HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 49 LEGALc.rrtfll|llYga.opt:$r Design ileview Board ACTIOT{ FORM Ihpartm€nt of Communlty Oevglspment 75 Sou$ Frontaga Road, \lall, Cdorado 81657 tol: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.245? wsb: slu.vallgoucom Project Name: LESSANS RES. CHANGE TO APPROVE Project Descriptlon: Participants: DRB Number: DR8080137 A WROUGHT IRON ENTRY GATE AND TWO STONE VENEER COLUMNS ATTOP OF NEW STAIRCASE STONE POSTS AT STAIRCASE TO MATCH EXISTING COLUMNS, CHIMNEY FOR BOILER DGAUST. OWNER LESSANS, MARC B. PO BOX 510 FREDERICK MD 21705-0510 0s/0s/2008 APPUCANT BOYMERCONSTRUCTION 05/05/2008 Phone:970476-2958 P O BOX 1001 VAIL co 81658 License: 152-8 Project Address: 1325 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL 1325 WESTAHVEN CR, UNIT B LocaUon: L.egal DescripUon: Lot: 49 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 2103-121-0602-5 Comments: SeeConditions MoUon By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 05/2112008 Cond:8 (Pl3N): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. C,ond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond:202 (P|-AN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building pemit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is lssued and construction commenes wlthin one year of the approval, K;!&e- ZYU,N)SLthe Proposal: Lot Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86210 for parcel no.) Name(s) of owner(s): lrAtkQ/- | F<-<Xt-\,'- Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: For revisions to plans already Design Review Board. Submittal Requir€menb: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association $20 TOWI\ Li Flcde\,AFORMS\Permib\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-approvedjlans-1jage-o5-11-2006.doc RPR-23-28@ 23.45 F. R. U.7?5 ?63 6A5A P.AVA\ 'OtTfT PROPERIY OWIIER WRITTITI APPROVAI ITTTIR trtr*u.Lettn's frn4 /,, Pc#df* t',' r"til@a ftint ownefsr p,*'*&*" /*r tr) iao\& flrurl. es 0uucdt' tf.e F*tueelprsvid€ $b letter as lvrltbn tted ot wtrich tnre been sub{nitH to the Totvn of VEil Darelopment Dflqrfnent for the proped lmpro\Ements to be @nu€Hl at the address noted abore' I undeEbnd tlr€t tfie ffsposed imprwemenB indde:VeadJa/ty{, €PrtAS + l(*Ytftn,t o Addltbnally' plsare cM(thc t frt bolow which F moit rppllcable to you: frL7M LessAlrst*1dfr!;jost E3 'La/grnt Du/er- (ted;fs. M4K3Htatr ^//*tr /t d*t*nd that mltw mdtllafutp nay fu n& b dE FldtE o.ry tle otrx of tE reviEtr putss b erwre @ltflhtte wiill dP Townb arytbDle fu ad tqthfuts //rlnz/tbry) - Itr Ittvh? A t t&u* Uptat ffifr@tions, trtlrwqduvi*, wlwt are n* b UE Plarc dgtlE a ut*of rlretevidrvgrE5E, E brottghta nyatffiiu, WdEarytbntforffitlqplappowl fcfue mfugait g fittlrrreview bytle Tuw. M-*nl ,/WFFrty aw lctrr Hitd J ull9,t406 Er TOTfl- F.A1 ll+l+****'|t*'}*'at***{r**t*+fa+f***'l*l'}***'r****r*****tl+*****a+*t*t*'}t*******tt+*****r**a**atr*t'} TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stareinent ****++++**'i'i****+*r'|'i't**l**+++++{'*'f'}*******ra*+**+****+++++f+***l'iaa*****+++'}+++++*+f***'t*'}* Statement Nuniber: R080000512 Amount: $20.00 05/05/2OO8O9:11 Alt Pa)ment Method: Check Init: RL,F Notation: 1294 IJBSSANS RESIDENCE REMODEL Permit, No: DRBO80137 TlEe: DRB -Chg to Appr Plans Parce1 No: 2LO3-f2L-0602-5 Site Address: 1325 WESTHAVEN CR VAIIJ IJocation: 1325 IIESTAIMN CR, UNIT B Total Feea: $20.00Thie Payment,: $20.00 Total AL,L Pmtas 920.00Balance: 90. O0 ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESTCN RTUTEW FBES orrrent PmfE 20.00 Legacy Lanterns - Williamsburg Flush Mount Page I of2 It rIr T - 0 Items in Your Cart Vieu, Cart I Cheek OuL l My Accornt Feafrrred lt€ms Now In: Gas Lanterns -| Wllllamsburg Flush Mount Williamsburg E E-mail this product to a Avallablllty: 4 to 6 Weel Finish: Antiqued C-opper Fixture Type: Wall Moun Fuel Typ€: Natural Gas, I Dimens:on3: 13"Hx8.75" 19'Hx8. 75"U/x5"D, 22"Hx1 Base Prlce: t336.OO Cu!ftomlzcd Prlce: S336.00 Plcasc sclcct tftc avalhble ootlons below. Opdons with an (*) are rcquired. Oncc you havc fillcd In all thc rcqulred options and prcss€d the Updab Into your shopplng calt *slze Gas Lantems Outdoor Living Wrll Mount Lntems Post ilount Lantems Hanging Lantems Electronic lgnition Lantems Unique Electric Only Lanterns Coppcr Creauons Copper Llghtlng company Crpper Scr.rlptur€s Cunningham Faubourg Hn€ Art lrmp6 http ://www. legacylantems.com/p-98 -williamsburg-fl ush-mount.aspx 05t09t2008 (Jjj cN -= (f) {+ -rl o tf)q) v. _{ "si3o J5:R 8 nqo; E sPaF J+ lgg 'i i!8" F => 3-O 1/4' t-a tLl Qz. tLJO CI ILJ M. tf)z. c)(t) tlJ -J z 0:>O l.\ Lg- o(-)!? ErB =?ExE6-inUz. i,i5>+o>i Otn0)Nv cr-) -J GAMGE 9q. Ft. 607 5q. 7t. ttao a ultzgol|lo PARTIAL UPPER LE GR A 644 9q. Ft. GENERAL NOTES I. IHE G€NERAL CONTRACTOR AND gT,ECOIITRACIOR9 SHAT Ef, RE5FON9AE FOR VERIFYING 1}IAT AI AFUCA TE ORAMNGs, I.E. ARCNIECTURA. SIRUCTURA. MTCfIAMCTL PU.'MBIN6 AND EI..ECI&C.{ ARI IN AGREET ENT. ARChIIEC' 9hOUtD EC }IOIIIIID MMTDA1ELY IF ANY OECREfAIICY BETTVEEX DRAWIIIGS OCCURg, 2. 'I}IE GENERA @NTRACTOR, A}IO SUBCONTRACTORS SHAI EC iE9PON9ISTE fOR VTRIPIING AI FIEID CONOTTP'T5 AND DIMET'ISIoI.I5, 9T|oJIA ThE CONTRACTOR DISCOVIR. ANY INCOir5{5TCNOI9 6CTWtEN TfIE WORK INOICATED ON THE DRAW}TGs AltD lHE n[rD COf.lDrTrOf{5, Trit CONTRACTOR |5 tO NOnrY Thf aRChITECT FRIOR TO @MME},ICING U'oRJ( ThE ARCiIITEC' wlLL PRO/IDE TIMEIY REV]SIOITS OR C{ARJNCATONS A9 REAIJFfD TO @MPTfTE TIIE PROIECI. IN THE zuEMT OF A OgCRIFANCT, ORAWNG3 ARE NOT TO B€ rcAED- 3- CIiANG€9 MADT TC' PIAJ{5 $TIIOI-'T THf WRIITEN @N5ETT OI TItE ARCTIITECI sNAr! RIUEVE lHE AF,CTIITECT TROM RE9PONsIAUW FOR AT @NSIOUENCES T}IEREOF. |$.- m -looooFMA uNn E PtuiKt Nonh b_ o '/a't,.FE SC.{.S: r/a' - t'-dUPFER LEVEL PLAN S FHq a) EE: frE u ul r,'r 6 Fu 05z. >9H B5ql-r 1-LJ,ra 6fi5ili <?0M. XE6al -lno"z. 5=; a) Rxt(t) V "itll l--| 7-\ I PARTIAL VEST ELEVATION 0t4dhF. J sc{€: r/.' - r'-d' WEST ELEVATION col i.nrrY tEr/ELoPrcI{' Design Reyiew Board ACTIOII FORlrl Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 61657 tel: 970.{79.2139 fax 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgsv.com Project Name: LESSANS CHANGE Proiect Description: Pafticipants: DRBNumber: DRB070695 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS FOR INTERIOR CHANGES TO LOWER LEVEL MEDrA ROOM. THE SECONDARY SIDE OF THE DUPLE( HAS 5 SQUARE FEET OF GRFA REMAINING. r210612007OWNER LESSANS, MARC B. PO BOX 510 FREDERICK MD 21705-0510 APPUCANT RESLOCK&SULUVAN LLC 1210612007 Phone: 303-773-9578 1582 PROUTY DRIVE EVERGREN co 80439 License: C000002181 ARCHfiECT RESLOCK&SULLIVAN LLc L210612007 Phone: 303-773-9578 1582 PROUTY DRIVE EVERGREEN co 80439 License: C000002181 Prcjed Address: 1325 WESTAHVEN CR, Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: 1325 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL UNIT B Loe 49 Block Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB, 2103-121-0602-5 See Conditions LocaUon: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: SIAFFAPP Date of Approval: 01/15/2008 Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not beome valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and beome void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April L5, 2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 f a* 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Eview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval.h-.r) Descrip6on ofthe Request T 'Ai) 6)o \,1 F-o "l Location of the Proposal: t-ot: { 1 atoct: Physical Addrcss:1325 uzsHn^v.n Qrcl'e- Ur,.\ 6 Parcel No.: Zl 6at2 lttt"Ct2.S (contact Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):Mor.. LcsSanS Mailing Address: Phone:[3o -3QCO Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-maitAddress; fsl\c€caw\co-bf.ne* rax: GtoTFr3-(t Q\ Type of Review and Fee: $ Cnanoes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans AddressinS Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) FIcdeSFORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to_approved_plans_1_page_10- 18-2006.d0c 'tl*t*****+f*a{"t****+++++**+**+***+*+***+++f*f**++*f***'t't**tr**+**+*+****r****++++**++++++**+ TO\ilNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€mcnt***a****++*t*t"|.it+*a**********t***********tlll+ll*++++*++*+t******+***+**f**itt**+*****aa*** statement Nunber: R070002555 Anount: s20.00 L2/06/2OO708:33 AM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 3575,/RESIJOCK AI{D SUIJIJIVA}I, IJIJC Permit No: DR8070595 Type: DRB -Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2LO3-L2L-O602-5 Site addre88: 1325 Y|ESTIIAVEN CR VAIIJ IJocation: 1325 IIESTAH.IIEN CR, UNrT B Total Fees: $20.00 Ttria Palment.: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOTJNT ITEM TIST: Account Code fiacnri nf i nn Current Pmts 20.00DR OO1OOOO31,1,22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Dec O4 O7 O9: OSa R. Boymec Construct i on JOINTPROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER 9?O4762959 p.l *m ,ft);qo .a joint owner of properry rocated at providethishtteraswrittenapprovalofgeptantdateo /4?e lA,O /oaen-Ler4//en which have been submitted " *. ro,#{#* ,{,:kb^ir#*a;n?^;17",H1 t!'s:'o1 ' proposed lmprovements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements indude : I, (print name wt+ iAcle t4z Co, B/bsZ This is the 2nd time unauthorized construction has been lmplemented before seeking approval. Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you! D I undeRbnd that minor modifr@tlons may be made to the phns over the eurse of the reuiew process to ensure ompliance with the Tou/ng applicable codes and rqulations. -1/-trb/At t1 X I requst that alt modinadons, mlnor or otherwie, which ate made to the ptans over the @urse of the review process, be brought to ny attention by the applicant for additional approval beforc utderyolng futdrer reiew by the Town. 2uy'/oa, /s 4q?a. ,/aia proF., orrncr /€//c/ rq rM /A/8/2t Oi * a Reslock and Sullivan, L.L.C. 1582 Prouty Drive Evergreen, CO 80439 Phone: (303) 773-9578 Fax (303) 773-8694Architectural & Planning Services TMNS/T4'7TAI. LETTER To Phone Number: Nt+, S'll,'^,^' Phone Number: Date senr-L2' \{,lQflUrSeit For Review Ple6e Comrnent Plcase Rey'y Re,.lJ75 ties{\ruaue,,^ c;&, D;,\ * Numberof pagesincrudingcover 1.l65agc, !J.J,a.t(<-,t?l Reslock and Sullivan, L.L.C. Architectural dc Planning Services WtlliaF F. Rf{hnh At.A Liccrlsed Arcbft.ct lhode (3o3) m-9578 F4r (1o3) fB-E6e,t FiDail reup@tpmcast.uct September 26,2007 Warren Campbell Town of Vail Deparhent of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: 1325 Westhaven Circle, Unit B Lessans Residence CONDITIONS TOAPPROVAL Warren: Enclosed is the revised address monument detail from Sheet A1.0, which shows the residential name and address as halfa square foot in size, noted as a condition for the staffapproval. Please let us know if you need any other additional information. Thanks Uaa,Et-i-0--- Debbie Sullivan, A.I.C.P. llbbtc A Sulliyar, AI.C.F. Certiffed llanncr L,r q1 eb^ L1^S,L l\S2ProutyDnve EvrgreoqColorado 80439 \ 0 0cf\ #' s4v; tro $l fl5 xI s u,\r F q -( Oo|[.||IFf cFIE!0FTEI' Design Review Board ACTIOH FORFI Department of communlty Development 75 South F ontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.,179.2139 fax: 970.it79.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Pruiect Name: Protect Description: t€ssans Res. Change to APProve DRBNumber: DR8070416 Application to o<pand deck and relocate hot tub, Includes a slight Increase in the garage roof ridge elevatlon. Participants: OWNER IESSANS, MARC B. PC) BOX 510 FREDERICK MD 21705{510 @1ril2007 APPuCANTRESLoCK&SULLIVANLLcoS|L7|2o07Phone:303-773-9578 1582 PROUTY DRIVE EVERGREN co 80439 License: @00002181 ProiectAddr€ssz L3}'WESTHAVEN CRVAIL Locauon: 1325 WESIAHVEN CR, UNIT B / Glen Lyon, L tegal DescripUon: lot; 49 Bloclc SubdMsion: GLEN LYON SUB' Parcel Number: 2103-121-0602-5 Commenb: See @nditions Modon By: Second By: Vote! Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalz 0910512Ct07 Cond: 8 ipr,qlri No changes to $ese plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail stitr and/or the appropriate rwiarr ommittee(s)' @nd:0 rp-r,cNl, DRB approral does not onstitute a permit for building. Please onsult with iown of Vail Buildlng personnel prior to construction activiUes' Cond: 201 one approvaf shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond:202 npp.".f of nis proiect shall lapse and become uo.'d oF (1) year following the date of hnat ipprouat, untess a buildling permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion' Cond: CON0009271 The applicant shall revise Sheet A1.0 to show the residential name and address as | ' being'no more than half a square foot per section 11-7-4, Residnetial Name Plate Signs, Vail Town C,ode. Cond: CON0009272 This approval does not include any permission to cut Westhaven Circle for utility work and relocation to the unit. Cond: CON0009273 the applicant shall submit a staging plan in conjunction with the building permit apPlication' Cond: CON0009274 The applicant shall submit a copy of the revised easement agreement for locating hndstlping anO -riveway withinthe side property line easement in conjunction w6h a building Permit. Cond: CON0009275 The applicant shall locate a limits of disturbance fence on the site which protects the aspen grove to the east ofthe platted duplex property line' Cond: CON0009276 Theapp|icantshal|fil|a||existingvoidspaces/craw|spacestomeettheCode ,"qrit!'rens of Chapter 15 for not being considered Gross Residential Floor Area' Thissha||beverifiedbyp|anningstaffpriortorequestingacertificateof occupancy from the planning departnent' Cond: CON0009277 the applicant shall submit professional engineer stamped drawings for all retaining walls exceeding four feet in neigtrt. No retaining walls shall exceed six feet in height. Cond: CON0009278 The applicant shall meet all c.ode requirements for maintianing the wood burning fireplace, Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: t2O'O0 Changes To The Approved Plans-'--\' Application for Design Reviewffi-) [\.\t/..t Department of community Development runrbF-l/mif "T"l$iffiE:i,1?"';,Xl'b,?i"#|iofluu' web: www.vailgov.com General InformaUon: Dpicription of the Request: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the C-ommunity Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deslgn review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenoes within one year of the approval. $ a\ $aua) Locataon of the Proposal: Lot: l1R Block:Subdivision: (r\pr^-\,^- Physical Address: Parcet No.: Z (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Address: CO jlrvetto,,.. G.Zonino: \ )t -'c{\-- Name(s)of owner(s): !\Cr ^-- R . \ e**. Mailing Address: Phone: Phone: $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association Ftcdev\FORMS\Petmits\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-approvedJclans-liage-o$11-2006.doc 8/17/07 Warren Campbell, Town of Vail Planner Marc B. Lessans 1325 W. Westhaven Circle Vail, CO Lot 49 B, Plan Revision date: 8/16/07 (changes to approved p/ans, see betow) Lessans 40o/o side does not exceed maximum GRFA List of chanqes to plans for 1325 W. Westhaven Circle: 1. fire pit (see attached and placement on plans) 2. windows to match Pedigo's existing without divided lights 3. roof- change to east elevation (see plans) 4. address monument rock with dimensions (see plans) 5. driveway to have random pavers 6. deck extension (see plans) 7. elevation clarifications (see plans) 8. spa relocation (see plans) 10. boulder retaining wall@ driveway (see plans) 11. GRFA # revisions and sq. footage modifications (see plans) 12. addition of decorative stone between garage doors (see plans) 13. iron railing on driveway side and exterior front steps (see plans). 14. front door to be antique stain with seeded glass top and side lights 15. copper gutters and down spouts (see plans) 16. garage doors to have antique finish tD@d Sh/(d( t 18. new railing to match existing with the exception that they will now meet Town of Vail requirements of 4" spacing 19. removal of wood burning fireplace (to be a gas appliance) 20. move exterior entry stair 8" closer to structure (see plans) 21. side window panels on old existing front door to be seeded glass To the best of my knowledge, these changes are accurate and up to date. Thank you, Marc Lessans approved by Jim and Ruth Ann Pedigo, owner 1325AThe above changes co. * ** * l* +* * * * * * * * * ** * t* *f * + **{r * ** I 'r t** * I i i I t +** *'t* * *rr | * *** | I * | * ** * *** trt*l * * * * * t + t * ** *** f} t** t* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Starement * * * t ** {t * * rt * * * | | * I I * * * ** * * * * r** * *{t* +*t * * * * * * * 1'l * | * ** | * t * * * * * * * * * * * '} * 'l * ** | + * * * * 'r | * * * r' 'r. r' 't 't ** ** statement Nunber; R070001572 Amount: $20.00 08/L7/2oo?03:27 pvl Palment Method: Check Init: LT Notation: Lessans ReEidence Remodel / ck fO52 Permit No: DRB0?0415 Type: DRB-Ch9 t,o Appr planE Parcel No3 2103 - 121- 06 02 - 5 site Address: 1325 V|ESTIiAVET{ cR vArr, Location: t3z5 WESTAIIVEN CR, IrNIT B / clen Lyon, L, Total Fees: This Payment :$20.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts : Balance: DeEcript ion $20.00 s20.00 $0.00 * * *** * * *+* *'t**tt *r*t*t I **tt* + *a* 'itt *t I i * I t*itt** t'** * t*ttt * * * *t * * t + + t*** * * * 'r * * * * * * * tt + **** * ** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Etnts DR 001_00003tL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 oormfiw rE!€t-trlE t Design Review Boad ACTION FOR]II Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vaal, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fa'j.970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Proiect llame: Pedlgo Res. Revisions Proiect DescripUon: Partcipants: OWNER PEDIGO, JAMES & RUTH ANN O8IL7I2OO7 2273 A|-AQUA DR LONGWOOD FL 32779 APPUCANT PEDIGO, JAMES & RUTH ANN OBITilaOO7 2273 A|-AQUA DR LONGWOOD FL 32779 ProJectAddress: 1325 WESTHAVEN CRVAIL 1325 WESTHAVEN CR EAST SIDE Legal Description! Lot 49 Block SuMivislon: GLEN LYON SUB, Parcel Number: 2103-121-0602-4 Comments: SeeConditions DRBNumber: DRB07O417 Final review of change to approved plans - main roof ridge raised, dormers added, fire pit added, and address monument added Location: llotion By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/SfAFF ACIION Actlon: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 0910512007 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wn'tten consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to constructlon activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permlt is issued and construction is commenced and ls diligently pursued toward completion. @nd: CON0009262 The applicant shall complete and submit to Public Works a Revocable Right€f-Way Permit for the deck improvements and landscaping located within the drainage easement. This document shall be submitted in conjunction with the building permit application. Please see attached document. Cond: CON0009263 The applicant shall provide a staging plan in conjunction with the building permit set of plans for review and approval by the Public Works Department. Cond: CON0009264 The appllcant shall provide in conjunction with the submittal of plans for building permits a landscaping plan showing the planting of a minimum of 7 aspens measuring 2.5 to 3 inches in caliper and 3 wergreens measuring 8 to 10 feet in height. These trees shall be located in the southeast comer ofthe site and along the eastern property line to aid in the screening of the new improvements to be constructed. Cond: CON0009265 The applicant on the plans submitted for buidlng permib, shall depict the address monument as being a minimum of ten (10) feet ofr the edge of asphalt for Westhaven Circle. Cond: CON0009266 This design approval does not include the proposed entry gate shown on the plans. The applicant shall rerrise the plans submitted for building permits to not include the proposed driveway gate. Cond: CONfiD9267 The aplicant shall provide the UL listing for the proposed fire pit appliance in conjunction with the plans submitted with building permits, Cond: CON0@9268 The applicant shall correct the roof plan shown on the site plan to show the new roof configuration in conjunction with the plans submitted for building permit review, Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: i2O.OO \ Locationof thePrcposalz tot 14A elock:- suuivision:G/e.il /1onJ physicaf Addrcss: tvAS E. I ''4fhBled a;Bele,7t :L, c0, g/1o57 \J N \s :\- \ Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te:l: 970.479.2L28 ta* 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design raniew must re@ive approral prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Revieur cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be radewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. l)6ign r€view apprcval lapses unless a building permit is issued and @nstruction commenoes wifiin one year of the approval. DescripUon of the Request: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Address:JorQ t4l*t*u,+ /,r+/es Z/od Name(s) of Owner(s): Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Maifing Address: o2D I kone u)D d d-,t) Phone: Fax: Type of Review and Fee: il changes to Rpproved Plans/\ Submittal Requircments: $20 A(L. LOtrt For revisions to plans already approved by Design Re\riev, Board. 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Slgnature of Homeowner(s) or Associauon D vfs VAIL l= tllL-- tl OF ree rOWN Ftcdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-approvedjlans-13a9€-0$11-2006.doc August 17,2OO7 Warren Campbell, Town of Vail Planner Jim & Ruth Ann Pedigo, Lot49A 1325 East Westhaven Circle Vail, Colorado Lot 49 d Plans Revision date: 08- 14-07/ dm (changes to approved plans, see below) Pedigo's 60 % side does not exceed maximum GPSA Landscape/Site plan additions: Address monument (lightd) stone to match existing stone material Future Enny Gate/stone pillars/gas lights (separate approval letter auached) Upper Deck Area to includes: Gas log Fire Pit on cantilwe'r deck Snowmclt and Flagstone Flooring with guuers Cedar tees to screen East side along planter wall and flower beds Front (South) Elevations: Ridge 8085.8 (same as Lessans) One gable/dormcr with glass transom Additional stone column matching existing fon new dormer 8' doors with glass transoms 8' garage door with dormer and glass transom or option c without dormer (engineer to daermine) East Elevation: Extended deck Boiler equipment on mail lerrel underneath etairs West Elwation: North Elwation Upper Lwel : Dormer with glass transom Re configured Bath window Garage window PowderBath window House Exterior colors to match oristing on Lot 49 d reference Proposed Materials Form filed with the Pedigo's plans in Octobeq 2006. AUG-15-28@? 23t76 F.R.t,??s iE3 66,@ P.E2/62 JOTI{? FROPESI'\' OWI{ER WRIilTEt{ IPPROI'AL ITTIEN b+q I, (prlnt name)L Lus tui!.8a Jolnt olrner of pll]perty located at l3es. tnaafhpt-eil Cipzte, Dnih Co' Ytb{/ prwrde this termr Es written dpproval of ttre ptans dared Rq,fSisd O 3' t{' O7 (LoHq #) whicfr harr b€en submlhd b theTown of Vall @mmunlty DevdoFnent Depafinentforths ;.- propoced lmprswments b be compleH at tle address noted ebo\E I urdetsnd 6rat ure Addllioffillt, plerrc chadr t||e dlhmEnt bdfl whicfi It moct.pPffc.Ho ut yout tr r rytH tfi an nmmauV nitw orotMvdfl, whtdt ilE n de b tln alaw over tln 6t ttP of tl|F rerHw pw, h bptgtht tu trry atleltun by dE affi br #M wovd Efwe mfugfiig fi.rdu EYfrw by tE |dvt, M) JtW*St6w atrcr h*r E rM lgtinl&t Ir TOTAL P.Oz I ++ I + ***tt* * * * * ** +** * i*l * * * r* * * * * aa**+* * * **r * * * * * *+ ll **** | l:; * t * ****l * * * t* * 1a 'r * * * * * * a* * tl*t | | Statement Number: R070001573 Arnount: $20.00 08/17/2OO704:07 PM * 'la * *a****+ + +l * l. * fr* *r** * * * ++ + * * * *i traal * *t'i i I I I I *:i TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Palment, Method: Check Watchera, Inc. /ck 5545 *aa** * *** a+* * * * t*r rr*r * * Statement Init: LT Notation: F'inancial Rate Permit No: Parcel No3 site Address : Location: This Palment: ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Accounts Code DR 00100003tt2200 * * 'l | *** * *'t ++ + t*:r* ttrtl* ** * * * +ll i * * *t*** * * * +* | * * * * *,r * r* *'t * * + + f * 'l r' 'r I I * ** 't {.* {' t't * * * * * * 'r | * 't * * *+ + + DRB0 7 0417 f}/pe: DRB-Chg t,o Appr Plans 2LO3 - t2L- 0602 - 4 1325 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL 1325 WESTTTAVEN CR E:AST SIDE Tota1 Fees: $20.00 Total ALL Pmta l Balance; Descript ion DESIGN REVIEW FEES $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 Curren! Pmts 20.00 i FILE rj/,PT, lUm{0Fll.l{tt Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-47912452 www.vailgov.com Apnl24,20O7 Porterfield and Associates, LLC c/o Wendell Porterfield 51 Eagle Road Vail, CO 81657 Re:Parkingrequirementsforresidencesat1325Westhavencircte* - Mr. Porterfield, ln writing my previous letter, dated April 11, 2007, regarding the parking shown on the approved plans I refened to the Landscape Plan approved by the Design Review Board on April 30, 1986, and the Upper Levelfloor plans showing the garages which are in a set dated approved on July 3, 1989, on file with the Town (aftached). From these plans it was reasonably infened that each side of the duplex had two of their required parking spaces in each garage and the third for each side located in front of the respective garages. lt was determined from these plans that each side of the duplex was in conformance with the Town Code regarding required parking. Pfease review these comments and contact me at 970-479-2148 if you have any questions. Rpgards, A lltun^6 Wanen Campbell f,prr.orrr",,"o Senior Planner Attachments Cc: File l, \ Iz -Eq=gi Fl -,tfo:-rIS?HrdE;>5.rl|13o:\3z3e=6ql; Fl " -p.o3B:. :<' .do.6. A.o.( t."-.:',', |-oz 'I J ,.* '.< ^.1 Y L!":x :{=o (!) I't J z +'g a.l F =7 t-lJ -J (t' ly d o o (L .J' iI., O' <t tit- o ') l- '/..', J -.-:--.-' EXtSTrt'lG. --- SP i. i.., C E --- It \.-. 'os/,€" .JUNTpER gP-1 -- H0r'tevs ucrLE M ttEO G[iour.tocovErr \\\ UPPER LEVEL Jnly 3,1181Skot 6"^ 4 9^ill,S.+ ba*"J sc. ,q', t' o' e8s toB 5-ZA7<,r+ -lg-\. ?3't ) ')d3"Y- c.< ',?fs.7.-:-l9- ss7. ww %iil,. Burns tvlay 8,2007 Via E-meil (WCemnbdltDvellrov.oogt) rnd Frcrimile (971)-47F2{51) WanenCampbcll SeniorPlanner Torryn of Vail Department of Cornmrmity llcvelopmclrt 75 Soutr Frontage Rood Vail, Colorado E1657 Re: Moe B. I'cssans v' Ruth Ann Pedigo udJotus Pedigo Case No. 2006CV610 Eagle CoutY Distict Court DearMr. Campbell: This letter is formal notificationtbat we bave released you from the subpoena sewed upon you on May l,2OO7 requiring pu to attend fte May 8, 2007 headng in the above captioned matter. You do not need to attend dr hearing. Thank you for you professional couftesy. Please contact me or GeoffAndemon if you have any questions. Sincercly, -1 t1 .rl@..ll-U.eNl-1,--" David M.'lvIerc' Pitilos DMP/Icas cc: Mr. lvtarc Lessals GeoftcyP. Anderson EURNS FIGA & W[t PC. ArroiNers ^r LAw 6400 S. Rlttg Crsl Crd6, Sn lqn . Engb$,ed, @ 80111 . P. 3fil 7S 26a6 . F:3B7gf' 27n . unrriw.bfw-larvcsn MERo P|TTrNos mpittinos@bfw-law.com I FrEcopl DEartmmt of Community Daclopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Cohrado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 waru,aaiQw.cotn raaaaataaaarrtttraaraataaratttrraaaaalalatrlllia!aialtraarrlalarttlaliaararalra Date: Bill to: Address: City, State, and zip: Phone number: Reference: 22large format copies at $7.00 per page State sales tax(4.4%) Locaf sales tax (4o/o) Total Invoice: Due upon receipt. Please remit to: Account number to be credited: 001 0000 3141111 001 0000 201 10 00 001 0000 310 12 00 lnvoice May 3, 2007 Merc Pettinois 6400 South Fiddlers Green Circle Suite 1000 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303-796-2626 Pedigo 154.00 6.78 6.16 $166.94 Town of Vail Attn: Community Development Dept. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, GO 81657 154.00 6.78 6.16 fi, "rctrrso urz" - _-.il!L|' arD iat rr tttS c0?y r:;otE lFFtltts TO T[! ptcIAeE. xo poucl rEEoEo.- T-I- l..t-J tEttv{ *# r-.l glFt n SEfiitr t I T II II ul .t.c!n{A|{ t1!t TI bttr {.9AE E l$gItrrItld rs$i tr f*g -E liff$1iEi lF* *il s# ilm#n# $ rlrt nt 8rtf\F cfl'jo q Tl-{ F E F{g ooo rh d (, 2Htlt4(, ch4!{r.lAe F. H at) oosrO *Itu :E mT ru .-o EO Fl EO 14 Fl cO rn EO I H tr,ri ii hl dF 3 g tts.=q s xltl lE oo F Ir- I llltfl 6gsgar'0081 qp8j09'0ffi1 utocl€pE tl To: Warren Campbell You are ordered to attend and give testimony at Eagle County District Court, Division 2, 885 Chambers Ave., Eagle, CO 81631, on May 8,2007 at l:00 p.m. as a witness for the Plaintiffin this action. l4o, ?i++no, UJ3 110- ?Ao DISTRICT COURT, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Court Address: P.O. Box 597 Eagle, Colorado 81631 COURTUSEOI\ILY A Plaintiff: MARC B. LESSANS Defendants: RUTH ANN PEDIGO and JAMES PEDIGO Attorneys for PlaintiffMarc B. Lessans: Geofkey P. Anderson (#14907) David M. "Merc" Pittinos (#35732) Burns, Figa & Will, P.C. 6400 S. Fiddler's Green Circle, Suite 1000 Greenwood Village, CO 801 I I Phone Number: 303-796-2626 Fax Number: 303-796-2777 Email Address: ganderson@bfu-law.com moittinos@bfirJaw.com Case No.: 2006CV610 Division: 2 SUBPOENA Liendel ?o*'rl:.[J 1'11' 53tri Respectfrrlly submitted this 27th day of April,2007. Geoftey P. Anderson (#149A7) David M. "Merc" Pittinos (#35732) Attomeys for Plaintiff Merc B. Lessens BURNS, FIGA& WILL, P.C. c0ltlltY tEydIREtt Design ReYiew Board ACTIOITI FORlrl Department of Community Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.,179.2139 far: 970.479.2452 web: www.vallgov.com Proiect Name: PEDIGO RES. ADDmON Project Descripdon: Pafticipants: Project Address: Legal Descrlfiion: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8060,186 RNAL APPROVAL FOR AN INTERIOR CONVERSION INCLUDING CRAWL SPACE, SMALL EAST ADDmON, GABLE FRONT DOOR AREA, ADDING DECI(S COI{IINUE P|-ANTER WALL OF BCS-TING PI.ANTER owNER PEDIGO, JAMES & RUTH ANN 10/16/2006 2273 AI-AQUA DR LONGWOOD FL 32779 APPUCANT PEDIGO, JAMES & RUTH ANN 10i15/2006 2273 ALAQUA DR LONGWOOD FL 32779 1325 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1325 WESTHAVEN CR EAST SIDE LoU 49 Block Subdivislon: GLEN LYON SUB. 2103-121-0602-4 SEE CONDMONS Motlon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/StrAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 0511612007 Cond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rerriew committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. €ond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a bullding permit ls issued and constructlon is commenced and ls dlligenUy pursued toward ompletion. Cond: CON0008911 The applicant shall provlde in conjunction with the submittal of plans for building permits a rataping plan showing the planting or " rinilr of 7 aspens measuring 2.5 to 3 indtes ln caliper and 3 orergreens measurlng 8 to 10 feet in height. These bees shall be locaEd in the southeast comer of the site and along the eastern property line to aid in the screenlng of the neu, improvements to be constructed. Cond: CON0fi)8912 The applicant shall prwide a staglng plan in onjunction with the building permit set of plans for review and approval by the Public Works Departnent. Cond: CON0008913 This Design Re\riew approval does not include any lncrease in roof helght for the primary unit of the sffucture. Cond: CON0008924 The applicant shalt omplete and submit to Publh Work a Rerrocable Right€f-Way Permit for the deck imprwemenb and landscaping located within the dralnage easement, This document shall be submltted in conjunction wlth the building permit application. Please see attached document. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: g3OO.OO ,-il) *THIS FORM CANNOT BE REDUCED TOWN OF VAIL APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-Of.WAY (Please type) OVINER OF PROPERW ADDRESS TYPES OF IMPROVEMENTS Fence Wall Landscaping Other LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERWTO BE SERVED:LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION (lf necessary, attach description on separate sheet). Comer lot Inside lot DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(s)INTO RIGHT-OF-WAY: Does structure presently exisf? Proposed date for @mmen@ment of construction In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. 2. That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application. 3. That the applicant shall notify the Project Planner and Public Works Department, or their duly authorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town. 4. The applicant agrees to indemnifo and hold harmless the Town of Vail, its officers, employees and agents against all liability, claims and demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising from bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, propefi loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission, enor, professional enor, mistake, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his contractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or representative of the applicant, his contractor or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense of the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all expenses relating thereto, including court costs and attomey's fees, whether or not any such liability, claims, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. Rrvisd 05/03ru7 C:\DOCIJMB.l\ADMINFIV.OCAL,S-I\T€rnp\R€vocablc Right of Way form.doc Applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sfficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the applicant orto the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its offi@rs, agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of- way. 5. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. 6. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. 7. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the rightof-way. 8. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. 9. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. 10. Recording Fee for Revocable Rightof-way Permit is $ 35.00. $ 11.00 of the $35.00 goes to Eagle County for recording. Make checks payable to the Town of Vail. 11. Special conditions: All conditions stated within this oermit shall aoolv for the ten foot (10') drainaoe easement located alono the east oropertv line. Signature of Property Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) Date Signature of Property Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) APPROVED: Project Planner Department of Public Works Revisd 05/03/07 C:\DOCLME",I\ADMINI-IUOCAI.S-l\TctrD\Revocablc Right of Way form.doc Date .., ^ Zone Gheck Ye*u,nA i,*lu/L,^q b-th L^b& aAalli+.rottsJ oate: 5. l.o7 Legal tt4v1t Architect kilr.k iller Zone district Lot size A,52 *.- 0465llf rotalGRFA 'l2b+ noo+Tll/ = rsor@ 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Setback (30) 5) Geologic Hazards L)o a) SnowAvalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow aUo Previous conditions of approval (check property file): Proposed use Buildable area Existinq Prooosed Totalw &tar 424&v Site Coverage ?5f-54eq Llws; f'k:# = tfiSa 13o Does thip request involve a 250 Addition? lf yes, how much of the allowed 250 addition is used with this request? ls more than of the site being disturbed (per Section 12-21-14E Restrictions in Specific Zones on Excessive Slopes)? Height Setbacks Front 20' 39. Qo' ftrr*t-, lesQ rt I Filino (=lCtt t^yon Phone Phone Allowed 33' Sides 15' T'Rear 15' T ?rr*4 Landscapins @fo uini^u l3,Slou lS,Wq *turr>Jbffi1q Ftflft Retaininswall ;@- -f,n h*4- G/Heights . Pf:Z 1w"a , latlte X*o ?4,Parkins Required-.,&:*+ - 34-;A 1;ii^3 ++ ee'nl.'ec) Garase Credit (3oo)(mgoo) (i2oo) ' @"*LY(4 Driveway Permitted stope E % proposed slope [7H Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Yes Y tto _ Are finished grades less than 2:1 (50o/ol yes X ruo -,tEnvironmental/Hazards 1) Percent Slope (< > 30%) N0 2i Floodplain 't lo Remainino ls the Property non-conforming? Describe:N,^J, tr '1. 'p r..; r r ,',. r, .; . , ,t (punorblepun) seUtltn selEuv epeqs / uns uollmlJlren'o'c ' setduee teiJelefu EutptiltE slrs lo soloqd urJol uollecllpe^ Allllln (gtv) Uodet aHt lenorddy opuog . i . .r - i,- , ' t r\!rt"' 1""' - {-" 'sge4?y.e{J. \ .r l ' - eDeJols /t ous ' .:' ( ';: - (epPJo puB qseccP) ^P^ e^uo J ., ,'i'}i- . I eools/epeJ9els"i.-.s' .",.'\, uorlgeuuoc e6e:e9 seruocle€ / $peo (,,t) s6uprl.ren9 / se^Ef - slceqles sueuqseoJcuf il.l6reH 6urplng elBcs 9n03NV''l130SlUU tlt'i .',.-r'- "'"i ',i1' SgeJl OeSOdOJd{ i ,. . .}-- \>....\suolp^ele lods suo0Fdol,{Ilm ., ra, .., . ;, ' seeJf IcEqles esJnoc JaleM urPld pooll 'r^ 00 L Iqda6odol slueuesef eerv alqPplrng ezrs lo'l uolldlJ3sep le6e-l NV'ld ]JS tr A3AUnS ! ,,,..ri, ". seeJl 6umtt(9. ffi ..r. .'".'.-1 P ..' 'r.''F -. l!"Y]d 3dvcsoNv'l , rigi6loog , -.' rii,' sleuelB!\l / Joloc elEos sNotrv 3''13 eNlo''llnE nHf aseds olllv / rf\dr3 vlu0 leuolllppe 092 VIUE elBss sNvld uoo'll D lslHseqc /ne!^eu uBlseo EIe3S :lcEford Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontnge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2128 fa* 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Informataon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permlt application. Please refer to the submlttal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all requircd information is receh/ed by the Community Developrnent Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued one year of the approval. Description of the uest: Location ofthe Proposal: [ot:Subdivision: Physical Address:/325 E //esThne^/ (Crntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 )+ Zoning:I Name(s) of Owner(s): Name of Applicant: 4a/? ,?/*lg/a-s TtrJ /aaad. for parcel no9PO t -t\./ 7Rl llrl I)# a ,.w, \tlt FI e' "cbr Mailing Address:2a771 Phone: E-mail Address F<to ,4nnui /y frAal.cuarax: Type of Review and Fee: ! Signs E Conceptual Review I New Construction { AddiUon Minor Alteration (multl-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (singlefamily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenq such as, reroofing, painting, wlndow additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to bulldings and site improvemenb, such as, re'roofing, painting, window additions, landraping, fences and retainlng walls, etc. $20 For rE isions to plans already apprcved by Planning StalT or the Deslgn Review Board. No fue tr D 4)A Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): *".*ro.,flEf ev, hrt' - c 9$tt DRBNo.:_B-6bTg hro:xtno.: JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEI{ APPROVAL LETTER bEsfofi/2 a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) /sds EE6oflde I provide this letter as written approval of the plans aatea O/. /2. Q 'b been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposect improvements fr^ld to be completed at the address noted above, I undersbnd that the proposed improvemenE include:TernaJeL I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review procpss to ensure compriance with the ro#'s appticabre codes and regurations. '/,f"i;r7'i,EX,7/z 72,6 4nd WE //2E /.,, SesetAtf 44,/s ! 5 o a y' - la rd|hb/ld tl ,i/,f ''' f';' ,"t /1 , /-,, .i ( |*--, \J rt rl/ V '-'/ (Dar6)y'./ tr*,rce 4fu1, k;s/ ta/- S,Me. ,Aa Qd-TDu:op t)Bil s Itefitrftuj b EsfV;, tVz/a/r'n, Je/Ae ,/5 12t09t04 9Kl\^ttttfl I t'l'l'}{t'}'}t***lt+****+llt++++**+'}***t*+*ar**'l****l**l+t*t*'f*tr*'}****+*f+*++*+*++*+***r*********** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement**{'t+'t'}++**tfl+++t+*ll++++*|}*t'a*'}*+****'}*******r**a*****+l++++f++*ta++*+***+r}++tf**t!t*{r**t** Statement Nufiber: R060001717 Anrounr: $300.00 tO/L6/200601 :53 pM PalmenE Method s Check Inj.t : iISNotation: 5389/FfNANCIAL RATE WATCIIERS Permit No: DR8050486 T14>e: DRB - Additlon of GRFA Parcel No: 2LO3-L2L-O6O2-4 Site Addreae: 1325 WESTHA\rEN CR VAIIJ L,ocation: 1325 WESTHAVEN CR EtrST SIDE Total Fees: $300.00This Payment: 9300.00 Totat ALIr pmts: $300.00Balance: $0.00**++t+t++++a|}*'t****'|+*'3*********']t*f*****ltl++++a+********+***+++tt'tt*l{'***+**tl'+|'++++**ttl+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code De8cription Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3IL22OO DESIGN R"EUTEIT FEES 300.00 PROPOSED MATERIAIS TVoe of MaterialBuildino Materials Roof Siding OSer Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Wndows Window Trim Doors Door-f(o x/\aoR Hand or Deck Rails +TEdlJ Flues Flashing Chimneys - o - TrashEnclosures -6 - Greenhouses - 6 * Retaininq walls En d-P/t*anE4 uellS Exterior ughtins- TtAll nf rr-t- ^. cfa'zzz t-'---" ---'r-- Tznax7ugff&^F" DDA--;rtTzi ofl troyee ae;);ng L,4hr - Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip' /u-t4bf trtpl*t et;t/zi, aoJ 4/'4 5t'D4e0I-DAR/dJE ,4/a m:nt m 4/td t*E/?-'EUEL =*a_Ztffim-at 12/09/04 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name , ' Ouantiw ; -t-;- --- :-i-- .-----r--- :t Slze PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED o///7 klhFte ,4d{ittarr/ il ! nor-fzi, flur7dE"s Zurzz?,erreil /4.n 4 - Minimum Requirements for Landscaping : GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in heioht Shrubs - 5 Gal. Souare Footaoe Ztftre e,ngfEd,-/dd landscape features (i,e. retaining walls, fences,74//Ylna k)*// n.n Fnar^1;.ng pools, etc.) 'f ./,€atzt #41 Chief Cliff Ledge Random #43 Montrose Dakota Moss Blend #44 Tumbled Telluride Gold Chopped #45 Top Ridge Moss vrrnfull: '/tZo,. wisrt nj 3lanr. en h'/+sfuRs G€1^--.;..:-ziE.-- Gold Chopped Stained Face t') ''/?-'' Er/ez,-aK L;D,i'uq -4rrrf o fatrzouHTu.r-/ '--) 'al fy"';!::;t"yo"'" (r I hftee-te ueL o,r (V;/rsn+) Ci L r"rrz'ue/ - ul"*'ilff."i:t aAl ty'7rtir, / n,tr/ /^)la-q>.,,A ' /T /.rtd/"vrut',f .r/.'lt z o"'n'ii'-flu)'/z;' cl ,r^;)^-n,^^) '1 : | -'Fxt(6) m,Ein /,e ueL(7i/uree$ /4 htl/mazf 4/6-j- @ Lt t':a4z! /'eueL (7itaore*) ; ' 'fl'.f.l,i 8 fotfrhould oruS^4 wM 163-2 Fixture Size: 72',W,17'D,42'H 3x50W-MED. Shown in #48- Blach RustonVinmW - ATpPax P4/'aFF F/ooe- - { pm 163-4' Fixture Size: 12" DrR, 29" H:ilff;j'ii;* t4t Bhzk ,?"tf Dl n n Et45ffifree-J an /1/4t=4 3t'o L..,v )ilerLhas En':/,nf -J ryry2//EceJ aa /r;/A184 "b- -' .4, flatf 'hatzfu! liqlr an l/oafqz bx. o E#ez i o rz. trPon L )oo rz/e u/e(,e;l'y o 4r* 3x60WCAND.,l^'d4w x nE" tl ..B/nezTut I oott' .: F l-and Title Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION GUAiANIEf, COiIPANY Date: 10-04-2006 Property Address: LOT 49A, GLEN LYON SI,JBDMSION Our Order Number: WF276956 RUTII ANN PEDIGO EMail: frwannulty@aol.com Linkcd Commih€nt Delivew If you have aay inquidu or rcqdrc futther a tistance, please cortact one of the numben below: For Closlng Asslstance: Vail Closing Group 108 S FRONTACE RD W *203 VAIL, CO 8165? Phone: 970-476-2251 Fa* 877-268-4359 EMatl: gclarke@ltgc.com For Tltle Asslstancc: VatlTitle'VTF" Untt Roger Avlla rO8 S FRONTAGE RD W #203 vArL, co 81657 Phone: 970-476-2251 Fax: 970-476-4732 EMail: ravila@ltgc.com 11.19.02 oo F lrndTitle Land Tifle Guarantee Company Date: 10-04-2006 Our Order Number: WF276956GUAiANT[' COflPA{' Property Address: LOT 49A, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION Onncr: JAMES PEDIGO AND RUTH ANN PEDICO Wire Information: Bank: FIRSTBANK OF COLORADO 1MO3 W COLFAX AWNAE LAT(EWOOD, CO 8I'2T5 Phonc: 303-237-5lNM Cndit: I"AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANV ABA No.: 107M547 Acnunt: 2160521825 Altendon: GaII Clatkc Need a map or directions for youl upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc.com for dlrecdrins to anv ofour 5{ ofhcdlocadois. - ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES ALTA Loan Policv 10-17-92 TOTAL $0 .00 r.n ca!!'c!.1 {./2oo.r THANK YOU FOR YOIJR ORDERI oo Chicago Title Lsurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. VTF276956 Cust. Ref.: Property Address: LOT 49A, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION 1. Effective Date: September ZZ,2006 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: 'ALTA' Loan Policy 10-17-92 Proposed Insured: $0.00 3. The estate or interest in the land descrlbed or referred to In thls Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4, Title to the estate or interest coyered herein is at the effective date hereof vested ln: JAMES PEDIGO AND RUTH ANN PEDIGO 5. The land referred to in thls Conmltment ls descrlbed as follows: PARCEL A, A RESUBDMSION OF LOT 49, AMENDED PLAT GLEN LYON SUBDTVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED JULY 19, I99O IN BOOK 533 AT PAGE 970, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Secfionl (Requhemmts) Our Ordcr No. WF276956 The following are the requlrtmcnts to bc complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or lnterest to be insured. Item ft) Proper instrument(s) creatlng the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Paymmt of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Itern (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: ,r,r.++*++*** NoTIcE oF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER l, 2002 'r{.'r'r't'r'r*r.'r Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 30-10-421, "The county clerk and recorder shall collect a surcharge of$1.00 for each document received for recording or filing in his or her oflice. The surcharge shall be in addidon to any other fees pennitted by statute.' rt oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No, WF276956 The policy or pollcles to be issued will contain excepdons to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter frunished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, ifany. 8. ln addition, the owner's policy will be subJect to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTMCT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETMTE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1909. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. II. RESERVATION AS TO THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 8I WEST OF THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE UNITED STATES, ITS PERMITTEE OR LICENSEE, TO ENTER TJPON, OCCUPY AND USE AI{Y PART OR ALL OF SAID LAND FOR THEPURPOSESPROVTDEDTNTHEACTOFJUNE r0, 1920 (41 SAT. 1063) AS RESERVED IN THE PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 2. 1946 IN BOOK 132 AT PAGE 405, IZ. RESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT COMAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AS CONTAINED oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionZ (Excepdons) Our Order No. WF276956 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are dlsposed of to the sadsfaction of the Company: IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 04, 1978, IN BOOK 268 AT PAGE 698 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRTJMENT RECORDED AUGUST 25, 1987 IN BOOK 468 AT PAGE 447 THROUGH 472 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 IN BOOK 469 AT PAGE 801 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 2, 1990 IN BOOK 528 AT PAGE I54. 13. RIGHT OF WAY OF GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY. 14, EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED AMENDED PLAT OF GLEN LYON SUBDMSION. 15. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS RECORDED JULY 19, I99O IN BOOK 533 AT PAGE 97I AND RERECORDED AUGUST I, 1990 IN BOOK 534 AT PAGE 834. 16. EASEMENTS. CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RESUBDIVISION PLAT OF LOT 49, GLEN LYON SI.,BDWISION RECORDED JULY 19, I99() IN BOOK 533 AT PAGE 970. 17. THE EFFECT ON SUBJECT PROPERTY OF PARCEL B USING DRIVEWAY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING, INC., DATED JUNE 7, 1999 . 18. DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 19, 2002, FROM J411455 PEDIGO AND RUTH ANN PEDIGO TO COMMERCI.AL FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, A FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, AS PRIVATE TRUSTEE FOR THE USE OF CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE GROUP TO SECURE THE SUM OF $75O,OOO.OO RECORDED DECEMBER 02,2002, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 815472. 19. DEED OF TRUST DATED DECEMBER 15, 2005, FROM JAMES PEDIGO AND RUTH ANN PEDIGO TO COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, A FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, AS PRIVATE TRUSTEE FOR THE USE OF JP MORGAN CHASE BANK TO SECI.JRE THE SUM OF $2()O,OO().O() RECORDED DECEMBER 14, 2005, I.JNDER RECEPTION NO. 940092. oo LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY ANd MERIDIAN LAND TITLE. LLC DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pusuant to CRS l0-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located in a special t dng disdct. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regardlng special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the Count5r fusessor. Note: Effective September l, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or liling in the clerk and recorder's ollice shall contaln a top margin ofat least one inch and a left, rtght and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refrse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or flllng information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Ardcle VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recordlng whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responslble for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the fansacdon which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transactlon and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on fie Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Aflirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitrnent from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compllance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitrnent within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemni$ing the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construcdon, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased withln six months prior to the Date of the Commitrnent, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information: financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-123, notice ls hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitrnents containlng a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there ls recorded evidence that a mlneral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interesl in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energt ln the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission, Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fi lv satisfled. Forf,n DIsgosURE 09/01/02 oo JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Flnancial Group of Companies / Chicago Title Insurance Company Security Unlon Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company and Meridian Land Tttle. LLC Jdy r, 200r We recognize ard respect the privacv expectations of todav's consumers and the requirements of aoolicable federal and state priv-acv laws. We believe that rirakiiu vou aware of liow we use vour non-pubfic oersonal inf6imation ("Personal Informattotf '), and to whom it is discloseif, will form the basis for a r6lationshiri of fuit between us and the'nublic that we serye. This Privacy Statement proyides that explanaffon. We reserve thi right to change this Privary' Statement from time to tirfre consistent with applicable'prlvacy laws. In the course ofour business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From aoDlications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized reoresentative:* From ybir transactio4s with, or from dre services being p6rformed by, us, our alliliates, or others:* From bur lnternet web sites:* Fmm the prrlrlic records paintained- by gove_rnmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entilies. oi from our alliliates or otheisiand* From c6nsumer or other reporting agenLies. Our Policies Regardlng the Protection o1 ,1t. go1E{sntiallty and Security of Your Personal Information We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safequards to protect your Personal Informadon from unauthorized access or intrirsion. We limit access tri the Personal Iiformation only t6 those emplovees who need such access in connection with providing products or seMces to you or for other l6gitimate busineis purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information with our alliliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate s-ettlemeit service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Informatiori: to agents, brokers or representatives to provide you with services you have requested; tp third-party congqcqo_rs or_service providers who provide servic6s or perforni marketing or other function's ori our behalf: and to othprs wilh whom we enter into Joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose vour Personal Information when vou direct or sive us Dermission, when we are required bv law to do so, or when we-susDecl fraudulent or criminal aclivities. We al-so mav disclose vour Personal Ifrformation when otherwise peniritted by applicable privacv laws such as, for exainple, wheh disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any alrriement, trinsaction or relationship with ybu. One of t\: impgrtant responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is lo record documents in the public domain. Such'documenti may contain your Personal Information. ' Right to Access Your Personal Information and Abtltty to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you the right to access your Personal Information and, under certain circurnstances, to find out to whom vour Persorial Informltion has beeir disclosed. Also, certain states afford you the risht to request cgmectiori, amendme_nt or deletio4 of your Personal Informatlon. We re,serve the right, wherE permiftbd by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the cirsts incurred in responding to such requests. - All requests submitted to the Fidelity Nalional Financial Group of CompaniesiChicago Tide Insurance Company shall b'e in writing, and delivered to"the following address: Privacv Compliance OIIicer x6d'b'8.ilf $xh1 5iiff i'#' " Santa Barbara. CA 931l0 Multiple Products or Services If we provide you wlth more lhan one ftnancial_ product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from ris. We a-polo$ze for any inconvenience this may cause you. - - Folf,n PRw. POL.CHI I D epartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Jigsaw Architects c/o Michelle Miller 1351 Jackson Street Dever. CO 80206 October 30, 2006 Re: GRFA additions to the Pedigo and Lessan Residence/Lot 49, Glen lyon Subdivision Ms. Miller, This letter is being sent to summarize the coniments of staff regarding the proposed additions to the Pedigo residence. In performing my review I came across several comments which need to be addressed. Those items are as follows: On the table identifying Existing GRFA Calculations the allowable site coverage is25% of the site nol20o/o as you depicted. There is a discrepancy on two of the sheets in the package regarding the amount of lowest level which does not count towards GRFA. On Sheet A1 .0 in the table entitled Existing GRFA Calculations you identify that 36% of the lowest level is deducted and then on Sheet 4.0 the basement deduction is stated to be 39%. The set of plans provided to me from Mrs. Pedigo for the Lessan's residence states that 36% of the lowest level is deducted. Please rectify this discrepancy. On Sheet A1.0 you identify several trees that will be removed. lt appears that at least two aspens proposed for removal adjacent lo the new deck do not need to be removed if the contractors are careful. Also please replace all the trees you are removing on a one for one basis on site. The more they can be located along the shared property line the better to help buffer the deck from the two properties. Please provide a sign-off from the appropriate entities who have rights to the drainage easement stating that they are comfortable with the deck and any new landscaping within this easement. I have also performed a review of the GRFA on the site based on the plans you provided for the Pedigo residence and the Lessan's residence. There are several concems regarding the GRFA additions proposed. As I am reading the plans the Pedigo residence is the primary and the Lessan's are the secondary residence. To begin with the survey identifies Lot 49 as being 22,651 square feet which results in an allowable GRFA of 7,494 square feet. Because of the 60-40 split the secondary unit is allowed a max of 2,998 square feet. As your Existing GRFA analysis shows the secondary is at 3213 square feet which is in excess of the allowable. This excess in allowable GRFA means that the Lessan's cannot add any square footage to their existing house (other than finishing off the crawl $ ^t""""", "roo I space which is already GRFA). I raise this concern because the initial site plan you provided to me shows their desire to maybe do an addition. They will absolutely not be able to do any addition. The existing size of the secondary unit will be considered a legal non-conforming unit in terms of GRFA In addition, the excess in the allowable GRFA that the secondary unit has used reduces the amount of available GRFA for the primary unit. By my calculations, please see attachment, there is only 296 square feet of GRFA remaining to be added to the primary unit. Your plans for the Pedigo units need to be reduced in size so that the unit measures no more than 4,281 square feet.o I would ask that you provide a new joint-owner property sign-off form from the Lessan's acknowledging that the primary unit will be using all remaining GRFA and no ddditions will be permitted for the secondary unit as they are currently in excess of the maximum allowable GRFA. I would also point out a small concern with the driveway the Lessan's will appear to be proposing in the future. The turn-around shown on the initial site plan depicts the driveway at a zero setback which is not prohibited, but staff does like to provide for minimal areas to landscape/screen the driveway from the adjacent property. lt may be acceptable to plant landscaping on the adjacent property with their permission. Please review these comments and contact me at 970-479-2'148 if you have any questions. I will be out of the office until November 6, 2006. *il';,^hl*fl Warren Campbell I Cc: File \ vTil$ \.\ .-\ ,.-\ 4,\. "a.\ O LO _) _o dH*ff *. ^t.,,., = Y5Y ^ e< H ^'S 3E \+ L! LJ =9HH = =;:=ia. U huo.qr & *0ffisXBR- ltn .:< c\|q.) . H ..- " L! = rr) F- LT'3 str ba R da H; -!> ErtH Y aa -i F trF,,'F: oa7 =< - trJ Lrl;2 -ih EF ?{" E ' )Jt29 n8 | 5o-Nz-l-r.r ;- ===+= 'o >12, iZ t1t/f <- ua= = /) 65 z. S q |r)(o- .! tl co =z Li <n qr_ + =z. {()) ta)- r) K ,.t 5t<ls. A. ai -^ |-- rf)$ Ja ]J l tor-L {.! 1S\ ; @ CD a IDN tl at5r') g) .\ :t \\\\\ Zl t- 1' . l!.' -l a a.!;a,t; -l o' lrr .^ r\ ,^El 3E5==zl ur l+l 1-: L"1 =q'l E*e-t -:=,., F5 =l *;*FF 'l' =l =a=-,6 3 EI q=EH= E \ b{(o f) tl ct !a).+t crt9R z =)l IE z V) X Ir I \9 $,1 * sHSa'r\i- =.-9it =38ss4E&C(.' (9 (D t^: (0 qt .-tlUJg2 EI OI !leElzu'.= J €) Ga- .-^-F \)- ,\)\o a o, 5 tl 4LJJ -)el '<v tJ- ==UA 'n u; 9! c'.r =+ , LrJs336 !1= =-33H 66 -l -t ==JJ FF u CrI{ta a 9 3tq rrr 2l9gE3 $aq-s-A c$\\)rr F r,) - at) -c\r cb.!r. \F,.J tl (o :+ |\r +LJr- =^: .c5+; \<< P&e\BF _ts-Yl.ST .g-lc(6 Y. I: .;l i4 {ll:r t- -.a I\t \'lrt \5F H8-. =taLIL Iha +l +!n dg=\. \ n 1 )_\\) ; h 3 8H;E>H F =l 3rr 'lEt cTI =A F'l xi 6 .r-el :,., I 3 # E*EH J? * sl E= EE i= E* .L!i;i o>s.. t6 Affi= 3EE H FF*1 bs J--.'te === -)JH FF d FF Janvary22,2007 Delivery by DHL Express Bums, Fig4Will Geoftey Anderson, Attorney Marc Lessans Warren Qempbell, Planner/Town of Vail Re: Modificafion to Upper Level Plans of Jim and Ruth Ann pedigo's property. Please have Mr. Lessans sign and expedite ou approval letter for the modifications dated 0l-15-07. We have included a set of modification plans along with the approval letter to each party above. Please retum the approval letter without delay, so waren can move forward with reviewing both our projects together. Mf. [CSt ,o drl n* Sttt\ '{lrrs fna jora! a.o^''- offrorrot b{ftr aJueh cfidj thc rea$ e ++2 ?.rV re;dap. stu$s aPf-,l th fle'r lh.- Lcsrru diJ .1,a. rrheh *J oot dlr."tr " {hc roo$ c^ ft*Y resiAav?.,., Jim and Ruth Ann Pedigo 2019 Alaqua Lakes Blvd. Longwood, Fl 32779 rDc 4,,*,,; A*rrrr-J e.T/r/L I, (print name)a joint owner of property located at'3e 4v 3lt,r provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to tie Town of Vail Communfi Developrnent-Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: t D \4 ( /t'14(14V2 JOII{T PROPERTY OWNER -?dd/ /-/927. )/eaQ WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to your D I undetsbnd that minor modifiations may E made tu the ptans over the cource of tfie revEw prcces to ensurecdmpliane with the Towns applicabte cda antr rqub*ns. (Initial here) tr I rquat that atl modifications, minor or otherwise, which arc made to the ptans over gE cou6e of the rcview prcc*s, fu brought to my attention by the applicant for additional appmualbebre undugoing furtlrcr review by the Town, (lnitial here) Joint prope y owner letEr reetsed IUIA/Z@6Er Page I of2 Warren Campbell- Re: Pedigo's modification From: <FRWAnnuity@aol.com> To: <WCampbell@vailgov.com> Date: 03/09/2007 8:16 PM Subject Re: Pedigo's modification Wanen, Yes, we are painting both duplex sides the same colors as exist on unit A. Okay, we can make the landscaping changes when we submit for building permits. Thanks. We should be compl€ting this shortly. Ruth Ann f n a message dated 31112007 5:52:58 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, WGampbell@vailgov.com writes.: I looked at the document you attached and it does not appear to b€ a leter stating he is OK with your changes. lt appears to me he wants to resolve several issues yet. I do not consider this document to be a granting of approval, unless I am reading it incorrectly somehow. lt sure appears to me thal he still ahs remaining concems to resolve. In Mr. Lessans email he mentions a Shenrin Williams paint color. I want to verifo you are both painting your halves the same color. ls this the case? I was also reviewing your plans today and I am going to require some additional landscaping to to be planted along the property line and in the northeast corner of your site. You are removing 7 aspens and 3 evergreens. I am going to require 7 aspens of a minimum caliper of 2.5 inches and 3 evergreens minimum height of &10 feet. You can make this change on the plans you submit for buidling permits. I look forurard to getting this completed as soon as the appropriate documentation is recieved. Thanks Wanen www.lmmediateAnnuityQuickQuote.com - Where clients seeking income and agents meet. Jim Pedigo, CLU, ChFC, CASL Financial Rate Watcher$, Inc. 2019 Alaqua Lakes Blvd. Longwood, Florida 32779 local (407) 33$3330 tollfree 800 633-7966 securitres """jF:i:':#|o,?':i:l3trliJ,i,'5!:i:,',,:ffiffi:ff1,ffi':r NASD/s rPc file://C:\Documents and Settings\Adminishator\Local Settings\Temp\Gw)00001.HTM 04124/2007 Design ACTIOI{ FORlrl Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado E1657 tef: 970.f9.2139 tax2 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com o Review Boa rd dttt"flrYIElErtrl;m Project Name: LESSANS RES. ADDmON Project Description: DRBNumber: DR8060560 LALU20O6 L2lLLl2006 Phone: 303-773-9578 Location: 1325 WESI-AHVEN CR, UNIT B FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON AND REMODEL, NEW DRIVEWAY, AND LANDSCAPING Participants: OWNER LESSANS, MARC B. PO BOX 510 FREDERICK MD 21705-0510 APPUCANT RESLOCK & SUTIIVAN LLC 1582 PROUTY DRTVE EVERGREN co 80439 License; @00002181 1325 WESTHAVEN CR VAILProject Address: Legal Descdption: Parcel Number: Comments: lok 49 Block Subdivision: GtfN LYON SUB. 2103-121-0602-5 See Condltions BOARD/STAFF ACIION ACtIon: STAFFAPR Dab of Approvaa. O2lO7 l20p7 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No dranges to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please onsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval oF this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward aompletion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinane 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing Mouon By: Second By: Vote: Gondldons: regulations ltn.t*", rorm they are finally adopted; o.ted, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulaUons by April 15, 2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such dorelopment applicabbns. @nd: CONfiX)8647 The applicant shall submit a staging plan in conjunction with the building permit application. Cond: CON0008848 The applicant shall submit a copy of the revised easement agreement for locating landscaping and driveuray within the side property line easement in conjunction with a building permit. Cond: CON0008549 The applicant shall locate a limits of disturbance fence on the site which protects the aspen grove to the east of the platted duplex property line. Cond: CON0008650 The applicant shall submit professional engineer stamped drawings for all retaining walls exceeding four feet in height. No retaining walls shall o<ceed six feet in height. Cond: CON0008651 The applicant shall fill all odsting vold spaces/crawlspaces to meet the @de requirements of Chapter 15 for not being considercd Gross Residential Floor Area. This shall be verified by planning staff prior to requesting a certificate of occupancy from the planning department. Cond: CON0008652 The applicant shall meet all @de requlrements for malntlaning the wood burning fireplace. Planner: Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Pald: $300.00 Dec OB OG Ot:23p Les I General Infomation: Descdption of the Request: Grant-Penini ?13-aa 3rJ? Additio ns-Residential Commercial teav o-ao p.2 Iftons-KestoenEtat or Gom men Application for Design Review Oepartnent of Community Devetopment 75 South Fronbg€ Road, Vail Colorado 81657 aelt 970.479.212a fax: 970.479.2452 weDi ww\ / -vailgo\r.com Al Projects requiring design teview must.eceive approudl prior to erbmitting a boilding permit application. please refer tothe cJbmittal reguitemenB for the pafticular appro,ral that is requested. ln apphcltion ror besBn Rariew cannot beacc€pted until all requlred Information is received bv the community oevdopment iiparrtr"ni rrr" pro;ect rnay atso needto be reviaved by the Town council and/o. the Planning and Environmental iommission. oesiln review appro*l t.p".,unl€as a building Permit It is3lred and construgtion commenGes within one terr ol.th-e approval. LocaUon of the Proposal: Lot 41 etock:_ Subdivision: G Physical Address: Parcef No.: ?)-OUZ tOto OZ 5 Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Morc LeSsr.n.. Name of Applicant: lrlailing Address: $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of toial Sgn area. NO FE€ $550 For construction of a nEl/v buildirg or demo/reluild.$300 For an additlon where square foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additbns & interior con\€rsions).9250 For minor changes to buildings and site impmvements. such as. re'roofing, paanting, window addfiont landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.S20 For minor changes to biritdings and site improvements, such as, re*oofing, painting, wlndoM, a4titions, landscaping, fences and retainingwallt etc, S20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee vv) Ct)o s3-ra. F o ht\ o 7,i- E-mail Address: fgSlOCK Type of Revaew and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review O New Consuuctbn F. Addbon D Minor Alteration (mdti-famiry/commerclat) O Minor Aheratbn (Snglefamily/duptex) tr Changes to Apprwed Plans O Separdtion Request (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for paret no.) Itlailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s) : @rar: lL/r6/08 16:01 FAI 303 796 -BUBNS._F'rGA_.&__U r LL JOIiIT PROPE RTY. OWII ER WRITTE]I APPROVAL LETf !R T ts oog a lolnt ovvner of prcPerty lo(ated at (address/legal descripUon) prwide this letter as wrltten apprcval of th€ plans whidt have been suhmltted b the Town of Vail Commudty D€velopment for tfie prcposed imPm\Ements to be ompleEd atthe address noted aborc. I undershnd thatthe proposed improvEments incftde: Malitions. and reErodel, alteririg roof above garage andl tastez ' bedr'oom ' new entrance locatio.ri, rr 1P9'- I fufiher undenEnd that mircr modificaffons may be made b tre plans orer the course of the revlew process to ensure compllance with tie Town's applicable codes and regulations' F:\cdsv\FoRt45\Pcrmits\Phrdng\DRB\id*lttntfi-$f;*f ' PROPOSED ITIATERIAI.S Buildino Materlals TVpe of Material Color x oll bur\Arng rnolc,rrals +b rn<i!.ch <.,t<rs*ig Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WndowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ralls Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls * Exterior ughung Odrer Firh.rres lro vno$ch siq\c-+dnar oQ try-troec-S or. On'.t A ackr Notes: Please speciff the manuhcture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\dev\FoRM5\Permlts\Ptanning\DRB\drb-addluon-10-18-Z006.doc Page 7 of 14 lU23lZ005 'i'.*******ftll+tal+tt++**++*f**l******f+*******+**+++f,1++t+++++++++l+lll*t*************t*+{,++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statsnert St.aternent Nuriber: R060002090 Amount: $300.00 12/Lt/200603:50 PM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 3441IRESLOCK A}ID SI'LLTITAII IIIJC Permit No: DRBO50550 TIE)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2LO3-1,2L-0602-5 Site Address: 1325 I{ESTHAIIEN CR VAIIJ Location: 1325 WESTAHVEN CR, I,NIT B Total Fee6: $300. O0 ThiE Palment: $300.00 TotaL ALL pmta: 9300.00Balance: $0. O0+********+*+***'t'i'.'i*'t*********a+**++++t+*+++f+flatftlll+**********'i'}rl*l*********farf*t*t't*++ ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVIETI FEES 300.00 : __1.. p z" zooB 3 t,1"Pl{ R SJLL.I Vetl '.#'JS;:"a" c i""lap",it za.rt lrl-NLvfl ltll|-llYAttt0V LlUltltElllOt ilEFfu t UEry th* ttr DfErod |mg|U|rcmdB iltl iil tmDIt my sdtue ot ptoFs.o tfft tilEt rn! tn tr , €dtv r.vhc it**ri|€ ladort ftr rsr cqtrtsudbn rnd dFuts b. rtd In s0 urdon wtrh FftFdnI torl lEry P|!_:!! rtrler*n runttUotrr. l iE Ftar, Inddhe gndrnt Plil flat plG ild dwlUattr dtall E elDnl!.d E lrl KlillnC l|llre fE Frwd *d vqncdott, XCEL SI,}f'IIT CTY Fax:9702624057 tht 5 2006 16:54 P.01 AdlrE.drliE 99!GE 9!r orrsr9r059.ilt9GD rro3ra.oE (fu, y,o.arr,orzr (crt Olbcb! Sw watsttEtsll@r!8 ffitlilolll|l$urEar3 970.U6L4rr6 (g) tto.r3r'ror(tr) Ccitclt ildt llnrt H*YCTOIEIICfIIC to.xr.HD(Er) 90.9ata0rl (br) Eond: Sf Vtunlololll|Et$o G.aittcv t0,264{o$(fadoil*Elmbriltlro2alroArx$.dn lotrt l|flrlrvriufitRluilr" noilDrllEf ,'o..rrt.zt$ (bfl rr0.at6r0cD (fb)6ildr irdllrt!ElEltMdt qorElfiqr|.E 90.|5f266t Ed. U00 (q) r0,{5&r6n (|u) onlrct tnd Dccrr@ l Tirc fiftlUtt .1. not li.ii-tfr. clltr*r C tfrc nFo!ilry p olPtn r.ruCE W.y pcntt fii|rl Or D.D.rlrn6t thiolF lTqt3 t th! Tiln of Vrll.h.mt puilE rtdttratfrf or ssnrtxltDll $e ltrril ol VUl. lo 5'6b t. It thc ut0v rpponl l_ vlritlddon lbt'n hr lnnnO lmm eh.of $c r/hltt on!|rniq, ard no cort nartr |'r nab aldyor !i. io'|rr rrt. rrn w0t Ftir|nr Eltr t|![3 rt nc lrt*mu eno ttr ocvsopnir,nt can F|!4Ga - .LL.^l?.Illui:ll$ q.qt! ttlPr.d o'|fiulsn, f|F uulty nFtllntro,. 6rr.[ noc dr*dy ar u. udtryg.lF_!-Tl9-.p.t llt'r l ! PtD,,u.il $fldl ltt & h la tqcfvd, lit trltr rirou€ oar b dcrtnr h x! nEdt'rt tlol 16 trlrqrn of r,l[. l,lowl!,F, pllc blp ln nlnd th* t tr rhc r!3Fndul{tt gf thr lifity q,mFlny rnd irripptfrni O'llo-tlillcnlicd probhmr. rbhvrhph cqr-ttd.rtd ]l'tc!toluqF rnt.?wtd d'|wh$Ertre rlldlfrr copprqet I n.wtfic|ttut Itrrrcithltd.CiltltJtscd h lryruy rllrrfic rrilroilrcd rnrrhrn ah arntcr iut-rnfrifriiily nocc grurrr rri.-Gqtt n"tilqotbhforil). F:ltdlo$€ufintE\FnmctDnatdtJ|!0nLr r.r&2Et,(b uf?iln5 0n! r.'|c dK EE? 4l ,tE A,3t4 30it z?3e6a{PffiE.GI SILUERTHME FP FAX:19704681401 -9".p _'?:_?pop 3r 36PM REsLoltuLLrvRN N,tYt unlnYrttRoYrrvErrac^tsor{l=*.rrt ffiBHK- a wily urrt tt* pf€pced |rnp.DvEnsrtr wll oot lnrptc tny o(icing or Dmposcd utllty t.lvic.r, !ftt rb !o \.'tfy rr/rcc .v.llab ty'rrd loc.tl;n ior nrr ontructlon rnd iould bG utcd i0 co,fund,on wllh prcprlng }our utlllw pan.and EEh.du[ng insElhtlonr, I ttc pLn. Includng gndlng pttn, tloor plrn, lnd dovftbns, thsll ba lubonaC !o dre fiollotvinq stllitlet lbr lpDrvel $d wrlllc.Bon, 3, lh€P YCilf,cilfir do not rclcv! thc contrxtor of thc rgDonslllty b ot t6in ! Puils wry hmt f|!m thr Depannent of Arblc Wortr * hc Torvi of Vrll,.lf,ilry hc*tr irtl+ F dltarlnqC h.lb't .l!$l|t| in y public rEhtaFwcy or e*emonl oltiln $r Town of Vtl. fhc Derebp:r lr nqulrd and agncs b flbmlr any |urlltd dnr$ngr tg tfr. utl|:|cs tor E-agpGvrl & ra.vr(ficatim tf the n|bnltHl Pbtr3 trt albrcd in ony way attor the oulhodrld ggnttur. dfh (ml.tr othlwis ip€riloally noted wlthin tie commtntrrr of ttis forn). hrdogr/r Sl$tilr!Daor PA€ 9 ot l{ Sep 28 2006 5:31 P.0l '..?"'J:t" un ci",)i,u';* e Artrhodr#,.llqltrtrll Commcqfr Dtt qwEsr 970,51r,7r80 (H) 9703cr.029(rx) 970.697,0712 (c.t) ConbcB: Sb,r W&n SWaErfuJ€liel||t Ef,(EL TICT PRtt6['RI CAE 9?0,261d076 (d) 970,{60.1101 (far) Contact| Rldr Slnrl!3 (at*a^, C*,tne ) sEP z o moo HoLY CIOE3 zuglltc 970.e47,5r23 (d) 970.945.{8r (fa) Conlact J.tr Vo0n lvmomoholvd63aom sctltilcioY 970.262.403E (rtr) Co||hcts:r! sogr.t 90,162.402t X.fi.drr? Bogt t IAAllt$Etw tltl 3 J{llarror pr'tRlgi 970.Cr9,7&lwt 970.475.{89 (?axl Conbdr Frcd tlrdcO clcaoa|wrd.6|6 @lrc||r c^llE t 70,166.1689 fit, ll00 (tel) e70.a6A6rr (fd) @nEdr Bnd Dorar blddv do|trtecAh&f .comcat coln 1. n ihc rJtiliv .F|ual e Edicadon brrt| h|c dgr||ture Iron ect of tro u0llcy coftp|nict, and no cornmrnE rrc madc dindv on thr fom, lhc TorYn tllll 9|t|||ma lhat thrru !|! no prSl!,rE.nd th! developn€nt cen pdcr.d. 2, It a u$lity 6 Fnf htt conceru wltfi lte ptopotGd con3tsucllon, iha utility flpr€sentativE drall nob ClEatly on tho uullv vgrfrlcttion fonD tlt t lllctr i. o pmblen whlch n|Cdt b D. teelr4d. Tha irtue shouH thcn be det il€d in an attich.d tetE to Urc Tovn ot \rrll, llo,rwrr, plosa leGO h mhd ti.t it b tha nsponriblliv of the dilky company and th€ rpCEant b r€rolvc dcnilld poHcme Filda,\KtiilsvrinF\ttnn|B\oRlvr0_slil0n-t t.z3-z005.doc tvl3n003 Scp-16'100i 11:10 Fron'ERlllD Ardlothl.lElhll SI@ILD fr$* unuwrFPtolrAl.rrGsnclTrcn M[HZ-- r *,||'r tfiar $3 9roDo*d rmpurncnrr wil nor hlD.d rn]' E.5!ng or. po9o*rt uurEv $nrts$' and .rr r0 ,!iil-#tr'?r-."ilrrr-ir?{r{E'ffi-il riew dn*uaon 4dfr;rfrG-ul* rn'imiunai.co wrtrronlnrtnssJl#i$lilrtfi L#fiffiiffi;ffffi I dtr c!n;r;iriirrc andrt! FhD, tlcof phn' md tle'y3tlg;g' shrll D0 r br rpgonl rnd vrltlotbn ""'TlL,,tAtJI'bJi, un * DTT orEr 970,5t3,ilt (!l) 9m,!il.0257(hr) 9?0.68'.u,t2(sd) Conbcin $EtcvfDtl F/FqIF!FI+FF EElllctltrS5rrEArtg'0rEA,,$16(U) til,{ttJ'or0s) Ootsc! CcftSbPs HOLVCTO0!BlcrrflB 9r0.9.fr5als (tsD 970.9{5.4ool (fu) onEC! Jcttvroon !r!!ooeto@.lo[ gclrmElov lro.a.{0tl(tul ourEctr m!o$i',0,f6zamr rrhahcSeqt elq,ErntwtrERltrrmrtloxDl'illE 90.1t6,7tt0 (tst) 970.f6t0c9 (tq) 6ficF ruH.CcElhrirrondlg oo0{clstGirlll 970.ff8.1669 d. lloo (t0 Yr0.r60.z6tr (fB.) ClnEEts lradDorls q 48-oAt D*c Fr0c t ot l{ IoEaiffii$tlV t9prpt I udlcdorr fonn hls 3leorlurtf lho$ eoCr.of lhl r1d[y mcrpanlcr, cnd m (oor|lrt|E ill mr& dhd]y 6ir Arc mr, irtortor yrl p71$lm [1at thrn cre nc pnblaw ild i1q darabpq1;1t @r ppcgd. Z x' a udfy o|Fny fnt c[lFEmr wilr !n progotcrt Gonm$dott, tt|t ultGv rE9rltEnbq. dttf ncb dlrdy c| Oc ulty .rrnann -ltlri'liii tircre e I friiisrr-wrrtdr-ofiF b b rcsltlcd, ttre tssuc sirorlt |hcr E dtttrcd h .D attacttd hrt to uc fifff,;i[-'H4{6;;-d.*L"tr6 fi ;ind-urat r r tlre re+onstOW ot thc 'rilty qomplttv and ths adlcutt b Esol,G H.[|n!.tFdtgrr3. 3. ti.r €t€ttorr .b not ril€r,G t|r onDlro? ot |tr. rr|Fongbtlty io obt l0 t Fublh my tmr|t fiom fhc-DoPtfttFit o, tiriai 11ntra ;-m rgryn t vnt -trriitv p"*" -'+ F .*rt, t .t In..ttr Dubllc tight'of{,tv or Gffinqrt uroht{rlTowndY|& Oaclopot'r$mbro. Ft\rr'4rcrnsulnrE\Fl!fifE\DRD\tojrrdlHLlr':E'i qtlc Th3 Dsrtl$|tr .G$rhd ild |e|t.3 b rrDnt rny.|lvfgt Onwlfa F_!t utllUtsior |?.apD|ou.l & I+'t !ilnoffio tdlc ;E fijfi;;"igld 6 ;frygi rr137 drc ilihorlcO etgraut a*c (unhss othcnrlsc sprclftslly nood w[iln iic oomornr .rE o, thb lbi||). r{?6t?''6 for 4proral and vatifictiotr, QWESil e7os8.7189 (d) 97o384.029(fix) 9706s7.0722 (oril) @Dt!Ltt: lita,ewaErs s$rat€rsP(il4lfiltltu, Ex€. Hlcll PRlstuRE G !s 970.262.,107t (!C) 9701168'r{1 (frX) contacf hlci slsn€ios noLYCnOSS ltlcfRtc 070e4t.E4ilt (El) e7o.9qs..o81 (lu) Conra€i'. Jett rrtoofn lvrmmOholttsoss-6tn EXCE. ltllRc{ 970262,/t038 (ht) dontactsi Kit Eogcrt It0.262.4024 KattErlne gogett E^GLGRWERWATET& s^t{trAltoil usr"JGT 970.475.7{80 (td, 90,.176..089 ('D() 6nEd lt€d l{asle. ffradccdarusd.oo GOITICAST G,ABTE 970.1€8.2669 e(t 1100 (tsD 90.{6s.2672 (fa0 Au$odtrd Stdnrtlta gcoE.lEb PlE W 1-214 @nbct: lod Doter braddv do@snable.comcast.com IfOTES:iffi rOtw rpprorrrl & verinc?d form hrs dgnrlur.s.from ead.of tho utiity coriPrnlee, acd no commcnb tra mad. dlrectly oir fri iorm, hcionn nttr Drealmc iut tier: are no pmblems lnd dre dcrrdoPment can pJoc"d' 2. tf a uullv company has corrcnrs wlth t,le propoired 6nstu.!on, the utility rcptrsenbttlvr 3hall not€ dirccttv on S}c dilw ,crfncltfon f6rm ti.at d,lcru tse pnoblsn whlch ncarle b be rusotud, Tte issue shsuld then be detailetl 16 5n 3ltr6hgd letser E Etr i;tnln-di:v;i-i HtnUi:r,-Dteos-e -rcDt tn ,ntnO ttrrt it ls the rciponslblliV ol tha uttnty conpany and the appll@nt tD resolve Hcnnicd pobhm$ 3. TlEse rarnc.Uons d6 not rdicc ttre contsaclor of the t€sponsiblflV to oDun a fublic Way Pemlt fr[h thc Depcnf|ant of pui* Wrts at Un Town of Vall. lldlity lo.|tlo|E rnrrct E obialrcd bcf,orc dlgElrg In ury puulc fl9ht'otuay or oa*tDent 'nre Dc'clooer ls @ulrcd and lqrct b rubmlt ary rcrvi$d dEwln$ F the ullile9 for rFapflwal & rcvE ifi€tbn lf th€ irt*alO ,iiJrsi;b-he1gd h ei'v my rnl tc authorir.d d$raturc ilatc (unhss otheh^ttEe sPscncalv notcd wth|n lhc comment rrG! of thb totrn). ni$h thc Tovm of Vail, t:Utlv\FORMw'fl irsrundng\gRB\0tb:rcdnhn-rt'2:l{005'.loc gatc Prge 9 of ltl fip3nooE FROtt OltE3t 3l Lvritl€iLE FROr't or.-.'t Eng /3 t -r'oo<t Sep 21 2OO6 3:3?PM 970.262,.ilt76 (ED 970.468,140t (ta0 Contrcl: Rk$ Stsieros flotY cnoss 4ccrRrc 970.947.5425 (kr) 970.9$.a081 (fot) oontact lefi vrcom' tvroor:OhpWogs.,c!m EXCELANERd 90,262,{038 (ar) Conbcb: Krt BosErt 970,262.4024 tGthcrhc Bogctt EA@! RN'IRWAIER& sl'|ttATlolrl oISIRIGT 970.+75.7{E0 (ts|) 970.+76.4089 (r*) Contact: Fild Haslee fhdeeo€n rsd,om cor.rcAst cAErE 970.468,2669 ext. ll00 (tcl) 970.468,2672 (aa,) Oontactr Erad Dorcas $addv doftes@ceble,edrncast.ce0 cEsOrcsur-L r vRN <tiol|> oot oo 2|004 .lE:oa 1E3 Ortl} o. TEOOO|OOTt a F 2 e: telNo. 7500000460 P c 303 7?3869.1 P.3 QwEsrgrm*0+lsl 11 6 . tl4 9-6 86og7.{Fffif.g.pO 46t - 06.t?, 97/'|ea/#$.tl) qlo- 33ll - oo85Eg^^ffi* 'a/qTtot€/9a.^"et .=o otC", O e,rel{ . CCff EXCEL HIG}I DNESST'RE CAS l3Z5 LJes*hav eta Cirdz, Urit+ | t[O tSsi/tr rct4o( -rif t\i\rr''\t 'r uilLlrvApPRovALllrERlilcATrollE4'4,'|It',|t'- ttt.lt Thls form 3€|ae3 ?o t/Effy that th€ pmDosed improvemenb will not Inpact any exlstlng or proposed utllhy servlces, and also lo \rerify sgvice a\€flabllty and locatlon for ner\, @o3truqtloh and *rould be used In cotdunction wlttt Feparing your utflv pbn rnd schedD[ng Insb[atlons, A slte plan, hcfudlng grading phn, floor plan, and elevattons, shall be grhnltted to the following utlilies fur apprwrl and verlflcoUoo, Authodzcd Slonltutr Conrman€Orte 1.. If the utllty oFproval 8( verficadon form has dgnaturcs fmm erch of tfie u llty comptnie5, 1n6 no sornnentr are made dlrcctly on dre for6, he ToMr wlil presume tfiat therc are no poblerns and the d€vclopmen! can proceed. z. { a dllty aoTtslf hal onqms wlth tttc propoeed consuuction, the udtty represcntawe shall noE dt|€ctv on the ufltty vedftetlon futm that ttts€ b a proueo whlch needg b bc nsolvcd. The tssue sirqrld th€n be detatled h an a$ached leter b firi Tovvn d Vrll, ltrwcrtr, drasc kc€p In mlrd that lt ls the responslblhv of the utifiry company and the applkant b resoly€ denUled prcbhmr. 3' ThE60 v0r[l6tlon3 do not fdlevc the cont ador of the re+onslblty to obbh a Public Way Fermtt fiom the Depsrtment of Pub0c works rt the Town of v.ll u$lly lofqtlor mf+ ts obtrl;d befort dldghg ln iny pubtic dght-of-wiy or easernent u,lBrh the TOwn otvrll, A bulldlne Dg.Enlt ltt not ! Dublic Wayoc?$lt.rd rxr+ bi obdlncd ie;ratslv. Thc Developer 13 rcquhcd .nd r$€es to submtt arry revlsed drawhgE b the utlltu€s for re-?provrt & reverncauon lf he submiBed Pl.n3 !ru altrred lD anywty aft€rthe autfiorizcd sigrrature date (unless othervvlse specifically noled wthin the comment arce of dtls flmn), Da,clope/s Slgnrhr€ f :\cocv!€Rfi S\Psrnls\PlaurrrE\DR B\dlb-add igar-t t-€-a06,doc Oate tug! I ol lq t r/23/2005 L ., Chiclgu Titlc lnlur:tncc Corlrpltty T,TA COMIUI I'MENT Schctlul,'r\ Orri Ortlcr No. VSlXl0{)t.;9 Ctut. Rcf,: l.ttoperty Addr',..ir : i325 WESTHAVF.N i tP6gg liflcctive Datc:March 04, 2003 at 5:00 P.M. Policy: to bc lssrred' ond Proposcd ltrrtred: 'ALTA' Owncr's Policy l0-17-92 Proposul lnsurcd: MARC B. LESSAN.S $l,33?,500.00 l'he sshte or interest in thc land rlescribed or rcf(rrcd to irl tltis Conrrnitment and covcrccl hcrehr is: A Fce Sinlplc 'fitle tro the $tntc or inter.est covererl herein is $t the cffcctlvo date b€reof ves(ed ir|: riORF. CREEK INVESTMENT,S, I.I.C, A COLOITADO LIMITED LIABII.ITY COMPANY 'l'lrc land lefen'cd to in this Conrrnitnrerrt is dcscribed as follorvs: P^RCEL 8, A RESUBDIVISION OF I..OT 49, ^MENDED PLAT GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION. ACCORDINC TO THE PLAT RECORDED JULY 19, I99O IN BOOK 533 AT PAGE 970, COIJNTY OF IAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, dle!?t 90 BZ drs1.d Seoo sga roE a-IJsU anCU [and Title Guarantee ComPany YOUN CONTACTS l)ntr:: (ll-l(;.100-i Nuntbc' V.50U)0159Orrr Oldcr Proprrfy Addrcst: r3?5 v, ESI-tt,wEN CIR(:t." Iluycr/Dorrowcr: MARC B. LESSr\NS Scllcr/Orvncr; GORECREEK INVESTMENTS, LLC, A COLORADO I.II4ITED LIABILTTY COMPAIiY lf yuu huvc nny inquiries or:. rc(luire fuflher' lssistrnce, plcnsc contacl ouc of the |ttrnrhcrs br:lnrv: For Clo.siug .q.$isttncc: Kalcn Biggs 108 s. FRON'IACE RD. W. f203 P.O. BOX 357 YA|L, CO 8t657 Phone; 970-476.22-51 l:a.r: 970476-4732 EMnil: kbiggs@lrgc.con lVirc Informotion: Bank: FIRSTBANK OF COLORADO 10403 w cot,FAx AvENlrE LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 Plrone: 303-237-5000 Credir; LAND TITLE CIJARANTEE COMPANY ABA No.: 107005047 Account: ? 16052l82.5 Anention: Karerr Biggs nor''Iialc Assisttrnce: Vail 'fitl€ Dept. IO8 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. P.O. BOX 357 vAlt-, co 8t55? Phone: 9704?6-?25 | Fax: 970.476-4534 Ncr:d.tl map or directiors for _your up-conring closing? C:hccli out l,Nrd'l'ltle's web sjte at wwrv.ltgc.conr for dirtctlons to rny of out' 40 office locntions. T0TilL S.?,6..16 t!.r TIL'\NK YOU l:()1. \'Ol,.t( \)ltDER: ESTIMATE OF TITI.E FEES Alla Owoers Policy l0- l ?-92 Deletion of Lrl:cclrions | .3 (Owncr) Dcletirrn of Oeneral Flicc.ntion .l (Owncri Trx Repolr R006587 has bccn ordercd liorn Elgle Cty $2,7er.00 s30.00 $70,00 sl,s.00 a.d BEOO S98 tog ?,3IJr||| -U dte:Zl gO B? d-S Lrrnrl'litle Gttnrantee {-lr'111punt CUSTO;*I DR DISI'RItlu'l'I(),' htc: 03-?6-2003 I\'opcrty jr, rlf lrcsst I.12J WESTHAVEN CIRCLE st.lFbR .1'IT TH & FRAMyIUN uAcl{[:LoR CULC}| P.O. DRAWFR :820 AvoN, co E 1620 Ann: RtCAfiDO S()tlTO Phurte: 970-E45-23110 Frar: 970.645-2310 EMril: rsou tncr$lillt. n ct Snl Viir a:ouficrr" (i0ll& CRIjEK lNVESTlvll:N rS l.l-c llr t:.0N1'ARlo stE,t00 cHft)^0o. u, 60d u .\urr: IlUllON PAllTNllRS., CllRlS STEPH..\N Phortc: 312.088-9800 far: 3l2-981.9830 Scn( vi$ US Posril Scrvicc I.,\ND 1TTI.U GU^RANTTE COMPANY 108 s. FRoMI'AGE RD. W. 1203 P.O. 00x 35? vAlL, co 8165? Arln: Knrcn Ri$gs Phunc: 970.476-??5! F:D:r t70-176.4534 Ul'.|:'il : Itrigg@lrgc,corr t0lrDEL EnY i:t,rrOr(lorNunrbcr: V.500001.59 V.\II. RESQRT PROPERTY BROKERACE !! l7 VF:nMONT CT vAll.. co I t6i7 AIIn: GREG STRAHAN Phune: 970.4'l6.ll8-50 Far: 970.4?6.5421 EMdil: Jrahxn(tv'nilrasorrpropcray.corll Ssnt Vir Frr lvlARC 8. LESSANS (i^r..t. FoR Drar,tv. tNFo) 4850 HARGE"tl' LANtt rRT:DFRICK. MD 2I?02 l,,hr)rlt: ll)l -471 36110. Sr".rtt Via (lrrrrricr*.r SLIFER SMITI.I & FRAMPTON.AVON OO]O BENCHMARK RD flIO? P.O. DR,IWER 2g)0 AvoN, co 8 t620 AIIn: RAYMA ROSE Ptonc: 9?0.845 2025 Fas: 9?0.t14J.2050 EMiril: rRrs€@slifct.[gt Sgnt Vir Couricr*., E.d seoo sga roe asIJ?U neu d?ez7t 90 BZ das wcrecognl;:.j.iln(|rt'sPect-thcpriv;rr.y{:;\ncq1;111onsl)flo(lilj.''sct)|ls||lller5iuld|hcI!.(|ui|cnl '|1lc|r|Y;tc)'.lx\r'.wc|)c|icvc(l|i1|.lllil:i!l9y|)|l.ilwireo|h0$,.'cttsr:r,ottrlloll.pt'th{i.1rct.srrrttllnfb;mitti0il(..Pctsrttllirr:.'rmlt(lo|| ), 'ul(l tu ili:. ]lll lt ls dtsclosc(, wr,t lornl tlIL'basls lor,l ,' llltionshlp ol trust hc!,r',lcll us and thc l) blir.:lh:. wcsctrrc Tltis Friva.; Starenrertl provrdcs i...tt. erplarlatioll. \rVs re:,.,r've th,i riglrt to ch:ui.-. this Filvt'ci' - Statctncnl lronr llrne lo ttnlc consl$len( witn applicirl)lt p vacy laws. llr the cout'se (l[ our 1t1t5i1165, \Te lnny collect Fcrsorr l Inlbn atiO itbout you from thc lbllOryrrrC sources: r' Frtrrn:rpplicatitrls or orher lbrnrs we receivc lrorn vou or your authorized reDrcsent lrtivc:* Frou your lrinsnclions with. or frorn thc serviccs ['eing plrforrncrl hy, trs. oirr nftiliarcs. or orners;' from our t tcnlct weD slles:{ fMt t]re pq.ttlic rccords maiutrrincd. hy Sovcinnrullirl unrities thir{ wc cither obrain (iiructly hour thoscelltttrcs, 0r lr0tn o$r illiilittes or 0thcts: indi Frorn consumcr ol odrer rcporting :rgcncics. ()rrr lolit:its llc3ordirtg thc l'r'olecaion of thc Conli(lcntirrlity rtnd Sccrrrity r)[ Your l,ersonal tnformatiol we onintain P\lsic:tl, electrottic antl procedural sllcguartls to protcoi your Pcr'sonrl Infornrarion h.orn unlrr(lroriiaud ilccc$s 0t ltltnlslon. lve Itnrll access to the I'crsonal InlorrnntioD ouly to those ctnployecs who nee<l strch access irrconnection with providing Pro(ltlcls or sorliccs to you or lbr othcr l6gitinrarC truJin"is |turpiisci. Orrr Polir:ius lrrrl |trittticcs Rcgordirrg tlrc .\h.lring of Y'rrr Pcrsorrnl Inforntation Wtr rn:ty shnle vour llersonal luformation with orrr-alfrlr;rtrs, such ,s irrsrrlartcc contllanics, a.c.euts, ald oth€r lc;llq\liltc.sr'ttlcnlcnt sCrvtcc provr(lers. We alsO ntly rlisclOsc !,(rur Personal lrrtbrtnlttOri: .fotN'l'N liiilclitr N:riionul Finrrrtcill o'[lcti 0F I'Rtv.{c:Y Orurtp,rl (.'orrrprrtics,'(lhirrrgo'l'itlc Lrtrrd 'l'itii Chr:r lir rrlce Computr.l Jul1 l, 2r;r, ' P0t.t(:\,' I rrsr nln(c (:r'!rlpiury iltl(l 'r to ngcnts, brokers or rcplesctltirtivcs lo onrvidc you{' to third-party contrilctois or scrvicc proiidcrs wiro lunctioDs on our bchalf: cnd willl scrviccs you h ve rcquested; Provtdc slrlvl(:cs ot pcIlbfltr rnarkcting of o(hcf . lg.glll!.t: Yill_Ihom wc e tcr into joint nrarkcring nqrcr:nrcu(s lor protlucrs or scrviccs rhanve lrelicvc 1,ouIn V IIl0 0t lrtorcst. I:. il! j,.t,,I.-yl w l(lisclose yollr Pr.'rsorlal ln folnrat ion. wlrcn you rJirc.cr orgivc us pclurission, rvllcrr we 1re rcquircdDy.ltlw to flo so, ol wllcn .wc susPccl lraudulcrrl or crinliDal acaivitics. Wc irlso rn v ilisclosc yotr pcrsonll llltormaltoll wnell otner\l'lsc pcrnlttcd by npplicablc privacy laws such a"s, for exahple, whcir disclosure is nccdedro cntOrco Ouf ltqnts ansltrg oltt Ol my agrcCn)Cllt. trilnsauti0 Or relati0nship With yrrU. Onc ol thc imuortant resDonsibilitics of soure ofoul illf!liatud contpanics is to rccord docuuren(s ln ths pubticdtrmain. Such'docurrrclrs ruay corrluiu your peiioriiit iiifrtriinrl6ii. Ilisht to Access Your Pcrsonal tnfornrltiorr uud Abitity to Correct [rrors Or Requcst Changcs Or Dcletion Csrtain statcs afford you rhe ricertilln slstcs a-[ford you lhe right to.access your Personid Informarion tuld, uuder. cerrain ciTqtmstances, ro find out(o whom,vour Persorial lrforrnlrion hu becir di.sclosed. .rrlso. cCnain srarei iiioi'o vdii'iiiiiiiii'iiu ,.uuo.,rr.' wrrvrrr,vuut rct!(rrrcr ulrQIlTlatlon niN Dccll ql.\ClOSeO. ,\lSO. CCftaln SlAteS Affofd yOU lhC righl t0 fequqstcorrection. anendrncnr or delerion of ytrur personi lntbrmarion. we rcservu rhiiiAhi,;i;;Eidriitli'liv row.currc(;tr(tll, .lnlcnolrlcllt ol oeletlon ol y(J0t yetsoniu lolormfltion. We rcservc the righl, where permittiid byiiharsc il reir"sorri:ble lcs lrJ covgr rhc cdsls incrrrrcd in r.r:syrrxling r.r sucti rcqueir.s. 'o"'r -.''-'- r- All retluusts subnrittcd to thc Fklclity. Na.rional,[iinancial cloup of Cornpaniesi Chisrgo ]'irlc lnsurance C onlp.tlyshall llc in wririrg, tmd tlelivercd roihe followiDg nddrcss: Priv cY C.onulilulce Ofncer ftgg [l.,T...it.li] f,l'anciar, rnc Saira Barbara, CA 931l0 Vlultiplc Product.s or. Seryices lf wc provide vou rvith more than one linancial pro<luct or scrvice, you rn:ry reccrve mors rhio o1e privtrqy noticctiorn \is. Ive ai)ologizc for any incouvenience rhis r;it;;;i;;.ou. i;'rtr ttiV,pi)t..CSi s.d seoo sga roe ae)lJeu fii'u d7e:Zt gO gZ d-S Itern (a) P;ryment to or for thc itccount of the griurlors 0r mortgagors of the l'utl crrnsidcrntion lbr the cst,lte or inrerest to be insurcd, lt'm (b) Ploper instntmerrt(s) org ti g the cstirtc (1r ifltclesl to bc instrred nrust be clcculcd alld duly frled for rer:ord, !o-wil: Item (c) Paynlcnl ofnll lilxes, chxrget or il\ies.smsnts lilvrr'(l and aqscssc(l aglinst the subjecr prsrnises rvhich are 4uc and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed bclurv: ,I. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUSTDATED SIIPI'EMBER I?, I993, FROM CHRISTOPHER Q. STF:PFIAN TO'I}IC PUBLIC TRUSTEE OfT EACI,E COUN'rY FOR THF. T'SE OH PRUDEN'rI^L HOME IVIORTCAGE COMP/\NY, INC. TO SEC:URE'rHE SUIVT OF 5250,(NO.OO RECORDtsD .SEPTEIVIBER 22, 1993, IN BOOK 6?0 A'f PACE,t?. sAlD DEED ol'r l'RLlsr wAs ASSIGNED To FtRsr rRl.rs'f Ni\TtoNAL AssoctATloN rN ASSIGNIVIENT RECORDED AUGUST O?, I994, IN BOC,K 646 AT Pr\OE ?OE. 2- RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST ITATED Jr\Nt,ARy lJ, 2OO2 I:ROM GORE CRb:F.K INVESTMEN'I'S, LLC. A COt-OtrADO Lltvl|TED LtABil_tTy C:OMpANy TO THLi PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF CHRISTOPFIER Q. STEPIIAN TO SECURE THE SUM OF $225,938.36 RECORDED MARCI.I IE. 2002, UNDER RECEPTION NO, 789340. DVTDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TI.IE COMPANY TTIAT TI.IE TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFDR TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARRAN.TY DEED FROM coRE cREEK INVESTMENTS, LLc, A coLoRADo I-IIV'ITEI)UABILITY COMPANY TO IVIARC B. LESSANS CONVEYlNC SUBJEC]T PROPERTY, .\ | 'i .\ '',) \'i l\l i I Iln ! l' Schcrluic lJ - Suction I (Rcq rrirenrcnts) Thc tbllorving are the rcquiremcnts to be complierl rrith: NorE: ARl!(:Lbs OF oRcANlZ^TrON FOR OORE CREEK INVESTMEN].S, LLC, ^ COLORADOLIMII'ED l-lr,trTr..lrY coMpANy. r.qcLosE(s) tvtoLL... tlRowN srEpHAI\i .,ND cHRlsropHEti(.. STEPHAN .\.r THF: I4ANAGER(S!, Our Ordcl n"o. V500001-i9 TFIE FOL,LOWINC DT]I..ETIONS/LTODIFICATIONS ARE FOR TI.iE OWNER'S POI.,ICY g'd Eeoo 998 roE la}|Jeu mou deet7t gO BZ d-S r\ l_ | .\ (: (.),,-t t\'t I l Nl t:rN'l' Schcdulc U - lir::;"tn I (Rcquit'crrlcrtts)0rrr Ordtr No. Y i0000 159 Corrtirtucel: NOTE: ITEMS t-l Olj THE GENERAI. EX(.nPTlON.S ARti t'lEl{t'lBY DELETED. UPON TTIE APPROVAI.. OF THE COMPANY AND TI.IE RECEIPT OF A NO'TARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVTf . I]'gM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WII.,L BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF TI.IE GENERAL EXCETTIONS IS TJELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FU'IURF, LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MAl'ERlAl. FtiRNISHED AT THE RtjQLJEs f OF GORE CREEI( INVESTMENTS. LLC, A COI.ORADO I,IN,IITE') LIABILITY COMP.{NY. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALI. f.IAVE NO LIABI[,TTY FOII ANY LIENS AfrrstNo FROM WORK OR MA ItRTAL r.Ur{Nls}lEt) A r TllE REQUE.ST OF MARC l}. LESSANS. NOI'U: ITEM 5 Ol';'l'HB GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DEI.ETED IF LAND TITLE CIJARAN'TEE COMPANY EONDUCTS THE CLOSINC OI;: THE C:ONTEMPLATED TRANSA(]TION(S) AND RECORDS TIIE DOCLIMENTS IN CONNECTION THF.RIiWII'II. NO'|'E: UPON PROOF OF pAYIvIENT OF ALL TAXES. t'l EM 6 wlLL BE AMENDgD 'l'O READ: I'^XES AND A,SSF^SSMENTS FOR TIIE YEAR 2O()3 AND SLIIJSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 UNDER .sCHFDtlLg B-? WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THi\T THE WATER AND SEWER tlHi\RGE.s ARE PAID tJP TO DATE. *:rs'r,r.fi + No1lcE oF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER l, 2002 {,'r,r**rrr,r.*'r Pursulut to Colonrdo Reviscd Statutc 30- t0-42 | , "The county clclk and recorder shall collect a surcharge of $ l .00 tbf cach doculncnt reccived fur lEcordiug or filirrg in his or hef r)tTicc.'flrc sufchafge shill be in addirio|l t(] any other fees permiued by sr[tutc.' g.d 8e00 sge roe ael.,rEU meu dee:zt gn Bz d-s 1. rj. AI.TA C0N'l ,\'l lli\ltiNT Srlrr..lule [J - Sectio[ ] (li:(ccptlons)Our Or'rlel No, V50000i59 'flrtr 1:r:lir.v or policles tu hr i.surcl rvill cout:rin cri:cptiittls to thc fullor+ irtq ttnless tbc stlnlc i: r disnosctl oI t0 ilto )irtislilt'iioo ttl'thc Clrttlrptny: l. RighK or clains of parties in posscssion nol shown by tltc ptrttlic records. J. E{L\cncnrs, 0r clfliurs of easeme ts, not shown by thc llrtblic recortls. :i, Discrep lcies, c.onflictn ilr houndal] lines, slroltage in arca. cncroachulellts, ilnd ny facts which a correct survcy and inspcctiorr of the plcruiso.s would disclosc arld rvhich atc nol shown by tlte pulrlic rccortls. {, Any licn, or right lo a licn, for ser.vices, latror or materinl thcrctoft)r'e or herealier furnished, irnposed hy law and not slrolvn by tlrc lrublic records. j, .Dcfcct$, ticnl, enculnbrallces, advcrsc claitns 0r olher mattcrs, if nry, crdated, Lirst aFpcari B in the public records or ;tnnching srrhscqucnt to thc clfective datc hereol bu( pr'ior to thc dalc the proposetl irrsuled acqrtircs of rcc.ord lbr value rhe estatc or inrcrc.\t or morlgnge lhcreon covcrcd by this Conrntitrnenl. 6 'l'axr.rs or s|ccinl :lssessme,)ls which are not shr)lvrl ns cxistiu.u liens by rlrc puhlig rucords, L l-icns frrr trrtpairl waler and sswcr chargcs, if nnv. In additiorr, lhe owu0r's policy will be subjcct to lhe Ix)rt8age, if any, rrotctl in Section I of Schedule B hercof. RIGlll'OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EX'I'RAC-| AND REIvIOVE HIS ORE TIIEREFROM SHOULD TUE SAME tsE FOt,lND TO PENEl'RA'lt: OR INTERSECT ]'HE PREMISES AS RESERVIiD lN UNll'ED STATES PATEN'I'RECORDED AUCUST 16. 1909. lN- BOOK 48 A'!" PAGE 542. RIGIIl'OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUC'I'ED BY THE AIJTHORITY O}: THE LJNITED S'IA]'ES AS RESERVF.D IN UNIT}!D STAI'ES PATENT RECOIIDED AIIGUST I6, 1909, rN BOOK 48 ,\T PACE 54?. ttlis!:RVA"ii( ii A.5 T()'i lriii l!CTRTIIW0ST ll'l OF SECI'ION l2'rOwNfiHfP 5 SL)UTH. RANce 8I WES'I'OT;'I'HE RIGH Ob- WAY QI:'I'HE UNII'ED S'IATES, iIS PERMNTEE OR LICENSI]E,'I'O EM'ER UPON, OCCUPY ^ND I.JSE ANY P,{RT OIT ^LL OF SAID LAND FOII THE PIJIIPOSFS PROVIDED IN THE ACT OF JTINE IO, I92O (4 I SAT. 106.]) AS RESERVED IN THE PATENT RECORDSD OSIOBER 2. 1946 IN ISOOK I32 AT PACE.TOJ, RESTRIC'TIVE COVENANTS WIIICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITIJRE OR REVERTER CI-AUSE. BUT OMITTING,\NY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE. COLOR. RELICION, SEX, HANDICAP. FAIvIILIAL STATUS OR NATIONT\I. ORICIN IJN|-,ESS AND ONLY TO T]tD EXTENT THAT SAID COVENAN'I (N tS EXEMPT Us-DER CHAPTER 4?, SECI'ION 360? OF THE UNITED STATES C:ODI] OR (D) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOE,S NOT I,IS(:RIIIIINATF: AGAINST IIANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONI'AINED IN INS'I'IIUMENT RECC)RDTi,D ll. 10. l1 L'd Eeoo ssa loe ?'aI.JeU |nau dee:?I 90 BZ das t< r6. At"..\ ,:of,l )t tt\ -.\ t' Schedulc B - .Scction 2 (l!xceptiurs)Our Order No. V50fn0 | 5t The policy or polici€s to be issued will contrtln cxceptions to thc folk[vilrg |lnlors the sunre.are disposed of to lha sntlsfirction of thc Compuny: APRTL Ol, t978, IN BOOK 268 AT PAGE 698 r\ND AS AMENDED lN INSTRTJMENT RECORDED AUGUST 2J. I987 IN BOOK 468 AT PAOE 447 THROUGH 4?2 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTNUMEN'I'RECORDED SHPTEMBER 15, 1987 IN BOOK 469 ^T PACE 8OI AND AS AMENDED lN INSTRLIMENT RECORDID Iv(r\Y 2. 1990 lN BOOK 528 Af PACE 154. I]. ruCH T OF WAY OF CORE CREEK AS 11'AI;I.UCTS SIJBJF,CT PROPERI'Y, 14. EASEMENTS, CONDTTIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESFRVATIONS ^ND NO1'ES ON TIIE RECORDED AMENDED PLAT OF GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION. :IERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ACiRECVIIiNI'AND DECLARA I('N ()II'COVT,NAN'I'S, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS RECORDED JULY 19, 1990 lN BOOI( 5l:, Ar Pi\OE 971 AND RERECORDED AUGUST I, I99O IN BOOK 5J4 AT PAOE tt34. EASEMENTS, CONDTTIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RESUBDIVISION PI,A'I'OF LOT 49, GLEN LYON SI'BDIVISION RECORDED JUI.Y I9, t990 lN BooK 533 AT PAGE 970. g'd Eeoo sga loe ?alJcu mcu dee:zt 90 Bz drs l. '\ N li f ll'l- li ci u.\R '\ N',l l1 li (: ()Nl l''\N Y Dt.SCL.OSi rRE S1'A1'liill l;:N'I'ri Note | !\rrslnnt to CRS lO-l l't?2, no(ic'c i't h':rcby Sivclr that: n) Ths subJcct rclll prti!)efty nlay be k)cil(cd l'l it spcciill tnrirlg dislii:'t' !i .t r]a,rifi.nra of iaxc: Dui' lisriug cach tnxril]-', jtrrisdicf ion mnv bc r'rrtlined ftcm the Courrly 'l'f(..;\|.lrc{'s iltrthorized iltrr,lt- c) ,l.he inlirrrr:r,iion rcgarding spcci,ri .::itticls autl thc borrr.,i ,,lcs rrf suclt districtr t,',ty be ol>taincd lirxu lhtl Boird ol Count-r- COmmissioncts, the Coutlty Clerk atttl llecordcr. or (hc County Assessor' Nore.: Effocrive Septenrber l, 1997. CRS 10.10-406 requircs thnt all (locurllcnls received fbr recording or tiling in rhc Clerk alxl recorder's Olficc shilll cort(ain il top margin Of at lCasl one inch and a lel't, right and boltonl ttrArgin ol ilt lCilst orte hnlf of an inch. The Clerk and recordcr lnil!' reiilsC to rccord ot file my doctlrltnt (llal does not confbrm, cxcept lhitl, thc reqttircnrcnt for lhc top n)nrgill Sh:lll nol apply tO documents Llsin'g totnrs on wlrich spilcc is providr.d for rc,cortliug or l'ilirr-e inlotntatiorl at thc l0p mlrgin of ths documcnt ' Note: ClCrlorn{o Division 11f In.qrtrance Reculatiotts 3'i'l , Paragraplr C of Articlc VII rerplircs fhNt "F:vcry lille cnrity sh ll bc rcsponsible tor irll ntitl.rers rvhiclt apPeftr oI reoofd Ptior to thc titne of recortling whenevei rhe title entity condtrcts the closing nnd is lcsponsiblc lirr recording or filiug of legal doc$ute!)ts rcsulting tlonl the trrnsi\clioo which was closcd" Provitletl that Latld Titla Guaralrlcr: Compnny oontluL;ts the clOsing ol the in$tlrcd trir[s;lclioll i\n(l is resPonsible li)r recordirtg the lcgitl'clocrrtnents fionr the t|ansnctiolt, exccpliotl ntttnbcr 5 will not irppenr on thc owncr''s Title Policy nnd thc Lcnders Policy whetr issttt"tl Nore: .\.ffir.nrarivc mechanic's lien protectioo tirr tltc owner rnay bt: available (typically by deletion of Exccprion no. 4 0l srhcdulc B, Sectiou 2 of thc conrmitmcnl lioln thc ourter's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: l) T[c lrnd dcsciibcd in Schsdulc A of {his c()nunitnlert nlust l)c n sirlgle thNily rcsidcncc wltich rnclu<les a cotttlotniniurn or towtthortsc urtit B) No latrtrr 0r InAtcrials hlve bcen furnished by rncchimics ()r'uraleriil'lllcn for prrtposcs nf (r(l[stt cti0n on the laucl describctl in Schedule A of this Cotnmittncnt withirr the pnst 6 tnonths' C)ThcCompanynltls|receiYean{PproPli^tcattidavititrt|enurtl.yingtlreContpanyagairtsturt.filed nrechnlic's artd material-men's liens. D) The Company tttust receive payllleni of thc approPriilte Drernium' E) If thcrc hi$ bccn constructiot), improvcrncnts or nrirjor rePflils ulldcrtdkcn on tlre property to bc Prrchased wirhi[ six nlonrhs prior to the D tc of rhe C]onrmitntcnt, th0 ruquircnr0ll(s to oblaiu covet'agc [or unretrrnlul lieris will include: tlisclosurc of certain conslRlcuun itllbnrnlirrnl firtancirl intbrtn:tion ls ro lhc scller, rhc builtlcr alld or lbe coll(Iactol; payment of the appropriatc prcmium fttlly executcd lndenuriry A.qreerncnrs sntisfrrctoN to the company, rrnd. rtny ldditional requitements m r'a;,br: .ocessA1y airer an cxsniinirrion ui the lbtesaid inlirrni;rtiorr by tlrc Contpan.v. No covrrage will be givcn un(!rr any cil cri tr)stoui:cs firr labor ttr ntlterial lbr whlch lhe illsured has contractcd for or agreed to plty. Notc: I\trsuant to CRS l0- I t'.123, noticr: is hcrcby givcn: A) That (herc is recordccl svidcnce tbat a nineral esttte hi$ bcen sevcred, leased, or rrther*'isc colveyed frorn fhc surface esrate and rhat thcre is a $ubstarltiill likclihood dra. a third party hokls some or alt interesr in oil, gts. other minerals, or geotherNal ener-gy in tlte property; and B) Tblr such minsral estate may include rhc righl to cntcr and us€ thc properly without lhe surfice owner's Pertnission. This notice applies !() owner's policy corrlnitments contlirting a nincml severlnce lDstrument cxception. or ercepiions, iu Sctredule B, SecLion 2 Ntrthirr! hcrc'irr corlr.irlc(! wi!l bc r!rtuc,'i to ,)bli:1irtr tl!c c(!ii:!'!i:l!r, rf, t)lt)\'ial,l itlly of thc (:{)\'dllttcli rctilrcd rrt licte;n uli!!r,s:!:e ::l)o\'i:. Ilit :l()'l:i a[c li:'ir' 'iiisii": D rscroSuRE 09,/c1l01Fcnn s'd 880() s98 IOE ?a}|Jeu nau dee.el 90 Bz das o TI-IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, whoE lholc Fr:ctGttl| trtnll conrt, oRftttl!3al l, ^r,rnt;,'e ln tLt' Otlirii, Ptu/ "/ U'. ,su'.unp of ahr t&ll L.L|I. ftlttt,vll to thn (t^nrnl La.wl O/llct ln llc Sa,lrraar (:i anaraJ: ' Nor. lfAora tat 11Ht th.ra kt tlL.,"..fn}l, (mrta..l l,y rr4 ItlI l'Pl!:ll) Elllt A!I.'I:S ,i,'!.o lhr roid.1r,,, ll ''.,''''.''''''...'.'..'.'''.'.''',.]r!l.1''|ll'i.'.:'i|''"ittlt.|i,'.lI'DIr.'.||' To lfrrv" 3$d to llold llz td.iA t cdr 6/ It'.i| ttllt ll.c npltplrrrartc.| tl\t..61, turta alla N6t!1..,it., v ;.t r'i .. - .!j',f.::.i t.1.:.1..1-.1i;'Lut;i3 . .,,'t ra.....i.!r.,, ..lti,t lul n:li.tns lont,ff; tul,ie.t lo tnli N.tltal nnr' lr^ott,3d toa!., ,41,h fi'r nintn.1, agicttlntnl,,tra.r&fitlw.in! ar nth4r t,ttrpdear. n.'ul ,ilh! h tit,',rr, tuttal trtttttoF, ,..rpl iL .onw.aliot taill. rn.ch n t "i{hu, at na.! lqt.rtttrdrtiTt'l a"d !,-a\ra:'ll,laralad l,tt trt. ld.a.r.tt-tl6',tr, li. 't '.nd 'ttui}.io,,! r( Cot.ttrt tur(a nktt t 4i.!tl tr th. rilht nl thr tt4ttri.tt ol u ,ltl$ ot.l4la ta t.rttttt trrt.l. ftt',J.,t4 tri,r at l*ivl,nn. rhaul.l lJrr so t. l,r n 04,tut ,t6nnt| t. ^r ,DJ.t!!^.n.., th. nnntn/6 hnrbv d,t ',rnd: ar !'.ry,!,.-...b.! .\wot;,r 5t{1,.,r'q2y.t'",t.;t" '" 'ri' i" 't"'I"'i.1''':tr"' ')t'i!'/^,1idl "'l"t'A1-tt-l,.,,. t, t',,rt:,4 r...Ly, E t .,lt tth; 1' ni. ftrri t..a.e tItt-- rn tcrttno(y rrrcrotorj 1,,.1ry';i.zr.tt ,l.i'a,.' +,'l .. PHil ltlllt1 lcl thl6 t[rtt, httc trtntl ll4, ldtmr h ha ttl i. tL.r.tr',, ^ru| l.tut S?LL t'l ttr. (s^n!vdl, JauL 01tr.r. to.l'. h.r.t.at.n t4lzt d,, cty.tr rrllrlorl nq, trlLtr.a, r! itl t 11, n1'llidrart*rfoL, ttrci:;t;r,.r.7o.rr;,.r.r............,.,... r )/, ,tu1 n1,/)a.g,c.,,.11,;1.1;.y:.:...-. ... . .i', trn yanr..f6t'. ton o* n a*o'',aili , tffi* ,tut nn!f+.e.9,,.:t:l::.t:.:...-. . .. . . i', trn yanr. .f 6t'). Ltta ot t ttlrtu'nilifiz , tr(: - . -t\ . Luwtn,i rud,.lur. .... . d^tt. t( t,.o ltrrhv,en ntl,; al ttu lh'.itur. Dr,t.i- l'o/., / t: ," ltilttl 1e, .11r;^1 ,Or- . r! , .f, 1....V'r./.r tf,a on. lut.n.fu. l. 4a.1,!!U.l!;-.):!..r.r]1..-.._....._.. ti.,t\ ii.'., ,! t' 1' l l l': l, li EtrJ l t ll.lf 'f :'a i I t r.o:! .t: !.i..,..._ _ i:, . . .- - -r., .;. :,;;..;;.,.).:, -."":. It!,.' t!:t. lt! .'\r ] ,. :/ ,'| rf..j,.. . . tuEt.i4' 4f rL. uL, ecnn cgn lne .',..,.rj' ' ...'.' .,,,;;' '.r. ?a>l.reu, mitu so 8?nr.J dle:zt das $ o. ,. talllJl r Erll rl r^.1.r a.r..odr l. l aal. :irr:.!arr.r ri !.rra.. ta !t lla | ' . .. l"'lItt t.!'l liuf.t rlliit(/ t t. ttr..!r; l, l.o..t"::. tt.tli.ir if ir' lirtr'c 5"'1" tt ltttl'|' 6itc ..t!r.a tnr!.. l.(t..-, to l. r.a. trl.nrr.:a tr...rl .t lr..oni.tal lrla oa.tfr ri l' t"t" r!t. Ittt..a.rtr.i, .!:.i :i !..t. rl trt- ttrJ .t .16rr4i... r!. ltl|.'tgli l;i .! l?:(lr rr rir rt.' ot t" !rt: .r.r la.rri.Gt !lar lrr!.i:.t lta il,itl_tltt .rr.t ta. i|.rt.:r.:r. tt il. Ull.a' l:r:" !!' ! ,c.:r.,[r. ' t..tl|rrtr ra ttr t.a1.1.. .a 'r' :l;! c::i!'.fr *;i'i '' :bilirtli i' lr r lrt|rt' l r..r.li-ii'ii. oir.rir iirr rr:r'..-'iii.ri rr ttr"" 'r'i. rNtr"tr:r' tr' lrr 't "r't""t1i.,.-t,. il,i:. .1 ,'&'. r!!..r...; r. r'tirt D.irl.t' .t tr'.ttlllr't"'l'-.' t" tl' "l'l;;i,i.:,;;;i',":'.i..'.i. ,l'rr rt ,u.r r. r.'. t.' r"! itt'ul'r"r r" rrlt rc'rts'r'r' r' il;;;;;i;.-i" rii. i... ir, i",rr..rr r..'Dr .r r!r ..rr...r |r.rt...!. t..rr.. rl.l!. lr t.r.. l'!t, tl...cr!r rt...a..:.t'r'.'.'.iii ii ol ai,rr iri'ri r'i {'rt't irr ' -;:3::'o' "'!!'lt!''lrr.iz .,r"r. '". j'+: - r,;rrrlr. ;:riif:'r,.iin crrr:ii.;..;.;ra a; i.. 9tri,l.i }l.r af r!. ,:tt.t .t ilr rtll lrto. 'r'rll'| !|'d ai:ira li. t!.t tt.r rr' rrirr.r..-irlrta tt rl. UlliD ttlllt rrr' t!' "ll '!'lrrilr' ..--.":;-r;;i j.ii. ii.*.rrJ.' lg ti:! .;: lc tolD.ir. ..ta tt..i ot hcl. r!r! tr' ",rtr'l'- '-- :-l:-:. ..-:-;-^ -:: .rjr-..r..r .n..rt.t..r tlt ltii.Itlr,!r t.t.r.. t...t lr. !E$!$ fll..-._ I.t II.t i. i,'. ." t i I.t. Y i : i I ". a $!.:-a lnr ti rtl.lillOI. !, tn. tt..lrrnit. Itrirlri .! tr.;tr.!l !;:,otlrr ht. rrtrr. a. rr.i.ri l( t.ljlri '..1 |:{r,iolirlo: vt.aal Errra.r :!t9Jta l!:llttt t,l. l,r'!:, oril :t . l.:;rri, l3lg.tr r. ltL li. rl!! irl: ||c:.at:.t.rr.al.r.t r.. O.t-ttl !..a caal... $ l!!: rr ! r.r. t.r I ?-. :rr' 'F : i:ti ' I I'd Eeoo s98 106 1- i.r3s, niru dtet?t 90 BZ das . Comcast Webmail - Email M essaqeo-Page I of2 From: lvanen Campbell" <WCampbell@vailgov.com> To: <reslocksullivan@comcast.net> GC:'Tom Kassmel" <TKassmel@vailgov.com> Subject: LessansResidence Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:17:32 AM Biil, I met with the Lessans this morning and we discussed the propsed redesign of the driveway. Here are the items I need you lo address prior to me scheduling you for a Design Review Board hearing. Tom Kassmel has recieved the study ftom Louisa. He noticed one correc{ion that need to be made and I believe he has communicated lhat to her. lt is our hope that this study removes the need for a varaince for the driveway. That being said, please submit revised plans showing the new driveway configuration on the site plan, landscape plan etc. I'€Fl 3lf e Puzlp, L-ANp4c-A.Pg I Please show top of wall and botlom of wall elevations for all the new retaining walls associated with the driveway. aN si-'e. Pr-aN Please provide a roof plan with ridge elevations over the contours so that I may determine that the raised garage roof coqrplies withthe 33 feet maximum height.oN 5l-Tg )zc.a;1 On the floor plans please identiry the height ofthe garage interior On sheet M.0, the table showing your GRFA is slightly incorrect. I agree with all your measurements, however, you forgot to add the 7 square feet that the garage is over the 600 square feet credit. This brings your total GRFA to 2,984 . r'-' aN glff Az space. I need to confirm the height will be less thaln 16 feet within the sarase. oil' SH {if A d_ Wth the driveway being heated where is the boiler going lo be rocated? oN 5He- F2L,AN t,.t VAUUT 6f 5-f ,blR.- Please show 10 percent ofthe drveway area as snow storage on the site olan.,''s"' oN :\1c: e_pil Please label the site plan as follows: separate heat zone for the portion of the driveway in the right-of-way, no heat in the @ncrete pan which will be desing per TOV standards. Ia\\9vag p a.N L K P Ptern'6t fa+ http://mailcenter.comcast.net/wmc/v/wm/45A528340002468C00004 58822007613940208... 1/10/2007 LXP ENGINEERII.€ I NCo PAGE 03. LTlATlzsaB 14i44 97s926 ri 98S9o ENCROACIIMENT AGN.EEMENT .-n t!{IS AGR BEMBNTT is mcde rud eotcrcd into thirr*ul dry of AFil, 2005, by Erylc River Wrbr & Seoitrlion Dlstrict, a qursi-mtmigipat corporafron-of 0re State of Colondo, hErcinafier rufcncd to rc "Diatrict", rnd Mr. Mrrc Lonnr hcrcinaftar refoncd to as '.Propcrty Ol nertt. WHEI(EAS, Property r)v.,ner is prescntly tho owncr of ocrtein reel popcrty dcrcribod rs Lot 4gD, Glel Lyon Subdivision (1325 Wcrtheven Circle - Wert Sidc of Duplex), locetcd in Erglc County, Colorrdo; rnd WHEREAS, thc District is prcsontly irr porrc.aion of m orsomont, 20t running brouBh the aforsmcntioncd propertV, said eas€rnenl b desoribod on Exhibit A, attached herpto and incorpontcd hcrcin by this reference; and WHEREAS, Propctly Ownerr desires to conshuct pernrauent ctnrctur€e thet will .ncrroach uJron said ouerncnl in an aren approximately l0' r 10.68'. Snid encroreh'rnent ig hercin desoribed on Exhibit A, which is attsched hcrcto and incorporrted herein by rcfercncc. WHERBi\Si rcid elscilcrt ie gr r$vc cae€mr$ pr€csr*U in us b" thc Di$iot. NOW, TIIEREFORE, iu considcrallon of tho sovcnmG aud promisee lrrrcin, thc purties haebyagrco u followst L The District shall pcrmit thc petnrmoni ttsucture to encloach upon srid euerncat. 2, Tho hopcrty Ouner shall intlcmniff thc Distriot lbom tlc cortr of uy repaire to tbc Dietrict's utility tines whioh rnry ocow as s r€sult of the coustruciion of thc p€rmenent stnrcture ovcr end upon euoh cracmcnl. 3. Thc Property Ovmor shell hold tlrc District harmtses ftom tho cofi of fopairlu rny dltttogc to the stnrcturee that may b€ o$$ed by thc instsllation of rrcw utility lirrcs in said cesmdlt, or by a break in pocnt md futuru udlity lin* of thc District, or. by 0tc te;ruir of such trerk by Otc Dlgtdct or by oth€r matntenrnco of its lineE. 4. Thc Pt'op€tty Owncr nhall indannify thc Dishict from eny increree in thc cort of constnrclion of mynew utility linee or in fto cost of rnyrcpai6 to the Dirtsicfe utility liucs' ruch incr€asc, ifony, duc to lhc proximity of thc pcmranErt lfuchtjpc to tha utility lincs, 5. Ilris Agrcoruolt uhulr binrl the suoccssors md $slgn of tho hopcrty t twna, md rhall be sppurtonmr to and deemcd to nur with and for the bsrefit of thc eforomcntionerl ltrn'pF.rty in Eagle Counny, Colomdo rurtil such tirne thot tho Distict abandons seid eosenrcnt This Agrccnont rball bs rsiorded against midpropcrty in qccordaace wirh rhc bwc of tlrc Statc.of Colorado.r.$rwDirnsstof MsrstcK)Ao|ltuynl !2rwEsltlivEN.DoctN,tt Alv ro0l r0 39vd s|.|vss3'l cwrl zee96ln6l6 ss:41 9S0Ztazltg rv/9712A06 r4144 970926908 Io LKP EI.IGII.EERII'G IN WTrNESS WI|FFFOF ttre prrdcg hcrero have courcd thir Agroct!€rt to be cxccutctl ae of the dey md year lirt abow wrilten. PROPERTY By STATEOFCOLORADO COI.INTYOFEAGLB INCo PAGE g4 ) )SS ) Theforcgoing instumc,ntwas acknorvlodgcd bcforoncthis 22 dry of A*r (- 2005, by Mr, Mrrs Lesesns ae Prqrorly orrner of Lot 4DB, Clcn Lyon Subdivirion (1t25 Wcsthevcn Clrcle - Wol Slde of Duptcr) STATEOFCOLOITADO ) )ssCOIJNTYOFEAGIT ) ':\I'WSnEGSFoRXSS CIOAE:I SaNtrtwesnUvDt.DocrN{Ullyrool Tho forogoing inrtrumcnt was acknowledgod bofore rnc ttris 34 dty of A?p r (-- 2005' by Daggggp Gcneral Muragcr of thc Brglc Rlver wrtor & grrttrtioo Dhtrict /*oi', ( NotryBdblic / zo lovJ sNvssTl criv$l zee96lrol6 s9 !r.I sasuzzlvo tZlA712646 14i44E4f2ll2905 u:?0 9709269A89rzol26eoerl PAGE 65FAIT, UJ It23W r/EN CTRCIE ., SIDE OF DUPI"EX }EU Tt.tfao.a t \ \ \\w \\\ >@ ,/,'zlz -//;tudt: trd ,^.+ ;. --a -.,. .t ^. - ./,\-/ \. ----- \, - -,- z\ .//\/ .4 "TW'..\+76.7/rO,2_\ I ,r ryffi Ezglaeeilng, Iae.an ln, aD Cru |!t-,,|rt ; tI't|'|F.6E!tu. utanil, a4|', st{rEsEn c}firl ZEES6L?SL6 99r4tr 9ASZ|ZZtrg 1fi aXccd^err C[* rlce'i/tow at Ac'va*vlt few )cci1n ENCROACIIMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered intothrs # dayofFebruary, 20[,by the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, a quasi-municipal corporation of the State of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "District", and Mr. Marc Lessans hereinafter referred to as '?roperty Owner". WHEREAS, Property Owner is presently the owner of certain real property described as Lot 49B, Glen Lyon Subdivision (1325 Westhaven Circle - West Side of Duplex) located in Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the District is presently in possession of an easement, l0-feet rururing through the aforementioned property, said easement is described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Property Owner desires to construct permanent structures that will encroach upon said easement in an area approximately 200 square feet. Said encroachment is herein described on Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein byreference. WuERErte; said easement is an aetive easement presertly in use by the Distriet. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: l. The District shall permit the permanent structure to encroach upon said easement. 2. The Property Owner shall indemniff the District from the costs of any repairs to the District's utility lines which may occur as a result of the construction of the permanent structur€s over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owner shall hold the District harmless from the cost of repairing any damage to the structures that may be caused by the installation of new utility lines in said easement, or by a break in present and future utility lines of the District, or by the repair of such break by the District or by other maintenance of its lines. 4. The Property Owner shall indemni$ the District from any increase in the cost of constmction of any new utility lines or in the cost of any repairs to the District's utility lines, such increase, if any, due to the proximity of the permanent structures to the utility lines. 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of the Property Owner, and shall be appurtenant to and deemed to run with and for the benefit of the aforementioned property in Eagle County, Colorado until such time that the District abandons said easement. This Agreement shall be recorded against said property in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. F:U5WSD\SRIGSFORMS\ENCROACHMENnI325WESTIIAVEMI.DOC JANUARY 20Ol IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. PROPERTY O.WNER: By Mr. Marc DISTRICT: By STATEOFCOLORADO ) )SS CoUNTYoFEAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this < day of February 2007, by Mr. Marc Lessans as Property Owner of Lot 49B, Glen Lyon Subdivision (1325 Westhaven Circle - West Side of Duplex Mv Commission expires:AffirlD /L, e aa/ STATEOFCOLORADO ) )SScouNTYoFEAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this / day of My Commission expires: dffia) /42df Dennis Gelvin, General Manager KATHYA" GARRISON tu#d KATTIYA. GARRISON F:\l 5WSD\8REGS1FORMS\ENCROACHMENnI 325WESTHA 1325W WESTHA\EN CIRCLE WEST SIDE OF DUPLEX \ CONCRETE RETAINING WALLCONCRETE RETAINING WALL MTH RAtLtN\ ON TOP IO BE DESIENED BY OIHERS -{G69\t ,-.'-lH.P. g l';%e '{t{Y.*:--': FOR fHE JIEST PAR| 6 ctlrtl/cBottcEMc& Engineering, Inc. P.O. 8or 28t7 Edro.d!. C0 81632td (970) 925-9088 for (070) 926-9030 LOI $A d.Et LYON SUAOMS'ON ,,t25 L flEsnAWN CTRCIE WIL EAEE C(NN'f, COLORAN oilLE C0PY Department of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road Yail, Colorado E1657 970-479-2138 HX 970-479!2452 www.vailgov.com Apnl24,2007 Porterfield and Associates, LLC c/o Wendell Porterfield 51 Eagle Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Parking requirements for residences at 1325 Westhaven Circlellot 49, Glen Lyon Subdivision Mr. Porterfield, In writing my previous letter, dated April 11,2007, regarding the parking shown on the approved plans I refened to the Landscape Plan approved by the Design Review Board on April 30, 1986, and the Upper Level floor plans showing the garages which are in a set dated approved on July 3, 1989, on file with the Town (aftached). From these plans it was reasonably infened that each side of the duplex had two of their required parking spaoes in each garage and the third for each side located in front of the respective garages. lt was determined from these plans that each side of the duplex was in conformance with the Town Code regarding required parking. Please review these comments and contact me at 970479-2148 if you have any questions. Aftachments Cc: File $ """o"", t .t" \ uz -do=Et[rI.,tfo3- dEs>5.Irlt:'o: \:-v3 9== F64$; rrl " *p O r' .F;';< :ct o6 q: /1,( l.'., .-,i Qz .,i;..i:,:tl i::,..+i.: . . :: li .irr .1, (t) 6z F 'J'iool a\,1 : o .ts$rt cS.{ o ,l\ l:.; SPRUCE .,, ASPEN j.a 4${-4D\,tv '\lvlca 5Til.l6 .UC E '\ )iI. Eit',1!'- ,''=4{1{4 LAI.IDSCAFE PLAN { @ (o 6 lol ,5 1<)ijt< rr' = @ ci< 9noo E. trJzz -) EfF LI i z =g j o; o Iz -o / F|FotI FI rgo vI/ta rrlo ov ,W 08s to8 5,{ol<rr> '>as.Y- c.< 'af---:-&7 -16 ss7. ffLt gu| T0I+II{0I'yAIt Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 tutx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov,com April 11, 2007 Marc Lessans P.O. Box 510 Frederick, MD 21705 Re: Parking requirements for residences at 1325 Westhaven Circle/Lot 49, Glen Lyon Subdivision Mr. Lessans, This letter is being written in response to your request regarding the Town's requirements for off-street parking at 1325 Westhaven Circle. According to our records the duplex residence at 1325 Westhaven Circle was constructed sometime in 1989. When ihe structure was approved and constructed the Town of Vail Code per Section 18.52.100, Parking, Vail Town code, required each half of the duplex to have a minimum of three parking spaces. This requirement was adopted by Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1982. The approved plan which was constructed shows four parking spaces per unit (two in the garages and two in front of the garage doors)' Cunentfy, the Code per Section 12-10-10, Paking Requirement Schedules, Vail Town Code, r6quires three parking spaces per unit. Today both halves of the duplex are in compliance with the Code for required parking as each half of the duplex has a minimum of four spaces. lf either unit reduced their parking to be less than three spaces there would be a violation of the Town's Zoning Code for required parking. Please review these comments and contact me at 970-479'2148 if you have any questions. Rgqards, n il nA Itfu,^,r U-M Warren Campbell I Senior Planner Cc: File {p ^r"r","o,t*"' aoirintaw EVEl,Of tlEi{r o P lanning and Environmental Commisson ACTIOIII FORl,l Departnent of Commualty Developmsnt 75 South Frontage Road. Vrll, Colorado 81657 tef: 970..t79.2139 fex. 97O.+79.Z4SZ web: wnw.vallg{il.com ProJectNamer LESSANSVARIANCE Project DescripHon: PEC t{umber: PE@60086 rafll2006 LA 1112006 Phone: 303-773-9578 This wriance application was withdrawn as it was determined that a variance for site distance was no longer necessary for the driveway as a prepared engineering study showed that traffic volumes were minimum and that shorter site distances were Padtdpants: OWNER IESSANS, MARCB. PO BOX 510 FREDERICK MD 21705{510 APPUCANT RESLOCK & SULWAN LLC 1582 PROUTY DRryE EVERGREN co 80{39 Liense: CO0m0218t Profect Addrcss: 1325 WESTHAVEN cR VAIL Location: 1325 WESTAHVEN cR, UNIT B Legal Descripdon: loe 49 Bloclc Subrllvlslon: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 2103-121-0602-5 Comments: Moffon By: Seond By: Vote; CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Dateof Apprcval: Cond:8 (PljN): No changes to $ese plans may be made.without the wrltten consent of Town of Vail staffand/or the apprcpriate revhw committee(s). Oond: 300 PEC approwl shall not be not become valid fur 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 113 All deraelopment applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinane 26, Series 2005 shall be subject to the pendlng employee housing regulatlons In whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, howwer, that if th9 T^own fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April tS, ZOO7, this Ordlnane shall not apply to such doclopment appllcaUons. ptanner: waren ortu o PEC Fee Pald: $500.00 Pr328r''Fpo ENTRy O REcErvrNc RIoRT PAGE: 1 RECBMD BY: LC EIITERED: I/L2/ 07 14 : 51 BY: I.rCAIIIPBEI.rI.r \IENDOR: 0000001 - RESI-,OCK & SITLIJIVAIiI LLC nwOIcE NIDIBER: PECO6OO86 INVOICE DATE: r/L2lO7 Il{voIcE POSTED: L/L2/O7 14:51 BY: L,cAIttPBELr, PAY-MENI DIIB: L/L9/o7 AltOuMI: $ 500.00 ACCOUNT# PROiI# AMOI'NT IgEIt'I DESCRTPTION 00100003112s00 $ 5OO.OO REFIIIID WTTHDRAI{N APP PECO60086 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 0l-12-2007 at 14:49:01 0111212007 Stat€ment Statement Number: R050002089 Amount: $500.00 L2/Lt/200603:41 PM Payment Method: check Init; iIS Notation: 3440/RESLOCK AI{D SUIrI'MfiI ' LLC Permit No: P8C060086 f14>e: PEC - variance Parcel No: 2703-f2I-0602-5 Site Addrese: 1325 WESTHAVEN CR VAIIJ Locat,ion: 1325 WESTAIIVEN CR, I,NIT B Total Feea: $500 - 00 This Palment: $500.00 Total ALL PInt,E: $500.00 Balarrce 3 50-00 ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Accornt code Descript ion Currerrt Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLTCATION FEES 500.00 Deo O8 OG O1:22p Lesl General lnfotfiation: Type of Remning Location of the Physical Mdress: Pargel No.; Zonang: Grent-Perini 7 r 3_8RT83o? Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Llepartment of Community Der€lopment 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 t€l: 970.479.2128 laxi 970.47 9.2452 web: www, vailgov.€om and Fee: Conditional Use Pemit Floodplah Modificatbn Minor Extcr,or Alteration Majof Afteration Plan to a Devebprnent Ran Amendment of the R€quest: ico p. r alaror oo @ o\ tr D tr 0n t-l 328-86,,10 for parcel ro.) $650 $.100 l6s0 $800 9rs00 1250 sr30o $s00 3200 (@ntact Eagle Co. Name(s)of ownerls;: N\ore Lessans ._ llaili4g Address: Omer(s) Signaturc(s): Z Phone:( 3o t ilailing Address: E-mlll Addrcss: All.lrdects requiring Planning and E NironfiEntal Commission review must receive approvat ptior to srbmiting a building permit appli@tion. Please refer to the submltal requtrements,lft particutai appmval 0rat is reque5ted.Durldng permat appli@tion. Please refer to the submltal requlrements!! particutar approval drat is regue5ted. In appltcalion for Planning and Environmeotal Commlsslon review can UftepteO until all requir€d infomation i5 teceived by the Community Darelopment Depa(ment. ne fttlv aitr|peO to be revier red by ttre Town C.ouncil and/or the Deign Rsievr Board. I ! Name of Applicantr \Ji\\.*,r-' Restoc,K Officc Usc Only: F:\cdedFORMsPermnsPbnainglPECtvadancer tr1 6-2006..toc Eeoo ( - os,i9 " LL/L6/0A J i--_ - 10:01 FAtr. $03 706 BURNS f'rSL&iILL IOItf T PROPERW. OU'T{ ER WRITTEI{ APPROVAI TETTER @ oos descriPUon) prwlde this letter as wfltten appmvel of thc pl8ns been zuUnltEd to theTown of Vall Communty a jolnt orrner of property locaEd at (addressilegal whidt haw for tfie proposed imProwrenB tobeomp|eEdattlteaddressnotedabore.Iundcrstandthatttepmposeoimp|we'nentsinclud6: aaalttorrs. aud retodel ' art*rfuig "*l entrance locatlo:i, " lpgt' I fu|tler undersbnd that mhor modificaEons may be ma& to the plans orer the course sf sre revleul process b enarrc compllance wltlr the Town's applicable codes and regulations' F:\cdaAFoRl.ls\PermlB\Plannhg\DRr\lohuT oPctr--oggoc o *ft:::HXtrJiHffi;:"T;. o Wiliam F. Resloclq ,q"l.A LiccDscd Archit ct Phone (303) Z3-9578Fax (303) Z3-8694 Email Esloclsulliv"e!@comcast.nct Debbie.d Sullivan, ALC.P. C.rtiffcd Planncr Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission 1325 Westhaven Circle, Unit B Application for Variance Adjacent Property List Name James & Ruth Ann Pedigo Mailing Ad&ess 2019 Alaqua Lakes Blvd. Longwood, W32779 Physical Address 1325 Westhaven Circle, Unit A Legal Description Glen Lyon Subdivision Lot 49A Name John L. Alfond 2004 Trust c/o Gregory W. Powell Trustee Mailing Address Two Mounument Square Portland. ME 04101 Physical Address 1345 Westhaven Circle Legal Description Glen Lyon Subdivision, Lot 50 Name Town of Vail c/o Finance Dept. Mailing Address 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Physical Address Westhaven Circle Legal Description Glen Lyon Subdivision, Tract B Name Cascades on Gore Creek Owners Assoc. Inc. Mailing Address 1476 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 Physical Address 1390 Westhaven Drive lrcgal Description Cascades on Gore Creek, Tract A liS2Proutyhive EvergreagColorado 80439 F F B F F -ffi Application for a Variance Submittal Requi rements GEI{EML IT{FOR ATIO]I VarianG mly b€ granted in order to pre\rent or to lessen sudr practcal dimculties and unnecessary physical hardships as would result from the stict interpretation and/or enforcement of the zoning regulations inconsistent wlth the development objectives of the Town of Vail. A practcrl difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size. shape, or dimensions of a slte or the locaton of existing sfuctures thereon; ftom topographic or ph).sical condltions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from offier physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immedlate vicinity. Cost or inconvenlence to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. L SUAHITTAL REOUIREIIE]|TS Fee3 $500.00 Sf.mped, addr€3r€d envelopee and a llst of tfic prop€rty ownerr adJacent to the subr€ct property, induding properues behind and across streets. The list of property owners shall Include the owners'name(s), conesponding mailing address, and the physical address and legal description of the property owned by eadr. The applicant is responsible for @nect names and mailing addresses, This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's omce, Tldc Rcport, including Schedules A & B Wdtten rpproval from a condomlnlum association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. A wrltten dcscripdon of the nah[€ ofthe variance requesbd and tfic sp€clfic regulation(s) Inyolved, induding an explanation of why the variance is required and why the strict or literal interpretation of the specific regulation(s) would resrlt in a ph/sical hardshlp or practical difriculty. 8[ I written statement add]€ssing the folloring:a. The relationshlp of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. b. The degree to which relief from the s0ict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to adtleve compatibility and uniformity of treaunent among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. c. The etrect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utillties, and public saHy.d, How the request complles with adopted Town ofVail plannlng policies and development objectives. EF StampeO fopographic Survey (Four @mpleE 3€t3 of plans). p fxbting and P.opos€d Slte and Grading Plans (Four cornpleb s€ts of plans). tr Existing and PYoposed Architectural Elsvations (Four @mpl€b 3€ts of Plam). E Edsting rnd Prcposed Architechrral Floot Plans (Four compleE s€ts of plans). E All plans must ebo be submltted In 8.5' x 11" r€duc€d format, These are required for the Planning and Environmental Commission members' infomation packets, E Addluon.l ilatorlal: The Admlnisbator and/or PEC may requlre the submission of addldonal plans, drawings, specjficatons, samples and other materials if de€med necessary to properly evaluate the proposal, I have read and underctand the above listed submittal rcquircmentsl Project Applicant Date Slgned:Q'9'A't F:\cde$FoRMS\Permits\Plannlng\PECWariancel Gl &2006.doc Page 3 of 6 1t4t06 cfir!/alort@rcIl. Engineering, Inc. P.O. Ed 2&t7 Eddaa co a16Jzlc (970) 026-9oaa t r {9t0) 926-eo69 PBOP'OSED DRIUEIAY LDkea, d.an LforJ g]&rsr(t| 1J23' ,{],.'|l,vEN CIR(ZEu4- Erctt counn ceoR4n waao t@ vn. aAnc lEslt/Jv,s q f;iii$#$! fi fi:;!:iii iriii!;ili ! t!!! iiil iiiilil tr it ?+=",jie *F. t'1t 1-. s) ti lr o fttl I:s2 ll fl,1 ?l !t. /,w'/ /,q , T )IEI I *-t* 7t Isril i!ii| iirii iiil!3frilIlr $i lll i:Efii .=E i;Ec eD1X EEt g ;E;a-A <oa1 96 l*+****+****+*****t++'i*a***tt*+*****+**tfl++++++*******'****'t't*******'i**'i*'t******'t*'***+++f*** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R060002089 Amount: $500.00 L2/LL/2OO6O3:41 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: ,JS Notation: 3440/RESLOCK AllD SITIJLI\IAIiI, IJIJC Permit No: PECO60086 T]E)e: PEC - Variance Parcel llo: 2rO3-l2L-O6O2-5 Site Addreas: 1325 V|ES?I{AVEN CR VAIL Location: 1325 I|ESTAIIT'EN CR, ITNIT B Total Feee: $500.00Thia Pa)ment: S50O.0O Total ALL Ptnte: $500.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription eurrent Pmts PV OO1OOOO31],2500 PEC APPIJICATION FEES s00.00 I *.ftill?i,Xit 3iffi;:.T;* o William F. Reslock, A.l.A. Liccnsed Arthitect Phone (103) fi 3-9578 Fax (l0l) Z3-8694 Email: Gslmksullivancslcomcast-net Debbie A. Sullivan, A.l.C.P. Certificd PIaIuteT Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: 1325 Westhaven Circle. Unit B New Driveway Location REQUEST FOR VARIANCE Written Description Access for this property is currently through a driveway shared with Unit A. We are proposing a separate entrance, west of the existing driveway. We are requesting a variance from the sight distance requirement, Section 14-3-1. Due to the physical limitations of the street and existing conditions, we are proposing sight distances of 150' and 85'. This variance, if granted, would allow for separate access for both the Unit A and Unit B owners. The existing driveway entrance is non-conforming. The new driveway would improve Unit B's access to and from the property and would result in safer and increased sight distances. This variance would have no effect on light, air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities or public safety. We are also requesting allowance to encroach into the side setback, Section 12-6D-6, to allow the concrete retaining wall. To eliminate the need for backing into the street, this wall will allow for a tum-around area. We have also included the Encroachment Agreement with Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. l5S2ProutyDrive Evergrea4Colorado 8M39 Jtr-t-61-246 IlFlf-ur lu l alad 15:56 F. R. Ul..rr .Yr., t. .".'.1 7E %3 W P.AL/43 v&],co tl6tt 9?047$2138 FEK97T479.?*52 75'8cd&mreRord Re qncef 1ongznt 10 (e7a;<and W{-6, 6./!ebc>a-r t*:: -ffi) RDntS*fr 4nn%'a'ia Req/eee E+&4+4r/z2he hst+JktzKeP/r]4E E\&qlUtz2e h)EJk ur rlqbinea@ 7b#72' hEat"SrV oF //ertrzA EaX, 7r.tm_'4fl_oy, CO}TMT'NITS DTI'II.oDMENT FAX TRANSItrTTAL SEEB'T comtlw FJrrrrilrsEoriw tA'3€1a DAX?:- lD!?O{ -- Thllr , ,, 1ll3oru '- .-. # OF lAcEg IN DOcUMI:lff G{oT INCIIIDIIYG covEn SEEI)--- RDSI(IT{SEnsQI'IIrDq TOWN OF VAIL COMIIT'NITIP I'ErIII,0DUIT|T FIX #@ no'*N ot VAIL COMMUIIITY DE:I'ELOT'MI!{I fiLEIEOBE #WStg- SIECIALCOUMEIII8AI{DNOIEE! -, r_ rurrroutbrronr..t+cr ronrrrlsc o ryuv @ . l,kr.dolfrtaFdr b crltlttrlf turtrrqFldoE cof,csrr ,, . lf,grDd 9t0a?12.5r. It t a't ?.: E t t,rhv{vE T tw JLhr-al-26 . : 11.:.':': r ::,:_*r-.'.-;':1.'.,.;l' .' - - 1- t,_:::_!:11:.r, ..; =-l..r li{ b-/-as E/bAhe*/1 :s DN EXi#ry (ondi hors aF fl+,ferL 7of/J )n/q r E"/"re.-Pa /ot /? e/no / -r? Pe EP4J "n'tt lj 1 utitl {ury Ju*re l+ Aopezj o/anE/.s.,-{: I/:i4.F.vt<ft?th7- ,/o a.ryfual 4arny'e/,a/, 'J 04 o 'Eoe/ A is Jhece no Sone oP uea 6hnE +hef lh tgful es 04 hlNRut4tq. --) F, R. Ut.o RuthAD! Podigo Scon Mlla, hoject lvluagec tvtty27,2005 Pedigo Plantcr (IICI Job No. 2s011) 7"5 263 ffisa P.A3/93 MEMORANDTJM To: CC: trlon: Deh: Subjcct: As you are aware thc atryway to yoru ncigbbor's residcDs€ is in a dcrcrioruing oondltim due towatcr dauage. Tho watordanagc appctrs-to pirnarily be from lcaks cithcr th*"gb 0* Arth; qonc ynlhrey or arouud the dtak dnin -Ths r+'stsr infltaian hal causcd-rbo plyrvooicheathing to loose its stnrgtural iutegrity. Iu. *g poperly tie in rh9 new wo*, for yoru planter arc8 ro tbe oxisring plywood sbea1ringiu the neighboring walkway for scvcral roasons.l. Th€-watcrproof neob,rane requires a solid subshrcture to provide a sealed and continuous warcnigbr eovclopc.2' Thc ti+'in bctvrccn tL! ocw rvarccpcooftrg and tho aristing watcrproofing rcquircs a cloanline of bansfuion. The exi*ing-rncmbrlne has craolss-and r"i*r tf"ft d ""tl""g;s€ded_ 3. Tbc strrctrrnl intesrrty of thc existing plywood sbcarhilg and wood joists is unsafc. Thcplyvood shca&ing has rcttsd out to i ConOtioa whers itls no lo4gerproviding srrrrcruralsupport' Sweral 9f the ocislpS 0oor joists also show signs of aetiioirtioo- ti," existingwalkuny gurfape is csscatially suppoitca via the stonc dooriug bcaring directly ,ry* rfi woodjoisrs. Wc recommcnd rhat tbo foUowing astion be takeD to rcmodiafe tbo ploblrm.L Rcraoval of the_origtiqg srone floor, nalctproof monbrin",-plywood sheathiag anddsnaged floorjoists.2' Refiane and shcdh ths cntirs walkruay. Tho srrfrce arca is qproxima,tcly I l0 sqgrrefea. 3' Apply a continuou waterproof menbranc coasigtont with thc membrane ia the plantcr srca" 4' Eitlrcr rupply thc cxisting stonc flooring over thc ncnbrans or install a nsw stonp floor- to Earctr thc stons plannod in yoru portim of the worlc a 5b-- /"f 47 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Project Name: PEDIGO PIANTER BOX DRB Number: DR8040480 Project DescripUon: Replacement of existing planter box with stone veneer, new stabilization, new lightpost. Participants: OWNER PEDIGO, JAMES & RUTH ANN 09/10/2004 Phone: 2273 A|-AQUA DR LONGWOOD FL 32779 License: APPUCANT PEDIGO, JAMES & RUTH ANN 09/10/2004 Phone: 2273 ALAQUA DR LONGWOOD FL 32779 License: ProjectAddress: 1325WESTHAVEN CRVAIL Location: 1325 E WESTHAVEN CR Legal Description: Lot: 49 Blodc Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312106024 Comments: . BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval: 0912712004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond; 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. d Planner: Elisabeth o Eckel o DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO o A General lnformation: Al projects requiring d6ign review must receiw approval prior to submitting a building p€rmit application. Ple6e refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requ€sted. An application for Design Review cannot be acc6pted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be r€view€d by th€ Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Co.nmission. Deslgn revlow approval lapses unless a bulldlng pormit is i$ued and constructlon commences within one yoar of tha approval. Descrlption of the Request: (jful,zt/ !:r./21 ',' ,'-at', // t/ R6view,-ffi Physical Address: pplication for Design Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage R€d, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 w€b: www.vailgov.com RECEIv[] SEPi' Mpifing Address: 40/ Lzlg@aa+Et Location of the Proposa l: tot: /L stJl*tivisiont 4/a) 4/o A,/ Parcef No.: el o3t4 /OL OaL (Conract Eagte co. Assessor at 970-32&8erc for parcet no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Name of Appllcant: Fax: 775-g L3- L OSD $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For corFtruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversior5). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvom€nb, such 6, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such s, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plars already Design Review Board. approved by Planning SW or the E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: Sigrs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) MinorAlteration (singl€-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plam Separation Request No Fee Fage 1 of 1zlUlO1lU Block: Owner(s) Signatu For Office 9Se.9lty,FePaid: L'J - Ched<l,lo.: <$7L R+. u^t.t^^,'s lPtU 7 /-ot +*n e/u', lrton A"ay|- Building Materials Roof Siling Tcst mourrlEOfle- Exteriorlighting - P/4&*.rrMateriars faia Sorffits Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Endosures Greenhouse Retaining Walls ,E/g(& ena UtglKt DnL( \Mndow Trim - Doors Door Trim :o*-rr,, PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of llaterial Golor fi 4#rc m'+gezrcK LsepYaezeJ KuSf- Rench lone4cle Please specity the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. P4e 6 of 1zlUlO1lM j}ellurid e Gold Chopped Stained Face //,gn Tee bgt/s www sarrcqc:icc) #13 Flagg Creek onE?r+ lhou,nt \--___=_=^_ LAnf PM t63 _4 Fixrure Size: 12" Drn, 29,'Il li,]ll,L;P;i,,: (G,t s) Co/or?: frzral L)enYlep,zJ-l"sr o *tltatr*l+*lttli**a*'i****aa++aaa*+rraratfraa**arar*aalt*ttrar***ili*+ataifta*t**taa*a+aaaat*** TOWNOFVAIL, COITORADO Stat€m€nt*+aral**ar|a!t*rr**ri*laar*aatt'taa*a*a't**tri*r'ta*t*tt+t****tt***a*'3+**ta*a**at***r****rra***rr gtateoent fiumbcr: Ro{OOO662O Arclrlt! 92O.OO O9/LO|2O04O2:19 PU Palme[t Method: Check lDlts .fa Notatioo: f{8?2/Frt{ANCrArr RArB TATCIIERIT/RI,TI| Atrtr PEDr(n Pe:oit Fo: DRB0{O{80 Ty12e: DRB-Minor AIt,SFR/DIIP Parcel lto: 21031210502{ Bite Mdresa: 1325 flES'ISAVBN Cn. VAIIj Locatlon: 1325 E WBSIIIA\'BI CR Total. Feee: $20. o0 f'hl8 PayreDt: $20.00 Total ALIJ ht6: $20.00BalaBce: $0.00 o ACCOIJNT TTEM LIST: Account Code DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,I FEES Description Current ffis 20.00 DISTRICT COURT FOREAGLE COT]NTY Plainttff(s): RUTE ANN PEDIGO and JAMES PEDIGO Defendant(s): MARC B. LESSAIYS; FRED EMICH,III; CAROL A. EMICH; and LAI\ID TITLE GUARANTEE COMPAIYY, A Colorado corporation AMBINED CLERKSbFRCE i IGLE couNTY COLORADO COURTUSEO}TLY A Case Numberz 0461443 PRELIMINARY INJT]NCTION TIIIS MATTER coming on for hearing on the 3lst day of August, 2004, on Plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction, and the Court being firlly advised in the premises; THE COIJRTFINDS as follows: l. On or about August 24,1999, Plaintiffs purchased I.ot 49A, Glen Lyon Subdivision" town of Vail, county of Eagle and state of Colorado ('Lot 49A') from Defendants, Fred Emich, Itr and Carol A. Emich ("Emichs'). 2, As a condition to closing of the aforesaid purchase, Plaintiffs, Bmichs and Defendant, Land Title Guarantee Company ("Land') entered into an Escrow Agreement dated August 24, 1999, whereby Land agreed to hold in escrow the sum of$100,000 to cover the cost of replacernent of a planter box located on Int 49A, and upon notification, to pay the amount due to Hyder Construction for the installation of the planter box and to pay the remainder to Emichs. 3. The Agreement and Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Reservations for Lot49, Glen Lyon SuMivision ('the Declaration ), recorded August l, 1990, in book 534 atpage 834, Eagle County records, provides in relevant part that neither owner shall make any design- change to the exterior of his or her unit or construct any additional sftucture of any tlpe or nature upon any part sf fuis 61 [s1 nnit withoUt first obtaining the prior written consent of the other owner, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. 4. By letter dated August 4,2004, Plaintiffs delivered 1s l6sgans' attomey plans for replacement of the planter box, together with the Town of Vail consent form, and requested that Lessans' conse,nt be provided by the end of the day on August I l, 20M. 5. Lessans' attomey haq acknowledged receipt of the foregoing on behalf of Lessans, but no consent has been provided. 6. Lessans' consent is being unreasonably wittrheld. 7. Immediate and irreparable injury, loss or damage will result to the Plaintiffs in that, if a temporary restaining order is not entered herein, the existing planter box will deteriorate and cause damage to both Plaintiffs' and Lessans, duplex units to ocCur. 8. There is a reasonable probability that Plaintiffs will succeed on the merits. I€ssans' pattem of conduct is to pretend to be willing to provide his consent but to condition that consent on Plaintiffs' agreement to other, unrelated issues. As appears from Section 8(e) of ttre Agreement and Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Reservations for Lot 49, Gl#Lyon Subdivision (Declaration'), Lessans may not umeasonably withhold his consent. Conditi-oning consent on Plaintiffs' agreement to unrelated issues is not reasonable. 9. The rernaining crit eria of Rathke v. MacFarlane, 648 P.2d 648 (Colo. l9B2) arc met: a. Plaintiffs have no plain, speedy and adequate remedy at law Plaintiffs' remedy of damages fot lsssqns' breach of the Declaration does not address thi funOamentat issue, that the planter box needs to be replaced. b. Granting of a preliminary injunction will not disserve the public interest. To the conhary, it is in the public interest that exterior improvements be maintained and not allowed to deteriorate. c. The balance ofequities favors the injunction. Plaintiffs' right to have Lessans' consent is apparent. Lessans' only legitimate concern is that the planter box be replaced in a fashion not to cause damage to his real property. The balance of tne $1OO,O00 deposited into the registy of the Court by Defendant, Land Title Guarantee Company, provides Lessans with that protection. d. Entry of an injunction will preserve the status quo pe,nding a trial on the merits. The status quo in this case isthe parties' compliance with the Deilarition. Any remaini'g issues herein will be addressed at trial. IT IS TIIEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, pending turther order of the Court, as follows: l. The Clerk ofthe Court is appointed, on behalfon L€ssans, to sign the consent form, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit.,A" to the within complaint. 2. T\e amount deposited into the registry of the Court by Defendant, Land Title Guarantee Company, shall serve as the security required by Rule 65(c), C.R.C.p. DONEthe 3lst dayofAugus( 2004. BYTHECOIJRT: *fr$xlilSp'"1ry JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I l, (print name\--fl.,&4,(-Leet&2s--,a joinrownerof propertytocatect at(address/tesal description) provide this letter as written approvatof the plans dated _L/_U/AA__RAaed.-{/,P'H^ave been Development Department for the proposed improvements to be understand that the proposed improvements include: submitted to the Town of Vail Community completed at the address noted above. I Plus1 I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the courser of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (sisnature) Oqp,^\ Page 2 of 1210/'101t04 E Xi4h7 Zaz,d; hrr" a F fl+,re -/-o e+*ft-d 4orn/e/,>/c, o n-Vo ,. z ./ ,//...'f.u-rtote O4 /44/o* /f &n-- /..) c o^Joq 4Oryp4v16.zg'o:, fi4.t /,o;tt {rrf J F,rr/_/r?,,;f,' E-Yi#>J 4pyld}hovrs aF f,runa /oor+rZd 0t ny/ete/y a, -frn-e{4J '&0rc-9 !:Q",t aiZ,j, FaorPR.'tf /"0/ lf y'tt-glFj/ Aqay-t11 Dzdn E/zS ; * ui// {uuf 3n-" s? Ensnuc amilNo v sEcnoM tr Pq-rcAsT 6@ $RIES PRESLffED, JI'|H A.I-INCI] ANT-WT Fffi A PIPE c0NNECnOlt DRIWWAY ::--j€1::----\<=/-l I IIll rsl IJ- 1---'-7- --i---.- \ \=5965 gP w#rffi cmL/GE0mcHNrcAL Engineering, Ine. P.O 36 ztltt Erbct, @ tlolnil (970) 92t-gilt fq (e?o) ezo.ee PUIVWN BOX DEAIN ,&E F'tH W cf,CiEnn (F Y&- ^dE Oqil|l AURAN -*r*: (nrJJ ere Nts n*l PLANTER BOX SIRUCruRE (DESIGNED BY OTHERS) 4. EOTTOM DRAIN cuT-aJr POLYCAST SNE UIET ,v. rs. 600 SERIES CHANNEL PUN WET ,v.7ls. OTTED ffitq't%'a'*-t.e'V9 zi;,3sw.;t ffi,,'ft'ff A/. rs. Engineering, Ine. tc A:f, Ed:rdr, @ lltlt2 ) e,E-9Ot iq (970) 9!ll-9@ tJAg E n{ttgv ffi,g loNI C YU. f,,d,E odrtfu, od.frAn Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 wwvci.vail.co.us GRFA Existing Primary Unit. (east): 2963 sq. ft. Secondary Unit (west): 2161 sq. ft..must be verified with stamped as-builts Allowed 3109 sq. ft. (+250 sq. ft.) 22'15 sq. ft. (+250 sq. ft.) Sincerely, ,, , ilh^il//,1 Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail rqlT) May 7,2001 RuthAnn Fax: 407-333-8866 RE: Lot 49, Glen Lyon Dear RuthAnn, According to the legal file on Lot 49, Glen Lyon, the GRFA potential for the site is: Lot Size:22237.4 sq.ft. GRFA Allowed: 5324 sq. ft. (+ 250 for each existing unit) ln this Special Development District, sile coverage is limited lo 25/" of the site area. There is no informalion in the file regarding existing site coverage in the file, so if any additional site coverage was proposed, a survey of the site would be required. Site coverage is simply defined as the actual building footprint on the site. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me as 970-479-2369 {p o"n"uo'n"o TARC LESSANS P. O. Box 150 New lf,arket, taryland 21774 Septernber 5,2003 By Federal Epress Next Day Delivery Jim Pedigo 2019 Alaqua Lakes Boulevard Longwood, Florida 32779 Re: Site Plans dated May 14,2009 Gore Creek Investrnent Duplex Parcel B, Lot 49, Glen Lyon Subdivision 1325Westhaven Cirde, Vail, Co. Site Plans date August 19, 2003 Right of Way Retaining Wall Revision ParcelA & B, Lot49, Glen Lyon SuMivision 1325 Westhaven Circle, Vail, Go. Dear Jim: I am in receipt of your lefter dated August 30, 2003, referencing your review of our preliminary site plans which uere prepared to determine how and if the relocation of the garage door and driveway leading to Unit B would encroach on property owned by both Unit A and Unit B. I also went to the Town of Vail to see if they would have any issues should we decide to proeed with hese plans. lwanted to determine if this would be a viable project, in the future, for my horne. As these plans have not been finalized or submitted to the town of Vail for their approval or for your approval, I do not understand why you are again threatening legal action when no rrrcrk has been submitted, approved or authorized by me, the town of Vail or yourself. A.s a new neighbor, I thought that we would have mutual respect for each other and be able to resolve all issues civilly. Sincerely, Marc Lessans cc: Peel/Langenralter LLC, Architects Leonard Sandeval, Toum of Vail @@PV .|}l o*" RUTHANN PEDil 2OI9 ALAOUA LAKXS BLVD., LONGWOOD, FLORIDA 3229 4O7 333 33lO; FACSIMILE 4O7 333 3541; E MAIL: FRWANNUITY@AOL.COM August 30, 2003 PeeUlangerwalter LLC, Architects Transmitted by Certffied Mail 2588 Arosa Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Site Plans dated May 14,2003 Gore Creek Investments Duplex Parcel B, Lot 49, Glen Lyon Subdivision 1325 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO Site Plans dated August 19,2003 Right of Way Retaining Wall Revision ParcelA & B, Lot 49, Glen Lyon Subdivision 1325 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO To whom it may @ncern: We are the owners of Lot 49, ParcelA of the Glenlyon Subdivision, also known as 1325A Westhaven Circle, Vail, Colorado. As such, we have recently come into possession of the above described site plans, which apparently were drawn by you. As best as we can understand ftom your site plans, Parcel B intends to use the town of Vail setback designated for Parcel A, for the exclusive use and benefit of Parcel B. In so doing, we understand that the owners of Parcel B are planning to cut into approximately fifteen (15) feet of our property, and are further planning to remove our trees. This is to advise you that we do not consent to the encroachment of Parcel B onto our property, including setbacks, in any manner whatsoever. Further, we do not believe parcel B has any legal right to encroach onto our property. The Town of Vail setback is for the benefit of the town, not for the benefit of Parcel B. Further, to date, no property in the Glenlyon Subdivision has been subject to the Town of Vail setback. In addition to the above, you are further advised that rre have not given our consent to the elocation of the garage door and the driveway leading to Parcel B. Our consent is expressly required by the Agreement and Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Reservations pertaining to both parcels on the subjec't property. Should you proceed with the designated site plans, you do so at your own peril, as yve intend to hold the owner of Parcel B, his agents and employees, liable for any PeeULangprwafter PageTno Aqgust 30, 2fi)3 encNoacfiment and/or damage done to our poperty as a tesult of your deeign. Leonad Sardeval, Towt of Vall Marc Leseans i H-]E-2A-2a@,3 11:31 F August20,2003 To: [,oonard Sandeval Town of Vail - Dear Mr. Sandeval: RI'o I g?a+wt?ga P.aL/aL H {?t - a/6( Thak you for Lirg your timc to stop by our property and orplain what Vail would probably do in tbe removal of the railroad ties. As you mey know, we oum all the prcperty in question- Our ncighbor, Marc Lcssans, p'rcsental a drawing of onc possible improvement ucing bouldcrs. Upon firther consideratioq Ruth Ann arrd I believc we could better coordinate removal and replacemen! hopefully saving as many Aspon trrecs as possible. We would accomplish this by assuming the responsibility and costs associated with rcmovd and replaoern€nt afor submitting plans throrryb the Planning department for appmval. We hope to oomplete this project next spring or sumger. Shcerely,*M 1325 E. Westhaven Circle Vail, CO. E1657 477-tt00 CC lvta$ [,essans TnTOt P Al oozo{aco =oz !mn ={ =-ii*6-laEl J<lo -tl AEo 3tc e; CLo (D ot, 3o -l m.rl t-rtml<x11, Ylm9 lOol-n ol!<Im! l< -1 l "': ml-i r ! o -{o zomoI 1)m = mcD n=oo l- alLE -tl !Or- 2= 2=:o z tTEf-t =mo.Itb D<trFf)>ot{- D{ Dq!rf- i}{-trttX (,t) { u)r-l F z C- @to -rlm1 I gz .-t Yrri -lm IHI2,.\ zn 8oH-lr't -m =\o -.1\o a\ @mxm.It I z O o)O Z a"\ a; 8=zA--,{ \ , B=-.r x\., > \,, .oz. t--{cp< tzo6)n t,; 'h ;: -.t Oo> Hf,uiAo>'f- vz>m -t>or- o =m '_l m z 3 m Tqzlc)l ls'oloFItrt Irlkl lxI t:llr |: I tfll' imTm + =z o'n t- m f) z {mt- rn \os.\o IF ldt: lz -tl l< F m a zv u)\.1 Irg E rt3F] E H :-Y E Hz ! 1l s'\o Is' H Ez o : F m Pzo 6! IE tr E 3Hz H tit Hz -imt- rn \05\o I5 o\ l-i l{z _n : mo zI NJ |.tr I r lzH Fi'r HFH .{! tl F-{ Or It\)ul t.J l.J t= t a *t E 7rPnn a ?EI;'<rEr/r l> |L lO l-r2E F.Jnr4t trt IFrh I>t Izlo I.e, letll-. Io t!, IF{n I -lnlFIH I'ts Fl I(n| I| (r: INH Is.t IYt I\ol I{t I El> 13t lC) IFIH l-lu) ir'; I'd l> l" I I I-t o 3 -l:- ! \o @ I\o t v,H Pz PH HH z \0 5E3a' o9d :6Rq*R a*iiigx :'<R{o{ E 6- -=- O-;]H€ q, O =J c=+- -aotJ;=-=P -.=o(DX;=- o I *:{ j6;i <o94o 6eEg *! qt! d.5 = B';ta!3{oa-rf,o o * IgiEi=9P6 +;1 d-=.4 Po'F= 8=;.e =:q;1g BE =8 a s? Ru a'=.,PRAsai€):@o=- o 6't o o c: 3 c j (o o Jo Io o :to -.t {J 9 o'q, ct o = o 0 !:lrl ,t1 ,, ,t', -/ '' '' ni.; 1', \' (. "..'t /',4 -;.i.l I(, >aZA -.{ > mC :m 20m-n :zm oI ooz , o -.1 'n I a m 'n Ilfl o f,l z - _-.{zo ol z t- 'o m -az m m m.-I iz t2l-i lr- o,i oc-l fio<> -1r -o-{m mot too lx lli: 19>l -l5i---r- i --------iF- I i I --_-r_- I I L zU'c f- -{ o !n --{I o z t cm I I I - i i I I IOtr€otrri- =za'z r 1 I l z>oRrci gt< >0olm=@o zcz zItl€ --lm 4;z Fx l z : nfi! .It m o ct ^z c)NF dzxi>'..:.i ^ !Ii H T -g Z o =ti o o =o '< z rX o 6 415 = S b =z tt-o 6 o"n2z € x 4< = I N F I 5 + Et- r |-2u c:H z 3rH tsz zz F c- =z { m(t1 z 2 =z -.1 --t --ltn 3 ilFP =tz, olmI o'rlI iltsI QE'r r-l Irnilf ,6 l*-\or. -.1 .-.'l f- m ='Tl m tTl(t c(t m x fi z c m g ftlI z msm€ m m i z.rt mm m.)I z c 2 m mc){ o t- 2 Im x :c ; m = = m = =mm(n VALUATION m7 =zo 3m I 2 c)= m m -.{ l- |- z (, (Jl @ F.) (/l {Ln(, o tl u) o 5o\ N l-J '/t ,l l .,lIC2.'7qs;'-.l ooz(n {vcc) =oz !mE ={ d tpml*bEe3;t9; =,-fi8{:E:ri.6q3rn?SEniI!mt = nN m o\ l-r FE If;!= te F" lE l=!D 3Pcc2=0@2=6oz oo1o -au+PfiYTou 9n 3t ig o 2p *Ege * Tq62,-{ c)o> 70 t' o 2o-{m1z>mOE-{>ort vo -mo-t o€2mv Io @z =!t {/4 -l ri +,ItL hg.r o>z r(.),>- ),L P F(\ 5- 3 (!f =5zlol F m-Fl { ?z o.ll 2 tn Pzo I,3 {ll |n -s+ +t./l d -2 o Ftm F'z9 -3 {! n -s+ I+ 14 d .-IL 't-(l' + I'v It t>ti !! t! -Sr+ + o. m at Lt+ till Inl tfi {I ll + -P (t\ r.) t/1 TJ I r.|o{z o.n t ,|np zo r| EO FiPto l+ ti, IP lLFPt,lolvr lotn luIA IO I e -a A n Gl !F a tsfrt 3!|- !|lt n -s 0r v frl J Pl I I!3 H 3t e +.+ c\7t Hr !A )ft' P F s =E>FlI lnilll cn l' itt h IF ill-il I zo -.1m I I m !mE = -9 loz |- !tfl!3 -{ozfnnt m.ol<" lz lz l-{ t>lr- No=B'.=gr3^-'E\tr = \./ 9!':2 9i$ iPF ioalnm 68o<2uoq!.o t !6= E bztAoo o'nzz 6u: Erts$ Hig$E 55iiFr (a o =JJ = -.O D EFAEiI9 o 9d le;it =?'i;igg =3H;;i?*iffi;* IIEiaEi 3lz EIt 3l'l I I I I El'r I I a 0cT-16-1991 E8:31 IAN NACKII.]LR\' *RCH L INCX L34317696?2 P.A2 \J' WC V/ATER. o R sasr E $ q \9 N,(N t\$j 5-s lo -l tottrsc- WglJTOqH(&eeE.En€r AJNK Root/t '{^*"*,.e ,- tE .e- l Kt*s.Czl.tIl----re.l- - 1ig :1.q.- x(n, t-I- (9fi5 J JN _p N$fl PD'L AREA' 6,e,3t xtf ,4l' = 66,61"5F oa-o=.- er 445@-4171 FM 415'4?n761 , SIbD l PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT ... /DArE l0/ZS JoB NAME INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER/3WV lDt/d)lJ- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUE} tr SHEETROCK NAIL D trB D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr o D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED // .1j'..".. INSPECTOR4 mlGsrop -\oD I PEC PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -b\ -\ JoB NAME INS TION RE THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V- tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TU8 tr FINAL FINAL tr INSULATION SHEETROC ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL Xnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,1': n,-.ttx lF)lbo PERMIT N 7t-.JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUErLOCATION: APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED t REQUEST UMBEilt TOWN OF VAIL 1\ a)- DATE CALLER THUR FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU trU I,W,\ft trG trP tr_ UMBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL OUGH i D.W.V. OUGH / WATERq tr tr D tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr D tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL C FINAL O REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: o^r, t 43/?/ rNSPEcroR Pnffisnop PERMIT OJECT rN#toNTOWN OF t REQUESTVAIL T I DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME HUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION El POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 7(eeeaoveo tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor.- //-/3-?l rNSPEcroR UMNIT,{PERM DATE FBER O \\ PROJECT ffi INSPECTIONTOWN OF I' REOUEST AM@READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: \J_ JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED t;rror,*tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr BOUGH / WATEB ON / STEEL _ ROOF & SHEER". PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING ;r;;;il^'-"'" \.'.:,q \\ \,.,\ri ' tr PooL / H. ruB HEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR -, lb,:f PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT -I -INSPECTION TOWN OF - /.. .'-/,/L:i- 1_J'-r--E-,-./DATE - ,4 ro" *o". OF D MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI \4 ,PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ) WED APPROVED RED CORRECTIONS:t.- =-:_.-, BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING rr BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOR a t(rO ) DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI t INSPE /c;z t - , ,.-!, )_ tr AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D #rrrunr-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR r-r FINAI I N FINAI {w tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ]w rttsPncrronrs coltPlsrrD The lteoe belou uccd to be cooplete before gtvlng a perrnlt a flnal C of O. Pleaee check off lu tbe bor provliled. tl II I FINAL PLUAINC DATE: DATE:I \"p"N rT r!{PROVE}iENT STTRVSY RESTD. NAIIE: _ DATE: EAST SIDE:SJEST SIDE: TEMPOMRY C OF O I DATE: I CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DATE: FILE NAME:\sq"5 rIiT Aiir ? 3199'l Ron Brown & Assoclofes,Inc. P O. Bol( 1064 Voll. C"olorcdo 81658 AtE. 27, 1991 Irh. Chris Stephan c/o Ifurcn FartnersI East lturqr St. Chicago, I1I. 6061 1 Kn of the stnrcture as it exists. the total of rry9. fE. wtrich interestirgly ersrgh falls between tqrlated usirq the digitizer at the 1tnn Offies andft !*ticfr I mderEtarrd you figured using tfe actuat on your plans. t{ben llou qrsider these rur.nbers, I feel itls inpontant, to rpte tnat altlrorgh the digitizer nay b very acorate, ttereriability of its nesults is lirnited b'y ttp acclrr.rcy of the drawirrys it is used cn. I krq, frun experierpe tfrat drarirgs are dlstcted durlrq thereprc&rction proess, ard have been adrrised by ardritects fG years rrnot to rely sr neasur€rnents scal-ed frqn tlreir drawirgst'. In sfct, I feel thisactual field reasurenent, Ieaves little guesticr reqadirg tlre real runber of square feet of buildlrg vhidr e><ist in ycnrr half of t}le drpleo<. please dsrrt hesitate to qltact if yo.r rrulld tike to discuss ttris natter furtfrer. , o YAQ'U')I rI lr '. , /#,1 .4yIVL9-Y' , (Yr . t-lY--\ /al\'' lLa\/l \ f \-'/,4 \ts4v,/Y vo,fi;'rc'' '"f ,( 41 Zt^W^ Dear Chris - 9er our onrersatiqrs, I harre field neastrred yorr drplex r.rrit located on lot # 49 in GLen Lycr. r harre noted al.L of my neasurerurts qr ttreattadrcd sheet, d€cked them tnlce ard feel t}ey are an acer:rate q dirFtsiqrs Best Regirrds, o 5', e $ F nlr 0>'il fl.b_Ps Ng: X{ Frf, il*s.r- I++ llr ll rlr i: l'; R +l *r o fiiFf[[r J-s j? .Pl $F+f, t$n}l I${*+ ;r ^1 I f .: ,BrTf UJF i H" ilJi I lr ]L tl $ fi I B 1 * fr fi $ f; tilo c t 2o 0l t It rrrtn-fIt I r ll'T- I I 6+ }E -!' t4 +l c0 fi.4 sfrqt ou I Ig ,\_ -t- tt L fi p !ny!''.Dl $::$'vxxxx; r.'=FtsETotolpr- - S*r-S.t. .1. tr. .l- .t- T+TIi+llu n lt n t,al -+-slnsi, Ifit I Don 'w + !"o_l oLr Fo d*,1 r+ I I I lrtr t-. i I+* $Ll il ltz,A'l -F I I s c} E-- I+ uri I I f za,/+'-l W€s(- uNrI {?fftt - '2-.?\ -ffi6_.4?- -[;_= 6*.2 .?l ) €g\_---c--lJrT--- 74 bh Ll?Lb ooza{Fco{6zTmF ={ 6 @mEEE E* =pE l: b E Hei l* I 3E!! 19 s : F!" lE 5 3? lig I n66r= I C P I! o q :=E5 3 t E !; e g5z fi i29 !:1 mFi'f 2^m I z ooz n o -lou 9p 3=ATD d6u ooz-{u oIov o 9o -.1 m7z>mo--t>or-F @z 3ft u, l=1P F. o{z F H zrfl{ IItrza o F -to€z o.lt r,mIzo €z 'rt -! m F'z IB \o s, Io i.JN' N) (, I\J Io\ NJ r{r r E Hz s. Is. !!3 zHf-l tr{ c)FlFH ld l= EItlm l.olzlo I IlFlHlHlllr! I E J I..Jl\Jlls.llI' F.!o\ I{ 3 |- o ! mo X (..) +' N) r o\ I .t|- 0tm E tJ l\) z rt oz 1...) = >Hr ! or I .F-\o 0ziqmt t. ,tH I lEol-ol|.n !t.<l,- olro 1'l @T\oma f -{o (p mxm!-{ oz C-o @L-{m )b.z()q) crtz-oPO)aotl | , '--. t^ I o-It-(De-doErd'<oosPra0roR{cO:! O,el (<l 6io ==gE E-offD 91 O o.o,P iti =to'-E!tE==+i6q3 ft o+ .i=foDO. 5'oic tt -.ats.Fs=o=oott _, 8dE.i:6x=:o RAill o|=.xo'o FO =toaD(D-o 0l;JOo.o -oo3 ge dt. ==6'g(,,o e5'96' direol9or.i:-o.@9 -o -Eil5-t*oo{o ;-3 Ntt 9--;'S.o5r $ocl-gol E5<o E.ao='JO RBxo6'(,(ao-t o. o. EE, 'E9fo o s.o{ !,E!' o -o.c =io 3 (D = 5'(o oo CLo 0) o. o Jo IF lE l-NIEFlor" <Xc/)>D{F!FT XFrxz z6C). trjo >z o. Fott (J1 |.J\1 ts 'no! =at, mt-.ll 2 --tIm o{2mt @- <t, =z _= z l- -I m -{ozmm m l< lz lz l-lIttr- 9;-m m O ll- tI tl lI lt tIll(,) lt- lmtxllt>IF | (/, I I T- l' l-lo l: L I t: l- z U' t- =z -.1-oTz (t t- m g I-tz -l 1." I z lI m t- ofi N) P F €mt-cz c =a l- ooo o -.{ zcz-tgt I zm =x.>x t- m Ix 2 t z m { !m ! .tl t- l 6z atlt z g rtl zQNF ;F EEzfr asvE6).,E:: e e =z?;oo o4n22. n€ >: Its :l N@=fil g m= EI :::kl E<-l 3 I I I F I(, s-l\) {o XX =zo F ID F9zozo{no z 2o = =at -{o m -o r.6 =oXi.o*: 11E z tr| roi3il L.r z ir tf,) \o \o -{o-| t- 'omu ={-n mm(t a,n -{ x ot-m 2ctotl'ltoU' -l otnLoz,msm€oo tm m oznmm -m zo - !t- 3gzo m|-m --l =o - !t- zo mo- 70zo !m:o = c'I\ !ma =d-tt mmU' VALUATION !mu =-{ zo H ti 3rno 26- .ot- 3 Pzo m mo !,o |- @ -I2 G) {J qct ,C.A [: ,(' ii l.) t-L )rt!oXloIOto T\J = v >-r ^F [; 6 s N @ c'\ (Jl (-tl NJ @ ! @\o q! ! @ \\N $$$N+ \ =+rAt. -tn | ) | Y)/ ooz cn{7Fbo{6z ! -r ln:. 1F3l=mlrr-el { d @m rtr*tra 3 aI\I\JIXI I' Ft-- *pe lr P 5 ^' rTt - tt v t!-2 i.i F t; c Iilg tH d s F9" lx i iF' liH 5Dqq'- ; g. gF 3;iH I s"z filort x,3 -{ q6mt [:tltot-, o J'i' r 14e !mu { -to o mxm.o{oz o @ E m !mt- 2I o 4o J!+IfixF la lotlzt>l=lm $ -U bbaez o -lo-zo1t -,lltp z 9 o 6 =_ ?Ii{o\ iJ o !-\ N .Lps lC,!!{9F =6.ll-J> a brNtltl z>3fi E=;o:9 Itr lJ !"si 4> o =at,c 5-{6 = !m -lI 6:tzlrlao t -?cm giiEs iIEaEiiodE3-=-oot EIiii gFgi; ?3EiF igsgi E$iii gggIE >aa =6vz{>I-{mca! =m-om'nPo-zm, o! ooz-{, o-tI.tlo, I =(t m|-.n a ma 6z 0Joz tm!l, t\, l-o{ FTio>nZoP9oqB!Ei 6z 0 anoz D.. oI'l-m! F0mI,Iozon{o!- 'ilr, h#ll efg}.t FlrarlrHl -aIl'1g F+fv tlf{l a\EFl |.1 -Ittgtra -l-rt>\- GI EIts -Har+F)aErt Edg a{olra BF(Fa arlaFv -r-f-Itl Efgtg:f FI -f-f-fg -t-lF{r {<a.\-r**Fs -:i"E;=B ^oZ-lYio; x;i5 5d>a6gr3{o}R a! - "r '-9iriF:=e oaB<;izai*eoni>-ls3t>cn*irf,z r(f, ecaF =x=;- \-. FlrYQ2<Ed"F^a\ F l,)i{-rtXS:i.*32cdo3 -?1, =F=!luzze nru =S6kro \J frt frr z E'ttlPFtrt trtF €z Ftr! U' li tttza)ttl I zI{ = FHt F|< utItla)oztrt F F<: o u,H zFlH F .e Iu) 0e o z t/),o o\o -t o € oa an Bz t! EI F ieiilf t :.iaiF i:itl i 7 +'c z F ziiiit;1:. . : a'=s: iE i=: 11: ::l-c 1*i E-:ii{1: i+:iIi:F;-i if:.a c ai:3. N o{, > 2 @ ; o o !T ft Town of Vail 25 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657(303) 476-7000 Plan analysis based onthe 1988 Uniforu Building Code Project Id: BEARD /BROWN DUPLEXAddress: 1325 WESTHAVEN CIR- Oceupancy: R3,Ml ;R3, Ml Type of Const: V-N,V-N Date: July 13, 1989Contractor: TIIE NOVA GROUPDesigner: TIIE NOVA GROUPEngineer: TIH BOYLE P1ans Examiner: NORRIS NOTE:The code items listed ln this report are not intended to be a completelisting of all possible code requiremeats in the 1g8B uBc. rt is a guide toselected sections of the code. SECTION S 1 DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH Property LineEAST Property line SOUTH Public wayWEST Property line Area increased 50.00% FL NAME SEPARATION AREA INCREASE75.0 F'eet 15.0 Feet60.0 Feet5.0 Feetfor open area on OCC MAX FtR FIRE PROTECTION 75.0 Feet 15.0 Feet40.0 Feet5.0 Feet2 sides. AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 2 DweIIiag2 Parking Garage R3 okM1 OVER 749 Unlimited 618 Unlimited 1367 Unlimited 822 Unlimited 822 Unlimited 787 Unlirnited 787 Unlimited 2189 Unlirnited ok ok H*tRt{*ttG -- . TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 DweIling TOTAT FOR F'LOORB Dwelling TOTAT FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL R3 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok { , -4i&.rd, . Code review for:e]*z Project Id. : BEARD ,/BROI,IN DUPTEXAddress: L325 WESTHAVEN CIR. FOR SECTION f 1 EXTERIOR T{ALL F'IRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTIONTable 17-A & Table 5-A EAST WESTOCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BBG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRC OPNGWALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WAtL PROT T{AIL WALL PROTR3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr NoneU1 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE materlal Sec.220L. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wal1 maxi-mum. Sec.2203.(b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall.* -- These wa1ls rnay be required to have a parapet wall 30 inchesabove the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the samefire rating as the wall. See section 1709. for details and exceptions. ETEMENT OTHER BUITDING ELEMENTS Table 17-AUATERIAL RATING NOTESInterior Bearing wall Any 0 hrInterior nonbrg wa1l Any 0 hrStructural Frame Any 0 hrExterior Struct Frame Any 0 hr See footnote S1Shaft Enclosure Any I hrtr'1oor,/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr See Footnote fgRoof/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hrStairsAny None NOTE: See Sec. 1706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:1) Minimum on exterior sLde also based on exterior brg. wall requirements.9) rn areas with vehicles or.airplanes, the floor surface sharr be ofnoncombustible, nonabsorbent naterials. -- Sec. 702. (b) & 902. (b) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS Ff,-i'l I thr- l"lateri al s approved {or lhr congtrurcti an are rerqlrired on thclqar..lge side onlt crnd I 3,/A inch gc:l id core, sel.F-closinq door, -- Sec, 5{)f,. (d) ex #.1 ADDITIONAL SEFARATIONS FBR Rf, OCCUFAINCY: FgR I'I1 OCCU[:.AI{I]Y: '' . 14 Ci:de revi ew {rr, -F.rojec.L, Id. ; BEARD ./BRtrhlN DUFLEX Address: 13?5 NESTHAVEN {:IR. SECTION # 2 NOFTH Froperty I i ne 7?. t:l Feet EAST Froperl:y line 5.O Feet SBUTH F'uLr 1 i tr way 7I. {t Feet hIEST F'roperty 1 i ne 2l . (:) FeEt SEFARATIONDIRECTION FNUNDARY AftEA INCRHASE FIRE PROTECTION a 7?. t-t Pgsl 5" t-r Feet 5f,. O Feet ?1, it fssi--Area increagerl sr-t. (:)r-'il. for open area on ? sideg. FL I..JAI'IE SCC I"IAX FI-.R AREA ALLOhJED RATIB STATIJS 2 Dwel 1i ngl ft3 ok e5(:r Unl i rni teci nk3 Farking Garage tll OVER 567 Unlimited of:: t TBTAL FOR FLONR 1 Dwellinq TOTAL FOR FLODR B Dwelling TOTAL FDR FLOOR FUII-I]IN6 -TtJTAL FOF: SECTION # : EXTERIUFI NF'iLL- FIRE RATINGS AhlD UFENINE FROTEf,TifiN TaLr I E: 17-A f.z Tab l e 5-A r{O'tTH E*EJT 5NUTFI NESTNCi: EtR6 I{{]N-FFfi ifFNti FRff NON_FR6 OF'I.IG FRG I.IOI.J_FH{: CF'NIi BR6 NI]N-EIRG OFNE I.IALI.. hJfiL.I"- FfIOT NALL bJALL PFIOT I.JALL- KIALL F'ftOT i{'*i.L NflI.L FRNTF.:: iJhr t:,h|. lrlane r:lhr {rhr t,lone (-rhr- i-rhr l\lane i:)hr rlihr Fjtf,nei"!1 Ohr Olrr- Nr:ne Ohr hr- None {rhr i:rh r- None (:}hr- *hr l.lon e The exterinr walls may be o{ COMETUSTIFLE rnat--erial . Sec, i3t_r1. None -- Nc {irer protection requri rementg {or opening=. Frot -- Openings ar- e] to be protected with f,,r4 hr {ir-e ars=embl i es. 507. o{ the area u{ the wal I maximum. Sec. ??OI. (b) ,} Table E-A l'l.a:{ i mu,n single windsw si:e is E4 sq, +t r^rith no dirnensi c:ngreater than 12 {eet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings arrn nat permitLed in Ehis wall.* -- These walls may be required to h.rve a p:rrapet wa1l f,O inches above the roo{ing, The parapet wal1 is reqlri red to have .hhe sarme f i re rati ng as the wa1 I . See gecti on 1709. {or- detai 1s .rnd er:cepti ons. 1?17 UnL i. mi ted crh RI oh ;I4(:, Unl i rni ted o[': .l4O Unl rrnitesd t:l::R. ok l.l7t) Unlimi{:ed ci.,: 1f,7(:t Unl i rni ted ol: 1557 Uni i mi terc trk Cnde revi.€]r{ f clru V Pro-ie,ct Id, : BFARD ,/FROIJN IIUFI-EX Addre,i:gr t:l:5 T{ESTHAVEN CIR, r='f +r + OTHER FUILDING ELEI1ENTS Tab1e 17-AELEI'IEFII- I"IATER I AL RAT I NG NOTESInterior Fearing wall Any C) hrInteri ar nnnl:rg wal 1 Any t:) hrStrurcturral Frame Any O hrE::teri or Strr"ict Frafte Any fl trr Sse, {oatnote 'lt ISha{t Encl ogurre Any t hr Floor,/Cei Ling Assernbly Any 0 hr See Footnote it9Roof./Ceiling Assernbly Any O hr Si-ai rg Any None NOTE: See Siec. L7t)6. (a) {c:r Shaft Encl osure e;<ceptions. FOOTNOTE$: 1) Minimum on exterior gide algo baged on exterior brq" walI requr rernents.9) In .ereas wi.tlr vehicles or airplanet;, the -f loor grrrf ace shall be ofnoncomblrgtible, nonab*orbent materials. -- Sec. 7{r?. iL}) E,: 9{;?. (b) NCCUF'ANCY SEFARAI-IOI{S fif,-l'l1 thr l'lateri al s appro./ed {or thr con--trurcti on are reqlrired on L,fie erclllB !tide snly ;lnd I3/A inch solid corer, self -clc:sing door. -- 5ac, 3iltr. (d) e:r tt.l ADDITINNAI- SEFARATItrNS FnR Rf, OCCUFAtrltrt': FNF f,11 OCCUF,ANC'/: For Section f I EX ] T RAf,]UIFEI"IENTS: rL I'JAME OCf,UPANT hIUI4SER EX].T F4FIIC RATtrD DOOR NOTESLilAD REULIIRED NIDTi{ Tf L.] HDIdF: CIRRIDOR Si,JIi\iG r Dwe I I i ng ? I (:l . il Nn f'I,:r N,r Fii F ar [r i ng Oarsge :5 I (J, 1 Nc] tlo i.'l i, fiTOTAL 6 1( 1) il.1( r].t) No t'to N/R1 Dwel I i ng :i I (J. 1 Ns l.,io hl,/RTOTAL 3 I( 1) r-).L( O.I) No l.Jr: FI/RB Dwelling ;i t (:!. I No No N/RTOTAL . 3 1 ( 1) t:,. I ( O. 1) No Na N/R Door swing il; based on $ec. 3304. (b) excerpt a:; noted. Occupant locrd is b"rsed on Table 33-A. Number of exits is baged on Table 33-A e:rcept "as noted.Exit width ig based on Sec. 3303. (b), The numbers in ( ) are i nclr-rde occr-rpant loading from {-!.oor: abcve thigfloor. -- Sec. 33O. . (b) FOETNOTES: ' i ! ,-y- : inrle revier.l f ar; -Project Id. : FEARD ./FRtil'lN DUFLEX Addresis: 1;5:5 IJI:STHAVEN CIR, n{++ s STAIR T'IOTES: A st"eit-way i.n a dweLling must be at l east f,6 inches i^ridp" -- Sec. f,IO6. ib) The m.rximutm rise oi nr step i* B inches and t-he mi nimlrrn run is 9 incheg. -- Sec. ::3()S. {c) e:xc.#1 Frovide a handrnil on one gide a st.rirway .34 to 3E i nche-- above the neging i{there i:-, more i--han 4 risers. -- 3ec. 3:O$. (j) Provide a gutard r;ri I where drop of{ is greater than Ji:r inches. l'linirnltm height = f5 inchesr rnali i rnlrm apening sire = 6 inclreis. -- Ser. 1'711. €*ltc : The miniolr..rm freadroom is 6 {t. - B inches, -- Sec. 53O6. {p} Encl osed ltaahl e $pai:e *nde*r thp =tai Fs i s r-eqlri red to bel protected a= requi redfor lhr {ii-e-regi::ti.v€'cnrrstrlrctisn. -- $ec. 3f,f-i6" (n} ROOtrING RE{IUIREI'IEI{TS : 1) The roo{inq on this building ig not reqlri red to be {ire retsrdant. -- Tabler 33*A IIREA SEF.ARATIOT'J I,JALL,EiEGIUIREI"IENTS: 1) The aFe':.: 15€ipcaraticin f',a l I i:; requti i-ed to his a ? hr f ire* "rsserribl.y.--- S:iec. 5O5. (e)J.. :) 1f tfre buri li:iing has;r prajectisn with concealed e;pace at thr arerasepar-cltion r".t.rli., lhr 1-rrotecti cn iE r€rqL(ireC on ther projection anrJ'the s:rteri oi- w;ill each :;i de a-F the ,area sepiarati.on rlal l erqutiil tothe depth c:f 'l::lre pr-r-r j+rr: Li sn..*- Sec. 5r-t5 (e) l'.f,) I{ the rf-ea E,E[]ar$ti on l.iaI l. termi n.:tee .rt rn i n:ii de csrne:.r' " sce lCEu ,-:r-Lir::le in 'Eui lciirig SL"endards' Sa.p,/Cct 1?8? ior r-eqlr:i reinen L---",4) F1 :iu inrh high pai-apet walL is reqnired abo..,e LhEa ruo{i-rrg. *- Sec " 5{:13. (s)::; . See nircepti onis f or al tr*r-n*Le prc'tecri on al: r'oof . AUTOMATIC SFRII'JI.ILEFT 5Y5THM5: STAI{DF I FE IiEIII.J I REI'IE|TITS: WALL AND CEILII{G FINISH: 1) t{al L and csriIing {ini*h rnaterial s are requi.t-ecj to comply withsec. 42Cr4, ta) and Table 4l-8. 3) trarpet i ng on i.ral Is and ce j. I i ng ar e reqlri red to have a Cl ass I{lame spr-ead ratinq. -- Sec. 4?O4. (b) INSULATION NT]TES: i) AlI insulatit:n mati?ri al inclutdinq {a.cing= aFe required ta have a flame-spread rat i ng of 35 cr I erss and a ma:r i rnuin sr ok:e dengi ,:y tr+ 45t-r lrn 1 essit is in a ccncealed space and the facing ig in contact r"iith a ural l or ce:i. 1i.ng, -- Sec. i71:3. (c) exc.,l*3?) Foam plastic ingulations are required to be protected. -.- Sec. L7L7. GLAZ INE REGIUIREI'iE]TITS: 1) All qlaring in ha:ardous locationg is reqlrirecl t{r be o{ safetygla:ing rnaterial . -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIOT'IAL REOUIREMENTS: For RS occLrprlnc! Combursti cln ai r f or gas f i red rnechani cal equi prnent i s requri red per U. M. C. sec. A$2 & 6()5. Code review {or:Froject Id.: EEARD /BRUWN DUFLEXAddress: 1325 WESTHAVEN CIR, Provi de mechanical exhaust in raundry Fooms and any bath ./ toiletrot:ms which donot provide openings to exterior. Access doors to crawl spacee may not exceed IO,' x 3O,'. Fireprace chage is required to have 1-hr fire rating to terninaticrn cap. trhi mney cap to be constructed with non-combustable materiat. Stairs, guardrailsn and handrail.s to be per U.B.E.. Garage area l4-l: Structural elements o{ garage to have l-hrconstruct i on. upper level comrnon wal l between unitg is required to have two l*hr wel ls per U.8.tr, sec,5O5 Frovide a window or door to the exterior from every roorn urged forsl.eeping. -- Sec. 13O4. A window must provide a clegr tlpen area of 5.7 sq.{t.,, a clear heilhto{ 14 inches, *rnd a clear wicith of ?O incheg (rninirnum) . -.- Sec. 13r_r4. AlI habitable rooms reqlrire exterior glazed openings egual to lo7. nrmore o# the f Leor area. (rnin lr:f sq.{t, ) -- Sec. 1205. (a) AlI habitable Fooms reqlri.re an operabl e e:<teri or apenings equal ta EZ.or rnore of the f l oor aFea. (rnin 5 sq, f t. ) --- Sec. 13O8. (a) The minimum ceilinq in a habitable space is 7 {eet 6 inches srnceptkitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 {eet.Sec. -- 1?t17. (a) Provide a smoke detector in alI areas havingrocms. -- Sec. 121O. ta)4, Frovide a smoke detector- in basement that is audible in aLl sleeping areras. -- Sec. 1210. Provide a smoke detector on alI -{l.oors that audible in alI sleeping arEras. -- Sec. 1210. ef*a atrcesr; to sl eepi ng connected to an al arm (a) 4. is connected to an alarnr ta) 4, o -*b? -=r*+ Ci.rde r,:vi ew 'f nrr f F'ro-iecl: 1d.: HTEARD .i FRnh,i{ DUFLEX Addresg; 1f,:5 h,IISTHAVHN CIR. Frot- f"li otrcLrFrancy For Sect i c,n S 3 EXIT REUUIREI,IENTS: FL I'IAI.1E r'f*z OCCUFANT NUT1FER EXlT FAf'JIC RfTTED DDOR NOTESLOAD REOUIRED WIDTH Tf t. ] HDT{f1 TORFiIONR ShIINE 3 Dwr:l 1 :. nq : I rJ. i:) No No N/R? F'ar[,:i ng Earage 3 1 r-]. 1 t-lo Na I.l/RTOfAt- 5 1 ( 1) Ct, 1 i tt. 1) i{a f'lo N.1Fl1 Dwel I i ng 1 1 (:). t) i',lo l'lo i!/RTnTAL 1 1( i) (:).,Ji t_r.l) No Ncr N./r{B Dwelling 3 I (.1 No lrto N,/[-{TOTAL 5 I ( 1) t). I ( 0. 1) No No I'J,/R Door- swing io basa'd on Sec. 3f,O4. (b) except ag notec. Ocrutparn L l cad i si tlased c.n Tabl e 3J-A. lrlr-rmb,er t.{ g.xits is based cln TarbI e f,.J*A except ali noi:.etd. Er.: i t w.[ dth i s baged on 5*c. f,305. (b ) "The nuinbers in { ) are inclLrde' occupant lcading +rorn +.1. oc,r* above t-hi E; 'f lnmr-" -- iierc. 3;Ii:i:i, ib) r-rlf-|fkrr-irrrr r-J [J I t\tu t c:.:f i STAI[t N0 fE-Sr A st.eit-tt:ry in '.:r rlwel I ing irrr-r::.t be at 1i:aist J6 i ncfirlg r.ri dril , *- 5;.:c. T;ftl6,, ;6;'fhe ni:rxinltm riliF $'; a ste;r is I incl-reg and tl-rs fr'linimurrn r- r-rri is ? inclrr']e. -- Scic, lll]t-t5. (c) r,-xc" #1 Provi dt: a harrdrei i trn one =i de * gi.ri rway 34 to f,ts l nch=g "tbriva t.fiea nos,i ng i. f 1:h rrr i.l is nor-e tlrnrr 4 r-is*rr':;. --- 5iec" :3i16" (ji Ft-ovide ""r grtar'-d r:rj. I i.rfisre. drop off is c1r'eater than JO inci-r;*s;" i=linrnLrril ftej.rJht=.16 ini:freg, mar iilLrm c:pi,ani riq sire'= 5 inrhees. -- Sec. 1,.'i 1.. r,,rc ;1The rninimurrn headroom ig 6 J:t. - B inches, -- Sec. 3.1(:)6. (p) Errclcsed utsabi.e EFac€ utnder the --tai rs ig rg.qlrired tcr be protectllr1 ae requrireidfor thr f ire-regigti.ve congtrlicti on. -- Sec. f,f,r)6. (n) RONF I NG REOI.J I,IEI,IET.JTTS : 1) The roc'f ing c.n thie burilding ie not reqlrir-ed to be Sire r*tarclant.*- Table f,3-A AREA SEFARATINN hJALL FIEEIUIREPIENTS: 1) The rrrea seFarat-ion wall is reqr-rired to be a I hr fire ass*mbly, --- Sec. 5(15. (e)1. :) I+ the building has a proj*ction with concealad space at the ar-easeparation wal1, thr protection is reqLri red on the projection andthe exterior waI I each side o+ the area separation walI eqlral tothe depth sf the pr{r jecti on. --- Setr. 5(13 (e) 3. 3) If the area separati on wall tertni nates at an ingide coFner, see IEFOarticle in 'Burilding Standards'Sep,/Oct 198? for requrirements.4) A 3(:' inch high parapet walI is reqr-rir-ed above the roo{ing. -- sec.5O5. (e)3. See exceptiong for alternate prot-ecti.on at roof. - t-::-]1! Ccrde ro.u iew f nri V F:'roject Id.: BEARD ,/FFtOt{N DUFLEXSddret;s: 1f,:s NESTHAVEN CIR. AUTOI"IATiC 5F'RII,II{LER 5Y$TEI'I5: rf+e STANDFIF!: FHilUIFIEFIEI..ITS; bJALL AND !:EILINE FINISH:1) frlalI e.rnd celi1ing {inish nrater-i al s are re,quir.ecl to carnply withSec. 43t-14" (a) aind Table 4l-8.?) C.rrpeti ng on wallg and ce'iling are required to have a Cla.s:i I{Lame spreaci rating, -- Sec. 4:(-14. ib) INIJULATION NOTES: 1) AI1 ingulation material inclr-rding f a.cing:: are requti red to have .r f l.rme-spread r-al:ing o{ ?5 rrr legs and a max i murm gmo[.;e dengity o{ 45{r r-rn]. esgit i5 in a conceal erd space and the f acing ig irr contact with a w.rl. I .11rceiling. -- Sec" 171t.(c) e>rc.*i.??) Foam plelstic insula'tisns are requri red to be prr:tected. -- se.c. 1711, GLA Z I f.]G IIE{]U I REI'IEI'JTS : 1) All gLaring in harardouts locationr; is rerqlrired to ba o{ :;af *f:.vgla:ing mater-ial" -- Sr*c. 54115. i,1 ; ADDI T IONAL RECIUIREI'IENTS: Fr-rr- Rli acc pancy Conii:t-t*tion ai t- 4or- gar; f ira*d rnechani cal eqlriprnent is reqlrirecl trer- U. t"l " C. ftr_ic . 6i:)? '{ dr(-if;. Frcvi de rlechani cal exh;tug.t i ri L aurnclry ract.ns and any Lrai:h ,; Lq; l ect r-oclm:; u+hi rh dono'i: prcvide opren j.nga to e:lterior. Accesg dosr-s ts crawl sF;:lcFs rnay nct E:iceed ji:)" :.i -q(lrr" Firepl.itcrir cha:;E is requtirr.:d to have 1-lrr f i re.: rating L,o terini n;..1:i or.r Dhimney cap to be construrcted with non-c ornburst ab 1e rnarterierl . Stai r:r, glr.erdrai 1s, and handrai I s to be per LJ. E{. C, , Garage area l'l-1: Structurral el empntg o{ garage to have l-hrconstruct i on , upper I evel trornrnon wal 1 between urni ts i g reqLri red to h.eve two l-hrwalls per U.B.E. sec.SOE Frt-trvi de a window or door tn the exterior from every rnom used {orsleepinq. -* Sec. 12$4. A window rnlrst provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., ;r clear heightclf 34 inches, and a clear width of ?o i ncheg ( rni n i mum ) . --- sec. llc)4. Al l habitable rooms reqlrire exterior glared openings equal to 1r)7. ormore of the floor ar-ea. (min 1O sq.ft.) -- Sec. l?C,5. (a) ' r'* " i,'', '.-. Srisi Code review for:Project Id.: BEAFD ./BROWN DUPLEXAddress: f$25 WESTHAVEN CIR. AlI habitable roorns require an operrable exteri or ope,ni ngs equal to sZor rnc:re o{ the f loor arara. (rnin 5 sq.{t.) -- Sec, 1tOE. (.r) The minimum ceiling in a habitabl.e space is 7 {eet 6 incheg exceptkitchens'ha1ls'andbathgmayhave.aceili'ngheightof7{eet. Sec. -* 12O7. (a) Frovide a grnoke detector in alI areae havingrooms. -- Sec. 1?10. (a)4. Frovide a smoke detector in b:rgement that isaudible in all sleeping ar€ras. -- Sec. 1210. Frovide a smoke detector on all floors thataudibLe in al 1 sleeping ar€las. -- Sec, 1?1O. For Fll occupancy o rf+r access to sl eepi ng connected to an al arm (a) 4. ig connectr:d to :in alarm (a) 4. .":its Town of Vai Io ":r,:',,:i':::;1" H?;9, a (303) 476-700.J. pl anthe 19BB Froject ldr BEARD ,/BROWN DUPLEXAddregs: 13t5 hTESTHAVEN CIR. occupancy: R3 rl"l1 ; R3rt41 Type af Congt: V-N'V-N # SHEET I A-1? IDENTIFICATION A-6 NOTE: NOTE reviEw based on Uni f orrn Bui I di ng trode Date: JurIy 13, 1989Contractor: THE NOVA GR0UPDesigner: THE NBVA 6ROUFEngineer: TIM EOYLEFlans Examiner: NORRIS CORRECTIT]N REOUIRED = ==== ==== ==:r:== === ==== = === === = == === ===== === === == ===Frovide attic ventilation that cornplies with section 52t]5. tc ) Provide an *ttie ace€ss {I3X30 min} *o esch atticarea. -- Sec. tr205. (a) "'*&it; Boylc Engincering, lnc.. 143 East Mcadow 0nlve, Suite 590 UaLl, CoLorado 8t65? 303/ 476-2170 f{r. Joe Norr i e IOI.IN OF VAIL BUTLT]ING OEPT. ?5 5, Frontagc Road tl .. Uall, Colorado 8165? o Date: July 12, 1989 Srlbject: Lot *49, 6len Lyon UalL, CoLorado Thlc ls to conf lrr'r thc dcsign loads fon the abovc noted ncaidcncc. Thoy are ag foL lous ' Llvc Loada Roof - 80 paf tJi.nd - 25 gcf under 30' and 30 psf oven 30' Floors 40 psf, utth 50 psf or a TOOOI point load oven a 2.5' sguare for garage Eart hquake : Zone. I The destgn conforms. to. the 1985 Untforor Bullding Coc{c r,rlth. ansndprents as idapted by thc Tor.rn of UalI. Tha foundat j.on darign uas based upon an assumcd bearing capaci.ty of !540 psf. Thls valus shorlld bc verlffed by a solls cngtn€en at the tlmc of excavatlon. Pleass glve ma a ca.Ll lf you have any questlons regardlng this r,ratter. I I Please Reply qc: Nova oea i6n LXI No Reply Req'd BOYLE EN6INEER T i trot hy l,l, Boyle-- Pres ident IEIdT\I OF \AIL vail, c0 81657 Re: 1325 t€sthaven Circle (Iot 49, Glen Lyon subdivision), Itcnn of vail, colorado @ntlernen: Itre purtrnse of this state$Ent is to witness my agreenent that upon subdividing ttre subject brimary/secondary lot' the deed will provide specific language granting mutual eassnents to the owners of the resulting ftaqu A (East unit) and ltact B (filest unit) for the [Nrpose of inspecting, servicing, repa.iring or replacing any and a1l utility lines and related eguipent. Witness my hand this 22nd day of Februarlz, 1990. WT 49 JOIM VEhIIIJRE STATE OF COLoRADO MUNIY OF EAGI.;E By: Sr.rbscribed arul srrcrn to before ne this 11 day of February, 1990' by Stanley S. Beard. Witness my hand and official seal. ExPiresqtrfu / l€naging Jolnt Ventuier Nf,TARY PUBLIC ffff'l 'l ff4frrll o a{u F{ Ett 2o xI 6m0 o B a,ltn da \ \ \ \ \ -/ --4- srllll $$ $t 4=oeee E-ss4 P-aB4 ^!Arr"' 16:1? pG lE o' "f STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE a .. f ' O p- gU\ Subscribed and sltorn to before ne this 3rd day of :,Jrtlyr--, L9-!!-t by stanley S. Beard. witness ny hand and official seal. 'J.lC''',.'t' tr,,(i' - ^ ltIV comrnission expires: September 6, 1991 P 1,1' , i-\t-, t.r r ' DAVID L. ss. a fl frclf STATE OF COLORADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE )) ss. ) iiljTi"ii"' ,Dt l r \ (-, 16 A-l/tg/g@ 16:57 FB 288 Bridge St. , Vaj-J-, CO 81657 t6 0F 17 tt-/) lL4 alh.2 , {-n-r'srr.nr;/Q'Nota-ry nubtiC 288 Bridge St., Vail , CO 8L657 srArE or &HS conNrY o. rg%K )) ss. ) Subscribed and sworn to before me t\is J(l/, day of , L9!/p_, by James J. Brown, Jr. Subscribed and sqrorn to before me this ?rd day of rrrrr rr 19t 90 , by David L. Intin. ... Witness ny hand and official seal. 4361?7 8-533 tr-971 434969 E-534 tr-a34 AA/@I/9@ l6:18 PG 17 BF L7 EXHIBIT IIAII TO PARTY WALL AGREEMENT FOR LOT 49, GLEN LYON SUBDMSTON EAGLE COI'NTY, COI,ORADO Taxes for the year 1990 not yet due and payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurerts office. Rtght of proprletor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the sane be found to penetrate or intersect the preniseE as reserved in United states Patent recorded August 16, 1909, in Book 48 at Page 542. Right of lray for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States as reserved in United State Patent recorded August 16, L9O9' in Book 48 at Paqe 542. Reservation as to the Northwest L/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, of the right of llay of the United States, its perrnittee or licensee, to enter upon, occupy and use any part or all of said land for the purPoses provided in the Act of June 10, L92O (41 Sat. 1063) as reserved in the Patent recorded october 2, 1946 in Book 132 at Page 4o5. Restrictive covenantis, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but ornitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion, or national origin, as contained in instrurnent recorded April 4, L978, in Book 268 at Page 698, and as amended in instruments recorded (i) August 25, L987, in Book 468 at Page 447 througb 472, (ii) September 3, l-987 in Book 469 at Pages 38 and 39, (iii) Septernber L5, L987, in Book 469 at Page 80J-, and (iv) ltay 2, l-990, in Book 528 at Page L54. Sewer Easement 10 feet in wldth along the westerly lot line of subect property and drainage easement along the easterly lot line of subect property as shown on the recorded Anended PIat of Glen Lyon Subdivision. Right of way of core Creek as it affects subject property. Easernents, reservations and restrictLons as shown or reserved on the recorded plat of clen Lyon Subdivision. 67 / t9/96 16;37 1. 2. $ 3. 4. 5. \ \ o efn 6. 7. 8. 4367e7 8-533 p-g7l 17 pG t7 0F 17 {t4'r AGREE},IENT AND DECLARATTON OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATTONS 43A9S9 8-534 tr-434 JOHNNETTE F.HILLIF'S AA/61 /9tZ l6tLE EAGLE CI]UNTY CLERH, trc10F17 COLORADO n4 co RECITALS 1. STANLEY S. BEARD, JAMES J. BROWN, JR., and DAVfD L. fRWIN (collectively referred to as rtDeclaranttr) are the owners ofcertain real property situate in the County of Eagle, State ofif,I"Ifr3la.STi:ii"'""i.. i"g";:37O, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, subject to thoseexceptions ]isted on the attached Exhibit nAr. 2. Declarant has constructed on Lot 49 a buildingconsisting of two units, each designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, designated herein asrrParcel Arr and rrParcel Btt, respectively, which are sometimesreferred to herein separately as rrunitrr or collectively as rrunitsrt. 3. Parcel A contains Unit A and Parcel B contains Unit B. DECLARATION De;larant does hereby publish anC declar:e that thefollowing terms, covenants, conditions, easernents, restrictions,uses, reservations, Iimitations and obligations shall be deemed torun with the land described herein, shall be a burden and a benefitto Declarant, their personal representatives, heirs, successors andassigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the realproperty which is described herein and improvements buiLt thereon,their grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors andassigns. DEFTNITIONS 1. Unless the context shall expressly provideotherwise, the following terms shall have the following meanings: a. rrThe Propertiesrr means all of the real estatelegally described as Lot 49, GIen LyonSubdivision, according to the amended Platrecorded JuIy 18, 1,978 in Book 272 at Page370, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. b. tLolt or ItBuilding Siterr means Parcel A or Parcel B as shown on the Map together with all appurtenances. v (Jso os5 a.sa Nr{ 5 (Js lr, SIr. tf)4 N-rOatL(tc]TToFrJ LJt9(J u-ft ltjr.Ju] (J Ul> !lf-zafoo\UodUJ\Jf.Oac ul { 3 :rllI\t3 3 -.J c E Itrl o t4 H E-.ra E a E+ r-OFralr<ll- JJ|'Jrr r.1 Intr IaulFFf'. !J {tJ Z.<zarr't o+b c. rrDuplexrr or ,tBuildingrt contiguous dwelling units Parcels. means the two constructed upon the -,..'i.\4.{}'i\ii ltuiHirrnr \ ,.-"\/ ( ()l 430989 B-534 tr-434 ^rrQr,r^ 16: rP F,G 3 0F 17 rnay be) , according to the of Lot 49, Amqnded Plat of '/ , 1990 d. trUnitn means any one of the two dwellings comprising the rrDuplexrt e. uMapu means the engineering survey of the ::"n.;bi"" or "usr"^uilleyr-?ulyt{ins, rnc., No., dated '7'lL 'ia ,rsso--GpT6€ffi--End loca@ thereon the Parcels and inprovements thereon, such land and improvernents being hereby subrnitted to this Declaration. Such Map shall be recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder prior to the recordation of this Declaration. 2. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATfONS. Every Contract of Sale, Deed, Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed, WiIl or other instrument shall legally describe a Unit or real proper interest as follows:fl Parcel A/Parcel B (as the casePlat entitled a Resubdivision GIen Lyon Subdivision recordedin Book {i'i , at Page on No. , of the records o Recorder of Eagle County, State of Colorado. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to seII, convey, trarrsfer, encumber or otherrgise effectthe Lot and all appurtenant rights, benefits, and burdens thereto as created by the provisions of this Declaration, and each such description shall be so construed. This provision shall- apply tothe properties as said term (the Properties) is defined in this Declaration. 3. PROPERTY DIVISTON. a. Declarant hereby establishes this plan for the subdivision of the Properties into Two (2') Parcels for ownership in fee sirnple consisting of Parcel A and Parcel B. b. The Properties sha1l be subject to the easernents noted on the map and those set forth herein. c. In the event Parcel A and Parcel B are owned by the same entities, the doctrine of merger shall not app1y. d. The parties, if more than one, having the ownership of each such unit shall altree among thernselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership; provided, r{r{ )_.,'/ RecePt e C1erk and 43talP7 E-333 a'-57t fr7/I9/9V 16:!17 F6 e 0F 17 430949 B-534 F-834 0s o/@t litA 16zLil F,G 3 0i- 17 however, that if a corporation, partnershiPt association or other legal entiti shall becone an owner or the parties, of more than one, have the concurrent ownership of a unit, then such entity or concurrent owners shall fron tirne to tirne designate one individual who shall represent such entity or concurrent oerners in all matters concerning all rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaration. e. Any such entity or concurrent oltners shall give written notice to the other owner designating the individual to act on its or their behalf and such notice shal1 be effective until revoked in writing by such entity or owners. Any act or omission by such designated individuals shall be binding on the entity or ovrners having designated hin in favor of the other owner or any other person who nay rely thereon. f. Each unit shall be considered a separateparcel of real property and shal1 be separately addressed and taxed. 4. ENCROACHMENTS. If any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B nor,,r encroaches upon the other parcel as a result of the construction of any building, or if any encroachrnent shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any building, a valid easenent for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same as long as the building stands, shall exist. In the event any building shatl be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the buitding on the other parcel, due to such rebuilding, shalL be pernitted, so long as such encroachments are of no greater extent than those previously existing, and valid easements for such encroachments and the naintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand. 5. EASEMENT FOR PARCEL A. The plat contains and sets forth an Easement that reflects an existing encroachment of Unit A onto the adoining Parcel B. The Easement rrArr is and shall remain a burden upon the interest and ownership of Parce1 B, and shall be appurtenant to and conveyed as a Part of Parcel A without additional reference in the conveyance. Easernent rrArr shall be inseparable frorn the ownership of Parcel A and may not be separately conveyed, except by anendment to the PIat. The easement shall have a height equal to the existing roof in that area and shalI not extend higher than such existing roof. Duties of support and maintenance of the ceiling shalL exist as if the roof lvere a Party wall as defined hereunder. rtr{d 43At?7 B-533 P-971 AT/Lglg0 16z57 F,E 3 0F 17 430989 8-534 tr-s34 ^^Drm t6:lP F'G40F17 0 PARTY WALL. a. The common lrall placed equally divided on the common boundary separating Parcel A and Parcel B, the footings undertying and the portion of the roof over such wall are collectively referred to in this Agreement as the rrParty Walltt. b. To the extent not inconsistent with this Declaration, the general rules of law regarding party walls and Iiability for danage due to negligence, willful acts or ornissionsshall apply to the PartY Wall. c. The owners of either unit shall have a perpetual easenent in and to that part of the other unit on which the Party WalI is located,for party wall purPoses, including rnutual support, maintenance, repair and inspection.In the event of damage to or the destructionof the Party Wall from any cause, then the olrners shall at joint exPenser repair or rebuild the Party Wall, and each owner, shall have the right to the full use of said Party WalI so repaired and rebuilt. Notwithstanding anything contained above to the contrary, if the negligence, willful act or omission of any owner, his family, agent or invitee, shall cause danage to or destruction of, the Party WaJ.l, such owner shall bear the entire cost of repair or reconstruction, and an owner who byhis negligent or willful act causes the Party WaIl to be exposed to the elements shall bearthe full cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elements. LANDSCAPTNG, SERVICE FACILITIES AND PARKING. a. The owners from tine to time shall undertake such landscaping and general outdoor irnprovements including but not linited to driveway and parking areas as they may mutually and unanimously deem proper for the harrnonious irnprovement of both units in a common theme, and, except for any expense or liability caused through the negligence or willful act of any owner, his fanily, agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such owner, each owner shall share all expensee tliabilities and general uPkeeP responsibilities with respect to such 6. fi lJl) "{n 7. 43;ale7 8-533 tr-g7I 6-7/L9/9@ 1€-,t37 FG4BF17 430989 B-534 tr_834 Qr^rr"^ 16: rE o 7trG50F1 Iandscaping and outdoor improvements as set forth in paragraph 9 below. The owner of one unitr shalt not unreasonably damage the value of the other unit such as by shoddy upkeepoutside, but both owners shall make aII reasonable efforts to preserve a harnonious connon appearance of the units. 5 FG5trF17 b. c.rt is expected that "onnon acceF= facilitPwill be provided on a-port.i-on of each of the units. There is hereby created a reciprocal easement and right-of-way for each owner over, across and through that part of the parking and access facility located on the other ownerrs unit as may be necessary for such access and right-of-way. The ohtners shall have equal right to the use of such access and no owner shall hinder or permit his invitees to hinder reasonable access by the other oqtner and his invitees to the other ownerrs unit orpark or pernit his invitees to park. any vehicle on the parking and access faclJ.ity Iocated on the other ownerrs unit without the consent of the other owner. It is presumed that snowplowing will be required from tine to time, the cost of which will be strared by the owners as set forth in paragraph 9 below. other maintenance, repair or improvernent of such parking and access facilities may be required fron time to time, and the sane shaLl be undertaken upon the unaninous agJreement of od+{ conmon utility or service connections or Iines, common facilities or other eguipnent and property located in or on either of theparcels but used in common with the other unit, if any shall be owned as tenants in common of equal undivided one-half intereEts by the owners of each unit and, except for any expense or Iiability caused through the negtigence or witlful act of any owner, his fanily, agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such oldner, alt expenses and liabilities concerned with such property shall be shared proportionately with such ownership as set forth in paragraph 9 below. The ownerof the unit on which such property is not located shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other unlt containing such property as is reasonably necessary forpurposes of maintenance, repair, andpurposes of maintenance, inspection 43@I?7 B-533 p'97r A1 / t9/9A IE't37 : 43e989 8-534 p-434 16: lE F,6 6 0F 17 the owners who shall share all expenses as setforth in paragraph 9 below. AI-,TERATTON, MATNTENANCE AND REPAIRS. a. In addition to maintenance provided for, the owners shall, at ttreir joint expense, provide exterior maintenance and exterior repair upon the units and the unimproved portions of theparcels upon which each unit is located including, but not limited to, the exterior and the roof housing the units. The repair, replacenent or cleaning of exterior windowglass shall be considered interior maintenance. If the need for repair is caused through the negligence or willful act of any owner, his family, agent or invitee, such ohlner shall bear the entire costs of such repair or reconstruction. b. In the event both owners decide to maintain, preserve and replace the trees, shrubs andgrass (the trPlantingslr) on his own parcel rather than to share such exPenses as setforth in paragraph '1 .a. above and in the event an onner at his oltn expense fails tomaintain, preserve, and replace as need the Plantings within the property boundaries ofhis residence commensurate with the standardsset by the other residences in Glen Lyon, the other owner nay, after 15 days written noticeto the owner, and if within said time the owner has failed to make a good faith effortto bring his Plantings into substantial conforrnity with his neighbors plantings, theother owner may contract with responsibleparties to bring to standard the offendingownerrs Plantings and charge the owner therefore and such cost shall be added to and become a part of the assessment to which suchsite is subject. The owner hereby grants tothe other orrner, its agents and assigns, an irrevocable easement to perform the aforesaid. c. Each owner shalI be solely responsible for maintenance and repair of the inside of hisunit including fixtures and improvenents and all utility Iines and equipment locatedtherein and serving such unit only, windowglass be deemed interior maintenance. In perforning such naintenance and repair' or in inproving or altering his unit, no owner shall 6 F,E 6 0F 17 o 0,a/@1/94 8. hi{d 43rate7 E-EJ' F-971 A7/L9/9A t6:57 43A999 B-534 P-834 ^"r0rr^ 16: rP pG70F17 do any act or work which irnpairs the structural soundness of either unit or the Party Watl or which l-nterferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. Uttlity or servlce connections or Iines,facilities or other utility equipnent and property located in, on or upon either of the parcels, which are used solely to supply a service or utility to one unit shall be owned by the owner of the unit using such utility or service and all expenses and liabilities forrepair and maintenance shall be borne solely by the owner of such unit, who shall have a perpetual easernent in and to that part of such other parcel or unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of rnaintenance, repair and inspection. No owner shall make or suffer any structural or design change (inctuding a color scherne change), either permanent or temporary' to theexterior of his unit or construct any additional building structure of any type or nature whatsoever upon any part of his unit without f.irst obtaining the prior written consent thereto fron the other ownerr such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. In case of damage or destruction of any unj-t or any part thereof, the owner of such unit shall cause with due ditigence the unit to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of any insurance for that purpose. Such unit shall be restored to a condition comparable to that prior to the damage and in a harrnonious manner to promote the common thene of bothunits. Both units shall be the same exteriorcolor and such color shalL not be changed without the approval of the Tor.tn of Vail. 9. ALLOCATION OF EXPENSES.Costs and expenses of Iandscaping, service facilities, parking, atteration, maintenance and repairs, except as caused by negligence or willful act of an owner, shall be allocated 608 to Parcel A and 40* to Parcel B. 10. MECHANICTS LIENST INDEMNIFfCATfON. a. Except for items incurred as a comnon expense as provided for herein, if any owner shall cause any material to be furnished to hisparcel or unit thereon or any labor to be perforrned therein or thereon, the other owner 7 FGTNFLT d. e. { "{7c 4301e7 B-533 P-97L A7 / L9/9@ 16:57 43AgB9 B-534 P-934 AA/@L/9Q LGttP F,G S OF 17 shall not under any circumstances be liable for the payment of any expense incurred or for the value of the work done or naterial furnished; all such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing it to be donet and such ol^tner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons furnishing labor or materiats to hisunit or any improvements therein or thereonl b. Nothing herein contained shall authorizeeither owner or any person dealing through, with or under either ostner to charge the unit of the other owner with any mechanicrs lien or other lien or encunbrance whateverl and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and potter to charge any lien or encurnbrance of any kind against one owner oE:l against one ownerrs unit for work done gfl materials furnished to the other ownerrs unit'lfor work done or materials furnished to th€rr other or^tnerrs unit is hereby expressly denied. c Except as provided for below, if, because of any act or omission of any ovrner, anY nechanicrs or other lien or order for the payrnent of money shal1 be filed against the other ortnerrs unit or any improvements therein or thereon or against any other owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien or order shall at his own cost and expense causethe same to be canceled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonabJ-y acceptable to such other owner, within twenty (20) days after the date of filing thereof, and further shall indernnify and save the other oldner harnless from and against any and all costs, expenses, clains, Iosses or damages, including reasonably attorneyrs fees resulting therefrom. 11. TNSI'RANCE. a. Each owner shall keep his unit and all fixtures therein insured against loss or darnage by fire and extended coverage perils (including vandalisn and rnalicious mischief) for the maximum replacement value thereof. Any ouner may on thirty (30) daysr written notice, at any time two years or longer after o "{r{ 8 43ale7 8-533 tr-971 67/t9/2A 16:57 F,G I oF 17 . 4sasss B-ss4 F,-s34 ,astt /9e t/,zt.E the last appraisal of the units, obtain a written appraisal of such units from a conpetent appraiser, charging both owners with the costs thereof. Such appraiser shall be a disinterested and independent third party whois unrelated in any manner to either owner whether through joint business adventures or otherwise. b. Each owner shalL provide and keep in force, for the protection of himself, general public Iiability and property damage insurance against claims for bodily injury or deatb or property damage occurring in, on or upon, hisparcel owned in fee sirnPle and the improvenents thereon, in a linit of not less than $500,ooo.oo in respect of bodily injuryor death to any nunber of persons arising outof one accident or disaster, or for damage toproperty, and if higher linits shall at any tirne le customary to protect against possible tort tiability, such higher linits shall be carried and each owner shall name the other olttner as an additional insured party under such policy. c. Each owner shall deliver to the other owner certificates evidencing aII insurance requiredto be carried under this paragraph, each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel or rnodify the policies without giving the other owner written notice of at leastthirty (30) days. Each owner shall have the right to inspect and copy all such insurancepolicies of the other ohlner and require evidence of the payment of premiums thereon. d. Nothing provided in this paragraph shall prevent the owners from jointly acquiring a single policy to cover any one or nore of the hazards required in this paragraph to be separately insured against by each owner. L2. DESTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON PARCELS. a. In the event of damage or destruction to a unit by fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct the unit, shall be deposited into a bank accountwhich requires, for withdrawals, the signatures of both the owners. The owners shall then promptly authorize the necesisary F,6 I OF 17 * oclr{ 434147 B-533 fi-g7t (n7/t9/9@ tF'237 p690F17 430949 8-534 p-S34 oa/a b. | /9@ 16z L?F,G lra OF 17 repair and reconstruction work and the insurance proceeds ltllL be applied by the owners to defray the cost thereof. rrRepair and reconstructionrr of units, as used herein, means restoring the improvements to substantially the sarne condition in which they existed prior to the damage with each unit have the sarne boundaries as before. ff the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair or reconstruct any danaged unit, such danage or destruction shall be pronptly repaired and reconstructed by the owner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds of a special assessnent against the owners of the danaged unit. Any such assessments shall be egual to the anount by which the cost of reconstruction or repair of the unit exceeds the sum of the insurance proceeds allocable to such unit. such assessment shall be due and payable thirty (30) days after written notice thereof. The special assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of each owner and a Iien on his parcel and the inprovernents hereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the Courts. Notwithstanding the above, the ohrners and first mortgagees of any or all of the destroyed or damaged units may agree that the destroyed or damaged units shall forthwith be denolished and all debris and rubble caused by such denoLition be removed and the parcels regraded and landscaped. The cost of such landscaping and dernolition work shall be paid for by any and all insurance proceeds available. Any excess insurance proceeds shall then be disbursed to such owners and their first mortgagees jointly. t c.F{ et "{ 13.RTGHT TO LIEN. a. ff an oltner, at any time, shall neglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of any obligation required hereunder, the other o\dner ray, but shall not be obligated to, after fifteen (15) days written notice unless the circunstances require innediate action, make such palnnent ot t on behalf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligation including, but not Iimited to, the paynent of any insurance 10 pG lfA gF t7 4g[lle7 F-533 P-g7 I 07/Ig/9A 16:57 430989 8-534 p-834 ,r,Q,r^ 16:13 FC 11 0F 17 premiums required hereunder or the undertakingof any work required hereunder for repair,restoration or maintenance, and guch other olrner shall have an easement in and to thatpart of such defaulting ownerrs unit as isreasonably necessary for such repair,restoration or rnaintenance. All sums so paid or expended by an owner, withinterest thereon at the rate of 18 percent peryear from the date of such paynent or expenditure, shall be payable by the owner sofailing to perforrn (the I'defaulting oltnerlr) upon denand of the other owner. A11 sums so dernanded but unpaid by the default,ing owner shall constitute a Lien on the unit of the defaulting owner in favor ofthe other owner prior to alL other liens and encumbrances, expect: (i) liens for taxes and special assessments; and (ii) the lien of anyfirst mortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such unit. The lien shall attach fron the date when the unpaid surn shall become due and nay be foreclosed in Like manner as a mortgage on real property upon therecording of a notice or clain thereof executed by the nondefaulting owner settingforth the amount of the unpaid lndebtedness,the name of the defaulting owner, and adescription of the unit.In any suchforeclosure the defaulting owner shall- be required to pay the costs and expenses of suchproceedings, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgageor deed of trust, inctuding all additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of anyunit as the result of court foreclosure of amortgage, foreclosure through the public trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, shall extinguish the Iien of such assessnents as to payments thereof which become due prior to such sale or transfer, butshall not relieve any former owner of personal fiability therefor. The nortgagee of suchunit who acquires title by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shallnot, however, be liable for any past due assessment and shall only becorne liable for 11 F,G t1 0F 17 b. $ c. Netr{ d. 43ate7 F_533 F_g7l A7 / 19/gA :6.52 43rzr98? F-534 tr-834 ^^Dr"^ t6: lE FG 1g OF 17 future assessnents on the date it becomes the o$tner of such unit. No sale or transfer shall relieve such unit fron liability for any assessrnents thereafter beconing due or fron the lien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of a unit with respect to which sums shall be unpaid by a defaulting oldner, except transfers to a first nortgagee in connectionwith a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in Iieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such unit shall be jointly and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. e. Upon written request of any olrner, nortgagee,prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a unit, the owner of the other unit shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount he is ohted under this paragraph, if any, with respect to such unit. Such statement is binding upon the executing ohtner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shall be cornplied with withinfifteen days after receipt thereof, aII unpaid sums which became due prior to the date of naking such reguest shall be subordinated tothe lien or other interest of the Personrequesting such statement. L4. ALL OWNER' S RESPONSIBLE - ULTII,IATE CONTROL RESOLUIION. Both parcel owners shall be rnutually responsible for the adrninistration and management of the obJ-igations created hereunder. In the event any owner believes, based on the standardof the reasonable man, (i) that an impasse decision has been made incorrectly or contrary to the Declaration or (ii) that the other owner is guilty of rnis-rmal-, or non- feasance with respect to this Declaration then the aggrieved owner rnay petition the Eagle countyDistrict Court for judicrial deternination of the controversy which decision shall be binding upon both owners. The Court may assess costs and any reasonable attorney fees as may have been incurred by the parties based upon the merits of the case. 15. USE RESTRICTIONS. a. Each unit shall be restricted to a residential dwelling as a permitted use, and such use as well as conditional and accessory uses shall be defined by the Toltn of Vail Zoning Restrictions and Covenants for the GIen Lyon Subdivision. L2 F,G le OF 17 t elil 43,0re7 B-533 p-971 A7/I9/9A 16:57 4saese B*s34 F,-BB4 O*, /9@ t6ar-e pG 13 or rl No exterior mounted radio, shortwave,television or other type of antenna whatsoeveror tank of any kind, either elevated or burJ-ed, or clothesline or incinerator of anykind whatsoever or outside storage of anypersonal property shall be perrnitted or maintained on either unit without the prior written approval of both owners. No anirnals shall be kept or naintained in, on or upon either unit, except that each owner may keep and naintain within his unit two dornesticated dogs and/or two domesticatedcatsl provided,however, that such donesticated aninals are kept under control at all tirnes, do not present a nuisance to the other onner and are kept controlled in strict compliance with all Town of Vail ordinancesthat may apply to such animals. In addition to the parking restrictlons set forth in Paragraph 7.a. LANDSCAPING' SERVfCE FACILITIES AND PARKING above, each owner may keep no more than two automotive vehicles perrRanently on his parcel. Parking of boats, trailers, campers, motor hornes, ATvs or recreational vehicles on either parcel is expressly prohibited unless stored in thegarage. Parking of more than two automotive vehicles outside the garage by either ostner orhis fanily, agent or invitee in such ownertsunit for more than a 48 perJ.od is expressly prohibited. No rrtime sharingrr, rrinterval ownershiptt orsimilar interest, whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time basis, shall be established on either unit without the prior written approval of both owners and all Iienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on the property, which approval shall be reflected in a docurnent of record. b. c. d. ifclrl e. 16. NoTIcE. Each orrtner shall register its nailing address with the o\^rner and all notices or denands intended to be served upon owners shal1 be sent by certified mailr postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the owner at such registered maiting address. In the alternative, notices may be delivered if in writing, personally to the owners. 13 F,6 13 0F 17z+30137 E-533 F-971 q7/L9/9@ l6;57 430999 E-534 F-834 ag/9O 16: lR F,G 14 trF T7 L4 A7/Lg/gAt LGz37 FG 14 OF f 7 o0L/ L7. DI]RATfON OF DECLARATION. Each provision contained in this Declaration which ii subject to the laws or rules sometimes referred to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonable restrlints on alienation shalt continue and rernain in fufl force and effect for the period of 21 years following the death of stanley s. Beard or his issue, or until lnitOeclarati,on is terninated as hereinafter provided, whichever first occurs. AII other provisions contained in this Declaration shall' continue and renain in full force and effect until January Lr 2OLg A.D., and thereafter for successive period of ten (10) years each; unless at least one (1) year prior to January 1, 2018 A.D., or at l-east one (1) year prior to the expiration of any such ten (1) year period of extended duration, this Declaration is terminated by recorded instrument, directing terrnination, signed by all olsners and all lienors holding a first rnortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B. 18. AI,IENDMENT oR REvocATIoN. This Declaration nay be amended or revoked only (i) by Declarant so long as Declarant olilns both Parcel A and Parce1 B, or (ii) upon unanimous written approval in recordable form of all owners and all lienors holding a first rnortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Parsel A or Parcel B. 19. EFFECT oF PROVISIoN OF DECLARATIoN. Each provision of this Declaration, and agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to conpty with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title, estate, rignt or interest to effectuate any provision of this Declaration: (ii shalf be deened incorporated in each deed or other instrurnent liy which any right, title or interest in any portion of Parcel A or Plrcel B is-granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrunentl (ii) shall, by virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of Parcel A or Parcel A by an owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such oqtner andr as a p6rsonal covenant, shall-be binding on such ovner and his heirs, pelsonal representatives, successors and assigns; and shall be beemed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each owner of iny portion of Parcel A or Parcel B and (iii) shall be deemed a reat covenant by Declarant, for himself, his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, and a-Iso an Lquitable servitude, running, in each case' as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of Parcel A and Parcel B. * u cl { 20. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES. a. Each provision of this Declaration shall be enforCeable by any owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit or action to recover damaqes. If court proceedings are instituted in connection with \ 43A1E7 8-533 p-97L :- 43A989 B-534 F-834 ^"lrr, 16:1E FG lE OF t7 o the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shaLl be entitled to recover its costs lnd expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorneys fees. b. Each owner hereby agtrees that any and al-l actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shall be brought in and only in the District Court of Eagle County, state of Colorado. c. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shall not operate as a waiver of any such provision, the right to enforce suchprovision thereafter, or of any other provision of this Declaration. 2t. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one owner with respect to the other ownerrs unit including but not ]imited to the use of any easement granted herein shall be exercised in a manner which shall not unreasonably hinder, inpede or impose upon such other ownerrs use of his unit. 22. SUCCESsoRs AND ASSIGNS. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Declaration shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of Declarant and each owner and the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. 23. SEVERABILITY. Invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Declaration in whole or in part shall not affect ttre validity or enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration. 24. cAPTIoNs. The captions and headings In this instrument are for convenience only and shall not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. 25. CONSTRUCTfON. When necessary for proPer construction, the masculine of any word used in this Declaration shall include the feninine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural and vice versa. fN WITNESS WHEREOF Declarant has executed this el?t Decl.aration this 3Ao day of Jdt-Y , 1990. 15 LEz3743;ale7 B*533 tr-97t @7/ts/g@ F,G 15 0F t7 2_a /.,4 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL t PEINS DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED ,THUR) FRI ( :i.x:AM 6, BUfLDING: .^, / PLUMBING: DJ)OOTTNGS / STEEL L\F, tr UNDEBGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: TNSPECTOR PERMI DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CATLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET D FOUNDATION / STEE- PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n l-' tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - t1 tr FINAL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER o D tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED ioRRecrtorus, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR pfffts,c,p PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rNs a PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CAttER TUES WED THUR FRI L,'. ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E Fo)?TINGS / STEEL - Q/FOUNDATION / STEEL ( li-\ tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTR!CAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR 31( )il PEtNs PERMIT NU DATE READY FOR LOGATION: "7::; CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .r i INSPECTION: CB NAME MON -:,t I CALLER ruES wED ,rri-.--uf) FRI...--/. -, -'t-1- / ,(, . __ PM OF PROJECT ,l' tl ,o, PLUMBING: tr UNDERGFOUND FOUNDATION / STEEL Ef\ tr ROUGH / O.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ^CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t- --INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \,1.,/\, CALLER \ \'.,|. ": :1i" : ,!tvt I PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INS ECTION:MON TU O DISAPPROVED FERO\\ /---). BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,.- ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr D tr FINAL O FINAL CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 0 SFiEETROCK NAIL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O REINSPECTION REQUIRED oare //: t- a "- R / ,*.r."ro* ,t r; ,,.,, tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t PE WED THUR FRI [\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE \\ - $- -\q\ \ -2 $L JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TNSPEQT.T_ON:\LL\\q BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL [r*ot,"o -I- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr T] FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr o tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR pnFsjoe Nu o PE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: I CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL a\-\-\ .t\\,rrJOB NAME CALLER qub \--\ r,', .' WED THUR FRI r,, Mq o CQRRECTIONS: \2 BUILDING: . O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E*ERAMTNG _ r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOO.D NAILING tr INSULATION C] SHEETROCK rl D tr n POOL / H. TUB NAIL t. \ *oro" / D.w.v. $;oro" / wArER D GAS PIPING - N FINAI I t-', r',rua, I ELEGTRICAL: . tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL:; tr HEATING tr ROU€H tr EXHAUST HOODS E] CONDUIT L:I tr SUPPLY AIR n /'O FINAU h .^ i D FINAL.+:,' PROVED"E DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR/-,t nffislo? INS CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:6{EoJ +run _rs\o I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I PE F8 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: tl ti >o.1 DATE .-! ..! .i . ..' . l'.;:- INSPECTOR ---- r', , ." : - tit'/)) t/' Pfifr$oP , r[\\ -*. s,,\f \..----, \ \\,. I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oor, t\ s\ .-ll:\ ,o, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH i D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ H**ot,*oTROOF&S tr GAS PIPING...: ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWooD NATLTNG tr INSULATION tr tr n POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL Faoveo N= Dote O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ORRECTIONS: 4orr n/ (wj PERM}T NUMBER OF PROJECT CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INS t PE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: | /;z BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING D INSULATION - O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL B- tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr D n EXHAUST HOODS tr cr[{Dulr o/ z:,t v v SUPPLY AIR e.-, tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED ; - "tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 27bo OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME - Bo,rr! Rr,r.r-r., [^ps) t 5 I PERMI DATE T NUMBFR tTltl READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: lp CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: trFoolNGS/srEEL i oUNDERGRoUND tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V, D ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL i H. TUB X HEETRocK *ot k'/-te?'/z tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED PriSsro" roo'. t? /i-{? tNSpEcroR '.Dqr:'i:n$g*T-{ils ?teo PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT lr onre a[-i{-l-o -- JoB NAME 3 TOWN OF VAIL*D READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON | ,TUES W ( t ., l] ': q ' i *i ' I' 1n<,. i-;'e u\ INSPECTION REQUEST CALLER ,'ilG )rnr l t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr trg tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH o conou$ # tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR t tr trtr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ttiisrcp INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMB TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: @r" BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT B SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nliF*rop 1 )l n,"\QV PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES \';1- ,F.t I INSPECTION ^\9'r REQUEST oote -l i/.9 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: -WED AMRI a PMr TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEBt PLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL i H, TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB l,*o. I ' i D FINAL freeenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR pdGs,o, PERMIT NUMB.ER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: rNs I PE CTION REQUEST T,9:wN OF VAIL THUR \FRI ) /=>',{y " O REINSPECTION REQUIRED JOB NAME F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING O COttOUlr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL -/ftu Pnlfts*or DATE J-35-2d INSPECTOR |lr rnsPBcrrorrs coUPLETED lhc ltrnc bclor uceil co be cooplctc before glving a polait a flnal C of 0. Phrrc cbast off Lo Ghe bo: provldcd. ETAAI. PLIilBING rIAAT UECEANIC,AL DATE: PINAL SOILDII{G EAIIT SIDE: TTEST SIDE: IUBnoVnUUt SURVEI RESID. NAllEr DATE: CERTIFICATE Of OCCI'PAI{CT DAIE, 9: tqih r--+,lt.\/rtIIN I.ANDSOIPING DUS-t+l' ,*", 4- l94b IILB I{AIIE: FINAL INSPE TION'S COMPLETED The belol items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0RARY C of 0 ,ft5 z./4/4-.t/s*tav7 Tzq.asv ff;2#leel t1legp /4r.(bufutaf sexoEf l'l'', Z- t -?o >prt :!}s,-. cHEcK # los L fato mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivisLonplat shall be subrnitted to the Department of Community Development. The plat shatl include the following: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other substantialsolution, on a reproducible mediun (preferably rnylar) with dirnension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feetto one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. Accurate dinensions to the nearest one-hundredthof a foot for all lJ.nes, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other inportant features, A11 curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, are scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be deterrnined by an accurate control survey in thefield which must balance and close within a linitof one in ten thousand. North arrow and graphic scale. A systenatic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and nanesfor all streets. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks' and other publlc areas or facilities as shown onthe plat, and a dedication thereof to the publicuse. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. A written survey description of the area includingthe total acreage to the nearest appropriatesignificant figure. The acreage of each lot orparcel shall be shown in this manner as well. 1 rc-I 3:;:, ffi :iI'B"iIf, 3,,8?*"" "' $rt': 'qgo APPLICATION TOR DUPLEX SUBDIVTSTON REVIEI|(Chapter L7.24 VaiI Uunicipal Code) (PLEASE PRrNT OR TYPE)A. APPLICANT STOOTF Y S, Y€KRD MAILING ADDRESS ZILI O. FtlAdtrE E RA 4 ZTO .\^.,Ullll, r-n ?-r6f^ pHoNE APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE ..,5 \.,cJ $$$ "* fzC -*za B. c. ADDRESS PROPERTY onilERr I I'{AILINc SIGNATURE PHONE PHONE ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL! srREEr ADDRESS l rZ( e)E\Tttt-,ted crr?cL€ Lor 1? il-,ocK-SUBDIVISION Glfdl LYA <)FILING 4 12 E. F. APPLICATION FEE $100.00 I{ATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: PAID 1. b. c. d. e. f. vs' :"n:[:nlii:""ii"ll'.i!'I3{"1*:":?'.il3'n round subdivision, and a description of all monumentsused in conducting the survey. l,lonument perimeterper Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monumentsshall be established as najor control monuments,the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer. h. A statement by the land Erurveyor explaining howbearing base was determLned. i. A certificate by the registered land surveyor asoutlined ln Chapter L7.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that thesurvey was perforrned by him in accordance wLth Colorado Revised Statutes L973, Tltle 38, Artlcle 5l_. j. A certificate by an attorney adrnitted to practicein the State of Colorado, or corporate titleinsurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating tothe public the public rlght-of-way, areas orfacilities as shown thereon are the olrners thereofin fee simple, free and clear of a1l liens and encunbrances except as noted. k. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County clerk and recorder. I. Certificate of dedicatLon and ownershJ-p. Shouldthe certificate of dedication and ownership provJ.de for a dedlcation of land or J-mprovementsto the public, all beneflciariee of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property wlll be required to sign the certificate of dedlcation and ownership in addition to the fee sinple owner thereof. m. Signature of owner. 2. The plat rnust contain the following statement: rrFor zoning purposes, the lots created by thls subdl-vl-sion are to be treated as one lot wlth no morethan two dwelling units allowed on the conbined area ofthe two lots.rt The statement shall be modified toindicate the nunber of units and lots proposed.rl 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants relating tothe subdivision, whLch shall aEsure the maintenance of any common areas whi-ch may be created. The covenantsshall run with the land and shall be in a form suitablefor recording with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 4. Schedules A & B of a tltle report. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a conplete eubnlttal along wlth palment of the appropriate fee, the zoning adnlnistratorshall route one copy of the site map to the town engineerfor his review. The zoning adrninJ-strator shall then conductthis review concurrently. The town engineer shall reviewthe subrnittal and return connents and notificatLons to the zoning adrninistrator who shall transnlt the approval ,disapproval or approval with nodifications of the platwithin fourteen days to the applicant. The zoningadninlstrator shall sign the plat if approved or requirenodiflcations on the plat for approval or deny approval dueto inconsistencies wlth the originatly approved plan orfailure to make other reguired rnodlficatlons of the plat. H. FII,ING AIID RECORDING The Department of comnunity Developnent will record the plat and any related covenants wlth the Eagle County Clerk andRecorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by theapplicant. The Connunity Development Department wlII retain one mylar copy of the plat for thelr records and will record the remaining mylar copy. G. NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF The fol I ow'i ng Board before A. BUILDING information is a final approval B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES LIST OF MATERIALS required for submitta'l by the applicant to the Design Review can be fiven: OF MATERIAL COLORnrrrtlgA.ts E" lbfE Botanical Name Common Name Si ze* €!re' MATERIALS: TYPE Roof Si di ng Other Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows Nindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F'lues Fl ash'i ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther r Y A T*6 O/uanic "/( ?lop0teA- EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Quani ty a 4y t fnfkatn Vreuae ,g'c for conifers. (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate hei ght Size s,(f' s?,0 Square Footage Quani ty /o e . PLANT IIIATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Corrunon Name tttureo ru/y'flweps Tvpe SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please specify. r' Prolect Applicatlon Project Name: Proj€ct Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Addr€ss and Phons: Architect, Addr$s and Phone: Legal Description: Lbt 'rL [ -., ------i--:i-Filing , Zone Comments: Design Revlew Board Motion by: i' ; wi:rir"t'-Y a.,r. v Seconded uy: t&-*n f u.,./1 DISAPPROVAL Summary:t --' Town Planner E statt Approval UTILITY LOC.\TION VERIF IC.\TION SUBDIVISION be main trunk the followi-ng r].nes or proposed utilities for the Authori zed Siqnature Date S-ss-ss JOB NNE 0rv,0 ZR*rrv trf.yrrf toT 49 BLoCK FILING ADDRESS The location of urilities, whether theylines, must be approved and verified by acconpanying site' plan. Mountai n Bel'l I -634-3778 l.|estern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Va'l1ey Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek fu*s6 rh/zt NOTE: 'Ihese verifications do not relieve the. contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public !,!brks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement i.n the Toun of Vail. A. building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut perrnit nust be obtained separately. This fo:rn is to verify service avai,lablity and location. This,should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. ? ';qDtrFMRTMtrNT @Ftr@MMUNITV DEVEL@FMENT TXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX ACCOUNT # 01 0000 4,t330 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPEC]IoN l oooo +tsiz OFF HOURS TNSPECTION FE CONTRACTORS UCENSES FEES I 0000 41330 0r 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION ':n..i,:-.+ -.-i!,,.__..-.., ! F.=r! i , r. .: ' CoPlEs ./ SruorEs $,u AGREEMENT AND DECLARATTON OF COVENANTS, CONDITTONS AND RESERVATIONS OF RECITALS 1. STANLEY S. BEARD, JAI{ES J. BROWN, JR., and DAVID L.rRwrN (collectively referred to as tDeclarantrt) are the owners ofcertain real property situate in the County of Eagle, State ofColorado, described as Lot 49, GLen Lyon Subdivision, according tothe amended Plat thereof recorded JuIy 18, Lg78 in Book 272 at iage37O, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, subject to thoieexceptions listed on the attached Exhibit nA". 2. Declarant has constructed on Lot 49 a buildingconsisting of two units, each desigmed and intended for use ani.occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, designated herein asrrParcel Arr and rrParcel Btt, respectively, which are sometinesreferred to herein separately as trunittr or collectively as runitsn. 3. Parcel A contains Unit A and parcel B contains Unit B. DECLARATTON Declarant does hereby publish and declare that thefollowing terms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions,uses, reservations, linitations and obrigations shall be deemed torun with the land described herein, shall be a burden and a benefitto Declarant, their personal representatives, heirs, successors andassigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the realproperty which is described herein and improvernents built thereon,tbeir grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors andassigns. DEFTNITIONS 1. Unless tbe context sha1l expressly provideotherwise, the following terrns shall have the tollowing nelnings: a. trThe Propertiesr! means all of the real estatelegally described as Lot 49, clen LyonSubdivision, according to the amended Platrecorded July 18, L978 in Book 272 at Page370, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. b. trLotr or |tBuilding Sitetr means Parcel A orParcel B as shown on the Map together with all appurtenances. c. ItDupIe;t or rrBuildinqtrr means the two contiguous dwelling units constructed upon theParcels. xUnittr means any one of the two dwelJ.ings conprising the nDuplexn. uMapu means the engineering survey of theProperties by Eag1e Valley Surveying, Inc., No., dated1990 depicting and locating specifically thereon the Parcels and improvements thereon,such land and inprovernents being herebysubnitted to this Declaration. Such Map shall be recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder prior to the recordation ofthis Declaration. 2. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATfONS. Every Contract ofSaIe, Deed, Lease, l,Iortgage, Trust Deed, Will or other instrunentshall Iegally describe a Unit or real proper interest as follows: d. e. Parcel A/Parcel B (as the casePIat entitled a Resubdivision GIen Lyon Subdivision recordedin Book _, at Page , of the records of the may be), according to theof Lot 49, Anended Plat of , 1990 , Reception No. Clerk and Recorderof Eagle County, State of Colorado. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for al1 purposes to sell, convey, transfer, encumber or otherwise effectthe Lot and aII appurtenant rights, benefits, and burdens theretoas created by the provisions of this Declaration, and each suchdescription shall be so construed. This provision shatl apply tothe properties as said term (the Properties) is defined in this Declaration. 3. PROPERTY DTVISTON. a. Declarant hereby establishes this plan for thesubdivision of the Properties into Thro (2) Parcels for ownership in fee sinple consisting of Parcel A and Parcel B. b. The Properties shall be subject to the easernents noted on the nap and those set forth herein. c. In the event Parcel A and Parcel B are owned by the same entities, the doctrine of mergershall not apply. The parties, if more than one, having the ownership of each such unit shall agree anong thenselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership,' provided, 2 d. however, that if a corporation, partnership, association or other 1ega1 entity shall becomean owner or the parties, of more ttran one, have the concurrent ownership of a unit, then such entity or concurrent owners shal1 fromtirne to tine designate one individual whoshaII represent such entity or concurrent ouners in all matters concerning all rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaration. e. Any such entity or concurrent owners shallgive written notice to the other owner designating the individual to act on its ortheir behalf and such notice shall beeffective untiL revoked in writing by suchentity or owners. Any act or omission by such designated individuals shall be binding on theentity or owners having designated hin in favor of the other owner or any other person who may rely thereon. f. Each unit sha11 be considered a separateparcel of real property and shall be separately addressed and taxed. 4. ENCRoACHMENTS. If any portion of Parcel A or ParcelB nort encroaches upon the other parcel as a resuLt of theconstruction of any building, or if any encroachment shall occurhereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any building, avalid easement for the encroachrnent and for the maintenance of the same as long as the building stands, shall exist. In the event anybuilding shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result offire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eninent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of thebuilding on the other parcel, due to such rebuilding, shall bepernritted, so long as such encroachments are of no greater extentthan those previously existing, and valid easements for such encroachments and the naintenance thereof shall exist so long asthe building shall stand. 5. EASEIIfENT FoR PARCEL A. The plat contains and setsforth an Easement that reflects an existing encroachnent of Unit A onto the adoining Parcel B. The Easement rlArr is and shall remain a burden upon the interest and ownership of Parce1 B, and shaLl be appurtenant to and conveyed as a Part of Parcel- A without additional reference in the conveyance. Easernent rrArr sha1l be inseparable from the ownership of Parcel A and may not be separately conveyed, except by amendment to the PIat. The easementshall have a height equal to the existing roof in that area andshall not extend higher than such existing roof. Duties of support and maintenance of the ceiling shall exist as if the roof were a Party Wall as defined hereunder. J 6.PARTY WALL. a. b. c. The conmon wall placed egually divided on the conmon boundary separating Parcel A and ParcelB, the footings underlying and the portion ofthe roof over such wa11 are collectivelyreferred to in this Agreement as the rrParty Walltr. To the extent not inconsistent with thisDeclaration, the general rules of law regarding party walls and liability for damage due to negligence, willful acts or onissionsshall apply to the Party Wall. The owners of either unit shall have a perpetuat easement in and to that part of the other unit on which the Party Wall is located,for party wall purposes, including mutual support, naintenance, repair and inspection.In the event of damage to or the destructionof the Party wall from any cause, then the owners sha1l at joint expense, repair orrebuild the Party WaIl, and each owner, shall have the right to the full use of said Party WaIl so repaired and rebuilt. Notwitttstanding anything contained above to the contrary, if the negligence, willful act or onission of any oerner, his farnily, agent or invitee, shall cause danage to or destruction of, the Party Wall, such owner shall bear the entire cost ofrepair or reconstruction, and an owner who byhis negligent or wiIlful act causes the Party WalI to be exposed to the elements shal.l bearthe full cost of furnishing the necessaryprotection against such elements. The owners fron tine to time shalL undertakesuch landscaping and general outdoor irnprovement,s including but not linited to driveway and parking areas as they may rnutualJ-y and unanimously deern proper for the harmonious improvement of both units in a conmon theme, and, except for any expense or liability caused through the negligence or willfu1 act of any ohtner, his fanily, agent orinvitee, which shatl be borne solely by such owner, each owner shall share all expenses, liabilities and general upkeepresponsibilities with respect to such Arl 7.LANDSCAPING. SERVICE FACILITIES AND PARKING. a. b. Iandscaping and outdoor irnprovenents as setforth in paragraph 9 below. The owner of oneunit shall not unreasonably danage the valueof the other unit such as by shoddy upkeepoutside, but both owners shall nake all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious conmon appearance of the units. common utility or service connections orlines, corurton facilities or other equipnent and property located in or on either of tbeparcels but used in conmon with the otherunit, if any shall be owned as tenants in conmon of equal undivided one-half interests by the owners of each unit and, except for any expense or liability caused through the negligence or willful act of any owner, bisfanily, agent or invitee, whi.ch shall be bornesolely by such owner, all expenses andliabilities concerned with such property shall be shared proportionately with such ownership as set forth in paragraph 9 below. The ownerof the unit on which such property is not located shall have a perpetual easement in andto that part of such other unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary forpurposes of maintenance, repair, and inspection. It is expected that cornmon access facilitieswill be provided on a portion of each of theunits. There is hereby created a reciprocal easement and right-of-way for each ottner over, across and through that part of the parking and access facility located on the other ownerrs unit as may be necessary for such access and right-of-way. The ovners shall have equal right to the use of such access and no ov/ner shalt hinder or pernit his inviteesto hinder reasonable access by the other owner and his invitees to the other ownerts unit orpark or perrnit his invitees to park anyvehicle on the parking and access facility located on the other ownerrs unit without the consent of the other owner. It is presumed that snowplowing will be required from tine to time, the cost of which will be shared by the owners as set forth in paragraph 9 below.other maintenance, repair or improvenent of such parkinq and access facilities may be required frorn tirne to time, and the same shall be undertaken upon the unanimous agreement of 5 8. the owners who shall- share aII expenses as setforth in paragraph 9 be1ow. ALTERATION, MATNTENANCE AND REPAIRS. a. In addition to maintenance provided for, the or^rners shall, at their joint expense, provideexterior maintenance and exterior repair uponthe units and the unirnproved porti-ons of theparcels upon which each unit is locatedincluding, but not liroited to, the exterior and the roof housing the units. The repair, replacement or cleaning of exterior windowglass shall be considered interior maintenance. If the need for repair is caused through the negligence or willful act of any ohrner, his fanily, agent or invitee, such owner shall bear the entire costs of such repair or reconstruction. b. In the event both owners decide to maintain, preserve and replace the trees, shrubs andgrass (the ItPlantingsrr) on his own parcel rattrer than to share such expenses as setforth in paragraph 7.a. above and in the event an owner at his own expense fails tomaintain, preserve, and replace as need tbe Plantings within the property boundaries ofhis residence commensurate with the standards set by the other residences in Glen Lyon, the other owner nay, after 15 days written noticeto the onner, and if within said tine the owner has failed to make a good faith effortto bring his Plantings into substantial conformity with his neighbors plantings, theother orr/ner may cbntract with responsibleparties to bring to standard the offending ownerrs Plantings and charge the ohtner therefore and such cost shall be added to and become a part of the assessnent to which suchsite is subject. The owner hereby grants tothe other owner, its agents and assigns, an irrevocable easement to perform the aforesaid. c. Each owner sha11 be so1e1y responsible for maintenance and repair of the inside of hisunit including fixtures and irnprovements and all utility lines and equiprnent locatedtherein and serving such unit only, windowglass be deened interior maintenance. In performing such naintenance and repair, or in inproving or altering his unit, no owner shall 6 do any act or work which irnpairs thestructural soundness of either unit or theParty Wall or which interferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. Utility or service connections or lines,facilities or other utility eguipnent andproperty located in, on or upon either of theparcels, which are used so1ely to supply a service or utility to one unit shall be owned by the owner of the unit using such utility orservice and all expenses and liabilities forrepair and naintenance shall be borne solely by the owner of such unit, who shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other parcel or unit containing such propertyas is reasonably necessary for purPoses of maintenance, repair and inspection. No ohrner shalt make or suffer any structuralor design change (including a color scheme change), eitber permanent or ternporary, to theexterior of his unit or construct any additional building structure of any tlpe or nature whatsoever upon any part of his unitwithout first obtaj.ning the prior written consent thereto from the other owner, sucb consent not to be unreasonably withheld. In case of damage or destruction of any unit or any part thereof, the owner of such unit shall cause with due diligence the unit to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of any insurance for that purpose. Such unitshall be restored to a condition conparable tothat prior to the damage and in a harmonious manner to promote the conmon thene of bothunits. Both units shall be the same exteriorcolor and such color shall not be changed without the approval of the Town of Vail. 9. ALLOCATION OF EXPENSES.costs and expenses of landscaping, service facilities, parking, alteration, maintenance and repairs, except as caused by negligence or willful act of an owner, shall be allocated 60? to Parcel A and 408 to Parcel B. 10. MECHANTCTS LIENS; INDEMNIFICATfON. a. Except for iterns incurred as a conmon expenseas provided for herein, if any oltner shall cause any naterial to be furnished to hisparcel or unit thereon or any labor to be perforned therein or thereon, the other owner d. 7 shalt not under any circumstances be liablefor the palnuent of any expense incurred or forthe value of tbe work done or naterialfurnished; all such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such owner shall be solely responsible tocontractors, laborers, materiahnen and otherpersons furnishing labor or naterials to hisunit or any iurprovements therein or thereonl b. Nothing herein contained shall authorizeeither owner or any person dealing through,with or under either owner to charge the unitof the other ohrner with any mechanicrs lien orother lien or encumbrance whatever; and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) theright and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against one owner oragainst one ownerrs unit for work done or naterial.s furnished to the other owner's unitfor work done or materials furnished to the other ownerls unit is hereby expressly denied. c Except as provided for below, if, because ofany act or omission of any owner, any nechanicrs or other lien or order for the paynent of money shall be filed against the other ounerrs unit or any irnprovements tbereinor thereon or against any other owner (whetheror not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omission forrns the basis for such lien or order shall at his own cost and expense causethe same to be canceled and discharged ofrecord or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to such other owner,within twenty (20) days after the date offiting thereof, and further shall indennify and save the other owner harmless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claius,losses or damages, including reasonably attorneyrs fees resulting therefrom. 11. INSURANCE. a. Each oltner shall keep his unit and allfixtures therein insured against loss or daurage by fire and extended coverage perils (including vandalisrn and nalicious rnischief)for the maximurn replacenent value tbereof. Any ohrner may on thirty (30) daysr writtennotice, at any tine two years or longer after 8 the last appraisal of the units, obtain awritten appraisal of such units from a conpetent appraiser, charging both owners withthe costs thereof. Such appraiser shall be a disinterested and independent third party whois unrel-ated in any manner to either ouner whether through joint business adventures or otherwise. b. Each owner shall provide and keep in force,for the protection of trinself, general public liability and property damage insurance against clains for bodily injury or death orproperty damage occurring in, on or upon, hisparcel owned in fee sinple and the improvenents thereon, in a linit of not less than $500,000.00 in respect of bodily injuryor death to any number of persons arising outof one accident or disaster, or for danage toproperty, and if higher linits shall at any time be custonary to protect against possibletort liability, such higher linits shall becarried and each owner shall name the other owner as an additional insured party under such policy. c. Each owner shall deliver to the other ohtnercertificates evidencinq aII insurance reguiredto be carried under this paragraph, each containj.ng agreements by the insurers not to cancel or modify the policies without givingthe other owner written notice of at leastthirty (30) days. Each owner shall have theright to inspect and copy all such insurancepolicies of the other owner and reguire evidence of the payrnent of preniums thereon. d. Nothing provided in this paragraph shallprevent the owners from jointly acquiring a single policy to cover any one or more of the hazards required in this paragraph to be separately insured against by each oltner. T2. DESTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON PARCELS. a. In the event of damage or destruction to aunit by fire or other disaster, the insuranceproceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct theunit, shall be deposited into a bank accountwhich requires, for withdrawals, the signatures of both the o\tners. The ownersshall then prornptly authorize the necessary 9 13. repair and reconstruction work and theinsurance proceeds will be applied by the owners to defray the cost thereof. r,Repair and reconstructionrr of units, as used herein,means restoring the improvenents tosubstantially the sane condition in which theyexisted prior to the damage with each unit have the sarne boundaries as before. b. If the insurance proceeds are insufficient torepair or reconstruct any dauraged unit, such damage or destruction shall be pronptly repaired and reconstructed by the owner usingthe insurance proceeds and the proceeds of aspecial assessment against the owners of the danaged unit. Any such assessments shall beequal to the amount by which the cost of reconstruction or repair of the unit exceedsthe sum of the insurance proceeds allocable to such unit. Such assessnent shall be due and payable thirty (30) days after written noticethereof. The special assessment provided forherein shall be a debt of each olitner and alien on his parcel and the improvenents hereonand may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the Courts. c. Notwithstanding the above, the ohlners andfirst mortgagees of any or all of the destroyed or danaged units nay agree that the destroyed or danaged units shall forthwith be denolished and all debris and rubble caused by such denolition be removed and the parcels regraded and landscaped. The cost of such landscaping and dernolition work shall be paidfor by any and all insurance proceedsavailable. Any excess insurance proceedsshall then be disbursed to such owners andtheir first mortgagees - jointly. RTGHT TO LIEN a. If an owner, at any tine, shall neglect orrefuse to perform or pay his share of any obligation required hereunder, the other oltner mdy, but shall not be obligated to, afterfifteen (15) days written notice unless the circumstances require irnrnediate action, nakesuch paynent orr on behalf of such other osrner, expend such surn as nay be necessary toperform such obligation including, but notlimited to, ttre paynent of any insurance 10 premiums required hereunder or the undertakingof any work required hereunder for repair,restoration or maintenance, and such other ordner shall have an easement in and to thatpart of such defaulting ownerrs unit as isreasonably necessary for such repair,restoration or maintenance. b. A11 sums so paid or expended by an owner, withinterest thereon at the rate of 18 percent peryear from the date of such palanent or expenditure, shall be payable by the owner sofailing to perfonn (the 'rdefaulting ownerrr) upon demand of the other o!{ner. c.A11 sums so demanded but unpaid by thedefaulting olrner shall constitute a lien onthe unit of the defaulting ovrner in favor ofthe other owner prior to all other liens and encunbrances, expect: (i) liens for taxes and special assessmentsl and (ii) the lien of anyfirst rnortgage or first deed of trust of record encunbering such unit. The lien shall attach fron the date when the unpaid sun shall become due and nay be foreclosed in like manner as a rnortgage on real property upon therecording of a notice or claim thereof executed by the nondefaulting owner settingforth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness,the nane of the defaulting onner, and adescription of the unit.In any suchforeclosure the defaulting owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of suchproceedings, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first nortgageor deed of trust, including all additional advances thereon. SaIe or transfer of anyunit as the result of court foreclosure of amortgage, foreclosure through the publictrustee, or any proceeding in lj.eu of foreclosure, shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as to palanents thereof which becone due prior to such sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any former o!{ner of personal Iiability therefor. The nortgagee of suchunit who acquires title by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shallnot, however, be liab1e for any past due assessnent and shall only becoroe liable for d. 11 future assessments on the date it becomes the owner of such unit. No sale or transfer shallrelieve such unit fron liability for any assessrnents thereafter beconing due or fronthe lien thereof. In the event of the sale ortransfer of a unit with respect to which sumsshall be unpaid by a defaulting owner, excepttransfers to a first mortgagee in connectionwith a foreclosure of its lien or a deed inlieu thereof, the purchaser or othertransferee of an interest in such unit shallbe jointly and severally liable with theseIler or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. e. Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee,prospectj.ve nortgagee, purchaser or otherprospective transferee of a unit, tlre owner of the other unit shall issue a written statementsetting forth the amount he is owed under this paragraph, if any, with respect to such unit. Such statement is binding upon the executing owner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shall be coroplied with withinfifteen days after receipt thereof, all unpaid surns which became due prior to the date of naking such request shall. be subordinated tothe lien or other interest of the person reguesting such staternent. L4. ALL OWNERIS RESPONSIBLE - ULTTMATE CONTROL RESOLUTION. Both parcel owners sha1l be mutually responsible forthe adninistration and management of the obligations created hereunder. In the event any owner believes, based on the standardof the reasonabl-e man, (i) that an irnpasse decision has been madeincorrectly or contrary to the Declaration or (ii) that the other owner is gtuilty of mis-,mal-, or non- feasance with respect to this Decl-aration then the aggrieved owner nay petition the Eagle CountyDistrict court for judicial deterurination of the controversy which decision shall be binding upon both owners. The court may assess costs and any reasonable attorney fees as may have been incurred by the parties based upon the merits of the case. 15. USE RESTRICTIONS. a. Each unit shall be restricted to a residentialdwelling as a permitted use, and such use as weII as conditional and accessory uses shall be defined by the Tohrn of Vail Zoning Restrictions and Covenants for the Glen Lyon Subdivision. t2 b. No exterior mounted radio, shorthtave,television or other tltpe of antenna whatsoeveror tank of any kind, either elevated orburied, or cLothesline or incinerator of anykind whatsoever or outside storage of anypersonal property shall be pennitted or maintained on either unit without the priorwritten approval of both owners. c. No anirnals sball be kept or maintained in, onor upon either unit, except that each owner may keep and naintain within his unit two domesticated dogs and/or two donesticatedcats; provided,however, that such dornesticated anirnals are kept under control atall tines, do not present a nuisance to the other ohrner and are kept controlled in strict conpliance with all Town of Vail ordinancesthat rnay apply to such animals. d. In addition to the parking restrictions setforth in Paragraph 7.a. LANDSCAPING, SERVfCE FACILITIES AND PARKING above, each ohtner maykeep no more than two automotive vehicles permanently on his parcel. Parking of boats,trailers, campers, rnotor homes, ATvs orrecreational vehicles on either parcel isexpressly prohibited unless stored in thegarage. Parking of nore than two automotive vehicles outside the garage by either ohrner orhis fanrily, agent or invitee in such ownerrsunit for more than a 48 period is expresslyprohibited. e. No rrtime sharingtt, rrinterval ownershiprr orsimilar interest, whereby ownership of a unitis shared by owners on a time basis, shall be established on either unit without the priorwritten approval of both ottners and all Iienors holding a first nortgage or first deedof trust of record on the property, which approval shall be reflected in a docunent of record. 16. NOTICE. Each owner shall register its nailing address with the ohrner and aII notices or demands intended to be served upon owners shall be sent by certified mail, postageprepaid, addressed in the name of the owner at such registerednailing address. In the alternative, notices nay be delivered ifin writingt, personally to the owners. 13 L7. DURATION OF DECLARATION. Each provision containedin this Declaration which is subject to the laws or rules sometinesreferred to as the rule against perpetuities or the ruleprohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue and renain in full force and effect for the period of 21 years following the death of Stanley S. Beard or his issue, or until this Declaration is terminated as hereinafter provided, whichever firstoccurs. AIl other provisions contained in this Declaration shall continue and remain in fuII force and effect until January 1, 2018 A.D., and thereafter for successive period of ten (10) years each; unless at least one (1) year prior to January t, 2018 A.D., or at Least one (1) year prior to the expiration of any such ten (1) year period of extended duration, this Declaration is terninated by recorded instrument, directing termination, signed by all .owners and all lienors holding a first nortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B. 18. AMENDMENT oR RgvocATfoN. This Declaration may be amended or revoked only (i) by Declarant so long as Declarant owns both Parcel A and Parcel B, or (ii) upon unanirnous written approvalin recordable form of all owners and all lienors holding a first nortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Parce1 A or Parcel B. 19. EFFECT OF PRoVISION oF DECLARATfON. Each provisionof this Declaration, and agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to conply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title, estate,right or interest to effectuate any provision of this Declaration:(i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrunent by which any right, title or interest in any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forthor referred to in such deed or other instrument; (ii) shall, byvirtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B by an owner, be deened accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such oltner and, as a personal covenant, shall be binding on such olvner and his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns; and shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each owner of any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B and (iii) shall be deened a real covenant by Declarant, for himself, his heirs,personal representatives, successors and assigns, and also an equitable servitude, running, in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of Parce] A and Parcel B. 20. ENFORCEX'{ENT AND REI.{EDIES. a. Each provision of this Declaration shall be enforceable by any ostner by a proceeding for aprohibitive or mandatory injunction or by asuit or action to recover damages. If court proceedings are instituted in connection with g. the rights of enforcement and remediesprovided in this DecJ-aration, the prevailingparty shall be entitled to recover its costsand expenses in connection therewith,including reasonable attorneys fees. b. Each onner hereby agrees that any and allactions in equity or at law which areinstituted to enforce any provision hereunder shal1 be brought in and only in the District Court of Eagle County, State of Colorado. c. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shall not operate as a waiver of any such provision, the right to enforce suchprovision thereafter, or of any otherprovision of this Declaration. 2L. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any rightgranted hereunder by one owner with respect to the other ownerrsunit including but not lirnited to the use of any easenent granted herein shall be exercised in a manner which shatl not unreasonablyhinder, inpede or inpose upon such other ownerrs use of his unit. 22. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Except as otherwiseprovided herein, this Declaration shaLl be binding upon and shallinure to the benefit of Declarant and each olrner and the heirs,personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. 23. SEVERABILITY. Invalidity or unenforceability of anyprovision of this Declaration in whole or in part shall not affectthe validity or enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration. 24. CAPTIONS. The captions and headings in this instrunent are for convenience only and shall not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. 25. CONSTRUCTIoN. When necessary for proper construction, the rnasculine of any word used in this Declarationshall include the feminine or neuter gender, and the singular theplural and vice versa. WHEREoF Declarant has executed thisIN WTTNESS Declaration this day of , 1990. 15 STATE COUNTY OF OF ) ) ) I ss. this jrd day of 19 91 W), atth- 2 9o-1t3 1 vrts{az 288 Bridge St., Vail, CO 81657 ss. sworn to before me tnis J6* day of ) ) ) -I*-Y-, L9-\, by David L. rrwin..r.-"--Qil- 6, 1991 DAVID L. srArE or &s conNrv or €gs ) ) ) Subscribed and .+,w-, L9fut by ilames J. Brown' Jr. u witness my hand and official seal . My cornrnission expires: Wa-c/, 7, t??4 (l STATE OF COI,ORADO COI'NTY OF E,AGLE ss. Subscribed and s!'rorn to before me this 3rd day of 16 288 Bridge St., VaiL, CO 81657 1. 2. 3. 4. EXHIBIT IIAII TO PARTY WALL AGREE}'ENT FOR LOT 49, GLEN LYON SI'BDIVISTON EAGLE COINTY, COLORADO Taxes for the year 1990 not yet due and payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. Right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and removehis ore therefrom should the same be found to penetrate orintersect the prenises as reserved in United States Patent recorded Auqust 16, 1909, in Book 48 at Page 542. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by theauthority of the United States as reserved in United State Patent recorded August 16, 1909, in Book 48 at Page 542. Reservation as to the Northwest Ll4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 t{est, of the right of way of the United States, its perrnittee or licensee, to enter upon, occupy and use any part or all of said land for the purposes provided inthe Act of June 10, 1920 (41 Sat. 1053) as reserved in the Patent recorded October 2t L946 in Book 132 at Page 405. Restrictive covenants, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but ornitting restrictions, if any, based onrace, color, religion, or national origin, as contained in instrument recorded April 4, L978, in Book 268 at Page 698, and as amended in instruments recorded (i) August 25, L987, in Book 468 at Page 447 through 472, (ii) September 3, 1987 in Book 459 at Pages 38 and 39, (iii) Septernber L5, L987, inBook 469 at Page 801, and (iv) May 2, 1990, in Book 528 at Page 154. Sewer Easement 10 feet in width along the westerly lot line of subect property and drainage easement along the easterly lotIine of subect property as shown on the recorded Anended PIatof Glen Lyon Subdivision. Right of way of core Creek as it affects subject property. Easements, reservations and restrictions as shown or reserved on the recorded plat of Glen Lyon Subdivision. 5. 5. 7. 8. L7 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 6, 1986 otllce ol communlty development Mr. David Irwin P.0. Box 3342 Vail, Co. 81658 Re: Design Review Eoard Application Dear David: 0n February 5, 1986, the Design Review Board tabled your final approval submittal for the residence on Lot 49, Glen Lyon subdivision. The Design Review Board requested further informatjon prior to making a final decjsion on thjs jtem. The following is a brief summary of issues and information that the DRB discussed and requested: 1,,,"." 1. The stone material proposed for the residence js a natural ' . .- river rock. Please submit specifications regarding minimum'' size of rock, mortar jo'i nt sizes between rock as well as a photograph of the type of rock to be used. 2. Specify stain color for windows. 3. Fascia board color should be the the color of the roof material. same or more sympathetic to Size up plant materials and Iandscape plan to meet minimum speci fi cati ons. More 'i nformation is needed in the detai'l ing of the transjtion between the stone and stucco materials. It was suggested that this transition cou'l d use more articulation. It was suggested that a sandstone cap similar to the chimney caps and rai'l caps being specified would be appropriate. Investigate softening corner of the driveway planter. Investigate placing a handrajl on the lower deck. 8: Investigate placing stone lentils above the windows that are located within the stone walls. 4. c 6. 7. In addition to this detailing information the Board also requested thatyou subnit colored elevationi ano a wiii section. This wall sectionshould detail the transitton uetween"itre stone and the stucco. The Boarda'lso stated that in future iuumiiiii's-a-roi"i-*ouia-t" "Jrv'herpfur inreviewlng the proposal . This ltem wlll not be.placed on a Design Review Board agenda untir all ofthe reguested lnformailon has u""n-Jruiitted to ilrJ ,t"ii.- If you haveanv questions regarding this information please iii"r-irii'to call me. page two 2/6/86 l,lr. Davld lrwln Rick man Town P anner RP/bl f lnwn 75 south trontage road uait, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 August 23, 1985 David Iruin P.0. Box 3342 Vai1, Co. 81658 otflce of communlly development Dear David: 0n August 21' 1985 the Design Review Board granted preliminary approvaiof the residence you submitted on Lot 49, Glen Lyon subdivisibn. Informationnecessary for the final approval includes the following: 1. Solutionregarding concerns of the thin edge roof material . 2. Present final selectjonof rock product. 3. Final landscaping plan and driveway finish. Also needed by the staff before this iiem can be presentld for final approvalare: ,1. completed materials list 2. Final agreement on GRFA calculations3. Final review by Public Works Department l,Je look forward to hearing from you so we ray schedule this 'i tem on a future Design Review Board agenda. Si Ri ck Town RP/ bl f Prolect Appllcation o"t" t8'-6'5 tn \ /- Prolect Name: t{*l ,J ( '.o-*;- n project Descrip,,on' trJer-J (grft+;t,<+- .\, contact Person and er,one *,tr [0.*-lrr. \ \r owner, Address and Phone: I.L "--. l&.^r,r'r\ Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Description' lor Ct@t , etocr ntl ntins (>1e.,' L.-Pnt . ron" pil Comments: Design Review Board 3,-ao- 85 Date r{fiJg-LMotion by: Seconded by: APPHOVAL OISAPPBOVAL sc/sc Prder No.: tigT_V Date of PolicY: ,..or\.rery ?o, 1. Name of lnsured: is at 4. The land referred to in thiapolicy is described as follows: \ LOT 19 \\ GLEII LYON SUBDIVISION \ ACCORDIilG TO TIIE AIIEIIIDED PLAT RECORDED JULY 18. \978 IIT BOOKz7z AT FACE 3?0 As RECEI,.rrON ilO. (Bl\Zz:. \ ro}W OF VAIL \ COU$,n| OF E}gLE \srAfE or. cotpRAm n \ \\ \\n\)t\ \\ \) I I coDE oot 2 AI'II-OR I ZED COUIIIBS IGtrATl'RE I I i DAVID L. IRI{IH 2. The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this policy is: Fre SIIALE 3. The estate or interest referred to herein DAVID L. IRT{III Date of Policy vested in: SCHEDULE A PolicvNo.: r-l-9902-lo7z3 t9g5 At ?: 29 tr.tl. Amount of Insurance: S ZI5,O0O.0O STE\fAR,T TITLE GUAIANA' COIIANY Page 2 r3evORDER t'l0. r SCHEDULE B i PoficY No': o-q,r'.: . tarr2.t This policy does not insure against ros or damage by reason of the foilowing: 1' Rights or claims of parties in possesion not shown by the pubric records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3' Discrepancies, confricts in boundary rines, shortage in area, encroachments,correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and whichpublic records. 4' Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposedby law and not shown by the public records. 5, Any and a-1.1 tmpald i.axes ancl assessmenl:.: and arrt rrnrertr5€tce(tLat sales. 5. The effect of inclrrslons in any genprat. nr spacrtlc -"r*r.er congervancy, f ire protection, sni I cnnse r.ya f.1r.rrr rrr r,l.herrllstrlct or tnelnslon ln any qrater lFrvt'cc or st,reet:lnprovenent. erea. aLTA OWN€A'S pOLtcy _Modiri.d tol73 1613 t20M 12€31 and any facts are not shown STE\T'AIIT TITLE OUA IAXTI COIPAIII which a by the t 1. Rlght of bhe Fropr't.etor af a v€rn.-,i l".t\\^ Frrr;rr.r.,rnrl r€nnrrehls ore t-}.eref ron, Fflould Lbo 1r,.1q,o r'e l,,rrn\\ llcr l)r,net:r:Ate nrinterSect the premi s,es trerehy r-{:r j-\n t Fd ;ls ,.\r"r.red ur rrnr FF,lstates Patenb re.corrlcrl Augrrsi,\\ ,.r(i.r lrr ]ir,\ +f.r ;rr v+t1t \r'L. \\8. Right of rlay for dj;\:hen o. ran\(r .-lnsrrrl.r.erl hy 1.11- ,1r1f hrrrltl.Irrf l-.he {lnit.eC. l;iat{s\..rs res+.rve.l\n nrrr.d jltirl.r,li F;rt.ent-,recorderl Aug:rrar.: fA,\f\Og 1n Hf'ok \tr ar F,a(rF q4 I, Hlgn[ of qtay ror di(:hen or ran\(:.r .-r]nsr.rrl.t.ert hy ].]rt rrrrFhnrtl.yrrf l-.he {lniLec. liiat{s\..rs res+.rved\n ilnrted Sitirl.r,ii F;rt.enLrecorded Aur;nrst: tA,\\)9 1n Hrlok \tr ar F,a(rF q4 l. Conveyar(\ of lloactwa\\".r*r'f. by ri,ir.e rtrepk j\ii$cr(.1/rr.pri . 1- Rh?l:-\. lan., Llni tprLl;rrf.nershlgr {p rlot--r16Fpt r.-ecorilerl Arrr1rrst-?1' l97R \n BooR 2't'3 at, F,age t,L .ai kecpl't. 1.-rn ilo. t,r0{tt\; irrctoeument rYlrrded Augush 2q, l(r'lB in Ho(rk ),, I ;-rt. t-';lge 9Rt nnRecepbton t'N) tTrtrRT ;rnrl 1n <iocrroent |:eror.lF(i m.rrch L4, 1,9,,9 {.nBook 282 at Page FJSi as Receptlon lto. f ;9e9U. t. {".'q' ; AU\ I ( .? 1 \-Ll Convevanee of tlt,il ity gasemenf. by t.he Dnn .lrrd r,pF Arrrlrrst.irrcFanlly Trust, to Ltre Vai 1 llat-er and .qatr., t,nt i r-rrr tli Ft r tt-t. 1prlocunent r.ecorded Augrrsi. 5, tgBZ in Book i43 1t. Laqe 845 ,rs Recept.lqp 1,16. ?4ol9t. Terns and ccrn,1lt.ions of f.he r)rntecf.i uq c4rvcrlqrrt.s of {ilFn LyonSubdtvlston recorclect t\prtl *, t9 /B irr tjo(.tk lh8 ;rf t-,{gp Criti rFReceptlon No. 1650R2, Accecc and Sewer Uasenenta aB aho-wn on the Aoende{ plat of GtenLyon Subdlvi.ston recorrl.erl ,trrty lR, l(.r78 rrr ljr4k 'tl') ,flt. Va<!? f ?oas Recepiton Nn. t68771. 1.3. A Deect of Trust" ctat.ed f'ebrrnry 6, l9Br,, .trecrlt.erl tJy lravi.rt t,.lrwi.n, i.o the Prlh.l.tc TnustFe or u*gle (lr*rntr. h.o seerrre anlndelrledness of 9191,50n.0{Jr rn favor: nf ,Jaroes R. &u.t Irrtt 4j6Suenn B. EartIeF,t, rr. crn hed F'ebrrrnrt ..i{tr lrrR.i rn }Jocrk 4(rir ;1t Page 3 , AGEAIT'S FILE @PY ORDER N0. r L';S?-O Altached to and made a part ot Stelvart Title Guaranty Company foticy No. Contjnuation of Schedule , Page 786 ar Receptlon No. 303069, oo? I I o-9902-r072:f, , i I I 20$r"l (50M 8€41 STE\^IART TIaiLE CUANANTY COI{PANY Pagc ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS t DATE: ==.iltl.oleeRl Drsc@atocr ,ln|.t'|Faa - '\.Fil ing ADDRESS: OhlNER ne ARCHITECT Phone ZONE DISTRTET PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE A'l I owed e,;t Gl.e--r.. Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear [ater Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining 'r'|al I Parki ng Credits: Garage LL61. ()to +Lt +r,f 4t1,< a6q3 f g6f,_ 35' ?et- r< ---'P-er'-'. oA + r -& tro{ ( 30) ( 33) tjaeo 5 1u * lL86 Lt tf 20, 15' 15' ( eo1 15e1 Proposed o< oL czK- Hei ghts t/ t,/ L _- Mechani cal Ai r'lock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Corrnents: (3oo) (600) (eoo)( 1200) (s0) ( 100) (25) (so) (2oo) (4oo) Slope Actual trr Aval anche IFlood Plain Slope Geologic Hazards )r / Zoning: Approved/Disapproved 3./k> 1?5 INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVI El'l PROJecT: l/w.n Cokk DATE suBIfTTTEDz ffiU. COI'fl'IENTS NEEDED BY: ?.4- 3,9 BRIEF DEscRrpTroN 0F THE pR0poSAL: . Ma_> VS PUBLIC l,lORKS Reviored ,r, 6a4 ,^ Corments:E6l',rt 9#<'l | &t'+'^t.,.'g SrrevFv 7 oztu6u4l scolq /aro pfr+/^trdc Tlrbot 7, I o, I Z Ooe @ @ FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviaved by: .-./4<-L +ue &t tS qe59u€ E,ZZ / u2# t4 €,o.OJ, Qlt 7/ rae EdoaT -... %ea/.F..e4rrou, 2sZ Oz< St.Z€P<*-/ Date m e 9a 9t6^t /a-Etnttr rc 47to.t \'* f'W ,P"t(t^'n"rt I Date ' Reviewed by: Cmments: CHL6 -/// -< Je*c^An- /o'a POLICE DEPART}'IENT Reviewed by: Corments I RECREATION DEPARTMENT Date s'$-t PROJECT: DATE SUEI{ITTED: CO}I"IEJ{TS IIEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC }'ORKS Revlewed by Co'.ments: Corments: - I HTEP..OEP.qRTHENTAL P.EV I EI.I Su( L+ V /ua Lt oq t, ] DATE 0F PUBLIC HEARING .--a.-e-'z a- 1b*t Drr(,1 nhol '"-{"t*- taot--.*f ?o}k ./44-0f {at4rss ac4(t;S Onc- Jrr FIRE DEPARTI4ENT Y' ,W'ef DateKEVIeWeO DV:- POLICE DEPARTHEI{T Revlewed by: Cogurents: Date I 'rr'L . jt_t 8EC?EATt Otr-DaPARTt{gNT tlevle"led by: Co:r,ents: