HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 39 LEGALPage I of3 Bob Webb - RE: Private Gate, Westhaven Lane From: Stanley Beard To:Date; 04/09/2009 10r52 AM Subject: RE: Private Gate, Westhaven LaneCC: George Ruther Bob, Thanks for the response. In order to provide a safe path around the private gate, I suggest taking a look at removing the rocks around the gate post, which should allow for a "flat" area at least 36 in. wide, which would be a reasonable width. Of course the other issue is keeping that access maintained year around. At some point, it may help to advise the HOA that the gate may be in viotation of the Glenlyon covenants and that there are homeowners that are willing to take action to remove the gate lf a safe reasonable year round access is not provided, George knows what I am talking about here. Truth is, the gate should probably never have been approved by TOV or VFD. When convenient, could you please send me the conditional language used in approving the gate, I appreciate your help with this issue. If not resolved, this could deflnitely escalate. Stan Stanley S, Beard 500 W. Texas Ave., Ste. 705 Midland, TX797At Ph.: (432)683-4824 Fax: 683- 4834 > Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 08:37:11 -0600 > From: Bwebb@vailgov.com > To: stanleysb@msn.com > CC: GRuther@vailgov.com > Subject: RE: Private Gate, Westhaven Lane > Good morning George and Warren: > I have been dealing most recently with a Mr. Tom Ruzicka on the path issue and I anl,waiting a response from the HOA, I will keep you posted on my progress or lack of. > George, > I never heard from Bob Webb. The access path has not been adequately maintained all season, This issue needs to be resolved before next winter. My cell number is 390-1230. file://ClDocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempU(Pgrpwise\49DDD,.. 04/0912009 Page 2 of3 > Thanks, Stan > Stanley S. Beard 500 W. Texas Ave., Ste. 705 Midland, TX 79707 Ph.l (a32)683-4824 Faxt 683- 4834 > > Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 13:17r32 -0700 > > From: GRuther@vailgov.com > > To: stanleysb@msn,com > > CC: BWebb@vailgov.com > > Subject: Re: Private Gate, Westhaven Lane > > Good Afternoon Stan- > > I too hope this email finds you well. > > I will be asking our Code Compliance Officer, Bob Webb to follow up with you on your concerns. You are correct that the approval requires year round access. Once Bob has had an opportunity to come up to speed on the approval and the situation, he will be contacting you to follow through. > > If you continue to have difficulties with this situation please do not hesitate to call or write. I want to make this situation right. > > Thanks, r )) > > George Ruther, AICP > > Director of Community Development > > Town of Vail > > 75 South Frontage Road > > Vail, Colorado 81658 > > (970) 479-2145 (o) > > (970) 479-24s2 (f) > > (970) 376-2675 (c) > > Dear George, > > I hope this finds you doing well. > > You may recall that as a condifion for approval, the owners on Westhaven Lane are to provide year round pedestrian access around the subject gate. Last winter the quality of the access provided began to deteriorate and it has increasingly worsened this winter. I fell attempting to maneuver the path yesterday. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49DDD... 04109/2009 I' Page 3 of3 > > Due to improper and infrequent shoveling, the access has become a two tiered affair. The street level path is so narrow and crowds the the gate post so closely that it is extremely difflcult to maneuver. The elevated tier above it is better located, but is difficult to maneuver up or down it to street level. > > My personal position has always been that the gate violates the GlenLyon covenants, which clearly provide for pedestrian access on and across any and all easements including roadway and utility easements. Obviously, West Haven Lane would clearly fall into this category. Egually obvious, the private gate, which extends across the entire easement width denies this pedestrian access across all or any part of the easement. > > I am requesting that TOV enforce compliance regarding the provislon of a constant adequate path around the gate. This is a gate that the TOV should not have approved in view of the provisions of the Covenants, which are a matter of public record. > > George, I know you have more important things to do, but please pass this along to the individual you deem appropriate. I would appreciate a response. > > Thanks, > > Stan > > Stanley S. Beard 500 W. Texas Ave., Ste. 705 Midland, TX 79701 Ph.: (a32)683-4824 Fax: 683-4834 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Adminishator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49DDD... 04109i2009 NonrdN HUSBARD Ruacrn Knrnm"A KINcAID r-c. ATTORNEYS AT LAV/ 130 North Gtery ?.O. Box 550 olathe, Kansas 66051 Teleghone 973-782-2350 Facsirbile 91rnnr701Z I emet www.nhrk.cost James R, Hubbard Thomas E, Ruztcka Scon llanison Iteamer Gregory D. Kincaid L. Franklin Taylor Frank \[ Upsman Dana L.Parlc Allan E. Coon D. Todd Amey Kevin D, Vait Peggy S. Bisping Raylene K Crozier Of Couose! Joseph S. Davts, Jr. Dwtghr D. Suthedand, Jr. Joe L. Nonon (1942-2008) April 9,2009 bwebb@vailgov.com Bob Webb Vail Code Compliance Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Westhaven Lane Entrance Dear Bob: Following our telephone conversation, in reviewing my file I came across a memo which identifies the owners at that time who had control of Westhaven Lane and participated in the construction ofthe entrance. I am also enclosing a copy of correspondence from the architect who assisted those residents. Also enclosed is the first page of a letter from an entrty named Cascade Village Metropolitan Distict, which does have an office. Its purpose is to maintain the Cascade Metopolitan District which would iaclude this properry. It appears to me that probably the contact persons for those residents were Tim Pennington, Bob Rosen and/or Alan llassman. This is the most recent contact information I have. I feel certain that some of these people are still owners of the prope*y. Please call should you need any additional assistance. Thank you for your continued cooperation. TERjck Enclosures Very truly yours, omas E. Ruzicka .E !lEi iiiiir:l:l3t;ri,ril It; tts -I- \\C, - /:- --l \ ^\ F- r F-r =\s Tllxi; -_:---------,,. \.a \ llitt'li' I I I --\ sa, -n'. m,U', , f.t\ - frl ) -r) avt) fi'(>- PE tFtl) :<- rbf 14 "')!(,', ,, t(1.' .. 1..'l'r i,'- -l .. ...\,'.', -r\._ ..\" 1! ,', \ '' 'i \ '), rffi ,'l EEg |!|3:llll ii .l il / Awda U NQqe lttld'oopa/;ftg{'r Al#tt* $0ce lyon gnlQdlry, $ktrc tg0 ,Un Eornl Frcntqo &,od Wc* Vdt, Qdudo 8rG0I Sbud olDltoctot* $rc&artadc DaaHc.aQogf $eI4 Ilonilgf,ldf;fy',an ffe&ua noory September 12,2004 Dear Cascade Village Property Owners, As the Board of Directors for the Cascad.e Vilage Metmpolitan District, we are contacting you today to update you on important and time- sensitive issues relative to property ovlners and residents of the cascade Village Metropolitan District. ArnatdlYcSqffiflv A Nouernber 2, 2004 moil baltot is schcd.ured. for thoee cascade village Metropolita,n Distriet property owncrs and resid,ents eligibte ta vote. fuIlotswill be nailed to rctive registered el.ectors by october rc, zaoa. rhe electipn includ'es three ballot issues, all of which ari eryIained. furthcr in this letter. !11o of the three referend,um ballot issues calr for an increase in cascad,eVllage Metropolitan District property ta.tces. Thc third, d,oes not. The proposed, properQ tax increases odd,ress sa.fety and a,esthetic improvem,ents in three kext a,reas of the casea.dc village Metropolitan Districtand olso the safe and, continuing operati,oru of Chairlift #20. Please rrotc.: rn thi,s case, o property tax incrense refers onry to the amount ofproperty tatc paid to the cascad,e vuage Metropolitan Di.strict. property tacc paid. to this d'istrict is approxim.atety rs% of a propertyb tats,I tw biII. l{lilortt ol@t1l4D Ttre cascade village Metropolitan District (cvMD) was formed in t98T with the legal right to operate for three distinet purposes. 1) Ta incur and. pay off the bond. d.ebt for construction on chairtift #20. To pay for the on-going operatian of Chairlift #20. To manage ea,pital expenditures witltin the Co,scade Village Metropolitan District for the purpose of maintaining and, enhancing the Metro Distriet. Today the CVMD continues to operate with the legal right to maaage expenditures within the Metro District. In addition, even though the lift bond debt was paid in full by the year 2000, the Metro District also continues to operate to pay for Chairlift #ZOs general maintenance and operation. Payment of the liffs general maintenance and operation falls on the CVMD because chairlift #2os reveoues do not support its operation. This fiuancial obligation will continue unless market demand to use the lift increases enough to support its general maintenance and operation. Funding for the cvMD is generated by property taxes from both reeidential and commercial properties in the Metro District. A specified mill levy amount is used in conjunction with each property's assessed value to detemine the property ownet's tax responsibility to tJre Metro District. The resulting tax figure for commercial property is always significantly higher than for residential property. Approximately 4oo/o of the total tax revenues collected in the Metro District are generated from the commercial property owners in the Metro District. During the years the lift bontls were being paid ofr the mill levy on residential property in the cascade vitlage Metropolitan District was ar a high of 27 mills. Starting in 1gg4, and over a period of years, the Metro Distriet s mill levy was phased down. The reduction in the mill levy occurred partially because the remaining balance due from the ski lift bonds decreased each year. Additionally, the mill levy was lowered as the direct result of increased property values within the cascade village Metropolitan District- The higher propert5r varues, created both by new construction and market value increases, required a lower mill levy to yield the needed amount of tax dollars. Siroce the year 200O, the mill levy on properby in CVMD \pas $et, and has remained, at 8.3 mills. Simply stated, the mill levy frgure is a part of the formula srnployed to derive tax amoqpls due for both residential and commercial real estate. Another component of the formula is the "assessment ratio frgure". The assessment ratio figure is set by Colorado state legislation and used with a propert5/s "actual value" to yietd a propert/s'assessed value"- The assessed value ofboth residential and commercial real estate is then multiplied by the mill levy to reach a property's final tax amount due. currently the state mandated assessment ratio used for residential 2) 3) properties ia 7.96%; while in comparison, the assessment ratio used for commercial properties is 29o/o, yielding a much higher tax for commercial property owners- Annual property tax receipts from the Eagle County treasurer contain all these figures. Ftooily Auret St*qr Early in 2003, property owners in the cascade village Metro District were sent a questionnaire. This request for input from property owners was primarily intended to give the Metro Districts Board of Directors the necessary information to prioritize capital improvements in cvMD. Copies of the survey's results were sent to aU propert5r owners and can still be obtained from the Metro District's offi.ce. on the surveys retwned, three key areas within the cascade vinage Metmpolitan District were earmarked as high priorities for capitar improvements. 1) The Skier Brid.ga its cond,itian and, eafety, both for walkers and. ski,ers. 2) The westhauen Driue Brid,ge ouer Gore creefu its condition o,nd, safay for walkers, brrycles snd, cars- 3) Chairlift #20 Pl,aza. gu,ard.rail area, including the retainirug wall surround,ing it ahoue the bihelrecreatbn path. The Board of Directors has studied each of these areas ir ilepth and found that both aesthetic and, perhaps more importantly, safety improvements are wananted in all three. Therefore, proposed improvement designs and construction cost estimates on each ofthe three areas have been obtained. T9 pmceedwith the proposed capital improvements, a mill levy increase of B mills would be required. Although the cvMD Board of Directors has the latitude to lower mill ]svyg on taxes, raising the mill levy is not within itsrights. colorado's TABOR Amendment dictates that a referendum vote is mandatory to determine whether a Metro District's mill levy can be raised- (htAtlt#2o rn addition to the above referendum for capital improvements in the cascade village Metropolitan District, there is another issue pending a referendum vote by the Metro District. similarly it requires a vote because it calls for an increase in taxes. As previouely stated, a substantial portion of chairlift #2os operating and general maintenance costs are paid for by the Metro District. vail Resorts, Incorporated determines the cost based on a formula using the previous year's operating expenses and is funded with a portion of the Metro District's cunent 8.3 mill levy. However starting in 2005, ski lift operating expenses are expected to be higher than tax revenues. This variance inclndes standard operating expenses and required on-going capital maintenance items. Below are examples of impending capital expenses- 1) Brake system upgrod,e 2) New driue and, controls &) Replace grips (attachee ch.air to cable) 4) Replaee liftb primary cable To fund the increasing operating expenses, the Metm District's mill levy would have to increase by 1.8 mills. Again, per the TABORAmendment, this increase can only be approved by a referendum vote by those property owners who are residents ofand registered voters in the state ofcolorado. \{ithout approval, chafuuft #2o may not pass safety inspections and therefore may not be operable. WbAmUda In order to vote in a cvMD election, a person must be a property owner or reeident within the Metro District boundaries and also be a Colorado state resident registered to vote- Property owners who are not residents of colorado are not eligible to vote on Metro District referendums per Colorado state law. Regardless ofyour referendum voting status, it is eesential to the Board of Directors that each properby owner and resident of the c\rMD has access ro this information and has any questions addressed in a timery manner. Ealscnfu ''g{leot hw* erild{'d,iloa gl'.tlt/u X tawil Referend,urn_fullot Issue 58- Capitq,l Imnrouements far the Saf&y g.nd Enlwncenent of Coscodp ViIIage Metropolitan Disnict Rcferend'um 58 encornpasses proposed, co,pital inrprovernents in thc cascodt Village Metropolitan Di*tict atud calls for an increase of B mills to thc current mill leuy of 8.3 for the pwrpose of incurring d,ebt in ordar tn finanee capital improuements. Tllere are three projects includ,ed,- Euh of the three inzproaements ffi.reas safety concertus, gencrql maintena,nce and. enhanced, resthetic appeal.* 1) Ski,er Brid,ee - proposed, copital irnprovem,ents: stnne fagad.e with a 5-6 faot wid.th for ped,estri.o,tts and, a 74 foot wid,th for ski.ers and, bikers with o diuid.ing rail continuing past the bridge from both sides. 2) Westhauen Driue Brid,ge ouer Gore Creek- proposed, eapital improuements: atone faqad,e incorporated into a wid,ened, brid,ge with a, railing to separate cars from pedestrians o,nd, bikers. 3) clwirlift #20 Plaza - proposd, capital improvernents: eorrect sa,fety issues to lirnit CVMD', potentinl liahility, includ,ing to repair and, improve the retaining wall frorn the lift area dnwn to the bike/recreatinn path, plus to improue the safety o,nd, oesthetics imm,ediately around, the lift,s load.ing area. *see Table 1 for impact on residential and commercial properff taxes. should Referendum 58 pass in the November vote, the mill levy would increase from 8.3 to 11.3 mills. shoul611"ftvsnflrrm bB not pass in the November vote, the mill levy would not increase to fund these capital improvement expenses. Operation of Chairlift #20 Referend'um 5A add,resses proposed, operating expr.rr,ses related, d,irectly to the safe and' continuing operation of chairlift #za and, calls for an increase of l.gmills to the current mill leuy of 8.3.** 1) Brakesystemupgrodc 2) New driue and controls 3) Replace grips 4) Rcplacecable **see Table 2 for impact on residential and commercial property taxes. should Referendum 5A pass in the November vote, the mill lsvy would increase from 8.3 to lo.1 mills. should Referendum bA not pass in the November vote, the mill levy would not increase to fund these maintenanoe and operational enpenses. should both Referendum 5A and bB pass in the November vote, the total mill levy increase to caseade village Metro District wil be appmximately 4.g mills, thus increasing the current 8.3 mill levy to approximatety LB.1mills.*** ***see Table 3 for impact on residential and commerciar property taxes. Annual Tax Impact Residential Propertv Value $ 600,000 $1,0o0,o00 su.000.o00 s4,000,000 'Yes"Vote (+g mills) $ 120.00 $ 240.00 $ 480.00 s 960.00 Commercial Prooerty Value $ 50o,o0o $ t,ooo,o0o $ 2,OO0,0O0 $ 4,00o,ooo 'TesoVote {,+3 Mills) $ 4it5.00 $ 8?0.00 s 1,740.00 s 8180.00 Table 1- cvMD Ballot rssue bB'"fes'on capital Improvements 'Tes" translates to an approrimate 6% d Annual Tax .Yeet translates to an "ppf"ri Annual Tax Table 2 - CVMD Ballot Issue bA *fes'Operational Expenses Besidential *Yes. Vote Prooertv Valu$ (l.S Mills) $ 500,000 $ ?2.00$1,000,000 $ 144.00$2.000.000 $ 28E 00$4,000,000 $ 576.00 Comqercial afeso Votq Prooertv Value (+f.g Mills) $ 50o,0oo g 261.00 $ 1,000,000 $ 522-00 $ 2,000,000 g 1,044.00 $ 4,000,000 12,088.00 Table 3 - CVMD * *Yeso on both Ballot Issue 5A & EB Besidential .Yes. Vote Propertv Value (+4.8 MiUs) $ 600,000 $ 192.00s1,000,0o0 $ s84-0052.OOO.OO0 $ ?6S.00S4,000,000 gt,63e00 Commercial Tes VotePropertvValue (+4.E Mills) $ soo,ooo $ 696.00 S I,0OO.OOO $ I,S92.0O $ 2,O00,0O0 I 2,?E4.00 $ 4,000,000 s 5,668.00 'Yes" translates to an "ppr;rim" ,, hesdo Egr'laolWa'|dtno Please remember that colorado state law requires specific wording onreferendums. If you approve the capital improvements proposed in Referendum 58, then you would vote "yes". rfyou do not approve the capitalimprovements proposed in the first referendum, then yo.., *oua vote ..noo. similil'1y * the operational expenses proposed in Referendum bA, you would vote "yes" ifyou approve that lift operation cost increases should be funded and that the lift undergo the proposed safety and maintenance requirements.If you do not appmve that the Iift undergo this maintenance, then you would.vote'noo. In addition to Ballot Issues bA and sB, both relative to a change in the Metro lie-lrict s Fill levy, there will arso be a third balot questioo ..p"ro" a vote.cllrd Ballot Question b-1, it does not invorve c\r&fb's mill levy but instead addresses gliminatirrg term limitation for the c\4\fD's Board oiDirectors. Ifyou approve eliminating term limitations, you would vote "yes-,. If you do not approve sliminating term limitatione, you would vote ,.no". Aorlcrllitu lWdtae The Board of Directors of the cascade village Metropolitan Distnct wants toensure that all interested property owners have the opportunity to askquestions, discuss the referendums and also view the renderings ofcapitalimprovements- Please accept this invitation to attend a cvMD communityMeeting at the vail caecade Hotel on saturdap october z, z}o4at 4:00 p.M. If you have questions prior to the community meeting or cannot attend thecommunity meeting please contaet one of the cvMD -Board of Directors. $63At2 ot ;ui0tonwt@orii,ooor 8o 8 A6, J, A ot $ AU 3?A@Ne noel q0QAlO.lrno u eocd 4?6.66tO u ftrrarg4l@rdlrd'ore|.tod W6.O1OO u D Ai,gr,laol& ea@Dcdlmilot{tot'/,s.co't ,76rtffi, u ;pplnsr0t@lh&.con t. Thank you for your patienoe and time ;a rsnding through these very important materials. lve look forward to seeing many of you at the october Zod community meeting and will stay in contact with all of you regarding the outcome of the referendum votes, plus future endeavors of the Cascade Village Metropolitan District. Sincerely, Board of Directors, Cascade \rillage Metropolitan District PRobert Rosen Westhaveo Realty LLC I150 Westfiave,r Lme Vail, CO 81658 203.358.9400 ext 222 (o) Q$r6n-4n(h) Timothy M. ?enningtoa WesttavenLmc Vail, CO 81658 (310) 23r-199e Alan R. Hassman 1225-.{ Westhaven Lane Vail" CO 81658 Q17)76L4448 Juac 30, 2004 Dear Glca Lyoa Neiglbor: Vail Resorts ha* proposeal to construct a *new snowcat accessuray" wittin the Glen Lyor subdirrision on Tract K. Also proposed for development on Tract K: ' outility corridors and improvenents". *roa4 tnidges, reaioing walls and related improvmtents". 'skiway$, catwalks, trails and related improvemonts". 'snowaaking facilities rrd related improvemerts" This proposal appearls to violato ttc GIen Lyon Protective Cove!.anfi (filed in 1978 to preserve Tract K as qp€D space), which prohibit (l) any ostructnre, eifter temporry or permasent . . . excrpt dccorative items consist€ot with use . . . as a picnic area' md (2) any act that *may defacg alter, dc*tioy sr d'mage &e nature condition of tte vegetadon or the aesfhetic value of thc natural environmental quality' of Tract K. We have alerted Vail abont tfic Covcoants ard also suggested moving the proposed strowcd accossway to the edgc of Tract K to minimize its impact on Tract K, us, and Gten Lyon, We do not believe thaf either Vail Resorts or the Town is willing to change the locatioo of the trail. The proposal will be considered at a hcaring on @. Frontaqe Roaal Vail- Colorado. Wo strongly €,[courage you to attend to learn more about the proposal and to voice your opinioa * it is yonr pro'perty righB and values ttat are behg impacted- lfyou have aay qnestioas, ploaso fesl free to oall any ofus. Best Regards, Bob Rosen TimPertliDgtor Alaa Hassnan NonroN HueSARD RuzrcrnE KRpaugR r-c February 25,2003 J. MatthewMire Town Attorney Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Mire: At the recent Town of Vail annual meeting I discussed with you an issue relating to ow home and other residences similarly situated in Glen Lyon relating to an access easement for a private road serving six or seven lots accessing offWesthaven Circle. In the summer of 2001, several owners offi'tr@ 40A, 40B, 4lA, 418 and 42 of the amended plat of€l&i*{4id$obdiv.ision approached the Town of Vail for permission to install an automatic gate for Westhaven Lane for the purpose of restricting unauthorized automobile access. I am enclosing a copy of a notice, which we received from owners of the lots on Westhaven Lane, marked as Exhibit "1" for your review, dated August 9, 2001. At that time, I visited with Brent Wilson, the Senior Planner in the Department of Community Development regarding the conshuction of the entranceway to Westhaven Lane. At that time I leamed that an application by residents on Westhaven Lane for a building permit to construct the automatic gate reshicting access was approved by a member of the planning department or the planning commission. It was my understanding that the entranceway was specifically approved to continue to allow the residents of Glen Lyon to use pedestrian access to Westhaven Lane. Westhaven Lane had been utilized by the residents of the Glen Lyon community since the approval of a Glen Lyon plat in 1978 as access to and &om the village and ski access. The plan as approved, I believe, provided for a separate pedestrian entrance without a gate. I am enclosing a copy of the easement agreement among the owners of Westhaven Lane (attached hereto as Exhibit "2"), dated October 1, 1998, which states in paragraph 4, "it is the intention of the padies to restrict public access." I am one of the owners of 1260 Westhaven Circle, which is a duplex. We have been ov,'ners and have utilized Westhaven Lane since 1981. The Lane had been utilized by other residents of Glen Lyon following the plat and construction of homes in 1979. We have tecently leamed, during the Christmas holiday seasor, that a sign was placed at the entance to Westhaven Lane indicating that the road was private and not to be utilized by pedeskians and skiers. I bring this to your attention since the original plat (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "3") refers to Westhaven Lane as being an access easement. I have ATTOR N EY S AT LAW 13o Nofth Cherry P.O. Box 550 Olarhe, Kansas 65051 Telephone 913-7U-2350 Facsimile 913-752-20r? E-Mail info@nhrk.com Iffemet wnrwnhrk.com Joe L. Norton James R. Hubbard Thomas E. Ruzicka Scott Harrison Kreamer L. Franklin Taylor Kenneth C. Jones Gregory D. Kincaid Frank \fi Lipsman Allan D. Coon D. Todd Amey Chrisopher M. Reecht Of Counselr Joseph S. Davis, Jr. Dwight D. Surhetland, Jr. Amelia J. Mclntyre J. Matthew Mire February 25,2003 Page 2 been told that the Town of Vail interprets such an easement to allow pedestrians, bicyclists and others to utilize Westhaven Lane for access purposes. I would appreciate your researching the issues which I have raised in this letter and provide us your opinion as to whether the residents of Glsn Lyon have the right to utilize Westhaven Lane fot pedestrian and access pu{poses. Please call should you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, TERjck Enclosure TO: FROM: WESTHAVEN LANE RESIDENTS Neighbors of Westhaven Lane Residents Westhaven Lane Residents DATE: August 9, 200"1 SUBJECT: Westhaven Lane Entrance Dear Neighb.ors, We wanted to tell you about the construction of an entranceway to Westhaven Lane. For a number of years, people outside of the Glen Lyon communiiy have used Westhaven Lane (which is a private road owned by the residents) as winter access to the ski trail and summer access to the mountain. In doing so, they have illegally parked for extended periods of time, blocked driveways and roads, and on occasion have been exceedingly rude and difficult to dealwith. We have received Town of Vail approval for an entrance at the top of the private road which would be an automatic gate to prohibit such unauthorized automoiive access. However, in doing so, we have speciflcally provided a pedestrian access for you and your guests to continue to use Westhaven Lane for your access to the ski trail or mountain as you see fit. In no way do we wish to be unneighborly to you with ihis action, but rather to deal with uncaring and unthoughtful outside people. lf you have any questions, please feel free to call any one of us' Lot 39-1 Timothy M. Pennington Lot 39-2 Gary Brandt Lot 40-A Fred Blume Lot 40-B Julianna Dews or Arthur L. Gould Lot 41-A James Beltz Lot 41-B Hugh Mc0utlohLot42 MichaelFreemanLot42 Alan Goncharoff Lot 43-A Alan R. Hassman t-ot43-B Gary Oatey (310) 231-1eeg (970) 47e-2811 (970) 476-51e0 (970) 476-5372 (631) 427-3444 (952) 807-0101 (303) 399-4e47 (516) 482-8253 (914) 667-8200 (717)761-6448 Q16\267:7100, Elt.216 Exhibit rr lrl EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of Odober 1, 1998 among HAGOPIAN & PENNINGTON, LLC ("H &'P"), BLUME FAMILY PARINERSHIP ("Blume"), JUUE DE\IIS ("Dewsn), HUGH MCCULLOH ('McCulloh"), URRY R. GRACE and SARA L. GRACE (collectively "Grace"), and MICHAEL l. FREEMAN ("Freeman")l 1. The parties b this Agreement are the o\^mers of lots in Glen Lyon Subdivision, according to the Amended Plat reoorded July 18, 1978 in Bcr,k 272 at Page 730, and subsequent amended plats and re.plats thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado ("Glen Lyon"), as follows: a. H &P, tots 39-1and 39-2; b. Blume, Lot 40A; c. Dars, Lot4OB; d. Grace, Lot41A; e. McCulloh, Lot 418; f. Fr€eman, Lot 42. 7. The loE owned by H & P, Blume, Dews, Grace and McCulloh include ownership of a priuate roadway ("Wesftaven lane") which is approximately twenty (20) feet in width and o<tends from Westfraven Grcle, a public road, north to Lot 39. 3. It is the intention of the Pafies to provide Freeman with an easernent to use a poftion of Wesftaven Lane for access to Lot 42 in ercftange for Freeman's agreement to (i) participate in the mst of mnsbuctng a gate, maintaining such gate and mainbining Westhaven Lane, and (ii) prwide a 20 amp electical line and power to such gate and an easement for consffucfion of a gate, the costs of which shall be shared egually by each lot represented in this Agreement. The easement for Freeman shall not er<tend nottrr of the nortrt boundary of Lot 42. 4. It is the int€nilon of the parties to restict public access to Westhaven tane and protect the property rights of the partie by constuucting a gate across Westhaven Lane at its intersection with WesFraven Circle, The parties agree to cooperate reasonably with one another in designing, obbining town approval for, and confircting and operaUng such gate. 5. Freeman shall pay a proportionate share of the ftrture cost of the maintenance of Westfiaven Lane, including snow remo\ral. I Lllil ilt| l]Lil lllt illl |||lll lllll lll illlt llll llll 7qDA6l 08/23ltggg 12rt?P l?4 Srnr Ftrhrt cf 4 R 21.00 D 0.00 t{ 0.00 Eeeh O0 1 Exhibit rr2rt 6. Freeman shall provide the following in connection with ilre gate to be constructed: r 1' a. A permanent easement on Lot 42, not to e<ceed ten (10) feet in width and forty (40) feet in length as required by the Town of Vail for.approval, for the location and maintenance of a gBte post and maintenance shed; b. Reasonable access to Freeman's property for aonstruction of the gate. 7. Freeman and all other loB represented in this Agreement shall pay an equal proportionate share of all oeenses associated wi$r the consttdion, design and operaUon of such gate. 8. H & P, Blume, Dews, Grace and McCnlloh shall ptovide Freeman with an easement to use a portion of Westhaven Lane for access to Lot 42, with such easement to be on the forms afrached hereto and as limited on srch easement, 9. In the event any party to tris Agreement fails to pay their pro rab share of the cost of (i) designing and constructing the gate, and (ii) maintenance of Westhaven Lane, the owners of four (4) or more loB current on their obligations under this Agreement shall have the right to file a lien against tIrc pruperty of lhe party not paying such pro rata share. Further, if Freeman fails to provide the easement contemplated herein for locating the gate, as provided in Section 6a, this Easement Agreement may be rescinded by the other parties to this Agreement 10. Freeman shall have a pro nta share of all liability, if anyr associated with the use of Wes:ffraven Lane, such share tO be the same as tnt of H & P' Blume, Dews, Grace and McCulloh. 11. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the beneflt of the parties and their respective successors, successors in tifle to Lots 39, 40& 408, 41& 418 and 42, representatives and assigns. This Agreement shall run with the land constiMing each of the lots listed in the preceding sentence. L2. This Agreement may be oecuted by the parties and recorded in counterparts. HAGOPI,AN & PENNINGTON, LLC By: Tim Pennington il[ilr illll lllllll llll llll lllllll lllll llllllll llll llll ffi-gCi6alzslrggs tz::aP l7{ srrr Flrhmi-ii-l e zt.w D a.ao fl o.oo Ertle co BLUME FAMILY PARTNERSHIP t1- - - :._By: Fred Blume JUUE DNI/S HUGH MCCULLOH I-ARRY R. GRACE SAM L. GRACE tuq3!'|l,1"1$'j.l'jl[$:t.I!'!,J.Jlt#tilffi rt FeY'fril..'"- Ius{ it I -iSAUUC.qRrevj l k:*,---,.'..^'# STATE OF COTINTY OF McCulloh on My commission exPires: Notary Public lsEALl STATE OF CO{JNTY OF R. Grace and Sara L' Grace oll r r/-; My commission exPires: Notary Public lsEALI STATEOTLE)\S&AT ] ) ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beiore me' a Notary Public' by Hugh - 19 ' Witrness my hand and oflicial seal' ) ) ss. ) ) ) ss. l The foregoing instrumentwas acknowledged before me' aNotary Public' by Larry - It ' Witness myhand and official seal' couNrYoEV Ct)\L' ) *"k*?;')"E,ffi ,*;#i*-Xi&r$ffi '"ffi';)*,t.or J. Freeman on ffig-' witn"ss my hand and official seal' ru|'Jl'#I!!#r#llq!l! |[[I!H!lr rrrr rrrl ... G4 My commission e*pires: lJ LA'r. \ r.\Lt "\ \ - 3053\19[479815. 02118/2003 TUB 12:23 F,{I 913236{'47 IRR KC , AMENDED PORTTON OF SECTION 12, , .:. ' 0oozuoor - za L7- PLAT GLEN IJON SUBI TOWNSHTP 5 souTH, RANGE Bl WESI TOWN OF VAIL, couNTY oF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORAOO SHEET I OF 2 l- . I ,.aOa-la *..r r'. rrar' { l{ IeF*=fF .-: *a t6t.t ,traa|. f:2.all Dd. rt-zt.n I'E$4-€'.P!-AI- ;,,1. nsi:t iilirir*.*liit..'u : *,.';'.i;'t?il' 'r'ir'ri'Iri'r 'trt' trt: t'" crtu fll$i ^E <r4tr:! !| r*'n'l lcllt' ffidffffiH''if,#ft[,rgdi =-!Jffi.4iW:".-' ^t ^?tonnir tt tat )s '5r.E CrFr:a /sa<l^?r= rT^ Of .ryra^qr I ipFar atE!Z'.- -.--r*lffi*i$dffi ^- !r-Pli5i{rr *t'r"r, - r/;-2"..:-'rrnrss tf n^rl &v,# 4* P&elffo er crcEfrr lssoctAT€s,lryC.NU Epte,a,Sttlb zrt V b7, Ptea QEd Srrtqt. ab.eJo a6atala-aEra Exhibit "3" 02/1E/2003 TtlE 12:24 FAI 9132364307 IRR [C ftoovool lst'cN H PRTNCIPLE MERIDIAN, -;ilf-l' "':.,.':'i'oil' "' rb'r" t'.r Fr'i! :,tr "-.L!!-' ,',,- J-'-tt ',i: -'...-' --klLtiL'--; ,,iii,:* ji,.#,::i,i.:;*lnl1*l*F$+i"liiiii' ..a!'.. t'J rrit|''.t'r.. "l i4 rt'r'- l.|il{rTr "rp fFlt:lr rrr .- -r".r ^e' at$r.:- ,!:!rnrr'.ni olr'l tr ditt.rr|'r Lrt In' irE' _ rir 1..:.rtrr",:'.!'rar:.1!.: illl :tlrlvlll'|I'{ lit|,' LE6AL DESCRIPTIO qF PLAITED LrNOI .,:::.i ..r' r.r.r |t:rrlr a, fi*?|.!f..- Tti|? f^rr |,r rrr norlt l/i :.. L/. ...::'-r'1 !.1. I i!f. t!<--tr.rs tr ii|f :trrrrtr t rtr:lr{f-{^r r.irr oi i.s,'rlsrlr.,'. * ,tir, rsr||rtLr q. ir€ ,rrrndr-r rnrt rrr. tfuO $rtn fzr rg irr. li irE-<. a||: rt.it ..t |.ru t:. tsc rrra-t(G of trrt rr.:r.- L:r..{t t:.irr uu'ici-o&:r.rrr,.al. rv, I ruh&r.* rut |..|.t ra ]|! fi lr. ft t,ft f li(irE . ri :r-rx: *..Tttl.&-? -i. ttd: ru6r.r rr ,r*u ('td:ri. :- itr-r ri 'rri iur'ir-iiii-rE q|r-rr.th.r:,.r. ttr4 r riu: (rg-!f ct.|.*r ari, r.rai{,rr a tauiEt f ro, ririrl ay.I-.lt:r-! I t_c l/r-dl' ttlirrr ll. arl, r lrryr.r. <f rrl.r lrn,.rr rnr ri- i^s--r . !f :rrryrr... t.l tfrN 'l.Ettx,tt|,f i{. l,rt: r.taaoLfttt ttcni-rrrrrt Lt|C e',r, r ..: strrd .l l.|rC rr^? rr r(t|. ri nr: strrct W irr3 tirLt\4.-rr r1{,r.r -{.r rrrr.t|tr.r ]r\1dt5rr nrr ,r.rar, !:rlr.r.r rtu iviirril-rrrcgs. i! rI^i "i6'r L r'r:-Etln' rr. ,ru ttt I il fa:|: : rr a, tlif l'ir!!'l' l,ll rl<rrrJ lr f|.J tll fi t:rll: J, rJ lt r.'rtrr. rr'r tija-rrt. | ,. arr. ri-\.: .t e+r. rl. 6rr"{$ ( ksat lr|',rrr |!'4rj|<; t.l!*. ilrrc allrfl..t\Lrt|.t r4i(* rnrl' ^r |ril..rrt. .ra!t,*;rr: i? rr.l, l:r!l rfcrltlrL ir tfi :tr.nt&rt i Lttt: ,rf r.\ttr t|n*ra vr. a .'rbr flf iJ|r?J|.r,f LrI|: rir r rr : t.'r r!- l'a. rdt|kl. '.ij rrrttLA,rt (.t-.r:i rra :ta3rrr.rr rri lr ||lAr{ r, o-it]ar t. rtl.tll tu!! Trrrcr !r- tftl.t t- r.. att Fttl,ta+r,.d. k}l. al..r.l tr|L.q.r!..*rr rr€rk+'-{tv utat tr !.te rndllrAr rt' tt _ Tnr4. F l:.t lr lUEt:|;eld;r ttlif,L *. Z!'U'lt't. ttr'lt rntl ALLc littD SFE4||I,.rnr'{'-t\t r.rt'i tlrzrt F. ,la!l'r.a?t 9. lla.al rfll rl!f,rl srlt ttltBldllrll'tfFflr-sil l.tlall t[rt(E r. lr-ltt!:' f{ rlt.ra rlr.lr IExt f. at'aal.[r t-rJr-.r firrr r#r!.r F. t.,!trr,r- G, lra,Ir 'tifr fihi|r: J.tl.tt'oa. c. I al,{-, |-l$l .ar l{t :r.rt.rr|:m r rr;itlr{ar !|. rr-t- rrsA f ,rr- a :r..r rrt tlrEFn:rf r|t rtirr,rrlrr dP falc|:t nL r5r1; rb,.r.lttt-: t-ttt :..T|: r.il{yl!r.:.(l i *rt.|r. !* rlr. r.a$i Lrr|L r.. rrlk iG r'l 9{.h'c tlrd i{t r15l r\'c*r rr. rl- sE I l. ng L.l lrlill t- !!.ltrtt. D- 90i..t n:rFr gcr rcr tai.!|t'.!, {. ,h-JJ nr.Tt rra-lra r- r!-:n.oa- J. :!t.r-' aElt 1.trEGcr- *t.lt.?rr q rl,-tr aGrutr t. (|t.!t'rr. r.- ::r.at rtart rmrcs f. ?;t.tr.3l- t. lll-rt Fttsl trr lltE futr!r. r ra. ltr :E 1..1. :rt: l,.l: nft.r,lt: r. ti.!l'rt'r-:lt-lt rt3r.:|,L<fF. .{Et'l7 (. !t.l"O( t1:rtr t{rrrl'4. ll'lt'rr' l. t0'i.lc rt}l! nr-|,i. .l.rt'ly' *. !:t.d.| arJ.tr lnrF4'c t- ,t.rt-_.1' r, ttt,ft tt itr lrtl|€t*. lt.lg.rl' t, aa.tl fut na:agr tr. ?r.l-.rr. I- r$- rl rrJL'r] rdtt. i:tDrl?- t. ut-rl aET; a1-lt t. tt.tarar! r, !tl,!l rHtr rlrJ€Ex- rlFr!.or' E- rh t' r.f!!l. rt{. r|| Ldl, ii fll'|JtrnE 4 (t|r( ru.lrr*.48 t*.lfnrSrr. t .|r.E lxc l'traltll|.raa Of 9 i, CIEI - '*'ta'2'.' ..a-. rt fCft, lllil(t,^|.3 te! tlrr lAjailtlut- r. i.irl,l.' ., I r-F |.llratt'i\i t, tt'|r'an- .. l!:.:t rEatr r|g'aE rr ro.t.r!.. r, ttr.t. .rI!:wi'.|. i. ?f'la'il. t- lta-lt l'|:l:'r tdGE ar ,..J"'-.Er 1, zt'.,rt r'l/.Ja lr|rc.,lB s. tr.rr.r.. q. aa L t6 Fr5. s8 .|r t+ta. tr tlrl, r. drri l,t(n .a nPrnbt rtkfir1r'.r' tt,.grTl(|li ltr. t&lc{ l. alrrd J ro:d:t|u4 al,lc alL|:l !r tu: crF$Ja.|l. I.!.e t[F lrr'a tl' '|II:EE '6}'lffirr-! r|i- r 4tr lt|.c sa llu 5l l/a l. o.lt'lo- Y. I llr- n; fl:Et l|, : l laE*lr$rtlg[2tt or t$ t|r I I !t: lr. =^r! 5ccr.r!a r:r rmJrfr s. rr''tr'tl- s. r..!-ltrl.| t ll4|i :l{i S.f,.-atti Lr.|E rar! f l/a tt' lta ft ttt !5rrrl|trjl (|rEftr d !.1r., ' l. . rt i,at !l&r'r: r. c.l?.tl- ti. tt.xt,lti tOGt at t*; lxl gFt qrl !ir! : l r. .il. t .l 1rr ?Ag '"liilrlAf |r{rrrl rl }Att 'rv I tl .J: l'{rl! flt'lt'c, ll|r.frr l:il. ^i,t rlE vr$t r.r1r .f :uc rs l,{ sl-..t.i' !a*r|, $r.ilc lJ' rng srF|(r:At! r tF$r nF SArt dc :r{ rG irrt tk..:.'i,i. r.t..t'i'- t . I h i-tea |,fEr .t.* llE :rtrru:rr.r t:ic o? illf ttE r.'a tt r.1 lr.'rtrt tt n)n||: r.4tr,|Er,.:.Etra f ;Att rE :Jl {' 3r{r rlrlffi*- .r.o:'.ia. c. tet.at tcgl na,r.:i '|1 rr.'.tltrlr Lr.tr rf t 19 ll i.r iL l'a l'. ;Jl ih i lrrlil '.f !flirrE:rr ,r' e lr'rl. ia. lr.4:tr1tr l/t;F r rE1J. !:.*'rtd_ t.- tl^,ti tr..i? tt^.{. l. a* r.+ti(:-t}J: ,..r.? N r...ral'.ja ;, ,. , { ttraf* &t.*. CERTIFICATE OF OWIIEFSHIF At{O OEDICATIO{ E- ^r.t rtt iy :!Bta tlEilt'tf :|rtt agrl gr|r |.l oc:lrc5. J| |!rtt IE4lo L:4t!t ?|r|!irirel.'l Ant C!!Cl?rE|$ Cwctrrt:til' ^E6.d-<irct'iiior. i'4rs *u oarr r|'? ttxPLE l' llr :ir'i: r5r |.ti'rtlt ltJrti|{D rl r.rr.l t'J. r.t.rF! [r tlt 1'!:'trtb rlqa.' o'1. l"t tlrr rtrt*E|EF ll,l! rarr rrif'la, l!! rl|.|rltlur:|l'nl !st]. ri.'r. |' .i lJ. t.'rlt* r', ||tirr |&rt,r|f :!-! idt.t |'a ttl ftraE |l ri!15 t.tr^ ir r.|,lll*l. t r$ l|^ l-.rt rr. varl. rt4t.t1 r{ urltJ, t"itl .a'rsu|l ll!r. tr l rrLl.'irl ll,' lrrllr r{ rtn .7rt-tr r.!r: ,rrt.,tt, rscrlr|rrr! r!r-ra{;, d:'.'r:rr \'lh_ 1,, .r+'lt rID d.r,l . rit ,{.r r.' iar.'- .1]q. nstttrr. tt\Fttl:.:s +t"$ rtra'r lr! lrrC|lr..\'a,.rlArrrid F'rlrr.tr r,:'r(r lJ|r fl&ta lh (. r., r, .', 'i. lt. ,. iJ't A .tlr.l&!.a trr. i;'it.r:r,J.v -ar-l.-J r ctrat:irst! tll,ilt |:nr l'r?tllL lrl llita lrlrtirt|nJlr,:i i:. !ll! rn'rtr. I ll1, r u!|r o ]l^'l{.D r .r t'rilc a'i{rtat!, tTprFlir ,$ ba&:rt -L rg-nr. trr.r -"d4,9-.-..-.- n, -$ vld,, .z--,.- vft .:.n lrirtr rn.;ri,!. al|!'rE$ (aiani*ti\a i atoF |}r::<r rui.rr. r.sr rJe{tr. I Cgtal^U, Colto{rrtru *4P""$]sryp - r:r' 'r +{..ra.r : ...rr.{' !. i.rrr | " I I ! I + )?. I u., . {,j,r t I r.:'ilu: .!GrlA!r APPRSYAL OF PLAT AIIO ACCE PTANCE OF T}EDICITIOHS .ii Ll L'.r,r rin:.r.'tit,.! ij. ttxtlrt {r.td5l|t| |lf ?|r: _ -r I'x i er;. ..t'\'ltfi .s.t r{:!r-_rft.}, -<. tirtr 9ltltztat ttD hit Ei5ltrE:t$hr ftrr!{ rt l&}lrtt }:a,-Ftto ry ru t6 q e.rl nrt l,Ei!&ttlc aalrrrll4 t! o! olx!n6|ll! A|D PPlc trar |.lt l!.','q!rui" ' rc?o,iE tft rrrrr 1f at * -J:-Z-----. ' ^.D't rrl! t't.iula*-L ' J-&-..--t tprltEarci a. Grot. rrrst$t $ r.Er ' ielt' { J 'e t*-- --_. l.taE o. tftrtt5' tlll i .$ ?ta.tidrt 04 co@_ ItaESl (gl!o|.fla.1.----tl;-'i;;+ 424.raias1tla-+.7ua--4 4(/'%.!fu ,rrtrcore or rre clmx erno *efuoe8 Itllr :tl? i r ttlig rbi trrD-r|, ti tttl Dft'tr(/lr tlrr tsl:tt ni|(, t:IEr,E"i!-ffi .'' f***+' ry"99y"4p /5 r .-'in' d'1r'JZa-r$ ci4'l:_---.lir.fl:._3:__. .-t> ie- "We''W"* fu*t.€.;t:^t TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970.479-2452 www.ci.vail,co.us rrq, March22,2002 Stanley Beard 2121 N Frontage RD 210 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Pedestrian easement and gate located on Westhaven Ln. Dear Stanley, On September 11,2000, the Community Development Department approved a gale located at Westhaven Lane. The application was made by the owners of the fallowing lots: Lot 39-1 Lot 39-2 Lot 40A Lot 414 Lot 418 Lot 408 The above lots own Westhaven Lane, which is a private road, maintained by these owners, Jor the purpose ol accessing their property. lt is identified on the linal plat for Glen Lyon Subdivision as an 'access easement". The subdivision regulations for Glen Lyon state thai all easements located within the subdivjsion are also pedestrian easements. The applicants for the gate agreed to maintain pedestrian access on Westhaven Lane. The original application included a third pedestal, adjacent to the gate, which was to allow for pedestrian access. However, adjacent property owners requested that the third pedestal be removed to allow for a greater area for pedestrians to pass through. The approval for the gate includes a stipulation thal pedestrian access must be maintained. fne Commilnity Developrient Department has inspected the gate on multiple occasions, and found that the gate and pedestrian access have been maintained satisfactorily. Therefore, any remaining conclrns or issues that you may have with the gate are considered a privhte issue and will not involve the Town of Vail. Any additional concerns you may have should be addressed lo the owners of lhe above-listed lots. Should you have any questions regarding the approval ot the gate, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369. {S *un"*r^o"o APPT,E/.AKs PARTNERS LLC September 5, 2001 Ms. Alison Ochs Planner Town of Vai! 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Westhaven Lane Entrance Gate Dear Alison: Enclosed are two copies of the letter from the Westhaven Lane Residents regarding the change to the approval of the Westhaven Lane entrance and gate. Please sign and return one copy to me in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance. Timothy M. Pennington TMP:p Enclosures Sincerelv.d IIIS0SANTAMONICABOULEVARq SU|TEI200, LOSANGELES, CALIFORNIA90025 (310)231-1999 FAX(310)231-7014 Westhaven Lane Residents September 5, 2001 Ms. Alison Ochs Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Westha.uen Lane Enl'ance Gate DearAlison: This letter memorializes a change to the approval issued by the Town of Vail dated 9/ll/00 regarding the Westhaven Lane entrance and gate. The Town of Vail has agreed to the elimination of the small pedestrian pillar on the south side of the gate as shown on the attached diagram. The Town of Vail approves that change and incorporates it into its previous approval. Thank you very much for your help. Sincerely,@P"4" Timothy M. Penirington u TMP:p Enclosure APPROVAI BY THE TOWN OF VAIL By: Alison Ochs, Planner I Iv N o)__,i I\J- rlr -15 $ bN \\r-- *-{t\ DZ -UI r.r m /'ov| \r-.t \p f- ai 47mW. 160th sr. P0.80x35906 CLEVEI-AND.0Hl0 44135 PHONIr{216}267 7100 tAx: (216) 267-6538 WAIS; (8001 321 9532 September 26,200I TO: Town of Vail Design Review Board Members RE: Freeman Home Under Construction on Westhaven Lane in Glen Lyon 2. What DRB approved Gary A. Oatey Chairman & CEO 12258 Westhaven Lane (970) 476-428r WWWOATEY.COM TX . NEWABK. CA . MlNNEAP0tlS, IVN ' B0ST0N, MA ' T0B0NT0' CANADA Bss ,,,.rt".4,.,,o..Ez ri. Ir PAGE 82PAGE 3/3 -:grZ'lrgp'"=1F;32"*-t?1.s,6.,8-3.4P,3J---v-rrr'r's' E E d I ! I I I *nll H t I t l "$$ H[lH $[$fr i-- I '\\\-L\E-\\l I f\\\\\\*,\\t. Nffil q | \tt\t\\r ffiru W#rffi - the 11e-,r*( 't^/ [ilfrt IItIt I I Ini /yl ,#";(J: i"TnW; g 'lhis., nlf-4? r^..1 li s1 U€T( CI fsi dc e c"te5 qfi Sghe (f ' {r3"il v,u, bq'rA mi/btN\t\t \t..\ It,-+ Atttgilc - 15. ' w i4114 af Ph,c I f I d e' \'- tl't" f tyJO Po{Tt u€ and ttr.a oetsi eac\ 'Pa\f ute 1H.[13tri a-ai 6*; 3S: ffi!E ."8 I*f t It I I I l- .' ' rnl23/2aal 191s5834834 PAGE 6LBEARD 7.** * tx 4 Sf,/%€? S 8€,4RD 500 W- Texas AvGsue,"Suito ?05, 166't'4 TX 79701 Effi:lrtu -ft'""'';"\ 4,, .^ ffi, =l b.r;* fr'^ "f'*ffiJ'z 6LPcb* +? t-'o\ . -aa. Bur'"r i*l a*l '-* ttla*'*'*r A$-P\ ot'e, ELtq tb-*{ &*4 Pq sv'' Lar'r--t. 1a)6t- a' aA/ltuaa\''' Y Wge-f,v P''a^t Dr 1^ tu-'-1 W,^.G P-o'tl fn--^Ea^ a /# *i ?f" fu*^tu +-q ft+at^*,,W Phme 915/683-4824 Fax 9L5t6834834 ( -q7a/#t4!-Lz aa. Dh f F Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Pennington Gate Project Description; new access gate ProjectNumber: prj00-0027 Owner, Address, and Phone: fim Pennington et. al. 11150 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 1200 Los Angelesn CA 90025 310-231-1999 ArchitecVContact. Address. and Phone: same as above Project Street Address: Westhaven Lane (private road) Legal Description: Lot 39. 40,41 Glen Lyon Parcel Number:Buildins Name: Comments: additional info for fire dept req'd at building permit Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Date: 9llU00 Project Name: Documentl Board/StaffAction Action;staff approved Allison Ochs pennington Gate DRB Fee Paid: $20 ii,i'',loo 17:11 8$10 231 ?014I APPLE OATS/SEGUE I [0 ooz I.Y rv- TI ,\ fn{t gr f\{n3t \:o > N- -tr ,U. .ro' t- _I_ tt; < @oorO|/LA/oo 15:05 _1}'10.231 ?014i *- .l -_-F ir_ !J#'-.-ll E"gu l*llt ffi[{t *ntl H E l.$ fii ** I I I iJ*H\t "r! ?i9lilurl zlittlf'lele'I t I t I I I I rrr- IX\llr' I lgi\-7r F tt t-oJ o$ l--aJ\igFt @ cqrdrtury Dcsn Rsyicil q{xrrrrl Any Fojca rqrditn8 dcdEn ]Gticildrr :r: rca;"ibcCgtrRadsrq;rrwrlpiorbrfiniuingforrbuildiucpcrorir. Frqrodfichfonuharcc{pnrbnrir rc$dramutf for rtc prriarlrr qlxwrl thil ir rcqueilod. TIrc rpfrdcrtidr crrtot bc .Ec!il€drldil dlIH Fqdde{ inlLmadon i$ ntbiliitc0 Tle |roirt nr}r rlro nocd tO lc ierncnfpf by fis To*n Cogadl .tt thtr :nc flfluriqt rd Erv&crnrqrbl Corrnftdm Dcdg! Rcdor Borrd rpprowl clplrer oac ycrr rfhr 6ld rpptrvrl uilbt s Duldl4 pernilr lr lrrrcd rd elrtnrdor lr r-rrrtri. FP5 PAGE 83 3?0r?fits0l PKrm*ffi-ry Qrcsionr? (}rll tlrc PluuringSn|Trt a?9-21: APPLICATION ITOR DESIEN RTCVIEW APPROVAL .NNNOF LOCATTON OF FROITO$AL: Lfr;ELilCK:-FlLlNO: PI{YSICAL ATIDf,ESli: ptnceu * 2l h: l?-L01' o o 9 (Ooora Eegh Go. ilrrcmr Olfrcc r 970'321-tl6l0 fot pra A. It. c. D. E,NAMEoFOWNER{S} MAILINC Greenwood V O WN ER{$ STGilATU RF,(S) : NAME OF AFTII.ICANT: PHONE:303-295-3030 0li.trixrntrillFtt4$t F. G. MAILINC PHOI{E: K TYPEOFRFNEIIIAT{IIFEE' O' t{rr Corrtnclon '. Sl00 Ocrglntin of r *r buildiog El A|ldfllot- S50 lncfidrrlyrddiliurrhcrcqnrcbagnbrddcdrornyrcridsdrlor c---TifEEEbt; tr ilfllc Alendm - l?0 tn,.ftidcs+..norctiltrr to hdHfuUf nd dE itttlttovunntc, rlct rt rcnofinE Pining; witdo*rOfitims. lradaping. ftnccr rnd nntuing wdlr.('c. tr.Cooccptnl f,crtrrr S0 .FcryfntFq+hreticqqilicear.uidaro mcrwith llcrip Rrv Bord lldaEuincrbals ornd dre lrsi.s egr(rrlly pomplicr with dr dEalF fufuldirr*JlfaDR8 docr fid rotc on conccpurl rcvicrr. DRB fs arc to bc pid n the timc of rfuiiml. t rrr. whcn rpplyiry fu r boildiog panuir. plec idatti' thc rcclrrrc vrln*ion of thc projet Thc Tirm of Vril rrill rrtiud tlrc fcE rccd'ding ro rhe nroiccr vrlsrri. PLEA$E SUBDTTT THIS.AFFLICATION. hLL SUStftTTAL REQUTREMENTS ANo THE FEE TO T DEPANTMEITIT OT COI}'MUNITY DEVETI}P}IET{T. ?5 SOUTI{ S'RONTACE ROA{I. vArLcoroR^Do.t6sr. au24 t:t-t :| ,.i.'{I jl I zAtsA 15:28 9744764 FPS 9?0t?6t8ol07/07/0s 03 .*^{l;*. PAGE 04 c" . .A,,Fis.r,r, ftlt.rdH|dfisgiq.iii-f rfr.. . ... APPLICAIION rOR DESICTV NEVTEW IPPBOVALI t{0F peryF[tcrNf,Affi-n' , , i1:,._Tht alillicrtlil n * * T$_mqoii4.Dcd9r ncrliy ;1.ryru", *r r"O." **, -L r.r.. _*reccivc Dcrigr Rcci'*rm,.,.r-l"ior".trilftra;.h,rl,*"e,,-ri.'i*'+.Jdruo-n*crcerhni,'r roqrirsncce fs ftc lrriarrrr rg*wr rt r ir -frd, Trr"qfi;;;.; b.;f,.drnfl lt rtu;qdldirrfmnuion ka,tmitrod- TrrclfrJcuryr-,Jirtr*rrlktr;T;-c"r"ilrartfrrdrrrrriryrnd Envirmnmcrnt ftnrrt*-?Ig$Ffii;;_trt crflrtr nc ycr dtEr 6!d rynil gi{i. rbsldhg pc.fia ! trrrcd rrd colrtrrcdot I| rtrrnA'.' . LOCATIoN OF rRODOSALI LOT,_ ;t€cR__ FtLtNG; PTft1SICALAODRESS: PARCEL{:_{Co1rrcr Erslc Co. Affir O|licc x 9.t0.!2l.f6a{t furprrcct I ti. c. o. €. F. c. l{ .ZONINO: TVAMEOFOWNER6): MAILING Denver, CO g OWilEN($ISIGNATURB(SI: NAME OF APPLICANT: El' tlorGournc|rilor - St00 EI Adrilfk!- i!t6 tr ilhlrtlct|fllB. SEo tr'Corrlgtrrl RGili.rv. Je 303-399*{9 i7-oti.........!i- - -r16:l-r|tdgtft PHONE; Qnrnaiol of r aer brilrlfugll{C- -f #ifr" rfss q"ls fooqc ir rddcd b ly rrddalhl or.r-t!-,8-rl'!'tt. _ !|ffdry$ft r bdtt4:raArie irqroutrnle iush eltildo3: fltortorg tlindil rldrurs. t*c.diiffir ,rfinirgtflI*Ac, . '----'-t-is' '.*' ' .FartTFtic{ih.'utcrE ricqdlrltstrhcr to fi€rt riit Dcr{p RcvicwEodtdauqinc.i,f*rrrcn ilprl**irt ,t*,l-igl guirHinc*.Ttc.Dl8 docr nq votc ort coocEpnrrl rcvicsr DRElbcrrrcroboilrid-atthEti,ocofsimiftt' ?yr*t*ror*yirrgforrhuirdin3pnnir.prcescidcrrtifyrtcrarilcvrr.aionorrmprcret -n"il*oiv"i,*i[;d;'#f;ffiiqror,"poju.verution. PLEASESUBN TTTIIS.APFLIC_ATTON.iLLSUBIITTTITLREqU,RSMENTS ANDTHE FEE TO THEDspARrMEilr oF coMirti'ii;uii6inpniiri.. ri ;;il,fii$nrAce R.AD.vArLCOLORADorrrcr- - -- -!! - rrr.' FPS PAGE 65 A: .Ttt|f/,J0F FI{VSICALADIIRESS: rPs*dl APPLIGATION AOR, DESTbN REVIEWAPPROVAT .." . (Corrui Erdc Co. Arson Olficc a 9t$Ul.[6a0 fr.{Fr!r{ f {122, Val-l., CO 81558 PHONE: {Q:47€:5l9lbVai FHONE: cl' N!|'coutnrfis-fi100 Cceig*nofrc*hddiq. E AddUbr- oilrrariladh- B. c. D. E. PAICELI: ZONING: NAMEOFOWilERT(SI: MAlUtlG owilra{$$lcNA NAME OF MAILINC TYTEOF ANDFEB i$ls$$!.tlbfil F- c. H- 35! lacldcrryrddlhrrhc4rrEfooo pird&dto$tnddccid or . .!?t!.F-ltililFil - -fr! Iaddcrfo:&tsdto Hdblr lndriEiqrovaulrnrtlrr. ttnmg FLtidE: rirtln dditimr. lnds1in;- ftnrcr rrd rtdqhC tr||r.cEc. . ".aorrdrf,crt.r, ro H m* DBB'fstcmbcpidrtrtcrirlofer[rdrd. klcr.wtory ymgftrrhildialfanir.plcgcidcrrili tbcreiuracvduriarofthcfmjcl. ThoTowaofVrileitld]lrtdcfcorcmrrtirytothcprojnrrvetuerion. FT,EASESUBMTTTHIT*FPLIC.I1'TION.hLLSUBIIITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEETO THE DEPARTII|ENIr OF COMf,iT'NTTY DEVPT.0PMEI{T. ?5 SOI'TK F'BONIAGE ROAD.. v^rLcot$R Doil6f?. 2864 15:28 97A4764 FPS PAGE A6 ^ a7to7l0, 0q g?0r70{90r res raf,rs Qruionr? 6lt lh$ Fl|tnlEStrlfl a79-2.12 APPLICATTON FOR DESIbN REVIEW APPROVAL A. B.LOCATION OFPROpO$ALI l0T: , BUICK:.-FIL|NG: Pl{YStCTiLADDRESII: PARCELI:(Coqilc Er;lc Co, Arslor Otficc I g.?&t2!.l6l0 &r.;nrcclc. D- E. .ZONIIJG; NAMEOFOWNER{S):Jtrlianna Deus Lot 4O-B MAILII{G F. c. H. "*n PHOI{E; u,ri}s{$Fsot NAME OF APPLICTA,NT: Cl NcCnm6n-f100 E A.ltfithr- E Mlrlrt|6ilo1- tr.Corrt6ullf,dlr. S0 PHONE: Gnmoofencrbuiltiry ladulrrlyrddlinrrt "i"r. f"B.gF ir ddcd |oenyrlddcttid or.---rtilili\; _tdfrurt4lcb hddt6 rad dh in4ruvcmsrc asL rl"nllofur: Frhs. r'iid*ddilie,s. t-dr.{jd. G;,d lrFgi,rsudlr.s9. 'FaryrtrlriF im+tTrftcqriliaar.rilrct to nred wch Dcip Rnric*Ecdn dcEnrirnc*i&or oa Orc gujrrt geacrelly con{rticr wfuh rhcdcdp:dddincr.,1tc.Dl! docr nfl src oo conccFn$t rcvicrrr. DRB fsrrur bG ndd|t thc dnc of l.nind. ry.: *lF.tr tving for r hilding pcnnir. pla idcnritirhs rcinrtg v*flion of rltc poiccr- niiiil'"Ivm -att rdi;it"rcc ,liliinr, thc Jrrojca vr..,atior. I'LEASE SUAMTT TfiE APTLICATTON. ALL SUSM-ITTTL REQUTRSMENTS AND THE FEE TO THEDE'ARTIITENTOFC'TwT'{-u*iluiiiib,r"nrrrr,?s'ourHnnowuceR'AO. . VAILCOLOnADO!|6!T. rfo fto MAtLtr{c 62124/288A 15:28 o7loltol A. . DEBCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: rrs encurmt' Qpttiorr*? .Call thc Ffrrrning $rff at 4794 | 2E APPLICATION FOR NESTCN REVIAW APPROVAL f PAGE A7 Bo,: @ : Tt b trrrtlcrtt6 G fr .rry poioct :qolrir6 Ocdgtt ficdc't qrfrovrl A.y pfoiEct rqufuia3 dedp rGaicrv lErt rrcciribCgnRsricvrJ4rovrlFistosfminlngforrbrlldlrypcmlr- Farycdfichfonurtiut.tEttcnlblrafirt rcouircrncnclfor rtrc pniodrr rpprovel Ot fu rcqJc*cC- lrc rfiriiaiorr curnor bc ucrflld odil dl ttr rtlrdsd ioioiinatimirdfifliilc& ftcpro$crnnyrhorrccdobcrcotqfdtfttcTqruCouocilrndlorthPhnniqrnd Envimnnrconl Oonrnricioo Dedga Rarlat Bord rppronl crFrlct oal yt ( efer find rppunl riltrr r lultdl4 pcrnli lr lrrlcd rnd @llftTcdol lt srrca .G D.. E. LOCATIONoFPROFOSAL: LOT:-B!(ICK: FILNG PT{Y$ICALADDRE$S: PARCELS: (Co[nct Erth Co. rtraorr Ofrco{9?Dl2l{640 6rr0rtccl O .zOxtxG: Cf,Q NAMEOrOWNERISI: Haqopian s Penninston - -.,- Lots.39-1 e 39-2 MAILINCADDRESS: lU50 Santa uonica Blvd.. Suite 1200 .106 Ange1ee, CA 90025 310-2tk19ee OWRER(S} SICWATURE($}:F. c. 1tl ..r-i!i,i,t NAME OF APPI"ICANT: MAILINC FHONR .s& TVPEOT ANDFEE: tr' NctCorrrrf i100 Cnrctiorofracrhfdiry: tr A|tlfio!- 350 h.fd..ryddih*hrtrryrrcfoongnirrddcdto.elyrtridcdirlor. ryJ-rtttrt*. O lllhlsllluldol- tEo hffrih-atrirctE|Fr-bhlHtr!3uddFia{|lovsnerrchr. ftnoofu& tlhfrry. rindor r&ftiaIr. ltrd{tFir& fu grd lAiningrnll*c, tr'coatul RGdcW '. $0 ,fqryrFliqrilqi{ttr$lt?ry1[Grotfliftct !o trrGct ui& [bigl Rcyiswffi Ltrffi#S"x'ffi*i*:hc DRBfurlttobcpidrf tctilmofstbniild. lrlE wtcrmlyiqtforebuitdio3pnnir.pbrcid6o6ry thcreiurrrcvdurtionoffhcpoi*t TlnTomofVritr,ill{iutthefcasordinglorhaprgjcctvala*ion. FT,EASE SusltltT THE| *PPLICATIOI{. it"Lt St BM]TT& REQUTREMENTS ANo THE FEE T0 THE r!&FAnTMEt{T oF coMl'ruMTr DEvEI{lPMEIttr. 7r sourH rnoilT cE ROAD. YAILGOIITNADO IT(s?. l PAGE 88A2124/AAAE 15:28 374476494L aOl HH6n{ ilils i$g$l E$$r$ I -1 I *r$$ Ixr* Io# $ H $ E &IL f- I L it Itor Fx|ll H lr--;--'* l_l*, r---- F H F T d Hs Ez[t \ Hn F$ I ov Fo -l F.oJ tr(fi FoJ PAGE A9au24l26gt 15:28 979476499 * H6fi $"93 t*$$r, F$$*frIo fi;r iI $ T ll el 5l 1l 't Tl \1 { , t IL--'II !l ii :t 'i*'---. I il F $ FFS -'x ; $-$ i $ $ $ $ ! - i-t - t-E-\ {. s1-*rr{i !;l--{- |:t II Ho fiRtt\otrrki3li F$s|t| nlq .o'i7 fl ii a2/241zAtsO rE=28 ..'"*"ol;1*FPS EXHTBIT I PAGE 11 Liccagcd Profc*cion.l Engilccr ISO W.st Shorc Roed. HuntinSton, t{cg, yo,rk 'rcL f5l6f 42?-344 Fa* (5101 427-0@9 Apple Oaks LLC I f l5O Santo Monica Blvd Suitc l2O0 Los Angeleo, CA 9OO23 Attn; Tim Pcnnington Re: llleetlravcn lanre Gatc Deer Tim, On Marc-h g, lgg9, I fiqt in Vail *jth Larry Bultc, thc owner of Door$pecidtics cgmqlny 9f Danvcr. Ttrey arc thc peoplc who builr thc gntcat $praddte creck. Aftcr dicc'ursiona at the housc, rre walkcd up to-urceitc end ttalced out_thc Eetz aad itr componente. My (cnctoced|shows tlre rcculB of our disqrsrions. The fcetures of this dcsign ere aE follows:s Double Eare_sPans^cn_tirc_I9-S:Fr width. clear opening is l6ft Each getcmcaslrrctJ $o'H x goay (60'high ar curvE in centar)- I"a'rcf reil is 12;up fro+ pavcmcnt with pickets extcnaing 6" bcrow. 'ihis a[orrrc rhe gateto purh open tlrrcugh rnollr.rJ oate secticar arE con$trustcd sf holon' rtcel tubing wcldcd and bent toehapc shorrnr. e{ "t9"} p.tts are porndcr coetcd foiAsting durability;Top Raift 2' x I V", - *l I gruge Top Horiaontal RaiL Z. *2. - illt glugc Botbm ReiL 2. x 2'- #lI iaunepickets; '/s- x'/t'- *la gauEe ol d. ccrrt"r"Vcrtical et hingc: 2' x * wiitr soua rbgt 1' trio-rcter hingc pinencaEc and pivot bcariuge. Elliptical circlc: Benr from l 16'x 2' tubing 16'x 3o' (csntcrdcsign to bc dccidcd- cost not includcdlu 6'equare steer ports embeddcd i" concrctc riounsa {,dccp in grcundsupport gates. uppcr hirgc pi* ie s10r abovs grouna fo, iii*mim$uPpsrt to gate, Fosts are surrounded by stone rryurk and cappcd withrtat elab.ro a height or6o'sbove d""d. A;i;Et;;'sfiiilLli" i"mountcd On each post.. Marsh 13, 1999 Td uJsa i I I 665I oE .rFl./zassg4r a46 : .o{ xuj s'|sd rr Inf : i# ,s; il,;i i A2|24/2EAA 15:28 9764?64 961tm FPS PAGE L2 'i4t\ B Operation of Gatc: s Gate can bc opened lry pushing a rctaoE actirntor irr car. Each houac will bc gincn 2 rgrnotcr (totsl of 2Ol. Additional tcmotes. are available from manufacturcr aC srnall coet.o Vehiclei without rcmotc can opcrr gatc by cntcring four-digit' code on lceyprd, or by ucing opcakerphonc b cellaresidcnt_ Resident opena Eatc rcttotciy by prertrrrg.g. on tclcphonc-u nirc dcpartfircnt tets accesc-byHrot" oi" kcy-twitch in a KnoxBox, One kcy fits all boxes in town. Thir ig a sterrdard procedurc.o Police end EM$ gct accesE by rneans of a four-digit codc.l, Gatc opens by itcelf in cvcnt of e potycr failure and sta;rc openundl lntuer coilret baik on"o There is a'fail-safC lcvcr in ecstt of a malfunetian.o A time clock will allow gatc to bc programned to opcn or close on prcscribed dmes and days during pcfiods of constmction r*.ork on ncqr honrcer.q The kcypad on gooncneck poat will havc a tctcphcnc ffrtry sgrstcra, (modcl lEf0l end a 4ped-irr dircctory for all tin houece.q Ttrcrc will be threc drive*ry icnlor8. cach 4'x l0'crrt in thepavcmqrl Thia aafety fcature lceepr the gete opcn l,ong engugh for cntcriag and cxitiag vehicler.u A 'Frce Exif pnobc wi[ be mountcd further to the north aa choten. This opcnl thc g*ta for an cxiting vehicle, eltowing thc vehicle to leavc ipithout stspping.o ElccaLlsa of thc addition of r secdrd erribg tiEtc opcrator nccdcdfor the doublc grtc, e 30-a,mp prourcr eourcc ia regrrir,ed. Door Spccialtie$ Company will ft.rmish and instail thc gat! ac describcd ebove for thc cost of $25,0(X) (approximetclyl. Tlris prilc docs not include: ex.cavation, trcnching, conerete work, stonJ*ork, beckfill, . , pavement patching, electrical conduits, wires or ftht fi.mrres. $incarely. fuflfut4: Art Gould Enc. HrS:rI 666I gE 'JEl.l ats9Lr 9a5 : 'an HrJ so<l ar Inf A2124/2BAA 15:28 97A476499L Mo*1- ,ricJo 'Id NATI.EfiC-, I FPSAU24/'2tdvd 15:28 9lb4164 Fax Cover Sheet 9ALt To; Farr t Drtc: f6g5 A r2* Aun*t oc,r{B 4T9 -.zhsz f,c: Varr|lwl hr.t" h.$pt qsrE scnderr Ar^v Srrs\a-. K:\0000 - ADMINISTFaTIO{ OFf tc8\Tcmptrrs\fEcfl&r.rv}d PlanninBOArrhibcturealnledorE 1650E rt Vsil Vall'ly Orlra fatkid8e C-t . V.it, CO 81652 r f.F@colorado.net , fax (9zo) 4ZS49OI . pm) ar6{ttz PAGE 61 FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECTS 82l24l2aat 15:28 97447E494rt February 23,2000 Allisou Ochs Town of Vail Depariment of Commr.rnity Development 75 Frontage Roall Vail, Colorado 81657 Amy Birdsall Fritalfl Pierc€ Smith Archi@ts X:\9842-FrcemuKoEult{rtconrrpordrNrca{tbV conrrpondcmo\02.2lf ,oo.gdcfl,wp{ Plannint I Architectrrc . 1650 ErttvrilValley Drlve Falhidge C-r . Vail, CO 01657 r fp@o6ndo.n* PAGE A2 FRITZLEN P I E RC E SMITH ARCHITECTS InFriors r f.x €20) 4t6-4901 . gmr aT64taz FPS Der Allison, We arc planning lo submit to the Design Review Bosrd for approval of an entry ga[E to Westhaven Lane. As you know, We sthavenlurc is ac'tually thrac parcels of land; lots 39,40, and 41. These land ownors have been granted €n easEment on Mr. Freeman'$ propcrty, Lot 42, to construst the gatc. They have his cooperation with the placement of ilu gate and its necessary components. Following is a list of encloscd information pertaining to the DRB submittal: l. Signed DRB applications by tbo landowncffi of lots 39, 40, 41. 2'Enlarged plan at 1/8": l'-0" demonstsating tho placemcnt of the gate in relation to the Southeast property corner oflot 42 3. Site plan at I "=15' demonstrating the placement of the gate in relation to the interseclion of Westhavcn Clrcle, Westhavffr Lane, and lot 42. 4. An elevation of the gatc and site plan as drawn by Art Gould, an enginccr and prppcrty olntcr on Westhaven Lanc, 5' A letter written by Art 6ould to Tim Pennington, owncr of lotr 39 1&2, describiug thc design and sfirchrrc ofthc gate. Howencr, sinc€ a contractor for the gate har not y* been findizod, the information provided in thc lctter is intFnded to be a general descripion of the gete coflsruction. 6. A cut-sheet describing the lamp proposed for tbe top ofthe gatc poits. Please contact me et 476-6342 if wc rreed to submit any furilrcr informatiorr for DRB approval or ifyou have any questions. March 6,2000 Allison Ochs Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Allison, FRITZLEN P I E RC E SMITH ARCHITECTS Following your request for the tifle information of the easements, on lots 39,40,41 in the Glen Lyon Subdivision, I have enclosed a package which hopefully includes all of the material that you need. We still plan to submit for the DRB on the next possible date of March 13ft. However, if there is a reason why this is not possible, could you please send us a written statement defining any concems. Amy Birdsall Fritzlen Pierce Smith Architects K:\9842-Freeman\ConsultantCorrespondenc€\TOV conespondence\03.03.00.gatedrb.wpd PlanningoArchitectureolnteriors 1650 EastVail Valley Drive Fallridge C-1 . Vail,COB.l657 o fps@colorado.net . fax l97ol476-4901 . (97O) 476-6342 n ,rd 1 I:IMY;,ffi'n"w" EGEt] UE MAR I 3 2000 A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 39 o AMENDED PLAT GLEN LYON SUBDIVSION TOWN OFVAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO tlowN of val! srF€An IaA'Jr -O orolEis8lt l(n@.lI ... $y.h... T!....., .h.r [.srtr.n a td.tna!.n! . c.lrfodr. t.D.r.l p.rrn.r.l'tr .na llarP D. ilo.!!r. lrr, h.1.! 6.r. tn t.. .trrl. ot.ll t!.t r..l prot.t.r.r..r!.1 1. !h. t6q or r.rt. tttr. c;.(,. c.l;!.d..C.r.rlbl .. lollo: rr! !r. lrldiI tt.r CIR Ltm sutdtvt.lm. .c...tlt.t r. rh. r.D rhr.o;...<o.d.{ t. rh.6lat.. .f th. l.tt. c.lnrtr c61o}.dor cl..t ..d t.<ordrr...nr.hlI! z,all .rr.t, ntr.. 1...i h.r ht rtrr. ?.Gr.nt. I.ld luir ,l.ri.d, ..d ruSalvld.d (h. ...r.. .hdn on.nr. ltn.r tl'. una.r .h. .I. rna .rtl. o( .t rjr lt, r,!nd.dll.a Cl6 lton tebilt{trlon," . rrbdlvrrro. r. th. toh ot !.rt, b!I. c6unry.C.l6r.6.i .nd 6... h...bt a.dl..r..nd rcr .t.r(.ll ol t|t. tublrc ...d. ..,1 .Eh.r rrll1. br.4.r..!. .nd rl.c.r r. .hoh on rh...c6r.rrlnr pl.r io rn.u..I !h. t!b11. to!.!.ri $d d... lr.r.bt d.dlr.r. thor. por.td. .f ..rd ...t Prot.rit enlch.r. trc!..tcn .. rh. ..cdt.nytnt pl.t .r ..rdnrt f.i th. r!.po.. th6 h...6.i rnd do.. h.!.bt tr.nr .|r. rrShr !6 tn.t.lt ..a ..tnr.(n r.c.r..rr th. .n.t.r ...ton.r!r. l.r r.ovlalrt .b. ..w1... tothlch the ......... .r. ..rrbllrh.a. b..!r.d lntr ':- t.t "t --::,,--------.:-. ^.n. , .-,-:j_. tr.t6P1.n l r.n.rnilon . Crllrornl. a.n.r.l p.!!..r.tlp ryr ,.' . ' . -.]'TlFilrt [, t.nnlntrm. l!lG.n...l P.rtn.r 11661 S.n V(c.n.. tlva.. 3utr. tlt !F. An!.!... cl 900.9 tr l' or :-=j-:_-:L )t.t' co0dtl ot -::_:.lj& ) thq t...!.rn! ..tndl.da.d b.lot. .. tht. j:a.y .l , A.O,, 'l'. . by trmrht x rcnnlnt!6, lll, lm.r.l t.trRrii-fiiiiiiiTr.-nnrnrcon:-:-a;tt(or.r. t.n.rr I D.rtn.r.hit. rt .-rEts .trl.r.! ,l' / ' ' :!att..'. .t b!.i ..d ...r. ,t \ r.. .r.rr,.,+\ ..i.-/......."1 .{-.-a:-:--..l:'3.:': i /', , , .--|- :. .: . lldrE o. ror.rrt lil ltl6 9..thrv.n Dllv. ]RACT L x99.fJr7.E !!.!! wEslltavEN ctnclE l4O Ro.w.) rla'45 !INPLAITED FOREST SERVICE rhlr trop'riy otr rrrolrt vltt .h. Drp.rlm.r ol Comu.l.t O.r.lot*.tr 3tl1! ot cotor D ))... CdJr|TA OT EICLE ) rlr. to..rorrt. ..t.dl.dt!d b.tor. r. lnrr 2:-jo,|' * 1.D.. .+ !t r.dr.t D, lrott('r rl1. rr| chr..l6 .rrtr..: JJ-j---j-:*.elrn.r. ry n.na ..d ..rr. Itrl. h.utdrllrton.rbt..r !o....rl..lon..n rh. o.v.lrrBn( ll.tr l.t rtl,r2 I 40 1 I I -J I LOT {l L0r U5 P I 16.t v'11. t.tl. cotr.rr, cot6!.4o. TRACT I 3urvttot'!s cDirltlc t: t a. h.r.bt..rtlat !n.t ! ... I.8t.t.t.l l..a !in.t.r lt!.n.d ltdrt rn. !&. oa 6. sr....l cllor.drr th.t cht. rl.t l. rr!.r .6tr..r. .ni ..4r.r. .. l.la c!t. rt.tl.d, .nd t||.6 tr.r.ai rMr .!.h lI* v.. ra. trF .b ..cu.'t. rF.t .l ..ld Dr4.lit It E .d rnd.r .t r.r'..ilt rhw, lh. roc.ri6 ed dL.816.. oa .h. lort, ...Gn.., ..a rr!..Er ot .!ld .ubdtvt'l'n .. !h. r.*.r. tt.t.a sF. tt'. !td.d rn.6tlrr... elri.tllt..bl. rctu_ Ittton. td.tntnt !l|. rubatvt.lo. Dl 1.n4. Ir vr.r... etlr.or I h.v. t.! rt h.n! .trd t..t rttttf aq ot ^.n'&: TIILE CERtlrl C^lf, !.ni Tl!1.6{rr.n... t-p.ny Oo.r hlr.bt.!.ltft th'! tr lr.! .rDlrld !h' rt(l' .o.t! !.nd. tns uDd rntr i.P.nd tb.. tch tl.l. t. ,...,nd.''rt tl 'llIr.n.. -. ..a cr.6!....... .x..Dt .r f.lldt:'\dt r.nd {.r..r$hnrc. r-er.t^ 2 - 5-FL *.. Ulltr-+ lv \-\vqo lotIllc rit{IltsiMtol cElTlrlc^te rtlr Dr rpr.or.a bt rtr. tos.r vrlr !.trrtrt Aart.tttr"" trrt ]:f i'v "r ^ o'' -:ji-' clatx rxD rtcmDlttl cEltrflc^T? tn!. rD rtf.d t.r '...rc o' t,', ]l- a'v 'r ALra"rl -r'10-' 1]9114' .. ? .<. .l*r P.x., .nd It dllt r"'rd!d DDd" r'i'9rlon lio' ju-fjr-&'L- r" G; q'{t -r t't -1,33-. LOr 42 Oolc .l Suwy' Dirlhb.r, 1984 Mdh.nl! oi indicor.d 86i! ol Aldrqt No.l6 linc ol Lot 40. il0€44 5'57'E (Prorr.d) r|dllcl: accoral.i to Color.do ln tru !g!! mc! ..t l.a.l .crl.no..s lrd rnt o.r.cr 1! rnlr .!r.! rhi..r' t..r. rrt.r rou tr..r41..6,...!.n d.h.r, l. ro.v.nr, ur.nt clton b..rd uFn..r a.l.r!tr thl. 'snrt b..-.ft.rt Dr. ri.n r.n rt.r. tr6 rh. d.t. of rh...r!111...1h .hm f...6.. I II1- I\ I 2. a|6i7} r: !2.90j !2.6?' tlcla vatrar ttcrNE€Rutc ^rro luav6y 16 rrac.. ro0o sourx FFoliacE ioro rEsl /i /' f/ // i .".t, t?.J,/ ' '"'-,.jy, !.Pe r.!€{r!q --Fr Lor sg-l ./' \ 'o.! * Yili:,'r,.:1'.'.:?;l "\ _ fr/ ..o""'' .6., 2/ oJ s.Fr! r^34'(rt -,rd r$. e.' errl /!trrY t^Sreair T_+- I TRACT L DETAIL " 959 I 0E/On/00 11:2E FAr 3hp12 1888 sEGUE/DniEI{rrooDfb @oor I q^ I IIr 1 LlcPARINEFS lfraFar 971147"3.2152 TO: FROM: DATE: Afison octq . Plannercommunity DeveloprmDepafinnnt, Toiln sf vail Timothy t. Pennington Juna 5,2000 Applicalion for Proposed Bnandt Reidene on Lot 3$2, Glen LyonSUBJEGT: I llt l DearAlison: I Helloagain' l'm bld you ero handling s1e Brandts' applieation fur their propoeect home onLot 39-2 in Glen Lyon. Attaehed is a lstter to you and the DRB. please give mpbs b them. l'm sorry for the lateneso of this lefrer, but we were nerrer notified of the applicatitrr or thatthere had already been a previous hearing. Please eall if I can clariff anvtrring or an$tr€r anyquestions. tnanks foryour help. I I150 sANTf MoNlcA BOULEvARD. sUm12D0, Los ANcErrs. cALtFORNtA e0p5 (3r0) 2gl-1999 FAx (OlO) $12-1A60 t 18883 I 06/05/00 1l:28 FttI $sEcrrB/Bf,Erfrtro*t APPI.E/.AI$ PARINffiI.IC June 5, 2000 t Design Rwiew Eoard Atbntion: Ms. Albon Ochs, Planner Community Development Department Torn of Vail 75 S. FrcFtrge Road Vail. GO 81657 Re: fnOlicatlon for Proposed Bnandt Residence on Ld 39-2, Glen Lyon DearBoad Mernberc: tAle oun lot 39-1, whlch is adlacent to the above proposed resirJence and were the previous ourn€rs of lot 39-2 as well. tA/e have just recently eeen the proposed phns and are generally supportive. There are two issues uue would like to rais€: Il. I We hane an Agreement with the Brandts trst a shared fi16 truck tumaround I (wfrictr iu required by the Fire Depanment and is dtiaEd by the gBt)-4 I goveming our tro propertbe) will be localed aB dose as possibb to the common pfoperty line (see diagraml). The plans ure smr shou,ed an entrance gute to 39-2 that would interfere wilh the l'fte truck tumaround. Therehre, ft.t g"l" needs to be mored eastrrard to permit fre tumaround to be poperly located. ll horvewr, the Fite Deparhnent has agreed to use the Brandf$ ddveuray as a fire truck tumaround that would eerve both lob, then we have no objec{io-n to the proposed gab. Therefore, this would mean frat when we submit plans to built 1on lot 39-1, nelther the Fire Departrilent nor the DRB will require an additional fire truclr tumaround to be built on 3S1 Altematlvely, as Alison oche can discuss, therc is currenfly a tentatirre agreement for the construction of a gaE at tn beginning of westhaven Lane which might ellmindb the need fur the Brardt,s gat*. 2. our coneptforthe use of 3$1 and gg-2 has always been to presenre the openness, nafuralfteling and views of the sib. Therefue, rrre are not generally in favor of fenoes. The Brandts previously eleressed to us theil desire b havs bnces. we respeci their degires, and lhere may be appropriab uses for a bnce; e.9., if we bOth fittd skienE, hikers or bikers frequenty trespessirlg on our Feperty because of our proximrty b $e skiway and bike path. I lllS0sAr{rAMoNtcABoutEvAnD.surlEl2@.LGANGEIES.cAUFoRNtAgrrp5 Gelo)zgl-1999 FA)((glo)gta-t86s @ooe I l I I Ili I 06/06100 11:20 FAI 9l *o*t Eb oor Deign Revlew Board Attention: Ms. Alison Ochs, Planner June 5,2000 However, we do not think it is apprcpfiab to have a fence ncer our oommon properry line without common agreement A ftnoe on only one property uuould foroe any such unauthorized pmsage all onto the otrer property. wb hope thar if a fance F to be built, it wouH be as tsras pcribb ftom cur lot and landscaped so tre would nst see iL Thalk you ftr your consideration.lrInci{entdly, n e u,ere narer notified of this application and found out about it frcm a pdvab party. ls there not a notification procedure for adjacent property ounrers in this kind of circunr.etance? Please Gel frce b call mc for any Fason. liiFiir I Sincerely,6""ry8*# Timothy M. Pennington Hagopian & Pennington LLC TMP:p i EnclpsuIB I lr a 06/08/00 u:29 FAr sln1z rooa FRrr{ : T&fi FENNTT$TIN - tt*"t Flor.tE Hl. Hffiiil :'ff'ffi't @ool Jr.n. 95 26@! t:.:EFFt't pt i t Itiiiiil,*lE*lJi i'll L I I I II II wbq{et* Lend rhr ll .!. "-tlJulJ' rrrf'lns" Jrll rE t'l PtIrtJtl rrtlru!trtrl r:9 Itfll uuil:r tql oull'x 'f 'll ':) 'J '3 '\, 'J 'fr r::ut: slollIO'luOt tlsUrl puu N'lld rntnqtoq 'r.,)Bt':Jrii '!tarl'ruit{ :l.rud 'rntliuJq Pue rtlqst Jlu'rld poulclulcll lrut' nolJnrlruor oq 'rsJt r.rlql qJllil" uo€n r:trc rlu'Id l! su nrrn n"" o.:.0.:"' .pt!"1 .tq '(t! ' rJi i;'r J ' r|,{f ro:tnu Ptru IJCIf, /ilunoD rlJ"3 oql Jo rnJoJJr ttil Jo loo oSuJ 13 592'ioog UI Prpros't'r Puv gitil 'i '\JEnuuf Prlstt PlrO ulalJ :lro tt{1 ul PiqlrctdP ss ("lJut: utolle") laul urr lr ls lra':'!ulsun rt{t PuE ':t 'c 'H 'c 'J '3 'q 'J tg cicrtJ, 'sra3!r rolls PuE llt/iJIq 'uEItlsaPad 'stltltltj' ":ru'ilDuio JoJ Ptsn aq lluqs V 13!:l ?'1 'ftsodlnd a3ltJo IEuollftJord pus isaulgnq :oJ pern !q tlrqr r,g ro:r t'I '8ul{'rsd lantff-Jlo 'lr$b3pr e^eq llrqr puo ft3od:nd lrl1u'0I'1r {ltur''I:It|.l roJ PaEn aq lTrqr cl ro1 z'I 'a6ElE6 Pcrolcuo lo/pun rrtl dul{rrd lt'Jlr'JJo alrnbcPr us 3! IlaA lt "tnlcntlr rlBulr t ulqll$ 'aiututPro luluoz IIBA Jo uAoJ' cql uT p.itrsttP rr 'rllun tulllaAP {t'Puot'r /'(!rul rd orl urql 'l'l! lou lgnlrul ol r{Jt' 'r'cu'plttl ','At,d ro' rruo "':.::"::::' r::Jrffil ,::'r.:.'.. n,qr pu?t r!.[qng .ql ,o rtutp'l 'ql Dur uol'l urto * ta: .l : - i!'i.i. - .ri.l qtllt unr 'tu uI rlol , l1l ,o 'qrl I sOllUBtX ulrol ,tl: ll.r ro s.lrltotsv to ulllltt -eraq) 8 9u v lrq -qns t lrl 'llq 'a.J' uollrtod; I to tEgr. '|fu t'4rrt 8 '#' f.ll f. rcd. cosgrr or pcelilttrJ t' rlgll! d tb StG W' d'4t &Grefrt trtd Gc- rlstaG rtft rc cf 'r' 30'!cct lrtdlt rt I glcotr rs aJ EG'l,c r' EG[! grodirdl o' lFo Pat of tt: $'!cca It-Gt rh!'[ LG !.tod fo'r G4't!tf. c errro$ 'jt't" b' !t t{rs!|El' 6r g.-tG, t 'r $'U tbc Dc f[!!![t!'d' -* T q!.n !-h lSiGaT Trt6!t' nr,r i'nfiocmt o'r @rtsnrld gdlttc or Ftrd' lFEEn'f q't'|t orrE rct lqt st lr.r@ G t6r@ (arpc rs !'r'isrf(-T qr:s*lly gcof'tud) ' sbiGh " !t tD: jud6n:oa' o[ 'Er/ g'loF,tftt ilaflE( 6( olf tll. ae::?r'itic t!|f,f[![tit of [b lotro of Vr.[l ' tutrorrdt' firT d'f,G' r[!6' i{d.56rui/ oE ddtdgs chc oen'uretr <oodtrt-itro of, cb c:gc- Eac!@, c/f :ta catlccnc srtro of 'r-*r: orcwJ 'usnt!o- uacd'qsllct of !'b' $DDlcct tr'tr'c[ 3; ltdrrud@l la.ctctdti dcrtss&!: o'!' ogrllltdr- trar''for rDc gT wlrio sd nc'[o oscc of ot'![ll'y rcrri ccc my bc corrurud td !trl-!'[ri:sn n hcunrib orr ttodrr Tr-c' A 8' Eh gJnicct trkrcct ' P!w!'d'd cha[' tEEfi [rngrococltr tftl'll Egr* 3st't !"[trtDo![ ditEWG[d E t.I'lirraLo Eo !b $'8!tat cC ?l rci a 6 3$c tdJcct :!*'r 2- 'ttt ct al t t -tr rtllllltrJ Put ortruts {llII:n rot ul'rtq Pt^rttit'r 'uotr1 utIC to lcId rql Jo .uorlrod f roqt trorae Put rr^o '* n*t"t-":.:.o,itu rrl 9u! 131xr Illqr otn urlrtrepcd toJ tuauti'oat uY 'llotrtql ijn ro o'l tratro aq1 rlsdtul o1 6u ol.r.ql rrlulro'rit tlorr tlrtrs u; :o '(cr-3o-"-lu"t , o, ., o.rr, ". t " J P "^t'-t^" ; "'."r: ":t J::T:""^t"t;.u6 paulrlulsu to Pt're--- ' -- ..-, ^r! .o,sog .laqlo to ':'lr!gq 'e3Paq 'rtttl 'a)ual ou'P ral,rox u!1rrq 'q1 to uolslluu'd ualltrA rolrd aql lno ' .q:r' .uo(1,uarc r" :111;-:;;"rH' ;":'il: ars etlAral / Io PuIn latllo ^ua pur 'eqrrd IsPIJq 'Eallttla8l aolta;a6 Pus,:'13'f 'ortoqdelal'3Eg'f,1I3T:1iaIa . 'tullr'q "Ju1rq'J11 -' ^""'"::u,'=LH#*# '[ 'rrrd t aPF[r trt tlurir'AoJ 'AlltTllso: '8aq1 qelqlr Jo uolt -r^rpqns uo." u'ro 1o rrld PaProca' '"1":::;;":""".'.1, 'q1 tl Ptqlrts'P g'rB 'ql ult{:l,,I sluau ' llr(r' '" t^"'0" tlsqt ("Prrog AaIAaf, u'JTrac" P?118t ul.t.q) ol'Ptot"' '^t*t" "tU"' '11ofr Jo uAo'L aq1 Jo opoC ludlclunvl ''eql to lg'81 tol'trtlc fq "t""'" tt n"t;H,ffi 'z v lt".rt luauau PapI^o: qlno:qr rlrt I1' -uaAtloc -uorl^ua I -.3ai\ aq: , rat It 3IlI.T. Jo rqr P.tlul IOr IOI PArn tl ucl -OO9 | ulroet 'lurr :lta.rntt for drrlnrlr purporar rrr rrrrrrrd rr rhorrrr oo !h. pht of Ol|D Ly6. t.! lurorntr for drelnr3. purporar rurrvrd ln ther cov.n.nBt rnd on thr Chn Lyon plef rhell br prrprtuti. t.4 far.lrnc. .dj.cGnt to r lo! but outrldo thr boundrrl.| thar.of nry br rpproprlttaly kndrcepad, .ubJcct to tht provlrionr of rhrtr covcnlnlrr b, tha omsr of th!lot, bu! ln thc evcnt rueh kndrceplng tt d!.rturbcd byurr of tha elrenent. th! cort rnd cxpcnrr of scrtorlnt rucb lendrcaplng rhrll be rolely thar of thr orm.r of thc loB. 4. SIGNS No rlgnr, btltboardr, portcr boerdr or advertlrlng rcructurGof eny klnd ahrlt br crcctrd or rnllncatnrd on rny lot orrtructura for eny purpoaa vhetroavcr, axclpt such rtgnr er hrvr bccn epprovcd by thr Dcrt3n Rcvlav Boerd rr rc!!onrb:,, n.eraa.ry for ihc ldcntlflcrtlon of rrrldencar anit pr.ectr of burtncrr. 5. HATER Atfp SErr cE Erch rcructuar dcrlgnrd for occuprncy or urr by huuen brlngr rhrll connrct vlth thc nettr fecl,lltlsr of thG Vrtlllrtrr .nd S.ntt.rion Dl.trlct rnd th. rcvegr fecllltl.r of thc llpprr Er6h Vrll.I Sanltrrl,on Dl.rrler. lto prlvrt. vrll rhrll bc usad rr I Sorlrca of |*'atcr for hunan conrumptton or lrrl_ tatron rn 6len Lyon nor shrlr any facrlrty orhrr thrn rhor! provrdcd bt thr upplr Eagle varley ssnrtrtron Drrrrrct br urrd fot thc dlrporrl of rcvagr. tlcehnnlcel prrbagc dlrpoaalfrcllltlcr rhrll br provldcd ln cach klrchcn or food prrprrfil arat. .t. ' 'l: iii "'' :a'.!.:: ; : i!.lir':: lr-. .i -9- .t!.d rt Jluo tdrl rq Jru ,lrutur plorlasnoq rcqloI rrt .ttop lrqt tde.rxr *rq, purr ru, .,o r"rrno'.,':::,:il :i":l:^;, :,;];i";,1;t IJirFiI-rr z'9 Suyrrdt. p lrrodrlp r .q lll asoqt uY -T!.rI ro Ilrqr IIlr r .gl Jo 3.I1. IIIA Tq: ulonq , to lr3eld IIqruoa.g rr.utlr ro 1oI ernlrnrtr lulr JO tauAo -.1 tuflolaDr Ju I fq peqrngrlp I Dql to r.uno I ol lor fqnr r.Irrpunog rql 'Irnlrdr.d ..1 I ...q1 uT u.roqa ar p.^f Puu aq JoJ ga,.. rrarr.lra lr..-- : 'recr1dlr13 uI lant -lno r.Ao grrrdrrd .* :*t" ro Poo^ toq ttrrt urdo roop rou Irrqnna ,rrrrr"ar'l trrnPord Poot ro pooJ opnlruT ..::,::: -::^':' ",":' ::;:.;,n;:". :::,T;:, r. Fl'rrqrurrq .o:f .rJnpoJd Jio .lrr to uo;lrrrdrre ,"frrofllllPurq aql Bor, .lr3n .l)rnJDI l.lr9u ,pooJ Jo UoftdEng-uoJ puf .tuT{ooJ ,uo -rrnor; r.rru'p,. ", ".",t;:;":,r: ;l;ffr"::1.:j::-un 'paanun .tr.Iern rrrrqrp Ou" "r"rror"" .rallprq..alrllron lo jt.I.nIl^ .prto.fa: ..1!a ,pnlcuI Il5rl,..grlqqn: .ro rtrgrrg .qrr,rl,, '9 uo11s3s tlrll ut p.sn tV -rrp Eo:J prlsetord ''curq'rnl .q rrtr{r r-rtrao"".out aelrr rl1qnd EolJ Ptuorres .r{l rot ,"t"r,o.""rt *"tt 'trntor Jo uotlrelloJ Jrrado:d qrri ., t'o"ttnt ep;nord IIeqr rtu^o -ur .prllnrlruo. .o ,,,'ot"d rur rq pern ro p.Il.le rqr aroopul lrnr..r Jo lulurnqaql :ot eJra.P rr r.rc ur prrrrr'.d .. ,.:"r;:*:':;'r.t.::;j] yo tulurnq rq3 .uoe ur ro uio*rl .* a* ..ntt utqltA putl rur uo prdcng ,.r r.qlo ro ..r{.r .q.trf ol| I.9 ffiIE-afrrlTEi .e l. tr pJ rAl.Gs llo norl nrm. rynbol. or cooblnrtloo thcrrot rhrll br ulrd to LdanGltt lor cornerclrl purporrr I ho{rt, atructurrr burl- n.rr or r.n lcr ln Gkn Lyon. unlrrl 3hr rrm rhell hrvr born tlrrt rpprovrd tn vrlClnt Dy tho Darl6,n Rcvlcv Doerd' 9. sEcoNpl!!_gr!!g!!EE6 No rocondrry drlrchcd ttauqtur.r rhrll ba Pcrolttcd Gt(cePt for geragrr end othar ouE bulldlntr er epprovcd th. thr D"llgn levlcw Eoard. IO. TE}IPORARY STRUCTTIRES No tanporrry rtructur., axcrvltlon,.baacmcn!, trrllGr. or tcnt rhrll bc Pcrnltt.d ln GlGn Lyon, cxcePg ar ury be necc!8lrt .durlng conrtrucllon and euthortzed by thc Tom of Vell. II. CONTINUITY OT CONSTRUCTION All rtructurca corrrrncod ln Glan Lyon ahrll ba purluod dtltgrntly to cornplcclon and rhrll ba cornplctcd wlthln 12 nonthr of corwrcnccnent, cxccpt vlth wrlltcn conlent of thr Tor:.r of Vrl I, I2. NUTSANCE . l{o noxlour or offenrlvc rctlvltt rhrll enychlng be dona or pcrnlttad publlc nulrencr ln GIcn Lyon. 13. TREES No tr... of e dtelrtar of four(4) lnchcr or groattt rhrll ba cut dorn or rrrnovad ln Glcn L]ron Grccpt ldlh th. Prlor rrlttln epprovel of thc Dorlgn f,cvlcy loerd. l(. IAZARDS Any bulldtn3, rlruccur! or lnprovctront llr c.rtrln harrrd rrcat of Glon Lyon, norr prr!lculrrl,t dercrlbld rhrll bc crtrlod on nor uhlch rhell conrlltut. r lov tn thr -t- rti.i'ir; .;,,ii.;ii.i i.r'1.rf -8- ' :oot ltcnbs 00; ' ? uuti: taltrtl Jou laoJ r:enbr 006rI uctil 3E.rl Jo tJL'ro'J JruE llodrrt 'ra!ttr.l 'rollsd 'rrqJtod urdo Jo j\itnlsro (otuuulpJO !utuoz lltA Jo rt.o.ol !r{: ul Itutjcn rl alo: :Gqr sF) (yj!l) er:D roolJ Irl:r:.plsa: srorJ q:Ij.. r:It .iur uo p'11nn:t ro p!t:Iut.1J .rq llrqd r:lun ju1.r11 o.r: Jo iruo tJqltt .irtlulu:uo: tu111arp t)1; sITISTNI-11ffi 'rl 'rg:rrrn *: n.rf ua1 ;o !t:.: e.\trrlrrns c.\lJ papurixo (11uc1touotnr rq lIEqs {aq: tulll q3lrii:. 'fi". :I ,irpnuac I}:un :JaJJo puB arloJ lInJ uI anult -UoJ Ilrqf F..rt 'rutl3sc PUE so.\l:glurratdot 'ttosroJJns DAllrodtrl .r1jq: 'u1e:aq: .i:Jodo:d Jo rouro r{r8r pur uols1,r1pqng uodl u.Ig ul lJrtt pur lol riJr. pue t3orl uDorlg aql uodn tulpulq aq nu" r4 rlJru.q aql roJ aq llBqs uIDroq paulr:uoJ 6ruoua^or pue rlurur.rlr'ruollelndf'lr'ruotltTr!srr,ruolllpuol orll ffi'et rrrr a8rru9 p.rolau. I11n; r uI ldr{ eq tsnor solrlqel lpuoll -tfr'et'rdlt-ItlIurIs Pur tl.oq 'rrollerl 'iJodurEr llV ['gt 'tr6 q?norqr I rto.I ,oJ atl. .{1 oo lluo toIAIl qc.. ror rtlqolrolnr ouo irrsl lr rol ?rpl^ord rq llri{. rcrds tulrprd p.r.Aor v a'jI rrr{rrd rqr ruop p.lrrurd rq 11rqr ,rrlt.lt." ,.r, 5Ftri 'cr .ll!A ,o uio1 rqt 1r alt, uo fgnrr .l |I{ftv rtr qflA groorr uI grulltrp lunllrptnot *rl'ri .rll ut 9eqlt 0 aol ulrtl.t !oT:d .qr qr 11rqr retroel rr r rlHllruoJ l' rou uo Palrrll to uAot rqr J 'tlluos 3I uTqlIA P gtnt:nd oq 1 'IIIA 'OI:rrrrocq rg frc r to 'raltrrl "lil utI!.O .qr .qr I tdoorr prltlllrcd .Ptro{ u..q r q llrql -Irnq.unlcnr: P..n .q llrqr tl r rn.ll nr. csadl,ttonr. r..trlctlonrr rtlpulrtlonr. .!r..*otr rtdcoftrrtrtt contatD.d hrrrln rhrll uot b. rr(v.d, .b.udan.d, t.a-dnrt.d, or anndrd .rc.pt b, nrlttrn son..nt ot thr ororrr of 711 of tho rutfrcr lr.. of th. prly.trlr_orm.d lrnd lneludtdUthln th. bor:ndrrtra of Cl.n .t yon r. thr |.oc ur; br thcn rhovn by th. pht on flh ln thr Offlcr of th. clrrk rnd Rrcordrr of Erglr count)rr Colorrdo upon rh. flltnj of ruchE ndn nt vlth rhc Clorkrr offlcs. 'tusl9. EnFoRcErclrT ,{, Entorcrornt, of thnrc rpacl rl condltlonr, srlpuhtlons .ndprotrc::lw covcnrnt, ahrll rert ul,th th. Torn of Vall (whrthcr ]fi,rfitt'r proprrry omor) rnd tha propcrry .ovncrr of Grrn Lyon..rl $f}#i* ahrll vtohrG or rhr..t.n ro vtolrrc rny of chr provlalonr of thls lnrtruqlca!. Cha Torrn of Vall or rny paopcaSy onner of Glrn Lyon, rn addrtton tc all orher -.vailrble, lcncdtce, nry enforca thc provtllonr of thls lnstrurent bylnrtltutlng ruch proccodlngr rt lrv or ln equtty rr ney bc;rpproprhta to onforco the provtalons of thls lnscrumcnt,. in"iuafrrg . denmd for lnJunctLvr rollcf to pravent or rro.dy/ . th. thrcataned or exrrtrn6 Vloletron of chera covanrnt3 lndfor denagrt.; 20, DEFINITION OF PROFEFTY OHNER Ar ucad tn lhlr LntLru.[l€nt. thr phrrrcr ,,roal property orner", ,rplopsrty or.,ncr,', or ,,omo! of rcal propcrty., rhell Dcan rny nltural lcrson, prrtnrrthlp, corporrtlon, rrroclrtton or othor burtncst rntlGy or rtltttonthlp rrhlch rhrll om rnartltr rr. co-t.nrnr or otharrlra ln frr rtnpla or for t ttroof noc lGrr th.n forty-nlnr (i0) ,oerr tn .n, porclon of th.t hndr tnclr.drd vtthln thr bqrndr::l.rr of Gho Lron, luch Attcrt (, STATf, cu.lttt .r :i.L, ' -\;i;i ; qtn8 'udJ .ql lo uollros elrl t ror ro al ur u^o II uol lrlcocrr I uol IIrqr.,It!edo f:redord lrre. PUt ttu3ua^oa Iprlu ro lurar: 'luaarnrl cuI rq Jieu rp {ll {q lurunrr t ru.; eI qBl lr^I r.rlto tI {ur ro .i IEA t yo r(ur rtrlo 'uor(1 urlg go rra r.ql.$r) tIrA Jo pur ruolrrlndlrs qrn. Jo lP i Put lr.lc .r uarlt aq l|rr r P.Pnltul Purl Pr ro rrrtrto aqr lo I -tat 'p.tDpurqr .p. pur alu.r.atl. . tuo IEAA Ol Oomr^Do )) rr. G(xfiTT O' IAGIJ thr torrgolng tn'tnrnGnt ru rchnorlldgcd brfore ro thlt ^ rt ' ( ' , P-7f bY R.DNET E' sLrFEl.'4 A* of (If,LltI) , LIJL oy . l{ryor tor rh. fom of Vrll' tlttn.rr nY hrnd end offlclel rcrl lly comlrrton lxPlrtr: lly Cnmniislon::phis .llgt, l, lgll 'll ' l t^rgtG (tLllnc aq,trEt||D ||OllrEr!"tx! Pttr d IDOCrnn|r Hr.t.ltNc 8qnflElrt| rHE O?FtCl AXD fl|B {f ll ma l./t o? 8Eru.8. I CIHAycoulltt cr.Enl PAnlCEl,s t l. TSAI f. iHAt AT,L IN SECTIC SAID PARCEL B EEGINNINC AT AND T' 'I F;STE SAID $rr'5lON THENCE I'. ?3' OF SAID t| TGHII RrGlt?-oF-t{Ar THU SOUTHL'NLI 101.0 fEEr Ar,/ "HENCE S. 52..SIID ||ICl|HAyl oF-xAt oF s^tt THENCE 8t. t 5.l SECTIOI{ l2l ?l 91. !l FEErr Tl51.0! rEEtr ?l103.01 fEFtr II10.2I FrL.rr rlt2. t6 FEEI! rlol.50 FEErr I 93. t FEErr t tl2l. { ? FEEtr rI19. 3 { FEFI, tlot.52 fEErr tIt6.ll fEElr ? 61. al rrrl, tilf.!t DlFrr tiltt. It raEr, tllt.Ot Dtrrr tlot.l! rtrr mnorttEr&t rtaft|OtfltBRlr f,tcx 3 '*a rrr.l rr.Lvr {'JUr otvs cndTv rJ[rxr rr3:tuf, !!o9 JO 3Nr1 u3.r,yl{ HDII| rrugHruoN3llt ot r33J 9t'6a...3 .tg,et.o .N rflrt trurrssfr orvs eNdiy irigHruoNlJX3[t 'tI NOTIJ3S .t1!-!N JO aNr.t rrugJ,s.It 3x,! No J,nroa v or ,r3rt t l. r0r"n .?€r0trtr -s 1f!!g!{'*3J Orvs *rryr[ biu ru{r'$J 3Jr€'.& rr33t 50.5c!"r rrr.!?..r 'r sflr'tr3tr rJ oiia ilicrii 5irrnxrrNoc if,NsHr rrs3J 6r-66r"lr .st. t€.oc' tr 3strur.rlrrc-oiis-inriv-ldrnNr&Noc scNsHr rrlrsJ 9f - 9! . "r -te. rc.rrH_sNtrus&rar oiii sio;; iNrnNl'Noc sJN3rr trsEJ 8r.89''tr r er. !!.r | . s 1113J1ry5-o iii-c[iiil-cirnr,rraror aJNsHr rrss.r r r . eB r"r .rr. ro.6e 's rrrrugrlrgl oii; ;iio.ii Sirrnnr.r,r.roc if,lr3ur rJ3sJ ae.Gorl'r .sc. rt.r, 's rnrrue.r.Hri oiia Sndi 6,rrnnr.r.Hor srirsnr t,r3!r 'r.5rr"r.te.ag.fi 's arrrru3,lr€J arvi ciioii Srrrnrruror sJir3rtr trsrr lr.rar. ",t .e€.rr.ta .!,MllslNgr <iivi ci,:ai' cxrn*rr,Hoc gc'snr lrssr s.s6"rr .9tr9a.5r 's sNrrr3r*3J ,rrvs-cuo;ii-:inrnNrJNoJ 'JNSHJ rr33J Og.r0t-"1 -str9Z.9 'S 3*rrufrN3J civi rrisii SiirnHr,r,Hor 3JN3HJ rJ3!J 96'Ztf"n.ttrtt-02 's 3 t',ru3JN3f orvs ciio.iv inrnHr,luor sJ srtr rJ3-1J s!.OrI"x.9rrt0.rr 's s*'ruaiNii oiis ilioii irirnnr.r,Hor sJrrs*r ,JssJ eo.so!.'r .rr, r!.r .s 1111u1ulo-oiis-ii*tiiv-ii*roNrrNor sc*s*'rssr 80. rs"r -tt,rr.r.s_rrrrurluai aii; eiicr;i i*rnur.l,ror sJNsHr trs?J .8.16"x -.)r.!t.o) 's :.J!uJ ruoc .ro -iiiruiiiir-gHr, cNo.rv 3JNslrr rrr NorJJss''4!.!x !./r.x orvs 3xi1 l,'!l!!ngs iru c*oii-iiic re.esr ..s.es,sr.88 3f,Ns'&trll rt t/r r drvs s{r,r t'rurr{roos gHi id-r,nioi v o.r rvrncrH orvs .fo ryti-Jo-arcrr AlUslrr'rrs iu.r, elgl!_!!3J r'ts '.i.ii,is.er .s siNs'r tryrurcrfi srvsro rxr.l lvA-ro-rRetu rarl!r,!o! sHr, cNdrr'r,iii'i;ooi ,:$ .so;cr.ii-;i-iilrsH.r' rryru{ln{ orvs_Jo g*rr rv{-Jo-iHciu-riusrJ,nos sH.L 0No1y rssJ o.r0rI'l .tr,ro.r9 's sJN3Hr- rrvruJii oivs"i6-sfrir rv!r-Jo-&rotu rlus',rnos iHrc.rqlv_r3rr 0'00! ..A rso,tt.t6 .s gcisHi rivaiiirr orvs Jo rNrr trvx_Jo_grerulr{3nJnos sH.r, cNo.rv-*3gJ-t.6er ..n.srlii.ir .s aJNTHJ rrvn gnt orys Jottrr,l lvr-Jo-uretd l.lu3r{&nos ar.r, $ror:v-iiii'ii.rre;:rr.ir,iiliz-;s-iingx.rrr3gJ,'Et.)t9 _rsglt .la.sao nruoN suvsq-!r Hor.r,cgi orvsJo utuuor tsv3nl,uor in.r_i5r{rrn .r/t sN iii'i'drvs Jo sr{tr rlusr,svs sHJ. sNvt 'olr lvmrsrr orys Jo r*rr rtugr.rnos grii -.16 ior&resug,rHt s*,1 ,rv 9NrNNrg3S I slrollgf_:y osstuJsso . tTuytncr,tuyd iuo!{ cNtsi ,tsJuvd qrva.frtorrzlt ty.rtJ{tud trtl ',trsaA il ic[,/u-,iijn;i"i ar*sr, oa ,!r flor,rcss nt,r,ry et 3tv{ Jv I8I )tOOn Nt cgrtuJssq lrcuvd tvHr .a Itl t9vd Jy co! IOOq ttt otsruJsSo 'ticfvd JvHr .r 'd.o'a ntl ratc . '''irflrs 'r rlncou r .Iql a[ .roleq Pr " - ..,.1'1, iiffSt* i, iiiillfu r' I'ii*r'ffi i* *a*ro ffii;gil.ffi;,r#+rflffiffiiuflffiS*ii::lifi,iil ".,' " s., zz.lL rrrr io-iiii-cdru;IT.ifif'", $,i,ilit'I,ii;,:i:$ii:#d'ift ^ffi iiiffi triifg,#,fu1qr-ili li o-t-rc'Jz' 8., ll0l rr. i--- -- ffru*'gm*mffil:#*ru**.qtffi#i l. rrrr paRctl. onsz. rrAr pARcEr, ,"J::j::-" rN Eoor 188 .*t p^c! 5{j coNrArNrNG eO.rrr acne;cnrsED rt| EOOX 192 AT PAGE l2!, , I,IOFE OR LESS. t' ri ,,:i, :i: ''.i r ''1i f!. r: irli ', ;'i\i ' frffi P,Efrf,{OElrt f,r?t---{s tuu' l.r4r-ttr't1,€ ' F1 'r gff|ffiJ -[ clrgrca o:1"':3 t'r .r ORDINANCE NO.23 SERIES OF 1998 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. B, SERIES OF 1995, REVISII,IG GROSSR ESIDEII IIAI FLOOP AREA (GRFA), BI.JI I. DING I.IEIGFII' PEOIJIREMFNTS, ANDFMNI OYEF HOIJSING PROVISIONS FOR LOIS 39-1 AND 39-2, GI.EN LYONsuBDlvlstoN. DL'-VELOPMENI"AREA c, sDD No 4 (cAscADE VTLLAGE); REpEALTNGRESOLUTION NO. 10, SERIES OF 1982, WHICH PROVIDES SPECIAT- PROVISIONS FORLors 39-'l Ar{D 39-2, cr-EN l-yoN srJBf)r\/rsroN; DFLETTNG ourDATF:tJ coNDrloNSANI] REFFRENCES To EXPIRED DEVELOPMENT PLANS; AND sETTING FORTH DETAILSIN REGARD TIIEREI'O. W]FRFAS, f lagopian and Pennington, LLC, has requested an amendment to 1re existing special Deveropment District No. 4, Deveropment Area c, Lots 39-1 and 39_2, Gren Lyon Subdivision; and wHEREAS, the planning and Environmental commission has unanimously recommended approval of the proposed building height, GRFA, and Employee Housing Unit restrictions for Lots 39-,1 and 39_2: and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to amend ordinance No. g, series of 1995 and repeal Resolution No. 10, Series of 1982 to provide for such changes in Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Villaoe. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1gg5, is hereby amended as follows: Section 1. Re-qolution No 10, Series of 1982. is lrereby repealecl Ser:tiorr ?. A rr rprrrl rrre trt procedtrres Frrlfilled, planning Conrmissiolr Report_ The approval procedures described in section 12-9A of the Vail Municipal code have been fulfilled, attd the Town council has received the recommenclations of the planning and Fnvironmental comrrrission for art atnendmenl to the cleveloprrrerrt plan for special Devekrpnrent tjistrict N<l 4. -) Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 .l Section 3.Special Develo;rrrrerrt District No. 4 S5rer;ial [)eveloprnent Ilisl'';"t No- 4 arrd the ilevelopnrent plans therefore, are hereby reprairr approved for the development of Special Development District No. 4 within the Town of Vail, unless they have expired. Section 4. Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village shall read as folows: Purpose Special Development Diskict No. 4 is established to ensure comprehensive development and rrse of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and promote the objectives of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No. 4 is created to ensure that the development density will be relatively low and suitable for the area and the vicinity in which it is situated, the development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and the Planning Commission, and because there are significant aspects of the Special Development District which cannot be satisfied throuoh the imposition of standard zoning districts on the area. Definitiotrs For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: A' "Special attraction" shall be defined as a museum, seminar or research center or performing arts theater or cultural center. B " Iransient residential dwelling rrnil or restrictecl dwelling unit" shall be de{ined as a dwelling unit located in a multi-family dwelling that is managed as a short term rental in which all such units are operatecr under a single management providing the occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities. A short term rental shall be deemed to be a rental for a period of time not to exceed 31 days. Each unit shall not exceed 645 square feet of GRFA which shall include a kitchen having a maximum of 35 square feet. The kitchen shall be designed so that it may be locked and separated from the rest of the unit in a closet. A transient dwelling unit shall be accessible from common corridors, walks. or balconies without passing through another accommodation unit, dwelling unit, or a transient residential dwelling unit. Should strch rtnits be cleveloped as condominiums, they shall be restricted as set forth in Section 13-7 Condominiums and Condominium Conversions, Subdivision Regulations' The unit shall not be used as a permanent residence. Fractional Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 fee ownership shalr not be ailowed to be appried to transient dwelring units. For the F)urposes of determining allowable density per acre, transient residential dwelling units shall be counted as one half of a dwelling unit. The transient residential dwelling unit parking requirement shail be 0.4 space per unii prus 0.1 space per each 100 square feet of GRFA with a maximum of 1.0 space per unit. Estahlished A special Deveropment District No. 4 is estabrished for the deveropment on a parcel of land comprising 97.955 acres as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A. special Development District No. 4 and the g7.955 acres may be referred to as ,,sDD No. 4.G B rtre ciistrict sl'rall consist of four separate cieveloprnent areas, as identifierJ in this rtrdinatrr;e r:onsistirtq of 1!re followirrtl ;rpproxintate sizes Area Known As Development Area Aoeage Cascade Village A fi.gilsColdstream Condominiums B 4.000Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single Family Lots C 9.j00Glen Lyon Commercial Site Dedicaied op"n sp"*- '' l) 1 8oo Roads 40.400 TOTAL 4.700 97.955 D ev el o pm ent P I an- Req u i red-A p proval p ro c ed ure Each deveropment area with the exception of Deveropment Areas A and D shail be subject to a singre deveropment pran. Deveropment Area A shail be ailowed to have two deveropment prans for the cascade crub site as approved by the Town councir. The waterford and cornerstone sites shail be ailowed one deveropment plan each. Development Area D shail be afiowed to deverop pgr the approved phasin,g prans as approved by the Town Council. The developer shall have the right to proceed lvitlr tlre r'leveltrpn tetrt plans or scerrarirrs as riefined in flre developnrerrt statislics section of this ordinance. Amendments to sDD No. 4 shail compry section 12_9A of the Municipal Code. Ordinarrce 23 :lariFq of lqag I PerntitterJ I Jscs A. Area A Casr;ade Village 1' First floor commercial uses shall be limited to uses listed in Section 12-78-3, (Commercial Core 1), of the Municipal Code. The "first floor" or',streei level', shall be defined as thal floor of the buirding that is rocated at grade or street rever; 2' All other floor levels besides first floor street level may include retaii, theater, restaurant, and office except that no professional or business office shall be located on street level or first froor (as defined above) unless it is crearry accessory to a rodge or educational institution except for an office space having a maximum square footage of g25 square feet located on the first floor on the northwest corner of the plaza conference Center building; 3. Lodge; 4. Mutti-family dwelling; '' 5. Single.Family dwelting; 6. Primary/Secondary dwelling; 7 6. B. Area 4 2. Transient residential dwelling unit; Employee dwelling as defined in section 12-13 ol the Municipal code: Cascade Club addition of a lap pool or gymnasium. B, Coldstream Condominiums Two-family dwelling; Multi-famity dwelling. Single family dwelling; Two-fanrily dwelling Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) per Chapter 12_13, of the Municipal Code. '2 n Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site 1. Business and professional offices; 2. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 12-13 of the Municipal Code. t I Ordinance 23, Series of 1999 Conditional lJses conditional uses shall be reviewed per the procedures as outlined in chapter 1 2-16 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. A. Area A, Cascade Village 1. Cascade Club addition of a wellness center not to exceed 4,500 sguare feet. 2' Fractional fee ownership as defined in the Town of Vail Municipal code, section '12-2 shall be a conditional use for dwelling units in the westhaven multi-family dwellings. Fractional fee ownership shall not be applied to restricted employee dwelling units or transient residential dwelling units. ownership intervals . shall not be less than five weeks. 3. Special a raction. 4 stri tifts, 5. public park and recreational facilities: 6 Major arcades with no frontage on any pubric way, street, walkway or marl area. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums 1. Public park and recreational facilities; 2 Skilifts 1. public park and recreational facilities: 2. Ski tifts; D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site 1 ' Micro-brewery as defined in Town of Vair Municipar code, chapter 12-2. Accessory Uses A.Area A. Cascade Village 1. Minor arcade. 2. Home occupations, subject accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code. to issuance of a home occupation permit in Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail Ordinance 23, Sefles of 1999 3. Attached garages or carports, courts, patios, or other recreational residential uses. private Ereenhouses, swimming pools, iennis facilities customarily incidental to permitted 4 Other !-tses custontarrily inciderrtal and accessory to permittecl o| conditional uses, and necessary for lhe operation thereof. B.Area B, Coldstream Conclominiums 1 Home occupations, sunlect acc("rrrlance r,. jtlr tlte Provisiotrq of Municipal Code. home occupalion permit in R pq r.rlati<.rrrs, .lown oi Vail to issuance of a 'litle 1?", Zorring r- '2 Attache<l garages or carports, private greennouses, swirnming poors, tenni:; courts, ;ratios, or oiher recreatlorr;rl facilities cuslrrrrrarily irrciderrtal lo perfllitted residential uses. other uses customarily incidentar and accessory to permitted or conditionar uses, and necessary forthe operation thereof. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single_Family Lots 1' Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in aicordance with the provisions of ritre 1?., zoning Regurations, Town of Vail Municipal Code. 3 (')ther trses cusiomarily irri:iilenlal ancl accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the opr_,ratiorr tlrereof f) Area D, Ljlen l-vorr r tornrrrerr:ial Site i llttttte occuflations srrlriet:t t1 i-qsuarrr:e pf ;1 |16p1o occupatjon 1:er*rif i, accr'rrdattt'e v:ilh the ptovisi'rrq of Iitl.- l ), 7-rtrtirlq Regulalions. Ior,r",r1 11; yoi; Mt.rnir:if:al t-:c.trle. i) Altar:hed oarages { rr.\ I rrts, palios, ." otllel resicierrtial uses. ol (iarfrorls, p|ivate greenltotrses. svrirrrrninq Dor:ls, tenrrir recrealinnal facilities crrstomarily incidental to perrniltecl OrfJira nce 23,,qeries of 1-o9g I 3 other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 4. Minor arcade. Location of Busrness Acfivity A All offices, businesses, and shail be operated and conducted entirery within a building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the outdoor disolav of goods. B' The area to be used for outdoor display must be located direcfly in front of the establishment dispraying the goods and entirery upon the estabrishment,s own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. , Density-"Dwell ing lJnits The number of dwelling units shall not A. Area A, Cascade Villaoe Irr Area A, a minimum'of three hundred fifty{wo (352) dwellinq units ancJ a rnaxirnunr of ninety_for rr rlwelling units Sectiolr 1B 46 103 for a total density of two hurrdred seventy B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiunrs Sixtv iive (65) riwollir rg urrils exceed the followino: ( )ne.tlrrnrlrecl for.l (-l 0,i I clwellirrq irrrits. ll /,,rcir l.), Glerr l_yorr Cornmerr;ial Site I-'ree dwerirrg urrits, two of whicrr shat be emproyee dweting Ctrapter J 2_13, of the Municipal Cocle . Derrsity--Floor Area A. Area A, Cascade Village The gross residential floor area (GRFA) for ail buirdings shail not square feet. B. Area B, Coldstrearr Condominiunrs Sixty-five thousand square feet (65,000 sq. ft.) GRFA. accommodation or transient as rlefined hy the tables irr (270) dwelling units. unils as defined exceed 289,f45 Ordinance 23, Series of 1999 D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. g, Series of 1998 for previous requirements Commercial Square Footage A. Area A, Cascade Village ' Area A shail not exceed 3s,6gg square feet of commerciar area. B. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordrnance No. B, Series of 'l q9B for nrevirrrrs rgquilements. I)evslorrrr"trl S{aUsfir:-s fot 4rro A- Cascade: Viuaqe, and Area D, Glen I-Von Conrmercial Site CHART 1: Area A Completed projects Ordinance 23, Series of 199g Cascade Structure Pa l'llnaror4.lD-lirtO p^.,n ? I C[4C BUILIJING . I olflce parking requirernents. ""For lhe purposes of catculatinq GRFA for the cosgritf parcel (Millrace lv), no credits shall be given except for 300 s.f to be allowed for each enct,,sed oarki,,q space. Ordinance 23, Series of i 998 cAscADE Cl |]8 lidl.il Uar & tleslaufanl {lllAl?.1 2r APi A A RFQI.JIRFII PNNKINLi Develapmenf /./an.s Site specific development plans are approved for Area A ancJ Area D. The ctevelopment lllatts frrt Atoa A rrc ( '.)rlll)rised of ilrose lrlans srrbnrittecl by Vail Ventures, Ltd. ancl rrtlrer develrllrals I lre rlevek:Irrrrent ptarlr frrr Ar ea [J are t--onrprised Of flrose planS sLrLrrrritted l-ry rlre Gren Lyon office Buirding, a cororado partnersrrip. fhe following rlor;rrrrents r:.rrrlrrise flre deveroprrcrrt pra, f'r re sDU as a whore, waterforci, cornerstone, cascade crub Addition scenario 1 and 2, Mirrrace rV, and Area D-Gren Lyon Comrnercial Site ancj is nof all jnch:sive I \,Valer{or,l. Slreet #1.-2, rJatecl i 1 l) 92.l.arrrjscape [rlan, Denrris A.rrr1ersorr. 2 waterf.rcl, sheet#1 r, riatecr 11 1,r-92, siteiGrading ptar Lrwathmey, pratt, Sclrr-rltz. 3. waterf.rd, sheet #2.1, crated 11,13-sz, pran Lever 3B/43' 3", Gwathmey, pratt, Schrrltz. 4. waterford, sheet #2.2, dated r1-13-g2, pran Lever 48,-6',/s3:-0", Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz 5. waterford, sheet #2.3, dated 1 1-13-92 plan Level s9'-0:/64,-3" by Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 6. Waterford, Sheet #2.4, dated 1 1-4-gZ, plan Level 69,_6,,/74,_9,,, Gwathmey, Pratt; Schultz 7. waterford, sheet#2.5, dated 11-13-92, pran Lever B0'-0,'/gs'-3" Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 8. waterford, sheet#2.6, dated 11-13-92, pran Lever g0'-6" Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. 9. waterford, sheet #2.7, dated 11-13-92, pran Level 101'-0', Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. Parking for Completed projects per Chart 1 in Cascade Parkinq Structure---.=-_ Parking Spaces 449.9 Less 17.5% Mixed-Use Credit -t6.1 Total Required Parking at Build-Out of Area _A.1nt!a"geqg_Qlrugtlge ; '*; r"** r.'.;'; s-**, Jt t.z 421.0 Required Parking in Cascade Structure at Build-Out of Area A With 17.5% mixed-use credit 371.2 Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 l0 l0 waterforcr. sheet #2.8, ctated I r-13-g2, pran Lever r 11'-6" Gwathmev. pratt Schultz. 11. Waterford, sheet#2.g, dated 11-13-92, pran Lever 122'-O'Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. 1) walerforrl. slreet #2.10, <Jateci 12-'14-92, Iloof Plan All Levels clwaitrrney. pratt, IlclrrrJlz l3 walerford, srreet #3.1, datecj 1i 13-s2, Elevations Gwathmey, pratt, Sclrrrltz.14 lvaterfrrrtr. .srreet #3 2 rJated 11-'l 3-q2 Frevations. Gwathrney. praft, scrru[zrr;. waterfc.rrrr, Sheet #4 1. date,:J 11-4-g2, rir,rctions (rwatirney, pratt, schurtz.'l6. waterford, streei #4.2, ciated l r-4-92r. secti'ns, Gwathmey, pratt, scrrr-rrtzlT waterforci, sheet #4.3, dated r 1-4-g2., sections, Gwathmey, pratt, schurtz.18' waterford, sheet #g.1, dated 10-20-g2, Unit prans Gwathmey, pratt, schurtz.19' Waterf<.rrd, sheet #g.2, dated 10-20-92, Unit prans, Gwathmey, pratt, schurtz.20' waterford, sheet #9.3, dated 10-20-g2, Unit prans Gwathmey, pratt, schultz.21' waterford, sheet#9.4, dated 10-20-92, Unit prans, Gwathmey, pratt, schultz.22' waterford, sheet #9.5, dated 10.20-92, Unit prans Gwathmey, pratt, schurtz.23. Cascade Club Addition Site plan, Roma 10/.10/88. 24. Chscade Club Floor plan, Roma, 10/10/Bg. 25' Millrace llr, sheet #1, dated 5/6/93, site pran, steven James Riden.26. Millrace ilr, sheet #2, dated 4r13rgz, Froor prans for singre Famiry Residence, Steven James Riden. 27 ' Millrace lll, sheet #3, dated si6l93, Erevations for singre Family Residence, Steven James Riden. 28- Millrace ilr, sheets #4 and#s, dated 3rzorg3, Froor prans for Duprex Buirding, Steven James Riden. 29' Millrace 1il, sheets #6 and #7, dated s/6/93, Erevations for Duprex Buirding, Steven James Riden. 30' Millrace lll, sheet L1, dated 5/6/93, siterlandscape pran, steven James Riden.31. Millrace lV, scenario r, arkra cosgriff parcer, site pran, Arnord Gwathmey pratt, 10t28t91. 32' Millrar:e lV. Scerrario l, alkla cosgriff Parcel. Elevaiions Arnold Gwathmev pratt. 10t22t91 33 Millrace lV' scenario l, alk/a ccrsqrifi Parcel, Floor plans Arnold Gwathmev pratt. 10t23tg |, 34' Millrace lV, scenario r. arkra cosgriff parcer, Landscape pran, Dennis Anderson As sociates :15 Cosgriff Parl:et. SurveV. Alpine [:trgineerrng, tr.rr: . lOl31/gl stamped.36 srrrvev. a part r:f cascade Viilaqe. Fagre Vailey Enctineering, Lerarrcl Lechner. 6/Bt87 37. Site (lns,5,r2g6 Arralysis, Eagle \/alley Frrgrneerrng, 1Ol 1O/BB ./ Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 II 38 f)asr':aile Villaqe Special [-)eveloptnerrt l )istr ir:t Amendnrenl ancl Fr rvironnrerrta I Irnpact Report: peter JamarAssociates, Inc., revised 11tzzrt,}. " A maximum of 1000 sq. ft. of common area, in addition to the approved prans, may be added to the Waterford project to allow for compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and American Disabilities Act. The staff shall review all such additions io ensure that they are required by such codes. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single Family Lots l Ruilding Enveropes for Lots 39-1 arrcl 39-2 per sireet, l_-1, Jrrepared by Design Workslrop, Inc.. dated 11_9_98 Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. g, Series of 1g9g for previous requirements. Developmenf Sfandards llte developrnerrt standards set out herein are approved by the-fown council. These standards shall be incorporated into the approved development plan pertinent to each development area to protect the integrity of the development of SDD No. 4. They are minimum development standards and shall apply unless more restrictive standards are incorporated in the approved deilelopment plan which is adopted by the Town Council. Setbacks A. Area A, Cascade Village Required setbacks shall be as indicated in each development plan with a rllrnlrnum setback on the periphery of tlre property of not less than twenty feet, with ttre exception that the setback requirement adjacent to the existing Cascade parking sttuctttre/athletic clLrb building shall f.re two feet as approvecl on Febrrrary B, 19g2, by the Planning and Environmental Commission. All buildings shall maintain a S0 foot stream sethack front rlore Creek. The Waterforr{ bLrildinq shall maintairr a rnrn'ntLlnl 20 foot setback fronr the north edge of tlre rec,,:,,rliorral path along Gure Creek. F1. AreaR,CriklstrearrrCr:trclomirrir.rrns Rerlrtireri setbacl<s slrall l_'e as inrlicatecl orr re rlevelr-rl:rnerrt r.rlan. Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 12 Area D. Glen Lyon Required setbacks Comrnercial Site shall be as indicated on the approved development plans. Height A' For the purposes of SDD No. 4 carcurations of height, height shail mean the distance measured verticaily from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a frat roof, or mansard roof, or to the ftighest ridqe line of a sroping roof unress oilrerwise specified in approved deveropment plan drawings. B. Area A, Cascade Village 1' The maximum height for the westin Hoter, cMC Learning center, Terrace Wing, plaza Conference Building and Cascade parking Slr rrctrire/Allrlctic Clr,rl: is 7 j feet. Ll r;1;111srstone Builtlirrq Maximunr height of 7.1 feet, 3. waterford Buirding: Maximum height of feet as measured from finished grbde to any portion of the roof arong the north erevation shail be 55, (south Frontage Road), 56' arong the west erevation westhaven Drive, and 6s feet along the south and east erevation as measured from finished grade. 4. Westhaven Building: A maximum of 55 feet. 5. Millrace lll: A maximum of 36 feet {,i tv'lillrace l\/ A maximLrrrr of 36 feet. i. Cascade Chrh Addition: A maximunr of 26 feet. 8. Cascade Entry Tower: A maximum of 36 feet. I' The remainder of buirdings in Area A shail have a maximum height of 4g feet. C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums The maximum height shall be 4g feet. E. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site 5 ll/o rrf llre rrrrf shaf l have a ireiqlrt lrp.lweerr 112 attr:l 40 feet. r[!]%r trf re roof area shirll lrave,r lreiqlrt LrrrrJer 32 feet Orr tlre perirneter of ilrr-. buikJing forArea D, herght is tlteaslttr:rl [r'r'rrr [rrrislreri grade rigr lo;rrry ploint of lflo 11rof r)n tlte itrlerior area of anv builrlirrq, lr':iglrt is rreasrrecl frorrr existing grade up to the rrighest point of the roof. Devel.pment pra, crrawings shail constitute the height ailowances for Area D. D. Ordinance ?3, Series ot 1998 I Sife Coverage Areas A & B: No more than 35% of the totar site area shail be covered by buirdings, provided, if any portion of the area is deveroped as an institutionar or educationar center, 45% of the area may be covered unress othenvise indicated on the site specific development plans. ffiffiffiffiryEffif Area D: No more than 37% of the totar site area shalr be covered by buirdings and the parkino slructure. Landscaping At least the following percentages of the totar deveropment area shail be randscaped as provided in the development plan. This shail incrude retention of natural randscape, if appropriate.AreasAandB,fiftypercent,andinAreasCandD,ffil,or the area shall be randscaped unress otherwise indicated on the site specific development plans. Parking and Loading A. Area A, Cascade Village .l . off-street parking sharl be provided in accordance with chapter 12-10. except that 75% of the required parking in Area A shail be rocated within a parking structure or buildings with the exception of Millrace lV, Scenario l, where 66 6% of required parking shall be enclosed in a building. - 2. Thereshail be atotar of 421 spaces inthe main cascade crub parkingr strLrctrrre, A ri.5 percent mixecl-use credit perthe Town of Vair parking cocie, Iras been applied to the totar nurnber of reqrrired parking spaces in the cascade structure. 3 'Tlrere slrali be a total r.lf EB otr,site Lrarking sfraces orr the WaterforrJ building site with a minimum of 75o/o of the required space rocated berow grade. No mixed use credit shall be applied to this site. 4. There shail be a minimum of g3 encrosed parking spaces rocated within fhe cornerstone building with 37 of the required spaces available to the public for ::ltorl tettrr palkinq. No rnixerJ u.e r;reclit has heen applie<1 to this lot. 5. The ilrird fioor of the cascade parking structure shalr not be used to meet any parl(lllg requirements for accommodation units, transient residential dwellinn urrits, ernployee dlvellinq rrniis or clwellinq rrnits. 6 l'lrasi|cr Arl rerJrrir.'d parr,,irr., fr,rr cornersror)r anrr watr-,rforci srrafl rre looale(i rrrr llrnir respectivr: riites Al! rnr.llirerl parkirrq for the Cascade ClLlb wollrtess Center AdrJition Sc:enrr;iu I slrall lre providecl in the Cascacle Darkino sll(1()ltll"' t {)rrlirrarr,:,' :i.l jleties 0f 10.r11 r4 I 7. seventy-five percent of the required parking shail be rocated within the main building or buirdings and hidden from pubric view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm for westhaven condominiums, and Mirlrace *.8' All loading and derivery shail be located within buirdings or as approved in the development plan. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Fifty percent of the required parking shat be rocated within the main buirding or buildings and hidden from pubric view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm. "il'-ib orthu D. . Area D, Glen Lyon Cornmercial Site 7 ' once the parking structure is constructed, the parking and access to'Area D shat be managed per the TDA parking Report, parking Management Section, pages 6 and 7, August 10, 19g8, and TDA Report, Vail Brewery parking Analvsis ,ndate, datecr.ianr-rary 16, 1gg0. botr writ{err by Mr. David Learry.8 No loading or derivery of goods shat be airowed on the pubric right-of-way along the South Frontage Road adjacent to the Area D development.L The owner of the property and brewery management shall prohibit semi-truck and trairer truck traffic to the Gren Lyon commerciar site. The onry truck roading rhat shail be airowed to the site shail be vans having a maximum length of 22 feet. Rec re ati o n Am en iti es lax Assessed The recreational amenities tax due for the deveropment within sDD No. 4 under chapter 3'20 shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed twenty-five cents per square foot of thefloor area in Deveropment Area A; and at a rate not to exceed fifty cents per square footof GRFA in Deveropment Area B; and at a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per square foot of GRFA in Deveropment Area c; and at a rate not to exceed seventy-five cents per square foot of froor area in Deveropment Area D; and shail be paid in conjunction witheach eonstrtrction phase prior to the issrrance of huilciing permils. (lr>rr,:e tvatiett attd t-otltttian Conlt ols A' The developer's drainage plan shall include a provision for prevention of pollution from srrdace runoff. B' The deveroper shat incrude in the buirding construction, energy and water conservation controls as general technology exists at the time of construction.c' The number of firepraces permitted shail be as set forth in the Town of Vail Municipal as amended. D lf fireplaces are provided within the deveropment, they must be heat efficienr- through the use of glass enclosures and heat circulating tlevices as technology exists atthe time of development. B. Ordi ance 23. Series of 1g98 E' All water features within Development Area A shall have overflow storm drains per the recommendation of the Environmeniar rmpact Report rry .ramar Associates on Paqe 34 ft All parkirlg structures shall irave pollrrtion control devices to prevent oil anr^l clirl fronr draining into Gore Creek. G. ln Area D, a manhore on the brewery service rine shail be provided so that the Upper Eagre Vailey consoridated sanitation District may monitor BoD strength..H. In Area D, the brewery management shall not operate the brewery process during temperature inversions. lt shall be the brewery owner's responsibility to monitor inversions. l' All trash compactors and trash storage areas shall be completely enclosed within Special Development District 4. J' Protective measures shall be used during construction to prevent soil erosion into Gore creek, particularly when construction occurs in Areas A and D.K' The two emproyee dweiling units in Area D shalr onry be ailowed to have gas ,, fireplaces that meet the Town of Vail ordinances governing fireplaces. Arlditional Amenities and Appr aval Aqreernents for Specia/ Developnte-nt District No. 4. A. The deveroper shail provide or work with the Town to provide adequate private traasportation services to the owners anrJ guests so as to transport them from the rJeveloprttr.nt to lhe Villaqe Core area and l inrrslread area as orrflirred in the approvecj 4evelolrtnent f)larl lrt Area A. Cascade Viilaqe 1 The developer shall cotrstruct a siclewalk that begins at the entrance to the caseade ClLrb along Westhaven Drive ancl exiencJs to the wesl in front of the westhaven building to cottnect with the recreational path tcl Donovan park. The walk shall be consttttciecJ rvl'ren a builciing permit is requeste,l for westhaven cr"rrrdonririurrs- T'he sidewark shail be part of the buirding permit prans. I he sidewalk shall be constructed subseqrrcql to the issrrance of a brrilciing permit atttl prior to tlle issttanct of a lprrl\()rirry r:erlificate of r.rccupancy for Wes raven Condominiums. 2' The developer shall provide 1O0-year flooclplain information for the area arljacetrt to llre Waterforcl arrrl (jrypsls[er1s buildings to ilre-fown of Vail community Development Deparirnent before building permits are reteased fof eitlrer prcrjer-d 3. (.:o1!(,lSt()pr,t Ilrrl r love lrrlltlrer tl ;rlan Ior tltis nrea lras exllrrer,l. See (Jrrlinarrce No B, series 'f1 1)08 for prevrous requirerrrents. 4. The Ruins / Westhaven Condominiums The development plan for this area has expired. See ordinance No. g, Series of 1998 for previous requirements. Ordinance 23, Series of 1999 16 a C. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site. The development pran for this area has expired. see ordinance No. g, series of 19g8 for previous requlrements. Employee Housing The development of sDD No. 4 wiil have impacts on avairabre emproyee housing within the Upper Eagle vailey area. ln order to herp meet this additionar emproyee housing need, the developer(s) of Areas A and D shall provide employee housing on site. The developer(s) of Area A shall build a minimum of 17 employee dwelling units within Area A westhaven concrominium brrirding (Ruins), 3 within the cornerstone Building and 2 within the Liftside (waterford Buirding). Each emproyee dweiling unit in the westhaven Condominium Building (Ruins) shall be deed restricted as a Type lll EHU. Each employee unit in the cornerstone Building shall have a minimum square footage of 600 square feet. There shalr be a totar of 2 emproyee dweiling units in the waterford Brrilding orre shail be a nrinimum of 300 square feet and the other a mininrum of g00 square feet. The developer of Area D shail buird 2 emproyee dweiling units in the Area D east building per the approved pran for the East Buirding. In Area D one emproyee dweiling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 795 square feet and the second emproyee dweting unit shall lrave a minimum GRFA of 900 square feet. T.e GRFA arrcr ,urrrber of eiltployee units shall not be counted toward allowable density or GRFA for sDD No. 4. All Employee Housing Units shail be deed restricted per chapter 12.13, as amender:i. of tlte \/ail Municipral code prirlr to issuance of brrircri'g pernrits for r6s ,."ro",rlrve proiect. Time Requirements SDD No' 4 shall be governed by the procedures outlined in Section 12-9A of ihe Town of Vail Municipal Code. Section 5. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this otdinance 'rrtci tlte i r.rlvtt cottnt;il hereby cJeclales it would irave passecl lris ordinance, and ear:h parl, seclion, srrbsection. senlence, clause or phrase lhereof, regardless of the fact that t ()rdilr.nce i;'r Seties .f ll]9B any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 6. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal code as provided in this ordinance shail not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occuffed prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted' The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previousry repeared or superseded unress expressry stated herein. Section 7. All llylawc, rtrriers resolr.ttintl5 3r,6 orclrrrances, ot 1,x11q thereof. irr.olts'cletll lt.'tewitlr "re llctehy reJlenlecl to tlte exlent orrlv rrf strch inconsistency. 1.lte repe::rler slt;,rll rrot be corrstruecl to revise any bylaw, order, resoluiion or orclirrance, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. , INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING thiS 1Sth dAY Of DECEMbCT, 1998, ANd A public hearing foi second reading of this ordinance set for the 5th day of January, 1g99, in the Council Chambers of the Vaii Municipal Building, Vail, Col READ AND APPROVED oN sEcoND READTNG AND ORDERED puBLrsHED rN FULL thisSth day ofJanuary, 1999. . Ford, Mayor iel IJ.r'raldsorr. I owrr Clerk ATTEST: naldson, Town Clerk . lr.liIlan.r, 2:1, 59'ies qf j9?tr IB rl EASEI4ENTAGREEMENT ^ -- -IHIS AGREEtvrEr,rr rs enbred Into as of october 1, r99g among ttA@ptrAN&"ENNINqIIT|,^ [9-f.H { l)r BLT/ME FAMTLY pARrNERsHrp ('arume.i, juue oa,rs("Defvs"),. H.u_GH rrfccuLtor ('r!fdlrlloh"), IARRy R cnacr'anJ infil r- cnncr(collecdvely'Gracen), and MICMEL J. fned+{AN ("freeman;): 1. ft: ?prUF b thts Agr€ement arc the owners of lob ln Gten Lyon :ipY:Pl.l1o1dlry b the Amended nit reo@ fury re, isle h soot 222 ;i pdi /JU, ano _srJDsequent arendod plats and re-plaE thercof, county of Eagle, stac -or ColonCc ('Glen Lpn"), as follorusi a. H & p, LoE 39-1and 39-2; b. 8lume, Lot 40A; c. tler,r6, [ot 408; d. Grace, Lot 4lA; e. McCufloh, Lot 4tB; f. Freeman, Lot 42. 2- The rots orrned by H & p, Brume, Deurs, Grace and Mccuiloh incrudeownership of a private roadway ('westhaven Lane") whldr is approxtmately twenty (20)feet In wldth and eoftends from westtraven Grcle, a publrc roaa, no.ttr to r-oi rg. 3. It ls the inEnton of the pardes to p.ovrde Freeman fith aneasement to use a poruon of weshaven lane br a@ss b Lot 42 In exdEng€ forFreeman's agr€emert b (i) parudpate In the cost of consuuori! a-gaL, matn6tnlngsudr ga. E and malnbalnlr€ wesfraven Lane, and (tt) provtoe a 20 a,-mp Elearrcar llne andpsvver to.sudr gate and an easement ticr consuuctbn of a gate, fie insts ; whlch shall F _r.hared equaJly by eadr lot rcpresenEd in thls Agreenrenu lL easernent br Freemanshall mt otund nor$ of the north boundary of Lot 42, 4. It rs the .rntenrjon of the par0es b restrrst pubfic acess Ewestha.ven l-ane and proF$ Fg pn)perty rights of rhe pades ry .onstrucung a grt"across westhaven Lane at hs lnErsecuon wttr we*traven orcle. 'The pardes agree rocooperate reasonably wlth one anounr In designlng, obblnlng town afproval f6r, andconstrtctjrE and operadng sudr gate, 5. Freeman fufl F,y a proporuonab share of the future cost of themalntenanc€ of Westfiarren Lane, Incfldlng snov ngmovat | iltil lltx 1ffiil nl ffi ffilt ffi ilt u]t lil lilllffi lldnll t|rl0 l?4 bnr ftrbI rl I I ll.I D l.t I l.I trh o0 '.;' i ,'t J 1 o oe-63 L/=zJ-t ol consbu@d: Freeman shatl prwlde Sre followlng"ln connection with the gete to be I a' A pennanent easement on Lot 42, not bo exceed ten (10) feet ln wldtfr-aM turty (10) eet tn tengtr as requtred t Uitiorr;or.vail for appro\ral, for the locauon and malntenance of agate post and malnenance shed; b. Reasonabr€ access b Freeman's property br construction ofthe gate. .. 7. Freeman and ail o$er roE represented In thls Agreement shail payan equl proporflonaE share of a[ expenses associaed wHr the mnfioon, oespn intoperaUon ofsuch gate. 8. H & p, Br.ume, Dews, Grace and Mccuiloh shail provrde Freeman wrthan easemeffi b use a pordon of wesilraven Lane ficr acess tir r_oi1z, wlth srtreasement b be on the brms atbdred hereb and as limlted on s,*t *"-s"r"nt 9. In the event any party b this Agreement fails b pay therr pro rata:.Fr of F'. osr of (r) deggnlng ini dnstnrcil"g-trru a"t",;ftJiiili,jnenance orwesfiawn rane, rhe o'ners of tuur (4) or rnore n-e orrfinl'on rrui,;tuiiilu*s underthis Agreernent shall have he rtgfrt 6 he a lkn agalnst tfie propenv;f'u.," party *tpaylng such pm rdF share._ further, if Freeman rails t6 p^,rftt dr" easementontemplaEt heretn for lo*lng the-gae, as prwlded rn seoljn-oa-, Jri's rasernentAgr€ement may be rcsdnded by the cther pirUes'to Urts ngreement-' --' - " 10. Freeman shail harre a pro rah share of alr ilablflty, rf any, assoclatedwfth the use of westrar€n Lane, sucfr sirire to be the same as *rit or H h p, Blume,Dews, Grace and McCulloh. 1r. Thrs fureement shalr be binding upon and Inure b the benefit of tfieparties and therr respecdve_successors, successors rn due to r"r sg, 4d;6i, 41A, 4rBand 42, r€pr€sentattues and asslgm. Thls Agreement shall run with'Ure'tinJ consutuungeadr of the loE llsted In tre precedtng senteri'ce. 12- Thrs Agreement may be execu@ by the partres and reconred rncounberparts. | ffi ltlfl utfil il] lilt ffil] ||il il m ilt |l|lTlHt l/tlllI llrtlll l?{ lrr Frrlr2 .t I I 13.I 0 0.i tl l.I tlrh O0 ol ol /a.t\ STATE gp (Jr.l:hrarq rll COIJNTY OF L-i! ^^\e.rr) The hregoing insEumcot was actnowtedged bcforc mc, I Not8ry Public' by Tim Pcnrningtoa manager of Hsgopirn & Pcnninglott, L.L.C., a Califomia limited lisbility company' on N..-r.., t .- , l9jl5. Witrcss my hand ond offioial rcal. STATE OF COI'NTY OF Tbc forogoing irutrumcnt was acknowledgcd bcfors me, o Notary Public' by Fred ) ) ss. ) ) ) ss' ) Blumc, as a gcncral portrcr of thc Elumc Family Partncrship on Witnans my band and official sctl. lsEALl STATE OF coUNTy oF Dcwc on lsEALl !o5J\t9\4?9elt, t9 My commission cxpires: Notary Public ) )33. ) Thc forcgoing inctrutncot was m'knowlcdgcd bcforc mc, a Notary Public' by Ju.lio l9-. Wiuror my hand and official scal. My commirion otpiros: Notary Public | []11 ililr illlllr lll lil l|llll lllll lll lllll llll lill?tt f/2l/lH llltl? t?l 3m Flrlt*t ol t t t3.I D f .I ll t.I lrrlr G0 oI ol il!&rl$ffil$[ruHl1 uLillHlf fi rill trl !Ill.t0f.IXl.rbrh C0 I -Z c> 6 C",(- <-1 C/z:S / o Z ; THIS AGREEMET{T ts enrered tm.gr:lgg$r 1, 1998 among l.tAGoprAN& pENNrrri6r0N, LLcJIL*_al, &uMt-Fd_iirv pARrNzuHrp (,,Btume"), JU'E DEr/ys("De,rs"), HIJGH MccU[OH'i"trrcrt6r;i;'+*1, R. G_MCE.ano Sane L. GRACE(colfectively nGrar€"), ana rrrtouri i F#Eit{N ("Fieeman,,): r. The par*s to thrs Agreernenl are the_owrers of rob In Gren LyonsubdMsron, aso.ding o ae-G"ttdrr- pili'Hra"o:uv r€, 1978 tn eoor zz2 at paoeei#, "f; ffiffir'trr$#* i#"to" ufr?,' a;,;n.v' ote.st., sbre- i; a. H & p, toe 3$1 and 3$2;' b. Blume, 1s14g6. c. Dews, Lot40B; d. Grace, lot4lA; e. Mc€ulloh, Lot 4lB; f, Freernan, Lot 42. 2. fu]$.yl*.by.H & p, Blume, Dews, Grace and McCuiloh inctudeownershlp of a prirrate -ts""v l,Westrraven,Gil,f :I.n tlffiffire; Menty (20)feet ln wtdth and extends frdwUir;;;;',.8'; publtc road, norrh ro Lot 39. 3. It is trle-inEntion of the partes to provide Freeman wth aneasement h, use a oortion of westharcn La;; 'q, acc€ss to rot +2 in exchange forFreeman's agreemenl to (0. purtiopa6;; il! =co,t of construcung a gite, marntatningsudt gate and rnalnbintng'ry:pdl-";;,;;Jl) prwide a 20 amp errrirrcar tne andpower fo such gate und g1 F*rent ror cdnstnrdion or a gate, tfn iosts of whlch sharlbe shared equalv bv each. lot represented i;'dt;;r*.enL Ttre easernent for Freernansilatt not eceno noritr or ule norilr uourrGrrJiitiz. 4. It ls the Intendon of the Dafties b resblct publlc _acres-s bwes;tfiaven lane and o.H * dF'ty'nn# Lr" *ao*l;.o[il]'rtrn9 u sur"amss wesduven Lane at lts fnErseabn'narfi w"rura,ren.orcre. -rne partes agree ,otrtrf$"ffiTl*ffi' r* arnure'- tn';;bnils, "oar"r',g hr"i -"#.ir dr, anJ 5. FreeTT_slalt pay-a pmporflonate.share of the future cosr oF themaf nbnance of Wesilraven tane, tnituitng'r'rdui'r"*#ou.r. \.J \, oo 6. Freenran shall prwlde the followingin connection wih $e gate b be onsuuctedt a. A permanent easement an Lot 42, not to exceed bn (10) feet ln wldth and brty (40) ftet In length as requlred by the Town of Vall br approal, br the locaUon and malnEnance of a gate pGt and rnalntenance shed; b. Resnable acc€ss b heernanb property for constnrdon of thegaE. 7. Fr€eman and all ofirer lots represenbd ln thls Agreement shall pay an equal propor0onate share of alt oeenses assodaEd wlth tie consttl.tlon, deslgn and operadon of such gate. 8. H & P, Blume, Da'vs, Grace and Mcculbh shall prwlde Freeman vvlth an easement b use a porUon of Wes$aven Lane fur ffi b Lot 42, with such easennnt b be on the forms attadted hercto ard as llmlEd on strh easemenL 9. In the c/ert arry party b ttls Agreemenf falb t0 pay thelr pro rata $rare of he aost of (l) deCanhg and conshrcUng tln gate, ard (ll) malntsrrance 0f W€sU|al/€n !ane, th€ ownenr d fo(Jr (a) or moc |ots orcnt on thclr oulgntlons under thls &r€€rn€'|t stutl hare $e rlgttt to ll]e a llen agllnst Ua poperty d the party not payl(E f,Jdt pro rata $are. fuitlrer, lf Fmerun fdlb to prwide th€ eascment contemptanO tpreln for locaurE tte gEtE, as prwtded In Secton 6a, thls Easernent Agrecrnent may be resclnded by the ofier partles to thls Ageeernent, 10. lreeman shall haw a pro nta share of all lhblllty, if any, assodated wifr tre r.rse of Westhaven LanP, eJdl share b be fie same as that of H & P, Blume, Dews, Grre and McCulloh. 11. This Agreemert shall b€ blndlng upon and tnure b sre 6eneft of fre parties and tlnlr respe<frrn su6essors, sttcccssots ln dde b Lots 39, 40A, 408' 414 4lB aN 42, rcf,f€sentas/es anO asdgr|s. Thls Agrement stnll run wltn the land consuhjurB erh of $e lG ll$ed In tfn pecedlng senbnce, t consuuctd! counterParts. 12. Thb Agreemert may be o<ecuted b'y the pardes and recorded In I-IAGOPIAN & PENNINGTON, LLC T]m Pennhgton By: sry,,##,t$l--u!|ry,$lrnffi rl oo tE0iits. ii]|ifr\?r(^rD ql ooe.rJrJ!/r8 !t .19 F.lI Jru Jl3 rc6l ETATE OF': COUilTY OF ELuU 8yl: F HU6H ITICCULLOH LARRY R. BRACE SARA L. ORACI IIIICHAEL J. FREEI.AH , ss, Thr rbovr rnd forcgolng Ingrum.,nt dUlytr tbovr rrxl tprGgolng hlfum.Il cluly tol(nowlrdgcd briort Pubflc, by Julie Oowr on f HI'VL l0 1e09. Wltn rr mylG.|l. commllrlgn .rglroa: ( ur r= o, ,4.'il* o t , cour{rY o, d*{t 1 My oommlrrlon rrpltlu Tha.boya tnd lb|cgoing inrrrumtnt dUly rclnowlodeod beforr Me, r Notrry Publ.ig, by FleiltBlumr. r grncnl prrtn.r ol thr Blurnt FemrlyMe, r ilotrry Pu$io. by F1r<l,Blumr. r grnc'|l prnn.r ol thl Blumr FrnPfrtD.tthip, on I!{M.Q.|- legg. Wtn.at my hrnd rnd olllcirl trrt. ) 84. I mil ilil il|il lt llllllffi lllll llllllll llll llllffi l,/'Alln tlril? t?l 3*r fl.lr JULIE DEWS I o? t I L.I O l.tt r l.l lrrlr CC rl EASEMENTAGREEI{ENT THIS AGREEli,lEl{T b enErcd fnh as of Ocbber 1, 1998 among FIAGOPHN & PENNINGION, LIC ("H & P), BIUME |AMILY PARINERSHIP ('Blumen), JUUE DEWS ("Dews'), HUGH MCCULLOH ("trlcCuloh') LARRY R. GRACE and SAM L GMCE (colledh,efi'Grae"), and MICIIAEL J. FREEMAN (nFreeman'): 1. The parues b ttrls Agrcement ar€ the ovrners of lob In Glen Llon Subdhftbn, acordlng to the Amended Plat mooded July 18, 1978 ln W,272 at PagE 230, artd subsequent aflEndd dats rnd rsplrts h€reof, Cortrty of Eagh, Sah of Cobra& (lGlerr L1on"), as tbllorvs: - a.i H A P,l.G lg-J am.'ij.2; b. 8fume, Lot 4CA; c. Deur, Lot tl0B; d. Grace, Lot 41i,; e. McCulloh, tot41B; f . Freeman, lot 42. 2, The lots ovrned by H & P, 8lume, Darvs, Grace and McCulloh lndude drnershlp of a prhraE roachrvay (nVestfnven Lane") whldt ls appredmately tt,enty (20) feet ln wldttr and e)frends ftom Wesfiaven Orde, a publk road, north b Lot 39. 3. It is tr|e InEntlm of the parties bo prwlde Freeman with an easernent b use a porUon of Wesfiawn Lane fur a@ss b Lot 42 h exdange ficr Freeman's agreement b (l) parfldpaE In the co* of cons?ucfrng a giE, malntalnlng sr.rdr gab and malntalnlng Wes$a/en [ane, and (ii) provlde a 20 amp electrlcal llne aM porer b nrh gab and an easemert br orstucilon of a gaE, tlte cosE of whldr slull be shared equally bt, €dt tot represened h thls Agreernent The ssernent for Freeman sh3ll note(Erd norh of the nort'| boundary of Lot.l2. 4, It ls t}e lnbfion of the pardes b restrlct publlc access b Wesulaven Lane and prctEct $e property rlghts of the parues by constrwdng a gate aqoss We6$a\ren lfl:e st hs lntsrsectbn wlth Wes0sven Orcle. The pardes agree to coopente reasonably vvl$ one ano$pr ln deslgnlrg, obtalnlrp bwn apprwal for, and constuc0ng and operadrp sudl g&. 5, Freeman $all pay a prcporUonaE share of the future cost of h€ malntenance of Wesfnren Lane, lndudlng snovr rcmord. I ttfll tffi ffifl ffil illt tililr flffr ffi ffi lilt l||l7J l,mlll lllll l7l 8rt.r Flrh*r .t I t zt.t D l.I L a.t lrrh G0 T o oCa= G/== /oo rt oo 6. consFucte<l: ' fteeman shall provlde he bilowlng tn connecffon with the gCIte b be a. A permanent easernenton lot 42, not b exceed ten (10) ftet In-wldh and brty (40) tuet ln length as requtred S tre toun of Vall br approral; for tre locadon and'malntenarrce of a gaE @and malnbnance shed; b. Reasonable access to Fteenran's property ficr onstrucdon of U'e gab. 7. Freeman and.afl ofter lots represenEd ln thls Agreement shall pay an equaf pmporionaG share of all e)(penses assodaEd wt$ ule onsfucdon, aesqn ini operaUm of sudr gnE. I' tJ &iP, Blume,De!,ys, Grace anct t'rccuiloh sfnfr prwrde Freennn wnfian easernent tr use a poruon of wesilarcn Lane for access 6 lat 42, wi$ such easement b be on the furms atbched hereb and as limlted on sudr easement. 9. In the event any party b hls Agreement falls b pay their pm ftfta :Fq of U|e cc* of (l) destgntng and consuucflng $e gate, and 0t) matnbnane of Lane, the ownem of bur (4) or more l* arnent on thelr obllgaticns under thls Ageenrnt shati har/c tre rfgftt b llte a lten agalnst ttre property or Fn party notpaylng qqr pro nQ sham. Rntrer, ff Freernan F.ils to drwtde tfre easernentonEmdaEd hercln for locadng s|e gBE, as prwlded tn se4don 6a, thls EasernentAgnernent mry be r€Snded by ttre d.rcr Fr0es to thls Agr€emert, 10. Freeman shall have a pro rata share of ail thbilty, rf any, assodirhdwltlt the use of wesfiaven [ane, sudr sfrare b be the same as uri{ or n'|i e, &ume, Dars, Grace ancl McCullotr. 11. Thls Agreement shall be blnding upofl and Inure b the bereft of srepaffes and helr respechrc successors, $rccessors ln Ude b LG 39, 40A, .f09, 414 418 and 42, represenbtlves and asslgrs. Thls Agreement shall run wlth the tinct constitirung eadr of the lots llsted In the gecedlng sentence. 12, Thls Agreemert may be o<ecuted by the pard€s ard recorded ln counterparts. I.IA@PIAN & PENNINGTON, LLC By: Tim Pennhgton lffif r$ffi f,|#[,q,,u|r$r.il[utrilnI| l rl oo t r00'd 9009'oN xu/xJ 6':'I 86/t0l01 6/*tt a larf t F^I atoaLaact aooantrzl.|r{ tJlrca gur{E mrurYPAf,t}ftgflP ticdnril ffiHffi[Jflul$|t1l#,,0,"r rl rl STATE': - _ ) ) ss.c- ._ ) . *-, t9-. Witncss my hand rnd oflicirl scrl. ' ly conmisrion oxpircr:- [sEAL] Notry Public STATE OF ) FF E '.. , : ,r.r '', .nrment wls rcknowlodgcd boforc mo, a Notrry Public, by Hugh McCulloh on COL'NTY O DE^iJ.ari*' :.'lry COUNTYOF ) ) ss. ) I |||ill lflrl llffil f,l llil lllllll lllll lll llfl llll lillffi llAnLF llrltf l?l trrr FlrheI rl { I 2t.l 0 a.t ll a.I lrrtr O0 t wrs reknowlcdged bcfore rne, r Notary Prrblic, by Sara L. Grtce on I cxpircs: STATE OF COUNTY OT Thc forogoing inetrumonl was acknowlcdgod boforc mc. a Notary Public' by Michacl J' Freemrn on l9-' Witnoss ny hand and olficirl scal. My oommission Notary Public forcgoing iryqqrJncnt.wss acknowlcdgcd bcfore mc, s Notary Public' by Larry R. Gracc on T . n Vwitnonrtptggtddn4g$fiftffll"* Notrry hrblic Norary Public lsEALl ol EASEMENT '** *o IN CoN$DERATION of thc sum of Ten Dollars and odrer good andnlurble conslderauon, dre r€celfi and suffidencl of whldr ls hereby acknoddged andconM, HUGH Mccutloff hereby gnnt and conwys to MICHAR ,.'FREEtrlAN, tiis helrs, repns€flttthres, $JcEesson' and asdgne, Indudlng hls successors ln tide b Lot 4d Gten tyon subdhdslon, Tam of vail, county of Eagle, staE of colondo, a perpetual nono(dusfue easementgq ole fu|lo'ring d€scrlbed real pmperty for lrgress, egress and whlo.rlar ramc 6/er a h,venty (20) root wkle roadway fur pe{es$an and whlailar access along rnd llmltcd b the easM/ bandary of sald lot 42 a dlstance d apprulmaEly tvtlo hundrtd $lfi1ftum (232) tuet: A turenty (20) fuot wlde p.rod of la{d locaH wlthln tfre sordrcdy tnu hundred ftlrry-hto (232) ftct of l"oB 39, 4OA, ,lOB, 41A, and 418 of u|e AIIEND€D PIAT OF GIEN LYON SIJBDMSION, Town of Vatl, County of Eagle. SbS of Coloradq recodd 6 dooJment number 168773 ln Book 272 at page 370 of the Eagle County Oerk and Reconle/s rccords, sudr parcel belng more pardctrlarly d€scrlbed as the safiedy tvn hundred hlrtfttr/o (232) Eet of $e tullov{irE descrlbed real property: Beglnrfng at the l.lor$east comer of $e SVr/tA of the NEIA of Section 12, Toustrip 5 Souh, Range 8l West of Ete 6th Prlncipal l4eridlan, Town of Vall, Co{nty of Eagh, State of Colorado, the True Polnt Of Eeoinnlnq, t}Errce South00u 16' 4y We* along West Line of sald 5w% of the NEt4 of-btd Secdon lZ and alorg $e East Eoundary of sald AMENDED PLAT OF GLEN LYON SUBDMSICN, a di$ance of 766.54 fu€t to a polnt on a q.rve and thence along a annre b the lelt ard along ttn North Boundary of Westfiavefl Orde, satd cun,e havir€ a radh/s of 80.00 k and a central angle of 41O 24'35-, an arc dlstance of 57.82 fieet tftence North 00O 16'49" East a dlstance ot 713.44 fuet b the l,lortheast conrer of sald Ld ,O, thene South 88O 45' 57" a dlstance of 20.00 'bett'otterRUEPoIf'TToFBEGINNING' W ) ss. c I tut flil] ul|il lill m m[ ilil ilt ufl il] till?*/t ll?O,llf lltll? 1?l lrr ?lrtrI rl t I l.I D l.t X t.I trrtr O0 HUGH MCC1JLTOH starc.or [n/a,vA 1 couNfi or &ntu , The aborc ard foregolnq lnsuument duly acknodedged b€fore me. a Notary Rrulc, by Hr.rgh Mcfullotr on ocbber prL . 1998. Whess my hand and offidal seal. My commlssfon egltrrx;: V7t*r., I , ,7 t'c.'l 0t ' [.siE A L J Notary tubllc 7c>oUez a/=sfoo oo ol EASEMENT FOR AND IN CONSIDER TION of he sum of Ten Dolhrs and oBrer good and valuaHe comlderadon, the r€celpt and suffidency of wtrkh ls hsreby ad<novledged and . confrssed, IARRY R. GRACE and SARA L GMCE hereby gnnt and convey b MrclAEL J. FREEMAIII, hls hels, repres€nttthre$ suoc€ssors and asslgrs lndudlng hls scessors In tlUe to tot 42, Gler Lyon SubdMCon, Tovn of Vall, County of Eagh, StaE of Colorado, a perpefl.lat nonodusive easernent onr the dlo'dng descrlbcd real property for lngress, egr€ss and vehlcdar trafffc over a h^ffty (20) fuot wlde rcadway for pedesflon and rchlcular access along and flmlted b Ste e.SrV boundary of sald Lot 42 a dlstance of approrlmateJy fwo hundrcd ftlrty-hrc (232) ltet: A tr,venty (20) foot wlde parel of lard locate{ wlthln the sou$erty tvro hundred thlrty-tlr,o (232) fret of toB 39, 4tlAv 4Oq 414 and 418 of $e AT"IENDED P|-AT OF GIEN LYON SL,BDMSION, Town of Vall. County of Eagle, StsaE of Crlorado, recorded 6 doolment number 16823 ln Book 272 ai Page 370 of Sre Eagle @unty Oerk and Reorde/s re@rds, sudr parcel belng more parUarlarly described as the soutiely tyvo hwdred hirty-t\,r/o (232) feet of t}te tullorlng dercrtbed real property: @lnnfrg at the Nor$rcast cnmer of dre S//t/r of ttre NEIA of Section 12, Tourn*llp 5 Sos$, Range 8l West of the 6th Principal Meddlan, Town of Vail, Coulrty of Eagle, Sbte of Colorado, tJn Tnre Polnt Of Beolnnlno, thence Southme 16' 49' We{f along West Une'of sald SWIA of trle NE|A otrlatd Secf,on f2 and along the East Eoundary of sald AMENDED PLAT OF GI"EN LYON SUBDMSION, a diSance of 766.54 tset to a point on a qJne and thence along a crin e b 8p left and alang tfie l,lorth Eoundary of Wegtharren Orcle, said cun/e havlng a ndlus of 80.m ftet and a central angle of 4lo 24' 3f, an arc dlstance6 57,92 fuet, tience Norfi 00O 16'49" East a dlstance of 713.,+4 ftet b the Northeast corner of sald Lot 40, thence South rEO a5' gi" a dtstance of 20.00 H to tle rRUE porNr oF BEGTNNTNG. .4 I yl_ '{ Ll lLt r ./ {4''- I.ARRY R. dRACE it I .. I STATE OF COUNWOF ) ss. ) \ The abore ond bregollg Instrument duly a&nowledged be or€ me. a Notary tubllc, by tany R.Grac! on fufu l+ 1998. Wtnese my hard and offidal seal. My commlsslm qplrcal I lilll ffil llllr illr rlil nffi I[] ilt nu il] lillTtal t/ztltll 1lr1? lll lrrr fljrrrI o, t t tl.t D t.i X t.I lrrtr dl ul==l-z'7OOC=G t oo oo ##,,##l#:t'.$rs|||tf ililn|||l sr^lEoF enu)pji-tl)C* ) COUNTY OF The above and furegolng.lnstrument duly acknowledged befrrre me, a Publlc, by 9ara L, R. Grace on Offiber JLtL 1998. Whess my hand and ofFdal seal. My commlsslon explres:rYu$flsEtllipE ) ss. o EASEMENT FOR At{D lN @NSIDERAnON of the sum of Ten Doilrn and othcr good rnd nluaUe conCderUon, Ute r€cdpt and sfidency of whldt k hcruby acknowtr4ld and eonllsdr JUI.IE D6/ttS hcreby gnnts rnd onrrays b MTCMEL J. FREEFIAN, hls trlrs, nptlscn- trU\les, succ€ssm rnd ulgru, lndudrp Hs suwrt ln [Us b Lot.fa Gbn Lpn SubdMCon, Tovm of Vall, 6unty d Elela, $rb d Colondo, a parpebnl nonoduhtt clsemcnt orrcr the blowftg descrltcct |!d pmperty br Ingrcsq, €gr€ss rnd r,lhkuhr tdtc orlr r tu€itty (20) tuot utlde roadway frr pc&lm rnd vrhkulrr access alorg and llrnltcd b tte casterty bouhdary of sald tot 42 a dbtarn of appmdmrtety two hundred hlfiy-hno (?32) lbct: A turenty (20) foot wlde parcel of land located wlthln ttre sou$redy two hundrEd $lrty-r$m (232) feet of Lots 3!t, 40d 408, 4lA and 418 of thc AMENDED ptAT OF GLEN LYON SUBDMSION, Tonn of Vall, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, recorded 6 document number 168773 In Eook 272 at pag€ 370 of the Eagte County Oert and Recorderl r€mrds, sudr parcel belng more pardculrrty descrlbed as the southerly two hundred filrqft$o (232) ftet of dre fullwvlng descrlbed real property: Seglnnlng at be l.,lorfieaC corner of the sWtA d Ute NEt4 of Secdon 12, Torvn$lp 5 Soutr, &nge 8l West of the 6h Prlndpal t'lcrtdtrrl To$rn oF Vail, Co$fy of Eagle, Stab of Cdorado, the True Polnt Of 8€qlnnlno, h€nce Sou$l 00(J 16'49' West lbng We6t Une of said gill4 d he NE|A oriaH Section 12 and along the East Bourdary of $rld AMENDED n-AT OF GLEN [yON SUBDMSION, a dlstance of 766.5,1 ftet to a polnt on r cunrc and thence along a orrve to the lcft and ilong Ole North Boundrry of Westtraren Orde, sald curve hsving a radlus of 80.00 H and a central angle of 4lO 24, 3S", an arc dlstance of 97,82 feeT thence Nor$ 0OO 16'49" E6st a ltstan@ of 7l3.it4 fieet b the Northeast comer of sald Lot 40, thence South B8O 45' 57', a dlstance of 20.m feet to tte TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING. STATE OF COUNTY OF '?' 9' JULIE DEWS Z The abow and bregdng lnstrument duty acknowledged before me, a Notary Puulg byJulle Dews on "tF* \rtless my hand and ofrdd seal. mv cor,,rr*riflff[ ! "0'11^ - /drr,r, IsEAL]tilflgF:rcfrtf,lAtdi'Cgaortt t: l*qrt*- tCr. CtCg-j4::T! "*#*,*s'?ps, ) ss, tHr uil uill il] ilr [|til ilti ilt ilil tllt lil- ttf UArln l3rl? 17i1 ar. fr.hrll l,l lrrh C0ol=zl=ttrlltl.t0l.I -7 oC> Lu C> E.A.s-C-tLEer 'to* *o tN @NsIDEMnoN of ure sm of Ten Dolrn and odter g*9 unq valuaue conslderadon, Ure rcca* anO sumOsrEy of whldl b h€rcby rcknowlodgcd- and .mfessed; he BLUME FAf'l[Y imneRSnIp hcbby gnnS -and onvq b MIq-IAEL J' FREEMAiI; ils tnks, reprcsenffirrcs, sLlcclssots- and rsilgrt .lndudlng rys^ll'Tqlo ln Ude b Uff +{ d"n-ffo1 brfiptson, To$;n of Vdtf Counry.of Ergle, $rb of Colorado, a perPetual noncptitrstne ecqncnt orer 'Ore fotlowlng 'd6ctthNd real property tbr Ingress, egress .and lehlothr trafic owr a twenty (20) ftd wlde rordr,ray br pcdcstlrn and rrehlcular lccE6s alorig ;d lillEd to $e eastedy tioundary of sald l-ot 42-a dlstance of approxlmably t*o hundred thlrty-t$'p (232) Get: A t$.€nry (29) tbot wlde plrccl of land located wlthln the sou$erty-tum !yF"OUiriiit* irl'Zl teet of tots 39, 404 40s,,44 and 418 of rhe AMENDED PI T oF crsrl f-vcil slreorwstot{, i;rrn itf v8ll, county of Eagle, s[lt€ o! Colomdo, recorded x doanment nurnuor 1687/3 In Bmk 272 at PDge 370 of tre Eagle C"";ry O€rtt"d Recoder's r€cords' s.tq Pa5$ Hn9.fof..pary*!19319H as uc souttrcrty tyro hundmd hlrty.t!/o (232) feet of the followlrq_d€scrtbed real propert': A€dnn6g at Bre llortheist comer of the SW% of the NEIA of Secgon iZ,-ioyi*niS Soirth. Rangc 8l Wcat d S'u 6$ Prlndpal Meridian, Totm of v.ll, ff s%'1r+S&T,Sf*ffi3'f3'ffi,Pll*'ffi li"Fi"H?$'ffi rndrlong$eEast-eounoryofsaldAI'4ENOEDPI'AToFG|INLYON SUBDVI$O{, I dlsitanc€ 6 766,54 feet b a potnt on a o,rve ard h€nce slong a c,.re to thc ieft ard along the l*or$ Eolndary of Wqtharren Clrde, sald olrve f,"J^S ! r6t,o of S0.00 d:t and a central angte of 4lO 24' 35", an an dlsbnce of Sf]42 fue! tlrence North 00O 16' 49" EFt a d1.illncc of 713.44 foet to the Nor$East corner of sald [.ot {1, thence So{r$ 88o 45' 57" a dtstrnce of 20'00 feet to theTRUE POII{T OF BEGINNING. STATE OF COUNTY OF \ ) ) ss. Thcaborrcrrrdforegdnglnsh|rnmtdulyadqrorr|edgpdbefiore.me,algt.,y publtq w F|!d Blumc, E gencnl pritrct * thc sune Flmlv Puttmer*rh, on ffi l5-- 1993. $lttness ryr hand and dlld€l s€.1' lsf$uH[ryH!!.Hulilllnil 1Oo63q c^/=3fnt EASEMENT 'r* *o IN CONSIDERA.TION of the g.rm of ren Ddlans and osrer g",4 .rq rntrJade ondde;uon, fre reoJpt-ana qJfltdcffi'/ of wtlkh ls hereby actcrodedged-an-d ;nfess€d; HAcoPIN'a peritriifr'oH, r.uC' ttbreuv sraltE lF PnYqn b MtctlAEL J' iiiaiutt; Hs hdrs, '"pr*."bg,*; ni*o*- and astbns'.hqllng hls-nrmssoa ln UUe to Lot 42, Glen r-fon suoorvrs;]itfr'-of v"ff, Coqtty.of-E*te, Sla'-of 9*&' a perpeunl nonexdusiw easen*nt "r"i"if* Uf"mng descrlhfo 1195l -property ry qgry, egress .and vehlcdar trafhc orcr . tr*ni' G0) fod wkft to561,"gy br pedesfrlan and whkular a€cess along ard [mtted b the easterty 'firir,i.rry "t sald tot 42'a dliance of appruimately t\'vo hundrgd hlrty-h^,o (232) H: A b,venty (20) bot urke parcal of ludlctted wltlln Ute sory-!ry ltyF*d'sfi:hibit'z1ectirirfiiic,.|or 10r,.+4 md {lB of $€ AI.IENDED R-AroF eiEit fYoli sfuaonii:or, ii,u,tr itf vitt, ciuntv d e"gt"' +11 q.pondo' recordd us Oo"nn*t n"hUcr rognf tn Aoof in at Fege lzo. o.r {n easte c#b/ o"tk rno dJ*s r?co.ds, stxl-Pqryq betry^lF,,q1tg!ry111ytb"d aiifte serUrerfy h,r" h"nr"d U{ilf-$o (i32) Fet otgr bllowing desoibed real property: geglrinlng rt the ilortheist mirer ot sle swta of the NEVr of secdon ie'fenir"r,rp : s"err; R ,.9" 8r Wcd of uE 6h prlndpal l'leridian, Town of Vall' ff uY'{Ftfffi%ffi '#'}"s*f SS"'#l#*[H.ff t inA aforf U|c Ellt -St4-Y- -{ tld AIIENDED R'AT OF GLEN LYo}l str-aDnidoil, a aonce a 765.5{ lbct b r polnt ql r cun! rnd ticncc along a -r,,. u u,c ic,n "'d aw u." ltordr gan<tary of wq6.".trn ordq, rald qrvc lil'.C; trar* a ao.m f*t rn4 a ccrrtal anglc d lro z+ 3f,' an arc dl*rnce i sl',gz CcO tn"rr." nott ooo 16"19'East.l dbbncG of 713'+4 (ffi b E|c N,odtca$ co-* or sau tot 40, thenc! souur ggo ,f5' 5.r s dsbnce of 20.00 lbet b fiE TRUE K)INT OF SEGINNTNG. srATEoF Ot,L^r. - ) @ut{TY or l--. N"."['L' 1 Theaborcarr<|brego|ng|n$um€fitdu|yackrrow|e<lgedteforeme,aNota'ry tuHlc, bv T1m Pennhg&on, ;;;il? 'i"g"d; a Rerurtrigton' L'L'c'' on Rl*t -J-' 1998' wt"Ultv n.ta aru-om&l seat. {r'.-r" ) ss. My commFslon ffi''$uhrulllls#l|lLfsll|]r[l -7ooLS* a l== )q= - $BrRt f. FrE Cbtntt$t I lltrSif;iinoe'cotc't La lrlal Cq'flrt-raiiin}rprauzs f |p ,.|, Yrl zl,r HOLY CROSg EtECTf,tC ASiOCiATTON. tNC UNOERGROUIiID RIGHToF.WAY EASTMEHT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESET'ITS, rhat rhe under3tgnEd, ELUME FAMILY PARTNTRSHIP (hrreinafter call!d 'Grartgl'l, -lo! { goJg-q4_1alylblc (onslder.tlon. thc r.crlpt whcr.ot Ir h?rcby *kno*lcdl€d, doa,h€reby grant unto HOLY CROSS EIICTR|C_ A55OCIAT|ON, ,NC,, a coopcrattvc r:orporarton rt o:e p,ist om* .aiiiirl p, O.Drawer 2 | 50, Gl€flwood sprlng3, colorada lherrinaftrr c|llcd'Graniec'i ana to irc ruccr:rorr .nd rsirgn5, ihiiighrorIngtess ard cgtess actoss la'tdt ot cnntor, sllulte Ir the counry of r^agir, si,ata ol colordo, descnbidrjiorbri - Fatcel A and an undlvlded cne.half tntarest In P €d c, a R€suMlvlttor of Lot ,10, Amcndcd pht Gler Lvonsubdtvr3ton. struoed Ilt s.crron | 2, rownshrp 5 souh; Rrnec et wisi of ifr- lriih'ili. iaO iililiriiiiionpanlcularlv descrlb€d ln book 436 rr prgc 73, rnd boir re-e rt page elz ii ttti tngii c"diii?iiLir:ri, -ran, Colo.ado. And, tg con3trucL reconltru(t, r.parr, chanoe, onlaryc. r..phisc, operat€, and m n|.rn rn und€rground tledrrcrran3mriiron or drstrrbutron rrnc, or both,.wrth the uidergfound vrirlg, c6naurr. triiirili ino lr+iiimini iiiirt rr*aor. nconnectlon thetewlth, logetfter wlth aiso<hted equtpment requtrct ativc arouria, wirtr-rnirt" "d"['riiiiirifriihlil ,p-an easement describ€d a5 follous: An easem€nt ten (10) f€€t in urldth, th€ ccnacrllru for-sald .Nlcmant b€lng m undrrground powcr thr as conltruct?d, thrrpp.oxtmate locarton of whtch uDon thc rbove de3crtb€d prope .ry tr stroririoi titri6iii;r#,il fi;6;ffi;;:;.hereof W fehr.n(e. The rlght3 h.rlln grrnrcd tplcltl<rtly .llow crantec to Inslall rddltlonal undcrg.ound and/ot pd,moumid frcllhlca wlthlnthe easen.nt dlscrlbed by the anachcd rxhtbtr. ::i:::_-"ej_"T.:? Irtr. dimage caused.to exts ng tandscaping and orhrr surfrcc tmprovlm€nt! durtng Intrtrlconlrucflon ot lr: undcrgmund poYvrr llnc, Gnntor a9rr6 lo mlnlnize rh! locrtlon of rddltlonrl land'rcrfng md othcrsudace rmpmvemrnrs wlthrn the ea5cment, and r9r.!r to r€pair darnacc causcd to ruch rddhtons bv cnn-ft,icxJrclsc orrlghts granr.d bv thls eetem?nt. crantor aErees lhat all faclllrles hralled_by crantee on the aboria drsrflbcd land3, shrll rcmdn thc prop?ny of Grantc!,and thall be remov.bh.t thr optlon ofCnnt?!. cnntor covenan$ lhat h 15 dl! owner of the ebo/e darcrlb.d lrndr end that th! irld landr rr! frcc d cler. ofencumbrance! rnd llens of whrtlo6/cr chtncer, cxcapt thole h€la Oy ttre foito,rtng, To HAV€ AND,To HoLD, sJd rrghr-of-wiy ard r*cm!nt, togrther wlth a[ snd rrngubr. $r rrghtr ffd prrvlcgcsappenalning therrto, unto Crantrc, lts ruccessore end assb;!, forcver. Thls document m.y be slgned and executEd In coumrroan. lN wlr$i UHERIoF, crantor har caus!11$21*.n,r,o * duty cxr<ukd on tht3 //#on,, BLUI'E FAM'LY PART ENSHTP {-r}oGtrv;t*L., /(. J,/(3 F RAIcr F'Q II M'l 8y: STATE Of ) s5' couNrY oF h)t44;)l&,) The forcgotng ihstrumenr wr5 acknowledoed baforu rne rhts | 44a* ot Krtsren L Btune, prrtnrr of rhe llui,tE FAtrtw pmrtttsHtp.-' -' VIITNESS ny hand ind offtctal 3eat. My commisiton lrolrf,s: ..S4tr rrrqb rn: g r.! nrn.lmf Eollmn€sq*!*r h-ttt*Y4d$r. 0||'ti,rEhrr#.*, ru{UroP.Wii$gLut'gt** r. Catn 39 tg: t!.t9 Chn LFn $r" Tuir, :Gt.9a Il1i t : :=i r{,i i:s XrlJtenL 8l|.|m!, P mer 9308 O2€tt F'IECH l'l,l't,Ug I Os.t Lor 4o "S-'*-sirt,t-r' .A ol ;1.::trv! i.< 1-/ 4h6 53-,D'q -1a i,! l: i7' ,\t, -11a i, " 7- ,i G6TBr"14i- \, In- CuotrJ 6)-7 i,..;f 0 'iti*vf,iio;t -,r t 4$jsiaz7 d *qilY;9 "rYl{q.i6ii6.JVlCLIt LOI 'rr t - I , L-e.GF_r,tt I I | - ----'-o / . E.\.- t iTl G i:ni,xl- tl.ll, "g.a--l; ,(. (F,---. -o PEC>Fo.":|: I rr.r)r' tE.t'r F..!-F-4f i!.1 J:.. .Jt-.,r,: r.', r.V l1.t c.,:'X.1-9. t 1-1 .i.{J rJ *! '| '. F RAMEcg2 / ./,u a l o-r <t I //t//t/€/ .,r/t /s' /t \\ -or"fZ rl,r.,* qB- l€E z(c : I ffi tlil illlil ll llilfi il ffilill lll lllll llll llll 'I,'n Qlwln 6rl? l?t ltr tlrhf, 2 ct 3l ll,0 ! l.t tl I'l Lrl. eO 5l- 51 : C'r LEr,! LYo t. 3H.t€.8- T(JNI t]g\- -hOTrcA OF INTENT lE F!!,8 i. i,I9FI ST.4tr!!]\.{EFIT \\, I -.-.-.'11 -\\ 1 WHITE p_tvtlr- / / xarts"tAl Fs'n-ge,1 a'1s 13. Loan Gnr4 ch€r9€8. and thtl lov, It connoctlon wllh lh! lo3 tt02r..fifE., lha lotn 30c!rc0 py lnrs 5€cu|ny hslrumenl rs slrDl6cl lo a l8w wnl hlerprotod ro thlt lh6 lnletcll ot lithat lorn chatget coll€atad e pdnilled lmlts, lhefii (a) any such lorn charge 3h!ll b0 he|go to tho parinli€d Lt t; atrd (b).ny 3u|n3 rlrEodt coll l-0r -00818 //\t),:\:./, 'll " KllowALL iiEN BY THEsE PRESENTS, that d|e undefslgned, BLUME FAMILY PARTNERSHIP (hercliafte. called "G_|rntgQ, lol 19q99_a!g-v,aluabte conrideratlon, the GG.lpt whcEof is hereby actnowtedgeat, do!! herebv grant unto HOLY CROSS EL"ECIR|C ASSOCIATION, lNC,, a coopefa ve corpora{on whosc post oftlcc rdans3 ls p. O,Drawer 2t 50, Clenwood sprlngs, colorrdo (hcrclnaficr called *Grantee) and to its luccrisors and asstgns, the rtght ofIngrels and egrcs! acrosr lands ot Grantor, sltuate ln the County of Eegle, State of Colorado, dcscrlbed ai follotr{s-: Parcel A ind an lndivided one-half lnte.cst In Parcel C, i Resubdlvlrlon of l-or 40, Amend:d nat clen Lyon Subdlvlslon, slruated In Sectlon | ?, Townshlp 5 South, Rang! 8l Wbst offia Slxth P.M. Sald DroDrrty l; mor€pard{ulirly descrlbed in book 436 at pagc 73, and book 399 at page 617 ar rh" Eagle County Counhbu:e, Eagre,Colorado. And, to conitruct. rlc.nsrruci, repalr, change, erlarge, rc.phase, oFcrat., and malnteln an underground et€ctrlc transmisrion or dlstrlbutlon llne, or both,wirh the underground vaults, conduit, flxures and equipment used o, useabh inconne<tlon lherewlth, logether wkh as5oclatld cqulpmlnt rEqslred abow ground, wlthln tht a6ovc mrntlonad lands, upon an Easemeflt descrlbrd as follows: An ea5ement ten 0O) feei ln widrh, the crnterlln€ for rdd laslnrnt being an undetground powlr ,lne as constrirctd, theapproxlmate locarion ofwhlch upon rhc abo,/e dr5crlbld ploperty ls sho'Nn on ExhlLlt A inicnra hereto and madci'panhereof by ref€fence. The righr! hetein grantEd sp€cltlcellv atlow Cranree to hrtnll addltlanal underground and/of pad.mou'lted f.cllltler wtthhthe easement descrlbed bv thE attached exhibir. Gramee agrees to reL'alr drmag€ caured to exlstlng landscaping and other surfacc lnp]lvemcnB dortno lnl rl constructlon of ttte underground po[er llne. Grartor agrc€s to mtnimlze the locatlon of addlrlonal land-scotno and otner3rrrh<e iraprovrma|lG Mthln the easement, and agrrerlo rlprlr damage ouSed lo tuch addl ons bv Granfo,iexercige ofrlght5 grrntld by thls easenenL Crantor.agrees that all facllltler Inst ll€d by crrnEe on the abo\re descrlb€d lands, lhrtt remaln the propeny of Gnntce,and shall b€ removable at tha opflon of Crantce. Grantor cgvenanB_thil lt ls the ryvner of thr abow drsc bad landi and that the t|ld hnds e trce and cl?ar ofrncumbrarces and llens ofwhalsoev€r qharan€(.€xcept those held by the followlng: To HAVE A{D.To HoLD, sald rlght.of-way and lrelment, rogerher wrth all and 5tngular, rhe rtght3 rnd prtv egesappet6inlng thereto, unto Grantee, its 5u6cessors rnd asSignS, forevef, Thts do€ument may be slgned and execqted Ir countspart , Grantor ha5 causrd thrs! prrsents ro be d uly exxuted on thtsfl-day oS -.192,L, n*rorwrrr. COUNTY OF I.AIIA^,' \ ffTNESS my hand and ofrlclal seel. My corttmlsslon explrts: or fiE slmtruR^tfE try wwmtc HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC AS5OC|AT|ON, tNC. I,INDERGROUND FIGHT.OF.WAY EAsEMENT I []|| ililI il]il il ilillll ll lllllill lll llll lil |l|laltr l2ll2lllai i6rlP l?il LFr llrls colledld h tha lmouflt n9/.v1 L'li' - -' FRJ B BIUME FAI.IILY PARTNERSTITP w/ortot 1126:! |.!!:Cln tF. 9rh. t 6rt:&t.9r t of 2l tt.t0 O C.S N t.6 lrrlr G0 'll-.:ei-+rt,i'r- .A \ t1 X i(, i0 .q l- Y 12 -1. V ,4 \, 6. lr.l J U -( b'{ na .0., |, t' .- ?,i'trf. , !._! -,a ,l i tl- _ '!t i7i nl .rY UI1\J 46. C tt) 6V ; !' t \?, )l i7' I ,0;rt i', !'th\ ruitr| ' 1' qo[r, 4J 3-2Pi YIE o 4 ) ,: tttJ\t !-a l- L-ul{iiPir al, {: <t ,l it.a EF JVt F RAM B1 L o-r <lo u o'r .L I // '\' ' " ... Jot rH LcjT- a-t -1 ,//{a \*\\ \ \\' l>-.- | / --r\ I ' \}/LI !TE- lz-lVE-E- / / ue-tts*ta'L F.P-L..T lt I I t-EqEFlD j I I - '*-4 I I .E.l.l4{rrtt} ?,t.rr tt,},,I I r..Le<-Tr'' rc' t I o-"--'-o' I I Plr-oPc'ts.i, $r(>!r-lq {:,I I ts-LE-crrLtc., V.\crir-s, \AJ \Tl-{ .'*ar?.(-L I r.i I I <,.3r_tt:,utf1r \ \\\\ \\ ,l ..2 -oT.[Z LIO s<qLE |t$ryIJllll{lllffi pjl$r$r ltlurrrl r!!l ltto*q8- "89u.> ot- 9fl : G"rLSrJ L\o*l -:tarEtr- rl|eu COLOFADO .'"'"'ip.,ti:;l{P'F sddro M'c ,NF.RMTNSTRUMENT I i-r.(i1:: 't:l"ri' 21" ,l't..v HOLY CROSS Et"ECTntC ASSOC|AT|ON, tNC. UNDERGROUND RIGHT.OF.WAY EAIEMENT KNOWALL MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS, rhat rhc understgned, JUTIANNA DEIJ6 (herelnafter crlled "Crantor'), for.a_go9d_anq-!a!aql! consldentlon, rhr rccetpt whe.€of ts hercby rckno$rl€dged, docshereby gralr unto HoLy cRoss ELECTRE AssoctATtoN, tNc-.a cdoperartn cbrpontton whosCp6sl-Jfrr.l'iaiiin ls p, o.Drawer 2l 50. clenwood sprlngt, colondo (her€lnafter called 'craniee) ana to id ;tA;;;;ild;;st!jni iiiiigtrr .rInEress and egrels acrose landr of 6rantor, situatc In thc Counry of Eagie, State of coioredo. ielirtOedai'tdiiiii: Parcel I and A onr'half {l/2) intere^st In and to Prrcelc, a Resubdtviston ot Lot.tO, Amended plrt Clcn tyonSubdivisioo as reco.d€d in book 399 !t prgc 6t7 in the tagie Cou{y goirttroirsfi iigd Cofdiiiol'-iliri prop..ryls sluared In Scctlon -l e, Townshlp s south, Rang€ 8t t'vesi of th€ stith p. u, and in-ort riantiirlirtiOiiiiiu"o rnbook 7l8 at page 618 ar rcco.ded In \.tld Eagle eounry Counhouse. And, to conltruct, recontttuct. repalrt chang( €nlarg€, r€'phare, operate, end rnalnt.ln an underoround elecrlctransmlsslon o, distrlbution llnc, or both, {.tth thc undergrgund vautB, condun, fixurres and equipmini usea oi useaufe rnconnrcrlon thetewlth, togeJhrr wlth asso<hted equtpmeni requtred ab6ve grou;d, wtttrin rne iEi* m-iiuonidienos, uponrn easement des(rlbed as follows: An easement len (I O) fe-€t ln wldth-,-rh€-cent€.ltne for,ratd casernent bridg .n undcrgmund pow€t linc |s conrtructld, thcgpproJlmar€- locadon of whtch upon the above describ€d property ts strorin on iitrlStil ;d.h;n tft6;ffi;J;;'d;* hereof bv reference. p! ,!919 hgrgt-SFnted speclfl_callY rllow Grantee to insrall addltlonal underlround and.ror pad.mounted fac trhs wtttrtrlthe easement described by tfic anached exhlblt. Crantee agrees-tO repalr d nagr cau3ed to exlrtlrg landgciplng and othar jurface hprot emerts dtrrlnq lnltialcon_sffucflon ot Ine undefground power ne. Gnntor agrces to mlnlmize th! locatlon of rddlrlonat landlscaolnO snd qth!, s{dace lmprovements withln the ersemlnt, and rgr€€s to rcpalf damege caus€d ro sucl iaotitini tv ii-anteiicrase orrlghts granrEd by thli easemrnt. Graf|mr-agrcet that all facllltlei Install"^d by crante€ on the above descrtbed lards, shall remaln thc proplrv of 6ranre€,and lhrll br removable at thc ortion of Crante€. Cranlor covenants that sh€ is the ownet of the abEte descrlbld lands rnd thar rhe rald landr rrc tree rnd clea, ofencumbrances rnd liens of whatso€t€f chara€tcr, except thore h.ld by thr fottowing: TO HAI/E AND_TO HOLD, said rlght{rf-way and Ea5.rn.nr, togerhcr with alt and stngular, th! rtEhrs and prlv lgesapperlalnlng firr.to, unto 6ranta!, its luccesJors and assigni, forrvlr, lN WITNESS IIIHEREOF, Gfantor has caur( -- - ' 'o *" lltlH:f be duv executed on thls /5 aat ot SIATE OF counrY oF :a I n: I v, I Tl" f"rd4:" 'Hli,itlenl wa5 actno$ledsed before 't'c thts / ) .,ay of q r ! lL( , rne rortggllg In*rument wa5 actf | 9 ___j4J- byJUtlAM,lA DETAS. F RAl{ BO ) ss. wtTN€sS my hard and offlcial real. My commi5sjon rxplres: unnwtfbr_*rrpu-F.o|mr!*rr =-rrrlG - - cllrtnnErb 3d'119--l-c Add.css: w/O*98-l 5525;5l.59rClrn Lyon Skler Tunnel6.t.98 I ililt illfl llllil ll lllllll lllll lll] lllllll lil lllltjfr'?- at'jlttF |Erl|t t7l t|Fr Frrhr 1i, l.l a I ll.t D a.I I t.I b;h CO '13*.*- r+ r r., r -r .f\ i(v_> Zi*Ji"if,z na 7 9={ 17* ;-sf{E a' '.1 \0i/fi l;{ d l) 0.r vgEo -FY'..IJJ :^ }.ev'h-lt l9'o0.,:v I fIqJ'd J 7 Ee3.tJVCt! FRAME B 0s l)r \ \ \ '\. \ \ Lor- a-r -r \ \\ ' I -'--....t It \,l i \^/H ITE- LrvE-r!- I f NAr to*a,L Fo'p-E-er tl Lor <lo uo-r <tt / lrI I Lt,Gr= rlr) .' | - " -'rtr / Ev-P--,'11.it* l;'JE rtrt. / E t-f:.C r: r(:. Ii *-'-- ;-, I Prr.oPE'.;ij L r."L'r.-l F-t/ I ELE c:r!:-rc-, \,/\L,L fs, \/\l tn-{ (.r1'..1_g I rl I <.()A-tiJr )t f ,/ \ /rr Al />4c/ .oT.LZ .,\ r."lo''-'r \ \ 5<qLE- il$qr$|luH$ryJ$$'$$uilr"r ,,t- t'.Jo |!r! e.o r.r.rot qB- lgg Z(3 :qt-E-9- v (iaL|a|J L\{ohl €E-t.E D- -rQ!..j Thls documeni may be JlEned rnd rxrcotld ln counterFrn, HOLY cnoss EtF.cTRtC ASSOC|ATION, titc.uNlt!f, cRourf D F'CltT.Or.my asruerr KNO$I ALL itEN By THESE PRESENTS, that tha undeGtgned, BLUI''E FAMILY PARTNERSHIP (hlr!,nafter called'c-r-anto.),.for I good_ud_valuable conslderatlon, ihe r"celpt whereof lr hereby rcknowledgcd, docshereEy g.anr unro HOty CROSS ELECTR|C. ASSOCIATION, lNC,. a cooierattve corpqr*ton whose posr otflce addrers ts p. O,Dra/er 2l50, cl'rwood sptlng5' colorado (lcrctnaniifatiea cia-iG:Iin-c,o rr, sr..essors and rsslgns, rhe rtght oflngress and egress across lands of Grantor, shuate In fie countor iilie, ii"t" or cororrdo, descrtbed as follow!: Parccl A and an undivlded one'half InRrest in Parcet c, a nesubdtvision of Lot 40, Amended plat clen Lvon' s'bdrvlsron, situared In secrron r 2, Townsnip s lowh,' ian.qe si'ti;r or ih€ n.ii, p-.irl iiia'oiii'ili"illi*.padcurarrv descrrb€d In book ,r36 ar paec 73, and bo;k lrt's ar pisi ejr,iit-r,;i;;i;;jj;V;&;i'olll'ji.g,.,Colorado. And, to conStruat. realnstruct, r€Farr, change. enlarqe. ,e.Dhata. operate, and malnlain ,n undergrou4d ele€t lcttensmlsslon or dlrtrjbutlon line. or bo-lh, wjth thc underground varris, cinauit, nxtures rna equi'pmlni ,]i-ai-ii ur""ll. in:i[::,ji*lTJ:;ltt"[:!tT#rr assoiiareo;c"ro';;?;;;rr;;Llve"jiound, wrrhrn trre arior; niciuJiea i_0,, ,pon Ao eaiement ten (10) fe€l In wldlh. fhe centerlln€ for 5iid ealem?nt belng an underg.ound p6ver llr! es con3ructeo, tneiggli$::Jn*:" of $/hr(h upon the abow descrrbcd piopcriiiii-r,"in on rxrri6riaatti;tili i,;;;;;;;;: p"n Th-eJight5 herc'n granted spcclftcatty rllott Grantce to Install Eddtttonal undergrosnd andlo. pad.mounrcd facllltlc! vyphrnme €arEm!nt d€sc.lbed by the attach€d exhibit. GtafiEe agrcca to r€piir damage caused,to_ertstlng landsciplng and othrr.surtace lmDrorrements during Inltlalonstructlo-n-of dte underoround powlt llru' can-tor agreei to'nrtni.lze trr"--iotauon of ddt onal lftdscaplng and ou|efswfttce tn'tovzments wltfiln th€ easement. and agrees-to repatr darage caur"d i;irJ ffi;i;;; di;'e-#ii:1!'.-*1",-',r. orrlghts granted by thl5 eas€nlnt. Grarror.agr€€s that all facllltte! ln5alled-by-Cranter on thE ebove described trndr, ghelt renaln thc prop€rty of crente€,and shall b€ femovab{e at the option of Grinree. Crantor Covenants that tt ls ihe orvn.r ofthe rbo\€ dclcrlbed lmdj and thrt the Sald t.nds are frce and Clear o{€.rcumbrances and llens ofwhatsolv!r charaaer, except tho:Ctrila fiy tire-ioi:forln!, TO HAVE ANO TO HOLD, said rtght-of-way errd-€as{ncnt, togerh€, wlth all d r,ngutaC the rlghtr and prMtrqasappenaln|ng tfiereto, urito G.ente€, lts suc(esiors and aJ$EiS.tirvei. -' - - '"!-rer' r"! trvrrrr 'rrs errYrEg€} *,: v FRI B lli WITNEsS WHgET Cranror has caulrd rhe},f ErenB to b€ dutf execued on thts nono@Pur",. COU'{TY OF Aa^t hie' I The.t_or.goh9 insuument was acknowledg.ed-befqreme$,ts /l 0", oGFred R BIU'n!, fbnn€r ofthe ELUIIIE FAMILY PARTN€RsHIP. WITNESS nry hend and otftctrl real. -.-,-----, -? //t day of l|sr$ulll$ulH |l4 lu.r[roffi il I o? Z I 11.!a D t.I I !,I frrrr CO - l,ly commlsslon exDlr€ri Wtqrtll !il6: t | 59 chr ryo6 *hr runn t .a.r ,9l 97y-i ! !w "" 103flz ^a 7, Y'7', z5i..d ?- ;''r p{"8 t;o dr-J 1" ^t'il) 0 .r. v(;:0 -Pil .t-;$it 121? + .tq,ilrPr,l I$*{i !iBfi l=-l/ L{ \ r. t -r- (\, \ 6lorz-rrt No s<.gr-t: F RAT{ BC TILC4T L LOr ?-t-r \t.--l-.-'l\*\ I t ---tr\ ,l I W[r ITE- U-\Vtlh- / f ruer to"lA|. FotaE-</T 1lI I LF'<'slJt) "i I -' - '--4 | ! . Ev t,'/c 1\.t G ?-r>u..tt v,t 1 E Lec-:rr"r<- t I o---'-- 'o I I Pl2.(>?o.;s.L l,uh- lt-:.r " I I f:-L_E..-:':. ic.. V\ur:-i',: \\J l'l'r' I i-.r\1''*9 | '.', I I /:,.)Fri.,: J! 1" \' \\ \\ H!t'$u1l$lu'#I'$|$llt|utm|||t Lor 4o ,/ /ru{7 -oT42 Lo'r <L I \ uroits q8- lq+?<o : 5 t- 5a : '3\LEFJ LYo FJ sE-r.Arr.- 't'()hJ Lt E:.L- ol oo IIOLY CROSS EIECTRIC ASSO'ClATlOl,t INC UIID€TGTOIIIO R'GHT'OFUAY E^sEEflT xHow Au- t|El{ gY THfSE PRESEI{TS, thrt th. undcrrlgncd, HAGoPIA'{ C P[.Nil]l|6TOl{ LLC, I Dclurrc llmlt.d llrblllty comp.ny (hcnln ltrr GrIrd 'Grentor). fof I good |tld vrturbh conrld.rrtlon, lh. tGallpr ufi.rlof lr hcrcbt 4knoflhdgcd. doc^: ^iiiruw onnt unto HOty closs €uernlc ASSOCnnOil. |ilC., r cmprr hi! coryondon wfioto pott Oftlca rddttst It P. 0. il;;,* it sd. c[-;mj sianir, cotonao imotnrnrr-crttro 'Crrlrir.l ld to irt tucc.rto.r rnd rrlgnr,-thc rlght of Ingrt|J rnd lgrtrs xrosr irndr 6f Crrntorr tlturtr ln thr Counry of Er{10, Slrta of Cobtrdo, d.lcrlbcd rl fElloflt: tar 39.1 rrd 39-2, r R.rubdlvlrlon of Lot !9, Amrndcd Plrt Glcn Lyon Subdlvlrlo|1,_r(cordlng-to th. plrt t co.d.d Argurr 2!, l9!5 ln boo& ,ta7 tt prg|. 679 In rhc E eh Coulty C,ounhout , Erylc, Colorrdo'.+ld ProPStty.|.3sltifi.d ln S.(tlon | 2, Townrhlp t iouth, Rrng. tl Wrrr of tftc Slxth P.ll. rtd, morl Bnkulrrfy d.*rlb.d ln book 69! rt plgE 963 rr rucordGd ln $ld t|glc County Counhout . And. to con3trucl. tacmrrud, raprlr, chrng|., rnlrrEc, ru.phur, opcrrtt. rnd mdntdn rn undarground alrctllc truinltrlon or dlStrlbgrlon llnr. or Dod,t, ulth thr undrrlround Yrulu, condult, llrlurar rnd rqulpmcnl usad or utarblc lll connicthn thtcttti, loladnr $$ Broclrtd oqulpmrm alqulrcd rboYe grouffl, wlthln ttn rbotr! mcntloncd lrtlot, upon rn t|r.m.nt d$cdbad rt follo|rr: Al utam.nt Un (l Ol fr.t In wldth, the (t lrllnc for srld crscm.nt bclng rn undcngrurnd po*tr llnc rr conttructad; th. rpp+orimm locrilori of rtrtctr updn thc rbon dcrcdb.d prop.rty lr rhown oo Exhlbl': A rttrchcd hcreto |nd mrdc r prrt hcrrof bry .!ft,rnc!. Th. rhhrr hcrdn gnncd rpcclffcelv rl.low GrmE to Inrt ll rddltlond undcrground rnd/or prd'mounl.d frclllrl!! wlrhln rh. ..tmcnt d.tcrlb.d b'v tha rturicd cxhlbll. Tmat rr wlth thr rtght tD nmova my rnd .lt tr..t, brurh, vGgorrtlon utd obrlruclonr rllhln t.ld trtamcnt rnd rhc tlght o -uit roottr ou$lda ild .|l.|nont dualng conttnlcdoo l,|d m.lnhmnc., u,ftcn ruch lr rlrronrblY nccarsery for thc imitrniinuton enO ur of tlrc rtqhtr hcrtiilbolr gnnt d. Cnntor retr.3 thrt l||rdcrpang rnd o&.r turtrc. lmbrovrnrntr mrdr on reld cr$mrnt *lll bt filnlrnlrad urd thrt nty drmrlp crut.d to rld lrlr.lrcrpltrg rnd tnriroamcn$ by G6nt . dur|ng rxcrclrc of rny of ltt rlghtr grmtcd bt thlr cercmdrt shdl bc npeltrO bt the 6.urror rt lB ltFanlc. Crutor .grt r $n all tr[lftar lnrtilhd bry Crrrrnc o.r th. rbora dcicrlbcd lrndr, thdl rameln rfi. pro6ny of Grurcr. rrd rhdl br rumoveblr t fr oolloo of Gtantcc. ctrntor cotnant3 rlrrr n lt tha rymr of rhc rbo,r darcrlbad tarxlt rnd that drc rald l|nds rrr frtG md clcrr of .ncumbrancrt and llam of uhrtr4ytr chrrxt l, rrcrpt d|o a hcld bV rh. tollowlng: TO l.lAVE AflD TO HOLD, gld rtght-of{ay rnd a.rrn ntr togcdr.r wlth rll r|rd rlnguler. thc rlghB rnd prlvll.g.t rppaftrlnlng thcrtto, unto 6rrntaa, t$ ruccaltort lt|d rrSlgnt, fotrvat. tN WfilESS tyHEIY, Cnnrff h|r cruYJFr Imcntr ro b. duly crGcur.d on thtr -lldrv of sTATE OF cotJxTY oF , )rs' Th. torGgolnC lnttrum.ol wr3 rcknowlcdgtd b.fort m. lhlt - drY of by ll Cffkrr lrirhorlecd by Dcl.w.r. Srrlul., tor HAGOFiA'I & PENHII{GTON LLC, . D.lrw e llmlted lllbllltY comp.ny. lvlTNtSS my hrrd rnd offlclrl rcrl. lly commlrrlon crplrut: Hor|ry Publl€ Addre33: 19 * r#,ryffi$sffi#."qpmm uaa 5'1 | 3l ''z' Jn1 HA60PrAfl A PEI|HI{6TON tLC, I Oclrw|J!..'l|m tnd llrblllty comp|ny*,4*h,. P*- 3{9H*H.1.'t t'tU Lvon sklcr runncl:{'7-e8 ol G trtlotrr rlrfurroellcrc|ortrDorlHr State of 4.r;&n,. Countyof 1^ 11 /. pergonally appeared Efwrw:r/t9 known to me - OB - D prwed to mt on the bssle ol saUefactory evldence to bo lho peraon(e) whos€ name(s) le/are subscdbod lo the wilhln Instrum€nt and ac- knowledgod to mo thal h€/oha/they sxocutad lho 0amo in hiB/hor/thelr authorll€d capacily{ies), anol lhat by hle/her/their slgnsturp(s) on lhe Instrurnent ths pe'3on(s). or the sr tity upon behalf ot which thc paraon(e) actod, oxecutod tha lnstrum€nt. OPTIOI{AL Though lla data *r b r€l rrqfr.d bt bfl, lt ||ry prws vdrbb to pctro.[ t tyln0 on lh. dodJrftr|t rtd cot|H FEvmt tnudr.r{ na[*tmrtl ol h|r lo.nt. @me, - otPtclrY cLllrED lY $orEn d*,.r^tB conmrrecrrsn tl prnrr.rEn(st rnqpr E r-r*repE oeHsnu- ATTOtr{EY.I}FACT TRJSIEE(8} or,r RorAr{JCON{lEA\rATOfi onre* l.Lc- ll.p+,i^rL A3^a,t,t lfiL{tn| iatiGlgl 'e|{L o rtfiFtfl cl oarTtlrn ol DE80nmil 0F ArrtSHED D0cuttf,T itE itm IEE ilfiiig rrn.rtr'[r'ilg trtrnE IUT3ER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT SIONER(s} OTHER THAN NAMED AEOVE @xaE. rrLI tr oFFEtt . :.o...Jllll rcr. rol^aY ttE lc y hand and olficlal seal. TITLE ORTYPE OF OlgCl |{^IIOAL rE T RY ^€aOc|AIXl|{.!Il ffiAtr, P,O. Afl tt}|.C..lqrfr|l'c DlSTlfa .l L o'r 4lD iE-:cgr r"t'r A on-n l $o sqqLF- ol \ \ LoT arl-t\J\ :JJl.s i$s i;r 13?4 i;* g illi rii; F / /{t/ \\' J -\\-. t-I t --.-- I 'rrrtttT€- P-tVE-rr- / ; uc-t,os;lL Fotr-L"r I It I t LE&Er-tD "t I "' *'---o I I .6-v-r'tf r *rG r.!!rr ti t' I t E\-ec:l' tc- . i o---*..(.'). I I Pn€tPo :u r. t.'o r rii I ' I I E.\-Ee'ft, i( . \.'.:..-' - r'i \^.1 \T\-f ''''"1'. :.J'- ' ' , , I C(1 !'ri r! - \\ \ r\.'t uo'r .L I Hrg[iHHHlFilH vgor q8'- ]=o : 5 t- 5'1 : cnL€F! uxo*r lreo- '1-tJr-'!LlEr'' Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. IEL D REPORT Date: September9,l998 Ptqect #3524 Project: Glen Lyon Subdivision Skier Tunnel Location: Vail, Colorado Weather: Sunny/Overcast Temp: 65" to 80" at 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. To: Alpine Engineering, Inc. PO Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 Attn: Mr. Mike Sliper As requested, Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. observed the erection of the precast skier tunnel. The structure consisted of two precast footings/stem walls and four precast three-sided boxes spanning between the fwo stem walls. The following was noted: 1. Some chipping had occuned along the top of both precast stem walls. 2. Several gaps were present along the box/stem wall bearing trough. Non-shrink grout should be installed, as previously discussed, to achieve full bearing and fill the chipped areas along the top of the stem wall. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Keith B. Oxenreider Engineer Copy: Mr. Leo Hilsendager, Viele Construction (Fax:476-3423) 70 Benchmark Road c Suite 204 . P,O. Box 1597 . Avon, Colorado 81620 (970) 949-7758 e FAX (970) 949-4054 r email: mnengrs (@vail. ne t Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. F'IELD REPORT To: Date: September 28, 1998 Project: Glen Lyon Subdivision Skier Tunnel Weather: Clear. Calm Attn: l. 2. J. 4. Project #3524 (FR-2) Location: Vail, Colorado Temp: 55" at 6:45 P.M. Alpine Engineering, Inc. PO Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 Mr. Mike Sliper Reinforcing and fomwork for all four wing wall footings had been installed. The vertical reinforcing for the southwest footing had yet to be installed. The contractor should verify that all reinforcing has adequate clear cover. Some reinforcing at the footing steps was bearing on the excavated soil and rock. No other exceptions to structural documents were noted. If you have any questions or comments, please ca1l. Keith B. Oxenreider Engineer Copy: Mr. Leo Hilsendager, Viele Conshuction @ax:476-3423) 70 Benchmark Road . Suite 204 . P,O. Box 1597 . Avon, Colorado 81620 (970) 949-7768 r FAX (970) 949-4054 . email: mnengrs @vail. net As requested, Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. observed the footing reinforcing for the skier tunnel wing walls. The followins was noted: Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. FIELD REPORT Date: October 8, 1998 Project #3524 (FR-3) Project: Glen Lyon Subdivision Skier Tunnel Location: Vail, Colorado Weather: Clear, Calm Temp: 35' at 8:45 A.M. To: Alpine Engineering, Inc. PO Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 Attn: Mr. Mike Sliper As requested, Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. observed the reinforcing for the skier tunnel wing walls. The following was noted: 1. Reinforcing and one side of formwork for the north and west wingwalls had been installed. 2. The #5 horizontal dowels at the precast wall for the north wingwall had yet to be installed. The precast was drilled and the sub-contractor stated the bars would be installed. 3. The sub-contractor was in the process of erecting the remaining formwork during the site visit. 4. No other exceptions to structural documents were noted. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Keith B. Oxenreider Engineer Copy: Mr. Leo Hilsendager, Viele Construction (Fax:476-3423) 70 Benchmark Road . Suite 204 r PO. Box 1597 . Avon, Colorado 81520 (970) 949-7758 o FAX (970) 949-4054 r email; mnengrs @vail. net Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. FIELD REPORT Date: October 16, 1998 Project #3524 (FR-4) Project: Glen Lyon Subdivision Skier Tunnel Location: Vail, Colorado Weather: Overcast Temp: 40" at 2:45 P.M. To: Alpine Engineering, Inc. POBox9T Edwards, CO 81632 Attn: Mr. Mike Sli'oer As requested, Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. observed the reinforcing for the skier tunnel wing walls. The following was noted: 1. Reinforcing and most of the formwork for the south and east wingwalls and the southeast curb had been installed. 2. The sub-contractor was in the process of erecting the remaining reinforcing and formwork during the site visit. 3. No other exceptions to structural documents were noted. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Keith B. Oxenreider Engineer Copy: Mr. Leo Hilsendager, Viele Construction (Fax:476-3423) 70 Benchmark Road r Suite 204 e PO. Box 1597 i Avon, Colorado 81620 (c)7 0) 949-7768 I FAX (970) 949-4054 r emailr mnengrs @vail. net ALPINE ENGINEERINC INC. Scptember 13, 1999 Mr. Dominic Mauricllo Community DcvcloPmcnt DcPartmcnt 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 39 - Glcn Lyon Srbdivirion Drivcwey/Skier Tuulel Complcfron Dear Mr. Mauricllo: On Fridry, Septcmber 10, 1999, I made a sitc rcvicw of thc aforcmcntioncd project in Vail' The landscapei rvo5 in the proccss of fiiral touch-up with toptoil and revcgtadon in various isolatrd locations. AlSo to be comptctcd is the painting of thc mctal brsckee od thc nmncl. Leo Flilsendager (Vielc Constnrcion) indicated this work would be completcd in tho ncxt fcw days- Based upon periodlc site reviews during conrtruction, to thc b€st ofmy knorvlcdge this pmject has been constnrctcd in gsncral conformance with thc plans. I will be out of thc officc through Novembcr, thcrcforc, if you havc any qucstions, please cell Kent Kriehn tt 97 Q1926-337 3. MJVmm Tim Pennington Don Maclachlan $herry Dorward Bill Wtlson rolra, audn* Cenrer P.o Box 97 . tdwards,(olondo 81632 " (970) 9263373'' Fax (970) 926'3390 sEP-14-1999 14:35 P.@./42 ?e*ttEUe:rl*l Saua BETDGE B?8-o€D Monrcre & Newell Equne*s, tnc. Septcmber 14, 1999 Alpine Enginocrin g, Inc- PO Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 Attn: Mr. Mike StiPer Rs: Glc,n Lyon Sr$division SkierTurmel (M&N#3524) Gcotlcmcn: The stpctgral abqtmcnts anct wingwatts r:f the above skier tunncl were obscrvcd by Monroe &Newell Engineers, Inc' during coultxlctiolr- It is our opiaion, bassd on our Iimiled rrisrral observarioos, that thc rsinfor''cgmcnt md conorcte walls wer€ constructcd substantially in compliancewith the inenf of the constnrction doflmcnls pEpared by ogr offi,ce, To tho best of our tnowledgc' any deficiencics found during our obscrvatiolrs havc bcen sorrcclcd. If you have any qucstions or cofirllctts, please call' ENGINEERS,INC. Copy: Mr. Leo Hilsendagcr, Viclc Construction (Fu:476'3423) TOTAL P,62 TOml OP V!.IE Id: IerPLso Keyttora: UACT Uscr: CtlARIrlE ro/27/99 Activlty Mrj.nteDBnce - Ingpoction Procc66ing ADD/N,T SBR BUILD PERMI Appl.icant: at. L. VIELE cc'NstRUcTIoN IJocaTion: CIJEN I,YON SI]B IJO{r 39 2 Permit No! B9g-oo2o gI,AEUg: PINAI! Noticc ! sloE 20 InEpcetion Itsou: 00090 De6crlPtLon! Bl,Dc-Final In6p.cEion Datg Insp.cEor tcElon Notation Depr. BUTLDTNe Div: ====E Tidee ===== Begin End Elpad Encry No ^o9/L4/9' CD 09/r7/ee cD 70/2?/ee cD Bn!.r qrCion: APPR II,IJ STRUC. NOTES DN planning epproval req' d .APPR Plng +tproval granced A=Add an Entsry fZcNexE ILc[ C=Changc an Entsry F3.Previou6 lccb D=Dcletc an cntsry F4=NcxE 12 EtrErice ls=Piret 12 Entriea Ege=Rctsuln to Itcm Li6t' t25 :30 1 3 lo-Jl'Tf 0 o ?acorzr \J,DQaTT TOWN OFVETL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 MX 970-479-2157 June 24" 1999 Philippc Troukens DWI Via fax- 476-8409 RE: Lots 39-l and39-2. Glen Lvon Subdivision Dear Philippe: A Design Review approval was given by staff for the retaining wall improvements referred to in your letter ofJune 23,1999 on October 14, 1998 (see approval form attached). Please also refer to the conditions of this approval and notably the requirement for siltation barriers. Please be sure that all conditions of approval are complied with prior to commencement of work on the site. Please give me a call when the siltation barriers are in place for Town inspection. If you any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 479-2148. Sincerely, Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Chief of Plannine Page I of I {g *"n"tto r^"* I De sign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Pennington Lots 39-1 and39-2 Project Description: Regrading oflot and addition oflandscape boulders due to grading for skier bridge Ownero Address and Phone: Tim Pennington Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Philippe Troukens, Design Workshop, 953 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 102, Vail, CO 81658 Project Street Address: Legal Description: Lot 39-l and 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision Parcel Number: Comments: BuildineName: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Action: Staff Approval Vote: Conditions: l. A Public Way Permit must be obtained from the Public Works Departrnent for work at bike path. A bond to insure path is not destroyed during construction will be required. 2. Bike path must remain open during construction. 3. Silt fencing shall be installed around the perimeter of all construction areas including the existing area where the skier bridge is being installed. The silt fencing shall be installed prior to this plan being implemented and the Community Development Department shall be notified when the silt fences have been installed. 4. Any development on these lots shall be evaluated based on pre-existing grade and not the new grade oflot (i.e., building height) Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 10/1411998 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: F: \EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\9 8\PENNO09.DOC Sent bs !DESIGI{ l,,ORKsHoP Jun-23-99 A2 355Pn fnon 979476940919794792452 Prse I _ Dcs@ Wortrhop, Iuc. Landlcfl" ArchittDhue Laod Ptauring Urbu Deeign Tourism Plaming Ittis.ftalimile bqnEjssio! (andor occ-cmprnyiqg docruenB) msy contain confidenrid anformerioo bclmg,ns to ahe eerrderwtrich is trotrct d. Ttre information is inrardd onty for {re ujo of the indivirturl q t e €n dV ;;; abovalfi.ou ae not rhointcdEd tttipi.a!-you an heacby notifiod.that any' disclosurc, copyftq distrlbrnion or trc urcltg oity rptioa in rrtirnco on thcaontemt of ttris inforrurioa ir skictly pohibibd. u yor hrve rccc-ivcd tLis tansmission in cnor]ptcasc imn odiaety aoriry "r byueDone ro arantE bf rcturrt of tha 4oorrmcot& DESIGNWORK$HOP A$0Ctt. Dtover. Vril' Tsfip€ r Alb|rqu'rqne. SantaFe. Iactrrol ltrole.. $lo prub 9Jx gourl Fronrage Rosd we$ suit! 102, varl, coiondo 91i57.'itet) 9?0are"uoe . 1rur1 ero+zi-t'roi Fax Transmittal PERSONAL AI\[D CONT,IDENTHL TO; Donhicl{auriello ffiO![; Pblippp Troukors DAIE: June 23, 1999 RE: Gtco Lyon Subdivision- lot 39 # Otr'P.|,GES: 3 (inchding cover rhsrt) Comments: Dear.Dminic: frgry9 find trre ptan for rhe east end of rfte pmperty of Mr, pennington, lot 19 in tho Glen Lyon Subdivieion- Thc goal was to tie the boulder wqls itio the exrsing knoll on TOV property. Ihcsc walls were neccssarytq dissuade bikers, snownoobilers, and hikcrs Fm accessing UsfS drdgh ihc private property, sitrse rh;previously existing grode invitcd pcople b do so. We would-like to nsh youto gnntMr, pennington awritten approval for localrng tho boulderwallon Towr of Vail property. Thank you very much for your assislaft€, I' \+l\t\ rtiilpplri*t*ns SenL by:DESIGH lrtlRKSHoP Jun-23-99 s2i56Pn tron 9784758497>97Q9J92!3.2--.-. Paee ?_,3R \. N.\\'S $t\nryl$fNI l$$"'''il'\.t{$'$.i )riut\,\ \HN_\s-l m$r$YT Fl /o tw$:\\\t rlt\\\='1ll =t\ + nE';';p TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-21i8 FAX 970-479-2452 Dccember 3, I 998 I rm I'ennlngtOn C/O Mike Sliper Alpine Engincering, I-nc. PO Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: Skier Bridge located at Lots 39-l and 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision Dear Tim: The Town of Vail has received starnped lcttcrs frorl Alpine Engineering, Inc. and Monroe andNervell Engineers, Inc. attesting to the construction of this bridge. The Town of Vail, based on these letters, has accepted construction of the bridge and improvements to-date. All outstanding site work and landscaping will be guaranteed for completion in 1999. If you have any questions, please contact me at 419-2148. C:Gary Goodell, Chief Building Official Domific F. Mauriello, AICP {P'""n*o'^'u' #*ft:ffi{n, DEC 0 ? 't998 Denver, Colorado Vail, Colorado Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. November 30, 1998 Town Planner 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Dominic Mauriello Re: Glen Lyon Subdivision Tunnel, Lot 39 (M&N #3524) Gentlemen: Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. observed the placement of precast tunnel and reinforcing for concrete footings and walls during construction, To the best of our knowledge and belief, based on our limited visual observations and the information provided us, the precast tunnel and cast-in-place footings and walls are constructed in compliance with the intent of the construction documents as approved by the Town of Vail. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MQNROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS, INC. Felderman. P.E. Project Engineer ffiiflffig",.':-$" iEro\ 1660 Sevcnteenth st.. Suite 101 . Denver. Colorade 80202. (.301) 623 4927. r-AX (303) 623-6602 : ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC Deccmbcr 2, 1998 Mr. Dominic Mqudellq AICP Towr Planner 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Glcn Lyon Subdiybion' I,ot 39 llrivrmrylSkier Tunnel Dcar Mr. Mauriello: Alpine Engiueering lnc. made pcriodic onsite reviews of tbe consructiolr of the skicr twrnel for ttri afsrem€Dtiorrd project. This work inctuded skiway grading, relocation of the utilities and constu6tioo of the driveuray platlqrm. To the best of our knowledge, this work was cunpleted in general conformance wi$ the con$truction ptans and documEnts approved by tre Town of Vail with tbe excepfion of the following: -Log hidge railing -Connect Vail Associates phorc line -Landscaping -Drivewqr paving -Gen€ral clean-up and fine grading. Ifyou have any qucstions, please fecl ftre to call- 'Frtl '' t'' Sincerely, -r/w Michael J. Sliper Project EngiBE€r Cc MISlmm Tim Pennington Ftenry Recd - ViGle Cons,tuction Edwards Business Centep P0.Bor 9? 'fdmrdlfolondo 81632' (970) 9?6'3373 'fu (970) 92|]fm oe Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL ProjectName: PenningtonLots 39-1 and 39-2 Project Description: Regrading of lot and addition of landscape boulders due to grading for skier bridge Owner, Address and Phone: TimPennington ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Philrppe Troukens, Design Workshop, 953 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 102, Vail, CO 81658 Project Street Address: Legal Description: Lot 39-1 and 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision ParcelNumber: ,Cornments: Building Name: Board / Staff Action Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: Action: StaffApproval Conditions: 1. A Public Way Permit mrst be obtained fromthe Public Works Department for work at bike path. A bond to insure path is not destroyed during construction will be required, 2. Bike path nnrst remain open during construction. 3. Silt fencing shall be installed around the perimeter of all construction areas including the existing area where the skier bridge is being installed. The silt fencing shall be installed prior to this plan being implernented and the Comnunity Development Department shall be notified when the silt fences have been installed. 4. Any development on these lots shall be evaluated based on pre-existing grade and not the new grade of lot (i. e., building height) Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 10/14/1998 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: \WAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\98\PENNOO9. DOC a Inc.' Design Workshop, Landscape Architecture Land Planning Urban Design Tourism Planning To : Dominic Mauriello Community DeveloPment 95i3 So f"rontagi' Roarl \rtst vail, october rz, lggg -quire 102 \hil. (lolorado ?t6rt !p : Skier Bridge and grading on Glen Lyon - lot 39 'lblephone 970 .t?6-8408 l-rLr'.imil,' Dear DOminiC : 970 416-8409 In response to the Town staff comments, we made further revisions to the grading plan Aspen dated 9- 15-98, after our site visit with you, Terry and Sherry. ,\Il.'uquerque Key points shown on the enclosed drawing now include the following : Denver Jackso'I{ole l) There will be no grading or fill along the north side on Town owned land (Tract Phoenix M). Santa Fe 2) Landscape boulders at the edge ofthe berm will be aranged in an irregular pattern sto patLlo (iee detail). 3) It is possible to restore tho deteriorating slope just north of the skier bridge. A 2' setback and appropriate silt fencing are necessary between the existing bike path and the boulder wall. The owner will repair any damage caused by this conshuction to the bike path, should he decide to proceed with the work. 4) The proposed mound between the ski run and the building envelope of lot 39-1 can be graded as drawn. The additional fill on the rest ofthe building envelope has been deleted. 5) We provided an adequate turnaround area for emergency and maintenance vehicles. l] Ti: i:iii:: iJffit3if.itr :ni::ff::ffi:f,tt ljit** can be ins,a,,ed, preventing trespassers to access the property, and restoring the eroded slope at that end. We would like to request staffapproval of this plan. Please call if you have any further comments or questions. Sincerely,(tqr\ \v' Philippe Troukens - &*L * ?ubt;tu-g. DESIGNWORKSHOP ? -42 : Arthur L. 6ould LrcEisEll . prisFtlstorlt ttrriten lofi lFsT sllofit aoAu ItultTItGroli f,Er: ToBx 11t43 (5lb).27- t.4{Fil: .{'sre)+ar-teoc lrr. Dopinic tlaurlsLlo, AfCP Tour of, vail 75 Frontage Road Vail , Qolorado 81657 I Dear llr. , uauriello r July 2' 199? Be: Psopose skier underpass Appliqnnt; ur. Perrnlngton I I wdnted ts call yau y€{rtarday, but h€}d off waltirrg for $herry Dorrard to get back ts 'i{e on, the <rutsgil€ of IiFr dJ.scussionwith Tin Pennington about the.phctr{c gate qn the Forperty line. AF you knou, ne etrongly ohJer::t'tp this gate for all the reasonsetatedlin Julle's letter to.ytru en ilune 24, 1997, ht€ rdsre underthe infression that the idea $as being dropped qnd $ste. surprisedte geelit,show up agaln gnrthF urcst resent set of draninge. Howwilt a Jgate that ptops trafflc lin,f,ront of auf houg€, r€quiring it'tp back down and turn around {n eur driveway, not pl,ace Enunreaeonabl-e buroen on us?.If the Penningtons want .tb stap tratfic rdth A gate, theyshquldldo it slthin the confines of their osn propgrry. or at the ,be{inning sf the prLvate road $;t Hast tlarren Circle. Tte would have |no problen vlth either approach. I heve nade a slsetsll of a gateand turnaround nqrth of ttrp brictge phien squ14 heep Mr.Penrrington,s traffic on his owrl pgoperEy, x wlll f,ax it to you ifyou wioh, bub I anr sure tbat the. Englneer knor'le how tg Cesign itonce be ls glven instructions..tp de so. we trr:uld flkc.to have aehanse to look at the final illtFrniseion prlor tp Tesn _approval ,rhanR you verY nqch. :, IVery Truly Your$,yfu.t ir \ Arthur I, could ir.lf\fcci !ir.'and l,lrs. fred PO Box 504 Cheyenne, Wyonl,ng Elume 8e903, i I I I t}g" Review Action Ft TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Proieqt Name: Building Name: .l ProjectDescriptisni Y.|,/,,t,+ ct,'t '::;i i- t ,'.f \'l- f i4-/ :/'tt ;< ttr,lt e AtQ.t' ln * J*/r. <t;r. ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Descripti ont at14'14 Lgto"k /, / Subdivision ( - l€A Lt l,rr Zone District 5 D0 fi''i-:----------.7 Project Street Address: Comments: Motion bv: Vote: Seconded by: [] Approval ! Disapproval fistat npprovat Conditions: (., ,, k, -, -<i iz',: 1f: ., ,ocl t-I t) E B. DRB Fee Pre-paid Town Planner TOUIN OF VAII. 75 S. FRO}ITAGE ROAD vArt, co 8L657 97 0 -479-2138 APPIJICAIiIT CONTRACTOR OI{NER Job Address: LocaEion. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: 1olsFI e/n qol DEPARIMENT OF EOMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUITD PERMIT Permit, #: 898-0020 ,J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD W, #202, VArL CO 81557 iT.L. VIEI-,E CONSTRUCTION 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD W, #202, VAIL CO 81,657 ITAGOPIA}I & PENNINGTON LLC-NORRIS & BRENTWOOD ASSOC & T M PENN, 1l-1-50 SANTA t t L-o L ;,- 4. "*-a- GLEN LYON SI'B IJOT 39 2L03 -t2L- 0 9- 004 PR.l98 - 0017 SEAEUS...: ISSIIED Applied..: 03/LL/L998rssued...: 03/L7/L998 E:<pires. . : 09/L3/L998 Phone z 970-476-3082 Phonel. 970-476-3082 MONICA BLVD STE, LOS A Description: CONSTRUCT SKIER Not in tabLe! T]ape v Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: *of cas Appl iances:*of wood/Pallct: Buildj.nE-----> Plan check- - - > Inv66t.i.gation> 1,6{O.OO 1,o66.oo ,00 will call----> 3 ,00 Restuarant Plan Revlelr--> DRB Fee-------- Recreacion Fca--- ----- --> clean-Up Deposit------ --> Total Calculated Fees--- > 3,209.00 AdditionalFee6---------> -2,L64.80 .00 .00 .00 s00.00 Totaf Permil Pe€--------> Pa) !6nE5------- 1,0{4.20 L. O44 .2O TOTAL FEES----- 3,209.00 BALANCE DUB- -.. TOV/Comm. Dev. approved amount date $of oa6 Log6: FEts SWMARY BRTDGE FOR ACCESS TO HOME SrrE clean-Up D Occupancy: M2 Ilpe construcEion: V N Valuation: 325,000 Fileplace Information: R€5Clict.cd: it Refun ITEM: O51OO BUILDTNG DEPARII.IENI DEPE: BUITDING DiViSiON: 03/LL/L998 CHARLTE Ag!19!_: APPR CHARLTE DAVrSithm;'o54oo-D-tli Tug-DnFAnfiaewr - Detrt: PT,ANNTNG Division: 03/LL/L998 CHARLIE ACTiONI APPR PER PI,ANNING DEPTi[am' ' 056d0 --rfHs-DspARTMEIflf Dept : FrRE Division: 017I:-t1996-csanl,rE AcEion: APPR N/Aitbm;'05560-b-uetre wdnxS DepEi PIJB woRK Divislon: 61lItt1-g96 csaRr,rr AcEion: APPR PER TERRI PARTCH ;; ; ;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;";' ";;;;.;;;;'; DECLARA'TIONS I h€rcby acknoslcdge that I have read chi6 applicalion, filled out in full the inforoation reguired, codltLcccd aD sccurale Plots pLan, and etare that r11 ghc infornation provided ae required is colr€ct. I agle€ tso conply sith lho inforbacion and plo! Plan. to conply !,iCh aLl Tolrn ordinances and BEaCe lawe, and tso build tshi6 structure according to lhe TotJn'E zoning and eubdivieion codee, deeign rawior eFproved, Uniforrn Building code and oEher ordinanccd of Lh6 Tonn apFli.cable Lheretso. REQUESTS FOR IIISPECTIONS SHAI,! BE MADE T'!{EITY. FOI'R HOT'RS IN ADVANCE BY TEIJEPHONE 6cnd Cl€an-I4r DcPollt To: J.Ir. VIBLE coN SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR FOR HIMgEI,F AND OWNER I Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS PermiE #: 898-0020 as of 03/L7/98 SEatus---: ISSIJED ******************************************************************************** permit Type: ADD/AI,T SFR BUrr,D PERMTT ApplicanL--: ,.I .L. VIEIJE CONSTRUCTION 970-476-3082 Job Address:Location---: GLEN IJYON SltB LOT 39 2 Parcel No-- : 2103-121-09-004 Description: CONSTRUCT SKIER BRIDGE FOR ACCESS TO HOME SITE Applied--: 03/LL/L998Issued---:. 03/L7/L998 To $cpire. 09/L3/L998 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. PER 1991 ttBC SECTTON 306 A SPECTAIJ TNSPEqTOR rS REQUTRED TO INSPECT CONSTRUCTION AND PI,ACEMENT OF STRUETI]RE ALL REPORTS AND SHOP DRAWINGS ARE REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED T TO THE TOITIN PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE,ALSO A LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE IS REQUIRED FROM A REGISTERED P.E. THIS STRUCTIJRE MUST BE CERTIFIED TO MEET CDOT SPEC. HS-20 TO9[ir OF VAIL, COLORIDO SBac.lnnE gErlctrnE. Nu[bsr: RtsC-0391 A[ounE. P.lmenE UsEhod: CK NolaEion: 1002 I, o41.20 o3/L7/9s ro tsa IniE: l4Atf *|,ai+Jlrtr tt tl a,r * r.}J t'r ** * ** | ** P.ruiE No! B9e-0020 Bypc: l-BurLD ADD/lJ.r sFR BUILD PE Parcel No: 2103 -121-09-004 I"ocacion. GLEN I,ION BUB LOT 39 2 toEal PeeE: f,044.20 Thl€ PayrncnE 1,04{.20 Total Al,L PnEa: 1,o44.2o Balance:. o0 DeacripcionAc€ount code Anount 326.00 2L3 .20 500. o0 f,. oo BP OOI.OOOO31l11OO BUILDINC PBRMIT FEBS pp 00100003L12300 PIJlll CllECl( FEES AD 00100002403t 00 clJEllluP DEPOSTTs wc 00100003112so0 wltrl cAr,L rNsPEcrro[I FEts o oo oo 3B.ootr u E AHEE R F F o iI t! A eTEElJ UH o 'Io <, oc o oo|. o |,l H }loraoHU Ft Aclzo EFoo 'ii H E g IDIu cI E oo 0C' oo oc o l]n 0 oo el8Ei8 tt A1lT o o l.l t Bl{ U BrlE >H i8 It|EA cl oo otl6ao AFdzE)C!.OEE&4 &p H d hhED-o 5: d EE.Dro FIIa{o HA t{ FlHZoa 8gE|(a lt Eoi EH o * zo F Ed 'Ua(lEE Et 8.gEs 21n B EH A B Eo IE Ae EEgi H oooE a{ t: )p ilCl!5> E|III'!ta orlEOEI Gro tgG oAAT{ -::T;;:rff:l;.3"-:::',1:W:C'ffi oF vArL coNsrRucrroJ pERl,rr /i x=t ':' zrpv tzten pc'+*s "r*"rl*#:LrcArrcN FoFr{ p6qg- @n , APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT l.ley NOr BE ACCEPTED V ft * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATTON ******r(*********r(rr*********** 't tJ-Bui1ding[]-P1u'nbing[1-Electrica1[]-Mechani.caI[]-other Job Name: l+rSq G< Job Acldress: (s'2n'ft- 'l Il;33 6bn: \o' , , V+tr- ,: :^,o,t ?1 B1ock-- riling susurvrsroN:GelJ Architect:Address: General Description: work class: [..rl-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair I J-Other Number of Dwelling Units: BUILDfNG: $_ PLUMBTNG: $ Number EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECHANICA o * * * * *** trtr* ** * tr***** *** * * * tr* * *** * * OTHER: $ TOTAL: . Z3t-fir? pn.?a 3373 of Accomrnodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/Pel}et d Npmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas AppLiances,l ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS \ t * * * * * * * * * * * * tr tc * * r.*.* * * * * * * * CONTRACTOR INFORMAT fON Address: Electrical Contractor : Address: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t ************ FOR ,:;:. : ;.;: i i -;lJ : . i,::.tui:w BUTI,DING PERMIT FEE! PLUMBING PERMIT FEE3 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Tovrn of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: OFFfCE USE *****************tr************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RtsCREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSITI TOTAL PERMIT FEES3 BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: orr.J VALUATION DEP.OSIT REFI'Til)TO: *t DEPARI1TEIiIT OF COI,IMT'NIIY DEVELOPMEIM NCIIE: THIS PERI'IT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AI-'IJ TIMES ELECrRIeAI-, PERMIT Permits #: E98-0318 20 AMP SERVICE TO HEAT TA,PE ON BRIDGE VAIUATiON:500.00 TOIIN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAT) VAIIJ, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPI.'ICA}TT COITTRACTOR OWNER DeecripLion: Elcccric.l- -- > DRB F.6 rnvarglgrtsignt {t1l crl1----> 50.oo . o0 3 ,00 TcYrAt FESE- - ^> sf.oo Aildlllonal FseE-- -- - -- -'t Toeal P.ruit F.€- -- -'-'- > Prlroantt-------- BlIr.l[cE DUA----- ilobAddress: Statua"': ISSITBD Locatsion...:GLENL,YONSIIBLOt392Applied":Lt/24/L995parcel No..: 2LO3-L2L-O9-OO4 Issued-..: lL/24/L998 nroiecc luo.: PRtgg-ool-7 E:q)ires": o5/23/L999 GORE RAIIGE EtEqfRIC Phone: 9709497788 P O BOX 1858, AVON CO 8l.620 GORE RANGE ELEqrRrc Phone t 9109497788 P O BOX 1858, AVoN co 8L620 HAGOPIA}I & PENNINGTON LIJC-NORRIS * BRBIfIT{OOD ASSOC & T M PENN, 11150 SAI{TA MONICA BI'VD STE' LOS A .rrr**r.*rrr+r+.*..*rr..rra*r FBB SlntMlRy *trt*t..at.t*t'r*tt,.t*""t*r**tt**r*"*'*.r*'r***rtfart*i Iocrl cEleulaL.d F6.3---> Bf'oo .00 53 .00 53 .00 .00 *f *rrttltrrrrtt*rri*i*a *r*it rirrrlit,r.,tr**t*.rttai!raattl*t'lt.}*tal*ttttit'ritttt'''i*tt'+*tt'r* 't t**ttt!tl't Itsem: .O6QOO EI{ECIRIC4,I-, PBPARTIEIIT PPROVED OP-ePc: BUILDING Diwieion: +!{#./t?:(,8ooH*, DEptfisEfu ffe'pr, rrnr Dlvision: 71724/7-9t6-,rnt'l-- Action: APPR N/A ***rt**atattajt rrttttttii'tt'| tttt.'t.,ti**rr'rt COIIDITION OF APPROVAJ, * r**,r r** i *r r t* r.rrr.r*r irrr?rr**tt,rtr*ltJ*t**rr *,r* frt*1'r **.x***t**arr r,aittt* ******tl r ai'at*t **,t trttl*a'llt*it*rat+t*itt * t t*t+*' t * *a** *rr DECT,ARATIONS r hara!,y rcknollrdga thats t h.va E.rd bbL6 aFpllcrtlon, ft1l.a oue ln f,url ch. lnfotrrtslon r.gut rcd, cooPl'r'd 'n accur'ca FloE plan? and .tatsc Ch.E all. lhc lnfonAELon plorrldld ra rrquit.d i! colrecE. I cgra' go co[sply rLth Eh' lnEolE tslon and PloC plan' Eo eolrply r.lth arl Tofln ordLnanorg qnd .tato lerr, rnd io bulld tshlE structur. accordlng co bhq torn'a loninE and 6ubdivl€1on cod.s, d..lgn ravL€r, rplrroved, unlfotl! BulldloE cod! q,nd other ordininc.. of !h. Torn aFltllorblc theEGto' AHAI,L BT ADB flBltTT-FOt'R, HOURA If, ADVITCE AYREQUESTS FON : ; - - ;- - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *? * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *?* * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VArL, COIOR..ADO statemnt ************************************************tf ************** Staternnts Number: P.EC-0490 AmounE: Payment, Method: CK Notatsion: 4530 s3.00 LL/24/98 0B:45 Init: ,JR!I Permit No: E98-0318 Tlpe: B-EL,,EC ELECTRICAL PERMTT Parcel No: 2L03-121--09-004 LOCATiON: GLEN LYON SITB LOIT 39 2 This PaymenL Total Fees: 53.00 ToEal ALt PmEs: Balance r EP OO1OOOO31"1140O EtEETRICAI., PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAIL INSPEETION FEE s3 .00 53.00 .00 **************:l************************************************* AccounL Code Descriptsion Amounf 50. 00 3 .00 DATE: ,T P;'P\tT-i-,1 rl APPLTCATToN lrusr BE FTLLED our CoMPT,ETELY oR rT t,tAy Nor BE AccEprED H** * * * r' * * * * :t * * * ****** * ++.!.! r A****t *.nx:tttx**********:t******* P€Fl{ir THFORMATJoN ********rf * * * * * * }r * * x * * * * ,r * -, x * ;'[ ]-Building t l-prumbing ffxlectricat [ ]-Hechanibar [ ]-otherrob Name . .S tqnru F ,* rob-Addre, =rr ebLega1 Description: fot..fi Block Owners Nane: Arctritect: j.f! t l | !l\ar tuuorurrro: 6 /e^ LTry 5 -,5 Address: Address: ceneral De scri.pti"rt dO,q*,n SrA*i*- Hork crass:- [ J -N"* ty!-.Alterarion r ]-Addtition.r r :1*"pui/" , ,_o=an",. Number of Drvelting' Units:Nrrlaler of Aceomhodation Units : #*:: and Type of Fiieplaces: Gas.Appliances cas Logs..-- i{oodlpe11.a-- fq***x**'r*'k************rt"****rl***:t** vALUATToNg **:r*J::r:t****.*rr*****************x,.* $ Sadg ?TOTAL: $ BUTLDTNG: $ _--_ ELEcTRIcAL:P.LLI'IBTNG: T--iJf-"^'"-""' :-------. - I'tEclaNrcAL: ffi********.i:r****,ry;";;i";;;il:"i:*********** coN?RAcroR Addresd: E.t.ectrica Aridress: .Plumbing Contractor: Address: l;:l " "i"ff :i,R rye): {*z+ Town of vail Reg. :No. Phone Number:c --------:----_-o Town of Vail Req. No-Phond Nunber: --_ Town of VaiI Req, NO.Phone l.lumber: . fOR OFFICE USE ?r * * * * * )r * **rr * * * * x* * * * * * * x * * * * x :i >: PIIhIE NG PERI.IIT FEE: l-IE-'HA] TCAL PERMTT FEE: EL1CTI ICAL FEE: OTJIER IYPE OF FEE: DDR FEIi. i Hecha:rical Contractor.: Addres s: BUILDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE:PI,TIMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE:RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER],IIT FXES: BUILDING: STGNATT]RE: ZONING: STGNATURE: ci[t]i tlP DEI'.0SIT VALUA?ION Tl r? !!It 'r.r - AgEndr fsst t€visod 7/9/97 1O am PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COIIMISSION Monday, JulY 14' 1997 AGENDA proiect orientation /LUNCH - Community Development llepartment MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT 12:15 pm 1:fi) pmSite Visits : 1. Flannery - 186 Forest Road 2. Vail East Lodging - 4093 East Spruce Way 3. 1Oth Mountain Hut Assoc. - Red Sandstone Rd. trailhead Driver: @ George NOTE: lf the pEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m.. the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearing - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p'm' 1 . A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU. located at 't 86 Forest Rd./Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Mike Flannery, represented by Russell Platt Planner: Dirk Mason 2. A request for a variance from Section 18.58.020 to allow for a retaining_wall to exceed 6 feet ih heigtrt, located at 4093 E. Spruce Way/Lots 4' 5, & 6, Block 9, Bighorn #3' Applicant: Vail East Lodging Association, represented by Lany Summerlin Planner: Dirk Mason 3. A request for a final review of a zoning code amendment, to allow for outdoor commercial ski storage, as a conditional use in the CCI and CCll Zone Districts. Applicant: VailAssociates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy Planner: Lauren Waterton/Mike Mollica : Agenda lasr rwised 7/9/97 l0 xn 10. A request lor a major amendment to sDD #4 (cascade villag-e],.to allow modifications to alowabte 6RFA;i; uuiioing nlignt timitationi, tocated at 1G0 westhaven Lane/Lots 39- 1& 39-2, Glen LYon Subdivision. Applicant: Timothy Pennington, represented by Sheny Dorward Pianner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL AUGUST E,1Xt7 1 1 . A request tor a variance from Section 18.28.070 (Setbacks) and a conditional use permit for an outdoor dining deck, to allow for a deck expan{gn at Crossroads, located at 143 East Meadow DrivelLot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing' Applicant: Mountain Top lce cream (Haagen Daz), represented by Bill Pierce Planner: Dominic Mauriello WITHDRAWN 12. Information Update 13. Approval of June 23. 1997 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during reguldroffice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road' Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 21 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published July 1 1, 1997 in the Vail Trail. t o APPLICA ar*l Call the Planning Stafrat ng-2138 TION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIROI\IMENTAL COMMISilON APPROVAL TOV|NOF GENERAL INFORMATION This apptication is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Envirbnmental Commission. For specific information, see the submittal requiremenh for tbe particular approval that is requestcd. The application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted The project may dso need to be reviewed by the Tovvn Council and/or the Dosign Rwiew Board. A. TYPEOFAPPLICATION: fP E8 T26{( tr Additional GRFA (250) tr tr Bed and Breatdast tr tr Conditional Use Pennit tr 7{'-D : Amendme,nt to an Approvcd Dwelopment Plan Employee Housing Unit (Type: ) Major or tr Minor CCI Extr:rior Alteration (Vail Village)tr Major or tr Minor Subdivision tr Rezoningtr Sign Variancetr Variancetr ZonhgCodeAm€odmeNrt tr Major or tr Minor CCII Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) DESCRIPTION OF T}IE REQI,JEST: Lp? 14 - t a,t"d clflr, c.LocArroN oF pRoposAl, : ror %'LBLocK- FI.:rxG AwN I 4 oN 4l,tffitv , ADDRESS: BUILDINGNAME: ZONING:D. E.NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS: OWNER(S) STGNATIJRE(S): NAME OFREPRESENTA FEE - SEE THE SIJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRTATE FEE. STIBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SI]BMITTAL REQI'TREMENTS.AND TIIE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH T'RONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO t1657. For Office Use Onb': Fee Paid:- Cl#:- By: Application Date:- PEC Meeting Date: oilJllz. F. G. MAILINGADDRESS: R€visd 6D6 o rllt c0PI 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 -47 9 -2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Julv 3. 1997 Department of Comrnuniry Development Diane R, Larsen Larsen & Kovacevich, P.C. 953 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 105 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Proposed minor amendment (skier bridge) to sDD #4, Glen Lyon, for applicant Mr' Pennington Dear Ms. Larsen: Thc Community Developmcnt Department has approved your application for a minor amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village) for a bridge to obtain vehicular access to Lots 39-l and 3g-Z over thc Wcstin Hi-Ho ski trail (approved plans attached). The proposal allows thc owhcrs of Lot 39-1 and39-Z,Glen Lyon to gain access to their property and at the same time allows skicrs access under thc bridge' Thc bridge is proposcd entirely on Lot 39-1 with acicss gained via -a 20' wide access easement grantcd to ttris prope*y ovcr Lots 40, 41, and 42, Glen Lyon. Staff believes this minor imendment is ioniistent with thc design critcria as outlined in Section 1 8.40.0208, of the Zoning Codc. The approved plans are those plans preparcd by Design Workshgq (3 sheets: L-1, dated i-1-97; L-2,'iatcdl-1-gl;and Bridge and Wall Elevations, dated 6-9-97) and Alpine Engineering,Inc.(4sheets: Sheet2,datedT-l-97; Shcet3,dated6-8-97;Sheet4,dated6-8-97; and Slrcct 5, dated 7-l-97). StafT believes that the approved plans are reasonable and address the specific concerns expressed by neighboring prope*ybwners (Julie Dews and Fred Blume, as represented by Arthur Gould)' Siaffiso beli.u.r it r ipplicant has gone to great lengths to replan this bridge at the request of the Town of Vail and the adjacent property owners. The approved plans provide for regrading on a portion oflot 40 and it is the Town's undcrsianclingitrut tti. owners of ttris lot arc in full agreement to that regrading. Howcver, prior to work being commenced on Lot 40 (outside of the easement), you must provide-a written ^^ authorization from the owners of Lot 40 to allow such grading. However, as an altemative' staff has also approved a boulder retaining wall within the access easement which allows the Page I of2 t\o ,.,u*;;#l;loflgsry,?*, grading on Lot 40. The Community Dcvelopment Deparhnent has also "staff approved" your Design Review Board apptication foi proposed access and bridge. This approval, howcver, does not inctude approval oi i6. ptopoted gate at the south end of the bridge. As a condition of staff approval, the applicant must oitain approval of the gate and its location from the Design Review Board prior to installation of the gate, Please note that this approval is separate and distinct from the minor subdivision approval. Installation of a gate does not require an amendment to the SDD' This letter shall also serve as notice to the adjacent property owoers as required by Section 18.40.100, of the Zoning Code. The staff approval of the minor amendment will be reported to the plaruring and Environmental Commission at its July 14, 1997 meeting, which will be held in Council Chimbers, located at 75 S' Frontage Road in Vail, CO, at 2:00 pm' Ifyou have any questions, please call me at 47I-2148. Sherry Dor-wood, Design WorkshoP Adj acent Property Owners Frank B. Freyer, III, Cascade Village Mehopolitan District xc: PageZ ofZ Town Planncr r'l' =li I I,ftil;e' - - -:--:" =-.-- - i..st gi :E 6: re i! ti r3 9: i ri:ii Z! P€: 3 :E.53i:tE-:gE.iE:ii;es EEii!Fi:iF ;:-!: '; :i:i,ii I::;€1.:s i!i,EFii;l;i:E....i::5.::ii:! il=dl 6. -..:.-:: sE=Ell l[itliiiiiil i. B i 'r\ ,,1 \ i, r i rr,i :F :iaEazvrt:i;;-g r€PPF:is =Ee='Fi6:-:::-::- 2=>=*:-il -:ig! ?- =;7: i il! IrEitl I _t;L: j-n ri:ig "::. 3 tF E:: ::Ef E :s-4: e ! E: ! i.! ; t :a!.! r.a:ii:d tf i I *o*4 tillltiliEsh la,'l ' "'\ '\\ \ tu '.,.f o F |----Lt__l II r--r I I - I !. us ; -a s :Z::.,:;-iE:i:;rr : : : : .=- : --!>'q,r'# i i-:('*: .{tt\- --n_*' 5 ffii !t ;!:EiIot! FEt- "'lo!t i6l i ::i i qt EIo qt at EI q, F€ ql c)arlt E o o o oFl fio u) € u) tro Fl {) o o rd 14rlld & v)A* FoF Frr1 v,p& Vu) zr/ov.Ft- 4 tt).l lil FrBd* .u_1 < FX F E E )-z'iv'9 <3./='=ttS3 t- LulP fY* 9o 'i; ? r-/ l!();E. l"!' a TJt a z 6,-: d,3 $ t- 4z z LJ E5o-z. IE I i I !"*.<"\{ '1,i $\€ s9 € Fo -i.:. / Av,t^l,\lt(l I t' -> ) --. :, I.IITFII fr: ' ^'!vAI,tMaC 4El - H,\Er|t ttE^.l J|rE )z D<E<t3 '--a1 &/_i; =EJc WF LLZ llR -.Jii iliiflI H iii'L_] iir, erti ll 33 iiit:,:i, ' :' ii:i;'tl" -f ,, 8- 9 -tnEb. I _1.___!l1l_EL -:_-E-:Et'- I b a -T--;;;Gi- I ?:i! i;! i!r ea:', , ,iirtt'::r!99 !?g: '!i"': aL 'i!t:r I ;:;: E 1mi-tl ltf,./^vnt^E aC lo'l - iI ^Hlt S^''l xrE iBt vr\'I sav l.rla .rTya zoF f zo otr- z i\1 Z ==Lr-lv o_{{ { eII d ta / i\ '4J l,ll H,lll i3| | \-_T-/ \'/Y/ t i u*' KEft $$# t!ilFd, tfrh iil gti iii t$t il| li! iit ;;! ti! .. -'Y:.. tE.lil l:tlr,E--.'cNr gN||33NtcN3 ;ay1.1 l IFn or.ocrrrr 'lrl{lfrl 'iaxt ,, ,tvrlf,r^txq aC lo.| - ilc||r|nkr|rla iacr^.t Nrto FI TO! _---.-=-mrr F; f\.2 Y {3ai,56:=() -l o: Lr-lP [\/ * LLZ Ii ft :.!,.|l;lil :;:: .=ii:lil.,!.' --- i oii :,riiiiii**fil;iii )a1l'i>)) a.\e.< t\.-': Ii ^ -:P-- t-*_ l, :5; Y,1.,6 .t- r,? ii,\'I j;\ I I I lrj(J v t a UJu q. f I c.t ^| (r, .^gal *-. Et= z ffi z 6 rOdg! F<3qv- ; u, i ! laiil-F;fr iii aii'8ii, €Pii t.P",lllf'lii 161 /iilS iii!il\ , ifi* rr i !Eq itigt ii-o Iil 5 t rt \ ..\i! ^ lf \ ii *a i""oJ ll Rg @o i : ::!i '" I i -"'ir-'o \\ \ 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 1 05/Far 970-479 -2 I 5 7 Ofice of the TownManager 1wrc2,1997. Mr. Frank B. Freyer, III District Manager Cascade Village Metropolitan Distict 1476 Westtraven Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear IMr. Freyer: I am in receipt of your letter of May 14,1997, conceming request for approval for skier rmderpass. Pursuant to your request I have signed the agreement modifying the Cascade Village Service Plan. It is my understanding that in addition to this docunent that construction of the skier bridge is considered a minor arnendment to the Special Development District. It is also my rmderstanding that this proposal has gone to the PEC for their consideration but has not yet been approved. It will be necessary to receive all final approvals prior to the actual construction ofthe skier bridge. Please let me know if I can be of fiuther assistance. Sincerely, TOWNOFVAIL fr+t- Robert W. Mclaurin Town Manager RMWaw xc R. Thomas Moorhead, Esq., TownAttomey Dominic Mauriello, Community Development -.' {p*,*o'o'o Printed bY Dominic Mauriello t5 /97 9:58am 0'.u"'LFrom: Dominic Mauriello To: Irauren WalerLon subject: Pennington - Skier bridge ImetwithMr.Goutdand}4s.Dewsregardingtheskierbridgeproposal. They, along vtiEh Mr' Bloom, own lol 40' The easement runs through their property' Here are their concerns: -Height of bridge and retaining waIls is a problem -rmpacts to their landscaping and landscape boulders is an issue' -rmpacE to targe conifer is an issue' -Relocation of transformer closer to their house is an issue -Grading a revegetation on their property is an issue .DrainageondrivewayaLtheirdrivewayisanissue.Thedrainageneedsto carry water away from their bome' Here is what they suggested to alay Lheir concerns: l.Dropthebridgeatfeast6.inheight.inorder-toreduceret'aining|walfs and impact and heiqht of bridge' Bring the skier qrade under bridge closei to the creek brj-dge elevation' 2. Reduce driveway t-o 12t wide and move to east side of easement' 3. Restore landscaping on their fot' Seeding is noL enough' RelocaLe iandscape boulders iia i"v impacted trees ' ProtecL large conifer' 4. Ensure that drainage does not head toward their house' Drarn driveway to the east' 5. Complete details regarding home. reconstruction of driveway in front of their 6. Address pedestrian access that occurs down this easement' How will Ehese skiers get to the snow? 7. Relocate the transformer away from their home' FIL E COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 April 2 l, 1997 Department of Conrnunity Development Dianc R. Larscn Larscn & Kovaccvich, P.C. 953 S. Frontagc Road Wcst, Suitc 105 Vail. Colorado fil657 RE: Proposcd minor anrcndnrcnt (skicr britlgc) to SDD #4, clcn Lyon. for applicant Mr. Pcnnington Dcar Ms. l-arscn: Thc Community Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt has rcvicwccl thc skicr bridgc proposal. As you know, this proposal is n minor amcndmcnt to SDD #4. Thc rcvicw procctlurcs fbr a minor amcudnrcnt diffcr from thosc rcquircd for a ma.ior amcndrncnt. Minor arncnchncntri arc rcvicwcd and approvc{/dcnictl by staf}. Staflaction is thcn rcportcd to adjaccnt propcrty owncrs within 5 days of thc staff approval. Thc action rnust also bc rcportcd to thc Planning antl Environrncntal Coprrnission (PEC) within 20 days of thc staff action. Thc PEC, adjaccnt propcrty owttcrs, and thc applicant may appcal thc stafl'action within l0 days following thc PEC mccting whcn thc itcm is rcportcd. Final approval rnust bc givcn by thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board following this approval proccss, Staff has numcrous conccrns with thc proposal. Many of our conccrns ccho thosc conccrns cxprcsscd by thc proputy o\vners of l-ot 40 as cxprcsscd at thc DR B conccptual rcvicw of thc proposal on April 16,1997. Thc follorving is a list of our cortccms: I . Staff bclicvcs thc bridgc is too largc and *rcrc is an cxccssivc amount of rctaining stmmurcs. Staff bclicvcs that thc bridgc should bc lowered and shiftcd on thc sitc to rcducc impacts to adjaccnt propcrtics. lf the cntrancc to thc bridgc wcre shiftcd, thc gradcd slopc could be modificd to approach thc bridgc at a differcnt anglc and lrcncc, a morc gcntle slopc. You havc statcd that VA has sct thc parametcrs for this bridgc and thc grading on-site and thcrcforc wc arc lockcd into thcir rcquircmcnts. Staff docs not acccpt this paramctcr. VA must prescnt some {ctailcd cvidcncc that this bridgc is thc minimum sizc ncccssary to achicve their dcsign rcquircmcnts. Pagc I of3 {p rr"""tro o*", .? 4,.'.'' Staif {ucstions thc nccd to havc snow cat acccss through thc tunncl. Currcntly thc snow cats are only ablc to groom up to thc cast sidc ofthc cxisting pcdcstriar/skicr bridgc. Thc existing bridgc is maintained via snowmobilc. Staff bclicvcs thc bridgc tunncl could bc rcduced to l2'widc which would allow truck, snowmobilc, and skicr acccss through thc tunncl. Thc rcmaining portion of thc ski slope to thc wcst of thc bridgc could be maintaincd with usc of snowmobilcs, ctc, Staffrcquests that you provide dctailcd spccifications for VA snow cats so that wc have a completc understanding oftheir dcsign and sizc. The enginccring plans which show clevations of the proposed structure and rctaining walls are inaccurate. Thc skctchcs on Sheet 4 showing thc west clevation of the wall arc backwards. Thc clcvations show thc longcst expansc of rctainihg walls extcnding to thc north, whcrcas thc sitc plan shows thcsc walls extending to thc south. Plcase corrcct thcsc plans. As far as wall dcsign is conccmcd, staff bclicves cxposcd rctaining walls should bc minimizcd. Portion of thc walls which are cxpo$cd should bc trcatcd with stonc venccr (cspccially on thc wcst elcvation which will be vcry visiblc from adjaccnt propcrties and l-70) and thc usc ofbouldcrs should also bc considcred, Thc proposal appcars to show grading and othcr improvctncnts on Lot 40' Thc pcrmission to gradc on this propcrty must bc obtaincd bcforc any approval may bc givcn on thc prqjcct. Plcasc amcnd thc grading plan to show all grading, paving, and clrainagc associatcd with thc devclopmcnt. Also, modifo the landscapc plan to addrcss irnpacts and proposcd improvcmcnts on Lot 40 and providc a plan to mitigatc impacts to all largc trccs affcctctl by thc proposal. Plcasc also rcvisc thc grading plan by rcmoving unnccc$sary information so that thc plan is casily undcrstood. Plcasc providc a plan showing the "acccss cascmcnt" at a grcatcr scalc, Pleasc cxplain/show thc issucs rclatctl to this cascmcnt, The location ofthe proposed gate necds to be addressed' The gate, in its proposcd location, will rcquirc a vchicle which cannot procced through the gate to back up the road. This is unacceptable. Considcration should be givcn to installing a gate in thc eascment south of Lot 40. At this location there is thc ability for a vchicle to tumaround. This location will require thc approval and acccptance by thc owncrs ofLot 40. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 8. Pagc 2 of3 g. Thc proposcd location for thc clectrical transformcr nccds to bc addrcsscd. Thc Lot 40 propcrty owncr$ arc conccrncd about moving this structurc in front of thcir homc. plcasc considcr othcr locations for thc proposcd transformcr that will havc minimal impacts to thc owncrs of Lot 40. 10. Plcase provi{c bridgc loacl calculations to cnsurc firc truck acccssibility, Staff rccommcnds that a mecting with Shcrry Dorwood, Town Staff, and VA be sct up to discuss issucs of skier/snow cat acccss. }hu.. acldrcss all of thcse issues and rcsubmit plans to staff. Plcasc notc that this lctter docs not includc any commcnts from thc Fire Dcpartmcnt or the Public Works Dcpartmcnt. Thosc comments will bc forwarded as soon as thcy arc reccivcd' This itcln is not schedulcd to bc rcportcd on a PEC agcnda and will not bc schedulcd until staffhas takcn final action on this ProPosal. i lfyou have any qucstions, plcasc call me at479-2148' Sherry Dorwood, Dcsign WorkshoP Mikc Mollica. Assistant Dircctor of Community Dcvclopmcnt Mr. Blumc, Lot 40 proPerlY owncr Julic Dcws, Lot 40 propcrty owncr, via fax 516-427-0009 Domlnic it. Mawicllo, AICP Town Planncr Page 3 of3 ,,l : Rrthqr L, Gould Jr. rgrqpr*ipnrtrriltt ftn trr* gse ttuU tutlrgutv tt-t U7{3 (5ra).',4ahirul ga*(*ruJ +7'7 * QaoQl ft9.?,t T.:t-E ' .TRAI+*HlsSlql'.t frer -@ggg ,FRon : r'o 3 Dtr-a : , ._Ua -....,f ,7i -*tuWz FAX $UNtsE|L 5 'a' ?? &TTENTION ; NVt46Ftt 'oF r4|:59A6ts : Ds rr,r* ra .,1'lrrratql*uo PA6E5 :t StAt*t,*, | | /,*-s- €*i4+r fl*" 447 -v+tt+l 441-.h,--'a : 'tt,ta n4*' W,tz4,Gn) w #^ fr-rrr+at ^fwturft*'r". *i. J r'r*fLrtn* rh -{ 4 Lt .*t - -l- ,rywfr*N4"4.*t*t4 €."&,;**y?f* ,*+* f,nq' futteai. P.61 fr1fn rtM IFIE\IBA I ASON, P. C-Bs KENNETH S. KRAMER DTRECT DIAL (303) 592 - €353 trlr, WErlvsltrpltr & E ATTORNEYS AI LA\^l 26TH FLOOR, RE PUBLIC PLAZA 37O SEVENTEENTH STREET DENVER, COLORAOO AO202-5626 PHONE { 3()3 I 425- OeOO TELECOPTER t3()3 ) 629 -76tO MaY 1, 1997 Dominic F. Maureillo, AICP Tor,vn Planner, Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Skier Bridge, Lot 39, Glen Lyon Subdivision Dear Mr. Maureillo: Thank you very much for speaking with me conceming the Skier Bridge issue. I appreciated your explanation of the status of this project. During our conversation, you promised thatwfien, and if, the Staff makes a decision conceming the application forthe constnrction of the Skier Bridge, you will provide me with a copy of the decision. Please send me the decision at our address listed above. lf there arc any costs associated with sending out this noti@, we will be happy to take care of them. Very truly yours, BERENBAUM, WEINSHIENK & EASON, P.C. KSKslc H. MichaelMiller, Esq. H:\EOCSICLIENT\LIT\KS1(\MSCIMAUREILL.L1R(.IC3 T,97) REcETvEDIAY 21n97 CASCADE VILLAGE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT 1476 Westhaven Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970t476-0422 May L4,1997 Mr. Robert Mclaurin Town Malager Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Cascade Village Meropolitan District Reguest for Approval for Skier Underpass Contribution Dear Mr. Mclaurin: As the Manager for the Cascade Village Metropolitan Disrict, I have been asked to correspond with you in connection with certain activities proposed to be undertaken by the District in connection with the development of Lot 39, Glen Lyon Subdivision. As you may recall the District funded the construction of the Cascade Village Chairlift in accordance with and subject to the provisions of its Ssrvice Plan, which was approved by the Town of Vail prior to the District's formation, as required by law. A copy of the Service Plan is attached for your convenience. The Service Plan contained a description of the facilities that the District was permitted to futrd and construct, and also contained several c,onditions imposed by the Town of Vail in connection with its approval of the Service Plan. One of those conditions, which cau be found on page 5 of the Service Plan reads as follows: n5. That the District shall not, without the prior approval of the Town of Vail, be authorized, nor shall seek auttrorization, to provide improvements other than those described iu the Exhibits to its Service Plan, nor shall it be authorized to engage in any activity, purpose or provide any service, other than as identified in its Service Plm....In this regard, the District shall not undertake provision of public ftlnsport facilities or services, otber than the provision and operation oftbe chairlift authorized to be constructed by the District, unless the prior consent of the Town is obtained.' As you may be aware, access to the Cascade Village Chairlift from Vail Mountain is furnished by a skier trail known as "Cascade Way," formerly the "Westin Ho Trail.' This ? Mr. Robert Mclaurin Town Manager Town of Vail May L4,1997 Page 2 trail also furnishes a merns for users of the Chairlift who have either parked in the Cascade Village area, or who have residences within this area, to return without either downloading on the Chairlift, or returning to Lionshead or the center of Vail, and obtaining alternate means of transportation to the Cascade Village area. Given these circumstances, it is the position of the Board of Directors of the District ' that the continued o,peration of Cascade Way is essential to the ability of users of the ;, Chairlift to enjoy the benefits for which it was designed. Therefore, the Board has concluded that it has a legitimate and significant interest in the continued operation of Cascade Way. It has come to the attention of the District that the Westin Ho Trail crosses l,ot 39, Glen Lyon Subdivision, in a fashion which significantly impedes access to Lot 39 by the owners of this properry and their future invitees. As a result, the continued availability of Cascade Way as a convenient meqns of access to the Chairlift and surroundiqg areas, has been called into question. A number of options to deal with this situation have been discussed by various parties, including the District, the lot owner, and the Cascade Village Association. The parties have all concluded that the situation is best remedied by the construction of a skier underpass, which would permit vehicular access to the Lot 39 by the owner and the owner's invitees, yet preserve the operation of Cascade Way essentially as it is today. The District has previously communicated its zupport for this project to fhe Town of Vail, in connection with certain land use approvals being sought by the owner of the Lot 39. In order to permit this pmject to reach fruition, the District has approved making 3 limited financial contribution to the project. Enclosed please find a copy of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the District, which addresses the matter. The District itself is not expecting to actually corutnrct the skier underpass improvement; however, we feel it appropriate given the above-quoted language in the Service Plan, for the Disnict to obtain the coment of the Town to the proposed expenditure of District funds in aid of this project. We believe that the limitation contained in the Service Plan was designed to ensure that the Town had the ability to review acrivities of the District which might extend its original focus and purpose to areas not desired by the Town. We do not view the proposed participation by the District in the skier underpass project as outside of its original purposes. Arcordingly, in accordance with the above-quoted language in the District's Service Mr. Robert Mclaurin Town Manager Town of Vail May 14,1997 Page 3 Plan, this is to request approval by the Town of Vail of the participation by the District in the skier underpass project proposed in connection with the improvement of t ot 39,Glen Lyon Subdivision, in accordance with the attached Resolution of the Board of Directors of the District. Ifacceptable, please have the appropriate Town official srgu the form of aclnowledgment fumished below. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, CASCADE VILLAGE METROPOUTAN DISTRICT \_-.- r< /- 2/\/L/lt --*- /\ / - -v._j?uFrank B. Freyer, lII District Manager FBF/jvb cc: Board of Directors William P. Ankele, Jr., Esq. cr\^{D\LTRS\Llr957@.057 ACCEPTED AND APPROVED THrS lOX On ilat , rssT By THE TOWN OF VAIL IN SATISFACTION OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SERVICE PLAN FOR TIIE N CASCADE VILLAGE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT RELATING HERETO: Title: .rt*-:"--Hr#*fts J"4/t* l? *arc fro, Hpx -WR-.t. Lt"ii/, 6. f/6€A.... - ..fr t .&arzireic" 4l #*ar,'t/./'a ..' '. Ex " " 7lqrr: Ja/t* &*s ffi.x -....^..A#ft'' J**ra. A#*., . /q?F ?/a ,ft9 t" qF-?- 2#Ez #ZZ -dq.qf .f /;4 ,4 reod y* yas&*dye *"/ .ya&"," .pza.4e6/1, fl,P/ n'/ rftes#Yti ft a"en'z' Vie r:asea 't *fiofr !*t t ,*4.^I* xi*" #o/ *tcr('* -. ?.dcqv't rt*, .H*t*it'**'t a't*/ o;A{r"oar?rs frr #c uJ"u ,#r'/"Q'a "d's*;pn'' # aH a' eK"""' t//.8:* zwi,'|L'r "&t?"O:?:* ^1,,.,-r,;# i *ri.# aa*"2 n*rg'llers #* E/a*oei^" +*.*atu// . - Fr'/ 8/o*ro .4as g-*{;A:'-'#ti 4oy'"*e 'ptv w&'f ,arr* ry Td'**s*&y r Jeaa' #'t to'i-d /ti m'***oo-/'r" ,qr/ ur//- #an *!t.-.#e*y-.ga? frr?.y"*s 4-+7za*isqd' Aet ia atrnrM a/* '' auev -#*. art'Etha/, 6*l "i* '"*'/if "v4f+a$ "sle ,,*{f/ ' '/' u 6/* ,l{*.oo , , ffiiv *e ryntb srrte &//nF dneb'rc 4.ftarze *Y-*&i g*e ,.,'&"( *1'#i *zoz/4:n/ af a*z f rf a,'/it /ric.)'",'*4,f*/'' cral*; -:;";f;:it/o ;7;;: ih tul srr/ nQF*{ atall ' L4'4^e/*s ' yzarfrLa/*tg- rrids, itAi A P*Ae de/iue'is ta'a P. 82 ,&qt 2 '/ 2--.--!-----, -r/oped qy' g6* .7tn/* *td-ca ,/ ,is "nfyz tUtif tde*r. i"ers /o 6a*1..e4ka ru-ad aat{. ,h#.. Fe.t d.rtbeu! a6 #ts ,. .,<|4ia*dL tHyr 7" .t/ t-(..-rneEpfr-{u. vJ . ....,4onso fu rc./ai"n #* CUniCO corporation A14 N. HAWAIIAN AvE.. p.O. BOX g06 . W|LMINGTON, CA 9074a,0306 r (31O) 83O-591O . FAX (31 0) 830.4oO2 JACK S. FLOWERS PR€SIDENT April21, 1997 Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 Re: Amendment to SDD No. 4 Construction of SkierUnderpasq Lot 39-1, GlenLyon Subdivision DearMr. Mauriello: I am writing this letter as a home owner in Glen Lyon, tot I I to express support of the construction of a skier underpass by Tim Penningtoq which will facilitate skier traffic on the Cascade Way return ski trail, specifically across Lot 39-1, GlenLyon Subdivision. Sincerely, t- N. Hawaiian Avenue cA 90748 t6Y-Lz-tvtl 47.49 REFL ESTATE CAPITFT- CT]FF P.A1 AIEit!3, Oonir$pF.['{glrldlqNCP Tmrrllrns TmofVril ?5SodFrwgentd vrlt,COtt65T nr: tmdnrdto$PNo.l - .^^ - - DsMi.Maoddt*'zn I ln writhg thir h#rtac rttos grqr !S9 l'rm la{4t wceruppoil of lhc cm*udm af* *t".-iffi by Ttt FcmirgL+ utieb n{ll frsi$ilF rkirtnfft ou tu Effiifry;.d; trffii,.gPnfrr*ry rcrwiotf3$1, Oh Lvoo &ib{iviriwu { \1tr'Y-12-19W .W.49 ')o ADrittr3.199t Dmiric F. l,imildlo, llCP Totlllmcr Toilrsofvil ?5gdmFffigrnlsd vdlffiEl657.., n$ A,nPdoemo$DDNo4 l:";rtnerfm ;rsd"tilttd.tts' IEt 39-t' OFD L1m Subdivirba IrcsMr.ltnnidlo: I o* rntrbg ttrilr FEs u rbru; own:r h Gl'!g Lyq fnrS'L...1 tgEls !trFPodd63 ;ti;ffi ;.;oosffi$Hg#ff [*",ffi SX*m'** SsedcwIYrdnn*i.tr., Soo.lElY'' ortl CORP P..W golJl ,.,:-,l:cldEElillEtlflflsi' TT]TRL P.Ez Glen Lyon Office Building 1000 S. Fronfoge Rood, Wesl Vqil, Colorqdo 81657 April 18, 1997 Dominic Mauriello Town of Vail 75 s. Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Amendment SDD4: Skier UnderPass The ownership of the Glen Lyon Office Building fully supports the constuction of the skier underpass which connects lhe Cascade Way skiway to Cascade Village' It is our understanding that these improvements are required by Vail Associates to maintain this important access. Unfornrnately I will be unable to attend the Planning Commission meeting on April 28' 1997. Please convey our support for the proposal. Also please be advised that I have no economic interesl, direct or indirect' in Lot 39. Andrew D. Norris Managing General Partner IDN/sg SEGUE/BRENTI{OOD TRILLIIJU CORPI A oozoL/L?/sI 15:3s FAx 310 35868 Aprrl 17,1997 Dominio F. Maruiello, AICP Totnn Plannet Tolvn of Vail 75 South Frontage Road vail. CO 81557 Re: AmondmenttoSDDNo.4 Constructiou of Skier Undetpass, Lot 39-1, Olen Lyon Subdivision Dcar llr. Mauricllo: I em witing this letter a.s a home owner in GIen Lyo4 Lot 40 to express support of the conslruction of a skier underpass by Tim Pennington, which will faciliere skier Eaffic on the Cascade Way rctum ski trail, specifically a€ross lot #39-1, Clen Lyon Subdivision. Englewood, CO 801I0 I or/zt/sT llrls FAr trol 1$60 SEGUE/BnENTrooD @ooz April2l,l?9? Doryrinic F. Mauriello, AICP TsxnFhon€r Tonq ofVcil 75 SouthFomgc Rosd Vail, CO 8165? Rc: Amendmsqtb SDD No.J Coustsuctioa ofSkicrUndeliass, Lor 39_1, Glen Lyon Subdivision DearMr. Mauriello: i:*lT H ttr.tl-Ty:ry'io_clT Lyon, Lotjt ro express suppon orrbs n:1^rt11$,l ::1 #t 11ra:fs by nm penlilrgrl4 which ,lrr ala,#T#'ffioo tr*csscadc w8v return ski r'il. spccihoe[y acro* rrt *is:i, cil fiil;fril,"; cA926sr nioia l0ltslis APR-23-9? I{ED 6:34 AMort2rtal ti:00 ,*,,i$Js,, ElTe 0457 ttfiEfrwl IhminisF. Mstri.lb,AICP ToruPlenncr TornofVail 75 SouchFrur|gf nod vrL CO t1657 Rr: AnodunrgDDNo.4 Costuotior of S&icr Urdqnes+ Loe 39-1, Glct Lru Subdivisior DmMB Mlliollc I lilTridrg &lrbG c I o*sll Colnnrrn Oo&pidrru b Otoo Lyu, b aQil|| support oftc mrmnim ofr*rrr und:rpuo bI tic Eqrnb$oo, u,tieh will ftciur{c *fo{ mffs u &c C$crdG Yry rrnrn *i tnil, rpeifcdly rmec ld #39-1, GlEn Lyoo Subdiviim. Sbccrglj/, e Q,.-* Eltntis Eucim,CAtl436 #llD*Ll,P. Ilg uu3 t $cHASE I Apn123,1997 Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 Re: Amendment to SDD No. 4 Construction of Skier Underpass, Lot 3 9- I , Glen Lyon Subdivision Dear Mr. Mauriello: I am writing this letter as a home owner - and soon to be permanent resident - Westhaven Circle to express support of the construction of a skier underpass Pennington, which will facilitate skier traffic on the Cascade Way return specificatly across lot #39-1, Glen Lyon Subdivision. David L. ferguson General Partner Chase Capital Partnefs' . , . 840 Apollo Street, Suite 223 ' Ef Segundo, CA 90245 Tel 310-335-19s8 Fax 310-33 5- 1965 $rts\s at 1295 by Tim ski trail, Sincerely, t\ I I t-.FE- DLF April 25, 199? Coottrtunity Dwsloptcr* SdfIoqn ofVdl 75 8. Froorgc Rdvrit cO rlft? To Whorn It Irtry Coqcfir: e D.bdf ddtc Coldrert&r A$oddo6, I wuld litc r rxprc*r rny ofinim ftrrF e."O*.t b ptrcc e slicr bridjc rcmrr thc prirntr Ariw ior Gtoi f.yor for * fC, ,hoolOh Pn'iotrcd Ttr skicr bridfp rrould ornrc tlrrt rccccs fmrn thc mountrin brct ro Ctcrdc viltryc rmutdrauein intrct' Clculy fris ir at rmlnity drrt is vrry vrluablc !o cvcry otrl1cr of rcrt lErrb ancscrde vilt4c €d&hsrn inctudcc frrty fivc 651 condoninruns uri& cumularivc rcrl 3ter.v&rcc surptring f,il0 milliol dottrns. Wc bolicvc ttrir *io bi{o conccpr plrys urmtnr8ilt |r|n in rlrce nd nulct rntucc. Thrnt yol fot yorr conridcntioc Sincocly, 14.n8*/ C. Ridrrd lonrrt Coldrtron Cordominiun A$ocidor hcgidort za'd doos ro 45-97-4<lV xoF TOTFIL Pp6/E.d2 ** €o'd dgl:ZO L6-62-.rd1y I Apr-25-9t OE:O9p April 2t, l9e? Connrurity Drvrloprnat Strfr Tour of Vrii 75 3. frstr3rRd Yil, co m657 To Uhon ltMry Comlrr: On Ddrdf of thr Millncc Ascidon, t would likc to .rpr.tr nry opinion rlrlrir pnporl lt plrcc r rtiet rlrdr prn for thc Driy$€ driv. for Glar Lyon lot * !g. *odd be ryrcrnd. Thr rkic btific ttould corufl thrt rccar fron drc nnnntrirr brct to Crrcrdc Vill4c would ranrin hbt Clill!, ttif ir rr marity $rl ir vGry vdurblo b Gllty owncr of rcd clrrrc in Crrcrd. Villrts Millrrcr includs thirt P0) condortiniunr" Errad on tho curar? rul crte mutrr, tha cumul$ivt vdu rrc arcrnr $rn tl2 nrillion doltrn tltc bclicv+ drfu slirr bd{c urccpt plryr ro inpoarrt prrt ia dro* nl rnrrfa vdurr. ffmk yor for yow comidrr*ion. Mrl Clul Millrs Condoniniun Arroci*ior Prrridail P, Ot dgr:zo 26-a:rdvzo'd March 4, 1997 Town of Vail Community Development Staff 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Construction of Skier Underpass Across "Cascade Way" Return Trail, Cascade Village To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of the Vail Cascade Hotel and Ctub to express support of the construction of a skier underpass by Tim Pennington, which will facilitate skier traffic on the Cascade Way return ski trail, speeifically across lot #39. I can be reached at 479-7033 should vou wish to discuss this matter further. Managing Director Vail Cascade Hotel and Club o I 13OO Westhaven Drive . Vai[, Colorado 81657 . 970.476.7111 Fax g7A.47g.7A25 . lnternet: hll}i/lvail.netJcascadehotel March L3, L997 Town of Vail Community Development Staff 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 8i657 RE; Construction of Skier Uuderpass Across "Cascade Way' Return Trail, Cascade Village To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of the Cascade Village Metropolitan District to express support of the construction of a skier underpass by Tim pgnnington, which will facilitate skier traffic on the Cascade Way renrrn ski trail, specifically across Lot #39. Sincerely, ilnffi* /JolllLobre President Cascade Village Metropolitan District clo 333 Logan, Suite f2O3 Denver, CO 80203 (303) 733-0330 Philip A. Odeen 1380 Westhaven Circle Vail, CO 81657 May 14, 1997 Mr. Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Amendment to SDD No.4 Construction of Skier Underpass, Lot 39-1, Glen Lyon Subdivision Dear Mr. Mauriello: I am a homeowner in Glen Lyon at 1380 Westhaven Circle. lwould like to express support for the construction of a skier underpass by Tim Pennington. lt will facilitate skier traffic on the Cascade Way return ski trail, specifically across lot #39-1, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Sincerely,(v or** 04/Zl/$7 1{:33 FAX 310 Cl2 1868 SEGIE/BRENTWOOD I @ 003 April 23, 1997 Dominic F. Mautctlo, AICP Town Plenlet To*nof Vail ?5 South Fmutagc Road Vail, CO E1657 Re: Anrcndncnt to SDD No' 4 consr.rction of Skicr Undcrpass. Lot 39.1, olen Lyon Subdivision Dear Mr. lvlawiPllo: I arn wdting ths letter as s h6ns q\r'nd t" on" tt""*;:nsut;"ilm1gfrrgtt|; *.consfitrction of a rticr undcrpnss by Tim Penningt'on' i*."n. Way return ski trail, specihcaily across lot #39-i, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Sincecly, 1nc74- r/ad (Addrcss) nltur irbq ,t'ornraru a frnoHfi;t i6^*,trtr,r{ of {t'*r hm nnturt addrtm: [Ulaodl^obu IdM.illaa) Otl+l BUStNESS DEVEI.OPME GROUP t NI 1O5O 17TH STRF,ET ST]ITE 1600 DENVER, COI-ORADO 80265 303-5c)i-9955 FAx 3a3-a93-5947 ljx Mayle,lee7 Mr. Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Plarurer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vall,CO 87657 RE: Amendment to SDD No. 4 Construction of Skier Underpass, Lot39-I, Glen Lyon Subdivision Dear Mr. Mauriello: I am writing this letter as a homeowner in Glen Lyon (1320 Greenhill Court-West) to express support of the construction of a skier underpass by Tim Pennington, which will facilitate skier fiaffic on the Cascade Way return ski trail, specifically across lot #39-1, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Mailing address: 699 Soda Creek Drive Evergreen,CO 80435 cc. ]ohnlohre JMH:gg 04/21157 l{:tz FAI 3 1868 April23, 1997 Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planse( TovrnofVail 75 Soutb Frcntage Road Vail, CO E1557 l0 312I SEGIIE/DRENTWOOD @ oot trrt Rs: Ancndnentto SDD No. a . ' Const*ctionofSkierUndcrpass,Ilot3g-l,GlenLyonSuuMsion Deer Mr. lvlawisllo: I am wdting thic letter as a honrc owner in Glcn Lyoa L9t ---9 "I.p*s support of tte .""rt"r"tl"i "ta skier urdcrpcs by Tim Penninglon, which wilt facilitate skier traffic on the ;-*r.d. t ;y;efim ski rr.il;sFcci*cally across lot #39-1, Olen Lyon $'bdivisist. r ot ^^"NF..\t \ \ r ' - rrf,l! ^'$t' 'r\\\F \c.r.z% , P.61 FRon i fo: ffi,: FA ott l*tL E ARt 6ar.ru$ 11O - 4?q - e+ 58,re Aeetr' 2\, ltl? futf arsrtoN : -Dott'mlg F' l'trrvBteLlg NU?raF{g qF fi}]6a' i 3 ruriu -ft+'tg AG''AEE : 4 tt: Arthur L Gould Jr. rsrf tfftp|||.|nfff r@ t*+t' JtsE ftrd h.tt,(|kJl' t-fl ll?ef (:.15) "ta-l{rrl F*lt (r4) .'{ al * lOOq fRANSrtltlraq r TburN ftANhreR #*fu+fury&:4 4/,,e,,4#, 4 4 {-"a&h i .t* #marr'ro,* ft p,t*i"f,H, {r!"a6tp. .a;fr4**e*r rh fu,;,r* rt,fr*ai,..nilt il'- rill^lL -d'-;e4 r;ft- i n*r^.n fitt t? o- a;lcybt+ 4f,,'ii14*eA7*l**7, tntru.t,#LfN"Ur- & d**rxr-.{nll3 h.1gnt- L t ";&, X ft, ea'tu)li^& :fffi ru_ # E l4+*t f f:' 4'y2'at*l&.- ilt*-*,r.^+ 4"&n fi. l:tprb e, Tirte ,D fu rtw i-#*fiFtncul|,* P. A2 ,.f\*tl $r 1g6rFlrl||lli ftni 2t,',1t LJt*-!.;:-. "' gq$a!trt.9lsN$tlligt€ir Illrt cilvrrr'fr!" 31tr lhf lf'g! d'y a! lu$'----' ' lt&' tr 'til o*' tO*tt'tocliTt6' r lhodr rrl'Fd Ltltli'd f$ttrrrhlP a'o*to'I"-t? tLlBc'n|rr 8cAttnDuctt llllsoN (*srrntet") ' gItBEfEEIE'. cr'n3or ' 'o' lti*ott csnrltl+tqrton ' ghe rccclpt nnd rutflcl'nst of vhtch rr! lorcby agknoule rlg'erl ' doet lrclcby rrclI ;rnrl Go$!'cy to qarnlcc t nont*'l""iug ' po"pr:rual cl6tFsrrl nnd ri':h: rrf t,.y al'Gt. tctots rrid ihro{h thc rF{rl ?rsp$rL:v rjr'lcribt'rt cn i:shi}it i' I eftrct'ed hctogs Bnd mode I Part lrcserrf foi u$c $i it r"ndw$y [h!'f']- ' -pa" irowlding .,'chicutar lntl lrcdosgrlatl i{c$*s5 tu rlrc rr'ni $r(rnr(L"' deserlbrd on gxhltit I rt?'chgd tlsrero eod n*de I Farr irer*of ' tO HA\T ' AilD T0 I|OLD said ca*ernetrt and rir'hr {}f {ry $nco GrantEe and hcr hdir$' P'tconal ren rs renta r' ives and r*gi$ns' Tl\c elscmcnt het€by t(qnc€d : h4I1 frtn uiih tho lend an<l rlrall hc ;rpprtt'' cenanc to ihc lend dsrcr" bed on Er<hib i l' !l' such that I'trlirpfcr cf le6,al ticlc Eo all or an;': porelon of $uch litrd 'he'i eutottr!''icAlli Erenffcr F Propo(tionrtg; tn!'rcsg in Lhi6 siscr:|eni ' $1'fitee I by hG: lccepEsnce o[ thie conveyatlc* ' nc]no|,lcdF'c$ EhaE !h{r €egeln;fic t*' "ut}t"* !o the iollouittg l'etrls gnd corrdili'otls' (f) O$€-thlfd of att Fq$:o cod erpense4 reqrrircd to tr|sinteio' lupJi', end k€Gp ill g'qod ordor lrd n?itcx('rlr|':'! 4ni' 'io$ L' :t c!rrl:;i nuCi I'rl Li|r the etc?$enL rir;ll b; ''l:: 'nl" rr!suritt*lbilll'i of (i+irti t:'""r::"l sl:'rll be paid by Grrntcei (b) Clic tv'irEcF"!!l' t'tatri'"J hcr'!'irt slt'rl I : r'flri:t rt I' auuora4ticslly rrpon lhe i'FProPrtJ''9 l':o!'crnr:{lrr Jl 'ru:'itirr ii ".'i''ir'"ilt'' r hrj tr{|t tro:rf L:' rl, 'J ,s" ) f;;-d'iir l;t'n"' s't A I i: ot' l:llo:rl: I lilJli:r Gor:rdr t)]' tB0vt Dl:l:([ ....i. .:'1"': - ' . i' r: i"f':lr :' :: ': :" Li|tli tdtl f trLeitrtrrliiir ' .; i.i i'','; :" : ' .' :.r . )) rs. ) {!!J ,rf 1:il.i1 ',,r.t11' irlco 'i:r€ {P)ur - v?'Ji- ,t.ii i:i. cor,$i s 5 (or' cxlri*-;"---"*'-. :iliilu$9 rry 'i" lri'! alrrl rrI::'il'r' r'1ii I P. 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Ccanr rrnceot Lthr l|.il.lB drsrd Jutr lt - lt ZL,_llI q0!E crlll rlEllltf fffii.r.IU.Lt taa t rrnfaahtD. to |ltlgtilT|euumt Buril.) flUII.A ll}!ll, r:rri.nqi t t't t 4!l -'ri ' : I ol lrd ldrr$l rlttdu lotr ler {o flc {l c'f tllF :,1.1.1sl H d* F t _ ... -, .!-.t .qs,(ty .'t t6;dlo, Lllora['+i,iiS# il ffi;;*;; cr ?'rtr ct,'rtY ot r('{ro' Llror''|ro i' I filir.r r {cr=at ;;;:L;::.-:li"::,:i;.#:,[:T.Tl;'.., .:ti -S;Tli]Ir" r.o-ro, Er' l"rtl+,hrli'' 'trtrsrit'.'rt rr f.'llo$rr r'rnr,q ft thr llltthas!{ f{'r4"r 'rf *rr $$t rtf th'r flirb ttl :irtclittn llf fwi.|ifp 5 looihr frn'le tt ltstt' ( f tlx' ('lh ltrlnciltll "'riili'rt|r 'irrn of " Ytllr 6sr||t? of D*!h ' ctslot'do ' thc tfiL:f, rot:lf "f IrFct iltltf! t'|('rtq.|t "r nl lcr at' x.lott? s€'l lltc ol srtd "a'il o{ t!'e ;11:11 rrf r';rir' lr'qtiolr lf, nl|'t nlrllt't tlF f,Ft tou$htT of r'ld AltL:;Etp ' tl'i't (ir'i:i l'lfli:l 'il'll1,Irii'ri:::' 'l ''i$tillc(' 'r! ?56.5{ fcct to r iglnl qn rr errrc tltr"&'i: 'tlr)r|,t 'r (:'.'r(L' !o "i:* l"tg irr:ri 'rl!'tr': t$o irotuh bour'igr}'ot tt*:r'i"l.r'u '''1;1"' r'rt'i n:r"'' lt'r"'ir' t n rr';ii:" 'i' r"" 'l ttd .r ccntr'rl 'rnrll! nt ;;rt :'i' 'l t 'r!l n!5 ifilrtr';::'r r"i "i't''l !'':r'' l:"4ri'; U oo9 lO, .1.;.. ii r.lirt.$!dc gf "tf.i'! lr'tr lcl | !i''' i:'rrli"! r' ]' t ''+ ;nrl'i: "" ' trlnrm t !0o a3r tt'f r'af'trntr of lo'ot fr:t lp :hc t'Ifi:s l€t:f of ifcrll::tr:ti' :fifiHm;*- recordlng, te. lhr rccord*d PORTIOII OF sEcTloil '-Lisl -{)'y '1 tY' '' , AMENDED DLAT GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION :"orvlrsHlP 6 SOU'H, nAfl$E EtWEgT, 6TH PRINCIPLE 'r'oiili oF-vAtL, coultlrY 0F EA6LE' STATE'OF COLORADO ' gH6ET I oF 2 l-r|- tiil ..1,'..t. ,:. aPpqgYtL.flr F'il iirii ::il##.lffi Sr.inildtil :' . i;."i;J'"o,--iiii. i'r' rr rr'' *'^'' ,.!. , t rD F.t- -"?-g-D4t .9:J'!,:r:.{--. r'.?.|-.'!hfus!'.* *ffis,|fu#J- irrtrtarrafC|ffl{t .{llt.,rt APPR ., 11 ,!1 'rrt. I,-. ._).Jr- -'::t;- APP n r. ...r,., l, t l .(!nL I *i *" crrs' r{t'r*|Nrr 1.1* .ilUtr ot'GeFF_,r '1"{" ,,{i,h, r srl/yy+l _ _ arrar.t tlr! lrrruca.arc at+(e,lli.l l!|lJ tlr- rclkrrl.lxr'r't ii';"1 ii S'il#s&idttf{t"ion., l"'ii ;,'xrtlliltC Gmourltr, , artur$Jr| !..{.ln tllr{'i .l:'r, rulrrllCt a. !tn, rl a'Jtutlr l, Iit I. laa r:"{l(r.r.. raaaalrtgi. I qrrrud arlJn lr rr'r|l r'^trt r lrrrrf' ilii,'*'|.' $.\4{ry' u^t " "'I Fttsndro Er trtct J atrrfu$.LrOtvltlfl. .. .: titffsffif ASSOCIATES,II(C :.' . -i ..b.!.fr"'.r!g tV ttr,'rh zo;f V tllo Ale April30,1997 Mr. Dominic F. Mauriello. AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West, Suite 105 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Construction of "Cascade Way" Skier Bridge - Cascade Village Dear Mr. Mauriello: With the application and town approval process underway for the development of Mr. Pennington's GIen Lyon lot #39,I would like to take this opportunity to adamantlv express support of construptron of the proposed skier bridge across Mr. Pennington's lot, which would allow skiers the convenience of returning to Cascade Village via the Cascade Way return ski trail (formerly known as the "Westin IIo" trail), as opposed to their being exposed to tlte inconvenience of downloading on Chair 20 or having to ride a shuttle ftom Vail Village or Lionshead. I am communicating this to you on behalf of the Vail Cascade Hotel and Club, the Vail Cascade Club and those homeowners represented by Vail Cascade Condominiurns. The negative economic impact of not having access to the ski trail would be tremendous to not only our hotel and our fitness and spa facility, but would also be received vety negatively by the sixty condominium owners within the Liftside, Millrace, Coldstream, Cascades otr Gore Creek, CMC Penthouses and Parkside Vitlas complexes who rent their units. The same negative perspectives would be shared by the five current owners of rental homes whom we represent within Glen Lyon (the Stephans, Dunnings,Willamans, Karlins and Cohens), along with another Coldstream homeowner, who is in the process of purchasing two homes within Glen Lyon with the expectation of renting their homes and having access to a retum ski trail. Property values would undoubtedly be negatively impacted throughout Cascade Village. The appeal of the Vail Cascade Hotel and Club, which has become positioned in the markelplace and is advertised as "Vail's Only AAA Four Diamond Ski In/Ski Out Hotel', would be significantly compromised and our resort would be exposed to a loss of business should the skier bridge not be built, negating return access to the village via a return ski trail. As well, those Cascade Village coodominium and home owners referenced above will be negatively impacted not only from a convenience standpoint, but also economically. Some may argue that downloading on Chair 20 may be a viable option to a return trail, but our position, based upon comruunication from our customers and those homeowners whom we represent, is that lack of a return ski trail would create a disincentive to stay in Cascade Village as opposed to other alternatives. 13OO Westhaven Drive . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 970.476.7'| 11 Fax 97O.479.7c25 .Internet: http://vail. net/cascadehotel It is our feeling that both the accessibility provided to the mountain by the existence ofChair 20 and the convenient return capability provided by the return skier trail, both ofwhich have been enjoyed by visitors and residents alike over the years, should be preserved into the future. Resolving to build the skier bridge will play a meaningful role in accomplishing this. The Vail Cascade Hotel and Club represents more than 30To of the assessed property value within the Cascade Village Metropolitan District. The hotel contributed $587,000 to the Town of Vail in 1996 sales tax revenue. Significant additional sales tax revenue was generated by our Vail Cascade Condominium operation. The hotel also contributed $570,000 in Eagle County property taxes in 1996, of which $238,000 was passed tlrough to the Town of Vail. We feel that our contributions to the local community and the Town of Vail are significant and that our interest in presewing the return trail is shared by the majority of property owners within Cascade Village. Our hope is that our position of support on this issue will be given appropriate consideration during the approval process which Mr. Pennington is pursuing. Managrng Director Vail Cascade Hotel and Club Arthur L. Gould TICEI{SED PROFESSIO'IAT EIIGIIIEER 1OO IEST S}IORE ROAD HUilTil{GTOil, ltEt YORK 11743 (s 16)427- 3444 FAX: (516)427-0009 Mr. Dminic F. Mquriello, AICP Town Plonner 75 South Frontoge Rood Voil, Colorodo 81657 April ?4, IW7 Re: Proposed Skier Underposs Applicant: Mr. Pennington Deor Mr. Mouriello, After reoding your letter of April 21, L997, concerning design of the skier underposs, I decided to dust off the old drawing boord ond try my hond ot q new design using s fresh opprooch to the problem. The result wos surpri.sing. ilot only con the owners of Lot 39 hove full occess to their property consistent with skier sofety, but it csn be acconplished with for less qdverse visuol, environnnntol ond economic inpoct. The cost sovings would be substantiol. I m enclosing my desi.gn for "A Grode Separoted Skiwoy ond Access to Lot 39" for you to review. This design hos the following odvontoges ovqr the desi.gn being presently considered t. It proposes o modest, greotly scoled down ond less massive structure. Insteod of sitting up higrh over the slope, thi.s underpass ts settled into the hill. The downhill portol os viewed from ttrc hotel ond highwoy wtll oppecrr os merely on opening in the slope. It could be surrounded with eorth ond lundscoped so os to be hordly noticeqble. This gbtton opposes q structure which rises to os nuch os 25 feet obove the slope with concrete retoining structures stretching to o distonce of 150 feet qcross the slope i.n on eost-west direction, o11 in cleor view of the highroy, hotel ond nearby residents. Insteod of the 1661 squore feet of verti.col wall surfoce shown on opplicont's sheet #4, there would be no verticol wall crossing the slope at ol1. The only verticol wolls would be hidden belon, facing eoch other in the underpass. 7.. All of the criteriq estqbli,shed by Vail Associqtes ore complied with. The skier underposs hos o verticol cleoronce of L4'-O" ond q horizontol clearonce between qbutments of 75'-Q."If Voil Associotes u,ere to lesson ony of these requiranents the project could be scqled down even further. In this design it is not essentiol. for them to do so. 3. Becouse oll four ends of the crossover for both roadwoy ond skiwoy, begin ond end ot existing grode elevotions, (See note !'t,lEETS EXISTING" on drovring)there is minimql regroding ond disturbonce to oreqs outside the structure itself. This lends no disturbonce to Town of Voil Strecrn Troct, no necessory disturbonce to US Forest Servtce Lond or odjocent property including the 2O' wide occess eosenent. 4. A11 of the underposs structure ond reloted work is contoined on Lot 39 lond owned by the oppti.cont. There is no need to buitd qn elevoted roo&voy on the ?O ft occess eossnent in front of odjocent property owner's homes. Nor is thene c need to buitd permonent concrete structures on the 20 foot sccess essement. 5. No trees hove to be cut down or destroyed on neighboring Lot &. 6. There is fon less visucl inpoct to the residents on Lot 40 ond for less loss in economic volue thon if the subnitted design were buitt. 7. The electric tronsformer box no longer hos to be relocated further into the lond betongtng to Lot 4O in view from the residents' living rodil. Becquse no elevotion of the 20ft occess eqsenent is necessory in this destgn, the trqnsforrnr con remqin on the northerly property line of Lot 4O ond only needs to be shifted E few feet lqterolly in order to cleor the occess rood. 8. The existing volve house ond Vail Associote's snow moking focilities would now not be in the woy of the underposs structure ond probobly won't hove to be relocoted. 9. The submitted design results in the possibility that the applicont cwld now odd to ttre squore footoge of his lot by recloiming the qreo noted on the drowing os "Vscqtion of Skiwoy Eossnent.'I on not certoin os to whether or not ony oction tqken on this would be oppropriote. LO. All skiwoy slopes ore ot leost as gentle os oniginolly proposed. The slope exiting the underposs hss less incline, which will slow the skiers down, giving thern rpre control os they opproach the nqrrow pedestrian bridge crossing the river. 11. As on odded feoture, why not consider this? The roadnoy spon over the skiway could be conposed of structurol highwoy groting. This would allow both doylight ord snowfoll to enter noturol.ly onto the ski surfoce below. L?. OF course, if the qppli,cont were to linrit the number of uni.ts he wishes to yield from his lord qnd the roadnay width were ollmed to be reduced to 12 feet, the whole design qnd resultont construction cost could be scoled bsck even further. The enclosed drowing is preliminory at this stoge. 0bviously, tt requires further developnrent os to detoils, verificotion of existi,rtg elevotions, input from goverrment outhori.ties, etc. But, ono thing is now cleor. This design concept twr|rc ond it is more benefici.ol for evepyone involved: The Torn of Voil, th€ skiers, Voil Associotes, residents of Coscode Village, odjoining property orners, Voil residents who hsve to look qt it, the US Forest Service Lands, the hotel, the ouyner of Lot 39 wrd last but not leost, the environnent. This design resolves o11 the corrcerns enuneroted in yorr letter of April 21,, LW7. Plecse let me hove your thougthts os soon trs you hctre a ctronce. Verv Trulv Yours.oH-z fru'e?Arthur L Gonld, PE STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF' APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 I. INTRODUCTION Applicant, Hagopian & Pennington LLC, is requesting approval of an amendment to SDD No. 4, commonly known as Glen Lyon Subdivision, as it affects l.ots 39-1 and 39-2 of said Subdivision. Applicant's request involves two separate issues which, for the sake of economies in the review and approval processes, are presented together. First, Applicant is seeking approval ofthe design and construction of a skier underpass to be located on Lot 39-1 . Applicant's position is that the skier underpass requires a minor amendment to SDD No. 4. Second, Applicant is seeking clarification that the Town of Vail GRFA and height restrictions apply to Lots 39-1 and39-2. Applicant contends that no amendment to SDD No. 4 is necessary to impose Town of Vail GRFA and height restrictions on Lots 39-l and 39-2. However, Applicant proposes that the amendment to SDD No. 4 regarding the skier underpass also clarify that Town of Vail GRFA regulations apply to Lots 39-1 and 39-2. II. SKIER UNDERPASS Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are vacant lots located at the easlern end of Glen Lyon Subdivision and are bounded on the south by U.S. Forest Service properfy and on the north by a Town of Vail streamside tract and the bikepath along Gore Creek. A ski trail easement, the Cascade Way Ski Trail (formerly Westin Ho Ski Trail), crosses Lot 39-1, providing skier access from Vail Mountain to Cascade Village and Glen Lyon Subdivision. The location and lay of Lots 39-1 and 39-2 dictate that tlre driveway providing access to l,ots 39-1 and 39-2 must cross the ski trail. Vail Associates, Inc. ("VA") insists that a driveway across the ski trail easement is incompatible with the safe use of the ski trail by skiers. Thus, Applicant has engaged Design Workshop and Alpine Engineering to design a skier underpass, with the driveway to Lots 39-1 and 39-2 passing over the ski trail. Applicant has an agreement with VA regarding the underpass design and the regrading of the ski trail to accommodate VA's needs, including a safe gradient, relocated snowmaking facilities, and a height and width sufficient for VA's snow grooming and maintenance equipment to pass through the underpass and access its snowmaking pumphouse upstream on Gore Creek. (See copy of Agreement entered into with VA atkched hereto as Exhibit A.) VA has also obtained the verbal approval of the underpass by the U.S. Forest Service. VA will submit to the U.S. Forest Service an application for a grading permit for the regrading of the ski trail in VA's general 1997 summer construction permit. In connection with the skier underpass, various utility easements will be relocated, and Applicant is in the process of obtaining utility company approvals. (See letters from Alpine Engineering, Inc. and Holy Cross Electric Association attached hereto as Exhibit B.) Additionally, Applicant has the support of Vail Cascade Hotel and Club, Cascade Village Association and Cascade Metropolitan District in connection with the skier underpass. (See supporting letters attached hereto as Exhibits C, D and E.) Applicanr contends the skier underpass requires only a minor amendment to SDD No. 4. Section 18.40.020, subparts B and C provide in pertinent part as follows: B. "Minor amendment (skff review)" means modifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special development district, and are consistent with the design criteria of this Chapter. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, ...changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the Special Development District;... C. "Major amendment (PEC and/or council review)" means any proposal to change uses... Ints 39-1 and 39-2 are located within Area C of SDD no. 4. (Apparently, there is some question by Town staff as to whether Lots 39-1 and39-2 are included within Area C, because area C is denominated "Glen Lyon Duplex Lots" (emphasis added) and Lots 39-1 and 39-2 arc in fact Single Family lots, not Duplex lots, This issue is addressed in part III of this Statement. For purposes of the skier underpass application, Applicant is presuming Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are located within Area C of SDD No. 4.) Section 18.46.050 of the ordinance governing SDD No. 4 lists Single Family and Two-family dwellings as permitted uses in Area C. Section 18.46.070 governing Accessory Uses within Area C permits "...uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. " The purpose of the skier underpass is to accommodate skiers that would otherwise have to cross the driveway to Lots 39-1 and 39-2. Since it is customary to separate skier traffic from vehicular traffic, the skier underpass is a use "customarily incidental and accessory" to the driveway. Obviously, for safety reasons, the skier underpass passing under the driveway is "necessary for the operation thereof". Thus, the skier underpass fits within the definition of a minor amendment. Since there is already a ski trail existing and the ski trail will remain in the same location, the proposed skier underpass is not a "proposal to change uses" that would require a major amendment to the SDD. III. GRFA AND HEIGHT LIMITATIONS To understand Applicant's position that Town of Vail GRFA and height limitations already apply to Lots 39-1 and 39-2, it is necessary to track the history of the two Lots. The protective covenants for Glen Lyon Subdivision were recorded in April, 1978. At that time, Lots 39-1 and 39-2 were combined in a single lot, designated l,ot 39. Lot 39 consisted of 2.4853 acres and was the largest residential lot in Glen Lyon. In fact, Lot 39 was almost two and one-half times larger than the second largest residential lot in Glen Lyon, and five times larger than a majority of the residential lots in Glen Lyon. ln 1982, Resolution Number 10, Series of 1982 ("Resolution No. 10") was approved by Town Council, resubdividing l,ot 39 into two Single Family lots, Lot 39-1, consisting of 1.2353 acres and l.rir39-2, consisting of 1.2500 acres. Even after the resubdivision, Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are the two largest lots in Glen Lyon. (There is a question of fact as to the exact acreage of Lot 39. One survey shows the acreage as 2.264 acres. The plat and the covenants shows the acreage as 2.4853 acres. For purposes of this application, the discrepancy of .2213 acre is not material.) Resolution No. 10 from 1982 which divides Lot 39 into two lots also provides the maximum height for buildings on the two lots is limited to 25 feet and the maximum allowable GRFA is 3,100 square feet for each lot. Resolution No. 10 states t}rat the lot "possesses characteristics making it appropriate for two single family structures of a high qualtty, low rise nature" and that "the owner of Lot 39 and the developer of Glen Lyon Subdivision agreed to the conditions and limitations placed upon the division of l,ot 39 into two separate lots. " No other reasons for the limitations are given. Resolution No. 10 mentions a "Master Development Plan" for Lot 39 which might explain the specific restrictions placed on the l,ot at that time. However, no such Master Development Plan for Lot 39 was ever implemented, Furthermore, the Town's file on Lots 39-1 and 39-2 contains no information regarding the history of the zubdivision of Lot 39 into two lots, the Master Development Plan for Lot 39 or any other information in support of the GRFA and height restrictions set forth in Resolution No. 10. In May, 1990, the protective covenants of Glen Lyon Subdivision (the "Glen Lyon Covenants") were amended by the written consent of more than11% of the owners of the Glen Lyon Subdivision, as required under such covenants. The sole purpose ofthe 1990 amendment to the Glen Lyon Covenants (the "Amendment") was to delete the more restrictive Glen Lyon GRFA covenant, thus allowing the more liberal Town of Vail GRFA restrictions to govem all lots within Glen Lyon SuMivision. In fact, Lots 39-1 and 39-2 (then designated 39 (A) and 39 (B)) are specifically identified in the Amendment as lots to which the GRFA increase applies. Thus, the Glen Lyon home owners' intent to increase the GRFA allowable to lrts 39-L and39-2 is clear. In June, 1990, shortly after the Glen Lyon Covenants were amended, a majority of property owners within Area C of Glen Lyon Subdivision of SDD No. 4 proposed an amendment to the ordinance governing SDD No. 4 to delete the more restrictive Glen Lyon GRFA restriction that was still reflected in said ordinance. As a result of the pefition by Area C properfy owners, Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1990 ("Ordinance No. 20") was passed by Town Council eliminating the Glen Lyon covenant that had limited GRFA on lots within Area C to 4,200 square feet. Despite the clear intention of Glen Lyon homeowners to increase the GRFA available to Lots 39-1 and 39-2 as evidenced in the Amendment to the Glen Lyon Covenants, no specific mention of Lots 39-l and 39-2 was made in Ordinance No. 20. Town staff has recenfly taken the position that Ordinance No, 20 does not cover Lots 39-1 and 39-2 because they are Singte Family lots, not Duplex lots. However, an analysis of the ordinances governing SDD No. 4 shows that [,ots 39-1 and 39-2 were not intended to be excluded from Area C of SDD No. 4 based on the reference to "Duplex lots" and the failure to mention "single Family" Iots. First, there is no Area in SDD No. 4 designated "Shgle Family." In fact, the four categories within SDD No. 4 are: Cascade Village (Development Area A), Coldstream Condominiums (Development Area B), Glen Lyon Duplex Lots (Development Area C) and Glen Lyon Commercial Site (Development Area D). Therefore, Area C is the only category in which Lots 39-1 and 39-2 could be included. Section 18.46.050 of the ordinance governing SDD No. 4 permits Single Family as well as Two-family dwellings in Area C. Applicant contends the reference in the title to "Duplex l-ots" is not intended to exclude Lots 39-1 and39-2 from SDD No. 4 based upon their classification as Single Family lots. It was more likely an oversight that Area C is referred to as "Duplex Lots" and that Single Family Ints 39-1 and 39-2 are not specifically mentioned. Second, at least since 1982, Lots 39-1 and.39-2 have beenconsidered by the Townto be part of SDD No. 4. For example, in order to subdivide Lnt 39 into two lots, Resolution No. 10 from 1982 specifically amended SDD No. 4. Nonetheless, Town Staff now differentiates Lots 39-1 and,39-2 from all other residential lots in Glen Lyon, saying Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are not intended to fall within the classification "Duplex Lots" found in SDD No. 4, because Resolution No, 10 from 1982 approved the division of Lot 39 into fwo Single Family lots. A logical conclusion from Staff's position would be that Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are not governed by SDD No. 4, because Single Family lots are not included within Area C goveming only "Duplex I-ots". If, as staff contends, Lots 39-l and 39-2 are not included in the term "Duplex Lots", as used in the ordinances adopting and amending SDD No. 4, then such Lots are not included at all within SDD No. 4, and no amendment to SDD No. 4 should be required to approve the skier underpass. However, Town Staff has determined that the skier underpass described in Part II above requires an amendment to SDD No. 4, because Lots 39-l and 39-2 are included within said SDD. Town Staff's treatrnent of Lots 39-1 and 39-2 with regard to the skier underpass is inconsistent with Staff's treaffnent of lots 39-1 and 39-2 with regard to GRFA and height limitations. IV. CONCLUSION The inconsistent positions taken by Saff with regard to Lots 39-1 and 39-2 can best be resolved as follows: Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are part of Area C of SDD No. 4; GRFA and height limitations for Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are governed by standard Town of Vail requirernents for Single Family lots, just as all other residential lots within Glen Lyon Subdivision are govemed by Town requirements; a minor amendment to SDD No. 4 is required only as to the skier underpass, which is addressed in part II of this Statement; and such minor amendment to SDD No. 4 should also clarify that Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are governed by Town of Vail GRFA and height limitations for Single Family lots. I AGREEMENT REGARDING SKIER T]T\DERPASS This Agreement is entered into by and between Hagopian & psnnington LIf , a Delaware limited lia}gity comparry (ilfef';, and Vail Associat€s, Inc., a Colorado corporation ("VAu), as of the f' day ot Uclz b er , 1996, with reference to the following facts: RECITAIJ A. VA is the owner and operator of Vail Mountain in Vail, Colorado. B. The Cascade rffay Ski Trail (the "Ski Trail") provides slcier egress from Vail Mountain to Cascade Village, the Vail Cascade Hotel and Club (formerly the Westin Hotel, Vail) and Glen Lyon Subdivision in Vail. C. H&P is the owner of Lot 39-1 Lat39-2, a Resubdivision of [.ot 39, Glen Lyon Subdivision, Vail, Colorado (Lots 39-1 and 39-2 arc collectively referred to herein as "Lot 39'). The Ski Trail crosses Lot 39 on its way to Cascade Village, the Vail Cascade Hotel and Club, and Glen Lyon Subdivision. D. H&P and Andrew D. Norris, III, a former co-owner of Lot 39, executed a Conveyance of Easement dated August 23, t984 and recorded September 28,1984 in Book 395 at Page 935 ofthe records ofthe Clerk and Recorder ofEagle County, Colorado, conveying to VA a 100-foot wide , nonexclusive, perpefiral easement and right-of-way across a portion of Lot 39, for any use reasorably related to skiing activities on Vail Mountain (the "Ski Trail Easement"). The Ski Trail lies within the Ski Trail Easement where it crosses Lot 39. The Ski Trail Easement is depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. E. The Ski Trail Easement provides that VA shall defend and save H&P, its successors and assigns, harmless from and against all liability or loss for injuries to or death of persons or damage to the Ski Trail Easement or Lot 39 caused by any act or use of the Ski Trail Easement by VA or anyone using the Ski Trail Easement pursuant to the Conveyance of Easement. F. [t is contemplated that one or more residences will in the future be constructed on Lot 39. A driveway providing access to any residence located on Lot 39 will necessarily cross the Ski Trail Ea,sement. G. VA desires that skiers be separated from vehicles and that a skier underpass (the "Skier Underpass") be consfflcted so that skiers using the Ski Trail Easement will pass under the driveway rather than crossing it on-grade. H. The portion of the Ski Trail Easement that is maintained by VA for the Ski Trail is less than the Easement granted. VA has agreed to vacate a portion of the Ski Trail Easemeut in order to nanow the Easement, but the exact width of the Easement will be determined after redesign of the Ski Trail Easement based on as-built plans. EXHIBIT o -1- I. The parties have the coslmon desire to foster cooperation, including the sharing of costs of designing, conshrcting, maintaining and operating the Skier Underpass, and rhe driveway to Lot 39, among the Vail Cascade Hotel and Club, Cascade Village Associarion (an association of propeay owners in Cascade Village), Cascade Village Meuopoliun District (a Metropolitan Service District) and certain other people and entities which benefit from the Ski Trail. J. By Conveyance of Easement dated August 30, 1984 and recorded January 24, 1985 in Book 405 at Page 580 of the records of Eagte Counry, Colorado, H&P, arnong others, granted to VA a nonexclusive perpenral easement and right-of-way across a portion of Lot 39 for purposes of ingress and egress to a pump house facility located on Gore Creek, upstream ftom Lot 39 (the "hrmphouse Easement"). Although unrelated to the Ski Trail Easemenr, the parties desire to clarify in this document their agreemeru wfth respecr to said Pumphouse Easement. NOW THEREFORE, in considention of the foregoing prcmises and for good and valuable cousideration, dre parties hereby agree as follows: I. SKIER LNDERPASS 1. H&P has the right to cause to be constructed the Skier Underpass with a driveway crossing over the Skier Underpass. H&P shall determine &e time of commencement of construction of the Skier Underpass upon consent of VA, which consent shalt nor be unreasonably withheld. The Skier Uoderpass } zspli!!t llowlg approximate dimcnsions :(^Pwidth: Length: Height: 20-22 feet 12-14 feet Nonri&sunding the foregoing, the final dimensions of thc Skier Underpass shatl be subject to VA's approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, with the objective of minirnizitrg the size of the Skier Underpass while accomnodaring VA's needs. 2. H&P will puntue architecnral and engineering senrices in connection with the design of the Skier Underpass and will deliver the plans to VA for approval. VA's approval shall not be unreasonably withheld- When H&P and VA bave agreed upon the architectunl and engirnering plans, said plans shall be submitted by H&P to the Town of Vail for is approval. VA hereby agrees to cooperate fully with H&P in e!6ining Town of Vail approvat, including joining with H&P in zubmiaing the proposed project, if deemed by H&P to be necessary, and sending a representative of VA to meetings and./or hearings to suppon the submittal, inctuding, but not limited to, an amendment to Spccial Development District rYo. 4, Area C, within which Lot 39 is located, if neccssary, and any wall height variances which may be oeeded. It is conremplated that the costs and expenses in connection with the design, constnrcdon and n o maintenarce of the Skier Underpass will be allocated among the beriefitie/A#dhi';; cost sharing agreement to be entered into by and arnong H&P, Vail Cascade Hotel Cascade Village Association, Cascade Village Metopoliun District and&y oner CIub, fu,f entities who benefit from the Ski Trail; VA hereby agrces to cooperab with H&P to obain cooperation and financial comrnitnent of thc other entities to the design, construction maintenance of the Skier Underpass. The contracts with the architects and engineers (rhe "Professionals") hired n design the Skier Underpass shall provide that the Professionals be required to mairuain, at their own cost and expense, Professional Liabiliry Insurance co claims arising out of enors and omissions of said Professionals and any subconuacrors of said Professionals in relation to the design of the Skier Urderpass in the sum of at least $1,000,000.00, which inzurance policy shall include full prior acts coverage under a claims made policy. Such insurance shall provide that VA and H&P, heir successors and assigns, and encities involved in the sbaring of the costs of the Skier Underpass, are endtled ro coverage under zuch potiry and that proof of such insurance satisfactory to II&P and VA shall be detivered to H&P and VA prior to execution of the contracts with said Pmfessionals and upon request during the terms of tbe contracE. 3. VA hercby agrces to cooperate and work closely with the Professionals in connecdon with the redesign and regrading of the Ski Trail, both where it crosses Lor 39 and above and below Lot 39. The final design of the Skier Underpass shall be subject to the approval of H&P and VA, which approvals shall not be urueasonabiy witbleld. VA hereby agrees to use its best efforts ro obain any permits or approvals which may be required by the Forest Service to redesign and regrade the Ski Traii in connection with the Skier Underpass where ic crosses Forest Service propeily. VA agrees to describe in VA's slunmer operating plan for 1997, or upon sufficient prior notice of H&P a[ such later date as H&P may determine to be appropriate, the work to be performed in connection with the redesign and constnrction of the Ski Tnil and Skier Underpass. 4. VA hereby agrees and acknowledges that the indemnification provided by VA to II&P in the Ski Trail Easement shall extend to and include the use of the Skier Underpass and the regraded Ski Trait within the Ski Tmil Easement, including injuries to or death of persons or damage to the Skier Underpass caused by any act or use of the Skier Underpass by VA or any one using the Ski Trail pursuaut to the Ski Trail Easement. 5. VA hereby agrces co execute a Panial Vacation of Easement in form attacbed hereto as Exhibit B, vacating a rcasonable ponion of the width of the Ski Trail Easemenr, to be agreed upon by H&P and VA after redesign of the Ski Trail and to be measured ftom the easterly boundary line of the Ski Trail Easemenr. tr. CLARIFTCAIION OF PTJMPHOUSE ACCESS 6. VA hereby acknowledges that despite the existence of the Pumphouse Easement, VA has accessed,the pumphouse via a route &at lies outside the R:mphouse Easement, with rbe consent of H&P. VA further acknowledges and agrees that upon request by H&P, its successors and assigns, and in any event upon comrnencement of constnrction of any improvemcnts on Lot 39, it will cease to use the route tying outside tfie 39 within the Rrmphouse Fasemgnt/and/or the 7. If any clause or provision of this Agreement shall be held rc be invalid in whole or in paa, then the remaining clauses and provisions, or portions thereoi shall nevertheless be and remain in full force and effect. 8. No arnendruent, alteration, modification of or addition io this Agreement shall be valid or binding unless expressed in writing aod signed by rhe parties to be bound thereby. 9. If any pafty hercto shall bring any suit or action against another for relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing parry shall have and recover against che other parry, in addition to all court costs and disbursements, such sum as tbe court may adjudge to be reasonable attomey's fees. 10. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Sute of Colorado. 1i. Any an<t all warranties, provisions, rights and obligations of the parties herein described and agreed to be performed subsequent to the termination of this Agreement shall zurvive the termination of this Agreement. 12. Time is of tbe essence with respect to the performance of each of the covenane axd agreenents herein set for&. 13. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts which, when taken togethcr, shall constitute but one original Agreement. Facsimile signanrres shall be enforceable as if they were original signanrres. L4. This Agreement (and any atached Exhibits) contains the eutirc ageement and understanding of the panics with respect to tbe zubjcct mafrer hereof ard there are no representations, indrrcements, promises or agreements, oral or othenrise, not embodied herein. Any and all prior discussions, agreenents, pmposals, uegotiations ard representations relating thereto are merged hercin. 15. This Ageement shall inure to the benefit of and be bindrng upon the panies bereto and their successoni and assigrr,s. H&P may assiga this Agrcement to its successor in interest in Lor 39 without the consent VA. 16. The parties represeot and warrant to the otber that the executiotr of this Agreemert, the carrying out of the tansactions contemplated by this Agreement, and the performance of ruse Easenent, and will only cross [,otrail Easement.: -QA^'f their obligations under this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate or IN WITNESS WIIEREOF the parties have entered into this Agreement as otthe ft day HAGOPIAN & PENNINGTON IJ-C, a Delaware limited liability company VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., a Colorado corporauon -5- I STATE gp Cal"r^doy coUNTY or fuls I__. Subscribed Witness my band and official seal. My commission expires: 3 -ll-Ajco ) ss. , 1996 by as Manager of Hagopian & Pennington LLC, a Delaware limited ) ) ss. ) and sworn to before as >r. of lUr\up",". A.lf , 1996 bya*-- -1t&Lv.4::-.qJ---, -'- - -J f Vail Associates, Inc., a Colorado -6- I \ \o {? FZr--'l rJ CN r-'1FI F \l m z l-toF l-{A t^poz \JFt> a. tf cr) ZF r-tA ''tYiil-{ \./ /..'/'./ /n - O4 -iric0.o6 6 6r /u1/LJ/9=': 'd -^r-5, lrJIJU iJ OavN c, v e.o:(R: ; 3 Evr:. =g' x./B, l!zo \YJ F. FiaZ-tu =V, l)).t u1r!< C) lrJQ -o NI Rirt trJ x.' ;on \/ \z t\\tF+t'l Fz KJ B/o lr, trJt-p <t(lt Lu()(,I-13d-i \r.,.IE 44?r 9! ,:d !l ia r? t tt I- gx E> 5t =atr ?iB6 z : =% -, L; t_r E$Lo z al hr..rYl(, H=x,H I %ot$ EXHIBIT B PARTTAI VACATION OF EASEMEI{:T THIS PARTIAT-, corporaE,ion ( "VAu ) VACATION OF EASEMEM is made this _ day ofL996, by VaiI Associat,es, Inc., a Colorado _ l'Ill-EREAs, Hagopian & PenningEon, a general partnership ('rH&p',)and Andrew D. Norris rrr execuEed a conveyancd of Easerndnt d.ated,AugusE 23, L984 and rec-orded Sepcember 28 , L9g4 in Book 395 at page935 of Ehe records of t,he clerk and. Recorder of Eagle countf,Colorado, co-nveying t,9 VA a 100-foot. wide, nonexclusive-, perpetuiieasement.and right-of_-way across a port.ion of Lot, 39, 6tei r,yonSubdivision Vail , Colorado (trLot, jg") for any uEe reasona6tyrelated to skiing activiEies on vail Mount,ain (Ehe nski TraiiEasement," ) ; and 9G{EREAS, LoC 39 was resubdivided int,o Lot 39-t and 39-Z bvPIat recorded Aug"ust 28, L986, in Book 447 at page 679 of th;records of the clerk and Recorder of Eagre county, -ol0rado; and WHEREAS, Ehe $'idch or rhe str urai/'i,V'fit/fud},ff".i{ldgkit rilIEasement tld / bttMy t ahVtd*Attil#b\nj /1p/ ttlddL/ fi:lAC ; and Now TIIEREFORE, for good and valuable consideraLion, thereceipt of which is hereby acknowledged, vA hereby vacaE,es,abandons and releases that, port,ion of- the ski lraii Eaeementdescribed and depicted in Exhibit A at,Eached hereEo andincorporated herein by reference. WHERELS, vA has agreed EasemenE. as more specifically Dat,ed ATTEST: Sesretary co vacate a poreion of t,he Ski Trailset fort,h herein. , 1-996. VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. byt -PresidenE t STATE tlJt(.'!t1 OF COLORADO COU}ITY Subscribed a ss. slrorn before day of and ) and L996 ast by wiiness my hand and official seal . My commission er,cpires : Nouary Fublic ALPINE ENGINEERING,INC; ,'' , t'nclosed ls a letter_from Holy Cross Electric regarding terms and conditions of relocating the'electric facilities. a.;for the proposed driveway and skier tunnel. Please be aware that rhe estirnate quote does-nor *n"ri CI" iot f - cost of relocation' Not included is trenching, conduit installation, and vault insLllatio". il*;i;;riii U" , covered in the bontract priprice of the driveway/tunnel construction. , :RE: Hoty Cross Electric Correlponrlence Datcd February lg, In talking with Tom Allender (v'A.), the grading permit for the U.s. Forest Service Drooerty will be submittedU.S. Forest Service property will be submitted ::1,*:r^i:f:1-r:-T3_:r::"*rction permit. -He indicated there woutd b" no probi"nis,*rt e;*i"e;pfir1 *:lt-"-:10_:1111_*-t,-l_tl,v". "i^r:*nt across the U.S. Foresr Service property.wourd oi"a to U. Jff;6#i;;; foresees no problems with attaining it Responses frorn the phone and.gas companies are srill pending. We have contacted them and are still waiting for'their correspondences. Paul Fillion (V.A. Snowmakine) has riviewed the olans and is satisfiert with rhe nrnnncart layout of the g).has reviewed the plans and is satisfied with the proposedlayolt of the snowmaking lines. He still believes that his original estimate of $18,000.00 is accurats. This willnot be 3 part of driveway/tunnel contract and wili be constnrcted bv vail Associates.' Responses frorn the phone and Per phone conversations with the To, Wc will let you knorv when Holy Cross Michael J, Sliper' .. enclosure cc Sherry Dorward Dennis Hallahan Diane Larsen Per phone conversations with the Town of Vail Building Department, theii estimated time for building'permit ' . application review will be from I to 3 weeks. .' - . . -. -----'-' .: . ntractandwillbeconstnrctedbyVailAssociates. -,'.-'1, own of Vail Buildine Deoartmunt- theii estimated rime fnr.l EXHIBIT :HOLY CROSS NECTR c ASSOCATTON, tNC. . 3799 HICHWAY 82 P.O. DRAWER 2150 GLINWOOD SPR|NCS, COLOMDO 81602 February t8, 1997 Mr. MlchaelJ. Sllper Alpine Englneering, Inc. P, O. Box 97 Edwards, Colorado 8l 632 Dear Mr. Sllper: (970) 945-s491 (FAX) 945-4081 The fo I. 2. permlt for lts facllltles. ',.: needed to ensure that 3. 4. 5. No excavatlon will be undertaken wlthln five (5) feet of exlsting underground power lines except under the on slte supervlslon of a qualifled Holy cross Electrlc employee. The route ofour proposed underground power tlne extenslon must be at flnal grade and free of obstiuctlons before power llne constructlon ls started. All water lines, sewer llnes, or other excavations ln conflict wirh our proposed facilities must be completed, backfilled and clearly marked before power line conitructlon can bestarted.,| ,'' Secondary Voltage available will be I ZO/24O, stngle-phase. It will be the developer's responsibillty to hire a licensed elecrrician to relocate the exlstingelectric seryices from the residences on lot 40 as well as the service to Upper Eagle Valleyto the new pad-mount transformer locations. All underground services shall be installed in conduit ahead of the meter. All underground services must be in conduit beneath roads, driveways, and other areas of difficult excavation. All resldential services must have an outside disconnect accessible at all tlmes to Holy Cross Electric personnel. The meter houslng must be posltioned so the meter faces a driveway or road. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. Mr. MichaelJ. Sliper Alplne Engineerlng, Inc. February | 8, 1997 Page Two I l, We attempt to complete all projects in a tlmely manner, However, hlghest prlority ls glven to maintainlng seruice to our exlsting consumers. This fact, along with inevitable constructlon delays, wlll not allow us to guaranree a project completion date. 12. Atl Holy Cross Electrlc rules and regulatlons wlll be followed. When Holy Cross Electric Associatlon ls in recelpt of your check In the amount of $10,100.00, all necessary executed easements, the U. S. Forest Service permit, other permits, if required, and thesigned origlnal of this letter agreement (below), the Job can be scheduled for constiucrion. Slncerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. -=41 /. /"-/*/ q6*/'qq 'Po( ,/ r -'- /4 Ted Huskey, Englneerlng Servlce Supervlsor TH:rJm Enclosure The above terms and condltions are hereby agreed to and accepted Tltle: By: Date: VO#97-l 5526:51-59:Glen Lyon SklerTunnel l@ Reloc.hrrlcyk llpc..hr BIT A '; !: 'l ti Lor 39-t 't\.-_*.-__**... Lor' 4l .l i',,a? |,. ,., ii ! li- a\l c ^, \l S.l t- 14 lfr 3 Leo eN o I . E x t s r t x o 5 wa I e - P nas e Pa o - Mouttr TRaNs roft,m e R . Qxtsrtnc PArManV ELecrgto PftoP'osep SParca VAutr . PRopose o S tnors. PH4sc Peo.l4ouur Traus ronMeR ''"fnoPosro FnMAnv ELEcrQtc L o March 4, 7997 Town of Vail Community Development Staff 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Construction of Skier Underpass Across "Cascade Way" Return Trail, Cascade Village To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of the Vail Cascade Hotel and CIub to express support of the construction of a skier underpass by Tim Pennington, which will facilitate skier traffic on the Cascade Way return ski trail, specifically across lot #39. I can be reached at 479-7433 should vou wish to discuss this matter furtler. Managing Director Vail Cascade Hotel and Club 13OO Westhaven Drive.Vail, Colorado 8'1657 . 970.476.7111 Fax 970.479.7025 . Internet: http://vail. neVcascadehotel EXHIBIT C-,'iI March 4, 1997 Town of Vail Community Development Staff 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Construction of Skier Underpass Across "Cascade Way" Return Trail, Cascade Village To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of the Vail Cascade Hotel and Club to express support of the construction of a skier underpass by Tim Pennington, which will facilitate skier traffic on the Cascade Way return ski trail, specifically across lot #39. I can be reached at 479:7033 should vou wish to discuss this matter further. Managing Director Vail Cascade Hotel and Club E)ffiIBITI c-, l3OOWesthaven Drivc . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 970.476.7'11'l Fax 97Q.479.7O25 . Internet: http:l/vail.net/cascadehotel March 4, 1997 Town of Vail Community Development Staff 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Construction of Skier Underpass Across "Cascade Way" Return Trail, Cascade Village To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of the Cascade Village Association to express support of the construction of a skier underpass by Tim Pennington, which will facilitate skier traffic on the Cascade Way return ski trail, specifically across lot #39. I can be reached at 419-7033 should vou wish to discuss this matter further. President, Cascade Village Association E'(HIBIT 13OO Westhaven Drive . Vail, Colorado a1657 . 970-476.71'11 Fax 970.479-7025 . Internet: http,//vail.net/cascadehotel March 13. L997 Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Staff 75 South Fronage Rd. Vail. CO 81657 RE: Construction of Skier Underpass Across "Cascade Way" Return Trail, Cascade Village To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of the Cascade Village Metropolitan District to express support of the construction of a skier underpass by Tim Pennington, which will facilitate skier traffic on the Cascade Way return ski trail, specifically across Lot #39. Sincerely, ^4 /-4\l/ h,4/ld /Y' /t /1^"^--/r-u"u /JohnLobre hesident Cascade Village Metropolitan District clo 333 Logan, Suite #203 Denver, CO 80203 (303) 733-0330 EXHIBIT cornrnu?ry Develop ment Plan no,rtifro.- Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch. Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Rcturn To:Dominic Mauriello, Community Development Date Routed:6t16/97 Retum By:6lt8/97 Project Name:Pennington Skier Bridge Proiect Address: Project Lcgal:Lot 39-l and39-2, Glcn Lyon Projcct Description:SDD Minor amendmcnt for a skier bridge loaction on Private drive. Please review this ASAP and lct me know if you have any issues. Thanks, Approved / Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions ,azz- &tzzt ,,/ ?zd cb.t-/z-+t , ,/,.rrt fu2F z?.^4 4 &zz2 ,aZi..rn 2 6 za-9 7lto 64)zz-r'7al & 8-,^44>E-/ ' Date rcviewed: VRIL PUBLIC tlJoRKS _ I5tsqze2L66 HpR llsz 1J:s6 No.008 p.02 Community Development Plan Routing Form -- . , -Approved X Denied (citc dctrilcd rcasons) --Approved with conditions Routcd To:Grcg Hall, Public Works Teni Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mikc McGes. Fire Dominio F. Msuricllo. Cxnrmunity f)cvctcpment Pcnninghn - $kict Undcrpass Lot 39-1, Glot Lyon sub. Ptojcct Darcriptfom:Rcquc$ fur ail)rorral to corutruot skicr undm pass ard otber Ghanggr to SDD for tnts 39-l and 39-l rcgarding GRFA and building bcight r, lZ. q'h rn crtrt :**l rt arorA be, c.critrxl cr\ \'&re, rle c'g+tV,n** vx€ r*:e&to be \.Jrdcried o'rt I b rol ql rotp,lell rAltt€d 4lqtq'l 1l-ffrrcr. I , ,t.F\tt, DESIGNWORKSIIOF-rransmittal Landscape Architecnre Land Planning Urban Design Tourism Planning Da,e 4.0.4tt ,"ffi1,tNta Vpg.aIA)O r,o @4/v(lmilAW robNumber lfurlsubject t(tX$ Mlq46e WtftE, * Muttw?tr 953 S. Frontage Rd. W. Suite 102 Vail, Colorado 81657 970-476-8408 FAX 4?6-8409 The following items are transmitted: ! Separate Cover I As requested I For review I For files I For approval I For information Quantity Description Remarks eAWAerrt Qner c*)ut +-vAP+ ruilvr 4 lqtwr+l^;4 ehh,i^eth *fia v,ud 4( | wvaogffia!^a Nfan Lodnhl( -- T+q, ,f,^ By DESIGNWORKSHOP ' 'r " llr 10.'-i ',1. ' -.--.... i ., . i r:0?pl{ t,.a LicAi rrrl lt?lf i ji,tfd'ar' lZs3turp. 2o tr.!%_ EE__Lu-ltlg-_ COTYEYAI{CE OI EATIEXENT rtIS EASEUENT la graatad rs ot tbe zFt rlay of -l|%, 1984, by th. 19flt Of VAIL, E tlutric1tel ao'g'F.r8tlot (I'Cr&Btor'r), to VAIL ASSOCTAIES, INC., . Colorsdo corDolatlo! (r'Greatee'r). rI$IESSETE: Grrator 18 ttro fiBef of celtrlE r,sr.l DroPerty (the '?roDgrty") loctted t! tbe Tory! ol Yeil, Strte ol Coloredo, degcrlbed o! Prrt I ot Erhlblt A attlcbod leleto t4d lornllg r P.!t hereol. OraBt€e d€slr€s to obtsl! ra ceseaent over t portios of tbe Ploperty tor ua€ ra pBrt of a treil to be klml r,s tbe 'Testl!, Eo Trall'r. fo! good sld yslueble corEld€ratlor ' tbe reoeipt rnd eutficioacy of f,hiob ls tsereby rctrnorledged, Glalltor bereby gel1e aad cssyeya to Garltae e aonexclusive, perpstual gsa€&ert rad !lgt-ot-s3y (tbe trEsse!€lt ") u!d€r, over, eorogs rad tbtou$ the portioB of the Paopetty deelglatcd !E tbe Easelaent od Psrt II of lxhtbtt A, to be u8sd,ss a'a tltegrrl pert ot a skis! tr&lI troE vcll ltoustalB 1! Eagle County, Coloredo. Such tral,l nay be uccd by Grr.utee, ttB EuccessorE srd aaEtgna r tqd by rl1 ccnb€rs of the pubIlc for iBy ute reEsodably related to skiing 8ctl-vttles oa V811 tloultte,ln. Grilte€, at lts rolc €xp€lse, sba.Il conetruct ead Ealltal! a El1€r trsil oa th6 EaseEebt e.ud kECp it 1! good coEdltloB aBd rep8lr, except tor tBy dansge cauged by Graotor or r,lyoae acth6 by, thlouth or in coqnestioa with Qractor, sll ot eblch rhal1 Plooptly be repalr€d by C!s.!tor. Sbould gaagtce cQrls operetiou ot tbe XeEti!-Eo trall to! live conEecutlve yeere, thes tbo rlEbtg giSrtrted to Gr&!t,ee under tble coaveyaus€ Ebsll te}lllnStq rnd tho Eas€oeot Ehell revelt to Grrntor, lts suoo€8aor8 o! ta8lgag' Graltee rgreea to defend std 6rvc Grr8tor, itF Bucce8sorg o! *gtlg!s, barllles€ lron aad &gshst el1 lis'biuty or loa! to! lajuriee to or death of, perSolg or denege to tb€ EsaeEeut or the Froperty ceused by asy 8ct or ure gl the Eaeeuert by Grantee or r,lyoB€ u6i-BE tho Trlll lursualt to thi! Coaveyaaee, locludlDg the cost gt dal€DdlnE rBy leta1 ectioD or clr'lro btouE:bt by aly larty saElDBt tbe GrEttor as a result of geld loae fo! luJurlee or death of persone or denage to prop€rty. l9! I ffi tr.r: 10. 199? 1:0?Pltr V, A LEGAT DE llo. 1293 . To EAVE AlfD T0 EOID s&id ErEaD€at lld rl3!t-ot{ay uato Gltlte€ *!ll 1ta tucceasor€ rld r8gl$o8. Grr!?ca'! rlt[ta t8dcr th€ Etlq!!€Bt llrd rigbt-ot-eay bcreby trrntsd oay bc esaiSu€d by Grsrtce, ltr Eucc€laors or l.ssiSls rsd !bs.1t ru! rlth 3ad^ b€ a burdea upoD tb€ Property, .ubJect to tbe proetBtor€ lor ters1latloE eoltrladd bcr€l!' Grartor Ea&gg ao f,8rr8lte! th&t 1t bre tbe ft[l rlgbt or rutbortty ?o €aecutc the colv€y8Dce ot tbiE eraeantlt. EECI'IED ar of th€ drta llrst lat tortb a,bove. GR${TOB: TO'N OT VAIL, r EullclpB]. corporatioc CRA$TEE: vAIt dss(rlaTEs, IHg., s Colorado cgryorstion STATE OT COIJOBADO )) N6. CouEty of Ergle ) ',. trl.tEEsa Ey baad eld of f lcl'41 eerl. t{y corntsslo! oxpiree: Afalln- (sErt) 8TA1T Otr CorcMDo ) ) 88. Courty gt Ergl€ ) Subacribed alld s$om to betor€ trc tbls &. ary at M-, f::,al ffi, aB vlc€ Pres{d€Et of Yair Aasocletes' Iit[ecs try hrld and olllcl&l serl' l{y corDsiaslo! erplreo: *gPr€n4 Mg C+, I qds {cr 10. l9 9?. l:0$?U..:'': v. a tl6A1 0[l _. . EryrBrl a (AEtrched to aad forzlng Prrt of r Convrvlace of l.lGamE frm ihit Tora of Vall' to Vell Alrocleter, Iac.) PARI I LEGAL DESCBI?TrO!| OF rt{E PFoPEBIT N!ftmft, gcctlo,n 7, Tooahlp 5 South. Rangc E0 f?rt of tic 6rh P.u. l{o.lze3 * n a PART II !,Ec4g P.ESCRI?T!oN 0F TIE EA$E!{!nT Ttat parr of ehe Mft!{lft, Scctloa 7, Tomrblp 5 south, Rantr 80 tleit of thr Sixtb PrinclPal Ucrldiaa, Tonr ot Y411, Golorado, dcscrlbed 8s follo$s g Bcrlnninr at che Soutlnfes ! conr.r of caid I{I{tHIi!k' chence a16as thi tresc lln€ of eaid llt{t!|l{t N 00o05'24n W 70.00 feeE, thenic N 89136'05" E 260.00 fcctr thencr s 00i25r55fr I 70'00 fact to the tosth l1ne of tald lWlllft l Ebencr rloag rrld routh line S 89'34'05' ll 260'42 feet to th. Point of bcginnlng, contalutng 0.42 acree, nora or lese. Jurr-23-97 O?:ElP trEsIlwoRKsHoP val'l l)r'sigrr Slrrlr'hrrp. Lx'. I .rrrl"r';rpe ,lrclrirr'.'r un' l.rnrl flnrurirrg l.rlrrn lh.rqrr 'li'r.rirrrr Pluniq; Junc23, 1997 Mr. and Mrs. Frcd Blumc P.O. Box 5(X Cheyartne, IVyoming 82fi)3 DcrrMr. and Mrs. Blunrc: tlI is,, l.r,rt1ri, li',,,.1 $'.r :rrl, lll' I t ., rl. | ,fl,,r-r,1,, I i lr,.l- l, l,1J" r.' '::ll {-r, li{l lii l;r, -rr,rl,' rr',! r-r | ;l talll \\l('rl \ll.rn 1r r, r.1tr' ll 'r,', .1,r. |.',rr I l,'h. I IPlu" r,rr I I!;rrrt.r l',' {rlr l';rrrL r lVc havc aubmittcd the cnclored Jrackagc of materials pcnaining to thc propoacd rkirr undprpa\.\ on l,et 39 to Dominic Mauriello 6t thc Town of Vail Crxnmunity Developnrcnt Dcpartmcnt. Thc application for the bridge ovcr thc skiway is a minor arnendmc$t to drc special developnrrrt di$fid odinancc for th€ GIen Lyon neighborhood attd can be :rpproved by a dccision of the Town'.s plsrning staff. I hopc you'll agrce that s number of positive changcs havc been made in the plan sinca rh) lasr rhawings you $aw. ln panicular, the bridge has hecome quite unoblruriw, and you will achally sor: very liule of it from your hotrsc. With this new design, it iu possiblc !o build the bridge entircly on [.ot 39 a$d to build the rond tx*h within thc acccss ca.scmgil and without rctaining walls. lVe have also made a sbdymodcl of the bridge, and if you plan to be in Vuil soon. you mighr bc intcrusrcd to go by thB Community Devcloprrcnt officc to take a took ar it. I discussed the plans this moming wih Mr. Gould and Ms. Dcws, who suggpstcd that, insbad of thc small bouldcr wall shown on rhe site plan at the nonh cn{ whcrc tho road enters Lot 39, a $mall amount of fill cxtcnding onto Lot 40 bc uscd to easc the gradcs there and faciliule plantilg that would screin your lot Gtrtircly. Wc would also concur that this ir a better solution lhun the' one shown on the plan. Howevcr, wc- wa$ted to a.ssutB you thal we woutd nst causc disturbance to ydur propcrty unless you wishcd r$ to makc that change. Aficr you heve had I chancc to review thcsc dnowings and djscuss thcm with Mr. Gould. I would apprcciatc it if you would lcr me know your commonl$. Sinccrcly, ."i I fTtwtnd Tim Penningon futCould andJulie Dcws Dominic Mauricllo $hcrry Dorward Principal DE$IGNWORKSHOP 95i3 So. I"rontage Rold \\irst Suite'102 \ia il. (lolorado 816tf 'li:lephrirtr: 970 47(i-8408 lircsimilc 970 4?6-8409 Aspcn Albuquertpe Denver' Jackson J Iole Phoenix Santa Iie 5lo l'al[o Design Vorkshoir, Inc. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Urban Design Ttrurism Planning June 13, 1997 Mr. Dominic Mauriello Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Skiway Underpass on Lot 39, Glen Lyon Subdivision DearDominic: I am submitting this package sf nlaterials in support of an applicatiol _bf the owners of l-ot 39 in Glen Lyon Subdivision for a minor amendment to Special Development District #4 to permil the construction of a driveway bridge over the existing Cascade skiway. You already have, I believe, a signed application form from Mr. Pennington and copies of all documentation related to easements that affect the property. The package includes four blueprint copies of the following drawings, plus a computer-gererated photo simulation, a color sample of the concrete tint for the bridge wing walls, and a study model. Included are: Proposed Grading Plan (Sheet 2, Alpine Engineering) Proposed Road and Skiway Profiles (Sheet 3, Alpine Engineering) Wall Plan and Elevations (Sheet 4, Alpine Engineering) Landscape Plan (Sheet L-1, Design Workshop) Wall Elevation Illustratives (Sheet L-2, Desiga Workshop) Wall Details and Sections (SheetL-3, Design Workshop) Since our conceptual work session with Design Review Board on April 16, your follow-up memo of April 21 outlining staff concerns, and subsequent conversations with you, Mr. Gould and Ms. Dews, we have taken these actions and made the following modifications in the plan: r After a meeting with Tom Allender (Vail Associates) and you to clarify the bridge design parameters necessary for safe mountain operations, we have narrowed the span from 25 feet to 23 feet and the height from 14 feet to l2-ll2 feet on the uphill side (13-l/2 feet on the downhill side). It is my impression that all parties now understand why these are the minimum acceptable dimensions. In addition, we have worked with VA to modify the grading on the skiway in order to lower the grades under the bridge. This and the reduced overhead clearance have allowed us to lower the pavement grade at the bridge approximately 3 feet from the earlier drawings. DESIGNWORKSHOP Design Sbrkshop, o Inc. e Alpine Engineering has reoriented the side walls of the bridge so that they are entirely on Lot 39 and not visible at all from l-ot 40. There is no longer any rieed for a retaining wall in the 20-foot access easement, but we have shown a small boulder-retained slope near the northeast corner of Lot 40 that helps to ease the steepness of the slope where the road approaches the bridge. The road segment in front of the Lot 40 house is at existing grade. o The total area of exposed concrete retaining walls has been greatly reduced by the new wall configuration. It is our intent that these poured-in-place concrete walls will be tinted a warmer beige and sandblasted to expose the aggregate. This treatment and the generous planting in front of them should make them recede into the landscape. r The owners of Lot 39 have agreed to reduce the width of the driveway to 12', possibly sacrificing the ability to include a caretaker unit in one of the houses. This gives more room for a landscape transition in front of the Lot 40 house and avoids any impact on their existing trees. (However, it is likely that the large tree on the east edge of the easement, approximately opposite Lot 40's driveway, will have to be removed.) r We met with Greg Hall on June 4 to show him the revised plans, and he had no negative comments. r With written authorization from both owners of the Lot 4O duplex, a sluvey crew went to the site on May 2l to check existing grades in front of Mr, Blume's and Ms. Dews' house, The engineer's grading plan reflects this new information, and we do not anticipate any adverse effect on the drainage in their driveway. We are confident that these changes will be suffitcient to justify a staff decision to approve the application. If you have any questions or need more information, please give me a call. As you know, the building season is upon us, and we would greatly appreciate anything you can do to speed the staff s decision. As always, thanks for your help. Sincerelv. &hwn,t Sherry Dorward t Principal Mr. Tim Pennington, owner, Lot 39 Mr. Frank Freyer, Cascade Metro District Mr. Chris Hanen, Vail Cascade Hotel Mr. Arthur Gould and Ms. Julie Dews, owners of Lot 40 duplex Mr. Mike Sliper, Alpine Engineering Jur-r-16-97 lO:zaA DESU |.TORKSHoP vai -l l)crigr Sl;fislp11 fnq. l,rotlrr'.rpc lt.hitl<'turc l.and Phnnitg I l.lrun Drti*n 'lirrri+rl Plunrrinf, Junc 16, 1997 This moming, wc submiltcdj!! T"l:*O p*.tagj of materiats on rhe skiff undsrpassto Dominic M:ruriclto ar the Toryn's comriunityb""t"e;;fD;b;il;; -6Jminic has e.stimatod thar the staffcould mrkc a dccisi6n or rhe'applicari<in within G ncxrtwo weekg. I beliere you'll find that a* a rE$ult of the changcs madE in rhe plan sirce the last9**,-rF xgu say, rhc bridgg lps beconre qui6 unrbtrusiv" rr6m youi rr"i,-ri?afnrm Mr. Blume's. I sincercry hopc y.o.r aria loti" *irl r. *onicni iuin trri J"iseoplan and that you'll bc able ro secrilpitrc ntumcs''curlrcratiorr. --- ---- -- "'l Pleasc fcel free 0o calr rnc if thcre's anytring yon'd likc to discuss further- Bcst regards, ftl,wWi,Hre Sherry Dorward Rincipal Tim Fqrnineton Donrinic Maluicllo{.}icEl+ ":"J, a4os _ P-or io fun tmiu l4anitth frol^ 12.ftilAA, d tuzaf wailld qD^ +o fu$l4l *1tdf W'(dr,-t4W.(zcbrat *tu1ruiq+ +o lJt @t4@iq@+,,.{wfbfud#lirtti: rr i.i r,. l'rlrrr;rlr l||lll llr..rt \rflr, lal.l t,,,1 t .,1 ,,-,t,. i;l('.r. l.l' t'lx.'x' r,lal l'ar li.ltlit Ia,..rrrrrL 'r:t I {Jr ittrf'l \.1tr'rl lllrrrrprr.rr;rrr l!,.11111' l;r, l.,.rr I loll l'lt',r'rtrr :x|lrir li,. si" Itrrrrlrr Mr. AnhurGould West Shore Marina lfi) We"rt Shorc Road llundngton, Ncw Yo* t t743 Ilear Mr- Gorld: DESIGNWORKSHOP ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC. May 7, 1997 Mr. Dominic Mauriello, AICP t r\ I / Town of Vail J i ,'1 . 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Proposed Design of Grade Separated Crossing Dated April 22, Arthur Gould Dear. Mr. Mauriello: clr[lh{, ijiri ilFp] 1997 Submitted by Mr. At your request, I have reviewed the proposed design of grade separated crossing as prepared by Arthur Gould dated April 22 and letter prepared by Arthur Gould dated April 24, 1997, and have the following comments regarding this plan, letter, and some clarifications of the plan prepared by Alpine Engineering, Inc. The goals of Mr. Gould's proposal are very beneficial for all of the property owners involved. Particularly concerning locating all walls on Lot 39-1, reducing the size of the walls and making the entire project less obtrusive. As discussed in our meeting on April 30, 1997, our revised plan has moved toward these same goals. However, I have the following concerns regarding the layout of Mr. Gould's plan. Concerning Comment #3 in Mr. Gould's Letter: As noted, these plans are preliminary. Final grading would affect the proposed daylight lines dramatically in some locations. Exiting the underpass, the grade is shown to catch at the properfy line of Lot 39- I and the Town of Vail Stream Tract. This would leave a I : I slope (not shown on this plan) to the bike path. At the juncture of Lot 39- I and the 20' access €asement, once the appropriate vertical curves are designed, the daylight line would be forced to the south. Not shown on this plan is the severe cross slope within the 20' easement. To place a driveway along this easement, one of two things will be necessary. 1) Raise the downhill side or 2) lower the uphill side. To optimize. efficiency of the design, a combination of both may be best. This can further be broken down to two alternatives - grading or retaining walls. If no grading is permitted outside of the 20' easements, retainage structures may be required. This situation would arise whether the driveway was 12' or 20' wide. Concerning Comment #4 in Mr. Gould's Letter: Previously addressed in Number 3. [dwards Business (enter. P0, Box 9/ . Edwards, Colorado 81632. (970) 926-3373 , Fax (970) 926-3390 Concerning Comment #5 in Mr. Gould's Letter: AEI's original plan did not require that the 14" diameter tree shown on Mr. Gould's plan be cut down or destroyed. This tree is outside of the easement and therefore clear from any paving or grading. The mature conifer located east of the garage on Lot 40 (not shown) will be affected or unaffected in the same manner regardless of what structure is designed. Through cooperation of the owners of Lot 40, a solution may be possible to save this tree. Not shown on this plan are the four mature conifers in the Town of Vail Stream Tract and one mature and four new trees on Mr. Pennington's property that would need to be removed to locate the structure and skiway as shown. The new trees would have to be removed to construct the northeasterly wingwall of the structure per OSHA standards (constructing this walt as a I'cut" wall may be restrictively expensive). The five mature trees directly downslope of the tunnel would need to be removed for safety reasons and to eliminate the l:1 slope referred to in item No. 3. Concerning Comment #8 in Mr. Gould's Letter: The snowmaking valve house (not shown) is used to drain portions of the snowmaking system. Therefore, it must be located at the low point in the line. For reasons outlined in item No. 10, the existing location will no longer sufftce. ' Concerning Comment #9 in Mr. Gould's Letter: Mr. Gould's proposal locates the structure closer to the northeasterly edge of the skiway easement tban the original Alpine Engineering plan. This reduces the amount of skiway easement to be vacated if that option were pursued, Concerning Comment #10 in Mr. Gouldts Letter: Ideal industry standard grades for a skiway at a grade separated crossing are as follows: 157o, then 10% (approach), then 4 or 5% (through) then llYo (departure). Obviously these grades cannot always be attained, but they can be used as a guideline. In the design process, several other criteria must be used to design a safe, functional and effrcient skiway (i.e. width, approach angle, etc.). Approaching the tunnel, existing grades exceed 25Yo with a cross slope fall line. The location of the crossing forces skiers across the gradient to a confmed, curving structure at a rate of speed that would require substantial effort to control. Mr. Gould's design has a relatively straight skiway approaching the tunnel, which is very desirable provided the tunnel is also straight. However, extensive grading *'ould be necessary along the approach to correct the fall line and provide the required grades for skiers to safely pass through the tunnel. This grading would require relocation of the snowmaking lines. A 160/o grade, combined with a turn, through the tunnel is unacceptable due to safety concerns. The confined, curving nature of the tunnel also makes it difficult for snowcats to maintain. From a design standpoint, it is not efficient. With regard to the road section passing over the structure; a flat skiway beneath is the most efficient solution. This minimizes the downhill wall height required to contain the road section, however, a flat skiway causes skiers to stall, forcing them to skate. Therefore a compromise (i.e. 4 or 5%) must be reached. Aside from safet5r concerns, Mr. Gould's design would require extensive snow maintenance (skiers would need to snowplow) in an area that is already heavily dependent upon snowmaking. ,'ot- Concenring Comment #12 of Mr. Gould's Letter: The concems listed above will, in general, apply to a 12' or 20' driveway. If you desire any additional input, please contact me. v4' DEslcNwoltKSIIoP LandscaPe Architecture Land Planning Urban Design Tourism Planning 953 S. Frontage Rd. W. Suite 102 Vail, Colorado 81657 970476-8408 FAX 476-8409 The following items are transmitted: Quantity Description f Herewith l] Separate Cover Remarks tfier requested I For review f, For files f-l For aporoval\'r r r 1ffior informafion rransmittl Date 1,4q-.a11 ro fuylilJte HAa €tclrvo **41€(f4 Wutttzc> Job Number Subject W U 6,arcd. bpq a( w@,+?ih la(a.aenrryv.t^f 4 "?U4'acc,vua+"t on br zrq,et4 Wt1 (tt 144(. 6rhw', * aaW?,t^.,r not VacAV& WaUq 4/rfu/1tflreh ,Atr lwb ak hout'uf ca\aecrq +b W trtidfr ?avhvuvfov\*! opr#*awn 4Ad -@E,r,rr) TW r'a. noth;rq\ene b iu&ray4^&r ftJa Wewg^\ Lrnb a,(W AlA Wcta" (aw++vtt( ftr l.oy 4o b n)cr^ &.((€nnv$$|rdn +v -bihe tu M \ ry'i r.- barld ^6ff(o ^q buowhdq?,, Ao gua^ aqyrt4*EtuE^ vy 4o'4 rov-d+ AerE'- 9.Urram By ebany DESIGNWORKSHOP - aas.,te "-""t'i,-o", ,rrrrro, ,fi FG r oF s REC ' JOI',I]NETTE PHILLTFS EA€LE COUIITY -CLERA. COLORAOA I5-OO VACATEfiI Af{D AEANOOSIMENT OF EASEfTIENT Thk vscdion and Aban(bnment of a ulilily easdm8nl b made lhls 15tft day sd Apdl, lggl. by Town of Vall, (the EaEement Us€r') and Hagopi€n & Psnnhetun, a Cst'omia grmrll mrtterlhF (tt€ losrnBr). WHEREAS, a crrEin errrmanl On the leoordod dat of tu Glen Lyon subdlvision (Annnded!, more fufly d€cribed on Exhib A' attaEhd heBto .nd inco.poratEd herEln by relerEncE (fts €asamenf), b qtrently sncumbsfirE a cerlain parcsl of roal esble (tho 'Propedfl more lully descsbed aE &llorrs: -g!ry PEt Glen Lyon suHvldon Town ol Vell, County ot Eqb, Cdorarb, and WHEREAS, the sas€menl elous lhe Easemcnt t,ser lhe qsa lhereof lor the cor|stsuction. Ereinbnence. and reconshrcdon ot hnsmlsslon or distrlbqElllsvstems io @yEle_Egl4rc€s by ule uttrty, and WHEFEAS. the Easenent lg nat presenw u# tof guch oonstucti9n, rnBinbnancs, 6nd fecgnstruction of gcual E€McaE and sFlems, and WHEBEAS, neilher tte Owner nor the Easement User |€alize any beneficial use in allowirg the eiulemenl to Grmin; NOVY, THEFIEFOFE, IN CONSIOEFATION OF TEN OOLIANS, r|' MUUAI covenar s and pmmis€G conhinsd hstrin and o&rr gmd ard valuable con*lsalion the tEoeld and $rffhlency or wilotr b her€by ad(noru|adgsO Uy h6 Fartss hs(do, lhr EEs€Gsnt Usor Ird fre Ovnrr errng',t 8t!d {|'3r rE lollows: l. The Easemenl us€t, on behalf ot lbe[, its Succecso]g etd |s8igns, by fils lnstrurnent hereby to'gtaet abandotlt, r€calec teleases snd Frmhdes lht sEseTrsnt qtd hereby conveys all the dgfit, litb, intetsst in ild to t|e easinront to ho Omer. Z. The Ornerr heeby aaccpig a.d-rqtn's fie tacalbn, Ebandotmenl, Ghase, brminstion and grant of ltld €asam6nt' 3. Thie vscelion thaf bo t,indrE upofl 3nd insre b thg b.n€ft of the Ed€ment Uset end of tho Oryfler and thsi. rospealive successors End assbtrs, EXECUTEO ON THE OATE AND YEAF FIRST ASOVE WgffTEN. --t .. .. ..1 Ii.I Faaoue*l- {{.yf a^va4rnh? b u*4f rcz$b b w"oa'ff' EXHIBIT "A" L.g.l D.rcEj,ptlon Prfc of a rl{ency foot Eide uEllity tae.n.!!, to bt lblndoned, tyingHithi! LeCs J9-1, 39-2. aBd T!rc! .\t, A R.Sqbdivision of Lst-391l.oended PIrt Glea Lyon Subdivislon, accorctlug fo che o:p ehereoirccoEded in Eook ilil? at Pdg. 579 in tbt off,ic. o! Eh. E!g!c Countv-Colorado, Clerk and RecaEdeE, d.rcEib.d tlr folloecs BegjJlBiag ac e polnE on thr routherly ltat of rrid I.bE 39-2 rhaacettr. southeascerl!' corqel' cf seid tgt J9-? be.rs l{8Eo'I5.57.8 1?8,00fe€i: thence, along tb. southerly 11,!e of said Iroc 39-2 .nd !9-1,S88o{5'57'$ Z7g.Zg teel, ttence, deparrj.ng raid routb€rly linc,ItIo1o14'03"',f 20.!0 fc.t, tbrace N8E.*S'57.E Z6i.B{'frcc,-ehcnccN25t00'00'E 23{.89 f.cg to tb. ncrtbelly llre o! salat frqe! !t,Ebfnca, rldng said north'rly liar, lIgO"54.S|"E A7-!S feer, thlsse.departiuE rrj.d nollheEly !.iB! S25c00'00'fl 250.E7 feer Eo tha DolBtof b.glaninE. coEc.j.rirg q.2309 Ec!t3, eore or leas. o P Date: 7' 27 ' c'r, ,8.'26598 6 -/->r f: ''=' { liht;tet ?s(*+ealtxliahec anTan*, tfi,bfaq ThtTh; ;rp4,(lA-v'tt;4c Vhl) $ga! Eegleldg 1656!2 E-569 P-492 t2y'25,/9J 16:3!FEJOFS STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) sr. COUNWOFEAGLE } . . The fo.egoing anstlumer sa!; acknadedg€d Hors ms his -:4day ot tggl,W 6t*t8. 4we. ftauor coDorafion. I H ry**on4'*'#ffitlfrF Farn Branfiiey€t 76 S. F onfirg€ Rt vae, Colorado 8t657 1656J2 B-s6? P-492 12/2VrI t6tSJ Pc 2 OF S (),irii So. Fl ortage lirad \\'t'st Su ire l02 \ail, (.iolonrdo lil657 lllephone 970 4?6-it40u fixrsinrile 970 47b-8409 Asperr Albuquerque l)cn yer' Jacksotr IIole l)lroenix Sarrta Fe Sio Parrio Design Vorkshop, Inc. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Urban Design Tourism Planning Aprrl21,1997 Mr. Dominic Mauriello, Town Planner Town of Vail Community DevelopmentDepartment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 39, Glen Lyon Subdivision DearDominic: I am enclosing copies of documents you requested thatpfiain to the pending application for a minor amendment to SDD *14 to permit constluction of a skier underpass on lot 39-l in Glen Lyon Subdivision. The documents include: r A full-sized copy ofthe recorded Glen Lyon Subdivision plat, approved July 10, 1978, showing the 20' access easement that serves lots 39,40, and 41 in Glen Lyon. This oasement was paft of the subdivision plat from the beginning and is not on landpreviously ownedby any ofthe individual lots, so it isn't entirely accurato to say that lot 40 gave an easement to Lot 39. The plat shows that Lot 39 owns outright 1/3rd of the 20' easement. Lots 4O and 4l also have fee simple flag strips extending to their southern corners. Further, each lot has a cross easement on the portions of the easement that they do not own (see documents 3, 4, and 5 below). (Incidentally, I think the plat is incorrect in showing the adjacent land as BLM; it is actually part of the White River National Forest and is within the boundaries of VA's USFS special use permit.) r The conveyance of an easement, dated August 23, 1984, from Hagopian and Pennington to Vail Associates that provides for a skiway across lot 39-l (document #1). r The conveyance of an easement, dated August2l, 1984, to Vail Associates from the Town of Vail, allowing VA's skiway to cross the Town tract at the bottom of the trail, below Lot 39-1. This document gives VA the right to use that Town property "for any use reasonably related to skiing activities on Vail Mountain" and the responsibility to "consffuct and maintain a skier trail...and keep it in good condition and repair." (My italics; document #2. I also gave you a copy of this at the DRB meeting last week.) r The conveyance of a roadway easement, dated January 15,1979, to the owners of lot 39 from Gore Creek Associates, a Rhode Island limited partnership that originally owned the land that became the Glen Lyon subdivision (document #3). This is the cross easement document that gives lot 39 a right to use that portion of the 20' access easement that it does not own outrisht. DESIGNWORKSHOP Design Workshop, Inc. o The conveyance of a roadway easement, dated August 9,1978, to the owners of lot 40 from Gore Creek Associates (document #4). r The conveyance of a roadway easement, dated July 15,1978, to the owners of lot 41 from Gore Creek Associates (document #5). o The conveyance of an easement, dated August 30, 1984, from the owners of lots 39,40, and 41 to Vail Associates, allowing VA to use the same 20' access easement and to cross lot 39 'Tor the purposes of ingress and egress" to its pumphouse facility upstream on Gore Creek (document #6). r Schedules A and B from the Transamerica Title insurance policy for lot 39, dated November 22, 1978, detailing recorded easements affecting the property. The other legal document you'll need for staff s consideration of this application is the agreement, dated October 4, 1996, between Hagopian and Pennington, as owners of lot 39, and Vail Associates regarding the skier underpass. A copy of this was included in the package we submitted to PEC on3l3ll97. Amoqg other things, the agreement specifies underpass dimensions that VA will accept in the design of the bridge. We are testing ways in which we might modify the design of the underpass to respondtotheconcemslistedinyourletterof April 2l andthoseof theneighborson lot 40 and still meet VA's functional requirements for operation of the skiway. We look forward to discussing these and other issues with you at our meeting scheduled for next week. Please call me if you need other information in the meantime. Sincerely, Sherry Dorward Principal cc: Tim Pennington Diane Larsen AFr-zl-97 rJ9:37A OEsrT w(lRt<sHoP vail , DF-ritcNwoRKsltot, Land'rrr;x Archr trt'lun:' ljd ptfinarg Urbaa tlcrign e7o:6 a4ae P. ()1 I.'acsimilc Transmittal ,, ! *.+l.4rl r'b*unbcr l+1"WWx% ,^,"Qlffiv(wwffi Number nf pgat (incltding $m$nitEll4 lf you do not rcccivc at| prgcr. plclrc cdl fuunGdi&ly- 953 S. Fioar4gc wcrr Vait Cohrrao Etd57 Tclcphmc 9'0-fl6,840E F.GiirniL e?t}4?fi{09 Cotttmcnt mtnr-, tud:l:: t4rih,anerhiil aw@trtl;ifui;. ,r::ffiWiWffi, DESIGNWORKSHOP *:-1:::':j:":::;:i;lJ"ffi::"";:l , "::-f"- "::: P'az -,/-\ | Au*dcnr? (:rli rhc Pirnning Sr.rrf .irr ir?,i.t l l' /StI)..4 | ^nn r(;Ar'rorr lon pr,ANNrNc^r{D ENr.rRoNM}:N-r.ALFlbdrI I coMMls''ilon^l'PRov^r' rcwifwtlY I lg,i-tz-st rr,4'.:a:zP Itlr lpJrlic*lon b for aay lfifoftr$lion. $c rhc rccqrrcd urrtil ell rurylrod rrd/rr rbc llerigt Reisw J|"TYIUOF A icct rcquiring ry4roval bt tl* Illqnirg Ettd Ewirorrn"nral Commixior, lrrrr rpccific rcquitcmcntr for thc ltlrticnlar approvpl |t5r ir r€qucstrl. Thc fppticeliOn Cfri not bc . ff, Additicril (250) O Bcdrd Pcmir Suh$ivirion ir rubrniual. l'bclrdq:t tt$ry eltt n6fil to hc dylcqrcd by tlrc Tryr Cuurcll El Anolrbglt r rr Aprovcd Dwetoprrott lf:rD Fmploy:cHuniattlnir(In*:_ ltr Mrjor * II MhorGCt Eu.riaAlkr{ioa(vr[VltheelO MrJor r O Mlnot 6lI Ertiric r\lcrarion(l-iquh.dl tr SnccirlDEidepnrcorDirtricrEl M:{or orlff,{inc Annndncnr to al $[rD B GondidqrrlO Mrjorog EP nsonlqEE 8fnry'arhnco El VriorrcEl hoingCedr peicRlltloNQF ITI.:QUEST; A D. F. c.LOCATIONOT tnr-fl-rrIICJL_F|UNG ZONING: NAMEOF M oufiEnF IU\MEOF tfilLD{g r. c. tTtoN, ALL SutMrrTAL nEQU|RDI|E!|IE l!,Itr TE, ]EETO TnEcor}|urrMry DEVE| OFtrdl:tft, t56otril moflircs ro^q ITL TEQUIREMENfS P'OR rHE APFNOPRIATE rEE vdlltGoInR^DOil6fr. N^irlJ- a-lL- FEE.SSETHE Slalrfrrlffi$ DETANTilUNT llirllrlf -v Dcsign \lbrkshop, Inc. Landscape Architecture I-and Planning LIrban Design Tourism Planning March 31, 1997 1)rii So. 1'rrxrtage IloaiJ \!'rst Su irc 102 \lil, Crilolado []16;7 'ltlcphrrrre 970 476-U408 tar:sirttilc 970 476-8a09 .A lbrrrlucrrlrro r\spcn [)en ve r Plroenix Santa lir Si.o Plulo Mr. Dirk Mason Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 [hand-delivered] DearDirk: This package of materials is submitted for your review in support of an application by Mr. Tim Pennington for approval to construct a skier underpass on Lot 39-l in Glen Lyon Subdivision and to clarify certain development standards applicable to I-nts 39-l artd 39-2. The paekage includes three sets of drawings of the bridge and three sets of supporting documents from Mr. Pennington's attomey, Diane Larsen, pertaining to Special Development District #4. Also enclosed are a signed application form for PEC review, Mr. Pennington's check for $1,000 to cover the application fee, a mailing list of adjacent property owners, and a set of stamped, addressed envelopes. A topographic survey of Lots 39- I and 39-2 by Eagle Valley Survey is included with-the set of drawings, and the bridge is detailed in the drawings as follows: Proposed Grading Plan, Alpine Engineering, Feb. 5, 1997 Proposed Wall Plan and Elevations, Alpine Engineering, Match?I,1997 Landscape Plan, Design Workshop, March 3 I , 1997 Bridge Elevations and Details (2 sheets), Design Workshop, March 31,1997 The bridge is the result of an operating agreement between Mr. Pennington and Vail Associates, who desire a separated crossing for skiers returning to the Cascade Hotel chairlift. The siting, dimensions, and clearances shown on these drawings have been approved by VA. VA has informed the Forest Service that the bridge and the grading associated with it will be included in its summer '97 mountain improvements plan. The USFS District office has no objections to the bridge or to the grading required to construct it; however, no permanent structures may be built on USFS land. The dirt road which presently accesses Lot 39 encroaches on USFS land and must be moved into the existing 20' access easement at the time the bridge is constructed. The retaining walls, which are an integral part of the bridge structure, are necessary to elevate the driveway above skiers with sufficient clearance tbr VA snow maintenance vehicles to pass beneath it (14'). Although some excavation and gradine outside the limits of the easement on both sides (on USFS land and on Lot 4O) wiit be unavoidable, the wall footings have been designed so that no perlnanent DESIGNWORKSHOP Design \lirrkshop. I lnc. structures will extend beyond the easement line (see Section II-tr on Design Workshop's Bridge Details sheet). Each wall will be approximately 10-12" wide, leaving room for a 14' paved asphalt driveway anda2' gravel shoulder on each side between the walls. The bridge itself will be a precast box culvert approximately 25' wide by 25' deep by 14' high. The bridge abutments will be poured-in-place concrete retaining wallls, tinted a reddish-tancolor and roughly textured. The pillars, pilasters, and guard wall will be veneered with rounded river rock, similar to the stone in the enclosed photo of a pedestrian bridge in Beaver Creek. Where the bridge crosses the skiway, the guard wall is solid so that snow and gravel plowed from the driveway will not fall onto the skiway below; elsewhere along the walls, the guardrails will be made of logs. As both Mr. Pennington and Vail Associates hope to construct the bridge and revegetate the regnrded skiway this summer, we would appreciate an expedited review of the bridge design if at all possible. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as Community Development staff determine what the review process should be for the issues that pertain to SDD #4. In the meantime, don't hesitate to call me or Diane Larsen if you need any further information to complete this application. Thank you for your assistance. Sincgrely, fuvrq{hh^ldrd Sherry Dorward Mr. Tim Pennington Ms. Diane Larsen Mr. Mike Sliper, Alpine Engineering A RESOLUTION OF'TIM BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CASCADE VILLAGE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT RESOLUTION TO PARTIALLY FUND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SKIER UNDERPASS/DRIYEWAY OVERPASS ON LOT 39 coMES NOW, John O. Lohrc, the presidenr of the cAscADE VILLAGE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, and certifies that at a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the District held saturday, the 2nd day of November, 1996, at 9:00 A.M., at 1300 westhaven Drive, the Vail Cascade Hotel & Club, in Vail, Colorado, the following Resolution was adopted by affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors, to-wit: WHEREAS, the District was organized to construct a chairlift within the area known as Cascade Village (the "Chairlift"), in order to provide enhanced access to Vail Mountain by residents, property owners and taxpayers within the District; and WHEREAS, return access from Vail Mountain to the Chairlift is made possible by a ski trail known as the "Westin Ho Trail", in the absence of which the use and enjoyment of the Chairlift by the residents, property owners and taxpayers of the District would be severely impaired; and WHEREAS, an easement upon which the Westin Ho Trail is located directly intersects the real property known as Lot 39, impeding access to and from the Int 39 property by the owner thereof and the owner's invitees: and -L- WHEREAS, the construction of a skier underpass/driveway overpass is necessary to facilitate access to and from the Lot 39 property while preserving the use of the Westin Ho Trail, for the benefit of users of the ski trail and the owner of Int 39 and the owner's invitees; and WHEREAS, in the absence of the construction of the skier underpass/driveway overpass improvements, the use and enjoyment of the Chairlift by the residents, property owners and taxpayers of the District would be severely impaired, as Vail Associates, Ine., the beneficial owner of the easement across Lot 39, has indicated the possibility of closure of the Westin Ho Trail at the boundary to l,ot 39, in the absence of an acceptable resolution of the competing interest of the owner of Lot 39 and the users of the \Mestin Ho Trail; WHEREAS, the Board has determined therefore that it is in the best interest of the District and its inhabitants to preserve the continued viability of the Westin Ho ski trail and that partially funding the construction of a skier underpass/driveway overpass will best accomplish this purpose; and WHEREAS, the District, pursuant to Title 32, Article l, Part 10, C.R.S., and its Service Plan (subject to approval by the Town of Vail), may fund the construction of the skier underpass/driveway overpass on Lot 39; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DISTRICT THAT: The District shall participate in the funding of the construction of a skier underpass/driveway ove{pass upon Lot 39 pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth below; -2- 1. Definitions a. ed"g1!greeYl!; The temr, "Funding Agreement',, as used herein shall mean an agreement befween the District, the owner of l-ot 39, and zuch other parties as may be appropriate, by which the design, funding and construction of the Project shall be accomplished. b. Net Construction Cost: The term, "Net Construction Cost", as used herein shall mean those costs associated with the construction of the skier underpass/driveway overpass upon Lot 39 other than (a) those costs which would otherwise have been incurred by the owner of Lot 39 in the development of that Lot in the absence of the construction of the skier underpass/driveway overpass, and (b) net any contribution by the Town of Vail or Vail Associates, Inc. to the Project, if any. c. 'rProjecttt: The term, "Project", as used herein shall mean the construction of a skier underpass/drivcway overpass upon the real property known as Lot 39, in accordance with a design which has been approved by the District, and otherwise in accordance with the Funding Agreement. 2. Conditions Precedent: Any participation by the District in the Project is expressly conditioned upon the occurrence of the following events: a. The owner of Int 39 contributing at least twenty percent (ZOVi) of the Net Construction Costs; and b. Conveyance by the owner of Lot 39 to the Dishict all easements necessary and appropriate to grant the District and its invitees access to and use of the skier underpass which is to be constnrcted upon lnt 39. -3- c. Approval of the final design of the project by the District. d. Approval by the District of the Funding Agreement, in fonn aud substance acceptable to the District, including but not limited to provisions for the payment of amounts to be funded by the District over a period of five years, or such other period as the Board may approve. 3. Funding bv the District: Subject to the Conditions set forth above, the DisEict shall participate in the Project by contributing funds in the amount of one-hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or altematively, 4O% of the Net Construction Cost of the project, whichever is less. The specific form of such contribution, and the terms thereof, shall be set forth in the Funding Agreement. (SEAL) CASCADE VILLAGE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT ATTEST:ny: C liJ*l A^^!' Title: a44;;' cwtDrREso\AAo84oz !.0 17 -4- Mar-31 -97 04 rZg'P I "==C hfoFll(sHoP vail s7a J6 a4oe P-03 Ostober I I, HT:PWORTII - PAWLAK GEOTECIIMCAI4 INC. re96 H4gopian and Penningnn Attn: Tim Pennington 1l15 Sana Monica Burleva.rd, Suitc 1200 Los Angclcs, California 90025 Job No. 196434 Subject Report Transmittal, Subsoil $tuOy for Foundation Dcsign, Proposed Skier Bridge. lat 39, Glen Lyon SuMivision, 1150 Westhaven l-ane, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Pennington: As requesterl, we have conducted a $ub$oil study for tlre proposcd bridgc at thc subjcct site. Subzurface $ndition$ encountered in the exploratory borings drilled at cach of the two proposed abutments consist ofabout I foot of topsoil overlying rclativcly dense, silty clayey sandy gravcl with cobblcs and boulders. Groundwater was not eflcoufiered in thc borings. Sprcad footing fourdations placed on the naturd coarsa gravels strould be fcasible for suppon of the brirlge and can be thsigned for an allowable soil bearing pre$$urc of 4,fi10 psf. The abutment walls afid wing walls should be designed b resist lateral earth prtsrurrs and surcharge loading. The rcpon which folloxs doscribes our invcstigatio'n, $umilrarizes our tindings, and prp$ent$ our recommendatious. We should provide consuliation during dcsigu aDd field scrvkns during construction to rcvicw ""d monilor the imptermnation of tbe g@tsshnical rccommcrdations. If you have any qucstions rcgarding this report, please contact us. Sincercly, HEPWORTH - PAWINK GE TECHNICAL, INC. Rev. By: SLP DAY/knkl, """-il;;';"' il;-"".',t#;KSHoP va i' hilfusociahs,Ila Iru,wyn,lfil Irlr. TiaPcaaiqEh! ttrgopitr C F!!!iaS!ou IIC cbBtutruodAnosilioa I I 1J0 $cn Morioe Blrd., fll00 LsAryFlcr,CA 900t, Rs AgfindRcgdilj$i*Uudcrprs e7o c6 a4oe fl0.9880 t. ? P -O2 r. ra. t.. lFrlr4 rtr,IhH.m.'.artrht.tffF DtuTiru: ft br[rlf of Vril A.nocig, Ino, I brw rwiorcd 1gd 1pp6w.t ]Tor cngi13aingplrns d*ed Dccober, r9f6-virb rlipcct r tc *la u*fr1* d nt iiliasc- Lot 39.2, rRcrubdivirion of !{!X Ota trun $ubciri*oi, Vdi A"i;do;$dwdoaofxfricli! rtuclpd. phrrcbtuitnmriff nryininyquil' - rubnifiinglbphar to rtsToua ofVaiL Sl yorr hrow, orufinrl lpprunl of tlir prujcct ir conringc* uFo thc U.S. Forrct Scrvice rko qprvirg of rha p]qr rr u*roi of tha Crlddc wly SfC frtf .rri-' nrmundiug ntr ir locrcd o us. FsEc[ scryicr trac rr pttiuloc ,. ,itt ,rr"ur bcrr offoG b otrtriatc u.s: rory{ scrvicds rppmvrl,h lrwt&rF. iicclttriw ton you r fral clor phn of the pmjcq I ri,i[ n tnaif t U os t*.1 [.S.Forcrt Scndca rprwcnatrc U Ai*ttr" *it[ Ui to e.cdeullrn of&c !rlgj;* Slnccrcly, VAIL ASSOCTATES,INC. 6 rtu Ton Allcadcr Dirrctor Rsort Plrnliag cc: Dirnclrnca, Etq. hmcr 9. Mudcl, Erq. Attsphmeut$ ootcd. FO tor t. Vri[ cotc,'|!|o. tf f!f, . t ,'o,rr 9t0 at6 fiOt t' F-..,'tiF'+F' { F-.t- CHROMIX' Admixtunes for Color-Conditioned STANDAFID COLOFS Concnete A-31 2.06 ffl lL. M. scoFtELD coMPANY "ED I i'#i;ii'Jli i j,Iiffi :',i: i'J::i!:'Jf ::ii :i'.' ii:: l: :',,,, FEGIO\AL cA-LAS Tt ' 214)ti8 8801 F0lrSlllN Ti. il3) 5t8 3l?l 5AN ||tCC aA. 61!)2r1.1?6: )HtlErl I A/. 6l)2) 2r4 )fij:' OFFICES 0RLA!lD fl .1i{11 li9f lln,lii WASF r',l6TCN 0C.I20?r296 55 32 N0FTtERa,r CIL F0RNlA. ,115 1130 6112 Tr'lrx 215560 LMSC LH tfmtl z o-) !. =-) C-25 Sombrero Euif C-26 Antique Cork C-21 Adobe Tan C-33 Mocha Brown C-35 Santa Barbara Erown C 15 Coachella Sand C 11 oesert Sand C 13 Tawny Pink C-22 Coral Bed C-32 Ouarry Red C-l2 Mesa Beige C-28 Riversid€ Bulf C-41 Acacia Green C-27 Yleslwood Brown C-43 Mallard Brown C-14 French Gray Charcoal C-34 Dark Gray - o I rn o = z -If||l o)E-t; z lr'l t<tl IT t>It- C0l0rs shown appr0x mate as nearly as possible the appearance 0l lroweled concrete I alwork made wrlh a mediurn' qray cemeft and cured wrth LITH0CHR0ME Colorwar When used r0 vertrcal concrete or when special finishes are applied a samp e musl be cast lor color approval using the contempiated malerials and construction techniques The tirst dr!ri ol the C numb€r id€ntilies the price group of the color Custom-malched colors are available in 50 sack rnrn rn!m quantil es. lVatching colors are avaalable In LITH0CHR0ME Color Hardener lof dry shake applications and ;r LlTH0CH80lV1E Co orcalk Concr€t€ shou d be batched, placed. cured. and ca!lked in accordance w(h Sco{ield s Tech-Oata Bullelrn 4-304. Reter t0 Reverse side lor "0os and 0on ls-Placinq and Frnrshing Concrete Flatwork (OVER) o Dos AND DON'TS O PLACING AND FINISHING CHROMIX COLOR.CONDITIONED CONCRETE FLATWORK AND CURING WITH LITHOCHROME@ COLORWAX 1. Read Chromix Adm ixtu res Tech-Dala Bulletin A-304.07 and LITHOCHROME Colorwax Aoplica- tion lnslruction A-503.06. 2. Use only line and course aggre. gates that are totally non-reactive (free of deleterious particles). 3. Place and consolidate all color- conditioned concrete on a lhor- oughly compacled and dampened subgrade and at the same slump (3" to 4" slump is recommended. a 5" slump should be absolute maximum). Spade the concrete adjacenl to the forms. 4. For most exterior installations, apply a broom, rotary, salt, or other uniformly textured fjnish for both ap- pearance and slip resastance. 5 Use consistent Jinishing praclices. Broom or otherwise tinish all sur- faces within reasonably the same time alter placing. All finishers should face the same direction when troweling. On dicular to the ramps, broom perpen- slope. 1 . Don't use additional water- reducing admixtures, calcium chloride, andror other supplemen- tal admixtures. (except an approved air-entraining agent) unless approved by Scof ield. Many tend to increase ef- florescence and affect the color of the concrete. 2. Don'l change cement brand or type or the sand on the same Job. 3. Don't re temper a load of color- conditioned concrete during plac- ing by adding additional water afler it has been partially discharged or has commenced to set. 4. Don't add water to the surface to re-temper the plastic concrete for additional troweling. 5 Don't use long-handled Fresnos. 6. Don't overJinish. Concrete when over{roweled will trowel-burn and oarKen. DOS 6. When a smoolh f inish is re. quired, lrowel lhe surface such that il will not be excessively slippery. 7. Cure with LITHOCHROME Color. wax in the matching color. Thin wilh an equal (1:1) part of mineral spirits (paint thinner). Add thinner slowly lo coloruvax while stirring constanlly to maintain a smoolh consistency. B. Apply the cure coat of thinned LITHOCHROME Colorwax evenly and thinly with a medium nap (3/4') phenolic core. pronel roller, using a consislent stroke patlern. Re-roll to remove lap marks. The coverage should be approximately 600-800 square feet per gallon ol unthinned LITHOCHROME Colorwax, which is equivalent to 300-400 square feet per gallon of the thinned malerial. fuply the mrxture the same day as soon as but not before the concrete surface has suff iciently set so ,t can be walked on gently without marring. Consistency in application time is im- portant. This should not vary by more than 30 to 45 minutes from the time the various sections of concrete are DON'TS 7. Don't use burlap or other wet coverings, plastic sheeting, water- proof paper, or other liquid mem- brane type curing compounds ex- cept for special applications. These should be discussed with Scotield prior to specilication and conslruc- tion. Curing with water is usually detrimental to color unilormity. B. Don't thin LITHOCHROME Colorwax with anything but paint thinner (mineral spirits), Add it slowly to lhe co orwax while sti.ring. 9. Don't walk on surfaces that have been cured with LITHOCHROME Colorwax until they are thoroughly dry (at least 8 hours afler applica- ronJ. 10. Don't cover with plastic sheet- ing or waterproof paper after the cure coat of LITHOCHROME Colorwax has been applied. lt addi- in the same state of hardeninq. Do not polish the cure coat. 9. During replacement of adjacent concrele and when prolection from plastering is required lo prevent pemanent staining ol lhe old work, cover previously placed concrete with new and unwrinkled non- staining membrane paper. Remove the paper at the end of each day, clean the surfaces thoroughly of all residue from the new pour or plaster ing, and reinstall the paper the next morning if necessary. 10. Apply a finish coat of coloMax to most interior floors and to exterior llatwork if desired (not to swlmming pool decks), alter construction has been completed in the area and the concrete has cured and been thor- oughly cleaned. Thin colorwax with equal (1:1) parts of paint thinner. Ap- ply il to a cool surface wrth a roller or wool-type applicator, thinly and in small area rncrements. Use a rotary floor machine with a stitf brush to machine.brush the liquid material continuously until dry. Upon com- pletion, dry-brush the finish coat. tional protection is absolutely re- quired, leave the surf ace un- covered for at least four days, after which time new and unwrinkled non-staining (non-asphaltic) rein- forced kraft curing paper may be used. The use of plastic sheeting is never recommended. 'I 1. Don't use LITHOCHROME Color- wax to hide surface blemishes or to color uncolored surfaces. lf applied too heavily, it may become slip pery and track off. .l 2. Don't apply LITHOCHROME Colorwax to previously painted or sealed surfaces-it should only be used on porous surfaces and in thin coats. 13 Don't use LITHOCHRO[/E Colorwax on areas that mav require the aDolication of adhesives neces- sary for the placement of various lloor covering materials. O L M. Scolierd Company 1985 o MAILING LIST FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO SDD NO. 4 FILED BY HAGOPIAN & PENMNGTON LLC Dirk Mason has confirmed the following adjacent property owners are the only persons requiring notice of the application for amendment to SDD No. 4 filed by Hagopian & Pennington LLC: Liflside Condominiums c/o Sean Fleming Resident lv[anager 1234 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 U.S. Forest Service Minturn Office P.O. Box 190 Minturn, CO 81645 4 Blume Family Partnership (Parcel A, Lot 40) ,/ P.O. Box 504 ,/ Cheyenne, WY 82003 Sue Ackerman Trust ,/ (Parcel B, Lot 40) / 14010 SW 56th Manor Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33330 Glen Lyon Office Building Partners ./Attn: Andy Nonis '/ 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 200 Vail, CO 81657 Town of Vail 't lt (Streamside Tract) / f' 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 * {ll,e De*^ / P,0, 6ox i67 rlai\,LO 81658 ( fu^ff'^t^e'r QS'hYLo r, Qep"L t"c fb^b j+o ITA S*-el. ()4^ve-. t CD 30?42-5 bza T hon60eP06uff THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUF PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEHEBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmentalcommission of the Town of Vaif *iff hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ot the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail ori April 28, 19b7, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of VailMunicipal Building' ln consideration of : A request for a major amendment to SDD #5 (Vail [un), lo. elimjnate the.requirement for three coveied tennis codrts, located at 1000 Lions Ridge Loop/Lions Ridge Filing #1' Applicanl: ; Vail Run condominium Association, represented by Larry Eskwith Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a worksession to discuss a maior exterior alteration in CC1 and a minor subdivision, to allow for the construction of a parking galrye, 9 eccommodalion units' 1 condominium and new retail office space at the Gaslnbt G?amshammer, located at 231 E. Gore Creek Dr./Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village l st Filing. Applicant: Pepi Gramshammer, represented by Pierce, Segerberg' & Associates Planner: George Ruther A request tor a minor subdivision, to allow for the modification to the existing platted building enveiope, located at 1082 Riva Glen/Lot 3 Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Lee Kirch, represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 (ga.sgaq.e Village), to allow for a sllql bridge and modiiications to allbwable GRFA and building height limitations, located at 1150 Westhaven Lane/Lots 39-1& 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision. {(ppticant: Timothy Pennington, represented by sherry Dorwood fflanner, Dominic Mauriello A request for a residential addition ulilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for the construction ot a Oorm'er addition, located al 2943 Bellflower Drive/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Frank Bannister, represented by RKD Planner: Tammie Williamson A request to remove a condition of approval, from an, approved.setback variance, requiring..that the e'xterior walls and roof remain duiing the remodel process, located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 1 1A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Fiting. John Kredeit Lauren Waterton Applicant: Planner: ' ,4, ILnI n rc,w: ,1lr0ltzWffilfrn{ A request for a final review for a conditional use permit to allow Type lll EHUs for seasonal housing, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive, Public Works Facilityllegally described as: beginning at tho Northwest cornsr of Section 9, Township 5 Soulh, Range B0 west of the Si}lh Pri-ncipal-Meridian lhence S 89'31'49" E 2333.84 feet, aiong the North line of said Section 9, io a point bn the northerly right-of-way fence line of Interstate Highway No. 70 thence along the northerly right-of-way fance line of Inlerstate Highway No. 70 as follows: S 67"41-33' W 415.82 feet; thence S78"13'02' W 1534.29 feet, lo a point of curvalure; lhence 456.43 feet on a curve to the righl with a radius of 5580.00 feet, the chord of which bears S80"33'38' W 456.30 feel lo a poinl on the Westerly line of said Section 9: thence departing the northerly right-of-way fencs line of Inlerstate Highway No. 70 and following the Westerly line of said Section I N00"iB'21"E 565.11 feet to th€ poinl of beginning. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and Susie Hervert Planner: Dominic Mauriello/ A request lor a conditional use permit to allow for outdoor seating at the Red Lion Building (Cledver's Deli, The Chocolate Factory), located at 304 Bridge StreeULots E, F, G, & H, Block 5-A, VailVillage 1st Filing. Landmark Com mercial Development Tammie Williamson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the prbject planner's office located at the Tirwn of Vail Community Development D€partment, 75 South Fronlage Fload. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2358 TDD for informalion. Community Development Deparlment Published April 1 1, 1997 in the Vail Trail. Applicant: Planner: ."t srrydEl-grgsEg! i 'ffffflj"?*'ll'l bll Ittltlt'9: ' Ot Il; t tS!}tgfT tt .f,ranrrit rl cf rhe !3 '"y rrf Arrt'urt ' :9!4 by rU.cOFlArl I PFJulltltri0il, . gencrrl frtrn'rrhl" an'l AtlJrrZll l'' FnnErli lll (csll.cctvtlt "drrntotr"t, to vllt 'sst'clltl'fs " lllc' ' a Colarrrrlt qocporat{on ('Crrrrts"'l' TIfIIESSEII t crin(or ir clte rtsnG'r of ccrltrill rs'l Pro?fzly ltl'r "ttotsrtyr', locttrc tr thc Torr' of vrtl' SttEr r.f colotrd(r' {.!rr rtbrat oB PnrG t o{ Urhfbtt A dq:c't:hcd *ottt'e tnd ti'tctnt t prrl hstf('f Or.ntcr. rjcrlrrr !o 'rbtltn 'r G'trc$cnt ov('l n po:.(i.,t c! ttr PRrptity .ur unr to Pt'" si e !rrr' t\' rc t |rortn llt th.: "l|rdlrn t;t ?r'rrl11'; fo' g.ruo ono vrlrtrtbtl €crt' l sr'r irt:lolr ' lhc rr.rlF? r.rrr: rullistvrcy ct rh(ch lr hcreby dc['n"vlt'd8''; ' gr'ntor hfrr.bv Ga.lt' ; rd cunvc;,r lo cra,|t{'! it aoncrcturl"l ' PcrF'ruol rxtauc$! .rrrd rll.ht-nfi'roy (ltrt rlirrsaFltnt'r' uttd't. over ' tcto'f .r.d elrro,rlh thr nt,rll&D nl Lho P:cn.rt:' dcrttnnt'd tt thf gArsls:r:r ort Prrt tI ol [rhl.bir. Ar :!., bC utcd .5 rn lnG'8't"l F'rt o[ . llri$r ;vi1i lrvd vitl fcuntafn tn Erxlt County, Colo do' 5ur'lr i.rr,ll rt.ly lre ur"d by Crlntac. tct tsuccclrot' 'tnd aFlllnt' Frid b, ll t ot;rl.r'rr of !F( l'ubl tc dur rny u"c ac,!"ortol'ly Erl|t!c-{ 'iro ett-tn! . s:tvtBit'r,'i&fr Trll otrntltB. Crr'rrr|:, i|1 1'-1',:scl.r c,lP?rl€' rhlll contcruct 'nd lo$rt'ltl I rkrr!'' crrt. on ghc S;trencnl tnd t((tP ;G ltl good cottdlttq$ 'rBd r€!r[tt. r!t.:(lrE fot rrii Crrne;t cr'urrrl Dy $trrrc(,r 63 -31ysn6 6crlng l,t, thrvuSlr gt tn cofnosEicr: t,.} h Cr'rrttoT rll o!'ebrch rhdll p.rrl't,tlv bc rrpn'.rerl'Ly G-snf,ur. Shtu,ti C''dDEec r;9adc r'P?ttll'!tr .1i g)1r: tlllgli.tlo Ttiril lor tivc c!'ttccult"t' )Brfr' thcn Ft'' ::tgh:t lr r'"'rl ro GrJt?t( ulldQr thrJ tr,nvclfr'c|j :hcll t'cruirtatt r.rc th. f,.rlccrnt rhali r(lr'(tt- ro Ct.tfiret, 1!t succeltorr ttr Jit ltnr ' Otttnt.t "g.,'ou to lgt3nrl :rrtd l;vr Cr;'nEor, tcl flr(!'Grrorl or tttLjae, hrrcrlcrl lroa and r!.lnrt att ltablllty or lors ':or I!'turlc! to trr deetb cf, pcrlonl or ddl?t' g9 lht E{rrct''nt or tlrc ' ...F!r ;f...rs,'. by arlt tf I ' r r.llc ot ilrl E1tt[t'nf by Ct'nt3' qr .nyrn. uoii.g ci'e 'trhj' I l,urauttl! lo !b!t Cgnvtyrncc ' t' ?9221.9 "; ae{ M' Y-t^/ : . fl, [fv! AttD TO [Ot, rtl, !.rd'totrr 'nd ll3h?'ol-Y" trttlo Grlntlrrnr|ltr.gcc..'od'lndrrrl3nr.9rrnCrr'rrlthc.{ndcr 3hr !.|errnt lnrt ttpht'o!'vry hrsrby lltntrlt lrt bc .rtrl'Inrd b7 Gr.ntaa. llo t$ccaslcal or rlrit|nr rnd rhrlt tlrtr glEh rnd bc a burd.n up,vr! thf tro?.try ' ruDlcc! io rh' Provtrtlon' tor rarnnt,rcton contalnc6 :rrr.tn. Gttrtot eatlanlr thrt lt b:rr full rl6ht rnd 'uthortlt to llrcuga rhir. (or|vatrrcl cf f,,,gucnt lnd lg cr"t' lhrr rll'E nl hfr.rln ttsriidad, rlt\ th€ a,:r.rsr thr! Crrretr' (lE' ircc'r'ott 'nd rr.ttnr ) lael l hevc thl legnl rltht lo !o{,r"r cs ltd ct?'rt ;rt Bh. lc.rcle.ra hcrcin dcactllrsd. E,{ECUTID 1;r ,rd cbc detc ftrrt rrrt iorth nbovr' CIIA|ITORS r IIACO?IAII I PrtlllrXGTO!|, e Ccnctlf hrtnrrf'hlp AllDREta 0'.a*., trodrca !. Norrlr tlr GMNTEIt YAIL ASS0CIATES, lnr:., d f;oIo!rdo cotput.tton !Y: 'I zEuE-- i a . r' oF rah!.flrt& i fr#*.rtEi't ttfrtic?'in6iopJrntFeiriilnt-tdFnT-ncrrT-Erenanhlp..ln6'EL:-:Drttar ul tJ,ln or fllglal'"' suur'*rrilc .od rrsr-tl .9.o belorc a! thtr ?4 -aoy ot 4ol*;"ii*rol,,.^##,%'tf-.',,,,m;;:':h:;:"'r sTA'tt COUNTI ($c I re, - orFiqau srrtt ,tRlc'ir i (,rqfl t3r.rr 4a-r€ . gatf Clt L / : tr Tl 0t C0t!illo ;tlt at' cottufl 0l lrcll .! - lsbtcslbri md .sqra 3o brlorr ot-tlrtr l'ly t/ny al t ! glrn tt rj hrad rrrrd olflclrl lcol. lry cc*rurf ron sxp'-tl,t; /1 ,;21ar.&$ Gr4Ll. .,:'. , ir- r.i/ r, | 'i-c'a; : i "-l-f{roL\': To,-C c . tl' strfE oF cotpn,uo courrtv or trctE t rr.'\ +L, c r Sutrcrtb..l ard troran lo bGfor. t'! t,|lrol \.r<,Jrrrlr-., 190{;L/ ttrly E. Ltchlttsr, gonior ntr.rideht. V.il Arrgs{.ler, Inc. t.. dtt 6? $ltntir fiy hrtrd and oltisl.l r.rl. l.ry cqinsttron crplrrrr b - A4' ?7o ^a{i' t/o^Q ,? hgs ?tvrl |.tt"*n 7Al u!llc ot. ;t't,. l-.9 ,Fla' :iir:E TtifH.!': ;ui;[lirs,.;.:i ' rrqr{ wrgrnttor .w trz morzmt I rtllD ol ratrc llgEolr- lrrE rccordlm to thd !.t Sinraiio rn BE o!11c. cl rlto Ibclrrlrr. rrld arttP -b.tnl Lslt":'diTl;'!#i"l';.::s.!'fi ifr#;lilp1nr,Hil.ll;lilnil ;li"ltlt ffi ?i,!'li!'i;;!'iti!l!l.sl*lrr. rrfd arttp b.tnl 100 Lct rlqr .tlo lllnt ur rr(b itdt ot gir lellortn3 d.'lc?lDtd c'nE llltLllyinS l0 frrr ig^::*:,'li l!il".il'i'"{.#l"il. 13.;lt"i' iirt. thrncr ti ll.al'!tr' ll 65.5t !cc!t rh.sc. l.tlrninl rt r.iotnt on 3li. .os!h. rlrll-o! .rll -la-t tj rh. ror! irttrlt co.:tct o! o!!!-lA!-!! bt.r?-s E6'65iii.$'i.:i";i;iit;r -;ia';; [-tloll'ett': r 6t.5r !Gc!r th'!c' fr--d:i5ioi'ii *"io.oi'rrct io- iti-prnc-9f Frntnut' "!l:I t'f ii:i:ioi'i: i-iildi'riii io iti prnc-gf r.rntnut., ''htch t' iJihr-ti.t.rri. Dogndrry of mtd' l.tc 19 ? . !i!9co..ch' ttortI.iLiri-i.i..il cr ura- rci li-Crirr 3 is'lt'3?r' f 75.24 t.at dt.?rBt. lfu rtda ltarl 9f Eta !t!19 ltt rhortmld or lon3thrnrd eo lattLc.tr lr PtpP.rE llr|"f . t$ll st'.8$:"i"*:#i !l'l*l'i'!t!liilli; "iirf f;lriillh';"f,,i"iilrr-6iii, cJtiriro, eti;L tid Lcord.t dcrcrlbrd rr tollorral illi', :llili'ilii:i;iiilf iffiift ,ii' ;+: ilif iiii'ir,, t|.i ro llra Forltt of brj{aalq. coittlnlnl I' ll .cr't' E lt Cfor Lnh &bdlvtrt6r recordlql to lhr rrcorCri! !1rg lAlF rl FcrL Dietcrt"rrcr-0!-tfi l-!4!EgE -ri-iry corori of rrl.t t ot t9 cs Ltrl. i :t. ,fl : t. ',il.:, #,i;- .. *:toln" r:i?P* v a LrGiL*b ;S .filJil;ia a\ /, coTvETATGE oI EASEUETTir?.u\ /t'ri ' lgIB E,/lsluENf ts gfrnr.d ee ot the zltt dsy ol _lllq5!--, 1984, by th. !OfI{ 0I VAIL, a Eruiclp&I corgorrtloD ("CrEDto!t'), to VlIt AfISOCIAIES, INC., s Colorrdo coltrolitloD (rrcferter"), iITI{EIISEIE: Gr rtor is ths orsef ot c€rt81! real p:roperty (tbe '?!opetty") loceted 1r the TosB ot Vtil , Strto ot Coloredo, delcrlbed ob Prrt I of Enhtblt I rtt.c!€d tre36to isd foruing 8 p.rt b€root. cr.!t€6 detlses to obt rls r'! ers€BeBt oyGr a IrortioB Of tbe Ploperty tor uae rE Drrt of e trell ta be krooE aa tbe ilestl! go Tra,ll"- for gooi rld yalueble cosslderrtlon, th. resoiDt esd sulticielcy of tblcb la horeby sc\Dorl€dg€d, Grrtrtor h€!€by eelle ggd soBv€yg tg CrrBtao a EonGxcluslv€, poapstusl €Eago€Et ud rlg;h-of-r3y (thg "Eaae!€!t") uBder, over, across rltd tbrough the portloB of the PtopErty d€Blglrstcd ea th€ gaaeoe[t on Part II of E:rbtbtt A, to be ueed.ae s[ lEtogrtl part ot r akio! t!411 lroe Vrll trfou4telD tn Eegle CouDty, Colorado. Such trsll oey bE u6cd by 6raatee, tte successoas 8ad sEsLgas, csd by tl1 E rlb.rs ot the public tor *!y utge reaeodably rclated tc sklh8 rgtlvttles 0! Trll llouataln. CrA^ate€, At tt! !o1a etil!€Ds3, Bbal1 coDatruct ead oalrtal! a rkler trrtl oo the EageEalt ard L€ap it l! good eondl.tloB rld rsprlr, erc€pt for *[y da^ar,ge cauaed by Graltor or $yoae Ectllg by, thlougb ol Ia courectioa rith Graotor, &11 o! rbich rhell proopt ly be !€pslred Dy Grs,!to!. Sbould Grgat.e cesse op€rs,tioD ot tb€ f,estj.!-Eo Ttr.ll tor llv€ coaBscutlve yeer€, theE tle rigbts Efrlted to Grantee under tbls oolv€ysns€ absll tetslllta *nd th. Er8€G[t 6ha11 levert to Clrtrtor, 1t8 rucc€aaor8 or .Belg3a. CrrJ3-t ee agrees to detend ud 88vr Creetor, ite aucc€E3ot8 or *ealgrs,-;harolea6 troa rnd sga!.Eat al1 lir,biltty o! Ig€r fo! iajurj.ee to or destb ot p€rBqs o! d!,!ogge to tbs Eas€us[t o! tb€ PraPertycaqaedbye[yactofuaeoftbeEa6eaeatbyGrcBtsao! !,Eyo[c usiEE tbe Tratl pulEua4t to thia cotrveyalc6' lacludlng the cort At d.leadiBg sny 1e9.1 &ctis! or c1&14 brou€ibt by 8!y D.rty rgtloBt . tbe Crtoto! rE I reault of aald loaa for lnJurtes o! des,th of p€t6ons or deaage to propcrty , 42 ffi e Arr. 10 1997 l:0?Pil Ii a LIGAL ottb llo.l?93 , rO J >.?na*a*U.W. - ..4-e$sl o . m EACE AfD TO EOLD sald gr83n68t ud liabt-of-ts'y uato Cfelt€€ *ad its auccesBotE rud rsrlgnc. Gr&atca'! !18hta lade! ths E|lcoent rEd rig[t-of-say blteby gr8Dt€d uey bc rssi3aed by Gralt€e, tt3 lucgaraors ot rn918!s rtrd gbsll rur tlth rnd be * burdes upoD tbe Property, aubJoct to tbe ploelBlola tor t€ruloatlor cogtalldd bc!€l! ' Grsstor Erk€B no {3rr8!tec that 1t hs5 tbe lull rdgbt or rutborlty to €xesut€ tbe coneeyr'lce ot th18 erteEolt. E:ISCUIED rG ot th€ date tirat act lorth aboYe. GBINTON: TfiN OT VAIL, afilllclPal OolForatloB CNTNTEE: vArL assocrATEs, INC., r Coloredo cot?olatioa SrATg Or C9IOBADO ) ) 86. C,ouaty of Ergle ) nuo I ctDefcot? ot at tro! . (sEr!) 8trATE O'-C0IOEADO )'j ) Es, Cou8ty ol Esgle ) tituess tny laad 8!d ofttalal seel. t{y connl.sslou exslres: F.faln- subscflb€d 1ad.aroru.to bero!€_m t$e r% a.1 i!rwr_-,tw"",-,fl::,"I ffi'#ffi;' ra Yrc€ Dresr'ri f,itlgt! tY hesd ard olflcl&l aea1. Ny aoEeicelo! etPtree : gErgmWS e/,4, lqAS il)ntu, (o dutb {or lC. 199? l:08ill' .:lr a rrcAr *tl l{o l29i P. 4 ,^..."""u .o Ht::ll", p*c or e Convryance of lagcuer! frsu the f*a of Vallto Vall Asroclatm, Iae. ) PART I LEGAI. DESCBIPTION OF BE-IBOIERTT NtItSt{t, Scctim 7. lortrtrtp 5 South, Rangc 80 frtt of thr 6rh P.U. PART II LEc4!_pE$cRrPfr0t{ 0r IdE EAs4,Eg Thar part of Eho nFBltift, g.ctlon 7' forurhlp 5 louth, Srnga 80 Wert of tte Sirch Prlnclpal l{rrldieu, Toflr ol v81I, Colorrdo, dcscrlbed ae follorg r BeElnnina at che iolrtkees t coracr of sald NWtt{lIt, thence slolg tbC wegc ltne of cald llr{lu!{t N 00c05!26x lf 70.00 feetl thcnir N E9'34'05rr E 260.00 fcctr thence S 00'25r55n t ?0.00fatt to lhe routh llne of m{d l{ldtM{t I tbincr rloaB .rid 3outh linc g 89'36'05" $ 250,42 f!.t to th. pofut of bcginnlng, coEtetnlBg 0.42 acree, uore or lear. YIbt *o o a(\ sq3 t r.,..'y.Fr''r.\"rriLr ^ . "' i':';:'-.'.(!:- :;t..'^:l : ii ti " ":::u :#i;iff -',,;; t. (r,j!ql,!iic-!-gl' RqDt^r Y-'1\ q["":]!:!1 TlltS (:oitvt:y^N(.I , ,!;ire(l tha 1c,r9, Is fron C(l!i:': (lli!:lii' -\SSOCITVIES !)arr,'cr: li:1 ("(;r,rnLcr". '''r '!nrlrcl D c. I,., .,,()t1, ., (;e rcrrr] f irlli( rsll) ) 1.'r t h ,iav r:f .!itttuat"', a r:lltoclt l rl ar d Li r i :''rl Itorris ;,i (l ]l;t:r'l)l r' t".;It-i.(t.). I! r-:::f:l!:'lll' (;t-iJn1'\:, Ior !ltl r;'l'lc con:1i(l('i-irLi():l :llc ::']rc jo'' trld sr,rf f icicn:v o[ ',1]i'll 'rt'c h':ri'ur' :ck lor"lcrlPcrl ' rlr'cs ire:tb'r 5'-l] ln<i (.'.l1vc) t r-, Crltntcg .t nc'ne xt'iil_s jr'.'' l'(rl)'luil'l (j'rscnerlt nn'' riP'ht of Hi,\' r)\'7rr, n(:r: s:s ilil'l llliotlll,ll t ilc ltai l)rrlirt'rt:' dcst:ribt 'i on Exhiitill '\ irr.t j:cl)c(! tlcl'(:rr ;tn(i r1;lrl( a fillt her'u<rj flrr ust! as a roadlay fhcre_ r:prrn r: rvi,.lilr, 'chi c rl tr- nnd 1r(:des" r ian acc!'sli to thc rcill propel t:l/ rlcscril,, tl ):r li]:ili.:t: t t art acht'd ire recr" and Na'je a part trere('f ' 'l'() !l-1 .l. 'i 'rt '' r :lr1r'q cf i" e iise$'-'nt 'r't riohr dt l,nv \lnLo (;ritrli(,c all(l hr. ncil's, pc rt;onl'1 r (' P r c s c n t ;t t i l' e s dnd as! if"'s' The cirs(fur!'nt he:'cl)'{ tlrant('(l !ha} I l'ull l,i tll thc lard and $hall be apDur- t,,riilltt t.) '.lrc lrr'.1 'lr"'cr:ht t: cn llxhibir ll str':h tl-'af i' Lrilnslcr rtf lcr:rrl !i,lc r-(' illl or itrl lr(;r!ion ('l' sr'''h iartrL shrll- ruLcnacic llv :j_;lr)sIr:- i! nr(]:)()rt ir]lrJ! c rll"rcs: ill this '"lsfixcltl-' (;fillltr''c' i),; ll('r ;l(et:PL:lr<'t of :his (:')rrvc)/i:i:lc! ' acklro.Jled'4c's Lh;lt rllis ..i;lsr'.lrctlt. i's sLlb-]'ct l'1r ':ll(' fol l(ri"i,1rl tcl':1rt 3 (l (')ndil' jons: (:|) Un(i-rl'.irC t'f ll1 t:oscrr ii't(i L'rlcnscs l'cquil (ld trr tr;r jntJin' !'(:Dlr l' un.l llr.'c'i.r in l"()('(l ol'L;cl' ittle ;!l)|("tl"tncc tttv Irritriii't col'1st-r!:ctc'l ou Lhe ta!ier't..llr sir.ri I bc thc :1olc rcsl)otl$ jbi "'-ty c: Criirltec and sh;rIl f,,.. pilirl lr\' (;r'it lLs( I (i)) tr( ci)},(r:rcilu l"ralltc(l lc'r'in shalI telminnte i!'JLot.lilIic.'|1].','tl'rrr:i'i:i:illlll.(\!11i.'|,(.1'(''.,ci.trl:ll.|1!;|]ill.i:il''-ilvii1'|(j(.inI: i':,ge I of 2 ///o/905 o0 to n,t,incaln st the Sencral tat'?ayers' exPLaFse the rt';ll Irolcrlry dcscribed on Exhibtt A as a publlc rradway. LX!:Cti'tllD e s of the date t-l rst set t^orth abo!c ' GORE CRESK ASSoCIATE.S, a Rhode I s l.ind Llrnlted Prtrtnership . :: ,'t' f- By. -- i-, . *---:-' i; '- -llcnrv :. iittes. (;cncf;ti I il t l,-'L' !;1..iTE OF lilloDt- l:iLAr!r )) ss. COUI-TY IJF PRO\';D[NCE ) J'hc f(,,cBoj ,!l insttutnent was ircllllovletlFcd b-'-()ie mc this ISch day of .l.tirrrary, 1979' by lletrr' l:. Kntc's, :,s Ccncral I'nrt11.r oJl C,rre' Crt'ek '\sscr-'iitcs. a Ilh'J{- Is l;t11tl l-ini t(,d I'artn|rsh.i n lly corrni strion dxFites : Page 2 ot' 2 oo i.IlL!.u.-! (Attachecr..rr': ""'1.*iill.3 5:::":; i;']"t{1r.;:"t?'1, l,i*,*;i:i1*::lt$l[i! i;:!i;ri'l; :n'' iir;*rri Lot 39, cl,Ell LYoN SUIlDlvlstoll' accordinR to r-hc ..(i'rrt:d )'.1r titereuf, .is an(rit(,e! ' GfirllAlct Ol rolDtlal lr8ocrr 1fI8. OlrTItl'ICE. d.t d tb. Jt[. fuv of lry|rlt-. 1911, t. frc mf cllEl ASSOCIAIIS ' r Rhodr lrl$d Lttlr'd Sasga.flblp ('G8co/t'') to J..lE Aocutff[f (rcrrnl"") ' llr!E!9El!, &ator. tor v.IuabL' ecDaLdttltt'oo. thr sec.lPt ;d arttfctocy of rfifch .r. h.r.bt rchdI.d8.d, docr hcrcty rell lrd c6s.t to Cletaa r nmsclurivr. p.4atlrl a..oaat .nd rl8ht ol nt drar. 1ro.. Gd thro.Sh rb. ".rl proP.tty &lcrlbrd o! lhhtblt A r!!.Gh.d t r.Go ed !.d. I P.rt h.r.ot tG ur. .. . *ffitlffi;- r{|d gsodd^||3 vrblculrr .nd P.&rttl& aGG... to ih. r.rl ProP.rE drrcrlbrd F &llbtt ! .tt ct d hanto nd r.d. . prrt hlrrol' !O ! l,! fD fo Bfl.D t|ld ..rca! rod rtgbe ol rry rnto Cart- Irt lc hrLn. Fflorl srt)r.aGE.tlt tr Ird rrlgnr. ltc .r.mt lranty fratrd 3h.11 nn ulcb ct lotl md rbrll be rypr- :6at !o !b. lod d..calb.d c Eblblt !. anch th.t. ta.trrt r ot 1.3a1 tttL Eo .ll 6r ry Pd3t'6 ot ,uch led .hrll rrrtc.cto.llt t86rt r I gro?GGtO.Ga l C|.a! 18 cblr .r|nt. €s-caa. tt hal .saa?caca ot tbl'r Gilt tGG. D .tbrLdll3 ELt ttfu .r.rG la djaot to tt loltfl|lt ter. 6d codltlort (a) 6.-Ghlsd ot..ll cort. rnd gorr r.qofr.d to rtsrrl'n' lr0'lr .d LaoD lr tood cd.r ed.0D.rra3. rt rt rht s[rgntor'd o rb ...nt rtrll tr tb rob !.tp6tlbllttt of Eat.. d ttdl t Dd,. !y erlGr3 $l fu ..nt Srotrd tcrrLa lhrll c'td!rl' tuattcdtry *o 3h. +naoOrtrm ry.! rth{st ||'3l!. to lrlntaln at Ehe d.rcrlb.d otr Erhlb EI(ECI'TED sfil1l ol ooIrlAD oouffi fi lrru thr lorr Ghl. -!!l drt ot - |. Ormrel tarcoat IJrf c.d t gBat!.tt Itt cc Itttsr.. ttaIot2 |a,t'-, Ited EoD.lntrtortthcg.n.r.ltlrpryerr..rD.!|.Bhcr..1PtoP.r.y deccrlbcd on Erhibtt A a. . PuDllc rotdnrt' EI(ECIITED r. of thc d.BG flrtt 'Gt torth 'bov' ' OORE CREEI( ASSOGIA?8S, I Bhod. Ith$d Llrlt'd stAtE ot *** ] .r. cowt.r or E flr ) Thc forcg,olng lnatrtenc rer rc*novlod3'd b'fot' !' rhf. -$! d.y of Augutt , , f973.;. Dy H'asy E' Lt't' r. GGtrclal Pattttar of Go:r C!.3k Attocl.i . r f,hodr lrhnd Ll'lrcd PrrE.rnGrshlP. l{y cootrloo .rPlral: ?rgr 2 of 2 astflaa lpc rnd by Bell rnd d ri8ht of d on Exhlbit A dvry bhere- erl propertt herqof. f sry nto Itnr. Ttrr 11 br epPur- ctenrfrr of , rclaorrhd3 ,d c@dllloo! : nraln, rap.fr .ructld otr :e and rlrrll 'all tcratnlla ry agr.clnt of 19?8. Lblr.d Prrca.rfblp. to J. llt AlFttSTIf,t. ) tacl& DcscRtPrtor f htli' !aat, wli|| D.r6f ot t.|rd locrtrd rlud! lot !9, ao .ad at ot th* xEre tf,xt G&A froa $foavfsfc. t!..n ot Yd.l, @urty e! aEla. Color.do trraq-a r &cDnt |tl.r l6e7?l h teo*, l7l .t Prqc lro of th. Erglo Cott CLrt rd tclEilr'. !.co(ib rca. p*tl,.rr!*ltf d.acrl!.d || tqllsr frCnfry rt trbr bith.r.t colrrr of tlE sfll ol tD. rEl ot s.lgtlq| 12. ldtr LiD t sdh' t|rtt at L3c. o( trr. 6th P:l,nctD$ t*rldlo. itrnr ot o Yltl, htt or lrgllrr Oolor|do. tho llitl Polllt ol lDcluutFr U|.t|c 8 OO 13. at. r.lq drst ltE ot r.ld sl o! tlh. tlEl ot ||ld s.cllo ll rd.fdrq tia EaC t6a.|t ot trtd ll@tD P'.lil ccg Lrt 5|Dl9lEloll, r dlatJrqr ol lt l.g C-t to a Doht a . cuF r. thJroa rlfl|' a coslr to tlr. Lfb .!d rlq|t tt t!31[ bocdrry ot h|ttuvla clrct.. !da! cr|rE hrylng I r.dlur of ao-m rd r ats.l altL ot lto ll' tt'. lr rrc itlrtoca of !?.42 taat, th-rr I ooo tt. at I I itLtDca of ?lr.al t..E to tlE |.oEi;h.r!t c.rnar o! ratd tot ao. ti..,c f 60 tt. tz. I I dl.t$c. ot lo.OO f..t to ttr rd|E r'oltT C !!Grno|tfG. (Attached c Rord fasenfroD @RELbltld P! LE4 8.eord.d pl EXIIIEIT F (Attached to end oado a prr! of Coovryrucr of Rosd EascenB drtrd Anrrrrt 9 _. l9?8.froE @nE CREEr ASSLbttad Prrttr.rrhlp, to J. IIE At GllIlIllE. ! I.ot 40, CtEl LToll SlttDIVISlOn. .ccordtDr ro th.a.ccdd pht th.a.of. |. urdrd. t70lF? GIlr a 6!D l-rtElffi rirr Lf ttl' at r' ' at6sn1E78 l.lor(t O l-)luIl #6 THIS CONVEYANCE' 19 78 , ls fron CORE CREEK PertnershiP ("Granter") , co sttn !!$uiillrf,r tla trlt 2t,',7t l.-19-,J : ( 4.e)-...-...... date the 15ch day of JuIy _, ASSOCIATES, a Rhode Island Lirnited I'|ARGARET SCARBROUGH I'IILSON ("Grantee") . UI!NE99E!8, Grantor, for valuable considerarion, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledgcd, does hereby sell and convey uo Crantee a nonexclusive, perpetual easemenc and rlghc of way over, across and lhrough the real property described on Exhibit A attached hereLo ailc made a part hereof for use as a roadway Lhele- r.rrvr "rowidins vehicular an<! pedesErian access to the real property described on Exhibit B aEEached hereco and made a part hereof' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said easement and right of $ay unto Crantee and her heirs, personal rePresenuatives and assigns- The easenent hereby granted shall run vrith the land and shall be aPPur- tenant to rhe land described on Exhibit B, such that a Eransfer of legal cicle to aLl or any portion of such land shall aucomaEically transf,er a proPortionate inEerest in this easement. Grantee, by her accepEance of chis conveyance ' acknowledges that this easenenE ls subject to the following Eerms and condiELons: (a) Oae-third of all coscs and expenses required Eo maLntain, rePair -and keep in good order -and aDpearance any roadway constructed on .'.' Ehe easement siiaiL bc the sol e responsibilit.y of Grantee and shall be paid by Grantee; (b) the case$enl $ranied hcrein slrall terminate auEomatically upon the appropriaEe governnentaL auchoriry ag,recing Pag,e 1 of 2 'r{i lf r") rnd .F bir e- rEy ur- of Lt edges cns : pair tl 1a Ee !-- to malntai described ol n at lhe general taxpayets' expense the real properry on Exhibit A as e Public roadwaY. EXECUTED as of uhe dare flrst ser forth above' 6ORn CREER ASSOCIATES' a Rhode Island Limired ParrncrshiP -, artner STATE OF PJIODE ISLTND COUNTY OF PROVIDE}]CE tiris .' da1' of as General ParEner of Limiced ParEernershiP. ss. Gor:c Creck Associates , a Rllodc Is lan<i Ity comnission expires: '- \{iEness my hand and official ) ) I The forep-oing insirur:ient lia s aeknor.'ledged before me , b1' llenry E. Kates . Pace 2 of trolIBrr .\ ' i ;ffi;ii-;i*t;qi*il*$TrFffi ; llicnL l)l;sic: ii I i'i'io:i A hrenty foot t'ide parccl of land locatad t'lthin'lots 39' 40 antt 4i of thc AI'IENDED PL'\T GLEN "t"- '"i"'""to* ' 'o'n of Vai!' corrntY of Eaglc' colorado record€d as docuncnt nu^f'"" fC'e:Zf in llook 2?2 ab faflc 370 of thc ltaglo County clcrk n"a *t"otuotl" t"**'t morc irarLicuiorl:r (lcscribL'd as follo\rs: Besinnins ac trre riorElrcnst corrlcr :t :t*.:*,':: ':::,-,jt:;:t::::';"-:':' o Tot'nslriP 5 sou"h' Rnngc 8I $cst' of thL' i'Lh frrrlr Vail' County of Eaglc' to'o'ono' Lhc TRtlii I,OINT' olt l]liGlilNlliGr thcncc S 00 16, 49" N along t*"t ""1 l'-saiti slr" 6! ghq "il:irr of snid sacEiorr 12 lnd nlonq Llrc i'ast boundar! o: "o'a n"Ut*O'Ut Plirl' GLEN LTOI'I SUFDMSIC'N ' a 'lisL'1lrcc of ?66.54 fact to a poin'- on a cllr:!c tll'lr'!:c alolr(i il cr'lrvc to ';ilc 1afL nllii alnil(i lhc i:orth bcul\(iir)' of 1';csbhnv.]ll Cil'c'lr" sair:' ctrrl'o llauitrrl a )'':r(iitls of B0'00 .1trcl n cc:ltr:'11 atrglc o! t'J ''" t5'r 'ltl irrc (li:it'1:\ce ct- 5?'rt2 llc(:t ' Lti!'llce I ooo 16' 49'E a (iis:nrl-cc o"""'" 1';'''[ ta "hc ::ortirc'ls'; 61rv;"i'r o:' "- 1' 16'; 'iOr ctrence s 88o 45' "" u u-Ut"ttnce of 2o'o0 feeu to the TRUE POrNT oF BEcrNlilNG' E]ff{IBIT B (Actached to-:19-i:1"r3'Slttrif | !' A:::$d"e;'{ise;!" g l;1 "o*B+ii"i-coir cREE!-$: ilm*int;;t,tn:iced-iarmerstriP , SCARBROUGH ConveYance accotding uo Ehe recorded t.^r- 41. GI-EN LYO!{ SUBDMSIOIi' iii.-ii"i!Ji, -as amended' 1?o()15 |---'.;i cF c::3i.icc L.c.:rnv ot r.AoLEI harcrt rcrl;b tlrl t,: ;t:irr:lit s ll!!d lcr.r..:j ir :r J:l'r , AUG r ! 197e e 'e-vl-. t- "..J.* a- -"_ _.30fEs{,z# #t$frrlHil +u G0HVEIAT{qE oF EA$ErEm ln?rf 3$ilRs .,r,),,K THIS EASE!{EI{T is granBed as of the 3o ilry oC A+<f*-, 19Et by AIIDREI| D. l{oRRIS III ("ltoctax), HACOPIII{ & PENNINGION, I general partuersbli (r'tl E Pn), IIAROARET SCABBR0UCH IIII.SON (r'tftleon") and ARNULF ALBREGUT (r'AlbrechEr'), to vArL AssocrATEs' I![C. ("Grautee";, a Colorado corporrtLon. . TIITIIESSEIU: l{orrte and ll & P lfe Eha sr.Ders of Lot 99, GLEI{ LYoU SUDDIvIstoH, Eegle Courty, Golorado ' Albrecht ie tha or'net of Xot 40, GIJN LIO}I SUIDIVISION' Eagle Councy, Golorado' l{ileon is thc o*ner of Lor 41 , CIJD LION SUBDIVISION' Eegle County, Colorado. Lotc 39. 40 and 4l ere bereinafter referred to as the "Property". Norr1s, n & P, Albrecht and Wilson are herelnafter fefetrrd to a! rrcrantotgrr. Access to l,ot 39 i9 obtalned ov€r ao [access eaaementl actoas Lots 40 and 41' Clglf Lt0t{ SUBDMSIOR, as referenced and shosn oB tbe eubdivklon plac recorded July 18, 1978 in Book 212 st Prge 370 of. thc Eagle Co.ruty recordg' Fpr velueble consldcrailonr thB rccalPt sud sufficlenct of rhlch ls hrreby Ecknowledgcd, Crantots hcreby sell and convey to Grantee s aonexcluslve, pcrpeturl egseqEnt aad rlght-of'way (the rtEaseonelrttt) under. over, €cttosE and through the aocess eagausnt , descrlbed above and tbe Portion of lot 39' GLEN LYON SIIBDIVISION, Eegle County, Goloredo ' ell as uorc epecif,icrlly deeerlbed ln Erb{.blt A sttach€d hereto Etral foralng t Prrt hereof, gor cbe purposes ef ingrcre esd eBr66F f,ros cerEsl,s pFoPcrty upsa lthlcb crentcs istends to congtruct, ingtsll. ualacala, operate and rep:ir € pupFhou63 facltlty (969 'rPuapbouse"). Grutee, ag lts,tole erFenac, shati uglntsiu tsbe Esseuent and keep lt ln good condition and rrpalr, eaccpt for any denage causeil by GrantorE or rtlyotre acElEg by, through oE in contrectlon sith Ebern, all of whlch sholl prouptly be rcpelred by Grantors. Should crgnt€e cegse operattona of tbe Puuphoure f,or five conEecctlve years, then the rights grant€d to cr{ntce undar thig */I\- U conveyencc shgll tcrul,nate eud thc Eggenettt shall rcvert to Grsutors, thcir hcl,3e, succer5ors or assigfrc. crant€e Bgrees to defend and c|ve Grentorr, thelr hel.rr, succcttore or a6gLgDE, heraless froo and ega!.nrt .I1 liabtllry ot loes for ial uriee to or death of pcreoue or dgoage Eo tb. Ecs.Eent or the Froperty csueed by an act or use gf the Egrcuent by Grantee. T0 HAVE AND TO ltOLD ssid Easement and right,of-nat unro Grrntca rnd ita succesioEs and eaeigua. Granteets rlghte under tbe Eas€loant and rlght-of,-way hereby granted Eay be aaelgned by GrsnEee, lts strccessors or aesigns and shell rrrn vith aud be r burden upoD lhc Pcoperty, Fubject ro the provirlons for gcr[iBatlon concaincd hercin. Grangorc wrlrant rhet they have full righc {nd authorlty to cxccut! thit Conveyance of Eescoent rnd ?o create tbe eascoent heretn provldEd, wtth che effecr cbrt Grantee (Lte succaeeora and aealgas ) shsll have thc Icgal rtghg to ingresr aad egress f,ro,u Westheven Circle acrote.the Eae€m€nts, Thla Conveyanee of ECeenent uay be executed ln any auober of counfetpatEs each of wtrlch shall cdnstitute au orLgluel end all of rhlcb shall be conrldered a singla inetruuent, EIECIIXTD ss of thc datc ftrst 6cc forch above. ltAGOPIlN r EEilNIt{Gr0N, aGenettl Partucrrhlp I ET-: cBAlfIO&S I I-o terDiaete aad the Eas€EeEt shaIl rev.rt tocoovcyrBcc sbrll GrauEorg, thalr helrE, ruccc6ao!! or aatig3rs. Grarrtee agrccs !o defead end ram Ertstorg, thrlr heirs, EuccessoEa or sesigns, hrraleea frm aad rgelnlt aI1 llability or loee for iujuriee to or dretb of petrotrD ot dauagc to the Eaeeueot or ths Prope*y caueed by rl rct or uae of thc Eaae&eut by Grantee rnd its gt|pl oJrctr iuGCeisot"S and asslgns. TO HAVE AI{D tO EOLD eaid Easeneat end rlght-of-r8y rnto Grantee aad lte succeaSors rnd rrtignc. GtanEee'e rLghtg ttrde! the EaeeueDt and right-of-rray horcby gratrted ury bc asslgued by Grantee, tts succeeggr8 or ssrigas end glrall run l'l,th and be I butden upon the Property, eubJect to thr proviglous for teruLnetlon containsd hcreln. Grentora varraot thrt thcy hava full rlght and authoriEy to eaecute chLs Convcyance of, Easetsent and eo create the er8eBlnt herela provld,rd, rtth tbe rffqct that Crantee (iBe cqcceseote end asslgBs) rhal1 have tbe legrl right to Lngrerr aad cgtess f,ton Westbavea Cl.tc1e acroes the Eagnacntg. Thla Coaveyance of Eaeeuent t[ay be eracutld ln rsy nunbcf of counter?arts each of rhich sball consrituce aa orl-glnal aud ell of rtich eball be cosidcred a s tagl,e iaatrrneat. EI{ECUTED ag of thc datc flrst E6t f.orEh rbov.. GRAF|OES: Andres D. lIorr:Is IIf- EAGOSI4N f PE$NIIIGTON, AGcncral Partnershlp EY;re AENIJLF ALEREICBT GRANfEE: VAII. ASS0CI.ATES, rNC., eColorado corporactos BY; STATE OT COI'RAIX) COUNTI OI EAGLE )) et. ) srArc oF lal'fiinL )w3''". -- r SubecrLbed aod snorn te Defore E€ thts Q# azv otr -:+.l3$i^YrM:*f; 'f '*"1 iSr:tpU:crrteg-isl $yggl-to^be-{9gg-qre- ttlLs 3l itay ofEfiEW . l9E4 by AlfDREt{ D. NoBRIS III. ry hesd and officlal real. t|ltnc.s uy hand anl o,.fflclal rerl. STATE OF Subccribcd tnd ElrorD t9_ bqfore Ds thi6 day'of _, 19E1 by UAngAREt SCaR$Rou$l rrU,SOEl; $itnese ay hand and offlclal eeal. lty cootseLon ctrpires r )) ss. ) Addtesr: COIffTY OF (sEAr) ogsry G Addres s :BARBAET{flHiB'rsoN rin|- co ero6o SIATE 0r co[.oRADo )) rc. COU}I'T OF EACLE ) (SE,AL} STAIE OF COUNTY OF (SEAL' SIAIE 0F -{-*o. (sEAL) . Eubscrlbed rad rmrn to b€fore h€ cbie _ ' &y of ._, 198( by AIiIDREI{ D. ttoRf,IS rrr. Tlsnees my hand and of,ftclal seal. lly c@ic Eion erplree : GBANTEE: VAIL ASSOCIAIES. IIIC., AColorldo corpoletlq[ Addraes r )l rs, ) Subscrlbed snd snorn co before Ee thls rLry of "*--ar*^t8girP-mH;i*9T*"=Hj.tnccr ry beud and offtclal Eeal. My coas{s€ loa e*pLres: Notary Publlc Address : ) cogrsr? o'15^e*rr- i ""' (\ e."':.t-.- - ' Srrbrcrlbcd and Ei$orrr tq-b9lglg-gp-:rr|r.\L d^ry of i\3L*_ , 1984 by I'ABFAnET SOABEnOUCU Hrr,Eft[r = by I'AIFABET soABBnoUcE ttltnese lry bsrd srd offlctal eeal. lly comisslon expl.resr t\r.\tt BoEl'ry r|lDlrc -. Aadreis i Sts-\ r*\sop.-*-ur. 4t S.rr-,.1 5x 111r\q _-. .tv tt srArE oF |.i-/-J-oA*Jn ) - r rn. cour*rr oE u4-L- ; '"' brnd aod offtclal aeel. rxpirca:. QIS-{L 0F Color€do COUNIY OF Eaq'le _ 7/2U87 vArL @ 8l6l!t ) I 86. ) li illi S€o'*{'3: 'rc., a seel. ' 34999 AYon, tW. 6, Box 375 Colarodo 81520 v EXHIlrr A J"* (Attccbed to and fotoing Prrc of a Corwryeni,l of Eaocoeot fron tndiei- D. Dorr:lc IIr' Ea;;;i;- i"natngtoa, t{.a8,l!ec Seerbtough Wtlson anil Asau1f Albrccht Eo VriI Aaaoclrtes, rue', I,ECAL DESCRIPTION_oI' THE-.EASEDE$T A strip of land actoss tots 39, 40, eud 41' GLEI{ LYOI SIIIDVISION, accordirg go the ulp thereof recorded ln Eook 272 at Pege 370 1r the of,flce of the Eagle Couney, Coloredo Clerk aad Recorder, ss{d ttr{.p belug 20 feet rlde, ead lytsg l0 feet ou each rlde of the follo{.tng degcrlbcd eealetrlLae: Eeginrring at a poLnt on tbe gouth€rly boundary of raid tot 40' also beirrg the qortheEly rtgbt-of-say 1l'nc of tl;sthsveo ClrcXa, t*reoce the EoEt southerly cosner of ccid Lot 4l bEgrs N 30"58'57"tc 6,42 f,eet illeEaat; tlrence N 00o16'49' E 727,53 feet to a Potflt oD cbe Bottberty ltne of seld l,ot &0 (tbi6 eecEiou of gald 6crlp is tdeDtical to in Accese sud Utility Eateurnt ScroEB lrld Iots 19, 40. snd 41 sbon on Ehe PI.E for Glen Lyon SubilivlsioB descrlbcd gbove); thcsce !l 37040'00' rt 47.52 fect to the Potut of rerotuus. wlrlcb lg or the w66tcrly boundary of cald l.ot 39, ribeuce Ebe nost restoEly coE[et of said Int 39 bears 5 28"L7'57'n 44.04 fcct disttlt. rte slde linee of thr strlP are ehorteaod or lengthened to terlribBtc at PtoPartY thes. Crqq,e/4en 4t COMMITMENT TO INSUNE TransamericgTitlelnguranceCompany,aCaliforniacor?oration,hereincal|edtheCornpcny,forg vatuable considerntion, hcEby eommits to issue i* pofi.V o" poticies of title insureace' as identified in Schedulc A, in favor of tne p"qpot; insured ramed- in S"tt"dut" A' as or*rer or mortgagee of the estate or interest qgvered hereby in ti" -i."a described or referrcd to in schedule A, upon psyment of the premiums and charges therefor; uff toUiJ-io tie provieionr of Schedules A and B and to the conditisas rnd stipuh- tions shown on the inside of thc cover' custon@r ConLact e sara El.}en tl4l-L-.-- Phon!: 476'5?22 - E- sara Ellen Hall ruTxoalzSD tlEl'lTUr3 Theefiectivedatcof thiscommitrn€ntis 4gYq@er-!!-, 19 78 ns-9:00 trM' A.t which time fee title rvas vested in : GOBA CREEK ASSocL,Nf,As' & &i,nitecl ParcnershiP SCHEDULE A t. Policies to be issued: (A) Owners': HTGOPIAII S P8NNTIGTON.A General ParEnershiP (B) MortgagPe's: GORE CREEK ASSOCIAEES,A Rhode Island Li$iced PaEtncrslrtP o-- *,? ,' , ," , i:'s .-!r.'t lro. 11,1o1,905 sheet 2 of 4 SCIIEIIUI,E A-Continued ?. Coveriog the Laud in thc Strtc of Coloredo. County of nagle Described as : l,ot 39, GIen tyon Subdivision, according uo tlre recorded Plat thereof ' as ancndled No,4,I01 ,905 Shcet 3 of, 4 SC$EIIULE A-Contraued REQUIBEMENTS g, The following 8re thc reguipments to be complied with prior to the isgu.nc€ of said policy o'r p9li1es. Any other inst1t|m""t rocita=.a-iubsequent to the date,hereof may arrPear-as an cxception under Schadule B of the pa6cy to Ue iasued. Unlees othenvise noted, all docurrents must be recorded in the ofrce of clerk *a tt""ia." if the county ia which reid proPcdy is located' Partial n€Ierge ' by the Publlc Stustee, releasing sr:bject Frol'erEy lron the lien of the Deed of Trust from : core cseek Associates, a lfif.tedi partnershap forned under Ehe Laws of Rhode Islard the bunty of Eagle f,tansfield Corporaiion, a Colorado Corporatron st , 2?5 , 000. oo Augus! 30 ' 1'97 3 seitenrber 4, I9?3 in Booh ?30 at Page 899 .Asendnent of Deed of frusC. recorded January ?4' L978 in Bsek 265 at Page 9oz' Tradle Nade Affidavit of HaggPian c eennington, a Partnership, tllGclosing the nanes and addregses of alf of thi !.tttet" thereto ' evidencjng the e*istence of said i"ourur.y prior to its acquisitl'on of subject propertY' Deea fEoll Gorie Cleel( Asscciages. A Litait?d Partnershlp to Hogopian & Pennington' A Gsneral ParcnershiP. NO6E: Notation of the legal etLl!.3s of ihe Crantee nusg appear 64 fhe Deed as per igf6 nnenanent to Strtsta on recording of D€eds 73 c3s 3B-35-1o9 Dee.d of Trust tron ; Hagopian & Pennington ' A General Pargrership to the Pnblic Trustee af the Cor:nty of Eagre f,or the use of , cot. creet nssociatgB' A rj'uited partnersttiP to gecuf,e I 9IO0'O00'O0 . to the Public Trustee of for the uge of : to gecute : dated z recorded : B. c. D. No..t,rol,9o5 sheet 4 ot 4 o SCHEDULE B THD POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED HEBEUNDEB IYILL NOIT INSURE AGAINST: 1. Rights or clarms of parties in possession not shown by the pubiic records' z. en-r*mentt, or clainrs of eqsenrents, not rhown by the public records' ;: d;;6;;;ies, connicts in boundary lincs, shortage in area, eno'oachnents, and onv fact$ rshich a confct surwy end inspection of the prenises wouid disclose and which arc not shown by the public reeordt. il. Any lien, or right to * lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furaished' inr- Dosed by lsw and not thown by the public rccords' S. t"ii, due anct payaSle; and any tax, slxcial asses$ments, chat=;e or lien imposed for"rvster or'sewer scrvice, or for *ny other special taxing distlict' 6.RtqhtsofHayforditchesandcanalsconstruc?edbytheauthori'tyoftha united sa"-.l" i'-itttttt"a in patents for all of subject proPcrty recorded or"rrniii ag.-riio i" a"oi.-i5'-"L piq" 42, Auqus! 16, 1909 in Book 48 at Page 542 and october";; igee-ii'-i"olc itz it pace 40s' dnd the further releivation as to th; Nw-k- '; !; of section 12' Township 5 South, o"r,g"-it west of trre right "{ l!9 uii:"g states' its permrttee or license?, tQ enter upon' o*"t'iy and-use' -"ty gott of all of said land fqr the Pu'rPoses providea ii'tne Act af ,Iune 10' t9?0 (4I Stat- 1053), "" t.".i"Li it' lr'" p"teni'-ritorded october 2' 1946 ' in Book I3z at Page 405' Easements and reservati'ons as shor n on the recorded amended plat of Glen LYon Subdivision. Restrictions, which do not contain a f,orfeieul:-ot-I3unrter cleuse' but ofii€ting restiictiott", if any, based on race' color' religion' or national origin, as cantatnea in iniirt"ent reDorded April 4" igre in Book 268 at Page 698- Roadway Egsernent frorn Gore Creek essociales t a Rhode tslatrd r,iniced p61'3'lgg'5hip to tn"ig*ia Scarbrough Wifson as coBtBined in the instr|rtne$g recordcd eugust 2I' 1978 tn iook 2?3 at page 611, and to J. Lee Augnr'tine a3 cont lned in the instruficnt rec6iaeg AuguEt 25, 19?8 in look 273 at' Page 9gl' 8. Endorrement lsrucd Ey Inanssmsnrcaftile lnsurancs llornpany Thc cornpany hereby inrurer rgainrt losu *lrich rrid Inrurcd rhdl rurtcin by rearon of my ol the followirg mrtlerr: l. Aoy lnco*ccracs in rhc arturtncc which thc Compuy hcrcby giver: (rl Thtt rhcrc art ho covcorala' conrlhlone,-g1 rqtricrionr uudcr wh-ich rho licn oI thc "' ;;;;;;;;i;I;-i*;;i"'r'a i' i"'snncaub A crn bo cut ofi' $bordiDrtcd' or orhciri-rc iapritrd r tb) Thrt. cteeFt !r shorvn in Schrtlule B, thcrc src no.Prcrcnl violetionr on raid tgn'l' of any cnfbrccrblc cov"rrnt& conditionr' or lcrttictioall (c) Tbrt, ctc?pt rlrown in schc4ulc 8,. thcrcara no cbclolcbmrrls of hrrildinse' rrruc- rurtG or .-o*l"i-,i" f-*;i;ii; ai l i."d onto-edjoining lrndr' nor any cnerooch' ncnlr onto ieid hnd of buildinSs' Elruclurctr or 'nrPmYcmcntl locrlc'l on aqJouunF lendr. 2, Any luturc viohrione -on_ s-airl lrn,l oI rny Govcnantt conditions. or restriclionr occurritlg - ;;l;;;;;.'"i"iii"" oiil.i. to tai.l crtari ot inrcresi by thc Ineurcll. provir|crl rrrc]r violl. 1io11s lqslrll t" ,*o Jt ioipn;t"ttiit of rhc litn oI rhe rirorrgagc or dectl t'[ l'rtl referrcr] ro in Schcdule e. or t"ii."; r"i- "i tt*lirtii. mirl crtrrtc oi intercrl if tltr' Insrrrrrd rlt:rll iiiiiiJiiiiil'iriil il riii"r""ii""-ot-rl,c indcbr*rlncc rccurerl by srrch nr.!rtn:r*c or rlcerl o{ trurl. 3. Dmrgc ro cxirring improvcnrentt rdrich ere- locare or cncroach upon ltrat porrion lf - rh;'];d'iut,jecr ri ;;;-;";;;;;,; shor.zr in-schedrrlt' B. 'hich (lenriss ro.lrlrr lrnur rhc ;;;;"ilil" ttglrti?,'""-oi-"ioi"ioi" rrrch crrcnterrt for lhe purposeg for trhich the sarnc wil. Errnrcd As scscr{ "d' ,1. Any 6nal court orrlcr or jrrilgnrcnt rcTriring rqrtoval from ntty load adjoining said larrrl of rny cncroachorcnt llrown ln Dcne'lulc o' Iglrcrcvcr in thir cadorecnlant rny or atl ttre s'onk'covtnantq conditionr o! rerlrrcliottti" ,",*rrl'iiliirtiit iii Ur a"r*iir ro re'fer ro or inctudc rlrc tcrnrc, cosenrnb ond conditionr crrrr' iil'"od l" riy lcruc clcrrcd to In Schcdrrlc A' Thc tqtrl liabiliry qf rhc compan!. unrler said policy nnd any cntlonemenl lhcnelo shsll |lot "r".J io ,h" q,gr"gir., r1c feco alo,rnt of mirt poiicy aarl corrr wlrich rhc ConrPany h obligarcd undcr rhr Condirioor rnd Stipuhtioru thcnof ro pry' Tbir cndOrccracnt ir mtrle a p&.1 af rnid policy or of thC Poliey rlala tlrercof md ir trrbject to t1*;hed*ter,. condllonc anrl rtipul*tirrn. arr; cxcl'rionr from covcrolc tlrcrcin containcdr crccFt .r modi8cd by thc provhionr hcrcof' fnansame$Bs Tllle lnsunancg llompany Itrr'rirh'ulgy Policy Nurnbcr Ordcr Numbcr Endorrcrnenl Funrr C'100 I Design Workshop, Inc. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Urban Design Tourism Planning JuIy 2, 1997 Mr. DominicMauriello Community Development Department Town of Vail lhand-deliveredl -$ .$"bs' "s---' {$ 95il So. Iilorrtngc Road Vest Srrire 102 Vail. (lolorudo 816.i? 'li:lrph one 970.176-lJ'i0ti Fhcs inr ilt 970 476 8409 Aspen Albuqrrelque llenr'-er Jaokson Hole Phoenir Sarrta ft' Sno PaLrlo Re: Skier Underpass on Lot 39, Glen Lyon Subdivision DearDominic: The enclosed drawing set reflects the most recent chang€s, summari-zed below, that we've made in the grlding and landscape plans after talking with Mr. Gould' I We had always hoped that we could ease the slope gradient from ttr road to Lot 40 at the north "nd by grading onto the neighboi's property. Mr. Gould and IVIr. Blume agree that this would be a better solution than the boulder wall that we showed previously in order to avoid any disturbance to their property-- Therefoie, this griding plan shows slight encroachment of grading on Lot 40 in that comer. WJmay ilio use some bdulders there if some are uncovered during the skiway earthwoik, and that, too, would be agreeable with Mr. Gould' r The above revision in grading allows for a flat pad in that corner of Lot 40 to accommodate the reloc-ated electric transformer. This location is acceptable to the neighbors, whose house it serves. o We show 3 spruce trees, 8-10' on Lot 40, at Mr- Gould's requ-est. He had asked for more tree!, but I explained that it would be difficult to use that many in that location, as they should be planted at least 15' apart. These three trees will be watered from Mr. Penningtbn's drip inigation system until they are fulty established, r The electric gate, which the Lot 40 neighbors object to, is still shown on the p1an, but we underitand that DRB approvat iitt Ue neiessary before it can be installed. One of the neighbors' concerns is that lost drivers would turn around in their driveway, but ihey will also be able to use the crane accessway to tum around. We still hope to find a conffactor and get the bridge built this season, so we certainly appreciate all your help, Dominic, in getting the project approved. Sincerely, Tim Pennington DESIGNWORKSHOP ::-; :r r . .. witrl""" rny hand :"o,i'ofi'iciol'r!ea]' 1 , Addrr:ss: my comniss ioll 0/0s/s5 16:56 6303 761 9696 Fdx Transtdsgion eover gheet October 9, 1995 Tol C€orge Ruther' Ilstm of Vail Planner Fa:<s 970-479-2452 Frcml Larqr Grace 1210 Weetjraven lane, Vall Fa:r: 303-?61-9696 Plrcnrer 303-761-0850 . Re: itbg€haven Lane Ptrbltc Access on EaEscnt Oueet{crt LARRY GRACE FOX GREENF tS@Ddtr Eaglaood,€olcndollll0 LANRYn. GRACE 10/0s/95 16:5? Lynda A. McNeivs TO: FROM: DATE: RE: lB3o3 761 9898 LARNY CRACE Q ooz BRoWNSTEIN HYETT FENSER & STRICKLAND, P'C' *ffiffi:$,,'#S ^ i,*to= frffi;? 4t0 SEVSNTBE \rfit STREET \, /,1. r t 'v DBNVER' COLOnAOA 8/}lffl4137 -.t|',' , rffiffi8f'i"tr'i: \ uqo -40, u t I 2l -.7661 'trMEMORANDUM 8a5- "" 1\[r. Larry Grace Lynda A, ll{cl'feive September 28' 1995 Vail Property/Use of Easenneuts by Nonresidents As you requested, I have rcviewed the Protective Covenants of Glen Lyon $ubdivision and the Amended-Plat of Glen Lyon Subdivisioa, both recorded in 197E, to determire what rights, if my, the general public may have to use the eas€srents within the Subdivision. You inAica-tea that you are experiencing problenrr with hikere, cyclists and skiers parking along the roadg and/or accessing easements that are itesignated for utility aad draintge, Therc haw been ssne arrednents to tlrg lto@tive Covenants of which I do notbave copiee (or il some cases, I have incomplete copies), so for purposes of this letter, I am consiO"ring only ttre oriBinal Protective Covenants urd th dedication language on &e AmEndcd Ptat. I. TIIE PLAT The Certificate of Ownership and Dedication on the Amend€d Plat of Glen Lyon Subdivision rEcorded July 18, t9?8, states that tbc origiml owrlcrs "dedicate for public usc the streets shown hereon, including avenues, drives, cfucles, ptaces ad allqrs, the public laudl and drainage eruements shown hereon for utility, and drainage pufposes gnly; and Trac$ B, C, D, E, F, A, H, J and K as Creenbelt and natural open spaoe; covenaffs frled and recorded for this zubdivision in the offrce of the clerk and recordet of Eagle Couuty, Colorado as document No. 10/09/'95 16:5? 0303 ?61 SS96 Mr. Larry Grace Septemba 28 Page 2 LARRY GRACE The plat also states that the Town of Vril accepted "dedication of the utilities and road easements shownhereon. . ." Bared on this plat languaga, you probably cannot exclude the public ftom accesc to any land thar is tabeled on the ptat aS a "sbeet, avenue, drive, circle, place or alley. " You mUSt also allow use, but for utilities and drainage only and not for public access. of any areas labeled 'public lands " or drainage easements . The permited uses of the greenbelt a nd open space tracts are not spelled out on the plrt. My copy of the plat is not very clear, but it appeart that the private drive adjatent to your Loi 41 (as later resubdivided) is labeled "Access Easement" and nAccess and Utility Easement" but is not e str€et, drive, alley, etc. II. TIIE COVENA]'ITS ftrning to the Protective Covenanb of Glen Lyon Subdivision rtcorded April4, 1978 in Book 26E at Page 698, we find the following relevanr provirions: 1. The Covenants statc thst the Town of Vail and Gore Creek Associat€$ ("Gore Creek") own certain property, portiotrs of which have b*n platted as Glen Lyon Subdivision. The Covenanb cover a parcel containing 80.977 aeres; the plat contains 12.498 acres. I do not have any map that shows the location of fhc approximately 8.5 acres tbat ir outside the zubdivision but is included in tle Covenants. 2, According o the recitals on page 1 of the Covenar$s,. the Covenants place restrictions on the hnd that are specitred as being for the bcnefit of the Town of Vail and Gore Creek and "tle grantees, $rccessors or assigna" of Gore Creek and for nall persons who may acquire an interest in any of the tacts or lotsi ia the subdivision. These restrictions run with the land and inure to the benefit of and are binding upon tlre Town of VaiI, Gore Creek and thcir rcrpective gran{Ecs, succ€seors and assigns. 3, Section 1.4 of thE Covenants strtes thst Tract A shall be used for emergeocy vehicles, pedestrian, bicycle and skier access. Tracts B-H, J snd K and the uqplatred trsEeam tract" (perhaps this is the otber 8.5 acres?) may be landecaped and used as a picnic area with tables, benches, barbecue facilities, etc. Pphibited on these tracts are any stucilrcs, camping, public or private gatherings or nany other a.ct by any person . . . which, in tbe judgement of any pmperty owner or of the appropriate officials of the Town of Vail, Colorado. may deface, alter, desboy or damage the natural condition of ths vegetation or the aesthetic value of the naflral environmedal quality" of the traets. Utility facilities rre allowed on the trects as long as they do not alter the surface. "Hikers, pedeseians, skiers and bicycles are expressly permidcd to travel hereonprovided the zurface of [thc tract is] uot umeasonable damaged by said activities," m oo3 10 /09/'95 16: Eg Mr. LarrY Grace Septenb€r 28 Page 3 €lso3 761 sse6 T.,{RRY GRACE @ oo4 4. Section 3.1 adds that "An eruement for pedesrian usc shall exist aad is hercby reserved otr, over and across ttrose portions of the plat of Glen Lyon, reserved herern forUtility service and ftcilities." 5. Section 15.1 prohibib parkirg along the publie roadways' 6. Secdon 16 rciterates that tbe Covenants are fot the benefit of and are binding on the stream tract, each lot and tact in Glen Lyon, and each owner of ProPetty therein' 7. under section 18, the Covenants can be terminabd or amended by agreement of tbe owners of 75% of the privately owned land in Glen Lyon' g. Enforpement of the Covenan$ rcsts with the Town of Vail and the ploperty owners of Glen Lyon, and includes both the right to obtain an irjunction to prevent or remedy any violation, and 0re right to damages- Sg Sectlon 19' g. section 20 of the covenants specifres that persons slaiming easement rights over the Glea Lyonproperty ale trol 0o be considered "owners" for purposes of these Covenants. Itr. ANALYS$ These covenanrs must be rcad and interpreted in their entfuety, Thos€ who are arguing tllat therc are pedesfiian or other access rights fsr the general-public-arc probably lookingct a .oop1gof sentencesinSectiffis 1.4and3.1 outof coniertaldinisolationftomtherestof the document. It scsrs clear tbat, when read in tb context of the entirs Covcuants, the pcdesttian, bicycle and skier access rgtns are, like tbe otber rights and obtigatioas in the Covenants, for tne mteft of the owners and not for tbe general public' one can certainly argue that every owner of a Glen Lyon lot does have a right to walk' bikc or ski across the plattedUifity and &ainage earments where snrcb easeineats croes the lots of other oqmers. Buf there is no basi$ in these documents for extending that argument to include access for the general public, In fact, the definition of "owner" in Section 20 of the covenants specifrcally excludes per$otu claiming only easement rights' Arother argu1nent that therE was no intent to have auy rights vested in the general public is that the Covenane provi& thal the owners of 75% of the private land, wi*rout any rcvicw or approval from the iown of Vail or any other public p1ocesl, art entitled to terminat€ these covJnants or amend them under Section 1-8. Thd, *re private laldowners could, if they found it necessary, amend the Covenante to clarify that there is no public Bc.cess except over the streets dedicated on tle plat. Io addition, tbe prohibilioo of parking along the streets indicates tlat it r0i0s/s5 16:69 9303 761 9698 LARRY CRACE Mr, Iarry Grace Septembcr 28 Page 4 was not intended that the public be able to park there ald access Glen Lyou's eas€ments enroute to hiking tails and ski runs in the area' W. CONCLUSIONT White there are rights for pedertrian, bicycle and skier access across the utility and drairoge easements taUeliias sucU in tne pht, rtreie nghts are grantedonly to owgers of p-rivate ;;6*,y within Glen Lyon SoUinision. All others arc tres?assers' Bither the Town of VaiI or one of rnore propeEy o\;vner$ in Glen Lyon are enfitled to seek an injunction or uke oth€r steps r" pt;hibilfi;b;r prUUr u* of thc e#mens within the subdivision' AptrroPnale sigrrage and gai,s r'ght be a [ood nrtt tf"p, but approval of the Town's Design Review Board may be iequiredbefore installation of such itefi$' @ oos Yail Associntes, Inc- +"@@ DATE ICTAL PAGES fiIGAiDIN6 ME'9ACE ii c0iIFtDEflUALITY .{QTES r . ?nE AccnilPAl{YING FAcsIHILg Is IrlTEt{DED tol!!I-:.9t IIE USE 0F THE i'ji rtiiiir' 6i ii'emtio-isovi.' -ootwettii sl rRmsxlrr:o HEREIIITH FAY cor{TA rfi I l{FOR},tA Tr o uHl cx- i s loiiiniri irt Al{o_p R1{.I|-EGED. DEt IvE RY ti'iiiiiiuiiii dn'utssextnn:ior-or rxls courunlctrl0 orHER Tllllr r0 ili' ;ffiffiii i'Eciiiirrr r s' ii'ririrr-v iioiia treo. _ _ tt-rou HAVE RECEI vto iiiiE'iiiiiiiri-irr inhon' piirii norrrr us lr&EnhTELY sr TFIEPT'rotrE' NOI{T}TWEST ATRLINES American Airlines American Aidines New expandcd scrvice &on Dallal/ Ft. wonh (DFl9, plwnomtops from Chicago O'Harc (OPO). iilew York LaCuandia (LGA), anC Miami lnlernational (MIA)! (l..'.n v?nient coflne(. tions hom over 130 aties toorldwide. Call American Airlines at 1-8,00'433'n00. Northwest Airlines Snturdsv non6totr gcn'icc fiom Dcroit tDTW)l bailv nclilstdp lllghs ftom MinniapolieT5t. Poul (MSF) with gtelt connectio.s from wer E0 cities hcludin 1..on{q6 and Amsterdrnr Cell Northwest n irf ines at 1'E0&2?5'2525. ilIIIJwwEDAIRUNES United Airlines Ncw deily nonstoP lcrwicc frorn Los Ange'les pror'i-dhg "vorldt^'ideco.rr,acFons irtm the West Coast. Can United Airlines at t40&241'6522. rt . ' .r / n - ----- l.*-r. D----,-r.l--r -r r Cnn Ett 1J67 nr rrmrr lnrll lrevp'l agpnt. t p' \J, Solss't ttar!-E..4a \-/ r'ff.f5li:u!['"ll? Ju l{ 3 !o Fft tstcoilvE.rl\llcEJ''f-g4lry t1 t' : rnls EASIHENI ls f,rnntEd au crf, lhe 3L day * &^t^** - '' 198S hy ANDn$t D. l{oR$rs IIr (r'liortts')', IIAG0PIAN t PEI{$INGION' s generaL partnerehii ("H I P") t ItiAR'GAl{gT scARDRoltGH UTI'8ON (,tliti16on",) ond ARNULIT AL3gEC$T (t'Albrccht"). Lo VAIL AS$OCIAIES' ISE. (rr€rent+c,'y, a Co]orado car Pofgtiqd ' ' F]fNE$9E?U; liorris ancl H f, P arc the uwust:5 of l'ot 3t' Gt'?'l{ LYON SIIHDMSIOII, Eugle .County ' C'llorado ' Al brccht ic Lhe grnrer of T,oL ,r0,, GLEH LYOH SUBI'TTTSION, Xagle County' Colorado' lJilaon Js thc o$fiet of Lot 41, 9LEH LtlON SUEDIVISIOT{ | EeEle Cormty I C$loradq, Lots 39, 40 and 4I arc hereicrsl [er referred to 6E the ,rl.trrF€rf,y,,, Norrie, H & p, Albtecht ancl iillsorr lre harc{naftcr rcfer led to es rrQrantolstl. Ae'c-ee g to LoL 39 iu obtained over an "scresa e€sp.racnt" scrocs Lsts 40 end &1, 6LEn LTON sllBDMS I0l{ ' se refcseuced rnd sbona on rte' eubdivisiotr PlaE recorded July 16' LgTS ttt f,ook 272 aL ?cBe 3?0 of she Eatl€ County recorda- tror vatru+b Is consideration, rhe recclpt e:lr! culllcieircy of vhieh is h**cby ecknowlcdgerl. Gr+ntors herety celL and convey to GranLee u rpoetcXusive. petpatual efsemcnt aud rlglrL-of-uey (the r53g6rnent") und.er, oye!, acroti aod ghrough tb€ anc'Rf,€ cellc$cflt rtse*tiEcC aboue and th€ Po"rlon of Lot 39' GLEI{ LvoI{ SuIDMSION' Eqgn e {?orrnty, Co}orcdo 1 aLl as more sp+ciflcally tle'acrlheit'tn E!&''bif A attsched hereto and forning r pErL hereof' for the lrffltosei of lngrelc uld eglesl frsra eertaia ?Ea?erry r:pon uhlch FFgt€r Lntends to constflrct, lnstall, msiuLuitl r operate and r*qre lr a puuphouue lauillty (the "Furaphouser') ' 6f3ntee, ac ifg.so'la cxpcnce, Etrall $sinteiD thc EesenenE ar*dd beep iL in good condition and tepa{t' cxecp t' for any daurage gldc.EcA by Gttnrnrn Ds onyutrc ac Ei\rg by' through or in corraection r*i.rh tbeur. alt of rrbich shalt Proqrft y he rc-pnt rcil by GratrLuru' s&Eralld Granrc.c ccacc oPerdlisus of the tunpbouse for five sgffiscEtil'e ye8r8, chen the r{ghta grlnled Lo GdarlLee undGr Ehis Detoi corrrreya4ca Ehrll tetaninstE and rhc Easeftent shsl: reverE to Grontore, tbelr treirs, aucsctiEorE t,c eEstgtrs' Grantaa a8r€es to ilefenil and lave Gl:antorg ' the'J r halrn ' EueceEoorc ur aeuignu, itcsurlecc frosl end ageilrsE all liebllity or trosr for iaJr:riee tb or dearh of pcrsons or damage to the Eascucne or the Froperly ccuued by arr auE of u$e rlf tba EassRsnc by Gra.rtee, TO IIAVE A$ fO H0LD cald Eueeueul eurl rj'ghl-o[-va] rrnt(' Grance€ and it! .trcce!3or3 An'[ assiBn't ' Grancee'g rtt]rs tlnitFf t.hc Escenent and riglrl-of-\say herel'Jt SreltLtstl lray be aGslgned by Guaotee.ltsguecegsorsofassiBflsartdshallfunr'irhgnflbca hnrrlen ulton thc Propcrty, cublcct to rhE provLal onn for lefFtnat ion cont.irred berain' c"Rnrorg etn?t*rri that dhe'y have flrl'l rl flrr nnrl srttfior{ ty ro gx€cut thls Ccnveyance of Uas€GeDt aad to cr6ate the eesellent herein provl rle.d. ct{ t'h ihe effect thAt Ctnntp'P' (l cn nrcce"rnora and ssslgnst ehall have the legal tight to ingress end egr-eee frou $erthaven Clrcle aetosi-Ehe Easefietrts ' Thia canvetence of l'lserse[t mry be executcd in ruy nuober gl corrntetperla eaeh af lrftlni rtall c'ulit{ttrte an nrlglnal nnrt alt of uhiclr strell be considlrtd a ringle iusttuoent ' EXEcnTEf, sg 6f the dare' flrsr sar forfh atovp' EAGO}IAII Sener:1 t' \ & I!NI[ING!0I[. a IartnershiP GBAffI$BS r I c{Erve:ranoe ehall tercinaLe a:rrl Ehe EageEenl shall revert to Gf;alrtolc, thgt! hritr. tucccsrofa ot a33tgn8' Grarltee rrgreed to rlelead anrl Elve GraDEorE' thclz heirc' [trece sotc or a59ignE, ha:ol+ss frou and efiatngr all ltabtltry or loas fer iojurieu Ls o! decth of Persons or daDlag;i to the Eageueat or the koperty ce Bed hy an ac't or rt6€ of the EAFerneDt by $rantee anrl ils euploycc, euccesEoru and assigns' T0 HAVE AND TO Hol,D salrr Easedent anrl rlgfit-of'r'6y unto Gra$tee afrd it5 Euecc6.€rf aad +ssigar' Grlsteers tights under the Eaeeueot anit right -of-r:ay he-eby grented uay be aeeigned by Grrntcc, itr Eucc.tlotE crt a3FiSFc anil cbrll rrrt rrlth gnd bc a burden upon Lhe troperly r tubj eel tu Lhe proviuloue lur tclefutat lon conE6tned hereln' OraDtgrs ltarranE that Eh+y harre full rrgbt aDd suthoritt to ftecttte'r.bls conve-yenec of EF a p-rnnnt cntl co cfEnt:c tha efrfif:nent hersin provided, nith rtre elfecg tha! craDtee (it6 succescorD arrd asal;n6) ahell have th+ legal tlght Eo lngr€a3 and egresa fron H,asthaven cilele rcross the EaseEerrtg ' Thln Conveyance of EAsF'fianL mny ba- exee'uteil ln 6ny filttnhet of coi$rtefPerts €ach of tehlch shall eonstiblltF en orlgi.lal ald ell o.f whicb ahall be concidereil a ciaglc lnEtrulcr't ' EIGCU?ED as of the data first r't forth ebov'' Gi.AjN!ORS I FAf$PIAN & FENI9IHGTON, A Genera I Parrner3hlF EYr ffiAFtEfieffi'cr TuEgrrr[gEE0nr.-- 4 \,.' GlEfi.IfEE: VAIL ASSOCIATES, I{c.' 4 Golotado corForfiElon 3,! 8F dzv ot -a-aa a G€nersr !argerahlp. }Jicuess roy hand €$A officlal 5841. al ,nr, 4r4rslqt?FiW STATE OF )) *c' ) f,rrbanrlhed anrl cworn to beforc qC qhl!- dav'of-' -: " i ie;"ty -iiliteiir- i iiiit riifrcn ur l.r'otn' I{iLueEE uy lranr! and olliele!' eecl' My comi+sion erPirel : . CUUHTY OF (6EAtl ffi-"-Address : Bv' -Grds,,r$S*4r63;*6_-.'..,- rhJn ttr. day of s.r.ArE oF futfi"y = : |.., couNTY oE lfr htetJcs ) \J G8.[NTEEt vArl, ASSOCIAfES, rNC.' a Colorado ccrPoErtlon $TATE or coT.oRADo i ... coul{II 0r EASLE } suh ae rr h c-d - a".d "Yi;ft #o:'feHf; ,E" ril: "19E4 hY A I{iLrttsBE oy lrand sod officisl secl' lfy corulaatnn e;Flte$: tsFit ) STATE OF tloulf,ff or (SEAL) srATE OE :ir cou!$1f orfl.e|r:l-- HitResr ry hand aad official real' '"- GaUs,r% -...-- day of l ) F$-l Subocrlbed lrnd owotn to bclure Ete thic dav of . 193tr hY ac- a Gcncral 1r hE.r-of- EAc{lIAliE-TESNTI"efdF;-ffi F?le-rFfl 'TBitnerslr{1' tJittleFE ny haad and officirl reel' My comlelion cxPircs : l) sn. ) sribcctr.,e{-anu "ffii3^i;ro;liii*6fi#oii"# *t (\c..-*-.- , 1984 bY U lty co,,-tio e ion exPirec t E\r-t\t* otrry ( SEJTL)hr:r-,"r i{* -\t'r\a STATE OI )- ) 3s. )COITNTY OF rvoln to brfore me ARNULS ALBRDCHT. and off { e'l n1 ccal' rhrs J0tli+tav or STATEoF Colorido.- -__-- i COUtllY oF Erole -- ) n\/ . d ,{'hq'hl-,."L,.-tit^-- $lii ffi"li{ull ,r,c., " iratt-tv Prf'11;'- Addrecs: ss, d::llii:ir* nil !:.:ifir; 3E ' lfltncEe uy hantl uud ullicial ss+I' ff comlsslon exPire* : l&c?r Er FXBIBI'f A (AttBched 'o-Pg*fT:1F.3'6: fi:"?t, II1, . H. ;Hfi Ir" ;driii:il, ",r';fi fl::i::iuil- Y*: i"'* r,r.cAi- otscufrrN IlE EASEUSHT A striP of land Ecroes Lots 39' &0' anil 4l' cLlN LYON SUBDVISIdN, acc'orilio8' to the ilrrF r'hcreof recofded ln Eooh 2'12 lE Pagc 370 ln the offtce of thE Eeglc Cotntry ' Co!'orado Elerk and . Recoriler, Faid ELgIP betng 20 fcct nltle ' +nit lyinf, 10 feel on each u,lde of the fot loriug rleacribcd cente'rllne t Begiuniag at a puinE oa tbe eout"'hcrly boundcty of saJd tot [0, aloo being gba aott'hcrly right'of-nay l{ne of I{Estheveo Circte, sltcuce the trotE aoutherly corugr of, eaid Lot 6l tearc N 30'58r5?"H 6'42 fcct dtlstant; thence I guol6'49' E 777,J3 feeL to a point on thc EurLlrsrly I'iu* of salil Lnt {0 (tbis s+etion of said strip ic identlcal to trrr Acs355 anil tlt{lity EaseBsnt rctole anld LoLu 39' 40' arrd 4l stourr or t'hc plat for Glen t'yoo gutrdivielon deEc'ribcd . sb{rvg} t thence l{ 37'40'00" u 17'62 feer to tbe pc'lnt of tetotnue. rrhictr it on the rregr'erly bgr'rndary of rald r'ot 39 ' ubenee th+ Dag? rrcsterly corne! af sal'l Lot 39 bears S $'1?, j?" ht 44,04 fc.t dlFtf,nt. lte a{rlc liDe6 of the sttlF tcrnilatg et ProPettY lluee ' are utrottsnetl or lengthencd to .' J flrrlt v\r l'lule I hole golf ug:'.,ns at FireProlection ng is located t1 tt (Fl q" ".t)ial,l f uti:c-- P"atk M6rdows }^-;7lLi 'W fun' hwn 75 south ftontsge road vall, colorsdo 81657 (3O3) 47S21s8 dopartment ol publlc worb/ti.nspo.tatlon July 5, 1989 VAIL1989 l,[s. Kristen Blurne 1200 Westhaven Lanevail, co 8L657 Dear Ms. Blume: This letter is in response to your reguest for approval- to installa.gate across Westhaven Lane. We have looked into the reguest anddiscovered that some of your adjoining property ortrners are againstthe installation of a gate. you should proceed with the followingsteps to gain approval: 1. Subnit a sketch of your proposed gate and location to theTownrs Conmunity Development Department. 2. obtain the written approval of your plan from adjoiningproperty owners. 3. The Coruflunity Development Department will either staffapprove your request or take it to the Design Review Board. Please call nre if you have questions. SincereLy, Stan Berryman, Director Departrnent of Public Works/Transportation SB/njn cc: Pe;trr Patten |r(ristan Pritz Greg Hall Pete Burnett