi1led. The uritigation methods will not deflect flows onto any adjacentpublic or private property, utilities, or rights-of-way or increase the hazard to adjacent Iand. The proposed rnitigation techniques will protect the building design shown in the attached figure against rrmoderate-hazardrl debris flows. Rockfall and snow-avalanche hazards do not occur on chis srte. -eyond the scope of this report. Sincerely, Ctillr^l '(Yltaa Arthur I. ltears, P. E. Avalanche-control engineer T*l I I I I tl ( I ( fIrllI tl. +ls, is ,l t' I I I gt ?ro,olnI'€t 7f'.o j'l il c-,:' : Fo E Ib FIrn \ r-f'o iE.\ It I T ,'r' I f ,,| IJ t ( I I t" \/ I,tI ,Irs rI..vl*3EI IEI *E*H EKla lt,sE It I ,I , , ,I I ,t_ ;K a r1-\ ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DIS?RICTs Block _ Fi1ing ADDRESS' /23o WJfu 4y /,rc/g LEGAIffi.3z OI'INER PHONE Primary cwl AOfr ilAX 20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) 3'/6' 5-neqra (300) (600) (900) ilBb r '-T> 5273 "toV ." + tiftkrry< =: yw^K_ ( 93tz_., ,/ \__._ -7VV /t/ '(_Cou api ing s Water Qi to 1" Landsc Retain Parkin Garage Drive: Front Sides Rear rse Setbach t^s" (157r) ns 0or) WaI1 Heights af L, z) 3)i* * /"FL tl"tt//'l 3ovo Does this request involve a How much of the allowed 250 ARCHITECT , \' P/7 .' ' pHONE 949 -7074 4/(zoNE DISTRI3T fl). Lor srzE 22' /2,1 st- f/ -L-- PRoPosED us} l/&tr 7/: Re; - Height TOTaf GRFA Secondary Setbacks cwe 4o/" ilel Credit View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronmental /Hazards : (8s0) ffii'iD, uoa 4arqqr*-*<\__=--.- J U Permitted Slope 8€ DaLe approved by Town Actual Slope Engineer: YeS uojll - aar Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche 250 Addition? nO Addition is used with t,his request.? YTL nrtX, 10 PROJECTT ) *to^rbo,resrJtcc 2/36 PUBLIC IIEARING 4.f.7/DATE suBMrrrED: S,2t.7l DATE oF coMMENrs NEEDED ut iSl? BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: lOSo t*sthm- Crrc&. Date: THE PU.BLIC IVORKS Reviewed by: Conments i rTRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: .f So'? / Date: -1/o POLICA DEPAR'IMENT Reviewed by: Comnents: RECREATIO}T DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments! o4/;72''?/u-s INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIBW Date: o rrfc MAY 13199{ I DN3 IPPIIISATION DATE APPLTCATION NECETVED: DATE Of DRI:. I:IEETING! *I**TTHIS APPLICAEION I{ILIJ NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL AIJL INFORMATION IS SU8HTTTED*i*** r. PNE-APPI/TCATION }TEETING: l pre-aPPllcatlon ueet!.ng rlth a-plannlng etaff Tenber lsstrongly euggested to determlne lf any addttlonalLnfornatlon ls needed. No appl"lcatlon wl-Il be accepted that a COHPLETE appllcatlon rrlll itreanllne the approvalproceta for your proJect by decreaslng the-number of Londttlons oi applovit ttrai the DRB niy stlpulate. ALIJ condltlons of aplroval ruBt be resolved before a bulldingpenrlt ie lssued. eppllcatlon u111 not be proceaaed wlthout Ownerrs Slgnature. A. PRoJBCT DEscRrPTroN: e/i DUor Ev RESIDENGE - o It le the apPllcanttsthe zonlnc admlnlatrator). It ls Ene apprrcanE'E responslbtltty to nake an appoLntment wlth the_ataff IappoLntnent wl'tfr the ataff to flnd out-about addltl.onal rubnlttil regulrements. Pleaee note E.IJOCATION OF PROPOSAL! Address -,-12-?0 wrstHavrru ctnct r -Legal DeecrlptJ.on LoX -32- Eloclc Subdlvlsion nt trf\t I YnNt - Zonlng p/S NA}IE Of APPI',ICANT! Fl I vNr SrtrVrFleON - ltaillng Address: 1BB0 s- nCraN-BLVD ' C. D. MnNqt apaNr rr ??462 Phone -407 533 7815 NA}TE OT Halllng APPLICANTTS RXPRESENTArM: - DUANE PIPER Phone -q[q 7n7A G. Sl 8I€Nt\EunE (81 I Halllng Address: Phone g9?- J=S' ?8/-f Condonlnlun APProvaI lf, applleable. VILUATION TEE Addresst E. F. G. I O-$ lorooo $1O,OO1 -$ 50,000 $5O,OO1 -$ xsorooo 9150,001 - $ 500rO0o $500r001 - $1'0001000$ Over $1r000r000 I $ $ $I II. IUPORTA}IT NOTICE REGARDING ALIJ SUBHISSIONS TO THE DRB:IF fn addltlon to ueetl.ng subnlttal requlremente, the appllcant uust stake the slte to lndicate property Itnes and bulldlnE corners. TreeE that wlll be removed nust algo be narked, Thls nork nuEt be aonpleted before the DRB vlslts the rlte. B. The revlew DroceBF for NElt BUILDINGS ulll nomally .. lnvolve tud separate rreetlngs of the Deslgn REvlew .:Boirdr go the appllcant should plan on at least tno neetlngs for a flnal approval. c. lppllcants who fell to lppear before the Deslgn nevlgw-ablrd at thetr acheduted roeetlng and sho have not aeked f,or a pbstponenAnt rlll be regulred to be republlshed. D. At the dLecretl.on of the zonl.ng adnlnletrator, the fotrlowlng :lteme Day not hav6 to be preeented to the Design Revleu Eoard. Theyr horever, have to be presented to the Plannlng Departnent for approval: E. l{lndowe, akyllghts andt slDllar cxtcrlor changesthat do not-alter the exlgtlng plane of thebulldlngr and ButldlnE addltlonE that are not vleued froq any other lot or publlc 6pace, whlch have had letters subnltted froir adJoln-tng lroperty ownera approvlng the adldlltlonl and/or approval fron the agent for, or Eanager of'a condonlnlum aesociatlon. You may be requLred to conduct Natural Hazard $tudles on youi propeity (L.e. anow avalanche, rockfall, debrle flow, $et,ta;tlsr-eic), rou should check wlth a Town Planner before proceedlng. b. E. \ I ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I.oT SIZE Helght Total GRFA Prtnary GRFA .Eesondar? GRFA Setbacks: Front 8l.des Rear t{ater CourBe Sl.te Coverage Landscaplng Fence/Retalnlng lfall Heights Parklng Credtts: Garage llechanlcal Airlock Storage If,3il3ffi Exlstlncr ?1 15 N/A I (3oo) (6ool 1200(eoo) (12oo) (50) (1oo) (25) (5ol ZONE CTIECK roRsFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRTCTS DATET LEGAI, DESCRTPIIONS IPt 12' Block_Flllng GI FN IYON ADDRDSS: OWNER Allowed (30)@ Total t- ?. 1qq J.06? Pror'osed ?) -n --g.=-J- -- 201 15 1 151 (30) (50) 1l 13.8% 7\% 3t /61 -.Lneqra /. / ./ |c) Debrls FLow%. .,/ (2oo) (4oo) 450 X 2 Drl.vel Petmltted Slope ----lE!- Actual 9lope B% nruo 5.5% Approved by Town EngJ.neer: Date'l Envlronnental./Hazarde : Avalanch6 2) t 8lope 3! Geolog.lc tlazards a) Snow Avalanche na b, Rockfall /12 Crr/<.* 4) t{etlands rl0 tt.t- a a - LIST OF UATERIAI,S }IAUE OT PRO.TECTS STEVENSO.N DUPLEX -=.; LEGATJ DESCRTITION; IOT_32_ Bt CX _ 8USDMSION c].5+l r yoN STREET ADDRES8! J230 wrsrHnvgn etneuE _ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTS P/S DUPLEX The followlng lntor:matlon Lg Revl.en Board before a flnal requlred for subrnlttal to the Deslgn approval can be glvenl A.BUILDING UATERIAI,S: Rool Sldtng Other tlall Haterlale Fascla Sofflts I{lndows Itlndow frln Doors Door trfun Hand or Deck Ral.Is Flues Flastrlngs Chlnneys Trash Enclosuree Greenhouses other LANDSCAPING: Narne of Deslgner: Phone: PIA}TT }IATERIAI,S3 E4AIII.9S.LITE$E PROPOSED TREES AUE-rSBUCL- -AI4&.R,OII,I-E A^E{4LT OAIIIOOD- TYPE OF UATERIA',COIOR OtrDAR SHAI(ES _T, STOr'lE (RIVER Reerr) - -: 1x5 e"snn - - - cARleE - B.DIIANF PIPE-R - 949 7974 - - Cornnon Name ouantltv Slze* 1? -)A 1)" EXISTING TREES TO EE REI,IOVED _ J.gJ.0'6, jjf--}'.fu6' I .Jl+ltl. L -2H€aL.&EI.SE.LC^R{3APP,LE- SPRUCE - ASPEN ''.-_ .|'I UNKN0\4,N *Indlcate callper for declduous ttees. lrlnluu-n caltpg!-for Oecfauous treei ie Z-fnches. Indlcate hElght f,or conLferous Eqgentsal rtcns PATNIIS.-CJLLIM- i.'0HOKEB ERRy. :i',',' K. D.. .POIENI ILLA NEST SPRUCE - EXISTTNG AIIRUBS Mr rco PINF 'lIO BE REI'IOVED ]v Cornnon Nane :, ouantlty --8- , Elzet 5 Gn' . 5 enl. 5 enl. lcar . ,1, {_aAl_ . ," *fndlcate alze of propoeed ehrubs, 'ulnlmtrrn $lze of ehrrrbe le lrype gquare Footade GROI'ND COVERS S CREEPING OREGON GRAPE soD SEED TIPE OT IRRIGATION TYPE OR UETHOD OF EROSION CONTROII c. oTttER IANDSCIPE FEAIlIRES (retalnlng wal).s, fencee, swlnnlngpools, etc.l Please specify. Indlcate trelghta of retalnlngwalle. Maxlmum helght of ualle wlthln the f,ront aetback Ie3 feet. Uaxl.uum helght of walle elsewhere on the property Le 6 feet. lj'lILTON CARPET JUNIPER t UTII,ITY IOCATION VERIFICATIPN SUBDIVISION NAHE , - STEVENSON DUPLEX RESINENCE J/.BI.oCK FITING ADDRESS wrqTHA\/trNr nr pnr tr Dete // 4r,'-i It JOB WT The locatlorr of u.tllltles, vhether they be maLn trunk llnee-orproposed llnes, must be approved and virlfled by the followlngutllitles for the accompanylng site p1an. Authorlzed SlgJnature U.S. tlegt CommunLcatlons 1-8OO-922-198? 468-6850 or 949-4530 Publla Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Croee ElectrLc Assoc. .949-5892 5'to'71Ted Husky/Michael Laverty tterltage CablEvislon T.V. 949-5530cary ;tohnEon Upper Eag1e Va1ley lfater & Sanltatlon Dlstrlct * 476-74 80 Fred Haalee NOTET * PIeaBe Water & ;ISht-of-way or easement in the Town of vail. A cut permlt rnuet be obta ned separatelY. This form Ls to verlfYlocatlon. Thls should lrreparlng your utilltyLnstallations. bllng a alte Plan rr,henEanltatlon slgnaturee. .l', : etreet servLce avaitabllltY and be used Ln conJunction wlth plan and scheduting obtalnlng UpPer Eagta Va116Y' g-d\dda,- I'heae verlflcatlong do nob relleve ttre contractor of rtl"-."sponsIbIIlty to obtaLn a street cut permLb fron the Tow'n of Vail , Departmeut of Publlc Works and to orriafur utiLltv*focaLions Ue*rore aiqqing .ln.any public l' .i;i; t#tY 13 '9t l4TEZ VAIL RSSoC. 3g3-476-ea63VRLLEYo vtf a P.7 303 Squth Crscade Colorudo Sprlng*, CO 80903 634.48t1 1201 Msin Avonur Durango, CO 8130t 247.E860 6861 South Holly Clrcle Englowood, CO 801 I ? 770.9596 21 2 W. Magnolla'Avanut Fort Colllns, CO 80521 48?.90r 5 830 Kipling Street Lrkawood, CO 802t8 e32.3 | | | 108$outh Frontage hord P.O. Box 357 Vrll. Co 81658 478.2261 818 North 7th Street Suite 1 Grand Junclion, CO Bl60l 24$5568 LAND TITLE GUARAIITEE COMPAilIY 3685 Chrry Crmk Norrh Drivr Danver, C0 80208 3?r.r880 136€3 Errr lllft Avenur Drnver, 60 80232 ?51433d 8333 GrEenwood Eoulevard Drnver. CO 80221 4?7.E353 3110 $, Wadsworth Boukvgrd Sutta 102 Danver, CO 80227 s88.8550 3500 S. Youmite, Sulu 360 Oanvrr. CO €0237 772.O2?a I l0 Eest Buver Creak Boulsvrrd $uits 306, P.O. Box 1.100 Ayon. CQ 81€20 949-6546 $400 Mount Mcelitr Hoad Bouldar, CO 80301 8302954 200 North Sidgr P.O.8ox ?280 Breckenridge, CO 8t}424 453.225S P:5rt otion *ttJtfihtr,i ffi ,, iasi 478-ffi63 - (Excr.rp'1 lsns1 AF,F, l lca I'1AY 13 ',9|t42E1 'ri I 'i l'lo. Vl?t!057n1-3 l'ht pof icg nr neljcras t,n be rrsu*d uirr confsin *r4aaftLi nnn ta r,rritfollnwln'J unleile i,he **m* ti*'il'irprur,c,et crf to tlra nal. lF.fact,Ion *f tha,Llnnpangt ' a'. ' :'tru'i'i(r rJr vu eno' 1' $tandard €xcepdronE I t,hroulgh E pninted on th* coven Bh€*t 15. Taxt* efid asEegsneniE not get drre on pegabt,e nnrl BFrHcial eesrnEEftlentsnoi get centlfi*d ip th* TieerupeF,E of{.tce. 7 - Ang unpe i d Inx*s or^ es6es$n*nt,e eg+ rrr*t *a irr lanri. fl. Liene for un6'aid u*ten end seurn chcFges, if ang. 9' ryIEHT 0F PR0t,R.IET9l1-0q A VEIN otr LoDE T0 EXTRACI ANtl REtlovu Hr$ oft[THF't{Er}i0fi BH0uLll ]'llE sAllE nE roultn T0 F,EruElRATE 0R,InTEnsccT Tr{EFREllxllFs A$rRE$ERUFD IN l.,NifED BTATEs pATEHT'ltEcotroen AUGrJ,qr 16,ttoe, tlr ts00K {& At. r*as $i!. 10' r{xtlHT 0F ttAY F0t{ 0ITcltEs 0R cANAL$ c0HsTRUclED Ey TFrE Aut't.loRiT,y 0FTHE IJNITHD $TATES As RESERVE0 IN Ui{ITgD eiArr:s pATENT RF[otrDE{} t!{0lJ$T 16t 1Y09r 1l{ B00X 4tl AT FA0s !14? sltO ngconDsD 00T0uHtt I, Le46iitl It00K t3p AT pAfir 4il$ '11. RH$tRVAI'I0H 0r Tilfi RItlllT 0F TH[: UHITED STATt,:S, IT pF:trflrrl'Fjtj 0trl"{lFNfr[E' r0 Il'l_lFry up0N, 0f0rrpy Ar{D irsF, nui Fnnr nR ALr- 0r {iArnL.ANO II'OII TI.IE FUftPO$F;$ F'ROUIDIiD Iil THE: AiT OF JUNE III, 19:(: (47 f IlI..lfl6!lr A$ ftEsEf{vf,D rN rHF: pATENT Rsc0trnan 0c.r0,BER ?, re4/, rNBOOH 13? AT I}AGE 40$. t3. R[$TtiIUt Iolf$ t#tIflt{ 00 tt$r coitTAlN ABU'f 0i'lITTIt'l8 RESTRIUTi0I,IS, IF ANy,0R flATX0HAL 0tiIcitN' A$ coi{TAil{EU it,tt?78, Iil B$ol{ :t8 AT FA$E 69ti. F0f,iFHIl',URE 0R RrvEa,tl'gti: cLAtJfiE,BfiiF! 0N RACS, C0L0R, Rfit"iliI0N, IHSTRU$Et{T REE0RDII0 AFritIL 04, . IIEfl9..lr-?r 1ilo 3 ori THE $TAt{0ARCI SXCEpTr0Hsi &,rLL, [rH 0(LHr.[:D rR0fiTtlE 0tilNfrR'll 1'IfLE P0t"IgY UP0N REIEIFT OI': A,9ATI$Fr\rlt,0tty SuRVf,T. rrF:rtfl4 l'rrt,L [ts llEl.E'1HD uF0il REcErFl 0tj A sATlsljAcr0Ry t,ltir{,IFFIDAVIT. ITf,n #S UILI. BE DEI.EIED IF THE ll0llFANY f{HEOttD$ TltE IrriniirtfiuuLtl,D uFluEt( $gl{EuuLE B-l HHttE-Ix. ITHtl s6 AND z !rILL rqE n$Et{t}L,l)T0 Rl[F'LnCT T]fE'rAX Srr\TUti AT TilE TIflti 0F roirci. irEn rrn,,r,il.1. nE !IF!:EJk:l..tll0N nE|[EIPr 0F $ATIgrAnr0RY EvIDEI{sE Tt{A'r rt0 ttAtuR At{uSEIJER CHAll6Efi fiRE 0l,ltNE. I'IRY 1s ,91 14:21 VArL VALLff'A3sdC.'3@3-4?6-8263 trq O ,***, irprrrents l Appl ir"fon ,,n. V0$tt$Z{l1-3 Th* .fo[1o*ing rr]"n thrfr lsquir*nents te ba cnr,rpl i*rll. ll*snnnt ttr or for tli,i a;;;;;i; nr tha gnnntor.rfull cr:rnrirJer.abinn fnn Ifro"'*.itot,* on Inl,*r,.*rrl, r i t,h; or ilorlga0ors fifi l"h,*to her in$r,l-prrl . Inl,en*nt, to be insur*rlto-wit! 3. 4, 15. t. Fnng,en ln*i.nunent ( s ) cneet ing ilre eEt,:te onmHst he eitecu.Lact rnrt dutg t i ied ioi-i*ionr', IdARRAitITY OEEO I'ROfI.8. RXCHAflO BOURfTET TO FAfiE PAItTItEFtSI"tII.,, A{:OLORAUO IIE}.IERAL PARTI,tHft'FIfr,-COIIUEVING SIJBJEC'r PROPER rY, 1ftADe HAfIE AFFIDi$IT 0R Gan$ftAt pABTnEftgHIF. AGftEEfrEr,rT 0r, r./.rtiEIfTITTIIFI!II}I A 6HHERAL PNNiT.iTNIJHiE, OTSCTO$IN6 TIIE NANH$ ANOA0DRE$$[$i 0F Tt{E t]AfiTNER$ rildriei:6. q{Ht. qr- TItIJ$T Ft{r)fl, [0Rf FARTNHRSil.tp, A 00r;0nAD0 Er..NERAr. pARTNGtT$]t.rF 19 ..If$- P!tsl3r; TrturirHri 'oF eAui"ii i0uNTy FoR Tr{H uBE 0F c. Hrr::uArrns0tjltRET T0 |j[i$uttH TFtE $tfi,t orr -ir5ir00f],00, !OTET THX$ PROPgf{TY fIAY TIT $UUJEf,T TO .I'HE KEAL EST6T*: T1{At,{Tif:[I{ TtIXBY !,iRTUg OF ITS INCLUSIOI{ IN iii; TOHN OF VAII., PUR$FIIt.JER $HOIJI.D[(IIIT'ICT TItE TOIJI{ OF VA.IL RHGA$?Ui[E SAIO A$BESSIIEI.IT. f'1RY 13 'gL l,#etr ffiIL ffiI-LEY RESOC. - O !roH{:t)ljt"E gaa-476-ffi6g -trf Appl icetlon lfo. P.4 vtlfl(:rfi70, -3 - filrargr;r -0$nEF 1,nlifiU L.enden Pol lcg Tex $ert if.* - t'0IAL .- - l or Inf orrrret iorr {tn1g 0si t ?.00 $4t.t. urJ s9.00 $"'i6lr .lJlj ncfar tolf ith g*rur ren i ttence F,1€aEr vu0tlli70l -3, liffrctiv* 0ate:SHP TE'.1I}FR ?7 ,I. il , t983 et 83tttt A.fli Insured s *186rg0g.u0 t I ?x , {Jfln. 01, Policies t$ he iesued, and pnnpored "A[.TAr' 0!neng's pol icgFsnc B-197fl (AsrendecJ i0.*17-7a,t Pno6,neerJ Infir{F6dt f .lltE PftRTNUR$l'tIP, A c0L0RAD0 $et{ER6t- p*lrT|{EHs}rIp irfil..'[Ar' f,.oen Pdl lcg t lf ?il ltev ie ion) Ft oposed XnEurefJ r c, fTIcHARD ti0ufffrET 3* 4. l'he est,ate or interest i n thd lerud descn i hed on rarf erred ts ln ilr i cfnnmitn*nL. and f,cvsr sd.hareln lsr A FEE f itte t,n l,he *$tFtB or Inl.errst covaFacl her.ein is at th,r *,ff nrt iv*dilt,e hnrenf v'lqtarl inl \ O, RISIIAITD TIOURREI' The lend rqferred t oT 3?, ilt..Hil LYoN il0tttt'rY 0i" EA8t"E, to in thi* Cnnnitment iE descnlbed eE IiIJBOIVIBXON ACCORDING TO TIIE AIIEI,IOEI' $TATE OF COLORADO. fol toui t I I L FLAT ItlfiRFoF, "lfff f!")Si' L4r 4 verL veLLEy Assoc. 383-4?6-Ee6s'' - AMERTU t Ai{D irTLE AESoctATrorr coMedENT. rg70 Rw.T _l- n- i,r lfrLE lNsuRANcE forvlenr.ry oF fff rruruesorn r $mck Company of lltinneapollr, Minnrrotr 'r.#'liqp$Hq-$*"#ill[#srittril1tiirili.l,',r,fl1'j;]it$l*Tiiltfrs#fitiTl*;;l:fffrl#T"i$r:,*i,!3i,1*r"Sll,ffitglpli];i,.1i'mffi'.fr11ilffiIi""'liiiffi'ti" ir'ili'i'iriiriirEii.iifieir.,ii P.3 fff rrunreso'nn ffi ffi $ffi #tr*ii:i[#,#iiri*rt$',1*dgi,*".dfr lli*Hrd{$f'ffi ffi,Ft+fl,'*Its'#ffi ltTs t. nr*crm ,.rnorrpgo,,, **n *.ff;l!fl:ffif-#?..1TH":fll?,ilo* o,0,r,", *ror*y rnrrrumcnr. *:hn*1d,,,-i*"'liuiisf;oEriii'iitf .Tf iil!$.t"$,tthTffi isq$fi [:dffi sf; H'fi iiri drmrss. rc$rrrrng ,rrsm rny *,Tilrtfiiflt"hrtff"flttilt# dittng, the comlanv rtirti 6i mu':!i id; ifi.bffiiirilr"J:br;i to '"?hcro* 'u1r..6;;iidil ii"rriG6i;ii.Hi;.ilh:fi'ff1'#i"it1?J.i'#1i"'ff,'#-f;lTrli;liji"#*f.'[t*:wi* rcqulrar rcturl knowlriiqe o! urf qu,iti d*iJi, ii;;,'i;fi#;;$li,ffit "fiiil"JiJtmr mrit r, :he_cornpany ri its oprronmrv rrncnd schcduls B or t[F cornrnitmcil iiii;dfiiiil.bui;"r!-'fi;;i;rnt;Hil fiirfiil;ihitiilil'Iil"n?, u.uutvpnvrourrv incurred pu*u'nr to pa*srprii-iitffi ffii'r,ri*;'riu iupiiiiiii',ii:" *" ' *,t'rff.8"fl|f:trXt*Prlt 3f.fcgtrlc.onry.when thc ldentltv of thr proporcd Inrurcrt urt rhc$nounr of tho poflcy orpoltd$ or Dy rub,.qucnt onaoroo,or,l|jtl h Echtdirb A henof by ttti" c-omprury-.-,"rithir-ilAciitttr oliniiirriLil iitfut E'omrnit*nr cludad undrr thE 3. Uabllity of the Cr atl undrr the drflnltlor cornprny undcr thir comrnlhant cftsll $ gnly to rha nrmad prgpo*d Inrured l4d uclr partit h.tr of Inlurod- ln thc form of pollcy.or-poliaiiiorrifuiii for ric brrtr-fot rciriet lErllncurrcd rn n.ing tn Sood frith G) to comply wlth tlia rriutc;;;iihiarf "' fr'i ll.irir",iil*il.r^*r rha.- r-urnee heroon In undrri*hinr-rn-ifqli1@i;'eiidfii,hifJ;H'dill?ll'ffi;i"1,[bit[,_['#S:T_1lTr?'jf:ffi,nt Hfl$f.*:j_!']-j1*$*_oltr..1tr.1trc_6lf!f .oi',"i'ir+ ;'diltl{;i!;;il;;;;b by thrs commlmcnt.ln no cvsnr thal#f1$f"1,*l1j".*rgl.siti$ii; iii,u'-#ilT'io{lii'd&ift:'if#H#ff;'dTy'?iullc1l,filliilli.?ilfil lT:,T""'tT Llll'.,$b"**:i*1.$iidsuli.l*1t,s{1iiid;iqi'd:ffijil;]f,Fffff1fififi:d%ffii:flffi:frftil;lUJ.TilHrdveeu f,r.s r&ruerr, nrres ur Dcncqul€ A lor tnc pollcy,ot.potlc_lgi eomrflItttd fot trrd rueh lirbillty h rubject to thclqlql"p'qvtrjo' an_d _rh! conditionc anc Srip-ut-riro:n1i;d {ff;ifu,*5ilfi;-d-C;;,,;nlttcd ror h fttor of ql4 p.roporcd tncurcd which ue herebv tncoroo*rrd ru ,"r"..,,J lfj*j::l tj,l"Ili"": F:ll*t#.Tqsfpt $ qprsdy modtJleb hirstn, ue hercby lncorporstrd by rcfcenid rnd mrda * prit orhtc Eo;rrd6;i 4 fuly cctlon or tctiom or rightt of rctlon that thc proporrd tncured rnry hrvo or rnry brhg agrlnrt thc Comprny gtrtngoul af the rtttur of ths tttlq to thl riuiediniscift;GiuiurJiirrrc moril;i.'iil-re-on*ffie"birru;bilrrnifiint mur bcbs*d on end rc rubjccr to thc prcvldonr oltr,ii Cii,ii,iiient, .. In sddrtlon to the mstt€'r c€$-q4,-ryh:H}finn?":t:5iIl"?T:', Excrurronr rrom co*rege ebovc rarrrr'd ro,thlr Connrtrmnt ir rlso rubjeu io tte toUo-iinl-, l, Rlghtr or claimr of prrtrcr in posersron not shown by tho public recordr.z. g$emctrtli qr clcimr ef, Er0?firl|t6r not shown by tho public tocordr,3' prcregancio-!'-conflistr ln boundary.liner, rhorirg! ln rrrr, cncrorchminb,.cnd rny frctr whish r correct ruwry ud. intptctlon of tha prumirct would dliclose ind iit t- r, rrs iii'Jrii; tiiiililb1,; russrds.4' 4*v l'u.n' or right. to e lien, &r sewiccs, tsbor or matcrial rheretoforc or irerc*fter furnJ,lfied, imporcd by hw rnd notCtown by the prrblic rocordc,s' Dgfo,cF llsnt, cacumbrrncGs, a-qvaEs ckimr. or oth€r msttsrr, lf ury, craucd, llrrt eppcorlng In tha pubtte recordr or l1ll$.38 ltfbtcquent to tho-offoctive aiiJ-t'iieirt [ui-p;;;il rtri biii rliJ'ei'op"ri6 rnrutid aciufiii oi rccorrt forvalue thc lrtite or iltrrelt or rnortgaF thcrcan spv6r.6 b'y tlris comrnitrncnr. - -- il! .WILNESS WHEREOF, Ttrle Insurunce Cornpany of Minnerota hu cruled its coDorBrc nsme and reel to bc hereuato 1m1gd bv ll' 4ulv. ruthodzed .orflcm on tli aire il;,in lir -Sch.l"f;;]" fi,[ri;ffii;;il:t;;6rl'6ia i.ii,ritjng "iaiiior otnor Nutharizsd eignrtory, Jrrr-e Inrsunnruce f,omrnrvv or I I I I I I t rr J I t, h. I.l I @,*,*-+:7t HAY 13 'gL L4118 VAIIVALLEY F55OC. ?AA-478-€?63rt a El ,t sl!if;t , Numberofpages: ? ll thare err sny problemr wtth'ttrte transmlegion, please eall: at (30gl {78-8250 immedtately. Rorurn Fax: (O0E} {26-6A6s o T t' .'W :,,'r ,STEVENSON DUPLEX. ' 12lO WBSffiAIAn CnCLE 'i r'YL,' A ./ '"fi'r'*/, :piper/orchl*o, I 'STEVENSON DUPLEX l23O WESTH{VEN CIRCS pipglssll"sH I o ' STEVENSON DUPLEX I23O WESTITA\GN CTRCLE proer/orcr*ecrs I oo L pPg&r*sl: I oa STEVENSON DUPLEX l2l0 wEsfHAvEN clRcLE piper/orcl-rrrecrs I o1o 1r I I 1 I I I'-{---------\ \ STEVENSON DUPLEX I23O WESTHAVEN CIRCI.Evrrf a r nPlDat plpur/orcr*eA1 | oe I rr ' 'll,' ! 'i' STEVENSON Dt'PLEX 1230 $'EAII VE{ CnclJ p,per/cr.rlrecr, I to I I I IE IEI'rlot<I(!l- I I "-l:*l "rl I ., t.,1 I piper/orcrrreos I