HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 54 GLEN LYON OFFICE BULDING LEGALdt.n hontr)t s.[ \tcn clon OQcr-<e Y5LDq TO!'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 4L657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEAIiI:T CONTRAqTOR O}INER DescripLion: ADDING DU T Fi.rcplace InforB.gion: ReEtrictsed: Plrn check---> 10. oo Invcstsigation> .oo tflll Call----> 3.O0 I,I'NSFORD BROS. MECHANICAI, 248]- COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL 2481_ COMMERCE BtVD, GRAND GLEN LYON OFFICE BUTLDING I AIiIDREW D NORRIS, 1OOO S ,JIINSTION CO 8L505 illtNerroN co 81-505 FRONTAGE W, VAIIJ VaLuation: *Of eaB IJog6: Phone:- 9702425'790 Phone:- 9702425790 co 8r_657 67f-a/a7 DEPARTT{EMT OF COMMT'NITY DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES MECHANICAIJ PERMIT Permit #: M98=0107 rfob Address...: 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD WEST LOCATiON. : 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD Parcel No..... : 2103-121-09-003 Project. Number: PR.I98-01-54 STATUS...: ISSIIED Applied. -: 05/23/L998 Issued. ..: 06/23/t998 $q)ires . .: L2/20/L99a *of ca6 Appllanc.s i l_, 500 . 00 Sof wood/Prllet: FEE SUI.II,'ARY lrcchanical - - ->40.00 Rcstsuaranl, PIan Rcvies- - >.00 Totsal Calculat.cd Facs- - - > DRB Pec-------- .oo TOTAL FEES----- s3 .00 Addilional Fa!e---------> .oo ToEal P€rmlts Fc€--------> 53 .00 PalnrcntsE- - -- -- - BAINNCE DUE--.. .OO *trt **tt ttt a 'r*rw rJr t* Ittt tt **tr, taa*rtrtit*t** t tt ai*rttr+rt* Item: 0510005/23/L998IEem:0550006/23 /L998 BUILDING DEPARTIvIEIiIT Dept: BUILDING Division:iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .]RM- FTRE nupaRTMEltr Dept: FrRE Division: .tRljl- - ACEion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1-. FIEI.D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR qqDE COMPLIANCE.2. cor'rBusrroN ArR rs REQUTRED PER sEc. 607 9F UE 1991 tll4c.3: TNSINT,T,ETION MUST CONFORM TO MANT'FACTIJRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2]- OF TIIE 1991 I'MC.4. GAS Appltar.rcss sIraLL BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CITAPTER 9 ANDSHATL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 QF IIIE !991 WC-5. ACTESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEI\IT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 0F THE 1991 ttMC.E. EOII,ERS SHAI.,I BE MOI'IiITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOI@qSTIBLE CONST._ UIILPSS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE qI.,QORING7. FERI,IIT,Fi,ANIS AND CODE AI.IALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI., ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST.e. DRATT.IAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER Suppr,y BortERs SHAIJL BE EoUTPPED wrrH A FLooR DRArN PER sEc.27L9 oF THE l-991- uMc. * **** * * * **** * ******** * * * *** ** ** ], *********************************************** !'('il O? t llL. @LRlDo SEaCrurc gg.tlt[rts NuEb.r r Rac-O4lg bount. P.!d.nt tt thod r cK l{ocrtslonr ao5g9 S1.00 06123194 1a r5r lnlE ! itnll P.lulE lo: I9l-olo7 1YD. r B-tlBcg tlclnl|lcl! PlRxIr 9rro.1 tro3 2103-131-O9-OO! 3lt. tddt!.r ! 1000 g lROiTl(tl nD l|Egl t oc.Elon: 1O0O A lRO|rTlCl lD rttla P.lt .nt !oE!l laaa ! 53.oo Tot l lLl, Prc. t Brllnca r 53.00 33. OO ,00 iraa'rftrrttti lcooung Codr Drrcrlpt lon lrcunE 40.00 10.00 3.00 xp 00100003111100 llEcllllflcl! Plnl|IT lEEs PP 00100003112100 PLNI clllcf, FBES lrc O0!000o31t2900 lftLIJ ClLt tlfgPleflOr tlE TOVIN OF VAIL DEPARTMEMT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEMT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELEeTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 898-0144 APPLICAIiIT CONTRACTOR OlilNER Job Address: 1000 s FRoMTAGE I-,ocaEion...: 1000 S FROIiITAGE Parcel No. . : 2103-121-09-003 Project No. 3 PRiI98-OL64 HI,]NT ELEETRIC P O BOX L984, VAIL' CO 81558 HIJMf ELECTRIC P O BOX ]-984, VArr-' co 81658 GI,EN I,YON OFFICE BUIIJDING T ANDREW D NORRIS, 1OOO S FRO}TTAGE W, VAIL CO 81657 DRB Fee Additsional Feea---------> .o0 RD WEST StaEus...: ISSIIEDRD Applied..: 06/23/L998Issued...: 06/23/L998 Ercpires. . : L2/20/L998 Phone: 970-949-4061 Phone: 9'70-949-406L Totsa1 Polrnil Fee-___---->57 .00 Pe)ment.€-------- 5? -oo BATANCE DUg----- .00 Description: ADD LIGHTING .AND OIffLETS Valuation:3,000.00 FAE SUI.,IMARY Elcctrieal--->54-00 Total calculated Fee6- - - >57 .00 Invcst igition> will call----> . o0 3.OO TOTAL PEES- - - > 57.00 Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTI ESIT _p_ept: BUIL,DING Division:o67ii/1t96-.rnu Action: APPR APPRovED 'J!uvl- -i[5fr;'656d0--rf'nE DEPARTMEN| -- --.- - - Dept: FrRE Division: A5l*/L998 iIRM Act.ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, DECI,ARATIONS r h.lcby acknowl.dge that r have read tshis application, fillld out in full chc Lnf,ornatsion lcquircd, conplcled an pl.'', "ia Ecag6 chats all th€ inforurglon plovid€d as requlred- ie corlGct ' .r aglee t:, ":t:1y-:it:-:T-t:::T:t:::;;;;;;,iii.rr Town ordinanceo and eeic" L'wa, and to bulrd thi6 seructur.. *::"9ti1-::-:::^t::1-:.:""ittt """ codes, dceign rcvic* approvcd, Uniforrn BuiLding codc and ochcr oldinanccs of thc applicable t.hcrclo 1. FIELD rNSPEerroNg-aBE--BEAgIRED To qEEqK-E'QR qODE qQUPIIANSE' i. 'r'ifr.E-oEFARTlifrNT-'I'ppliovat -iS- psQurnpD BEFoRE ANv woRK cAN BE STARTED. irrrrritiatriir tttJ**l*ttil*ir accurage plot and ploc PIan, subdivioion FRoM 8:00 AJ'l 5:oo PM REQUESTSFoRINgPEeTIoNsSHA'JIJBEMADETWENTy.FoI,RHoIJRSINADVA}ICEBYTELaPHoNE 47 9 -2L35 FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER l!(mf o? vll'., ootfflm 8l|c.Dc 3E|B.!trC Xu$rr: RIC-0a17 LDrme; Prlnang H.thod: 6rK tfot.clotr! ao539 s7,oO o5lz3l98 ral.so lnlEr ilRx Pc8rlt Nor lra-olaa lyp. ! E-I&EC Prrcll lso: 2103-121-0t-003 81,9. ldd-... ! IOOO It FRONa'TICE RD lll5T lJocrtlon! lOoO g l8oal:ft(ll RD Itrl! Pal,rart, Iocrl tara: s7.00 Torrl lIiJ P.cr: Bthnca3 5?.00 57,00 .oo lrowrc 5t.00 3.00 rl fraarairr rrrtrt t tttttta ttaatt|r ttrrt tll a* aa !r aaa t tt ta lscounc cod.D..crl,pclon lP oo1o0oo3111too lt lCInICl& PlR||lA PBEA rc 00100003112soo ta & cll& DlSDlellof tBg tegal Description: Lot Otrners Naue: Block_ Filinq (rrRDrvr(re[rt; Address: r{ork class: I i-New ]d-ora"ration t r-Addirional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other-- s r L J r Nunber of ftrelling Units:Nuuber of Acconrnodation Units: lf*"= and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas'Apgrliances- cas r.ogs nr==d/p=lr.-:_ /T*:r******************************* vAluAtrolls * ********* ** ********************* ELECTRIcA!: $ 3,OO9 -;-uEcx{ANrcAt I r_ Fao-v .r.\_.:rJ.r; a_ l1?{v_ ToTAI: T__ ,u#:i.:#:#; :. -j i: ii;.F"HT;l,ffi ".' l-oo,iil. l ; -;il.;l] : *;; : * * * * " * * l,lJ-^-- -Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Electrical Contractor:I.,|AJT (€<rrt,(. Phone Number: Town of Vail1 Phone Nu:aber; Y Town of Vail Plrone Nunber: Address: Contractor:Reg. NO. BUTLDING: $ PLUUBING: T- Eff'o Res. No. IJS-Eqq1- zlato( Plunbing Address: Mechanical contractor: A{lNspottp Hp<,r.tonllca- Address:Lo* o-{ v-ail Re-s. N:e^t^7YO|1l Phone Nr:nber: tdd-G?P=ffi BUTLDING PERilIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:I€CHANICAI PER!{IT FEE: EI..ECTRTCAI.. FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF EEE:nDEl rrF.. GROUP BUTLDING PIrAl{ CIIECK FEE: PLIDfBTNG PI.A$. CEECK fEE:UECTTANTCEL PIAN ctIECK FEE:RICREATION EEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAT PERI.TTT EEES: BUIIDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: STG$ATIIRE: cT.EAlr UP DEPqSIT BEFIII{D to: VAI..UAIION .-t Ir , t PAGE 5 AREAI CD Aetivity: Fddress: Locat.i on r Faree I : De seri pt i on r Appl icant r Owncr l Contract orr B9g-@147 7/L6l9e Typer A-COFIM Statust ISSUED Congtr: Atr0M 1OGO S FRONTAGE RD WEST tOtZlS.:.S FRONTREE RD tl€ST' (BLEN LYON. OFfICE 9LDE)e1O3-1e1-O9-OOg Occr OFFICE REMODEL User U 1-HR J. L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION ELEN LYON OFFICE BUILDIN6J.L. UIELE CONSTRUCT.ON Fhoner 97O-476-3OAE trhone l trhone: 97O-476-3OAE ,Ulann /^f 4^rt -t# sg REFT131 TOWN OF VAIL! COLURADU A7/16/94 O7rO6 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION tfORX SHEETS FORI 7/16/99 InBpection Request Infornation..... Requestorl Jllrlr- lfOReq Tire! CTiA9. Eornentsr GFFI-BAEEFINT LEUEqIWILL C&L JIM 471-5466 )ItensrequestedtobeInspected...AetionConTirreExp ,'/(1t_ Inspect ion History. , . .. 90034 BLD6-Fr'aming B6/L9/98 Inspeetor: JRM A0B5A BLDEi-Insulat i on AAo66 BLDG-Sheetrock Nai Ig6/?'c/98 Inspeetor: ED Action: AFFR APPROVED FRAMING Act ion: FA SEE Iten: Item:Iten: NT]TES THIS TIIIIE. THENotes: Dtr NOT trONCEAL FLOOR/CEILINE RSSEMBLY AT BUILDINEi OFFICRL MUST REVEIW A6/86/98 Inspeetor: CD Itemr AAATA BLDG-Misc. It en r Cr0t09O BLDE-Final Itemr 66538 FIRE-FINAL C/u Action: AFPR CEILING LIDS f REPT131 TOI|N OF UAIL' COLORADO a7/Ae/9A 0724Q REAUESTS FOR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FORt 7/ e/98 F'AGE 17 AREA; CD Activity:_ M9B-CI@ 7/ e/98 Rddre s s :^i6@TFRoNTnGE RD Location: 1O0O S FR0NTRGE RD Parce I r 31O3-1P1-O9-O03 Deser'iption: ADDING DUCTApplieant: LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL Ewnerr ELEN LVUN UFFICE BUILDING contract or :affiGos. MECHRNI cRL Type: B-lrtECH Status: ISSUED Constr: ACOM t.lEST Oee: Use i trhonet 97ft34?3790 trhone: F,hone z 976?4?579Q Inspect i on Request Infornation..... Requeetorr Jlttt LYUNS/VIELE CUNST. trhone: 47 l-5466 Req Tiae: OBIOO Comnentsr 6tr4 REMODEL - LBITER LEVEL Items requested to be lnspected... Action Comments AQBOO MECH-Rough rAq39G MECH-Final Inspeetion History.....Item: A0AAA HECH*Rough Item: ECteAS FIRE-SPRINKLER ROUGH Item: CtlZtA4A trLMB-Gae Fiping Iten: 8G310 MECH-HeatingItem: AAgAgt MECH-Exharlst Hoods Item: Oet3s0 lrlECH-Supply Rir It em : O8t34rzr MECH-Mi sc. Iten : AAr390 MECH-FinalIten: 4653e FIRE-FINRL tr/Q Time Exp 51f-o / a 7 a TOSIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD vAlt, co 81_657 97 0 -479 -21,38 . Mn nr0-*- ,)-?g ]-OOO S FROIITAGE RD 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD 2LO3-t2L-09-003 APPLICAI{T .f .t. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1OOO S FROIiTTAGE RD W, #202, VAIL CO 8L657 CONIRACTOR J.IJ. VIEIJE CONSTRUCTION 1OOO S FRO}iITAGE RD W, #202, VAIIJ CO 8L557 OhINER GLEN LYON OFFICE BUII-,DING T ANDREW D NORRIS, 1OOO S FRONTAGE W, VAIIJ Descript j-on: OFFICE REMODEI, 92 82 V 1-HR Type V l--Hour DEPARTT,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIiIT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 898-0107 ilob Address: I-,ocation- . . : Parcel No. -:Project No.: WEST STATUS. . . : APPROVED wEsT (ApBlied. . zOO5/L2/L998Issued...: 05/12/L99B Ercpires . - z LL/08/L998 Phone z 970-4'75-3082 Phone: 9'IO-475-3082 co 816s7 Occupancy:Tlpe ConsErucEion:Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation:l_, 500 Add Sq Ft: Fireplace Information I Restricted: *Of eas ApplianceB: *Of Ga6 Logs: *Of Wood/pal.l.et: FEB SI'MMARY Building-----> 50.00 Regtuarants Plan Review--> .o0 TotsaL Calcul.ated Feee---> e5.5o Plan check---> 32.50 DRB Fee-------- .oo Additional Fees---------> ,oo Investigation> .oO Recreation Fee ---------> ,00 Total Pennit Fee--------> BS-50 will call----> 3.O0 Clean-Up Deposit--------> ,00 Payment ---_q\,...""...."":::il.llli;;;;.;;;;;;;;;:...........11;ll.......llHll.lYl;;.;;;;;;;;;;:--.-...-Gli9l. II,EM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI{"T DEDT: BUITDING DJ-ViSiON: {/ O5/L2/L998 EHARLIE ACt,iON: NOTE PI,ANS TO CHARLIEO5/L2/L998 CIIARTIE ACTiON: APPR CIIARLIE DAVISIEeqi .954q0_Bl4,r{NING DEPART!,IENT Depu: pr,ANNrNG Division:05/L2/L998 CHARI.,IE AcIion: APPR N/AIlerlti .q5q90 FIRE DEPARTITIENT Depr: FIRE Division:05/I2/L998 CIIARLIE AcLion: APPR N/A IEeqi.q55q0_PUEI,Ig W9RKS Depr: PUB WORK Division:O5/L2/L998 CITARLIE Action: APPR N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply tso this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknosledge tshat I have read thie application, fill.d ouE in full the informatsion required, conpletsed alr acculaCe plot p1an, and stahc thet all the information provided aa required is colrect. I agree to cornply rith the inforrnation and plot p1an, to comply l,itsh all Town ordinancee and €tsace Iaws, and to build lhi6 slruclurc according Eo Che Torn'6 zoning and subdivision code€, d€Bign rcvic$ ipprovcd, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE UADE T!{E![TY - FOUR HOURS IN A.D\TANCB By TELEPHoNE AT 479-213a oR AT oUR oFFIcE FRoM s:00 AM 5:oo Prrr send Clean-Up D6poait To: ,t.Ir.VIEIJE SIGNATI'RB OF OWNER OR COI{TRA(3OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS PermiE #: 898-0107 as of 0s/L2/99 status: AppROVED******************************************************************************** PermiE Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUIL,D PERMTApplicant: iI .L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 970-476-3082 Applied: 05/L2/L998Issued: 05/L2/L998 To E:qrire: LL/O8/L998 ilob Address: LOCATiON: I.OOO S FRONTAGE RD WEST (GLEN LYON OFFICE BLDG)Parcel No: 2103-L2L-09-003 Description: OFFICE REMODEL Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARII{ENT APPROVAL IS REOUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK EAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR EODE COMPLIANCE. Ftt#ild';::',1:iliT!:-ff#i oF vArL coNsrRuc*Fate Receivgd,,,, ^ryEL f :W PER,MIT APPLICATION FORM I'IAY T21998K D^TEtJl.t? r?s1 APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED f * * * * * * * * * r( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t:t PERMIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * ,r Jr r( * * * *[-"^^^^1^^I -...ffi-nuiraing [ ]-Plumbing t l-Electrical I J-Mechanlbat [ ]-other Job Name: I Job Addressz /@o 3- fr",raJ4tc-22. c-, l/4/( Legal Description: Lot Block_ Fiting owners Narne: Adlnlet''//4? Architect: SJeilf Address: GeneraL Description: work class: [ ]-New gzf-Arteration [ ]-AdditionaL [ ]-Repalr t l-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units )/*Number of Accommodation Units, &- {pnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appli^n".=- ,f/,h*as Logs_ Wood/petlet_ | '-77 'ir * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,r ****IBUILDING: S / aS.2 EI,ECTRICAL: $ 'oa, 03 oTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ ' MECHANICAL: $-_.----- TOTAL: fW / * * * * * * 't * * * 't J t * * * Jr * i' *' * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMAI,ION * * * .& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * r *Eeneral Contractor: --=.f- ; {rE'cr- = C.:;.Sre",.rro} Town of VaiI Reg. NO. /9.94Address:loo> 9, ?Zelyfus zt uJ . p-r-..-z--- - phone Number: 4z*.:;eL- .vtu-, cd giar?- B1g-OlO7Electrical Contractor: . Town of Vail Reg. No._Address Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of VaiL Phone Nunber: Reg. No. Reg. NO. FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK fEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES3 I Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor; Address: ****** Jr ****** **** * *** *********** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAI, PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: SQ. FT. .RECREATION FEE: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Connents: CLEAI{ UP DEPOSIT REFI'ND VALUAT ConrSr?.,' Cfto*-/ F}o 75 soulh fron lag e road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FD^M. DATE: SUBJECT: otf lce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OP VAIL TOWN oF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sumhary, ordinance No- 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, !5ack or deposit any ="if,-r""i, sand, debrisor material, including trash dumpsters, p"it"ure-toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any streerl "ie;;.ii; -;ri;y or public _q1?:" or any porrion theieof. T!. risni_oi_;;t-;, arl Town ofVail streets and.I?ug" is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wl1] be. striltiy enforcld Uy ttu-rown of VailPubLic works DeDartrnent. pers-ons found vi;raain; this ordinancevrill be given a 24 hour written n"li."-t.*;;;;;;'".id rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenoti.ce within rhe 24 hour.tirne sfieci;i;;,"tf"-i"tric worksDepartment wirr remove said mate;iai-;a-irr""J"plire or personnotified. The provision= "r itti= ordinance sharr not beapplicabre to cbnstruction, n.inlenan"n "i-r"plii prol""ts ofany street or atLey or any uririries i; a;"-;Iifri_u_"uy. To review ordinance No. 6 in fur-l, prease stop by the Town ofVail BuiLding Department t" "iiiin a copy. rnant you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. ad and acknowledge onlRe fffi.Alzz- (i.e. contractor, owner) F 75 south tronlage road v!ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 of tlco of communlly devclopmerrt BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this permi.t requires a Town of vair fire Department Approvar,Engineel''s. (.Pub1ii t,lopks) leview ana approvail-i ijir,itni'b.prrt .ntreview or.Health Department.review, anb'a_review uv il,. driibinsDepartment' the estimated time for a totar revien-ray'ia[i is t6ngas three weeks. l]].-.gir:igj1t (.tarse or smail ) and at.l mutti_fami.ty permits willhave to foilow the above rnentioned maximum requiremlnis. Residentia.land.small projects-shou'l d take a'r esser amount of time. However, ifresidentia'l or smaller projects impact the vJrious iuove rn.ntionua 9gllrll'gl.:,with resard. to necessary review, tn"i" p""j..[l",nuyalso take the three week period Every attcmpt wi'l 'l be made by this departnrent to expedite thispermit.as s.qon as possible. I' th. undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and t.imeframe. Y'd;;k#K:"t'/ ua* : ,-*Dt<-Project Name Conmuni ty Deve'l opment Department. tr TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDiJM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED 1) 2) e\ 4) 5) Job Nane:- h;a-?ttf4( fzzrZ7-' t?-atroi)rz-Dale' (' rz'7s) Please answer the lollowing questionnaire regarding the need {or a'Public Way Permit": YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires lhe use of lhe right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done allecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Flevocable Right CI Way Permit' required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property lo be used for staging, parking or fencing? B, ll no to BA, is a parking, sfaging or lencing'plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questionsgrP+rblic Way Permit" musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Developmenl. lf you have any queslions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at.479-2158 I have read and answered allthe above questions. TL, r'l 9: Date \,- r \- \- -\ J. .-\- ol 7) 8) \_ Contraclor's Signalure o- E =e,uto- o Or o c! rn rn c! aDltr UJtt E =Eluo. ire,L7d) d?6 aFlt o d F a F tr F I I I I I llH )ro "t,l ;l ;l I I it-, irE rlE llC,l'2)16 UJF o coF e. FU' ==o (5 =2 U' uJFoz ozoJlo.t ozz trl|lz 'o ulIFoz @rtl .€l Oo(')@U) -1U) ..f,<'-rO .dXo.VFaFrc)HIrlO<fAFr> F z tt Julo =I Gott Eo Gulz;o tto u,EtF ct Eo.c .E4ta! .cE dc B. R $ 5o.o 5 Eo oE o !,tr6 ottoo CDc !t =5 @ E o.E l do o C\ct at '.9 E oc6.968l'ttc-60'^oxt.t0Eo9c.:o EEo.: r'E.o 6rF -t6e5o't.: >6o.NEo 85oo tg -oo-,agt E5c6 E8.E6 EE g6 .sP oU' E,Z 2E 'gABtroo-oEoc -6o-oo Fi €E6'58 gs rf EE F'-(t;ocL oo€oo =EcP'- ct EE BE =!-roiE9;E€ o6 $E lr- E€ E6ottLCqatic.c!! -o,605E 6O AEo5 EEo6 tE6tt>gIt|Dvo OE!o -o rn(4 co co \'.d'an oo No\ ao e> ts-Eu,Eoz,6 3 aq I C) uJ-oz JL J (, c.F() uJ trJ (5 =ao-lJo- {Iz -ou,- UJ uJtt2ot- ulcoulG oa oo ;!l!tlltEzIoulo F,tI uJo o.?z uJ () x F utot u,uJ LlJlt ts =E UJo- oF c, =oJDo J o c,F() uJJur o2 6- =JL {I aao uJt E. NOrIYnrV6 c F F F F F F tr c U E -E.'tlitr S I =j6Nl ;EI = zrLo ootr ^ Az H E =Foo0c,6! fir!<o* cTH fr- -. : uJF.N(5 =>E lL)[{ lrr.IE F\ k'1 tzt< t:ll-lt<t& IH lc) l&IH l(n 12 z9F lJ {l!c o G Po uJc E c{ G o-utt zI Eoo 4>q tltltl '',) 329r53OrJ =FgEoo<2 at,trl*9zz. :- -Itro3tr6I uJ a a o atulzxI 2I 3 oz I I I I_T I r+2i,t' 1 I-l I I -lql-il <lilFIdl ltoo cloo B o o .l _rl<l FI =l zl -. >louto IIJu,z @tr tEulo- zo F do o =Fo J @ c{ I =9F e, UJ J =u,z HHr-l cr) c,o c\l-+(f O E-t Fl a/) anz Fftr{ utF (t, @o zo Fo-lrlY lt @ oF E #-d3b-li.lo.to?lt-lgurbkzo z o9 =e6ct =zff dPHrr :gE3br ;HE tr =.ru,o- l!o EYt5guIPD9gE E dEE FE: =o.: O|!E H3E XO-I dFsi ttlooF @ ts =E.ulGzoF C) =e 6zoo |l o =frl H 14dFfH ui =z @o-) & F{ <n El& frr n EIEIi qgl Eli' H3E @ Io.+o IF\ ct2 ci uJG I l!oz3oF U)H FT Hc)o at) at) q M()t{ (') .n I €lr.ifo\ 14 I .if ctz ctutEJ ttoz EF HEF F]Fl H& F]tsH B =g tt F\ F\ F\ Io\\+ O\ q A trt'l Fl Fl FfH oz 0Uc, ttoz3oF gF s3DFd5 C) SHH ah UJul E =IIJ 11,F o oF = (J I I I I I I I I I tI I I c0t $€ ,i q, oooE FC'6.9 (/,.b_ .gXrtc a,Eo\F$ sx oo.Nt *E 6PFO sb,5 6O PF FEoo3o60t o.5:E E'5:IDig at, o !:) E -o.oyop ca6 "l6@}E.EE E6s'=o(, gEE 9.2 I *39 E.= E L =.=;oJY.=;o c,(Eqsx B =pFg >=e96 !-= d.E 3 EEA ==Eroo --> (, sEetq= i.=- (! -oG asEs th- 0_Egp P#6 E E.E @ (g= E E'E_ag --c6 O'- ar Ol! .9E €ol]35>.o G=cF=TEF6:6 -B.i e EEgr-OO) -()(! =:E UJ o l= >G E5 -IbsEE bo1>E9l!<ogH6FI.a Gl .. >lor!oul uJzo E cEulg z Eoo z F UJF 'u,z oz ! rJl il 3le G, -rO<FG()ur<zEl!Fo3 () Go C' Fzo(J =f C) UJ = G.hgX o2 $, \c(*l ciz ts =G UJo. t!F o oEg =F { oFgu A-st E ,=F E $ *,\rr 5 FEI *i: H fiI Eg;E 5 sl 35x E EEI AHEgi \NN uJ a0I F EElrlo.zo Fo =tvbazoo ! o0) z) ;u uo ) E u ) L)) I ) 75 soulh lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olflce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED !{ITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNIIY DEVELOPMENT I'IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE 2r(i.e. rn surnrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, incruding trash dunpster-, poriabre toilets "ra---workmen vehicles. upon any street, sidewaik, a1ley or publicp11:. or any portion thereof. The right-oi-r"y Ln alL Town ofvar-I streets and.T9ags is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strillry enforc-ed by the iown of vailry!]i.c works Departnent. persons found viSratinq this ordinance$n-rL be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnateriar.-rn the event the person so notified does not comply with th;--notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puiiic woirs---Department will remove said urateiial at i.he expense of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance srriii-not ueappr.r-cabre to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or a11ey or any utilities in the r-ight_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, prease stop by the To$rn ofvail Building Department to obtain I copy. tirani you for yourcooperation on this natter. _/DaEe ,/ / contractor, owner) FINAL INSPEfiION'S COMPLETED The belol items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: MECHANI CAL FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0RARY C of 0 omz !-Zc>QD oxe: DATE: 3" Z_b-gD Ktr/ rJolAb M4ovE 6<la1V1 I HF wA{.t- A Ftarc 4tgT'4-{1J r'.rrhl- 7pr4ubt- FFTfroFl _4 t"to..tY E;(|4NAr.q rlk'.f- {FoeTv?t-F*Tfe''l hrEw I F\NZD r+ \AdA\lI .5'll-w tlc2 cr{A lG69 AT EjrfEzitc)f- wAlJ- rl ir rl I t, ir tl rt 1fP' ( rrN Dr{) -,rcl or granting 0l a permit or approval ol ptans a|le i:iits shall not be construed to be a oermit for. oi ar, 0t, any violati0n 0f any 0f tne provisions of this coc6 other ordinance ot the iurisdication. The issuanco ot based upon plans, spccilications and other dab shar: th? building otticial trom therolftor requiring the et errcrs h sld glam, lpaciflc$lom and ot |t' tfiref Vrn GmmnfU Dovchmont Butld /--\ Hoanh llF(b/' :'t tr:: Varrorty ol Permit Sec. 303 (c) 19 U.B C. €- D-qa -loiqL oCc. cono=23 W' Fto t-! i OW,'?t',- Ae eBae FXI?T*J(r PEc^dpnoN (uo u.iarclac)tata" i \r,'__v- a {\' ,-tl , rlI l1'to rcprrY NAVVcatrEFg.uae_ 7cc4 /\. x,sTtr? ) z- G?A '-ali+i'€ / I Fcc'-l \ ( rJo Crr*-lCrEe)$\' _l (r ErA(d+{AL Swk1 D(i.r:i.icr DrlAGot l'\L%lCE-T'F DA4pi*JAL $W.C-E. <{; rown s|uril i)FF;1i,5 nqPY w^a.fiw ilAH ?JtlV to/- -AHHIJprlt lNe w^tr ,b .t.t Ti FINAL II{SPEgTION'S CO}IPLEIED The below items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUI,IBIIIG a FINAL BUILDING CERTI FICATE OF OCCI'PAI,ICY TEMP0MRY C of 0 -1"^i{9 oozg 7tcc){6zT -l Flr-l7 =l=lnl-el { l.J @ @\o d @mFTl:8 I tRc t19e ;llri Elli sf=l 73=.6q3rd2PTttfi!o'rt !mt =i IEE !!n EEFr EEz=0@2=6oz zoIm I oo! o'n !mt =-{ -{o @mxm!-{ oz(-o @L{m oIm OOr N)(tl -.l z,o -ln+ 9n o 9p 8E H6 o9F =8<l62d9,o t- omzmu t- (-o (Dz =1T FFz F € rJ t H t:E, rd H 6JFl{4 F{ oz t''HFq -lo =z o'tt !-ttto zo HtfEF E Htr!toFt€Ftzl Fl= FIE l'l \oF.\o IF' Or !!3 z Fut z IN t! zu)H -to{z o.n Pt-!m 9)z9 ! I IF \os.\0 Iul ult\) Q=-o E_aoctd'<o,9g*-=oo 8=.E8 a8E=oo E-6=30 OO o-ogt B= -O6,-€ gp.-E 9.6"a-to<.j= Bo6'orEt-.d: i.c B= DO6-.sJ8dg.iT6x:i --o6J 8E o=.9d'cl =o=aoat0''oD*50o.()ai gE d€. ==a'3 qr6 CJgd a; x6' 9or +a6E -O- -Edg+-oo!oJ_O(,:l Nt, 9.<- i'=.@3 Poo- E5' E3 ='o@- cio='JO aJ ffi(,D'foo.8s6'Ero (! o{ DEE o o -o.c:. o 3 @ s. 6- 3' @ ooo,o D.J F{ Pz H >rn z<Olrl Zea- tdo>zo{ |ordN 'Eet@ tJr t!F5o\OC)NJOOoZu)€ Loz c!m o1r o€zm! ou o @ 5{z oo -{ oz t- !mu {(t zmm mol<' lz lzt{Itlr I l **i *l' lmtxlrt{t>Ir- ltt t- I t-l;t:vlz lTt- I I za,c FIoz m -{ 6xz|ltv,a rt l- cm Eo -l 2 :r z I, m a_ omv, o€mt-trz cz g, oo = I =z z-t zm{ -{m,t 2 xx ts09 2 - m v { !m 6)uo ! o P'tli -ct 62 Fdrd H C) r4t v) 6)NF.2 rri gE E Ae4 223: e H20 - -{od 5'nz2toEx m= z<- HzF] H F { r| tr{at ca Ht. Ha llI Fl I N) at { o\ o =zo et @g 7c'z G,zo nro zz 6) 0 =z -{u ot 0 Jm Fl :l 3ril QI -l I I I I I I glil I I I I I -{ z FrlIt N F .oF.o oI -!mF3{'nmm(, qg, trl -.1 x ot-m ?c!om E <tl{ omgozumsm{oo,0 7motm -t62 1lmm 3mo 2o !- 3gzo mt-mo vo 'o|- 2o-mot o 7I2o!m73 'o mn =-a 'Tt mm(t VALUATIOI,I HF3{ 6 € FI F -mo-, ct !- 3g2o mrrflo !o - oc 9zo o\ o 'fr \):J D 5.5' lJl(,! \$\ *\ $\ >t{>l N EI; trDtr oozg 7co{6z !mF ={ oom3o.r:E t tRs I l*Ei3E. :; ,E !"fi5o'lt EE2=0@z=6oz ! =gzo t-o @z =!T 4-{o€z o1t F !tto,o !z o.tl F !m F'zo iF nw *q r cfl( \1 1! n I c C1 c 1 n: : c 0 n 2 n ; C C 0(t: n 0Im f PaJ !ma = -o oI!oz !m! ={ozmmon.ol<" gileg EsFBi 5;ifl.F ESEEilagE€ iAF iF aigai iiigi *8 FaF >atz=o';{>I{mC = atltomnPo{2m! o, oo1it o-to, o, ==omF.tt = s/ I { 6AV}/ur- a 3 I I I I I I I I I -{o -!m,3.{ Oecenber 27, 1989 T0: Joe l,lorris FRO{: llenry Pratt re: office renpdel at Arm'ld/O{attrey/?ratt Oear Joe, Please find enc'losed a copy of our proposed office remdel . In short, t€ are mvirg sm norFstructural partitions to new 'locations and altering the electrica'l accordingly. lfe fee'l that the scope of this rork falls under the tFC tnading of "finish r€rk" and therefore a building perm'it should not be required. If you do not agree with this interpretation, please let m knor and rc will com in imnediately for a permit. The rcrk should be conpleted by Tuesday- I apologize for the short notice but re only decided to go ahead late last Friday and the rcrk neeG to be done before the office returns frm the holidays. Please do not hesitate to stop by or call m if you haw any qlestions. att, A.I.A. oz E =G, uJo- 6 -.1 E (n IJJ uJu- ts =E uJo- rR\\s I lcocol coco r o\o\ , '--{Frl .l ";c'\ Ft.-'| l_ultr;xd _-t['l zlrt z E lrEp l;>E iiA p iHx 3 i=E t= I llJ ?6 c F F ah ==o =z o uJFoz oz d 5ct .5 o =z :l: $ N=INl<F 16zlf,< 4v4ry A tJv t lt Jul.t) =I ol! tr F |-z o utz3 lt z o / t, f-'v4 {, ,f ts E#'844 9rt QE?'/, E4l)' 2VdPbi al-o. ^l!?l$zl Edl 6l 9 Eo q) -o(5 .o o-o.6cl;l QlF\q,\ I.c\ J E.S\ o ^\\o \ \\,\ c\.(u\E\ Eo o)E o Etr(! oE^O,o7 'Etr a,/ = ,a)6/, P_.4c,/u )t /. 6t/ 99aFro.^ }T$z;ff '6, o.;ttl o'. €i o.l'6'l >l6',lr1ltnl sl G.lolc'= oN -oc3ioF o +.: ct) =Y. 8((! o. t. or( o an E. =.3 o g;,'''(! o o ttt Ec6 atoo rE .gE o c 3 t- $ E.= 'a Eo() o (o o. E E o .F .g E ;.c =3 o E (J oq) o)(! o oo .9 (t .= q E o(t Eo't oo co o E o ; G o3 o (E o E (5 c6 : q, E o (! o o o- Eoo EE6'5E xo-o =.9o- E.gE-!x6 cL'-oOd5o =€E>cP'-o {coo'.=E(!(Dtr rFo cc .9 E= CLG nr$--.cat, Eg-.(t E6 EE o)Gi;-cG -E(gc drOort9: }EO(l tiruI>g-oosrc OEl-c -c F \or-CN r rr E = IJJ z 5 -otll oz J EF(, IJJJ UJ oz to =) 9z. ul = UJ uJtr-z E uJ UJ o .o =g urcz 6 uJ F6 o- UJo o- z gJ x |- uJo anIu uJt! E =Eulo- J FoF z co J 9EF() |llJ uJ (,z ao = Jc J s2z uJ = .t NOtrvn'lvA JzFl .1Azs il 1Br'l 7 U) FlFl B (,E Fcl z z 14z - = zo l- - ttl u,Jzq, =>E __tY) = llJ oj =lD(\l z.z Fo- 4 =fz'r_OoEE.noz>-ooaz l! <(o*Hq FOjcri H >t Fl H ts FlE] E z q Et4ts <A 2 tr l! o ttl(L F E o- tJJE z Ed XXX z tr E UJ =IJJz atrz zOa!: r!koo< =H8c;<z ai2 ,. 9= -1 F do3tr r!l a E o) z IIt- zIF 5az l I -+ II6lqltrl l F rl<li-l zl zl .. >io uJot! uJz <t) tr cc ITJ(L z Eo l?lq''rlu.olH--{|HIfllnl F-.| .l!q ol(lzl H.lFt EIatlr{ Jl<all>lI ttlloltzlHtldH e.l C{ c\I @ I |r1.it o\ I I 3lutl 5l al>l ulr cfl .f, Io\.s c =.1ol |J.lq q = N @ I F\.$ Iol "tl@l.'t I I J ol uJlEl ilil F| rrl Fl H trr IF Efrl t4 Hh tr{ t{F XItt FJ frll-{ i,i =z d]o-) IAI Ngl @ .l c7)Hl IZl \o dl+Fl a I.'rl ^l YI lJ ;A FInl<d>q CIqJ><=>l() F{.J)z rd Fr E]Ft llJ z t iruri o J o E,F UJJ uJ 9P E?ZE]Fd6o E -rO<F0.ou., <zEr'r Fi;zo C) <o<tL53 t 11 e IIJF o ul Eodlo-zo F(L UJY ulo oF E =(r@ul@Lot u-o. !N t-LOo()r'1 rk I IIJF z Dntr tr t( uJ l!oE!{EZE<ELf€frE9llrr c-E l- = lr, :-E h=o J i'iiE =FE 66E :Ht x>t q- €= ujdt F --E z oP =ecoo =zd9 =E? :OA =Hg E =E. lrJ o.zo F()fEFazoo eBtrtrx q- o o .a-, ,Uc ,E o-xo q, c, CLEo(, oB+, 0r |l| \ a\ r.LlJ X A 6t $ (^ tn lr., IUtt F = uJ |t)r!F z oz =:to€ o =z N i;;;cl; EEE iSK ii:gN 5;;FE lii ei::i rH? fg;;c isEs; c: o, (/' E gs;:= E Fa;e gFiEF p \J (vt oIt c a a\ ,l oI c\ N h \(\r\ ! I i I I I I it N \ D\\$f. w' F |rlt z Yo uJ (J z () F() uJ rr, oz : 9z olu = r!ll' zo UJE(J G oE .o '(Utq.l z <56 UJ aoo. o- 2 u, o ,h UJullt- tr =Eu,o. J FoF zo ao 9(r F() alJJur (,z to = q. 9z ul = NO|l'Vn'lv^ =>G 3ts zoFo-<=EPU'lJ E93fH5t (-,FOj.i (f1 'xl1lelo<l(') ?l*dl:l ; o3Zr!oo6ztoor. E() l! UJz UJ z9 {lr!l cl ol 5t uJ t: ta lo-IrlJItr I t-IJt<lzlo IF Ezlol kl HI<l ^l ;l Etl z o I z tr Jfoz tltltltlobzlz 9qtr- tlJ<oo<OJ =l!2E Ud<z Fz ,. z iFd63tr f^E{q,tr< F q/ul -O Iq.! q, I(5 .r-E- 6.1E qC +JQ. ^- '\t r.- ( ah,-.:559!r!(JCo o 3'E oH€Ei t4l EF5€s F38: I ssBEEti eJ'LocJq',Pis:oojl =--F*,_ s I t t -/Yl':E\r://t--</ )- -e! !VT u,F o z t! I I I I J d F J s $ E *9 rri US F F u, =z. coo-1 >l$ qr r J S 6 tltltltlllEtltl IJlu\tu{tdltoltct ;l Jr!'l il - (7 u/^4c" I. 2kl/l .I u.ll 16l ll*lltl tut\ dl 'l t al sl +rl 1l o'- <:t *xoltzld3l ul E9I E t|.i Ft F I el olurl 5l s-l rLlq zl >-lolFI E G "\"l I b ut J lll I I I I J $l r-l EIq 3>l trl oz.; UJ cc rr.ol zl!l FI I I I I olzl el :l <l>lr!Iol 3l iOl uJFIF : J<()0u)uJ uJ-rO IJJz =o F UJ =f (J YJO,/'\< t-r-/ E ()lrl<zEtrt F()z x9 ir E;F UJO :P =<2ftDF!z () (<: >+^9 Fui3 -FY,z =g F =F;Oz x x>'<XX F =:;HF<LoE989,d2E <<o.=:)o.nE:9g IE i+0 =o.= r., >E Ed E 5 Hb =c, =: liiE*if,rlVlr.tro9Oq, F ..,E+Ro-tr-r:>ru ..9 Fo. lJ- ul € -:-?1 .L<g dP scvd z oPze CDO>z o-- P -t- AJ a, .C\n ! o7 XE?f,oi, dd= trDD .>< .aKE DuDDy.vrELE coNsrRrioN, rNc. 1OOO S. Frontase Road West, Suite 202 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476€082 WE ARE SENDING YOU tr Attached E Under separate @vor via TO LffiTtrT@F TRANSNN ITITTAL the following items: tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter D Prints tr Change ordsr O Plans D Samples tr Specifications tr coPtEs DATE t{o.DESCRIPTIOI{+slmln Thr.,tt THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: X"t approval t E Fo, your use E As requested tr Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted tr Returned for corrections D Resubmat-copies for approval tr Submit -copies for distribution tr Rstum-corr€ctsd prints E For review and commcnt D D FOR BIDS DUE 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: noofi 2|o2 l@ r, e-. h, ol.rl tt aacro.ur.r tnt 'tot t. .dart, lrftUt tro.t?t .t .t ofiC'. o FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. P.l ease check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANI CAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL r+-1" LJ , DAT!' --r---l-,1 -, r-. 1I I FINAL BUILDING DATE:DATE : TEMPO RARY N CERTiFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE : ctz E =Eulo- G -t c.{ 4 (n UJ uJl! tr =E uJL \N $\ oq co6JCOol ol tH"q< rnlo "i ";ltl rdEr:{ 21HJZ €o=F(tr *1 qbH >,zvgIEH(,t-E I --l/ \)!l tu ? o Etx Iz = ozz q luFoz oz 6J 6.! o =zo U' 14 z g H EFXfrl l= IHlotz slEE li€lso l*€t5ils6 l= q \13t\ Jtsr \\13 e"\NlHg :S; 843#$ 4.."J )cJd IE?j/1 ?_.13' 2,t^,h3/,h"wt=J4 z Etu*;V,! Dl Eel> GllEdl j-otr6*t.9 =e:$E8Fa €freEF-= (o a E =_.s 69 6P:Ec-o> g fiEEi';=9 =966IoSo3Ea: E E-B; Et;Eg";Eg o=- o6:O-oiE-slsfie€ E6:F :E! F E cE eig=E_o.yo 6o-!.c;o(/t E€E€gdlE 9 (!aE ;FEP ;g; E9Eor -e5g* - o 6i rnta O n .{f, oo rn IJ1ra E =ul z6! ao -ot! ()z) EF UJJ au z = 9z. I() ut = UJ uJltz EtuE UJc otr o =g u, z 6 uJ Foo ur o- z uJ o x F ulof .A H 4 Fl E (\ f uJ UJu- E E uJc J Fot- z o ao o uJ t! z6 I z UJ '.tH ts NO[Vn'lVA E F F :<E -zzu- tr ^ -t zq5 =eE9 OE atoeZ!(JOZJ!4ozXl!<Coq {gJne.. xuJaXz iN(, N N =>E -r rh ts(A F-l tsa z X |.{ I I I "i IL(r o-f uJ F (\ E (L l!, z E f z tr uJF- =IJJz aFzfz <oo< =F8o<z F 2.. 9= =+do3trOI Flot zl >l ci uJo uJ uJzaF ul zo F 6 uJl J a) ulzY iF zo F)laz C\ I uJFo @o?zo Fo-utY uJo oF F =G, ^uJ cor!@t!or c@o -.,oE 1fIgurbEzo 6 I F; -26A ^(n4oo lJ-Fltr! "dq =83=uiE6d= z6 =fJ(L tr t tulclt ut z foLoFE Eo- JFul-h='iGo- UJ>dOu-oo\ r.uxo-x>ut' tr UJlo co E CIoo e! .E I E E 8A:f=6>EtsE=t:o:! E =E lrJo-zIF C)f E. 6zo C) I I d olull tEl 3l bl zl;l ONFI ?l('l IJJI 1l al>lttlol zl}|g I I I I olzlo ..il \o -El il:t I =l $tr.lol 3l g Ol uJFI F a Hts <J7 >'FH FlH t l! l"l FI? ?3| c7'l .v Ic'\.v o\ uJl :l H& E-r fr] Fffrl H& Ht-l B It-. I-l HIAI<l Fel I\ol,-rlttt IFll I8rq ctctcJg .if I.it ro o- & FT zFI =() Ht-lH .t) rrlH l-'l rn an F- 9a- Fl Erq at) rrlzF& ts.A rr]B F.A E]ii =z. (D -) \o\o|\\ I ! FlH tr </) o g"g c3fF--6 & F() tFzoc) z uJ = t-t irg Ft-Oz O J C) E.FoulJ E,rO<FEC)uJ<zt (qZo C) flEn rco+i( n:O ClF..t,Jeo-cto- x:< c U- (, HOvg .=gGt I'L(/) ! a6 @o .a-, (JE E(JoLq-ra- o- lL r/r IoPl 1J d;l(l,l ::l x ,l il N \ (n UJ IU lJ- F =E uJIL sH I1zz tl.Ju,o o (ro IJJz3 u,-t- z au(r f z 6 DC;.9;U''olEto )O'(Jic: O.,u, i.= D El (!,1 or: '= OrN( -tt Ixi,o\ o): -o ,v, tC)(! ,- an.orotc:.5rc Y 3o =(E --B. E o :r !.r EE6'5E E3 c^.2 =B:L h6 cL'- anoGt-c- =* ->c9'- o, o.o!8,(Dc =: €e. ,q=.Y- i o(!r o(\. 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L =EllJ o- 2rw-\f 8/ tr' <-0 \'h-e I I \s l\", E:i: 3oi- I -ll {l Itlr =Y6 TI A\+ iltut{r9 Er-\r'!l -.ctsFVIP qJ F I FIz z o UJF z oz o @ .d o = cclrjz3 uJIF llJo = G l! E lto ul E 0)t -9.o(Eo q) -c o v,q,oc G E zP o E IE o oo q, E o E o =:) q) o(s 3 .9 o) 6*t.9 e;I: =.e*€ EE H 9tr=.=o9 UP:Ec-o> c I sE =sig .96F - -E CD ;€;F EEgEElteo- (! o--tErsoi6-or =€:€E;:n EEEg_cL;() -- c P(U 0'- .=!;o(,' '-E-- E'f;; =:gr-E9 (!a; *ffE eEg* u) l\ r\(o @ @(\I = G u,lo- z J o Y() uJ oz o. F F uJJ UJ z =)o- z tu = tr' uJt!z tr UJ C) uJ o 3g u,l z 6 uJo F6 c IIJ o- z 4lJ() x uJo o r.uulu- E =Et! 5 FoF z ao c) c. FollJJ UJ oz ao = d - 2 E uJ = NOrrvnlv^ !E =ooioz tr.FO-'Fa= 8>Hc r uJ ndz-a uJ -,E>l(tsy- € __(Y' = rJ{ <ri:9q zzoo F-A95F9oana5b()z t!<o* o-HiEid 2 F J {t! ci (L tr uJ F o o E, tt, z E x z tr E uJ =|JJz Lzlz9n?6o< =Hx(!6o<z q, Fz. Oz tro =tr llll = a u)u,zY iF llJ F t lrlllllll;llttil---l lgG FkJfr-*-l lsl;llil1I JI <I llzI o lE'Fll a ; (\I I co 6l l.^ <t I <{x|3(,t o I F =l d | 6 tl (\lc!@ (Do u,F o UJ Eoooazo Fo. uJY luo oF F tr LlJ.L ILo o I UJFoz z o9z_4 d)0 =zll dP "dq =83 =HE t =lu o-lr EE2ZE<rLl€8B9EA 5EF !.r r- = lll r- F FEx >(L; 8b9 lurE XO-E ;IEul €= uldl F E =Elrl o-zoF(J -EFU'zoc) !!D 'a t t rJ) (Y) (7) N Iolsf Or lll.lt5l.l (\t I!t I fl3lEI HI cl Jl Esl =l It=lflPl ctl 1l Hl JI <l>l t'|-lol zl 3lolFI I I olull(l JI <l z ,,i ultr J lr z =F I I ol =.1olutl il <l>l 5l 3l sol ulFI F Y'= |Jtn I iqll-l IEfF) lc'lotz ;-\J:tr >z.oC)J c6 u.l(J lJ-u-o utC'd,lrl u; =z coo-) o(J .o ; -o co o(., rtsrF o J (U IJJ =z I II.l(JlLIorl;il Iil -lolEIrlol'l I>lEI trl lo io+, ol-u- U) 9GF IIJ uJ E9? =c)=<=oa d6 c -rO<FE() IJJ <ZE I,J.J F crr 2o() J<oa9.3Etr!n otr @ boyle engincering, inc. 143 e. meodq,v dr. suite n-10 crossroods shopping center vcil, olcrodo 81657 3O3/4762170 I'trarch 18 , 198 3 Mr. cary Murrain Trwn of Vail Building DePartrent 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Coloraclo 81657 SUBJECT: Glen Lyon office Building, Diagonal Steel . Braces Dear GarY! This letter conflrms that we have examined the situa- tion with the braces in'the above noted structure. With the new braceE installed and the concrele pads at their present strength, the old braces may be rerpved without dirninishing the integrity of the system. As the braclng system was not designed by this office' Boyle Engineering, Inc. cannot claim responsibitity for the system or any of its components. SincereJ.y Andrew G. Nielsen' E.T.T. cc: Gary Plumr ewed ff'li'i'r$t'i'eo- 't'.(-{ : 14S65 : e*# '\(D chn lyonofftceBuilding O P.O.Box236 Vail,Colorado81657 (303)476-1s91 Decenber 15, 1981 Bulldlng Department Torm of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, C0 8L657 Gentlenen: Please refund to the GIen Lyon Office Bullding the $400.00 elean-up deposl-t paid as part of the building pernit fee in 1980 on the bulldlng located at 1000 South Frontage Road West. Thank you for your consLderation. Yours truly, GLEN LYON OFFICE BUIIDING l^ ,z t.; /trr | /14'-' :' ''L tl )WiUis./. Wright, Jr. Par tner r^rJw/jc rllrtl r",il r3 llrllttlI ll+' l(r)I llJl; tq,c | |,o | |rk | |,g | | I tkt I ro le l,ii z I atii .- | u,ti:_ .- | r!l> | Fr: lolo'z ,:t =_ t, lr I l',, rg tE.< rolor llrlt1 tl I.t r lE t =: i'; ='=ia-.C4.!-a :-F:-< ,, - t. -Fl,.-l ': r ! ie- ^ 5 Y ,rr'i<ii. 1< = z.=a2z7::,a<=- <,Ji?-:-; = r^?r:^-:-: :?;-:r1'-c ti -t12-,Ja u = <- >cl -I ;ir O- z>oo<)z og tl.v Eo 3 6z;9 E(J u1 o ct IUz -=22i rE =: H: F5-rE-A93 { i!sE9 3 i0BoO(,tr.()(J (rJU<OZ< @&cDz) th? ZJ:t< ze,lsgH;: oz = uJ(L z FO tr-l o UJF tr =E,lrl Jz z =Q>z o-t! "dg =ria ir I =urxdd= {_lLtu !, E o o, a, F=C t"o;ox- o Ll- c ,,1ox-tr>rFoo'o o-z 9F() :)EFazo(J ,.<--\/ '-.;'-A/ . .r\d I .}|arE \\ ''l IGD = ; b g t Y -J (,z tt- F J !, TU z o,-tI UJG 2 :=z o. (J E tt ul =: i o- = c o o. Lc tu <r -fe:v E a:c e.oo a2 I o- a 2g o a Tc !(J uJz 3o F I! E-r o c -rO<F ui<zd L!F(nZ <o(JF =()i<irgy2.-r OIO ooZF =<.-efF rro O <F YF?l)_is -,2 o E ;r = \JZ (J <oo9uJ^-l |]nu [uu department of community developmentbox l(Xl rail, colorado 81657 l3o?l 476-5C13 TO}IN. OT VAIL FIRE DEPARTI.IENT on y'-/-rtvrr % t ll." ,t nrt /nl UNIT NUNBER AT Tf{E llUfi- Xno*.-fi|X. PJ/13 PROJECT }IAS FINALED. OCCUPANCY IS'PLAN}IED FOR lll l.lood'ld hief Building Inspector l JOHNSON-VOIL Consulting Engineers A o ND -ARCHULETA, INC. W. B, Johnson Robert H. Voilend S. J. Archuleta David M. Houdeshell Robert B. H unnos H. Gary Howell F.ances l. Wells November 13, l-98 Mr. Steve Patterson, Building Officer Tovm of VailColorado 81657 Re:clen Lyon Office BuildingStructural Inspection Dear Mr. PaLterson: On Wednesday, November 12, 1980, I visited the above referencedproject for the purpose of evaluating various structural bracing elements noted below. f was accompanied on my inspection/walk- through by the Architect, Mr. Gordon Pierce, and the job superintendent, Mr. Craig Bruntz. Following my i-nspection,I caIled you by telephone to discuss and revlew the following items and with this letter I record as follows: 1) Diagonal Steel Braces -- The diagonal braces wereessentially installed in conformance wi-th our drawings. 2) I{eb Joist Repair -- The web joists were repaired in accordance with the manufacturerts recommendations and appeared satisfactory to us. 3) Wood Shear Walls -- Enclosed. with this letter are Xerox copies of details for the construction andinstallation of plywood shear walIs. The walls areto be erected between the second floor and roof andwill align with south wall window or door jamb atfour locations. @ MEMEER 2305 CANYON AOU LEVAR D 6385 WEST 52N D AVENUE BOULDER. COLOAADO a0302 444 1951 ARVADA, CO LO BADO 80002 420,2055 Steve Patterson November 13, 1980 Paqe Two 4) Cracks j-n Concrete Fill -- The random cracking ofthe lightweight insulating concrete fill is normal and expected and is not a structural problem. Because these cracks are so wide, we have askedthe contractor to grout them fuIl with a spackletype of cement. 5) Blocking Between Open Web Joists at the Point of Bearing -- We understand the architect has shown the requiredblocking on his drawings and, as I discussed with you, should be installed by the contractor. Because of theshallow depth of the TJL joists at the point of bearing(top chord bearing approximateLy I-5/8"), the normalsolid blocking called for in the U.B.C. is not requiredor essentj.al structurally as for solid wood joists whichare bottom (chord) bearing. Your discretion and decision on whelher or not to reguire this item is certainlyacceptable to us. The foregoing I believe accurately reflects and reiterates thoseitems we addressed in our field visit and subsequently discussedwith you. Your prompt acceptance and approval of these itemswill be much appreciated by my clients who are under somewhat ofa time constraint in the completion of the project. Your courtesy and cooperation in this matter to date is acknowledged and muchappreciated. Very truly yours, JOHNSON-ILAND-ARCHULETA, INC. J SJA: fw cc: Gordon Pierce & Associates, Architects By \s .$\\o $at\-r$ -6 +- $s \ N,s \ \-I-o_ N\.r \\{N \\ \* o \$ -T"t #*ft rD a\ \ $.tl \ I \$ s \ a + \ ,ft :l x :l '$ :l e N(\ a\ \ \ \ \r$ TT \ \ \ !)t+!(} \+ { \\ .$.-Ns \ \ \ $ \ I \ \ \ \*t\ \\ \) ss.s-\$str \\ \ s) \tt \I{! \\) \'-rl N\\\\ -. \i _\\\\\ \\ \s s$.\\\s oN'$ q., N {\\ $st\r \fn \,'* lll n 't Nf Y }N $or-\ rt __\d us$ \F \\ $'t F\ I$\R \ {$ **\ f.J R fir u I I /l Nx/ l: $$-Lo\N -\tq $\\$ {s r..argntL a \ \ \ \ a\ .{ \ \ I$ TI iJ o t$ SN$s a t '.,t \\ \\ \$ \r *\' \ $ $t \ $ N\ \\ \ I tii I I \ \ \ $, \ \ \\ Stx t \ \ -\ q JOHNSON-VOIL ( tn:ult ing fnginrrrs o AN D.ARCHULETA, INC. W. B. Johnton Rotrorr H. V oiland S. J. Archu16lr Orvid M. Hot dosh.ll RoDc.t 8, Hunnar H. Ga.y Howdrl Froncos l. Wollr November 3, 1980 Mr. Rick Baldwin Gordon Pierce & Associates, Inc. 1650 East Vail Valley DriveVai1, Col-orado 8I657 Re: Glen Lyon Office Building Dear Ri-ck: From our phone conversation, f braces have now been installedof this project. As you know,support the north basement waIl has been revised to stud waLLs. ^ADQI ,Yt?W ! ct, . (i "t,,i Viru,tt z8,1/ 2.,,-1.,1,"' r./-,,,.., {o /c,_l i/.2 _.10 :.1V. UaCIJ-.,{('> llr o9 $$ lu r;$ iFu U, understand that the W6x20 steelagainst the north basement wallthese braces are required to now that the concrete stair core on my last visit to the site, r observed the out-of-plumb conditionof the steel columns. r have since checked these coLumns and donot feel that this eccentricity presents any problem for thestructural strength of these members. r have received a sketch from Kurt segerburg indicating the proposedlocation of five interior partitions that could be used to helpplumb the south wall above the first floor. In my opinion, thesepartitions should be sheathed with I,/2" plywood on one side on1y,bolted through the fLoor with l,/2', dia. bol-ts @ 2'-0 o.c., andbolted through the stud columns with 1,22" bolts 0 2,-0 o.c. Thetop plate of each wall- should bolt to the floor above (or the TJL'sabove) with l/2" dia. bolts @ 2t-0. Each wall would then receivedrywall on each face. ff you have any questions about these matters, please caLl. Very truly yours, JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, TNC. ?JO! CAN Y()N tr('LJLt VAfi() !.:ld', V!t 5I 5:'NL) '\VLNUt ll()LrLol B, c()LO8Ar){) UO]O? 4a4 l95l ArvAuA. coLo|rAt)() ttoooz 420 2095 Hunneg, EAaLE UALLEvQNeINEERNa i ilnvey,Ne,,Nc. Qo. w lots vAfL coLoRADo ol6e7 003.176.4u^73 September 25, 1980 Mr. Larry Woodley Chief Building Inspector Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8L657 Re: Column Footings - Glen Lyon Office Bullding Dear Mr. lrloodley : In response to your letter of column footings for the Glen Lyon with the plans and speci.fications . August 27, L980, this will certlfy that the Office Building were constructed ln accordance No. 11413 JLV/sh cc: Craig Bruntz O chn Lyon office Building OP.o.Box236 F VVail,Colorado8l657 /-c-U .,,(303)476_1se1 k/_rY seprember 23, teso 6-h / Mr. Steve Pattersoo Building Official Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vall, Colorado 8L557 Re: Glen Lyon Office Building Dear Steve: Per our meeting of last week, it is hereby mutually agreed that the secondary power service for the GLen Lyon Office Building wiLl be instaLled as an overhead line. The Omers of the Glen Lyon Offlce Buildlng hereby agree to bury the power service concurrent with Holy Cross Electric Assn., Inc. buryi.ng the prlmary power line servlng the bullding. Should lloly Cross Electric Assn., Inc. fail to place these primary lines in an underground system wlthin two years following receipt of a Certificate of Occupancy for the building, the Owners of the Glen Lyon 0fflce Building hereby agree to install an underground line to serve the building. Very truly yours, BUILDING JLv/sh cc: Craig Bruntz I{alt Dornan Bill Duddy Andy Norris Fred Otto Gordon PLerce. Jen l{right James L. General Viele Partner box lfll department of community development vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47&5613 August 27, 1980 Construction Controls, Inc. P.0. Box 331 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Pad Inspection, Glen Lyon 0ffice Building <--'' Attn: Craig A. Bruntz Dear Mr. Bruntz: l.le are in receipt of your letter of August 25 with regard to pads in question. As you well know, inspections of structural footings are required by code. l.|e must inform you that we do not accept the fact that you feel you can pour without inspection. 0n August 21 when the first inspection was made, you were not ready. In the future when your inspect'ions are called, you must have them ready. l,Je will not accept letters such as you su-bmitted. |rJe are notifying you that in no case shall any concrete be poured without inspection.If you are ready at the time inspections are cal'led, the inspect'ion wil'l be made. Please submit to us an engineer's letter certifying that the pads in question were if fact constructed per plans and specs. questions, fee'l free to cal'l 'ley i 1di ng Inspector If si ha 'ly 0h Ll.l leT :df louri nceret' i,r t Construction Controls, Inc. P.O.Box33 I Vail,Colorado 81657 (3O3)476-3Oa2 JamesL.Viele BillDuddv August 25, l-980 Buildtng Departneut Torm of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado E1657 Re: Glen Lyon 0ffice BuLldtng Gentlemen: On Thursday, August 21, 1980, I phoned your offlce to request a rebar Lnspec- tion for the colun'n pads at the Glen Lyon Office Building. (The pour was scheduled for first thing Friday nornlng. ) Iilhen the Bullding Inspector arrived on the job site at 11:20 a.n. on Thursday, lre nere not ready for the Lnspection. At 11:30 a.m. on Friday, August 22, L980, I again phoned your offlce to see lf the inspection could be made before we poured. Your secretary informed ne that the Building Inspectors had not yet left the offlce and that she was not sure when they wouLd. l{e poured the pads at 1:00 p.m. on Friday without an LnspectLon. Re- bar and anchor bolts were installed per the plans and specifications. Very truly yours, CoNSTRUCTLON COMROLS, rNC. 4*0,t',,4' cralg f;,. Bruntz /ProJect Manager CAB/sh oz tr =tlj(L ooo oor.o ooo =f<f o (\J ooO (') (n uJt! LL F =E uJ i,I' SlRs ), ^\ltv.l.$l *x--,-v \\lIY \* ,:-lEl\J(J Ng )a 41*\ F O.r z = z z 5 0 a, f, lIIjvp Ivl( I I I I I I a F z z z I)l -21 q B{ |l tl tl 1 - I ;i:t. l'-<la - - l: i::;; il$iii a 5 tl.::..?i;{Jl ; i=i?:t41,<! ,. J::iai= sii:t:isl!::rlfl,Nl ; i*!1v0 t. \ c (I (a oo (\J =f@ o @o (f) oo o <\I Fl c d': cc oora N oo oo(\I c :cc cc (Y) @ 4 F =& UJ z o 5 C) Ioz o- o lu z 6 =l o- 9z I LIJ t!z tr u,l oE 3uJt!t z -<tlrlo F o uJ (L: 2 uJ (J .nL!ul LLt =t!(L Fl F z o2f EF UJ IIJ z 6 =l (L z = NOrlVnlVA :<E =ZZvooo F^az:r>:ocYui! 'u1 6cZrO ^ ;. t!',ozXLL<oq iuJ ;i =H 2 iN/J {=>(r:;6(3.u s =gs z tr f .i, o-l c F cc ccg c 9cc ao- uJ &. j z Eoo z tr & lr-t x 3 z 2sg tt-:YP f;a F6-ZEy,-o,eE{iEg F E I i e i3 ts;.i i oA<dtlrd)zSrd | | llt? | I | |o,^..{ 6 >t'-a.=3 < rHF2 3=d e -r<=+oac9r= g55 oo(Jrz<) z F. -Jlaz UJl ?E o! C\](\l I o I d, F I.IJI a >< (J LIJ o = G FtIo z E UJF- F z s ll-lz 9IF !c cc G ro rc) ccc c oO c(\ I cc CL(aI lJl F PP.d 1J & qiX=o JF-= -c -c C'.)t rc C. !: oz F() ul-)oE t lB = l:E l-lrl l- lL'zIF(J =E,Fo.zo() 2<+,t,/'4tE\: 'll=\t/tF\?J= = FI llul F o lrt.ltqt5 1"1tcltolt>tl4t_ldbl tGltl I I+ltrrl lotz. XJ Jl! ('l'(' co o(, (F rFo o J Eo (^' U,J z I z uJ oo r o- tr llttllill"tl|llu\I rr]l lolto =l I 5l 3E l+ft4qoq o (u I 'o!5o =G tr I I t_l" I I Jvtlu4 q<la:I E uJE o = HI 1l <l>l 3l ol 1l <l>l I o- L (_) goo r UJz = F ul ET e. (r <F L! <ZE,r!Ft,l ZoO *9 t< --2f =v =<f>EfF-JZo-O (J <^ YF7()-< =g d E ir :-b2 J<()o?.:io )z z =zmo =z ."i3 =836d= uftl o Ecto Q' o 5 r--t-EEo iii ou-r-Oqr; tr>tFa ELot, 6 atrtr]tr t I Permitilb.-':1 13 F Lrc. No. Lrc. No. 3.oo @tl}t' U-A-ffi- lvleter s'ze @ID)=Amount o 2aa OSrt6[ffiD)=Amount Date Paid .? - /c -fct ,oo 4 lmn VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBEB OF UNITS Date Billed {..-jn,lq 3a5a Finance Director Bldg. Oept. - white; -Water and Sanitation - Gre6n; - Publlc Works - Canary; - Contractor- Pink:- Accounting - Gold€nrod tu!4 oF rr:e a.::ea---c fu-,:riiii 42cn;s; --' -.--/9e'4 1.]or. 5 '/ - ,. itccK - I,IstffJ{Tl/lL tr,ltut t EILLtt6 tOliESS sil.fn Tr.J' ttE c\r-Cltnilcil nf/51c/\L taE::-:.t &{t ]. F,isci'€rfflst rrooa,'.. rr.i?. {,tau I l-L'u1 - ---ar-1:J FLCCR 2, FJ.sri3rT Isr rlmr ?rc rlmr ):u rrooR 3i tAsl]"rxrJsr FlccR ?o no:r t:lD rLcnJ q, 4 ,,, r. TotLEr. 4 x 1.50 (G:S I{\L.F ?ATH' DflP.A sltirs S- x ,75 Rr-L girl{ . -/(s.cr,g cA Tt.ct, 0 EASI;I, IOILFI) / RCCrS (ll./lNc RO*S, EiDrc.s, o?7lci', LlSr,,ltOS) I x . tl a rlx t.m = X.'A u' = .,1 . oO.Krrctes DI5lr'lpsl-3s TJ${DfiIES ben t;sreiJ ICE ['AC,{I}iEs sAl-brAs ?3 x ;= 7- fO2.50 1.C0 .50 ,6 .6 Jx x .x' x irtcK t 6, 7, g. g. 10. t{ATIt CCaL4S 8 'NTER FIU{TAI|IS Srlllla!lS POf,LS J;CUZI (tlilri,':-n or c'c) j 2/'7\ ' a- rJ' = r \_-./2 .1) 5,C0 x xJ;ns1 * -., I l:S = bee _gJIlll:I*H.-,, J rur,er*s..-.- noss KITCFSI DIS].nST€R LAAD?IE5 x.l.Fi xt.l.'m x 2.50x l,0l x' .50 a- 2. 3, '4. 5 x 1.8= 3g- P_q ' 10.m pottrs = l.C0 u . ror* u*, srx2- *":Wz!g:i' o' o - q,JTSITE HATER TCffAL Pollfrs /#4.'t DlIE llisPtooR ..'.: Icx!.c11|l:c.l.i!cl}?l.L.Ilcr|o:cRisTliLf,Tlc-|oF/J.LsTiitt]TL|ile,nEDls,TnIcTsl,.lJLi.ff;;,i; i,isid'i"ii1''tcirc-'L:Ci nu ir';jirs:s ;o r!:'iit;rrri: 1r: rrutrrR oF roli:rs ro llt t.::tS:':D r.c(ur.:)l;:5 io-lii r"rrif i'':D S'c"'r'i T;J rli' "":0 F'\lt ::l:'-ci1-E' 'i; i.i:iilrb,-rn,L- ili-ir;;iltcr-i.'lr.i r:ti ,\',Y /rUUjIi iitis t:ict:;-c"t:iY lri ll€ (;':lcl;:/J- l/f il[ PAur. litlS t;t:PiCIl(ir Sir"rr t'L:o D'-'lti;li:li ll': llrlL0ll'" cl"rlft'5ln\l'-a i;ic s'-rrin 5LtivlcE (,t/'J:t;[. 1 nfl"-li'P"::'ll5'' n " "'' rrr "Y;: I r'r 'l: GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILD ADDENDUM * 1 June 18, 1980 s:;tfi:.";r;il" & Associates, rnc' €,f: l. Section 330 - Concrete and Reinforcinq: * 1, Lower Level, Sheet A2.O. 3L" lightweightfl-oor elevation floor, Sheet A2.1, change 2" lightweight conerete toconcrete fill over L-l/8" plywood deck to bringto 1201-6". 3. Section 50I - Metals: beam from gridlines A-2 through E-2 on mainlevel floor pIan, Sheet A2.0, to WlO X 39 with web splices at1'-0" west of C-2 and 1-0" west of E-2. Steel beam from E-2through H-2 to be !f10 X 29 on main level . W12 X 29 on upper level,Sheet A2.L, to be Vt10 X 29, gridlines A-2 through E-2. Section 5 I 0 spaces, except in Entry 13.at Stair * I, lower level, 5.Section 72L - Buildinq Insulation: -cn t insulation to R-22 battinsulation. Delete Fiberglas blowing wool insulation from roof,/ceiling spaces.Use_5" rigid insulation on roof, as shown on accompanying-revisedroof detail. Add 2 X 6rs at 16" o.c. bearing wallsSheet A2. 0. R-30 batt insulation to be usedexterior deck, RE: 2/A5.0.6" batt insuLation to be placed lower level. in ceiling space below upper level in stud wall around Stair * l, 9. - Skyliqhts:skylights and associated special framing and details are to have 5/8" gypsum wallboard attached TJI-, I s . Interior and exterior main entry to have split-brick paver floorfinish. Color and finish to be selected by ARCHITECT. Divisions 15 and 16 - Mechanieal and Electrical:Delete mechancial roof vents (Exhaust Fans - 12)Light fixture tTr to a single type ,H' fixture mounted on16'-0" pole (4'-0" embedded in concrete footing 6" al-l aroundconduit run through center. Section 78I Delete all Section 925 - Drvwall:AI1 finished ceilingsdirectly to bottom of Section 930 - Ceramic Tile and Pavers Revised Roof System: See attached detail B. 10. I o celeL at@ ov& d|W tValL,(s.ro) *J 4:tlf+,Pflffi@O)lw qd?\rw dw* zzt/t+t ffi@ IJr'e Gt&'ac, f\nt 1dtrffi.4 /s'&'(?.Q.&utb/- 4*rr4' nn tFrl dFlahl t[rll9, lgt,{. 4l' ot*-ztb - -v@ qve ?&rftl vb tffi,?qtu.aerg o{14, n J+a.IlhtJe 3'a2 Xn Nrr4irflrl wvPneolL 6tfr:wrcyp-illc-td rJ Hfi) ljt'.-oT* - t{E|At- A.e$Hb ovER N)-94 lblrtr4tl ,ELtx' _ tU'lht cw ftYgM.Qflih{w,{. hre IlD |ataf NL ;EIA6 NHre N%r-) UD qM,, vbt-y-o' Gordoo B. PlorccI Asod.!.., Inc. Architecture Plenning P. O. Box 1123 Vail, Colorado 3J311o*u, Aprtl 27, leTe 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. General Condltlons Slte lfork Concrete lilasonry It'letal s Rough Carpentry Flnlsh Carpentry In su I atl on Roofi ng & llater?roof ing Doors & Hardware l'llndows & Glass Drywal I Ceramlc Tile Quarry Tlle -++at{+tr Toilet Partltions & Bath Accessorles Appl I arrces Itlechanlcal - O t/la'{,k ll/br.J^t $ 40,110 / 62,131 / 43,781/ 3,600 .| 3 ,931 8l,007 35,694 8,282 I 3,032 8,442 l9,786 10,67.| I,484 GLEI{ LYOII OFFICE BUILDINGffi 10. ll. 15. 16. 31z3 tl ectrlcal 6nn t* C)tr/.L 4 I lD ttz4 B=z Iz;lQxlo= €Goo Ewe- tlox ao = g-6o0 >uD fr-@- t@x40 =-'z4q I uxb = -to{ ,tlpoo €treo'u'"-@e+t ux zo : -400 3?€_-/oo - Sr'4,acl l C'- O,Lc g/o,pQ_ . PROJECA ERVATION CODE COMPUTER PR CLIENT: pRoJEcT NUuEEnr 7An q -. DArE: @ sltEET I Or -9- ) :jF RL:E ill-lTR I !rt-lt I I LtlriTH t,h. trlMH '-r t-t l-_ iF:ER ,: r, [t :'. [:t1.'', HT. RL;R 1t t Tir.-,}. rtr'l[.tt'[ riril, ilRL tl 'if: :;t: Hr':!-Fl ll[, 'I Fr-: ;'[r, i'{il. l,ll :r'l HT '-|. Tf: :l iri":-F :;r-a,'t;r,.'ll-r ;:. it:.;[.fl t-t c -t l-:I :". IIti:.fll- a,r. ,-' | |L.'-l [t.:l I1F tl'. : LE -.\ r,.lill'f':; :hu l.- [: . HIrrrL, TFi:jF:Ii G=l{. '.}lfi{- [R I T. i;F*ti. ,'ll0f l - L:Fi I T. RFlf ft GEtl. HF;i:fi rL. .: ;, . ..:l 11F:IR r r-1 q t_l tJH-''T5 ':, 'f, ri N0t{ - L:f.: I T. l'rFiE:R FL: I r-t HFIEIl 5n7.. I.JHTTS { r_r FI c..-r. TnTL,,;FHr:E r,riiTT tr1i,i. Ii F:E R F:t:F] F TH::;I;: fIREFI I UEI.I. RREH t]EI.I. HF:EH F!- ::,i:'ilr- [. iril ftl I lrHllT +. LtlriTH 7. IrJ I IITH E.Jr RFJEH 35. l-:HL'r. H f ' Pt-:Fl 13. 7 B TR5I{ HREHIJ GEII. ffREff IjEH. FTRER Fr: t0. I1F:Eff 35. F I;,iT. I Irt-ttT '{l riu U. 1E r,tF ri. r LE 55. lrlftTTi I 14. TOTL, SPHCE IilFITT 1 14. SPI]CE IIflTFI I IIEI.{T 5. LI.IGTH 8, l,J I IrTH 5. RREF 40. CF'r'. HT. QUr ET-:R 13. tr THr:;li FF:EFI:: GEII. fiREH IJEI.I. FREff FC 20. FREff 40. FI}iT. IDEHT 31, CU 0. ts f'lF t:t. i LE l:E:.l l.-rr,:;l,l1r_.i" i.tti'[ T I.]RTT5 TI]TL. SPFICE IIHTH I DEHT 3. LHIJTH 15. Iil I IITH +. HREH b4. Crl1,r. HT. B. RL:R 1:. 5 !0. BFiEH 1r,lJ, F 1:iT. I Irtr.lT ,_-.r. t:: Ll '-' 1{r_r. i+ l,rF t-r. I LE i:.16. 5F,I-IL:E IJFITT 34b. Trt!;t.:. 11P;1-11riiti. tli;:It-l FIF] H FI FL: I tJ. FIF:EB i+. F IljT. i IrIt.lT :11 . cLl rl. 1'? HF rj. ; LE ... .t. L,: .l , l;,; '1 1r. I i.,.i: l I t E [: riEH. 1,.11:11-' '- irr i i l.,lfil T::; lLlll." I, 7, r - STAT! ENEIGYt PNOJECT lroN coDE COUpUTIL ]EINr CLIENT: SPffCE DFITfft IDEtlr :. i.,. | 6; . LNGTH. : :15.5 UI I DTH L RPER : .1 139. 5, CRV.,' HT. RCRi,. I 7, TffSK ffRER GEH. RRER. GE[I. ffRER FC; 20. fiREff 139.5 FIXT. IDEI.IT, 31. cui,0, 3? HF 9.7 LE ; 55' IJfiTTS t96. TT]TL, SPflCE IdfiTT 196. SFHUE IIi]TR I NENT 7, LNGTH 39. 5 IJ I DTH 20. RREfi 790, CRV. HT. 5.5 RCR e. I TfigK ffREH GEII. FREH THSK RREF I.ID. 1. Fil 70. H0. hrt{ :jTFT €,. THSIi RREIl 511' TOTL. TRSK IlIiEIl 3F0. FIXT. IIIENT ia+r. CU 0.59 l'lF 0.7 LE 55. t,ffTTS 924.B' BDNL. TflsKD GEr.l. /HUl.l- CRIT. GEN. /HDII- I-:RIT. FIREB GEI.I. ffREH Frl 23. 3 IlRER 30[. I,IRTTE; ::rl B.tl0tl- rlR I T. flF:E.l-l Fr-: 10. RREff 1'lr:r. I,IRTTS r-' .l ':' -t 'T0TL. 5Ftlr::E hltiTT 131i,. ::;F.HL:E IIRTH I NEI.IT B. LI'IGTH 39. s ttll IrTH t0. RRER 790. cFlli. HT. 5.5 RCR 2. I TFSK FREfi GEI.I. HREff TRSK ffREft }tE, t. Fg 70. N0. trlK :3TfiT 6. TFSK FRER 50. TNTL. TBSH RRF:ff r?00. FINT. IDENT 41. CU 0. 59 l'lF 0.7 LE 55. t'lffTTS 9e4. F I HDDL. TffgKn GEll...'HUtl- cRIT. GEt.I. /NNt{- CRIT. HREH GEIl. FRER Fr-l 23. 3 HRER :_100. tIHTTS 308. HI]tI- CR I T. RREF FL: 10. HREIl 190. tdHTTll 114. TNTL. SFRCE IiHTT 1316. B c E [: B c (^' e' pRoJEcr NUroEr: Ftg q uma, l/zo/7? sHEEr a oF o L COLORADO STATE ENERGY ERVATIoN CoDE COMPUTEh PRI PROJECT NAME:CLIENT: Tno.rncT NLJITBER: '91? q oern; --1/Zt-'/7? sHEEr 3 oF ? Tff5Ii TT1TL. t,tfiTTs rtatrr l. GEt.t. /t{nH- LTRIT. RFIEH ':EII. FREH FI t3. 3 RFIEFT lfill,a tJFtTTi 3u8. tlItl - L:Fl : T. r-rF:E rrrFu 10. ffEEr1 170. t5" LJRTTS?qtJ. TATL. SFRCE hIRTT l3rJ7, TFg}{ BFIEB EEH. ffREB ffRErl HIl.t. Fr:: 70. t.lil. tjll.: 5't'flT 6. THSK FREIl 5tJ. TRSH fiREff 3ril1. FIi(T. IDEIIT 41. tt) 0. 59 I'rF r:1, 7 LE F5, 3?4. IIIIItL. THSK GEl.l. ./f{Etl - rlR I T. TNTL. I'JHTTS El ' Il GEH. .,.I.{LII{_ I]RIT. HR[H UEH. FRER Fr, '?.-'1 .f i- .-. r Ll HF:IH '-' i-' r-|.:, t_r Lt i t,tHrTS ::lUlJ. ililil - r::Ft i T. FRErI 10. FF]EI1':rJq tlH-l'rS '-l E'. TUTL. SPHr::E trltlTT I :;!:1. .jF,IiUE TIHTFI I IIEHT 'f LIIGTH 39, 3 T.J I IITH 19. 5 ftF:Eri ET-:R r7CI, e5 C11U. HT, 5.5 e. I :jF'Rr-.f IrtlTFt I IIEHT 101. LI.]GTH 3:?. LII IITH !r-'t. }1F:EH T ,:' 11I r_, r_r. Crlti. HT. FF*1. -l F:CF ':, r E TB!;I.. HRI:HC GEI.I. FFJEfl T Ri;Ii fiFrEff lln. 1,. Frl 7rl, N0. tdii STHT b. THSK FF:EH E r-1.-t Lt . TRSK HF:I:H 3Llr:t. FIi{T. IIIEHT .ir. Et-l 0. 5'-l ltF 0.7 LE EBslrJr 934. BDItL. TH::;t'j r.iEH. "t.|nil - t::R I T. TOTL. tJftTTg El lr tlEl.l. r'tlIll- r-:F:iT. HF:EH GEII. RFJIR Fr: rL .-r r .-l RF:EH :l Lil:|. LlRTT5 :' r-! ,:, liIt.l- L:i;i : T. HF:EH FL: 1 r-t. FIFIEFI 1t:lt:t. ttlRTTi ?q TBTL. SFFlt,E lrl[:lTT i'f 1 1 r:;F'H[:E lrtlTti I IrEtiT l rli. Lt.lr_iTH '-l ,..1 htI IrTH ..:, I HRER F:L.R :-l l q LlF1,r. HT. :l r .-l TR::;t{. RRt:fi GEII. fiRt.:R llRt:n Iln. Ilr FL: i l:1. tlu. t.tli 51"91 b. TIl':;h: RRF.Il 5L-I. TI{5I.:. FREF :tLr0. FIiiT. IIENT 41. CU 0. 5'-? l'1F 0.7 LE 55. 984. RIINL. TF'3K GEi{...'NUll- CRIT. ti rj E t-. T Fi!;l; // -l STATE ATION CODE COMPUTER PR CLIIINT:PROJECT MHE: rf,o.rEcr ilrflrBER: 7q? q D rE 3/?6 /ry sHEEr 4 oF ? DffTfi I DEI{T 103, LNGTH 21,5 UIDTH, a0. ,, . 430, CR'rr. HT. 5.5 ?.7 T'1SI( HREff GEFI. ffRER ffREff HE. 1. FC 7fi. t'10. l.,JK gTfiT B. TfisK RRER 50. TffSH fiEEfi .150.FINT. IDENT B' ' fiI}DL. TfiSKD, GEH;'zHEl'l- CRIT.It, GEH;'/NEl.l- CRIT. EEN. ./NI]I.I. CRIT. RREF GEH. fiREF FC 23.3 BREff -. 1F0.( tJRTTg 165. 11 l'{Ell- CRIT. ffFtEH':FC, :." . 10. ffREfi 130. lrrflTTg. 61.rnTL, SPffCE I,JRTT ',;," 7??' SPflCE IIHTTl I IIENT 104. LHGTH ?o. UINTH 19. 5 ffREff 390. CRV. HT. 5.5 RCR .-r .'tJ. . ,-1 B THSK RRURC GEII. RREH TfrsK BRER Ht]. I FC 70. NE. LII: STFT 3, TR$K HREF 5t'l' TOTL. TRSK fiREF 150. FI}{T. ITIEHT 41. CU 0. s4 l'lF ,. 1"0.7 LE 55. s05. fiDI}L. TffSK GEN. /NUH- 5PffL:E IIFTH I DEI.{T I tl5. LNETH :r9. hII DTH 19. FREIl 741. CHV. HT. 5.5 FICR !.2 B TRSK fiREHL] GEI.I. RREH TIlSI{ ffRER I.{8.l. FD 70. NO. UIF: STHT 6. T115l': BRER 511' TNTL. TIl5Ii RRER 30r1. FIHT. IDENT 41. CU 0.58 t'lF 0.7 LE 55. l,JffTTS 940.B. ffDIIL. TSSKD GEH. /NEH- CRIT.. GEH. .JNNII- CR IT. HRER GEII. HREF FI t3. 3 ffRER 300. LIFTTSnt{t '-r I !|. NBII. CR I T. RREH FC 10. IlREH 141. LIH'T TS 63. TOTL. SFFCE IdHTT 1316. i I t,;: . ,.t, , ,l' jil i.,.I ulnrrs B' CRI T. IlREFGEH. /NEH - T:R I T. GEI.I. BRER Ft-l 3! '1 RREff 15r1. ilffTT5 t h,g. HI]H - L:R; T. flFiER FC 10. HREF 90. IilBTTS 43. TOTL. SPHEE LIIlTT ;1€.. D - t' , PBq'EgT CLIEN'r': rRoJEcr NUITBER: 7Ap q o*u: -z/zor/7? { sHBEr __lL or 0 COI.OMDO STATI ENENGY SPfiC I E trRTff I DEI'IT ;106. LNGTH1 39, LI IDTH'i70. li 7.dg,cflv. HT.., 5.5,\,., i , {.' ?,, lii' i TFBK ffREcEtt. flFE"'il fiRFH lr0.i l; Fc i,i 70, H0.'trl( ST ',';;, .,'6. TfiSK fiREr 50. , TRSK ffREi 309. FIXT. IDE,'i 41jcui : i0.se l,tFl,l, o.7 1-g''. :' .;; 55.'-\ 1 ..,),t ..t1i924; :. fllDL. TgS GEN, z}IDH:. ]i r' '1,'HEN. CRI GEH. RRE FC 23.3 RRER 300. hIBTTS, 3O8. Ht]H- CRI Frl .. 10. ftREft 180. IJFTTg 79. SP-ffCE l,,F t311. SF,IqC:E IIHTIl I DE}.{T 107. LHGTH 39. trll IITH 19. 5 ffREH 760. 5 CHU. HT. RT:R B TffSKc GEt.l. 5.s HFiEH IlRER TESK fiREfi Nt].t. FC 70. NO. hIK STHT 5. TffSK HREff 50. TOTL. TRSK I1REH 3110' FIXT. IDEI.IT 41. cu\0.59 HF 0.7 LE 55. IJfiTTS 9e4.B' RDDL. THSKD GEH. /HOH- CRIT. GEl.t, ..'HBil - rlR i T. GEI.I. HREfl FC e3. 3 ffREri 30rJ. htrlTTs 3[r:t.tl0tl- r-:R I T. Frl 10, RREB 18U.5 trlRTTii 71. T0TL. SPllrlE trlRTT 1 :il:r::r. RRER rlF; I11 :]FHI::E IIRTR I DEI.IT 1L-lg. LI'IGTH s. trll IITH B ff ff R RT fl fl HT i K T. R T. TT f t T E E T E . .: . s H I E tL FI RRER RCR 5. 411. CHV. HT, 5.5 9.9 B THSK RREH[: GEI.I. frRER GEH. FREFI FI trltiTTS TOTL. 50, HFIEB 40. FIHT. II}E].IT 31. IU 11. 3 NF 0.? LE 55. 173. SFffCE UFTT 173. SPfiCE DRTR I DENT 109. LNGTH 40. trll IITH 5. rlREll 1110. CFT. HT. B. RER L EI Tff5K FIRERI-: GEH. FIRER I]EH. FREH FD 30. HREH e00. FI}{T. IDENT 31. CU 0.3 t'lF 0.7 LE 55; hlrlTTS 519, TUTL. SPfl[E tlllTT 51!. EEIl Fi T,r! 10. FI 19.H,. 3.5 6.5 HTt i8,il 3.5' i..1 i frRER ffRtR i 20. 6.5 . I DEI.IT 31. , ,17 o.7 55. 03.r : E l,rflTiT 03. i r' ff;T.' 11. H 17. H 4. .$PHUE I'frTF'1. i IDf,l{l:i. l. I 11.,J 'i LNGTF :.i :' :lt ; I flREfi'J _..' ; itrE DHY. .iRCR i, i13r, l I E Tfi$H,C : GEH.'il .l cEl.l.:. ffREffF[l.i4 i1. ffRqRI i66I FIliT,I i3' ,CU': 0. r l'lF; LE".. '. I '': s LIffTTS i' I ,, '2O .TOTI-. SPffCE, izl-l 5PfrCE.!fiTff, I IIENT r11 LI'IGTH I IJ I DTH I (-' e' RREfi 64. CHV, HT.:9. RCR B TFISI,; fiREH :c GEl.t. HREft I,JffTTg; TT]TL. RREF FE 20. ffREff 68, FIHT. IDEI.IT CU 0.2t l,lF., 0.? LE FFLl .-l . 1F, 1. SPFEE LIIlTT L6t. rRoJEcr Ntm!8R: Tata q . oenz 1/?OP9-- sHEEf, 6 or q SFRI:E IIRTF I NEIIT I 1e. LI.IGTH 13. 5 l,J I nTH 9. HRER 1e1.5 cRr/. HT. EF.IlLlE DRTR I IIEHT trt 1. LI.IGTHqq trll IrTH :1'-1. 5 ffRER 31i!.5rlt1li. HT. 5.5 FtrlR 1. t E TRSIT RRERLT GEI.I. RREB TF.r;I-: HFJEH NN. 1. FC r0. HU. t'll: STFT 6. TIl$}( fiREff 50. TOTL. TRSIi HRER :1011, FI}iT. IDENT 41. CU 0. 65 l'lF 0.7 LE 55. hIHTTS g3g. B I ffDDL. TRSKN GEH. ./NOH. CRIT. THSK ffREFI NE, ?. Frj It-lu. Hn. tilli $TrlT t 1. TRIJIT RREF qr-t TTITL. TIIiF: fiRF.H 551-r. l,lH TT:j 4:rt5.Er' t1111-. f fi::;l{N GEII. JHBII. CR I T. rlEH. .'.tlnll- rlR I T. ffFrEfitiEll. HREtI F lrl 51. 4 HRE]1 950. IdHTTI] 1P46. HOI.I - CR I T. RRER Frl 1? I ll FrE Ft4tt. 5 LdllTTS .-r.1 .1.:, i. ..f . f nTL.. $Ptlr::E lrll:lTT l:!t:t4. RCR B. TI Tll::;fi FFIEH GEII. HREF IEH. ffREH FC 30. FREFI 1el. 5 FI}iT. INEI.IT 31. CU CI. 3'.1 1'lF Lt. 7 LE EEJ !r. IJfrTTS 16e, TI]TL. SPffCE IIHTT 162. SPf,CE IIRTH I I}ENT 113. LNGTH 13. 5 trll nTH 7. IIEEH F4. 5 IHIJ. HT. 8. RCR nf,r-r r I E TH:rl{: i{R[Fl C GEll. fiRl:tl GEH. FREH Ft-l :r:t. IlREF!4. 5 FIliT. IirEl.lT ftIglI. r-1U tl. ::: 1 tlF r:1. ; LE l:.lFtT T:j I E: 'fI ._' '_r.'f UTL. -iFnt-f lilit"f T I g '_.I .-r ':' . B c I:l-':. ,OOLORADO STATE BNENGY .DE C&tlt'{rr/irn Pl tLtc PIAIEGT M}IE:E^ CLIEMS JroJEcr NrtrfrEr: TQ|A q _ w$n, qy/ 2br/7? sltDEf, 7 or J- 4,2 t B TffSK ffRER. .f, GEl.l. ,FREffi EEH. RRER Ft^. rL''?n ' Ltl|. ffREff 370. 5( F I}1T. IDENT ftREH ?8. CfiV, HT.g.a RcR : 15.7.1 / B TfisT. HPEI1C GEI,I. ffFiEff ,l GEN. J AREHr"j"FC 'I 30, BRER, :?&.,: FI!{TlIDEHT:' . 3L;CU;nt l'lF: 0r? LE rFsl .-l r l,IFlTTg 145.'T0TL. gPfiCE trlHTT .,',r 145, SFffI-:E NiiTR I IIENT 2[4. LHGTH 4.5 til I I'TH 4.5 RFEF e0.35cF'/. HT. .q. RCR 1f . :-+ B TffSIi flFJEHC GEI.I. HREfr GEN. ffREH FC 40. RREff e0. a5 FiHT. IDENT 31. cLl 0. I llF 0.7 LE IJATTS 55. 105. TOTL. SPRCE tdIlTT 105. SPRI]E I]ffTH I DEHT 205. LNGTH q. J. til I NTH .{F 'tr gl HREff e!. 5 I]HIJ. HT. ft|:'. RCR 1 r,. :f E THSII: FIFIERll riEl'1. FF;F- H f,EI-{. FFJEF rL. 5l:1. RREF':,'? q FI}iT. IIIET'iT,1 I -1 L L]U L-t. I HF t. ? LE. 55. I,JFTTE' t!t. TIITL. SFnr_:E trrriTT !':r!. I]OLO EHERG CI]DE FLIIEI}LICHTING PRE.IECT HO ?T 19. ffREH 1b0?5. FL] RO 1. LE 55. I.IBE 0. 38 CBU 0. 75 HF 0.7 htFtTTs tiREtl 1465. u36e03 SPFCE IDBTH '.1. ,I^I}ENT Ij..... ;?92. i .:: ' -Lt{GTH . TUIDTH ,t . 19. RREfi 370. 5. i cfft1. HT,,' i-| .8.': IRCR, I I COLORADO STATE ENERCY NA}IE: ATION CODE COMPUTER PR CLIENT: ELECTRICAL PROJECT t IrRoJEcr NTTHBER: Tetg q DArE: liARc-4 up, l9?9 sHEEr I oF 9 [EL0 El.lEi'.r; t-]0DE 5 Lll,ltl t-tFi'i FEI]JEUT HE rB 19, ItfrTE 31979. EONH 'L ROgH ffFjEF 7t t)7. FinEH htHTTS :17€,9. EA'r'. F40 LBI'IFS 6t,. L?784702 RDBI.I 2. F:NEI'I HFIIF 1t D, RUUt't tJHTTS :-?4 E. E0V, F4rl LHl4Pg r,, u70175439 FinEl,l 3. RT]I]II RREff F'4. RBNI.l I'JfrTTB 175.+u. F40 LHNFS 3. B7B1?5439 FrnN 4. FTt]EN flEEH 35. FrB0l'l tJFTTTB 1 14, E|;rV. F4u LRI'IFF 2. R00tl .J. F]Ot]I,1 FFJEF 4tr. EE0N l,IllTTS I 14. EEU. F4U LIJI4F'5t. g00r'l Fr. RNOI,I RREB 131.5 Rt]I]I'I IilFITTE, 1:+F,. EE',,'. F4fl LFttlF g 3. 4395?E.l3 t RI]EI,I 7. ROUI,I ffREff T90. R0nf,l tdrlrTS 131h. E0tr'. F40 LHI'1F:r 33. 087P 1T:1 RODI,I Ar-_\. RBOI.l FRER 7:1|]. R0Bll lrlrlTTl; 1 i,- 1E,. EEU. F4u LRt,lt]5 e3. L''ltji71 !rj ROEI,I 9. F:U0H rlREH rrLl. t5 H00l'1 t'IRTT' 1307. EOV. F4D LIII'IP5 ee. 9e9$t+58 RU0l'l 101. RTlT]I'I RREH 780. RI]0I,1 LIRTTS 1311. EOV. F4CI LfiI'IF,5 l:1. EDUt'l i|-'-.I LI;. ROOI'I FF:EH E 1,1. FlIEi'1 llflrT::; Erlr,r. F4il LHl,lF'::; .:1.:r . 3':,t tt _-j "i ::; i, I Fl0nf,l I r-l '1 RDNI'I RFrEH -l .-' r-'Lt'--rl-lr Fi[ntl LTHTTS 'T '_' '-lt ;r:, E0U. F4r:r LHf,li'i lrrr r.. bE E t,E E,F_,,. Ennr'1 1t-t4. F:DnH Ht:El-l F:0lli,l tililTT::, i i. F-' .Erjri. F 4r:r LHill-'i; 1!. 5t 14u:i5 t Fi U0l,l 11r5. F;OII.I HFIEH i41. RnBl'1 trlRTTs 131b. EEV. F4t] LHf.lFSt3. uBlr193 RnDt,t 106. FrOOI'I HF:Efi i Lt L']. Fr00ll hJHTTS l alt II.-r I l. ErJrj. F4rJ LtlllF,s .-r .1i.-1. Ft Il0f'l 1rtt. F:nEll rlF:Etl ;Er:r' 5 t';UDf'l trlllTTS 1::113. EOV. F4O LRNFS 13. $59b491t ROEII t 0.-q. ROT1I.1 HREF 40. REnll trllll'TS I 7'/- Erjt/. F4n LHI,IPS ::r. u:JSuuii 1,_r F,:0n ll I r-r,f,I r-r -r. F:It]I,1 FF:Efi IUU. Finnr,l LIFTT-irt,t r:tjtj, F.itj 1ii1'1P": i; { ,-,- _,. .- a E,_l11. I r_r ,-r * r.' .j' I .-r ,:l FinDf.l 1 1L'. FiL']nfl HRI:fi i,6. 5 FlLlnt,t t,lHTT:j i_ r_r ._r .Euii. F'tr:r LHI'lFS :jr. 5ri, tr 4lJ:j5Ll9 t:InF1 111 F:NNI'1 FFJEH FJ[0I.1 LIRTT::; 1r,1. Erl"i. F4rJ Ltlf'lF S ::. E!45i., i 4Lr4 I ,l'1."t t' PratBgl AIIOX @DE COUPIITER PRIN CLIENT: ,ll ,t .,proJEcf, rfulfrEr: 7q9 q orre: MAPcrl 2n, l9?9 sllElt -'- or I I R00tf REBN. I. RENH 'EOVrf ,.2.84 R0tll''l Rnnn R00l'l EOV. .t a1/-\ C. . t.(l i PE0ll I I Rn0r! I I ROOH ,i Eov. i 128. : ROEI{ tri RT]EI,I I REEI{ i I EOV.I 10. i3 1la. fiREH 121.5 UfiTTS 16?., F4O LRHPS 210s263:,',' : t 13. ,' fiRER , 94. E t'f fiTTS 158. ' F4O LRI'IPS 1979825 201. ffREff ?17?,5 IJRTTS 7304. F40 Lff]'IPS 1403509 20?. RREff 370. 5 URTTS r 589. F4O LRI'IPS 3333333 FHF:Ii FREFT' 1b075. PFIRH IilHTTS 14b5. SUHl'IffT I BN BLIIE TTL ffREIl 1330Cr. 5 BLNG TTL TJHTTS e6471.. IJffTTS/SOFT: 1.990te5931 URTTS FHCFNE1 5e9.4e hIffTTS PRRK 14b5. I,JRTTS TOTffL EXT 1994.4e I^'ffTTS TI]T11L LTG BNGT EHERI] CINE 29465. 4r R0lIr'l: 203. RT]01,I BREff' ?8. nR00l{ l,JHTTs ,145. Eov. F40 LRt'lPSn 2.543859b49lr ,.1 i ' .REof.l ar RI]OH ffEEF.l 384. t0.25 , LIHTTS I Cr5. F4l] LFI.lF5 R0Bt'l EGllt. L. Qi?l05eE,3 R0l]l,1: ?D3. REUr.r. .fiRER. , ?2.3 RUBI'1 l,JFTTg i ?9?. EQ',/.' F4fJ Lfft'lF:j;'"'fi. l'azeo?fltg t =e. t0H - (\l \\ \dz z z .n Yzeoo =zl=Joo- tr e(,Ozd 3b53 couJ tro EcoE o 'E 3 E E 8raolI+.l=6IDEt=E .,- cl:o:! E =E lrJo-zIF CJf E,Fazoo t = u.J t!o UJo- u.l z =z I I l_ t?to I I I I I, IFt< l6z. l=to t2 N N r!\-\A ;N K.N ;;\ '!,r 6F2'*n <FA.ti> +QF.<: H;; {io;<a7zz;9<YFr.9<a)<{Je:!iEr8u2a -FarJo><ceoE< U' uJ u., lJ- F =E Lu an uJ uJ lJ- = E UJ Fo E uJ z J l LU ?t IIJ UJIL I IoI ca UJ ?;) ,9 -I(Y) =uJ<ri,t@olu. zz99F^U)q5E9 0 a!, o6b<) z.l!<oqrulo-Yi3 -i c.i l! z tro- a UJo a UJ z tr z tr UJF zz s9Aa6 f-iEy',9 =[;qEES +9-oA$Eoz ,tgz ='tto-= i rHF9 g=d eJ<=+EE9r=fl55o9(9otza) z z tr o o C) z F az uJzY9 I F C) IJJ-)oE o- n 1l l\\l(5tzq; u.l 'l \ N uJ =z d) -) IJJ J = G S F q q \-a4) { -| J tr l\ $ $ fl ^1o Hoo) V $: d IH \ Ntr I R-r I{ \ \ \ \J a\,*J\' tr LU o\o\J< J = Io a-\\) J --<J-.\ E = tr IJJ o )a = E tr oat uJE =. c tl. g7(n UJ o ..)= tr a UJEoo J = c F() EI F C) u-l T C) <F IJJ <zE I,JJ FtnZo )E<oOF -< sn 9? ! =E, d.6 *5YF =2:IY Y,Z =g t-e. irgi !tYb2 C) J<oo?.5H ND -'7 \I- 6* r, tr5l tt I \J.L e I' \i":! F o -\ ...lt: :EJ'--ar+*.t' :. ' Nt_ -rl- oo I :n 6"El q$HI f----T 4l \:J' Zrtt b-P 5U g"4 (<Sisr.--- f- J7 9i i,r\ rx$h .U ltt , i--v, |qtsn'6h-s A \r/ '. rl:{a ...1 D'll.\l \!.-j (! \I I,t I l \>t It I x t. Jl. ll rl i, I -lj t bl- 0 si- k rll ul tJl 4 UI r' '.1 'rl. *.) ,U a Er tvfa I (r,l-q rt!1)--f- -Ltl* HF=*i I ll' :r ..' 6I r\rrF ta ONI r{NI r\ttl*$ f 7tlr sg $-Z\ttrU hP o o o O H s \t $ \lDl-t\L fr7 s$qil:er Z\t!tso9. fi€- s. g. E' gi F $ x-, !*tr$rsIl P I..i--irltl F<I_l1 i-l-----l-ti=zt l--l---t-1 rli -. i - I .r- - ' t.'- ---'F'-------i - ( I I I I I I I-E ztrT \Tl ?c h5,l;rltE iF dr(J:J:l. 51 ? ?Jt ,tt'3t. E: as ?. 6 ? IEi6i> lftlfrr*' .JL }E $i $t ei )i?"g I H E e oo)o rir \ ,iitl r($ /\ l$ u: ) $ - !dT4') h 'jp,f 't -ltt{ , - \, -\I rf(J tr{E ,,"\..) q: ''i \li . J r.;. jii'a:)r..r.-l !i 'ir i- ' J) i*' ttc\\bF4qe Ar t\ i\/Jl( rr; N.-"Iul+ri)'l i IB Pi:l'+'.{ ,n I3 (4 \l 4t, T. A 0 f : -:'.: :-JA: F \q >\{s st\ a {l'IIl Itnq \t $etF -- $kb 'ltl il rl ll tl rl lr .l 'l I.l I l,,li-,1 r:- UJ k $ \$tl 1f\)I t*u ,AT "A (rt* F{e{ -il I 5i1.- Fr\{ qFi n*L $t friE BqE tttb ,L -rq.._ .- -. . '.U tl lt *;4,".i! 'l-l ,.r- I ti;\ )*tl .\\1Aix