HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 36 LEGALQuestions? Catt lptanning Staff at 47t TOIT\i APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval, Any project requiring design revier receive Design Re'/iew approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the su requirements for the particular approval that b requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the n information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planni Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval r a building permit is issued and construction is started. h€t' '//lcDESCRIPTION LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:r6 FILING:BLOCK:R c. E. F, G. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: NAME OF OWNER(S): owNER(s) SIGilATURE( --Fr NAME OF APPLICANT: . l-l MAIUNG ADDRESS: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for pa PHONE: n C!' H,TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE! New Construction - 9200d Addition - $s0 n Minor Alteration - $20 Construction of a new building. Includes any addition where square footage is added t residential or commercial building. includes minor changes to buildings and site improvement as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenc retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit please the accurate valuation of the prolect. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APpUCATTON, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEI{T, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArL COLORADO 81657. IOfiNM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Project l{ame: McMahon Residence DRB t{umber: DRB010151 Proiect Description: Addition of loft and enlarge window Participants: OWNER MCMAHON TRUST 06/19/2001 Phone: 792 SAN LORENZO ST SANTA MONICA CA 90402 License: APPUCANT Dennis Havlik ffill9l200I Phone: 390-4104 Box 1007 Avon, CO 81620 License: ProjectAddress: 1245 WESTHAVEN CRVAIL Location: legal Description: lot: Block Subdivlsion: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312107016 Comments: interior conversion of 200 sq. ft BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Action: SI'AFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Apprcval= o6128120n.l Conditions: Cond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: S50.00 6rrr$atlt au rd cc*mtJw ffii/ELoFt€N' Design Revieur Boa ACTIOT{ FOR}I DeparUnent of Community Development 75 South FrontaEe Road, Vai[, Colorado EI657 tel:970.479.2L39 fax:970.479.2452 rveb: www.vailgov.conr Project Name: IASPERSEN DRIVEWAY Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DRB050380 FINAL APPROVAL TO REPI.ACE DRIVEWAY ASPHALT TO PAVERS o8l2ll2006OWNER JASPERSEN FLPI LTD 6043 STEFANI DALI.AS lX 7522s APPUCANT JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P. O. Box 340 Minturn co 81645 License: 183-8 0812L12006 Phone: 970-827-5736 08 | zll 2006 Phone: 970-827-5735 Project Addressl Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: CONTMCTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P. O. Box 3,10 Minturn co 8154s License: 183-8 1245 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1247 WESTHAVEN CR Lo$ Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. zL03-L2t-070L-7 SEE CONDITIONS Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR , Date of Approval: O8l2Ll2O05 Cond:8 (PiAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbfr and/or the approprlate review ommittee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prlor to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRts approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date Aug 18 06 11.27a vo/tal4uuo J'o;{,.l Bill Jaspersen .cAL u, uq4 t J{!rt 214-368-0351 .rsrry Jr|,leJ rluuu; I llfv Minor Exterior Alterations p.1 lgJ r.l u r lWI{[F Rcq Location of the Pfoposal: Lot: Zoningl Narc(s) of Owner(s): l{ailingAddress, Sill Owncr(s) Signatrra(s): ll*ng Of Appli:ant: Irlailinl Addrees: Type of Review end Fee: D Signs O Con€ephlat Rerriew D New ConsUuctbntr Additbn tlrur<#'*C* ,{rlfu lti.fi *Hldomrnercial) 0-1 rpl br o r/ @ o F- o tr t{hor Ahcrflion (slngle-famlt/duptoo Ch.rges tc Approved Hans Seperatiofl Reque* $50 No Fee s6s0 $300 $250 $20 $20 Applicatlon for Design Review Oeparvfl ent of Communaty Develoomert 75 Souttr F,ontage Road, Vail, Cotorado Et6S7td: 970,479.2129 fax: 97O.a79 .2452 wcbl www,vallgov, com Genefsl fniormation: llgsF Tgltttg.dergn reflew nlEt recEie aPproyal prfor to submtting a buitding pefmit appflc.tion. pletrerefer to tt|e rrDmftrdt requirEmerts for tf|e pErtiart;r aproval tfnt is requested. An applkatlon fdr Oesign neJferrcrnnot be ecept d until att requlred .infortmUron is riielvett by trE Communrty Grliogme"t Depsfinat. ThePmject may abo need b be revte$I€d by tfr Torvn Councf and/q th. phflntng and Erlironmenbt Conmtslon.oesign r€lriow approval lapse unlcs a buildfu|3t peflrit as isflEd and dnst ,r.tio., #-anac' -nrrlno.|3 f6r of the aDgroval. fte FU Dallo.s PlqS $1.00 per square foot of total sig^ area. For constudion !f a new buildl|q or demo/reuuild. For an additicfi where square borrgE is added h any resldendal tr corhlercid buil(fng (indudes 250 addibons & inErior conversions). For minor ctranges to buifdlngs and site imprc\r€ments, q.|ch as,rerofing. plfnung wirnd6|, additions, bndscapang, fences and retaining wills, !tc. for mimr changes to bdldhgs ard $te irnp'ovEments, such s, re-roonng, pdnrhg, window addiuons. landscaphg, Ences ard rEEining rvalls, etr. for rEvisions lo plans already approt/ed by Planning Staff or t}e De5ago Review 8oard. Physical A(Ilrese i 6r.*1 xo., J/dJ (Contact Eagle Co..Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parel no.) ?,Jd.' ou ******** * ** ** *****{t*+******+**** ** * * ******,r**'F**********{.*****++++* * * * * ********************* TOWNOFVAIL, COI"ORADO Srarement!t+*+:t*******'i'i'*****************+++*+***********************************'f'!'F'F'F*+************** Statement. Nr:rdber: R05000126? Anounu: g2O.0O Og/2I/ZOO5O3:54 pM Palment Metshod: Check Init: iIS Notation: 31064/,IERRY SIBLEY PI,I]MBING permit Nor DR3050380 [rpe: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Pa.rcel No3 2LO3-L2L-O7OL-7 Site Address : 124 5 I{ESTIIAVEN CR VA.IL Location 3 1247 WESTHAVBI CR Total Fees: S20 . 00This Payment: $20.00 Total AtL ptntss: $20.00 Balance :$0.00*****'**'t*****+**+,t*'************'t****************:!,i,3*'F*,********{.********dt******************** ACCOUNT MEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pflrts DR OO1OOOO3LI2?OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Jtr.F11-2ggl L?:97 P.W/W TSff,,dhF'qiqcR*r' WCalry&tl6t7 9?a17*2trt &qwa479-r452 trr*,3d, rd ,fau JONTP&OPERTYOWNEN. SNJTTEN^PFROVALLSIII:R *Wa" !Lx- - q6 -!rl!!k- r. &1gfii* omr orpopcny ro*d arlPtaltw!t, . JUIfulS -Ae:#.ry-CIe ----,providcrhis rcneras(ld&cirrqd de*rbdon) writrn rppronl of &r ptans darcd - 4, t/ gl-. which rue silbmirgd ro $e Toqm {rf V.!l CqltsurNiry Dswtupmsat for dic ptupd.d improvernent5 fs be C1ppkttd 11 ibr. {ddr,srr ebova l rlrlefftaftl tu rhe propored improvcrrrer s incb&c 4&ht a /o{t **frs*.a.'w.qhwkWA.EL*JLt Ur. _4/@4* I funh*r sarlentrnrf &il rnirM m{diEmionr raayba n'rh io rln prau ou.r drc course of rh:: trrriart l't n q.$ !o amn: ConFliuce wiG th Tuwu'r rpticablr ard?B U n€rrlE|ionr. ,#,/-- {}'n'.o.rot "o TOTFL P.62 ''',tff Hi4#i*%#if ffi#ff ::,:,T;*r DATIJT .rErt8 12r 1001 -OXDERhto: Eg{4201801 TROD.ADDR: 1U{g fr{ooNenrwun, il;"T;.filou"rr"r", vatt, cotorEdo E16s? II,:.8481 P 1/6 PLEASE DELIYIER ?O TIIE CU$TOI\{ER LISTEO EFLOWI rO: favllk n€a1 grEat€ p.O- Bor ?r2AvcD, CO 81620 cOPIEA r 01 Atlf,: Bonnle Navlth ;ffY' l3l3l ili:tii3 Rotllrile !&,t[tsoD: ffi*ftr ffiffitr Tn.AI\lsUII Fitc* ESqOorgt Jun. 1l 2001 3: l9Pl,{ FIRS? r},[ER]lrll No.8{81 l. 2/6 FIRST,{IVIERICAT.i fiNAGE TITLE CO I . ilu Brordway p.o. Bor tg80 . Brgro co rrulr-. fi,;i i.lrirru_rrr, ,ntL. (nq3n-s?sz Fht ai'tfiorto, COMIi{IM{ENT 8CEEDULE .T, ccmltDsDt mo, ES4l4?01801 1. coultilet Det€: ltay 30, 2001 ar T;29 A,M. 2. FolLc? or lcllclce co be l89u6d, pollcy ttrorDt(aJ otmesr poll.c.y - grogoaedl I!.pur6d ! To 8e Determined $ ttsD 3 . Fca g{ ru,le lntor:icoreltrert ;;;il: iD th€ landl d€Pcltbe{ tn thi.r eorl'lrrc.i i! orra.d, ..e rh€ l{cuahoh Trust dated Decerober 1, 1g9g {. lS3 lrrrA .rf6rrsA Eo tn thie Ctuj,t.lint iF dasc}lbii jc folloE8:Parcel A, a Resubdivisjon of, LoC 36, AdccardinE to the'ptat r".otf,e;;;"; ff"3f-nttt Gl'en Lvo'' subatvsion, l:"Ia" of Eagte, raarcn rs, 1995 in Book 6ft at page rz1,'State of Colorado . (for ing6tr"tional purposes only) 12rl5 west Eavco circle PRE[lrU}i: owner,s policy s 175.00 tJ6/t2/0L 16;09:22 1f LF Jun. 13. ?001 1' 3:19Pl'{rt F IRST .{l,fE[ I ,ie]l IIo.8481 P.3/6 Fht gs4a?olru trolPlc8 ro FnogPEcl!3v:E oft![ER.t(A sfAtEt@,E,!ono.:-f REQuIRED By coLoRADOI}TSURANCE RECUI,J$1 gN) GrP DfrOAECilIOtf, PT,alt" company conducts the closing and.t:ii_::*t"rts resu1tl'g from Ehe transac.rs responsible for recording or filing thearr nErc€rs w&rich appear oh rhe .".";;.;;;::"1; jh":m.:r"::::":iri:::;*ii#: ;:: IEcgtt[Ic, s LIEN PRoTEg[tggff you are a bucovertrge to be 1gr'*{er of a gingle fahird on vour Foricy .r tlJ:;"":hce you tt.y request :nechaai.e,s lien . rf the property.lal"n, purehased has not, been the sub,l:nprovenentss "t tgnall in tbe ra"t-*ix iorrchs prior ro the u"ri""a- ot eohstnlctsion.Ene requirement$ ",irt u" p.vr",,t-Jr-iil-"illli"li"tll jl_j-}" u"r: or rhlE ."*ii.*I".ArfidaviE and rnde*rity br/ the eerler_ -)Fropriate prernirm and ghe .i*i"riJrr'.i"''1" If rhe FloFertwmonrhs prior to tn.- eTitg-purchased was c or celrain rinanciar'l::^::-:l'"-;;^#;J;'.#llfrli'ffiil1:" repar'red within six i nr orna t i on. pa!,menr o t pr.rni,rni] l'J -i"ill", il:"*-"ruil;::::*Tlre general resu . of the c"ntd;:- I F{'ulrenetlls st4cect abowe are sub,ect ro the revision aad a'proy*r 5PECIAL ?N(ING DIS?RICT NOrfCE (A $orice Given In Conforrni !y }fi th Section L0-L7-122 c.R.s. )The subject land rnavcue risiing ;; ::irl-" l":it:9 in a special th. .o*'ney"t;;;;;;;:i" jurlsdiction shall be and the blunil;;r'i:;Ti: lii";:."*"."i_comrisEioners, che counry .rrir.-"ia-.""Tio.r, talinv district; a certificate of, taxea .obtq1ns6 frgjn lhc county Efeasurer otrinforrnation regardincoutainii ;;;'-il: T:il',:"::il:;or the coun Ey aisescot. Jun. l_l 2001 " 3:l9Pbl rt FIRST rI,IERIrl.qN := ::..1344-81 ,.o_rl , AL,8A Dlal4 lang|trqgs co@ltrloat I'10.8481 P {16 Bt t ES,|trgJDOf grdrE Uo. ES4470L801 SCBED0I,Ei-s.ctloal Raqul,tqeatg lltr folloflng regulreaentg nuat be raEt: ,., I:1.:l: asreed anounrs for rbe incereslnsured. \.r.,e rnEerest in Ehe land and/or for tbe mortgag€ to be {b} Pay us lhe premj.utrs, f ees and charges f,or ehe poliry.(cJ cbtain a certificaEe of ta,:xeb due s_ssntreasurer's authorized dge,,t. the eouney ttreaeurer or the co'nty {d} the following docurecorded,: - qtentE gatistaccory to us mrSE be siEned. dar.ivered and t. Harr4bty Derd Iand d€scrlb.d Iteh ZA_ sufficient ro convey the fee sinple estat€or rererred ro heriin, ro rhe F;;p";;;-;;J;"::Tff::"i: i:. NOTE: trust recorded *r"iti;:.;;;r"j.";y::l.T*:. da-red Deca-!a!,er 1, 1ee8, a rrusct.us!q6s; Irarry r- Mc!rah;; ill::;l_ii;"t;:.i:Jilil"'"" trre rorrowiiJ as N0IIE: fF titE SALES p :Iryl:E *rourifr*io'RrcE oF 'r{E suBrEcr nl:.:jyt ExcEEDs $100,000.00 rHE sEr,LERts_zz_s,ra.l_;ffi;;;"&Hr;l;1;11"ff3,DrscLosrRr o" ,ir*io"ii#,,ooor.ro", oF c.R_s. Jun. l! ?001 1 3:!0Pff lf FIRST ,s}{ERItnll :::=l .". lt44-82 ,.o_rl . AITA plein &a.uguEge coeitrent order ub. Esg4?01801 }5f Poltct rr tnaue Fill h4v€to orr a{Cirfactd,at: llo.8{81 r. 5/b SCIEffIIEB-S.ettsn2 Erccoptl oae lhe f6llolf1ng qrcsptloss utrlosa they qls trhea care of filc* 6slgyE1y61 tbxes a4d Assessh€nts noc certified to the Treasurer,s office. 2 - .Any fac ts ,but whichof p€rsons rights, inrelss6s e,.could be ascerEaihed n.:t:-t* which. are n"t _:o:*r -ha rhe publ.ic r€cordsin possessio" .;;;;;: an uspection or rhe :.and ir il ffi;;; ir,*.o 'l' Err5ernents, or claitns of ease&ents, not shown b:f public4. Dtscrepancie", """j1::::- in bqunctary lines, shonage inany facrs whieh a _co:rec: survey .^i ii"n""aron of Ehewhich are nor shohrrr br/ Ehe "riii."rl"".l*. fecorde. . urla, eooroachhents, andranq would disclose, and c-. Any lien, or right Eo a Lien, for sherearrer rurii.h.a, i,w"".i,ov"i"i iliiii; :;3fr;; H:?;ir:.:::::f: * 6- Any and a1I Ltnpaid tax€s, assesghents and unredEened tax sales. 7 ' Reservations .i:-::":l!t"hs rn pacenEs and Acrs aurholizi.:f ,"- " '{av atr€cE the subjecE "..j::.:":-l'I^:::}"t::i4s thelr issuance asqttches and restoserher *r* ;:::::"- ';;';;'";;;::;:l"TiiT:::il'*I' cr'e rrsuts i; consrrucred * h-e reservation of a rishr ?r *;y ;;;-;t;;."""fi;':J:te! rishtc u.".-;;;;; ;:":n: authority or rhe united s."i""-.**".i" 40$; a'd ;;"';#':ff ff"'ilir.i;':*,::,";;i"::"*"#::::" I'' EbaE ce*ain 8- ReservaEion of renter qpolr. "".,:!: riSht of Ehe uhited stares, irs pcrmict provided in rr,"TfrTi iii. il: ff;; ?:-.11 "i =.la-i.'i"ff :;-Tffi!; '"recorded october a, Ls46li s"ix'iii J:t":;:t.;3:3). as rescrvcd inr he palenr 9. CoveoanEs. Coaditions ancl restfictioareverc€r clause, set forth in the ,n""' tnr"n do noE include.a forfelture or268 at paee 6s8. Anen&renc of, said .L:T:l:,'".orded Aeril o, isii-;;-Bi.i'an lnsEruhent r€corded eus.,,"i-zi]-isil"llul*": condiEions and restriclt."='o* iii:'ll' :..fi "::':^."#J*#F;#::$;:::+:*"::, il"in I i',iT#f;ii':,resarcrins race, cor.or, "...-a "ru-""irll"i"ll|i:,":r":i;,rll; "ji:*;;; ." 10, Easn€nts, condi tjthe rs6.'4i!;i;;"li'oiffTff':ffd:i-i::"Ti:t:ns as show' or reserued on i;;.". pase ldl and aorendei-il";;;:;::""if il:"J#.H":i,r#T.itii"_ - -Cont.inued JUN.12. 2tl!I 1 3:ztlPl, Tt FIRST T}'.{ERI|AII ::: T. .1344-82,.o_#. rlrfif plain Laagnregfe eoDltnsnt }[0.8481 r 6/6 F& f Es{40t!0I Scbcdule B _ Seetioa Z contLnuedorder Ho, Es44?01801 L2. EasernenEs. resefvati( l;;;T;jj:;;. ;j T :jj,.tri:*T;:i TiJ'd:;Tfi ,;iff il":.::s:,_#:";,, ;. Covenarcs. condicions ::::"::T .t.u=",-.I'" and restriccto"=, ,o::l.do not conrain a rorf,eiture orBcok 664 ". p"# r*ir]"t forEb in the DeclaraEion,"."iJ"i *rin 30, l.ges i' .fr,.1 n \ 4 / froTueJ 4*.17, *****tttf *****+*!F'f +****l.*'t************:t******++*****+**++!F*++*!f **f +*** t:l '1.*tt** **'t*'l ++*!'f +*****+* TowN oF VAIL, coLoRADo stateme'nt It'trt rtr+,t**'**'tt***'t*+*:*+++!*++++**t++!*!F**+*++**+***+++++**+*!*****!***********.lr+!t*********+++**+*++ Statement Number: R000000969 Amount: $50.00 O6/L9/2O0]-O3:08 Pll Payment tlethod: Check Init: JAR Notation: 574L Permits No: DRB01015I- Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 210312L07015 Site Address: 1245 WESTIIAVEI{ cR \rAIL IJocatidr:Total Feea: $50 ' 00 Tlrie Payment: $50.00 Total ALIr Eltnt6: $50.00 Balance: $0.00 ***'t!*:i*'**'*t***'*'t+'l********:t+*+i(!t*****,1******:t***+d.*,*,t * * **,tr,l.'F* * *'**** *{r**+*+ +*'** *'t'}'}* 't:* *t} l.*'t'N't ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrjgtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEuJ FEES 50,00 t D esign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName: PochResidence Project Description: Minor alteration and interior conversion. Owner, Add.ress and Phone: Gerald Poch, 152 Canfield Drive, Stamford, CT 06902, Tel:203-327-5722 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Robert Borneo P.O, Box 467, Edwards, CO, 81632. Tel: 970.926-s773. Project Street Address: 1245 Westhaven Circle (South Unit) Legal Description: Lot 36, Amended Plat: Glen Lyon Subdivision ParcelNumber: 210312107017 BuildingName nla Comments: Interior conversion of vaulted space to add bedroom and add window. Motion by: nla Secondedby: nla Vote: nh Conditions: nla Town Planner: Reed Date: 3ll7/98 Board / Staff Action Action: STAFFAPPROVAL F :\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\98\PoCH.wPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 '' A3/L6/* 23; tg }F. ?l;,t?*'-. 6J,rrb/itgE 29:31 g7O9ZFt15 l-{8.@4 Wt PA6E A2pleffe. |tsa,atl ruiltv0f Qrrcsrionri? Crtl Src ltmning $trff !r l?t.31l8 AFPLTCATTON TOR DESTCN REVIEW AF'ROYAL LoCATtOt{ tr FRO!9SAL: Lor:% - v{I)cK:_ twni@ PffYIitCAL AOpnesS: lfl{f FARcEt fr*lg3l *4gJ'ol"- tc$nrncr Eaglc co. Asscsrou o{ticc ar 9?Gt28.!s{ttr 0rrcct #) IOHIN6: F{.tt{ NAMEOFOWTIER{ ' MAIL PHsl{EI (}i|Ir8n6t$GHA NAME DF AFFLICA}fT: MAILF{C FHOI'|E: #a#li'??E'tVfE OF REvrBnr AilD FEEI cFxEBde.nmili. floH ttfLql{$n-ttforartroicclrt$ifirgDcsignRcviwnpprovnl. Anygqicctrusiringdelgrrrcvierruur resEava t ltln Rr*iEw qrpionut pFcr to $bnrltrlng for a bu ding pcrnir. Fop rpccific ilrforrrrtion, rcr drr ruhnitrt fc+rarcrrr6{t ror_tlrc p+tkxl* aqrard tlur ir rcqucficd. Tht $rtFli{:iraon camor be rcptftd until dl thc rgFlrcdiafornnrrcl i*rrtrmithd.. 'fhc projcd rmy dso nccd !o h evicrvcd by rtrc Tsun Co$cit tnalor rtc n*rlrrj rna Frrvatorlmchld Cltmdrdon. Dcdtn Rs?ttr' Brartl rtppfovat crplrar on€to.r rtttr fiitl rpproqd l||lcrr r trollrfins Frnfth trrcd r*d triirru.rtnn ir rrrrrc,i, 11g'ii14,og-Cfr;XF,ji;;d A. DgSCRfPTftltlttfTl{ERF.oilEST:4ort'lFPucji-- rrt}Ft'.a}./-- f^wrt*A,rd +5 ,{ { B, c. D, E. F. G, t{, :, a I ; .i f I 'riI tr flc*€rctwctlol -S100 tft.dilrton - l3o a .l: ? { Conslructiorr of a ncw buikling, lnckrdtr ury ldrlitiot rrtcrc squ;rrc f00m$ ir r.tdcd to rny rClihnfial or comrncrciel building. B lillBdr Al*iltfoF -ltO Includcr nrinor rhalgcs to building Ind rite imftrovarrr{nq. rr*i g, rcroofing, pninting" rvinilorv additions, lrnd*rphE, fcnacr ml rU*ning ltslh. clc. DfrBfc$arctobc;mlditlhclirncofrubrrrirral. Lelcr.whenapplyingforrhuil{ingpcffilt,ph[cltoili$ thc *c**c vrlu*ion of ihl projrrt. Ths To*a orveil rult rilrusirhc fcc rrcorlingti ttle pijcct rduaion. Dl,sAsE 6udt|rr rHttl AfrLICATroN, ALL $uButrrtr REeuTREMEt{Ts AHD THE FEE !o T}tE T'EPARTffiEI{T OF COIITIilUNIT Y DEVELOTMENT. 75 SOUTTI TRONTAEE ROAD. vAlL, coLoRAOO f,165r..j PD.q!. r !l^il | ,d D€SCRTPTOI{ Of TtrE qgqyg$, _ao ilJiruu*T- #, rajql-- fa&t&w?l lleb fs. I hfrl.@4 G.FI ta. r q?l'5Tr ''.rr:i.9.rt" ccrdt ef Jg!I.asllj!a-- rd Stctc af nd!-' ol tl|c gt.otot{r'' ld A. ttcE r. ttr.rt tr-rtr t t3{l {li.A!{LtUN l.*ar to .lt ghd..t.a x/l[lttt ttr lr$toxtt hr. rr.!ut.d thl.-th. d.tr |'t t{.rh .aovt, 23!tB ArI GeFFi-D *"'{O .,WAX*AITITffi) MlJtr|lt r^!o fqcElr D#tr. i. md9l| a!{D nfvr llt to sH ullDrv|rtED t0 rBcEr+T n EllET tittE' rtitt rtt rn .l{utft rd ncrqtlt#rt. .ls.trf,tnrr.- th6..to.b't6t{r . Dt ln "rylr€ ry?I"l?!Pil*Tr--i;l riil||-roi,'nirrurr .nt-iJrtlrt.. .ii:{, lldrr.nd Frtitt tirrct; tl rlt tno "trt" rrFt. llEi.-iilii;-lG;'.rtrec'v-' * oiltiii"i.r' riitut t; td* qrrtr, oi' ln xd to tln rtv' !"!!ind ddr lhr hr'|dtctta s{ fitf,tarEoii{C1d6tflft6-fi taloliel--rli 6L to"*t'g r$ d'lcrig riti srtrrntr' rrtto dr' "crt"(r";.;;.ri; r;t;. tr cimtcnt"r,Jii F-r;iit.htl trler rrd pcrean'l'rs" t'tltir' 'bct '{udr'ltl;;;il;;il ir'i *im-ro' th;i;tiifi "n -!1tf1 thf!-'r-:.!: t!A:!.tr15;:r9*:*:i:i?::'H:i1;lililT.HIi:i,'i*T. ;ff;'1to";"'fi; iitii-ili'ti* it tG stiti'c '# d'ri'ra A;ii;. h. L';ia ;iil "f d|. d;i;; Fi ;;i-. tr.. gia, orc, Pcdcct' -'6tutt rtd lrdrf,{rblc '-rrrtiriiiad. tn td. ir fr. r'trc. *s-ii iol .l.itF; dtt I F|f td.tn.'"l 'utt"ltv to grtrl' r"|rtn'--stqlr':#4-?-4:*yg'i*Yf-fr t"'.l:,:T tl:.:s-lfJ':iffi.ilil* h f^H lltrrffiiffi d^*ffi.fiff l$ ffi ffii. tlfiYAllolc Alo lltEllr oP$'At ff rEconD- ntor(.' a.rt r{.itt ffiJrI |fl trartt tE|!5 fi. !!ota! b'r!.itrC p ltr. in tlrr trr't tttO ?t!q't!,il;'th.-a;;*iit, ih tr.tr rs nifr, lrrln t..lt--5 .l't-i'r ef'rol 9t Fr|ou ['*lt|llt. qt'lri€ ttu r*6r'- ii,t if,iic;.-riiiiiil; n*.t .r.tr-iia,r*-$r ptunt, ..d di it$.[ drr .l'{ot.., rri tfic ure 0r dt/ |r |r TiP'-t o /r +L l,t-r"lL .> frtrb (I"rW"tl*F BPpn-)Yoc\l o , Qucstions? aJ;. Planning Staff at 479-2128 AI}PI,ICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW {PPROVAI' CI]NERAL INFORMNTION fifficctrcquiring.DcsignRcvicrv.]l'l",""|A.']yfl"-..'.lj#:::i",j,.^:i::,""J::il"T.illlJ::T!!j::il:'li:fiT1il:ffi;;il::;;,i;;;;;ili,iing p.,,"it i'orspccinc infornration, scc thc s'lrbnrittar , ^^^^n*arl ,,.ril nll thr: rcattircd::1il:"?;'if;Jl;:"ffi:ji:;;:,'''d,:i',;;;;;*'il;'l iii:liitf:':::.,i:',';'.!1i::iT::i,illili'll':I:;:Hf iiil:ffi1il:J:il1"'ffilTil;il* ';';;';';;';;;;;i;" '"''i"J"ia w thc rorvrr ':::lll:111"'ll:.:',T:i:::i''J;il::l.]:jj,'i]'"i",.,ffi,"|.' *rie;'ii'].,;itnr",r "pp',y"r cxpircs oncrcar artcr linal approval unlcss a Ilnvironnrcntal cotDtnission' Dcsign llcvicrv ltoard appr%ilt cxplt us ttrru YUd'.r' building pcrmit is issucd and con.struction is startc{I. (t .f"^ra C^-.d-) /\ -' I > ftt-,1 <:-- I A-t ra lL' oA. DIISCIRIPI'ION OF TllE REQUES'I'r S=-l/- 4 . , A.o t]. (.. D. E. 4D I{-o 744 4^) I-OCNTION OF- PROPOSAI-:I]LOCK:tttLtNCtflM!!4 P LAr^ C- PHYSICAL ADDRESS:&a) "5f t1 4 o a4J a,2"-!i- - pARcEL n.Al o3 /zt o? s | 7 - (contact lla c Co. Asscssors Ofticc at 970-321t-8640 for parccl ZoNINC: Q'; ol',/= /$ tL.t,*t/ NAMI] OF O (s): M ING ADDRIISS:tto U),4 1-17 Q-l a tta aet NN M[, OF AI'I)LICAN'I-:e(Llt- G d LrG- MAILING ADDIIIiSS: f ' d' c? aJl^79 (cS n-tl l;. G. IJ. '|YPE OF REVIEW AND FI]E: E,Nov Construction - $200 Constnrctiotl of a ncw buikling' ffro,li,in" $50 .lrrcludos any arldition *hcrc sf,uarc footagc is addctl to any lcsidcntial or cotrrttlcrci:rl building' E Minor Allcratio[ - $20 Irrcludcs nrinor chaigcs to buildings antt sitc improvcnlctrts' such as' ' rcrooling' poi,tti,,|g' 'iinttu'u atltlitions' landscaping' fcnccs and rctaining rvalls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tinrc of subnrittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a builcting pcrlrrit, plcasc idcnhfl thcatruratcvaluationofthcprojcct. "I'hc1'o*nnivnir *itr aojrisitncrccaccordingtothcprojectvaluatior PLEASESUBMITTHISAPPLICATTON,I\I,LSUBMITTALREQUIREMENTSANDTF|EFEEToTT DEPARTMENT oF COMMUN|TY DEVEI,oPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRoNTAGE RoAD' r0lyN OFVAIL ER(s) SIGNATUR f zz3 vAtrL, coLoRADO 81657. S*ryW Job Address... Locat-ion Parcel- No...,. Project Number 1245 WESTHAVEN CR 21,O3-L2L-0 6-009 PRJ95-01_02 Status. . . : Applied. . : I66ued. . . : Expires. . : L9720 Val-uation: APPROVED 08 /3r/Lee5o8/3L/Lee5 02/27 /Lee6 ?qt - ?oaiPhone: 30381593# Phone: 3038459717 L",f 3 Lri/taLt ou 50, 000.00 #Of llood/Pa L l.et: NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAN]CAL PERM]T Permit #: M95-0135 APPLICANT BLACK DIAMOND MECH, INC P O BOX 581, AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR BLACK DIAMOND MECH, INC P O BOX 581, AVON CO 81520OWNER K2D2 INC L09 LUKENS DR, NEW CASTr.,,E DE Description: NEW SFR Fircptace Inforration: Restricted:fof G.s Appt iances:#of Gas Logs: ***ffi***ft*** FEE SU IARY 1,0q)_0o Restuarant P[an Revieu-->.00 Total catculated Fees---> 1'253-W 250.m DRB ,00 Additionat Fees------> -mllechanica[--> Ptan Check---) Investigation> .OO TOT L FEES---- t,i tt calt----> 3.oo Payments----- BALANCE DUE-_-*ttffffi#*#**ffiffi Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT08/31/1995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDTNG Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC.607 OF THE 1991 UMC2. ACCESS TO HEATING EQOIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 OF THE 1991 I,]MC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE 1991 UMC AND SHALL TERMINASE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATIN OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALI-,, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER sBc.2L19 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.8. PERMIT,PT,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. **********t *rt'rtrt***rtrt*****it:!rtitrt************************************************** DECLARATlONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this appl,ication, f il,l.cd out in futl, the information required, compteted an accurate ptot p[an, a-nd state th;t a , the information provlded as requined is corr.ct. I egree to compty vith the inforFtion and Ptot ptan, I to.corgl'y vith atl' Tot n otdin nces .nd state [avs,, and to bui l,d this structure accordino to th. Toun'r zming lnd cubdivision codes, dcaign revi en approvcd, unifonn Bui tding code and other ordimnca3 of th! rcn ripticabte thcnGto. RE4TESTS FOR INSPECTIO|{S SH LL BE ll DE TUEIIITY-FOIrR HOURS fI ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47}21:f8 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:m A 5:m P SIGNATURE OF OTINER OR COIITRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AIID OII}IER t' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P95-0133 Job Address: 1245 WESTHAVEN CR Status. . . : APPROVEDLocation...: Applied..: O8/3L/L995Parcel No..: 2LO3-L21-06-009 Issued...: O8/3L/I995Project No.: PRiIgs-oIo2 E)q)ireg. .: 02/27/!996 APPLICANT BLACK DIAMOND MECH, INC Phone: 3038459?17 P O BOX 581, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR BL,,ACK DIAMOND MECH, INC Phone: 3038459?17 P O BOX 581, AVON CO 81620OhINER K2D2 INC 109 I_,UKENS DRf NEW CASTLE DE 19720 Description: NEW SFR Valuationz 40,000.00 *ffifffi*****#******** *ffiffitrhHffi**ffir FEE SUI'll,lARY t*i***H****t*t****t**Hffi P[umbing----) 6m.0O Restuarant Ptan Review--> .00 Totat Catcul.ated Frcs---> 753.@ Ptan Check---> 150.00 ToTAL FEES-----Investigation> .00 Total Pernit FeF-------> 755.00 tli !t cal,t----> 3.00 Payments------- BALAI{CE DUE---- *'r****ffi*ttttffi*ffi*****t*ffi ***tr**rt*********#*** IleBi .q5100 BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Divieion:O8/3L/L995 DAN Action: APPR **t****l**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL #*ffi ****ur*t**t***ttntt***t*f,***#f,i******ffi ****t********* DECLARATIONS I herlby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, fil,led out in futl the infomation requi red, corpleted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that al,l, the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compty vith the infonmation and ptot ptan, to comply yith aLl, Tor.n ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this stnucture acconding to the Townts zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, uniforr Buitding code and othep ordinrnccs of the Town apptjcable thereto, REOUESTS FOR ITISPECTIOI{S SHALT BE IIADE TSENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 179-2138 OR AT OUR OFTICE FROI'I E:M Ail 5:OO PH SIGIIATURE OF Ot.Il{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OT'NER [-.:,-, ,(-...:: TowN oF vArt coNsr"uaripEnr.lrr AppLrcATroN FoRu -u AU6 A 0DNIEz Q.L7-nK' . , AppLrqArroN Musr BE FTLLED ;; ;ffi o* ,rl0l" C0J14$4.0EJA0EBTU X***************************** PEII!{IT INFORI,IAEJON *************:l!r**************rl' [ ]-Building ff-etunning [ ]-Erecrricat X-uecrrantbar I J-other Job Name:Job Address: 12 Block_ Ft.ItrS suBprvrsroN, f.!rrr, ,%, Address: /O,Ph.Mt< ctiETcL, - Address: P.o. Ba ir4 htsl, tt-c.t6za OFFfCE USE * !r *** * * * * * ** ** ** * * * * * * **** ***** BUTLDING PI,AII CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI.AN CHECK FEE: IIIECHANTCAIJ PI,AN cHEcK FEEs RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: ZONING: SIGNAITT]RE: Town of Vail Res. No. ll6FPhone Number: 9^6-go-ot- Town of Vall Reg. NO._ Phone Nunber: TOTAL PER!,Itr8 FEES:/ i .,/ "BUTLDTNG: A/.//*/L ( - )l'€{ srcNAruRE- -T- Legat Descriptionz tnt_t2 Owners Name: Architect:Address:Ph. General Description{ fuc- Pzungra wfrx+>u+ s?sZt work class: p(J-New [ ]-Alteration t l-Adatitionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling UnLts: I Nunber of Accommodation Units: ^ {prnber and rlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances;l cas rpgs_ }tood,/pellet_vlk************************ **** **** * VALUATTONS ********************************* BUTLDTNG: $ ...__ ErEcrRrcAL: $ orHrn: !_r ErrtMBrNG z ^ffioo[.6 uncneiiiiiiii iE.r*oe_ rorAL: $-\Y gprqs- o/az-l*******d*t|t'*{f**Ei[*-5****** collltRAcroR rNFoRJirATroN ***************************7 EeneraL Contractor: Town of VaiI Reg. No._Address: Electrical Contraetor:Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Mecbanical Contractor: {ft,qt H ?f-Ary{Address: *** * * *** ***t* ******************* FORBUII,DING PER}IIT FEE: PLWBING PERIIIT FEE: IIECIIANICAL PERUTT AEE: EI,ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: cffie-ntiI- CLEATI UP I'EPOSIT IEtrI'f,D To3 75 loulh frontage ro.d urll. colo.ado 8lES7 (3031 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DASE: su&fECT: rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposia ;t-=;ir]-"J"i, sand, debrisor material , i""a-:gil9 trash Eunpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehictes.upon any streetl =ia""air,-;ii;y or publicplace or any poreibn tn"i"oi.--itre rrgrrt-of-way on arL Town ofvail streets ind.roads is approiinatety 5 ft. off paveurent.This ordinance vill be ;t=iliit-enforced by the Tolrn of vailPubric works DeDartment. --p"t"6ns tound vialatin; this ordinancewilr be siven a 24 hour r=ta;;;';"ti""-ti-;;;;t="id raateriar.rn the event the person so notified-aoes-noi---ciipry with thenotice sithin tt5 za rrour-tine-=p""rriil,"il.;ffiric worksDepartrnent wirr. remove said nateii.t "t tt "--.r.i"ise of personnotiried. rhe orovisi"n=-or-'trril-"iai;";; =;Iii not beapplicable to clnstruction, -r"irrl"rr.nce or repair projects ofanv street or alrev or anv "€ir-iii""-'i; ;i"-;iiit-"-,o"v. To-review ordinance No- 6 in fu'', prease stop by the Town ofvair Buir'ding Departnent to obtiin a copy. rlanx you for yourcooperation on this natter. ottlcc of communlly deyclopm.nl AI.L CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THETOI{N OF VArL TowN OF VAIL PIIBLIC WORKS/COI,IuI'NITy DEVEr_',oplrENT MARCH 16, 1988 - CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & ITfATERIAL STORAGE cknowledged contractor, owner) { lown 75 |outh lront go roed rrll, s91s66e 6557l3utl 479-2.L38 ot 479-2L39 I' the frame.. o BUILDING PERI.'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires 3 Towl of Vail Fire Department Approval,Ens'ineer Ls (pubt i. {:t|:) "evi"n .na'ipi"ou.il'i iiiiiiili'bepartmentreview or Heal th Departm6nt. review, ani-"-"Eui"; Ly-ffi";"itatngDepartnent, the estirnatea time-6r'"-tit t ililr-;u;"L[!'as tongas three weeks. A'll corrnercial (]arge or sma'il ) and alr murti-family permits wiilhave to follow dtre iuove r"niion"Jii*ir* reguirenents. Residentiarand small projects shou'rd ute i-ieii"" "mound or-time. However, ifresidential oi smar'rer.projecis ifi;;i'the various above mentioneddepartments with reqa,rd' to-n"Cesi"iy-".ui"", these projects mayalso take the three-week period. Every.attenpt wil] be '!Fge bv this departrnent to expedite thispermi't as seon as possible. - s^',te..'c' er undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and t.ime officc ot communlty dcvrlopmcnl FclLGusar' Project Xame Y &-ao-1a t Comnuni ty Development Department. t t-!4cr DrAao'o P,'o, 3or rff r Ctrtte_.1 ool AtcHAu|- lPC, fiuow Co , ,Qr{ : irt , ;':';0\1rh , -a .. Fclz(,usou Rrs, bt*cg WLSf ftAuL1't C.ftut C" . 8r6.f 7 lowrr ol Valt Communlty 0atelooment tlennd '. ll t :: 7- '|. :::.' Validity of Psrmii Sec. 303 (c) 19 U.B C. ira isruance or grantin0 0f a peimit or approval of plans anc rirecilicati0ns shall not be construed t0 be a ocrntit i0r. 0r an ,1'plsval r)f, any violation ol any of the provisions of this cldg '.ir c'{ any othcr ordinancc of the iurisdication. The issuance of a permit bs€d upon plans, specifications and other data shati rlot pruvcnt lhc building olficial from thoreaftcr requiring tho er0rs in said plam, spccificatlons and 0th8t (oaguiTto1.t A tR /4" yzo't OPtr",tt-t61 , ot Veil 8o 6AL, = I FooT c0P\ t{ E HF i,a i{dfi EEri El El AZ 1,r V)&A) AHd;FF HEBsf;\XAE EAE H6s TEffi>hR dXilr SEFi:ziHl EBHr HdE Ehq gHE HEg 33H BA6 gEH gEEH F9;3333333333333333333333333 qg q !l !l .r e! e.t c! m \o \o \o \o.'o I lo S.o I Sro I $roodt1 agH i^-*-l ! I l-l^-l-.i*!^--l I l^* EHHFRe=FH* B sn S.sR e 3s*sRF$s=c+E si ga3 G 3 G E G i f; e C € fr A F R eH; gf; EAfi g$ E H$H* K I 3 fi F * + HE gsX$ :I- H:+8K: Fi6 F gE E: $H H€3 s $ S$ ER : $ 5H R* ERFe.€.| g Town ol Vail " 0FFlcE cop' v,g e! E .::-n'$PP e R EEEHgAEFEEA;EAEEgEEEHENHEEE rd 7 * .-r ct .. -+ r., 'n (n in ., \o \o t'' € oo o\ a 9 9I SP 999 N Eg }*fi*HHeHseessHsfl*Hu'HBees tr <h f-l oq oq cl a n .,, g (! 'Fl \o€ ,d od 00+ 00 & ..i i o<ro P^^ i{i{xi{i{5i66 oo55o5oRorn \o cl = <i ,.i + oo tfi al ooEfiSXooooR<t f\ * c'l i\i ianeR i I I in ina ie ln Insn oq j nn\di{ Fl X t'{F.O t< x|flia 65 (\ o lll r,n ! in r.) r,-l EA iEea<rid>n 3Pa El"ts ^aXEn EbU t'( o FI F F Flz IXwa 3te: i''l , 9EEEtc< aeEc>7,Z4utAER bLFlPiirdi- , t/' Rhpr r: r * Il/fi7/95 lTrt?tt RFIiIJESTS FOFI INSF,EnTION Llfil1l4 sHE|ITS FOR:11,/ S./95 fIRHA r f,F =5=E:===*i:;it::i:i:::!i:1:;EE:g=::====g=======:=::=t*E=::!::i::.|:?115.i::i:'i!1!::g*==fl=**:*i==::==t=:**-:ag:tgi*i=g=F=*:ii:*a:Activityr I195*E;136 11/ S,/95 Type: II*BU1.i.-.0 Statris: ISSUED f,onstrl NSFR FlEldr-essr 1E:45 f,JE$}THRVEN CR Locat i on : F,ar.ce I : i::lPt3-l ll *tA6-rzilZrg DeEcription: NEW SFR Appl icant : SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTITIN Owner'; l/.3DiJ INC Con[t'actor: SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTIfiN Occ: flrt8tZtT Use: V N Fthone: 3t?t38455656 Fttr sn e ; Fhsne r 3t2t3845S656 CHYCf{^rrT}+ err"rroq TOWN OF VAIL. flNLNFNDfl F AGE f-.' Inspect ion Reque st Request ot': steve Reql Time: tZtS:tZttZt Itenrs r"eq'.test ed to Infonmation.,... shafe, f f er' Fhone I 476-5 195 *omments: pa.r.t ial be InsDected. . . tlrt i sn Clotirment s Time Exp &trI BLDG-Fjr.em i Inspect ion Hi st or.y, . . . "Item: OA5lgl F,W-DI.ive by Inspect ion Iten t 8ftfi lra FLDS*Foot ir":gsl$teel Ifi/ t7 /95 Inspector': CD A,:t i on I Item : rarZtEgEr FLD6-Foundat ion/$teel lA/19/13 Inspertar-: f;D Ftctinn: It/fi7/95 In:pector': ED fiction: Not es : STAB ALL trOl"lELS INT0 flpF RflVED Iten: 0la5eff F,L-RN-ILC Site F,lan Item ; ftAB3ra FLIIF-Framing Item: AA$44 BLD6-Roof & Shee}. F'1ywoo,5 ltiai. l Iten : filZltZlSE FL.DG-Insuls.t ion Item: lAlAB6fil Bl-Dli-She.ett"oek Nai. I ltem I lllAlZtglfi FL.D6-l--ourtesy Item : UiliilZr7il B|"-DG*Mi sc. ltem : firzrrzr!)fi BL.D6-Fina.1 Item: OlZlSf,m BLDG-Temp. f/E Itenr : fitZt5lrfi BLDF-Final C/Cl 't .a , -a,/ ^ PooF o^]c\/ TL€ gi-lac r44$sf B€).-.- 7or ,, $t"g Doxlr- *4,O i\p\? . E{ S tto r s FfAfl+l rtG gntPn si tl Lr,eat'n'rite.rz t Acc PrD6tr5 3 r-+or f;F,F.R EETRINING ftPPR EETAININ6 AF'F.R F T REF.T.ACF LOCAT I0r,,t5 WRL.L liJALt- DRIUET^,AY trffD t ., t LETTER OF CREDIT FOFMAT TH|S AGREEMENT, made and entered into this -!bW (fipZan& tgl5by and among fu'-Bvu,. (hereinafter called the "Developer"), and the fOWll OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town") andF,esrtpL- (hereinaftei calied ttre "BanK'). ot: Vrf, I WHEREAS, the Devoloper, qs a condition of approval ot tho plans, dated Agreement; an , jgfruttffvyis{es to enter into a Developer lmprovehent11(g WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide securlty or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set torth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide cotlaleral to guarantee performance ol thls Agreement, including construclion ol the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish a letter of credit with a Bank in Eagle County in a dollar amount ot $3*5&-(125% of the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT ;N*'/s' /\. , NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before 4r',u-- 15, lQQl" . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all ithprovements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town ot Vail, and to do allwork incidental thereto according to and in comptiance with the tollowing: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specitications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced' govemmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or olher otficial from thg Town of Vail, as affected by speeial rlislrints or seryiee distficts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide seeurity and collateral as follows: Page I ol 3 lrrevocable,fetter of credit *-fih5/6--in the amounr of $*35dO--with \-tt'tT+,lk- oc V,t lname of bank in Eagle County) as the securiti for the lmprovements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute ihe collatEral originally set forlh above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithfut completion of those improvements refenect to herein and the p6rformance ol the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative colliteral shail be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance ol the same, nor shall the iown, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature 0f said work, but all of said liablllties shall and are h€reby assumed by the Danetoper. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or Bmployees may become suOiect to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arlse out of or are based upor any performance by thelDeveloper hereunder; and thb Developer shall reimburse the Town lor any and all legal or othbr expenses reasonably lncurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defehding any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in Addition t0 any other liabitlty wnich the Developer mayhave- i5- lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of lthe collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in comptiance with in plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Towh. Und6r no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held'be reduced below the amount necessary t0 completo such improvements. 6. lt lhe Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreemsnt on or belore the date set torth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. The Bank shall release such funds upon written request from the Town strating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreemenl. The Bank shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town's written request. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with Interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suil or may be certified to the treasurei of Eagte County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder talls or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as deflned in thls chapter, such fallure or refusal shail be consid6r6d a violation of the Zontng 6ode, 7 " The Developer warants all work and material for a period of on€ year atter acceptance of allwork refeged to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.16.250. 8. The parties hereto mutuallv agree that thls Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writlng and executed by all partles hereto. Dated the day and year flrst above wrltten. Page 2 of 3 J,,ta STATE oF COLORADO ) ) ss.couNwoFEAGLE ) STATE OF COLORAOO COUNTY OF EAGLE My commission expires: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE a ss. n. The foregoing Developer lmprpyoment Agreement was acknowledged belore ne ue 4, .aay19llby 6rgnP6r. {th-7+r4-.- I4THAt Thg foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowleclqed before me thisll__ dayr*fu:wy Ltlei -tUoritz' - -' '- 6d/HF\:;fuTf'**ffipw4';;yy:-*Y"*:eroremethis-1- Witness my hand and official seal. PLANNER. COI/iMUNITY DEVELOPMEN' Wtness my hand and offbial seal. Pios 3 ol 3 TTBAil( OF VAIL 17 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 (97n1 476€686 "LENDER' IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT 9455103 Lender indicat€d above ("Lender') hereby establishes at the request and for the a@ount of Customer an lrrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of Beneficiary for a surn 61 Four Thoussnd Five Erindred sixty aad no/loo Dollars ($c,560.oo Thes€ funds shall be made available to B€neficiary against Lender's receipt from Beneficiary of drafts drawn at sight on Lender at its address indicated above (or such other address that Lender may provide Beneficiary with written notice of in the ftrtur) during r€gular business hours and accompanied by the signed writt€n statem€nts or documents indicated below. WABNING TO BENEFICIARY: PLEASE EXAMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. lF YOU FEEL UNABLE TO MEET ANY OF ITS REQUIREMENTS, EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER, YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR CUSTOMER IMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THE LETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWSE, YOU WILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS TETTER OF CREDIT FOR FAILUHE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. 1. DRAFT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Lender thall honor the draffs submitted by Beneficiary under the lollowing terms and conditions: Ensure construction of a guardrail oa their home i! the OleE Lyoa Sr.drdivision Lot 36 , Vail Co. Upon Lend€d8 honor of such drafts hereinafter, Lender, once the full amount of credit available under this Lett€t of Credit has been dram, shall be fully discharged of its obligations und€r this Letter of Cr€dit and shall not thereafter b6 obligated to make any further payrnents under this Letter of Credit in respect ol such demand tor paymonts to Beneficiary or any other person. lf a non-conforming demand is made, Lender shall notify Beneficiary of h€ dishonor on or before the tim€ mentioned in Section 5 below. Beneficiary shall have no recourse against Lender for any amount paid under this LEtt€r of Credk after Lender honors any draft or olher document which complies strictly with this Letter of Credit, and which on its face appears otherwis€ in order btjt which is signed, issued, or present€d by any party or under the name ot any party purporting to act tor Beneficiary purporting to claim through Ban€ficiary, or posing as Beneficiary. By paying to Beneficiary an amount demanded in accordance wkh this Letter of Cr€dh, Lender mak€s no representdion as to the corr€c'tness of th€ amount demanded and Lender shall not be liablB to Beneficiary or any other person for or in respect to any amount so paid or disbursed for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, any nonapplication or misapplication by Ben€ficiary of the proceeds of such payment. By presenting upon Lender or a confirming bank, Beneliciary certifies that Beneficiary has not and will not present upon the other, unless and until Beneficiary meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promis€s to return to Lender and confirm any funde roceived by Beneficiary in excess of the Letter of Credit's maximum drawing amount. 2. USE RESTRICTIONS All drafts must be marked 'DRAWN UNDER FiratBenk of vail IRREVOCABLE LETTER OFCREDIT NC. 9465T03 DATED Deceuber 18, 1995 ', and the amount of each draft shall be marked on the drafr. Only Beneficiary or Beneficiary's Transfuree (only il transferable) may complete a draft and accompanying statements or documents required by this Letter of Credit and make a draw under this Letter of Credit. This original Letter of Credit must accompany any draft drawn hereund€r. Partial draws I are permitted ffi are not permitted under this Letter ot Credit. Lender's honor ol a partial draw shall correspondingly r€duce the amount ol credit available und€r thi$ Letter of Cr€dit. Following a partial draw, Lender shall return this original Latter of Credit to Beneficiary with th6 partial draw notsd thereon; in the alternalive, and in its sole discretion, Lgnd€r may issue a substitute Letter of Cr€dit to Beneficiary in the amount shown abov6 less any partial draw(s). 3. PERMITTED TRANSFEREES I This Letter of Credit may be transferred by Beneficiary upon providing Lender with prior written noiice ol the transfer. The Transferee shall be deemed the new Beneficiary of this Letter of Credit and the docum€nts of the Transferee, including drafts required under this Letter of Credit, are to bo processed by Lender (or any intermediary) without th€ original Beneficiarys intervention and without any further responsibility on Lender's part to the original Beneficiary. E ttre right to draw under this Letter of Credit shall be nontransferable, exc€pt for: A. A transf€r (in its entirety, but not in part) by direct operation of law to the original Beneficiary's administrator, 6x€cutor, bankruptcy lrust€s, rec€iver, liquidator, successor, or other representatives at law; and B. The first immediate transfer (in its entirety, but not in part) by such legal r€presentative to a third party after express approval of a governmental body uudicial, administrative, or executive). MAST802 O FomAlion Teohnologlos, lnc. (3/2/94) (800) 8s7-37Ss 4. TRANSFEFEE'S REQUIRED OO"'T"' When the presenter is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3 above, the documents required for a draw shall include: A. All documerts required elsewhere in this Letter of Credh, excspt that such documents may be in the name of and executed by either the original B€neficiary or the presenter permitted by paragraph 3; and B. When the presenter is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3.A or a thhd party under 3.8, a certified copy of the on€ or moro documerts which show the presenter's authority to claim through or to act with authority ior the original Beneficiary. TIMING OF DISHONOR Under no circumstances shall Lender be precluded from relying upon any reason tor dishonor giv€n in a communication which Beneficiary or the pr€senter receives within three (3) Banking Days after Lender has received the last document forming Part of Beneficiary's pr€sentment (the 'Three-Day Period"). Lender shall be entitled to r€ly upon any such reason without r€gard to €ither (i) the timing of any presentment made befrore th€ Expiration Dat€, or (ii) the timing inside the Three-Day Period of any preliminary communlcation(s) from Lender concerning th€ dishonor decision itself or any roason for dishonor. For any such r€ason so given during ih€ Tirree-Day Feriod, Lender shali be conclusively C.camed to have met th? 'reasonable tinne', 1^tithout delal/, and other timing requir€ments as the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 1993 Revision, ICC Publication l*lo 50O, as most recently publi"h"d by the Int€rnational Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter called the "UCP-) may impose. The Expiration Date shall not be extended to accommodat€ a pr€s€ntment made with less than three (3) Banking Days to go before the ExPiration Dat€, and Beneficiary shall not be enthled to submit a draw request or provide Lender with any documents in support of a draw after thE Expiration Dat€ hereof. Nor shall Lender €ver be required to communicate a dishonor decision or its reasons within a time less than the Three-Day Period. 'Banking Daf shall mean any day, except Saturday, on wtrich commercial banks located in the state of Lende/s address are either not authorized or are not required to close. COMPLIANCE BURDEN Under no circumstances shall Lender be held responsible ior any impossibility or oth€r difficulty in achieving strict compliance with the requirements of this Letter of Credh precisely as written. Beneficiary understands and acknowledgEs: (i) that unless and untilthe pres€nt wording of this Letter of Credit is amended with Lender's prior written consent, the burden of compllng strictly with such wording remains solely upon Beneficiary; and (ii) that Lender is relying upon the lack ol such amendment as constituting Beneficiart's initial and continu6d approval of such wording. NON.SEVERABILITY lf any asp€ct of this Letter of Crodit is ever declared unenforceable for any r€ason by any court or gov€rnmental body having jurisdic{ion, Lender's entire engagemert under this Letter of Cr€dit shall be de€med null and void ab initio, and both Lender and Beneficiary shall be restored to the position each would have occupied with all rights available as though this L€tter of Credh had never occulr€d. This non-severability provision shall override all oth6r provisions in this Letter of Credit, no matter where such provision appears within the Lette/s body. CHOICE OF LAW/JURISDICTION The UCP shall in all r€sp€cta be deemed a part hereof as fullv as if incorporat€d herein and shall apply to this Letter of Credit. This Agreement ghall be governed by and construed in accordancB with the laws of the $tate of coiorqlto , Unned States o{ America, exc€fi to the €xt€nt such laws are inconsistent with the UCP. Lender and Beneficiary consent to the iurisdiction and venue of any court selected by Lender in hs discretion locat€d in the State of colorado in the event of any Iegal proceeding under this Letter of Credit. 9. EXPIRATION Lender hereby agrees with B€neficiary thd drafts drawn under and in complianc€ with the terms of this Letter of Credit will be duly honored if presented to the Lender on or beforo th6 Expiration Date. Dated: Decenber 18, 1995 LENDER: FirEtBaDk of Vail 7. A ENDORSEMEiIT OF ORAFTS DRAWN: Date Amount Amount Negotiated By In Words In Figures u. uoritz MASTEo2B O FormAtlon Technologies, Ino. (3/2/s4) (8o0) s37-3788 +$ VAIL BANK Effective Date: Expiration Date: Number: Town of Vail Vail, CO 81657 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT May 12, 1995 September 15, 1996 177 Re:Robert Borne for the account of Innsbruck Meadows Development, Inc. Gentlemen: We hereby open our lrrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor, available to you by draft or drafts at sight drawn on the Vail Bank for any sum or sums not exceeding in total of sum of Fifty Thousand and No/lOO Dollars ($50,000.00). This Letter of Credit is for the account of Innsbruck Meadows Development, lnc. Funds under this credit are available to the Town of Vail by its sight draft{s} on us referring to this Letter of Credit by number and by its issuance date. Such draft{s) must be received by Vail Bank prior to 4:OO p.m. on September 1 5, 1 996. The funds available under this letter of credit shall be for completion of pedestrian walkway, storm sewer, curb and gutter for the above referenced project. Such authorized representative of the Town of Vail indicating that the amount drawn is necessary to complete the aforementioned items. Vail Bank agrees with the drawers, endorsers and bonafide holders of drafts drawn and negotiated in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit that such drafts will be duly honored upon due presentation at the counter of this Bank. Vail Bank represents and warrants to the Town of Vail that it has the full authority and power to issue this Letter of Credit to the Town of Vail,_in the total amount and for the total period of time stated herein; said authority being pursuant to the laws of the United States, or the state or territory which governs the establishment and regulation of Vail Bank, and Vail Bank's charter, by-laws, and other applicable rules and Vai[ Bank Building 108 South Fronrrge Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 30il4i6-+60A FAX3031476-?666 2l I I North Fronrage Road Wcst Vail, Cole,rac.lo 81657 3O3l+76-i500 FAX 3031+76-75A5 0015 Benchmark Road Avon. Colorado 81620 3031949-5995 301/949-5881 444 lTth Strcer Denver, Colorldo li0Z02 l0l/l9l.lli3 FAX 10V629-354{ a Letter of Credit No. 177 Page 2 regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Should it be necessary for the Town of Vail to file suit in an effort to enforce this lrrevocable Letter of Credit, Vait Bank hereby waives all venue rights and submits to the jurisdiction of the District Court in and for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. All drafts hereunder must be drawn on or before September 1S, 1996. Sincerely, Vail President Bank r) N-t^-€ Dan E. Godec, Vice I DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ,,,-:=-.. THIS DEVELOPERIMeROVEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is *s=Ftj and entered into this lL day of &*L 1995, by and between INNSBRUCK MEADOWS DE\IELOPMENT, INC., a Colordhdtorporatiorl hereinafter refened to as "Developer", and the TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado Municipality, by and through its Council, hereinafter referred to as the "Town". WITNESSETH.. WHEREAS, Developeq in connection with the approval of the final plat for Innsbruck Meadows, Vail, Eagle County, Colorado (the "subdivision"), desires to ent€r into a Dweloper Improvement Agreement with the Town as provided forby Section 17.16.250 ofthe Municipal Code ofthe Town of Vail, as amended; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Code, the Town desires to make reasonable provision for completion of certain improvements ("Improvements") set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, Developer has agreed to be responsible for the performance and completion of the Improvements. NOW TI{EREFORE, in consideration of the foflowing mutual covenants, conditions and promises, the parties hereby agree as follows: l. Developer agrees to furnish all personnel, equipment and material necessary to perform and completg in a good and wodonanlike manne4 all Improvements and work incidental thereto as set forth in Exhibit "A". Developer further agrees that it will be responsible for all work set forth in Exhibit "An. Town of Vail agrees to commit a contribution of $7,275.00 for the storm sewer construction. This paJrment shall be made from the Town of Vail to the Developer upon oompletion and acceptance of the Improvements. All said work shall be performed substantially in accordance with the construction specifications and drawings as approved by the Town. All work shall be done under the inspection procedures and standaxds established by the Towrq and shall be to the reasonable satisfaotion of the Town and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted by the Town Engineer. t The Town agre€s to approval ofthe Subdivision subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3. The private driveways within the Subdivision as shown on the final plat will be maintained as private access and may be closed to the general public by signs; provided, however, that any such signs shalt be approved by the Town. 4. Upon completion of portions of the Improvements, Developer will cause its engineers (who shall be registered in the State of Colorado) to certifr in writing that the installation of the Improvements, as portions thereof may be completed from time to time, have been completed in conformance with all standards, drawings and specifications as submitted to and previously approved by the Town. Inspection reports, test results and other supporting documentation shall be submitted with the certification. The Town may provide periodic inspections as it deems necessary to assure conformance with the approved plans and specifications. 5. Developer agrees to complete construction of all Improvements within tlree years of the date of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approval of the Final Plat as provided in Section l7.l6fiA of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, Colorado. 6. Developer warrants and guarantees that the Improvements constructed and installed pursuant to this Agreement shall be constructed and installed in a workmanlike \ manner suitable for the intended uses and in accordance with the applicable Town specifications for a period ofone year after acceptance by the Town. 7. Except as provided in this Agreement, Developer agree$ that, in the event it shall fail to perform its obligations as set forth herein, the Town shall not be obligated to issue certificates of occupancy for any new structure to be constructed within the Subdivision. Developer agr€es to complete the storm sewer and curb and gutter along Kinnikinnick Road on or before October l, 1995. The pedestrian walkway shall be completed by Septernber 15, 1996. Temporary certificate of occupancy shall only be issued by Town if the uncompleted pedestrian walkway or landscaping are bonded or secured by a letter ofcredit from a local bank. Notwithstanding the above no temporary certificate of occupancy shall be available for issuance for any residence until the utility infrastructure servicing said residence, and the curb and gutter and storm sewer system, has been completed and accepted by the Town. All muntenance (snow removal, sweeping, landscaping and weed control) shall be the responsibility of the Developer or the Homeowner's Association. 8. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer, agenf or employee thereo{ be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage related to the work specified in this Agreement, nor shall the Town" oor any of its officers, agents or employees thereo{ be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work. All of said liabilities are hereby assumed by Developer, unless the liabilities directly result from the negligent or intentional actions of the Towu its officers, agents or employees. Developer hereby agrees to indemnifr and hold harrnless the town, and any ofits ofEcers, alents or employees against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, because of any losseg claimg damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of, or are based upoq any obligation ofDeveloper as herein before stated. Furthermorg Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss or clairn. 9. Developer shall provide the Town of Vail with a letter of credit in an amount equal to 125% ofthe estimated costs of completion of all Improvements related to public improvements (hereinafter referred to as the "Letter of Credit"). Public improvements are the pedestrian walkway, storm sewer, and curb and gutter. The estimated costs of completion of all Improvements is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Said Letter of Credit shall be provided to Town prior to, or conculrently with, execution of final plat. After completion of all Improve- mentg the Developer shall petition to the Town for final acceptance of the Improvements. As portions of the Improvements to be dedicated to the Town are completed, the Town Engineer shall inspect therq and upon approval and acceptance, he shall authorize the release ofthe agreed estimate for that portion of the Improvements except that, in no event shall any such progress payment cause the remaining sums secured by the Letter of Credit to be less than an amount equal to 100% of the estimated cost (as set forth in Exhibit "A") of completion of all remaining Improvements and further provided, however, that 10% ofthe estimated cost shall be withheld until all proposed improvements are completed and approved by the Town Engineer. 10. Upon default by Developer, the Town shall have the unconditional right to make a claim against the Letter of Credit and to withdraw funds upon demand to partially or firlly complete and/or pay for any improvements or pay any outstanding bills for work done tlereon by any party. Notwithstanding any provision ofthis Agreement, the parties hereto agree that the Town shall be under no obligation to complete or perform any of the Developer's Improvernents. I l- Upon execution of this Agreement by the parties hersto, the Town agrees to execute the final plat ficr Innsbruck Meadows and to accept ttre sarne for recordation in the Clerk and Recorder's Office of Eagle County, Colorado, upon the payment or recording fees and costs to the Town by Developer. 12. This Agreement may be amended from time to timg provided that such amendment(s) be in writing and signed by all parties hereto. 13. In the event of a lawsuit arising out of the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to court costs and reasonable attorney's fees. a 14. This Agreement and the obligations hereof shall be deemed to be covenants running with the land and shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. The parties have executed this dgreement as ofthe date fust above written. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado Municipal Corporation Attest: STATEOFCOLORADO I) ss. COUNTYOFEAGLE ) the TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado Municipal CorpoAtion. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: l,4y Commission Expkes Juna 17, 1995 STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. cor.rNTY oF EAGLE ) @,-,Lb IIW- Roh<rer tue* Subscribed abd sworn to before me this ]day of i{rpn{, 1995, by @eq;# Assd€o, as President of W., a Colorado Corporation.jbpl'^sffiucE- WA pe{ S gCuC/afaat,C t,LC Subscribed(pb".tl ^l---,as Town Clerlq of € @ Witness my hand an0 om)lse;t My Commission expires: ?ru ob Mclaurin, Town Manager Town Clerk INNSBRUCKMEADOWS and swom to before metlnffip-$ffi,1995, by {FLt*t+} . as 18I'CMP lE" CMP - Recor LE" Annular Bands 4E'rdia. Manhole Material 48"dia. GST Lid Slab 6il CI Ring & Cover 6r'fnverted Ring & Cover I'Rub RNeck Speed Crete Catch Basin Valley Inlet Base H=5' I-3518 Framg Grate, Hood Exhibit "A" Storm Sewer 777 feet @ $6.90/ft. 37 @ $10.35/band 2.s @ $48 2 @ $14s 2 @ $100 1@$rr0 3 @ $s.so 6@522 1 @ $600 | @s236 Manholes(S) 48"dia. x 30r' Precast Base d2-20rf Holes 2 @$433 48"dia. x 30" Precast Base d3-20" Holes I @ $500 $ 5n361.30 382.95 $ 5,744.25 s 866.00 500.00 120.00 290.00 200.00 110.00 16.50 132.00 $ 2,234.50 $ 600.00 236.00 $ 836.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 1.800.00 $ 14.114.75 I Excavation. Bacldill. Comnaction Labor flnstall Pipe. Manholes. Catch Basin) TOTAL - Storm Scwer Curb and Gutter Labor 840lineal feet @ $6.00lineal foot (curb and guttcr detail) Concrete Slcu.yds. @ $60.00/yd. Pavement Asphalt Saw Cut 840lineal fwt @ S1.25lft. Base Cource 135 tons @ $llltsn Asphalt 52 tons @ $7Slton $ 5,040.00 3,060.00 1,050.00 1,620.00 3,900.00 Public Improvements Estimate Pedestrian Wallcwav Labor I,L00lineal feet @ $6.00lineel foot (6'wide, 5', thick) Concrete 1l2cu.yds. @ Underlavment Base Course TOTAL - Pedestrian Walkwav $60.00/yd. 230 tons @ $12/ton $ 6,600.00 6,720.00 2"760.00 $ 16.080.00 Miscellaneous Stakins and Testins 2.135.25 TOTAL PUBLTC IMPROVf,MENT COSTS.. .................$ 47.275.00 SI]MMARY TOTAL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATN LESS TOWN OF VAIL CONTRIBUTION FINALCOSTTO DEVELOPER LETTER OF CREI}IT OR BOND $40,000.00 @ t25vo $ 47,215.09 - 7.275.00 $ 40,000.00 s 50.000.00 o 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-21iV479-1139 FAX 970-479-2452, Deparunent of Communiry Development o$ pr January 15, 1996 BobBome Snowshoe Development, Inc. P.O. Box 4205 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Bob, I spokc with Public.Works to discuss thc guardrail situation. After talking with Greg Hall, Town Engineer, the 55' linear feet of steel guardrail must be installed prior to the issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy. The guardrail can not be bonded with a Developer Improvement Agrcemcnt as originally discussed. Should you have any gucstions or conccrns, plcase do not hcsitatc in giving mc a call. You can rcach mc at479-2138. Sincercly, fJ--*?**,* George Ruther Town Planner Grcg Hall, Town Engineer {3 ^"n"uo r** to {A}t'n,,^ q - NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL BE POSTED ON PERMIT (/ar'&"t t/+"rfrd JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M95-0065 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 t"T l'" Job Address.,, z 1245 WESTHAVEN CRLocation :- GTEN-TT6N.*_='Parcel No..... : 2103-721-07-006Project Number: PRJ95-0056 Department of Community Development APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER l4echani cat---> Ptan check--> lnvestigati on> l'li Lt cal,L----> J. L. 1000 J. L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION S FRONTAGE RD WEST VTELE CONSTRUCTION RD WEST 029 MORRTS BOX #202, vArL CO t*202, vArL co 2L75, UNrON NJ Phone: 81657 Phone: 81657 Phone: 07083 Phone: 9"10-47 6-3082 97 0-47 6-3082 813 957-3800 3039452326 5, 000 . 0o #of Uood/Pal, tet: Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Val-uation: #Of Gas Logs: APPROVED o5/oL/te9s o6 /2L/Lee5 L2 /L8/Iee5 CONTRACTOR CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS P O BOX t042t GLENWOOD SPRIN 81601 Descript,ion: INSTALL MECH. IN NEW DUPLEX Fireptace Information: Restricted:#0f Gas App I iances: ***********tr***lr**'**********t***,r,t*t*i**'Hrffi***t***s* FEE SUl.[.tARy ****H#***UtbH***t*#tr**tdr**rr***r********it*H*tr 100.00 25.00 Restuarant Plan Revi eH-> DRB Fee-------- .00 .00 128.00 TotaI Calculated Fees---> Additional Fees--*------> Totat Pernit Fee-------> 126.00 .00 128.00,OO TOTAL FEES--.-- 3.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE----****t**ht**tffiH*ffi*trfrffi*lr*rt*riH**tr*fi*tr*fi*************ffi*ffi*tr******f*rt***ffi**Jdrr**ffilr**ffirffi IteJn:,051.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENTO6/2L/L995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUTI-,DING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. G49 APPLTANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND SEAI-,L TEBMINATE AS SPECIF]ED ]N SEC.9O5 OF THE 1991 UMC.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR CODE CbIqFTTENEE-PN!{-SEC.305 OF THE 1991 UMC3. TNSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TNSTRUCTIONS ANDIQ APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 199]. IJMC.4. CQT4BUETTON ArR rS REQUTRED pER SEe. 667 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. AqqEgs To HEATTNG EQTITPMENT MUST COMprJy WrrH sne .5OS ello703 OF THE 199I UMC;6. PEBryITT,BLANS ANQ CODE ANAIJYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICALROOM PRIOR TO AN INSFECTION NEOUESi. **** * * ** * * *** * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * ** * * ** ** * *Jr * * * * ** ** * * ** DECLARATlONS l. heneby .acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in futt the information required, conp[eted an accurate plotplan/ and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to cotrpl,y ,ith thc in?ormation and plot pLan,to.comPty with aLl' Torrn ordinances 8nd state [avs, and fo buitd this structure according to'the Tovn's zoning and subdivisibncodes. design revieH approved/ Unifofm Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the tovn appticable thereto. {,2 "n'""uo '** ()ozg Fcr){o2 E |l|IF ={ d I! mlq LO l--.. ts EI+ o :tl.is ;19* 7E= g lrI : ol.{, h Ol= -i 3l-{r 3i56€Tcdeg,* CE>t =Eii: Tm f m(D m= =zoo r nn 3P z= 22ooz nn2ar -tn+tfir{n C z 3m C)T z 2p{c3<6EA=;u' 8t4frri c? : .-l -loo>FT nz>mon-t>or- .T =mo{ €zm -l z m €z tsa) HHH tE J_ 3Uic)>'r FI }<J =m FJ() NJ-t> edFr>'J)r€-r'! Pr'-r fd-z - r -{ u P =zo b F Ft.kbF mT m ld l=lz lo t:l> lFl!IM lF, ,TI F = s,-{ I.\j Ln l{ t€ lz lot'n l<t> lFl!tm le,lzlo t' I It*ll lr ln = f"jF c) n H c', 't1 3 l-l €z lt> lr m 5)z n = lr t€ lz t'tl l<t> lFlrtlmloflz ! 3 3 n a I = -t - l' p m z zFB tT! az € U) Fll -Y E v 3 z 9z =qmfr IlollHolHotE!ttHorTr''fr-T F€Is. -lo @mxm!-{ oz <-otI'I{m _.t (Jl -o =o o oo- { o @o A) 0r o 6$o. 6' q)E E- e, 0)4.o ; (D o. o = o 3F =.o 6o 6 CL 0ro o i'oo. lh o o- DOood3o9*o:dil o.io) otu<o <c .+ tD =o -.o dE =9' *or5'= lg 30t O.+ e-il Egrd=?= d'9.o1ool= Ed<4 =.93p nr6=s.-{ cL .1_ Oio.fEra =-cl o) ='=ai83<t, utoofocLl (,r O*o d- q) ro ao oo 3p. =. o o 3 o-' E ; o J dt ln A} o. rE. o 4,, (t (D 0t ='(c) 5(D -{o.{ {-illo (o pt5 ,o.o ,oE d, 6'3 oo.oI o.o 9.(o o o{ !)E o (D _ocJ o 3 @ =s f(o o o.o EIf oz -{I m €z m 'tt ! zo @r gtIz =z t- m =(t z mm m l<" lz l2t= Ir- u Itlr r It z a)c l- -.t z I xzm Q) t-cfi :rotr€otrr'- 26 '2 -t z>pRrd!<ll.l < >oo-m= zcz -.1 zm€ xxx tTt >: xz =z = tn I --t !m o, c a _n tx2 6)NNr<x<H NHF Eo =zo./iQ-OCi'<Z4 29lo A463 E bzq 'l 'nzz = x F>- r\r ct =Bm= 7< B c: zH Pt- z € -t--l 4 I zz Fo -F zozo -lmu, zz =z --t m zo not l m c) rd ftl tr{ tFzz FJ I I\os -{ -{ t- mn = ='Tl mmU' {Hr. l- a)Fc-rr q, m x t-m z m { m z m It{ mo m =2 mm =m - z 3 2 m m.) 6 z .l m ^ - 2 !m 3 Tmu = ='Tl mm U) VALUATION TmF =F't zo 3m 2 c, t- gz 6, mf-m -{ @ f- z UJ F. +. vF Ilvy" rul{hI M Toun'n o{ V*il FFlf:ii i'r;1'- 'l ' I I E '.- -j i.* l.ii , .,, : ] CREEK PLUMB Plan Review Based onthe 1992 Uniform Codeg NAME : MCDEVITT MECHANICAL ADDRESS :1245 WESTHAVEN CR.VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY:R3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCIION: b€ constnred to be an approval of any violativisions of, tbe adopted codes or any ordinanee DATE:12/L2/94 CONTRACTOR: BEAVER ARCH]TECT:NO ENGINEER: NO PLANS FELDMANN coRRECrroNs REQUTRED Bbe l.teng ligted balow are not iatended to be a couplete listiagof all posaible code requirenents in the codes. It is agutde to selocted sectioss of the codes. lbe f,ollowing iE not toof any of tbe pro-f the Town of vail . 1) COMBUSTION ATR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.6O7 OF THE 1.991 UMC. 2) ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 and 703 oF rHE 1991 UMC. 3) 4) s) INSTALLATION MUST APPENDIX CHAPTER GAS LINE TEST AND OF ANY EQUIPMENT INSPECTION IS REQUIRED PER SEC.].205 OF THE 1991. BEFORE CONNECTION UPC. TO CHAPTER 9 OF THEIN SEC. 906 OF TfiE CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING 1991 UMC AND SHAL], TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED 1991 uMC. 6)DRAINAGE OF MECHANTCAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT_WATER - SUPPLY BOTLERS SHAIL BE EQUIPPED WTTH A FLOOR DRAIN PER s8c.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. 7I BOTLERS SHALL BE MOIJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LTSTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUS?IBTE FLOORING. B) MAKE UP WATER FOR BOTLER SYSTEMS ARE REQUIRED TO BE INSTAI.,LED BY A LICENSED PLUMBER AND MUST HAVE A BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE INSTALLED IN COMPLIA]{CE WITH SEC. 1OO3 OF THE 199]. UPC. 9) FIELD INSPECTION IS REOUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC.3Os OF ,THE 1.991 UMC. I II1.0) WHEN NEW EI,ECTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED EIECTRICIAN. . 11.) PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. \ rl'-:.-,;. ; ft . ''.. >" r...j ()g i r Ee*F !-x"-uL. Cf\ i"o l.ol."oio-o o''o .o "o -o a o.*a o)O o o o o 3r o,o 'a o a o o o o o -o r- - -I. I I b Eff:J*.esffisru \b45 u-r'HAVEN cJ€g'rv-Qierqrr * utss Fi?r,su nfR \f rst-{ |' ^ur B, \' q" I llIr 6 Scptq -de,c$l-* lt-r [(oor.a-1p tT5r{'.{ Roost Lstu eTl-\ tsYE{st" i>l.," ?o\r--erz- I b8, oo.' tSai / LLt LL, 17 .84 = 15" O-C- -GARAGES L.2 - lZ', O.C. -IN SLAB 0R LIGHTIIIEIGHT CO:'ICRETE 1.6 = 9" O.C. -UNlrER II.COR IN JOIST SPACE 2.0 - 6" O.C- -BATllROOllS AND OUTSIDE l'rALL PERIIIETERS IIL ORANGE AREAS - 6" 0'C' .-T-' ril!11, LENGTH ti oF LOOPS ZONE f ROO}! NA}IE l-En-GTH-tlIDTH B.T.U, FACTOR ROOM LENGTH ZONE LENGTH ! BTU.THIS PAGE il LOOPS ILI PUMP HEAD Pull?-E:FlTi.- _s_v!3tui,m, / a2r-J E#K l3J2 L \-\ rt P NOTE: B.T.U. IS DERA- ?ED. FOR ALTITUDB AND EFFICIENCY. TOTAL HO- USE B.T.U. = BOIj-ER INPUT. TOTAL HOUSE. B.T.U. TOTAL PIPE LENGTH LENGTH THIS t7s!?-_-= AMEN SUPPLY CUMPANY Box 436 09SO Nottingham Rd. Avon CU BI6AO 3Og-949-4BOr) ?owN,zHcDEVITT RESIDENC:E Lor B6 BLEN LyoN N.srDE VAIL, c:o. 7/La/g4 TBTAL HOUSE LOSS ?.A447 BTUH E lOO TD GAIN 17633 ROON NUMBER RBOH NAME HEIGHT KENBTH I,J I DTH EXPOE}ED WALL LENGTH ISEBOARD BTUH FTC 19O EXPOSED GLASS AREA lLL. . . FAUTT]R -ASS:ILING _uoR .AB ]LD PARTITItrN iFILTRATION \LL...,. . ETUH -AS€t.: :IL.ING .OOR StrUARE FT.AB LINEAR FT]LD PARTITION {FILTRATION ITAL BTUH LOSB G 1OO DES. GAIN ROOM NUMBER r;]OOM NAME HE I GHT LENGTH WIDTH EXPI]SED WALL LENBTH ISEBOARD'ETUH FTQ 19O EXPBSED GLASS AREA \LL... .....FACTOR -A5S :ILINlS .BOR .AB ]LD PARTITION IF I LTRAT ION }LL... .BTUH .ASS :ILING .OOR SCIUARE FT .AB . LINEAR FT}LD PARTITION TFILTF.6TION ITAL BTUH LOSS E 1OCI DES. BAIN 1? STORAGE STAIRS 7,O 10.5 5.O 13.O9.5 €1. o9.5 13. Oo.8 6.2o.o 30.o 0. 05 0. 05 o. c,o 0.56 o, 03 0. 03 O. OO O. O(:t0.00 0.00o.oo o.oo Cr. OOO O. Olz 345 BEDROOI'I4 BATH4....BEDROOM3 10. O B. t:) 8, C)16.0 s.o 22.O12.O 5.O 11.O16.0 O.O ?8.O8.O o.3 B.A23.O O.O 25.O (), c)5 rl . c,5 o . 050,56 0, oo 0,56 O. 03 O. C,3 O. Oso.o0 0. oo o. ooO.0O 0. OO O. OCIo.oo 0.oo o.oo 0. O l2 O. Cr00 O. Cr l2 3S2 C) 142 o o o o 6 BATHS.. €1. Cl 5.0 B.S o. c, o.2 o,o o. 05 o. oo o. o3 o. oo o. oo O. Or) O. r)OO 532 168C, 312 o Ct 1310 473 329 675 1400 376 o o o 23043434 4955 24 16 2204 78.j . .BEDRBOM2 BATHz. . . .DLOSET1?.O 8.O €t.017.O 7.A 3.C) 13. O 5.5 9.524.O 9.5 0. oI7.4 3. B o.2IOB.O 15.O Cr.O o.o5 0.o5 0.o50.56 0.56 0.oo O. 03 O. Og O. (la o. oo o. oo o. oo cr. oo o. ocr o. oo O. OO C,. OO O. OOO.O12 Cr.C,12 O.C)OO o 1400 726 0 o o 2323L62 5444319 ?'27L 10 HALLI^IAY t7.Q 4.O 9.O o.o o.? o.o o. 05 o. oo o. 03 o. oo o.0c, 0. oo o. oQo o o 135 o o o o o o 108 o o o o o o t42, o C) o o o o t27 o o o o gCrO 3056C'49 a40663 199o0oooo3182 638153 10793316 77A3 ,3gl L4? 3?2 108 309 I .r' aU r B1 ftt-,rn I"-l-T/+ 1.\ r...1 i\''lr r<4ill 1 o : o 6ru ?prmsT - ?g?ei B4?EgatED - z8'u. |11], :'!'l ! " Kffi'-Z'i'iiif*" 6*ffi;;2zu-r lofz PSfi]2 ' : bav *l"?d-F .f I ST PERMIT NUM OF )- ,o. ,o* OJECT 479-2138 )I17DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES fj^LEDi-',THUR FRI o'@ ,l--:!' A.t ^.,r LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB o tr tr FINAL \ ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING r] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr a drrner O FINAL tr APPROVED COHRECTIONS: ..€ DTSAPPROVED ,.tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE -{ -4f i 5- rNspEcroR ,. ^,';i',,.1 ( ' ' ' - '-_i-,'i:.. - : - :_ :__i:-r ?!' \ii:r:.-/-.,,1:{::t _'+' -:- -ti/-.iI v INSI.ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \ PERMTT NUMBER OF FRO/ECr ,or, ',/"L{ h5 JoB NAME 479-2138 \-lt-\---' READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER MON TUES THUR FRI tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: +Ca-/L{-, (' aZa.a/'. Forsnpp.noveo .r,/ (-4 REINSPE-CTION REOUIRED/) 2't - BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL F,"Aaft-.o-FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL .r_.//d*:a&J 6 -r,' ../rl'; -t' -/r' {.,.-.- -i })- _ - -;6 *' lIrEF' INSPECTION REQUESTID /" (-' {" /' t- 'PERMaiNm '"tDATE .- -. ,' ' ' -r JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PM ,.,'. r,.. " .. '.:: a-g-t.rA-4-t ll APPROVED : CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED .", i )'.1r, .,, . 1 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND E] ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERC] FRAMING ,- HOOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NATLING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr o E'rtrunl N FINAL DATE INSPECTOR "; I,. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF FROJECT/, /".,; ,./,.;, /, t4gAlE '-i :' / :r JOB '!t':r;t l.L'/-.- ; 479-2138 t?/ | \/ r l-tNAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED FRI t =; tfrrf BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS C] FOUNDATI tr FRAMING i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o,,,_tr_, '1 i' .r t E-Ef NAL f ' L. t-2. tr F,NAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr T] FINAL tr FINAL OVED E DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION BEQUIRED 1$oRREGTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR --\ . '\_,.. oo* A- 3- 1S JoB NAME 6?Ot-^l,t'/ *INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 IT- 'B.gCALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:'.-ie!) ruES WED LOCATION: THUR FRI Loritrte Hr'|LF PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr tr u tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL n tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIB n O FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR t INSPELo- SS PERMIT NUMBER O oo* L/- 3 ' HEADY FOR LOCATION: fvl,l1--. CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ttT INSPECTION: JOB NAME .{s:CALLER TUES B t WED THUR FRI t-. iL F PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND - -.-.-.---------- tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING N POOL / H. TUB r-r r-l O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR - r_t tr FINAL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL B tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT B tr FINAL l- FI APPROVED "b**."r,o*r, O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,o-,, '/-4- 79 rNSpEcroR -1t-'l' INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL / ,1 ,/fl,', J 'l' ).u/l/- READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: tr APPROVED RFgcr,u i)r.EL B DISAPPROVED CALLER NSPECTION REQUIRED . 479-2138 i tr r ,l(t;utl RPOF t, r{BFR ,/ 'i IT NUPERM DATE 1 4K ,/ .,/ oArE <- jo-/;INSPECTOB | - onre I \/' - -i c-' 7 -2-------_ .INSPECTOF tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE ff"'"/ JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION MOtltsAUY FUH lNsPtsu lluN:. -, MoN , TUES" .qry-E_A j THUR FRI - AM (yLocArloN: lf t/ < /'il !. ill ali{'- D^ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL krrrual NAIL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING - EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL I F FINAL tr APPROVED DISAPPBOVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED 2',t 3do (.L'L./4.., y':'tanzffiat 7 INSPECTOH ( *''t /-.,- I v -r-) ) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION; / NAME CALLER ,I . MON TUES - WED . .. ..-.; ------ . I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILTOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 t /c-(- f ,i ":1. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,.- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAIL|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E] SHEETBOCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr E @er- C tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR l lJ-tr B',FINAL tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION HEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR tINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 1- =, 4</OAte J- 1t " t) JOB NAME i1 4;u.. r..U 11T CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON AM fy PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOI / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ilso T] FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER E HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ! anenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR il; INSPECTION REQUEST/- (<(o/ )-penuiir.ruffi onre 5' .ir' ?', INSPECTION:t/ JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: Mto rl AM @; :i 't I DrsAppRovED fr nerruseecroN REQUTRED,,\ 'T/J\ ,4rc <.lr.'srPlcr-r,,n/ Dr-Ff rt., rvr., qr d?€ tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 uttl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr F tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR n O FINAL tr FINAL Cer Pe vut L), i*fCk, F*aueU f,ttt r.., Lirt;'n -TV r,tIAtNtTtlN A_ INSPECTOR * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 , , ; i-i I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DtrTg ;1 - " .r i-q-JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:i MON LOCATION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,* CALLER TUES WED BEINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTTNGS /.STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. U ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr F- tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL l-. tr tr DFINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT cl B o SUPPLY AIR u C] FINAL FINAL INSPECTOR"., pATE t",, ..^- FINAT IST o CHECK L rIOB NNIIE: o PERMIFOR BUTLDING T# The items Listed below tnust be conplet,ed before a permlt shall receive a Fina1 Certificate of Occupancy. SOILS REPORT: FINAI, PLIJMBTNG: FINAII MECIIANTCAI.T: TEMPORARY CO: CERTIFTCATE OF OCCUPANCY (CO): FINAT I.TANDSCAPING: T T n I E E l tI tl il PAVING/PUBI,IC IaIORKS : TCO ESCROW/I,INE OF CREDIT: MISC. NOTES: ******* o.Ftspecrl,g[t, $FLouEs 479-2138 BEADY FOB INSPECTI-o LOGATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: r] UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr BOUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEERu Pr-YwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING g thrsuuartohl B SHEETROCK o Foot- / H. TUB NAII:tr tr tr FINAL fuIECHANICAL: tr HEATINGtr.TEMP. POWER tr EXHAUST HOODStr ROUGH tr CONDUIT t] SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINALT] FINAL DISAPPROVED fnerruseecrloN REoutt tr AFPROVED COFTRECTIONS: FINAL , '"6zss /@ Fenurr NUMBEfl oF PRoJEcr frr.RF#,pLr, Tf.ouES DATE l- ll:35- JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: 479-2138 LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: r] UNDERGROUND u RouGH / D.W-V. T] ROUGH / WATEB - ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NAILING C] FRAMING B ROUGH tr GAS P]PING o trtsu;artont tr STTEETROCK o Foou/H.TUB tr tr u tr o FINAL tvIECHANICAL:ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT T] SUPPLY AIR tr FINALo EitNAt, /E otseppRovEDt*tr REINSPECTION BEOUII -lFnePnoveo COFFIECTIONS: * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL pERMlr NUMBER OFFROJECT | 479-2139 A 6- l:'' tDATe ll,' / ' '1." JoB NAME {.:r'c,., ._1 ,1 rV,,t i-i ttf,irr : T- {ti CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL g FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL [ fiPrur.'r't,.r, (*p*oE 6 tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL f; neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED fh-) t- INSPECTOB F-q!---7-Q1 oerc l- /6' 7Q JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: rNs ; PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL | 479-2138'?'\ /h>tiru, t / Yl) ( Di=--, rt'1- ,r'i'J €- MON TUES J WED THUR FRI ./ta eu (€M CALLER PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r-f BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ('(_,{,lOAEv tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: I] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL APPHOVED T] DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE l-/b-f|,INSPECTOR $,wtifirulr uf (Drrufunrg @nrutr (Df liluil ffuilling Erpurlmrnt THIS CERTITICA?E TSSUED PURSUANT TO TI-\E RIOU/REMENTS Or: THE UNIFORM BU,I_DING CODE CERT'FYING THAT M THE TIME OF ISSUANCf THTS ,STRUCTURE WAS 'N COMPIIANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES AF THE TOWN RECIJI-AT'NC BU,,-DING CONS?RT'C?ION, AND OR USE, TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE. Namc BROIIN/MCDEVITT RBS IDENCE Usc Classi(icari<ln 5-N Croup R-3 Brrifding Permit No. 6755 l'ypc consrrucrion PRIMARY/S-ECOXD4&:( Owner of Building DARYL BROWN Building 466r.s 1245 WESTITAVEN CIRCLE Qier-i lhc hrriklirlr offitial nlrv. in wriring, surpcncl or rcvokc:t (lcrti- ficltc rrf ()r enprrncl irrucd rnrdcr rhc provirions of r hir crxle u hcn. cvrr tht ccr t ifieatc i,, irsrrcd in (rr()r, or {)n rhr h:r.iis rrl ineorrcct irrforrrrltiorr srrpplicJ, or rvhrn ir ir clctcrnrined rhrrr thc hui|r.lilg or \tnrctlrrc {r portion thcrtrrf ir il rioltrrrrrr of lnv rrrdinrrncc or rcgrrlltirrtt ,'i thr lirun of Vlil or eny of rhc proviriorrs of rhirlluilding ()lficill POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE o CIIECK REQUEST t/z/sa VENDORNAME, &r*?t- VENDORNUMBER: 7-d7 A/4 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP # 4 75{ NA.\,IE or jos: *: ACCOIINTNUMBER 01 OOOO 22002 AMOUNT OFREFUND:tz*.a DATEAPPRoVED, l; !'7 - q(o A.P PROVAL SIGN.A,TURE :WL TOW OF VAIL 1109 Vail Valley Driue Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0t -47 9 -21 t 8 / FAX t 0t -47 9 -2 r 6 6 Department of Puhlic WorkslTranspofietion CIEF t , Ra, Lp7 5D, (;ttat Mr. Bob Borne Snowshoe Development tZj4 \AJ The cost of the guardrail will be as follows: 62 linear feet ofguardrail at $30.00/lf= $1860.00 2 flared end sections at $600.00iea = $1200.00 mobilization costs at S1500.00 Total: s4560.00 These prices were as quoted from a guardrail supplier for the Town. Ifthere are any questions or concems, plcase contact Teni Martinez, Project Engineer, Town of Vail. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Coloratu 81657 970-479-U3q479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 october 5, 1995 Department of Community Development Bob Borne Snowshoe Development Corporation P.O. Box 4205 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Bob: The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the outstanding landscape requirement for the. erown-McDevittResidence,|ocatedoBaseduponlhe walk-around site visit we did on wednesday, october 4, t99s, additional landscaping is required. A total of four aspens need to be planted. Three aspens need to be planted in the southwest corner of the lot above the existing driveway, one aspen needs to be added south of the west deck olf of the secondary unit near the common wall running through the structure, and a spruce needs to be planted in that location also, as shown on the landscape plan. A total of eight shrubs need to be planted. Five of the shrubs should be located between lower westhaven circle and the driveway leading to the primary residence, as shown on the approved landscape plan. Additionally, three shrubs need to be added to the north side of the driveway leading into the secondary residence as shown on the landscape plan. As ot the date of this letter, the landscape installation on Lot 36 in the Glen Lyon Subdivision, is not approved by the Community Development Department. When the additional trees and shrubs have been planted on the property, please give me a call and I will be more than happy to go out and confirm the planting of the additional trees and shrubs. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can most easily be reached during regufar office hours at (303) 479-2138. Sincerely, fL,*r* Q**lt^a George Ruther Town Planner GR{rcc: Andy Knudtsen, Town Planner {S*""nuoruo 1T'BA]K OF VAIL Town of Vail ATTN: George Ruther 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Rucher: I have prepared paper work to extend the Brown's and McDevitt's for their property !ff. The letters of credit will 1995. The new letters of credit will be of che signed docunents from the Brown's 6p 17 VA|L ROAD VA|L, COLORADO 81657 970.476.5686 July 13, 7995 tr^ro letters of credi t for the be extended until forvrarded to you and McDewitt ' s . Augus t 31, upon receiPt If you have any questions, please call me ax 479-3304. si EIvi ely ,ncer tnt len ce PPre s idenc ROBERTBORNE P.O. BOX 420s vArL, coLoRADO 81657 303-476-5263 Town ofVail Offi ce of Community Dwelopment Att: George Ruther July 13, 1995 Re: Browr/ McDevitt Dear George, Please let this letter act as a request to extend the time to complete the outside work at the above project for thirty days. This request is necessitated by the unusual Spring we had, in which no such work coulC hF completed. I am enclosing herBwith an acknowledgment from First Bank that their Letters of Credit secunng ion of the work ar€ also extended to the same date. Thanks, Bob Borne SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT CORP. P.O. BOX 4205 VAIL, COLORADO ET657 303-476-5263 Town of Vail Oflice of Community Dwelopment F'rontage Road Vail, Co. 81557 Att.: George Ruther Mey 25, 1995 Dear George, Re: 1245 Westhaven CirA6---Aw"*.{@1 As per our telephone conversation, I am herewith submitting tvio sets of Developer Improvement Agreements in order to be able to apply for a Temporary Ce'rtificate of Occupancy on the Secondary unit at the above stated location. The first Agreement would cover only the the completion ofthe driveway and front entry steps on the secondary unit and the Letter of Credit would be in the arnount of $10,000.00 ($5,500.00 for the driveway and $2,500.00 for the front steps, times 125% ). Mr. Brown and Mr. McDevitt agree that the time frame to complete the work on the secondary unit should be coincidental with the expiration of the letter of credit on the Primary unit , which is July 14, 1995.. This L.C. also covers such general items as landscaping and grading on both units. For clarification purposes I am restating that the T.C.O we are requesting at this time, is only for the secondary unit. I sincerely appreciate your help in this process. CC: DarylBrown, Esq. WilliamMcDevitt ..'t ,r)b/L- LETTER OF CREOIT FORMAT Legal Descriptipn: Lol# Blocic- Subdivision blan Ll*titing - #ssaa aF C-<trttcft< fQ 6atri27 tt(Pi - rJfPttr/u,f {Afnt' 1-e'l*L *ff.odo@ X (',-5 =0/o'odc% 15 I., THIS AGREEME|,[. nr3gle and entered into this ?.2, aay ot {V ll 7 . r si{ o-v andamong@(hereinafterca||edthe,'Deve|bper.'),andtheToWN OF VAIL qnereinatrer i'Jt"a tne 'Town") ^n6 f r RiY FaaK(hereinafter called the "8ank"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the ko'uJf -il r 'f plans, dated , 19-, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral suflicient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collaieral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to.tstablish a letter of credit with a Bank in Eagle County in a dotlar amount ot $!!,04a._(i25% ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for tha following: IMPFOVEMENT ?au,,'as <'^o P QFru €uJaY, U fq'd rz- U'u' I Cotlsr NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenanls and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all 99u!0me1t ,,, andmaterial necessarytoperformandcompleteall improvements,on0rbefore JvIY tSt"1 . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specilications filed in the otfice of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any ol the above-relerencecl governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts' as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. Z. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein' the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: Page 1 of 3 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE .,+(, STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE qL was acknowledge d belore me this r' day of Witness my hand and otficial seal. My commission *d,*%1 BANK 19- by The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this _ day of Witness my hand and official seal. MUNITY DEVELOPMENT was acknowledged before me tnis *aay ot Witness my hand My commission expire My commission expires: Notary Public Page 3 of 3 fTBAil( OFVAIL 17 Vail Road Vail, CO 816s7 (303) 476-5686 "LE1{DER" IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT : 9351146 Lend€r indicated above ("Lender") hereby €$tablishes at the request and fror the account of Custom€r an lrrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of Beneficiary for a sum of TeE Bhouaend ql rmB;""ri*,y"sr*tL""d"i*"*Fr' 3ljlt$,f",;ffi indicated above (or such other address that Lender may provide Beneficiary whh written notice of in the tutur€) during regular business hours and accompanied by the signed written statements or docum€nts indicated below. WARNING TO BENEFICIARY: PLEASE EXAMTNE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. IF YOU FEEL UNABLE TO MEET ANY OF ITS BEQUIREMENTS, EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHEB, YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR CUSTOMER IMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THE LETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWISE, YOU WLL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTEB OF CREDIT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WTH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. 1. DRAFT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Lender shall honor the drafts submitted by Beneficiary under the followingrt6rms and conditions: Ilraft submitted Bhall reference property ideutified es parcel B,tot 35, GleD tyon Subdivision further describilg eay outatandiag improvenenta Decessary to obtaiD certificate of occupatrcy for saidproperty, Upon Lender's honor of such drafts hereinafter, Lender, once thts full amount of credit availabl€ under this Letter ol Credit has been drawn, shall be fully discharged of its obligations under this LEtter of Credit and shall not th€reafter be obligated to mak€ any further payments under this Letter of Credk in respect of such demand for payments to Beneficiary or any other person. lf a non-conforming domand is made, Lend€r shall notity Ben€ficiary of its dishonor on or befors the time mention€d in S€ction 5 b6low. Beneficiary shall have no recourse against Lender for any amount paid under this Letter of Credit after Lender honors any draft or other document which complies strictly wkh this LEtter of Credit, and which on its face appears otherwise in order but which is signed, issued, or presented by any party or under the name ol any party purporting to act for Beneficiary, purporting to claim through Beneficiary or posing as Beneliciary. By paying to Beneficiary an amount d€manded in accordanca with this Letter of Credit, Lender makes no representation as to the correctness of the amount demanded and Lender shall not be liable to Beneficiary or any other psrson for or in respect to any amount so paid or disbursed for any reason whatsoever, including, without limhation, any nonapplication or misapplication by Beneficiary of the proceeds of such payment. By presenting upon Lender or a confirming bank, Beneficiary certifies that Beneficiary has not and will not present upon the other, unless and until Beneficiary m€€ts with dishonor. Beneficiary promises to return to Lender and confirm any funds received by Ben€ficiary in exces8 of th€ L€tt6r of Cr€dit's maximum drawing amount. 2. USE RESTRICTIONS All drafts must be marked 'DBAWN UNDER FirEtBank Of Vail IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO.9351146 - DATED irune 01' 1995 -', and the amount ol each draft shall be marked on the draft. Only Beneficiary or B€n€ficiarys Transfuree (only if transferable) may complete a draft and accompanying stat€ments or documents required by this Letter of Credit and make a draw under this Letter of Credit. This original Letter of Credh must accompany any draft drawn hereunder. Partial drar/|rs f xl are permitted f] are not permitted under this Letter of Credit Lender's honor of a partial draw shall correspondingly reduce the amount of credit available under this Lett€r of Credit. Following a partial draw, L€nd€r shall return this original Letter o{ Credit to Beneficiary with the partial draw noted thereon; in the alternative, and in its sole discretion, Lender may i$sue a substitute Letter of Cr€dit to Beneficiary in the amount shown above less any partial dra^t(s). 3. PERMITTEDTRANSFEREES ! fnis Letter of Credit may be transferred by Beneficiary upon providing Lender with prior written notice of the transf€r' Th€ Transferee shall be deemed the new Beneficiary of this Letter of Credh and the documents of the Transferee, including drafts required under this Letter of Credit, are to be processed by Lender (or any interm€diary) without th€ original Beneficiary's intervention and without any further re3ponsibility on Lend€r's part to the original Beneficiary. @ fne right to draw under this Letter of Credit shall be nontransf€rable, except for: A. A transfur (in its entirEty, but not in part) by direct operation of law to the original Beneficiary's administrator, executor, bankruptcy truste€, receiver, liquidator, successor, or othor repre8Bntatives at law; and B. The first immediate transfer (in hs entirety, but not in part) by such legal repres€ntative to a third party after express approval of a govemmental body fiudicial, administrative, or exeeutive). MAST602 0| FonnAlion Technologies, In6. (3/2/s4) (80o) s37"379s 4. TRANSFEREE'S REQUIRED OO"U'T' When the presenter is a permitted Transleree under paragraph 3 above, the documents required for a dravtr shall include: A. All documents required elsewhere in this Letter of Credit, except that such documents may be in the name of and executed by either the original Beneficiary or the pr€aenter permitted by paragraph 3; and B. When the presenter is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3.A or a thkd party under 3.8, a certified copy of the one or more documents which show the presenter's authority to claim through or to act with authority for the original Beneficiary. TIMING OF DISHONOR Under no circumstances shall Lender be precluded ftom relying upon any reason for dishonor given in a communication which Beneficiary or the presenter receives within thr€e (3) Banking Days after Lender has received the last document forming part ot Beneficiary's presentment (the 'Thr€e-Day Period'). Lender shall bE €ntitled to rely upon any such reason without regard to either (i) the timing of any presentmont made before the Expiration Date, or (ii) th€ timing inside the Three-Day Period of any preliminary communicdion(s) ftom Lender concerning the dishonor decision itseJf or any reason for dishonor. For any such reason so given during the Three-Day Period, Lender shall be conclusively deemed to have met the 'r€asonable time", "without delay'', and other timing requirements as the Unif,orm Customs and Practice f,or Docum€ntary Credhs, 1993 Revision, ICC Publication No500, as most recently published by the International Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter called the "UCP') may impose. The Expiration Date shall not be extended to accommodate a presentm€nt made whh less than three (3) Banking Days to go before the Expiration Dde, and B€neficiary shall not be entitled to submit a draw request or provide Lender with any documents in support of a draw after the Expiration Date hereof. Nor shall Lender ever be required to communicate a dishonor decision or its reasons within a time less than the Three-Day Period. "Banking Daf shall mean any day, except Saturday, on which commercial banks located in the state ol Lender's address are either not authorized or are not reouired to dose. COMPLIANCE BURDEN Under no circumstances shall Lender be held responsible for any impossibility or other dilficulty in achieving s'trict compliance with the requirements of this Letter of Credit preeisely as written. Ben€{iciary understands and acknowledges: (i) that unless and until the pres€nt wording of this Letter of Credit is amended whh Lender's prior written consent, the burden of complying strictly with such wording remains solely upon Beneficiary; and (ii) thd Lender is relying upon the lack of such amendment as consthuting Beneficiarys initial and continued approval of such wording. NON.SEVERABILIry lf any aspect ofthis Letter of Credit is ever declared unenforceable for any reason by any court or governmental body having jurisdiction, Lender's entire engagement under this Letter ol Credit shall be deemed null and void ab initio, and both Lender and Beneficiary shall be restored to the position each would have occupied with all rights available as though this Letter of Credit had never occurred. This non-severability provision shall override all oth€r provisions in this Letter of Credit, no matter where such provision appears within tho Lett€r's body. CHOICE OF LAW/JURISDICTION The UCP shall in all respects be deemed a part h€reof as fully as if incorporated herein and shall apply to this Lstter of Credit This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of colorado --.. , United States of America, except to the extent such laws are inconsistent with the UCP. Lender and Beneficiary consent to the iurisdiction and venue of any court selected by Lender in its discretion located in the State oi colorado in the event of any legal proc€eding under this Letter of Credit. EXPIRATION Lender hereby agrees with Beneficiary that drafts drawn under and in compliance wkh the terms of this Lett€r of Credit will be duly honored if presented to the Lender on or before the Expiration Date. 8. 9. Date Negotiated By ENDORSEME]IT OF DMFTS DRAWN: Amount ln Words Amounl In Figures MAST6@B O FormAtfon Technologies, Inc. Pl2/941 leool937-37ss w5e INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMB JECI 479-2138 DATE HEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME FRI AM@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr BOUGH / WATER o 19.9J^LSJ5FI,..^tr GAS PIPING -PLYWOOD NAILING B INSULATION - O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PFOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr FEINSPECTION HEOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR V+ss'INSPECTION REQUEST BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEINGI tr UNDEHGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER g FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|LING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: - tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D FINAL PERMIT NUMB DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 FRI AM@ PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR o SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT CORP. P.O. BOX 420s VAIL, COLORADO 81657 303-476-5263 Town of Vail Office of Community Development Frontage Road Vail, Co. E1657 Att.: George Ruther Dear Georgg May 25, 1995 Re: 1245 Westhaven Circle Priffi€nib- -9 Qg"1i4;<t7.+a y L//t' As per our telephone conversatiorq I am herewith submitting two sets of Developer Improvement Agreements in order to be able to apply for a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy on the Secondary unit at the above stated location. The first Agreement woutd cover only the the completion of the driveway and front entry steps on the secondary unit and the Letter of Credit would be in the amount of $10,000.00 ($5,500.00 for the driveway and $2,500.00 for the front steps, times 125o/o). Mr. Brown and Mr. McDevitt agree that the time frame to complete the work on the secondary unit should be coincidental with the expiration of the letter of credit on the Primary unit , which is July 14, 1995.. This L.C. also covers zuch general items as landscaping and grading on both units. For clarification purposes I am restating that the T.C.O we are requesting at this time, is only for the secondary unit. I sincerely appreciate your help in this process. CC: Daryl Brown, Esq. WilliamMcDevitt / ^r 36 rJ't'-^'(--u' Q.fl o LETTER OF CREDIT FORMAT Legal Oescription: Lo6 Blocc- Subdivision L-I&J Ly*Jiling - and OF DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEI4ENI THIS AGREEMEI!,T, made and entered into this &-Lauy ot U/17 , 19S{ bv among?AE!,tuftluJilt (hereinafter called the "Developer"), and the TOWN and f ,R.eY iJ4 +K(hereinafter called the "8ank").VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town") WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the 19- , wishes to enter into a Developerplans, dated Agreement; WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set lorth below: and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral lo guarantee performance of lhis Agreement, including construction of the above-relerenced improvements by means of the following: and IMPROVEMENT ?dr't,"u c'.9 (- QlLru (uJil'/ , U /(atz- UP' I Developer agrees to--establish a letter of credil with a Bank in Eagle County in a dollar amount ot $lO, Osc'- (125% oI the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: CCdsf aF L]i-j<f(f< €ar/r27 ,rfP5'' J- p lAt- t l,t*5 = NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment;;;*r t;*#|.,i"'io comprete arr improvem;;i;, ;;il;;;," JJli ii,lq'tS . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmantike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-rejerenced governmentat entities. All said work shall be done under lhe inspection ol, and to the satisfaction ol, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town ol Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. Z. To secure and guaraniee performance of its obligations as set lorth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as tollows: ff ssas ut /f(L(.//v,f fuf*- w g.o.t <, c€ $ lo.clds .? 1. and material Date of Expira$on: ';ltE o*al /lllc Page 1 of 3 t STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE .,,qK, STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Whness my hand and official seal. My commission "*Or*'4 5, acknowledged before me tni" *a^v., 9/ru ..v- s/fr BANK 19_ by The frcregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this _ day of Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: was acknowledged betore ^" rni":*uv ot MUNITY DEVELOPMENT Wtness my hand My commission expire Updrtsd 92&lX Notary Public Page 3 ol 3 .TTBAil( OF VAIL 17 Vail Road Vail, CO 816tr/ (303) 476-5686 "LENDER" IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO.: g:ertre EXPIRA This Letter of Credit shall exoire upon the earlier ot: 1. the close of business on atllry 31.1_9,95 and all drafts and accompanlng statements or documents must be presented to Lender on or before that time; or 2. the day that Lender honors a draw under which the full amount of this Letter of Credit is drawn. Lender indicat€d above ('Lendef) hereby establishes at the request and for the account of Customer an lrrevocable Letter of Credh in favor of Beneficiary fror a sum of _ten tllotlsqnd and ng/lQq _ Dollars ($ -!'O-' oO9 'oo-- - )' These funds shall be made available to Beneficiary against Lender's receipt lrom Beneficiary of drafts drawn at sight on Lender at its address indicated above (or such other address that Lender may provide Eeneficiary with written notice of in ths future) during regular business hours and accompanied bythe sign€d wrinen stat€ments or documents indicated below. WARNING TO BENEFTCIARY: PLEASE EXAMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. IF YOU FEEL UNABLE TO MEET ANY OF ITS REQUIREMENTS, EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER, YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR CUSTOMER IMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THE LETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWSE. YOU WILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. 1. DRAFT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Lender shall honor the drafts submitted by Beneficiary under the fotlowinEterms and conditions: Draft subnitted shall reference property identLfied as Parcel B,Lot 35, Glen Lyon Subdivision further describing atry outFtanding improveuents necessary to obtain Certificate of Occupancy f,or saidprop€rtf. Upon Lender's honor of such drafts hereinaft€r, Lender, once the full amount of credit availabto under this Letter of Credit has been drawn, shall be lully discharged of its obligations under this Letter of Credit and shall not thereafter be obligated to make any lurther payments under this Letter ol Credit in respect of such demand for payments lo Beneticiary or any other person. lf a non-conforming demand is made, Lender shall notifu Beneficiary of its dishonor on or belore th€ time mentioned in Section 5 below. Beneficiary shall have no recourse against Lender for any amount paid under this Letter of Credit after Lender honors any draft or other document which complies strictly with this Letter of Credit, and which on its face appears otherwise in order but which is signed, issued, or present€d by any party or und€r the name of any party purporting to act for Baneficiary purporting to claim through Beneficiary, or posing as Beneficiary. By paying to Beneficiary an amount demanded in accordance with this Letter of Credit, Lender makes no representation as to the correctness ofthe amoufit demanded and Lender shall not be liable to Beneiiciary or any other p€rson lor or in respect to any amount so paid or disbursed for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, any nonapplication or misapplication by Beneficiary of the proceeds of such payment. By presenting upon Lender or a confirming bank, Benoficiary certifies that Beneficiary has not and will not present upon the other, unless and until Beneficiary m€ets with dishonor. Beneficiary promises to return to Lender and confirm any funds received by Beneficiary in excoss of tho Letter of Credif s maximum drawing amount. 2. USE RESTRICTIONS All drafts must be marked 'DRAWN UNDER _Eir_stBank_qf_Va_il_____ ,.r.,te o-i;-jt-e-i- - - --l;il,h"#;,111:13":it:-'-:ljii""j":['.'[T'";;#ua';'';*l;';.;.-,*""?jl5? Transferee (only if transferable) may cornplete a dra{t and accompanying statements or documents required by this Letter of Credit and make a draw under this Letter of Cr€dit. This original Letter of Credit must accompany any draft drawn hereunder. Parlial draws [l are permitted [--l are not permitted under this Letter of Credh. Lender's honor of a partial draw shall correspondingly reduce the amount ot credit available under this Letter of Credit. Following a partial draw, Lender shall return this original Letter of Credit to Beneficiary with the partial draw noted thereon; in the alternative, and in its sole discretion, Lender may issue a substitute Letter of Credit to Beneficiary in the amount shown above less any partial draw(s). 3. PERMITTEDTRANSFEREES [] This Letter of Credit may be transferred by Beneficiary upon providing Lender with prior written notice ol the transfor. Tho Transferee shall be deemed the new Beneftciary of lhis Letter of Credit and the documents of the Trangferee, including drafts required under this Letter of Credit, are to be processed by Lender (or any intermediary) without the original Beneficiar/s intervention and wilhout any further responsibility on Lender's part to the origlnal Beneficiary. LE] fne rbht to draw und€r this Letter ot Crodit shall be nontransf€rabl€, exc€pt for: A. A transfer (in it$ €ntirety, but not in part) by direcl operation of law to the original Beneficiary's administrator, executor, bankruptcy trustee, receiver, liquidator, succossor, or othor representatives at lawi and B. The first immediat€ transler (in its entir€ty, but not in part) by such legal representative to a third party after express approval of a governmental body (judicial, administralive, or executive). MAsT€oz 6,r FormAtion Tochnologle3, tnc. p/e/s4) (sools3?-3?ss - .FTB'T]{( OFVAIL 17 vail Foad Vall, CO 8t657 (309) 47c5686.LE'IDEtr 9327itz - Lendcr indicded above ('Lendef) hereby estabtishcs at the roquest and for th€ account of Customer an lnwocablo Left€r ol Credh infavor of Bsneficiary for asum 6 Thirty Five nhousaad-lhrae Eundred Fifty and no/loo331ffi,11";ffi Indicated above (or sucft other address that Lender may provide Beneiciary with written notice ot in the ftnrie) dudng rogular business hours and ac-companied bythe signed written statements or documEnts indicatod belolv. WARNING TO BENEFICNARY: PLEASE EXAMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT oNcE. IF YoU FEEL UNABTE To MEET ANY oF ITsREQUIREMENTS, EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER, YOU SHOUT-D CONTACT YOUR CUSTOMER IMMED'ATELY TO SEE IF THE LETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWISE, YOU WLL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDTT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. 1. DRAFTTERMSAND CONDITIONS Lender shall honor the drafts submitted by Benefieiary under ths following terms and conditions:Draf,t subDLtted Eba1l refererrce property identifLed aB Lot 36,Olen L,yon Subdivision, furtber deecrLbLag any out8taadfurginproveneats Becssaary to obteLn CertLflcate of, Occupaacy forsaid propsrty. Upon Lender's honor of such drafts hereinafter, Lender, once the tull amount of credit avaitablo under this Lotter of Credit has been drawn, shall be fully discharged of its obligations under this Lett€r of Credit and shall not thereafter be obligated to make any further payments under this Letter of Credit in reopBct of such demand for payments to Beneficiary or any oth€r person. lf a non-confurming d€mand is made, Lender shall notifi Beneficiary of its dishonor on or beiore the tim6 montioned in Section 5 below. i Beneficiary shall have no recourss against Lender for any amount paid under this Letter of Credit after Lender honors any draft or other document which complies strictly with lhis Letter of Credit, and which on its face appears otherwisB in order but whici is signsd, issued, or presented by any party or under the name ol any party purporting to act for Beneficiary purpofting to claim through Beneficiary, or posing aa Beneficiary. By payrng to Bensficiary an amount demanded in accordance whh this Letter of Credit, Londer makes no representation as to the correctness of the amourft demanded and Lender shall not be tiable to Boneficiary or any oth6r person for br in r€8poct to any amount so paid or diebursed for any roason whatsoever, including, without limitation, any nonapplication or misapplication by Beneficiary of the proceads of such payment. By presenting upon Lendor or a confirming bank, Beneficiary c€rtifies that Beneficiary has not and will not pr€s€tlt upon the other, unless and until Beneficiaty meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promises to return to L€nd€. and confirm any funds rc€iv€dbyBeneficiaryinexc€s8oftheLettero|Credit'smaximumdrawingamount. 2. USE RESTRICTIONS All drafts must bE markEd'DRAWN UNDER FiratBank Of VaLl. IRREVoCABLE LETTER oF CREDIT No. 93273L2 DATEOuarcb 28, L995 ', and the amount of each draft shall b€ marked on ths draft. Only Beneffc{ary or Beneftciary's TranafereE (only if transferable) may comptete a dra{t and accompanying statements or documents requked by this Letter of Credit and mako a draw under this L€tt€r of Crodit. This original Letter of Credit must accompany any draft dravwr hereunder. Partial draws l-l are permined E] are not p€rmitt€d under this Letter of Credit. Lender's honor of a pErtial draw Ehall coffaspondingly teduca th€ arnoun! of cradit available under this Letter of CrediL Foltowing a partial draw, Lender shall r€tum this original Lstter of Credit to B€neficiary with the partial draw noted ther6on; in the alt€rnative, and in 'rts sole discretion, Lender may issueasubs|ihJtEL6lterofcreditloBeneficiaryintheamountshownabove|essanypartia|draw(s)' 3. PERMITTEDTRANSFEREES I This L€tter of Credit may bE transferred by Beneficiary upon providing Lender with prior written notic€ of the transfur. The Transferee shall be deemed Sre new Beneficiary ot this Lett€r of Credh and th€ documsnts of th6 TransfEree, induding draffs requlred undar this L€tt€r of Credit, are to bs proc€sssd by L6nd€r (or any intormediary) without the original Benefida4/s intg vontlon and without any funher responsibility on L€nder's part to the original Beneficiary. E] Therightto draurunderthis Letterof Credhshall be nontransferabl€, except fon i , A. A transiBr (in its entirety, but not in part) by direct operation of law to the original Beneficiaqy's administratof, o(ecutorr bankuptcy tru8teg,r9c6ivEr,liquidaor,succ€ssor'orothoIropr6sentativ€sat|aw;and B. The first immediat€ tranEf€r (in its 6ntir€ty, but not in part) by such legat rBpres€ntetive to a thkd party aft6r o<press approval of a govemmantal body (iudicial, administrativ€, or sx€cutiv6). ) . .r , :. . MASTBe CrFormAtun Tcchnologlc., lnc, tafZle4 (@ sst.a?ee A. All documents requhed elserrvhere in thie Letter of Credit, except that such documents may be in the name of and ex€cut€d by either the original B€neficiary or the presenter permitted by paragraph 3; and B. When the prosenter is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3.A or a third party under 3.8, a certified copy of the ons or moro documents which show tho presonts/s authority to claim through or to act with authority lor th€ original Beneficiary. TIMTNG OF DISHONOR Under:no circumstances shall Lender be precluded from relying upon any reason for dishonor given in a communication which Beneffdary or the presenter receivos within three (3) Banking Days after Lender has received the last document forming part of Beneficiary's presertment (the 'Thre+Day Periof). Lender shall be entitled to rely upon any such reason without regard to sithor (i) the timing ot any pres€ntrnent made befor€ the Expiration Date, or (ii) the timing inside the ThreeDay Period of any preliminary communication{s) from Lend€r concerning the dishonor decision itself or any reason for dishonor. For any such reason 60 givon during tho Three-Day Period, LsndEr shall be conclusively deemed to hav€ m€t the 'reasonable lim6'. lvithout delay', and oth€r timing requirom€nts as the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 1993 Rovision, ICC Publication No 500, as most rec€ntly published by the lnt€mational Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter called the 'UCP") may impos€. The Expiration Date shall not be odended to accommodate a presentment made with less than three (3) Banking Days to go before the Expiration Date, and Benoficiary ghall not be Entitl€d to submit a draw request or provide L€nder with any documents in suppon of a dranv after the Expkation Date hereof. Nor shall Lender ever be required to communicate a dishonor decision or its reasons within a time less than the Thr€6-Day Period. 'Banking Day' shall mean any day, except Saturday, on which commercial banks located in the state of L€nder's address arE €ith€r not authorized or are not r€quired to close. COMPLIANCE BURDEN Under no circumstancss shall Lender b€ held responsible for any impossibility or other difficulty in achieving strict complianc€ with the r€quiroments of this Letter of Credit precisely a6 wrinen. Beneticiary understands and ackrowledges: (D that unless and untilthe pressnt wgrding of this Letter.of Credit is am€nd€d with Lende/s prior written consent, the burdon of complying strictly with such wording remains solgly upon Beneficiary; and (ii) thet Lender is r€lying upon the lack of such amendm€nt as constituting B€neficiaIy's initial and continued approval of such wording. NON€EVEBABILITY lf any aspect of thie Letter of Crodit is ever declared unsnforceabls for any reason by any court or governmental body having jurisdiaion, Lendefs entire ongagemefi under this Letter of Cr€dh shall be deemed null and void ab initio, and both Lender and Ben€ftdary shall bs r€stored to the position eacfi would have occupied with all rights available as though lhis L€tter of Crcdit had never oc,curred. This non-severability provision shall override all other provisions in this L€tt€r of Credit, no matter where such provision appoars within the L€tter's body, cHorcE oF LATJURTSDTCT|ON The UCP shall in all respecls be deem€d a pan her€of as fully as if incorporated herein and shall apply to this L€tter of Credit This Agr€6m6nt shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the la\^rs of th€ Std€ of colorado , Unitod Stat€s of Amsrica, except to th€ extent such laws are inconsist€nt with the UCP. Lender and Beneficiary cons€nt to the jurisdiction and venus of any coun selected by Lend€r in its discretion located in the State of -geLerade in tha event of any l6gal proc€oding under this Letter of Credit. S. EXPIRATION Lendef hereby agrees wfth B€neficiary that drafts drawn undEr and in compliance with th€ terms of this Letter of Credit lvill bs duly honored ff presented to the Londer on or before th€ Exphation Dat€. Dated: Uarcb 28, 1995 LENDER: FirstBaEk of vail ENDORSEMENT OF DEAFTS DRAWN: 7. Bv:,, EII€D MASI@S O FonnArhNr tlchnologl€s, lnc, lp/z/Ea) (8ool st.s7ss ' From : I 'a! .aa!t.' . .l t"I PEIlt IETTER Or Cneorr ronMAt Lsgal Oescriptbn: Lot35 Bhck-- Subdiyision GbI Ll(ltl - Filing- Now. THEREFORE, in conslderailon ol the foilowing mutual covsnanls and agreoments, lhe Developer and the Town agrge as tollows: 1. The Developer agrses, at its sole cost and €xpenses. to furnish ail equipmenl {9^-ln?terlgltrecBssary to perform and complete ail lmprovements, on or before . ,"^t ', "'. _ -.. The Developer shail completo, in a good workmanllke manner, allimprovsments as listed above. in accordance wnn in ptans and spocifioations flled in the gttlcg ot the communlty Developmsnt Dopartrnent, the Town ot viit, and to do all work Inclctental thefeto accordlng to and in compliance wilh the lollowlng: a. Such olher designs, clrewings, maps. speclficalions, skslches, and olhermalter submlttad by lhe Developer to b6 approved by any ol the above-referenced governmontal entllies. All said work shall be done under the inopeclion ol, and to the satisfactlon ol, the Town Engineer, the Town Bullding Otf6lal, or othor o{flclalfrom the Town of Vait, as aflected by speclaldlstrlcte or sewice districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be dEEmed complete untit ?pproved anct accepted as completod by lhe Town of Vafi Community Development Dgpartm6nt and public Works D€partment. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligatlons as ogt forth hereln, theDevoloper agreas to provide slcurity anri collateral as follorrvs: Address@ Ortc o{ Expi.arlon:tFv 1, 1995 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, mado and entersd ;n1e 161s 28rh Oay of Mglcr.r_ . tg gg, by 8nd among ?ARY!.,I:.FRoIJN _ &arelnaftcr called the "Developef), and the TOWN OF vAlL (herolnatler callad the "Town") 6p6 FTRST..BANK (horolnaftor called the 'Bank"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condltion of approv al ot thaf4wu/Lc-&&L plana, dated BEV._May__1_r_*., 1Sg+.. wishes to ent6r into a Developor lmprovsmsnt Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Daveloper is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in lhE judgment of the Town to mak€ reasonable provisions tor completlon of certain irnprovements set forth below; and WHEREAS. the Devatoper wlshes to provlde cotlaleral to guarantee perlormanco of this Agreement, incfuding construction of tho abova-relerenced improvements by means of the followlng: Developer agrsss to establlsh a teffer of crecllt wlth a Bank in Eagle County in a dollar amount of $-l?,5004Q (125olo of the total cost of the work shown below) to provlds securlty for tho toltowing: IMPROVEMENT Completion of er.<terior stucco on the secondary (south) unit. Fauupey' 5gcc*atbff Page 1 ol 3 From :PEI fnenocabre fetror of "rtan *!f frjp./-in rhe amount of g- 12,500.00 $/16_FrRsT BAM. _ - (nam" FUinr.'ii Eagte Counly) as the sacurtty for thermprovementa set rorrh above ir there,is ft"a"dtffid* iiiJ igr""r"nr by Devatoper.3' tn" o3"]9??IT.v-at any timo substitule the coilaterat ortgtnaily sot torthabova for anorhsr r"TilTll.r"aGg;4rilre to rhe Town ro suaranr66 the rarrhfureomplotton of thoso lmprovements retliifi o.nerern ano tts pirroiil"n"" ot the terms of thrg#:?:i[Tt such acciptance ri rrt" iir-ni artematve *ilir"i"iJd"r be ar rhE rown,s eore 4. The Town.shall not, nor shall any oflicer or emptoyee thereol, be liablo orresponslble for anv "Tl{:n!' loss or oamaie ntnening or. occuning to the work speciried inlhls Agreement prior to the compretion and"icceptance of the sarns, nor sharl tho Town, norany officar or employaa therool,'bo tiablo-ioiiny psmons or proport!, Injurod by reaeon of thcnature of sarcr work, but afl of sard ilabflrilei stralr ino arJ r,rrlufi"Iumad by the Dcveropar. The Daveloper hereby agroes to indemnify and hold harmlcss the Town, and any of ltsofticers' agents and emp_loyeesigatnsi anilos.u", crarmi, oamag"i lr ltabiltties to which th6Town or any of its orficers, ?g?$ or employees.may bacome subiect to, lnsofar as any e,ch ,P-t:^"-=' clalms, damages or llaoilitiEs tor l"rionr in respect thareof) that artse oul ot oruebased LDon any porfory?nce by the Devetoper neraundefi uiJiil'ci!"rbper shail reimburaethe Torrm for any and arr tegar or other L*ji[.". r'abonably Incurred by lhe Town lnconnection wlth inv€stlgatin-g..or defend[s a"i such loas, claim, damage, llability or action.Thls Indemnltv provislon snitt ue ln iooiiion i6 any orherriabnfii thich'the Dsvetopgr may 5. ft ls mutuaDy.agread that the Devetoper may apply to the Town and tha Townshall authorize lor partial r6tEaee of the cottalarar olpositci ult ttra io*n to, eagh catagoryof lrnprovemgnt at such time as such lmproJemants are constructed in complianca wlth allplans.and specttications as rsrerenced hereunder ano accepiidl;tld; Town. under nocondltlon wlll the amount of the cotlataralthat ls belng helct b6 rEducad botow the amountnocessary to complets such improvements. 6' lf thE Town determines, at its sole dlscretion, lhat any of the tmprovementscontemplated hereunclar are not constructed In compllanco'wrm fnipans and spocificationssot forlh ln this Agreem€nt on or berore the crate sst forth in paragraph 2. thE Town may, bulshall not be roquirod to, redaem the lsttor of credit "" **r"r"ry1?6nrprara the unfinishedimprovements. The Bank shall reloase such lunds upon writtJn rcqrest rror the Tgw; "utingthal-the lmprovements havo not beon completed as iequlred bv lhii agre"m"nt. The Bankshall not require lhe concunence ol tho developer prior lo releise ol tFe lunds to lhe Townnor shall the Bank be requlred to verily lndependently that such tmprovemgnts havg not bosncompleted as roqulred by thle agrgoment, but shall release such fuhds solely upon frreTown,swritton request. lf tha costs of completing lhe work exceed the smount of the deposlt, the excess,together with Interost at.twelvo pErcsnt psr annum, shail bo a tten agiirist thr property andm?.y be colleclad by civil euit or may be certified lo the treassrer of Eagle Couhty'tc Uecollecled in lhe same manngr as delinquant ad valoram taxas leviad alainst such property. lflhe psrmit holder falls or refuses_ to cornplele the claanup and landscaiing, as detinoci ln inrchapier, such lallure or refusal shall be ionsidered a violation of the zonlig code. 7- The.Devaloper warranls all work and haterial lor a perlod of.one yaar afteraccBptance of all work rEferred to ln this Agreemenl by tho Town li such work is located onTown of Vall proporg or wlthin Town ol vail righ{-of-wiy pursuanl to section i7.r6.250. .. -8. The parties herelo mulually agree that this Agreemenl may be amEnded lromtime to time, provldod that such amenom'enG be in wdting ino executeJby dl parles hsreto. Dated the day and year llrst above wrlttsn. Pege 2 of 3 From I Pgz att.orney-in- J.srArE oFE*ffi CoUNTY OEf,*A!€( SARASOTA Kimberley M. Brown, WilLiamand Carolyn F. McDevitt) ss, ) 85Y5,f"Slfact for McDevitt 'i, PAIRICIA E. MORRELL MY COiOillSSl0N t Ctl30l/A EHES Drcernbof 28. tg$ mio$In rmY fx{ lNuitfi€. iG. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ,{E v STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ) sB, ) fhorc./^, a-.-J/ WitnsEE my hand aod olficial teal. Mycommrsslon"*rr.",21 bhR A n" nF /t Notary Public -rtrHff'lLfl"rig-;qWd bero'e'no ms 44 day of Witoasc my hand aod officiel saal. My oommtssion exetres:frC(l 30 l t/{ ?Frrre-'ciA a i\e€.ed- '-;---t-#'4-.84-t--MMUNIW DEVELOPMENT Agreemontwes acknowtedged befors me m"!&av.fu&rr/-- . My commiesion "wv"r, ?tUfu5,d B was rcknowbdgcd !(<, i.!-o^^=t csf betore mc *rir4A.day of WsJBat^k- oa U Witnass my hand and oflicial seal. ,u "si-br'iilTH'ifl,1"#i:?7i$S" TT AU?U" t$Ald t,zlta P.9. $ ot 3 ftTBAil( OFVAIL 17 Vail Road Vail, CO 8165'; (303) 476-s686 "LEl,lDER" )N/ ON OF \BLE }REDIT Road ) 81657 :. : .. :i., looness 75 S. Frontage Road $teEtVaiI, CO 81657 TS.IFHO{E t{O. toEt{ttFtcano o. EXTENSION MODIFICATIO} IRREVOCABI LETTER OF CRI 93273t2 .. ... . GTJSTOMEH Tlilliar it. llcDevittCsrolyn F. HcDevittDEryl it. BrownKinberley tl. Browa ADDRESS 75Og tlteepirg Willosr DriveSarasota, EL 3424L TEttFltol]{E Mt. : tDEtmF|cAtKra {o. ,: ::,: EI(PtRAnOilDATE , This Letier of Credit has bsen extended and shall oxpire upon the eerlier of: 1. the clos6 ot business on Auqust 31. 1995 ancl all clrafts and accompanying statements or documsnts must be presenled to Lendar on or betore that tima; or 2. the day that Lender honors a draw under which the full amounl of this Letter ol Credil is drewn. 1. EXTEIISION OF LETTER OF CREDIT. Lender indicated above f'Lendei') herebv extends an krevocable Letter ot Credit established at the request and for lhe account ol G.rstomer in favor of B€nsticiary for the sum of Thirty Five-Tbousand llhree Eundred Fiftv aod no/IOO 2. CHANGE lN AMOUff. l-l f cnecked, lhe amount available to draw under this Letter of Credit is changed to 3, OTHER. All other terms and conditions of this lrrevocable Letter ot Credit shall remain the same exc€pt: Dollars ($ ). oared: iluly 15, 1995 LENDER: FirstBark Of Vail Vice President EXILOC ls/s4) ffi,ffi,ffi* tfo, u"rt EXPIRATION DATE This Letter of Credit has beBn extendect and shall expire upon the earlier ot: t. th9 dose of business on Ausust 31. 1995 and all drafts and accompanying stalements ot cloouments muEt be presentecl to Lender on or belore tha'l iime: or 2. the day that Lendet honors a draw under whioh the full amount of this L€tter of Credit is drawn. CUSTOM€R willia! ldcltevitt ADDRESS wifloh, Drive 3424L ftfBAltK OFVAIL 17 vail Road Vail, CO 81657 (30ri 476-5686 "LEHDER' E)fiENSION/ MODIFICATION OF IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT 75 southVaiI, cO tELtPHor|E o. AOOiESS FroDtagc Road 81657 .9351146 1. EfiENSION OF LETTER OF CBEOIT. Lender indicated above ("Lender") heteby extends an lnr theaccountofcu$ome'infavorofBeneficiaryforth6sumol@ Lotter ol Credit established at the request and {or z. CHANGE lN Altoutlf. l--l f "n"cked. the amount available 10 draw underthis ktter ol &edit is changed to g, OTHER, All other terms and conditions ot this lrravocable Lottor of Gsdit shall remain the same ercspt: Dollars ($ Dated: July 31, 1995 Executine Vice Presidetrt - ^^g^ a T5.:lo J\v . LENDER: FiTstBg ocroc {9/94} l\}'J' ' From i - Revlsed 5/2/92 Date Received by Development Depa APPIJTCIIION FOR DUPI.EIS sI'BDIVISION RTIZIEII(Chapter L7.24 Vait Municipal Code) (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE)A. APPLICAITT-ISIyLJ. Brown, Kimberley M. Brown, William J. McDevitt a MAIIING NDDRESS c 19 Main Street, Suite 11 L 34236 c. B. PROPERTY ADDRESS 1819 Suite 1100 I the rtmen Deveropmene. rhe pt.ar sharl include;5rhft fploslnl: t^ j..a, The finar prar shart ue or$p{i$h' ru;t*eredil\"/ surveyor in India Lnk, or Glfor substanrLal7 solutLon, on a reproducib$ lfiEdturn (pref,erablymylar) wich dimensj.on of tir€nty-four by thirty-ein tf;f;':f "3 reg P@L Communityt: ar ot{NER'S gr Dafvl- J II{AILING ADDRESS C/O 1819 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:s'I STREET irDDREss 1245 west ;Ciicle,6bHfu>n{'@- FL b' 6y' c' d. uv f("' HONE (813) 9s7-3800 illiam J {813} 9s7-3800 e 1100, Sarasota, EL 34236 Vai1, Colora ApplrcArroN FEE $ltswo- ",rnf,l{fl f"nu"* * 17fi - 36 Itr LOT :i Br./OCK_rvrrrpn GIEN LY I MATERIALS TO BE S 1. Tr^ro mylar cofies and ofrgpapdr copy of theplag shall bo subnitted Lfl rtre DepartmentDevelopmene. rhe pt.ar sharl include"kh* fin! ,. a. rhe rinal prar sharr ue ordbr6tih ;;"r"rered inchos and shall be at a scale of one hundred feeteo one inch or larger with rdargins of, one and one-half to two lnches on the lefg and one-half inchon all other sides. Accurate dimensi.ons to t.he nearest one-hundredthof a foot for all lines, angles and curves used todescribe boundari.es, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved ordedtcated for public or common uses and othsrlnportant features. All curvee chall be clrcutararcs and shall be def,ined by the radlus, centralanglo, are acored dlstances and bearJ.ng. .trtt dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in thefleld which must balance and c.Iose brithin a llnltof one in ten thousand. Norgh arrolr anci grai:hic scafe. A systomatlc identification of all existing andproposed buildingsr uni.ts, 1ot6, blocks, and namesfor all streets- an identificaLlon of the streets, alleys, parks, and oLher public areas or facilities al sh-oun oitthe plac, ancl a dedication theteof to the publtcuse. An identlflcation of the easements ae shownon ghe plat and a grant thereof to the public uee.Areas reserved for future public acquisitlon shallalso be shown on the plat. hoA written survey description of the area includingthe toLal acreage Lo the nearest approprlatesignificant figure. The acreage of each lot, orparcel shall be shown in this nanner as nell. 6w. { From : s.A descrl.ption of all survey nonuments, both f,oundand set, which mark the bolrndaries of'thesubdlvlsj.on, and a description of all nonunentsused in conducting the su-rvey, Monunrent peilret",per Colorado stat,utes. Two [erimeter monumentss-hall be eetabllgngO as rnajoi control ,onrr*.ii,the nateriats which shaLl f,e dererninea-ui'iiiJ-'town engineer. 3 llr?tenrpnt by the land.aurveyor explaining howDeartng base was dot,ernlned. A certificato- by the regristered land surveygr asoutltnGd in chapter L1.32 of this titte as t,o theaCcuracy Of the survey and plat, and that thesurvey was performed by hin in accordance withColorado RevLsed Statutes L973, Title 39, Art.Lcle51. A certlflcate by an autorney adnltted t'o pract.icein the state of, colorado, @i!"gr"rn.thar the ownertsi or reiora-deaTEiFing eo--ttrFb-lic the public right-of-way, areas orfacilitles as shor,rn thereon are t,he orilners thereofLn fee slnple, free and clear of aLl llens anclencumbrances excepL aE noted. The proper form for filing of the plat witlr theEagle CounLy clark and racorder. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Shouldtho certLficate of dedication and ownershipprovide for a dedication of Land or improvementsto the publJ.c, all beneficiaries of deeds of tru6Cand mortgage holders on sald real property witl berequired to sign the certiflcate of dedicat,lon andownership in addit.ion to t.he fee sirnple ownerthereof. ALl current taxes must be paid prior to t,he Town,6approval of pl.at, This includes ta*e6 which have been billed but are not yet due. the certlflcateof tanga paid nust, be signed on the plat or adtatenent from the Eagle County Aesoeeor8 Off,lCe must bE provlded lriUh the subrnlttal Lnfornationstating that, gLL taxes have been paid. Signature of owner. m. G. "1 ,y The plat musL contain the folJ.owing statcment: IFotr zonLng purposes, the lot,s created by thissubdivl.sion are to be treated as gllg lot wtth no more than lgg dweJ.ling units all.owed on the comblned area ofthe t!0o loCF.T The statement shall be rnodified toindlcate the nunber of units and IoEs proposed.fl A copy of, t,he declarations and/or covenants relatLng to t,he subdlvj.sLon, whlch sball assur@ the maintenance of any comnon arsas which may be created. The covenSntgehall run uigh the land and shall be ln a form sultablefor recording with Lhe Eagie Countlr Cierk and Recorder. 4. Schedules A f. B of a tltle report. APPROVAI, PROCESS, REVrD9f CRTTERTA U;ron receiving two copies of a complete submlttal along wlthpaymont of uhe approprlate fee, uhe zonlng admlnietratorshall routo one copy of the site map to the town engineerfor hls review. The zoning administrator shall then conductthis revLeir conourrently. The town enginoer ahall review Uhe subnittal and return commenLs and notificatJ.ons to thezoning admlnlstrator who sha]l transmit theirapproval,disapproval or approval with moctifj.cations$f tne ptatwithin fourteen days to the applicant. fhe- zoningadminisLrator shall slgn the plat if, approved or regulremodiflcat.ions on the plat for approval or deny approval due Revlsed 5lll92 From 3 Pg3 to inconslstencies wiLh Lhe origi.nalt.y approvod plan orfailurc to rnake other requlrcd modifications of the plat,. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Connunity Development will record the platand any related covenanls tith t.he Eagle Coun!:y Clerk anilRecorder, Fees for recording shall be paid by theapplicant. The Communicy Developnent, Dcpartnent will retainone mylar copy of the plat for bheLr reeords and will recordt.he rernaining nylar copy. Revised 9lLl92 H If thls appllcatlon regulres a leparate revl.ew by any local, State ot Foderal agcncy other than the Town of vall, the appllcatlon f,ee ehall be :Lncrcared by 0200.00, Exanrplcr of ruch revlrw, nry J,ncludo' but trc noto lfunited to: eolorrdo Department of lttghway Access-Pcrmits. 'irmy Corpc ot Engineere {04, etc. The appllcant aha1l be responslble for paying any publJ.shlng fees rhLchare Ln excess of 50t of the applLcat!.on fee. 7f, at the appl:lcant'crogu€elr any matter ls postponed for hearlng, causing the mattet to be re-publlehedr then, the entire f,eE for such ie-publlcatlon shall be patd by the appllcant. Appltcattens deencd by thc Corununity Development DePartnent to havcllgnlfl,eant deslgnr land usc or ot,her Iaaues which rnoy have a elgnlf:lcant lmpact on the conununi,ty rnay requlro revtew by oonsultantr othcr than tgvnstaff . Sbould a determlnEtlorrbe nade by ttie tonn Etaff that an outsj.dc consultant lg needed to revlerr any appli6ltlon, the gonurunlty D€veloPrncng may hlte an outslde consultant, lt shall esgimate the amount of rnoney necessary to pay him or her and this anount shall be forwarded to the Tonn by the ipFltcant at the tltne he files hts appltcatl.on ulth the Corununlty Developnent Dcpartmont. Upon cornplegion of the review of theepplication by tbc consultant, Eny of the funde forwarded by theapplicant f,or payment of the consultant uhlch have not been pald to t'heconsultant shall be returned to the appl:lcant - Expenses Lncurred by the Town ln Gr.cesa of the amount fornarded by the applicant shall be paid tothe Torrn by the applLcant vitbin 30 days of notlficatlon by the Toun. AGREEMENT AND DEC],ARATTON OF COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS AT I.JOT 36, GIJEN LYON SUBDIVISION. COUNTY OF EAG.LE, STATE OF COIJORADO REC]TAIJS 1. WILLIAM 'J. McDEVITT, CAROLYN F. MCDEVITT, DARYL J. BRowNand KIMBERI-,EY M. BROViIN, (the ,'Declarant") are the owners of certainreal property situatse in the County of Eag1e, State of Colorado,described as Lot 36, Glen Lyon Subdivision, according tot eh amended Pl-at thereof recorded ,Ju1y 1-8, L978 in Book 272 at page 37O, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, subject to thoseexceptions of record. 2. DecLarant j-s constructing on Lot 36 a building consistingof two (2) units, each designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, designated herein as "Parcel A" and "Parcel 8", respectively, which are sometimes referred to hereinseparately as runiL" or collectively as "units". 3 , Parcel A contains Unit. A and Parcel B contains Unit B. 4. Lot, 36 is present,ly subject to recorded restricti-ve covenants, easements, reservations and restrictions. DECI-,,ARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the followingterms, covenants, condJ-tions, easements, restrictions, uses,reservations, limiEations and obligaLions sha11 be deemed to runwith the land described herein, sha1l be a burden and a benefit to DeclaranE, Lheir personal representat ives, heirs, successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real-property which is described herein and improvements built thereon,their g'ranLees, personal represenEat j-ves, heirs, successorg and assigns. L. Unless t,he context sha11 expressly provi-de otherwise, the followi-ng Lerms shall have the following meanings: a. ttThe Propertiestt means all of the real estate legal}y described as Lot 35 GIen Lyon Subdiwision, according Lo the amended Plat recorded July 18, L978 in Book 272 at Page 3'70, County of Eagle, State of Col-orado. b. trl,otrr or "Building Site" means Parcel A or Parcel B as shown on the Map together with all- appurtenances. c. "Dup1s:(" or "Building'r meang the two cont igrrous dr,ra-l I i 'rr. "-i fa annaF*r^F^.1 ",v*..-ts construcLed upon the Parcels. d. ttunitrr means anv one of comprising the " Du-p I e>q u - the two dwellinqs e. rrMaprr means the engineering survey of theProperlies by Eagle Valley Surveying, No. rdated , 7ss4 depicting and -loEEETng specifically thereon the Parcels and improvementsthereon, such l-and and improvements being hereby submit.ted to this Declarati-on. Such Map shall- berecorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerkand Recorder prior to the recordation of LhisDeclaration. 2. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATIONS. Every Cont.ract of Sa1e, Deed, Lease, Mort.gage, Trust Deed, W111 or other instrument shall 1ega11ydescribe a Unit or real property interest as follows: Parcel A/Parcel B (as the case may be), accordj-ng to thePlat entitled a Resubdivision of L,ot 36, Amended Plat of Glen Lvon Subdivision recorded , L994 in Book of of Eag1e County, at Page , Reception No.the records of the Clerk and Recorder State of Colorado. Ewery such description shall be good and suffj-cient for allpurposes to sell, convey, transfer, encumber or otherwise effectthe Lot and al-l- appurtenant rights, benefits, and burdens theretoas created by the provisions of this Declaration, and each suchdescript.ion shall be so construed. This provision shalI apply tothe properties as said term (the Properties) is defined in this Declarat ion. 3. PROPERTY DIVIS]ON a. Declarant hereby establishes this plan for Ehe subdiwision of the Properties into Two (2) Parcelsfor ownership in fee simple consisting of Parcel A and Parce1 B. b. The Properties shall be subject to the easements noted on the map and those set forth herein. c. In the event Parcel A and Parcel B are owned by the same ent.ities, the doctrine of merger shal1 not app1y. 2 d, The parties, if more than one, having the ownershipof each such unit shal1 agree among themselves howto share the rights and obligations of suchownership; provided, howewer, bhat if acorporation, partnership, association or other1egal enEity shall" become an ov/ner of a unit, Lhensuch entity sha1l from t.ime to time designate oneindividual who sha11 represent such enti_ty in allmatters concerning alI rights and obligationspursuant to this DeclaraE j-on. e. Any such entity shall give written noEice t.o theother owner designating the individual to acE onits or their behalf and such noLice shall beeffectsive until revoked in writing by such entity. Any act or omission by such desj-gnated individualshal1 be binding on the entity having designat.edhim or her in favor of the other owner or anv otherperson who may rely thereon. f. Each unj-t shall be considered a separate parcel ofreal property and shall be separately addressed and Eaxed. 4. ENCROACHMENTS- Due to the construction of the unit.s, there maybe encroachments of each unit ont.o the other unit. A valid easement shaLl exist for the encroachment and for the maintenanceof any encroachmenL resulting from the initial construction of theunits or hereaft,er arising as a result of settling or shi-ft.ing of any unib as long as Lhe unit stands, regardless of whether such encroachment is specifically described on the plat or not. In the evenE. any building shall be partially or totally destroyed as aresul-t of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnat ion or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the building on the other parcel, due to such rebuilding, shallbe permitted, so long as such encroachments are of no greater extent than those previously existing, and valid easemenLs for such encroachments and the mainLenance thereof shall exist so lonq asthe building shal1 stand. 5. EASEMENTS FOR PARCELS A AND B. The plat contains and sets forth one or more easements that reflect any existing encroachments of each unit. onto the other unit and adjoining parcels. Such easements are and shall (i) remain burdens upon the interest and ownership of each unit and parcel, (ii) be appurtenant to and conveyed as a part of each unit and parcel without additional reference in the conveyance, (iii) be inseparable from the ownership of each unit. and parcel , and (iv) not be separately conveyed, except by amendment to the Plat, 3 6.PARTY WALL, a. The common foundation wall- and roof placed on, overor adjacent to the common boundary separatingParcel A and Parcel B, as well as the footingsunderlying the same are coLlectively referred to inthis Agreement as the ttParty WalLtr. b. To the extent not inconsistent with thisDeclaration, the general rules of law regardingparty wa1ls and liability for damage due tonegligence, willful act.s or omissions shall applyto the Party WaII. e. The owners of either unit shall have a perpetual easement i-n and to that parE of t.he other unit onwhich Ehe Party Wall is Located, for party wallpurpoaes/ including mutual support, mai-ntenance,repair and inspection. In the event of damage toor the destruction of the Party WaIl from anycause, then the owners shal1 at joint expense,repair or rebuild the Party Wa1l, and each owner,shall have the right to the fuI1 use of said PartyWaIl so repaired and rebui-lt. Notwithstandinganything contained above to the contrary, if thenegligence, willful acE or omission of any owrrer,his family, agent or invitee, shall cause damage toor destruction of, the Party Walf, such owner shallbear the ent j-re cost of repair or reconstrucLion, and an olirner who by his negligent or willful act causes the Party Wall to be exposed to the elementssha11 bear the full cosL of furnishing Lhe necessary protection against such elements. T-,,ANDSCAPING. SERVICE FACII.,,ITIES AND PARKING. a. The owners of bot.h units from time to t.ime shallundertake such landscaping and general ouLdoor improvements, including but not limited to, dri.veway and parking areas as they may mutually and unanimously deem proper for Lhe harmonious improvement of both units in a common theme, and, except for any expense or liabil-ity caused through the negligence or willful act. of any owner, his family, agent or invitee, which shall be borne so1e1y by such owner, each owner shall share al} expenses, liabilities and general upkeep responsibilities with respect to such landscaping and outdoor improvemenEs as set forth in paragraph 9 below. The owner of one unit shal-l not unreasonably damage the value of the oLher unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, but both owners 7. A shaLl make all reasonabl-e to preserve a harmonious common appearance of the units " b. Common utility or servj.ce connections ar Iines, common facilities or other equipment and propertylocated in or on either of the parcels but used in common with the other unit, if-any shall be ownedas tenants in common of equal undivided one-halfinterests by the owners of each unit and, exceptfor any expense or liability caused through thenegligence or wil1fu1 act of any owner, his family,agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such owner, aII expenses and l-iabiLitles concernedwit,h such propert,y shalt be shared proportionatelywit.h such ownership as set torth in paragraph 9below. The owner of the unit on which suchproperty is not located shal-l- have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other unitcontaining such properLy as is reasonably necessaryfor purposes of maintenance, repai-r, andj-nspection. AI,TERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. a. In addition to maintenance provided for in paragraph 9 below, the owners shall, at thej-r joint expense, provide exterior maintenance and exteriorrepair upon the units and the unimprowed portions of the parcels upon which each unit is locat.edincluding, but noL l-imited to, the exterior and theroof housing E.he units. The repair, replacement orcleaning of exterior wi-ndow glass shalI be considered exterior maintenance, If the need forrepair is caused through the negligence or willfulact of any owner, his family, agent or invitee, such owner sha11 bear the entire costs of suchrepair or reconstruction. b. Tn the event both owners decide to maintain,preserve and replace Ehe trees, shrubs and grass(the uPlantings") on his own parcel rather than to share such expenses as set forth in paragraph 7.a. above and in Ehe event an owner at his own expensefaits to maintain, preserve, and replace as need the Pfantings within the property boundaries of his residence commensurate with the standards set by the other residences in Glen Lyon, t.he other owner flay, after fifteen (15) days writEen noEice to the owner, and if within said time the owner has failed to make a good faith effort to bring his Plantings into substant.ial conformity with his neighborsplantings, the other owner may contract with d. responsible part.ies to bring to standard theoffending owner's Plantings and charge the ownertherefore and such cost shall be added to and become a part of the assessment to which such siEeis subjecu. The owner hereby grants to the otherowner, its agents and assigns, an irrevocable easement to perform the aforesaid. Each owner shall be solely responsible for maintenance and repair of the inside of his unitincluding fixtures and improvemenLs and all uLilitylines and equipment located therein and servingsuch unit onfy, interior window glass be deemedinterior maintenance.In performing such maintenance and repair, or in improving or alteringhis unit, no owner shall do any act or work which i-rnpairs bhe structural soundness of either unit orthe Party Wa1l or which j.nterferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. Utility or service connections or lines, facilitiesor other utility equipment and property located in,on or upon either of the parcels, which are used so1e1y to supply a service or utility to one unitshall be owned by the ewner of the unit using suchutility or serwice and af1 expenses and Liabilitiesfor repair and maintenance shall be borne solely bythe owner of such unit., who shal1 have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other parcel or unit containing such propert,y as is reaeonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. No owner shall make or suffer any structural ordesign change (including a color scheme change),either permanent or temporary, to the exterior ofhis uniE or construct any additional buildingstructure of any type or nature whatsoever upon Lhe exterior part of his unit without. first obtaining Lhe prior written consent thereto from the oLherowner, such consenE not to be unreasonably withheld. In case of damage or desEruction of any unit or any part thereof, the owner of such unib shall cause with due diligence the unit to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of any insurance for that purpose. Such unit shall be restored to a condition comparable to that prior to the damage and in a harmonious manner to promote Ehe common theme of both units. Both units shalf be the same exterior color and such color shaIl not be changed without the approval of the Town of Vail-. I 9. ALLOCATION_AND PAYMENT OF_EXPENSES. Costs and expenses oflandscaping, alteration, l-awn care maintenance and repairs, exceptas caused by neglig,ence or wil1ful act of an owner, sha}l beallocated fifby percent (50?) to Parcel B. As between the ownersof Units A and B, aL1 cosEs and expenses shafL be paid withinfifteen (15) days of any billing for the same. 1-0; MECHANIC'S LrENS; TNDEMNIFfCATION. Except for items incurred as a common expense asprovided for herein, if any owner shall cause anymaterial to be furnished to his parcel or unitthereon. or any labor to be performed t.herein orthereon. the other owner shall not under anycircumstances be liable for the payment of any expense incurred or for t.he value of t.he work doneor material furnished; afl such work shall be atsthe expense of the owner causing it to be done, andsuch owner sha1l be sole1y responsible tocontractors, Iaborers, materialmen and otherpersons furnishing labor or materials to his unitor any improvement s therein or thereon; Nothing herein conLained shall authorize either owner or any person dealing through, with or undereither owner to charge the unit of the other ownerwith any mechanic's l-ien or other lien or encumbrance whatever; and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) Lhe right. and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against one owner or against one owner's unit for work doneor materials furnished t.o the other owner's unitfor work done or materials furnished to the other owner's unit is hereby expressly denied. Except as provided for below. if, because of any act. or omission of any owner, any mechanic's or other lien or order for the payrnent of money shall be filed against the other owner's unit or any improvement s therein or thereon or againsL any other owner (whether or not such lien or order isvalid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such fien or order shall at his own cost and expense cause the same t.o be canceled and dischargied of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably accepLable to such other owner, within Ewenty (20) days afLer the date of filing thereof, and further sha1l indemnj-fy and save the other owner harmless from and against any and all qosts, expenses, claims, logses or damages, including reasonably attorney's fees resulting therefrom. h 1]-. ]NSURANCE. b. Each owner shall keep his unit and all fixturestsherein insured against logs or damage by fire andextended coverage perils (including vandalism andmalicious mischief) for the maximum replacementvalue thereof. Each owner shall provide and keep in force, for theprotection of himself, general public liability andproperty damage insurance against claims for bodilyinjury or death or property damage occurring in, onor upon, his parcel owned in fee simple and the improvements thereon, in a limit of noL less than Two Million DoLlars ($2,000,000.00) in respect ofbodily injury or death to any number of personsarising out of one accident or disaster, or for damage to property, and if higher limits shall atany time be customary to protecE against possibletort liability, such higher limits shall be carriedand each owner shaLl name the other owner as anadditional insured party under such policy. The amount of such insurance shalf be increased everythree (3) years commencing April 1,, 1998, by the same percentage as the U.S- Consumer Price Index has increased during such period of time. Each owner shall deliver to the oLher ownercertificates evidencing al-f insurance required tobe carried under this paragraph, each conlaining ag'reements by the insurers not to cancel or rnodify t.he policies without giving the other owner wriLtennotice of a1 leasE thirty (30) days. Each ownersha1l have the right to inspect and copy all such insurance policies of Ehe other owner and require evidence of the palrment of premiums thereon. Nothing provided in this paragraph shall prevent the owners from jointly acquiring a single policy to cover any one or more of the hazards required in this paragraph to be separately insured against by each owner. 12. DESTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON PARCELS. a. In Ehe event of damage or destruction t.o a unit by fire or ot.her disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct the unj.t. shal-l be deposited into a bank account which reguires, tor withdrawals, the signatures of both the owners. The owners sha11 then promptly authorize Ehe necessary repair and reconstruction work and the d. 13 insurance proceeds will be applied by the owners Lodefray the cost thereof.I'Repair andreconstructionl of uniEs, as used herein, meansrestoring the improvements to substantially the same condition 1n which they exlst.ed prior to the damage with each uniL have the same boundarj-es asbefore. b. If Lhe insurance proceeds are insufficienl torepair or reconstruct any damaged unit, such damageor dest.ruction shal1 be promptly repaired andreconstructed by the owner using the insuranceproceeds and the proceeds of a special assessmentagainst the owners of the damaged unit - Any such assessments shall be equal to the amounE by whichthe cosL of reconstrucEion or repair of the unit exceeds the sum of the insurance proceeds allocableto such unit. Such assessment sha1l be due andpayable thirty (30) days after written not,icethereof. The special assessment provided forherein shall be a debt of each owner and a lien onhis parcel and the improvementg hereon and may beenforced and coll-ected bv foreclosure proceedinqs in the Courts. RIGHT TO I.,IEN. a. If an ov/ner, at any t.ime, shall neglect or refuse toperform to pay his share of any obligaLion requiredhereunder, the other owner frAy, but sha1l not beobligated to, after fifteen (1-5) days written noti-ce unless the circumstances require immediate action, make such palrment or, on behalf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligationincluding, but not limited Lo, the payment of any insurance premiums required hereunder or Lhe undertsakingof any work required hereunder for repair, resEoration or maintenance, and such other owner shall have an easement in and Eo that part of such defaulting owner's unit as is reasonably necessary for such repair, restoration or maintenance, b. All sums so paid or expended by an owner, with interests thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (184) per year from the date of such payment or expenditure, shall bepayable by the o!*'ner so f ailing to perform (the "defaulting owner") upon demand of the other owner. c. A11 sums so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting owner shall constitute a lien on the unj.t of the defaulting owner in favor of t.he other owner pri-or to all other l"iens and encumbrances, except, (i) liens for taxes and d. special assessments,- and (ii) the lien of any firstmortgage or first deed of Erust of record encumbering such unit. The l-ien shall- attach from the date when theunpaid sum shall become due and may be foreclosed in like manner. as a mort.gage on real property upon t,he recordingof a notice of claim thereof executed by thenondefaulting owner set.t.ing torth the amount of theunpaid indebtedness, the name of the defaulting owner,and a descripEion of the unit. fn any such foreclosurethe defaulting owner shal-l be required to pay the costsand expenses of such proceedings, including reasonableattorney's fees. The lien provided for herein sha}l be subordj-nate to thel-ien of any first mortgage or deed of t.rust, includingall additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of anyunit as the result of court foreclosure of a mortgage,foreclosure Lhrougrh the public trustee, or any proceedingin lieu of foreclosure, shal-l extinguish Lhe lien of such assessments as to payments thereof which become due priorto such sale or transfer, buL shaIl not relieve anyformer owner of personal liability therefor. The mortgagee of such unit who acquires title by way offoreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof,shall not, however, be liable for any past due assessment and ghal1 only become liable for future assessments onthe date it becomes the owner of such unit. No sale ortransfer shall relieve such unit from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lienthereof. rn the evenL of the sale or transfer of a unitswith respect to which sums sha1l be unpaid by adefaulting owner, except Lransfers to a first mortgageein connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed inlieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of aninterest in such unit shall be jointly and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpai-d sums. Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a unit, the owner of the other unit shal1 issue a written statement sett,ing forth the amount he is owed under thisparagraph, if any, with respect to such unit. Such statemenL is binding upon the executing owner, in favor or any person who may rely Ehereon in good faith. Unlessa request for such statement shall be responded to with within fifteen (15) days after receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which become due prior to the date of making such request shal-l be subordinated to the fien or other interest of Ehe person requesting such statement. t_0 :-.4. ALL OIINERS RESPONSIBLE. Both parcel owners shal_l be mutuallyresponsibl-e for the administration and management of theobligations created hereunder. 15. USE RESTRICTIONS. Each unit shaLl be restricted to a resident.ial dwellingas a permitted use, and such use as well as condit.ionaland accessory usee sha1l be defined by the Town of VailZoning Restrictions and Covenants for the GIen LyonSubdivision. No exterior mounted radio, short!'/ave, television or othertype of antenna whatsoever, or Eank of any kind, eitherelevated or buried, or clothesline or incineraLor of anykind whatsoever or outside storage of any personalproperty shal1 be permitted or maintained on either unilwithout the prior wriLten approval of both owners. No animals shall be kept or maintained j-n, on or uponeiLher unit, except that each owner may keep and maintainwithin his unit three (3) domesticated animals, thaE is, any combi.nation of one (1) or more dogs and/ or one (1) or more cats, but not to exceed a total of Lhree (3) suchdomesticated animals; provided, however, that such domesticated animals (i) shall not be any kind or speciesof animals other than cats or dogs, (ii) are kept understrict control at all times, (iii) do not present a nui-sance to the other owner or the guests of tshe otherowner, (iv) are not allowed to enter upon the adjacenLparcel or unit, (v) do not creaLe or cause objectionablenoise, and (vi) are kept, housed and controlled in strict compliance with all Town of Vail ordinances that may apply to such animals. In addition to the parking restrictions set forth in Paragraph 7.a. LANDSCAPING, SERVICE FACILITIES AND PARKING above, each owner may keep no more than t.wo automotive vehicles permanently on his parcel . Parking of boat.s, trailers, campers, moter homes, ATVs ar recreational vehicles on eiEher parcel is expressly prohibiEed unless stored in the garage. Parking of more than two automotive vehicles outside the garage by either owner or his family, agent or invitee in such owner's unit for more than a twenty-one (21) day period is expressly prohibited, except with the express written permission of tbe owner of the adjacent unit. No trtime sharing,", t'interval ownership or similar interest, whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time bases, shall be established on either uniL without the prior writ.t,en approval of both owners and all b. d. l_1 lienore holding a first mortgage or first deed of trustof record on the property, whi_ch approval shall bereflected in a document of record. L6. NOTICET Each owner shal1 regist.er its nailing address withthe owner and all notices or demande intended to be served uponowners shal-l- be sent by certified mail. postage prepaid, addressedin the name of the owner at such registered mailing address. Inthe alternative noEices may be deLivered if in writing, personally Eo the owners . L7. DURATION OF DECLARATION. Each provision contained in thisDeclaration which is subject to the laws or rules sometimesreferred to as Lhe rufe against perpetuities or the ruleprohibitingi unreasonable restraj-nts on alienation shalI continueand remain in fu11 force and effect for t.he period of 21 yearsfollowing the death of Daryl ,J. Brown, or his issue, or unLil thisDeclaration is terminated as hereinafter provided, whichever firstoccurs. A11 other provisions contained in this Declaration shall conLinue and remain in full force and effect. until .Tanuary L, 2O!4A.D., and thereafter for successive period of at least one (l-) yearprior Eo 'January l-, 2014 A.D./ or at l-east one (l-) year prior tothe expirat.ion of any such ten (10) year period of extendedduraLion, this Declaration is terminated by recorded j-nstrument, directsing terminat.ion, signed by all owners and all li-enors holdinga fj.rst mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any porLion ofParcel A or Parcel B. 18. AMENDNIENT_OR REVOCATION. This Decl-aration may be amended or revoked only (i) by Declarant so long as Decl-aranb owns both ParcelA and Parcel B, or (ii) upon unanimous written approval inrecordable form of all owners and afl lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of Lrust of record on any portion of ParcelA or Parcel B. 1"9. EFFECT OF PROVTSTON OF pECr,ABATrQAr.Each provision of thisDeclaration, and agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to comply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessaryexception or reservation or grant of tit1e, estate, right orinteresb to effectuate any provision of this Declaration: (i) shal-] be deemed incorporat.ed in each deed or other instrument by which any right, title or interest in any any of Parcel A or Parcel B is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred Eo in such deed or other instrument; (ii) shall", by virtue of accept.ance of any right, title or interest in any port.ion of Parcel A or Parcel B by an owner, be deemed accepted. ratified, adopted and decl-ared as a personal covenant of such owner and, as a personal covenant., shall be binding on such ewner and his heirs,personal representatives, successors and aesigns; and sha1l be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each owner of any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B and (iii) shall be deemed a reaf covenant by Declarant, for itself, its successors and I 1,2 assigns, and also an equitable servit.ude, running, in each case, asa burden with and upon the title to each and every port.ion ofParcel A and Parcel B- 20. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES. a. Each provision of this Decl_aration shal1 be enforceableby any owner following arbitrat.ion by a proceeding for aprohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit oraction to recover damages. If arbitration or court. proceedings are instituted in connection with the rightsof enforcemenE and remedies provided in t.his Declaration,the prevailing party sha1l be entitled to recover itscosts and expenses in connection therewith, includingreasonable attorneys fees. b. Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions inequity or at law which are institut,ed to enforce anyprovj-sion hereunder shall be brought in and only in theDistrict CourL of Eagle County, SEate of Colorado. c. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declarationshall not operat,e as a waiver of any such provision, theright to enforce such provision thereafter, or of anyother provision of t,his Declaration. 2L. DISPUTE RESOIJUTION. In the event a dispute of any kind or naLure ariseg under Ihis AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS or matters related hereto, the parties shall negotiat.e in good faith in an effort to resolve the dispute.If the dispute is not resolved following such good faithnegotiations, the parties shalI select a mutually agreeablearbitrator and submit the dispute to such arbitrator for bindingarbitration in VaiI, Colorado within forty-five (a5) days under the Commercial Arbitrati-on Rules of the American ArbitsrationAssociation. In the event the parties are unable to agree upon thearbitrator, the arbitrator shall be appointed in accordance with the rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitration award may be enforced in any court of competentjurisdiction, wiEh the cost of any arbitration proceedings to be paid by the non-prevailing party, as determined by the arbitrator, who shall also award reasonabLe att.orney's fees to Lhe prevailing parEy. 22- EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one owner with respect to the other owner's unit including but not limited to the use of any easement granted herein shall- be exercj-sed in a manner which sha11 not unreasonably hinder, impede or impose upon such other owner's use of his unit. _L5 23, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. ExcepE as otherwise provided herein,this Decl-aration shall be binding upon and shall j_nure to thebenefit of Declarant and each owner and the heirs, personalrepresentatives, successors and assigns of each. 24. SEVERABILITY. Invalidity or unenforceabiliUy of any provlsionof this Declaration shall- be binding upon and sha11 inure to Ehebenefit of Declarant and each owner and the heirs, personalrepresentatives, successors and assigns of each. 25. CAPTfONS. The captions and headings in this instrument are forconvenience only and sha11 not be considered in construing anyprovisions of this Declaration. 25. CONSTRUCTION. When necessary for proper construction, themasculine of any word used in this Declaratj-on shall include thefeminine or neuter gender, and the sj-ngular the plural and vice versa. Dare rhis 22 \d day or fn n^€A- , 1ees. D.'B : IK\A: \VA]L*2\DECCOVRE. AIT\ 3 - ? 1- 95 L4 vfrrv AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS oF LOT 36, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO RECITALS l-. WIITLIAM,f . MeDEVITT, CAROLYN F. MeDEVITT, DARYIT .T. BROWN and KIMBERLEY M. BROWN, (the ',Declarant,') are the owners of certainreal property situate in the County of Eag1e, StaLe of Colorado,described as Lot 36, Glen Lryon Subdivision, according tot eh amended Plat thereof recorded July 18, 1978 in Book 272 at Page370, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, subject Eo those exceptions of record. 2. Declarant is constructing on Lot 35 a building consistingof two (2) units, each designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit. deslgnated herein as trParcel A" andrrParcel Brr, respectively, which are sometimes referred Lo hereinseparately as "unitrr or collect-ively as "uniEs". 3. Parcel A contains Unit A and Parcel B contains Unit B. 4. Lot 35 is presently subject to recorded restrictive covenants, easemenLs, reservations and restrict.ions. DECLARAT]ON Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the followingterms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, uses,reservations, limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run hrith the land described herein, sha11 be a burden and a benefit toDeclarant, their personal representat ives, heirs, successors and assig'ns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the realproperty which is described herein and improvements built thereon,their grant.ees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and ass]-gns. 1. Un1ess the context shall expressly provide otherwise, thefollowing terms shall have t.he following meanings: '//to '^- nq\T a. 'tThe Propertiestt means al-1 of the real estate lega11y described as Lot 36 Glen Lyon Subdivision, according to the amended Plat recorded July 18, I97B in Book 2'72 at Page 370, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. b. ul.,ot n or "Buil-ding site" means Parcel A or Parcel- B as shown on the Map together wiEh all appurtenances. )ft 560397 B-664 Sara J. Fisher P-312 03/30/95 03:O6P PG 1 oF 14 Eagle CountY Clerk & Recorder REC ?0 .00 c, 'rDuplex" or ,'Buildingtr means the two cont.iguousdwelling units constructed upon the parcel_s. d. uUnitn means any one ofcomprising the "Duplext'. the two dwellings e. uMapu means the engineering survey of t.heProperties by Eagle Valley Surveying, No.daLed _, !gg4 depicting and ToEEEITT-gspecifiETl$-TlGbn the par6els "id improvemenrEthereon, such land and improvements being herebysubmitted to this Declaration. Such Map shall berecorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerkand Recorder prior to the recoidation of thlsDeclaration. 2. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATfONS. Every Contract of SaIe, Deed, Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed, Will or other instrument sha1l 1ega1lydescribe a Unit. or real properLy interest as follows: Parcel A/ParceL B (as the case may be) , according t.o t,hePlat entitled a Resubdivision of Lot 36, Amended Plat of Glen Lyon Subdivision recorded , L994 in Book _, dt Page , Reception No. oE-Easre -couni"?trl3i.':;"I3i"::u:1" "t.'k and Recorder Every such description shall be good and sufficient for alI purposes to sell, convey, Eransfer, encumber or oLherwise effectthe T-,ot and all appurtenant rights, benefits, and burdens theretoas created by the provisions of this Declaration, and each suchdescription shal1 be so construed. This provision shall apply tothe properties as said term (the Properties) is defined in this Declarati-on. 3. PROPERTLpMSTON a. Declarant hereby establishes this plan for Ehesubdivision of the Properties into Two (2) Parcels for ownership in fee simple consisting of Parcel A and Parcel B. b. The Properties shall be subject to the easements noted on the map and those seE forth herein. c. In the event Parcel A and Parcel B are owned by t.he same entiLies, the doctrine of merger shall not aPP1Y. - -'1i ) 4 8-664 P*3?2 A3/30/95 03:06P PG 256039?oF 14 o d. The parties, if more than one, having the ownershipof each such unit shall agree among themselves howto share t.he right,s and obligations of suchownership; provided, however, that if acorporation, partnership, association or other1egaI entity shall become an owner of a unit, Ehensuch entity shall from time to time desig,nate oneindividual who shal-l represent such entiLy in allmatters concerning all rights and obligationspursuanL to this Declaration, e. Any such entity shall grive written notice to theother o\lrner designating the individual to act oni.ts or their behalf and such notice shall beeffective until revoked in writing by such entity. Any act or omission by such designaLed individualshalI be binding on the entity having designatedhim or her in favor of the other owner or any oEherperson who may rely thereon. f. Each unit shall be considered a separate parcel ofreal property and shall be separately addressed and taxed. 4. ENCROACHMENTS. Due to the construction of Lhe units, there maybe encroachments of each unit onto the other unit. A valid easement shal1 exist for the encroachment and for the maintenanceof any encroachment resulting from the initial construction of theunits or hereafter arising as a result of settling or shifting of any unit as long as the unit stands, regardless of whether such encroachment is specifically described on the plat or not. In theevent any building shal1 be partially or lotally destroyed as aresult of fire or other casualty er as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the building on the other parcel, due to such rebuilding, shal-lbe permitted, so long as such encroachments are of no g,reater extent than t.hose previously existing, and valid easement.e for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof sha1l exisL so lonq asthe building shal1 stand. 5. EASEMENTS FOR PARCELS A AND B- The plat contains and setsforth one or more easements that reflect any exisEing encroachmentsof each unit ont.o the other unit and adjoinj-ng parcels. Such easements are and shall (i) remain burdens upon the inLerest and ownership of each unit and parcel, (ii) be appurtenant to and conveyed as a part of each unit and parcel wit.hout additional reference in the conveyance, (fii) be inseparable from the ownership of each unit and parcel, and (iv) not be separately conveyed, except by amendment to the Plat. 56039? 8-664 p-3?z OJ/3O/95 03:06p pG 3 oF 14 iv -1 PARTY WALIJ. a. The common foundation wall and roof placed on, overor adjacent to the common boundary separatingParcel A and Parcel B, as wel-l as the footingsunderlying the same are collectively referred to inthis Agreement as the "Party Wa11',. b. To the extent not inconsistent with thisDeclaration, the general ruJes of law regardingparty wa1ls and liabiliLy for damage due tonegligence, wilLful acts or omissions shall applyto the Party WaIl. c. The owners of either unit sha1l have a perpetual easement in and to Lhat part of the other unit onwhich the Part.y Wa1l is locaLed, for party wallpurposeg/ including mutual support, maintenance,- repair and j.nspection. In the event of damage toor the destruction of the Party Wall from anycause, then the owners shall at joint expense,repair or rebuild the Party Wa11, and each ownerr sha1l have the right to the fu}l use of said Party Wal1 so repaired and rebuilt. Notwithstanding' anything contained above to the contrary, if thenegligence, willful act or omission of any owner,his family, agent or invitee, shall cause damage toor destrucLion of, the Party Wa1l, such owner shal1 bear the entire cosE of repair or reconstruction, and an owner who by his negligent or will-ful act causes the Party Wal-l to be exposed to the elemenEssha11 bear the full cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elemenLs, LANQECAPLNG, SERVICE FACILITIES AND PARKING. a. The owners of bot,h units from time to t.ime shall undertake such landscaping and general outdoor improvements, including but not limited to, driveway and parking"areas as they may mutually and unanimously deem proper for the harmonious improvement of both units in a common theme, and, except for any expense or liability caused throughthe negligence or willful act of any owrrer, his family, agent or invitee, which shal1 be borne solety by such owner, each owner shal1 share all expenses, l"iabiliLies and general upkeepresponsibilities with respect to such landscaping and outdoor i-mprovements as set forth in paragraph 9 bel-ow. The owner of one unit shall not unreasonably damage the value of the other unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, but, both owners 7. r6 4 8-664 P-372 A3/30/95 03:06P PG 4 L 5603S?oF 14 shaLl make aI1 reasonable Lo preserve a harmonious common appearance of the unit.s. b. Common utility or service connections or lines, common facilities or other equipment and propertylocated in or on either of the parcel-s but used in common with the other unit, if any shall be ownedas tenant,s in common of equal undivided one-halfinterests by the owners of each unit and, exceptfor any expense or Iiability caused through thenegligence or willful act of any owner, his family. agenL or invitee, which shall be borne sotely by such owner, all expenses and Llabilities concernedwith such property sha1l be shared proportionaLelywith such ownership as set forth in paragraph 9be1ow. The owner of the unit on which suchproperty is not located shaLl have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other unit containi-ng such property as is reasonably necessaryfor purposes of maintenance, repair, inspection. AT-,,TERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. and 8. I L a. In addition to maintenance provided for in parag'raph 9 below, the owners shaLl", at their joint expense, provide exterior maintenance and exteriorrepair upon the units and the unimproved portionsof the parcels upon which each unj-t is locatedincluding, but not limited to, the exterior and theroof housing the units. The repair, replacement or . cleaning of exterior window glass shall be considered exterior maintenance. ff the need forrepair is caused through Lhe negligence or wiflfulact of any owner, his family, agent or invitee,such owner shall bear the entire cosLs of suchrepair or reconsEruction. b. fn the event both owners decide to maintain,preserve and replace the trees, shrubs and grass(the uPlant.ings") on his own parcel rat.her than to share such expenses as set forEh in paragraph 7.a. above and in the event an owner at his own expense fails to maintain, preserve, and replace as need the Plantings within the property boundaries of his residence commensurate wiEh the standards set by the other residences in Glen Lyon, the other owner frdy, afEer fifteen (rs) days written notice to the ewner, and if withln said time the owner has failed to make a good faith effort to bring his Plantings into substantial conformity with his neighbors plantings, the other owner may contract with 5 8-664 P-372 03/30/95 03:06P PG 5560397 oF 14 o 8-664 P-372 03/30/95 03:06P PG 6 OF 14 responsible parties to bring to standard theoffending owner's Plantings and charge the ovrnertherefore and such cost shaLl be added Lo and become a part of the assessment to whi-ch such siteis subject. The owner hereby grants to the otherowner, its agent s and assigns, dn irrevocable easement Lo perform Ehe aforesaid. Each owner shall be solely responsible for mai-ntenance and repair of t.he inside of his unitincluding fixtures and improwemenLs and all utilitylines and equipment located therein and servingsuch unit only, interior window glaes be deemedinterior maintenance.In performing such maintenance and repair, or in improving or alteringhis unit. no owner shall do any act or work whichimpairs t,he structural soundness of either unit orLhe Party WalI or which interferes with any easement. granted or reserved herein. Utility or service connections or lines, facilitiesor other utility equipment and property located in,on or upon either of the parcels, which are usedsolely to supply a service or utility to one unitshall be owned by t.he owner of the units using suchutili-ty or service and all expenses and liabilitiesfor repair and maintenance shall be borne so1ely bythe owner of such unit, who sha1l have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other parcel or uniL containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. No owner shal-1 make or suffer any structural or design change (including a color scheme change),either permanent or temporary, to the exterior of his unit or construct any additional building structure of any t)pe or nature whaLsoever upon the exterior part of his unit without first obtainingthe prior written consent Lhereto from the otherowner, such consent not Eo be unreasonably withhel-d. fn case of damage or destruction of any unit or any part t.hereof, the owner of such unit shal1 cause with due dlligence the unit Eo be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of any insurance for that purpose. Such unit shall be restored to a condition comparable to that prior to the damage and in a harmoiious manner to promote the common theme of boEh uni-ts. Both units shall be the same exterior cofor and such color shall not be changed without the approval of the Town of vail . e. 4 56039? 9. ALLocATToN At{D PAYMENT oF ExpENsES. costs and expenses oflandscaping, alceration, rawn care maintenance and repairs, exceptas caused by negligence or wil]ful act of an owner, shall leallocated fifty percent (50?) to parcel- B. As between the ownersof Units A and B, all costs and expenses shal_l be paid. withinfifteen (1-5) days of any billing for the same. l-0. MECIIANIC'S LIENS; INDEMNIFICATION. Except for items incurred as a common expense asprovided for herein, if any owner shall cause anymaterial to be furnished to his parcel or unitthereon, or any labor t.o be performed therein orthereon, the other owner shal-1 not under anycircumstances be 1iab1e for the payment of any expense incurred or for the value of the work doneor materia] furnished; aLl- such work sha1l be atthe expense of the owner causing it t.o be done, andsuch owner shalf be so1e1y responsible tocontractors. Iaborers, materialmen and otherpersons furnishing labor or materials to his unitor any improvemenis therein or thereon; Nothing herein contained shall authorize either owner or any person dealing through, with or undereither owner to charge Ehe unit of t,he other ownerwith any mechanic's lien or other lien or encumbrance whatever; and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against one owner or against one owner's uni-t for work doneor materials furnished to the other owner's unitfor work done or materials furnished t.o the other owner's unit is hereby expressly denied. Except as provided for below, if, because of' anyact or omission of any owner, 4[y mechanic's orother lien or order for the payment of money shallbe filed againsL the other owner"s unit or any improwements therein or thereon or against any other owner (whether or not such lien or order iswalid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such l-ien or order shall at his own cost and expense cause Ehe same to be canceled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to such other owner, within t.wenty (20) days after the date of filing thereof, and further shal1 indemnify and save the other owner harmLess from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages, including reasonably attorney's fees resulEing therefrom. r'{,1l b -I B-664 P-372 03/30/95 03:06P PG 7560397 oF 14 ]-]-, INSURANCE. Each owner shal-l- keep his unit and all fixturestherein insured against loss or damage by fire andextended coverage perils (including vandal_ism andmalicious mischief) for tshe maximum repl-acementvalue thereof. Each owner shaLl provide and keep in force, for theprotection of himself, general public liability andproperty damage insurance against. cLaims for bodilyinjury or death or property damage occurring in, onor upon, his parcef owned in fee simple and the improvements thereon, in a limit of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) in respect ofbodily injury or death to any number of personsarj-sing out of one accident or disaster, or for damage to property, and if higher limits shal1 at any time be customary to protect against possibletort liability, such higher l-imits sha11 be carriedand each owner shall name the other owner as anadditional insured party under such policy. The amount of such j.nsurance shall be increased everythree (3) years commencing April l, 1-998, by the same percentage as the U.S. Consumer Price Tndex has increased during such period of time. Each owner shalI deliver to the other ownercertificates evidencing all j-nsurance required tobe carried under this paragraph, each containing agreements by t,he insurers not t.o cancef or modifythe policies wit.hout giving the other owner writtennotice of a] least thirty (30) days. Each ownershall have the right to inspect and copy all such insurance policies of the other owner and require evidence of the payment of premiums thereon- Nothing provided in thj-s paragraph sha1l prevent the owners from jointly acquiring a singl-e policy to cover any one or more of the hazards required in this paragraph to be separately insured against by each owner. L2. DESTRUCT]ON OF IMPROVEMENTS ON PARCELS. a. In the event of damage or destruction Eo a unit by fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct the unit, shaI1 be deposited into a bank account which requires, for withdrawals, the signatures of both the owners. The owners shall then promptly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction work and the B 8-664 P-372 03/30/95 03:06P PG B a. b. A .4, r.1 "J 56039 7 oF 14 l_3 insurance proceeds will- be applied by t.he owners todefray the cost thereof.rrRepair andreconstruction,' of units, as used herein, meansrestoring the improvements to subst,antially the same condition in which they existed prior to Lhe damage with each unit have the same boundaries asbefore. b. If the j-nsurance proceeds are insufficient torepair or reconstruct any damaged unit, such damageor destruction sha11 be promptly repaired andreconstructed by the owner using the insuranceproceeds and the proceeds of a special assessment against. the owners of t.he damaged unit. Any such assessments shall be equal to the amount by whichthe cost of reconstruction or repair of the uni-t exceeds the sum of the insurance proceeds allocableto such uni-t. Such assessment shall be due andpayable thirty (30) days after written noticethereof. The special assessment provided for herein shal-l be a debt of each owner and a lien onhis parcel and the improvements hereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the Courts. RIGHT TO LTEN. a. If an owner, at any time, sha1l neglecL or refuse toperform Eo pay hj.s share of any obligation reguiredhereunder, t.he other owner rdy, but shal1 not beobligated to, after fifteen (15) days written notice unless the circumstances require immediate action, make such payment or, on behalf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligationincluding, but not limited to, the palment of any insurance premiums required hereunder or the undertakingof any work required hereunder for repair, restoration or maintenance, and such other owner shall have an easementin and to that part of such defaulting owner's unit as is reasonably necessary for such repair, restoration or maintenance. b. A11 sums so paid or expended by an owner, with interest thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (18?) per year from t.he date of such paymenL or expenditure, shall- bepayable by the owner so failing to perform (the 'rdefaulting owner" ) upon demand of Lhe other owner. c. All sums so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting owner shall constitute a l-ien on the unit of the defaulting owner in favor of the oEher owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for taxes and .3 9 560397 8-664 P-372 03/30/95 03:06P PG 9 OF 14 d. special assessments; and (ii) Lhe lien of any firstmortgage or first, deed of trust of record encumberi_ng such unit. The lien shal-L attach from the date when theunpaid sum shall become due and may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on reaL property upon the recordingof a notice of claim thereof executed by thenondefaulting ovrner setting forth the amounL of theunpaid j-ndebtedness, the name of the defauttingl owner,and a description of the unit. In any such foreclosurethe defaulting owner shal1 be required to pay the costsand expenses of such proceedings, including reasonableattorney's fees. The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to thelien of any first mortgage or deed of trust, includingall additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of anyunit. as the result of court forecl-osure of a mortgage,foreclosure through the public trustee, or any proceedingin lieu of foreclosure, shal1 extinguish the lien of such assessments as to palzment s thereof which become due prior to such sale or transfer, but sha]l not relieve anyformer owner of personal- IiabiliLy therefor. The mortg'agee of such unit who acquires title by way offoreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu t.hereof,shall not, howewer, be liable for any past due assessmenL and shall only become liable for fut.ure assessments onthe date it becomes the owner of such unit. No sale ortransfer shall relieve such uniE from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lienthereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of a unitwlth respect to which sums shall be unpaid by adefaulting owner, excepL transfers to a first mortgageein connecEion with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed inlieu thereof, Lhe purchaser or other Lransferee of an interest in such unj-t shall be jointly and severallyliable with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a unit, the owner of the other unit shall issue a written statement. setting forth the amount he is owed under this paragraph, if anyt with respect to such unj-t. Such statement. is bindin€l upon the executing owner, in favor or any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shall be responded to with within fifteen (15) days after receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which become due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting such sLatement. 10 8-664 P-372 OS/BO/95 03:05p pc 10 oF 14 ,c3 ":.li 5 603 97 1-4. ALL OWNERS RESPONSIBIJE. Both parcel owners shall be mutuallyresponsible for the administrat,ion and management of theobligations created hereunder. ]-5 . USE RESTRICTIONS. a. b. Each unit shall be restricted to a residential dwellingas a permitted use, and such use as wel-1 as conditional and accessory uses shafl be defined by the Town of Vai}Zoning Restrictions and CovenanLs for the Glen LyonSubdivision. No exterior mounted radj-o, shortwave, television or othertlpe of anLenna whatsoever t or tank of any kind, either el-evated or buried, or cfoEhesline or incinerator of anykind whatsoever or ouLside storage of any personalproperty shal1 be permitted or maintained on either unit withouE the prior written approval of both owners. No animals shall be kept or maintained in, on or uponeither unit, except that each owner may keep and maintainwithin his unit, three (3) domesticaEed animals, that is, any combination of one (1) or more dogs and/or one (1-) or more cats, but not to exceed a total of three (3) suchdomesticated animals; provided, however, that such domest.icated animals (i) shall not be any kind or speciesof animal-s other than cats or dogs, (ii-) are kept understrict control at all times, (iii) do not present a nuisance to t.he other owner or Lhe guests of the otherowner, (iv) are not affowed to enter upon the adjacentparcel or unit, (v) do not create or cause objectionablenoise, and (vi) are kept, housed and controlled in strict compliance with all Town of VaiI ordinances that may apply to such animals. ln addibion to the parking restrictions set forth in Paragraph 7.a. I,ANDSCAPING, SERVICE FACILITIES AND PARKING abowe, each owner may keep no more than two automotive vehicLes permanently on his parcel. Parking of boats, trailers, campers, motor homes, ATVs orrecreational vehicl-es on either parcel is expresslyprohibited unless stored i-n the garage" Parking of more than two automotive vehicles outside the garage by either owner or his family, agent or j-nviEee in such owner's unit for more Lhan a twenty-one (21) day period is expressly prohibited, except with the express written permission of the owner of the adjacent unit. No "time sharj-ng", "interval ownershiprr or similar interest., whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time bases, shall be established on either unit without the prior written approval of both owners and al-] L1 8-664 P-372 03/30/95 03:06P PG 11 oF 14 .J 560397 Lienors holding a fj-rst mortgage or first deed of trust.of record on the property, which approval shall be' reflected in a document of record. 1-5. NOTICE. Each owner sha11 register it,s mailj_ng address withthe owner and all noLices or demands intended to be served uponowners shall be sent by certified mail, postage prepaj-d, addresied,in the name of the owner at such regist.ered maillng address. Inthe alternative notices may be delivered if in wri_ting, personallyto the owners. 1,7 - DURATION OF DECITARATION. Each provision contained in thisDecLaration which is subject to the laws or rules sometimesreferred to as the rul-e aqainsE perpetuities or t.he ruleprohibiting unreasonable restraints ori alienation shall continueand remain in ful-l force and effecE for the period of 2t- yearsfollowing the death of Daryl .J. Brown, or his issue, or until t.hisDeclaraEion is terminated as hereinafter provided, whichever firstoccurs. All other provisions contained in this Decl-aration shal-l-continue and remain in fuIl force and effect until LTanuary !, 2OI4A.D., and thereafter for successi-ve period of at l-east one (1) yearprior to January 1, 2014 A.D., or at least one (1) year prior EoEhe expiration of any such ten (1-0) year period of extendedduration, this Declaration i-s terminated by recorded instrument,directing termination, signed by all owners and all lienors holding a first morLgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B. 18. AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION. This Declaration may be amended or revoked only (i) by Declarant so long as Declarant owns both ParcelA and Parcel B, or (ii) upon unanimous wrj-tten approval inrecordable form of all owners and all 1j-enors holding a first mortgage or firsE deed of trusL of record on any portion of Parcel A or ParceL B. 19. EFFECT OF PROVISION OF DECI-,ARATION.Each prowision of thisDeclaration, and agreement, promise, covenant and undertakihg to comply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or granE of title, estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision of this Declaration: ii)shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or oLher instrument by which any right, title or interest in any any of Parcel A or Parcel B is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrument; (ii) shal1, by virtue of acceptance of any right. title or interest in any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B by an owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such owner and, as a personal covenant, shall be binding on such owner and his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns; and shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for t.he benefit of eactr owner of any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B and (iii) shalL be deemed a real covenant. by DeclaranE, for itself, its successors and L2 560397 B-664 P-g72 Og/30/g5 03:06P PG tZ oF 14 rdl .E o assigns, and also an equitable servitude, running, in each case, asa burden with and upon the title to each and every port.ion ofParcel A and Parcel B. 20. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES. a. Each provision of this Declaration shal1 be enforceableby any owner following arbitration by a proceeding for aprohibit.ive or mandatory injunction or by a suit oraction to recover damages. If arbit.ration or courtproceedings are instiLuted in connectj-on wit,h Lhe rightsof enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration,the prevailing party sha11 be entitled to recover it.s cosEs and expenses in connection t.herewith, includingreasonable attorneys fees. b. Each owner hereby agrees Lhat any and all actions inequity or at l-aw which are instituted to enforce anyprovj-sion hereunder shal1 be brought in and only in theDistrict Court of Eagle County, State of Colorado. c. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declarationshall not operat,e as a waiver of any such provision, theright to enforce such provision thereaft.er, or of any'other provision of this Declaration. 2L. DTSPUTE RESOIJUTION. In the evenL a dispute of any kind or naLure arises under This AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDfTfONS AND RESERVATfONS or matLers related hereto, Lhe parLies shall negotiate in good faith in an effort to resolve the dispute.If the dispute is noL resolved following such good fait.hnegoEiations, the parties shalI sefect a mutually agreeable arbit.rator and submit the dispute to such arbitrator for bindingarbitration in Vai1. Colorado within forty-five (45) days under the Commercial Arbitration RuIes of the American ArbitrationAssociation. In the event the parties are unable to agree upon the arbitrator, the arbitraLor sha]l be appointed in accordance withthe rules and procedures of Ehe American Arbitration Association. The arbitration award may be enforced in any court of competentjurisdiction, with the cost of any arbitratj-on proceedings t.o be paid by the non-prevailing party, as det.ermined by the arbitrator, who shall afso award reasonable at.torney's fees to the prevailing parEy. 22. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one owner with respect to the other o\^tner's unit including but not limited to the use of any easement granted herein shatl be exercised in a manner which shall not unreasonably hinder, impede or impose upon such other owner's use of his unit. 13 8-664 P-s72 O3/3O/95 03:06P PG 13 oF 14 I 560397 23. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Except as otherwise provided herein,this DecLaration shall be binding upon and shaLl- inure to thebenefi-t of Decl-arant and each owner and the heirs, personal represenEaEives, successors and assigns of each. 24. SEVERABIIJITY. Invalidity or unenforceability of any provisionof this Declaration shall be binding upon and sha11 inure to thebenefit of Declarant and each owner and the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. 25. CAPTIONS. The captions and headings in this instrument are forconvenience only and shall not be considered in construing anyprovisions of this Declaration. 26. CONSTRUCTION. When necessary for proper const,ruction, themasculine of any word used in this Declaration shal-I include thefeminine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural and viceversa. Dar,e rhis 72 ^ L day of DJB: i K\A: \VAILf2\DECCOIBE. ALT\3 - 21 95 t4 03/30/95 03:06P PG 14560337 8-664 P-372 oF 14 UTrr {769013 R 'I{.D 6 ::ffi P0tt [Er* DATE & ilrtE: 12/19t$4 213E pM PAGE$ sENr lrNcLuDftitc covER'. 2 FHOilENUi|BER; 4lg.?45z TO: AndvKnqdt3on COiIPANY: r.o,V Conrmrntty Devebpmont \\'uw, FROilI: $aily Brainerd I!-(P gLtfgE ftluilEEh {3031 476-s2rd ""il r rhftr is a prcbtem wirh rhr. rr'.RfiD F$( NUMB!i (3or) 476,eo23. NO?ES: Andy, Bro'n Mr.,De\,a' l:€ on? of thoee lsll attic situations at the top of .ne lo*as uni.,wher€ unde'{rd''ing the ceilings ur *utru'iilllt illo a.tnroo*n has resutted irr an arilc dover 5 feet in heigrht. I have afleefted r"ur*n ^t ryn' the drawings which shqfs thd€roa. The r*op6red cciring hes ueen riiJ "ili'3r,e st ac" on dro, iJu"ourry notstr$turel,) wrihout any prywood srreahing oniop,' ff,erel, no;;v;;;!: this spac6,except thrxrgh an altic ay.s:i:net .e riquirdfv ryde Ar you can se6 on rhe fd sideof lhe sec;tion, we hsve s veulted roorn wiltia Oorftr frmeo into it, so it would have be*rimpoesiblc to use trusses.^:, loTg orhef systom with tftu* ;*ilffii There igaFotutety no inrention to cver usc rhis space "leirC'ffi;;;;JT;;ioi*s, ,rnn",,1i1tf-ys.":lt quct6 rvhich rurr firrnugh-if inJuiroing inspccror, $rrrt, wrrrs t0 rpar ;fi,il * thal llris is nkay. lf there is unv protie*, pteasE nt'me r.n"*.- ii,"ir." fer your (,(.,., {fiE gin*._ P03T690tCR.IT. D il ilwl ' ilf/ $,'r \ \ \ i. 'i t I,l / \ r.l-r\+l lJ .il.!Lti*l PItf jl5r J ,'$l It I I il rl Iil $ "lIn nt - \ ,, ", Sl ',r. \,, tl-',, t\tl T q uii ! tol'$l '.-'t *sl r$ lrrr Ple F:=*F I irrJ li; " \ rl $ifr ll r' 'I T { ''[r, 'f | \ r\ \ R t' '-{ I trl til rl n \ r[ l t It.l u t \r',' $ 1 $ + r{ t$ j\ ftrtT4EMORANDUM Planning/ Building Departments A" tl"Auuncl'* 9 *--TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: rim Devlin N 4nt WLP' April 9, 1993 (REVISED Aprit 30, 1993) t'n ,ln' Community Development policy on ailic spaces which exceed 5 feet they relate to GRFA ;t n -*,.y( in height as This memo seryes to identify Community Development's position on attic spaces which exceed 5 feef in height. Section 18.04.130 (A2) ot the Municipal Code reads-as follows (paraphrased): the following areas shall be excluded from calculation of GRFA: Attic space with a ceiling height of five feet or less, as measured from the top side of the slructural members of the floor to the underside of the structural rnembers of the roof directly above. Attic area created by conslruction of a roof with trussdype members will be excluded from calculation as GFIFA provided the trusses are spaced no greater than 30 inches apart..." After the meeting this week between the Planning and Building Departments, we decided that we would like lo expand on the inierpretation of this definition by excluding attic spaces that are created by rooi systems that do not utilize "truss-type members" or a similar structural roof syslem (i.e. rafters and collar-ties). Therefore, if a roof structure is designed utilizing a non-truss system, and spaces wilh greater than five foot height result, we will not count these areas as GRFA it ALL ot the lollowing criteria could be met: 1.) The area in question can not be accessible directly from a habitable areawilhin lhe same level. 2,\ The area shall have the minimum access allowed by the Building Code from lhe level below (22. x 30" or 6 sq. ft. maximum opening). 3.) The attic space shall not have a slructural floor capable of supporting a "live load" grealer than 40 pounds per square foot, and the "floor" of the attic space cannot have decking. 4.) lt must be demonstrated by the architect to the staff that a "truss-type" or similar structural system cannot be utilized as defined in the above detinition. 5.) lt will be necessary that a structural elernent (i.e. collar-tie) be utilized when rafters are used for the roof system. In an unusual situation, such as when a bearing ridge system ;s used, the staff will closely review the space for compliance with this policy. These attic spaces will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and it will be important to inforrn lhe architect up front as to what is expecled, We are working on getting a STAMP made to put this information on approved building plans. i ,..t 6/*LU &fST OF I.'ATERIAr.,S NAME OF PROTIEC?I LEGAL DESCRIPUON: tOT 2& B STREET ADDRESS: 'J LOCK SUBDIVISION The following informagion is Review Board befoie a final A. BUII,DING MA?ERXAI$: Roof S j.dins OLher Wall MaLerials Fascia Sof f i r.s !{indows Window Trim Doors Door- T.r:im :' Iland or' Deck".Rails FIues required approval TYPE OT for submitt,aL can be given: !{ATERIAIJ Uo the Design colon #l -&wc "fuctattt)qOfit'tczo Qz : *vy'tr"E*t k* , ot4. Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReLaining WalIs ExLerior Lighting Other LANDSCAPING: " l--.. :: Designer: Phone: l"\ ,' " r: {/- 9:7{ n-/44 t4 TOWN OF tiAlt DFS|Cit fifii i[,t/ 1i4":: illi] B.Name of RICII ATI' ITRUSEN ARCHITTCTURT AI{I' BOX 397t, VArL, COLORATtO, Andy Knudtson Town of Vail Community Development re: Brown/McDevitt Residence Lot 36 Glen Lyon Changes to approved Plans Andy, nEsIGIf, II|C. DEVELOPf,ITIYT 6165A f3('3l 476-9ir28 11 t3194 Attached is a DRB application and drawings for revisions to the Btown/McDevitt residence. The changes are outlined below: 1. The owners would like to remove all of the fake divided lites in the windows' 2. A window has been added in the kitchen (North Elevation.) C" 4. 5. 3. The entry roof at the secondary side has been raised, and that whole roof has ta/ has been accomplished with big boulders, 5l' 6. The colors have been revised as follows: r The primary stucco color is to match Dryvit #449, "Buckskin". . The secondary stucco color is to match Dryvit #106, "Pearl Ash". r All of the wood trim is to match Devoe semitransparent stain #ST59, "Seagull Gray". r The windows are to be bronze, clad. Please c;r{ if you have any questions. Thanks, A" 'lSally BrQ!|erd I I cc: Bob Bornel Daryl & Kim Brown Bill and Carrie McDevitt ,J:{ft?ffi:- DArE:-J#Tfu\ been reconfigured somewhat. (South A chimneyjike form has been added Elevations.) The site wall on the upper driveway since it was only a 3-foot wall, and West Elevations.) to the very upper roof. (North and West ( c€/ P[-ANNER; Vail, Colorado Denver, Colorado Monroe & h{ewell Engineers, Inc. lb) lr'?lF'r l-;i: ' ' TU,i.TUIIIIIU ilTV, ilTPI. December 19, 1994 Snowshoe Development PO tsox 4205 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Brown McDevitt Duplex" 1245 Westhaven Circlg Vail, Colorado Od&N #2338) Gentlemen: The structural framing of the north half of the above residence was observed by Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. during construction. It is our opinion" based on our limited visual observations, that the framing of the north half of the duplex residence is constructed substantially in compliance with the intent of the construction documents prepared by our office. To the best of our knowledge, any deficiencies found during our observations have been corrected. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS, INC, Ilt Iti I C\b#---------a lNj =\ Hannes Spaeh P.E. I Principal 0048 Fl. Beaver Creek Blvd. . Suire 3O1 ] p. O. Box 1597 + Avon. Colorado 81620 e (3O3) 941)-775a. FAX (303) 949-4Or4 Vail, Coloracl'r Denver, Coloradrt Monroe & Newell ljngin(] crs, lnc. FIELD REPORT Date: December 15, 1994 Project BrownA4cDevitt Residence Contractor: Snowshoe Developm.ent Temp: 25o atl2:A0pm Present at site: Bob Borne hoject #2338 Location: Glen Lyo4 Vail, Colorado Weadrer: Cloudv To:Mr. BobBorne PO Box 4205 VaiL CO 81657 The following was ncrted: 1. The purpose of this site visit was to conduct a linal structural observation ofthe north unit. Some revisions on the second level framing plaur were made previously. See the atkched partial second level framing pian and seciions Xl and X2 for required beau sizes and connections. At the (5) - 2 x l0 column carrying the rmin roof beam in the livingroom a 3/8" steel side plate shall be installed at the splice joint below the dormer bean S€e attached section Zl. Two crawlspace veirts were installod in the east crawlspace wall of the unit. The sill plate above tlre openings chell be shored below eachjoist with (l) - 2 x 6 feated sard. 3- 4. 0048 E. .Beaver Creek B1vd. . Suite 3O1 . P. O. Rox 1597 + Avon, Coloradcr 81620 o (3O3) 949-7768 o FAx (303) 949-4054 0 R #qvfl\\ilu,YV Monroe e frflveU Englneers. lnc. P.O. Box 1597 0048 E. Beaver Creek Blvd.. Suite 30 I Avon, Colorado 81620 1303) 949-7768 FAX (303) 949-4054 OAT€ OATE {+l\1 \tl v{l#n !r'','.tl|td' fa.t|. /t h '4*. r&$ 0ttll $r}1ris h'.nrr$lt\rr1-".,.q, t A Monroe a nrtrr A Engtneers. Inc. JJ_AL P.o. Box I5e7 // \\ O048 E. Beaver Creek Btvd.. Suue 3Ol n \\ Avon. colorado 8t6zo ( I Br (3o3) 949'7768 V V Fru( (3031 949-4os4 JOts SHEEI NO, CALCULATED BY '^'. -l ..=c>-q4 tMonroe & Newell Englneers. Inc. P.O. Box 1597 OO48 E. Beaver Crcck BIvd.. Sutre 3Ol oF--- *r. la'\ -q4 Avon. Colorado 81620 (3031 949-?768 FA)( {303t 949-4054 r ' I -t&t -\r%-rsaTOWN OF VAIL '\r'^.PERMTT*o. Cij201? Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite.PUBLIC WAY !! 6 o)o o I ii (, (! iI It 6i o- I = al{r, P.o. 8{}x 430, }{ft{TltRl{, co 81645 Contraclor's Name, Address, Phon€, and License No.) Work is for (circle one) WATER SEWERJ GAS ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLE TV OTHER Il|lrrAIJ, tIl{E LANDScAptNG kponaRy strE AecEss PermitFee $50.00 * BILL At END OF YEAR PT'BLIC SERVICB CO}IPANY I'BSTRAVEI{ CIXCLE Bill to: Paid:Receipl #: (Public Works) INSPECTION HEMARKS: (Public Works) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED l-.- -:.:. - -r.- ..-.- I,n1J tr ,&' ' \ 'r-(; \\stsr'.( ...i./ it,^ t^ t'Jt 1 -..( L) Excavating Contractor Name ',/{ ",f,/',i, 1', Street Address TOV Contractorb License Number Legal Description - ' Start Date Completion Date .\ 4. Work is for {circte onel Water Sewer {- . Gas}tectric Telephone CATV Landscaping Temporary Site Access (Permit Expkation Date) Other 5. Trench-width (min.4) Length Depth 'oL,',1J.#J; 7. L Bond Amount $Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works ofiice to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) , ,. u *'; Public ServiceCompany (1-8oO-922-1987)')lr' PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528)l,rfi Holy Cross Electric Company (g4g-58g2\ /i U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: Inigation (479-2161)Electricians (47 9-21 7 1\ Public Works (479-21 58) L THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance ol the permit. 10. Alf excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bil 172). i t . Permittee musf contact Public Works Department al 479-215824 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may fesult in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 1 2. I cenify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility .1 ) ..4. 7. Z t// Date ot Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Contractor URIL PUBLIC IJIRKS I D :3034792166 CICT 4 11:57 N0.004 P,01 pE*lrr*o.002806 Contnctor'r copy to Fe kafl on lobrltr, ' ^'*Tfii'l?i;il-o;fi sffi ffi ;tii ro )o TOWN OF VAIL fi .a E E E(J tl tsr iE if s E.t €* I {s F PUBLIC WAY PEHMIT ra40 EllstHEt Ar.#l, P, 3, JIll l{AIEryS, ?.O. 3Or 377_3,.BRECFB}uup$tsr co gO42{ (EreCvs{iog Confld(rt Namr Add'aat, m04s, aft Lr06n|| frrq} Work is tor (cirola om)CABLEW Perftlt Fee fl5l}o,._ Bitlb: DAAIE J. PRDDERICEI BOr. e55?, VAIL. CO 81658 I'EEIIE-IOEIJID'- Fleceipt #i -_f6$--p.'wcworrrl- tpirffi- INSFECTIOH REhIARKSI . SXETCI{ PLAN OF IYOAK AT?ACHEO P0gt-lt '' brand lar lranDmitlal m€mo 70'fi URIL PUELIT LJNRKS In ;3034792166 nt,on*o. l1 :5? No . 004 P .02OCT 1 *'q o ',i,aal..t' l -js Trrnah.rvldth (mh^ e') Dond A|nolrT li JOB Ig SIAATED. Towh al thll: knEdon (atFetel) Fu! ro works (4/s-zr 5E) Lafieth t 1!I: 1;1Sg.rc o'o rcqulrod Dn Fxoavari,rg rrqrtprlEnt wh6n Wot{mg or| H8Ffirll.Aspn*t turfecr| urtdofnedfi hn brck|. EhFit bS Droreqfd al al lim€8. " lftrjnPHlfS8l: :_L"lry_1_T_1T ong.l|',ll ll1,#lrjx,s.:nd Fppovgrs. enod ct urilrry oolllp{yrlgnaturs€ Frr obraihed, permlri.s hlq olrilon or routlng ei,gLicefsttlrorrgtih" F"l# WH;-#IL; ofiut" U,* toocgsety Tawn of \Ail shnatufes. PlEare allow ooe,ivgsiio orocec. - l0-t>-ei- - -- '-*'-'"-l0 'rl -tt Publlc $ervice Conrpra,ry {t.660.922-t6il $,qLr*&15a F$Co.-Nrturei Ca*, Gr6up ({6&UszB) ff f. ti f.,/Holy Cto|5 Ctestrlc Ootrp*ry (g{a-nBSq rtlA ftt psrmirFeo i>35.. . rorrrpsmlFoB r Y$-' ttrl/u,s, rvgsr (r-8o$eee"tesz) _*ll3l& rr{tl Cubtouiri* ot rh€ Ractiee {949.SSg0} lu $7+tr71)lo- t. *-rd. A|| 9p"*1;* muet b€ {ron€ by hi.rd wiftin I E" Ot ulititi?s * (Sen$O glll I ?A . 1l' Pgmitgs mlet cDntact Fublh wo{}s ospsrlment gl {ts'218G 2{ [16s pi9719 66ppfi€ncing lrEgklrll oDor&rrorb,Flturs ro dolity the Town $tr reellt ln l6r€itur6 ot bonC mofiry. Sdreaur,io nepeaonl-"*,i"i ;; il -rfi" _.yrsgsll h rt|d lbrvn Efiafgrh0 th€ conttrdtor a rolnsp€€.lion fo€. - lt. I oertlty thrt I haw ffiad rlt Ehaptds dt Tttle 12 - Etreats rn.t gid6w6lt(e Ot ha Vrll MljnidFA| Cod6 5|16 s[ srirt\,tdrlrutrry rgr€ft€dlE. 9Bned by me, srd wlll sbide by ths BEme, and lhHt dt uftitia€ havi bEefl nolllisd se mquiraO. _ t, f :..,1 | t,t t .:11ff_*::tl_o-1?Ilitr:nclosunEst A,&nstruorton lrafio 0oDrrot ptan mr hF Rppr6v.d by ihoFl&llu I'yen8 o€panfig pnof to lsBu|ncg of lhe p9rmit ric ncwt sig|l|u,r, !t A0lrunfllt AITAC|{ FLAtt OF V$OBtq tfrcLuDtNc co}|TfiugnoN rEarridtoxtnol pltru Srotr Elraqrs wlth nanEB, bult.tifigB, and loe€tren ot cuts. UgE DA8H ttt{Eg FoF CUT. rI- ltro P'G*r- oF uJAl Cu, Ab '"1 tElE t+g.l. *tr- 'r,rtc-rty t^l*+ Arlra Sz" proo.rlru T!,tr. tn,f.O THIB E IIOT PUBUC IYAY PERIiITI lirtllo . P{,6llc Workr V.lr.!ll, - Flnur.c Fir{. - q!. nun |l DrirroF{ncr.|t gdrt - Eq$EcrE{ Cut ,ry tocnrlg .il,Lr AJSFI) 7t) t Monroe Sagewell /X Ugrneers, Inc. Jl+\L PJ. Box l59z // \ 0048 E. Bcaver Creek Blvd.. Suue 3Ol /i \\ Avon. Cotorado 8t620(l +i (3031 e4e.7?68V Y FA)( (3031 949.4054 SHEEI NO CALCULATED BY SCALE CHECKEIT BY--- SH€ET NO. CHECKEO RY CALCI.JLAIED IJY ',\1r\(/ tif. !, ti(rM r,(a.jrir rolrjif|| t ro rhl l8Nr. !!riit{r A Monroe qt"'x:ll J&lL p.o. Box r5e7 U \\ 0O48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., Surre 3ol // \\ Avon. Cotorado 81620 ll P, (3o3) e4s.776,av v F$( t3o3) 949-4054 JOg SHEET NO CHECKED IJY 0ALCULATIO SY*- ,DATE DAfE arh, lnarli \ *J .t N T T rtVv/noe O \ @'o'L'. I FavraeD 3r,ur+ffi rL6HrJffi\qry' It.,| Ehr ""-1 AtO La€--'*-'- ll'.,t,/zc,>F SJ*.nE-'*.. JOB SHEET NO OF cAlcutAllio trr - -- J]=>.----OATE CHEC(EO BY DATE -"-l7Gna% *i s*J: r>=:J ${9 lnlLrF offi'"c 7tt-'4t d ?+F&f'/lla,x') .a21y1rz2a4-)* +F'ta *>tJa l'a lqIJ i\0i\ l.r [p ':. .- *..2*Ltgttb'b.o. J{ - I t'! EVtb6p U?"{g* L E:v {* | ' | --..-.. IL-.Al--l 2l r-{ C.:.---'_#- ur.lIL f'usL tu tJuh:r,,j AFptJcAnoil Fon TOW|{ OFV41L 1U: JUi/i /92 t bb JUN U8'94 IJ:JU NO,UUl I-'. U2 o. Bo l Amount g Pcnrrir F#e 17 5 , QO rutBt pcm' Fc(r $ ffiHiIJfi!5:UIPMENT' ^ND TRAFTIL: $CINTR*L DEVICES MI'.'J I I.iE ON THE JOE'ITE BI t (IFIE TTIE Bubbrr pui.alggcrs org raflult*d on 1x!.ev:flnfl oqutprqdnl whgn wortirrg en a5pnair-A€ptrak rurlugee undo/na;th rh. buct€{ *t,"rris'priioa"i-,"1;i il#,'' ir''igHif][':ili].ii.tfn*ff*;f:T:1,:ll[l?:11,s-rndnrdp'ovars.-o,.,€arufi,irycomFanvclgriAhjrca .rre oblBr,r-,t, pirrnjnoo rla" ;;il; il,;:'lill:*1T::::,"."P.l.va|s Qrto€ all uririry coftoany nocBs*nff tonn of v*it xir,..,.t,..," "?:g Ti. TlJir|c qppllooflon rhrotrgh the Puilio worft oiri.l.i" iLlil, rrt,1cc6$*€ry town of V*il ugflsrums. Fte"if at,o*, o-;J ffiffi;;;;UFFst Ldgl€ t eltey $hler and €0nharion (478.74A0) Fubllc Haruicr c6rntr*ry (i .800 Btt_.rgfir) . F$CO I'Joruret effi 6roup ({tA.e6ied)----+ Hory stu$s Eteo{rlo comFany (s49-5s93 lJ.fi. Wesi {t -900.9AA-198n --. TCI Cobloviii.n ot the Flockiss (S4A 6E30) lorxn otlrllh tnhE$tftl {.792161 I ,,fl W O k--Erc.ra.jans l4zs.z1t1\ 0, {)a ,, Publlo Whrke (f7s.ar SBI -- t llf,lt#*ff#f;,#Jlilllf,LT,ho1u,f,?,fffn.'*.'iurrrsrfiooonrrorFranm*nre.pp,oo-odBrte t0. All exr.awllon mu{!t 0€ rtnnc hy hBnd withirr lB, ol uri$liFs .. luenslo Bill ller. 11, f?lmittee mL*[ $untgot FubtiaWqat* O€Faj,r.]tr'lt sl 4Ig elh* i\4 i16.6 p,.is1 lo {,$mmcnAino hiektill gtroraliu't', Ltl,fii"-:"+S.l.il1t[,fl1,ffi'XllfJT5jfg"i1g1;il,'edu*di,'-psorion'wr,i".triciJieo,rvnra', l?' | oot ry rhal I havt ."ed sli sf HFlBts-{Iln ].r - dtEeB arrrl $iqlgv/-flfts, 6111rr vri, MuniLipdl codc dnd nir utirity*H :O*ry*tsliy"^! by mo, anO w,rr nnno uy inl *r,Iiilong r,o, or, ,,rrlit,+s hsw hrrsr n'tfio ar y6gF;1sg._@:;ffiy-=-- .##:* J-E{ T-&"* @"t-ta -lks..u . CC --f .i . ,rt ' arracH pL6H oF woRK, il{cLUDlNo "onr*r"r,on il*.ffi*r"o,. a**thow stssts with rlg|1|e6, bulldanos. Rfti tocelisl ,rf $u€. U6E OA$H Lt Eg FOB GUT. -5'r fl 7T+ cLe D TIIIS 16 I{OT FUHLIC WAY PEFIIIITI White - F(4rlir Werhr 'tgt|ovr Fnamr pffih - Cor,lnudty pgvCtoprair$ eor1t , Cqrtreug/ f P,,t a \ rowN oF v^lbt*$-u$ PUBLIC WAY PERMIT ' rom;frtn71Y 1840 R^stNGDAi.E PERMrrruo. Cili.i.',:; Contractor's copy to be kept on lobsite, 1. (Job Name or Location ol Work) Jrli vartrEHs, P.o. 8ox 3773, BRECKf,hR:DCS, CO 80424 3. Work is for (circle one) Permit Fee $75.00 DA!{IEL J. FREDERICI{, BOX 2557, gAr.j., CO g1658 OTHER Bill to: Paid:DEBBIE NOATAND Receipt #:r695 (Public Works)(Public Works) INSPECTION REMARKS: \ SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED { .{,APPLICATIoN FoR TOWN OF VA|L ,.1 u PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 I I [... Legal Descriplion Length lt,. Permit Fee $ "t , " Total Permit Fee $ t,I I '.2 F. "tbr-l;' TOWOFVAIL .r.,li. , .2 Job Name .-.'r,)\ 5. Trench-width (min. +') Excavating Contractor Name 4. Work is for lcircte """r , w3i"\G*) Landscaping Bond Amount $ I'i,til --rt]r. , i ) Rubber oulriggers are required on excavating equipment when worklng on asphalt, Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. ., Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) ' ,' Public Service Company (1-8OO-922-1987) : PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-252q "" ' Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) , Town of Vail; lrrigation (479-2161) Public Works (479-21 58) jC _ lt:: ,"/rl .. 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. 10. All excavation must be done by hand within 1B'' of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). 11. Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing bacKill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture o{ bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 1 2. I certify that I have read all chapters of lltle 1 2 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signature of Agreement Date oi Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streels with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. B. 6. ALL MATERIAL, EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITEBEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED, t1\ -^ ,/i-.]| Electricians(47s-2171) U (.'/ iO< +-lrli-,l 16rq,1' a, f t€& tQ1,l" f r[vxt r lnt fitt- i\:t t'f 1 ( i.JI t-l ii:, l...Ui t L i{ ire 1-lftrLl -it.\Ii\.-, J ,'L '1 t t1-/, I i'.i(--( THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development \ 'u, ,1 L Jt l( r ft/ ,"-*l f ) White - Public Works Gold - Contractor / lrt Category Number-| :-- *ign Review Action Fam TOWN OF VAIL Dare cI-l-a4 ProjectName: B/6rrr'l Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Architect/Gontast, Address and Phone: :t a tLt '6* a , " t. J Pa 8,,, 331v Ual ro Xtc:? Legaf Description: Lot 3lo Bbck- subdivision (rr fz r. l+ i,-^ zone District SpA l) 4< L-.)uti 1,r,,'.o,, (,"r(.,Proiect Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval fl Disapproval lfstarnoorovat Conditions: Town Planner Date:7't- z4 DRB Fee Pre-paid ISingle Family ZONE CHECK FORResidence, Duplex, pr ZONE DISTRICTS Subdivision o imary /Secondary DATE: LEGAI, DESCRIPTION:Block ARcHrrEcr S--ee^, B*^;"---l pHoNE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I,OT SIZE ADDRESS: OWNER Si E.e Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wa11 Heights Parking carage Credit Drive: Complies with T.O.v. waLer Course Setback Do Finish crades Exceed Envi ronmen ta1,/Haz ards : BUILDABLE I,OT AREA Allowed Existinq proposed Total (30) (33) 5v({5A s5 .td 35 SOifD -g7 , Z?4t "439 +32= 7oti7 3',/6' Reqrd Heighr ToL,al GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA SeLbacks h-^- Fl-: -r.,rvgp L.tll D How much Previous 2711.{ ) G',7&3 Front Sides Rear a25 =_Zqes 425 =_2/d3.3 20, 15' 15' Encl (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ PermiLLed Slope % proposed Slope % Lightinq Ordinance Yes No (30) (s0) 2 tI (s0%) Flood Plain YES NO Percent Slope (< > 30t) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) wetlands View Corridor EncroachmenL: yes reqriesL j.nvuive a 250 A<iciition?of the allowed 250 Addit.ion is used wiLh this condit,ions of approval (check property file): 1) Z] 3) reques L? 10 f ,..,. 1. PERMITNO. Ci2TiJff Contractor's copy to be kept on jobsite. I TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMI BrownlllcDevltt ijupie-r':,,_ loL 36 G.lc; L'r'ori (Job Name or Location ofWo*) 1,ongs E:;c;.ivat irrg Work is for (circle one) $75.otl Pee o I 6 o E I ir o iI It 63 CL g .E B Permit Fee Bill to:Bob ilori:e P.O. 6o: 4i05 Va i.l, C(t 5I65lJ Sus l"c rielve r g Hato:Receipt #: (Public Works)(Publlc Works) INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED t I TOWOFVAIL Job I A 2-t^t'"5,/lttrotL { TOV Contractor's License Number Street Address Start Dale Completion Dat€(Permit Expiration Date) 4. Work is for (circte one) Water * , Sewer - . . , _ Landscaping other cf{(rt/ 5. Trench-wid:rn ,{i / h Length (min a') -----------"--'- ,'1 Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) Public Service Company (1-800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) --.-, Permit Fee $ ,' :, 1- " Total Permit Fee $ '7 1: 8. .\ : TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (475-2161)Electricians (47 9 -21 7 1l Public Works (479-2158) 9, THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. 10. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 17a. i ^----- 1 1 . Permittee must contact Public Works Depadment at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notiiy the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 1 2. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 1 2 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, s-igned by me, and will abide by lhe same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show slreets with names. buildinqs, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Contractor rli lr r 1904 Commcrclal PARKING Auloirobla Dlmrnrlonr F- cun! ro cuFs outslDE Fnoflr -+l \ I I I \ I I F-- warl TO WAL|- OUr3tDE FioX? --.4 luRl{I{G DIAXIIEh DlrE Slof{s t-lol + Llo+ z lt'- b'L",,)(,,,',. b4.0, " Imt-L;ntdn, WLV= = I EITEnlon llDTll DlxEtlllo|-! ii*'[5]'Jtii,,. . n:eh ._ rl. . ! cunaro Il- CURB ---l I rxsloE REIR I EXTlnroi llElct{l olfl Eiaslotll H147 (t^xt IRAKE OVER AI'OLEI Fr. | ?crllnl dl|trt||t|.t. tot l9tl F$.ng.c co.r. 3.. t l.r ala-t21. Motor Vchicle l dnuldchrt B A.rn' ol th. O.holl, Mlchlgon, 1978. =- =rra=l{/'-), \ -Jlv--./ I \-_-)/ ooz @-{FF c) =oz'u -rm'"I V;t=mtel -{ '-- @m ENxj oz C-o(!o Im 0.Y $q)o -.1(tl ctl d @mTE& I* =pe l:3 ET;n= l; O 4Yq= I'i I EEli le e i =Qc> lr i 9.V= lI P o7 13q Il=P ilDE i5rr 6 €Y'-4a>= 6 EoE a !q>= (i o1= c E =e) > a Tm = 2 \{ fr X=2A E'io\,/ > 2picT< d=aa oVotrz'^{:.:,i3: -.{ c)o>trr- o Z.a-im7z>m -t>or n T =m -l o€zm I(_o @ z. =IT €z :->ts <lHI HI'l FIEnlUIf-t I el , Hf,aAo>'r- -n l- -Yzl"L n EItq,q:r ET tltltl -.1 mrm l-{lo t€ lzlo1t t<t> : m F)zI I = l-lbl{ lz lt F m 'tt = m-m H l-nbFEEFI leEfEFr!rf"tsh zt4oFr.F lirc:F.Esl!FHIE "dFJ I { PF {, k ,tat $ $I-ll $l Ho€z ol - m i 9 m F E - mrrr 5' I N) 2 Hlo l= lzlo l-nl< l> l: tm le,lzlo s.ti IJI I ln EO r f_r |-'tlft z a-t Hr F F,{ I\o NJ l.J =t- 00Fm X @ .tl E3 -t . Fr LJI @ _a I I EEFE HH PF coh xtoEs.ENl-l I I E6TilElF8trisotb 'rl 0)!Fri:o ={o TmF = =o H p Es N>\ (rv ; Izo (D -.1zo SB g tr: z - m 3fazmmom l<' lz lzl- t>lr- tEs Ei tFi4t<,F-i ^lHai < Hq g tEFl*- Fl N El s !,- | 5 EI Iltl tr:o-t 6fSi;>'nZOc)O'<2oul62 'DY 6z v< = $FIEEiEAg illNi=3e | 3dp.li ENEiE ;HNEiiE Rnaf$Ei $,FgEiI ilffiiE silgiiii; ol I; l ro\ lo.| | rl ;A 9IEIEFIF ElsisqiE EliiEiiE F l;r I =t I-ll ' rBlr I s. -A ='ggleS3?f,,N tsign Review Action FO" TOWN OF VAIL | --t Category Number 1 Z- Date 5 l=,1 ,,4 Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: C [r,.-.,.,,u, t.. :J,, z,ra,t, .y, L -: ltr-a t - re ,,,.i.i,., nr <- l]tta",, ''' tl .t, ), i I'i.'t - \vr,,,,,'< r i' , r r.. , ,- ,.i.' ,l ,r | ^ it, ,t tr t,.; ,, . .-t ', j, / ' s Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecV0ontact, Address and Phone: <-., ,, r [-, i> i r, ,t , { I I Legal Description: Lot I lc etock Project Street Address: Comments: Subdivision lrl.-. I -^ ZoneDistrict S,1 il.] - I Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: n Approval ! Disapproval $Cstat npprovat Conditions: t ,r arr /,1"t -.-.,t.t J I C\-\ .! _ Town Planner '-'[.IDate: //)il*4 DRBFeePre-paid t SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMI NT CORP. P.O. BOX 4205l'ry2 (w6-s2ffi .-) Town of VaiI r Office of Community Development Frontage Road Vail, Co. E1657 Att.: George Ruther March 20,1994 Dear Georgq, Re:tErIIf Mr. Brown and Mr. McDevitt agree that the time frame to complete the stucco on the secondary unit would be only thirty days and assuming the work was completed to your satisfaction within that period , that Letter of Credit would then be released.I This Letter of Credit would be in the amount of l25Yo of the items listed in the agreement and if approved , the T.C.O. would state thot all of the listed work would have to be completed before*rlg f5, 1995. |f"1 [uc auuvtt stalts' tuuauulr As a matter of fact, while we are bonding the entire stucco installation for the secondary unit, it has already been lathed and the value for that worlg while included in the first bond has already been almost completed. Respectfully, CC: Daryl Brown, Esq. WilliamMcDevitt Robert Bome TTBAil( OFVAIL l7vail Fbad Vall, CO 81657 (30s) 47es686.LENDEf,' Lender indicdsd abov€ ('Lond€O-hereby establish€s at thg request and for the account of Customer an lrr€vocsble LEttEr of Crgdit in favor of Beneficiary for a sum of Ibirty Five :Ibousaod tbree fuadred Fifty ard po/100 Dollars ($ 35 ' 350 'OO ;' Theee funds shall be made available to B€noficiary against Lender's receipt from Beneficiary of drafts drawn d sight on Lend€r at ite addr€ss indicated above (or 6uch other address that L€nd€r may provid€ Beneficiary with written notice ot in the ftiture) during regular busin€ss hours and accompanied by the signod written statements or docum€nts indicated below. WARNING TO BENEFICIABY: PLEASE EXAMTNE THIS LETTER OF CREDTT AT ONCE. lF YOU FEEL UNABIE TO MEET ANY OF ITS REQUIREMENTS, EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER, YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR CUSTOMER IMMEOIATELY TO SE€ tF THE T€T'TER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWISE, YOU WILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. 1. DRAFT TERMS AND CONDITIONS lender ehall honor th6 drafts submitted by Beneficiary under the lollowing ierms and conditions: Draft lubritt€d sball refereace property identifLed as Lot 35, Clon Lyor SubdiviBl,o!. furthar describing any out3tanditg ioprovcneDts lec€asary to obtain e€rtificat€ of occupency for said propsrty. Upon L€nde/s honor of sueh drafts hersinaft€r, Lender, once the full amount of credit available under this L€tt6r of Credt hes b€€n drawr, shall be futly discharged of it6 obligations und€r this Letter of Credit and shall not thereafisr be obligated to make any fu.ther payments undsr this L€tt€r of Credh in respect o{ such demand for paym€nts to Beneficiary or any oth6r person. lf a non-coniotming demand is made, Lender shall notlfr/ B€neficiary of ils dishonor on or beiore the tim6 mentioned in Section 5 below, i . Beneficiary shall have no r€coursg against Lender ior any amount paid und6r this Lett€r of Credit afier Lender honors any draft or other document which compli€s sfictly with this Letter of Credit, and which on its fac6 appears othoMise in order but whic+r i5 signed, iesued, or prosented by any party or undEr the namg of any party purporting to act for Beneficiary, purporting to claim through Beneficiary, or posing as B€neficiary, By payng to Beneficiary an amount demandEd in accordancr with this Letter of Cr€dit, LendEr mak€s no representation as to the correctn€€s of the amount d€manded and Lend€r shall not be liable to Benbficiary or any other person 60r br.,in resp€ct to any amount so pald or diebursed ior any reason vvhatsoev€r, including, without limitatidn, any nonapplicdtion or misapplicaiion by Bsn€fidary of the procreds of auch paymerf By pre66fiing upon Lender or a confirming bank, Beneficiary c€rtifiss that Beneficiary has not and will not present upon the other, unless and until Beneficiary meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promises to retuin to L€nder and cpnfirm any funds reccived by Beneficiary in excsss of the Letter ol Credif s maximum drawing amount. j. 2. usE RESTRICTTONS , , f] This Letter of Credit may be transfefied by Beneficiary upon providing Lender with prior writt€n notica ol tho tran€d8r..Tho Transferee shall be deemed the new B€neficiary of this Letter of Credit and the docum€nts of ths TranEieree, incbding drafts roguir€d und6r this Lettar of Credit, are to be processed by Lender (or any Intermediary) without the origtnal Fei€fi€iarr'e intervention and without any further responsibility on Lende/s part to the original Beneficiary. : , El Th6 rigtrtto draw underthis Letter of Gredit shall b€ nontransferable, o<cept for: . : .:, ,, A. A transter (in itg entirety, but not in part) by dk6ct operation of lavv to the original Beneficiary's administrator, €xsqJtorr gtmlarpt"y trustoa, r€@iv€r, lhuidator, su@€s8or, or oth€r repr€sentatives at lanri and The first immediate transfBr (in its €ntk€ty, but not in part) by such legal repres€ntative to a third party after axPress approval of a ^^r,amh^-+-l hnd.r /ir riiaial -,{Fi-i.rra+h,a ar a-an' *irral MAgf6@ @ Fo.rnAtlon T€Ghnologl€., lnc. (3/2/94) (809 907€7ss s. REQUIRED OO.U,*T, Wtien thg ptesentgr is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3 above, the documents required irr a drarv shall include: A. All doqmentB r€quired elsewhere in this Lgtter of Cr€dit, €xc€pt thal sud1 documents may be in the namE of and executod by 6ith€r th6 original Ben€ficiary or the pr€s€nt€r permitted by paragraph 3; and B., Wh9n .the pressnter is a pormitt€d Transisree under paragraph 3.A or a thkd party und6r 3.8, a e€rtified copy of the on€ or more , aocygnts ulrich sho\,', tha pre6€nte/6 authority to claim through or to act whh authodty for the origilal Beneficiary,. TIMING OF DISHONOR Undei no'circumstances shall Lender be precluded from relying upon any reason for dishonor giv€n in a communicdion which Beneficiary or the presenter rec€iv€s within three (3) Banking Days after Lender has received the last docum€nt iorming patt of Bsneficia4y's presentm€nt (the 'Thre+Day Period'). Lend€r shall b€ entitled to r€ly upon any such r€ason without r€gard to €ith€r (i) rhe timing of any presentm€nt made bebre the Expiration Dato, or (ii) the timing inside the Thre+Day Pstiod of any preliminary communicdion(s) ftom Lender concerning the dishonor decision itself or any reason br dishonor. For any suclt reason Eo given during the Three-Day Period, Lender shall be conclusively deemed to hav€ m6t the 'reasonable time', l,vithout delat', and other timing requiremEnis as the Uniform Customs and Praciice for Documentary Gredits, 1993 Revision, ICC Publication No 500, as most rec€ntly publishEd by the lnternational Chamb€r of Commerce (hereinaft€r called the 'UGP') may impos€. Th€ Expiration Dd€ shall not be extended to accommodate a pr€sentm€nt made with leos than three (3) Banking Days to go beiore the Expiration Dat8, and Beneficiary shall not be entitled to submit a draw request or provide Lender with any documenis in support of a draw at€r the Expiration Date hereof. Nor shall Lender ever be required to communicate a dishonor decision or its reasons within a time less than the Thre+Day P€rlod 'Banking Daf shall mean any day, €xc€pt Saturday, on which commercial banks located in the statg of.[.ende/s address are €ithei not euthorized or ar€ not required to close. 6. COMPLIANCEBUFDEN Under no circumstances shall Lender be held responsible for any impossibility or oth€r difftculty in achieving strict complianc€ with the requirements of this Letter of Credit precisely as witten. Beneficiary understands and acknowledges: (i) that unl€s€ and until the present wording of this L€ttpr oJ Credit is amended with Lendeds prior writt€n consent, th€ burden of complying strictly with such wording iemains solely upon Beneficiarlr; and (ii) that Lender is relying upon th€ lack of such amondment as constiMing Beneficiary's initial and continued approval of suc{l wording. NON.SEVERABIUTY lf any aspect of this LatEr of Credit ls ever declared unenforceable for any reason by any court or governmental body having jurisdiction, L€ndeCs €ntire engagement under this Letter of Credit shall be deemed null and void ab initio, and both L€nder and 8eneficiary shall be r€etored. to the position each would have occupied with all rights available es though this Lett€r of Credit had nevsr occuned. This non-serrerability provision shall override all oth€r provisions in this Lstter of Credit, no matt€r wh€re such provision appeaG within the L€tt€/s body. cHotcE oF LAwruuRrsDrcTroN The UCP shall in all respects be deemed a part h€r6of as fully as if incorporated herein and shall apply to-thi6 Lettor of Gredit. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the larrc of the Stat€ of Colorado , United States of Americ4 except to the extent sucfi laws are inconsistent with the UCP. Lender and Beneficiary consent to the iurisdiction and venue of any csurt s€lecied by L€nder in it6 discretion located in th€ State of colorado in the event of any l€gal proc€eding under this Letter ol Gredit 9. EXPIRATION LEnd€r hereby agrees with Beneficiary that drafts drawn undsr and in compliance with the terms ol this Letter of Cl€dit will be duly honored it pres€nted to the Lender on or befor€ the Expkation Date. Dated: Uarch 28, 1995 LENDEH: PirEtBank of veil ENDORSEMENT OF DRAFTS DRAYYI.I: 7. Amount ln Words MAST6oAB 0 FoFnAtlon Technologles, Inc. P,/2/94) (8oo) 937€7sg wtt F,l,'L' I ' .From LETTER OF CREDTT FOBMAT Lagal DescriPtron: Lol36 Block- Subdivision GI-EN LYCN - Filing -1?45 l/,bsBElsr eircfg= = (harelnalter called the 'Daveloper'), and the TOWN 616 FTRST. BANK_ ftcrelnatter called the "Bank'). WHEREAs,|heDaveloper'asacond|tionofapprova|o'he@ plans. dated REv.-I4ay-fr.*.., 1€4... wishEs lo entor into a Developer lmprovgment Aoreementi and WHEREAS, the Docloper is obligated to provide security or collatsral sufticient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions tor completlon of oertain improvemenls sel torth belorry;,and WHEREAS, the Developer wlshes to provlde collal€ral to guaranteg performanco o{ this Agreement, including construction of tha above-relercnccd improvements by meang of the following: Daveloper agreas to establlsh a letter of crecllt wlth a Bank in Eagle County in a dolla/ amount of $l-?,500.0p (125h ot the total cost of tha work shown bElow) to provlde socurlty lor lhe following: IMPROVEMENI ccnpletion of e:aberior stucco on the secondary ( south ) unit' NOW, THEREFORE, in conslderailon of the tollowing mutualcovenanls and agreemonts, lhe Developar and tha Town agree as lollows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and matgrlal^necossary to perform and complete all improvements, on or betore. May r ' jYYs ._. The Developsr 6halt complete, in a good workmanllke manner, all improvements as lisled above, in accordance with atl plans and specifications {lled in the otffee ot the communlty Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incldantal thereto accordlng to and in eompliance wilh the iollowtng: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, speclflcations, sketches, and olhermatter submlttod by the DevalopEr to bs approved by any ol the above-rsferencad governmental entlties. All said work shall be done undEr the inspection ol, and to the satisfactlon of, the Town Engineer, lhe Town Bullding Officlal, or olher officlal from the Town ot Vail, as aflectad by speclal dlstrlcte or servlce districts, as their respeclive interest may appsar, and shall not be deemed complete untll approvEd ancl accepted as completed by the Town of Vall Community Development Departmenl and Public Works Department. 2' To secure and guarantee performance of its obligallons as set forth hereln, lh6 Developer agrees to provide security and coltateral as tollows; Ftznt tzy' 5e.c2a/>f Detr ot Ereirarton: L6v 1, 195 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGBEEMENT, made and entgrsd inle tftis28th day of M4-...-"...-, l9g by encl smong DARYT, J. BROWN OF VAIL (herelnafter sallsd the "Town") Page 1 ol 3 -7i ,,. Frdn :PA3 fnerrocabfs tBttorof ,r"ait*wlp{,2*"^.ount of L i2,500.00 wlh'FrRsr BA*^ . - lname iFuainr-ii-eagr. county) as the securrtv ror thermprovsmentB set rorth above if merJ is f o"rarii u',io"i iiiJ iir**.nr by Dev.roper.3' The D]a-19ry1r.nayet aay tatne Bubstitute the collateral origlnally sat torttabova tor anothsr rorlgrbg{ar;tt;";Jd;t to m" Town ro suaranlse rhe raithrufcomplEtion of thoso impro\rements reten;d to narein ano tte pirrolil"n* of the terms ol thls#ffiilJt suctr acciptance rv1rt"'io*i i arteroatfve "orroLr"r'"ri"u bE at the Town,r sore 4' The Town sharf not, nor she' any'oflicer or emproyee thoreot, be tiable 0,resFonslble for any "T,.d-rl! t:rt or oamagJnapp€ning or oacuning to the work specified iolhls Agreement prior to the compr€rion ana-acceptEnce of thE same, nor shal thB Torrn, nor 11119ttic9r ol.empfovee lhareof,'be liabu roiany poruons or proporty lnlured by raeson of thcnature of sald worh but all of sald llabllltles srrair ino arC nerldaium"o uy the Dcvetoper. The Developar hereby agrees to indemnify and holcl harml*s lhe Town, and any of ltsotf'oers. agsnts and employeesigalnst any lossos, crarmJ, oamjges, or ltaoititias to wh6fi thaTown or any of rh olficers, T?$ or ernpt6yeas.may become subjoct to, Insofer as any such lo39-s' gtatms, damages or ltalilitias 1or ictions in respect thereof) rt iiarl." our of or ar6bas€d r.pon any parformance.by the Developer heraunder; anO tfri-Oeuetoper shall reimbureethe Town tor any and all!9oal or other expelises raesonabty incured by the Town anconneclion wlth investlgatinsor defendinj any such toes, ctaim, Ja.agb, fi.uitity or action.This Indemnlty provislon stratt ue rn agdl6n t6 any otner ftablnty which the oiv,iropEi miihavE. 5. lt ls mutually agraed that the DevetopEr may apply lo the Town ancl the Townshall authorize for partlal releise of the cotlaleratolpositci rJdrrhe Town for eacn categoryof lmprovement at Buch time as such lmprovemsnts are conslructed in compliance wmr i[ ' Plam and spaclficatione as reforsnced heroundar and accepted by the Town, under nocondluon wlll thE amount of the coflaterel that ls betng nEube ied,lceo below the amountnocessary to complet€ such improvements. 6. tf the Town dgtennlnas, at its sole dlscretion, that any of lhe lmprovemsntscontsmdated hareuncler are not constructed ln compllance wtth thigans and specilications.l .totth ln thie Agreement on or belore the data sEi forth in earagraptr e, the Tiwn may. butshalt not be roquired to, redeEm the lotter ol credit as necessary ii, domptete the unfioishodimprovements- The Bank shall release such funcls upon written requestlrorn the Town slrtinglhal_the lmprovements have not bean completed as iequtred by this agreement. The Bankshall not reQuire the concurrance ol the developer prioito releise ol tFe funds to the Town nor ehall the Bank be raquired to verify Independently that such lmprovomEnts have not beEncompleted as required by thle agresment, but shall releaee such funds solely upon the Town,s r^rlttan request. lf tho cosb ot competing the work exceed the amount ol th6 doposit, the Excess, togElher with Interest at tutelve pEroant per annum, shatl bc a lten against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certlfied lo the treasurer of Eagle county:o be collected in lhe same mannsr a$ delinquont act valorom tares levied against such propEdy. lf the permit holder lalls or refusEs to comptete tho cloanup and landscaping, as Oetfied tn ihts chapter, sucfi fallure or refusal shall be considered a vioiation of the zbnlig code. 7. The.Developer warants all work and matsrial for a perlod ot one year atter accsptance of all woflq refened to ln this Agreemenl by the Town lf such work is located on Town ol Vall property or wlthtn Town of Vatt rignt-oi-wiy pursuant to $ection i7,i6.250. 8. The parlie8 heralo mutually agree that thi8 Agreemenl may ba amended from lime lo time, provlded that such amsndments be in writing ind executedby a[ pariles hereh- Dated the day and ysar llrst abwe wrltten. Page 2 ol 3 / , From snre or$*ffi. couNr' oEffi8ffi-o 85[1?"51fact for M.cDevitt38, Kimberley Iv1. Brown, Williarnand Carolyn F. McDevitt STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ,"(rr wis acknowtedsBd betore ma thigy&qy "fuAnU-' Witne:s my hand end offbial sear. STATE OF COLORADO I couNw oF EA.LE ) es' ,reru,'ii"il,t'If P"fli?i*S"TtTri3'f #),2"8:5of l€"#::;;^::7i17 Witness my hand eod offbial sesl. Mycommissbn "ryrt, ?4fu5/ My commlsslon apifgs: P7tc"+'c-!'-- -,[ r. h,k/lvtt-t A n ,-> '.1 Notary euua- -''"l:trtr i#:ffi+gWeroru me rhis &4 dav or Wtnrn my hend rnd ofiiciel sarr. My oommr,son uewaftf53o P/{ -Hr.cdA r l\e€.ell_ 'i,' PATRICIA E. MOFREIJ- MY CoMMISSI0N # CC430|/A mn6 D€$mb€r 28, 1998 BO}IDEOIflRJTMY FAIII INMl,fi€, TE' PW attorney-in- J. thtrd tzrJl Prgc 3 ol 3 OFVAIL 17 Vail Road Vail, @ 81657 (3ff!) 47&5686 'LENDER' LETTER OF CREDIT NO Lender indicated above ('Lend€d) hereby establishes 3 llt,e reqr.rest and for the-account of Customer an lrrevocable Letter of Credit in lavor of Beneficiary for a sum of S",'el've ThouEaad Five ard aoll0o3,"jlili,f*,ffi indicat8d above (or such other address flat Lender may provide Beneficiary with written notice of in the finure) during regular business hours and accompanied bythe signed written gtatements or documents indicated below. WARNING TO BENEFICIARY: PLEASE EXAMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. lF YOU FEEL UNABLE TO MEET ANY OF ITS REQUIREMENTS, EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER, YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR CUSTOMER TMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THE LETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWISE. YOU WILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CRED]T FOH FAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WTH ITS TERMS AS WR|TTEN. I. DMFTTERMS AND CONDITIONS Lend€t shall honor th€ drats submitted by Beneficiary under the following lerm6 and conditions:Itraft sub[itted sball refercnce property identified aa Lot 36, Clen Lyon Subdivision. furtber deecribiug ety out6tandirginprovoeatE seceaaary to obtain Certif,Icate of Occupetrcy for 8aid prop€rty. :, notico of the Upon Lendefs honor of such draftg her€inafter, Lender, once th€ full amount of credit available under this Letter of Credit haa been draun, shall be fully discharged ol its obligations under this Letter of Credit and shall not ther€aft€r be obligated to make any further paym€nts under this Letter of Credit in r€spect of such demand for payments to Beneficiary or any other person. lf a non-conforming demand is made, Lender shall notify Beneficiary of its dishonor on or before th6 time mentioned in Section 5 below Beneficiary shall have no r€cours€ against Lender for any amount paid und€r this Letter of Credit after Lender honors any draft or oth€r document which compli€s strictly with this L€tter of Credit, and v,,hich on hs face appears otherwise in order but which is signed, issued, or presented by any patty or und€r the name of any party purporting to act for Beneficiary, purporting to claim through Beneftdary or posing as Beneftciary. By payrng to Bendciary an amount demanded in accordance with this Letter of Credit, Lender makes no representation as to the cotrectness ol thg amount demanded and Lender shall not be liable to Beneficiary or any other person ior or in r€spoct to any amount so paid or disbursed for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, any nonapplication or misapplication by B€neficiary of the proceeds of such payrnent; By presenting upon Lender or a confirming bank, Beneficiary certifies that Beneficiary has not and will not pr€sent upon the oth€r, unless and until Beneficiary meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promises to retum to Lender and confirm any fund€ receiwd by Beneficiary in e)(c€ss of the Letter of Credit's maximum drawing amount. I 2. USERESTRICTIONS All drafts mugt be marked'DRAWN UNDER FirEtBarrL Of VeiI ', i . IRREVOCABLELETTEBOFCREDITNO. 93273o4,' ; i 6415pllarch 28' 1995 ', and the amount of each draft shall be marked on the draft. Only Beneficiarlr or B€n€ficiary's Transbree (only if transfurable) may complete a draft and accompanying statements or documents required by this Letter of Gredh and make a drafi under this Letter of Credit. This original Letter of Credit must accompany any draft drawn hereunder. Partial draws I are permitted E] are not permitted under this Letter of Credit Lender's honor of a partial drar^/ shall corespondingly reduc€ the amount of credit available under this Letter of Credit. Following a partial draw, Lender shall rstum this originat L€tt€r of Crodit to Beneficiary whh the partial draw noted thereon; in the altemative, and in hs sole diserEtion, Lender may issu€ a substihJto L€tt€r o{ Credit to B€neficiary in the amount 6hown above less any partial draw(s). PERMITTED TRANSFEREES n This Letter of Cr€dit may be transfurred by Beneficiary upon providing Lender whh prior written Transfere€ shall be deemed the nevy Beneficiary of this Letter of Credit and the documents of the Transieree, : t-t ,t r; the originalrequhed under this Letter of Credh, ar€ to be processed by Lender (or any intermediary) without intsrv€rtion and wihout any further responsibility on Lends's part to th€ original Bsneficiary. @ The right to araw under this Letter of Credit shall be nontransferable, except for: A. A transfer (in it8 efih€ty, but not in part) by direct operation of law to the original Beneficiarys administrator, tfugtee, r6c€iver, liquidator, successor, or other representatives at law; and MASTIX}2OFomrnbnT.chnotogt€3,Inc. (3/2/94) (8001 gs7€7s9 o. i*rrrrrrEs BE.'TRED Do.ruil. Wh6n the prgg€nter is a permittEd Transt€ree under paragraph 3 above, the documEnts required for a draw shall include: A." All doci.rinents r€quired elserrhere in this Letter ol Credit, o(cept that $uch docum€nts may be in the name of and exgcutod by eithor . .i th€ original Benefciary or th€ presenter permitted by paragraPh 3; and B. . When the pr€s€nt€r is a permitted Transfaree under paragraph 3,A or a third party under 3.8, a certified copy of the one or mors ,' documenG wtrich shoar the presentet's authority to claim through or to act with authority for the original Beneficiary. T]MING OF DISHONOR Under no circumstanc€s shall Lender be precluded trom r€lying upon any reason tor dishonor given in a communicdion which Ben€ficiary of th€ prssnt€r receives within thr€e (3) Banking Days after Lend€r has r€c€iv€d th€ last documsnt forming palt of Beneficia4y's presentment (th€ ThreeDay Period'). Lender shall be enthled to rely upon any such reason withor,t regard to either {i) the timing ol any pr€oenfil€nt made befors the Expkation Dat€, or (iD the timing insid€ the Thre+Day P€dod of any pr€liminary communication(s) from Lander concerning the dishonor decision hself or any reason for dishonor. For any such reason so given during the Three-Day Period, Lendor shall be conclusiv€ly deemed to have met the 'r€asonabl€ tim6', 'without delaf, and oth6r timing requir€mgnts as th€.Uniform Customs and Practice for Docum€ntary Credits, 1993 Revision, ICG Pubficaion No 50O, as most r€cently publishod by the International Chamber o{ Commerce (hereinafter called the 'UCP') may impose. The Exphation D*e thall not be oc€nd€d to accommodate a presentment mad€ with less than three (3) Banking Days to go before thE Expirdion Dde, and Baneftciary shall not b6 antitled to submit a draw r€quest or prwide L€nder with any doGuments in support of a draw after the Expiration Date hereof. Nor shall L6nd€r ov€r be required to communicate a dishonor d€cision or hs r€asons within a timo less than the Three-Day Period. 'Banking Day' shall mean any day, o<cept $durday, on which commercial banks located in th6 state of Lende/s address are eith€r not authorized or are not r€quired to clos€. COMPLIANCE BURDEN Under no circumstances shall Lender be held responsible for any impossibility or other difficulty in aehieving strict comPliance with th€ requir€mgnts of this Lstt€r of Credit pr€cis€ly as written. Beneficiary understands and acknowledges: (D thd unl€ss and until the prBs€nt wording of this L6tt€r of Credit is amend€d with L6nde/s prior written cons6nt, the burden of complying strictly with such wording remains solely upon Eeneficiary; and (ii) that Landar is relying upon the lack of such amondment as constituting Beneficiary's initial and continued approval of such wording. NON-SEVERABILITY lf any aspect of this LEtter of Credit is ever declared unenforceable for any reason by any c'ourt or governmental body having iurisdiction, L€nd6r's €ntire engagement under this Letter of Credit Bhall be deemed null and void ab initio, and both LendEr and Bgnoficiary shall be reetored to the position each would have occupied with all rights available as though this L6tt€r ol Credit had never occurred. This nonsevarability provision shall override all othei provisione inihis Later of Cr€dit, no matter where sucfi provision app6ars within the LEtt€/s body. cHotcE oF LATJURTSDICTTON The UCP shatl in all respects be deemed a part hereof as fully as if incorporatec, herein and shall apply to this LEtter of Credit This Agr€€ment shall b€ governed by and construed in accordanca with the la^rs of th€ State of @lorado , United Stdes of America, exc€pt to the 6xt€nt such lar,\rs are inconsFtent with the UCP. Lender and Beneficiary cons€nt to the iurisdiction and venue of arry court sel€cted by Lender in its discrstion locat€d in th€ Stde of colorado in tho event of arry legal proceeding under this Letter of Credit. 9. EXPIRATION Le4der hereby agress with Beneficiary that drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit will be duly honorad if presented to tho Lender on or beiore the Expiration Dat€. Dated: Harch 28, 1995 LENDER: FirstBaak of Veil 7. gt! ENDORSEMEiIT OF DRAFTS DMWN: -From :PAL LETTER OF CREDJJ FORMAT L,€gal DeocriPlion: LotQ Block- &bdivision GLEN LSI . Faling -Addreat Ogte of Exdrs$on: THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered inls thi528th day of Mes4--..---------, 1el' by andamong o.an+..-'t. eCo[N . -,(herelnaltrrcalledthe"Dweloper')'andtltgTOWN OF vAtL tlrarelniiilr CatieA tne iTownn) 661FIRS!..-Bgf!5.* (herelnafter called the 'Bank"). WHEREAs,theDavelopar,asacondltionof approvalof the 6k*Il'"+!lJ|--@'yt!l - ^-. plans, dated -ry-l4eg-l-.-., 19-9+ wishes lo entsr iito a Oevetoper lm-provement Sec':Nts;apy Agreement; and WHEREAS, tha Dwdopar is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completlon of certain improvemenls set forlh below: and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provlde collateral to guaranlee performance of this Agreement, including construction of tha above-rclerenced improvemcnts by means of the followlng: Dwetoper agrees to establlsh a loiler of credlt with a Bank in Eagle County in a dollar amount ot 9JL31?.qg (25o/o ot the total cost of the work shown below) to providg Bocurfty for ths followingl IMPROVEMENT landscaping .... $ 15,000.00 E<terior Painting. 3.500.00 Driveway Topping. .....:.... 1,250.00 Firat Grade and clean-up 3,500.00 ,t, ErEerior stair r'rith aecrrmpanying stonework & stucco 5'000.00 $ 28,250.00 A11 of the above are in ccnsideration of i.ssuance of temporary Certifi.cate of Occupancy on the prirnary (north) unit at address indicated above. NOW, THEREFORE, in conslderatlon ol the toilowing mutuat covsnants and agreEmEnts, the Developer and the Town agrge aE follows: 1. The Dsveloper agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to fumish all oquipmenl and materlal ne,tirslary to perform and complele all improvements, on or bE ore.----qull]5' 1995 -. The Developer shalt comptete, in a good workmanllke manner. all improvements as listsd above, in accordance with all ptans and specifications flled in lhe olflce of the communlty Development Deparlment, the Town of vail, and to do all work Incldental thereto accordlng to and in compliance with the followlng: a. Such other dgsigns, drawings, maps, speclfications, sketches, and other mattsr submltlsd by the Develcper to be approved by any of the abcve-referenced governmontal entlties. Alf said work shall be done under the inspootign of, and tb the eetislactlon ol, the Town Engineer, lhe Town Bullding Ottiilat, or otrer ofllclal lrom the Town of Vail, as affected by speclat dlstrlcts or serulce distficts, as their tgspective inlerost may appsar, and shall not be dg€med completo untll approvEd and accapted as completed by the Town of Vall Community Development Department and Pubtic Works Dopartmsnt. 2. To secure and guarantee performance ot its obligatlons as 6et forth hereln, th6 Developer Agrees to provide security and collateral as lollows: Page 1 ol 3 i - )-.F.*PEI3 fnsvocabrs letter of c:t!! #91 q2& in me amount of $!5 , 31 2-&Q- wttnFrRSr BANK _ (name oi-uanrt-" .fi Cd;;ii';;ile-sJiurity for theimprovenente set rorth auove ir urere i* a-o"ririiu"io"i il; ;;*r"nr by Deveropsr. 3' The Developer lay at any time substilute tha collatsrat origlnaily set foTthabove for another to19gbom"riG.".ir,ti"tl-" lo the Town to guarantee the fairhrulcompletion ot those improvements refEnid to herein ancl the perlormance ot the terms of thls l[:?:lll::, such acceptance uvlne'ioi-n Jr arumailve colrirerar Jnau oe at the rown.s eore 4' The Town sha[ not, nor shail any officer or emproyee thereot, be ria.b]o orresponslble for any afi$nt losl or damaga happening or ocrcuning to ths work specified anlhls A,greement prior to the compfetion ano-icceptance of the samE, nor shal the Town, norany officer or emdoyee theroof, be tiable foi iny proon. or propsrty h]ured by raaaon of thcnatute ot salcl work, but all of $alct tlabllftles shall and ere hereby aroumsd by rhe Doveloper, The Developer hereby agr€es to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of ltsofficers, agents snd emptoyees igalnst any losses, chrms, Oamagli, or ilabiliUes to which thaTown or any of its oflicers, agenti or empl6ye6s may bocome subjecl to, Insofar as any suchfosses, clalms, damages or llabilnies 1or actions in respect thereofj that arlss out of or are f.asgl upo-n any performance.by the Developer hereunder; and th6 Developer shall rEimburaeths Town tor any and all legal or other expehses reasonabry incurred by the Town in gonnection wlth investlgating, or defending any such loss, claim, Oamage, tiability or action.This hdemnlty provislon shall be In ackflthn t6 any othertiabilfiy thicfithe oev6toper mlyhave. 5. lt ls mutually agreed that tha Developer may apply to lha Town and the Townshall authorize for partial releaeo gt the collaleral dbposilei wlirrine Town for each categoryof hprovemont at such lime as sueh lmprovements ara conetruoled in compliance wlth lll - plerc and spaclfications as rel€ronced herEunder and acc@tod by the Tcnrh. Under no condlllon will the amounl of the collateral that ls behg hold bo reduceo below the amountnaoassary to complete such improvemenb. 6- lf lhe Town dstennings, at ils sole dlscretion, that any of the lmprovements contemplated hsreundor are not consuucted in compllance wlth thaptans and specifications sgt.lorth ln this Agreemenl on or bsfore tho date seiforth in earagraptr 2, the T6wn may,, butshall not be roquired_to, redsEm the letter of credit as necessary io complete tha unfinisied improvements. The Bank shall reloasg such funds upon written requesl trom the Town stating thal the lmprovemenG have not been compleled as requtred by ttris agreemsnt. The Bank shall not require lhe concurrence ol tho developer prioi to release ol the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank bg roquired to verify independenfly that such lmprovements havo not been cornpleted as required by thle agreement, but shall release such funds solaly upon the Town'swltl€n requ€st. lf tho cosh of completing the work exceed the amount of the cleposit, thg excess, logElhgr with Interest at lwglve percefi por annum, shall b. a lien against thr propgrty and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the troasurer of Eaglg Counly to be collected in lhs same manngr as delinquont ad valorem lares levied against such property. lf the pennit holder lalls or refusEs to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined In thls chapler. such fallure or refusal shall be considered a vaotation of the Zonlng Code. 7. The Developsr warrants all work and matorial lor a perlod of on6 year aftgr acoadance of all work rEfened to In this Agreemenl by the Town ll such work is located on Tonrn of vall property or wlthln Town ol vall right-ot.way puruant to Seotion 17.16.250. E. The padies herElo mutually agree that this Agreemenl may be amendEd from lime to time, provlded that such amendmsnls be in writing and executed by all partles h€reto. Dated the day and year llrst abov€ wrllton. Page 2 ol 3 t I t "From 3t, fact for lvlcDevitt dividually and asKimberley M. Brown, Williamand Carolyn F. McDevitt Wtnacl my hrnd end ofiicirl rcd. My commrrslon "xrves,ftCll 30 | 4{ STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE $9w My commlesbn €)plros: ) ss. ) ,6*:mlnl Agfeomo w.s.ckno\rl6dgsd befole r" rn,"warv?zM Witness my hand and official soal. My commicsion srplros ) ) ss, ) Tht for.going Devcfop.r lmprwement Agr.rm€nt wai acknowlrdgid bcfo n m" *itfu4y ol .!b& 4^- Ellp.,r., lvtS:a,r.ctnn .l .. A I U\G V( gStctlan4 6+ \aw!t{] (L t4k o.{ Oc.-J Witness my hand rnd oflicial seal. srArE oF$effi couNTY oFfinb& SARASOTA Hffr$ffgd&qffiit $'as 'cknoruedspd berore me thir PATRICIA E. MORRELL MY CoMMTSSToN # CC430148 E(PIR6 December 28, 1996 softDED rNru't80Y FNI{ l$Wrff, €, [o| PAz attorney-in- ,J. &4 aay or -6i1{ic.r.A :- i\pAerJ__ Lhd.d 9a!t P89. 3 ol I C",gn Revrew Acuon rCt TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Pro.iect Name: Building Name; Project Descripligp; f'l.r t- J f.r '-:> , ,:. , - ,. r-- r,r.'\ -l : Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ;t L Block Subdivision {.i ., - i'r l . ,1 Zone District lr,.,,-' ,"7"- Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: f, Approval ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval 1)' Town Planner Date:li L''DRB Fee Pre-paid Town of Vail 25 Sout.h Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8L657(303) 479-21-38 Plan analysis based onthe 1991 Uniform Buildinq.Code NAME: BROI^IN/MCDEVITT DUPLEX Dare:5/t8/94 Occupancy: R3,Ml Trce of Const: V-N rilil'dj#HbPv Addressl' ]-245 WESTHAVEN CR. Contractori ROBERT BORNEArchiLecT, RKD DESIGNS Engineer: MONROE Plans ExaMiNEr: CHUCK FELDMANN NOTE:The code items lisLed in Lhis report are not intended Lo be a complete listing of all possib]e code requirements in the 1991 UBc. rL is a guide to seLected sections of the code. SEPARATIOi{ DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Building 0.0 Feet 0.0 FeeE EAST Property tine 42.0 Feet- 42.0 FeeL SOUTH Property line 35.0 Feet 35.0 Feet WEST Property line 19"0 Feet 19-0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROfECTION table L7-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAtt WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WAITL WAI,L PROT R3 thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr Noire Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None M1 thr* thr* NOP ohr ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . sec.22Ot- None -- No fire protection requirements for openings. Prot -- openings are to be proLgcted with 3/4 ht fire assemblies. 50t of the area of Lhe wa11 maximum. sec.2203.(b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.fE witn no dimension greater than L2 feeL. -- Siec. 4306. (h) NOF - - Openings are not per:mitted in this wa11.* - - These wal1s may be required Lo have a parapet wa11 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wa11 is required to have the same fire rating as t.he wall. See section 1'110. for details and excepEions. FIJ NAME o AREA MIN.:IGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Master bedroom2 MasLer bath2 Hal-1s, closels, etc. TOTAI, FOR FLOOR1 Living room1 oining room1 Kitchenl" Bath room1 Garagel- HaI1s, closets, etc. TOTAI-, FOR FLOORB Bedroom #1B Bath room #1B Bedroom #2B Bath room #2B Laundry room B Hal1s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUTI,DING TOTAL ^l4 0/'-- { 9'u3't tdoor Enau opens minimum clear 228 109 195 532 L20 r489 tL4 49 115 39 51 z3 I 625 2021: 22 .80 0. 00 0 .00 27.70 1q. oft 12.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 1l-.40 0.00 11 .50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1l_.40 5.45 0.00 13.85 ? OR 6.00 1 qq 0.00 0 .00 q ?n 2 .45 5 .75 1.95 2.55 0.00 Yes No Yes NO NO NO Yes L 1 t 1 1 1 1 1- 1 L 1 1 l_ 1 1" 1 I Yes No NO NO No No No NO NO FOOTNOTES:l") EGRESS - An operable window oris required from this room. lhe the fol1owinq. Sec. L204. 1") The minimum clear heighL is 24 inches2l The minimum cl.ear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square 4l The maximum si11 heighL is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based'on Table 33-A 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used openinqs for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress wj-ndow in the Sec.7204. directly openable t.o the exterior area must meet feet (Dwellings )in in lieu of exLerior basement is based on ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitabl-e space shal1 have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, ha11s, bathrooros and toj-let compartments may have a ceiling height'of 7 feeL measured ro the lowest projecLion. If the ceiling is sloping, then the mini-mum height. is required in only L/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has noL less than 120 square feeE of floor area. OLher habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of noL less Lhan 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1"207.(b) Habitable rooms ol:her than a kitchen shalt not be less Lhan 7 feet in any dimension.- Sec. 1207. (c) GI-,AZING REQUIREMENTS : All- glazing in hazardous locations :s required to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) L) Glazing in ingress and egress doors 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels panels in swinging doors oLher tllan except jalousies. of sliding door assemblies and wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors.4l Glazing in at1 unframed swingi.ng doors.5) Glazing in doors and encl.osures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glaeing in any portion of a building wall enclosing t.hese compart-ments where Lhe boLt.om exposed edge of theglazing is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of Lhe glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of eiLher vertical edgre of the door in a closed position and wtrere the bottom exposed edge of the gLazing is less t.han 60 inches above the walking surface.7) Glazinq in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than those locations described in ilems 5 and 6 above, than meet,s all of the f ollowinq condi- t,ions :A. Exposed area of an individual pane qreater Lhan 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less Lhan 18 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greaLer Lhan 36 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizonLally of theplane of Lhe glaziri.g. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface' fncluded are structural balusLer panels and nonstructural in-fill panels. See excepLions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke deteetor is required on the ceiling or wa1l at a poinL centrally locaLed in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. Sec. l-2L0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is requireci on Lhearea. -- sec. 1-210.(a) 4. A smoke deLecLor is reguired in t,he A smoke delector is required on all If the upper 1eve1 contains sleeping in the ceiling of the upper level-- Sec. 1.210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are requirecl to be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped with a bai:tery backup. - - Sec. 1210- (a) 3. Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleepinq area of the dwelling in which Ehey are 1ocated,, - - sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPI,ACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE: 1) Fireplace musb be supporLed by a foundation. -- Se,c. 3707.(b) 2) The firebox must be at ieast 20 inches deep and walls of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches Lliick. -- Sec. 3'707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance Lo combusLible material is from Lhe fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney vralls is 2 inches. Combustible maLerial may noL be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustible within 12 inches mav not proiect more than 1/8 inch for each 1 ineh of ceiling or wa11 in each sleePinq basement. - - Sec. 1-21-0. (a) 4. sr-ories. -- sec. 121-0. (a) 4. room(s), a smoke deLecLor is required close to the stairway. clearance.Sec. 3707. (Yr) 4) The heart.h must, be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombuslible material . The hearth size musL be at least:ff Opening size i-s: Front. extension Side exEension IJess than 6 sq.ft. 16 inches B inches6 sq.ft. or qreaLer: 20 inches L2 inches-- Sec. 37O7. (k) & (1) 5) Chinney heighL must be per fable 37-e FACTORY BUTI,T FIREPLACE:1) unit must. be an approved unit. Sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearLh size nrusL be per manufactures approval . sec. 3705. (a) s (b) 3) Chimney heiqht must be per marrufacturer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATTON: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire consLrucLion are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch solid core door ar a 20 minute fire door. -- table 5-B & sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling mu$t be aL least 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3306.(b) ,The maximum rise of a slep j.s B inches and the minimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one sid,e a sLairway 34 Lo 38 inches above Lhe nosing if there is 4 or more risers. Sec" 3305. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greaLer than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximurn openi-ng size = 4 inches. -- Sec. 1712. (a) exc. #t The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the staj-rs is required to be protected as reguired for thr fire-resistive const.ruction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCI,OSURES: 1-) Chutes and dumbwait.er shafts with a cross-secLional area of noE more Lhan 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheel meLal with ail loints locklapped. The ouLside must be 1 hr construcLion. A11 operlings into any such enclosure shal1 be protected by nor less than a self-closing solid wood door 13/B inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1706. if)' 2) Gas vents and nonconricustib1e piping installed in wal1s passing through 3 floors or less do not need tc, be in t hour shafts.-- Sec, 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for qas vent.s, factory-buiLt chimneys, piping, or ducts thaL do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in l- hour shafts. Sec. 1-706. (c) 4) AII other shaft.s are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. Sec. l-706. (a) ATf IC REQUIREMEITI'IS :1) Provide an access to all attic areas wiLh a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size ts 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear heighL above rhe access. -- sec. 3205.(a) I 2) Provide ventilaL.ion in a,]-l attic areas. rhe net f ree venL area isto be not less t.han l sgr-lal:e fool for each 150 sguare feet of aLtic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at leasl 50% of the required ventilat,ingarea is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of theattic. The upper ventilat-ors must ]:e at leasL 3 feeE above the eve orcornice venLs. -- sec. 3205. (c) CRAWI,SPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide vent.ilation eiLher by mechanical means or by openinqs in exteriorwalls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than l" sqnrare fooL for each l-50 square feet of area irr crawl space. Openings sha11 be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical .-- sec. 251-6.(c) 6. Note; vent openings may be reduced to 10% of the aboveif ground surface area is covered with an approwed vapor barrier and the building offici-al approves.2l Provide L8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: openinq may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is locaLed in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2, 3) Un1ess ttr.e wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistanee to decay or treated wood, the minirnum clearance between exposed earLh and floor joist is 18 inches. t'he nrin-i-rirum clearance to beams and girders is is l-2 inches . - - Sec. 25'r€.' . (e) 2 . ADDITIONAIJ REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancyThis project will require a site improvement survey. such survey shal1 be submitted arid approved prior to request for frarne inspection. All crawl spaces within Lhe'Iown of- vail are limited to a earLh to sLrucLural floor ceiling l:,erghl of 5', be earth f loor only, be ventilated as per UBC 2516 (C)6 t^ritti minimum access as per UBC 2516(C) 2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 3(l degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design shalL address drainage, soil retainage and slrucLural design- Excavation below slabs on qrade shall not be permitted wiEhout prior approval . Address numbers shal} be posLed plainly visible and legible from the street.. Fof Ml- oecupancy Slope garage floor l-o a11ow for drainage to outside to provide a flool drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain cor.nected Lo sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Valley WaLer & Sanitat-ion D.rsLrict" rn garages with living arr:a above, che wails of the garaqe wiich are bearing Lhe area above shi.rl1 be procected with one hour fire resistive construction. Ugc 503 (B) . ,,i:'::i::-::::" "" #Ff,l#ff CI0PY the 1991 Uniform Building Code NAMe: BROWN MCDEVITT DUPI,EX Date: May l-8, 1994 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const.: V-N Town of vail 25 South Fronlage Roadvail, cotorado 8l-65T TOwn *f Vail Address: 1245 WESTHAVEN CR.Contractor: ROBERT BORNEArchitect: RKD DESIGNSEngineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FSLDMANN This exterior wall- is required to be a thr fj-re assembly. -- Table 5-A All electrical work is t.o be complete Lo the requirements of the l-atest National Electrical Code,all Town of Vail Ordinances, and Holy Crosa Requirements. This project will require a site improvemenl survey.This survey shall be submitted and staff approvedprior to a requesL for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be donewithout an approved site improvement survey. Exterior surfaces wit.h stucco sha1l be provided withexterior metal l-ath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers ofpaper. Windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not, with just screed metal). Alath inspection is required prior stuccoapplication. AIl new construction within the Town of Vail will be required to have an initial lnspection by TOV Public Works Dept. to approve site drainage and culvertinstallation. This approval must be complete prior to any inspection by Lhe Buildlng Departnent. This project is restricted from the burning of wood in fireplaces. Unless the lot is a restricted lot in size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit allowed. Gas log chimneys enclosures shall be one hr. protected. This project requirea two one hour walls between each unit wit.h a one inch air space from foundation to under side of roof sheating. I fn bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical vent.ilation svstem connecteddirect.l-y to the outside shall be-provided. Bathrrnswhich contain only a water closet or lav. may beventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall beinsLal-led as per UMC l-104 and l-903. Flexible ductconnectors may not exceed 6' in length and shall not.be concealed within construction. Ducts shallterminate outside the building and not exceed i-4' IengLh. No domestic dishwashing machj-ne shaLl be direct.ly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 608. Cross connection control devices shall be installedto protect pollution of potable water supply by useof approved backfl-ow prevention devices, UPC l-003. Plumbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus shafl besupplied with an access panel for inspection andrepair of equipment. UPC 904. Domestic ranges shafl have a vertical clearance above the cookinqr surface of not less than 30" tounprotected combustible material . UMC l-901-. Approved gas logs may be installed in solld-fuelburning fireplaces provided the installation is according to the listing instructionsr.any damper shal1 be removed or permanently blocked, and asafety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Gas fireplace appliances are required to beinst.alled as per listinqr install"ation instructions -with a "B" vent on1y. Cornbustion air must besupplied from the outside for aIl new constructionin the Town of Vail. Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any instalLation. Due to Colorado StaLe Statutes, alf sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. AIso, the maximum water cLosetflush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallonsper flush. 10 Ll_ L2 1? L4 15 L7 tt' L9 20 At eaves and valleys an adeguate underlayment sha1lbe provided to protect a structure from ice buildupand water damage. Two layers of felt solid noppedto sheathing and between layers or a commerciaLwater & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281. In addition to a minj-mum rej-nforcement, not lessthan two #5 bars shal1 be provided around aII window and door openings. Such bars shall be extended beyond the corners of the openings not less than24n. UBC 2614 (d) ?. A one*line electrical drawing for each level isrequired for this project. FaiLure to provide such may result in field corrections at the expense ofcontractor, Because of this project's location, the foundationis required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC 1707(d). The structure is requj-red to be anchored to the foundataion with 1/2 inctjl anchor bolls. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry ? inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. See code foradditional requirements. -- Sec . 290'l . lt) Include a copy of the soils report for the sile to be builL on. -- Sec. 2905. 2t 22 4J Town of Vail25 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 8L657(303) 479-23-38 Plan analysis based onthe 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code op$ff$.icpv NAMe: BROWN MCDEVITT DUPLEX NORTH Date: May 18, L994 Occupancy: R3,M1 Tlpe of const: V-N Address: 1245 WESTHAVEN CR. ContTACTOri ROBERT BORNE ArchiTECT: RKD DESIGNS Engineer: MONROE PlanS ExAMiNET: CHUCK FELDMANN NOTE:The code items list.ed in this report are not. intended Lo be a complete listing of all possible code regu'irements in the 1991- uBC. ft is a guide to selecLed sections of t.he code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 22.0 I'eeL 22.0 Feet EAST Properly line 18 ,, 0 Feer 18.0 Feet. SOUTII Building 0.0 Feet 0.0 Feet WEST Property line 19.0 Feet 19.0 Feet EXTERIOR-WALL FIRE RATINGS AND CPEN:NG PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NOIV-BRG OPNG B]1G NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROI' WALI, WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WAL,L PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None thr* l-hr* NOP ohr Ohr None Ml- ohr Ohr None ohr Ohr None i.hr* l-hr* NOP ohr ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.22AL. None - - No fire proLecl,ion requirements for openings. Prot -- Openings are to be protecLed wiEh 3/4 hr fire assernblies. 50% of the area of t-he wall maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sg"ft. wiLh no dimensiongreater than 12 feeL. rec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are noL permiLLed .in this wa11.* - - These wa1ls may be r:equired trr have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapeL wa11 is required to have the same fire raLing as the wall. See section L11"0. for details and exceptions. FI.,NA}48 AREA MIN. T,IGTiT MIN.VENT \ NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Bedroom #4 1-692 BaLh room #4 422 Bedroom #3 7922 Bath room #3 422 Bedroom #2 2202 Bath room #2 812 Hal1s, closel-s, eLc . 423 TOTAL FOR FI,OOR 1.1.691 Living room 4641 nining room 1091 Ki Lchen 216l- Master bedroom 2:21 Master bath 1101 Bath room i6l- Halls, closeLs, etc. 433 TOTAL FOR FLOOR i600 B Garage 600 B Ha1ls, closets, etc. 297 TOTAIJ FOR FI-,OOR 89? BUILDING TOTAL 2']69 FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable winrlow is required from this room.the f ollowincr. Sec. 1,204 . ,L441tt;1 ,t' .! r1'/ nY nD./ or door 'tvliY6""s directly The minimum clear openable to Lhe exEerior area musE meet r-6.90 0.00 t9 .20 0.00 22.04 0.00 0.00 4ti .40 10.90 2I"60 23.20 0.00 r-.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.452.lo 9.60 2.L0 11.00 4.05 0.00 z 3 . zu 10.80 L1.50 5. s0 1.80 0.00 0 .00 0.00 Yes No Yes NO Yes NO NO No No NO YES NO No No No No Yes It L l_ 1 L 1 1 1_t I L 1 1 L L 1 1_I 2T ?) L) The minimum clear lrerght is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear vri-ath i-s 20 inches 3) The minimum ciear a::ea is 5-'7 srfuare feeL 4) The maximum sill heicrht is 41 inches The number of exit.s is based on Table 33_A (Dwellings) A mechanical ventilaLion s\zsLem may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilaLion. -- Sec. 1205. (c) The requirement for an egrerss window in the basement is based on sec. L204. ROOM DIMENSIONS: t{abitable space shall have a ceiiing height of noE less than 7 feet 6 inches. KiLchens, halls, J:r*rthrooriLs and Loilet comparEments may have a ceiling height of ? feet. rilrasured Lo Lhe lowesE proiection. I€ the ceiling is sloping, Lhen the min1nrurn lieigtit is required in only L/2 of the area. - -Sec. 1207 . (a) Every dwelling un-it shall lrarre at ieasl one room which has noE less than 120 square feet of floor arec{, Olh.er: habit,able rooms except kiuchens shall- have an area of not less Lhan ?L) square f eet. - - Sec - 1'207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shal1 not be less ttran 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. L207.ic) 4) GLAZTNG REQUTREME}TTS :AII glazing in hazardous locat,ions is required to be of safeEyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406"(d) 1-) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding pane.ls of sliding door assemlclies andpanels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, sEeam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where Lhe bottom exposed edge of thegtazi.ng is less Ehan 50 -.irrctres above a standing surface and drain inl-et. 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearesE exposed edge of Lhe glazxing is v,rithin a 2|-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door j,n a cioseci posrtion and where the bollom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than those locations described in ii:erns 5 ano 6 above, than meets all of Ehe following condi Lions:A. Exposed area of ari individuai pane greater Lhan 9 square feet. B. Exposed botLom edge -iess i-tran 18 inches above the floor. C. Exposed Lop edge ct::crater than 36 inches above Lhe floor' D. One or more walkirig surfaces withln 36 inches trorizontally of the plane of the glaz--nc- "8) Glazing in railings resardless o:i heighr above a walking surface. Inctuded are sLructural balusLer panels and nonstrucLural in-fil1 panels - See except. j-ons . SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMEN'IS r A smoke detector is reguireci c)n Llre ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or erea g:-v"r-ng access to each sleeping area. Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the erriling or wall in eactr sleeping area. Sec. 1210.(a) A- A smoke detecLor is requirecl -:-n the basement. -- Sec. l-21-0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all slrories" -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4. If the upper level contains si-eeping -:oom(s), a smoke detector is reguired in the ceiling of Lhe uppeL- level close Lo the stairway.-- Sec. 121-0.(a) 4 Smoke detectors a::e reoui:re.i Lo be vri::eci Lo Lhe building's power source and shall be equippeo wiLh a baLLery backr.:Lp. Sec. 1210. (a) 3. DeLecEors snaff sound an ala.rrn audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are locaLed. -- sec. I2i0. (a) 4. FIREPI.,,ACE REQUIREMENTS : }4ASONRY FIREPLACE: 1,) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. sec. 3707. (b) 2l the iirebox must. be ai, l-east 20 :'ncrles deep and walls of firebox are Lo be 10 inclr.es th.ick. If uhe lining is of firebrick then the waLls mav be B inclres t}:ick. Sec" :i';01. (c) 3) The minimum clearance t-o combu.,iLlble material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney wall-s is 2 inches. Comlcustible material maynot be placed within 6 ii:ches of fi-replace opening and combustiblewithin 12 inches may noi. projecL more than 118 inch for each 1 inch ofclearance. -- Sec. 370':. (h) 4) The hearth musL be noncornbustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombusLible maLerial . The hearth size must be at least:If OpeninE size i-s r Fronl- extension Side extension Less Lhan 6 sq.ft.. 16 inches 8 inches6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches 12 inches Sec. 3707. (k) &, (1) 5) Chimney height nrust be 1rr:r 'i'abi.e 37-B FACTORY BUILT FTR.EPLACE: 1) unit must be an approve.:d unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2J Clearances and heart.h size mrrsl be per manufactures approval. Sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chimney heigirL musL be per manuEacturer's approval and Table 37-s OCCUPANCY SEPARAT]-ON : Between the garagr: and the residence, naterials approved for thr fire . consLruction are reerlj-rs6 orr. the c{araqe side only and any doors between the garagre and the residerlce are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute t: i::e c100::. - - Table 5-B & sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUTREMENTS: A sbairway in a dwellirig must be at. least.36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a sLep is 8 iriches and the minimun run is 9 inches. -- sec. 3306. (c) exc- #1 Provide a handraii orl one s-i-de a stairwag 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or mo=e risers. '- sec 33t6. (:-) Provide a guard rail wtiere clrop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximuln operi.rnq size = 4 inches. -- Sec. 17t2.@) exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 6 f i-. - 8 inctres" - - Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usable space under l-.-l-,e stirj.rs is required to be protecUed as required for thr fire-resisl-ive conscruction. sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1) Chutes and dumhwaiLer $hafts witli a cross-secEional area of not more Ehan 9 square feet may llrred ori L.he irLs:r-rie wit-h not less E,han 26 gage galvanized sheei. rnert.al wi.t]r, al,i ,,oirrLs locklapped. The outside must be t hr consLrucLiori. ]iil olreninq;s i.l.-o any such enclosure shall be proLecLed by noL less thal: a self -r:it.;sirig solid wood door L 3/8 inches thick or equivalenl. Sec. 1-706.(f) 2l Gas vents and noncoriiruscib-e piping insLalled in wa11s passing through 3 floors or less do ncl need Lcr be in t hour shafls. Sec. 1-706. (cl 3) Shaf Ls for gas vents, factory-bui-l*; chimneys, piping, or duc|s LhaL do not extend thrr>r.rgh not mc,i:e t-tian 2 flriors need not be in l- hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (t-:) 4) A11 other shafi:s.rr:e requ.ired l-o irr: errclosed in a l- hour assemlcly. Sec. 1706. (<rj ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:L) Provide an access i-o all ai..tic at:e.rs lrith a clear height of 30 inehesor more. The minimunr size .!s 22 l-nchers by 30 inches. There musL be 30inches or more clear heit'rhL abov(r the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide ventilation in al.l- attic areas. The net free venL area isto be not less Lhan l- sqila:re fool- for: each 150 square feet of aLtic area. The vent area may be 1./3(i0 if aL lt:asL 50% of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilaLors musL be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3:105.(c) CRAWI,SPACE REQUIREMEN'T S IL) Provide vent.ilaLion eiLh*::r by rile(iiranical means or by openings in exterior wal1s. Opening slral1 pro'..irle a neL area of not less than l square foot for each 150 square feet of i1'rea iir crawl space. openings shaI1 be distributed on two opposite sides anrl be iocarted as close to corners as practical . Sec. 25L6. (c't 6. Norel vent operrings may be reduced to 10% of the above if ground surf a.ce area ir; coverecl wiLir arr approved vapor barrier and the. building official approv#s "2) Provide 1-B-inch l>y 24-inq:lr accnss opening to the crawl- space area. Notet openinq may be requrred t,o be lar:ger:-f mechanical equipment is locaLed in the crawl sl)ace" -- Sr.:rc. 21,i..6. (t::J 2. 3) Unless the woorJ i-s l-isrer"l i)s arr.ipproved viood of naLural resistance to decay or treateci woocl, tltr: rniriimuln cleara:tce between exposed earth and f loor joist is 18 irlche-q. 'i.tle nri.rrirmrm cf earance to beams and girders is is L2 inches- - - Sec. 25i.5. {c) 2" ADDTTIONAL REQUTRFJMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project wil-l requi-re a site :"mprov.ement survey. Such survey shalI be submitr.i.:rL ar:.c1 aplr::'orzeci p;:ior Lo request for frame inspecLion. All crawl space€; wii-tr:n tlre:lowrl Ot-.,/ail are limited to a earth to structural floor ceiling ire-rght- r:.: 5', be earth floor only, be ventilaLed as per UBc 251ij (c) 5 wiLh minimum access as per UBc 2516(C)2 and maximum acceris of 9 L:q. f L. Any building site wit-h a :1ope of 30 degrees or more sha11 require an engineer design. Suc.t: de.s.l-gn shalL- .:.dti::ess <lrainage, soil retsainage and struct.ural ,:lesign - Excavation below slarLrs on r;::ade sira.Ll noL be permiLted without prior approval . Address numbers shal1 be irosled piaini.T visible and legible from Ehe street, For Ml" occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for d::aj,nage t.o ouLside t.o provide afloor drain with sand and o:il i.nl,erceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage f loor dra.jin connectecl i.o sewer rnust be approved by Upper Eagle Valley Water & SaniLaLion Dis;rict. In garages with living ar ra above, ;he wa1ls of Lhe garage wiich are bearing the area above sha1l be pro;ected with one hour fire resistive con$truction. UBC 503t8). F-1?6jaE5 P-sBs/sI? Nhft Eb '94 tB:5e TABLE OF CONTENTS SURT'ACE ARAINAGE LIMIT;{TlONs ATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGSFlG. t - vlClNlTY MAf & LOCi FIG,2 -LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS FI6. 3 - SWELL.COI.I$OLIDATION TEST RESULTS FI6S. {, ANP N " 6NAOATIfiN TE$T RESULTS FIG. 6 * EXTERIOR FOUNDATION WALL DRAIN 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 I I I 2 , [''LOSR 5LAB5 BASEMSNT CON$TR UCTION l o resldence. This reporr lnctudes o descriptlon of the subsoil ond ground woter ,, conditiona found in our exploratory test pits qnd our opinims regordlng foundotion ; ond the ollowoble design mll presrur*s for lheml ond deslgn ond' systernS :' ccnstruc?lon criterlo f{}r detoitl inftuencad by the sJbsurfocc cordltlffis" The t, report was bqsed on cofldltions disctosed by anr cxplorotory tcst pltsr regults of : ''' 'Dry tesfg engineering onotyses snd our expcrlence. A surnmory of ourloDorgll I . r a^tA\rFY 0F coNcl-usloNs o srssoilr In our test pits coneisted t ro 3. feet of topsoil y.scrlo! bt'll!. 6 feet of silfy to tloyey sorrd. Sond srd grovel wilh some couble occurred of depths of 6 srd I feet. l,,lo grorndwot€r wos fourd in our fe$ pitr. In our oplnlm cul$ ond fills ahould bE minimieed wfrer.e posslble in depth or helofit to rcAuce JJ-eiccpening of the noturol slopep ond potcntlol ri.p" frrloUlliiy. We recomm'crd tfio builCing bc rteppcd to cgnform tc rtrc naturpl rlope of the rlft. nrpport of slcbs. 6, Gord surfdce droinogc, rr,qrld" be meintoined sl sll rlmec to reduce the rlsk of wcttlng of fhe fqrrdotlen Filt" F-1?6 T-285 P-AE/5/AL? HtiR B9 '94 1l:EBo -z- SITE COT$)ITIONS Th6 proposed recidentlol drrplex will be construcfed on Lot 36 pf the Glen [-yon $ubdiviciori in Vail, Colorcdo. Thp Glen Lyon Subdivision consists of 52 lots *r'tuoted qt the bqss of tfre mountoin obove the Westin Hotel. The subdivislon overtoolts thc Gore Creck Vulley. Westhoven Clrcle trqverseE lhe subdlvlrlon ond bound* Lot 36 to the east snd wesl. ,An exisf ing residence wqs on Lot 35 to the soulh. Lot 37 wos vqcoot to the n<lrth beyond c greenwqy. Beyond $leslfioverr Circle obout half the lots were ' developed End rhc olher holf vcecnl. The sita stoped moderotely from thc sculheqcf. Locotly steeper grcdes exlsttd in lhe vicinity of ?he lot. idt the time of ouf invertlgotion tht lol wor tnow covered" Severol Aryen treesr both rnotur€ ond )roungr vrerc prcsent oi lhe sitc. No evidence of post consfnrtion uro$ observed oo the proFcfff ot the timc of onrr investlgolion. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A re*idoniiol duplex wilt be coastructed ot the *lte. Although plcns were preliminory of thk wrlting, we wora informed the tlructure will likely be two to ihrGa-Eforlar In hai,ght ulth dn ovrrall foolprlnt of 3rd00 rq$ors feet, A portlon of fha structure will likely be con*trueted wilh q wolk.{ut bosemenfp however, mo$ of the resi&ncc will be stepped to conform to the existing fopogrophy. We undersfond msximufir ctlr will be between 6 to l0 feet, The structurc will be wood fromad. Slob-cn-grode floors ara ontlcipared lrr the bosem€nt ond gnroge. Foundotlon lmds are expected lo be comporotivelf llgfirt, typicol for residcncss. ' Accesl tu the site will be from Wetthoven CirclE frorn dove tho site" When F-t'ib T-285 P-AEE;aL? |1RR E9 '84 11:61 this offlce to verlfy o-3- 4- plccemonf oll vtg*t*tlon or topsoil should bo removed. The arbgroda solls should bc #srlfhdr oahluro trcotrd end eompactrd. Whlru thr nsturol0rqde h Erfitrr llron ?tlpereentl ute recsmrnend fill moterisl be ccnstrueted m'bencher cut be provlded at o rqte of one bench for eqch 3 to 5 feet hcight. Flll mshriel ploced to odiurt dte groder moy consisl of on-site nofurol soil$ mlnus qfiy fapsoiL or Elrnilsr off-site lordc molsture treqted to neor+plimum rfioisture contant ond csoFosttd te of holt g5 prrcmt of morlnum modtflcd Froctor dry dendfy (ASTM O 1550. Gradlng ptons should bo revlswcd by thlr office. lf our lesl pit l$cslio{rs sre fd{d to be within thc bullding fmtprint the loore bsckfill soils shauld bc removsd ond roploced o$ obmre, Ws recommend the plocement ond compcclion of fill moterisls be observed ond tested by o represenfqtlve of our flrm durlng coaslr$ctlgn designed sd eonelruciod wlfh fhe fol&nring crlterlo. . L Foof ings $hCIuld be.supported by. thc nctursb undisturbed sllty to glay*y sondr or sonds qnd grovelu Moteriols looserred during excwotion of forming proces.re$ should ba rernoved from footing creos prior to ploclng concrete. Topsoil is not suitnble for support of footlngs. T-285 o*5- F-1?5 P-AW/AL? rFR Bg ,94 !!.taz 2. floors in bolh bqsement orrd goroga dr6q$ Our elevotlms will be sllty to cloyoy Thess soils should cdequately srrppor? slob-on-grdc topsoiL tha follqwing design clrd constrrrcfion detoils for stabs-an- Slobs con.be ?19."d directly m fhe noturol solts" The ucuot grover royer beneqth thc shbs moy be omitfed lf desiret [qqtJnSt should be design-ed for q moximum cllowable pressure of31000 psf, conttnuour foundstion wollr should be reinforcedl top qnd bottom, totpgl .lo":l onomslies in thc subsoir. w" re*oio-lna'prwt*toft otsurrtctenl .retntorcrmant to .spoq on unsupporled disfoncc of g feet wlthot tcoft two _ conllnuous l.lo. 5 bsrs In thc lop ard bottom of ollfoundolion wolls. fvtinlnU,rt foundotlon widthr orc desirabfe. We suggert o mlntrnum qf ot !co.rr. t6. Inclur for conilnucur iooiinsioni iihoit'f rii'dif tili't#|loloLd colurnn Fqdt Grcotcr ahcr moy br rrgulrrd aepeddfng on ihcstruclurol loods. Extyig footings. 9*ytA be plotected from froct ocfion The depthnormolly ossumed for frosf prot€ction in the Voil cres is 4 feet. Slobs should.. be .seporoted from exterlor worts ond interior beorirrg rnernberc with o joint which oltows for fres verficol mov€ment of thislob. Frequenl.conlrol joinrs rhoufd be providcd. The American concreteInstitute (ACI) recommends minlrnum joint spoclngs of ls ro ?0 feet toconlrol crocking. ( 2. 3r We underslqnd the recidence will be stepp*d to fir the existing topogrophy' However, prtions of the structure will likely hnre c wolk.oui bqgemcnl. lrlo free ground woterl lorge boutdori, or oxtrerncly hord bedrocl* were found in otlr it thls slte which would ' precludo bot*m€nf conttructlon. looding do to hydroalctlc pressures ond llve loods. . l-lydrosfotic pressures moy dwetop on befowgrode wallr from woter infiltroting the b{ckfill frqm lawn irrigotion, surfoce runoff from Sorre ths slfe or . 'b€hi16 bcs€ment wallq wp recommend provision of q wull droin systent. The drcln sluuH concist of q 4-insh diorneter open jalnr or glotfed pipe eneascd In free droirrlng grctrcl Thr droln rhcnrld bs chpcd whcre wqfer will flow lo o poEltlvc grwity anttaf m io o runp wher* collected wutcr csr be remwed by ptlnping. . !.igure t*lo. 6 illusrroles o typicol bosemenl ,noll droin bock detqll. "tA Bsckfill ploccd qbol'o the droin cdjocent to below-grade wolls ehouH be . i.aa - -J l'll-^-r^- l--- J---t.r-- 4ASTM tr ll5?), Bockfill should ba ploced ln relcilvely thln li{tsl rnolslure rreoled . , r ?r- - .,---- ,l t--a ^r L-Ltt llto neor-optiffrrm rnoisture content ord compocted. The upper 2 feet of bockflll sbpd lo droln owoy from -the resldencs ln all directlons. We, reconuncnd o slope of qf leost 12 inches in ttre flr$t ten feet- , 3. gdekfill orouod fourrdotion wullr should bc moistene4.gnd fhoroughly €ofiio{tctcd. The top tvyo feel of foundstion wsll bocltfill should eonsisf srrfoee wst* io furtaorisrleveti , 4. Roof dorrnsperls ond drcine should ditchorge.well.beyond ttre llmifs of , 5. !.*,nt"ll^:llfl $gI': lHt*yll*,np*l*inr,:lili::^1*should ft Ecqted ot leort 5 feef from lhe fou-rdotlon wallt' beyord thc , limitsof qll bekfilL , 6. Plostic membrqnes ghoutd nof be used to cover ?he ground curfoce il , irnmediotely zurrourding the btrilding. Tlute mernbroneE tcl$ la.qoF , 6. Plosfic rnernbrones $hou .!EYv'r_rr,___.____-,___::, moisturc ond prevenl &oporotion from occurring. Geotextile fobricr. -..i r" ;- - ---r-- --^-) r^ -^-r--r ..1^-,r --^..,rL ^*'t ^ll*^.such oE Mirofi'or Typsr, cirn Ue used lo confol wetd growth ond dlour for evoporolien lo ocGUfr pits were ryoaed fo cbtqin o reoaonobry qscurote prcture of fowdotron ore ol: orc olwcyc poruiblc. Thc completed fondotlqn excqvqflonr shorrld bc Inrpcctcd by c represenfatfvc of wr flrm to vcrify lhe condlttons expored ore or ontlcipqted from our te*t pits. P'locemenft ond compoction of fill should bs observcd qrd tested lry o represeatoflve of aur flrm durlng conslructlon opportunity to worlt withth you on fhis project" lf you hwe {.}bert Presidcnf JM:R1{Trdd {? coBiur c*nt) ffirH;t{aF [q+i;o,srEi;ol$ i;- 'o7B'i fur,$ F-t?6 T*285 P-ELz/AL? t.1RR E9 '94 1t:84 ; I I SITE I onEmt'ct rffif ci vrcrNtTY M4Profo LE { N il SCALET l- r 0 LOT i!6 'id $F TP.'I \ LOT 3? -trb- \-rtt, \ EXPLOBATORY ptT $ llL. s 05 ttEe?.4 aOO:gt9 llGr?r I t06*lS 5.qi.6r :ill-rYr $S€ 6RA\d-. l&uru,l DHI-$g: iKlISTr m{r}iN (S},1} INOIC.A?ES LCICATIO'I AT *tlICFl A ts"LK sAr#r-E sAS @TAlt€D I+"rtrlcATES Loc TroH AT Strclt A t{Ars DRII& $^I/FL6 TAS TfiffiN IIITH A E.O lNclt o.D. sAt'Flffi F-r?b T-t85 P-AL3iAtl mrR Bg*'- *t '94 llrEE 95 F I EIr.t- a d F I fiF{ tlit 70 tfC=?,3 Itf€rdrJ -2o0sf6 ISTEST I. T]IR TEST PITS HFE E)(CAVATED S.I !.IARCH 1I9A9 TITH A TRACI(IIE. 2. E.EVATIOI'Is TERF OBTAIF€D rTTH A HAI,I} LElEl" Alf) AFE AFFROXIIIIIE. ftE EAST FffiPERTY Cffit.IER WAS ASSI.IGD AT EI-EVATTO 1OO,0 (FtG, It t. Tt€sE t-o6s AE s.|'JEcT T0 TIE Sfi-luATt LIUITTTIINS ArS fl{Q_uslo]{s As cg{rAtt€IN THIS REFOFIT. l. rE - tNoIcATEs NATTJRA- f{ttsTt.E @hrrEHT DO - ITUICAIES DRy DEr'fSITy {pct=, -EOO - IIEICATE$ FERCEHT PA,$SN5 1r.8!rtf. ZOO SIEVE Sg - II.6IC TES Eu_Lf-E $tLFAlE CSTEEI.I- TRATIOHS Ir} 70 LEGB.TOT !;l TOFSIIILT CL.AY At{9 sAt\D (nGANICS, HI HI_.o i€Drt.r't DE ssr rErs?! 0Arr( h TT65 F HOU]RATT}FY TEST PIT5 FIG" E o 66 a* E rrro frflLz()(} r{Alrfirl${Y tJirl uftxtHl - - 4F l{An n tliCEnnCCOFflEHrr {.!J * Sv*ell Cont Tssf Resulls FT6. 3 P-@,e.3/W4 €RAa--!I--x sf,raG^Y, re i R./A$HffNDH $AI\D 35 . * gSuptM|t-:...--t Grqdoflon Tesl Regults FrG. c €nA/E*-trl-rsrlqAv.lt -*n sncfivl.r0El( €nA\f&.--.-..,-a $retxJlY ,.". * nAstElfY$nE( sAlpJil-rllill.st$dls-tr sAF0 .. * rr€ruprff$** ffirnr{r:tinn r0' il{ !fAgHEO 6hAVGL oJlcKFrtL ) tHE IHE THE f gtEvE "tilo. 4 SlevE' r{o. I S]EVS fro, 100 iltYl €. F F$flA T EO _ OFING .PAPER DBAlN PtFE WRAPP€D Iil IIIfiAFt, ffLrGR FASArc. tHS 0nAlH L|HE sHo.uLEr 8E .L,tro oif A sLoPE H ANGING EETWEEil I'8 I$CH AHD I/{ IHOII OROF PER FOOT or pnArlt. EXTERIOH FOUNDATIOI{ WAt o Vail, Colorado L)enver, Colorado Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. March 3, 1995 Mr. Bob'Bome PO Box 4205 Vail, CO 81658 /; Re: BrowqMcDevitt Duplex, 1245 Westhaven Circle, Vail, Colorado (M&N #2338) Gentlemen: The structural framing of the south half of the above residence was observed by Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. during construction. It is our opinion, based on our limited visual observations, that the framing of the north half of the duplex residence is constructed substantially in compliance with the intent of the construction documents prepared by our office. To the best of our knowledge, any deficiencies found during our observations have been corrected. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS. INC. Hannes Spaeh, P.E. Principal OO48 E. Bcaver Creek Blvd. . Suite 301 . P. O. llox 1597 r Avon, Colorado 211620 . (3O3) 949-776a r !-AX (303) 949-4054 A A {1, Monroe & Newel Engineers, Inc. o \hil, Colorado Denver, Colorado FIELD REPORT Date: December 6, 1994 project #2338 Project BrownnvicDevitt Residence Location: Glen Lyon, Vail Confractor: Snowshoe Development Weather: Snouy Temp: 150 at 12:00 pm Present at site: Bob, Tim, Sally To: Mr. BobBome PO Box 4205 Vail, CO 81657 The following was noted: l. Only the souft unit was observed. 2' The frarning of the south unit continues. The roof over the living room was almost completely framed. The roof area above rhe sta.rr to the masrer bedroom area has been revised to provide headroom at rhe upper landing. The roofjoists shall be spaced 16" o.c. and shall bear on the same bearing locations. 3. The cantilever beam depth above the stair core shall be reduced by l0'. The bottom ofthe beam shall be cut off. 4. The enfiy roof column is bearing excentrically on the foundation wall. See detail Xl for angle support trat strall be installed. 5. The living deck soutr edge beam shall be 5 l/8" x 12- G.L. beam continuous from the entry wall to the w€st deck edge. 6. 7. The confractor shall pack all joist webs with 3/4" plywood at valleys and hips and install one [- 90 clip each connection. The gluJam roof beams in the master bedroom roof were raised into tre joist space. The beams shall be supported at their norrh ends as shown in the attachei rwised partioan roof framing plan. .:i:.,, tlY fr//';\fitil\VV Monroe "#,:.y;*p.O. Box tS97 0048 E. Bcavcr Cr.ck Blvd., Sultc SOt Avon, Cotorado 81620 (303) 949.7768 FAX (303) 949.4054 CALCUIITEO 8Y CHEC(EO 8Y ry\,((.1!,!\rr1|.hrr*!It[br,:\rni.r:!riL{\\,.'i.r]rlirlotrrr,t,!lrir.,,B Vail, Colorado Denver, Colorado Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. FIELD REPORT Date: January 13, 1995 Project #2338 Project: BrowVMcDevitt Residence Location: Glen Lyon, Vail, Colorado Contractor: Snowshoe Development Weather: Snowy Temp: 25o at 4:00 pm Present at site; Bob, Tim, Daryl To; Mr. Bob Borne PO Box 4205 Vail, CO 81657 The following was noted: 1 , (4)-12'M.L. beams shall be installed in the ceiling of the garage as shown on the revised master bedroom roof framing plan previously issued (attached). 2. The roofframing above the upper level stair ofthe south unit shall be revised. See anached partial roof framing plan. 3. The stair framing to the lower level of the south unit was changed. See atbached revised partial entry floor framing plan. 4. The master bedroom deck framing of the soutli unit shall be revised. See attached partial revised master bedroom floor framing plan. 5. North unit: The deck joists at the north deck at the west side of the garage door are not sufficiently supported at the beam. The contractor shall place a continuous 5 1/8" wide piece of glu-lam or solid tirnber on the glu-lam beam (nail & gh-re) to supporl the deck joisl.s. 6. 7. North unit: Refer to ltem 3 in field report from I)ecember 15, 1994. The steel plate shown in Detail Zl does not appear to have been installed correctly. North unit Refer to ltem 2 in field report from December 15, 1994. The welds found on the beam hanger/top plate connections were insufficient and should be ll4" minimum. tA It /l I r\vI- Hannes Spaeh, P.E. I - , t: ' ,:. .. .-:,' 2 i.i. i,, Monroe SrJewell ,ou bL,aUf-l_t-1-rr="r,rf ,. I gnglneers, lnc, P.O. Box l Sgz OO48 E. B.aver Creek Blvd., Sutte 30l Avon, Colorado I l6?0 (303) 949.7768 FAX (3O3) 949.4Os4 SHEET NO, CALCULAT€O BY CHECKED 8Y 7-bq) FffiW>eoo &l a*------ (6') -2,1. \-t- | In\ W( G"'4- x \&"G,u' ---rl'tAtloo/ gL+'ah t4/t T*lb"6'v ?evtc€> /41 -llrcl Monroe "#,:ff:t OATE DATE tr$n|l:, xq l is!{r. sfiitrr ,1h r t+n$o i,t6ir]a rr* lflltr lhn ot|lt lo (lih Ft1(]$ ro l l'{t r 4h ?A ri$n n6 Monroe &Jewell JIJ\- Engtneers' lnc ,{\VY o^r. l* laa-qta, r,[ltrlr,!'r rr.ir{r!|r\,r{r lh r lf,rhrr /\ear4 t" s r.ii{lr'afltir |tr,lflrlrrl'llxnrN r1. .,r,iil Monroe &fewell Englneers. Inc. DAIE DATE Monroe &fewell Engineers, lnc. OATE otlE I (.ry{o(f Y,XT?,, ,\; Or $\tn I,nu-b-kLl|J-xcpalmr SH€ET Nfl OF CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE Fdv l/- €U A=--f r-p* be- D FLc'- T'g,h ts' QW F: pERMrrNo. *SA?0S Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite. TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 1. 2.Longe Excavatfurg a B o() Is o oa E€o I iT (Job Narno oi 3. Work is for (chcte one) permirFee $75.00 Fee GAS.. ELECTRIC :IELEI,leil{offi$rd;.ililNE' CABLErv orHER',. l3ub Borrre p.0. Box 4i05Bill lo: Paid: Vrril, C0 B165B o li 3 a, Io 3 $u€Ie llc rve r g Receipt #: WorkslINSPECTION BEMABKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WOFK ATTACHED I 4r,..Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitauon t'r ' u- ' aw-, Public Service CompJny (1'8OO'922-1 987) pSgO-Natural Gas Group (468'2528) r r *J - : , Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) i z\i *' -\s '! ,t) ' : tu, 11. U.S. West (1-800'922'1987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail:r^rn ' t , i, ln Electricians (479-21711 ( ' Y-' 't c' l ( Inigation (479'2161) - Public Works (479'21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A puUtic Works Department prior to i$suance of the permit' A|| excavation must be done by hand within 18,.of utilities - (Senate Bill.fi2):**::= permittee must contact Public works Department at 479-21 58 24 hours prior to commencing backlill operations' Failure to notify the fown witt resutt in forfeiture ol bond money' Scheduled inspections which are not ready may iesuft in tte Town charging the contractor a reinspection {ee' I certify that I have lead artchapters of ritre 12 . .qtr?"f-Td 11"Y:fi:tjiP,Yfii:yili':i*3f::-?:1*?:'lYHi,l,""ll"lli,'ii;#;;'",#.;", ".9 ti", all utilities have been notiried as required'12. 'Y,t,,7'"' ' .-.J...'k' - ,' | .,rr I r . ./l -( | ..',J1. ! ' .'''..,/ ATTACHPT.ANoFwoR&,ltIcLUD|NGcoNTFUcTtoNTBAFF|CcoNTBoLPI.AN- 1..-? r\L,.tI r arlEe al'\E F,rf t APPLICATION.FOR TOWN OFVAIL WAY PERMIT 19 \j {{ a,/-oT"6.w (yo 4r/ t' Legal Description Streel Addrsss 4S eg f tsal"pp C. Excavatir-lg Contractor Nams Contragtor s Ucense Number (PetmilExpiratio Dat6) 'f1r 3. 4. Start Date Completion Date Depth tn ' .,oh Electricians (47 I -2'l 7 1) CATV Trench-width (min.4') 6. 7. ALL MATEBIAL EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. S Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) Public Service Gompany (1-800-922-1 S87) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1987) TCI Cablevision of the Bockies (949-5530) TcruLoil{sili lrrigation (479-2161) Public Works (475 -21 58't 9. THEFE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A cons(,ugtion trsffic conJp!plan must be appr,gved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. ' i -\ ''\ -... -j--.--:__ . ...--.-*...* 10. All excavation musl be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate eill f2):=--+** 11. Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-215824 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contraclor a reinspection fee. 12.I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Slreets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility agreements,by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. / r.f,'u -. 4 -q:'Dat6 ol Signature / "iJ.:i,,,. '!:)r,i J.rf .. -.1' (";^'i",/ - ( C L, C , ":!.J) ATTACH PLAN OFWORK,INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. h THIS tS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! Y€ltow * Finance Pink - Community Oevelopment V:" "J"'J ,t',; i: L '""" D Gold - ContractorWhite - Public Works onn €K(fr/ n ( t'tt t /- '1 f- /t BondAmount g (--, U(-. PermitFee $ />. et Total PermitFee g Se'c 7I' I'TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON ""*iIrlTP'[RSq69r 59F* PERMIT /i , APPLfCATIoN I'IUST BE FILLED oUT CoMPLETELY OR IT ttAY NoT BE AccEpTED I*********************** * **** * * PERMIT INFORIiTATION * ********* ** *************** ** ^\f . n ./\lfi-",,rrurnn "[o *"*",p@ -qlunbing Electricaf t l-I'techanical [ ]-Other Job Address: tuq{agea c.(fue'af_ legal Description: Lot?\3 Block_ Fif i{d '-' ,uuorurrroro, , owners *u *fW. bfu*u" 'o*f*r, Pt Aq UrrS. fpr@ Architect , SlcQ V e1,a" Address:8n{_ ?-2b-r tr ,( _ r"W NurnbeT of Accommodation Units: es_y_ Gas Logs_ Wood/PeJ.let_f*"t 1lFdy6€fftireplaces : cas Appliance "_V_ Gas Loss_ r{ood/peJ.}et_ f,********************************* VALUATTONS ******** * * * ************ * *** ******rl t./v..,Eur"or*n, + 47o "a-'6'o E1,ECTR1CAr.2l 2ag - o"A llECgANrCAn, i@ ceneral Description:CeP>v4u -f= a 4)o F_ ?":ec.<p ( pfrt_ 9 ( /1 r"' work class: #ltuew t l-Alteration t l-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other_- _- arI r\ __V Number of Dwell-ing Units: ct-,-- OfXSn: f PLUUBTNG: $TOTAL: ******fNFORITIATION ******* ** ****************** Address: :racE,or:0 t7r*Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: Meehanical Contractor: Address: h er+eta- tQ'e,+k ******************************** FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PI;UMBING PER}TTf FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE; EIECTRTCAL TEE: OTITER TYPE OT' TEE: DRB FEE: Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE **** * * ********* * * *** * ********** BUII,DTNG PI,AN CIIECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: PJS CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAT PERMIT FEES: Town of Vail Phone Number: fown of Vail Phone Number! trown of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO._= BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING3 SIGNATURE: e ), fQat't-rn, VALUATION CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT BEtrI'ND TO3 P 4/t-/L 6fAou""t lnttn 75 toulh tronlage road Yail, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 offlce of communlly devclopmenl BUILDING PTRI'|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMIqE If this p"ry,it.1equ.i.res a Town of Vail [ire Departnent Approval,Engineer''s (Public works) reyiew and approvat,' a ptinnrn6'bepart*ent review or.Health Department review, anb'a_review lv ihe 6uiiitinsDepartnent' the estimated time for a totar "euiew-iray"tall'is t6ngas three weeks. tlJ .gTr:"gial (large or smail) and a1l mu]ti_famity permits wit.lnave to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnis. Residential 1l!.:Tlll projects.should take a lesser amount of tjme. However, ifresloenElar or smalIer projects impact the various above mentioned 9il1"l1n.e1r:'with regard to necessary review, th;;; p"oj."ir"ruvarso take the three week period. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispenni't ag soon as possible. - I, the f. rame. undersignedn understand the plan check procedure and time r 4 caeullf SheeU was tu ned ihto the Devel opment Department. 75 soulh frontage road Eal, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 otf lce ol communlly development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WIIfI TITETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMLNTTY DEITELOPITENT IIARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soir, r""r., sand, debrisor materiar; includ5-ng trash lumpsteri, po.iaui"- toir"ts andworkmen vehicres. upon. any streerl rie;;"ik;-;ii;y or pubLicp1?:" or any portion theieof. rhe rishr_"i_;;t-;n att_ Town ofVail streets and.Ig"_d= is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.rhis-ordinance wilt be striliiy--inrorced by the Tolrn of vairPublie works Denartment. pers6ns found vi;ratin; this ordinancewill. be given a 24 hour writien--io[i""-ti*;;;;;'=uid rnareriar.fn the event the person so notified.aoes-noi-;;;pIy with thenotice within the 24 hour.tine-=p-ci;i;,"Ii";ffiiic worr<,sDepartment wirl remove said mate;iai-;t-irr"--"r-i""!e of pe,rsonnotified. The provisions oe tiris ordi.nance shalL not beapplicable to c-onstruction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities i" ifre-rltfrf-"_*"y. To review ordinance No. e in furr., prease stop by the Town ofYiil B"i+ding Department to obtain a copy. rlani you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. ag:knowledge contractor, owner) o Jll$ 1 lqst Tt', ' iU., 'ui' DiV' DEPT' RICII AND KRUSEN DESIGN ARCHITECTTJRE AND DEVELOPMENT IOOO LIONSRIDGE LOOP, SUTTE 3D, vArL, coLoRADO, 8r6s7 (3031 41 6_9228 PAGES SENT (INCLUDING COVER) 6 PHONE NUMBER: 479-2166 TO: Greg Hall COMPANY: Public Works FROM: Sally Brainerd RKD OFFICE NUMBER (gO3) 476-9229 cau if there is a probtem with this fax. RKD FAX NUMBER (303) 476.9023, NOTES: Hi, Greg. Please give Andy Knudtson a call as soon as you can, if this will work for you. I have done 5 things: 1. Added a 6" curb at the uphill side of the driveway.2. Ghanged the site wall to cqncrete - g,A" max. height3. Raised the garage slab 6".4. Moved the garage door as far west as possible, and5. Ghanged the door to a lO-foot opening. Because of these last two items, I am able to move the center of the 2o-foot radius to the North, and still be able to straighten out a Lincoln Mark v in the garage. How does that sound? These tables that I had are incredibly old. Maybe I should get new ones. Thanks. C; h ,,1 WUVVIUIAr[, '9,: {$,fu\ Ur6[l"r*-- I oo v-c0trlivil, [[v, uiPl 9 q qq t6re i F qt ?;$J ol' cor"!qq: +.4 "? e e e 4 i 4q5 L 8a$3s;BBEtc?11;cs ,9 z o' @g !o -Q 'i q\':Gr. t ot{f t? r I T.?TJJ-oo,oooJ loo.o."oo,J ; J <i.ici d <i d rid ri<i dci Xraa.rarM" !t F (.t?!.'tf)!aI q \.': q qq ! .q -, Ytf|.'! |\! Er I 63 3 : * 1.. : :. * o. o oa o o...$sdds;;$$14*$sE83* rt*o' ut oEr€ ct r c! r'!5hs i Rih { dliii3i,i-3;f,.I",."ii;.ldssSfRjNdRes€ti3 q -q$:-.-..55**-o*.o$oARRSRi.RRiRisssfg tq e r:q q9!$d i jE Rstqq q, qrq i'iThd6!aclqqa\9\9qqq.1q:ER$F*T:gFE}ESEiF qc?'!.,? 6qTd-'oo4ooq..eqcetdq4gad!!;:g:igBhx:! + E I E'o { t c -s pt 1c E I o'\ .ET EIJ B53E I tr' €€,- "! Et E'E.tt JUI'i ltIllllll s;il frBBB;fi ;fr;?qq$fri++cldn lo E 6 d..6 r,' o.6 ! Q9!.tQCq-{tdt;;;d G |i fr*Hs;cd *rissttdiad*st € o E-ic!:qq A-\ -q e|l!'::: F E$FFFF+ *Fi Ift Ai++* .l dd,{q4+4 -{eqareqa?aq9P N *:FiE5$9 N:889F€R:89 &eit : o,6 eo. 483 R 6 Iti 6 ,Tn IU 1,! t\ |\ |.|0o r!'o\l rl|6G OQ ! 6ri .i ; Ei..i ii d{i; .ii; ri; i -; i { ''rgri tJO {AA c?9 I qli.n5c o * "l.J3o.l{J .ld.A.{'rr{r.A!isri * g Hd88ssd ss$cic8s3+ q ',i 1 t eq q o R* + q ? q$ Y E IdAcr|\ d l,| .io*'q@-.. ('9cl!xq€n.aarF\ ;j;i ; n *ii6'iui'i.i .t cioiliii'd\'!ed+.;Hci i + tlaaf|eie'c' it (7tclrt!!!!rtc' N oJ| t\6 t sC q \ q\R KR s€ {s; q E iqo "\ :nqc{'iq {4qq.t\"?93cfa I FiRRgSs RRRR$RiR^-is oE d(5 tI d# i ; n$$ $[;.lJn." d 4 q{44cd{ssEf 3 3 nB;J9!3 q ..d q: aa ..ts ':z e : : i,.€i9i-t E B 6E E= 5v =t o6, I *i3 c$ ^J^tJ'!* od"lc,i:ggsstt !iPf I : f, E 8.e o t '{ E -E EW=.oI .P.' 6-E tEU*.i E5 E: 3g 3f f$?> ''ast ac z o t E E Et4 E ,3 I a,.' t { o 6 0 -6 ,9 B a! I i; oe It Ic ar a T 6 I 6 at : : : : : : C:e:o. L. !+ 1.F (, ri d':er NI\F!\ .tc c|F TiO!-993XS E { oqt 4e :l i: ':: G:: E'.!.b::A..o.ru.. E::!::o..T i€E:iE { 89 o {El =t-E.p9o-' ='E s+; J€3 E*- ES: *se I t a C Eo o a I NAI{E OT PROJECT: LIST OF MATERIALS IEG.AL DESCRIPTIAN: LOT % BLOCK suBDlvrsron fui h,f dn . STREET ADDRESs: DESCRTPTTON Or tzq< Wcg*ha,tt r;rrt .- Bnocrecr: OFA. The following information isReview Board before a final required for $ubmittalapproval can be given:to the Desl.gn ll tt Liuer %ooL . BUII,DING Roof Siding I'!ATERfAL,S: Other walJ. Materials Fascia Soffits Windows l{indow Trim Doors Door Triii Hand or Deek RaiJ.s Flues Flashings Chimneys. Trash EncLosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAP"ING:Nane of Designer: Phone: . Qzbt / B. PI.,ANT MATERIATS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Narn6-YCommon Name Ouantitv Size* 5 b Ft-tot b- EXISTING TREES TO BE REMO\ED I\ \ 41 z',t-g' z't-4" 2tt Lt, fVfY.- 2 "<4 *rndicate cal.iper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for .geciduou-s- Lrees is.2 inches. rndicaLe hE'IgfrFffi coniferoust,rees. PrANT uefar.,s: PROPOSED SHRUBS '/nBotanicat Narn6 b 1r, ' Ouantitv Sizei --Saa l'' l------g h HZts/'Eelsfu", lz t' hrefuam t4 EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED \nrn . *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs Ls5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL .Ssuare Footaqe c. lANDscapE r.rGHTrNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixtures and locations on- a ieparatL : ,lighting.pla-n.- rdentify each fixture from trre rilrrting planon the rist' bel-ow and provide the wattage, height-abov6 ' grade and type of l"ight proposed, OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retalning walIs, fences, swimmingpools, et.c.) prease- specify. rndr6ate heLghiJ-oi't"taini'iwalls. Maximum height-of wllts srit,hin ttre-rioni setback ii3 feet. Maxi-mum height of warrs elsewhere otr-irte-propertyis 6 feet D. ACCENT For dramatic lighting effects, choose Kichler's smaller-scaled casl aluminum accent lights, Achievable etfects include dovvnlighting, uplighting, moonlighting and spotlighting of your most prized statuary and plantings. ln unattended areas, these compact accent lights provide needed security. A simple twist of the laroe finosr-orip knob allows forof the large finger-griof the large lrnger-gnp KnoD allows easy adjustment. Locks in place for preiise aiming. Angular corvl helps shield light source while maximizing beam control. LOW VOLTAGE (Iz-VOLT) K.l 5O8O ARCHITECTURAL BRONZE @ K.I5O8O BLACK K.15O8O VERDIGFIS Lr NE VOLTAGE ( 12o-voLT) K.l5280 ARCHITE TUBAL SRONZE @ K.t528O BLACK K.I528O VEBDIGRIS SPECIFICATIONS llouclng Durable die-cast aluminum construction. SuPPort' arm has 1/2 NPSM thread. Heat resistant flat glass lens is lullY gasketed for watertight outdoor usage. Flnlsh Baked thermosot powder coat. (Verdigris color hand-applied over powdor coat base finish). Soek€t 12-VOLT porcelain bi'pin push in socl(et. 120-VOLT porcelain, medium base nickel plated screw shell. Wfrlng l2-VOLT fixture wired with 42' ot 105oC #18-2, SF f-1-WA l€ads; 'QUIC DISC"rM cable connector suppliecl with each 12-volt fixture. 120.VO[I fixture wired with 90" of 150"C #18 wire leads. LAMP GUIDE Systgm LamP TYPo Max' Wattage 12 VOLT MH16 120 VOLT 120 \Af,LT PAH2O (lamps nol supplied) For lamp 56l6ction and photometric chafts see pages 26 & 2Z UL listed and CSA certitied tor w€t location. MOUNTING ACCESSORIES (sold soparatslv) A variety ol mounting options are available lor complste system versatility. See pages 22 & 23 Vertlcalsurfacg Gro mounting 16 xrcHlen LGHlNe I \ BRG",t-- - - -\-T-r- VRR IES * RIRSPRCE COLD ROOF TYP CEDRB SHRKES 0N l',4E1'"18. COPPER FLSH'G 2XI2 HS FRSCIfi 2XB FRSCIR VENT W/ SCREEN 3/4 T&G SOFFIT TYP \,/RLL EXT FIN VRRIES VRR IES TYP ICRL FRSC IR t l/2"=t'-O" INT. FIN VRB IES Br ov\rn/McDevi tt Res idence + u.n.o. cold roo+ ossembly losh'9 2xL2 r"s. f osc io 2x1 r.s. foscio insul. per typ chonge fron'gdirection of goblere: struct. 311" t&g so{{it 1x chonnel lop siding TYP ICRL I t/Z"=t'-@" RRKE DETR IL Br own/McDevi tt Res idence R"S. GLULRM POST CEDRR BRIL T/2" METF PICKETS /1"METRL BRSE 2X12 R"S. TRIM GURBDRR IL DETR IL I l/2"=l'-@" Br ovrn,/McDev i t t Re s i dence T-L/2" RIGID INS.& STUCCO SYSTEM PLYl|/OOD HERDER SERLRNT CLRD v\,INDOW I-T/2'' RRDIUS DRYWRLL EDGE 4_9/16 FRRME 3/1" + S-F'l'#'. 2"1.-_-sE]Er_ EDGES BORRD EDGESERSE S ILL TYP" \,\l INDOW DETR ILS 3il-1'_0rl Br ov{n/McDev i tt Res idence + 6on[afop, (,ag. ?ci*d FJ,e CHIMNEY CRP DETRIL NO SCRLE Br own/McDevi tt Res idence t, *,.?iffi",,-*,.,1 DArE: lsrlal LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ?. Block; Filtng 4*:ns '{^r^n" f-Drive: 6ew Corridor Encroachment : rd-nvi ronment al /Haz ards : Allowed (30) (33) /d{a ta+rtr _ z q(z,f C-ADDRESS:t24 09{NER 6''-t"a- PH.NE O -/ARCHITECT A^-1.? PHONE a zoNE DISTFJC\ f/s safl J".*a* P/-sPROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Height TOtAl GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Exist.inq Froposed 33 Total ^#@a T- (r9_ryt_4 /ns'? 2?t'7. f tdlt-3 a25 42s 1o3tt- ErseLbacks 3i3:: Rear {rt., Course setback n#t" coverage '/ l-u uuYlo) z l'j74 v4tandscaping'' ET neuaining wall Heighrs + += 2-/ a 3.3 ?'63{ '7o 'K/t* -4D a,/'t- 3qU o \ ott q .-.--JJL' 20t 15'vy'a) (30) (s0) 4ttaA.b \G14 3' /6' d."ts la / r(' (1"j 5 Regrd t-<_ Credit Yes 1) 2l 3) .-42,- s,L--L rz/z 4) c) Debris Flow wetlands drevlous conditions of approval (check property file)- 'Does thle reguest involve a 250 Addition? .-lldw much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? .6,..ra **No!e: Under Sectlons 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Fanily and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15.000 sg. ft, in area rnay not construct a second dwelling unit. The CoRmunity Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets ttre criteria set, forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restrict.ing the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time enployees of the Upper Eagle Valley. (300) (600) (e00) (1200, tzl q all t<+2 Permitted Slope _rU3_ Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: No-!/ ??? FLood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche b) Rcckfall 10 Lt "t,'*, >-,wJr,+.,2-e s /.-<" n-, r'z frr'zE + 7)?n?-*-v , / /n,"-9 f O-2-.-/ ry aP*r/ l+79 ,/"7 ,/-"'P c,l (D e @ o 4z* O ,/:-.. p *.,n----- tr, /,2 /z /9 J-"t<"'r"4/v 1e * /t"/ *r) TO: MIKE McGEE Fleviewed by: Comments: Landscaping: Reviewed by: Comments: GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to AndV Knudtsen Town Planner DATE SUBMITTED: I DATE OF PU LIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY:1 BHIEF DESCHIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: INTER.D EPARTMENTAL REVIEW Date: Date: lZ4E N-.*tl' .n* Cn Fire Depl.: ! Fleviewed ny,.46eu' oate: Z'Z ?1 .t ^,.,ac24 2,.,5, comments: r) .^a*a c/,e.".,a.=,,1,7 .-:f:: ^,f7: ir{f-7 ;'-* hetz- z) )n:)ri=-'7 ,s { 7l "u''a1 ('tQ "''' /t//''r) / *n'''' 7..o-,-r', , 3 ) rp,ro,,*,f , €,.1'- ,*T . n.""'. :::r"{; -:ri r- ,",,t . ?)**J zG "tJ€':'J 'a"'l/'*''"' "/s '/<7v - A,,,n:#- h!'A lV IlI''t *'- Distributed to the Fire Department, Public Works, and Landsca Oi^e on Z-f t/ q 4 4za f+inry1 f s.e r.'t Je,.j rh l:._,&r*;-n'. X ' ai// ra-. ctt< rla i? PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: T DATE OF PU HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:lZ4E t^l**kL^^. Cr no sgot €EvaLKlns \ so(\g\ | trtb (k.\D, I ccrcrot F into 3croagz (rom d(rrl<qra.,l . tdm-.t t !tr"<- $F orr Uor th &t'J.rr., qclg) tuccrrrq rodi,o$ do nat t^rorr (ao, <<sreru..c- t* dr rrnrsl ) dtiuewa\ need: to be- l2' [F]id"c lntr'I " c,@d @(\Cre\e goo & lnret'ttrcrg cu\lrt t or\'\a't.x'r \^Je'-\\'€tvef\ C\rc \e' SnC}Ni gcod\N\ $tq:$€5 tt\q\ 1; \ fr\-lb\p\e t^n\\i i(\ tt(nt 6qv\x'cK ous 3r yulqt\ r\eeA uorS${reF tcr rr.r(\t t c".tte (d tr.rc.ir g(dde., k{ dcire\.Ja! do..- op{ru(r, t^ \,Jcl \. Landscaping: Fleviewed by: TcdA oFnhsrrtrDate: Comments: TO: M|KE McGEE GREG HALL Date: TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to &dv Knudtsen Town Planner rrerl o lrrsrd**rOrng gr*n Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Distributed ro the Fire Department, pubtic works, and Landsca pins on 2-'f )k4-.| / Tlzzl r+(V'rc cL Vry ?ozz ./. Fqta- *-- TO: MIKE McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to Andv Knudtsen Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL R EVIEW DATE SUBMIfiED: r DATE OF PU LIC HEAFING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BFIEF DESCBIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:lZ4E lild+L*,q Cn Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Date: Distributed to the Fire Department, Public Works, and Landsca Oi^g on 2-f )/ 4 4 ZONE CHECX **, *, *nH*-orrr*rr,l DArE: iZ/z/ f3 LEGAT DESCRIPTTON: Lot, /z 4f 3Q-rc Block - h) eaf/--na C-- Filing 6&^ h,.<.U .BDDRESS: OI{NER PHONE PIIONEARCNITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USn dz^-+j-.<r< **Lor srzE "$q/al /.7 ,lst, z ,{.rnn" 4ot"f cnra ,drimary GRFA ,#condary GRFA r-TSetbacks ALlowed (30) (33) 'ffi = 2q 42"{ 4/7t. t 75t1.{ lu'rr.f Front Sides Rear t 8{D + 425 + 423-==l i 3J 20t 15t 15' (30) (s0) 4 tt 4,{, ttd74 = lz,3 ?z 684 3'/6' I neqro -4", Corrldor Encroachmen! :Yes "'Environmental,/Hazards : 1) 2) 3) (, t,o-o)(., <) 3zs,..o (<as-v,z)/.,o) = 4qf. ?il qr.y Existinq Proposed Total i) fi4t jo32 7"'b 4 ''LOw Zrt r1,l^' 3q zq )t,4.!z t gqn# h (300) (600) (900) ,(1,2oo] : Permitted Slope _rLL_ Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: wo !'' zzz Flood Ptain ^/a- Percent Slope Geoloqic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Elew Ezt,-z- r z/z-' -/ 4) wetlands_- / tt"Prevlous conditions of approval (check property ti].el z rt.a/-L;* '//,D6-es this request involve a 250 Addition? i/?-4)il6-w nuch ot dtre aLlowed 250 Additlon is usedffi-ffiis request?.6e"-, **Note: Under Sections 78,12.0.90(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the MunicipalCode, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than151000 sg. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Corununity Developnent Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth undersecrions and 19.13.090(B) of the Municipat code inctudingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full-time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. tllater Course Setback r= Retaini-ng wal1 Heights Lf arking ./ "Garage Credit 5l Drive: 10 Ifd = too07 + z{.oL /*/y G,o r) ,Jiq 4-,- e z<S L sg o€ a) ,'vrJ)"/t?t )tol Trl l.rt/7z f q I +'/ vn'd -rtO97 _\ TO: MIKE McGEE '^n '{rol^-cl'Lu'f l'Y OPPENHEIMERGREG HALL TODD Date: Date: , z. i'zDate: /'J " Return to Andv Knudlsen Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: III BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: L,k fo. t# iz45- llu**h*un* ' 7 s" 73 Z?" "'1u":y' I'z /J'O't"zt-4" an ?O C,Y cl- Landscaping: Comments: .,/ ///4 ,,s au.;11 t7;. to::", t" ,r/ cr/ ' /. i,,,n 7ou- '-i' 7'"''/ '': ,+,o;- /nacz '/41'/' /i 1 r ,3\ apuna.'-''/ cl,<ay /r /--6'ro ,;/'u" "2 '' t'"/'t -i ot "h-": ^.'t G'aa /''/!r;1/ , ,t?, 7.';' ':/:-l 2a.-*r. .., t .'\z.i7 i/'/:/n:'<'""'---' ?D (/)N( DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING tued L.rpbn ,\ 6 (*--- L,6^ Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: 4.4.*: Distributed to the Fire Department, Public Works, and Landscaping on t2-(z z { 4 3 O revis€d sl4ls:- DRB APPITC'ATION - TOtfi{'OF \IAIL, COIOITADO DATE APPTICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSXS APP&TC}rION T|ILI. NO.r BE .trCCEPrED UNTIL ALL REQSIRED tltl.ORlnrION IS SUBUITTED**********r.PROJECT INFORMAT]ON: A. DESCRIFTION,: B. TYPE OI' REVIEW: / u"" Construct,ion ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20-00) c. D. Additlon ($50.00) .ADDRESS: ],EGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If property is described by a meet,s and bounds lega1desqription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this apptication. zoNrNG: Y/5E. F. G. H. NAME OF NAME OE APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : LOT AREA: ff required, applieant stamped survey showing ]ot area. Mailtng APPIICANT: Address: LoE 4l.a Block FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400 .00 $500 .00 must provl-de a current Maillngr Address: I. NAI.{E OF *STGNATURE (S) : uailing Address: 5 lcr€ r4 ao1-A J. Condominium Approval if appj-lcabJ.e. K. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at,the tlme of submit,tal of DRB application. Laterr whenapplying for a buiLding permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of t,he proposal . The Town of Vaj-lwill adJust the fee according to the tabte belovJl to ensure the correct fee is paid.rze P,inD: S Z#' FEE SCHBDUTE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ 1o,ooo $ 10r 001 - $ 50,000 . s 501001 - $ 150,000 $150r001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $xr 000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 ,* DESIGN RE\TIEW BOERD APPROV'IIJ EXPIRES ONE YE;AR III'TER FIITAI.r NPPRO\TAI, T'NI,ESS A BUIIDING PERMIT IS ISSUED TND CONSTRUCTTOU IS SrnRtED. WIEUOUTwrI.! Conceptual Review ($0) **NO .APPIICAEION BE PROCESSED OIINER' S SIGNATT'RT rr. PRE:APPLICATION MEETTNG: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication inforrnation is needed. It is the applicant,sresponsibility to make an appoJ-ntment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your proJect. rrl. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARpINF ArL SUBMISSIONS TO THE pRA: A. In addition to meeting subnittal requirement,s, theappl-icant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners'. Al1 t,rees to be removed must be taped. Atlsite t.apings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires trdo separat.e meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposat ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval . AppJ-icants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on t.heir scheduled neeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the itern has beenrepublished. The folLowing items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by Lhe Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and B. D. E. F" b.Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At ttre tine such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters frorn adjacent property owners and,/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adJaeent condominium association st.ating the association approves of the addition. If a property ls locat.ed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanctre, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,retLand, etc) r a hazard study must be subrnitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prlor to the issuance of a building perrnit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. For all resldentlal constructlon: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior structural wall.s of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed Line on the site plan afour foot distance f,rom the exterior face of thebuilding walls or aupporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Tobrn issuance of a building pernit. c 11.. 23. g3 1 0_: 3 O,{}.'I *AVON. COLORry _P01 F0e SUEDIVIEIOH i'OB NAI'IE tOT - et-e .BLOCK ADPNESS FILINO AulhorlFerd Stsnat,ulE Date The location and avrllqblr{uy of ut{t1tles, whether lhoy be matntlunl ll".! ol pToposcd tlrrell rlust bc appiovec qnd veritieg byt,hc follcrwirrg ur,ilitle$ f er Lhc accompanylng elgg plan. ' ' U.8. Weet, Cornrnunj,cablons 1-8 0 0- 922-19I7o" fi,ff Hii:-"30 f.tt Tt. firlrlro' Earulco ConFany949-5?8t. WI-.lo6tbGnry Hrll qfi. lLtI f*X lloly Cross Electrie As$oc. 9{9-58s?fcd Husky/Michacl Lavcrty HrritaEr Caitlovieion T.v. e4o-553.0 I lqq - lt.l8 ftvf .$l;evg HIdtL' l+w L q F:id,tcUppef Eagle Villley lfaterI SaniEariqn Dlstrict * 476-148a 47u-'loO1 4t'red FLasIee fl:*,nrt NOTE: J 1. i:r ,L t{* ( p,L=,lrj service availability andbe used rn conjunction withplan and schedulins 2, This form ih Lo verify'IcrqaLiun. Tlris shouldpreparing your utilkyinggall.rIi.orrs. I'or any ncw $eng|ruction proposat, the applieant muEtr plgvide a complccc'd ut,ility verificalion fr) rirr . If a uE,ility company has concerns with thegrropoeed consu$uctlon, the utilit,y reprc€cntat,ivg ehould not, direcLly rrrr the utl1lcy verlfiCaEiOnfoqur [iraL Ehere is a prob].ern which neecls to be setOlvstl . Ths {sslle should then bO 5Pe11ed OUt indetail in an attached leLLe.E E,o the Tgwn of, vall. Huwsvutrr please keep ln nind. Ehaf le iS thereupolrslbitity of Ehe utility company to resqlve idonB j"f 1ulrJ 1.rr ublutuu . lf ths utiliry vcrificatlon forn has signaEures f,rom oach ef thc utility corapanies, and no sofiuneniF +re lrade directly an Ehe f,gfm, thg town --l1a LlT 4IC Bloci( U, g. Wose Cofimunication.D1-800-9e2-198? 46s-fs6f E;)e-453of.811 . Fubliu- Eirvlcc Company 9{9-C?sr. Arl...+o5b- GarY HaII.t.f . ,LbI fr+X Holy Crots Elect.r itr Assoc. 949-589? tod Hu$kylMichae] Lavr3rt y Herieage Cablcvision T.V. e4e-5530 l. 141 - 71'6 n+f,.SLevs llldLt l4a"rL s Eaio Upprs Eaglc .Vrllcy ltater e sanitaiian . Digtrict * 4?5-?{80 *7V- loOq f*^tI'recl HasLeehartl ' NoTE; J 1. PBGE. OAE r.ItING 4uthorl?.ed 5igflatr:rE verify serviee availabiligy and shoulcl be used in conjunction $itlru'.1llty FIan and scn€duling FFOE . ES I ,N* T0TnL PncE.8@g ri( x( l5r tB SUBDIVTSION JOE NAME ADDREEs *!2.15 Axstl-ann (1.-1. . - Tho locat.icn and availabilj.ty of util{tles. whether Lhey bE maintrunk ilncs or propocdd lines, musE be approved and verlfied byth€ following utiliticc for Lhe accompanying stLr! plan. Thls form is trJlocation, rhi-spseParing YouEinstaLlaLiar$. 2, !'6r afiy $cH canotsucCien FsoPosoJ' the aFPlicant leusL prcvid.: a cetnPl.€t.ed uLi).itY veritlcatlon fcrrm . 3. If a utitity conpany has conccrng wj.th the I)selJol'ed cjvlrsurucl-i'o 7 Lhu uLiliL)t rePregBnt'ativ'-shot ro not dlrecriv on the uettl.iy vsrlflqalign torm tflet ther€ ig a pEobIeJIr wnich neegs to be rcsoLved. The !68ue shculd !he$ be sPeIIeC gUg ln deLail irr arr aLiacltcd lel-Ler Lq LIle Towrt of Yail ' HowtveT' Please lceip in nind that it is Cne rtotporl "iui llty of tire utilit'y eontPa$y gs re$otve .i dent. if iod Problritrrg ' 4. ff the utiiiLy verification form hag signatures frofr eacir of lt:e utility cornpaniesl end ng gQnurBl'lLg dLre rr4de rlireclly 9r:t ghe forrnt thE Tolrn lYilt Pse$une Ltrat llxire aEe nc problents arrd that tbc dgvelepmerrL catt pr'ogseq, 5. These verifications do not relieve the €ontraotoE p! his rcspottullrillty Lo sburirt a sLreeg cuL ,'er:nli f=oi* in. Toun-of vaj'l, DePasEmenu -of Publlc il;ikt -anci to -CbE at-r-1 uli li-t-E lgcation8 tle+org - - . -g+sitq i:r inilpuiri-r c riiht-or-way or easemenE ln Iric'rEi'noe viri' %.st {eF!-qlg-Eggtrig-' A 'sElec 6bcainad seParaLc rY . ' N 8J.eA${ Dltnd a sl:e plart, flsof plar':' 3n6t g}Evatigns rhen obtalnlns ltpltc r eagr! iiiiiv-wiiit'& E;ntEaeion siqnaE{res' Eisc f lol, ncedc mu6t be tddr€'9:icu ' . oa I t:l : ll4 E?l ct oNt CSLAREDD 1!-22-93 O3r 24Pl'1 o uT rilry, LocATr-0N WB.LFrCIrrroN 4r4@)4"69?24 C I SUSD IVI S ION JO8 NA!!E r,Or 4h Btocx -'.-.-.---=.--.--_ FrLrNc _ ADDREss tzq| n€-t The }ocation +nd availabd:,Itry of utlllt,i€s, l{hother thcy be matnErunk lines or prspeseir t."ii, -muii-5i-iiiio""o and vcrtfied bylhe followirrg uuil].ttce qor rh6 accoml)anying ai.t.--pri"l----- -, U. S. West CommunicaLionsL-840-922-7981 ' o"f:;f Hui.n t' *to c, | 71. Public'SdrvL;; (:omnanv 94e-s781, tvl.,+bfltiGaLY HaILqlFl . i?,t1 h+X HoIy Cross Ulrctric Aasoe.9{9-5892tcd llt!iky/fl t chlo I Ltv,rury Authori"ed Sisnaturc Et"g' J.'.rtthr. e'tr r./ ,# - Aa-?r Tht6 forti ,j,$ to vorlty crrvice aveilabilluy andfeucElon, Thls sh9uld b6 usec ln conlunct-lon wiEh Ilr, r1.ld rllrg. your uctllty plan and ecneoiting{n !i C s l, la L i uus . FOr any nEw rlonstrucEion praposal. th6 appl icantrrust Drovtcto $ €qnplotod uttllty verj,ficrtlpn.lorm. If a utilit y company hae conccrti€ r{ith thoProPo€€d conElructionr Ehc utlllty lep-rscntrlivCsrrsulq rruL Jiaeecly on ghe uttllEy vcrit'lcattonfglN Llri.L ;llure ls e pEoblerh Hhlch needg to Ferglslved. Ttr€ lssuc $tlould then be SpOIleC aut incre.ll 1n an .ttdclrcd lctr€r ro Ene rbwn qt vall.!lc,wevg3, ploaEe keep ln mlnd ehag iL i! th€re8poirE lbi.I i Uy. ol rh€ uelllgy co&pany gg FeSOlverGrsr-rLlI I€u proDJ.om8 lf tbc utility vcrlficatlon lorn hao eiEnlt,urecirom er,clr of r.hr ut{ilty COrnpanlcr, and ngqor,uftcIlt.s arn nlde dlfect]y on !,he fo5m, lhc lonn|{ilr lJresurle lhlt thgre eit.no pEobl€ai an4 tha!the dev'El-oprrrerl L safl procned. Tnese verif icstlo$,9 Cg not rell:va uho eontrscrorof bis fespoD6llllllty te cblein a strcsts cuL ,.. FErml-L f.snr Llrr ?ew$ o! V!ll, Drpartnen? Of FUbltO!ts!ku dltC LiJ l,}llijlll-uljl lIru locatlons befofe(:](rqlrrq ln rny publlc r*ght-of-way or €asBrItEnE lnLl're TswI uf vail. A bul.ldtnn tr€rmlt +Lnog a .E!-Ee-e!--"sjri -.p-esi r,.. @eglrualAcd rr jJrr(.r Lrrl y . i ?1668a brlnq s slte plan, flo6r FIan, and elevaelon€ r.h6nobtalning Upp6r Eaglc vatloy $t.iGr d ganlEagton F4gnaCures. Flreflow ne€da rnuat, b€ addr€sscd. snsDfi,:r$tftl rtge ffilfi fA! ---,--_!l{a.ilF0REss T}ls losqr-l"sn s;rd evrilabiillf ot uriilElcs, hlrctber thEf bc Drlnillrr r tfurEd or Dtseorn.i rinci, nust la Appla,.*o atto vGaiglad bythr rolr.}ulrrs uirriqteg rt r-ii,c'llJffJiiil';iu;' ;riil -- --- -' Authoriz-eq_giqqgE$le Orr€ U.S" t$€tt Corsaun lcqt i srlgt '8o08033-lf,g? :IffijHdil:::'o ,.P-FzQI. lt6. +ise6l15y n rrrt? .,jZA1 n+f lloly f36gg qlesrrlq A5sos. 9.t 9-g E 92lad nu8ky/ulchaGl 3.evcrty e€ltags Cal)levitiOn t.v.:l:;:';l/,F c " 1 t.5s t,,f . IfuL "r Bwt4lger E<rgt€ Yausy naqEr C StslEaEton Dlsertgg r {?6-?{EO Vlh. lo,q ffi{PreC Hi,sleEflwtt . lroTts! J 1.Tg:_f::" r3'.l! v-ertft ie,rvicu rvrl.trbttiEy rdlesatton. rrrrB Bh.rrLa *-"eea lriJ6;iu;;Iiofr rltnfrY?sflttg. Iouf uEl.lltf plr$ Enc ecneCEr,.LngIrt$tal,l.fl:lorr$. 5.fhese veuificationa de not rel isve lbe contf,.ctof,of b.lfi r€spcf}Ft.DtltEy Eo oDGrt'| n err+si sui-It$?ft f roBr t ire T{rrn qf Vril, gCptf Lf,r&tj, gf Ful}l !cnorhs end Ee .4Es3gS in enf pun+lc r*gnt--r:F*lE-Efficu rn Er-Ie r9Hn O! vslt. A b[llq,rns $ptnlr ts nqt _L ,.FF€rg,!,.#BlL Eglptt.. i sirdt* cut-p*lnl€ nwI-nrcoce&J|cs B€prficely. | ?lc.q€ b,ci$g a El'-e plan, floor FIan, aDd clcveE ig$* xhEnoE$r'.at:rg gFFes sag,L+ vc4I+I. irrg.r e sffr.{sarloE sigm.t[sct. rir{tlo# nctCE |BUEB bE addreEsect. & fnonn flWdl*lu*f^Ul, Vfinpw**' F[4Cr( *....._--- f tLn|G q"4ffi+ Z. Tot, e{ry $cr oonaE:"tlstlon proDoBal r ltrC fFPl*c tt*uaL prsvlde a coopleted, uftrtgy vrxtgfciifon(o-Etr- 3. ff a utiliuy coopany htg cgDBern8 righ i,ba f:-€p?:"d ccB6rrucEt oor ELrF uEtIiLI JepEesE$g|rlirqrFu(,lrlg neg +lFecEly on EhG uslllti veitttcrulont6fE ltrde rhese iB 4 FF9bleO rbtci nccot es loresot vcrt. rha lsaue ihoutd rb.$ be ,pcIItC firE dn- dELcJl .[rr c stLaohcd ).i.cDtr to tho tbnn of Vtil; ' fiqr.€reef, ptea,6e t€ep 1n &tnd Elal I,f fA $ntT:.ryTllb1rity of, Ene uqrrtcy caftpan? E€ lrsolvaldE$tif,ied Frsblens . . {. 15 !h: !!iiiry.vcsifierrton forB has rlgneeurerrron ftftr of gh€ ut,j.lity CorlFanic!, and nOcoGrHnEF eEe (i<lc dlr€celxr on rne loror. ttlc e6wirill pcesune Ehas ggsr* ois ne prcblpi rrrd tbrrtne (1e9eIoF6GnE crlr pracce(t. zfr'd Eed69LF EI 'a's'f,'n'3'n i4Eul l-ld/.B leE t65I-Ae-eT ta'd -]uIoJ Ig t + .\. \, -\+ -.. ./'*> \ ,^ *,\l-.-' -.-'--- i -/ "*-J ,.. I t f;4 z F l{l:s---:;-;.'}tq1:ii].-;+*'.@'-llffi,.:t-".ry..i ffi:t,fui|,:1L-*:-il-""*=,#::l=)J.k,i--g-:.--v-;+o,r"#=-:-;JTrJ'{\i:;4:1i r/,o,lru l.4r€ ll t^I. \ ' ll *-\',&"\ io\io1,t )8Li.- F*:r;' * --.-:'*- r-r d ii itl I lt /'tilr -{l Irnl i:l I tn niitrffi$i iiite:Ii!it!til;:i f;*FIF 6twCr,rl't"Cre..titt Fcrdc.te Loi 3i! , 6en i,,:qga Soodr\rigt . r. Oe:j ri.r\o cego( t /. uj'J ecrlerruA€ (\te Q@d5 \odsj..r1 €NFE €nqL . . "o.A sgot er}a\ocr. \o EoA i suruel *.1 erllhr\? . ned propo*d hotYvcrro\\ cahorruTv((l'ltr* . rrcrdtrc€ crcres eta-'rd5g ffi: 'IL' /-lr. . dr'r*r,.o"l a<agss oo s.lonhr sdc- ( wqi. t+.."ol c,rde.Jexq\d5 6s61da "LZ . 3,oa^r6 &araryroq?, oG tirc q tqisdedit'bs 6r lcrdic6 \Ft€go!c4\F-. ot\ Mza b o$\ 5el WrJ$ a(e 2.o I - gr' & <sru<{t requrC4l $rtcd6lcecgdfoJcs \rrjc(O\ F\o$€ .\)t I I I peed tr \e2' oll \to udgf ot v{z osto\\ . 6odes qdr*rwr.l) oe ohow. 6"/.,- r,:(\ts in e! \r.) nnrJ\t lce desrqsed bt cn tfqr l\ffi . snO'N skrcr%; . I l I .PLEASE I.fAKE CHECKS TOIVN OF VAJL DEPA RT;\{ E}iT OF CO fvl }1 UIITY D EVEL O P}IEN T' L,D, SALES ACTION FORI{ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, C0L0R.AD0 8L657 ti+t'itttU 0t 00c0 .{ t 510 ZCI\T\'G .tu\D ADDRESS l,tA-PS 0l cf.3c42415 urj\ItTo L\ { B L;jLDL.,-c co D E 0l 0000{2415 U M FOL\'i PLUI6 L\."c C OD E 0l 0S?0'l?.1l5 | U)\'IFOL\| trfECHil\'lC;.L CODE I0l ooc\l {2{ 15 I ui\-tFotu\{ FIRE coDE, 0t 0100 {2.r 15 I N,rnoNeL TIECTFJCAL coDE oIiER. CODE ICOKS I 0t o,1)0.l|543 lrLus pRB{-ts olYlAI{ 0l cs00 {21 I 5 0l o.trl] .r?{ l 2 | >:ERox coPrSs / s'iuDcEs s0.5 0t 00co423il i puxet-tY FEES/ RE.1".,''spEcT)oNs 0l c4c0.{832 i PL,N REvtnvR,E.C}iECK FEE [S<0 FER F:R.l 0l C'000 42i23 OFF HOURS D;sPECTION FEES 0t 0co3.ti{r2 CONIL\CTORS LICL\S ES FE.ES or c{cul--.30 lonirn rers 5!CN APPL]CAT]O,'{ FEE.01 c{oo414r3 0t 00004r4t3 ADDITION^IJsIGNACE F;E ISI,OJ PSR, SO.IT. ol ct00{2r.:0 llrc,*Rrpn,orcTDoNAnoN 0l 0co0,l)331 PRE P,TJD DESIGN REqEW BO.:.PO F:E OI OOOO42412 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 r^X (4u 01 0000 4237t TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG) I ,oro" ouu, 0l cos,1rr330 COhIDI.NONAL USE PER\fI 0l c0004)330 0t 00J0 .r t 330 LICTERIOR A LTER.{T]ON I ]\jOR E 0t 0000.tt3i0 AL DEVELOP.\{E.YT DI 0l 0000413i0 lsPECt,\L DEVELoPI 0l 0Q00rl:]10 TSPECL^LDEVELOPI\{E.NT 0l flcrc0 41330 lsuBDlv'Isto: 0r 0000.il3i 0l c\)90 .il 330 ZONIh'G CODE,LVE\D[I 0l 000041330 '.rS'? CCIIlvtEYTS:: * * * * {- * * * * Ornvr"u d. g/A/gL DRB AppLrcATrON - TOWN.OT vArL/ coLoRADO DATE APPLICAIION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: RTSDDEC r 31993 rrrrs ApplrcAr#li.ffi lio, ", AccEprEDI'NTIIJ .EI/L. REQUIRED INI'ORMATION IS SUBMI'ITED********** T A.DESCRIPTTON-: B. / TYPB OF REVIBW:/ .-y' New Consrrrict.ion ($200 . O0 ) Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: Minor Alterat.ion ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) n F I. G. LEGAL DBSCRIPTION: T.Ot, 4LI B1OCK subdivisi on 6tlA l-q 6y\ . - - If property is described ny a me6ts and bounds legaldesgription, please provide on a separate sheet airaattach t,o this application. ZONING: NAMB OF APPLICANT: I,OT AB,EA: If reguired, applicant. muststamped survey showing lot area. I Mailing Address: Phone NAME OFMailing APPLICANT' S Address: Phone .l..NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) : MaiJ-ing Address: Dhnn a J. K. Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at.the time of subrnittal of DRB applicat.ion. LlLer, whenapplying for a building permit,, please ident,ify theaccurate valuation of Lhe proposal . The Town of VailwiII adJust the fee according- to Lhe table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. Er'E P!^TD:. 5.-4TZ ID a/t-r/ls FEE $ 20.00s s0.00 $r.00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000$ 10,001 - $ 50,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001_- - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1r 000,000$ . Over $1r 000,000 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAf,I EXPIR3S ONE YEAR AI''TER E.II{AL EIPROVAI., UNI.,ESS A .BUII.DING PERMIT rS ISSUED A}ID CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. }t*NO APPIICATION ?IILI. BE PRocEssED wITgouT owNER,s SIGNATURE i_-. 1 current II PRE-APPLICATI MEETTNG: A pre-application meeting wit.h a member of Lhe ptanning staff is st.rongly encouraged t.o determi.ne if any addit.ionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant,sresponsibility to make an appointment h'ith the staff todet,ermine if there are additional submittal requirements.Please not.e that, a COMPLETE application wilI streamline theapproval process for your project. III o ON In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project sit.e toindicate property lines, building lines and buiJ-dingcorners. A1l trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant nust ensure that stakingdone during the wint,er is not buried by snow. The revietrr process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval. Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal at,a minimum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval. Applicant.s who fail Lo appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance t.hat discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket unt.il such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following items nay, at the discretion of thezoning adninistrator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not. be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing pJ_ane of Lhebuilding; and Building addition proposals not visible from anyother Iot. or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includefetters from adjacent propert,y owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacentcondoninium association staling the associationapproves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard. area (i.e, snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard.report prior. t.o t,he issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged Lo check with a-Tbwn plannerprior to DRB applicat.ion Lo det.ermine the relationshipof Lhe property to all mapped. hazards. For all resident,ial construct.ion: ai Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior sLructural wal1s of thebuiLding,. andIndicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the ext.erior face of thebuilding wa]ls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a truitding permit. .l A. b. E. F, h G. IT LIST OF MATERIALS DEscRr'SfroNt LbT 4'G 'er,ocx sueorvrsr oN /-t-r-H L4.,l o !.'r t NAI.{E LEGAL STREET ADDREQS r.' A. The following information is Review Board before a final BUILDING I{ATERIAIS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name reguired for submittal to the Designapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATER]AL COLOR fut-lr<ralnq; 4epr R of Designer: Phone: PTANT MATERIA],S: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size*?Vr nwad< p .?etc+ b 6t-P-! Tae.-T-P+VluI-olt^+. &?ef+ 24 zlt-{ Cp+.?.,e?* r-> Fl. l- ' ..n U Zl 4ry.c+z+*#tFr'*V"qq. b- 2] Pr . 'il l, -)'fil..l= y'*{Es. + 2rEXIST]NG TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous treea. Minirnum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 5 feet. C,o>b-. PLANT uernnrf: PROPOSED SHRUBS r.lJ*r#-a .1,.+r'(.rzrw.*8u" r 't -'l .' . l't -rcC,VTle4. 6tpfaf Botanical- n"K-b,n*o lE Ouantitv Size*' i-:- ' I ir EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *fndicate size5 qallon. GROI,'ND CO\IERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION rYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of .ppgposeQ, ' :- . t' .gYE, i ' i, Square Footaqe ghrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is .LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If,..exterior lighting is proposed, please show the numper of fixture.s. and locations on a separatelighting plan-.' Iddntify 6abh.fiirtlte from the lighting plan on t.be lisf bel'orr:and'prcnride.--tbe, Wlttage, height above srade and. Fi/qe ?F .figlt,:,.propo'seei,, , D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. lndicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on tbe propettyis 5 feet. t, a SI'BDIVISION JOB ^NAI'IE BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The locatilrn.and. availability gf, ptiliti-es,..whether.!hey be maintrunk lines'or proposed lines, mu'st be apprbVbd and. verified bythe folLowing utilities for the accompanying siUe plan. Authorized Siqnatdre Date U.S. llest Communications",,,i.,!,,.".,'., t-800-922-L987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Sergdee Company. 94 9-5781 Gary HalJ- I -. -t Holy Crosg.+ilectric Assoc. ' .,i . 949-5892' Ted Huslcy/Mic.hael La-verty Heritage Cablevision T.V.949-ss30 .,Steve HiatL Upper Eagle Valley water & Sanit.ation District * NOTE: 1. This form is to verify service availability and . .Iocation. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utitity plan and scheduling' inst.allations. . 476-?48Q: ' . ' Fred HasLee .z- 3. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form. If a utility company has concerns wj.th the proposed construction, the utility representative " should not directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be.resol-ved. The issue should then be sPelled out in detail in an attacbed letter to the Town of VaiL. rHowever, please keep in mind that it is theresponsibility of the utility company to resolve identified problems, If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presune that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-ltay or easement in the Town of vail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. * Please bring a site pIan, floor planr and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Va1Iey water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. ZONE CHECK l, *, * ,rEolo"E DrsrRrcr| DATE: lrI '! LEGAL DEscRIpTIoN: r..ot 3(" BLock - Filins bLrq I Y^r!. ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE **LOT SIZE Allowed (30) @ Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking carage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronmental /Hazards : Existinq Proposed Total ?L 3. u+o + 425 =213?.3* + 42s =Ztotb 20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) " batl F,o+o 4. oaoT- 2, ol o 2o@ 20 3' /6' ;f,-neqro (3oo) (5oo) (9oo)(EOoi lzoo Permitted Slope 88 Actual S1ope ty" - b% by Town Engineer: No / ??? 1) Flood Plain Date approved Yes 2) Percent Stope 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands Prevloua conditj.ons of approval (check property file) Does thle request involve a 250 Addition? NA How much of the all-owed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections L8.12.090(B) and 18.13.090(B) of the MunicipalCode, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are Less than151000 sq. ft,. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. TheCommunity Development Department nay grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth undersections ta.12.090(B) and 18.13.090(B) of the Municipal code inctudingpermanently restricting the unit as a rong-term rental unit for furl-time enployees of the 0pper Eagle Valley.- ARcHrrEcr ?Y-> ,5au-y Fc*ruc- n- pHoNE +lb - qZL?- zoNE Drsrwcr Pfi PRoPosED vsl P/.. Height ToTaI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GB.FA Setbacks 10