HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 40 LEGALTOWN OF VAIIT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr,, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARII.,IENT OI uO 1ot-,-!J^ : OF COMMT'NITY DEI'ISLOPMEI\TT ffi ON iIOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMBS Perrnit #: 899-0071 Status- - -: ISSUED EAST UNAPPlied. . : 04/L6/L999 rssued...: 04/L5/L999 E:<Pires . .; L0/L3/L999 THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ATT SFR BUILD PERMIT .Tob Addregs: 6Eation. . .:el No..: ProjecE No.: 12],0 WESTHAVEN CR 12].0 hIESTHAVEN i.,N 2LO3-L2t-05-016 PRt99-0084 ADAI{'S CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 2LL9, EAGLE, CO 81631- ADAII/I' S CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 2LL9, EAGLE, CO 81631 BLI]ME FAIVTITY PTTiISHP * BLWE FRED P, PO BOX 504, CIIEYENNE Phone: 9?0-328-7090 Phone- 970-328-7090 t Description: KITCHEN REMODEL/ADD GARDEN Occupancy: R3qpe eonstsructsion: v N WINDOVI Single FamlIY Residenee Drpe V Non-Rated t{Y *Of OaE Loga: ,F: k VaIuaEion:20,000 Add Sq FE: Fir€pl.c€ Inf ortrt.tion r Ragerictsed:*Of Gas Applienc.r t REQI EgtE FOR rNSPE(rrON8 gHAl,t, BE UADE Tl{tsNTr-lOttR HOUR9 rr{ ADVB'}ICB BY Send Clean-Up Depo€lL lor ADMS CONSTRUCrfoN fof wood/Pallet i **+*'Jt***.t'tll''*.t*l**tr*rl,*t*t',***rrl*irFsEsu4t.|A8yrt**rrrrrr!.'''r*rtt*}*r*'}'*|ttttJt.*l****rr**r{'''t'}t***.' Builaling-----> 2{5.00 ResEuiranE Plin Revien--> 'oo Tottl calcqleE€d FeeB_--> Eo7 '25 Plan ch.ck---> !59.25 DRB Pae----'--- 'oo Addit'lonal Fc'6---------t 'oo tnveatigation> .oo R€crrecion F€e----------> 'oo toti'l PerEit F '--------> go1 '25 wtll call----> 3.o0 claen-t4t Deposil--------> loo'oo PryBent6----------------> sot'25 *tii t"tt"-:--- r*.****rl****rr **r**r*rr*r*.r****+*f*r*r+****+**,r*t*t***r*.*rr+r*rr*rtt***irrr?*r*'*l'tt*i**'r*tt***irtttt*****a**i 6!iTe I I 3lIo dHIlo' "_noEEittISH. CHARLTE o"?iB'' "ylTii: Division : Eliil',ilig' Hff Ifi "';Bttttrffi ffi;;;.";"6it' p'amtrNG D ivi s i. on : rtem: 05500 FrRE DEPARTUENT Dept: FrRE Division: 647 i6 t lggi - ctrnp.l,f e---,Ast-ion : APPR N/Artem: 0ss00 PIIBLTC woRKs ' ^::: ::'': Dept: PI'B woRK Division: 627 i.6 t7566-cfient,is "ACtion : APPR N/A , r , * , r , * , , , r ,r , i r tt**t*r'rtl**** tt r*tar*irri**+**aat **t* l* **rrr****i*tt* t*** i t, rriar **t*'r rti ** t tttttr*i ***t t** | *li '*''*t see Page 2 of Ehis DocumenE for any conditsion8 that may apply Eo Ehis permiE' DECI.AR]ITIONS t her.by rcknorLedgo rhat r hav6 rcad thiE epplicacion, firled out ln ful1 Lhe lnf,ororE[on required' comPleced an accurat' ploE p1an, and. .tatsG Chrt all, Ch. lnfolllatslon provld.d aB requircd i. corlecL. I .gr" to ci ply sith th' lnf,or$aElon ana plo! plan' to conply rltsh.rl'rosn ordlnaneor and st.c. r.xrs, and to build ghla .tsrucgur€ accotdlnF go tha rorln'6 zoning and gubdiwiEion cod.., d.€igE rewiey approvcd, Unifo':o Bul,Idtng Code and obhet ordindc.E of the Torn eippt'lcablc bh'raEo' TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up approved amount date APPIJICAIVT CONfRACTOR OVINER NOTE: Deoosit Refund 82003 **WW Ax 5: o0 Pu sronmng or clwrsr oR collrRAcloB FoR HrusELF Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS PermiL #: 899-00?1 ""-"i o4/L6/gg staEus---: rssItED ******************************************************************************** Permir, \pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUTIJD PERMTT Applied--: o4/L6/L999 Applicant--, ADAi4's coNsTRucTroN rB-eued---: o4/L6/L999 g7|-328-7ogo To E:q)iret Lv/L3/L999 ilob Address: 1210 WESTHAVBN cR LOCAtsiON_--: 1210 WESIIIAVEN LN EAST I'NIT Parcel No-- : 2L03-L2L-05-015 Description: KITCIIEN REMODEI.,/ADD GARDEN WINDOW * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * CondiUions * * * * * * * * * * + * *:r * * * * * * * * * * *:* * * * * 1'FIEI,DINsPEcTIoNsAREREQuIRBDTocEEeKFoRcoDEcoMpLIAIIcE. 2. SMOKE DBTBC;1'ORS ARE REQUinro rn ALIJ BEDROOIIS llID EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.5.1 0F THE 1997 I'BC' slEe Address: 1210 WESTEAVEN cR IOCALiON: 1210 WESTIIAVEN I'N BAST IJ}IIT This Pa)ments Total Fees: 507.25 Totsal ALL Pmts: Balance: 507.25 507.2s .00 ***********+*******************************+******************** Account Code DescriPtsion Amolrnb BP OO1OOOO3111.1OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 245 'OO PF Oo1oo0031123oo Pr.,At'I CHECK FEBS Ls9 '25 AD D2-DBPO8 CLEANI'P DEPOSITS 1OO'OO wc 00100003L12800 wrIJL, cAr,r. irlspscrroN rsr 3'00 PRBPARaD 2127 /04, lr:04 | 47 PROGRAU I{R415U Tosn of VaiI DEPOSTT RBFI'IID RE PORT _UPDATE CUST.ID CUSTOUER llAI'E TX.DTTE AJ-DATE DEPOSIT DEPOSIT-ADJ E}IOUIfT AIIOT'NE ADWSTIiIENT IFTEN-REFU}ID AT'OUNT AIIOI'NT 1428 899-0071 Adama Cdrstruction DEPOS DEPOSIT TOTI.L FOR C{TSTOMER TYPE: D2 4/L9/99 2127 /04 100. 00 100 - o0 100-o0-. o0 100 .00 100.00 100.00-.00 GP'I|D TOTAJJ: DEPOSTT CoUl{T: 1 G/IJ BATCII CnElrED ! BArCH-00583 2O04l02 100. 00 AP HEI,D COIJII'T- 100 .00- 1, 00 $tolrNa- 100.00 100 .00 rowN oF vArL t*rr*ucroN pERMrr orr?"orroN F.RM INT'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTT,D Date: 4/te ,/zZ Vr-.o( R/an,e ft-s- nuaoar".r, r)@r.r;r5rlfthrrr./ aAJ Building (-f Plumbing (a,)-Mechanical ( )Othor ( ) Legal Descriptio n: fot-19 -Filing s',oliivision G/<a //ia su/. Owners Nane: -tEerr t t-, ,/iAaa un,'/ /h-.o /a.ETXtmone*:h/7L - f ! fotLaldr&es'. IAOO (.C-sf 6ar+a /-A.-i;j xchitect: /{ft Address: lT+S - Electical (--)r Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Generd Contractor: Town of Vai.l Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Varl Registration No. Plumbing Coniractor, F o Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. 6r Alteration (() 2- Additiorxal ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Type of Fircplaces:Gas Appliances Czta- o-"t ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ Cas l,ogs VALUATIONS CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTTIER: TOTAL woodlPerral;irvel/ $ 24 d't-a -a"v Phone #- Address: Phone # 47/^ /23? effi 370-/ ff 7 i --- f/"'./4rg6rro'waow.tsnone * Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: a. SIGNATURE: fticst TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD vArt, co 81-657 970-479-2j.38 OWNBR Inv66LigatLon> wiIl cell----> mTAt FEeS---> o NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON TJOBSITE AT ALL TIMES o DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DBiJIEI.OPMEIIT PEE slrl'fiARY ******'*r* r +***rr*i rrl r r'**r rrr Description: ELECTRICAL FOR KITCIIEN REMODEL,'iraluation: Toral calculatad Pees--_> s?'oo Job Address LocaEion... Parcel No.. Project No. APPIJICA}IT P.T.L. ELEqTRIC P O BOX 1181, EAGLE COI{rRAqrOR P.T.L. ELESfRIC P O BOX 1181, EAGLE BI,I'ME FAIiIILY PTI.ISHP I BLUME FRBD P, PO Electrlcal- - - >54.OO 1210 VIESTIIAVEN ER 12L0 WESTHAVEN IJI'I EA$T 2103 -121-06 -OL6 PRiI99-0084 co 81631 co 81631 BOX 504, CHEYENNE WY I2OO3 Permits *: E99-0044 SEaEus...: ISSUED uNApplled. . : 04/L6/L999 Issued...: 04/L6/L999 Er,qrires . . z Lo/Lt /L999 Phone z 970-328-6250 Phone z 970-328-6250 3,000.00 DRB Fe€AddiElonal FeeE---------> Tobal Perhit Fc.--------> Pavmenc6---_--_- 5?.00 57.00.00 3.00 5?.O0 BAIANCE DT'E.. - - t l'r *'r,,,**rr **rr+*+****?r r**i* * t.rtt*t***tt1******rt**tf t**tt r****tall*l,tl ** tttt*rt**+t tti*ti* * tt* *** rtem: 05000 ELEqIRICAIT DEPARTMENT -- ---qgpt': BUILDING Division: o47 16 t 75i5 - CI{Arui E- -ect-ion, -epFn csarurE DA-'-*iEbfi;'65660-FfCE-SepAitfrElit Dept' rrnr Division: O4/L6/I999 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR N/A .rrrir*r*rrrr.t.l't**r*r rtl *+*r****.r,r**r*rrr r ****t i * ir * **** * **r t t ***rrrr r r***r'1' *****t * ***t**a+t*t** t**t*'ltt t l* ** tr' *** COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIET.,D INSPEcTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE CoMPLIAIICE - irrtr'*tttttrrtrtat'rrririt**** *rrrrrrl+r*rr*t*'f,*t'r*?tat'*ltt*9'r****ttt*t' DECI.ARATIONS r hereby acknoyledge bhat I have read thls appllcaEion, fillcd out' in fu11 the lnforoation required, cottlpleced rn rccurtte plats plan, snd r!r!c thaL arr !h! inforuation provided ae required ie qorrect. r agree to collply ttiLh ch' inforoation and plot plan' Eo coBlrly rlth all Torn ordinqnceo and 6tat'e lare, and to bulld lhir structure accordlng to chc Tovn'E zooing and subdlvlsion codes, dcaiglr r6wi6w a[rpfovad, unifotu Buildi.ng code atrd other ordinancs6 of thc lorn attPlicable tha!.tso. REQUEATS FOR rNgpECrrONS SHATJL BB MADE Tt{EI'tTy - FOUR HOT RS rN ADVANCE 8Y TtsLEPHONE Al 479-i134 OR AT OUR OFFICB FROM 8r0O 'l 5:0o Pf'.l srGrdTURB oF o!{flaR oR ctllrRAcDoR HI!,T9EIIF *******************************************************l********* TOWN OF VArr-,, COIOR.,ADO : sta!e.9l! * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *t * * * **** * * * :t *{t ** * :t **** StaLemnE Number: REc-0503 Amount: 57.00 o4/L6/99 L4255 --::rT:i: Y::i:i:-=:T T::::i:::-t::i: -i::!:-3-- Permit No: 899-0044 T1rye: B-EL,EC ErJEqrRreAr|PBRMTT Parcel No: 2103-L2l--06-016 site AddreBs: 1210 WESTHAVEN CR I,OCATiON: 121-0 WESTTIAVEN IJN EAST I'NIT This Payment ToEaI Fees: 57.00 TOTA1 AIJIJ PMLS: Balance: *************************************************+****l ********* Account Code Descripbion AnounE 54 .00 3 .00 57.00 5? - 00 .00 EP OO1OOOO3l-1.1-4OO EI,E TRICAI, PERMIT FEES wc 00100003Ll-2800 wrLL CALL rNSPEqrroN FEE .) TOV{N OF VAII, ?5 S. FRO}ITAGE ROAD VAII-,. CO 81657 970-479-2t34 iIOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Permit, #: P99-0015 Phone: 970-390-1897 Phone: 970-390-1897 82003 'rttt*'.*'rt.i*.....j'i.*iir.r'rl*t'|,ri'l*rt.*1atrltl!|t,'**i*t,tEEEsr'uMARYt+iltt*J.*****t*l}*.**r''t.,j|lltiiPluubing-----> lts.oo Rc6tuartnts Plan Revier--> 'oo Totrl cllculabsd Fc"---> 59'2s Pltn C'hcck---> 11.25 aOfA! FaEg----- Invc6tigation> .oo Toull pcruic Fc€--------> 59'28 wtll calr----> 3.oo eavpla;-;---------- -' se'25 aAlluce ou8-'-----------> 'oo fa*tr***a**rr,r*tt rrtr**+*.+*rrrrf * * t*+rir **r.. ** * tJtrr*r*a..rrfrr*rtr* rrJ*+rr'r**tfirrittttJt*tira*fitrr*it*r*tr*r***'*r*t**t**tttr r APPI.ICAIiIT EAGI,E RIVER PI,UMBING f. HBATING PO BoX 495L, VArL, CO 81658 COT TRA TOR EAGLE RIVER PLT'MBING & ITEATING PO BOX 498L, VAIIJ, CO 81658 OI{NBR BI..T]MB FAII,IILY g$ISHP S BLI]MB FRED P, PO BOX 504, CIIEYENNE WY DeecripEion: PI-TIIMBING FoR KITCIIEN REMoDET-.VaLuatsion:3, 000 . oo It,em: 05100 BUILDING DEP.ARII'IEUT- L'epE iiTile t \19e : €[EErE-]+gtsi'il''eDFn crrerur E DAX:P'Deptit BUILDING Division: Dept, rrnr047T6/Lt99-Crnnr,rr AsEi-q4i APPR CrA iEAm;' OSEOO FIRB DEPARTIIENT 647Ti; t 7555 - ciriilr.,rn-- iiaEion; APPR N/A Division: ati.tt*trrt',.tl lititt'lt*'*rr*'ittt**ttrt'r*i*rttttt**tirrtttr *itttttttt't'ttr{'rit'tttt*"ttt't*ttttt CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COI4PIrIAI{CB ' trt,,t*{**a*rrrtr.}|*ttttt**r}*9trtt*++t*aa*tattttt*trattt*itt.,!titt,itilalrtrt*r+r*t*rllr+r*i*.,t'rtttttttt+'*'?ttttt{t1t*tia*tt*t'tt' DECI,AR]ITIONS t hc!.by aclsrot l.dEG that r hav. roed tshie applicaEtod, flll.il ouc itr full thr infornraclon r€quir€d' coEpl'god an rccurate trtrot plen. a$d Egitc Char. ell Bh. lnfolnoeLion prorrtd.d as r.qui'trd is colrocC' I aEro! Co ccnpty iiEtr Uhe lnfordatlon rnd ptots P1|n' Co cdtrly rigb rII Tovn ordinrncaa rld Btat€ lara. |trd to bui.1d lhlE gtruccurr according to Uhc I'onn's totllng rnd tubdivition coda9, daolgn r.vl.r rPprovcd, Irniforn Bulldlng cod6 and obher ordl'n'nc6€ of ch' Toin alttllcrblc Eh'retso ' REQUESTS FOR lllllPBelloxs sHAIlIr BE t{ADa TWtsNTC-POOR HOItRs Irl IDVAI{CB BY TEI'EPIIONE B OR AT OIJR 8roo I}l 5:O0 P on conrticron FoR HrugBr,r AND ol{t'taR DEPART!,IEI{T OF COI,tr,TT,NITY DEVIEI,OPMEIIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLIIMBING PERII,IIT Job AddresE: 1210 WESTHAVEN cR LocaEion...: 1210 WESTIIAVEN LN Parcel No.. : 2103-121-06-015 Project No. : PRiI99-0084 SEatus-..: ISSIIED EA$T UNAPPlied.' : 04/L5/-1999 risued...: 04/L6/L999 E:qrires . . z LO/L3/L999 SIONATURE OF vv *******************************************************l********t TowN oF vAIr,, cor,oRADO sEatelmE ************t****'r*********************+***************{****t**** stratsemnc Number: REc-0504 Amount: 59'25 o4/L6/99 L4256 -i:Citi Y:iTi: :r:l--:#i:l:-t:::: - -------iii!:-3-- Permit No: P99-0016 Tlper B-PLil',tB PLITMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-121-06-01'6 Sit.e AddreBs: 121-0 WESTHAVEN CR r,O'"tTO'" 121.0 WESTHAVEN I.,N EAST-I'NITTotal Fees: Ihis Palments 59 .25 ToEal Al-rL Pmts:IIILS raylrrBrrL Balance3 '00 ***************************************i************************ ' s9.25 59.2s L.25 3.00 Accounc Code PP 00100003111200 PF 001000031x2300 wc 00100003112800 DeecriPtsion Pr'UmfUC PERIIIIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES !{ILI. CAIJL INSPESIION FEE AmounE, 45-00! 11. .00 6) coNsrRucnoN PERMITFVrl _nnTtffJT [,,,,o, dopartm€nt of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATIONB 5 BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL sx LEGAL oEsc. JOB NAME: BLWE REMODEL NAME trf,EFXXXXXX T'REII RLIIME no,.ooo*.o Po Box 504 ctrY CHEYENNE, hY PH476-5190 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM ACADTA WNONS rowN oF vAtL REc. No. 450_8 949-5L24 ECTRICAL plpy RES0RT SERVICES 177_E TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MTN Hrcrr pr.to{BrNc 949-4500 M€CHANICA CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT IOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. w ---F--AF BE KEPT ON JOBSITENOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO DATE OCTOBER 7, 1994 701 0 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTOT{ | lll I V V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AEEH IR M OIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - PEMNITAT Nll QF\7EN TJAT I C I'ND T ADTTE.D PERMIT $l{L - z tr f BUITDING qnnn nn ELECTRICAL ?ooo on PLUi'BING 70nn nn' BEDROOM. REMODEL BATIIROOU MECHANICAI- I4.000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES v R-l BUILDING PERMIT 185.00 {* J\\\o Lo PLAN CHECK 120.00 ELECTRICAL 50. oo NEW ALTERATION OOO ADDITIONAL () REPAIR PLUMBING 105.00/Pc 26.oo ll DwELLTNG uNtrs o lccomaoolrron ururts o HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUEINSULATION: FLOOR OESIGN REVIEW €OARO YYV N AN CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT lnn nn USE TAX ROOF WILL CALL 9.00 \ TYPE ELEC. OF SOLARHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 95.00 1qqq 661 CR FELDMANN 10-5-94 AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur | | I iuTloNcorlrcna- - - oATE IONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING & EUILDING NOTES:ry I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full ihe information required, compleled an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinadps 9t lh5Tf Wn a CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO:W?.r. P*t l2i6 OR FOF HIMSELF d/Y 6's'z€),,t d*, l9 , APPrrtf,, t(....tr0vyt l-suilding Job Name: legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Owners Name: Architect:Address: l-ElectrLcal [ ]-Mechanical I J-other Job Address: /AAo Ph@/fu_ Ph. General Description: Igork CLass: [ ]-New 11 "fiJ-Alteration [ ]-Addirional [ ]-Repair t l_other Nunber of Acconmodation Units: ftl"" and rlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas r,ogs- Ifood/pellet_ /f**** * * ******* * ********* ********* * vALUATToNs ********************************* BUfIJDING: -i 5.ao ELECTRICAL: $ &.AOO - Number of Dwelling Units: I RLt !.rBrNc: + ToDo ctor: Electrical Address3 Contractor: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor :Address: ELECTRTCAI. FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nuraber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: "fuV.# Reg. NO. **************** * ** ****** * * ** *:r * FORBUTLDTNG pERMIT FEE: /7<-PLWBING PERMIT FEE: ffiI.fECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: - oFFICE USE ************ ************ ******* BUILDING PI-,AN CHECK FEE: PIUIifBING PINN CEECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAjI CITECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI..EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATIIRE: OTHER: $ ..TOTAL:W INToRMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *.* *I * *.) _- T.own of Vail Reg. _No. //K)._btt) [1G17- Phone Number: _qif-.*E- €s Contractor: DEPOSIT XEFIIND trO:,3Va loktVs /2fa .€?,i,+z)sta<t V/6 y. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED lob Name: Bt umc k=, S.,yEDate: 4-2/1 -44Please answer the tottowtng questionnaireElarding the need for a 'public Way permif : YES NO X1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the rigitt of way, easements or public froperty? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed to site other than existing clriveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affeaing the dght of way, easem€nts, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or puglr.c property to be used tor staging,parkirp or fencing? B. ll no to gA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan requircd by Community Development? lfJg'- "TI"t9d yes to anY of these questions, a'Public way permit'must be obtained."Public Way- Permit" applications miy be obtained at ilre'public works offie or atcp.TTyI,',y Developmeni j!vog tr.ry-elny questions prease cafi charrie Davis, rhe Townof VailConstruction Inspectoi, d 4Z9-216A.' I have read and answered allthe above questiars. X X K x X X X )( Contracto/ o Date O 75 .outh lront gr ro.d vrll, colortdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ofilc. of communlty dGy.lopm.||t BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permit requi.res a Town of vail Fire Departnent Approvar,Engineer''s (public t:Fl review ana'ipprovat,' a piinnrn!'b"p."tr"ntrevi ew or Hea I th Dep_arrnint. revi ew, -ani'.-"iuiJ ;i-il;;"iuit ai n9 liri[*E"j;"1!,f .'.i*ted time tor'a-Gur "euii"-i"y"L[!'"s rons fl] rgTr:tsia1 ('rarge or smat) and at mu'rti-famirv permits wilrhave to fo]low the above menti6ned maiimum requirements. Res.identiarand small projects shourd tai"-J-ieiler"amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller,proiecit irnpiii' the various above mentioneddepartments with reoa.rd' to-neiesiiiy-".ri"", these projects mayalso take the three-week period. Every.attempt wfil be made by this department to exped.ite thispermi't as soon as possible. - E/\t's\'r r's Lf I' the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time ProjEEt-Xanre Conununi ty Development Department. 75 |outh tront g. rotd vrll, color.do El657 (3o3't 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 ofllcc of communlty deyelopmcnl TO: EROU: DATE: SUBJEET: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYI-, REGISTERED WITIT TIIETOWN OF VAIIJ TOI'I'I OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI{MI'NITY DEVELOP}TENT IIARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUETION PARKING & UATERIAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur. for anyperson to titrer, track or aep-sii. "ii-"iirl-rJli., sand, debrisor naterial, i":t:glln_traslr-iunpsters, portable toitets andworlsnen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewaircl;ii;y or publicprace or anv oorti-on ur;;;;. --rt "-"id;;;i;;;=ln a* rown ofvait streeti ina.roads is approiinai"iv-s-it.-iti pavenent.This ordinance wrrr be ;t"i;ii;-enforced by the Town of VailPublic works oepartment. --p"illns found ,rii,riri'g this ordr.trancewilt be qiven a 24 hou.o=iil;;";"ai; t;-;;;;;r="id nateriat.rn the event the person so notified.does not conply witb thenotice within .o:^!1 rroui-tiie-lieciried, the pulric worksDeparrnent wilr renor/e said nateii"i-ii-inJ'I"i:i=e of personnotified- The provi=ions-or-lil= orainance srrirt nor beapplicable to cbnstruct5.on, -riitti"n"n?e or repair projects ofany street or alley,or any'r[iiiir."= in the right_a_way. To review Ord.inance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tor.rn ofVail' Buirding Department t"--"ui"i" a copy. tirani you for yourcooperat,ion on this matter. o Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes *FflilE'iloPv NAME: BLUME REMODEL DATE: l0l5l94 ADDRESS: 1200 WESTHAVEN DR. CONTRACTOR; ACADIA WOODS VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NA OCCUPANCY: R-1 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: CI{UCK FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DEISCTORS ARE REQLIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC 12IO OF TIIE 1991 UBC. 2. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE TI{E STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED. 3. MECHANICAL VENTTLATION rS REQUTRED rN BATIIROOM PER SE.1205 OF TrrE 1991 L'BC. 4. HINGED SHOWER DOORS SHALL OPEN OUTWARD PER SEC. 5,107 OF TIIE 1991 UBC. 5. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED By TrrE TOWN OF VArL TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. o'oO {o I b€ != +z 3i tr -I sl $ H+ :,J 45ilg JgP NLI b|,\r\1*g$ 7s rl lr j IqJ tl tL-_--o -- - +k -< $ $ $ s t-- .+._!r \{r SkN.x\\1S'tru Do o M4/'t .o. "'-''stJlVFr_-WtAdWL I r ' t/tbae* l^*=L 1'?.'+44 k--PL*e"-VJf 5:'"* _ C&-z*rz-. {*r,l1rr/ apz- *rZ=( rr-t B*frl 42:14*f?: 17r4AL.. Lthi{l- €t*)tacA=-- . =pt-14*.2s1- +atJ fo c&=--ErE /:+|o-t^r.-- C . CLoS;,.-t AGzA, dtU T; tTr: *=4 , (oL*,-".+- 1tt>ooD ---71 . 1b Wn-rC+ -=*t iTt^JLr H//a//f/ P. gt KRM coNsur F,o. Hox 4f,?, vArL coLoHADO o TANTS, INC 8r658 f303t 949-9391 FAx 040-16?? BECOND BLUME PESIbENCE JOB NUMBEB: tIRFr ilMEEnNG fi neSeOnSE ilCLARTFTCATTON/CHANGE THA ETFA' EEAM THAT NAs INSTALLED OVEE IHE NETJ Ae'ctl:'.D opEr.{tflq spAtlE AppE,]vtMrteuv lo!o Autr sup,qatrTs THE 5'' THICI< CONCE.I5TE FLOAg SLAB AEOVE. 'IHFEE I9 flo traOF LdAb Tp-ANSMITTEb'fo THE ggAM. AccdpDltl4 TO My CALCULATTONS r TF+a RE{|J'ieED M4MENT CApi.C,tTy f g ?o,ttpt-\, Tl+F NBIJ EE^M NAa. DE€4trltEtr ro ME As l-{AvlNq 0'' DEprHr (r"htprH AtJb /a' rmex Ft-tNc,'Es. rHEEE DIMEN9ION$ FASGRIbE A IAa'I,2O bFAMJ I{HI4H HAS A Maurur c.APialry of 21,o Ft.E, THIS lS AbEQu re Fae TTIE iS.BUILT APFLI4ATIDN. * co* Tot ts*- c,H,.",u ^ N ,RffltMrr P.d, tux llzdt PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- O ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION _-..-O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT 'tr SUPPLY AIB FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS:,.( otsneenoveo REQUIRED.b" Retruspecrror.r DATE ._..INSPECTOR h i,rj g rloDl_ REauESf, i; TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT:; ^.:.:DATE .. .' .,"" i JOB NAME 479-2138 CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: THUR ,"-) ," FRI tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr F'NAL tr D FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ,tr|| t-' Lil - t- INSPECTION REQUES;T .:. F I TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PROJECT MON CALLER TUES | . , j.,i -------trr'.,-l-:p--t*!.--:A1t4' PMWED iTHUR FRI-i{r_\ ' ':,! DATE I JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: i INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_1 ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr t $ rrrunl D FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR - , ! d*... t-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION (be NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE NQI4EMEER-19, 1992 005841 department of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT nn! D &Itr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL No rufr4rs PERMIT NO. LOT 7() BL BNAME: ACrnnfreN HUA,1 HmE CHARLIE ACKERMAN - MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR rown Or vnll Rec. ruo. 100-A 949-4r86 ECTRICAL FIRM SHEARON ELECTRIC TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. I 2I -E 949-6456 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I R M OfVISfON r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : INSTAILATION OF RAY CIIEM IIEAT TAPE $1,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES NEW ALTERATIONOOO AODITIONAT I REPAIRO OWELLING UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION: AOOITIONAL PEFMITS NEEDED: INITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES r&Nsr_GUr,LzLJ UILOING OFFICIAL _ _Lrlrglu__ OATE I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accuraie plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and n codes, design inances of the le thereto. TURE OF AND THE OWNER. review approved, Unitorm Building Code and OR FOR HIMSELF NAME rNs#ctoN REeuEsr TOWN/OF VAIL,-{tt'o I '/ a READY FOR INSPECTION: . ,LOCATION: CALLER TU WED THU ' l'/ /; ' 7\ Ll FRI APPRovED --;'i'_L BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PIJJMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,__ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING d noucH h tr EXHAUST HooDS/\\ n-coNDurr ".'i' u tr suPPLY ArR - O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ./.,1- ? t - 21DATE INSPECTOR luwn 42 west meadow drivevail, colorado 81657 (303147$22sO fire department TO: FROM: DATE: RE: * * * * * l[El{o RAI{ Dut{ * * * * * Shelly Me1lo IDick Duran r.0rX February 1I, 1991Fire access for Lots 39, 40,41 and possible Lot 42 atGlen l.',yon subdivision. *********** The Uniforn Fire code Sec. :-A.2O7 sets fire accessreguirements to be as follows: Width: Mininurq unobstructed width shall be not less than 20feet. Surface; Roads shall be designed and maintained to supportimposed loads of apparatus and sha1l tre proviAeawith a surface so as to provide alI-weather drivingcapabllities, Turnarounds: AII dead-end roads in excess of 150 feet inlength shall be provided with approved provisionsfor tbe turning around of fire apparatus. After reviewing Greg Ha1l rs nemorand.urn of z/B/gLt r reconuend !h?t.we accept a twenty (zo) foot road that wirl provide a harddriving surface and a turn around for fire apparatus. r wourd alsoask that we nandate tbe twenty feet to be ttrnaintainedr, due to ourwinter rnonths . As I have expressed many ti.mes, there is adifference between private driva and public road when it cones tomaintenance. we need to let then know that if the road is notmaintained, we may not be able to assist them when we are needed. I hope this will clear things up. If not, just call. cc: John Gulick, Assistant Fire ChiefMike Mccee, Fire Marshal Greg Hall, Town Engineer iJ.iI o RIfD 7J Soath Frontage Roail Vail. Colorado 81657 3 03 -47 9 -2 I t 8 / FAX )01 -47 9 -2 t t 7 FROM: DATE: RE: D epartment of Pahlic llorkslTransportat;ot ilEMORANDI]IIT ShellvMello^,r cres irarr J)fl - February 8, -1991 Private Road Standards for Lots 39 | 40, 4L And Possible Lot 42, cJ-en Lyon Subdivision The Town of Vail Municipal Code Section ]-7.28.320.8 definesdriveways astrAny private iccess for two or fewer dwelling units.rrSection 17.2A.320.D defines minor streets - which includes private streets. It appears that the access easenent granted to access the lotsmentioned above meets the definition of a private street. The Town of Vail Municipal Code Section I7.Z9.33O provides thedesign criteria of minor (private) streets. Frorn the design criteria, a 22t wide paved width with 2! shoulderson each side would be reguired once the next dwel_1ing unit isbuj-It, as currently there are two dwelling units existing on 1ot 40. The issue at hand is how does 24r of roadway surface fit into a 20teasement. There are two solutions, one is to contact the ForestService to see i-f an encroachment onto Forest Service }and ispossible, as currently a part of the existi-ng roadway encroaches. The other solution would be to provide at a rninimum l-gr of pavedwidth and two Lr shoulders as long as the Fire Departrnent sj.gns offon the substandard road. I would prefer the first option, however,if the Fire Department signs off on the latter solution then public works wiII too and the second may work. If you have any questions or need additional information, pleasecontact ne. cc: Di.ck Duran 53 GENERAL; CLASSIFICATION; DESIGN CRITERIA; COUSTNUCTTON }IATERIAIS, AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS " . ?%'LXrSEt*#; onlt"}"#:5"' li' 1u3:::,: l:3i ::1,::'::l"lf,ll3,,gnr", e 'p1an- v.a.3N cr,ASSrFlcATrON: r ( c. 1t.28.300 STREETS ""a ao not carrY through trafflc. B. collerlor-qreets-are. those wlri9h :911:9t-tt:{f+9-ITo3i11?: ot foJ.f #ffi lt to arterl.al streets or to local trafflc oar,,,erators. Coliector streets lnclude the prinilpal ::principalgenerators.qeneracors. |,(rlrt,sLr,'r o Lr r;s L- . ':'::'*= Lrrs I'r '"r'-re-E;;;;;;"-iireets to a residential- developurenc, those.rf*]na ;;;-;;t";eni devetopm.ents, 3nd those stieets providing i A. Arterial streets (Frontage Roads),- are those which peroit lrt.-iet"tively rapid and-unirnpeded movement ot large ;;i;;;-;i trirrtit from one pirt of the comunity to another' ciicutaiton ri"-tbia,such developrnents -. -i:-i'r -.:i.. -u..::.-..,_, - _.:_---__:_ _?-. " T.ocal streets-ire those used primarily for dlrect accesa- to ;.-oDer---TiEF;Eutting the righc-of-way. Local streets carry Eitiii tti"l"g an 6rigin oi destinalion within the develoPnent { 17.28.330 2.ouc so 3. SrreLt Nanes - Street names- shaLl not duplicate an exl'stl'ng streeg-ffithesaidstreeLisanexte0sionoftheexistingsEreet. titr".it nanes'sball be subject Co the .approval of Che Town Coutcil. I Gurves -.fhq risiq!'r curve radius sha1l be as designated ln'' ta4i"ph I telcr- '. *+*{u"": ^il:HH:l lioE;"Iio;f, "'5'i !}"1il:i'0il""}6 ?}3fl '"8" ::T;"0( iiili" itall rr bc perrnieted. A11 allLys shall be paved. 6- Easemenrs - Uas&ts shall be provided for all uCilltl'es, drainageu';;ii=tr;nnnir. ot streams whicir Eraverse across che subdivision. 7, by the type oftion and safet requirements_r -needs forf\venient access, ciriula_rafflc, and limitations fid opportunitiei-of tooo-topo-graphv. For.repairs, a brock wiri be derined ii ir,e'oitlilii'two consecutive lntersections of oubl ie streerc.between anypubl ic streets.(''i 8. Cul-de-sacs - Cul-de-sac rvr.-th- a rigFt-of-way bu -streets, however, shall be designed as mlnor or localof 50 foot radlus and pavement iadius of 40 feet. 9. Street r'ridth - street width shalt conform to the following: Collector SO 24 { 40 7 ZSO Local S0 ZZ 3 30 I 60 Mlnor ,A(pi-iiate) 40 22 2 30 8 so Driveway 12 208* 300-750 150-300 0-150 t i. c. lorizontal A'l iqnnent; The major considerations in horizontal aligrunent design are: safety, grade proflle,ruad type,.design speed, sight aistini., uno topogiipf,y.-'iit tn"r. factors mustbe balanced to proditce in aTignment iiii rs sarisl,-fioii eConomlcal, and adequatefor the type of road proposedl - -- Horlzontal alignment must provide at least the minimun stopping sight distance forthe desisn speed at all points. nis iniiuiiii "iii'tifiiv-5['int.rsections, as wellas arrcund curves and rohdside encroachments. Uerilcal Al iqrnrent: The grade line is the^reference.l'lne by-wfrich the elevation or rn. pavement and otherfeatures of the road.are-estabrished.-'Il ir. coni"oiieailiniy by topography, thefactors of horizontar-arignnent, i.iety,iiihi-lii;;;il;,"'lJiign speed, drainase,.:,and construction costs. itre conrigurition 6t h";vi-ilti venicres must arso becons ldered . l. Grade Lfne - The grade line should be positioned with relation to the cross-tetEion as follows: a' It should coincide witi the road centerline on two-lane and multi-lane undividedroads. b. separate grade linis may be required on divided multi-lane roads. *l,laximum.grade for driveways.may be up to lOt if the Townobtained. If the drrveway ls proposed to Ui heaiJJ, ih;if the Town tngineer,s aplrovai li-oU[ainea. ;t Engineer's approval is grade nay be up to l2g ( 10.207.t0.301 t ,n,roJ,,rEcoDE widths and cleannces esablished under this section shall be maintained at all times. (l) Sigrs. Wben rcquired, approved signs or other approved notices shatl be provided and maintained for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads and prohibil the obstruction thereof or both. Premlses ldentlficatlon Sec. 10.20E. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numben shall contrast with their background. Key Bor Sec. 10.209. When access to or within a structure or an area is unduly difficult because of securcd openings or where immediate access is necessary for life- saving or fre-fighting purposes, the chief may require a key box to be installed in an accessible location. The key box shall be a type approved by the chiefand shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the chief. Division lll INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF FIRE. PROTECTION, LIFE.SAFEW SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES lnstallatlon Sec 10.301. (a) Dpe Required. The chief shall designate the type and number of fire appliances to be installed and maintained in and upon all buildings-and premisei in thc jurisdiction other than private-d$'ellings. This shall be done iccording to the retative severity of probable fue, including the rapidity with which it may spread. Such appliances shall bc of a type suitable for the probable class oflire asiociated with such building orpremises and shall have approval of the chicf.-- Portable firc cxtinguishers shall be in accordance with U.F.C. Standard No. l0-1. (b) Special Hazards. In occupancies of an especially hazardous na$re or where spcial hazards exist in addition to the normal hazard of the occupancy' or where access forfirc apparatus is unduly difficult. additional safeguards may bc required consisting ofadditional fre appliance units' morc than on9 tyPe of appliance, or special systems suitable for the protection ofthe hazard involved. Such devices or appliances may consist of automatic fire alarm systems' automat- ic sprinkler or vater spray systems, standpipe and hose, fixed or portable firc extinguishen, suitable asbestos blankets, breathing apparatus, manual or aulo- matiC covers, carbon dioxide, foam, halogenated and dry chemical or other special fire-ertinguishing systems. Where such systems are installed, they shall be in accordance with ttre applicable Uniform Fire Code Standards or standards of the National Firc Protection Association when Uniform Fire Code Standards do not apply. 42 r- deter or hin&r tltg lin rbpartment from gaining immediate access to said( -_ equipmentorhydrant.Aminimum3-footclearspaceshallbemaintainedaround.' the circumfecnce of &e ftn hydrants except as otherwise required or approved by the chief. Flre Apparatus Access Roads Sec. 10.2117. (a) Genml. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section. (b) When Rrquind. Ere apparatus access roads shall be required for every building hereafter coostnrted when any portion of an exterior wdl of the first story is located rnore than 150 feet from f,ure department vehicle access. EXCEPTIONS: l. When conditions prcvent the installation of an approved firc apparatus acccs rcad. the chief may permit the insullarion of a fire-protection sy$em or systeos in liet of a road, provided the system or systems are not otherwise rcqufued by ttris or any uher codc . 2. When thcre arc d more than two Group R, Division 3 or Group M Occupan- cies, tlr requinmcns of this section may be modified, provided, in the opinion of the chicf, fire-fightiry or rescue op€rations would not be impaired, (c) Permisible Modificalions. Clearances or widths required by this section may be increascd when. in the opinion of the chiel minimum clearances or widths are notadequae topovide fue apparatus access. Forhigh-piled combusti- ble storage, see Sectbn tl.l09. (d) Surface. Firc appannr access roads shall be designed and maintained to i support tt€ inposedloadsoffire apparatus and shall be provided with a surface so as to provi& alluleafter &iving capabilities. (e) Width. Tbe ninimun unobstnrcted width of a lre apparatus access road shdl be notlcs thatr20 fed. (0 Verticat Cleanncc. All fire appararus access roads shall have an unob- structcd vertical clcaamc of not less than l3 feet 6 inches. EICEPTION: Upoo approval vertical clearance may be rcduced, provided such rcductim doc nt iryir access by fire appararus and approved signs ae installed and ndnaincdidicehg the established vcrtical clearance. G) llrmhg nefu. Ttc turning radius of a fire apparatus access road shall be as approvedby6edfef. (h) lbrnamuuh AII &ad-end fire appararus access roads in excess of 150 feetinlenglhshallbcprovibd with approved provisions forthe turning arorndof fire aPPar*us' (i) Bridgc. Whcn r b,ridgc is required to be used as access under this section, it shall be consrucred rnd naintained in accordance with the applicable sections of the BuildingCode andusing designed live loading sufficient to cary the irnposed loads of frcapparrr. 0) Gradc. thc grdbil for a fire appamtus access road shall not exceed the maximum approvedby thc chief. ft) Obstructiou Tte reqnired width of any fire apparatus access road shall not be obstructed in ary uanne including parking of vehicles. Minimum required leEsEDmOil t lo.ro'o.ro, 41 75 Sotth Froatagc Roaa Yail, Colorado 81657 t 03 -47 9 -2 1 t 8 / FAX t 01 -47 9 -2t t7 FROM: DATE: RE: Department of Public WorkslTrmsportation UEMORANDtru ShellvMello^,r Gres ilatl ,D-fl - February 8,'L991Private Road Standards for Lots 39, 40, 4I And PossibLe Lot 42; Glen Lyon Subdivision The Town of Vail Municipal Code Section L7.28.320.E defines driveways as lrAny private access for two or fewer dwelling units.rtSection t7.28.32O.D defines rni-nor streets - which includes privatestreets. ft appears that the access easement granted to access the lotsmentioned above rneets the definj-tion of a private street. The Town of Vail Municipal Code Section U.28.330 provides thedesign crj.teria of minor-(private) streets. From the design criteria. a 22 1 wide paved width with 2r shoulderson each side would be required once the next dwelling unit isbui1t, as currently there are two dwelling units existing on lot 40. The issue at hand is how does 24r of roadway surface fit into a 2Oleasement. There are two solutions, one is to contact the ForestService to see if an encroachment onto Forest Service land ispossible, as currently a part of the existing roadway encroaches. The other solution wouLd be to provide at a ninimum l-8 I of pavedwidth and two 1r shoulders as long as the Fire Department siqns off on the substandard road. I would prefer the first option, however,if the Fire Department signs off on the latter solution then Public Works will too and the second may work. If you have any questions or need additional information, pleasecontact me. cc: Dick Duran 5J I I GENEML; CLASSIFICATION; DESIGN CRITERIAI CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, AND CONSTRUSTION METHODS "' ?';'l1r3tll#; oU:3":"#:5" " li' :u!:: :"; l:5; :il'l !'3ll"li3l3"rnu"'" l7.28. 300 STREETS -p1an. 17 .28.320 CI"A$-IIISIIoN' Lraific having aa origin and do uot carr;r'tbrough B. coUe4or sueets-are those wlrigh 9o119ct trllri9 !ToT-T1 ?Iotro"i.i ;i-ffie"f iI !o 5te1!a|-95:::t:-?'-:?-1S:11 *ar*c II"!i"io". coliecto' .!I99!:, 11"1:-1:., ll: !:'":*l:1E;;;;;;" ssreets to a residential- developmenE, those.linktng !u"tr-iO:""ent d-evelopm-ents' and those streets providing ciicutaii.oa. gt-tlin. such develoPnents . used primarily for direit acces} to A. Arterial streets (Frontage Roads) -- ere those which permit trt.-rJratively rapid and unimpeded movenen! or large .,roi.,-"r of Ulffit from one part of the cormunl.ty to another. C. Local sqreet.s-are those prop--e1=-@ .aFuttiug the right-of-way. Local streets carry oi destination within the development traffic. t D. Driveways - lnY Printe access -oEsten'-cntrnq . for two or fewer 2.out so ,{ 3. Strelt Names - SLreet names-shal.l not duplicate an existlng Street i!-me.-]ffis tbe said street is an extension of the existing screec. ts-rreit nanes-shall be subjecC to the .apgroval of the Town Coutcil. r Curves -.The niniqru curve radius sha11 be as designated ln-'6;59.;"ph I belcr- 5- A1leys - Alleys shall be-providcd if-requi-r"$-by Ehe Planning Com- r""'ffin. -itjlitritrn widlh of thc-ollfi shall 6e- 20 feec. Dead-endl- ;ii;t" shall pt bc peruricted. A11 alleys shall be paved. d. Easemeng5 - gesr-,Fts shall be provicied for all utillties, drainage 7. by the type oftion and safetylron and safeiy EEtreet_ traff ic, and i imi tationsliZ oppoiiunitiei'o;'ffi;:graphy. For repairs, a block will be defined.s ir,e oislinceletween anytwo consecutive intersections of public sireets. - - ,(8. *kA*gg:.- Cul-de,sac streets, however, shall be r 'dTif a n'sht-of-way bu - ;i'ao-i;.i-;;;;; il'i.ilriii';ffir;designed as 9. Street I'lidth -Street width sha'll conform to the fo.llowing: ninor or localof 40 feet. CLASS t.JID]H IiIDIH SHOULDER rteria fFrontage)n 12' per 'lane 8. IUS.ruTURE ADT 6s0 Col'lector Local Minor (Pr ivate) Driveway 50 50 40 24 22 22 12 40 30 30 7 8 { 3 250 60 750 and over 300-750 150-300 0-15050 208* B. c. Horfzontal A'l ignment: The major considerations in horlzonta'l alignment design are,: safety, grade profile,r^oad type, .design speed, sight aiilani.l'una topogripf,y.-'itlt tn.r. factors mustbe balanced to prodiice in alisnment ttrii is safbsi, fioii elono'iJiii,'irj-ii.liiii.for the type of'road proposedl Hori-zontal al ignment must provide at least the minimun stopping slght distance forthe desisn speed at all points. nis iniiuili r.iliilii'iiy"l['i;t;#;tidrjl"i] *iiras around cun/es and roldside encroichments. Vertical A]lqnn€nt: The grade line is the-reference.line by-wtrlch the elevation of the pavement and otherfeatures of the road are establishiJ.-"tt-is coni"oiiil;ilrii by topography, thefactors of horizontar_arisnment, iiiitv,-siihi-;i;;;;;;,?;;i, speed, drainase,:.and construction costs. itre contigurjiion ot he;;i-a;ii ,.r,iir., must also be.cons idered. l. Grade Line - The grade line should be positioned with re'lailon to the cross-teffi'nTi fo]'lows: a. It should coincide roads. b. Separate grade witjr the road centerline on two-lane and multf-lane undivided linis may be required on divided multi-.lane roads. *Maxinum.grade for driveways may be up to l0Z if the Torlrncbtained. If the driveway is propoilC-io Oe treaie;,'ih;if the Town Engineer,s aplrovai ti-ooiainea. Engineerrs approval is grade may be up to l2i { 10.207-10.301 uN''GTREcoDE widths and clearanccs established under this section shall be maintained at all times. (l) Sigrs. When rcquired, approved signs or other approved notices shall bc provided and maintained for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads and prohibit the obstruction thereof or both. Premlses ldentlficatlon Sec. 10.20t. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all ncw and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainl;r visible and legible from the sreet or road fronting the property. Said numben shall contrast with their background. Key Bor Sec. 10.209, When access to or within a structure or an area is unduly difficult because of securcd openings or where immediate access is necessary for life- saving orfre-fighting purposes, the chiefmay require a key box to be installed in an accessible location. The key box shall be a type approved by the chiefand shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the chief. Division lll INSTALLATION AND MAINTEI'IANCE OF FIRE. PROTECTION, LIFE.SAFETY SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES lnstallatlon Sec 10.301. (a) Epe Required. The chief shall desi-enate the type and number of Fue apptiances to be installed and maintained in and upon all buildings and premisei in the jurisdiction other than private dwellingsr This shall -be done iccording to the rclative severity of probable fire, including the rapidity with which it may spread. Such appliances shall be of a type suitable for the proballe class offire asiociated with such building orpremises and shall have approval of the chief. Porrable fire extinguishen shall be in accordance with U.F.C. Standard No. r0-t. (b) Special Hazards. In occupancies of an especially hazardous nature or where special hazards exist in addition to the normal hazard of the occuPancy' or where access for firc apparatus is unduly difficult. additional safeguards may be required consisting of additional fire appliance units, morc than o19 type of apptiancc, or special systems suitable for the protection ofthehazard involved- Such devices or applianccs may consist of automatic fire alarm systems, automat' ic sprinkler or water sPray systems, standpipe and hose, fixed or portable fire extinguishen, suitable asbestos blankets, breathing aPparatus, manual or anto' matie covers, carbon dioxide, foam, halogenated and dry chemical or other special fre-extinguishing systems. Where such s:/stems are installed, they shall be in accordance with the applicable Uniform Fire Code Standards or standafds of the National FLe Protection Association when Uniform Fire Code Standards do not apply. 42 ( 1985 EDmON lb.ror-',o.ro, deter or hitrder dtg fin &partment fmm gaining irnmediate access to said eriuipment or hydrant. A ninimum 3-foot clear space shalt be maintained around the circumference of the fue hydrants except ils othenrise rcquired or approved by the chief. Flre Apparatus Access Roads Sec. 10.2117. (a) Genml. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided and mainuined ir accordance with the provisions of this section. (b) Whcn Requind. Frc apparatus access roads shall be required for every building hereafter construc{ed when any portion of an exrerior wall of the first story is located more than 150 feet from fire departmenr vehicle access. LXCEPTIONS: l. When conditions prevent rhc installarion of an approved firc appannrs acces road, the chief may permir the insallation of a firc-protection system or sysreds in licu of a road, provided the system or systcms arc not otherwise rcquired by this or aly aher code. 2. Whea thcrc are d morc than two Group R, Division 3 or Group M Occupan- cies, tlr rcquireme* of this section may be modified, provided, in the opinion of the chicf, firc-fighdng or rescue op€nrtions would not be impaircd. (c) Permisible Modilications. Clearances or widths required by this section may bc incrcased when, in the opinion of the chief, minimum clearances or widtlu arenotadequae toprovide fue apparatus access. Forhigh-piled combusti- ble storage, see Section 81.109. (d) Surhce. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the hposed loads of fue apparails and shall be provided with a surface so as to provide alhveatlrcr driving capabilities. (e) Width. The minisrum unobsrucrcd width of a flre apparatus access road shall be na less than 20 fea. (D Yerticd CIearanca Nl firc appararus access roads sball have an unob- stucted vertical clcaranceofnot less than 13 feet 6 inches. EXCEPTION! Upm approval vcrtical clearance may be reduced, provided such adwtion doc mt irylir access by frrc apparatus and approved signs arc instalted od miataiacd irdcaing the established vcrtical clearancc. G) lbmirg RarfG. Tb turning radius of a fre apparatus access road shall be as appmved by tbc cticf. O) lbrnaroun&. All dcad+nd fue apparatus :rcess rcads in excess of 150 feet in lengh sltall bc provirH with approved provisions for the turning around of fire apparatur. (i) Bridgc. Whca r bridge is required to be used as access under this section, it shall bc comtructed and naintained in accordance with the applicable sections of the Building Code md using designed live loading sufficient to carry the imposed loads of lirc apparaus 0 Gradc. The gndient for a firc appamtus access road shall not cxceed the maximum approved by tlr chief. (k) 0bstnrction The required width of any fue apparatus access road shall not be obstructed in ary nrmea including parking of vehicles. Minimum rcquired 41 qtfin lmn 75 touth llontegc rord vall, cotoredo 81657 {3O3) 47F2138 deplrtment ot publlc worb/tnmportltlon July 6, 1989 \u\rl-1989 Ms. Kristen Blume 1200 Westhaven Lanevail, co 8165? Dear Ms. Blume: This Letter is in response to your request for approval to instalra.gate across westhaven rane. we have rooked into the request anddiscovered that some of your adjoining property owners ar6 againstthe installation of a gate. yoir shouid-pr6cee& with the foriowingsteps to gain approval: L. subroit a sketch of your proposed gate and tocation to theTownrE Conmunity Developnent Departnent. 2. Obtain the written approval of your plan fron adjoiningproperty ohrners. 3. The connunity Deveropment Department will either staffapprove your request or take it to the Design ReviewBoard. Please call me if you have questions. Sincerely, Stan Berr)rnan, Director Department of Public Works/Transportation sB/njrn cc: Pgler Pattenp(ristan Pritz Greg HaIl Pete Burnett DSSIGN SUBIITTED BY I(RTSTEN BLTTTE 12OO WESTHAVEN LANE PII! 4?8-5190H; {?6-1000w LOCATION: Westhaven Lane, epproximately 10lt blck fronintersection with Westhaven Circle. \ COLOR; White on brorn. SIZE: 18" by 24" MATERIAL: lletal ' 0ulr[t5 \,rNr\hh 15" 0s u'r \r\^ oI CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE ---D.EC-1,., 1987 PERMTT No.4€€*9€'- department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT fl eutotttc hk ELECTRTCAL f] MECHANICAL tr rzoo wxs$tf;fia.r"r, !f PLUMBING FOUNDATION 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : L22a34 OWNERS DID NOT PULT, A PERMIT. INSPECTED JOB BROUGHT UP TO s300. 00 TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VATUATION JOBNAME: ACKERMAN rueuE Charl-es Ackerman crrv Ft. Lander ALTERATION ( XX AOOITIONAL REPAIR O DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMODATION UNITS - - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR $ 37.00TOTAL PERMIT FEES _ES{ST_GIAr4LE_ _ _ D_Fc lt ILL8Z__ J|LD|NG OFF|C|AL OATE ADMINISTRATOR F|RM sToNE CREEK ELECTRI( ,o*" o, uo,a r=o. "o. lo8-E 9 49-67 80 LECTRICAL CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMEING CONTRACTOR I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all T laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and I inances and state codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi of the applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF AND THE OTI'NER. EF OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHAN I CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. rhc Arinl€7y/vail PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\\' \<- \\.,DATE \ I}-]-. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 'tffiJltitn /eppaoveo -y'.,('tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL D tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETBOCK tr POOL/ H, TUB NAIL tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELEGTRICALI tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR L/ri*o'-tr FINAL r,s1E ri..) - i'ti- /f / rNSpEcroR O ,01 Novernber 12, 1984 *. . ,., A. APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBD]VISION REVIEW APPLICANT Arnulf AlbrechtNAME OF MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 101-4, vail, cO 81658 PHONE 949-101s B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE MAiLING ADDRESS PHONE NAME OF OWNER 'S MAIL ING PROPERTY OWNE SiGNATURE Arnul f Albrecht ADDRESS p.0. Box 1014,u c0 81658 SUBDIVISION Glen rlyon Sub F IL ING E. FEE $100.00 PAID u. TION OF P LOT 40 BLOCK 1/| lt ,rr/Ld , ,4 lbt-<.t F. MTERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I 1. Two mylar cgPi9:-of.the_dyplex subdivision plat following the requirementsof Sect'ion .|7.'16'130(C)'l ,2.,3_.4,6,7,9,9,'l0,li,'13 and'lq oi tne Sutjdivisi;;- Regul ations 2. The plat must contain the following statement: j'For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are tobe.treated as one entity with no more than o-ne two-family residence al'lowedon the combined areas of the tt.lo lots." The statement must be modifiedaccording'to the number of lots created. .,.,, , - , .3' A_copy of the declarations and/or covenants proposed to assure the majntenanceof any common areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEl,l CRITERIA These can be found'in Chapter 17.24 of the Subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Conrnunity Development will be responsible for promptly recordingthe piat and accompanying documents with the Eagle County Clerk ind itecorder upon Town of Vail approval . H. 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-7000 1984 otflce of communlty developmenl April 17, Marianne Albrecht P.0. Box l0l4 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Request to name access road into G)en Lyon Subdivjsion Lot 40, Westhaven Courr Dear Marianne, The access road to your property may be named Westhaven Court if you obtain approval from adjacent property owners for Glen Lyon Subdivision Lots 39 and 4l . In addition, you should a1 so get approval from Andy Norris., developer of the Cascade Village Project. I have already talkedto Andy about the street name, and he had no problem w'ith calIing theprivate drive l,Jesthaven Court. 0nce you have gotten the signatures, the Planning staff will revjew the proposal. The s'ign will cost you approximateiy $250-00. The publjc Works Department will fabricate and instalI the sign for you. The P1 anning staff wjl'l notify the Police and Fire Departments of the street name and corresponding addresses. I have enclosed an approval statement for adjacent property owners. Pleae fill the statement out and return it to the Planning Department.If you have further questions, please give me a call. Si ncerely, t.) t fli trnr1on ttP KR]STAN PRITi Town Pl anner KP: br Encl. l I approve the street road to Lots 39, 40, the Town of Vail wi'l'l of the sign. Property 0wner Lot 39, Glen Lyon Subdivision name of Westhaven Court fon the private access 4I Glen Lyon Subdivision. It is understood that not pay for the fabrication and installation DaF- Property 0wner Lot 40, Glen Lyon Subdivision Deie-- mtE- mF*.-- Property 0wner Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision Andy Norris Cascade Village Smith Mannik3 ng STANLEY H, SMITH, P.E. 8600 W. 14th. A v€, S uilo 1 Lakewood, Co lorad o 80215 303/232-0480 July 30, 1983 0t Mr. A. Albrecht % Brandess - Cadmus 281 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 8L657 v' RE: Proposed DuplexLot 40 Glen Lyon SubdivisionVail, Colorado Dear Mr. Albrecht: It is our understanding that 40 ksi reinforcing steel wasdelivered for the subject project insEead of the 50 ksisteel specified. We have reviewed the design requirements and made necessary revisions on the Project Drawings sothat you may continue Eo use the 40 ksi steel. The required revisions are minor sj"nce minimum steel areafor shrinkage crack control and !2" spacing for convenientfield placing governed most of the steel selections. Please do not hesltate to contact us if we can be of anyfurther service to vou. Yours truly, ,/-(dAffi Peeter Mannik. P.E. engineers PEETER MANNIK, P.E. 0931 Metcalf Rd. P.O. Box 5570 Avon, Colo,81620 303/949-6736 consulti 20536 ,LtJfita f$ 2l tdr -_ COPY OF PERMIT TO ,lune '16 , l9B3 BE KEPT ON JOBSITECONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE DATE uuIriZ"+ lur dspartmont of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PBIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ! Dtr ETtr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL I oesc. LOT BLK FtLtNG Gl en Lyon JoBNAME: Glen Lyon Lot 4o OWNER uue A!4u rr A rDrecnl MATLAooRESS 28.| Bllidge St. ClTYql-;1 PH. ARCHITECT FIRM John Perkins MAIL ADDRESS crw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM Arnulf Al brecht296:TIO\ 1ll OF VAIL REG. NO. ).rr.r*,.o'- CONTRACTOR FIRM Bil I Burnett, TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ,,*" Bill Burnett TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANiEAL CONTRACTOR rrnr,,r Bill prrqna*f TQIVX QE]YAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL [EG. NO. TELE. the 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON t 't 't' rV@ 2. occuPANcY GRouP e a e H r@O DrvrsroN @z z"@ GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - Constrrrcti on of duo'lex wi t-h attached PERMIT NO. z F- BUILOING JZU,UUU ELECTRICAL +rcuu PLUMBING 1 0 ,500 MECHANICAL .l 5 ,000 TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES V r-3 4872 Aro b6b BUILDING PERMIT 983.00 q *m \Qq s V m-PLAN CHECK 491.50 ELECTRICAL 13.00 NEW(- ) ALTERATTON ( ) ADDTTTONAL( ) REpAtR (PLUMBING I 10.00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOi'MODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL I 50.00 RECREATION FEE 730.80 INSULATION:THICKNESS R-VALLUE FLOOR Rigid 2u t0 EXT. WALLS Batt 6r'19 ROOF Batt 10"30 TYPE OF HEAT ELEC. I GAs x;t* _l -.." ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ST. CUT ALASTING PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARO 100.00 CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 500.00 USE TAX 1,600.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 4 ,778.30 fur&-ffiqt 6-/b-?j ILoING oFFICIAL - OATE {ING AOMINISTRATOR NING & BUILDING NOTES; DATE Bui'ldinq has reached maximum GRFA. hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cgmply with all,,Town ordinances and stgtli- laws, and to build this structure according to the Totr?ti zoning ajftdfpdfipion codes,/dign review approved, Uniform Buildins code and "r^., "fflWrrrrw*r.r.. AND THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR HIMSELF I to** oF vArL INSPECTION CARD (MUST BE POSTED ON JOB t P srTE) ERMIT NO./q2Ll NAME Owner: General Contractor: Excavator: /- ' l,; c'//4fl ly't ct: &r?tutr Q/ET2LZIElectrician: Mechanical: Framer: ,c/L1 9/lb1'9444fz L4. I Insulator: Dry Wall:/-: /'v7' v l Painter: Roofer: CONTRACTOR NAMES AND LICENSE NUMBER MUST BE LISTED INSPECTIONS DISAPPROVED OVED Excavation Footings / Steel Foundation / S.ieel Ground Plumbing Engineering (Uti tities) Temp, Electric Rough Plumbing - D.W.V. Rough Plumbing - Water Rough Electric Gas Piping THE ABOVE TO BE Rough Framing lnsu lation Sheet Rock Nail Exterior Stucco Wire Nailing Final Plumbing Final Electric Final DRB Fire lnspection Final Engineering (Utilities) Final Building COMPLETED AND APPROVED BEFORE PROCEEDING DISAPPROVED UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF ALL ABOVE INSPECTIONS, RETURN THIS CARD TO BUILDING DEPT. FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPPANCY $25.00 REPLACEMENT CHARGE FOR LOST INSPECTION GARD FOR TNSPECTTONS CALL 476-7000, EXT. 101 0R 102 24 Hours In Advance Between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday Through Friday o POST IN A CONSPTCUOUS PLACE rr,rsil?ctoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. C] FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL 'q eeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR DATE INSPECTOR Pn a^," q,l9 - lal7 DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES , 1.1 rN#noN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooo NAIL|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB - tr FINAL ELECTRIGALI tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsilctoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI JOB NAME MON AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t Arnulf Albrecht 281 Bridge StreetVaiI, CO. 81657 TeI: 476-L450 June 5, 1983 Town of VailBuilding Department Attn: Jim Sayer Re: Private Road to Lot 40 Glen Lyon Subdivisi-on Dear Jimr In regards to our conversation today regard.ing theprivate road that leads to Lot 40 of the Glen Lyon Sub-division, please be advised that I fully understand thatthe owners along the private road shall be responsi-ble forits maintenance and snow-plowing. Emergency vehicle access might be inhibited by widthof road, snowplowing, and maintenance. It is further understood that I am willing to share in the expense of upgrading and road-widening, and flaringour of road turn-around, and have road-base for turn-around finished in co-operation with Andy Norris and/or other property owners along the private road by the time a temporary certificateof occupandy is issued. cc: Fire Department Mike McGee / Dick Duran Sincerely, Arnulf Albrecht MEI4O: DATE: MAY 17, 1983 T0: JIM SAYAR)\-/ FR0l'l: DICK DURAN Rfr RCCESS T0 ARNULF ALBRECHT JOB SITE After reviewing the proposed site during the last stor0, I fee'l The Vail Fire Department will not be able to serve the site properly if the entire width (20') of the acces road is not paved. I feel that our pumpers would either slide off the road or into the ditch. I would also like something in writing to ensure a turning area for a pumper and and maintenance of the entire access road. I feel that the turn around area should be a hard surface. I recormend pav'i ng after looking at this area during wet conditions. The turning radius for our first out pumper are: Inside radius: 31'6rl 0utside radius: 33'7" cc: Andy Norris Subdivision Lot Bl ock Filing I . Submi tta'l ltems (tlot Acceptable) t 2. f,,ngineering Requirements Source of Utili!ies E'lectri c Gas Sel.ler hrater TelePlPrie T.V. (Acceptable) - -t ,,/ : (A) Topo ltaP (B) Site Plan (c) utility P)an (D) Title RePort(ri suuaivision Agreement (if applicable) I I ] 3l I m;,' l:,: d{##,,i-(rET u ; /' \/ ,./ -<tG^, un'- 'c,cn|d - A B c D t F 4. Comnents: Approved: Di sapproved: i c h'orks Eil I Arrdre'':s Project Application / ,__-0 a -i ai t Date u t /,tt Project Name: t)r L-/ A I - : (-/ a.ij ( Proiecl Description: Contact Person and 'Jr..,,,. .- 1t ,s z. ,- ' ,f /, :./i4 t ' :..t,.l-l Owner, Address and Phone: ..),/e y0/.E ?1 ger,,- f:V-', Z 7',, F / ;', -i) .',0 4-rt {,t l,l { c! + !4,(2{ Architect, Addr€ss and Phone: :.--.t i-.-a t I V'1t a',/ Legal Description: Lot Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board o^r. t-1,41 / v, v '3 Motion by:T+r;t,+ Seconded by: f't lAv l+vrurt -- .. -- --\ .,- APPROVAL ] 1. ,--- 4-a DISAPPROVAL ,,Q t f ulrl t 1t: .l 1)A 1- 'o (r I IJ;{''r- .tl-s*u: E /3,;-Sum mary: El Stan Approval luwn o Itl 75 south lronlage rd, vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 department of community development May 24, .1983 Arnulf Albrecht 291 El Pinto Danvi'll e, C0 34526 Re: Glen LYon Lot 40 DuPlex Dear Arnulf: 0n May .l8, .|983, the Des'ign Review Board approved the A1 brecht Residence for lot 40, Glen Lyon. Approval is for a Primary/ Secondary Resjdence wjth 2520 GRFA in the Primary Un'it and .l680 GRFA in the Secondary Unit. Before a building permit is issued, the following jtems must be addressed: l. Publjc Works approval obtained. 2. Verification that the above GRFA limitations have been met. 3, Letter of jntent indicating that the Fire Department requirenents concerning expansion of the access road shall be met by September 15, 1983. (See attached memo). Si ncerely, -/4,- /Lt--' /-,f Jim Sayre Town Planner JS/bb cc: John Perki ns 7 Lower Floor: llain Floor: Total Square Feet: 4552,50Total Mech., etc.: 427.22 Total G.R.F.A.: 4125.68 SQUARE FOOTAGES Albreght llome Glen Lyon Lot 40 22O6.QT s.f.Utility room/meshanicaL: 84.14 s.f. Stairwells: 92 s.f. 2346.83 s. f .Air 1ocks, utility/mechanj.cal :251.08 s.f. +." t l!_ i!.1 't rct of fr.t LoL 39, tirereuf , r*.i9.!re*r:r r-t-:ilFr En|llrr ! (Attachcd lo rnd E dG t P.rG of !9nv;111ce.9f Roedr'rv Er!.DnG datod J6uary It ' I9Iy ' tra i;oRE aftB-a-Aasocrrtls, I lhoda r.lrnd Ll'ft'dp"tt""itt tp, to AADREJ D. mRRtS, rnd- llA@P III a-iixtr ircrbi, r Gmcrrl ?rrtn.rrhlp ' ) r;LEN LIO|I SUBDMSION, accordlng to t hP recorocd plet as aDa.ndcd. i " .-,id*i,,-, ."--,,.* EI8IEIT A r,\t I ache(l f() and a.de a Prrt of CoTYty:l:: .)l it(,,ldwav L,acelEttE ds:e Janury l), -r?/t:ir.rr, CORE (.|{EEK ASSOCIATES, t Rhodc llltnd :.ir',it<,,1 PnrrnerrhtP, to A$mEU D NotlIS .,.,. il,lcof rrw ." fE$klNcTox, e G€nrrll PnTt ershi i t l'!i(lAi' LIESCR I l''i ti-lli A t'"leniv f( ( ' *'!ii( f ii. r' I "f land locattd r'ithln lote J9 ' 40 and 4i of tl',( il{tl:i't)i.',, } l-'l (ii.!.N LYOIi lil SDtVISIoti ' Torn of Vat I ' County of Eay,ie, t..rrli'r.r\;o !{', r)rded a$ d' irttnent Nurnber 168771 ln Sook 272 't Pane li0 r,f : ltr., i.a,: i(' C,'trJ|tv 1)Ierk ani Recordcr'g recerdt '!orc per'1i!ul.r' '" Lie st ri'.'e.l as folloYx Begrnnin.' ,: lt,e :i(rrthe4.i .orncr of thc SI l/4 of Ehc ITE 1/4 of Sectl,.rn l.i . i('enslric 5 South, Rer:ge El lJcrc. of t'hc 6th Prlnclgrl ll"rr.dun, I .r"'n of '.rai I . Co!-rty of Eaglc, Colortdo' th' TIUB FOItrf O, fiE6lt{ii l'lr thcnce 5 00' 16' i9" t't '1d18 lfort lfnc of ttld Sll L/r ,:'l tl,e :{E 1./ 4 r'f arl<i S€ction 12 rnd e tong thc gltt botndrry of sa id AI4ENDEp Plr\T 6l,EN l,Yotl SUBDIYISI0I. a dlrte'rc- of 766 ' t4 f"t to s pornl on a uuive thcnce elon6 a cl.tf,ut to th' l€fr 'nd tloog Ehe Norr-h boundirv cf llettl,rvGn Clrclc, ttld afvc havlnt ' rrdlU of 60.00 lnrJ a central angle of rr1" 24' 35". a 'rc d16t'ttc' of 57'tl f"3 thcnce N .r{)' l{,' tl)" E ;t dlstencc of 7l!.4i1 f"E to th' io"f,htdt curner of raid Lot 40 thence S 88' 45' )7" 1' t dl$rrnc' of 20-OO f€et tr)t,t" ltlil') Poli'i'l OF BEGII{tlING ' 'e 'l' . )l;1'EY^,ii, !: . ,l;rtel'J rh€ i5th ria'; of latruarl" ' i:lik!- (:r.i:i,r. jrSS()CiA'l!llj. r liirodt Isltnd Lln'r:i-ied ..,::.nL{rr' r. Al!.i:"€'. ) l'lorrl g al;l' H:i;ropi 'ln i (,( :i( r-., I i' rr I ct sl i i, 1"-lrant e0" ) . r'!1i!sir:-r!i (;r;Jlrt('r, for'..r1'.lithl(' ctrnstCerallan' Lh(' re'ciPt and .,r,1 : :. i t.rrt r,l r'\i ctr a:-r herci-' lt:kno'"tleJgeC ' rloes bertby sell and c,,r).'cy t( !;L.l1icc a nonexciusive Perjletusl l"aseb€nt nnd r18ht of lrir'. 1:\cr. acrols .!il{l ?'hrough r-be rea! property descrlbed on Erhlblt A a: rai-h(,.i r.ere-,r il11,: ',iad! a part hereof for ur€ tt a rordt{ay Ehe rc- lrrlr, rr(-lvidinr, ..thjcul:rr end pc(!es:rlan ccccgs to the real prop.|x.ly .it.:,ili,irt(l {:n Exn.l)ii- b artacl'ed hereto anrl nade s p'rt hcreof ' Tf) ll\\''l: /rlt! 1-0 Hol-D rai'l easencnt dnd rlt'hr .tf rrtv unt') Cra:t:,r,r-' and h': r hclrs , ilcraonal repreeeittti'reE end ailslgtrr ' Ttrc c{i5rrient her€by granterl shali rlin !{ith lhe land end ahall bc ePp"'rr' i-( lia'rt to the land describert on Exhiblt l!' such that a lrafitfsr of re,,rl t.itle to aIl ar dn/ porlion t'f 3:'ch Ir'<J rhrll tutoGlticallv i rai,!"ier l proport{,onaLc int€resr ll! thls eflg€lcnt ' G;:anter', b' nt'!- accepLirnce of this convcvsncc ' tclaalad3cs Lhat th!s easl'nlettt l5 sttbj€(:t t'J tlt'' foliortlng !erns rnd condtttotr': t,r) !rne-thLrd rf alI c.isis Jnd exFen3ed required Lo Ellnltln' raP'lr an.1 keep In goo(l ,,rder nd aPp€arance any ro'dYr) cGnstrucccd on '-he e.isc::('n: sh:rll be Lhe ltole responaib!ltcy of Gran!cc and th!ll )rc i'a!c ly (ir;rlrt rr'. (b) the ecserft'ni ilroir;ed trere!n shall Cerarlnatf, .i.,ii.l|!.r!.i !ril1,.' r.ll, 'r tire .tppr,,!'|.iirts iov|):'nnenlal aurhorJ t" agreclng PaEe i ol 4/o/905 ItlB giltaffi' lrlil tb 5rl dry ct Jraueq'. lltti' lf b.ttr- !il fn LI IftftSaIE t^|ttll llttl (l.rclr crllrd "Grosorrl .oa Vf,lL lr*tl .tE Ea|flittc Dltiltt8t. ' Cltttlot j lotrd prranot Gc til. pttvlrttnr oG Sltlo !2, C.f'g'. ltttr i || mdcd (t erGl'lrft.r erlld "Grratcr'), rltl 'o 'ddr"' .1 of Fo.t offrce tc rce , x.tl, colorrdo il6tt. ''li !IrlggsE!!4." Cretos. fot en tl c63l'd.rstl.6 of tbr nr ol lc (flO'COl . ' Doll,*r p.ld to *-to. by Grenter rnd oth'r vrlurblr cart- ,,,1 drr.tlm, th. rac4rl9r d ruf,fielgrcy of rtteh lr b*cby *brl'dfrd, leo L*rby |.ll rnd qutscLlt to Cr'oc" 6 *baNln, ?dFnf .r.Gt rnd rr.hc of rr7 orr, rcrco rt ttrouft tb. t|d Psolrrtt dcrcrlDed lr trultt I rccfL' fxt*. rad raaa a Frt braof, to bc urod ls Bt' G6ttrn3t*ml ql*to. rlriirl.., rrgrlr14;, lolrr.;[43 ed r'cctc|*qir of ctr l tao a{ rctuol,crl apFtrt.DeGar t}G'go I od 3'l oCirr utlllty a.t!ac.. ra Grdrt.a lry cclurlrrlt d'cerlnt. To hav. .nd to bold tl gt.trer tsto th' CretE, lt' 3rgcattort rnd rrrl;lr fotrvor. IIICUTED cn Cbl &tl tlrrt rb.wc erlttc. stxr_c€ffi r Geluat () ae. *"r f;;" li'"'d)4LY' 1' *:-:' i i fi ' ii"ixfr#';::; Vttnara ry her.d .nd offlclel rcll' t.ly co.6{..1cr cxplrcrr S ll ft "l t "nlrfr '7t, DN ATD ItT AUSUSTITE C ,j.r'"'i /4\./t/i'l I I I i\t rt\ri i', i UTILr i / LaT ,1. iotrt u, ar-i tn, \O' d' -4$.,J f;A)€Mt-NT lor tji , ^,t lY0N Sl,tSbi , ,'tir',t\; , t, .,t: iJrO,TO t||1l Of'C\tI t (* ,,' t "r"-t j tr1!-t.:rttt.Fel_r Nsaalgt 53 rir .n. (ll€o L) on i-i-_!' la t5a r lrt, b€lnt :i.i.Pr:.nFthc ,, . Jr :,, I r. t\e north- I li- ut ..ld '! '-\'il t )c-90 ftrt ,l , r1 '.rl L rt t.rly r t.,.r r , ,. .,,.r(nlnt$t 't' /. -l ITN 16R IALS t.ct' 4O _t,nt.x the fol lor'.'ing infornat jon is Iloard bcfo:e a final approval A. IltllLltliirl IIATERIA.LS R oof Siding Other liall iliaterials Fascia Soffi ts l'lind or.; s lf in ciow Tr'in Doors Door Trirn Hand o:: Deck Rai ls Flues F 1a sh i.n gs Ch imn ey s Trash Enc l osures Crcelrhorrs es 0ther' B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone :' PLANT MATERiALS Botani ca l iiame r-cqlr ilcd for subrrittal bycln be given: thc applicirnt to the Design Rcvicrr, lipe of lrlatcr^ral Color bv,O/c7t? tzntue_ !zt7 TREES Lot"a (PP.trA _&tgaeWL_Attt fr)gs-- ptr-It- 0uanti ty 4 ,__ ItJ l9 , _zl q .)f -lc Lt l.O-t-*-fr -Llge L/z 7 4AL aq//v h \ wtvo &Nr-, Av;,t /-t -.)np j^rrcr|66p4l I b{/ r _N/A Common Name Si ze Io-'-lo &Gr^naa SHRUBS Etw:n*)N Id/ ZfAot>tE En$suq- a 4al' I GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION o SQUA httn,^la LtTTwab?2l- RE FOOTAGE SQUARE FooTAGE tuoF n4se4 'l* * Iftw @ TYPE 'QUARE FoorAGE Z!-&I*LA TYPE OR I4ETHCD OF EROSION CCNTROL I 0ther Larlscape Features (retaining walls, f nces, swi mmi pool s ,etc. ) PIease ), s peci fy . :;tjlll) '\'1.sI0i,{Q'+elL*LJp-N__" J0ti IjAf4ti LaT 4 +. A LBR Lor' 1l BL'.K ,-- IrILINC nnr.nss €L€Ni__LYar,t__ Lgf 4Q_ I'he locatiorr of utili.ties, whether theylines, must be approved and verified by accornpanying si.te p1an. be main trunk rhe following lines or proposed utilities for the Autho b1 Date Mountain Bel1 Western Slope Gas Public Service Company lloly Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Dist.rict #-/i{-3 -t3-- S:S=PY .#-e?-4"1 f -3-F3 a/e;/c//e/(,'= ,r'..'C NOTE: 'Ihese veri.fications do not rel.ieve the contractor- of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Tov,n of ,Vai.i. A, building perni.t: is not a stIeet cut permit, A street cut perrnit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify servjce a.r,'ailablity and locatlon. This should be used in conjunction r.rith preparing your utility plan and schedu_ling installatious. k I J*.^ * 5W e-1.atL "/ "bt f o 1/"*. a"/ )u ^n<.onz AaJ 't- tt"/ "/H i. zed CONVEYANCE OF ROADI^IAY EASEMENT THrs CONVEYANCE, dated the 9th day of August ' 1978, is from GORE CREEK ASSOCIATES, a Rhode Island Lirnited Partnership ("Grantor") to J' LEE AUGUSTTNE ("Grantee") ' Grantor,forvaluableconsideration,thereceiPtand suffi.ciency of which are hereby acknowledged, does hereby sell and convey to Grantee a nonexclusive, PerPetual easement and right of way over, across and through the real property described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof for use as a roadway there- upon providing vehicular and pedestrian access Eo the real property described on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said easement and right of way unto Grantee and her heirs, personal rePresentatives and assigns. The easement hereby granted sha11 run with the land and sha1l be appur- Eenant to the land described on Exhibit B, such thaE a transfer of 1egal title to all or any portion of such land sha11 automatically transfer a proPortionate interest in this easement' Grantee, by her accePtance of this conveyance' acknowledges that this easement is subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) one-third of all costs and expenses required to maintain, repair and keep in good order and appearance any roadr'ray constructed on the easement sha1l be the sole responsibility of Grantee and shal1 be paid by Grantee; (b) the easement granted herein sha1l terninate automatically upon the appropriate Sovernmental authority agreeing Page 1 of 2 W 1 T N E S S E T H: o to maintain at the general Eaxpayers' expense the real Property described on Exhibit A as a public roadway. EXECUTED as of the date first seE forth above' GORX CREEK ASSOCIATES, Rhode Tsland Limited STATE OF COLoMDO )) ss. cOuNTY 0F EAGLE ) The foregoing instrutent r,ras acknowledged before me this 9Eh day of August,1978,by Henry E. Kates, as General Partner of Gore Creek Associates, a Rhode Island Limited ParternershiP. ParEner icial Page 2 of 2 o E\}1ItsIT A (Attached to and made a part of Conveyance of Roadvray EasemenE dated Auqust 9 , T978, fTOM GbRE CREEK ASSOCIAffid Limited Partnership, to J. LEE AUGUSTINE') LEGAL DESCRIPTION A twenty foot wide parcel of land located within lots 39, 40 and 4I of the AMENDED PIAT GLf,N LYON SUBDIVISION, Town of Vail' County of Eagle, Colorado recorded as document Nunber L68773 in Book 272 at Page 37O of the Eag)-e county clerk and Recorcler's records more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Stf! of the NEI of Section 12' Township 5 South, Range 8I liest, of the 5th Principal Meridian, Town of o vail, County of Eagle, colorado, the TRUE POINT OF BEGII,r'NING: thence s 00 16' 49" W along West line of said swl of the NEL of said section 12 and a1on9 the East boundary of said AMENDED PLAT GLEN LyON SUBDTVJSION, a distance of 766.54 feet to a point on a curve: thence aiong a curve to the left and along the North bounctary of Viesthaven Circle, said curve having a radius of 80.00 and a central angl-e of 41o 24, 35", an arc distance of 57.82 feet, thence N ooo 16, 49" e a distance of ?13.44 feet to the Northeast cornei of said Lot 40, thence s ggo 45, 57,,8 a distance of 2o.oo feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. a E)GIIBIT B (Attached to, and made a part of Conveyance of Road Easement dated Ausust 9 107!. from GORE CREEK ASSOCIATES, a Rhode Is1and Limited Partnership, ro J. LEE AUGUSTTNE. )_ Lot 40, GLEN T.YON SUBDIVISION, according to the recorded plat thereof, as amended. ' "' L7o38?q* illnff ff"'lfl* l''I hereby cortify thrt thir Inslrl|ndll f,r! flM Inl tennrJ 17, xly r'ff o . AUq 2 5 1978 \ luiii i itfc-ll. r'rt f'u r SFR, R, R P/5 ZONE DISTRICTS tto AEc, ,t , Zone Di stri ct _f/ < Proposed Use P/ S ---^ ----7-- Al I owed (:s)(s:) tl.2s<>_ 20' 15' 15', (30)(50) €0s)(f,e0) (eoo) ( !8as) Ft)(roo) fittsot 1zg$1+ool Nit) l1 ,i4lrF, oEu<S Proposed *42(tso-7'] rr LTSa 4?{620 /rlo @/t8'{ Aval anche F'lood Pl ai n Sl ope tlA Commentg : 7 h4 9?,. <, g,?,":>' 4E/?- aE 3./ _ t7 N* ?8c"2t, -:-- 6?+ -t{78 Lega I Owner Descri pti on :Lot Lot Size Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks : Front Si des Rear hlater Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Parki ng Credi ts : Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Storage Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental,/Hazards : Block Filing AE*____+X,N_ Archi tect u o Slope Actual Zoni n Date: COMMITMENT TO INSURE fn&tD^G-ctf This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LANDTITLE GUARAilITEE COMPAI{Y P- O. BOX 367, 108 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Tef ephone l303l 47 6 -2251 TIM Fofm 25A2 V 2181 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT. 1970 Rev. Jrrr-e lrusunnr.rce [orvrpANy or [l/|tNNESoTA a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesoa TITLE INSURANCE COMPAIIY OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, hereln called the Company, for e valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposcd Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of tho premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions ofSchedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitmcnt shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endoresement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obliga- tions hereunder shall ceasc and tetminate slx months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever fust occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STI PU LATIONS l. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or othor security in$trument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect,lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or moltgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and slu[ fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of relianct hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company other- wise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordlngly, but such unendment slnll not relieve the Company from liability previously incured pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. l,iability of the Conpany under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties in. cluded under the definition of lnsured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in re. liance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or $eate the estate or interest or mortgage thereon cowred by this Commitment. In no event fiall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies com- mittedTor in favor of the proposed Insured whidr are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except $ expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that th€ proposed lnsured may have or may bring against the Company rrising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must bc based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the rnatters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this CommitllEnt is also subject to the following: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2, Easements,.or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3, Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, Iabor or material thoretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the pubtc records. 5. Defects, liens; encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, fust appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgagp thereon covered by this Commitment, tN WITNESS WHBREOF, Title lnsurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be horeunto afhxed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. lrrr-r lNsunar.rce or |1f|rNNEsorAIorurenruv -nw'e-/z*- Secretaty ir rijt i. o iri l: {i ll fi r'. l'lrI l,ii! ij' * d;? 1, . 118 i.:u " l..tu ''t. !r: n r-r -': :. 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IU *$Sli:.lftt *1 F,drSf *S3, LANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3665 Cherry Creek North Drive Denver, CO 80209 321-'t880 13693 E6st lliff Avenue Denvar, CO 80232 7514336 8333 GrEenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 31 10 S. Wadsworth Boulevard Suite 102 Denver. CO 80227 988€650 830 Kipling Street LakEwood, CO 80215 232-3111 P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 303 South Cascade Colorado Springs. CO 80903 e344821 1211 Main Avenue Ourango, CO 8t301 247-6860 P. O. Box 357 108 So. Frontage Road W6st Vail, CO 81657 476.2251 3600 S. Yoremito, Suite 350 Denver, CO 80237 7794220 650-17th Str€ot Denver, CO 80202 829-7329 9725 E. Hampden, Suito 103 Denver, CO 80237 750{,424 COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY P. O. BOX 357, 108 SO, FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Telgphone l3IJ'Sl 47 6 -2251 Tl{L lnrut.rE. Coflrprny ot Minnrrot b I rub|Hlrry of Mlnn-oGa Tldr FlornBlrl Co.por.don. NASOAO Symbol - MTI?. oProlect Applieatlon Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Archit€ct, Addross and Phone: Legal Description: Comments: Design Review Board Dat€ Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Staff Approval lli(Trl t ,/, ltlro,r*i) T Jlappl h .p,# a L*fr,ttf le "fu4 ,-*/^er lf' /.rt .t"4u /ru lf,^ ca* <ltzeDc. {,L/r',b 7 t{rd u} 1f.d "t; ';f^-,' { *," a,*/,r' L"#*, 7 &/ /l44 e+aQr .-tb7c- , Sucl -Z ,/a--al a--*rf frfe sfu,ca. \J ,r/,to f*, 'h{o* +4tL #* {ena/Lr',V sfrZa4-f (4.4 .*,ffr{ L"Z H' &rt , Tk ,UftU,'a14 *d; .o,// v,(f08( V'/e.* ?b' arvar4tf cn(./th'zx-< aatd WV a,t// tt{ e"n f . 7 a"",-/l s,i// saTTest */4J f^ 4,.-/ - \-//1 4r7" f* \/t4" c,i ,red a-a saz>t aa Vasi& fr @4,t/< ulLo-t tury 4*Heo sh'// i, 4< fuep c{a }<4/ Fr#n - dc-re/7, q f*r " /,r-ve a-<,il ,z-4dt n oJ $G*, 7& t< t'.^t5"/ *L n 0/,nor4 Iat Tre,t/ f-viL. sza'/o/o. q**( f" ft ,r-t (q(ca'ta- a-ttd f'd €".*. (aro/ru f*,6/"t Fr"* F* 'L