HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 51 LEGALao , (',, ',.1i 4 , \ ]pI" l,(t \,.' ,/LN \t A 1L -' ry../\ t !/H,z', C\u I:)lA\-./ / I4)/ i{ / ;oo N- TOWNOF VAIL .75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 97Q-4'.t9-2138 Job Address: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location.....: 1385 WESTIIAVEN CR ParcelNo...: 210312106012 ProjectNo , ftJo(-o}gf OWNER O NETLL. PATRICTA 1385 WESTHAVEN CIR \77\Tl co 8L657 License: CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO 6J.b56License: 251--A APPI-,ICANT O NE]I-,L, PATRICIA 1385 WESTHAVEN CTR VAIL co 81557 License; Description: ADD 2 WINDOWS Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $5.000.00 Add So Ft: 0 Fireolace lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Building-----> 5111 .25 Restuarant Plan Review--> ' DEPARTMENToFcoMMUNTt"?*ro"*u", NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT PCrMit #: B04-0276 fu,/_oB> Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09/16/2004 Issued. .. : 10/04/2004 Expires...: 04102/2005 09/16/2004 Phone: 09/15/2004 Phone: 970-845-1001 09/L6/2004 Phone: # ofcas Irss: 0 #of Wood Pellet; 0 FEE SUMMARY r r ** I * | | ** * r** * * Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call---> 57 2 .31 DRB Fee-------------> S0 . 00 Recreation Fee-------> 53.00 Clean-upDeposit------> S0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 5186 . 56 50.00 Additional Fees-----> 50.00 S0 . 00 Total Permit Fee----> S186 . 56 $0.00 Payments------------> S186.56 s0.00TOTAL FEES----------> 5185 . 56 BALANCE DUE--------> Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/t6/2004 JS Action: AP ITEN: O54OO PI.,ANNING DEPARTMEI{T Iten: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS *a*'t**tttrrl ** a'l.a,t*rt*a,t*,t t:t'la a*,r**1t rrr rt a*a +ll*a a *'l art 't l' *'l*l| rt**t*'l*+,li|| *rt't lr I' See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information requfued, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all - approveq Uoiform Building Code and other ordinmces of the T RBQIJHIIS FOR INSPBCTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIjR HOTJRS IN BY TELBPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM tdn AM . 4 PM. I SIGNATT,JRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF A}ID OWNER ,o PAGE2 |!'t*t|ttt*ttt**|t 'tlart****'t ttti'i'l*f atrttt*'tt+'t{r:laa*f l***f|t*rt+l***ltt{rt*+*:ttt*ttt***t'tt*tt*f 't tlr*****rt*rttr*'3**:t tlrlt **t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#:8044276 asofl0-04-2004 Status: ISSUED *ttr**+'t*rt*f *'i**+*'trt{r:}'}f *l**'t*t'}*****'}f t++*{r*frt*tt*+t*ttt*!t*+i***rt't:att***:t****t***!tatttt'ttt***'ttrt*lt***t***+* Permit Type ADD/ALT SFRBUILD PERMIT Appted: 09n6n0o4 Applicant O NEILL, PATRICIA Iszued: 10104/20f,4 To Expirc 04102/2005 Job Address:. 1385 WESTHAVEN CRVAIL Iocation: 1385 WESTHA\fEN CR ParcelNo: 210312106012 . Description: ADD2WINDOWS *****r**{r**************{t******rtt*r}'t*'}'t*tl*rt:}****:lll COnditiOnS **{.*l****rt*1.******t{rra{.,}*****r*rt**,1*'}{.rt*r****** Cond:12 @LDG.): mLD INSPECTIONS AREREQ{IRED TO CHECKFORCODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 @LDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF THE 1997 T,BC. aa**a+l***++t*'3*a*+fta**frl*a*++t**aar+flarf+ta***++**t*r+a+tf+*+r*+*a+tf*trt*+r++***+**a*++ TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADOtCopy Reprlnted on llF04-2lXX rt 16247:33 Statem€ot af+at*'t**l*f**+f+la*a*aa*+f*t***+*ll**t*al*a+++****a+*al*l*a*attt+f+*aatt*aaaf+*tatf*ti+'t+ar Statement Nuniber: R040005773 Amount: Palment Method: Check O'NEIL,L rcn412004 S185. 55 09 /29 /2004L0 : 05 AItlInit: iISNotation: #1721lPATRICIA Permit No: 804-0276 Tl4)e: ADD,/ALT SFR BUfIJD PERMIT Parcel No: 2L03L2LO60L2Site Address: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR VAILLocation: L385 WESTHAVEN CR Total Fees: .$186.55This Payment,: $185.56 Total ALL Pmta: $186.55Balance: 50.00++lr*l'**a*'lt*****'|*+++t***'l****f+lf**'it**{'*+l***+tf*'l'}+++atlfl**9*+++****l****+fr'}a*a*r**{"}*a ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descript,ion Current Pmts BP PF wc 00L000031111_00 00L000031l-2300 00100003112800 BUILDING PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES WILL CALIr INSPECTION FEE Ltt.25 72.3L 3.00 COTPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ . PLUMBING: $MECFI,ANICAL: S TOTAL: $ Foi'Pircel# Contect oTnanqm oil*rrr*, oF coMM'Nrr" o"*rot^, I0/06/2004 Phone: LL10 / 06 /2004 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES PLI.]MBING PERMIT 1385 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL 1385 WESTHAVEN CR 2t03t2r060t2 Permit #: Phone: (719)485-3292 Phone: (7L91486-3292 # ofcas logs: ?? FEE STJMMARY .r* r****+r * * * * +* t Total Calculated Fe€s--> Additional Fe€s------> Total Permit Fee--:--> Payments------------> BALANCE DUE--....---> Lo\ I ,O P04-0r32 got/ -o>7O ISSUED t0/06t2004 t0/t3/2004 o4nr/2005 ITOWNOFVAIL .J5 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: O NEILL, PATRICIA ].385 WESTIIAVEN CIR VAILco 8L657 License: HAYNES PLUMBING & HEATING 416 East 4th Street L,eadvi11e, Colorado 8 04 6r- License : 298-P I BATH AND MOVE SINK+/- 8' # ofGas Appliances: ??# of Wood Palla: ?? Plumbing:-> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will CaU---> s0.00 s0.00 s40. s0 s40.50 s0.00 s40. s0 $40. s0 90 .00 530.00 Reshurant Plan Review-> 57.50 DRBFe€------------> SO. OO TOTALFEES > s3.00 ProjectNo t ?rJr(-os6 OWNER Desciption: ADD SHOWERTO Valuation: $1,200.00 Firsolace lnformation:Restricted: ?? CONTRACTOR APPI,ICANT HAYNES PI-,UMB]NG & HEATING LLTO/06/2004 416 East. 4th StreetLeadvifle, Colorado 80461 I-,icensel. 298-P Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT t0/06/2004 JS Action: AP Itern: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTTONS CONDITION ARE REQUIRED TO OF APPROVAL CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed ao accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning ivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of tho Town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOURS IN OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. t*lf*+lf+a*lfata**a****r'}ftaat+lt*aaaraa*atf**taaat*a**taaaaltaafatf++*aaaaaaa*+t**aaaart+al TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Srar€,m€ntlf,*+t'|*tf*lt*{r*{rti*+'}{'*+lt*lra*'}ft+tal**ffaattttta*tt't*rafaiat***'}*at*'}**+++**aaf'}t++ta****r* Statenent Nudber: R040006886 Anount: S4O.50 70/]-3/200411 :40 Alr Payment Method:. Check Init: DDGNotation: Halmes P & Hcounter check Permit No: P04-0132 T!De: PLUMBING PERlffTParcel No: 2L03]"2L06O]2Site Address: 1385 vTESTHAVEN CR VAILLocation: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR Total. FeeE: 540.50lltris Paynent: $40.50 Total AJ,L Pmts: $40.50 .+*fr*.**r++.rf**r.***{'**.f+*r....***+**.**.*r.r++r.r**"."..t.**li.1T53l*r**..****i.9;l*o ACCOI,JNT ITEM IJST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF.00l_00003112300 prJAN CHECK FEES 7.50pp 00100003111100 pLtn4BrNG pERMm FEES 30.00 wc 00100003112800 wrlrr cArJL, rNspEcrroN FEE 3.00 AppucArroN nJ not BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpb:I*uNsrcpr2] o (_ oSSlJ-Project #: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: L 13 e- mml0F 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado 8 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: l{,t(rr.:,.\ P(l-l L L ( - Town of Vail Reg. No.: 1< r-P C,ontact and Phone #'s:-F,/ 39t; z5 t S E-Mail Address: -.---) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materials) PLUMBING: $/lr' r -r--t , ConEct Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef *Ait_:'3i'Z |{)6 Ot1,.-* :ob Name: f; f!,r . \JobAddress: l>Ai_ .It'/" -' kl'!';, H/tv;t; (':' Legal Description LouS l Block:Filing:Subdivision: (,1. .. L: Ar., Owners Name: z'l I . iL', tw.'" I Addressl Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaile{ description of work: [t],1 sLo,- 'e(- '1r:b^Tl"&./Y1,,;,-\"I -' Ql WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration(X Repair( ) Other( ) TypeofB|dg.:Sing|e-fami|y!.7)Dup|ex()Mu|ti.fami|y().o'*:TlW No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: to an EPA Phase ll device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ************.*ri*********t ***************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******************rr*****************.O ,.--2//''HEcetveo OCT 0 6 ruu4 Tov40M.DEV. RECDOcT-)2004L--g 2 L*e,vJ \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM.DOC 07 /26t2002 FR01'1 : SPACE-STFTIII.E Plff.E Ml. | gru 4'E Lg3E O Sep. 16wta?42fr1PL @,%Wr#9/67{ fuW@"'fi87 MtgtbrdbS/668 fu,tu'970179Otr6 fue,9704590//6 @sp* 97o89EEE99 @*el*atg September 16,2003 To: JoeOf: Town dVailPlannlng DeParUnent From: Patricia O'Neillne: Windoraddltion to 13E5 Westhaven Circle Number of pages: I Attached, please find the following: 1. Torrn of VaitBuilding PermitApplication; 2. Wndour sPecifications;3. Design Review Board aPProval; 4. Two-ptrotos deplctlng location and size of new windows; 5. Torn of VailSurveY PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED AI'IYTHING ELSE. I CAN BE REACHED ON MY CELL PHONE: 393 3399. THANK YOU JOEIIII Pago I of 1 6lon L/^ trt77 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Project Name: O'NEILL MNDOWS DRB Number: DRB040466 Project Description: Add two windows to library of home (south side); 4 junipers that will be removed will be replaced on nofth side of home Paficipants: OWNER O NEILL, PATRICIA 09i03/2004 Phone: 1385 WESTHAVEN CIR VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT O NEILL, PATRICIA 09/03/2004 Phone; 1385 WESTHAVEN CIR VAIL co 816s7 License: ProiectAddress: 1385 WESTHAVEN CRVAIL location: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR Legal Description: Lot: 51 Block Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312106012 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion By: Second ByrVote: DateofApproval: 0911012004 Conditions: @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Action: STAFFAPR o Oond: CONfl[6673 tardscaplng to be rcmo\red shall be re,planbd to north slde of home by one year from approrcl daE. Entry: 09/10/2fiH By: ee Acdon: AP Oond: @t10006675 Fini:sh and sq/b of tup new wlndours b rnatdr odsdry wirdorys on souttr of home Enby: 09/10/2fiH By: ee Astlon: AP Planner: Elisabe&Ed<el DRB Fee Paid: $2O.0O I ..fm rnor Exterior AlteratiQs Application for Design RevieW Department of Community Devel0pment 75 South Frontage Road. vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970'479'2457' web: www.Yailgov.com General Information: Atl proje6Ls requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a. building permit application. Please refer tL the submittlt requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for D'-sign Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Communify Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. beiign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. LocatiohoftheProposal: t-ot: 5l Block:-5u661ui5on' GUasJ t-YO( physicar Address: . | 385 hlesfffNgd--Crg<.fq---UItrt=--CL-- (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no')Parcel I Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: - owner(s)Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and D Signs I Conceptual Reviey D New Construcion EJ Addition $s0 No Fee $5s0 $300 E Minor Alteiatton (multi-f ami iy/commercial) g Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) D Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $2s0 @- $20 No Fee Plus $1,00 per square foot of toial sign area' For constructio;r of a nerv building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is acided to any residential or commerciai building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, strch as, reroofing, painting, winCow additions, landscaping, fences and refaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site ilrlprovements, sucn as' reroofing, painting' window additions, landscaping, fences and refainina walls, etc. ror revisiohs io plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Reviehr Board. RECEI Description of the Request: E-mail A.ddress: Page 1 of Lzl04l2BlO4 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SU BMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS fn,11"Iilll*#1ltor[u,r"o for proposats invoMns minor exterior arterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTST* ./.z O All pages of Application are complete- v r' Q Checklist is completed and signed y' 5 Stamped Topographic Survey*, if applicableff Site and Grading Plan*, if applicable€f Landscape Plan*, if applicable ff Architectural Elevations*, if applicable - O b<terior color and material samples and specifications. / { Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicabled Ligfrting Planx and Cut-sheet(ij for proposed fixtures, if applicable{|- TiUe report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* -. A _ Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. y' ff Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable { Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* W The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submil three (3) copies of the materials noted wilh an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanoes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a Utle repo( and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. f have read and underctand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Contractor Date Signed JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER €jdrt owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I undersbnd that the proposed improvements include: Cur Trtgaued Sourn ro*r-u (u,ae*E) of Ho.l se fi.tSrAur- ReSDeR r ilDuos eAL 16 6l.rSrrdF. I further undersbnd that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. 1/s ' (Date) Page 2 of ttl17lt6l04 (Signature) o Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIAIS TVoe of Material Color Roof 5idin9 Other Wall Materlals Fascia Soffits \ :*.*- rtf^*n r*,** eeey (S* C."tos Windows .*.-.. \ rn*rctt Ftr<rid&Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specif, the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSEDTREES 'N/A AND SHRUBS DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verifli service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. o UTILITY QWEST 970.384.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott Carrington 970,468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970,262,4076 (tel) Contact Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 J i m O'neaf 97 0.262.4003 EAGLE RrvER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.9a9.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar Authorized Sionature Comments Date N/a NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the developnient can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verificaUon form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Depaftment of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before dioqing in any public right- of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public Way oermit and must be obhined seoaratelv. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if I the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Developer's Signature Date NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Pre-apptication Meetinq A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identify any critical issues pertaining to the applicanfs proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application. In many cases, the pre-application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre- application meeting may be scheduled by contacting loe Suther at970.479.2L28 or jsulher@Vailgey4m Time Requirements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at www,vailgov.com For a new residential development the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Title 12, (Zoning Regulations) and 'lltle 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Requirements for orooerties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific geological investigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Required Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All olans must be at the same scale. 3. Graphic bar scale.4. Nofth arrow. 5. 'lltle block, project name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dales of original plan preparation and all revision dates. 8. Vidnity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend, u'1,'ifo </ o ilo$slffi JP ,/ ?'*:.il;t'1;,,tiVt'l / 1LQv..l,*t. tlAcet,I vaF.]-.f :J' ev"Q 'i l-T-Tt; le, oo u,'flf ,1KWry 15 cor\c=s<=o €arn 9rcE€i 3y Tnces htl stu@) &Lrc*J ano Cd\FryA,eD. o "r&{^ oo a+ {,ffi#,,Flit-; gug 3(1 o+ o+r++p rfbrs|darJ|dDoor rr&5 il. l.?0 tt Frwhge Rd Itlhlsr Rtdgq Co t0O!3 Fhfrr: ![O 4$.lmrg: st /h -teli "tttl ulndou & door 3o3 4l ros6 P"v Ffi QUOTE: 1161 p. r OIJOTE OETAIL RtoFan ilunher t tttarrud: lllfl20of 5S*t? Ffi co Pdrh Sob Ta 1164 l0'1 WD* 0D.-F{t tt6aqfrGD: outn shF Td 8fiAAa t bffi gr6r2m4 PATRbIA O NEILL s{rrg |IrtfllliqE: Plr: OGtrErI lrSuiinei ALPII'IE llr$lodtl AND IXX,R 11rU5W.l-to N. FRCXTITAGE RD. WHEAT RIOGE,CO ffi F|EE iIB rBl-l@ Dtqsfib: $rlhdr ShiS fQ: Ir, hpa*b Ffiicr FErtdrr *d Ed{r.AlUnLlHtanffiir. rurfig$rldd G..|Hts lfil.d SbdrOottffilrEilhC&.rmtr Olsd R OItUrSr ln6 RrcHitr&T7$ffi.mOlft{tlaro r'HESraal! Claanurt Ra€rCe Pt|ddArgrGCtvlJtblErgElst€Fsla*b_2/txil.[hl,Ylrh2aqEHr[h{ O,Er*.ffiIUilba Jenbtk{t*48|n Gr$lRO-WEI.2g Rrofltttt4318 OFsdfrg Co.re{rlt ErfrhFrJnnrhhAlfirrnCh Ed:rb *r FhllrAlntrrn CHW.SdrftlEhUffiCfr-fd.bor€d.ffi DeCtld 11nA '- Fd I rltrnH A|rr|lt: Td-*rtrtbTcJ-tn'-l rO Rongh Opsi.{i PO: JOB l{ iaE. LOCJITIOil\t P.r t nt E A. Hbe tERi*s.or{.dl 3r.cEr20 li|trtanlt*: Atsfif ,k $To JrrtE Rrru$Oprpr POi JOBMI.E: LOCANON: tl-l!l 2 28 X{Et6 2AX € St! Gb TnFtlrtdsc Lrrr E -/ Tenp|t4ves G*|ayntes'vest.}cotfrudtalnL/tsflfllfFl{l! *- crrgth*sdrurrBrH+heFNrUlhwtbz-/Nurt*Lktllgrs.z SaEftL&IrcSh mlTGlr[d4Il4lil|lo8frnd4(E ntr$rfltll Cub|[qroloEltb||rrr uJcooryleLil2Hssrrfi ||qrht'P{.lof3 Fug.30 (]4 O+:++p |lf;lf,r|qyraDcorlilfsf,.lr'!X,ffiGEtE aHlltoomfPhGttf ffi-lmras €l-loa "tU uinclou t cloor 3o3 C 1os5 P,2 QX'IE llErf.h#f,rrt.:tlaaRffislo'.oa sil*ttFl llnffrt.r: orErty:JfiTo.ffi: Rd{h Op.oi$ PO: JQB tIAiC: LOCAflO ; 4.tn 2 28 Xt5lB 29X€3A uVdHf,*td CEr|ci fb.ilndr frrcf$ Artro$:tt Wtdc&tOfilbGbcttatut*!+zaX.t4 Gb.\ififtFz4 O*l**ttt44 QwttlJutUrldlt8 JnnbHqr*41/l OYGI! ffO vuidh-Qp Rlot*tH43/8oprdil coddfbHEEir Ft4nFltl|.fin|inrn CLd F.ffcSdr Fhish frdrm CbdRcdutts6hf,q$.*qrtsrfffffi O,3i.Ert Dr66 tlll6 ..- Gb Tr*!eu*{ed |'ryE /T*F.d.Yo --'-Cap|.'yTr&FYrc t*C.rlturnn-'rut -tlrWLft-l-3R- Cri StbffcclngrfarF.ilHE Pirr r,-- lomhr l-il€€ \,Ud+z -M'|tur Liho Flbhs .- sltrclFDotitB ituflToRUtd4.u ihl Tc8atlqr ot 4.m fe.t| ffu*cr: Qur& Jrt$ToJunb: Ra€fu apcnt|g: poi J€IB MME: LOGAflOtrl: {G 2 26 X€rr8 AX.l93'8 VUIUrl slitffirhfrrdr Prodd A|tflEnflr|-t liJib sE g rt!fr!€Ho tunl-Stse+4X{ blltlClr-3rt Gst{.t}+{4O,s{,m{$il}28 i Jr||!b l*iilrtJ$ ra OEr.l R O Wift{9 R0llefutt43aN Op€.dtgCd-Sts|iorE &fuir F|ue trhlrAlrtrnrm CLrl Eeior 8r* Fh**xllnirrn CEqzailoSaCr.RcaEbb EtubCdor.Adohof,lJrnbocill€!1n|8r qs TlFrH|*ed Lff E F C.Fl-y t*r.Y€ot&Cilrlbu*D-fDl/ 8r l,Yldrtrl,E a Ctt$FRcotaE[rhrB*lthHfi:= Urrtc tlb! U,trb-2 / l,luier Llss Hbh3 r' l*dTGTQd/Lm t*|[ Tclrll of .[.06 hrf&Inlai: Qs{Xy: IniTo&nb: Atrgh qenhg: 4.(f, 2 uttflEs*rb Oanct REE{b ProdEt ^.rEuErrt$t lYEcSli{lttu{hSbt*!.{FbalX44 bl,Ulltrz.roSHQiF{+ O,iarl€rbnffiF28Jfiblr*til4ln Otr|lROWffir-2gR0rtit*43E Ope(!trt0C*$do|rry E bir FrffiFhHt+lrninen chd ErEbSdrFlr|H}Alr|.lunChrtruoEtS.d|{Cdts OallbColor.'Adee Olt|tf Jat|sDdfis1r.nl'/ ShsTtFlra&tld LanEl C*yTubBYee tE con&u{in-TDL / 8-Yt tfr-t-I8 --Atg{lcct|Uu* 9*tlhbthFfitE --l|ttrr LbYllids2 / ItlmELrG H{tr.J / rtl|TlTopd{X fm TcREtt of 4.(B 19x /F3rs m|trl q|rE mqf r e5tcogyrlr il.' fel|rr tilt5 ||tr f*-Page 2 0f 3 *atla**afi*******la**aaraa***lla't***a*l**||laaa*l*';*******|rrtta*ttt*r*at**+t**+**a';'r'J*r*'a*a** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stateinent|'aaat**tll+'llll*'llraa*r+*at+**+atr+araa'laa'taa'ta***+r**rlraraa*ra***at't*******ar13r1*+*tt****+a* staternert tnmber: R040005582 amouDt: s2o.o0 o9/0t/2oo1o4:43 ptrt Payneat lletbod 3 check Init: ilg llotatlon: f+l70g/PATRICIA OIIIBILL Petnit No: DRB040{66 T14le: DR3-ltliDor AIt,SFR,/DI'P Parcel No: 2L03L2LO6OL2gLte Address: 1385 wEaTHAvEN CR trArrJ Ilbcatiou: 1385 WSSTHA\'EDI CT.- Total FeeB: $20.00tbit Patnneat: 920.00 rotaL ArJJ hts: 920.00Balance: $0. o0 ta|l*taa']*+**t'lf*aarr***rr*'a***tt+ttt*rtaarta*****l+*trr'ltaaaaaa**t*t+{r*'}t*tatrh}*r**tf++'}***:3 ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current ffis DR OO1OOOO31122O() DESIGN REVIEU FEES 20.00 rri ,X rltr:- -e4T7:26o3-Page 1 Request€d Inspdct Oate. n4ondry, Afnl 07, 20Os lnspecdon Arerr cCgite Addfcss: 1365 ftEsl HAIEN CR VAIL 138ti wEsf HAVEH CR 8,P.|DlqfiormaSon Acthdty: B0GO32? Ty?e; '*3ULlr SLrb Typ* ASFF Consl T\Da: occ pancy: tr$F v F! Oniier: 0NEILL PAf Rft:lA Aoplhoal: ONEILL PATPlCil,C#raclo{' oNEILLPRoPERTIES Phooc: 97&479{116 Doocrlpirsn: lntsrlsr crnvarsbfl cf bocldl[ed s4acs un. garag8 qnd tpme 7:1C am Requesbd lr!$eectsnlsi Itemt 90 BLDG.Ftruf Raqu.tior: CodnsDb: wc 47*c1 16 do b€tor€ I l rm A$slon€c|fo: CDAVIS- Actoo. Tlme ExF llcm \:o.nrncnts IXfFSESSTEIED TwlcE insoeclion Hi$ion Slalue: l9StlED lnsp Ares: CD R.gueEtrd Tldte: 68:0S /qfrl' Pircns: Enter.d qf JI,€NDRAGCIN K Item. lC Itern: 'JS lram: 30 Item: 50 Itern: $a tem: 70tbm: fl) BLOfrtngrltiaib{r -' .49paov*rt -- Ot,'?dl{lt ir}3q*cior iRM Ac{l*' {P rPPRfi\it ij /t +{trnrrenlsr APFR llSUt.tTtON f.t !l-!,gtrl l.rppER BEDRtri / .1$D |lAlt tvLA iei; iCCFSS f".lFl€t- VTJHERF SHU] ut:FlAt Bl*+Sh{atrc{lr t'le,t " Apio,/€rd ' / 01,261O1 Insp€clff: SRG Acllon, PAPARTIA{f"pry Comme fs. East Sid! c.$!)*. lluesl side r'i)t rei!,n. $1.?O/Or hso{rclcr: aDAVIS - Acticfl AF C{rmfiBnb: RdST OF L0lfd[f? LCVEL I I I t I I I g?i06,o t rmpoct$: JftM A:lkl,fr: AFt-:oqrn€ots: APpR UPPER LhVEL Crf"'|. Y Bl[r(;.ldl€{. BLDcr.Fin€lffiffiJ ':;;, ,-; Ac{on: o..o€t,,€r} f) Cornm€nt*: tldAc.cEgg TRffiD nnneE ^ UyN*4{ilV\ ./n ^Nt X U I \l J oREPT].31"Run Id: 91? oa oo TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL,co 81657 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Pcrmit #: E0l-0008 Job Ad&ess: 1385 WESTHAVEN CRVAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR Applied. . : 0lll0l200l ParcelNo...: 210312106012 Issued. .: 0lllllzDDl ProjectNo : Expires. .: 0TllOl2OOl O!{![ER ONEILL PATRIC]A OL/LO/20OL Plrone: 1385 WESTHAVEN CIR VAIL CO 8L657 I-,icense: COrf,TRAqIOR BIG BEAR EIJECTRIC, INC. OL/LO/200L Phone: 97O-39O-922L P. O. BOX 474 IJEADVILLE, CO 80461 License:29!-E APPLICANT BIG BEAR ELECTRIC, INC. OL/T0/200L Phone: 970-39O-922L P. O. BOX 474 ITEADVIIJLE, CO 80461 License : 29I-E Desciption: Interior conversion ofbackfilled space un. garage Valuation: 52.500.00 FEE STIMMARY Ele€tuical_> 954.00 Total Calcrlated Fces-> S57. Oo Additional Fees->90.00 Totrl Permit F€€-> S5? . 00 Prymenb-> $5?. OO DRB Fee-> Investigation-> will call--> s0.00 $0.00 93.00 BAL{|ICE DUE->90. o0 Approvals:r€6m: 06000 ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMBII 0T/L0/2OOL @AVIS Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COUPI,IAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in ftll the information require4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is corr€ct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, io comply with all Tovm ordinmces and state laws, and to build this stuctue according to the torms zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Tovm applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIoN SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOM AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:fi) AM - 5 PM.oo TOTALFEES-> 957. OO oo ' :|'t'|t*'|l't:1.'l'l*******'t**{t'*'l**{.*{r****r****'l*,1'l**'l{r'lr'}***tt't++'t+*'}**+****'*'t**'}'t'}'}*t**ir*****'t'a't't+***+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprlnt d on 01-ll-2001 rt lD:03:25 Oilllnml StsteNn€nt +riaf *+{t******!i *++++ +*+*++**'}*!+'}t**f **tt*{r+'t't+*:}'t,ttt't***i*++*++tf t*+++,t{rt:t,}{r,}*:}:},t*,}****,}***t,}{r Statement Number: R000000356 Anrount: $57.00 OI/tl/2OOIO9:02 AM Pa)ment lrlethod: Check Init ! KMW Notation: #2105/BIc BBAR ELBCTRIC Permit No: 801-0008 TIE)e: BL,ECTRICAIJ PERI{IT Parcel No: 2LO37.2]-O6OL2 Site Addrees: 1385 I|ESI'HAVEN CR \IAIIJ Location: 1385 IfBSTHAVBN CR Total Feee: $57.00I'his Payment: $5?.00 Total ALL pmta: g5?.O0 Balance: $0.00 :* **'i*'**{.** * **,t * ** + + +* *** **'t *'f *'}**{t* ***** *'t{t'l *'}**if'f +*+*ttt+!t+* ****'t*'}****'t't***'}*'tr'tr'}'t'}******+ ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Cument Pnrts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPORARY POIIER PERMITS I.JC ()()1O()OO31128OO I^IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 54. 00 3.00 APPLICATION WIIL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED qTy",Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: NWNOFVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) ConAd Asessots Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Atm // OLr,/ | 7 robName:r<\r\)al \ b ^irlo^n ru soo aaaress: /H u)es14t rt ^ cn)e. Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:SuMivision: owners lttamelLvr r^ ortlo: I I Address: /3tsurJA,' nrL u^I!,hon*47/o- q3\ / engineer:p,p"r1 e,rts,r\)cryt<lmaress{)Bpo, Qglz Uo:lcrlPhone:qo1q- ?g?t 'ffm'f,,1"'J[).k,, 0 *,r,*r)1 /lt', t /rr-, ^.t K r4o.o-,,- Work cfass: N"Qt I Addition ( )eenoa{1fi Repair ( )Temp Power ( )Other ( ) Work Type: Interior f{, ) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No *X ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /No. of Accommodation Units in this building: / Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (\O Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves Qf) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (X) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: Q* r, Eonrlo,i*,, Town of Vail Reg. No.: AQr. t tentact and Phone #'s: t K "&n ()tr-, tQtJ,il r, ?eo- ?zzt Cgfractor Signature: ***********************************tt***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****************************-rrr******* F:/everyone/forms/elecperm .$?td' o f 3 o o Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted, NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verif,/ that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questaons, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at 97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesdan Thursday and Friday mornangs between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back, Date Signed HOW DID l,YE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest, Director, (970) 479.213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you conbct? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning _ _DRB PEC Was your initial contact wiih our sbfiimmediaie_ slow no one available ? 4. lf you were required to wail how long was it before you were helped? Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Pennii N/A Please rate the performance of the staf person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of $e Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for iaking the tme to complete ftis survey. We are committed b improving our seMce. '7 x TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S..FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: MOO-0I54 Job Address: 1385 WESTHAVEN CRVAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR Applied. . : ll/3012000 ParcelNo...: 210312106012 Issued. . : 12/04/2000 ProjectNo : ? tr-SOo - Oo\-7-. Expires. .: 06/02/2001 OWNER ONEIIJLT PATRTCTA rL/30 /2000 Ptrone: 1395 WESTI{AVE.I CIR VAIL CO 9L657 License: CONTRACTOR,JERRY SIBLEY PLITMBING L1-/30/2000 Phone; 970-827-5736 P.O. BOX 340 MII{TTURN, CO 81645 L,icense: 152 -M APPI-,ICANr JERRY SIBLEY PLITMBING L!/3O/2000 Phone: 970-927-5736 P.O. BOX 340 MINTURN, CO 91645 License : L52 -YI Desciption: Add radiant heat to new lower level (to existing boiler) Valuation: $7,500.00 Fireplaco Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Ap'pliances: 0 # of Gas logs: O # of Wood Pellel: 0 *'r*i.**'!:ttaat**lt*tla+aat'ltt***:|*t**'l*,1,1'lllaaat:.1'la*'l*:ita'l:|:i*'lll*l+ll FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> 5150.00 Restuaraol Plan Review->30.00 Total Calculsted Fees-> S203.00 Plan Chcck-> lnvxtigation-> wilt call-> L2/01/2000 cdavis It.em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIflI 94 o . oo DRB Fee-> So . oo Additional Fces-> $0 . 00 SO.oo TOTAL FEES--_> S203.00 Total Pamit Fee-> S203.00 s3.00 Palmeofs-> 5203.00 BALATICE DLTE->90.00 rtem: 05100 BUII-.DING DEPARTMENT LL/3O/20O0 K!{ARRE}I Action: NO ROIJTED TO CSIARL,rE Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond! 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIA}.ICE. Cond: 23 INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT'RES I}ISTRUCTIONS A}ID TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE L997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read thilication, filled out in firll the informationlt*, completed an accurata plot plan, and stst€ lhat all tt€ informafim as required is ctrrect. I agree to cmply with the infqmatim ard plot plu, to coryly with all Tovm .crdinanccs and statc laun, mdtO buildthis structre aooodingtothe toums zoniag md suMivisim cofu, desip revicn' approvd Unifun Building Code mdothermdinmces ofthe Torm applioable ths€to. NEQUESTS FOR INSFTCNON 8HAI,T BE MADE TWENTY.TqJR FROM 8:(X) AItd - 5 PM. ' alflala*ftlttt*ttial*tf*lf'|***'*ttttrttttlirttttlt******t*tttt*t**a*tt't*t*'.*tltt*f++**+t{t'}***tttf* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staremmr **'|l**a*+'la*++*'l*{3'}*********t'a***'i*l*+l*+*t***'t*'lrt*X**atal**lt**ltlrtltlrai***{r*:3****ata**t*** Statm€nt Nrmiber: R000000262 lmunt: $203.00 L2|O4|2OOOO3:4G ptrl Pa:ment llethod: Check Init: LC .ltotatLqr: *28L2Ll ilerry, Sibley Plumbing Penrit Ro: }100-0154 Type: IIESIAIIICAIJ -PERIiIT Parce1 llo: 210312106012 SLte MdreEs: 1385 IIBSTHAVEDI CR \/AIL Locatioa; 1385 BESTIIA\'nr CR Total Feee: $203.00 Thle Palment: 9203.00 Total ALrLr htE: 9203.00 Balance: $0.00ftfllfllaltltlll**lllt****lltltl'ttllftlltt*larlr*flarff*tllltf*tl***l'|latltltt*'t*alrratlrr** ACCOI,JNT I1EM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current ms MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECMNICAL PERMIT FEES 160.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 40.00 t,lc 00100003112800. MLL CALL INSPECTIoN FEE 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR UI{SIGNED p,,119t Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:a Mechanical Room Dimensionso Combustion Air Duct Slze and Locationc Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationu Heat Loss Calcs.a Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Project # PZTCf.--0l1?- Building Permit #: b- Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 ( I nspecti ons lNtro oD Blcr op -tLtls PAqE . ._o Cmwn0Ftiln 75 S, Frontage Rd. vail, Colorado 81657 Contad Asresnrc Office at 9 7O-328-86/m for Parel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: Pah.c,A O'n e.i\\rob Address: ti}a=rWa'* Ksv€n (-.r-r Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Name: g,"\ti cra$n;p;\tll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:g€E-gclov- (rs Ocl+tS f.|SDeq.{t. JDtd s-pc'cE foll hM^\ \\aoi \o [\r,l try^,rr-\errr {e\zs"as-Cnnebr}{r-,Eloa}tno bbiLuS*s\:"r WorkClass: New() Addition()$ Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ${ E}terior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family 00 Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noflype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No 0(J COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT (tabor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $o4f CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: ;e-1-€]3Q **********************r*FoR oFFICE USE ONLy*************:r()3.:*.*jk:3i(*Jk*:st{**XiVHT} F: /everyone/forms/mechp€rm ' iiiil-:$M.DEV" I (tr1\ -, ct-cr. rt i.,,. . i.._; i S';\po,\.nvs [u 6\u r,ryt^I 'rt 13a'@ Lt-il-S e-s^s*o!\ a'Ds sn{'Q+ FPe*+.*.Lt tt*.o'qd t '/ G- fndl n'\ul.*A q\U-S q*7b"'dn= 6\u5 IVlc $AMkt' 6rus G ) \rJ'J tr\..Js'- ?ooo r l-zZEi\u *O r 30 g\lt' ' bsF tch\ >\\Boo-ffi"* a 6\)o5,90 e"\rord €n':s =o'@ eJil' rb qJ*Doo 6\U r -L ptb --| 6tzts'9oo gFu ot\u\ o o TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD' VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINGPERMIT Permit #: P00-0140 Job Address: l3E5 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR Applied. . : 1112212000 Parcel No...: 210312106012 Issued. . : lll24/2000 ProjectNo: ?U$(r-OotZ- Expires..: 05123/2001 OI{NER ONEIIJJ PATRICIA LL/22/2OOO Phone: 1385 WESTEAVBT CrR VAIIJ CO 81657 License: COMIRACTOR itERRY SIBI-,EY PIIIMBING LL/22/2OO0 Phone: 910-921-5736 P O BOX 340 MINTT'RN CO 81645 IJicense: 134-P APPLICAICI iIERRY SIBL,EY PIjJMBING L!/22/200O Phone: 970-821 -5736 P O BOX 340 MIIITT'RN CO 81645 License: 134 -P Desciption: PLUMB TO INSTALL NEW BATH ON LIPPER & LOWER LEVEL Valuation: $13.000.00 Fireplace Informatim: Restricled: ??# ofcas Appliances: ??# ofcas lrgs: ?? # of Wood Pallet ?? FEE SIIMMARY Plumbing-> 9195. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> 5{6 .75 DRB Fe€-> 90. 00 Total Calculated F€€s--> 3246 .75 S0. 00 A.lditioral F€Gs.-->90 ,00 lnvestigalion-> will cEll_>s3.00 S0,00 TOTAL FEES-> 5245.75 Toral P€'rmit Fe€-> g245,Zs Paymcds--> S246 .7s BAI -AI{CE DUIE->90. 00 It,em: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMESIT LL/22/2OOO KWARRmT Action: APPR It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIII CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIELD IITSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioq frlled out in full the information required, mmpleted an accurate plot pla$, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinances aod state laws, and to build this sfructure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Tovrn applicable thereto. RIQT'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HO(ru IN ADV OR AT OLIR OFF|CE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. FORHIMSELF AND OWNE ' l**l*l++*+***tttta**ttr*'tt*++*tft+fr***'tta'trr*trittt'r*aa*+*t*r*aatl*rar*a*ra**afarttt*tri*ftt TOWNOFVAIL; COLORADO srdcment' **ttla*l*tattltlltt+lt*l+tta*alt*'lt***a+*+tftt*ffataftt+t**+rta**f*ttt***+******+*tftatat+,t**a gtatement mriber: RO0OO0O236 Anrount: i246,?S LL/Z4I2OOOO:-:09 pllpalment ltet'hod: chcck Init : alRtl l{otatl.on: Permit ![o ! P00 -0140 T!pe: plIrilBlil(! pERr|ff Parcel lfo: 21031210G012 Site Address: 1385 CBS$IA\/BN CR \rAIIrLocation: 13A5 |fBAmA\tEtf CR Total Fees3 S24G. ?5Ttria Payment: 9246,75 Total AIJ.r pmte: g246.75 Balance: $0.00+*l*ll*la'|*++lttala**f*t***+ttl*ltllf,a*'l*t*a+t+t**+tttt+*'t****+*afaf{rf*t**r*rrr*aa*tt+tfat*tta ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Oescri ptt on Current ffi,S PF 00100003112300 pLN CHECK FEES 48.75 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 195.00 r.,c 00100003112800 htrLl CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 +g'olocr 'lal* APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U NED Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 47 I -2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ConELt Assessrc Offrce at 970-328-86/t0 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: O,natt (_sg.del\c,>robAddress: \aBs LJn*\u*n- (...1 Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Nut"r p.,\.\Cro D.ne; n Add ress : taB< bus{x"wn Gcc.b Phon"' t{-l q_ O\\G Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:(1lcr9, t ru, \tus) Nu 6a\+rer.^ \o L$Rr\ \cue\ , tt uc,ll.n<, \+ub)SU-BL**;* \o Upon,\.vr)1 $\\ouser- I te'v WorkClass: New() Addition([) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-famifu Qr) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (XJ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: g t3,u'oo - CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: teesq €-,Net Pth...\r^l \or-' Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s:r-SlBb tse,ef.no ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******!r****************************:! RECEIVED I'rrlV 2 1, '' ) t') TOV-COM.DEV.F/everyone/forms/p|mbperm ,J.ts It i:nulu+- -gi::.: ''11r*cJ; C,$i.i, ,..r't'; ffi($/.)nntffi! HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Torwr of Vait Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest Director, (970)479-2139 Gheck allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contacCI Building Environmental_Housing_Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your inilial contact with our staff immediate_ dow _or . ro one availabfe ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? lf no, why nof 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ ltl/A 6. Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you:54321Name: (knowledgq responsiveness, availability) 7. Overafl effectiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which r,vould allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lime to complete this survey. We are committsd b improving our service. 'F TOWNOF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2t38 Gt 4-L{,-n S"J-l r\a-l sr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B00-0322 Job Address: 1385 WESTHAVEN CRVAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR Applied. . : ll/0912000 ParcelNo...: 210312106012 Issued. . : lll2ll2000 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 0512012001 OWNER ONEIIJIJ PATRICIA LL/09/2000 Phone: 1385 WESTHAVEN CIR VAIIJ CO 81557 CONTRACTOR O'NEILL PROPERTIES LL/09/2000 Phone: 97O-479-0]-L6 1385 WESTHAVE{ CIRCI-,E vArL co s]-657 I-,icense: 165 -Lr APPLICAITT ONEILL PATRICIA LL/09/2000 Phone: 1385 WESTHAVE}I CIR VAII-, CO 8L657 Desciption: Interior conversion of backfilled space un. garage and homeOcculpancy \4>e - Factor Sq Feet Totals... 836 $25,500.00* NumberofDwellingUnits: I TownofVailAdjustedValuation: $26,500.00 Fireplace fnformafion: Reshicted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas bgs: 0 #of Wood Pallet: 0 **altlrl**'l'l*:t*rtrtrtattailat*'l'la:**ra*lta Building-> 9329. OO Restuarant Plan Redew-> 90.00 Total Calculat€d Fe€s-> l72L '25 plm Chock_> 5213 . 85 DRITF€€---> g5o. 00 Additional Fees-----> S50 . 00 Investigation-> So.OO Rcqcation Fce-.-> $125.,f0 Total Permit Fee-> 5771.25 Will Call-> S3 . oO Clean-up Depoeit--> 90 . 00 Pa]'men18._---.-'--> 57't!.25 TOTAL FEES-> 972a.23 BAr ANCE DL'E-> $0.00 t**:llttatttaaalaaa Approvals:It6m: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMBflI Lt/09/2000 CDAVIS Action: NO PLA'NS TO CXIARITIE tL/t4/2O0O cdavis Actions AP Item: 05400 PIJAIINING DEPARTMBflf tt/20/200o AR Action: AP It.em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMNT Item: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORKS :!a*aalaattaa'talla* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS filled out in frrll the information requird completed an accurate plot plao, andthis application,oI hereby acknowledge that I have read .tut 'tnui uU tt"iofqnatim as required is curcct. I agec to cmply with the infcnation and plot plm, to coryly with all Toum ordinances and state laws, and tobuildthis stnrcnne accmdingtoth€ tosms md zubdivision codcs, desip rwiew Unifom Building Code md othcr qdinanccs of the Tom applicable REQI,JESTS F1OR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTT-FOI,JR HOURS IN ADV Scod CXour-up Dqcit To: PATRICIA ONEILL OR AT OIJR OFfICE FROM 8:(x) AId - 5 PI{. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE .l PAGE 2 **** ** * t****+** ****** I f** *** ** **** **'l l* +** * * ** * * ** 'r {t *t ** ****:t!t**** *ff +* ** *** *** * * ** * 'l' 'trt* ** * * * * ** !F'r*** *'r'r CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: 800-0322 as of I l-21-2000 Status: ISSUED**,1*******t*+****++*:**!****'*!t:t***+***:i*********t************'t*t*+*d!****!r+******+*!r************{r*t*+***d!:** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: tt/Ogl2OOO Applicant ONEILL PATRICIA Issued: tl/21/2000 Job Address: 1385 WESTHAVEN CRVAIL Location: 1385 WESTIIAVEN CR ParcelNo: 210312106012 *********'r***********'tt***t*****'t***+*'ilt'|***!**t++******l***'l'l'i**t*t**'r'|'t*f l**'|**'|*******it****rt*******{rtr CONDITIONS ********!r**+*+********************'**********+*:|:il'******'l***:t*****:i*:r'***f************+*'**********{r'}t***** Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI.ANCE. Cond: 15 sMoKE DETECTORS ARE REQLJIRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3l0.6.l OF THE 1997UBC. Cond: CON0004491 PLAN: Final grad€ must not exceed 2:l and there must be positive drainage away from buildings. Enwi 1112012000 Bv: AK Action: AP | :i'l"l*+t******';**'l'l'td.'l********'**'*'**'t*{t,t***'*****************'}*'}**r.*****+++**!******'}l t't,},}*{.*'}*!t!* ' TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 1l-21-200 rt l5:ll:35 tlt2tl2-.uuu- StalemeNrt +****** *t*** *********'*******'t't't'*{"t ****++++*:l*!t**:1,},1*'t,}'l'} ** ***++'}'t***t!* * *'}'}** ***dr*******++*'t't!* Statement Number: R000000235 Arnount: 177]-,25 Lr/2L/200003:08 pFt Pa)ment ltlethod: Check Init : AK Notation: 203 / O'Neil1 Permit No: BOO-0322 Type: ADD/AIrT SFR BUILD PBRMIT Parcel No: 210312105012 Site Addresg: 1385 WBSTEA\'EN CR \TAIIJ .Location: 1385 WESTmVEN CR Total Fees: 577I.25 T'his Palment: 977L.25 Total ALL Pmts: $77I .25 BaLance: S0.00 * * ** + +'l* * *'1.* rt:1. *rltl*** **+'i *** * t *** ***** i*+ * * 'lr*:lr * 'lr** * *+*tt+'|'lt'i'irr:t*'|! 't'|'i *,|!,t{r:t * ******+ **'t:tr,}'i*{r *+:* t ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts.";;; ;; 50.00 50.00 213. 85 t25.40 3. 00 BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES cL 00100003123000 CoNTMCT0R LICENSES DR OO1()()OO31I22OO DESIGN REVIEId FEES PF ()O1()OOO31123O() PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127()O RECREATION FEES t',C 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE o ApplrcATror!,-r- Nor BE AccEprED rr rnao"r.t* mwnoFvtn 75 S. Frontase Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 -oo Building Permit #t 97O-479-Ar(Inspections) Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! Conbd Asrcrorc Offie at 97O-328-8H0 or visit furParcel #Parcef#lto3tLtobAtZ rob Name: di,leirc art TEaia G.reasrbl Job Address: BAt l.r)csfftfrueAl c' tacl€v*iL. ro Lal Description ll .., S f lL q&k !/A [ ritins, N/a ll sruo'ui.,on' Gt-as lV ont Owners Name: f6ig;ri 0,ile,if-C Address: 1315 t€s',ltflr5) Clec.a Phone: qa L.Ll33 t ArchitecvDesisn"rDua€ R*** ll eaaress.;f ? Sffif, crcE UWI tnonu, 44 4 _ ; ** Engineer: Rgr 4.orsurr+^rg Address: Fo. Elot tt S?4 V fii9(a Phone: q{9 - q3q I Detaileddescriptionof work::ii$tg!.a3 @Aue:3inrJ o+€trstrn( gfinc€ biT11.;N #lOkg.l*tD 3c1;an,r.p o€ tJacna fftfD wr* A.<AuAilcD .Drar WorkClass: New() Addition(y) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (yf Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No Vf Type of Bldg.: Single-family Usf Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling UniG in this building: ONe No. of Accommodation Units in this building: .|iirlO Nofi-ype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances (1) Cas t-oqs C3) Wood/Pellet (d) Wood Burninq (()) No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (l) Gas Loqs (at Wood/Pellet @) Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED) DoesaFireAlarmExist: Yes(v4 No( ) ll DoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: Yes( ) No(rf COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUTLDTNG: E 2orooa *ELECTRICAL:$ ITOOOF:OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ 5 OOO TF,MECHANICAL: $ SCDfu TOTAL: $ REFUNDCLEANUP DEpoSrrro: 'fftrekth o'tJd t .r CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: %rzu-te A,rlp;r-l ToWn of Vail Reg. No.: /65- L .Celtact and Phone #'s:*ruct* qlq-ottL Contractor Signature: t **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* AcEEDt€d:BY: F}annerS0on.off: F:/everyone/forms/bld gperm ,/hil, * ott hr# rul{,T'ffi Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development project Name: OtPe; t c A,rvreg-roe' Ccr.l{crsiartr Project Address: lst.S r' This Ch klistmustEamoM beforca Building Permitapplication is acceo@rd. d All pages of application is complete a Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy ofapproval form u Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complex f Complete site plan submitted s Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Work checklist) tr Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc wiUrout written aooroval u Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurringtr Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) f Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) g/Window and door schedule € Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) E- Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) /& " Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection nz Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated ff Smoke detectors shown on plans n/ Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicanfs Signature: Date of suami*al::' llr/o*/.oa F:/evenoneforms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town. of Vail Fire Departrnent,Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftrnent review or Health Departmeni review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may aflect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: project rrrame: O'Ner'Lr GiTFAof( (dNueasl6l) ox", ty'a{/oa F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 MWNOF WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOTIOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A.PUBUC WAY PERMIT": tr Is this a new residence? YES NO r' o Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property?YES NO € Is any utility work needed? YES Is the.driveway being repaved? Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES_ NO ts Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO t/ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO t/ Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO '/ If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? NO__ E_ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Work at 479-2L98. AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. NOF YES- NO o D'tOci rc -tdeeerias Company Name VcesbsJob or Project Name: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildino Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifli (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being peformed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". ) NOTE: The above pxrcess is for work in a public way ONIY. public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not ,ii tr/o/oa and understand the above. F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed DRAINAGE AND CULVERT II{SPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check offeach of the items below: a The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. a The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works DeDaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. n Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: Ol0el& 3rtf€etoe aor*lveesiorrJ F :/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Work. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. tr Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Coutt of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. B Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Work as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODES 7-3A.1 AND 7.3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be-removed and paced in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety desighated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar (910) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1958) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) g 1) I have read and willcomply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Proiect: Date Signed: A- a/-a O l8.rcrA O 4 F:/everyone/forms/bldpermT KRM MNSULTANTS,INC. P.o BO( 4572 vAL Cq-ORAm 81658 Pz>oo -6012-' Boo.o3zz [97O] 949€1391 IFA)q 9491s77 TO: Patricia O'Neill P.O. Box 4787 Vail, CO 81658 ATTENTION: Patricia or Makiko PROJECT: O'Neill Garage \. DATE: 5l22l2OOO ARRIVE: 1:00 p.m. DEPART: 1:20 p.m. WEATHER: sunny, warm o',li*g^, FIELD REPORT Y\o ..L 3 \'J rPxq \ JOB NUMBER: 0003-06 I visited the site of the above referenced project to observe and discuss the placement of the new windows in the space below the existing garage. lt was decided that, in order to minimize the amount of structural modification required, the window that would have required headering off one of the existing columns will be reduced in size to fit between the columns. lt will still be necessary to cut down the top of the cohcrete wall between the columns to achieve the correct sill height for the new windows, This may be done according to the sketch below: o -l OI< TO CUT A9 CLO,E TO BEARINq *- *S Foe+teLg hllrHouT DAlvrAG ifj4. *, COPY TO: Town of Vail a RJbo.6lz W63zz-. Ptxt 0fiice &x 1787 VaL C.tlorafut 81657 (888) Sr*4700 Masage (970) 479-0115 Fatsimile (9 07) 4 79- I 9 3 3 Cell Phone (970) 376 2058 E MaiI pon@vailna Town of Vail Planning Department May 7, 2000 Re: Excavation permit Towhom it may concem: This spring you issued a permit to me to excavate existing space under my house, subject to approval by a structural engineer. I previously submitted the report from the structural engineer. Subsequently, it was determined that we would have to open another space to get the dirt out. Accordingly, I am submitting a new blueprint and drawing from the structural engineer herewith, updating ALL holes that will be cut into the existing structure. lf there is any problem, please advise me at once. Otherwise, I will go forward with my project. Attorney ul Luw Th{nk ygtu. // E4ri.Li'!tJEE IE:::t?L:i'_1451ttT KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 Vail, Colorado 81658 (e70) 940-939r FAX (97O) e49.r577 liFtl*l rt|:|| t5r_rLT*t.tT JoB- o'N l LL (f,AeAds E {F A@.E=_e_e_ gH€.ETr,ro-- -J - oF. I " cALcL,LA'EorrY---f,'R M ,*, +/ U/On ". OATE4/ ll rl ",tor, ",1+-" = I: O FAi-iE 8,c9 Hr- tvb 'd4u a S f bb BoS -ttroT,* -$s EB fSVd Fs Design Review Action Form-T(}WFIOFVAIL Project Narre: 0'Ncill Intcrior Conversion Project Number: PR.Ilt0-mf2 projcaDescription: Bcmovdof b|c!fiil from bcnceth two existing garrges; phccmcnt of **"lO-ttfoLrhcdycrpecodsdt;plrccncntof2'5'r6't'hrrd- ' *."i &* b *qrdy ;4scd rel to rtplrcc'cxirting trrp door ou,rcr, Address, andphstre |l$Sjrili* ",.""{l6-433r Architect/Contact" Address, and Phone: rrme Proiect Strcet Address: I3E5 Wcrthrvcn Circlc Lcgal Description: Lot 5l GlenlYon Parcel Number: 2l(d312l06012 BuildingName: O'NcillRcsidcnce Coments: an GRFA on gropcrty hes bccr uscd; rdditioul GtrulA evrilabtc through 25{l oditrllcc or interi'or convcrsion Motiooby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/StatrAdion Action: rgq:d' TownPlanner: AnnKicrulf I)are: o2,tEtroo -DRB FeePaid: $50'00 Prroiecllilano: (Fl$fllltrtcdorConvcrrion StefrepProved witb conditione l. L 3. No citc dirturtmcc or rcgnding is pcrnilfrA beyond the gengc Ooeerine runaing pclmn b rtryircrl br toetdhtion ef freuch d*:.Td$ll1rd! rU"-*-ffCo-; pe'.it elro rtquircd pnbrto tr"*sprc. bcing 1inblcd. EGElltrijlE MAR 2 7 2000 P.o' 8cD( 4572 TO: Patricia O'Neill 1385 Westhaven Circle Vail, CO 81657 ATTENTION: Patricia PROJECT: O'Neill Garage \ I observed the existing framing below the garage floor and reviewed fie original structuret drawingsfor the garage areas to determine trre struliuii reasibility or "u*ns ili.l'op"nings in the concrere :li"T"":i:rtriit;",*" followins numbers relate to the notes on trr-e an"crr"a cofies or til;;;;;i 1' The door opening below the_stair landing may be sawrut in the concrete half-wall and the woodframing removed. This is not a bearing wali so ;o structural header is required.2' The door opening at the end of th; halilt r"v o" saw-cut into trr"-Jo-i".ete harf-wail betweenthe steel column on the w€st side and the faci of rhe perpendic"t;; ;;;;;s watt on the east side.Maintain a minimum of 4- from the centedine oi o" "t "i "olu-n io ilJ Jenicat aaw-cut line. No :X:*::, header is required here, because the roads from above *" ";;;; down throush the stesr 3' A window opening mav be cut into the nofth walt of the space below the smaller garage floor. ltappears from the structural drawings that there is approximately 5,_6, of wooO framing from thebonom of the steel beam to the toiof the concrel wail. A window opening may be placed in thisspace with no structural header required, because the steel beam in th€ garage floor carries the load.lf the window sill will be lower than the top or thl concr"te, so that some of the top of the concretewall needs to be removed, please contact us with the size of the winlow- opening so that w€ canprovide recommendations. Kimberty R. REVIEWED: HELD HEPOET DATE: 3tgtZOOO AFRTVE: 4:00 p.m. DEPAnn 4:45 p.m. WEATHER: cold JOB NUMBER: 0003-06 -t \ N' sx\l de, ld"l I I H+l,r' ItU4,*,..,o!tl -w srF1,2 .r si ,d'-s - sxs F N KRMcns.LrArws,hE poE(457a vat-og rqm flB5A - l9ol94e8]El lF,rxls4glsz HA.T'EPOBT TO:,on tr/,yiloo'4''qo PHARRNE DEPART: WEATHER: ya e st?o JOB NUMBER: oa SIGNED: PROJECT: ATTENTION: REVIEWED: COPY TO: o d! .ri. s & El +.$ J oo, ._ , - I tit lF- II iI ir li- .^! 'a -' ..^. J* Design Review Action Form TOWi\ OF VAIL Project Name: O'Neill Interior Conversion ProiectNumber: PRJ00-0012 Project Description: Removal of backfill from beneath two existing garages; placement of french doors in already exposed wall; placement of2'5"x 6'E" hard- wood door in already exposed wall to replace existing trap door Owneq Address, and Phone: Patricia O'Neill 1385 Westhaven Circle 476-433r Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: same Project Street Address: L3E5 Westhaven Circle Legal Description: Lot 51 Glenlyon Parcel Number: 210312106012 Building Name: O'Neill Residence Comments: All GRFA on property has been used; additional GRX'A available through 250 ordinance or interior conversion Board/Staff Action Action:Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1. 2. 3. Town Planner: Date: 02108100 Project Name: Staffapproved with conditions No site disturbance or regrading is permitted beyond the garage footprints Building permit is required for installation of french doors and standard size wood door; permit also required prior to new spac€ being finished. Structural engineer approval required prior to cutting into concrete garage wall. Ann Kjerulf O'Neill Interior Conversion DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 Qucstif Call thc Pliuining Staiiui.i;Ji-l i2i.l APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REYIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rcvic;rv approml. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Design Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmil For specific informatior\ scc thc submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particuiar approval that is rcqucsted. Thc applic*ion cannot bc acccpted until all the required inlbrmation is zubmincd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcviovcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conrmission. Design Rcvicw Boerd approval expires onc ycar aftcr final epproval unlcss a building permit is issued and coastructiotr is startcd. A. B. c. D. E. DESCRI'TIONOFTIIEREOUEST: 1) Renpve backfill to gnade frcrn beneath 2o(isting g€rrages. Arda was LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT: 51 BLOCK: N/A FILING: +#*- EACh gATAgE. pFrySICAL4pppg5g, 1385 westhaven circle, vail, o 2k44f,q^ pARCEL X. 210312106012 ZONING. Single farnlly / Ouplex (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-86if0 for parcel #) TCIIrN OFUAIL NAME OF OWNER(S):Patricia o't€ill MAILINC 4pppg5gs 1385 OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S): NAME OF AppLICANT, Patri O'IGiII Circle, Vai1, OO 81557 PHONE. 970-476-4331 F. c. MAILING 4Pp11g551 J 385 Westhaven Circle Vail o 81657 p11611g. 970-476-4331 H. TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: E New Construction - $200 Construction ofa new buildins_ $50 Includes any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or commcrcial building, $20 Includcs minor changcs to buildings and site improvcmen8. such as, rcroofing, painting. window additions. landscaping. feirces and retaining walls, ac. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latc,r. whcn applying for a building permiq please identif, thc accurate valuation of thc project The Town of Vail will adjus the fee according to the project vallation. PLEASE SL]BMIT THIS APPLIC..ITION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AI{D THE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTNIENT OF CONIMUNITY DEVELOP}IEN'T.75 SOUTH F'RONTAGE ROAD, v.{rL. coLoRADo 81657, EFAddition - E Minor Altcration - BUILDING MATERIALS; LrsT oF PROPOSED MATERTALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: Ecisting Bcisting N/A N/A NTA N/A N/A I,bod N/A N/A N/A CQIOB:f ffi-sffinqF SYet Brovn N/A N/A N/A N/A Ecisting * Please speciff thc nunufacturer's cotor, number and attach a small color chio +* All cxtcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.059(J). If cxteri6l lighting is proposcd plcase indicate thc numbcr offixtiucs and locations on a sc?arate lighting piuL lderrtif ocn?iiutc typc and provide thc hcight above gradc, lumuu output luruinous rca and atach a ct$ shect of &clighting fixhrn 'r! .j; ' Updated 68? o PROPOSED TREES 'nNp sHRuss: PR9POSED LANDSCAPING . Bolanical Nantc Conrnron Namc guantity Sizer N/A EXISTING TREESTO NONE BE REMOVED: ' *Minimum'rc{uircnrcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trecs - 2 inch calipcr . conifcrous trccs _ 6 fcct in hcightshnrbs - 5 gallons - TYPc Squ?rt Footaqc GROUNDCOVER N/A. SEED . IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER. LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis. ienccs, swimming pools, erc.) Plea;e specif. indcate top and bottom clevations of rctainine walls. MarinrLrnr height of walls ivithin the front setback is t ieet. Maxirn,.rm hcieht of rvalls elscrvhcrc on thc propclty is b fcct, l, tl' f x: 'ufiatca 6D7 tD. 97a{"tea5aTITLELAIIDo. JA!|-2s-OO r?r82 FPOlr. No. (:t'Lr266170 !'orn Al.r(:lll (hr(Ht{c. VTHl66l?6 ^d t2.lm,m.m S&:dr}A gnOcrty &ldrts: l.Or 51. GLSN LYON SUDDlvlSlOttf l. ftficyl)ntt: S4lcnhctlt, lg!|lrilSfiP.M- 2. Nrnr of lmrcd: MOEII'AGFJJNE FUNDTNG G(NF(NANOil, AN OREGO}I C\NR'RATOI{. rls SUCCES|OTS AND'OIT ASSIGNS !. Ttl srrde u. hrru*r b rtr hd ,|ry|tcd or rfrrd to ln tlft Scbdrft ld wtich it covsul by rhir po$cy irr A RrSiholc l. Tlh ro lh c|erc a l*rlC .ou.td lt lhb D&t i ltc ilt H b ruid b: PATNIEIA (''NEII.L 5. Tht urffr:c. h]dr rrfcrrd ra c tlt bt|l Ert{!, d il: radfrd tlatfr S ry ert r}mrfrt{ er firllorr: DEUD OFTTIJST DATED SEPTEMSER OI. 1999. FROM P^TRICIA O'NEILL TO'NIE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OT EAOLE COUMTY FOfi, TTIE USg OP HTltTGAGzuNE FT'NTIIN$ (:()RpoR^'trot{. AN onE@N coRFoRA'TtON TO SECURE TlrE sUM oF g2.tul.lx$.fif N,ECONDBD SEPTEMEER, 15. 1999. UNDEN, RECEPTIOil ilO. NE7'5. 6. Thc htrd rdrrrcd ro bfth ldly io drrcr'rtcd s follotrs: L(TT II. GLEN LY(X SUEUUSION. ACC(NDNG TO T}IE AMENDED N,AT TIIEREOF RIiCORT}F.D ,uLY 18, tCrr rN 8fi}r Zn AT ?AGG 371t, C(XTNTY OF EAGI.E, STATE OF Crrl.ofl^rxt [b HtyVtddy if Sd*I bdrdd bedTIbGtrrcfrrqry Rcarrntf Cffep Tfh hwm Crafrry JAtl-z€-eO l?.52 FFOfl . LAND TITLE tD. 9?O47t2CrS{ PAGE 3 L6ns|hy No. (:TLJ2(6|?6 Fora AL/l(llll 0urordaNo. VTEl66l?6 Schdtlcl- | Thk F{bt fircs nr i!$rt $dH lt|$r (r r|llrlc (I[N uc c|n{nnt ulu tr,r pry evlls. onrjt:r' [rs rr cr0$$lsr) wldr{r ari:x hy ttrslr rf: Ger:ral Ercqlrioas: l. Rights uchinsof p*ticr il FrJlsiil rrr strr bt tlE gtlbli: rrrrrnts. 2. llnuhnnch'Enrs. ow'l|0E, hordry lic displs. or o&.t odurr thhl urdd he dixknrl hy m utnrtu xwcy rrrrl innrltirm nf ttc prcairr^s, 3. bascrncus. rr chiu of crmn6 nr drorl by rhc pblic nrords. a. Ary licn, rr ri6ll tr r ftro. frr svis. 8r. rx r*rid hstxrftc r l61ftcr frdCrrl. iDqrrc{ by lrw lnl ur lt|trrrn ht *E Fdrlic rtcords. '. Igry)'fAXI]S NOT Y T DUE AND PAYABLE. 6. ITIG}N'OT PROPRIf,'TOR OF A VEIN ON U)DE TO EXTRACT AND NEMOVE IIIS ORE THEnEflaOM SHOULD nrE SAI|E 8E F(ruND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSE(:T'l'illi PRI:MlStiS AS RIISUIIVET} IN UNNED STATBS PATEM RECOR,DED AUCUSf t6. tgOO. IN BfX)K 48 AT PAGE S42. 7 , RI$HT OF WAY FOR DNCHES OT CANAI.S C(IISTRIrcTtr' BY THE AT'TIIORITY OF Tt{Ii I'NITEDSI'ATE{ AS NESERVED IN IJNITEDSTATES PATENT RECORDF.T} AUGT'ST 16. ]C}'. IN BOOK I8 AT PAGE 5'2. 8. ltEsIlRvATloN As To Tl{E NonTHwEllT tr4 ()F SECTION 12 Tof,rttstilp 5 SOUtlt. n^Ncri II I WEST OF THI! RI(*IT OF WAY OF THE T'NITGD STATES. TTS PENM|TTEE OT I.ICENSFE. TO ENTER UFON, &TCUPY AND USE ANY PART OR ALL OF SAID L^ND T{)R l ltE pl,Rpose$ pRovtDgl) tN THE AcT oF ,uNs t0. tgao (4t SAT. t063) As RF.SERVED IN TIIE PAT&{T RECON.DED OCI.IOBEN.2. I9{I' IN BOOK t32 Ar PACI 4Ii5. L Re$TRICTIVE COVENAIITS WIIEH DO N('I C(XIITAIN A FOnF:EITURE OR REv*..Rr}l.n. (:tJltJsE. BUT OMrnMi ANy cov6t{A}fT on REsTxtcTmN BASED O}t RACE. COU)X. trgtJGtON. $EX. tIANOrcAl. FAMIUAL STATTN OR, ilATIONAL ORICTN UNLESS AND ONLV TO ''.}IE ExrnNT T}IAT sAlD covENAt{T (A) ls FXEMFT UNDER ctIApTER {2. s[rcrtoN 3607 oF'mE uNr|to srATEs coDE OR (o R.EL/|TE$ TO HANDICAP BUT DOGS NOT DISCR,IUINATG ACAINST HANDICAP }fRSt'NI', AS CONTAINUD IN INSTR,T'MENT IIEI'(NDFf) APRII.(r. I97T. IN B(xXfiI AT PACE 60' AND As AilENT}GT' IN INSTf,UTENT RECOITDEI) AUfiTST 2t. t9t?, rN Bfi)K a6E AT PAOD afl TtlnfruGlr fZl AND AS RF,RIiCIORDEII IN INSIRUXEIIT RECON,DED SETTE}IBER 15. Igt? IN B(X}r 469 AT PA(ir: 8OI, AND A.\ AMI:ND€D IN INSTNUMET{T RECORDED MAY 2. 19$ N SOOK 52ff A't' I'AGTJtt{. .tAlt-zS-tC t?.52 FEO!|. LAID trTLE lD' 97tt?82as{PAGE 4 ..?(, F_olcy ho. riclZrnr7o I ftr0rdcrNo. VTt-26i6t?6 Schsflc t- t t0.DRAINAGE FASEMENT I5 FSET IN WIDTII AIING THE EAIIT LOT UNE ANT' SIJWSRr:r\$riMF:NT Ar.OritG THE NOnTH toT Lttt8 AND l0' X t0. uTIuTy EASF.MENT lN ntESOT'THUEST OON,ilEN OF ST'UECT PNOPERTY ALL AS SHOWN OI{ TI{E REEORDBD AMENDfiT)PLA'I' OF GLEN LYON SI'BDIVISION. U^SIIUENTS, NESENVATIOI{S AND RESTUCNONS AS STIOU'N OR RESERVED T'N THfinmORDEO AilGttfDEtD pt-ATOF cIIt{ LyOl{ St EDIvtsil)N. ti^SEl.M{T AND RIGIIT OP WAY FON GOIE CN,EEK AS IT AFFECTS SUB'8CT PNOPER,TY. L ND TITI.J. IS IN RECEITT OF IMPTOVEMENT U}CATION CSNNFTAI! PN EPARED' I'LY3{,. tt 9t 8y JoHNsoN. XUNKEL & Assocteres.Jxc..lon No. yt3+f. Nor[: IrEMS l'r oF STANDARD ExcEprlo{s ARE HEREBY DEI-ETED. FonM r00.m NIIEREOY AI-IACHED AND IECOr|ET A PATTOTTHC-POLNY. |N WTTNFJS WUEI(GOF. TIIG(:oMrANy uAs CAUSEDTHTS ENDORSET'BT{Tm BE SrCrtruD AND StAub isirr rnr:EFf',Ir(:l'rvE uATs oFTHXT Ffircy. To 8E VrUo *iex c'0urrensrcNF.r, ny ANAUTHORIZED OFFNER OR AGET{T OF T}IE COMPANY, ALL tN ACCORDANCH WTTH I.,..\BY-t.AWS. il. t2. .'A'i|-2S-OO r?.62 FEO]|. LAraD TrTLE tD= !'?O.l"G2eS{ PAGE S LIG h$cr No- CTE 2r*l?6lcrALlClll &r(HtrN0. W'F:t661?0 Sttrdoh B - ll In rllition tc thc rrncrr sC irfi is Frn I of 6ir $tfrodrtr, tlr dc lr Oc c*t rr i*nx. in r&o trnd &:trihrl rn rtftnqt tr il s@r A h s$i| n rfrc hlhoiry nrnds. if uy hc Sr*n, trur rhc Crnrpury imunrl firt dx licn rr c}er6e of rtr inrcd Dn3rjc rpoo srtl cnrk or iilccst is prior m nrh nrmcrs. NONF. 75 S. Frontagc Foad Vall, CO 81817 a nama: ?htvruA OtNLtct- = =p6,ilg56. A\ prt Eiu< .+Zg7 UAlt- C-D ?,b\U Prci€fjti l$:i'n;ott- CDt \)e2itcrJ Please make checke payabl€ b th€ Toltl'l{ OF VAIL t"7\t ttl I Receipt No. >UUYY Data Jt I t @u Account o. I hem o.C.de f Coit Each Total ffiaps 7A $s.00 ffiirs code - 1 9{17 - !o!gmE;! t!CB s0.95 ffirs Code - 1997 - Volu[!!?i57.20 fficooe-tsgz CB 36.00 @anicalcode-1998 CB $35.00 Oe -tggz $33.60 ool 00003141112 lUnifrm FireCod€CB sit8.00ffitCBsil7.00 3 BUs.'81992 $9.95m,a-tse!$10.00 lggz Uniform codeg s12.75 001 0000 314 '1112 lOther Code Books CB Ooi 066d3141211 letue PrinMrvtat copv Feg!BF $7.00ffixc$0.25 MS $40.00 MS 001 0000 315 3000 lPcnalty Fees/Fl+'lnspq!9lg PN ffiieck F€€ (g4o/per hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 lOff Hours Inspection Feqs OH s CL @onree SP s20.00 @,rrnlicationF€e SP @BoadFqqlPlqpgid)--DR ,O, L{/ ffiFes PN AD @tafrovt RL Fsr b co.DotR6/.661-ddd Tur of uail.001 000 | T HIST(FR f,ECEIFT **r IHIE: 2/el/B 0l flEtEIPT: ffi83{ ^^r;;^' ll€SCRlPTlOl 0n HilT lP 1I *==ffi #f;lSr$YIH'-f I fse'm rrlR tt( 001 000( ool ooo(;fi;n^r tIT 5a /H..DLYttl =+:* rBoff rEtf,rLuur uuut A nt fsa.m 001 0001 ooi-666i Detur ?/er/H TItc: t?:t?:3tn6i\n-ni lllTfl- 0€A f5e.mffi;o-i Htl{I IEIEflBl fs0.n 60l o66i 001 000, SA TP T7 MS PV $200.00 PV $200.00 PV s200.00 PV $500.00 PV $1,s00.00 PV $1,000.00 PV $200.00 PV PV $250.00 PV $250.00 PV $200.00 MS TOTAL:,4). OA Commonts: I rL-Df S\ / 6LENLt4ofniJ 42, / ca3h - lloney fr*f, - cher;k* :2 Fccdvedby: 6I- F.Everyorr/FqmalSdd.ere ?10/9e PgPT13r.Run Id: 353 90oo'ooP 01-Inspeclion Reqr|ert€d hs9oct Dde:' Asibptl To: hsoect6n Tvoc:ffiectlonAiba sfta Address: A/Pf9 hforrrdiqt Ac,tMty: E01-0008 Type: SELEC Const Twi: Occugancy: Paicel: 210312106012 Ouner ONEILL PAIRICIA Applca|l. EIG BEAR ELECTRIC, INC. Coi*rcdor. EIG BEAR ELECTRIC. lllO. D€srriFtlon: Intador corwarCon of bacKlxed spacc m. garagc Ro(ruOstod lfisooctlonls I ESItilE**'-' EtEC EO '385 WESTHAVE}I CR VAL.1385 WESTHAVEil CR Snb Tyo: ASrR Phone: 97S390-9221 Phonc: 97O390 9221 .S[at'$: Ingp Arca: t.ssljED EG !.m: R€quedor: Comm€nts: Assigned,To: Adron:lle Cornfira-f 5: /' lnsoectlon His{ory . TimG E)e: ln Par|t'l RooueCod Tkn6: 08:00 Aftl' Phone: 97G39G9221 Entcrcd By: CDAVIS K '(,a"'^(p{!hT^{ /{26-irIti'rfi: i10 ELEGT€mp. Powsr (Opiional) Itcnn: 12C ELEC Rouoh (ODtional) * ADDroved -.- 01/11f.Il Inspector: b! Ac'tion: Comments: intall oroundrno lumber in Dan€lItem: 130 ELEGConduit (Optional) It€m: 140 ELEC-Misc. (Oplionat) Iterii: ,|90 ELEC-Firral (Re'.fuiied) AP APPROVED o o tAflr/ + 14+ tnt' tonvorhen 4 tr4Y, ,'&/+- Lcgaldcscription:,Lot fl Block_Filingladrxs tfud Hzsru+nt hirt-z- ZONE CHECK Phonc Pbonc hoposcd usc Buildablc Existing . Proposcd Total $5"J Osncr Architcct Zonc disrict Lot sizr Total GRFA PrimaryGRFA - $'c Allorvcd ffi8 + 09V =_-lUg_ -+ (425) 6+n=-gyg : ScrondaryGRFA +(+zs)1ffi=j)191!_ffi(" * 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition?tJx Horv much .of tlc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd with this rcqucst? Sitc Covcragc 2{ /. Hcigbt lah (30x33) t'lo+s Sctbacks Landscaping RctainingWall Hcighs Parking Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay Complics rvitb TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than Z:l (50%) Enrironrn cn hllllazards (300) (600) (900).(1200) Front Sidcs Rcar .zu ,l s' l5' Minimum /tlt?o /34q7 ' 3't6' Rquircd 6-({4' Encloscd Pcrmitted Slopc % proposcd Slopc % Ycs- Nq Ycs- Nq Prclious conditions of approval (cbcck property filc).; ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dacribc: l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< > 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) (5 DESIGN REVIE}V CMCKLIST Projcct: -Q SURVEY Scalc Bcnchrnuk I . Lcgat dcscription i Lot Sizc Buildablc tuca Eascmcnts Topography l00yr. floodplain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmcn ta I Hazrrds Trees Utiliry Iocations Spot clcvations Q SITE PLA].I Scals Buitding Hcight Encroachmcnc Sctbacks Q FLooRPLANs Scalc GRFA 250 additionat GRFA CraM\Attic Spacc .c,n u Q BUILDINC ELEVATIONS Scale -:- ColorWatcrials Roofpitch Q LA}{DSCAPEPLAN Eisting bccs proposed trces Lcgcnd MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Titlc rcport (A & B) Utility vcrifi cation form Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Decl,s/Balconics Gange conncction __ . Sitc Gradc\Slopc Rchining IValls Fences Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (access and gradc) Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss Plotos ofsitc Building material samplcs C.O. Vcrilicati on Sun',Shadc Anglcs Utilities (undcrground) Vierv Corridors Varianccs Plat rcshictions Ur €1, (,,tat t^yt TOI{tf OF Vf,IL Id: AelPlSo K.Word ! Utre! I'..!: itRl4 OU2L/9A AcuiviEy Urin!.n nc. - In.pcctl,on Proccsl1ng NEtf (98'RiP/9,DUP) PBRMI P.ruiB no: 895-0263 tppllcrnt: BECK & attgocrATag, INc gtrEu.: FINIIJ Addr...: 13gS 9fEEtllAVEN CR DrPr.: PLINNTNG Div: h.pcction Its.o: 00533 Dcrcriptslon: PIJAN-TAI|P, C,/O lnaPaction -r*= TLuca ==-== Drts In.prcEor tcBion NoErgion Bcgin and Elpld EnEry No o3/2O/97 @ NO D.r,A RECEnIED 1 o1l21l98 CEORCE lppR DtA ttPROnBD 2 Enc.r option: AEAdd rn Entry F2lNcxc Ic.o SsrFlrst 12 Entrl.s Gchanga an Bntry F3'Pravloua IEau Egc-Rcturn to Iccu Li.c D-D€I.€. .n antry F{=!fcxc 12 Bngrl'rE llztllg - thi: *'reu-. s:re. *s euie.xre. oF Tc.o. qt 7/zo!y1- fJ'*^*e,-nt*t ft*^+-/u7 7.. REPT131 ag/e7/97 o8:34 R€OUESTS FOR INSFECTION WORK SINEETS FOR. S/A7/97;-------- Activityr 893-rAe63 A/e7/97 Type: B-BUILD $tatr"rs: ISSUED Constrr NSFR Adclress: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR Parcel r E1O3-1Et-05-Ole Descniption: NEl,l SFR Applicant: BECK & RSSOCIFITEST INC 0wner: O'NEILL PATRICIA Eontractor! BECK E ASSOCIATEST INC a TOI^'N OF VAIL-, COLORHDO ,-, trAGE AREft: LF. Occ: OEOT F,hone: 3t2r3949 18OO F,hone: F'hone: 3O3949 l8tZrO Use: V N Inspeet ion Req ue st Requestor: BRIAN Req Time: OSrOO It ens rreqr-rest ed t o ffi Infonmation..... Co m er ent E t C/Q be Inspected,.. Fhone: 39O-95O8 Act i on Comment s Ti me Exp clo Notesr fft{L DUI^JELS MUST BE IN EENTER OF l"lALL SE trT]RNER STELL MUST BE F.ULLED FROM FORM FOR CLEARANCE A4/3Q/96 Inspector: ED Action: AFF'R SLAB STEEL GRRAGE Notess ADD CHAIRS TU BRINB REBAR MAT I"JF.'RLSO BEND DOWELEi DUWN TO F.RT]VIDE F.RT]PER CBUERAGE ON CONCRETH Item: OCtSeO FLAN-ILC Site Flan A9/II196 Inspector: LAUREN 8ction: AFF'R ile appt'oved lcOrA(G Fru Item; 00510 driveway grade final IL / L4/96 Inspect or": LF' Item : 0AAIA BLDG-Foo! ings/5teel Iten : V0A?A ELD6-Foundat ion/5t eel t6/L9/95 Inspeetor: CD Iten: Item: Item: Action: AF'FR AFFROUED ACt i ON: AtrFIR TT]F. BARS N WALL SPREAD Iten r 40030 BLDG-Franing - Oq/lA/96 Inspector : CF 'Notes: pack out pt loads i Act i-on : AF'F R APF,ROVED stamped/si gned framing approval letter' stairs not to code mrlst be in complianee for co lat bracing on tnrrsses reqr-tit'ed lI/I?/96 Inspeetor"; CF Act iorf: NO eng framing AAOSla ELDG-Insulat i on AS/eF./96 Inspector': EG Act l,on: AF'trR AFFROUED 0006€t BlDB*Sheetroek Nai I lA/ft4/96 Inspeetor: EG Action: AFtrR AFtrROVED 'Zrcro7ra BLDG-M i sc, A7/3A/96 Inspector: EG Act j.on: AF'FR AFFROVEDg8/A5/26 Inspector: EG Action: ffF,trR AFFRtrVED @8/eLl96 Inspeeton: CF Action: FA west side & Q9/eA/96 Inspectorr EB f;ction: AFF'R AFFR0VED Ata8gra BLDG-Final AA533 F,LAN-TENF,. C/O A3/eQ/97 Inspector': CD OO53O BLDG-Temp. C/O oo53e pi^J-TEMp. c/o r.eport Fecev g+rage It em: Item: Item: Item: f,ct i bn : NO D. I. A RECEMD A3/L9/97 Inspeetgrr LF Action: AtrCR APF|ROVED/CORRECTION REOD NOTPS: 1) ASFHALi FATCH BACK INFR6IIff'I OF DRIVEI^JAY. E) CLEAN UP ALL OF R_O-I^I 3)RETIIT]VE OFFICE AND TOILET OUT OF R_O_I^I Lh Inspect i on Hi st ory. . . . . T *E.E b€ Ei€E€ iiiiis iE i$Eg ggEear , |l,.J tLIJ f.$ l,'n il^J ,il \ Td= '1J =; cUF-l 5" Fi , >. trJrzl- t- I c.rl\Ol Hc{l (Jol n|lEnl tsorl <Fal tu I z? =z E (fl & IA B z U 7. F-]j z o F'"urH Y;---<>x ?zz{.S< 3iz.)<r-, ''i- n i\ -\r/Fz'Yr2= lrJ r--Fq;tSz a\ k: \J-<,.F-tr2zu^ir.t \ --.,! e,{=t{F*Jae?:c4 I c.., ,.or zrrJ F- i-F s9=*1-F<!/o;{l--=> ,1-l-- l! i-Z.=<-)-,- EEsS - ' l.- !.1 .,.J itotJ T4 iJ.4 - -U -:, *t*t<_<F<X\Ji\/\- { r- :Z I:-Z\-:{:-y.>'| a- *' 11L'*=*'.^SYl-c<.<-r-rt!s= l-\//:- Ht-ai6. 'F+{L6 *of FR mF -.Fa .FL?aH -a.lJdF fH ;Fr.\ =vF -F{€F? El|e F\dlH{+a-a *FLIt{f\-F'v fH 11 AIrFldf-f .f-fH.fJtfrlf{A.g ,l t REPT I3I @8/e7 /97 Q7t4I REOUESTS TOt\tN OF VAIL' COLORADO FOR INStrECTION WORK SHEETS FOR: s/?7/97 PAGE AREA: CD Activity: F'96-0036 8/e7/97 Type: B-PLMB Addness: 1385 hIESTHAUEN CR Locat i on r Far^eel : E1O3-131-06-0le Descnipt ion: NEtl SFR PLUFIBINGApplicantr CUNtrEtrT MECHANICRLT INC Owner: Ut NEILL F,ATRICIA trontractor: CENCEFT MECHANICALT INC I$spect i on Request Informat i on. . {Requestorl BRIAN Req Timer Connentsr CF' Items requested to be Inspected. 60e9O FLfvlB-Final Statr-rs: ISSUED Eonstn: rASFR Occ: Use: F'hone: 97O949O€O0 Fhone: F,hone: g7rzr94g0E0o Fhoner 949-7486 39O-9SOE FILEASE CAL.L. NEED$ 1 HR NOTItr Aet i. on Comment s Time Exp Inspection History...,. It em r OOe10 PLlttB-UndergroundIten: OOpeO trLHB_Rough/D. t^t. U. A9/ lA/96 Inspector": CF Aet i on: AFFR WNTER TESTED CORRECT I^IHERE NEEDED I^IATER CLOSET DRAIN Action: AtrtrR gA trSI AIR TEST HEAD ABOVE THREASHOLD Action: AtrF'R SNOI^, MELT SOFSI nIR TEST Action: AFtrR snow nelt driveway Act i on : FA SN0I^,MELT DECKS Action: DN repait' leak into erawler Itenr Iten: Item: Item: Iten: .*' Notegr REGHECH TJASTE AND VENT HANGER SFANS MATN SIDE BnTH NEEDS F.RoF,ER GRADE ON 6Oe3A PLFIB-Rou gh./tlat er Aq / LA/,96 Inspeet or r CF NoteE: STEAIIIER NOT IN INSTALL @Ae4O FLMB-6as Piping 6A?34 trLFlB-trool /Hot Tub OOE6A FLIYIB-Mi sc. LL/@6/96 Inspector.: CF ll/15/96 Inspeetor: CFgI/IA/97 Inspector: DS 0lDeg0 trLlvlB-Final fa3/7A/97 Inspector : CF .:n I| .. REF.T131 TT]]IN trF VRIL, COLORADO Og/'e7/97 07=41 REAUESTS FOR IN$FECTION ]"IORK SHEETS FOR: g/'e7/97 F'RE}E ? AREA: CD Activityl Addr"ess: L.oeat i on: Pat'co I l Descnipt i on: Appl icant: Own er: Contract or: M96-AO3er g/'e7/97 Type: B-MECI{ $tatr-rs: ISSUED Constrt FISFR I3B5 IIESTHAUEN CR elra3-1el-rzt6-rzrtE MEtrHANICAL SFR STI]NE SHEETMENTAL O' NEILL PATRICIA STNNE SHEET]YIENTAL MECHANICAL MECHANICAL [Jce: Use l Fhone: BE7-5784 Fhone,' Fhone; 8€,7-47E4 Inspect i on Reque st Requestorr BRIAN Req Time: Itens requested to AO39O MECH-Final Infor'mation.... Conments: FLEAS be Inspected... Fhone: CALL 39tzr-g54e NEED Act i on Comment s 949-74e6 I HR NT]TICE Time Exp Inspect i on Histor"y..... Iten: E62AA MECH-Rot-tgh 09/IE/96 Inspeetor: CF Action: AtrFR AF'FROUED Itemr 6Ae4@ trLllB-Gas Fiping 69/\A/96 finspector: CF Action: AFFR ESFSI AIR TEST Item : CI03i0 MEQH-Heat ing A4/3fi/96 Inspector: CD Action: AtrFR IN FLOOR HERT Notesr ZONE t 6e trSl AIRTEST ZONE e 6er pSI AIRTEST 69/LA/96 Inspector"l CF Action: AF'FR AFFROVED -, It en : CIS38O lttECH-Exhaust HoodsIten: OO33O MECH-Supply Air Iten : Get34O t{ECH-Misc. IQ/A9/96 Inspector': DS Action: FA B-VENT SHAFT 5/8 ROCKED Item: 0O39Cr MECH-Final -\- A3/eq/97 Inspector: CF Action: DN vehicle barrier reqtd Noted.: replace hot and trold air reg + REPT T 31 TOWN OF VAIL, COLT]RADO AA/e7/97 67t4r REGUESTS FtrR INSFETTION tlloRR SHEETS FOR: g/e7/9V FRGE AREA: CD Aetivity: M96-O1O6 8/e7/97 Type: B-MECH Address: t385 TdESTHAVEN CR Locationr 13SS WESTHRVEN CIRCLE Fance I : 8163-181-06-Ale Descriptionr INSTALL GAS FIREtrLACES AND VENTING Appl icant: FIOUNTAIN STOVE WBRKS Owner: 0tNEILL PATRICIR Contractor: IIIOUNTAIN STUVE NORRS Statrrs r ISSUED Constr: NSFR Oecr Use: FOR NEI^' SFR F,hone : 485-1 I 19 (MUBIL Fhone: F,hone : 485-l I 19 (MOBIL Inspect ion Request Requestor: BRIAN Req Ti ne : Iteas requested to OO39O MECH-Final Infot'nation.,,.. Conrents: trLEASE CALL be Inspected. .. Act Inspection History..... Iten: ra6e40 trLMB-Gas Fipinq Item l OO31G ltlECH-Heat ing Itenl OO3eA MECH-ExhauEt HoodsIten: OCr330 lttEtrfi-Supply Air It en: oO34O MEL+t-Mi sc. A9/3A/96 Inspector.: CF Notes: sitting roon ao{ guest tO / Vte / 96 Inspect or : .f,-lF* Notes: damper rnust ltts renovedItenr OO39O MECH-Final a.l F'hone: 949-7436 394-9srae on Domment s Tine Exp Action: AFtrR room b-v entActionr AtrtrR by tco APF.RT]VED g r-rst E great tloors v '! r;llir .t . --,-,.*..-._".1\i[:..uu .{gxa.*g_.j . . .....--...._ i;r{il . - -_ drl',Fl a.it,?l)'I' lL?' -.,----.:- r.j' CHECK REQUEST pRupaRro nyl DATE: VENDORNUMBER: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE:CLEAN UP DDPOSIT REFUND FOR BP # NAME OF JOB: ACCOLJNTNUMBER: 0t 0000 22002 AMOUNTOFREFUND, # VSD. ua DATE APPROVED:0-7-q7 '\ APPROVALSICNETURN: [] THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this mth day ef 'arch . 19:L by 11d.1T9nS Beck and Associqtes:._rnc. (hereinafter called the .O"uetop=Jf,y, and the TOWNOF VAIL (hereinafter called the WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approvar of the o.r{eirr Residence ?,11t:j1l:1-**- letz, wishes to enter irito a DevelopFGprou"m"nt WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collaterat sufficient in thejudgment of the Town to make reasonabie prori.ion. for completion of certain improvementsset forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guaranlee performance ofthis Agreement, including construclion of the above-referenced improvements by means of thefollowing: Developer agrees to-gstablish a cash deposit with the Town of vail in a dollar amountot $js;azffi- (125% ot the total "o.i5r the work shown betow) to provide securityfor the following: a' such other dqgiols, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other mattersubmitted by.the Deveroper to be approved by any of the above-referencedgovernmenlal entities. All said work shall oe ione undor the inspection of, andto the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Buirding offi;iar, or ogrerofficial fronl the Town of Vail, as attected by special oiitrius or service districts,as their respective interest may appearr and shall not be deerned complete untilapproved and accepted as compreted by the Town of Vail communityDevelopment Department and pubtic WorXs Oepirtmrni- 2' To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, theDeveloper agrees to provide s-ecurity and collaterat as follows: CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Legal Delpdprign: Lor 5t Block _. suMivision bren tJon fifino oar"ot Exptr.toll T'" - Address' 1385 lfesthaven Circle - Uail Account Number: 0 I -0000-22026 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT Agreement; and IMPROVEMENT. l. Asphalt patch rhere driyemy Eets the str€et 2. Path at the courtyard leading to front entry 3. landscaping. $3so.oo $5,005.00 tu,gao.ob Total $20,341-00 Now' THEREFoRE, in consideration of the foilowing mutuar covenants andagreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: -/.4or.l;,,,, .1j,,""*;,':t":Xf.-'j^"1,:::]: "-9:fl9'Ip€nses, to rurnish al equipmenrqirg:"ilXrnecessary to perform and comprete ail improvement.,'on or'o"iorg" vYr.Y'r'e' : - " -" ..The Developer shail compreti, in a good workmanrike manner, arl Ilf^tTT::^Tl.l_".9 {ove, in accordanie *itn irrpans ario ipecirications fired in the I ol th.g communily Deveropment oepartmeni,ini ro*n oi vlir, "nJ to ao au workental thereto according to and in compliance with the lollowing: Page 1 ol 3 A cash deposit account in the amount of $:s*qzczs-- to be herd by the Town, asescrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above if there isa default under lhe Agreement by Developer. 3' The Developer rnay at any time substitute the collateral originally set forthabove for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithfulcompletion of those improvemenls referred to herein and the plrformance of the terms of thisAgreement' Such acceptance by the Town ol alternative collateral shall be at the Town,s solediscretion. 4. The Town.shail not, nor shail any officer or emproyee rhereof, be liabre orresponsible for any accident, loss or damage hippening or occuiring to the work specified inlhis Agreement prior to the completion and-acceptance of the sarne, nor shall the Town, norany oflicer o.r.employee thereol,.og..tignle for any persons or property injured by reason of thenature ot said work, but all ol said liabilities stralt ind are her'eby asiumea oy ine oevetoper. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of itsgfji::t:,,1s"nts .and .e.mproyees igainst any rosses, craims, damages, or riabirities to which the r own or any or lts otficers, 1Sgls or employees may become subject lo, insofar as any suchlosses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect tnereoijinaiirise out of or arebased upon any performance.by the Developer hereunder; and thl Developer shall reimbursethe Town for any and ail regar or other expenses reasonabry incurred by the Town inconnection with investigating or delending any such loss, cliim, damagL, ti"oitity or action.This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Devetoper mayhave. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Townshall authorize for partial release of the collateral dlpositei r,,iiinine Town for each categoryof improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with allplans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under nocondition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be red'uced below the amountnecessary to complete such improvements. 6' lf the Town determines that any of the improvements conternplated herein arenot,constructed in compliance with the plans ind specifications set forth heiein by the date settorth in paragraph 2, the Town may, bui shall not be required to, withdiaw from the cashdeposit such funds as may be nec-essary td complete the unfinished imfrovements. TheTown shall release such funds upon the written request of the staff of the communityDevelopment Department stating that the improvements have not been completed as requiredby the agreement. The Town shall not require the concurence of the.devetoper prior to therelease of the funds, nor shail the Town be required to verify independenily that theimprovements have not been completed as required by this Agreement, but shall release suchfunds solery upon the request of the community Deveropmenio"parrm"nt. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess,together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property andmg.y be collected by civil suit or may bs certitied to the treasurer or Eigl; county to becollected in the same mann-er as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lfthe permit holder fails or refuses. to. complete the cleanup and landsciiing, ". defined in thischapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violafion of the Zoning cooe. 7 ' The Developer warranls all work and material for a period ol one year afteracceptance of all work refened lo in this Agreement by the Town irrsuint to section17'16'250 if such work is located on Townif Vail proferf or rirtrin rown of Vait right-of-way. time to time, provided that such amenomlnG be in writing aio "xecuieJ'by attparties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Page 2 of 3 a_ STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE uPdn.d g28oa STATE OFCOLORADO ) couNTY OF EAGLE iss' .,^ The foregoing Developer lmprovement4) dayot alr*zr.h .191frby__. My commission expires: Witness my hand and official seal. My commissi on "*eir"",W, Beck and Associat€s, Inc. JlZ,!ffi|n n' * Yr wr ou e m WAsr e Tel w 6 acknowt*,sed bet orc me th' s . Wtness my hand and official seal. before me lhis Page 3 ol 3 9?44?9t93L EECK 8 ASSOC. BRIRN 8.4L PA3 NAR 19 '9? LL?42 THE GARDEN CENTER OF EAGLE.VAIL o dMi;;;f Mofthews {r Associotes LondsCoping, Inc. Londscope fuchileaure ond Construction Dox 3567 . vorl. Colorodo 8t658 U.s.A. e (3Og) 9a9-5077 . (C03) 9a9.5079 tAX March t8, 1997 b,qO.eE} Beck & Associatcs PO Box 4030 Vail, Colorado 81658 Rc; Landscape Installation ut The O'Neill Rssidence. Dcar Stcvc: Thank you tirr calting Murthcws & Assrrciates with your landscupe-neecls at tl'tc O'neill Rcsidsncc. We iplrrcciate the ripportunity ro help create a llndscape wliich will bring added value and aesthetics to your projcct. Matthews & Associatcs is u Landscupe Architecturc design/huild fim.-speciglriling in rcsidential un,l Cn.mcr"ial landscape constructit'ln. In addition trl o[r dcsignAruild_capabilities wc alstt have irrigltion ancl mainrenanie divisions, dong with The Garden Centcr of Eagle-Vail, a rctail gudcn cenier. Thc.sc divisions allow Matthews & Associutes to be a full service landscape comPany. Enclgscd is irn estinrate und landscupc rllutcriill takc-off fbr plant installation acc'ording l() the lanclscape plan prcparcd by Piper Architects (see anached). This estimate takcs into account the follrtwing considerations: o It is assurncd lhar rhc supplied srade will be within l/10 of a tbut of the desired finish grarlc. lf any glacling unci/'or topioil arc needed. they will be supplied at time & matcrials rates. An irrigation system will havc ro be installed according to desired cov:rage, il inigation plan and moreipecific e.stimate can be givcn, if we are awarded the job. Sec attached additional budgen. Grading/Topsoil Inigation System (Sod and native areirs) We rnay need erosion blanket on steeP arcas. Pleeue call with any quutions. The estimated <:ost te install the uhove plunt Hunclred Eighty Six DoUars). Additional l3udgets ichard T. Muthcws President enc. nuteriul is $14,9t16.00 (Fourreen Tlto*';und Nine $2s00.00 $5200.00 This zsllfial.wlll renain in ctlcat tor 30 dats. B EXCAVATING.C. P.O. Box 2{9 Vail, CO 81658 * (970) 926-33l1"Fax (970) AGREENIENT 926-2341 TO: Beck & Associates PO Box 4030 Vail, Co 81658 ATTN: Brian, pager 949-7426 Print Name and Title Date: DATE: JOB NAME: LOCATION: March 18, 1997 1385 WestHaven Ci Vail Colorado For your consideration we offer the following quolation which if accepted shall constitute a contrac{ between us: SCOPE OF WORK: 1. Saw cut edges around area to be patched. 2. Remove excess material to depth of 4 inches and replace with new @mpacted asphalt in the following area (s). Approximately (30'1) at the end of the driveway. Cost $350.00 4" asphalt depth or less An additional $ .90 per sq. ft. will be charged for each 1' asphalt depth in excess of 4'. PAYMENT: Please sign in the space provided and retum to B & B Excavating. This projectwill be scheduled upon acceptance ofthis agreement by B & B Excavating, Inc. A signecl copy will be forurarded to you for your files. ACCEPTANCE: FOR: BY: B & B EXCAVATING,INC. Signature Authorized Signature Date: i/tr/zz Estimator The subcontractor will be required to zupply an original Liability and Worker's Compensation Certilicate of Insurance before any work is performed on the job. (This requirement applies to Sole koprietors and Partnerships as well). The subcontractor shall have Liability coyerage fs1 2 minimum of $500,000.00 and Beck and Associates should be listed as a Certificate Holder. If the subcontractor does not carry one or both of these insurances, Beck and Associates will insure you and the premium may be deducted from your invoice(s). No pa]'ments will be made 'nless current insurance certificates are ou file with Beck and Associates. The zubcontractor shall indicate in his proposal the length of time to complete work in the following categories: 1. Stone The subcontractor shall assign separate values for the following categories of work: 1. Stairs from garage 2. Path (sandseUsod in-fill) 95og5,oo 3. Entry step [-td,o Total Price The subcontractor shall provide quantities for the following items: Exterior Stone G kO sq. n lo da,.s -_J u6ro' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArI,, co 81657 97o-479-2L38 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALI., TIMES Permi.t #: M95-0106 Job Address...: 1385 WESTHAVEN 9l- ;;";i;: . . . . . : 1385 wESTHAVEN cIRcLE ;;;;;i N"..... : 2103-L2L-06-ot2 Pi"j""t Number: PRJ96-0123 APPIJICANT MOUNTAIN STOVE WORKS P.O. BOX 1196, STLVERTHORNE', CONTRACTOR MOUNTAIN STOVE WORKS P.O. BOX 1196, STLVERTIIoRNE' Statu8. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED o7 /24/Lge608/2t/L9e6 02/t7 /tee? DescriPtion: INSTAIL GAS FIREPLACES Firlptacc tnformation: Restricted: Y -FEE.SUI'lilARY Valuation: AND VENTING FOR NEW SFR #0f Gas ApPtiances:1 Uof 6as Logs: 3 Phone: 485-1119(MOBIL Phone:485-1119(MOBIL 6,729 .50 fof Uood/P8l' tet i OWNER tlechani cat--> Ptan Check--> Invlsti gat ion> tli l.L Cat t----> O'NEILL PATRICIA 710 THALIA ST, LAGUNA BEACH Rcatuarant Plan RlvieY--> DRB FrF---_-- TOTAL FEES------ co 80498 co 80498 cA 92551 .00 .00 178. S Total, catcutated tees---> Additional, f ecs---> Totat Pcrnit f ce---) Pgvnents------ BA'LAHCE oue--------> *t*tt*********i* 140.00 35.00 .00 3.00 178.00 .00 17E.00 178.00 .@ iiHY,tzti'.z BUILDING-DEPARTMFNT Dept: BUILDING Division: .g+*El"orrtiffiE$i T:: :T*'" ooBlB.: FrRE Division: CHARLIE ACEron: A-HrK N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL i'Hi*siBiiiifl **:hii#gt"ffiifi ',q$srafi grEiryi:lii:"$:il:' i:ttfwHt$#L$Ftr:iH;:r[relff EirgiriiituH:txls EEIE iieHlnnE:ElE i, ffii : HE#inHiqE[tils:"*tg;HEH[ffi -F se# iu'*i;*'t ?H!:8i,HfiE;t?Ht:tuH:r'i3'e6'tib' FoR FTREPLAcE rNsrALLATroN oNLY 9 AND 5. TH *****!t************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS thcrcbyacknoxLedgcthrtlhlvcreadthisaPPtication,fittcdoutinful'ttheinfotEtionrcquired'co4tetcd!nrccurltcptot pten, and ltatc that .tr .i."iiio.*iion p.ouia"O ". r.quirJ-i, correct. .l .gtt"-t;-ioilfi-Jith iitt infornation lnd ptot Ptsn' to co+l.y vith atI r*" ..ii^"".1""Lri-".'".i. t"*", .and io buiLd this structurc "ttoiiiig'i; thc iovn'a-zming and subdivislon codcs, design ,.ui., "pp.oJil"uiirlll zuiiJittg coot "ni-oii"t ordinanccs of thc ToUn appticabte th:neto' REquEsrs r.R ,{spEcrtoNs srALL BE nA'E TUEilTy-torrR HguRs rN ADvNcE By rELEpHor{E AT 479-213g oR AT ot,R oFtrcE FRoll 8300 A'' 5:m P[ SIG ATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIIIIER ****************************************************************li3 -! ^--.F TowN oF VArL, coLoRADO Statennt i:ll -;;. ;fi ;l -;;;; -. * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * **** * * * ** ** * * - l^. t^z r a.alE Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0187 Amount:-p.y*""t Method: CHECK Notation: 665 178.00 08/2L/96 11:25rnit: AI.,M Permit No! Parcel No: Site Address: Location: Thie Paynent M96-0106 TlPe: B-MECH 2103-121-0 6-012 1385 WESTHAVEN CR 1385 WESTHAVEN CIRCLE MECI{ANICAL PERMIT **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 41332 o1 0000 41336 Total FeeE! 178.00 Total Al,L Pmts: Balance: DescriPtion MECHANICAI, PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE 178.00 178.00 .00 5 .00 3.00 llmount 140.00 55. .00 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArrJ, COLORADO Statetnnt ***************il****************************************!t*****!r* Statemnt Number: REC-0209 Amount:25.00 oe/2?/96 Loz47rnit: cDPalrment Method: CK Notation: *771 Pennit No: Parcel No:Site Address: IJocation: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 Total Fees:25.00 Total ALL Pnts; Balanee: Description MECIIANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES M96-0106 llpe: B-UECH MECAANICAT, PERMTT 2103-121-0 6-OL2 1385 WESTIIAVEN CR 1385 VIESTTIAVEN CIRCTE *********************!t*****************************!r************ 203.00 203.00 .00 Anount 20.00 s. 00 i:|;; '''.:. .'l ,iii ,$r ... \\\ t\ TOUIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descri-ption: TNSTALL GAS FIREPLACES Fi reptace Infornation: Restricted: Y Ptan Check---> 40.00 DRB DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitMECHANICAL PERMIT Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. AT ALL TIMES M9 6-010 6 Job Address...: 1385 I{ESTHAVEN CRLocation : 1385 WESTHAVEN CIRCLE Parcel No..... : 2103-1,2L-O6-012Project Number: PRJ96-0123 ISSUED o7 /24/tee6 08 /2r /tee 6 02/r7 /Lee7 MOUNTAIN STOVE WORKS P.O. BOX LL96, SILVERTHORNE, MOUNTAIN STOVE WORKS P.O. BOX LL96, STLVERTHORNE, O'NEIL,,L PATRICIA 710 THALIA ST, LAGUNA BEACH co 80498 co 80498 cA 92651 Valuation: #Of Gas Logs: 3 Phone: 485-1119(MOBIL Phone:485-1119(MOBIL 7 ,779.50 #of Uood/Pa l, Let: ffiffi****ffi***.}***#*ffi**FEEsut'lt.|ARYffiffi***ffi********#**lrJr**ffi**ffi tlechani ca [--->160.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> AND VENTING FOR NEW SFR #Of Gas Appl,iances: ? .00 .00 203.00 TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> Total Permit Fee-------->Invest i gation> UitL cal. L----> .00 3.00 205.00 .00 203.00 178.00 25.m*****************ffiffiffiffi**ffi**#**Hir*ffir**ffi***************************S*ffi*fffi*Jr*ir/rffilr*ffiB lJ^NcE DUE-----> DepI: FIRE Division: Item: .O51OO BUILDING DE 07 /24/1996 CHARLTE ActItEm:' 05600 FIRE DEPART DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItEm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT07/24/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. gqUBqSTION AIR JS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 IJMC.3. TNSTALT,ATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TNSTRUCTTONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 r'MC.4. Gn'S APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND, SBAI,I, TEBMINATE 4S SPECIFTED rN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMpLy W1TH SEe.SOS-ello703 0F THE 199L nMC;6. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR FIREPLACE INSTALLATION ONLY ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I havc rcad this aPPtication/ fitted out in ful,t thr information required, conpl.etcd an accurat. ptot Ptan, and state that atl the informati-on provided as required.is correct. I agree to comp Ly rrith the information and pl,ot pl.an,to comPl'y vith al'l' Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according io the Tonn's zoning and subdjvisioncodes, design revieu approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabLe thereto. R€QUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TiIENTY-FOUR HoURS rN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-A3A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROit B:OO Ail 5:@ pr oo OurBkroP n/LusT -)- , ?\1Y4- t 4., ttY u7I(Jt lL-D/- fu* bp.r,arelrtun ; o*gn Review Action roil TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Date Project Name: Building Name: Prolect Description: owner,Addres."nornon", fr-ff ,f ,.'r.-, O'nriL( , ArchitecVcontact, Address and Phone: lE Legal Description: Lot 5t Block- gr66;M"bn 4 [e.rt L, ttr\.^- . Zone District projectstreerAdor.""t I4)€, VJ(*YvrVpu, . L,t*'c V--" Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: I Approval tr Disapproval \starnoorovat/ colonion.' Town Planner -* DRBFeePre-paidtzo 'oO ;ZJ '*, ?>--l,ln 1l- l' 7T"v o a _) Op _C ao L_ c) o_o ou)NII6\t otI(9oo xo {NoN Io{oIa)o(o oNI € oIto o oo c o o oIoo x oo E 5 J oo 0 o o oo ato\t I Vo ouKur, \21 trprr w\dw'- Lr4.96 Louren Woterton Deportment of Community Development Town of Voil 75S. Frontoge Rood, West. Voil. CO 81657 Re: O'NeillResidence 1385 Westhoven Circle Louren: On beholf of my cllent, I request your reMew ond conslderotions for revNon to the opproved plons doted 8.21.95. The occomponylng drowlng Indicoies the loterol extension of o bolcony deck completely ocros the inset on the north elevotlon. Additionolly, the window configurotion hos been odjusted to ollow for interior chonges. The door grouptng hos be deleted becouse of o conflict with o both vonity ond woter closet. I might odd thot the mentioned lnterior chonges were submitted to you on 6.24.96 ond the GRFA implicotion of this chonge hos olreody been oddressed. The visuol impocts of this design chonge ore minimol. Pleoe glve to on oction ot stoff level. Bill Anderson, Beck ond Asociotes Sincerely; rl loo- a 8"* | r-" Lo\'tu(€t^- T3tzc"- '-sg ,.ilJ' ,ffi1 ? J -tt'V ril\5 , 1 t'. 1- r*to$ / ( 'l-,--*, >-J \.--:.,- JJO j"o r'tt flce PERUIT APPIICAIION FORI' a AppIJrelTroN DtusT BE FIIJ/ED OUT COuPLEIEITY [ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * ** pElurrr r'FoR'tarrl "rllnoF vArL corstnucslil{ ffitpm Ph. Ph. [ ]-Building I 1-plr'rnhing [ 1-Electrlcal tX]_uecfranii Job Name:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Oh.)il Architect: Block rtllng Address: Address: ceneral Description: work class: r[:-new t ]-Alteration t r-Additional [ ]-Repaj-r [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: I Nunber of AcconnodatLon Units: ntnr"r "u *"* ::. :::::.iffi .xtr .iffiffi** :::. :::*.::::f:l::;.;f*i************ OTTIER: $ Electrical Contractor:Address: Town of Vail Phone Number: BUU,DTNG: EI.EqTRTCAL: PLUMBTNG:ItrrvuDr.rrri; I I.IECHANf /f * * ** * * ** * * * * !r * * * * ** ****** ** CONIRA7 general Contractorr R.,. I | ^?-^-r;ffi:3:, contracto"'Town of Vail Reg. NO.lr-?_ APhone Nunber: Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: * ** * ***** * ****** ****** ***** TOTA!:- *************i***********ii*id*i'i"fr"6i{sic1 usE *******************************BUTLDTNG PERMTT TEE:PLWBING PERMTT FEE: BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: !,lEcrIANrcAr, pERr,lIr FEE: - PutltBrNG Pral{- cHEcK FEEs ET,ECTRTCAL FEE: t{EcttN{ICe'L pra:l CHSCk FEE: _ OTIIER TYPE OF EEE' RECRE'ATTON FEE: DRB FEEs TOTAL PERIIIIT EEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATTIRE: Plunbing Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. *:l::::.t f;ynfra3tor: ..zlau4fqrh sfct.te u,_vfVtaae;;=Zl' 3i3-"f,.Y111.*".s..^ro_.J13!.'-.--^ rtto .>tr,ur-traerne ca. 9449F phone Number: aazaTr*r*..Da.. -^?*:if-:t . /?.+? trreef t;/uutr.il- CI.EAI TP I'EPOSIT NEFI'ID fl': luwn TO: EROM: DAIE: su&rEqt: 75 touth tront ge aord v.ll, solo..do 61657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 oftlc. of communlly dcucloprncnl AI.T, CONTRACIORS CT'RREI{TLYI, REGISBERED WIITT TIIEIO9W OF VAIL TOLN OF VArL puBLIC WORKS/CO}|MI'NITY DEVEIOPITENT uaRcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqTTON PARKTNG & UATERTA& STORAGE rn sunnaly, ordinance No. 6 states tbat it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or aeposi!^""v-r"irl-rJJi, sand, debrisor naterial, inctudi:t__aT:l-t-ipster_=, poft,able toilets and.worknen vehictes. upon any streetl siaewair,;ii;y or publicglii"=::":l3 #f,in tr,.i"";:--rt" rishi;i_;;-i, alr rown orrhi: ;;ai;;;. ;fi"s! ::d:1il":#*ll'"f{i*"n":F*i, "' Pubric rrorks o""artnent. --iJi!in= touna .,riirr.tirrs this ordinancewitt be siven a-24 houi "ritil;';oai;; t;-;:;;;:'."i.d nateriar.rn the event the person so notified.ao"=-nir-Iiiprv with thenotice within the 24 hour tii"-!p""ified, ttre puf,ric rilorksDeparrnent wilr ""ror"-=lii-fltli-i"r _ii-irrJ';"n!i"" of personnotified. The provi=i"""-Jr-ifis orainance shiu nor beappricable to c-onstruction, -""i"i311?" gr repair projecrs ofany street or alley "r iny'"tiii?.", j.n the right_a_way. -To.review Ordinance No. 6 inVail BuiLding Depar:tnent tocooperation on this natter. _|.1+, please stop by theoDEaLn a copy. fhanX you Town offor your acknowledged by: ,J;-6"k 7- as -74 ProjeE(i.e. contractor, owner) lnun 75 routh frontrg. .ord Ell, colorrdo !n667(3o3, 479-2138 or 419-2L39 offlcc ol communlty dcvclopmcnt BUILDING PERFIIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FRAITE If this penni.t ."Cuj:::_? IgIl of Vait Fire Depar_tnent Appr.oval ,Ensineerss (Publii p$l ""vLn ani'ipprou.i,-i iiiiiii'rif iepartmentrev I ew or Hea r th Depa rtnint. review, -a;i -a. r"niei Lv-tii""duir oi nsl:rilg:';:"lll "r.t*ted time ror'u-tutar ""riir-il.v,.L[!.as rons A'll connerciar frarge or smail) and ar'r murti-family permits wiilhave to folrow dtre iuove ;";ii6"il;xirum "equirsnents. Residentialand small projects shourd Gk;-;-ie;;li'uround or iire.' ttowever, irresidential or smat ler.,projecir-iri,iiii' the various above mentioneddepartments with regard' to-necessaiy-review, these projecis: nayalso take the three'week period. Every attempt wil'r be made by this department to expedite thispermi't aS SOOn aS pOSSible. - s"E'." r'v t^PEsrre EI i;.*!i undersigned, understand the p.tan check procedure and time Coal/bel-efe( + AsJdc, Datellffi Cormunity Deve'lonment Department. I MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUTRED TO: FROM: DATE: BE: JobName: Ot , :/' 2c.. Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a .public Way permlt : ls lhis a new residgnce? ls demolition work being perlormed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than exisfiing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Bevocable Right CI Way permit- required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES K NO 1) 2) s) 4) s) 6) X K K v K {7l 8) )C B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staglng or fencing plan required by Community Development? It-r91a19yer9d yes to any oflhese questions, a'Public way permit. must be obtained.?ublic way_ permit' appricationl miy be obtained a $re'pubric woft's ofrice or alc9.9Ltu1tttr Devetopment. Jlyoq h.ave any_questions pt-ase "arr Crt"rrie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-215g.' I have read and answered allthe above questions. O'rt.i. Job Name =-9av-* c,_. I1-vLc/.1 Contractor's Signature 7-as-76 Topn 6r rlail talvl \-tvl :rY,+1, '/6/- ':"tl "z-.€t-U -6+ | -S rarra c.^ilq-i /--*f tt^' DI$DB O?CNAstst ltc"Fl. ct?.8D. OPEN v] TERRACE I: 'tur -:-\ I tl?, t I + st + frr#rz q)rar, ,4o|,/-ril tdu.4. o^rp)qt-vYtt Yl I I I I l!%S &-I I I I .l I I I Ir!I | "-' l"--- )_ -[ N*- 4e1F \ \ TJBRABY----Tllv I calB(i :t8l/E^ts I BBT-0 I rl I ll|Il- O-JU HEU I U ' JL'.r a. uEvA q ndrr)w tn tLs )*/ l'-c It I-' 1-- I I -T TBNACts ftr/pf40rb,A*,6lF4?^4 L. a ,'' t',, 't .r t.f { 7/ c-|. a t. coNsE8,YA$lnY tMn /v.4.ov2 6 $, Y , ,l ..--Na-i<4nw?+rt\tl /4%tPffirbII --lf- fl d'ar ),n sp_s//,( cudr ' 26'-':"f '\rs\EAfs i -"Iii1,I I tup)4gv116o L-!--Yf 2fr-J -y ( tlnll- o-vo l{Eu t0.JJ Raryrnrohlo Jb' -iu) t/ b { weuw i-nq /"'r Dl,t I\ & fDJUUln|EOlr'-r t-6. rNA NU. JUJU'IUUJ I O o -1-.-.-l \ lr n,-Jr- ,,Atnn I j\" y LotAO CVryt--r,rr-r".-- Gign ReviewAction rln TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbef z /-- /q/o^t" 6/ ?J / ,, erolectttame: d'Lie' I ?.'.-o,- /Se"",n/anA np,.rls,'.",.,q Building Name: Project Description: owner,Addressanaenone:P"-* r:.,- O t rttr,,l 13o+ ? 3 lo S^,--,^ T?e^.1'(4 9"(1 z ArchitecVContact,AddressandPhone: L\\^a^4 K{x/ q6 ,€ /5e4ff., c.zr+ 75/t4 bt< 2) Auo^s ra ?,/( z o ?z? ' ?o>z LegatDescription'uot 6/ elock / suoaivision 6/e.r- /g* ZoneDistrict €fu! Project street Aoor".", / I 8 5 L,.Je*{ l'tow ^ ('.Jo t / tj,1 dlan6z iS AoAi. COt A4 ,/z/ '* .l'(0 rr,,..C.f,[. , Motion by: Board@ Vote: Seconded by: {Rpprovat a Disapproval ! StaffApproval conditions: ru..Jt s't^ r{.,.r.,0 Fh^* \Q. d^'lJ,\ AyJn-t- Town Planner Date: {'17:76 $nnY- DRB Fee Prc-paid ' o<u ^-. imary (+,{l ,.^.L. .*s1,.^.{,.o- @ *r,'rr\- Iteiqhr (],ot(9 s> BUTI,DABI.,E I,OT AREA All-owed Existinq ProDoscd TotaL . I ZONE CHECK - 'FoRSingle Family Residence, DupLex, Pr. ?-ONE DISTRICTS //tDATE: 6 /.? /?{ I I/Secondary IJEGAI, DESCRIPTION: LOL 5r Block TTDDRESS: OWNDR ARCI{ITECT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE TOTA1 GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA seLbacks "77- 2at/ zoNE Disrlyasr 4 4 -/ ?//< t4,ttl w ?s 836, ^/Zoa'l SiLe Coverage Landscaping Rcuaining Wall Parking Carage CrediL Drivc: FronL Sides Rear 25 % Compl-ies wi.th T.O.V. WaLer Course SeLback 7t'777 ?t ----j- 5 Do Finish Grades Exceed Environmen Lal/Hazards : View Corridor EncroachmenL : h--- !!-i -trt-ri=D Lllt.> ltow nuch Previous a) snow Avalanche .4) O b) nockfallc) Debris lrlow 13o wetlands No No.D< requesL invoive a 250 ri<iriiLion?of the allowed 250 Addition is used wiLh this condibions of approval (check properLy fite): rcguesE?-19- u'' subdivisi on 6lc^' L-Jo- PTIONE PI{ONE {ot g 4?So 5,/ -{8a + 425 =_z 7qa_ 4,'/4o/ 5/ 1 /78 + 425 =3J9A_ <H, 20' 15', 15' 7 alr 2 az3 {aZ '*.,-//, f zo t3,. 2? 7 lleights 3'/6' > Reqrd (3oo) (6oo)(@xrzool PermiLLcd Slope t Proposed Lighting Ordinance Yes ( (30 2zL (50t) 1) 2l 3) 4) Yes Plood Plain ,a,2 o PercenL Slope (< > 3Ot) GeoJ.ogic uazards _c<- YES NO J uncl SLope qt No 10 6.26.96 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Torn of Voll Deportment of Gommunlty Devellpmenl FROM: Plper / Archltecture, Ltd. Box 5560 Avon,CO 81620 RE: O'NEILL Reskbnce SENDNG: 2 eoch of 2 orchlteclurolsheets rrdth floor plors ond drorlngs for revbfrcn (dote 6.1.96) to O'l'.|e$l re*lence. Check b,r S20.$ to Town of Voll for revlew process. Heoso contoct me wlth ony questkrns you mcry hore. n -t.a :)r\ a\jz _C Yo \o o_o ooc{I Ioso Io o x o i o Io{o Iot\o oNI o oo o o o oi o o o0oo x oo TJ -to .Yoo 0 o ooo don 6.24.96 Deportment of Community Development Town of Voil 75 S. Frontoge Rood . West. Voil. CO 81657 Re: O'NeillResidence I385 Westhoven Circle Stoff: On beholf of my client, I request your review ond considerotions for revision to the opproved plons doted 8.21.95, The occomponylng drowings indicote the specific revision to invoMe the oddition of o bedroom on the upper level of the moin house ond the deletion of the conservofory on the moin level, In ploce of the conservotory, plons show on open gozebo of smoller slze. In terms of the Gross Resldentiol Floor Areo, the totol project ls stlll In conformonce. Pleose note the following oreo summory: Allowoble GRFA 5.M8 s.f. Actuol GRFA (originol plons) 4,980 s,f. Additionoloreo in revision 257 s.t. ti4 Reductlon in oreo (deletion of conservotory) 19l s.l. no Revised GRFA 5. 046 s.f. 6 arq_, Pleose note the only exterior design chonge to be o slightly smoller outbuikling element ond o higher opoque wolloround the librory terroce. The visuol impocts of thh design chonge ore minimol. Pleose 6jve considerotion to on oction of stotf level. BillAndenon, Beck ond Asociotes TOWN OF VAIIJ ?5 S. FRONTAGE.ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLI'MBING PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pennit #: P96-0036 Job Address: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR Location. . . : Parcel No.. : 2103-121-06:012 Project No. : PRJ95-0I79 Status...: ISSUED Applied. .t 04/24/L996 risued..,z oa/26/L996 E:rpires. . : L0/23/1996 APPLICAIIT CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC Phonel 9709490200 41348 U.S. HWY 6 & 24 WEST, BLDG E, ttNrT 4, AVON, 99 q1!20 CONTRACToR coNcEPT MECHANICAL, INc Phone z 9709490200 41348U.S.HWr5&24WESTTBLDGE'ttNrT4rAVON'co81620OWNER O'NEIIL PATRICIA 710 THALTA ST, LAGITNA BEACH CA 92651 Description: NEW SFR PLI'MBING Valuation:27,000.00 FEE SU IIARY Plumbing--> 4O5.m Rcatulrlnt Ptan R!vica-> .OO Tot!! Crlcutrtrd Fees-> 5@ '25 Pf.an ch.ck--> 1V1.25 ToTAL FEES--- tnvcstigltion> .m Tota I' Prrmit Fce----) 5O9 '25 ui L t clt !-> 3.9p Pty.$t!--- 5o9 '25 gAi,AHce oue-> -00 Iten: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/24/t996 DAr{ Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ ****i*r*r**rr* DECLARATIONS t hereby ackmnt cdgc thlt t hrvc rcld thig.pptication, fittcd out in ful,t the inforration requi ncd., colptctcd.an lccufltc ptot ptan, a'nd state thit .t[ thc infor]ation pfovidcd as rcquircd is corrcct. I.gfcc to.conpl.y riith ttre ill?itti:t! lnd.ptot.P[tn, i;-;;"eat riitr at[ iorn ordinanccg and etat. lavs, and io Uu;tO this structurc-according tothc Tovn's roning md subdivigion codrs,'disign revian approvad, Uniforr Bui tding Cirde and oth.r ofdinlnclt ol thc Tosn rPPtic!bl'. thcrcto. REOUESIS TOR I}ISPECTIOI{S SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOI,RS III AOVANCE BY o ****************************************************************o+ - + arntr fStatemnt TowN oF VAIL, goLoRADoTI).:I" Itill.IiiiXf * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t t.\z l^a ,1O. AA Statennt Number: REc-0127 Amount:-p"Vr.""t Method: cHEcK Notation: -\?-?-:-2 s09.25 04/26/96 08:44 Init: LRD Permit No: Parcel lto: Site Address: This Payment P96-0036 rlT)e: B-PLMB 2LO3-L2L-06-0L2 1385 WESTHAVEN CR PI,U}TBING PERMIT **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 o1 0000 41336 Total Fees: 5Og.25 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: DescriPtion PI,IJMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE 509.25 509,25 .00 Anount 405.00 101.2s 3. 00 o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAII, ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 Job Address...: Location......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAT PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL rIMES Permit *: M95-0030 1385 WESTHAVEN CR 2L03-l2L-06-012 PRJ95-0179 Status...: ISSUED Applied. .z 04/24/t996 risued. ..2 0a/26/t996 Expires..: Lo/23/L996 APPLICANT STONE SHEEI'I{ENTAL MECIIANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION CONTRACTOR STONE SHEETMENTAL MECIIANICAI, 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTTON OWNER O'NEILL, PATRICIA 710 THALIA ST, LAGT]NA BEACH CA Description: MECHANICAL SFR Fi ncptrcr lnfortation: Rrstri cted:#0f Gas Applirnces: co 81501 co 81501 926sL Phone:827-5724 Phone:827-5724 Va.l.uation: flOf G!3 Log3: 15, 000.00 fof tlood/P!tt.t: tEE SUI'lliAnY il****t*******i llechmiclt--> 500.m R$tusf.nt Ptan Rcvicr-) .OO Tota t Crtcutatrd f4s-> 37E' 00 ptan Check-> 75.oo 969 p..---------1, .m Additionlt Fccs-) '0o tnvestigstioD .m TOTAL FEES-----> 37E.m iota t Pcrrit Fsc--) 378'00 tJi tt catt--> 3.m Paynents-------) 37E'CX' eAil1ce oug---> .00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARI!,IENTo4/24/L996 DAt{ Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divieion: CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEqS T-'9R_g9DE-qQMP_I]IANCE.2. t6[6usii6N-AiR-i5 irEouinED-DEn Ssc. -60?_qF-3uE 1991 llxc.--- 3 : iFSidlili I oN-iiuSi LSilFOFtfr- to-l.ieruFaciuRg S - INsrRUcr IoNs ANDf0 appeNorx cHAPTER 21 oF THE 1991 ttMc. -a . eXs' aFFi:liiice S- -sfr 5,ilL- ee - irE NrEo -AeeonD t tge, To-qEae TE B 9- -AND" Sii[r-1,-tEniljtlEie-[i'r5peerrrED-rN SEC.99-6- ,o-E-IHE 1e9l-ul-t9--. s . IFCESs --ro'-E-s:iiIHG-e00 rFfrENt-udSr-eOupr.,v wrtn sEc . s 0 5 AND 703 0F THE 1991 ul'Ic.o. 6dllEi.s-5nel,i-Ee-i'iduNteo oN FtooRs oF NqNcQ!'IggsrrBLE coNsr'-. UNLESIi-III]TED FOR -M6UNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATlONS t hepcby lcknovtedgc thlt I h.v. flad this appticetiotr, fitted oot in futt thc inforFtlon rrqui red, corpl'cted r|r 'c(ij|.t' p[ot ptan, and strte thrt att thc informtion provided ar rcquircd is correct. t agrcc to conpty^lla!^:l?-iifr[tim rnd Ptot p[rn' to comply vith .u. Torn ordinanccg and strtc taus, and io buitd this structur. according i..-t$_t:U::^:o'ring md rubdivlclon codcrr'd-csigrn rcvian approvcd, Uniforl Buitding Code and other ordinancls of the Toun lppticlbtc tncr'to' REoI,EsTs Fon I sPEcTroNs sHALL BE }IAOE IIIEHw-FoUR HoURs IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEP}IOIIE AT 479-213E OR AT OUR OFTICE fROII E:6 AI 5:d) PII SIGT,IATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AilD OIINER j**************t************************************************Statentrt tottnt o" YlTll -99TH?* * * t * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * t * * * * * * * i t * * * f * iii*******!t******t*ti.::::.:::::::' 328.00 04/26/eG 09i14-rir..-t. Nunber: ru9:9l2L-lil}lll *or*n J'v.- - - -'-rhit: r.,RI)EaE€rurr.. rtt"..'v-' - *iir Notation: *9259Palmcnt Method:_C ---------- Perrrit No: u95-0019 ^-TIP:t B-MECH MECIIN{ICAI'. PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-121-06-0^1-2-.,' stt-.-ilai"t"t 1385 nEsrIrAVEo t* ,oa.l FeeE: 328.00 rhis Paiment 3?8'bo *t'i-tiJ.l!:; t":33 ***********.*************|*************iii*i******************** Account Code DescriPtion Anount 01 0o0o 41312 lrscItANicAL PERltrr FEES 300'00 01 OOO0 41332 pr',rlr cnecK-FEES 75'00 01 oooo 41336 wrr,L cAtr'-ll=:::::,:::-----------199-- TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERIIIT APPLICATIOTI FORI.I DN[E: 1-l/- ?b ep^r.Le( &Apz-lz/- au -a/z Prviec[ {fr(ns-on? APPLICATION UUST BE FILLED OUT COI{PLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED *********** ******************rt PER!{IT INFORUATfON **********t****************** Job Name:r'^/ei /t ,Pes,/€qce [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Other t(€- naAddress: GEf, {i-Wo7"Z [ ]-Building 1x{-nrunling Legal Descriptiont Irtt-:iJL Block- Ftl- owners *^ "rMhudress:':D;r:# Architect , 2i "*Z cJulzc(s Address: @ .Q(e-pzq * *********************i*********** vAtuATIoNs ********************************* BUILDING:Fiuuaiic' Hfrffi * *t********* * **** * * ***** **** o"n"#'ro6;n;'P worx clats: IXI-xew [ ]-Alteration I l-Additional [ "]-RepairworK--ctaps: /(J-xew I J-Alteration [ ]-AddlEionaL I lJ-Repair [ ]:other - -4/,44€tltdi,ot'tq,Lf. t /r'"Number-of hrellin"g-6fiits, / (/t(bztw 1 Nunber of Accornmodation Units:xunber-of nretting units: / (/-1,r4/'t- 1 Nunber of Accornrnodation Units: lrrus€ ) , I Nunber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas AppliancesJ- Gas Logs- 98ood/Pellet- ELECTRICAL:OTHER: TOTAL: CONjIRACIOR INFORI.IATION * *** * ** ***t**** * * * * * * ** * * * * ( General Address s Electrical contractor! rown of vail Req. no.1/7-4 Phone Nunber: Town of vail Reg. NO._ Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. l{o PLUUBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: UECHANICAL PI,AII CHECK FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI{IB FEES: BUILDING:. Signature: Address: Plumbing Address: l{echanical Address: - contractor: 4q6-6VaPhone Nurnber: ** ** * * ************ ******** * **** * FOR BUfLDING PERI.IIT FEE: PLTruBTNG PERHIT FEE: IIECHANICAL PERI.TIT FEE: RECREATION FEE3 OTHER TYPE OF FEE: ZONING: Signature: trt CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, COTORADO 81620 PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949.0300 April10, 1996 TO: Town of Vail CommunityDevelopment FROM:TimRosen RE: ONeill Residence Enclosed is the plumbing and mechanical application for our portion of work. Please call Kim Dybvad at Beck and Associates and she will pick-up and pay for the permit. Also, please note that a s€parate she€t metal contractor will be installing the forced air heating system in the main house. Please call ifthere are any questions. Thanks much, RpR-2s-1e96. 14:ss j,*.=rt r€cHANrcAL' rNC. coNc,EPT MEGIAMCAL, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING r SYSTEM DE$IGN 9?A 949 AnA P.AL P.O. BOX 1155 AVoN. C0r0R DO 81620 PHONE: (970) 949.0200 FAX: (970) 949.0300 April23, 1996 TO: Mr. Ihn Stariclq Townof VailBuildfurgOfficiEl FROM: TimRoscnRE: ONeill Rssideoce; 1385 Wcsthavm Cirolc Hoct#PRI95-0179 Paracl #2103-12l-0G0l2 As roqrpeted, I heve complacd ruy hcat loss aalculttions on thc ONcill $rsge building. Plcarc bo awarc thrt tho hoating of the main home is to bc furccd air, aad it will be inrtdlodby e shocutetd contnctor. Thc lrert lors of tho grragc building is nAlS Bhth. Also, thc boilcr phn will provido o0r5r to rclt rpproxinstcly 560 squaro foa of octorior paved area rnd hoat a'10 gdlon indiroct-flred stongp taok frr dorncstic hot *ater ncods for this building. The dzc ofthc boilo ie 260,000 Btuh input (E Burnhasr K-805EJ or oquivdan). The boiler room will comruoiaotc with tbc grfago and equipment wil staod on on 18" high plffirm. cornbucioa rir Sd[cr wiil bc commrrnicate directly thu:g! a wall eizod at 14" x 10" with ons \igl rnd onp lsw. Thc bDG B" boilcr flue for thir boilcr is t" rourd. Thic cquiptnciltt it sized for tbG basc bid projcot. Thc onmc'r uuy be adding more soownclt mFifthit hrypoos, I will n'sia thc boita plant accordingly utd la you how ofthc ohangc. Plcasc do rrot hoaittte to call if th:rc arc eny quostions. Thrnks mrc;h- ac (via fa:s): BiU Andersoq Projwt Mmagcq B€clc end Aesociatee, Inc. TT]TRL P. A1 TOV{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PETMit #: E96-0054 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 04/.23/.L9e6 Ieeued...z 05/O7/L996Expiree..: LL/03/L996 Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 NOTE: THIS Job Address: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR Location...: Parcel No.. : 2LO3-L2L-06-072Project No. ! PRJ95-01?9 APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 OWNER O'NEILL PATRICIA 710 THALIA ST, LAGUNA BEACH CA 92651 oescription: ELECTRICAL WIRING IN RESIDENCE Valuation:23,9oo. 0o *t*t******it***t***tffi*****t*tii*t**********t** FEE SUI{ltARy ***********ff*t*t**trt**r**i***l****Hffiitff***f*i"t*ttr*** Etectricat---> 281.m DRB tcc -_> .m Totat catcutated Fees---> Addi tionat Feca--------> Tota I Pcrmi t Fec-----> Pay[ents------ BALAIICE DUE--_ 284.m .00 2&.W 284.00 .q) InvC3tigation> l,i tl, Cat t----> TOTAL TEES_-> .m 5.00 2E4.m Item: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO4/23/L996 DAII Action: APPR DeDt: BUILDING Division: *****t*******t*t***ff**rt*tr*ff*rr****#**t#********t***********lr*************t****t****rr*t******tlrff*t**ffi*rt****#**** CONDITION OF APPROVAT ******t*****rr*ffrf,tr***f*******i*****ffi*********rkrt***rn!rr**tr******ff**t***** DECIJARATIONS I hcrcby acknoul,cdge thrt I have r.ad this apptication, f i l,l,ed out in fult the informtion required, comtetcd an accuratc plot ptan, a'nd strte that atl the infornation protided as requi red is correct, t agree to conpty tith the infor]ation end.ptot.Ptan, to c6npl,y uith att Tol,n ofdinances and stite [aus, and do buil,d this structure according to th! Tovn's zoning and cubdivision coder, design rcvieu approved, Uniforr Building code and other ordinances of the Tovn appl,icabl,e thlfeto' RECIJESTS TOR INSPECTIOIIS STIALL BE IIADE TgEIITY-IOUR XOUNS IN ADVAI{CE BY *+,llFI,iiiri*+++++++*+++++++.$'||++li+*.r.s+.tl++++*++li+++++***'i.$.r++++*iti.+ 00'€ 00'rgz lUnourv 00' oo'nBz 00't8z i[rtala<I Sg.T NOI.ISSiISNI TTVC TTIII seg.{ J,I}AISdI TvJru.r3gls uoTxdTf,ceec : ecueTeg : sxlud aTv Texo,l 00't8z : sae.{ TeloJ UJ NSAVH.TSS$ E8€I 210-90-IZr-SOTZ TV3rU,rJsls JSTE-g:ad^& ?900-969 gEgtt 0000 T0 €IEI? OOOO IO apoc lunoccv lueu!,Itd 8TI{J, : ssexppv alTS :oN TeCr€d:oN lTltr.rad CUT :1TUI TE: sT ge / m/so oo'nsz 9g69T# :uoT1e1oN xcsHJ :Poq1e!{ luaturled ilunouv gETO-CAU :IequnN 1uua1e1s +ttr++lF*+**+|r++++++++++}+*if+rF*.}t+++{s+*++l**l'fl:i+f+***'$,|+'}'f'tr++*+ ?,uuaatxs oc\ruorroo 'TrvA go Noo,[ +++++ir},i**++*++++*.t+++lF++i.it+++s++|++++l++|'$+{{r++jrr++lrltr++++|+++t.$ SEP- 9-gO l'10il 15:12 BEC ASSOC IATES FAX N0, 3039 Scptombu9, t996 TownofVail Doprnnent of Community Dwc,lopmenr Attcntion: Llurpn Wrtorton 73 Sorilh FmntrgeX,ord Wert Vall, CO 81637 f ax Tfstr!fiiirBio ni 47 I 44 52 Lrurur: t'bmkr frr.y_our_ldn ry qc o'usitt Reddoncc. pssiair o'Neil wu vcry apprccirtiw of your |pprovtlof tprNrtunl concretc ducco color. \l|c wlll brgin thr finrl color cosl tomorro*, ebould you wurt to rtop by br a took. K AND o 494335 o P. 01 frdcct ltdrnagsr Bcckaad Arcoddcs,Inc. EAUi O.ii,J!l1l f tutiiE,it l.'rt,,i)O. alrl 4E3U Ytlr-, CClOi.iSC trr!J I97al J'9- t890 g/'..tr ir.|'lt rcs ' ;{1,3 CVwJplttrTI Printed by LJauren waterton /e6 3:32pm From: ,Jef f AtencloTo: Lauren Waterton SubJ ect, ! o I Neill -==NoTE=!-i======= ===- A / 26 /9 6= = 3. 1 6pm== The ValI Fire Dept- approves the revlsed drawlngs tttat andlcate Lhe ellmldatlon of btre conservatory. and the separal:ed ouLdoor gazlbo. As a re€ult the 15Or requlred access has been mel: - Page: 1 o4/22/sa 16:02 FAI e?0 e4e 8740 vsITE RIYER ELEc ID)Iffi d, ifjjs;' il:i;. 3" il;"r*:: i' p'rtTi o" vAr! co*s rRucrlo*i rr. # l'.^n"o" t. at(,1-t^'-oL-o'\ "r*l^T*fl,185fl "oo Ap,, f/..._::::::::: lnrsr BE rrlLED our cor.rprrrELy oR r''Ff4ymD||vFmfffin f,rr**r*rt*****rl****t*r{*****t PtRltIl lNronulTxoN *r*r**rr*********.********i** l-BuildinE t l-Pluhblng 1,/rfeetrtcaf I l-rrechan.tbel t J-otherL Job lfanel Job Addreu: Legal Dcscrlption: Int-.3f,Elock_ Filing Ph. g€ncr4l, Dcsoriptiont {*r*?-tL ELrt*nro+ S}v.r--,4 uri.,q,n f*drbLe- -/Ifork cracsr [rf-New [ ]-Artcration [ ]-]dtrltl0nar t i-Repair [ ]-orher_- Nrtnhrr of DsrlllnE Untts: Owner3.Nane: Archltret: Addrerct Po A. ElcotrLcal ContrrcUor:Adilrrrr: Adrlrcce: Address: ..r-- CONTI{ASTOR INFORUIITION c- fqo-e8/ Ph. Nuraber of Accouuodation Unitsrtt df*"t and Tlpc of FirtpracG€r caa Apprianccs- Gas Logs . wooat/Fell.t_ /f**tr**********+*t*ir****t*******r PlgAlrowg r{t**4*****rr*****r********r*arrr BUTIJDTNGT I EI.ECTRT OTHER: IHICHANICA!:TofAIJ: -...-**+*+r r****i***l -r*****ttt* Tow':r of, vail Req. NO.Phone Nuilbsr: QuE-@ Reg.- NO, E-ltr<. Aqq- tu aJ Plunblng Contractore Addrccr; Iown of VaiI Phone Nunrbrrl rowa of, ValI Plrone Numbrrr Town of Vail Phonc Ntrnlerr Reg. No. Mrclrenlcll contfactoft Addtesr! **ai***rt*rl*t**tl***r****tt*r** BUIT/DING PERfiTT FEE: PI,U}IBINC PERUIT FEE 'MECIIANICAIJ PER}IIT FEEI EI,ECIRICAIJ FEE: P.I'HER TYPE OF FEEI DRB FEE: OfffCE USE ******.* ***l ******irt+**** ***r* BUTLDTNG PIA}T CHECI( rEE! PLIIUBTNC Fr,rN e.HEcK FEts I.TECHA}IICAIJ PI,A}I CKECK FEE: RECRII,TTOil FEE! CLEilf-UP DEFOSIT: TOTAI. PEnrdIS FIES I Reg. No. FOR BT'TLDTN6! sTGilAIUFE: BONING: SIGNIN'REI t- O4/22/SO 16:02 FAX,0?0 TO: FROM: DATEi RE: Ng,YE8 t/ 1) a',) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7I E) E7{9 fiEITE RITER EIJC MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUSLIC WORKS DEPAFTMEilT mtAY g, 1994 WHEN A I'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS BEOUIRED 049o JOb NeJne: O'ttr;lIR..rrt't/=a.' - '.Dele: * lwlTh - Please enswcr thc following questionnaira regarding the need for a 'Publlc Wey Permlt': le this e ngw rgsldcncc? lo drmolltlon work being per{ormed that rEqulrcr tho use ot the rlght of way, sasemeils or public prop€ny? ls any'utiltty work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditlerEnl access needed to site othor than existing driveway? ls any dralnage wort being done affecting the dght ol way, eaEemsnts, or publlc properly? 13 r'Revoctblc Hight Of Way Plrmii' rcquirnd? A. ls thc rlghl of way, casrmcnts or public propefty t0 bE used for staging, pafting or le nclng? E. fl no lo EA, ls a parking, staglng ot fcnclng phn mquired by Oommunity Development? lf you answergd yes to any of thlse questlons, a'Publlc Way Permit' mucl bc obtdned. 'Publis Way Permit' appllcations m8y be oblainod at fir Public worKs olfict or al Communlty Devclopmcnt, lf you havc any qucstlons pleass call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vall Conetructlon Inepsetor, 4 479-2158. I havE read and answ€red allthe abovg questions. 'ttotrt-Rga i)tAJC-€, @ 0oe Job Name Conlraclol's 0l/22/56 16:02 FAI 970 hwn 9{9o tl aoulh trEntrgr rotd rrll, cotorrdo !tf!l(rorl 479-2138 or 4?9-ZIS9 BUITDITIG PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMITE If this perml.t reorll,res a Town of Vall Ff rr Deplr_tnent Approval ,Ensr ne€r t ( pubfi i Uoirsl,iiicw .iI'ipiror.i, "i piil''ii ri'irliartncntravlew' or Hcalth Deoarbnint-i""i*,'ril'.-rerre" by the Bui.ritng l:rilil:.ft.rhr estimateo [irne tor'r-iotir iinli*i.i..ilil'il r Ong iih:Hirli;i [i:'lp4:.;Ft]J":i,;il#fi ' t:;litili.ff:'it,itllo,,and small proJects shouia 6i;-;'i#ll"inrunt_of tinre. Howevrr, ifnesi dent:tll or smr l r cr,p"orccts-irniici' tr,. vari'us abova menH onrddepart?leflts wlth rcgard to-nrccsca;.y-r.ri.r, thrse proJccts o!.1,arso tlka the thrce week period.-- - -' Evcry attempt will b:_ylgt by rhis departnent to cxpeditc th.tspormi't ll S.oon a! possrDtc 'tsrtl rv EAPEUILE rnll I:-I!" und*si9nrd, underrtand the plEn chrck prucedure and timerrlnt. F' rvsv., s s v r 6740 fiEITE RIYEN EIJC @ oor otllcr ol ccnnun[y d.udopm.nl r crt r{rs turncd inE-TheItc HOr Dcve'loome'lt DeparUflent. CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. BOX 1165 AVON. COLORADO 81520 PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949-0300 July 30, 1996 TO: Mr. Dan Stanick; Town of Vail Building Official FROM: TimRosen RE: OT,{eill Residence, 1385 Westhaven Circle Project #PRI95-0179 Parcel No. 2103 -12l-06-012 Boiler Plant Sizing As I had indicated in our April 23,1996letter regarding boiler plant sizing, the owner of this project has increased the amount of snowmelting. Thus, the boiler plant has been up- sized. We are now figrrring on providing two Weil Mclain PFG-7 boilers at 366,000 seal level Btuh input each. The conrmon vent will be 12" diameter type "B" double wall up to an approved roof cap. As before, the boilers will sit on an 18" high platform in the garage. Combustion air will communicate directly through a wall and will be 18" x 18" (or geometric equivalent) with one high and one low as per UMC. I will send this letter to you through the mail with a cut sheet on the proposed boiler plant. As always, please call with any questions. Thanks much. cc (via fax): Bill Anderson, Project Manager; Beck and Associates, Inc. /4" Category Number_-<' 1 'eot DI olign Review Action Fen TOWN OF VAIL Dare ) Z, 2r )eA Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Legaf Descripti on: l-ot €./- Block- -(^/' Legaf Description:l-ot-C/-Block- suoaivision 64C.^ Olrr>-,,- zoneDistrict q^ Projectstreet naar"u, /??{ /affr*te^ &.- / Comments: A, uorion1: ff(.- Vote: seconded or' /l f4,-fp*o**(1anq ! Disapproval fl Staff Approval Conditions: ..<1 Board / Staff Action J ,/r\4.t-'ld I Town Planner I.-) .I* 4t ff,>oate: /' 0 '-/ 6 DRB Fee Pre-pai{ cJt DATE 08 DRB MEETINGI ttl*t*irif W: DESCRIPTfONT proiecf. aignqge for otxairl nacil4anno ,, , MPT I. A. B.IYPE OF REI/IEII: .-JNEU Construesion (S200.00) ,..tt Mlnor Albcrablon (f20.00) Addit,ion (050.00) '- ConcqtEual ncvisw (10) ADDRE9S: 1385 Westhaven ctrcle- YaiL Co erfs?c. D. f. iI. LEGAtrJ DEBCRIPTION: Irot -lJ- BIOck{lubdlvlrlon Gfen ryon Sub-divtg If Broperty la described by a neeus and bounde legal descriptton, DLeaEe grovldle on a seParate gheEb and attach to thig appllcatlon. E. F. ZONIT|II: llAtrlE OF Mailing s.D.D. ApptICANI; Beck G. Addrtrrs P. Ehone 9{9-18q0, , . : BiII Andereon '- Phone H. NAI|E OF OI{![ER(9] r icLa OrNel tdatling rPP|lrcrsro's mw tfir EE ?R&EdnED wrmorr OilYlB ',t gt@r$un8 Condonlnlun Approval if appllcable. DRB 8EB: DRB fees, as ahown abover are to be paid ac Ehe tlme of submlEtal of the DRB agDltcaLlon. IJeher, shen applying for a bulltling pernrtt, Dlcase itlenttfy tha accurate viiuitton of thr Bropoiat; trhe iswn of vail wlII adljuec-bhcfer aooor{ting co chc- tablc below, to en6ure ghe corrcoc tccir Daid. IlE PTIDT I CHECT 3: DI'fI! BYI JAN-30-96 TUE 11:34 BE0K AND ASS0CIATES FA)i ll0' 3039494335 tLq,^ t li,reil tei/a^'O P, 02 4t' 1I II I I q I I J A PRIVATE RESIDENCE AT 1339 WEST entctRcLE PERMIT #5-0210 T Darc Feel-- Peel and Lan geffualbr 476-4506 qffirl otrta#tfir vw qu'o,xqO '.............'..'......-1 949-1800 Dfn'rrr \rr\C t *m*\ dirnrrnai o^b o t-fiyrre$ft^r$h]r qb ourn Q,Prffi'Ji*'t" .,nr'ftlrfip -=BEGK UUUI ) trc rssoGnrus, ltci b v/ 41, '^%;t "'.., ' '"r,X,Yrr t'D ^ at/ I r U,'t ;X,,,* . /,/" ,,r o ;-**-*..-* TrlrrrH a.F u'rrii* lliscel I arreous Cash DEITT.o'MEIiiT rll -IEr-?6 l.l: ffJ: 54 "^*)-'4jlLEecEiF,t. # l9l€,46 Hccolrnt # Ct< * EECK fiHt] P55SC\.5I;H Hfri'--'t_rn I t rnde re,J .i Itenr paid t:i1 ErrlBff+l4l f,gffg L-:hnn,Je ra t u rn*d j. -rHflr-t|< veu sIt6 FFP. FEE r,t:]. L1,J Frooun r. pai d ' ?t:1' FtJ t:1. tlt:l Tr,ur cashier 5Ut..l,IF - bir-a-. ,..--. iAN-30-98 TUE 12:16 rlltlrfs AS$WriIEs_.,_FA){ N0, 3039490318K& o BEC D8lgf,ItT[glf Of pf,oilECT . l{€T consrruction ffiiffiffiiti"ffiHl'lloti,FHIH,tf;Hffi$'ffithi"ff o,n,on A. PElclry-lrolt gL*-gl!|uroJ{q js*^sENfDrr{G, rr&r,fpRDallclttuc, prci, -rfEgit6i' g;Ei rrlrcrG!. _ *oa -+r_rr i na. zcr, B. C.8Ig8 o! D. E. $ ,./,-,t/2l DltCRtlE IJIGttTIltO (llEEfIIO . sr..l#{till|f, rl _Flgar !I{qt or TryDc} - f'-- ---- ' ' ' NAIE 0E Drctlcs NllE OF DtnSoDt BuDultttt|c uirr Andeqeon ar|t e-nq-1800, . eDDl8ffi nNG 0F $AER ,,Patricia ol$ttt , -.flonEt.?t{tr9r-5?9sMUgE sIcl{AltuREOAO$Am, - I8qtttof, 0r' tRgirEET I,co 91657 i:ste 9{9-?0llr BcA Iogo c 1.. Etct{ oR llttrINO rAtlrnrec OF.DET!EnI!IC ATD LffO - l2.t x 12r rrSlcltg or rlclr tDot t c[tADs P, 04 NO .UUZ Y.U1 fron gradc owrrL& BIO||, SIIE aL s \ta !, G. H, LuNorff 0F EUSINTSS rROtr!&lE (Drl coNDoult{ruil tgsocrA{Ioil ADpSoVrr, Hfi q'*'3#*t$.Ttt t*.^*' '*rrlf,rrt.i A&!A, ..{ " ,!.,-' ,sn/ 2l'. ll | - .- / t / I n '>!:1, Lt ?\4'.-.' PERMTT NUMEER oF PRodEcT- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 THUR FRI --.@ PM tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 'r{',i,/i{1..t"---DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES ,/j APPHOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED '/l ^4-q JoB NAME BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: o tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E FINAL DATE INSPECTOR oi o /at/a{ f,tK.'* fq,-.'.r*,{ -B--r'; AFar.. e@."\ ti"-Q Cr-,t'^rr- n{r-tr-4e= Pg; S;."4* -1^-^ 4t-^-JM C)';Z 4^.)lf;!")/7/(a. [)- ,-".*-->r,, 1*^. z4ra4.;-, nt,ilrrruat ^ A I Jt /,- r t t ).-*r;t ^DA1L.}*r' r^on J-**d, h*L1 //b, P.*Q/d; Mp"b*f4, /.,/r?rf-h L of,-** tuW4 14 u^-,"h Htfu-u rc<h2 5- il#,4*0 (",/A "-f*+ ll-l-,--. * ,4cr aIrJ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 /' t'c. / zt ,/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES WEO. THUR..... FRI ./,/l-!./ i, I > /r ,,i..7, 1,,t. .7'/, , r'/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS Q FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ CTRICAL:M o tr tr o ECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED ALC Dv-ttLS /v\e5T 8t //-\ C rpraQ O , c,.r\A-Lu ,o'r, tc- l'i- 75 rNSPEcroR trulr, ,'=."r.^'.-, REPTIS1 TOl.tN OF VArL, Ct LoRffDOtd9/l$l96 O6:46 REOUESTS FOR INSpECTION TJORK SHEETS FOR: 9/LE/96 trR6E AREA: CF Lg Activity: Address: Locat i on : Farce I : Description: fippl ieant : Owner: Contractor: 895-Oe63 9/ t8/96 13A5 UESTHAUEN CR als3-lel-s6-gle NE}J SFR BECK & ASSDCTATESI O' NEILL PATRICIA BECK & ASSOCTATES, Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED Constr: NSFR INC INC Occ: Phone: trhone: Phone: 6,o,g-l Use: U N 3039491SOO 30394914OO Inforrati.on.-.. ASSOC/BRIAN Corrent s: RIIUGH be Inspeeted... Phone: 949-74eb Inspection Request Requestor: BECK & Req Tirel O1:OO I-t ers requested to OOg:lO BLDG-Fraring Tire'Fxp Inspect Histor!. /... Iter: OO51A driveway grade finalIter: BOO1O BLDE-Footings/SteelIter : o,$Oeg BLD6-Foundat ion/SteelLglLllg5 fnspeetor: CD flction: AtrPR Act ion Corrent Action: APtrR Notes: ALL DOI.IELS iIUST BE IN CENTER OF tfALL SE CTTRNER STELL }IUST BE PULLED FRO]4 FORTI FOR CLEARATSE 04/39196 Inspector: CD Action: APPR SLAB STEEL GARAGE Notbs: ADD CHAIRS Ttl BRING REBAR mflT Up,ALSO BEND DOI{ELS DtX'lN TO PROVIDE PROPER COVERAGE ON CONCRETE TT]P BARS N I,JALL S}PREAD ilc approved Iter: fter:Iter: Iter:Iterr Iter: Iter: 0OSPO PLAN-ILC Site trlan 09/ ll l9g fnspeetor: LAIJREN OOO3O BLDG-Fraring og,g,4ra * r Not on File * .* 60050 BLIIG-Insulat i on O0060 BLD6-Sheetrock Nail OOOSO * * Not On File * * olorjDT0 BLD6-ltisc.g7/3ar/96 Inspector: EG EBl65/96 fnspector: EG Qgl?I /96 Inspecton: CF OOS9S BLDG-Final SO53O BLDE-Terp. CIO Og54O BLDG-Finar C/O Aetion: APPR APPROUED Action: APtrR HPtrRtlUED Action: PA west side & garage I It er: It er:Iter: \p =E;'e EBE g.9:. .'E f.EllL g t Et CII , f,t 8!EfiEin ri; :**[$ :!E Hid s* EEI ftI Ef; i;E g -.* * h t'€r.E *\=-F EIE*EE E E:lt:5 l*... I q*q*x ;+uu !l pEpEEnn taol.o c il d t 4ul ;!g t €. 8r! t -! r r o 6 s tt dgll'Ot'0r_ zL.2 -2 -l s3 -toocr' E'jq E 0tZ0 eE8 C08g C0:8I 08,,C0,,00lSgq +++ 0c ugsm.I lrrxnscoo/200 E f$ EFg Fl u El{ rBgS qq j. d; :f;+E B TE ffift# !- ?IL ffi t{t4, iltul Fis$is !i I g'tt E EI tlec=y--lrr ri;,i E-.,s trF *d.h FF ro5I-* tr r8.8.fhta rr€Iia ,r ofrll!rl Eo-E.rt?e lor!€ .31 F^ lF r- 5ir.; 'EEE ? Es ti a E tag - C' e F afi* B?r'01'o Er-rr-E - IJ $ ! li fi H otag 0aG 80c€|stSg +++ oc usslo.I &IxIflS p af Op -CIo C)co *,,N'r0,4.96 Chuck Feldmon Town of VcillBulkllng Deportment I I I South Frontoge Rood West Voll, Colorodo 81658 Re: O'NelllReddence l38SWesfhoven Circle Chuck: Regording structurd fromlng of the suUect property, | flnd moterlqb ond erectkrn to be os per orchitecturol dons, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 895-0213 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 g7o-479-U3q479-2139 Job Address: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR FAX/70-479-2452 Location... : NEW SFR-o'NEILParcel No.. : 2L03-l2I-06-012Project No. : PRJ95-0179 APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620.CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620OWNER O'NEILL PATRICTA 710 THALIA ST, LAGUNA BEACH C 92657 Description: TEMPORARY POWER ff#****ffiffi**************i**********#**tr*'H**r** FEE SU IIARY Department of Community Development Totat catcutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> lotat Perrni t Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- St.atus...: ISSUEDAppIied..t 0e/2L/L99s Issued. ..t 09/26/L995 Expires . .: 8/2a/L996 Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 Valuation:s00.00 53.00 .00 53.00 55.00 .m E Icctri ca [---> DRB tee lnvestigati on> tti l,L Ca l,l,---> TOTAL FE€S---> 50.00 .00 3.00 53.00 DepT: BUILDING Division: It*ffi**#r***ff***ff**f,**************#**************t******************ff*******!tffQffirH(#**t#********ff**fi****** CONDITION OF APPROVAL trffi*******ff*ffit*!t*'rrttffi********t*ffi*ffitr*******H*ff**ffi**ffiffirt!ffi****ff****trtff**fffi*********fffiffiffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitled out in ful,l, the infornation requi rcd, comptetcd rn accurate ptotptsn, snd strtc that att the information pnovidcd as requi rcd is corr.ct. I agrce to compl,y uith the infornation rnd ptot pLan,to conpty gith al,l, ToHn ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to thc Toun,s zoning and suMivision codes, design rcviev approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the To|rn appl,icabl,e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE llA0E TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROI{ 8:00 Af,t 5:00 Pl,l rtem: -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT09/21/1995 DAN Action: APPR {g^""ouor*o ****t**********!t*!**********************!t*****t*******!ri*****!t**!t TOI{N OF VArL, COIORADO Statennt***********************.***************************************** Statennt Number: F€C-00?5 Arnount: Palrment Method: CKl513 Notations 0 s3.00 09/26/95 L2zO3rnit: MMC .895-0213 Tlt)e: B-ELEC ELECIRICAL PERMIT 2103-12.1-06-012 1385 WESTHAVEN CR NEVI SFR-O'NErIJ Total FeeB:53.00 Total ALL PmtE: Balance:******************.********************************************** Permi-t No: Parcel No:Site AddreEs: Locationl This Palzment Account Code. 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Deecription ELECIRICAL, PERMIT FEES VTILIJ CAIJJ INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53.00 .00 Amount s0.00 3.00 0S/2L/Si 10:10 FAX,303 WEITE RIIIER ELECI 4 ;. ,, : ,"t -_:_-": II'VAIIJ CONSTRUCTION TPPLICATION FOR}! 949o 0749 towN oF PERI,TIT :./''..+-. @ ooe DAIE:-1![lsji;l PErlrrr *B-qeraJ Assl.lcAtrou ilUsI' BE FILIJD oTII CoTTELUTEIJY oR I8 IIIS NOT BE ACCESIED ,t,ti**t*tt****tt****r*****l*** AEtuf,[T IN8Oru'nTION *rtit*r****!t*{t***t********** 1 1-uuilding I i-Plunbtng $fi-elrctricar [ ]-uechanlcal [ ]-other J6b Na$e!Job Addrcer: LcEaI DescriBtlon: Lot . rL!- BlocJc- rif fng A' owncrr Nane: f - Lr-,y;- A'fl.,'ll Addcesst Ph.- ' Architsct:Addrrrs:Ph. Gcrne:nl Dcscri.ptl.onz ..!-,rl--li 'T.--f*l lr,, - l"tfu+ ".L (ap-r work class: g\f,-rer I J-llteration [ ]-Addlitional I J-RePalr [ ]-othrr Nr:nber of Dnelling Units:Nu.uber of Acconnodation Unl'tst tfunber and Tlpc of Elrrplacegr Gas Appliances- GaE L,ogs- Wood,/Pcllet- [******* ***t********i*rr*rrt*r ***** VAI;IATIONS ******l ************************** . .-hr|t'iutr,orner s urecrRreAt,3 ]-2!v-- otEER:qiiTuirNi, T- loenrrrclL, $: rorAlr --X::*: l. r:^*:rtil:J:i#IIIFOruATION *t* t*******t.**+*t!t**t***** ?eneral Coqtragtort -fuL-@,. Toua of Veit R.g; ryO--ldclresr: FA h* V. Dhonc Nunbert 925',*on . troun of vall Rcg. ,r9. /(f-€ Phone Nunber: tronh of vail Rcg. NO. Phone Nurnlcer: Mechanlaal Contlactor;Tqwrr of VaiI Reg. NO. Acldresc:Phone Nunbrr: *******t*****+*t*** **********t**FoR oFFICE USE **********************t**t***** DUIIJDING PIAI{ cIfEcK fEE: PLUMBINC PIAN CIIECK FEE: }1EC!{ANTGAIJ PLAN CIIECK FEE: RECBEAIION FEEr CIJiAI{.UP DEPOSIT: TOIAI, PERU].r FEES: Il-i-l-l- EUTI.DINC FERI{IT fEE: PIJ'UBINC PERUIT IEE! MECITAIIICAI-, PERIrIT TED: ELECTRICAJ. FEE: OTITER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: Addrgsl PIuDbinS Addrocsr contractor:trQf -c z t3 BUIIJDING: SICNTTUREs ZONINGT SICNA$'RE: cannents: 0s/2L/96 10:10 FAX. 303 67 4S |outh IrEnLlG ]!rd nll. coloTrdo 91657 (3otl 479-21.38 or 479-2t39 949o WSITE RIVER EI..EC o O ool cffler ol ccnmunlty dcrrlopmcnl TQ: FROM: DATE: SUE ECT: AI,L CONTRACTORS CTIRREIITLYL REGISTENED l{:lTE TED TOI.W Or VAIL TOI{N 0r vz\IIJ FUBLIC t{ORr€/COt4.trrNIry DEvErFp!'rEr{T. !,lARCg 16, 1988 COilSTRUCTTON DARKTNG & UANERIAI STORAGE rn grrnaatTr -ordinance No. G states that it is unlawf,ul for anyPcrtgn to litter, track or deposlt any soil, rock, sand, dcbiisor natrrial, including trarb dunpsteri, pJrlaure iorio[i ."e---worknu vehieres. u.pon Fny str'tl siaewaix, iiiey .i-pGrro-- Pi?t.,$ rly portion tbaleof. tire rishr:oi-wii 6n all r6h,n o!vs:1. stroets and.Igags ir approximately S ft. off pavcuent.ThLo osdlhancr vl,ll be etriltry rnforcid by thc Torin af vair_t*liS works Departbent. pcrs-ons found vl'oriiing trrii-orari.r""I'rrr_ DB g:.ven a ?4 hcur r+zittcn notice to relB0vl raid natrrial .rn the event thc person co notilicd cloes not eomplv trri[-i[c---notlce within the- 2n hour tlnc strcified, tu=-prf,ri"'woir,.i---Drpartnent wirr renovr said aateiLal at iJre r:{p€nsG of prrconnot-if,ied-. The provisions of tlrir ord,inanle srriil not beapprltrablr to constrrctiorr, nal.ntenancc or repair projccts of,any atrart or alley or any utillties ln the rlght-r-way. To.revirw ordinence No. E in full, pl.ase etop by the Town o! :111_:li]11"q o:F+r*ncnr ro obrain I eopr'- eirani< you ror y-urCoop.rrtion on this uattcr. t l lr,o lq=,r COntfactOr, OWnaf) Extended Page clflcr ol aommunltt thraleP|n||tl BUILDING PER}IIT ISSUANCI TIHE FRAI1E luwn 7t aoulh lrontlgG rord nll. lclcrrdo tilCt7(tos) 479-2r38 or 479-2139 O | *le'll- ft c-s;'t---., . If this prrmit reguires a Town of VaiI Flre Departrrent Apprcval ,Englnrrrts (Public llotks) revlew rnd approval, a Plannjng Departnent rev{ew or Hea'lth Department revl"ew, and a review by the Bullding Department, the estimated time for r total review may take as longrs thrae week$. AII cortnerciel ('large or small ) and r'll rtrulti-family pennits rill have to fo]low the above mentioned mtximum reouirements, Residentlrl and small projects should take a l:sser amount of tjme. However, {fresidential or snaller proJects lmpact the varioug above hentioned d.partrneflts with regard to neccssary revi!w, these projects may also take the tliree weck period. Evtry attenpt wi'll be mde by this departsnrnt to expedits this permt't tt sgon as possible, !, the undrrsigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. a<t 113 heet was- tlrncd-Tnto-thE Comnunl ty Oeve'l opment Department. 09/2L/96 10r10 FAI 303 iot FBOM: DATE: HE: 949o E oo3 1) 2l Plsase answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permlt': Ng lr this a new r€Eidence? le dcmolition work being performed that requir€s the use of the right ot way, easBm€nls or publlc property? ls any utility wofi needed? ls the ddveway being repaved? lg ditferent aocess needEd to site other than eristing ddveway? ls any drainage rroft being done affectlng ihc dght of way. casem€nts, or public property? lg a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit' rEquirod? A. ls lhe dght of way, eas€ments or public property to be used lor staglng, pa*ing or fencing? B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Developmont? t.L^ t-^orJ*t,F1 3) 4',, 5) 6) 7',| 8) lf you answered yes to any of these questlons, a "Public Way Pemit'must be obtained. 'Publlc Woy Permit' appllcations may be obtainEd at thc Public Work's offlca or at Community Development lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davls, the To$,n of Vail con$ruc'ton In6p0clor, at 479-e159. I have read and enswered alltha ebov€ 'Nc*il-'r-= : 8740 T{HITE RIVER ELEC MEMoHANpUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ruAY 9, t994 WFIEN A "PUBUC WAY PEHMITi !S REOUTFED YEg Job Narne Contractols $ 1 lu", lqs TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT OINEILL RESIDENCE LOT 51, GLEN LYON SUBD. PERilrrNo. 002?65 Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite. 1385 T.JESTHAVEN CIRCLE , (Job Name or Localion ol Work) BOX 19276 AVON, CO 81620 390-3212 1. 2. 3. G.D.T. EXCAVATORg 153-f, Nade. A(5€ss. Phone, and Liconse No. Work is tor (circle one) f75.00 Permit Fee Bill to: Paid:JANEIL TURNB Receipt #:2902 (Psblic Works) INSPECTION REMARKS: (Public Works) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED Whito - Public Works Y€llow - Finance Pink - Comm. Dov. Gold - Conlracior r!-Appllgatrot FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PEBM]T 19 9g 0rt{rlll Rcald.me Lot 51, Glen lyon lS5 H.rthlvcn ClFclo Job Name 9lr8/9X Start Date Legal Description Slreet Addross . Site Access4.Work is for lckcte onel i.-Wat Other 6. 7. 8. llar Rerldcnce 5. rrench-wid n U/n , ', t nstn A/ f4 Deprh /(min.4') . C lU BondAmount S 0.0O " lr permirFee S 71'Cla TotatpermitFee 'l'i.t ( ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TBAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are requiied on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surlaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works otfice to obtain lhe necessary Town ol Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District (476-7480) Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 Public Service Natural Gas Group (1 -1987) Holy Cress Electric Company U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) TCI Cablevision of -1987)-g 9< lrrigation Electricians \J Construction Inspector t'- I -? THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction trafiic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Oepartment prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Btll 172). Permittee must contacl Public Works Department al 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may resull in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. L_- Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Devslopment Gold - Conlractor r //rt 't0. 11. 12. I ".' - INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED PEBMIT NUMBER DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT oF TRo,JECT ' i 1/"' JoB NAME MON CALLER ruE9 ( tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPBOVED BUILOING:. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E tr D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR u T] FINAL O FINAL DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 /.- CALLER TUES WED THUR o"@ \tr/APPROVED CORRECTIONS: r] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4 tlb3 PERMIT NUM READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: I /--1 / TINGS / STEEL ,'l ( ,' /(€ / <. Jrr: PLUMBTNg I' },J1 . avt\tI UNDERGRoUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOB I INSPECTION REQUESTz.TOWN OF VAIL 47s-2138PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON UES 7 CALLER PROJECT UR Vrou,.roo-roN / srEEL tr FR)\MING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK o tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT B tr SUPPLY AIR n C] FINAL tr FINAL r}FPROVED tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: (a-1 :: -r- 4 "i'"'-DATE INSPECTOR / -.^*_- 1. NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE AT Permit TIMES 895-0263 ALL TOWN OFVAIL #: 75 South Fronnge Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR FAXq70-479-2452 Location...:Parcel No.. : 2L03-I2L-06-012Project No.: APPLICANT BECK & ASSOCIATES, INCP O BOX 4030, VAIL CO 81658 CoNTRACTOR BECK & ASSOCTATES, INCP O BOX 4030, VAIL CO 81658OWNER O'NEILL PATRICIA 710 THALIA ST, LAGUNA BEACH C 9265L Department ol Community Development Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: o8/25/t99sIaEued...: 09/15/L995Expires..: 03/L3/t996 Phone: 3039491800 Phone: 3039491800 Number of Dwelling Units: 001Factor Sq. Feet Valuation3 v-N t32.43 5,863 776,437.093 v-N 35.02 935 32t743.70 Subtotal : 6,?98 809, 180.79Total Valuation: 809,180.79 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: ' 829,000.000 Description!NEW SFR Occupancy Dwellings TyPe Zone ZonePrivate Garages Table Date:06/20/Lee5 Fi rcplace lnforr.tion: Rcstricted: yES #of Gss Apptianccs: ?fof Gas Log3:fof tfood/Pal,l,.t: *ffif,***ffi**rffi***ffiffiffi*ffiffi* f EE SUI1HARY ffi*t****ffffir*rt*ffi*ffi***t*ffiffi**r*t#*ffi* Bui Ldi ng---) Ptln chcck--> InvestigltiorD lli Lt CrL t---> 3,656.00 2,376.40 .00 3.00 Rcstuarant Ptan Rcvier-) Recreation Fee----------> C Lean-Up Dlposi t--------> TOTAL F EES--_- .00 400.00 1 ,O19.7O 750.00 8,205 .10 Tota I Calcutatcd f..s---> Additionll F!cs-----> Totat Peroit Fcc------> 8,205 . 't 0 .00 6,205.10 P!ynent > 8,205.10 BALANCE DUE-------->.00 *******ff*ffi*f,*******************lntfffi*lrltff*ff*ff*ff**************ffffffi****ffi*****tit**ffi**ff***t**fiffi******t**ffi Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTO9/L3/L995 DAN Action: AppRItem: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENTO9/06/L99s LAUREN Acrion: AppRftem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT09/13/1995 DAN Acr,ion: AppRrtem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS09/I2/t995 CHARLTE Act,ion: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept! FIRE Divieion: Dept: PUB WORK Division: ***ffi ****t**tffi ffi *#*ft t**ff **ft *ffi *ffi *ffi r*ffi *****rr*ffi* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this pernit, DECLARATIONS I herQby acknortcdgc th.t I hav. rlad this apptication, fittcd out in futl, thc infornation rcqui red, conptrtcd !n accuratc ptot ptan, and stat. th.t !l'[ thr informtion providcd as rcquircd is corrcct. t agree to colpLy with thc infonntion and plot pt!n,to coopty vith !l't Tovn ordinanccs.nd state tavs, and to buitd this structure according to the Toynrs zoning and subdivisim oodes, design rcvicv appt.ovcd, Uniforo Buitding codr lnd othcr ordinanccs of thc Tor|n apptic.btc thcrrto. REOI'ESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS EIALL BE IIADE IIEI{TY-FOUR HOI'RS IN ADVAICE BY TELEP Send Chan-Up Dcposit To: EECK {gr"tnuoruo o .L 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970- 479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Permit #: 895-0263 PAGE 2 Department of Community Development Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 09/15/9s******************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT Applicant: BECK & ASSOCIATES| INC Job Address: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR Location: Parcel No: 2t03-L2l-06-012 ******************************************************************************** COND]TIONS******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE ]MPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. THrS PERMIT rS GOOD FOR BUTLDING ONLY NO MECHANICAL,PLUMB. OR ELECTRICAL WORK CAN BE DONE. Applied. 08/2s/L99sIssued: 09/L5/t995 {p *"uo'uo .4 . **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIIJ, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nunber: REC-0070 Amountr 81005.10 09/L5/95 10:08 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *6992 Init: LRD Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addreas: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:8,005.10 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description' BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEVI FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 895-0263 TIT)e: B-BUTLD NEW (SFRTP/STDUP) PE 2LO3-L2L-06-012 1385 V'ESTHAVEN CR ***************************t************************************* 8, 205 . 1o I,205. 10 .00 Anount 3, 655. 00 200.00 2 ,37 6 .40 750.00 1r 019 .70 3. 00 b.- t Description:NEW SFR Occupancy DwellingePrivate Garages NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) TYPE Zone 3 V-N Zone 3 V-N Restuarant Ptan R.vicrr--> Recrcation Fcc-------> Ctcan-Up Dcposit------> TOTAL FEES_--- BE POSTED PERMIT JOBSITE AT Permit l a.at_- 24s AI,I,TIMES 895-02 63 ON *: Job Address: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR Location. . . :Parcel No.. : 21O3-LZI-05-012Project No.: APPLICANT BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC P O BOX 4030, VArt CO 81658 coNTRACtrOR BECK & ASSOCTATES, rNC P O BOX 4030, VArt CO 81658OWNER O'NEILL PATRICIA 710 THALIA ST, I,AGUNA BEACIT C 9265L Table Date: 06/20/t99s Town Statug...: APPRO\IED Applied. .2 08/25/L995resued...z 09/L3/L995 Expiree..z 03/Ll/L996 Phone: 3039491800 Phone: 3039491800 Number of Dwelling unite: 001 Factor Sq. Feet Valuation L32.43 5,853 776,437.O9 35.02 935 32,743.70 Subtotal z 6,798 809, 180. 79 Total Valuation: 809r180.79 of VaiI Adjusted Valuationz 829 '000.000 .000 Totat catcutrtrd Fccs--> E'295.1O 400.00 Additionlt Fees------> .(Il 1,O$.m Totat Prrrit Fcc----> E,206.1O 750.0 Payrents----- E,205.10 EALAITCE DUE--- Firept.ce Intonmtion: R.stricted: YEs #ot Gas Appl,iances: 2 fof Gas Logs: flof lood/Prt I'et: FEE SUIIIIARY Bui tdi ng----> Ptan chcck-i> lnvestigrt ion> Ii Lt crt l,---> 3,656.(n 2,376.$ .00 3.00 IIem: O51OO BUILDING DEPART!,IENT 09/L3/L995 DA}II Action: APPRItem: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT O9/06/L995 LAUREN Action: APPRItem! 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/13/1995 DAN Action: APPRItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09/L2/1995 CHARLIE Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING DiviEion: Dept: PLANNING DiviEion: Dept: FIRE Diviaion: Dept: PUB WORK Divieion: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to thie permit. DECLARATIONS t hereby acknortcdge that I have read this apptic.tion, fil,ted out in ful,t the inforration rcquired, cooptetcd rn rccuratr ptot ptar, and 3trtc thrt alt the inforration providcd as rcqui rcd is corrcct. I agrcc to cornpl,y vith th. inforr.tion and Ptot Pt.n, to coipty yith aLt Toyn ordinanccs rnd state [aus, and to buitd thig gtructure according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivigion codcs, d$ign ranieu approved, ljniforr Aritding Codr and other ordinanccs of thr Torn !pp[ic.b[c thcrcto. REEUESTS FOR TTISPECTIOIS SHALL BE IIADE TI'ENTY-FOI'R HOURS Til ADVANCE BY TELEPITONE AT 479-21lf OR AT OI,R OfFICE FROI 8:(x) A 5:OO PII S.nd Cl,ean-Up Drposit To: BECK SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR COTITRACTOR foR HIIISELF AND oill{ER PAGE 2 ********************!r*********************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit #: 895-0263 as of 09/L3/95 Status: APPROVED **************!t***************************************************************** Permit Type: NEw (sFR,P/s,DuP) PERMIT Applied: 08/25/I99s Applicant: BECK 6( ASSOCIATES, INC Issued: 09/I3/L995 Job Addrees: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR Location: Parcel No: 2103-12l-06-072 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REOUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OT THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR BUILDING ONLY NO MECHANICAL,PLT'MB. OR EI.,ECTRICAI, WORK CAN BE DONE. --v- **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0067 Amount:200.00 09/Lt/95 t4229 Paynent Method: CK Notation: PRE-PAID DRB Init: DS Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addrees: ThiB Payment Account Code 01 0000 41331 Total Fees:200.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES 895-0263 Tlpe: B-BUrr,D NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE 2103-121-06-012 1385 WESTHAVEN CR **************************************************************** 8 r 205. 10 200.00 8, 005. 10 Anount 200.00 APPIJICATION MUST BE FILLED ****************************** I I]-Building I yl-Plumbing t Job Name: 0'ileill Residence Job Address: 1385 Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Owners Nane: Patricia 0'l{eill o'39x"?[ x]ll,3iili3*";3ifl1 Address: Address: ZtO natia St. hquna. C 7!U9!rc- Box 5560 Avon. C0 Ph.94!r-7074Archltect: Duane Piper General Description: -]|erRes!!gg Work Class: [X]-Nevr [ ]-Alteration t l-Additional t l-Repair [ ]-Other Number of DwetLing Units: I Nunber of Acconmodation Units: Nurnber and $pe of Fireplaces: eas AppJ.iances cas Logs:3_ Woodr/Pellet **** * ** *********** * *** * *********** VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING: $756'OOO.OO PLt uBING: TZfil[Ff,O-ELECTRICAIJ: $22,OOO.OO MEcEN{rcAr,: T24l06dJF OTHER: TOTAL: Address: Plumbing Address: Contractor:il/A Town of Vail Phone Numbers Town of Vail Phone Numbers Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No.I[Z:L 949-1800 Reg. NO._ Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** Reg. NO. Reg. NO._ FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUII,DING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PIAN CHECK FEE: I.IECHANICAIJ PLAN CHECK FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI,{IT FEES r{/A BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PER}TIT FEE: I.IECIIANICAL, PERI{IT FEE: RECREATTON FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:W General Contractor: Electrical Contractor:WA Beck ETT and TOt Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, colorado 81557(303) 479 -2138 PIan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Project Nurdber: PRat9 5 0161 Address: 1385 WESTHAVEN cR contractor: BECK AND ASSOC. Architect: DUANE PIPER Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK Name: O'NEIL RESIDENCE Date: Septenber 11, 1995 occupancy: R3.M1 Type of Con6t: V-N NOTE: The code items listed in this rePort are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1991 UBc. Ig is a guide to selected sectsions of the code. DIRECTION BOTJNDARY NORTH Property 1j.ne EAST Property line SoUTII Property line WEST Properhy line EXTERf OR WALIJ Table 17-A & SEPARATION AREA II\ICREASE 19 - O Feet. 21- O Feet 27. O Feet 21. O Feet FIRE RATINGS AND Table 5-A FIRE PROTECTION 19.0 Feet 21. 0 Feet 27.0 Feet 21. 0 Feeb OPENING PROTECTION The exterior waI1s may be of CoUBUSTIBLE material . Sec.2201. AREJA MIN.LIGHT I{IN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESSr! 2 Bedroom #1 2 Bedroom #2 2 Living room 2 Bath roorn 2 office 2 Bath room #2 2 Gynn. 2 Master bath 2 Ma€ter bedroom 2 sittsing room 2 Ha1ls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Garage 1 Laundry room 1 Pantry 1 Kitchen 1 Dining room 1 office 1 Living room 1 Theater 1 Library 1 Powder room I Conservatory 1 Ha11s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FI,OOR BUIL,DING TOTAL 110 11.00144 L4.40211 27.1043 0.00188 18.8024 0.0052 10.00r77 0.00253 25.3027.9 21.9013?O 0. 00 27 91,935 0.0038 0.002A 10.00395 39.50234 23.40222 22.20400 40.00221. 22.).0441 44.1036 0.00t72 77.20885 0.00 4007 5794 q qn 7.20 10. 55 2.L5 9 .40 1.50 5.00 8. 85 12.65 10.95 0,00 0.00 1.90 5.00 L9.75 11.70 11.10 20.00 11- 05 22.05 1.80 8.50 0.00 Yes Yes No No No No No No YeE No No No No No No No No No No No No No No FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that' opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The minimun clear openable area musts meet the following. -- Sec- 1204. 1) The minimum clear heighE ls 24 inches 2) The minimum cLear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maxinum siII height is 44 inches 2) The number of exibe is based on TabLe 33-A (Dvtellings) 3) A mechanical venlilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventil.ation. -- sec. 1205. (c) ROOM DIUENSIONS : Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less lhan 7 feet 5 inches. Kilchens, hal1s. bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiligg height of ? feet measured to the lol^test projecgion. If ehe ceillng is slopinq, then the rninimum height is required in only I/2 of the area' --Sec- 1207. (a) Every dwelling uni! shall have at leasE one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms excep! kitchens sha11 have an area of not less than 70 square fee!. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. 1207.lc) GI.,AZING REQUIREMENTS : A11 qlazingr in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5405. (il) 1) Glazing in ingiress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sJ,iding' door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) clazing in a1l unframed swinqinq doors. 5) Glazing in doors and. encl,osures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas. stean rooms, batshtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosingr lhese compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above a sLanding surface and drain j-nleE. 5) clazingr in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearesE exposed edge of the grlazxing is wibhin a 24-inch arc of eiEher vertical edqe of the door in a closed posiEion and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. ?) Glazing in an lndividual fixed or operable panel , other than those locations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets all of the following conditsions: A- Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet- B- Exposed bottorn edge less than 18 inches above the floor. c. ExpoEed top edge qreater than 35 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizontally of the plane of the gLaz ing. 8)' Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. Included are structural baLuster panels and nonslructuraL in-fi1l panels - See exceptions . ST.{OKE DETECTOR REQUTREMENTS: A snoke detector is required on the ceiling or r1'a11 at a point centrall'y located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. - - Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceil,ing or r^taI1 in eaeh sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. If the upper leve1 contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in t}le cei3.ing of the upper level close to the stairway, - - Sec, 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the buitding's pohrer source and shal1 be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3. Detectors shall sound an alarm audibte in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. OCCUPANCY SEPARATTON: . Betrrreen the garag'e and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and. any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & sec- 503. (d) exc' *3 STAIR REQUIRE}IENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3305. (b) The maximun rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches' -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stainray 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3305.(i) Provide a guard. rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Mininum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- sec. 7712. bl exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usable space und.er the stairs is required to be protected as required for llrr fire-resistive construction. -- sec- 3305.'(1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES 3 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross - sectional- area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with no! lesE than 25 gage galvanized sheet metal with aIl. joincs locklapped. The oulside must be t hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shalL be prohected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door 1 3/8 inches bhick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1705. (f) 2) Gas ventss and noncombustible piping installed in wa11s passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafes.-- Sec. 1?06. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, facEory-built chimneys, piping. or ducts hhat do not extend through nob more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. -- sec. 1706. (c) 4) All other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. - - sec. 1706. (a) CRAWIJSPACE REQUIREUENTS : 1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior vra11s. Opening shall provide a net area of not less bhan 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical . -- Sec- 2515. (c) 6. Note: Vent openinqs may be reduced bo 10* of the above if ground surface area is covered hrith an approved vapor barrier and the building off icial approves. For a 2930.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of vent r/a50 19.53 2) Provide 18-inch by 24- inch access opening Eo the crawl space area. Note! openinqr may be required to be larger if mechanical equipnent is located in the crahrl space, -- Sec. 2516. (cl 2. 3) Unless t].e wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decalz or treated wood, the minirnum clearance belween exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum cfearance to beams and qirders is ie 12 inche6. -- Sec. 2516. (cl 2. ADDITIONAI, REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy Thie proJect will reguire a site improvement Eurvey. Such surveyshall be submiCted and approved prior to request for frame inepectlon. AlL crawl spaces within thE Town Of Vail are limited to a earth tostructural floor ceiling hei.ght of 5 | , be eartsh floor only, be ventilated .as per UBC 2516 (C) 6 with minimum acceas a€ per UBC 2515(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degreeg or more shall reguire an engineer design. Sueh design shall address drainage, soil retaJ.nage and atructural deEign. ExcavaEion below slabs on grade sha1l not be permitted wiEhout prior approval . Addrees nurnbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible fron the a treet . For Ml occupancy Slope garaqe floor t.o allow for drainage tso outside !o provide a floor drain with sand and oi!. interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any qarage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eag1e Valley Water & Sanitation Diatrict. In garaqeB with living area above, the wa1ls of the g'araqe wiich are bearlng the area above shall be protected with one hour fireresiEtive conalruction. UBC 503 (B) . Town of vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 815 57 (303) 479 -2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Number: PR,I9 5 0151 Address: 1385 WESTHAVEN CR Conbraceor: BECK AND ASSOC. Archilect: DUANE PIPER Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK Name: O'NEIL RESIDENCE Date: September 11, 1995 Occupancy: R3,M1 Type of Const: V-N =i===::::l==:3::::::::::::=========:3::::it3I=::3:::::=1 Exterior surfaces with sEucco sha1l be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBc 4705 with 2 layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be adequateS.y flashed(not with just screed meEal). A lath inspecEion is required prior stucco app 1 i cat ion . 2 A baLhroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical ventilaEion system. -- sec. 1205-(c) 3 In battrrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly co the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a r.r'ater closet or Iav. may be venLilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Crawl spaces are required to be ventilaEed by mecl..anical means or by openings. Such openings sha1l have a net area of not less than 1 sq. fc. for eac]- 150 sq. ft. of under-floor area. UBC 2516(c)5. Heating and cooling equipment located in the garage shal1 be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elements and switches at least 18t' above the floor level of the garaqe. llMC 508. Furnaces not Iisted for closet or alcove installat.ion shal1 be inslaI1ed in a room or space hawing a volume at leasc 12 tines the volume of the furnaee. A boiler unit wil,L require a spaee 15 times larger than Ehe boiler. UMc 504 (b) supply a rnechanical drawing indicating desigrn of system. size (BTU and volume) of equipnent. vent location and termination, and combustion air to be sr.lpplied prior Co any j-nsta11ation. Tbe garage musE be separated from the dwelling by lhr fire-resistive construction on the garage side' -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The door betweeD ghe garage and the du€llinE l. required to be a 1 3,/8 tnch thick Eolld qore or 20 minule self closinq door. '- sec. 503. (d) exc.#3. The open 6ide of all decks, porches, ctaira, etc. which are nore than 30i above grad€ shalX be' probected with a guardrail. Openinga can trot cxeecd 4'. vllthin R-1 occ. and all R-3, height rnln. l't 36i-outal-de R-l occ. beight mln. Le 42'r. t Bc 1711. At eavea and valLeys an adequate underlayment. .bal1 be provided to protect a strucgure frorn ice bulldlup and water danage, Tro layere of felt tolld aop9ed to eheathing and between layera or a cormercl'al water & ice ehield may b€ used ae per Teblr 3281. The crarl apace area Ls required to be v.ntilatcd by eiither an approved mechanical n€aD8 or by opcnJ.ng ln the exerior wal1s. -- sec. 2516. (c) 6. 10 11 t2 oitgn Review Action roil TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description:ruN Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot4- Block Project Street Address: Comments: zoneoiaria'D4 Board / Staff Action Motion by:E,*fue-Ne, seconded or, \LCY6 2RAPProval ! Disapproval ! StafiApproval L Art r r,, tt)al-nt'k,u- Town PlannerI*o*", Iltr rt 7 ),16 :) .k l?fttt - i DRB Fee Pre-oard 't> I'L;U tB ' \I imary/SecondarY o FamiLSin9le ZONE CI{ECK . FORy Residence, Duplex' Pr ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: ^IZOIqEI,EGAI, DESCRIPTION;E5l s locl<I s,ruaivision ADDRESS:c OVINER ARCHTTECT D.uane q\tlr PIIONE PROPOSED USE r,or srzE ,W, ac = llrkht BUrr,DABr,E r,or AREA r{eighr TOEAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA seLbacks Sibe Coverage Landscaping Retaining wall Parking Carage CrediL Drive: Comp1ies wir.h T.O.v. water Coursc Scl-baclt Do Finish Grades Exceed Dnvi ronmen t aL /llazards : ?.511 \l'tI Front Sides Rear zB(t bflo v,a. IteighLs 425 425 2:t AlLowed (30) @ a+fr =_fl.41 =_%loL 20, 1.5, 15', 4,hr1 tl,boln 3'/6' 5 neqrd (300) (600)(tffiltro PermitLecl srope tltOt Exis Linq Proposcd roEar 6*l'Z 2r2; "t7K6{e (ot4*a+i-'' qw' +r4+!;?/ !ffirr* a3b 4b 7.bt+/ tu ?'l 4,0+z 1,or Vtm+ l?,+1+ r!Y- r' 5 -/vdct otE6 Proposed Slope l0 t +110 + 05o + + tighting Ordinance (30)6oD Yes X No Fv- YES NO ,/(s0r) 1) Flood PLain b) c) View Corridor EncroachmcnL :Yes- Previous condiLions of approval (check property file): 2, Perceng slope t. , nU L?O1O 3) Geologic llazards a) Snow Avalanche /lronockfall nD Debris ftow M- 4) weElands 114 No:+- DoeE Uhis requesL invuive a 250 ir<idiLiorr? ^ h I.tow much of [tre allowed 250 Addition is used wiLh this reguest?-4 10 O'Nkru Resoeucr, - til \lernxvexl - LAts'ENf;re*lsN filGrso: trlrilqs FrerrcA: brzolqs Qlrtrrnedt rl1illls, (ftd..d.ln6') bicg,*(r.r t{bt,artb\'$\'(looor';. 1. $.o{. rca.nqJ\ irrf\o.€r*,,a tc orr'rorcnpdats"SK:---'- ?. in\tlor Af\€F$3 att6r rr fo gcQ' Arsa GArtsr{- 4s $asrr ' ?. gmrAnsot $e6 l'lvrltr1 slr|irr\ Dr 6Ft\colgLc?otQ\A\t \3 tot a\o$€O ' tl@3nog ShnsEDbd$' iro{ ellG*o' t 9rt'lse3€5fiN1' I p el Op EIo \ C) o_o o 'oNI Io!to Io o X o tlf\o Io t^ Iot\o oN0 o oo o o o 0i 0 o oIoo x oo d o .Y o o 0 o ooo aj €i F,ah s'b*{.^{-ttssr' sn*{ d^"f.' ,tt t0^^,vu^* b.Ictrt+"^ u^ -f i$1 *d..1 . 6.15.95 Terri lvlartinez hrblic Works Oegannent Tbwnof Vail Rs O'Neill Residence Lot 51, Glen Lyon, Townof Vail Tbri: The accompanying drawings r€present current design for the subject project. Subsequent to ttre prwious submittal I have effcted the fdlowing changes: 1) The entire stucture has b€m moved 2' further from the strg. 2) The east garage stall has been recessed 1 112'. 3) The spur G tumarcund has been moved to the west side of the garage. 4) A tench drain has boen add€d to the garage thresholds. I believe the accumulative result of these changes is a better aocess and tumaround frrnction. Please note ap'proach slopes m the grages from the street are approximately 6 lD % ta 7 %. On a separate issue, I have reviewed grades and revised conditions b be 2:1 or less with topography J/l , s/ alJ- Op _Cr)Yo \ C)o-o ooNI Ion O. Iot\ o. x o t oN I o\n6 Io o oNI o oE o o 6oio o oIoo x oo d E T oo 0 o 0oo a; €! 6.r6.95 Ianren Waterton. Planner @artment of Community Development Town ofVail Vail, CO. Re: O'Neill Residence 1385 We,sthaven Circle Iauren: The focus of these revisions @curs with the garage. It is my interpretation of the Design Review Board's comments that certaih alterations sliould be nade to fte gfrage south elevation. Please note fint of all that the garage and house has been moved to the nmth 2'. !g Brage stall on the east has-ben lowered 6" to make c€rtain that the garage roof ridgeline does not exced 33' in heighr I have also double checked ttre main house ridges to make certain that the 2' move did not jeopardize treight limits" It appear$ to be O.K. Specific to the garage, I have also moved the east garage door back I lD' and moved the mchway forward 1 '. This is an atbmpt to give befier relief and shadow to the garage soutb elevation. One frrther change has been made to better satis$ the requirements of ttre Departnent of Public Works. I have reconfrgured the &iveway to better serve turnaround functions and driveway grades. Tierri Martinez is iri receip of this site plan drawing. P_lease call if you need additional information or have a question wittr ttrese drawings. t ;'vryryt f 'fln'wPV\-^Il/ a -oI RetUm tO Lauren Waterton Town Planner PROJECT: DATE SUB 'N) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRTEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PHOPOSAL: ' t f '\N@ 61W hvrnuLl \'r,l GU,^"- Wr-I Reviewed by:/4 6:.'*'Date:- 2'1'2s- Qomments: z'/o.'.-,-- .,,-t /7zd -9 7O az4,o:.otJ- c4.^,4dt- /<,<z-t 4-/ a-2t7,.-u ./fC ' ;/ n...o-o r,co:.,,.7) /z.rA2J ^::7 '/ a-/ztu"l*zzrz'1/ - Z:1'o'o yrs"-r "d JTfl>u4'' S Zz& u"'oa'*' trl..d I l/iYgl A ror. 5 rog5 q4 l, Retum to LAUREN WATERTON Town Planner wo5 DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Nanr a"d.q, &*{l \.. GtL.{^- UN"- Revieured by: Comments: lerr' fvlortr'neL Date: awet'\q5 . vJoveedq stqw?ed Socvcl r,sittr .,goc s\e\jot\G.\<t o<\ tt\ee*is\i\ed3e 4 ql$A\t q,t rt€, locar id\ o€ th€ e<oeored A<iue . cofitolr 6 need,io be, torin mocnt* erl slo9€ ' 94,agat <.rr4edh ced,. ttoavo 51rae,4 dri.lauaol to rha scDtlrog st's\rrn 6\ QAon - .loo can ccxnorre, ortrr*{ epho\bon th€ norhir stde i9 1br'\Frsv\ ' {o ,t5l, *"^.. \ to a.s\S$ s\doga o( Aitcros astr$A \t'e' Praecr\ to csorc\ ert':rcn & fto"drn l trocrr cec\'.rs\ .r:o\tf - \ftEa \3 aor sho\tJ StotoS: ?' wznc,cA\oscuo\qrg*3'lP(\o\6.tc,J'-fr€25ocs\<..n3rrrlr\rlGvocrrql-rtoe.acr1. fb1 A@o{e?' n \s€ E9$BF(\I Eri..d t triylA The location and availabilit.y of utiliLies, whethertrunk lines or proposed Lines, must be approved andfollowing utilities for the accompanying siLe plan. SUBDIVISION JOB N toT ADDRESS U.S. west CommunicaLions L-800-922-L987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 - 5781 Gary Hal1 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 - 5892 Ted Husky/Michael LaverLy HeriLage Cablevision T.v.. 949 - ss30 Steve HiaLt Upper Eagle vatley waLer & SaniLation DisEricL * 476-7480 Fred Haslee NOTE: Authorized Siqnature they be mainverified by the 'Date z- * Please bringobtaining Upperflow needs mus L A FILING 5-/z *vr l' fr-f+ fn-ri,t L'or,;.*.^*t tL.,-ohoz' .// ,// t\ as pqr 4\\o\nA,. sl.p This form is Lo verify Ioca t.ion . This shouldpreparing your utility ins Lal Ia Lions . service availability and be used in conjuncLion wit.hplan and scheduling For any new consCrucLion proposal, t,he applicantmusL provide a complet.ed uE.ility. verificar-ion form. If a utiliLy company has concerns with Lhe proposedconsLrucLion, the utility representat,ive should not.direccly on the utilicy verificaEion form that ttrereis a problem whi.ch needs Lo be resolved. The issueshould then be spelled oub in deLail in an aetachedlet.Eer Lo the Town of vail. However, please keep inmind that it i.s Lhe responsibilit,y of the ut,ilitycompany to resolve i.dentif ied problems. If the uLi. Iity veri.fication form has signatures fromeach of t.he ut.iliLy companies, and Do cotnmenLs aremade direclly on the form, the Town will presume t.haL there are no problems and that, Lhe developmentcan proceed. These verificacions do noL relieve the cont.ractor ofhis responsibitit.y to obt.ain a streeL cut permit. from Lhe Town of vail, Depart,ment. of public works and Lo obtain utilitv locatlons b_qlqreJllqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town ofVail. A buildinq permit is noL a stree--L- eq! lelnrt.A streeE cuC permit. must. be obLained separately. Installation of service lines are aE Lhe expense andresponsibility of the property owner. a siEe plan, ftoor plan, and elevations when Eagle Valley Water & SaniLation signat,ures. Fire.be addressed. O#*O Single Family Residence, Duplex, primary/Secondary o ZONE DTSTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTfON: Lot Block Subdivision ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PHONEARCHITECT ZONE DTSTRTCT DPnDnCErn ttqE LOT SIZE BUILDABI,E LOT AREA Allowed existino proposed TotaI Heiqhr, (30) (33) -- __- ToTaI GRFA Primary GRFA +425= Secondary GRFA + 425 =_ . Setbacks Front 20,' Sides 1,5,Rear 15 , Site Coverage Landscaping ReLaining wa11 Heights 3,/6' Parking __Reqrd _Encl carase Credit (3OO) (600) (900) (1200)_ Drive: permitted Slope t proposed Slope Complies with T.O.V. Lighring Ordinance yes No water Course Secback (30)(s0) Do rinish Grades Exceed 2:L (501) yES EnvironmenLal,/Hazards: 1) Ftood plain 2) PercenL Slope (< > 3Ot) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) RockfaIIc) Debris Flow 4) Weelands View Corridor Encroachnent.: yes Does t.his reqriEsL irrvuive a 23A Addition? How much of the aLlowed 250 Addition is usefrffifiis reguesE?_ Previous conditions of approval (check properE,y file): NO No 10 - .t !lluu!h l.! I I ODI..t I.. 1 I LI I = oi .o '- F F l:-l- /<,&'/ /(d "lI I )oL, U( I d 4 6l a) ct- , 7.JI L\{o\* .J) + 9,%\ 6\ o'r V ro \y \q I', -""""3U +€ o^ L ) '7 EU tr> Vl FlrJrcr-E2P 4 tETtA)r4.. I C+=l d/;) I F; NA l\I:SI 0 itr-'fiq Fn,F: \l .l r:-1 L:-.J ?)-2? .il ,ll ''1 * d Js \L t- I .l 4lt .tl - t-_It 'il'1'; - -t,i ,'?,Qlrl.:-- 7,' 1 t7tA. A/6 q|;Ei 14, AJ AY''I-J,VJ:: rPltJ?r.I I b.J -.1=t ) oF -*\E *'1) Q.E>U-': ,l{-rT 'pirL_ t- Ae) e "r---sry$',{+ -fYPs:J\L r22pAe. R?)- Jgr:f€..J ' 2 " Bl'-SlfCr'glll Inrxcs lDcy crnro( ue gu{!rrolc!,\l ,|gnt"rl .:]a:l ALI eJ\D.1.e 'lEEa-, A'eJ:: r^'/AlL-Ab.-Et4 a4-t1v-/* i \-, I \ i- ,{5titD'\fi .. *.:: T-oi i ' 4,. ^' I' L -t,/,' . \J',',1 ,2,,l,r,,G L'i 4r/d''j#:/ .L' 4*d +;4h\ , -r-'j* ,v:i_-.,-)_, ,_KT-*lrI---' ,tffi;;tBtt--"'- - i F .a y NAME OF PROJECT: I,EGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: The following informat.ion is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING MATERIAITS : Roof Siding Other wa1l Fascia Ma t.erial s soff i ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReLaining WaIIs ExLerior Lightinq Other .: LANDSCAPING: Name of LIST OF MATERIALS BLOCK SUBDIVISION Iw required for submittal Lo the Design approval can be given: rd"^-tuNhJ COITOR leA,w t, ,h ,'tl Al I\ tr Lufur L ftvur - *,,,r, tilt,l r,ft, I (wrrA'r "w' lo, -- l,', \ww -- - ui|l Designer: Phone: [,0rvutl B. _tF ;oCommon Name OuanLitv Size*PLANT },fATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS BoEanical Name 9& /vtru't@- *Indicate caLiper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deci:duous cree! is 2 inches. rndicate ttEEnfficoniferouscrees. Minimum heicrht for coniferous trees is 5 feet.**IndicaEe size of proposed shrubs. 5 qalIon. Type Square Footaqe GROT'ND, COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION rypE oR METH.D or hrr, bdrs .kn$rd !fllt/t^^, EROSION CO}i'TROL I C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exCerior lighLing is proposed, please show che number of fixLures and locaLions on a separaLelighting plan. IdenLify each fixLure from t,he liqhting plahin ehe space below and provide the height above grade, type oftight. proposed, lurnen out.puL. luminous area and a cut sheeL ofthe Iiqht fixture. (Seccion 18.54. O5O J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimmingpools, eLc.) PIease specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum heighr of waLls within Che front setback ti3'. Maximum height of wal.Is elsewhere on t.he propert,y is 6, D. It PLANT LIST KEY TREES PP SHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE FT MS AS PICEA PUNGENS POPULUS TREMULOIDES MALUS SPRING SNOW ACER GINNALA RIBES ALPINIIM PINUS MUGO MUGUS PRUNUS VIRGINIANA CORNUS STOTONIFERA SAMBUCUS CANADENSIS AUREA SALIX PURPI.JREA NANA POTENTILLA, KD POTENTILLA, MCKAY SPIRAEA NIPPONICA ALPINECURRANT MUGO PINE CHOKECHERRY REDTWIG DOGWOOD GOLDEN ELDER ARTIC WILLOW KATHRYNDYKES POTENTILI.-A, MCKAY'S WHITE POTENTILt.A. SNOWMOIJND SPIREA BLUE SPRUCE ASPEN SPRING SNOW CRAB AMUR MAPLE DRW'G. NOTES HT.2 CAL. 21t2 CAL. 2" CAL. +-l t? I RA PM PV CS SC SP PD PW SS PE C:f AB A\il 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 CAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 124.w. b;2 (/ 1 PERENNIALS. GROUNDCOVERS AND VINES PARTI{ENOCISSUS ENGELMANIVY CERASTITJM TOMENTOSUM SNOW IN SUMMER AJUGA GENEVENSIS ARCTOSTAPHYI,OS WA-IJRISPS PHYL,OX SUBULATA BUGLE AJUGA KINNIKINNICK CREEPING PHLOX 1GAL. I GAL. I GAL. I GAL. 1GAL. toh sO 6:6 \r, From : PflTRICIH O'NEILL LRIJ t.,. OFFICE PHONE No. i 174 494e424 l'lae. 14 1995 11:53RN P@tt tfi,.t'** *l Pnricy Nrrmhnr SV lt'! it I i ' suEJtcT T0 tHI txct_usr0Ns fll0M cov[ffAtit. ltlt EXctplt0N.s iHoM c0viltA6i 00NlAtNfD tN 0CHTI]UTE 8 ANO TIIE CONI]ITIOI{S ANtJ STIPiJLATIONS. 0t0 fiEI|UBl'l0 NAI|0NAL TlItf iNSUBANCI l]UMPANY, R l,ltr;reiott coipor;rti(,r. trrrixr caileC the (;ortrpflny, Schodulc A, ogninst loss or rlanrfrrJu. ruL rxr;r!r'rJrr0 rhe ^m0rnr ul lttsutanre itsl0tr In s0hedrtrc A, srr$ruirrqi ur inctrred hy lO lhe trrsurud Cl,rintant grro nrr: diSClO$d in wntrng tO thr Lrnder lhis trrrlily 010 REPUBUC ilAItotCAt ttTtE r'tsURAilCE C0tpAtty 1 ,trctl [,\nNDy 4le lron'l Avtnu,, Sl,rth, llitat,tlt'Jt!. L'fitt! a 5!4(ll titlt Jll l lrt i.- t l. Tillu tu thr srtst€ 0r intorsst dstcribsd in Sthfdulc A hginQ ve$red 0th0r lherr rs rrtairld rhersrn.2. Any defect hr ur lion or sncumbrrnce 0n rhr rlrl0,3. Unmaftsubility of tho rirls; 4. bck of I righr ol rceesr t0 tnd lrom rhe tand. 'TheConrplnywf|ohoptythccosts,a|torneys.'e0s8n1|lxpensesincLrrrer1rndgfesll Conditions onc StrDulslionr. |NW|TNEsswl{tR[0t'thesaid0ldfepub|icNsl|on$lTit|o|nsuttnntiCompanyh;rs|,0U5ud|l5c0|ltL]lal(lame authoriud ollicgrs rs ol the drto shown in sched'le A, rho policy rrr he vaiid whsn cgt;ntorsigrrlil ::y an authorued rrfirrrur or aqenr ol rlrrr forrpany. fxctusti]N5 tfl 0ti,'t [ovlBAGt Tha followmg mal$fs elo 8IF8B$|Y sxcluded lrom lho ovonge of thrs pohcy anrl rht [orrpany will rl0l p0y !0ss 0r rlirrrrr!{r, costs. arlornelr' ilus rrr lxprnuer whhh rriro by moson of, ltgnotgncumbf8ncerosuhinglltrlnavroletionort|trrgur|uolat!orta||cctingtlre|gr|dh;sbeetl {bJ Any gOvemtflontol poliCe pOWtr not ercluded by lu} aliove, src0Dl r0 rhe rxrunt that i rruli06 0f rhe uerrisu rhereoi nr e rrulrct lJl a dEtent, li0l| q. snfiJmbrlnc0 rosulling lrom s uollli0n trr nlleged violation allecting tl:u iand hrs bcrlrr re;orde(l i!t tho prrblir: reC;urtis st Date 0f p0lrily, 2'flphnofeminontdomainun|e$$n0[cg0lthseIelc|$tth8lsolhas}tsontecordod|nth0pt,l}|lu - any t0ting whhh hls qccuned prior to 0tte ol Polrly which would ho hirrt{ing on rhl rrql'rrs ol e prrrr:haser lor vrilrru vrrlhoul irluidrirfg.,.3, Dgfscts, lisns, anruntbroncer, sdversr claims. or other rnerrors, 16l prgnted, euffereo, r$sumsd 0r ggt8ed t0 hy the insuteij r)lirmflnt, inluroc, ss oi 0ote ol Polioy shown rn tho inciltod by rnnsnn nf, luaed through the 0llico of, !4ryD TIU euAtAilTE corrrpAilylOt 5o. Frcntrgr ld. Wlrt, Sultr 20Ct. g. Box 8!7 Vrll, GO Sl6if (t03) {762rtl ibl nor lnpwrr t0 thB c0mpsny, not recordgd in rlrr.l 0ublic reccrrJs al 0are 0l pnrisy, lu1 rir1nvv11 Compeny by the insursd ci6trl0nl pri0r ro rhe (lnlo the insurrrtt clrimonl br:r:rnrg !n |:.qu,t:rl{Cl resuhmg ifi no loss ot damagr to llrc ilsured rrlainrnnl ldl artachrno 0r cre0tsd sub$0Qus0t to Dare of policv, or . {sl r0$utttr m lors gr domogB whrch would 4.Anychim,w|tichtticgsouto|thottafsscti0nvB$lin!||lth8lnsurorlthee$lfrtrutin1erRlt,uluredbyit,isuuircy,bYrasi1nut bsnkruplcy, strro insolvoncy, or similsr croditors' righrs lrrls, rhar is bascd on {l ths tfsns6CtiOn Crssttng thB srtit0 Or inrenst insurnd by this poliCV heing det,nrod o iraud,rtorrt conv8,/a0ce 0r frdudut8nr rraDslsr, rrr l6ilursr lai to timoly rccord the insrrunrcrrt of transfer, nr lbl of luch rocordation to imptrt notict t0 0 puchc$ef for value rr n lud0ernurr lr rrqn credilur )ttttttq Oil trrr lDl . |llt 0rnr/r tirry l0.tt.gt ....,f, Etag From : PATRICIA 0'NEILL LRIJ UI-T lLE PH0NE Nc. :71.4 494e4?@ I l'las. 14 1995 11:544M PA? I coN0lTl0Ns AN|) sTlPutaTltjNs l. ilt:li;tition af fernt. The lolfowing orn$ ryhon used in this polrcy msan: lol "mcursd"r the hsured named rn Schadule A, and, subprt ro lny aghte or dsfoneos tho Companv would ha'o had againlt lnc ni trcr, :nsurr]ij lhoss lll||0 $r0c0nd t0 ths inl0f0|it ol llrr nrnrrll in$Urrrrl hy n;rrrrirr| cl In'r,, ;i distinguichod lrom purchoro includrng. bur nor lm,lcd rc, hcirs. tJurrbLrrur* d0vifeo|, fr.lr\,rv0rs, lrsrs0fiul rulrErBrttutivrc, rrurl ul lirr, ur curpu|xtu ur frduuruy 3uCC0tSot$. lbl "insured cloimant", ln Itlsufgd cloimifl! los$ 0r dal]t,l0r, icl "knowiedga" or "knovrn", actual knorvledge, nol ronnLri:irvr, knowlgtlgs or noticg whrch mey ba impuled to an insured by reasnrr oJ rlrri trrtlrrr rccods ss dsfinod in ftis policy 0r any orher records which iltlFtsl I'Jr,sl0ri:ryg notics of msttsr$ alfecting rhe hnd. lrtl "luntl", tho hnd descnbed or relerred to in $cheorrle A. rrrrl impr0ventgnl* allixsd theroto whrch by trw consritute real gopcny. llrir ttirrl "hnd'' doc$ nDt includs any propsrty bayond rhe line! 0l lle ar*r tllsrrilruil ii referted to in $uheduls A nor any ight, tille, inl€re$. oslale n rissrtnrrrrit il dunin0 su00lt, r0tdE,0v8nu0s, allsys. lens$, ways 0r ||]ste[iv8f's. bur nir1hir41 huein shall modily 0f linit lB ort( rt l0 which a right 0f ircfs,rs l0 and lr(r,rr rrrrr land is irsumd by tl{s policy. lef "mo gsge"; nrungagn, rJoad ol lrust, lrust dssd, or olii?r $ell0t'i rn$trumgnl, lll "publc rucffds", rocofds Bshbl$hd under slele $l6tLrlt$ 0l []dts rrl lolicy lor tlts purp0s0 0f importng c0nsuuclive nol,ce 0f nrarrers relatirig to ruolproperry to purchasers for valut ond without lflor,lsdgB, lvnh respect ro Sncrirr:r llriliiv) nf rhe [rclusi0ns {ronr Covenge, "public records" shall also inllu(io 0rrvir]nn8ntil priir(:,:|rrrr liens lrtod irr rs recods of the clerh of lhe Unirnll $tttns (lrslnr:l r,cr.rt lu ths disrrr::r irr wltrch the iand is loc6ted.(gl "ilnnr*strbiiity of the ilde", 8n €llc1;cd u iJlilrdrlrl r!riiitcr rl;r(:ti:,(r tt.L trtlB l0 lhs lsnd, fior 0x0ludu(l trr sxceplod lroni coverage, whith wt;rrlrl crrritll a l,firclusor 0f ths oslslg 0r mtgnsl des(,,ib0,j irr Sc|+duiu A l( ht rriieased lifiri rl , ohlrgation to lurrhaso by virlgg gl 6 g6n1ra61llgl corrdniun rrqurrirrg rhn Cnlivtry ul marketahl0 title, ?. €onmuation ol ltrsuunu Allur (tittylyanv ol i /e. Thtl cor'Brogg 0f lhis policy slmll r;ontirruu m furle as of Date of Fnlrry in ltrtr ol an insuted only so long as thlt itts'led rgtttns an esrare 0r irtcr{rst ll thu land, or holds sn indchtodnsss socurnd by a purchare Inon(iy uru(ijlr.lrr Qvfltl hy a purchaser fr0rr lho insur(rtl, or only so long as the instrred sh/lll hur li,:lilrtr by reason of covtntnts ul wdrrunty []ade by ihe inzurt;j in tny rnrrSlsr nr conwyEnc0 0f ths gslats 0t i etE$l. lhis pulir:y shall nnl lonthtt€ ,r f(Jlj{t ur lavor crf eny purchoser lrom lho iflsur8d ol eirher lij dt firla1(t rjt rnl[i8sl !n lrre lnnd, rr [ii] sn indabtedness rnnurld by o pln:hase firnrsy n]0n0ag0 gitrllrl tt] t:til ins!f8d, J. ltotiee ol tlain to ho iren by lnsund ttainant. The insurd $hotl notly thg tjompany pronlprly irr wnring lil irr case of any litigatron as ret lonh in $ecrion 4{el betow. liil rn clso l ou/ldqg shatl come rrr 8n In$trft(l hgrgundsr of any cleim nf titin nr interest wht0h rs ad!,erse to rhc ritll l0 $ erl0G or in$Bst, ss insursd. rnd udnth rnighl !'ouse loss 0r danul|t h[ which tire Cornpony moy b0 lieble bv vinue ul rhirr poliuy, rrr {iiil if ritte ro rtr,, sjlots u inLuresl. as itrsur€d, is rqecmd as Unn]akersblc ll r)'rrrr||rl notice shat, tttrt b0 qNBn to the Comp8ny, lhurr as lo ths rnsurnd atl liabilry or tlrrr lllrrrfary drall ronninotg with regord l0 Itrg ntiltor ol matlers for nhich prg;n,rl rrr r:r: rs nquired; provided, howsver, $at farhm ro norily rlrs Clrnp6rry shnll in na cavr 0r0judn0 rhs tights ol rtny insurod under this polry unless the Conrpary sholr ne ptejl(littd by thg failure and then 0nly r0 llo flxlnll ll tht| prnjudlce. 4. Ihlen* lnd PnEecutnn 0l Actintg; |nry ol htwnr! [luatan n tttnpetittt:. Itrl Upon wntten fequesr 4 rho nrsrrrql n'id trrhi{}cl t0 thB oplionj n0ulirinrt(l il Secdon 6 of thes0 (]ondhi0lts i j Stiltt 0tons, the Conrpany. ar rrs o'"Jtl c(}sl 8nd vJilh0rrt UnrulsonrblB deioy, shail Eri)urtc frir tlrr,, rlclurrru rr{ arr in$ursll ir lrtigfltron In tthich sny lhir(i ltli4y tiffs(rls o ctlirn adverst t0 lltu ltll0 irr ;r,r,,'t'1.1 flr: IrtJtn,i. !u1 only ur; lrr !lth:,tj Lrflrcc r;0,riit:$ nl irCltrrtr irll0gin0 t' rJi:lC0t li0fr rn flfult0nr!ijd rrr nlhcr i'rnttnr r,rlrrnrl ngar*r li1 tir,l' ptrIuy. ' ru Ir,'r'1 i,,ry ghJil hiro t[(' itrltl t0 ,iclccl r0!tt$01 0r r$ chuiuu {sublur't lu t]td ti|Jlit trl ti,I U$rrrlxi lfl 0lrl|(rl Jor r8i|sonable c0use) tc repres0nl lhti irrsrrrijrj .1$ l0 thos{r !lilEd llarrsriJ, ril r(;t,0 r and shall not hr liable ior and will rfir 1:ay thr firrs r:l a,ry 1,111p1 !0 Isiji. llr'i {)rrr,r;;arry'lii r:r)r l}ity any lians, i:r) 1: t1 (14riJl!(r! lrrtrlrrutJ ui ti r |lr|lllji] lll il :r ll0ltltiJg (ri llr{r,\(,rn0St}.0i iirtlitti vilrrti: rdlttrltr ' rAll0l$ lr(r: rir\UltlJ rgrrrril i'i !l:i:, pllit;y lhl 'il[, cr] );rtllry $lr l tra,/0 th! n0itl. ir! s crtn t0st. tft Inslltrttrl AtIl fltOserUln 0riy f0lrOn 0r pl0(irrIdlnij rn iD rlr,, ?llrv rth{x a{:l whrth [] lls Opttl (/l rrr,ry i;r, ntrL'll;!ilr\ 0r drsifablt, r0 tjstelrluh ilrrr titlu tir rhti 0shlL or tnlelesl, as i,r\Lirrl/l '1. r, !ti,!errt r,t ru:jt r'ti f;rsi ir rl;l 1r, ttr lht. r itrrlrl lhg c0t)'iriitt! nliy l0h(r i,rri itip[jiJrr]! ir lrirt r[,rfiii llr0 1r:r[s trl rlri lrciicy, wN:thlr 0r n(Jl tt ihiri Itt liirtiig tret*utrdt:r rr,d rhrill nrrt lh0{t5y c(rlrcedo rAltjtltty tJt $Jhrvr, H y lI Vtsr0 oi thii polrcy. ll rfri lirrrrlrrrrrv,ihall s,iim,$n ns riohrs rrnde,rhii Fr6rfi!raph. rl shli rll::;1. Cii,le'itl] i,:l Yy'irtir|rvr:, ill: l;:iIr|tiihi, shiril hirv* i.r:lt;lltt il, tt'ltilrl ('t rtllritl]lt:;rr0 (r Llirirj S{r 6s lEtlUiioij ir p*nIrr1(r{l iiy llrt picvisilns (rl i0ts Fr14cy, lhii [, 0rliittrt rfi0y FUlSde 6r'iV lilrljfl||n tr; lrniil |jBtittrrrlr0ti0n h./ e r]0lrrt ul (IIjII||rI||I'iI juf.!,riri)tir]rj lnd trrDtessly restrws lhu ti0r!t. i,i it\ rrrlrr tliscnrtr0ir ti: ap0eal ittfi gny i|:j,tJi$c iJiig'ilijll lrr ')lril ' i(li ln Oll Cas.rS wiii,'tr lhr:, ;itrln I r,!!Inhs 0'ru.l(rrrff thg ll:rtrlrant l0 iriuS.(tJ{? rlr !rr,,,rthr 10r lIu d€{€lrte 01 ,trl't ;i:lruI lrr prrrr:u rft ri1 lhp'irr5[rttl shall tctirrr r:) tie l0lltJeny thn right ttr s0 lrrsBcut0 tt prov[lc rjrlt{tr0 rri rh,: irrl:(rn ir pfoceeding, tritt rll illpuals. therein. and trelllrl rtre C0rtrlri|rry rrl ul). |lt ils r;rt(ri. li"e nii$g ili thrr itrlrrrrcd lor l\rs iurl:i,s*. W\eni,vrir rrrqucslul h'p thl []1,;s11l,i t,l{, tr'lrit,irtt!, fil lll'IUtlp0ny'S e$g1Sq, $hi,l Iitu] llur flillt,iltr;rll rrrlSt;lr0iri r,ll ilf rrr ,$y ,rl:'rrrr trt lttirt:tfi,nq, S0:ltlQri rrltfjr,llii',r, irl:l,ririt r I ri'ir i:i,it r, l,i.i,:. . 1.1 Lri iiirit|llJtig tlrrr iit.tti..rl| ur iifir;lrlilrrli] r:r irlirlrrlrrrJ (r'lrr1r,:1ir ,lrl lrrl itr ,,ir', .:tt:r la*l,rl .lL :Lti: ;lt, tll ll!i l:ll)tlll0lr rir :l{, lljtiit},llrt lrtit\ l:tr rl,:.li:.\,,1r i,l tll:tri.i.i, lll t,ilrlljill, l|t, Itl;rr lri tlr;r t.tliri: rI i lt:tt,Sl iis l :rjfr,ll. l/ ri,il (rrrlrl y ili t)rrrl,tiit:irl liY llI lrrldf: :;l :13 IiJljiLjij iir i,r'i't:ilr lrltr l0(lr inl: i{'ii,{,rillrdr ll.I l]url.$'i'$ 0Lhinlri,ri; lr) tht rts[h](l !ndcl :lrit u,Ity $irH trjrrirli,irir iri:lLrrln0 iHy lrthIt'/ t,l r)hlrgar|]n l0 dejeftg. prijr0cirlrl.0, cllntirr,E ani llrtlltirrt. 'ltl,th lq rd lu lli.l r[id{l(; nr millSri r8'lt|tlnt sr.,i:ri i]('01"rfllrtJtl 1. ilnni cl Lwt t; A;ntgt, iri idCiti0n ln rntl trilr,ilrrj rjulrres rr,0l feC lrnrle, Srnt:rrr li 0l llrr'', llnitd tio s and .llr0ul(1lrtr',s havc irigr; 0rovrtJe:J thrr l)l'rr1rair1, a piurrl r' lrrss 0r dfltrittlri lr;ntrrl irrrd i:u'irri l0 l)! lhE irrsu{rl lllt'ta;rt ihall irt illrlsht:(i lr lrrr, Irrirpily virlh;n iil drrys iiltrr thit 11q.11..'1 iliir;j9tli ;lrrll lt,ji.Irt,fil !ht l,r::t,i 0ivtlrt ,ri;c t0 tlr'r lrrsli itt tlnrtro0l. ']f'g ptfr0i rr' lriri rlt rl.llriri1|, ,rtrirll ,t,:!t r:ir( tlrrr dcinCl r. 3' lEf, Ut irl(rrrnl,rr;lirril rrn lhil i tli, 1r 1,1r,1 ; "1,,:ii!i i iLr,.lll flqfltntl hy llr r ;clily wnir:h r'11111i11ri9r ilti ltii's {rl lt'rs ri rlii,rrntli; irrri ih,rll si'jl{), i0 tng fftp|]t ptEsrblt. iiri; irrrrri nl r:ai;'.ri;r1i'iq lht irni,r:,ilt 0l llie Irss ol rli]rtraqu. lt th$ ijfirIl]nny is I:te]tdicg0 by lhe lurfuir: {ri il{r mri rrc{j cl!flrlr1u l0 Jvovide lhe rtquired proot 0i hsl; 0r dflm1gc, the Conrponys 0l,i0nr0n,$ r0 the tnsured under Ihe p0[fly $hrli torninals, includin0 tny lielrilrtv nr rrbli0r!rrrrr t;: ililend, ptos0tfltt:. nr r00tilue nny iit,0a'rDn. urilh rriita'rl tr' ll i Iiirll0i fl irrutlHrJ r$qrir(rll sut:lr r)toof 0i l0sc 0r da[1i:trl. rrr rrhirl,rrn. t;rc rnsurcd cl0lniSnt fr!3v r0as0nltriy idr tt:tlrirllrij l0 rll:i I lf firirn,nitl,nn Lrndti 0iil| tr,1 iIy lr(hnr;l4d reirresenlillve Lri lhir [i0rnparry;r,ril thrtll l,rtrtitc.c i0r CrAiIfttrirr irrtlrr:::lrirr il rr.l r':rIyri !. i.l srr li rtrirst'tri{rI rr.r ":, ;itttl 1]lirl.tt,t irL tt,ry llt tlr$]{liritlrrri hy irrry ;r r t I I r r I l r ? { r t | ,,lrr r,, I i I r' irr r: I L'r'rr1,a,r7, i,lt rjt:r.r,jJ. i.rtiuh!. iut:r.;ttt, t:hut:ls, t:0rttti::trir{rt.tr.':t ',r':l :\rr.l]|iii,, r-n. vriirllttr lLttirriit ii rlfltr, h0f0r(r or irftot [lntt r,:1 I'i:rr:y, trrrrr:li ]{rr$or.lhy lrr;niirir Irr thir rtrrrr ur Ll,',l||i,us. Ir,rrlrr:r, rl rrrqlcstod by 0ny irHhcllled rcDtssen16l,te 01 lhe 1,01r'rl,ririy, tlrr: rnstnnd clarmotl sholl ganl rls lte tiitsr{Ir, ,rr wrIinU, lrrr rrry rirttx0ri7cd rsprBseitalive 0l llrc i:|: t;i[y lc crarnrnc, irsDelt iid c0py 0ll rtr:0tdi.. l!0tk:r. lndIelS, CheCliS, i.0lltriilrl,Irllirrr:ir nrr(l ,Ii]rnnri {lt |'1 thC rr,itOdt rtt (:"rrttrut ol ir llrrrd pat!y. whin!' leastl'rtbly Jrrrrl,iirr rt !ho $sr ir d i}it. l\ll rrtftrrr irlr0rr delrtriitei] at ii('Iliihrrli{i' J)/ 1|l ir:surt:(l t'ininiilnt trovijel ttr th; 0trtttl:rnV ltLttgLtnnl l: irit Str(licrr s'rlll nrtt lrc iJrf,llrl('1, til irt;( lii li4lt"l. I lhl l;rillir',itlji( i.rfllir)iI'l ;tl ll:f l;:nI:),tiry tl rr rlr'i Iirt,]'\ r llii. ir:llrrinl$ltcllrrir rrl ,i ; t .t,t,., t, ,rji; ,. ,, . rri r_. t ...-....-..-.- I r"6. , ,or*,a,a o'NEILLL*u orrt PH0NE t'to. ; tL4 4s4a4za u May. 14 1995 11:554t'1 PE I ORT r)wndrB F6rrn 4O2 policy No, gvzt4obbb 6rder No . VZ l.S7 F) Amount S4 S0 , 0OO. OO SCHEDULE A Address 1. Dollcy Datc: JuIy 30, 1993 at ErOO p,M. 2. Name of Inauredt PATRXCIA O'NEILL 3. the ect*te or intrrcst Ln the land deecribed ln thls Scheduleand whlch Le covcred by thle pollcy ier A FBe Blnple 4. llltle to the egtate or intarest covered by ehie polloy st thcdate hereof lE vEeted inl PATRICIA O'NEILL 5. The land rtferred to in thie policy is eltuated in EAcf,,BCounty, Colorado, End j.e described as followa: IOT 51, GIJEN LYON SUBDIVISXON, ACCORDING TO TIIE AMENDED P[.,ATTlllREOF RECORITEI JuLy la | !s?8 rN BooK 2?2 Nr pAcE 37O,couNtly oF EAGLE, STAIE OF COLORADO. Page 1 ThIs Policy vallct only if s(:hcdr.rle I is attsehrd. ,n"r , ,Or*rCIff 0'NEILL a*U Orr?=PH0NE I'lo. i ?L4 494A42A nau. t4 1995 11:56FN PA4 I ORll Own€r Porm 402 Order No. v2].575 Poliey No. sv?14o555 SCHEDULE I3 thle policy doeF not lneure agalnet IoeE or datnage by reaeon of the followlng; l. RIEhtr or claime of, partiec in posreeeion not shown by theptrblio recorde, 2. Eaaements, or c1aim6 of eassmehte, not shown by t,he publ ic rBcorda. 3. DLecrrpancl-ee, conf l:lcts in boundary f.inee, sborCage in area, cnoroaohmentc., and any facts whi ch a carf,ect eurvey and inepectlon of the premlecs would dieolosc end which arc not shown by the public records, 4, Any 1len, or rlght to a lien, fo): services, Ial:or, ornaterial theretofore or hereafter furniehed, inposed by )aw and not Ehown by the publtc recorcls, 5. X993 TAXES NOT YEf DUE OR PAYABI./E AND ASSESSMENTS NO1T VET CERrIFXED [O THE TREASURER$ OFPICE. 5. I,TENS FOR UNPAID WATER AND SEWER EHARGES, ]F ANY. ?. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HTf; ORB THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO I,ENETRATE OR INTERSECT TIIE PREMTSES AS RE$ERVED rN UNITED STATES PATDNT RECORDED Au{u€t 1(" l-909, ]N I}OOK 4{l Al FA6E $42. 'I'IENDORSEMENT 100.29*,t THE COl,lPANy HEREBY INSURES AGAINST LOSS WIIICII TllE INSURED SHALL SUSTAIN BY REASON OI' DAMAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING LAWNS, SHRUBBEITY OR TREES, RESULTING FROM THE EXERCISE OP ANY RIGHT TO USE THE SURFACE OF SAID LAND FOR THE EXTRACTION OR DEVELOPMENT OF THE MINERALS EXCEPTED FROM THE DBSCRTPTION OF SAID I-,AND OR SHOWN Af; A RESERVATION IN JJCHEDULE B, 8. RIGHT OF VIAY FOR DITCHES OR CANATJ5 CONfIT'}TUCTDD BY HE AUTHONITY OF THE UNXTED S{IAT8S AS RESERVED TN UNITHD STATES PATENT RECORDED AugusT 16, 19O!J, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 942, ***ENDORSEMENT ].03.1*** THD COMPANY HEREBY INSURETI ACAINST I,OSS OR DA}.IAGE WHTCH THE TNSURED SHAI-,L SUSTAIN AS A RESULT OF ANY EXERCISE OF TIIE RIGTIT OT. UsE OR MAINTENANCE OF THE EAf;EMENT REFNRREN TO ABOVE OVNR OR THROUG}I SAID LAND. Page 2 ,;"* , ,Or*,CIff 0'NEILL LOU Orr? OltT Owner I'ot'm 402 g.Ra.SnRvATIoNAsToTHsNoRTHwEsTl/4oFsEcTloNliTot^]NgHIPSsotlTH,hANGE 81 WEST OT THE BIGHT OF WAY Oi-TITb UNITED J''TATEE' ITS PERMITTED OR LTCENSEE, rO iNrsn UPON, OeCUpy erqo usn ANY PART oR ALL OF SArD LAND FOR THE PUBPO'SS FROITIDED IN TIID A.tr OF JUNE 10' 192T1 (4I EAT' 1063) AS RESERVED IN TttE PATENT RECOFUdO oiiOnsn z' 1e46 IN BOoK 132 AT PAGE 405' **ENDORSEMENT 1OO,Agt,* 'I'HE COMPATIY HDREBY INSUREE Aa;\INST LOSS t'{Hlcll THE INSURED sHAIiIJ sUSTAIN BY REAsoN--bi nnUecE To EXISTING IMPROVEII{ENTs' TNCLUDING LAwNs, SHRUBEERy on-inibs,--iiEsgLl-I-Nc FRoM rHE EXERCISB o!' ANY Rlcnt TO UsE THE SURFACE oF sain-ielrO FoR THE EXTRACTION oR DEVELoPMENT oF THE MINERALS EXCEPTED FROM THE__NNSCRIPTION OF $ATD LAND OR SHOWN AS; A .RESERVATION IN SCHEDULB B. 10. RESTRICTIVE covENANTs, l,vHIcH Do NoT CoNTAIN-A,FoRFEiTURE oR REVERTER cti\ugp, BUT OMrrrrNG REgrRrctioui, - in-er'lv,_-_!l-sED oN RACE' COLOR, RELTGToN' OR NATIONAIT ORI6IN, A$ CONTA1T'ISD il'l IN-STRUMENT RECSRDED epri)' 04' L97Br ll'l BOOK 268 AT PAGE 698 AND eS nr'lrr'lubD rN INSTRUMENT RECORDED August 25, L987 ' IN BOOK 468 AT PAGE 442 TNNOUCH qiz ENO AS RERECORDED IN INSTRUMENT RE.gRDED SEpTEMBER r.ri, 198? ril Booi aes AT PAGE 801, AND As AMENDED rN IN$TRUMENTRECoRDEDMAY2.lggoll.lRooKr}zt}ATPAGEi54. 11. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 15 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG I{E EASI I'OT LINE AND SEWER EASEMENT Ai'lONG THE NOR?II LOT LINE AND 10/ X ].O' UTII'ITY EA$EMENT IN THE SOUTI{}IEST CORNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AI-'L A'$ SHOWN ON ,IHE RECORDIID AI'IENDED FLAT OF GLEN LVON SUBDIVISION. 12. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIoNS As gHot^tN oR RESERVnD oN THII RECORDED AMENDED PLAT OF GLEN LYON $UBDIVISION' 13'EASEMENTANDRIGHToF.tdAYF'oRGoRECREEKAsITAFFECTSSUBJnCTT]RoPERTY. ****ENDORSEMENT 1'10. 00**** PROVIDED THERE 13 $IILIATED ON THE LAND DESERIBED UNI]ER SCHNDULE A OII THE POIJICV A SINGLE FAI'III-'/Y NESIDENCE. THE FOLICY 1'i.; HEREBY AMBNDED AS }'OLLOW$T NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING THEREIN TO THE CONTRARY' THE FOLICY INSURES AGAINST LOSS oR DAMAGE BY REASON oF THE FOLLOWING: T. ANY UNFILED I.,IEN FOR LABOF OR MA,fERIAI.' FURNISHED FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON TIIE LAND (EXCEpt FoR ANy SUCH Uln-anisrNc OUT oF CoNSTRI.TCTION coNTRAcTED FOI{ oR ASSTJMED By THE rN-$uRED), Fiovinnn coNsrRucTroN oF ALL rMPRovtsMENTs r$ COMPLETED AT DA'I'tj t'tF POI;ICY; 2. RIGIITS OR CI,AIME OF PtrTRTIE-q IN POSSESSION OF THE PRINC]PAL DWEI-''LING; 3. THE ENFORCED RSMOVAL OF THg PRINCIFAI-, DWEI'I.'ING ON ACCOUNT OF' AT DATE Of POIJICY ! (A) ANY ENCROACHMBNT oF SAID PRINCIPAL DWELLING oNTO ADJOINTNG LANIIS OR Page 3 PH0t'lE No. l 7t4 4944424 t t'1au. 14 1995 11:55ffM PAs t ('rcler NU. V? 1[? 5 SCHEDTILE TI nolicy No. svz140555 FrLm : PATRICIA E'NEILL LnU ffiFJQ PH0l.lE No. : 1L4 494442@ I l'1as. 14 1995 11:5?Rl'l ,PE6 I OR? Ot',rn6r tr'orn 402 Order No. V2 1s7g SCHEDULE 8 PoIlcY No. .(iv3L4O$$5 oNSO ANy EASEMENt' gHowN As AN DxctlprroN rN 5CHEDUTJE F oH c)N,ro ANyUNRDCORDED gUBSURFACE EASEMENT. (B) ANy VroLATr.oN oF BUTLDTNG SEnLlA,cr{ rJrNltg oR covENANTST coNDrrroNu ()It REETNTCBIONS ESFERRED TO IN ECIIEDULE B OF .fHE POLICY. ANY VIOLAIIION OF ANY UONING ORDTNANCB TF THE T.AND TF USED ONI,TY FOR A SINGL}:FAMILY RECIDENCU. NHE [ER!{ IIPNTNCIPAL DWELLING'' }INANI} ANY SINGI.,,F I+AMTI,Y RESIDT'NfIAIJ Ti'fI(UCTURHUN'I'IID LAND WHETHFR DETACTTED OTT NO'I" III T}IE T'I(TNUIPAT, DWI:J.IIiING IS A CONDOMINIUM UNIT rr r<EFflRri 't'o 'r'Hs slrncn wrrnrl{ T'HE BoUNDARTES: o}' .r'Fru UNIt. ADDITIONAL IMPRoVEMENTS AND AR$A$ susH A$ our-BUrLDrNGs, DUTAcHED GARACDF, FENCES, DRIVEWAYSI RETAINING WAI,LS, PLANTS AND COM}'ON AREAS ARENOf INCI/UDED WITHIN TI{TS DEFINITION.'I,HE.I'!;RI,] 'IZONING oRDINANCFN DOD$ NO'I' INCI-,UDE BUILb]:NG CODbS, OCEUFANCY RffGIILATIONS AND SUFDTVI$ION LAWS. ***FORM 103.7*** THD COMPANY IIEREBY ASSURES THE INSURED THAT SAID I,AND AtsU'I'S UPON A PHY.STCALLY OPEN STREDT KNOWN AS WFJS'I'HAVEN NRTVE, VTA AN EASEMENT, AND THE COMPANY I.IDREBY INSURES SAID ASSI,]I{FT) AGAIN$T I,OS$ WHl(:Ii SAID ASSURED SHAIJL $USTA]N IN TIIE EVENT $ATD ASST'RANCT.:,5 HERETN SHALL PROV}: TO BE INCORRECIII. ITEMS 1 THOROUGH 4 OF' SCHT:DULE B ARE IIEREBY DELETED, Page ,Orr , ,OT*,CIH 0'NEILL l-*, Ort the claim lojlura of tha inturtld (:hitrrrrrr tl.r tUh.Dtl lnt tu it, trr .rn{lCr rrrrrr ytnlutu ulltar '8d$0n6bly r0qu0slcd inlofmation 0l qfillrl lla'lilr$rl,lt tl rtrl:iiril leoronobly noc0go8ry alf0rmslion from ttrrrd pflrt;(rr 8\ liiturt0fl 'n tl'is paralri,pr' shrll rarnlnllo any liubility r:f thc Corlrpcny undor rhirr pnlrcf Alr 10 llBt tlHtl, 0. (tptiuns tu Pity ur 0lhawrsr: Srtttle Clains: fsuriit,Lriln i l i't|r!'tv. lrr curu t'I n L:l0ittt ttndet this polcy, lht, {hrrrprttry s]tr l,tvr thr: Iglluwirtg arlrJitiulul uptionsr ial Iu Puy ur Tu,rtjgr p6yntont ol the Arnou;:t ol lnttrtt'tt' l0 p{ty 0l l0nd0l F6ymeil 01 tia 0m0ll'll r}l | | | | i | | I I I ' | | i i I rlllJl| 1"':r 00licy, t0gerhflt whlt sny ousts, iltlu rtHlD' l(!ns hrrrl etptnses ntutird ['r' llit, irisured claimant, which wers Euhori?r:tl l,t' lhe Compan.ri, ul In lht; tin n rrl psytnsnl u rstrdsr 0l p0Ymsnl and which thtj lj0rrtp{llY t$ 0hlrflal.ad l0 ll,/. Up0n lhs 0xstclss by thc |omprny 0f this 0pti0n, all liaittlity rntt 0blUDti0ns l0 lht inrucd undor this p0licY, olher lhtrt lt, r;rakc llrt tla'iritrirl required, shell torminal0, ifl[itrdir! arry lirbtlity 0f 0hliq0li0n lu rlch:tr'rl, prtJs00ut0, 0r (t0lltinU$ s0Y litigetion, and the poli|y rJrall hlr stttttltttllirtrtl lr, :l,r Corrrlony lor (;uncBllttion. li]i lO Pny or 0thOi"witr $eule Wirh Parlips [rl1ar lh.ln llrr lri$vrrrrior-Wrtn rho tnsured Cllffiiil- O- t0Ta./T-iiEffii'$iile wilh othtr tttrii;:i rt,, ttt ''' thp- ranr0 0l t0 tr$urcd cl0inrflnt flny rlarn ins!ted a?iiiir$t ir rlur ilrit irrrlr ! t0g0th0r l|vith EIy c0$l$, 0lt0rn0y$' ltts atld Etp;nses inSrJrr,.rrj fty lht i:rJirrtr'i clttnrant whiuh vr0r0 Suth{riled try tht: C0mpany rii l0 lh(. t,r'l r:l f;r,virrir: r , vil th lhll Cofitp0nv is obli0oled 10 Dafr 0f liil t0 pay 0r 0thgrwiso ssllh t{tll' lhi; il le{l cltlttiirll ilii; lLr,, 0r dsneqe provided lor undsr fii$ p0licy. t000thfit wirh Iiny:.0sii', iltiirrrf.:, {ecs rnrl crpenstrs irlcurrod by the rnsurcd clnintnl v,,lich wrf{, fl(rlllflfl?r.(l iry thp Company up 10 ths !itnB ul lt€yrlrxll filrll v,/l'i0h tltu [o,tipany ri 0bl]q,:rtti l0 nov, Upon the srercise by thc Conr|rartv 0l tilhm 01 lhn opl ons provrdod 1r:rl In para!rIDhg lbllrl or iri], the (jomp6nys 0bh$al'0n$ l0 lt]C rfrruri}(l IJnf]0r lhi$ r|0rt(:y foa lh0 clrtinlen l0ss ff dam6g€. 0lhsf lhan lh0 piryrrirlr,tr lrJr:rnrf iir i,r: nifl{lu, $h0ll lllrlfl8te, ifill] (lin0 firry hit]r!rly 0r 0Di q0il0r 10 /iit,0Iii itf0!tr:rrlr: 0f r o tirrug s0l lilj$0ti011. / Dttctnnauon. f mt nl ltaltitty a l Ctrivoru: Ihi$ p0licy is o conrmct of indomnity Egsinsl r(tusl irr,rgti{rf liJsri 'rr damflgs susuinod 0t incurrgd by lhs jn$umd clnimant who har s:floteC i,rss ilr dsnrs0e 0y re8son 0t m8 s/s insured €gainsr by rtris policy ofld ol|iy t0 lhr| €rrsnt hsrsin doscrbed l8f Ihe lrabrhy 0l the tjompany undsr lh6 F0lrcy $hiil' uri 0,rcRB0 rh0 Ieell (r1, {il lhe Am0unl 0t Insuisnce slsted rfl Schedule A, cr liil the dillerence between tha yaLg or ihe ir'su,ri es{:[r] r' interest as InSUred and the valUe Ol thS inSUrSd BSlii,e (rr intrlrit,,it lrrlrlmr t. rt, de{ecr. tien or encumbranca insureo agei'rst lry rhis iroliry. {bl In rhe evBnl the Amount 0t Insurince slnlfid ir },( h0rlui{: /\ irr tlrg 0aln of Policy is loss than 80 J;ilr00t1t 0l llti: ttthttt itl llrtr ttistttld r:rr,tl: i' rnieresl 0r tlrlj lull consrderarion p0id l0r lhe land. whichevei ir h:ss, or i; suhsoquont l0 lho 0st0 of Policy an iltproverrtnt rlt Hrer:lijrj urt lhc lerr(l wlrl:,r inllr0ttct tht vflluc 0l lhf insurtd csrale or interest bv at leosl 2! |lercenr ovri: the Amouflt of Insurence stored in Schsduls A rhen this poticy rs subsl ttr rhe following, lil wholc n0 ${rbricquont rmfilovorrrcxt Ioc bcen nodu", ll tu^ rny pBnral l0!s. rhe t0mpsnv $hall 00ly psy the l0ss Dro rata in the proport,0n rhi|t lhe Bmount ol nsurance sr Dsle 0l Policy bears r0 rhs roral voiui, 0f lhi, irtiuruU lsttrlE ur irrtercst ut 0clu ul Pulicv; ur iii) whuro i 8ub$0q!0rtl inqtt0vtltt*ni ira$ lrcnlr rt:!0u. ilr; tri ;rlry po,trol lo*, thtr Cornpany ihill only pry thit loss pio t6la rn rhe Fropo tlrr lhnl 120 percent o1 the Amount of Insutitnce $lirlgd in S[hnrlrjD A hrars t0 Inr' suor ol the Anount ol Insuranno stated in Scharlrrln A u d rhe Erluuhr Bxpgndod {or rhB impro|,omEnt, Ihe provisions of this paragraph Bhsll n01 EF1tIy t0 c0$lr, tlloflr{ty$ lces arrd crpunsus {ur whir:lr thc Currrparry is liabie urrrjur tin,r tru|,rr. anrl r,rll urrly upply tu thEt purliur ol rny loss wlnuh rruuuds, irr tlnr cggrrr11rrlr. ift Dercent of ths Amount o[ lnsurtflo|} slalod rl $ulrtrdriltr A. PHfl'lE t',]o. i ft4 4944424 J f'lag. 14 1995 11:5BAH , PA? I 1{,1 lri i;rl rflr: r\ y/ll lr,tv !r 'lY lhrrtr irlrrlr' Nllirl rrllt lllll\ ir,rll llrlrllil3[ii l,:'r,r' tl irr , r'r,rri,.r,,, r'ortir i'lr trrrr, 4, oi llrtrrrr l):rr rirt rrtr: r'rtri Sttl,ohrlruttS . ;lti!,:i.!)it!t:,'t)!. l1 1l'ir lirr;d rll,t(:'rlifil i,r $lrlrlrtlirhr A i.lirl.lrili, Il lw(r 0i lll0l0 !irftl{Jls irirl I i)'l r!! tlrr,r: ,r, r, :.rrrrllrr J:1t0. et'tt jr Itrt.:: r: nilAhlfhtrtl Ai{tttrt,q OnC trt ,1r(llrr rrl lhr l,rfr.rr !, Lif rrt ll llrrr l{t{.f Nlr,, llr" t:rlrilrrttliil iillll lrrlllllli t'rl I lr rr1! trit r, rit r, li ir rl| r]rir ( (,i l|lf;u,r,lrir( l|lr'ltrt tlttr pol r'y wlrs rir! rlucl {lrtr tdr;r l i t0 ilr'i,rih!' r,,r iJultr nr lrirny irl 0efi, l.irt)tlat0 nat::gl lo llrc wlt0lC, r r. rArr,, rrI iIl ,rrl'rr,vflr rttlr tt'rriI rttltMrqurtti trr lJltft lrl ItOli: y, , ;,li'Sf a lIllrlrll rrr v;rtrril lririr irllri)f$,1tiir b(rnll nll fIi1 Jlilrir i ri l(l t 0Clr llittlr{r lli lrll' i q.;f ilt't 1:.,i rt,r, ',rl ,rnii ril lhir ltn,i, 1rl lht tt(ir r,rt i: ill ll'li tt0l r , t ll: $llnwll l' ,irr ilrlrtr1r, irlilill:rl]lll l hy ir0 {rl'ilQtslflr'liill , ili,{llrrtI Ii l'iir' l1'r,i ,'! :,::ittF, t:,) :;l I tJltit:1,. lirj j llrl .!1'rr;ir , I.illlrlli'l.1ll llli i:ll, L ,,r1v11;r llrg l lilt'rj iiglg0l r rr iiJ ili. r,lrirt,ltr : I rirrrr, i'r| ii llk trj r l,ttll. Ll itLlili$J; ll, 0r i rr lhlj l0ltlj. ir r::ir,ls 11 i.r,r'r; rrl rr, lriirluifllrrl ir t;l trilL, rtli r5 rllil[i,r'1 l] 0 tl irsi'llJilly ii l[lfltrt tr'riitrrlt. lit lrtv rn"othotJ, lnc[/r'lrng tlt0su0t1 i)nd ll't] [0illf]liltclr 0l fltry lir(rtrhrs ljrir irLflr. il rilrrii l,0v( llilt lir:tlortrtt:tl rli. Il,ll!i]Lltrrrr; !t{llt Inslrttl t0 llr.;l i!rct!i:r .r,iil !!i;t I firt hn ii6tlf lf[ a1v l0ti trr (JiJl]i3ii iiil sIi l:,r:rfh'J ,ir! I , l,Lr,,tr i t l tilrilJllilll. iitr t,i! trl lltll4l rit, ,!\ il;: L , r{lllily (ll ,,,t t,itl,t.,,1 rt, ri; ,ri ,lr;til:', ,',,, r '1,i|1 :,"'ii |..ll\ . iri ii: ,; ,, ' t;r : : ... ..:,t .i lr'r;:. tirlilr , .'t.llr .i. rr , l:fll:i ri l, 1rl,r "L i.rrr , liidlrit..r., li L.rrl:i r',., ! il i :i , ' t rt ;,. trj .:. : ,:i i.ir r,lhll' lir' . i.. 'rr jhl'i il' lrr ., i rl.!(rll(l ir,r riil,rlrli v,, rtrlir f j..i,,l r1r: h! litf: rll!llllilJ jir iirllil: {t illy lhlir' {ll r;t,il ',/,.,rrilfl,r llrir iitirl \1 riitrr, 10 iiillll ttl rl, cniirl)ni i :;.t l/rilti(lit'!t ,:.tl 'ttt,i;!1r t: .[iltixilt0l ;,! ftt iut;tttLi] ttt lta!rti'1,. All rr:'yritrllll,, rrtr,'Jt| I'trs Foltcy 0rc0irl liilYilll:rllF ltrld(r i0r lt tl ;rl.r: ri,yri l,:r., ;.trrl t ' .r I r t ' t ' t: i : '. sMll f1"1llffl lh4 ilr:ilr:l!li lll :hrl li l'lrriilrl I l!lir li, il,! t, tl.r-i ,',:, f\ | !!1,. i: I lf .i,ri r!.! r r r r . 1 i i :; I i : r : ! li',ri lrr tr'i rr.r,: I rli.r',llfi rrii , :ll': irLll'ii rrti ii ir r't,lrt ! lj ,ri ilrr ,rllrLLtlr t itr,,' i.,)ir l;rltl rli il;l:' lllrll ,l il i I I , '1,:i lfrillr ;l llrr'lilli(lrr l' irlrtllr lii0clrl(rlr rl lSkl'lr r' :irlriildr'lil i'l 'rl :L 'Alllt:l' il!l ,r151'sl l;;r1: iiqreg(1. l:isfl r,{til. ii l,ilnlr stih;ill:l il' ditt't i lrllEillt't tr^n|]utilli It,r n Itsr,irIi ti il \tli[;l: r",i n illllt1]rl tt Itrlr t'l11 ]!ril nrill!i: trl llll0rtril !,rlstllUtrl,l lr rulerrtrl l;i rt Sdr:dtt'.li,r /., and lhf irlll0lrtri irl t1flld f,lHll llt' ij{rcrrrgd ir lifl!r :t i titt ijr llIS Itirlll ' l(r lhe in!uled i',!n0r i) f',4,ttt;lt r:l i.t,::t. !'1i hti t:Avrrtr{I th}li ie li(1de WilhnUl ,trrttltrr:tIr; llllr i]{ilrl } rrf ' rllrJlirrlr rr! .rl : i ;i 'r' il I irllltrll llll) il;:r(:l,ili'i illl"l' lilii f,r ll l.l:rr''il{1. ill .., lrirl ',, ,i i.,,,, lri ,il |i trr;' titlrll l'. i'rr t)l'ir; ll I ' t. 1i'.:t1 t' /l ,lt '.rt:!:r ,lr. il h rtlljrti ltl i:r],, , ,r',',)r .l irr , ''l'rlli!,,1 ir\1111 lil ri .ir'|drt.r' .,,i.i1. :lr'llrf: l.rln;il'tln,t ,:ll:j :\rr"rirlr'ltr.t, l,rt' i' : ii ri:trllilllt .;t rli 1 ; ,1,,rr,; i. ilrrr '] ,l:ri\ li ith:illitr i,t Ji'ltr,:t i;trtrttt illt'tti ['qtnt:ul 0r i:llllLt lt]t; li' j | | ligrr''IiiI-:- !1,ltl{flg'll.Liilf]]l Wbengvtt tho [nnirany thtll hovt stltlttl ijn(l lard i, cla]ft trlldur llllli IJIiy, 3ll tlrJhl ol st:hrnlatitrn shitll vtt$t i'r tlll lilrttit;rr y utrit[{ucltrrl lrl drly itl rrt llr; r ''rrrli rl tl,irt,;r,'t ',lrr: [;{r'ri||,rrrl " rali lt rubtuttiitrtl i0;ri'tl l'ir drril]l(j(l li iill frlllllr orl(i ttlr'!0lr- w!rlfll tl[] trltltrtj tl.tr,ri,rl w0Uld lruv0 lri'f 0qiittllr fl'Y ltlttt;(trt 0f ir't,ir.lll', ilr rr.rii!,{'l l:,!:rrl i:ic,r:, hitr' irrc ilClirl rtitl l't'tttt 'lirlrrl1. lf ruqlrCrled hr !hi: r.:-r;rlfr,rltl. rl r rillilIr:fi Ilnl:iliJlll :thall lliitis!llr li '1! LClnp(lNV ;ill lrfllllli nlltJ ir!rr(ri rJ ifl,ilIirl r.i )! ljr.ilsulr 0l pl0li0fty ltilccsi,ittt rtr (xiJ{tl 10 plrrlirll ll'll nQhl rji su['ltrttirirL]l . ll.l Inli ltJl t:laintall sholl llerlrll ltli': ljorli,itll! Ii, t:tlil ('(rrnIm rr$ri i r $ljltl! lrl llr{j lramB 0i thtl insrr'nri r:lstrnElll i,lld l'J tr$t: I {r nalllu nl the rtnUrp,J Clfftntani In 00V tr8rtSE0tii r nr iitrgatitrn lDV0lVll0 lli0sll rglllS 0l r8, !dre$ ll i l,lyntent nn tllilLirll rli it (lliilrl' tl0es n0l ftllry 0(rvllr !hf l0$s 0i lhp tri!,ltrrd |1,rir,ti{rt, tlri l.,r,r}tjitli i16, [4 1111:t111i1t;tl lrr llresi lrllhlS ilr(l t[i'l(,dlt! | ..jti:tlt',. !] !:.il ,1''l'. F"a* ;ior*,.,* o,NErLL.ou orrQ F* llri PH0NE f.lo. i 11,4 49444?A f l'1as. 14 1995 11:594N ,PAB I l(onttntted lnn tmtlt covtt t irrrthe nrolonion whiuh tfto Corrtuny'$ payurfl t hears to tle whorc anllrl of rle , fl l0e0 should rerult lronr ulry sIr ol t]rc jnsurird cfa Iri l, il; stEti]rtl l:r::l llr.: 6cr $helt n0r rroid this potrcy. bur rtro Corrr1lany, irr lh81 EVent, shill0e .sgur'd ro pay only thal p'rr 0f sny toss*$ ,nru,c,i'rlii,,ri lv ir,iil,u,n''wtrrch sholl srcogd lhg orncunt, rf any. lost l0 rhe tnrnoai,, lr, ,;r;"; ;:i liltmprrrirrrurtty rhe iiuursd lloimont ui ,m f,orrlpr,,v., ii[r,,''rriiffi;';:i ;,,{b) Ihs Domlanvr tlrohts Ariitrffibri*r$srla;i en$r and shall includa. wrrhout trmrilr,o,,, rf,e ,ipl,, ni ,li"*#ri'iJ '' indemnirier, guorsnrjss. orhur policiomt ,s*nnl* ur l*ir "rri*i,rii,n,., .ggnl termt 0r.Eondnions cuntainet rn rhr.qg rnstrnnunls wrrrctr pro,l,de ii,rsl rcgsli(lt rightg by nason of lhi$ 00lcv 14. fubttration. ^_ ln1s5s,pr0htbtlsd tJt applinthlB lew, trither rlrrr Cor,rJ,ani 0r rl,0 |ij,r,:l:j T:l.l1yll,itunion punuont r0 rhe T;rte hsu,rrcu A,l,,rLr,u,, rtu,u,',. .,,,, Atn€rtcen Arurlr0tt0n Assucretion. Arbirrnliis rnatturs nrity irruiude. l,ut ri,, ,,oirrmrtod to eny corll(rvsrsy or clainr tretwesn rr,,l Corni,,,yiu,r ii,s ir*r,,.,_allgirig 001 0t or r8l0rin$ t0 th$ poiicy,ony $4nrc6 ol the C,i,,,1iony r," ' ciri'n8clr00 wtth its issunnCg 0r lho br€ach 0l 0 polt0y provrsi0ri oi',lihur obligailon. Alt arbirrebte rnarrers when rh,l Amornr or'iiir,,r,irce,s si'Oiiu0oc0r,les shdl bs edilrated ar tlre opriorr of ejlhcr rlu Cor,r*rv ,, ,,,tr i*r,,r|All srht.sble nt0ltels whsa the Amlunr 0t tnstranrrj is in er,.:n,rs cl sl.0[0n01 $hdll bs orbitmted only whan flgfs€d l0 hy troth tln llcrnpany anO'i,,n'^sun,,t,Ar0rtr0lt0a putsu0ll to this pohcy rnd undor lhe f{ujas in ellecr ,r ttr{l r,,lr: trrl(t0ma00 tor orb[rttr0o is rulCa 0r, at lhs opt(lr cl thr inliura0 rho fltlr: Ilel,c(:l 0l 0atc of POIt;y shall h* bindrng rrD0x llrir tr nies. it,,, avrl,,,t',,,iu filruU0 rtltfi,Ii,y,r' lrrr:i c,rrly rl ttrc krws ul th03.tAl0 it wlnch fhe larrd is itrr:ttgC p0rtrr;ta c0['t] t0 awiiffl alt,ntt.ys' logs tl ii prevailjli$;,nny ,tuOgmei,i ,,pcu'fn, lworff*n(,rlli.1l lhl.illl,rranriel nicy nii ent0r0d in tiry r;uirn ta,.l,A lul,,irclro,, rfrereot. r|rv rdr,r r UI, stlrj! ill lhn t0nC sltall elllJy tc !tt aihiUaliotr 0ndet tlroItlia lttsuiancr: Aruitrritron lltrlss. A copy nl thr: Au,es ,e,1 f n-ot iai,ii,,l'tr*1 tf,,[)nrnprrry rlpon raqolsl ll. lttltiitty i,ili/ft;l to rtris plli6y, p0ltcl l tlE l,:utttail. , . ii11 thrs ilOlicy lnielhcr with xh slrlnlssrnppts, il any, ettnr:Jlurr heretolr.l.ll^fjuriearl rs thc gnrrlr pollry ruic coltrocl irg(wsen rh0 insurcd ano lns Lil.ll'lt 1'rrrrlr!relrtr{ any pfovrsl0r'I ol ilt,s p6li1;y. th,s prrlicy siralt befon,\l4lBd tii it whulr lirl 11,;7 61p1,1, , l ro:;s or da,l rnd which drri{r. ,rr irrrrre sr.,ru; llti;,.llllili]i;ll#;'il,il,;l{ir,T,,,?n l'HIni iJr it'.,]jiy ,1ill(rll 8$sgflrnQ crt|h |ininr, shsll hi rrritrii:tg(l tt, :lrrs Follyli. i,lL, l,lrfrr{r;rrilt tr rrr r;n10t!tmnnl l0 iiltr ftf! t ift l! li,A:,je er.c$llili'n ,(tl: it, irtlijiir.:i,,i l,rri... fr( ;it!;ri:lffj lt!It.it tril[;.ii i.I [,ll u i,,r, {,f[Stdt,rlr Vi;i ll'::;.irltri lrtr, l,,rr ljt,lll. t: ,liSl!lilrt Siil,{rt;rrt. t,rlt,ji;lt,;, t,ii;;t,, t, 3Uilr0f1l[1] \ ;r:liJtlrr'J \ I ti,r: l;tiltrilri 16. ,\t't irn!:it/|| . irr lriJ 0reii ar;y Jrt0!rl,Jtr ol tIt poIcy /,i ltgiJ frilt(i 0f urrt:Iilitee.sltln trdsr arpIcairli, litw, 1it, p0ltcy $lrirll bi rjrrrvnerl ,,,,f fo,nrt,,,,* iiul llnvts,0|l i'ri1 fill I'lltr:t !t0./ist0lls sltall rcrtaiI ir, Iill lr;rs0 rnrj ellrr:l | /. ilttiu:,t, y'l,hrtrl ,\mr tilr Itrlrles lrrlIir0(] irr tln ptVg( lh0 [0lrrirnr:y i]nfl iiity Sti]te,rll,rlrr'.wrlni:l ilri,trri,.r ir, irri lu0rtshId Ue (irrrri;:,1iy shilll itfiu(lu 1fr1, n11,rd1s1 111 1h1r Ir0fity iJr,ii rr:tl !ti ,,0tli.;isl:tl l3 r!r: lt".i|e {)lliIrr. .li}0 Sr:r:rrrriJ /r,rlitrr,. ,sirrrirr. i1411;;19s11';; .: l,i| rr .rr'rrr i54(i1, ltill/l :.i7l.ll li 04/22/gO 16:02 FA.X 9?0 674994So ||[I ?5 rrulh lrEnLga rord Fll, OOlOr|do tl657 lr03l 479-2138 or 479-2139 WEITE RII'ER ELEC @ oos cltlcr ol coninutty rludoFnfil luttn u TO: EROU! DIIEt gUllJEe[: ttr suntar7,._Ordinanee No. 6 rtetes tbat lt is r:nlasful for anyperton to littar, traek or daponit any soi1, rock, janA, dcbr-isor naterial, including trarb dnnpsteri, portaltE tolleti and,worlocn vahiclcc upon any gtrcct, s!.dcwa1Jt, allry or publl,c Pl+ge or any portion thsreof,. Ttrr right-of-nay on all Tcnrr ofVail. straetr end roadr ir approxinately S tt. of! pavrnent. Tnff-ordinanco sill be striElly rnforcid by thc toin of VriIrg!|ic lilorlcs DGDart[ent- Ecrs6nc for:nd viotatinE thir .or.dLnancrvL1l be qiven a 2{ bout r-itten notLei to.rolrarra-raid uetc=il'l-In ttt rvent tlrr person so notifird docc not csnlrly vltb tbcnotler wttbin ttrr Za hour ti-ue gpcclfied, ttre F.rille r{or}gDeFartarnt wlll r.r'cw!r said uaterlal at tbe exgrcnsr of pe*on .notifl"etl- !l'he DrovlcLonc of thLr ordinarrca *tltt not brappllcablc to conrtnrction, naintenancc ol rcSrair projrcts of'any strcrt or allty 6r iny ut{l{t'le* jn thr rigb.t-r-ury.. Eo.revl-aw Or€lnener No. e Ln full ,'ploaie rtop by-tbo Eown o!Vail Builillng Dtpertoent to obtain I coFy. ThBnk you for yourcooperltlon on ttris Erttcr. tl,l, CONERAGTOAS CUIRENTLYI. REGISIEBED EI['E trEE IOSIN OF \AIL TOWII oF \tarL puBrJc woRKs/coltlIItNIEg DEMETpPUENT ttARctt 16, 1988 CONSInIICTIO}I PIRENG T I'A1[ERIiA! STONAGE (i- c. Ccntractor, owner) Frad and acknowlrdg orltlon/Rolattonohip to lrrojeot -It,l ,..i-fr{*fi*mt Project Application ,r Jt." 4 owner,Addressandphone: PD &rN Sf l tr\ttl- Architect, Address and Phone: ProiecrName:EP,ron/-L',F/to^'"+ Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Phone Legal Description' ao, f/ , ,,o.* Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Design Review Board , Zone - Commenls: Date: Town Planner E Statt Approval FIL E CBPY 75 South Frontage Road Vsil, Colorado 81657 301 -479 -2 1 3 I / 47 9-21 19 Dcpntment of Commuity Dcoe|opmcnt June 19, 1992 Mr. Galen Aasland P. O. Box 383 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Lot 51, Glen Lyon Subdlvlslon Dear Galen: Looking over the Erickson file, I find that he last time we discussed this project was January 20th of this year. Because of this lapse, lwill be putting all of tre application information in the permanent ftle. lf you would like to reactivate fre project, please subrnit new drawings with a new application. We can use whal you have submitted to date to augment the ne$, application. Please call me if you or your client have questions. Sincerely, ti / t-/ ^Y,"-(lf:"' dy'r',( Andy Knudtsen Town Planner PROJECT: DATE SUBMTTTED: I -2-7-.72. DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING-_4L- COMHENTS NEEDED BY: .Z-/'2. 1Z BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSNL: VWvtff ,^L+'t ' /WUet izt- ?;flL Cor+sll A* imltr\t9otu.t " f P*ylout' ts' co'u"r ' ul"&'* Ju' ^'..1 ,l"f l"i tl 7 3\ ig" &'.sr r.--1 culvrlffi;Xt:, D, rrRE pEpARrr.lENr **l ct-,ltxr-t- tr t61 t c , t)e i, ll".' Lo2 liJ-J /2" ru6&- /.'/r- comment D z\ g: ^hA oul- /2" c^JJ h,sh Q' pd.W""* Date ! DatesRevlewed by: Comrnents: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: conments t revl.Eed 3/LL/9L 7D GIt ltz.i ffi P/s .' ?< 6J.... (f,r PUBLTC WORKS Revlewed byl Revlewed by: Conmente: fl- lf s.ruf b,,, ,,,,ailw5 sh"" lJ 14.- l't Date: 4 O/fz llo"dn-r- "L- ,-nbs s ,I Cn/ /, PzJ / Fr. 4a/ a =/s/rz r ;'LI COP Y ) 75 louth trontlgc road Y!ll, colorado 81657 -(3oitl 479-2tOO January 20, 1992 Galen Aasland P.O. Box 383 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Lot 51, Glen Lyon Subdlvlslon Dear Galen: $1ce. ,lL . et- . oV av' a) @ /=tg - ! ,lJL , ^ A,z u' sLr'""{ tbflsl<,-' tluzlslaz o'- '"lo'A ".^-hL lvgo v 5t nr"'^"t? J ,*r4 uz+s , Sez-dL\\')' @ la* frat*l @ c.=--L ulf-.-@ >, k "--^-)-la ( I'.LA/ (1*ta,,rl,\ l" otd Z,l !,Pu< ,A irarU4:. I've done a preliminary review of the Erickson residence and have questions about the following issues. Will you please address each one and: Provide a currentsurveywith the lot size on it. i', tqtS ol.?/Q) Verity that the topography on the survey matches the topography on the site plan. Have the surveyor indicate the flood plain boundary on the survey. C Have the surveyor confirm that the edge of Gore Creek has not changed since the original survey was done. Provide detail drawings of the site walls on either side of the driveway. Spqcifically, please draw the pillars and any lighting elements. rp./. I- s.---- lE-t,tAS Provide a cross section through the retaining wall located on the perimeter of the driveway. ldenlify the elevation of the top and bottom of the six retaining walls on the site. I 'i t" Verify that no roof eaves extend more than four teet beyond the walls of the house. I cc '-tlc*' Describe the wet bar in the basement, clarifying whether it is or is not a kitchen. yzt P,lS dcr. Afier you have addressed each of these issues, please provide me wilh three sets of the revised drawings. I still need to circulate the plans to Public Works and the Fire Department. As we agreed on the telephone on January 8th, I have scheduled this for the Design Review d' F. 0f' ' ttt Galen Aasrand January 20, 1992 Page 2 1l Board as a conceptual review for February 5, 1992. We will follow that up with a tlnal reviourt on February-lg, 1992. In order to stay on that schedule, please have all of this Informatlon to me no fater than Monday, January 27,1992. Thank you for your cooperation on all these issues. Sincerely, '4*^,4-^"4' Andy xnbgts*r I Town Planner \. Vrd TNTER.DEPARTHENTAL REVTEW PROJECT!';.tt SdY 1t DATE SUBHITTED: / -2-7-.12- DATE OF COMMENTS NEEDED BY: 2_/'Z..IZ LIC HEARING- 1: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TIIE PROPOSAL: Date: rIRE DEPARTMENT Z/2 r'-,.r2'/z7- </-,7-...__ Revlewed by: CornmentB:(- ZV.a "."'y's?-/ '/'?.E a:"<.2-* .-n 2tr.'.."{ /'z-') PUBI,TC I{ORKS Revlewed by: Comments: /r'2-t,. d '1?/' zy'- 7 ,.,.:" ;?/ ' "42v-'9-". ' ./ t 1z - . .'! ..,' ')i/ '/"r ,.t2 2-:-; .;-.t'/'--t' '.;'7 ffi //s .4 CA". ?"\ Dates POTICE DEPART}IENT Revlewed by: Comrnents: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Revlewed by: commentB 3 revlsed 3/LL/9L Date: {t/ /' ,Oil / Fr. Aar' "x =/s/rz Date: SFR, R, DAIE: zlplqz LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5l J'ztr fi 1o/ t,-*rr/ eSq, ,-;'vtt,- tl crzcti* ZONE CHECK . ,,FOR f €.,.ticr,>L<,11-t cJ'/ ^'t"' StLtvc1 R P./S ZONE DISTRICTS J Filinq Al'"-,nln"'.-_Block OWNER [Un.,A Errz).s"''.-- PHONE ARcHrrEcr (v(^ A*1.--l pHoNE .{ I 7- S "4S.- Allowed ,/.-..->--(30r(33))#* Existinq CI Proposed .3t.s 3lsb 44 E.4 1lrtv.4 Total 3i5- -rn/-,) -eHq:-r Height ToTaI.GRFA Primary GRFA Is{ok***l> ftv^ il+ a1 d|''"''l- DV ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE ,441'j ^, tq464.4(tsba)('zs\ = (a64'a)('P) = OK 6L 0( 4Q8,4 @t 8{D + 425 + 425 L-/Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: 3' /6t 7'{ xeqra (3oo)@o] (eoo) Permitted Slope Yes b'b' all i,la'l',{.,,i 4ll o( 8* Actual Slope @dLUt 20' 15' 15' (30) (s0) 25/. 49 /Q/zr ta/ ztt olL Water Course Setback ,Nr.S\ OL slte cove rase at(,,Ll ll44l1;;'' (tzlll tetz av-"+ 61 €'l+ 3L trV dl" ,?. bL lfl 41rt; d"v Vie Env rFfi r\r4flt orridor Encroachnent: nmental/flazards : w L rC .ro l^Iitt-'') t) 2',t 3) Date approved by Town Engineer: No a2', Flood Plain Percent Slope U"l ,u.,r. ,LL^on 3O/ ]) OL Geologic Hazardsa) Snow AvaLanche *o ,.-,.,fb) Rockfall n"'v\< z t-t7c) Debris Flow@4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this request involve a 250 Addit.ion? N D Hoer much of the allowed 250 Addition is useilwi-$l,h-fs request? Nc'nJE-**Note: Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 151000 sq. ft. in area rnay not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18 .12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. l,) ec/ 4)3 .u. . ln )) ^.o r ,, i, z) Atsc"./.uti ta-'@rlt f,) +? t at :;(..i!4i \ L-.tLt p,l/ '""trt o?\ e41< d L &{." t a1 t,(,.,"lTlff c"nf,yon1 nJt. {/, 3) ,u.',t ....u-n-W sotrw.l0u-; 4) '1r9. ",--tr ^*l ,k ,, k /Lt'-..t-r 5\ llrti N".n ,".^lrr( ,n ,urv..*lX 1tt6'! oo/-\ ,t-v;z.tsot\PN€HNED 9Y , OAIE o \ DRB IPPLICAIION - TOTIN Otr VATL, DATE APP],ICATION RECEIVED : - reviccd 9l4l9LU COIORADO \-b-1u _ I. DATE OF DRB MEETINGz 4 *********r ,![EIS IPPLICITION I|ILL NOI BE ACCEPTED T'NTII, lI,L RIQUIRED INFONMAIION IS SSBMITIED******t*** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: I rle..s Stxq te F**'1,, fuzo*t TYPE OF REVIESI: New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)/- Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT Block Subdivision 4r-e"- LTou B. D.51 If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E.ZoNING: ?15 LOI AREA: If required, applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. \tt4$+$r | .4{1}k-. NA}48 OF APPLICANT: NETg D.Mailing Address: eg(^ t tAA. 5q4Lb Phone NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: 4*UC^t A. ANATEA<O, A*TTT11gC1. Mailing Address ' Ypv V6b \/l^tLt b Blbsb Phone tz1-1ze I.NAME OF OTIINERS: SIGNATURE (S) :iling ess .T. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB fEE: DRB feesr as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a buii.iing perniii, pJ-ease ideniify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail /1will adjust the fee according to the table below, -Lo^ro,rka-(ensure ttre correct fee is paid. ..n (,rlt*r' -' FEE PAID: S ,/ / FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $5o,oo1 -$ 150,000 $15oroo1 - s 5oo,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000' 000 * DESIGN RSTJEEW BOARD TPPRO\TAI EXPIRES ONE YETR EFTER IIITAI. TPPRO\TAI. T'NI.ESS I BUII.DING PENUIT IS ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCrION IS STARTED. **NO APPI.ICAUON WII.I. BE PROCESSED TIIIBOUT O9f![ER'S SIGNATURE H. 4 FEE s 20.00 $ 50.00 sr-00.00 $200.00 $400.00 s500.00 \ ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Lor 5l Block ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Y **LOT SIZE Allowed (30) (33) Filins 1uen Lro'l PHONE bz1-Sz,lS Existinq Height Total GRFA Pr5.mary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks 5n4?-, Proposed Total| ,,?l-(?'' -&fufuo-gfu. =o,r, +re + 425 Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining $lall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drlve: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental,/Haz ards : 20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) z4c 4 44'-Ti" z@ -T 24ro4t" tpdro @%(d"+ 3' /6' Reord *,ruoorrroor@fu1 Permltted Slope ;!! Actual SloPe Date approved by Town Engineer: No 222 o, b'o Yes r_) 2l 3) Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands '! Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does thls request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?_**Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less Lhan 151000 sq. ft. in area may not construcL a second dwelling uniL. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestrictl-on provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections t8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricLing the unit. as a long-term rental unit for full-tlne employees of the Upper Eagle VaIIey. 10 bQ-- q35-a364 P/5 . ALTA OWI.]ER'S POLICY SCHEDULE B Policy No.. ,1-:+r+1-!iIL5!This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the company will not pay cbsG, itrornevs - fees or expensesl which arise by reason of: 'l . Rights or clarms of parties in possession not shown by rhe public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, nol shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies. conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correcl survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien. or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or herea{ter furnished. ll.tposed by law and not shown by the public records.-.- i,n-- i-..: ., l: Ir-1F:ir.i f :..'a< rr\-: i-q.. =1-,,=,.:Fc Fr.il z'r" rtr-ra.-id];.n4,-i --rI'$-- Y *.r- !...J l.- -.. ^- r-- b. llr,e E-::E':i c.:- i n : i'-r =- :.,: r, s in ar,j' gEn€ral .=!: cF€:iirc .;ai3r ..'-'a :'i i t 'i--:.:,:: :: !., fjre liroteca i.-,fr r -.l.ir c.3i.r:itrtil;,n ,l l' c:!'l'nr Gi3!ri--: al inaiuSian in :-:ri' ',.r'3;e f s=r'.':.:+ 3: =-af =-l: .j- Fi^.; i .,i ;,. r.-.r-,; 6t-.-,.- f,rr 3 .;;: i r-: C!. ii:+ i..: €:.:tf A:t ?-lii l.€i'i.i-j:i lli S ,: r'e ah-: r:ir€'!; 5 f.'--,-l l,:. tlif s:.::3 5= i c.,jirc !r .c'an: -.-r-aie ..t :,i'lg€rsaat '-i€ F.:an:s.ii as r'*:-9r'.,'ai 1ri Lli:t:: :':ai€3 i:1te!i: ri:iriei -:.'-i,=*'-t s L Lt, !-:i.'? iti 9::i- =r'.: !.--;* :,+.i. .. f i-, r -.f :---- i. n ri:-i..:< -:- ,-_:!^: l = i,-,I e - :- | . - I' c -.i tt a- the ::!tfr-r-itr--::'- '--r ii 3i. --.-- -j r:.r g-r!-!-- -LJ.i: ri: i'l;'i1-.- ! rr! e. F- r-7 " a:. i.f .i i- li.::e j ::-._i.i=: f at:ilt i.'e3't5-.:.3- -!--:r-'-i:',- l:, i.9,-.r in E.::;: +i- zi !:3.: 3.i-. ..: r-.-.y.r.-:.-: - i.r:.-'.._.: -. Fj. -=:-:r\, h-; t-..-.i-,1 i-..-.:_;:- j.::.-.,-. - - - - ;:.-..-..-.J ir..,:; ': ._.:. - - "-'ii --.-j F: '.:-:',.:r c i,i r'. -::-. .- ._ ._ r . -. r: a. :- r';--:-.1 1;" l'-'::t'"i a: , L'-:ri ii', E.;;'i: ;,'i ai ;.1-g:, c i a: I.:;-:1::ci l.!:. l.'-''- j5; :tr :-. j- r..: -.-,r,.i--,i :-it-'1. L ')'; ta',';; 1-, '--.- . )-.'i .-.' i-: '-!'-, -i j zz --s --r:br - -r a 5- i:'-:.e ;'-:.:,:-:. l;.:,. i.-,'Ci-q.: 4!ti 7-a' 'fa,v-u::ai.: :.e::'r-a€ I j"Sil,:h i.+, i:'l! i:-, r.i.'i: :Ei ai ['rir €::.s it'cr;,t:..::i iir. 1:]jy,r. ltr. Corivey=-r1u-€ of litilitJ' Easenenr.b;: rr:e !,:n ari.i l:: Augustrr:e l'a.:i i i; i.rur: io the Uail [^i;-.Eer a!:r: .qarriiaiicn i is::-i.:t 1i L-,::u;,i:.: re:!rd.:': -irgu=: a., !!?= in Llii: 3*,: at Fi;e c{!, as !.*c,:g.ci::r Ii.:. Z+Ci3i.. Li. Tef ;i, S ar::i ':cii.3.trr..icti: ci tl:e l'r:c':EL-li'.': ci.'.'=.n-:n: -s ii Gl:r', L1.: i'l Sr-ilJ.-l:..-i::C'i-: r':,::'f 'j": -1.;or!1 t-. !:r?a ir, !:..:;.: Zt-. al f'a.;t ei3 :.f i-i=::.:;:: li;'l l!o. 1650n:. i2. ..i':tc-ss. aii ger.'er E3 ren:nt s as shc?.T, cn i:ra .:-$=!1a€: !'l.at cf GIe; f ''.-'' i-'i:r,i i:'1 =\.-.r. r - +nr-,r-r.'l .?rri:; i i l.::i in l-.-,.-. i.' -j:1 --r t F=,ri i;i') ai F.€..eF:ic.n lir. 14,8?7:. 1; . i.:gl.'.r c.i q.'it ic.;' tne f L.--i: of 'l:re Cre:;-. \rRev 6 871 S T E\I'.l. TIT'I'I T I, I.; O O l n l r Tt l O tl P a i.. IPage 3 , alla owNEr'3 pollcY SCHEDULE A Order No.: rr.i. .,S - V Date of PolicY:', -.-"or.Er 113, lgeg At 3:5 i F. !.1. 1. Name of Insured: iri;L D. Eti!']}lsiili iJ{l Sil::F-ti 8. F.lC}:Scii 2. The estate or interest In the land which is covered by thie pollcy ls: t'iji !-:ili:'LE 3. Tltle to the estate or lnterest In the land ls vested In: hgr.L i'. El:r!ll-c,i..N AliD sr-rsnt: E. EPiCilsr-'li \-) n'.-:'-i"'l :'ri.. i 5Ei' C'-.UijTS.,$ I'31i,:.9-rPi- ra Policy No.: Cr -.-"3{ l-1.+3 il.; Amount of Insurance: S jtu, 0C,0. 0(' 4. IiiriE C'F ff.-'I-:-t,ti \ f!; fi i'!,'il' STTOI'VART TITLT.:GUllaxtY cor?^x? \\ \ The tand referred to in this poticy is described as/ollows: \ Lirl'si \\ \ ,::.rlJj L.:;i:,!i !'i.:i!iii;:,it,Ji \ )&;L!i:*i.ii\l .i,; 'ii'{i ;J':i';ilr[, FtF.? FJiLrii?C':l' .rUL? l$, l:i;ii :-i2 i.T' t-::'::E -llu .!-g I'.EJ=Ti.iji I{-r. 1;gtr-':. iirl'j:; '.1l- r,rij! \ \ L'i.'-i:.li'; t,!-' E:".-!-t'j \\\ COO€ 00i2 (an. t6t)Paoe 2 *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. t.rees.fndicate PLANT I.IATERIALS: PROPOSED SHRUBS _ Min.imum caliper forheight for coniferous Common Name Ouant,itv Size* "b 5 q^. EXISTING SHRUBS TO AE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon.of proposed shrubs.Minimurn size of shrubs is GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining warrs, fences, swimmingpoors, erc.) prease- specify. rndi6are h;ig[;;-;I',retainingwalIs. Maximum heighr-of witts *irni' ih;";;;"; setback is3 feet. Maximun helght of wifis elsewhere on the-propertyis 6 feet. Botanical Narne ,:i!!_!lt. design guidelines. The DRB does nor vore onconceptual reviews. The property orrner or hisrepresentative sharl be pres-ent it the DRB hearinq. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT t E?tucga* ?zt@we LEGAI DESCRIPTIO", "o'gSTREET ADDRESS:?E ut€5Tt-,t*t- DES.RTPTT'N oF pRo'Ecr, .,4 *.{e.., s,.*"r, fe. ig Ps,ar....- ----- The. following information isReview Board before a final required for submittal to the Designapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR A.BUILDING MATERIALS; Roof Siding Other !{alt Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FJ.ues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT }IATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES b*vuco et4eohn- c^?2*1+ * + 44ar+* bea,"|c'*atf cos^+ Cr#rt & <rta*e l*.1"( r.ucba"-. B.Designer: Phone: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name Corunon Nane Ouantltv Size* colLtq,oao 4 S 2r" rts; ltu,-. H )n cd-.tao6 >0?44 4 1l bwe b 1' $o^.e r\ t cosnh+ ceO L.ro UTILITY IOCATTON VERIFTCATION suBDrvrsrsx 6.fu Llo,t JoB NAr,{E EQtctL*,t be+t7gn cL BIPCK FILING ADDRESS The location of, utLlitles, whether they be rnain trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verifled by the followingutllities for the acconpanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Conmunications 1-8 00-92 2-1987 458-6850 or 949-4530 Public Service conpany 949-578t Gary HalI HoIy Cross ELectric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-553 0 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle valley l{ater & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee 5t /tu /- /" -72 /-6- ? 2 NoTE: These verifications do not relieve the contrastor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Town of Vail , Department of Pub1ic Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq ln.any public iight-or-way or easement in the Town of VaiI. Abuilding peirnit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit nust be obtained separately. This forn is toIocation. This preparing your installations. verify senrice availabilitY and. should be used in conjunction with utility plan and scheduling rr Please bring a slte plan when obtalning uPPer Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. PF€ANEO EY olE '/77 7 -----,+ -\ '>-tn -e.t---1 i---/ >, ft >a'V'd (I\ GALEIU A" AAsl.f,t-tlD, AIICH t I cL I o JrourryT 1992 Brichou lcddmce Squrre Footrger GRFA s048 SF altoved GRFA including Billiard & Storage GRFA Billiard & Storage GRFA less Biltiard & Storage GRFA Garage (nor included above) 50,{0 SF 603 SF 4437 SF 590 SF Home upper level. lover Ievel Garage Dec& 5'headroom areas 2796 SF 2609 SF Total J,{05 SF includine Billiard & Srorage 739 SF estimate ar appror. 65r Hone cost/sF 505 SF estimate at appfor. 30t Home cost/SF 220 SF BOX 383 VA|L CO 8t 658 UTIL]TY LOCATION VERIFICATION suBDrvrsroN gLs^-{ Llo,t EQ,L*L*A Le+rQex rLJOB IOT NAI{E 51 FII,ING ADDRESS The loqatlon of utllities, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposed llnes, must be approved and verified by the followlngutllities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature U.S. West Cornmunications 1-800-922-1.987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Conpany 949-5781 Gary HaIl HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5492 Ted Husky,/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Gary ilohnEon Upper Eagle valley water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee Date ll//4/ " " .// /^ /-4-72 /-/_ 7 2 NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of VaIl , Departrnent of Public Works and to obtain utlllty locatione before dicroing ln any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of vail. Abuildinq pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This forn is to verify serivice availability and Iocation. This shouta Ue used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * Please brlng a slte plan when obtaining Upper Eagle valley Water & sanitation signatures. WE ARE SENDING YOU F Attached ! Under separate cover via DGrints E Change order - ..1 ,. I I t- , ,t ',.?ro -4,\, (-f0Wn iil l/at& / tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter GORDON R. P|ERCE" AIITTECT 1000 South Frontage RoaiF7est vArL, coLoRADO 81657 LETT'EO @F T'RANSnfl ITTAL (303) 4764433 "^" 6-/a 2q , ""rtoru ^n.",,""fh4,k /h n// t r.C_ RE {llrk*<- fzg4z-"-< fl Plans ! Samples the following items: tr Speci{ications coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 4-2.,ry 4/a f7,au, ul <fL,yu LLa/l /4?/.k I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: fl ro,. "pproot. For your use D As requested tr Approved as submitted E Approved as noted D Returned for corrections n Resubmit-copies for approval D Submit-copies for distribution ! Return -corrccted prints . For review and commcnt ! D FOR BIDS OUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: ru|cr?|Gi @|E,o,rb,b oul l, aocloavtaa an .lol !r natrad, hindly notity ua at onca. I Prolecl Appllcation r "^ 'ir 3. /5-F1 Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Addrees and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 5l Block riting(- /, 1..-,-- 5.r"1, , ron" f'DD- P/t Comments: Design Review Board j,/5 , 11 DISAPPROVAL Town Planner E statt Approval I{AI.IE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII: LIsI Uf MIEKTruT Eri*on Residence Revised 03/L4/89 -ffiubdivision STREET ADDRESS: -T3E5-westhaven Drl.!e-sTqsFf [llllKt]5: rJ..rJ 'rs-L"qwe" v-- - - oibEiipfion-oi Pno by the applicant to the Design Revis The following Eoar{ before A. BUItotl{c lnfonnation ls requlred for submittal a flnal apProval can be flven: IIATERIALS: TYPE 0F IIATERIAL Wood Shake COLOR Roof Stdtng 0ther Hall lhterlals Fascla Sofflts Iindors lllndow Trlm Doors 0oor Trlm Hand or lleck Ralls Flues Flashingt ,. . Chtmneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0tier Ix6T&GCedar Green,/Brown Round River Rock Green/Brown2 x L2 Cedar tx6T&Gcedar Pella Clad 2 x 6 Cedar Paint to match windows Wood 2 x 6 Cedar 2x6ProfiledCut Painted to match siding Painted to match siding Round River Rock None None 8. LANDSCAPITIG: llam of PLAIIT }IATERIALS: PNOPOSEO TREES ETI$TI{G TREES TO BE REI.OUED rlndlcate callPer Eotanical t{ame Cormon Name Spruce ' tl !i zer L2' ^ | nrt 4v ,r QlJs 'r 1rI' 6' Deslgner: Phone: 'tl None for declduclous trees. Indicate height for conifers' .a . PLAIIT }OTERIALS:. (con't) sfiRU8S I Botanical Nanre Potenilla Conrnon Name Revised 03/14/89 Si ze 5 gal-lon Square Footaoe v Quani ty .^- 't''- - Exlsrlm sHRugs None TO 8E NEMUED ' TrrrrP9 GROUIIO COYERS NONE Yess0D 550 sq. ft. SEEO TYPE OF IRRIGATIOT{ TYPE OR IITTHOO OF ERoSI0il Cot{tRoL Wildflower 550 sq. ft. Underground sprinkler system for sod 560 sq. ft. areas. C. 0THER LAIIOSCAPE FEATURES (retalnlng ralls, fences, srimlng poolsr etc.) Please speclfy. CourtYard waII - Round River Rock Proiect Name: Proiecl Applicallon Project D€scripuon: Contacl Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot st Block ,u^n 6,4.-- /f 5,,^.1' , zon" ibO -/S Comments: Deslgn Review Board j, /,77 Motion by:4"-.'fu s€condod ,rt Hflrlo APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL €'t*rmary: Town Planner lreRl@etoct< ADDRESS: /-t-^. t c-.t Filing - DATE: 2'17 ,f i Ol{NER ARCHITECT ZONE DI PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Conments: ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Al'lowed (30) (33) 4t??f Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Covera se QoU), Landscapi ng Fence/Reta i ni.ng lda'l I Heights Parki ng Credits: Garage l4echani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat .u. Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Q-o f nu'/s> Aval anche Proposed I32 3723/z e 20, 1.5' 15' (:o115e1 3Y77 t T (300)(600) (soo)(1200) (s0) ( 100) (25) (50) (200) (400) \./ ___57-- Q'"> e4 €+- Qtt''") Flood Plain Sl ope l.letl ands Geologic Hazards(e'^x, one Zoni ng: Date: 6@'isapproved 2 ' 2o:Y1 :;7,7!_ffift -,4Mft r b' ,r--{.. K utt -;-. 5/"./c / 73"2/ lz-^< r- .* "4r"c #*. B'.*4^4+4 /-4 /"-l 2. -.'-t .zlt< 6' A--24 2,20-71 N'*('. - 2,20,n .i '' 2,Zl .tj '' 2'2',1.ffi /r,7,4. GORDON R. PIERCE AR]TEGT 1000 South Frontage RoaflWest vAtL, coLoRADo 81657 LETTEI@ F T'RANSnfl 0TT'AL ^* (,4,& l'"""" /Gb ^n.",,o//J/,ifu , m o | /, z,o-, EhC Fa) WE ARE SENDING YOU (Attacnea f] Under separate cover via D Shop drawings F "oo, of letter (303) 47G4433 TO tr Samples the following items: ! Specifications5(etints E Change order tr tr coPrEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION z/n/rt Wrlaj 7t:u4ua a|^1-dL z:/G/p,/Latrg--/-l/ha#zo..lolt L,s/ ltillM'I '/Atql ti/c d-.an,t/Pd ua,./tb.ltfujffi 4+2c4 th1-/r'nr,, tua/irafuy'U z lzT/P t Fou,xk z[/uahau- vzh.to,tru'a &4ll yz4/4a.( /l THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked E For approval -t I For you r use E As r€quested E For review and commcnt ! tr FOR BIDS DUE belorv: tr Approved as submitted E Approved as noted D Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Roturn-corrected prints ! tr ! 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Pioufiz|q3 l@lc, oet r- ol.tl tl cncloturaa rra not |t notad, kladly notiry ua at oaca- 0ulttR ARCHTTECI 6r-don Tl F:Ierce, ArchlEec'E Phone 476-4433ztilt'oiii oeveton-6-oistrict)Zol{EDTSIRICT Primary/Secondary (specia] DeveroPme FiiiFo5io iriE LOT SIZE slnqle !'amlly Resrqence t'a I oATE: 2/ro/8e TEGAL DFSEFiFTIOilil6T- 5I Helght Totr| GRFA Prlnrry 0RFA Secondary GRFA Setbackr: Frunt Sldes Rerr tlater CoUrsG Slte Coverage Landscaping Ferce/Retaintng tlal I Rel.ghts Parklng Gredlts: Garage . ]lechanlcal Alrlock Storrge Solu Heat t, Drlve:' Slope Pennltted Envl rorrental /lhznrds : SFR, R, ZONE CHECK FOR R P/S ZOIIE DISTRICTS BlockS Fillng Glen I'yon subdivision Al lowed (30) (33) Proposed 32'. 3,937 3,837.- 20 - I5 15 0 13r Yes-re|- 0 20, 15' 15, ( 30) (50) ( 3oo) (600) leqo) (1200) (50)(loo) (25) (50) (2oo) (4oo) 1,320 sq. ft. 600 25 200 0 8t steePest 50 8t Slope Actual None Avalanche Flood Plaln Slope' lletlands Geologlc Hazards Gomnts: Zonlng: Drtc: Strff Slgnrture ApprcvedDlsapproved ..tl I UTILITY LOC.\TION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION Glen Lyon JgE I{Atr1E Eri-ckson Residence rg[-:____,lr0Cl(__Ji rL rNG 1T:^l*:.i9n. of utilities, whether they 1:i::, -y:. be.approved "ia r"iiri"i"ui,accoqanying site plan. be nain trunk lines or proposedthe following utilities'foi the Authorized Siqnature 0ate lbuntain Bel I l -634-3778 lfestern Slope Gas Harry |loyes ru7 J-f'-6q r For nu consl2-9-Ffllease fill out attached sheet. *ill.; ;:llt'" comPanY * HolyCross Electric Assoc.tea Husky/tilichael Laverty Yall Cabte T.V. 6ary ,Johnson Upper-Eagle Valley llaterand sanltation Discrict Oaui+*;enet+ Frz.,l thela 4 ,', w l{orE: 'llrese verifications do not relieve the contractor of hisresponsibil.ity to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of public l{orks and to obtainutility locstions before digging in any public right_ of-way or easenent in the Torm of Vail. 4 building perrit is not a street cut pernit. A streer cut peruit uust be obtained separately. : lhis forn is to verify service availablity and location. Tltis should be used in conjunction yith preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. / \ j t."AIIA OWI{CN'S FOTGY $crtk SGTIEDUI..E A Order No.: 44?S_V Policy No.: O-gg{f -2g3l59 Dateof Policv:"oo.*er 03, tggB At ?r57 F.H. Amountof Insuranco:S IOO,OOO.O0 l. Name of lnsurcd: lil:Af, D. EF:IC!(SON At{D SrtSAr{ B. 2. The ostats or Inter3st In the land whlch ls r'$t sI}Ir)tE EP.ICKSON covcred by thls pollcy ls: 3. Tltls to tha €stale or lntereet NEAL D. RICIiSSN A$D In the land lg vested In: SUSAT{ B. ERICIiSC,Ii coo! Gtt (i& stl 4. The land rsfsn?d to in this policy is described a LUT 5T Gi.EIJ LYCIN SLIBI}IVI$ION AL:IOFjDING fL1 THE A}TENCIETI }72 NT PAGE 370 A5 tol.lt{ rrf' VA.[L Cotrlf1"l' OF EAGLe STATE OF C AIXIIIISIi I ZEtr COUtffERS IGN.IILTRE FLAT RECO !El' .]ULU 18, l9?8 rt{ 3o0li roli N0. l5 f,i5. FTTEIfART:TITLITSttttal GottattPrqe 2 ALTA OWNER'S POLICY l'1.;.: 4475-V Policy No.: o-9941-23 3]59This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the company will not pay costs; atiorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: l. Rights or claims ol parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any tscts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are noi shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right lo a lien, for services, labor or malerial heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records.5'. Anj' and a.l.l unpalci ta>:'es an'j assesE$lei1ts and an]' unredeetred ta-': sa.l"es. 6. fire effect of lnelusicns in an]' general or ef,F,:itic water ccjrrserl,'atlcy, rire protectir-'n, soii cons€rv:i;1c,n or oth€r olstrict or i.nglugic,n irr 3.riy r^tater Eerltiie cr street i lr.i:,1',r'ranant al'ee. ,.. 7. F,lgiit cf Fr.-.prietor'Ei a veirr cr -lade lc €l:traet 3nd renil,:e lilsore ttErefroru ehoulC ttie sa.me be for-rrrd to Fenetraie or lnterrsect the pr€nr.se* as reservec in united st-at€5 f aterrt re':ar,L{ij .&.ugust l€, 13t9 in E:oil 4b 3t Faqe 5+;. r-.. F.iEhrt c.l r.-ai f or ditihesn: tbe ur-;itec sta,Eei, as re=':rde. t-Lr]ue t }t, 19i'3i SCHEDUTE B cr canalE conctrli:tel by the sLtthtrlty re:er\'€d in Llnit-ed states Fatent in Eo':',: 4E at F:ge t4.: . !;. ic'nr.'3i.anc? i! i:,riii',,;sl' Easenrent I';,, Gore CIee]: Asrr:ciattsr a tli.:.cre Isian<i LiniteC F'ar-inErs!.ip in iic'cuii'gni reL-o!,ied Augu=t 7i, 1978 in E.3c'i': il'3 at i'&gE c.1 as I:ece'Ftion !Jc. 1,'tJ'-'19; ili i,::'"r.lrerrt recc'rd€d. August 2r, \?ie 1rr Esc';: j7-i a: tsagc 9bI as Irr.*eFti.on lio. 17038'! an.l in docurient recordel Frarch 14, L9l9 in tsr-rck 26? at F'age EH3 a,-. Re.cepti+rr Nr:. 179.,19,-r. i"lr. Corrveyanc€ of. tttility Easement by tfie Dor. arrd l,:e Augustirre fa'ril1' Trust to tbe Vail t'iater and Sanitatlotr L'istrir--t ln Dccurnent reeord.ed iugru=t ,, IgbZ in Bool: slti at Fage 6+:, 68 l:eceFti.-'lti &.r. 240i31. 1i. Terrue aIrC Cc'rrCitions c,f tlre ['rc,iecti1;e Cctenanis o! GIen Lt':n 5r:idir.'ision r€sorded Apri.I 4t L!78 in B,-1cf: 'lL? at. t-ate e'39 es Recep.t ion l{o. }65043. 12, A':cess and gewer Easenente as sho!'rr oF. tir€ FJien'ieJ. t'lat of Glen L;sn SubCivislon r;-ccroad .iufy i8, \918 in bac.l: 7-i2 dt Fage 370 aE F.eceF,t icn lilo. 1687 7:r. 13. F.igi:'t of L'6(y fc'r the f low of Gore Creeh. siTE\I'ART TITI-}i OI' A R A:YTT (jO|| PT:Y Y1613{Rev 6 87)Page 3 ITECT est LE]rrtr)@F TRANSnflrrrAL o^,.2- lA H 1,"""7201A ATTENTION EZ4{+*-,r-l VEj>EtCE TO Plans tr Samples the following items: ! Speciticationsx tr o D Prints Change order ! tr vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 4764433 WE ARE SENDING VOU ,& Attached I Under separate cover via Shop drawings Copy of letter coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION /.z la?1 1 4,ilz- fl,a,w )4un ri-a,^''iltt.zhov-:qL Jztv J/-'tl'r /.,ta ffi *.it--:r - L \ I i,WP lffi)L\EJhtv+ it' v.3",z Qrzl r wti,,la,*t V1t 2{btf ( THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked E For approval./pFot yout use E As requested ! Approved ! Approved I Returned as submitted as noted for corrections n Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit-copies for distribution I Return -corrected prints ! For review and commcnt tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS noqJcl rs3 @ ||f, o,-\ h olail tt ancloaurta ara '|ot rr ,rotad, kindty notilyt ua tt otrca. a tProject Application l-o 1-: / 6vpuf >l Date Project Name; Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone c;N4.la'1.v'4t* owner,Addressandphone: W* R.r--Jl€v: .cr.tc-*r Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot >l Block Filing (rL):U {-yc A,Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL -)i tl i>')4ya,r 1'Summary: O/\) tr_i E statt Approval SUIJI)IVISION UII_Ll'lY _1.(I)\'l l{)\ Vl:R IFILA'l'lON Glen Lyon JOB NAME Andantino Res i denceI I I I LOT 5l ADDRESS |785 ttesthaven Circle FILING The location of utilj.ties,lines, nust be approved and accomPanying site plan. be main trunk lincs or proposed the following utilities for the whether thcy verified by Mountain Bell Westen Slope Gas Public Senrice Conpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Val ley Water and Sanitation District ?-.!33 dilb y-3t-st * i-"/*,hafq NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a.street cut perrnit frorn the Town of Vail, Departnent of Fublic Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Torvn of Vail. A building permit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pemit must bc obtained separately. This forrn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. ,..k...,' o I t COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY P. O. BOX 357.'IO8 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Telephone (3031 476-2251 . m .t-:[rErgrs {lur.F}. trnI a f.U l *nd*r Prrticg l;.,>: lle1rt i{'. I0rAl. -.". tl it li ltrltl r'*$ i t:t'tir:?.iv* l)et$ t f:0fiF| $if;Ht'l)|Il- f:l l:irttl .lrrl | 40 . tJt) $ ii . tttlr6l3"fjtl tf,rrrr r [il&&** r.*f AF *: fn I A 1t4ttf1 ,l .{ Arl{lus I 15 r t 98.! at $ ! llfl A. R. proptr 6a<l I netrred I {t,q't- Agrpl icat lorr No. U0tl0iifi66 F er Inf oroot, ion On lg d(' v{lll{'ilil;c,6 " i" f:'o'l ir r*:Ei t,cr he lgtuacl , orrd 0!rn€?rs'u Policg T'.llljrfifl0.0tl F rrrrr F. -. t V'/ l.l ( Afi rgrr de (, l tl -. 1 7 - 7tl ) llI'rt FrJr5Lr tl InBltrtd; riltlrAliT lil0, tiA "nt. I Jq" I c&n Pol i cg i ll;/ i{*vielnn} tlfrr(totl .trcl I lrr.,, **t r*t e or" i nl,tr'*st, I n t.he I nntl tlar.t t' ltret{ l;r'r;ot!l I !,nent and cnvcr.erl h+r*ln iS, rel'erne.d to ln thlr A t f li t;* t rtl* t r-r tlre *ct*te on i nt*t.+st r nver.ad h*r"*ln i* et f,lre erf{'*ct I va r{rt rr h,:rreOf vagt,e d in t l;, ilri.r lanrl lrrf rr'r',rd trr in t,his ljutltnr I t,r'r*nt lt rjeecr ibrad es follovet t.i)r h1, ril.uN t.yoll suBrlIuI$Ioit, AccoRDrNt] 1'o rltE Al4F:uDtD FLAr IHgltEoli R[r:(rRDf:D -lltt Y 10, 1978 1N |}0()X :'7? AT PA(r[ 37tlr c0tlHTY OF EASLET STtrfl 0F ll$l.ORA])0. l;'r'nf,tr g*c{ I nsrrr'*rJ I ,tArrIt. I{ 5il$TAI T I AI.OA rronnrrr.rrr{'a l' t $cHf orjt F B- r ( Reqr.r I rot'rertte ) App.t i c *l i ott l'lo. Ut'lll0tiliA6 l'he fol loulng arr the rtqulrrrounf.c to he r;oopt l €rJ e ltht l. Pegnerrt to or fnr the *ccourrt of th* gr.antore rrr nor.tgegorr of l.hc full conrldergtlon for tht tgl"ut* or lntcrtst, tn he ingurcd. ?" Fr.o;.,or lrrrt,r.un*nt(s) crerrting tho ent*t* or Intert;t i,n he ltr*trr*r{ outt, b€ executrd and dulg fltrd for rrcordl to*uitt 3, T.VIUSNCE {IATISFACTORY TO 'fHF. fiOI\PANY lHA'f ANOAf'ITIN(I SA I$ AN FNII TY CAPABLE frf ACOl.fIRIll0 lITl.E r0 SllR.Jt:cT PR0PER1'Y. 1. f:vI0ENCH $A'fIT|FAC'rORY'fO lltg COnpAily THAT'rltE r.FRfioN 0R P€nsi()N9 8IONI}II} FOR ANDAfII'INO SA HA8 IIIH AI' XORIIY TO DO FO. $. T'ARRAilTY OEE'O FROI'I".IAUIE}T 6U$JTAFlA TO ANOAf,I'INO, $d TIOI{UEYINO SUSJF:CT PROPf,Rl'Y. 6, IrEEO OF Tf,USl FRoft ANOAfiTIN0, SiA T0 THE PUBLIU TRtrB'fEE Otj EABTF I}OIJI'ITY FOR THF: USE OF'JAUIER SUSTASTA TO SECUFS THE BU}I OF'tlurnoo,0o. lr0Tti.s TllIg FB0P€R'fY f.tAY BH SLrB"rFc't't0'ffiri n[.Ar. EslAtr TRAil$FER TAX BY VIRTTIF: OF I I9 IHilLIJ$ION IN THI: 'I'OI/N OF UAII. . PIJRI,;}IA8TR SHOIJI,I} CONTA{:1' I'HH 1'OIJN Of VAIT RTBAROINC SAID ASRFS9I'IEI.IT. a AtO 0of{f,rrl'tFNT : I $Dlil-:Dlr!. F. B-.? (Hrctptlcrne) Ag,pl ir-etlon No. V0{lfJii566 Thrrr pollcg or pollcltg t,n bt icgucd uitt conf,rln exccpt, lons to t,he lnllouirrg unltrr l,h* r*roa ar'c dleg,.og,+r4 of to dhe tstiefectlnn of t"he, Conprrtg I ! I . $il,*nrJpr.d lixc c;.t I rrrrs I t"hr.ough 5 pr I nt.ed crn the r: ovcr" shact . . rt. Texa* and asgrrstlcnt* not grt du* on paglble anr! sFaclol assasclqanl.q rrcrt, ynt rert If lad to the Irorerrr.Ei" B of f i t; *. 7 - Ang rtnpl I d texcs nF et!6ssrn*nt,s rg* Inst sa id lend. B" l. lrrrr for unpald uettr *rrd s*u*r' cher"g*r, if ang. ,. RIOHT OF UAY FOR DiTCHES OR CANALS T.:ONSTRIJCTED tIY iHC RUT'UOIITl'Y OF.IHE IINIT€D $TATES A6 RESfRVED IN IIHITED 8'fATT6 PATINT RECORO€O AI'RII. 26, t?:ts, IN BOOX lI'.1 AT PAfiE 4t13. 1fJ, RE6t;ttVATIOH 0F'fttE RItiHT OF THE ilNITS0 $TA1',F$, I1{i FERI'lIl',TEF 0R 1. IcENgF:ti, 1'O g.N1'IR tlPoN,0C0UPY ANo lJ$F-, /lNY FAFl.0ft Al-l-. QF'3AID t.Ailu r0R rilF" puRp0st:'$ PRoutf)HD lN l'HE AfiT 0F.lUN[ 10, l9?0 (41 $TAl'. l063), AS RESERT/ED IN 1'llE FAIEI{l' REC0ROtU OCI'OBfiR ?r lV4t', lil ft00r( tl13 AI PAfiu 40$" J 1, RFFIRICl rON$ Ur{1CH 00 NOT CoNTAl}l A f:OtrF',t. II'URF 0R tIEVFRTFR CLAtI$F, BUT OttITTINtt RESTRICTIONS, IF ANy, p,AgED 0N RACE, CoL0R, RC.LlliIoNr 0R NA'f IOHAt. 0R1{iIf{, A$ OO}trArNED lN lN$TRUr{ENT RFC0R0Et' APRIT O4, L97At IN BOOK ?68 AT PA6F: $9S. ,?. ORAINA$E IiASENFN 1:J FF.ST IN IIIOTH ATOI'IB TIIE $A$T t-OT t II,IE OF SIJBJECl' PFOFENIY ANO 6EUI.;R HA6EI,IENT AT,ONI] TtIF: NOIIl'f{ t,OT T. INfi ()F' BUS..IECT PROPgR'IY A5 B1{OHi'I Oil THH Af,II,NOTTD PL.AT GI.EN I-.Y()I.I $(IBDIVlI'ION. l;t.0ttED oF TRtJ{iT oATF.O ftARCtJ 16, 1t8.t, FRdf'l ..tAVIFF StJBTAEt'A 10 r}in Ptlt{l. IC TRIIST tI O[ [Alll t f:oUNI Y f 0R 1'l{t tlsI i]F F Ifr.ql $ANl( 0r uAIt ro tiFctJRH THb: $t,l,t 0F i?0,0110.0o RHcoRnED nAy 09, 1983, IN BooK.]:j9 AT PAGH i!69, 14. CIEED 0F tRU!dT UAlE0 EF:PTFHBER tri, 1981, FROf'l .'Avlftr 6t'STAt rA T0 THE PURI.IC TRIJBTEF: OF' IiAOI-E COUI{I'Y F'OR THF: IJEfi OT" FIRSI'BANH OI-J VAIL TO sEcuHF THE SUlt OF t1$Ortl00.{18 RECOROED OCToBER 16, 1981, I}t SOOK .{3(l A1 PAOF 675. sAID DEEO OI' lRIIfiT I'AB FTIIITII[.R fiECI'RED IN AS,€T$N''IEI'II OF R€N 6 RECoROED OCToB&'R 16, 19S1, IN SOOK 33fJ Al' PAOE ,r7.9. SXTf: H$ION AnR[:tt'lf,NT lN I;ONNECTI(tN UIIt{ gtAtU 0EH0 OF lRI,SI UA$ RTG0RDED fiAY 09, t?g.t, IN B00t{ 359 AT pA0F" 11613. N0TEr lltI PTTRCHAtiHR .ci]t0Ut 0 c0ilslfL.1 t{11}{ T}|t Hot0ER 0F 'iHt INOEBTE0XSSS StiCUREI) AS T0 THC: TF:RH$ AND f;0NDITIONti, Il-' AHY, t:OR litF- A$$UI.IPIION OF SAID'NDEI}, EONF$$" z0iil cilI_c K for SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Legal Description: Lot {l- Block Fi l i ns 6L 6^l C,-voN Owner cSU,fT ETI? Architect .EltlbsreH Zone Distri rr- -'45 .-,--- Proposed use 'A.tfu$X' P/-S Lot Size '4GEC trt1v1 Allorved Proposed3 ?7 / Lto t/'|l 'tErIt' 1ql (30)(so) a.--73s7f,- 7tg {o/a He i ght Tota'l GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear l,later Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Parki ng Credi ts : Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Storage Dri ve: S'lope Permi tted Envi ronmental /Hazards : 1391(:s)Ll tt? 7-fr--- /9j-- o o tY2-n fo conmentp ' Ur Db b orr ol &H?)ryAiF' "-r b rr a fur94 /4rT* Zonins: ooo"ou"o6"oil)Date: 72a7/r $fo€ -fuata,? /3 -t3 4rbctrlD vr)1-q . (3solcm0) (eoo) (nqo) t\troot t\ltsot t{olt+oo) Slope Actual Aval anche Fl ood Pl a'i n S'lope ry