HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 50 LEGALIeDltl *olA{l-.! d U )'ir a\ ! AJ- U v) (! tti lh c) E o =bD o 0) 'g x 6 q) E G (u o 'd p. (g o € o gl o iE.rl q) (ua 0) € s oa q) 'oo (! (u G 'rl OJ q) bi ag {g qJ rl] F<i1 AJ F z (l) (/) OJ .v .d (n t.. t(!6l o ./l rGl :'U olr-r I11 | UItrl(EI.\l (,, I \, ^l| .ol | -ilI rollolr,l tal &tl ''rt I(ot Iot I c.ll .tt l|.rtq, nt ,Y .= HE h U 0) xF >.9 .i(g 3> t< OEEix", 'rrd:'i .i!v .= =+ (gY at\ o) ':r'd >- |JlE E;bb co(/lS 6 x= Q o* 5E q., PE':!f > r-(&>ooortrra:.9tEtfi9x>=a ):(,)!'io6 di bo e9: :3oo:.- tr *.: 9:,/ x-e t od0l o.t ." E .Y-o= ^^()ri =()u >g.9FH FUO >"U ar-al F{ DUUo ho F] H4UHhH Ht F]U t- Y)a J,"v1 ( -aJ02J\5 L\S\tof5(s\o ^" QFtLt o< ao S Xl tr) S*:\ SE o-Y.f\Ps. SlJFF ^qr t: >.,.9 LJ = r-> I (Jq) .\ qs' 6o \ 0.) (s d ql 3 u oo o) Io o tg a) dz IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT FORMAT Legal Description: Lot _5C___,Block__*-_ Develooer: Project Number: PB. lmprovement Completion Date:3e erernet 12, 2oo 7 Letter of Credit Expiration Date:fu-r-**z- lL. Zab? DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENl THfS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this lZ aay ot fuert- ,20-93-,byandamong -f,oHr.r fVur=et+b (the "bevetopef), anO tne Tow-n of Vail (the "Town") and hlvts.rt,l tLN NeTf Dirtlr. BIN!\L- (the "Bank"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancyfor 1345 Usrsutat Carte. U+-t- Ze\ Lr-r-4O Gt*r.t Lya,t Saaop./tstun4 Qa-tEtt a PA-J gS- O/ZE (address, legal description, and project number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and ',1g:-f, *3friff"effi ^iffi :"ffiE,ffi ,#,ffi}ry:":#-*: WHEREAS, the navtrl'her wiqbefin n qt€|ecurity to guarantee performance of this Asreement,incrudins"#ftl{'R-;il1\f;50;i,lf#";{;;iffi ;ttl;;";1,;/;"il;thefottowins: l\., I I ' ' (rAJ.L. The Devefooer aorees to establish an irrevocable letter of credit# IZZ in of $t<K ha' wil[r, ,4r-r-"t<.n,, A,/o.-^'^I-B-+'.-t (nqme of bank in Eagle County, Colorado) as the security for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreepent by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developer agrees to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the lZ dayof jmrearaee- ,2007. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the offlce of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: . Subdivision: 6z-e.p LYoxt the amount Flcdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA credit formal_112002.doc Page 1 of 5 a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building fficial, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security as follows: frrevocable letter of credit # IZZ in the amount ot S-E6.&Oe (125% of the total costs of the aftached estimated bid(s)) with .4>ztep.*p A)*rpu*+ &*v* (name of bank in Eagle County, Colorado) set to expire on the tZ day of Ooa,aea- ,20r:7 (not to expire less than 30 days after the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement) as the security for th+completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the security originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the security provided to the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and acc,epted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the security provided to the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. F:\cdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA credit format-112002.doc Page 2 of 5 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraphl of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security refened to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy refened to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the security provided to the Town, the excess, together with interest at twefve percent (12o/o) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shafl be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), VailTown Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements referred to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Developer STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE Thqforegoing Deyeloper lmprovement Agreemenl'L Dayof t+?Pst-- ,2)oAby t Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires 7 tgt2008 My commission expires *"u'tr ffi:::::s:iteUiitl F:\cdevlFORMS\DlA\DlA credit format-112002.doc Page 3 of 5 I town ) )ss. ) Planner STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged A*Oryof t'T)c,.-t ,z\o1-by UZvrceo W. O .^{$! Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: CO/C /Vtr>o>t+c $t*lr- STATE OF COLOMDO I )ss.coUNTYoFEAGLE ) The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was aoknowledged before me thisLZ aayot Apirztt-. ,20-qt-by1)st-',:fufY1r.rz,: tl',* frzs.xrur Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: before me this tBlrl-"+? ..i101169\ ieoo! ry#":lile$ F:\cdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA credit format-112002.doc Page 4 of 5 My Commission Expires Ogtgp{D9 ATTACHED COPIES OF THE ESTIMATED BID(S) F:\cdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA credit format_l12002.doc Page 5 of 5 Vllg.lsrpn's Cdrpensation) in eftci at al lirs duing the progfrss of their uotlq any subconfacbrs povi,iU dealnservkaareaborcqrirertblnvepmfrs$ottdlL$flfyirsurareinpbce. GSCCwnreqdlecettific#sd hsran€tobesubritbdbrtpibwihGSGCfsbdasaddtirnalinarr€d. GSCCT€tairE0ptigtibd€dud any insurance premlums GSCC may incur due to the subcontractor not malntalnlng adequate owerag€. AdmlnFF,ttion: All subcontracts will be wriften on GSCC's AIA A401 Sandard brm, aveilable br review in GSCC's main offce. Both these bidding instructions and the archibc-tural inbrmetion will be included in your AIA csr1ract (isbd as Edrbit A and B)- Arry etdu$on in your popooal rrxt be thoofghly documenbd atd a$adsd b [|l€se biSing ans0uctio||s at tho fints you sr|bml yq| propoed. Al @ttrats rEy be nego6#d b hdr(|e minimum crew eize, duration of woft and liquidated damag€s br f?ilure to perbrm. Subcontract draurs will be on a rnonthv basis. Billing.cutof dab br urc]k complebd b lhe 25" of eaci monh. Payment will be made once rcceived (typically lhe 25' of the bllowing month). Any arnounts to be billed *rd paid in excess of he bid amount mr.ld beaccorpani{ by awritEn$ftrkAulhaizdion bapd and apgoved BOpconFabrorhbt€presentailive prior b !l|e rcrl( bdng done. GSOC rlser€ the figlrl b hdd 5% letinage unlil fnd a@ptance ot thc wod( or product Tenatlve Schedulo' August 2006 gr&4!i I ) Reftr b OE plans br addlbnal inbnnalin r€gatling all soopee of uodc 2) Tlre hndgp srbconrabrwil pay bany bdirg brsol suitabtrty- Faciorfib inbyourbil prbeo. 3) Indude the rubn*xrin of sarndc in yot picing. 4) The duration of landscaping pcr the current schedule is approxirnately four wecks. Please ensure that there is adequate manporer and equipment b meet this schedule: submittal of a bid for thb ptoject indicates acceptane of this schedule. Additional cfiaqee due b schedule c|etays caus€d by the hndscaping subonfacbrthd lecrlt in addlirml cfia ges b tte pqeduill be ti[eit b [te bndscaprry g.OqtFaftr- 5) Bthg ary dasccpilcies or unrsual irstlrdios lhat you nolice h lhe hfunnalion ptwid€d by GSCC ptbr b subnifiing your biJ. 6) Any damage to other trades work due to the landscaping subcontraclor or his employees will be back cfiarged to the landscaping subconbaclor. 7) Verify the exa€il bcation of all existing underground facilitics/utilities prior b cornrnencing wih excantion opefalir|rs. 8) Al e+iprpntneeded($cftIaBobcdorshorcb)bbbegov*bdbyfiohttGcadtg8||bcodracbr- 9) lf,dlheconradamdd#,anyofhcrpedfiedrftriabarcurtavdhUobrodqip,ftet"illecape Architect may make substitutions. The contract awad amount will at hat fime be adjusted accordingly, bas€d upon prices br the substitl,rt€ rnetedals. This abo applies if any of the sp€dficelions are changed, regadless of availability. 10) Al n<lelgtound drainage wit be by drrs. 1 1) A[ bor{derrals re b bo @rpl€bd by oo|ets. Soctlon 02901. Soll Prupar.ton '1. The excanration subcontracbr will complete the sub-grading within +/-0.33 ol a bot. Include fie oost br supplnng 4'of topsoil in sod and e€€ded areas and 8' of topsoil in shrub beds. Include in your pdce the cost of dl sod and al sdl mt irxlgenous b and drcady on thE sib. Also andude all @fi|po€t O|at will be neded br theladsc4tingr2. IrElde dl sctl c6 h Uis sdbn. Thia ircfrdcr rpbrid, Ehirp*p, toc, unloading, spteadlng, fittal lopsf 3. 4. 5. grading, preparation and conditioning. All soil shall provide natural runolt wlthout lotr spots or pockets. Final grade must be plaaes at lease 6' belov the top of fuundation wall. The grade away from the fu.rndatftm wdtshould fall a minimum of 6' in tho frst 10'. 8oI Pnparatlon Tota!: I Prbc Per CrSG Y.rl otToFoil SupptLd, Unlordod rnd Sproed: 3 @ lrup. lldnGrued Plrfu Bcdr 1) Yo stnuld haw your on lrces and brporery sghklete br initial uabing. 2) GSCC will provide the water sour@. 2,1fficv CY Page 2 of4 3) lndu(b ]rdir,e seed, lam and pbntirg6 r*rids s s@tlql per pbn. Abo proyi(b Rivetsn r/8')d' sfieel edgirg (drt grecn) b€0reen aI pladiB beds ild ndiut 9166 at€c. 4) Include the coet tio install the 3' thyme planting joints at the sandset peving/palh areas. The plantings will start at the 1' tanding beh,w the BBQ pafio. L.um, ta.ov. cluc+ & Hrndng Bed Tot.t a-q Y t Trcsr. Shrubt. and Grcund Cover 1) GSCC is responsible for potecting the tees and planb that ere to remain on site and will not be morcd. This indudes the material and labor ftr all banicadcs ard rnerkings. Flow€ver, costs for da|trage caus€d b these pbrilscaused bt yourcreuEduring t|drlime on |heitbgbuill be bacN<cheqed byo. 2) Pricattephnbperpbn. 3) Indude ail muldl ts€s stalcs, gny vhes, rabr titgs' pbnt tt*r(, bak * a6 rEeded or spectied. 4) Indude all cost for the Mexican Pebble as mulch per plan. 5) lnclude all c6t br crane tirr|e to set tre€s as neoesEary. 6) Provide cosb br erosion contol nettirg br all native secfi arcas witt a s{ope greater than 2:1. Aso indudg 18' wide dver rod( drip edge at al root drip lires. Tner, Slnrb, lrd Grornd cow ,tart!!-g{ Sod Rooflno I ) Include the cost to insall the sod roofing at Sre mudroom and family room. Refer to the attached details for locations. 2) lnclude opproximdely 4-lD" of *il srd ncive wildflower seoding. Tcmporary inigation slull bc included bcbw. 3) All waterproofing and drainagc will bc complcted by ofrGrs. sodRoofingTook$ ?(of S.cdor Ol00lcl-ildlc p Lhbmrco 1) IrdrdetherE{nEnilcoco€tbprovbupkeepof0nbnbcapepbntprodrcfBpriorbcon"blionotthe pr*frhA^€ustd2(m. 2) Include the cost of maintenance licr a p€riod of one (1) year after inal acceptance including wintedzing and spring charging of the inbation system and head adjustment. 3) Indude a wrranty br one (1) full groMng season afier install and final acceptance tcr all plantings. Totel C6t fot hfnlemncc tffi Flml Accoptao @r J--i-fu- Td Go.t br qrr Yor d Irhmcr Afir Flnd Accopbnccl- J--'U|.f; Sectlon 02901d lnioation Svrtem 1. Include cost to design-build an inigation system. The system will receive a peer review prior to installation. 2. Ensura water pr€€sure is adequate br lhe system d€signed.3. Al tr&dafs are b be r|ew ild h grrd.y cqdilbn.4. Use sear& zsrcs br tees and shnts, ard ftr bms and penndd fiorcrbcds Zorc $I| are6 and shade eres $parae*y. lndi(S he * d propc€d zon€8.5. List the brand and size of the timing box proposed. 6. List the bmnd and number of sprinkler heds proposed. 7. The rnain lin€ is to be Ctass 20OBE or €quivdent at a minimum depth of 12 inchsg below grade. Labral lines ale b be *ldl polBlhy'lene pipe or eqdvdent d a mhirrum <lepth d 12 incfi* below grde br all plantiry areas, and E indresbr lawn aec.8. Use orly f|e solvent supplied ild r@mrFr|d€d by 0|€ pip6 mtrufacturer b wdd dpe Jointe. Alow I 5 minutes set - up curing time before mwing or handling, and 24 hours curing time bebre water is daced in the pipes. 9. All installation is to conbm to county and stafte code6, and accoding to lfie menulact rors specifications. Page 3 of4 o ai exisdng o comrnencirlg with excanationlO. VeCdy the e)€ct locatbn of opcrdkrns. uDdeEourrd fadli0earu0ttl€s prior b 11. Allvahres and quilt ouflers ae b be cncasd in poly - plaCb vdt e boxea set I indr abop fuiieir grde ir shrub areas and frush with grade in lawn areas. Valve boxes shall be of sufficient size to allow for unrestricted maintBnance of the valve(s) within. \Mteever possible, place all vahres in planting areas. Place valve boxes at locations as n€€ded. 12. Al inlalbn heads next b buiHhgs and vals are b be hsHed 6 indres ftom the edge of ad dfuerftd ar*rat fiom these ibmg 13. AdjuS gpthkletr br unitum for r|d @r,erags, lGqt]lg w*r ql @ncr€b ffurk 8nd sals b e r*rirrnn. No water is to be spray€d on glass or building walls. 14. All valve control wire is to be solid copper AVI/G #16, type UF, direct burial, using snaptlte conn€ctors or oth€r UL approved wira conncc'tors. Wire is to be insblled in the same t|endr a€ the main line and tied at lGbot inbrvds. 15- Af bacldll b b be d€an, fi€e ot rcd(s, fch, glass, @ntaiE s, rags. ar|d any other deleGfir.rs r*tub. '16. PressrB bst the main lirFs ar|(l rrdvss flxl flustt fins prbr b lnstalling h€ds. 17. All excavathns are to be beckfilled with fine materials to 4 incheg above oown, and tamped, then filled with earth and tamped. All tenches ae to be left frush with adpining grade in a lim unyielding condition. Conec{ any subEeque"nt sstuing. 18. Set lhe innid pogram for the confo|er antl in8trr.rct GSCC as b ib operalirl. I 9- Ebctricd porer b fie conHler wf l be suppled by GSCC. 20. GS@ uil oootdhab the lraa[aaitn of *dring with the itffiiq| of peviu and sltdkr. 21 . Inducb a[ fenching and excavatirE, as well as backfill, as needed for $e sysbm. 22. Indude C €quipmant necessary br a proper sprinkler syst€rn: baclflor preirenter, rain shut off device, PRV valnes, vaultg oa nlanibld boxes, docks or times, eb. 23. The plurter wil indall the inigelion sfirb forn |he rEcfianical rom. The mbr will conc from the dorredb sowce wlh adequfr p|€sq|Ie. 24. Itdutb ini;alin brthe CilltrEB W |he anbout and diveway ao n€eded. 25. Indude irdgation br the plantings along the boulderwalls as n€€d€d. 26. Do not include permanent inEatlon at he nathre grass ereas. Sorr€ tomporary inpation may be needed e|d include the cost in this section. Inctde the terporary frigatbn br the sod roofing 83 needed. Lmdrcepe lrrlg.tlon System Tobk 3 Totel Numbcr ofZonol: Sprlntbr tbdr Bnnd and Qtnntlty: TlmlngBorBnndmdSts : fu}J'liEt- Zt'zdrb cctzL Secdon lrlg0ra bnd.G.pl|F P.0:rBo0lL|l 1. Indde mab|bb' equimed 6or and any ot'rr rcessary co€t br instalbtixr of at of he sendE€t sppirg ture pdts ard bndscahg *ps I shiln m lhe rE*tefr grqrrrts2. All sandsct pa\rerJpathdsteps will be consbuded out of brownstone.3. Rebr b the landscaping plans and details br locations and cons{ruction inbrma$on.4. The paths will b€ install€d per pqe L€. Include ttp labor fp'r the 3' pbnting jointr. 5- lndude a separats co€f br S|e orpfly and iddbn of aI angubr brorrubne b@lders ab|g lhe sarxtsetpdr, on he l,lEconrrdlhe popctty, dtirftirrayerfrare, andqr tEwcCideof ttehousebt fE ilrdroo|||I A[ dEr bouLlerudb (lndced wiut TWrBl,U wif bo irElaflod by lhe eEl&.6- Th|pa patiowill be concrete by others. Totrl Cct llor Lrndrceplng St F: t Ioirl Oat br AnSUtrr Bouldcc: I (/9 ilob:Frl-illftld tlfi Ob brll illc.l osgdile ulh 0f Cn l.nd.Fcncrtbil f provldrrtl !y Urfi#tirtfiF. Frllur. to do ro m.y dbqu.|lry thL bld frcm comld.i.tlon. \? t-. . =gg: I Page 4 of4 Dcpzrmtmt of Community Dcvclopment 75 Sotth Fmntagc Road VaiL Colordo 81657 970479-2138 FAX97M79-2452 uuru.aailgort com October 19,2007 American National Bank Attn: Mr. Dillon DeMore P.O. Box 4660 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Letter of Gredit Number 122 Account Name: John L. Alfond To Whom lt May Concern: The above mentioned letter of credit has been released, please find the original letter enclosed. lf you have any questions please call Wanen Campbell, Chief of Planning for the Town of Vail at 970479-2148. Sincerely, /) 17,.ffinnZtu6rt^y Lyfne Campbell I Office Manager Enclosure $ ocrcr"o ruo N AmericanNationalBanK Member Sturm Financial Group I-,ETTER OF CREDIT #122 BENEFICIARY: Town of Vail 75 S Frontage Rd Vai1, Colorado A1657 Fttt sopr t2, 2007 OcEober 12, 2OO7 DATE: April EXPIRY DATE: IRRTVOCASI.,E STNiIDBY I.,ETTER OF CREDIT To Whom It May Concern: We hereby open our Irrewocable J,etter of Credit in your favor available by draf! at sight dra$, on the American National Bank for any sum or sums not. exceeding in total the sum of $88,000.00 for the account of ,John L F.1fond, 1345 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO 81657. For the purpose of guaranteeing construcEion of public improvements required by Town of vail pursuant to that certain Developer Improvement Agreement between Town of VaiI relative to John L Alfond, Each draft drawn on American NaEional Bank sight shal1 be endorsed on the reverse side of lhis L,etter of credit and bear upon its face Drarrn under Letter of credit Number 122, dated April 12 , 2007, and shafl be accompanied by a resolution of the Town of Vail-, 1) That there has been a default under the Developer Improvement i\greemenE, and 2) That a sum cerLai-n is reguired to remedy the default. The American National Bank agrees with the drawers, endorsers and bonafideholders of drafts drawn and negotiated in compliance with tshe terms of this Letter of Credit tshat such draft wiLl be duly honored upon due presentation at the cjounty of this bank. Ivner:.can National Bank represents and warrants to the Town of Vail- that iE has --h.e fr.rll authority and power to issue tshis l,etter of Credit tso the Town of vail in the total amount and for the per:od of tsime stated herein; said auLlurri;:y being pursuant to the laws of the United States, or the state ofterri.tory which gowerns the estsablishment and regulation of American Nat.ional Bank ch.:rter, by-1aws and other applicable rules and regulations adopted purErr!:;rr E.hereto. ShouLd it be necessary for the Town of VaiI to file suit inan effort Eo enforce this irrevocable L,etter of Credit., American National Bank hereby waives all wenue right and submits Eo the ,Jurisdiction of theDistrict Court in and for the Town of Vail. AI1 drafts hereunder must be drawn on or before October ),2, 2007 . This letter of credit is afso gowerned by the Uniform Customs and Practicefor Documentary Credit., International Chamber of Commerce PublicaEion No. 500(the UPc), which shal1 in all respects be deemed a part hereof as if incorDorated herein . Aspen I Boulder r Ca6ondale r Colorado Springs I Denver I Eagle Fruita I Glenwood Springs r Grand Junction r Greeley I Mountain Village I www.anbbank.com I Member FDIC T Rifle Fiwards r Telluride very Trul-y Yours AIIERICAII NATIONAL, BAIIK By,Dil1on DeMore, Vice President Atstest : C0tf$Jl{fi tr\'El,Opt,!{r Design ReYiew Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 taxt9TB'48-2452 web: www.vallgov' corn Protect Narne: Proiect llemripdon: Ploject Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Legal Descrlption: Parel l{umber: comments: Pafticipants: OWNER ALFOND,JOHN L. PO BOX 880 VAIL co 81658 ATFOND CIIANGE DRBNumber: DR8070131 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS FOR AN ADDMON OF A WINDOW TO THE WEST ELEVATION OF fiE OFRCE Ml0420p7 AppucANT K.H. WEBBARCHITECTS rc O4|OA20O7 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81657 Licenses C000001627 ARCHITECT K.H. WEBBARCHnECTS rc OqO2lZ007 710 WEST UONSHEAD CI& UNIT A Phonet 97O477-29fi Phonez 97O477-2990 llodon By: Second By: Vote: CondlUons; VAIL co 81657 License: C000001627 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Loca6on: loe 50 Block Subdlvlsion: GLlN LYON SUB. 2103-121-0601-1 SEE CONDMONS BOARD/SIAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of APPrcYalt O4lMlzoOT @M:8 tn-qDt No charyes to these plans may be made without the wrltten @nsent of Town of Vail stitr and/or the appropriate reviaar committee(s). Cond:0 (pl-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buitding. Please consult wlth Town of Vail Buildlng personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not beome valid for 20 dap following the date of apprwal' t1' Cottd:202 Apprwal of thls prolect shall lapse ad beome rloll one (1) year bllolling tte date of final apprwal, unless a buiHing permit is issued and orstnrdlon is ommenced and is dlllgenfly pursued tovard cornpletion. Entry: 04/04/2007 By: RLf Acfion: COND 1. The applicant shall match all trlm and colors of the new window to approved windows. Planner: RACHELFRIEDE DRBFeePald: S2O.OO tutfiY DEvi.tt 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2t381479-2139 Ftx970479-2452 Aptil4,2007 Heather Barrie KH Webb Architects 710 W tionshead Circle, Unit A Vail, CO 81657 Fax (970)477-2965 Re: DRB07-0131 1345 Westhaven Circle Lot 50, Glen Lyon Subdivision Departnent of Community Development Dear Heather, Thank you for your application for changes to the approved plans for the Alfond Residence at 1345 Westhaven Circle. Your application has been staffapproved with the following condition: 1. The applicant shall match all tim and colors of the new window to approved windows. I have included the Design Review Action Form for your records. Please submit new sheets for the approved building plans office set that include the ne.w window. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Best,W Rachel Friede Plarmer, Town of Vail (970Y7e-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com Changes To The Approved PIans Application for Design Review Department of C.ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 te/j 97 0.47 9.2L28 f ar/c 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Informatlon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prlor to submiHing a bullding permtt application, Please refer b the submittal requlrements for the padcular approrral that is requested, An application for Design Revlew cannot be accepted until all required informatlon is received by u|e Community Development Department. The project may also need to be rE iewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review apprcval lapses unlese a building permh ls issued and constructon commences wlthln one year of the approrral.v Ftc,ov o t\ rd \ Locattonof theProposat= Lot: 6D Block:- suuivtston: UUE\I INON 4)b Physical Address: Parcet t{o.: '7-10 5 l?,1 Ob?l | (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86.t0 for parel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):Jr++: +Jtgr- ALfpgp> Malllng Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Tyge-of Revlew and Fee: E Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approvd by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, Submittal Requircments! 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signafure of Homeowner(s) or AssodaUon *'iffce{ft'onrv: - 2*) DRBN..:a70(3 @ F:\cde\iAFORMSIPemG\Phnning\DRB\dtb_change_lo_approvedjhns_lJrage_1GlFano€.doc Tf,\irnl nf \;All- ni -:t.-:ll RLViLw--,l,lr, APPi:iovAL t[:[qt--" T.O.RIDGE 6X6 (212 X 8'S @ TRUSS C.CHANNEL SEE REDLINED FOR ELEVS MATCH HEAD I 'u" @ souTH I MAIN.LEVEL) ConAitv>tt; oU^ff Inaf,/.r a,[t -lntrnr @ESrELEVAIoN-{.{^e-*pp\rcfnr.} SYU"'\'/r -.-'*".- \t;i.:\t i f"^. hr-t,., t o''r^etoe..r fu 1'9'*rcX ,o'.nolo..rs;. FOYER Eo1-l coloR w,nDl 48. X 96' SH +++**'l'l{.**l*'t**{t'}*tlll++'t**'}{.**'f******'t++++********+**'}****ff+*{"t*+'t****f***+++********r*rt,r TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statementa*f**']*+***t+++******'|**l *+l'f+++*ff**+++*a+*******fa++S**'|!'tlt{.*'}+*{r'}++*ll+***t****:}{r'+++l*** Statements Nutnber: RO?0000393 Anount 3 S20.00 04/02/2OO7L0=22 Attl Palment Method: Check Init: iISNotation: 1439/HEATHER N. BARRIE Permit. No: DRB070131 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2103 -121-0501- 1 Site lddiees: 1345 tlBgTIIAltEN cR VAIIr &ocation: 1345 vfESTHAttEN cR ToEal Feee: $20.00This Palment: $20.00 Total AIJIJ Pmte: $20.00Balance: $0.00+****{"}'}*'}**t'}*'t***ttt+++'}l*frf**f***+f*++'}**ttl***{'+**lf+++*+*****'tt**'}'t'}'}+++*************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account code Description Current, Pmta DR OOIOOOO3IL22OO DESIGN RT\IIEW FEES 20.00 6'., /yan , /rf oZ Design Review Soard ACTIOH FORU Delartment of gommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8tr657 tel:970.{79.21,39 fa:c970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.comoors..fw EtEr.r|E lr Project Name: ALFOND FENCE CHANGE Proie€t Description: Participants: DRBNumber: DRB060500 Location: RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS TO ADD A 48' FENCE AT DOG RUN, ADD 36'' GUARDRAIL AT BBQ PATIO DUE TO REVISED GMDING OWNER ALFOND, JOHN L.r0lzsl2006 PO BOX 880 VAIL'co 81558 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC t012512006 Phone; 970477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 816s7 License: C000001627 ARCHffiCT K.H. WEBB ARCHffiCTS PC t012512005 Phone:970477-2990 710 WEST LIONSHEAD CIR, UNIT A VAIL co 816s7 License: C000001627 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAiLProject Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Lot 50 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. 2103-121-0601-1 see condition Mouon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Apprcval: 1U10/2006 @nd:8 (Pl-AN)r No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulafions by April 15,2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Cond: CON0008544 new dog fence to be constructed outside the drainage and utility easement per letter from Heather Barrie at KH Webb dated 11 03 05 Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review It Department of Communfi Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tA: 970.479.2128 fatc 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov, com General Informadon: All projects requirlng design revle$, must receive approval prlor to submltfing a buildlng permlt appllcadon. Please refer to the submlttal requirements for the particular approval that is rcquested, An appllcaton for Design Revievt cannot be accepted until all required informauon ls recetved by the Communlty Da/elopment Department. The project may also need to be rsle$red @ the Town Council and/or tfie Plannlng and Environmental Commlsslon. Declgn revlew apprcval lapses unless ! buildlng permh lc lssued and conrtruction commences within one year of the approral. Parcel No.(Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 97_0-328-86,10 for parcel no.) Zonlng: Name(s) of Malllng Address: phonei _' IJ P 6) h@r o vl o o Owner(s) Signature(s): n"'" "r ooo,,l*.' -il|jD" i-&" tt i / i/ t, fYge ot Review and Fee: y' changes to lpproved Plans $20 Submlttal R€quir€menb: 3 Sets of Plans Addrcssing Project Changes Signafure of Homeowne(s) or Associatlon @hL For relrisions to plans already approved by Planning Stafr or the Design Revleu, Board. Descriptlon of the Request: LocaUon of the Proposa lz w: 5D F:bdev\FORMS\Pcmlb\Pl6mhg\ORBld6_changc_lo_.ppro$dJrLnt_Ur{c_1Gl&2ffi.doc GORt CRLrK SLWIR EASEMENI,/ ,, L\J +J ",\ Jo-- M!A5. RrV EL = 8016.7"r.5rl.V :' t2.!;"'' :4'"'X;:#-7.-= :';E-:A 9J >a E-;.'- - -f -'' + -F, f-.,1 -Y ') -'VI S:ln,rffi ,'\-.,ry(\r' \*.,J\/t'i ( ",,/" )\F' ryb {-->ryj;- Ls. # rJ174 \ \.oT,F\D PN & CAP- i .'i"r*,ffi1*-, ! \t,';",-12('u 6Jv7r7-j.e' ,1 \,i E t--*e.--H:ffiF Lfdff"t'i"j ffi*lliisr "-rr't!-6'. ilr 'l 'c,ilii'l![il:lnffiri li 1. , i'iri: IlColorado luna ert stalo, I nc, t--I Page I of3 Heather Barrie From: JeffK@gsconco.com Sent: Monday, June 12,2006 12:38 PM To: Heather Barrie Subject: Fence Pictures GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Jeff KiSSane Phone 970.476.4739 Fax 970.E4s.7013 c€ll 910.316.6tu )rY"qs2w Mr.M K VoU wt4 -14'fuw r012412006 TDWi , ,I? DESIGN F,_ )r STAFF APPROU,,, - D.a i-'.o THE AREA OF OPENINGS (3 EACH FLUE) EXCEEDS THE REQUIRED 3X THE DIA. IN SQ/ IN 6-%" CLEARANCE BETWEEN TH OUTER EDGE OF CHIMNEYTERM. AND INSIDE SURFACE OF THE SHROUD. SOD ROOF 8X14RS CEDAR BEAM 2X6RSVERT. CEDAR TRIM RSE VERTICAI- BOARD AND BATTON,STONE VENEER Ext1g84LE-- -YA:S1q- sr+NDr.lG sEf,M M ArllcHrMNEY, NoNF4r ror ABWE o PREVENT COIIIDE$I ll IN.LEVEL) MOUNTAIN ASH 2X6'S @ WEB W6 X ].5 STEEL COL. BBQ HOOK.UP, VFY. LOCATION EXIST.GRADE ,ffiiffiR*tu@avxn'> t^fu( vlbp<nq{- A{-frNpMETAL POSTS, TOP CAP, CEDAR, TYP wffi%# It+***ltttft*'}*+t*'l**fl*+lf*'it*'i't'i*'t*fl++*+*t*t****'t*+ff++*+**++*fi+***f**+*****t****ll***** TOWNOFVAIL. COI,ORADO Stat€ment *t*{'*f*f+tt*'t++**a***+*'}**a***+***t*+****'i********++++*************+*+**********f*,}*****laf+ Staternent Number: R060001801 Amount: $20.00 Io/25/2OO5O8:25 AIrl Palment Method: eheck Init: JS NoEation: 2104/K.I{. WEBB Permit l{o: Parcel No: Site Addresa: Location: This Payment: ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account eode DR 00100003Lt2200 DPAo60s00 2t03-L2L-060L-L 1345 WESTHAVEII CR VAII, 1345 VIESTHAVEN CR $20.00 Deacription Tl,'pe: DRB- Chg to Appr Pl.ana Total Fees: Total AJ,T, Pmts : Balance 3 $20.00 $20.00 s0.00 DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmt6 20.00 George Ruther - Alfond Residence- Dog Fence 1 From: "Heather Banie" <heather@khwebb.com> To: <gruther@vallgov.com> Date: 11/03/2006 11:13:11AMSubject AlfondResidence-DogFence George, Per our phone convercation regarding the west dog fence at the Alfond Residence- we agree to align the dog fence outside of the drainage and utility easement (7'-5" off the property line to the east). Thanks, Heather Banie k.h.webb architects.pc 710 west lionshead circle suite a vail, colorado 81657 970.477.2990 (p) www.khwebb.com CC: <JeffK@gsconco.com>, "Kyle Webb" <ky'e@khwebb.com> Conf i rmat a on Reeort -Memory S€nd Page Date I T ire L ine I E-mai I llachine lD 00r l{ov-I0-06 ll:l7ar 9t9179?452 T0ffit 0F vAtL cltfflNilTY DEVET()PTfIIT Job nunber 0ate To llunber of pagss Start tlre End t ine Pagas sent Status Job nunber : 100 t00 llov-l0 ll:l6ant 494772S65 003 l{ov-l0 ll:l7an l{ov-l0 ll:l7a; 003 OK *** SEND SUCCESSFUL +** 75 Sorrtlr Fr.ora.ta'gc R.oad\/.l,I, eO 41657970-479-213Atl.a,x 97 0-+79-2452 CO]VIrVILIFITT'Y DE\'EI-IOPIiIIEI\IT FA'< TR.{FISIrIITA:rAI- SETEET TO. co.l}fP/Nlrg FfA\dEt F-':< TELEPIT'OIYE FruAzfl]ttR. gTo 472 -q6S ERrond: XDATE: aa l(' (16 Z.Ill/lE: tO a-E_ *r or t'l,cgd rlr Da)c:rrlllErirr G\roI: rrsrcr-rErDrNrci <:o\zER" srreEr-r-- R.tsiPol|{lst RtQr:rILEr'?_ SE!\I:[BY TOa\tNI OF \ZAIL COlvIn rtE\Ifr"la Dle\/Ef-OpIvIEriIT r.j,ta rt 'rovt'tir oF \ZAIL 'Corvfn{ft.Firrry I>EvEI_rOI|nlrBI{T X:El_EpIrorirE #_--r',eazzi,dSa_ SPECLAI. ICOIVTTVIEI\IFS .A,!{I) I\IOZ]ES: T!:n+t for ltoqr: I'-ll-EGG, E..ttr.r- Glor'r,y for thc d.l-Jr o!. orrt- qad- tao,rr't.c -lI .G|trvllL ths faocc ltzrrtb. tDc o_D6 eoDdlllo! rogrrrurrg prrcc--igc orrrtrra- or ir.o .rrGE dt-Cill |f |rG.d-d- 9'70 4t9 2454 ELl.-bcth 6*,Qntfso Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8L657 tef: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.rom Proiect Name: . ALFOND CHANGE Project Description: DRBNumber: DR8060453 FINAL APPROVAL FORTHE ADDMON OF 1.5 NEW PARKING SPACES WNH LESS THAN 4' RETAINING WALL Participants: Project Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER ALFOND, ]OHN L.0912212006 PO BOX 880 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC 0912212006 Phone:970-477-2990 953 S, FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81657 Licens€: C000001627 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: Lot:50 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. 2103-121-0601-1 see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SrAFFAPR Date of Approval2 0912U7006 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 ifjlt 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov,qm. Generat InformaUon: All projects r€quiring design revieu/ must receive approral prlor to submitHng i building permit applicaUon, Please refer to the submlttal requirements for the particular appronl that is requested. An appllcauon for Design Re\/lev{ cannot be accepted unfll all requircd information is received by the C.ommunity Development Department. The project may also need to be revlewed by the Town Counc 'and/or the Planning and Environmental Commlsslon, Design review approval lapses unless a building permit ls lssued and constru(tion commences within one year of the approval.U n,wo Locatlon of the Prcposah bt:50 ebd<: Physical Address: Parcet No.: /103 " l2l qloll otbS (Conbct Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-854 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):Jp+\r ? -:tur, A!,&r.rp q5( Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): o n NameorAppftcant W VW W#lffiS Mailing Address:w. vtoNe t@o UNIT A TVDqof Review and Fee:'7 [!l' Changes to Approved Plans $20 For rsr'isions to plans already approved by Plannlng Staff or the Design Review Board,' Submittal Requirementsr 3 Sets of Plans Addresslng ProJect Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or AssodaUon Foroffeetgo-nlr er'..rno., 265? ev, A ,*nnour., lQ' (8 cW DRBNo.: plunn"r, M G projectNo.r f]row'u or vett *x &* ,^. $sos. s- G g s \l $ & g .1}' ( RR. +****{'*l'1.'t*l'****ll+++**{r*l',''}t*'t*'}**+a********tl''l**tl+++**'t'}***t+iftr**tt*************f+++**+* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment***al*****'|*tft+a**'i***'i*'i**+++ta*****aa*ttl'+*ff***+*+*a**'i**+++++***+***aitf***++++|t****'t'f+ Statement Nurnber: R050001512 Arnount: S20.00 09/22/2OO6L1 :13 Alt Payment Method: Check Init: ,JS Not,ation: 2059/KH I|EBB Permit No: DR8060453 T)Tle: DR3-Ch9 to Appr Plane Parcel No: 2103 -121- 0501-1gite AddresE: 1345 V|ESTHAVEN CR VAIL, Location: 1345 VIESTHA1IEN CR Total FeeB: $20.00This Payment: $20.00 Total lll,lr Pmts: 520.00Balance: $0.00**'t**l+*+*+ft++ia*++++**+*+****+*+'l**+++**+tllt't**'}*+++*******a*tt***aa*+t**lf******++++**** ACCOI,JNT ITEM UST: Account Code Description CurrenE Pnts DR OOIOOOO3LI22OO DESIGN REVIEVI FEES 20.00 Ghanges To The Apprcved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Dg/elopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, @londo 81657 t€lt 97 0.479.2128 fa* 970.179.2452 web: www.rrallgov.com General Informadonr All projects requiring design revlar mu* receive approval prlor b submltung a bullding perfiilt appllcadon. Please refer b the submlttal rcquiremenb for the partkular approval tfiat is requested. An appllcauon fior Deslgn Revlary cannot be accepted unul all required Informaton ls r€ceved by tfie Communlty Dwelopment Department. The project may also need to be revlaryed by tfie Town Councll and/or the Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon, Declgn rcvlew approval lapsct unl€.c r bulldlng pemlt b lssucd and comtrudon commenccc wlthin onc year of dre apptoval. Descripuon of th€ Location of the Proposalt t-ott 5D glcxlr<: Physical Addrcss: Patrxllno.t 710 Zonlng: l{ame(s) of Owner(s l{alllng Address: Owner(s) I i;'I,l" on[7 (* orl,r^) Name of TYgfof Revlew and Fee: / Changes to npproved Plans vlgtoa{ OlloS Co. Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) D4,{ql'9 vPf.v W. UtoNbtW UNIT A $20 For revlsions to plans already approved by Planning Stafr or the Deslgn Revle\rv Board, v 7\) cp @-o -Fww Submlttsl R€quircm€nts: 3 Sets of Plans Addrcssing ProJect Changes Slgnature of Homeowne(s) or Assodauon o*rno.,?$2- q,l4'H- /u' G F:\GdGAFORMS\P.mn \Pl.mhg\DRB\drb_ch.ngc_to_.ppro/tdJrLF_lJrrg._0$11-Axr6.doc IUt (,z Yu o-o lUo lUt 2!ER 5 d*n o fEa9 V -.'t\\,/ \-'>s,/ <ft /\ _(q\f - -r-o ,./I -.'' .<. () C). vi\<r\c) lrl LL,A -T-N \t.l \l cl\o\c E\f Ii/ \tfr ,\\_l ' <I_ O)O d:- CJa O(\ o ) = tJ) i b\ .,, >.\,''.1 ,Z+ \..,/ ./ LtJ x.=3'\{)-a\ /------"--- "''\ -Y--.----/\ 1,&- \ -_-:_ s,;.----.-.-.-*-- \ - \ \"-a-.--.-.\.'- -l_,r ei \ | Ii Ni llq \ i {- \--''=- -Ji hle9 AE E6 \ Nr b TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement '3**tt*t++******************'9*+********aaa***+*****t*t**+************lt****++*t**aitff+++++++ Statement llrrtliber: R050001459 Anount: $20.00 09/L5/200608:59 A[r Payment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 2043/K.H. VIEBB ARCHITEET Permit No: DR8050433 Tlt)e: DRB - Chg to Appr Plang Parcel No: 2103 -121-0601-1 SiIe AddreEE: 1345 ITBSTHAVB{ CR \TAIIJ LocatLon: 1345 VTESTHAVSN CR, Tota1 Fees: $20.00Thie Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description DR OO1OOOO3II22OO DESTGN RSVIEW FEES Current Prnts 20.00 A"t, V^, t-fgb O(rrrhf.FllY oEllEuPlG,'Jt Deeign Review Soard ACTION FORM Department of Community Development ' 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.t139 fax! 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%com Protect Name: ALFOND COLOR CHANGE DRB Number: DR8060201 ProJect Description: . RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PTANS-EXTERIOR STAIN COLOR CHANGES Participants: OWNER ALFOND,JOHN L. PO BOX 880 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHffiCIS rc 0513L12006, Phone: 970-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81657 Llcense: C000001627 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 0s13112006 Loft 50 Block Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. 2r03-121-0601-1 see condiuons Project Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Acdon: STAFFAPR Date of APProval: 06/022006 C-ond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbff and/or the approprlate review commlttee(s). Cond: 0 (P$N): DRB appraal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Bullding personnel prlor to @nstruction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently p.ursued toward compleUon. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paidi $2O,OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Communlty Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tek 97 0,47 9.2128 Jaxi 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vallgov,@m General InformaUon: All projects requlring deslgn rcvia^/ must recelve approval prior to submitting a bulldlng permit applicauon. Please refer to the submlttal requirements for the partlcular approval that is requested, An applicatlon for Deslgn Revieuf cannot be accepted unul all required information is recelved by the @mmunity Dwelopment Department. The project may also need to be rwierrred I the Town Coundl and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deslgn rcvlew apprcval lapses unless a bulldlng pemlt is isoued and oonsEuction Comm€ncs within one year of the approval. Locadonof theProposalz t-ot: 50 alock:-5r6619r1o1; &1.€N LVoN 9u€gtVt9rON Physical Address: Pareatto.t /.10b t1-.1 bblfl (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) Zonlng: Name(s)of owner(s): -loru f JrU, K,fol.tp . Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): NameofAppftca*= #\ ul6Vb l@'*ffEry Maillng Mdrcss:1t0 NhW Cl Phone: E-mall Addrcss:Fax: (7 P6rof o No - 57 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For consffucton of a new bullding or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage ls added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addlflons & Interior conversions). $250 For mlnor changes to buildlngs and site improvements, such as, re roofing, painting, wlndow addluons, landscaping, fences and retalnlng walls, etc, $20 For mlnor changes to buildings and slte lmprovements, such as, re-roofing, painting, whdow additions, landscaping, fences and retalnlng walls, etc. For rE lslons to plans already Deslgn Raniew 8oard. approved by Planning Staff or the Type of Review and Fee: tr Slgns E Conceptual Revieu/ tr New Constsuctontr Addition E Minor Alterauon (multi-family/commerclal) E Minor Aheratlon (sin glefam ily/du plor) O' Changes to Approved Plans tr Sepanuon Request $20 No Fee OtttS% EGEIVE '#ffi.ryrWY' a,,.rno.:r*r* cvt a 7-546 - Alfond Residence 1345 Welthaven Cir. Yail. C0 81658 Siding Colon at dre Grngc/ Guest Wing (l{ain & Upper hvels): l. lx1 ll{00lll $K I&G V Groove ftdar liding Strong in 4' increments/ PffSllll* tustom Grey to blend with grey barnwood 2. 3x4 5l'l00lH lTl( Cedar Window & Door Trim for smooth siding areas/ PRISIAII{: (ustom Gny to blend with grey bamwood 3. 3x{ ll lll( [edar Window & Door lrim / Plt$Allt Custom Grey to blend with gny barnwood 1. 6x8 $l( 15 Dour fir Headen./ PffSllllt Custom Grey to blend with grey barnwood 5. 2xl2 $l( Rl Cedar 0H DoorJamb/ Plt$lllt tu*om 6rey to blend with grcy bamwood 6. 216 vertiol tritn/ Plt$lllt [u$om Grcy to blend with grey bamwood Siding Colon rt the l{rin llouse (Lowcr, llain, & Upper leveh): 7. lx{, lxl0 Rl lTl( tedar Reverue B&B Siding/ PltSTAllt l'loorwood #070 lequoia Redwood 24...[ustom blend 50/50 with clear per sample 8. lx{ N 5Il( (edar Wndow & Door Trim for B&B siding ana/ PltlTlllt lloorwood #070 lequoia Redwood 24...[ustom bhnd 50/50 with dear per nmple 9. 2x8 Rl STI( Cedar vertical trim / Plt$lllt lloorwood #010 lequoia ledwood 21...Custom bhnd 50/50 with deu per sample 10. 2x6 Band on lamily [oom/ PMSIlllt ]loorwood #070 lequoia Redwood l1...tustom bhnd 50/50 with clear per sample ll. lx4 Rl JTI( (edar T&G Y Groove loffit/ PltSIAlt{: Porter custom color- | quart fomula: Bue 1842-04; EE-1.5; JJ-6; l,ll,l-l; YY-20 12. 2x8 Rl 5Il( (eda Steel l-beam infilh/ PRElTllil: Porter custom rolor- I quart formula: Bale 1842-04; tE-1.5; JJ-6; l1l,l-l; YY-20 13. 2xll N 5Il( (edar Jteel l-beam infills/ PRtlIAllt Porter curtom color- | quart formula 8ue 1842-04; Et-1.5; JJ-6; lll'l-l; W-20 14. 0xl4 N SII( Doug tir tookoutr / PIE$Allt 0lympic #713 . lucir rt Gangc rnd ]kin House:- 15. GARAGE & H0UIE tAStlA" Plt5lrtllt Olympic #713 \ -\ Plut. #P711l "BLAC|( STONE VENIER: ''MOU}ITAIl'l Asl|" llERTICAL SIDING DOORS & WINDOWS SIO|\|E SIIE WALLS ''TARI'IER'' STONE G9O HOT-DIP GAL'I. STEEU STANDI}IG SEAI,I/ NON GI"ARE GARAGE DOORS WEATI|ERED COPPER PANELS VERTICAI SIDII.IG: CEDAR T&G WITH Al'|ODIIED C-CHANNTL 'lERTITAL SIDI|\|G: EDAR. RE\IERSE BOARD & BATION POZZI,#P30t/ ':sEA [OA1'|" WfuWoV ltpJe ffiuot^ Wp@? z4/c_tnpu aa,.to a/n law DOORS &WINDOWS@B&B: -i 5(e!Jl>>YuHf/..) rI -^- z=<5fJr,?;; ,'l!- :'1 :l- t'rl , '()a G9O HOT-DIP GALV. STEEU STA}IDING SEAM/ NON GI.ARE DOORS & WII,|DOWS &IJERTICALT&GGRID: Plnl, #Pllll "BLAC|( Ltc0RtcE" NORTH ELEVATION STONE VENEER: ''|'|OUNTAIN ASl{'' TRELLIS & COLUMNS: WTATHERED STEEL WITH 2X CTDAR BLOC|(ING EAST ELEVATION (GARAG E) I'IOORWOOD''UI|COATED CEDAR' 1/8" = 1'-0" SIONE 42.0 =e = .<D ;"j E iJ .9 >:r_.2 =:;.= = =q9>=(rt.-+- h E.E 9G- = cl)(J --OJ €a- L'(u4 -tF -o\- E -.t+ Pfi0lt(T: 1416 DRAWII Bl; HB DATE: 03.01.100j R t vt! t0ti !; toltttHUrL D$t6lt RtYltw 0t.02.100J tttvAil0ils flflf*ftl'**r*'i*****ltf*'i+aaaaaf**++a+++***a*******a+t++t****r**a*+*+***+t*t****+tf+a**+*+*** StatemeDtTOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO +*+*a++++++++fff+l+*+*+***ar**al****a*****!t*l'****l'******t++++*++*fti++++*t**a**t********af** statenent Number: R060000722 Amount: $20.00 0s/3L/2O06O1 :52 pM PalmenU Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 1852/K.H. WEBB ARCHITE TS Perml.t No: .DR8050201 Tlpe: DRB-Chg to Appr plans Parcel No: 2103 -121-0601-1 Site Addrese: 1345 WESTITAVEN CR VAIL IJocation: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Total Feea: $20.00Thi6. Palment: $20.00 Total AIrL Pnts: S2O.OOBalance: 90.00****tltl+f++********1.+*t*:*****+**a****t**fttl+++++l'*t9******a*******a****ttf****+**++++*ft+l+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account eode Deacription Current Pnts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN RI\'ITET| FEES 20.00 bf so Ght? /.yon Design Rnyiew Board ACTIOH FORM Departmelt of Community Development 75 South Fror*ag€ Road, Vail, Cclorado 81f57 tef: 970.479.2139 tex. 97e-479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Proiect Name: ALFOND CHANGE Project Description: Participants: DRBNumber: DR8060091 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS FOR AN ADDMON OF A BOULDER RETAINING WALIS AND ADDMONAL I.ANDSCAPING OWNER ALFOND,]OHN L. PO BOX 880 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC Ml03la0o6 Phone:970-477-2990 953 S. FRONIAGE RD, STE 215 VAIL, CO 81657 License: C000001627 ARCHmCT K.H. WEBB ARCHmCTS PC 0410312006 Phonez 970477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE ROAD, STE 216 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001627 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL 0F.l03l2m,6 Project Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Locatlons LoE 50 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. 2103-121-0601-1 see conditions i Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condlffons: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approval= Oal IU20o6 Cond:8 (P[AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the writGn consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colocdo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fd<:, 970.479,2452 web: www,rrallgor.om General fnfonnaUon: All projects requlrlng design revlerv mu* receive approval prior to submitung a buildlng permlt appllcauon. Please refer to the submifral requlrcments for the partrcular approval that ls requested. An appllcation for Design Revleur cannot be accepted undl all requlred Informauon ls received by he Communlty Der/elopment Department, The project may also need b be rarlewed by the Toln Councjl and/or the Plannlng and Envlmnmental Commlsslon, Deslgn revlew apprcval laprcc unlesr a bulldlng permlt lc lccued and conlitrudon commences wllfiin onc year of llre apprcval. Physlcal Addrcss: Prrcef t{o.! 210? E l Oblll (Contad Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86{ for parcel no.) F, =llw O,) 0f, o o .o \ Zonlng: Name(s) of Owner(s): Maillng Addrecs: Owner(s) Slgnature(s) : Name of Applicant: ,1r4c fVpe of Rwiew and Fee: tr Slgns El Conceptual Revlew New Constuction Addltion Mlnor Alterauon (mulU-fam lly/commerclal) Mlnor Alteradon (sln glefamlly/du plo<) Changes b Appoved Plans SepaBtion Request tr tr tr o { tr $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total slgn area. No Fee $650 For consFucdon ofa new bullding or demo/rebuiH, $300 For an addluon where square footage ls added to any resldentlal or commerclal bulldlng (lncludes 250 addlUons & Interior converslons). $250 For mlnor changes b bulldlngs and siE lmprovemen9 such as, rerooflng, palndng, wlndow addiuons, landscaplng, fences and retalnlng walls, etc, $20 For mlnor chang€s b bulldlngs and dte lmpmvements, such as, rerooflng, palnUng, wlndorrr addlUons, landscaplng, fenes and r€talning walls, eb. $20 For revislons b plans already approved W Plannlng Staff or tfie Deslgn Revlsrv Board. No Fee TOWN OF VAIL *a**t*++l't**++*'lt*+'t++**f***+f+**t****'t*+***l*{'******+***+**+t**r**t+******+f******++***r*r+ TOWNOFVAIL, COI,oRADO Statement+***t'***t*i******+****+f****'t*+++**rt*+++*'tat**+++*ft**++ta***+ff*'lt*a*+fti***++lat****a*a*+ Statenent Number: R060000331 Amount: $20.00 O4/O3/200603:54 PM Palment Method: Check ARCHITECTS Init: JS Notation: 15??/KH IvEBB PermLt No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location ! ThiE Palment: ACCOUNTITEMUST: Account Code DR 00100003LL2200 DRB060091 TIE)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plang 2103 - 121- 05 01- 1 1345 I{ESTIIAVEN CR T'AIIJ 1345 VIESTHAVEN CR Total Fees: Total AIJ., Ptnts : Balance: Deacription DESIG'}I RT\,ITET{ FEES 920.00 $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 Current Pmts 20.00 tat !l!L l llt lrg otc ! Fl Ntfit tta o{|lmo l tltltflnt |0ll t]l9 tuio llfftilltl{ 0t r0'lll}lt0tstu 0l'l0l1V gs H8 GI+ {-r, -+ =ni= EE6fl 9 aq .. ;:i ==:= *: : rd'ttt.ttq)trqq0/'^'q'l x1ul I 'I UJ d. uJ =o 5 u1 F e/r/h I{r- I llJ ='dY: SrEo'x@ IJJ = d.oz I k 9 $ s\ Iut- CL uJu) co 4 FuJtzU ulao u.rTEJ<o (9- =6\J=zL -- (\lJ-lvZ u:t J F-{<+ F IIJ uJ lllzoFtn uJ(, 4. (J oF :] GJ+ LT'-1t ;a= EE =-ed o nq '' .; :-.:, : 0fiio@ t r toillt{ttt nI m9 tolo tlfr|ll$lt !9 toltrNl0l r ui' lI{ orut !'|Ft l{llfi tL ld tltttlqrtrqqam'q'l stu 0t{0t'tv E $${U $$ Ff ,,4 P fr9 F=lo(J0 ITJ d. Fr/) =Lu -l 3l ffr *)o- F. pH .+d:<--o.\ llJ @(J uJ A - o NF o- Fj ,^ llJJE +t:i<xfi 6(J Fvl LU +(/)zoF uJJut uJzoF(, IJ(, t (9 IF d UJt-IIJ E t UJ lU r.&. \UIUJ \< r.rJ \zftn \ F,,, L) -=r= \?5N laar'llflta tlt llllll lAr old 'l$n, &mt |1 )d'ttt.!!qrtiqqo,r'q'l 0qrrno lm t0t$101[ m[ mt tro ntru'lli 0t 101t{r0tstu 0t{0flv n. .. ;;l ==:].:i : GI+ LT'-1? d=EE ==(9dll -d.(n uI< tIJ =fr 2zd9 =tn =l! l- CLoF|/)tooo uJz,ol h FzDo = 'f f',^,.;f rldV ,i_r /,'lJ;.^,lU Il-Cti Fltl LU tnz.o F LUJ uJ uJzoF(/) uJ(9 t (J F EE!+gFEe uffiiF o-6; IEffi\-,? RRLK d. o uJ q f uJ Fz J =e|- e. E @x ro IIJ t ul =J Iu]q |- 11 llVA _:O {rJAl ra{!tllr t L q 0l! ttnr trlt rt ,d'ttrallqr,'qqo/n'q'l 0clr0[} r llr!5$ rcfi |'|9 tl)to t]lt nt 0i l0l1lilt0ts 0tl0r]v ..J a-,!' GIr* a-r).4 t-= UE ==l,d]U € F Eoz/r'(nzotr IIJ uJzoF(n lr|(, d (9 oF (,/)t iif Xo g I o- Fj l!6 d. o uJ(J d.lu[lJzul uJzoF(n z =rz o = 3 uJ to ]V,,\OUcidV :J:v,-S MSiA:U '\ii)i?:lOlf y.il l(J l\1i,.\J-l ALFOND RESIDENGE SITE LOCATION MAP - CASCADE VILLAGE, CO PREPARED FOR: MR. AND MRS. JOHN ALFOND LOT 50 GLEN LYON SUBDIV]SION 1345 WESTHAVEN CIRCLE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT TEAM KH WEBB ARCHITECTS, PC ARCHITECT CON TACTS: KYLE WEBB HEATHER BARRIE 95J SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, SUITE 216 vAlL, co 81657TEL: 970.4 /7. 2990 FAx: 97O,417,2965 www. khwebb.com DOCUMENTATION SHEET LIST SHEET NO. L-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 L-5 L-6 L-7 L-8 L-9 L-10 SITE/ GRADING PLAN LANDSCAPE PLAN DRAINAGE PLAN SITE MATERIALS PLAN SECTIONS AND WALL DETAILS DETAILS ENLARGEMENTS/DETAILS ENLARGEMENTS/DETAILS SECTIONS CREEKSIDEAruALLS AND SPA SITE PLAN . ORIGINAL ISSUE COLORADO LAND ART STUOIO, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT CONTACT: CRISTIAN BASSO, MLA P.O. BOX 2257 EAGLE, CO 81631rEL: 970.376.2971 FAX: 970.528.1940 EMAIL: COLANDARISTUDIO@ SN.COM www.colondortstudio.com LKP ENGINEERING, INC. crvrL/GEoTEcHNTcAL CONTACT: LUIZA PETROVSKA P.O. BOX 2857 EDWARDS, CO 81632 TEL: 970.926-9OEB FAX: 970.926,90E9 ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING'CdNSIJI MECHANICAL CONTACT: SCOTT H. 40E01 US HWY 6 & 24 AVON. CO 61620 TEL: 970.74E.8520FAX: 970.926.9089 o;cE*i_oruE r5 .1 o"t OE rrl! (u(Jt-o EEnl uldaE9 =HrL b1Y 4ry9ry_:t.1996 oRAWN: REVcWED: ,1 Uvc (J- o € !.,!r- i! lllY:6 lill"ti#i oE U5 | :: | ::t--| :: t-t-'t-- oU OFPH '!l ulu1 IE1t6EELdo # DATE D€SCR|PiON REv:)r Ras ra, 2OO5 DD-oRB i!1tr_Ll!g_ ruNf q, 2005 Ausu3l ., 2005 __r.rtc!t.I__Z._?ss!_ RE\ -|l||J rlY m. 2006 LEGAL OESCRIPI ON: LOT 50 Weslhoven Drive Gen Lyon S!bdiv sion Eogle CoLnty Colorado PRofCI NUM: 05 0205 qITtr / cilnJr'Nc PLAN L-1 \ ,g t\ \ \t, r t,t 3 I \H =s-1 t.i,:t4 8. qJ?S)*'+i'::;-:-= _-_-g-r3(?i='o '' )-t'tJx ^\I\g p t) {v; a a'. tl.'.-2-\\ -t- E.il \if,H . \",'\\H, H \r \ 'r\[ \ )\i','1,'\ t \, ,\\\ \,ir! \ \ .\^ t{ .r i 1\q ,,fr'-'-i$e \'\' \T. k,e t:./iK._-c 6'- 5 .9 5, "t I \3r Prol;- \ "-a'f,-) a.> t,* \ dSRx'o="Fg- t. a-l a'\,-Jt( o Lr-l I (,r)ii vrg tD (,/) t-=--\ \ H\ O)T () Za CL Lr.l e ^ -.----_:; z -[ >ooc) a) oLr L!.1lrl& c) L)o z\ ii\ ;5\ \. F\\-\ i\\\\\i\ )\ =\l"t,!/ =F/I -;/I z_o, -rolxst<| !o o< = l1P \fi\h.,4 '!: \-\Pt.\--.-\7 \\7 Y tll L|] CY(-) tL] M(]() .\a 'r,\" \"r\ \\ 3 Rfr3,.j i iry6f! e lea+5:"rY: -ed:: 2i i>^7' ;*i:F_ cdRiS* I 1.^-!.X a5><3 = "g!e!":5?5 iillli IraL t: i$ ts ' '9.o N\ l ', :'$\ [,,\,' s1;.l!; \\,t -t q I c]z dd 3*$ qE -Hx Y) .rE =ft rr. ! :o -9 -i;t l\^ l^<M3p tuwN ol ESIGN RlFl:,4pi rtl lo o3 E- ,o € !.,!r- E liii ,^i (,l I tl;" t irti oE (J5 o(J €r'ii odr l!E,AoPe lllE" # oAlE oEscRrPnoN ErEl 4- l@.LC0!CEet5:REv'!lT1ji:i9:-9-3L ^PRrLr, 2005 JLrNL 9, 2005 Juy 24, 2005 - rov SEPTLMBER 7, 2005 Rau Jonuory 20, 2006 bft: Joiuory 2a. 2006 oRAIW: RaVEr€o: LEGAL OESCR PTON: LOT 50 Westhoven Dr;ve Glen Lyon SL)bdivision Eog e CoLrnty Colorodo PRo.€cT NUli: 05-0205 LANDSCAPE PLAN $€EI ruY6Ei: tnt-/LZ_ - O d'6p*.lDEa iEiiliiit iEiEiiE lii ifriiiliiii "gaH-'/\,8>('t', \'\.\ Y-X\, / \--1 ----- \ t _l I H: 2 p zso i 6 \: .\ Z = a' alz 7 \ \ \ 7 t Ii I I I = I I I = I I I =( 7 a CY =v) \< L! Lrl Oa O hl Mo() ', lil\ =t\ gz, Hf\ ?n\>F, \. 5;\\al*', 'r ?'t'.' \ !l \\tt t,\'.tr\ 'tr tt \\ iaa'y -'-g ---.-..-.-.--...- \ \q /- \d)t \ I\l\t \\ \\ \:-/\ </\ E: I\ fl*/\ > rl\\ o\: A 39ii / \-L'-Z/\ 'lE/ \:5\ :< t! \()o \.{\ mff \t-.- \ AZ \ 3"I \9? \---_\ L-w7.fl\ uJ oa\H' = tt\ \ I \ '.\\\ \ i'N* .r\ \\\ N W ,1 '\ 3 "'. \*rtp ,l\ ..,$\N.-*;$# ffi+i'j\tJ-li'i* x ?e - $*n a .rf Z iE:+= a :r L/t r^i E.JZ t\ I I h-t # =q I .n g I Et !r !:' iluil :i:+5 . a;- = a3T6i ;i94fi -i9-; tuiii3ii LY ltJ \ aou) \t\ )\t\\\x r1 \$) $i'#.}---^{E,* .IBA i't"# ^ Ltsrlt,.\t'jrv- T;: T \\ Ix'$ ilbK-'.<\ l-, \\-N \ f\\i, tttt,\': W oH (J- ,o € r".! -, 6lill " t ilri oE uS c)(J EOFPH Egd. ui EP e EIsl r--lor.5-Al.!cEPl5.:.08&, REV:V^RCH 14, ?o05 JD Ond .!!!! _!,Ls!.: _ # D^rE DESCRTPiON SEPIEMSIR 7. 2OO5 RE\r -IANUARY 23 , 2005 ffft! ,nHuenv zr. rooe oRAIVN: REVEwED: LIoAL 0t5cR Pr 0N: LOT 50 Westhoven Drive Ccn Lyon SLrbdivision foq c County Co orodo PRoJ€CT NUU: 05 0205 DRAINAGE PLAN IZL-.-, o3.(f,- (tr€r-t oE oE t)5 oucOFpfr E5d.g EEo # 0A1E DESCRTPnON EBl4-_2@5_.CO!CE!r!:DAL RE\4IARCH I'. 2OO5 DD-DRB itlLr-r.ilg- !!!! 9, 20os ^u9u5l 'r, 2005 SEPTEMAER, 7 2OO5 _ gEgElglRlL ilgs RE\ :4!91!L20, 2006 !]L! .reruerv zr, zoos DRAUfi:_REVErvEoi _ -r LEGAI DESCR PTION: LOT 50 wes\boven Drive Gen Lyon Subdivision Iown of Voil Eogle County Co orodo PRo,,Ecr NUU: 05 0205 .\. SITE MATERIALS.- -: PLAN IAL-a o M&@'r.@Re o rU t- : o t'n ni: v F'1,r , y r-1L 5 o Ea lnt !C IE F,R Fl!o I||3q 10 ||rc oucopoodoco EL!-:4--:!!5-J6!crels:-Da.L ^Eu,l!il1:a', oo* 1l1r r:!E_ __:_Eql!!!!q8 z._200s IIECEITBER 24, 2005 # oArE oEscR PlroN REVi-JANUARY 40, e005 bT*! :aruncr ar. aooe DRAY$I: REVETEo: PROJECI NU , N'J - C2:5 SECTIONS AND WALL DETAILS t^'L-J LLCA! DFSCRIPIIEN :I 5C Vest.c.ve. D. vr CtP. Lyo. \ubd v s o. tcgte Ccu.ty:cto.o3c Ntua.K?AwR' wrvRtu tk]1.*v*tctr[Pfl}! row\I D[:llc:t, SiAFP,,1, A-A SECTION THROUGH TIER WALLS LOOKING EAST /i\ LONGITUDINAL SECTION B-B THROUGH GARAGE STAIRCASE LOOKING WEST a.- BOUI^DER RETAINING TAIT FR SINaLE VALLS W TO 6 TEEI HICH BOULDER RETAINING WALL BOUU)ER R.ETAINING VAI,L F@ IHREE NER WA1]S Eouruldtr) g!|{o n+ i I I !--Jo / .'aru.* uctFtL 's tott F l4r,r ortn LEADIatD oatx- ot M otg. tto G@.Nt 3@ ffiry:" , an &tt,,'t .'fA,tr ,{r 2rEl fuf t R*tB* art6.,t4 a a.p tl ,it'|/IQ An ODrcA SU|E t4 A1 I ia ,d,,u tf'are Ju talt - @$',iE,!JD afi atta|6 cttardr nuN 2tut FQ qf tt€( |,t/Jt l€ tdt !l ,raE a H6t n.|t aEEe .ttA asF.EI4 *, tE&ta ,tE l*lEa aE,rE arE,l ,C Att-,a's,L lxa Orpt ,irttt'r e'{,t: G ,e u cn 40 ttatt E at @ dt t.llflauqq4lq 5q! fE 4! tEE ,,r0 6*, 0, a, auaAct& sn(E,ri4 r4 t ,rl lEaigl. Iu.@l ur!|S ta tut a'.Atl' ted . @r, 9.a4 - otsE,axiatlf tf A nt t d E6 ru FtDt ta'ra ,br1 I NU A Oa 'O.n A t,!6rD g, @A tt{t C terut ,t na/' 6 fie t Dl eacdr a na g. Mtu *tt A fts'trO tr X t 6rt@ a t ctN Attl' 1t!.@ art aI,,a. Na ma trE &fa lrB xlttM*E ^to'.Stttarqtane a't,lo' ',t-L/xttErE ,y tf aegt? /rI rsrErnd d. ta g rp dldrp Stt t llttEi ' urf't t{lt 2 a af ,frto,tgl at a NaL q g c uritucD 5q, @ta tra.t E ,nQdt . taolf a NE LArt s J,t4r E dr9Er tgtzottruf tv A vta/l,' 6 9x *tt a E@ af ,ta tt.c'aE anNa4 .. A '/ers. (F o,a totioa l'ansnft*t * ffi }lAtl tr Ftt!@ u Rai a rn 1 nf frn2n t aa )rE llll etctlt, 9]att a E rE|) af tt E frttEfr 6 tt cxt 6 tAcrrltfE tDr dt4 tzn6uD r@Ea De atotE @r tugt ' r|t{frE 4t trg crdra/ctrr ar t{ lcJlaaF |lrtl!tg\c'}7\ 9f rr/f DE9d|{P U1e l&*tnata 6 * tu tP AA|P alF ArAa ,E artd *t n lLtP t ED.gineeriDg, Inc.Et .'a-..?-traE_ na.N ,alu?{lri|' Jtq @ nt eaw| c^'rwft5(ARctw n -r/t-Etgr':;:x#*g mt t4 ,t a!{xc ftu --E r'rt4,c.t.- G)*o_gtpen nErenrrnc wer-l up ro e'o' : aoulnar &llll,tlr'G lur(txrln"gi;;,-e, tn..ffiIt-! .'u"-..*nr8s:- i ,-.*-tr3fl-- 't-'-- /;\ 3 TIER RETAINING WALL. DRIVEWAYACCESS **--l -=\" a)a)t)rtr\-,/ \j/ v_,/ \Jocc"ocooco /?\ comrenous rnee prlrnrc p tror ro scte /?\ rumsrrrrED TnEE PLAxnrcry /l\ SHRUB Purn c - /?1 pgusntro o ILoPE3 E7-\dr-lo scar rLA.lrM NOit9. t. ?,,.rf,M lut aALw toz 1Qfl ^o tor *1 RtAt:.. e\ELl wftwft aota & ltmwal 20to9 (Ntl) Nwtut ?f5 \*tNblgtu.w 2/ t KIINM, lO ?AlrlttNt aTrmE I ll$,tf reP $M @. t9ONln & ft0tt. V*{.|1YR tt rt9. 2. nAf|"}j t&,291t1,1 ft 5Oz fqfl" AO toz t Rtor&.figanly vu?? \\llt|6'?0'10 (N+4 a ?LfuqLR lfrr\ t(nRl feRllwft?ldl) . /?\ soolj-7 i; ' 7--:7; l. !rr-4. cdr-!. rH.tdt| - a.fo$dt h grb t. n$ b i i.idE.o.Ga.-r -ltha t Da..! rqildrb. dtr, 'n --r.drtr Etl d ittdrd !..ra r*ir-r' l|rrt.n tbtr d! _ ! r..r"rrrr sia rr p. t" *dr, tur lr..rf .r.4rl l-i lt-i 'Lh. .* b Ft-.1!.dal6l, 'friJo r rr'a i t rr' .o..r.c tLt{ r u. l'z t.d( FDh'r td.. oLdr t'd-) bl|r h rc..Ld r- r. ri!-rF.i-dE.tfrrd-EFllt r*-E r;!_ G .E;, d-E diE tak-, Fr ta affir trd ldi 'qtrdi qt'- i iiur 'o cr&, a rn r r- tn-. rr {.ar d.' isr' trrpr' d addl- r- dr t-b *trlt& a. li-l. b b.-a. nltrxt! dt - er6 -' dia!.d -.41'otna "irn |'rr*. lsst.!.'-tsti..tn..F*h@rE r o ss tr t aoi6 eattt r*ub!. F.r- b dr. d6 idr Dr'' r,rtctr r.o*a ri,re I Ctrld. !$rt r, 'd tfrl a a.5t i-l.d b4Fa t lt LtrF lrcrE tEn r-r Fn 5'-! a r ii.-r rg I Jp b ala d.od or ar rrtbrn'E cdt-! rl r'ltt ai trt 4. Anff{ tr- Fnb d'rri.i.lEtb €q!r_ Fqd a. |n l*!: AE5.rt*r o1..4 oa.!t-E d slt...ll d bL 'r-Lda.aa.. tl d!- dr tf 5 t'-r-i.n|nF.1ta !h.t u! rn -dt t- riliii ior twrrc,*c,. d.raa rc rorrot." F..i..i.r n Hb ;-r; .,'nrd d ad r'!'to 2 l..lc !.b. b lii offir' trt td b ttrt" ir.caartutro- @t6 a- ar r.l- - 'ct n ri{r io,rcr ari. an'.a ga ol rr nl raat h.t.r b a" '11160l tc Fr d-r-dalErF,rt:|' t ll*n cda-b..d tor Lfne. ard-ddr. Ld.b'- Ddl l'''50 'llcni,g.tpt.r- .-,co+.!EED4or.dF-FrEtn-! Cdadn-ctdltf riL.rb d '?*q'd.r.|l a rulrE b'5ri-i--r-lE dlrl'rar+t dE "Fljen-rEb.lt!.c.,rrr'.rn-.cra Fthe t-6ttFrr . ri-.i,.lntt an a.ra.l t- a -!rd. |lbr br cE,frh l_ rd l. ' ".r. *.r.n C. nt-r.df|r i i{n.a r. EFD. il! tl'c'.rkr-lErrLrdbi. t b,E:n. -L b i-.ffidt-- rr r da !t lr Otr'Fr d!g!r iE ar.'trara D.cdEd@t-t t-*Ll|-itr.lorrorrrthll-.Ltd LF .: ts 'r."1tr t-r .d b nc-r rl| rlria itrgr-i..r *d tc'o '!at-ra -,El' ro a- H tr.abthrla#r.nsdt- /'i\ CREEK sTEPs IEET IoULDER RSTAITIiIG /;\ PAYER3 tvrrH P|-AI{TING tN Jor rs - Nw^.1' wt&x2' dcep x7" thtckhotnslorc ba.lder steps wlh irreqtla eLps 0r omatorv dock I alscaVe futlders ?athlifi+, (refertoVledriM\l fir' GExlRA NOIES: t- c.r-.J-br.*ri.'r.r-fr ddtrir-.L.rnra.- crEfl -.--.Ldrh'rr&.qdd-.*..r-tFtt Reverytabtat Mir wth liqli, w'ldflwer ntx 12" fredt ntn.'/Alti'iEW .)VAL 2 rd.ritc-.,.'Lrbstr€\d.!.r--r-r5h6-td-rta-dt(l-S-t a, BrrtAFa-dtA|.-li j- firri -rd.r.ita. rd -E d LqdrFi...16-t..rtaa-rfl air.-rt-{irrFr-td rr.cddd -r. rrrntbr 'E'bArF r /,'s /oa MWfrept6" t c.Er'-*EEr.rF€tdt5i*rrr.GFo-rqi.rd.rE.6rtfl ..rrtr€.4*r-t6a-h--r rr-rr-il-tddrrgtirc.ir|.tg.-{rr-r.-aai-r-dt gromstone eVplrg *uc ?avere , aa'A'ed. wtth 7tt 1ou*s wtlh lq*tl/ canVosL nix PLAN]flM5 IN TAWR J'INf' ( TYP ) r cd-f ld' I r4.., 10, x iff d !.4-c, snd d att- ar*.r.ra -h riDd,(r..r.s*arr.'.*d Atddr t-..-l.a "-|r a--.4:ri bb-hb .F'.!d tdtt -arh --drr-tr-.+. efr.5.i..dri rt€.Hi..|r|l.-r.d.r-..'r-3-r-rtrr..5-rd-in MLN'9ft.NEO IW' AAN'^Uwttr 1a atel a2 a0 atIN 12/ta aA,b ?t ltllMwft? lo vtEl t.') Nt w(L .t/L 4 Ltt0.dLfr ,aLwF to wotw ftIN.ItCt \t*\ ||.f.]ll$Olrft l(tY(taI /a\ BouLDcR ETEP8 to cREEx - o liJ (tr !- o I DATE DESCRPTION _sEPIEMB_qE_Z_:995 IECEMBER 24, 2oO5 "eu,_ft!!1ry_:919q6 !sf$l uHunnv z+, zooo DFArYil: REvlEvlED: L0T 50 wes:hove. D.ive Gen Lyon S u bd lvlslo n PRoJECT r.lUM: 05 C205 DETAILS L-6 E .9. aE lrrl s t!:it i*l Eg o li o U o(Jco!l.'; ir;io ^tU -UlY|acl{ ^UlrtsE o dff@fis]w&@ lqcq\ l -2 *1a,fttt"Nfttu tt*' frtx!."P) t4,t5loQ tut'nflin.tltM N0 tv, alttl - t|-ra,atffit .rtftttfl1 ,4 q (Q*16.''4n&t r&ttEklAtt6t5it&x, al \waqeqt ,ntr wrtE1 qtA \, 1a,tt c Lr canitrt Mc<9.K \\h1 p {ttu !:hn'.E aRra to ata.ta vtqva dlrl5 6r5ttt I t rtriz @ 5lwrt& 6$,tP icbf &PL7ft, cctttn wr vtatr qot wrtfr tpz- wra xntttrf ?att1 ao!41t, NALN ll'ltx.E vtr&t awta lo sldrltlL '.},. @,r6f6 t6. rarto aartrt wL \ttr vnlt^tx$ &)atal @.8 N7j4CA@Et^!p fr!1b10t |A.]fl5t tA4N,'Mr)| 2 ^M Xart,.1'!fr,t" ' 1u.$1n4.t\b *tgatgr zno La )"'**wlirlryinYaru -"?F.H'.i:):, o i.-,j r ttp ota lantlatttll IEr ,EeaA ttn i 'ete e.an tretgtt ttaaLltrEtt ilft Ic ?at! DlatErt rtr, oo (g r- : o U E'c € -- { DATE DESCRIPTION SEPTEMBER 7. 2OO5 DE-EMSER 24, 2oos RE",- JANLTARY 20, 2006 bs;*-q JANUARY 24, 2006 DRAM!: REVIEVIED: LCGAL OCSCR PIION: LoT 50 Westhovcn Drive Eog e County Co orodo 5 .9. att !!r! fi tiitt ir.i !g o t Fulo tu3otl tI|c o(JcoEaod PROJECI M:05-0205 ENLARGEMENTS/ DETAILS t-1 L/ - O q*eN*rslwrLa oPo1 (U€ rt _ ttt-t oE U5 ouc(l)r.T'||l tsEd-o PfrE" - { OAIE D€SCRPNON _SEPTEMBER 7. 2005 ___QEqEu9EE_2L-2q05 REU _!l!ll4EY_l!.._?9L6 !f;sS lanumv z+, zooo DRAfi{_R€MEvlED: _ -i-LEGAL OESCR PTION: LoT 50 Westhoven Drive Glen Lyon Subdivision Town of Voil. . EOgre uounry uororooo PRoJECI NU : 05 0205 LARGEMENTS/ . DETAILS -B I il! lI!rri og E- (g€ r-3 oE oE U5 (uuc c,p Ulod.tJ c € EEEta-,4-lo!lEets!a!-Rryt91l:i!:il5l !ilL_l_!!!!_ _lEP_Jg!E!_2._e!0s DECEXm ea, 2005 LOT 50 vesthoven D.lve Gten Lyon Subdlvision Eogte County Coto.oalo Eorltoot{ulc # D^',r€ o€s.aProl Rft-:4!4!!!!r39!- ffi -nnnnv ar. zm Di^it R€u€rt} ricEcT t|u& 05-0?05 SECTIONS EEKSIDE WALLS AND SPA -9 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 Q".o*r"ENr oF coMMUNrry or#or""*, (.,{ 50, cbl L*1"n' 5u b S0.00 Recreation Fe€------ > S1,434.45 Total Permit Fe€------ > $L8,52L.L4 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 805-0160 Job Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Applied . . : 06/22120fr5 Parcel No...: 2l03l2l0ffill Issued. . : O8l04l20[i5 Project No : PRI05{028. Expires . .: Oll3llzffi owNER A]JFOND, iIOHN rJ. 06/22/2005 . PO BOX 880 VAILco 81558 APPLICANT GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTTONO6/22/2005 phone: 845-5655 PO BOX 373 VAIIJco 8L657 License: 302-A CoNIRACTOR GEORGE STTAEFFER CONSTRUCTIONO6/22/2O05 Phone: 84s-55s5 PO BOX 373 VAIIJ co 815s7 License: 302-A Desciption: CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SFR Occupancy T!rye Factor sg Feet Valuation Dwellings Zone 4 V-N 21L.90 8,408 $1,781,555.20Private carages Zone 4 V-N 55.38 1,155 $53,953.90Tota1s... 9,563 $2,300,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: I Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 2,300,m0.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliames: 2 #of Gas hgs: 2 # of Wood Pallet: 0 ++:!++++++'*i.itr{.'trt*ti*'ttt***i.tttt'l'li.'t*'r'l'**:********i!*******:}*:*:t'}:talt:}*:*:t:}:***'t* FEE SIIMMARY a*t,l,l.,l:1.**'i't**:*,l.dri(**'*!i'*1.!t'l'*)t:*i.:f:1.:i:1.:l:lji:t:F:1.:f:f:f,1.:f:1.:1.:1.:t:1.:1.:1.**t,|tl{.1* Building------ > 910, 353 . ?5 Restlarant Plan Review-> PlanCheck--> 56,'129.94 DRBFee----------------> $0.00 Total Calculated Feas--- > $18,521.14 $0 . 00 Additiornl Fees------------ )$0.00 Investigation- > will Call---- >g3. oo Clean-up Deposit----->$0. 00 Payments---------- >s18, 521 . 14 s0.00TOTAL FEES-------> $18,521.14 BALANCE DUE---*-- > Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARII{ENI 07/o8/2oo5 caunion Action: CR F:\cdev\crnrs\PERMlT.CoMMENTS\Bo5- 0150.DOC o8/oL/2005 cgunion Action! AP. approved corrected plans 8/L/o5 Item: 05400 PLANNTNG DEPARII{E}II o7 / oL/2OOs UIRG Item: 055OO FIRE DEPARTIT{EI{|II 06/27/2oos mcgee NFPA 72 and TOV standards.2. Provide stairway from front garage to driveway at front door. 3. obtain approwal for stairs from Com Dev. Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS o8/o2/20os chad Action: AP updates inserted Action: AP 1. Provide monitored fire alarm system per Action: AP PAGE 2:i***'l***:f *:t:t:f :t!i!*'i'l!i*1.*:******:t'f *t'!t******!*!t!i't*********'t*:*****!*****!i!t***'t**'r***{.'t:tf t*'t***:r:f ***:**:r:*!********* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 8054160 as of 08-04-2fi)5 Stahrs: ISSLJED ****{.*rf **tl*tt***************ttt***tt****!N.**l.rt!t**lt:ttf l.****:***{r*!*!t!t*****************:t*:}*,t,t**,8,t,t '* **'i't * '} ++!F:f **:t'tr:t PermitType: NEW (SFR,PiS,DLP) PERMIT Applied: Ml22/2m5 Applicane GEORGE SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION Issued: 081M12ffi5 Job Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL l,ocation: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Parcel No: zlO3Lzl06{JLl ***!f **1.tlt*1.'1.*******tl.**tl'i***rl*'il.lr********:i***'l!l't*'+'t*'i't**t*t'tl************rt******rl.:1.*********************!*!*'t ****************:t****tt't'|t'*{.***|l*:t'}*+************":*ll?I}fll'*{!!t't{t!t*|t{.:t*!:t*:t:t**:*'t'|,ftt'*****,t't{t:}:t*+*'t.***:t:+:r** Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQIJIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SI.]BMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLLANCE. It,em: 05550 ENGINEERING *t*tttttt+trf'ttttt See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with ttre information and plot plan, to comply wittrall Town ordinances and state laws, ard to build this structure acnording to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, desfun review approved, International Building ard Resid€ntial Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESTS FOR INSPEC'TION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FIOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47}2149 OR AT OI,]R OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER, OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI o INWILL I ll -oo<8 .. 1 I TOVITWYAE 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81RS7 SeparaG ar€ NOT BE ACCEPTED tF tNcoMpLETE On unsrcS4lJ osi-olbc[ffi for. 7a Z' lx!:oRMAT|ON :+mxig*q,-€zZ-6ta/ COMPLETE WUtrIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING: $ & Materials ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorus;? 6'ijjjiF For Parcel # Conbct Assessors r}fiice a!g7D-9294610 or vlslt oRoFFIcEUsEONL@ 9 to372l oAo t I 1'*1''r4 lR.o Re= tJe,,re,Job Address:, S4S ht ueq Ci Subdivlsion: 6len ly 6s4 tuditon( ) R"rdd( ) O"r9( ) Orher( ) Work Type: tnrerior ( ; exteriorl] eiin Does an EHU exist at thir toca$on--yerTj ruo-..- TyF d Btdg., Sirgt*frrt@iry No. of Existing Dwelling Units in tni. O,rifOingl,No. of Accommodation Units in this buiktingr No/Troe of GasAppliances( )ca s( )Wood/pellet( )W Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood DocumenE 05nonm' @nnsrneerinsinc' Angust 30,2005 Mr. John Alford P.O. Box 880 Vail, CO t1658 DcsMr. Alfond: At tlre rcgucct of Jcff, Gcorgc Shacffcr Congtnrction Conpany, on Augwt 19,24, and}9, 2005, we visited tha consttrction site for Oc prcposcd rcsidancc on Iat 50, Glcn Lpn 1345 Wcsthavqr Circle, Town of Vail, Eaglo County, Colorado. Tho purposc of ou cite viritr, was to obaenc thc soib cxpord in thc founduion cxcavation, and corryrre them with tho Iindings and rccomrmdarios of the Soil aud Formdatim Invcstigation Reporq under the sone projcct numbcr, &tad Ocbbcr 6, 2fl)4. Thc excavation consisted of tanchcr md benche stepping iDlo Urc eite. fire dcpth of thc cxcanation vrricd 6om about 20 fcet u thc southcast corncr of tho cxcantion to rbotil 2 fcr,,t at the northsest corncr. The eoil e*porcd in lhc cxcavation waa consistqrt with the findings and recoromc'ndations of the abovc-namcd soil's rrport It consistcd ofsiltysandy gravel with mgulat cobblcs. Soft spotc werc not Eportcd. The sotl ercontqed tn thefoundallon qcavatiort is svitablefor the reconmanded bearlng capacity of 2500 psf. Follow the rcconrmcnd{ians of thc abovcnemcd soil's rcport drning thc rcrraindcr of fte constuction, spccificallyths scctions on drsfuEge ard gradiag, If pu hovc ony questiom, plcrsc do not bcsitate tro call. Sinccrcly, f,l(p Fnginecring, Inc.M;- KzaPeu,ovokr, P Fresidcnt o Bo5'owo RE: Opcn Hole Otscrvrtinn Lot 50, Glcn Lyon 1345 Westhaven Circlc, Towtr ofVail Eagle County, Colorado Profect No. 04148 - y CC; - Jeff,dgcShcsff€rConsrucdonCompanyfrx # WS-7013 - KyleWebb, KH Wcbb Architccts, fs,*n7-2965 ,;\w'l 2-q(n0.l aEOlEl{,rrd P.O. Box 2837, Pdwrdr, CO t1632, (nO)92e9O$Tol, (970) 926-90E9 Frr, Aue. 31, 2005 ?:06PM VAILIY TIMPS Iio. 0041 t, l/1 Po 8ox 2.0. A\roN, co tr 3ao PH. 9n .e,a,?r0o FAI. em.e.9.!!77 Iutlons,i0s Lettor of Record D#: 08.31.05 e. KH, WebbArchiFcS PC. Sdraefier Cq$rucdon Torn of Vail Building Depailnrent MthbNuntu Ahnd Rosid€noe Job#0104,06 IhF lelicr of reoal b ttent thst he shucfrd drawirEs labebd -d da@d CorEtruc{bn Documents (CDs) 08{)9{5 should b€ us€d for constnrtion ol te aboc reftrenced proFt T}ris new structural set oicmdes dl documenb dEted poor to 0&0*OS induding and rrot llmilid io fountlation desrgn ildror dtrErisigrls. lf therg are ary qreslirns or concerm plcae calt me d g4S7lO0. AGLTI P. l-enaOo. P.E. rbtl7... o ...3## Town of Vail 4oo'sou*gfHffi'- qqPY Engfa*ood, CO 8O11O (303) 762-12r7 E FAXz 781-fl80 [ 800-962-31 t7 httpl/ lglassirc.com CUSTOT^ER'S NAlrtE: tl IIIER, INTERPRETIVE DESION RE: PO# AIFOND CERTIFICATION OF TEffIPERED 6LASS TO WHOIA IT IAAY COI\|GERN, Thb letfer is in negnrd to corfonnonce rith specificction for Ternpered Safcty 6loss slryplied W 6lsss lrc. fe the cforc,nentiorcd prcjcct; orr invoicc trnbcf $) 2a5719. 6foss srpplied sholl confom to Ai.lSI U|-l-tg$ (Anericot lrhiancl Stondod fr #ety Glca:irg Hdneriol) ond 16 CFR 12Ol (Consmer Pl.oed Safcry Stqndord). John Folirp Bqrllal rlloiry q..t#^ !,obDV' or#;;*n.qiJd.otP ToUcHENED sAFEw cLAss - sGG secuRrlo Ilcflnlin SGGSECURIT b agbssglrlch fe undergsraspeddtFrnslhrgnenhg procosg. ABersrtfttE hlgher lmpact reslstanc€ (5 Ume hlgher), flexural rfuength and reeistanoe to tharmal sbess than fioat ghss. lts medunial and sdety charabrlstlcs (if bmkon thc glass br€aks inb smdl fragmontB which er€ l€ss daf€orous) malc lt partlcularly app|ppdate for use ln toughetEd dooB, stuctural glazing, fumhleetc, ftoductDrststbn SGG SECURIT le a thermelly bugrtrened safety glass- The bughenlng proc€6€ provid€o a significantly lncreased r€sislanc€ tr mochanlcd st*ses (bendlng, lmpac.t, €tc) and themet etr€sses (bmperatjre dilfrroncos) wlthout changing the specboplrct+rnekic propertics of the basc prcduct TclglnniB can be sried out t tirE eiEs a hcianrEl fi vE ti:d process. Vtrlicd toughffing rcsLdtB Intt pesere of loq rnrlls *qglhe €dgm dtto ghss. Forf* mcoq Saht€obh cbos use ttp habnblpao6ss. Appllcatlona The range of applications In wfilch SGG SECURI can be uscd b vast end very varied. lts hlgh m*tEicd rfiaogtfi -rd sd6 br€kags drracbristics rn€st hat ftb idedy sribd ftr u8e ln sddy ctticd bcafunr hctrdhg doas, drb p{ds rrd br led gbzing lt b dso ar'rtabb ftr usa in t*h top8, c.urt*s, fiJrftrB rd rlnrcr rcrcenr, Odrer applications indude framel€$s all4lass doors and commorcial enlrances, structural (bolted) ghdng 9!abms, shop fronb, allgfass or lrrflll type balustrades. Fremde ghtr doort and *cons The ]*th metfttdcd sfiEnglh of SGG SECUfIIT p6mls lr urs In apdlcdom cf loc*ed hlgh brds of stress, lvhera he glass is point fxod and/or clamped. Thls allo\,w larg€ arsas of transparent glaang without Inhr3iirc framing eecffone, maximlslng the emount of llght enterlng ttre bulldlng. G|ahfirnfurc Orrant ftdioml lagddim. and dso common rgros mqds the tn€ of a sdety gf* h frrnltrn SGG SECURIT io suihuo for use ln table tops, chelving, asbinets and dbplay ca$s. lndu.trhl Frrltrerbthezdribctrd appHim*edymedbnod,thequari[i€s of SGG SEOURIT toudEoed gbse as ofien neoeosryfq use h thc fulorrlrE Wdi(dirr3; AgrlculuJral .quipmant cr8n€s, cararans, hElns, tdephme boxc, bus shglhB, squash courls, etc. Ulllg tF.l r.*tu1./!t!f di€rGf.pr{Xrld6/ g':.@84 s 11r t *..a g et 11O CG,f081 16/@Ctt5/tdt F#tl€.., &W|LA:t@*?LrOC)Ordlod{etsl|lr4lFri!4rrBrtt,dq Si8$A rqlllra/ f.laqtbr IEffi F.rfonndp:Gardp*bmucr MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS . lmp.ct Rsl.t.nce fnqtnany to$eneO gl€ss has a mtdt gr6de, capaolty to wiffind inpactu than anneded fioet glcs. Agmgsbd balldroppedfiom a hdgltof 2mefpwill rdbr€ak&nmSGGSEGUR|Tglass:ilthe oilre bal rso dopp€d trom a @til d orJy 03 rnd€E, I $uJd br€d( &rm foa gbte. . Bending Strcngth SGG SECURIT is signlficandy more resbEnt to fie:nrral stses$€s than ofdlnary ann€alsd floal grlass. Xs rcsbtrre b daracbbed bV a bending sberp0r ln tD orde. of 120 MPa Th's fgaced rbeng0lp€rnls its u$e h Bfrraliona etbfrrcf b high l6r,Eb d modtaniC !frsls, anch I silnrotrd Cadng mdt*nfaOn* . Roclstance to Ttormd StreoE SGG SECURIT cen wftstand tamp€ratrr€s ln sen los up to 250'C ffd tsmperafurs ditrssndals of aXfC trcugh fte fiiloless ot tte gbs6. For tl$ r€@n ttEy r€ lu|erbb for tre in arcas subfrlct to hlgh 1€l,* dttsmd 5t€cs. SAFETY BREAKAGE AND FRAGMENTATION CHARACTERISTICS ]f SGG SECURIT is b,rok6n, it w[l break relativEly safely Inb small tragmenb wlth dulled edges, wtridr slgnificandy rcduces the risk of s€rius (rrE or injudes. lt ls th|s safe breakaga pattem whlch quallfieE SGG SECURIT toughen€d Slase as Cbss A saHyglass b BS 6406 ad sultaUe fq us6 h d sdety qffi;al bcatixs- H..[E(h*T.dttrg There b a naturally occuning phonomonon, preeenl In any type of glase, known as nlckd gulphlde Indusions. They can, in o<coodingly rare cas€€, cause toughened glass to break sponhneously In seilice. Nickel sulphid€ is a complet( matshl thst goes trrorgh a ohango In crptBlllne strucfrire tom a staHe b an urEiabl€ form drtrg repid af q|€n fiing rEqui'€rt by fie fqghenhrg pmoess. The nk (el sdphih hdrsbr|g b€rno t@n' h fiei hlo bmp.rdre rrntable fqm. ornr tlna they wlll r€vert back to lhe morc stable state and ftls tn certaln aircumsbnces result8 in sponlaneous breakage of lhe glass. Hea* sdiu b a d€sfiurihre H d€cign€d b b€ cariad oul dlr th€ bughedng pmess and urt bt€d( a.ry glassas fid ata at ri*. $jb.oquent sponfianous ftactrc duc b nld<d adpldde InclnbnE, wtrllst nol befrg ffily omDfded, b very gr€dy r€duos.t TlD llet Sod( T€3t sfpd.t b6 sp€clffed as mandatory for glaes applicatlons wh6r€ thc afactc of Jpor aneour breakege arc decmsd to be una@pbble, through careful d8k ass€ssmont ard coBideration of whcther the gla6s vyould fall out of the trame, how fs it wlll fall, ths n€tJI€ snd use of lhe space lt wlll fall hto, €tc. SNNI€OEAIN GLAIF r€canmilds lldSod(ToobdS@ SECURII forussh slfildonsvyfietgthe riHc asocided dfi spaiasut brtaloge rdld be udcfabb,.frr wnfle ln fiee*0alrdlrg bfllers. Eqr4,4.L.!o.arot- r, /:norxr E E ftr rt}.'l ta: leaJRB rf r I ts .{2o 5.3 tza ! 10b. ?J9a1 fr I *e&1 6 l|f6. ffi t4 tt.&A.orie / tt, t&-6?tIXSCD.tF.t{!C*E(it*||l}rsdrrE |{.odr36,{'itEAlO frb.e/.*affi.a EIIII- t -ttH Procecelng Pocaibiliti€ llanufacturlng consldereUont AI p|G3hgsutglc'l a crfrE, edgEil'dcE ad ddll! mr/stbe @fi|c*d p|irb hlghedng. SGG SECURT cannd be cut crsfted #r Up hrghedm gw. . EdgeworHng The edges of SGG SECURIT aru arrls€€d as stendard. Altematiwly they can be wor*ed an a varloty d dffie'€ntstrfe3,frorn fiErddvdyslmpleguundar|d pofEh€d edgne, b the mco dmradl'6gofled tlDesdodgqffik s&lectbCassflicluasfmiHoru, irdndry ogpe€dgepd!'hdoubfeedga berrdila t|feeage poldr OfEr$pec oj€Qilql(hg rny& beavalabb q| r€qusst . Hole end notchae ln general, the permiesible hole diameter (€l) is debrmlned by hc thicknoss and eize of the glass sheet, . The mhlnm hde dbn# b equal b fhe glals t*Jmoss (t) . Thc madnun hdc damcbr b sp-tid tho sndler dnccaion of th. sh6t (w). The posltlon of the holes rdatlvs to €ach othor, fts edges of lhe g&ass and lhe corners of the gla6s Bhe€t is dqendent on lhe glass thid<ness, the overall dimemions and shape of the glass sheet and tho number and slzs of holas. WtEn delemhtqt the sbe ard locdioo d hd* arrd n*fies in glm fur docs, frrnfrrc, bdrsfed€g and stncfird glaing, il b lmpdtrt b ]gnffibcr tH gbs b md mdad must b6 awkl€d at al dmer, h ls thertrre eeoq*bl thd an alowara be tn* h f|e sizhg of hohs br ed6b spralo'5. I.AiIINATED SAFEW GLASS - SGG STAUP@ Ir€tulton Thb hmhild r*ty gfa providE rrdtofdircfur0re pobctbn dps8d|B tf bll(er|, tF gB remaks bonded to a plasfic sh6et and is less llkdy b csuse Injury) or prcpody (the plastic Bhoet makes poncrbdon mone dlfficr.rlt). TtF$ gb! troduct8 sp rteshnsd fa ffietho le\reb d Fobc0on, fiorn vanddkiln b burglary, frough baffifromtr€gm. Produc{ Delcdptlon SGG STADIP and SGG STADIP PROTECT mo.€ etreeb of glaes bonded bgether wtth one or morc hHq,q8 d poMdntl hrt!fid (PVts) frn. ntur |hc PVB has been pH bdreen the dass streetB, frc wtnb cenhlyb g{ecbd b hd d$ ptsrc h an afteve. Tl$ leldb h the ccnghb adhcsbn of frovirnyl fgbfse dtd de.s. In the evert of h€a@e, the dsss ftegmonb r€rndn bond€d to fte P\/B inbdayer. In a fully framed E$ral+.1..&€d&a tr / 6rs oar lrlla{srl fbldo. 1 EL: r.a2i 6al azi r tl / k sgtJ 615 /P8 r lq dD. {r $ i96/ rc czrsr:9:t I brk 8q.* rG |.a. FEb.iaB E|E-rl{ra6/c.[: 7w€tFro errlo{ir €ldt(tg4qdno bEr v Enr, odd O. rldl. ala, fi,r'Bd/}rEltlldE&lrrs E I- Y -lt - qrventlonal hd*fion Urs gh53 fiagm€rf! r€ lteld bgpfiEr and tB 916 r€tains a rcsitud stcrtrth whfe ara0hg repHm€nt The number and thickness of each of th€ componenb can be rled to obtain SGG STADIP or SGG STADIP PROTECT laminabd glass with difierert draractedsti:s to mcet the safely and/or socurlty rsquletnenb of all manner of apCication. The cor{burabns in lho raEp (s€e taue) re evatabh h afirdsrd sbd( etses tr cut sb6, Botr aneded gbss, SGG SIADP ar$ SGG STADIP PROTECT cal be cril dld wcted der hmitffitg amquimd. Standards SGG STADIP and SGG STAOIP PROTECT are lsminat€d tafety ard s€curfty glasc€s manuf€ctur€d in accodamo silh rna|dad Et{ 12n$. ApdlcdoNf Protection in bulldings is increasingly requlr€d to comdy with alnent regulalhns, for Insurance purposes or slmply to fulfil a g€nuln€ need, espcdally agalnst the risk of injury vandalbm and burylary. In homes, offlces, shopo or olhe buildlrps open to the publiq SGG STADIP and SGc STADIP PROTECT glasses cet frr@|oprids s#y ad searity so[ibos b n|€d tho omttird qftadon of probc0oG aerfie{ics arxl perfoonane As unll as ofiedrB marry addiiionalfuncdons, the raqge ls graded, according b the perforrnance level ptwid€d, in the follorirg way . profedion agntoEt irius SGG SIAD|P, . ptotscton aSaid glasfdli'rptrom ovshsod gHngr SGG SIAD|P cSGG STADIP PROTECT, 'prot€ctlon agalnsl p€oplefalllng through glass (gerding): SGG STADIP PROTECr, . basb potectlon aoalnst nandalbn ard hrdd!fi sc€ STADIP PROTECT; entrareed prdoctbn: sce SilADpPruTEGTSP, . protectlon agalnst flre€rm6: SGG STADIP PROTECT HC, HS, FS, . prottcdon agd|st exdocior: SGG STAlllP PROTECr BS. Edg.r,oil Dependlng on the apdlcethn and slze, edgo{vork can be an influsncing faobr on thc ovcrall peformance of lamlnatod glass. Any dd€ctg dorrg |he edges d the glats aca potelilld rorrce of weclnpss. The efim may be ffiG€d b r€fnorc rtEp consE, ard dro grurd, gnodnd q pdiCrd. Eotllr *.L I roqd&tr t,/otgm I'El.lcrt Hrql@ /,e|.: +4,DA4l42t t tr /Irc.{2o513 {23 |l0€G.Bll 1s3/da,0ar6Fr 195/tr* sC.evarG. *{la &Dfracb/cd: 'gffi{cLdroGb{rdFfr,i{a*l6to la$rvF €, dd C, !r't ai€O rqd.4/a{*daarcd&alrar rEril Hol€s and notchoo Holes may be drllled or watoriet qjt for fixings, lefter plates or mmmunicatlon aperulrgs, Nobh€s ofr,'iors sttapes and dzes can be driled, sanrn a uaterjet cuL ffirnd 6|Frs mltst ah/ays be radfned. lt'e nd prefile b hand-od & q rdrec der the h,tnhdon pocess. lf tE neffiod d erppori frr bmi*d ghGs b b b€ Ftarf f*U, f b uardly neoessay f6 fp ghc b bs had-tceEd. Thermal eaiety When an SGG STADIP /SGG STADIP PROTECT assemblycompdses sohrconbol glasses ortinbdhffiFs, SAlff€OBAIN GLASS resnmerds a tEilnd dsk andFis, io caes whdr€r tte glass b dridrdthermd b'€akeg3. Conlrifuting faclors to thermal Bfess includo dlmab, orbntation, ext€mal shading, int€rnal btirds, windov, sizg and glass edge corditlon. Sourcss of heat, srch as spotlighls and radiators, ehould be kept aluay fioan windo'v arBas. lZOl-AS, spol. s r.o. Sokolova 1a i9 00 g-rno - Hornf Hortplce DIC: CZ4698l t 95 Td:+4a0-54g/t261 11 lD4 dl$,rtalrio6dob r./ trgB-e!fH it*t ! e:,ag:t6 rtt /k roSat a rto PG.€Oi te6lrcCgr!61lf3/brr. edgf,{B |r, r#1o BDrarF,{4.o: r8$66?tflr(Fcdstc!*fi.ttiic. *sv E t.rr(tq, galo -:n-/r*ffi.. EIErt-I-frrlt - Deparnnent of hmmunity Development Euilding hfety and Inspction Serw?es 75 South Frcnbge Road Vail, Colondo 81657 97Hn-2138 FAX 970479-2452 www.uailgov.@m BUITDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO: Contractor/Applicant Architect George Schaeffer Const. KH Webb Jeff Kissane proj#2416 FAX/Email #: jeffk@gsconco.com 477.2965 Structural Engineer SDS proj#0104-05 949.3377 NUMBEROF PAGES: 2FROM: Chris Gunion, Building Plans ExaminerDATE: 071081200s BUILDING PERMIT #: 805-0160 OWNERS NAME: Alfond SITE ADDRESS: 1345 Westhaven Circle OCCUPANCY GROUP: R-3/U TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION: V-B NUMBER OF STORIES= 2+basement BUILDING AREA: 9563 s.f. The documents submitted for this p@ect have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code,2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003International FuelGas Code, 2003International Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following commenB will ned to be addressd prior to isuane of a building petmit: For processing: Please submit two complete sets of revised construction documents containing the reouested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. Please respond in writing to each comment by marking the attached list or creating a response letter. Indicate which plan sheet, detail, soecification, or calculation shows the reouested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building oermit application number noted. Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the enoinee/s or architecfs "wet" stamo. siqnature, reqistration number and date on the cover page of any structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the plans. For commercial or multi-familv orojects all sheets of the plans must be stamoed. Arch itectu ra I Com ments: 1 trSpecify rated 20 minute doors where located in the separation walls between the garage and living \pace and the mechanical room separation. (R309) { Rmend plans to show minimum !l2" gypsum board on the enclosed side of usable space under stairways. (R311.2.2) \ Specifrf rafter space ventilation. Provide vents equal to 1/150th of the roof area. Indicate on plans method of ventilation to be used Example: soffit vents, ridge vent, gable end vents. (R806) lrL SpeciflT all wall, roof and floor insulation on the plans per IRC ch. 11. \ S.-Spedfo crawl space ventilation method per (R408) k/RmenO stairway at the exterior deck adjacent to the family room to provide a minimum 36" wide landing at the top of the stairs. (R311.5) * Provide guards at all exterior patio areas greater than 30" above grade. Site plans show grade is over 30" below patio level. (R312) YF,andratts are required on all stairways with 4 or more risers. (R311.5) Decorative shrouds shall not be installed at the termination of chimneys for factory-built fireplaces except where such shrouds are listed and labeled for use with the specific factory built fireplace system and installed in accordance with the manufacture/s installation instructions. (R1004.3) Please veriff allowable shroud details with the manufacturer for the Modern Rumford fireplaces. Amend living room Rumford fireplace to show a heafth per manufacture/s listing. Also coordinate heafth support and firebox support with structural plans. Non-combustible support is required for Rumford fireplaces. f Coordinate mechanical and storage rooms, sheet A2.2a finish floor levels and ceiling heights with the ( structural plan sheeb 52 and GRFA requirements. l{specify a mechanical ventilation system capable of .35 air changes per hour per (R303.1) for all( habitable areas of the basement without exterior window openings. Structural Comments: 13 Amend plans to provide non-combustible suppoft for the Rumford firebox and heafth per manufacture/s requirements. Rumford product information indicates structural code requirements for masonry fireplaces must be used. Please refer to the coyer sheet for information on rcsubmitting plans. In order b ayoid delays in issuance of a permit, please check {l rcquested information is Included with the resubmitbd plans. Please submit revised plans as a complete set. Partial plan resubmlttals will not be reviewed. Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Seruices 970.479.2369 cgunion@vailgov.com F:\cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\805-0 160. DOC 10 khwebb TRANSl,IITTAL To: Chris Gunion/ IOV 8ldg. lafery & Inspection Date: 7/18/2005 [rom: Heather Barrie/ IHW Re: Alfond Residence- Bldg.Permit Revisions Ilct0sro: (2) Sets Revised Building Permit Sets- Alfond Iesidence ilotrs: Chris, Attached are the (2) revised Euilding Permit sets. Aho included are the responses in writing to your review comments, masonry lireplace manufacturer requirements, and engineered stamped retaining wall sections (Chad Salli had said he did not have thele). Also included in the Architectural, Landscape & Grading, & ltructural are the exterior stairu required by the TOY Fire Dept. t0 the east of the Garage. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, Heather Banie 411-29901 "heather@khwebb.com" $o5-ot\:- io|,Tl| f[01]A!jt In.ltto e ffi6?;ur_ 28 200s 80A0 witT 5T[ lt6 YllL t0t0MD0 8165i 0 4D.t965 (r) www. k hweb b. co m9l !OUTl| .tn. Architectu ml Com ments: Speciff rated 20 minute doors where located in the separation walls between the garage and living ffi::," **:,# ffi*i:::Kffi ,,H-fr ffi"y q M',) stairways. (mr1.2.2) 4q/ KV(/II@ fUNg @ rgrtVnt-r\1-Z{ 3 Specifo rafter space ventilation. Provide vents equal to 1/150th of the roof area. Indicate on plans method of ventilation to be used Example: soffit vents, ridqe vent, qable end vents. (R806)@F t, Esfar-ft&trrtt4?p,Q% t4tuvD wlv'wr tao04tt) ' 4 Specifo all wall, roof and floor insulation on the plans per IRC ch. lt. * ,ql|UW W-01+06,ilA{.q)?Eqwt tffirrrfiffpace ventilation method per (R408)ffiWze av vu.(t\ rNrDqrr ?0W 6 Amend stairway at the exterior deck adjacent to the family room to provide a minimum 36" wide landing at the top of the srairs. (R311.s) ca, pfitlc/fD- aA w-?Evl'ldlt - hz,o Provide guards at all exterior patio areas greater than 30" above grade. Site plans show grade is over 30" below patio level. (R312) 9W *$AW2 flritg f* F6'lV,Elt- At ,O Handrails are required on all stairways with 4 or more risers. (R311.5)gWl{COEp n 4lWFottslotl -M.o,N,t Decorative shrouds shall not be installed at the termination of chimneys for factory-built fireplaces except where such shrouds are listed and labeled for use with the specific factory built fireplace system and installed in accordance with the manufacture/s installation instructions. (R1004.3) Please verifo allowable shroud details with the manufacturer for the Modern Rumford fireplaces. Iturotr*Itir.l rNofFr,u0t[.16 l{t(tw,%g0/d/,qJ r&?o/nrlol. kfu/z Amend living room Rumford fireplace to show a heafth per manufacture/s listing. Also c6ordinate hearth support and firebox support with structural plans. Non-combustible support is required for Rumford firepl.aces. W tt0<l@ fl,/)C.t ftF- fi,wtotJ. lbt<ft| |6 ll0h/ lifyrvrN& Fq. a,.@F a,E|firN (nu9lr) hZ.o Coordinate mechanical and storage rooms, sh6et A2.2a finish floor levels and ceiling heights with the structural plan sheets 52 and GRFA requirements. # lqft+@ nN W- RAiFFN '/.2q Specify a mechanical ventilation system capable of .35 air changes per hour per (R303.1) for all habitable -areas of tJre basemept without exteriqr window openings, W WtW IJf!D X IOOw&vr{ faN ca.dafl (4 (*j/h. Structural Comments: Amend plans to provide non-combustible support for the Rumford firebox and hearth per 8 9 10 11 manufacture/s requirements. Rumford product information indicates structural code requirements for masonry fireplaces must be used. % q.b,2.@, g.l',g.l?- FoTFOtpfA,LS Pleas€ rcfer to the cover sheet for infomatlon on resubmitting plans. fn order b ayoid delays in issuance of a permit, please check ell requested informatlon ls included with the rcsubmitted plans. Please submit rcvised plans as a compleh set. Partial plan rcsubmittals will not be rcviewed. Chris Gunion I.C,C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Seruices 970.479.2369 caunion@vailgov.com F: \dev\CHRIs\PERMIT.COMMENTS\805{160. DOC Jul 1O 2OO4 13:56 HP LRSERJET 3330 7.? n[ -02'0il?HU] t0:25 TEI r {50 6519 r77t P. 001 tcc.l6rE €ilrt|. .or|fry RltaOJFlft|lrgJrrr|Clr, J?{EITd.aDg0|$Fi, aoG6te tr liri Prt/thp jlmrvfieru%Ss , ntgDql,- tl.t{pttcllo}-B trtlncrrra tr'hoF fa Lrbvht tr'||E rqt Good llornlrp l{ss a sornc gr.ildelirps b trlitw rrfiqn conruefig chroud 6r*ncton wih lcc dtimry. 1. Tht slrroud rilJrt bo confrlred sf non-qiltffile menbl2. Ttnt€ rrurtbo ebp lnddethr*loud lusteboyutoopeilrgs b parrerrt @nddrsfrr of llue ga*s b.lrrg tssd hqnotF drcud.3. TtF Croud nrrst csfir {nty mc drtnrry tirmlndon. 4, Ihe €hiffFytp m;* be aroesCbb lbr dhnim rd rrrfrbn*ro. !. fqgpql1g_gft bo ptu,ldrd *tr€ becc of treliruud b abn rrfrr b aorye.A A t'F 1 1fT dit.W rnrdbapwided ba$e*rthe qrburtHedrasOp}d tharhurdHtng. 7. Ttpame deedr openlp (tro ninimum; mua Ue aSadthrc€ 0rrelhc dEmsler in sqnp incfiee E. Than mlsl be a rnhlrum d*|arce d 6' bd,,tcn tte oubr €dgE of lre ctrlmneyqrrfn*lon and tn lngEt q4lboe of $o Jrrsud. reovdrgon ;h-dhlltoy b - lhc Efinfilion sf thc actrai iue pipc. 9. Temhetln dlhe chimnoy qr bc ddawd wilr a lain'-F bs or a nah q. Aenplcb nin clp ts n4 Ercirlrld h Oth rype Cnelamon hn f qr p not ueiOlhgrtrcbmhilon, atarfi*nrrn, muCbc pfrobdwitr a nain capbaa Thewdcd gtgb b.6flfn hs brrdl.lon of fic hf*nrrqr rrrd thcbp of'ttre rtrqfr opg|ing.mnd b€ 3D dr0:E€3 tn fldcr b pwent watl hfltl.Jqr-lf onty abmheiondngbrplL i wfm |hcse srd-rllrrd *c nraor adr@ b wa ufl b trppy b have an e0ghselndlm lt BOUU)ER RETAINING VAII FOR THREE NER WALLS bs - glLo ffill:4lAO At*l \P#9' z @ltPAcfm, CRAT,IUIAR BACKilL*E NOIE F PERIUEIER DRAIN LffiANON AIID TETHL TEPENANE O}I soIL AND GRO''ND WAIER coNanq{s ---.*_/ O,NSrAU nLfER FAERTC (UtRAFl fuAN OR EOIJIUil.A{D BEHND fHE 8(NIIERS o V 6 € ,votEs. ,. IHE Bil'LOER RETAININO YIAIL S']AIL E COI{STRUCIr, *IH BOUI,ERS CREAIER THAN 2 FEET, FR ORY STACK IIAtlE IHE RWXS NU HAW AS UUCI| I'LAI g.IffiACE AREA ASPffitsIE, M NCREAS fHE ffiICNON $'RFACE BEI',ff,I fHE ilX'T.OERS2 fHE NfnU BOLIDSS C,AII 8E tHE IJIRCEST At{D StlArL 8E pUCfi Oil NA?VE,uNqtruqry 94i! aE FncN rrsotL AM tr,cAMCE R (N @up CtA SnUCrumt mL APPROII@ 8Y IHE ENGINEER,J '?'E $'ffilf, BOI'ID& l,,-T ais FOR VAII.S CffiATER IHAT{ 1 FED SI]AIL E OFTSEIHmnNAUy By A HNntUH tr Stx tMctlts F(n EAcfl vF''frc/.L F(nT. ' L A UNtUtn OF oNE F(m tr UNUSruRW' sotL cot/R sltAtl E pQowD@ tN FRo'tr tr fHE UATL5 fHE @IIPACNON E THE soIL EACIGIU SIOIID E IFSIF, BY HE &TGINffi N IT CAN EBACKmtm nfH ctEAN, cRttsHa Rur(6. NE ANW I,6rcN UUST BE REV|/ETTE,, AM) fHE COT{SIRUCNON tr IHE BxII.DS WATLIIEPECI@, BY IHE Nd|'tr IflN VANNANOil E IHE gL AM OR(NND VA\N WATER@NUfloNS sllli{.ds::':.;;;#3.€t')'-+r!t'Sii.teis-L-7!"r;5affi -l* &l;;n'* c!t!./c!oltc8x!clf Engineering, fne, P.O lc 2llt Edrcrl, C0 tto'|lt l (e7o) UE-008t fu (ero) 920-0(le BOTTU)EB NETIININC TATL tLlttND f,gtrDntcB LOf & 6rat ['d li&ttGwtw Er'4wn cnctg NW G U&. EAdE q'TN, WRADO rqEr-i ulilE *fls ^r. [s 2 BOULDER RETAINING TTALL FOR SINCLE WALLS UP TO 6 FEET HIGH A0SINC ORADE lmpqylottg Bo*tlll Qwtulq, panlanc bocf.fl|, dqardhg m cltc catdltbns. Ftrtx FMe Ulrof, ,4Olq qulvdqt Cmtpoctad bo&f,l PERIUflN DRNN L@ANON AilO DETAIL DEENANO Oil SOIL AND ORANNO WAIER @NAflONS ,votE$. ,. HE AO"TDR RETAININO YIAIL SI,AIL BE CoT,ISIRIJCTFJ WfH SOI'OERS GREAIER IHAN 2FET. FOR MY STACK VALLS IHE R@$ NU HAIE AS UI'CI| FIAT g,'RFACE AREA A _ PNI.E M NCRF,ig fHE MCNN g,'RFACE BEIVtrfiN fHE EAN.DERS2 fIE BOT|OII BOII,,O&S SHAIL ff fHE LAREfST AND C,AIL 8E PUC$) OII NANVE,u.wt4Jryq qL aE FRail ropfitL AttD tr(oilttcs, oR oN cottpAcm stnucifr* ntPPROWD AY nE fld,VEm.J. ,tf s/glEsgrE Sotl,ttn U.'€Rs $till EE aIF5ET HoRtzoNT tly By A utvtuatu or gx fvorEis Ffr EACH v8f,cAl FOO|4 A NIIM'U tr 0T/6 F@T tr UNIXSruRffi) flL GOVF. $IAIT BE PiilOINDE' IN FRONT OF fHEVAIL 5. IIE &IPACN^I 6 NE mIL EACKF1IL *IOUA 8E fFsfa 8Y THE ENGNER OR 17 CATT EEBACt<Fut_o wH aEAN, CRU9{A R^CK. 6. W pOW AEyOV rrUSItr FnA, AND tHE Co|tSfHrcnON tr ttE BOU.DR VA|L ryqgclq4 By tHE DEgd,rff AFIER WHnAnaN 0F tHE fitL AilD ROTJND Witth Wafu@NAnONS [qdi,'fia Engineering, Ine. P.O Bd 2tlt7 Edralt . @ !t!lEtd (eto) e2c-e00! ior (e70) ei[-eorg II,FOM fFilDE',/CE bf A qAn [tW g/glt$qv rJ{' Er tav onulf DW 0F UU. dE Oqttfu, odaRAN Bo.f- U6O Ror'ufhs APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U TVWNOPVilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for ll -o/ 60 plumbing, mechanical, etc.! S L,q tFkr (o n5 lcscl,'ea JcSf (issor,e (?ro): V6'L/f : JOE,JR,CHARLIE,GREG COMPLETE ****i**t*ft***'r*****i**t*****t********FoR oFFlcE usE oN LY****rr.*****+r*rr*t******tt+***rtr**rrr F:\Users\cdev\APPLICATIONS\BLOGR EVlSlONS2004.doc EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials REVfSED AMOUNT: $ -A-*ELECTRICAL: $OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$REVISEDToTAL:$ ),3 oO, OOO For Parcel #County Assessors Olfrce at 970-328-8640 or visitP4rcer'f,f,-ro3tAlo6otl rob Name: A \ eon d Res;c/ e" c L JobAddress: Ij q t wcs+ hq/en c,rgft Lesat Description ll t-ot: f O ll erocr: ll ririns,subdivision: Gl<n LYon ownersName:;ol4+J,lr Algnol llAddress: Po B6y tr(o /q,l .Ce . tt6rt phone: g?o r-) ,/61 9oo ArchitecVDesiofl€ri ,zr. r, rI' K lt vlenb Address: 1f 3 5 Ft'n1,^tu*IlCqJ yq\enone: P?(r)\1 7'rlvc Engineer: 1+r,,rclurq\ )es,jn 46lyht Address:p o 6 ox tl 1\ Ay'on t l 6tr0 enon{91o)11q "llat REASON FOR REVISIONS: WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (&Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (k) Type of Btdg.: Singte-family (\f, Two-famity ( ) Mutti-family ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /.No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances AI Gas Loss A) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Typg pf E{gplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loss ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnins (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves (y) No a )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (\J 1?,02n004 Sro,20, 2OCi 12r24?tl tA(iLt YAl.-lY lHill'tt PROJECT SHEETNO. CALCULATED E1 JPL io. btYl t. llC oF_DAIE 0s20{5Frx 9n rae lolioni ffi# -t t-- ^Aw/ FTG. STEP FTG. STEP -l , nolcAlEs- I cnrmsprce. ACCESSEF. I s€c. 1,E4t cRAvfL sPect FrG. S]EP C II{ICATESCOG STEPS REF TO ARCH. FOR LOCATIoN 8[tE & RIJN. 'I'YP FOUNDATION PI.AN Town of Vail OFFICE COPY r9r = rry{ c-.l .l -l I To|Y-StE-t IIDGA'ES cnmuiPAcE AccEss 0$12{5 row= lD) =GErt=n l|l] ruN 20 2006 lU TOWN OF VAIL 3os-o/6o Srp.?C. 2005 12r25?lt tAOtt vALLtY ltilfs ilo. 0 /y:l Jlq ppqlggl ALFQmRESTTENCE JOBNO. 01-04{5 sFEErto. sl3 0F _ CATCUTATED By JPL DATE 0920.05 L__--t -_lA' ON tg L.B FTG. STEP 09-20-05#r+ c T( 9-ASON+C 8ASEOil U'{DISRJRBEDGT COT'PAOTED TRUCTRAL ENGII'IEER. REI#ORCE S- 6u6{fl .t$(vlrt.a W61g€O ffl lHROtJGr|clur pQonDE! TOOLED CONInOt JOtNrs MAXTMUU SPAC|NG EACh v E T( t- I dl." sl0 r I -l I CRAWL SPACE CRAIi,ISPACE AOCS.EF. sBc. ra. F.D.o + I 'r I I A 0$i2{b t Il^ r,tr-| c J TTH' -CRAUYUIPAC€ ACCESS FOUNDATI PLAN $fErNo. st4 .. OF _ CALCUI-ArED gy JPL DATE 09.20.0s SO{LE 3l{ = t'{ I-T I I I i I I It- tltltl t_--l-:--1.,--t--l--J--1-Il | .,l bo* L - -T Tr- -l- -'|-l-J- ' lg rTJ.--------@'.t lIf--trll ,/ l\. ltt -r --+ll ,' I t't lf +, lll,r' J 'rl li l--+lttltll -t --1*l1- -r- PROVlrf F "r5lEoEiDrMiz-r BEYONOOPEI{NG TYP @OPSNNG EEFEF TO DETAL 8,s10 FORWATT SIEET I rl ific|.|.ANtcAt\occEss \/\/ -lfrrionsinc Ex6rIEERlt{G l-etiler of Record Dale: 10.20.05 To: K.H. WSbAtchitecb P.C. SchafrrConsfrudiortffiRd€eSd Mil&Nun0prr A$rcnd Resicbnce Job#01M{)5 Thb leder cf Gcord b h regnds to tle spedrc qleSions coneming the sbel shop drawirBs Proviled by F srt Range Sd d#d Y26/tb. There wi[ be a step ftorn the bp of steel grate to he bp ol slab at the back patio C,eorge Scfiaefbr'Consfucibn does not want he decfting to cantilaer per our meeling on 10- 1845. The bp of t|e w6x15 cofumn wil sbp at sre bp of he 1'Axgy2Lw head€rs. Rebr b &cfi. ff,dfurzt,c..O and ret ised detdl45/11 on #re<t 8 % xl1 stte€a S-13. Pfe6e see alffi 8/,x71SLl7 ad Sl-18 6r playrom deck omcnb- The top of ooncrete corbel is set at 41'-1 3/4" and can rnt be $anged. Refer to KH Webb Architecb debiling. Reftr b Kll \,lftbb Adtitects detailirg and proviie a fil$'ru,eld all nound whee brace hits colmn. 8. Tte rrw p& heigft b 16'3 %. *ot e lre rdl fuof F.t'F66 set by KFI wbb Att*ird' lf thee are any qtFslixrs or cmoam pleas cd rE at 94$71m. PO BOX 2494 AVOI{, CO 81820 Plt. 970.949.7100 FAX 970.9it9.337 1. 2. 3. 1. 5. 6. 7. P. Leonatdo. PROJECT JOB NO. ALFO]\URESIDENCE 0104-05 CALCUTATED BY JPL oF--p41g 10.14.05 114' :1'-A' SHEFT NO. lulionE NOINEERING t* x18LW (1)-1' 3/4 x 10.14.05 MAIN FLOOR FRAMING lutionE NGINEERING =J=u#E r.r_ {* E>F gEP EEF -!o C)oc) II 4 F b o CO II =oF Ilrtc')o@ aF JJ .=ItL9o>a C\= a-< l'i!Ell.(EUJO(rL c; r'FFb- cn zI o_zo = oz -fo LL o I 3 F {e,sr co r--=---ileHAr ,$l ,lrft>u 8bb fHEifi dt 5(t psto lutlong I{GINEERING 1f4" = 1'-0' FOUNDATION PLAN lo) 1-lL---- I I TES_ SPACE S, BFF. s4 38.1 94 09-20-05jffi 10.14.05 80ut'4 TOSLA STEI t-- 4'CONCFETE SI-AB ON 4'CLEAN BASE ON UNDISTUHBED GRADE. COMPACTED STR[rcruML FIII I ENGINEER. REINFORCE SLABW 6r(GW1.4xW1.4 WELDED WRE FAI TI.IROUGHOITT. PROVIDE 1' DEEI TOOTED CONTFOLJOINE AT 12 MAXIMUM SPACING ErcH WAY. 8029-4 TO S[-A lL(#_J I J INDICATES MECH. ACCESS ACCESS. REF. INDICATES CRAWLSPACE ACCESS TOW = 8fl1'-1 3/4 TOF = $29-0 lulions NGINEERING 10.14.05 tl)-l 3/4 x 11 Z8 Llt (BEYONO) VERSq STRAND RIM.BOARD W21x62W/aBM. WIDTH DRIVE PINNED TO TOP F|-ANGE@ 16.O.C. (PACK NORTH SIDE OF WEB SOUD & BOLTWTWO RO\A/S oF 5/8" O THRU-BOLTS @ 16'O.C ) STEPS PER ARCH. 1 1N'LT. WT. TOPPING 3/4'T&G PLYWD. TO PLY\A'D. (1)-l 3/4 x 11 7E LVL 2xLEDGERW (3)-10d NATLS @ 12 O.C. FOR STAIR FRAMING @rn. lulions JOB NO. 0104-05 10.14.05 RAIUNG PER ARCH. 1 1I? x 1I8' STEEL GRAIE DECKING (McNICHOLS CO. GW SERTES OR EOUtv.)coNT. Laall4 TO STL. & DECKING MC I x 18.7 4',-0" (vERrFYWArcH.) lullons NGINEERING oF-- D.ATE 10.14.05 TS COL OR PIPE COL. PER PLAN SEE SCHED. FOR REINF- 1IZ' EXPANSION i'ATERIAL 4" CONC S|-AB PER PLAN BASE Isl8rlmo'-t0 W 6l-1tz Qxlt EXP. ANCH.'s ON 1'MlN. SHIM & NON.SHRINK GROUT TO PAD MD L-fL-a-J__-t lutlons TOP OF CAP EOAUI.,: TO TOP OF DBL. 2xO TOP E HEADER PER PLAN PROVIDE SIMPSON LSTA18 TO TOP Es & BUILT UP STUDS TS 4x4x3l16 BASE PIATE PER PTAI Y4.T&G PLYWD. TO CONCRETE WALL PROVIDE BI-KG. Eq" BENT STL. BEAlvl PER PI.ANWABM.WDIH DRIVE PINNED TOTOP FLANGE@ 16'O.C. CAP R-: 518\5 1tZ fr.10"Wl (2)-5/8'@ THRIISOLTS (oNE EA STDEOFWEB) 5(6 STUD DRME PINNED TO TS @ l6'o.c. (oNE EA. S|DE) RAFTERS PER PLAN SIDE OF TS FOR BOT. R. lulions NGINEERING ) ) \ ts sl8':ffi llnlsll Le+ (2)-1nW EPOXYANCHORS E1 5/8' r CONCRETE/ wArJ- 4' (+1t?M EPOXYANCHORS G] /" 5/8' \^-. (4-1rtffi EPO)ffANCHORS /'|\ 3.Er^ ,^rn NtT Un!: -'_ CALCU|-ATED BY JPL 10.14.05 (3)-1 3/4 )€ 1/4 LVL BRG. L 6x4x1EO!5 1/4 LLV WSIDE P's 1/4x/t)d€ wl (11-u4'arHau€olTs WOx15COL. FULL LEI-IGTH lutions NGINEERIIIG SHEFT NO. SCALE 1/4' : 1'-0' 10.14.05 - 113/4 | x J- et\ YWD \ I /@) _a PROVIDE BLOCK OTJTS FOR FLUE CHASES. REFER TO ARCH. FOR $ZE & LOCATION INDICATES COM. L 5,\3xt/4 LLV ANGLE W 112,9 x 4. EXP. ANTCH. @ 16. O.C., TYP. @ PERMETER OF FLUE BOX '-4' MAIN FLOOR FRAMING lullonE T{GIiIEERING SHEFTNO. SL15 OF - CALCUT_ATEp gy JPL DA1E 10.14.05 SCALE 3/4": 1'-0 10.14.05 1 1IZ LI. WT. TOPPING 3/4'T&G PLYV\,D. TO PLYWD. CONT. 1 18x11 7lB LSL VERSA STFAND (2)-1 31411 7tsLVL (DROPPED) TOW PROVIDE SOLID STL. SHIM AS NEEDDED CRAWLSPACE 1l?O x 10" AB.'s @ 48" O.C. IN CONT. TFITD. A6 N. FOR REMAINDER OF INFO. REF. TO DETAL USg SfDE Es - 1/4'\4'x1'4 w(4)-1U grHHIJ-BOLTS CrwO EA. MEMBER) 11 7/8" I-JOIST PER P|AN (4-1 3/411 7EL!'l- lutions T{GI EERII{G JOB NO. 0104-0s SHEET NO. ItL19= OF __ cAt cl l artrn Ry JPL nartr 10.14.05CALCUT-ATEg gy JPL DATE 10.14.05 - 1 1tz Lr. wT. TOPPTNG 3/4'T&G PLYWD. 11 7/8" I-JOIST PEB PLAN 13/4x11 ?8LVL ALEDGERW (3)-10d NA|LS @ 12'O.C. FOR STAIR FMMING 2(6 CRIPPI.E WALL FOR REMAINDER OF INFO. REF. TO DETAIL 1IS9 CONT. 1 118x11 7/8 LSL VERSASTRAND RIM.BOARD (BEYOND) SIEPS PEF AFCH. rrjorsT BLKG. PANELS @ 24' IN FIRST JOIST SPACE W (5){d M,ILS INTO EA. PAtlEL, TYP, I t/z'LT. WT. TOPPING 3/4'T&G P|_YWD. 11 7IE" I.JOIST PER PLAICONT. 1118x11 7/8LSL VERSA STRAND RIM-BOARD 12"O x 1Cr'A.B.'s @ 4S O.C. rN coNT. TRTD. a€ L lullons iIGINEERING SHEFTNO. SL17 oF - CALCULATED BY JPL 'DATE 10.14.0s @IYP MC I x 18.7 MC 8 x 18.7 (805"-41 CANI 1 1lzxIIffSTEELGRA1E DECKING (McNIGIOLSCO. GW SERTES OR EOU|V.), CANT ll (1)-v4'rHRU-BoLr@1?O.C. @ PEFEMETER OF DECK MC8 x 18.7 10.14.05 UPPER FLOOR / LOWER ROOF FRAMING SCALE 3/4':lutions XGII{EERIiIG 1 1/? LT. WT. TOPHhIG V4"T&G PLYWD. MC I x 18.7 WTOP CttT DOWN BELOWPL\{/D, @ BACK SPAN We)fiOvys OF3/4O'IHRU.BOLTS @ 12'O.C. (3)-1 3/4 x 11 ilS LVL 1 1P'LT. WT. TOPPING 3/4" T&G PL'M/D. ANGLE& DECK (21-1 314 x l1 7E LVL L3r&1l4x!|7 1/+Wl (2)-314'OTtaRU-WLr 2 RETURNS c. 19. 200F 4:38PlF*tAqJl. tlALLTY TEIIPS-I nilb^oiffil pRCIEcr 110.7775-P. JOB NO. 4,,.?2.o5 10.14.05 (+1V4x11 78LvL COPEFI.AT{qE TO 6 UT ATLAROWD BRG. L 6t'fx1/!6M.WlDTl-l (tLVl wsrDEf.\ 1/4dxr-7 w(l)-flroftR.r-BoLr Wgx16COl- 1f 110.7775 P. CALCUI.ATED BY _JEt-oF---p61E 12.19.05 $Q4;E 1/4'= 1'{ SEE SHEEIS2 \ \ \ \\#ir-S \rru, \ T'ffi GUEST WI NG ;FOUNDATION PLAN 06- 6: 22Ptt_tA0[t YATLTY ItMtS_ _1t0. u/ur^ff PROJECT JO81{O.Fl F^xgTO T_ I 0o4o-t 3/4 8ts7-t 3/4 WLSPrcE - 00{?-7 S. - 1037-t Ua w- F - flBr- iHEETS6 -'l FTG. SIEP L tr- r,a} FTB SIEF SHEET 19, SL21 gp CALCUI.ATED gY JR . OArr INTICAIESCo|IC. $TEPS REF IOAFCI{. FOR LOC^ION RISE &RUN. TYP. -'l -l J r_et _.1 ffi; Els COI{CFEIE CORBE- C CORBEL LOCATION 006- 6:23Pit-tAGLt YAtttY lt[t-ro. V'l!'l-r. t/4 ^ry PH sro.90 F X 0rD.9I PncuEcT Atf0.tpRE|ENGE JOB NO. 0104{s SHEFr No. Sl22 oF _ CALCUT AIED gy JPL DATE 01.23.0G bl-,t- SLqBNOT*|qi,l,| FO8 CTAFITY SASE P5rtri6lEjCl.6 tz Wllzttl?Ox€Ej{iP. ANCHSON I,Mil. SifrM &FIONSHBru( GROLIT st-A8NOT SFtOi,r{ FoSCuFIrY TOPvfs, PNO/DEBOLISIEDGE Ar.ohrc D(SIG. wat- a ooEEt- (+@nt. Fott{DAToilwA[ W6r(15@L TRRETiTM)qOF II.IFO REFER TO OEIAI.4/SIO DOTflEL ilEtv conEEr TOE'GTG t'-4 wAI. W El-ts DllrLS r $ l-ru-- CPOXEDT,|TOE4!h+ HOI-ES O 1" \GFT. FOU'ER FASTSy POWEBS oR EO) DOIVELNEW@RtsEL .roEsfc :rlwfirl-w@lfiuriIi.x \ EPOXEonTOA4'Ctr4' 't\ HOIES @lfJER FAST By FS'iERS ffi EO,) PRO'VIDE ROI'GfrI EDGE A|On|GSIG.wAI&CmSt|. (+cstc FothDATtoNwAtr 000- 6: 23Pll-tA0l.t YALttY Prl FA("O SHEETNO.- S23 OF CALCT1 ATED By JPL DATE 01.23.06 ^v !8fl-TI g64g U4'- l'S (+coNc. FOrr{oAnoNwAu, L6451t64r511r, $"o(P AilOr. FOthtDATtONYt,ALt FORREUAN)ER OFNFO REF. TO OETAIL E,5IO ToPVtElit, Lffitdn6'o{W(1}2Erg ,r6'EG Ar{Cl.l. FORREr|AhDEfi OF I[{FO FEF. IO OETAL 8'SI3 STOI{EIEI..|EER FERAHCH. @f{T. L4,!rr(l/.YY/lEOrrW. Aitmsef 2f 2006-11:55au--nt#i#lffiou-Y, I PH fAx JOB NO. 010105 _ sHEET r',ro. sl2l _ oF CALCUT-ATED gy JPL DATE 02.15-06 GUEST WING FRAMING PI-AN Al2SIFUCIURAL SUB-FASSA.IYP. Ino|cAtEs&r2 L@r(ouTs@24. o.c-, TYP €t't"/P €IBBG. (A-1 si,!,,O1nLW @ HTGHWTNDOw (2)-1 3/.rn 1l2 LVL @r-owwNDol{ PROJECT JOBNO. SHEET I\O. CALCULATEDBY JPL oF _._--_ DATE m.15.06 i6F@FSHEATI{|NG 2xl2RAFIEnS (' 2lro.C. z€LXG, 12 lt6U|AT|ON PERAFCH. FASCIA EETAL PEB ABcH. Sr8' ROOF Sl.€AldNG 006- 6:35Plt-EAGLt vAtLtY TT[1PS ,CtrI PRO,|ECT fio. U00l r, I pll g?0.9.q rN( 910.9{9. JOB NO. 0104-05 SHEET NO cALcur.qrEDE IFf * onri@ UPPER FLOOR / LOWER ROOF FRAMING PLAN xl2StlrCWRAL . T\P. xl2 STI.JCTURA , TY? EADERSATSOO ,)-1 JtD612Lrl- ll/rrERa (rLaG coNr adz|f,oGEr wF)-t2dMtLsG| 1OOC (F.SIUO) 2006 l?:{0Plt fActt vAttEY TEIIP$fo.9l?3 ?. 2/3 -'oE'L.AlO|((!tr6tttroia.trot r, rroto.tSz Letterof Record IlEbbro{rsd a h EFrtbfi. m-o|IyfrlPh a*ers|fnl pbCad ncErdy t ldtt E ltqt o nis bbr d rsd b h rFr| b fir rasry frlpbE thi uE Ul| rihat $e St.laH rir klnt4ar6rsneti pbCld ncadyt'rdltEltwt dlddA,stO. A!|qD r Bmd radd! bi!! tr s rdt I B nol nqiu Hrf.tg b h6IRC A0@ €din urtr Sccfion R3OO. t t z si*nt*Irclin Cebocy C ||dt * .|tefly €h|ln6 std b. lBhft{orf a Eanr [r tHufitEt qsdrl t'Eba a J|dn n ft:rC R6(F. t@f. fh. fiFs b .cflfrtD..f htf mcd fi.6bn rd E cilbrEed hqEoo yrl||(z)t5 brrui0|r10{ o.c Apr. I 2006 1?:1 UETCOBINr|N 0Pn tAGtE O vAt LIY riilPs lo. 9173 ]** tlLrt.x?.n.C|f AIEE ' F[ O,c' OEr/r ll|. *fT t/EHIE/tLc UIrl TE$FoFCEXEIIT !firE SlEElF-gEE ScrlgrRfr.g R€l)tFohcEFr- SCE!IG'D€nfl2t3ri6,11.2.a3 r|oT CqJiEE &.S11il:tl.ar16rr9(|a IrtFE lf'EflOft EI1DPARfiXr{ IE'TS tAtSoLl EriO SIIJD Wnl y, Dr.tgls r FT. o.c.- damrr ne'rm "-n#HEA'--t ...*"ff L"or " zco,|tErdus.rrDrnrl ICT^ITEs.- Aor. ?{. 2|.ill6 ?:ilrf orr YArrtY rtilr,s Ito. 910 I t. vq .lroa.,inc f CtrIIr.E.lnAxSLtTr/l|. ttlEr.. HGettBudJcff coac,t.? KllVcbbAd. S.bcftCoonnbo no& Lqldo a//tly'5 c^I t uL*m-85 E4tAm IOtA! xO. d txltt r||(frrorO COyfr'4 IHOI{E l.t SEl:. IEt ifbdnci&ua B urcexr El.ror lcrrras E.pleesg com.Er{r E n rase rsny E rr!rug rtcyct t n(yrEs/ctLa!r.fs. tlts tze |rc J7u*-a at**'18 'A3 Ve tt eay'hc.'ra,P!"t , ,ttrc crrla€ € tnz /.w?, fta.G bxrrr an'fuw il,rsr*,u, tlrt+ po lor rrr. rlioii, io.iiiir CC6 ?:llPl|EYoo 'EH JS hto.010446# Erttl FAT'A ALL EY lrlichr IllU LT.wf,TOfiglG ;gf TeGPLrm.i itl r/r|.\,cXttPSnIl CeNt aflorBDdgq -W6Frd1{ArSbi?oc. srrei'-ip cAt-CtJtATEDBy JPL p6g 0a2t6 HOSrg.m PATESO'afilFffir.,o;lrgrcEwFf, (lD{d }r,lLs ilro EA PAr€, TYP. collT. r tr/bdl r,lLvL c(ltf m[.a.ToPR au((l.slTtr.snE coirr.0q-dreR- do5clcoc.Fv Mnc+tT(ploqu? @r$roBqrT) I I t/u LT wr. roPPrG irr llo PLrrD. To SPAN.,{ rfl{. ri t/rhD6TFaPuril LN6T iJG. ETNELSO2f ilffiT.ffTSPrcEWGN, o{dMfrsrfioEAntG-nP. l2grtrA.B.!O13O.C xcsr.rRm.a€f, (ilr.lHlD,OrtOtE&R wllflomwsoFrcd TnoTlrcrlPA%rmoq S{EATIilE EXFOqEI,la@ilrAl lslsArtAT Alodrsrs INIEN'EU^]E 2|/rcxAl 8:&l !tEDCS tAl c(rrf rRlI).ad|rr.R wnromfsoFrE DHYEPitsOlGOC I i i JOB NO. oto+ss*trrro. s,t- CALCutArEDay JPL - DA16 , (rliffi ^*tr.*. ol*"em. I l rarlr.wT.toirnF Itl'TlGFlP.t i 1l tAhrcBT R-S{ Rll-LEiGIH I qnflr 73t!t. iDtArEstrrLHXlo Eq,TEACK an.sADtE m.t-lr"'AAE!t{ 9D€$-y15165ry o}Ef3onfltEars vlr T Uf,LT.WT.TO?PIB q|f na PLnrD. m sPArir +o MN. IT "'IJOISTPCFR,il(aFr ilrrrl 7nLU. JLifirr.rr€ ft/ * 0).YtrOnfi.l-3F$s iragrr9AB.tnSoc.Ir{o{r.IFllo,16t (^3.rrsrg{xhO zrrrueower4{ercto) FIIJ.I.E'IITH 11a6PPa $1 -E}6vrw.lnnr FoREriDdtrrrc. EF.rOEr^ltlso t-:I ctst vr.tt tpgLI (DFPPPED) ; i FHfilr lrlat.nr $EEf NO. u-zti OFcal.cu;{re6ilF-oir@ ll 3{<t2sfirruilL lrP. cofi.ar2LffiER wrotFfitdfrt|'serroc. lEAgIrE, d2SnGnmL TVP. ,DHiA'S .F1 ArSr'2Ll'Lr|fnl(r}il o I o. 9605 ?. l/4ilry.15, 2006 {:56Plt tA0tt Yltlttv Tt[?S tlcttxu.E TltNsrtrrlar. snEET @.,|.r KHV*bAlch&ShefuCoo.rr DATE5lr\lM tAr }!Jt.|r* lnJ4{6*o61w totr|. No. @ rrctt ttlcluDsltc crlrl I rro|crurtEr .[eodRaif.ro O moarr El ron rglrur O u.errru coorrrrr B n-easa rlttr tr nrase, rsctqr r.qt89/loro.lfi& H.r|E&t4r I*c rrt drchgrr frrf,e dtc'r rad wrldor. OlcJyoshrn ry gcmc 9|e. P-g-le ?rye49-7i.o-o Faf (ttT) e 1t -, 1 7 { lo r9r 2at. AYox, co, rratt .15. 2006- 4:5 Aott YAL S*-- - t{0.9605 P. t/1t,rr- !(ra Atrtil{.OO Ftl Fr[ Pn0JECT 4t!oo.,lDRE$DENCE JOB NO. 010+06 SHEET NO. sl3,L _ oF _ _ -C/qLCUTATED By JPL DA1E 05.1t06- soqlE UPPER FLOOR / LOWER ROOF FRAMING PIAN FWEEI 0$15{0 T.IPIC,ALEOERKN}ENDE'S AFEO-X03W0Fa6 IRIMMERT (1)€6Ks.EA gDE, [StCAlEDltilS .LOTOI (1)-3l+ r}ffJ-BoLT @ 1? O.C, coflT. Laadr--{ @PtmraERoFECK \ MeA x 18.7(ffi"4 CAt.|r. I.T YALI.EY TI[tPSP.O.U At,oil.oo prl F I emt.e.!g7t il0.9605 P. ,/1 PRO.TECT ALF= oND RESIUEI'ICE JOB NO. o104{s SHFETNC CALCTLATED By JPI- OATE 05.15.06 UPPER FLOOR LOWER ROOF FRAMING PI.AN fr6 J a Fzg rw/ ).c. oq|v 006- *,5lLtActt YA[tEv IEtt$il0.9605 ?, 4/4 ppq1gfi A[#cF,tD RESIIDENCE JOB NO. 0,10!fF=g{EErNO. SlJs OF . CA;CU1ATEDBy JPL sAlE 0b,tSFggqg 1/4'= 1'.(l UPPER ROOF FRAMING P|.AN REI'rsEIlG15S & (3)-t g1t(812I\tL.- UPPERIT/INDd^' (+t E4r11 ruLvl €tL0llEBfutoorrf TYHC,|LO0nORT.CAECTB An€o-adotw(t)-a6 TR|MyER B o)€dKS. EA SDE hOICATEDT}T'S Jun,13. 2006 3: l9Ptl TAG o tI VAITEY TI]I|PS luti0nl .lnC Apdl5,2(m, Pqiert AthndResibrce Field Report llo,9884 Anivd; 03.30.06 1l:00am D€p6rt 1:30 pm r. I P.0, lox 2.t vort.c0 tta?o fr170.ta9.7r 00.r''gt0.tal.l3t? d0104+5 On March 30, 2006 I vbited ttr site referenced above to observe the $ruclural lramitlg, At fie titne of my visit Oprodrnat€fy 95% of the rough firniry was cornplets and the uilihcs u,ete beirE insldled. I nciled the blouf,rg lsns u,h('| do not cdndy wih lhc intent of lhe stnrJural drawircs: UPPER RooF FRA,IIIIING PL N S5: 1. W a (2>x10 hedct s idi*d on ph ovEr the wd( h det fio,n tE kids room (307), 2. Provil,c the correct dud sE€s and spacing as indicatql ln he G€tEral tld.s sheet Sl item number 12, urder "stnEtutalwood Framir€f Sng a{ he ta! u,alb in the day toom brer. 3. A all erGrbr comcr where the aG bp philes ca.rnd be orettaoped, prorlde stap tieg (Sinpson Sf292) b lle qbdor srl, not fie iierb sib. d fre bp phes. Thb should be Dnirk €d dror€hcd the bulditlg. 4. The (3Fi '/:x5/zLVLtr&r oerthe northead wirtor in the kicls room (301) willbe structtally adequate b gupport tte mt ders{p lods. !9ELE8AU!X9-B4N!!. 1. At the time of my visit it was braught to my attention the that hfi was not gptng to be {rem€d as ifdlcated on the oflginaf ptans. The only arca to be framed wouH be o/et the sldilg glass dooc. The l2l-1 /, t7 %LW that are spannrB d / uest car be repleed 'Nih (3)-2x8. Proile (2126 tirvners as indided on plan. UPPER FL@R/ LOUVERROOF FRAIIING PI.AN 94: t. AddonettFrezx6b0re{3)-26fiabldot(4}26totne6ouhendofthetultupcolumnsupPortrEthe W 10x 19 sbd beam, 2, As not€d €arlht In this report, at all exterior corners where the 2x6 top plates oan nol be ovedapped provile strap.ties (Simpson ST292) to the exterior slde, not the interior side, of the bp plateg. This should be provitled throughout the building, 3. 4. Wh€re tre fube dgel cotyrns perrefates lhrough the floor irist spacp provktc 2x bbclol€ on both sitl€s a irficded on detail F|Iovi(ted (1/3127) and abo pfqrlle one tDore sfap ti. to the ZxO top plates. p'€vkh sdid decl shine eranly behfreen the botbm flanges of thc w 10 x 49 sbel beam and the 2x6 top pbbg so thd lhe weq$t b disiribui€d arenly on tle top plaFs. Oo ttot U* shiTls in ot|c locatbn ody so hat 0E reight ie corerrtraH ovcr a sma$ surface arua. Thb win cauce lhe pbb3 to crustt uttder lhe steol shim. At the time of nry visrt I notiied lhat onc of the lloor haming l-ioGt had beon replaced with an LVL along the east side of master betrroom. This replacement rs adegLlate but ne€ds to be connected Jun. ll. ?006 3:20PlI EAOoI.I VAI.LTY TTlilPS tlo.9BB4 P. 3 P.O. 00r 2rDaryod.cc lr610 ti,t0.9ar.tt00 $' 0t0.l.e.3l7t llon!,inc with (2)-1r2'diarn€ter x 5" bgs (spaccd 3' apart, centercd on the depth ot the LVL), beyond the beveled crn hb&ethrsh LVL header 6. At lhe time of my yisit I noticed that the 2x6 top plates along the master bedroom windors and exterior door s,ere cut out b accommodate he size of the windors rough openings. Re{er to the atbched detail (1/SL28) tor coonecting tlE @ plabs to the heeders aborre b obtein the conect letEral suppod nccdcd for the design critgrc. Header off ary fw irbt from abovc to acconmodatc conncctbrE. 7. At 0|e tirn€ of nry visil I noticrd some ot ttE Simp€on H5 connectons rere not instaled abrB the front entry root. ThBs6 should bc installed thtoughout the building prior to drywall being insialled. 8. At the time of my visit lhe mmonry block fo the firepbce was being insblled which will eventually gupporl rorne of the loule toof t&fs. This s€clion of bsst .oof rms not installed during the time of my vigit 9. Allgn a stud within 5" d the LVL rdters in ihe tamily rcom to the nortftu€st of the building. 10 During my vbil rt w6 b@ught to rny atbnt'on ttat s 2 9/16' diEmeter holc sould bc tcquittd trro€h [le h*r d |he great room fireplee for ltE t@t danage E!'3t6r'11. This holc sltould be located In the mlddle ttridof tE spdt tdtE mUdeU*d dtEdephof th€ hoadcr. 11. Prornde the corect sttrd sizes et<l spacing as ldlcaled h fp General f|obs sfrcet Sl item ntmber 12, under'Srrrtural Wmd Flar*E' along dl the wah in the brcr hhd Jlfs office. 12. Provide blocking within flcor Joi3t speces beneath p6ts noted on plan. Blocking shall be equivalent area of he cohmn above. This should be done lhroughout the building. singb stud trimmers do nol reqfe addilbnal bbclong In lhe fioot Epaoe. MAIN FLOOR FRAMhG PI.AN S3: 1. As noted earlier in lhis report, provrde blocking within ffoor joist spacas bcnceth po3ts notcd on plan. BlockirE shall be equivalent area of the colunm abore. This should be done throughout the building. Singb dud biffinert (b not tegulre additbnal blocking in the floor spoce. 2. During my visit I noticed thet there ws$ approxirnately a3 W space between the steel bearang plate that is anached to the bottrm ol he tube steel columns and the top of corrret€ $all located in the kits phy room torver. Prwila minimum of l/r'sdrd steel shim y'ates by bearing plate wklth to the ftoni and bad( ot th€ et(isting 5/8' diafiretet epory anchofs on one inc$ non-shrink grout. Also grout any wids between shim platcs and 5/8' epoxy anchore. Verify lhat the 5/8' epoxy anchors pcnchate the concrete wall a mit'mum of 4'. See dache<l detail (1/S129). 3. Prior to pouring he stamped concrete patio to the north. provide 4" ol form void under the 6" centilevered slab extension along the exterior sid6 of the fireplace to prevent any heaving ftom tha,v and Iteezing. GUESTM{G ROOF FRAltllNG PIA}.| 57: 1. Pror,i&omdnunberoftiwrcrsbelorvconlinnrLVLtitgBbem-Abopwkbasolidberfoigswface b€trvsen the ridge and the cripple post. Do not bear he ridge on the bevel clrt ol the 2x bp plate. e Ve,ify ftat tre coned hcdcr size and cfrred amont ot finmers ae in plaoe abng ihe beariB vnl betwr the gued Hr dtd gu€!il bcrhom. Jun, 13. 2006 3:2OPlr|EAO O LI VAI.tEY TIillPS ||lo. 9884 P. 4 P.0. lot Zttrlvoli.co aro ri9t0.9.C.t'100firlt0.lrl.!ltt 3. Thc 7 7r' LVL raflers will be stnrbrrally adequate to sr.ppoi lhe (|esign loa(b dong the west skJe of the rilge hcat€d d he snfy hal of tp gu€st utng. GuESTWI{G UPFER FLOOR FRAttll},lG PIAN 57: t . P,oui& a pladz h4r uilh (4-aG ui'I|ss (edt stib) ftdt wih fie ad 0 Edget S|aI 'F stpgorlitg U|e L\n- ranc|s fo'r lhe €od root hat s€parates the guest wip ild the mud room. 2. Provirb non-stuirrt( grout behreen all eil plabo ad concreb top ot |als. Do not alo$, sll dates b bear on sleelshlms *ne. 3. Rernorc d rodrood phbetren sleel bcatEffl Dedn pdGtstd t€fbrihom idt miirrm of solil steel shins and nolrstrink grod 4. Ver'rfy fur the Fdgp|s bcatd dong the fmt enry of the garagE supporutE $e jobt are atach€d *cuditB b dan w|tr (2)-5,8" dametet by 7'g(pansrcn atchots. 5. Reftrb ecH &lril(ilSl30) ftrskercd t\rlrderccnedirr b lodgr alltE m.dr@m rcof. Once th€se r6ms are conecied, ue beliew that the owrall stnldural tntegrity u,i[ be sound. lf you have any qrrcstbns regnrding hese rcconrmendatbG, please & not hesilate b cdl. Th'rs sib vkl was conrludert b obs€n€ the gercral progress ad qrelily of the s|nrcfi,tral aspecf of mrstuctton and $dl rrot be oonsfird 6 it6peglign. The ilsrE fsi.d h this rbfo.i ae obcervstbns orlly ad do not eNchde ltn poss&afy f}d o$pr sfrrUrd defrbncbs exBbd Eil ttE line of fF sib visit hn uere not recorded. ;ftffi'utloFt 'inc Ell 6llE €i rx€ Jun, 13. 2006- 3:20P[4-EAOLE VATLEY TIil|PS FA)( 970. ilo,9884-P. 5 C:tri PROJECT JOB NO. PH 970.949.71 SHEET 1119. SL27 oF_ DATE M.05.06CALCUI-ATED gy JPL gg41g 3/4'' = 1'-0 3/4'T&G PLNilD PACK OUr vt/EB ryPLYWD CONT, TS@1, PER. PI-AN PROV'I0E 2x10BL(G (€A SIDE OF TS) DRIVE PINNED TO STL. COL AI.ID MILED TO ADJACENI JOSTS l1 7/8'I-JOISTS PEF Pl^t\t PROVIDE TwO SIMPSON sT2g2 (oNEEA P,|.ATE) Jun. 13. 2006- 3:20PIJ-EAGLt VAI.LEY TI|lt]P |lo , 9884_P. PHoJECT I-LI9NIESIDENCE-JoB No. 0104-05- SHEET 119 - SL28 OF -------.---------------------- CALCULATE9 gy JPL DArE 04.05.06 o:tri? PH 970.9,19. FN( lutions SCALE NGINEERING L 6 x 6 x s/16 x (}- 6W (8)-518" O TBs (FOUR EA. LEG) HEADEF PER PI-AN TOP V|EW 6) COBNER L 6xax5/16 W (2)-5/g IB's W 1/4' ra)O'.S 3/4'SIDE P rr 7/8'RtM BOARD PEB PLAN PER COMT. DBL. TOP PIATE (2)-1126 xa' |3GS THRoUGH BOT. FTANGE OFSTL. BM, PROVIDE STL. SHIM EVENLY AS NEEDED BENT P. : 1/416'x0'-8' W (z)-s/tr O rB's&(2)-5/8'OxcIAGS SruD PACK PER PI.AN TvPtcAL CONiTECI|oN @ 111 gpEX11y65 un, 13, 2006_ 3:2lPM_EAGLt \/AtTEV TEMPS PH SHEET NO.oF_ 04.05.06JPI- l\lo,9884-P. i d *'t'PlgJEcT 4lloNTsorrucE JOB NO. 010445- HATCHEO AFEA INDCATES 1U STEEL SHIMS ON EA. SIDE OF EPOXYANCHOffi GROUTALLVOIDS BTWN, PI.ATES & ANCH. BASE t PER P|-AN ? r 10'(1/2' MlN.rHlgKNlESS) SOUO STEEL SHIMS FRONT & BAGK OF 5/E O ANCH. 1' NON.SHRINK GROUT \ "orr*ErEwo,.L - TopvrEw \ aon."rrrrn*t- TS COL OR PIPE COL PER PTAN !n, 13. 2006- 3:21Ptr-EA0LE VATLEY TT|V|PS llo.9884-P. I PRoJECT il-IgIUEsrpENcE.|oB No 010+0rJOB NO. O10+Gr SHFFT NOSHEEr No, sLgq oF --.---CALCULATED By _ JPL 04.05.06 SCALE 2x10 LEDGER PEF PLAN (O-5/AoTB!CONN FOB RAFTEFS > 4'.6 t-roFz. Rr^ LVL RAFTERS PER PLAN A6 BEABII,IGWAI,I PER PI-AN PROVIDE MlN. OF (2)Qx12 FOR BACKING 8nJVN. SItJoS PROVIOE SOLID WEDGE BTWN, SKAA'ED HAFTEB & LEDGEH SIMPSON LSgO FOR RAFTERS < 4-d FIOFZ. Rttt o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 nM79-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: B05-0160 Job Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Applied . . : Ml22l2W5 Parcel No...: 2l03l2lffill Issued . . : OS|C/./2W1ProjectNo: PRJ05-0028 Expires..: Oll3ll2ffi owNER AITFOIID, iTOIIN r.,. 06/22/2005 PO BOX 880 \IAIIJ co 81558 APPIJICAI|T GEORGE SI{AEFFER CONSTRUCTION06 / 22 / 20 OS Phone : 84 5 - 5 6 5 6 PO BOX 373 VAIL co 81557 L,icense:302-A collTRAcToR GEORGE SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION06/22/2005 phone : 845-5655 PO BOX 373 VAII, . co 8165? Lricense:302-A Desciption: CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SFR Occupancy fype Factor Sq Feet Valuation Dwellings Zone 4 V-N 2LL.9O 8,408 $1,781,555.20Private Garages Zone 4 V-N 55.38 1,155 $53,963.90Totals... 9,563 $2,300,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: I Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 2,300,0m.00 Fireplace Inforrnation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Adianc€s: 2 #ofcast gs: 2 # of Wood Palet: 0|.:rf|'|t**+*:rr|i.trrar|.*:|l.**ri.rttr$r***+*+r.*ralrlt****r.r.rr,rl'rr**ri*r|' I]EE St MMAIIY Building--> 910,353.75 R€strarant Plan Review- >$0.00 Toal calculated Fees---> $18,?41.1{ Plan Check--> $6,?29.9a R€creation Fec-> S1,434.!r5 Additioml Fe€s----->$0. 00 Inv€stigatioF > wiu ca|l- > ' $0.00 TOTAL FEES_-._-- > lLa,141-.L4 Totsl Permit Fee---.._-- > $X8, ?41. 14 s3.00 $1e, 741. 14 $0. ooRAI ANQI PtJf,---;> Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARIT-{ENT o7/08/2oos egunion Action: cR r:\cdev\clRrs\PERMrr.coMMEllrs\Bos-01-60.Doc 08/oL/2005 caunion Actsion: AP approved corrected pl"ans 8/L/o5 to/28/20os cgunion Action: AP approved rewieed plan 6ets Item: 05400 PITANNITIG DEPARTITIENT o7/0L/2oos trRg Actlon: AP updates irtgerted 10/03/2005 ltRG Action: AP revised set approved Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARIl.lEll'T o6/27/2oos mcgee Action: AP 1, Provide monitored fire alarm system per and TOv standards.2. Prowide stairway from fronL garage to driveway at front door. 3. obtain approval for stairs from com Dev. ftem: 05500 PITBITIC WORKS PAGE 2 **1.{'***********'l******,f {.f **'l****'}**********f+****{.*1.*************{r*'+!t****!t't***!t****,}'lri'i**************,hF'tr CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 8054160 as of ll-1G2005 Status: ISSUED *ti***tt*****+'f:t**:t:t*ttt|.*!t*i3****'r'r']t*******,t*******'*'t'3t****rt**1.*******{r**'t:t***r}**********'t***************** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DLP) PERMI'T Applied: 6t22t2ffi5 Applicanl GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION Issued: 08l%l20[i5 Job Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Parcel No: 2l03l2lffill *'*|t|i|N.'f*****:t|i**|.|t|.'i*'t*'t't***ttf;|.:i'}*!*'i'|.|.:l*:t***!t{t**'t*,s'l|.l.**'**|t:t*********** CONDITIONS *ti**tf tt**tttt'******tltt***:t*:t't**tt'**!ttl.!t*!trl*******'t,lt,t'l*************{.'t'f ,t*****:t******'t*,t,tt******{.!t**!*****'}1.***** Cord:33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQI.JIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SI.'RVEY SHALL BE SLJBMITTED AND APPROVED PRJOR TO REQLTEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 0e/02/2oo5 e}iad Action: AP IIEM: 05550 EI'TGTNEERTNG aa*aritattiitittta**aatt3****ttt+ See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan and state tbat all tbe information as requircd is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to conply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, ard to build this strucure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes ard other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESS FOR D.ISPBCTION SHALL BE MADE TWEMY.FOI,JR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM . 4 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF s NMIWYAILIY APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGN R Separate Permits are required for plumbing, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION lt > d16c, 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 Town of Vail Reo. No.:3az -V Contact and Phone #'s:f,efi] l4ns<oe 7?o37e ctt( ATTENTION: JOE, JR,CHARLIE,GREG COMPLETE EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials ************************t*i***********FoR OFFICE USE ONlYi****ssr**a*********tr+i*rr********* MECHANICAL:$REVISED TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8610 or visitffit# Job Address:1 3(K-us ^+lr^, ^ c t.'.l e- Legal Description ll Loe ftf, etocrt !l ritins:Subdivision: Gl *, Lfaal. owners Nam13]ll4 A[B4.D Address:Phone: ArchitecVDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: REASONFORREVISIONS:n t , t | |- KqJC€.J S-hnvcfu m( faafrry s WorkClass: Nrylf' Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demol I Otnerl 1 WorkType: lnterior( ) Exterior( ) Both'l)d Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family fS TwGfamily ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnino ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) ll Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: YesTl No ( F:\Users\cdev\APPLICATIONS\BLDGREVlSlONS2004.doc TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEP 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-419-2r3s ot{NER ArrFOl[D, JOHN L . PO BOX 880 VAII, co 816s8 CONTRACTOR PSI/APEX PO BOX s980 RTVERSIDE cA 925L7 License: 595 -S Desciption: NEW SFR Valuation: $3.500.00 04/28/2006 Phone:(e7o)384-4544 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES o ARTMENT ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL [,ocation.....: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Parcpl No...: 210312106011 Project No : TQSOS<.>O (8 04/2e/2005 Permit #: 406-0042 3os*- o tco Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : Ml28l2W Issued. . : 05ll2l2ffi Expires. .: lll08lzffi s3 63 .25 $0-00 $3 63 .2s $363.2s 90. 00 FEE SUMMARY Electrical----- > DRB Fee--------- > Investigation*: > wil| cdl-------- > TOTAL FEES-- > 90. 00 90. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $3 53 .2s Total Calculated Fe€s- > Additional Fees------ > Total Permir Fee--- > Payments----------- 2 BALANCE DUE.-._> Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE 05/10/2oo5 10,2006. DEPARI14ENT DRhoades Action: APPR Approved as noted. Invision was called May CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS AT 479-2135 FROM 8:$ AM - 5 PM. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI ApplrcATrtrr M)r BE AccEprED rF r*c**.,l* r*",u '(s'c8 Assessor:s Office atgTO-i2E-064O or visit FireAlarm: $ _?,q fr.^ Projant* Bulldlng Permi Alarm Permit #: - JZME4136-|! ns peclls n s) for Parcel # ******i!r:Fr*,!****:r*:.*!i*r*i*,*r*,.****,r*:r*F0R OFFE!)qtt|gXmpfDGptpftmt,fn Fire Alarm Contractor: fnri\5rDrrr Co*'* Torn of Vail Reg. No.: bqto - 5 Cgntact and Phone #s: Jol*, {,r"t 33r-5lla E-Meil aaUress t- contrecrorsign""r",. \ F_ COIIPLETE VALUATTONS FOR ALARU pERIf,fT fiabor & tf,ateriats) lobName: Mfo",J ls ltT'' t3.t: trl.r:iAar^" C, Deta iled Loca tion or wo@ Addition ( ) Rernodel ( ) Repair ( ) Retr+fit ( ) Cnner ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ) Tuo-family ( ) Mrjti-family ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwemng Un'rtrs in No. of Accommodation un'rts in tnE Uuitoii[il aFireAtarmExist: y€s0)--No( ) \\Vail\dsia\cdsv\FORMS\pERMtT$ALRtirpER - V eo3t4, AppucA'fl*'rr M)r BE AccEpTED rF TNG'T'.'TEQ u*stcil -(y]c8 Prorect f, 'vrr L' v' r'uvF I Commercial & Resirtentbl Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at tlme of 75 S. Frontage Rd. appllcation submiltal and must incilude informaton lisied on the Vail, Colorado 81657- f page of thls form. Application wlll not be accepted wlthout this inrormation 4{) 6,**"61d'ff 4. COiIPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARtt PERttllT (Labor & iiaterials) FireAlarm: $ 3g OC :*'****:l*:r*:**:r:l'r:l:t:t****!t:H*!t:t**:.:h!:.*:.t:H*FOR OFFICE USE OIILY**:t:tt:t:.:r:t:t:t!t:l:rt*'!:l'l:!:t*t:t*:.:t********* Fire Alarm Contrac'tor: fn.,it>''or. Co*"^ Torn of Vail Reg. No.: LoQto- S Cantad and Phone #s: Jot ".. t{c^,L 331-5lr EmlrAddres$ T\ ddtractorfisn€ture: ) \r_ Contact Assessors Office at 970-32E-8UO or visit for Parcel Parcel #9trYaiz-r nr"()t Job Name: M$o"d 0.rsrdrr^*JobMdress:t3.t: trJc#,fua^ (r. Ilu LesatDescription ! lot56 ll sn*, ll rnins, llsuuoivision:6.1r' Lvon owners Name:\ou lr\Qo..t ll Address:2 Honur,..'-r\.?od[rl;ll Pbn"' Ensineer: sh6-."- l^&\LL l[eooress:(ro 6or IDZ F,--... flenone:qoq qDtz Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, blJg. #) hor.-r - s\^V fr.-"-. t- D€tailed description of wotk: hrs) Frr s.Jrlq-. Workcfass: N\Y{ Addition( ) Rernodel( ) Repair( ) Retm{t( ) otrer( ) TypeofBldg.: Singte-familyt/) T$Gfamily( ) iftiti-family( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Drveling Units in this building: I l] No. of Acommodation units in this building: / DoesaFireAlarmExist V"tf ) No( ) ll DoesaFircSprinklerSystemExist: Yesl / No( ) \vaiMara\cdedFORMs\pERi,uTsttALRiitPERM W -, 1*'.y -/-vvlu/ TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTHENT PROCESS FOR CONNERC'AL & RES'T'ENT,,,L HRE AIARN SYSTET'S Gommercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of submiftal must include the following: '4rr+z# =2224 This check list has been provided to ensure that our review pnoeess may be handled in a timely manncr. I have rcad and underctand the above listed submittal requirements: Proiect namo: Gontractor A Golorado Reglstered Enginee/s stamp. Device locations on reflected eeiling plans. Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculations. A list of specific device model numbers. Equipment cut sheets of each type of device. The number of each type of device. Information indicating the specific zones. Gircuit diagrams. Point to point wiring diagram. Wiring type, size, and number of conductors. The source of AC power circuits. Fire alarm panel locations. Knox Box location. lnformation indicating monitoring method and monitoring agency. Information regarding property managerc and contact numbers. Owner's primary residence location and contact numberc. Instructions for fire alarm system operations and any pertinent code numberc for proper operations. vAtL r.[ar DFPApTMfiN? lpproyfl, rs Submji;+x n ' -*" AppruvaO t. Hsisd u 8y: Tlrte: llde: \WaiMata\cdodFORMS\PERMITS\AI-RIITPERM.DOC -"L _/ J- a / TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTTENT GUIDELINES FOR PREVENNNG ilON{MERGENGY FIRE ALARI'S In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Department Suppression crews to the construction location you may be working on we ask that you perform the following tasks: Determine what kind of fire alarm system exisb within the structure you are working in with the orner or the manager of the property involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Department. Determine with the owner or manager of the property, which alarm company services the system for them. Become familiarwtth the different components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins. Never paint a smoke detector, thermal detector, or any other component of the fire alarm system, and never paint a sprinkler head. For small projec*s bag detector within the area you will be working in before you strart, and remove the bags after work is done for the day. For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Department so that we can work with you in determining what needs to be done to alter or "Zone Out'specific areas of the alarm system for the structure. Please contact the Town of Vail Fire tarshal, tike llcGee at 479-2135 or the Town of Vail Fire Prevention OfEcer, llike Vaughn at 179-2462. I have read and underctand the above guidelines. Project Name:&<lr&'-" Contrac'tor Signafure: Dab sisned, q\%\oo By: Tlile: 0ste: VAEL FAPffi DTF)AAT&&trNE fiPprovsd ao $ubi;';li;# R Appro'ucd ar frr;i{td n \\VaiMatabdev\FORMS\PERMITS\ALRMPERM.DOC 07f24t2002 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Electrical----- > DRB Fee----- > Investigation-- > Will Call--------- > TOTAL FEES-- > TMENT OF COMMUNITY PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES o DEVELO 3o5 -o (60 $51.7s $0. o0 $0. o0 93.00 $s4. ?5 $54.75 s0.00 $s4.75 S54.7s $0. oo o DEPAR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL l-ocation.....: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Parcel No...: 210312106'0ll ProjectNo: JRJOSc,o4k OViINER AIJFOND, 'IOHN IJ. PO BOX 880 VAII.,co 81658 APPLICAI{IT SIIAW ELEETRIE P O BOX 1451 AVON CO co 81620 License: 106-E CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451 AVON CO co 81520 Lricense: 106-E Desciption: TEMPORARY POWER FOR NEW SFR Valuation: $2,000.00 Square feet: 09/02/20os 09/02/2005 Phone; 97o-926-3358 09/02/2005 Phone : 970-926-335A 1000 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees----- > Toal Permit Fee---- > Paymenb--------- > BALANCE DUE.--.---- > Permit #:E05-0203 APPROVED 09t02t2005 Approvals: Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/02/2OOS SHATTN Action: AP ILem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{ENI CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 -!?-oJf;J.;*.1T.1"*?.-Ilf..tI.9lI3ff-.**..*T*PJ.t,.y""-?-J-?-f.tl19I..l*?*.S.o3-T.S-9yJ*LHS*";*******:r!!r.,r:********r(*****,*1***rr DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADy AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 4 NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PM. FROl.t E-KTRIC: sHtilJ O FFx lE. :e?892633se }r, 3L ffi as:31Fr'1 P1 ,-$ zS S. Frontage Rd Vall, Colora-do t16SZ R.toS-Ooag ZcJ3 AMOUI{T OF SQ.FT IN SIRtlCfttRE:EECIRICALELUATIOI{: } ZW . oo Job Namc; Cohn Job Addrcss: R45 tdas+ha"en br. C.UpAra'1 ?a o:a- workcass: New( ) ,Addftlon( ) Remodd( ) Repatr( )_rffi WorkTypg: Inerbr( )- EoerloratE rn EtlU edstar$b loedon: yes ( ) Nor.*-ffi No. of Eiisung Dteilng Urtts ln ttrC UultOiG No. of Accurynodauon untts in tfrtt.builcrrg: 5j/{ ;rTirrr. Qrr*rrENr oF coMMUNrrY D o EVELOTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97G4.79-2L38 ow![ER AIFOIID, iIOHN r. . PO BOX 880 VAIIJ co 81658 APPIJICAIf,T D, P, EIJECTRIC P.O. BOX 711 EDWARDS co 8L632 Licenae: 119-E CONIRACTOR D.P. EIJECTRIC P.O. BOX 711 EDTIARDS co 8t632 Licensb: 119-E PMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESNOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRJCAL PERMIT Job Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location.....: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Parcel No...: zl03l2lffill Project No : -p-Rf Ds-oot{- Eo5-0288 Tjo S 4160 ISSUED tt/ll/2m/s tt/14/20f5 05n3t20[6 LL/lL/200s LI/LI/2005 Phone: 97O-926-4L40 tt/LL/2O05 Phone: 97O-925-4L4O 7300 Desciption: ELECTRICAL FO NEW SFR Valuation: $50,000.00 Square feet: FEE S{JMMARY Electrical----- > DRB Fee----- > Investigation-- > will cdt------ > TOTAL FEES-- > $330. 05 90. o0 s0. 0o $3.00 $333.0s s333.0s $0. 00 9333.0s $0.00 Total Calculat€d Fees- > Addftional Fees------ > TotBl Permit Fee---- > Paymcnts--------- > BAIANCE DTJE--.- > Approvals: Item: 06000 EIJECIRICAT DEPARI!,IENT!t/tt/2oos srrAr$r Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTII{ENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAI.ICE. iittttt+t++'t+ti+* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thaf I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state ttnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accordrng to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances o{the Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI,JR HOURS IN PM. FROM 8:00 AM - 4 FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF I LLILL/2AAA 15:17 Ls7as2645 DAVE PETERSON 5CT PAGE A2 / ,10 4/ conrnhbfoR rxFoRtrtArroN SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) or . .. .j]Narnei a. n :,::1' ,;i ..;fA L\br., D lZ*r )lntCE Job Addressr hJo<-k*.rors Ctt<r.t- Filing:Subdivlslon: Address:Phon6; EL.rgiWe't;'Address: New d)Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repalr( )tempPower( ) Other( ) Interior( ) Exterlor( ) BothCf)Does an EHU €tdst at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) ,,l.tl.gj or exbdng Dwelling Unlts In this buildlng;No, of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: 'Is'this perniit fbr a hottub: Yes ( ) No (\A .Does-a Flre {larm Exist: Ytr ( ) No ( )Does a Flrc Sprinkler System Exish Yes (. ) No ( ) 'j li' lWriMrtrbderAFORMSlPERMlTS\Hl,EcFliR M Dn TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970479-2t38 Job Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location.....: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR ParcplNo...: 2l03l2lffill Project No , ?q OfAO*/ Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : l0ll4/2C05 Issued..: l0/20l2ns Expires. .: 0/.llS12006 -vDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LI T it NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO5-U37\. bC _orba om[ER Ar_,FOtlD, iIOHN L.L0/L4/2oos PO BOX 880 VAIIJco 816s8 APPLICAI{T I{AYNES PII'MBING & HEjATTNG LO/L4/2005 phone: 7L9-486-3292 416 E. 4TH STREET IJEADVIIJIJE cor_,oRADo 80451 Lricense: 311-M coNrRAcToR HAYNES PIITMBING & HEjATTNG LO/L4/2OO5 phone: 7L9-4A5-3292 415 E. 4TH STREET I,EADVII.,I,E coLoRADO 80451 License: 311-M Desciption: INFLOOR HEAT AND SNOWMELT FOR A NEW SFR Valuation: $90,000.00 FireDlac€ Infornation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas hgs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Mechrnic.al-- > 91,800.00 RestEant Pla[ Review: >$0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 52,2s3.00 Plan Check---> ${50.00 DRB Fe€-------------------- > $0.00 Additional Fees------ > $0.00 Investigation- > S0. 00 TOTAL FEES-------> $2, 2s3 . 00 Toal Permit Fee..-.*-- > $2, 253 . 00 Will Call----- >$3.00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARII,IENT LO/L4/2OO5 JS Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI.IENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. Cond: 22 (BI.,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF TI{E 2OO3 IMC A}ID SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOITIN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTAIJITATfON MUST CONFORM TO l,lAllUFACT[tRER'S INSTRUCTIONS AI{D CTIAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIAIICES SHALI-, BE VEIITED ACCOPDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO MECHAIIICAJ. EQUIPMEIII MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 2003 IMC AI{D CIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 Payrre s-------------> $2,253 . oo BALANCE DUE...*.... >$0.00 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR TOV Project #:'oo"B ,,ffiAgs'ot3? 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to inctude:o Mechanical Room Dimensionso Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationo Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationo Heat Loss Calcs.o EquipmentCut/SpecSheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg.-No.:Person and Phone #'s:Fo 7S/S Fax#: MECHANICAL: $ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****************r.*x*********x L ConbLt Assessorc Offtce at or visit for Parcel # Parcel # rob Name: A I fOil D Job Address: Legal Description Lot:Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: I Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: . ., I4G.,' /6^--- + Si,.'--,-* + WorkClass: New${ Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior Fa Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (X Typeof Bldg: Single-Familqt) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/TyDeof FireolacesExistinq: GasAooliances( ) GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Nofiype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (5) Cas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) ls this a @nversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) F:\cdev\BU II-DING\APPLICATIONS\LtECH PERMZ005. DOC 06/082005 mvilw Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desion Criteria r You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval lf any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior work. This indudes and is not limited b rcmoval and replacement of driveway snow melt systems. Please contact a Planner at479-2128 for additional information r The Town of Vail has adopted the 2003 Inbrnational Medranical Code and the 2oo3 Inbrnational Fuel Gas Code. o Alt new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is rcquircd to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipmenL Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adop,ted an ordinance which restricts te construction and use of open hearth fircplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the oldinance has undergone numerous changes and rcrisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the alr quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: r Construction of open heafth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. r Dwellino Units - Each new dwelting unit may contain: One (1) EPA Phase II certified solid fuel burning devie and no more t{ran trvo (2) gas applianes (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log ftreplaces and no morc than two (2) gas apptiance fireplaces (B bent). Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new rcstricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fircplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. Accommodation Units - Eadr new acoommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplae or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. If h,lto or mone separate dwelling units or accommodation units arc combined to form one larger unit the ombined unit may retaan one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaes, or may @nyert up to two existing fireplaces to gas. If during the cource of a remodel an existing woodburning ftraplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be convefted to natural gas or replaced by an EPA Phase II ceftifted unit. F:\cdeTABUILDING\APPUCATIONS\[,] ECHPERM2005. DOC 06/082005 HAYNES PLUMBING & HEATING LLC 416 East 4th. St. Leadville, Coloraglo€046{- onice c rAx zrg+e6-UiE2"H,@ TJ FAX TRANSMITTAL To: Lo.Lrl\v'+( O-r., O.*,n (re.l o rex.(/S-S?T-looo oate lZ-13-o c suoject: A f4^.1 Pages (irrcluding this cover) q/From / ecf 35 D IVIE 2000 F VAIL rFAfeL=\,|q DEC 15 TOWN O h)t( iliI aFEfi =3EEEifi; <zJ i "m= i--{2 i1t,o I:o* i i=3 i =El!tniii--riiiii i;i=;e*t 4l e-r =fi o ('| o-m mtno!!l -t t t--T-=-i---tl?ir--.|____--i i---+ | | ! - Ts!opqu.s%-i- __lil ll t | -.-> | - i -.-::n\.., iti - tf tlll __l__=li _r__l___lii H iqI6*Y F('r ii9 = HF=H-" *= c't I6)l- Ill|r i >i l001 :ot I<i im:l $ii+x -rFF9E:fiR6t: ?€€Y-'i ler_ r\g.r @ l i .*lH3d i=l*aEE" I EgEeH lr I i?t >o ogE Egi3.P7;E _tt v-F -d''Jt aa:G;:)-:f Iz € ox\) iItl :lr i,z:tm 3'-1$" >io-f l I w r0 .B F o > -\-A\ $f 3 (,Imv {.)@>cE= =Jq= 3 u!{mv c]t-o UIm+ m-lmln m = =< ffo^"( t/4tc (o I.{'ynes cet ?&Fl i rlrtIl'l r DINING/ FUTI /A\ r\€{ {vST tl("l Rns Vn r' Co ily^* T KU L(c \{ slv i,v<aL'\ '*4\rt 't cb'" b F c- Fo _/ F nc t >-( e F1 AJh ffIEfi H's .Fi = olFz. *-= - 9" ($ \1.- "h I F n/ 2 ---ag "1dI aF-- d* i\';-ra L r) r\,trx torVV -il2.<3s{ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2138 ?.*rrrrr oF coMMU*r" orutpMENr NOTE; THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO6-0138 -Bos-otGO Job Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [.ocation.....: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Applied. . : O5ll6l2ffi Parcel No...: 2l03l2l0ffill Issued . . : 0512512W6 Lrgal Description: .-->.i>.(7\<,- -cr\?K Expires. .: ll/ZLlzW Project No : ?'R.SoS -aoZK owNER ALFoIVD, .roHN rJ. os/L6/2oo6 PO BOX 880 VAIIJco 816s8 eoNIRAeTOR SKYLINE MECHANICAL O5/L6/2OO6 phone: 970-524-6A09 P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSI'Mco 8L63'7 L,icense: L2L-Y| Desciption: INSTALL I{VAC-BOILER FLUFS FOR A NEW SFR. FIREPLACE BY OTHERS Valuation: $22.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted:# ofcas Applianc€s: 0 #ofGas Logs: 0 #of wood Pellet: 0 S0. 0o Total Calculated Fe€s-- > S553 . oo $0.00 Total Permit Fee-----> 5553.00 r.*********************:********;F:r:r:r:******:t*rtti*+ttti+ttifttt+*+ttttt FEE SUMMARYMechanical---> $440.00 Restuarant Plan Review-- > Plan Check--> $110.00 TOTAL FEES---> Ss53.00 Additional Fe€s------ > $0. 00 $3.00 Investigation- > Will Call---.>Payments---------- > BALANCE DUE-------.- > $s53. oo s0 .00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI o5/t8/2oo6 carrnion Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI,IEI{III CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAT.ICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CTIAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMc AIID SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TO!{N OF VAII-,. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MITST CONFORM TO UANUFACTURERTS INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPITIAI{CES SIIAITL BE VSNTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICA! EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOITNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. I]NITESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLAIIS AIID CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN IIIECHAIIICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REOT'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): BOfLER ROOMS SHAIJIT BE EQUIPPPED WITIT A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTIIER APPROVED MEANS FOR DTSPOSTNG OF r,rQUrD WASTE pER SECTION 1004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state ttnt all the information as required is correct. I agre€ to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTIR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 AT OLjR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET 851L4/2asB 2sis6 97A524 581A o SKYLINE MECHANICAI- o PAGE AL|A! APPUCATION UfI1I. IIOT 8E ACCEPTED IF INCOIIPIEIE OR &Ploa'o/38 - tltArrrta AF.rrltl l-.E llJll. 75 & Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorado t1657 Uechanlcal P6rlntt#: 97 o-479-ZtA9 (Incpcctions) TA prornUe MedlEnical rcom Layout drawnA scale to Induds; o Mcdraniel Rmm Dimencions NfA ., Lc Combustion Ait Duct Size and localion v/4 -c Flqq Vent and Gas [ig9 litre and location p/ff .?ffiffir?F"lffi.* 5'1r4,Hue-t) To Permit will not be accepted without the fullowing: robAddress: l3tl6 W.Sr1avql :!!N!Job Name: *Ufatt Addttion( ) Af'teratJon( ) Repalr( ffi: Yes() No()ffitto.aUon: Interlor( ) E{terior( ) otfter( ) |( ) Re$a]Jram ( ) othc/ ( lG ili. of ncc"mrno+aion units in this buHing: No. sf Exisfing Dwelling Unlts ln ftis building: .r'l6ffi; of Fi*places Proposed; Gas Appllances () Gas LoSs ( ) wood/Pellet () WooO euming (NOT ALLOWED) cofr slrre vru.uATroll FoR, utiJ SP+-e45i?'fil'irH"tttryu, + #x.tri(t:s **+ i**r. *1.***FOR OFFICE F: / eyerwr|€ffonrE/ncdtPcrm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Q"ro*rrrNr oF coMMUNrry orutr""., # of Gas Appliarrces: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0146 Job Address: 1345 WFSTHAVEN CR VAIL Sratus. . . : ISSUED [,ocation.....: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Applied. . : 05/22120f6 Parcel No...: 2l03l2l0ffill Issued . . : 05/3Ol2C[6 Legal Description: Expires . .: ll/2612ffi Project No : ovitNER ArrFot{D, JoHN L. 05/22/2006 PO BOX 880 VAII.,co 81558 COTiITRACTOR SNOOZ'EASE HOME & HEARfiI Orfi05/22/2006 Phone: (303) 722-669e 999 E. SVAI.IS AVEIII'E DENVER cor.,oRADo 80210 License: 331-M Descipion: INSTALL TOWN AND COUNTRY 36 DIRECT VENT FIREPLACE IN A NEW SFR Valuation: $2.699.00 Fireolace Information: Restsicted: FEE SUMMARY Merhanical-- > Plan Check:- > Investigation- > Will Call---- > $5o. oo Resnnrant Plan Review- > $1s. oo TOTALFEES > $0.00 $3 .00 go. oo Total Calculated Fees-- > S78.00 AdditionalFees----------> Toal Permit Fee----- > Paymenb---------- > BALANCE DUE-...-.--. > 978.00 $o .00 s78.00 $?8.00 90.00 ITEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT os/22/2oo5 Js Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI'IEMI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI.ICE. Cond: 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CIIAPTER 7 OF IHE 2003 IMC AIID SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIIJ. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTAIJLATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURERTS INSTRUCTIONS AND CIAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BI-,DG.): GAS APPITIANCES SIIAJ.rIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF TIIE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG. ) : ACCESS TO MECIIAIIICAI' EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC A}iID C1IAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL, BE MOIIIITED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. TNLESS LISTED FOR MOITMIING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FL,OORING. Cond: 32 (BT,DG.): PERttrr,PrrANs ^* ";t ANAIJysrs MUsr BE posrED r"Q"*-cArr Roo!{ pRroR TO AII INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILTER ROOMS SHAITIT BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FIOOR DRAIII OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF IJIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full ttre information required, completed an accurate plot plan, ard state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, ard to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Int€rnational Building ard Residential Codes ard other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOT-IR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE TELEPHONE PM. 479-2149 OR AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 AND OWNET 4AY-?@-?AAG EE:E|S From:H&H 0utf if s Not,'o tvL AppucArroil wIlL Nor EE AccEprED rF rNcor{pHili?Llx#3T=Dp/zj<}s - dJzgTOV Project #: Bulldlng Permit *: ilechanlcal Permitl#: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspectiona) tvS 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 Proylde Hed|anlcal ttoom Leyout drawn b scalo to Indude:o l{echanlcal Room Dlmcmlonro Gombustion Alr Duct Slze and tceUdno Fluc, Vent and Gas Une sizc and locadono Heat loac Calca.o EqulpmcntCut/SpccShccts Pcrmit will not bo acccptcd MEGIANICAL: $ Zb aO ar Yisit for htel Parccl # robName/{E; NpdJa'ry robAddress; t},l$ 1fi;f,I,u.n jo/C Legal Dcacrlptlon ll lou ll Blodc I Flllng:Subdiviaion: ffinersN*ne: -NE I loddt"o Phone: q1B - wA_ 6lgg Engineer: llAddtess:Phone: DeEileddescrrpdonofwort: ?rS+.tt Toutu tuwl-Ceqh1 5g bM tattt F'qh ) Wod<Chss: ruewffi Addition( ) Aftentlon( ) Repair( ) Oqter( ) BolterLocatlon: Intefl'or( ) EtEil'or( ) Other( )Does an EHU fxlst at this locatlon: yes ( ) No ) TypeofBldg:Slngletlmlly( ) DuDlo(( ) MuH{amlly( ) Commetdal( ) R9$rurant( )othcr( ) No. of Exlsung Drclllng unlB In thts bulldlng:^No. of Accommodadon Unie in hi3 buildingt I No/TVoc of Flrcdaee Exlstlnq: eas applian&VD{@s Lms ( ) wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bumlnc ( ) NoffypeofFireplacsProposed:GasAppliances( )Gast-oSs( ) Wood/Pelbt( ) WoodBuinlng(NOTAtIovt ED) Is this a sonveFion from a wood burnlng flreplae to an EPA Phasc U derrlce?' yes ( ) No( ) i I LY*****rf *:l*:tf f *rtt,l.rrrr**rr****q**:r#!***j6****'I*****t'ttr*:l*FoR oFFrcE usE oNLy***d.'t**:l+:r:|r*'r**'tr.*'t46/ IiDRB Fias:F..;;4$rr=ir.rfiff ir;:i;DateiRbcelYrd:';iiii$,tkgEil+#ffirii;ii ',;.i;4isl:,Tj,ifr:?i-l ;'i#iCl DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]MTY D PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES o EVEI,O owNER AtFOtfD, iroHN L. PO BOX 880 VAIIJco 815s8 APPIJICASTT HA1n{ES PtUIIBING & HE"ATING IJTJLO/L4/20OS Phone: (719)486-3292 415 East 4th Street Leadville co 80461 Lricense: 298-P CoNTRACTOR HAYNBS PIj'MBING & HEATING LLLO/L4/2005 phone: (719)486-3292 416 East 4th Street LeadviIIe co 80451 License : 298-P Desciption: NEW PLIJMBING SYSTEM (8 BATHS) FOR A NEW SFR Valuation: $35.000.00 Plumbing-> Plan Check-- > lnvestigation- > Will Call---> TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-4.79-2138 PLT]MBING PERMIT Job Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location.....: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR ParcelNo...: 2l03l2lffill hojectNo , fuJ og-Oo8 to/L4/2oos Fireplace lnfornution: Resnicted: ?? # of Gas Applianc€s: ??:l:l***{.*t*'r**r.)t******t tt*ttttt'it*:a:a:at a:**'r*'r,}'*'t'tr'},t,a,a*r**1r****tlt***** FEE SI'MMARY +'r:rr:i+rttt+t+++lt|l'l'l'll||'||l||tli*tt*:t+*|l*+itt:l{**:}'}*d.1.*:}t**:}*tr.| # of Gas Logs: ?'l Totrl Calculaad Fces-- > Additioml F€€s------ > Total Permit Fee----- > BALANCE DUE----- > Permit #: P05-0141 Br5-olb Status...: ISSIjED Applied. . : l01t4l20f6 Issued. . : lOlzOl2ffis Expires. .: 0/.llSlz0{X # of Wood Pallet ?? $5s9.25 s0.00 $559.25 s65 9 - 2s $0.00 $525.00 Rcsnrara$ Plan R€vicw- > S0.00 $131.25 DRB Fee---------- > $0.00 so. oo ToTAL FEES-- - $55e.25 t3 .00 IIEM: O51OO BUII.DI}IG DEPARIT{ENT Lo/L4/2oos ,Js Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE 9EPARl'l,lEllT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COI.IPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this aprplication, fiIled out in full the information reErired, completed an accurate plot plan, ard stafe iltat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with dl Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucnre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQLJF,SIS FOR INSPECTION SHAII BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOT RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4792149 OR AT Ot R OmCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 o(Br,DG.): Borr,ERS sHAr.,L gs lttr'o oN FLooRs oF NoNeoMBusrrBr,E coNsr. rrNrJEss I.,ISTED FOR MOI'NTTNG ON COMBUSTIBI,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PBRMIT,PIJAI{S A}ID CODE ANAL,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHA}IICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 3O (BL,DG.): BOILER ROOMS SI{AIJIJ BE EQUTPPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN OR OrHER APPROVED MEjAlrs FoR DISPOSING OF IJTQUID WASTE pER SECTION 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby aclnowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information reguired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR PM. HOURS IN ADV AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI MWNOPYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTMCTOR INFORMATION Plumbino Contractor:/t,/irs p+tl LL C Town of Vail Req. No.:798 P Contactand Phone #'s:fJ s90 7S/S E-Mail Address: Contractor Signu COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materials) 5.ooo Assessorc Ofllce at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel # Job Address: bi Work Class: ruew )(1 Alteration( ) Repair( ) other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family()f Duptex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buihing: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*"**jr*********************!&********** \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM.DOC 07 r26n002 o ftitn-)t+/*J Nnfiitffiy HOW DID WE RATE WrrH YOU? Town of VailSurvey Community Development Departnent Russell Foned Director, (970)479.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s)did you conhct? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admir, Planning DRB _ PEC helped? 4. Was your.project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was tltis yourfirsttime to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate fie performance of fie shf person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overallefiectiveness oifie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is ttre best lime of day for you to use the Front ServiceCounter? , : 9. Any commenb you harre which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking tlre time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. It'-f 1i, '?*]r 2. Was your initial contact with our stafi immediate_ dow _or no one available ? " :' : 3. lf you were required to wail how long was it before you were TOI4INM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970,479,2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us ProjectName: ALFONDCHANGE DRBNumber: DR8050276 Project Description! FINAL APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO fiE APPROVED PI.ANS FOR A NEW SFR - SUGHT MODIFICATION TO THE EAST ELEVANON Paftlclpants: owNER ALFOND, JOHN L. 0611612005 PO BOX 880 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHnECTS rc 0qI6l20f5 Phone;970-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81557 License: C000001627 ARCHITECf K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC 06lL6l2OOS Phonei 970477-29X) 953 S, FRONTAGE ROAD, SrE 216 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001627 ProiectAddress: 1345 WESTHAVEN CRVAIL LocaUon: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Legal DescrlpHon: Lot:50 Block: Subdlvision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 2103-121-0601-1 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of APProval: 06/16/2005 Condltlons: Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Apprwal d this project shall lapse and beome rloid ore (1) )rear ftllttillrp the daE of final apprwal, unless a building permit b issued ald consbuctbn ls ornrened and is dlligenUy pursued tourard @mpletion. Planner: MatGennett IDRBFeePald: f2O.OO General lnformatlon: All proiects requiring deign review must r€ceive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the $bmittal requirernents tor the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be acepted until all required intormation is received by the Community D6veloprneni Department. The project may also ne€d to be reviewed by lhe Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unlog3 a building permit is isrued and constructlon commences within ono yoar of thc approval. Descrfptfonof rheReques* (|tnil,:tfu t0 rqFpoW ?WA Dfp fi,t* Locatlon of lhe Proposal: Lot: fr-gdXt -- Subdivision:u,O,t LJw €tm/66, physicalAddress: l7l5 WeqtfiH,l eth Vh\ U Olb€1 Parcel No.:Ltog nt ,botl (Contact Eagle Co. Assssor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:o.?ar<Vr<L,@ Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Malllng Addre$: o.g $tlo \,v Type ol Review and Fee:. Signs. Conceptual Review . Nlew Construction. Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-family/comrnercial) . Minor Alt€ration (singlejamily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans $50 P_Irs $1.00 per squarc foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For corstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footagE is added to any residential or comrnercial building (includes 250 additions & interior convenions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, srch as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenc€o and retaining walls, etc.$2O For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sr.rch as, reroofing, painting, window addilions, landscaping, lences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plarB akeady approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fe E-mail Address: Separation Request *++'}***t'}*+tff+++++f++*r*****r*a*****tr+*r***rra***r*****+rr**f***a*+**++********t*****ff+++ TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO Statementtaita*****'tttt*******+f+*a+++tlt*++++*++++*+*at*latt++*++++*1*+*****+*****+***taa******ta*** Statenent Number: R050000855 Amount: $20.00 06/L6/2OOSO1 :22 pM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notati.on: L224/K.Il. WEB.B Pertdt No: DRBO50275 \4re: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2103 -121-0501-1 Site Address: 1345 V|ESTHAVEN CR \IAIIJ IJocation: 1345 V|BSTHAVEN CR ToBal Feee: $20.00This Palment: $20.00 Tota1 ALL, Prnte: 920.00Balance: S0. O0+f*ff+fl'*f'ta*l+*****l'+'lf****'i'l+**r+**a*t+*a*a**+********{'*l''t**{'***++l+++*+l*l+a++tf+t+f1f++t ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescrLptLon Current Prnts DR OO1OOOO3TL22OO DBSTGN RE\,ITEI{ EEES 20. o0 oo ZONE CHECK Lcg.al dcscription: Lot Addrcss Osncr Architcct Phonc PhoncZonc Lot sizc Proposcd usc Brrildablc arca rorarGRFA 4,@_tly:_e Primary CRFA Sccondary CRFA + (4 575+) = + 675 = 425 crcdir plus 250 addition Docs rhis rcqucst involvc a 2j0 Addition? : Horv much of rlc alloivcd 250 Addition is uscd with Ns rcqucst? t@ ncqubca-{-n ! 5 rnrtor.a (300)(600)(ryr2oo)7u: vcs--J/, No ' Ycs-J- No Proposcd Stop" /l -tz.ur@ PcrmittcdSlopc /7 y, Prcvious conditions ofapproval (cbcck propcrty filc! . l) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30% 2) Floodplain 3) Wctl 4) Witcr Coursc Sctback (30) 5) Ccologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanch b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv o suoptr4s.u lsld -- sa3wFEn .sroplxoJ , ar^ l-,//(puno-Eilrcpun) sellllln -sct8uvcpPqs\uns -l uopRruus^ .O.3 scldulgs lE.ue)ei-tr EtnDrrnq z- // ' . .' , tPaolddy opuo3 ' ," '.:' , I snosNV.I'I33SiI^{ . prn8of _7_ saa4 pcsodo:.r -7-/ s3c-q Suqsrxg 7- cssdscuJ\ l^\erJ ; Y:nlC lruoqrppg 0gZ --l- / YftIg /. crsrs ./ . lf?rcvcrlj . -_.\ ' cSuols atous :-- ,\ (cpud' pue.sslcoe) fr,tc,ruq \. snps1 Enuml \_ c8eregpuprre4 ___\_ : sl rrl T- sJJe41 fuprqcy .\ cdqlgaperg o11g \_ uotJsrrruoc oSEJED \ scluolPq//slcrQ T_ (1) sfupq:c,rgTcaug _\ aEBrr^oJ rtis _\_ . qrEqps sluauqosolJus l{?1ag Suaippg xs^\2n slElrilelwo to3 ,/ . clPrs ,a sNO rJV s.t:r gMO,IIny^aL ./. nHtw Arv'rd adyJsoyz,b 'qrrldJoot ?/ sis/1d u ,y JSIT)IJSI{J,|tXrAfU NgISgC N\rrd XUS/6,/ '\, i :- \ \; .\ rv/{ltafo:4 O 6tm /4xn , ltf so rON'Nffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 taxt 970.47 9.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: ALFOND NEW SFR DRB Number: DRB050102 Project Description: NEW SFR Participants: OWNER ALFOND, JOHN L. 03/15/2005 Phone: PO BOX 880 VAIL co 816s8 License: APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC O3lt5l20OS Phonet 9TO-477-2990 953 S. FROI,ITAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81657 License: ARCHITECT K.H. WEBB ARCHffiCTS PC 031L512005 Phone:970477-29fi 953 S. Frontage Road, Ste 216 Vail co 81657 License: C000001527 Project Address: 1345 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Locafonr 1345 WESTHAVEN CR Legal Description: LoB 50 Block Subdivislonl GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312106011 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Hanlon Action: APPROVED Second By: Rogers Vote: 2-1-0 DateofApproval= 04106/2005 Conditions: Cond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constifute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 nppiornl d this proJect shall lapse and become \loH one (1) year following the date of flnal apprwal, unless a building permit is issued and construction is ornmenced and ls dlllgently pursued toward completion. Plannen MaftGennett DRB Fee Paid: 165{1.00 Application for Design Review D,epartment of Community Devslopment 75 South Fontage Road, Vail, Cdorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.245'2 web: www.vailgov.co m Gsnelal Informatlon: :' All proi€c$ r€quiring^Cesign review must rcoeivB approval prior to submitting a hrilding permit applicaton. Ph6o r€ter to tho subm[ftdi,requiremenB for the partiojlar approval that is r€qu6ted. An application for D€sign Fe\rierv cannot bs acc€pled untit all r€quircd intormation is rccoiv€d by the Cornmunity DevelopnEnt D€partnent. The prolen may abo n€€d to be €visw€d by the To/vn Oourrcil and/or the Pbnning ard Environrnental qmmbsbn' bedgn revlew {pproral lap€e3 unl€ss a bultdlng pormlt i3 i!.u!d and conltructlon commoncG wlthln ono year ot tho approval. ..:,:' 'Dg.crlptlon ol the Reququ - 6Xru Locatfonof thePrcpolal: tot:W gock-gbdivb;.., &t6{ L\?f{ 6UEAV}9!ON Physical Addrece: Parcel ro.: 2lo? l2l oltoll Nam€(s) of Owner(r): Malllng Addrpss: Owner(s) Slgnaturc(r): Name of Appllcant: l{alllngAddrc: Type ol Revlew and Fee:: $50 Plus $1 .00 Fer sguaF foot of total sign arca. f\b F€e For consffi.rcfion of a n€lr building or domoy'rcbuild. For an addiuon whero squaF footags b # to any lEidonthl or comrneldal building (indude 25O additions & int€rior conwFiorB). For minor cfiangos to bulldings ard sito implovsrrnts, sudl I' r€roofing, painting, window addtlons, hfibping, ferrcc and rutaining walb, eb. For minor changps to buitdngs ald site impro\r€m€nb, sucfi 8, reroofing, painting, window addltions, lan<lsaping, ferrcs and rctaining walb, etc. @ For r€t/bions to plarls alr€€dy approvEd by Planning Salf or tho D6ign R€rriew B@rd' No Feo Mhor AlteEtion (multFf amlly/commercial) Minor Albtation (singl*,f amily/duplex) Change lo Approrr€d Phns Separation R€qu6t I A9r.dp#oh o-roL) $85o $8oo $250 $20 (Contact Eagle Go. Asssor at 970-328{erc for parcel no') Bulldlng Matsrlalr PROP(XIED MATERIAI.JS Type of Materlal Color Boof Slling OtherWall Materials Fch Scftite Windows WindowTrim DoorB DorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flue Flashing ChimrqB Trash Errclosura Greenhouse Retaining Walls E<terior Lighting Other ?kP,W&nwwt"x to" vro+tA t0D/*1wn?-wmt)co)avtaE V,lj,AflllffT 9r Vt YDu|jf,,{,N lt-*t qtoltt v6J"ft?- ?-Yl\ lZa tW- lYb Ia2 Lwre_ ?otxt NU or tt"b la+ Cffiw+E ?ottu LW-ffiP HeuNIXvla* 4rrht Il6Xm- QWtffi lffiDa,,qtrprrlta NA HoNIg\ enuurq eFrrD ka uewr|,@Y ^)ffi.tnLN}lJ P,,{/,rrllt ,rll^ilf.l&/ 6ttwr, vw@ D,luw% t vq-w+D aW et*Eerryo aw (aw-wrfLD 4W CIr,E- EercD7?ol *,+illllY'lzb L+VerNW'VtbN4e, tqot c#?o,1i4 P4% *]€,luvt W,N1L 5W btm Vore.+, w uv^euteD 16 L6/0?-Wr@ ffi ourotffi Notes: Pleas€ sp€cify the manulactuE/s nann, the cllor name and number and attach a color chip. @+. I'|4a,aW{@.mmY Page 6 of 12l04l01l0/! Botanlcal Name PROPOSiED LANDSCAPING @mmon Name Ouantlty Slze PffiDTFEES AT{DSHRI.ES )qw.Nw(' D(|STINIG TREES TO BEREIvIO/ED * t,+rFda',lr'L I<te w. btuu-ttt!_ld6EN_ Minimum Requiremenls for Landscaping:Dmiduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square FootageType GMJND@\ER SD SEED IRRIGATION % rr$EcfG Vz _lFlolrflnn L-- !a erf TY?EOF EROSION @I{TrcL Please specity other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, f€J|ceo, swimming pools, etc.) a hmr g,eFrtrEP '- ow&, rfl^,-Mnuuc.Dllvlrlrulr4c; o 9fu ft?6.Q an'w- taq olfuio @ lvapg *, dry FaseTor 12twto1t04-bt6 t,il€ tQ'P OYtvf'x,AtO W fib{llfre 71 wffi- up bs<ura ro' 14N;,,-'w,G/v& ";i n6r w, .rr+nxoF brlu/ Pvtg€, t&l@- fuA hW. mr.'- wnr, ffivw EdiAfrb atu. a[&-HA pfi v,nlh Dw 4'.ttl ,-ffi u/eb: u/ww.ci.vail.co.us 'Thls checkllst must be submltted prlor to Publlc Works revlew ol a proposed development. Owners/Project r.rame: J0\ l --ltW Xfit1.\p Survey/Site Plan Review Ghecklist Depanmenl ol Communily Dsvelopm€nt 75 Soulh Frcntag€ Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 laxi 970.479.2452 LanGcape plan Title Report (Section B) 0 0 0 Environmental HazarG (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlan6, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) Trees Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc. .) Topography Utility locations Adjacent roadrivays labeled and edge ol asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either dir€ction from property. e Drircway type and finished surface are shown on tho site plan. e Unheated e Heated (portion in RO/t, in a separate zone) e Srrcw slorage area are shown on the siie plan within property boundaries (30% ol driveway area if unheated; 10ol" of driveway area if healed)e All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and confgrp-to Danelopment SanOarOs,'plt 1. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade) t l2lOe Parking space and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Developmft Standards, pp.12&14 ll. C;orEtruction Site (check all)e Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. e Limits of dbturbance corstruction lencing is shown on the site plan.e I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Tralfic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.e I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 ot 12lO4lO1lO4 projectAddresst V|f 6D \l,{/4LD4@.\ Uvll,,l#l't VllN QVWII?IDV Appticafii y-* w&h P9l*Wre phoneNumber' 1172q7D Submlttale Stamped survey ol propertye Clvil/Site plans Survev Rsqulrementa: e Surveyo/s wet stamp and signatureo Date of surveyo North arrowe Properscale (1"=10' or 1"=2A)e Legal descriptione B6b of bearings / Elenchmarke Spot Elevationse labeled right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.e Lot Sizee Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 4070, and lloodplain) Slle PIan Requhemenb: l. Acces (check all) | | l. Drainage (check all lhat apply)e The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.e (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)o 4 Foot Corrcrete Pan e 8 Foot Corrcrete Pane Pcitive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the propo.sed site.e Culverts haw been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. e A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) lV. Erosion Control (Gheck all that apply)o Dbturbance area is greater than one half acre.0 A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.e Lcs than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)e The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain.e 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan.e A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requesled by Town Engineer)e The project do€s not lie within or adiacent to a 100 year Floodplain Vl. Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)e The prolec{ lies within a Geologic/Environmenlal Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)e A Hazard Report has been providede The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. Vll. Grading (check all that apply)0 Rbting and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan.s All disturbed ar€as have been returned to a 2:1 grade.e All disturbed ar€as not retumed to 2:1 grade have been Prolessionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans.e Ody existing contours are stpwn on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. Vlll. Parking (check all)e All residential and commercial parking spaces conform tothe Development Standards, pp. 12&15. lX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)e All retaining walls conform lo the standards in the Development Siandards, p. 19.e All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. 0 All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction.e No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply)e Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, e Proper sight distance has not be€n attained. E<planation why: ftba@uega,.b qt?f,l&rrnoN N F|air ^rWAdditional Comments Pjg", r"yd"i:y *9it':,1?f "g{rl:: tl*g""'l to Public Works Review. Nlt Wiltw ?tuvrW'LAWFAv| flw Page 12 ot'l2l04l01l04 Appli:ants sisn ^tura lk*lt, t hta4 Wr, Descdpllon: Moonlighler extedor suspension feofures o melol diffuser ond frosted gloss lens Shode Color: Eody Flnlsh: Lqmp: Wotfqge: Dlmmel: Dlmenslons: Wdght: FROST COPPER/COPPER BIPIN/G4I2OWI2V 20w LOWVOLTAGE ELEC l0\rV6H lbs €_ $€o= =f.3:9f, (\F Fid90gI 9bao Specificqlions Guide: Llghlology Vendorcode: Deporlrnenl: Descrlptbn: lor3 l tu_}fl lco-l Eoo o)oo .c. .9, Lomp: Shocle Colo: Eody Flnlsh: Comporry:Flxture lype:Dqte:Mor 9, 2005 POect:Approved By: DelMare@ (DM-20) Search For: marn page products contact us where to buy fx architects p roj ect owners in sta llers distributors Page I of I n 319t2005 EI*$ products >> DelMare@ (DM-1O, DM-2O) DelMare@ (DM-2O) Lamp Options Finish Colors Riser Options Mou nting Options Photometrics Dimensions CAD Details Classic Lines, Tilrreless Construction For those who appreciate the best, this pathway light is designed for both high performance and style. The strong, linear lines of the DelMare@ will complement a landscape by day and bring it to life at night. This patent pending luminaire is the best choice for the client who wants a flawless design that will make a long-term contribution to their garden. Using high output l( life halogen lamps reduces operating and service costs. All FX copper models are well suited for coastal exposures or areas where irrigatior water contains high levels of mineral or caustic salts. The copper will patina naturally over time and can be accelerated with solution spri ltopyriqnt O 1997 - 2004 FX Lunrinaire Lesal Notice ( DM-20 ) http://www. fxl.com./products pro/del mare. htm Dimensions - DelMare@) (DM3 o E products )) Dclltlar (Dlvl -10, Df4-20) >> DimenSiOnS Page I of I Search For: I@ n] ai I i-! ltit(]e ll:-oclucts i.ontact rrs It ,lr,._it:i"-.1 l\ lrf(.!lo{ | (f,/Jllt'l5 t! r.: I -t il{'!-r drstrrbutors I ]hoOrr,On, (c) 1997 2004 FX Luninaire Leqal Notice 7.00" bg trl http ://www. fxl.com,/products proidm dimensions.htm 3t9t2005 Descrlpflon: Nyhovn exterior woll sconce feofures flored copper shode wifh cutouts ro-o(o€-99(\/ <O$@9qc\ (f) FF\(o F. ii !{ 'lJ 'll o- -9$ (r)s660 c.i <.j FN(r) r\ ep PF-oh. Shode Color: Body Flnlsh: Lqmp: Wolfqg€: Dlmmer: Dlmenslons: Welghl: CLEAR COPPER Al9/MED/r00Wr 20V l00w INCANDESCENT I2W9Hr 0D lbs Osr €.Ooo9.O 4= ct ctoooo.9.q .C. EOO 9 8Eoo ?n9;5a 9F EeR9x89bAO Eoo O)op -c .q, Specificqtions Gulde: Compony:Flxture Type:Dole:Mor 9, 2005 ProJectl Approved By: Glare Control - MacchiaUltimf(tvtU-ZO) Search For: Page I of I I @ products >> MacchiaUltimo@ (MU-10, MU-20, MU-35, MU-50) >> Dimensions EIffiil n!:1, n page lrroalucts ( arntact us | 1:ri-r-Lr i') tJUy .rtr_i|!tecl-g i ''Jlect , t.; l tr I ic t"j, rl!1;lributors | ]coOvnOnt O 1gg/ 2oo4 | x Iumrnd re Leqal Noticc -o F\ http :i/www. fxl.com/products pro/mu dimensions.htm 31912005 Recessed wall luminaires - stainless steel Designed for low rnounting heighls for the illumination of steps, stairs, ramps, aisles and other locations indoors and outdoors where guidance and security lighting is required. Housing: Constructed of die cast and extruded aluminum with integral wiring compartment. Mounting tabs provided. Enclosure: All stainless steel taceplate,316' thick. r/8' thick, tempered glass; clear with white translucent ceramic coating. Faceplate is secured by two (2) flat socket head, stainless steel, captive screws threaded into stainless sleel inserts in the housing casting. Continuous high temperature O-ring gasket for weather tight operation. Elsc'tdcal: Lampholder: G23 (5wf/W'/9\tr), cX23 (13W), 2-pin, rated 75W, 600V. Ballast: Magnetic, HPF available in 120V or 277V - specify. Through Wring: Maximum ol lour (4) No. 12 AWG conductors (plus ground) suitable lor 75"C. Two 7s' knockouts provided for 12' conduit. Finish: #4, light satin stalnless steel. Stainless steel requires regular cleaning and maintenance, much like household appliances, to maintain its luster and to prevent tarnishing or the appearance of rust like slains. Custom colors supplied on special order. U.L. listed, suitable for wel locations and for installation within 3 fe€t of ground. Suitable for all types ot construction including poured concrete. Recessed luminaires with stainless steel taceplate and white diffusers. May be mounted horizontal or vertical. Finish: *4 satin stainless steel. Lamp 2Gl0P Recessed @ 1 5W PL 250 7Y, 3%a 4 2031P Recessed c@) 1 7/9W PL 400/600 1O/e 3%a 4 2GlilP Recessed (E) 1 13w PL 9oo 12t/t 3%a 4 BEGA/US 1000 BEGA Way, Carpinteria, CA 93013 @Copyright BEGIVUS 2002 updated Eoe Type: BEGA Product #: Project: Voltage: Color: Options: Modified: Photometry F .c. Tr------------ lt'tt'lt_-l .A FE[EE-Jlr-r I lPl 80s.684.0533 [F] 805684.6682 Little Blue Stem Artemisia Planting concept for entrance retaining walls Creeping Veronica Cotoneaster Walkway aggregate I E * ;o p f; p 3 $ t E g 6E EF ;g9E =tcc9r= EE EF 8"84= EE FE Ef, €t s€ EE EE Efr E* $E iE FB :F fE Egl*s$ E e{ E ee$i Cr=3E AgE =hsgrriE$$fl T8HE5Fg[ssgfig-gE u 8l N J 'l It to tfi lfi ,oo u,li t0) o I oo o Io t'l FI frg EilN erEt g H Eq I!I 5l Ff,E Eg# sEg EE€E gEE HEFI I FE$A Es* E ;EE E f;!{i F;s iEsgEs 3f;E gf$u N F @oo(o t--o: =DFI CNIN'ctoan -tc,t|.t e :?(,o D=F =ll!ID,@ D:roC':E JFN<?d 'llD- 6 (o_lo 5_le+lg r\r=cr:a aD -- arll QN ooo 4 P @1\) '4 i& P2 zt €I g ; E: E. E. s Ei: EE E; E EE€ E; EE EEEE;EE€ sgss $ E g 5 i I I I l= Ff2 3a El!teE fi ocr =L !C' -trNrtiE sr gEFT ,IlI .ra := Fga e :+ €s F*€ EE3 Egggi F{EE iiEig lis EEE 5EA,g S,.P EEEg* JI t;. Ji.t 3 : ; ! 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E(E oso oo o =oEo =oEa ; o -o oJ E o o) q)aco E o) .5cLJ g; .=E(t' o .s Lo oo bN El .E E g; o) .9E,o L Eo C f o9p.'-o 9bo- c) -oFE o l<oo -o! o co.L o U'co o -9q) N D00Rs&wrilDol,t/s @ sT0ilE P02il, #P777l "BtA0( STOi{E VEI'IEER: '']'|OUI{TAIl{ AsH" 'IERTICAL SIDIt.lc R00f: O G9O HOT.DIP GAL'J. 5IEIU VTRTITAI SIDIl,|G: DAR. REIIERSE BOARD & BATTO}I tf00Rw00D #070 "sEQU0tA REDW00D 24" D00Rs&wtilD0ws@B&B: P0zzl, #P301/ "sEA FOAI'|" R00f: SITE WALU "TAR|'|ER'' STONE STAI{DI}IG SEA|'|/ NON GTARE GARAGE DOORS WEATHERED COPPER PANELS 'lERTICAL SIDII{G: CTDAR T&G WIT}| ANODIIED C-C]|AIIIITL G9O I|OT-DIP GAL'I. STEEU STA}IDII{G SEAI'I/ }'IO}l GI.ARE DOORS & WINDOWS &IJERTICALT&GGRID: PoilL #P777l "BLAC|( Llc0RtcE' NORTH ELEVATION STOi.|E VEi.|EER: ''l'|OUl.lTAIl| ASH' TRELTIT & COLUI'|I'|S: WTATHERTD STEEL WITH 2)( CEDAR BLOC|(II|G EAST ELEVATION(GARAG E) I'IOORWOOD''UIICOATED CIDAR' A2.0 -X =e-e =- - -o -o <l) = * -:z - i:s if .9 > b.= = ;.. _s =1SoJ---.:6 ='Eqo* -c (t)\JF -€J -ta-Lt(l)4 E FLot- - -.tt Pi0lf(T: 1416 DllWll 8t: ll8 DlIt: 03.01.100t Itvllt0ils: (oltffflurt o$tGN ntYtEltv 0t.01.t005 ETEYATIONS I]OR \IDING IARl(LIX IO(]Oi IXTIRIOR WOOD OilPO5ITi LAiIINATED PANIL V/ITH /ttTltATtD FAtADt r8 tAP 5lDlN6; (OIOR ''EYONC tI6l-]I BROWN' ROOF: G90 H0I DIP GALV.5TEEL/ ITANDING 5IA11/ NON GLARE STONE VENIIR: 'IlOUNTAIN A\H'' = t t-- a -'f' .TRILLII/ COLUI'1N!/ R5 CEDAR, OLYI'lPIC 4l I .)- IASCIA/ BEA115: #w1t7 \-- <L)(J -r- <lJ =1,4' <tJd, -E -o\- -,< .-:-. CORR. |,1EiAL SIDING:: 5W6r94 "BA5rL' 5rDtNG @ |1A5TtR BDRt'1: PARl(LEX IOOO/ EITERIOR WOOD COIlPO5ITE LAl'1INITID PANEL WIIH VINTll]TED FACADT l2' PANEL5); D00R5 WrNDOWI @ LIVING & |,1ASTIR BDR|1 POZII, #P777i "BLACK Lrc0Rrct" COLOR ''EYONG DARK BROWN' wrNDowt @ CORR. |1ITAL P02il, #Pl0 | HOR. & SIDING: '5tA t0A|,1" ;,TH \{,8 .L_. L0L0R E0t iri oo 02.01 .2005 Architrt landscape Architecf Gmenl Contnctor: IH Webb Architect 953 S.. trmtage M. West Ste. 216 Yail, C0. 81657 91 0.111 .29m tu: 97 A.477 .2965 studio@ khwebb.com Contacf l(ylc Webb, ileather Banie Colondo Land Art Studio, Inc. P0 Box 2257 EaSh, CO. 81631 Tel: 910.176.2977 Conhct Christian Basso fthaeffer Construcion to. P0 Box 373 Vail, C0. 81658 Iek 9t0.0f5.5656 Conac Brian Gilhth U n l/"/8' ya, vr' yr" h" yr, yr" Ys" RECE:VHD t-Ets 0 7 2C05 TOV.GOM.DEV. DaEosoot o COtlCr?ruAL DESIGil, SUBIIITTAL c-olor fl€'A;l,b <t Rqa't "'u"( - )ol-^"lt"( *rta- fL"^.u{Alfond Residence Lot 50 Westhaven Circle Glen Lyon Subdivision Town df Yail, Eagle County Colorado Dnwings Al.0 Al.l Al.2 Ar.3 42.0 A2.r 42.2 42.3 42.4 Site PLan/ Existing Conditions Concepfs fihin Level Floor Plon Upper Level Floor Plon Loruer Level Floor Plon Goroge Fhr Plons Ys' Noilh Elevollon Eml Elewlion South Elevolbn Seclbn @ Living/ Wesl Elevotion Goroge tlevofions k.h webb orchitects.oc 9$ t0|lt mt|n nD mr . fl|t lta . [t. o 0la6? r? t Jtn t?io ff0{t) Gore Cree\< "t'8 -1 ,-1 -;- - :i;:;-i::::- ::::: '{;:rY'o.oo' ,,,, itit":; ,. tii )'i\,,) ,,\t' ,," ff#{E: ,, ,.I ,,- -.-ii '){'.'9;-*'Y/r' ,to _o, c)l " e 1,7til1 LandscaDeArchitecture Design FoBa'.257 EEE,@81tr11 Btgm376En k. h. webbrchltects. pc 953 S. Frontage Road Ste.216 Vail, CO 81657 Tel:970.477.2990 www. khwebb.com Alfond Residence LOT 5OGlen Lyon SubdlvTown of Vai IEagle C o., CO DRB: CONCEPTS Februa ry7, ?OO5 Site Plan/ Existing Conditions 05-0202 ,/ Lorso' ' ,' 21,820 SF' .5009 AC. ./ NORTH LandscaDeArchitecture Design nsox..2257 4E @81631 Id: gn376.En &bad&ftftdhrdo@rnm.cn k.h. webbrchitects. pc 953 S. Frontage Road Ste.216 Vail, CO 81657 Tel | 970.477 .2990 www. khwebb.com AIfond Residence LOT 5Olen Lyon Subdiv,Town of VailEagl€ C o., CO D RB: CONCEPTS Februa rV7, 2OO5 Concepts Project#: 05-0202 Scafe: L"= 2O'- ."sE (Il o- rFo oo)Eul E\l-rO \orC,,'\5 d.OJ\t)o-\=r. (JeaH-\'o-r 9t - a\., U) =63J O-E lr\.l,' lo'.. (, 3o 'co E c) 1o CLol-o- oq)\(o\l-\(o\ol\or gt\c ryO(c| -E i.o o- ,or- 6('lqtc or .E EE Efi E€fl 3E SE> .l-t-'o E = l- c)rF =-o (J (g 'tr ts3gE cTtEgo ]L O- ooo(n E O) fl a al",oA. ' l\-l t ,'. ,-- 6'&loqc lLl)'i.\ t\.\ ovo @lv Fr*i 0c rr)(o*$ o ft;(o-*8 { ,l t. I l t. 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