HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 41 LEGALil,gn Fievrew Acuon Fen TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name:/! Building Name: Project Description: Legal Description: Lot Y / Block Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: /---.._\\. Board i Staff Action\:*''**-' Vote: :1t:-t)Motion by: Seconded by:'( : ) r') 'RApprovat ! Disapproval ! StatfApproval Conditions: : Town Planner ','i-Date: " ,' / i / '::> DRB Fee Pre-paid/. jl -;..';z .-t 't rc{iaF,d lU9l93 t APPLICATION (PLease Print or NAME OF PROJECT Type )'I 210 Westhaven Lane NAI.{E OF PERSON SUBMITTING ADDRESS 3 Churchill Dr. Englerrcod, Co. 801-10 Vail: 1210 l{esthaven Lane NAME OF OWNER l,arry R. ,crace PHONE 303-761-0850 Lot41 Block Filinq Glen Lyon Subdivision DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Sinqle Family Hones (duplexes) al-onq a prirrate drilr'eway r^rhich is beincr utilized by the public as a pedestrian and bicvelv pathway THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAI-, BY THE APPIJICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REV]EW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, WALL, PROJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. Two (2) si.crns will be mounted 0c1 ? 3 1sg5 DBII posts at each end of the driver^rav statinq " Priv-ate Driveway, Not a Joqging trail a lrieycle trai 1" B. SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL Professionally lettered green on white metal 18" x 24" 3+ on Not c. ADDRESS 3 Churehill Dr. Engler,iood, po. B011ql Vail: 1210 SIGNATTJRE OF OWNER TOCATION OF PROJECT (adI SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERTNG AND LOGO D. F HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING oR PROPOSED)None F. G. IT LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) FEE: $?Q.OO^PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA.- | t npArD W,?5- cHEcK No. lh5 | DAnE iol?->/g{ W Wrv{tmcg REOUIRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION Site Plan El"evations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available 1 2. t4. t. Sign Administrator t ,TO: SIGN APPI.,]CANTS When applications for signs are submitt,ed, the followinginformation j-s required: 1. A completed siqn/awning application (attached). 2. A site plan showing the exact location where the signis to be located. 3. A photograph if possible and buiLding elevation showingthe location of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign,as follows: (a) Colored exactly as sign wil] be.(b) A list of materials to be used in sign (metal, wood, canvas, paint, etc. )(c) Photograph of sign if avai-Lable.(d) Specific lettering style and size. If an awning is proposed, subnit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is attached to thebuilding and how the awning is to be constructed. Description of lighting that will be used ineonjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing anawning, light.ing is not aLlowed to shine through theentire awnj-ng which caLls undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting may spotlight onty the actual signIettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc.2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, const,ruction maydelay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILIJ BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATTON SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, theapplication fee shall be increased by 9200.00. Examples of suchreview, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Departmentof Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsibl-e for paying any publishing feeswhich are in excess of 50t of t,he application fee. If, at theapplicant's reguest, dDy matter is postponed for hearing, causingthe matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Developrnent Department to have significant, design, Iand use or other issues which may havea significant impact on the community rnay require review by consu.l tants other that tor^.rn .qtaff . Shou-ld a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed toreview any application, Comrnunity Development nay hire an outsideconsultant, it shall estimate the amount of rnoney necessary topay him or her and this amount shall- be forwarded to the Town bythe applicant at the tine he files his application with the Communi-ty Development Department. Upon completion of the reviewof the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwardedby the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant.Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwardedby the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of not,ification by the Tor^/n. 5. 6. t- FILE COPY 75 South frontage Road VaiL Colmado 81657 97A-479-2I3V479-2139 FAX 9704t9-2452 November 16, 1995 Mr. Larry Grace 3 Churchill Drive Englewood, Colorado 801 1 0 RE: The DRB Slgn Review. Department of Community Development Dear l-arry: On Wednesday, November 15, 1995, the Town of Vail Design ReviewBoard (DRB) conditionally approved.your reouest to disptay two peciestri'aniidltii-iontrot signJon youi property in the Glen Lyon Subdivision (Lot 41). Thi) mB approved your request witr the following condhions: 1- That pursuant to Section 16.20.170 (b) of the Sign Code, all pedestrian traffic-control signs shall not exceed 1 square foot. Z- That pursuanr to Section 16.20.170 (e) ol the Sign Code, tle location of the sign.shall be deter;nined bi the DRB, whh a letteioi approval from the Town Erqineer, since the sign is to be placed adjacent to a public street or right-of-way. g. That the wordino, "Not A Biking Trail" and "Not A Jogging Trail" be remored from the sign- lt was the opiniont ine Ollion heview board that su6F w6rding is oflensive in nature. The DRB felt that th'e sign could be e{ually effective without the wording' The rsiew of your sign application by the DRB was for sign design, location, nvnber,treiOht, purpose and size only- fnl actii,n tafeli Uiine One s'hould not be interpreted to mean that the. Town of Vail.is in any way aoreeino with vour anorn-ev'Jinterpretation submitted tb my attention on October 9, 1995. ln your letter of O-ctober-g, 1g95, you anained a memorandum from Lynda McNeive of Brownstein, Hyan' Farber aP Strict<lmC- tn mdmemorJnO;m, Ma. McNeive concludes that there are rights forpedtistrjals, bicycle and skier iicesJaclois ine utitity anO drainage easements labeled_on the Gler Lyon plat. These rights, in her.o^?inion. are orryrted onlv to orrners of private property within the Glen Lyon Subdivision, and that any users of the easdnents, not private properil, owners rivithin the Glen Lyon Subdivision, are trespassers. The Torn of Vail has not yet reached a conclusion on the use of fie easement issue. The Town is in the orocess of reviewinq fnis isiue-.- SnoufO ine fown conclude that the easement is nol provided for the exclusive Lse of lhe owners of private property wihin the Glen Lyon Subdivision, the peclestnan traltic-contfol slgns displapd on your private proper$ must be removec. Once iheTown of Vail has reached a conclusion on the easement issue, I will contact you to let.you.know our findings. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information eddressecl in mls lefler' as aiway{ pease Od no1ieJitat6 i; gili''tg il tiiti. t nope we-can work together in resolving this issue as timelv as possibly. Sincerely, ./lr{ 'J /J;JI .Jr--a-t - \ \r- George ftrther Town Plar,rrer cc: Tsn Moorhead, Town Attorney Slrrsan Connelly, Director of Community Development Greg Hall, Town Engineer tp**"uo'uo t f TOWNOFVAIL DETABTMEI{T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DAT PROJDCT CEICTIS MAD* ?AYT.ELT TO TO}VN OF V^JL 0l 000041540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.000l 000042415 UNI}ORM tsUILDING CODE $54.00 01 0000 42413 UNIFORM PLUMBINGEODE $39.00 0l 0000 42415 T'N I FORM M EC TIA MtAL CODT $37.00 0l 000042415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.0O 0l 0000 424i5 ICAL CODE s3 7.00 0t 0000 424t5 OTI'.L,R CODE BOOKS ul 000041548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 * 01 0000 42412 K,LROX COPIES s0.25ot aow 4241 sruDtEs 0t oow 42412 I UV}EES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.O0 0t 00w 42371 PENALTY FEES i RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 4t33f 8LAN &EvrEw RE-CHECK FEE t$4O pER HR.f 0r 0000 42332 O FF HOU RS INSPEC T-IONTEE 0r 0000 41.+L CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0i 00094t413) oi-6om-4T4r AT]ON FEE I $20.00 JU- ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI.OO PER SQ.FT.I ,l I0r 00004rF 0 /I'C AR'f PROJECT DONATION 0l 0000 4133 I PRE PAID DESICN Pg-VTgWffi 0l 0000 42371 II\TV ESUG4IION F EE t BUILDINCJ 3l 0000 451t0 TOV PARKING FUND 0r 0000 22027 TOV N EWS PA PER D I S? EN STRF U ND'* t,l 0000 zl l2 I4x44LE @4% (STATE)* 0t 0000 4t010 TAXABLE @ 4olo (TOW,\*) 0l 0000 42371 BUlLDING INVESTIGATION ]THER PEC APPLICA.TTON FEFS oi 0000 4l 330 ADI]II'IONALGRFA "250's200.00 0r 00m 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.o00l 0000 4133C b41 EIIIOR ALTERATION ILESS THAN IOO SQ.FT,I $200.000l 00004133tr E}ITEtsIqRALTERATIONW $500.00 0r 0000 4r330 SPECIALDEVELOPME-NTW $ r,500.00 0t 000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPM ENTDISTRreTTFM'OR-EIEND s r,000.00 0t 000041330 S!'T,CIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT [MINOR AMEND]s20{r.000t 000041330 SUtsI]IVISION 0l 00004t330 r'ARIANCE $250.O00I 00004t3i0 ZONING CODE AMEND MEN_TS $250.O00l 000041330 R.b. ZONINC $z{JO.(ru )'fHER OTHER COMMENTS: a1\ cAsE r , "-,' I3,Tl 'r^ , I /og/s3 16:58 Osos ? lts:r Triangn1ggiotr Ccn/Er Sheet octohr 9, 1995 To: ceorye Ruther, Ibr{n of VaiI plaruer Fa:rr 970-479-2452 Frcm: Iirr? Grace 1210 Westha\ren La$e, vall Farcs 303-?61-9696 Phon€r 303-761-0850 Re3 l{bethaven line Pubilc AccEso on Eassgrt Srgsttcrt 61 S6S6 a LARRY GRACE FOX GR38NF l€tdEtw Bnefrnm{€dado|Ello I,ARRYN" GRACE 10/09/'95 18 ! 67 Lyn& A. McNeive TOr FROM: DAIT: RE: !e303 9e96 LARRY GRACE BRowNslsN Hvnm F.*rsm. & Smrcru,eNu, P,C, A.ITORNETS AT LAw . TWENTY.SECOHD FLOOB 4IO SEVB{TBNTH STRBET DS{VBR, COIOR^DO 8@02.{43? IEL&HONB (3{B) 534{335 TB,ECOPEB (303) 623-1956 761I E oor {L,E,7> F.T#?' l+&82> 6q'qo' qt 845- Lbbl PMEMORANI'UM Mr. Larry Grace Lynda A. McNeive September 28, 1995 Vail hoperty/Uae of Easements by Nonreeidents As you rcquested, I have reviewed the Pmtective Covenaats of Glen Lyon Subdivision and the Amended Plat of Glen Lyon Subdivision, both rccordcd in 19/E, b determine wht rights, if my, the general public may have to use the easeqrents within the Subdivision. You indicated that you are experiencing problems with hikers, cyclists and skiers parking along the roads atrd"/or accessing easeorents that are rlesignated for utility and fuaiil'gc. There have been s@e amendrnents to ttr hoecdve Covenants of whiclr I do not bsve copies (or in some cases, I have incomplete copies), so for purposes of this letter, I arr considering only the original Proteclive Csvenaffs and tbe dedication language on the Amerded Plat. TIIE PIJTT The Certificate of Ownership and Dedieation on tlre Ameoded PIat of Glen Lyon Subdivision recorded July 18, 19?8, statcs that thc oaiginal owners "dedicatc for public usc the streetr shown hereon, including avenues, drives, circles, places ad alleys, the public lands and drainage easements sbown hereon for utility, and drain4ge pufposes only; and Tracb B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J and K as greenbelt and nahral open spacet covetants fited ald recorded for this zubdivision in the ofFrce of the clerk and recorder of Eaglc Couuty, Colorado as dofllment No. .n 10t09/ SE 16:67 IRSOS Mr, Larry GHc€ s€Dteebtr 2g Page 2 761 o 9696 LARRY GRACE Boos The plat also stat€s that the Towu of Vail accepted ndedication of the udlities and roacl easements shonm. hereon . . .,' - Bged sn this plat language, you probably cannot exclude the public from afcegg to any land that is labeled on the ptat as a "sEeet, aveale, drive, circle, place-or alley. n y91r must also allonr uee, but for utilities and drainage only and not for publii access, of aoy areas labeled "public landsn or drainage easemcnts. The permited uses oi tbe greentelt and oien quc€ tracts arc not spclled out on the plet. _ My_cnpy of the plat is not very clear, but it appears that the private drive adjacent toyour Lot 41 (as later rezubdivided) is labeled 'lceess Easement" and nAccess ani Utitity Easetrlent" but is not a street. drive, alley, etc. tr. TIIE COVENANTS Tulnfug to tbe Protective Covensnb of Glen Lyon Subdivision rpcarded April 4, 19TB in Book 26E at Page 698, we find the fo[owi4g relevanr provisims: 1. The Coveirants staie tbtt thc Town of Vail and Gore Creek Associates ("Goreqry!) owu certain FroFerU, portions of whiclr have been platted as Glen Lyon $ubdivision, The Covcnants cover a palcel containing 80.977 acres; the piat goniains 7l. gbacres. I do nothave rny map that strows the location of the approximitely 8.5 ames thrt is outside the zubdivi.sion hrt is included in tbe Covenants. ?. Aeeording ro the rccitals on page 1 of tbe covenants, the covenatrB place resrictions s1 th€ Innd that are specified as beiry for the benefit of the Toqm of Vait and -Gore Creef ald "the gtantees, succ€ssoni ot assigns" of Gore Creek and for nall persons who may acquire an interest in any of the tracts or lotsn in the subdivision. lbese reJnicdons nrn witl the lard and irure to the beneflt of and are ginding upon tlre Town of Vail, Gore Creck aDd tbEir rcspective grantccs, zuccessor$ atd aesigns, 3, $ection 1.4 of the Covenants stat€s that Tract A shall be used for emergedc,y vehigJel' pedesbian, bicycle and skier aec,e6s. Tracts B-H, J snd K and tbe unplatted ,str€am tract" (perbaps this is the other 8.5 acres?) may be tandseeped and used as a picnic arpa with tables, benches, batbecue facilities, ctc. Prohibited on thcsatracts are auy struCarres, eampiag,public or privah gatherings or "any otlpr act by any person. . . wbich, ii ttre loogement of a;ypropcrty owner or of the appropriate officials of the Town of vail, colorado, may deface, alei, dessoy or damage the natural condition of the vegetation or the aesthetic vaiue of the nahrral e-nvimnmetal 4rality" of !!t tracts. Utility faciliti€s are allowed on the traets as loqg as theydo not alter tbc surface. uHikers, pedes8ians, skiers and bicycles are expressly p.rmia"O 6travel hereon provlded the zurface of [thc tact ie] aot unrcasonable Oauaged Uy saii activitie6. " lO/osig6 18:Eg SSOA Mr. Larry G'race Septemb€r 28 Page 3 I"IRRY GRACE 4. Section 3,1 adds that "Atr ea.sement for pedesrian uec shall exist and is hercby reserved on, over arrd across those portioos of the plat of Glcn Lyon, reserved herein for udliry service and facilities,'' 5. Section 15.1 prohibit parking along the public roadways. 6. Secdon 16 reiterates ttrat tb€ Covenants ale for the benefit ofand are binding on the stream tract, each lot and tract in Glen Lyon, and each owner of property tberein. 1. Under Section 18, the Covenants cen be terminated or amended by agreement of the ownsm of 75% of the privately owned land in Glen Lyon. 8. Enforcement of thp Coveraos re$ts witb the Town of Vail and the plopeffy owners of Glen Lyon, and ircludes both the right to obtain an iqiunction tg prevent or remedy any violation, and the right to damagcs. $6 Sec.tion 19. 9. Section 20 of the Covenants specifies that persow claiming easenetrt rights over tlte Glen Lyon property are not !o be considered "owners" for puqposes of these Covenants. Itr. AhIA,LY$S These covenants must be read and interpreted in theh entirety, Those who are arguing that there arc pedestrian or other access rights for the general public arc pmbably lookiqg at a couple of senlences in Sections I .4 and 3. I out of contert and in isolation from the rest of the document. It sccms clear that, whpn read in tlrc context of tlrc entire Covenants, the pedccttian, bieycle and skier access rigbfs are, like the other rights and obligations in the Covenants, for the benelit of the bwnerc and not for the general public. Ons ean eertaioly argue that every owner of a Glen Lyon lot does have I right to walk, bike or ski across the platted utility and drainage easeuents where such easemeutE cross the lots of other owners. But there is no basis in thss€ docrrments for exteuding that argumerf to includ€ access for the general pubtic, In fact, the definition of'owner' in Section20 oftlts covenrnts specifrcally excludes persoils claiuring ouly easement rights. Another argument that there was no furtent to bave any righh vested intbe general public is that the Covenants provide tbat thc owncni of 757o of the private lard, without any rcvicw or approval from fie Town of Vail or any other publie process, ar€ entitled to tsrmimtc th€se covenants or amend them under Section 18. Thus, tbs private landownere could, if they found it necessary, amend the Covenants to clarify ftat there ic no public accsss excq t over tbe streets dedicated on the plat. Ia addition, the prohlbition of parking along tbe streets indicabs tbat it 761 98S6t @ oo+ 7l L0/.0s/:6 16:69 !8303 ?Cr 9696 tdRRy GRACEro @ ooo Mr. Lany Grace Septembcr 28 PaSe 4 was not intended that the public be able to park ther and access Glcn Lyon's easctrlents erlroute to hiking tails urd ski nrns in the area. IV. 'CONCLUSION: Whilc there are riehts for pedestrian, bicycle and skier aocess acrc,tts the utility and drainage easements labeled as such otrtbe plat, tbese dghts are granted only to owrcrt of private propelty within Gleo Lyon Subdivision. All othcrs arc tre$pessen. Either tbe Town of Vail or oDe or more property owrters in Glen Lyon are entitled to seek ur injuctioa or take other steps to prohibit furthcr public use of the easemens widrin the subdivision. Appropriate signage and gales might be a good fi$t step, but approval of the Town's Design Review Board may be required before instrallation of sueh items. II 8?T-s6sz- ffi t \\\r) \.--r n Yail Assoriates, Inr +,@@ DATE IOTAI PAGES fiEGAROIN6 MEg9ACE It c0HF 1 oEl'rTt A t ITY .flgIIlE T:tE AccoilPAfiYilt6 FACSIHILE Is lttTENoED SoLELI FqR JlE USE gq THE n:itpiini oasienereo raovE. oocuf{EllT(5} TRAllsilIrrEo HERET{ITH ltAY COrlfffrr tHrOnruftOt *{tct{ IS Cof{FiDEIITIAL Al{0 pRlvILEcE0. ogtIVERY oiiiniguiior uR ulssElltNATtoil 0F THIS coi$rufi:crrlotr ornEn TtlArl T0 r.rg turnoeo irctptrlr 15 STRI,CTLY PI0HISITE0- lF Tou ttAYE RECEIy:o i:rig-rriitxtle Iil €RRoe' PLE!sE fiorlFl us tltt{EtfurEl? u rFlE9l{0r{€' dh American Airlines American Airlines New expandcd scrvicc &om Dollat/ Itj hbdh (DFW), plusnonstops hom Chicago O'Hare (ORD!. Ncw York Lacuardia (LGA), and Miami Intemalional 6lt{le 1t frN'rvenjerlt connec. Hons fitm over 130 otb worldwide. Cali American,tirlines at t-800433"7300. ilflAwwEDArrurNEs UntredAirlines Ncrs daibr nonslop scnricc fro:n Los Angeles proriding woildn'ide cc'nncctions hom the l fest Coast CaIl United Airlines at 1.80O241-6522. Northwest Airlines Sahrrday norrstop scr'rrict ftom Dct?oit pTW)!baily noiuujp flights from Minneapolis/Sl. prul (MSP) with grert sonrrecdors fipm ovsr 6() cjtier including l'onrlon rrxl Arnsterdem Call Northrrnst Airlines at l-80S225-2515, NORTHWEST AIRLINE$ For complete oackages call Vril/BeaverCreekReservations at I 800-525-225/, or your local tsavel asent. f,-Z! 'i-r,crt!l i l ' 0 iJi'..r r*r.-,.". ..i rhrt t*rt''rlrr* tnc. A"{'r"rn {qii.', u^ir,{ rr '.1, ; i fi .JVaiTl 'f ',{ra rr'.r rf{6f l0:Q "tQfrfil 'QI r ) l\.{}r Julrl 3$ffitsr I 30lB,* 't6t*.-.W t' ,'t .ft, ,tJ\ \r E'StFrtll.trE1"tffii !ouvE!ilricE_(r!' EAsl4EM $l!5 EAS$ENI l* grnnted su trf thc t3- day of 19S{ by *t{Dffi$ D. I{0R"RrS IIr ("11o*lr') ' IIACOPIAN t gr*rer*tr ?altrerahii ("H & t"'r !4ARGAI{&10 SCARER0UGH.I{Tr'$oN 1r161snnn.) End ARNULF ATBRSCIIT (t,A1bre.cht"), Lo YAIL A:!S0C!ATES, Iffi. (trsreatecrr), a Colorado corPgratict. ' IJITNESSETH; bl€*-fi3 end H I P atc tbe eri gr5 of !,ot 39' Gt't'It LYON flnBrvf$l0N, Eugle Sorurty. golo*do. Albrccht ie uhc owncr of Ixrt ,r0" CLEN LYOts SUBDTTTSI0N, Eggte $ou$ty, Color+do' lJtlaon lr tbn orn*r of Lot 41, GLEII LION stBDIVISIoil, Eaglr: County, Cslsrado. Lote 39, 40 aod 4I arc hereincl Ecr teferred to aa thc "Lbogeffy". Norrl.c, ll & f , Albreeht *nd liilson ite hp'telnaf tcr rnferrcd E9 ae rrOrantorg'r. . Ac.r.es s to LoL 39 is olrteined m'er an trect€3s easpmcnt" acrocu Lgtc 40 md 41, GLEN LyoN S EDMSIOI{, sg releseaccd :nd shorra on t}e nubdivitir.rrr Plcc recordsd July 18, 1918 ln Snok 272 aL lage 370 of the EaglG County ree.orda- For vallrrblc conridcration, the rcccLpr anrl uulliciency of vhieh is hc*tby ecknorLedged. Crentor5 hereby s:11 and eonvAy to Grantcc a :rmel(clusive . perP.t$rl €i senent and r.ighl-of 'esy ( thc tErserr*.rr f-" ) undc!, ove!, acro5c agd through tlif arcF-ss celic$cnt rleesrl}ed abote and the Dortlon of Lot 39. CIJN LroH SulllMSION, F,aglc tlourty, Colorailo, aII as nore SPectfice1ly deecrlheil'ln Er&'lb it A attrched hereto and forming a ParL hereof, for the F@pos€r of Ingrcsc and egre*s frorE cettaiE pto?ctty rlpon uhlch Gtamtcr iBte$ds !o conltfltr1t, lnstall, u.rlnlairl r oPsritr eDd raryrn lr a ptnpbouue lacllity (th+ 'ifuuPhouser'). Errn?cr, as irg.soln cxircnEe, utrsll srglntain lhe E:eeuent -r"rd taGp lL in good. co$dltion and repa{t' cxccPt for any rlauuge g|.qFcd by Grantnre or !,nyunc asl;irrB by, through ot in conaectlor't r*l.t* theu r all of rhiclr shall pronprly he rcpnlred by GranLuru. srb@li! Gfanree ccate operulicrue of tbe PutPbousc for fivc cps egstive ye€rr, then tbe rlghtc Eranled to GtanLe€ under thi6 ' 8,1 I tfEr{r{INCToI{. :;'I '0 f coslteyarrce shrll t.rninat€ rnd the Easernent shell revert to GlltntorE, their lreiru, guc$sEEort rrs c99igtl9. Giafit.c agr€e! to ilc fend snd Srve Gfafltot!, the'lr ha'lret Eucccrisor!! or auuignu. lurulleuu fros and agalust all liebtlity losc for injuriee to or death of pcrlonc or dauage ro the Esllsucat or tbc Froperty ceuued bI tiu acE or uEe gf tbe Els€Inent by Gra:11++ , TO I{AVE A$D TO HOI,D caid Esoeueal uud rlght-oI-t{l} Bntrr Orintee and its succctaors md easigns . Granfee's rtF;htg lm'lor thc Eaceueat and rigtrL-ot.way hernby gtauLcd uray be atelgned by Crrut€c. lt3 escceSFots of asfiE$r and shall run rith 611! bc a hurdprr lrFon tJrc Propctty r subj cet to thc prnvlsl ons for Eergtinet 1on csntained htrein. cranrorf stt?reni rhet they beve flrll r{ghr nnd *uthorlty ro erccuts thie Ccnveyance of Eascncnt and to create tbe errtueut hereln pr4vtde.d, w{tt ihe effect thet 6rantp.p. {{le ettceegsors ahd e$sig$Et ehall have.tbe hgal ritht to in8rt66 and egrers frosr Ilbirhaveh Clrcle acro38-rhe Has€sents. Thie conveyalc: of lds enent uay be exseutcd in eny nulbsr 91 cottntelp€rta eaeh of whlefi ahetrl const{ filtP. an nrtglnal n;rl rr11 of *lricb strall be considrred a tiaglc iustruoent. F,XECflTED as of thf detc first se[ fotfh above, or EIGO}IAN SenereI & FEI{IIINGII}II. a Partncrqhip Gffrlt{lt$f,S r ^t'|'A\''- .r il tf iii!,;11 i.'^ ccFnr5rance eball terninalc u d Ehe Eaeem$t fhsl1 tG\tcrC to Ga&tor6, tbGir hclls. ruccQlsort o! 833tgnt' Gratttec atrEe€ to defeud aud save Gra$Cor3, tbeir helrs' n*B,cccFgrc or *ssignr. hs:a1l+e frw rnd s!:stnit all llablltty or loce for loJurieo Lo ot declh of perSons gr rl*Bagr to the Ergeurat ol the PtoFerry calreed by aa act or llEP of the Eeien rtt by $rantee dnd its elpl oycc, tucceslons and assignr- f0 HAVF. AI{D TO HOl,t) Bal{l Ease!|ent and rf ght'af-uFy utrto caaritee Etrd iti suec.E3ora and *sigar. Grlateerg riglrts under thc Eaococnt antl right-of-lay hc,reby grnnted uay be aoeigned by Grantrc, itl tuccrcrorc o! r3tigD,r ead rha1l nrt rrith rnd br a bnrden upon Lhe lrogerll r eubJ ec|. Lo Lhc provislore for rcft!.nattoi conc6lned hereln. Grantors $srranE thaE they bave full right and autbority to prf,F.cr:t e tb{ r Consa-ynnee. of EeA Firnant cnd to crAate thE et F }.'ttFJtt herein provided, ttltlr Etre elfecE that Grentee (lEs succ*Fsors etlil arrlpJrs) ahall have the 1ega1 rllah! Eo lng?eat and egress frou hbsthavcn glrclG acro8s the EasmentG, Thln Eonveyance nf EA fr P.!tp.nt rtny be execrrtp-d ln 6nt nuntler of ccr'nterpaftt each of drlch rhell' eonctieste sn origiD.l and all of which thsl1 be coneldered u slrrglc inctruocnt. EI{ECUTED as of the datc firrt eet forth abovc. GlAilTORSt mEew U; nort1t ItrI FIGOPIAB & gEUnlIBCToNr 6 Gcncral ?arrrrefshlF lTr GFEffiT*}ffiE z .. ri5 'rii!.tl -;' v srlffEE: valt AssocIArES, rNC,. e trolorado corporf,t-lon strTE or CtUITY 0F SIATE OF suulfrt 0F l ) ) g+, f,rfiscr{bcd antl riworn co bcforc src this, 1984 by I'lARGlRgr SCARBnO1IGII lflttDlf.' Ifiluec'u uy haad snd olliciel ser.l,. My coeoia riotr .tpLrlr: Aotarg Publlc Addrcis: day'of (sEArl xr, Gr+,na.l&odi1g;*6- 6t. and sporr to lefore EE thl$4t day or Q# a^" of. aa a. ueneEitl Partnerahlp. . 198t+ by A}lDh.fir D. DORRIS Itt. and officlal u cal. Hituc€g tny hand sud offlclal teal. eBfirgr: fu44, , F'-{bt tl tuu- l . il;a,ltda*r*HotaFEliffi 'ddrtir' **T#r,m*** s'.xArE oF ful,fiia,L )@i'.' *,i*,lmljfiilE*^ _ t0! ,tttE lI rYq 3$rr ttrftr lU; rq t$t 4et'zgt€i.+L:irrv f ulrllc r'l-lea; tUJ!&nfi{t"fr;;;'^;ww,Kr*dfftu/ t- r:r4 .r:.'nt 1 r.i I S?ATE OP COIORADO )) ae' COUI{TI OF U,TCLE ) {silL) S?A?E OF COIINTT OF (sEAt) V $&[DTEE: 9AIL A$SOCTAfEI, INC., a Colorado corPoErtton *f,- rxocetT ruDrlc Addree u l Suhrcrtbed end crtortr to bc€ote sc thie - rley of 1984 hy Al{DRstf D. r$onnlg Iu. I{ilrrcgs &y hand aad officiel reel. My cotmlsslon exPtrF$: Subccrlbed gnd aworn to belurc ue tbiu day of. 1984 hc - uc'a Gcncral fa:rjlrofnAc0PlAtf I-FEffi I'FGIW,TF?tEiF]'Ttitnershlp' uitn€ge uy hand rnd offl.cirl rerl. lly cournlsc ion crpirce: srA?E oF ITt-:n -conlrrT *a;.""r.- t\.*;;:; . - iiei- by- IIATGAI.rT scixrxgustt ttrrlDm l*itnerr uy hand and offlct*l rrrl. lly aooicoion expLrcct r\x\tt (SEAL) l) se ') $otar-Jr ruDtrc IAddrci:: 5\81 \\soo*..**-* 4t . $us,.rifr. rsr'\a " ItI 'liit'il1 i"i $TATts OF Etfotn to bcfore EE th{.c /OtJr-<ay "rAN$ULf ALSRECHT. end offlctal ccal. )) t5. ) )) es, ) STATE Of Colorrdo . C0UAfi OF Erqle -- eoltlrilsslon expirrs : 7 | 27 lgl ,.*#'"'ibif.iil"'fiil !:;:iftil ;i $lli H$o'ii{'ii r!{c., e ETdEi6-c-orporstlon. . llitncse ny hand aud olliclel rcal' 34999 Jtvon, Hwy, 6, 8or 376 Colnmdn f,'|6?0 "'nx.", + -&13 --P*u _ l rSU* I u-&-rt^-_'fP 'h* TroiaAy PufllE- ---\--'T -. Addret;' glRgl rpHUtsoN'r. o. eTx elce verl.co 11858 '/, :r ';'l '^f " l:l il lilr, il1 -ri'^ l!8tt $r rew (Attached to r84 fotolng PnrE of a' c*vev"oi'i*ol-tiitiitl-itoo andieir. D' tlucrir IrI' 'dffi i:ililt*islinJ "s'tsiii*:::llus: Til:i''* rEcA!:. DESCBIII&U_OF ltB EA5EIEFI A strip of lenil rcroeg Loti 39' l0' urrl 4l' gLgN LYON SUBDV I3 x0lt ' accordtlng to th" reap thcreo! recogdrd ln Book 212 tt Page 370 ln th? offl cn of thc Er81' Cotrntry ' Colorado Elerlr and Reeorder, raid elrlp belagl 2D fect sitlc, enil 1yin7 10 feet on eacb cide of gtre fol lotirg rlescribrd cetttp'rlinc t leginniag 6t a point on sbc sottlrcrly boundery of salil t*t 40, alou being !b: totthcrly Eight-of-uay llne of Ifeathevo CLrcle, rhclce ghe oort lotrtterly corller of said r,ot 61 heara H 30'58'57"tf 6'42 fcct 6igSant; thence E 00"16'{9" E 7t7.t3 f,eel to e point on the uurtherll litc of selrl Lnt 40. (tblr stctioo <rf said etriP ir identlcal to lrrr Access aod lltlllty Easseent actosa ln{d LoLu 39' t0' rnd 4l stoun on the plat for Glen Lyou Subdlvision deecrlbcd at$ve): tb+ace $.1?040'00" v 17,52 feel to the potr'nt of t r ffinus, ohlch is 96 the rreererly boundary ol letd fot 39' vihoBcc the s66? ucctcr!'y sqrDet of sa{d tot 39 bearr S 28'lt'57.' W 44.04 f..t dtFtent' Ite aldc liues of tbe ltrtp arc uhurfened or lengthencd to tcroilatg rt ProPertY llael . r:-t. r^i .lFire Proteslion di :,,Hac ist #$$ N 4 l-.1?+i- ,'i.*ff $ _--=..----' tt abq [6qs t.. _n".r, "$ Lr$d rhrll a I ?orrtlon .J '. lrll. rct r $ub' blr A nd I (hcrc- crrtrln of . AsroclttGr of teel :hc Toun g,tintacI I trh. of rll r lotr ln nt. lun ul th r;li'' l. hnd .hrll r,i8!_!gg rhr lrnitr ln Glcn Lton md t'h' bll|nc' of 3b' SubJ'ct' br u..d for rhr tollorlng Pur?or'r I l. 1 brr I chroutrh 12 rhrll be urcit only for Prlvrt' r.tlitcnc"' !'Gh to lncludr rlo! !lot' :brn ltto Prkrrrl/ scconrlrry dnelllnp ntlltl' rr drrcrlbrd tn thc Tor'r of Valr ?'ootnr otdlnt$cc | $lthln | 'ln8'l' rtructurG' rr rell rr an ldeqrretc off'3tr'Gt Plrhlnr rrcl and'/oE cnclo$d qrrage ' 1.2 Lot 5X rhell be ured for rrultt'femtly rcrldcntlel ' purpolcr and rhall havc rdequtte off-rtreet PerklnS ' 1.3 Lot 5{ ehall bc ureit for burlncsg and profcrslonal offlcc PurPoses ' 1.4 TrscL A rhnll !e used for encrfenti' ;"*111c13s' * perlestrlan' btslcls anit tkler dcc€ri' Tr'c"d D' c, D' e' r' G';' J' K' anit thc unrlar:?d rlreenr trict ("'lrcan Erscl") ac dclcribed in lhe Orlt Cleln DGcd dalcd Januar\' '' l9?9 nnrt tecordcd ln Book 265 rr Pn[c 9nl of thc rccorrlt of thc Eeflc Count)/ Cleri( and Rccorrllr's off"rc' r:rs bc lantl' ScaPed and ulerl as n "lgntc are'l:u?o:l $lrtch thcrt nay bc conrrrucrcrl and rJlntelncd plsnlc t'blca and bencrrr*. parr !.cnclrer. t::::l:. .:'::.'::" , Irttr nnd tr53h conlolncrs' r' G' ll' J' N'nnd thc ilrcsn tract lrrc hcrclnrfttr refcrrcd to l' th(' "cul'lfst Tt:rctt' .:- -JJio-:- ,t D dtgr. 'lrb trFrt cP' fiff f. e@. G-sG'l c Ftdtt" t' tt[dl c 6. tD*r'GG E ' .'"{t &dsfc ttd dr- ' rtrrt * 1116 rc tf cL !3S"Gt tr.cllt tt ' tf'd' ael al .lct1tt '3 flldl glcrf&lll d e Fat cf tb tSJG't' !r'.'tt tbll i' ufcd for c4b3 - orsDtlFt rtrF L? ry $rts6t or a.a'd, ror rtdl tEt t' tddtlcd' nlthl. 'r @ r"ir tdrcct ,&rl=trt' oy fdcul or Gt2slzd g$lfe rr Ftt't' tttbltf 'fr''lt er&lr *t bt 4r ttrt@ c 16@ (@Pc tc lrr'lmfttd qrtttlt ldstttti) ' rtrGh' fs tr'- ildtf,t[rsc of ' s't !,rdFcttt toqffi crg o'f c'D. atptfs'icttc of,flcit'lt .!,f tb. TotEr o! vt!l' @I.o'E &' Iltft dcf,d' '!t"' d.tttlt G'! ddq[: t'u un'rrl @t'diaforo @f, t!? rtc'- Gaaid, sT abc :lrcJwl.c ualtur of ttb EEwdt "r!!G- cur! qollcY otr t'b' s@I'Ga TF c1t3; &{rtt'6trdt !.lt'cqt' dcltrSl. 6'f o!6!ils- l-t'f"- rb grwlrno rd oldrnre of dllltrt ttt rf.ct fiqt DG G@ttirEc'i td nclntr:acn nkud lrr \n& Tr-[' r -i !h SIGGG ltrctt' gtdldtil ilst 3q[i !tt[Es!|!dttl tft'14 86t" 6' r" lttffisd dtfiqlcld r tltrdLli! E tb turit" 3C !t rst A tr tb. tdte't trtdns" ir C' ll 3 I t [lka , PGd'rtrl'nr ' rklrrl enil blctcl'r-rBr ' crptrrrly grrolttlit Eo Et'v'l h'tton Provtd'd Bl|. ruttlcl o! ttrct A or ghe subjlct tt'ca' rt' no3 ,rnr""rontUU itoag'ed by rrlit rclivltl'r ' o tloB r tc[ttn t Con' lcnlc ureil rOf roa rnlrcd rby of 'lcl.1t ll tel ' :he vc8e' I cnvlron- Convcn' .ttlltY throuF,h :ovlded rtncnL Tfect A z, DEslcN REVIEI{ qoAnP 1rd .s crertcd by chapr.r ls.tl ot th'' ' Thc Dealgn Bavten Eorr6 l! E'-----. '-^,,hlv. colorrito lh.rGln unlclpnl coit€ of ihe To{n o! Vatl' Erqla Countv ' crll;d "Desl8n nevtstt Dorrd") rhall rPProvG or r'Jccl ;";",- " r"e'o"u""n " :::il:.:: :::: il:'r'.r:I'' scrasm tract and ghe fecoEqsu "'-- ----,. ,rr nadB I pirr. slon of uhlch thes' rertrtctlvr cor"n'ngr lt' lo{ l.--'rn,'*'"' o"o ntttttt'ot-"nt 3.1 Eagemenrs ""u t '-uay for t'lntttt' hcrtlnB' electricity' gar' celephorr"' *"t"t -::: *wcrt;c facllltles' "l'utt-'"ttt' rnd eny othcr klod of publtc or quecl'publlc uttlttv t:'::t-t-" "t" r€scrved t' ";";;; 'he plar or clen Lvon' $t.h' out tn" "'";";;;n pcrrnieslon of thc Dtrlr'n novlctl norrd' no '"t""' ""' hcdge' berrler' or othlr lmprovcmenc "n"" * erect'd or nstntrlncd on' ,cross or ".;; ti''" "tt"' 'rertrrrcd tor ""t:*-:t: *u rff'frtc'ot'*ay' or ln srrch clorc Prorl$ltt thtrcto o" to rrnpuil"n" """t"" !o o! ur.. thct'ol ' ln eascnent "" '"t"tt""t uro rhall -c*l!t rn'l lr hcrcby tssffv'd on' ovcr and rsro3t 'lhotG Pottlont or lhc ""t ;;;; Lvon' tocrvcd h'rcln tor uilllrY rewtcc rnd frsllltl't' .1. t .,Lr.!ao!r tct inlnrtr purporrr trr rrrrnrit rr rhor on thl plrt cf Olu Lyoa. brun3r tor drrtnrjr purpoaaa rrr.ty.d ln thrr Gon.n.nta rnd or chr olen Lyo plet rbttl br prrprnrl'. f,raalaatt ri[rcrn! to r loG but outrld. thr boundrrl . th.r.of rrry br rpproprl.t.ly lendrcrpcd. rubJcct to thr provhlorr of thc|. cov.D.nt!, b]l thr ot,|rar o! lhr loG. but h thr ev.nt rueh kndrcrplng lr dfuturbrd byutr of thr elaenlnt, tha eott rnd rxpcnlt of rtrlorln3 rucb lrndrcaplng rhell br lolcly thrt of thc orncr ofthr lot. 6. SIGnS lfo rlgnr, blltboerdr, portat boerdt o- .dvartlrtn! rtauctur.ofanyk1ndrhr11bccrcctrdosftt|,nt.ln.don|nyIot9s rtructura for any purpo.a rhatrocv.r, lrcapt, such rlgn, a, hrvr bctn rpprovcd by Gh. Derlgn Ravlcr lorrd tr rreronrbl,, n.G.tmrlr tor thr ld.ntlfi,c.tt on of ruldcncrr rnd pr.ecer ofburlnor. 5. HATET AIID SEI'AGE Brch rtnrclurr dcrlgncd for occugrncy or utc by lnruanb.tnt. rhrll connGct ylrh th. satrr frclllrtc. of thc Vrtlllrc.r rnd SrntB.tlo$ ll.rrlct tnd cht rcrrgr frcllltl., of.th. llpprr Ergl. Vrll.)r S.nlrrtton Dl.rrl.i3. t|o prlvetr rnll rhell bc ured .r I lortrcc of rrrtcr for hunrn conrunptlon or trrl- trtlon ln Glcn Lyon nor ahrll rny factllty othlr thrn thor. provldad b7 thr upprr Eeglc velley s.nrtrrron Dtlrrrct b. ured for tha dlrpoul of rcrege, Iechrnlcrl 3.erbrgr dtrporatfactlltlcr rhrll br provldrd ln cech ttrchrn or fooo pr.prifir; ttat. !.t t.a .t. rv.d .a rhora ln thrm I Dr prrprturl. lh. boundrrl.. tubJrct to r omcr of thr I dt.turbrd bt r of rrrtorlnt L. - orncs of alnt rtructute lot or rl8n. rr eeronebly placer of r lnroro :hc Urll -tk. of th. r nll rhrll or trrl- rn thora tct b. r dhpoaal 0 'rPrrlnt 6. ilrst| fiD cARtA -6- 6.1 tto tr..h, ..h.r or droprd on rny lrnd othrr rrfurr lrt b' th"ono or rGfur. out of doorr nlthtn chn Lton' llrr turnlnj ot L)ron. no rr."rno."rt th'.l no! bl prrrtttrd tn oko burnrng of rrfurr ior or oth'r devlcr for thr st.llcd or urrd ,, nuoott rhrll br GoE3lruc!'dt li' , ounar a ha r r 0,"",u. "li, lii;:";;:]" i::;;r.r.. collcctton of rcfurc. a,,.l' -^_-_- rcracncd trono puurrf such acelPtrclcr rhrll bc . Gurbrnc.. : vlcw rnd protrctri fra dlt- 5.2 Ar ulcd ln thlr Scctlan 4, ,.___! ehell lnclude ,r"a"aton 6. ,,trrrh, grtbrgr or rubbfuhr mrttar, nrtcrrrl! ,,' ttJ"tttu' vrluclctr or uorthllrr HrntGd, or orr."ra"l dtbrtr' ulclcll' unut'd' ur' hord, *erra r"o" .r,i ;::j::::,::"":;:::: ":::.-Eunptlon of food, raarkcc aror!!.r prcparrtlon or rtfutl' erft' faoa th' handttt! trlrr, r,_--- ;elc of producr, trcl brrochtl.tr.ltr, trrrr, .hrub cllppt!3r. rredr. lrrv'. .;;il;grnetel yerd and gr;ten.r5g3l ortcrhhi but rh.ll riotIncludc food or food producrr to b: pr.prrcd ov.r out-door,opcn fircr nor rrood fuel ln flreplaccr. I or othcr E terlrl' urcil for r. Lrrl.!.p$ , lto aninalr, llvcrtock. ha;... __ - . he L.Ft. rotr,cd or l,rcd horrsr or poultry or rny llnd rhrll anrr othcr hourohold an,r'n tttn :'yon ' arrcpt thr! dogr. cntralr nty bc krpt only rr prtr. o r. !!!@' !o rorl noa. rtnblr or coorblnetloo th.rao! rhrll br urrd to td.ntlft for conrrrrchl purpou I hoult. .t,rucaurar burl- n.rr oa r.Frlca la Clm Lton, unhll thr tr|a rhell hrw bcrn tlrrt rgprovrd ln vrl,llnl b7 thr Derlgn lovlcr lorrd. 9. SEOONDATT ETRU TUNES tlo mcondery drtrchtd .ltucturlr rhtll bc pcnalttcd dcept for grrrg,rr rnd o3hrr our butldlntr rr rpprovcd th. th. D"ttln irvlcs Borrd. 10. TEloon RY sTnucTmEs ' No tarnporrrt ltruclurr, olcrvltlon, . beacnont . trellcr. or tcnt ,hrll ba grrnltted ln Glrn Lyonr lttccPg ar ney be nccers.rt .durlng conttructlon rnd ruthorlacd by thc Totn of Vell. 11. coNrrHurTr or coNsTRucTton All rtructur.r couoenccd ln ClGn Lyon rhell ba purcuad dlllgrntly to co'rrylctlon rnit rhrll bc cornplctcd vlthln 12 Eontht of corunnccoeng. .rccpt rrlCh wrlttcn conlcnt of thc Tor".r of Vrtl. 12. lruls^rcE llo nortour ot offcnrlvr .cllvltt rhrll bc clrrlrd on nor rhrll rnythtng br donc or pcrnlttod thlch rhell con.clBut. . publlc nulrrncr ln Glcn Lyon. 13. ?nEES -1- llo !r...r of e dkantor of four(4) lnchor or I,ac.rcl .hrll br cut dorn or trusvrd ln Glcn Lyotr GrccPt nlth th. Ptlos urlttcn epprovel of the Dcrlgn Revlcu lorrd. 14. tr 3$!s. . Ant bulldlng, rtructur. or lryrovcm.nt In c.ttrln lor heurd rrrrl of clrn Lyon. mor. E.rtlcul.rly dcrcrltrrt ii rhr of rhrll br urre tauctustr burl- rhrll hrvr brln torril. pGrElttcd .rccpt d th. th. DGlItn nr-. trrlhr. or r rry br Racararrt , of Yrll. .l be purrutit d rlthln 12 oonthr rl thG tortrt of eerrltd on not tl conrtlcut. . rr grrrtcr drrll !h th! ?rlor crrtrla lor d rlbcil ln ch. I rtudt on flb * 3ha torn ol yrll. lt. !!!II!s lt.l llo p.rtlnl rhrll br p.rrtrr.d rlon3 thr pnbllc ' rordr.ryr. 1i.2 A sovcrcd prrhln3 rprcr rhrll bc provldcd for rt lcert onc rulonoblh for trch llvlng untE orr th. .lra fo. Lotr I through 5?. f5.3 Atl carnporr. tr.llarr. bottr and 3t[tl.r-lypa. recr.l- . llonrl vrhlclcr nur! b! Lcpt tn r fully cnclor.d Eeraga rrca. 16. EFTECT A:ID I'UFATION OF COI'EI|^NTS Tho condttlons, regtrlcclonr, rLlpulrtlonrr lqredncntr and covenantr contrlned hcreln ehall bc for thc banaflt uf rnd be blnding upon the arreaF tract end crch lot rnd trrct In Glan Lyon Subdtvtslon rnd each or.ne r of propert:; th.reln, thtl? respcctlve succegSorr. representatlvcs rnd assl6nr. rr..r rhaii con- tlnue ln full force and cffcct untll Jsnurr:r l, '.r:7. at r.htch tlmc. lhey ahall be autonatlcrlly extGnd?d flvc rucccr*lr'. !.r:8 l.rf Lerr -viinrc sl.;lr. lr, u"Eltug._rNrrq llo dwelllnp. cont;rlnlnl' clt'hcr onc or li.lo llvlnl unl:r rhrll br. psrnittcd or cr$ntrJ on nnr rl!c .-lth rrcas re!ldonrlol floor orca (GRFA) (ar Lhlt tora lr ,Jcf lncJ ln lhc To'.rr o( Vrtl eonlnl, ordlnance) cxclus!*c of opcn porchrr. pa!lor.. tcrrlc.a. cnrport and 6arn1c of l!.s! rhln 1,500 rquare fect nor Er?|tct than 4.100 square fcct, -8- t o o tctr. rgrrnalr rnd red. rbrndanrd. trt- rt of tht onnen ot nd hnd lnctudrd r ut br thm he Clrrt rnd I .rg of, ruch , stlpul.tlonr rnd r of Vrtl (rherhcr rcrr of Glcn Lyon. olrtc rny ot f Val l, or rny l1 othrr rvri lablc lnrtrlmc[t by Ity ar nrry br ln3trunent I cavcot or rcnady covanrntt rnd 'torl propcrty opcrty" thell lon, rlroctrt Lon ll orm .n h or for r Brn lort lorr of th. lllr luch !fiAlr 0 cilruDo ))|r. COWfl OT tAGI.! thr torrSolng lnrttlDcn! rer rcknsnlrdtod brforc o' thlr ^ 't ' U-' Le 7f b' RoDrEr E' slrtss'4 ax ol (Llllt r ) , LIJL o' ' I ttrgta cLttr tqnf,trm ||o|[llfnit||t ttat (t Ioxu I! rc.l,tntc toumarx t||D otttcl.txD tnt If l,fu va o? 5l|u.8. fitcrnitt Go$rnt cr.tu PAnCAISr 1. At l. mtt tl,t llt sEqttc SAID PTNCEL N EEGIIINIIIC A? AND T' 'i EASff,SltD tir?if tON T$EtfcE $. ? !. oF s^lo ntcH|lnrG||t-of-l{lr "||E SoUTrEnLt10r.0 fEEt At, TnEt|CE 8. 51..SllD ||lct|rttror-r^t oF 6ltl tt|EltcE 8trat. !sactlo|| lls nta. tl DEE& tl94.0t FEErr fll03.0t rEtf, rll0. t3 rulrr 1t?1. t6 rEEtr I10{.30 lEEtr tt3. $ FEEII flrIlll.l? FEEII II19. !l DrFr t10t.02 rEEll tlll.lt latlr t3l.tl rl]lr trla.t0 flttt rIllt.lt rtr! tl!1.0t rErr tlot. tt Ftrl 'mxoFnsrut er.or rona||3n|.t tlctl Ittot tor Eh. Toin ot vrlt' tlltaclr Dy hrnd rrrd offlclrl r'rl' tlt coml,tf lon .rPl,a.t: ||1 tlnnnlsrirn ::;hr! CEtt t, lgsl .ll. o l. fitAt pAncf,L DESCnIBED IH BOOtr zot L DAG! 2tl2. fHAr p,rncar DagcRrraD I E@tr tll A? plcE L ALL rlr slcrrolt lz, ror rs*rp- t.-seuttt, nitrcE ll n!s!! !t' rrrrcrrir, t|lttDra ,s^rD pArcm EErNc HonE pentrcuuniii'ols-iiiaii ii ,or,r.orr, BECTNNTNG A? TrE r rDnslclfg! oF ?HE sOur$ERLy r,r E o? sAlD ||t Grruf,r l|o. IAND ?nE EAsrEnLr LrNE op_sAre-lr r7i Hi-iiii'iiurct rnu Boirlrg sr conxEr o?sAtD sEcrtoil 12 bEARlt lsps orsr2i- ilisi'iir.iis renrrTHENcE s. zJ.r2'tr H.. ls6:!?-lgm eionc-iii'iorrrrEnLr Rrcr?_oF_r.tr Lrn!oF sArD t|rclftrAt, ?ltENcE_s,__t6err;ii. i..-liil:-ieer rLoNc ,rHE Sourf,Etltnrcxr-or-xlr LrNE oF sr19--x,r91ryeri-*riiir-i;'iaira.os, *.r 200.0 FEE .orGr||E sour||EnLr nrc]tr-oF-HAr_1.L8-gi siio-ircrwiir ?HENC8 S. 6r.06.arr f.,101.0 FEE' ALoNc r*E srrur'ERlr-rrcri-or-iii"lii! oF sArD [16r{rrrrHEilcE S. 5r.{8'05. n., !gg:g_IlEr er.onc iirJdlrnenr.r nrGBr-cr_rAr Lrr! o?sArD rrcrlrArr rrENcE s..z!.37.52. r.,-ii.i-Frii'ernr,rc rui-Firiirdi.i iidnr-.oF-rfly or sArD tlrclrAy ro^A porNr ou-rii-ioliill!.I-lrIE sArD tr l/, w tfttTHEN.E BB.rs,s?. E.. lra.r!_reer rr.o*6-'ine-ioiiiiunr,r ,Ltt{E EA'D f, l/2 ,.E l./r,sEcrroN lrr "rE$cE Ato*q,-!!g_cExrrnr.ria o- ;oG'cner': s.-riiri.-ir:'i..-9t.u rEE , r ErcE coNarNurxc rrcnc-iiio-ieiilir.rrr a. lallg,16, t|..5t. O8^FEE?r rHEncE corrrNurnc irciic aii; ;ili#iitxE s. 1,21, !6r r. .2o5.02 FEErr rHEircE co*rr'urnc ir,6rc-l'eio-iiiiiiu,lm s. lzr0?,J6, r..ll0.25 rrErr THENcE coNrr*urrc iioiic ieio iiiiiiirr,rxE 6. z!.rr.!6. r.:37r.e6 FEErr rnErcE cornrNurHc eroiic iiiio iiiiiiiuir; ;: ;;2;;r;; r::.loa.50 FrE?, TITENCE CoN"lNurnc erorrc ilio iiiiiii,r.ruE s. t9.26,!5. rf..95'9 FEET, THETCE coNrrNu^lnc rr.cnc irip ieiiiiiirr s. 2:.!1,16r x..r ?... 7 FEErr ?fi ErcE co'rr*urxc-iion6' tfu otiffiiir,rri 6:-ri;si ;r.;'i. .ll9-r. fEE r rrErcE corarNurrc er,oic aii; .;ii;;Lr E S. 6ro!1.tt. r..10e.62 FEErr r ErcE coNrt urnc iioric iiio iiijiiiLrNE 8. 6r.0lrr.. r..186.r! Ff,E r ?rEilcE con"-rmr-r-nc rroiii siiio iiliiii'r,rrE s. rl.lr.lar r..68.80 rEE"r rirENcD co rrNuruc eroic-siio ciiiiiirnr r. ??.33r13r ,..?6.96 FEErl rttENcE coNtrl|ur-nc-rloiic iliD Cililii,txE s. to.lrrrr. r..l99.rr rEau ?strcD c.orrtrrurnc nolre-s-iio-iiriiiisrnr r. tr.rr.lr. rr..?39.09 FEErr flrEr|cE cot|r-r-rurxc rLoir siiio ciiiiiirr.rNE s. 7t.lo,ri. r.,ro!.lr Fr:Er rr' ^ rorrf" on,''e nriiinr,i-'ii*i-6i-ir r./r. sEqrrcr tl, TnErcEHon?rEnt,y ^rorc sArD nssrEllr r.rnr r. o.!Bisa; i., rr.rt fErt ro rrroRtltERLr ||lcH tf tEn Lrxa or conr cnurir -ixiice-r.r.on s D ||lc|| x ttt LtB tI t rcwa?d-a tii;'. oE ciu s Il.f$*ffi r, rl,r - t.Firlf'rrFl'l ffi c0Py . FlL t TOW OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 3 I FAX 303-479-2452 May 6,1994 Departrnent of Comnunity Development Mr. Bill Reslock Pierce, Segerberg and Associates 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision Dear Bill; As a follow-up to my letter of April 22, 1994, I need to reiterate that I need a comparison of the proposed landscape materials to the previously approved landscape materials for the Grace duplex. I received a schedule oi plant material proposed by Johnies Garden, Inc- However, we need an explanation as to why the proposed number of plans is less than what the previous approval included. Without the comparison, the staff nor the DRB would be able to approve the proposed plan. Thank you for your attention to these issues. Sincerely,r../fl ./.r //vt*^l tr)N.\Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner ? t F 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 t 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 e FAX.303-479-2452 Nn|'22,1994 D e part m e nt of Co mn uniry Deve lopment Mr. Bill Reslock Pierce, Segedcerg and Associates 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81557 RE: Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision Dear Bill: As we discussed on the telephone yesterday, prior to granling Design Revievrr Board (DRB) approval lor the revised landscape plan, I will need additional information, Please identity the size and species ol the trees proposed on ihe April 1994 landscape plan. From comparing the DRB approved landscape plan with the one submitted recently, it appears that there is a reduction in the amount of plant material going into this site. As there appears to be a reduction, will you provide a summary of lhe total number of spruce, aspen and other trees that were proposed under the previous plan as well as the current plan. Thank you for your assistance and please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, TAWNOFVAIL lL f cgPr enoy knuotsed Pierce, Segerberg paeh . Archirects P. C. A.I. A. t &S April L3, L994 Mr. Andy Knudsen Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Roadvail, co 8L657 Dear Andy: Enclosed is the revised landscape plan for the Grace residence inthe Glen Lyon Subdivision. We anticipate this will meet with your approval as there are onlystight variations in the overall design. Please contact us at your earliest convenience if there are anyquestions, as the contractor is ready to commence the landscape work. Sincerely, PIERCE, SEGERBERG & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, p.E.f A.r.A. I 're.*-,,Y-Bill Reslock, A.I.A. BR:ms Enclosures A r,ttJ tf*j 't*'4" 0 -,)5t Main Office: 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 3O31476-4433 One Tabor Center . 1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 . Denver, Colorado 80202 . 3O31623-3355 !--f"ruu- (*e**, r,* - P.4Eax l€.la b+el-z-, pgydat e>ae-l%- 2.127 3FF4eu- L' Ib lo' lz' -'O. II Lftrq- Dsr t7 t" I 3 NlYnVz- f-Es^l4 EkF Ad'e7.-^^ z" 3b arte{a3 . .5# lZ - f-yr-rafru-|- b - /atxy +€lnc€A -€qs*nrl-r-. earc&e\- $*-""1*-s -.ltfgeas -l.r\ffu6. G - AaTa{"+.ereP 3 - la$ce* \\\vor-qcraart - (. - ?eu^rut v're.' {tu+'qyr4iwr- "/ - LUz,^^^ +u*Aculpaa. - L - 5ewlerL €rFRSpu\F.r b - T"-p".rrN\A.u fuor"6- k/{,*- fuurcra't# 5D - sloo + -R-r<rrre 4$er€..4- Tw\rtwv +pn roa*a Nlsf$Ja clo@.rf"-w IFT\IE- 4tF-"tWz*:eP:-r gfp)=r- rt\'sE- <ftrEA" 4+ Revised 5/2/92 (PLEASE PRTNTA. APPLICANT PLIEJN,TTON FOR SUBDXVISION REVIEW 24 Vail Municipal Code) PAID 33* rffi:il"$"ix,tcommun it v DUP (Chapter OR TYPE) MAILING ADD B. APPL RESENTAT ADD C. PROPERTY OIiINER' S SI MAILING ADD I,OCATION OF STREET ADDRESS LOT BLOCK_SUBDMSTON APPLICATION FEE $100. OO MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: L. Two mylar copies and. one paper copy of the subdivisionplat shall be submiLt.ed to the Department of CommunityDevelopment. The plat shall include the following: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registeredsurveyor in India ink, or olher substantialsoJ-ution, on a reproducible medium (preferabJ_ymylar) with dirnension of twenty-four by thirty-sixinches and shall be at, a scale of one hundred feetto one inph or larger with margins of one and one-half t.o tho inches on the left and one-half inchon all other sides. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredthof a foot for all lines, angles and curves used t,odescribe boundaries, streets, setbaeks, alleys,easements, structureg, areas Lo be reserved or ,/dedicated for public or common uses and ot.her t/important features. AlL curves shall be circulararcs and shall be defined by the radius, centralangle, are scored distances and bearing. AI1dimensions, boLh linear and angular, are to bedetermined by an accurate control survey in thefield which must balance and. close within a lirnitof one i.n t.en thousand. .lNorth arrow and graphic scale. y' A systematic idenLification of aII existing andproposed buildings. units, Iots, blocks, anO na*"" U./for all streeLs. An identificat.ion of Lhe sLreeLs, aIleys, parks, and ot,her public areas or facilit.ies as shown onthe plat, and a dedication thereof to the public ,/use. An identiflcation of t.he easements as shown /on the plat. and a grant thereof to the publj_c use.Areas reserved for future public acquisition shallal"so be shown on t.he plat. A written survey descript.ion of the area including 7the total acreage to the nearesL appropriate ,,/significant. figure- The acreage of each lot orparcel shall be shown in this manner as we11. }\ .l e. APPLIEJN,TTON FOR 1- t s.*:il"hi?rn"i.r*',;:T:I"t::":i'.lr"n round subdivision, and a descripLion of all monuments used in conducting the survey- Monument perineter / ,"/ per Colorado statutes. fwo perimeter monumentsshall be established as jor control monuments, be determined by thethe mat.erials which sha 5L ;ilffitrMrlJ ,* ;n i i;:. i. *i fl# *ffi * +; irffiiii r " ; " insurer, that the owner (s) qf",gecord dedicatthe public the public right-ofi*ay, areas or to affi facilities as shown thereon are ,,t.he owners thereofin..fee simple, free and cl-ear ofball liens and cuEprances except as noted. oper form for filir e plat with the ounty clerk'iiid recorder. rtificate of dedication and ownership. Shoulde cert.ificate of dedication and ownershiprovide for a dedication of Land or improvementsto the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real propert,y wiLl berequired to sign the certif,icate of dedication andownership in addition to the fee simpl"e ownerthereof. l-I current Laxes must be paid prior Lo the Town, sapproval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but. are not yet due. The cert.ificateof taxes paid must be signed on the plat or astatement from the Eagle County Assessors Office must. be provided with t.he submittal information ,/ stat.ing Lhat. all t.axes have been paid..,/ n. Signat.ure of owner, Tb€ plat must cont.ain the following statement: c/"For zoning purposes, the lots creat.ed by thissubdj-vision are to be treated as -@. lot with no morethan two dwelling units allowed on the combined area ofthe two Lot.s. " The statement. shall be modified toindicate the number of units and lots proposed.,' 3. A copy of the decl-arations and,/or covenants relat.ing tothe subdivision, which shall assure the maintenance ofany common areas which may be created. The covenantsshall run with the land and shall be in a form suitablefor recording wit.h the Eagle CounLy Clerk and Recorder. 4. Schedules A & B of a tit.te reporL. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving t,wo copies of a complete submittal along withpayment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administratorshall route one copy of the site map to the town engineerfor his review. The zoning administrator sharl then conductthis review concurrently. The town engineer shall reviewt,he submittal and return conments and notificalions to thezoning adninistrat.or who shaLl transmit the approval,disapproval- or approval wit.h modifications ot- the p1at.within fourteen days to the applicant. The zoningadministrator shall sign the plat if approved or iequiremodifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due Revised 5/l/92 I If thls applicatlon requLres a sepalate revlew by any local. State or FederaL agency other than the Town of VaiI, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are noteltnited to: Colorado Department of Htghway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The appllcant shalL be responsibLe for paying any publishing fees whlchare in excess of 50t of the application fee. If. at the applicant'srequest. any matter ls postponed for hearing, causing the matter to bere-publishedr tben, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the app1J.cant. Appll-cations deemed by the Conrnunity Devel-opment Department to havesignificant design, land use or other issues which may have a sJ.gnificantlmpact on the comrnunity may require review by consultants other than townstaff. Should a deterrrination be rnade by the town staff that an outside eonsult.ant Ls needed to review any appJ-icationT the CommunLty Development may hJ.re an outside consultant, it sha1l estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Conununity Developrnent Department. Upon completlon of the. review of theapplication by the consultantr any of the funds forwarded by theappLicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paJ-d to theconsultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incuried by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid tothe Town by lhe applicant within 30 days of notificatj.on by the Town. H, to inconsisfailure to FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Community Development will record t.he platand any related covenants with the Eagle Count.y Clerk andRecorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by theapplicant. The Community Development, Departnent will retainone mylar copy of the plat for their records and will recordLhe remaining mylar copy. Revised 5/1/92 es wrtn the ortginally lovud plan orother required modificatffns of the plat ORDINANCE NO. 1 Series of 199i- AN ORDINANCE.AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE TOI,IN OF VAIL MUNICIPALCODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 17.17 SCHOOL SITd-DEDICATIONS; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. IIHEREAS the Town council of the Town of vail is of the opinion that the subdivider of land in each major residential subdivisjon or portion of a major subdivision which is intended for residentia't use shall allocate and conveysites and land areas for schoo'l s when such are reasonab'ly necessary to serve the proposed subdivisjon and future res.idents thereof; Nol'| THEREFORE be it ordained by the Town council of the Town of vai1, Col orado: Section 1. Title 17 of the Town of vail Municipal code is hereby amended by the addition of chapter 17-17, Schoor site Dedications, to read as foilows: 17.17.010 PURPoSE It is hereby declared to be the pol icy of the Town that whenever. there is a major subdivision, which is subdivided for residential use or part.i al res'idential use, the owner of the land shall provide land for school needs generated by the proposed residential use. It is the purpose of this chapter to require the dedication of land or the payment of fees in lieu thereof or both to fulfil'l such needs. Section 17.17.020. School land decrication or cash in r ieu thereof. The subdivider of'l and in each residential major subdivision or portion of the subdivision which is intended for residential use, sha'l 'l al'l ocate and convey sites in land areas for schools when such are reasonably necessary to serve the proposed subdivision and future residents thereof, by the application of the formulas set forth below: Si ng'l e fami 1y and dup'lex Number of units x or primary secondary. .014495 = dedication requirement in acres, Irlu',lti -fami I y. Number of units x .00267G t{hen land is dedicated for be that which is useable by the and shall be maintained by the = dedication requirement in acres. the purpose of providing a school site, it shal'l Eagle County School District fon such purpose, School District in a reasonable manner until developed. Said land shalI be held by the Tourn of Vai'l for the School Distrjct until required by the Schoo'l District. In the event that the Schoo] District determines subsequent to dedication that the dedicated school s.i te is not reasonab'ly necessary, the Town council ma},, at the request of the school District, se1 1 the land. lr|hen sites and land areas for schools are not reasonab'ly necessary to serve the proposed subdivision and future residents thereof, the Town council, with recommendations from the Schoo'l District and other affected entities, sha'l 'l require, in lieu of such conveyance of land, the payment in cash bv ,thesubdivlder of a amount not to exceed the full market value of.such sltes and.land areas for schoo'l s. The full market value sha'l I mean the current market va'l ue of unimproved 'l and. This val ue shall be set annually by the Town Counci'l on an acre basjs with recommendati ons f rom the Schoo'l Di stri ct. The same va'l ue per acre sha'l 'l be used throughout the town. If the subdivider does not agree with the value per acre, the subdivider may submit the report by a qualified apprais.. wht js M.A.I. designated, which establishes a new value. The Town Council shall revjew the report and determine ''if the value js reasonable. Based upon their review, the Town Council will determine the va] ue of such 'land. When money in l ieu of Iand is required or when monies have been paid to the Town Council from the sale of such dedicated sites for schools, it shall be held by the Town Council for the acquisition of reasonably necessary sites for the construction of school facilities, for the construction of employee housing required by the- school district, for the purchase of employee housing units for the schoo'l district, or for the development of such sites. If housing units are purchased, a deed restrictjon restricting their use to school distr.i ct emp)oyee housing shall be required and ownership shalI remain jn the name of the School District. A subdivision school dedication sha11 apply onlyonce to the same land area' Dedication shall not be required of re-subdivisions of the same'l and on a dedjcation that has previously been made. Section Town Exempted. The Town of Vail is specifically exempted from the requirements of this chapter 17.17. Section 2. of this Ordinance any pant, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase for any reason held to be jnvalid, such decision shall not If is -2- affect the validity of the remaining prrtions of this Ordinance; and the Town council hereby declares it would have passed this Ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thdreof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsect.i ons, sentences, c)auses, or phrases be decl ared i nval id. section 3. The Town councir hereby finds, determines, and decrares that this 0rdinance is necessary and proper for the hearth, safety, and werfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants hereof. section 4. The repeal or the repear and reenactment of any provision of the vail Municipa] code- as provided in this 0rdinance sharr not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effectjve date hereof, any section commenced, nor any other action or proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provis.i on repealed or repealed and reenacted- The repeai of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressiy stated herejn. section l. Repea'l er. A1'l by] aws, orders, resolutions, and ord.i nances, or parts thereof, .i nconsjstent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order' resolution, or ordinance, or part hereof, heretofore repeared, INTR0DUCED, READ, AND AppR0vED 0N FIRST READING THIs regh day of Februarv , 1991, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the _ day of 1991, at 7:30 p.m.'in the Council , Colorado.Chambers of the Vail Municipa'l Building, 0rdered published jn full this tgch of rebruarv , lgg1. aL<----, ATTEST: Rose, INTRODUCED, READ, AND APPROVED ON SICOND AND ORDERED PUBLISHEDREADING of ,lggl.thi s 5th day March ATTEST: Vai l day 1Ur)vr^-) Town Clerk -3- AN ORDINANCE TOVIN OF VAIL BY AND NOl,l, THEREFORE, COLORADO: ORDINANCE NO.2 )erl es oT -t9v l. AI1ENDING TITLE 18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 18.67 VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS; SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOI,IN OF VAIL, 1. Tit'le 18 is hereby amended by the addition of Chapter 18.67 to read as fol I ows: 18.67.010 PURPoSE The purpose of this Chapter is to provide the procedures necessary to implement the provisions of Artjcle 68 of T'i tle 24, C.R.S., as amended. 18.67.020 DEFiNITIONS A. Site specific development p'l an sha'l I mean and be 'l imited to a f ina'l najor or rnjnor subdivision p1at, or a specia'l development district development pl an. , B. Vested property right means the right to undertake and complete the development and use of property under the terms and conditions of the site specific development plan, and shali be deemed established upon approval of a site specific deve'l opment p1an. 18.67.030 NOTiCE AND HEARINC No site specific development plan shal 1 be approved by the Town Council or any Town board or commjssjon as applicable, unt'i I after a public hearing proceeded by written notice of such hearing, in accordance with Chapter 8.68 of the Vail Municipal Code. Such notice mayt at the option of the Town, be combined with the notice for any other hearjng to be held in conjunction with the hearing on the site specific development plan for the subject property. At such hearing, persons with an interest in the subject matter of the hearing sha'l I have an opportunity to present relevant or material evjdence as determined by the Town Council or Town board or commissjon as app'l icable, 18.67.035 ACTION FOR APPROVAL OF SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN . CONDITIONS The action of the Town Council or Town board or commission as applicable for appnoval of a site specific development plan shalI be jn the same form as that required to approve any request being considered for the subject property in conjunction with the hearing on the site specific development p1an, such action being either by ordinance, resolut'i on, or motjon as the case may be. If any action by any board or commission is appealed to or called up by the Town counci'l , approva'l shall be deemed to occur when a final decision of the Town counciI is rendered approving the site specific development p1an. The approval may'i nc1 ude such terms and conditions as may be reasonably necessary to protect the public hea'l th, safety, and welfare, and the fai'l ure to abide by any such terms and conditions may, at the option of the Town council or Town board or commjssion as applicable, and after public hearing, result jn the forfeiture of vested property rights. 18.67.040 APPROVAL . EFFECTIVE DATE A site specific development plan shalI be deemed approved upon the effective date of the approval action relating thereto by the Town Councll or the Town board or commission as the case may be. 18.67.045 VESTED PROPERTY R]GHTS - DURATION A. A property right which has been vested as provided for in this Chapter shall remain vested for a period of three (3) years. In the event amendments to a site specific development plan are proposed and approved, the effective date of such amendments for purposes of the duration of the vested property right, shall be the date of the approva'l of the original site specific development plan, unless the Town Council or appljcable board or commission specifically finds to the contrary and incorporates such finding in its approval of the "*"ndr.,lt. 18.67.050 NOTICE OF APPROVAL Each map, plat, or site plan or other document constituting a site specific development plan shal'l contain the fol'l owing language: "Approval of this plan may create a vested property right pursuant to Article 68 of Tit'le 24, C.R.S., as amended." Failure to contain this statement sha'l I invalidate the creation of the vested property right. In addition, a notice describ'ing generaily the type and intensity of use approved, the specific parcel or parcels of property affected, and stating that a vested property right has been created, shal 1 be published once, not nore than fourteen (14) days after approval of the site specific development p1 an in a newspaper of general circulation with'i n the Town. 18.67.055 EXCEPTION TO VESTING OF PROPERTY RIGHTS A vested property right, even though once established as provided in this Article, precludes any zoning on land use act'i on by the Town or pursuant -2- to an initiated measure which would a] ter, impair, prevent, diminish', oF, othsplrl 5. delay the development or use of the property as set forth in the site specific deve'l opment plan except: A. l^lith the consent of the affected landowners; or B. upon the discovery of natural or man-made hazards on or in the immediate vicinity of the subject property, which hazards could not reasonably have been discovered at the time of site specific development plan approval , and which hazards, if uncorrected wou'l d pose a serious threat to the public hea'l th, safety, and we'l fare; or c' To the extent that the affected Iandowner receives just compensation for all costs, expenses, and liabilities incurred by the landowner, including but not limited to alI fees paid in consideration of financing, and al 1 architectural , planning, marketing, 'l egal , and other consultants fees incurred after approva'l by the Town counci'1 , or applicab'le town board or commission, together with interest thereon at the legal rate until pa.i d. Just compensation shall not include any diminution in the value of the property which is caused by such action. t D. The establishment of a vested property ri ght pursuant to law sha'l 'l not preclude the application of ordinances or regu'l ations which are general in nature and are applicable to al1 properties subject to'l and use regu'l ation by the Tor,rn of Vail, including but not 'l .imited to, building codes, fire, plumbing, electrical and mechanica] codes, housing, and dangerous bu.i lding codes, and design review guidelines. 18.67.060 PAYMENT OF COSTS In addition to any and all other fees and charges imposed by the Municipa1 code of the Town, the applicant for approval of a site specific development plan sha11 pay a1'l costs re] ating to such approva'l as a result of the sjte specific deve'l opment plan review inc'l uding publ ication of notices, public hearing, and review costs. At the option of the Town, these costs may be imposed as a fee of / nO 18.67.065 OTHER PROVISiON UNAFFECTED Approval of a site spec.i fjc developmenr exemption from or wajver of any provisions of development and use of property. 18.67.070 LIMiTATIONS Nothing in th.is Chapter js intended to p)an shalI not constitute an this Code pertaining to the -3- create any vested property right, but dnly fo implement the provisions of Article 68 of rit'le 24, c.R.s., as amended- In the event of the repeal of said Article or judicial determination that said Article is invalid or unconstitutional or does not appiy to home rule municipalities such as the Town of vai1, this chapter shall be deemed to be repealed, and the provisions hereof no 'longer effectjve. 2. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this 0rdinance is for any reason held to be'invalid, such decjsion shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this 0rdinance; and the Town Councjl hereby-declares it would have passed this 0rdinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one 0r mOre parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be decl ared i nva'l i d. 3. The Town council hereby finds, determines and dec'l ares that this Ordinance js necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vai'l and the inhabitants thereof. 4- The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipa] code of the Town of vail as prov.i ded jn thjs 0rdinance shalI not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereofo any pr0scrution commenced, nor any other action or proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provis.ion hereby shall not revive any lrovisi0n or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. 5. A1 1 byiaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revjse any by] aw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ AND APPR0VED 0N FIRST RIAOING thjs s*r day of March , 1991, and a public hearing shall be held on this 0rdinance on the 5ttr day of March , 1991, at 7:30 p.m. in t,he Council chambers of the Vai'l Municipal Bui lding, Vail, Colorado. 0rdered publ i shed j n ful I thi s 1991. 5th day of March __ -4- t_ ATTEST: A. Brandmeyer, Town C1'erk INTRODUCED, READ, AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED bfr ii+h ohtLf this /9d oay of MauA-1 (r01 ATTEST: -5- TGlrlhl lfF tJFl I l- Hiscellanefl,g Csh fi4-F5-F4 E7:87:18 Ee,r*iPt * 148'?l'FJ Flc,::*unt# lji$Sfi?1 L.Ftt1Fj1.[,t JFLE]i Sl"lFF I U n-tr,-"t t*ndere'l : f EE' FB Itenr Paid flssa16t. Paid ',jl EtB.*i3it133SS8Er f B6' BB f,henge ret i:rn*'tl l ft' Eil _THtr|H}{ \IBLI Vour ceshier REflTHff ol PREPERTY DESCRIPTION A 12 foot wtde strtp of tond tytng wtthtn Lot 41, Aprended Plot Gten Lyon Subdtvtston, occondlng to the nop thereof reconded In the offlce of the Eogt,e County, Cotorodo, Cterk ond Recorden, sqld strlp tylng 6 feet on eqch slde of the fotto$lng descnlbed centen t Ine r Eegtnntng ot o potnt on the ecstenly ttne of sold Lot 41 whence the nontheo,sterty conner of Lot 41 beons N00'16'49'E 45,39 feetl thence, deportlng sotd eostenty (lner 87,95 feet ol,ong the onc of o non-tongent curve to the left, hovlng o nodlus of 40,00 feet, o centrot ongte of le5o59'03', ond a chond thqt beons S51'0e'58'!/ 71 ,28 feett thence Sll'56'33'E 53,36 feetl thence 29,74 feet otong the.onc of o cu|^ve to the nlght, hovlng q nodlus of ?5,00 feet, o centrol ongte of 68'10'03', ond q chond thot beons S2?'08'28'll 28,0? feett thence 356'13'30'!, 25,90 feett thence 63,57 feet olong the qrc of o curve to the left, hovtng o nqdlus 140'00 Feet, o centnoI ongle of e6'01 '01', ond o chond thot beqns S43'1e'59'V 63.03 feet to the potnt of tennlnus on the southerty ttne of sotd Lot 41 whence the southwestenly connen of Lot 41 beons N89'43'11'f, 83,00 feet, The slde Ilnes of sold stnlp ore lengthened on shortened to tenmtnote of the pnoperty flnes, togethen wlthr The eostenly 6,67 feet of the obove satd Lot 41, extendlng fnon the comnon tlne of Lot 4l ond I'lesthoven Clncte north to the Intersectton wlth the obove descntbed 12 foot stntp, na*' l/y'sa PONT OF BECINNIM} SO{|.I: 1' - 100' Ston Hogfel Cotorodo P;L,S, LOT +1 |}J:!;* til i1'dl'- ; rJ i[ i *-*ffi_ ftx* 703_426- zast 'Revlecd 51?,192 | - Datc Recelved by thc Drvrlogment DcpaEtBeng t, etp&tosllon ton'Dtrttln surDrvilErgt tnrsm(Chrp€er 1?.e{ Vri.l llunlclpal Code) t!. r t lil -liiivLl,r, E. (PIE.IBE PRIHTA. AFFII Mf,IIJING APPIICAI,IT' S REPICIISEINIAE TDDRESS C. PROPERTY fiurt' E INATTIIIO D, ITOCIOION 0F PROt!0fiALr STRIEE IIJIN ctiEcKE. r.7/pr"z a, b. dletermirred b:l an accurate eontrol f,l€tc, wlt,tch inust batallce gnd cloEe of ona {n tetr thqusend. Nortt, srrolr ;rnd graPhlc scale. tLfo * ttttsrtt*rvrr*l la+tg rorSl:rLoc$-"-$uBD r\i't s r rPt&rctrroN s8s f,tro0.00 TIIfERIIIJS TO EE I3IIIIMITT'ED ! i. trro rnylar copiee t,Ad oae paPcr gopy ol lhe gulrdl'vLsLon irit ifrarl bL euurnlttsd tb ttrr De!-artnent-o5-cottnnunlty bcvtloprnen'c. Tbe plat gtrall lnclude the foltortl$El rhe flrrrr:- pl;rt shall be dravn by a reglatered surveyor tn hdta lnk. or other substantiaf ,eolutlon, on a reProduclble nedLun (preferebly mylar) w.tth sltBenslon of twenty-four by thlrty-stx iirches and etratrl be at a scale of one hundred feet to on,c j.nch {rr larger trlth margina o.f one and one- half trr uho i.nehes-on the left-and one-half lnch on a1i trthsr sldes. AccuraE€ dlmenelona t'o the nearee! oae-hundredthof a f,oot f,or: all llneE, angles and curveg uied to descrllcrl boulrdarlesr etreet6, s€tbacko, aIIeys, eEcg$.errts, st;ruclure8, Ereag to be resdrved or dedicaLqrl f,or: publlc or eommon ugag and othar inportanu lefltLres. All curves shall be clrcular arls and sha:.I be defined by the radi.usr centtal angle, af,e s{:ored dlgtances and baarlnE. tll} dliengions. lrolh lineer and angular, are 9o 19 3034?02658;f 2 POZ C. ln thca llrnlt SENT BY: Icport Dllo: 04/S8Iff EAGLF, C(}UNTY TRS/LSUX|ER CERTIfiGATE OF T,{Xffi IN'E 0F vAtL c0[r-DEv;# 1/ I rbgp; I d- --* ;il:40AM ; YEI{DOh N T]: I"^ND TTTL! A$9B$SED TO: GRACE, LARRY B. & S^IA L. 2 CEURCIUIILL DR immnilscffif- SIJE;GLEN IJQN SUB, El-ltr. LOT:4I ANlt/ttiltU: IOT; ItK:0514 PG:01lE ttXl060l FG:0985 DB$(]: ItK-t)273 It -0116 TYP.{I Cl-cfi$:0100 ASSIJ VA.l,: d0600 trRE:ltfins?? Al'fbffI{ltlj: TO; PlIIlf.EL!2103r2,t06(m SITUS AIIDr r'?:, 0,u 0.fr1 o.c0 0.00 TtlTAl., TAXf,S 0.00Lffisrunrvr--Asr,rr;j,mffi- "ffi-,ruodtil--ruvf]fri;frffi ---roreliffi- T(}IA|, i.$MT r,q)anrfrr-.rit cunrrruourrr' nrreffiunn- 'T-tuumi,rrrfoT--- fffiL_ffi'rtyr Lc!,R'r 0.$6worti'rETurrxxiiiEfouciro{ilndE_-rntf,vu{, r u.flE/lrl 0_00 Authortry EAGLL COI:NTY cMc RE50' SCtr{X)L TO$fN OF VAII. MI NI'IJRN CEMUI"HRY DISTHC VAN, PARK & RECN,EAIION DI CASCATJII VILI.AGE MEITO DT UPFER E^OI.E VAILEY $ANII' COLSRADO R1VERWATENCO VATLWATER DISTRICT VAIL VALLEY CQNSOLIDATED UPFER EAOLE V^LL$Y CONSO &\GITJ C(}1JIfTY Eh{IIRGENCY ldlll l*ry l0.0tE 3.Wl 2E 306 6,2m 0,m7 1.3fl 21.19ti 2.6fr. 0,394 0.ffi I.334 0.?04 t.Id, AEiilEt ffi?.?:l Tl8.l(t lyfo.0e 431.52 |.Et 9t.94 r906.69 It2.# n.{t 0.q) 92,85 4s.s E1.36 E3.48? $E$ r{r}t|l.lu$ csgIIFIcaIE 10.00lAX ',TFN F/\I,E AML'UNI I!{ $USJIC'[ rO L:I{AJ{OB DUB TO ENDOR$SMEI.IT OF NIII CUATEHT TAX 8Y CE3.T OF PVTffiASE TIOLDIIX.,alrruH srPl., t. IEDSONAI, FROF. & MODrr.E |{OME AtrOuNT Is BLrBtflcT !o SEANOE_ AFTER rJc.r. I S.EAL p[,t]t'.'fAx AMOT NTE sugrl|(:l' ln cIIAN.'ilr. pt.rdrtF l]cll\rrAcr rHE Th|jrsunH*.$ oFFIcB FoR eonlu(:r AMoLlr.n ]slon, 'r\l R!tr{ITflr{€- SSECI/IL TAXIN(j DISTRICIE AND nIEBOUNNARI!8 OF ST'CH DI$NICTS MAY SE ON FILH Wrffi nIE BQ{qU OF CDUNTY(oMMr"rsrr-1NER$, $t8 Lx,rut{'fy cLctt K, (}8, tHE, cwNTy,lssEssot. 5El{r.70 Thi! c0ftifii]i(.6 rkrx n inclu.le lirrl frt itrnftlri{rrn6 R$crrad qldrr I igFrsrtc t.bad$b ru$b6, paftsrqrl FqperB lr1sg,tr Efar lrx or nriss. llrx Edllgg4d oo lEbdf dolhcr crlitrcl, rleill or tor;rl irrrmvenranr di*rrct t*Eurcrr trtft*tilc hrn+r, t nlcs sprcillcrlly mntiord. t, 11* u.{l!r+ri6r$rJ, do hrtrhy or:tify ttei thc e&i!o uEntdt uf r.Ics *tf {Fot rl|c dh'vo r&o,u ilriurl prurk of |Erlun$r ,ud :dl outcl,|ldft sdeg for utbsid grEn sr $r!!r,! t"y th* *r'rrrrh in nry of|rce frora whicl rhc reuc a4r r*rll b0 rc&)urrHd wi$ fiE tlroum rcquiftd fot rcdsntrion ln md eel $y hsrrl hul sial $b 04rffii9{. TREASI TI;R, EAGLE COuNTyr SUEnn'f EEAI{DdH. O(}I2IO WFSIIIAVEN CIR VAILCO Fortlt " brand fax lransfiittalm€mo rc71 uilIf$ wh€nd" I t6r€ O REr4truvEff REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND CONSULTANTS 230 AruDGE STREET vArL, coLoRADO 81557 APR I IOV.CO|\4|,v1 1Cg1 {jEV,DEPI April 4, 1.994 Andrew Knudtsen Bown of Vail Planning Department 75 S. Frontage Road Westvail, co 81657 RE:Lot 4l-, GIen Lyon Dear Andyt As per our various conversations of lastthe following inforrnation: week, I have now attached TELEPHONE \nq 476-?'/21 TELEFAX (3031 476-2658 1. lwo copies of the Plat My1ar which no!'r incorporates your reguired changes.2. Title Connitment3. Party Wall Agreement4. Executed Applicatl-on uith required $l-OO check I also included a copy of the legal descriptio for the driveway easenent to Lot 43. This easement is already in place. I understand that Town the records the PIat and the Party Wa1l Agrreement. I will give yo the original of Party Wa11 Agreement andan additional check relating to $1"0 for the plat and g5 per pagefor the Agreement in a day or two. The closingi on this property is scheduled for Uonday, April 1"1, 1994. ff you have any guestions, please feel free to call ne. your attention is very nuch appreciated.As always, with regards, F:cl|'6iwAffiliate SOITIEBYS I NTERNIITONAL REAf:TY George inR re ,9a a't*,pnu l- or"r'P,Z a{! --"#h u ,s4. b*.zs?nvn o.-oiFrl' "''reor'O,"r-rosoF/lzua{;, 4122 DECIAnAtroN or covElrA}tTs, CoNDITIONS ANO RSSEBVIrIONE A}ID PARTT I0AUL ACREEMENB FOn IIAG&E COUNTy, COITIIJAD9 REeIfALS Grace and Sara Lynne Gracr crnners of the reql- propertyof Eag1e, statc of Coloradol . z. f brrlldlng ls located on the absve-Ceser.lbea Drosertrr,yhl=h- r'n'ildLng conlists sf rwo (z) unlte, each aerf'gnl'd-i;i:.ncendett for ure and occupansy as a ree{dentier dserl_Lng unlt,dcelgnated hareln as trunlt I" ana runl.t,8,., trespec-iveryz wtrictr-ai6sq0iletiues refsrted to hereln separacely as a ilIfittil og c-slrectrveryae the'ounits.'. 3. Declarant8 have subdlvlded the I'roperty lnto tso (Z)parcel'e tor ornerEhip in fFe sinpie, conslsri-ng dr rarcer A dnlParcel E aB hcrelB lrfovtC.C. 1. P|tcBl A ot the proF€rty contal.ne Unlt A and parcel B oftrre p.ropcrty csnralns unt! E.- paicel A arso contii;J i "iiitareicoEtage. 5- Decrarante deeira to and do hereby estalll.eh a plan fortlre ornrership ol parccr A qnd parcel B ae eEtates in,tee itupr-. Dectan"ArIoil DBererants do her€by publtsh and, d.rlarl thaE tha lolloslnstctatr cove$attsr_ en-nditione, easeDeate, rgEctitrciong, -ugaa; teget\tatl,ans, llnitatlong and obllEatlone -shatt be deered to ru^irrith tb,e, land descrl,brtl hentn, shair bs a burdan and a beneflt toDccrare"nta, ttreir personar repiesentatlues, hel-rs, €uccsBEole andaeeigne anp- any. p.r3on acquirlng or orni-ng an interoet i; eti;Properfy rhiclr le descrLled, hereln or ebe- lnprovebenta foiaeeacb6reon, tlrrtr g:rentoes. Fcreonal reSr=esintetl,ves, ba!.re,EucgeEgora arrd, asaigns. D+Dra 15615191 P.4 ARTICI.E 1 EEFINTTTO$S rn additlon to thc terna heraLnabove deflned, unlegB tlre context, shall anpreesly provltle othciTisg, the follo*lng E€rtrgehall have tlre tollouinE neenlngs:, SESIIOH 1.01,. rrAss€'sB![ent lrlenrt shall nean ally llen arirlng pursuant to ttra provlstons og goctlon 11.o2 of, tlrie Deslaratlon. SECIION 1.o2. trcottagerr Ebatl &een the c,arctaker ccttagalocated ob Farcel A of thc Prsperty. SEqlIOl{ 1.o3. sDeetaratLontr shall Dean and rcfer to thte Decleratlon of covenants, Conditlons and Rcatrlctlong and Partyrcall AEireenent, EE Ehe Ealte ney be aaended frsn tlrte to tL!6. sEctfou 1.o4. t'Defaultlng ouneril shatl have the &eanlng givento that teru ln secElon tt.Ql hareof,..' SEqllof,.1.05. f,Flret !{ortgageo shcll ueen and refer tso anlr unpald and outEtendLng aqrtgage, de3d of Erust gr otbar saeur.Ltyinstrunent e.nouabering a Farcrl reeord€d ln the rccer4o ef the offS.ce of tlhe clert( ana Racordet oE the cour*y.ot Eagle, Cslsrado, havlnE prlorlty of recorC ov6r aII ether'secordeC Llene el<aept those governDental Lten6 EA66 rupctrler by atatute (8uch as gencral aa valore! tax lLenr aill Ep3cl,atr aseeee[ent8f. sEqlfoN 1.o5. rtFLrct tiortEaEectr shall nean and, refer to sny Person naraed as a EarEgaEee er benef.lclarT undcr any Fir6t liorggaEa, or any guccesEor tb ttre lnte:rest of any such perssn under such FlrEt UortEage. sEqfIqH l.o?. nltaptr neenE the enEin66rlng €urvgy of the 9ropertfi prepared by - deptctlnE arrd, IocaglnE ulth cl,ty th€reon Lrnprovenents located thereoa (includiagr vlthout llul,tatlon, theUnite), suc.h laad and laprovenantg brlng hereby sutsltted to thltuectaiitlon. sucn Map sh:au be recordled-ln the off,Lce of tha clerk snd RecerCea of Eagle-County, cololado, prior to tlre recsrCatlon olt&ls Declaratlon. . SEC*IION l,.oB. noffer Prlcel ehall bave the ueanlng Elwen tothat ter!, ln SectLon 15.01 hereof, SE9IION 1.09. xgrganlaatlonal owncrn Bhall -:lren sn osrnerrblclr l-e a flr:nr corporatlsn, parlnershlP, asroclati,on ps tilEt, orothet legal entlEy, and nat a nrtu:ral Per8on. 6Eqlfo}{ 1.tr0. rornsro sha1l Dean a pereon, PcrBont, ftr:rq,cerlrorallon, partnershlp, aeaecl,atian. sr Erusc' or ether IeEaIenEity, or an{soubLnatlon thereofr cuning an inEcrest in a Ps,reel. rr+Lt torots,Btrl I lllf,R 14 ,e4 a4?6r1n uo ,] orrr.P.5 EaEle qounty, Colorador also knoHn at 1el0 Heet'havsn tanc, Ssnn ot vaJ,I1 EaEle-Caurttyr eolorado, accordLng to the naP thcreof, recsrded' in Book -1 Fage t-t of the rEeorde ot tha clerl( 8nd Reco=der of Eagle County, color8da. sEcEfON 1.1rt. rFauaLnlng Ottrer'r shall have the EsanLrrg ELvento ttrat terr'in seetLon 15.01 hereof . sEqlfoN 1,15. "EBlllngiottnerh shall have the beanl"nE glven totbae terlo ln Section 15.91 hetrBof,. lRTfCtrE ZDESftt"rrrIoI'\D REEFRVAI'rON Every contraee o! sals, d,eed, leage, Eorlgage, deed of trust,will or other inecrunenG relatinE to th€ Property eball legally deecrLbe a Pargel or any rcal Frop;rty interest therel.n as folla{6! Parcel )_t a reEubdlviElon €, accordlng Eo the nap tlrereof recorded Ln Book r Pdge -. of ttrs recorAs of dhe clerk and Recoffiffiigte-cowrlil,fr, scase of coiotatio' snat accordlng to Ehe UeclarstLon of covenantsa, Condltlaner and RBstrlcelene and ENEIy Tral]. lgreeEenE for - sEctIoN 1.11 . r'Parcelrr ehall n6an Parcel A or Earcel B agghoun on the Uqp, togsther utth all appurbenance8 thcrcto. SEqIIoN 1.12. "Perty ltsllx shqll nean the coBEon rall betueenthe units loeated on tlra dlvtAtng line betsesn ths tvo Parcch' sEctroN 1.13.l€gelly deEcllbGd sB I'Proirsrty$ ahall neEn all of thr real cstate r Eagl6 Countyr ColcreCc' recorded lnBook , PaqE . ct the records cf thc Clerk and Recsrtser-og-E-gLe countyr SEate ol Colora4o. Enery such deserlption ehal1 bG goe€ an<l sufficlcnt tor a}t prrrp-see to sell, cotrvry, tranEfeEr lelee, errc"'*l'er gr otbeiarLfe sftcct' tbc Parcal , the unit aad otlrer !.aprovcrrngt loeated ttrereon snd atl eFpurEenant rJ.ghtE, benefl.te and burdcne ttrcrlto ae created by the piovlstons of thLs Deeliration, and eacir suclr deeerlpt,lonsball De go constrBeA, I I I I I I sEclrro}fplan for the orrnerehlp lntlrorm or1 tha .BREIC?.i! 3 PROPEHTT TIVTS1ON 3. Or. Itap. . Declarants hesely esteblLslr thls subdLvtslon of the Propertsy lnto trs (31 Parcels fari faa stuple, consleting st Ptr6:I A ancl Parcel B asl SECTION 3.0a. No PqFti&i.oq. No oHne:r slralL bring any aclJenlor parrclt:lan or alvlELon of Pareel A and Parerl B. r rr{brl60t!.$rtl --" fihn t4 ,94 aA.??pnuo tr iEpi:1 '^r'3rar I l*.ruui'aFGlu!*;t 'ilu SECIIOH f .O3. t{o_I'lerner. In t}re cvent parcel I aha parccl Bate_ ouned by the aant perssn, the d,octtlng of llsrgar shall nolEPP1Y, !1:lg1"..l I_t l-n.I1"St of the ouner of rhe otrrei-raEqr il-;iperson uho nay rely tlrereon. EEqIION 3.09. seErFa+& Taxer. Each parce,l, togeunlc and' other inproven-nffiEa taereon, etr-Jrr ltsePatata -parccl of rEeI propertlr and shall, be eegnratelytrE1rtrr.z,EE rrarscr or tElI paopertlr and shaltr, be eegnrateland taxed sEcttrol{ 3.04_,- concurrent_owrrershlp. tll6 partiee , j.f, uorethan one, havlnE tbe concurrent o-*rreretrip of a pircer sharl .qi""alonE thcroEelvrF hqr tc ehare tho rlEhtC ana obllgatlono cr iuqtrownershlp; provldcd, holrtever, that, tf in OrEanteitTanat Owner "friifbecoBe ttre oEner or a percel 0r !! ncre tnan ona party rrave -irrr cotrcqrrcnt ounarohip of a parcel, then auclr otEqnlea,€i|rnir o*"Lr-orc,oncurrent clrr.erE Fhlll, no lese tban once eacf, year, aastEnale-oiiindividual uho shrtr represent aueh organriit,iinir--d.n-; -;; cgncurrent Ohere !n all nalt3rs concs;nlng al1 rfShii- anAobll,gatlons Fursuant to ttrrs pectaratlon. lnf-iuch srgi;ilatron"ioIrrBGr or cencurrent onrrers ehall Eive urlttei notLc" fi t[;-or;;;sf, ehe ottrer parcel deElgnatlnE trre indivtduar to act on its oitheir brharf and.such nqitcs stritt be effeetrva untrf ;;"iil ;;EUpsseded ln rritinE. ry- cuch organi.aatlonar-,osner or conctrrrsBtlftqfE. lny_ac! or orLsslon by euctr deslgnated indivj-duaf ittiff-liJ :l:'?r:?_:1 .J.1 o,u!.li ?ar,lolal -ouner or tl_l concurrent ornere havtng thsda ARIICI,E 4 EtsFtrFJvf FoR E{cRoecHHE{rs If_ eny portion of a rtructure located on a Farcel no$€ncroacllcc uFcn the adJalning earcel, or lf any 6uclr €nereacfrrent,anarl occur hereaf,tar aE . raaurt of the settllng or ehlltlnE ofary brrildlng:, a valld aaEerent for tlre encrpachnerit on the esriaciard fot Eubaurfsca $rppaag belos guc.tl errrface an6 fol' tbenaintenancr cf the sanef eo tong ac lt stands, straii ina ailiiexist. rn tbe cvsnts any luttefui-g locarBd on J parcer arrau upartl,auy or tetel1y destreycd ir q result of flre er o-trtlicasualty or aE a reaur! os eondernnatlEn otr eurnent - d;ili;procaed,itrgs and then rebullt or repalred, encsoaetrnenti of -_il; partlon_ or such bullding on thc aaSornGg parcel arie-tJ- "sEllrcbu{IdlnE or repair ilratl b€ pdrnlttdd aE long a, ;G[elttrsoashEerr--E a3e_ oi no, Er3ater exeenc Ebarr tlrcFe -previously exLsting, and vaild caEenenie for such encrcetrtlnents on tie surrscland for au.berlrf,aee Eupporc beros sueh suitaie arlal far eheraatnte,nance of the eane -Elatl exist so long aJ-gr. builhng-FhittEtatrd. DltltsBlE.Ettl fleR 14 's4 altzr?n uo l,. o=tn.f*reeurJfcuJt | * elal . sEcTfo$ g.os, uodiflcatiqnodLf,taation of or rdIEffi oE ffr.lqg. tls ad^dLtl.on to, lnrlcrr 5 . P}HIY IfAI.L SEcTfox 5.?I. ..Feqgr:eL guleg of, Lau to Abolv. Tq the e!.tentnoE inconslctscne stth-ElEffiractron, rhc gcneiaf ruGJ "f -il; r??:rdlnE party uarre and .Habtritlr. tor capag-e ii€ to n€grrgencr,rril.lfur act6 0E oaieEione ehalr aFiry io tli-p.itv w"rr. sEcTrotl s.oe, ,-ry.qqqlqJEg. rlE ol,n rE of the Unlts botheharl have thq rlght to- usE-EETarty tfall, pri"rcea tns€,s,rch uilPy one O$ner doeB not l_nterfere uttfi tne ris6-ana-enJoirueng og tbeParty lfall by the other osner. SEqIfON E.Ol- EasernH+ln- paqlge qr pestructton. llbe o|fier ofa gnit chall hawe.a at part of thtother unit on rl+.ch- ttre party Hatl ts focecse, for-ptty-;iipurposes, lncluding nutua_l -Lupport, -niinttnaitc", sleear? -aiE inepecrron. rr,' rho -evenr or dJuiEre to or aeetructlii or-ii!-p"Hit{all, tha folloylng proviEionE eiiaft aBplta- (a) r'} ttre cvGnt the party Hau -ls rrauaged or destroyed 11yro1Sh the negl,i.ggncE, uS.Il.ful acr-or "roi""f"riit on. ;ej;inil;9ynart.or aay. o.f ,hie iaaily, -rqgnte-os_ fnvftEEl-, io o_ rq ceprLvr!he, otfe5_ adjoining tu'.sr oe ihe furr use and,'enjoyrent oi-tr,.l*ty- w?ll, then rhe firet of guch osnere sna-it ior{tirrtl p;;d;dto rebuild and repair, nr conaiact fnr tte-r-"lqiici,,;-"ndT;#Gof , t}e Partv Ha1l co Lte fsrner good concrltion r*it-nou€ c-dEt liT*adjotnlng orner. (b) . rn- ehe e,venr -thE party- Balr rs daulged or destrcyed.(ineludinE ordlnary rear and tear anld deterioration fr6n reFse oftitae) . by soue cau9e. o-lber than tlre negftgenca,-- uffffUf -i6t, ;;onJ.ssion of one -?! t1rg adJolntne .orrr-nerE. or any ;? hir riiiri,agentsa gE invttrce, tlren -unlesj loth oi "uctr--'osners ot*rerttiiaErrce, both such adjointnE omGrs shalr piocela iorerr$lftr iorebulrd.or relair, or contt'act for ttte rebtriidr;; sDA repaltr of,ths Farry r{alr to rte former g-oa conditien i€ -th;rr -t;#; ;;eequel €{penEe. sEFrroN 5-04- Stmeturgl lntecrrisJ, lhere ehall be noLnFairaent og the sffi trr"-li*r -rf[t risn"iiithe prJ.or srltten conccnE of ai:, O-wners navfng- cny fnteiea{tshqrsih. FrrtheE, _p€netrrtion o{ tll. paEty -waif rc-prorrril,tlitritbouts the. approva] of, rhe appri=alie -srd=r;;"tar aiitrro-irri;;beca'se such trenetrarlcn tapaiii t-he firE r"=iEiiini-q,rar1Er"=-Jithc Farty I{alL. by the ouner of one of tle UnlteaE?Bcl ln vrit.lng to the sa^&e- the Party lrall nay be rcconFltsrreiwrless -.hr Oyner of the ethef Untt IrpH @ofl.lDltl neR. '!1 '94 --:-: - I -==- Ita,{.rJr| I J.duirFrdzutrr ,t ltzz A},!ICLE 5 col,DtoN FeellrrfrEs SEC"IION 6.01_, 9LLlitlas. conuqn utlltty or senricsccnlroqtlont or ltneG, solu[on facilltj.eg er ot]rar coEDon utllityequlpnenE or property locat€d in or on on€ of the Earce}s or thlgrrtt located t$etaon but ueed in coE&on sLth ths ot$er patreol 6rthe Unit locatcd thereonr Lf, any, ahall be ssne(l by al} of thcOrrnerr of ehe Prspartf q6 tenants J.a ccnnen, utth the Ormer o!Parcel A end the ouner of prrcer B eash hltolnE sn undtwideaone-half lnt€r€st ln and to euch coEltsoll uttltty or Eerylcccann3c3lcnr or llne$, colnBen fectrittes and, otlrer Comon utlrltvequilment, and propcrty.. Exoept tor any expenge or rtabttLty caueelfy lhe negltgance or yl,llful lct of onE Or.rncr, hi.s farlly, igent oilnvitee, uhlch +4ff -be borne eolely by sueh oUnet, -a1l -costn, exlreneeE and f-iabilitlee rarated, tq.Eiidbonson uttrt€y or eervtcicsnnesEisne or line6, co&,Eon raclr{tle€ and other coinen utlrrifequlpncnt aqd pr-operty slrall be, ehared by tbe orneiipro;lortioDately sith euch ouaerehlp. trhe oultsE of tre pa=eei oiunLt, on rhlch suclr co@on ucltlty oi sewiee eonnecg!.otrs or tlnes,counon factl.ltlea ar other connon uttitty equtD$nt or prope:tg iinot rocated shell have e pellretur.l eaeenbnt-tn and to thaf parE oettre adJeLninE Parcel or unlt contalntng tlre alms ar is reaionabrynecessery for 5nrrpoEeg of uaLncenance, repalr end lnspectton. sEerlou 6.a2. a€Esg. It, i5 og:cteci that csuDon aqcarBfaciritleg clll be provided on a Fortien of each of tlre pareels, ?here Le hereby cseated a raclprocll eaeanrnt ahd riEht-ef-rt:r foreacll orner ove;r, actrogE and through that part sf, the acc6sEfactrlt'y Locatea on Ehe ctlrrr ounerTs garcet-. trhe ocnere eharLhare egual right to the uce of such aceesg end no osner ehau.hinder or pennlt nis tadLy, agents str lnvlteeg to hlnaerr.atonrbla urc by the other ornrea or trLs fas,3ly, agents or l"nvLteetof 6uch comnon eccBs.E cithnut the consellt of -tiG -other os]rer. rtLs presunEd tnat snow pr.ouJ.ng of suclr csxrson acce*s facllitleg ellllr€ rEqutred fron tlnc to tiue, the cs5ts of $hleh $trr be ghared €gusUy by the Orftsl'e. OUrer uaLntenance, reFAl-r or lnpl.Orrenent ofcuch conuon access fasllltier Eay be regrlred fron tine to tine,and tbe salle Ehall b€ und€rtal(en upon the unanlnsqe agraeRent oftlr6 Osners vho ehall share all cocts and expeneee equally. SECtIOil 6.03. GeIleEE. tb,e Ceegsge loeated on parcel A shattbe used tc house a caretalrer reEatned bf tb,e ounet of psrcel A togrravide e:terl,or roalnBcnance ana regnir servtcae to bsth patcsrs aErnay be contraetGd lor by tfre Orrnar of parce! A fron tlDr Eo tt[e.The porforilBncc by cald ceretaker of, any er<terlar roElntenance orrega+! ob11gatlem requJ.reC etr !c Ferfoned by the C}rrners prraEuaneto thtr Dccreration sbarr eatlsfy eaid oultgaelons. trri salarypayable -r,o sai6 carctdrar, ErDy EosBg and erspenses lncurred iircsnnectisn rrith seid cagetakerrg dut,les dna the cagt3 ofnalntrnancr an€ rrpflr of thc ccttage sharl be cosnon 6l.pen^eesgharcd cqually by ttrc ou!-lers. ln adalt.ion, * of thi realeEEaEe t,arses revlcd on Parcel A shalr le deadE-EJ.locatrre i,e the DTDrt tOGt,Ot9l -"rfiR 14 ,94 64jz8prl u* l."DiFTI '"'e'"t 't"-ruo#18205{; *10/22 cottage and gharr_be a connon experuro ehared equally by the ounGm,r'"e osnerr Bhar-r_areg r-!"T? "sdrry trrJE"E?il;oprrty tnsurancA. on the Cotcage ls set.forth l-n Secrton g.or neriotl sEcrroil 6.04.. al locatJon of nxqenees. cocts and clctengcs 6farr aetlvitie" vhcsr@ il;;fr -fi -tr'fi;1j; €r.sspt ao caused by- rtre negrigcnca or wirrrur ais-or onrreron-Jr-iiorBer, EhaIL be allocaEcd :ln-th6 folloutng pFoportl,one: Errcal AFarcel B sot 5olL ARTICI,E 7 F&IltEEXUeEi:sD tEtE$ALErr ort SEC'IIOH 7.01. (b) unlt'EEtqrloF. Each ouner sha[, aE hls Eore cogt and/expcnit'e, provtde excerior laintenence anc e*tcrtor r"lari ii-oi;-t;iuBlt and the other 5-uprovruents locaeed on rriipercil aE n;ii;;ltlre uni==soved pcrti5ns, gr- .rhe -i;#;t .-..pff "ird;;- uilT iliIocated, incrrratig, but ri"t fflillc"d, to, -the' exterlor valle- arrd rhqrocf of the Unit. gEgTtrON 7.03. .-l|laintenan,ce o? UFLr "nter'loF. Eash Orflret elrallbe. eqtety -r€epo_nEib a -ieFaif--Ei"il; 5.Rterior ol hic U.nlt,.lncludlng flrturcs ai:a frrliovea€nrE and allutility ringg end equrpnens roEated tberein ana-iersrr;E-;ud-Elri; _o.-lf , go5 r$.ch p,urpor-i w_i.ndorrc, gtaei ina -eia:naE-snaii *-aeet Apart of the ln--crior_of a unlt, rri perlornrng tue,h ralntcnance .rrarepal'r, or_ln-inprcvlng or artarins-ai" urilEr="" o*"" shatr do envacc o= vork uhl'clr inpalrs tlre gtruc--ural eoirnan""" og -;i-tft; trtt'i;or tbe t-ar*'y l|all 0r uhtclr raterf,eres yith rny €tE€metrE, Er*tea orregarvcd herein. sEcSroN 7.03. .l+tF:- utlr_rjty or s ;i:ii:=y--?g:1E1?nl-ol- pro-pertv locat?d in, on ot utlon eLthar ef tbcun.l'ts which are used lortry io rwptv i-'"ervr"lEi utriicv a; ;; BrHlslc$.anrl rien r< 's4 s1.?s?nuo al oarr. unit eharr be ounGd by the oirn.E of the_ rtnlt ustnE euch ucllLty oreervice and arl ca:ts, .exPenres and rlabtlttlee- ror repilr'ananaintenancs of "o.L ut_t,r,{tr or eervtce -iJnn-"Jtions -Jf-rrn"}, faclLities or other utllity -cgrtpnent or propirii chalf be born6sorely.br the oflner of the unti u-tnE such-utilltf or scr.vrce, nilo "tlrl lrave^ a perpetuar . caacnent in and ro rfrar parts of thoattJolnlng Earcel- or Unlt. ccntalnlnE Euch utlllty- or servtcrconnesttons or ltnes, facllltlee or -other utlrlty- esutFDent-oi, ET?p?+y ?s, il reaeonably nscErEary for purpoees. df nifl|-senanccl'relnl,r and lnapectlon. sEctrorf ?.?e:, atiFEeSlEFn. No ormer Ehal.r uake or egffer any ,otructurar or dcsLEn changa (lncluahg a color Bchene crranqet l,/ -e_tther. poaansnt or tenpordry,'of any tfre er niiurl-,rh"lE";"E;-$(thc axterisr of hle unlt or consrnrct any addltlonar uirarrig ei ):1:!?fu-rg^:t ;tn1. r,yps o! naturg _stratlcevar upon any part oi-hie /Parcel,, vlthouE fl,rst obtainlng the prlor yrlften censbnc thereco \fro! the other gune!. ) ARIICIJE g . // Itltlrl]tl Lt?^ t ! tttl|.la- rrrrrriFr.rrrrr|' IInCHIUIC'S LIIHSi rt{IrtltnllrlFrTlox EEqlror 8.01. Pratthltlon. Ercept for tlene Lncurrecl ae aconBon gxPgng? ae provldea for herelnr lf any oi{ner enarl cauB6 Itrytnatertsl to ba fuflrl.rhed to hlg ?arcer or tl|e rtniE cr stheiJ.4rrovenente l.ocaBcd th3Beon, or any rabor to be perfsrned therei;or_thereon, Eush oHnet sharl be sorily reeponeibri to cantsacr,oii,raborers, aaterlalnen enrl 6th€r pr*dns firnlsatng such aateriilisr.rabor an{ the outter e! ttre.acjoinlng pareal or unr! anaxr-no€,undrr any oircrrsEtaAcrr, be tleble for-thr psyue,rrg cr eny coet oiexpenEE asgoelated or lngursed ln conneetlon therculth or tog trravllug or anir uork dsnc ar satErlal fulnlehedr all euc,h uort< bainEet the sote cost and ::rpcnce of thc omer caua.lng the egnr to 161:!::_ $ttl,ng herein eontalned Ehatl authortae eltlrer osner or,snyperson deallng tlrroughl vith or under el,tlrer ouner Bo charEe'tJriParcer or u.ntt of, the other ggner rlth eny Eechanlsre Llen of other .rlen- oE enfuDbranc-e uhaFeve.r, End, on the contrarr (and notice irt,erelry glten)' th?.rfsht and poser ta chargb -rny llen otrerrcu:lb€ancc of any hlnd agalnst one oltner or agalnsE one oHnet'EFarcel or unLt for vork done or natolLals furnLehed to thr oclrriO*ner,e Parcel ar Untt ie bereby expfesely denled, sEqllgH 8.O3. rndcon{eleat{qn. I!, becalr5e o! any g,cg orcuiEElon of a.n orrnrrn-iffEdE:lE sr otirer tI.en or'erd.; fsr ttrn F_almcnt of norley ehalr br fircd eEainst tha adJolnlng parael orItDlt of the other €hrnrt, sr any hpr,oveuente thereln or thereon, oragaLnst any oehcr o$nsr lvtrettisr dr not, such rlen or order is virtder rnfcrrcr:rbrr as Eueh) r the gmel uhotr acB or oltlEeign f(,r;aE theba*l-s f,or eqch lrenj sr ordsr etrall .at hlE ovn cogt and ex;rerrecceuEe the saEe eo bc eanccrlcd and dlschargrd of, record or bbnced PI-.a, syr6t{_^c-sapany r-easonably aeccptaFlC eo Euclr otfrer dr;fie!,ettghln trn (101 deya afger the 4ata of fLlinq thcreaf. and rurrhei P.18 uitAln-trn (10) tlays 4ata of flling thcreof , arrd furttrerehaLr tnd:anity anc lrave cba other osner-trie{teetrroi ana aiirnst IrrHtgstr.(sltl neR i1 ,91 81.?e?n ro J- oarr. any a,rtd Ell csata, Grpsneer, claino, loeeee or dlltages,vlthout lluitation r FGaaoprble attorhay, s f eea reeuiifirs laeludtng,therefron. ARTICIJE 9' IBSURAI{CE SECIIOX 9.01. TEeqrance lreiptat\pd bv eac"h ouner, Ercb Ownerehall arintain, at his sole eoC@toving tyfesof insurancs; (a) .l pollcy of properby lneuranca covcrinE hle Unl,t aud bIIfixtr:resl_ qulpneat, .furnleEJ.ngs and sther llerna of pereonatprgtrerty Located tberein, except lotr rand, foundattong, excavatlonaana other natters norBatly eieruded tron coveraEs, in an s!,oilnteguar to Ehe naxisun repraecrnent value thereof ana, tn aBy event,not leff ttran necBssaly ttr conply vlth any co-l-hEurancre peie.ntagcsclpurated in the ineurance p6ricy. satk pollqr sharr iontarn-i "neplacenent coEt Endorsenenttt and- an trlgredd agolunt EndotErnent. rr such Lnsurance shall af,ford proeecElon agatnst, at teast toei ortialagc. b_v rir_e and sEhet perlte nor:uatry -eovesed by tbe standeral 'rau-.iekx psrrcy (tncruding vandcllsn aia raaticiouE rlcctrlet). , (bl . f.poltey of generel liablltty cnd propertsy daaegetnsutanca eEal.rrst cralns lor bcally tnJury or oecth-ar properiydanage occnsslng upoD, in or abcut tite pire-"r or the ltnir tr icrreiinprovetrsnta located thereen, in Linlts of not Less thanssgo'ooo.oo ln respear ot boctliy lnjury or death to any nux.b€r ofper60n8 arieJ"ng sut ef cne acciEent-or-cisarter, or.doi aa$age toprcperty, and lf hlgher llqtEs shalt at any ttie br euetoaaiy toprotect againet poeslble tort lj.ablrJ.ty, au-cb hlEhar llralre eleltbe carrled, anal each omer ghatl nane ths oCher WnGr a6 anadditlonal Insured party unAqr such poliqr. . --SEe!IOff-9.g2. . fhe Ouner of Parcel Aehall nalntaln LnsurancC on etre cottEe€ st the Eylre Bet fort!, Lnsection ?,0f (e) hereof , Such insurance nay belrcvJ.aaa by thepollcy sf, property ineurance covering unit A,-but l-n such eved't $reocngr ot Percer A Ehall cau8e the lnBuret to al,10ca8e tbe Sueatuufor euch lrrssrance beereen unlt A and ehE coetage, The eoei gf tlreFropsrty. lnssranee Bn ehe cottaEe ghall be a co-runon axFense Eharedequally by the ornurc. SEqIION 9.01. .UlsuranclP-attcles. Each Oftncr ehell d,ellverto tlre other orner certlftcetes evJdenclng all lnsurance regui.redto bo car?ied under sdctionE g.o1 and 9.oz-h6taof, egch centiintnEagEesnente by the Lneurers not to cancel ot Eod!.fy the pollcleiutEhout EtetnE the other ouner prJ.or nritten notlEa or it leaetthl,Ety_(3o) daye, Eaclr auntsr shall have the rlghr to lnapec? anQcopy aII sqctr lnsuranca polLclcs of tha o,ther -osner and,- raquiraevldeDce sf ttre payEcnt o? prentuns thstrcon. SEqIION 9.g{. Slnate EolLcv. Nothing provided in thiEartlcre shel,l Frcvent Ea-orrncr;-fron Jol,ntty dcqulrtng a glngre hrDElt6c'l.cl9l rleA :c 'Sq a1:3,,?nu* rl.r,:"FrT '"'&'\r':'t I l"-r3$i7ie054; *13122 pollcy to cov.r any one or rnorcArtlcte to be eeparltely insurid of thc ha:orde reguired Ln tblsagalnst by each Oyner, ARIICLE 10 DAI.rAcle oh DEg?RucrroN u*'.*i3!I3l* ;'l't;" ffi $L,::8. ff j,i,i.t "::rrrrateoevetr' the oqmer og suctr unit inatr,-It-nie etra Eo"t-inaelcpender uith due di_ligenee, cause ttre uiit-to-te rep"rreJ fiil:.::!?red, a.pplylnE_. rhe - proceedg of fn-imiic-e,--ir lnyr for rha=purporc as heretnaf,ter piovided, such unjr "n-Crl a"E6it.rea tli-iconditlen conpsrabre tottrat prlor to ind aiuai" ;r areseruction andLn a bar.ooni.o-us r'anner tJp"SarJii Ene conrsn theue of bcth unLts. SECTfOH 10.OZ. proceCuFjr. (a) In the_ev:l! ?I dauage or destructlon to a Unit by flrcor other cleaeter, the r.ns.ran6,e proceerrs shar.i be degasited rntoa bank account nhich. requJ.tea, rai_ uttrrcraviiel ilr. "isnit,*""-'"iboth the &,ners. rne bnnerJ "r,Jri-ai;n ;;ts,r'ptiy autrroriac trrel?ii}:'{dii:l:.?.1,,'"::ff+Ti:.33,1"#,1lg,te'*:i*:;-f iff ii:and Reconltructidn"-oE tti;-uni;, .as risea hdi.:}, Deans rertorrngtfg |tqrove.nente to substantieff-V the sare condition in uhich ttrevextEted prior to.the danage sr distructfon, -"fl,b-=;;"u;i€;;fi; the sane bourrdarles ae before. (b) rf the^lnsu-EB-n?e.proeeedr are ingufflcien-- to repair enclreccnslruc-,- ar.y danaEed unli, euch danag" "r a""tructLon ;rrirr-il"?::i,f:il_ Ig?l+T"d ina r.tJttsrru"c"a iv rnJ- o*rrer ueinE rhernlqrancE proceedE a.e abovc provlded and lhe pioceeai-"r "-i$""ilf-a:E6_5_str?t. agaLns: such O$nel,s patcel. ani iuci,L-r.s$retrd;Gilbc equar to the_ eBoun! by uhlch thc coet of reconstructioJ-Jirepa5.r of the unit exeEe-ds tle sun sf the ineuranca proceadsarroccble ro eual. pntr. auch a'les'nent shalr lJ aui ind-ilil;r;noc sosner'Bran rhtrtl' lrof --ay--after rcltten Dotlce €h;r$?;;;shalr - .be depcsited, -tnte - thE Dank accc-urrt -- it-rerencea - ir- til;precedlng clauee .(a! for rrithdrasar i. itereln- prcvrded. nt;speeial aEBesg:rent' provleed fat- rrerern- sh;tr-il a debt of eachc'$ner aegeEeed End- -a rien cn-hts- plicer-ana--tb; -irF;o-""r""Glocated thercon qra nay l-e- "nicicea and eorreJtea uy f,orecrosqle-:cceedings_ La _ihe csurts, aj.i aE rlere fully {ef-?""t"rr--inl:rtl,cle t]. hcreof . (c) HotvithstandinE the abovG, the o$Trer6 End FLrstHart4agaes of any or ari of the cestioyea or dirnaged unr-tE aartagr'e tlrat' the .dEs-troyea cr -aaagca unrcs chair foEdrsith bedernolished arrd atr eebris o"it' r"uur-" ""t;i.d -by *iln a"roritr_on berelloved and the pas-ceL(s;, .regraded and. landeir;&. TIre eost of:lin.1:11:::!i1e_ and deiotiri6n roix- srraft be-n5rd roJ ly iir- uilarr rrrEur.nc€ p+-€eeede availablc. rrly excrss-heurehce'piJieeai DiFLd ialElrore I 10 l--,a 9y9t I q4uui r lr Lat aL shall tlren br dlsbureed to aush ognerE and their Fl.rEt ltortgagees J olnt ly. ARIICIJE 1I AESEEEUENT LrEEq SEqllol{ trL,01. PqFfq'nanc€ ol Othazs gghatf. If an oun6r(thc 'rDofaultJ,ng orherr), aC any ifne, EtraffT@ct or ra!us!, teperfora any obligation required by.thls DectaratLon or aharrneglecE or refuse to pay hts ehari of any oblLEatlon requlredhereundEr, tlre othe,r orrner Eay, hlt shEll not, ba obllEatda to,after tuenty (20! rtaya prlor urlttcn netlee to rle ueraurtinE oe|ne;of sush lallure and Eha f,atlulB o! Lbe DefauLtlng ghrner wttnin saj.c,tfurrc to cure ehe .defaulD (rrnlees tbe cirineltrnsea raquLreirusediate action, ln whlch caac Frlor nottc€ Ehrl1 no€ bercquiree), .lrerfens euch obligatlon aird, in connectlon thereuLth,contract irlth resFonsl"bre part5-es and Brpend suclr 5uE ag nay u6neeesaary, or naxe guch paFrent,, a6 Ehe case Eay !€r tncludibgr- but lot trinltea. -to, the palnent of cny {neurancE grrlaiurns refrlredlrareundsrr the palaent of any sums requlred f,ar tecsnstrdctionpuEsuant. to Secticn 5.03 or Sectisn 10.9A(b) heteo! or ttreundertakinE of any uork requlred harcunder for ripa5.r, Eeetoratronor mal-ntenanc€. . Eaeh Orraer hereby grentE ta the-other orrner, ltaagents and aeelgmg, ari irrcvsgablg eaceDerrt to perform' theaf,oresaid obllgatlons as contenplatEd hercin. Arl suns so pald orenpended by qn Owneg, sl,tlr lnteteEt thereon at tbe rate Of eighteenpareent (18t) p9r year fron the date of sucb palrnent orexpend5.tr:re, sha1l ba-payable by the Dsfeult{ng grmer irpon denandof the sther oener. sEsrroN 11. 02. Ll€&jlgblg. . . (a) All suEB deEs.ndee fron a DefaultinE Oerle. FurBuant, tosection 11.01 hereof, but unpald by tbe Defaultl,l:g O&aer, ehallconstitrrte a llen sn the Parsel of tbe DBfaulttng ocner Ln flvor ottbe oEher onner prlor to all othcr llenE anA encullbttnc€€r exceFt:(a) ]'lanE fsr taxe,s ana EFeclal asseEesenta; an{i (b} the llen-orany FlrsC ltartgage of record eneruberinE the percal G!, UnLt of tltcDefaulttnE oblnrr. Any euch llel ls referred to hereln aB an*A6rer6n€nt Llanrr, Etle A.sEeEBEent f.ien shaLL aEtatrh froo the dgt€nhen the unpaid Eun ehall becobe due and uay be foreeloged ln tikeEanner as a DsrtEege on real properi,y upob Ehe recorriing of anotice trr elei.n thereof era€cutsd by ttre nan-dafaultl.nE -oura:r, Eetting forlh Ure asouht of thc unpalC lndebteAneee, thr naila 6f, EhB DefauJ,ttnE OHne!, and a descriptlon of the ParceL. In any ruehforecloEure, the DetaulElnE o$ner _cbell br regulred te pay theccste and $apenEes of euctr proceedirrg, the costE antl expene-es offltilg tlre not'lce 6t ll€n and all roasonable attorneye, feL*, whiahcost6 anA expenseE Eha,Ll be eecured by rhe llen beLng forecloscC. (b) A release of llen EhaII be execuEea blr Etre non-defaultlnEolf,n6r and recorded at the Defaulting Qvnetts extlense upon parncnt t I tr+klltBc$.al9l 1t -"lr+? i,1 'e4 s1:3!pn uo $rt'"rl' ''- -*- 't*'Irrt rF?if,usr ' * Llt z/ of all auma eecured by ttra Aegrs$lant Llen rrhlch hae b€sn lade theeu.bjact of a trecorded notlce of llen. (c) Any FlrsE Hort-gagee !ay, but ehal1 not b. obllgated, to,pay any arounta aaeured by an Agsessnent rrl,en crsatsd by tbleArtslcle. an6, upgn push palaent, such Flrst Mortgagae shltf beeubrogated to, arr. rig,hte gr lhq _nan-calagrtlng or,rnEr-nlth rsrpectto euch AsEGs€nenE Llen, includlng priority. (d) Escli osner hereby agrseF thst the Assee5 q6$t r.,iene bereindescribed shau tri euperior ts any houestead exeDlrtl.on nos orherestter provlded, by ttre'la$c of tlrr statc o! coiorado or anvexeuption notr or hereafter provided by ttre l*re of the unlaeastates.. _ Ehe acceFtancg of, a daect tg land subJect to EhlaDeslaration shall constlttrte a tralver er ths honeieead and antother exenptJ,on as agalnst sald assemDent tlen. / sgcTroN 11.03. priortty of l,len. Thc ABsesemenr Llenprovid,ed for in sectl.on ll,oa he.reot sharl be subsrdinste to tueIlen of any FirEt Morrgagr =ec,olded Srrior to the aCtietrnent oi- e,uefrAsgessnent LLen. sale or tranEfer of any paroer ag the reeult of,foreclosure sl a FIrBE l{orEEaEc, aE Eny ltrogcc(lln$ ln .lieu of suctrf,creclosurc, sbrll extlnguieh any AsBeaEnent Llen uhtcE attachadsubseqrrent !o the recardJ.ng ef such FLrst, ltartgagc, but sharr not !€ll,eve any f,ornner orgner of-pereonar llabtlity thereror. The Ftrctllertgagee _of, such Parcel whb acgrrLreE tltre uy ray of fotccroau:reor the taklng of a deed 1n ltiu tlrereol ehall, hsseveE, beeoaeriabLe for fugure aEe6erEEengE on the aatB lt becorcs thc gupsg s3Euch FatceL. l{o Eale or Lrsnsfer of any parcel ehall reL{eve. eucD,Parce} trou lLatrillty for any tgEeaanents theteatter beconlnE dueor from the.Asaeaeruent LLan thereof. In th. cvcnt of ttie eaLe ortranafer of a Farcel ulth respeet to rftich suns shall ba unpeld bya Defau.:.tl,ng- Orner, except trencfers to a FltEt t{ortgagec lnconne,ctlon vit'h a fsreclesurc of itr llen or e dtrd -li lieutheteof, the purchaEer cr otlrer tranaferes of an lntcr:st ln suchFarcel shal} be Jolntly and eeverally ]lable $ltb the aeller ortransfEror ttrereof for any rucb. unpald suts. SECMON 11.04. t{ds,t"enjtaterrerr,t. Upon rrrj.tten sequest cfany osner or a ltroEp€cttve tranEteree cf a parcer, the oEner of throther Parcel shal)- issua a sritten EtattEcnt BGttLnE'Cotth tbeasount be ts orred under this ArtlclB Il, if any, wj.th respect tesuclr Parcar. sueb, 6tatenene is binding utrron the executlng ornrer infavor of, any por6on Lrho.Day fcly tubgron Ln Eoo,(l far.Bh. - tJnlcca Ersquest for such ststcEent ahall be cobpucd ulth nlthl-a fllteen(15) daya attcr recelpB of the reques€, aII unpa!,rl euhe rJbicb beeaue- due prl.or to the dabe cf &gklng sueh regueet, she,ll besubordl,nercd to ihe llen or oEhEr Lnr€r66t of thc peieon request!.ngsuc,b Etateeent. lryaEl (Ei$tr.Grrl ta -" meii !4 's4 a4:31pf1 * t,orurl "''4'a't I srslroN 12.01.Rgsolettron. Boqh parcel. Orrne.re-ihaftlre adninLetratlon and manegengnt of thc obttg;tionj createt uytlris Declaratton. Hontvor-, ln the Bvent bit!'- oEn"re--cannofmrtually Sq:3.tlhen a decLsion le regulred.by urts Decraratlon, thr.lnpagEe qtr+Il be ree_or-ved by'thc om€r o!.plrcel A, whorc deeislon. ehall ba'blndlng and flnal.- sEclroN 12-02- 9gerrlcg, rn the errent any omer bellevae,baFGC qn t,hq atanAcrd o! thE-reaeonablp rnan: 1aj Urat an tnpace6decieion b,as been uade.l,ncorrectry or contrary ti trrtE oecrarafioi,or (b) that tha ol'ncr ln ultfunate control Ls gdrty of lLEtaaegncc,rq,alteasance gr nsnfeaBa$ce sttlr reslrect to thle u5craratl,on, then,ln elther Euch events, tbe agErlerreil o$rer Eay Fatttl.on ttr6 Ea;i;csunty DLerrler, coqrt Gor a Judiclal. detenrngtton of €rr"cotrtrove'rsy, uhl'otr deeleLon ehall be binding upon both ctrmetE. r|llrecqurt uelr a66cse cgs_ts and, any reassnable'attoEncysr teBE es raayhave been incured by the pairlcr bsrcd upon the nerlfe ef thica6e. ARTICI.E 13 usE REESRICTIOIUS - Deelarangs heaaby Acclat€ tlre! aII of tlra property eba].t brheld and ahall hencEtertlr be rold, copneycd, uied, - tnprjved,occupiedl csned, rectded upon, ana hl'pottrecleted, Eublect'to Eh;iolloulng provl-eione, conditions, -liaLtatlone, re-etrictLcns,agreeuents and eovenants, aa ccll t9 those contaLned'etssshere iitlrLs Decl.arbtl,onl (a) $ee. Eaclr Patcel shaU be used for resl,dentlal purgoresonly an4 eactr Unlt shall bE restrlcted to a resl.dentlal dnalltirE ara pel:lltted u8e-,- rhlch use Ehall lncluae aLl anclltary riseEpeTiltted by tpplicabl.a Bonlng orAlnances. (b) p+reelLro bl-ltEinia-t.D_ed. Uxcept durltg any perlod sfreconstruction, each parcel at rll glDee shall b€ lcgFE !n a c,IeEn,eigtstLy ana vholesone coBdttton. No tEcsh, tltterf JunIE, boxes,contalnerc, hortleg, csnE, iupleuente, naclrinery, I"-Lcr br otheibreil4ing uaterials Ehail be pennltted to renqii -exlrosed upon anyParerl 8o that tlre sane are vlELble ften Ure netErudrtngr ptrcel oiany streec. i(c) fqllltorarv StliFclluler. Exccpts ae horglnafler provided,, noBtructure of a t€Eparary c,haracter, lncludtng. but trot llnl,ted tora lrouea tlaLler, tent, Ehaalc or outbuildinE, 6h,all be ptacsd orelectlA,upon atry Parceli Ffovldea, hoHeves, tlllt durins tbe actualalteration, repair or renodeling ol a unit or Ellrer iaprorrerentlnsce6Eary t€hForaty structuree for storage of natefl,rlE Eay be.raec.a and lalntaineC by the pereon dotnE Euah uorh. tha sork af rou,FrfSuD*; *Lbtita|}*- AnIICLE IE ADEINTS'RAIFTON il{D IIIANAGEI{EIIT lr?|r.l teas.|Dltl nAR 14 'e4 @1t3zPnu*.1 oor. 1,ft?Ti.nS, repairing or reuodellng anyshall ba-prosccuted dltlgantly trdn tUethe coaplerlon thlseof. t Unit or ottrcr Lngrovaucnt coErlftttrgEAttt tlreraot untLl tql $rscerre+l9uF_. Stluctq:es. l{o exterlor Dounted radlo,Ehotrtnave, teltvlclon or othtr tflpe or anfunns,- dtrrtaaever or tarrtEAotrEl,ave, tol,lvlBron_ or otlrtr type of antenng dhrtaaever or tank ?:_?11li13, $t!::. e,ley3tef or 6irted, or cr;qbcr:.Ga; d"t;,- #ifll.l"=^:Ijly l+S, tlE9."gT, -or ourEiEE--s-6iec6- "r- "iip"reonal_,proF€rt-y, elrerl !p pernttted sr uarJrarieE-""" litt'Ji (dl Parcel rithout the prior writtan rpprovar "t-bo*r-ounela. . (gl Fi*E. No adwertlrinEi or stgns of eny 6lharact6r ehell boerecttdr plaged, prraltted or uaintaiird on J"y p"r..f otler tf.nna atreet nuuber and except, tor a rFo3 glgsr or'"foi-ntnt;-ifm ri"ito ens€ect flve (S) eguar-e feet. (Fl. IEiE. tlo anlnale EhaLl be lrept or aalntaLned J.n, on otrupon eJ.fier parccl or tbe Untt locrtee-Ur"r1Ja, -Jxcept tlret eaclr :r.rr"=r nal' keep ard paintatn wlthln hls Unit oni ir, -aooeiiiciied {or ana/or on. (r} doueeiicated catj !rovia"e,- trsiev"=,-rtrii-""ctrdenesrLcated anl.nars, ar.e. kg_ptr eicipi rof - rrric -eirtoa" -iil Pereonar rellef, -uitlrln tlrr unit ar ail tlacg ancl ard kcpC qur.tand unccr contror at arr rlDrs so that tb;t-do ,rot conrirtritE-ilI!:::.:-:-" A:nger ro orire,= p"r"orr" or ttrefFirop"rty. ua-crr ot nlrll:,n13 osn BxF.nce, Du3t vacclnatc or catr.aa to- be vacctnatea a1ianttlalr De keeDE, cvstt- tenporari_Iy-, uitlrl.n thr prop€lty, r*rtcnvacclnatlonr ebiri couprrsftu all f=d.r"i, "t Ec and loc.r 1ass,reguLa:5,ors, reso luttons, rcics ana orarnantee- aFpf f cadJttrer.i" IEaclr ouner shrll be- ftnansially reeponslbfr a-f,E-rirbte tor-iifdanage to thc parcel of thr oilier oungr ceusec ur anf-rr"ir1-"iliiPfte poaaeeaed by auch osner, and Eherr le reeFinei6re gor--trre !1:1"p and dlsposar of any eicreuenr uepoettEit-Ev nrJ rrou"errJiapeta. (S). Ve.F*sul?r paqllnA. Each ouner aay kerp no norc thgnrtrree (3) autoDacLve vehicrrr perzanenrly on trie pircsr. parkinsot boace, trar,rers., caupers, nbtor hnnrcor recreatr&ii retli;r;;on el,thrr Fcrcer . ia erprciry prohlltted. larl<Gc ot aorE-if,in :y::.-tit_l1u1o_!q$,ryg _trErrtclee_iy etther oerreE or rrk-eanlify, "g""dcr':nv:.tees on suslr orllrerrs Farcer ?sr nore than s 4s ho[i p5riodis erp=essly prohibtted. . .(qt- No_TiFe sharihcr. Fo tllue sharlng.r, ilLnteral oune3ship'or sr.Ella= lntercs--r- vhereby ovnerahlp of a unl,t ig shrrcc !ryoHB.r3 on a tlue Daelc, sharr be establlehed on elther pi;;er ;;(IRlt, _ ..^ (1) Eg=€qEtglell. Netth€r parcel A nca pErsel B 5hall b€further rubdlvLded - (l) _ $o H+zardoue &etl.vlllrf. xa acclvitler cball b€concuct€d on any Parcer er ri€hln Llprovensntr conetrueted on Err rr{&dtcacl.@Irl t{ I309.?"/205{ :*16/22 uithin any Parcel vhich are or a{ght be uncafo or hazardouo to anyperton or Frepettyl (k) . Ho IiSh_- ehall becnltted rron e:-.yffi _unr_ea'oDably brighi or cauaasul.treasonqble crl+rc: No sound "fr"1f Ue .''ttild-frsE any parcelwhich ie unreaionllly i"uO oiinriryrngi lr" ol"i-rfr"rr br per:nttredfro* anv Farcet whreh is'"Jit"iii'ir orrener-ve tJ-iqere. (r) GarbasF rnd.Refu$F DJspo*ar. No garbage, reEuse, rulrlrJ.ehcE cutr..i-se shar'r ueEEpoEriffi any Etrc6t or-e''y parccl, unresspraced in a euttable c-ontafilt;G-ialr-i-iJ"iicF,, corcly for thep:.r-Fore of, ea=baEe- piFrTp. +r--;q.tt6""i-i-iii' trrJ-sio"-i-i. tidlsposar of suc!, rattrtari enarr b" =fJfiiri u-li".r. ana Eanr.tari!,conditlen' No garlage -r il;h 9an6 or receSrtaslee sharr- Ghalntalned in en Lxgoeia or "i-"islrtii rrannerl -*t- (El zontns Eestr{itione. lhe ort}er8 Ghall llot, cohELt any actvb i cb, i s i ncon s r. Etbnr ErFappr r-i#iJ eont"iiiq,rLeaenrE . ARTfe"lt 13 NO|PTCE Eacts gnncr E*h:rf_l regl'ster- hi.s rqei_liag addrees sith tbe otberouner and elr notlc-eg -or ?ensncc intenaed i" re ee-nr.a u'orr osrrerEpurauanr to tlrrs Daclaratj.on eltau EJ-"di-";-t.str-frdl -i"Ii;potcage prapald, ecdreesed tn--itre naDe of 6e -, ornar at sucirregletorra uatltng .addrigs. -trr ..t.? ."ttid;rfi.l o.tf"es uay b:cellvered, lf in ririring, par"Iiiauy to tlre oynera, sE.trox 1{'or' xeFre. Each -and eveErr prcvleion of t}rlsoeclaration sharr-run-EGh ""a iirta tbe land-ro1,;" iern of trentsy(ao) years rron rhe -aate -"ii:.cJilrfi;;-urii-i"L*="rton, art6iwhtch tlne rbls oectaratton ebalT-ur i,itoulJti"-iiry er.trnd€d forsucceEslve pcriode of trn (foi yerrrs eaci, SEC1IION L4.02. _ trnEndnent or.BF:vocatlgn. trhiE Drclaratl,cn:!aybe aaended or revoked ffi ni-ioig ae Declarantaorfi both parcel A and Fariei Ei. ". (b| upon unaniacua nrLttcnapFlovar in rec+=dabra foR "f .-rr arrnei-' .ne- iriirrst t{ortgagecsof rccord. sn azendruc ar-r"rro-ciftrii iitr,ti 6llf"=.tion shatt bcef f eetlve vhen dury recordel - rn-iasre c""nly-, -6fJr"ao. AR,TICLE 15 RTGNT O-P P!RSr REPUS.FI- sEcErolt ls.?l.., EBjiFe. -Tn +gpven! any osnea,, {nclud,tng anyDeciaran-.' (the 'rserlinE-oFi-er.il doeires to "tirr'E *rsg"r, co'veyctr oth'erlrc dlspose -ot trre'iaicer olher-iiih 1o an exJ.etr,ngco-a'neE of hie parear er the o"'nEx of ure ad,Joiniag palcer, the ARTICLE D!ftjl{BGil,Srr!1s *" ilia !1 ,e1 a4::3*r.i * .t ilpfr '"'''|r'r'! I O.-Louu?r.1/d,c{,rLvz2 SECTIOB 15,02. s_elllnE Q-!.r, tB .s.ellfaE grnrr "hsll hevg iho rigUr, aubJeot to Farcer of, tte setrlng ormer. rl tha gffer prG" -rJ "in"r-trraironey' the teDalnfu.ouler. sharr lav. the rlght to Dar,cb in-y ilcnotfer rith sn eguivalent anount of noncy. sEcrroH is.o3. Aecertancs. rf thr RcllrlnlnE oryner erectp toputcba€e the Parcer of rhe Eelling ouner at tlre.oiter pricr end onthe other tetzog end corditiona eo€ fsrth in the'netrEJiesur;A bysescl'on _ryt,ol, tlre-notLeg given by t.hc selllng-ciwner puriuant tisection 1,5'91 and !h:,noticE glven-by $e nenadnlnE ounlr pqrsuanrtto section ts.oa sharr eo:ret*gte a uhatng agreefent, or iurctraseand sale bcts€en the ornaru ard the selllnE 6glr.tr shslt ierl andgolrygy, and thc Renalning Offner ehall purchhsa, the pareef oi t}reseLllnE ounsr ln aceordariae utth ttre tdnrs ana ionalCtons-tt"o"ilereept that tbs clesinE'slrlll 6ceur not less ttrcn tlrirty (rot fuviafeer-a-ccBptance by the nerglning Orrrurr pursuaat eo iecifin iS.gi.rl eLther oryner shrLL rall t-s cloed the purchaer ana-saiec_ontenp)-aT.a uv clrls Eeccl.on, ttan rhe sther osacr nayi rat p.triuerer reEedl,e.E Bt lau ot ln e*rlty w5.th reepect to tue cdntricE sfPnrchaee .d aalc.fonoed-;nrrsuant to Ehlg Sectlont or (b) tl Euchotb.er oqrer is tbr -SeIItnE srna!, sell, traaifer,'cbnvey oiotlrertyiee dla;roae of hlc Farser to-a tlrlrc party at iiry rirci anaon any teEls, provlded thrt the srosing of euch eal,e, tranefat,conveyance or other^ c{cporltlon ehall oceur not rater tban otx (sirlsnthr aftrr the clocing date orJ,gtnarly ss! gor tirs purcusJe'uitbe Renaining oHDer EEest€ 15.04. FeJegllel. ff thc Rrualning grner elects, rrFls deased to have elEtea, not to purcaaie tfrs pa,rcal o! -thc selrlng-orrnor shalr glve tha osncr_ o!- the aaJclnlng EaEcet (tLrttRenalnlnE oenar.,) noticc oc its deelre ta do -gJ, -,rrrfch ;"iic;snarr s--aEe thr nasE ?i trre prospsctive purchaser, the price fornhlch it lntende to_selr,,traisfe;, canvef or ottrerrrree airpo;t;;hla Parcel fthr uoffer lricer; and'crl of'the ottrer uraecrtai t;r:rs;ana cond[tionE on vhich thg seLling ouncr ineena" Ep ";tr;.transfar-, ^qolv.y 9r othenrlsr ttlcpsri of hte Farcrl and rnfcinotlce shall Lncrude a copy of tbe bbna lidl riirrtln of,fer receiviolroa. s_ucb proapactlve pu;cha6ar. rbe serrrng onnar Etrall aleoEuriil6lr Eutrh gEhri uate=tal lnlorcagion regarclnE the prcspectiveputchssar aE the RenalnLnE o.riier-ir"y reagotabry iequest, essr.rsr rrred. - NErEice or ^4qcelltance oL ReJeetl.oq. ?he!911*r1s_ff-"l1lrr i or tir".!Er"o.r*.+.ty rrrr.|rs Es4r., wrEnlrl EUC$Ey (zg, trsys attel l€cglFc of thcnotlea reeulrrrd by 6eetl.pn tg. 0L,- !otlfy'th;- E"rif"E -&r..? -ii r*Lclns ar to rhether or nor tun ieusintil'ownJr "fil;;t"!d; d;Farcet o.f, tlre setrinE orner at rhc offef prrce Ent t;-r#-J'riEI :_?3:_31! :1gfltlous E.t f,orth {n llS.cforesatd iioti"".- -ri-qi; *_.:F*q pj:r qoe-B- rpr rerpo.ns rrtrhtn eai_a-ib-riii-p.Li"a, 6" lf3rlr"d-nq !1,.r_ crrerl ba deeaied ro havc decrtnld tJ eGli";! rh. -erring gslar, E!-r. soIIl.nE oe.n/rr rhSII hrvg tho riqrbt. sublese Eo .-*g n_"o1'.r1ione of tlrle Deeraration, includlng the piovisiane ort'hta Arctcls 15, to seIl, tranefcr, cgnyly or otlrarvice d.leoose oft}la-l::etclr 15, to se1l, tranelcr, -convry oi tittrarc d,lEpos€ ofhLe Parcsl tor a purclrasi priee eguar to ir grraater than-t[:-oFr"tPrtce and qr tlre etlrer te=us and conditlcns etts fort! l_n r.be notlce DlDtEtIar&.q,lt 15 rieR 14 'e4 B4:i3Pf4 uo t,* or* SECTION 15.04- c l-.,rUUUti rJ94U9t ) -L\r. tLl Eiven to thet*l!i_Tq ounqr_pureuant to section -ts.01, bu! only toile plospectlvr purcblser lddnilttcat ln sald r.oli"., pronlded tlrutthe croglna of su1!_sare,- trlncter, conveyahs€ otr odG-Jrs-;;;r€i;;shatr occ'l not :aser crt"n Jri-iel DonEhE arr.E tha d.ate of EheRcueininE _ orrrn6:'E nctlce to ' irri sarirng- -orn"i - e-rrr;".;i 1;secclon 15.02 hgeof or. the ,erpiration of ue-- a0-day reJpcmerporl.od' ag. the erea nry be. rr -tte scirrng a;_er u,oed noi ail;;tlre_ eate, tranefex-, coiv.eyanee. er other ars"eoir-iron or uie-piicerwlthl,n euch ctx (6i uonth prrioa, ehen ttre'selu;s strrrel tray not.:+oss any_ sr.lh Balcr. rransfer, conve_yance or otber-afii"rftfil';;bl's Parcel ulEhout glvl:ng notite to the aenainlng guncr ;G;ua;i [;sectlon 15-or abova and igaln fotloring ttrJrio-dEauiee Eet. fsrtlr in,thlg Article ]'5- eet for.tlr herein shill be aDeclaratLon renaine ln etlect. r Rlght. The right of flrst refueal'contlnutng righg Eo long as th{s t SEc1troH 16.01.Eaclr FrevLston of ttifs D€eI@rErr,r. t^ yvr-r.rr' eE EirlE p6trJ,aEaEaon, AnCl Ag-egEAnE, pfOillEe.covenar.t atrd undertaxing to corply rittr =acn'F";dr;n-oi-ifrIi aP.rIer.E 16 Itrsgr&r8gEsss P?:ly.I_1?!,--and any neaeeesrv ExEiiefon or riilrlarlon nr sr""t-"ftl9rer 'qst'at'e.' rigtrt or interagt to eff€ctuate any provi-Crcn oitble DeclarEtioni (et 6hall be dccEed Lntorioiiiee-inLacn aroi oiothcr lnatrrl.nr by uhlch any righr, riGie or -rliiiEei -iJ-"Riportion ol Parcel i or parcrl-E is- Erantid,- aeile"g sr conveyeclwlether or not Eet forth or referrla to in Etrl d6€d sJ ol,neilfiry:llj ,flt elrall,,ly vtrrue of-acccFtano" of any rrirl-, irtt;or rntereaE ln a$y psrtlon of parcel A or parcer B bl an-ovner, leA!!T?n sccepteC,_ r_teip5.edr_adopted and dcctareS ig a pereinalcovenant of euch^ osnlr a1d-,. li_ q perEcn.r =orrenant, dnarf Gblndlng sn sush orneC ana 6'te -tdri,--pei""nii-i"preien€i{rvcc, tuacessors a$c aeel,Ena tb, ntth and f6r -the bcncf lt- of eactr -orrnEi of any portton of parcer A oE pqrcer B1 and (c) ihall-b* eEEDea--irear esvrncqt by Decrar*nto, for th,sD3al.vra, irrlet-rrelrr, earjor,arr€pre,;entativrE, EuccegEors and .aeeLEna, inC ales il'e-qr.faEbt;seryltude ruarrlng ulth evcrt portj.olr og paecer a and pareil B. SEefIolI 15.02. Enforcenent and Rqn.eiles - (c) -Each p=ovi.eion o! thr Decraraclon eharl be ealcrcelbre bvany-ouner b.y a ;rroceedlng for a prohibttlve or trandatorv rnrunJir"ior br a euLt cr.actr.on to reco?er qPaEe_g. ii-court-eidieeaiigiere instltuloc .l.n .eonnactlon vlth ure ?tglts oi -enroieo-ene a.idrencdiee provicec in ttrle Dactarer{on, th; prevllllir!-party ;b*tlb'a entleled to rscover its cgasE and eilrenaee li -ceniection thcrevLgh, inelnCJ.ng reasonable attornCya, f-eei-.-- ,, (bl Each_ os:Rer. trercby a€irece that any and al1 aetlonE tnequrEy or at ras shlch ase inrtltuecd to errfsrea 3ny provlrl0n D"g*l l605l.6ttt 17 rlea :.. 'so ba.'347y1ue t, o:"r. rn rrll|Ess eE of the - }*iEREOF, gec day of I a . z-Y) hereunder shalr be bgougbts in and only in tha DtetrLct court ofEagla CoutlBy, colortdo. (cl Falrure ro onforc€ ahy provlrlon cf thle DecraratLonghall not operate aE a uatvcr oC iny eych prevl-slcn or og ani"tbr;Provislon .oJ thi-s Declarati.on, or- ot thl rlghC-to engorie suchprovlglon thereafter 9EcrroN 16.03. Fxerqisa o!' Bj.ghts. rhe exercl,ee of any rlghtgranted her-esnder ly ffispast to tac oth6t ordrrdt;Farcel or unLt, in-tudtngr hrt nse Ltitted to, ttre uei of arn,eagenent grallted herein, eharl bs Gxerclced ln a rnsnaer urrrcr aniiinot snreasona,bly hlnder, lnpede o! lntcrfrrc stth such octrerC$ner.B gse sf hla parceL anA Uatt. sEeTrotf 16,04.shall bc bLllsd r . Eech Orrnetl€d lor a,Il€lgg!r+c, gag,, t€Iepf,one, cdlre cerevision-, irater, Eerer and otber v uBltlrl.eE and arnrl-ces sirpplJ,.d to rsld O$nosri gai&f-. ---- sEcrroH 15.05-.. slrccgesorE an4 ts6tgne. Excepc ar cthemLeoprcvld+d hargin, thl.s nesraration shauEe btndlng-uitoB llra eharllnure to tha benegtc of ereb Declata* anal eseh -osier aaa trrerireapective he,Lra, personar repreeentatlvee, su.eeieorl ano aesrEnE. SEqffiOl[ 15.06. SerreraE4ttv. Invall-dgLlon of any s! thecov€r.atrts, leatrictslonr or btler prcvielonE contelnea- in thisDeeraration-fv Judgoent_ or asu:rt pider gharl Ln na uay alfect -iri-alt any cther prevJ.elonc uhLch ehsll rsnaln ln ili forca andeffeec. sEqBrol| 16.07. capttans. Bh6 capElono and headLngre ln thJ.eDecteraclo$ sr. tror co;GGG onry en& Ebarr, n& lc conilaerea rnconctrilrlng any pronJ,elons of tlris DeclalatLon. EECETOX 15.08. Conef,ructlon. tthen nEcBsEat.lr f,or FloF€rconEtrutrttcn, the nascurJne of any rord ueeal ln thts oeclaiabioneball ilclnde ttre fcuLnine or neuair Eender, erra tbe elngrular efrifilnclrrdc the plural, arrd vice verca. lllants have executed this DeclarationY . 1gg{l . sara lr&rnne Glacc 18Dft:llsgt.El9l rvlaR 14 'e4 E4:34pri uo rf-oiFrl' '"'ewfr!t 'l*.'I30Sa2-i05{; r22/22 E?AT8 OF COIPIrIDO @UNTU OF EAGLE day of tsElr.J TSEJUIJ] : STASE OF COIFDAM gtll'Tglll OF EAGT,E dey tsEArl ulPrErt@o$.q? Uotar1l PubU,c )) ss. l The forcaolng lnetn:rnent ua6 acknouledgrad brfcre ne thlr, 199a, by FITHESE uy hand and official seal. t{y Coaeiseion E:qrl,resl Notary Pubtlc )) se. I :rb6 gsregolnE LnstnraonE BBE ecrnoaledgcrr before ne tb,tscf _, 1994, bly srra Lynne Cface. WfTIIESS uy hand and offlcial ssal. ttl,' ContrLtcl,on exlrirac: Notssy hrrblic 19 LAND T Representing March 10, 1994 our order No.: BUYER/OT{NER:. HUGH ITLE G old Republic THANK YOU UARAN Nat.ionaI FOR YOUR 'PFF Title ORDER v2 3 617 MCCULLOH SELLER: ADDRESS r,, Copies: 1 I,ARRY,R, GRACE AND 303 4?6-2251 SARA L. FOR TTTIJE QUESTIONS CALL FOR CLOSING QUESTTONS CALL CLOSER Copies: 1 AIIN: GATL FERRY KAREN HORTH . -'\r ef. Reference: BROWNSTEIN, HyATT, FARBER & STRTCKLAND, TWENTY-SECOND FLOOR 4r.0 17Tlt s?. DEIWER, CO 80202-4437 Copies: IAttn: JIt{ I.IANDEL Reference: LARRY ESICh-TTH (DELIVER IN BUILDING) t COMPANY Insurance Conpany ,qPA,; "!91 TOV.COMJ!/I. DEV, DEPT. 303 534-6335 Reference: SLIFER, SMITII AND FRAMPTON DRAWER 2820 BEAVER CREEK, CO 81620 Copies:1Attn: JAN JOHNSON Reference: SLTFER, SMITH AND FRAMPTON 230 BRIDGE SI.VAIL, CO 81657 Copies:1Attn: KIRK VAN HEE Reference: LAND TTTLE GUARANTEE COilPANY Representing Old Repubtic Nat,ionaL Title fnsurance Company THANK YOU TOR YOUR ORDER 84 5-94 00 SLTFER, SMITH AND FRAMPTON 7€0 BRTDGE ST. AlAtLt CO 8L657 V copies: 1Attn: GEORGE LAMB Reference: COPIES copies: 1Attn: Reference: PICKED UP TOR DELIVERY COVENANTS ATTACHED YES NO 47 6-242t AJ'{ PM ALTA COMMITMENT c ..lrFnrrY F A Our Order No. V236L7 For fnformation onlv - Charges , ALTA Owner Policy $2,077.00 Tax RePort 520.00Endrsmto:':'$3ro"-- g2,os7.oo ***'IWITH YOUR REMI?TANCE PLEASE REFER To oUR oRDER No, v23617.**** L. Effective Date: . March . OZ, Lgg4 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured; 'lALTArr ownerrs policy l0-l7-92 S1,450, ooo.0o . -'\r ia' Proposed fnsured: HUGH MCCULLOH 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthi.s Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Sinp1e 1. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: LARRY R. GRACE AND SARA L. GRACE 5. The ]and referred to in this Cornnitrnent is described asfollows: A PORTION OF: LOT 41, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISTON, ACCORDING TO THE A}IENDED PLAT RECORDED JULY 18f 1978 IN BooK 272 AT PAGE 37o, coUNrY oF EAGLEoF coLoRADO. (WEST HALF) NOTE: SAID LEGAL DSSCRIP"ION WILL BE AHENDED UPON COMPLIANCE WTTH TTEM 5 SCHEDULE B-1. I ALTA COMMITHENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) our order No. V23617 The policy or policies to be issued wiLl contain exceptions to the following unless the sarne are disposed of to the satisfaction of the CompanYi 1. Standard Exceptions l- through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessnents not yet due or payable and special assessments not )ret certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessnents against said land. 8. Lj.ens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT. OT PROPRTETOR. OF A VEIN.OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE . ...... THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREI'IISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August 15, 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 10. RTGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAES €ONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN SNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August 16, 1909, rN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. il. RESERVATION AS TO THE NOR?HW8ST t/4 AF SECTTON 12 TOWNSHIP 5 SOU?H, RANGE 8r. WESr OF THE RIGHT OF WAy OF THE UNITED STATES, ITS PERMTTTEE OR LICENSEE, TO ENTER UPON, OCCUPY A}ID USE ANV PART OR ALIJ OF SAID IAND POR THE PURPOSES PROVIDED rN THE ACr OF JUNE 10, t92O (41 SAT. 1063) AS RESERVED IN THE PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 2, 1945 rN BOOK 132 AT PAGE 405. 12. RESTRTCTIVE COVEN}-NTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMI?TING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION. OR NATIONAL ORTGIN, AS CONTATNED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APTiI 04. T978, iN BoOK 258 Al PAGE 698 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUHENT RECORDED August 25, 1987,IN BOOK 468 AT PAGE 447 THROUGH 472 AND AS RERECORDED IN INSTRI]I'IENT RECORDED SEP?EMBER 15, 1987 IN BOOX 459 AT PAGE 801, AND AS AHENDED IN TNSTRTJI'IENT RECORDED MAY 2, 1990 IN BOOK 528 AT PAGE 154.. J.3. SEWER EASEI'IENT 20 FEE? IN I,]IDTH ACROSS SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED AMENDED PLAT OF GLEN LYON SUBDTVISION. 11. ROADWAY EASEI-IENT ACROSS LOT 41 AS DESCRTBED IN DOCT'MEN?S RECORDED AUGUST2!, l-978 rN BOOK 273 AT PAGE 611_ AND RECORDED AUGUST 25, L978 IN BOOK 273 AT PAGE 981 AND RECORDED MARCfi 14, 1979 IN BOOK 282 AT PAGE 883. -r -= a ALTA COHMTTMEN? SCHEDULE B-], (Reguirenents) Our Order No. V236L7 The following are the reguirernents to be cornplied with: 1.. Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe ful"l consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrurnent(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured nust be executed and duty filed for record, to-wit: 3. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED September 10, L993, FROM LARRy R. GRACE A}{D SARA L, GRACE TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI.,E COUNTY FOR ?HE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $1,000,o00.00 RECORDED September 24,1993; IN BoOK 620 AT PAGE 317, 4. RELEASE oF ASSIGNMENT oF RENTS AND oTHER RIGHTS RECORDED september 24, 1993IN BOOK 620 AT PAGE 318. 5. RESUBDTVTSTON PLAT ACCEPTABLE TO'THE'.COI'1PANY TO BE RECORDED IN SAGLE COUNTY. 6. EVTDENCE SATTSFACTORY tO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISTONS OP THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. i. I{ARRANTY DEED FROM LARRY R. GRACE AND SARA L. GRACE TO HUGH MCCULLOH CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. THE COIJNEY CLERK AND RECORDERS CFFTCE REQUIRES RETIIRN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT FOR RECORDINGI I o ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) our order No- v2361? 15. CONVEYANCE OF EASEUENT TO VAIt ASSOCIATES, INC. ACROSS LOT 41. RECORDED JANUARY 24, 1985 IN BOOK 405 AT PAGE 580. 16. CONVEYANCE OF SKT LIFT EASEHENT TO VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. AND CASCADE VILI,AGE METROPOLTTAN DISTRICT ACROSS LOT 43 RECORDED JUNE 23' 198? IN BOC 454 AT PAGE 934. ].7. RSSERVATTON OF A NON-EXCLUS]VE, PERPETUAL EASEMENT AND RTGHT OF WAY OVER' ACROSS AND THROUGH THE EASTERLy 6 2/3 FEET OF LOT 41 AS RESERVED BY GORE CREEK ASSOCTATES IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED AUGUST 8, 1978 IN BOOK 273 AT PAGE 116. 1S. EASEMENTS, RESERVAT.IONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED AMENEED PLAT OF GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION.' 19. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEHEN? AND JOINr MAINTENANCE D€CLARATION RECORDED Pebruary 22, 1993 IN BOOK 60L AT PAGE 985. 20. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVTSTONS-oF-A'GREEMEN! RECORDED February 22, 1993 BOOK 601 AT PAGE 987. 2L. TERUS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TYPE II EMPLOYEE TiOUSING UNIT RESTRICTM COVENANT RECORDED June L8, L993 IN BoOK 5l-l- AT PAGE 728 AND 729. 22. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVTSIONS OF ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JUIY 01, 1993 IN BOOK 6l-2 AT PAGE 737. ITEMS I, 2 AND 3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED TROM THE OWNI POLICY UPON RECEIPT OF A SATISTACTORY IMPROVEMEN? LOCATION SURVEV. NoTE: SAID SIIRVEY MUST SET oUT THE EASEMENTS SET FORTH rN SCHEDULE B-2 HEREIN. PLEASE PROVIDE LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY WITH THE NA}'IE OF THE SIIRVEYTNG COMPANY AND WE WTLL SEND COPIES OF THE NECESSARY DOCIIMSNTS. NoTE: IF THE II.IPRoVEMENT LoCATIoN SURVEY IS NoT RECEIVED BY LAND TIfLE GUARANTEE COMPA}IY IN SUFFTCIENT TIME TO REVIEW AND ENDORSE THE COHI'TIS}IEN: PRIOR TO CLOSING, ADDITION.LL EXCEPTIONS MAY BE ADDED TO THE POLICY. UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COHPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FTNAL LI] AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF ?HE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE Aj'1ENDED AS FOLLOWS: r?EM NO. 4 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTU' LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR }IETERIAL FI'RNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF I3RRY R. GRACE AND SA.RA L. GRACE. OLD REPUBLIC TITLE INSIIRANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR UATERIAL FURNTS$ED ; THE REQUEST OF IiUGH I'ICCULLOH. lnsurer'.. 010 RtPUBtl[ NAltoNA[ Tlllt INSURANCE C0MPAI|Y, a Minneson orpontion. ierein cslled the Csmp6 y, for a valuable considenrion, hereby commirs ro issue its polcy 0r polirios ol file insurance. as identi{ied in Schedtle A in lamr of the proposed Insund named in Schedrrie A, 8s owncr 0t mongagoe ol the estet: or inuest covend henby in tho land described fi relened ro in Schedule A. upon plynrnl ll rhe premiuns and chatges thenlot; all subjeu l0 rhr provrsions of Schduh A and B and to the Condiltors and Stipulolions heno{. This Dornmimenr shal be elleclvt only urhen lhe idenriry ol the pmpossd Inswd and the amosnt ol the policl ot poliries conmirted for lByr been nsened in Schedule A hereo{ by the Conpany, erthet al lhe ilme ol the issuance 0l lhis [omnitln€nl ot by subsequent endorssrnent This Comrnirmenr h pdiminary ro lhe isJuantr ol slch policy or policirs ol title insuramt and all liability end oblignions hereunder shell ceass aod tenrrnaE sir mon u aher the sllectiw darr hercol or wlren tho polcy ot poltcies comnhtDd [0t shall issue. whichever finr occurs. provided thal the failun ro issue such p0lrcy or policies is not $e lault 0l thB C0mpanl. CONDITI()NS AND SIIPUI.AIIONS l. The rerm "m0ngagr". when.used herein, shall include daed of uust, lrust de0d. ot olher s€curilq insrlment,: -- _--:- 2. ll the proposed Insured has or acquires aclual knovliedge of any defrcl lien, encumbtance. adversE daim or other mataa|lecIing$ersnEorinuf9!l0lm0ngagglhenonco!eredby.thisCornriirment0lhel'lhanlh0sgshowninSched[leBhleof'rndsh8||faill0disc|ostsucho&fe ro rhe Company in wnring. rhe Company shall be nliwed lmm liability lor any loss lr damage nsuhing lrom Eny Ncl ol rdiancr hereon to the exun ths lompany is ptsjudiced by lailure of rhe prgposed lnsund n so disclose such knowldge. lf thr prgpgssd lnsured sha|l disclose such knou,{edge to the Compaly. or if the Company oth€trvise scquires acrual knourledge ol eny such drtecr, liea, encumbnnce, sdverse cbim 0r orhor mruar, lhe Company at irs oprion nay amend Seheduls B ol this Commfumenr acrordingiy, bttt ssch 6n6ndmsnt shall nol rriiet,€ lhe Conpany fiom liebiliry pruviously incund pursuant n pangnph 3 ol these Condhions and Sdpula{ons. 3. tiability ol rhr Cornpany under $is Conmitmenl sha! bs 0nly ro rhe ramed proposed Insured and such panies included undsr rhe definidon ol Insured in fte lfin of policy 0r policies sommhled l0r rnd only lor alrual loss incuned in reliancE heresn in undenaking in good lahh {al to comply wirh $e Equircmen$ hereof or {bl r eliminec ercepdons shown in Schadlle B, or lcl ro acquin 0r cp8le the tstau or inlensl 0r mongage $ereon covend by this Commiment. In n0 rven slull such liabiliry etceed lhi Ernoufir stated in Schedlle A lor rhe policy or polici* commined l0r 8nd such lisbilily is subiect u rhe insunng pmvisions and rhe Condhions and Sripularions and the frclssi,rns fmm Covenge 0t lhe lorm ol policy or poliries commiued lor in {avor of the ptopostd Insured v',hich ate horeby incoryontsd hy refecnce and made a pan of this Commirnent ercepl * erpfesh modified henin. 4. Ary scrion lr acrions or dghrs ol aaion rhat the propDsed lnsurld may have ot may bdng againsl $e C0mpary arising our ol rhe surus of rire rirle ro $r esrare or imen$ or rhe $arus of rhe mongago rhereoa covend by this hmmitmenl must be based 0n and aE subjecl t0 rh8 pmvisions o[ lhir ComrflimBnt. SIANDABO EXCEPIIONS In addhion to lhe marurs conuined in the Condidons and Sipulations and Erclusions hom gDveregr sbove rhis Cornmlmenr is also subjeo l0 thr follov'ing, l. Fighrs or claims 0l prnies in possession nor shown by thr public records. 2. fasemrnts, or claims of eEsemen$, not shown by the public tecotds. 3. Discrepancies. conllins in borndary lines, shonige in area. Sncroachmenls, and any facts which a correct survey and inspecdon of rhe premises would disrlose and whrch an not shovrn by the public rctods. and nol shown by fts public resords. . 5. $elects. $ens, enclmbrances. adyase clajrns or o$er matun, il any. cteted. fint appearing ifl lhe public t?cords orauachingsubsequenlu$eef{rglivedaGher!ufbutpriortolhedal€lhep'0p05edinsuredacquitesoitrcotd|otvaluglheEsEtg0rinuresl0rmong6ge!he'mnc0vendbyth Commiment. lil WITNISS Wl{tnfot. old Fepublic Narionrl Title lnsunnce Company has crused is corporate name and seal lo be hereumo affired by irs duly aurhorired officers on rhe date shown in Schedule A. ro be nlid when covntersigned by a validsdng olficer or orhet authorized silnal0ry. OtD REPUBLIC t{ATlotlAt TITLE II{SUBAI,ICE CBIiIPAHY A Srod tan7aor 400 Secml ArenD S1ttth. Minaceplis. Miarcson 55401 t6t2l3lt.lltr +* ** iQ, I'*+ ** rclened to, 4. Any lien, or dghr ro a lien lor'sewices. labor or mgterial thenmlore or heaahet lurnishd, imposed h law 8y Pntiden. SeveEr; 0gT Foim 2512 ArEst CONSTRUCTION PERMIT E pLuMerNc E rouruoRttol.t NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE OO* April 30, 1993 3a,l'-5-pt4 6008 hn development TO 8E FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PBIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BB BUILDING ELECTRICALn MECHANICAT-^ rIZIU Tleathaven LEGAL "!DESC. LoT /rl BLI(___ FILING €len Lvee I .lOeNR[re , Grace Duptex OWNER NAue Larry & S4ra Glace MATLAoDRESS 3 Churchil-l Dr ClrYEnelerdood 801 10i. 76 l-0850 ARCHITECT rtnM Pierce. Segerberg, €p4r MAIL ADDRESS 1 0OO S F'r"nntaqo Rr Cfw Vail 81657 Pr{.(t-Llrlj GENERAL CONTRACTOR F'RM George Shaeffer Const LO\ryN OF VATT FEqNO. 129-8 rELE. 845-5656 H\,l?liiah ',*" ()ll ?0lrtAa rELE &A+-91'i"8 ,PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ''*"[l hlttootr +/q K rowN oF vArL HEc. No. Lo* 'P,atw MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM IOIUN OF VAIL REG=]!O. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM IGIWILOF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. I.IYPE OF CONSTRUCnON I ll l tV V 2. OCCUPANCYGROUP AB EH IR M DIViSION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WOBK ,- New uonsErucEl-on or uuDtex. PERMIT NO. z F- BUILDING 9b4, {JUU. UU ELECTRICAL 40,000.00 PLUMBING 60,000 . 00 MECHAT,IICAL 30 ,000 . 00 truy4,uuu.uu TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES R-3 7 285 917.000.00 BUILDING PERMIT 4622.00 $$ v M-l L466 47 ,000.00 PLAN CHECK 3004 ^ 00 ELECTRICAL 35S - O0 NEW(^+ ALTERATION ( } AOOITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING 900.00 + 225114t3 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT - NO. FTREPLACES MECHANICAL No Permlt Issued RECREATION FEE 1313.00 INSULATION: rYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 200.00 pp + 300.0 CLEAN.UP OEPOS|T 1000. 00 EXr.wALLs I | |USE TAX,.*l lI TYPE OF HEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMITFEES IL ;7 23 ,00 CR Feldrnann 4-29-93 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDEO: N INITIAL lu[eDrNq oFFrcrAL _. DATEA Knudtsen 4-29-93 IONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING & AUILDING NOTES: Nee<l EHI1 TT deed rpsfri.firrn I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TOI fa,ye ,**"f{* &"r Code and othepync"";, )" r yr aooticable thereto. AND THE OWNER. HIMSELF c ,'-.\ olflce ol communlty developmetrt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE !f this perm.it reguires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer\s' (.PyUllc l,lorks) review and approval,' a planning' neparinentreview'or Health Department review, and a review by the Euitiing Department, the estimated time for a tstal review may take as l6ngas three weeks. All commercial (Iarge or small) and a1l mu'lti-famiiy permits wil'l have to fol1ow the above mentioned maximum requirem-ents. Residentialand.small projects shou'l d talte a'l esser amount of time. Howevern if fesidential on smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments w!th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso taks the three week period. Every.attempt will be made by.this department to expedite this permi.t as s.qon as possib'l e. !, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time ffame. 1{1 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 Grace Duple< Project Nanre Date l'lork Sheet was turned into the Corrnuni ty Development Department. o llflI 75 soulh fronlage roed vail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-21.38 or 479-2139 i TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oftlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISSERED WI:rH TTTE TOWN OF VAII TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEL,OPI,rENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARXING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlavrful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash durnpsteri, portable toilets and.workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, al1ey or public P1?:e or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way on aLl Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will- be striiiry enforcld by the Town of vailPubric worlcs Departnent. persons found vi6latinq this ordinancewlrl be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .rn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specl.fied, the suific WorksDepartment will remove said mateliat at ihe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not bLapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full , please stop by the Tolln of !1if euilding Departmenr to obrain a copy. tirani< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Position/Relationship to project (i.e. contractor, owner) Contractor Date I Town of Vail- 25 South Frontage RoadVail, Coforado 81657(303) 4-19-2138 Pfan analysis based onthe 1991 Uniform nuil-dinq Code Name: GRACE DUPLEX #A Address: 12TO WESTHA\EN CR.Date: ApriT 26, 1993 Contractor: SHAEFFER CONST- CO. Occupancy: R3rM1 Architect: PIERCE, SEGERBERGType of Consl: V*N Engineer: NONEPlins Examiner: C. FELDYIANN NOTE:The code items listed in this reporl are not int.ended to be a completeIisting of afl possible code requiremenLs in the 1991 UBC. rr is a guide tosel-ected sections of t,he code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 14-0 treetEAST Property line 61.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 0.0 FeetWEST Property line 30.0 Feet EXTER]OR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTIONTable 17-A & Tabl_e 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON_BRG OPNG BRG NON_BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNGWALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROTR3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None thr Ohr NOP Ohr Ohr NoneMl Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE materla]. Sec.2201. None -- No Fire protection requirements for openings.ProL -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the waIl maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Tabfe 5-A Maximurn single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openingls are not permitLed in this wall.* -- These walls may be required Lo have a parapet wall_ 30 inches above the roofing. The parapel wall is required to have the samefire rating as the waff. See section 1710. for detaifs and exceptions. l 14.0 Feet 61.0 Feet 0.0 Feet 30.0 Feet FL NAME AREA MIN.L]GHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Bedroom #32 Bat.h room#22 Bath room#32 Bat.h room#42 Bedroom #42 Hal1s, closets, etc TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 Garaqe1 Furnace room 1 T.arrndrrT rn.rm 1 Kitchen1 Dining room1 Llving room1 Master bedroom1 Master balh1 Bedroom #11 Bedroom #21 Bath room1 HaIIs, cl-oseLs/ eLc TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL FOOTNOTES: 340 114 45 5B 248 216 1076 s69 61 52 200 203 780 230 1,5 6 L46 193 BO 804 341 4 4550 34.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.80 0 _ 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 20.30 78.00 23.00 0.00 14.60 19.30 0.00 0.00 17.00 5.70 2.25 2 .90 12 .40 0 _ 00 0.00 0.00 2 .60 10.00 10.15 39.00 11.50 7.80 7.30 4.00 0.00 Yes No NO No Yes No NO NO No No No No YeS NO YeS Yes No No 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I 2 2 t 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly Lo the exteri-oris required from this room. The minimum cfear openable area must meet Lhe following. -- Sec. 7204.1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square4) The maximum sill height is 44 j_nches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A3) A mechanicaf ventilation system may be used openings for ventifation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) feet (Dwell-ings )in in l-ieu of exterior ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habit-able space shall have a ceiling height of not fess than 7 feet 6inches. Kitchens, ha11s, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have aceiling height of 7 feet measured to Lhe lowest projecLion. If Lhe ceilingrs sloprng, then the minimum height is required in only I/2 of the area. --Sec. L2Q1 . (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at Least one room which has not l-ess than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not fess than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shafl not be Less than 7 feet in anv dimension. -- Sec . 720'l . (c\ GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: A1I glazing in hazardous focations is required to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazrng in ingress and egress doors except ;alousies.2) Glazing in f ixed and sl-iding panels o-[ s.L-Ld-ing door assembl-ies andpanels in swingi-ng doors other than wardrobe doors- 3) Glazing in st.orm doors.4) Glazing in alI unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirJ-pools, saunas, stqamrooms, bathLubs and showers. Gfazing in any portion of a buiLding wa1lenclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 j-nches above a standinq surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the gl-azxing is wit.hin a 24-inch arc of ej-ther vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom expo$ed edgeof the glazing is less than 60 jnches above the waiking surface.'7) Glazlng in an individual- fixed or operable panel, other Lhan thosefocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets al-l of thefollowing conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feeL.B. Exposed bottom edqe less than 18 inches above the fl-oor.C. Exposed top edge grealer than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or mo-re walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontal.ly of Lheplane of the glazing. B) Glazing in railings rega rdless of height above a walking surface, Tncluded are structural baluster panels and nonstructural 1n-fi11panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS :A smoke detector is required on the ceillng or wal"L at a polnt centrallylocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area.-- Sec - l-2I0. (a) 4.A smoke detector is required on Lhe ceiling or wa.Ll- in each sleepingarea. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.A smoke detector is required on aLl stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.If the upper levef contains sfeepjng room(s), a smoke detector is requiredin the ceiling of the upper l-evel- c-Iose Lo the stairwav.-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source andshall be equlpped with a batLery backup. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3.Detectors shall- sound an alarm aublbte ih all sleeping area of the dwellinqin which Lhey are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUTREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:1) Fireplace must. be supported b'y a foundation. -- Sec. 3707. (b)2) The firebox must. be at Least 20 inches deep and wal-l-s of firebox areto be 10 j-nches thick. If the llning is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches Lh:.ck. -- Sec. 3107. (c)3) The mlnimum clearance to combustibfe materia-l- is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney walls ls 2 inches. Combustible materiaL maynot be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustiblewithln 12 inches may not projecL more than 1/8 inch for each l inch ofcfearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) I 4) The hearth must be noncombustl-b1e, a minimum of 4 inches thick/ and'supported by noncombustible material . The hearth size must be at l-east:If Opening size is: Front extension Side extensionLess than 6 sq.ft. 16 inches B inches6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches L2 inches -- Sec. 3707. (k) & (l) q\ ^himnarz r-rai,-rhr rnrrcf tra ^6r r"'able 37_BJt OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: RAt-t^'AAn rl-ra rr=-e1e dnd the reSidence. maferialq anrrrnrtaa F r,r thr fireYvgrlgrqjlJgl/y!construct.ion are required on the garage side only and any doors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-closing I 3/B inch solidcore door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Tabl_e 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REOU]RBMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at l-east 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #l- Provj-de a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more rj-sers. -- Sec. 3305. (i) Provide a guard raif where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height= 36 inchesr maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. LiI2.(a) exc. #fThe minimum headroom is 6 ft.- B inches. -- Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usabfe space under the stai rs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (l) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gagegalvanized sheet metal- with all joints locklapped. The outside must bet hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shal-l be protectedby not less than a self-cl-osing solid wood door I 3/8 inches thick orequivalenL. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2l Gas vents and noncombustible piping insLalled in wa1ls passing through3 ffoors or fess do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas venLS, factory-built chimneys, pip-Lng, or ducts t-hat donot extend t.hrough not more than 2 f l-oors need not be in t hour shafts.-- Sec. 1706. (c) 4) AII other shafls are required to be encl-osed in a t hour assembfy. -- Sec. 1706. (a) ATTIC REOUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas wlth a clear height of 30 inchesor more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30inches or more cLear height above Lhe access. -- Sec, 3205. (a) a 2) Provj.de ventifation in all attic areas. The net free vent area isto be not l-ess than l square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at least 50% of the required ventilating -,area is provided by ventilators focated j_n the upper port.ion of theattic. The upper venLilators must be at l-east 3 feet. above the eve orcornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) For a 1111 . 0 sq. ft . attic area: Ratio 1/150 1/300 Miminrrm er^r ft nf vgnt 1 .41 3.70 CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide venti-l-ation eiLher by mechanical means or by openings in exteriorwaffs. Opening shall provide a neL area of not less than l square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawf space. Openings shall be distributedon two opposite sides and be local-ed as close to corners as practical -- Sec. 2516. (c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10% of the aboveif ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and thebuilding offj-cial approves.For a 291 B .0 sq. ft . crawlspace area:Ratio Minimum sq-ft. of vent1/150 19.852l Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access open.j-ng Lo Lhe crawl space area. NoLe:opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipmenl is focaledin the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural- resistance t.odecay or treaLed wood, the minimum cl-earance between exposed earth andfloor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders isis 1-2 inches . -- Sec . 2516 . (c) 2 . ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 OccupancyThis pro;ect wi-l-l require a site improvement survey. Such surveyshall be submitLed and approved prior to request for frameinspection. A11 crawl- spaces wlthin the Town of Vail are limited to a earth tostructural floor ceil-ing heighr of 5/, be earth floor only, beventilated as per UBC 2515(c) 5 wit.h minimum access as per UBC2516(c)2 and maxj-mum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site wilh a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require anengineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soif retainage/ and structuraL desicrn. Excavation befow sfabs on g'rade shal-1 not be permitted without prior approval . Address numbers shalf be posted plainly visible and legible from the ,l For Ml Occupancy SJ:ope garage floor to all-ow for drainage to outside or provide afl-oor drain with with sand and oil interceptor to dry wefl or tosewer. Any garage ffoor drain connected to sewer must be appprovedby Upper Eagle VaIfey Water & Sanit,ation District. In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage which arebearing t.he area above shall be protected with one hour fireresistive construction. UBC 503(b) . tr Town of Va1l' 25 South Frontage RoadVa1l, CoLorado 81657(303) 419-2138 Name: GRACE DUPLEX Date: April 26. 1-993 Occupancy: R3rM1 Tvne of Con.ct. \/-N Pfan review based onthe 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Address: 1210 WESTHAVEN CR. Contractor: SHAEFFER CONST- CO.Architect : P]ERCE,SEGERBERG Engineer: NONE Plans Examiner: C. FELDMANN Sloped glazing (skylights) shall be tempered over f aminate glazing as per UBC 3402. Plastic gJ-azi-ngshall be as per UBC 5201 . A curb may be required depending upon gLazing maLerial, slope of roof, or fl:qhi nrr rrcarl This project will require a site improvement survey.This survey shall- be subrnitted and staff approvedprior t-o a request for a frame inspeclion. Under nocircumstances will- a frame inspection be donewithout an approved site improvement survey. There shall be only one kitchen designaled per dweJ-ling unit allowed by the Town of VaiI ZonlngRegulations. A11 other such labefed areas are not approved and shall not be rough-in constructed as such. It 1s recommended that projects within the Town ofVail- whlch are owner,/builder constructed havefoundations staked out by a licensed surveyor Loavoid possible errors in the location of Lhestructure. Al-l- new construction within the Town of Vail will berequired to have an initial- inspection by TOV Publ ic Works Dept. to approve site drainage and culverlinstallation. this approval- must be complete priorto any inspection by the Burlding DeparLmenl. In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical- ventilation syst-em connected cl ire'r:f lv 1-n thA ^. f qi r]e qh,a l t hc orov-Lded. BaLhrmsurre!! !v twhich contain only a water closet or l-av. may bevent.ilated with a recirculating fan. UBC f205(c) . 1 I ?omest.ic cfoLhes dryer exhaust ducts shall beinstalfed as per UMC 1l-04 and 1-903. Flexible duct connectors may nol exceed 6' in length and shall_ notbe concealed within construction. Ducts shallterminate outside the buildinq and not exceed L4' IengLh. No domestic dishwashing machine shalf be directly connected to a drainaqe syst.em without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fiLting. UPC 608. Cross connection control devices shall be installedto protect pol-lution of potable water supply by useof approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. Plumbing fixtures wit.h mechanical apparatus shall beqrrrrnl i cd r^ri f h ,an a.!i.-6qq rr:na l fnr i ner.'rA..l- i nn rnrl repair of equlpment. UPC 904. Domestic r:anges shall have a vertical clearance above Lhe cooking surface of not less Lhan 30" tounprotected combustibl-e material. UMC 1901. Heating and coolj-ng equipment located in the garage shall- be install-ed with the pilots and burners orheating el-ements and switches at least 18" above t.hef]oor level of the sarase. UMC 508. In buildings of unusually tight construcLion (al1 new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings shall be as per UMC Ch. Approved gas logs may be instalfed in sol-id-fuel hrtrni ncr f r rcnl.ar-e- ^-^,,i rla-l r-x^ r nSLaIl_atiOn iS! r! !Frevvvaccording to the listing insLrucLions, any dampershall be removed or permanently blocked, and aqaf trt \./ qhlrtnf f rzal rra is nrnrli dcd UMC 803.u!vw+vLvt Furnaces not listed for closet or alcoveinstai-l-ation shalL be installed in a room or spacehaving a vol-ume at 1east 12 times the volume of thefurnace. A boiler unil: wjll require a space 16times larqer than the boifer. UMC 504(b) Supply a mechanical drawing indj.caLjng design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipmenL, ventLocation and termination, and combusLion air t.o be suppJ.ied prior to any installation. 12 l_J 10 11 I4 15 16 r T7 Due to Colorado State Statutes, afl sink and shower heads are required Lo utilizerestriction devices. Afgo, the maxrmumflush usage is limited to a maximum of 3per flush. The minimum clearance from the fireplaceto combustible mai:erials is 2 inches - --3707. (h) & Table 37-B faucet L s flow wat.er cl*oset.5 gallons and chimney Sec. 18 19 2A 2T 22 23 The size of the heart.h does not meet the minimum rarrrli rrrman+ o -- SeC. 3707. (I) The encfosed usable space under the stairs isrequired Lo be protect-ed by thr fire-resistiveconstruction. -- 3306. (I) At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment. shallbe provided to proLect a st.ructure from ice buifdup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid moppedto sheathinq and between layers or a commercial-water & 1ce shield mav be used as per Table 3281 . Because of this projecL's locaLion, Lhe foundationis required to be dampproofed Lo prevent damage to areas below finished qrade. UBC 170?(d). The structure is required to be anchored to thefoundataion with 7/2 inch anchor bolts. The bolts musL be j-nto the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maxi-mum of 6 feet apart. See code foradditional requirements. -- Sec . 2907 . (f) Provide truss details by the truss manufact.urer, sengineer. (reg in this stare) 24 B4-29-19S B8:sEFt't P.O, Eor \aiI (304 S1FEFFER G}$TRT.E , pLease Let ug l{now. m Dear 1- 3. IfreEuir s Yr GEORGE Ton Caield intend,ent Tc/rlt cg;rge shaBffer ot 2.of E on$} . ls a 1og structure utlllzlng log purllne for thecture not rafters or trusaea. is anythinE eL6e that ue need to do to neet your FROI'I E|EOo Alrril 9, 1993 lfr,Knudteenfo$n a75 S,va.il, Vailtage Roed 41657 RE: A I c Spaces All a ic spacea in ttre Grace Duplex will have either a ceitinEpf, l-ess than 5' or meet the followi.ng reguirernente:height floor structure wLll be desigmed to have a live lcadno nore than 40 pqwrds per squase fqot {2 x 4 or e x 6ili-ng not the 2 ri rz traiing ibotrn on tbd building GE AEFffR spaqes will o41y be accessl.ble tJrrougb an access panel22tt x 30t ln Elze. 4?9?LS7 P.@ TOTfl- P.@ $,vrtifirutr uf (Drrufsnru @nurn (Df Huil fruilling iBrpurtmrnt THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE RESUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUII.DINC CODE CER?IFYINC THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPI-TANCE \(ITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN RECUITTTJNC BUII-D,NC CONSTRUCTION, AND OR USE. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDCE. Name GRACE RESIDENCE Use Classification DUPLEXIEHU TYPE II Group R-3 Building Permit No. 6008 Typc Construction Owner of Building LARRY & SARA GRACE Building Address 't-hc hrrilling officirl nra.v, in t riring, surpcnd or rcrolc a Ccrri- ficatc of Oc,cupancl issucd undtr thc provisions oi rhir crrdc s hcrr- cvcr (hc ccrlificale is irsurd in rrr()rt or rln the hasis of incorrccr inIrrnration supplicd, or rvhen it is rleicr nr irrcd rhar t hr: huilding rrr lirructlrrc or grrtion thcrcof is in viollrion of anv ordinarrcr or rta,ul:trion of thc'lixvn of Viril rrr ;rnr oi the rr.viriorrs rrf rhir c . R. FELDMA** rruihtine of f ieial POST IN A CONSPICUOUg PLECE -r - i NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 416/93NSTRUCTION PERMIT TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOFTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT .r\.t community development'fiO" nPo ^ PLUMBTNG %twFOUNDAflON spGRADTNG \\"d d 5970 IT lA nnn TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL department ol I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E tv v HIRM DtvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : trfttif,rrou ron PERMIT NO. z tr J BUILDING ELECTRICAL PIUMBING MECHANICAL GRADING xxxxxx 28,000 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT 136 - 00 oIqfi ru PLAN CHECK tt Q nn ELECTRICAL NEW(X) ALTERATION { ) ADDITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMtsING DWELLING UNITS - MECHANICAT HEIGHT IN FT, - NO.FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE UESED{EEUETXEAEIM( .."o" | | i CIEAN.UP DEPOSIT 250-OO EXr.wALLs | | I USE TAX BOOF ttl TYPE ELEC, oF a** HEAT GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 804.00 wooD CHUCK FELDMANN 4/16/93 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N I-NU!A! EUttorNG OFlle rAL - - oAl-E ANDY KNITDTSEN 4/L5/93 IONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING & BUILDING NOTES: oeno||| I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in {ull the information reguired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as reguired is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to lhe Town's zoning and subdivision_ codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and \other o of the T thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: George Shaeffer Const. Co.OF OWNER OR CONTBACTOR FOR HIMSELF THE OWNER. LEGAL ) orsc. LOT.4L BLK FILING GLELIJON- JOB NAME: GRACE ESCAVATION OWNER pa6s LARRY GRACE MAILADDRESS 3 CIIURCHII.L DR]V ARCHITECT FIRM PIERCE,SEGERBERG & SPAE] MAtLADDREssl0oO s. FRONTAGE Rl 6s1yVAlL' CS aa.476-4433 GENERAL CONTRACTOR plpg GEORGE SHAEFFER C0NST. ( -row!{ !E \/AlL REG, NO. I29 - B ) ,rrrr*,ro,. CONTRACTOR FIRM N/A TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TFI F PLUMBING FIRM N/A TOWN OF VAIL 8EG. NO,UUNIKAUIUH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM N/A TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM SPIEGEL CONSTRUCTION TOWN OE]IAILEEG. NOJ3 3 -X fE; 52T:7r48 7 a I f \ I 75 3outh lronlaEc rctd Yei!, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 offlc. ol oomnunlty Oevelopmcnt TO: FROM: DATE: SU&T8CT: ALL CONTRACTORS CT]RRENALYL REGISTSRED WITTT THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL puBtrc woRKs/couMuNITy DEVELOPMENT I,IARCH 16, 1989 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !'{ATERIAL STOR'AGE rn sunnaryr -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrarvfuL for anyperson to }itter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor materiar, incLuding trash dunpsterl , poriabJ-e toileti and - workmen vehicles gFon any streetl sidewaix, alley or public P1*:" or any portion thereof. the right-oi-way 6n alr Town ofvarl streets and.lgads Ls approxirnateJ-y 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be striliry enforcLd by the iown of vailpyPli-" works Department. pers6ns found viiratint tuis-ordir,urr""Idr-lJ- De given a 24 hour sritten notice,to renove said naterial .rn the event the person so notified does not eomply wrtn th; - notice within the- 24 hour tirne specified, tbe p"Lric worksDepartment will remove said mateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapprlcable to construetion, maintenance or repair projects ofany Etreet or alley or any utilities in the r-ight-a-way. To review ordinance No. o in fuLl, please stop by the Town of Ylll e"llding Departnent to obtain I copy. rnanic you for yourcooperation on this matter. Read and acknowLeSlged by: Contractor F,W (i.e. contractor, orrner) I CONSTRUCTION PERMIT - dopertd.nt of communaty danaloprnent fO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PFIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D eutLotnc n pruuerNe [] elecrRrcEl I FoUNDATToN NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE olrie 116/e3 REC'D APR KEPT ON JOBSITE 7 1995 PERMIT NO.l. IYPE OFCONSTRUCTIOT{ | llt tV V 2. OCCUPATICY GROUP AB E H I R M DlrRSlO tZ2' 34 cEI{ERAL DEscRtpiron or wonx , -Dccavat&n for Foundation TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMITFEES ALT€RATION( } AODITIONAL REPAIR ( DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES ADDITIONAL PEFMITS I.'EEDED: INSULATION: 'YPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE INITIAL I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatlon, till€d out in fult ths Informalion required, complet€d an accurate plot plan, and state that all the Informallon provided at required ic correct. I sgre€ to comply with lhe information snd plot plan, lo comply with all Town ordinances and stat€ laws, and to bulkl this slructure according to the Town's zoning and eubirivision codes, designraws, ano Io Duflo rnrs grruclure accororng to tne Iown's zontng ano SuDorvtsron codesr des review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinancos ot the Town applicrble lher6to. CLBAN I'? IIEPOSIT fi): George Shaeffer Const. Co.FOR HII'SEIF Ii||ECHANICAL TEGAL lEsc. [oT 41 BLI(-_ FIL;NG r:.r en ryon Yoeunur, Grace aEEft|< SslcpufTtn) OWNER nure Larrv Grace nrtepp66g93 Churchill Drive s;1y Ehgler,vtod mSoj*] 9or -oeso ARCHITECT r,"rPiercer Seqerberg & Spae lrrrr-rooness1O00 S. Fontage Rd crY vail, co 81 6sfi.476-4433 GENERAL CONTRACTOR tEf c RAq-FAFA nnrGeo Shaeffer Const. Co. wr{ oF v rL aE(L11q. | 29-B kr-'^** nnn w/a TOWII OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRTI N/A IOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FtRit \r/a TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. t3t ! OTHER CONTRACT F|RM SpieqeL Construct ion rowN oF vArL R€o. No. 133-x 'ELE" 524-7148 lnwn 75 aoulh fronLrge ro.d vrll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2\39 olllce of commtrnlty dcuclopmsnl BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI'IE If this peryit. requjres a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer"s (Pgblic Works) reyiew and approval,' a plann.in!' Oeparirnentreview or Health Department review, and a review by the FuiliingDepartment, the estimated time for a tstal review inay take as l6ngas three weeks. A'l'l commercial (large or sma'll) and a]l multi-family permits will have tq fo] low the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand.small projects shquld take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresi.dential or smaller projects irnpact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso talte the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as. soon as possible. I, the under5igned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Gnace Du Pfoject Name Communi ty Devel opment Department. T.TBA]K OF VAIL INREVOCABI.E IJTTER OF CREDIT Town of Vail Attn: Andy Knudtsen 75 S. Frontage Rd, Il. Vail , C0 8L657 Gentlemen: lJe hereby open our lrrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor by your draft drawn at sight on FirstBank of Vail , 17 Vail Rd., Vail , C0 8t657, for any sumor sums up to the aggregace amount of $32,397.00, for the account of Larry and Sarah Grace, 3 Churchill Drive, Englewood, CO 80110. Each draft must bear upon its face the clause, 'Drawn Under Letter of Credit No. 883-9417, dated Aprl1 1-9, L993, of FirstBank of Vai-l.' Each drafr musr be eeeompanied by a statement by a duly authorlzed officer of Town of Vailstating that this draw ls in cormection with firnds needed for the account ofLarry and Sarah Grace . The a.mor.urt of each draft, which is negotiated pursuanC to thLs credit, together with the date of negotiatlon, lnrs t be endorsed on the reverse side ofthe Letter of Credit - 17 VA|L ROAD VA|L, COLOBADO 81657 303.476.5686 We hereby agree that drafts dralpn under and in eonplianee the Letter of Credit will be duly honored if presented toor before July 1, 1993. Except as othemise provided, this Letter of Credit shall Uniforu Cornnercial Code of the State of Colorado as thenUniforn Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit (1974 International Chamber of Commerce (publication No. 400). DATE: AI{OIIMI: NI,]MBER: EXPIRATION: April 19, 1993 $32,397.50 883 - 941"7 July 1-, 1993 with the terms of FirstBank of Vall on be governed by the enacted and the Revis ion) d- ")Andrew H. AHH/wd Senior Vice President AFR-16-1933 B5:Ag FRol'l Tu 13834?9?452 P.E1 0.tnfufr;, JAFRoM: , a<Pn*1.#-f*,t-1J ,,'------ Flrtc3anlc of Farr Desert ?3-000 Etghuay 111, PaLa Degert, CA 92260 6t9-341-7000 FAt #61F568-1845 SE!{EER OF SAGE$ (INGLITDI$E tlIE OIE-T fiFR-IE-19S3 g9:09 FRCtt t3g3l?9t45l P,oI IIEIEIEEEi ilFffiMT HIEIIEtsT HIS rtBrEEMEtfi mrdr ard E4$rfi ho t* Elr dry d l$fil, lBStr tsf Jld amilg 9p4 ut Fi:+L G;a*lhonrr,4er !# trr .Dndlop6i} $E ri t'trfrr 0F -L,*ft VAIL crficd trl'?wnJ. hr Tllttq tgEtrF. llc q*cbFr, - I corilOh or:SF.lrnt 6t l|t" o,s6|tt jE|n$ itsred b!,I 0r vil t0r ut gftg€ *rdopnert lcEbd 8l r-Er +!. Grca-rsrnn?:t 0 wc!ffiiln F_ry.d V* :|flojoort C#rlb, eoryuw ro prritCr ilflrW or s$Ut|elI tF U$'I'F$ St flrc Towr rL nah EFi!r!*d Hs',iii.r* foi -coir*Cin U cadrfrflr{* *t ht$ tri'lr trt EAt' fhe Drrtlop+r ihra iD 31gf it6 r lrew*Orrsrf ff,1pemila !,1& heFoflrE rtEU+JE s tho Toxn thr {r. tnvfou|.rnnF t|l lgrtb t$k il trgltt rs,.trr DrilloFar fl 1r3 1O $uffi) fiIcrtf,t F tsJtt|nhe DotlrfiI|rtH Ehdedi'tr conrndoo 0f hr rDwerrrt9|pnd tnirrwmb by cnene u hc Ltr,rocrt$o h{hr of o(dl h $e *tlsuft {l li ,9E0 *rur ghilt trreih il|''*p ttgnhei rslt rl|d irttcqt t4E.t lru flt* U! ftr lEtt r*eftsnl tcirleind trdr3uffr on $r\rrt nntbff 1{7t, {flr$ {. {tDt cgaT tsl,?t0 fFfr*tE-lggs g9: B9 Tttl *e|rr dr${rtst thtrb l. b. 'r3EE4?9Ijr5I P,03 l. tsg, b€,rthd.ttorrt l*rrrtfisnl, df Town ol Vttt, r*i rlEids C rutr nmrilJ *' ifi lh cerslflr *trt tht hltfirtu: rrfr o[ tlF uniF{t Srelr c arsln, EiNb ot citorrc0, F T0sn or v$ ars ih €.r$m. {ftnrod sdJ dbfrlEE ffir sulf fl {nt, FRO'Io TIIE*FFCRE, ln omkfrrttm ot Sn 10ilflh0 nilrt il ecutftirnlr and Ug $eJ'cbper.d fie Tcrrlh ag{rc ||' tafisrltE: bftddos tiFQfiy qrocr tt lF $* ail fic $(p€|€€e, b furnn| s qr#rErr nuErbl |tecEcary $ FHft|fi Sfid $ofiFlstr rd hp|srrFmorb on or lhi|r ep.r En* trnFl.tr, in r gftd sdsrnni{r ffi}?tH. ttt r,egradr,g lrrd nmding a*rE sF.ul3{t €rEctg 0afilt ila*, D Hffi thc lst hlr trrr*drs m surE !e-tho sF.u$rt grEctg pfiilt FrH*, D brlng thc tgt hh ttrr'&drg mmsurs ae ' tro trFoftrt|ric fi/i"+y hy Erg$ t/tftt sururying. lnc tfutilr l.c?? rhri tF+ll r,ffirF Fib il p|J|s rtrC tsa&te'rb hf lhr pr#c lH h the affco of thr 00}9r cft*ri$lE, .*g|dngE. m:pe, sFdilodonr, .ltltihra, sd othor !r|r[.r. rEd bf t|c *ydqrur b bo ipornd by ery cl tho *ruftd|rltrocd rmrfihl rr{fllee AI erfC wsrt *ni bE C0as Hrder thc trrr!|don Ef, |tld b t|e tstcn ol &s Toro hE g Oltfrl, I d*r dli€*tt kom ft. toiln d YJl, IlC lS t* dsei,ird a$ffke unul rpotld dld gs{afibd !! carflrtnl by trc To*n r DHichpE toay * |n' firil $Bfin F thr oo|rbrd srtlqCtf |Igl hr& ggl,+ 19t 0lrr loll'r 0f toll|ff|l rt|Dirbh h ule Tsf,n b gorrmlgr hr ffltftful flilFHlofi 0r0ff iltfttv$fmr t ,le{rff te nffft rnC lll Fciftfirqn* c[ 0rr tnmr of lhb llll Connudly Ecwlryncnt il?rrttdrt. €&Fdrd 00|l d 3rft|rfift fi 14ss6311316 h s|t rrim sf t91,350. B,$ elerptrnc: tr |r Toin sl rffiyu EElahrC dd bril $t orflnl icll ilf4*#e|r. strllltrrf-*B-har$i |Bc|rad Ut dlc pndep|r. DftEhFr. heftby S{ctt b U{tflniff! f H iotd ftffrflais SE 'l ot rF, tod rr ot lb rls fltf,rB Ird atpffit andnrt anr lopsr, q[1rrf, cmnf,ff, dr lf,Hlies lo ttc towrl 0r llu of iF off*r, rrou of rrfiFlgyrff r||ril bffsfr|r 8rlilgc t . I rs *ry ruoh loc-at, tl*rr, {lrn** or lr$lb (r rnfcnr ln firPf,t tDrcfl||t5 o.Jl ol of $t bltad |rofl lty pcrlElmrrer bf the Urwherr toirndrft end S.NdoFrr A||| r.trbu$a 0!6 ToHn t$ rny fiC* he* cr eou rxFil* lon*ty hc||'od Ey lhe TG*|t in comcc[m $!r hwrlgdE cr #rndng etry lo|c.flkt\. iltnto, S$ifil 0f ecFn rrrb lr*mnfi ssutlcn fi*l H Tl t0 atry C$rr r*fu *+rEft Int OtrSlsp6 rntr lfrs. I lt{rn lllll h0[ nfi 6heil ii,t olftsr or EfiHtt€s lhsrEsf, be l& ot rEsFfirdtligtt t3d(h|l. haa fi *ilrulE hryed1ry or ouu*rg t fro r}!fi +6cil5 iD ltl}EEgf,|r, fED ut I*JJIHIE t ryg'|tlg Df gErrrFrg E sm mtfr gFacft- m tlll nf' nr dul lna torn. ns rnt qlioar or gndoyae fiGrtd, b€ lahtE 16r gntt Er EEFrtt hlrBC hf rsosr of bF lnllr of t# rt6rli. hldof !ti, PR-16-ISS3 E3; 1E 1:@:4?9145e F. 04 t|e Ow*F$ ilF rt eo|rPlG fig ililFfsylF*|rF h ador#E rffii at lh. b EoflFlec $tt urinfihrC lmmrumon* OF EABTE FFSlo ftdorr *t lu* hr'th m bf fii| Nsfirt|r t , 1 3fl1, $r lcnn |'ry *[rrt*lnFy llcm lE Eocr d ttlll0: forn il|e cati |.otEw frrdl lrjfi.l3 rr nrrr hr p*tee hrnts nutnny aeie' !$ lllF r{feg||ofi{ mry bB affmd |'|Em fr6 b , Flvtc{ ihrr r|rtr ri|EHrldrFh h urlffiB td otcaftd tt d Flhs hrfifo. r r\|rGc|firrr irrd H rnb|Eru {d.rd !|| DaEhFfr Ffruide4 tpr ].r. &* h ar!flt itil DclrttEpfi rrilr s frilmE Sle Fpe,f. ilf, fl$l!fia ol $6 gorgborftt t|ffir rrrry h t'iln d !f nc purche*r of SrO ggpo{f rrd *Hl lnt,o $ i|oter otllil0fie haufit0r. ll b oe.md, ftrturr. lrl nr !ffidnFton Ol tt*;* otrfigdfir $'d ba affclrrc l,tr*iir E F Trrn dfig lr Ft!'flCt' r|fi nnfrfrr ftfl$rhg at htrrf,.00ti olihrlhrrhl aanClonC hr ETATE ooLoHtDo oftpEdgtg DcvslcF* htr$,Errffit t$s.m€ tE EElsto$hq|€d bd.tt ||r€ tfd.i or IfUt- -. rwzF trny F. Qrroi. my h{df$ rffiCrl Ht, oefirrltliul $sl|t llE. , AFR-16-1993 €9:ll FE*1I 1f0I4?38452t F. E5 Drv$Dil .rw JE I fgflFcirrg .trc|rslEFrr lfiFg|lgmE fi Af,rooraEEt UaS islgffil@ed E||O.E mt fiig cf -Hflrl{. .. .l4bbrsaruLGrE. colDnAoo l l rt' oF cAd-E l rry hEru *ld olfrlal *ar. |TR-IE-I!EB gB: ll FRtn T0 13@l?9t45.t p.05.-, -rtr lv- I r fillUt{ OF VAIL i I ii 9Y,-,I untf-:ffit]'t$F{ I I Ef,ATEsrcotoRAEo II lss.oouHrYOFEACLE ) I fh* rtrtSoir€ oorchpr lnprwcnmtlgrwmiant il|a ad'not'tntnd hobte me lltlu - ,d+ol- - -19-bul^ir,t(ffi'Irftnrs ny trul rC afftid r.tl. I Wconnbclc| oxntet fl}i.,- I ! I'|llilt hJHb I i ) I I t I I I i i I TO?H- P. B T0r. fl_ P, @6 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT depanment of community developmsnt 70 AE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMII [] eutLotNc ! plunrarNc NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE ___DEgllg!!' 2L, 1993 6557 ETECTR'CAI D FOUNDATION MECHANICAL N LEGAL \ DESC. LOT 4l BLK FILING GLEN T,YON 7 rceruRuE, cRAcE MEcHANTcAL PERMTT OWNER NAME LARRY GRACE MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH- GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ) e r-ecrnrcnl CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL FIRIL IdH T11E]dATER PT.ITMRTNC rowN oF vAtL FEG. NO. 104_P UUN I T(AU IUK rELE. 926-37A8 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO, TELE. 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AS E H IR M DfVfSION r22a34 GENERAI DESCRIPTION OF WORK : ME'!IT ATlT A AI DI'I'MTIT! EI/.\D rttrr.F ta ,t rrrrr rrr PERMIT NO. zo F J BUILDING ELECTRICAT PLUMEING //B AND CARETAKERS I'NIT MECHANICAL ffm 51,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VATUATION PERMIT FEES v-N R-3 BUILDING PERIIIT t.+L5 PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAT NEw( 9y ALTERATION ( ) ADDITIONAL ( ) REPAIR(4tU BIIIC MECHANICAI 1020,00/PC 255.0( MEcHANTcAL ,-lt HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACEg -'F -,s St\ a t0-$ss\J RECREATION FEE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSITEXr.wAlsI L I USE TAX ROOF WILL CALI 3.00 TYPE OF ELEC. SOLARHEAT GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES lffb f278.00 LDING OFFICIAL OATEADOITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL "r cur | | I IING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING {ING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the in'ormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning review approved, Uni{orm Building Code and othgr}fii,naq66\ of design thereto. AND THE OWNER. FOR HIMSELF ?* oF vArL co*srRuqrro* I PERr,rrr # bS7 PERUTT FOR}I r ; ,l.iour coupr.ETEri'll'6R rr r,rht i/ot sr AccEpEED PERIIrT rNroRuATroN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f.* *.. Job Nane: Lega1 Description Io Ovners l{ane: l-pleetrlcal []d-]fechanleal Address: Address: EI.,ECTRTCAL: $ Ph.- Architect: ceneraL Deecription: Work Cl.ass: [X-New I J-Alteration t ]-Additional [ ]-Repair t l-otheE BUILDING: I PLTIMBTNG:f*********ffi*MECHN{TCAL; Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing qgltf4ctor! AddresE: l{echanical Contractor: Address: ********** * * * ******** * ** * * *** * ** FOR BUTLDTNG PERUIT FBE! PLT'}IBING PERUTT FEE: IIECHANfCAIJ PERITII1I FEE: EI.,E9TRICAI. FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRE FEE: Town of Vail Reg. _.IO_.Phone Nunber: Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Val.l Phone Nunberl Torn of VaLl Phone Nunber: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PER}'IT OTHER: I TOTAL: I Reg. NO. al wffi n, /Y' OfFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PIAII CIIECK FEE: PIUI.IBING PX,AN cHEcK FEEI 'T-![EcuANrcaL PrJ{t{ cHEcK rne: 7m- RECRE,ATION FEE: BUII,DTNG: STGNATUNE: ZONING: $IGNATTIRE: [ ]-other eyr.a: -!c1"+ t{unber of Dwelllng unltss A/ Nunber of, AcconnodatLon unitE: r rypnber and Tlpe of Fireptaceai cas Appliun."=;B eas ro9q3 wood/pellet-v {******************************i** vAtuAfroNs ********************************t I luttn 75 roulh trontrg€ ro.d urll, color.do 81G57 (3031 479-2138 ot 479-2139 offlc. ol communlly davrlogmcnt BUILOIT{C PERFIIT ISSUANCE TII.IE FRAI,IE If this ?enlit. Igqrj.re: a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval,Engineer"s (.Pgblir llorks) leviey and approval, a planning'Depariment review qr.flealth Department review, ani'a revfew uv irre duiibing'-Department, the estimated time for a tstal review inay taki ai t6ngas three weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits willhave ta f€ll0w the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand.small projects_should tal(e a lesser amouni, of time. However, ifresi.dential or smaller projects lmpact the various above mention6ddepartments. with regard to necessary review, these projecii mayarso tiKe tne tRree week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi.t as sgon as possible. - !, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Comnuni ty Devel opment Department. I , lnttn go: rROM: DAfE: SUB.TECT: 75 south lrontag! rord uail, colondo 81G57 {303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash durpsterl, pori:able i,oileti ina - trorlmen vehicl'es, upon any streetl sidewaik, attey or publicp1?9" or any portion theieof. rr," iishi;i;;t-;n alt rown ofvar-I streets and.19ads is approxirnately S ft. off pavernent.This ordinance witt be iiriitiv entorc6o uy tt* rown of vailPlllig l{orks Department. pers6ns found viitatins this ordir"r""Irrl_ be given a 24 hour written notice to renove-said naterial .rn, the eyen! the person so notified. does not cornpry witrr itrenotice within the- 24 hour tine specified,, the pubric woirs---Departnent wir.r renove said mateiiat at ihe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance "f,ifi not beapplicable to construetion, maintenanse or repair projects ofany street or aLley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To-revl'ew ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofJ1!f Auflding oepartrnent to obtain I copy. sLani< you tor yourcooperation on this rnatter. offlcq ol communlty derelopmcnl AIL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYI. REGISTERED WX$I AH8 TOI.VN OF VAIL TOWN OP VAIL PITBLIC !{ORKS/COI.!}|UNITY DEVEIpPITENT IIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.{ATERIAL STORAGE (i.e, conttractor, owner) o ffi WHITEWATER PTUMBING & HEATING, INC. P.O. Box 1316 / Vail, Colorado 81658 30$.92S3708 / FA,\ 303-926-3368 ISrMz{ &p/q/ %drf })GoslSE3. c,ds\.,| S *\ {sr' F (88ts /F 1t..tr \ 6J\*srbo \ >) $FFiliB 4; o tn {c.(r- . CLI},tAf,E CONTROI 'r 1537 130 GLENI|IOOD SPR]NGS, RESIDENTIAI/TIGHT ,44",; CQ}1[Itmslirnefffiltli,r:fidl{mflilri!{ttrt; tt*lfi}e@ffigFtslg.t-- ROAD * co 81601 COMMERCIAIJ I{VAC LOADS CLIENT! GEORGE DATEI CUSTOM I.,OG DUPI.,,EX SHAEFFER CONSTRU 4 /26/93 DESIGNER! CL,IMATE CONTROL CO. CLIENT INFORMATION! NAME: ADDRESS: GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P.O. 373 CITY, STATE: AVON, COLORADO TOTAI BUILDING LOADSs BLDG. LOAD AREA SEN. LAT. + SEN. = TOTAI DESCRIPTIONS QUAN LOSS GAIN GAIN GAIN 3-D WTNDOW DBL pN LOW EMrE WOOD FR 604 L8,97L 9-J FRENCH DOOR DBL LOW E WOOD FR 135 4t0L7 12-c wAr.,L R-11. + 1/2" Gyp$.ttlt{R-0,5) 2,684, ?1.r01,3 12-J WAI.I. R-11 + R-8 SHEATHING L74 757L3-r PARE R-Lg +L/2"ASPHI,T BRD(R-1.3) 81 L94 16-H CErr.,rNG R-38 TNSUT,ATTON 3?597 81136 L9-D Fr.,OOR/ENCL CRAWT ITARDV{D + R-l-g 2,480 51610 20-E Fr.,OOR/OPEN CRAWL ITARDWD + R-30 32O 1,030 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36,469 36 t4698r560 8,560 3 1767 3 t767136 13631 3L 2r619 2t6L900 83 83 SUBTOTAI,S FOR STRUCTURE!10,075 59 t728 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51,665 51,665 PEOPLE APPI.,TANCES DUCT?{ORK INFILTRATION W.CFM3 429.8 VENTII.,,ATION W.CFM: O. O SENSTBT,E GAIN TOTAIJ TEMP. SWING MULTIPIIER BUII.,DING I-,OAD TOTAI.,5 00000 5,043s.cFM:286.6 0 41r135$.CFM: 0.0 0 0 105,906 0 02,85L 2,851 5r 359 5,35900 59,875x 1.00 59,875 59,875 SUPPI,Y CFM AT 20 DEG DT: SQUARE FT. OF ROOM AREA: _.2,722 CFU PEn SQUARE FOOT:3,583 SQUARE FOOT PER TON: 0.760 718.096 TOTAI., HEATING REOUIRED T{ITH OUTSIDE AIR: I.05.906 MBH TOTAL COOLING REQUTRED WITH OUTSIDE AIR: 4.990 TONS CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON 7TH EDITION OF ACCA IIAIiIUAL J. ALL COMPUTED RESUI,TS ARE ESTIMATES AS BUTLDING USE AI.ID WEATHBR MAY VARY. BE SURE TO SELECT A UNIT TITAT MEETS BOTH SENSIBLE Ar'fD LATENT IOADS. ******** nusrpsNgrAll AI'ID LI CLIMATE CONTROL COMPANY CUSBOII{ LOG DUPLEX * * * * * * * * * rt * !t ,. * * * * * * * * * * * TOTAI.' ZONE o GTIT COMMERCIAJ-, HVAC I,OADS 4/26/93 LOADS FOR ZONE # ",CLrr" soflrwARE GLENT{OOD SPRINGS, ******* co 81601 PAGE 2 1 *!tt!******************** BLDG. ]-,OAD DESCRTPTIONS AREA QUATII SEN. LOSS LAT. + GAIN SEN. = TOTAL GAIN GAIN 3-D WINDOW DBL PN I-,OW EMIT WOOD FR 9-J FRENCH DOOR DBI., LOW E WOOD FR t2-c wArL R-LL + l/2" GYPSUM(R-o.s) 1.2.J WAI-'I., R.I.l. + R.8 SHEATHING 13-r PART R-19 +1/2"ASPHL,T BRD(R-1.3) L6-H CErr.rNG R-38 TNSUT,ATTON 3t597 811.36 19-D rLOOR/ENCr, cRAWr, IIARDWD + R-19 2t48O 5'610 20-E FLOOR/OPEN CRAWT. HARDWD + R-30 320 1,030 604 L8r97r135 4 t0L721684 21,013L74 75781 194 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 t469 8r560 3 t767 136 31 2 t6t9 0 83 36 r 469 8r560 3 1767 136 31 2,6L9 0 83 SUBTOTAI.,S FOR STRUCTURE:10 r 075 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59,728 0 0 5,04 3 41,135 0 51 r 665 0 0 2,85L 5r359 0 51,665 0 0 2,85L 5,359 0 PEOPLE APPIIANCES DUCTWORK INFII,TRATION VENTII,ATION W.CFM: 429.8w.cFM! 0.0 S.CFM: 286.6 S.CFMT 0.0 SPNSIBLE GAIN TOTAL rEMP. SWING MULTIPLIER BUIL,DING L,OAD TOTAL,S SUPPLY CFM AT 20 DEG DT: SQUARE FT. OF ROOM AREA: 105,906 59,875x 1.00 59,875 59,875 2,722 3r583 CTM PER SQUARE FOOT: SQUARE FOOT PER TONS 0.760 718.096 TOTAL HEATTNG REQUTRED WITTI OUTSIDE AIRs 105.906 MBH IOTAI COOLING REQUIRED !{ITH OUTSIDE AIR; 4.990 AONS CAI-,CUf,ATIONS ARE BASED ON 7TH EDTTION OF ACCA }{ANUAI, J. AII COMPUTED RESULTS ARE ESTIMATES AS BUII.,DING USE AND WEATHER MAY VARY. BE SURE TO SELECT A UNIT THAT MEETS BOTE SENgIBf,E AND LATEN'II TOADS. t GHB coMMERcrAr HvAc L'AD, "e"rtE soF',wARE ******* GLENWOoD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 4/26/93 PAGE 3 ******** nssrorwtrAl AND LI CI.IIVIATE CONTROI, COT4PANY CUSTOM LOG DUPLEX********************** TOTAL BUILDING LOADS PIE CHARTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Total Eutldtng Loss = 1ffi986 DTUH tlal I Soof Floor Iluctuork Glass Zl.7lz I:'"ii Inrirtration 38'8{z Iotal Building Gain = 598?5 EIIIH Glass ?5.Zr,r Infiltration 8.95i1 Iluctuork 4.76?,:, f loar g.L{z f,oof 4.thr l,fall 6.51lz ****;*** ngsroru,rrAr-, AND "t coMMERcrAr HvAc L'AD, "t"rrE soFtrwARE ******* CLTMATE CONTROL COMPAT{Y GLENI{OOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601" CUSTOM LOG DUPI-,EX 4 /26/93 PAGE 4 * * tr ,r rr * * * * * rr * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * MISCELLTANEOUS PROJECT DATA ************************* DESIGN CONDITIONS: OUTDOOR DRY BULB TEMPERATURE INDOOR DRY BULB TEMPERATURE - ZONE DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE - ZONS INDOOR.OUTDOOR GRAINS DIFFERENCE OUTDOOR DAILY TEF{PERATURE RANGE GENERAL PROJECT DATA: PROJECT DATA FIIJE NAI4E: WINTER -15 DEG.F 72 DEG.F 87 DEG.F O GRAINS HIGII C: \EI.,ITE\GRACE-A 3,678.00 0.00 739.00 0.00 2,939.0i) 3,597.00 7 t275.OO 230.00 300.00 39 .00 1.00 1 1 SUMMER. 92 DEG.F 75 DEG.F I.7 DEG.F TOTAL GROSS WAI-,L AREA NON-GLASS DOOR AREA TOTAI NET GLASS AREA TOTAI SKYLIGHT AREA TOTAI.,, NET WALL AREA TOTA]-, NET ROOF AREATOTAI, EXPOSED AREA SF SF SF SF st' SF SF PEOPI.,E TATENT IOAD MULTIPI,IER: PEOPI-,E SENSIBLE LOAD MULTIPI.IER: LATITUDE DEGREES: TEI{PERATURE SWING MUI,TIPLIER: EXTERNAI, SHADING TYPES : NO. OVERHA}IG OF'3'SET L. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OUTSTDE AIR DATA: INFILTRATION AIR CHANGES CUBIC FEET OF CONDITIONED PER ITOUR: SPACE: I.IINTER 0.600 42.983 SUMMER 0.400 42 t983 25,790 0.0167 17 tL93 0.0167 TOTAI., BUI],DING TOTAI., BUILDING INFIL. & VENT. INFII.,. & VENT. INFII.,,. & VENT. INFII..TRATION CFM: VENTILATION CFM! SEN. GAIN MUI.,TIPIIER: f,AT. GAIN MUTTIPLIER: SEN. f,OSS MULTIPLTER: L8.70 =0.00 =95.70 = 1.10 0.68 1. L0 x x x 429 .8 0.0 L7 SU!,|MER O GRAINS 87 WINTER 286.6 0.0 TEMP. DrFF. ) DIFFERENCE )rEMP. DIFF. ) ******** nESIDENTIAL AllD CLII,IATE CONTROL COIiIPAIIY CUSTOM LOG DUPLEX**************************** ITEM DESCRIPTION LoADs st,,rte sorrwARE ******* Gr.,ENwooD sPRrNGs, .o"l*3ol o I,IGHT COMMERCIAL HVAC 4/26/93 DETAILED ROOM AREA .U- QUAN VAL. toADS ***************************** HTG HTM SEN. LOSS CI-,G LAT. SEN. TITM GAIN GAIN ].. LIVING ROOM E -r[ArL-].zC 22 X 22 w -wAm-L2c 22 x 22 N -?0Arr-L2c L8 x L0s -wAr.,r.,-12c 18 x L3 w -Gr.,AS-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 oES w -Gr.As-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 ots E -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-L 0gS E -GI.AS-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 08S E -GIAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 ots w -G.DR-gJ 2-P O-0 S-1 0?S w -G.DR-gJ 2-P O-0 S-1" ots CEIL-].6H I.,IGHT 38 X 28 FtooR-lgD 38 x 22rNFrL. W: 1"67.5 S: L1L.'/ DUCTWORK ROOlttl TOTAL.,S 2. KITCHEN I{-WAI.,T.,-L2C 9X3L s-PART-13r 9X9 w -Gr,As-3D 2-P O-0 S-L 1[ -Gr,AS-3D 2-P O-0 S-]. w -G.DR-gJ 2-P O-0 S-1 w -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-L FLOOR-19D 26 X 18 INFIL. W: 45.4 S: DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAI,S 22.0 wID X 38.0 LEN = 836 SF 328 352 180 234 48 36 48 36 72 24 24 L t064 836 2b8 0.090 7.80.090 7.80.090 7 .80.090 7 .80.361 3t .40.361 31.40.361 31 .4 0.361" 31.40.361 3r..4o.342 29.80.342 29.80.026 2.30.052 2.3 55.7 0.050 0.090 7.80.055 2.40.361 31.40.361 31.40.342 29.80.361 31.40.052 2.3 55. ? 0.0s0 2,568 1.42,756 1".41,409 L.4 L t832 1.4L,508 63.41,131 63.41,508 63.4 1, 131 63.4 2 t26L 63.47L4 63.47L4 63.42,407 0.71.891 0.016,031 7 .3 1,893 0.050 39,754 L,EN = 468 SF Lt574 1.4 1 94 0.4660 63.4660 63.4625 63.4471 63.4 L, 059 0.0 4 1342 7 .3 479 0.0s0 10,064 CEIL.ITT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 = 22.0 46t 494 253 329 3r043 2.282 3,043 21282 41565 1, t522 L1522 775 0 2r088 L,133 23 t792 18.0 v[rD x 26.0 CEIL.HT = 9.0 20L 8t08s 2Lors 2Lots 2t08s t5 468 30.3 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 282 31 1,331 L,331 1,331 95l" 0 566 29L 0 6r LLA ******** RES]DENTIAI AND L CI,fMATE CONTROI-, COI,IPANY CUSTOM I,OG DUPI.EX**************************** ITEM DESCRIPTION COMMERCIAL IIVAC LOADS BTELITE SOFTWARE ******* GT.,ENwooD sPRrNGs, "o"l*fol o IGHT 4/26/93 DETAILED ROOM AREA -U- QUAII VAL. LOADS **** * * ***************** ****** TITG HTM SEN. LOSS CtG LAT. ITTM GATN SEN. GAIN w -WAIL-12C 9 X 13 45n -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 oES ?4 w -GrAs-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 0?S 24 w -G.DR-gJ 2-P O-0 S-L oES 24 CETL-].6H IJIGHT ].8 X 16 288 FLOOR-19D L6 X L6 256INFIL. w: 4L.9 S: 27.9 72 DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAIJS 4. LOWER WEST BATTI 12.0 WrD X 24.0 LEN 3. LOT{ER WESI BEDROOM 16.0 WrD x 16.0 r,EN = 256 SF 3s2 L.4754 63.4754 63.47L4 63.46sL o.7519 0.04r008 7.3 391 0.0s0 8.203 = 288 SF L,206 1 .4757 0.8251 18.4628 63.4628 63.4628 63.4651 0 .7651 0.03,785 7.3 4s9 0.050 CEII..HT = 1i.5 0630 t 15220 L 15220 L t5220 210000 5220 268 o 5,629 CEIL,. HT = 9.0 0.090 7 .80.361 3L.40.361 3r..40.342 29.80,026 2.30.052 2.3 55.7 0.050 0.090 7.80,050 4.40.361 3r_.40,361 31.40.36L 31.40.361 31".40.026 2.30.052 2.3 55.7 0.050 0 2160 1360 1470 1,2680 1,2680 1,2680 210000 4930 250 N -WAr_,L-t2C 9 X 18 154 w -v[ALL-12J 9 X 26 t74 N -GI,AS-3D 2-P O-0 S-l_ ots I w -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 g-1 0*S 20 w -Gr.As-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 08S 20 w -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 ots 20 CEII-16H LIGIIT 24 X L2 288 FLOOR-L9D 24 X J.2 288INFIL. w: 39.6 S: 26.4 68 DUCTWORK ROO}I BOTALS 5. DEN/HAII N-WAr,L-LzC 9X12 N -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-L N -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-L CEIL.].6H LIGIIT 26 X, 12 FLOOR-l9D 26 X L2TNFIL. W; 9.3 S: DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAIS 0Bs 08s 6.2 5 t256 9.0 t29 L47 L47 227 0 r.16 38 804 12.0 wrD x 92 0.0908 0.3618 0.361 31.2 0.0263L2 0.052 L6 26.0 qEN 7.8 31.4 31.4 2.3 2.3 55.7 0.050 9 t644 = 312 sF 720 1.4 251. L8.425L L8.4706 0.7706 0.089I" 7.3 r.76 0.050 3r70L 0 CEIL.tIT = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *******rr RESIDENTIAL AIID IrI CLIMATE CONTROL COMPANY CUSTOM LOG DUPLEX**************************** ITEM DESCRIPTION COMMERCIAI IIVAC LOADS "t"-r, soFTwARE ******* GT.ENWOOD sPRrNGs, "O"lHol t GHT 4/26/93 DETAILED ROOM -u- VAL. TOADS ******** * * ************* t'***** CLG TITM IITG HTM AREA QUAr't SEN. LOSS LAT. SEN. GAIN GAIN 6. TOWER EAST BEDROOI'I N-WALr,-l"2c 9x16 E-WALr,-L2c 9X20 s-wAr,L-lzC 9XL5 N -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-L E -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-L s -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-L CEIL.16H LIGHT 20 X ].6 FLOOR-19D 20 X L6 INFIL. w: 32.0 S: DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAI.S 7. UPPER NORTH BEDROOM w -wALr,-12C 9 W -GLAS-3D 2-P CEIL-16H LIGHT 16.0 WID X 2O.O LEN 0.090 7 .80.090 7 .80.090 7 .80.361 31.40.361 31.40.361 3L.40.026 2.30.052 2.3 s5.7 0.050 E 320 SF L,065 L.4 1, 135 1.4' 963 L.425L I-8.4 L, 099 63.4377 31.4724 0.7724 0.03,061 7 .3 470 0.050 9r869 CEIL.IIT = 9.0 s-l 08s 15S: 3.L 6.0 LEN 7.8 31.4 2.3 55.7 0.050 CEI]..HT = 0 0 0 0 0 0 191 204 173 L47 2 r2L9 377 233 0 399 197 95 L57 L t522 L.,522 L t522 265 522 280 9.0 65 507 66 58 35 731 136 145 L230*s Iots 35ots 12 320 3202L.3 s5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W -WAT.L-I2C 10 X L4 68 E 'VlAtr.-l2C 8 X L4 lL2 w -cLAs-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 oES 24 w -ctAs-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 08S 24 w -G.DR-9J 2-P O-0 S-L oES 24 CEII-I.6H LIGHT 26 X L4 354 rNFIr.,. W: 4L.9 S: 27.9 72 DUCTWORK ROOM TOTALS 8. UPPER NORTII BAIHROOM 14.0 WrD X 20.0 LEN 0 4,140 CEIL.tIT = 11.5= 280 SF s32 1.4877 1.4754 63.4754 63.47L4 63.4823 0.74,008 7.3 423 0.050 8, 885 90 sF 360 L.425L 63.4204 0.7445 7.3 63 0.050 L t323 0.090 7 .80.090 7 .80.361 3L.40.361 3L,40,342 29.80.026 2.3 55.7 0.050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51885 x6 o-06X 15.0 wrD x 46 0.090I 0.36190 0.026 8INFIL. W: 4.6 DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAI.,,S trr.rr****r( RESIDENTIAL AI'ID L CLIMATE CONTROL COMPANY CUSTOM L,OG DUPLEX**************************** ITEM DESCRIPBION COMMERCIA]. ITVAC I.,,OADS SG"T'E SOFTWARE **"**** GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 4/26/93 PAGE I o IGHT DETAILED ROOM LOADS AREA .U. IITG QUAN VAI.. HTM ***************************** SEN. LOSS CLG L,AT. SEN. HTM GAIN GAIN 9. UPPER SOUTH BATHROOM W-WAL,L-12C 8X13.5s-wAr,r,-l2c 8X5 w -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 08S cErL-16H trGHT 13.s X L0 INF]L. wt 4.6 S: 3.1 DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAI,S 10. UPPER POWDER ROOM CEIL-16H LIGIIT 14 X 5 INFIL. W: O. O S: DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAIS 11. UPPER I,ANDING E-WAI.,L-12C 9X26 E -cr,As-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 08S E -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-L oES CETL.16H I.,IGHT 20 X 8rNFrL. ws L0.5 s: 7.0 DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAI.,,S 5.0 WrD X 14.0 LEN 70 0.026 2.30.0 0 55.7 0.050 10.0 wrD x L00 0.09040 0.090I 0,361135 0.026 8 = L35 Sf 7 83 L.43r.3 1.425L 63.430s 0.7445 7.3 105 0.050 2 t202 = 70SF L58 0.70 7.3I 0.0s0 166 13.5 r-,EN 7.8 7.8 31.4 2.3 55.7 0.050 9.0 L40 56 507 98 58 43 902 9.0 51 0 3 54 9.0 303 571 57L 116 131 85 L t777 CEIL.IIT = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CEIL.HT = 0 0 0 0 8.0 wrD x 2L6 0.0909 0.3619 0.361. L611 0. U26 L8 20.0 LEN = 160 SF 7.8 Lt59L 1.4 31.4 283 63.431.4 283 63.42.3 362 0.755.7 1,002 7.30.050 181 0.0s0 3 t802 CEII.,.HT = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o LIGHT COMMERCIAI., HVAC '4/26/s3 -u- VAL. ***********t * * * * * Jr * * f.,. * * * * * * DETAIIED RooM LOADS ***************************** *****it** RESIDENTIAI, AND CLIMATE CONTROL COMPAT.IY CUSTOM LOG DUPLEX ITEM DESCRIPTION L2. r_,oFT w-wAr,L-LzC 6X8 E-WALL-12C 6X8 w-WALL-12C 3XL2 E-WAr,L-L2c 3x12 E -GIAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-L E -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-L w -Gr-,AS-3D 2-P O-0 S-L w -G.DR-9J 2-P O-0 S-L CEIL-I.6II LIGHT 23 X. 22 FrooR-2oE 20 x L5 INFIL. W: 32.6 S: DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAI.S LoADs stL-n" soFTlfARE ******* GLsNwooD sPRrNGs, "o"il$ol CLG ITTM HTG UTM AREA QUAI,I SEN. I,oss LAT. GAIN SEN. GAIN 48 48 0 16oEs L0ots 100*s 1808s L8 506 3202L.7 s6 16.0 Y{rD x 23.0 LEN 0.090 7 .80.090 7 .80.090 7.80.090 7 .B 0 . 361 31.40.361 31.40.361 3L.4 0 .342 29.80.026 2.30.037 3.2 55.7 0.050 = 368 SF 37 6 1".4376 1.40 1.4125 1.43L4 63.43L4 63.4s65 63.4s36 63.4 L, 145 0.71,030 0.3 3 \LLT 7 .3 395 0.050 18 r293 CEIL.HT = 5.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 67 0 22 634 634 L JL|L L,LAL 368 83 406 228 0 4,79L ***;*r.** -nnsrprnrtAl AND L CLIMATE CONTROL COMPANY CUSTOM TOG DUPI.EX coMMERcrAr HvAc r.,oAD, "C"rrE soFlwARE ******* GT,ENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 I IGHT 4/26/93 PAGE 10 ****************************ROOM LOAD BAR cuARTs * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 32 24 s T u H I H 0 u s n 1l D s {5 n00n ruilBER DTfr. U H TZl H 0 U s16 A 1l D$8 LZ n00n HunDEn Cool ing Heating u Pr E n tl o * T H D ff T H R 0 0 tl TOTAL BOOII HERTIIIG A]ID OOOLIIIG LOAIIS t 0 tl E B E A $I D D It n l0 l0tlt u fr E R ll o RI H I E D n l0 l0 t1'l t 0 u E n l,f B s T B E tI n l0 l0II t 0 t, E B U E s T D fi T H L I u I tt G n o 0 fi t) E ll H A ,mL ]lilr t( II c H E H ffi cmrtns ffi Heatins TOIAL ROOI{ HIAIIIIG AttII COOLIIIG L(HI}S u f PEUBP PSE0n uIfHO uBI}AETN Hns0000ntl ur P E n t fi il D I ]t G t 0 I'I 1B 1l '****'*** nnsrneNgrAr, AND ";- coMMERcTAL HvAc r.,oAD, "t"rt' soFTwARE ******* CLIMATE CONTR0L COMPAI'IY GLENWOOD SPRINGS' CO 8l-601 CUSTOM LOG DUPI.,EX 4/26/93 PAGE I-I. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr tr tr tr * * * * * * zoNE * 1 RooM LOAD SUMI{ARY * * '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'r RM ROOM AREA IIEATING COOI.,ING -'-'''- NO. DESCRIPTION (SF) BTUB * TOT cFM BTUII E TOr CFM t. LrvrNG RooM 836 3gt754 37.5 803 23t792 39.7 1'081 FEET OF RADIATOR 72 2. KrrcHEN 468 10,064 9.5 203 6'114 10.2 278 FEET OF RADIATOR ].8 3. LOWER V{EST BEDROOM 256 8,203 7.7 166 5,629 9.4 256 FEET OF' RADIATOR I-5 4. LOWER WEST BArH 288 9,644 9.1 195 5,256 8-8 239 FEET OF RADIATOR 18 5. DEN/HALL 312 3,70L 3.5 75 804 1.3 37 FEET OF RAD]ATOR 7 6. LOI{ER EAST BEDROOM 320 9,869 9.3 199 4,140 6.9 188 FEET OF RADIATOR I.8 7. UPPER NORTH BEDROOM 280 8,885 8.4 179 5,885 9-8 268 FEET OF RADIATOR I.6 8. UppER NORTH BATHROOM 90 L,323 1.2 27 731 L.2 33 FEET OF RADIATOR 2 9. UppER SOUTH BATHROOM 135 2,202 2.L 44 902 1.5 41 FEET OF RADIATOR 4 10. upPER PowDER ROOM 70 166 0.2 3 54 0.L 2 FEEf OF RADIATOR O 11. uppER LAtitDrNG 160 3,802 3.6 77 L,777 3.0 81 FEET OF RADIATOR 7 12. LOFT 368 8t293 7.8 168 4,79L 8.0 2L8 FEET OF RADIATOR 15 zoNE suBTorAr, 3,583 105,906 L00.0 2,L40 59'875 100.0 2,722 LATENT GAIN O zoNE TOTATS 105,906 59,875 4.990 TONS Iaffi WHITEWETER PTUMBING & HEETNG. INC. P.O. Box 1 316 / Vail, Colorado 81 658 30$92S3708 / FA)( 303-926-336E dtrudz flrylf futrlzd V,.*f eatmgz e,ouu :::tr fu,. "*o"rarlCLIENB: GEORGE DATE: CLIMATE CONTROL 't . L537 L30 GLENWOOD S?RINGS, CUSTOM LOG-DUPI,E)I SHAETFER CONSTRU 4 /26/93 RES IDENTIAI/IIGHT COM}IERCIAI, CTIENT INFORMATION: ROAD * co 8160L GEORGE SHAEFFER P.O. 373 HVAC L,OADS DESIGNER: CI.,IMATE CONTROT CO. CONSTRUCTIONNAME 3 ADDRESS: CITY, STATE: TOTAT BUILDING IOADS: BLDG. LOAD DESCRIPTIONS AREA SEN. .&.*:alqlf# ;'].lqriax{f'.l|€.l{r.it0re:€{!$,li[,e**ra;e*,{r$$ $ IAB. +* €AIN SEN. = GAIN TOTAL GAIN 3-D WINDOW DBf. PN LOW EMIT WOOD FR L2-c wArr.,, R-LL + 1/2" GYPSUM(R-o.5) ].0.D DOOR WOOD SOLID CORE ].6-II CEII.,ING R-38 INSUI,ATION 2O.E FI.OOR/OPEN CRAI{L HARDWD + R-30 60 303 2L 640 480 L,884 2,373 840 L,448 L,545 3r804 426 lsL 466 t24 3,804 426 L5l. 466 L24 0 0 0 0 0 PEOPLE APPI,IANCES DUCTWORK INFILTRATION W.CFM: VENTII,ATION W.CFM3 52.8 S.CFM: 0.0 S.CFl4r 4r97L 4,97L 0000281 28L6s8 65800 SUBTOTAIS FOR STRUCTURE:l.,504 35.2 0.0 8,090 0 0 6s7 5r053 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SENSIBLE GAIN TOTAI TEIIP. SWING MULTIPL,,IER BUILDING LOAD TOTALS 5,910x 1.00 13,800 5,910 5,9L0 SUPPLY CFM AT 40 DEG HTG DT: SQUARE FT. OF ROOM AREA: 3L4 480 CFM PER SQUARE FOOT: SQUARE FOOT PER TON! 0.654 97 4.6L9 TOTAI HEATING REQUIRED WITH OUTSIDE AIR: 13.800 MBH TOTAI-, COOLING REQUIRED WITH OUTSIDE AIR: 0.493 TONS CAI.CULATIONS ARE BASED ON 7TH EDITION OF ACCA MANUAI J. ALL COMPUTED R3SULTS ARE ESTIMATES AS BUILDING USE AND WEATHER T'{AY VARY. BE SURE TO SELECT A UNIT [IIA[ MEETS BOTH SENSTBLE A]tD IrAlfENg LOADS. ***,r-Jr*** RESIDENTIAI.,, AIiID T"* CO},IMERCIAL HVAC LOAD' I '",,E SOFIfWARE ******* CTIMATE CONTROL COMPAI'IY CUSTOM LOG-DUPLEX *trlrr.** * * * *** * ** * ******** 4/26/93 TOTAL ZONE LOADS FOR ZONE GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 PAGE 2 + 1 *********************** AREA QUAN 3-D WINDOW DBT PN LOW EMIT WOOD FR 60 0 3,804 3,8040 426 426 BLDG. LOAD DESCRIPTIONS L2-c rvArl., R-LL + 1/2" GYPSUM(R-o.5) 1"0-D DooR WooD sor.,rD coRE ]-6-H CEII.,ING R.38 INSULATION 2O-E FLOOR/OPEN CRAffi HARDWD + R.3O SEN. LC'SS LAT. + GAIN SEN. = TOTAL GAIN GAIN 303 2T 640 480 1,884 2r373 840 L t448 1,545 151 466 0 LsL0 4660 L24 1.24 SUBTOTAI.,,S FOR SERUCTURE:L t504 35.2 0.0 8,090 0 0 657 5,053 0 0 0 28L 658 0 0 0 281 658 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,97L A r97L PEOPL,E A?PLIANCES DUCTWORK INFII,TRATION VENTII,ATION 52.8 S.CFM: 0 .0 S.CFMT W.CFM: W.CFM: SENSIBI,E GAIN TOTAI. TEMP. SWING MUITIPLIER BUILDING LOAD TOTATS 5r910x 1.00 13 r 800 5,910 5,910 SUPPLY CFM AT 40 DEG HTG DT: SQUARE FT. OF ROOM AREA: 314 480 CFM PER SQUARE FOOT: SQUARE FOOT PER TON: 0.654 97 4.6L9 TOTAI HEATING REQUIRED WITII OUTSIDE AIR: L3.800 MBH TOTAL COOLING REQUIRED WITII OUTSIDE AIR: 0.493 TONS CATCULATIONS ARE BASED ON 7TH EDITION OF ACCA MANUAI J. A1.,T COMPUTED RESUI.,TS ARE ESTIMATES AS BUILDING USE AND WEATHER MAY VARY. BE SURE TO SE]",ECT A UNIT TITAT I4EETS BOTH SENSIBIE AND I,ATENT LOADS. ***;**** RE'TDENTTAT-, AND t"t coM*t'RcrAr HvAc rJoAD, t uorr' sorrwARE ******* CI",IMATE CONTROL COMPANY GLENWOOD SPRINGS' CO 8L60L cust-Of',f 1,OG-DUpLEX 4/26t93 I'AGE 3 * * * tr * * * ,i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOTAL BUILDING LOADS PIE CEARTS *********************** Total Duilling Loss = fiI880 BIUH Ilsor ffoof floor Iluctuork 6.tfall €lass LA.15n LL.?s/ir 1.?6?tr L?.ZEi/l 13.652 Inf iltration 3i6.6UU Total nuilling Gain = 5510 BTUH Inf iltration 11.13:,t 6lass thll Door 6+.37'/, 7.ZLia 2.55,1 Iluctuork Floor Soof 1.75iA Z.L0,",4, ?.88,1 ******** RE'TDENTTAL AND tn* coMMERcTAL IIvAc CTIMATE GONTROL COMPAITIY CUSTOM I.,OG-DUPLEX 4/26/93 ,r'i.l: LoADs t ,or*u GLENWOOD SoFTWARE ******* SPRTNGS, co 81601 PAGE 4 DATA ************************** * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MISCELITAI.IEOUS PROJECT DESIGN CONDITIONS: OUTDOOR DRY BUI.,B TEMPERATURE INDOOR DRY BUI'B TEMPERATURE - ZONE DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE - ZONE INDOOR.OUTDOOR GRAINS DIFFERENCE OUTDOOR DAILY TEI'TPERATURE R.,N'IGE GENERAL PRO,IECT DATA: PROJECT DATA FILE NAME! TOTAT GROSS WALL AREA NON-GLASS DOOR AREA TOTAL NET GL,,ASS AREA fOTAI SKYI.,IGHT AREA TOTAI, NET WALL AREA TOTAI NET ROOF AREA TOTAL EXPOSED AREA PEOPLE I.ATENT IOAD MULTIPLIER! PEOPTE SENSIBLE LOAD I.IULTIPLIER: LATITUDE DEGREES: TEMPERATURE SWING MULTIPLIER: EXTERNAL SHADING TYPES: NO. OVERIIANG OFFSET WINTER -15 DEG.F 72 DEG.F 87 DEG.F O GRAINS HIGIT C I \ELITE\GRACE-C 384.00 21 .00 60.00 0.00 303.00 640.00 1,024 .00 230.00 300.00 39.00 1.00 1 1 SUMMER 92 DEG.F 75 DEG.F 17 DEG.F SF) : SF) : sF): SF)r SF): SF) s SF) r t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OUTSIDE AIR DATA: INFIITRATION AIR CHANGES CUBIC FEET OF CONDITIONED PER TIOUR: SPACES WINTER 0.600 5r280 SUI,IMER 0.400 5,280 3, 168 0.0167 2 t1,L2 0 .0167 TOTAL TOTAf, INFIL. INFII. INFIL. BUILDING BUILDING & VENT. & VENT. & VENT. ( r..10 ( 0.58 (1.10 INFII.,TRATION CFM: VENSILATION CFM: SEN. GAIN MULTIPLIER! I,AT. GAIN MULTIPLIER! SEN. I.,,OSS MULTIPLIERs 18.70 =0.00 =95.70 = 52.8 0.0 17 SUMMER O GRATNS 87 WINTER 35.2 0.0 TEMP. DrrF. ) DIFFERENCE } TEMP. DIFF. ) x x x ***;**** RE5TDENTTA5 AuD tn* coMMERcrAr., twAc CI,IMATE CONTROIJ COMPANY r,oADs 3 ,"r*, soFrwARE ******* GLBNvtooD SPRTNGS, .o"filfoi 4/26/93CUSfOM LOG-DUPLEX**************************** DETAILED ROOM LOADS ***************************** IEEM DESCRIPTION AREA .U- QUAN VA3. HTG HTM SEN. LOSS CI-,G LAT. $EN. HTM GAIN GAIN 1.. CARETAKERS UNIT E -WALr.,-Lzc 1L x L5 w -wALr-,-12C LL X 1.5 N -Vf,Alr-L2c L8 x 3 E-DOOR-L0D7X3 E -GIAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 Tq .GLAS-3D 2-P O-O S-I. CEIL-1-6H LIGHT 32 X. 20 FLOOR-20E 32 X L5 INFIL. w! 52.8 S: DUCTWORK ROOM TOTALS L5.0 WID X 32.0 LEN - 480 SF CEIL.HT = 114 0.090 7.8 893 L-4 135 0.090 7.8 L,057 L.4s4 0.090 7.8 423 1.4 2L 0.460 40.0 840 7.2 08s 30 0.361 31.4 942 53.4 ots 30 0.361 3L.4 942 63.4 640 0.026 2,3 1,448 0.7 480 0.037 3.2 L,545 0.3 35.2 81 62.4 5,053 8. 10.0s0 657 0.0s0 L3,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1L,0 160 190 76 151 L t9o2L,902 466 L24 658 28L 5r910 ***i**** RE'TDENTTAL AI,ID t"t coMMERcTAL HvAc toADr l ""rtE soFTooARE ******* CLIMATE CONTROI., COMPAITY GLENWOOD SPRINGS' CO 8160]' CUSfO;M I,OG-DUPLEX 4 /26193 PAGE 6 **************************** ROOM L,,OAD BAR CHARTS *** * ** **************** * **** * 14 TOTAL NOO]I HEATIITG ftlID COOLI]IG tOfiI}S Cool ing Hcating c R n EI A t{I n s U lt II 1 B T11 U H T8 H 0 Us5 A n DSE noon HunBEn ***lrrrr** RESIDENTIAI AND tng CLIMATE CONTROI, COMPANY CUS*OM LOG-DUPLEX COMMERCIAT. HVAC I,OAD'T 'O"E SOFTWARE *******' GT,ENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 4/26/93 PAGE 7 RM ROOM AREA HEATING COOLING NO. DESCRIPTION (sF )STUH 8 TOT CFM BTUIT E TOT CFM 1. CARETAKERS UNIT 480 L3,800 100.0 3L4 FEET OF RADIATOR 25 5,910 100.0 314 ZONE SUBTOTAI LATENT GAIN ZONE TOTALS 480 13,800 100.0 314 13,800 5, 910 0.493 TONS 5,910 100.0 0 314 Itffi WHITEWETER PLUMBING & HE6TING, INC. P.O. Box 131 6 / Vail, Colorado 81 658 303-92S3708 / FA)( 303-926-3368 t&^u flrrper /.*Xs *tb' @ 6o*3* T$ET SRE CLIMATE CONTROL* 1537 130 GI.,ENWOOD SPRINGS, RESIDENTIAL/LIGHT fr6/*,- ROAD * co 8160t COMMERCIAI, HVAC IOADS CUSTOM LOG.DUPLEX SHAEFFER CONSTRU 4/26/e3 CI,IENT INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: GEORGE SH.A3FFER CONSTRUCTION P.O.373 CITY, STATE: AVON' COLORADO TOTAI BUILDING LOADS! "*o"""tlC].IENT: GEORGE DATE: DESIGNER:].IMATE CONTROL CO.c ,lnlr'n{3rI "n,tlg&nfr1 t 1'pr.L:rJ!.r)tiIi.:rr...::: eii:'rr. t.: .f,l!-q!{ri t-'d:1li. .\*:, ". I BLDG. LOAD DESCRIPTIONS AREA QUAN SEN. LOSS LAT. + GAIN SEN. = GAIN TOTA], GAIN 3.D WINDOW DBL PN LOW EMIT WOOD FR 9-.' FRENCH DOOR DBI., I.OW E WOOD FR L2-c WAJ.,L R-11 + 1/2" GYPSUM(R-o.5) 1.6.H CE]]-.ING R.38 INSUI,ATION 1.9.D FIOOR/ENCL CRAI{L HARDWD + R.19 2O.E FLOOR/OPEN CRAWL HARDIID + R-30 431 Lt4 2r7L2 2 t578 L t3L2 633 L3,534 3,392 2L t232 5 1832 2 1968 2 tO37 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 ,427 7 t228 3r807 L,8?7 0 163 26 ,427 7 t228 3r807 L t877 0 1"63 SUBTOTALS FOR STRUCTURE:t 7 ,780 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48,995 0 0 4,24O 35 t790 0 39 r 502 0 0 2,2L0 4,662 0 39,502 0 0 2 tzLO4,662 0 PEOPLE APPI-,IAITICES DUCTWORK INFII.,,TRATION VENTILATTON W.CFM: 374.0w.CFM: 0.0 S.CFM:249.3S.CFt't: 0.0 SENSIBLE GAIN TO?AL TEMP. SWING MULTIPLIER BUII.,DING LOAD TOTALS 89,023 46 ,37 4x 1.00 46,374 46 t374 SUPPLY CFM AT 20.60 DEG DTs SQUARE FT. OF ROOM AREA: 2,050 2 t6LL CFM PER SOUARE FOOT; SOUARE FOOT PER TON! 0.785 675.637 TOTAI., HEATING REQUIRED WITH OUTSIDE AIR: 89.025 MBH TOTAI COOLING REQUIRED WITH OUTSIDE AIRs 3.865 TONS CAICUI,AIIONS ARE BASED ON 7TH EDITION OF ACCA MANUAI J. AII.,, COMPUTED RESULTS ARE ESTIMATES AS BUILDING USE A}'ID WEATHER MAY VARY. BE SURE TO SELECT A UNIE THAT MEETS BOTH SENSIBI.,E AND I.ATENT I,OADS. ******** irss:unN*Ar AND tnr co*s{ERcrar., HvAc L.AD, I*"rn' soFTwARE **rt***rt CLIIVIATE CONTROL qOMPANY |{.. GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81501 CUSEOM LOG-DUPLEX 4/26/93 PAGE 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TO'lilIr zoNE LOADS FOR ZONE * I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BIDG. LOAD DESCRIPTIONS 3-D WTNDOW DBr., PN LOW EMrr WOOD FR 431 13'534 9-J FRENCH DOOR DBL r,ow E I{ooD FR 114 3,392 L2-c wAl,L R-l"L + 1/2" GYPSUM(R-0.5) 2,7L2 2L,232 16-H CETLTNG R-38 TNSUT,ATTON 2,578 5'832 19-D FLOOR/ENCI. CRAWL ITARDWD + R-19 Lr3L2 2,968 20-E FLOOR/OPEN CRAV{T., HARDWD + R-30 633 2 tO37 AREA SEN. LAT- + SEN. = TOTAI QUAI.I LOSS GAIN GAIN GAIN 0 26,427 26.427 0 7,228 7,2280 3,807 31807 0 L 1877 L,8770000 1.63 L63 SUBTOTAIJS FOR STRUCTURES PEOPI,E APPI-,IANCES DUCTWORK 7 t780 48r995 0000o 4,240 89,025 39,5O2 39 t502 0000 2 tzLA 2 t2L0 4 t662 4 t66200 46,37 4x 1.00 46,31 4 46,374 0 0 0 0 0 0 rNFrr.,TRATroN W.CFM: 374.0 S.CFMs 249 .3 0 35 ' 790 VENTII.ATION W.CFM: O.O S.CFM: O.O O O SENSIBI.,E GAIN TOTAI, TEI4P. SWING MULTIPLIER BUILDING LOAD TOTALS SUPPLY CFM AT 20.60 DEG DT! SQUARE FT. OF ROOM AREA: 2,.050 2,6LL CFM PER SQUARE FOOTI SQUARE FOOT PER TON; 0.785 675.637 TOTAJ., HEATING REQUIRED wfTH OUTSIDE AIR: 89.025 t'{BH TOTAI COOLING REQUIRED YilfTH OUTSIDE AIR: 3.865 TONS CALCULATIONS AR3 BASED ON ?TH EDITION OF ACCA I,IANUAI J. ATL COMPUTED RESI'LTS ARE ESTIMATES AS BUII.,DING USE AI.ID WEATHER MAY VARY. SE SURE TO SEI,ECT A UNIT THAT MEEIS BO1[H SENSIBLE AI.ID I.,ATENT I,OADS ' l I 'rAr, AND *"n coMMERcrAt nvAc L.AI******** REsrDENTrAr, AND *"n coMMERcrAr nvAc LoAr), Lor*E soFTvtARE ******* 4/26/93 GLENWooD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 FAGE 3 TOTAL BUILD]NG L,OADS PIE CHARTS ***************tt******* CLIMATE CONTROL COMPA}IY CUSTOM LOG.DUPLEX ***t t r.lt * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * tr Total Euilling Loss = ff1025 ETUH i ltttllt 3 .!.'"*tr,r,1 r:Lr-tni c:,i rifJi,.a{i.1,.",. . r1i:: r. ). .i:14?i!.'tnf 1:./r. .ri, . tfal I Boof F loor Ductuork ,r::,Mr-,"". ":T=w rnri'Itration rs'zw t9.EIir Total Building Gain = .163?4 BII*I Glass ?z.gt 4 Infiltration 10.052 Iluctuork 4.Tlz Flmr 0,352 Boof {.852 l,fall fr.21:z, ********'RESIDENTIAI AND CLIMATE CONTROL COI4PAI.IY CUSTOM LOG-DUPLEX ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr tr tr * * DESIGN CONDITIONS: OUTDOOR DRY BULB TEMPERATURE INDOOR DRY BULB TEMPERATURE - ZONE DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE - ZONE INDOOR-OUTDOOR GRAINS DIFFERENCE OUTDOOR DAILY TEMPERAIURE RANGE GENERAI., PROJECT DATAS PROJECT DAIA FILE NAI4ES TOTAI GROSS WALL AREA (SF) s NON-GLASS DOOR AREA (SF): TOTAL NEf GLASS AREA (SF): TOTAT, SKYLIGH! AREA (SF) ! TOTAL NET WALL AREA (SF): T0TAL NET ROOF AREA (SF) !ToTAI EXPOSED AREA (SF)3 PEOPIE LATENT LOAD MUITIPI.,IER: PBOPT,E SENSIBLE LOAD MULTTPI,TER: LATITUDE DEGREESI TEI,IPERATURE SWING MULTIPLTER: EXTERNAI SHADING TYPES: NO. OVERHANG OTFSET COMMERCIAI HVAC IOADS 4 /26193 MISCELLANEOUS PROJECT DATA * * * * * * * * * * *rr * ** * * * * * * * * * * Fs ELITE SOFTWARE ******* GT,ENWOOD SpRrNGS, CO 81601 PAGE 4 t* L L WINTER -15 DEG.F 72 DEG.F 87 DEG.F O GRAINS HIGE C: \EI-,ITE\GRACE-B 3,257 .OO 0.00 545.00 0.00 2 ,712 . 00 2,578.00 5,835.00 230.00 300.00 39 .00 L.00 SUMMER 92 DEG.F 75 DEG;F 17 DEG.F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0.0 0.00.0 0 .00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0,00.0 0,0 OUTSTDE AIR DATA: INFILTRATTON AIR CIIANGES PER HOUR: CUBIC FEET OF CONDITIONED SPACE: TOTAT, BUILD]NG TNTILTRATION CFM: TOTAT., BUI],DING VENTII.,ATTON CFMS WINTER 0.600 37 ,398 SUMMER 0.400 37,398 22 ,439 0 . 0167 14 r9590.0167 37 4.0 0.0 249.3 0.0 INFI].. INFIL. L8.70 =0.00 =95.70 = ( 1. r.0 ( 0.68 ( r.. r.0 & & & VENT. SEN. GAIN MULTIPf,IER! VENT. LAT. GAIN MULTIPI.IER! VENT. SEN. I-.OSS MUTTIPI.IER: x17x0x87 SUMMER TEI,TP. DIFF. ) GRATNS DIFTERENCE) WTNTER TEMP. DrFF.)INFIL. 'rAfJ *o t** coMIttERcrAt HvAc r-,oAt******** RESIDENTIAL AND t** COMII'ERCIA' HVA. L,.AD' I ""rrE soFTIARE ******* CLIMATE CONTR0L, COMPAIIY GIJENWOOD SPRINGS' CO 81601 CUSTOM LOG-DUPLEX 4 /26/93 PAGE 5 * * * * * * lr * * * * Jr tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DETAILED ROOM LOADS **********Jr****************** CLG LAf . Sff'f . HTM GAIN GAINITEM DESCRIPTION AREA -U- HTG QUAN VAL. HTM SEN. LOSS ].. KITCHEN w-wArL-L2C 9Xl-2 w -GI.,AS-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 w -G.DR-9J 2-P O-0 S-1 Fr.,,ooR-LgD 22 x, L2INFIL. W! 28.8 S: DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAIS 2. LIVING ROOM w -btArT.,-L2c 23 X 30 E -I'lAlT,-L2C 23 X 33 E -GT_,AS-3D 2-P O-0 S-L E -GIAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 w -GrAs-3D 2-P O-0 S-t w -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 w -G.DR-gJ 2-P O-0 S-L w -G.DR-gJ 2-P O-0 S-1- CEIL-I.6H LIGIIT 36 X 28 Fr.,,ooR-LgD 36 x 20 INFII.,,. VI: L77 .O S: DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAIS 3. DEN w -wAlr,-l2c 9 I( 16 s-wAr,L-L2c 9xL5 w -Gr,As-3D 2-P O-0 S-1s -Gr,As-3D 2-P O-0 S-L FLOOR-l9D 14 X L6 INFIL. Wi 29.5 S: DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAIS 12.0 wrD x 22.0 LEN = 264 SF 517 1.4565 63.4714 63.4597 0.0 2 t758 8.6 258 0.050 5r409 4,400 L.4 4 ,925 1".4L,256 63.4 2 ,827 63.4L,256 63.4L,256 63.47L4 63.47L4 63.4 2 t280 4.71,,629 0.0 16 t943 8.6 L,910 0.050 40, 110 CEIL.IIT = 9.0 0930 1, 1410 L 152200 0 359 0 156 0 3 t27L CEIL.HT = 23.0 0 789 0 883 0 2 t5360 51706 0 2,535a 2,5360 L t5220 L,5220 734000 2 r2O70 1,049 0 22,020 CEIL,.IIT = 9.0 66ors L8ots 24 264L9.2 42 0.090 7 .80.361 31.40.342 29.80.052 2.3 65.7 0.050 20.0 WID X 36.0 L,EN = 720 SF 562 5290*s 40ots 90Ots 40ots 40ors 24oBs 24 L,008 720r.18.0 258 16.0 wrD x 1"09 0.090136 0.09008s 35 0.36108s I 0.36L224 0.05219.7 43 0.090 7 .80.090 7 .80.361 3t .40.361 31 .4 0. 361 3L.40.361 31.40.342 29.80.342 29.80.026 2.30.052 2.3 65.7 0.050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 153 19L 2 t2L925r 0 368 Ls9 L4.0 LEN = 224 SF 7.8 8s3 1.4 7 .8 1,065 1.431.4 1,099 63.43t.4 25L 31.42.3 s07 0.065.7 2,824 8.60.0s0 330 0.050 6,929 0 3,34 L ******** RE'TDENTTAT AND t"* coMMERcrAr HvAc L'AD, t uornE soflrwA*E ******* CLTMATE CONTROL COMPANY GT',ENWOOD SPRTNGS' CO 81601 CUSTOM LOG-DUPLEX 4 /26/93 PAGE 5 ****************************DETAILTEDROOMtoADS******!t*!t******it************* ITEM DESCRIPTION AREA -U. TITG Qllp,.lt lzRtrr " HTM CI-,G LAT. gEN. IITU GAIN GAIN SEN. -r,Ci9S 4. I.,.OWER BATH./IIALI-, s-wArL-l2C 9X8 E-WAr.,L-L2c 9x13 s -cLAs-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 E -G.DR-9J 2'P O-0 S-L F],OOR-I9D 13 X I INFTL. W: L7 .2 S: DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAIS 5. UPPER SOUTII BEDROOM W-WALL,-IzC 9X16s -wAlr.,-l2c lL x 14 E-?fALI.',-l2C 9X2 w -GrAs-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 s -GrAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 cErL-16H Lrcnr 16 r( t"6 INFIL. W: 27.5 S: DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAIS 6. HATI.,/I,AUNDRY E -WAr-,[-L2C 9 CEIL-].6H LIGIITINFIL. Wi DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAI,S t2 Si ) 68 96ots 4ots 2I 104r1.4 25 0.090 7 .80.090 7 .80.361 3L.40.342 29.80.052 2.3 6s.7 0.050 8.0 WrD X 13.0 r-,EN - 104 SF s32 1.4752 L.4126 3L.5625 63.4235 0.0L,642 8.6 r.96 0.0s0 4, L08 = 224 SF 877 1.41,143 L.41.41 1.41,005 63.4251 3L.4579 0.72t627 8.6 331 0 .050 6,954 CEIL.HT = 9.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 135 L26 l,, 331 0 2L4 95 1,996 14.0 WrD X 16.0 rEN 7.8 7.8 7.8 31.4 31 .4 2.3 65.7 0.050 CEIL.HT = 11.0 L12 145 18ors 320*s I 256r.8.3 40 0.090 0.090 0. 090 0.361 0.361 0.026 Ls7 205 25 2 1029 251- 186 342 160 9.0 139 96 0 L2 247 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,355 12.0 WrD X 99 0.090L32 0.0260.0 0 11.0 LEN = 132 SF 7.8 775 L.42.3 299 A .76s.7 0 8.60.0s0 54 0.0s0 L rL28 CEII.,,.BT = x11 11 X 0.0 0 0 0 0 trAJ., AI{D t"* coMMERcrAt lrvAc r.,oA****.**'rr! -RE'rDENTrAJ., AI{D t"* coMMERcrAr lrvAc r.,oADrQ "or*E soFTwARE ******* CLIMATE CONTROI. COMPANY GLENWOOD SPRINGS' CO 81601 CUSTOM ],OG-DUPL,EX 4 /26/93 PAGE 7 ************************** * * DETAILED ROOM LOADS *********************** * ***** ITEM DESCRIPTION AREA -U- ETG QUAI.I VAI. HTM CI.,G LAT. HTM GAIN SEN. LOSS $EN. GAIN 7. UPPER EAST BEDROOM E-WAJ.,I-12C 3X2L E -WAIL-12C 10 X B E -WALL-12C l-2 X 5 E -GLAS-3D 2-P O-0 S-t CEIL-168 LIGIIT 23.6 X FLOOR-zoE 23.6 :( 12 INFIL. w: 1.7 .2 S: DUCTI{ORK ROOM TOTAIS 8. UPPER WEST BEDROOM w-WALL-12C 9X18 w -cr,As-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 w -Gr,AS-3D 2-P O-0 5-L w -cLAs-3D 2-P O-0 S-1" w -G.DR-gJ 2-P O-0 S-1 CEII.,-16H IIGHT I.8 X ].8 Fr.,ooR-208 L4 x 7 INFIL. W: 47.3 S; DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAIJS 9. UPPER WEST BATIIROOM w-wAr,L-12C 9X18 N -WA].,L-12C L4 X 4 w -GI.,AS-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 w -GI,AS-3D 2-P O-0 S-L CEII-I.6H LIGHT 18 X I"8 Fl_,ooR-2oE 14 x 18INFIL. W; L9.9 S: DUCTWORK ROOM TOTALS L2.0 wrD x 23.6 r,EN =283 SF 493 L.4626 L.4274 L.4785 63.4855 0.7911 0.3 1.t642 8.6 279 0.050 5r865 = 252 SI. 728 L.4660 63.4660 63.4188 63.3625 63.4733 0.7315 0.34,53L 8.6 422 0.050 8,862 LEN = 252 SF 1r041 1.4 4 38 L.4722 63.4188 63.3733 0.78L1 0.31,904 8.6 292 0.050 6,129 CEIL.IIT = 1"2.0 63 80 3508s 2516 378 28311.4 2s 0.090 7 .80.090 7 .80.090 7 .80.361 31.40.026 2.30.037 3.2 65"7 0.0s0 0.090 7.80.361 31.40.361 31.40.361 31.40.342 29.80.026 2.30.037 3.2 65.7 0.0s0 0.090 7 .B0,090 7.80.36L 31.40.361 3L.40.026 2.30.037 3.2 65.7 0.050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8B LL2 49 L,585 275 73 2L4 L2A 2,5L6 14.0 WrD x L8.0 LEN CEIL.IIT = 14.0 93ors 2r08s 2lots 608s 2L 324 9831.6 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13L 1,331 1,331 380 1r331 236 25 s90 268 L87 79 L,458 380 236 65 248 r.33 14.0 wrD x 18.0 0 5 1623 CEIL.HT = L4.0 133 560*s 23ots 6 324 23213.3 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,786 'rA! AIirD ln** coMMERcrAr.,, IIvAc LoAl****-****-REsrDENTrAr ArirD ln** coMMERcrAr.,, rrvAc L.ADTQ ""rtE soFTwARE ******* CTIMATE CONTROI.I COMPANY CUSTOM LOG-DUPIJEI{ * * * * * ***** ***tr**** * * * * * * **** ITEM DESCRIPTION 4126/93 DETAILED ROOM -u- VAL. GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 PAGE 8 L,,OADS *********************** ****** sEN. GAIN HTG IIT}'I AREA ilutii,t SEN. .l,0gS CLG LAT. HTM GAIN 1.0. UPPER SOUTH BATHROOM I.3.0 WID X 12.0 L,EN = 156 SF 783 1.4859 1.425L 31.4188 63.33s3 0.7919 8.6 t68 0.050 3,531 CEIL.HT = 9.0 s-wALL-L2C 9XL2 E-WAI.,[-12C 9X].3 s -cr,As-3D 2-P o-0 s-L ogs E -GT.,AS-3D 2-P O-0 S-1 oES CEII.].5H LIGHT ].2 X 13INFIL,. W: 9.6 S: 6.4 DUCTWORK ROOM TOTAI.,,S 100 0.090 7 .8lLl 0.090 7.8I 0.361 31.46 0.361 31.4156 0.026 2.3t4 65.7 0.050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L40 1s6 25L 380 114 L20 58 0 I,2L9 ) ' trAr AND tn"t coMMERcrAt HvAc rJoA,*rrrr*4r***'REsrDENTrAr AND tn"t coMMERcrAr HvAc r.,oADrQ uortE soFTt[ARE ******* CL,IMATE CONTROL COMPANY GLENWOOD SPRINGS' CO 81601' CUSTOM LOG-DUPLEX 4 /26193 PAGE 9 **************************** ROOM LOAD BAR CIIARTS ********************** * ***** .t1 IOTAL NOO}I HEAII]IG ftTID COOLI]|G IOAI}S ffi m Cool ing lleatlng L I L 0 tf E n u P P E n s 0 uI H fttt u F P s n D A S T u P P E B tf E SI E E D UBH t( II c H B t{ I lt G ff I H / H B E l) R o o n L ff u il D nt $ E D s o 0 t'l ft 0 o n DA n 0 0 tl E -"Lil Jil[r B T32 U H TZ4 H 0 U s16 A 1l Ds0 45 s00il ltuflBEB TOTAL NO{H HDATI]IG AI!I} COOLI]IG T.OADS Eflm Cooliqg lleating u P P E s u E s T E A T H R U Pr E n s 0 UI H o o n D A T H R o o I 41, Dr3z U H tzl H 0 U s16 A N DSB 1B R00n ttutfBDR trAt AND il"*t coMtIERcrAL HvAc LoA****.****-REsrDENTrAr AND t*t coMltERcrAL HvAc LoADri ,or*E sor'wa*E ******* CL,IMATE CONTROL COMPANY GLENWOOD SPRINGS' CO 81601- CUSTOM LOG-DUPLEX 4 /26193 PAGE I'O **************t ,.*****J.*** ZONE # 1 ROOM LOAD SUItIMARY **********t'***rrJr**'r*jr**** '-------:---- R"tr{ ROOM NO. DESCRIPTION AREA HEATING COOLING (sF) BTUH I TOT CFM BTUH T TOT CFM ]". KITCHEN 2. IIVING ROOM 3. DEN 4. LOWER BATE/HAII. 5,409 6. L L23 3EET C9 FADIATOP. ].0 40,110 45.1 924 FEET OF RADIATOR ?3 6,929 7 .8 160 FEET OF RADIATOR 13 4, 108 4.6 95 FEET OF RADTATOR 7 6,954 7 .8 l"60 FEET OF RADIATOR 13 1, 128 1..3 26 FEET OF RADIATOR 2 5,865 6.6 135 FEET OF RADIATOR T"I. 8,862 1.0.0 204 FEET OF RADIATOR 16 6,L29 6.9 141 FEET OF NADIATOR ].1 31531 4.0 81 FEET OF RADIATOR 6 3 t27L 7 .L 22,A20 47.5 3, 341 7 .2 L t996 4.3 3r355 7.2 247 0. s 2 ,51 6 5.4 5,623 L2.L 2,786 5.0 L,2L9 2.6 264 720 224 104 l"4s 973 t48 88 148 Ll_ 11r 249 L23 54 5. UPPER SOUTH BEDROOM 224 6. ITAIIIIAUNDRY 132 7. UPPER EAST BEDROOM 283 8. UPPER I{EST BEDROOM 252 9. UPPER WEST BATHROOM 252 1.0. UPPER SOUTH BATHROOM 156 ZONE SUBTOTAI-, I,ATENT GAIN ZONE TOTAT.S 2,6LL 89,025 t00.0 2,050 89, 025 46,374 100.0 2,050 0 46 t37 4 3.86s TONS ; r( !^ ,n f\,-r ., PERMIT No. L, --. r: * * i'1. Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite. O, B.):{ 43tJ.:',,1-:it-ui:;:, C'-l 8 i 645 (Excavatlng Contraclor's Name, Address, Phon€, and Licenso No.) ."? ? ffib,TOWN OF VAIL t\j1- ) PUBLfC WAY PERMIT rowNEvnW Work is lor (circle one) WATER SEWEfi GAS ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLE TV totogg4plx6\->lg6poRnny srre lccess permit Fee i50.U0 - liir.i -i ':,:tl \-, r ';tr:r: 7\ 1. Bill to: Paid:Receipt #: INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PI-AN OF WORK ATTACHED a t ?#r-icerron ron 'TOWN OFVAIL l .t SV6et Address TOV Contractor's Lic€nse Number .J.Start Date Complelion Dale 4. Work is for 1ckcte one)Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone cAw Landscaping Temporary Site Access Trench-width (min.4') Length Depth (-) (Permit Expiralion Dale) I, Other o. 7. B. Bond Amount $ - Permit Fee $ - -Total ft{mit Fee g -:\ '' T'-'\'i'' r' ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES TT,TU\T SEbNITHE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB lS STARTED. \ i Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and ulility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signalures are obtained, permittee has option of routing applicalion through the Public Works office lo obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. . Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) -t ',r't 7 t) *'tt,".- Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Nalural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. west (1-800-922-1984 /j i ' ,', TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161) Public Works (47 9-21 5e\ THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction tratfic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance ol the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations, Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certity that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notitied as required. Dats of Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMITI White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communitv Develoom€nt Gold - Conlractor 9. 10. 11. 12. Electricians @79-217 1\ Contraclor's Signature of NUMBER OF PROJECTPERMIT .DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME MON CALLER ,+iiu " I'b,1*-'WED THUR FRI -AM.; PM :*.- . I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr tr D P TEMP. ROUGH O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR \a'nppnoveo r.i,,:'''. CORRECTIONS: ,/ O DISAPPBOVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rtifrsxop V t> 0-t t IN CTION REQUEST blM t SPE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: I NAME MON CALLER FRI AM TOWN OF VAIL -\:t \Q3 ,oe READY FOR LOCATION: THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL t-l tr - /r,prr.rnr-CI FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER M tr tr tl tr ECHANICAL: HEATING D ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL PROVED , tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: t l. t'L'; ....^-r lNSPEcroR C/<=-7"n -*t,'---- goffislc'p DATE t GEORGE SHAEFFER P.O. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 84s-5556 December 20, 1993 Mr. Gary Murrain Town of Vail Building Depanment Vail, CO 81657 RE: Grace Duplex 1210 Westhaven Lane Permit #6fi)8 Dear Gary, This letter is to serve as our acknowledgment of the fact that the unheated portion of the driveway, at the above referenced project, shall meet the ten percent maximum grade requirements of the Town of vail upon completion of the paving in the spring of 1994. we further understand the Temporary certificate of occupancy to be issued this month is contingent upon the completion of the driveway. Sincerelv. AEFFER ON COMPANY George H. Shaeffer IN o SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo-r, .' . ,' .l 'it'-l JoB NAME CALLER TUES r'-AM ... PMREADY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDAII tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ,-- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr Dg.FtNAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 5?a,i.f r !syQ!' Efl. i7 i:ai- - - ..,,1,j- i PEBMIT NUMBER OF,PROJECT -/DATE .' ,l JoB NAME INSPEC, ruN REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:irr\f\l .i CALLER TUES tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ,.1tJtlilterr.rc: '1 ( -- ' .---*--" TI.UNDERGRoUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF &.SHEERu pLvwooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER '- .*:-D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVE tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR nrEsno" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ltJoB ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES . AM TPM jri.. I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tro tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr E]q F|NAL FINAL ! neenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPHOVED(T] REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE /-/r- " / ''y' ll i t-- (-' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJEdT-- ',ff[i - ,i-..-l ilecnoru REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE NAME 479-2138 . .1 I ,,1 t__ i.'t'ttCALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: TION:MON WED ,/,:'' ,1 -..::',/ /j. '. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_.r HOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS U SUPPLY AIR J.APPBOVED .'z',' ,/ tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED COHRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON ','7 fLt"1 BUILDING: B FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D-W-V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR U FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORR DATE INSPECTOR ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE ,,iitoe PBOJECT NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUESMON WED THUR AM,I PM ri q n;dnnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED EUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLvwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL o D tr D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o D tr FINAL O FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ,#"roN REeuESr PERMIT OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME cnLLER I' READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED TOWN OF VAIL ..ii 479-2138 LoCATtoN: I i'iii.l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ,- BOOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING fI GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .'g APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED *,!{f DATE INSPECTOR |r / ^ A.'r )ar| (.,IJLJ (-) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT '] I QLJDArE r /- | t JoB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR : : rNsPECoTt*O$, (-,r nu D,,,Rr( ft!) REQUEST VAIL _________{aD; ,,READY FOB LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B FOUNDATION / STEEL E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING N INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL Do ELECTRICAL: N TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o E tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL N DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED)q neenoveo CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR The lterns below givlng a pennit Please check off ftt** r*sP'crroN's ..MPLETED I need to be couplete before a final C of 0. ln the box provided.n n DATE: FINAL I4ECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICA'.21l|q 3 B-DATE: ,ttv; Ay'q ,t FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: t-J rglpor.lRy c oF o t.\.o\+ t* \a ia> \q 3 DIJ.E: 0r J ' a'r * 'r' '^ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI{CY DATE: LANDSCAPINC D1IE DATE: FILE NAME: \'1c1-1n-1 '1 14:,'10 _til LI ! L,aE7 !ni d.4cr499 h.! Ienl .t , u*{lrnrlIIILs! 1- rlurr.,rrv A.(^.irf F( Inr. COilSti LIIHG STiiiicTue,ii EHGiHttlJb AqqNI. I ATF ..-^,..-'-,- -',--' r. r tiil Ea!1i,1,' rinkvrdo 8m0l -..EJFIR'FFltr,LU l'IEFLrn'r "Qpttr ArriYcr 3;45 P.H.DGpett' Atttnllont B!11 Reslock \rVeaihcr t lob l{umber, 930t8 SeFtcnber 3rD0 r.l{.Fierer, $e-g*rrherg & $paeh Architscts ItaiX., C0 BI 65r Prolcct, Crace DuPlex r net t iEh Eill Rcaloek 8nd Totrr Gartin at Ebe Project aite for final rcvierf o[ lhe EEructufal work' Alr buiLding foundations ar€ cofiplete'-.Buitding 6Eluclural ftamcwork it complete except for inatallatio$ of correr 1og the rrest deck ar€a' touti-5** freftiing^ at rhe lngsaipr 1o! p"rtiiii".-".,a uuu i loor-uhiach i ng rE th* upper kvels' postr iD thcAtl c{rdpleted Eork apPcar8 Lo be in 6aEisfectoEy comFlience ltith reouiremcnts oE the sEructurdl conEEru€tion documenrs ' Flrviawcd EY ' dk4rpt ft9301Ef r1 s,%L"..I'Lf*-"q{,:o'*'',*i u49g :i* %ur^r*fr^S'- Gopl*+ To, ,r 4\ B-611 P-729 FISHER o6/t*jtt4:40 Pc 1 oF z EAGLE II)LNTY CLERK, COLORADO J3; 2/t^' DCC , 0.04 \507807 SARA J, TYPE IIEMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT l\I il L A \-)r WHEREAS, prope4y ('the ornef) ("the Poperty'); and WHEREAS, the O$rn€r wishes lo place certain restdctions on the use of a unil or apanment located on the Property for the benefit of the orrner and the Town of Vail, colorado (.the Toriln.). NOW THEREFORE, the Oirner does hereby impose, establish, acknorledge, declare for the benefil of all persons who may hereinafler purchase, or tease, or hold the subject tand the loilowing reslrictions, @venants, and conditions, all of whictr shall be deemed to run with the land and inure to the benefit and be bonding upon lhe orner, lts respecriive grantees, srrccessors, and assigns. {rfoyr, lkl;bg tf,*1.unit6@--corrtainingj€liouare|eetisherebyrestrictedasaType ll Enployee Housing Unit (EHU) which mJSt comply with all the provisions ot Sections 18.57.020, 18.57.030, and i8.S7.050 ot the Vail Municipal Code as amended. a) The Type ll Enployee Housing Unit - shall not be leased or rented tor any perioa of less lhan thirty (30) @nseqJtive days; and, if it shall be rented, it shafi be rented onty to teriants who are lull time enployees who work in Eagle County. For the purposes of this paragraph, a full time employee is one who works an average ol a minirnJm of thirty (30) hours each week. 2. A Type ll EHU may not be sold, transtened, or onveyed separately from any two family dvelling it may be a part of. 3. The Type ll EHU shall not be divlded into any lorm ol timeshares, interval ownership, or fraclional fee oumership as those terms are defined in the Munichal Code of the Town of Vail. 4. The provisbns of thes€ restrictive covenants may be enlorcsd by the owner and the To$rn. naF*. -IXtrX"t,";t!r:r"F-728ff.s/tlrt-l|tt""nnr,p1o,ofloplrl:t; TYPE IIEMPLOYEE HOUSTNG UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEREAS,Sara Grace 7t I property ('the owner) described as: 2 /rn- DOC'0,00 is lhe otflner of cgrlain 1210 ldesthaven Iane, Lot 41 clen Lyon Subdivision $a f"{ fr .\ vl ('lhe Pmperty'); and WHEREAS, the Orner wishes to placs certain restrict'lons on the use of a unit or apanment located on the Property for the benelit ol the Omer and the Town of Vail, Colorado (the Town,). NOW, THEREFORE, the Ourner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, declare tor the benetil ot all persons who may hereinafler purchase, or lease, or hold the subjeci land the lollowing restriclions, crvenants, ard conditlons, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and lnure to the benefit and be bonding upon the orner, tts respeclive grantees, successors, ard assigns. uniHRMftftdffll3iB containing 506 square reer is hereby resrricred as a Type . ll Erployee Housing Unlt (EHU) which mrs{ corply wilh alt the provisions of Seclions 18.57.020, 18.57.030, and 18.57.050 of the Vail Municipat Code as amended, a) The Type ll Employee Housing unit ---- shall not b€ leased or rented for any peflrd ot less lhan lhitly (30) conseqrtive days; and, if it shall be rented, it shall be reniled onty to tenents who are tull time enpbyees who work in Eagle County. For lhe purposes ol lhis paragraph, a full time employee is one who works an average of a minimum of thiny (30) hours each week. 2, A Type ll EHU may not be sold, transfened, or conveyed sepamtely from any tuo family dutelling h rnay be a part ot. The Type ll EHU shall not be diviJed into any form ol limeshares, interval ownership, or fraclional fee ownershlp as those terms are defined in the Municipal code of the Town of Vail. 1. F *i .3. 4. The provisions of thess restrictive covenanls rnay be erforced by the Oirner and the Totvn. O FILE C0PY Ara, l would be more aoorooriate. He also noted he c,alled t\e Dal/s when he first purchased thelot and indicabd ine ropers *"tt-"a t" -ri"r" rri" r-oad. That pmved not to be possible forlegal reasons. He nobdlt was a aim*ri.it" to build 9n, and they have spent a great dealof time trying to work out the lot. l-Ie said they atroays ioiuod"iftl iuu"top a house as largeas wan permitted, and the original footprint dicl not indicate fi" **Lt going to try to buildapproximatelv 3,700 feet. Mr. Ioper elplained m"-nJie-;r'tiJ n"rt architecb and theengagement of Mr. Pierce because icwas fe-lt he unaerstood ih" p*i""ty, the DRB, and whatthe lrnel-s were trving to do. He .aia -ori Lr rhe rhi;;-rh;iiui"'t"i*a to do had been inan effor[ to mitigate the impact lis project wouldhave. ?i" A-li tii'ir*, shown representeda fair attempt at trying to lo what wo"tJ,ati.fv everyone. - --- E- After furt'her discussion and review <lf several related sectione of the Design fteviewGuidelines, she noted by.right, zoning o" this "itu was not superseded, by the Design ReviewGuidelines'- Larry Eskwith confirmei t[;i;* accurate. After individual council memberinput was heard, Rob Levine moved. lo-o.,r"rt*o the DRB a"arioo approving the Loperapplication based on non-compliance with the Design Revie* G;d;lir"r, specifically chapter18'5.4'050, section A, section-R(1) and B(2), andsection I. to- steiouerg seconded themotion. A vote was taken and the motion plssed, 4-1-1, .li* sn"** opposed; Bob Buckleyabstaining. Bob Buckley rejoined Council. IT: N:' 6 yr u,' 3nnefl,g{a pEC approvar-to arow a Tvpe II Emplovee Housing unir tobe constructed on Lot 4l/Glen Lyovrbro westhaver liie. --rrru'appeu""t was KristenBlume' lhe applicant was I,arry c"..". Ldy l(nudtsen noted that the applicants requestfor an DHU Type II required conditional usaapproval from the rnC. ue rqviewed the March22, 1993, cDD memo to the pEC including a aesaiption of iiru1Jq,r"rt, a zoning analysis,crileria a1d-fndincs, and staffrecom*enditiorrs. Andy called attention to the EHU Criteriaand nofed all of the criteria for this request were met without question. He said staff ardPEC believed that the request met the conditional "se c"iteia.--He emphasized No. Brecardi.nq the e{fect-u-pon tialEc. He noted the amount of traffi,c the proposed EHU wouldcelqr.ate in rhe neighborhood was the focus of discu;i;";f -tlri, ;p;;l from the view of twoneighbors at this meeting. I(risten Blume e*p.essed concenl urro'-it tu" density and trallicflow throughout Glen Lvon. she did not reei ine PEc had-Lken-.J"q.r.te consideration ofthe problens t'hat extra housing would "arrseln the u".. u"- c"ac" ett tni. was a good areato accommodate employee housing, and_explained his plansTo" h-;;;" caretaker on the siteas he was only a part-time residJnt. He s'tated he understooa th" .ir""t there now servingone home was to be widened not orily to permit access to his site, but other sites planned fordevelopment. Howard stone, a resident?wo sites to the west of lhe subject property, agreedwith Mr' Grace aboutlhe buildablilty of the site, and feli in"-r"q"urt"d EHU would becompatible from an architectt'ral stanipoint. He ditl "ot ["u""", hoiu"rn"r, that anyone ha4taken into consideration exactly where'this site was. He did feel the Town had a need foremployee-hougin* tha!. s-taff encouraged Mr. Grace to considei thil, but he referred to anumber of problems with westhavuo d"iu", including thaiii *". tn" ""ry road to the subjectsite' He, like Ms' Blume, lras concenred about futurJr"q""rlr'roo- otrrer no-eowners in thearea should council later observe pnoblems with too -iry sid, tL".". After further discussion, la:ry Eskwith confrrmed. that und.er Ordinance No. l, Series of1993, westhaven Road would be dedicated to Tov guq"*rn, "p-to rov standards. AndyKnudtsen noted currently the private driveway leading from Westhaven Drive to four lots inthe subject area was substandard. He saiJ-ia.. c."i;* a*;i;;;;, with or without theEHU, required upgrading the driveway to 18' in width plus r' rrto"JJ""r on either sid.e. GregHall said standards for a private roai was 22' r""i *iiiu";;;;;;;L easement that wasdedicated in -tf e plat which coujd not be changea ut ini, poi";;;tb,. Greg indicated theeasement had been fully utilized as based on tie plat,andihai,as part or. p;* "g*";;;;with the Forest Service. Afte" b"i;idi;;;"i"rr.ri* Gibson moved to uphold the pEC decisionto allow a $pe II EHU to be constructed on l.rrt AL,Gfen lyon Su-Ua# siontTzt2WesthavenLane.with fildings per staffs memo. Rob Levine s"*oaJth" -otio". A vote was takenand the motion passed unanimously, 6-0. Item No' 7 was a vail rowl.clyal appeal of a DRB decision regarding final design approvalof the Spraddle Creek Sutdivision, locited to the northeast ofth6 Maio v"u r-zo ioterchange.The applicants were SB,C. Development Corporation, represented [y n-if Rothlisberger aidJay Peterson. Mike Mollica reviewed his memo to tle nns dated March 12, 1998, alt"ifi"g U i ntage Club Sales TEL : 1-619-346-5566I , ,i fflg fat" Coaer Sfrnet t :19; Number ot,'Ptgns (lncl. aover) =- FAX#:6rg-s68-9s31 H Olr FAX*I Rer [e3 :t'ot.No.007 P.01 THE VINTAGS CtUB Clf: Vlntage C[rb $afee J.'' ' Addresel TS-005 Vint{e Dr. WeEt MESSflqE CIAL IHSTRUCTIONS: Uryent Pleaee Reply For your Informellon Confidentiaf PleasE dgn and rstum lf nal ruodwd eoneclly, pluae caltr vfntagr club satsr (6r9F46q8660. VIIIIT GF. (:t.trll S/U-Aq. ?b0tl6 VINTAGE DRTVT WI'J'[, TNT}IAN WT:LIJ5. CALTFORNIA SSIIO 6l$ / S,l0"llitltt ' lli|}( 6l$ ./ 668+68l l-.1,l+iii;\,i.'..lll'"{",:i-:"g.iF+t..-,,l,l.i'.l.t.''J.'#c-i}fj:4if,i'*hi'{/ff'dfs,srtz'mrf{aa'$f1..;.,:,'.u"",l.;j.:.i;1#lc1h SPE B tr_ tr tr GOtr TO: U i ntage I Club Sales TEL: 1-619-546-5565 trnEr.sPEB r|Fn$ffi|EilT lffiEEllSlI HIE AGHEEilIENT. rnrdt .rrl rrErHl torE thb S[l dry of rFdt lgE& by md firotu Gfirr rlrd Sue L Gnnr (hildnrfrer udled &a 'Drvdryn and [n TOtTltl OF orlfillhe'fmn1. {Effilg. ilrE tDrDlopdr. rs E corilin 0f ryorB| or fts Srdne pafl* lEsrsd bf or vilh,r the snoe deir$oilrt*, hssH * l$tal. trlrn Btfi/l3lowgBilusdr nnr fss :t 'ot, No .007 P .02 thr Thllr ol Wt, Esb Oour*y, Cffi*, lB ffigrtd E Frirfdt tCGtl{U ot cofiElatl i$ fiE lxtffittt ilfiaTolrrt l0 mahg rsBsffldda pu,euE hr crnpladon oil arddn tcltt|h br$rt; fS dn Oalnloperwlhreto vtlffhb r bryoloplirstil{ereenrilt$rW{ Srf gmrlfig mcurfr b fia Twn d|rt lhr lttForyf,nrnE lrl b|& Frh rn E' d U|E hrdopErwHrEr lo prurrrft mllsbr$iogu$fiFo 9frto|It|tmf dtddln ilJn0udoil 0l 0u *ow,mhrpnced ilrFtortsfdr tr tilerns d tta hYfffi h6wsf arsdl [r tlro rrtounl trf,sf,Efil Eftlolt $htll FrsUts. mr thrttUtt'?l Iru *rg firtr(fir0 ld 4l md |r€fi ||r eocef,r easg|mnt b orglnd 9415 s6f tBt"?uo flriln on t|rr'ery nmhr 1|fi, lF[ ll lt0t |'*rryvlL &9Tr LtltE Uintage Club Sales TEL: t -519-546-5565 Thr lmilr ||tor,rn lEEl ln &ctlb t tr t $flhefl trnby ryEos, el lts solo co$ and s.plttflt, b fufildt rt rqr4tffiit ttt#rhf mc|tatyloFBtfoiln tlxt 00ilF1ffisd lmparumnu' on orbloroI,lffi b ld ln con$rncrnllh firfo[cutFtg: lffi of t|r t nlbdgtra dArnsda." Etrborcce|rs,0fTcnn otvr[ md llr 3Eondsf. aficolpd spodat dkfieG flid/or imrl0l l*Ul9l, A t .rlrr oilt sf sr rtr b{fi*l $on tU Flrlontun* bf fu nnnbfu ttgnrndrr; ld honod by lho Torn in camroetsn srfh he!r*frmlntrny hG olrlm, fiiugo, hbtty or ldgn Tldn lt$rnnlly puddott irqll h h lD rnt of'orfsHryrdrhfr lhg Ortitltf ilry h5rc. nnr f'es ,tt'o: No.007 P.03 ?}IEREFOfiE. h con8LhfflUoft of lhe lbffi'flh5 ffi.frrfl ootrcr|anb end rhB Da,c+i'rrd$e Towhagl'gb Nr totlow$: dnr etgrn dranlnp. rEFE. ryidfroctsns. Ekeldral ald odratrfiDtlor[4 bt rhs *nslspor to Ft mrund W *v of &r *emmlctnnold rmfihl rnilH, All rtd w* sfdl Ua rbFs uFdff tho lnrptilon of, and la fio rdgr Et !uTqrn Eutdrn OmdNl, e oNtrsr slfiddfrom llte Torn dV4, rfit fsbs d|sflrgrl oornFtBb untl s$rsred ald apcapnd fi oarFhEd !|y fia Tonn .rlrr oilt sf srrrublt*l ryon lyprilomum bf fu nnnbfubalrurd Ourlqrr ci- raffiurp tro Tmn lk ny *rd d Fgfl r srtr crFrnrr pnSlykrcnn'od bylho To,wn in comrss{sn dh hYorllflg fr*,hfirr4r thf Ccrnurnily Dcvrlopnml Daprnfi nt. €ll|rlod oortf,lstftf rort fld lltF rougrflsilb b frE srrn d f,113!0. tlcrsloDar 1firy e| ffif Rru florfur Utr aolhEfll orolnrfP rst fuftlt Sovg l0r ilrrfoilil gf odlfiFt||urntrb,le bftsTwn b gufisrFr ftrlrlfttuloomPlrtm urfil [uFfwtrlElltg lsbt?td s lrfi*| *d ft€ FadoilrHnsa ot tlp terrr ot ltlr rptnail *dt rnoaplencr try trTown ol rlhrrdivo d.0td rht bt nt ilb r0ll ilrmilnn' rTen t*|st r|ot rErshall snyolil0srsrefltFlstE ttHud, b3 [ibF or |HFotffilO ily aoddrtrl luae or knaga hryedng Er ooEtrrlng b fto ilui rpttillF ln lfr nsrrhaltht Tcvrn, rror aryofliceror sdmdoyos llrstuof, ba llrhleht ary 0f FtFdr r{tlFdry nsoil 6tfrtfi8hrrs o?!ddrrudt" hrtd otEtkl drall ard re her$y sstultgd br tra Dwrhprr. Dil$pu lrir*yspu hir*yryncb Hf,nilly std hohlhffistiotheTcm, rrdrrql cf llr toalt cnd arybyaeg {ffi |'ty lo0ss, CIFlfit, dtrrngt$ or lffitra lo [r0Towtt orsnyd fts 0illcats, a0lints or eflirloysss firytrFcflir sni|d b, rr rnyarclr ls*rr.cldn. drnagca srli$flthr 1or rndonr |n rupoltrormf; gprr $ell mnplele, in a gnod ueil{ilfldllc lnllnarr all ojra{qg end tumadlry rs ata eFvf€dgrEdlng F.rltiltptatls, bE{r!f fts Mblohlo t|ddhrd Gon[f,rteffi 0l| SDol|raphh turvay bf Er[b Vhlry Sunoyfng, Inc. t*nr6or lf77 ddtd lPril r. $ottlflt€ wlilt il dffi and +sEffiilatfb hr itE FEFd lH h ll|I stf,ns sl hr DernlnFnant Drpadmsnl, lhc Tiln ol Vrit, fld, drdl do $ mfi hctt0r$El Vintaqe Club Sales 'E{, r|J' 4rJu 46-5566 mplcy num |hB b[$ ot 0frdllor toar fi3 cff;lr osdtun fidl frrrsl s lflly E b crmph thc unfrIdtcd hryqnmonr" 8. ))rr. t r lo.pgrffrg DwehFor mlovenrilt AenEmenl $aF astncrffi bhrr mt fild EIWU-.- riffit tsrv H- Graoa, nVhil!rdoflHll FH. ofitmfr|on fiF[lr TEL:1-619-5T""'flU. f e5._-_lJ;{J^r'ro .00.7 P .04 thl Daalopet ldlr rs eorndc*tp}rprovcmmu h ffin slft rl lha nmortoni mt ffii ffii no br thm t{ovafibir l, tl*l, fir Toil} mrf il0ffi p#€s fitfib nutnlt 90fi€ iltsl ttls Adrg|fliflil mry b3 ffiutd€d ftom tll b , golffrd ltutrrdr grunorm*eb hililmrg fidarffirEtllysl Frr|io3 holrb. I Al}l!|l|Grri drdl bc cnbrcafi5 lodr$l dp OilElopcr prtt ltttldr lFntarur, 0ut h rrdrnur Owaspr rcllr a rrnCan fite FtFglU, $t oEfrgf,htteol0te Di\tr|oprr fr* fga*:nrnirftry ba rrrurn d Qt tho pdltfiiesr of ttro Frpstlf ffg . ns] *rd hlsr rp billEr oubril0ill hflftitttllr, I b tmat, nou'h|t . ui$no rutpilon d ffir obhffirrs sl[[ br affmi,o uffi fr Tsvttt $fit {F F lr nJ b ||roh Errndon, tdbn F 0 ar tlt r|iEtdffi ol thr lha|dd ootffion gf !|r gr rE goI#FAFS OF EAqLE F,"'eTlEtg,i;l Uintaqe CIub Salesr t- -r -rr' HrrJ'es Ow*per A r hqgolru -oe*hpar tqFrorrmml tf,[3omEnt U|r |Elfirrt€4od b||ora ma thh d -t+pt/i{. .. . l4Fbt 8m L CrEn. my htrlo and fftur| r9Bl. TEL : 1-619-546-5566 o-- 11:48 No.007 P.05 rcoroRADO l Of EA$-E l$,l TTBAN( OF VAIL TRREVOGASLE LgTTER OF CSEDTT Town of VaiL Attn: Andy Knudtsen 75 S. Frontage Rd. If, Vail, Co 81657 Gentlemen: We hereby open our IrrevocabLe Letter of Credlt ln your favor by your draft drawn at slght on FirstBank of Vall , 17 Vail Rd., Vail , C0 81557, for any sun or sums up to the aggregate :urount of $32,397.00, for the account of Larry and Sarah Grace, 3 Churchill Drlve, Englewood, C0 80110. n Each draft nust bear upon Lts face the cLause, nDrawn Under Lett€r of Credit No. 883-9417, dated Aprll 19, L993, of FirstBank of ValL" Each draft must be accompanled by a staternent by a duly authorized offlcer of Town of Vail statlng that this draw is ln connection with funds needed for the account of Larry and Sarah Grace. Ttre amount of each draft, which is negotiated pursuant to thls credLt, together uith the date of negotiation, nust be endorsed on the reverse side of the Letter of Credic. We hereby agree that drafts drawn under and ln coroplianee wlth the cerms of the Letter of Credit w11"1 be duly honored if presented to FirstBank of Vail on or before July 1, 1993. Except as otherwise provlded, thls Letter of Credlt shall be governed by the Uniforn Connercial Code of the State of Colorado as then enaeted and the Uniforn Customs and Praccice for Docrruentary Credlt (1974 Revlsion) International Chamber of Conmerce (Publication No. 400), Andrew H. r7 vArL ROAD VAlt- COLOBADO 81657 30.9476-5686 DATE: AUOUI'IT: NIJI{BER: EKPIRATION: April 19, 1993 $32, 397.50 883-94L7 JuIy 1, 1993 AHII/wd Senior Vice Presldent o FIL E COPY TAWN OFVAIL 75 Soath Frontoge RIEII Vail, Colorado 8I6JT t03-479 -21 3 I / 47 9-2119 D epartment of Community Deoelopment April 1, 1993 Mr. Bill Reslock Pierce Segerberg and Spaeh 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision Dear Bill: As we discussed on the telephone on April 1, 1993, the issues on the Larry Grace Primary/Secondary/Employee Housing Unit development have been resolved with the exception of two items. These include identifying the types of exterior lighting fixtures proposed as well as getting approval from Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District lor the encroachment of the deck into their easement. I understand that the fire hydrant shown on the engineering will be relocated from what is shown and will be installed on the opposite side of the private road, on the side closest to the proposed residence. Thank you for your quick response on the items that I have requested previously, particularly the revised driveway grades. Please have the approval from Upper Eagle Valley as well as the specifications for the exterior lighting fixtures submitted to me by April 6, 1993. Sincerely, J.*L /../fuN?" *7 /o?4/vu'?1 Andy Knudtsen I Town Planner \ Thomas Hilb 79 Sedgwick Place Englewood, CO 80110 Blume Family Partnership P.O. Box 504 Cheyenne, WY 82003 Sue Ackerman Trust 14010 S.W.56th Manor Fort Lauderdale, FL 33330 Leslie W. Findell 795 Cielo Lane Evergreen, CO 80439 €r3' tq3 [ffiarHfif4firs( C\^/r-L\-xS Cl-i TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMoRANDUM ilLE c0PY Property owners adjacent to Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision Andy Knudtsen, Town Planner March 31, '1993 Appeal of Planning and Environmental Commission decision to Town Council We would like to inform you that an approval made by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) on March 22, 1993 has been appealed by an adjacent property owner and will be reviewed by the Town Council on April 6, '1993. On March 22,1593 the PEC voted to approve a request made by Larry Grace to allow a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be constructed in conjunction with the Primary/Secondary development proposed for this site. lf you are interested in discussing this issue with Town Council members, please attend the hearing which strarts at 7:30 p.m. on April 6, 1993 in the Town of Vail Council Chambers. lf you have questions before then, please call me at 479-2138. - I ,'r':1 Kristen Blume P.O. Box 4122 Yail, Colorado 81658 Harch 30, l-993 Andrew Knudtsen Comnunity Developnent Department 111 South frontage Road llest \tail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Knudtsen, As you know, on March 22, 1993 the Vail Planning Conmission granted a conditional use permit to Mr. Larry Grace for the addition of an employee housing unit to his duplex to be constructed on Lot 4l in the Glen Lyon Subdivision, As a partner in the Blume Family Partnership, f am formally appealing the decision of the Planning Commission on behalf of the Blume Family Partnership and the Sue Ackerman Trust, the colleclive owners of Lot 4O in Glen Lyou. tl hile we are keenly aware of the need for employee houoing in the p,i.l \Iallgy, we do not feel that Glen Lyon is the appropriate neighborhood to begin experimenting with the addition of a third housing unit. to a primary,/secondary dwelling- The tr:fFic flo w in Glen Lyon was very poorly planned. There is only one road allowia g ingress and egress into the community. This road does not even meec Town of Yail standards due to a very eharp curve and an undersized bridge. TrafFic problems already exist and there are still dozens of lots awaiting development in Glen Lyon. We do not believe it would be possible to deny future developers the right to add an employee housing unit if Mr- Grace is granted permission now. Glen Lyon could noE absorb the increased density and t-raffic. $le are also concerned about the complexty of attempting to enforce the conditional use. If employee housing units become a standard addition, it wil1 be impossible to pofce all the units. Even if a violatlon is discovered, there is no appropriate penalty. Once constnrcted, a third housing unit could never be removed from a priuary/secondary unA, and shortterm rentals are far too profitable for a fine to have nuch affect, The potential for abuse will s1r""t exlst. Bor these reasons the homeowners in the Glen Lyon comnunity want the Town Council to review the decGion of the Plannilg Commission. I therefore sp fili1g this fornal appeal Sincerely, &r/* #rrr*-- Kristen Blume cc! Larry Grace I--ll r f- f{" t fr&Pv PLANNING AND ENVIBONMENTAL COMMISSION MABCH 22, 1993 MINUTES PNESENT Diana Donovan Jeff Bowen Greg Amsden Kathy Langenwalter ABSENT BillAnderson 0alton Williams STAFF Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Tim Devlin Andy Knudtsen l. Slarting at approximately 2:05 p.m., the Planning and EnvirgnmentalCommission was called to order for a requesl for a conditional use permit lo allow for an "employee housing unit" on Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision/1212 Westhaven Lane. Applican[ Lary GracePlanner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen made a presentation per the staff memo and stated that the staff is recommending approval of this request for a conditional use permit to allow for an 'employee housing unit". Kathy Langenwalter inquired whether landscaping on this site would be increased lrom drawings shown to the DRB. Bill Reslock, the architect for this project and representative of the applicanl stated that there would be 500 to 600 additional square feet of landscaping added on the sile by redesigning lhe driveway. Diana Donovan inquired whether Westhaven Lane would be upgraded. Andy Knudtsen responded that the road would be upgraded to a widih of 18 feet with 1 loot shoulders on either side. The hearing was then open for public input concerning this proposal. Jim Weir (the attorney for Mr. Ackerman, owner of a duplex on Lot 40) stated that he wanted to voice his client's concern and objection to this proposal. He said that this proposal will increase the density of the neighborhood. He also stated that they are concerned with the enforceability of the deed restriction restricting the use of the employee housing unit lo permanent employee housing. Plannlng and Envlronm enlal Commlsslon .March 22, 1993 Kristan Pritz stated that the Town of Vail can cite the applicant into Municipal Court if the applicant does not comply with the conditional use permit or the Employee Housing regulations. Howard Stone, an adjacent property o\ rner, stated that he was concemed with the enforceability of the conditional use permit. He also stated that he wondered what the Town of Vail intended when the 'employee housing unit' concept was created. He stated that he felt that this concept was not intended to be applied to primary/secondary zoned areas. Mr. Stone further stated that this property was not subdivided tor this purpose. He noted that this was the first primary/secondary EHU proposal. The present request will create three users in a primaryisecondary zoned area and he does not feel there is a standard to be used lo evaluate this situation. Andy Knudtsen stated that the PEC utilizes the conditional use criteria to determine if the use is reasonable for the site in making their decision. fle also stated that this type ol use is allowable in this zone district and that staft feels that this request does meet all applicable criteria. Howard Stone stated that he is also concerned about lhe congeslion this type of proposal could bring to Westhaven Lane. He does not feel that this is a good location for lhree housing units when the site was originally only intended to have two housing units. Kristin Blume, an adjacent property owner (Lot 40, other side of Mr. Ackerman's duplex), stated that she has the same concerns regarding this proposal as those that Mr. Stone has voiced. She also said that she is concerned that the road is not large enough to handle an increase in traffic. Andy Knudtsen stated that the Town of Vail is requiring ihat the road be widened to 18 feet in order to facilitate two-way traffic and that the Public Works Department believes this will be adequate for the area. Howard Stone slated that there is currently an enormous amount of traffic associated with the Westin and the parking structure and that widening the road may meet the requirement for the immediate area, but will cause problems at the inlersection with the Frontage Road. Jim Weir stated that residents in lhis area had purchased these lots with the understanding that the lols were zoned primary/secondary and that this was not subject to change. Jeff Bowen stated that the caretaker unit does fulfill the zoning requirements in lhis area. He said that one or two additional people at this location will not affect traffic much and that he feels this is an excellent proposal. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she agrees with Jeff, that this is a good proposal. Plannlng and Environmental Commlsslon March 22, 1993 2. Greg Amsden stated that he has mixed feelings conceming this request. He is concerned that this Upe of request could bring additional traffic problems to this area in future years. He also said that a conditional use permit for the EHU unit makes him uneasy because if there are problems associated with the unit, it will be a hard issue to resolve. However, he does feel that this request does meet all applicabls criteria. Diana Donovan stated that she supports this proposal and that an on-site caretaker may eliminate additional traffic to the area caused by people coming to the site. She feels that this type of proposal is an asset to the community and that traffic will not be effected that much but if it does get worse in the future because of this type of request, these requests can be evaluated and rejected should "conditions change". Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve this request for a conditional use permit to allout for an 'employee housing unit" per the staff memo including the two conditions outlined by the memo. Kathy Langenwalter seconded this motion and a 3-1 vote was taken with Greg Amsden dpposfng this request. His vote was OaS6O on concern about the negative impacts a third unit may have on the Town's primary/secondary neighborhood. A request for setback and wall height variances to relocate a garage in an existing residence,located at Lot 10, Block 1, VailVillage 6th Filingfl6 Forest Fload. Applicant: Neal Erickson Planner: Tim Devlin Tim Devlin made a presentation per the staff memo and summarized the applicant's request for side setback and wall height variances. He stated that staff is recommending denial of this request because it is staff's feeling that the setback encroachment is excessive and that findings cited from the staff memo have not been met. Flay Nielson (of Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner, architect for this project) gave the PEC additional background information concerning this site. He stated thal they were attempting to diminish the large hole created by the existing driveway and retaining walls. He stated that the house localed to the east of this site currently overlooks the parking area and that the adjacent property owner would not perceive the mass ol this development. Mr. Nielson stated that it is his feeling that this proposal will make the side setback area look more wide open. He also stated that they are attempting to incorporate the retaining wall so that it appears that the setback variance is in conformity. He said that an alternative to this proposal would be lo convert the garage to a family room to increase residential space and not provide any enclosed parking. Kathy Langenwalter commented that the retaining wall appears to have structural cracks. Ray Nielson slated that the wall will be repaired from the inside and that the east garage wall may need reinforcement. PlannlnE and Environmental Commission Itarch 22, 1993 .TTIT T Q ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT, is made and entered into tnis 8ff aay 1993, by, Larry Grace hereinafter referred to as "Propertv Otrrner" and the UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATIoN DfSTRICr, a quasi-municipal corporation of the State of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "District". '{HEREAS, Property Owner ls presently the owner of certain real property described as, tot 41, Glen tyon Subdivision, located ln Eagl.e County, Colorado; and WIIEREAS, the District is presently in possession of an easement, 10 feet in width, running through the aforementionedproperty, which easement is descrlbed on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated. herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Property Owner deslres to construct a permanent structure that will encroach upon the described easement in an area appronimately 1.5' x 22', said encroacfrnent being described on Exbiblt A; and WHEREAS, the easement is an active easement presently in use by the District. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and pronises herein, the parties hereby agree as foll.ows: 1. The District shall pernit the permanent structure to encroaclt upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property Owner shall indemnify the District f,rom the coats of any repairs to the Districtrs utillty lines whichmay occur as a result of the construction of the permanent structure over and upon such easernent, 3. The Property Owner shall hold harnLess the District fron the cost of repairing any damage to the structure, which damage nay be caused by the installation of new utllity Lines in this easenent, or by a break in present and future utiltty lines of the Distrlct, or by the repair of such break by the District or by other nalntenance of the lines. 4. The Property Owner shall indemnify the District from any increase in the cost of construction of any new utlJity lines or in the cost of any repairs to the Districtrs utility llnes, such increase, if any, due to the proxinity of the pernanent structure to the utility lines. 5. This Agreenent shal1 bind the successors and assigns of the Property Owner(s), and shall be appurtenant to and deened to run with and for the benefit of the aforementioned property in Eagle County, Coforado until such time that the District abandons o said easement. This Agreement shalJ. be recordedproperty in accordance with the Laws of the State of fN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto haveAgreemerrt to be executed as of the day and yearwritten. agalnst said Colorado. caused thisfirst above PROPERTY By UPPER EAGLE SANTTATION ALT.EY CONSOLIDATED DISTRTCT By By ATTEST: Assistant Secretarv STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGTE ss. Warren M. Garbd, General. Manager Notary My Connission expires: gxpires 1'28-97 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss ing instrument was acknowLedged before ne this1993, by Warlen M. Garbe, as General expires: E*ft'\'/A\ I'[' ) 1 I I( t,4 B\ [\ t l r I -lJI s +fl -lL9e:f r$tr\0's ll3or-yu C'- lu. I I I oa Retum to INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: ERIEF DESCBIPTION OF THE PHOPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Gomments: 3- 3r-"/ 3 /1 /1 4 lL!, (a,nl,q\:; / E\h w C/wL.""t -"4t ln /'/4*-/7 4-s*qs&"f s/sr ,1U""{ ZONE CHECK]*, *, *ffir-orrr^r,l DATE: 3J:tJ4 r TEGAL DESCRIPTION: ToT 4I s}ock Fil ing ADDRESS: OWNER filHeight yfotal GRFA 4imary enna ,decondary GRFA €H4'('<etbacks [i3l: Rear 6at.er Course Setback d6ite coverage Landscaping wa.^r l..lt = rdetaining Wa]1 Heights u{arking {Garage Credit izto L<J -+'t- l- /'t ., ",."o Lnt.4 PHONE PHONE Al-Iowed ,.n(30) €l/ TS t1 jE-$D +sra = -736-7 44TOj5){ + Azs-= @ o z 3tz + 425 = 3 to1 D 621 ARCHITECT B'7/ do|.,' /. ZONE DISTRICT f/< PRoPoSED uSE /'/S "-7 Et+ar 6 **LOT SrZE 44-L y't", . L Existing Propos,ed Total o 3-3 o 2A' 15' 15' Flood Plain ffiJoti.te, "{riew Corridor Encroachment.: yes SiLt En tironrnental,/Hazards : 1) 2\ ?\ PercenL Slope Geotogic Hazardsa) Snow Aval"ancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this reguest involve a 250 Addition? ,H,LHow nuch of the allowed 250 Addition is useETilIETiII'is request? Izrzr **Note: under sections 18.12.090(B) and. 1g.13.080(B) of the Municiparcode, lots zoned Two FamiJ-y and primary/secondary which are less tiran15r000.s9. ft, in area rnay not construct a second dwelling unit- -The Communit,yDeve}opmentDeparLnentmaygrantanexcept'iont6th1srestrictigrl provided the applicant meets the crite'ria set forth undersections L8.12.090 (B) and lB.13.080 (B) of t.he Municipal code incrudingpermanentry restricting the unit as a rong-lerm renLil unit. for full-time employees of the Upper EagJ.e Valley. (30) (50) {k- t't 4'-3.t-L D a1fry bfro4 + zdt> z-'7 4tb.tt r) 7J:of-.:ur2--l lH lz.k D ltZZ 1.4, ,l:- " ,/.4 /-qL" Keqrq (3oo) (600) ( gool ttzo{tffi\ Mur t r t t(ruu, (ouu, (yUU, ( rtVV_rZ2JJIso t _.1.....t.1P.t hul \ r'a" tz v Permit.ted Slope 8t_ Actual Slope *-r"/. ,, Date approved by Town Engineer: No ---' ??? 10 I a/5 9'L"'3v Wn 4*-f'wr'ttr/ frv\l sqbt = Lbz r a-eE ' t(5 ,I*-*D .-LLzL = ng -t bt-z r tSbtZ+? ZTTT @ 7-{L bh .zL, Lobz +sl It L -E-+FA =5 : Jc) Cu o o Retum to DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC H COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: 6',aA, * a 3;L Ahtl ",h*-A/" FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: t/ Daie: 4/n le< commenb: D>,Lry flra.&, sl,( ent4 sZ. 4 TvetYL jJ,- llo+^, bon cnu'W".a' tJ u4;1 Dpn uu,+ B) turl*3m ,t or ,n!,.r+L,)t^fr )LJ Y"o"t e4-*r 4,.rl 0t^r; t I 4)x d^- St o'r @ ^r ?Y4)L;;^,:iuc'+^--LL vp h;tL s; L. t'flL ( 01) I+- N"J"LL- o t/^r" c,^n.- l"arh) @ 'flh-f.f^,4 ? ZONE CHECK - -FoRTR, R, R P/S ZONE DrST^rao DATE: IEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT BIock Filing ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE '$"n' 0' Jfotat cnnap Prinary GRFA Tondary GRFA 16etbacks l'ront Sides ALlowed (30) (33) (s 0) ExisLi0q / Rear lWater Course Setback z?aVkinE @'.n" Credi .5ite Coverage ;\A( I/andscapindl'l\--.,' 1VJl \J gandscanindl I-'/ 1v .:, -{elaining waIl Height.s 3, /61 tf arkinq Rc.'rrtReorrJ (300) (600) (900) (1200) r'-, -. - .-----v rvvv, ruvv, \rvv, \!&wv, , ,1./vDrive: Permitted Slope BB Actual Slope , l / Dat.e approved by Town Engineer: /_,View Corridor Encroachment.: yes \I/r atqaaavrelJ uorrt_dor EncroachmenL: yes No ?2? /pdnvironnental,/Hazards: 1) Flood plain 2) Percent Slope | : . 3) Geologic Hazards ' . 'a) Snow Avalanche .'r "rb) Rockfall - c) Debris Flow4) wetlands T,.r '.: Previous conditions of approval (check propert,y f 'Ie). : , .,r ,, ',i Does this request invol"ve a 250 Addition? :.' r',: : How much of t.he alfowed 250 Addition is useElilffiEis request? , _ .' :**Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.L3.Og0(B) of the MunicipalCode, Iots zoned Tv,to Farnij-y and Prirnary/Secondary which are less eiran l., ,,15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct. a second dwelling unit. the,, r,corununity Deveropment Departnent. may grant, an except.ion t5 thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the critelia set forth underSections18.12.090(B)and18.13.0B0(B)oftheMunicipaJ.Codeinc}uainqpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rentit unit for fulr-tirne employees of t,he Upper Eagle Valley.rnit for fulL-' r,, :,, | ,_=:,- I ryf uu ")01q") A tt-,' ztq? / /c>7 ff*'T <t/ (-J /C LaLD +ffo -Lt7.c'. i.. PtLL t 4lt ZWl - rl\&Y h( j/1" 54q €^y' u3 47 S --,z1L'lt' .----A fiivn 3a t ) -l s t'4 t7Effl (""r^r^--*r( G,"rzr, d.*-, ^ 3/7- ? 3 4 dru &-r."o 4 -@ (]- 5-::? ' /--/"" * 4.t.'<- {@ St{ " (#1 .rLl M* Ft* .",_-,A@ r'b-LJ, o// L*L-^/=) @ -(^n1 ^1-/ T,-f^ JZ z*,J -^:///{o a*--r' ,rjjo*,fi2*, t r;:+ ll /\ .4U fuf, ntL*.// s'4'"*L \rr S ^4 - ,//r^4 l/.fh l"-J /-t ^d L*/-^ ry a)z-<_ 8,il k*,kQ6.-r- /r,*/ . QtF)4 o Pr; $< ': €'#tt - 'r /t Z?ar t3z? 4t /7t--*- //t/ t+a1 7zt ai+ ka3,e z?s 46zo + 21q4. t {- 5 24 ' '73 Es-< ISa..*Ja1 w44= z{,O-l hhX h^^4 13D1 NU- t( u'v, = ffl ZONE CHECK |}*, *, * ,z5olo*, orrror.l DATE: L,EGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Filincr ADDRESS: OT,INER ARCHITECT PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTR]CT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE AIIowed (30) (33)Height Total GRFA Prirnary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaplng Retaining WaIl Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: ::l (300) (500) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope _..!1_ Actua1 Slope _ ,, ' 425 =, 425 = 20' r.5, 15' (30) (50) Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachrnent: yes_ No_ ??? Environment.al/Hazards : 1) Flood plain ; .,: z') percent slope 'l ,, 3) Geologic Hazards , ,t,' I ;^--- :'.,1ra) Snow Avalanche ,1, ,'b) nockfallc) Debris Flow T:4) wetlands -,1 r:,' - "t''ll. 'irr :Previous condit,ions of approval (check property f 'le). , ,r: :. Does this request involve a 2S0 Addition? , , How much of the arrowed 2s0 Addition is useffi-f6is request? : **Note: under sections 1B .12.090 (B) and 1g . L3 .080 (B) of the Municipar :code, lots zoned Two Farnily and primary/secondary which are ress tf,;;l'5r000,sq. ft. in area nay not construct a second dwelling unii-, .ine , ICornmunity Development Depirtment may grant an exception to this, - ,restrictionprovidedtheappIicantmeetsthecriteiiasetrortnunder Sections 18.L2-090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of rhe Municipal Code'inciuai-ngpermanently restricLing the unit as a long-tern rent;l unit for fulr:- . it ',1 10 - t t t Project Application ,G-/-7-73 Fn;*Project Name: Pro ject Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legar Description,to, 1/ Block - , rlns 6-lt.^ /-n4 ,Zone- commenrs: C"rr.+rL--? Ptr',.-s 3-tl'f s Design Review Board 4-7- q3 Motion by: " fl' t,* Seconded by: Date 6' t^o' t-o DISAPPBOVAL Su m mary: Amt' N\ /'-t nDarc: 1- /- 7 3 E Statt Approval PEf, "{,f*ft^l U P t/w[ u*L fi,#c E:ttt4 g- *q; t* Pl9 t a+A {llf$b il{i .: jt psg nrhto Andrew Knudtsen Community Developroeot Department 111 South Frontage Road lfest Y.ail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Knudtsen, As you kuow, on March 22, 1993 the Vail Plannilg Commission granted a conditional use permit to Mr. Larry Grace for the addition of an employee housing uait to hi.s duplex to be constructed on Lot 41 in the Glen Lyon Subdivision. As a partner in the Blume Family Partnership, f am formall-y appeali-ng the decision of the Planning Comrnission on behalf of the Blume Family Partnership and the Sue Ackerman Trust, the collectiv e owlrers of Lot 4O in Glen Lyon. Il hile we are keenly aware of the need for emploJree housing in the gail \fslfuy, we do not feel that Glen Lyon is the appropriate nei^ghborhood to begin experimenting with the addition of a third housing unit to a prinary/secondary dwelling. The trrfFi c flo w irl Glen Lyon was very poorly planned. There is only one road allowi:: g ingress and egress into the conmunity. This road does not even Eeet Town of Vsil standards due to e very sharp eurve and an undersized bridge. Tratfic problems already exist and ttrere are still dozens of lots awaitinB development in Glen Lyon. Ife do not believe it would be possibl.e to deny future developers the right to add an employee housing urrit if Mr. Grace is granted permission now. GLen tyon could not absorb the increased density and trafFic. lle are also concerned about the cornplexity of attempting to enforce the corditional- use. If employee housing units becone a standard addition, it will be impossible to police all the units. Bven if a violati,:on is discovered, there is no appropriate penalty. Once constructed, a third housing unit could never be removed from a. prinary/secondary unit, and short-term rentals are far too profitable for a fine to have much affect. The potential for abuse $ill alwsyg exist. Por these reasons the homeowners in the Glen Lyon community rant the Town Council to review the decision of the Planning Commission. I therefore am filiu g thi.s fornal appeal Sincerely, f,"r/-gA,',*- cc! Larry Graee Kristen Bl.ume P.O. Box 4122 Yail. Colorado 81658 March 30, 1993 Kristen Blume ;:., {6-7t h^t-, / Ano-.-*r1 ,{^1 fuh &/,-nc *#/,, uLr*n!. T^, ,f*-kA.^ Crn,-U t!-- /.1* *U /ft""-A ,li/*t< /t/r/+r( Vb l/"k &-o . "i,;. -5i"'I i. -. ':. .:. . -*-.$;\ F.a. .a .r "-'J *r\-.: .\ : t-'} . rrrr;ii: r;.t l;:i i :i MEMOFANDUM Fftt Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 22, 1993 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an "employee housing unit'on Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision/1212 Westhaven Lane. Applicant: Larry Grace Planner: Andy Knudlsen coPy TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: l. pEscRrPTroN oF THE PROPOSELUSE In September and December of 1992, the Town Gouncil passed Ordinances g and 27, Series of 1992, to create a new Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing, for lhe addition of Employee Housing Units (EHUs) as permitted or condilionat uses within cerlain zone dislricts within the Town of Vail. The definition in that ordinance states: Section 18.04.105 : ' "Employee Housing Unit (EHU) shall mean a dwelling unit which shall not be leased or rented for any period less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees of Eagle County. EHUs shall be allowed in certain zone districts as set forth in Ghapter 18 of this Gode. Development standards tor EHUs shall be as provided in Chapter 18.57 - ls:, Employee Housing. For the purposes of this Section, a full-time employee shall mean a person who works a minimum of an average of thirty (30) hours per week. There shaflbe five (5) categories of EHUs: Type I, Type ll, Type lll, ir":,.1 Type lV, and Type V. Provisions relating to each Vpe of EHU are set forth in Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing of lhis Code.' , In thls proposal, the applicant is planning to construct a Primary/Secondary development on a lot that is curently vacant. ln between the primary and secondary dwelling units, he is proposing to construct a Type ll Employee Housing Unit. This unit is 538 square feet. lt is located immedlately above a one car garage which has been set aside for this unit. The applicant intends to use two '250's' in the construction of the EHU two. These "250's" would be available for the applieant five years from the dale of a certificate of occupancy for lhe primary-and secondary dwelling unlts. However; in an effort to encourage these types of hop-glng" units, the Town has made the '25Q'sl available up front to developers as long as they are used in employee housing units. In this case, slnce the EHU is 538 square feet, both of the 250's'will be used in the construction of it. qf li 1'1 r ll. ',,, , rar? 1.,t. t! ZONING ANALYS]S Height GRFA Site Coverage ('. t':1 I ., .' Landscaping Parking Setbacks:. .p: Front' : side :, Side :; Rear Aloryqrysuired 33 feet 7,307 sq. ft. 9,138.8 sq. ft. , 27,416 sq. ft. 6 20' 15' 15' 15' Prooosed . 33 feet 7,300 sq. ft. 6,804.5 sq. ft. 27,634 sq. tt. I 68' \7' 17',' 28', Please note that this zoning analysis may be sligh{y rnodified prior to final DBB approval. However, slatf will insure that all zoning slandards will be met, III. CRITEBIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60 - Conditional Use Permits, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors:, A. Consideration of Factors _ Before acting on a condiiional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental 'i Commission shall consider lhe factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. ,: : Relationship and imoact of the use on lhe'develooment obiectiveb of lhe ,ir" :.:; ,,' When the Towri Council adopted the Town of Vail Affordable Housing it: i: ,", r , , j study on November 20, 1990, it recognized the need to increase lhe' ..i;, :,,:i rr;. 'supply of housing. The.Town encourages EHUS as a means of ,. houslng for both year-round and seasonal local residenls. The q i i, { fr. :. .. Staff believes that there will be little impact from the proposed Type ll , :-, .i -, EHU on light, air, population, transportation, utilities, schools or parks. :. , , 3. Effect upon traffic with parlicular reference to conoestion. automotive- ' and pedestrian safetv and convenience, traffic ffow and control, accesq, maneuverability, and removal of snow from lhe street and parkinq areas. 'r":rf i'-: -.; a-.. It is likely that there would be one additionalvehicle driving to the residence. Staff feels that this would be an insignificant impact upon -:. ..-,' :i.'.lraffic' : . ,i _ -; ,l '' , ,',4. , ' Elfect uoon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be: ry* The scale and bulk of the proposed structure is larger than those that are or will be built around it. This is due to the fact that the lot on which . it will be built is slightly more than an acre in size. As a result, the available GRFA for the site is larger than the surrounding lots. Staff - .. - believes that the applicant's desire to construct a Type ll EHU is a good. use of the square footage available to this site. Staff believes that in ,, j,-l i:, ', ' _, into the primary or secondary units. The amount of GRFA in this ,., : . , ,;:. ",'- ', proposal is not greater than what ultimately could be constructed. ; :!:....'-r 5. Employee Housino Units mav be allowed as a conditional use in those .:j zone districts as specified bv Title 18 of the Vail Municioal Code for , .i . Ordinance No. 27, Series of 1992. Emolovee Housinq and shall be - ,:*. . ,'. . .Cl-" - ,, subiecl to the followinq conditions: i:i:.:..- ,',,_1,-l i t-- .l' . a :,1. _ . ..-r.:pt - a: lt shall be a conditional use in the Sinqle-Familv Residential. .--.:.,1 _,-,. ir- ,_, ' ' " T,Wo:Familv Residential and Primarv/Secondarv Residential zone ii-;:'-.: ,-t,..,|t,.,, - ,. " districts. ;,:_llf. i _ '1'-.1 -r,j.' :a-xi,:-jii :,,.i ri;'!,rj-r,rir ; The subject property is zoned SDD with Primary/Secondary jLi-=,,..,i;,, r:t, i_,:,-i: ' Residential as the underlying zoning. b. lt shalt be oermitted onlv on lots which complv with minimum lot. iJ j:,'1.i i",5r,i,r?, '- ir1; ,-'ir i' gize reouirements o t.,...- 1- I .; - sr;6;l ;;i ,r1".'i lsrlr A'jl;-,:' The minimum lot size lor a Type ll EHU in this zone district is i;i-{3 E:' .;r,*r:1 t..:i r-,, .- 15,000 square feet. The applicant's property is 45,694 square €FC u ll ::;:,r.,1::'1 ir1 ..- fegt. ei €l ':'-";:i2 '-' '- ' .i-rr li.roiliiitt;;' ,cr.', . lt shall be located within. or attached lo. a sinole-familv dwellino i.,:q. i.,-.ul *C r,.", or be located within' or attached to. a two'familv dwellino oursuant to Section 18.54.050(1) - Desion Guidelines Duplex and 3 located within anv setback, and further orovided that no existinq .i-..-..-'.-,.. .r....*.... : ,i,..:,1;.1i...1 '' r";l-: ,_,:,., ,i oreliminated. , : t.; The proposed EHU will be constructed between the prlmary and ;.. ... ii. . '.:::.''l :,. , Secondary Units On this site. {.... . . : d. lt shall not be counted as a dwellino unit for the purooses of calculatinq densitv. However. it shall contain kilchen facilities' and a bathroom. as defined in Chapter 18.04 - Definitions of the. Municipal Code. lt shall be oermitted lo be a third dwellinq unit in addition to the two dwellino units which mav alreadv exist on the lot. Onlv one Tvpe ll EHU shall be allowed per lot. The proposed EHU will be a third dwelling unit on this site. lt contains a full kitchen and full bathroom facilities. e. lt shall have a GRFA not less than three hundred (300) souare' feet. nor more than nine hundred (900) souare feet. An applicanl. however. shall be permitted to aoolv to the Communitv Develooment Department ot the Town of Vail for additional ' ' GRFA not to exceed five hundred (500) square {eet to be used in the construction of the EHU. The apolicant shall submit an aoplication for the additional GRFA on a form orQvided bv the . .-, . ' Communitv Develooment Deoartment. Approval or denial of the , ' ' ' ,. ...' ' reouest shall be made by the Desiqn Beview Board in -i - " I, :",',: accordance with Section 18.54.040. lf an aoplicant obtains Desiqn Fleview Board aooroval for 500 souare feet of additional ,,:i - ,:.. -.',:. ,' i.- : '. - :-- -:,.lii t an applicant oblains Desion Fleview Board aqproyal for not more than 250 square feet of additional GRFA for lhe EHU, he or she qici.::1.,-i'ii ",tii,:.ttt, r::;;'Shall be entitled to receive additional GRFA OUrsuant to Chapterri: 18.71 - Additional Gross Resideniial Floor Area of this code for one dwellino unit on the lot. 19:-UL.-,,lii. ii,:,.::-.:": l'"t:.t],.;-.1, .!*t5;9.i-..,,..- .r t:': -;.;,:i -,' -, - .The applicant has applied for an additional 500 square feet of GRFA to be used for the construction of the EHU. This 500 i, ,:,.'',i.ir. jii{.,:, . ;.;: i , :- square feet is the allocation of additional GRFA that would have $i;.,:, -,, J .': ii. :'i . ! re;, ji:i,r otherwisg been available lo the applicant in five years. The EHU is 538 square feet. The criteria stated above requires the DRB to approve the use of the "250's' in this manner. Since there is :LrJ: t;." ,. * r,.., :rr, -: ,:.j1'.,,..' also a requirement for the PEC to approve a conditional use, il:-.:..i;ir:-|:::i".:ir'staff is recommending that the conditional use be contingent !:s- l*guii.r:*j.$lii.'fi-flg,: 0pon DRB approval. ii.,rij'.i? :.r r r..,r !.r ;: rr ' .. r: and will be fulfilled. iilvil*f i. 1:::i ir 1.. r'.: 'B. Findinos: It shall have no more than two bedrooms. The proposed EHU will have one bedroom. No more than two {2) adults and one (1) child not older than , sixteen (16) vears of aoe shall reside in a one (11 bedroom Tvoe ll EHU. No more than two (2) adulls and two (2) children not, older than sixteen ('16) vears of aoe shall reside in a two {2) - bedroom Type ll El.lU. Since this is a proposed one (1) bedroom Type ll EHU, the above regulations will need to be applied. Each Tvpe ll EHU shallbe required to have no less than one {1} oarkino soace for each bedroom located therein. HoweYer. if a one {1} bedroom Type lf EHU exceeds six hundred {600) souare feet. it shall have two (2) perkinq spaces. All parking spaces required bv this Code shall be located on the same lot or site as the EHU. ll no dwellinq exists uoon the oropertv which is oroposed for a Tvpe ll EHU at the time a buildinq permit is issued, or if an existinq dwellino is to be demolished and. replaced by a new dwellinq, not less thalLone (1) of the oarkinq soaces reouired bv this oaraqraph shall be enclosed. A 300 souare feet GRFA credit shall be allowed for the construclion of one enclosed parkino soace for the Tvpe ll EHU. Since this site is currently vacant and this is new construction, the requirement for a one space garage for the EHU is required . The Planning and EnvironmentalCommission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permil for an Employee Housing Unit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this Ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operaled or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Communlty Development Department staff recommends approval ol this . rapplication for an Employee Housing Unit. Staff believes that the criteria have been : ' :i .:, met as discussed in the memo. Regarding the findings, staff believes that finding Bl .- .. is ynsl as the proposed use is in accordance with the purposes of the zoning ordinance .:- as well'as the zone district. Finding 82 is met, in staff's opinion, as the proposed use is not detrimental lo public health, safety or welfare. Finding 83, in statfs opinion, as the proposal complies with all of the standards of the zoning code. Staff recommends approval of the request with two conditions: 1) Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed Primary/Secondaryt . Employee Housing Unit Type ll Development; the applicant shallsign deed / iO);' * restrictions using forms provided by the Town of Vail to be recorded at the A,rpl' .. --.I Ebgle County Clerk and Recorder's Office which will set forth that the employee 'fl " -,'i housing unit is to be permanently restricted for employee housing...'''- 2) This conditional use permit shall become effective only afier the Design Review'i: Board has approved the development and approved the use of the "250's' for the Type ll EHU. Pleasri note lhat under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the approval of a-condiiional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or the use for which the approval has been granted has not commenced within two years from when the approval clpechemosbraas I a -^-. -..1.r 6\i5ir -, -,,,, .'g,t: _ ffr, ii ri:'ll,',' :i.i.i,i' : ;l :il;i"'r ''. ' '' --' ' r ' I 5 : at - *: ,. o iili fiil 'lit* , I it! l! : I I I i I lE3f; FI Fg ts :HFI EE . i i c t f ':lFElllr n"-- .'.. _. v.{r! .i,: J^tt rtt f - I Ilzn--rvt I I rilJ ..8 tiiiitut II \ II;,i,, I it -t, /t I liilr ',i $ 9' tt r!i! rfr ill iil illrl: l,i ".+l I I I I I Is !sr l.:l--'-: \i! ii. i,l,' ; ! I ! I I I iI, I i I f t rL t c0PY TOWN OFVAIL 7 5 South Frontage Roail Vail, Colorailo 816J7 1 0t-479-21 I I / 479 -21 3 9 D ep artment of C on munitl D eu e lo pm ent March 4, 1993 Mr. Bill Reslock Pierce, Segerberg, and Speah 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision Dear Bill: As we discussed in our meeting earlier this week, I said I would pass on the comments from the Fire Department and Public Works Department atter I had received them. A list of their comments is shown below. Fire Department 1. 6f Please show the turning radius required for a fire engine on the driveway. There are a j 1 1 few locations on the circle drive where the turning radius is not sufficient. lf it is 'r I helpful, Mike McGee has suggested that you come into the Fire Department and meet with him to determine what lhe minimum turning radius requirements are. fa.Please identify the fire hydrant on the engineering driveways. ls it located on forest service property? Public Works Department 1.6{ On the engineering drawings forthe driveway, please identify all property lines, +lr including ones for Lot 42, 41, 40,39 and the torest service property. Please verify that" a 20 foot wide access easement exists for the road. 2. p1r There appears to be an error in the transfer of topography from the survey to the site t\ plan. Please provide a survey at a 'l :10 scale to verify that all of the topography is accurate. 3.1y Please revise the contours in the driveway, bringing the maximum slope of the i I r driveway down to 8%. The two areas which currently exceed 8Y" are on the far east and west sides of the driveway. 4. 6l( Please show the 58 contour at garages. 4\l 6v-/ 6?/ 1.,, Page Two March 4, 1993 Reslock Sft\lt ptease provide the low point elevations at the trench drains in front of the garages. 6.7p4\r Please provide a regrading plan for the road showing existing and proposed topography. 7.gva\t Please provide sections for the road (not the driveway) at 100 foot intervals. .-'-l Flre and Public Works 1. "' The road design shown on the engineering drawings is acceptable to both the Fire and Public Works Departments. lt is assumed that it has an 18 foot width with 1 foot all- weather driveable surface shoulders on either side. lt is critical that the road be maintained at these dimensions twelve months 0f the year, This is a complete list of the issues which need to be resolved prior to any public hearing on the project, with the exception of a conceptual review at DRB. In order to stay on the March 22nd PEC agenda, I will need all of these corrections, in addition to the list of corrections identified in my February 25, 1993 letter, submitted by March 10, 1993. This will allow one week to review the changes and then a few days to wrile the memo for the PEC. I realize this is a fairly light turnaround time, however, the issues in this project are complicated and they must be resolved prior to presenting the project to PEC or DRB for tinal approval. Please call me if you would like to discuss lhese issues further. I can be reached at 479-2138. Sincerely, ffi,krt'tuT Town Planner cc: Mike McGee Greg Hall I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT MAdE thiS and between day of | !993 | Larry R, Grace a ara !. Grace Cfa€TiLc5er1ie-TEEerrnafr-and sue Ackerman (rrAckerman" ) , Leslie w. Findell and Beth R. Findell ("Findel1")' and|r rr\ WITNESSETH:\ _ r, WHEREAS, are the owners of ce n real prope y Ioca gl.e counEy, State of Colorador more 3g'): particularly described as follows (rlLot Lot 39, Glen lyon Subdivision, according to the Amended Plat recorded July 18, 19?8' in Book 272 at Page 370, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. WHEREAS, Charlie Ackerman and Sue Ackerman are the owners of certain real property located in Eagle County, State of Colorado' more particularly described as folfows (rrl,ot 40rt): Lot 40, Glen Lyon Subdivision, aceording to the Arnended Plat recorded July 18, 1978 in Book 272 at Page 3'10' County of Eagle, State of Colorado. by ), ), ll tl WHEREAS, Larry R. Grace is the owrer of certain tocated in Eagle County, State of Colorado, more described as follows (rrl,ot 41rr): real propertyparticularly Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision, according to the Amended Plat recorded July 18, 1978 in Book 272 at Page 370, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. WHEREAS,is the owner of certain real property located in Eagle County,9tate of Colorado, noreparticularly described as 42't ) z Lot 42, Glen Lyon Subdivision, according to the Amended Plat recorded JuIy 18, 1978 in Book 272 at Page 370' County of Eagle, State of Colorado. WHEREAS,is the owner of certain reaL property-TocaE@ate of colorado, more part,icularly described as follows (r'tot 43'r): follows (rrl,ot follows (rrtot Lot 43, Glen Lyon subdivision, according to the AmendedPlat recorded July 18, L978 in Book 2zz at Page 370' County of Eagle, State of colorado. WHEREAS, -, -, Grace' Ackerman, rindffi reively asllHomeowneLS''),inoneformffihat'certainroadway more conmonly known as Westhaven Lane, Town of Vail, Eagle County' Colorado ( I'Roadway" ) for ingress,/egress to their respectj-veproperty from Westhaven Circle; WHEREAS, access from Westhaven Circle to the Homeownersl property is presently provided via certain easements and rlghts- of-way granted in the following documents: warranty Deed, dated July 10 t :-9'18, recorded August 8, 19?8 in Book 273 at Page 116 as Reception No. l-69520i Conveyance of Roadway Easement, dated JuIy15, 1978t recorded August 2!, 1978 in Book 273 at Page 6l.7i Conveyance of Roadway Easenent, dated August 9, L978, recordedin Book 273 aL Page 981, and Conveyance of @ed January 15, Lg7gr recorded March L4, L9791in Book 282 at Page gg3 as Reception No. l7929oi WHEREAS, the Homeowners now desire to improve such roadway from Westhaven Circ1e; and WHEREAS, the Homeowners agree to jointly share in all costs and expenses required to improve, maintain, repair and keep in good order such roadway. . Now, THEREFORE, for Ten Dollars and other good and valuableconsj-deration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Westhaven Lane is to be widened and improved to a minirnurnwidth of twenty (20) feet. 2. Construction of the inprovements to the Roadway shall bein accordance with the nininum standards of the Town of Vail forsimilar roadways. Construction is intended to be conpleted withinfive (5) years from the execution of this Agreement. 3. The Homeowners acknowledge and agree that the costs and expenses required to construct the inprovenents to the Roadwayshall be the sole responsibility of the Honeo\,rners and shall bepaid as fol]ows: ( a ) -r owner of tot 39 , . shall be responsibl6-T6;-Trc and expenses associated with the construction of the improvements of the Roadway from the Southeast corner of Lot 40 to the end of the Roadway as it enters Lot 39. (b) Larry R. Grace and Sara L. Grace, owners of Lot 41, Leslie W. Findell and Beth R. FindeLl, owners of Lot 43, and _' owner of Lot 42 ' shall be equally ffiponsible for a1] costs and elrpenses associated with the construction of the inprovernents of the Roadway from the intersection of Westhaven Circle and the Roadway to the East corner of Lot 41; provided, however, -, owner of LoL 42, shall be responsible Tor-en-mounE-not to exceed $5 ' ooo. oo . 4. The Homeowners acknowledge Lhat the proposed improvements will require proper and adequate maintenance and repair and each and eveiy Homeowner agrees to be bound by the Joint Use and Maintenance Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit ''Au. 5. The Homeowners acknowledge and agree that all costs associated with the preparation and recording, if required, of this document sha11 be borne equally by all parties hereto. rN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunder settheir hand and seals as of the day and year first above written. Larry R. Grace Sara L. Grace o ellaille EckErman sue Ackerman 1ri i'tt' f 1. ,;.: l:] irl /findagr THIS JOINT USE AND Declarationt') is made as of JOINT USE AND I.{AI NTENANCE DECTARAT I ON MAINTENANCEthis TDRAFT onrg--4:l&L- DECLARATION (the rrThe day of February, 1993, by WITNESSETH; IiILIEIP trA R are the owner State of Colorado, nore particularly described as follows ('rl,ot 39u): Lot 39, Glen Lyon subdivision, according to the Amended Plat recorded July 18, L978 in Book 272 at Page 37a' County of Eagle, State of Colorado. WIIEREAS, Charlie Ackerman and Sue Ackerman are the owners of certain real property located in Eagle county, SLate of Colorado' more particularly described as follows (rtl,ot 40r'): Lot 40, Glen Lyon subdivision, according to the AmendedPlat recorded July 18, L978 in Book 272 at Page 370, County of Eag1e, State of colorado. WIIEREAS, Larry R. Grace is the owner of certain real property located in Eagle county, state of Colorado, more particularly described as follows (ltl,ot 41rr): Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision, accordj.ng to the AmendedPIat reeorded July 18, 1978 in Book 272 at Page 3?0, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. WHEREAS, _ is the owner of certainreal property ate of Colorado, moreparticularly described as follows (rrT,ot 42ttlz LoL 42, GIen Lyon subdivision, according to the tunendedPlat recorded July 18, 19?8 in Book 272 at Page 3'10, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. It I t.. i \ \ follows ( "Lot WHEREAS,is the owner of certain real property locate fEaqle tounty,particularly described as 43" ) : Lot 43, Glen Lyon subdivision, according to the Amended Plat recorded July 18, 1978 in Book 272 at Page 370' county of Eag1e, State of colorado. WHEREAS, a portion of Lots 40, 41 and 42 include a strip of land where an already existi.ng access easement is located which provides ingress and egress to Lots 39' 40' and 4L from westhaven Circ1e, with such access easement being more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the rrEasementrr ) ; WHEREAS, Lot 43 has entered into a separate access easement agreement with Lot 4L providing ingress and egress to Westhaven Circle via the above-described access easement; and : WHEREAS, the Declarants wish to provide for the conmon maintenance and repair of the Easement. Now, THEREFORET Declarants do hereby publish and declare thatLots 39, 40, 4L, 42 and 43 shall be he1d, so1d, and conveyed subject to the following covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements, which are for the purpose of protecting the value anddesirability of such real property, and which shal-l run with the land and be binding on all parties and heirs, successors, and assigns of parties having any right, tiLle, or interest in all or any part of Lots 39, 40, 4L, 42 and 43. 1. Joint Use and Maintenance Easement. For purposes of this Declaration there shall be deemed to be five (5) owners, one for each of Lots 39r 4o,41 ,42 and 43. The owners of the Propertyshall be jointly responsible for maintaining and keeping the Easement in good repair and for the reasonable maintenance, repair, upkeep and replacement of all improvements Located on the Easement.AIl costs and expenses related such maintenance, repair and repJ.acement and any capital expenditures related to the Easement approved by the oleners in accordance herewith shall be dividedequally between the fj.ve (5) owners, except for any expense or3.iability caused through the negligence or willfuI act of any ot^'ner, his fanily, agent or invitee, which shal1 be borne solely by such owner. The owners nay from tine to tine appoint one oltlner as a managling owner (the "Managing owner'r) through nutual approvalof such appointment. The Managing owner would handle alladministrative matters with respect to and oversee such maj.ntenance, repair, upkeep and replacement of the Easement Strip and all improvements thereon. Alternatively, the owners may by mutual agreernent adopt a pLan for the administration of such conmon maintenance, repair and replacement not involving a Managing Owner. The owners may aLso Uy rnutuaL agreement approve capital expenditures for projects relating to the E^:sement slriP. separateLv, all owners are entitled to the reasonable use of the eaiement;-irovided, however, their respective use shall not hinder nor impede the rightful use of any other owner. 2. Enforcement. (a) If an owner, at any time, shalI neglect or refuse to perform or pay his/her share of any obligaLion reguired hereunder, any other owner may, but sha11 not be obligaLed to, after twenty (z-o) days ruritten notice to the owner so failing to perform (the 'iOefaulling ownexrr) unless the circurnstances require immediate action, ma[e such payment' or, on behalf of such Defaulting owner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligation. All sums so paid or expended by an owner, with interest thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (188) per annum from the date of such payment or expenditure, shalI be payable by the Defaulting owner upon demand of the owner so paying (the "Paying ownerr'). ALl sums so demanded but unpaid by the Defaulting owner shall constitute a lien on the fee sinple estate of the Defaulting owner in favor of the Paying owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except:(i) liens for taxes and special assessments; and (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust encumbering such fee sinple estate which is recorded prior to the date on whieh the obligation became delinquenf. The lien shall attach from the date when the unpai-d sun shall become due and may be forecLosed in like manner as a mortgage on real property. To evidence such a lien,written notice of the lien shall be prepared, setting forth the amount of the unpaid. indebtedness, the date upon which the indebtedness becarne due, the name of the Default,ing Owner, and description of the fee sinple estate to which the lien shallattach. such notj-ce shall be signed by the owner or the ownerrs agent in whose favor the lien shall be fi1ed, and the lien sha1l be recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the Countyof Eagl-e, Colorado. In any foreclosure or other collection proceedings, the Defaulting owner shall- be required to pay thecosts and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneyts fees. (b) The lien provided for herej-n shall be subordinate to thelien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust which j.s recordedprior to the date on which the obligation becarne due, including all additional advances on said first mortgage or first deed of trust. SaIe or transfer of any fee simple estate as the result of court foreclosure or a nortgage foreclosure through the public trustee,or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, sha1l extinguish the lienas to payments thereof which become due prior to such sale ortransfer, but shall not relieve any forner owner of f.iability therefor. The first mortgagee of such fee simple estate who acguires title by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, sha1l not, however, be liable for any past due amounts and/or obligations due hereunder and shall only become liab1e for future arnounts and,/or obligations on the date it becomes the owner of such fee sinple estate. No sale or transfer shall relieve such fee sinple estate fron liability for any amountsand/or obligations thereafter beconing due or from the lien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of a fee simple estate with respect to which sums shall be unpaid by a Defaulting owner, except transfers to a first rnortgage in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of a interest in such fee sirnple estate shall be jointly and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. (c) upon written reguest of any owner, mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transfereeof a fee simple estate, the owners of the other fee simple estatesshall issue a written statement setting forth the amount owed underthis Paragraph 2t if any. Such statement is binding upon the executing owner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shall be complied withwithin fourteen (14) business days after receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which become due prior to the date of naking reguestshall be subordinated to the lien or other j.nterest of the person reguesting such statement. (d) Each provision of this Declaration shall be enforceableby any ohrner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatoryinjunction or by g suit or action to recover damages. If courtproceedings are instituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declarati-on, theprevailing party shal1 be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. (e) Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions ineguity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shal1 be brought in and only in the courts of the Countyof Eag1e, State of Colorado. (f) Failure to entorce any provision of thisshall not operate as a waiver of any such provision, enforce such provision thereafter, or of any otherthis Declaration. (S) Any exercise of any right granted hereunderwith respect to any other ownerrs 1ot, incl.uding butto, the use of the Easenent, shall be exercised in a Decl.arationthe right toprovision of by one ownernot Linited manner which shall not unreasonably hinder, impede or impose upon such other ohrnerrs use of his lot or the Easement Strip, 3. General Provisions. (a) Notice. Each owner shall register its nailing address with the other owners and all notices or demands intended to be served upon owners sha11 be sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, -addressed in the name of the owner at such legisteredrnailing address. In the alternative, notices may be deLivered if in writing, personally to owners. (b) Duratj-on. Each provision in this Declaration which is subiect to the laws or rules sometimes referred to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue and remain in fuIl force and effect for the period of twenty-one (21) years following the death of the survivor of the noli lawfu1 living descendants of Charles, the now current Prince of Wales, or until this Declaration is terminated as hereinafter provided, whichever first occurs. All other provisions contained in this Declaration shall continue and remain in fulL force and effect until January l" in the year 2020 4.D., and thereafter shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years each; unless this Declaration is amended dr revoked by recorded instrument signed by all owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of lhe Property. (c) Amendment or Revocation. This Declaration nay be anendedat any lime upon written approval in recordable forrn of both owners. The co.venants and restrictions of this Declaration shaIl be arnended or revoked only by an instrument which specifical.ly refers to this Declaration and which is signed by both of the then existing owners. Any amendment must be properly recorded at theoffice of the Cl.erk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. (d) Effect of Provisions of Declaration, Each provision ofthis Declaration, and any agreernent, promise, covenant and undertaking to cornply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exemption or reservation or Erant of LitLe, eslate,right or interest to effectuate any provision of this Declaration:(i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrunentby which any right, title or interest in any portion of the Property is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forthor referred to in such deed or other instrument; (ii) shall, byvirtue of aeceptance of any right, title or interest in any portionof the Property by an owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such owner and, as a personai. covenant, shaLl be binding on such owner and his heirs, t personal representatives, successors and assigns; and' shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each owner of any portion of the Property' and (iii) shall be deemed areal covenant by Declarants, for thenselves, their successors and assigns, and also an equitable servitude, running, in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every fee sirnple estate comprising the Property. (e) Severabilitv. lnvalidity or unenforceability of anyprovision of this Declaration in whole or in part shall not affect the validity or enforceabifity of any other provision or any valid and enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration which shall remain in full force and effect. (f) Captions. The captions and headings in this instrument are for convenience onl"y and shaIl not be considered i-n construing any provisions of this Deelaration. (S) Construction. when necessary for proper construction,the masculine of any word used in this Declaration shall includethe feminine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural , andvice versa. (h) Governing Law. This Declaration is made and executed under and in respect will be governed and construed by the Laws ofthe state of Colorado where the property is situated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned. being the Declarantsherein, have hereunder set their hands and seals as of the day andyear first above written. /jointdec r,iuo December O3, L992 Our Order No.: V2oL76 BUYER/OWNER: LARRY R. GRACE SEI,LER: ADDRESS: CLOSER 1 Attn: LES KEYS I,ARRY R. GRACE FAX 761-08503 CHT'RCHTI,T., DR. ENGLEWOOD, CO 8O1O 1 Attn: CHRISTOPHER DENTON KELTON E KENDAIJIJ 288 BRIDGE ST. VAIL' CO 8L657 1 Attn: GREG AI{SDEN 476-7990 COPIES 1 Attn: *?n o " G u A R A N r s Elc o M P A l? Y Representing Title Insurance conpany of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR IOUR ORDER tEStIE W, FINDETI AND BEEII BRYANT FINDELL PICKED I'P FOR DEI,IVERY AI'[ PM ' Li,.ND *t"" GUARANTEEAoupaiv Representing Title fnsurance Conpany of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER COVENANTS A1TTACHED YES , NO FOR TITLE QUESTTONS CAT,L KAREN FLETCHER 3O3 476-225L FOR CL,OSING QUESTIONS CALIJ LES KEYS MINNESOTA TITLEA HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave..suite 600 Denver, CO 80206 P. O. Box 5440 DenveL CO 80217 321-1880 / FAX 322-7603 A,RAPA.HOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., #150 Englewood, CO 801'12 770-9596 / FAX 290-9040 ARVAOA 5440 Ward Road, #200 Arvada, CO 80002 424-4?11 / FAX 423-t 365 DRY CREEK 26 W. Dry Creek Circle, #390 Littleton. CO 80120 794-5307 / FAX 794-5802 EAST 3300 s. Parker Rd,, #105 Aurora, CO 80014 751-4336 / FAX 745-2669 FIDDLERS 6R€EN 6400 5. Fiddlers Green Circle, #103 Englewood, CO 801 | 1 7714539 / FAX 771-4526 HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampden, #100 Denver. CO 80231 750-4221 / FAX 369-61 33 COLORAOO SPRINGS 102 5. Teion. #100 Colorado 5prings, CO 80903 (719) 634-4821 / Dired 595-41'13 rAx (719) 634-3190 DILTON P. O. Box 4288 154 Dillon Mall. Suite 5 Dillon, CO 80435 (303) 252-1883 / FAX (303) Z6Z-03s0 GLENWOOD SPRINGS 817 Colorado Avenue, Suite 203 P. O. Box 2102 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 (303) 94s-2610 / FAX (303) 945-4784 PARKER 10841 S. Parker Rd., #110 Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 / FAX (303) 841-101? VAIL 108 5. Frontage Rd. W Suite ?03 P. O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81558 (303) 476-2251 / FAX (303) 476-4534 AGENTS OURANGO 1201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 8l301 (303) 247-5860 / FAX (303) 247-9089 LAIID TITLE C*JARANTEE C,Oi/fi{hlY P O. Box 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W Vail, CO 81558 475-2251 lDirect 595-951 3 FAX 476-4534 Commitment To Insure lssued through the }ffie of: ,EFFERSON 710 Kipling, #20? Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3111 I Fe.X 238-2956 NORTH 9101 Harlan, #100 Westminster CO 80030 427-9353 / FAX 430-1572 SOUTHWEST 3609 5. Wadsworth, #1 l5 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 / FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 5. Yosemite. #255 Denver, CO 80237 694-2837 I FAX 843-0402 BOULDER 2425 Canyon 8lvd., #230 Boulder, CO 80301 444-4101 / FAX 786-8423 BRECKENRIDGE P. O. Box 2280 200 North Ridoe Breckenridqe cO 60424 (303) 453-22ss / FAX (303) 453-5014 CASTLE ROCK 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 / FAX 688-0143 :] LA}f.D TTTLE a- a Atr; coMlrrrl.rENr t , * - charges - AIJTA Owner Policy Tax Report --TOTAL-- SCHEDULE A Our Order No, V20175 For Infornation only $767.O0 $20. 00 $787. 0O ****WITH YOI,'R RS,TITTANCE PLEASE REFER TO Ot]R ORDER NO. V2O].76.**** 1. Effective Date: Novenber 21, 1992 at 8:oo A.l't. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: ||AlfAr owner.s Po}icy $55oro0o.o0 1987 Revision (Anended 1990) Proposed Insured: I.ARRI R. GRACE 3. The eetate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis connitnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: I,ESI,IE W. FINDEI,L Al{D BETH BRYANI TINDELL 5. The land referred to in thi.s connitnent is described as follows: LOT 41, GLEN LYON SUBDMSTON, ACCORDING TO fgE AITfENDED PLAT RECORDED ;rULY 18, 1978 IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 370, COITNTy OF EAGLE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 Ar,rQ coMMrrMENr I SCHEDT.'LE B-1 (Requirements) Our Order No. V20176 The following are the requirements to be conplied with: 1. Palment to or for the aecount of the grantors or mortgagors of the fu1l consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. RELEASE Of DEED OF TRUST DATED December 20, L99L, FROI'! LESLfE W. FfNDELL A}ID BETII BRYANT FINDELL TO THE PT'BI,IC TRUStrEE OF DAGLE COT'NTY FOR TTIE USE or HoBARIH L. ALTER AND RICHARD C. METZ TO SSCURE THE St'M Or $1,011,362.00 RECORDED December 20, L99L, IN BOOK 569 AT PAGE 360. 4. EVIDENCE SATISTACfORY TO THE CO},IPANY THAT THE TERI{S, CONDTTTONS AI{D PROVTSIONS OF TBA TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX IIAVE BEEN SATISTIED. 5. WARRANTY DEED FROI'f I.,ESI.,IE W. FINDEIJL AND BETH BRYANT FINDELI, TO IARRY R. GRACE CONVEYING STJBJECT PROPERTY. TTIE COUNTY CLERK AND R,ECORDERS OFTICE REQUIRES RETUR,N ADDRESSES ON DOCT'II{ENTS SENtr FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 2 SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V20U6 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the sanre are disposed of to the satisfaction oftbe company: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpal-d taxes or asaessments against said tand. 8. LLens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. g. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REI.{OVE HTS ORE THEREFRoI.! SHoULD THE SAUE BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE oR INTERSECT THE PREI'IISES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED SAATES PATENT RECORDED August 16, L9O9, Il{ BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 10. RIGHT OF I{AY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY TIIE AI,ITHORITY OF THE UI'IITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August T6 I L9O9T IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 11. RESERVATION AS TO THE NORTHWEST Ll4 OF SECTTON 12 TOI{NSHrP 5 SOqtH, RANGE 81 WEST OF TUE RrcHT OF l{AY OF T}tE UNITED STATES, ITS PER!,IrTTEE OR I,ICENSEE, TO ENTER T'PON, OCCUPY AND USE ANY PART OR ALL OF SAID IJAND FOR THE PITRPOSES PROVIDED IN THE ACT OF iruN8 10, L92O (4L SAT. 1063) AS RESERVED IN THE PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 2, 1946 IN BOOK 132 AT PAGE 4O5. 12. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, IiIHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITT'RE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT O}IITTING RESTRICTIONS, TF A}IY, BASED ON RACE, COIOR, REIJIGION, OR NATIONAL oRIcIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED April 04, L978, IN BOOK 268 AT PAGE 698 AND AS AI'tENDED fN INSTRUI4ANI RECORDED August 25, t987, IN EOOK 468 AT PAGE 447 THROIIGII 472 AND AS RERECORDED TN TNSTRU!,IENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 IN BOOK 469 AT PAGE 801, AND AS AI,TENDED IN INSTRI'T.{ENT RECORDED t'{AY 2, 1990 IN BOOK 528 Ag PAGE 154. I,3. SET{ER EASEI''ENf 20 FEET IN WIDTH ACROSS ST'BJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON TIIE RECORDED AI4ENDED PI,AT OF GLEN I,YON SUBDIVISION. 14. ROADWAY TASEMENT ACROSS LOT 41 AS DESCRIBED TN DOCI'MENTS RECORDED AUGUSTzlt t978 IN BOOK 273 AT PAGE 611 AND RECORDED AUGUST 25, 1978 rN BOOK A73 AT PAGE 981 AND RECORDED ItARCH 14, 1979 IN BOOK 282 AT PAGE 883. PAGE 3 SCIIEDI'LE 8.2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V2Ol.75 15. CONVEYAI|CE OF EASEI,IENT TO VArL ASSOCTATES, rNC. ACROSS LOT 41 RECORDED JANUARY 24, L985 rN BOOK 405 AT PAGE 580. 16. CONVEyANCE OF SKr LIFr EASEMENT TO VAIL ASSOCTATES, rNC. AND CASCADE vrr,r,AGE t'{stRopoLrTAN DrsTRrct AcRoSs LOT 43 RECOF.DED intNE 23, L987 rN BOOK 464 AT PAGE 934. 17. RESERVATfON OF A NoN-EXCLUSM, PERPETUAIJ EASEI,IENT AND RrGHT OF WAY OVER, ACROSS AND THROUGH TIIE EASTERLY 6 213'FEEI OF IST 41 AS RESERVED BY GORE CREEK ASSOCIATES IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED AUGUST 8, X978 IN BOOK 273 AT PAGE 116. 18. EASEIIENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRTSITONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED AMENDED PLAT OF GLAN LYON SUBDIVTSION. PAGE 4 cuARANtrl coMple'Nv DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Required by Senate Bl11 91-14 A) The subject real property may be located in a speclal taxlngdistrict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing Jurisdictionnay be obtained fron the County Treasurer or the County Treasurerts authorized agent. c) The information regarding speclal diEtricts and the boundariesof such districts nay be obtained from the Board of county Conmissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the county Assessor. Required by Senate Bil-l 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing Jurisdictionehall be obtained from the,County Treasurer or the County Treasurer,s authorized agent. I ALTA COMMTTMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our O: The policy or policies to be issued wil} contain following unless the sane are disposed of to the the Company: L. Standard Exceptions L Lhrough 5 prlnted on t 6. Taxes and assessnents not yet due or payabLe assessments not yet certified to the freasur '1 . Any unpaid taxes or assessrnants against said land, 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. t Gev oF FX cErnods p llTlr /^\\s. (frsas)rexus Nor yET DUE oR PAYABLE AND AssEssMENTs Nor yET CERTTFTED To rHE \RE/IduRERS oFFrcE. 10. LIENS FOR UNPATD WATER AND SAWER CHARGES, rF ANY. ].1.. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VETN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED fN UNIAED STA?ES PATENT RECoRDED August 16, L909, IN BoOK 48 Af PAGE 542. 12. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORTTY OF THE UNITED SAATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August 15, 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 13.RESERVATION AS TO T}TE NORTHWEST L/4 OF SECTION 1.2 TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 8]. WES? OF THE RTGHT OF WAY OF THE UNITED STATES, ITS PERMITTEE OR LTCENSEE, TO ENTER UPON, OCCUPY AND UgE ANY PART OR, ALL OF SAID LAND FOR THE PURPOSES PROVTDED rN THE ACT OF JUNE 10, L92O (4L SAT. 1063) AS RESERVED IN THE PATENT RECORDED OCTOBFR 2, 1946 IN BOOK 132 AT PAGE 405. RESTRTCTTVE COVENANTS, WHrCH DO NOT CoNTATN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUf OMITAING RESTRfCTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COIOR, REIJIGION. oR NATIoNAL ORIGIN, AS CoNTAINED fN INSTRUI'{ENT RECORDED April 04, 1978, IN BOOK 268 AT PAGE 698 AND AS AMENDED IN INS?RUMENT RECORDED AUgUSt 25, T987 I rN BOOK 468 AT PAGE 447 THROUGH 472 AND AS RERECORDED TN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 rN BOOK 469 AT PAGE 801. SEWER EASEMENT 20 T'EET IN WIDTH ACROSS SUBJECT PROPERTY AS S}TOWN ON THE RECORDED AMENDED PLAT OF GLEN LYON SUBDIVISTON. PAGE -ALTA COMMIT SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) MENT Our Order No, V14074 ROADWAY EASEMENT ACROSS LOtr 41. AS DESCRIBED IN DOCuMENTS RECORDED AUGUST 2L, 1978 rN BOOK 273 AT PAGE 611 AND RECORDED AUGUST 25, 1978 rN BOOK 273 AT PAGE 981- AND RECORDED MARCH l-4, L979 IN BOOK 282 AT PAGE 883. CONVEYANCE OF EASEMENT TO VAIL ASSOCIATES, TNC. ACROSS LOT 41 RECORDED JANTARY 24, 198s rN BOOK 40s AT PAGE 580. CO}WEYANCE OT' SKI LITT EASEMENT TO VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. AND CASCADE VTLLAGE METROPOLITAN DTSTRTCT ACROSS LOT 43 RECORDED JUNE 23, ]-987 IN BOOK 464 AT PAGE 934. \19i RESERVATION OF A NON-EXCLUSTVE, PERPETUAL EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY OVER,\-./ AcRoss AND THRoUGH THE EASTERLY 6 2/3 FEET oF I.OT 41 AS RESERVED BV GORE CREEK ASSoCIATES IN II?ARRANTY DEED RECORDED AUGUST I ' l-9?8 IN BooK 273 AT PAGE 1].6. 20. EA9EMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRTCTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED AMENDED PIAT OF GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION. \tr ) R\ [18 ] PAGE {o'($\ 6rr\ur\ rtlElrrlu 1.g3 ! t.'?l ] t..t; t' !'. ,..... tl d. illl C0lttlfrcr' dlt' 3h' !!g! 4v o! Julv ' I!JI. tr trr mt Cllll llt0ClAtl!' r thodr trlrnd Linl3'd t1arm1tblt ('Grasot'). Go llARcAllt gcAllnouot lH C'Grentrc") ' llI!E9lgl!', Gratltor ' lot vrlulbh conrtdotrtlon' the recelpt rnd rutltclency of vhtch erc heteby ackroulcdg'cd ' doeg hereby sell and convty to 6r'frc" r nonrxclurlvr ' P€:'PGLua! casenent and rlghc of rry ova!, .cro3t rnd chroufh the rerl properEy deecrlbed on Exhibil A rltrchcd hcre:o rnd raade r pert hereof for use es s roadway Lhere- '.!;cn Frovldtng vchtculrr lnrl prdesrrlan !€gd35 Lo rhc rt'al Proo€rl'r dcrcrtbed o$ Exhibtt ! ettechrd hlrlto rnd rnrdc I Pers hereof' TO llA\E AltD TO HOLD reld 3'ten€n! and rlght of ttay unto Grrnccc rad hrr b'1rr' perronal rcprclrnceElvct end esstgns' The Gtlcocna hercby grenccd rhall run tllth the land and shall be appur- !.nrnE !o rhe lrnd descrlbed on Exhlbtt B' *rrch rhar a transfer of Icgel clcle ro ell or rny portlon of ruch land shail autonatically trensfcr . proPoltlonrt' inccrelc tn thlc eas€Een!' GrtntGG' by her rccePcance of thtr conv€yancet acknowledges lhar thtt e&E'eDt ls subJect to fhe follouing Een'rs and condiEions: (r) Onc-thtrd of eII costs and erPenses required to roalntain' reqeir and keep tn good order and appesrance any road"la;l collstruct('d on ! ' ! tr^ 'r'a <nlG responsibilitv of Gran"cc ul:rJ sh:rl i the eesernenl lrr'1^ ' ee -"- be paid by Gran(ee; (b) thc cisctrcn? lrarrlc'J hereitr sh'rli "crni:r3tt' aurornatically uPon the appropriaie l'ovcrnncnLat aurilorit "'iirr'!ri!rr tL .? rG" ) to ralncrtn at lht l'n"'l 3'rP'y'f" 'rPenr' thG r'rl Fro?"!:t drrcrlbed on Erhttrt t A l' r Publlc to'dr':' ' EXI:CLTED 'r of thc rtlLc f lrrt tcq for'-h nbovt ' t;ttRl' C{l F'i: r"S1:r'C l"'1'}'S ' 'Jl"o'lr' I s lntld :t':: :rr'; sTA'lE oF PJlo)l: lsl\x3 cor:iit ol' PROYI Dl:):cl: l'.r r: nsr th: P r J,'::r.t'r"rt J Ctl Lr' :' :'' : ! lY,iitner I ) sg J|nd ,-a \i \i r ,r fC- '! 'r'f '. '.' inEo The rPpur - er of -'t.. :ouledB€s li t ions : repa i r l..rn .-l-. r i i . ri r i:l lr-(' ?i.t i't:l|r''riti in '-r";:u:: "''t Liml t!'d ParE erner siriP ' )':Y corl$ri s 3 ion exPirrrs ' ',"itness ny i:'r:rd a:rrl nfiicial seei tldAl It$Sr'{ I l?tcll l, f*-f11 * !b torttp1;t cr.nxlr nf tlr. sxl of th'! !t!:l of scctioo 12' tsddP 3 Sntir LDgc 3l }ort ' o! 16' f'th rtlndtPnt lerldlin' Trnn of ^ . ttrllr Ottlilt of lrgfr r Colorrdo' lho Tf,t'E nor:\T (f FHit I' l!:Gr lhcnca s oJ lC. a9' I tlot}g fart ltna of rntd oldl of tl-o li!:\ I'f sitl(l sactlon 12 an'l alon'r th. tlrt boir|d.rt a? r'ltt ltc:liDED PfA? GIJH LYoi: 'jL"D1vt'lc:i' i Jittanc(' .'f ?*.5a fo€f to a Poltlt oft ' clrrrF'ttrcncc ..llotlli rr crrrvlr to ih$ l'!f t ltiii '\l<rrr: tha:btthbound.ryofHerthlrt'niircl"'rJidcur"\'llr'jiri'r'tr-r'iirlsofq't';'' rnd r sontttl mglc of llo :4' i5"' nn irt dtst'nrr:'' of 57'r:? :-'!'rt' i l;"ricc I OOo 16' 19'E Idttt rcr: a{ lll'i'i 'a'c t to tti'-' ''nr':'L'l:it 1' ' 1' r:' :r'rr<i .'"1 I ' tlr[c. t |.o at. tt' t a dl*rca oa lo.oo f-! Lo Lh' rn E !Ct::: oF ItcllJtirN6' rf,nlu (lBtxba t ra * | trrg ot GmrporiilrlE-Llr[tra tEtr|slttt. tc nEllSl|crrrm ntlf.] b3 at. our Lloll tulDlvltlol{,ttrc thilactr rr ro&d.rccordln5 Eo th. rreordrd ri f. I Fl- ,!?lJ..trtr. tr nn il'lq\l Ut frElfE. als.a rb Jtl. Ay ol jrF!---+, ,!P, o &r tr g rffcfrrrrr I lfdr lrlrad lJrt3d lnr*gr (r|lncofl :c r. ut rmFtill ("crncre''. III!It!t!!' *alBrr lc vrlurbb ccrtdrngio, tbr rrcrlPe rad *Arfsl cl rtlo$ rtr bnly .€hcrft.dsra, dorl b*rby rll rad ' cctt gc eSrtr t tcccll|tw. lnrpcturl .r..rtt rrrd rlght of qt ctlrf. aaalDat at thrcqD lha !d Pro?.st &rorlbcd on Exblblc A atScba h*aco ra rada r g.s3 hrrpf tor ure rr r rordrry chere- no fcwf||rf tnilslc qJ tadrctrf.o .cc... to cb. rcrl ptoprrty tlcrlLa a El,blc f rtilctrd tsl4o ra r.t . p.aG hcrrof. lO |lYI lP tO tl! rrtl drrot ld r[bt of ury uato l,{tFl sErtltr ed Irlgnr. tbc . ir'-;';'l:.,':..o5r tG.rlt jratrl *iii iiid,rfd gh. l-d rod rhrll br rgp'r- tG6t to Gt lnd |r$ttH i;Wlft !. erst tt l r treufrr of.: l{al ttel. to rll c at ,orttqi cf .ruct tmd rhrll rut6.ttclllt tloftor r proprtiantr lntrrdt b tbtr .lr-rot. G.[craf tt htr accefator of chlr co!\ntraca, rctaolhdgrr i$.t tbl. ..tsG tr nlbJ rct to tbf tollovlq trnr rod coodltlor: (r) &.-thlsd of r11 core. rnd orgcsrr. rrgutrrd 3o lrlotrln, rrpel,r aod fae ll 3ood otdrr nd aPP.$eca Ey ro.d$at cmttructrd o ttr .|r.nt rbell be th. roh rrrparlbllltt of Grat.. end rhelt br prfd bt Crra3aa i G) thr ..rto.!c grrntcd b*ria rbtll t.rrdn.tc tst.oatlcrlly upd tlrr .PProPrt.c. t.rverEDtrl rucborlEy rtrc.lng 'to &r :. ,1. sT, . cor to rlrtrlF .3 tha SFasll Blltltaal' faFCBr' Bh' t.rl proP"tt dilsrlbrd o :rhtbtc | il r nbltc rordvrt' llccltltD || ct 3hr {rtr ttrrc ..3 forth lbovr' Oonn Cnllr AssoctATqs ' 'Rhodr lrlrnd LlntB'6 !Yr rrtnar STATE OF COTORADO )) lr ' C0Wr"t 0F EAGI.E ) Thc foregotnt lnttrrrroenc uag this Jth deY of rlutut t . rcknosledSed brforc ne rr C;enerrl Plrtner of Gore Crcck Arrocl'E€3, N Rhodc Irland Ltnited PerternerahlP. lly coml!rlon exPlrer: t{lcnese roY hand md ot 197 E by Henry E. Kaces ' lctrI t[lttlt A (ft3.A.a to ra rr& r p.rG .t Garryrno ot Hf H#ffi ciffi l^/195$-t-. r u r' lflcra tr'rtrrnilp, 3c J. III Alrc{rslllc.} tt6At DEECntF?lOrl I b.rtt tF,t, ul- F orl o? l.ra loc.r.d ,turln lot. J9, a0 &d al of tlx. xaIOfD tltt cl!fl lnOI ldrtDlvl! lolr. ten ot V.ll, Oouty ot t gl.. Color.do '.6ar!.d .| aocr-rt l|*.r l6t7tl In to6t t?2.t P.9. 370 of th. z.Elo Cgi.ty Clatt .ra fcctbr'a racordr Er. partlcul.rly d.r€rlb.d .. lolto',t, lt|frrftig at tlra bsth.rlt Gorrsa ot th. st{l ot th. fatt of s.ctlon 12, Lr|ral P 3 lor11;, faai. U t rt, o( tho 6ltr ?rlnclprl lt!rtd{.r. turn of o Y.ll' can rtt o? r.il.. colorado, rhr 'RUS At$aT o? 8$tNNlt6! tl|encc s oo 16' lt' | .lo.r9 trrt llll ol ..1d S-}rl ol thc llEI ot t.rd s€ctio.r 12 rnd along t'r. la.3 Danndrry of r.td ATIETDED PLA' GIJII L'Oll SUgDlVlsIofi, . di.trnc€ of ?66.3{ ft.t to. polnt on a curva.th€nca rlong I cuFrc !o the lefc rnd aloog th. lbrth boun&ry ol tr.athrv.r Circl6. s.ld curve hrviDg r r.dius of 80,00 urd r crntrrl rngh ol tlo 2t' :t', en lrc dictansr of 57.82 feet. thence f OOo 16. 49' ! . dirtxc. of ?!t.aa fert to th€ $orthe.3t cora€r of s.id l.ot .lO, tlrcner s 88e {5. t?. E I dlrt.ncG of ?o.oo f€€t ro thc TauE pol T oF BEGII:lir:,8. tJ '.) r lonq ! o( I icnq I kt i'], I I t o Ot3!.l|a 3r ra rft rIrl lrrrt art ahr Ei|| critL[tr.a lt*rrnllt, 3. J. llt llFlllilw.) lat 40. 0llll tl0lf ttFDMSIOll, .caoldlnt co thencordrd Dht !h.r.ot, ll umdod. t of Gonwtrner otsr t l9tl. I e ,rreE, lll8 t6l9?8 l. t I I ( I II I : PLEASE MAKE CHE : TOWN OF VAIIr- D EPA RT;\'lENT OF C Oivl*ltiNITY D EYEL OPIIENT' S.\LES ACTION FORTT .^ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD ( )//tfiL, coLoMDo 8r657 0l 00004t510 zc\a\o .\\rD n D D R.Ess hlAls 0l cs00424r5 LTMIOL\{ I UiLDi.,.'*G COD E 0t ol00{24r5 U M FOR\{ PLU!'O L.'1'G CODE ol 00co4?'ll5 | UMFoR\t itircH,r-\'lc.4LcoDE UNIFOfu\{ FIRE CODE0t co004?415 i'I,\TION AL EI-ECTPJCAL CODE0l 0000 {2{15 0l 0000{24t5 ONJER CODE SOOKS B LUE PRD{TS OIYLARS)0t 0000.11J43 0t 000,1{2412 XEROX COPTES / S''UDIEs PENAI,Tf FEES I RE.],.'*SPECT]ONS0t 00co {23? I 0l 0000.1! -132 PL,L\ REVIE1V RE.CIIECK FEE {S.(O FER, HR.I 0t 0000 42i?l OFF I]OURS DiSPICIION FEE5 0t 000041{12 CONT'L\ CTO RS LICE\S ES FEES 0l c'c'00{t330 .01 00004r1r3 StCN APPLICATION TEE ADDITIONAI- SIGNA6E FEE ISt.OO i?ER, SO,IT.0t 0000{i113 0t c.c'00121r0 lTC ART FROJ;CT DONANON PRE PAJD DFJIGN R,EVINVSOARD FEE0l 0c$0,11331 0t 0000.t1330 0l 0000d1:!30 rspEctAL DEvELopIfENTDI * * * * :l I _.{r:,*--__. r TD T}'I OF TJtrI I L_ I'li scel l aneflr-r= fsgh n:--''f,*3]' I f,; { l: 5? r Flt'tri.Pt * llt'li:i: Fit:fi'Lrrit. 'S i"E: * ::]?t1 I LtlEF:\r riFlFlr;E\'L:'F:E HFF[.ir:. fftrt,lurr1. !*nde r*,J '., :t:i8 ' fi$ I te-m pai d Smoun t Pai d s I [1F-rriltt4 1 f, ; ]. fiUif I ;::ff}.:i. ElF-i tl:h,:rr,;!+ t-* tr-r rn*,J :' fl ' Bt:t o o FlLh. --pY TOWN OFVAIL 75 Soatb Frontage Roail Vril, Colorado 81657 303 -479-21 t I / 47 9-2119 D eP afime nt of Community D eu e lo pment February 25, 1993 Mr. Bill Reslock Pierce, Segerberg and Speah 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 FIE: Lot 41, Glen Lyon SuMivision Dear Bill: I have done a preliminary zone check on the proposed plan and I want to let you know what revisions are necessary in order for the prgect to be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board. qlt l.* | believe that the employee housing unit will need to be increased in GRFA so .^t / lhat it is a minimum of 500 square feet in size. Please show the entrance doorLl?- to this unit as that has not been shown on the plans. qll Z. ,y Please submit a redlined copy of the floor plans documenting how much GRFA' is proposed. I believe the secondary unit will need to be reduced in GRFA by 7 square feet. Please note that the secondary garage is measured at 621 square feet. Reducing the garage size may solve the overage for the secondary unit. 4lt S, nt PLe,?se,have the surveyor identify the water course setback and the tlood plain 61t / on the survey. 4!1 +.cV Please document the amount of tandscaping on the site.,'fl1" n\,5. ,v Please identify the ridge elevations of the dormers for the primary/secondary as 4/ _./1tt well as the employee housing unit. ur l[t6- oU Please identify the top of wall elevations for the retaining wall adjacent to the . 7I entry drive. lf the top of wall elevations change at different points, please ft"indicate at what points they do. 4(F. e Please double check the elevations shown on the decks on the rear of the &/house. v' Page Two February 25, 1993 Rezlauk nlt 8. D Please provide documentation from allutility companies that they have 1 |"'f ' - reviewed the specific encroachments into the sewer easement and approve of I I them. 4l r 9. f,, Please modify the contour 52 on the northwest corner of the site so that it is1 accurate, ,, 10.f] Please identify on the Deslgn Review Board application the number, as well as y1uU - tixture type, of all exterior lighting. When choosing a fixture type, I would I I suggest finding one that is fully cut off and casts all of the light down onto lhe t-' ground. Q1 11. ,w Pfease provide a title commitment, specificatly Schedule B-2, for the property. ,./' // 4t 12. lV Pfease identify all eave overhangs or porches where the roof extends beyond Srt- r' '' the structure by more than 4 feet. The Public Works and Fire Departments are reviewing the plans at this time. I am looking for comments from them regarding the road. When I have a tist of lhose commenls, I will pass them along to you. Please be advised that we will not be presenting this to either the Planning and Environmental Commission or the Design Review Design Board until all of the issues have been resolved. Thank you for your cooperation in this effort. Sincerely, ^ffi#*fu1Town Planner dL '/ ur}, ,ocorro* **rrr.orro" I SUBDIVlSION JOB LOT ADDRESS NAME Al BLocK FILING The locatj-on and availabj.lity of utiliti6s, whettier ttrey-be.main trunk rines ot ptopo"ed tinel, must be approved and verified by ihe rolrowing utilities for the accompanying site plan' Authorized Siqnature .EE' U.S. west. Comrnunications l.-800-922-1987 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service ComPanY 94 9-5 ? 81 Gary HaI1 HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted HuskY/MichaeI Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.v. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle ValIeY WaLer- I sanitation District * 4'7 6-'t 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 1 zl ,,a* z/24F3 J-)}il_ t 7 2z -zs This forn is t'o verify service avaitabillty'and. Iocation. This ";;;ia be used in conjunction with ;;;;;i;s a uull-itY PJ-an and schedulins installat.ions. Foranynewconstructionproposalrthe.applicant*""t-pio"ide a completed utffity verification forrn. If a utiliLy conpany has concerns with the proposed constructi6n, the utility represent3fiY" :;;Ii;-;.t.--ait"ctrv bn the utilitv verification i"i*-it.i-it"te is i problem which needs to be ir""r""a. rf th; issire is relatively compficated' ii-ino"ro ne speired out in derail in an attached f*ti"t to the town of Vail ' However' please keep i"-*ina that it is the responsibility.qf tl9, utility company and owner to resofve identified problerns. If the utiLity verifieation form has signatures iio* eaci, or Lrre utility companies, and no ;;;";t; are made direclly on the fornr the rown ;iii;;;""*" trtat there a-re no problens and that the develoPnent can Proceeo' These verifications do noL relieve the contractor ;;-;;"-iesponsinility to obtain a street cut permit from the i;il'of vail, Department of Public fr;;;;-.;; io-outiin utiritv l?cations befgle - .-F;t:,"$ " Jlieei c"i per*it. l-street cut pernit must be ofta:-neA seParatelY. *pleasebringasiteplanrfloorPlanrandelevationswben obtaining upper Eagle Valtey !{ater'i-sinitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed' ildo t,t) 'Yt' *,tU N'#,,,:fit<ffir, P*";) ir €gprd.Rz F--4@ ..n \z to ._,-/rtaPtLr *,J'T >6rJ- PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: AzLo 4 f-,k4/J/J-e.,,,44 q .u-oa-h'z 4J .-t-r. /*-/.r- ,-.-,,--;/pfu"",r. .^-*,/- .,,4; a/"*l a.ofl /r#/'-*-, 4 #-?/14*PUBLT.*'RKS o ,,|,'ki f'L' --ro*-gi 4 a) 4o, -l/v- 6. Afl 5;lneJ o# 04 /8' D'-*nU ' a'* ruc[l 1Uu+ o) co,,e,o,,1 ,:*?:{':':'9, *L* cur,+aq,r f^oa\,-.'y ,r-.*h.'^ -*f+ \b'L1' eb"c'"','^I ' 5unuu-7 &'"'-l 4tn- JLs. LD i(l t^lLJ J' *'", r" L"'t" r) t ot r-t-e{ 1) furunon hhtt-d cat.Jo,v* o^ fo,)^ /*f^.Ll /'""<-' e) u*but o( ,o*J av-tr gf, . al ilrul l" Sho^' fs ,,^Fo+ sa,6ats,)_.-y, J, r1,'-*- lo^.,,toinL ^.u*l*^ lo(T,.-,-bJ..,.s ,rri..d I trt/€ L_/ | ,/// D.i*- *r grn,Ls ao =/2tr ao \ztd Retum to 6tuntbMl >r^*-INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: t n - ' '{ Rn g /-t'tl <1,1 =/z<(J{3/ (> /1(-z 'F / ;l Ill|,R, R, ZONE CHECK FOR R P/S ZONE DISTRIC !lDArE:2-lL4lq3 I,EGAT DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS:z/o OWNER PHONE PHONEARCHITECT zoNE DrsrRrcr _ 0/s PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE drnnt Allowed /+\(30 r (33 )// 1€DD'.13615q5-7jst s L38? {6sD+ 425 + 425 jclrial .7 = ZKUT' 20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) qrcha 2141 (L 3'/6' T,/ Regrd (300) (600) (900) Permit.ted Slope Date approved by Yes 1) 2) 3) No4 Geologic Hazardsa) Snow AvaLanche b) Rockfallc) Debris FLow4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) "6oes this request. involve a 250 Addition? L4-r-/.dowmuchorine-a]Iowed250Addi;i""-i"..'""affiisrequestz9>a/l fl rotal GRFA Primary GRFA \-lsecondarv GRFA 4etbacts Front Sides Rear SetbackWater Course u{ite Coverage flF4t,anoscaping r-a6taining Wal1 Height,s w6rking -f5;tug" Credit, Drive: "-View Corridor Encroachment: ffi:nvi ronrnental /Ha za rds : **Noue: under sections 1g.12.'!ro tut and 18.13. og0 (B) of the Municipar ,Code,}otszonedTwoFamiIya|.rderimary,/Secondarywhichare].essthan 15r000-sg. ft. in area may not'construct a second dwelling unit. Thecommunity Developnent Department, inay grant an exception t6 Lhisrestriction provided t.he applicant meets t.he criteiia set forth under. ,,i, :Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.090 (B) of t.he Municipal Code including, ,pernanently restricting the unit as a rong-Lerm rentit unit for furl:tirne ernployees of the Upper Eagle Valley. . . i,i ,, Flood Plain L/t>Li- - lz1- sl4az-z - 10 s' +d.o? (*e, or,-^'f'T) L,s b5 ,5/) 2> ?) r-1 J t tzvtl Ory 1 7/b'Lz *J-zr7u'o1 V") ("2')(P'/b \o q') (r +" dto/rt 7tt ?: h L"L @)l aJLL (t", / (oU,t,l ) ,(o, ') (r,-re S ,S (:. 'l( <-ao J4 olt 'vlr bfr v4dD --z.rS I L\z 8r 4'z- L z-g z. a54, L ----Lo/? z n?z l- top z t s'Lz bt o J/ s:'3 /b, l,r/--ts 7*uf 'AF2 -f ,9"' es>Z )ty lzq 2b tz ILPI zzLl -7s 4 t"5 aieh -!"-D v4d D xtb O '/'-n? zo /l .2be z :td z I { rlvzl&7n'"1'c =v_Z REU[| f ttJ e d i7e5 ?,,-";il'i3li'ii":i:k:'ilfr,., O GLEN LYON SITE, !iEST VAIL LOCATION Lee FindelL has filed a Special Use Application to perform excavatlon work on Natl-onal Forest Systen Lands adJacent to lCesthaven Lane in West Vail . The purpose of the work ls to wlden an exi.sting road accesslng his lot to Town of Vail standards. The site is located next to ehe Fores! Boundary, T. 55,, R. 8111. , Section 12. PROPOSED ACTION The applicant, Mr. Findell , has requestsed pernission to perforn minor excavation work on National Forests Systen lands resulting in no permanent structures on public lands. The aecess road leading into his 1ot is currently an eight foot wide surfaced road which the Town of Vall does not maintain, Before the Town wiLL lssue a building pernit they are requiring that the road be brought up to uinl-num standards. Ihe road needs to be wLdened to a 20 foot run4ing surface uhich vlll be constructed wlthin the easemenc established through the subdivlsion. The eut bank for the road wlll fall on National Forest Systen lands but no other portion of the road, retaining walls or drainage ditches w111 encroach onto NatLonal Foresc. A total of about 470 llnear feet of road will require widening. SCOPING On the ground site vlsits have been conducted with Tln Grantham of uhe Holy . Cross Ranger Dlstrict, Shelly Mel1o, Town of Vall , I{yman Bontrager, White River National Forest surveylng technician, Greg HaIl , Town of Va1l Englneer, and Pat Nook of the Mulhern Group who represents the appllcant. The prirnary issues which have been identlfled are that the Forest Boundary has not been surveyed through this area and that a portion of the exlsting road beyond where Mr. Findell has been ask to rnake inprovements, Ls already ln trespass. Prior to beginnlng work, a survey will be corapleted showing the exact location of the Forest Boundary in relationship to the constructlon activicy preventing any encroechrnent on National f'orest System 1ands. The widening project will not extend to the point where the existing trespass is, therefore, resoLution of this crespass wilL be handled at a later date. IMPLEMENTATION fuoplementation of the proJect, nay begin as soon as the survey- work Ls completed and the applicant has posted a $L,000.00 perfornanee bond. The bond wi1l" be refunded upon satisfactory eompletion of the work and all disturbed areas on National Foresc Systen lands have been revegetaced. Revegetation will be with all- natlve grass specLes and no landscape shrubbery or other features rpilL be permitted, .r,ad lOle&Ricq FE8r2 2 tsgs Dare or p61r"r*nZ l&l13 - Date of DRB hleetino APPLICATION FOR ADDMONAL GRFA FOR PBOPEBTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-applicatlon conference with a memb€r of the panning staff ls sfongly encouraged to discuss the prodsions under which additional GRFA can be added b a site. lt should be understood that fiis odinance doss not assurn each property an additonal 250 square leet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance alloua br uo to 250 souare feet if certain cordltions are met. Applications for additions un&r this section will not be accepted untess they arc complete. This includes all informalion required on this form as wellas Des$n Review Board submittal requirements A. PROJECT APPLOATION pri*r" S""""arw n""l 1212 trrlesthaven l-ane, Glen Lyon L,ot 41 , yail B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: D. E. tt F. NAME oF AppLtcANT,s REpRESENTATIvE: Gordon Pierce , fu, 6*E+FgAt Address NAME OF Slgnaturc( AdctreSs 3 Churchilt Enqler^rood, Co. 80110 Phone 761-0850 1212 Westhaven Lane Legal Description:Lot_AL Block-- Filino rlr:..n_Lrsr4___ ZOne DistriCt primry-S"cond"fy R c.NAME OF APPLICANT: Address 3 Churchill- Dr.Drglewood, eo. 80110 761-0850 Filing Fee ot $200.00 is required attims or suUmittat-p1lerw4 The following information, in addition to DFB submittal requirsmenb, shall be required with this submtttal: 1. Verification that the unit has received a final csrtificaE of occupancy. 2. Stamped, addressed envelopes and a ssparate list of adiacent property owners and of owners of units on the same lot. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condominium Association approval (if applicabte). 4. ExistirE floor plan of sfucture. t G. Your proposalwill be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. H. lt $is application requires a separats reviar by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town ol Vail, he application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of sucft review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Depaftment ot Highway Access Permits, Army Gorps of Engineers 404, etc- The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicanfs request, any mattsr ie postpon€d for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fae for such re- publi0ation shall be pald by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Communlty Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a signilicant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staft. Should a determination be made by the town stafi that an oubide consultiant is needed to revierrr any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be fonrarded to he Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the rsview ol the application by the consultiant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the csnsultant whach have not been pald t|3 th6 oonsultant shall be retumed to the applicant. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess of the amount fonvarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. ..'t1t t l4!li' .,r3& , '"*lrr'l' ' S('e .6. $ | / .#lvtgc fl Date or Apdication 2 lnl "l 3 Dateof DRBMsetiL A6r1rocc 1 212 Westhaven Lane '.YY'vw Legal Description:Lot_31 Block- Filino cr.pl-r+on-- ZOneDistrld Primary-ftcondaryResid c.NAME OF AppLICANT: Larry R. crace A4,ress 3 Churchill Dr.Drglevood, co. 80110 76:L-0850 APPUCANON FOR ADDMONAL GRFA FOR PROPERNES N EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA PRE,APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conferencs rvith a membsr of the plannlng stafi is strongly oncouraged to discuss the provisions und€r which additlonal GRFA can be added to a slte. lt ehould be understood that this odinance does not assure each prop€rty an additional 250 squats feet of GRFA. Rathor, the ordlnance allows forgglglfl[pggfeel if csrtain cordiuons are met. Applicauons tor ad(litlons under this section wlll not be accepted unless they arc smplete. This inclrdes all inlormation required on this torm as well as Despn Reviaw Boad submittal requirements A. PROJECTAPPLICATION Primarv secondary Reside 1212 l{esttnven l€ne, GIen Lyon Lot 41, \lai1 B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 6cr.5*1G-rft4.D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVET Address NAME OF OWN 3 Churchill Onglewood, Co. 80110 F. f ,o, 311 E. tt 761-08s0 Firing Fee of g200.00 is required ar rime or submittar f.- U# t\ lu\k-*to'. The lollowing information, in addition to DRB submlttial requiremenb, shall be required with this submlttall |. Verification that the unit has received a final certificate 0f occupancy. 2. Stamped, addressed envelopes and a separate list of adjacent property orrnent and of ownerc ol units on the same lol. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condominium Assodadon approval (if applicable). 4. Existing floor plan of sfucture, Gordon Pierce !O"..ri"" d g/Alg- DRB IPPLxCATIoN - TotfN OF \rArL, COI,oRA.DO , UtC! EEB 2 DArE Appr,rcArroN REcETvED , " lf.e. | 14 DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********t* TEIS APPI,.ICATION }TTLT NOT BE T'NTII, .I,LL REQUIRED IilTOR}IATION********** I.PROJECT INFOR}4ATION: A. DESCRIPTION: ?, 2 1995 ICCEPTEDrS SI'BMITTED E TYPE OF REVIEW: \t ".r construction (g200.00 Minor Alteration ($20. 00) Addition ($50 00)Concept.ual Review ($0) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Subdivision If properLy is describbd bydescripLion, please provideattach to t.his application. ZONING: NA}48 OF APPLICANT: F.LOT AREA: If required, applicant mpst' plov.ide a current stamped survey snowing rbt area. l,O4n AryeA hone an FEEi 20.0cp .)u - uu $100.00 s20c.0r) $4'J0.00 $s00.00 * DESIGN REVIEI{ BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YE.AR AFTER TINAL APPROVAI, ITNI,ESS A AUILDING PERI'IIE IS ISSUED AITD CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO .IPPT.ICL\rION SIILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUI' OT{NER'S SIGNAfURE a meets and bounds legal on a seDarate sheet and Phone H.NAME OF APPLTCANT' S REPiIAddress:1, I.NAME OF OWNERS: Phone J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Laler, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal. The lown of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table below, to C- b5v ensulie t-he correct fee is paid- FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ c - $ 1o,oo0s 10,001 - $ 50,000$ 50,001" - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 5C0,000 $500r 001 - 91,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 .D *SIGNATURE(S): IION MEETII / PRE-APPLICAT ING: A pre-application meeting.with a member of the planning staff is st.rongly encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointnent with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. P]ease note that a COMPLETE application will streamllne the approval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting submittal reguirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. Atlsite lapings and st,aklng must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winler is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDfNGS normal.J.y requires two separate meet.ings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. c. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled neeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on thel-r item bepostponed, wi.ll have lheir items removed from the DRB docket until such time as the item has been republ i shed. D. The following items may, at the discreLion of the zoning administraLor, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): L a. Windows, skylights which do not alterbuilding; and and similar exterior changesthe existing plane of the b. Building addition proposals not visible from any other 1ot or public space. At the tlme such aproposal is submitted, applicants must lncl-udeletters frorn adjacent property or^tners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominiun association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, fl-ood plain, debris f1ow, wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submj.tted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town PLannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all napped hazards. f'. For all residential eonstruction: Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building; andIndicate with a dashed fine on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, aII conditions of approval- must be resolved prior to Tor,rn issuance of a building permit a. h fl ( U tt LIST OF MA?ERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:r*ee Du LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BI,OCK STREET ADDRESS: 5ub. DESCRIPTION OP PROJECT: A. The following information i-s Revi-ew Board before a final BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other wall Materials Fascia Sofflts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosurl.s Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: Botanical Name _zr nr__ lZ lb,t" tZ, fis|"r,fgU Common Name Ouantitv Size*.,.WEtFlr r€r\|l.r B. rr le a'*o 1olNo-. 2+ S*"1o' EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED tl'* *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate Minimum caliper forheight for coniferous L TYPE OT MA?ERIAL Designer: Phone: trees, PLANT "irr"*rC PROPOSED SHRUtsS Botanical Name lz 6 da,l- l?- -&bL EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qal-lon. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGAT]ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimun size of shrubs is Square footaqe LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and loiations on- a -separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture from t,he Lighting pLanon the list, below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpooIs, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum heighL of wall-s eLsewhere on t^he property1s 6 feet. D. =, AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT rnade this 16 day of February, 1993, by andbetween LESLIE w. FINDELL and EFn n. FiNDELL ("FindelI")*tesidingat 795 Cj-e11o lane, Evergreen, Colorado 80439, and LARRY R. GRACEand SARA L. GRACE ("Gracerr) residing at 3 Churchill Drive, Englewood, Colorado 80110, WITNESSETHt **Sr..essors and Assigns _ WHEREAS, Findell is the owner in fee of certain real propertylocated in Eagle County, state of Colorado, more particularlydescribed as follows ("Lot 43"): Lot 43, GIen Lyon subdivision, according to the AmendedPIat recorded July 18, L97B in Book ZZZ at Page 37Ot County of Eagle, State of Colorado. WHEREAS, Grace is the owner in fee of certain real propertylocated in Eagle County, State of Colorado, more particularlydescribed as follows (trtot 4Lrt): Lot 41, clen Lyon Subdivision, according to the AnendedPIat recorded July 18, 19?B in Book 272 at Page 37o, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado. WHEREAS, Grace pursuant to aDi Easement and Joint MaintenanceDeclaration, dated February 15 , tgg3, attached hereto asExhibit A, has granted a nonElirsive permanent easement foringress/egress in and to Lot 43 in, on, over, across and throughLot 41; and WHEREAS, Findell and craee hereby mutually agree to constructa driveway across Lot 41 from Westhaven Lane for the benefit of Lot4L and Lot 43, and further agree to pay for the cost thereofpursuant to the terms and provisions contained hereinbelow: NOW, THEREFORE, for Ten Dollars (S10,00) and other good andvaluable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of rrlhicn ishereby acknowledged, the parties hereto do hereby agr-ee as follows: 1. Grace shall construct the driveway on Lot 4l fromwesthaven Lane to the irnprovements on Lot 41 at ltreir sole expense.such driveway shall be sixteen (16) feet in width and the lolationof the same on Lot 4i. will- reasonably folrow the preriminary siteplan as attached hereto as Exhibit B. 2. Grace shall not be required to construct the continuationof.the driveway from Lot 41 to Lot 43. such area is appropriatelynoted on Exhibit B, =, 3. Findell shall construct the remainder of the drivewayfron Lot 41 to Lot 43 at their sole expense. 4. Findell shall reimburse Grace for the additional cost ofthe construction of the driveway, from twelve (12) feet in widthto a required sixteen (16) feet in width from Westhaven Lane to thelocation on the driveway which continuation extends to Lot 43, andfor the additional cost of constructing a fire truck turnaround asrequired by the ?own of Vail. (See notations on El&ibit B,) 5. Findell and Grace acknowledge that Westhaven Lane from Westhaven Circle will requj-re certain road improvements and thewidening thereof pursuant to Town of Vail requirements.Accordingly, Findell and crace shall equalty share the costs ofsuch road improvements after first deducting from the total costs an amount equal to SS.000.00 as received from the ovmer of Lot 42,clen Lyon subdivision. 6. The total cost to findell of construction of aII driveway and Westhaven Lane irnprovements shall not exceed $25r000.00. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunder settheir hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. Lot 41 OWNERS: Lot 43 "#r&s ,u f indag 1E-. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument wasof February, 1993 by Lary R. Grace hlitness my hand and official l,'ly commission expires: March acknow'ledged before and Sara L. Grace. seal . 26, 1996. ss. me this 17th day STATE 0F C0L0RAD0 ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknow'ledged before me this 17th dayof February, 1993 by Leslie hl. Findell and Beth B. Findell. Witness my hand and official seal. My conrnission expires: March 26, 1996 uy Commirsicn €xpirs 0V25l9b iliru_Y,'Jl5[ tzi. EXHIBIT "A" EASEMENT AND JOINT MAINTENANCE DECLARATION THIS EASEMENT AND JoINT MAINTE;NANCE DECLARATIoN (the ''TheDeclarationtl) is made as of this t5 day of rebruaryr'1993, byand between LARRY R. GRAcE and saRallll-enacn 1ngru..rr j'ana r,uir,iiw. FINDETL and BETH B. FINDELL ("Findell"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAST Larry R. Grace and sara L. Grace are the owners ofcertain rgal-property located in nagle county, stite of cororado,more particularly described as follows (n1ot-i1,'1: Lot 41, Glert l_,yon Subdivi_sion, accord.ing to the Amended.plat recorded JuIy 18, 19?8 in Book Z1z at page 370,County of Eag1e, SLate of Colorado. - WHEREAS' Leslie w. Findell and Beth R. Findell are the ownersof certain real .p5op-erty rocated in uagle c-unty, state ofColorado, more particularly described as foilows ("Ldd 43'r): Lot 43, Glen lyon Subdivision, according to the Amendedplat recorded_ July 18, 1978-in Book ziz at page 37olcounty of Eag1e, state of Colorado. . _WHEREAS, Findell-(Lot 43) is desirous of accessing westhavencircle via Lot 41 and'theref6r rs requJiti"s;-iight:ot-""v t"iingresslegress across said land or erace tr,of +r) in favor of Lot43; . WHEREAS' Findell and crace have agreed upon a right-of-way foringress/egress across tot 41; and . WHEREAS, Findell and Grace wish to provide for the conmonmaintenance and repair of the Easement. - N9W, THEREFORE, for Ten Dollars ($fO.OO) and other good andvaruable consideration, the receipt aira suft'iciency of ,itricr. i"hereby acknowledged, Finaett and crace do hereby- puuriin--anadecrare that Lot 1t and Lot 43 sharr le treta, soldl a]na con.reveosubject to the following covenants, conditions, restiicti;;;-il;easements' which are foi the purpoie of protecting the vatue anodesirabil.ity.of .Lot 41 and r-,o1 ds, ana rinich snaft run with therano and be brndrng on.a11 parties and their heirs, successors, andass5-gns of those parties tiaving unv righi; l1tG, or interedt-inall or any part of Lot 41 and fot as. =; _ 1. Qeclaration of Easenent. Lot 41 is hereby subject to,and Grace hereby conveys to Findell, a non-exclusive p6rnaneni, Sasement {o_r lngres-sTegiess in ana to Lot 43 ('Easernent") for thebenefit of tot 43, lnt onr_over, across and through Lot 41, and theeasement being described in Exhibit *Ar1 attached hereto 'and mad.ea part hereof (ttEasement Areail ) , - 2. Joint Maintenance of Easement Area. The owners of tot 41and Lot 43 shart be jointly ie-ponEibre for maintaining and keepi-ngthe Easement Area in good- repair and for the reasoniblSmaintenance, _ repair, upkeep and fepracement of all improvementsrocaced on the Flasement Area, including, without limitation, themaintenance of landscaping, if dnyr snorr/ rernoval and periodicpaving. For aLr purposes herein, ttiere shall be deemed to- be onlvtwo (2) owners, the ov/ner of Lot 41 and the owner of Lot 43. Thaparties, if more than one, having the ownership of each such Lot "lrglf _ ]9ree gmong themsel_ves how to share- the rights andobrigations of such ownership, but all such parties irratr bejointly and severarly liable f6r performance and -observance of aIlof the duties and obligations of an Downern hereunder with respectto the lot' in which they own an interest. ALl costs and expeisesrelated to such maintenance, repair and replacement and any cipitalexpenditures related to the Easenent Arei approved by ilie oirnersin accordance herewith shall be divided equatiy betr+eei the two ( i )owners, except {?l _"lV expense or liability caused through i.hinegligence or willfur act of any owner, iiis fami-ly, ag6nt oiinvitee-, which shall be borne soleiy uy suin o"neJ. th-e'owiers mavfrom time to time. appoint one owner as a managing owner (aheI'Managing ownerrr) thiouqh approval of such appointinent bt i;thowners of the Property. The Managing ownef-would handie alladministrative natters with resp-ect' to and oversee suchnaintenance, repair, upkeep and repiacement of the Easement Areaand all_ inprovements thereon. Alternatively, the owners may, bvapproval of both owners, adopt a plan for the administrati6n o'tsuch common mai-nt_enance, repiir and replacement not invol"ins -u Managing owner. The owners may also., by approval of boLh "*Ei*,approve capital expenditures for projects r-efating to Lhe sas"m;ntArea. 3. Enforcement. _ (a) If an owner, at any time, shall neglect or refuse toperform or pay his/her share oi any obligation iequired nereunaeilany other owner rnay, but shall not be obtigated to, after tweniv{?ol agy: written notice to the owner so tiiting to perform (itrlI'Defaulting ownerr') unless the cj-rcumstances fequife i**"ai"i"action, make such payment, or, on behalf of such Oet"ufti"g d;;;;expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligationlAll sums so paid or expended by an oivner, -with interest theleon atthe rate of eighteen percent (ret) per annum from the date of suctr e- paynent or_expenditure, shall be payabre by the Defaulting ownerupon demand of the owner so paying-litre reafing owner"). Ail sumsso demanded but unpaid by the befaulting o#ner shalr constitute alien on the fee simple eltate of the Deiaultins owner in favor ofthe Paying Owner prior to all other liens and eniurnbrances, except:(i) liens for taxes and speciar assessmentsi ana liiy--'the ti;nof any first mort_gage or first deed of trust encumblriirg such feesinple estate which is recorded prior to -ttre--aale on which theobligation became delinquent. The- lien snari-itlach from the datewhen the unpaid sum shalr become due and may uJ foreclosed in rikenanner as a rnorts_aqg oq .real property. To evidence such a lien,written notice of the lien shlalr- be-prepared, s*ttitrq forth th6amount of the unpaid indebtednessr-th-e date upon which theindebtedness became due, the name of the Defauriing o*nei ;Adescription of the fee simpre estate to which ttrd' tien bnattattach. such notice shall be signed by the owner or the orner.rsggent in whose favor the lien srritr be- fited, Jnd the rien irraribe recorded in the office of the clerk and Record.er of tne coun[yof Eagle, colorado. rn any foreclosure or other collectioirproceedings, the Defa,rlting- owner shalr be required to pav tn"costs ald expenses of suLh proceedings, inciuding i""'"i'""ui"attorneyrs fees. (!) The. lien provided for herei-n shall be subordinate to thelien of any first nortgage or fj-rst deed of trust which is recoroeaprigr.to the date on wrricn the obligation necam" oul, incruainq iiladditional advances on said iirst riortgage or first d.eed or tius!.sale or transfer of any fee si-mple estate as the result of courtforeclosure or a mortgage foreciosure through the public trustee,or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, srratt exti'nguish th;ii;;as to_ payments thereof r,vhich become due prior to such sale ortransfer, but shall not relieve any formbr owner of riauir:-ivtherefor. The first nortgagee of -such fee sinple estJ{e -wni, scquires title by -way of foreclosure or the takin-q of a aeea inlieu thereof, *ft-u]] lgt, however, be liable tor any past due lTglllt". an{/9r obrigations due hereunder and shat-r <inry mcomertabre ror ruture amounts and,/or obrigations on the date it becornesthe owner of such fee sinple estatel No sale or transf"r st.rirelieve such fee simple estate from liability for anv irnouniiand/or obligations thereafter becoming due -or from 'the -ti;; thereof. rn the event of the sale or transfer of a fee "i*priiestate with respect to which surns sharr be unpaid by a Defauitinqowner, except transfers to a first mortgage in conriection -*ii[--i foreclosure of its lien or a deed in ri6u-thereof, trre purcrraseior other transferee of a interest in such fee simpie estite sirariP: joint_ly and severalty tiabre with the serrJ? or transferoithereof for any such unpaid sums. (c). Upon writ,ten request of any owner, mortgagee,prospective rnortgagee, purchaser- or other pr:ospectiv" tril;i;;;; e- of a-fee simple estate, the owners of the other fee sirnple estatessharr issue a written statement setting forth the amounC owed underthis .Paragraph l, if any. such stitement is binding upon tir.executing owner in favor of any person who may rely ther6on-in goodfaith. unless a r.equest for s-uclh statement 6nart-be compliea *itnwithin fourteen (14) busj-ness days afLer receipt the'reof, allunpaid surns which become due priof to the date oi rnaking requestshaLl be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the pdrsonrequesting such statement - (d) Each provision of this DecLaration shall be enforceable 9y. any. owner -by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatoryrnlunctron or by a suit or action to recover damages. rf courlproceedings are instituted in connection with fne rights ofenforcement and remedies provided in this Declaratidn, theprevaili-ng party shall be -entitled to recover iLs costs andexpenses in connection therewith, including reasonabLe attorneyrsfees. . (e) Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions inequity or at law which are in?tituted to elnforce any provisionhereunder shall be^ brought in and only in the courts or- tir* countyof Eagle, State of colorado. - __(f) Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaralionshall not operate as a wai-ver of -any such provision, the riqht t-enforce such provision thereafter, or of iny other provision ofthis Declaration. (s) Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one ownerwith. respect !o gny other oimeris 16t, including but riot lirnidedto' the use of the Easement Area, shall be exeriised in a *a"""iwhich sha11 not unreasonably hinder, irnpede or impose upon suchother ownerrs use of his lot or the Easement Area. 4. General provisions. {:) I-{gtice. Each owner shall register its mailing addresswith the other o$rners and all notices -or demands intendid to -;; served-upon owners shalr be sent by certified mail, postafeprepaid' addressed in the name of th6 owner at such iegi;t;;Aamailing,address. rn the arternative, notices may be aerifeied-iiin writing, personally to orrners. (b) DuEation. Each provision in this Declaration which issubject to the laws or rules sometirnes referred. to as the ruleagainst . perpetuities or the rure prohibiting unreasonablerestraints on alienation shall continue'ana iemiii in full rorceand effect for the.period of twenty-one (21) years following thedeath of the survivor of the now lawfui rl"ioq descendan{s of G. charIes., the now current prince of wales, or until this Decrarationis terminated as hereinafter prorrided, wiriche;Lilirst occurs. Ar1other provisions contained ii this Declaration shart continue andremain in fuIl force and effect uniif;anuarv i-ln tne year 2o2oA'D'' and thereafter sha1l be automatically eiienaea for silccessiveperiods.of- t-en (10) years each; unress trris oeciitution is alnenaeoor revoked_ by recorded instrurnent signed nv Jii ovrners and ar1l-renors holding a first mortgage or first oe-eo of trust ot recoioon any portion of the froperty. . (c)..Amendnent or.Bevocation. This Declaration may be amended.at any tlr" upon wriFten approvar in record.abr-e fdrm of botho$/ners. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shallbe amended or revoked. .onry !y an instrulnenf-whieh "p."iii""rrvrefers to this Declaration and-which is signed uy lotn of the thene:isting-owners. any amendment must be pl"plrfy recorded at theoftice of the clerk and Recorder of the c'ounty of eagle, state ;iColorado. r_L! (d) -EffFgt of prgvisions of Declaration. Each provision ofEnts Declaratton, _ and any agreement, promise, covenant andundertaking to comply with 6ach -provision ot tti" ireclaration, i"aany. necessary exemption or reservation or grant of title, esiate,rlght or rnterest to effectuate any provisibn of this neciaration iJil sha1l be deemed incorporated in'each deed or-otter insii"meni!v which . any right, titie or interesC in any -portion "t-aii;Property is_ granted, devised or conveyed, whethei or not set forthor referred to in such deed or othei iristrunent; (ii) "ir"fi,--nvvir!.ue of acceptance of any right, titre or inieiest -in ".iv'i-"iiiiilof .the P_roperty by an owner, f-e dbemed accepted, ratitieO-l ;;;;;;;and declared as. a personal covenant of -such owner and., "s "personal covenant, sharr be binding on such olrner and his'ireirslpersonal representatives, successois and assigns; and, snaii-t6deemed a personal_ covenant to, with and ror t-ne'uenetit ot-eacnowner of any portion of the property, and (iii) shal] ue aeemea ireal covenan-t b_y the parties, foir thiinselvei, theii successors andassrgnsr and. arso an equitable servitude, running, in each case,as a burden with alo upbn the title to eich ano -every tee siorpi6estate comprising Lot a-f and LoL a:. . (g) Severability. Invalidity or unenforceability of anvprovision of this bEclaration in wnbre o, in part sna-rr- ,iot JrtE.jithe validity or enforceabirity qf any othei piovision or any validand enforceable part of a provisi-on of tnis Dbclaration wrriiir ;h;1rremain in full fbrce and 6ffect. ) ^(f) Captions. Th_e captions and headings in thisare for convenience only anld shall not be considered inany provisions of this becfaration. instruneht construing =-. (S) Construction. When necessary for proper construction,the masculine of any word used. in this oecta-rat-ion shall incrudethe feminine or neuter gend.er, and the singular the plural, andvice versa. (h) Governinq Law. This Declaration is made and executedyldel. and in respect will be governed and construed by the ]aws ofthe State of Colorado where the property is situatedl IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned being the parties herein,have hereunder set their hands and teals as -of th-e day and yeaifirst above written. STATE OF COUNTY OF coLoRADO )) ss.Eag]e ) Loh 41l*/!u^* l5 th day ofSubscribed February sworn to before me this 1993 by Larry R. crace. Witness my hand and official seal . commission expires: october l-1. 1995 OWNERS: .Lot :l' r / nLr [q/-+2, 7 l)fytt0n arz_ffi 2BB Bridge St., Vail, CO 81657 'r z/, rwJ j) STATE OF COLORADO ) - ) ss. COUNTY OF Eagle ) L. iil)r1,1 ,sworn to before me this l6 th f,',(Y€'g#t L993 by Leslie w. rindell". ,,T .: r'.' {(t :. ,r,.-_l .o{itqess my hand and official seal.,", t)ll;'t f-, ",My commission expires: october 11, J.gg54...: . ,.-\ . 2BB Bridge St.,Vail, OC 81657 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF Eaole.-_.-E_- tz:-i CCtWnrr,'t.-STATE OF.€EIESAD€- ) couNrY or (lVlrr.,,'ctp- | r I Subscribed andVWEY Witness rny hand SS. sv/orn to before ne this 1993 by Sara L. Grace. and official seal . |(OY-Y1 day of day of ) ) ) SS. Subscribed and sr/rorn to before ne this 16th day ofFebruary, 1993 by Beth R. Findell. :.', '", ' '.'!t+ witness my hand and official seal . r.i(}T..ili?1.'.;$AV comnission expires: october l_1, 1995 .)irn,iJt-rji,a /decfind -r. .i OFFICIAL SEAL MAS/ KAY tARSE}.l NOTAtr/ PUSLIC . CATIFORNTA RIVERSIDT COUI{TY *,"T^ -*oi"' *-R.lt' I?l lrry!-"-?, .f2rn< rq *s-r.-Notary PUEIIE 288 Bridge St., VaiI, CO 81657 TXH IFIT J I I I I I rd c z ul 4 :F t-- u, j -l I I I I I I I I I { I II I I I - . J ----.--------.r I _,1 ir-r\J 2 CATEGORICALLY EXCLUDED Thls proJect will result in no perrnanent t1rpe features remaining on NationaLForest systen lands and wlI1 be less lhan one year in duration. The projecthas been deternlned not to have a slgnlficant Lffect on the hunan envlronroeotand is. excluded from the preparatlon of environmental assessrnents orenvironmentar inpact statenents (40 cFR 1508.4, lb.3). Flood praLn andwetlandsr threatened andlendangered species, and cultural resources have allbeen determined to not be adversely affected by the project. APPEAL ltris deeision is subJect to adx0inistr"ti*r. revtew pursuant to 36 cFR 2L7.Appears nust be flled within 45 days of the date oG.publication of thisdecision. Notices of appear must neet the requl-remenis of 36 crlR z]7.g. Thisdecl.sion was nade August 8, 1991 by l{illiarn A. Ilood, Distrlct Ranger, Box 1-90,Holy Cross Ranger Distrlct, Minturn, CO 81645. r/zz ' 'DATE; District Ranger PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing a Design Review Board application on AprilTth, 1993, in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request lor an additional 500 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Grace Residence and Type ll Employee Housing Unit located at1210 Westhaven Lane, Lot 41, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Larry Grace The applications and information about the proposal are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular olfice hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrail on March 19th, 1993. --f-r) rir6\44 a/f fr-.& r''|Lo[ nftr 5/,t{/ ? J A^4 4-' / e-(// ,/a fu"( 7 )- ss74 -1 slBlqs- (r,ot 42 ) PLaceco 80110 /rrromas Hiru Tg lSedgwick EngJ-ewood, fltr ,JW s% ,lv AN Partnership 82nnr /' /r/v BLume Familyp.O. Box 501 Cheyenne, Wy {,f' -9,19_O"f.rman frust (I,ot 40)14010 S.W. 56th ManorFort Lauderdale, FL 33330 ,//L,eslie W. Findell (Lot 43)795 Cielo Lane Evergreen, CO 80439 ''',;. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIYE_!! t!?! lhe Design Review Board will be reviewing a Design FreviewBoard application on April 7th, 1993, in the Town of vail Municipal Building. 1- A request for an addiUonal 500 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Grace Hesidence and Type ll Employee Housing Unit located at 1210 Westhaven Lane, Lot 41 , Glen Lyon. Applicanl Larry Grace The applications and information about the proposal are avaitable in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrail on March 19th, 1993. * fSrwt o- A t/t /-frfu,( lou4Y , / ,/ //A^ J, tr*"" { fv"</\'- / / \ , 2 )- {?-r/<r t Jt) /-l alr/z I /1 '/a ,k4 lnwn 42 west meadow drive vail, colorado 8165? (3031479-22sO fite department sets fire access TO: FROM: DAEE: RE: * * * * * l,f El!o RAN DUlf * * * * * Shelly Mej-lo nDick Duran JlX February 1!, 1991Fire access for Lots 39, 40, {l*and possible Lot 42 atGlcn Iqron subdivisicrn. *********** The Uni-fonn Fire Code sec. ]-o.zo7requirements to be as follows: Width: Mininurn unobstructed width shall be not less than 20feet, Surface: Roads shall be designed and naintained to supportimposed Loads of apparatus and sha1l Ue proviaeawith a surface so as to provide a1l-weather drivingcapabilities. Turnarounds: All dead-end roade in excess of lg0 feet inJ-ength shall be provided with approved provisionsfor the turning around of fire apparatus. After revlewing Greg Hallrs menorandun of z/g/gl., r recornrnend !h?t.we accept a tr{renty (20) foot road that wil} provide a harddriving surface and a turn around for fi-re apparatus. r would. alsoask that we mandate tbe twenty feet to be rhJintained.'r, due to ourwinter months. As f have expressed many tines, there is adifference between prlvate drive and public road when it cones tomaintenance. we need to let then kriow that if the road. is notnaintained, we may not be abLe to assist tben when we are need.ed. I hope this will- clear things up. cc: John Gulick, Assistant Fire chiefMike McGee, Fire Marshal Greg Ha1I, Town Engineer If not, just call. TOWN OFVAIL Rnr0 FE3 s D ep lrtment of Pfilic l{orhs lTrausportatio*75 Soath Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 103 -47 9 -2 t t E / FAX 303 -47 I -2 I t7 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: }TEI{ORANDIIU :l:;'il"Ti""N- February 8r -199L Private Road StanAn. possible Lot'tilffi The Town of Vail t'[unicipal Code Section L7.28,320.E defines driveways as trAny private access for two or fewer dwelling units.ttSection L7.?8.320.D defines minor streets - which includes privatestreets. ft appears that the access easement granted to access the lotsmentioned above meets ttre definition of a private street. The Town of Vail Municipal Code Section 17.28.330 provides thedesign criteria of minor (private) streets. From the design criteria, a 22, wide paved width with 2r shoulderson each side would be required once the next dwelling unit isbuilt, as currently there are two dwelling units existing on lot The issue at trand. is how d.oes 24r of roadway surface fit into a 201easement. There are two so3.utions, one is to contact the ForestService to see if an encroachment onto Forest Service land ispossible, as currently a part of the existing roadway encroaches. ?he other solution would be to provide at a minimum l-8r of pavedwidth and two l-r shoulders as long as the Fire Department signs off on the substandard road. I would prefer the first option, however,if the Fire Department signs off on the latter solution then Public Works will too and the second may work. If you have any questions or need additional inforrnation, please contact rne. cc: Dick Duran 53 r 17.28.300 STREETS CENEML; CLASSIFICATION; DESIGN CRITERIA; CONSTRUCTION !''ATERIATS, AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS "' ?';'l* iEEH#; rH:l.l"n:!" " li' lo! :: :"i l: 5i :: l': :' ::l"lill3,,ghr"' e 'Plan. (' { V .2A 3N CLASSIFICATION: A. Arterial streets (Frontage Roads).- 1le those which petmit the reiitively rapid and-unirnpeded movement or_large vof,'"|-of iiiffii from. one pirt of the comuniry io another. B. collecto:1_streelg-are those which collect traffic from mLnor or 1oca1"tre"tffiyittoarterialstreetsorto1oca1traffl'cgerr"rrioir. -cotie"tor streets include the priniloal enrrance streets to " r."id""iiaf- developmeirt, thbse.ltnkl'ng suctr adjacent d-evelopm-ents, ?nd Lhose streets providing ciicufairon t{i"-tbin,such developmenEs - -i -:.}: ',:r:i -i..i - .. .I C. Local streeti-:are those used primarily for'dlrect acces-a*to oroperTlFi6utting the right-of-way. Local-streets carty - t liitii"-traving an drtgtn o; destination within the develoPment ."a ao not carrY'tblough traffic D. Ht*::#if;:$:;.fi:"ffil.iii tH";,ffi1"fS;i5;3;ate) are those-used Prlmarrry Forabutting the right- qf -y1tf .- : .yl"ro.rr,,;;;;;.-;"rry f"*9t-iehicles than local streets.. They.-d9*"{"t-do catty througb traffic.v{.-LJ '.,---F Otiy:l-lvlr:.H.prirate access for two or. fewer l1eJ1!"q lnitit u.-*-l ffi #ll:ilt I'ii ii,iTli :5*il; i 3ffi $ +l 2. ;iii t" disiriuaged..:'|' - ' :i:'et :': - :.^:,":r:.*:1TI3.:: Ingersecrions - Streets shall be laid ouc so 't'"" to '{"t-l#i=3p=f=i" ;EffiEible at righc angles. 3. Streit Nanes - Street names-shaLl not dupllcate an existl'ng street ffithesaidstreetisanexteqsionoftheexistingsEreet.r3ii"it nanes shall be subject Co the.approval of the Town Cour*i1. I Curves -.t[g aisinun curve radius shall be as desLgnated Ln-'lFa-gtaPh I bela' '. *+*:{;": -}lf5fll liu3[Tiu:f, s I j, i;]"til:i,0il""]E l]:il'" fi "::i;"u(liili, italt ut bc permicted. All alleys shall be paved. ,t 6- Easemenrs - Ees&ts sha11 be provided for all uttlltLes, drainage ...."*ffi"nelr.orstreamswhichcr3verseacroSsthesubdivision. ,{ 7, 8. ffi #ffii/'?"t$i'iiiri'i:;fii*,h#[i;;]ii,ft iii*ruigraphy. For repairs, a block will be defined as ite oiiiinii between-any-'-two consecutive lntersections of public streets. Cul-de-sacs - Cul-de-sac streets, however, shall be ies.igneO as mlnor or localnrur amErt-of-way bu or so-iooi-iiaii,s and pavement radius of 40 feet. 9. Street tdidth - Street yidth shall conform to tlre following: Collector 50 24 4 40 7 ZSO Local 50 ZZ 3 30 8 60 Minor ,,a(ii'ivate) 40 22 2 30 I so Oriveway lz 300-750 150-$0 0-t 50 (i B. c. Horfzontal A1 iqrrllent: The.major cons.iderations in horizontal alignment design are,:_ safety, grade proflle,rcad type,.design qpeed, sight distance, aid topogripfiy.-'Rit tt*re factors rnustbe batanced to produce an alignment ttrai is sariii,-fioii #;o,ni;i,'aij'iJ.i"iie'for the type of road proposedi Horizonta'l alignment must provide at least the minimurn stopping sight distance forthe desisn speed at all points. Thts iniiuiis riii'i'iiiiv-l['iit..ilitidri,"il ,irras around curves and roidside encroachments, Vertical Al igilnent: The grade line is the-referengg-lJnq by-wtrlch the elevation of the pavement and otherfeatures of the road.are estab'listrea.--Ii is coniroiiio,iiniy by topography, thefactors of horizontar_arisnr*nt, Jiiityj-siih;;i;;;ffi,"'iilign speed, drainase, 1,and construction costs. itre contituriiion 6t treavy-Juiv vifiicres must also be-cons idered. - Tle grade'line should be positioned with relation to the cross-fol lows: a' It should coincide witjr the road centerline on two-lane and multi-lane undivldedroads. b. separate grade linis may be required on divided murti-rane roads. *l'laximum_grade for driveways may be up to l0Sobtained. If the driveway is iroposia-io beif the Town Engineer,s apirrovai ii-oUtainea. Jf thq Tovm Engineer,s approval isheated, the grade may be up to l2g 10.207-t0.30r un,ro*,recoie I widths and clearances cstablished under this section shall be maintained at all times. (l) Sigrs. When rcquired, approved signs or other approved notices shall be provided and maintained for frre apparatus access roads to identify such roads and prohibit the obstruction thereof or both. Premlses ldentificallon Sec. 10.20t. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the sheet ;r road fronting thc proPerty. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. lGy Bor Sec. 10.209. When access to or within a strucnrre or an area is unduly difficult because of securcd openings or where immediae access is necessary for life- saving or fire-frghting purposes, the chief may require a key box to be installed in an aciessible location. Tbe key box shall be a type approved by the chiefand shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the chief. Division lll INSTALLANON AND MAINTENANCE OF FIRE. PROTECTION, LTFE.SAFETY SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES lnstallatlon Sec 10.301. (a) Bpc fueuired. The chief shall designate the type and number of frre appliances to be installed and maintained in and upon all b1ildings-and premisei in the jurisdiction orher $an glvate_dwellings. This shall !c done according to the rclative severity of probable fire, including the ragidity with which ir may spread. Such appliances shall be of a type suitablg for the probable class offire associafed with iuch building orpremises and shall have approral of the chid._- po.tuUt" fire extinguishers shatl be in accordance with U.F.C. Slandard No. lG,l. (b) Special Fazards. In occupancies of an especially hazardous nature 08 where special hazads exist in addition to the normal hazard of the occuPancy' or wherc rccess for firc appararus is unduly difficuh. additional safeguards may be required consisting of additional firc appliance units, more than one type of applian e, or specid systems suitable for the protection ofthe hazard involved. Suih devices or appliances may consist of automatic firc alarm systems, aulomat- ic sprinkter or tmter spay systems, standpipe and hose, fixed or portable firc extinguishen, suitable asbestos blankets, breathing aPparatus' otTu4 or aute matiCcoven, carbon dioxide, foam, halogenated and dry chemical or other special fge-ertinguishing systems. Where such systems are installed, they shall be in accordance wittr thJappticable Uniform Fire Code Standards orstandards of the National Firc Protection Association when Uniform Fire Code Standards do not apply. 42 ( 1985 EDmOil Qo.ro*ro]ro, deter or hindcr dq ftre &partment from gaining immediate access to said equipment u hydrant. A ninimum 3-foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumference ofthc ffuc hydrants except as othenrise required or approved by the chief. Flre Apparalus Access Roads Sec. 10.2117. (a) Gcnerd. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided and maintained io accordance with the provisions of this section. (b) Whcrc Requind. Hrc apparatus access roads shall be requircd for every building hercafter conshrcted when any portion of an crterior wall of the fint story is located morc than 150 feet from fire department vehicle access. EXCEPTIONS: l. When conditions prcvent ?he installation of an appmved firc appaxatw acccsr mad. thc chief may permit the installation of a firr-protcction system or sy$ens in liar of a road, provided the system or systems ar€ not othenvisc required by this u any other code. 2. When tbea arc mt morc tban two Group R, Division 3 or Group M Occupan. cies, th requinmenrof this section may be modified, provided, in the opinion of the chicf, frrc-fightingm rescue operations would not be impaircd. (c) krnlsible Modificalions. Clearances or widths required by this section may be increased rvten, in the opinion of the chief, minirnum clearances or widrhs are not adery*e toprovide fire apparatus acces$. For high-piled combusti ble storage, see Sectbn tl.l09. (d) Surbcc. FrrE apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support ttr€ Ltrposed loads offire apparatus and shall be provided with a surface so as to provi& all*eafter&iving capabilities. (e) lVidtl.lhc nininun unobstnrcted width of a fire apprarus access road shall be Bct lcss lhm 20 fcei" (D Vertical Cleannca All fre apparatus access roads shall have an unob- sfircted vertical cleaaacc ofnot less than 13 feet 6 inches. EXf,SPTIOIt Upu approval vertical clearance may be rcduced, provided such redwtioo d06 Ft iryir access by fire apparaos ald approved signs re installed rnd meffiiadindcebg the established vcnical clearance. G)ltmirgRafullcturning radius of afire apparatus mcessroad shall be as approvedbythectid. O) Ilrmrounds All dcad-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet inlengthdrallbcprovihd with approvedpmvisions fortheturning around of fircapparau (i) Bdd$$ Whcsebridgc is rcquired to be used as access under this section, it shall bc coostructed od maintained in accordance with the applicable sections of the Building Co& ad using designed live loading sufficient to carry the imposed loads of fire apparaus. 0) Gradc. Thc grdieu for a fire apparatus access road shall not exceed the maxinum 4prwed by the chief. (k) Obsftclion Tbc regired width of any fue apparatus access road shall not be obgructed in ary nrnner, including parking of vehicles. Minimum requircd 41 o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh . Architects . p.C. A.I.A. Bt0'ilisurdjgg.J MEMORANDUM DATE: February 22, 1993 TO: Town of Vail FROMr BilI Reslock RE:Gnace Duplex Pnoject Statement Ile are proposing a Primary/Secondary Residence w/emp'loyeecaretaker uni t. l{e are applying fon an additionalal S0O feet plus 3OO squarefeet for an addi t i onal garag€ . Thi s addi ti onal uni t wi'l lhave minimal impact on the adjacent properties in thevlcinity. The addi ti ona'l uni t fon empl oyee housi ng i s a desi redobjective of the Town of Vai l. This proposal wil'l have a very minimal effect on any of theitems addressed in III-1, b, c, d of thjs application. lJe f eel thi s pro ject wi l'l al so have desi reabl e ef f ect on theprivate road to this property and adjacent properties andprovi de better access for I i fe safety. Pl ease cal I with any questi ons, {1'}\ Po)''"b-- Main Office; 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 3031476-4433 One Tabor Center . 1200 Seventeenth Street. Suite 515 . Denver. Colorado 80202 . 3031623-3355 I rcvircd LOl5l92 Date of App Date of PEC tication Z I. Meeting IPPLICAIION 'OR COIIDIIIOITAI. USE PERr|II This procedure is reguired for any proJect required to obtain aconditional use permit. The applicatlon will not be accepted until all information issubmitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT r;rr-rr D rrrsrc tL!rl,r.\.er !, J ,', ,UOo*n-a* PHON!'. are-eaqq R NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS \/ai l c.NAI,TE OF osnrBR(sl ADDRESS O9{NER (S) (print SIGNATLRE (S) HONE-aZe-aa::_ PHOlJil"^ffi D. F LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAI :LOT-4J_BLOCK_FILING ADDRESS r?1t r^T^-+r.-i, h r-h^ EEE $200.00 PA]DI'9':{ B:,,*hh41 aa'!t\.I3Y THE FEE MUSE BE PAID BEFORE T}IN T,IPARTMENI OT DEVELOPMENT WTLL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of allproperty adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING pROpERTy BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of names and mailingaddTesses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FoR coRREcT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES, II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff mernber isstrongly suggested to determine if any additional informat,ion isneeded. No application will be accepted unless it comptete (mustinclude all iterns required by the zoning administrator). It isthe applicant, s responsibility to make an appointment with thestaff to find out about additional subnittal requirement.s. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI.ETE APPLICATION WILL.STREAMLINE.THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PI,i,:iNING AND ENVIRONMENTAI coMMrssroN (pEc) MAy sTrpuLATE. & CONDTTTONS OF APPRoVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4') copies of the following informat.ion must besubmitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatible wj-th other properties in thevicinity. The description must also address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. ,-b' G';$"i:.*;, "::":3ollg::t"':lii'iiiliibution utilities, schools, parks and recreationfacilities, and other public facilities and publicfacilities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference tocongestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and conveniencer traffic flow and controf, access,maneuverability, and removal of snow from thestreets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which theproposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation tosurrounding uses. A site plan at a scale of at least t" = 20, showingproposed development of the site, including topography,building locations, parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities anddrainage features. Preliminary building elevations and floor plans. A title report.to vgrify ownership and easements. If thel'L{uD}Oing idrc'o,nAominiumized, a let'ter from the condominiun association in support of the proposal mustbe submitted to staff. Any additional materiaL necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoning administrator. *:t For interior modifications, an improvemen! survey and site plan may be waived by the zoningadministrator. REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A conplete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must besubmitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date ofthe PEC public hearing. No incornplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) wiII be accepted bythe planning staff before or after the designated submittaldate. All PEC approved conditional use permits shall lapse ifconstruction is not conmenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to compJ_etion, or if the usefor which the approval is granted is not commenced within one year - If this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, theapplication fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples ofsuch review, may include, but are not limited to: ColoradoDepartment of Highrday Access Permits, Army Corps ofEngineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. !f,at the applicantts requestr dny matter is postponed forhearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, theentire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by theapplicant. , 2. 5. ,\1lfqf*C. tlf. . rV. TIME A.rt B. c.ApplicationL"*.d by the Communiry ofoprent Departmentto have significant design, land use or-other j_ssues which may have a significant lmpact on the community may reguirereview by consultants other that town staff. ShouLd adetermination be made by the town staff that an outsideconsultanL is needed to review any application, Community Development. may hire an outside consultant, it shallestimate the amount of money necessary to pay hirn or her andtbis arnount shall be forwarded to the Tovrn by the applicantat the time he fiLes his application wlth the CommunityDevelopment Department. Upon completion of the review ofthe application by the consultant, any of ttre fundsforwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultantwhich have not been paid to the consultant shall be returnedto the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excessof the amount forwarded by the applicant shatl be paid tothe Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification bythe Town. IS.I' to Erlosch a3 th3 tcn rtt ! Iit Ir ! ?e3r2oft _-a,J EXHIBIT A (:Artached to and sade a Part of Conveyancc 6f !,r,a<tuay Easeirrent da:c Jdnuery l5 , - 1979 ',fro; GoRE'CREEK ASSoCLAT€S, t Rhodc I!land i.ir,it"a iertnerehlp, to AI{DRE!| D' NORRIS "..C *-.eOp U.'r t' l'E:{i'11N6;O$, a General Pa:'tncrsh: ? . ) II.GA:- LtESCRIPT IOIi A tweniv fc,at ui,dr parccl of land located rtthln I of the A]!:lIJiii I1;T GI.Eli Lyoli SUgDlvISIOri, Tortt "of E;,11*, Color.rd(r rtcordcd as d'';r'ncnt 'r::rber 168773 Part -1?0 of r-!rt larlc Cornty Clerk and Recorder'g par!icul.r: ;'' dsscri!:cC as follctrs: Iit,pinnin; '-i ir'c :iorthi''.st corner of thc Sti l/tr of the FE 1/4 of secrlon I ?. io'.ir',ship 5 South. Rar:ge EI u€tt' of i'he 6th Prlnclgrl lcriC:rn. T .''Tr cf i'R: I , Cculty of Eaglc. Coloredo, the TRL:E POIIST o,t [E6Il{:iIr(: rhenc:c S O0' 16' &9" tl eton6 llert llne of rrld 5r- i'r cj tl,e liii l/{ cf salrt Seclion 12 end along the East boundery of rald /tSiiDED flJ\T GLf,N LYOH sUBDMSIOtt, I dlBtt:rc^ of 765'54 fc't to a point on, cu;ve thetcc along r curvc to tbe lefr and eloag Ehe tiorth boundary cf iJestl,aven Circle, rlld curve havtng r redlur of 8'J.00 rrrd a central angle of 4L' 24' 35", ea rrc diGtlnc' of 57'8? f'ct therice !i oC' 16'{?" E:i dlgtancc of ?1!.44 f€Gt to Eh' llortbeltt co:-ne: cf saj.d Lct /.0. thence S 88t 45' 57" E r diBtrnc' of 2O'O0 fect to ri' 'IRI'L PCrliiT Of IJEGINNIHG ' Vall. CountY of ln Book 272 et reccrds Eorc EXHIITIT E (Actaehed !o end oade a parr of Conveyance -of-ii"" a,;iv -9, ""nent dttcd isnu.ry 15' 1979. frorn coer cicer ASS0CIATES, r Rhodl Island Llnlccd iartn"rttrfp. to AttDREtl D. nORRIS snd. ]IAGoPIAN & PENN I'NCTbti, a C;cneral Prrtnerehlp. ) CLEN LYON SUBDTVISION, accordlng to thc recorocd as atu..nded, p 1a;Lot 39, titereof, tet of fee t Below are lhe two Employee Housing Ordinances of the Town ot Vail. passed by lhe Town Council on September l, 1992, and December 1, 1992. As Ordinance 27 modified the earlier ordinance, tho text from lhe two overlap. Staft has integraled the two ordinances to make lhem easier lo use, The text trom Ordinance 9, Series 1992 is shown as regular lext. The text trom Ordinance 27, Series 1992 is shown in i-p"!.4!iigi ORDINANCE NO.9 SEFIES 1992 AN OROTNANCE CREATTNG I deW CHaprpR 18.57 - EMPLOYEE HOUSING AND SETTING FORTH oETAILS lN REGARD THERETO; AMENDING CHAPTERS 18.10, 18.12, 18.13, 18.14, 18.15, 18.18, 18.20, 18.22,19,241 18.27,18.28,18.29, 18.32, 18.34, 18.36, AND 18.39 TO PBOVIDE FOR THE ADDITION OF EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNITS AS PEBMITTED OR CONDITIONAL USES WITHIN CEFTAIN ZONE DISTRICTS WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL, AND SETTING FOFTH DETAILS lN REGARD THEBETO; AMENDING CHAPTER 18.04, SETTING FORTH CERTAIN DEFINITIONS FOR AN EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT, A BATHROOM, AND A KTTCHENETTE. WHEREAS, the Town of Vail's economy is largely tourist based and the heatth ol this. economy is based on cxemplary service for Vail's guests; and WHEREAS, Vatt's abitity to provide such service is dependent upon a skong, high qualily and consistently available work force; and WHEREAS, to achieve such a work torce, the community must woft lo living and working condifions; and ... ' ,' o monlhs ot study. work sessions, ard publio hearings with the Town Council. the ftanntng and Environmental Commission, and the general public. ths stucty rJas approved by the Town .j. WHEREAS, the study concluded lhere ls a shortago ot employee ho_uslng ln the Town''' of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Town Council now wishes to implement recommendations and potio'es :li : set {orth in the Alfordable Housing Study for the provision ot certain types of employee housing as a permitted or a condillonal use In certain zone districls withln the Town; NOW THEREFORE, be it ordalned by the Town Councit o, the Town of Vait, Colorado: Section 1 Chapter 18.04 - Detinitions ol the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail is hereby amended by lhe addition of Section 18.04.105, to read as follows: Section .|8.04.105 Employee Housing unit (EHU) sha meJn a dwe ing unit which shall not be leasdd or rented'I for any period less than thirty (30) consetutive days, and shatt be rented only lo ienants who are full-lime employees in Eagte county. EHUS shall be a owed in cerlain zone districts as set forlh in chapter 18 of this code. Development standards for EHUs shall bo as provided in chapter 18.57 - Employee Fiousing. For the purposes of this section. a full-time employee shall mean a person who works a minimum of an average of thirfy (30) hours per week ; There shall be tive (5) categories ol EHUs: Type t, Type il, Type ilt. Typo lV ind Type V. ' Provisions relating to each type of EHU are set forth in chapter 1g.s7 - Employee Housing of .l Council on November 20, 1990: and this Code. Section 18.04.033 to read as follows: Section 1 8.04.033 , .t. ,,. , ,::: . . Secllon 2 , ,.i,,i., .r.,,i. chapter 18,04 - Definitions of the vait Municipal code is hereby amencted'by mj.oJiton or Section 4 Title 18 ot the Vail Municipal Code is hereby amended by the addition ot Chapter 18.57 lo read as tollows: Chaoler 18.57 - Emoloves Housino Seclions:1 8.57.01 0 - Purpose 18.57.02O - Employee Housing Units (EHU) Generally 1 8.57.030 - Applicability 18.57.040 - Type | - Employee Housing Unit 18.57.050 - Type ll - Employee Housing Unit 18.57.060 - Type lll - Employee Housing Unit 18.57.070 - Type lV - Employee Housing Unit 18.57.080 - Iype V - Employee Housing Unit 18.57.010 - Purpose The Town of Vail's economy is largety toufist based and the heatth of this economy is.\ premised on exemplary service for Vail's guests. Vail's ability to provide such service is dependent upon a strong, high quality and consisten y available work force. To achieva such a work force, the community must work to provide quatity living and working conditions. Availability of housing plays a critical rold in crealing quality living and working conditions for ilhs community's work force. The Town /gcognizes a permanenl. year.round poputation plays an imporlant rols in sustaining a heallhy, viable community. Furlher, th6 Town iecogntzes its roleinconjunctionwiththeprivatesec|orinensuringhousingisavailable. a ! B) No employee houslng uniilwnich is construcled in accordance with this Cfiapter i shall be subdivided or divided lnto any form of lime shares. interval ownerships, or fractional . . [ee. p.J a1!iri.p-qH*;EfJ"\r.9;;r,,:?yt;-6"fl_Eaj{Ef'g-lili{dfilpit*r.ffi!Hil,fffi?t"{{}r,1 Fi$F.]u,f-plffiWti-0"iw.O.rt+!nEeoL{.e-bt"ttl,,'li$t,E.t{uj5nElln:q!:U_ejJitHli{tpTr3-ile":ilqdJ.e_$jJnHfl rel A:r,vitrd".J#lip;.di-,i.,iti,-63.'1sejqjlltAJi$llif.e)dlffi0it"flViii#;-d.F..ep"iiretqlyJle.ii]- .L:d,iS$-6,.i:si!i..e"!il,orlti;iu;9_,ejiji.n ii/;Il0(p),.s.'9 lii"g$lj_qp.rerr (u AiTrndxL5,11u.,1p,1igfn"o"t'p-"e;$:el9-ralian6_l-qiJ,qd.ltiqj.;elonY.-el"t'..Cljp.,Emliil},| (iJ n;Bii"itJ!I,F,Hg.:n'av-!"lej$pt"o.i"ri.fnslsij.6.d,jtif.idnyj.rgb_it-:s.qp",?:iitdlyi*dtn .o.lF-ej.qvp.lli0d:H"ni.lC.o..q,gmplgy.e.e.r,i,qqrins."q0itsJti.erJt-r_qx,br!!g.-e"g!_ei,..dn[UE;3i"a.rne:J9""1"o1.:gi$!q D) He-i;d"pi* E) No laler than February 1 of each year. the owner of each employee housing unil within the Tolvn whlch is constructed following the ettective date of this ordinanca shall submit two (2) copies of a report on a form to be obtained from th€ community Development oepartm€nt, to lhe community Development Deparlment ol the Town of vail and chairman of lhe Town ot Vail Housing Authority setting forth evidence estabtishing that each tenant whom resldes within their employee housing unit is a tull-time employee in Eagte county. ' F) No property conraining an EHU shafl exceed the maximum GRFA permitted in Tltle 18 except as provlded ln paragraph 18.57.040 (B)4. tg.s7.oso (B)5 or i8.57.080 teis of this Chapter. G) All trash facitities shail be enclosed. , :: t' 4: I H) All surface parking shall be screened by landscaping or berins ast per Design Fleview Guidelines, Section 18.54.050 (O) 3. l) Any applicant who applies for a Conditional Use Permit for lhe purpose ot construcling employee housing, shall not be required to pay a Conditional Use Permit application fee. J) The provisions as set forth in Section 18.57.020 paragraphs B,C,D, and E shall be incorporated into a written agreement in a form approved by the Town Attomey which shall run with lhe land and shall not be amended or terminated without the written approval of the Town ot Vail. Said agreement shall be recorded at the County Clerk and Recorder Ottice prior to lhe issuance ot a building permit for lhe construclion of an EHU. K) ft'.V.ffi!}lil"6',iF-fly.F"-ni.*6liiigitrijli.irj:iniiiju,-d;;a.Biii".li"t"d:gi; 1 8.57.030 - Aoolicabilitv A) The requkements of this Chapter shall be in addition to the requirements set forlh in each zone district where EHUs are permitted by this Chapter and a other requirements ol the Town ol Vail Municipal Code. B) Where lhe provisions or requirements of lhis Chapter conflict with the provislons or requirements set iorth in any zone district of any other requirements ol the Town of vail Municipal Code, lhe provisions of this Chapter shall control. 18.57.040 - Tvoe | - Emptovee Housino Unit , :':A) Puroose ;.. . .. . To allow tor construction of an EHU on lols in the primary/Secondary and Two-Family.'. zone Dislricts which do not meet the minimum lot size requkement tor said zone districls. B) General Conditions .: . . A Type I EHU shall compty with lhe following general provisions: r , .., 1. lt shall be a permitted use in the primary/Secondary Flesldential, and Two- Family Besidential zone districls. any setback, and turther provided that no existing parking required by the Town of Vail Municipal Code is reduced or eliminated. 4, lt shall not exceed lorty percent (40%) of the total GRFA allowed on the lot. An applicant, however, shall be permitted to apply to the Community Development Department ot the Town of Vail lor additionat GRFA not to exceed two hundred fitty (250) square feet to be used in lhe construction of the EHU, The applicant shall submit an application for the additional GFIFA on a torm provided by the Community Development Departmenl Approval or denial of the request shall be made by the Design Review Board in accordance with section 1 8'54.040. It an applicant obtains Design Review Board approval {or additional GRFA for the EHU, he or she shall not be entitled to receivs additional GRFA pursuant to chapter t8.71 - Additional Gross Residential Floor Area ot this Code for either unit on the lot. 15J A:f)ip:eJ;.q.|i-u".,m.?Jti.,,e renlB$iiii;t*r1plii.i.99i"iiii!ti.s-e.ctiQ'ri;i'tSiIZ;g?pp[,J;ft]-b.H S6'gi;lien:qfFrTEdj;0-ij.cenV..9,tedj!l+.'pjir3r.elv;lrA$,ii}tnf..s.iisl!i_.,f""*i!jlt;idj;;r.i{"Ii"fieliiily"_.r,w:qllr"n',Otl! (a) lt must be used by the owner of tho EHU as a permanent residence. Forlhe purpose of this paragraph, a permanenl residence shall mean the home or place in which o I shall submit an application lo the Community Development Department documenting that the itfg.iip};iIv'l$ purchaser meets lhe criteria set forth in Sections 18.57.O2O C and 18.57.040 B 5 (a) and shall lnclude an allidavit affkming that he or sho meets these criteria. C) Aoolication ' Any person who wishes to conslruct a Type I EHU shall submit an application tor Design Review Board approval to the Community Development Department containing the following information: 1. The name and mailing address of the applicant. 2. The wrilten consenl of lhe owners of the lot or property to be lncluded in the application or the written consent of their agent or authorized representatives. For the purposes of this paragraph, agent or authorized representative shall mein any individual br association aulhorized or empowered in wriling by the property owner lo act on his or her behalf. lf any of the property to be included is a condominiumized developmenl, the pertinent condominium association may be considered the agent or authorized representative for'thE ;i individual unil owner if allowed by all pertinent requirements of the condominium association's - declarations. 3. The legal description and street address of the lot or site for whicfi the pro is made...': 4. A lisl of the owner or owners ot record and lhek mailing addresses for the D) Review o To allow tor tho conslruction ol an EHU on lots ln the Single-Famil% Two.Family, and ' Primary/Secondary zone dislricls which meel the minimum lot size requirement for iaid zone -; dislricts, B) General Conditions i : '. '1. lt shall be a conditional us6 in the Single-Family Residential, Two-Family .l;- Residential and Primary/Secondary Residenllal zone districls. ,.:' 2. lf shall be permi ed only on lots which comply with minlmum tot size t tequiremenls of the zone districl in which the lot is iocated, 3. lt shall be localed within, or altached lo, a single-family drvelling or be located within, or attached to, a two.family dwc ing pursuant to Section 1g.S4.OSO(l) - Design . Guidelines Duplex and Primary/Secondary Development. lt may also be located in, or . nached to, an existing garage provided the garage is nol located wilhin any seibac!(, and further provided that no existing parking required by the Town of Vait Municipal Code is reduced or etiminated. 4. lt shall not be counled as a dwelling unit tor the purposes ot calculating density. owever,itsha||containkitchenfacilitiesandabathroom,asdefinedinchapter18.o4 Definitions o{ the Vail Municipal Code. lt shall be permitted to be a third dwelling unit in addition to the two dwelling units which may already exist on the lot. Only one Type lt EHU shall be allowed per lot. 5. It shall have a GRFA not less than three hundred (3OO) square feet, nor pore lhan nine hundred (900) square feel, An applicant. however, shall be permitied to apply to ths ' community Development Deparlmenl of the Town ot vail for additlonat GRFA not to exceed ' five hundred (500) square feet to be used in the construction of ths EHU: The appticant shall submit an application fol the additional GRFA on a form provided by the Community : oevelopment Oeparlment, Approval or denial ot the requesl shall be made by the Desigjn ' : Review Board in accordance with Section 18.54,040. tt an appticant:ob,",nr"buriin'nu;u,u* Board approval tor 500 sq. tt. of additional GRFA for the EHU, he or she shati not be enti ed to receive additional GRFA pursuant to Chaprer 18.71 - Additional Gross Residentiat Floor 8. Each Type ll EHU shall be required to have no less lhan ono (1) parking space lor each bedroom located therein. However, if a one (1) bedroom Type ll EHU exceeds slx hundred (600) square teet, it shatl have two (2) parking spaces. Atl parking spaces required by lhis Code shall be located on the same lot or sile as the EHU. lf no dwelling exisls upon the property which is proposed for a Type ll EHU at the time a building permit is issued, or if an existing divelling is to be demolished and replaced by a new dwelling, not tess than one (1) of the parking spaces required by this paragraph shall be enclosed. A 300 sq. ft. GFTFA credit shall be altowed for the construction of one enclosed parking space lor the Type ll EHU. 18.57.060 - Tvoe lll - Emolovee dousino Unit I I located. 4. lt shall have a GRFA of not less than four hundred lifiy (aS0) iquare feet and A) Puroose :.r. To allow tor the construction of EHUs in multiple family and mixed use zons districts. B) General Cpnditions - 1. lt shall be a conditional use in the Residential Cluster, Low Density Muttiple- . Family. Medium Density Multiple-Family, High Density Multiple-Family, Public Accommodation, . Commercial Core l, Commercial Core ll, Commercial Core lll, Commercial Service Center, Arterial Business District, Parking District, Public Use, and Ski Base/Recreation zone districls, : ,. ::.' 2. lt may be conslrucled on legal non-conforming lots and sites as well as on lots , and sites which meet the mlnimum lot size requirements in the zone districl in which it is . 3. lf shall be counled as 0.5 dwelling unib for the purposes of cald,lating density. ::.: i . ,t fte number of Type llt EHUs shall be determlned by the Planning and Envkonmental ],. ,t , - not more than nina hundred (900) square feet. j 5. li shall have kitchen facirilies and a balhroom as dlRned rn crr+re; ie.oi.. t '; ', ;.;'. ..,': , , :.il, Municipal Code of the Torn of Vail. 9 o tqJ,I;sJi:ar,l;Lry.eLtr*iilgii:.tniiilW"i1?;t[irfli6,B.S$: 7. No more lhan two (2) persons tor each bedroom located therein shall reside in a Type lll EHU. 8. lt shall be required io have ons (1) parking space for each bedroom. However, if a one (1) bedroom Type lll EHU exceeds six hundred (600) square teet it shall have lwo (2) parking spaces. Any guest parking requkements shall be delermined by the Plannlng and Environmenlal Commission as a part of the conditional use permil review process set forth in 18.60.060. 9. lt shall not be entifled to additional GRFA;n accordance with Chapter 1g.71- Additional Gross Residential Ftoor Area. 10. GRFA shall be deiermined as set forth in Section 18.04.130 (B) of this code. 'I t. A Type lll EHU may be rented in compliance wrth Section 18.57.020 or it may be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately kom other dwelling un;ls or Employee Housing Units that may be located on the same lot or within the same building in which the Type lll EHU is located so long as it meets the following conditions: a. lt must be used by the owner of the EHU as a permanent residence. For the purpose ot this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the homo or place ln which one's habitation is fixed and to which one. whenever he or she is absent, has a presenl ' intention ol relurning after a departure or absence therefrom, regardless of the duration of absence. In detefmining what is a permanenl residence, the Town staff shall take the following circumslances relating to lhe owner of the residence into accounl: business pursuits, employment, income sources, residence foi income or other tax purposes, age, marital status, residence ol parenls, spouse and children il any, location of personal and real property,andmotorvehicleregistration.l. b. lf a Type lll EHU Is sotd, tjansterred, or conveyed separately trom tfre otfrert; dwelling units and/or Type lll Employee Housing units in a multitamily struchrre it is a part of, or from other dwelling units and/or Type lll EHUs tocated on the same lot, ths Type lll EHUs In the structure or on thal lot shau be subiect to a the provisions set forth in siction ' Commercial Core l. Commercial Core ll, Commercial Core lll, Commercial Service Center. Arterial Business District, Parking District, Pubtic Use, and Ski/Base Recreation zone districts. 2. lt may be constructed on legal non-conforming lots and sites as well as on lots and sites which meet the minimum lot size requirement in the zone dislrict in which it is located. 3. lt shall be counted as 0.333 of a dwelling unit lor the purposes of catculating density. The number of Type lV EHUs shatl be determined by the ptanning and Environmental Commission as part of the conditional use permils review process set forth in 'j Chapter 18.60.060 - Criteria - Findings.l:; : ' :'-" 4. lt shall have a GRFA ot not less than hvo hundred (200) square feet and not ''. 1 , .. ,. more than three hundred (300) square feet and shall include a bathroom and a kitchenette as defined in Chapter 18.04 - De{initions of the Vail Municioat Code. 5. Each buitding which contains a Type lv EHu sha contain a slorage locker not less than 5' widlh x 61 height x 5' lengrh (one hundred fifty cubic teeg in lize ior dach ryrb tv i {{I rl ..1.;,"..i :...._..-.. EHU contained thereih, and notiess than one (1) washer and dryer for coilhbn use by ealh .;.';' : ,iii,'r ,:,,r'-i,j: l','':i.'1., :.:.elghl (8) EHUS located therein, ln no event shafl less thari one (t) washei ino dryer ue:-'; provided in a building with less than eight (B) EHUS. 6. No more than one (1) person shatl reside in a Type tV EHU. 7. lt shall be required to have one (1 ) parking space. Guest parking requiremenls shall be determined by the Planning and Environmenlal commission in accordance with the conditional use permit review process set forth in Chapter t8.60.060 Criteria - Findings. ' 8. lt shall not be entitled to additlonal GRFA under Chapter 19.71 - Additional a Gross Residential Floor Area. 9. GFTFA shall be delermined as set torth in Section 1B.O4.13O (B) of this code. 18.57.080 - Tvoe V - En'rolovee HLusinq Unit A) purpose I To allow for construction of an EHU on to," ,n the Hi side Residential zone District. B) General Concjitions A Type V EHU shall comply with the following general provistons: 1. lt shall be a permitted use in the Hillside Residential Zone Dislrict. 2. lt shall be one (1) of the dwe ing units in a two-family dwe ing pursuani to section 18.54.050 (t) Design cuidetines Duplex and primary/secondary Devetopment. lt ogt'__*. also be located in, or attached to, an existing garage provided the garage is not located within any setback, and turther provided that no existing parking required by the Town of Vail Municipal code is reduced or eliminated. lt shall not be a separate free-standing structurg. 3. lt shatt have a GRFA o{ not more than one thousand two hundled (.t.200 ) square feet. An applicant, however, sha be permitted lo apply to the Community ,. ,., Development Department of the Town of Vail for addilional GRFA not to exce'id two hundred . ntty (250) square feet to be used in the construction of the EHU. The applicant sha[ submit an application for the additional GRFA on a form provided by the community Developmdnt Departmenl. Approval or denial of the request sha be made by the.Design Review Board in accordance with section 18.s4.040. tf an applicant obtains Design Review Board aporor"i "|' ' additional GRFA for the EHU, he or she sha not bE entitled to receive aiditionat GRFA 12 o Scclion 6 Section 18.10.030 - Single Family Oistrict (SF) Conditional Uses, of the Munichal Code of the Town ot Vail is hereby amended by the addilion of paragraph H to read as tollows: H. Type ll Employee Housing Unit as set forth in Section .|9,57.050 of thls Cod6. Section 7 Section 18.12.020 - Two Family Residentlat District (R) permitted Uses, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail is hereby amended by the addition of paragraph C lo read as follows: C. Type I Employee Housing Unit as set forth in Section 19.57.040 ot thls Code. Secllon I Section 18.12.030 - Two Famity Residential District (R) Conditional, Uses, of the .. Munlcipal Code of the Town of Vail is hereby amended by ihe addition of Paragraph H lo read as tollows: i IH. Type ll Employee ttousing'Unit as set forth in Section 1g.57.050. I i i;;: ' '.....: : : : Sectio.n I ,, ,, , ",,' , ,,t i,, ;li '. .. Section 18.12.090(A) - Two Family Flesidential District (R) Density controt, ls hereby Section I 0 Section 18.12.090(8) Two-Family Residential District (R) Density Control, ol the Municipal code of the Town of Vail, is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as tollows: B. Notwithstanding the provision ot paragraph A of this Section i8.i2.090, a Type I EHU shall be permitted on lots of less than fitteen thousand (1S,OO0) squaro feet in accordance with the provisions of section 19.s7.040 of the Municipal code ol the Town of Vail. l section 11 :' i.: section 18.13.020 - Primary/secondary Residentiat District (ps) permitted Uses, of th6 Municipal code of the Town of Vail, is hereby amended by the addition paragiaph c to read . as tollows: ': Section 12 o lhe Municipal Cods ot the Town of Vail is hereby amended by the addition ot Paragraph. G to read as follows: G. Type ll Employee Housing Unit as set forth in Section 18.57.050. Section 13 Section 18.13.080(A) - Primary/Secondary Residenti;l District (PS) Density Controi, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hereby repealed and reenacted lo read as follows: A. Not more than a tolal of twt dwelling units shall be permitted on each site with I only one dwelling unit permitted on lots leLs Jhan tifteen thousand square feet. The following GRFA shall be permitted on each site: L Twenty five (25) square feet of GRFA {or each one hundred (100) square feet of lhe lirst tifleen thousand (15,000) square feet of site area; plus 2. Ten (10) square leet of GRFA for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area over fifieen thousand (15,000) square feet, not to exceed thirty thousand (90.000) squar€ teet of site area; plus ' 3. Five (5) square feet of GRFA for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area in excess of thirty thousand (30,000) square feet. ln addition to the above, four hundred twenty tive (42S) square teet ot GRFA sha be permitled tor each allowabte dwelling unil. on any site containing two (2) dwelling units, one (1) of the unils shall not exceed 40% of the iotal allowable GRFA. No primary/Secondary Flesidential lot except thos6 located entirety in the red hazard avalanche zone, or the flood plain. or those ot less than fifteen thousand (15.000) square feel shatt be so risfiaed that it can not be occupied by a Primary/secondary dweling. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Type I EHU may be permitted on lots of tess than fifteen thousand (t5,OO0) square teet in accordance with Chapter .|8.57.040 of the Munlcipat Code ol the Town of Vail. Section 14 section .|8.13.080(8) - Primary/secondary Ftesidential District (ps) Density controt, ol Scct;on I 5 section 18.14.030 Residential ctuster (Bc) District conctitionat uses, of the Municipat code of the Town ot vail, is hereby amended by the addition of paragraphs I and J to read as lollows: L Typu lll EHU as detined in 18.57.060 ot this Code. , J. Typo IV EHU as detined in 18.57.070 of his Code. Section 16 section 18.1 6.030 Low-Density Multi-Family (LDMF) District conditional uses, of the Municipal code of the Town of vail, is hereby amended by lhe additional of paragraphs I and J to read as follows: L Type tlt EHU as detined in Section 19.57.060 of this Code. J. Type lV EHU as detined in Section 18.57.070 ot this Code. Section l7 seclion 18.18.030 Medium-Density Multiple-Family (MDMF) District conditional uses, of the Munlcipal code of the Town of vail, is hereby amended uy tne-aoJiuon of paragraphs I and J to read as follows: i Il. Type ltt EHU as defined in Section 18.57.060. J. Type tV EHU as detined in Section 1B.S7.O7O. M. Type lll EHU as detined In Section 19.57.060, N. Type tV EHU as defined in Section 18.57.070. o P, Type lll EHU as delined in Section 18.57.060. O, Type lv EHU as delined in Section 18.57'070. Seclion 20 Scction 18.24.040{8), Commerclat Core | (CCl) Dlstrict Permitted and Conditlonal Uses - Second Floor, ol the Municipal Code of the Town ot Vail, is hereby amended by the addilion of Subparagraphs l0 and 11 to read as tollows: . 10. Type lll EHU as delined in Section 18.57,060. 11. Type lV EHU as delined in Section 18.57.070. Seclion 21 Section .|8.24.050(8), Commercial Cor€ | (CCl) District Permltted and Conditiohal Uses - Above Second Floor, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hereby amended by the addition of Subparagraphs l0 and II lo read as follows: lO. Type tll EHU as defined in Section 18.57.060. 11. Type lV EHU as defined in Section 18.57.070. . Section 22 Section 18.27.030 (B), Commercial Core lll (CClll) District Conditional Uses, ot the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hsreby repealed and reenacled by read as follows: B. T)?e lll EHU as defined in Section 18.57.060 and Type lV EHU as defined in Seclion 18.57.070, Cods ot ths Town of Vail, ls hereby amended by the addition ot Tlpe lll EHU. as defined in Section 18.57.060 and Type lV EHU, as defined in Section 18.57.070 l0 the list of allowable conditional uses. Section 25 The following Paragraph is hereby repealed from Seclion l8'29.030(4), of tho : Municipat Code ot the Town of Vail: : Multi-Family dwetlings {or the employees of the Upper Eagle valley as further restricted by Sectlon 18.27.130 ot this zone district. Section 26 Section .|8.34.030, Parking District Conditional Uses, ot tha Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail, is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraphs E and F to read as follows: F. Type lll EHU as defined in Section 18.57.060. G, Type lV EHU as detined in Section 18.57.070. Section 27 Section 18.36.030, Public Use (PUD) District Condiiional Uses - Generally, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraphs T and U to read as lollows: t. U. Type lll EHU as delined in Section .|8.57.060. Type lV EHU as defined in Seaion 18.57.070. 14,Type lV EHU as delined in Section 18.57.070. Section 30 Section .|8.32.030, Agricullural and Open Space (A) District Conditional Uses, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, is hereby amended by tha addifion ot Paragraph J to read as follows: J. Type ll EHU as defined in Section 18.57.050. Section 3l tf any paft. seciion, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase ol this ordinance is for any reason held lo be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remalning portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinalice, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereot, regardless ol the fact that any one or more parts, seclions, subsections, senlences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 32 The Town Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper tor the health, safety, and welfare of the Town ol Vail and tho inhabitants thereof. Section 33 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision.of the Municipal Code of the Town of vail as provided in lhis ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, ; :.'.'''': any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the ellective date hereof, any . :,, , proseculion commenced, nor any other aclion or proceedings as commenced under or by vklue of the provision repealed or repeated and reenacted, The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or suierseded 19 omo{6z P(Jt :.1oNe m =!t-o FTm IocU'2ocz -{.U' m.?c amz a -t- 6 ..ol:{o@'o J ct:iJt.)| o.{:o Ln{oqto ct fir :.1ooro.4. J i,rl :.Jo5o t'$ H t .. .{ !(D i_:- .:.,i< { Ito {(*" \= -llE')- {m<.f $F= $g$*s "-EFgE*=i $$ng$ "gEgE-=t fusaweE {qf Fo =.x.= € D 3o -n -:= 3Eg : i,Fi.tr;5o N -.1.@.o z >z s= Jl -aJ or ( :.rqr|D'^ (lt Esro= q} B€F o o fo(t(, o (tl o_b o 6gF a E'aF€ o t\)oo -o Noo (,)oo lt 5(rl?(oooa (rtTAE C! (o\eo 'G-- O-\e ; a) or &5 d-gl€ o-P0, oor-d !o 3'n:1 > o3o zo zo \*<(Do N<,|I zo zo o zo \ qFf 3ego.-= !o9€(DJ =(o;-(,l 5 o ID 1'mo -o mo .m.o o EAg6Aa z z q) ils z PA S56-9sHF;3;ct z ou*l\) N) C'qlG JO.\FF(D .' z eadi c 925 (D (l 'nc .T 'n ='r| x3gd .(D lh10 ct(D CtJ Reo!) 3Q. ofi.3f- gq I ro (, -r-go;3s III (D8q see l\t(.rl' tt,A Q=(D! a'q5 q=(D= cL e. an z,J= -8'8ts q + i.,E 5 eto\ N(r! at.o o og o ' i . ,o^ew 'ssorJolso v loreoqf '266 t ,-to lep-qqt o3HSnSnd o3H30HO ONV gNlOV3U ONOC3S NO O3nOHddV ONV O\r3A Irelc u,\ 01 'Je)peeH .g equ€$l :tsSrtv :ISSIIV eql uo €crJBr4go 3$D Aus ffi rrrfl;Jp r.ee Findell 1944 Sunburst DriveVai1, Colorado 81657 August 2L, L992 Ms. Shelly Mello Tolrn of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: I,ot 41, Glen Lyon Dear Ms. Mello: Please be advised that the improvements to Lot 41, Glen Lyonhave been conpleted. The Land area has been returned to itsoriginal condition as best as possible. The property has been re- seeded. Further, I understand and acknowledge that any future development will require use of the historic topography. Thank you for your assistance in this natter. truly, Lee Findell COPYFIL E TOWN OFVAIL 75 Soutb Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 816J7 t 03 -479-21 I I / 47 9 -2 I 39 Department of Commrnity Deoclopment fM r) (,+Vah May 4, 1992 Lee Findell 795 Ciello Lane Evergreen, CO 80€9 Re: !.etter of Credlt for Lot 41 - Glen Lyon Subdlvlslon Dear Lee: On June 1, 1992, the development agreement for the above lot will expire. According to this agreement, all work as stipulated in the agreement, which I have attached, will need to be completed by June 1, 1992. Please call me at 479-2138 should you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Shelly Mello Town Planner xc: Rick Rosen Attachment *b*4t ?€c. t 4.4 ROCK DOCTOR P0 Box 40521 Grand Jct C0 81504(303) 434-8665 T .? lo.n, December 18,1991 TOI"IN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S Frontage RD Vail C0 81657 RE: Access to Lot #44 through Lot #41 Glen Lyon Subdjvisjon ATTN: MR GARY MORAN Please find enclosed a copy of the letter sent to Lee Findel'l , owner of Lot #4'l which 'is adjacent to Lot #44 in Glen Lyon and has been being used by our firm upon agreement with Mr FindelJ for use as access to Lot #44. This was sent in order to assure him that we shall restore hislot as we have previously agreed to. encl osure KS/mb ROCK DOCTOR P0 Box 40521 Grand Jct C0 81504(30:; ca4-6665 December 18.1991 MR LEE FINDELL 795 Ciel lo Lane Evergreen C0 80439 RE: Access to Lot #44 through Lot #41 ATTN: Mr Findell Due to the unseasonabre cord weather and snow this fail andearly winter we have been unable to remove from your lot itreimported fill that was brought in by another coniractor. This fill shalr be removed and the area reseeded by the first 9.u{ of.May 1992. As it is not feasable to be able to reiloue-it utthis time as we had proposed.in our previous letter of 0ctoberni nth. If you should have any questions, please feer free to contact us. tlo[q 4WW rlul tMrf - W\u:f IXL [Lt-1,L,:vrLdU {o 4oOoA KS/mb ,''L /l4Fez( o^^ fu Lof I d w)t- 't Lr vvt rrt_{ IO tOD)AflqyWya'L /\rtk/ 0^,f fu Lof ' 4 t' cyr".oua*r.&i.,.__Y*ir ry 5; t.,rrt;-* nD A,&d 'iUo*-J {,Jo Lsr uiL Ut\ " 'l.4"4 YW btL,,r\,,P*r?u^ toa-fl.r-l./v\^JJv\Y ' brhtJ t yof4l 14/+U .,-7 , -4" t leiluv\- U,ng A4A-!.L4- tful I Stan I ey B*(Lq .t t[" lq?' W rui .^q*4 kv,nol,nx,ry Lee- ?,rtdJ)J's I renrtarfu,h'(- j h\r ;v+du(^kod YArP W 11rcoffi' ww{. 20hrrc4^ y^. 1ff, 9n*I,,,t'l'{arr i5 @, L mtnA '+o W oo{rq,at ' od' qui n tu{fte6yAwt^'ri- n%M\ PttPcaV Sr4 DEVELOPER II.IPROVEI'ENT AGREEI.IENT ffi0 OcT 0 /19er THIS AGREEI{ENT, made and entered into this /t aay ot * c'.a- , LggL, by and auong LEE FINDELL (hereinafter called thE rrOwnerrt), and the IOWN OF VAII-,, (hereinafter called therrTownil) and the Vtr )y','{norne Blrr (hereinafter called YNA ) WTTNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Owner as a condition of'approval of the Findell Residence, (hereinafter called the trResiaeridi*), wishes to enterinto a Ohrner Inprovement Agreenent; and -''.'...t.\-.- WHEREAS, the Or,rner is obligated to provide secuiily orcoLLateral sufficient in the Judgrnent of the Town to -.hatji-_.-_. reasonable provisions for cornple€ioi of certain inprovements sel - '-*forth below; and WIiEREAS, VNB has agreed to hold the cash escro!{ account onterms and conditions as set forth herein. WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to provide collateral to guaranteeperfornance of this agreenent, including construction of the abovereferenced improvementq by neans of the following: onner agrees to establish a cash escron account at YN6 ina dollar amount as set forth below, such cash escrow accountshall provide security for the followj-ng: II.IPROVEt{ENf a. Re-grade site as per the historic topographic survey. b. Revegitate site as per plans speciflcatLons. NO!{ THEREFoRE, in conslderation of the fo}lowing nutual covenants and agreernents, the Obrner and the Tonn agree as follows: 1. The Owner h at lts sole cost and expenses,to furnish all necessary to perforn and complete, on or bef bullding perrnit is not issued and cons r# .,tqqL lu, The Orrner shall conplete, in a good worknanllke manner, all inprovenents as listed above, in accordance with aLl plans andspecifications filed in the office of the Cornmunity Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in cornpLiance wLth the foLlowing: a. Such other designs, drawlngs, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter subnitted by the Orurler to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmentalentities. A11 said work shall be done under the I owner Inprovement AgreementFindell Residence Paqe 2 inspection of, and to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer, the-town Buildlng official , or other official frorn the Tottn of Vail , affected by special districts or service districts. as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deened complete until approved and accepted as conpteted by the Town of Vail' Comrnunity DeveloprnLnt Departrnent and pubtic l{orks Departnent. 2. The totat estinated cost of sald work and inprovements is the sum of I 7,500.00. To secure and guarantee perfomance of its obligations_ as set forth herein, the Owner agrees to provide eecurity and collateral as follows: A cash escrow account in the anount of I ?1500.00 to be held by VdR, as escrow agent' shall providg the security for the inprovernents set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Owner. 3. The Owner rray at any tine substltute the collateral oriqinally set forth above ior anoth€r form of collateral acc6ptabl3 to ttt" Town to guarantee the faithful conpletion of thosl inprovements referred to herein and the performance of the terms oi this Agreenent. Such acceptance by the Sown of alternative collatlral shatl be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shaLl not, nor shall any officer or enployees thereof; be liable or responslble for any accident, Ioss or danage happening or occurring tb the work specified in this Agreement priir to the cornpletioh and acceptance of the same' nor shal1 the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured Uy reiason of the nature of said work, iut att of -said fiaUifities inatt and are hereby assumed by the Owner. The Owner hereby agrees to indennify and hold harnless the Town, and any of iti of-ficers, agents and enployees against any Iosses, clailns, damages, or llabilities to which the Town or any such oi its ofiicersr- agents, or enployees may becone subject to, insofar as any such'Ioisesr' clainC, damages or liabilities (or actions in reslect thereof) inat arise out of or are based upon any perfornance by the Owner lrereunderi and the O!'tner shaLl reimburse'the Town in 6onnection with investigating or defendinq any. such t-ss, claim, damage, liability or action. rhis inaennity provision shali be in aaAiti6n to any other liability which the owner may have. 5. It is nutually agreed that the owner nay apply to the Owner Inprovement AgreenentFindell Residence Page 3 Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of thecollateraL deposited with Y/vR for each category of inprovernentat such tine as such inprovenents are constructed in compliancewith all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder andaccepted by the Town. 6. If the Town deternines that any of such inprovenents ascontenplated hereunder are not constructed in conpliance with theplans and specifications set forth herein, it shall furnish the Owner a list of specific deflciencies and shall be entitled tocontinue to withhold collateral to insure such compliance. If the Town determines that the Osrner wlll not construct any or all of theirnprovements in accordance with all of the specifications and tinetables as set forth herein, the Town nay give the Ohrner wrlttennotice and unless such irnprovements are CourpJ-eted by the dates asset forth above or within a reasonable period after such date ifweather does not permit the completion of such irnprovements, the Town roay withdraw fron the cash escrohr account such funds as maybe necessary to conplete the unfinished inprovements but not in an amount greater than the amount set forth opposite the categorylisted above and not before such inprovenents are conpleted.YnR nay release such funds upon written reguest andrepresentation by the Town that such improvements are cornpleted, Vrr0 shall not be obligated to independently verify that such workis conplete, but shall fund such request, upon the Town of Vailwritten authorization. 7. The Owner warrants all work and naterial for a perlod of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreementby the Town if such work is located on Town of VaiI land or roadright-of-way. 8. The parties hereto nutually agree that this Agreement naybe arnended fron tine to time, provided that such anendments be inwriting and executed by all parties hereto. g. VNq agrees to be bound by this Agreement and to notrelease any funds from the cash escrotr account without the priorwritten authorization of the Town. L0. This Agreement shall expJ.re and funds shall be released by 1A&- upon issuance of the Town of VaiL Building Pernit. I,l Owner InprovenentFindell i,esidence Agreenent Page 4 Dated the day and year firet above wrltten. IJEE FINDELL, OWNnR By: ATTEST: STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. couNTY oFEasle__ ) The foregoing Owner Improvenent Agreement was acknowledged before me this 1st day ooetqbeX--' 1991 by LEE FINDELL. Witness by hand and official seal . My commission expires on: lL/23/94 / Notary Public ATTEST: tlay 22, 1991 The Towrl of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 91652 RE: The Findell Residence,Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision To whom ft May Concern: An estinrate for the removal of proposed filt to be deposited onabove site along with revegetation would cost approximately seventhousand five hundred dollars (97r5OO.OO). This would includeregrading to historic grade elevations. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, QHa''/b]- Patrick W. Nook,Architect PWN:cnb AR( ;t tn'f:(:'t'tjR Ft ANI) t,t,ANNtN(; Thc Mufhcrn Group 1900 Wazce Strcct Suitc 200 Dcnvcr, Colorado 80202 (3O3)297-3334 VAIL NAT *o aroclo.ilsel IONAL BANK October 7, 1991 The Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road l{estVail, CO 81657 Gentlemen: Please be advised that the escrow account #951-6802 establ_ished byLeslie l{. and Beth B. F'indell is stil} in existence. The escroer account shall remain until a building pernit has beenissued. The Town of Vail has the right to withdraw the funds underthe terns of the development improvement agreement and nay withdrawthese funds by completing an account withdrawal slip. itta H. Evenson Marketing Officer Vail National Bank Building 108 Sou th Frontage Road W. P.O. Box2638 Vail, Colorado 81657 3031476-460o FAX: 3A9176-2666 I THE MULHERN GRILT' Archltecture/Planning '1900 Wazee Street Suite 200 DENVER, COLORADO 80202 (303) 297-3334 FAX (303) 292-2601 TO Vbr.- | ut-aryO F--l(fr1 wE ARE SENDING YoU X Attached I Under separate cover Prints Change order tr ShoP fl CoPy o rawlngs of letter ! N tr tr Plans Specilications Ltrrril6F'+hKtrEfoorrAL the following items; Samples COPIES DATE NO.OESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked tr For approval S,Fo, you, ,r" E As requested D For review and comment N FOR BIDS DUE below: I No exoeptions taken (NET) tr Rejected (Rej.) E Revlewed (B) Exceplions as noted (EAN) Revise and resubmit (RRl Submit specif ied item (SS) ! fl tr ! 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO ! see z ?leet O .,fii;'+ iqs:OMB No. 0596-00E2 Erplr!r l,/3l/!l FOREST SERVICE USE ONLY USOA-Forest Service SPECIAT.USE APPLICATION AND REPORT (R€t.: FSM 2712,36 CFR 251.54) INSTRUCTIONS Appllclnt should rcquest a meeting with lhc Forast Servicc represenlativc responsible ,or proc?ssing thc rpptication, prior to compl?tlng thls form. This mccting will rtlow a discussion of the fotm's rcquilamcnt3 and identily those itrm3 lo be omitled. Kind of Usc Codc 3. Atea Codc and TclaPhone Number .. Applicant's 303-671-0288 b. Authorh.d A8.nt'3 n3-297-33v l t.Applicant Nalne and Addrcss (includ. Zip Cod€) Everlrreen, O 80439 4. A! applicant arc you? (Matk onc box with "X") r. E Individual b. C] Corporation' c. n Partnershlp/Assoclation' d. E Stato Govcrnmcnt/Stale Agcncy r. ! Local Govrrnmcnt f. ! Fedctal Agenry ' It mr.l.d "x". compl.ta PART ll. PART t-APPtlCATlON (Applicant Completes){ 5. Spcclfy what application is fon (Mark one bor with "X") r. $ Ncw authoriration' b. n Rcnctv cxlsling authotirrtion c. E Amsnd rllsllnS authotirailon' d. I Othcr' ' It mttt.d "X", P.ovldr datrltr undrr llrm 7. 6. It you are an individual or PartnctshiP. sr. you also ! cltizGn(3) of thc Unitcd Stttca? e. ) Year-rcu'd f.) Grstrrsticn ccnplete I2/9I - CcnsttrEtLcn strrt' 7/91 g. ) llcne h.) l'ime trltl_D N" 7. Describe in dctail the tand use, including: (a) type of u3., rctlvtty, or tacilitf (b) r.latcd sltuclures and tscilitic5i (c).physical 3Peci' ticationr (len8th, width, acres, etc.); (d) term or yearc nclOllJ.(4.il.a "J irij.r bt ,se or operation; (l) dur.ation and limins ot con' struction; (g) temporary work areai nielcd tor co-netruciiiii i,ia'itil-ilincipa'tc- nead for future expaniibn. (tt extt. space i3 necdcd. usc Page 3, REMARXS). a. ) tre tyFe of use r"qjld be a regading pemit actfurity adjffiit to a drir,e easqtstt g.oeosea to he fugoved' b. ) Nt stJ.r.stur€s or retairrirg ualls wjLl te reqtdftd. c. ) tr]e al:ea lequjr€d to be regraded is shc&r1 c'n tlp attiched A'ar'drqg prefared ry noufarl c esseiates ard is adjacerrt to ad n"rrring alcrtg tle east llne of tfest lfavEn lane eas€nFnt for a lengfth of a@dJrately 47O feet ncrth of l&st ttav€n CircIe, IU,n of Vat1, Oolot?dq. .),,t d. ) FerrElent rcgT ade witl. possible firurre U.S. fb€se Sentice adjusUtstts needed. RECEIVED sEP 12 1991 MULHERN GRCUP t*f . I€e ti.rdett 95 S. Clelo lene g. Atlach map covcring area and show location of proposGd urc lnd/or furnl3h lc8.l dcsctiption ofthc land' GivG slatement ol your iechnicai and finrnciat capauitity to,.colrrtrua, opc.taG, ard, termina,le lhe use for which authorization is f ?qucsted' ih.rr'.rino rh. ,'rorecrion t"o titiiaii6'n di-fiiliii tanotr.ll';rt;t;ii*t ig ncidcd. u3' PaSs 3' REMARKS)' I.ot 41, Gl-en S.rhdivisirn,Colo:€do inituoing thc prot;ction snd restoration of Fsdctal tti liiiiiiiai;ltniidco. usc Pass 3' REMARKS)' !t.. I€e nird€I1 ShaL[ bear al.l costs relatirg to the regrdiry of Ft'rest Serttic€ 1ad as Pspsed, as rr€II as. tlE dve irrF.o\rslEntJ. Slate Code 9J R€gion Numbet a1--dla/ LA/q \ Forest Code (Admln, U.|ll No.) 2. Authorizcd Agent NamG. Tiile and Address (in' ctudG Zip Codl) if dlffcrcnt trom lt.tn l. . Patri.d< I\bd<, P.D jecf lr€httect fhe M.rlhern G:gt4) 1900 l€zee stl€et, $litB 20O E \rer, O 8O2O2 fs-2?00-3obroltla. lor, Dcscribe othet reasonabla ,lternative ptoposals considalod. ftnstrLEtiEn of 4,-5, tall retEinirg earrB withtn the existirg 20' drlw eas€nEnt'decr€Esirg ffl\te width' tOU. Cive erplana$on of why lt ls nccessary to utilizc Fcdcrrl lands and why th. atternativa3 ln item loa wer. not 3elcctad. lle LdljJL sLde of tl:te easdrEnt abltts rbr€st senrice lad. A retaininq t|E|ll. strrrtlae or :.eglditg trust cccur cn the r$riJl side. It€ narr€i,€r road sectlcn restrltirq fron placirg t}le rctaidrq $raus witllin tlp 20r easelEnt vrill rpt he adeq.late for fire depallrrrnt a€e€s per the lrc||,n of VaiL. Also, the ts',n does ndt errcoz€F us€ of ta-Ll- retainirg gE.lls !*sl gradjry can prdlEe a rpre natra1 aFpealEEe. ll, provide statement of necd for proposed use, including the cconomlc t€asibjlity and itcms suc}| a3: (a) co-st of.propoial -(consttuction--' ipliation,lnJ nrjintgnanciii tf,i iSti-"1co ib;i;a;;xi LcitJtic inativel and (i) ctp€ctld public ban.fits. (lt cxt.a space i3 necd.d, ut' page 3, REMARKS). fe. OaicriOc probabt. cftcets on th6 arca populltlon, Includlng tocltl .nd.conomic a.Pcct!, lnd rut.l llfartyl$. Ir c. ccntinjed: allcfur tne vaiL Fire DeparErEt ac.s to Esidstts ard Fbr:est senrice ldd in tle e'iEne fire pt otectidl is required. 12. N/A a.) Se,000 b.) $-.c-c,) [.e lbr,n of vail wllt rEt guaratee ffue proteticn serrries to resld€nts usirg &ive wrtil tlc dri€ is reconstructeal tl| c€rlsiBt of 18' wirie par/srEnt r,r'lt!r 12" gn:avel shaflders. rtre ilrFrtw€d drive larFs wlu t3. Describe likely environmcntal cffects that the proposed usa wltl havc on: (a) airquality: (b).visua.l impact; (c). surtac€ and ground wats--' ilJii;"J'ila;iiii-aJi ;;;no-r oiiiruiiurii hianle on inv siljJaiioi ott'rii'ooty bt witei-(g) exi3tin's noir.9'levets: (O land surfaca, in ctudinf, veEetation, p"r."tioii]'siir jno- ioil siautri& ana (t) poputation3 of tish,- plant, wildlife and marine life, including thr.atcn'd an( endanEereZ cpccies. (lf cxtr. 3pace is nccdcd, use pa8. 3, REMARKS)' a.) nme b.) I\bne c.) ttne d.) ltsne e.) llm f.) Mirnr reg|lradirq' sjmifar to erdetitg drirn/g€de r€altlcnship' g.) ltrE 14. Describe what actions will b. taken to protcct thG anvlmnment trom tha alf.cts ot thr ptoposed u!.. N/A artmcnt1s17agency(ic|)wh.raan.pplicationforthir|sbcing'i|Gd.AttachePp'op'i.tt lic.nse, building iermit, certificlte ot othtt apptovat documcnt. IE*,n of Vail. ariJding DeqnrtrrE t tnrild:rg per:nit padirq Ebrcst servlc€ affmval) Please refer to €(Elosed letter (dated Arrit 26. 1991 ard nrro frcrn Stnn of Vail). i XeneeV CERTtFy, that t am of legat agc and authorized to rlo buciness in thG State .nd that I h"r" p"!:on.lly "t"tin"d th contained in the adplication and that tliis inlormation i5 corract to th€ best of my lnowledge.edge. l6b. Datc to/zt /.1 | th€ best o, my Tifle Ig, U.S.C. Section lool, makes it a crimc fol any person knowlngly snd willfulty.to makc lo any dcpartmant or agency ot the Unit?d Statc a.v tjtse, iiciiioui, or trauOutent statements or reprlientations as to iny mattrr rvithin its iurisdiction. PART II-SUPPLEMENTAT INFORMATION (Applicant Completes) IN APPRO. PRIATE BOX BELOW I-PRIVATE CORPORATIONS c. A certilication from the State showing the corporation is in good standing and is entitled lo operate within the State.u B tr Copy of resolution authorizing filing The name and address of each shareholder owning 3 percent or morc of the shares, togethea with the number anO piriiniaiE of any ctass of voting shares of thE eniity which such shareholder is authorized to vote and the njmi lnO aJEress ot eactr affiliatc ol-the entity together with, in the c63e ot an afiiliate controlled by ihe entity' thi number of shares and the percentage oi aiy clas3 of votlng stoct of that a.ftilista olvned, directly or iiijireiiiv, bv that entity, and in ihe case-ot an afiliate which conlrols that entiiy, ttle -numbcr of shares and i'rii b"-ri'"hidgJ oi JniitiJs ot voting atock ot that entity o\ryned, dircctly or indirectly, by thc attiliale' tf application is for an oit or gas pipelin!, describe any related riSht.of-way or temporary use petmit applica' tiona; and identify previous applications. 8. lf proposed land use involves other Federal lands identify each aSency impacted by proposal. d. Copy of resolution authorizing filing e. lf application is for an oil or gas pipeline, provide information requited by ltem "l'f" and "l'9" above. III_PARTNERSHIP OR OTHER UNINCORPORATED ENTITY a, Articlcs of association, if any b. lf onc partner i3 authorized to sign, regolution authorizing action i3 c. Name and address ot each patticipant, padner, association' or othcr d. r application is for an oil or gas pipeline, provide information rcquircd by ltem "l'f" and "l'g" abovc. . lf the laquired information is already filed with the Forest Service and is eurrent, check box titled "Filed''' Provide the file identification information (e,g., number, date, code, name and office atwhich filed). lf not on file or current, attach requested information' REMARKS: (This space is provided for mofe detailed respons$ to PART l.) Please indicste the item numbers to which thesc rclPon3e3 apply. Attach sheets, if additional spac. iE needed' -s- L. t. PART lll-REPORT ON APPLICATTON (Forest Officer Completes) iu* vv L/ \/\J rv \-i:"-?'-\rvY vv (\("vv Y.\'t '\l Data Autho.izod I c. Date Cloreda. Name of Holder ,r/o b. 3. State aooroxlmate amount End kind! of timber to be cut, racommandad 3tumpage ptlces, mcthod ot scallnS; includa rccommcndation on U ispbiai of merchantabte timber: (a) to holdGr rt currcnt damrge appralsal or (b) to others then holder under tegular timber 3ale P roc eou re. 4. State approxlmate amount End kind! of timber to be cut, racommandad 3tump6ge Axe-e..:_,-a; _L--l'J. t-* o-Pr-"'.:') \*::n "L1r":,,^,-\S-- .5'N^-S ,"i+A'--s ^s..,.;t e\-\iaJ.* A"^!g*,S,.-ii:-;;S .v 5a. Will proposed use confotm to Forcst Land and Resource Managemcnt Plan? b. Has an Environmental Asses3ment been prepared? c. Has an Environmental lmpact Stat€mcnt (P.L.91-190,42 USC432l) been prepared? (Note: lf "No" is marked with an "X" in any of the above questiont, uPlain in item 6 below') &Yes n No tl Ye3 (Attach) E No n Y.3 (Attach) K No 7.List mandatory rnd optional clauses which qqr.> rffi*No'..")---\ (3hould b. mada a part of thi! ruthotization (Sec FSM 2780). Fee recommendation (Oescribe hcro or on computltion 3haat .tt!ch.d).(rs)\\'*\-vr,r.-wr.l.'-\*-f f"-r-:;E\ 9a. RECoMMENo Approvalr or Oisapproval'- b. Signatu.e (Sign in ink) \r \ ,rt -r.rz,--\ u xrN rl{\r.n"S,,-cur"J c. Title Fr,-re,a.\f.-) d. Date ,L.g], {tfi L roa. FrNAL {g@ or Disapproval' '""'fl|ffH'IloL c. Title 2.2- o. Ddte' g/zz/4r tt. Oelete one by lining it out.I U.3. Co!.rn.nt.t trlrllnt Ottlc.. ttlt-lt2ala,'t FILE COPYO 75 rouilh fiont go rold vrll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 47$2138 (30n) {7}2139 olflce ol communlty development August 15, 1991 Pat Nook The Mulhern Group 1900 Wazee Street Suite 200 Denver, CO 80202 Re: Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdlvlslon Flndell Resldence Dear Pat: After discussing the current status of the Findell Residence with you on August 14, 1991, I wanted to explain three possible scenarios: 1. No building permit is released. The ownerrconfactor would be responsible for returning lhe site to ib original state and revegetate the site by September 1, 1991. They would also need to pay the $1,148 plan check fee. 2. lf the owner chooses to delay the start of construction untilhe Spring of 1992, the letter of credit and development agreement submitted by the owner to revegetate and regrade the lot will need to be renewed. Also, the DRB approval may need to be renewed. 3. Proceed with construction immediately. Pat Nook August 15, 1991 Page 2 I need to be nolified as soon as possible of the owner's intent. ll no construction ls to take place, ths regrading/revegetation must be compleled by September 1, 1991. Please contiact me as soon as possible with he owneis intentions. Sincerely,'{\'%n/di- Shelly Mello Town Planner Stan Beard Lyon West Corporation lab e,c: Project Application Projecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot APPROVAL Design Review Board Date O ISAPPROVAL Slaff Approval Summaryl .'tfrj-- I Profect Name: Tu\tdfA t Project Application Date Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descri Com ments: Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPR OVAL rt Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Slaff Approval \-N\o \\qrl\* PRO.TECT: Ww+*'"PUBIJIC WORKS Reviewed by: Cornnentsl I DATE SUBI,IITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC COMMENTS NEEDED BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE P&OPOSAI.,:t0 \^zuio4Al 't"\n. rNTER-DEPARTIIENTAL REVIEW t,+ 4l Yl^,tS tili\\ b" tht wl,,f U Date! t, il tl"J + "h- ,1 -14* pr.^.I vt; &*) <c-*;'.-'-, t* -frr'l J^^-U k.I, on - btdo6 Tl,"t,^- z) D;J *h7 f f nrrs;ut Cornments: :) wl.J 6ra-s M U.t, a I o ZONE EHECK FOR8FR, R, R P/S ZOtrE DISTRIqTS DA.TE: ' ' , T.EGAIJ DESCRIPTTON: IOt "{.1 B1OCK - FJ.lI.Ng ADDRESS: -/' t llowl{ER I irt ll,lL pHoNE ERCHITEET ZONE DISTRIqI PROPOSED USE IDT SIZE Eelght Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Seconalary GRFA Setbacks Front Sldes Rear Water Course Setback / Slte Coverage , / r.andecapingl- fffiWlo*"ta lnlns wal 1 Helshts vv' /parking /Garage CredLt Allowed Gq@ E -/, r{ 6Ere.-.,.-,--&-drw vk. a/( Slope ,I4i_wp* , 4a/: ,y2' 3) request? ./orru"t Environnental,/Ila z ards : Doee tlrle reguest lnvolve a llow uuch of the allowed 250 4) I{etlanAe d, 250 Adtilltlon?laartron ls used@-Eis 201 151 ].5 l pq@ 9LYL3 144i& 3t /61 Regrd (3oo) (600) (e00 Perilltted glope -!;l Date approved by Tolrn 8ng Percent Slope ceologlc Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Bockfall ow PIIONE f Exlstlnc Proposed llotal ({2s) @ nooa Plain jL ft^r' zu l.rl- \^sf taM6dw^q- AA\dn ryt , 0f V^ud'n*04)t^.q' .hrr bLw qik ")"' I luttn 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (3fiil 47$213e oflice of community devdopmeil June 25, 1991 Pat Nook The Mulhern Group 1900 Wazee, Suite 200 Denver, Co 80202 RE: Flndell Resldence Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdlvision Dear Pat: After our discussion on Friday, June 21 , 1991, I feel it necessary to clarify the Town of Vail's position regarding the releabe of the building permit for the above residence. In a letter dated April 26, 1991, I indicated that no Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (T.C.O.) would be issued until all road improvements based on the Town's standards for this roadway. This plan was to be submitted with the building permit for review by the staff. These improvements were to be located within the provided access easement. On May 3, 1991 the projeci received Design Review Board (DRB) approval. At this time, the necessary road improvements were discussed. On May 10, '1931, I received by FAX, two proposals for the Westhaven Lane roadway. Neither of these proposals met the standards which were set for this roadway. lt was at this time that I was made aware of the apparent difficulties in constructing the roadrrtay to the Town's specified standards due to the existing grades. After the Town staff including Greg Hall, Town Engineer, and Dick Duran, Fire Chief, reviewed the two proposals and determined that further decrease in the roadway was unacceptable at this time. We felt lhat there was opportunity to meet the skndards set forth if a permiVeasement could be obtained from the United States Forest Service (USFS) which would allow for grading outside of the easement on USFS land. Greg Hall and I have discussed the possibility of such an easemenUpermit with Rich Phelps and Tim Grantham of the USFS Minturn office. They indicated that there was a possibility of a permiveasement being granted in this instance due to the extenuating circumstances, however, they would need further information to evaluate the reouest. I|ill Pat Nook June 25, 1991 Page 2 As I understand from our conversation the permil request has been submitted to the USFS Minturn Office. I urge you to coordinate closely with them to insure that the project is reviewed expediently. Until such time that there appears to be a resolution which would allow for the construction of the roadway per the Town's standards, lwill be unable to release the building permit for the project. Should the USFS indicate that the request is reasonable and will be eventually approved, I may be able to release the permit prior to receiving the final approval documents. Whether or not the easemenVpennit will be granted has yet to be determined. Should the USFS deny the request, an alternate solution which is acceptable to the Town staff will need to be developed. From the onset of the project, I indicated that the access issues related to this property would be difficult to resolve. lt is unfortunate that the Findell's are having to deal with a problem which appears to have been ongoing for quite some time. However, as I have indicated before, the Town feels that it is important to address the issue at this time due to the subsequent increase in units being serviced by the road. Should you have any questions, please leel lree to call. cc: -/-aGreo Hall / DiciDuran Rich Phelps, USFS Tim Grantham, USFS /lrd t Mr. Gary Murrain Chief Building 0fficial T0l,iN 0F VAIL 75 South Frontage RdVail, C0 81657 re: Bond deadline time extension Dear Garyn Per our phone conversation last week, I have been requested by Mr. Howard L. Stone (owner of Lot 440 Glen Lyon Sub.) and Mr. Lee Findel) (owner of Lot 41, Glen Lyon Sub.) to ask for a ten (10) day time extension on completing the excavation and dirt removal on ]ot 41. The extens'ion is necessary due to mechan'ical breakdowns and the weather this week. Please draft a letter to Mr. Howard L.Stone and Mr. Lee Findell authorizing the time extension, and fax the same to Mr. Stone in Los Angeles. Thank you again for your consideration in this matter. Agent for Howard L. Stone 29 l{ay 1992 Addresses: Howard L. Stone Attorney at Law 12121 tlilshire Blvd Suite 1201 Los Angel es, CA 90025 Fax # 310-207-3480 R. E. Nikkel - Architect P 0 Box 1670Vail, C0 81658 ( 303)476-6447 Mr. Lee Findell %Wear & Rosen P 0 Box 1626 Avon, C0 81620 Attn: Rick Rosen L Si ncere Ni kkel 0..-+ ?o- vtb' MLL l- 1,"-NOTE DATE PERMIT TO 23, r99I _ COPY OF IN ON MAY BE KEPT ON JOBSITENO CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION Ur, ---+ 'hn . .i dopartmont of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT nng nu BUILDING ELECTRICALfl ME.HANT.AL srn\H{\{3,$K,o* LEGAL loesc. IOT 4L BLK FILING CI.EN LYON SIIBD. -JOB NAME: FINDELL RES. GRADING OWNER NAME LEE FDNDELL MATLAD0RESS 795 CrELo LN crry EVERGREEN, gFh. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL AODNESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FrRM LYON WEST CoRP. lolryN oF vArL REc. No. 119-A rELE. 476-49L8 },'-=.r*,.o.- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REq. NO- MECHANICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO, UUN I KAU IUK TFI F OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO..- TELE, r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I R M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAI- DESCRIPTION CF WORK : - TF',I{POR ARY CTOPACE O!' T T'TT.1. ANN PERMIT NO. zI F 3J BUILOII.IG ELECfRICAL PLUMBINS RECRADINC, 830 YARDS.MECHANICAT GRADING 830 YARDS. . TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V.N E R-3 BUILDING PERMIT s6 u,c- trF *=f +$;s PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERAION ( ) ADDTTTONAI( ) REPATR( )PTUMBING (X) GRADINGDWELLINGUNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAT HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIBEPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT EXT. WALLS l.\g I USE TAX ROOF TT TOTAL PERMIT FEES $96 MICIIAEL WHITAI(ER MAY 23, 1991 - ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED, YN INITIAL sr.cui | | I auilorNc oF'cina - - oAT-E srlELLY MELLo MAY 23, t99L IONING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING & BUILOING NOTES: - PARKTNG I I UlrVlrIJUrX4!;N r AGKEEIIEN t CIN !'ILE - S//15UU ESCROW ACCOI'NT.o.rolli I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, {illed out in full the information required, compleled an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormalion provided as required i9 correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struclure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordina AND THE OWNER. ot the Town applicable thereto. ftrG coNsrRucrtoN PERM trnnffi/ lffi dcprrtmrnt of mmmunity dcveloprnont TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRTOR TO ISSU^IICE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ! eutlotHcI elecrRtc PLUMBING LJ ELECTRICAT U FOUNqATIONfl MEcHANIcAL WbqAp4 LEGAL LDESC. tor 4t aLR__J_ FITING 'Qzn ltr^ los Nnuet OWNER n,tuz /-Z Z <rt.v )i t.t- MAIL ADDRESII a9{ Crfzo Lw cny fviy'cttj,v co pH. 4-r4 ot&P ARCHITECT FrRlt /J1,tLt,i,4,v €y'"u f MAIT AOORESS ,( crw |g,tvEa ?H. ):--z lli{ GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ff Ru ./ron (izs- 6ooP rowH orvntt- ees. No.# //?-4 TELE Rf,'J^t?8h FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. PLUMBING FIRM UI'NIKAUIl.,I( MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REC.NO- OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOW!{ OF VAIL REG. l{O. TqL€. NOTE _ COPY OF PEFMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE.,.r^\, llA\, l,'r, DATE 'JI.lU l\l/-il I '' PERMIT NO.1sa3 n D fo e^^ (tr? WHEREAS, the ownercollateral suffieient in reasonabLe provisions forforth below; and DEVEI,OPER IUPR,OVEUENT AGREE!,TENT made and entered into this rlj*day ot by and among LEE FfNDELL, (hereinafter called lowN OF VAIL, (hereinafter called the trTowntr) (3an* (herliirafter called YNB7. is obligated to provide security orthe judgnnent of the Town to rnake conpletion of certain improvenents set IIITNESSSTH: $IHEREAS, the Ovrner as a condition of approval of the Findetl Residence, (hereinafter called the rrResidencetr), wishes to enterinto a Olrner Inprovement Agreenent; and IfH8REAS, VNg has agreed to hold the cash escrow account onterrns and conditions as get forth herein. WIIEREAS, the Owner wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of thJ-s agreement, including construction of the abovereferenced improvements by means of the following: owner agrees to establish a cash escrow account at Vr'lA ina dollar amount as set forth below, such cash escros, accountshall provide security for the following: IUPROVEI{ENT a. Re-grade site as per the historie topographic survey. b. Revegitate site as per plans specifications. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following nutual covenants and agreenents, the Or^rner and the Town agree as follows: l-. Ehe owner hereby agrees, at its sole cost and expenses,to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perforn and complete, on or before August t, L99l- if the building pencit is not issued and construction has not begun. The Ormer shall cornplete, in a good worknanlike nanner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance ,i+ith all- plans andspecifications filed in the office of the Connunity Developrnent Department, the Totrn of Vail, and to do al-l work l-ncidental thereto according to and ln compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter subnitted by the Owner to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmentalentities. AII said work shall be done under the THIS AGREEUEI{T, /btlt , 7-ss:-,the nowners), and the Owner Improvement, AgreenentFindell Residence Page 2 inspection of, and to the satisfaction of the TownEngineer, the Town Building official , or other official from the Town of VaiI, affected by special districts orservice dLstricts, as their respective interest nay appear, and shall not be deemed eomplete until approved and accepted as conpleted by the Town of Vail Commun.ity Development Departrf,ent and Public Works Departnent. 2. The totat estimated cost of said work and inprovementsis the sum of $ 7,500.00. To secure and guarantee perfornance of its obligations as setforth herein, the owner agrees to provide security and collateralas follows: A cash escrohr account in the amount of $ 7,5OO.OO to be heldby VN| , as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvenents set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Olrner. 3. trhe Owner may at'any tine substitute the collateraloriginally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion ofthose irnprovements referred to herein and the perfornance of theterns of this Agreenent. Such acceptance by the Tohrn ofal-ternative collateral shall be at the Town,s sole discretion. 4. fhe Town shalI not, nor shalt any officer or enployeesthereoft be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the uork specified in this Agreementprior to the conpletion and acceptance of the same, nor shalL the Town, nor any officer or enployee thereof, be liabl.e for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work,but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assruned by the Owner. The owner hereby agrees to indernnlfy and hold harrnless the Town, and any of its offiders, agents and employees against anylosses, claims, damages, or liabitities to whieh the Town or any such of its officers, agtents, or enployees rnay become subject to,insofar as any such losses, claims, darnages or Liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arl-se out of or are based upon anyperformance by the Owner hereundert and the Owner shall reinbursethe Bown in connection with investigating or defending any suchloss, clain, damage, liability or action. This indeurnity provisionshall be in addition to any other fiability uhich the Oimer nay have. 5.It is mutually agreed that the Ordner may apply to the Owner Improvement AgreementFindell Residence Page 3 Torrrn and the Town shall authorize for partiat release of thecollateral deposited with VNg for each category of inprovementat such time as such improvements are constructed in conplianeewith all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder andaccepted by the Eown. 6. If the Town determines that any of sush improvements ascontemplated hereunder are not construeted in conplianee with theplans and specifications set forth herein, it sha11 furni.sh theOwner a list of specific deficiencies and shall be entitled tocontinue to withhold collaterat to insure such eomplianse. If the Town determines that the Owner wi}l not construct any pr alL of theimprovements in ascordance with al1 of the speeifications and tinetables as set forth herein, tbe Town may give the Owner r,rrittennotice and unless such improvenents are compteted by the dates asset forth above or within a reasonable period after such date iflteatlrer does not permit the completion of such improvements, the Town may withdraw from the cash essrow account such funds as maybe necessary to conplete the unfinished improvernents but not in an amount greater than the amount set forth opposite the categorylisted above and not before such improvements are completed.YMR may release such funds upon written r-equest andrepresentation by the Town that such improvements are completed, YrYA shatl not be obligated to independently verify that such workis complete, but shall fund such reguest, upon the Town of Vailwritten authorization. 7. The oldner warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreeruentby the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail land or roadright-of-way. 8. The parties hereto nutually agree that this Agreement maybe arnended from tine to time, provided that such amendments be inwriting and executed by aLL parties hereto. 9.YUB agrees to be bound by this Agreement and to notrelease any funds from the cash escrow account without the priorwritten authorization of the Town. 10. This Agreement shall expire and funds shalL be releasedby VNB upon issuance of the Town of Vail Building Peruit. I Owner Improvement AgreesentFindell Residence ATTEST: Page 4 Dated the day and year first above written. rA ftifU M"^il*,-- I ATTEST; STATE OF COLORADO 2lcouNTY oF FzqlE The foregoing Owner before me this -LZ day of Witness by hand and official seal . I'Iy conmission expires on: My Commigaisn ErPim lU?3/9t By: )) ss. ) Agreement was , L993- by LEE acknowledged FINDEI,L. Uay 22, 1-99L The Tordn of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81-657 RE: The Findell Residence,Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdivision To Whon It May Concern: An estimate for the removal of proposed fill to be deposited on above site along with revegetation would cost approxinately seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,5OO.OO). This would includeregrading to historic grade elevations. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sineerely, ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING €Ma}'t?^J-' Patrick W. Nook,Architect PWN: cmb 1.900 Wazee Street Suitc 200The Mulhern Group Dcnver, Colorado 80202 (303) 297-3334 t a#U IONAL BANKVAIL NAT MAY 23, 1991 lHE TOI'JI.I OF \Alf-, 75 SOIJISI FRO}\1IAffi RD\aL, co 81658 T'O V,X{CN4 TT I\NY @IJCERN: IIE: ItiE FIN[E[,L RESIDB{CE AI{ ESCRCIf ACCqJI{I I1AS BEII ESTABLTSIM BY I,,ES,M If OR BHTE B FINDSI,,L #851-6802. TTIE ESCRCIil AtrOUNT SIALL REPm,IN IJT{TIL A BUII,DING PER!,IIT ITAS BItr+{ ]SSJED. TTIE TOI'{N Ol' \G'Il rns 'rrul- RIGII t0 hIIITIDRAI{ TtlE FtlttDS, {.NDER T}IE Tffi!'IS OF DE\lilOPMBiT IMPRCI/EI{SfI AGRffi[4n'rI Al{D MAY I^IIII{DRAI{ BY FIAING OIJT A I'IITTIDRIIIGI-, $-,IP. I,ANIE ST{EARHT RESAIL ADMINISTRATOR TESLIE W F]NDE[.;L frz &n't' t"'" Vail National Bank Building 1o8 South Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 2638 \'ail, Colorado 61657 3031476-4600 FAX: 3011476-2666 P.1o ErB MAY 15t991 ![br ffilhscfl Gmult 19Oo Srraa str3at,$ritr eo0 D€rwsr, eoil,oafiilCI 80t0a (3031 497-3311 ffix; {303}893-l€Ol' ,ttttnB:rrjf, ! .r|r ll.|,l$Na, 'lor\,6-lL #t1rftt/dJlfi? tDi/.nrx lo"r +7, -:elf--l rsrrr*l,f,El{-f t.ffi,l_p slE; 5- le;e -.1 l' se errn a+ndilng $oE}lHd, DESC4trrlHIOf s Pruir$f: r'iltreu*r- ElR0ilEGB Sl.r eFEEttfit0J For Ywr 3q If tis Ltds ttanmltted lre not tr anGcd, t|'udffy notiflt ug st dIGFr J5 {p eBrr lYs EiErLtl tlrt$ffil rf {il $ \, 6 *t f' T J It r\ (,'l -l * ff b II t I I I I sJc- ,,8 JLt t'l tl.i#.lJ I II ij I l Ii 8l |'1 q.l I I lJ\ g. t I ili r; I !.ilif.v'4 jl !;J. 6'f.SF $ $ Ft t fi I/,rl,ol,/ 4'f' i ii I 11 r! bI GqI I tfr t { F. :E I CT srtf l$ q h h 'l t N {fi rt 4II / #I III ! T t b t I il h t I II fr b lit\' I l.r(lt F a r[ $ fr q ! rs I *y ?r { ,T $ I S' *lr t -t & :{It- i IilII t $.$ #rtIt ? I I I 6V ; ,i,'tir:'. rB'b lrr ($t \\ I I I, tI $ I ,rl I {t:titrII IIdF au r$ rf{tIF th s { q $i ${ -[, -' nr,ol'tTHFTr 1E ;s'{Jg',sf'UF ruUtr.WuPTa Maf4 ,9t 1.5 : 40 Np.lUb .P . u I .df tt 'tf Ir 3 f "t"' il lr to A F Y ,IJ [rT n i qt i*\to* II fb.r' n- -.€"s ,tf; fr$ t I dr tI a\--f'r, u t*l *( t L I ltt\l rl 's f th jl$ T )l ^,!l {s hl { t a, o I t$t h r'f tIt I \ I ao I # Fi ilI st ,tl t P.a m? MAY 13f9gl Jn JJF {h- Hn $ F $ T.z$ F 4 s Fi. E T E1 I I Io 'E $ lr o H 1 fiIT-trr $ TS $ b {* b= t b; tfi ff dTDtrt ME*{-rH +lI gt:gl T6. gT At['l I , I I I I I I I I I / I B , I I I I I I / $ ': :l i fi I. ;L.s $_ dqlI TI5 3-1 t/ ,l ,'!' ,fr i{i It l.t,Kf$jiiir rli{ tl 1lrl cf,lft€ hftf*lT|,l ]tl E :9T 16r BI *uN,l..E'd s N fi' v':J\ 3nN Nu rrl 3 rtl T $ Y s-t l'-'o :$ N $ $ Nt \ I I T I 0/ t /!8l I t' If. , t I I II I li ,l ,'!", ,fii i{iiIr: (.t, .q .'$r. l- ..4 i,irR t , I I t' !,f,'',1, I illil ,ffi, , r :1$ i i\ ' dDfP }+E}l"lfl,l *tl EP:gT 16. gI Atilt.. i*$r $ i Et$i/ ilr I F4 s E'd rttY- : \--t I I I INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW It Comments: t \ fa.[c-h,t i: ilo fo o A +u "[ I rs.J*? \/ t*'"4 /'f4/ lJ h l" ir* Ju ot /n, ) Du{s'l /. Date: Lt''k Ko*t - h*",r; O L^toll t^/'!"*- r*'l b" 4/f{Yt;'-k ''' hl 4* Q ul POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comrnents: RECREATION DEPARTT.{ENT Reviewed by: Cornments: ->.t I TZ)r-e-r+ rIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: -Cornments: LIC IIEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ') ?o.L Oq{ru uo &"] i.:lu J,r^ Loctt ;l- 5pn'-a Date: revised 3/lL/9L Date: M*r3 t?"( C-onniz Krriaht I\ ( s65 Qote C",,8 bi., 4pt. zd Qail, 4.olpzaLo 51657cJ*&e* +t"-_ -*4""rc q'?2 {}lE TIA*--T- *t s-Tqo ;ITWreEs]n;x{%ruIH% A-"",-a "en^/ €\f"tc-r\ --'-11= T \dW -v)i-'b -rsne3- cP5-1fl.-r<- -"rw e ruJ\t- v 'c)- z\ v ffi=tr)/:t+-- ':t-r.-.--w oI l---f? * .6f,a'^al) "o $ J ${ { { F\ +\ */: tF -.< tRRg:l+G Eru EE*"s? \J I FIL E COPY olfice of community development75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47!l-2138 {303} 47$,2139 April26, 1991 Mr. BenjiAmsden The Mulhern Group '1900 Wazee Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 RE: Lot 41, Glen Lyon Subdlvlsion Dear Benji: Attached please find a copy of a memorandum from Dick Duran, Town of Vail Fire Chief, which outlines the Town's requirements for the private road accessing Lot 41 . As we previously discussed, both fie Public Works and the Fire Department have agreed to allow a roadway consisfng of 18 feet of paved surface with 2-1 foot drivable surface shoulders. This deviates from Section 17.28.330 - Design Criteria of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. This deviation is being permitted due to the minimal access easement provided. However, all other standards must be met. In addition, I would like to call your attention to DicKs comment on maintenance. The Fire Department cannot guarantee service to the residence- if the 20 toot roadlvay is not maintained. All maintenance inctuding snow removal and surfacirig will be the responsibility of the properly ownerc. All road improvements must be within the access easements. Please submit the roadrvay improvement plan witlr the building permit request lor Lot 41. All required roadway improvements must be completed prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the residence on Lot 41. Should you have any questions, please call me. cc: Greg Hall Dick Duran W tl:t lnwn 42 west meadow drivevail, colotado Al65? 13031479.21t5O fire department I TO3 FROM! DATE: RE: * * * * * !,t E l.t O RAN D U l.t * * * * * Shelly Mello ,rDick Duran r.0d.February 11, 199IFire access for Lots 39, 4Or 4l and possJ.ble Lot 42 atGlen Lyon subdivision. If not, just caLl. *********** The Uniforn Fire Code Sec. l_O.2OT sets fire accessrequirements to be as foLlows: width: Minirnun unobstructed width sharl be not ress than 20feet. surface: Roads shalr- be designed and naintained to Eupportlnposed loads of apparatus and shall l. pr"iia.awith a surface so aj io proviae aii-weath"r ili;il;capabilitles. Turnarounds: Ar.t dead-end roads in excess of 150 feet lnfengll shall. be provided with approvea pro"fri"rr"for the turning alound of fire ;"piir;iu=: After reviewrng Greg llarl's nemorandum of 2/g/g, , r recommend!tr?t.we accept a tnenty-tzoj-ioot road that viti provide a harddriving surface and a trirn ay'ouna-iot rirJipparilis. r lrourd al'oask that we rnandatg th_e twenty feet to ue ufjtntalned,,, due to ourwinter rnonths. As ,I have ' exlrersea many times, there is adifference between privace arrve-ana public road when r-t cornes tomaintenance. n'e need to let them kriow thai ii tr,. road is notmalntained, we nay not be able to assist them when lre are needed. f hope this wilL clear things up. cc: {ohn culick, Assistant Fire ChlefMlke Mccee, FJ.re MarshalGreg Hall, Toqrn Engineer RFR eU '91 1€:1e * ry lbe *rfhern eonD 19OO ilazce lBtteetArfta 2Oo D€nst[Fl aoloEErlo golos (3o3! 2e7-833{ Frra' (3Ot)e9t-260I. .{rxltrntrnrr. a\tr nit$l\tr m: lrls*tu g€t.tt cF\11. ATlil:+tHJ-Y l*l/Htt-,e Dltr8: +-"-7'*11 rAt( no.: 4?? *2,lt1 PrurrBslr Fltltr*r_.u' snfimcr rc-! qpa?*l FES. nE Er6 sedfr1t you 13- Fagia tncXudftrg fffs tfansttraf'. DBIKRIP!trI(trIr lHlllra tse transelttid. ag checlred belorc Fon .f,aarcuaf. lor Yo|rr use v lt Bsqutst d 3u Atrtrllr ad Cm€nt IEllsFri: ff tnCI tt{stullNr .t trarsillttcd ana aot ai [ofidal, *idfy nctt"fy ug ct BHrr Br: &J-lt AflsuErl HFR EE '3T 1E3L? t.'.: i ,+ i.J: 1: r"l fl i.t'.-..1 ,'1 . ." . 00.' I'ET;. li,::Fr;:-il :-'t ij. r:,t.\..2 '..|.:-: i;;l'-" r :; r, + . '.ltr: 'tntsi 'Itrc. :.. --+ :i .:j. *--.--:j;-, -ir'-. . . rr ;. ',rF;..:!..': - ' . .;! -;;it iil....:-!r'.j-.r-::. -F': - i:-.. r-=',i:."i#i't:',.':;- :''.' ini: j.Ii$ffi*ff$:s1j' :,., - o-E?jr,ir:.rli.l#:,. . :ii:ir-r;.rr _ - r.;::h=---::_- j.c,r,r. j .i -. ,.: - .: ;l--'it -'-:rl::iT'l!_:' -.r.. '#+(;Ii.:.'-T'':::l: ,_.... r!;;:.!1.:.. - ..1:::_:l_..'.. '-.. ;.'::ff"lii:rli;;ri,'{-nU:--:ii"i. . '::,:'€# :'ijfr=r'. j.".," :.'.--'-.F-.:--.---,l+',;;:i"t}' :::i'iii,:?, :.,+:;',1.lj:rrg=-i., .Iou.3€quea l$r?10. eq ..l.':.:: ;i.'i : .'.I " :r;,l:-' r -J,''' 'rr?t. ir' -.':;.'1.5..": Io r{TER - DEtrARTl,lEltlTAL REUIEW PROJECT, FTNDELL RESTDENCE T]AIE SLIBMITTEO: COMh.ITT{TS IIIEEDED B}: ERIEF T'ESCRIPTIOH +F THE PEOPOSAL SETBACK I.IARIAI{CE RJBLIC V{ORKS IIIKE BR.qKE APR|L 17.19S1Reviewed b1:Dote: Cornments: I) AFTER REVIEV'ING THE MOST RECENT TOPD OF THE SITE *I.ID A EOPY OF IHE ORIGIhIAL TOPO REPROD1JCED BY EACLE VALLEY SURVEYII.IC I COI{CLUDE THAT THE Or,ril{ERS HA.VE A LElilTlMAlE CLAjH lll RE'SARDS T0 TARTH HAD BEEI{ REI,.ICII'ED FROM THEIR BUILDIIIIG SIIE, TIIEY :]HOL'LD EE 6I\EhI IHE VARIAI'ICE THET ARE ASKII.{G FOR-7J I wouLD rfl HAVE THE FTRST zo' oF DEtVEl,{A'r AT +K GRADE (zn' rnou ttr EOGE OF EX|SI|NG ASPHALI). tHE REST OF THE nRt\€WAy t5 r.tOT T0 EXCEED ffK3) | WOULB L|KE T0 HAVE rHE WALL HEIGHTS A.T THE SfiUTHERLy END OF tHE HOUSE SHOWI-I.4) THE REGNADFIG PROPOSED II.I THE sE\\€R EASEIIEIIT oI.I THE v,ESTERLY SInE CIF IHE LOT f"AHNOT HAPPEI'I- NO LOltERll,l$ 0F Eitl$Tll{c GROUI{D CAH BE r'.[Olt\ED DUE TCI LESSONING THE GEOTIFID COT/ER OlITR IHE SEU]EE LII'IE .ANO POSSIBLE CAUSIN.$ lHE SEl,rER LINE TO FREEZE- EIRE DEPARruENT Reviewed b cornments; Dole; REcErvEDApRr2nno .ffi,.%l, ry INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVTEW PROJECT: E&''r\\Lq' 'nilAs hwe )'^lu'L| uol uD^ a'ffi 'tuq- W.rd1^j{I4&.dJ5 \.0f yhs y-1^{- J ' k ut\uln ho/|e PUBLIO TTORKS V U Reviewed by: Comments: DATE SUB}II COI.IMENTS NEEDED BY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE TE OF PUBLIC HEARING 4trn ),^.. Date: FIRE DEPART!,fENT Reviewed by: Conments: ?-z r'> ' Date: z) r,U,'"-' ,/F't //'-''*':'';L-"- "4'*'7 J'z''n-1"'"'---" '/ / til...r"* dl ;''--{'"' '^o"/ 4J t"oo ;7"1 'v1 " // /"'1"t4'n z ) '4ta, u/6 :1'/t ' ./ / /"72-'^'t 't zn '-'"- ./-- <-_27,a-e--- 6'/-'n'/l / - POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: BLqREATION DEPARTI4ENT Reviewed by: Comments: revised 3/Ll/91 Date: DRB APPIJTCATION - TOWN 08 VAII" DATE APPIJICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: fft? f,,,eii ,: fggl COIORADO rxrs apPtrrear#?t1;ilr BE AccEPTED UNTIL A&L REQUfRED fNFORl,l.ATfON f8" SUBMIATED I.PRO..7ECT TNFOnMATION 3 A. brscRrprroN: *a**ia**** B.TYPE OF REVIEW! X Ney Constructlon Addition Minor Alteration Conceptual Review c, D. ADDRESS: LEGAIJ DESCRTPTION! Subdivision ff property is descrlbed bydeseriptlon, please provide attach to thls application. Block a meets and bounds leqal on a separate sheet and E. F. ZONING: NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT I S Address: LOT AREA: If regulred, applicant stanped survey showing lot area. G.NAMB OF APPLTCANT:Maillng Address: must provide a current Frnjarrrrt Alwa*r)H. J. Phone NAME OF OWNERS: .SIGNATURE(8): Mailing Addres$: Phone 17c,t4 'a-3r'(7l-olft Condominiun Approval if applicable. REPRESENTATTVE: K. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATTON $ o-$ lo,ooo $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $5o,oo1 -$ 150,000 $150,ooL - $ 5oo,00o $500, ool - $1,000,000$ over $1,OOO,OOO IPPLICATTON TTIJTJ BE PROCEESED rEE $ r.o. oo $ 25. 00 $ 50,oo $100. o0 92oo. oo $3oo.0o trTfBOUjr OTiNER'8 STGN{IURE 1 .NO LTST OF MATERTALS NA}'IE OF PROJECT3 LEGAT DESCRIPTION3 L,,OTIL - BIOCK SUBDMSION Gten Lvon STREET ADDRESS: Lzlo wesrhaven Lane DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: A. The following inforrnation ieReview Board before a flnal BUTLDING MAIERIALS! Roof Siding Other WalL Materiats Fascia Soffits Wi.ndows Window Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other I,ANDSCAPING: Name requi-red for subnittaLapproval can be glven:to the Design TYPE OF UATERTAL cor,,oR Cedar Shakes . creeg Stain Stucco White Stone F.ainbow Mix Wood .Green Stain -wood crFc. stF in Wood Gream ' ,,,,r Wood . - , Green Stain Wgod' cream WOOd . Gr.Fc.'| lita i |1 Meta:l . . f.,f,peE: Woodlrane/stone VFnee-r RainboE_.Mix B. PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designerl Phone: Bota4ipal Name See Landccarte Plan Sherfy Dorward - Geodesign, . .476-9537 Cornmon Name Ouantity Slze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED None *Indicate caliper for declduous trees. Minirnum ealiper fordeciduous trees is 2 inches. rndicate height ror coniieroustrees, Minimurn heiqht for conifergrus trees ls 6 feet. I I PI,ANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI,TOVED *Indicat,e size5 qellon. GROUND COVERS Eotanical Narne See LSP Conmon Name Ouantitv Size* None of proposed shrubs. Fvpe See LSP Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGATION TYPE OR I,IETHOD OI EROSION CONTROL c.orHER T,ANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fencesr swimrningpools, etc. ) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainin!waLls. Maximum height of wall-s within the front setback i!3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. FEB 1E ,91 T4:1? TI--IE I'ILLHERH GT<OUF'"I SUBDIVISION This form is tolocation, Thispreparing your inscaLIations. P.e ,roB NAME - f,rtnftt .-R{flOrttC{ *-..-u)r 4t BIOCX FIIJINC ADDRE'' - JZn hltm+u-au l*tf 'The lqcation and avallability of util.ltles, urhether Lhey be maintrunk lines er propocred }i.nes, must be anlrroved and verified bythe follaning uti).itiee for the accorfipanying site plan. D.ate U.S. west Comrnunicatlons L-800-92 2 -1987 468*6850 or 949-4530 Public $ervice conpany 94 9 -57 8L Gary Hall HoIy Crtrss Electric AEsoc. 9 4 9*58 92 ?ed Husky/Hichael l,averty lleritage Cablevision T.V. 94I *5530 cary Johnson Upper Eag1e Valley Watert .sanitation DistricL ,t 47 6-7 480Fred Haslee NOTET These verifications d<r not relieve the contractor ofhls resporrsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of vail, Departrnerrt of Public l^Iorks and, to ol:!ai_q utility locqtioF.S'FCfore dl$uinq in any public rlght-of-way or easement in tlre ?ovrn of Vail, &huild.inq nernult ie not.+.-E!Leet cut pernit. A street cut, permit muEt be obtalned separately. e, 16'9 / tu4 : verify eervlce avaiLability and should be used in conjunction r.rithutility plan and scheduling * Flease bsing a site plan, floor plan, and elevatione uhenobtaining Upper Eagte Valley Water & Sanltation signatures. Fire fLow needs mr.,lst be addressed. 7^Z+^a ZONE CIIECK FORsFR, R, R P/S ZONB DISTRICT'S DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 4L BIOCK F j-l ing ADDRESS: Ohrl,lER Lee and Beth Findel]_ARCIIITECT The Mulh,Frn Group PHONE PTIONE UNIt. ZONE DISTRf CT primary Sec.ontia ry Rcsidqntl a1 PROPOSED USE Singt e Fami I y/r.ri-rh Cararakerr sLOT SIZE 1-o4q4 lcres , i{eight ToIal GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front S ides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coveraqe Landscaping Retaininq Wal1 Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: Env ironmenLal/Haz ards : AlIowed Existjnq f3€J (33) o 6,03s.59+ (85o) (425) = 5885-59 r) _ 3621- .3 5 min.+ (4251 241.4.24 + (425) 39.2 Froposed Total 33 33 Cdv:t. 6AAq- tq Ft. 6AA\ Rq sg. Ft. 424 n7 AA-1L 6.f 201 151 15 1 463..52 20 ,/ L5 15 - r{.4. 5461.5.. 608 467.52 ) (50) 608 3t /61 _Reqrd 6r max. Does this llow much request involve aof the allowed 250sq. ft. -(3€+l{6€+}{e4c} ( l_200) r.2oo Permitted Slope B? Actual Slope a* Date approved by Town Engineer: 1) Flood Plain lr-a. 2) Percent Slope _ 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow AvaLanche N.A. b) Rockfal] N.A. c) Debris Flow rrl-e. 4) Wetlands N.A. 25O Addition? - N.A- -Addition is used with this request? x0 Project Application Date ProiectName: TW,rte[l Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPRovAL t DISAPPROVAL O O - s#,'ct'1 PROJECT: INIER - DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW LOT 4I GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION DATE SUBHITTED: COHIdENTS NEEOED 8Y: BRIEF DESCRIPIIOI'I OF THE FROPOSAL: COMMENTS NEEDED REIA1INC TO ORIGINAL TOFO A}{O MORE RECEI'IT IOPD PUBLIC VISRKS MKE BNAKE J/20.,/SlReviewed by Dote; Comrnents: ITEIilS FOR REVIEW COHSISTED OF .C'RIGIN,I.L TOPO- PROUDED BY ARCHI]ECT AND MOFE RECEhIT TOFO PNO\'IBED FOR SITE PLAN. "ORIGINAL TOPO,, DID NOT FIAVE A DATE, TITLE BLOCK OR SURVEYORS STAT.!P. IHEREFORE I ASSUHED IT TO BE THE ORIGINAL TCIPO USED BY THE ENGII.IEERING FIRM TO DO ]HE SUBDMSION DESICN. AFTER COHPARING THE "ORIG|HAL TOP0" ($tmnt:rO SCALE TO EE CONSISTEHT llflTH THE MoRE RECENT Topc) T0 THE I{ORE RECENT TOP0 Ol.l A LIGHT TABLE IT AFPEARS THAT EXISTING SOILS I,IAY HAVE 8EEI.I REMO\€D FROI{ THE AREA II.I QUESNON. ]HE COHTOURS OF BOTH TOPOS SEEhIED TO ITATCH OUTSIDE OF IHE AREA OF CONCERN BUT NOT UTHIN THIS ARE/'.. IF THE SITE COULD BE STIIOED WITHOLIT SHOW GROUI.ID COI,ER IT I,IAY tsE fuIORE APPARENT IF THE NAruRAL S0ILS t[€RE DISTURBED RRE OEPARTHENT Reviewed byc comments: Dote: VaiI Connunity DeveloPment 75 S. Frontage RoadVail Colorado 81657 ATTN: Shelly Mello RE: Lot 4l- Glen l-,yon - Proposed Grading PIan Dear She11y, Please find attached a proposed grading plan for Lot 41" At the tine of the initial devllo-pnent of Cfeir r,yon the main sewer line s-rvicing lots 43 , 4Lt 40 aira ss was put in on the west side of Lot 4L. Ouitng "onf,f"-i"" of that taif the excavated soils were siacfea, cr-eatini an unnatural ridge par?llel .to Gore Creek and th;;;i;;. failin{ to return the site -back to its natural gentle slope to the west-. Instead a hole was created at the center of the iiti wnich pushes any future developnent down into it' we are proposing a qrading plan to return the site back to its natural -st6pe to tfre west Lo further enlrance the overall natural upp".""tt"e 6f tne north end of the Glen r,yon developnent' Sincerely,44'./-//./(-/^; t (Sarz.?24t- Benji Amsden BA:cb Attachnent February 28 | l-991 ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING The Mulhern Group 1900 Wazce Strcet Suite 200 Dcnvcr Colorado 80202 (303)297-3334 DRB APPI.,ICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: **l*l***** TIIIA APPIJICArfON WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTTT. ALt REQUINED XNFORI(ATION T8 SUBMITTED ****i***** I. PROJECT INFORI.,IATION! A. DESCRIPTfON: cradinq Plan for L,ot 41. cten Lvon B. TYPE OF REVTEW: { x Nelt Construction Minor Alteration Conceptual Review C. ADDRESS: 1210 Westhaven Laree D. LEGAIJ DESCRfPTIoN: Lot _31_- Block subdivision If property is descrlbed by a nreets and bounds legaldescriptlon, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to thLs application, E. ZONfNG: Primary/Secondary Resiaen$-al DiEirjict - F. I,oT AREA: If required, app)-lcant must provide a current starnped survey showing Iot area. Ito494 Acres : G. NAME OF APPLfCANT: The Mftthe'.n crorlnMailing Address: Denver. Colorado RO2O2 Phone (3O3\ 297-3334 H. NAME OF APPIJfCANTTS REPRESENTATIVET Benji AmsdenMailing Addressl Same Phone I. NAME OI' OWNERS: Beth and Lee Findel]- TTSTGNATURE (S) sMailing Address: Vail, Colorado 81658 Phone (3031 476-5423 J. Condorninium Approval lf applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the tine of issuance of.a building_ perni.t. FEE SCHEDULE: Addition VALUATTON $ o-9 lo,ooo $ 10; 001- - I 50, 000 $ 5O, OoL - $ 150, ooo $1"50, 00L - $ 500, 000 $50o,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1.,000,000 $300.00 rNO APPI,TCATTON WILL BE PROCESSED WTTflOUT OWNERIS STGNATURE FEE $ r.o. 00 $ 25. 0o $ 50. 00 $r.oo. oo $200.0o 1 \ l'ffi B1 '91 11:12 TTE MI.LFERN GROT.P P.eotLAilD TTT,B GUA.RANTEE CJUPANY ReFreaontlng fltle InguransE Conparu of ulnncrcota TNXX YOU ffi YOUR ORDER Septcnber ol, L989 our Qrder! . v14074 BUVER! LESLIE W. FINDEIJJ and BETTI E, fI!{DEIrIJ srer.l.ItIls UARG.BREIE SCARBROTTGH WI1ISON .ADDRESS! CT6gBR 1 ' 'AttNT ARZANA . NORRIS RE.I,TJTY. DEI,II'ER IN VAIIJ RUNS t Atth: ilIDY lroRRTs /CHRISTOPnER DEI"TON REaJ. ESTATE / DEI,IVER XN VArr. RrrNg 1 ITtnI GEEG AI.TSDEN coPrEs 1 Attnr PTCKED UP FOR DAIJIVEIRY AM P}! l"flR 81 ,91 11:1? THE t"i.JLHERt{ GROUF SCI4DUIJB A .ADr ) "oMurruElrr P.3 , _ clrar.,ges _ AIJf,A Orrner pollov.Iax CerEtf..-TOtAL,-- Atrryllaation No, Vt4o"4 For Infotilation OnIy +1,673. 0O s20.oo $1, 693. OO' $725, ooo.0o rftrtb yotr l;e$lttanco FleaEe r€fer tg vtr4oz{. , Eff,ectlve Date:Auguet a?, l9B9 at,groo A.!t.1. e. 3. .1. . Dofla5l to be issued, and pretrrg;Gd Insurcdi nAI/TAn Osnarre Pofic1r .Fol:n .8-19?0 (A$erdeil- 10-l?-?O) Proposed fngurcdt IJEEIIE W. FXNDSIiTT and EEIB B* FXNDEIJJ rhe eEtate oE Lntefest in the lqnd described or referr€d, to inthls Counitnent qnd covGraa tierilii isi ---- A Fee St@]b Tltle. !o'thc cctats or Lntereat aovered harein ia at theeflactivc dcte heregf vested in: ' }TAROARET SCEREROUGB IIIISOil 5- llhe lahd referred to in ttrlr coultuent ls desffiibed a5lollons: , IrcfFE +1 AIID 43r GI.J8II IJYOI{ $UBDrVf,SrON,. ACCORDTHG TO THE AI{ENDEDpLAt nEG€RDED JULY t8r 1978 rN BOOX aie et pAcE 3?0. couHTc oFEAGLE, STAEE OF COIORADO. PAGE l'lRR 61 ',91 11:13 Tt-E FI|LFERN GRO|.F ?' AITTA eO!{}IITUUNf. P.4 SCEEDSI"E E.T . Inesulrenents) .rblrXleation No. v1t0?4 ,: ! 1 Ir 2. llhe following arc thc rcquirementg to be coagtied trltbr Patnent to o:r fof tlre ac$olrnt sf the grantorg or noftgagofr of.the full conel.deratlon f,or tbe estate of interest to belneured. 'Eopsr inst nnent(c) creEting the estate or inte,regt to beinsured mret bc cxacutcd arui duly flted for resord, to-wlt: EI,:IDE$CE SATISFACTORI TO firB COUprury TlrAT TttrB TEnUs, CONDIfIONS A$D PRO\XT8IODTS OF fITE 'TOI|N OF VAIL ARA}ISFER TtJ( IIA\rE EEEH SATISFIED. IIARRDNfY DEED FROII !,lARGaREf SC,ABBRO{rgtl WII,SON TO L,ESIfiE W. 8INDEI'IIJ and BgtllB. FINDEI.L CO}II/EYING SU&TEC:T FROPERTY. i' 3, 4, -It= PACB I'IFR El '91 11:13 TI-E }IULHERN GROUPa A IJ T A-C O U U I 1[ IT E N T P.5 SCItEpUtn B-2 (Et.ceptlons)Appllcatlon No. v1i1074 the policy or polfeles to be leaued wLll contaln exceptlons to thefollowlng rmleEe ttr€ aane af,e disposed of,.to the eat{af,aotlon pf. the coupany3 1. Etandard.ExoeptlonS I thrauEh 5 printed an ttte €over Ehaat. 7. 8. 6. l[axee and areeeErrente not yet due of peyeblc and epeeial aEtesenents not yet certifiod tc tbe treasurerle offlce. eny unpath taxee er ass.acDentd rg.tnst said land. Liens for uripaid water and ge$rer charEae, l,! any. 9. RI6II! OF PROPRI]ETOR OF A VETN OR ISDE TO E*lrR[g! AIID REUOVE I1I8 ME IIIEEREPROU SROITED $HE 8A!E BE POUND TO EENEIDRIIDE OR INTBRSE'g,! TflE PREI{TSES trs nEsEmrED rN uNrtrED gTAtES pAtEttT REcORDED Arlgust 15, 1909, rN EOOK 48 AT DAGE 5{E. 10. RIGIIT OF lfAY FOR DITCIIBS OR, CANAIJCi CO!{9IFUC!8D BY rHE AUTrcRITI OF I'liE I'ilITBD STATES }S RESSEVED IS UNIfED STA:IES PATENI! RECORITED AI4ruat 16, 1909,IN EOOK 48 AT PEGE S4Z. 11. REsERVATION rS EO tHE NORXTWEST L/4 AF SECTTOH X2 TOWIISEIP 5 SOITU, RUIeE 81 WESf OF lilIE RIGITT OF tlAy Oq rHE UNITED gtAtlEg, rT8 PERD|ITTEE, oR LICEN$EE, 'I9 ENTSA UPON, OCfltPY AIID USE ANg PAIil OR ALIr OF SAID IAHD rOR cEE tuRposBs pRovrDED IN TflB ACT Or JUNE 10, 1920 (41 gAf. 10631 AS RSSERI'ED IN THB PATENI! RECORDBD O TODER 2, 1946 IN BOOI( 134 AT FA€E dO5. 12. nEstRICtM coV':EstAlttrS, lfHrcE Do Noc CoNTAIN A FoRrEllflnp OR RBVEHfER CIAUSE; 8Uf ollItTING RE6IRIC,|'TOHE, IF ANt,.EA.SED ON ft,ACE, COr.ORr REtrrGrON, OH NATIO$AIJ oRIGIN, AS COIITAINED IN INSIRIjUENT RECOBDED April 04, 1978, IN BooK 268 AT PAGE 698 lrfD'AS N{ENDBD rN TNSTRITUEN.T'RECORDED August 25, L98?,I$ BOOK 468 ST PAGE 44? TITROUGH 47? AND AS RERECORDED It{ IN$TRT'I{ENT RECORDm SEPTEUBER 15, 1987. XN BCXIK {59 eT pAeE 8O1. 13. SEIIER, EASE}TENE 20 FEST IN WIUTH ACT,OSS SUE.IECT PROFERTY Afi SHOI{N OI{ IIHE NTCORUED lr@}{DED PI,AT OF GIJEII LYSI SUBDWISION. 14.,ROADWIY E.[SEI'8}fT ICROSS IdT 43. AS DESCRIEED IN DOCIJI{ENTS RECORDED AUGUST?L, 1978 'Ilf BOOK 273 AA PACE 511 INU R8COnOED tgcUST 25, L97A rN BOOK 2?3 Atr pAdE 981 AND RECORDBD t|lncH 14, 19?9 rN EOOK 28s lr ptGE 883. PEGg FIFR E1 '91 11114 THE ITJLHERN GROIJP JAI,TA_COUUITIIEI{T P.6 SC1iEDUIJE B-e (Exo€pttonE) IPPlicetloft Ho'v14074 15. COIIV8fAIICE or EASEIEFT TO VAIIJ.ASSO€IATEST INC' AGROSS I,(,l[ 41 nECORDED' itAlfutRu 2{, 1985 rN BOOK 403 AE PA6B 5eO' 16. CONvEYAIICE oF gKI LxFT UA$EI{EHT 19 VAIL AS$OCIIEES, IUC. }}Ib CASCADB.VIIJAeE UEEBoIOTJITSN DISIGICD ACiROSS IoIr 43 REconEED iIU$8 23, 1987 IN Boor 46I AT PAGE 934. " 1?. RE8ERVAITON Of A HON-EXeLUsll/8, FERPETIIAT, EAsE}fEl{'|iB AND ntrc$l! or $Av ovER' ACROSS AltD rHROncE TAE EA"EIEBITy 6 2/3 FSEr! OP IS|! {1 AS BEstnvED Rl GoRE cRsEK AS$O'CIAEES rN WSRRANTY DEED nTCOnOSO AIIGUST S, 19?8 IN EOOI( e73 Af PAGIE 116. 18. EASEUETTS, BE9RVAIIONE AtrD REBtRIgfroxS ls gEOHS OA.nESERVBD Olf trrtr NFCOADEiD AI.EI.TDED PLAT OT GI,EN TYOTI SUBDIVISION. P}EE t I I a,ll i!,l :.ill I l'.'Itrl.ll llii t,.l I I ta rt t I I I ir ll I J. .i ,l ,". ,,ii t'-,. I : il il \ \rrit llt t'[lT\,..,. ,t ( l'G/eo7 /'7"-' /ol 4/ luwn vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47S5613 department of community development 10 July 1978 Andy Norris sox 2941vail, colo.81657 REF: Dear And.y: rny of f ice. Lots 4I & 43, Glen Lyon Subdivision The parcel of land directly west of subject lots are in ttre loo-year Flood Plain as indicated by study completed by Hydro-Triad and adopted by the Town of vall. sectionl8.69.040 o? t-ne Town of vail Mu;icipal- Code does not allow any type of structure to be built within the designated flood plain' If you have further questions please free to contact DST/gew |lal iana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator 75 Soath Frontage Road Vail, Colorzdo 81657 3 At -4? 9 -2 1 t 8 / FAX t0 t -47 9 -2 r t 7 D epartmen.t of Pablic WorkslTransportation II{B.IORANDIIM ShellvMello.,,r Gres itatl ,Dfl - February 8, -199L Private Road Standards for Lots 39 , 40 | 4L And Possible Lot 42i eLen Lyon Subdivision The Town of Vail Municipal Code Section t7.28.320.8 definesdriveways as trAny private access for two or fewer dwelling units.rlSection L7.28.32O.D defines minor streets - which includes privatestreets. ft appears that the access easenent granted to access the lotsmentioned above meets the definition of a private street. The Town of VaiI Municipal Code Section 17.28.330 provides thedesign criteria of minor (private) streets. From the design criteria, a 22' wide paved width with 2r shouLd,erson each side would be required once the next dwelling unit isbuilt, as currently there are two dwelJ.inq units existihg on lot40. The issue at hand is how does 24r of roadway surface fit into a 20teasement. There are two solutions, one is to contact the ForestService to see if an encroachment onto Forest Service land ispossible, as currently a part of the existing roadway encroaches.The other solution wouLd be to provide at a ninitnun 18t of paved wj-dth and two 1r shoulders as long as the Fire Departnent signs offon the substandard road. I would prefer the first option, however,if the Fire Department signs off on the latter solution then Public Worlcs will too and the second nay work. If you have any questions or need additional information, pl-easecontact me. cc: Dick Duran TO: FROM: DATE: RE: