HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 37 LEGALo DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJI{ITY ROAD NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED lfrS+|bn' \ww DEVELOPMET..|TTOV{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE vArIJ, co 9L557 970-479-2t38 Occupancy: R3 TIG)e Constsrrrctsion: Val-uat,lon:20,750 FiraDhca InforaEreLon: Ra5erlce.d: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT rTob Address: 1239 WESTIIAVEN CR Stsatsus..Location...: 1239 B WESTHAVEN CTRCLE AppJ-ied.Parcel No..: 2103-121-07-019 Issued.. ProjecL No.: PRJ98-0024 n:<piree. ON ,'OBSTTE AT AL,L TIMES Permj-t #: 898-0031 ISSI'ED a3/L9/L998 03/20/L998 09/t6/L998 APPLIEANT K.C. COMPA}IYP.O. BOX 341, AVON, CO COIVTRACTOR K. C. COMPATiIYp.o. Box 341, AVON, COOWNER RIITING WAYNE M 852 WIITIJOBE WAY, GOLDEN Single Family Add Sq Ft,: *Of GaE ApPlianc€a: 81620 91,620 co 80401 N/A N/A ResidengpgUnt date Phone: 970-949-0566 Phone: 970-949-0566 Description: ADD LOFT AI{D BATITROOM IIiITERIOR COM/ERSION IEEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARruENTozl20l1998 JRM Action: APPRIt,bM:' O54OO PI.ANNING DEPARI]IIETiTTo3/t9 1L998 DOMINIC Act,ion: APPRIt,bm:' 05500 FIRE DEPARTT4EIITo3/!9/L998 .TRM Act.i-on: APPRItbmr' 05500 PITBLIC WORKSO3/L9/L998 iIRM ACEiON: APPR DEPts: BUII.,DING DiViSiON: APPROVED ,JRItf--- -DbPu: PI,AIiINING Division: \ TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved L<_ loo.- tzl>.-f zfr- *Of Oa. LogBt *of wooa/Pall€t r DepL: FIRE Divj-sion: DepE: PUB WORK Divisj.on: tr.ltJ*l***.**a*r****rt*r.*r?** **f*lrr'r*r**rrr FEE 9UMMARY r*r**r**********r.r*i**r*lr*!rrtt**t*tttt*t***ri'***t******** Buildlng-----> 2S5.OO Regtuaaan! Plan R.vj.sn--> .00 Toeal CrlculB!€d Fcca---> 573'?5 PIen Ch!ck---> 155.75 DRE Fec-------- InwealiEaLion> .o0 Rccrcation 8ee----------> .oo TotsaL PernlE F.e--------> 5?3-75 wilt call----> 3.oo clean-uP De!to6Lt--------> 1o0'oo pel/manus------- Et3'?5 TOTAI. FEES. -- - - t:t*'r**rttrttittt*tt***t*t**'l*t***i*Ilrt**t***** **ttt*****tt**** See Page 2 of this Document for any condit.lons that may apply Eo EhiB pemit ' DECI,ARATIONS r har.by .cknovledg! thet r havs read ehiB applicacion, fillsd out in f,ull ihe lnforsrtion rcqulred, qoEPleted rn icculate ltlot pJ,an, end ae.ts. Eh.C all tlt. infolo.tion proviileal ae requireil i6 corr.ct. t rg!.q to coEPly eith ehr infotrllation ::1,!.t-":.{t"';ili]i] ;;;-J;;;-"llirr.r,".u and Ftsare tawo, andt tso bullct tshia structsuro according tso bho roxn's zoning aud eub4ivigion eod..r, d..igtt rlvi.tr appEovad, Unifot$ Bullding cods Brld olher ordinaneeE of the toa'n- applicabl€ REQUET'T TOR IU9PEcf,IONS 6HATL BE MADE TWEITTT-FOUR IIOURE IN ADTJAIICE BY TEI'EPHONE AT tRold B!o0 Al.! 5:00 PM scnd cl.an-I4r D4roEit To! K.c @UPAI{C XNc IIIIII'E].F AI{D OWNER a Ho2 .oOU t{ d IFaz OE .j rrDdoHU tr Er ou)20 EF] Q 2 EI H o(t.o U FI o |-) a & I FI gl a U !dU idE o fi FT E]2o FIl/l !ao rf4 6F 22 hOF]E F FH aeEOHE D e r, FrAZ i9 o H tiHF2 H x 2o EU Z l'1 Eid O ,4O ()U E4 tD U a H o z o gt ll ; E E= A(9-HOh Page 2*********************+********************************************************** COITDITIONSPennit #: 898-0031 as of 03/20/98 Status---: ISSUED *************************************************************************:t****** Pennit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Applied-- t a3/L9/.L998 Applicanll - : K. C. COMPAIIY Issued- - - : 03 /.20 /.t998970-949-0566 To E:q)ire. O9/L6/L99A ilob Address: 1239 WESTHAVEN CRLocation---t 1,239 B WESTHAVEN CIRCLE Parcel No--: 2L03-L21-07-019 Description: ADD IOFT AI.'TD B.ATHROOM IIiITERIOR CONVERSION * * * * * * * rl * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * rl * * :l * * * * * * * * jl*** COnditiOng * * r* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPBqTIOT.TS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETEqTORS ARE REQUIRED rN AJ,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 IJBC. I t*;ttr**a**a**r ****r*a****r.lr*l.r*r*rr,artr* r*,:,r,* TO$!t OF \tarl/, coIroRADo sr,areunr **r*tttt atirf r**rt*lrtr*rr*r*t*t****, **rrr*rt*t*********: * rrrf * r1 gtaEGEnt Funb.r: BEC-0381.Anoun! : Payu,cnE l{ethod: CK NoUation: 3301 573.75 03/2o/9e !4t57 Inic: t4Aw Plrui! Nor ts98-0031 I\'p.: A-BUIITD ADD/AIJ! SFR BuILD pg Pilcr1 lfo ! 2103 -121- 07-O19 SlL. Addr.!! ! L239 ITB9THAVEN CR locagion | 1a39 B tftS?fiAVEN CIR$,8 Togal E€eE ! Tttls Pe]'uanE 57r,78 Total, tlIrIJ Pntss: Balance ! ** * * * t tt t *t * * at* ** 'l ** * rl 'lt * *t** t t* t a l * * 'l t * t t t*1* t t t t* t t* * !r l i I * * * 1 Accoun! Coda D.serLFtlon 89 OO1OOOO31111OO BUI',DINO PERIIIE FEBS DR 00100003111200 DEglCSt REVTEH FEES PF 00!.00003112300 P!}B CHECK FEAS AD 00100002{03100 cLgAltuP DEPoSTTE l{c 00100003112800 wII,t CALL INttPBcTIoN FEE Anoun! 255. 00 50. 00 165. ?5 100, 00 3.00 Coun cy aE 970-328-86 for P ;.#::,.,," ,ARCEL tl IX cel #. TOWN OF PERMIT VAIL CONSTRUCTTON APPLICATION FORM ?Fqg - doz{ PER}IIT # DATE:_3-rl-91 ^ APPLICATION MT'ST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED,t .{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,( * * * * * * * * * * * {*l!^v^\J'.{rrJ.rr,'tyil-nuiraing ffi-ntunruing DQ-Etecrrical [ ]-Mechanibat [ ]-other rob Narne: 0 ?"hy *. P.*"ttl rob Actdre ==, _JEg_E Lo)t L/l^ur-C,.,ule niLing susorvrsloN, (-fLega)- nescription: Lot_fl BIock Address t rLj1 B t la/-H"r+",C,wh,n. Address:Ph. General Description:v,Arn t' work class: [ ]-New $1-nrt"ration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-oLher Number of DweLLing Units, ?- Number of Accornmodation Units, L_ Nulnber and Tvpe of Firepl"aces: Gas Appliances. - Gas Logs -t{ood/pel_Iet -I'k(*****r(t('t************************* VALUATIONS *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 1| iurr-,nrNc, + lLr, OOD Er,EcrRrcALr $ L" <o orHER: $ PLUMBTNG: $ L s-nD MECHANICAL: $._-'r-'----- TorAT,: S-- a-7;-1 cD,r?,-?LUMBING: T '1' \-rlD MECHANICAL: $__ .__ TOTAL: W ft**'tr.r.*".''t*************-**-***jt CoNTRACTOR INjTQBMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,r * * * *,r * *rr ** .* *Eenera] contrachorl _[.ll-Le-fra^g t^r- .698:_OCDI Town of vail Reg. wo.4lof-BAcldress: Po ncf g - pfr"""-Hu*u"r,- _'g:ATCEF.__ -'!O)trorn of vair Reg. No.zgf-E Phone Number: Plurnbing Contractor. L,r^fcFf' /hAlq,";"ril :EhL Town of vail Reg. no. lf,_f-PAddress, ft"o" te ?tt"t i ?qf - Oil 4, phone Nurnber: qV- or.fr-- I'fechanical Contractor :Town of VaiI Req. No. Phone Nunrber: q1A-&ffi\, OFFICE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't * tr * !t rt * * * * * * * * * * BUILDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI.,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES; BUTLDING; STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: *'rr(rr***** {I!.(n Address: BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBING PERMI'I MECHANICAI, P ELECTRICAI, FEE: Comments: Phone Nunrber: q1A-@m{4VIl OTHER TYPE OF FEE DRB FEE: i VALUATION CLEAN ITP DEPOSIT REFUND TO:fi.C, &.ry"fl Er'r{- po /3o/\t,tr - L0' (lA'zts i-.i i_ 75 sorrlh tronlage toad vail, colorado 01657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olf lce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN oF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOpMENT MARCH l-6, l-988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit, any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash iumpsters, p"rlu[ie'-toirets andworkrnen vehicl"espI?:* ", ;;t-;;,rl5i".f,ll"lfl"li""li;illlli_i:l"L.lri"ilii ",Vail streets and,Igag, is approximateiy s ft. Lff pavement.This ordinance wirr be stri;lit -enforced by the Town of VairPY!}i.. works Departrnent. p"t=ln= found violating this ordj.nanceyil]- be given a 24 hour wrirten n"li""-t"*;;;;;;'=.id rnareriar.In the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour_tine =peci;i;;,"ti"-irtric worksDepartrnent wirr- remove said rnareiiii-.t-ih;";";;;=e of personnotified' The provisions "r ini= ordrnance sharr not beapp)-icable to cinstruction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or al-ley or any utiliries in the ;i;;i_"_ruy. To_review Ordinance No. 6 in fuIl,Vail BuiLding oepartment to obt,aincooperation on this matter. please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your onl Re I a t io n s h ip-Eo-FifrEEE (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south lrontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ottlc€ ol communlly developmerrt BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permi.t l'equj.res a Town of vair fire 0epartment Approvar,Engineey''s. (.pubric r,rorks) reyiew and approvaj,'i pi"iinini oepartmentreview or Heatth Departnrent.review, unb'u-roviu; Li-;il;'drli[i;g - - Department, the estimated time for a totar i"ui"*-i'uv"ia[e as iongas three weeks. A'll commercia'l (..large or smar'l) and all rnult.i-family permits wi1.lhave to follow the above rnentioned maximum ruqrii"^Ln[i. Residentialand.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, ifresidential or snaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepa rtnrcnts with regard- to- necessai"y revlew,-ih;;; ;;;j;crs mayalso take the three week period. " !Y:If,.l!.T?! njll be made by this clcparrnrent to expedite thisperrntt.aS s,qon as possible. I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. =ErJ-,,-. R-ns Prn ol I ProJect. Name Communi ty Development Departrnent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED /t'f 1) 2) r) 4) 5) Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way Permit": YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires lhe use ol lhe right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls lhe driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed lo site other than existing ddve.way? ls any drainage work being done atfecling the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? A. ls the right ol way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, slaging or lencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes 10 any of these questions,-a rPublic Way Permit" must be obtdined. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained al the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any queslions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-2158. I have read and allthe abo Date 6) 7) B) answered ?r^.t Job N Co ot's II -rTortm of Vail OFFICE COPY 9€tB- oo3f 9SEj i 3 EHTBpA3 r1'?*:Ft.( F TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1239 WESTHAVEN CRLocation...: 1239 (B) WESTHAVEN, ParceI No.. i 2103-121,-07-019Project No. : PRJ98-0024 APPI.,ICANT ELECTRICIAN 426 E. 1lTH STREET, RIFLE, CO 81650 CONTRACTOR ELECTRICIAN. ,426 E. 1lTH STREET, RIFLE, CO 81650OWNER RUTING WAYNE M 852 WTLLOBE WAY, GOLDEN CO 80401 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR LOFT REMODEL DRB Fee 'Invest i gat ion> lli l. L caL t----> .00 3.00 TOTAL rEES---> 5!.00 ON JOBSITE r','T' ALL TIMES | ,.;Permit #: E98'OD3B Status. . QIRCLEApI lied. Issr-red-.. . Expj.res. Phone: Phone: 9"0-625*2fll l- i Valuation:1.,250. 0t} ****************lr******ff**********************lr*********** FEE SU ARy 'ti*i*t*********************** r**tffi r*t******rti*r*tr*** E tectri ca l.--->50.00 Total Catculated Fees---) 53.00 Additionat Fees---------> -0O Total Permit Fee--------> 53.Do Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- *******tri***H*********************************************t********t********r*******t******************************************** Dept; BUILDING Division: JRM-DepL: FIRE Division: ***********************************iffir***********trl*it*****'Ht****************rt*************tr********rr**t(***************tt*r r)t)t** CONDITION OF APPROVAL I. qIE D TNSPECTT_QNS_ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. qIEE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL-IS REQUTNTD_EETORN AT.IY-WON'K-CAi.''- BE'STARTED. ***fi***************t*********************************t*********Jr*****t*******************)t************************fr*rr*i******* DECLARATIONS r.hereby lcknowtedge that I have read.this appl,ication, fil.Led out in futt the information requ.i red, compLeted an accurate ptot P[an, and state that atl the infofmation provided as rlquired is correct. I agree to compty r.iith tire information and ptot pl.an,to compLy lrith al'l' To!,n oadinances -and state [aws, and to build this structure according to-the Town,s zon.ing and subdiv.isibncodes, design revieu approved, Uniform Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town appl.icabt.e thereto. Item: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTq3l19l1999-JRM Acrion: AppR APPROVEDrt,e.m:,,05600 FIRE DEPARTMENi0311911998 JRM Action: AppR N/A REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI,'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,. * * Statennt Number: REC-0382 Amount: 53.00 03/23/98 l0 ZOPayment Method: CK Nolation: #3303 li.rit: JRM Permit No: 898-0038 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2103-121-07-019Site Address: 1239 WESTHAVEN CRLocationt 1239 (B) WESTHAVEN CIRCLETotal Fees: 53.0CThis Payment 53.00 Total ALL pmts: 53.0(,Balance: . Otl***************************************************************+ Account Code Description AmountEP OO1OOOO31114OO ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 5O.OO WC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PIJUMBING PERMIT PeTmiI AT ALIJ TIMES P9 B-0016 .Tob Address Location. . .Parcel No. .Project No. 1239 WESTHAVEN CR 1239 (B) WESTHAVEN 210 3- 121-0 7-019 PRJg8-0024 APPLICANT CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC , AVON, CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANTCAL, rNC , AVON, CO 8L620OWNER RUTING WAYNE M 852 WTLLOBE WAY, GOLDEN CO 80401 Description: PLUMBING FOR LOFT REMODEL lPhone: 97094902OO 'Phone: 9709490200 Val-uation:3, 500.dt(' ***i***********f,************lr********i************rc******** FEE SUllt'lARy ***************ff***************************ff:t1a11.h.r-r { Ptumbi ng-----> Ptan Check--->Investigation> .00 l,l i [t caLt----> 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Revier|--> TOTAL FEES----- TotaI Calcutated I ees---) Addit.ional Fees------> TotaL Permi t Fee--.^---> 60.00 15.00 .00 78.00 ?8 3i1 \:nf1- tll Payments------- ***************tr**********************************************************************illlffi-lli;;;;;;;iil*iii********** * r;fr*** Ite.mi .05100 _BIIILDING DEpARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:03/19/1998 JRM AAEiont ApFn eppnovED JRM---Ite.m:'.05600,!'IRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:03/19/1998 JRM Acaiont AppR N/A ******************************************************************ir*************************************************************tf, CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EISI,D INSPECTIgNS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL-IS REQUIRED BEFORE EXY WORK EAN BESTARTED, ******************************i***********i********Jrt********#******J.[********************************************r ************** DECLARATIONS I hePeby €cknolrtedge that I have read.this application/ fil.l,ed out in tul,l. the inJormation required, compteted anptan, and state that a[[ the infofmation provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy ith tire inforrnationto compty !,ith al'l' Town ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure-according io.the town,s roning andcodes, design review approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Tolrn app REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 accurate p[ot and ptot ptan, subdivision **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt,,*************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0382 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: #3303 78.00 03/23/98 7o;21Init: JRM This Payment **************************************************************** Permit No Parcef NoSite Address Location Account Code PP 00100003111200 PF 0010000311-2300 wc 001000031l_2800 Description PLUMBING PERMTT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE P9B-0016 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 2 10 3- 121-07-019 1239 WESTHAVEN CR L239 (B) WESTHAVEN CTRCLETotal Fees:78.00 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: 78.00 78.00 .00 Amount 60.00 15.00 3.00 TOlrlN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIfTAGE ROAI)VAIL, CO 8L557 970-479-2t38 Job Address.,.:LocaEion......: Parcel No.....: ProjecL Number: MEEHANICAI, 1239 VIESTIIA\'EN CR 1239 WESTHAVEN DR (B) 2LO3-L2L- 07-019 PRir98 -0024 status...: ISSIIEDApplied..: 03/3L/L998 rssued. .. z O3/3a/L998Expires..: 09/27/1998 Phone: 9703795454co 81601 Phone: 97Q3795454co 81_60i_ Valuation:200.00 DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE PermitPERMIT AT #: ALL TTMES M98-0035 APPIJICAIiE AIR DESTGNS 0065 110 Road #8, GLENWOOD CONTRACTOR AIR DESIGNS 0065 110 Road #B, GLENWOODOWNER RI]TING I{AYNE M 852 WILLOBE WAY, GOLDEN CO DescrJ-ption: ADD 3 HEAT RT]NS TO EXISTING DU T Pl!a!rl-c. lnfor&at,ion3 ReEetictod:*Of eas Atrrplianceg: *rrrr FEE su![{ARY uechanlcal-- -> PIaD Ch.ck---> Invo6clgation> will Call----> SPRINGS SPRINGS 80401 . *Of eaE tioge: r r* r|}r* * tt r * ilr t *of wood/Pallet: 20.00 s.00 .00 3.00 .00 .00 28.00 26.00 .00 28.00 2S,OO RcgCuarant PIan Revies--> DRB Flc-------- mTArr FEES----- Total calculaced FeeE-- - > Addibional Feca---------> Total PeroiE Fee--------> PayEent.s- - -- - -- BAIA.IiTCE DT'E-.-. .OO *!ttt*tttt*ta*t*tt*t**r*t**'rt'.***+**ttr**a***l*la*rrtt**a.rr*'r r* * *r aa * * i *l, * * r * *ta} t* *rrttat *tt* *t:r r*rr BUILDING DEPARTMENI Dept: BUILDING Division:JRM Action: APPR APPROVED iIRI'/ffIRE DEPARTTvIENf Dept: FIRE Division:iIRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ARE REOUIRED TO EHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. REOUTRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE ]-99]- TJMC. CONFORM TO MANI'FACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND It,em: 0510003/3]-/1998IEem: 0560003/3L/199e 1.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. FIEI,D INSPE TI COI,IBUSTION ATRTNSTALLATION MTO APPENDIX GAS APPI,IAI{ SEAI,L TERMINATE ACCESS TO 21 0F rHE 19 VEIiI'TED A DING TO CIIAPTER 9 AI\TD906 0F Tr{E 1991 IJMC. coNgr.BOIT,ERS SIIAII, BE MOUNTED ON FI,OORS OF UIIIJBSS I.IISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COIVIBUSTPERMIT,PI,ANS AND EODE AI\TA]-,YSTS MIUSTUIIIJBSS I.IISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COIVIBUSTIBLE FIJOORING. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND EODE AI\TA]-,YSTS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN ]NSPE TION REOI'EST. DRAII{AGE OF MECIANIEAL ROOMS CONTATNING IIEATING OR HOT-WATER ST'PPLY BOILERS SIIAJ,I BE EOUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2LI9 OF TIIE 1991 I'MC. *****************************************tt*******************!t****************** DECI,ARATIONS 1, !:l*.t"*"tt1:.ds: tP" .J-h:"" .".u,.*.nnricaEion, fil1ed our in fulr rhe ,"*t aequrred, cobpletsed an accurats. protPlEl. |nd 6ua!e tha! al!. th. LnforDation FrovLded ao required iB correct, r agrec to coBlrly sigh the inforultLon and plot plan,bo coEltly rilh all Tovn ordiranc.s and Etate lawa, and to build thiE struccure accolding bo thc To*n.s zoning and Eubdi.vl,sioncods6, dceign rcviev aplrroved, uniforE Buildtng code a$d other ordinancee of the Tosn apprlcable !he!eco. REQI'ESTS FoR INsPBerIoNs sHAIrr, BE UADE TI|EMT-FouR HooRs IN AD\tAIccE BY TEIJEPT{oNE AT {79-213e oR AT ooR oFFIeE !Ro!r s:oo AIit s:oo pM gISIBTT'RE OF OfirfER OR COIiITRACIbR FOR IIIIISELP trND OI{NER trir.,', t* *ttta *r* ttrr!| rrr. r r r * l, i rr * r * * * * rr* rr * ri rr TCnN On VAIL. COI,ORA.DO geaEeEnr tarr*J**l.attat**rfttttart,rr**i * * * t r*r t ar* |. ra r * r * * * ggrtarunE lurb€r! REC-0393 Amount :za.OO 04/02/95 ).2 t27 PayaEttts Method: CK73g1 llocacion: CHECK InI.E: PBM PcrEit No: ll9g-OO3S .fl|pe: 8-UECL UECIUNICAL PSR"UIT Prlc.l tfo ! 2103-121-o7-0L9 gitc IddreEE: 1239 I|ESTIIAVEI{ cR LocrEionr 1239 WEETHIVEI{ DR (B) ItrlB Paltu.nts Total Feea i 28.00 Total ALL Pur.E r 28.00 2S. O0 AEoultt 20. 00 5.00 3.00 Ascor,rnt eodE Descrilrcion u9 00100003111300 uE(:lAllrcAr, PBRMIT FEES pr 00100003112300 PTJAN cHEcxc FaEs wc 00100003112900 tftrJl cArrr rNsPEcrroN FEE REPT131 t6/Eblg& ll€:4?RETIUESTS FOR 'roHN oF VAIL, trEtL0RfiDO IFI5trEC1-IO'{ I.TORK sHEETs FOR:1$/86/98 trNGE AREA: CD ffctivityl Address: Locat i on : Farcel: Descri pt i on : Appl icant: Owner r . Contractor: B9A-OS3I t0,/e6/9a 1 1839 b,ESTHAUEN CR 1839 B I.IESiTHRVEN el03-1e1-s7-0r9 CI RCLE ADD LOFT AND BATHROOF1 1NTERIOH K. C. CTT{IINNY RUTIHG IEAYHE FI K, C. trtlttltrANY yper A-BUILD Status: ISSUED: Constrl ADUtr Eccl Use: CDNUERSI0N Fhone: 97S-949-O566 Fhone: Fhone: 97S-949-0566 Inspection Request Inforration.... Requestor: RICH CAtrLES Req Tire; &B:OS Eorrents: LOEK Iters requested to he Inspected.,. S0S9S BLDG-Final Inspection History..... Iter; 0gO3S BLDB-Fraringg4/l4l9& Inspector: trD Itrrr 0|AS5O BLDG-Insulat isn Iterr 00td66 BLDE-Eheetroek Nail Q+l17f28 Inspectorr CD'Iter: g0S7O BLDE*ltlisc. Iter; 0SS96 BLDE-Final BOX LOG Aet i Phone: EY DgOR I5n Eorrent s 39S-66/}4 KtrB Tire Exp Aet ion: AffrR Aetion: APtrR APtrRgVED APtrROVED oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Ruting Residence - Unit B Project Description: tn;!;l3l,i"*.rsion - adding 325 Sq. ft. above garage. No exterior changes, adding Owner, Address and Phone: W. M. Ruting Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: fJjftSSBBtf$fuU" Construction Company, PO Box 341, Project Street Address:1239 B West Haven Circle Legal Description: Lot37' Glen Lyon Sub. Parcel Number: 2103-12l-07-019 BuildingName: Comments: Request maxes out ++ GRFA on site Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 3-f 0-97 Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproval F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAII9S\RUTINC.3 I 0 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 Qucstions? Ctl Planrring Srafi'at 479-21 28 APPI,ICATION FOR DESIGN RBVIEW APPROVAL building pcrmit is issucd and construction is started' tl,+ GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any pljcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval priortosubnrittirrg fora buiiiingpcrnlit. io.sp"cific infornration. scc thc submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particqlar approval thct is rcqucstcd. ttrc ap-pilcation cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd infornratioh is subnrittctl. Ttrc projcct uray also nccd to bc rcuicwtd by thc Torvn Council nrrdi/or thc Planning and Environntcntll colrrnrissiorr. Design Rcvicrv Board approval cxpires onc ycar aftcr final approval unless a B. A. DEscRIP/rroNoFrHEREQUESr: t' ( an a 7L<-W'fl'" pexcet*. 210 (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): c. lr. E. TOlflN0.FVAIL DESCRIPy'ION OF TH LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: 37 B LOCK:- FILINC: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: MAILINC ADDRESS: l:, c. OWN ER(S) SIGNATURE(S): 2,NAME OF APPLICANT: F,' MAILING ADDRESS:Po PHONE: q'? (r- b<bh I{. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr N crv.Genstrmtirrr-$100-- -Constnrctiotl of a ncrv buildittg' .-- O'nJoition - $50 ii}tudcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rqsidcntial or (-- comntcrcial building. El Minor Altcration - $20 lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc irnprovcnlcnts. such as, rcroo|ing.painting.wintlowadditions.landscaping'fcnccsandrclaining rvalls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc timc of subnrittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pcnnit, plcase idcntify lhc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. ThcTownof Vail rvill adjust thc fcc accordrng to thc project valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBIViITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRoNTAGE RoAD' vArL, coLoRADO 81657. O.] : OBF LOCATIONOF PROIIOSAL; fffi-1a-199e 15:23 FROl,t E)lECUTrr.E :frO"- cornPanv TO 73ru4?ve432 P.At ezole-osee P.ozMrr-l(I-98 N MEOFOWNBR(SIj . o,'onron; ''_ . .,. i;i. : h"hJ;il'Ji,'iil.#Jf;ilrr@ t:,;liibr,il;Jid;n#ri,hi ,1 " t ;*o*ru*** -'' r, l' ffi#:ffi; J;ffiffi*.,#;;l11gi,gg . :'.'.,.1' ,.j-.._t_ . ':i''- .til.--: ..;wrtc't!G' r .i.i.-.,;t :'...1:,. ';.1.-. 1';:.. .t.' :''.; .,i:i:'.1..r'l.+',it{iflTfttifr.':i:' . r't .; ,,i '1i+, l{',, . :,' .;' ;',,, i ;ffi9iffffi#B$triH#Hffi'ffil.S+t-$ffi '' ; :: f. gnu ro*'-"i:itlid"**+..4;**j d*.;#++t$ro;;**r"-oi*ii.*itii r"m ,: ', ' .1. og a6Eu'atildrdsr of tbc spicr,t Trc Twrrofvair *n |qilridftc diGll*-ifir.r'i;i.i;;;.1ili::ffi, . ':t '. l'.tr cmccpt!d*crdarv;-'$0- jFca!ffidiriin'nas+ttortprii""tt*iii*to;irot*trtrrx$;n;1,#rsfiffifiiJ qLEAttE,;unilrrTnrsATpr.rcATtorgnrr,sunmltirr,nEeurREl6.rrsa1;pTHErEEToTtrE.,:.i:i.-.{i, -. ..-., ' , .'.DEpABTtnENTOF',CODftt[UNrry 'lF^vg0pME}|T, zisouislno]ffrcBnoAD, ,-... .i: I .'..lii;i' :. .i .t .'..... -'::'i"- ,i!.; ri!a: r. - tI & 4 s_ rF 6 t?!-i ,b$ E235 . 'a - a9/15/1996 I*t'r'd:d ': fr o 13r 45 978478772L rMESgUEtlEUr In*tellatlon of land8 SNOhISHOE DEVELOFMENT . {tHFlltrs ' lEat,lon , CO (Eee svatemlltacnea esbimabe) PAGE O1 & DFVELOFqR MENOVEilET'IT AGHEEiIENT . THIS AGREEMENT, mad6 and entered tnto this J$lh- day. ol seoternbEr ' 19Jg by and ;ilrru "n*,*,-rrtldFH1=.** .' '-tnereiiaiu, canei tne 'oerreloFer"), End fta TOWN OF VATL [horelnaftef ca[6rt the "rown"l ani riiJ{ pant or y" herelnaller salled ths$enlf). ,/ WHEHEI6'tts Dewfoper, es acotditlon of apProrrat otnaYlLe --=-- -Ih#_d;tJ'iG#i-li'.'- ' -- - .Ifl-Lwistres ro enter lnto a DsveloPBI - improwmcr* Ailntement and WHEREAS, m6 Dewloper iS Obl'lgated lo prwide BBsurily or colletelil sufffclent ln thB Judgmgnt ol gra forn m mafe ieasonaUie ptouidlnl ioi comptEiion of ceilain lmprovsments ret fonh b6lovr; afil WHEREAS, the DevelOper wlshes to provkle collataralto guarantee perlormanc.e of ttth Agreement, lnCluOlnO conitrucdton ol the anove-reierencgd improvements W mean€ of thg lollordngt , Developer a0rgF{b^eJ.rebllsh a tetter of cr€ditwith a Banlt in Eagle counv ln a dollar amour a{ Sl4 *!lgq:S 1.125o/.olthe tolal "o"r oftn" work inown ba6w) to provlde securlty forJhe followlng: at 1239-E wesfhaven c , NOW, THEREF;RE, In constderailon ot the foilorring mutuat covenants 8nd agr6emHlts' the Derreloper andth0 Town agree as follows: 2.Toseqrrean.lguaranteeper|ormanceglilsob|iga|ionsgsF6tforthhe'61n,|he Developer agrees to ptovide securily rnd es follo! ,s: in th6 arnount of s 17,368.55 (name of bank ln Eagle.CowilY).a: tT C r tnete ls a deiautt und€r the l.TheDaveloparagfees'at|he$olecostandexpenlBs,to|um|sha||aqu|pmsnt and naterialn"ctrs"ryio F"rroi"ia.o comptete $l improvements,.on or before povenb.er 3o, 1996 Theoerreloper snarrco-'mpite, in a good w.orkmanlike mennet, all hprovemen* ^s llsteO-abow, in accoiAance liirt'iii[i*^i ani speclficasons tllsd in the olfbe of the Communlty Etovet*rnent DePartmsnt,.the.To{ildi'Vsil, "nd O do att ti'ork Incldentalilrereto accordlrq to ahd In compllance with the lollo\^ingl e. Such slhsr designs, drawings' rrrsPS' seediicatiryLskeuhes' and othet mauer altbfiiited by the Developer to be;;t"*d bi.ll' of the ebo\e'ralerancsd gor"rnriirli;;ilri;r. Alsaid *ofrirt"n ue bone under ille lnspectlon of' snd lo rhe sailsfacrion of, he Town endl-tiili, m-i"* Bullding otllclai' or other olfhlal hom the Town ol vail, as anEcd ii'ipecrar.9ist199-oliervlce dlstricts' aE thsir reBpecrive interest ."y app""r, .#slran not bedeemed compleu unill eFfroved "no **"rpuo *r "omdretlb uvifieiwn of vail communlty Developrnent Departmint and Publlc works DepaflmBnt' Agleement bY DetreloPer' o t.,9,h* ft. -*.rr.*J *hjtl,,, l uvl 1b/ 159b mE:rT.'i.E!: o 19:45 97E4767721 EI.IEI^|SHOE DEVELEFi'/|EI.IT 4, The Town shell not. nor shall any ofticcr or cnFloyee thgreol, bo liable or tesporu$lUe for Bny aocident. loss or damage happening or occuning to the wbtk speclflad In this Agreement prlor t6 the completion and ecceptance ol ths sem€. nor shall fie Toutnt nor eny otficsr or enployee lhgreof, bE liable lor any persons or property Injured by reason ot lhg nsturc ol sald wolk. but all of sald llabililies shell and are hereby assumed by the Dewloper' The Developer horeby agrees to hdemnify and hold harmless the Torttn, and nay of lts otficgfs. eggnts and employe-es against any losses, claims, datnages. or tiabilltlss to Yrhlch th€ Town or eiy of lxE Ofihdrs,'agenE or empdyees may becorne subject to, lnsOfar as any sudt losssg, clalms, damages or liaUnities (or actions in respect thareof) that arlse out of or ats baEed upon eny perlimqnd by the Developer herounder: and the Devetoper shall relmburse tfie ToYrn idr any riril all legd or other expenses reesonably lncurred by the Town in cormectlon wllh inuesnfietftg ot d-ctenOing any iuch loss, claim. damage, liatilityor action' This hdemtdty provphn 31l5n Ue h sddition to any other llabllity uvhlch lhe Beveloper may have. E. lt iE mutually agreed that lhe Developer may rpply to the Town and theTown shall eutho1ze fOr prrilal reflas6 ot-tho coltateraldeposiiecl wlth the Towl ftDr each calogoryof. fmptofmenf'* srrtr iim6 es such lmprowments are constructed tn compllance with ell plane-.. ||b sp;clnctilons as relerenced hereundor arut accepled by the Tolm. Under no condidan will the amOurrt Of tlre cOllateral that is being hetd be reduced below tne amounl neoessery to complats such lftiptovemenB. 6. lf the TOwn dGlermines, ar lts eole discrsllon. thst any of the irnprova-ry€$s contenrpletsd trereunder are not constructsd in compliance vuith ths Flans and speclficatlons 8et lorth ln t lt Rgreemant on or betore fie date Set torth in PaAgraph 2, the Town may. bul thlll not be reoukfd to, redeem he lEtter of ciedit as necessery to complet8 the unllnlshad ffip-*6ffiil fii gEnf shau retease such tunds upon u/rifien LTuest lom the Toryen€tallrlg lhit he lmporaments nane not feen compteted as iequired bry this agrecment' Tha Bank shall iiot rsquha 1.,G corrlo"d oirne,Jeviiopftiprior to reiease oi the lunds to tha Toil'n nor ahsll fia ffrirt Us regulred to rerffi diOepenaenty iner such improvernett6 haw not been comdeted ilt quit3d tints agreement, but'shall refiase such funds solely upon the Town's s'rlttsn rcquest. lf ths eosts of completing the work exceed lhe amount-ot the d€posit, the axcess' togetlei wlth lnterest at trpetve percent per annum, shall be a-lien agalnst the prserty and.Ta!{ bs co16ctod by civll suil;l;;yfiErtifeO t0 the treesuter of Eagle Countv to bG collectsd ln the sams mann€t 8s delinquent ad valorem taxes tevieO againsl syth ptTlg' lt lhe p€m|{ h:Per fails of rEfusBs to cofiplela the cleanup anq fangscanrig, ad defined in lhls daptet' such fallure oiretueet stratt Ua conitOered e violetion of rhe Zonlng Code' T,Theftvelopo'warranlsa||workandma|erla|foraperiodo|oneyearg|ter. accsFtencs ot att wor* ,"tdneO to in thls Rgreemenl Uy the Town ii suclr-work is located on Town ;iv;[t Frop&y or *p*n-iorin oivaii rigntlol-way puriuant to Sec1on 17.i6'250' S.Thepart|eshere|omuua||yagreelhetth|sAgreementmaybcamended|romtlme to time. provlded tfi sucft "menOmcnts be i-n ffi1ng and eiecuted W allpartles hereto' Datd lha day and ltear flrst abo'v€ wrltten' ' -- 1-., . EY/i5i itsb igr 4Effi"t '' Mycommlsslon o SiiDwSiiOE !'EVELEPI'IENT NTT-,T,V-TUW DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Y t64 t6 | tzL PAGE E3 Ft-oRiDft STATEOF€€LOf,*DO )| :;rm,ysof* \sS.COUNTYAF€iG'I* ) il #.1"'*#F%elHZr T;;il!}-ffTryYrhy,'rf,:wJ-W:|WW-Wffihz;wprono"r- Wtnass my hand and offidal seal.PATRICIA E. MOFRELL MY C0MMISSION # Cg{}{}ld8 EpIFES Docsfitot 28' lS ooro$TR TsoY F lillGun of'[G' -$TATE OF COLOBADO I ,=_ COUNTYOFEAGLE ) / s ^w f w iffi"ELy *:-'^:,T["lx|'* wwE"PfP. P *. ${itness rny hand and ofscial seal' I MyoommlssionexP'ircsi STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF EAGLE Tha ay of Wllnsts mY hand and ollicial seal' Mycommlasion I ) ss. ) President Notary Public Planner, CommunltY DeveloPmen nowledged Pelor€ me fh 0offlt*ssicn EPoEt W 7' tY h.vitton lhr $&drPrf'lh tO.DrPirY.!@tLjl 'i ' tlnrbrOaPtortolcCc$otm' La l7' Slrt L1o *$riritn{' aucr.$,taohDdEi. rry1Fqpo;1 111r*y19:*qtA5jdtt:d4 t*T'.rF+. b sili*re rUOc aaltcUam &irrb *nd:', .'.. S13,89t1.84st3,t$t.84 ': ' allrnnailirsrdrdob:rqraf riAI:IT-:.:=E:*ltffg=::rtrj=H,-JftildH#;?fiffi;ffi;iffi6*;;;'*-ffiffiffiffi :T:HT:H#r""ll*:*' Wdrcr'rCoPauci4ln$fl '"ffiffi UE|*H?::-:"'-*:r;!*;i::**:=if,it;""*liH-:Hri"H'*iTtfi:::ffi;rill"i-''.ii:iuE I'o jeic srti rian, prepT.g rv i nvmor ro Uards i. tOmirb tp $o lr2 *ocoflaiq- I I to', Af;fsPT :rPre 10,199 i : I I 9?A4?J i ,\{ shnn*l**t.0. '.' i ! conenuceLnilffiAPil{q Nc. P.O.Bn2gB v.lt. cgElEsa (E70)a75aq1 PmFol$r illhrhf hr,tlgprtorlt Corporetion t d37, Gbn LYDn Subcllvlrkrn ssgf*id, orD'.pts GotD Rsrgc Lendrcape md lnigrtion $opocas b pst{onn the tulloring: PAE El -3 gel, gsl. 9EI. gEl. 1 2 2 g to 5 15I 11 10 437 1197 .r558 14tlD .t750 &7 508.5 Tls ir'tsrrtfelo" Bpitet cDt|rn3ts Trral f:. 'Dglgo' nbttrl SSoiltsSt# EdgirU pirF pin8 175 175 17.3 27 7.S 17.3 | 42.6 BE.5 405 71.1 1903 42F 160 ?12,5 2s 113 120 Bartilr 6{88.ots 11996 2b228 o 97W7tT?21 l) gifll9iE I'EtE-tPi€.IT tf wlttrlntho inig$iut PAGS g4 rnd rstsrbl hlc1l,targuerEnLt ffintion indudct 4 :oncs InEllding driP) :f-TBAil( OF VAIL 17 Vail Foad Vail, CO 816s7 (970) 476-s686,LENDER' IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT : 96L3927 Lender indicated above ("Lender") hersby establish€s at the request and for the account of Customer an lrrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of Beneficiary for a sum of seveDteep fhousand :fhree__ Euadred sixty Bigbt and 55/l0O pell6ls (g l? ' 358.55 These funds shall be made available tro Beneficiary against Lender's receipt from Beneficiary of drafts drawn at sight on L€nder at its address indicated abov€ (or such other address that Lender may provide Beneficiary with writt€n notice of in the ftrture) during regular business hours and accompanied bythe signed written statements or documents indicated belo/v. WARNING TO BENEFICIARY: PLEASE EXAMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. lF YOU FEEL UNABLE TO MEET ANY OF ITS REOUIREMENTS, EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER, YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR CUSTOMER IMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THE LETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWISE, YOU WILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. 1. DRAFT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Lender shall honor the drafts submitted by Beneficiary under the following trerms and conditions: Guaraltee landscapiog and irrigation eysten located at 1239-8 t{estheeenCircle, Vaili Colorado. Upon Lender's honor of such drafts hereinafter, Lender. once the full amount of credit available under this Letter of Credit has been drawn, shall be fully discharged of its obligations under this Letter of Credh and shall not thereafter b€ obligated to make any further paym€nts under this Letter of Credit in r8spect of such demand for payments to B€neficiary or any oth€r person. lf a non-conforming demand is made, Lender shall notify Beneficiary of its dishonor on or before the time mentioned in Section 5 beloiv. Beneficiary shall have no recourse against Lender for any amount paid under this Lfier of Cr€dit after Lender honors any draft or other document which complies strictly with this Letter of Credit, and which on its face appears otherwise in order but which is signed, issued, or pres€nted by any party or und€r th€ name of any party purporting to act for Beneficiary, purporting tro claim through Beneficiary or posing as Beneficiary. By payng to Beneficiary an amount demanded in accordance with this Letter of Credh, Lender mak€s no representation as to the correc,tness of the amount demanded and Lender shall noi be liable to Beneficiary or any oth€r person f,or or in respect to any amount so paid or disbursed for any reason whatsoever, including, witholrt limhation, any nonapplication or misapplication by Beneficiary of the proceeds of such paymert. By presenting upon Lender or a confirming bank, Beneficiary certifies that Beneficiary has not and will not present upon the other, unless and until Beneficiary meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promises to return to L€nd€r and confirm any funds received by Beneficiary in excess of the Letter of Credit's maximum drawing amount. 2. USE RESTRICTIONS All drafts must be marked 'DRAWN UNDER FirstBank of veil IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO.96t3927 - DATEDg-cltenbef lQ--1995 -', and the amount of each draft shall be marked on the draft. Only Beneliciary or Beneficiarys Transtere€ (only if transferable) may complete a draft and accompanying statements or documents required by this Letter of Credh and make a draw underthis Letter of Credit This original Letter of Credit must accompany any drafi dravrrn hereunder. Partial draws E are permitted E are not permitt€d under this Letter of Credit. Lender's honor of a partial draw shall correspondingly reduce the amount of credit available under this Letter of Credit. Following a partial draw, Lender shall return this original Letter of Credit to Beneficiary with the partial draw noted thereon; in the alternative, and in its sole discretion, Lender may issue a substitute Letter of Credit to Beneficiary in the amount shown above less any partial draw(s). 3. PERMITTEDTRANSFEREES ! This Letter of Credit may be transfurred by Beneficiary upon providing Lender with prior writton notice of the transfer. The Transferee shall be deemed the new Beneficiary of this Letter of Credit and the documents of the Transferee, induding drafts required und€r this Letter of Credit, are to be processed by Lender (or any intermediary) whhout the original Beneficiary's intervention and without any further responsibility on Lender's part to the original Beneficiary. @ fne right to draw under this Letter of Credit shall be nontransferable, except tur: A. A transfer (in its entirety, but not in part) by direct op€ration of law to the original Beneficiarys administrator, executor, bankruPtcy trust€e, receiver, liquidator, successor, or other repreg€ntatives at law; and B. The first immediat€ transier (in its entirety, but not in part) by such legal representative to a third party after expross approval of a govemmental body 0udicial, administrative, or oxecutive). MASTSo2 O FormAtlon Technologleq Inc. (3/2/s4) (8oo) sl7€79s : ,l4. TRANSFEREE'S REOUIRED DOCUMENTS When the present€r is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3 above, the documents required for a draw shall include: A. All documents required elsewhere in this Letter of Credit, except that such documents may be in the name of and executed by either the original Beneficiary or the presenter permitted by paragraph 3; and B. When the presenter is a permitted Transfaree under paragraph 3.A or a third party under 3.8, a certified copy of the one or more documents which show the presenter's authority to claim through or to act with authority lor the original Beneficiary. TIMTNG OF DISHONOR Under no circumstances shall Lender be precluded from relying upon any reason for dishonor given in a communication which Beneficiary or the presenter receives whhin three (3) Banking Days after Lender has received the last docum€nt forming part of Beneficiarys presentm€nt (the "Three-Day Period"). Lender shail be ontitled to rely upon any such reason without regard to either (i) the timing of any presentment made before the Expiration Date, or (ii) the timing insido the Three-Day Period of any preliminary communication(s) from Lender concerning the dishonor decision itself or any reason for dishonor. For any such reason 9o given during the Three-Day Period, Lender shall be conclusively deemed to have met the "reasonabl€ time', 'wkhotjt delay'', and other timing reouirements as the Uniform Customs and Practice for Docum€ntary Cr€dits, 1993 Revision, ICC Publication NoS(X)' as most recenfly pubti"n"d by the Int€rnational Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter called the 'UCP') may impose. The Expiration Date shall not be eldended to accommodate a presentment made with less than three (3) Banking Days to go beiore thB Expiration Date, and Beneficiary shall not be entitled to submit a draw request or provide Lender with any documents in support of a dravv after the Expiration Date hereof. Nor shall Lender ever be required lo communicate a dishonor decision or its reasons within a time less than the Thre+Day period. "Banking Day'' shall mean any day, exc€pt Saturday, on which commercial banks located in the state of Lender's address are either not authorized or are not required to close. COMPLIANCE BURDEN Under no circumstances shall Lender be held responsible for any impossibility or other difficulty in achieving strict compliance with th€ requirements of this Letter of Credit precisely as written. Beneficiary understands and acknowledges: (i) that unl€ss and until the present *oiding of this Letter of Credit is amended with Lender's prior written consent, the burden of complying strictly wkh such wording remaini solely upon Beneficiary; and (ii) that Lend€r is relying upon the lack of such amendment as constituting Beneficiary's inkial and continued approval of such wording. NON.SEVERABILITY lf any aspect of this Letter of Credh is ever declared unenforceable for any reason by any court or governmental body having iurisdiction' Lender's entire engagement under this Letter of Credh shall be deemed null and void ab initio, and both Lender and Ben€ficiary 6hall be restored to the position each would have occupied with all rigfrts available aB though this Letter of Credit had never occurred. This non-severability provision shall override all other provisions in this Letter of Credit, no matter where such provision appears within the Letter's body. cHorcE oF t-AwruuRrsDlcTloN The UCP shall in all respects be deemed a part hereof as fully as if incorporated herein and shall apply to this Letter of Credit. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordanie with the laws ot the State of Colorado . , Unit€d States of America. except to the extent such laws af€ inconsis-tent with the UCP. Lender and Beneficiary consent to the iurisdiction and venue of any court selected by Lender in its discretion located in the State of Colorado in the €vent of any legal proceeding under this Letter of Credit. EXPIRATION Lender hereby agrees with Beneficiary that drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit will be duly honored if oresented to the Lender on or b€fore the Expiration Date. Dated: SepteDber 18, 1996 LENDER: FirstBank of vail ENDORSEMENT OF DRAFTS DRAWN: Amount Amount Negotiated By In Words In Figules 7. Date ell M. uorvice Preside[t MAST602B 0 FormAtion Technologies, Inc. (3/2/S4) (800) €37-3799 Ur?1 , 1/z^L1o a U,wtifirstr trf (Drrufunru @nnrtr (Df liluil fruililitrg Erpurtmrnt TIJ,'S C'F-R7]FICA7'I lssUED PUR-SI/ANI ro THI-- REQU]REMENTS OF THE I/N'FORM BL/II_D'NG CODE Ct"RT'F)''NC 1'IIAT AT 'fHE 7'IME OF /SSTJANCE 7'HI.S STRUCTURE IY/AS /N COMPI-IANCE WITH'THE \/ARIOUS ORD/NANCES OI: TIIF, TO\T/N REGUI-A?]NG BUII-DINC CON.S'TRUCT/ON, AND OR USE. TOrHh BL.ST OF O[iR KNO\VI,EDGI. Nrtrrtc - RROUN_DUPIEX='-_ llsc Clirssifierrior -_9U+L:E;{-- Crouo R-3 IlLrilcling l)cnrrir N-o. 895-00q7 Typc Consrruction V-N C)u ner of Building WESTMARK PARTNERS Building Addrcss The building official mry, in writing, suspcnd or revoke a Cc(ificarc of Occupancy issued under thc provisions olthis code wherevcr thc ccrtificate js issu€d in cffor, o( on thc basis of incorrec( Jnforma(ion supplied, or when il is determined thal the building or structure or porlion thcreof ir in violation of any ordinance or rcgulatioo of thc Town ofVsil or any of thc provisions of this code, POST IN A, CONSPICUOUS PLACE CHECK REQAEST DATE: (- /,/ / ElPREPARED BY: vENDORNAME: J. C- f u ,-(u-, c. n ,tr" -/ ,b, VENDORNUMBER:1o 1XY-- DESCRIPTION OFEXPENSE: CLEANUP DEPOSITREFUI\'D FORBP # f 9 5-:oo? NAME OF JOB:?u.*^ e* ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNTOFREFUNDi A 5-O. oo DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: Nr .t t:rt s. { I I I I ').. t . .l::,,}il, il ,l ' 'i'i| .;.' . .", -l:l 1 t,l i,, - I NOTEI THIS PER.MIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL PROJECT TITLE: BROWN DUPLEX NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #l TIMES 895-0097 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Job Address Location,.. Parcef No..Project No. ISSUED 05 /0L/Lee5 07 /07 /Lees or /03/Lee6 Department of Community Development 1245 WESTHAVEN CR Status... GLEN LYON Applied..2103-121-07-006 Issued...PRJ95-0066 Exnires. . .', 't '-! l-"!' ' n'APPLICANT J.L. VIELE coNSTRUcTIoN rU i . ' Phone: 1000 s FRONTAGE RD WEST #202, VAIL CO 9!657 CONTRACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION Phone: 1000 s FRONTAGE RD WEST #202, VArL CO 81657 OWNER VTESTMARK PARTNERS Phone: 813 957-3800 2029 MORRTS AVENUE BOX 2175, UNrON NJ 07083 Description:CONSTRUCTION OF NEW DUPLEX Number of owetling Units z OO2Occupancy Type Factor Sq. Feet Val"uationDwellings Zone 3 V-N 125,80 5,356 673 .7B4.BOPrivate Garages Zone 3 V-N 31.62 Lr19o 37,627.8ASubtotall 6,546 7lL,4I2.60Table Date: 04/0!/!992 Tota1 Valuation: 211 .412.6ATown of VaiI Adjusted Valuationl 711 t412.600 Firep(ace Information: Restricted: yES #0f Gas Apptiances: 2 #0f Gas Logs:#0f Hood/PaL tet: lr**tffir**tnt**|tftt!tl-*rr****ffi****ffi*ffifr****#Jrffi#(*f* FEE SUlll,lARy *##*******tct*#**ir*ffi**ffiffi**rr**ffi*****#*tft* Bui Lding----> 3,188.00 970-47 6-3082 97 0-47 6-3082 Ptan Check---> Invest i gat ion> l,litt Catl.---> 2,O72.20 Item: 05100 05/03 /LeesItemi 05400 06/Le /teesItem:05600 o6/2t/Lees Item:05500 o6/20/Lee5 Restuarant P lan Revi ew--> oRB Fec--------- TotaL Cal.culated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees--------> Totat Permi t Fee-------->.00 Recreation Fee----------> 3.00 C Iean-Up Deposi t--------> TOTAL TEES----- .00 400.00 981 .90 750.00 7 ,3?5 .10 7 ,395 .10 .00 7 ,395 .1O 7 ,395 .1O .00BALANCE DUE--_ *tJotlrtttirtnHrffiffiffi,r**f,f,ffrrf,1t*irkffiJt'ffi(****tdc****tr*Jr***trirt**********t***irlciffi*Hdct***ffi*ffirrl*ir**tr******* BUILDING DEPARTMENTCHUCK Actj.on: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT GEORGE Action: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT DAN ACtions APPR COMPLETED PUBLIC WORKS CHARLIE Actj-on: APPR ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Dept: BUIL,,DING Dept: PLANNING Dept: FIRE 6-21-95 Dept: PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: *ffi***tt****ffi*rt**********f'ffi*ff##*ffi*rol**ffirt**ffi*lik*ft*lrt*#**ffi#*irh*Hr**l*irt*ffirnbr****ffi******l See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have nead this apptication, fitted out in fuLL the infornation required, colpteted an accurate ptot ptan, and etate that al't the infonmation provided as required is correct. t agree to compty vjth the information and pl,ot ptan, to conpty vith att Tovn ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subd.ivision codes, design revieU approvcd, UniforD BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Toun appticable thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIOIIS SHALL Bg IIADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS Send CLean-Up Deposit To: J. L. VIELE 1N {p unotfruo AND OI,INER ('! Il' TOWN AFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Department of Community Developmenl FAX970-479-2452 PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDIfIONS OF APPROVALPernit #: 895-0097 as af 0't/0"1/95 Status: ISSUED***************************************************************rr**************** Pernit Type: NEW (SFRTP/S,DUP) PERMITApplicanr: J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION Job Address: 1245 WESTHAVEN CRLocation: GLEN LYONParcel No: 2103-121-07-006 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILI REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALT BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAMB INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. This application requires fire department approval Applied: 0s/0L/L99s Issued: 07 /O7 /L995 {g rn "uor*"* **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO statemnt *******************Jr******************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0043 Anount: Payment Method: CK1008 Notation: 7 ,L95.tO 07 /07 /95 09:52 INiT: MMC Permit No: 895-0097 Type: B-BUILD Parce1 No: 2103-121-07-006 Site Address: 1245 WESTHAVEN CR Locati.on! GLEN T,YON NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE 7, 395. 10 7, 395. 1o .00 Total Fees: ?, 195.10 Total Ar-,L Pmts: Balance:This Payment *************************{.*************************J.*******J.**** Account Code DescriPtion Amount di-6;i;5 +riio BurLDr['Ic PERMTT FEEs 3 ' 188 ' 00 01 00oo 41331 DESTGN REVTEW FEES 200'00 oI 0oo0 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 2,072'20- 01 OOOO 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 750'OO 30 0000 45032 RECREATToN FEES 981'90 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALI., INSPECTION FEE 3'OO ['THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PermiI #: E95_0077TOWN OFVAN 75 South Frotage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970479-213V479-2139 F4X970479-U52 Job Addresstocation. . . ParceL No..Project No. ISSUED os/o!/Lee5 0't /0't /rees 0L /03 /7ee 6 76-3082 Department of Community Development 1245 WESTHAVEN CR Status. . . GLEN LYON App1ied..2103-121-07-006 rssued...PRJ95-0066 Expires., APPLICANT J.L. VIETE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEST #202, VArL CO CONTRACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRONTAGE RD WEST *202, VArL COOI4INER WESTMARK PARTNERS 2029 MORRIS AVENUE BOX 2175, UNrON NJ 07083 CONTRACTOR HUNT ELECTRIC P O BOX L984t VAIL CO 81658 Phone: 970-4 81657 Phonez 974-476-3082 816s7 Phone:813 957-3800 Phone: 3039491913 Description: INSTALL EL,,EC. IN NEW DUPLEX Valuation:20, 000. 00 ffi*r*****,t**rhf#rt**H FEE SUIrll{ARy ffi#***ffi*rtrt**,t*ffi*ffi#**f****ffit E Iectri c6 [--->273.@ Total Calcutated Fees---> 276.00 DRB Fee .00 3.00 276.OO AdditionaI Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- .00 275.@ ?76.W BALANCE DUE---_ lnvesti gation) l,li l,L Catt----> TOTAL FEES_-> ffi******tritrt**f,tr*#rffir*trrffir***tih,ffitr*ffi**ffiffi**********ff****#***#ffi**ffi**rt*:St*ir*rffirtrrH*ffir*rttlr* ITem: O60OO ELECgRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: ******#rrt***ti'**ffi*ffi**fi***'i*t*ff****#***********************ffi:Hr*#*******lHr****#r********ffiH**#rr#iffiffi*ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi*ffii*r*f,tr}|tflt*,rf*lr|t'r|tffi,r|t*ffirr*#(ffi**ffi*#ff*****ffi******ffi********M**#*ffi*ffi*ff**t*ffi#**fi DECLARATIONS I. hereby ,acknont:dge that I have read this apptication, fitLed out in ful,t the information required, compl,eted an accufate p[otptan, and statt that atl the information pnovided as required is cornect. I agree to compLy uith the intornation and ptot btan,to.compt-y vith al'l ToHn ordinances and state taws, and to buitd this st.ucture according to the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieu apppoved/ Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabl,e thereto. RESUESTS FOR ]NSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE T!,ENTY-FoUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE A't 479-2138 oR AT ouR otFIcE FRolt E:OO At't 5:ql P {p *"n"uo ruro J- *****************************************!t********************** TOWN OF VAIL' COLORADo statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number; REc-0044 Amount ; 27 6 ' oo o7 /07 /25 1-0:94 Payment Method: CK1008 Notation: lnl-E: IvllvrL ELECTRICAL PERMITPermit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Palment 895-0077 Type: B-ELEC 210 3-121-07 -0 0 6 1245 WESTHAVEN CR GLEN LYON Total Fees: 2'16.OO Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 27 6 .00 27 6 .0O .00 *lr*****************************li******************************** Account Code 01 0000 4L313 01 0000 41336 DescriPtion ELECTRICAL PERM]? FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 273.00 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLTJMBING PERMIT PeTmit AT ALL TIMES P9 5-00ss Job Address: 1245 WESTHAVEN CRLocat,ion... : GLEN LYON Parcel- No.. : 2LO3-L2I-07-006Project No. : PRJ95-0066 APPLICANT J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEST #202, VArL CO CONTRACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoN?AGE RD WEST #202, VArL COOWNER WESTI,IARK PAREISERS 2029 MORRTS AVENUE BOX 2175, UNrON NJ CONTRACTOR SNOW COIJNTRY SERVICES P O BOX 157, AVON CO 81620 Phone: 97O-4 81657 Phone: 970-476-3O82 8165 7 Phone: 813 957-3800 07083 Phone: 3039262590 Total Catcutated Fees---> 755. CXt Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . APPROVED os/oL /Lee5o6/2L/rees 72/L8/Less 7 6-3042 Deecription: INSTAIL PLIJMBING IN NEW DUPI,EX Valuation:40, 000 .00 FEE SU ltARy rrtffiffi Pl,ufibing----> Ptan check--> Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> TOTAL FEES----- 6m.00 150.m 753.00 Additionat Fees--------> Totat Permit FeF-------> Dept: BUILDING Division: .00 753.00Investigation> .00 ui l,L Catl,---> 3.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE--.-*tt** ** rLem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/03/L995 cHUcK Actionr APPRO5'/O3'/L995 CHUCK Action: APPR O5'/.03'/.L995 CHUCK Action: CANCO6'/21'/L995 DAINI Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL *** DECLARATlONS I hepeby acknor:Ledge that I have read this apptication, fill,ed out in ful.L the infofmation requi red/ comPLeted an accurate P[ot ptan, aird state th;t alt th. informqtion provided as requirld is correct. I agree to comply with the infomation and ptot P[an,io compLy eith aLL ToHn ordinances and state [ans, and to buiLd this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, dcsign revier approved, Uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Toun applicable thereto. REOUESTS FOR II{SPEGTIONS S}IALL BE I{ADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOilE AT 479-?13E OR AT OI'R OFFICE fROl{ 8:OO A 5:M P[ SIGNATURE oF olrNER oR coNTRAcroR FoR HrllsELF AND ol,lNER NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M95-0065 Job Addreaa...:Location......! Parcel No.....: Project Number: 1245 WESTHAVEN CR GLEN LYON 2LO3-r2t-07-006 PRJg5-0066 APPROVED os /oL /rees' o6 /2L/Lse5),2/L8/Lee5 Status. . Applied. lssued.. Expires. APPLICANT J.t. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEST #202, VArL CO CONBRACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRONTAGE RD WEST #202, VArr-, COOV|NER WESTI.IIARK PARTNERS 2029 MORRTS AVENUE BOX 2175f UNrON NJ CONTRACTOR CLIMATE CONfROL CO OF GWS P O BOX t042, GLENWOOD SPRIN 81601 Phone: 816s7 Phone: 8t657 Phone: 07083 Phone: 97 0-47 6-3082 970-47 6-3082 813 957-3800 3039452326 5.000. o0 flof iJood/Pattct: .m 128.00 .00 128.00 Description: INSTALL MECH. IN NEW DUPLEX Fireplace Infomation] Restricted: /fof Gas Appliances: Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: FEESUI.II{ARYffiffi llechani ca l---) P[an check---> InvestigatiorD $i Lt catt---> 100.00 25.m .00 3.00 TOTAL Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> DRB Fce------- .00 .00 128.00 Total ca[culated Fees---> 12E.00 ffi Additionat Fees-------> Tota I Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Item: O51OO BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT06/2 1/1995 DAN Action! APPRItbm:. O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT0612111995 DAN Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this appLication, fitled out in ful,l, the information requi red, corpleted an accurate ptot pLan, a-nd state th;t att the informtion prciided as reguired is correct. I agree to colpty trith the inforn€tion and Plot pLan, io conpty uith att Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and io buiLd this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Torrn appl.icabte thereto. REEUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ]IADE TI.'ENTY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213E OR AT OUR OFfICE FROII 6:00 AT ':M P[ SIGNATURE OF OIJNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AT{D OIINER o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRTCAI, PERMIT Permit #, 895-A077 'Job Address: 1245 WESTHAVEN CR SIatus...: APPROVEDApplied..: 05/OL/L99s rssued. ..: 06/2I/L995 Expires. . : 12/L8/L995 Phonez 970-476-3O82 Phone:970-476-3082 Phone: 813 957-3800 Phone: 3039491913 Locati-on... : GLEN LYON Parcel No..Project No. 210 3-1_ 2l_-07-00 6 PRJg5-00 6 6 APPLICAN? J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD WEST #202, VATL CO 8L657 CONERACTOR J.L. VIEI,E CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEST *202, VAIL CO 8L657OWNER WESTMARK PARTNERS 2029 MORRTS AVENUE BOX 2175, UNION NJ 07083 CONTRACTOR HI'NT ELECTRIC P O BOX 1.984t VArL CO 81658 Descriotion; INSTALL ELEC. IN NEW DUPLEX Valuation l 20,000.00 FEE SUII}IARY *** E f.ect r i ca l,-*-> 273 .m DRB Fee Investigation>.00. tti L l. cat t---> 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> ?76.fi Totat Calcu[ated Fees--) 276.W Additionat Fees--------> "00 Totat Permit Fee--------> 276-@ Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- ***M*ffi Item: O6000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Divisj-on: *****ffir!ffi*ir|rjt:ticrht******ff *lrtttff,t***** CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I he.eby acknoyl,edge that I have pead this appl,ication, fil,ted out in fuLl, the information required, compteted.an accuPate ptot ptan, aird state thit al,t the information provided as requi fed is correct. I agpee to comply irith the infornation and ptot.plan, io conrpty uith al,t ToHn ordinancrs and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, design revi eH approved, Uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Tolrn appticable thereto. REfl'ESTS FOR IN$PECTIOT'IS SHALL BE IIADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOI{E Af 479-?13E OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO}I 8:OO Ail 5:OO PI'I SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OI,'NER ,| NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M95-0065 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 .fob Address... t 7245 WESTHAVEN CRLocation...... : GLEN LYONParcel No..... : 2103-1ZI-07*OO6Project Number: PRJ95-0066 APPLICANT .J.I.,. VTELE CONSTRUCTION 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD WEST #202, CONTF.ACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION L000 s FRONTAGE RD WEST #202 |OVINER WESTMARK PARTNERS Description: INSTALL MECH. IN NEW DUPLEX Fireptace Infornation: Restri cted: #Of Gas Apptiances: Department of Community Development Status. . .Applied.. fssued. . . Expi-res. . ISSUED os /01,/tees o6 /27 /7ees 12 /18 /tee5 VATL CO VAIL CO Phone: 81657 Phone: 816s7 Phone: 97 0-47 6-3082 97 0-47 6-3082 813 957-38002029 MORRIS AVENUE BOX 2175, UNION NJ 07083 coNTRAcToR CLTMATE coNTRoL co oF GVrs phone | 3039452326p o Box 1042, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601 5, 000 . 00 #Of Uood/Pa L Let: ****l**********i***ffi********************************t FEE sUl .tARy *******trtr******tr****JrtcH*ffi*ffiffirrffiffi* Valuation: #Of Gas Logs: llechani ca L---> 100.00 Ptan Check---> 25.00 Invest igation> Lt i L L Ca l. l. ----> Restuarant P[an Revieu--> DRB Fee-------- TOTAL .00 .00 128.00 Totat CaLcutated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> Tota L Permit FeF------> Payr[ent s- ------ 12E. 00 .00 128. 00 128-0o3.00 BALANCE OUE----*****f,f,ffi*tnt*trtJr****t*rtt|***ff**)t|t***H*trt**H****i*ffitr***ffi**:ffi****tr***tffffffffirffiffi**ffiffi**ffiffiffiffiffi ITem: ,O5IOO BUILDING DEPARTMENTo6/2L/1995 DAN Action: AppR DEPI: BUIIJDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. q49 APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND - qEAI,_L EF_BUINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1S91 UM-C-._2. F-'IELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED F6R-CODE CbrUFillal,ren-peii-suc.305 0F THE 1991 uMc.3. INS!4I,!4TION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TNSTRUCTTONS AND_ TQ ApEENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 uMC.1. 9qUETJqTIQN AIB IS REQUTRED-PER-SEC.-66i OF rHE 1991 UMC.5. AggESS TO HEATING EQUTPUNNT MUST COMPLY WTTII--SEC.5dS-[IIN703 OF THE 1991 UME:6. PEEI4IT/P!4NS-A!''ID CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICALROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION NNOUNSiI ******************************************************************************** DECLARATTONS I hereby acknoLrtedge that I have re€d this appl.ication, f il.l,ed out in fuLt the infopmation fequi red, compLeted an accurate plotptan' and state that atl the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to conpty with tire iniormation and ptot pl.an/to conPl'y rrith al'l Toun ordinances,and state taws, and to buitd this structupe according io-the Town,s zon.ing and subdivisii:ncodes, design revieu approved, Uniforn BuiLding code and other ofdinances of the Town afpticabLe thereto. tp *""o*o '*"* I BE I4ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER I REOUESTS FOR SIGNATURE OF IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO}I E:OO A}I 5:OO PI'I TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment {,P*"no*"** o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAT-,, PERMIT PETMit AT #: AI-,L TIMES M95-0065 APPLICANT J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD WEST #202, VA]L CONTRACTOR J.t. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s !'RoNTAGE RD WEST *202 ' VATL OWNER WESTMARK PARTNERS 2029 MORRTS AVENUE BOX 2175' UNroN CONTRACTOR CI,II'TATE CONTROL CO OF GWS P o BOX 1042, GLENWOOD sPRrN 81601 Description: INSTAI.,t MECH. IN NEW DUPLEX Phone: 9'10-47 6-3082 81657 Phone t 970-476-3082 81657 Phone: 813 957-3800 07083 Phone z 3039452326 Job Addreaa...: Location. .. ...: Parcel No.....: Project Number: llechani cat--> Ptan check---> InvestigatiorD $i tt catt---> 1245 WESTIIAVEN CR GLEN LYON 2LO3-L2L-07-006 PRJg5-0066 Statue. . . Applied. . fssued. . 'Expires. . co co NJ APPROVED 05 /oL/tee5o6/2t/tees L2/r8/Lee5 Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: 5, 000 .00 fof $ood/Pattet t fircpLace Infornttion: Festricted:fof 6as ApPli ances: FEE SUIII{ARY 100.00 25.00 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ftan Revieu--> DRB Fee----- TOTAL TEES----. .00 .00 128.00 Total, catcutated fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> Total. Pernit Fee-------) Payments------ slllNce oue---- 12E.00 .00 128.00 126.00 .00 6EPirl B l I 0DBUTLDTN'^BEI3*T"R$$*Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECTARATIONS t hereby acknovtrdge that t have read this aPPtication, fitted-out in ful't the,information requi red' conpteted an accuratc plot ptan, and state that ar,r, tie-iniormation pro;ided "" .h"i.J-i "-iorrect. f "g.""-i;-"oiPty rilttt tire iniorrnation and Plot Pt€n' to corp1y vith att ,*n o"ii*i"." ino "tlt" lans, .and io buil,d this structure according iothe Town's-zoning and subdivision cod;s, design revi er .pp"oi{"U"it""i A,iiiOing Cid. .na-oitt". ondinances of the to,n sPpLicable thereto' REquEsrs FoR INspEcrIoNs sHALL BE IIADE T!,Er{Ty-FouR HorrRs rN ADvANCE By TELEPHoNE Ar 47g-213E oR AT ouR oFFrcE tRoll E:00 Ail 5:00 P[ gtGtIAlURE OF OUNER OR COIITRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF ANoolrNER Vt!, "* * **********************,.***************,.************************'. TOWN OF VAILr COLORADO Statemnt ********************************************************-******** Statemnt Number: REC-0044 Anount: 128'00 07/07-/9-5 10;15 -irr:ri-f:T9:-!l-----v::::::-11999----- li:::-T-- Pernit No: M95-0065 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT Parce} No: 2103-121-07-006 Site Address: 1245 VIESTHAVEN cR I,OCAIiON: GLEN LYON Total Fees: 128'00 Thia Payment 128'00 Total ALL Pnts; 128'00 Bal-ance: '00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 413L2 01- 0000 47332 01 0000 41335 Description MECHANICAI., PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALI, INSPECTION FEE Amount L00.00 25.5 .00 3.00.00 NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAI, PERMIT PETMiI AT #: ALI-,, TIMES M95-0065 Job AddregEi'..:Location...... t Parcel No.....: Project Number: 1245 !{ESTHAVEN CR GLEN LYON 2103-121-07-006 PRJ95-0066 St.atus. . . Applied. . fssued. . . Expires. . co co NJ APPROVED 05/or/L9e5 o6/21/Lee5 12/t8/ree5 J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRONTAGE RD WEST #202, VAII' J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRONTAGE RD WEST #202, vAlL WESTMARK PARTNERS 2029 MORRTS AVENUE BOX 2L75, UNroN CTIMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS P O BOX lo4?, GLENWOOD sPRrN 8160'- Phone: 816s 7 Phone: 8l.657 Phone: 07 083 Phone: 97 0-47 6-3082 97 0-47 6-3082 813 957-3800 3039452326 5 r 000.00 #Of l,ood/P8 t I'et: APPLlCANT CONTRACTOR OWNER CONTRACTOR l'lechanica[--) Plan Chcck---> Invcst igatiorD tli L l. CsL t---> Deecription: INSTALL MECH. IN NEW DUPLEX Valuation: f0{ Gas Logs:Fireptace Information: Rrstricted:fof Gls ApPt i ances: FEE SUI,II4ARY *frid*nti}** 10O.OO iestuarant Ptan RevieY--> 25.00 DRB Fee-------- .00 5,m ToTAL rEES----- .00 128.00 Totat calcutated Fees---> Additionat f ees---------) TotaL Permit Fee-------) 12E.ffi .00 128. (p 128.00 .00s---------------) Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPART!{ENT-66Bi/i99s oAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t hcreby acknonl.cdgc that I have read this apptication, fitted.out in ful't the-information requi red' compLlted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that "tt ttre'inio"itii* proi,ia"o * "fo"i""a 1" cofrect' -r a"u"-io-ioiftv Jitn ti:-t1l:!5tt* and p[ot Ptsn' tg compty rrith att f*rn oriin"i"""'"nO stit. tavs, -and io buitd this structure according iothc Town's'zoning and subdivision code3, design pevi er. approvcd, uniforo Buitding Gode and other ordinances of the To!'n appticabte thereto' REouEsrs foR '.rspEcrro*s 'HALL BE lrA'E TNEr{Ty-FouR HouRs IN AD'AN.E By TELEPH'NE AT 47g-213a oR AT ouR oFtIcE FRolt b:m A 5:m Ptl srGr{AruRE oF otrtrER oR c.rfrRtcroR FoR Htr'tsELF AND olfNER Vto ?, ^ ^* ' *****************************"*************L******************** TOWN OF VAIL, CoLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0044 Anount: 128'00 07/07/9'5 10:15-;;y#; u"irr"a, & Notation: #1008 rnitr DS ----- ,__ _-_--- MECHANICAL PERMITPennit No: Parcel No: site Address: Location: This Pa1'ment M95-0065 TYPe: B*MECH 2LO3-L2L-07-006 1245 WESTHAVEN CR GLEN LYON Total FeeF: 128.00 Total AI,L Pmts: BaLance: **************************************************************** 128.00 128 .00 .00 Anount 100.00 25.00 3. 00 Account Code 01 0000 4L312 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 DeecriPtion MECHAN1CAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALI, INSPECTION FEE NOTE: ?HIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P95-0055 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Department of Community Development 600,00 Re6tuarant Ptan Revielr-->150.00 ToTAL FEES----- .00 5.00 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. .00 Total catcutated Fees--->755.00 Additional, Fees---------> Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 1245 WESTHAVEN CR GLEN LYON 2 10 3-121-07 -0 0 5 PRJ9s-0066 ISSUED 05 /0t / Lees 06/2t/Les5 L2/L8/Lees APPLICANT J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION phone: 970-476-30821000 s FRONTAGE RD WEST #202, VA]L CO 81657 CONTRACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION phone: 970-476-3082 1000 s FRONTAGE RD WEST #202, VAIL CO 8165?OWNER WESTMARK PARTNERS phone: 813 95?-3800 2029 MORRIS AVENUE BOX 2175, UNION NJ 07083 CONTRACTOR SNOW COUNTRY SERVICES Phone z 3039262590P O BOX 157, AVON CO 81620 Descripti-on: INSTALL PLUMBING IN NEW DUPLEX Valuation: 40,OOO.OO tt*tit*r**r**rrffi*Jrt******irf,***ffirhrnffirrdrrfrr htrhrr****ffi* FEE SUlltlARY ff***rr**ffiffirt*#****#*ffi****#*irt**fitr********ff* Ptumbing-----) Ptan Check---> Invest igation> Ui l. L Call.----> 753.00 .00 Tota[ Pernit Fee-------> 753,00 Payments------- **rr**rrr*rr****rr*ffi***r*rdr***r**ffirnr*/r***'ffifrfrffiffi******ff*ffi********r********i*Hlil*15;;;;;;;i---*-*****;ff*** DeDt: BUIIJDING Division: *rtffi****}!t********ffi******.l}*#.****,1ht*ffi*****r.*tr*H**ir****lr************lrjr**l*ffi*Jr***lr***rr**lrttiffi#rrtrtt|*trr***t*#*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ****f**tn*********ffit***ffffi:kft#t*int********i*Jr'rrtffi**lrr**#***##*****ffff***lr***ffi**trlr**trJr**ffiffi***ffirtdrrt*ffi DECLARATIONS I.hereby €cknoHtedge that I have read this app(ication, fit ted out in futt the intormation required, completed an accurate plotp[an, and state that att the infornation provided as requi red is 6orrect. I agree to compty riith the iniormation and pl.ot itan,to comp [y tith atl' Tovn ordinances and state ta],s, and to buit.d this structure according to the Toun's zon.ing and subdivisioncodes, design revietl apProved/ uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Toun afpticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE T!'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI -A79-2138 OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROII Ite.m: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/03/.1995 CHUCK Action: AppRO5'/.O3'/.L995 CHUCK Action: AppR05'/.03'/.1995 CHUCK Action: CANC06/21-11995 DAN Action: AppR SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONT {S *""rruo rut^ .-ta **************************************************************** rowN oF vAIt, coLoRADO Reprintedz ot/o!111.10:02 Statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0044 Anount z 7 53 ' oo 07 /0?-/95. o;'^;Xt r'-sr--^J. .rit.r nno tr..+ a+ i.\1 . InIt ; IIl"Il-Palznent Method: CK1008 Notation - rnl-E: rvrr"rr- PLTJMBING PERMITPermit No: Parcel No; Site Address: Location: this PaYment P95-0055 TlPe: B-PL,II'IB 2LA3-L2L-07-006 1245 WESTHAVEN CR GLEN LYON **************************************!************************** Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Total Fees: ?53.00 Total ALI-, Pmts: Balance: DescriPtion PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CAI-,L INSPECTION FEE 753.00 7s3.00 .00 0.00 3.00 Anount 600 .00 150. 00 o THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAI.,I BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES M95-0065 AT .lt . TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0 - 479 - 2 1 3 8/479 -2 I 3 I FAX970-479-2452 rlob Address...;Location......: Parce] No.....:Project Number: D epanment of C o mrnuniry D eve lopment 1245 I,{ESTHAVEN CR GIJEN LYON 21_03-12 L-0?-006 PRJg5-0066 Status. . .applied.. Issued. .. Expires. . ISSUED os/o!/7ee5 06 /2t /Lee512/r8/tee5 APPLICANT J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRONTAGE RD WEST *202, vArL cO 8165? CONTRACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCT]ON 1000 s FRONTAGE RD WEST #202, vArL CO 8165?OWNER WESTMARK PARTNERS 2029 MORRTS AVENUE BOX 2L?5, UNION NJ 07083 CONTRACTOR CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GWSp o Box L042, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601 Valuation: #of 6as Logs: 97 0-47 6-3082 97 0-47 6-30A2 813 9s7-3800 3039452326 5, 000 . 00 #Of llood/Pa( Let: 128.00 Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: Description: ]NSTALL MECH. IN NEW DUPLEX Flrep(ace Information: Restricted: #Of Gas Appliances: *****r***lr*r,**tt****ffid***hrhttff*************frrtff****** FEE SL1'lli'lARy ********ffi1111**ffi****Jr11**11*f***r.**rt*13t!11**ffrffi>ttgr l{echani ca t---> P[an check---> Invest igati on> ui tt cal. L----> 1m.@ e5. oo .00 3.00 Restuarant Plan Revi e]r--> DRB Fee----- TOTAL FEES----- .00 Total Calcu[ated Fees--->1aE.00 Totat Permit Fee-------> 128.m .0O Additionat Fees--------> .0O 128.00 Paynents------- BALANCE DUE..--tr',lrr**ffii'r***lrrrf,Jttt#***#trir*ffif*t*****Hrfrrffi******ttillrlr*f,****t*********ir*ffffir**#dt*ffit t*rffiffir****rHr**ir**tr:kf,,ot Itqm: .05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT06/2111995 DAN Acrion: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. qAg AppLTANcES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND^ EEA_T,!, TEB},III-{ATE AS SPECTFTED rN SEC.906-OF rnn--rS9r ou-Cl-2. EIELD rNSpECrrqNq ARE REQUTRED F6R-CODE COUFi,Iefren-peit-SnC.305 0F THE 1991 IJMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTTONS AND. Tq A9BENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. qQUBUSTTON ArR rg REQUTRED FER-SEC.-60i OF rHE 1991 uMC.5. AqqEEq Tq HEATINq EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY wrtH snc.Sos_eIIp703 0F THE 1991 trMC;6. E-EBUrTrPLANq ANA qADE ANAr_,ySrS MrusT BE POSTED rN MECHANTCALROOM pRrOR TO AN TNSPECTTON REOUEST; -- - ***********************************tr****************Jr*************************** DECLARATIONS I hercby .acknoutedge that I have fead this apptication, fitted out in full. the information required, conpteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the infornration provided as required is correct. I agree to compty riittr tire iniornation and ptot pl,an,to compty uith att Tovn ordinances and st€te taus, and to bui(d this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieu approved, uniforn Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabl,e theneto. {,2 *""'"""o '*u* REqUESTS o TiIENTY-FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 o 79-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRot{ 6:00 Afi 5:00 Pll SIGNATURE OF FOR HI}ISELF AND OIINER TOWN OFVATI 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 e70-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development {; o""'o""*u' REPT 1;31 'fnr{N nF UAIL, Cot^fiRAD$ LtA/3V/q6 fi6:39 REflUEST$ FnR INSF,Efi"TION L,ORK :{F|EHTS FfiRt j.fittfr/ttt,FftGE I.9 flflEA r CF Activity: 895:-O897 ifi/#/96 Typer B-BLIiL.n $*atr-r", I IS$UHD Constr": NDUF,Flddr"est: 1839 I^IESTHA.UEN cRLacation: 6LHN LY0N F,ar.ce i : ;1 l rZr3- 1i: 1-tt7-Otzl6Descr.iption: CON$TRUf,TION OF NHI,J D{_tpL,fX Appl i c*rnt ; $NU|^J$HOF" IIEVELOF M€NT []wn er. : bJESTMARP^ F ARTNERS Conti'a*t or I 5NO|,,JSHOE DEVEL-OF,tylENT 0tr; trltZl0T Use: U N\ F,hsne; 476-5836 F'hane: &13 957-JSO0 F,hone ! :r334755f-'63 t In*pect ion Reclr-res,t Inf or.mat isn. , . . . Requeetor.: BOB PORNE F,hone I 475-:jir6J Req Tine: OS;OrZr Cs6*"n*rt ItEms r^eqaSested to be Insp:n*Ned.., Ar-.t i on Cominents Ti me Hxp fii454€' BI'DG-Fina] C/O a In'*peet i on Hintfir*y.,,.,1: Item: Item: Itemr Item: Item: Itpn: lZttl:jllA driveway qnade firral AS /'tg/i6 InEpeetor^r LF laratal tA BLDG-Foat i nr;1* /St ee I fi? /E:7 /93 Inspectar'; CF' AA/ tT /rr*'r Inspector.: CF tlq /83/93 Inspect or.: EG Nrtes r SHf, 17,/g$ AS BUIt-T #5 HONH AARS AT 8'' sHOI^'ING {:HfiNGHS AhID Sr$fi4rzt * * Not On File i * OAlASrZr BLDS-I ns'r1at i on tA3/E:E:/gE' Inrpe;:tor- : FG 63/99/$6 Inspertor": Eti OBTZTFET tlLD6-Sheetrock Nai I tV4/W3/96 Inspector.: EG h4 /e:i/gA Inepeet ar: Cfi flffOgUl {. * Not On FiIe * * Ar:t i an : AF,F,R AF,F,RCIVED . . 'Ac't ian : F'I itet i':n l FiFF'R f;etirn: flFFR r5 4*i+5 CONT *5 NEEN TT.16 L,,H'T'TE.R HI5 RF'trRVL ; AF,trR AF,F,ROU[D ; Flf-,F,lr AF,PFi0Uf::D Ant i on r f:tF F'R AfrFrEtlVF:D Ac:tian: Af:'FR PIFF'HnVEIl $H[:*E REGLIIRES RLT NOL'EL F.RIT4ftRY UNITgSL.FlS \ AT {1'' CROSS BARS NF RE.VISEN FOUNN. PLAN Ar:t ion: f,FtrF Fletion: AtrtrR .!: Item: BOO*tZt BLDG-Foxndation/Stsel rA9l95,/95 Inspectorr: llF Act ionItem: rzfi]5przr p[-fiN*. ILn site trt;:rn Ur3,/15./96 Inspector*: GEOtlGE ttrct isnItem: 4fi|Zt30 BLOE-Framinn tI3,/ifl./9& Inspectnr. I [-'F fic:t i orr : AFCIi seccndary t-tn it Nstes: ENG LETTER RESLJIRFD Flll? l-"iHLn TNSFECTIiIhI F.ACK OUT RE&UIRED AT RIM TlY S.T'RIR LTICATION FLANNING DEF'T AFFIIOUAL REfii".iIRED FOR trINDOl^l IDOOR CHftNtrEs rA:,/e;:/$6 Insoeetor"r f,F Aet. i on : iIFCR PRIIYIffRY LJNIT Not es: .SOFFIT$ Atln DROFFHD f,f It.. II.JGS f'lUST BH F IRE FLOIKED STFFI- F.EftM FIT LTUINF RNOH STTIIRS NEEDTJ F'ACKOUT FRIKOUT NOUBLE T4 IIRO LFIM5 I]I'CEILING TNF'OF 5TAIRS EN6I NEEREi f: I EL,D :I N$PF-C.T I OI{ REPORT RE:fiIU 1 RHD' NHEDS TO ADDIIESS NnTrHED 14iCftO LAI'l,q t\l'lD t3l-tJ t-Rlr15 AF,F'RilVED fiARRGETi BNTH UNITS I I al, i{. REF.T 131 ToLJN nF VF.i I L, UOLI]RADU IE/3'4,/T6 EI6:39 RHGUESTS FfrR INSF.E.CTION HNftK 5ilETTS FOR: lIZI/Sft/86 F,ffSE 1€] AREA: CF =:: == = sei = = = =:: =:E = = = - = = *= = E= 3! a =.Fjs *.:.: E 3: r! i;::i === = = s =::::i =:r::r===== s== ==:::: F ===::==::=E 5== == ====ftct ivity: M95*8t065 1ft/3ff,/96 Type : B-iylH{:i{ Statr,rs; ISSUED Eonstr: NDUF, AcftlreEs : 1839 TJESTHAVEN *mt Locat i on: ELEN LYON Ftar"ee I : IlOS- 1 l1 -A7-AA6Dest--r-iption: INSTALL tylECH, IN NHI,J DUF,|^EX Appl ieant: J, L. VIELE C(INSIRUCTItlN Owner.: WEST|4ARK pARINERS Contr-actor: J. L. UIEL.E CCINSTRtJtrTInN Oci: :Use: Fhcrne: 970t-476-Stl8* F,hone: &1.J 957.'JBAA F,hsne: $7tl-47fr-3O88 Inspect i on Reqr.rest Inf oi.nert i on" . , . . Reor-re gt or' : BOB FnRNE Re q T i m e : .S$-: @.fi -.Co.m.nr.e-nt s:-"{-0{.iS R....UN 1 T. Items r.equested to be InspeetecJ,., tara3ga HECH-Final F,hane: 476*5i163 Act i crn f,onment E Time Exp Inspe.ction Histony...,, It em : IarAerztrzr MECH-Rough n3/L€t/96 Inspectcr: CF f;ction: flFtrR AFFROVED' tzt3/A?.19e' Inspeetrrr*: CF Aetii:nr AF'CR pltIFlARY TJNIT NOTES: trLASTIC FI-,EX DUCT IN GRRGFE IS NNT ALLObIEN EITHER ENCLOSE REtrLffCE I^II]-H T:6 fiA FIETAL. DUTT ltem : rAA31fll trl[CH-Heat ing Itern: rDfiSgUt MHCH-Exhar"tst Hoods It-em: Ar033A MECH*S,"Ipply Air I t em : EtA34t2r MECH-lvli sc. A4/o5/9e' Inspentor: EF Fletinn: AF'FR ftrFFftllvE:D Item: 04398 MECH-FinaI il*iL7/gE Inspeetot-: [D *l*tionI {lFFR UF'FER UNIT ONLY lrllgl/96 Inspector': CF Act ian; FIFF'R RFF'ROUF-D Nntes: CONNECT IIRYER VENT REpAIR LOfisE nUf,T ,IN lfltf:H HOOttl I4UVE DUtrl ]N I{IECH RONH SO THAT ANCESS DNtlR OF'ENs i.l a',,w II RFpT131 TOt^rN OF VAIL., CnLnFAD0 trAEH tI 1.A/3A/96 E6:3$ REAUEBTS FOR INSF.ECTION I^IORH 5HEET5 FORIlr3/,f8./96 AREA: CF ?-t-----'--Activity; F93*rZtrZrS5-' tmZS{ZSi. Type: B-pLMA Status: FINAL" 1;onstr.; NDUF' tlclcJress: 1l45.. IJESTHAV-EN CR t-orat i on : GLEN LY0N F'ar"cel: EltZt3-131-07-tzttztb [c.c: Uge: Descri Ft i on : INSTfiLl* F,LUMFING IN f.lEt'l DUF,LHX Appl ieant; J. L" UIELE CONSTRUil"| ION F,hsne: 97tZt-476-344il Owner': t^lEGTlt4ARK FRRTNERS Fhone : 813 g57-SglZtO Coritr-actot-: .J. L.. VIELE CONSTR{.JCT1ilN F,hone: BTtZt-476-3OBP Inspect ion Requert Inf or.mat ion. , . Requestor': B0B BORNE R*q Time : SBi00^ Co.rnrs,ents I Itemsi requested..to be Insp*cted. "tZIrZtl$tzr F LMB-F i.n *1 F'hsne: 4'76-SF:63 fict i on [omment s Time E.xp --T- I n s per.t i on Itemc Itern r ltem: Item: Iten: History,,,.. IZITAP l lzl trLlvlB-Uncj er"gr. o rrnd tV/eft/95 Inspector": CF Notes: BED F'IF.H FOR F.ROF.ER U$E LC]N6 TURN EL.$ rArtrg;l$ FL-MB-Rorrqh/D. t,l. V" A3/L'3/Sb Inrpeetorr CD A3/13/96 lnspector: l]n O:/13./96 Inspectctt'r CD NOTES: AT,D STRFIF.S TT] hIASTE 0lAAStZt trLlvlB-Rough lt^lat er Q3/ Ie/qt I nspeet or': CD Er3/13/96 Inspeetor: Ct) SIfiI:4Ur FLMII-Gas I- i ping AJ/'1,)/+6 Inspeetor: CD ra3,/;*gl$6 Inspector: f,F Arzt*grzr FLMn-FinaI flction: AtrtrR GRRDE Flctionr DN Action: AFFR Rrtion; llFF'ft LIIIE IN FUESJT Act i on : AtrF ll fl*t ian: AFtrR Ftct i on c FIF trft Act i on r AF'F R flF.F,ROUED AlR TEST NEEDED SPSI AIRTEST PRIIYIARY UNT SI]$I flIHTEST sEC. UNIT BATHRNNM 7EI F'SI AIR TEST 7UI F'5I AIRTEST SEC. IJNIT 1 E.' F.S I T{ I RTEST sEf;. UN I T F'RTTIFiRY lJNlT 38F'5I TEST. Wl-/L7 196 Inrpec:tor; CD Ftction: [iN UFF]HR IJNIT fiNLY Notes: A 1' AIR GRF {JR AFFEOUED BRCKFLOH FREVETITIEN I}EVICE I5 RENI D ON THF- STHAH SHNHHR rZ9l18./$6 Insnecbor": CF Notosr INISTOLL l^,AT-fS 9n FRilFEIIL.Y A9/ 19,/96 Inspect or l EF lrzrl;1/98 Inspect orr: CF firt i on: DN NEI'I I HD Flct ion: AtrFR RFF'ROVED Frtct i rrn : AtrUR L.O!^,E.R UtlI T Notee: BftllRFLOhl trREUENTHR NEHDS F'RnpER rLEAFANtrI-:S 6A5 I.INH RENUIRH$ A NRTfr, LES CLEI1NOUT REGUIRED ON KITtr}]EN 51NH REpTr3l T0HN UF UAIL, trOLORADuggJLS/96 O6146 REEUESTS FtrR INSFECTION ].ltlRK SHEETS FORr 9/Ig/96 PA6E AREA: EE ?a Activity: Address r Locat i on : Pareel: Deseript i on: Appl ieant : Onner: Contraet or: E95-0077 9flE/96 Type: B-ELEtr Statusr ISSUED Constr: NDUP TA45 }IESTHAUEN CR 6LEH LYON e103-lat-Q7-o,ah INSTRLL ELEC. IN NET.I DUPLEXJ.L. UIELE CONSTRUCTION }JESTHRRK trARTNERS J. L. UIELE CT]NSTRUtrTION Occ:Use: trhone z 97o-478-3o,8,2 Phone: 913 957-3AOO Phone: i76-476-388? Inspeetion Reguest Inforration..... Requestor; BOB B{IRNE Req Tirer O8:SO Corrents:Iters requested to be Inspeeted... OOI9O ELEtr-Final trhone: 476-5263 Tire Exp Inspection History.....Iter: OOffO ELEC-Terp, Fowerfter: Af|le94 ELEC-Rough O3tl2/9G Inspeetor: O3l?.?l9g fnspector. IItee: OBf3O ELEC-Conduitg7/ehl96 Inspeetor:Iter: AB14O E|-Etr-ltlisc.fr7tt9/96 Inspeetor: 07/31 /96 Inspeetorlggl14/96 Inspeetor: o,$/et/16 Inspeetor:Iter: g0l9g ELEC-Final y -/x.96 -1 Action: AtrPR Action: APtrR Action: AtrtrR Action: AtrtrRAction: AtrPR Actionr AtrtrR Aetion: AtrtrR up EG EE E6 EG EE EE EG finish rake APtrROVED flppRtlvED CtrPRI]UED APPROVED APPRTIUED C INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE r READY FOR LOCATION: II.JSPECTION: JOB NAME MON .-: CATLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM. PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V,tr E tr tr tr q tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING PAOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL't,1.. FINAL tr FINAL O HEATING 8 ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL It DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 1239 r{BSmAVEr{ PERMTT No. u J ;0:J 5 Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite. 1. 2. 3. (Job Name or Localion ot Work) YA!{DERIIATf, .ER ENTERPRI SBS P.O. 8{}X 3571, VArL, CO 81658 Phon6, and Lic€nse No.) work is lor WATE( sEwER jcAS ELEGTRIC TELEPHoNE (circle one) OTHER permitFee $540 BOND E $75 ?SF.!iIT ?EE - S6[5.00 Biilro: VaNDERF#UR ElfrERrRrSES, p.O. BOX 3571, VArL, CO 81658 TV ACCESS (Contraclo/s Paid: DEBtsIE ROEI.AT{D Receipt #:(Puoffi INSPECTION REMARKS: 292.5 (Publ|c Works) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Comm. Dev. Gold - Conlractor INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 11 KOd- nn04,..J./ l -./ tJ r/ / I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT-lL-4{W^lS ,0,,F/,JOB NAME =! DATE READY FOR IN PECTION: LOCATION: THUR FRI tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D PooL z x. fue tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR r,. "r .i1., ''cr+.:isrf.ti i ar r; i iaiff.r?.r{rr A n,r; ,! APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL I Y PERMIT 1e 95 r!ti/1 Excavating Contractor Name asJ* 3 TOWNOTVAIL fr.J gwl Address Contractor's Date Gas Electric 1r (Permit Expiration Date) CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access Depth 4. Work is for lcircte onel Other Trench-width (min.4') 7. Total Permit Fee $A l5 ca ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavaling equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaoes underneath the bucket shall be protecteqat all times. A signature below indicales a review of the area and utility {ocations and BondAmount $ Stl 0. 0 C permitFee S ?5. CC signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week tb Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) Ho{y Cross Electric Company (Q U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1 rulrry company ofiice to obtain the '::::g1'/ / ?'4J \ \ \- Town of Vail,Public Works (479-21581: frrigation I tnPV,;^n't* ll' Q 9. 10. 11. Signature ot ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Dev.elopment Gold - Contractor J, L, V 1 el e - G. y.LL^ Ll (, c , l*roc*r ,^ /&- 7' '7 Electricians THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A conslruclion traffic control plan must be approved by lhe Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation musl be done by hand wilhin 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department al 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. result Town charging the a reinspeclion fee. 12. I certify tfyft | have read of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility and will abide by the same, and that all uljlities have been notified as required. ^ .// RIGHT*J LOAO AND EGUIF.ITIENT SUJII4RRY 11-18-95 For I Byr LEI"'ER LEUEL IIIF TI\ LE"VLL UFF'TR LEVEL I{INIER DESIEN But.-ide db: Ins idE db rDesign TDr Si ea {sq. ft. } lt-'.,-.- /^,, €,L \ Ai r" Ehan g€ Ei'Hclr-rt' Eqriivalerr'c tFiti LnT 57, VAIL N/f; c0 91657 tro SUt'lt4ER DESIEN COi.IDITIENS t.ttr.H I I IITJ Elcig. fiea'b Lois Vent i 1at i on Air Uent Air Loss De: i gn Heat Load 5UT'iFINRY T NF I LTRRT l ON i.iethsci f,orr atr'.'r:t i on Gr-iai ii y Fir'epJ.ares 639i8 E''L uh l E A CFIYI 948t1 Bt uh 733$8 Ftuh LJrrxPr r r r r.-Lr EeEi; HENT IFiG COilLiNGso71 8fi71!i?rB5 iltragra.4 s. g 1+6 73 n,,+-iFt^ Ft]-. Inside db: Deaign TDI Dai Iy Range Rel. Hr.rm. : GrainE f^iai er' bts t\if .l .ErLtr LUUL 1t\tf Lnr er"na l, 6ains Ventilation lnfiltration Tot Lai ent EqLri F Total Eqr.ri p Load Fiak e Tltffi\jE lrlode ] Ty Fre L UF ./ l:t: fi,/ 5ltr. K SBns ible Cooi ing r -+..*+ 1.,.-. 1{-FL-ereCllr. (,UllJ.rrl5 | {J vc1 r LJIJ lJ l' trrH Fl- 9 Llg,l- L-LrL..L Jllg I crrl Cig Ri.r" Fi.ow Factor Load Sens He at Rait i o 9E Deg F 75 Deg F 15 Deg F ri €.t 'l 13 gr EUU J, F' LUHI-, lJ r Z .L lll'f l8rifr it r-rir E Ft r-rh E Ftuh Load 1848 Ftuh 45536 Bt t-rh -14 Deg 7E Deg 86 Deg F r' F iie*TIIJG EGUipi?iEl',lT sr.i;'li'IfiRY MerKe TRRNE lviodel XL 8S T yFe T|"JO 5TffGE Ef f ieiency / H$FF 8tZ'. lA Haaiing lirp,-rt LIDDfiE l.'Luh Fleat ing Er-rtp,-tt 7i968 Btr-rh Hei'Ling Temp fii-=e ;rj. Deg F firtirai Heating Fan le'il$;Fi'i Fltg iiir" F!ow Fae'cai. $. ilES CliFi,jEtuh Space Thet.niostat C3O.;iJg EGUiF.IYiEi\iT $UHT4ftRY E, la r4l t4l ;E93 €t. crSi !::l lvlan na 1 96 Fot-m J CLIMNTE CONTRAL COIYIPAf{Y }- F.O. BOX 1E4E GLENhrooD sF,RrNGs ", -,-dFFif]-3'f[n(ezft) e4F-eJE6 '{"'|'J Lr,''.t . r rrhr VV/Y Jotf s: |:.:/b ldthr : VftIL Zcne : Entire Houge COND I T I3N5 \ l4f,fiuA|- .I: 7th Eci, RiGi-,tT-Jr VE. iA 3,/rii Frirrto'-rt certified by ftDCA tc meet at1 r-equirements sf Structr-rre 4t67 I Ftuh Vent i lat i on SES Ft r-rh Design Temp. $wing 3. ta Deg F Use lvlf g. Data y O-.I - /::,,.:a' lel.'l + L?rr,r\r5r. E, deYr rrq |lr-{rLr l.rirtl Te'"a1. Sens Eqnip Load 113B96 Bt,-rh L*TEIrJT ;OilLING EBUIF, LOAP SITII']G Bt uh Bt. xh Ft ufr CFlii Lf l"r1't:,t r-iil o tJFt | -,Jt]T CRLCULATTBN F,ROCEDURES A, B, C, D Job *: e376 Fi I e name : BROI"JNSEC. ELDZsne: Ent ire House F,rocedrrr-e ff - l^,linter Infiltration HTM Calcr.rlation* 11-1e-95 1. [,Jinter Infi]tration CFM la.4 Str/HR x E1985 trr-r. Ft. e. Llinter Inf i ltr"at isn Btuh1.I x 146 CFI'] x E.8167 =146 CFr{ 13S49 Btuh e4.4 Sg ldint er TD 3. l,Jinter Infiltrratisn HTIYI 13&44 Etuh / 567 Total ldindow & Door Area HTITI Frocedure E - Sunmer Infiltration HTM Dalcr.rlat ion* 1. Srmmer infiltration CFMfr.e AC/HR x 81983 Cu.Ft, e. Sr-rmmer Inf i Ltrat ion Btuh rF. i2167 = 1 . 1 x 73 CFt4 x 15 Sunn er. TD 3. Srtmmer' Inf i ltrat i on HTlvl iEET Bt uh .i 5El7 Total !.Iindon = f* Door Frea 73 CFM 1EE7 Bt t-th 'g. r HTM Frueedur^e f, - Latent Infiltration 6ain a,68 gt'. diff.'t']cF$Bt uh Fr'ocedr-*'e D - Eqr-ri pnrent $i e ing Loads i, SenE j.bl e Si; ing Laaci Senrible Uentilation Load58 U ent. CFl4 x IE Sefisible l.sad f or^ Strr-rctur-e (Line Srlni s'F Ventila'bion and Strrr-rctrre Rat ing and Tenper-ai r-rr"e Swi ng l4r-rit::-,..; -.--.-,-.r- -, -.,n9 Ltacj _ sensibl,er-r.lL{r lJ crrv !.r r 4.1 e. Latent Siaing Load Latent Uen'b il.ation l-oad F. e.8 x 5B Vent, f,Fl4 xO x S No. Frocedur-e C* Lar ent €umner" TD 19) LoadE i pl i er gr'. dif f. Feople SeE Btuh 48971 Bt i-th 43696 Btuhi. ra8 RsM43696 Bt uh 0 Bt r-th i. s4er Bt uh E Et r-th ,. grifr ts'i: ,-rh + + + .|. Internal Lc,ads = ;:38 inf i ltt-ation Loaci Fr*onr Eq'.riFmen; Siring Lcra.d +tlon:t t'uct ion O.'tality is:No. of Fireplaces is: T'lflNUftL J ! Frini l r-rt rer-t i 7th Ed. fiecj by ftCCf t$ RIGI-'IT*J: 13. ltlt sreet a]1 r*eqr-rir*ement s F,TN !::: of l4anual Form J tJ nUrJl\i9 i-ii-*l er R| 3t RI 4l C I- ., *...-tr L, l1LU J oEr |:.J, / rl II1ANUAL J: ?th Ed. ame of Rssm unning Ft. Exposed t^lal l oon Dimensi ons, Ft. e i lngs, Ft I trond it. Gpt ion lE.g I I lC$T I HTt4 I flrea II lNE. lHtg lClg lLengthl Htg zotnt ir* RIGHT-J:UE. TE Ent i re ??E House E Ft. s/N !! d i TYF,E OF I E.AF'|.J5UKE Bt rrh I Clg Horrse 11-1E*95!! -*- Fage I -*-- BEDROtrI{ *3 s5.0 Fr. 14.O x etr,q Ft. 9. A theet /eoo I Rrea I Lengthl Htg 8t r.th I Clg Gross Expo sed Walls and Fart it i ons Windows & Gl. ass Doors Htq. t----- l6 I I I i t t: I t ql a b c d e f 15C 13J 4.4 4.3 E.A ur . lal O. iA B.E 0. El 8.7 E. g' 0.8 A, tA 8.fi a c) e 3A BIYI Yljr North T{EA.NH E&r^, sE*3ti Sorrtir Hsr" i 47. 4 47, 4 44. ? r t'rl ra, a *.* +* ** ** #* :'i* e1, a 6. El 7W. fr fi. k] 36. E i E.EI E.EI E,Ol €'.tA l,Jindows & 61as s Do or"s Cl g. I tl-l I rtrl n+l-.. J^^,"- !-lr El LJ l, llt LlUUr 5 letl 315 3B4e @ a B gl *..*.** *{F** ++** {.*** .*{.*.t6 .F*-** Ir*** **** +*** **** **.ti* *ii * * 731 4e3 0 **** **** f .*.x 'F **** **** lb*** r?i utl *iF{** **tf * .**.** **** **** ti+ii i€ 3e1t 15eeBgeSt raSege4t Lu77Ai 'AEt 6El sr ***iF **** +**.* *+** .li**l* i+*** ta@ fr rV +tFt6* **t+* **** if *i(* .F{f ** **** eABUr ESeIA E E3e9 ul EI 0l €tl tr +q E B 437 1998 B UJ v BI EI x.**+ **+* **+* *+t** i+i+i** *+*!* EI al 47 1 DI EI ,+*** .t$**t* .**{.* **** *+l** +iT** ta rr 3E9A rzt ul u.l ral al rzr t al fi h I -- .r- Exposed |.r€i(.l. r €!l l trl F,ari i'" i ons t-_ c J T' l-L ili 4,4 +."' rA,0 t7i ft ra. a *.? E. ra a,E -e=e 3fi4e r'tr tll - 1 1rA6 r irglo I E '? El ra ttE69 w B esi 1lrzr +t:J I ItlL: Bl lzl r'|t O1rLr I g. rll arat E ul ':$titn o t? [ieiiinqs c! LI f. isF l SF{ 3.fi,:: ':, la. iI a.q 8.7 ra. a 145& E ur 43S3 UJ I{l I ?.:'E r?r ulI Eri EI tli t{| q tit I vl 1i Floors i::1f; 'f:!1a :, :, :'l /,5 E ul. u,r er. ra i.Ei infii.tt'atian le4.4t t. t" oit e56 3= r ti,5 tsr rJ|:9 r qfi: ul UJ {h ---;;;;-;;;;;;--;;;; tzr I EI UJ ?si I .r FrTa 47r ti47 I t? I Ig.I lal l? r.+ tq Subtat Btuh Dr-rct Ftr.rhTotaI Btuh Loas=6+-8. . +11+ 18 Loss = lJi-i4 **** *lf** &BSS4 3444 a39es .FiF ti {. It +Jr+ +*** tsf-li* {-.rF *+ b iJur3 34rzl 7 t4e, s- **. x i+**.tF ++* { lg t- IcJ inr. Gains l Feopl e i3 ;fii} f;ppl, 13' lEft'A $r.ibtot RSH Gain=?J..9. . +tE+16 Dnct Btuh Bain TotaI RSH 6ain= t 17-F1g) *FLF CFl4 fiir Reqr-rir.ed Fr-irrtsut certified t *.* {-+ *. ara +..1*l** nreet ,r 4.+* *..i** ti -): i+:- ii +*.** *r*** 1e,fim l:rErB -L l:ri[t 4$SE9 ePr4l 4:871 ':':>Jby filCf; ro ai i r"equirement s rrr^41 Fg!"m a.$fr **ltt* +i-in* * r+* d- * a.i* i* * +t+** +*e++ 779 T: -: r: 184 3g6E ':' r7'7 rA :--.=.--- -.- " -o,E n'Jirrl!;lts L. IJLU J O Il* ':"J / b lrtflNURL J: 7ih Ed. Zorlnl ire Hor-rse 1i-le*gg RIEHT-J: Ve. lE S./f.l IM --- F,age e --**1l Name of Roorn?l Running Ft. Expcsed3l Ruom Dinrensions, Ft.4l Ceilnga,Ft I Condit. BEDROO$ *E 4e. ra Ft. 16,0 x 16. ra Ft.9.8 lheat/cooI t^laI l Bpt ion DINING RODM9.0 Ft. 18.6 x 18. St Ft. le. E lheat/eool l IFtr iJr E Jlr-'u3ufits 6rogs Expo sed [,la11s and trartitiBns iCST I HTm | firea I I NO, I Ht g I C1g I Lengt.h I a t- d e I lSC teJ 4.4 4.3 8r. E '4. a ft.81 E. ra o.E 8.7 0. ra E. et A. gl ta. ta Bt uhHts I Clg Ar'ea I Length I Bt uhHtg I Clq E43 l **** 135 I {-{.** u| I {-.*.*tr |Z| | ***t+ v | **{.Jr E I *+*.* *.*.** +f** ** ra* +*** ,*.fi.** tF.ts * * Ol *xx* 1E8 l **** Bl **** El *x*x Al **++ D I *i*** *.x-+.tc {-{-* * tt*** +*f,* **.tt* **#.* l^l i nd owe E Elass n^ ^-., Lr+ -r-.u u r 5 | rell. a L .! -I f JH rlM 47. 4 47.4 44.9 a.w til. vJ E.U ** *+ ** ** t(* ** st a?l UJ 1393 E ft t ul t{l JT*.** ,a*{,* ** J{-* t***+ **{.+ ti *Jt* 36 o 0I a 1766 I **** rzr | **+* E I **** fi | l+r*{. fi | **ii* I | 'ts*** 'tl I i tiindows &.GlasE Door*s.C1g, Nor't h NE&tJt^l E&ti 5Et-lht 5o r-tt h l:.1 iE, r7a.ta. I Jt?,iE, Er rtr ril iat €t ul E8 rV rA E ql *+rf * *** ri* *.t61+* +*{f * Jr it lt{' J+ **ti F7S E 0 rA rA 36 $ fi ta ra ul **** {.*** .x.*. +L ***tf **16* *tf,.t* 756 B w B rzl 9i fithr" dt:ors I E. lA I tA, 'Ia,Et E.s' l{il tbl gt I EI El I llt EI EI 17|t ta n |.r^+ =,.,-^ -.- r vta.1-t l5 cttt!J Fai''bitions ;-, t-. f i;'J tr. 4 4.; A. El E.O ra. ra a'tc t?E E fr E 945 5gE rfl ft in ?|: v.t 0 $ -38, r tiru fi -r3€ 464 {.r at tal _7= a ftr tzi J l.;.i {,rs.r.rrrrHt a L.. r. i i,r 1€'i-i J. klg.E ta f, u. f ft i'tr rA E) & ta Itt lil E fr l4'a I EI 4e1 .! .:1-7 t'll Floot"s R tl c ].YU ':.lHTER 8,3 |:,, rril.5 B.E itr e56 E :,6 EI ra E 45 181 |?r ril ilf i I iii'al iti-i ii4.:rl :.. i ti /Y I Subt at Ftuh Lc, E s=5+8. . +11+iE Ft r-rh Lo s s Ertuh Loss = iS+14 t *ti* **.+* liEEo Etrl 4'E3g l+tf** **** **** {-{-{-* *.** tt 3413 ,'.,1 :qo,r, * * *..F re ** tf {{.**+ in'c. [ainr: Fe;pie G Ji}ri fippl. E iEfrfi $ubtot RSl4 Gain=7r"8., -r-1Er-:,e' Dr.rct Biuh 6ain Tct*I RSH Gair.i* ( i7+19) *F,LF CFFi fiir fteqlrir.eci -r,I --.-J-i,Fl -J L,,u|le r-€t 'rr I r sLJ |. y .iEl i"ll., I iI ,.} +**J* O. BE tF*{+ta * ^ ^t ,i.* {.ia * +*if {-*f*. ++.tt li **.*tt I r{t tr' li. l7r ?E€ 36 784 41 ..^*..j.raq-+l-Err f : I ELlLir I E||rsrru a o f ,'ilan iia L Fsrm ..I -- J*l**+ ra. tara .lr +.*+ {.* * ti- .ts* +.h { +F* + **.ri,* **Jr.F Y lr., [.irB .: c:? tff l-7rq te .t El BROFJi{sEc. BLD Job# e3t |4ANUAL J: 7th Ed,---- RiGl-iT-Jr UE. 1fi zo.t't irus/N tr1l Narne of Rocnel Running Ft. Expcsed3l Rorm Dinens i ons, Ft.4l CeilngsoFt lCondit. LIUING ROOM 4ra. A Ft. 19.0 x ee.E Ft,l4.A lheat/cool tlaI I House 11-1e-95!! *-- Fage 3 -*-- KITCHEN 1S. A Ft. 14.O x lta.O Ft. le. A lheat/cool I Y Htr. UI- E AHUITUKE iCST I HTfi lNn. lHtg ltr1q i f,rea I lLengthl Htg Bt uhI Clg Area I Lengthl Htg Bt t-rh lCIg qt Gross Expo s ed tla1ls and F,ar.titiona b d e 15f leJ 4.41 4.3t F. S'l a.E 8.7 E.E ta. E V.l. gl B. ra r'1 r'lt sr I Jr*** 56tA | {T.*** a | .r+*+Je E | **tf * E I **** E I +{-** **** **** *ra** **** **** *t+** a et6 ra r? ti **** {+*** **** **** It*** +*+* **** **** ***.n **** **** if*** l,Jindows & 6lass Doons Htg. a f 3tr BIYI YiJ 47.4 47. \ 44.q rE. gr V,'. i4l 8.0 *+ tF* ,** ** t6* +ti g1t 3s3g 96 | 4549Er fiEt &ral B C'l E {+**rf **** ***rs **.tf * *+****** 631ql Y)l EEBS r3 s fi 4 g u] fr .F*{.Jf *+** ***tf **** ***tr *+.F* l,rl i nd owE & ElasE Dcct": Clg. Nerth NE8.NH Ef"t,J 3FC.3l,'t Hor"z t3. ia 36r EI *tF*{f **+{* +i+** **** Ji *.Jr * .ti** *. L-ft ur {. 796 E 9S?E E ul 8'l 0l gJ- t fit 4et **.** n+*lt +*+* **** **t* .lF*IF* 6 14?g' 1gi4r-' ta $ I Othr door"s ia.ftt ra.o ta. ra I E, gr Irl l|' t EI r?tl mt B ui 8l ftl r2r I e l.Vs1r r b .:tliLr F'art it ions I J r i5c l;": +.4 A,E v.r. / -'r77 rJ q. r..' 0 -776 EJtfrA tl B E ;- {! ! w fi *63 E:.6 E fr -e7& Y':Y ul t+ / tt lJErltltga c ?l} r',! '? E.E 17fi tu 4ES cl IbVJ w 4Ae tv I r.t tl ul 1:.F I sors l-- I ?U I ':. f-rlAi e. 1 l'lA r4t. I VJ. W 95 Itl t:' B Ea a ul E E :1,,.+l ;..ti I r +Ji:,.r i 63i i53El i3+ l'f 2.= |a., F.+ ,..L E+,, t. Dr-rct Bt rrh Lo:==5+9..{-1i+il Loss = L3+14 **** .tt+ +,F 798 i.678 4 r .r'{ {- 'rp.ti..F tt *'* .t( * .ri ++ r+ * ,+t+l|*5944 + **-d .tt*++ +i++* inr. Eain:; F*ople E f,fii; App l. . '; 1 ififl Subt ct RSH Gain-7'1"9. . +tg+16 Diict Ei iih Sa i rr I'otal RSH Gain= ( 17+l€) *f'LF CFlti f,ir" Reqr-1ipu6 Frinis;; cer-t i f rea !? itii .t:I * x.*t+ l{..* J+ * iri*et * +:.{- * i*+ ti + *F+i+I J+ *,*.* +lr** 4gtl 13fii1 |.l 1381 1 136e,8 731 L.. -rrra',.1 J. -ll y Fll,lrFl \. \J aL i reqt-t irement s of liiari ua I Forn I t* *t l a. Eg t*+16* ;{. {. {- F #.+*l+ *'.i t:+ ,F fi t* t+ J+.1+ {+ * i.4rJ +e'rA? 4S39 3d;c I]l(UWllilC-L. EILU J Ol]S c:J / c' I4RNUAL J: 7th Ed. ---- RIGHT-J: .a 1 Name of Room Running Ft. Exposed Room Dimensions, Ft, CeilngrrFt I Condit, ue. ia ENTRY 4&. B Ft. 9.O x e@.8 Fi, 9.O lheat/cool t,'lal I Opt i on ZoJ}nt ire Horise 11-1a-95S/N I lll -** Fage 4 ---- }4AIN LEVEL POIdDR eE. a Ft. 7.O x 5.6 Ft.9.0 lheat/cool I YFtr LJt- tr, A HUIlU XL ICST I FlTfil lNB. lHtg lClq I Area I lLengthl Htg Bt uh I f'lnI |.Jr5 rir'ea I Length I HtE Bt uh I Clg 5t GroEs Exposed l^fa I I s and F'at'titions a t- IJ e f { ci t- teJ 4. 4l 4. 3l ltt l7l u.fi u). w a. 'a ra. B a.E ta. g A. El @ | .Ft*.** 414 | *.F** El **** E I ti*.*.1+ tzr I .*.*l(* ta | ***+ ra*** **** **** ***rf ** +tf **** EI 1981 v.t I **** *tF** *JtJt* ++te ** *ri.n* **** {f *** **** *{.,F* **** Ji*** *x.** a a ft! lrJ i nd owe & GlasE Doors Htg, b d E f JA sfYl -J Lf, 47.4 J+7.4 44.9 E. tA S, ia fi.6r ** .*.* .** +*' ** ** e8l tl e4l 13i17 I *+** Ell **+* 1S77 I **** fi | **{r* EI **** El **** El UJ n rA rD fil lat I EI e37 r fil x.**+ .rtt** .t{.*{-* i**** ***+**** rt a tV l"lindows &. Glass Docns C1g. Ncirth N[6Nt,l E&.U SEAS!.i 5r.rr_.,ih Horl -l t E.E 3t . ril 6 ra JE. 01 **+{a ,+ + *Je **** t(** * -F ** tf It*** a 3C.49' rE 1?r E fi {*,* ** lr- l(.*.* +.*** ii*.t+ * **ir* lt.* J* + la, a rf! tr' I r-rl- t. .^ ,.,1- a-1- I I -! Ii. l E.EI B.frl I E,fil al qr I Brl |?tl u.l 0l vi EI al ra r? 't-J- {-c1 f 4:, cltlU j'-r--,+; + i h6- I\ f i5cii'J 4.4 +, J rzr. B f7r r? ut. E E.O lar. ur 4iri E E I .' (5lL. G |?r ia ES;r c:i: 11 | *ee rh fv Itt if,5 a i?r a tai. i E. tA 3. iA *, I B.B isF , f. L: eEr{rrrH5.rl?ui rA tzl t/l E s tLl tit i $l ill c". I ,' :: !:. itD e1f; iCf, t {- Floons r++ Itl ':L':flr YJ ti ui { .:, I T - .tr j _r ,!_...-+ .: - *i i+. ;r.i i. i =li i11 1;i;Ji {: ,i+ E,, 11+ ^ + !l + i,F. Tr,,^+ E,l-,'l-' -^]..- I tf +,.t Lsss=6+8. . -i- i i+19 t-LJ:1 > Loss = 13-l-14 **+*. *l+.x-* e77 5Si'5 *.* lr-* +**.J* { *? {t {+ * t+.x.*. *+:'*tt' !.9&7 63 133$ *-*.F A. +.**+ c.t+* + lc IY ES lltv. LJ.* r. lrl- r-EUFTC ,-_ $!Lt{-,Rppi, $ i.c0t Sr.rbtot R$H Gain=7+9.. -riE+16 Duct Etuh 6ain TrtaI R$H Gairr= i i7+i$) ;*FLF trFi4 f;ir Reqr-ii red Fl rrl t/ Lr,-!v t-Ct url rtrLJ IJt r.t|.,!Jr5 J-- Iti i+*" ** iE,+d.{ l eE e +.+** ;+ #.t.i+ +*+.*- * * J(.r * J+ir* L46 4U3E i: c.r r: 48.34 eeE It:l .h{-n* ra. raB It*** i+i{.'i* +.hr* + ** *ii It.h* d- {f *** :? 4$5 'rq, 516 l,a L;altsrc. BLD Job# ,=; fiftNUAL Jr 7th Ed. zolsnt tre*--- RI6HT*J: VE. 1O S/N ll1l Nane of Room2l Runni.ng Ft. Exposed3l Room Dimensionsn Ft.4i Ceilngs, Ft I CEndit, MA5TER BEDROOM 41. 0 Ft. 1&.0 x 16.0 Ft. f rA. 0 lheat /cool t^lal1 House I 1* 1e-95 ! ! --- Fage 5 t'lffsTER CL0$ET B. S Ft. 9.8 x 9,8 Ft. 9. E lheat /coo I TYPE OF EXF'ESURE ICST I HTM I Area I lNO, lHtg lCrg lLength I Bt uh Htg I Els Area I Lengthl Ht9 Bt uhI Clg Ersss Exposed I'Ja I I s and Fartition: a b d e I 15C I r:,.1 4.+ 4.3 fr. rA a.B 8.0 B.E 8.A w.7 $.fi E. gl ra. E q 414 B B t?r {t! **{r * +*ti* ii*** Ji.*** *{.t** **** .F.*.*..F ***'* **ri* **** *t** **** a 7e n ral a E ,x-.*.** .F.*** **** lt*** ,t$* ** *lf ** +*** Jr*** ***lf * *i** {f *.* * lf*tt* [^l i nd ows $ GLass Doars Htg. L IJ e 3A st4 ?6 47.4 47,4 44.9 i3. rA fi.ff l** ** *+** *+** 7 s4 l?, ul 0 tl 33e I **** **.*,* **** tt lf ** *t* r+* ***+ 3988 E ul E E 0 a frl ul Itl gl **** a | f,.+** al **** gll **** El **** ur | **** [,Jindows I t:1^-_- Lrgrrr = br!,. Nort h NEANLJ E6i/i il L ft5U,' Hor-a ltl.El i?s. E iE. in :a r; 4.fi o o t? 0 ***+ **** ***.* if*ii* * *.{* * lf * {'* D ta 6374 Dr ar B El B r7l .t**** lf *{-* fi.*** *iG*+ **** JF*+* @ 6 v EI I O,;hr dsor; lal E,El E.il l7 ":t t r"A "tYJ, E l 14.i. tl_l EI EI EI E fil anl ral E h -+ Expo red l^,lalls and Fartitione a h ,37 4,+ 4.3 8,fi 4.7 -) r 0 -399 i ttf J |? ft til -:,.? 3 t'r1 6 ltZ t? tzt 49 g tzt r'rr I al iL.\Jcr.rrtrg;, F, .i i5r i if r| :. ia:, :, tA. El 4.4 ,:5iA 843 et c3t .i* *.1+ * ;F J6 {- tf l**-x* fi. rUtA *f,** 844 i al fil rt3i I EI ral 735 37 77L ii,+.i+ * ir*lf * +rt* +* Ir* ** J+*++ i+ cl I al tal 74 !'tr I fjr i al rti I fr; 'r.{, }d. i +i:F*+i I *,* {.t* i '!i i ie3 i 6t ie9 r 7i FLout-s b LYU C-IH ': :' a. i' :;' 4'8.--) fi. rn BI u: T5A I r'fi I 57t ul 1g i infi Itrai i on ie4.4 | t. r ?T I i':':r I 194 .!.i {- Subiot p.tuh Lass=6.+9. . r_1i-r_i,: Dr-rct Etuh Lose Ti:tai E\tuh Loss =:.3'ri4 r(* tt* * *J*l( l':,.Lr: 466 : / /u {.*.J(- + t*{i#.# * i+ t** rtf i-r cu, - -..1 .-l - i -- f.d =:1|1L.rtlrrr> r rE!rPrE t.: JLigr fiFpl. 13 leEA' Subt ot RSI-i Eain=7+S. . -l-18+14 S r-rrt F.t rlh Ea i n TobaL RSH Eain= (17+i.Si+FLF CFI'I ffir Reqr.tir'ei F'riniorrt eei';ified hy iCXfi i **.* t- ra. tafi r* *..ir+ **+f'* +*.x fi * *..* + i-Jtl** r:n LJ i-6il 7&27 38= Ot?|O:' 4ie - : : .---...: ^ -.c rJ--,,- rctJ'I r'ELl'-rLt CrhErl9lr rJI l|c[lr'-r{.ir rul |rl BRst NsEf,. BLD Job# ."fl FlftNUAL J: 7th Ed. ---- RIGHT-J:1l Name of Rosdel Running Ft. Exposed tlal I3l Room Dimensions, Ft.4l ieilngsoFt lCondit. Option I Y t-'tr_ UF EXF.OSURE I ICSTI HTFI I Area I Eross Exposed NaL l s and Fart it iorrs a k e 15C leJ 4.4 4.3 4.8 0.8 gr. s' I E, e' |z'.7 @.e ra. E g. qi g.B 14indows S. Elass Door'; HtE. a. |' f ?r'1 giYl ?i.: 47. tzr.ral r7l I rlt I l** ** *"{ **. ** l[* r+ 4 I tJindor,,ts 6 Siars rrrrr.rr 5 L.r. !J. Nor^t h i\tr &l\W E&r.; cr:;\ {:r ! c-.,+F_ LJ-..r5 r:L. {.1 i{,. !! / ut. |.3 .}c. rn c I a'l r- rr.r J -. - ..- -'7 r?l r)1 t? lA. et i ra. Er t:..F^^ -.r I r- 1 1^ ---.tftctt I = c. rttt T'--.+.i'l-i--- ic le i':'T 4. !''r ra. if. ';}i EI B UJ ,r-i. {.,a.7 i'i r: LrFrrrtlgS 3.rel i;,?e,el C'.7 t-t fil r? rt,crr {.. I t_rr gJ !-.1&H FLaor; t-. tr ttn e.E :'J +t. I fi.fi Lei Infi.L'br.ation l3r+.41 e. t 9iib.L o t E,tuh Loass€,+,3.. +i1+1I Dr-ic'i; Et th Lo s:; I lJLdi l-r(,..trr L-lr>:t - Irf-rr'+ Int. GainE: FeopJ.e Li f,tif Z. f;ppl, B l:rAE D iict Ft irh Ba i n iotai REH Sairr= i i7+:.9) *F,LF CFin f,it' i-ieqr-ii r'eci 16 1fl L1 :E rrLlrJ l-cl 9rl IcU |.-, y ralJlJ|1 vu irr r 1- EqLi.ii'EnEiii B r'ni'G zorAnt ire Horise 11*1e-95 US. trl E/N 1 1 I 1 --- trarge 6' ---- I'1f;STER BftTH I UF.F,ER LEUEL HALL 34,8 Ft. I eB.B Ft.I EO.ID x 7,8 Ft. I ttA. fi lheat /coo I i-r------- Bt uh I 6rea I Bt uhI lNO. lHtg lCiB lLengthl Htg | tr}9 lLengthl Htg I Clg 11,4 x 15.8r Ft, 9.9 lheat./cool a 3'ag u,l t4.l E r'lti E6 *+** ***tF {.*** **** *.*r** +t* ** .**+.* n*** .**lT* .r** * * **tt* **.+* EI e'IE I al r&**.+ .r** {-lt **.t€{6 .r+ * *+ *f** ***rt ft E **** **** **** J+Ji** **** * +.t** e6 a ut 0 $) J' r:r:tr g u A rf **.F I Jilf ** |**** I*.,*** | *-t**-* I *.*d'{. I al el 18eA I at al erAeS a Itl ra 43 ta E ii** + **** .tf+** **** ** t* '.* *r** r?! ral ''rl ill t4t t EE EI *.**+ +*Jf* **,*+ +.**+ ***+ x*t+* tF.* *'* lg * iF* * *i*t i+ ii*.* ,*{ {.+ ,!i* t** a j +r4|4r s17 | ral rAl ltl t t7r I EI l.}rI ll.t I ai ull tal BI $l BI J ql Itr 4r -IIq. 1319 El 11\ u,r r=Ult3 | t4t I EI t4 l -4.3 EEfi frr ral ta -1S7 g6ra a 4SS u; rlt fil 139 i tsr I Et I EI ia5 l(| rn i tq 497 B tA t 681 EI ul :X it'X * A. rarzl ia i.t* * i-46 i l?tl 11 | t?r I {Ii ?io t{l t- ti+* ++ *ti .t$ * #li **+* {-*rf* r3 E ti, --t*----------i55t 4f,1 1'A4el tll *.ts{* I :9J4 I d'{t.K i .I-{-** i ;ilIE I **.nr+ | 5:l | !ct7 l {r}i{* i 3.t i elll l+*** i {ii-** i 4i3ii *jf+ii i .i.+ if.ii ; 443i i ***i{. i *.{** i+* *+ ,L' i uri CEJ4 i l.t|:- | e345 l i:5 r i. .]( .iri ii- li *. *-.tt {.x.}i i, *tF* * + +{-+ l:'ec tt r I :'t1 | 3.7 19 1 PIANUAL J: 7th o Ed. Jab *: ES76 l,.JsDlnNKIADYRLt^J L ul L H I U til o FT H FI D b f F( t4 RIGHT-J: UE. 1'A RI6HT_J I,JINDOW DATA s/N !:lr FiLe namer SR0i,JNSEC. BLD NAStlOt^, 6NHVUH L(fLt(tlEZLOXYT BEDRT]T]M *3 11-1e-95 h|sNH f,ARR n e 9E 1.O A.E A.ta l-E 7ra.tA s.ra ra.fi n E 9A 1.0 F.gr A.A 1.rA 7fi.A 4e.rA 8.0 BEDROOI{ #E n e 9B i. E '4. E 6. rA t,A 81. O S7.5 rzr. E DINING RTOI4 n e 9& 1,8 B.g rA.B 1.8 el.E 36.8 8l.0 LL UlN6 R0tr14 n e 9A 1. fi 8. E V.V 1. rA el, A 36, rZ' rA. ra n a 9E 1.ra B.r3 8.tA 1.ta 7E.ra 45.8 |a.rA n E 9E 1.Ar E.O A.A 1.8 78,'a 96.14 E.gr l/,.rTci-iEl'j n E 9A l.rzi A.E g.A L.& f,&.iA 48.fr ra.er n E ?g l.rA ta.tzr f.iE 1.8 7fi,fi ei.A' A.I ENTRY n E ?B i. fi '2. E qt. tA 1. A 74. ret 1S, tA rer. An e 9E t.Er E.B B.gr 1.4 78,€r 1E.rZ' E.En E gfi 1. fi *. Ur e. E 1. 'Zr 78. tA e4. rzt E. iA I'lf;il'l LEUEL FOi^lDR g gft i.E i:,.8 fi.S 1.'A 78.'A 5.iA [.fr MRSTER BEDROBITI e 9E 1.re E.tA E.ra 1.$ 7&.8 7.A B.B E gil i. rzr B. S tU'. A 1. A 7e'. E e4. B 0. 13 I4fi5TEFi CLOSET I4NSTER g,fiTH n g 9B f.iA iI.fi fr.fi i.ia ?E.ri ee.,B E.rzl U;,FEii L[''EL i4fiLl r, n E ?'a i.E E.E fi.€i i.fi 3F.E lS.7 i;.iZ n n i gar L. E 8r, rzr B. V 1, il 70. 8 era. ra &.8 c H m a aw annacnnn g\ rr w 13 t tl tl tl L.-wacnnn crngACnnn anEacnnn ineacnnn anwacnnn CneACrrnn EJ l^l e. rl - ct l- tt tl ;,nHacnn :::'gr-ir.'-l r.ar"{i tirn }r!-' tFFii j. =l! r-arr.art c ,-f M=rr,:! Fi."r- 1 --- RIGHT-J LOAD AND EOUIF'I4ENT SUFIMARY For": L By: Outside db: lnside dbl Design TDr HEflTING SUMI'iARY Bidg. Heat Loss Venti i.ation ftir- Uent f;ir Loss Oe s i gn Heat Lclad URIL N/R CLIMATE CONTRSL [T]}'IF'ANY F. 0. BOX lra4e GLENI,{OOD SF,RINES (97rA) 945-e3e6 -14 Deg F 7E Deg F &6 Deg F cE 81657 f4gsTER BEI]ROAFI LIUING ROOFI / HITCHEN RREA BEDROO|4 *3,4 ZONE #4 LOi^tER LEVEL I^]INTER DESIGN CBNDITIONS CB 94OSF Htuh lEB f,Ff4 94&E Ptuh 1fi3546 Btuh ] NF I L'TRfiT'I ilN frlethod Simplified Constr"uct ion Srrality BestFir-eplaces e HERTING COBLINB 6res trq, ft, ) tA&7 e867 Vairrme tcu.ft.i 3f5tg 31569 Air Changes/Hor-r Er, 5 A, g Equivalent EFFI e64 1t}5 HEfiTINE EGUIF.MENT SUMF}RRY t4ake TRf;NE l4ode 1 XL Bgl Type l't'lil STfiGE Efficiertcy ,/ H$FF Heating Input Hea* ing Olttpt-tt Heating Temp Rise Fct r-ra1 Heat inq Fan Htg ffir Flow Factor Space Thet'nost at l'lftNUAL Jr ?th Fr";ntolrt certified Int et'nal Eains Uentilatisn Inf i 1'br"at !on Tot L.at ent Eqt-ti p Load Total Equip Laad 1840 Ftuh # Btuh tJ Etuh l S4Et Bt uh &S457 ilt I-rh COOLlNG EAUIF,IIIENT 5UIYII.1ftRY lvlak e TRftNE lilod e 1 Ty tre EU', E COF"/EER/SEER E, E l6tltlt6t? Err-rh SEnsible Cooling E Btuh 1EE4EO Ftuh Latent Coal ing Et Ftrrh 4E Deg F Total Cooiing ff Ftuir *EEA CFFI Aetu;'l Cooling Fan SA9A trFm fi, O:3 [Ff4.rEtuh Clg ffir FIow Factar B.853 trFf4.rBtuh Load $enr Heat Rati o 9? Ed, RI6H1'-J: UE. la g/N 1!11 by flCCA to neet all nequir-enents of lYlanLral Fsrm J ,s*BeP"eidsSwNgRI. BLD+,WffffiByF;:"'rr: GLEN LYBN SUBDIVTSION smffi'ifipy Job *l E376 Wthr': VAIL Zone r Ent ire HoLtge SUMFIER DESIGN CONDITIONS Olrtside db: 9E Deg t- Inside db: 75 Deg F Design TD: 15 Deg F Daily Range H Rel. Hr-rm. l 5E '/. GrainE l^lat er t0 Er $ENSIELE COOLIN6 EGUIF' LBAD SIZIN6 Structut'e 5779E Btuh Uentilation AE5 Ft,uh Design Temp, Suing 3.U Deg F Use l'1f9. Data y Rate/Swing i'lult. l.lAB Tatal *Qens Eqnip Load 586 17 Btr-rh LQTE|,IT COOLIi.IG EftUiF LOAI] $IZING 11*11-95 a T_J Zone: Ent ire House F'rocedure A - l^linter Infiltr-ation RIGH Job *: eJ76 CALCULNTION F.RACEDUREg Af E, C, D File name: BR0t{NtrRI. FLD HTM Calculation* 1 1- I 1-95 1. Hinter InfiLtration DFlrl '4. 3 Bf,,/HR X J1569 tru. Ft, l^linter Inf i ltrat ion Btuh 1, I x P64 CFt4 x l"linter Infi ltration HTMe4937 Etuh / 845 & e. Sg t^li nt er Tl) Total i,.lindow Doar Area t3.8167 =e64 CFM e4937 Btuh 89. S HTll Fr ocedur'e F - Summer Infiltration HTM Ealculation* 1. Summer Infiltration trFM O. e RC/HR x 3r569 Cu. Ft,E.8167 = 5r-rnmer lnf i ltrat ion Btuh 1.1 x lES CFIYI x l5 Sr-tnmer Inf i Itrat i on HTlrl Sunmer TD 17414 Bt uh i 845 Total Window =& Dsor ftrea Fr-orednre tr * Latent Infi]tration Gain 3, 1gE CFIYI 174S Bt t-th e. I HTm rzt, 6s E gr.diff, x 1tZt5 CFFI ra Bt uh Frocedrre D - Eqr.ti pment 5i a ing Loads 1. Sensible $ieing Load Sensible Ventilation Load I,I X 5A Vent. CFlr,l x 15 Summer TD Sensible Load for Strr-rcture (Line 1ti Sust of Ventilation and Struc'burp Loads Rating and Temperatlrre Swing I'ir.rltiplier Equipnent Si z ing Load - Sensib:.e E. Latent Sizing Load Latent Vent i lat ion Load B.68 x :;U' Uent. CFH x O gr. diff. x € No. Feopl.e Fr.ocedur"e C Lat en'b 8eS Btuh 37797 Bttrh 5S617 Bt t-th 1. tzrfr FSF| 5SA17 Btuh Et Ft r-rh 1e4rA Bt uhB Btuh 1S4E Ftuh = + x + lnternal Lsads = 33tZrinf i !.trat i on Load Frorn Equipment Sizing Load - + + +Con st r"uct ion fiuality is: fvlf,NUftL J: 7th Ed. Frintourt cer.tified by ftDCA to No. of Fireplaces i6:l: RI6HI--J: UE. llZt meet al l requirements 5/N t! !l of lvlannat Form J BRotJr{FRI.FLD Job* 33t MANUflL J: 7th Ed. --*- RIEHT-J: zo,'*nt i"*5/N ll1l Name of Room?l Running Ft. Exposed3l Room Dimensions, Ft.4l Cei Inqs, Ft | trondit. ue. 1g Ent ire 419. Honse B Ft.hfal I Opt i on 14.8 | House I 1-11-95 ! ! --- F,age I --*- 6UE5T SUITEsl. a Ft. E4.E x 17.4 Ft.9.4 lheat/cool I Y HE. UF EXF.OSURE ICST I HTfi{ I Area I lNO. lHtg lClg lLengthl Bt uh Hts I Clg Rrea I Length I Htg BtuhI Clg 5l 6rosE Exposed Walls andtrartitions la tb lc 156 reJ d e f 3.7 | 4. 31 Sr. A B.A a.B ta. E g.a w.7 er. D B. rA s. ra ra. a 855 | 3649 | Ell .***+ ****.**** +t ** **t+* li**lf E g 6 ***+ ***lt **** **** **** *i*+ e7v 489 fi E .x.{-.** ***+ *{'** **+* **** l+*+# **** **** **** *+** **** *+** BI 8t I ----------- l^lindows & Glass Doors Ht g. ?t1 8t4 9G al c d e I 47,4 47,4 44.9 B.B E.E a.m ** *+ ** ** ** +* 443 | 374 | f,1'411 1791e tn77 g ra B e4 a lzt ra +*lt* **+'* It.tt** **** **** {r-.x..ts* 64t 3633 1 **** Bl Bl **** El El **** Al 0l ***+ al gl **++ El El .x,tf** '7 1 l^lindows & Glass Door.s CIg. North NE{.NI-' E&1., sEeSLl So r-tt h Horr e1. a 8.8 7&, @ gl. E 36. rA fr.4 e61 | frl 5i'B I E E4 tzl tT.t*** Jt*** t{..*** {-*.** Ji{..n* i*.,$** 3477 ra 39e 14 gl 878 tzt 3e| *n** 0r I x*** 3el **** El **** rzr I **** Bl **++ 67e fi Ee4ra ra et Ut 8l Othr dcors I lallBBl39.g'l lbt I E.El 6.3 a, ra el at al EI a o tal 0l erl ral g 0 gi I I I I I Net Exposed t'la11s and Fiartitions tr 15G ieJ 3. 71 ra. 4.3t O. Er, Er I E. E. rA I rE. a.urt a. ff.$r fi. sl t4l qr B in 1B 36e9 tA tA E E ra E46e r1 lal t.l a 36 1 15SrA3 I Iti a tl a ea6 459 a El fr g 768 1?74 t4l g tV rtl r?| ul fr El 1El Ceilings I i Irl tFr lAF 16H 3. ttt E.* r4.r . ul tzr. I t4. I A, ra leae ut E 55Ber 1663 Si I rzt fit E EI tal frl fit srl EI rel m v.] Fl oor-g a tr I (3 f'\ t1A eef; e, I rrE, I A. ql ta. E 4.ft 1884 534 e4*4 1 1Ue E B ra B rA E}4e us BI 448 | al lEl Infiltration rlB.5 r l. 1 645 | e4937 |1?48 641 lSBS I lj iSubtot Btr-rh Loss=6-{-8., {-11+ie 141 Dr-rct Ftr-rh Loss 131 Total Btnh Lo:s = lJ+14 *ti+ * *{-** g9&Ci5 44gfi 94rAB6 +.x-** **** **** *+** =t.**+tf 8498 4e5 B9e3 **** {** ** ttJf ** tc l? 1S 19 e6 Int. Eainsi Feople l.t SrAg flppl. tr ltEA Subtot R$H Gain=7+€, . +19+16 Duct Ftr-rh Gain Total R$H 6ain= ( l7+1S) *F,LF CFlvl flir- Reqr"rired FrintoLrt cErtified by C] **** E, €t0 J* *Jf * meet *-*.tF* **+* i({, *+ {art** **** EEAEI ?4en 1e'zifi 55rA4A c/ti 5779E 3B9A fftrCf; to al I reqir it'ement J*- rA | ***r* | E I rF*+ri I *.F.** I *{..ri* i 3-,{ | **** | ra. taD | *..*** I**r* | AAS Is of Flanual For-m IE B t3'j3tl 16& 35e4 r t1t3 BRBI^,NF RI. BLD Job* e3tl t4nNUAL J: 7th Ed. zo,tnt i** ---- R16HT-J: VE. 1tl S./N ! ! House 11-11-95l! --*- trage e ---* LI U ING ROOIYI 48.B Ft. EE.O x e4.A Ft. 14. O lheat/cool 1l Nane of Ro onr 7l Running Ft. Exposed3l Roon Di mensionso Ft. 4 | Ce i lngso Ft t Cond it, LOWER NALL 47.8 Ft. 18,8 x 7.S Ft. 9. E I heat/cooI tlal l Opt i on TYF'E OF EXF,OSURE I tcsT I I lhl0. lHtg HfM I Area I | tr1, g I Length I Bt uh Htg I tr19 Rrea I Length I Ht g BtuhI Cig 5l Gros s Expo s ed l,.fa11E and F'art it i onE 3,7r @.8 4.3 | 4.7 er.sl E.Bo.El a.ra B.At fr.eE.El tA.ra la t!r lc 156 leJ d e f 135 | e8s I sl a a o *tt.ts* *{+{+* +*.F{- l+*Jf {- lT*t+* t6*** +.*.r* **.** r-*** **..F*,**** .*.**t( tal 568 r EI ol EI ll!l **** **.tr* **** .|e{.'** **.F+ {"*** {**** tF*** It**+ **** **** **** Hindows & ElaEs Doare Htq, a b c d F 6 3n ct|Yl ?ct 47.4 47.4 44.9 B.B a. ?' tzr. ra ** {f* ** .** t** .** grl ot tal 0l @l vl al EI Bt ***rf **Jr*. **** *tf .*.* **** **** E E cl 48 1e6 s a B A 66 tZ 1Bg ee75 5971 B lzt o B +*** +*** ***l+ f+.*t *.*** ++** lal @l 8l *+** ***.*.**.r* Jf ** tt {F#f {i **** 1386 E 7568 m n E al ral &l B a ra fi fr E gt B a *Jf ** *+*.* *+{F* **+***** i***i+ l"lindows & Glass Doors tr19. North NE&.Ni,i E&l^l 5E&5t-., c^,,+ t- Hoi': e1. E |z|. tA 74. A E.E 36. tzl D, ta Sl Othr doar"s lallODl39.e, l 6.3 I lbl I E.till 'a.gr Net Exposed l.rla 1 1s and Far''litions la t!- IA r5G J. r: !,4. td, '?l ?l g.l I 8.8 8.7 |z'.6 ta. E 9.fi ta. ra.F E at El lr:l t l?rl $i EI frl @l C'l ol w tzl 133 esB 0 w ul B 4.99 E Ei 0 E 198, Al rzr -174 | 568 I u'l thl BI 0l -&43 e4E8 ul ut fi $ J6L tzl ul Eftl treilings b c 18F I fln 3. rz 'Zt al UJ. VJ 8,9 E,E tel l{I fi |a E ur 54rA I BI*t 16e5 r 4S Iar sgl a 11 Flosns L 1"9D 81ff EEft 4E'.9 a.a A,E B, 'a UJ 1e6 Id.I I e6'a I fil B E 4afi E a 1973 Ul a gl m 174 I 513Et 35AUrlral1'3 1 InfiI'bration t.fc Et .: r 1i 13 $'rht ot Bt uh Drict Bt. uhTotal Btuh Lo s s=6 "t-8. . -F11+le Logs Loss = 13+14 * tf +'*- ***l+ 1998 l grB eBg8 *.*Jt* i-**l* *.F*.* ii.*** 3/. .*.* *lf L r't+I s9E 18733 It* *+ .I Ji++.**** 18, 11 :'dr Ini. Eains: Feople 13 IIAA Appl. rB 1g$tl $r-rb'boi RSH Gain=7{-8., -r1E+lh Duct Ftt-rh Gain Total IiSH Gain= i l7+i€,i +F,LF CFt'l fiir Reqrrired FrintoLit ret^tified by RCCA a €r *.**f 3/. ta. ErIt *+** meet *.*.** **** +ia{+* ti * l*+ **ia+ 49 EI 196 1A.8ff6 11 4 a **r+* ***.*l EIZIE t7l r!Jft] 569 1 1945 639 **** I .tf **.tr 51 I *++* tzr. rAA | *i****+** | 438 al l neqr-rirements of Flanual Fo rmJ-- ERDI^INF'FI, ELD Job* E3T f4nNUAL J: 7th Ed. ---- RIEHT-J: UE. 16 Name of Room Runn ing Ft. Exposed l.,lal I Room Di mensi ons, Ft. CeilngsoFt I Condit. Option I ICSTI HTlyl I Area I Btr.rh I lNO. lHtg lClg lLengthl Htg I Clg I .a BEDRBBM +4 es. ra Ft. 18. tZ x 16, A Ft. 9. ra lheat/cool TYF'E OF EXF'OSURE ,"rr!}r,* ire House 11*11-9sS/N l1! ! --- trage 6 -*-* FIATH *4a.a Ft.9.0 x 6.4 Ft. 9. O lheat/coo1 Flrea I Length I Htg Bt uh I t.I 5 5l Grsss Expos ed hlal 1E and Ftartitions a b c A f 15G t3J 3.7 4,3 B.8l ff.4 E. ta ta. ta B. rA w. I sr. og. ra @.fi 4.0 L44l lBg I sl ul ol ral **** **** **** **** **l+* **tF* **** *{.** **** *.*** **** **+* Al **** 0 | **** E| *.t ** gr | **** El **** Et I **** ***.* **** **** i**** *+iF* **** |l,lindswE S El asE Doors Ht g. d e T 3ft aFl Gil: 47. +l 4?,4 44.9 E.A ta. a B,A *-* ** ** ** ** ** 8l 4El tal at ial al 19914 E a fi Et +*** +*tT* **** ,F*.** It{-{-t ,**.I.* al EI EI ral rAl ral EI EI !''| ! at ral 0l **+s ++*l+ It+*tt **,** *{t** *.t *.* [,Jindows & Eiass Daors D). g. Nrirt h NEE.NI,J ES'i,'J sE&$r,J South Hore |;I. 74. rtr 36. tz, fr |zr |?I o a t{t 4e & 6 'ZI {.**+ :Fl':F t' +++***** t**l** It *** a w e240I a ra B tal rzt ,d @ n E iA E E E *,*++ **i++ * +tF* .t*r+ ** ***+ *+** .l I I El Othr cioors I ia I IED i19. E i ibl I F.El O,E EI |{rl ml r'?r I EI al tal rAl tet Net Expoeed lda.l1s and r' ---.1-.:.L.: ---reil L l. {r t|JltE h f. 15G :.EJ t4l. E. gl E.B ta. ia 7 I r-Jr':' 1ES gt |I.I EJ 377 464 t? E UJ gt .7 .? r7l E tal B t7l ''rt 0 Itl t} rA rn rlr I EI 0 |?tl 1g Ce i I ings a b c l- clr J. r}fi J.tAl ra.9a.et 8.7E,Bt fi.'a a E E 'AlEI BI v E w (n ra ral BI tl.l gt EI FIosr's u c i9D I ;If; I ItA i .:' .:, ,4. .:, c rn E. ul EI wt IilI a ul B a E a ul el tzr 1el Infiltr"ation rE9.5l t. r l,'=, 1 l:,T(l 1 B6 BIrtr IBI I -,1 i+ Subiot Btuh Lo;5=6.{.9.. r-l1r-il Dr-rct Ftuh Loss Taial Btr-rh Loss = 13+14 .r+ t+ tF * **tf * /,:'5':, ElE 44+3 li {.{- tT **{..* *i'i** {-tg{ + **-iati tzl kf t&**it Jt +.** *+ iiiY 15 rt3 I: Ecr int. Eaine: F,eopIe B 3fi* ffppl. l:i lefira $r-rb'b ot RSH Gain=7i,9. . + 1P+1e, D r-rct Et uh Ga i n l'o'bal F<SH Eain= { i7+tg1;EPiP SFltl f;ir Feqnireci ULr! L-tl r. Il I ELl !JY nLrtr'r EC -11c(lt I Eqr-l irenent Forn J t4 *rf** er. rara tr+** * - -J- J+ + t* .t+ +*t+* *.+9.** **** +lf Jt* ia4 3tfirA 155 3e55 i74 E #.+ tf {- +it** **** *lF+* l* t** + a tz Itl *JtJt* B, Bet .i +iir - -.F hr!--,.- ! tal BRDI,JNFRI. BLD Job* ==llI{ANURL J; 7th Ed. zot't i"* ---- RIGHT-JI V€. 1E S/N | !1l Name of Roomel Runninq Ft. Exposed3l Room Dinensions, Ft,4l CeilngsrFt I Condi.t. IY{fiIN LEUEL HALL4,0 Ft. ts8.@ x 7.A Ft. 9. A lheat./coo I l^,a I 1 trpt ion Houge 1t-11-95!! *-- Faqe 5 *--- MAIN LEUEL F.trI^IDR I 14. O Fr. I 6.O x 1e.0 Ft. I --i:i-lT::f:1----iArea I Bt uh Lengthl Htg I Clg I TYF.E OF EXF.OSURE lcsTt lN0. lHtg HTM I Area I Itr1g lLengthl Bt uhHtg I Cig 6rssg Exposed Walls and Fiart it ione b c e f 156 | leJ 3,71 4. 31 B. fil $.rAl E.Al rzr, 0 | E. U' il.7 u,0 Ul. Ut 0, gr ta.6 E 7e fll a 0 *lt*{. *** tf *')tttt *,*** {.*** **** **Jt{t **lF* ** tt{. .F.X-** **lt* **** ---*-l7el 541 0l EI EI ot li* ** l+t*** .nl[.** .*.*.** .*.*.** {+*** 41 194 I 8l **.*{. IrrF** **** **** **** **** **** |**** |**** |***.F I**** |*lr** | I I I I I I El a a rlt rtr a a B --**--lBl +*** 8l **** 4l **** ta | **** tA | **** 0l xx** tAl lal esra I ftl EI BI gr I &l rAl rat at 44 I tal rDl ral ral sl "*l 68 54 UJ t4 rA 851 e3g ul a t'I ?_7 | tl cr I Ei rai 4g a E 7e E 144 gl gl Itrl E 41 l1el b d f hlinciows & 61ass Doort f,l9. [,JindourE & 61. as s Doors Htg. .3H sfi 6i: Nont h l'{E&.Nl.i EE.t'.J SEESr.t South ** *+ ++ +.1( +* ** 147.4 44.9 tu.6 A. ra .al ft E.A 7s. rzl m.s 36, el t:r. a E +i tar B E a |{l tr: a rA E 0 1?90 fi t4r **** *t$if * **+* **+********* +*** .iain** +**{. * rf l$i* +*.** Ir ,( * {- t1r l4l e94g v ra t? gl Othr cio or" s I l'Ip i39,6 | A.3 I E,El I C',el t -,' tbl td.t I utl izt I Itl I ul ul Net Exposed hla l l s and r!---.|- ,l t-,i ---r6r u l.' (Jtt5 l- f .|Jtf 1EJ 3.7 4.3 qr. El tzr. E E. tA r'?l 17| 8.ff ia. a -4i I|: \u -155 3rl1l u) r?| al EI a 49 E ', a tat tBl f,aiiings I I l+ c 1SF 16H 3.Et I m.9le,3l 8,7 t:, r']i I r)i ,'tlrar. rJ I v.r r rar tzl E ra E a E E Fioors IYIJtln c-. J 4S.9 ia. fl ut. ul ial BI a a I UJ 1E I lnfi ltrat ion lg9,5t e. I +': t re39 |aE 1f t1. , ^J- Etuh Lss;=6{-8. . +il+te Ett r.rh Loss Bt r-rh Lo s s = 13+ 14. &.x..1*+ +* *Ji 3393 169 JJJJ **** *ii*.* *#'** * iai**. r'tt I sl ***lt E. Efi ti**Ja 18?7 35 i 15e l***.* +**.1* {'**r* *tf** 'r*ir** e7 *** r+ I+*** i*is+* i {nl ,tol Jtl / I |:r I't -- Int. Eains: Feople t! 3BA f,ppl, B llEA Subtot RSH Sain=Z+9.. +1i+te. Dr-rct Btr-rh Gain Total RSH Sain= (i7+14) *PLF trFIii Ftir- Reqr-rired F,r-intar-it cer.t if iild by rlf,Cf; 17 1tr! :.r?t I tl .t+ *+* ur, rLrlzl t*** meEt * * t$Jf +*** + **.rf ++*f* ti.L* s3 Pt ra 38r75 134 iee9 173 EO -i i6r r | {: r.t Lr irement s sf l4anual. For-m BRor.fNF,Rr.BLD rob* est zor|tnri"* IYIftNUAL J; 7th Ed. *--- RIGH'[-J: VE. tA S/N : !l J 4 Name of Room Running Ft. Expo*ed tialL Room Dimenrions, Ft.CeilngarFt I Condit. Option HITtrHENle.0 Ft. 11.S x 14.8 Ft. Ie.6 lheat,/cool Hor-rse ! --- Fage ENTRY 11-11-954 ---* et. E Ft.9.8 x lE.A Ft, 15. E lheat/cool TYFIE OF EXF'O$URE I ltrgTl HTFI | ffrea II lNO. lHtg lCIg lLengthl Bt r"rh Htg | trrg Frea I Length I Btr-rh HtS I Clg Gross Expased l,rla l l s and Frart it i sns 3,71 ra. B 4.31 8.7 a.@t a,B A,Bl A,ra a.ral B,tara.Bl a,B a b c d e f l5G leJ &l 144 t BI BIgt BI **..** **** x**+ *+** **** * **{t **** r**** **** It*tt* ***+ {++** 0l **** 3l5l **** EI **** 0l **** fl | **t+* El ***x *++lt **** **** **** **** **** i,Jindows & 6lass Doors Htg. b ..1 F f 81'1 9G 47.4 47, 4 44.9g.a E. Cl U. tZt +* +it *lt ** ** .F'ts i7tl at t? a ra **** + lg.*.F .F*** *.t*** *l+ ** {t{t+{F a E r7| rzt EI Et ol 4el EI e4r EIgl BI t99f' I 0 L$t I 0I E Jtif .t+ {. **+* **** **** **** ***+ i"l i nci ow s 6 E1a.ss Doort Ci g. North NE&Nr',t E&.t, 5Ef St^l So r-rt h Hor'= e1. a ra. E 78. rA E.E J6. O ta. ra ra l?r ta ra o ra *Jl* * i+ it;*.i* *tat$* +tt*.F *lf J* * *litF* a @ t'11 E ra 6& vl ta r?r gr o **{.* it*** .**.ts.* {t * *d. It*** ti*.** 13S6 $ sl rlr El BI ftl gl tzi I |7rl tal ral tai utl trl -6& 315 B tll ral lraB | 3ra1ral e' t7 l -?44 1354 a rA w t:lal I €l 68.E7 331 6?38 .r+*+* ***t+ 'it * *i+ *** ta +*** 163 cr,+ l arl fil uJl lr:l I.---l tl 1l I?rt ftt YUt ra +{-.n* =?,+iiif* *if** ta, gtB ++** t+*** |**'*+ | tr+f ,+ I ftl r7ll t:t I {Gt ll I L lzt "j I rmJ-- B ,9i 0i;hr d o or': I la I ltlD 139.6 i lbi | fi,iai €,.3 fr, v) ral OI EI EI Net Exposed I'rla L l s and l_!-'-j-i}.i^*- la r'l f I r4l" leJ 3.7 4,3 ti. E Er. A |{1. r4l o, Er 8.7 a.a Ur, tzr ra r4+ E ul tz 619 Id.i r? 9B tzt tr l{r u] 1El f,eilings I I Floor -" a r' [1 l^ 1SF 1&H } YIJ E1R eeft ?r)r :, a, E. EI E.t :1 .1 4e. ? 8,9 E, tA E.E ttt. vl E. rzi 164 EI 54e B 1€.' 4 a a I rJ 'l E 344 VI ul tE I lnfi ltrat icn rE9.5l e. I BIEI l? L4 j.e $ubtot Eituh Dr-tct Ft uh Tatai Btuh Lo sa=6.i"S, . .i: 1 1 +:..; Ls."E = t3r-14 +ft++ * 3'/ ii* +* 75 i581 {.t**t* ++** ti ri *.ii Ib 11 IE, IY e0 Int. Saine: Freopie t! JlAgftPPl- 13 leEA Subt st RSH Gain=?+O. . +le+lg' Duct Btuh Gain'l-o'bal RSFi Eairi= t 17+ig) +FLF CFM f;it" Reqr-ri reci Frintout cer-tified by ffCCfl I +{-** v_r. l{r|{l ++** meet {-*** +**..F .ir * t( .t6 +**.* ++** -!1 E .l ?r?rr'lr 14Se 73 1535 u';- aLl require ment i o'f trla n*aL Fo BRohlNF,RI. BLD Jobs 33t FTANUAL Jr 7th Ed.R'IGHT-J: Ug. 1B S/N ! | | | --- F,age 3 ----1l NanF of Room Pl Rr-rnninq Ft. Exposed l,jaIl 3l Room Dimeneions, Ft. 4l CeilngsrFt I Condit. Dption TYF'E OF I rcST EXFO$URg I tN0. DININE ROOM e4. a Ft. 13.O x le.B Ft. 14. O lheat/cool HTf4 lArea I BtuhHtg lCIg lLengthl Htg | tr19 zo.rt'nt ir*e House 1t-11-95 BRENHFAST NOOR era. a Ft. l€t.O x 6.0 Ft. 1e. lA lheat /coo I Area I Btuh Lenqthl Htg I Clq 5t Eross ExFoEed l^lal Is and Fiant it i ons a b c d f r;lb IEJ 3,7r A. 4.31 qr. a.at E. ta. ra I ta. ta, E I gt. E.AI '4. rr 7 17| lA ra l,Jindows S 6l, ae s Doors Htg. b E 3A &t4 YUr 47. 4 47. 4 44,9 ** {6* ** ** ** ** ut, ftl ra.El o.al B 33& ra w gl a +e 1e6 Ul lf *.** **** **lt* **tf* +.**{- *{i t+* +*'ttr **** **f* **.1** **** ***lr al 8l g'l 19711 **** 5971 | **** tz! I *+** arl **** El **** Itr I **** al E4ft I at a A tzt **** *+** *+** **** **** **** **** **** **+* **** ***+ *..*.** 104 & 0 ol rat at 0 E B BI Erl 49Eg I It++ * **{e* **J** ,*.*** ****.**** l^lindows l- Glass Door*s CIg. Nsrt h NE&Ni^l E&H SFESW South Horr E1. gi a. g' 78, E 0. El 3&. tr 63 ul 185 a\ a Y' l* *J+.* **** +*** **** '*+** '***t+ 1Jl9 a / J.fET tA E tzl 0l |(tt 1gr4 | ert EI EI *f,.r,* **iF* **** .t**** .t*+.*.* +*+* '1 7egg tA m t!0thr cioor: la I ltli thl i39"Sl I rA.Ei 6.3 A. lA al at r4l I ral tal El urlql -385 I 4 1rA3e I 163 at ltt I Br fr s ra $ --*l -184 | e4E I a E t4 tzl E tr Net Exposed hla.I 1 s and t'-t_sa j; j *_ - .. d e f 158 1EJ T '7 1 4.3i B.BI B.E 4.7 B. EI ta. fi ra, i2l 8.fi |.|. UI - 168 f,36 a ul fi *6ea L441 B E o sEs EI ia r|{,Cerlings p 1CF 16H 3.8 E.E E. rzl r-'(} r? 17| '-Jrtft tA 6'AE ra lBE a E gE B E ':+ I rA a '?a 1i Fl.tars a b lED e1f; EEA E.ee.i 4e.9 h.E l4l. $ ra. E 158,349 | ftl $l |4l E 6A tA 134 gr E E E El lEl Inl=iitration l;i9.51 e. 1 168 | 45441 345 1Ar4 I SEggl el4 iJ, I+ lq LJ.-rrJ(,lJt, Lrt !{tr Dr-rct Et uh1-otal Bt uh Lc: :=e,+.8. . -{- I'i+ LE LO*55 Losg = L3+14 *-*+* i++ ii* !+r.6 r 733 15394 {-*** + +.irl* .i++.tf * ,+*lt* ItJf + * 9A 1e 451 9469 * **l+ tf +*.* {.*Jf * iE Int. Gains: treopLe 13 SEtZt Appf . La 1e6e'gubtot RSH 6ain=7+A., +13+1e, D r-rct Et uh Ga i n Tot*] RSii Gain= i i'i+ lB) *F,LF CFfd Air Requir-*ri F'r'intor-rt eert if ied by ACCA 1,- l|J 1C. ctil II 4 ++**t. ur . rdi |zr ii.*.ri tr meet * i9.l+* * +e+* *{i*J+ *++{.* J{.iF+* lEgE EI 1A& 1rA 11141 59636iZ'I to aI I reguirrenent s o f Marr ua} Form J -- J* t+++ t} r?r!1 {-*l+* t* rf *.* *+** +*'** ** *Jr **** E-E,I tzl rr:l 773A 3e7 EI I / 434 ra -BRBI-JNFRI. BLD Job* e3l zor*ntine House 1t-11-?g IYIANURL J: 7th Ed. --*- RI6HT*Jr U3. lE S/N I111 --* Fage S ---- I E Name of Rosm R*nning Ft. Exposed NaiI Room Di mens i on s,, Ft. CeilngsrFt I Condit. 0ption II1ASTER BATH e1.B Fr. 13.@ x le.B Ft. ig. g lheat/eool ITIASTER CLOSET 7.D Ft. 13.O x 6,et Ft. 9. E lheat /cool TYF,E trF I lCgTl HTM I Ar ea I Btuh EXFOSURE I lNg. lHtg lClB lLengthl Htg I Cig qt Gross Exposed hlal i. s and trartitiong a h e t 158 leJ 3. 71 4. 3l ff.8 w.7 E.E E. rzl ra. ta 4.fi E. EI E. Ul a. ql a.E EI esE I **** ***r* ***J6 lf*** #t*** .r:*.,x-* *t*{6* lf lf ** **l* * *ti ** t+*** {**** t^ w f rn Area I Length I Htg Bt uhI Clg ta 63 fitr 6 sl ra **** **** +**+ **** **f* +*** **** ***f **** **** ***.16 ++** Windows & Glass Door"s Htg. a b f 3R SH 9G 47.4 47. 4 44.9 izr. ra a. ra E.E ** ** .* *. ** +r+ +* e6 ul vt a B g I ':r=J E (l **** *+** *+tf * **** tt*** **rt* Arl ral ml q ra B a ta a Et BI E 0 ff **** **** *-.**.!i **** **** +***al l^i i ndows f. 6Iass troors Cl.g. North f..lE6r{b,; ESi^t 3ts 6.l:W 5or-rth H or': 91. Er rtl. ul 70, E ,:i !'tt $6. E E.A 3i 0thr- doors le. l1L]Dl3?.&, 1 e'.3 i lbi | fi.Ei fi.D B rn L7 **t* iirf ** **lF* +******* +t*** 189 t{l 1176 a & fil EI r?l rAI fil ial s r4l ol *{-** lF*iE* J**.** * ia-t * **** *lt** a tt! |, fi n ul A td,l EI 'al lal frl EI ol ra Ul w 63 a t4l BI e7 1l 43 E r'rr r'}l B B Expoied frlal ls and r-, -.-J-.; !.: i-,,-E1t UrVrulr9 t. Fl T .i' *rlJ t;i 3.7 4.3 ta. fi ru. B |l.'. a gl. E rA, rzt ur. t4l -E6 E5e Sl o 1l1l -95 1'484 aI rfl |?I 171 |lh m tal treilinqs I a:[ IL lr- i sF: 16H 3. 'Ig.e E.E ia, € sr. E B ial +J.j I B lirJ. * E 7e E at E1? lzt a 66 B E ir Floars b t Stt c..TH ':. :, ,- E.E 4t.5 la. ra Et. gi ou,l $ E fi a VItfl Ui ta gl a lel Infiltr"ation l'e9.5t e, 1 3Gl 53 cr IE.l i,f, iSubict E'tuh L;s:=t -i 9, . { 1 f.ill 14 I Dr-rct Bt r-rh Lo s s 1=i Ta'b*i Ftuh Loss = i3+i4 * *.t * *-+ti+ t7a { **t( **+* t+ +iF .x- {.* tt J.i*+* 4S8 e4 ;:, L ': * #.x t{- +l(i t* {6 +,i+ t+ .|'Cr l. aJ :,r? Int. GainE: FeoFiE LE :*EApp1. E leOF Sr-rbtot RSH Bain=7+9. " -i-13+1.6 Duct Btuh Gain Trtal RSH 6ain=(L CFM fiir Requined a-t + tt r. r/r-l{, L-Et t.l.l IE\.J 7+1Si {'FLF lJ y r'.tLJ I rr ai r i'eqLi].refiFi-,i 3 c,f lianual Fsr.m *+*+ '4. gE .iaii.*+ *- Jf ii if *ii+i+ +.*+* .x *+* .* *.*+ G4 E 1'A'-rth 86 l Sta'7 97 rfr * ii *'{t +.ri++ * ittF* *f,-{d Jf ii tf it J.g 0 lAS 6 +f+** ul. ttt4l I **,*tf I BRDLJNFRI.FLD Job* ffl I4ANUAL J; 7th Ed. z o,}'t i ""5/N :l1l Name of Roomel Running Ft. Exposed3l Raom Dinensions, Ft.4l Ceilngs, Ft I Condit. RIGHT-J: Ve. 10 UF.PEB LEVEL HALL 15. E Ft. lo. E x 7. rA Ft. 9.8 lheat/cool I.laI I Opt i an HouEe 11-11-95 !! --- traqe I --*- Ft.x Ft. I ______r_____________ I Ar"ea I Btuh I Lengthl Htg I Elg I ***l( **tt* *ftn* **** **ti*.r*** Jr*** |**** I**** |**** I**** |**** I I ICSTI HTm I Area I BtuhI lNtr. lHtg lClg lLengthl Htg I Clg TYF.E OF EXPO$URE GrosE Exposed [.la11s and trar.t it i on s 5t b E d e f 13G teJ 3. 71 4. 3l &. qil rA. @ ra. ? gt, fi 8. ta gt. €t At. El rA fi E ut Jt** * **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** *+*:* ++** +*** E.A B. gl E. rU lalindouia S GlaEs Doors Htg. €t b c e f 3A Sti 9C 47.4 47. 4 44.9 e.E a.a ** ** **. .F* .i+ + ** E4 tA u) u) ra a I 137 tdl t'r1 t4 t? *+f* tt*{a+ +i*l** *tf rf f +**.r**** ----l**** **+* *t*+ **+* **** **+* tt It '---l *te** *r*** It* i.* **** **t tT **** *ii+4 **f* J++*-{- *+*++ It**# ------r----:-:------ i ** t(*. itsi+** {x{d +.* * {r +iir* ***J* *i+** lil i nd ows & GLaEs Dort"e f,lg. Nsrth NE&Ni,i ESlri sEeSL't So*th LIa..- e1. E ut . ul ?ff ft, 35. E ra. g fll a e4 t71 E **.** +i+i** * +.ts * ***+ +*** *+** a 16S0 GI EI 8l Othn doors I la I ltID l:?. e, I ibt i a.al ET |{t. |{! ral rzr I tdt I E 01 liet t^Ja 1 I s and a. t- e i.5G :.7 4.3 &. El fr.fr fl. Ai t7, '7 |?! r? l":i , rzl -E+ l:'q ril *89 5&A st g ra 9e l.-l fr ia .i tal Ceilings L' |- r c - r t] t-t E.A B.B ul. I 7 E i.4B n |.l 4e:l F B LE7 Sl ttll 1:Firrors i-l c i9D tifi i'r.f; r:. -L 4e. * E. |(' r?r tzi lli Eu, 1el Infiltral;ian r:9.5 r e. i 34 I ?04 |4? IJ 15 c' ,, r.+ -.r" rr+ ,,r- rr,,^+ n+,'|. Toral Ftr,rh | ----i- ra,t_ tJ :5,-trr LJ, I -r'r r -r' r L L{} s g Loss = ii+i4 .x- g.+* { *:{.?t E75S 136 i8gA x- r'fi.1 *,*.}t.* *i+*;ti t'7 {o LY 3ei T,-+ a:.-] GF -1- -, f '-t'1,ll|fr t.16.!ll5- retJPrE r-- LJ rCrrc' FPPI. 13 lEfiA SiiEtot RSH 6ain=7r-9. . -t-ilr-16 t'\ t . -J- L1+ ..t a:'- .t - Total RSH 6airi= t 17+ig) +F,LF f,Fti Ftir Reqr-tir'eri Frintouit cer-tif ie.j by r:;Ci*ai i i- eq 'i it-EnienI Fian,-ia L Fsr-n,i -.- +Jr+ * J('.1t.}* **** i+ **.* q-*.*.* *.t( i{.l{ 68 o l?+: 97 3fi4e. 189 o Ed.IiIANUAL J: 7th RIGHT-J: Ve. 1A RIGHT-J t^lINDBI.J DATA 5/N:!!! Fi 1e name: BRtrt^lNFRI. BLD 6UE5T SUITE Job $r 8376 1.0 el. ra 1.0 74.il 11-11-95 i^, S NH nnFt FI RR 38. re' ra. E3e,0 rA. 0 LSStrNASOCttJtrTHVGNHVUHWRAHLECRR6EFI DGZLOXYT r T t.l D I K n tl n n ll n n n n i-lntt bnEacnnnn K t n ht a sl t.l t\ D t^f a !. a-. A L L G L. A a a c n n |: |: n n 9Q t.E O.E rA.B 9A 1.0 O.rA E.A LOITER NALL LIVINE RSSM e ?a 1. a ia. ia ta. ia e 9g f.ia E.ta &.ae 9E 1.8 'A.rA E,rAe gtr 1.rA rA.0 B,E PINING ROOIYI 1.rA el.E E4.rA E.er 1. ra 78. B E4. g B. rA 1. E 11. B 48. E qr. rA 1. E 7g.g S4. s s. E f,B 7W.n era.A tzt.A 1. tA el. tr eta. s E. rz' 1. lA 7t'. A 84. S n. A 1. rA 81. $ 4e. E i;t. Al 1. $ el. rA 48. E ['. 6 i.. E El. lA t4, Ar 0. iZI n h, a a a a e e tl fr tl n l: g- ':: 9A 1.0 rA,4 ra.0 9r:: f . ia ia. ft ra. ragil f . iu' 8. ra a. te' ifr 1. g r.1. ra ff. fi H] TCHEN ENTRY e 9E 1.8 0.8 B.et e ,a 1.4 0.4 ra.i3 I'lfiiN LEVEL l-iRLL BREAKFNST NOBH 9g I !A fi t'?l l',! t?1. @ 7rA. B 184. fr,& a_. lt II c ll n e 9rZ' 1.E fi.E '4.fi i.rA 78.S 48.iA E.A Itlf;]N LEVEL F'trI^JDR e 9E 1. 'A E. A rzl, tA 1.6 74.fi 4, E E. E E EDRSOITt {,4 9E 1. E rA. tzr g. rA 1. E 7rA. 0 +e. g rA. ft l'lATi{ +i4 F.EPRJJI'i *+; .-- r't,. i *+p..,+ ax,-.|.i €.1 aJ ia' nf.l.i +^ naa* -.i 1 r-.rrr,.i c n{ h::r.r:s t ;n,-h : -* t o e 9@ 1.4 Er,E gr.E e 96 1.8 A.s A. O FIRSTER BEDROOI{ e 90 1.0 E.Er &.4 a 9a 1.8 A,g' B.B e 9E 1.8 0.0 iA.0 IYIRSTER BATH e 9gr 1.8 B.A E.Ee 9@ t.s a.tzt @.@ IYIASTER trLOsET cf, a e t4 na a nnn nnn 1.lA ?1 .fr e5.'a A.E 1.8 7@. O e5. g E. O a ct lr a a n n n n nn r.8 36.0t.g 7@.4L.A ?ft.8 1. A el. ra 1. O 7@.A 94.4 A.A 13.6 A. E 4E.O E.E 9.ra B.& 16.S E.An a a c .!- *t UtrF.ER LEVEL HRLL n e 98 1.'A 0.e E.B t.s ?8.fr e4.a 8.fr **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, coLoRADO statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Nurnber: REc-0044 Amount: 200'00 07/07-/?5 1-0:18 -:i:ri:i-**:t,-il-----:::1::::-t::-t1i1-g:-------11-Y:-Permit No! 895-009? Type: B-BUII-'D NEw (SFR'P/S'DUP) PE Parcel No: 2703-12I-07-006 Site Address: 1245 WESTTIAVEN CR Locati.on: GLEN T-,YON Total FeeB: 7'395'10 This Payment 200.00 Total AIrr'J Pmts z 7 ' 595 ' 10 Balance: -200.00 **************************************************************** Account Code DescriPtion Amount 01 OOOO 41331 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 2OO'OO o NO?E: ?HIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: BROWN DUPLEX NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMT" o JOBSITE AT Permit TIMES 895-009? fl!ll Jt.lt. 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2r3V479-2r39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Commanity Devebpment 3,18E.0O Restuarant Ptan Revieh,--> 2,072.20 DRB fee-------- ,00 Recreation Fee----------> 3,00 ctean-Up Deposi t--------y TOTAL FEES--_- Iten: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT A5/03/L995 CHUCK Action; AppRItem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT06/t9/1995 cEoRGE AcLion: AppRItem; 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/21/199s DAN Acrion: AppR coMpLEeEDrtem; 05500 PUBLIC WORKSo6/20/t995 CHARLIS Acrion: APPR .00 Total Catcutated Fees---> 7,395-10 400.00 AdditionaL Fees---------> .00 981 .9O Totat Pernit Fee-*+--> 7 ,795.10 750.00 Payments------- Depr: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 0510I/Lges Issued. .. z A7 /07 /).995Expires..: ot/03/L996 Phonef 970-476-3082 Phone : 97 O-47 6-3CI82 Phone:813 95?-3800 Division: Division: .fob AddressLocalion... Parce1 No..Project No. 1245 V'ESTHAVEN CR GLEN IYON 210 3-121-07 -00 6 PRJg 5-0066 APPLICANT J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEST *2A2, VAIL CO 8165? CON?RAC?OR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEST *202, VAIL CO 8165?OfiNER WES?MARK PARTNERS 2029 MORRIS AVENUg BOX 21?5, UNION NJ 07083 Description:coNS?RucrroN oF NEW DuptEx Number of Dwel]ing units: 002Occupancy Type Factor Sq. Feet ValuationDwellings Zone 3 V-N 125.80 9,356 673,7A4.9ePrivate Garages Zone 3 V-N 31.62 11190 37 .627.80Subtota]: 6,546 7LLt4L2.60Table Date: o4/ot/L992 Totar varuationt 7LL't4t2.60 Sown of VaiI Adjusted Valuationz ?tI ,4!Z.600 Fireplace Information: Restricted: YES fof 6as Apptiances: 2 #0f Gas Logs:#0f Uood/Pat tet: tr********!t*,**f,f,*t*ffii*}*t****fit*rnt:****rr*f,**Jrt!i**rHrrr* FEE SUMIIARY *t****ffi*#*#Ji*tri.tHrrrrr*ffrlnttr****ffirrt#rt*****f**** Bui Ldi ng----> P[an Check---> lnvestigatiofP Hitt Catt---> 7,595.1Q BALANCE ouE--- *ffirffiffir**rntrt****'htirt***r***'t*:tf'r|}f,**f****tftt******r*#**JrJ.f**rrt***trffi*Jri*fi****ffi*#**ffitrrt*rif,*#****#tr#* Dept,: FrRE 6-2 L-9 5 DepT: PUB WORK ***ffiffffi*||rffittt*ff*rr*rr*rtrttffrffit*******tr*:t**|trr'r*******ir***********#i***Jrtr**Jnttrtt******Jr***'*f**************ftt*tr***flt* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to t,his pernit. DECI,ARATIONS I hcreby acknowtedge that t have fead this apptication, fitl,ed out in ful,t the infornation required, conpteted an accurate ptotptan' and state that.att the information provided as fequi red is co.rect. I agrec to conpty uith the infornation and pl,ot pl.an,to coDpl'y tJith al't Toun ordinances and state (aus, and to buil.d this stfsctufe according to thc Toun's zoning and subdivJsion codes, design reviev approved, lJniforn EuiLdinE Codc and othef ocdinances sf the ToHn appl.icablc thereto. REOUESTS fOR IN$PECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TVFI{TY-TOUN Send Cl,ean-Up Deposit To: J. L. VIELE HOURS IN AOVANCE BY $NECYCLED PAPEE I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 3 I FAX 97U479-2452 Permit #: 895-0097 PAGE 2 D e p artm ent of C ommunity D ev e lopme nt Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of o7 /O7 /9s***!F*************r.****************r.********************************************* Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DIIP) pERl{IT applicant: J.L. VIELE CONsTRucTroN Job Address: 1245 WESTHAVEN CRLocation: GLEN LYONParcel No: 2103-121-07-006 ***************************************************************************:t**** CONDITIONS **************************************************************L***************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALIJ BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEI]JING HEIG}IT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FRO}4 THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. Thj-s application reguires fire department approval Applied: 05/ot/1995Issued: 0'I /07 /1995 {g *ootoruo o **************************************************************** TowN oF vArL, coLoRADO Statemnt ****Ji*********************************************************** Statennt Number: REC*0043 Anount: Paytnent Method: CK1008 Notation: 7 ,L95.$ a7 /07 /95 o9:52Init: MMC Thie Payment 7 tt95.l0 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmte: Balance: Permit No: 895-009? TYPe: B-BUILD Parsel Nor 2103-121-07*005 Site Addrees: 1245 WESTHAVEN cR Location: GLEN LYON NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE ? , 395. 10 7r395.10 .00 **********************************************,.*******.********** Account Code DescriPtion Amount ;;loiib +i]io BurLDri'IG PERMTT FEEs 3, 188 ' 00 01 0000 41331 DESTGN REVTEW FEES 200'00 01 0000 4:.j32 PLAN CHECK FEES 2,072'20 01 0o0o 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 750'00 30 0000 45032 RECREATToN FEES 981'90 01 OOOO 41335 WILL CALI, INSPECTION FEE 3'OO NOTE: TIiIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALt TIMES PROJECT TITLE: BROWN DUPLEX NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT y Permit #: 895-0097 G -'lYR? Job Address: 1245 WES?HAVEN CR =* Status...: APPROVEDLocation...: GLEN LYoN rY Applied..: 0s/0L/r995Parcel No..; 2103-121-07-006 \\,, lssued...z A6/2L/L995Project No. : PRJ95-0066 Expires. . : 12/18/L995 APPLICANT J.IJ. VIEIJE CONSTRUCTION Phone z 9.]0_476_3982 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEgf *202, VAIL CO 8165? CONTRACTOR J,L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION Phone: 979'476-3082 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD WEST Ii2O2, VAIL CO 81.65?OWNER WESTMARK PARTNERS Phone: 813 95?-3800 2029 MORRTS AVENUE BOX 2175, UNrON NJ 07083 Description:CONSTRUCTION OF NEW DUPLEX Occupancy DwellingsPrivate Garages Number of llwelling Units: 002Factor $q. Feet ValuationTYPE zone 3 V-N Zone 3 V-N 5,r 356 1r 190 6 r546Table Date: o4/07/7992 FiFeplace Infornation: Restricted: YES Total Valuation: Town of vail Adjusted Valuation: #of Gas Apptiances: 2 #of Gas Logs: 12s.80 3t.62 Subtotal: 673 t"t84.8O 37 | 627 .80 ?tt,4L2 .64 7LL t 4t2 .60 7tL ,4t2,600 #of [,ood/Pa l. Let: Division; Division: Division: Division l FEE SUIIIIARY 8ui Lding----> P l,€n Check---> Investlgation> l,i Lt CaLt----> 3,188.00 Restualant Pl,an RcvieH-> 2,0i12.20 DRB Fee--------' .m Recreation Fee--------> 3.q) Ctern-UP Deposit---*--> .m Totat catculated Fecs---> 7,395.10 400.00 Additionat Fees---------> .(x) 981.90 Totat Pe.nit Fee-------> 7,395.10 750.00 Payments------- TOTAL FEES----- rtem: O51OO BUITDING DEPARTMENT 05/03/]-995 CHUCK Action: APPRItemi O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/19/1995 GEORGE Action: APPRIteM: 05600 FIRE DEPART!{ENT06/zL/tees DAN ACtiON: APPR COMPLETEDItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 06/20/L995 CHARTIE Act.ion: ApPR See Page 2 of this Document for any conditione that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknopLedge that I have read this apptication, fil,ted out in futt the information requi red, corpLeted an accurate ptot p[an, and state that aLl. the informtion pFovid€d as required is correct, I agree to cor pty vith the infodnation 6nd ptot ptan, to compl,y uith att Tovn ordinsnces and state laus, and to buitd this structure according to the Toqn's :oning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Eui Lding Code and other ordinanccs of the Toun appticabte thereto. REqUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN Send CLean-Up Deposi t To: J. L. VIELE ADVAiICE BY TELEPHoNE AT 4?9-213E on AT oUR ofFlcE FRoll E:00 All 5:OO P Dept: BUILDING Dept: PLANNING Dept: FIRE 6-21-95 Dept! PUB WORK SIGNATURE OF OTINER OF COIITRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI,II{ER PAGE 2*****************************************************.*************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI-,Pennit #! 895-0097 aE of O6/2L/9S status: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEw (sFR,P/S,Dup) PERMIT Applied: o5/O!/t995Applicant! J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION Issued: 06/21/1995 .tob AddresE: 1245 WESTHAVEN CRLocation: ctEN IYONParcel No: 2103-121-07-006 ****************************r.*lr{rtr*******!t*************************************** CONDIBIONS******************************************************************************** 1.. THIS PROJECE WIIJ]-,' REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SIIALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST TOR A FRAME INSPECT]ON.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALI.,, HAVE A CEII-,ING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAT MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAT MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. This application requires fire department approval o o * * * * * * * * ** * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * * ***. * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0039 Amount:200.00 06121195 15:05 Palment Method: CK NotAtion: PRE_PAID DRB Initr DS 200.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * L * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * {. {. * * * * * * ** Permit No:Parcel No: Si-te Address: Locat.ion l Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41331 895-0097 Type: B-BUILD 2103-r.21-07-006 1245 WESTHAVEN CR GLEN LYON NEW (SFRTP/STDUP) PE 7, 395. 10 200.00 7,195.10 Amount 200.00 Tota] Feea:Total AtL, Pmts: Balance: Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES ,flro Ala<4 ,,1 PERI"IIT # PERI'UT APPLI-CAITON FORII{DATE: F IIAYl 19q5 [K]-Building [)4l-plumbing fQ-Electrical Job Name:Job Lega1 Description: A;//ri Owners Nane: Architect: ?'E.D . lb)c. Ad.dress: f ,(l -Mechanical I J-other APPf,rcATroN uusr BE FJr.r.ED our cot{pLETELy oR rr I,tAy Nor BE AccEprEDI c" r'J-r'5rr rrrr! tau.t r Dr, f lJ..d-d;U OU'I g{J![PIJtrgTELY OR IT ].tAY NOT BE ACCEPIEDITr** * * * * *************** ********* PERMIT INFORIIATJOI| ****it* * * ************ * * ****i**rl General Description: work class: (l-xeu [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additlonal [ ]-ReFair 6 l-atber Nurnber Gas Logs_ wood/Pellet *********** VAI.,UAT gjlt * ***** * * * ** * * * ** ***** ****** ELEcTRIcAT.z T 2D,OTHER: I MSCTIAI.UCAI-,: $TOTAL: ******** Address: Electrical Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor: Fireplaces: cas Appliances of Accommodation Units:Number of Dtve1ling Units: 7. ftr"t and Tlpe of if,rrrxr****.f BUILDING: + b7+. oa:--_:-urr:5liic! t n" ri,r-El*+*....**-tT^:_::; -:::::t-z Generar contractor:*rr r r | -rr******rirt***** * ***,* Town of vatt Reg. No.ltg-A Phone Nuuber: -u^ -ffi Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: q,JA-a Meehanical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Phone Number: ********************************FOR oFFrcE usE *********** **************** ****BUILDING PERMIT TEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE! }TECIIANTCAI" PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCET FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUITDING PIAN CHECX FEE: PLI'MBING PI.AN CHECK FEE: MECII}NICAL PI"AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEB: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT; TOTAIJ PERI'TIT FEES: tractor: BUTLDTNG: SIGNAIURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAT'T'RE: J L.vielc Cousjru&'urv. I4-. /.oq? .SoulS _fuulay 'Rud vailt b t/6 s? E44r IrP DEPOSTT REFTLD Tr): TO: FHOM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY DEPARTriiil;il PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Date: Pfease answer questionnaire regarding the need. for a "public Way permit': NOYES L/ i..lltI 2) ls this a new ri;sidence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls ihe drivewav beir:gflIHlil fs different acress needed tb site olher than existing 3) 4l 5) 6) / t/, a/.f f 7) 8) I have read and answered allthe above qu ls any drainage work being done atfecting lhe right of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? A, ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for Staging, pafting or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? Contractols Signature I !l_V9y, algJvered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit' applications may be obtained at the publie Work's otfice or alC-o.TTrytV Development. tf you have-any questions ptease caltGfrartie Davis, the Townof Vail Conslruction Inspector, at 479.21S9.' Job Name Date o tnun 75 soulh fronlrge road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47S2138 (3qt) 479213s oilfice ol community developmenl NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OIINER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, 1991, the Town of vail Buirding Depart.ment hasdeveroped the fol-Lowing procedures to ensure that new constructionsites h-ave adeguately estabri-shed proper drainage from buildinfsites along and adjacent to ?own of Vail roads oi streets. rhe Town of, vail public works Department will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to lown of vail roads orsureets and the installation of temporary or permanent cul.verts atacsess poiats from tue road or street on to tle construction site.such. approval must -be oltaineti prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of vail Buirdi-ng Department ror robtings or ternporaryelecLrical or any other inspection. pl-ease cat] 479-2160 t6request an inspection from the public works Department- Alrow aminimum of 24 hour not,ice. Also, the Town of vail public works Department hrill be approvingrall final drainage and culvert installat.ion with resutting roa6pacchinE as necessary. such approval must be obtained prior t.oFjnal Certificate of Occupancy issuanee. e 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 t303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&f,ECfi olllce ol comraunlty deyelopmcnl ALL CONIrRAC?ORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WIrII TTIETOWN OT VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC .WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPUENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawf,ul for anyperson to titter, track or deposia ;t-r;'l'"J.r, sand, debrisor nateria], including trasr hurnpstersr portable toilets andworkrnen vehicres. upon any streetl ;i;;;.i;;;ii;y or pubric B_I?:"_::^any porti-on tneieoi:--T;. rishr_of_way on atl Town ofvar.r streets and.:9"9, is approxinal"iy-s-lt.-iri pavemenr.This ordinance wirl be striliiv--enforced by tbe Town of vairPubLic rirorks DeDartment. --p"trlni rouna viaraiin; this ordr.nancewill be Etven a 24 hour writi"n--n"ii""-tJ-;;;;;t="id mareriar,rn the event the person so notified.does not eonrpLy with thenotice within the-24 hour,ti*.-.p""ified, the pultic worksDepartment wilr remove said urateii-t at irr"--"*ilise of personnotified. The orovis:.ons-or_[rri] orainance srrirr nor beapplicabre to c6nstrucrion, u'uin["i"iiil;=;;lii p"oi.cts ofany street or alley or any utiiiires in the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. e in full, please stop by the Town of:::i"::iili"9"":f,?lmlt.::"";;i" - copv. ri,ani. vou ror your (i.e. contractor, owner) o 75 south lrontsg€ rord u.al, colorado 81657 {303} 479-2138 or 479-2139 BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this perml:t reguires a Town of vair Fire Departnrent Approvar,Engineer's (pubt ii T:tFl Itiey .nl'upp"ouur ,'a ptJnnini-ilpu"t "ntreview or Health Deoartnint review, uni"i-iuuid ;y';;;;"HuiiarngDepartm6nt, ilre estirnated time tor'a-totat review may take as longas three weeks. All connerciar (rarge or sma'r'r) and a'[ multi-family pennits wi'have to fo]low the ibove menti6nia-maiimum regufrements. Residentialand small projects shourd take a teiier amount ot timel However, ifresidentia'l or smallgr,projects impiii the various auJv" mentioneodepartments with reoard to-necessai"y ""ui"*,-th;;; ;;j;..ii' ruva'l so take the three ween peri-oa. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possibie. l:-jl. undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and t.imetrame. offlcc of comnsnlty derclopmcfit luwn 6,1,q Sheet wa s lurned-Tnfo-IEDate Work Oeveloprnent Department. Town of Vail 25 south Frontaqe Road Vai1, Colorado 8L65?(303) 479-21_38 Ttrndt|f OFFICECOPY PLan review ba6ed Onthe 1991 Unifom Buildinc code Project Number: PRJ-0065 Name: BROM DUPLEXAddress: L239 WESTHAVEN CR. Date: May 2, t995Contractor: VIELE CONS?-occupancy: R3,M1 Architecc! R.K. D.Tn)e of const: V-N Engineer: MoNRoE Plans Exeminer 3 CHUCK FELDMANN 1 Al-l- electrical work is to be complete to the requlrements of, the .]atest Nati-ona.L Efectrical Cade, aLL Town of VaiL Ordinances, and Holv croas Requl-rements. 2 This project wi-l]- reguire a site irnprovement survey. This survey shall be subrli! tted and staff approvedprior to a request for a frame lnspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done without an approved site improvement survey. 3 Afl areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit. basement shall have less than 5'ht. from eaxth to structural floor/ceiling above, be ventiLated as per uBc 2516. with minimum access as per UBC 2515 and nrEltt. access of 9 s<r. ft. 4 Exterior surfaces *ran "ar."ro shall be provicteat lrith er<terior rnetal lath as per UBc 4706 wit}] 2 layers of paper. Windor.rs and doors are tequired to be adeguately flashed{noe with just screed meta]). A J-ath inspection j,s required prior stucco application. 5 P.rojects which are approved by variance to be built into a setback or over allowed zoning building height require an additional. site irnprovement survey upon coflp]-etion of the founation to document the correct location and elevation of the structure. 6 AII new construction within the Town of Vail" wj.ll be reguired to have a Public Ttay pemit plus an initia]j.nspection by the T,o.V. Public works Department to approve site drainage and culvert installation prior . to any Building Dept- inspectlons. This project is restricted from the burning of woodin fj.replaces. Unle$s the lot is a restricted lotin size, three gas lags fireplaces and three gas appliances are pemitted per unit allowed. Gas log chimneys enclosures shall be one hr. protected. I 10 THIS PROJE CT REQUIRES TIYO ONE HOUR WAII,S BETTIEEN EACH UNTT TTITH A ONE INCH AIR S PACE FROM FOUNDATION TO UNDER SIDE OE ROOT SHEATING. In bathrooms hrith a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventil-at.ion system connecteddirectly to.the outside shall be provided, Bathrmswhich contain only a water closet or lav. may beventi1at.ed with a recirculatinq fan. UBc 1205(cl. Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall beinstalLed as per LIMC 1-104 and L903. Flenible duct connectors may not exceed 6r in length and shal-l notbe concealed within constxuction. Ducts shall terminate outside the buiLdinq and not exceed 14' length. No domestic dishwashing machine shaLl be directly connected to a drainage system r,rithout the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 608. Cross connection contxol devices shall be installedto protect pollution of potabl-e wateE supply by useof approved backflow prevenLion devices. UPC 1003. Island flxtures shal1 be special- vented as per UPC 6L4. Plwnlcj.ng fixtures with mechanical apparatus shall be supplied w:.th an access panel for j-nspection and repair of equlpment. UPc 904. Domestlc ranges shall have a vertical- clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30'to unprotected conbustible rnaterial. UMC 190L. Approved gas }ogs may be instalLed in solid-fuel burning fir€pLaces Frovided the installation is according to the listinq instructions, any danper shal-I be removed or pernanently blocked. and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Gas fireplace appliances are required to be instalLed as per listing inslallation instructions -with a "B" vent only. Conbustion air must be supplied from the outside for all new construction in the ?own of Vai"l . SuppLy a mechanical drawing indj-cating design of systern, size (BTV and volume) of equipment, vent Iocation and termination, and cohbustion air to be supplied prior Lo any instalfation. The minimum width ot the run at the narrow end is 5 inches and the run must be 9 inches at a point 1"2 inches out from the narrower point. -- Sec. 3305. (d) 11 !2 l-5 L4 15 J.O a1 18 19 20 2T 22 z5 A handrail is regui.red along a staj:rway. f,t is required to be 34 to 38 incheg above the nosing ofthe steps and if the side is open, the maxirtum sizeof an opening in the raiLing at the stairway is 4 lnches. Please provide a handrail detail- to thisoffice for code compliance. -- Sec. 3306. (i) & 3.7f2- The enclosed usable space unde.r the stairs is required to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3306. (I) At eaves and valLeys an adequate underlalnnent shall- be provlded to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. fwo l-ayers of fel-t solid mopped to sheathing and beLween layers or a corunercial- water & ice shield may be used as per Table 32Bl . Any buil-ding site wj.th a slope greater than 30 degrees shal1 require engineer designed drawings. AvaLanche areas shalI require such engineered drawings a1so, Drainage and structural integrity 6hall be addressed by such drawings. Because of this projecer s location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC L707 (d) . The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion w:-tn- l/2 inch anchor bolls, The bolts must be into the concretse or rnasonry ? inches and spaeed a naximum of 6 feet apart. see code for additional requirements. -- sec. 290?. (f) Include a copy of the soils reporl for the 6ite to be bu:lt on. -- Sec, 2905. 24 25 2,0 I Plan analysis based onthe L99L Uniform Building Code Project Nunber: pRJ-0066 Name: BRoVIN SEeONDARYAddress: L239 WESTHAVEN CR. Date: May 2t Lggs Conlractor: VIEL,E CONST,occupancy: R3,M1 Archltect: R-K. D.?!pe of Const: V-N Engineer: I4ONROE P1ans Examiner: CIIUCK FEI,DMAIIN NOTE!The code items Listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisling of al-l possible code requirements in the l.99L UBC. It is a quide to seLected sections 0f the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCRE]ASE FIRE PROTECTION NoRTH Property line 32.0 Feet 32.0 FeetEAST Property line 18.0 Feet 18.0 Feet SOLJ:fH Building 0-0 Feet 0.0 FeetWEST Property line 70.0 Feet 70.0 Feet EXTERIOR TIAtt FIRB RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTI{EAST sourH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPN6 BR6 NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPN6 }TALL IilAI.I, PROT }IAI,I T{AI,L PROT !fATL UALL PROT ITTx.tI $ATI FROTR3 ohr ohr None ohr ohr None thr* thr* NOP ohr ohx NoneMl- ohr Ohr None ohr ohr None thr* thr* NOP ohr Ohr None The exterior waLLs may be of COMBU9TIBLE materiaL. Sec.220l.- None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected i,,ri Ch 3 / 4 hr f ire assemblies . 50$ of the area of the r.ral] maximum. Sec.2203, (b) e Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater bhan 1"2 feet, -- sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openj"ngs are not pernd-tted in this wall .* -- These waLLs may be required to ltave a parapet wa1l 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the samefire rating as the wall-. See section 1-710- for details and exceptions. FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VEM NO.EXITS EGRESS ---- --2 Master bedroom 253 25.30 L2.65 1 les2 Master bath 138 0.00 5.90 L No2 HaLls, cLosets, etc. 216 O.0O 0.00 1 No TOTAI FOR ELOOR 607 1 . L Garage 6L3 0- 00 0.00 1 No l- Living room 38? 38.70 19.35 1 NoL Dining room 93 10.00 5.00 L No 1 Kitchen 1-31, 13, 10 6.55 1 No l- ItaLLs, closets, etc, 391 0.00 0,00 1 No t Town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8165? (303) 4?9-2r.38 Toryn of VUf 0FFlcE COp* o TOTAT FOR FLOOR L6L5 1B Bedroom #1 139 L3.90 6.95 L yes B Bedroom #2 186 18,60 9.30 1 yes B Hall-s, closets, etc. 26L 0.00 0.00 1 No TOTAL FOR FLOoR 596 1 yes BUIIJDING TOTAI 2222 1 FOOTNOTES: i-) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The minj-rnum clear openabLe area must meetthe tol-loviing. -- sec. 1204.1) The lllinimum clear height is 24 inches2) The rnini-murn clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maximum siII height is 44 inches2) the number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings)3) A mechanicaL ventiLation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec, 1205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based onsec. L204. ROOM DIMENSIONS: tlabitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 5inches. Kitchens. halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiJ-ing height of 7 feet measured to the .lob/est projection. ff the ceilingis sloping, then the nrinimum height is required in only 1/2 of the area. --Sec- 1207. (a) Every dwe]ling unit shall- have at l-eaFt one room which has not less ehan 120square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable raoms ouher than a kitchen shal-l not be less Lhan 7 feet ln anv dimension, -- Sec. L207. (c) GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS :, AJ.l glazing in hazafdous loeations is required to be of safety gl-azj.ng material -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) cJ.azing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies, 2) Glazing in fixed and sJ-iding panels of, sliding door assenibLies andpanels in swj-ngj-ng doors other than wardrobe doorE.3) Glazing in storm doors. 4 ) Gtazing in all unf ramed swinging d.oo.rs .5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot t.ubs, whirlpools. saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing tn any portion of a building wal-l enclosing these compartments where the botlom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operabl-e panels adjacent to a door wbere the nearest exposed edge of the gl-azxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed posj.tion and where the bottom exposed edgeof the glazi\g is less than 60 inches above the wal-king surface.7) elazing in an individual- fixed or operable panel, other than thoseIocations described in iterns 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individua.L pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor.D. one or more wal.king surfaces within 36 inches horizontalLy of theplane of the glazing. o 8) Glazinq in railj.ngs regardless of height above a walkiog surface.Included are st.ructural bal-uster panels and nonstructural in-fill.panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is requlred on the ceili_ng or waII at a point centrallyIocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. l-2L0, (a) 4. A smoke detector is requj.red on the ceiling or wall in each sleepingarea. -- Sec. 1-2L0. (a) 4.A 6moke detector is requiLred in the basement, -- Sec. L2L0. (a,t 4.A srnoke detector is required on all stories, -- Sec. 1,210. (a) 4.ff the upper level- contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required . in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. -- Sec. 1,210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shal-L be eguipped with a battery backup. -- Sec, L210. (a) 3.Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in aII s]-eeping area of the dwellingin which they are located. -- Sec. L210. (a) 4. Ff REPI.ACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUIIJT FIREPI'ACE : l-) Unit must be an approved unit. -- sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and heaxth size must be per nanufacture5 approval . sec. 3705. (a) & (h) 3) Chimney height rnust be per manufacturerts approval and Tab]e 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Belween the garage and the residence, malerials approved for Lhr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 13/8 j.nch solid core door or a 20 nr:inute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec, 503. (d) er(c. +3 STAIR REQUIREMET{TS : A stairway in a dwe]-l.j-ng must be at Ieast 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3306. (b) The mar<imum rise of a step is I inches and the min.imum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. tc) exc. #l-Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more ri.sers. -* Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail- where drop off is greater than 30 inches, Hinimum height = 36 inches, maxirnum opening sj-ze = 4 inches. -- Sec, 1712. (a) exc. #LThe minimum headroom is 5 ft,.- I inches. -- Sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1I SHAFT ENCIJOSURES : 1-) chutes and durnbwaiter shafts with a cross-secbional area of not more than'9 square feet may lined on the inside i,rith not Less than 26 gage galvanized sheet. rnetal- with all joints locklapped. ?he outside must be L hr construction. AII openings inLo any such enclosure shaLl be protected by not Less tshan a self-closing solid wood door 13/8 inches thick orequivaLent. -- Sec. L706. (f) 2) Sas vents and noncombustible piping installed in walls passing through3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. L7O6, (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts that donot extend thxough not more than 2 floors need not be in l- hour shafts. -- Sec- l_706. (c) 4) A1I other shafts are requj.red to be enclosed in a t hour assernbly,-- sec. L706. (a) CRAWLSPACE RNOUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventiLation ej:ther by mechanical- means or by opening.s in extserlorwalls. Opening shall provlde a net. area of not less ttran L square foot foreach l-50 square feet of area in crawl space. openings shalL be distrj.butedon two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 6. Note: Vent openings nay be reduced to L0* of the aboveif ground surface area j-s covered with an approved vapor barrier and thebuilding official approves .For a 824.0 sq.ft. crawlspace areaiRatio l!tinimum sq.ft. of ventL/t50 5.492) Provide 18-inch by z4-inch access openinq to the crawl space area. Note; opening may be required to be J-arger if mechanical" equipment iE ]ocatedln the cravrl space. -- Sec. 25L6. (c') Z.3) UnLess the wood is Listed as an appEoved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimurn clearance between exposed earth andfloor joist is 18 inches. The rninj'mum clearance to beams and girders i.sis 12 inches. -- Sec. 25L6- (c\ 2. ADDITI ONAI. REQUTREI'TENTS : I.or R3 occupancy This project wi.l"l require a site irnprovement survey. such surveyshall be submitted and approved prior ta request for frame inspection . AIl crawl- spaces within the Town of vaj.I are }imited to a earth tostructural- floor ceiling height. of 5' , be earth floor only, beventiLated as per UBC 25!,6(C)6 with minimum access as per UBC 2516(C)2 and maximurn access of 9 sg. ft. Any building site with a sLope of 30 degrees or nore shall require an engineer design. such design shall address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shalL not be pernr:itted wittrout prior approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from the For Ml occupancy Slope garage floor t.o allow for drainage to outside to provide afloor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry weLl or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Valley Water & sanitation Dislrict. In garages with Living area above, the walls of the garage wiich a.re beaxj-ng the area above shall be protected with one hour fireresj.stive constructiori. UBC 503f8). t Town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVai1, CoJ.orado 8165?(303) 479-2i.38 Towrof Vall OFFICF COPY based orr Building code Name : BROICN PRTI.4ARY Date: May 2, 1995 contractor: VIELE coNsT. Architect: R.K.D.Engineer: MoNRoE Plans Exan:iner: CIIUCK FEIJDMANN are not intended to be a complete in the l-991- UBc, It is a ouide to PIan anal-ysis the L991 Uniform Project Number: PRJ-0066 Address: L239 'IIESTITAVEN CR, Occupancy: R3, MLtype of, Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this reportliseing of all possj-ble code requirements sel-ected sections of the code. DTRECTTON BOUNDARY NORTII Building EAST Property linesouTl{ Property line VTEST Property line EXTERIOR IIAIJL Table 17-A & NORTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAIJI' }IAT'L PROT thr* Lhr* NOP thr* thr* NoP SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 0.0 Feet 43.0 Eeet 23.0 Feet 16. 0 E eet rIRE RATTNGS AND Table 5-A FTRE PROTEC?ION 0,0 Feet 43. 0 Feet 23.0 r'eet L6.0 feet OPENING PROTECTION R3 M1 EAST BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAT,IJ WALL PROTohr ohr NoneOhr ohr None SOUTH BRG NON_BRG OPNG !UA,I,L I'ATI, FROTohr Ohr Noneohr ohr None WEST BRG NON-BR6 OPNG WA].,L !ST,I.IJ PROT Ohr Ohr None ohr ohr None The exterior walls may be of COI,IBUSTIBIJE material. Sec.2201. None -- Na fi.re protection requirernents for openings. ProC -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fi.re assembLles. 50* of the area of tshe wall maximum. 5ec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maxj.mum single window size is 84 sg. ft with no dimensiongreatef thaIl 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NoP -- Operlings are not pexmitted in this wall .* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet waI1 30 inches above the roafing. The parapet wal,l is xequired to have the same fire rating as the wall-. See section 1-71.0. for details and exception6. NAI'{E AREA M]N.I,IGHT MTN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESSFL 2 Master bedroom 2 Master bath 2 HaLLs, cLosets, etc. TOTAI FOR TI,OOR 1 Bedroom #3 1 Bedroom #41 IJiving room L Dining room 1 Kitchen 1 Hal].s, closets, etc. ant 26L bvb 169 1"56 suv 212 68L 30.20 0.00 0-00 16.60 39. 90 L3. 60 2L.20 0-00 15.10 6.65 0,00 8. 45 R an r.9. 95 b.du 10-60 0. o0 No No Yes Yes No NO No No 1 1 1 I L i. I I 1 l- TOTAI FOR FIJOOR 1?63 1B Bedroom #L 242 Z4,ZO L?.LO I yesB Garage 5'71 0. 00 0.00 1 NoB Iraundry room 4L 0.00 Z.OS 1 NoB Halls, closet.s, etc, 4l-9 o.o0 0.00 1 No TOTAL FOR F],OOR L279 L YesBUfIDING TOTAIJ 2459 ]. FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The minj_mum clear openable area must meetthe following. -- Sec. L204.1) The minimurn clear height is 24 inches2) The minimurn cJ.ear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwel}Lngs) 3) A mechanical ventilat.ion system may be used in in lieu of exterioropenings f,or ventil-ation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window ln the basement is based onSec. L204. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have aceiling height of "l feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceilingis sloping, then the rninimum height is required in only L/2 of the area. --Sec- 120? . {a) Every dwelling unit shal-l have aL Least one room which ha6 not fess than L20 square feet of floor area, other habitabl.e rooms except kitchens shall have aII area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. L207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shal-l not be less than 7 feet in anv dimension. -- Sec. 1.207. (c) GI,AtsING REQUIREMENTS : ALI glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material. *- Sec. 5406. (d) 1-) Glazlng in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazinq in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panel-s in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) clazing in storm doors. 4l Glazing in all unfraned swinging doors.5) clazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpoo.ls, saunas, steam roorls, bathtubs and showers. Gl-azing in any portion of a buildinq wall enclosing these conpartments wtrere the bottom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels ad]acent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a Z4-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a cl-osed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 i-nches above the walking surface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel/ other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets aII of the following conditions: A, E:<posed area of an individual pane great€r than I square feet.B. Exposed bot.tom edge less than 18 inches above the fl-oor.c. Exposed top edge greater than 35 inches above the floor.D. one ox more waLking surfaces wlthin 36 inches horizontal-ly of the plane of the glaz j:ng. B) Glazj-ng in railings regard.Less of height above a walking surface.Included are structural" baLuster panels and nonEtructural in-fill Panels. See exceptions . SMOKE DETECTOR REQUTREMENTS: A smoke detector is reguired on the ceiling or wall at a point centrallylocated in the corridor or area giving access t.o each sleeping area. -- Sec. 121-0. {a) 4-A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in eaeh sleepingarea. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.A smoke detector is reguired in the basernent. -- sei. 1.210. (a) 4.A smoke detector is regui-red on aLl stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is requiredin the ceiJ.ing of the upper level close to the stailway. -- Sec. L2l-0. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are requl-xed to be Inri-red to the building,s power source andshall be equipped with a battery backup, -- Sec. i.210, (a) 3.Detectors shall sound an afarm audibl^e in alJ. sleeping area of the dwelL i'ngin which they are Locat.ed. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPI.TACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE : 1) Un.lt must be an approved unit. -- sec- 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval . --: Sec. 3705 , (a) e (b) 3) chimney height rnust be per manufaclurer's approval- and TabLe 37-B OCCI]PANCY SEPARJATTON : Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for Lhr fireconstruction are required on the garaqe side only and any doors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 13./8 inch soJ.j-d core door or a 20 minute fire door- -- ?able 5-B & Sec, 503. (d) exc, #3 STAIR REQUTREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling mu6t be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The rnaximum rj-se of a step is I inches and the rrinimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or .more risers. -- sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail- where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L?12. (a) exc. *1 The minimum headroorn is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3305. (o) EncLosed usable space under the stairs is requi.red to be protected as required for l-hr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) SHATT ENC].,OSURES r 1) Chutes and dunbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than9 square feet rnay lined on the inside Irith not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal r^ri th all joints locklapped. The outside must be L hr construction. .tU f openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a seLf-cl-osing solid wood door 1 3/8 inches thick or equivalen!. -* Sec. 1706. (f! 2) Gas vents and noncombustibte piping installed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. L706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, fact,ory-buil.ts chinneys/ piping, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 fl-oors need nots be jrn t hour shafts. -- Sec- 1706. (c) 4) Aar other shafts are required to be enclosed i.n a L hour assembf,v.-- sec. 1706. (a) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : Eor R3 occupancy This project wlll- require a sile improvernent survey. Such surveyshal] be subnritted and approved prior lo request for framel-nspection . A1l crawl spaces within Lhe Town Of vait are ljrmited t,o a earth tostructural f,loor ceiling height of 5t, be earth floor onLy. beventiLated as per UBC 2516(C)6 with minimum access as per UBC 25L6 (c) 2 and maximrrin access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a sLope of 30 degrees or moxe shal1 require anengineer design. Such design shaLl- address drainage, soil retainage and structural design, Excavation bel-ow slabs on grade shaJl not be pelm:ltted without prior approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and. legible from thestreet . For M1 occupancy Slope garage f,loor to allow for drainage to outside to provide afloor drain with sand and oiJ. interceptor to df,y well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connecL.ed Lo sewer must be approved by Upper EagLe Val-Ley Water & Sanitation Distric!. )In garages $rtith living area above, the walls of the qarage wiich are' bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fireresistive construction. UBC 503 (B) . __9#11!!!_..13'41 eTE4TEsEtg' T---;- -.- I PAGEar--- --JI nICIIAIDnultrf Dtrilcr Arcll|T!.ltlrEtr lfD D3y!iltlErTtoil uor|lDutr lrc.aElllE $D' vrn" oolanrno, a'l''tfl Jro, lF*uE Jro- ry'c' toll* tr* DATEqrrd TlilE: 05ts2/9512:36 PM FAGES 8ENT (lNCLUItlNc @\lERl: 1 7 FHOIIE r.luHEER4Tg-2452 TlOr Chuck COllPAtrlY: T,O.V. FTtOil: $ally Brainerd Rt(o OFFICE NUHBEF {30t} ifiS-S?2S catl F than lr r pru'blm wlilt thlr frx. RltD FAI( NUIIEER (3031 4?t'-90?s. NOTE$: A5/A2/1995 13:41 9784769E23 RKD PAGE 82 HurdnlEil EnCn.rlry I Eovbutnfrtd. hc" (Gheir ll*th*n1 lrrc.l Efll0 fiord l6tl cl.nward S9;lrrg CO ttc0t Trlohorul {N0l1 9f$74t1 Frn ll0il t4E tttS t Huntingdon SUBSOIL STUDY FOR POUNDATION DESICN PROPOSED RESIDENCE LUI'37, (iLEI{ LYON SUBDIVISION VAIL, COLORADO IANUARY 25, 1995 JOB NO. 4 161 95 PREPARED FOR Mfi. DARYL EROWN BROWN. CLARK & WALTERS P. O. DRAWER 49ES7 SARASOTA FL 34?30 o a lrorrr vttrc tifiRl tru+stun{nfir E5/42/1595 13:41 970.1789823I RKD PAGE E3 ?untinedo' TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSEANDSCOPEOFSTUDY ...... I PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION I SITECONDmONS. ...... ? FIELDEXPI,ORATION.. 2 suBsuRFAcEcoNDlTtoNs ,.,...:. z DESICN RECOMMET{DATIONS 3 FUUNDATIONS FOUNDATION AND RETAINING WALISFI,OORSLABS :.. ,. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM STTE 6RADIN6 . . SURFACE DRAINAGE LIMTTATION$ FIGURE I - LOCATION$ OF EXPLORATORY EORINCS FIGUN.E 2 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIcURE 3 - LEOEND AND NOIE$ FIGURE 4. GRADATION TEST RESULTS TABLE I - SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS CLASSIFICATION OF SOIIJ FOR ET.IGINEERING PURPOSES 3 4 5 5 6 6 g rrrra'tr.of ft ffff,] g&+ r.drFf,ia EE|E?/LjgS t3:41 37647E36?J - RKD PA6E A4 Hrurtingdon PURIISSE AF{D SCOPEOF STTJI}Y Thit repon presents the results ofa subsoil study for a propored residenc€ to be located on Lot 37 of th€ Glen Lyon SuMivision in Vnil, Cnlnrndn The pmjtct nite is shown on Fig. I. The purpose of the study was to develop recornmendations for the foundation design. The study wes conducted in accordance with our agrcement for geotechnical engineering seryiccs to you, dated Juuary 12, 1995. A fteld explotation progmn consisting of exploratory borings was conducted to obain information on subsurfacs conditions. Sampler obtained during the field exploration were tested in the laboratory to determine thi engineering charachristics of the on-site soils. The results of thc flcld cxPloratlofl and lebofetory nstlng were analyz€rl to develgp recommendadons for foundation typcr, dcpths and allowablc prcssurcs for thc propose.d building foundntion. The resttl?s of the field erploratirrn end lehorrtory resting are presented in the. tegnn, This report has been prepar€d to summarize the data obtained during this $tudy and to Ptasant our conclusions and r€commendations based on the prorposed coil$tructiofi and the subsoil conditions encounEred. Desigrt !€raneter$ and a discusrion of geotcchnical engin*ring considsrations relatcd to conEFuction of the propo*d residence are includcd in thc rcpon. PNOP'DSEI} CONSTBUCTION At the time of this study, there were no design pl*ns for the residence. For the purpose of our work and based m our initial discussions, we have assumed the proposed $tructure will be a rnulti-story wood frame duplex with sllb-on-grade floors. Crading for the strucrurr is assumed to enuil cut depths between about 4 to 20 fect. We assume relatively light fcrundatiorr loading*, typical of the assumed typc of construction. The proposed building leyout and location of borings arc shown on Fig. L If building loading$ or gradint plans change signiticandy from those described above, we shsuld bc nutifiEd to rEcvalus.tc thc r*ourrneodatiuns c$rrtained in rhis reptrr t. Anurtrr d drr @lgornolonwrios Hutingrktn Rcprrt Nu. 4 161 95 - Frgc I 85/82,'L995 13:41 9784769823 $rrE col{Dnrol\ls The project rite consictr of a rtccply rloping urea dowrr towords the northwest with approximatEly c0 to 50 feet of ele.vetion tlifferenr.c acmrs the Ini. At the time of the investigation the site was covnr$d with approximately 3 to 4 fect of snow. FIELD EXFII}RATION Tlte field exploration for the prqject was conducted on January 20, 1995. Two exploratory borings were dritled al the locations shown on Fig. I to evaluate the subsurface conditionr, The barings wcre advanced with 4-irtch dlameer continuous flight augers powerul by a trackmourrtcd CME45 drill rig. The boringr were loggcd by a rcprcscntativc of Iluntingdon Enginecring and Envirsnmentel. Samples sf thc subsurfscc matcrials wae lalen with a I 3/6-inch LD. split spoon and ?-inch LD. Califomia samplers. The samplers were driven into the subsoils at various depths with blows frorn a t4trpound hammer falling 30 inches, Thc numbei of blows required to advance th? sanplcr$ a derignated distance is shown on the boring logs. This test is simila! to the stfidard penetration test dcscribed by ASTM Method D-1586. The pcnetration ftsistance values are rn indication of the relativr density or consistency of the subsoils. Depths at which thtr samplcs wcre ulen and the penetration resistance valuss are. shown on the Lngs of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 2, Fig. 3 prcruntr thc lcgcnd and noter for thc ryrnbols uscd on thc boring logr Rnrl location map. Tte samples trr'e.re returned to our laborsfory for reriew by the projcct engineer and testing. $UBSIJRFACE COI{DITIONS The subsoil conditionr cnco$nlercd at the site are shown graphically on Fig. ?, The subsils ctrcturrts'ed gerwrally ctlruiut uf bctwwn twu iurd tlrrsc frct uf uilty uluy tupsoil overlying I to 12 feet of medium denae eilty sand. Medium dense to dense gravolly end wss encounter€d bencath the silty mnd in Boring 2 to thc maximun depth cxplored, llurtingdon Re.porl Ho. 4 161 95 - Fry: 2 RKD PAGE E5 ?runtingort _6 r|'|'i6.du lEiEl 0nF d mrpaw 85/62/198b L3:4L 9784769S?3o RKD PAGE 66 ?urrtinsdon t-abontory testing performed on samples obnined from the boring included in-situ moisture conFnt nnd dry dcnsity, p€rcent fines and grain siae analyses. Result$ ot gradatisn analyscs performod on small diameter drive samples (minus I l/z-inch fraction) of the silty rarrl and gravelly sand rrratcrials as6 sllgwn on Fig. 4. Thc laboratory ts$tirtg is summarized in Tab)c l. Frce weter wes not cncountersd in the borings at the tirnc of drilling to thc mariffium depths explorcd. The subroilr werc loggcd a* being rttoi$t to slightly moist, DESIGH RECOMMENDATTON$ FOUNDATIONS Considcring thc nubsoil conditions cncountcrcd in thc cxploratory borings and the nrture of the propoeed cstrshuetion, we recommend the residence be forrnded with spread footings placed on undisturbed granular soils. ) The design a$d conrtruction cfiteria prcsented below should be observed for a spread footing foundation system. The construction criteria should be considcrcd when preparing project documents. l) Footings placed on the undisturbed granular soils should bc designed for an allowablc soil bearing pressure of 3UJ0 psf. Bascd on experience, wd expect settlement of footlngs designerl and contitru$tqj as diruusrql in tlris uwtiun will Lu rbout I inch or less and primarily occur during construction. 2) T?re fmtings should hrve a minimum width of 16 inches for continuour wells and 2 feet for isolated pads. 3) Exenor fmdngs and footings herreath unheaM area$ $hould be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frott probction. Placement of foundations at least 48 inches bclow exterior grade is typically used in this area. Concrcte should not bc placed sn frozen grouild. 4) Confinuous tbundation wa,lls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported lcngth of at least l0 fcct. Found*tion walh ac,tirrg ns retainirrg $trlcturci should also bc desigrred to resist lateral earth plessunes as discussed in the 'Foundation and Re.taining o i mNdnF t fi. (gl!l F,! of r..iD..lsl Iluntinfon Roport No. 4 t6l 95 - Frgo 3 85/B?/1935 1.3:41 S784?6 RKD PAGE 87 Walls" secrion of rhi$ rapoft. All toproil nnd any loogc or disturbcd soils should bc rcmqvcd and the fo,oting bearing level extended down ta lhe de"nse granular subsoils. If water seeplge is encounlered, the footing areas should bc de\*atered beforc concretre placemerrt. A representative of the soil enginerr shoutd ob*rve atl footing excavations ptior to concrcto placement to evalnate bearing conditions. FOUNDAfiON AND RETAINING WALI^S Foundadon walls and reEining stuchrre$ which are latsfally supportcd and can be expected to undcrgo only a slight amount rrf deflcctiurr druuld be deuignul for a lateral e$rth pfes$ure compubd on tho basis of an equivalenr fluid unit .,ycighr of 45 pcf for backfill coruisting of the on-site granular soil.t. CnniilevP.rerl reteining stnretures which are sepsrate from the residence and can be expecwd to deflect sufficicntty to mobilize thc full active earth prcs$ure condifion should bc desigrred for a latcrel ee.rth pre$$ure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of 40 pcf for backfill consinting of thc on-cite granular soils. All foundation and retaining slructures rhould be deiigned for appropriatc surcharg+ prcssurcs rtKh as adjaccnt buildings, traffic, construction matErid$ and equipmcnt. The prEs$urrs recommcnded aborc assumB drained conditions behind the walls and a horirontal bsckfill eurfac,s. The buildup of watcr bchind a wall or an upward sloping backfrlt surface will incr€as€. the latefal prc$surc imposed on a foundarion wnlj nr retaining structure. An underidrain should be pmvidcd t0 prwett hydrostatic prcssure buildup behind walls. Backfill should be placed in uniform lifts and compacted to at lca$t 90% of the maximum standard Proctor density at a firoisture contEnt near dptimum. Backfill in pavcment and walkway areas should bc compactcd to at least 95S of the maximum standard Proctor dcnsity, Carc should be taken not to overcsmpact the backfill or u$E large equipment near the wall since this could €usG exc€ssive larcral pressure on tlre well. Some settternent af deep foundation wall backfill should be cxpected even if tho rnarcrial is placcd corrctly and could rc rrlr irr rliutrsss to fapilitics con$ructod on thc backfrll. The latpral resistanse of foundation or :eteining wall footings will be a combination of the sliding recislance of tlre footing on tle foundation materials and passive earth pressurr again$r Huntingdon Repon No. 4 161 95 . Prge { 9823I ln***m,, 5) 6) o A ,!riyat& dt rtr @] g,top or *.p.n'"" 65/82/1995 i.3:41 97847E FAGE E8 tuntinsdon thc tidt of the footirlB. Resistsnc€ to Bltding at the bottoffs of the fmtings can be catculrtcd bascdonacoefficicntoffrictiouof0.35. PassiveFr€ri$urt;againslthpsidesofthefixrtingscan bc crlculated using en equivalent fluid unit weight of 300 pcf. The aoefficicnt of friction and passive pr€ssure values iecommended above assume ultimate soil strength. Suitahle facinrs of safety should be includcd in the design to lirnit the stnin which will ocsur rt the ultimate sh€ngth, panicularly in the case of passlve registance, Filt placed ageinst the gides of the footings to rcsist lateral loadr should be granular fiatcrial compacted to ar leest g5% of the mildmum standrrd Pro*or density at a moi3ture content near optimum. FLOOR SLABS Tha natural on-sitc soil3, cxclusive of topsoil, tre suitablc to support lightly to moderately loaded slab-on'grade constnrction. To flcduce the effects of sornc differentiat movement, floor slebs should be rc'garated from all bearing walls and columns with cxpansion joinrs which allow unrestrained vertical movethent, Ftoor slab control joints should be used to rcduce damage due to rhrinkage cracking. fie requirernents for joint spacing and slab reinforcemenr should be cshblished by the dcsigner basd on experience and the inrended slab use. A minimum 4.inch layer of frcc-draining gravel should be placed beneath basement level slabs to frcilitate drainage. This material should con$ist of minus z-inch aggregatc with lcss rhan 5{J% passing the No; 4 rieve and less than 296 p*ssing the No, 200 sisvc. All fiil materials for rupport of floor slabs shoutd be compacted to at lef,$t g5# of maximum stsndffd hoctor dvrsity at a moistute eontcnt near cptimurn. Requirerl fill ean consist of thc on-site soils or wcll brokcn bedrock dcvoid of vegctatiofl, topsoil urd oversized rock. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM Although fiEe water was nor encounter€d during our exploration, it hes been our experience in mountlinous ar€48 that local potehcd groundlvatcr uray dcvclup rluring times of heevy precipintion or s€atnnnl nrnoff. Fmzen ground during spring runoff efl,n cr€Bts & perched condition. we rccommend below grade consFuction, such as bascmentr or retaining wells be protectcd from wetting and hydrostatic prrssure buildup by an underdrain $ystem, 9423o RKD g I adt'd.. lfiifil ro,lp uroo'pnroo Huntingdon Report No. 4 16l gS - Pege 5 E5/92/LgS5 L3:41 9784783A23 ?*tingdo' The drains $hsuld consist of drainpipe placcd in the bottom of the wall backFrll surounded abovc thc invart levcl with frcc-draining grurular rnrterial, T'lrr rhain sturuld bc placert at each level of ersavatioo and at leest I foot below lowost adjac+rrt finish grade und slopcd at a minimum I 96 to a suitable gtavity outlet. Fr€e-draining grenular material rrrerl in the underdrain system should contain less than 2fti passing the No. 200 sieve, less than 5096 passing the No. 4 sieve and havc maximum sizc ofZ inches. The drain gravel backfill should be at least ? feet deep. SITE GRAT'INO Thc risk of construction induced slopr instability ilt the site should be expected if cut and fill depths rre eg assurned. Ternporary shoring may be required in the deepcr cut arsas. Wc essume the rnaximum cut depths requircd will not exceed about l-5 tn 20 fert, F.xcavation to those depths shoutd be possible with conventiorral heavy duty excavatirrg equipme.nt. The deeper Excavetion$ may reguirc spcialized equipment due to possible large bouldcrs being encountered. Fills should be limitcd to about I to l0 feet deep. Embankment fills should be compacred to at least 95% of the maximum standerd Pfoctor density n€ar optimufi rrroisture content. Prior to Rll plecement, the subgrade $hot|ld be carefulty prcpereO by removing all vegetation and topsoil and compacting to 95# standard Prwbr clensity. Fermment unreteined cut end fill slopes should be graded ot ! harizontd to I vcrtical or fla$er. Thc risk of slope instability,will be increasprl if ree.page is encountr$d in cuts and flatter slopeg may be nscis$ary, If seepage is encountered in cuts, an investigation should be conductd to determine if the serpngc will adversely affest the cut stability. This officc should review site grading plans for the pro.iect prior to constnrction. SURFACE DRAINAGE The following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and mainiainod at all tirncs aftcr the rqiidsuw lus b(Fu cumpteted: l) Inundation ofthe foundation excavations snd utlderslab areos should be avoidcd during con$truction, 2) Exterior backfill should be a-djusted t) near optimum tnoisture and compacted to at lgasr A mrtdmt'" lffil in,n rl.r!1prni.' RKD FAGE E9 s Huntinldoft R4on No, 4 161 95 . Fesc 6 B5/82/L995 13! 41 9784769 : 423o RKD PAGE LE 3) u*ingfun 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density in pavement and slab areas and to at least 9096 of the maximum stafldard Procnr density in landscape arcas. Thc ground surfice surrounding the exkrior of the building should be sloped to drain awal from the foundation in all dircctions. We recommcnd a minimum slope of l? inches in the first l0 feet in unpaved arcas and a minimum slope of 3 inches in the f,rrst l0 fcat in paved ar€as, Freedraining wall backfill should be cepp€d with about 2 fcet of the on-site finer gradd soils to rcduee surface water infiltration. Rmf downepout$ afld drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill. Landscaping which requires regular heavy irrigation should be located at least l0 feet from foundations and foundation walls. ATIONS This report has been prepared in accordance with generully accepted geot€chnical enginecring principles and practices in this arce et this Ufire. We make no othcr warranty cithcr cxprussed or implicd. The conclusions and recommendations submitt€d in this rcport rrc based upon the data obuined frCIm the exploratory borings drilled at thc locations indicated on Fig. l, the proposcd type of construction and our experience in the area. Our findings include interpolation and extrapolation ofthe subsurface conditions identified in the exploratory borings and variations in the subsurface conditions may not be evident until excavation is performed. If conditions cncountercd during consnuction appear to be differenr from those described in this repo& we should bc notificd at once so rc-evaluation of thc recommendations may bc madc. Ttis report has bccn prupared for the exclu$ive use by our clicnt for design purposec, We are not rasponsible for technical interpretations by others of our exploratory information which has not been de$ribed or documented in this report. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consul0ation and field seryices during construqtion to review and monitor the implemcnhation of our recornmcndation and to verify that th€ recommcndations have been appropdetcly interpretcd. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications af the recommendations presented herein. TVe recommend on site obuervation of 4) 5) o A rlr€fiilt| 0l !l* @l nqcn ta rf,nFi Nf Huotrngdon Report.No. 4 tdl 95 - PrCs ? E5/62/1995 13:4L t7E47E9B?3 PAGE ].]. BilAzl1991 13:41 5784?69923 RKD PAGE t2 BORINC 1 ELEV.- 63' EORING Z ELEV.- 88' 5 Fur H I Etr s 5 UJ 27 /12 IYC-,1 D0-1Ol -2OO-ilil tsfie r|C*9*,lrl7 -200j+2 tul? tE-6 l}I)-l1E FIrl. H I 6tr{( lrjd-15 -?5 : -30 1lfla UC-$ +,t'-51 -2txl,r21 NOTEI Expfonotlon of Elmbols pres6nt6d on Ftg. J. 4161 05 Htmtingdon ns. z 85/ E2/ L995 L3:4L 9784769823 E5/B?/XS95 1.3:41. 9764763A23 RKD PAGE 14 HI 'HA{lN ri }alfl i{ Mti, 19 Mlh , MtN i MtH . IJ2 E I t) g o T r t3[;n DIAME?EN OF FABI!CLE IN MILLIT4ETERS CLrY rO S'LT SfiAvEL 17 o! LItrUID LIMIT sANa 4l * t 6,Lr ANo cLaY 42 \ \Pt ASTtCTtY tNOiX SAMFLEoF silty s6nd little grdvel FRoM Boring 'l at l0 feet MrN 60 MrN 19 UrN I UrR ! M{fl '50 'r0'!o '15 I rtI z u 2 tzrtft DTAMETEB OF PAFTIQLE IhI MILLIMETERS GLAY rO $[r GFAVEL 3l * LIOUID LIMIT E,rNo 48 r{5rL7 AN9 CL^Y 2l $ t ru.qsfle riY rNDEx SAIPLEoF gravelly sand some silt FRoM goring z at lS fpet 4 t6l 95 Huntingdon GFIADATION TEST RESULTS 4Fls. 9784769023 PAGE 1.565/42/199E Lgi 41 ajv,f;5HfrEHz;NFEF E}.o\t{ *,* G{ NH :o d< 1 A EH 2 lilE iqu.9uJ l't4tXEEEtraFz E5/02/l-995 L3:4L 9784769423 PAGE ..____IO Sorl 6rarril Erlton Cr/|3/il lsr &iig|r|ing €aosp $yrnDoL rnd €rosF fl.rnes Using Llbo;ttdrf Trttr. FJfi'f,o n."''' Cdrfir.G(rtflrd Solti ftfiOre thrn toll rrhinrd on No. 200 drw GraYalt Uorg thln SOtl ccrrra larcii{tn ratrined orl No. a rilyg Clatn Grreali LsaE lhln 5t aifi+i. Crtla .Ad 1<?!:<',V lvall gr.d.d f flg|r GrtYdt wiltr Finls Mo.e han 1l{ lin6t' Cu<t tfiC/o. I >Cc>3'BP Poody gfrdod errvrf Silly Crryll' o IfinGr cbilily rE lrl 07 Mtr GH Fa.rat cfitaify rt CL 0r $n oc Clrycy o.rY.l, ' " Ssndr 50il or morE of COrr|Glrt€llon llt.cc No. Ctc||r sandr l"rtt lfirn tt ti.t!d" Cu16 rnrl lSGcEf'sw W.lt.grrd..l t|'d' C'J<6 rnd/or 1>Cc>3 SP Poo.ly grtdtd *tnd' Fin+t clrrtify rs f,lL or MH $M Silty trfld. "' Fin.! cltciitr tt cL or cH Cl|ycy tand'' ' $tndr widi Fin.s Morr trqn laA linei' Fins-Grsln6d SoItilrt or rflora Et3t€r th6 ilo. 200 !iev. 8i[t and orYs Lrquid ll.nlt 63r thrn 50 ihtrprnic gaganrE Fl>7 .nd dot! on or rbove SL "A" lin6' Llrn clrll 'u Pl{I6. Fl.J|r h.lnr| '1" lint' gili', ! Liq]]lllimil - rvan dtrld..d ?r OL Li0uid limit. rlol dri gr gtrie rjlry" " - Orglnic riltr'-' Chen-Nsrlhenr lnc,.*'"*E!$r'-.'.*.ASTM D€tlgnEfion: O ?t167 - ffl (B$ed o'l Uniticd SOil Clg$tltlcrtlon sy8tam, Eirtr rqd Ctry6 LiqrJid ltrn 50 ot mor€ rno19l!1rc H plottofl or rboL! -4" lrne cH Frt Cltt' ' r n glols bslo$, "A'l4e Et,rtic sill' \ ' orgsnic Oir Ofgrnio chy" " Orlrarc lt't'! Htilrlf or9t t. ,d.its n irnlrily crga,)jg ,r'tnl,f, drrl ir v{rlu!. n,r{ t,.9tn)0 gdo, 'lrafd 4n rht arra.rat F.r'nl rhr l!^ froanir,r r 'll llrlc l|rf,$a Gaiil|ihlq G5b!5r qr Eoetda,l.6, D|ot6, add -r[h g€bbhr {, !O.lldt.r, a. t6th' t+ t.O.$ nrnir '9.$r'r *dh 910 rtl tirtar rrqrk.{vl| Itr.serr CW-Gff wrlrir|d|! etr.d r.tt r|tt OIS-OC :li!r.6.d grrr.| rr!h iray lF-C*r l'lo,ar rdEd Vr.t r rr rrtl OF{IC Deorll grd.d Orrt{l r,itr rtr} 'B.,rdr rtft 3 ta I Zt li||.r ||qut.. .futt |rrilotr 8!a, €l$ hr( t...hc |.hd irrn .;rlgw,dg r.[{.||td tr.G pitt! ctrt SFEu t66'lt gr.dd r.rC *lth rirrgP-le ?cc'q/ t.afa. i4. *Ih ..., ,^,--^ a -- -aor,'*-f'o'F lll aoll aa.fai.t llSt aangt .dd Hrrh id t0 9,9st, 'll ll ! .l.rrilt rr CL-ut. s|| ti{ar tr;bC OC,6u orgc eH. "n taat t.t Crgtaic. aaLl -v[rt r.Fnia tln|a U trorr, rr a+l Ot L-a Stal td*.,.!t€ "*dr t..,rr. t,n ttDro T atta.te'! r'n'tr 9tat r. ht$nti t.r., F [|CL.lrt. It qLt 'll rorlronunl r;112; Ftsr Ho 100. dd,!,'tn r.nd Or'tiln lravtl , inrcltEr rt laa6o,tr|ntnl 'lfto r,o.ru.nr :ttt ofur fuE atl{|. Fr.Gten n.niry rmd. 16{ ''ll.dl lo grolF ||.|n1 'll to'l tcr\lt'r!! esr d!. Ng. alo 6.ida'n't'rh ltraert,..8 g'r{llf @ttqri.tt'r 'tl:a lqt CDl. o (I rlerl'A'Ln! "Ft<a Gr o{Alt iaro, -A' l|na 'tt piolt 16 o. .bra t k^t .Fr Flolr !.hr 'A ftn. t0 E cl E.oact lo 0 x 'lOa4>tog Flns$ogrt g- tatTtCrC tllE lX Hil t llttYlai oI 1It I.l{ir||l { tt - i ra rt ! tf 5, ha'! t r 0tl lLt.a rH|r.l J t( - 1616l. t to 7 { 0t -*-=i*. * q.#*.#i='. $qE -co" ' PERMTT NUMBER o{c pRoaEcT-- INSPECTION REQUEST 479-2135-'l{irr,,t,'t DATE READY FOR INSPECTION t,JOB NAME CALLER /to'nau p APPROVEDT / CORRECTIONS: TOWN OF VAIL !'PEU I ION:, MON TJJES , T!\7+5 llee+hayat {tinl.)UR FRI AM LOCATION:t/t BUILDING:PLUMBING:or q{)l -utT} tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATER OI FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING tr o GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr nu" FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr.TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL |'.t''?APPROVED I .",,tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT N tINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 oor, ,7bL- JoB NAME i? i, I / cATLER _ READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED DtPt t arftFrnrrairpsr/tl ,t 5G)FRI @pM LOCATION:lltt hr,<Jin', A(4V;;[-W BUILDING: (roorrr.res / srEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr'o tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .t[ CORRECTIONS: oerc Jfat,fqs rNspEcroR n .n-/- n( /7-<-^-eV-r=-= ,.4't PEINS DATE r -,. , -' JOB CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: NAME MON CALLER TUES . THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION:). BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|L|NG O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK tr *' tr FINAL fl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING C] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o E tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDE APPROVED 'CORRECTIONS:'lf,,.t' i'.;"r i DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE AM PM CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FR] LOCATION: BUlLDING: A FOOr.fl$G€lr-A+ffi1 PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL . tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWoOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr B tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr c C] FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR J.LVlele Co,r"tructiotc. 1000 S. Frontagc Road W€st, Suite 202 Vail, Colondo 81657 Tele303. 476. 3082 Fax 303. 476. 3423 August 23,1996 Mr. Dan Stanek Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Stanek, This letter will serve to notiqi your ofiice that as of August 30, 1996, L L. Viele Construction, Inc. will no longer be the Contractor of Record for the duplex residence located at 1239 Westhaven Circle in Vail, CO, also knoun as the Brown Duplex - Town of Vail Building peflnit No. 895-0097. As of that date, the Owner, HillviewDevelopment Corporation, will be liable for the balance of work and completion of inspections as required to achieve a Certificate of Occupancy. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very Truly Yours, J. L. Viele Construction, Inc. "" fu*4fua(/"-_ Richard McGhee Project Manager August 25,1996 Mr. Daryl Brown Hillview Development Corp. c/o BrowrL Clark & Walters, P.A. Sarasota City Center, Ste. ll00 l8l9 Main St. Sarasota, FL 34236 RE: Lot 37, Glen Lyon Subdivision Daryl, As you have been previously infomred, J. L. Viele Constructiorl Inc. will obtain substantial completion on the above referenced project on or before August 30, 1996. Thereforg as of that date, J. L. Construction, Inc. hac lsqugstg4 that the Town ofVail remove it's name as the Contractor of Record on this job. As there will still be inspections required by the Town of Vail before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, Hillview Development will need to designate anofher general confractor as the Contractor ofRecord. Per Town ofVail request, this action needs to be accomplished as soon as possible in order to make this transition as smooth as possible for all parties concerned. Very Truly Yours, J. L. Viele Construction Inc. "", frrWMh* Richard McGhee Project Manager cc: Dan Stanek, Town of Vail HILLVIEW DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1240 Hillview Drive Sarasota, Florida 34239 Phone (941) 955-7245 Fax (941) 954-3312 Please reDlv to: Brown Clark & Walters, P. A. Law Office Facsimile (941) 957€888 Law Office Telsphone (S41) 957n800 Law Office Addres6: lStg Main Streeq Sune 1100 SaEsota, Flo da 34236 September 12,1996 vfA FACSIMTLE (970) 47s-2452 Mr. Daniel J. Stanek Building Liaison Officer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 37, Glen Lyon Subdivision Owner: Hillview Development Corporation Dear Mr. Stanek: It is my understanding, on behalf of Hillview Development, as Owner of the above- referenced property, that J. L. Viele Construction, lnc. has, in some way, unilaterally resigned or withdrawn as Contractor Of Record for this Project. While it is unclear how J. L. Viele Construction, Inc. would be allowed to do this, this letter is to nevertheless confirm that Hillview Development Corporation will as of this date, be acting as Owner/Contractor for the completion of this Project. All future requests for inspections on this Project will be made by Hillview Development, and through its representative, Mr. Bob Borne. To the extent you have any questions or if I may be of any further assistance in this process, please do not hesitate to call me at the above telephone number or Mr. Borne at 476-5263. Thank you for your continuing and thoughtful attention to this matter. LOPMENT CORPORATION Very truly yours, SEF 16 '96 13:41 Plrsa tepfv to: HILLVIETY DEVELOPilIEI{T CORPORATIOH 12t10 Hillvfory Ortue Srncot+ Florida 342lrE Phone (g{ll g6fi7?,46 Fer (9411S6{-&T|2. Eroun Chrt,& frlterr, P" A. t-3w otrc3 Frcalnltr (9|1l gfi.foES Ll!l|' Offcr T.bFt,rF (qar) m't-ltno Lar Offce At**erc; lttg UriF Sbeel ltuih 1t0O Srt|:ob, Floridr 3,t?3G tieptember 1tt, 1s96 vlA FAC$|M|LE (s70) 479-?452, Mr. DanielJ. Stanek Building Liaison Officer Torn of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Golorado 81S57 Re: Lot 37, Glen Lyon Subdivieion Owner: Hillvierr Development Corporatjon Daryl J, Brown, Presidenl Dear Mr. Stanek: On or about August 26, 1996. you received a cop!/ of Richard McGhee's letter addressed to me notifuing Hillview Development Corporation that J. L. Viete Constuction requests removal of its name as the Contractor of Racord for the ebove-referenced Project. This letter is to notifr; you ihat Hitlview Development Corporation has designated Robert P. Bome and $nowshoe Development, General Contnstor, €'€'3f,fi$nowshoe Lane, Vail, colorado 81657, Telephone 47s's?63, aE the contractor of Record for the above Projec{ with respect to inspections required by the Town of Vail for issuance of a Certificete of Occupancy and for any other related purposes. L/E/- B Please contact me direct if you have any que$tions with regard to my appointment uf Rsbert p. Berne and gnswshoe Development, as General Contractor, for the aboye- referenced Projec't. lt would be appreciated if you would forward your wiltten confirnatlon that the recotds have been changed at the Town of Vail to reflect Mr. ' Rohert P Horne nnd .9nowshne Developrnent, as the General Contractor for Lot 37, Glen Lyon $ubdivision. s15-M 17 Boe Bo€r'r L ChLcED n/{O Cc:ru Ff<vuffi llu"ha l:lo Prrt T-4E'4o tt++f g Sro,lS*oe Dgct. /S Tffe Cg*tep.o+t- Co nr r/..t€zrf -CornpJ€'e ,-h,+S B E€z-:t UpOryrE\ b*^.La BaB F. uE 6e.eru 44aJp6a4flAP Avfi€0 (efuffi ) Pdsit C-(LJa.,.- O€ Peco€O. ZzFLF|T Ttitsl-o Prck.'-,io / T-484o EEtr 16 tg6 13:81 Mr. DanhlJ. Stanek Building Liaison 0fficer Page 2 $eptember 16, 19gB Thank you lror your thoughtful aseistance with regard to this matter. Very truly you$, HILLVIEW DHVELOPMENT CORPORATION E J gD,fi*4:$ JPt4VAll 1!LStBnF*.3 Enctosure.Mr Rgb€d P. BOin0,hrte hc€imile (t7ol41B-Tl2'l SEP- 18-96 l,lED 7 t 47 ffP-18-19F Wr41 P, 01 P.8A vul. ddrr*lo tlccr'€t. (kibrjdD frqq-ffiT Mafth 2P, f9Pd RKD FgEsESS?S vdeo8t6r8 ilrrrlllt Ath; Mr. SallyBrriryd Bi: Eracm DuDkil 0t I&I.I ffi865, Gccleurr Thg sErrebnd f€silbg sftbr rbrxrc rtddpnee w$ rrbravsd bt Llutrtgs d. Nevr€ll Enghe$d lfio. dwfu coasutr*im. It ia orr oplaio4 bssad ofi sr limit€d Unla pUtrlmon+ tbrr th6 fuhg 0f rha ttdd.nft ie coufimted *$sMtdb i! rffieliglrscwfth frelffi ofiLccoosnrstiub dosmetr prefqrd fo ou ofiae, To ths bcs dorr laowtodgE ery dcfioiesdim Burrd rhring orr obscnatiou h,ve boe[ EonevfEd, Ifpr hun aay que*ions or cromS flncc ell Vflyt$lyyourri ItffiI\fiOE & NETTEX.T, E{GINEEFS, ItiIC, lr I's--'-€k.'\--- Ery."rBparla},E, I Frinpbql ' 'Y#:,f t[/ { a$$y; ViclecmsintEdon IIi[vtarDatdnpwt I 70 S+lc$m*h f,olrl + $uirr i04 + p.g. Eo: 1597 . AvEo. Crrt rrda ht tTtt t ttr70) +rjg.z76t . F.t-* fg?o) g,{9-,6|}t4 + \ o o TOWN OF VAIL RECE! T NO. Df,P NTME\T OF CO;IIIII T]N]T}' DEIELOPMENT ADDRESS 1 ,r""-t CIIECKS M.TDE PAYAILE To TolvN oF vAjI- 0 I OO00 41540 zoNINcnrupaoDffi $5.00 0 0000 424t 5 UNI},ORM I]UtLDINC CODI-$54.00 0 oo00 424 I 5 UNII"ORM PLUMBING CODIJ $39.000t 0000 42415 UNIFOR $17.00noo00 4241 5 LrNIIJORM FIRE'ODI :[36.U0tt0000 424 r 5 N^TIONALELEffi s37.00 0 0000 42415 oTIIERM 0 OO00 4l 5;18 r3LuE PRtETq(MYtrRSt-$7.U0 0 oooo 42412 XLROX COPIES $0,25 0 aooo 42412 STUDIES o 0000 4:m6q TOVFEESCOMPffi's5.00 U -TENA LTY FEE S / R E.NSPEEI_TI oN S--fZQ/flf6,. 4 0 oo00 4tTft PLAN REVII:\V RE- |IECRTEE-S4O PER I{R..' 0 0000 42332 OI.F IIOURS INSPECTION T-I]LS U 0000 41412 CONI-RACTORS LICENSES FbES 0 0000 414t3 SIGN APPLICAT1ON FEE s20.00 0 0000 4 l4l l AD D I T I O N A L S I GNAGE-ilEL-s r.o0 PER so.Fl u oo00 42440 r' I C AR f PROJECT DONATION 0 0000.4133 I PRE PAID DESI 0 0000 4237 r INV EsTIG^ TI oN F.I-jE ( tsU IIDING J 0000 45 I l0 TOV PARKINC FUND 0 00co 22027 IoV NEwSPAPER DISPENSER FUND_n 0r 0000 2[Ilt T4XABLE-(l)4.sffi* 0l 0000 410t0 TAXABLE @ 4. q7" {Tol.lN) 0 0000 42171 BUILDING INVIJSTICN TION () II lirlt P,EC AI'FL 0l oo00 4t3i0 ADD ITIONA L G RFA---250 $?00.00 OI oo00 4 t 330 CON D I TIoNAI,N S IJI'ERMTT_5200.00 lrvuv 1+ I JJU I E^ I I:KTUI( AL I EKJ\ t IUN ILbSS IIIAN IOOSO.T,'T.I s200.00 UI uuuu 4ljju I |1xrrruoK AL.TERATION [MORE TIrAN 100 SQ.FT.]s500.00 UUUU 4IJJU I STLUIN L DF-VLLOPN4ENT DISTRICT [NEw]s I .500.00(,(rOu 4l lJo SPLCIAL DEVELOPM I]NT DISTRICTJMN.'OR_AMENDI-s I ,000.000i oo00 41330 SI'LC IAL DL,v l:LoPM liNT DISTRICT iMI NOR AMENT s 200.0c1 0 0000 4 ll30 SUBDIVISIOM 0 o000 41330 VARIANCI]s250.00 0 0000 4 | 330 ZONINU CODE AMENDMENTS s250.000l 0(}00 4t330 RE - ZONING s200.00gfTHER fr OTHER {*\,,: CSSUT Y tcK.tt rM.OLl I -.5H- i. , -r .'i:.o '. .Tftt(:F--l .fF: tJ';t r L ir..i , , tt-::'Jltri 1 :i? ii. ., ,rl'nil n*i;rj.lF"i.iitirIl.r,if.iiLirIif.J..f,[:tlFii,.'l ri' :Hl,l 5;l"'l,''..':ii,'!i,t.l.j|.ltJ'.11-*''j!.,+','.t.ti F.' i l, I lterrr Fsi'J, Rnr*unt paid l .:..',,.l1'!:,]1]i!llr.,]l:''i.rr#iJt.!:it:.1",r. r"1 I il,.r:ir:t,, 1, r jriijt_l lE !-:l'r:::?l r i:,t r.r:,l.t ii-rr&ii t. ..'....1 i-:h:;ri !LlF, r',:,t.tli'rti!ii ..r ji:t, qf1 I F'AGERE r,I1:i I TOHN 0F UnIL.r COLORADU Lfr/s'Al?A rTrt:39 REGUHSTS FOR IN5pECTION WORK SHHETS FnR:1flil38/96 AFIEA: Efi Adclr.e i; s : 1145 TJHSTHAVEN f,R t.-ocat i on : GL-HN LYilN F*rrr:e I : EltD3-1*1-fi7-006 Occ:Use ! DeEcritr"b ion: IN9TflLl-- ELEC. Il'J NCI^J D|JFLEX Flppl icarit r J, l-.. VIELE COTSTRUCTION Owner-: tJE$TltlAl?H PARTNERS [ontnaetor.; J. l.... VIELE CON$TRUf,TION ;.:7 Fhone: 97rl-476-3ur8l Fhane: 813 957-3SgS' Phona : 97rZr-476-3rZt8E lritp*rt i on Reqriest Inf ot'rrtatian.,,. Raqne*tor: BOB BORNE f{eq Ti me; OS:ClF Ionment E: Item:i r"eqr-rFst ecl to be Inspected.,, {lfi19rzl El-EC-Final Fhone: 47fr-5E63 Act i on Co mm ent"s^,fu,-A'4{Tine fxp Inripec:t i on Hi $t or.y, . . , , Item : fitZtlE€t El-EC-Ror-rqh 83,/ 1e./96 Inspect or-: WJ / ee/q& I rr s pert or. : Item : EOl3ft HLES-ConrJuit fr? /i::6/96 Inspector. I Itern : t!0144 HLEC-Mi sc, $7/ tg/96 Inrpector-I A"/ /3L,/96 Inspector": fi[.]/ 14 /96 Inepect or. ; r2r$189,/96 Inspect or.r Item: fi0 19fi F.LEE-Final AS/IB/96 Inepector-: AB/lg,/96 Inspector-r |U/'l;i /46 Inspact ot' : ftction: ftFFR frct ion; AFFR Act i on l AF,trR AF,F,ROVED EG EG EG r.|.] EG HG E6 EG EE Action: AFFRAetion: OFtrR Act i on : f,fiF ROction: AIrtrR Action: AFtrR Ac:t ion r flFFR Aet i on: DN AF,trROUED AF.F'RFVFD AF,F'RFUED AF'F,ROVED NF'TJROVED APF'ROVED DEN I FD trPF'RT]VED finish make o Henry Pratt questioned mass and bulk' Greg Motfet read through the criteria in the stafl memo- Dominic Mauriello said the flat rool deck was 30' high and was allowed. Greg Moffet asked for any more public or applicant comments' There was none' Henry Pratt made a rnotion to table this request to.give.the applicant time to rework the roof deck, so that it was mot" compitibte witn the neighborhood. The alternative to giving the applicant more time to redesign it, was to lurn down the request' Gene Uselton seconded the motion. Dominic Mauriello stated that it should be tabled to a delinite time' Mrs. Boyer asked if a roof deck was allowed, would we then be setting a precedent in the neighborhood? Henry praft responded to Mrs. Boyer's question by saying thal a root deck was allowed, but this roof deck was nol consislent with this neighborhood. The motion passed by a vote of 6-1, with Greg Moffet opposed. 3. A request tor an exterior addition to expand the existing dlling PgI, utilizing the 2!0 Ordiriance, located at2415 Bald Mouniain Road/Lot 22, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing Applicants: Paul Baker and Robert Ruder Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the request per the staff memo' John Schofield slated that he had a business relationship with this applicant and he wanted it on the record that he doesn't feel it presents a con{lict ol interest- Greg Moffet asked for any applicant or public comments. There was none. The Board had no comments. Henry Pratt made a motion for approval with no conditions, referencing the lindings in the staff memo. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. 4.all, located in the front setback, Applicant: Planner: p[anning and Environmental Commissioo Minutes September 9, 1996 DarylBrown George Ruher o George Fluther gave an overview of the request and Stated that Staft was recommending approval. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add' Sally Brainard said no. John scholield said there needed to be a provision lor trees to be replaced if they die' Gene Uselton echoed John's comments. Greg Amsden said the slope wilt not allow trees to live and therefore, a bond needs to be in place for similar trees. Galen Aasland said trees would not survive and the walls are considerably higher than 6. Diane Golden asked if tiering the retaining wall would help the trees? Greg Moffet said tiering the retaining watl was whatwas being proposed' Henry pratt said we are stuck between a rock and the DRB. We are instructed to save trees. When trees die, they need to be replaced. Greg Moffet said he liked the trees the way they were, but we needed. assurance that they would be r6placed, should they not live. He stated that the wall was nicely done. Henry Pratt stated that when the trees die, there would not be a need for a variance' Greg Moffet asked if we can sunset a variance? George Ruther said if the trees die, the tree well would be filled in and there would no longer be a need for a variance. Henry Pratt asked how we could require this? George Ruther explained that landscaping could be bonded for two growing seasons for replacement based on caliper per caliper inch of aspen trees. Henry Pralt asked Sally if her client would have a problem with bonding? Sally Brainard said she was not sure, but for today's purposes she will say there would not be a protilem. Instead ol bonding, could we put a tree in the tiered area? Since this was a spec house, the applicant would not like to transfer lhe bonding to any new owner. Henry Pratt said he was at a loss of how to do lhis. George Ruther stated that a bond was certainly not the desired vehicle, but it would get us to wheri we want to be. The trees have already been through stress this growing season. Henry Ptatt asked if we have required other property owners to be bonded? Plarming and Environmental Commission Mirutes Seplember 9, 1995 George Ruther stated that the Johnson's residence on Mill Greek Circle required bonding when they were transplanting trees. Greg Amsden said he was not excited about this proposal, since it was a very noticeable house' Henry Pratt made a motion for approval for Lot 36, which included a second condition requiring a Uond, so tnat if trees die within twb growing seasons, the tree well would be fitted in and new trees would be Planted. John Schofield seconded the motion. Gene Uselton asl(ed lor an amendment to Henry's motion, changing it to Lot 37' i{enry Pratt amended the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. S. A request for a joint worksession with the DRB and PEC tor a rezoning frorn _General Use do Medium Density Multi-family, and a request for the establishrnent of a Special Development District t6 allow for tlie development of 17 EHU'S, located on an unplatted parcel 6n a portion of Parcel A and part of Block D, Lionsridge Filing # 1 Applicants: Eagle River Water and Sanitalion District and the Forest Service Planner: AndY Knudtsen Greg Moffet welcomed Brenl Atm, Claft Brittain and Ted Hingst, the DRB members ptesent for this worksession. Andy Knudtsen gave an overview of the request and explained that the three parties involved hav6 all signed ihe applications necessary io get tne plan going. The primary purpose of.the ... SDD was io answer irbigtrUor's questions regarding future development. 100% of the units will be deed restricted. ThdOistrict ind Town of Vait emptoyees are the target market. Density is much less than what the Zone District allows, as shown on the Zoning Analysis in the memo. Another important component is the LOAA, which Andy explained- He.explained thaf qtq waF. an effort to get a cleanboundary and to create sites foiemployee housing. Andy_stated that this was a high [riority for economic stability and also that the provision of.affordable housing would nep the'vidOility 6f the community. Aniy said that the proposed density. is below other sites and thaf suitability ii consistent with the confext. Staff expiessed concern about the architectural design and wanted to hear from both Boards and the neighborhood, regarding architeclural compatiOitity. A roof overhang and a pitched roof would break up the mass' He said that since the iorner df the road is highdr, the flit roofs would be very visible whete the road divides. Andy proceeded to go over the cl-iscussion issues. He stated that there are argumenls both pro and bon for two cuibcuts, but staff would look at the safest and what would meet the most needs. Andy went over the landscaping and stated that there may be an opportunity to get more land-scaping in the area, while still preserving the existlng landscaping. Greg Moffet said two areas to focus on were the landscaping and the architecture. He stated the need for the public to eomment on these issues' Plaoning and F-nvironmental Commission Minutes September 9, 1996 Tom Braun explained that the district had this land available and had taken a leadership role in pr"p*i"g th" iro;ect. Tom stated that they were trying lo create.an opportunity for families'.by iezSning'from 'Oe'nerat Us" io Speci"i Oeu6topmeni Oistrict. He then showed renderings of the ;;;F;i."H";ipiained tnaiine range or densiti'es was staggering in this neighborhood' He E*fit"in"ain" bensities oirrtrornting properties.and thalthey were proposing 10'6 on a gross basis, so this proiect *"* iiin* to* in,i. ri they didn't do the SDD rezoning, they could come Oicf anO Oo d tutt s1e coverage, maximum heilht etc. Tom stated that the SDD process ffi;il;;ileguJro. rrairo-oii were an issudbutTom deferred to Jim Morler- He did mention that there were a nrtnO*tit H"t tooisln the neighborhood. The precedent has been established' irin ", Simba Run, etc. He mentioned that tha road is still under further study to see how to ;ffi th";d; oitrirric Ueioie in" nf ind ipot. He said that they were extending the retaining wall to get trees between tne roaO and the buildings' lt is lough to find trees that will do well on this site. He stated tnat ine Oevelopment standards were within the standards ot the Town' d-"rig;. were oversized in order to provide slorage, as well as cars' To bring all ihis in at an affordable level was a cnJffenge. idm infoOuced-Jim Morter, Pat Dauphinais and Gerry Roberts. Jim Morter said the first thing to be considered was scale. The kindest scale for the site was to niue + smaffer buildings. F&ine iootprint and the bulk, Jim felt the smaller size worked. Jim stateO ne was proposi-ng seven 1-bediooms, five 2-bedrooms and five 3- bedrooms' Thls project would be state of the art fbr accessibility and usabilily. Jim asked for guestions' He wanled to iaf<6 inis out of the typical genre of attoidabte housing. The shadow pattern oave animation to the buildings, as opposed to blocks of buildings. in"i" *"t*one, Mb and th-ree stories all mixed il. it; ne"ignOors'i; Polito Patch, when looliing down, would see a wedding cake 91991-iiT-,^ stated there"would be 24 flat roofs with a lot of stair stepping. The functional reason lor flat rools was to eliminate snow Oumping. lt would be easier to shed snow where people-are not' Flat rools made it easier to coniairiwinter problems. The second reason for flat roofs was that the mass would appear smaller with flat r6ofs. The third reason was to.provide visual interest with a ii"irlt"p Oerqn. Roof penetrations, such as vents (since.there willbe.no fireplaces), would n*u"itt'fn" ite"ms clustered together. This has given Jim the opportunity to form a sculpture. witnin me proiect. Jirn stated i-hat ne would likelo ask both Boards to have an open mind, when it comes to the llat foof issue. Greg Moffet asked tor any public comments. Jim Lamont, speaking on behall of Ralph Davis of Action Vail, stated that the focus should be on the principles.' The nianner that it was brought forward last spring caus-ed anguish. lt was brought t6 the attention of Action Vail. The homeowners made every etfort to calm everyone' Actio"n Vail has always said that public open space, if transferred, shogld be retained as open Lpaie. .lim had queitions for Tom Brauh regarding the status of the driveway options lnd . . Oliigna1ng it as i permanent easement. Jim also wanted to know what other avenue Brooktree had for access. Tom Braun said that it is not yet a permanent easement, but that it was a possibility. Jim Lamont asked if the access could be shared. Tom Braun said that a new access, to the south of the proposed driveway, was being considered. Jim Lamont asked Tom Braun if the right-of-way on Red Sandstone was dedicated' Planning and Environmental Commission Mhules SePtomber 9, 1996 {4> 601684 Sara J.r B-?05 Fi sher a P-700 9slL8lt996 06:0bp pG 1 oF t4 REC DoCEagle County Clerk & Becorder ?1.00 DEELARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS OF I-,OT 37, GLEN IJYON SI}BDMSION. gouNTy oF EAGLE. STATE OF COI_,ORADO RECITAI-,S L. HILLVIEW DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Colorado corporation,(the t'Deelarantrr) is the owner of cerLain real property situate inthe County of Eag1e, StaLe of Colorado, described as Lot 3?, Glen Lyon Subdivision, according to the amended Plat thereof recordedJuIy i,8, Lg'lB in Book 272 at Page 370, County of Eagle, State ofColorado, subject to those exceptions of record. 2. Declarant is construcLing on Lot 37 a building consistingof Ewo (2) units, each designed and intended for use and occupancyas a residenLial dwelling unit., designated herein as t'Parcel A" andI'Parcel Br', respectively, which are gometimes referred Co hereinseparately as "unitrr or coll-ectively as trunitgtr. 3. Parcel A contains Unit A and Parcel B contains Unit B. 4. Lot 37 is presently subject. to recorded restrictivecovenants, easements, reservations and restrictions, DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the followingterms, covenants, conditions, easements, resLrict,ions, uses,reservations, ]imitations and obligaLions shall- be deemed to runwith the land deseribed herein, sha1l be a burden and a benefit toDeclarant, their personal represent.at ives, heirs, successors andassigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the realproperty which is described herein and improvements built thereon,their grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. 1. Unless the context shal] expressly provide otherwise, thefollowing terms shaLl have the following meanings: a. "The Properties'r means all of the real estatelegally described as Lot 37 clen Lyon Subdivision,according to Lhe amended Plat recorded July 18, 1,978 in Book 272 at Page 3"/0, CounLy of Eagle,gtate of Colorado. b, nlotn or ttBuilding Siterr means Parcel A or Parcel Bas shown' on the Map together with a1l- appurEenanceg. ///zt * NOT (t:P c. "Duplexn or 'lBuilding'r means the two . contiguousdwelling units constructed upon the Parcels. d. t'Unit" means any one of the Ewo dwellings comprj-sing the "Duplexrr. e, rrMaprr means the engineering survey of theProperties by Eagle Valley Surveying. No. _,dated , !99_ depict.ing and locaEingspecifically thereon the Parcels and improvementsthereon, entitled Final Plat, Amended PlaL, Glen Lyon Subdivision, a re-subdivision of Lot. 37, suchland and improvements being hereby submitted tothis Declaration. Such Map sha11 be recorded inthe office of the Eagle County Cl-erk and Recorderprior to the recordation of this Declaration. 2- DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATIONS. Every Contract of Sale, Deed, IJease, Mortgage, Trugt Deed, Will or oeher instrument shall- }egallydescribe a Unit or real properEy interest as foll-ows: Parcel A/ParceI B (as Lhe case may be) , according to thePlat enLitled Final Plat, Amended PIat, Glen I-,yonSubdivision. a re-subdivision of L,ot 37, recorded , Reception No. 1qq in Book , dE Paget. , of the records, of the recordsoT--EEa-fierk and Recorder-EE--EgTE-tounty, state of Colorado. Every such description shall- be good and sufficient for allpurposes to se}l, convey, transfer, encumber or otherwise effect each Lot and aLl appurtenant rights, benefit.s, and burdens theretoas created by the provisions of this Declaration, and each suchdescription shal1 be so construed. This provision shal-I apply Lothe properti-es as said term (the Properties) is defined in this Declarati-on. 3. PROPERTY DIVISION a. Declarant, hereby establishes this plan for the subdivision of the Properties into Two (2) Parcelsfor ownership in fee simple consisting of Parcel A and Parcel B. b. The Properties shal1 be subject to the easements noted on the map and those set forth herein. c. In the event Parcel A and Parcel B are owned by the same entities, the doctrine of mergier shall- not apply. gl a\t 601684 aL D9/1811996 06:O5p pG Z oF 14 I B-705 P-?O0 d. The parties, if more than one, having Ehe ownershipof each such unit. shal-L agree among themselves howto share the rights and obligations of suchownership,- provided, however, that if acorporati-on, partnership, association or otherlegal entity shall become an owner of a unit, thensuch enLiEy shall from ti-me to time designate oneindividuaL who shal1 represent such entity in allmatLers concerning alI right.s and obtigationspursuant, to this Declaration. e. Any such entity shall give written notice t.o theother owner designat.ing the individual to act onits or their behalf and such noLice shall beeffective until revoked in writing by such entity.Any act or omission by such designated individual-shall be binding on the entity having designated him or her in favor of the other owner or anv otherpersorl who may rely thereon. f. Each unit shall- be considered a separate parcel ofreal property and shall be separately addressed and taxed. 4. ENCROACHMENTS. Due to the construction of the units, there maybe encroachments of each unit onto the other unit. A valid easement shall- exist. for the encroachment and for the maintenanceof any encroachment resulting from the iniEiaL construction of theunits or hereafter arising as a result of settl-ing'or shifting ofany uniL as long as the unit stands, regardless of whether such encroachment is specifically deecribed on t.he plat or not. In theevent any building sha1l be partially or totally destroyed as aresult of fire or other casuafty or as a resu.l-t of condemnatj.on or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of partsof the building on the otlrer parcel, due to such rebuilding, shalLbe permiteed, so long as such encroachments are. of no greaEer extent than those previously existing, and valid easemenEs for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shall exist so lonq asthe building shall stand. 5. EASEMENTS FOR PARCEIJS A AND B. The Plat contains and seEsforth one or more easements that reflect any existing encroachmentsof each unit onto the other unit and adjoining parcels. Such easements are and shall (i) remaln burdens upon the interest and ownership of each unit and parcel, (ii) be appurtenant. to and conveyed as a part of each unit and parceL without addiEionalreference in the conveyance, (iii) be inseparable from the ownership of each unit and parcel, and (iv) not be separately conveyed, except by amendment to the Plat. B-705 P-700 09/19/1996 06:OSp pG 3 ti \t"} 601684 l__ oF 14 6.PARTY WALL. a. The common foundation wall" and roof placed on, overor adjacent to the common boundary separatingParcel A and Parcel B, as well as the footingsunderlying the same are collectively referred to inthis Agreement as the I'Party Wall". ' b. To the extent not inconsislent with thisDeclaration, the general rules of Law regardingparty wa1ls and liability for damage due tonegligence, wil1ful acEs or omissions shall applyto the Party WaII. c. The owners of either unit shal-1 have a perpetual easement in and to that part of the other unit onwhich the Party Wal} is located, for party wallpurposes, including mutual support, maintenance,repair and inspection. In the event of damage toor the destruction of the Party Wall from any cause, t.hen the owners shal-l- at joint expense, asset fort.h in paragraph 9 below, repair or rebuildthe Party WaIL, and each owner, shaLL have theright to the fulI use of said Party Wall sorepaired and rebuilt. Notwithstanding anything contained above to the contrary, if the negligence,wiIIfuI act or omission of any owner, his family,agent or invitee, shall cause damage to ordestruction of, the Party Wall, such owner shallbear the entire cost of repair or reconstruction, and an owner who by his negligent or wiLlful act causes Ehe Party Wall- to be exposed to the efementsshall bear the full cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elements. LANDSCAPING AND SERVICE FACILITIES. a. The owners of both units from ti-me to time shallundertake such landscaping and general outdoor improvements, as they may mutually and unanimously deem proper for the harmonious j-mprovement of bothunits in a common theme, and, except for any expense or liabiLity caused through the negligenceor wil"Lful- act of any owner, his family, agent orinvitee, which shall be borne solely by such owner, each owner shalL share all expenses, liabilities and general upkeep responsibilities with respect to such landscaping and outdoor improvements as set forth in paragraph 9 below. If no such agreement respecting landscaping and outdoor improvements is reached between the owners, each owner shall beresponsible for the expenses, liabilities and 1 (n ,IT 4 B-705 p-200 Og/Ig/tgg6 06:05p pG 4 601 684 oF 14 x general upkeep responsibilities with respecE t.o thelandscaping and outdoor improvemenEs locatsed in oron his own parcel . The owner of one units shal_l_ notunreasonably damage the val_ue of the other unit.such as by shoddy upkeep ouEside, but boEh ownersshal-l- make aII reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious common appearance of the units. b. Common ut,ility or service connect.ions or lines, common facilities or other eguipmenE and property located in or on eilher of the parcels but used in common with the other unit, if any shal-l- be ownedas tenants in common of equal undivided one-halfinterests by the owners of each unit and, exceptfor any expense or liability caused t.hrough thenegligence or wi1lfu1 act of any one owner, hisfamily, agent or invitee, which shall- be bornesolely by such owner, all expenses and liabilitiesconcerned with such property shall be sharedproportionately with such ownership as set forth inparagraph 9 below. The owner of the unit on which such property is noE l-ocated sha1l have a perpet.ual easement in and to that, part of such other unitcontaining such property as is reasonably necessaryfor purposes of maintenance, repair, and inspecEion. AI,TERATION. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. a. Each owner sha11 be so1e1y responsible for all maintenance and repair of the exterior and interiorof his unit, including all fixtures and improvements and all utility Lines and equipment Iocated therein or in, on or upon his parcel and serving such unit on1y. The repair, replacement orcleaning of exterior window glass shall be considered exterior maintenance. If the need forrepalr to either Unit is caused through the negligence or wi11ful act of any owner, his family, agent or invitee, such owner shall bear the entire costs of such repair or reconstruction. b. fn the event both owners decide to maj-ntain,preserve and replace the trees, shrubs and grass (t.he uPl-antings") on his own parcel rather than to share such expenses as set forth in paragraph z.a. above and in the event an owner at his own expense fails to maintain, preserve, and replace as need the Plantings wiEhin the property boundaries of his residence commensurate with the standards set by the other residences in Glen l-,yon Subdivision, the other owner may, afuer fifteen (l-5) days written (.t(n 5 B-?05 P-7OA 09/L8/t996 06:Obp pG 56016 84 oF 14 notice to the owner, and if within said time the owner has failed to make a good faith effort tobring his Plantings into substantial conformitywith his neighbors' plantings, contract withresponsible parties tso bring to standard theoffending owner's Plantings and charge the ownertherefore and such cost shal-l be added to and become a part of the assessment to which such sit.eis subject.. The'owner hereby grants to the ot.herowner, its agents and assigns, d4 irrevocable easement to perform t.he aforesaid. Each ewner shall be sole1y responsible .formaintenance and repair of Ehe inside of his unit,including fixtures and improvements and all utilitylines and eguipment located therein and serving such unit only. Interior window glass shall be deemed interior maintenance. In performing such maintenance and repair, or in improving or alteringhis unit, no or^rner shaLl- do any act or work which impai-rs the structural soundness of either unit orthe Party Wal1 or which inLerferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. Ut.ilit.y or service connections or l-ines, facilitiesor other uEility equipment and property located in, on or upon either of the parcels, which are usedsolely tso supply a service or uti1ity to one unitshall be owned by the owner of the unj-E using suchutility or service and al-I expenses and liabilitiesfor repair and maintenance shall be borne solely bythe owner of such unit, who shall have a perpetual easement, in and to that part of such ot,her parcel or unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. No owner shall make or suffer any structura] ordesign change (including a color scheme change) ,either permanent or temporary, to the exterior ofhis unit or construct any additional buildingstructure of any tlpe or nature whatsoever upon theexterior parE of his unit without, first obtainingthe prior writ.ten consent thereto from the other oi4rner / such consent not to be unreasonablywithheld. In case of damage or destruction of any unit or any part thereof, the owner of such unit sha11 cause with due diligence the uniE to be repaired and restored.Such unit shall be restored to a condition comparable to that prior to the damage and in a harmonious manner to promote the common theme of both units. BoLh units shal1 6 601684 B-?Ob p-200 09/18/1996 06:0bp pG 6 OF 14 A F-l f_! be the same exterior color and such color shall notbe changed without the approval of the Town ofVail. 9. ALLOCATION AND PAYMENT OF EXPENSES. Costs and expenses ofrepairing or rebuilding the party waII as set forth in paragraph6.c. and the landscaping and service facilities a6 set forth inparagraph 7, except as caused by negligence or willful act of an owner, sha1l be aLl-ocated fifty percent (50?) to Parcel A and fifEypercent (50?) to Parcel B. As between the owners of Parcels A andB, all costs and expenses shall be paid within fifteen (15) days of any billing for the same. l-0. MECHANIC'S LIENS; INDEMNIFICATION. Except for items incurred as a common expense asprovided for herein, if any owner shall ci.use anymaterial to be furnished to his parcel or uniEthereon, or any labor to be performed therein orthereon, the other owner shall not under any circumstances be liable for the payment of any expense incurred or for the value of the work doneor material furnished; all such work shall be atthe expense of the owner causing it Eo be done, andsuch owner shall be solely responsible tocontractors, laborers, materialmen and otherpersons furnishing labor or materials to his unitor any improvements therein or thereon; Except to the extent set forth in paragraph 13herein, nothing herein contained shall authorizeeither owner or any person dealing through, with or under either owner to charge the unit of the other owner with any mechanic's lien or other lien or encumbrance whatever; and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against one owner or against one owner' s unit for work doneor materials furnished to the oEher owner's unitfor work done or materi-al-s furnished to the other owner's unit is hereby expressly denied. Except as provided for below, if, because of anyact or omission of any owner, dny mechanic's orother lien or order for the palzment of money shal1be filed against the other owner's unit or any improvements therein or thereon or against anyother owner (wheEher or not such lien or order isvalid or enforceable as such), the owner whose actor omission forms the basis for such lien or order sha]L at his own cost and expense cause lhe same to be canceled and discharqed of record or bonded by a 7 09/18/1996 O6:O5p pG Z OF t4 b. ('t { 601684 B-?05 P_?00 surety company reasonably acceptable to such otherowner, within Cwenty (20) days after the date offiling thereof, and further shal-1 indemnify and save the other owner harmless from and against any and all costs, expenges, claims, fosses or damages,including reasonably attorney's fees resulting therefrom. 11.TNSURANCE. I B-705 p-700 09/18/1996 06:0Sp pG 8 a. Each owner shaLl keep his unit and all fj-xturestherein insured against l-oss or damage by fire and extended coverage perils (including vandalism andmalicious mischief) for the maximum replacementvalue thereof. b. Each owner shaLl- provide and keep in force, for theprotection of himself, general public liability andproperty damage insurance against claims for bodilyinjury or death or property damage occurring in, onor upon. his parcel owned in fee simple and the improvemenEs thereon, in a limit of not less than Two Mj.l"l-ion Dollars ($2,000,000.00) in respect ofbodily injury or death t.o any number of persons arising out of one accident or disaster, or for damage to property. Each owner sha1l name theother owner as an additional named insured parLy under such policy. The amount of such insurance shall be increased every three (3) years commencing October L, L999, by the same percentage as the U.S. Consumer Pri-ce Index, or its equivalent, has increased during such period of time, unless agreed otherwise by the owners of both Pareels- c. Each owner shall deliver to the other ownercertificates evidencing all insurance required tobe carried under this paragraph, each containing ag'reements by the insurers not to cancel or modify Ehe policies withouE giving the other owner writtennotice of at least thirty (30) days. Each ownershall have the right, to i-nspect and copy all such insurance policies of the other owner and require evidence of Lhe payment of premiums thereon. d. NoEhing provided in this paragraph shal1 prevent the owners from jointly acquiring a single policy to cover any one or more of Ehe hazards reguired in this paragraph to be separately insured against by each owner. tl @ 60168 4 oF 14 DESTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON PARCELS. a. In the event of damage or desErucEion to a unit byfire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, ifsufficient to reconstruct the unit, shall bedeposited into a bank account which requires, forwithdrawals, the eignatures of both Ehe owners.The owners shall then promptly authorize thenecessary repair and reconstruction work and theinsurance proceeds will be applied by the owners to def ray t,he cost t,hereof ."Repair andreconstructionrr of units, as used herein, meansrestoring the improvements to substantially the same condition in which they existed prior to the damage with each unit having the same boundaries as before. b. If the insurance proceeds are insufficient Eorepair or reconstrucL any damaged unit, such damageor destruction shall be promptly repaired andreconstructed by the owner using the insuranceproceeds and the proceeds of a special assessmentagainst the owners of t.he damaged unit. Any such assessments sha1l be equal to the amount by whichthe cost of reconstruction or repair of the unit exceeds the sum of the insurance proceeds allocableto such unit. Such assessment shall be due andpayable thirty (30) dalrs after written nbticethereof. The special assessment provided forherein shall be a debt of each owner and a lien onhis parcel- and the improvements hereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedingsin the Courts. ]-3. RIGHT TO LIEN. a. If an gwner, at any time, shall neglect or refuse toperform to pay his share of any obligation requiredhereunder, the other owner fidl, buE shall not beobligated Eo. after fifteen (15) days written notice unless the circumstances require immediate action, make such payment or, on behalf of such ot,her owner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obl-igationincluding, but not limited to, the palment of any insurance premiums required hereunder or the undertakingof any work required hereunder for repair, restoration or maintenance. and such other owner sha1l have an easementin and tso that part of such defaulting owner's unit as is reasonably necessary for such repair, restoration or maintenance. g) (o 9 601684 B-?0b p-Z0O 09/18/1996 06:Obp pG g oF 14 b. 10 601684 B-?05 p-?00 09/1g11996 ori:Osp pc 10 OF t4 c, All sums so paid or expended by an owner, with interestthereon at the rate of eighteen percent (l-8?) per year from the datse of such payment or expenditure, shall bepayable by the owner so failing to perform (the "defaulting o\rnerrr) upon demand of the other owner. All sums so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting o\^rnershal1 constit,uEe a lien on the unit of the defaulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to all otherfiens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for taxes andspecial assessments; and (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such unit. The .1ien shall attach from the date when Lhe unpaid sum shalL become due and may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real property upon the recordingof a notice of claim thereof executed bv the non-defaulting owner setsting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the defaulting owner, and adescription of the unit. In any such foreclosure thedefaulting owner shall be reguired to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorney' s fees . The lien provided for herein shal1 be subordinate to thelien of any first mortgage or deed of trust, includingall additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of anyunit as the result of eourt foreclosure of a mortgage,foreclosure through the public trustee. or any proceedingin l-ieu of foreclosure, shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as to payments thereof which become due prior to such sal-e or transfer, but shall not relieve anyformer owner of personal liabitity therefor. The mortgagee or transferee of such unit who acquires titleby way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieuthereof, shall not, however, be liable for any past due assessment and shal1 only become liabl-e for future asse66mente on the date it becomes the owner of such unitor title j-s vested pursuant Eo Section 38-38-501- Colorado Revised St.atutes. No sale or transfer shall relieve suehunit from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the Lien thereof. In Ehe event ofthe sale or transfer of a unit with respect to which sums shal1 be unpaid by a defaulEing owner, excepu Lransfersto a first mortgagee in connection with a foreclosure ofits lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser orother transferee of an interest in such unit shal1 bejointly and severally liable with the sel-ler ortransferor t.hereof for any such unpaid sums. Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospecLive Eraneferee of a unit, the owner of the other unit shall issue a written d. (*t{a statement setting forth the amount he is owed under thisparagraph, if dfly, with respect to such unit. Suchstatement is binding upon the executing owner, in favoror any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unlessa request for such statement shall be responded to wiEhwithin fifteen (15) days after receipt thereof, all unpaid surns which become due prior to the date of making such reguest shall be subordinated to the lien or otherinterest of the person reguesting such staeement. 14. AI-,L OWNERS RESPONSIBLE. Both parcel owners shall- be mutual-lyand equally responsible for the administration and management ofthe obligations created hereunder. 15. USE RESTRICTIONS. Each unit shall be restricted lo a residential dwellingas a permitted use, and such use as well as conditional and accessory uses shall be defined by the Town of VailZoning Restrictions and Covenants for the Gl-en Lyon Subdivision. No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, Eefevision or otherty;ie of antenna whaEsoever, ot tank of any kind, eitherelevated or buried, or clothesline or incinerator of anykind whatsoever or outside storage of any personal properEy shaLl- be permitted or maintained on eiEher unilwithout the prior written approval of both o\^rners. No animals shall be kept or maintained in, on or uponeither unit, except thaE each owner may keep and maintainwithin his unit three (3) domesticated animals, that is, any combination of one (1) or more dogs and/or one (1) or more cats, but not to exceed a total of three (3) suchdomestieat,ed animals; provided, however, that such domestsicated animals (i) shall not be any kind or speciesof animals other than cats or dogs, (ii) are kepL understricts contral at all times, (iii) do not present a nuj-sance to the other owner or the guests of the other owner, (iv) are not allowed to enter upon the adjacent,parcel or unit, (v) do noE creaEe or cause objectionablenoise, and (vi) are kept, housed and controlled in stri-ct compliance with all Town of Vail ordinances that may apply to such animals. In addition to the parking restrictions seC forth in Paragraph 7.a. t LANDSCAPING AND SERVICE FACILfTIES above, each owner may keep no more lhan two automoeivevehicles permanently on his parcel. Parking of boats,trailers, campers, motor homes, ATVs or other reereational vehicles on either parcel is expressly a. t-, CJql i"l 11 B-705 p-200 09/18/1996 06:Obp pc 11 oF 146016 84 ./ \o prohibiEed unless stored in the garage. Parking of morethan two aut,omotive vehicles outside the garage by either owrier or his family, agent or invitee in such owner, sunits for more than a twenty-one eL) day period isexpressly prohibited, except with the express writtenpermissi-on of the owner of the adjacent unit. e . No rrtime sharing', , " inEerval ownershipt' or similarinterest, whereby ownership of a unit is shared by ownerson a time basis, shall be established on either unit,without the prior written approval of both owners and alLlienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trustof record on the property, which approval shall bereflected in a document of record. 1-6. NOTfCE. Each owner shall register its mailing address withthe owner and al-L not.ices or demands intended to be served upon owners shal1 be sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressedin the name of the owner at such registered mailing address. Inthe al-ternative notices may be delivered if in writing, personally Eo the owners . L7. DURATION OF DECLARATION. Each provision contained in thisDecLaration whi-ch is subject to the laws or rules sometimesreferred to as the ruLe against perpetuities or the ruleprohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continueand remain in full force and effect for the period of 21 yearsfollowlng the death of Daryl iL Brown, or his issue, or until thisDeclaration is terminated as hereinafter provided, whichever firstoccurs. All oEher provisions contained in this Declaration shaLl- cont,inue and remain in ful-l- force and effect until January a, 20L6A.D., and thereafter for successive periods of ten (L0) years eachunless, at least one (t) year prior to the expiration of ,January 1-, 20L6, or any such ten (10) year period of extended duration, thisDeclaration is terminated by recorded instrumenE, directingtelmination, signed by aII owners and aLf lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of ParcelA,or Parcel B. 1-8. AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION. This Declaration may be amended or revoked only (i) by Declarant so long as Declarant owns both ParcelA and Parce1 B, or (ii) upon unanimous writ.Een approval in recordable form of all owners and all lienors holding a first morLgage or first deed of trust of record on any port.ion of Parcel A or Parcel B. L9. EFFECT OF PROVISION OF DECIJARAT]ON.Each provision of thisDeclaration, and each agreemenE, promise, covenant and undertakingto comply wit,h each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title, estate, rightor inlerest to effectuate any prowision of this Declaration: (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrument by J-4 601684 B-?08 p*?00 09/18/1996 06:OSp pc 12 oF 14 c^tq {v / which any right, title or interest in any of Parcel- A or pareel Bis granted, devised or conveyed, whet.her or not seE forth orreferred to in such deed or other instrument; (ii) shaLL, by virtueof acceptance of any right.. titl-e or interest in any portion ofParcel A or Parcel B by an owner, be deemed accepted, ratified,adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such ewner and, asa personal covenant, shall be binding on such owner and his heirs,personal representatives, successors and assigns,. and sha}l be deemed a personal covenant to, wiuh and for the benefit of eachowner of any portion of Parcel A or Parce1 B and (iii-) shatl be deemed a real covenant by Declarant, for itself, its successors andassigns, and also an equitable servitude, running, in each case, asa burden with and upon the title to each and every portion ofParcel A and Parcel B. 20. ENFORCEMENT AND REMED]ES. a. Each prowision of this Declaration shall be enforceableby any owner by a proceeding for a prohibit.ive or mandatory injunction or by a suil or action to recoverdamages. If court proceedings are insti-t.uted in connection wilh the rights of enforcenent and remediesprovided in this Decl-aration, the prevailing party shallbe entitled to recover its cosEs and expenges in connecEion therewith, including reasonable attorneys fees. b. Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions inequity or at law which are institut.ed to enforce anyprovision hereunder shall be brought in and only in theDistrict Court of Eagle County, State of Colorado. c. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declarationshall not operate as a waiver of any such provision, t.heright to enforce such provision thereafter, or of anyother provision of this Declaratsion. 2L. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one owner wiLh respect to the other owner's unitincluding but not limit,ed to the use of any easement granted hereinshall be exercised in a manner which shal1 noE unreasonably hinder, impede or impose upon such other owner's use of his unit. 22. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Except as otherwise provided herein,this Declaration shall be binding upon and shall inure to thebenefit of Declarant and each owner and the heirs, personalrepresentatives, successors and assigns of each. 23. SEVERABILTTY. Invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Declaration, either in whole or in parE, shall noE affectthe validiLy or enforceability of any other provision of this Declaration. t< 601684 B-?05 P-700 09/18/1996 06:Obp pc 1g OF 14 ..' AN I 24. CAPTIONS. The captions and headings in this instrumenE are forconvenience only and shall not be considered in construing anyprovisions of this Declaration. 25. CONSTRUCTION. When necessary for proper construct,ion, themasculine of any word used in this Declaration shall incl-ude thefeminine or neuter gender, and the singular the pluraf and viceversa. Dated this l-2th day of Septernber, 1,996 - 601684 B-?05 P-?00 09/18/1996 06:05P PG 14 oF 14 L$$ ".3./s- t a Colora DEVEI,OPMENT CORPORATION, corporacr_on D,JBPZS : pm\A: \VArt COV. FF.!4\DECI,ARAT . FrN 8-23-e6 /9 / L2 / 96 1,4 SM BY:FTff.E CflJNTY*e3-96 ; 8:264U ; Eegle C,rltnty Treasurer - Beceipt of Tax P*yinnt 9?0+4?6 ?912;# 1/ 2 &a** 'fdbxo,'(&J',o -\FlrcBL lio: 3f.$.L!-4L-1!3i8$ 8flNlli$ltlE: 8008?Zl DATI: *gcUllEn l$:[Uf-96 SRCnlYtD BI: CLB (xutltslsT$: 1060 Br LLv I gf sEyEtoPllEtll f{nFmtA'rloH tEle ilAlr{ sT sr[ ll00 $*BAS$ri, FL 3ilz36 $ESffiiIl{'tot: SUBIGLFil tYot{ sll8. BLn:- LUf:3? BK:039? t{i:0109 $K:0{oB PGr{X}95 Ill(:0668 PG:0588 ct.Asri: 0100 ISSD VAL: 129410 PflErBll0?5?? PAnCEL: -e1031210?006$ITF AIInBESS: filt?Sg t{BSTH*Tnil CIn VAIL FAYOIi: Hr Llvltt DgyELOFflFliT {xlBl.O8A &eceipt gt0:l?0?2 AlrtoUt{? BECEIfED: 9?01.: 9331.50 37S.?6 1995 TAX TAX l9s5 TAr lt{t filT IJ Ff,T tI tr.r rxruuffl suBJEgf ?o Flf{tt, {lJt,Ll:ul'tufl ! ?IlAtrf, IOIJ - 8ag1.e Ootrnty Tr€sBurer $.t1. $ox 67tl lralle, (s Frs3l-0d?$ n Review Action TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Building Name: Projecf Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 51 $ock - $ubrlivision Zone District Motion by: Boardr@ Vote: $econded by: D Approval I Disapproval Conditione: Town Planner DFIB Fee Pre-paid #"tifi,': ,::':: s76476st PAGE A2 I. A. E, F. |j. H. r. .7. DB$ilS{ DAi:? RECEIVED; DATE OT SRB MEEIING: tt*tltraat ttttt.f Ittt PROTECS II{FORI{L?IOT : I,EGAIJ DESCRfSubdivlelon Block If, DroperLy is aeseribea'b}tneetB aad boundsdeserlption, please provi Eo this applicaLion. ,a separate gheeu NAIIE OF APPLICA}+T:Malling Address: leEal and'at.bach wrnow owNER,g greu lrranE FEEf 20.00 s s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 0400.00 s500.00 ONE YEAR TFNEN, FIITAIJ ItttED llo e0lrgrR!.tctr0l[ 5'? r|etitJ oFltaillng Ie. B. TYPE OF REVIEI{: ?ili.t" - .Jew ConsEructlon ($200.U0) -X-ilnor Alterarlon (szO.0Ol Addtt,ton (s50,00) : _concepLuar Revl,er* s0) BDI}RESS: LoE c. D. APPITICAM" S Address: APgtrxIf;ATIONg ,IILI' NdfI BE CondornLnium Approval if ,60 0 - $ 10,0'00s10,001.-* €0r"900s50,001 -f 150 f150,001 - s 500,800 $500,001 - $1,000,$00 $1, 000;:b00 lr ';r' DBB FEE: DRB feesr d5 thowr$borre, are to be pald aE Efre Elne of submittal of hhe DRQi,appllcation. r,aEer, whe;r appl.ylng for a building pendib, pLease identify bhe accuratevaluaeior of the proposal. '+[lle Torm of vail will adJuit the fee,aceording to the table 8FSow. !o ensure the correct f€erEln i.l(;(;{,rq].$g Ec, Ene Eapl'e fcFHla paid. *ot.l. t n|. DESTGTI . RAUrEtf BOARD rppR,OlrA*jffiprnrgtppfiotrtll url,Egt A BurlDrf,c #,tniv.,rr rgrB I LIARTED. .i", . l"iii , !tx.,"-li'i '1,i.'1 1,'-.it $ Over oo 32L: James & lvfurilyn Quait 10550Ifussey Lane Carmel, krdiana 46032 328: Ray Stevenson OneN.E. Leagrre Island Ct. Seawall's, Fl. 34996 36 Parcel A: Harry & Jacqueline McMahon 792 San Lorenzo St. Santa Monica" Calif 90402 36 Parcel B: William & Carolyn McDevitt lSl9lvlain St. #1100 Sarasot4 Fl. 34236 38: Resort Properties 1230 N. Lake ShoreDr. Sarasota" Fl. 34231 46A: Stanley & Bonnie Beard 2121 N. Frontage Rd. #210 Vail, Co. 8165? 468: Carolyn S. Schmidt (custodian) 55 Mead St. Englewood, Co. 80110 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PFOPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town 0f Vair w1lnora ipuotic near'"id in ic"c6roance r,iltn Section 18.66.060 of the Mun'rcipal Code.of the Town of Vail on SeptetOJig, rgg-e, af ZOO P.M. in lhe Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration ol: A request for an interior remodel, utilizing the zso.Ordinence to add a slorage area in the baJdi*ni, ot approximat;ty tsoiqiareTeet, tocateO at4494 Streamside Circle EasVLot 13' Bighorn 4th Addition Applicant: Donald LevYPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a residential addition to expald the existing kitchen, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, tocatbd at 930 Fairuay Drive/Lot 7, VailVillage 1Oth Filing A request for an interior remodel, to add a storage area and a bathroom of app^roximately,9: ,,^" squaie feet, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 63 Willow Place #1/Lots 1 and 2' BlocK 6, varl Village 1st Filing Applicant: Oscar SchaferPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a residential addition to expand the existing qnJry, utilizing.the.250 Ordinance' f ocati# at 4410A Columbine Drive/Lot 1 , Block 4, A resd-'ivisioh of Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn 3rd Addition Applicant: Applicants:Morris and Miriam Futernick Dirk MasonPlanner: Barbara Van Ness George Ruther A request lor a wall height variance to allow lor a six foot wall, located in the front setback 1239 Westhaven Circle/Lot 37, Glen Lyon Applicant: Planner: Daryl Brown George Ruther Eagle River Water and Sanitation District and the Forest SeMce Andy Knudtsen A reouest for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and adding a 3rd floor' utilizihg the 250 ordinance, located at 8o2B Potalo PatcryLot 4, Block 1, vail Potato Patch Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Planner: Dominic Mauriello Planner: Filing # 1 Applicants: Planner: A request lor a wor6ession for a rezoning from General Use to Medium Density Multi'family, and a req'uestfor the estabtishment of a Speclal Development District to allow.for the development of 18 Eilu's, located on an unplatted paicelon a portibn of Parcel A and part of Block D, Lionsridge f;Jil',':l!"i'?,J,5t%fi0,1,ll'f,i:'?lBilgl[?":n'',1\t"ff'$,ll3J3.'Th'Pl'iill'the 250 ord'nance' ADDlicants: Paul Baker and Robe]t Ruderpidnner: Dominic Mauriello ,iltt,ll The aoplicatlons and information abolt the proposals are available in fie p.roject planner's offrce durirui ieoutar omce rJii,i's'iiiilffi ftirecfio-r{to-cateo attne Town otVailCommunity o6v6-topriint Depaltment' 75 Soutr Frontage Road' sign language interpretation available upon l€qu€€t u/ith 24 hour rrodfbation' Please call r+7&2114 raobo of 4792358 TDD for infotmalbn Communiv Developm€nt Dopadment Publishedhwust 23' 1996 in the VailTrail. t",'' ",! ;n oo G3 I TOWNOFVAIL DE TTTMF"\T O', GOI|IITAITY DC1'EL('UEiT LDDnESS J-2,-z rRoDcr sr2o-i.\)ru-- .J- \J ^t:a.A <-L Cf,ECTSMAIIE ?AYAll.lm TOWN OFV^|L ----4!:!{{g!! lsl ----- '-- ' ' lff,l( -.-.: :.. --",-*-^:',; t'c-.;::i tfx..y-- Gqtfl&-.- ?nT^L,. 0l 0000 4t540 ZONTNG A $5.00 I 0l 000042415 IJMFORM BU]I.s54.000t oo0042415 UNIT!'R.M PLUMBING CODE st9.q)0l 0000424t5 !+lrFoRMMEc $r7.00 I 0t uno 42415 IJNIFORM FIRFEOI'E s35.(X),l (xxx)42415 NANONALELECffi s37.000r 0000424t5 OTIGRCODE a0l 00004154tr BLUE PRINTS (MYmRs's7.00 I 0t 0000424t2 :KUT LUPII,S s0.25ot firco 424t2 s r uults$ 0l fi)00 424t2 TOVFEESCOMPffiffiMr-s5.000t fi)00 42371 0t (x)00 4t332 ELAN REVTE 0t oo00 423tT Uff HOURS INSPECTION FEES0l 0000414t2 ggNrR^croRsffi 0l 0000 4t{II SIGN APPLIC s20.000l 000c 4r41"?4qDIIIONALSIGNAGEFffi0t 00ixi.iz440-\rICARTPROTJ-E ot oo00.4t3il PREPAIDDESIGNW 0l fl)00 4237t 3l (xno45lt0 IUY rAKIUNLi !UNDol oow 22027 | ()v N EWSPAPER DISPENSEFFTTND-TSAEEE@T:5ffir 0l 0000 2lll2r 0l 00004l0ro r^xABLE@4.02 (Tom 0100@4237T-B U I LD ING INVETN_6ATItiN-toTl{ER--- ol fi)00 413i0 Agp=IJpNALGR s200.m0l (xx)o4lJ30 CONDITIONALUSEPM s2(x).fi) = 0l fi)00 4133[s_r*4Y54!!EMrlgN tLEssrsrx .l l s200.000I fi)00 4lJ3cl E,\rf.ruuK ALtt,I(41 l()ry [MORE THAN 100 SQ.FT.I s500.000t 0()00 4lf30l IIEcnL DTVELoPMENT DTSIRIC-I|_INEWI sr.500.000l flno 41330 sl.om:ur0l oo0041330 :I,ELJiL TJEV EL0PMENT ptSTRtCT IMIFOR-mGNDI s200.000l moo 413.30 J(J|'lrl v lDtuN ,.TIJJl,}{I(|.ANLE \l s250.00 )zeon0t m004Tt3tt- I E5UUroI (xloo 4t330 |RE.ZONING-$200.00rJ r ttEt( ao** Ol58 r r a..rr ?/d 3' tlt,OLJ rrc.w,-ND/1A -Rbwr.-l 881821L996 12:, 13 -'g?q4r.f iucb-'"- APDI/ts f,loN 3on PLlryllgrllP trtF ufiil O Xit'"r CEI Erior Allrdct O.ilVillrgc) rr.ts c O rstni. CCll ErtEttr llEltisl 0&4d)O WlgaldoPalDllcO iig--tr Mihrlmrndncrb'n SDD tr trI tr c. D. c. D. F. c. NntEOFOXTT{8R(9): MAIIJNO owrfirG)8rolt|A NAUE OF REPRESBTiITA lBs . SBE THF st,BMlTT^L RE0['n6ilsNF Foi Tl|E Af!BoPR|ATE FBE. Eulhtlt litltt APlLTeATlol$ JILL tufri[TTAL BSQltrrlilHrrsrilDflflxlE ro rHE ;ril1|"ililnririouiigxfryurv wmttSourg s3o1rroEtoAD' --t.--I ErriattllnqrE | ,,,n*@.oo *iid-v@ I .r ru'trooo. wA@Tk- '--Prct&dtf br;', lrrld ai{a t t{,n t$l#lli{it{m .+-",-- 8,{, I q} | rrrir :r rrt.rr flHFfif*#t I I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Ptanning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 9, 1996 a?/*\ A request lor a watl height variance to allg{, for a six-foot wall, located in the frgnt setback 1239 Westhaven Gircle/Lot 37, Glen Lyrn Attlicant: laryl lrrwn, rc/esmted by Selly lreincra Planncr: Gcrrgc iuther T}ESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST Darryl Brown, represented by Sally Brainerd of RKD, Inc., is Gircle, The retaining wall is intended to accommodate a residence under construction, at 1239 Westhaven Cirde. driveway acces8 to a be in a manner, of each three mature trees (see po nrng aspen with the Town of Vail Municipal Code. This will be accomplished through the construction of a second, lower-tier, 3'tall retainino wall' The applicant is proposino to install additional in the areas around and between the existing aspen lrees, to mitigate any visu-al A substantial redesign of the proposed driveway'is not possible. The driveway now just meets the Fire Department emergency vehicle access requirement. An emergency vehicle musl be able to access the property from both the east and the west. ln order to accomodate this requirement, the driveway width must be increased to accomodate the wide turning radius ot an emergency vehicle. According to Section 18.58.020 C (Fences, Hedges, Walls and Landscape Screens) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, retaining walls shall not exceed 3' in height within any required front setback area and shall not exceed 6' in height in any other portion ot the site. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a variance lrom Section 18.58.020 C (Fences, Hedges, Walls and Landscape Screens) to allow for the construction of a retaining wall up to 6' in height in the required front setback. -According to submitted bv the 17 linealfeet It note that it is only in a few locations along the re-taining reaches the proposed 6' height. a fI BACKGROUND on April 1 2, 1995, the Tovl'n oI Vail Design Revie.w Board conditionally approved the Jropisea pians for a new primary/secorriary residence to be located at 1239 Westhaven biiife/lot gZ, Glen Lyon SuOOiviiion. The Design Review Board's approval carried with it sii tonOitioni. Each-of ttre iii conOitions of apfroval were met by $e applicant, pursuant to a. ieviseO set ot plans submitted to the Towh of Vail Community Development Department. On May 1, 1995, the applacant's General Confactor, J.L. Mele Construcdon, applied tor a o"ifoinS pirmittb begiir'constructibn of ttre proposed Brown duplex' on July 7, 1995, thdTowh of.vail8uilding.Division isgred.abuilding,oer.mit for the construction of the proposed Brown duplex. Gsnstnrdbnof the duplex has since commencea and a Terirporary Certfficdte of Occupancy for the structure has been issued. ft *as Ouring the inspecbon di the property for the issu'ance of a Temporary Certificate-of Occupancyinat srafiderermineO thatine iroposeO retainingvalls on the south side of rne pioperiy were not in compliance with *re approved site plan and Town of Vail MuriiciialCode. On August 14, 1996, staff met with the applicant and his representatives legarding the retainiig wall issue. Elevations of top of the retaining wall and driveway were shot- Resultsjndicate that the top of the rdtaining walt and the driveway wer6 constructed as appiovea with deviations oi less than one 6ot. h is the bottom ol wall elevations which _ db'notconespond with the elevations indicaled on the topographic survey and approved site plan. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, ol ihe Town of Vail Municipal Code, the. communitv DeveloDment Deoartment recommend's approval of the requested wall heiglt- Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity the steepnesslt tne tots-in the Glen Lyon Subdivision, most of the somewhere on the lot. The wall Staff believes the ploposed wall height variance will have Jninimaj,i! qny neqative impactqon existing potential uses and structures in the vicinity' TfrFrettiningtail in question is on the downhillside of upper Westhaven Circle and iJoenerallv not visible lrom lower Westhaven Circle. The applicant has .!!g.in the area of the r6iaining watl llwatl' Because of as an unusual structure in the area. 2. f*,- .- - i._r"_/, a. The strict literal interpretiation or enforcement of the specified ' regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the obiectives ot this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply 3. B. t The degree lo r,rrhich relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enlorcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve . compatibility and uniformity ol treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the-obJectives of this title without glant of special privilege. finds that the strict and enlorcement ot the 3'wall that meetthe height limiiation through a major redesign and additional site disturbance. Thd anolicant could comolv witn tne 3 height limitation by constructingThe applicant could comPly lieight limitation by constructing additi6nal retaining wallsa'nd by removing.trq three aspen tr.ees..-SUq feels, however, Sit this would iesult in neqative impacts to the-$ite and Staff is concerned however, that the proposed wall height variance, if requested with the original proposal tor the construstion of the duptex' - . woLH not have been approved. Stafl believes then, the applicant would harre been directed to redesign the driveway access point to insure cornpliance with the requirements prescribed by the Town of Vail MunicipalCode. The Eflect of the requested variance on light and air, distributlon of populatlon, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. . , ; Stafi does not believe the requested wall height varience would affect the above referenced criteria. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall ma.ke the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district, 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or weltare, or materially injurious lo properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warlanted for one or more of the tollowing reasons: t- generally to other properties in the same zone' c.Thestrictinterpretationorenforcementofthespeci|iedregulation. would deprive the appticant of privileges enjoyed by the owners or other properties in the same district. tv.STAFFRECOfiilENPATION statf is lor awall at applicant with met by the applicanl. of the retaining walls. t- | lA 6*e l-, e@*-e. (ze * Pd"v '? Z1erte- Tae 'J,Dt €4*1F ,, "Q44.4" +'t24'vJetl ftlleo, Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to grant the applicants wall height variance req-uest, staff would recommend that the approval carry with it the following condition: I t. I That the applicant submit a revised landscape plan for stafl's review andL--A approvat iniicating the proposed landscaping to be addeq in the newly cidateO lower retralning wail bench, intended to mitigate the visual impact L'tu ' 6ete' treul' hwtut' (4"d) tsogpa>Ve# H**{ w\iuirvt*l i*\pr=r, Q4*.n t@ Aoa . ovA H6Aej '/Yto-re. kD 1-O kpflte -l S"htrt .s\ "o lrl(9 JJ () CN (J ld() trb F .'.'Et% i%; t\r* ?>4 oE6 + ">--P( $H I{ICHI AND KKUStrN DtrSIGN, INC.. ARCHTTECTUI{EAND DEVEI.OPMENT roo<r Lion*idgc l-gp #3d, Veil, Colorerlo, Sr6E7 lrhonc!(r;lo) 4,l6n2t& tau;t (q1ol 47{F1g REQUEST FOR A WALL HEIGHT VARIANCE IN THE FRONT SETBACK LO"T 37, GLDN LYON SUBDIVISION This variance request has been made necessary by a 5-to-6-foot boulder wall being built on the downhill side of the upper driveway. The watl was constructed according !o approved plans, except that it was not possible in the field for the excavator to achieve the bench between two 3-foot walls. Several trees have been saved, which would have been destroyed, and the owner intends to fully landscape the watl with groundcover and sfrrubs to further conceal it. The rclationship ofthe rcquested variance to othcr existing or potential uses and structurcs in thc vicinity: The wall which involves the requested variance is facing downhill, and due to the trees which were saved by constructing the wall this way, the wall is virtually not visible from any other property or public way. The degrce to whictr retief from the strict or literal interpretation and enlorccnrcnt of a specified regulation is necessary to achicvc compatibility and uuifornrity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain thc objectives of this titlc without grant or spccial privilegc: ln thc vicinity of tlrc rcqucstcd variancc, rnany pr opcrtics havc 6-foot and over boulder walls in thc front setback. Boulder walls are. easy to landscape, and the result will blencl nicely with the surrourtditlg properties. Strict enforccnrent of the regulation would rcsult in the removal of the mature aspens which will blend the landscaping of Lot 37 with its surroundings. Ttrc cffcct of tlrc variRncc on light and nir, distribul.iou of population, transportation, tralfic facilities, utilitics, and public safety: None. I'Iow the rcqucst complics with Vail,s Comprchensivc plan: ft would be impossible to visually perceive, without a site plan, that a non-conforming situation exists. t I F1tl4b ?ion|ylDg{.t l^-lAt-L- HE.FI wvl-.|a,-'^ N/I"LL6 0 6;, $ 1t41q {l Ni6vrir*t',i 1 .lir+-*,fie' / fr,*, .,i4wtt D ?- q *P vH D wF*. I , vrg6 G FED+ ;' f,i*$- r),/ -'l--- ut L{ brahlr-.l DuPl-,?*. f-vl+w bouL-,D eg- nipli 1l' . lo,o wul t) ; ?rcopv 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Scptcmber ll. 1996 DarylBrown Hillview Development Corporation 1240 Hillview Drive Sarasota, Florida 34239 RE: The approved retaining wall height variance for 1239 Westhaven Circle,rlot 37, Glen Lyon SuMivisiott Dear Daryl: As you are arvarc, on Mondal'. Septcmber 9. t996. the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission unanimously approved your proposed retaining wall height variance. Thc approval caried with it two conditions. Thc conditions ofapproval are as follorvs: L That the applicant submit a revised landscape plan for staffs review and approval, indicating the proposed landscaping to be added in the nervly created lower retaining wall bench, intcndcd to mitigatc thc visual irnpact of the reuining walls. 2. That the applicant bond the replacement costs for tlre three aspen trees saved as a result ofthe variance request" foia period of two years (two growing seasons). During this two year time period, should one or ilt of the trees die. the applicant shall replace the lost $ee (s) at a I : I caliper inch ratio. Additionally. thc existing Eee well shall be filled in and that portion of the retaining wall shall be brought into compliance u'ith the Town of Vail Municipal Code. If after the two year period, all th,ree trees are alive and well, the bond with thc applicant will be refunded' Should you have questions witl regard to the information addresscd in this lctter, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can be reached most easily during regular ofFrce hours at479-2145. Sincerelv. fL-"'*-Q"*+-a George Ruther Town Planner GR/jr xc: Sally Brainerd. Architect {T run urrut, FILE COFY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cobrado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 August 20, 1996 Daryl .I. Brown Hillview Development Corporation 1240 Hillview Drive Sarasota, Florida 3423 9 D epartmew of Community D evelopment RE: Lot 37, Glen Lyon Subdivision DearDaryl: Thank you for your letter dated August 19, 1996, with regard to the development on Lot 37, Clen Lyon Subdivision. The po.pose of this letter is to confirrn our uildectanding of the conditions of the issuance of a Temporary Certificite of Occupancy for the duplex structure currently under construction on Lot 37' Glen Lyon Subdivision. The following is my understanding of the conditions: t . That acceptable regrading of the lower portion of Parcel F (Tract F) be completed to the Town's satisfaction, as discussed during our meeting on Wednesday, August 14,1996' 2. That the Community Development Deparhnent staff will recommend approval of the proposed walt height variance if a small rocl retaining wall were added to lhe nonh side of the existing retaining wall, as discussed on Wednesday, August 14, 1996. 3. That an 18" culvert be installed in the lower right-of-way of Lot 37, per Town of Vail qpecifications. Your statement is correct in your letter that itern 2 (variance request) is conditioned upon an approval of the wall height variance by the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission. Should the Planning and Envrrronmental Commission not approve the wall height variance, you will be required to redesign the area pursuant to Town ofVail approval' Again, thank you for your letter dated August 19, 1996 addressing the outstanding issues for a Temporary C;fificate ofbccupancy for Lot 37, Glen Lyon Subdivision. If you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. You can reach me most easily at 479-2145. Sincerely, , f-\ fL-*^+- fuJA*,{ Ceorge Ruther Town Plarmer GR/jr {,2'*""-'*"' RUG 19 '96 EE334FM P7 HII.IVIEI| DEVEI.OPITEIIE COBSOUTEOII 1340 Eiltvlcr DrLvcgarr:elar Florida 3+2tgPhoa: t9{1) ,55-?1d5Fax (9{1} 95{-3313 ;Reply tor Fboaa (9{1) 957-3800 FEx (9,*11 987-3888 Augugt Xg, 1995 VIA FACSIMIITE(970) 479-2452 Mr. GEorge Ruther To$n Planner Conmunlty Development DeparEment ?5 South Fronbage RoadVaiI, CoLorado 8155? . Ra: IrOE 37, eIrElI lY0ffi FUIDI SION EfltJVIFlf DE\IELOPI{4fT eOR9OAt'TIOS/DertL il. Bran*u Dear Georger Thank you for Ehe opportunlty Eo meet you and for your neeglngwlgh uE at the Job eit,e on !{EdneEday, Augurl L4, 1995. Baecd upon Ehe on-aite meeting, lt iF my understending that Eha follawLng comprlses all of Ehe eonditione of the Towa of Vail,relating to tbe Elte ltEelf, as to the iaEuance of e FinalCercificate of, otrcultancy: 1. Accaptable regradlngr of the lower Fortlon of parcel. F; 2. Inetall emall rock.tree welle around. the BreeE rrear Eheboulder walI on the North Eide of the upper driveway, and tnetallfill dirE ln between theee trae wells Eo il to reduce the hetght ofthe boulder well in between tlre treeg to no more than three leet, and 3 - Inetall culvert in the lower rtght-of'way of Lrot 3? per Town of, veil rpecifleatlonE., As Eo ltcm 2 abov€, it lE undergtood that a varlance from t,he Tewn of Vall for t,he wall hetght will etill be regulred, but thetyour departmenl wllL reconrnend approval if Ehe above modiflcatloneare undertaken. AUG 19 ,96 EA:34Pf4 oa 1,1r. georgt Rut'her PaEe 2 Augurt 19, 1995 Thank you for your vesy k!.nd and bhoughtful aEEletence in LhiE rnatrei Jn6'ft you'have ariy .{r,rest{onE whatso€v€lr pleaae to not heslcat,e eo call me at eny time. DEIIEI.OPMENf CORFOEATTON /r,^,Preri (9?01 {?6.9013 {?E-3{13 D33:sr\Er\ll?3lVAI!,3i\RrEheE.lcsI ' ttis. 8itlv Elalrl€-C' n'SD/vl4 flcrtEtleri!, RtEhsEc ltderFs/vl1 53qs1n:lls (9?0) t Revised 5/2/92 (PIJEASE PRINTA. APPI.,TCANT 3:5:,ffi:*;'S"tl*:"i?"*:"' * APPLICArIOII FOR DU"I.DT SITEDTTrySION REIf,TE9I(Chapter L7.24 VaiI .Municipal Code) OR TYPE) MAII.,ING EDDRESS 1240 Hillview Drive, Sarasota, FL 34239 B.Ext. 240APPITICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE_0ary] J. Brolrn _ ADDRE.S 1240 Hillview Drive, Sarasora, FL 34A3fuHONE tlXll t. c.pROFERTy OetNER f-Flf{view Devel (9411 955-7245 HoMjg4ri-_952:3800__[0 f f i ce ) r. 240 240 o'i'NER's srctrA "rJBllJ-!!L1633. MAf LfNG ADDRISS 1240 Hillvi"pw iY'iu"- snrecntn Ft 2trr?a I D.LOCATION OF PROPOSA],: STREET ADDRESS I2g9 WesthaVen Circle, Vail, Colorado *W nr,ocH-suBDrvrsloN GLEN tY0l{ . ; Fr!${L Appr,rcArroN rEE $10o.oo p^rD-ily7 - cHEcK *JApb- I{ATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivisionplat. shall be submitted to the Department of CommunityDeweloprnenE. The plat, shall" include Urle follouing: The final plat. shall be drawn by a registeredsurveyor in fndia ink, or other substantialsolution, on a reproduclbLe medium (preferablymylar) wj.th dimension of t,wenty-four by thirty-si*inches and shatl be at a scale of one hundred- feecto one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on the left and orre-half inchon aI1 other sides. Accurate dinensions to the nearest one-hundredthof a foot, for all lines, angles and curves used todescribe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys,easements, structures, areas to be reservgd ordedicated for publ5.c or comrnon uses and otherinport,ant features. AII curves shalL be circulararcs and shaLl be defined by the radius, centralangrle, are scored distances and bearing. ALldimensions, both linear and angular, are to bedetermined by an accurate control survey ln thefield which must balance and close within a tirnitof one in ten thousand. North arroqr and graphic scale : A systematic idengification of all existing andproposed buildings, uniLs, lots, blocks, aid namesfor aI1 streets, An identificatlon of the st,reets, al.Leys, parks, and. other public areas or facilities as shown onthe plat, and a dedication theteof to the publicuse. en ldentlfication of t.he easements as shownon the plat and,a grant thereof to the public use.Areas reserved for future public acguisition shallalso be shown on the plat. h A written survey descriptio+ of $" u""- includingthe total acreage to the ned.rest appropriatesignificant figure. The acreage of eabh lot orparcel strall be shown in rnis manner as welL. E. ,/ ,* 955-7245 IB f9vd L9VSELPALE 9I:99 9E6lllalla I F-es? r-f, P-wL/ot6 ftE 23 's6 13:64 oo4p* a RECITAI,S 1. TTLLVIEW Dgl/EIoPl.lEl*T CORP0RATION, a colorado corporation' (fhe iOectiiant,,) ir Cft" "t*"r of certain real pro,perty eituate*in irt"-c""riv oi u"gl*, state of Col,orado, $e3cr-ibed as Lot 37' Gl-en it;"-a"bdlvisian; abcording Eo the-amended PlaE chereof recorded Jiriy re, 1978 in eooi azz it eage 370, co'nty -of Eagle' State of Coiitaao, subject to tshose exceptione of reeord' 2. Decfarant is conetructing on I,ot 3? a building consistinE of two (2) units, each designed and intended for use and occulnncy i. i r*ria*ntial dseiiing,tttit, desiguated herein ae "Parcel Au a*d 'parcel Br,, t""p".Jit*fi, wnilfr ard soTnetimee referred to herein r"[ir"t"iy'as oiniEn or collesEively as "unitsr' 3'ParcelAconeainsunitAandParcelBcontainsUnit'8. 4.totSTiepreaent}yeubjectLorecordedrestrictiwe covena.lrts. easemenLs, resenragions and uestrictions ' DECI,ARATION Declarant does hereby publisb aud declare tFat tbe following termg, ao.r*rrar,tu, - condi-t i-one, easemeuts ' r_e_sgrict ione, Useg' ."r"l"tio"t, timitations and obligations strall be deemed to run rlifr-tf." tana aescribed herein, sha1l be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, tsheir ;;;;;;t i*litn*tttttives, heirs' gucceesors aud "i"ign" "rrO "oy pereon acquiring or onning an intere-€t ln the real ;;;#y;r.i.U' ii-a*scribdd heriin and improveTents built theseon, their granteeE, pereonal representat'ives, heirs' euccessors artd aseigrrs. 1- Unless the context ghall erqrresely provlde othen*ise' the following terms eha11 hawe che follosing neanlngs: a. "The Properties{ means all of the real- estate r"giriy aiesciiba ae Lo,t .37- -GLen Lyon -$ubd-iv-:'si91'acia=dlng to the amended glat recorded July L8' igie in'Book iiz at Page 3?0' countv of Eagle' State of Colorado- b. 'Lotn or "Euildingf Sitse" lnean6 Parcel A or Parcel B aB shorlrn on "the f'LP together r*ith all aBpurt el}arlc€ s - c. d- "Duplex'dwelLing or "Buildingr neanrs the t1Yo contrgiuous .ttritu Jonstricred upon tlre Parsels ' ** t-ll"-Ba2.Pt4 trt-G 23 'eE 13:BE tswo dwelliugs contract of Sa1e. Deed, inetnrment shall legallY as followe: rgnit" mean€r any one of the comprising the rDuplex! ' e. u!4ap" means ehe engineering . survey of the eioierties by Eagle valley Sr5veying' No'- = -' dated 199 - depi-ting and locatingf "p""fri-aaf$-*;t-*;the-ParcrelsandimprovemenusthereQn, ettciil"a Final plat' Amended plaE' GIen Lvon Subdi"i"i;; " t"-""uai"!sion of Lot 3?' -euchiffi ;i-i;;;;;:*;"is t"ins f'=bl "Y!111'-"^1 5:iiile Deotaratiot ' such uap shall be recordecl l-rl the offLce "i-lt't Eagle corint-1r Clerk and Recorder rcrior ta the--.-"otaution of tliia Dectaration' 2. pEscRrPTroN AI$D RESERJ'Af,JqY I,ease, Hartgage, Tflrst -Deeo' wrrl. 5r""riu= a -on1t or rea] PraPerEY EYery or other interest Parcel A/Parcel B (as ttte caae may be) ' according t<: the Plat entitle; riti"l piat-, - ameirded PIat' Gren Lyon Subdivision, -. -1"-tttAitition' of I'ot 37' recorded 1-99 in Book -.------------, -,.. dE Page ------;TJ""pTi1"" w". - -, of the records of6A-i€rk -"nO' n"""tder-6E-@fF-6un*' state of Colorado- Every sucb description -BLi--*- good aad eufficienE for all DurFoses to gerr' ggnY€)'r trarrster " ertt"mber or -otherwise effect #;t"I*; ;d;if ;Pp,rtt"hittt rishhs' benef its' and burdens thereto ae creared by rh"t;:;;:i;T;;. "=i--irri"--Declaration, and each such description.shalL r-e so conetrued' Tttit ptotisi'on shail apply to the propercr€rs aE;iC ierm (the rropercles) is def ined in this Declaration- Decl.arant hereby eetabliehes -Lhis plan for the subd,ivision of the*n-r-oftrties inta rvo tZt Parcele ;;-;;;;;ttip i" rel-si*Fre ccnsistJ'ng of Parcel A and Parcel B. The Properties shall be subjecc tq the easemenbs ""i"a oi th. map and those set foreh herein'b. In the event Parcel A and Farcel B are owned by i"t* --""Ciir*", the doctrine of raerger shall apply. Ehe not 2 F-s? r-5P-w3/Bt4 nLE 23 '% 13:81 The partiee, if more than one, having the ovmershipof each such unit shall agiree amoflg themaeJ-veE how to share the rights and obligations of suctrornershlp,' provided, howener, that if a corporaeion, partnerghiP, aeeociatiou or other lega1 entlty ehalL becone an or'trier of a units, then eucb entity Etrall from tiue to tiue designate <rne individuaL who shall repreeent such entigy in all rnatters concerrting all righte and obl-igations pursuant to Ebls Declaration. e- Any such entity ehall give written notice to the other orrner designating the individuaL to act on ite or their behalf and auch not.lce shall be eff,ective until rerroked in writing by such eatitts. Any act or omlsslon by such deeigi-nated individual shall be binding on the entity having desigaated him or her in favor of the other oltner or any other person who naY relY thereon - f. Eaclr unit sba1l be coneidered a separate parsel of real property and shall be eeparately addressed and taxed. 4. ENCROACTTMEI{TS. Due to the construction of ghe unita, there may be encroachments of each unit onto the other unit - A valid eaEemeng shall exiet for the encroacbment and for the maLntetrance of any encroachmeng reeulting from Lhe initial conetruction of the units- or hereaft€r arising as a result of setqling or strifting of any unit as long as the unit stands, regardless of $hether sucb encroachment is speei.fically deecribed on the plat or not- rn the event any building ehall be partially or total-llr deetroyed as a reeult of fire or other caeualty or as a result. of condemnaEior or emi.nent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments ef parts of the buildlng on the other parcel, due to aush rebuilding, shau be permitted, so long ae such encroachments are of no greater excent thau thoge previously er.isting' and valid easements for such encroaehrnentg and the maintenance thereof ehall exist so long as the building shall etand. 5. EA.SEMENTS F-OR PABCEI",S A erqqJB.. The Plat contains and set6 f,orth 6ne or more eageurefltg that refleet any existing encroachmente of each uni.t ontq the other unit and adjoining parcels- Such and gha1l (1) remain burdens upon the interesr and each unit and pareel, {ii) be appurtenant Eo and d. easement.g ownerehip conveyed reference ownership corrveyed, are ofae a part qf each unit and trrarcel Yithout additional in trre eorveyerree. (iii) be inseparable from the of each unit and parcel, and (iy) not be separately exeept try amendment to the P1at. 3, F-!E? rf,F-cgd-/El4 flJG 23 '% t3:41 a- fhe conunou. foundation wall and roof placed ort, gver or adjacenb to the cornmon tPlodary- separating Parcel A and^ Parcel B, as well aB the footings underlying the eame are collectirrel-y referred to in this Agre-ment as the "Party tlalln - b. To th€ exteDt noE inconsiatenb with Ltris Declara0ion, lhe general ruleg of law regarding party walls and liability for damage due to iegtigence. wiltful act€ or omieeions shall- apply to the Party Wall , c. The ownere ol either unit sha}l have a perpetual easement ln and ta tshat part of the other unic on which tshe Party wall is located, for party wall purpo€es, ineluding mutual sutr4)ort, maincenance 'i"pii. and inepect!.on- In the evenE ot damage to or- cbe destruction ot che Party WalI from any cauBer then tlre orfilers sha1l at joint expense' ,aseet forth in paragiraph 9 below, repair-oI rebuild the Party Wail. lnd each oltner, ehall hav-a tlre right to tne full use of said Pgrty wa}l- .Eoiefairea aad rebuilt- Notnithsaaridlng anything eoi.tain"d above to the contrary, if the negligence, rpillful act or omission of arry olraer, his family' agent or invitee, shalL c-ause dannage to- ar dEsLrucLion of. the Party walJ', suctr owner sha1l bear the entire cost of iepair or recongtruction' and an ouner tho by hie negligent or rcillful act ca.uses the Party Wa1l to be e)<poeed to Ehe el'emente shal1 bear t& full cost of furrrisbing the neceBEary Protectiorr against eruch elernents ' 6.FARTY WAIJL. 7. a.the ownere of botb unl'ts froln time to time ehall underLake sush landscapinE and general outdoor irnprovements, as they n;y mutually aad unanimously ailm p=clp*r io= the Larmbnioue inryrovemerr't of bot'h unius- ii a comnon therne, and' except fof €'rry er.potse or Liabllity caused tshrough t,he negligrence or- willful act of any owner. his famil7. agent or invi.tee, wlrich shall te borne solely by egch Qltner, each owner shall share aLl enpenees, liabilities and general upkeep responsibillties ribb reepect to soct' faoatcafing-and -outdoor improvemencs as set forth in parigriph 9 below" If no sucb agreement respe"iinfr taidsEaping and outdoor in4>rovemen:'s is re-Lhed 6*t*een cfte ornrers. each owner ehall be i"Jp"o"lU:." .for the er pentee' Llabifitiee and 4 F-e5? r-i5P-ffi/614 fl..G 23 'e6 13:st2 general upkeep respansibilities with respect to thelandscaping and outdoor improwementss located in oron his own pareel . The orner of one unit shall notunreasonably damage the value of tbe other unitsuch as by shoddy upheep outside, bur both ownerrshall make all reasonable efforte to preserve aharmonioue corrutpn appear;rnce of the unite. b- eonunon utility or service connectiqns or lines, commr;n facilities or other equipuent and property Located ia or on eitber of the Farcels but ueed in cortrnon with the other unit, lt any ehall be omedas ten.artts in common of equal undivided one-hal.finteregts by the orfirers of eacb unit and. except,for any €!q)en6e or liability caueed through Ehenegligence or trillful act of any one ourner. hisfamily, agent or inviEee. which ehall be bornesol.ely by eucb or.ner, all extrlenses and liabilitiesconcerned with such preperLy shall be sharedprofrcrtionaEely with sueh ownerahip as set forth inparagraph 9 bel,on. The owner of the unit oa yhich such property i€ not located shall hawe a perteuuaL eaEement in and to that part of such other unit containing such property as is reasonably necesearyfor puryoges of maintenancg, repair, aridinspectlon. ALTERATION, }TAINTqIANCE AND REPAIRS. a. Each owner shall be aolely responelble for al1naintenanse and repair of tshe ext.erior and interiorof hls unit, including all fixtures and lmprovements and all uEility linee and equipmentlocated therein or in, on or upon his parcel and serving such unit only. The repair, replaeenrent arclearring of exterior window glass shall beeonsidered exterior maintenance. If the need forrepair te eiEher Unit ie caused through thenegligence or wil-Iful act of any synrer, hie family,agetrt or invltee, such ouner eball bear the entirecosts of such repair ou recstratruct.ion - b. In the event both oerlers decide to nraiataln,preaerve and replace the trees, shrube and graas {t.he "Plantings" } on hie own parcel rather thao toshare such ercpensea as set forth .in paragraph Z.a. above anrd in the evenU a o$ner at hip wfir expenaetails to maintain, preaerve, and replace aa need Ehe Plantings wi.thin the properLy boundari"es of hisreeidence comnrengurate sith the etandards uet bythe otber rsside$ces in clen Llron SuHivision. the otsher orrner uay, after tifteen (15) dayo writEen 8- F-95" r-f P-ffitBL H.JE 23 'e5 13:82 notice to the owner, and if rithjln said tiBe theoHner has failed to make a good faith effort tobring his Plarrtings i.nto eubsta$tial coafcrmitywitb hie neighbore' plantirrga, contraet witlreeponeible partiee to bring Eo etandard theoffendlng owner's plantings ana charge the ovraer.therefore and such cost- ehall be idded to andbecome a part of the assesemertt to which such siteis subject. The owner hereby grantss to rhe otheroy{ner. its agents and assigns, arr irrevocableeasement to perform the aforesaid, Each owner ahall be solely responeible fsrmaintenance and repair of the inside-of his unit,iieludiug_ fixtures and improvenents and all urilftiIines and eguipment loclted therein aad servinisuch unit only. rnuerior windorr glass shall b6Oeemect "hterior maittEenance - In perfOrming eUchmaiqtenance and repair, gr l"n ir4proving or afteringhls urrit, no owner eball do any act o1 work whic6irupairs the gtructural eoundnese of elther unit orthe Party WaLL or which interfereg uith anyeaaement granted or reserved herein- Utility er service cqnnectione or linee, facilitieeor other utility eguipnent and prc,perty located in,on or upon either of the parcels, which are ueedsolely to sutrply a serviee or utiliEy to one unit "h?11 be owned by the onner of the unit usiug euchutiliEy or service and all erqpenses and liabiliti.esfor repair and maintenance shal1 be borne eolely bythe orrner of such unlt, who ehall have a perpeiuai ease$ent. in and to tlrat parL of such ottrer larcelor unit containing such proper!| as is reasbnablynecessary for purtrrosee of maintenance, repair and r.n8pecE.ton _ No owner eha1l make or suffer auy Etructural ordeeign change (ineluding a coLor lchene change),e1ttrer pefirianent or t.edq)orary, to the exterior ofhis unit or construct any additional buildingstructure of any tlrpe or nat,$re wbatsoever upon theexterior parE of his unit withqub fl.rst obtai.ningthe prior written consere thereto from the ctheiownefJ such Conseut not to be Unreaeonabl.ltwithheld. fn case of danage or destruction of arriunit or any parE ttrereof, tlre orner of eucb uniishal1 cause with due diligence the unit to berepaired and reatored. Such unit shall berestored to a conditiou comparable to that prior tothe damage and in a harmonioug manner to pronot ethe corrunorr theme of borh units- Both unite shall d. e. tt F-957 r-lP-w7/BL4 Fr,E 23 'sE 13,43 be the Eiame exterior color and such color shall not be changed without the approval of the Town of Vail , 9- ALT,OCATION.AI{D PAY'I{E}[T Og EIIP.EnSSS, Costs and eq]errFee of repairing or rebuilding the party waII as eet forth in paragraph 6.4. and the landseaping and Eervice facillties as set fortb in paragiraph ?, exeept as caused by negligenee or wil1ful act of an ovmei, iUatl be allocated fifty percent {50*) to Parcel A and fifty percent (50&) to Parqel B- As bet\deen the ownera of Parcele R and 1, a1I costs and expenses ehall be paid within fifteen {15} daye of any billing tor ttre same. 10. !{ECHAlslC.jS LIENS; I4DFJ'INIFICATIAN. a- Excapt for itenw lncurred as a csmmon e2lpenste as provided for hereia, if any ouaer thall cause any material to be furnj-sbed tsq hie parcel or u$it thereon, or any Labor to be performed therein or thereon, the other oflner shall not under any circumetanceg be Liable for the payment of any elq)ense incurred or for the value of Ehe work done or material furniehed; a1l such work shall be at the e4rense of the oltner caueing it to be done, and euch swner ehall- be solely reeponeible to contrastorg, laborerg, materialsen and otlrer persona furnishing labor or materiale to his unit or any lmprovements t,helein or thereon; b. Exeept to the extent set forth in paragraph 13 hereln, nothing herein sorrt'ained ehall authorlze either oltner or any p€rson deali.ng through, nith or under either owner to charge tbe unit of the other oHner wieh any mecha$is's lien or ather lien or ensudbrance rthatever,' and. otr the cont rary ( and notsIee is hereby given) the right and power to charge. any lien olr encumbrance of any kind againsE crne oluner or ag'ainst one owner' e uni-t for work done or materials furnished to the other osfiler's unlt for work done or materials furnished to the otlrer srrner's units i"e bereblr e2qtressly denied' c. Except as provided for below, if, because of any act or omission of any ouner, any meghanic'e or oeher lien or order for Lhe pa)Erent of Boney sball be f iled against, tbe otlrer Qwlrer'e unit sr any improwements therein trr thereon gr against any other ormer (whether or not auch lien or order is vaLid or enforeeabl-e as suchl , the tlrner wtroge act or omission for.mg the baeis for guch llen or order shal,f at bi6 ovn Gost and e4>ense cause the same to be canceled and diseharged of record or bonded by a 7 F-95" r-5 P-@B/8t4. Fr.E 23'136 13:84 tureuy coru)any reaaonably accePtable to suqh ather owtrer; rj.ihi; twenty t20) days after the date of filing Lhereof, and further ehall indernnify and save ihe other s!{Der trarmless from and against any and all costs' erKpenses, claimg, Iosees or dalnages t incl'uding reasonably at'torney'e fees resulting therefrom- ].1 . INSURANCE. a. Each owner shall keep his unit and aII fixturee therein insured against losg or damage by fi-re and ext,ended coverage perils tincludiug vandalism and malicious miechief) for the maximum repfacement value ttrereof - b- Each otmer shall provide and keep is force, fqr rhe protection of bimeelf, general pubtic liabiLity-Ltd lroperty daurage insurance againat claime for bodily injiry 6r deatlr or prqperty damage occuuing il, Ito.- otrfon, hia parcel owned ln fee sirplq and the improvemente t-hereon,'in a limit of not less than . Ttti' ltillion Dcllare ($2,Qoo,000'001 in reepect of bodily inJury or death to €rny number of persons arisiirg out. bf one accideat or diaaeter, or for damagte- to prope*y- Each owner shall name the othei orrner ai an- additional named insured party under such policy' fhe amount of euch i-nsurauce Ehal! be incleased evexy three (31 yeare cornrnencing October L, Lggg, by the sane percentage ag the u'S- Consumer Frice lndex, or ite equivalerrt, hae increased during sueh period of time' unl-ess agreed otheruise by the onoers of both Parcels- c- Eaqh owner ehall deliver to the othal owrler sertificates evidencing all insurance reguired to be carried under Ehis-paragraph' each-containing agreements by the ingurere noL Eo cancel or nndify the policies ldlthout giving the other olvner written notite of aL least tbirty (30) daye. Each owner shall have the right to i.nspect and copy all such insurance policiee of, lhe other orrner and require evidence oi rhe pa).ment of premiume thereon- d- Nothing provided in thia paragraph ehalJ prevent the orrrreis fron jointly acquiring a single policy ta cover any one br morL of the hazat'de required in this paragraph to be separaEely ineured again$t by each owner - e F-ss? r-irP-sEe/@I4 flrG 23 '116 13:sr4 L2. DEsfRucrIoN oF TMPROqEMENTS ON pA4CEtS. In the event of damage or destruction to a unit by fire or other d.ieaeter, the irrsurance proceeds, if suf,ficient to reconEtl:uct the unlE' shal1 be deposited into a bank account shich requires. for wiihdranale, the eignraturea of botb the ovnere' The owners shall ihen prouptly authorize the neces6ary repair and reconstruction rtork and tbe insuraaci proceeds will be applied by tle ornere to defray E-be cost t'hereof . "Repair and teconitmction" of units, as used herein, meana reetoring tbe irupro'nernente Co aubsbantially the' sarne coniiEion in ruhich they existed prior ta the damage with each unit having the Eame boundaries as before. b- If the ineurance proceeda are ineufficient to epair or recorretruct any danaged unit, gueh darnage or Jestruction stralL ne promptly repaired and reconstructed ry the oflner ueinE tbe insurance proceeds and the proeeede of a speeial agsegement against the owneri of the danaged unit' eny such *ru*ir**r,ts shall be equal ro che anrorrnt by which the eoat of recongtruclion or repalr of the unit exceedg the sum of Ehe lneurance proceeds allocable . to such unit- Such assegsment'shall be due and payable thirty (30) daye after -written notice Ltrireor- fh; special assesaurent prcvided for herein shall be a debt of eactr or'rner ancl a Lien on hie parcel' and the improveraente-hereon arld nay be enfoiced and cotlected by forecloeure proceedings in tbe Courts- 13. RIGHT TO IJIEN. a, If an owller, at any time' sha}l neglecE or refuse to perform to pal. hid ehare of any obligaL:o-n- required'n"r""ttaer, itte other owrrer tn€l]r but st'all not be obtigat.ed to. after fifteen (15). days written notice ,rrrfeir the circumstances reguire inrmediate action. make sucb palnneflt or, ou beha].f bf euch other o ner, expend sueh sum as may be nececgatry to perform such oblig-ation i.t i"aitg, uui not liuited tel the palment- of any iueurans6 premiume reguired hereunder or the undertaking of any wor* reguired bireunder for rep?]r-, restoration or maintLnance, a-nd such other owner sha1l have an eaaedent in and to that part of ouch. defaulEing or*ner's unit ae is reaaonablynec-eeearyforsuctrrelrair,regtorat'ionor maintseEance. a. 9 F-w" r-5 P-aIB/@tA Rr-G 23 '95 13:@5 AII sums so paid or exPend'ed by an ouner' riitb inter€st lI*ru"" ,t ft* rarl of eighteen percent (18*) per-year from the date of such payi=nt- or.exDenditure' shaLl be prilniJ- uy--tne -"*Lf "" failing Eo -perform-- (the ndefaultlng enner" ) upon dernand of the other ownetr ' Afl suns eo demanded hlc unpaid by,the defaulting ortTtcrr shall constitute ; 1t; oti tu* uttLt ot tbe def-aulting olner in favor of cbe qtber orner. prior 90 1U,:Ll"t tiene and encumb;;;, t""Lp93 (i) ii'ens for taxes and epeciatr "t"*""*tJiJt--""d-- aii) the lien of any tirst firortgage otr rl'rst deed of t'ru3t of record ensunbering such urit. The rit"-tr'"iiaiticU from the date when the il}arfil "t"ir-u""*,* due ard may be foreqlosed in like ma ler "t " *t.glge on rear pro-pJrty rrpon the T?:"tgi"s;;- notice "t -Eiai* thereof - executed by -the non- defaultiag owrrer ";l;-i;g !tttrt-1tt"- amount of the unpaid indebtedness, *rJ-n-*:ttte "of the defaultirrg own€'r' aud a description of the unit' In any- such fbreelosure ttre defaulting outrer lL;i-;; t"qttiit;a Eo,pa-v the costs-and erqlenses of """['-Jt"*eediriga' incrirding reaeonable attorneY's feel . The li-en provided for herein sha-ll be subordinate to tlre lien or any tirsi;;;A; or degd of truat' includins all additio..r adiatc*i-titttoo' sale or traasfer of, any unit ae t'}re resuii oi court foreclosure of a mortgage' f,oreclosure tnrou-si ltre pulfic truste€' or iuly Broeeeding in lieu ot foreeill"iJ, -.Gir extintruieh the lien of such assessmenE, *u .o-i"-i#"[" trr.."or iuicrr become due prior to euch eale or -tiansfer, bui sball not relleve aoy rormex ouner "f -r;;;;;i iiabilitv therefor- Tb'e mortgagee o, trui.rt-"1-"-"- "-t ,".tt unit'*ho acguires tltle bv rtav or ror""iJtl?*-ii-t[t- ttrit'.g- of- a deed-in..lieu ttn"ilit i-"ri"Ti "-'-J,--rJ""L"*i, be liable ror anv paet due aseess$ent and';Ltt only' become riable fot future adsesgueneg o'n tne atte it 6ecomes the owrer of such un1t or titLe is veste^;'p"t""itt io.geetion 38-18-501 Colorado Revised statuceg- iiIJ eale oT transfer ehall relieve such unit from liability -fo{ . -t{. aseessments Lhereafter heeotqing due or stolt'' tUe lien-the-reof ' rn ttre-errent of bhe eale or trans-fTr'"i" "tit ttith resElect to. wtrich-eumg shall be unpaid il; dei;;iiing. owotr' e*cePt tranafers to a f,irst mottgideJ fr-"""t'""t"ion wlth a foieclosure of its lien ot " J*1-J irr i-i"t tshereof' the purchaser or other transferee- of tn interest in guch uDit shall be J"ittiy- .ta "I""J"iiv - ii'alru rith the se]Ier or i.t.o"!6tot thereof for any eucb unpaid aums' b- c- d- IIE)on wri t ten request of anY.-orme-r' sii:lg-*; -H:?H::t;:e':H"E'"::'!,,1'?*?-""-d;|+{lj."jn-"-"-f,tj:-'-T,T:t*i:.:: l-iiiil =Jf l" t"H"f -"? .it" "iir"r,f nir -sttat t i g eue a wri t t en ]g F-ss? r{lP-811,'Er4 RU6 23 's5 13:ffi statement Eetting tortsb Ehe anount he is osed under tbieparagraph. if any, with reepect to such unit. Suctrrtatement is bindiog uEron the executing ormer, in favoror any person who may rellr thereon in good faitb. Unlessa request for such statement shalL be responded to withwithin flfeeen (I5) daye after receipt thereof, aLlunpaid sume which become due prior to tlie date of nakingsuch request shall be suhordinated to the lien or otheiirrtereet af the person reguesting guch statement- 1{: ALIr:9{t-l{mS RESgO:!:ISIB+E. Borh parcel owriere shall be mutuallyand egually. respcnsible for the adrninisrxat.ion and managehent o-Ethe obligations created hereunder. L5. UsE RFSTRICTIO_N.€- Each unit shaIl be reatricted to a residentia,l dtrellingas a pernitted uBe, and such use as well as candit.ionaland acceeeory uses ehall be defined by the Town of VaiIZonilS Rrestrictions artd Covenantg for the Glen Lyonsubdivieio,n. No extserior nounted radio, Bhortwave. television or othertlpe of anter:na rrh^ateoewer. or tank of arry hind, eicherelewated or buried, or clothesline or incinerator of anykind whatsoever or outside stolage of any Fer$ona1propcrty shall be permitted or rnaintained on el"Uher unitwithouL Che prior ryritten approval of both o{ner€. No animale ehall he kept or maintained in, on or uponeitber unit. exeept rhat each o$ner rnay keep and nalnUlinrithin his unit three {3} dornesticated animals, that ie,any comhinat iorr of ane (L) or more dogs and/or one (1) oralore sats, but not to exceed a total of three (3) suchdoneskieated anj,mals; provi.ded, however, that, suchdomeeticated anirals (i) shall not be any kind or Bpeciesof aninaLs otlrer than cats or doge, (ii) are kept-underatrict conurol at alL timeg, {iii) do nog pieeent anuieance to the other owner or Ehe grJre$ts of the gtherotrner. (iv) are not alloued t,o entei upon the adjac-ntparcel or uni.t, (w) d<; nog create er cause objeCti-nablenoise, and (vi) are kept, housed and conErolled in strictcompliance with al1 Tor*n of VaiL ordinances that wayapply to sucb animals. In addition to the parking restrictions sets forch lnParagraph 7 -a . t IANDSCAPIHG A!{D SSRVICE, FACILITIESabgve, each owner may keep no ftore than twg automotivevehicles peruranently orr hie parcel . parking of boate,trailers, qampers, moEor homes, eTVs or otherrecreational vehicles on .either parcel is erryressly tt a. b. d- prohibited unleds eEored in the Ealagg' Parking of more ghan two ""t"i,*tt*J vehicles outtide the garage by either rrwner or his family. age[t or inwltee in eush owner's unit fcr rnore than a tue[ty-orre (21) day lmriod is e>rpressty p=oftiUit*O, exc-eP! witb the :Iq1ess vtritten perrnission of the orrner of the adi acent' unl"t" e. No ,'time gharing{, u interval ownerchip n of eimi}ar inEerest, wnereufownership of a urit is shared b1z otnere on a tinie ;;;i;; -shall bb estab]iehed on eibher unit without'thepriorgrittenapprovalofboehoHuerEandalli:."t"tu h"i.iG; a first *oilg"s".or first deed of trust of-*"o"d_on-thep'operty.'wni-ctrapprovalehallbe reflecEed ia a document of record' 16. NOTICE, Each owner shaL{ regisLer its mailing addrese with ii" "ilffi6 "ff -r"ii""s-or demaids ingended to be served upon "*eig L["11 be "rot Uy "ettifi*e mail, Srost-age ptepaid' addressed i;-th; ;;tof the-o1r[*i-at euch resjfstlred mailing address' In the alternative ""ii"e* Lf be delivEred if in rriting, personal'Iy to ehe olfrrert - L7 - DunATIort oF DE9IGXAIISE' Ea5h .qrovisio-n -:-""-+:"d in this Declaration which is subject to iue laws or ruleg eometimes referred ta as "G =uii- "gaitt€t perpetuities or the rule prohibit,ing t*t".*;r,*Ute-iescrlints oti aiienation sha1l continue ;;;";e;i; in rurr toi"e and effecr fo< tbe.period ot 2L vears follovring the death of oaryt J' Brorxr, or his.ligrr"'- or unti'l this Declaratisn is t"nnfttitA-; hereirraf ter .nro1i$ed' whichever f lrst occurs. AII other il"t-i":.o"t--contained i-'' ttria Declaratiou ehall iJiuirr. *"a remaid in futl force and effecr until ,fanuary 1. 201-6 i.iill--."4-theieart.r for succegslve perlods "{ t9q (r0}- yeare eac}r unlesg, at least "n" til year prior rb the e:q>ira-tion-of Januarts 1' 2016. or any euch au, 116) year period oi eitended durat.ion, this Declaration ig terrliitea' by -recorded inetrument, direcging herminatior., eigrniO-Uy "f f otottlrs- and all lienors bolding a firsL urartgage or firsr aeed "r trust of record on any llortsion of ParceL A or Parcel B- 18 - AltENDt4EllT OR RE'\JOqATION,. Thie Declatation may be amended or i""rr.fiGirffil-6y Declarant ao rang ag Declar-al^t-?T" both parcel A and Parce1 B, er (1i) uPon uianirnoue rritten -approval. iu recordable form of-Lrr-ormeis and all lienors hoLding _a_first ;;;;E"-;r first deea ot trutt gf record on any trlortion of Parcer A ov Parcel B- F-5" r-f,P-?L2/@r4 Rr.6 23 '% 13:6 Eaclr grovlsj.sr of, this19,r>' . coveaant and undertakingDeclarabloa. and each agreerfent ! prol --iio ccmplY rvitb. each Provisio.n;'-#*;h'iJ-Declaration, and a$Y or interest tso effectuaEe anY :ion or granf of titte, estate' tiqf! p'&iir6t of thie. .Decr*rl:i-ol:-- (l].ne"essa-r1i exception or regervation 3i"it';:=;;"iia=T*li!il-'l;ff f;;*ch deed or other instrument bv p F-es? r-jl P-aL3/sLA Ftle 23 'sE 13:Er rrhich any rlght. title or intereEt. in any of Parcel A or Parc€I B i;-;u,,i"J, -devieed or cotrveyed, rrhether or not sel fort'h or i]f"'"r"a U-o in suclr deed or othlr ineErunent; (ii) shall, bry virtue oi-r.cept.nce of any right, title of i.rrtercst in any Portio_n ef pareel A or parcef b OV an erc''err be deened accePted, raUified' ao"pt.a-a"a a*-"rat*a a$ a_Pef,aonal. covenant of, sueh otlner and, as a plreotaf c*renarri. shalt be binding on suctr oJnel and bis heirs' nersonal representatives, toCCegecrri and aSS i,gns; and shall be ilil;-; G;;ili cove3anr ro, '1'trh arrd for rhe benefl of eaeh owrer of any porf,ion of Parcei A or Pariel B and (ili) shall be deemed a real coat*ttuot by Decla=ant, for itself, its gucceseore and assiqns, and alFO an rqulrable servitude. running, ia each case' aE ;1;1;";;rth;tupi" the title to each and everv porElon of Parcel A and Pareel B- 20. E!{FOAC. E!{ElrT AND REMEDTES - a. Eash prowieiO$ of thig neelaration ghaLl be enforceable by urry - ***i Uy a proceeding - for a .prohibitlve or Bandatory injunclion or by a -euit or action to recaver danages - it cor.urt . prdceedinge are instl-f,uted in connection wiEtr the rig:hts of enfqreemeflt and reruedies provtaea-in this Declarltion, Lhe prevailing party shall be entitled to x'ecover iiE colf,e and expenses in conaeccion therewittl, irrcruding reasonable attorrreys feee. b. Each ocner hereby ag"rees that any and all actions in e<ruit'yoratlawwhichareirrstj.tutedtoenforceanyplo"i"=i"" heteunder sball be brougbt in-and oltly irr th€ ii"trict court of Ea91e county, state oE Colorado' c.FailuretoenforceanyprrovisionofttrigDeclarationshall not operate ar a wai.rer sf alty suc! provl*ion, the right to eiforce such provisio'n tbergafter' or of, any otLer provieien of ehis Declaration' 21 . EKERCTSE OF RIG!r.TS. Any exercise of any Tight granted hereuader ny on"-ffii widh reepecL to the oLher o\ tler'e unit lneirdi"s brit not linited to ttre uie of, 1ly eae€rnent granted herein rf.af:. be-eXercised in a manner which ehalfnot unreaeonably hinder' itttp"ae or impose upon sueb other ow$er's use of his unit'' 22- s@-_ . Except as otherwise provided herein' rhie DeclarationftffT-fif bind,ini upon and ehalt .inure to the benefit of Uecr"iant -na eaeh ovmJr and the heirs, personal a*piloeot"tives, successorE and assigins of each' 29 - sEvERABILIrjy. Inwalidity or unenf,orceabllity of, -a:ry provision of rhis Declarati6a, eiiher ii uhele or in part, shall^ not affect the validity or enforceability of any ocher pravision of thie Declatation. l-3 F-etr rf,P-BL4/Er4 FUG ?3 'e€i 13:sE ?,4. CAPTIOI{S. The captione and headinga i4 thi,s ingtrument atre for conreniEftE only ana shall rrot be coneidered !n constrging any provisions of this Declaration. 25- C0NSTRIICtIpN. Iltren neceseary for proper coaEtruction, the naecullne of any word u*ed in this fleclaration ehal1 include tshe feminine or neuter giend€r, and Che eingular the plura1 and vice versa. , 1995 - HIIrLVrsw DEVEIJOPMENT CORPORATION, a Colorado corlroration By: day ofDaLe this AlrBes:tt$\tt W}I!,COY.Filfil&CLImE -FlS e-?t-96 14 o I 'jl{rtllt*rltrl FiL*tl|livrf livibC"rif Jrvrf {rwrl,t'iTr}l*irrt{rvrllrl _Fo{n Ho. l40e.g? 110/17tr2) ALTA ol'vncfs Policy P(}tffi {}F TITLE INSI]RANCE IT^csf American Tithe Insurance Company SUBJECT TO fiE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINEO IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONOMONS ANO STIPULAT]ONS, flRST AMERICAN T1TLE INSUBANCE COMPANY a Califomia c0rporation, herein called fie Cornpany, insures, as of Date 0t fulicy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceBding the Arnount ol lnsuance stated in Schedute A, sustained or incuned by the insured by reason of: 1. Title t0 he estate 0r Interest described in Schedule A being vested other ban as stated therein: 2. Any deiect in or lien or encumbrance on tre title; 3. Unmarketabiiity of the tifle; 4. L?cf'gf a right 0l access t0 and kom he land. The Company will also pay the costs, attomeys'fees and expenses incuned in dafense ol the title, as insured, brrt 0nly t0 the exlent provided in the Conditions and Stiuulations. .lirsf American Title Insurance Company ,,(ilL,/,#*^fi 2066g3 ",,,* /H*/ C rt,y"ifr'L PRESIDEIfI ctri/-PrTA ptl ? | - EXULU)IUNS FB0M COVERAGE i y exctuoeo trom nfage ol hts policy and fie company witt nol or, "s|*.ne, costs, dtomeys'tees or expeflses yrhrcfri:he tglowngftasers are expressly ex.ruo.o t ot nfoge ol hts policy and fie Company witt nol pay roeamage, costs, attome: rnse bv fEitsofr 0t| .' 11. (a) Ary Fu ordinance or govemmental regulation (ifcludrng n0t limited tD building and z0nin0 hws. ortinances. 0r regulat0ns) resticting, cgulaling, prohibitingi 0r rehting to (i) &e occupancy, use, 0r enloyment ol tE land; 0i) he character. dimensions or locabon 0l any imprgvsmsnt now 0r herEatter er?cted on tEi land; (iii) r separation in ownership or a chanoe in fie dimensions or area ot fE land or any parcel 0t which he land is or r,yas a part 0r fiv) environmerfal pfobclion. 0r he etlsci 0{ any violation 0l h?se laws, ordinances 0r govemrnental nElations, sxcspt t0 tle €xtsflt hat a notice 0t fie enlorcernent hereoti or a notice ol a dsiecL lien ot Encumbrance tesulling hom e violation or alleged violalion aflecting fle lild has bsen recorded in the public records at 0ate ol Policy. {b) Any govemmenhl police power not excludrd by {a) above, gxcepl b he qtent ftd a nolice ot he o€rciss trercot 0r a nothe sf a defect l'nn or encumbnnce IBsulling tr0m a violation or alleged violation afiecting he lard nas been recorded in fie public ccords at oale 0l Policy. ?. Rignb of eminsnt domain unless notice of he sxarslse fiereof has been recorded in fie pubfic records at Date of Policy, but not exiluding from coverage any Eking wtrtch has oscuned prior to oate ol Policy which woukt bB binding on lhe rtghF 0f a pumhaser tor value withont lcrowledge. Del8cls, liens, encumbnnces, adverse claims or ofier matleB: (a) created, sutfecd, assumsd or agreed h by fte insuGd claimant (h) not krown b Ue Cornpany. not recorded in he pubiic records at Date 0t Policy, but known to $e insured claimant and not disclosed in wriiing b, tto Company by fie insurEd claimant pdor to fie dat8 the insured claimaot becams an insured under $is pofrcy; {c} rcsulting in n0 loss or damage to he insured clainant {d) athching 0r created subsequent h oab 0{ p0licy; or (ei resutunu in loss 0r damage which would not IEV? been susuined if tre iosured claimant had pad value tor he estaF or interest hsured by ttis pofay. 4. Any ctaim, wtlich adse$ ord 0l fis liansaction veslin! in ta InsurBd fie estrE or irnerest imured by fiis potrcy, by reason of fle operalion ot tederal bilkruptcy, sHe insolvency, or sirnilar cGditors' rights laws, $at is based 0n: (i) fie ransaction crsding bB sstak or inE esl insurcd by $is policy being deemed a hudulent conveyance or tnudulent tansfer; or f0 t?e ftnsacti0n creating the estate or ifierast iflsured by tris policy being deemed a preterential Eansfer excEpt uhere fie pntercntial tanslerresuns film tte tailure: {a) t0 limely rucord the inslrument 0f fansfel or (b) 0f such acordation t0 impart notice to a purchaser lor value or a iudgmert or lien creditor. CONDMONS AND STIPULATIONS by tris poky ,I/hich constitlt€s $e basis 0t loss 6r damaqe and sha sun, to fte eflern possi e, he basis 0t cahulating . he anoufit of fE logs 0r damale. tf he C0nptny is trBiudiced by t!€ tailoG of $e insured claimart t0 pfovide fE reqrired poot of loss 0r damage, tle Companfs obligalions b the l'lsund under he policy shal tE mi0alr, includtng any liabili9 0r obligdion t0 dsfefld, prosecutc, 0r conlinre any lnigation. wl& Egafit b fis rnater or nafll|s r?quidng sush pmd ot loss of damage. ln addidoo. be insucd Dlaimart may rEasonabv bs requind t0 submil l0 examioati0n under g8li by afly auhoaired nffeseniat ve 0{ t\e c$npany and shall produce tor eJamirution, inspsclion ard c0pying, d such nasoRable' 'times and places as may br designated by any auturired' rBprEslnative ol fie Cornpany, all records, books, ledgers, checks, sonesp0ndencs and memoranda whetier beating a dale belore or atter DaE 0l Policy, y{rich nasonably perbin t0 h€ loss or damege, furfier, it requested by any aufiori?ed represenElive 0l ftt C0mpany, fie insucd claimad shail gnnt its Fnn{ssion, in sriitng, lor any authorized rEp- resertathe of t€ Cornpany lo exarune. inspeet and copy all records, books, ledgeE, ciechs, cofrespondence and mem- oranda i0 tE custody 0r coffiol of a hird Frty, which reasonably perEin lo fte ioEs 0r damege. All inlomation designated as confidefital by the iruund claimati pmvldad t0 $e Company pursuant to fiis Sec[on shall not be dischsed to o$ers unlesr, in the rgesonablr iudlment d ths Company, lt is nrcessary in fie adrninistration sl Utc chin. Failure 0l b! insucd cliimant to subnit to( emination $ndEr 0atl! podrce ofier n sonabty Eque$gd inl0rmalion or gant psrmissior t0 secum Easoflably nEcEssnty informa- tion fDm bird parlies as nquired h tris 9$agraph, unless probibited by tse or govemmernal reguldiol, Shall termirrate any nabilily 0l $e Cornpany under his pdicy as l0 fiat chim. E. omoils T0 PAY 0R ollrER$llsE sEnu culllls; TERMIHANO}I OT LIAEILMY. ln case 0l a claim undsr Sis policy, he C0mpany shall hav€ he tolowing addrtionel options: . (a) T0 PJy 0r Tender fuymeot 0l he Amount 0f rosunnce, T0 tay or tendcr paymenl0l he amount 0t insurdnse under tiis polhy logrtrler wib any costs, attomeyg lees and lr0enses incuned by $r insuted rlaimant, yr ch were autroized by trc Company, up t0 bE limE of payment 0t lender 0i p3ymer{ and which fir Company is oHtgated lo pay. Upon hE uercise by trf Company ot fiis ogtion, aI liability and obtigati0ns t0 he iosured under his Folic1, ofier thao10 make he pilnem reqlired, shall terminale, including any liabilty or obligatron t0 defend, prosecutr. o( cofltnue oEFtHmolt 0r TEnms. Ihe l0 o$/ing tems when used in Sds pofny mean: {a) 'insuretr; fie insured named h Schedule A, and, -biest io any rights 0r delenses he Company would nave :1 egai0st tE named insued. hos8 vdn succeed to lhe :gttsl 0f be mmed iflsurEd by 0peration 0t Iaw as nit$rished lrom purcfEso includinli bst not firnited to, )r3, distrbutees, devisees, survivors, peFonal Gpcser|ta- is, t}t$ of kin, or corporate or fiduclary successors. (b) 'insu'Bd claima[f: an insued claiming loss or :na0e, (c) 'knowiedge'qr "klown": actual lnowledge, not nsfuctvc knowledge or nofice which nay be imputsd t0 in$rGd by rEason 0f $e public records as ddned in this ,icy 0r any ofier rscords which irnpart constuctive notice matuc afiecting the land. {d) "bnfl tu hnd. described 0r relemed t0 in redule (A), and imprsvements ntfxred hefeto whhh by law l$hrtc nd property. "lhe term 'lanf does not ioclude any rperty beyond fte lines 0t tlE area descrited or rElsned In Schedule {A}, nor any dohl tde, ifieresl estrte 0r ;el'sf in abu$ing sfee8, mads, avenues, alleys, lanes, :ys 0r w'8er*ays, bd noliing henin shaf modity or limit r e@t t0 which a right ol access l0 afld hom the hnd is ;urPd by this policy. (e) lnortEage': m0r19age, deld 0l Uust, trrist deed, etEr 5rcurity insEumr'tl O 'pubfic recordsi rEcsds esbblished under sbtB rutss.at Date ol Pdicy hr h€ pu.pose 0t irnpartiqg lslEtivs nolice 0t rBtters nlaling to nd pDperty to.3tEslrs l0r vahe and wifiout knovrledge Wr& cspect t0 nm I (a)(rv) of he Exclusions Frcm Coverage, 'pub$c : rtd$ shafi also incide environrnsntalpmtectioo lisns liled 're Ecords of fte El?* d fie United States distict court fie distlct h which fie land is localed. {9} 'unma*etatility 0l he ttei an atleged or :arnr matBr :ltegting b! t00 to Slr land, not exsluded 0r 'gpEd lrum coverage, which }roold entlle a puohaser ol isde or ifiterest descdbed h Schedule A t0 be releasedi !r sbligati0n t0 psrciase by virtue o{ a contractual . r6iti[ requiring the delivay ot marlctable ti{e. : CO}ITTilUATIOII OF INSUflAHCE AFTER COIIVFYANCE OF TTTLL I The corenge of hb polrcy slatl contiflue in lorce isI ,'a1l d Policy in tavor ol a0 insured only s0 long as $eI rred aetains an estate of intergsl in the land. or hslds a0 I .5Edfless secuted by a purchase morey mortgage givefl l,_lurfcnaser tfom the insured. or only s0 long as the lor any loss 0r damlge caused hereby. {b} In $e eved 0t any litigatbn, includtng litgathn by Srs Conpany or witl &e Comparvs conser( fie ConFany shall have n0 babil'ty tor loss or damage ur*il hers has besn a linal deterninauon by a court 0t compebnt iudsdictiofl, and disposithn 0{ all apoeats thentrotr" adveFe t0 be tite as insucd. {c) The Company sha not be liablr tor ioss 0r danmge lo any nsured l0r liabifdy volumanly assumed by he insured in sdiing any clatm or suit,/dttotfi fitE ptior wrltten conser{ o{ he company. 10, BEOUCTIO}I OF IilSURAHCA BEDUCNBil OR TEBHtriATloft 0r LnEtLrY. All paymefls lnder this policy, except paymefiis made tor cos8, attomeys' lees and expe$es, shax reduft lhe antount ol the ffiunncB pro tanto. 11. UIEIUTY iloftcutilul*nvE. It is exprEssly underslood fnt $e Amouft 0t 11. surancs i,ndert{s policy shall be Fduced by any amountttl€ Company may pay under any policy ifisuring a mongage t0 which exccDtio0 is bken in Schsduh I or t0 which fte insund has agreed. assumed, or hken subiect 0r *hich is hecaner earut8d by. an insured and which is a cnatBe 0l ten 0n tle esrdg or lntelest dcsclibEd or relerted t0 in Schedde d and tE annunt so paid shal be deemed a payrnent under trIs policY l0 tle insur?d owner. 1a PAY|YiEIIT 0F toss. (al No payrMt shail be made wi$out producing his policy l0r endorsEmsflt ol fie paytntnt unk6s 6e policy has be€n lost 0r destoyed, in whkh sasc prool ol loss 0f desrudion sha[ b9 lumishod to the s:tlsiaction 0l $re Comtany. {b} When liability end the e$efll 0l loss 0r damage has been delitdlely fixed io agc0rdence wilb hese Conditlons and Stpulalions. $e lsss or damage shall be payable w'rttfl 30 drys SErealter. 13. SUSROGATOil UFON PAYI{EI{T Ofl STfiLEMEHT. {a) Ihr Comp.nfs Blght ol Subrogttion. Wtteneyer tre Company shall have settled and paid a daim under tr|is policy. all d9ht ot subrogatron shall vest in he Company unatlecttd by any acl ol the insured clafiant. Ihe Cornpany shalt bE subroqated lg and be entilled r0 all t:hg ?rd.r?na4;as $,biah rhe irqrf6C ^'1i:'')-' w^"r'r ra ' .6!d Jy iie insltes it aity uan5tcr 0; li.)rivcldnca 0: iit- nad.inls ootrcy flot oeen tssug6. fl fegue$ec DylnS company.;n e ot rn.resi. Thls pohcy snall not cormnue n lorce In ^ {br Io Pay of CllnetMse Sefte Wrfi hrtres oner Eanr me rnsuied ciarmam snafl u-ansler t6 $ torifi;iiEms lgfflr.EllsT,ff"'Ht!trT'''.Kl*'i?t':lt.?lif{ffiJtr!s'$*****,.oateruoffitrfi14'#Ell;if*.#+iffijtJcltalr noney mortgage Oven t0 the insured. -- 0r in tle nati 0t { nsucd clatmam ahy clam insucd - ctrnari shall gennn ne-Company E sue, cdnprofse oragatnsr under tus poti6y, tog€fter wih eny cosB, atomcyl' setue in ne ne;i OlhJinSureO CrarmantanO to use the name. iloncE 0F cLilM m BE ClvEtl 8Y tees and esenses incuited by tu insuroo claiment whicl oi tte nrs,,,no lraniii'illn any t nsarti* 0r titigalon lllSURE! CLAliUt{T. 'mE autnnzld_by he Cofipany up to the brE ot payment invoMn0 tnesr n-qnE oi-remedds. and which he company is obligatcd to payi€f . .___ __ ll a pavmcni on accoun 0l a claim does nol fu y covcr . . Thc. insur€d.shal notity fie Cungany pmmpty il -,^,_-_, ip h pay or ofenvt€ .setie wiql h.t. il1y.!d Ure toss ii trC iEured barnant tre Cornmny sirari Ue 'ntjng0.incase0|eny|itigati0nassetlor$hsec1ion4(a):!.iT'mu'€-.|6sddarna0epfovidedt0funder.$ispo|hy,submgaEduurcse-rigm;&d*]i6eindnonehy,, (ii) in case hovrledgc shall come b an insucd togeher wifi any cos1s. attomeys' fees and expenses whictrhe Comoanlrs iarment bears to tre wndb imount ereund?r ol arry claim ot tite or ime]est which is adveEe b incurGd bytE insund chimantwhich w€G auhofted by the d t]a loss. - re EtEbhe esEte or inenst as insured, and which might Compeny u0 t0 the tinE ot paynert and sfiich he Company - - tt toss shoukt csult fmm any act of fie insured aus! loss,or damafe l0r whhh he Company may be liabte is obligated to pay. ctaimar( as suied above, hat act shill not void his policy,yvlre0|ttisp0|icy,0r{iii)il.titletoheestaIeofinterest,Upon$eAercjseby$ecom0aIyo|,'etferofthebuUrecomoalr,innienLsha||becquiopfyonf ;insu'?4isEiectedasunmadcEb|e.||promptn0tic€sha||0pt0Ispmvidedtorinpan9raph$(b)(i).or(ii)'he'com.$atpartofany.lirssesinsudaFinfbyf otie giv€n to he Co-mpany, $sn as t0 he insucd all fabillty panys .olligations lo he insucd under $is potay tor he shaf exceed dre amounl, f any; bst t0 fie Corndany by ,f ha &mpany shall tsrminatE wfi E0ard t0 $e mdter or clamed loss Df damage, ofief $an he payments tequicd t0 reason 0t the impairment by tne Insured ctaimant oi tri iatteG tor wt ch pmmpt notic^e is requireq. proyid8d. b€ nude, shall tetminate, includino any fribiiity 0f obligalion Companyt right 6t $jbmgadon. owevs, that failure to nodly $e Company shall in no case t0 delend, Dsecute 0r continue ally litigation. (b) Th! Comg|nfs Flgib A0alnst mn lnsuFttreiudice $s riglG ol any insucd under fris policy unless ]t comgany shall be pciudicEd by the tailure ano then onty 7. oEfEnilllunoil, EnEIII 0F LtABlLtrY oblltoB' 3 he EGnt 0t fie prEjudice. rtio comsumxce The comganfs dght oi submgation againsl non- insucd obligors shall exst and shalt include, witrouti. DEFEITSE AilD pBosEcnflofl ol- {cn0ilsi This poriq is .a co'rnci of inde'nnity asainsrhacrrar lfrPffij}" 3,HjjHli'ff l$|lsHffiJJffit DUTY 0F lllsunED cLArltrAilr r0 C00PERAIE ifff#;:h{Jffif"ii#i|llr?'#'ffiy"J""T: Enns 0r cuditions conbined in urose insrumgnr frniclr (a) upon wrden rEquest by e i6urEd afd subiect to ot mattr6 in d egainst by $is po!cy and onty , tJ ftii pmvide lor subrogation d9is w rBagon ot tlis policy' 1c options conbined in Section 6 ol hese Conditioris and hecit oEsclted. 14. fnsllnAnoil.'bpulatons, be.company, at lts own c0st and wihout (a) Ihe liabw ot he comperry under$is pothy shall .nreasonable delay, shax providr. tor the def€nse ot an not exiebo ne feast-ot UnEss prohibtted by applicable law' eiher the Corn-1suredinstigati0ninwiichar$irdpartyasserE.ac|alrn0heA'nounto|lnsurancesttgdinSchedu|eA:panvoidiJiniu6imavo.eriiiidartiU.dtio'lpunuarlo$e .dverse b be lite or inteest ar insurpd, but only.as h hose or Ttte tnsurance A,bitratton Rules ol fie Amencan Arbtfanonialed causes of action . alegin! , .djl1{,lg1,,9r Lt {D he ditlennce between he valur of he insurcd A;;o.i;ffi. i;d;il];ii-r.unr r.y inslude, but ar' not]Umbranceor-0thermaterinsufdagainstbyfispo|icy.TheesbEoriniensta5insuredandheva|ue0t$einsuredestateii'itii:ii'i'i.diiii''riioicraim,u6 J0mpanysha||havehe'ightt0selectcounse|oli|schoiceorirere5tsubiectofedglecL|ien0refcumbrdncsinsuredaii.ineilis'6oaiiil,fit;;aadiib subiEct 10 fie right of he insursd to obiect tor,yJorabq against by fiii pdicy. : idrvice of na Compaifin connecthn witt ils issuance or:ause) t0 cpresent &e insurBd as to hose-sbted^causes of 0) h tre event fie Amount of lnsuranie $ated in tti l*Ct' ot a pbricv pio"ision or otr* ouhaon. mrcion ald shall not be lhblE lorand wt!!jryp9_ft!_t_9j schediid A'atGJoab or poncy sriistrin B0 percent ot. abitabte mauers wtieri tre Amount ot lns-unnce is rrry 0her counsel' lhe company wil nolFy any Jees, costs tr; G;e"; he insured estate 0r InftEst or he lu $t,000,000 ortess snal le altirateo a tni oprion otiirrer:|epef5esincurredbytheinsundinthe^delense0|foseioj'sio'-,irio-'ipajd1oflhe|and.whicheveris|esi'orittri-companyortrein!ured.A|larbitab|emai :a!sesolicti0nwhicha||egematte'snotinsureda0ainstbyi;;-f;ibihe0aGoipoiiii'aii*i.6i,ime''tsiameaAmoudolfnsunnceisinexcessot : ,. purer' on fie land which incrEases he value 0l he insucd estate arbi!-ated only wlren agreed lo by both he Comparry and he . {b} The.Compaty shalt have $e dgft at its own c0sl or Lterest by at least Z0 percent over fie Amount ot insured. Arbihation prirsuant b tris poticy and dnder he :oin51fteandpmsecutEanyactonorp'0ceedingort0do|nsunncestiedinSchedubA,benhisP0|icyissubiecttoRulesine,ftectonhedaftnedemandtora'bionismade 3ny dter act which in iE opinion may be necessary or ge lollowing: 0r, at fie option 0t fie insured, fie Ruhs in dlect d Date 0f :esinblE to establish fie ti$e to he eslate or interest as (i) where no subsequent improvement has been Policy shail be binding upon the parles. the award may xsulEd. 0r t! prevent or reduse loss or .damage to the made, as io any parlial loss, the comparry s[all oniy pay he includ€ attomeys' lees only il he laws ol he slate in wlicn mured.TheCompanymaytakeanyappr0priateactionundeItossdrontaindrepoportibntrattieirountoltiriurincebe|a|is|ocitedpeffi 'le tsrms 0l his ptlicy, whether or not it shall be liable at oate ot fliEy bears io the total value ol the insured estate a prevailing party. Judgment upon the anard rendered by fe.ereund'(.and,sha||nothereby.concedeliabiiityorwaiveorinteresta|bateotPolicy;0r(i0whereasubseqUentAIbitrato(s)ybee :ny pmvisionoJ fiis policy- lf.he Company shalle\ercise its improvement has been maie, as'to any partial ioss, tte thereot. - gms under lhis paragGph, it shall do so diligenty. Company shall only pay the tos! pm ata in tte pruportion that The law of $e srurs of be land shall lpply to an (c) Whenever tre Company shall have brought an 120 percenl 0J the Amount ot Insurance stated in Schedule aloitrabon under he Tde lnsurance Arbitralon Rules. :!00 0r interposed a delense as required or permitted-by the A beaG to he sum ol the Amount ol lnsurance stated in A copy ol fie Rules may be obtained trDm rle 'ovisi0ns of his policy, he Company niay puaue'any Schedule A and be amount erpended lor Ue improvemenl Company upon requesl rgatton io linal detemina$on by a court ol compaeril The Drwisions oJ his paragraph sha[ not appD to rnsdidion and expressly reservis he nghL in iti sote costs, atomeys'fees and expensea lor which he Company 15. LUlSlLlTY UmfiED T0 ltllS P0LICY; .rscretion, to appeal troni any adverse iudghinr or order. is liable underthis policy, and shall only apply to fiat portion P0LlcY EInRE coxlurf. (d) ln all cases where $is policy permits or requires ot any loss. which exceeds, in the aggregale, .1 0 percent ot -e coin'pany riiiiiii iiir-, -piir'toJii,"rrldfir;1rilff he Amount 0f lnsuance sated in sineriutc A. . (a) This policy together wif all endocemerfs, il anv, ::ton dr jmceeoing, rrs iisureo iniri- JJi"ii-6 riii (c) the compafly wil Day onrhose costs. enomeys anacled ierelo b^v tE company. is^he entire,policy and ,omparryuierigntoi.op'i.uiuteo'pid'o.;;|.;;',;ii{;teesaio,expensesincurndrirdccoioancewinseaoni,Jrl.Il1!t.?^'y9lll..rio,noipoceioing.an6ajiipp'iur'6!iiin'i;iiiti;nesecono-niorrsanoSupuratiom'in9anyp iompany to use, atits option, fri name of thi insuied torthis as a wnoE' -:rpix. Wheniver reqiesteb by tre Comgany, the insured, 8. APPOHTlOtll'lEItT. (b) Any_ claim ol loss.or ftmage, whefier or not ,: tre Comganys exiense, siratt give ne 'bompany ali Uased 0n nedligence, and which anses out ot the status 0f ':ssEble aid (i) in any adion oi pmceeOing, iecuring llftelud descdbed ifl Schedule (A)(Clconsists of two fie liue lo fie estate or ir erEst covetcd hereby 0r byiny :viderae.obtainin-9wihe!ses.pmsecitingordeiendrngh60rmorepare|swhicharen0tUsedasasing|ese.anda|oss .:tion of pfoceeding,0r etlecting settemenL and (ii) inany is eslablished aflecting one or more of $e parcels bd not all, (c) No amendment ol of endorsement to fiis policy ner lawful act which in he opinion 01$e Company may be Ele loss shall be computed and settled 0n a pro nb basrs as can be made except by a writing endoGed hereon 0r attached :cessary ot desirabls to establish the lite to $e estate or if he Amount ot lnsurance underfis policy was dividEd pro hereto sioned bv eithir tre kesidef. a Vice Presidenl the i9restasinsured.|ttheCompanyispreiUdicedbythe'aj|UreEtaastotuvalUeon0ate-ofP0|icyofeachsepaGleparce|Secretar.anAssrstantSecretar.' he insured to lumish the required cooperatton, tie t0 he 'rvhole, exclusive ol any improvements made sub- aulhorizd siqnatory ot he Comgany. :moenfs oblioations to t|te insured under he policy shall sequent to Date ol Policy. unless a liability or value has :rminde, including any liability or obhgation lo detend. olherwise been agreed upon as to each parcel by the 16. SEVEMEILITY. 'osewte, or continue any litigaUon, wilh regard t0 the maner Company and the inslred at he time ol fie issua.lce 0l this 'maEe's requifins such cooperation. llfiHi:.iifiIrlrlhT,,Til:r: $ate'nent 0f bv an o, *r,1,$:;'or,:,;s.[.$i,':lriJHi,:fl:rrli,li'r.i$.xi: PR00F 0F L'ss 0R D^MAGE e. L*rrrATr'N 0F LrABrLrry. li:iffj#itiJfiiffi$t:fll';h*i.*on'*erprovisions In addition to and atter he notices required under :ction 3 ol these Conditions and Stigulations have be€n (a) ll fie C0mpany establishes the ti!e, orrenoves tie 17. t{oTlCES, WHERE SEHT. 'Jvided he Company. a proolof l0ss 0r damage signed and alleged defect IiEn ot encumbrance, 0r cures the lack 0l a 4orn t0 by fie insured ctaimant shall be luiish;d t0 the nght of access to 0r Itom he land, 0r cures ttle claim 0t A[ notjces requircd to be glven lhe Company and any ]mpanywithin90day5altertheinsuredctaimantsha||unmarkelabi|ityoftite,a||a5insUred,inareas0nab|ydihgentstaemenl|n icenajn $e lacts giving rise lo the loss or damage. The manner by aoy mefod, including litrgation and the comple- sha inctude the number 0l this policy and shall be addrssed '?ncumbrance on thrt(le. or olner maner Insured aoatnst obliQatrons w(n resoeclto tial ma[er and shall nolbeftabie 9270] 0r to rhp nfiic' whi.h lssupd this oor!c'., FIRs:r Ar\.IERICAT\I . r. P.o.BoxOBo HER:E:TAGE 318 BROADT.JAV EAGLE,TrykH1 cc)l4PA\r:' HAY 5, t995 File Nor ESA@O11895 Dear l{ew Homeowner r Congratulations on your recent, real estate rrurchase.Enclosed is your policy of Tit1e Insurance. This policy contaj.ns inportant information about ttre Real EstateTransaction you bave just compLetedi it insures you agaLnst celtain risks to your ownership. please read itand retain it i{ith your ottrer valuable papers. A permanent record of your recorded title docunents isaccessjloLe through our office. These records wi.ll enable frrompf processlng of future title orderg and save valuabletine should you wish to sell or obtain a loan on yourproperty. Visit or call our offlce and sirnply give usyour personal pol-icy file nurnber when you need asslstance. In the event you seIl your hone or borrow maney from anortqage render you may be entitred to a discount rate ifyou order your title insurance through this cornpany. We appreclate the opportunity"of sewing you and wiU be harrpy to assist you in any !,ray in regard to your futuretit,Ie service needs, Si.ncerely, FIRST AUERICAN I{ER|TAGE TITLE COUPA}IY trr-tt$LluL!! A dnn.l4RL-MAY 25, 1995 Order No. ES0@0ltEg5 Polley No. J206683 Premlum S1 , 449.00Amount of Insurance 5625. OO@.@@ Date of Pollcy: MAY 5, 1995 At 8r0@ A.M. 1. Name of Insuted r HIIIVIEW DEVELOPUSNT CORPORAT]ON 2. ?he estate or lnterest ln the land whlch 1s covered by thls trol1cy 1s ! FEE SII4PIE 3. T1tle to the estate or lnterest ln the land:Ls vested ln : HILLVTEW DEVELOP}IENT CORPORATION 4. The Land referrect to ln thls pollcy 1s descrtbed as follows : LOT 37, GLEN IYON SUBDTVISTON, ACCORDING TO TIIE AMENDED PLAT RECORDED JULY 18, 19?8 IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 3?@, COUNTY OF EAGLE State of Colorado SCiiEDLiLE ts oiaer No. ! Esoool-1895 Pollcy No. r i206683 EXCEPTIONS FROI'I COVERAGE Thls pollcy does not lnsure agatnst loes or damege (and the ComFany wllL not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenseb) t.rhtch arlse by reason of: 1. Taxes and Assessnents not certtfled to the Treasurer's Offlce. 2 . Any fact s , rlght s . l-nterest s or clelrns r+h1ch are not shown by thepubllc racords but whlch could be ascertalned by an lnspectlon of the landor hy maklng lngulry of persons ln possesslon thereof. 3. Easements, or clalms of easements. not shown hy the publlc records. 4, Dlscrepanctes, confllcts ln boundary ltnes, shortage 1n area, encroachments, and any facts whlch a correct survey and tnspectlon of the lend would d1sclose, and whlch are not shown by the publlc records. 5. Any l1en, or rlqht to a tten, for servlces, labor or materlal heretofore or hereafter furnlshed, lnposed try law and not shown by thepubllc records. 6. A11 taxes and assessments for the year 1995 and suhsequent years, a I1en. but not yet due or payable. 1, Rlght of proprletor of a veln or lode to extract and remove hls ore therefron should the same be found to penetrate or lntersect the premlses hereby granted, and rlght of way for dltches and canals constructed by the authorlty of the Unlted States. as reserved ln Untted States Patent recorded AugNSt 16, L9@9 1n Book 48 at Page 542. 8. Restrlctlve covenants whlch drr not lnclude a forfelture or reverter clause, hu! omlttlng restrlctLons, lf any, based on race, color, rellglon, or natlonal orlgln, as contal-ned ln Instrument recorded Aprl 1 4, 1978, 1n Book 268 at Page 698 and as amended 1n Instrument's recorded Augnrst 25, 1987 1n Book 458 at Page 44'7 through Page 4?2 and as re-recorded 1n Instrument recorded Septe$tber 15, 1987 ln Book 469 at Page 8o1, and as amended May 2, 9, Easemente, condltlons, restrlctlons ancl reservatlons as reserved on the recorded plat c'f Glen Lyon Subdlvlslon. 10. Terms, condltlons, provlsions, agreements and obllgatlons speclfled under the Conveyance rrf Ut 1l-1ty Easement lry and between Gcrre Creek AssocLates, a Rhode Istand Llrnlted Partnershlp and vall Water and Sanltatlon Dlstrlct recorded November 14, 1978 ln Book 278 at Page 4?8' 1990 ln Book 528 at Page 154. 11. Deed of Trust from HILLVIEW Trustee of EAGLE County, for the shown or DEVELOPMENT CCIRPORATION, tO the PUhlI.C beneflt of FIRSTBANK OF VAIL, secLirtng an OF SCHEDULE tr ON NEXT FAGE)(SEE CONTINUATION igj 0t0 REPUBLIC NATI0NAI TIT|E INSUBANCI C0MPANY. a Minnesota corporation, herein called rhe Company. for a valuable consideration. hereby commirs to issus its policy or policies of lhle insurance.6s idefltilied in Schedule A, in favor 0f the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner 0r mongagee of the esmte or increst covend hereby an lhe land described or refened to ln Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges fierefor; all subjecr t0 the provisions of Schedule A and B and t0 rhe Condnions and Sipuladons hereof. This Cornmitmem shall be elfecdve only when fie idenury 0l rhe proposed Insued and lhe 8mount of the policy or policies c0mmrtted for have been rnsened in Schsdule A hereof by rhe Company, either ar rhe ime of rhe issuance of this Commitment or bv subseuuenl endorsemenr. This Commitment is pteliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of ride insrrance and all liabiliry and obliga ons hercundel shall cease and terminat six months after rhe effecrve dare here0f or whsn the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichevet fi6t occurs, provided that the lailure to issue such policy or poftcies is not the fauh of the Comgany CONOITIONS ANO STIPUIATIONS l. The term "moflgage'', when used herein, strall indude deed of trust. trust deed, or othof secufiy insrument. 2. ll the proposed Insured has 0r acqulres aclual knowtedge of any defect, lien. encumbrance. adverse claim or orher matter affecing lhe esnte 0r rnterest 0r mongago thereon covered by this Commirmenr orher rhan lhose shown in Schedule B hercof, and shall fail l0 disclose such knowledge to fe Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liabrlny for any loss or damage resuhing from afy acl of relince hereon m the ertent fe C0mpany is prejudred by failure ol the proposed Insufed o s0 disclose such knowledge. ll the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge l0 the Company, or if the Company orheruuse acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien. encumbrance. adverse ciarm 0f 0ther m8fler, rhe Compony at trs ;pron may amend Sclredule B 0f lhis Commilment accordinqly, bur such amendmenl shall not relieve the Company from liabilhy previously incurred pursuaflt t0 paragraph 3 of these Condirions and Sripularjons. 3. Lrabrlily ol the Company under rhis Commirment shall be only to the named proposed lnsurcd and such panres inc|udedunderlhede|inimnof|nslredintheformolpo|icyorpo1iciescommittedfolandonly|oractual|ossincunedinre|iancehereoninundenakinggoodfahh{a)lo comply with lhe requitemen$ hereof 0r (b) l0 eliminarc exceptions shown in Schedule B, 0r lcl r0 acquire or create lhe estarc 0r interest or mongage rhereon covered by this Commttment. In no evenl shall such liability exceed the amounl stated in Schedule A for the policy 0r policies c0mmirred tor and such ljability is subjsct l0 the insunng provisions and the Condnions afld Supulalions and the [xclusions from Coverage of rhe form of policy or policres commined lor in favor 0f lhe pfop0sed Insured which are hereby incorporated by relerence and made a pa( 0f this Commitmenr erce0l as er0ressly modilied hemln. 4. Any action 0r acrions 0I nqhts of action rh6t the proposed Insured may have or may binq agarnst the Company arising out ol the stalrs of fie lill€ l0 lhe estate or interest or the status of the mongage lhereon cover€d by thrs Commitment must be based on and am subiect to the provrsrons of thrs Commrtnent. STANDARO EXCEPTIONS In addilton l0 ths matters conrained in lhe Condiions and Sripularions and Erclusions from Coverage above reierrcd r0. thrs Commirment rs also subject t0 the following, l. Rights or claims of panres in possession not shown by rhe public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements. n0l shown by the oubljc records. 3. Discrepancies, confltcts in boundary lines, sh0nage in area. encroachmeflts. and any facls which a cormcl survey and inspecrion ol rhe premises would disclose and which am not shown by rhe publrc records. 4 Any lten, or flght t0 a lien. for seruices. labgr or malenal rhercrofore or hereaher furnished, imposed by law and not shown bv the oublic records. 5. 0efects, liens. encrmbrances. adverse clarms 0r other maners, if any, created, fint appearing in the public records 0tatlach.ngsubsequentto1heelfecIlVedatehereofbutpnortothe Commitment. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, 01d ffepublrc National Title Insurance Company lras caused ns cofpomre name and seal t0 be heteunto affixed by its duly authotrzed officers on rhe date shown in Schedule A, l0 be valid when counrersigned by a validating officer or other aurhon2ed signalury. Attthqtzed Signawy 0BI Fo.n 2582 010 REPUBttC ttATlol{At TrTr.E rr{suRAllcE c0[iPANY A Stock Conoany 400 Secnd Avenue South. Minneapolis. Minnesora 55401 /6 t2i 3 8y Aes,4rE*,2 Seffetary August 0l-, 1996 Buyer/Borrower: Qal -l or ,/(\r.rttar - YOL,IR LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY COIEACTS our order No.: v254134r3 WAYNE M. RIIIING HILLVIEW DEVELOPMEMT CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION Property Address: If you have any inguiries or require further assistance, please concacc one of t.he numbers 1istsed below: For Closing'Assiscanqe: For Title Assistance: SANDERSON HOLST JILL WEi-rLS OO3O BENCIIMARK RD. #215 108 S. FRO}ITAGE RD W. AVON CO 81620 vArL, co 815s8Phone: 970 949*5099 Fhone: 97A 476-225L Fax: 9',7A 949-4892 Fax: 97O 475-4534 *Jr.Jrtr********JcJ.J.***:k*****rk*************************************Jr***x NOTE: ONCE AN ORIGINAL COMMITMENT HAS BEEN ISSUED' ANY SUBSEQUEIfI CHANGES WTLL BE EMPHASIZED BY UIi-DERLINING. **:k*******JrJ.***************************J.****tr******J.**.k******JrL**** TTIANK YOU FOR YOUR OR.DER ! I it :, I :: .I o"o lo=Lrc NATT'NAL rrrl' ,*rOo"" coMpANy ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # v254134-3 For Information OnIv - Charges - ALTA Owner Folicy $L,045-00Alta Lender Po1icy $100.00 Tax Report $20 .00,TOTAL-- sL,15s.00 *** THIS 1S NOT AN INVOICE, BU:T AN ESTIMATE OF FEES, WIIEN REFERRING TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OI/R ORDER NO. V254134-3 *** 1. Effective Date: July 18, L996 at, 5:00. P.M. 2. Policies Eo be issued, aod proposed Insured: ''ALTA" Owner's Policy ]-0-1"7-92 $950,000.00 Pronosr.d Tnsrlred: WAYNE M. RUTTNG "ALTA' Loan Policv a0-a7-92 Proposed fnsured: C}{ASE MANI{ATTAN PERSONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES A DIVISION OF CHASE MANTLATTAN MOR?GAGE CORPORATION, aNd/or iIS SUCCESSOTS ANd ---;-^^cl>5-L91,lD 3. The esEat,e or interest in the land described or referred to in thls Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Ti-t1e to the esLate or interesL covered herein is at the erfeccive date hereoi vested in: HILLVTEW DEVELOPMEMT CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION PAGE 1 o- ]*Lrc NATT.NAL Trrr.,,E ,*rl*"" coMpA,oy ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order ,ii V254134-3 referred to in Lhis CommiEment is described as \JT ,l,EN LYON SUBDIVISION, "A.CCORDING TO fHE AMENDED PLAT 'JULy 19, t978 rN BooK 272 AT PAGE 370, couNrY oF 3ED IN TTEM 15 ATE OF COLORADO. (TO BE KNOWN AS LOT 37 B) \TER A.AID ]RQVEME}TTS rN EAGLE IESUBDIVISION )EVELOPMENT COIINTY FORlo pFr-npnEn Krl\.UKUbI.J RECORDED May ]ORPORATION, 5995, IN BOOK IN THE AMOTINT IGE, INC . IN: PAGE 547. IS AND ;D. )O CORPORATION E ALI COMMIT SCI{EDULE B- 1 (Reguirement,s ) MENT The following are Ehe requirements to be.complied with: 1. PaymenE Eo or for Ehe account of the grantors or mortgagors of the fu1l considerat,ion for tshe estate or interest t.o be ..: - ^,, -^r-Ltr5 (r! cL,l . Proper instrument (s) creating the estaEe or inLeresE to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, t,o-wit: EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPA}ry THAT THE EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN ITEM 15 OF SCHEDULE B-2 HAS BEEN RELOCATED AND APPROVED BY THE VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AND THAT THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS OF IMPROVEMENTS IMTO SAID EASEMENT. RESUBDIVISION PLAT, ACCEPTABLE COUNTY. i Our Order # v254134-3 TO THE COMPANY, TO BE RECORDED IN EAGLE DECLARATION OF COVENAI\TTS AND RESTRICTIONS PLAT TO BE RECORDED IN EAGLE COUNTY ]N CONNECTION WITH RESUBDIVIS]ON RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED April 28, 1-995, FROM HILLVIEW DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND DARYL J. BROWN TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FTRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $1,334,000.00 RECORDED May 04 , t995, IN BOOK 666 AT PAGE 589. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECURED IN ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDED Aug-ust 30, 1995, IN BOOK 674 A't PAGE 894. EXTENSION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED MAY 02, 1996 rN BOOK 593 AT PAGE 594. 7. TERMINATION OF FINANCING STATEMENT FROM HILLVIEW DEVELOPMENT CORPOR\TION, I.IITH FIRSTBANK OF VATL, THE SECIIRED PARTY, RECORDED JuNe 12, 1995, IN BOOK 669 AT PAGE 153. 8. RELEASE OF LTEN AS EVIDENCED BY THE STATEMENT OF ALEE JIMENEZ IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,292.00 RECORDED June 10, 1-996, IN BOOK 696 AT PAGE 7BB. 9. RELEASE OF LIEN AS EVIDENCED BY THE STATEMENT OF HEARTH EXCIIANGE, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $9,9'79.09 RECORDED July 12, L996, IN BOOK 599 AT PAGE 547. 10. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY T}1AT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 11. WARRAT,ITY DEED FROM HILLVIEW DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION TO WAYNE M. RIITING CO}fVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. rA\JE ALI coMMrrMENr I > LIII1LJU LTJ IJ - I (Racnri remanf s) Our Order # V254134-3 12. DEED OF TRUST FROM WAYNE M. RUTING TO TTIE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUVTY FOR THE USE OF CHASE MANHATTAN PERSONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES A DIVISION OF CHASE MANIIATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION, and/or its successors and assigns TO SECURE THE SUI,I OF n/a. NOTE: DUE TO THE PROPERTY INSURED HEREIN COIIIIAINING NEW CONSTRUCTION, IN ORDER FOR STA}DARD EXCEP?ION #4 TO BE DELETED, CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION MUST BE RECEIVED AND APPROVED BY THE COMPATS. IN A.DDITION TO THE FOREGOING, ]F STA}IDARD EXCEPTION #4 IS TO BE DELETED, A. SATISFACTORY LIEN AFFIDAVIT WILL ALSO BE REOUTRED. THE COU}iIIY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SETiT TOR RECORDINGI! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RECORDING FEES HAVE INCREASED AS OF JULY 1, 1995 TO $5.00 FOR THE FIRST PAGE AND $5, OO FOR EAC}I ADD]TIONAL PAGE. RELEASES ILAVE TNCREASED TO S14. OO FOR THE FIRST PAGE AND 55.OO FOR EACH ADD]TIONAL PAGE. PAGE 4 ALl' coMMTTMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Except.ions) Our Order # v254134-3 The policy or policies tso be issued will contain except.ions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfacEion of the Company: L. Suandard Exceptions 1 through 5 prinEed on Lhe cover sheetr. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special :qqFqsmFni-c nOE Vet Certified tO the Treasurer's OffiCe. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A 1rEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREPROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RSSERVED IN UNITED STATES PATEN? RECORDED AucruSI 16, !9A9, IN BOOK 48 AT P.A.GE 542 ]-0. RIGHT OP WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE ATITHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IJI{ITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August, ].5, 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 11, RESTRICT]VE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTATN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTTONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS COI{TAINED IN INSTRIJTVIENT RECORDBD ApTil 04, L978, IN BOOK 268 AT PAGE 698 AND AS AMENDED ]N ]NSTRUqENT RECORDBD AugTTsI 25, 7.987, IN BOOK 468 AT PAGE 447 THROUGH 472 AND AS RERECORDED IN INSTRWEMT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 IN BOOK 459 AT PAGE BO1, AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 IN BOOK 469 AT PAGE 38 AND AT PAGE 39, AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 2, T99O IN BOOK 528 AT PAGE 12. EASEFIENTS, RESERVATIONS AND REST"RICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED AME}trDED PLAT OF' GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION. 13. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RESUBD]VISION RECORDED TBD IN BOOK XXX AT PAGE XXX. 14. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECLARA'TION AGREEMENT RECORDED TBD IN BOOK XXX AT PAGE XXX. 15. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONVEYANCE OF I]TILITY EASEMENT RECORDED Nowember 14, l-978 IN BOOK 278 AT PAGE 478. .I T'FFIJC 1 2 AND 3 OF ?HE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS I^IILL BE DELETED FROM THE O'I^INERS 1 r'\ /\. rvr,ru. wr,)N RECETpT OF A SATTSFACTORY TMPROVEMENT -LOqATlgN SURVEY. fl t{ l.a(;|r: 5!t - "-- ALO co14MrrMENT o JLlll:ilJUIJlf b- 4 (Exceptions) Our Order # v254L34-3 NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAIID TITLE RECORDS "HE DOCLTpIENTS REQUTREp itNpER SCHEDULE B-l-. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF AI-,L TAXES, ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED AND ITEM 6 W]LL BE AMEIilDED TO RE.AD: r.SS6-TAXES TqOT YET OUE OE-PAYABLE AND NSSESSIAENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE teeAsuRmS 6r'r'rca. ITEM NO. 8 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATSR AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. NOTE: ltem # 14 of Schedule B-2 (of vour previous conrnitment) has been modi-f ied or deleted. PAGE 5 COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Requr.red by SenaLe Bill 91-14 The subject. real property may be locaEed in a special t.axing disErict. A cert.ificate of Taxes Due lisEing eaeh taxing jurisdiction may be obLained from Ehe CounEy Treasurer or Ehe County Treasurer' s auLhorlzed agent . C) The information regardi-ng special disericts and Lhe boundaries of sueh districts may be obtained'from the Board of Count.y Commissioners, the Count.y Clerk and Recorder, or che Count.y ASSeSSor. Required by Senat,e Bill 92-143 A Certificate of Taxes Due li-sting each taxing jurisdicEion shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or ti'Ie County Treasurer' s authorized aqent . ft""GuARANta A) r.vlt.al 7,/l,t/91 DESTGN I REVIEW BOARD APPIJTCATTON . TOWN I OF DATE OF DRB MEETING:*t'******** ********** A. PROJECT TNFORMATTON: DATE RECEIVED: DESCRIPTION; B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstructionAddir.ion ($s0.00) I($200. OO) X uinor AIr,erar,ion ($20.00) (s0)., Jionceptual- Review c. D. ADDRESS: I,EGAL DESCRIPTION:Subdivision If property is described bydescripei.on, pldase providlLo this application. a meeEs and boundson a separate sheet. Leqa). and aLtach E.ZONTNG: NAME OF MaiJ-ing AFPLICANI: Address: I Dpo Phone G. H.NAMA qF OWNER(S): NAME OF APPLICANT'SMailing Address:REPRESENTATIVE: Phone .SIGIVATU I. .1 . FEE SCHEDULE: FEE' D zu.uu $ 50.00 $1.00.00 $200.00. $400.00 $s00. 00 Mailins Address: ON Gl_, APPLTCATTONS !.TIT! NOf EE PROCESSSD WITHOUT O'{NSR'S S.TGIVAf,URE Condominium Approval if appticable DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at theLime of submir.Lal.of . rhc DRB ippiilauio". -r,Il"I, whenapprvins for a buirding pur^ii-,'-nrbase iaenciiv-ii-r. ur"rrrur,uvaluat'ion of uhe proposai. The iown ot vair-wiri adjust, thefee accordinq to tne- tabte Ueior, Lo ensure lhe correcE f,eeis paid. VAIJUATIONs 0 $ i0,c00$10,00L-$ s0,000$ s0. 001 $ j.s0, 000 $1s0,001 - $ s00,000 $500, 001 g1 , 000, 000$ over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAT EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAI,APPRovAr, IINr,Ess A BUrrJDrNc pERMrr rs rssuED axo corusriutErorIS STARTED. oo t o t l- fecrA,/od t+- RetUm tO George Ruther TowR Plannor PROJECT: 6eo,u^l VualU DATE SUBMITTED: - ' DATE OF PUBLIC H COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PBOPOSAL: Te-t* -Lh-^r A,p-f..-o'--L-yrr-4/ a-'a-ZJa ?rblic vJotL= FIEffiTT Reviewed by: kv' L't'4ainnea Date:re{r<$ed l-z'ttf Comments: rev'$rvecl I - 3-.15 certx<u-d. l"J -{5 5trrlel ?. - nszc\ pt erel on'tvr s tod*(3-c'\ i 'r4 5 l'l i< drrcai:cl to uo he^{A1. -the' t'(eY ax'N-"^"€ d'T::.. 'fuH*m3:fr''.:il* tpd1o r( rreffyr-:ri rnc,7'1 fl;rv<dc1 6ade 'r'rYhoL't W'rLt ' V.tA rSnd a revoYrr)os tt rAntc€ \tc\ tcrcrrr'1 foc \\o.JJts an {o^sn g0'l'l ' UuarAcc\il*rr\\Ye tuq"lod o'*,ip,"* )dUo l€' ar gou*r too6.,-,.*1 edtp' niir,rar^, u.crF *rrry1 re,v,Ca) ff.d.g (z r) s.r: sc.r, . r..,\c,r-r tnes(\rcxrfl-ol"^r.^*" bcam t^ nden :-/dt\6 fd or,,.r,;n C.t) arvl a 7t 5\t wid(X o'l h-.c, (oodr',r."\ acvr-5\4$ harle a 1 Tnb*b WhM'€r\ 6rtaoyo'A'"1 eya,n)5'L-'t' SeeP{an . f.kr""c^rrr crrs cr$caJcL\ " *:"^Y::Yn ,' tv.Ytb +co^r tfVW-W.)t* fl ' N.J,rwu\\5 Can A: tuclhfir fhdn u2' 4fr4\l- .ei.r/ t tiYoa *ign Review Action FOn TOWN OF VAIL category Number d oate 'y' / t ;/ r; < ..- 7 Proiect Name: f), ., , i). ..,. v Building Name: Project Description: t,l Owner. Address and Phone: Rrcnltqst/e6mDAdd ress and Phone: ..,-: Legal Description: Lot '5 / Bbck -Subdivision /. /. , ,-. .,ri ZoneDistrict t7,", Prolect Street Address: Commenls: Motion by:</- o- t Seconded by: ft/npprovat ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner Date: i / tL DRB Fee Pre-paid r t .*.*.-;;:;; .",,:"^* DESCRIPTTON: ********** L'AY NA.r E**********I. A. B.?YPE OF REVIEW: X ll.r Consr,ruction (g200.00)Addition ($50.00)Minor A1 t,eraLion Conceptual Review ($20.00) ($o) D. ADDRESS: IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTSubdivision If property is descri.bed bvdescripti.on, please providlto this application. Block a meets and. boundson a separat.e sheet legal and aLtach ZONING: NAME OF APPLTCANT: Address:iling Phone G.NAME OF APPI,ICANT, S REPRESPNTATIVE:Mailing ddress: hone IJ NAME qF Ot,trNER(s): MaiJ.ing Address: Phone I. ,1 . APPr'rcATroNs wrLL Nor BE paocEsssD wffHour owNER. s srcruarBRs Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at LheDRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,l are tcLime of subrnittal of the DRB applilation.L.r'rq \,! Drit.nrrr. LLdr _ r.lr. Lne DXIJ appJ.1Fat.ron. Lat.er, whenapplying for a buirding permit,-prbase identify the accapprvr.g ror a Dul.rctr.ng permi"t, prease identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The iown of vail will ad.iusL Lhpwill adjusL thefee according t"o the table below. lo ensure the correcL feeis paid.ht- FEE SCHODUI,E: VAI,UATION rtt n ,h .rY v + rv,uuu$ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000$ 50. 001 s 150. 000 $1s0,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - 91, 000,000$ Over $1,, 000, 000 DESTGN REVIEIT BOARD APPROVAI, EXPTRES APPROVAI, UNI'|ESS A BUII,DING PERMIT ISIS SBARTED. FEE D 4U. UU $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00 .00 ONE YEAR AFSER FINAIJ ISSUED .AI\TD CONSTRUCTION TT III. A pre-appliear.ion meeting wit,h a member of Lhe planningstaff is encouraqed to delermine if any additionalapplicacion information is needed. It. is Lhe applicant,sresponsibility Lo make an appoinLment with rhe sE.aff Lodetermine if there are additional submittal reguiremenLs.Please not.e that a COMPLETE application wilL sLreamline thereview process for your projecL. In addition to meeting.submitLaL requiremenls, theapplicant must. st.ake and tape Lhe piojecu sit,e toindicaEe property lines, buiLding lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees t.o be rernoved musE, o.'e t.aped. AII_site tapings and staking must, be completed pi:ior Eo theDRB site visit. The appticanb. musL, ensure thac stakingdone durinqr tlre winEer is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUITDINGS normally reguirescwo separat.e meetinqrs of the Design Review Board:.aconcepeual review and a final review. Applicants who fail co appear before tbe Design ReviewEoard on their scheduled meet,ing date and who have norasked in advance Lhat discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their it.ems removed from Ehe DRBagenda unLil such eime as E.he it.em has beenrepubl i shed . The follohring iLeris may, at. the discretion of thezoning administraLor, be approved by t.he CorununityDevelopment DeparE.nerjt sLaf f (i.e. a formal hearinobefore Lhe DRB may not be required) : a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterioi chanqeswhich do not. alrer the exisLing plane of Ehebuilding; and b. Building addirions noc visible from any oL.her lotor public space. At the Eime such a proposal is. submitted, applicanrs must include Letuers fromadjacenL properEy orrrners and/or from the agent. foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationsLaling the associarion approves of the addition. If a property is }ocat.ed in a mapped hazard area (i,e,snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain. debris fIow,welland. eLc.), a hazard sEudy must be submitted andLbe owner must si.gn an affjdavir recognizing t.he hazardreport. prior Eo the issuance of a building permit,Applicants are encouraged t.o check with a-rbwn prannertrfio5 t.o DRB application t.o det.ermine Llie relaLionshipof t.he property to all mapped hazards. For a1l resident.ial construct.ion: a. CLearly indicate on the floor plans uhe insideface of the exterior sL,ructural walls of thebuildinq; and b. Indlcate wit.h a dashed line on the siLe plan afour foot distance fron the ext.erior facL of rhebuilding walls or support,ing columns. If _Pl! approves the applicat.ion wiLh condirions ormodi-fications, aff conaiLions of approval nusL beaddressed prior to lhe application- ior a buildinqpermi t . R c. D. F. I.,IST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PRO.}ECT: LEGAL DESCRTPTION: LOTZ|J BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: The foLlowing information is Review Board before a final A. BUITDING I{ATERIAI,S: Roof Sidinq - 5fuco Other Wal1 MaLerials required approval. ryPn oF for submittal can be ,givent MATERIAIJ Lo Lhe Design coLoR Fascia Soffits Windows Window Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai.ls Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReLaini.ng walls Exterior Liqhtinq OLher LANDSCAPING: Name of /l)Jsfi. P ,t n, b" rt \ T"ur{d,cr , Tri.m C '"' qh^Les Nnt*r"tr. S+.'w P^wu* P,5 ktta-r. '',\ l It_/tt A . r\t I( lr{\' Designer: Phone: SUBDIVISTON I> PLAT{? },'ATERT: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Ste Lt *Indicat,e caliper for deciduous crees. ao*ot.** ouanrirv .,-tI'Botanical Name hes. rndicate rTAAA**Indicat.e size of proposed GtrruOs.I q+]lon. Tvpe GROUI\ID. COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL tiinilnum calirrer forheiqht for coniferous square Foqtaqe c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exrerior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow rhe number of f ixt.ures and toiariois on a separat,elighlinq plan. IdenLify each fixt.ure from Lhe tight.inq ptanin t.he space below and provide the height aUove giade, -t1pe ofrighc proposed, lumen output, luminous area aDd a cub. sheet oftbe liqht. fixr.ure. (Seclion 19.54.050 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls. fences, swimmingpools, eLc ' ) please specif v. tndicar.e treight.l oi - t.tuirri"iwalls. Maximum heighr of watls wirhin Lhe front setback ii3'' Maximum height of walrs elsewhere on-rr,e-piop"rry is 6,. D. Il'l. {SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FITING ADDRESS ?he location and avaiLability of utiliCies, wheEher!ry$ lines or proposed lines, must be approv.O j"afollowinq ut,ilities for Lhe aceompanying- ;ite-;I;;. Authorized Sionature Lhey be mainveri.fied. by the 'Date U. S. west Communications 1- 800 -922-1987 468 - 6860 or 949 - 4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hal1 Holy Cross Elect.ric Assoc. 949 - 5892 Ted Husky/uichael taverty Heritage Cablevisj"on T.v.. 949 - 5530 Steve Hiatb Upper Eagle Valley WaLer& Sani t.ation Dis t,ri.ct * 4'76-7480 Fred HasIee NOTE: 2. 3. ')-. This form is to vdrify service availabiLj_tv andlocaLion. This should be used in conjuncrion wichpreparing your urility plan and scheduLinginstallaLions. For any new consLrucLion proposal, Lhe applicanLmusL provide a bonpleued uciiitv verificiLion forrn. If a utiliEy company has concerns wiLh the proposedconst.rucLion, che utitity representaLive snoutl notdirect.ly on the utility verification form that t.hereis a problem which needs to be resolved. The issueshould Lhen be spelled out in deLail in an atLachedletLer to Ehe Town of vai.l. However, pLease keep inmind that iu is the responsibj.Iity ot ltre utilitycompany Lo resolve idenEified problems. If the uLiliry veri"fication form has signaLures fromeach of Lhe utilicy companies, and no conunenEs arernade direcLly on Lhe form, the Towo will presumeLhat. Lhere are no problems and that the dbvelopment,can proceed. These verifications do noL relieve the cont,ractor ofhis responsibility to obt,ain a street cut permiLfrom the To\,,'n of vail, Department, of publil Worksand to. gbtai{r lrcilitv locations before diqqinq inany public right-of -way or easeheniin tfre gorrrn of lail. A buildinq.nermit is not a street cuE permir.A sl.reeL. cut permiL musL be obtainea sdparatefy. Installation of service lines are at, the expense andresponsibility of the property owner. * Please bri-ng a siLe pLan, floor plan, and elevations whenobcaining upper Eagle valley water & saniEat,ion signatures. Fireflow needs musL be ad,dressed. 4. 5. I Single Family ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, Duplex, pr ZONE DISTRIC?S rylSecondary -,U ima DATE: 'LIZ1 ( 4{ , . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS: OWNER Al-1owed, (30) 1331 ARcHr"Ecr 12 . L .o . , *ttu E r* neffl . zoNE Drsrnrm F/5_ - PRoPosED vs, f l>. - Lor srzE l1,t+l qq.{t. Height TOCAl GRF'A Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA SeLbacks FronL Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping ReLaining waLl Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: ^ lttb Zo t1 4,1al a:/v' h_. nzao, l?oo 2 Encl No LoLd_ Block,_ subdivision Gl&nLqrn . FflONE PHONE BUILDABI,E Exis tin<r IJOT A,REA ProDosed Total 3z 5o4l + 425 = 4oLtp + Azs = 33_t b_ 20' 15, 15, 't ttt0_-=t-- 1,/A' f Reqrd (300) (500) (900) Permitted Slope t proposed Slope .h_fuMlC Complies wiLh f.O.V. Lightinq Ordinance Yes -.'.'.-.- L1bb Lo t.l h 7'o V,1zl ----z Water Course Setback Do Finish Grades Exceed Envi ronmen tal/Ha zards : G0) (50) ( 50%) Nl^ - YES No-d___ Flood Plain Percent Slope (< > 30%) Geologric llazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow 4 ) Wet,lands View Corridor EncroachmenL: yes Does ihis feeiiest irrvuive a 250 Ari<iifion? ArTlHowmuchofthea1}owed250Addit.ionisusffiisreque5t? Previous condit.ions of approval (check property file): L1 t\ '1 ) 10 D33r4r rREtEtf l* tttttatral t tta t al ttt @' F-SzB T*944 P-gg? rFsr.Eca,sr0[ - socu 0F lnf coID|.rDo Bl!!I SECtwlui - urTc or o|(F r{EE8lt€: r. I, C' D. e. Fr I. J, !9SCEIH|IO!| r !.TIfPE Ot lltrltltt Jfu*, CoDstruccioa {flgg.oo, -Jtinor llB.stBtoo t3ao.oDl -iiccrato*:(fE0.ool' jlsosccpBurl rtcrrlrt, (l0l' I,DD8ES3: r n..Er lsd'bodDat oE I aePsrtEg cbJiaE lcArl.s(l ruB*ih o. VA! TEION3 g I l0,onn119,O0tr-S 50.000 .. l50,o0l - $ 150,000 1150.001 - | 500.000*5go.oor ' fl,000,000I Qtrr( Il.OOO,000 DFsrcr rrvlil torrD rfrEov t, SxPrll8rPrtouu, uDrrISB r Evfl.Dtlrc PaBI{lr tsIs atrtTrD. gB yfla ltlra r$tr& r5sutD rltD CdfSTttrC?Itr" tEg s 20. G0| 50.00tt00.00 t200.00 a.00. s0 f500. oo Lrcit'DEsc*rrtrott;. l,ot -.--n3.- Bloct3 Ssbdivirioa lzLaq l..rr'^ - - .- lf ptop.rty ls desctiball bY ceeeribeton,' Irl.irf€ Provide Eo Bhls rPDlicagior EOHIIET llrrHE OfffcillaE rlFll$il{Ir Addrrcs: Nlr{E otK.lll'rg IT'&ICT!IT' S f,EPRE5Eil[TATI:t'E: Addrcrr I H|!rg qr oHilrnl fiailiag Addrelgr ttt&tc.|ttor$ IE&t tftc! t8 ,focss5p rgsfraw owtrt'f trsslfuf,a qgadrrialurtr ilprovrl if applrelslr, Df,a FEE3 DII! teGr, .r ttrwr ebove,l rre to be Ptitl oB EhB cirne. q-t .EuFeicEsl ef ttrc Dns epplipacios. I'rEer' rlren Bpplyiiig fsr r buildlag.oerdg, pletDe idrstify th; reeur.gfvrlurt.io$.,of thr proposrl. ,Ttrr fora of v$l vlll riliuru lhc fee ecco:ding ca the-rebtt bcl,6r. Es etsute Blte cgrrqct lrai* prid. - FlE FIID: I CT&IF f,;.. -.. IrrrlEr. - B-.Ir 3li l1/I994 Ui 36 9023 F|A rosrs rffllcr{|lfll ' 1!gF s TtcL. PAIiE 6I T .}{{ F-6BJ DIIIfl *fYt B. ' llilt ilEllvlDrD[fl 0t tq! fifr!ffil lla-aitraaff€rrx|Gr{fitrFrfr4+!!&HEdD retfqtta+,r$i'|Elf, .'. |.],-'-.. '. ,at A lls3Df t sfntml?siiBi, *eot'bt #L*:tglil'!lt;'oo' lODlStt r r : : ',,* ., 1- n* -,* ucJit'DE ctt*tJgr:. Fr --.13- tloctr ..----r--------lubdivirio$ drrrA r{|'1 - r., - ' - - H,HSHjilHff## t?t!'$.r:i*r1rilr r cr.ir !. Cr D, t. ?, c. r4rrtl xrlrE s! 'FF!r$l|ffi.lrl.O tallr|ra !r !{$c ot lttDlErr}"" 4 fiJl tittt Addr'$r tJgEr nt||r qr o$.lf I Xritin{ ldrrrft .rrtrtlEltlffi tt& ftt tl r|o6ttttD rfsrtlotf ilm'c tail}lrlt it. Cootnialu lhcso|.t it EFrrE Flr' ,t. Dll ?IIr 'Dll frrr, llhflB rborcl rrr'la f. Frtt rt ihr rLn- of .r$ltrtttl ?t rha DE r#lFrclcn, Lrgrr' rhrF.toryrt[ tor . !$lldl{.rillc. DL.|l. i{$tl!t tba |cetrt Brviiuiefil..o{ thr ttEDsrrr. lltr fo'n of vrl} r,lll rtlurE-tI$lcr rccrtdiff, ro ihc't.|blG rrlo{. Lo .Erstr tl|. oo? ca larir rrid. :.. rrff,Ufill0lf llt$il rlI!fi srlD t'rrdnflrE rtrtlrt ry trlt llrllr rlrlt&rttlc rit u.rra r E|rI;DUN. rsllr $ fflulD lP gil#lrucllfrrl a!!rs!rc. H. * I o I l$,cnl! t10.50lrc,c01 .] 10,000 fto,!o.. ..t50.0D1 'l 159,000 |100.00 1150,001 - I 540.000 rile .00-ree:eer rr,t00.000 1.00,oo' t Ou.t rlrllo0r000 . lf00'eS slfifrutrrl!r Plf idnrhtr'fr 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 343479-2138/ 47e-2ti9 FAX 303-479-2452 April 12,1995 Deparunent af Community Developnent r doc r ltJ Sally Brainerd RKD 1000 Lionsridge Loop #3D Vail, CO 81657 Dcar Sally: Thank you for appearing before the Desigu Review Board on Wcdnesday, April 5, 1995 with the proposed Brown duplex located on lot 37, Glen Lyon Subdivision. The Desigu Review Board has approved the Brown duplex with the following conditions: oV l. That a site visit is arranged with the planner to count the nurnber of hees removed as a result of this proposal. The purpose of the hee count is to mitigate all trec rcmoval at a I to I ratio. 2, That larger conifers bc added to the landscape plan in place in those arcas where large blank cxpanses ofexterior wall exist. The Design Revicw Board has requested that four 12'to 14' and four 8' to 10'conifers be placed on the landscape plan. 3, Indicatc on thc sitc plan and laadscape plan a limit of disturbance. Thc limit of disturbance will thcn needto be identified in the field with a minimum 4'construction fencing. Also, please add a note to the landscape and siteplan that at no time during construction is the construction fencing to be rcmoved. 4. If exterior lighting is proposed, please indioate the lighting onthe site plan- Additionally, please submit a copy of the manufacturer's specifications for each of the lights to insure compliance with the Town of Vail outdoor lighting ordinance. 5. That thc Town of Vail Public Works Departrnent sign off on the proposed plans. an- 6. That the Town of Vail Fire Department sign off on the proposed plans, Agaiq thank you for appearing before the Design Review Board, on lVsdnesday, April 5, 1995 ov & It., with the proposed Brown duplex. Each of the conditions of approval mentioned above needs to be resolved pg1ct to tbe application for building permit. If you have any questions or concerns with regards to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can be reached most easily during regular offi ce hours at 479-2138. 4'{-}4J George Ruther Town Planner f:\everyonc\goorgc\eterlbrainr(4 t2 Sincerd, ul/J^^*1* -,t Single Family ZOI\IE CITECK ' FOR Residence, Duplex. AONE DISTRICTS DATE: I I",EGAL ADDRESS: FrrOu: Lot, 3? Block OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT BUII,DABIJE ExisEinq (30).{ffi LH't4 =J',881_ =J263- 20, 15',-#'.h' s&a 3a& o*#l@ 7n-7n *r'qd 6 0-l r^**l /ltObSd 4rts /ts z_7 4ild # /r ,l,t/3't6' 6 neqta (300) (600) (e00) -6 V encr @tuat*t rves-{- No- 1) Flood Plain oY- . z't PercenE slope f. , nU a flV' (/?)- 3) Geologic Hazards ,;a) Snow Avalanche- N/lr b) Rockf all otLt . c) Debris Flow dta 4) Wetlands view Corridor Encroachmenf: Yes--- No-.,---dL-- Previous conditions of approval (check properLy file): Does this reqLiesL invuiue a 2i0 Adciitirrrr? = il?= Hohr much of Lhe allowed 250 Addit.i;;-l'; useffi:Eilis regues L?. rJtl /4C.14 /454 + !E- /BA + 425 FronL Sides Rear Heighrs complies with T.o.v. Lighting Ordinance viaLer course seLback (30) (50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%) Envi ronmen caI,/Hazards : PerrniLEed slope 8+ Proposed slope t Yes { No riA Primary/SecondarY s/e/qs LOT AREA Proposed Tobal 5l3Z 4 ee=W 4@ Subdivision PROPOSED USE e1s IIOT SIZE Heiqhr ToLAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbaclts Si E.e coverage Landscaping ReLaining wal1 Parking Garage CrediE Drive: Allowed L0 -f Rrc,n;u$rrapgj O I TO: M|KE McGEE Rcviewcd by: Commcnls: . Firc Dcpl.: Rcvicwcd by: Date: TODD OPPENHEIMER Flelurn lo Georgc. RuLher Town Ptannci PROJECT: DATE suBMirleu DnlEoFpuuuiffi I BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI.IE PROPOSAL: Enginocring: Flcvicwcd by: Commcnls: A'rr tt4,rt'"an,Dalc:Jurre\?.\qAS ttL.,-ott. o.-€f 3r t"*$, .<r wtt t<tr.t qcrV:cc.l-. r-,e. gtr-"x-r, CCr<ttr.rrr flr€. qtt\ tco k%ft is\4ocnu,. \.,.1c!k\c\ft5. 9<a gr,o . \'lrt^tt^"e' \.-- :\a\crr{\cb ocr \.trn<\ri scSA<or.eq?i \r q.* a-qos.? r)r.,> .r q\*-! \.$Q lcrs,s S\\qc( . L6n+oei) an w'l. rs: rv. a*<,..* road ce"ji.occr . 't . b\ok <^€ero,,<d. g*sdocgli e , j Landscaping: Dalc: Dislributcd lo lhc l--irc Dcparlmcnl, public Wodrs, and Landscaping 64 m'D ',nAl s Des TO: Mli(E McGEE TODD OPPENHEIMER tt---,.- ,-,.-.--',o Georgc RuLherRelurn Town Ptanrrcr PROJECT: DATE SUBM* COMMENTS NEEDED BY: S/24 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI.IE PROPOSAL: I n--' af ptu**rj -lrn* r.t-t to.aL.a -,n1.o,1 ..taj*,,1 . TharpKo. Engincering: Rcvicwcd by: -l!e-r $p*,*az go1o.Trna?. liAS Commcnls: rmrtp. f.cIf m wwv. *:rne1q5rin.-ltcc^nrs. "{orve Ou, ofie Se,ttlbn o( dfi\mar ttrz Jot*t sdA wr vr rt}r i5 l@ |Ee'q'&Fon' Ot- . A tcrr'otoaes " Vo"' SYill e*LceA a' ?"| sto(e ' Wgtc'n . dU .*fv sri.a.r: ridc,1.,o \oqr a c(,nhoo'. oc ktB East sde'.9e9?v^n & . 9r'r.,4y.6\ onltr a Soohn;lda tS !o *%? ' Seagloat O\- t %u',hou{ irrStq\ S+re isfi cf Fe66ft dcctli.tr rg q goOC sa:*l df iug }o VAee qX.fCrr onrot t\ag\rdr$- Cr€crre. gr-rrls p ga,ag &oSroftp tccrrt\nqnc . Landscaping: Reviewcd by: Date: Commcnts: Firc Dept,: Rcvicwcd by: Drrl. Commcnts: tJ6T AfrAt'JgP. PLEASg\a€5$BmtT. a Oislributcd lo lhc.Firc Dcparlmcnl, public Works, and Landscaping on-- \ TO: MIKE McG f,tfD tPR 0 TODD 51995 OPPENHEIMER Gcorge RutharRelurn lo PROJECT: DATE SUBMTTED:___oA PUBLIC Henntntc' COMMENTS NEEDED BY:. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OFTI.IE PROPOSAK r l. rN't EJI:DEPABTMENTAL REV|EII lem l.{cftrlgL Snts; SApnl rSS Town Plnnncr 9?ul *f _l"trJST' EIflaraJOa'#':'PEiil6 F'^.tsr+eroEO6 e. Enginccring: Rcvicwcd by: Comrncnls: tJC,., '.ts o.'rr 3t auc"red tn tte frsrt ."ct ba@. (El Nogroarnq ouel. L:l l.Jo r.rf'rrs 6tol.oAd o\r:r tit in lreqtrt -lfrrsf be rfeppeA h"lL . RatoO" drtf, at $rruSrr c( qj\\r(ud\(I\ Cr "Ofl ft,e rlorrtr s\dg -) rt urr,r ?/o Ftttl. + Lrll\l6t\ Pcu\ csr tirrts drrr;c oJ bo6e a,( d (r.6r-0\ ti^ r C| 3"9!trz '-*^l.t drc'r.N^fic\ do.r.r tto **<n ir.ue$o.5T. t"o{ [rccn \t<.hqsa?. _ * *?J|t" {-.rr!ef drcrrs\^fic\ d$.r q t\-@ *o,fr Ar.e*olJ" oc\eralPdsdl tobe6m-o;w{of tu t,,lde. ^!alt f)orfva F*fr-{ DettJqArrtl s lto d r,0lEes 9t, u U I o wot€( dfArn9 hf{frdl ti19 {tat on 66, Iy*g*;|9.^ sorr\ dri\re aocyrr .r.Liandscaping: Rcvicwcdby:._ . _Datc: Commcnlr: Firc Dept.: Rcviewcd by: ., _. - - Onta: ll nrn rn z'a t -. . Wa0adn.n I- ir t,ae&l b \re e+.rrUoO to tqeet cr"Ot CU rqdj'J$ t{ed^d a hn0f6po(r. \ zoNE CHLCK . FOR Residence, Duplex,SingLe Family DATE: tEGAt DESCRIPTION:Lot Block - Subdivision I Primary,/SecondarY ZONE DISTRICTS ADDRESS: ARC}IITECT FHONE PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE 6T>b c P6 Allowed t"=--(30)((3_3)) BUILDABI,E exislinq 40el sa44 _=J M_!@ ffia_-@f4g) +425=2881 Sroposed 3Z.S . t'lnsfi Z?25 zryp 40ts/ , ..t€- -?nol d oL --::- //,8 + 125 =JUfr- LOT SIUE HeiEht ?oLal CRFA Primary GRFA Secondary CRFA SeLbacks FronL S ides Rear SiEc Covcrage Landscaping Retaining Wall tleights Parking Carage Credit Drive: L') waLcr Course Setbacl< Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50!b) Environmen La1 /t{azards : View Corridor Encroachmenl, : (300) (600) (900) PermiLLed slope % Proposed slope % tOT AREA Toral 2Q' 15, 15', tin tlt bb€qt, 1'/6', d neqra iEn \l complies wiLh r.o.v. LiqhLing ordinance n Yes oV (30) (s0) 1) rlood Plain 4Lat2) PercenL slope (< > 3O%l L7 -lo 3) Geologic l-lazards a) Snow Avalanche PfA* b) Rockfall _ eL,c) Debris Flow aE - 4 ) wet,Lands ves-No-,*---ar-- ,,*t -- X ves-*-- No-{p- Does Lhis req'ues'r invoive a 250 itciciiliou? - Lro llow much of ine allowed 250 AddiLion is useE-Tftrt-Efris requesrr u/C Previous condit.ions of approval (check property file): r"0 7 -- GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER ceorge RuLher Town Planncr Relurn lo PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTCD: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI{E PROPOSAL: ! l. INTE R,D EPA RTMENTAL-F EVI EW PUBLIC HENRING Dalc: Enginccring: Rcvicwcd by: Commcnts: Lanclscaping: Rcviewcd by:Dalc: Comments: Firc Dapt.: Rcvicwcd by: /l{zrttt?Date:// - /a_ ?.f Cornmcnls: U,rabk t-rz rspck, w,thindt th€ pcrrpa:eJ ,Sfr,r<,lu.c, _ 5pti-.ktus;' J{v.v,-tuv'a; /5O' la eu q)enor e,,rtr "rn5 IKE M6GEE Dislributccl lo firc Firc Dcparlmcnl. public Works, and Landscaping on oo il TOWNOF VAIL RECEIPT NO. la,? < CIIECKs MADE PAYAILE TO TOWN OF VAIL ,, acc€UNTNO,xtrlt 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESSTTAPS $5.00 0 t 0000 4241 5 UMFORM BUILDING CODE $54.000l 0000 424r5 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE $39.00 0l 000042415 IJNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $37.00 0 i 0000 42415 UNIfORM }'IR.L, CODL $36.000l 0000 424 I 5 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $37.000l 0000 4241 5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLATS)$7.000l 00rn 4241 2 XEROX COPIES $0.25 0l 000042412 STUDIES 0t 0000 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0r 0000 42371 PENALI'Y FBT,S i RE-INSPECTIONS 0t 0000 41332 PLAN REVIIIW RE-CIIECK FEE [S4OPER HR.] 01 0000 42332 OFF ITOURS INSPECTION FEES 01 0000 414l 2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEET 0l 0000 4t413 SIGN APPLICATIONTEE $20.000l 0000 4t413 ADDITIONNL SIGNACE FIE tSI.OO PER SQ.FT.I 0 t 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJ]]CT DONATION 0l 0000 41331 PREPAIDDESIGNRHVIEW 4(n -0l 0000 42371 INVESTIGATION FEE ( BUILDING) 310000451t0 TOV PARKING FUND 0r 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPA PF-R DISPF,MERTUI{D* 0t 0000 2llt2 TAXABLE @1% $TATE)* 0t 0000 41010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOW){) 0 | 0000 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION iltER PEC APPLICATION FEES 0l 0000 4t330 ADDITIONAL GRFA "250'ti200.00 0 l 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PIIRMIT $200.00 0r 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION [LESS TIIAN 1OO SQ.FT.I $200.000l 0000 41330 EXTERIOR A LTERATIOI{ TMORETIIANI OOSQFT:]$500.00 0r 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMTNT DBTRIET INEW-$r,500.00 01 000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INMJOR AIVTEID $ I,000.00 0l 000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT I'MINOR AMEND $200.00 0r 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 0r 0000 41330 VARIANCE s250.000l 0000 4t330 ZONINC CODE AMI]NDNTtsNTS s250.000l 00{n41330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER IIUIAL:l-------_---t cAsE r--r.**rJIO\b rM; a I i l j '41 l-(" \ - tliserllrmrr Grdr 82-28-95 t6rSSrS Rec*ipr. * 16S92A Fccatrrr * CK {t ZBlg RI{D\DR3 F€E Rnount r.enderrd Itrr Frid 6l5EEE4lS5lgEs Chgnge raturned ) 20{a,W hornt prid 2w,W 8.68 THFIhII€ 1/OIJ Vour crshirr R€gTFlfi "iT - . --.r't!l Oign Review Action foJn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number /Z Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecUOofia6- Address and Phone: Legal Description:Lot .i-7 Efock - Subdivieion /. /'aL -t-.,,,tJ ZoneDistrict *irt Proiect Street Address: Comments: -. - Board / Statt Action Molion by:u ! L') L - , Seconded by:. ri_ i . ., tsLApproval 3 Disapproval n StaffApproval Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid 7 1 F-941DATICI trtlllll l|gllllt lFl-tjr.rr.rt - .rrtl|!v r-I P-amlaa? DEC 12 'e5 1E:?! DAIE IICEIVE 'DASE S E t|lEfIlrcr !EiIE!.i@B3IEI9S: .' i: t. c. D" DESBID,|IISI ,ll'Df,,Est I ulcr!Sulalvl!lq |lgc 1 3 i$95 D. It gsoPcrty ir .dctedbcdf' dcrsrlDris ' Plcur 'lrav: ralt lbqdrb hear'r rs9arrne ''tte.i .!d lltaEh 'ff tttffi'/g&gf,rlEw ire to br orlil '.t tDe rDDllcrrioD lrrr,Ct' r.l|I[ tl-?lurc fthrDlty !b€ rEcu:..L. 'irro ct ?.il titl.i$$tl .lhl Y !..:: bttror rll,:rlt slD f190,00r - a s00.F0o ,1300,001 - 11.000,.000 I o'tte l1,OO0 tE!,a 10,00 T 50,00 *r00- 00 12 00 ,00 tl00 ' 00 f900, 00 rl q|l fllrrr!!|r IIXr,I,rl trtutD lb ofltauelldrrttorrl. @;rgt rIt t|'rr|t:D. : : SjIDru r,i ;-nraor.f,icrra*oo ,irr,rJ0V " O0follu' UE[/' llEP t Tcorccotuu .Revl.rt (f o, ,l-z'iL'I*> r lcG to t^Lis q9gliercto. E. E&VBlo: ?. r||ttc Ot S?ELICAIf ;- r|rlltDg ld{lre.f; .!i. 'rilc oFfl1lag lddrot!! tql|r'or on[n ,illDl'tdlltJff filll,St tl CoaAabEB rDfoFr1 rt J..ffirf,ll: 8G tlrr' irt tlborB el'. bf nlntwdl ,ot rljls .DDlylEg fc I,bsl'IdttEg-vab.Ei6d gf rlc '|.|, Cottauctlor t|t00 -OU, . ^laalL.ton (150 - 001 :. L foe ireoordlog to tho trblPIt .rirtd. . to icnruac tba €orEac t t'ce ,r:^-*.tilahf--. M-l a,') t.vlt.at o/t7l9A DEsrcN REvrEw lh*o ApprrrcATroN - TowN orC,ro, corJoRru)o DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: I. A. *****t**** ********** DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New construction (g200.00) _,X_I.4inor ArteraLion ($20.00)Addition (950.00) Concepruat neview i$0) Gczn L Ic. D. ADDRESS: LEGAIJ DESCRI Subdivision Lor 4+Block If properLy is described bydescripcion, please provideto this application. IzoNING: P le a meeLs and bounds on a separat,e sheet lega1 and attach E. F. I. ,t. lt I INAME OF APPLICANT: flIII-VIE,U) fuV4OPNF;il'Mailingr Address: Phone G. H. TiTAME OFMailing APPIJICAM'S Address; RESENTATIVE:E.D NAME.OF OWNER(S): OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: MaiLing Address; Phone APPTJICATIONS ttILIr NoT BE PRO4ESSED wl?Eottlr OUNER,, S gICJvATUnE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shoum above, are bo be paid aE thetime of submitbal of the DRB applicat.ion. LaLer, whenapplying for a buildinq permit, please identify the accuraLevaluation of tbe proposal. The Town of VaiI will adjust, Ehefee aecording lo the tabLe below, Lo ensure the eorect feeis paid. FEE SCHEDULEI^ VAI.,UATION' $ 0-$ 10,000 $ 10, 001 - $ .60, 000 $50,001 -g 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,00L - 91,000,000g Over 91,000,000 DESXGN REVIET{ BOARD APPROVAI, EXPIRES APPROVAIJ t ilIrESg A BUXITDINO PEnMI[t Ig XS SIARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ so. oo $100. 00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI.I ISSUED AIID COflBER,UCEION