HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE CROSSING COMMON PART 2-1 LEGALCo\s co.dr<- &oss(n3 Crcn'\n^ofi CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE rN 0N DEC 27, L99L NO PLAI'IS 005287PERMIT NO. dop€rtm€nt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E aurrorNc [] pruuarnc &rtecrRrcll ! FoUNDATToN N MECHANICAL N ^^_ -.U3I N FRONTAGE RD l. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I I t tV V 2. OCCUPANCY G ROUP ABEH IR M DIVISION L22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK MODIFY SERVICE ENTMNCE AND z F Trvpe cRouP G.H.F.A. vALUATToN PERMIT FEES FILING CASCADE CROSSING CASCADE CROSSING HOT TUBS NAME IIOT TITRS- RY I'OX MATLADDRESS 1031 #C CASCADE BUILDING PERMIT q N fr -r i[, a\:- \f" LJ ci \.l'* --+-.vuc ALTERATION ( XX ADDITIONAL (NFW ( ) ALTERATION ( XI( ADDITIONAL () RFPAIR O SING DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO- FIREPLACES THICKNESS R.VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS ST CUT BLASTING x PARKING x DEMO x ARCHITECT MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES T CLATZLE L2 12l30l9L ING ADMINISTRATOR & BUILOING NOTES: ALL INTERIOR WORK ONLY. ECTRICAL rrnu BRENT SERVICE rowlt or vat aec. Ho. 109-E PLUMBING CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the info provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to y with all Town ordinances and stale laws, and to build this structure according to the T zoning and review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ivision codes, design O THE OWNER. OR FOR HIMSELF MECHANI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TELE. '3'lar IIUIJ uolcvurNoS U:IHIO 'oN 'o3u llYA JO NrUtor uorcvulNoc lvclNvHcSn uorcvurNOC cNtsnnld /r'.t/-7tt rrtr Worol @ uolcvurNOSrvcrurctf uolcvulNOC ]VU3N39 reJONrOr ]IUIJ ']td Ar|3 ru lc3llHCUV /'Y(l t'ncTs z/gtu U3Nr'AO cNtlrJ '3sf 'lV9:11--y'rs lol NOrrvoNnoi 0Nl8nn'ld 'rvclNvHc3n I W3lUr331:l€l 0Nrolln8 E rnu3d lo 3d^l ltnu3d Jo3CNYnssl oruolud A'l:lr3'ldrloc lno o3'l'lll38 0r gucrudoprp tlunurul@ 1o PrrucdeP !II t66f t Z5I0TF rrvo 3ttssof No rd3)l 38 0r rlnusd lo Adoo - 3roN .U3NNO 3HI ONY raqt6 pue epoS 6u;p1;ng ulrollun 'pe^oldde flel^ar s.uio1 eq'i ol ou;proccB oJnlcnrls sltll pll1q. o! elB '!tB! ;,#;uJJ;"-ffil',il;1ii;,;r^l ^rilb;;i'us-rit rbra i'ue uo11e,,o1ul."fl lt'Uf.Y-"::1.::.19: ;:1xgl:;;idrtnfjr ce pe;ilo.rd ironiurolut oql 1e.te{l etets pue'ue1d lold elBrnccs us palelduroc ,psrlnbal uollBrrJolul "qr ui'i Jirno'perru'.ubni-ciiais'ilr.tt peer e Bq I l8qt e6pelnou:1ce lqelaq 1 :o3(l!l3N sllnu3d'lvNollloov - slrNn Notlvoonnoccv r/ t{t rH9t3H - sINn 9Nl'll:l/\ o 'lYlllNl ) arYd:ru ( )-lvNoltloov trouvntvrr 'v'J'U 0 dnoug 1/, _-_-/4 'W:)lUo,slONOlL''le ozzt Nolsr^to ]l| u I H:lsY dnoa9 AcNvdncJo'z A Al lll lt I NolrCnulsNoc lo ld^l l l|ltu3d'o}{JZt ,oro^r,| d5n, lrvuusd No[cnursNoc t /- ' a o (|\\\\ a\ %i tr\ooi t ,f2 tr7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - /2 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES fttt, WED FRI AM /: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ?a '/, { /s- THUR ^. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr o o tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRlCAL:MECHANIGAL: v,"*' 'I noucn r\l^/trEl [.tr HEATING tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr E CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL 14ppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR i-.i. ;t. .tf..'.l',,T r ', i.*. .,i.1 -fz i'/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL t ,a l : /,/-,/(- 7J (DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION:,!-/ - BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr o FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D FINAL PPROVED O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ni$sxop EXI{IBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION VaiI Comnercial Center /tt ;//;aak h.tz'," A parcel of land located in Seetion L2, Township 5,South, Range 8l West of the Principal Meridian, County ofEagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described asfollows: Connencing at a point on the northerly right of way lineof U.S. Highway 6, whenee the northeast corner of saidsection 12 bears north 38 degrees, 07 urinutes east 876.99feet; thence south 73 degrees. 45 minutes west along saidnortherly right of way line a distance of 75 feet to the truepoint of beginning; thence north 15 degrees, 45 ninutes westto the south riqht of way line of fnterstate 70; thence in a southwesterly direction along the south right of way line offnterstate 7O to the point of intersection of that right of way line with the north right of way line of U.S. Highway 6 and thence in an easterly direction along the north right of way of U.S. Highway 6 to the point of beginning, County otEagle, State of Colorado. LEASE AGREEMENT PAGE 39 TO: ANDY KNUDTSEN TOWN OF VAIL VAIL, COLORADO FROM: MIKE COMBS VAIL ENTERPRISES PARTNERSHIP CASCADE CROSSINGS CENTER RE: CUITR.E INTERNATTONAL LTD. DEAR ANDY: AS MANAGING PARTNER FOR CASCADE CROSSINGS CENTER IN VAIL, COLORADO THIS LETTER IS TO CONFIRM I1TTH YOU OF OUR APPROVAL FOR THE CONSRTRUCTION AND OCCUPANCY OF CUITR'E TNTERNATIONAL LTD. THE STORES WILL BE LOCATED IN UNIT "C" OF OUR CENTER LOCATED AT 1O3I SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO. AFTER A THOROUGH REVIET{ OF THEIR PLANS AND SPECTFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BOTH A GOURMET FOOD SHOP AND A LIQUOR STORE WE HEREBY GRANT OUR FULL SUPPORT FOR THE PRO,JECT. WE ALSO AGREE TO ALLOW THE TENANT TO SEEK A CONDITIONAL USE PERMTT FOR THE LIQUOR OPERATION, WHICH WE ALSO SUPPORT, AS REQUIRED FOR LTCENSING BY THE STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. SINCERELY, MIKE COMBS MANAGING GENERAL VAIL ENTERPRISES PARTNER PARTNERSHIP 2. * 'It*" )zq^Z %,fd*.W Wp"h . NOTTCE lS HEREBY GIVEN that he Planning and Environmental Commission of he Town ol Va1 will hotd a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 25, 199'l at 2:00 p.m. in the Torn of Vail Munidpal Building. Gonsideration of: 1. A request for the establishment of a 90day review period for a Gommercial Core I exterior alteration request for the Golden Peak Houss, 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A and B, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicants: Golden PeakHouseCondominium AssociationA/ail Associates, lnc./GPH Partners, Ltd./Margadtaville, lnc. Planner: Mike Mollica A request for a conditional use permit for a liquor store at the Cascade Crossing Retail Centir, 1031 S. Frontage Road, more specifically described as follows: A parcel of land located in Section 12, Township 5, South,.n?tq9 81 West ol th; p.M., County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: commencing at a point on the norheay ROW line of Us Hvry 6, whence the northeast comer of said section 12 bears north 38'07' E 876.99 ft.;hence south 73",45' w along said northerly ROW line a distance of 75 ft. to the true point of beginning; thence north 16o45'W to the south ROW line ol F70; thence in a soutnwesterly direction along the south ROW line of l-70 to the point of intersection of thtt ROW line with he north ROW line of US Hwy 6 and thence in an easterly direction along the north Row of us Hwy 6 to the point of beginning, County of Eagle, State of Colorado- Applicant: William Von Schweidall/Mike Combs Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a conditional use permit to operate the Gartwright Bed and Breakfast at 970 Fairway Drive/Lot 8A, VailVillage 1Olh Filing. Applicant: Alice Cartwright Planner: Betsy Rosolack A request for a cond1bnal use permit to allow a seasonal plant products business in tne Fieavy Service zone district, West VailTexaco,2313 N. Frontage Road WesUTract B, Vail Das Schone Filing No' 1. Applicant: Flichard Dilling Planner: Jill Kammerer A request for a conditional use permit to operate a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 11A, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing/2625A Bald Mountain Fload. Applicant: Eugenia G. Whitten Planner: Betsy Rosolack A request for a worksession on the proposed Performing ArtVQonference Cenler, wnici is proposed to be located adjacent to the east end ot the Uonshead Parking Structure. Presentersr Ron Phillips/E.B. Chester uorry 3. 4. 5. 6. 'p-,1- //' 7. prssentauon ot th;rt In Public Places Board (AIPP) Corfuaf Proposal forthe Village Transportadon Center Projed. PlannEr: ShellY Mello . g. presentiation of proposed Llonshead Sundial Plaza landscaping plan (Lifttouse Lodge). Presenterc: Jill Kammerer/Sherry Donrard 9. Any lbms tabled lrom the Novenlber 11, 1991 Planning and Environmental Commlssion meetrq. Informaton on the listed items is available at the Communiv Da/slopment oftlcs In the Vail Munidpal Building during regular offlcs hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Publlshed in tre Vail Trail on November 8, 1991. Glen 1000VaiI, Grand Junctiont Vail Professional Bldg. Tom Brandl 953 S. Frontage Road vt. George BrodinVait, CO 8165? GT Services 934 S. Frontagevail, co 81657 !1"F,:xil3l"flo"o ..,Olli:,3i1"5i".,, CO 81557 Box 2107 Hwys. co 81502 Road W. M"M*tu klvw -(*- (-J' K\ fir hUoWqW I INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT! DATE SUBMITTED: I A' I K DATE OF PUBI,IC HEARING II - 'Z S'- IT COI{MENTS NEEDED BY:ae. tl-L -4 | /0,<- (*/;A^J L/a* BRIET DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: /) p"^ I ; "7 u-,o < #n.-t r PUBLTC I{ORKS Revi.ewed by: Conments s FIRE DEPARTMENT Revlewed by: Cornmentg: .L\0 lL i D. 1o .*o,- POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Cornments3 BECREATION DEP'IRTMENT Revlewed by: Cornmentg: revlsed 3/LL/9L O,rF 7Q, fo-(er Aceo- , y'uo/ f,y Shm Isytrn^, (b.rdr_ D+, 7t/Jr'/r /-k (-ra.no{,-Q7,ss;^.,( Date3 Date:ro -Je - at pee/s lo L. /a"r+]./ r't^ '17*r v,/i,l p*t/"r€ o fi* s.'lP/zstc^ Date: Date: Dnl t, Pd t Ftrc /41 lQ: $Btt^ PROJECT! DATE SUBMI i ln-tk DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING colo{ENTs NEEDED BY! E tt-c'4 | BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: /) pz,- v,-.a | ; 4 u-dr S{rvr.e.f -' --f I PUBI,IC WORKS RevLewed by: Cornrnents: FIRE DEPARTMENT o ,4*"Ot- ('/ vu u 5/u,<- (^,/;A^J L{a.- r^ (-t5 .,n "("-C -2SStv<'l ( Wbb ,^/.-.- -(^"^ur) rNTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Date! Date: Date: Date: RevJ.ewed by: comrnentss Revlewed by: Conments: RECREATION DEPART}IENT RevLewed by: Connents: revleed 3/LL/gL Ad +o fu's t F,rc ^lo'(f 7.1 , /{41 O t("/L rNTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PRO,.IECTS DATE SUBMITTEUs l r',- | * DATE OF COMMENTS NEEDED BRIEF DESCRIPTI Op''^ A Draru ON OF fHE PROPOSAITs BY:a- ll-u -4 | PUBI.,IC WORKS Reviewed by: Conments ! Reviewed by: comnentB: Revlewed by: connentE: FIRE DEPARTMENT W RECREATION DEP'\RTI.IENT nevlewed by: Date: Connentsl revlsed 3/Ll/9L {" PrJ t fr'rc 0,c {- Ze , /*- (*/;A^J /'A*- PUBLIC HEARING | ; o1 u-* sJr.r-(*- ,,o-1.-- C->s";^V Date: Date: Date: 0*t / {11 FIL T COPY 75 soulh trontrge road . Yall, color.do 81657 (3dr) 479'2138 (3Cr) 4792139 otflce ol communlty deYelopment October23, 1991 Mr. Mike Combs Vail Enterprises 1031 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Re: Tenant Flnlsh at Cascade Crosslng Dear Mike: Atter some review of your building permit proposal for the liquor store and gourmet food store, the Town staft has decided that we will be able to issue the building permit for the gourmet store soon, after you submit some additional material which clarities the request. However, the liquor store permit cannot be issued until the Planning and Environmental Commission has approved the conditional use for the liquor store. We request you provide three pieces of additional information to the Town before we issue the permit lor $e gourmet food store. The first is a drawing of the front elevation of the store, showing the additional door to be installed. I believe we can make a'staff approval'of this exterior change, and that a DRB headng will not be necessary. In fact, a polaroid picture of ---.- the front, showing where the new door will be located, will be enough information for us to make the decision and establish a record of the change. The second piece of information is a leiter fronl you describing the extent of t!'; construction to be done under this permit I would 6flike to understand specifically from you what will and will not be done at this time, prior to the u Planning Commission approval of the liquor store. The third, and last, piece of inlormation is for you to redline and initial the drawings the Town currently has, so they graphically rellect the information in the letter. We hope you can understiand the need to document these ilL things. I think these tasks will not be overly burdensome and can be iaken care of quickly. Conceming lhe liquor store, the Town received your application for conditional use on October 18, 1991. That submittal corresponds to a PEC hearing date of November 25, 1991. I undersiand that William VonSchneidau signed the application for a conditional use as the o Mr. Mike Oombs October 28, 1991 P4e2 owner. Please documsnt who owns he fushess, wtro owns he fulHlttg, gtd wiro manages _/fie building. Please provlde signatJrss lrom the ffrst two, at a mlnlmum I realize thal $e many details in his btbr may se€m like qlita a blt of woft | $lnk eadr one is relaffvely simple and wlll not take much tme. ll I can help, please call mo at 47$2138. Thank you for your attenuon to all th€sa conosrns. Sinceqly,it / //-jl /t/| -TVtd.-1 /\-'t1rcd We{t\ l/ tAndy Knudtsen Town PlannEr labcc: William VonScfineidau TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDTJM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department November 21,1991 A request for a conditional use permit for a liquor store at the Cascade Crossing Retail Center, 1031 S. Frontage Road, more specifically described as follows: A parcel of land located in Section 12, Township 5, South, Range 81 West of the P.M., County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the northerly ROW line of US Hwy 6, whence the northeast comer of said Section 12 bears north 38"07' E 876.99 ft.; thence south 730,45' W along said northerly ROW line a distance of 75 ft. to thc true point of beginning; thence north 16"45' W to the south ROW line of I-70; thence in a southwesterly direction along the south ROW line of I-70 to the point of intersection of that ROW line with the north ROW line of US Hwy 6 and thence in an easterly direction along the north ROW of US Hwy 6 to the point of beginning, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Applicant: Planner: William Von SchweidauMike Combs Andy Knudtsen I. DESCRIPTION OF T}IE PROPOSED USE The applicant, William Von Schweidau, is proposing to rent a tenant space for a liquor store in the Cascade Crossing commercial center. The liquor store area will be approximately 150 sq. fr and this space will be created by dividing a larger tenant space. (Please see the attached floor plan.) The rest of the tenant space will be used by Mr. Von Schweidau to operate a gounnet food store. He expects that there will be guests who will stay in condominiums and lodges in Vail, as well as locals, who will want to purchase wine to go along with prepared gourmet food. The applicant states that, "Colorado liquor law prohibits a gourmet market from selling or serving alcohol in the same location where food is sold. Thus, a physical wall and sepamte door will be constructed within the current rental space." The applicant's concept, however, is that the two shops would receive business from the same customers. The applicant is also proposing to operate a delivery service for both the liquor store and the ' specialty food store. This would be part of a larger delivery service of the Cascade Crossing . Retail Center, offering a comprehensive delivery service for video, pizza, Ship-n-Pac, SportsRents, as well as the liquor store and specialty food storc. In the Arterial Business Zone District, liquor stores arc allowed as a conditional use. Section 18.29.030 lists the conditional uses and states that they have been included as conditional uses, "due to their potential individual and cumulative impacts of generating naffic in the Arterial Business District." Below is the staff analysis of how the proposal relates to the conditional use criteria, with specific analysis of the raffic generation addressed under the third criteria. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The purpose section of the Arterial Business Zone Disrict states that the intention is to "provide sites for... limited shopping and commercial facilities serving the Town and Upper Eagle Valley residents and guests." Staff believes the proposed liquor store, as well as the adjacent gourmet food store, will serve both guests and local residents, and that the proposed liquor store is consistent with the development objectives of the Town as shown in this section of the zoning code. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes there will not be an impact on the above-referenced criteria. The liquor store is not in the vicinity of any schools. 3. Effect upon hallic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. After reviewing the proposal, the Town Engineer believes that a 150 sq. ft. liquor store will not have a significant impact on the traffic pattems in this part of Vail. When the Cascade Crossing center was approved, the State Highway Department required that right and left turn lanes be installed on the South Frontage Road. These improvements have been designed and constructed to accommodate a significant amount of traffic. Staff believes that a tenant, such as a liquor store, is along the lines of those anticipated when the trip generation analysis was done and the design of the turn lanes was completed. In adclition to discussing the impacts from the store itself, staff further discussed the impacts from the delivery service with the Town Engineer. His conclusion was that, again, the amount of road expansion done when the building was constructed is sufficient to accommodate the delivery service. Therefore, the raffic load is generally consistent with the expectations made during the design process. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The only change to the building will be a minor change made to the facade to accommodate two separate entries, one to the liquor store and one to the gourmet food store. Other than that, the building will not be changed. Findines The Plannine and Environmental Commission shall make the followine findines beforc grantine a conditional use permit: That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safeqr, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. B. 1. 2. ). III STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the proposed liquor store. We believc the criteria have bcen met, as discussed above, and that the findings are also met. Specifically, staff believcs ihat the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the zone disricq that the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated will not be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare, and that the use complies with all applicable provisions of the zoning title. Please note that, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail Tnning Code, the approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year of the datc of issuancc and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use for which the permit is granrcd is not commenced within one year. t' clpec\neme\iquor.N25 4 FFftFgEE{)FPl$$d,$HP:IF5H$jfls !t tlssf,f,EF$$th['!,I "il *t*!II"T T Tililillnn $** F 0t Ell F I F F 5 B E\ t( f; FlndtIIq d I .,n"l: , ^\U J V 'V- ...14, t\ t\ t'-r \\\" l<' Cuilr'e Irrt.r . L-t.'J I {:,31 snuth Frnntar;e LJest Vail, c,:l{'. El€'5S -['nwn ':,f va i ]. Desiqrr Review Br-r&r"d Cnn,J i t. i,:na I t-JEe E':ar,J T,:, {rrh':,m i t triay CC't'lCerlt; [ct.17,l99l C:uitre Int.r. wi I I her c*nst.ruc t.i.ng at Lhe abnv* ntetrf irned l,rcatinn a sian,Jwi ch sfrnp, ;r w;11 1 separ;rt ing ;rnd enc l*sing a separat*Liqu':r st,:r* . lrl* wi 11 a1s* w j. 1 I be adding a l'rew dofit" , at fhefr':nt western entrarnce. A phr;t,: provided, ,:uflined of it's locati,:'r'l . Ctrnstruction r,r-r the Sandwifch shrp, s*parating wall,wil1 b,egi.n i.rrrnrsdiately ;rfter receivirrg pernrits. 1*f t. vacarrl unt j. I receivi.rrg Respec tfu11y, rdkal nn I I-i::5-tl , 'Jaor wiIL be review date. wll. l'l.a Cul fr' !;c hne i udt(J Int,r . Ltd. b,t, /i^/Til'.*, /1fr{* .' .,i:{ $ectian I i Eecti*n 3; Section 3; Sectian 4i Secti,:r-t Cui tr'e Internatioal -Cuitr'e ( Gourmet-tcr-Gs ) Concept An utr=cale qcurrnet- store and caterinq corripany. Clients niay walk in and vi*w nuniersus freshly made f c,r:d iterns to take 'rut wilh therri.Including Lhe fol lowingl Fresh Produce, Fresh Hea ig, Fresh Fish, Ice Crsam, Eakery l tems, G,:urrrret Fi=zas Fresh Pagta, G,:urniet Elend Cuf f ee=, Seasc,tra I 9nrok ed I tenrs ,A variety crf Fregh Salads, Fresh C,:oked Entree items, and *thic dishes etc. A li,=uor gtare, beer & Hine. These iterns will alsc,be .:n display ts be taken r*i Lh the clients' gourrnet food selections. Coloradt: l iquar law prohibits a grtrurrirst nrarket f r orrr gelling or ser-ving alcohr:lin the sarrie l,:catisn whele f c,gd ig s,:ld. Thus aphysical urall & separate da,:r will be const-nucted urithin the current renLal sFacE. The I iquor store will .als,: €El.vE the catering depar LrdrEnt. A f ul I =ervice caterinq departrrient. The dept wi 11 serve af f =i Le catererl everrts. The c.:inrbinatisn ,:f a gournret st':re & l iqu*r gtate selving r-rur cateFing department will sub=tantially increase caLering party revenue. Cateler= are restricted f r,frr selling alcoh'f I, but can rec*rri end a liquor st,:re f ':r ths purchase. The caterer niay thetr serve the liqu':r which as been purchased f rom a seperat-E E'f,urce & charge a Fel. Fergc'n corkage/bar set up f ee. Our l iquor stare r.si 11 gerve these event=. Rental E'fuipnienl,. A portion gf l,.he store prof its will aid in Lhe *xpansicn r=f t,he cat.ering rental equipnrent. Needed warehr:use i t-erns such as silverplaters, plaLe=, f latrrrare, et.c. There is a signif icantprnf i t rnargin in rental equiprrrent. DElivety. [Je will ,:f f er a del ivery gervlce for br:th alcoh*l and gourrriet-to-go =pecialty food iferrrs. ln addition we will of f er- hsusehr:ld i terrt= needed shilestayiirg in vail. The cascade crsgging mall will he of f ering a corriprehellsive del ivery =envice f or vides,piz=a, =hip r-r tra|.1 , EtrDnLs rents and gourrriet-to-go - There rli1l aLso be advertising rtrall-wide to promote del ivery ger.v i ce. .5ec t ion 6; Sec t i*r"r 7 5ec t i,:n S Eecti,:n I The Cnncerl-, Cuitr'e will cffer an easier and faster way frr cIients ts enjoy healthy frsd uri th*ut theincotrvience af shupping in over c t-'frrJded saf erlay tvai I ) 'f,r City nrarket(vai1./8.C. ). The rrranket urill eliminate t.he rsutine of washing, cutt ing., cooking, (nst to rfiention deciding what t,r c{rr'rkJ after a hard day worh:ing or playing on vail rnaunlain- Statistics show m,:re p*ople are eat ing sut, wrrrking longer hourg, are nr,f,r'e ccrllcerned about a healthier diet, and convience in sh,:pping. Bur Tarqet I'larket, Cuitr'e will serve the needs of a nuniber ,:f vai I 's population. tJe wi I I senve the wonk ing1scal urh,: drives by twice a day and has nrr tirne for break f ast at honie sr is to,: t.ired t-o f ix dinner in t-he evening. Ue rlill also target. the patrons of the storesjust adjacrnt Lo rrurs. The csnvenience of a I iquor store and gourrrret tr= go next to a video stc,re & sports rent will speak for itself . lrle will rrrarket our service= to taurists whs are usE t* having a gourmet tnarket c Is=e t-,: hsnie and t,: thoge r*ho are tired of eating out every evening in over c rsr,pded reslaurants. FinalIy, ue will serve thase per:ple Etaying in condo'g with kitchen= trho enjoy staying hanre with f amily or entertaining f r iends . Eusiness Seas,fn. Vai I is t,ecnming more of a year-round res,:r-f . Five years ago, Vail'= slow seast'n ua= in the 9t1 day rangs. Today that "r:f f -EeaEEn" gap has been narror*ed tcr 45 - 6O days. The "off-seassn" is lesg predorriinant because .rai I 'E year nound populalion( local l is growing. Iir addition, Vai I is becorrring a mrlrepopular place f ol. tsurists t,: corne f or weddinqs, golf t,:urnarrient s and evenls, and c$rForate rneetings and retreats. The L':oI: . A clean, trriqht, r*,arrrr, ti le l,:ok . Hanging nrarket. larnF,E, black and white tiles, st'ainless steel EnsurE t-he 1,=':F: of crrnf indence. The minute a c l ienl walks in, he wi I I see a trasta rriachine, glass cases, a glas= wal1 shelved with fine wines behind, snriling knawledgable face= hehind the cases and freshproduce sparkl ing with water- draplet= from the lights abc,ve. Sugge=t ive selectisn trf dinner, B fine bottle of wi.ne {reassnably priced}, a quick Etotr at the video sttrrr, and off to what's be€oning aftrErica's bestpast-tirne. I r€vis€d 9/4/9L ffi0 ocT 1 81991 I.This procedure is required for any project conditional use permit. The application wiII not be accepted until submitted. A. NAME oF APPLTcANT e"nr.L 'lrTY\w-o ADDRESS NAI',IE OF orwER(s) ADDRESS D. E. LOCATION ADDRESS IPPLIcATIoN roR co[DITIoNAI. usE PERMIT II- Z!.q / Date of Appricatiorl E{{l--Date of PEc Meetinq ftlL*l- required to obtain all information is $Dis TD ADDRESS Vf \\- L,s\-D I I LtiX PHONE B.NAI',IE OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE OV{NER (S) (print brLL\Am^ VpN .fcNPEIoA\^- SIGNATI'RE (S) .D. S\,oD e-.o L_^>PHONE OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL : LOT_BLOCK-FILING FEE $2oo.oo paro\AlS\- cK # \S BYAA.- THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREEIS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. I1. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application wilL be accepted unless it complete (must include al-l items required by the zoning administrator). ft is the applicant's responsibitity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal reguirements. n''\\tg , Fdo't rII. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COIIPI.ETE APPLICATTON WILL STREA},'LINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL coMMrssroN (PEc) MAY STTPULATE. & CONDTTTONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following information must be submltted: 1. A description of the precise nature of t.he proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the .'i ai *.i +"Yr\?rrrrLJ. The description must also address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. b.Effect of the use on light and air, distributj.on of population, transportaLion facilities,utilities, schools, parks and recreationfacilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverabiLity, and removal. of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be locatedr including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. A site plan at a scale of at least Ltt = 20' showing proposed development of the site, including topography, building locations2 parking, traffic circulation' useable open space, Iandscaped areas and utilities and drainage features. Preliminary building elevations and floor plans. ?'?- A title report to verify ownership and easements. h-' If the building is condominiumized, a letter from the condominium association in support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. Any additional material necessary for the review of the apptication as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. ,5 <rt / '(,,1, G \ 4. q '71L ** IV. TIME REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environnental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each nonth. A complete application form and alL acconpanying naterial (as described above) nust be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. All PEC approved conditional use permits shall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use fbi which the approval is granted is not conmenced wit.hin one year. If this application requires a separate review by any localt State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vai1, the application fee shall be increased by 9200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Departnent of Highltay Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at the applicant's requestr dnY matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then' the entire fee for such re-publicaLion shalf be paid by the applicant.. A. R A. R l Applications deemed by the Cornmunity Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant inpact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff. Shou1d a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any appJ-ication, Community Development may hire an outside consultantr it shafl estinate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Connunity Development Department. UPon completion of the review of the application by the eonsultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payrnent of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Tonn by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. ao {<--,\o c. *!_,1s1 - Fo,.. SI U" Vnrlnnr,^_ : \ t" N - 0 \ ^..,*rst 0,..t I { ------ L\51e \t tJA\^- S \t, C ') S =\.n- fo.- S L)J.,[T_f'RF J wi A< \1l-,I-o..,, s\,DJ ) 5"t ur^.,\rt.* tio ae O\_ Ll\r\\ S )b r.l nr^nr ) 3 t-^-i \:^,^,-^*.t*\ t".,r.\.o.g oa a, \ ,,. FILE EOPY PI,AI|NING AIID EI{\IIRONUEIITAL COIiII{ISSIOIf Febmary 25' L99L I 1" PEeEeuEKathy lanEenwalter JID sbearer I'udrig Kurz Abeent Dl.ana Donovan Chuck Crl.Bt connl.e xnlght Kristan Prltz lll.ke llolllcailill Kauerer Andy Nnudtsen Anber Blecker The ueeting ras lnfonally calLed to order at 3315Plt by lbttty Iangenwalter. In ttre absence of a guonrn, the ComLeaion reviewed ltens not reguJ.rJ.ng a vote. 1. Revlew of draft spraddle cr€ek nlnutea fron the Februarv 11 - 1991 neetino. This lten waE taken out of order. llhe Comleslon nenbers present, Kristan Pritz and ilay Peterson gave thelr corrcctLone of ttre ninutee to the secretary to be l-nput lnto the fLnal ol'nutes. ltlke !{otllca briefly presented the reguest. The background lnfor:uatj.on on the proJect was e:<plalned. Cascada Croeel'ng originally received approvat for a rear setback varlance of 5 feef on linuary 26, Ltb7. A front setback variance for parklng was also approved at that time. The proJect waE lssued a bullding pernft on Decenber 1, 1989 based on the orlglnal Plans eubnttted, whlch relied on previous suliveys perfor:med on the slte. lllri origtnal property sunrey, perfotnel by Interltountaln trngLneerlng, lnalcated tbat-the proJect waE uithl.n stated bounde. Subsequently, after the bullding permlt and Certlfleate of occupincy wlie lsEued, Eagle valley sunreying, rnc. wae blred to preplre an ALTA aurwey for the site. Accordlng to that survey, ttre northerly property tlne of the Cascade Croselng parcel-was reconfigrureal LaeLa on ttre orlglnal property-deeds to the I-70 rlght-oi-way. Becauae of the new Property llne locatLon, tlre existing lu-ltaing now sllghtly encroaches lnto ttre rear (northerly) setback. .1r .l I i At the tlue the proJect was built, aII constructl.on was inaccordance with the approved drawings. However, since thecorrect property llne had been identifled, the building was nowout of conpllance wlth the prevlously approved variance. Staff recouneDded approval of the rear setback variance, citingSection IV, Bubsections A, B, and C (1-3) of the staff Deno asbeing-appropriate to thls appllcatlon. Uore rpecifically, thegranting of the variance would not constltute a grant of-epecLalprivllege, the variance sould not be detriuental to ttre pultichealth, safety or welfare, and that the varl.ance is varranted forthe following three reasonas1. The strict ll.teral Lnterpretatlon or enforceuent of thespecified regrulatlon would result !.n practicaldifficultyi2. There are exceptions or extraordinary clrcumstances orcondLtLons applicable to the same sLte of the varlancethat do not apply generally to other properties Ln the aane zonei and3. Ttre strict interpretatlon or enforcenent of thespecifled regulation yould deprive the appllcant ofprivileges enJoyed by owners of other propertJ.es in thesane dietrict. In additlon, the applicant agreed to per:manently disconnect theexterior ligbting on the north side of the bullding as acondition of approval of this varlance, as well as plantadditional evergreens (consisting of 3 ponderosa pines) along thenorttr wall to ml.nLmize tlre visual effects from I-?O. ilim Sbearer opened the discussion by stating that he was in favorof granting the variance. He also indicated he llked the factthat the north llghts trould be turned off, but that he would liketo see even more plantlngs along the northern wall. Ludwigt Kurz agreed wlth ilim's conments, and said they reflectedhis thinking. Honever, Ur. Kurz felt that more landscaping,specifically along the west side of the north wall would bebeneficial. Kathy Langenwalter cornnented ehe fel.t strongly that the site would benefit from nore evergreens, perhaps a total of 8 trees,consisting of a uix of plne and epruce and, for better visualvariety, the trees should be between 7-11 feet Ln height. l{hen she asked the appLicant Lf that would be acceptable, theapplicant agreed. At ttris poLnt, since no qJuorun waa present, discussl.on ceased onthis requeEt untll a guorun could be obtained. 'l a, 3. o Applicant: Nowell l{ay JlIl Xamerer auDnarlzed tlre staff posl.tlon on the varl.ance request for an entryzray and bay rindow. Stre explalned that the entry encroachnent would be an approxlnate 6'-9n encroachuent Lnto the front aetback. lhe bay wLndow would have an encroachnent of approxl.nately 1,-3n lnto the front aetlcact. JllI explalned the allowancee for bay ulnd6ws. she Etated ttrat a bay wlndow rnay proJect not uore tlran 3 feet Lnto a reguLred eetback, provlded that tbe eurface area of the proJectl.on doee- not exceea 10t of the eurface area of the wall surface fron whiclrlt proJects. tlowever, the proposed wlndos'e gurface area cquatesto 49t of the eurface area of the ralI fron whlch Lt Projecte.ThLs exceedg the allowable proJectl.on by 39t. There sould be no lnpacts on other exlstlng or potential usee or structures ln the vlclnlty. However' staff belleves that approval of the variance would constitute a Erant of epeclalprivllege. There would be no effect on llght and alr, distrl.butLon of populatlon, traneportatl.on and trafficfacilLtLes, publlc facilltles and utl1ltles or publlc eafety. In order for the Counl.ssLon to Erant the varlance, there should be a findlng of: 1. No Erant of specl.al prlvilege; 2. No detrinent to the publlc health' safety or welfare,or rnaterl.ally LnJurious to properties or Luprovenente Ln the vlclnity;3. That the varl.ance is warranted because:a. The denial would reeult ln physlcal hardshl.p lnconsistent wlth the obJectives of ttre tltle.b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circunstances appllcable to thl's Eite which do not apply generally.c. The etrl.ct enforcenent of the regulatlon vould deprtve the appllcant of privileges enJoyed by otlrers ln the gane dletrLct. Staff recornrnended denlal of the varlance due to the fact that lt was a part of a uaJor reuodel of the house, and Lt sas belleved that other alternatlves could be found whl.ch would not regulre avariance. staff also stated that the proJect did not Deet any of tlre crlterla for a varLance. 'lltre archltect for appllcant, Pam Hopklns, addressed the Coranigsl.on wlth the ratlonale behlnd the requeeted varLances. the explalned that the orlgl.nal structure wae bullt in 1977, before tlrat sectlon sas tncorporated lnto the Town. At tlrat I o tine, the eetback reguireuents were either non-existent, or consisted of 10 feet. PaD rtated that the renodel proJect was not one lntended to funpact the entry area of the house. -The appllcant wanted the aaaition of an al.rlock ln the entry ln order to provlde the farnily wlth a place to store their coats. In addition, the bay windoi was reqluested to provide architectural balance through the use of two dormers. The bay wlndow, l-n her opinlon, would be avieual trreasonr for the second doruer. ApplLcant NoeI llay stated that his lnstructions to Pan had been to save as nany trees as possJ.ble, and the result had been that the windos and entry moved out, rather than back. In additlon, there uas a problen uitlr drainage ln the current conflgruration, with the result belng dangerous lce at bis entrlmay. lle e:cpressed hls deslre to have the architectural balance through the use of the dormer and bay window. Kathy Iangenwalter asked Pan Hopkins to explain the reason a varLlnce ias being proposed. Pau answered by explaining that they had been unable to find another' more practical , location toithe entry. The request for the bay vlndow was sl'nply for a vindow seat and to give purpose for the second roof dor:mer, and provide a unifying architectural thene. Kathy responded that she could not flnd a reason for grantlng the varLlnce lor the bay window, and that Ehe bell'eved the sane effect could be achieved through another nethod whereby the entlre area of the bay window would be reduced by 2 feet. Ludwig Kurz agreed sith Kathy and further explained that he could see n5 reason for the wl.ndow to encroach further into the setback when there were other areas available. He did indicate that he liked the Ldea of an arctritectural tle-in, but felt lt could be achieved sithout the use of the bay window. l{r. Kurz stated that he felt that the entry encroachment was acceptable, since it did present a hardship to the applicant lf the variance sas not granted. JiD Shearer asked Us. Hopkins if lt would be possible to cut the bay windor down. Pam thought lt Diglrt be posslble. In response, Jii stated that he could aee no reason to repeat the dormer at the expense of a varl.ance. He dld exPress.his suppor-t gf Ivarianie for the entrlnray, wlth the provision of an airlock, as Lt posed a hardshlp for safety to tlre applicant. connie xnight Jolned the neetlng at 3:40 p.D. .she asked staff for a ctarittcition of the current pollcy on airlocke. Krlstanprttz explaLned that there l.l'as no longer a specific provisign 9nthe size-of an airlock and that Lt was now considered a part of ! t tbe GRFA. ConnLe asked appllcant rhen they were plannl.ng on bulldlng the entry and bay vindou. NoeI uay answered tlrat lt vae ptanned at the eaDe tlue the rest of the renodel was conpleted. Connle expressed her teeling that a varlanc€ uae not Yarranted for the entry, ag eha dtlal not feel there was a hardshlppresented. she Lndl.cated ahe belleved the entry could be noved back an addltl.onal 2 leet to ellnlnate the necessity of a variance. Kathy langenwalter dlgcuseed her opLnl.ons on the requeet. She supported-the entry varlance on the baele of harrilEhlp, alnce tlre present locatlon was tn better proxlnlty to the garage and driveway, and to uova the Locatlon sould be detrlnental. However, ehe could lLnd no hardship to Justify the bay rl.ndou. ,fin Shearer uoved ttrat ttre entrance varlance be accepted wltlr the provl.sJ.on of an aLrlock. Ludwlg Kurz aeconded the notlon. Pau Hopklns eaLd the applicant would accept that notlon, as there was no provl.eion for a ilndow in the buildlng petnlt. If tbey could r--design the bay window, they would cone back to the Connission lf required. Kristan Prltz asked for a clariflcatlon of the notlon to add tlre reasons the connisslon was approvlng the varlance for the entry. She requested that staff Deno, section 5, subsectlons A, B, and Cl be used as the Justlficatlon for the variance. Jin Shearer agreed to that anendnent to hiE motlon, wlth L,udwlg Kurz further acceptlng tbe anendment to hls second. Jln Shearer propoeed a furtlrer inendnent to his motion that the lssue of the bay wlndow be tabled to a future ueetlng. Ludwlg Kurz amended hls second to include that provlslon. A further anendment by Jin thearer, and eeconded by Ludwlg xurz, was to add the provlsion that an alrlock be providea in the entryway. The vote ln favor of the notlon was a unanl.mous 4-0. Slnce a quorun wag now pregent, the Connission returned to iten 2, the rdqgest for a reir setback varlance for Cagcade Croselng. Xiistan Uiietfy reiterated the reason for the variance-regue-st_to Connle Kntghtr-with the addltional provlslons the applicant had agreed to aE a condltion of approval . Ludwig Kurz Doved that the applicatl.on for a rear setback variance at the Cascade Croseing Retall Center, located at 1031 South Frontage Road on a parcel of land located Ln the NorthweEt L/4 ot sectl5n 12, Townshlip 55, R81w of the 5th PM, To-rm.of va+l-, Eigfe County, Col6rado be lpproved per Btaff-reconnendation, wlth the addittonif provlsLons that 8 spnrce or pine trees, betseen 7- 11 feet J.n helght, be placed along the north eaII, and that the owner penanently disconnect the outdoor tighting along the north walr. Jir shear;"-;a;;a"a trr" uotion. lrhe vote was 4-0 Ln favor of tlre notion. Sinceltappearedthataguorun.D?ynotbeabletobeuaintainedii'ri"eh-ai!-""""i"";;i th;-ienainiire agenda items, the- connlssLon aiscuisea alterni€iveE available to-then. llhe eventual consensuE yas that tfre cornnitslon felt Lt was-lnportant for the full Couuigsl'ontorevtewtr,evlewcorrl'dorordl'nance,andhavetheilIl-;;ight of thE-CoumLssLon behind any recommendatLon to A;"".ii:- Ludwig- Kurz uoved to table tne aiscusslon of the view ""iiia", alenan6nt untff the l,tarch 11 Deeting. .Connie Knlght s,eEondea the notion. Tbe affirmatlve vote wag 4-o' Kristan Prltz asked the ComlEsion for approval of the January iil'ii-g'r-uin"tlr l"to"" the guonrm was lolt. Connle Kntght noved to approve tlre ninutes as vritten. JLn Shearer seconded. Tlre .r"tt-i"a" 4-o in favor of the notton' at this point, KrlEtan Prltz reviewed the action taken by the 6irti""r-""-aoii"g the ueeting' stre summarized: 1. Caacade crossing variance was approved with the above-atated conditions.2.Thefrontsetbackvarl.ancereguest-forNoeluaywas.approvedwitlr regard to the entryr with condLtl'ons' and the bay wf"a"w rTariance reguest was tabled' 3. The view ""i"iA"i-6rdinance amendnent was tabled untll the l{arch 11, 19.91 rneeting' !!-4. The mlnute"'frorn the ianuarY 28, 1991 ueeting were approved ae rritten.5.Thedraftnlnutesfor-spraddlecreekfromtheFebmaryll, 1ee1 ueetd;';;; it"r"i.'"a. staff wlII contact Diana Donovan to discern any coroments she has' The revlsed rnlnutes ot tfrE-inlire-February 11' 1991-Deeting wLlt- be- pid=""I"a t;-th;--aon'ission f-or approval at the March 11, 1991 meeting. The date for tlre Planning and EnvLronnental cornnissionts workshop was dl.scussed. -Ii-;;;;5ncluded that the staff would contact the ;;.il-;;ttr"=r"" n"tlers and plopose. Thursday' March 28 at 5:3OpM for the ;t;;hd:- TG ittirnate dates-would be Aprll 1 or April 4. I(ristan Prltz stated there_would be a Joint.work gesEl'on of the Lr.rrf"-ri"n-wltfr-tfre-councff or-l-Uarch 5 to diecuss the l{aster Transportatlon Pil;.--St.ii wfff call the Conmlesloners wLth """ifit"tLon of ttris date and tlne' Krlstanalsopresentedttreact|onsoftheZoningCodeTaskForceto the ConnissiJnl--"iiting that ifte ZSo ordlnanie wag Dost llkely i!rfi-t]-b.-;r6-{;ai"a. 6n rnursday, February 28, the raak Force uould reet on the Leeue of l{ultl-Fanlly dietrlcte and poeeibly ttre parklng pay-l.n-1l.eu ordinance. lllre tinal dlecusslon centered around etaff'c dl.rectlon rlth regard to the roodburnlng flreplace ordl.nance. Xrletan preeented a iumary of the current actl.ons and courge for future revles. Slnce a quorun was not available tor furtlrer actl'on, thc neetl'ng wae adJourned at 4:50 P.U. 7 -l---l-tmIai-.D;tt-];;o<x :'o :l am: 56n==x.+!< :,.:': ; o.{, in O<{I-{F I<=r!o.<d€;!giioCE>a7EH3o 'r1 m -.{ =FFt'.>=/\/\e>"t-rnm;t _:z= 22doz o o 9) - to (oo !t !) q) t a o .. o J! o !t o o o D) :. <n ot o =g) =o-' o o(o oo 3 9. t. J Jo =o 5 =of o. o-' 9qt ; oo 3 qr ^, €I !)f = 6' c o o =' fo '-'1 {l N o { AI o c (Dc f o f o o 0) ('a J rIa, L1o € cat1 6-o t I f>tJ( CA o( >oZA ir 20m 'tl m o z-l o-.to -n I amf-''| f o) oo- 0)(t, o ci' 6', oo oo :l o v, o) (t, qt <t, o o !t, o-o 2. ! 9. o u o o o o lg l" I F I I I J z t- m =-l U> zmmomo 1< lz 12t"i Itlt- 19ro tq i l I - I -F<t-- I I I I fio<>'r_o-.{ m mo i :o lq i zact- z -D m -.1I o zm Qt c m IOtr€ a. '- 26 z: z>eRrd +3 >o d_-r(,o zcz: zm€ -im --l zxx I -l z t- -m_0 I --l m c f' Ioz F € n tst) .o F FFz z v)H rll HXH ET rJ) v)H r4 z '..t ..O N F22 errr?tr x rit-:t4 - mFi FeFYZoBB ?9 f-{;fJ o q,9!" 3 !-;z c k O2@rrlo 6 o'nz2 n= i-5i rdl F >ZIN@= r'r | $m= €ll or IslEl r<<l =EIF:l I I I 1..) F Ft P, I i I I I I €oo o zz 9. g l- 2 z -{ ma 2z =z J -{o --t m c>F40 E= ^9Z'1q6 ->ta t- U)rllz m \o \ol\O "' z U) Pz d c) \o\0 Jo-{ r m =I 'Tl mm a/, ;Elq F FI € com l-m 2 m! -i m 2 m m€ @ rrt m z.r| mm =moI zo c =gzo m m i 6 t- t- z mox @c 2 m 3 = m = =mm(t VALUATION Tm7 =- zo HPF =m z f- 3 z m moI ^- g z \l HIH O ltJlolooto (,l\) e s oo\o \l o 9' N' &tjr 5 IJ l+)ttl I T..J l.r) 4 c 5 t, tJ)s. ur l@5lF h)|Jl c rgaqgg, 56. tz/ul q I -- -rIHHH t: ), ! ) a ,I ,) I { zo-{m I oo 't mr =f i @mxmlrl-{1o!z1(-lolII,@t -ttrdl I I F{Pav)l HIz:..^li4tbl t'lNri I { oozU,{nco _{ozTltt7 ={ -{m I r-ttz I lz I t3 @ \o\o D1AlciF :\ OO N)o) F.\ 2.1=i z--t-t mo-zo O-ez.r3=3B l-mo-{xf-z-t 2enz>m-l>--rmc)q,rqtz=Tq!HHoo CJcHHFrtl EFFrnIt<t>IHl'ItrttzIH IH IFIHlv) l' ElzlF..lt:I(Dt-crtsaJ)o F U't/)Hz 'n=z=m cn rd zH F, =r. \o No\ I i.J @Ul { l-tmtoFl€'lzlol-nt<t>lFItlfllzlo I I I I I l-{|ol€tzlot:t>lFtm t; l-ltol€lzlol-nt<l>lFl!lfllz I=FTzzaHFcc)r-lH z ldl€lzIIti t: I IItsINl(,ll It! I @N)\I(.Il\|\o I=FF,xzPF{ v) z l-rn+.@ @ F F c)-z - \os\o I l\) l-{l=lzlot:t>lFl!lmle,lz -io"@niso8Te3:s^:rii:=:rt8-tlm=21x=.6€1o,d!a9,anoSE16f,1 rl!m! =-t !momv3-tfiEEti>-P"t-oozo{nco{ 6zTmn ={ 3P z= QCD2=6oz trDE E6mt IIot;toCtf =o:;1t ..! ev. ! =<): -r o @mx m'o{ ozgo @I-{m (\ fs S. \ !F'- -.16lc ILF $r\ N N -zo.lt-?t|r|Pzo {{zo.llFtm9'zo siggii :J' =oo :Eq-.o Dt--;i:r, -i 6't :_3P3oor'rJr- clor gt 5g;9E€ llsoo- *36.--9o 3 g'g rlt -.Do- ;F= = B-'1 FEA etE(a(D=.o-o6'_.o D-'.{'lt 0 o, o ct' E., CL 6' q Co a oooo ct (ll o, o -.1o{:ui o:: @ o3cl 6cC'g' s.o cC'g s. 2. .o.E oocloI o,o.2. GIJ D!! sg o Jo E o oz ctm on o{2 all, o! ooz-lt o{o, no! E3 antn zo{Em o-2,n! E 5oazo l z -!m:0 ={0z mm mol<" lz t2 l-t t>lt- (tl :r l, -{9dm |n m t-lmt>l' Il^tot5 l" I I lmlx l;IF l@ K lsl- IH I cr, 1_ N z(D - -{ z i |n -t 67zn at - ll'l ro{otr 26n-.,2 : z>Yii d=;o>oo> od z z tltltl zm€ |--lm 2 oz F rn! F *m .o 'r1 r oz N F F F' l r0 4' F t $h Illt3eE\- D nsm a9\t C, .4,3: g c'z tA - :n99 2 \tl€r,o.! \: tH; : =\N: ; :ill 3 R I sd N D d at, F @ Fozozo{m6 {o-t -!m- =.t'l mm(n $ R N cu,n{ x |-m 2 ttl o t4,{ tmotm 5znmm 3mo 2o !-c3 Pz fi tno o - !r zo m t @c F0zo!an 3 !mF =-{1tmm(n VALUATIOI{ !ma3 2o 3mo 26 .o c3q 2o tn-mo !o - o -92o o33 tAoo t^to0o b o O 3 \\p $g x s s s su \It n\ 5 & \ *\t qst \o ss Nt 75 louth fronlage road Yall, colo.rdo 81657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2\39 Every attempt will be made by this permit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the frame.. olllce ol communlly devclopment BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI{E If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval , Engineel''s (Pub,'lic Works) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department review ar Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial ('large or small) and all mu1ti-fam'ily permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a Iesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. department to expedite this plan check procedure and time alt-*\ ? eet-wal-twned i nto the Communi ty Development Department. luwn u l|al 75 3oulh t?onlagc ?otd Y8il. colorado 8'1657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: offlce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CI]RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCII 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I,IATERIAL STORAGE fn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street,, sidewalk, altey or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiIPublic l{orks Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puLfic WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 5 in full, please stop by the Town ofVaiI Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: Pos onlRe at onsh p to Pro -^ | //o < .4/ Date/ / - (i.e. contractor, owner) CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ilr 0lr DEc 9. r91 DATE - NO XXEf, PLANS 005265 hn . department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ! autorruc EFerecrRtcnl ! MECHANICAL Dtru LEGAL DESC.FILING CASCADE CROSSING JOB NAME:GORMET TO GO ELECTRICA], n$,'r CURITRE LNIB-'__IJ-g PO sox 5600 MAIL ADDRESS clrY VAIL pa476-5600 ARCH ITECT MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, LECTRICAL F|RM BRENT ExFrrfE SERVTCE TOWN OF VA|L REG. NO. 109-E 524-944r PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANI CONTRACTO OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO, TELE. 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP t l ABE RMH DIVISfON L22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : WIRE EOUIPMENT ACCORDING TO PI-ANS - PERMIT NO. z tr =J BUILOING ELECTRICAL 7 ,000 PLUMBING AISO HOOK UP REFRIDOMTOR EQUIP.MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G-R-F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V lHR B 0 7 ,000 EUILDING PERMIT s \J0\ e s Nv3t\\l- loQ $r PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 126 NEW( ) ALTERATTONXXX AODTTTONAL ( ) REPATR( )PLUMBINC DWELLING UNITS --- ACCOMMODATION UNITS HEIGHT IN F] - NO,FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: IYPE THICKNESS R VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT EXT WALLS l- NONE - |USE TAX ROOF GAS x wofl TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 126 ERNST GLATZLE DEC 9, 1991 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED, Y N INITIAL ST CUT I l"l UILOING OFFICIAL DAIE NO PLA}INER )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE ALASTING ONING & BUILOING NOTES: PARKING I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply vyil.l laws, and to buif d this structure according lo the l own'ylatfing review approved, Uniform Building Code and other orffinces ot, in full the information required, rrovided as reo.u ired is correct. I(all T ances and state and ion codes, design icable thereto. #FURE OF O THE OWNER, OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF NorE - copy gF pEH[+r,6 SeguggsN JoBsrrE ,*, H/?/?./.*'"-" pERMr , *o. i 4b{-tr{-il coNsrRucrloN PERM lT *ffifl ltt'-'-l dcpertmcnt of community ddclopment TO SE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PEIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION D Dn ng Cl BUITDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL I.IYPE OF CONSIRUCTION 2. OCCUPAT{CY GROUP Dtvfslot{ 122t31 GENERALDESCRIPTIO pf rvoRK : .e4iD2 19 r/&al__= IYPE GROUP G.B.F.A. VAL /26,0e roOrirON^t t ) REPAIR( )NEW ALTERATION OWELLTNGUNITS -HEIGHT IN Fl. ACCOMMODA'ION UNITS -NO, FINEPLACES INSULATION: EXT. WALLS AOOTTIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES 4_ _/o.^r{4-/_1 Iherebyacknow|edgethatIhev€readrh|sappilcat|on,fl||edout|n|u||thg|nformat|on'equired' compreted an accurate.p-rotilili'.,gi:idi*i:l*,1*:*ly"**g+*'n##"1ll;l'3;;ij;;:i5ff;;'Ji-*'n 1#i "i".'T9tl91 ::g-p^rglp.'::'.';1i:.T gI i,il: ;;ii;''fi i r i i r' i J it'r"tu re acco rd i ns J"- $1 I-"1:11ff :*"s;;;::trili;'il'ilffi il-C;;;d;th"roig*cdio(t9ro'nao;lotbterhereto' 6ffien on -en on corrnlcroR FoR Hlt SELF AND THE OW ER. LEGAL DESC. JOB NAME:*. /" FIRII ltAll AoonEss FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REO. t'lo. :lgwu or vxtaee.no' / P ? -€ TOWN OF VAIL REO. t{O. FIRI{ 'OWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL FEC. NO. 75 3outh tronllgc ro.d u!ll, color.do 61657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2.\39 oftlc. of communlty dcvrloPmcttt BUILDING PERI'iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval 'Engineel''s (Public Wot'ks) review and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total revjew may take as long as three weel(s. All commercia'l (large or smal'l) and all multi-family permits wil'l have to fol'low the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentjal and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week Period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite this permit as. sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. trgTeedTo--E-'- - Conrnuni ty Development Department. luttn u l|al 75 louth fronlagc road v.al. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECT: olflce of communltY devcloPmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCS 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAI., STORAGE fn sunnary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterlal, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavernent. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public l{orks Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said material .In the event the person so notifl-ed does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public Works Departnent will remove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way, To review ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVaiI Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oor. \.=S=\ JoB NAME ECTION:MON ES WED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR I LOCATION: CALLER THUR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: PPROVED SPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING * ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ^*, -PECTION REQUEST " JOB NAME il INSPE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES o BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL Ku,.roencnour.ro tr ROUGH / D.W.V. C ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL N \ i- \.- R \ci \ \ \ I c\v"t tr as 1 \6 \9 .\} } tr REINSPECTION REOUIREDtr DISAPPROVEDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: 1i I r, ,iINSPECTOR Rffisxop INSPECTION REQUEST , PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT n_ ^ - -,- try* oF vAlL N^ME lT dit(-L,e 1 /o (/ O _ cALLER l), tl-t,qm Scti Ne tdH .-.---_\ WED J THUR DATE la-t -1t JoB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL X n tr tr D tr ! UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEET- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING fl tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D FINAL D FINAL APPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t .l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ome /Z-,/7-?/ JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST ' TOWN OF VAIL &qzez- - Ga CALLER -MoN ruES @) 'run AM@FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOjINGS / SIEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL EL U ."' tr tr MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D FINAL N APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED tINSPECTOR Flffisxop t' i: ^ TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oor.\-)NA JoB NAME READY FOR INS PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: TUES PMAMWEDTHURFRI a :, tl BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEERu ^. .,..,^^^ -,.,,ROOF& SHEER .\ tr cAS PtPtNGPLYWpoDNAILING - ION \J _ D POOL / H. TUB NAIL -- D tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. PO MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDU D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED nt ,{ oorr'., /) - 43' ?t rNSpEcroR PERMIT NUM JECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:;IaEs /,wED tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTION TOWN at REQUEST VAIL DATE / READY FOR LOCATION: THUR FRI )(rPPnoveo COHRECTIONS: D REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: PLUMBING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATTON / SrEEL vhoUcn / D.w.v.f-t:iy)g ,- FRoucH iwArER- --^----n f1(rLrr- 6( sntrtrFr .. r _)AfCeS plplNc /> l. .t " PLYWOODNATLTNG F / tr INSULATION i -T tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr - tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL:1 MECHANTGAL: - \ BUILDING: PLUMBING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATTON / SrEEL vhoUcn / D.w.v.f-t:iY)9,- FRoucHiwArE|-- n n\r\.,' (x J"!-L'r )>afcns ptptNc /5 {/ /J- " PLYWOOD NA|L|NG Y., a tr INSULATION \ -T tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr - tr FINAL D FINAL tr tr o \ TEMP. POWER - trl HEATING tr EXHAUST HOO6S tr_ ROUGH CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL D^rE /Z - 14 *7/ rNSPEcrbh INSPECTIONTOWN OF N .$- REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. /Z- 11- 7 t to"NAME UALLtrN 4 TUES WEDlNSpECTtoJrl: ryy THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION:/ "e^-7 f ? pq3erruseecroN REeuTREDO APPROVED CORRECTIONS: PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND C ROUGH / D.W.V. O FRAMING .tr ROUGH / WATER ._ ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr rEMP rOr/1ffi&-tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL DISAPPROVED .F.-r-'- DATE INSPECTOR R!ffis'op a /INS CTION TOWN OF r ,i_ REQUEST VAILPERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT DATE L ,o, *o*. ? o-q-rry-y' h 7 () ' CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: wED @ FRI PM '3d BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL tsnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED F. tl.l INSPECTIONTOWN OF ,' .s" REQUEST VAILPERMITNUMBER OF DATE PROJECT / .loa NAME READY FOR INSP LOCATION: CTION:MON BUILDING: B FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. C ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH _tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR p.neenoveo Ti DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR niFsnop f* rxsPEsrro's cstPlsrcx) a lhe lters bclor aeed to be cmplete before glvlug a perult a flaal C of O. Pleaee check of,f ln the bor provlded. FIML PLI'IEINC DATE: tl [i tr m [ II.TPRoVEMENT SURVSY RESID. !lA!E: FINAL ELECTRICAI., CERTIFICATE OF OCCT'PANCY I i r.ArrpscAPrNG puE DATE: \SS\\ EAST SIDE: TEMPORARY C OF O \\5r,s CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE DATE Iil 6il SEP 6, 1991 KEPT oN JoBslrE DRAwNTNG ATTACHED 005066 departmont of community development TO BE FILLEO OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT g trtr )E )g tr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CASCADE CROSSING JOB NAME: casGADE CROSSING EOI TIIB r.rluE VAIL ENTERPRISES 1O3I S FRONT ROAD MAIL ADDRESS clrY vArL Pa26-285O MAI AppREss 48 E BEAVER CREEK clrY AVON PH.949-52 GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, IO8-B 972-32s5 \X\"j FrRM SAMAMI ELECTRIC TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. IO7-E 926-3868 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. L77-P 926-2590 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TELE. r. wPE oF CoNSTRUCT|ON I I l r V V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M OIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - !ilAIL OUTLETS SHOI{ER STA].L AND 50 LF PERMIT NO. z tr .J BUILOING I,000 ELECTRICAL 300 PLUMBING 500 INT. PARTITIONS.MECHANICAL T9TAT 1,800 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V-lHR B-2 0 1,800 BUILOING PERMIT 4T j N NRi\< {).Id PLAN CHECX 27 ELECTRICAL 37 NEW( ) ALTERATIONFq, AODITIONAL() REPAIR PLUMBING 10 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT EXT *ALLS I I NoNE - I USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF SOLARHEAT GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 115 DAN STANEK SEP 9, 1991 ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED; N INITIAL ST. CUT I lrl JILDING OFFICIA. DATE NO PLANNER INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: rT ET.IT TNqPF'TTON RFOIITREN I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in tull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plol plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and io build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, r ordina the SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR AND THE OWNER. HIMSELF review approved, Uniform Building Code and Ytnt (iT) coNsrRucnoN PERMITrmffifl l*."", NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE oale !l+[:qrc'o sEp o 6tee{ PERMfT no. fr6h dcFrtmcnt of community dcvelopmenl TO 8E FILLEO OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOFTO IS:IUAI{CEOF PERMIT IYPE OF PERMIT u Du f1tr! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMEING FOUNDATION l. TYPE OFCONSIRUCTION I lr l lV 2 occuPAircYcRouP r@ " 'QuDrvrsror fu r", o oescR r pi ro H or wo*r,"-St\-9-.r!S TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES JOB NAME: N^utE v ft ( L e 6/rtPP2.t S G s narlooetss /o3l 3" We, crrv \/cil 1o px.9ec- () ALTERATION O ADDITIONAL REPAIR OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODAIION UNITS - HEIOHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPI-ACES IYPE THICKNESS R-VALLU€ ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: A<lor*r (o r".1qg-Szo FfRrf ?r.r--- rowt.t or varL neq. Ho. I O9B I hereby acknowledge that I have r€ad this appllcstion, tilled out ln tull the lntormation requlred, completed an accurate plot plan, and statg that all the Informallon provlded as requlred is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinancos and slate laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zonlng and subilivlsion cod€s, d€slgn revrew a p proved, u n i f orm B ui I di n s ."r" ." rjffi):Z:n" l-, " Zf ryt IGNATURE OF OWI{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANO THE OWNER. r,nm NA TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REg. NO. lown ?5 routh frontage rosd u.il. colorsdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 olflcc of communlty rlevrlopmcnl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE If this peryjt requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (.Pyb1ic Wopks) reyiew and approval,' a plannin!' Departmentreview qr Health Department review, and a review by the euilding Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas three weeks. All commercial (large or sma'|1) and all multi-family permits wil'l have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and sma'l I projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifrest'dential or smaller projects 'impact the various above mentioned departments wr'th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to exped'ite thispermit as s.qon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Conmuni ty Development Department. 75 soulh fronlage roed vail, colo?ado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: oftlco ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISIERED I{INI THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IIARCH 16, 1989 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In surnnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash dunpsteri, portable toileti andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, atley or publicpf?9" or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and-roads is approxirnately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforcLd by the Toiln of vailPy!li-" works Departnent. persons found vi6tating thls ordinancewill- be gJ-ven a 24 hour written notice to rernove-said naterial .fn the event ttre person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLfic WorksDepartrnent will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln ful1, please stop by the Tovrn ofVaiI BuiLding Department to obtain - copy. fhank you for yourcooperation on this matter. O,-r^-*l (i.e. contractor, owner) OJo! .-. Neo ?oc*,tro.'rs F.D.o {r =\$ =N _l mhtonl // I =0 o (f) \FAs@r'*- s-2" t6 m *641' AFF llL Tl<+lb9li(olA<-o+.f + r^fp +'72n AFF CEIIITO V/ORK THIg AREA FEF JOB NO.V]CTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS , P.C. ABCHITECTURE . PLANNING' INTERIORS 303/949-5200 FAX/S49-5205 SHEET NO. l/AOT TW 5CALE1./ 4n=11-On Jn REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE | | | { l"l / JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 7f\ U THUR AM 6-\\<, BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL I tr FINAL T] FINAL Ele trT Fc trC tr- tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR The ltens below gtving a perDl.t Please check off FINAL PLT'}EING AL IT{SPEC?IONIS ueed to be co[plete a f1nal C of 0. ln tbe box provlded. COMPLETEI) before l:I tl DATE: FINAI MECHANICAJ, IMPROVE,IENT SURVEY RESID. NAME: Ir FINA], ELECTRICAL DATE: EAST SIDE:,, WEST SIDE:FINAL BUILD DATE: I DATE: N I CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PAIICY LANDSCAPING DI'E It; DATE: FILE NAI.IE:t\S\tr\o :\c\ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT NOTE DATE - COPY OF IN ON MAY PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE l3, 1991 glldfs:TrmcEED 004858 q 1D DT! )E!f BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION LEGAL DESC.FILING BNAME: CASCADE CROSSINGS TENAI,IT MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 972-3255 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. LECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. 949-5200 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. OTHER CONTRACTO I,IYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DIVISION L22a34 GENFRAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK . TENANT FINISH - CABINET WORK. CARPE' PERMIT NO. z tr BUILOING 10 ,000 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING TILE FLOORS AND TRIM .MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G H.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES v lttR B-2 l0 , 000 BUILDING PERMIT It7 +q' Ei; 5J6 PLAN CHECK to \L ETECTRICAL NEw( ) ALTERAToN(X)r AbDl (AL( ) REPAIR()PLUMEING DWELLTNG uNrr\ __1 HETcHT rN FT \\ --r TION UNITS --iES / ---NO. F!R MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE N INITIAL ST. CUT x BLASTING X ARKING X OEMO x INSULATIONI DESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN UP DEPOSIT 100 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 293 DAN STANEK MAY 15, 1991 rulLDrNG oFFrctAa dAiE ONING ADMINISTRAIOR DATE :ONING & BUILDING NOTES: FOR VIDEO MO GIIL, SHIP-N-CHECK, CITICAGO PIZZA ONLY. NO T.COO. T'NTIL ALL EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS ARE COMPLETE. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unifor4 Building Code and other ordinances o{ the Town applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OF AND THE OWNER. CLEAN UP TOL Lrv"j,xnrK'HIMSELF NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE t a dcpertmcnt of community drwlopmcnt TO BE FILLEO OUTCOMPLETELYPRIOR TO ISTIUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMEING FOUNDATION LEGAL JESC. toT BL FlLING loaxlue' CAsc s\D€ CRr:62-1r,ft_i OWNER Hrue VA\L tniT(t?[{{\56a f\i( "r.-o*ro i?"LtEfl,ll! crw KCr Vyrr\ rr.'r:ilri hu..l ARCHITECT FIRI' I |t DDNESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR o*"?E8-tD rowrorvett-neo.xo. \O'is rL; w\-mF-7 ;i,l?'^iiih rrRxV. r\\. oort)AuD(hW TOWT{ OF VAIL R€G. NO. trrr. ltt\- FsJb\ PLUMBING FIRII u(,trtRAUt(|H MECHANICAT FIRH TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.UUNIKAUI|Jl{ OTHER CONTRACTOR Flnu TOWN Otr_Y !l!Co,!{q TELE. DAIE S/r3lg ltrgll tilAY 13l9g '/H(PERMfTNo- !0'r ntrtr tr D! I.TYPE OFCONSIRUCTTON I lt Ir rV V 2. OCCUPAI'|CY GROUP A 8E H I R t DlVlSlOtl 122.3a CENERAT D€SCRIPTION OF WORI( : TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VAt PERMIT FEES DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOANO UNITS - HEIOHTINFT. - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION: IYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL --4;d*71- ADHII{ISTRATOR OATE tBUfLDf o notesr4Z t't&v ttta (^, / I hereby acknowledge that I have read thlg appllcatlon, lllled out ln full the lntormalion regulred, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the Inlormatlon provlded as requlred ls correcl. I agrgo to comply wlth the Inlormatlon and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinanc€3 and slate laws, and to bulld this structuro accordlng to tho Town's zonlng and subillvlslonqodes, designlew9, and to Dulld tnls 8truclur6 accorolng lo tno lown-s zonlng ano revlew approved, Uniform Bullding Code and other ordlnances ol th{T I t5 toulh tront gG told rrll, colo'rdo E1657 (3o3) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ottlcc of communlly d.uclopmcnt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TII'IE FRANE If thi.s pernit requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Enginee;k (Publi.c Works) reyiew and approval,'a plannin!' Oepariment revi'ew or Health Department revi'ew, and a review by the Building Departnent, th:e estimated time for a tstal review may take as longas thfee weeRs. A'll commercia'l (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to fol'low the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and small proJects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if fesi:dential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wrlth regard to necessary review, these proJects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permi't as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p'lan check procedure and time frame. ffined into the Conmuni ty Devel op,ment Department. it I 75 soulh tronlagc road v.ll. colorrdo Ei657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: su&tEcT: oltlce ol communlty devclopmcnl ALL CONIRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED T{ITH TITE TOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLTC WORIG/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }IATERIAL STORAGE fn sunmary, Ordinanqe No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aII Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of vailPublic l{orks Department. Persons found vS.olating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puUtic WorksDepartlent will remove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To revlew Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project Date (i.e. contractor, owner) INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oere1.4Q'4)-JoB NAME {x**oe' (- f'asstJt=, READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON rh\JJ tr t I BUILDING: D FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI O FRAMING ON / STEEL / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER Ar\r\tr 9 CLJtrEE)tr GAS PIPINGt pLYWooD NATLTNG - :tr INSULATION tr POOL/H TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL - - D 1- f-r ./ / -Y, t.--'rl !.Q rrrvar ' ' E[ rtruat Y{t--l\l: f ELECTRICAL; \' MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER d ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR - tr * v\vat tr FINAL tr FINAL g APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED K RETNSPECTTON REQUTRED INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE IN__oN_4UL 22, L99L DRAWING ATTACI{ED 004781 depsrtment of community development TO 8E FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO TSSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT fin D T Dn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL to2 LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK- FtLING cAscADE_-gBqgEING__ lOgrunue: CASCADE CROSSING PLIJMBING OWNER NAME MAII ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAiL AODRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, J"1?'^T?li FIRM TOWN OF VAII= REG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F|RM sNow CoIINTRY SERVICES 177 -PTOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 926-zsgo MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP A8 EH IR M DfVfSfON r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : FOUR IEN^I{T FI\ISII BATIIROOMS IINDERGROIII\M ROIIGI{. PERMIT NO. z E BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING 6 ,000 MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V-IHR 6 ,000 BUILOING PERMIT CX $ _s 1F t^lR-€5 r\f -rr Y $3= PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NFW( ) ALTERAflON (vr) ADDTTTONAL{ ) RtpArR( )PLUMEING 50 DWELLINGUNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT - ^IO, FIREPLAC€S MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION:t.-*" I;;;.i;l TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT USE TAX TYPE HEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL 51. CUT I l* | TOTAL PERMIT FEES t60 DAN STANEK 4/5/9I JILDING OFFICIAL DATE )NING ADMINIS]RATOR OATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: PARKTNG f f+ FIELD UIRIIY - TIMBERLINE, GIFTSHOP VIDEO RENTAL. PIZZA. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town'g zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unitorm Building Code and other ordiry/nces of the Town applicable thereto. RE OF OWNER. ER OR CONTFACTOR FOR HIMSELF dcprrtmcnt of community dcvclopment TO BE FILLEO OUT@MPLETELYPRIOFTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT '{rruu",*" N FoUNDATIoNon& sn it,ttl "jr. ffin Mn-R '2 2'i;i 9f Dfln BUILOING ETECTRICAL MECHANICAL PERMIT NO.478/ r. wPg oF coNslRucror{ 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP r rr rn rv@ e(}xrnn GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUAIION AOOTTTONAT- ( ) REPATR( ) DWELLING UNITS - A@OMMOOATION UNIIS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: Y /"t€/tr^TE--- & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the Intormallon required, compleled an accurate plot plan, and state that all lhe informallon provlded as required as correct. I agree to comply yvith the Information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, end to build this slructure according to the Town's,zoning and subAivislon codes. design revlew approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordi (N{, r ( ( ( ( I I-EGAL DESC, LOr BLK FILING Gt noue, (a r, ru rt. C.'o :s,',,,. OWNER a?^t MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. ARCHITECT FIRII MAIL ADDNESS CITY PH. GENERAT CONTRACTOR FIRTI TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. iEI E t-"?'^ii8h clpu TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING .t"u4n -',Cc" j*\ Sr,'(. roww orvrlnea.ro. | ltl - D UONIKAUIUI{rELE. Qz t - 24q D MECHANICAI FIRII TOWN OF VAIL REG. O.cONlHAGl(,n OTH€R CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF YAIL REO. N('. TELE itt'D MAR 2 2199i 75 roulh ftonlaga rotd v.il, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&]EcT: ottlce ol communlty developmcnl ATL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WIIII TIIE TOWN OF VAIIJ TOWN OF VAIt PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEI.,oP}IENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAT STORAGE rn sumrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand,, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and,workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewall<, alley or publicp119. or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be stri-Lly enforced by the toin of vairPublic works Department. persons found violatinq this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnat,eriar.fn tbe event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pulfic WorksDepartnent will remove said uraterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snlft not bLapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the rLght-l-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofvail Buildi.ng Departnent to obtain a copy. tlani< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. I acknowledged by: ect (i.e. contractor,owner) -{z \",xS d'rui' 3'(?wR II' tc^v t-J ,$ I { I ta,rt In) I I I I I ) U*4SL c\oJ 3"lT$a itgB lutAR 2 2lggl l 5 ->.-9/ rrt 3t ufiY tJ:tQ u;k! V\4,' p; zzz. t s'brq I / 1,2-_7. ; - -'F - -^+\1i'\ ,tl ll' ttlt1 \t A:uz@ pi-2.^-'(i x," n 9x u7ra.*, (.rr ;s"J q-2- I r (''$- O L4y'- /V1, CALTER TUES WED tHUR FRI rNs#c'o; neou3r. TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB BUILDING: tr'FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr n ROUGH / WATER tr 19.95^LSi.iFl,^,^l GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK tr NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tN ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n D SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL - tr FINAL .il . I y(.neenoveo O DISAPRqOVED i. -***_. . tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t,. \i' 4-F-2/ /INSPECTOR '..J,i{Ji.Flil i'a I rNsilctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL a DATE {-t-7/ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr'UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION R onrr f*'fl rNSPEcroR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF a I PERMIT NUMBE OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr FINAL tr FINAL tr POOL / 11.TUB ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:uEg THUR/43 D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DAIE ?-27-q/ rNsPEcroR -6) coNSTRUcnoN PERMTTtw*l _rnffii/ 1T,,,.o, departmont of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D aurlou'rc El pr-ultrernc D ElEcrnrcnl D FoUNDATToNfi MECHANICAL n ro:r s FRoNr. RD LEGAL TDESC. LOT BL K FILING CASADE CROSSING ZOe N4irr, CHICAG0 PIzzA OWNER NAML MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH- GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM PERCO rowN oEruArL REG. No. 108-8 rELE. 972-3255 l"l','-lHll FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM SNOII COI]NTRY SER rowN oF vArL REG. No. L77-P rEf E 926-2590 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR F|RM ACCURATE MECII. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.- OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN QF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 91Tg AUG. 1. 1991 005002 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP otvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : INSTALLATION OF 2O8V t l lvv ABEHIRM 122a34 EOUIPMENT AND PERMIT NO. - - z F- BUILDING ELECIRICAL PLUMBING PIZZA OVEN EXHAUST HOOD.MECHANICAL 1 ,400 TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES v-lHt B-2 1 ,400 BUILDING PERMIT sk a\snfs fFs PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATION AOOITIONAL ( iF REPAIR (PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -HEIGHT IN FT. - NO,FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 30 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: rYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT ett ur-.s | -lN^NE- r USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF SOLARHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES s30 DAN STAI.IEK 8/6/9L ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ST. CUT Y N INITIAL lllx-l ,ILDING oFFICIA. OATE INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILOING NOTES: NEED MECH. CONT. LICENSED WITH TOV BEFOR] PERMIT ISSUED. FINAL CO WILL BE REQUIRED"o**'*o I I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in lull the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build ihis structure according to the Town's zgning and subdivision codes, designreviewapproved,UniformBui|dingCodeandotherythe,et". AND THE OWNER. _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE,6D coNSTRUcnoN PERMITnnffifl l,--- drprrtnrnt of community dcvrlopmont TO OE FILLEO OT'T COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERM]T TYPEOFPllrrlll /-/E autou.rc El'pt-ulilerlcDjrfcrnrcll fl FouNoATroN Sfmecxrnrct D.-_. - -- NOTE DATE @o5-{ I LEGAL DESC. toT BtK FITING !rcsN^me' Cfrs6r; fu22,4 OWNER I{AIE I II. ADDRESS ctw Pt{. ARCHITECT ttnr IIAIL ADDNEST CITY Plt. GENERAT CONTRACTOR ffi rELE qil).-Lbtqs r:r,".tg:*" FIRII T(n oF vAtL REO- l{O.IIUNIKAUIUN PTUIIBING rrnr sfl\^: cruttl_&)5*, Towr oF YArl- REo. r{o.^ \ t l- f(;(,N I l{AG t(,lt ffi MECHANICAI. CONTRACTOR TOW!| OF V tL FEG. t{(). OTHER CONTRACTOF FIRf, TOWI{ OF YAIL REg. NO. TELE. PERI IT NO. r\-/- -z \ l. tvPE oFco srRt cT|o l ll lll |v 2. occuPANcY cRouP ede xt n r ofvfsnr rDz, s, PERI'IT FEES OWELLING UNITS - A@OTIMOOATION I'NITS - HEIOHT N FT. - O. FIREPLAC€g INSULATION: IYPE THICKNESS n-VALLUE t'|lTtAL I hereby icknowledge thet I hew road thl! appllcltlon, fllled out In full the Intormation required, completed an accureto plot plan, and stste that all tho Informatlon provlded ac requlred is cor.oct. I agree to comply with the Informatlon and plot d.n, to comply wilh all Town ordinancsg end stelo laws, and to build thls structura accordlng to the Towq'r zonlnland subillvlsion codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Gode and olhsr spplicebl6 the.eto. o111-ozlot 1Iq1U o AIIO THE OOIIITRACTOR FOB HIUSEIF 75 roulh trontrg! ro.d urll. colondo 81657 (3o3) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 olflcr of conmunlty drwlopmonl If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval, Engineer"s (.Pyblic l.tor^ks) reyiew and approval ,'a planning Departmentreview or Health Department review, and a review by the 6uiliing Department, the estimated time for a tstal review may take as longas three weeks. A'l'l commercial (1arge or sma'll ) and all mult.i-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and sma'l 1 projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departmeflts wrlth regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so take the three. week period. Every attempt wi'll be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possib'l e. BUILDING PER}iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeI, the frame. Date l.lork Sheet was turned into the Conmuni ty Development Department. \ luwn n lltl 75 loulh tron|lgc rcrd u.ll. coloEdo t1657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: su&TEcT: offlcr of communlly dcrclopmcnt ALL CONTRAqTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITIT THE TO!{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC TCORKS/CO!,!M[ NITY DEVEIOPIIENT UARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqIION PARKING & UATERIAI, STORAGE fn sunrnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash duurpsters, portable toil.ets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinrately S ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the fown of VailPublj-c Works Departnent. Persons found viotating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply wlth thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public l{orksDepart:nent wilt remove said materiaL at the e4tense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany atreet or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtaLn a copy. lhank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: (i.e. contractor, owner) Date ttf ffi 0trtifirutr nf (DrrupunrU @nrun (Df liluil fruililtng Brpurlnpnt THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT -rO THE REQI/IREMENTS OF THE UNTFORM BUII-DqNG CODE CERTIFYINC 'THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSI/ANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPTIANCE VITH THE YARIOUS ORDINANCES OT:'IHE TOWN RICUIATTNG BUILDTNG CONSTRUCTION, AND OR USE. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOTVLEDGE. CHICACO PIZZA Use Classif ication DRINKING AND DININC ESTABLISHMENT Group B-2 Building Permit No. 5002 1to.Construction V - llf our Owner of Building VAIL INTERPRISES PARTNERSIIIP Building Addrcss 1031 FRONTAGE CASCADE CROSSING AUGUST 28, tggL l hc huilding offirial ntrr, in rvriling, suspcnd or nvolr n Csti- ficatc of Occupancy issutd undcr rhe provisions of this codc whcn- cver thc ccrrificarc is issucd in crrort o. on thc basis of incorrccr informarion supplicd, or rvhcn ir is&rcrmincd rhat thc buildingor srrncurc oi polion thcrcof is in violarion of any ordinancc or rcgrrlation of rhc-lirun of Vail or anv of rhc provisions of this crdc, POST I N ,A CONSPICUOUS PLACE IRRKATTH66.3 / gt /11 p€ Fealures o Separata exhausi coilectors tor entrance & exli with center support' o Designed.in conformance wlth NFPA 96 ' Nationat rtro FiJiu"tron Association code and standards on 'Vapor Removal. o Cornpletely pre' enolneered and tested 6xhaust system' o $;;; custom deslgn and lebrlcated ax' o"n"". i Substantlal'iy reduces or ellmlnates Eoniorm"nce problems wlth local codes' o S;;;;;;",gy.'r Maximum 16oo total CFM oer Exhaus-t Hood ' substantlatly reduces Enbrgy ai"in on heatlng and alr condltloning syEtem. Effio vrg'rl ot rlnglr collcator rhorlng on. llll.. A5/96/91 1g ! 4J UAH I'lCRKETINO EXHAUST HOOOt colLEcroeg - 0ct nouc6, ENTFANCE Bl0EvlEw CENTER SUPPORT Exh.uer Hood flt. CTX.XI Full Slrr .nd CTX-Int€rmodleto unltr only. .A" tndl€.ht riaa lor ..ch d.cl trcm lhc tloor io llr lo9 ol lh6 Coll|qlot Ducl Colha l!" C..o ' Itt d.ck - 79 lnch66 2nd d.ok ' lxt Inchoo 2a" lr.. .3td o€ok . 89 Incn€a 4th deck - 100 lnoh.a 00uAt€ {ft{lt \ I -{6r} -.Tn€ dlStanc. lrom th€ cenler of ong duct coilel to tho conlar of the otn€r duot collef lo: 87" gTX-70 FlJll Slze 63" CTX.Intorm€dl6la eHo vr€w I I __t_ In Drrenthdleo erc rnllllmOtOf!.) Specif lcations grctr cottacior tnr lhc followlng dlmenslonr. H9]g!t 3O"; Wldth - 36"; D€pth ' 19"' tttricrhl: Maln structura 16 Eauoe 304 E€tl6s stalnl.r! stoel' Flftcr: 1 statnless St€€l tllter 1€" x 26" x 2" p€r collector' blrchrrge colhri suppll€d by customor' naqul..madtr3 36" baEe wlth 'l deck - 3oo cFM per collector x 2 coilactors = 600 tolel cFM 36', base wtth 2 decks - SO0 CFM ber Coltector x 2 Collector3 - 1000 tolal CFM il" U"ge wlth 3 decks - 700 CFM p€r Coll6cto. x 2 Colloctors = 1400 total CFM 2l'i baae wlth 4 deck6 - Eoo cFM p€r Collector x 2 Collsctors = 1600 total cFM i:1/4hp12on4avo|t,s|ngt6.phaae,1725r9m. Fatlng: 2 sp€ed dirscl drlv6 motor. Tolel Shlpplng Welghl: '170 lba. Cfx Uvl.lo 1526 lqtH,I-o-ff$6 Fat lDoorrotarad 1526 Fcnpitlt Drlic Fcntorr. MO 83026 eCTx Dlvlrlon Fd hcafgofrtrd Prtntd In U.s.A toffir No. CA3,3't I Company (3!a) 3a3€6(n Crll Toll Fro€ (8ool 325.79q4 Energy Saver Hood Non-tempered make-uP air canopy with adjustable louvers ALLIGATOR HEANNG & AIR CONDITIONING Specifications Exhaust hood lo be the Energy Saver, non-tempered make-up air canopy with adiustable louvers, Models ESH- as manulac{ured by Alligator Heat- ing and Air Conditioning, Hood to be construcled ol ]3- gauge, type 304, stainless st€el with a No. 4 polished linish or /9 gauge galvanized with a coating class of 1.25 oz- per square foot. Fabrication !o be in accordance wilh NFPA Corls 95 and NSF Slan- dard No. 2. Make-up air to be distributed uniformly by litting face ot hood wilh adiustable double def leclion air reg- isters lo be sizecl in accordance with specilied exhaust and retum air CFM. Ends to have 1-1/2'hemmed llange. Lower front edge offset 2" at 45o and hemmed for rigidity. All hoods €n be nrdified for low head room. ALLIGATOR HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING -'-. -. Prlpoial 5ubmired To . . : :Work To Be Prrforrncd At Cirv- Dqtc of Plonr-- Archltcct ..-.. Wr hr-by propore to furnirh oll the rnotcrielc cnd perform oll tha labor necorsdry for the complation o{ To CxhaUSt ,'FNFT..G', gry'--R HOCX" (,--c be .:upcti-:i. bv GREC) -fron olq9c- in l{itqhen thrcufh 'lTtl' r -ol-oe -''o t*ha'*e; itt"g.l'q ;h? ?:!c ffi: a:.r ':o hcc?-r=TJ cca* r'?qur:-es. rtJ?'lill:'urnisr r"r..* to n*.o-o. @r,=g!.g+ e3*.eJl lgq'li,:i,h?ira""" aoo i' lixnaqs'r' !':q!v wtogi!_:!sl_rjjs:;* l.s-o=LlfL sr+'iE lrARrAetHffis r'4n carjable oi d:'awj rtad 1i00 CFI/I e .iJ'5 S.9., r,/z .loi'se. i20 vcli. . ,--\r^-tr. \-.fr i,^,-t ',ffie :S :-gc::'r':a- 'rr-: l a a= cr. iiCc-"--',i!, S==.ii:-9 ".'rhh.:--..l:.'Ytf.:.llr.1|;L1.fu].clro'a@:;d:cr.pa::Fu3be::.':I'4UUC: - -\r- lrrs q!-'i Liril:lr : cme ousi-iil-! c3n ccitr" ic sea] :-cc | '--.-,--..r--,-: i^ L- -- .-.--'..-) --.r rL- -L^-- *-.L ro h- o--Forrrled in -ccrrdon.e .rith ,ihc-drcl.inol LI.'H<! rrt s- 5- ^. rcP| FcaM t4so e ).111-,,8ff ikff F"ce;;-r'tr:Slreel _ !., - -!___=:i_:. .-_ -- llrr/.\r1Citv-.s - --c^l nfa'XoStole- - -i*l., ;iiqr ". . eary..,6=i.i.il; x*'*Zu' - e4F u* ry coFEEEE -c oo;(' 01- draw14llfftl-v*atr EE-3TEED :' NO. E NO iEETuoe,l :.n olq our cur 45 iv? 1J a..:- rooi mate! and gua:'an e e tne Ir' - a r.r aclmc c SeaI .rcOI. e wr:! EN.IHEUITEEI .ft Vfe are Eendi$g :>Lpages ineluding If transuiesion ls interrupted. cr of plearr"Call us at 30J-949-0229 the covEr page. Peor quallty .t']gt-)\sl ii'I l\' ..I"IAY_'.7-9'. FFlI G':43 ALP I HE I'IG1"IT Ftdil ! Uh l{d(rnhH E Rs$o, LTD. FISE ]B I gl 9€ 9149 . Flov ACCUHATE HEATING A $HEET METAL Ch,i cnlo Piet^ - U A XL l "i, o,* 5- F.e s er ' - T31:':'i:Ill, l- J 'l-At'LBrtrArlfi | ,lv_ _r ._l :, r 6w -aF-n.9 i!' l* Niniwr,,,*a ror *..-.--_pl lfrf_?U:,,l"1,r-. I f\Alfol P0r/'fgfq ,nnl to{ Srcb i Ettn^ crllrr= I l oW ar. {, 'l /j I H'r b7 I* r-i )oU Plc4irf t,,lE 4ffffin, 1&fl0,N0+ O.+rrt{\ -,.---t f f.troeplF $1e1 1 bl C,c\cr*on -.,.FiSAtr-Flmn THU 16 :59 HL-P T HE HG''IT ett. t giAwEf, tziq Ar€rq coettzj A\dt nloNe iq,rr9{t219 w6 are Fendlng 4 Eages ingludtng th. covcr pag€.. f,f transnission is interruptedl or of, poor qualiEy ' plcree"sEll ua at 303-949-O2Zg Dsar Dan: l.:g *"r:H.,*tl{-b:t:.1^lol_tg..gq-.!.o,pgnyer on-Tuesday,and Glenwood sprlnss yesrerday. L"'lI*J:uyl'g^li1.l:qgrr-g1'igi!11-il4,t-rdil;i-iiii'to"ee;'iilille;Siiltiii"jpi,liiiobv tomorrow rr iossibre ro 1[it i iii oioei i[i'r,"ool-irrrir,iii"i"iio'iilii=ftf,riluf,"lili'iign'thg contract foi'thc rork. I w|fl hi rt oaq-nzro ?Ar{r v rrrr *anrasn^.r r r.,rrr rr -. rr^for.thc work. I wlll be.at 949-02?s today ana tonromow r iifi .ue nt.tnet 949.4210. I have to cfirb doun ti vail ilaitonal Bank ritir'irrii rrte'rplzze storc at 949.421' ': -- '-'- -'.-t[-uJii-ilr;;;";iT;,i"ti*I"ri"if :;;:H"anrt narrrrr c*nr rrrr ., ,,10:.1_11r3.t1_.gg:_gg.p to vall flafional Bank latcr'thlE aftemQon . and could stop hy.your offlce.if.it nebdisaryl 'Grrg t' HASE: . ."' Dan Stanek 5-23-91 ...._-!l.fi:r-3*-e r THU ac':s4 ALp r HE r||GFTT o FRO'I : t& itcl(tnlcu g fiEeoc, LTD.Frfl.G ttr. ! 34r 94s s149 ACCURATE HEATING & C\",i rql o pr *r^clo q.. 3 kR s rt Tprtl tol{ sar'h i t*t+^ erllca I{tlorrs lrtri\- htOCfue rrf S,F I Flo$ t*h"urrfqe tLu Flov +ry \1gh,g6Y. .-1frfDt$,f,Fw Srr r"*tr Brrr !rr?l b^.h?(.t Ethorrts t\ool @\\aE +t.t ?b Ourqj ..__.IL4Y.=..3._E.= g r.. T H u 1 ALP I HE I"I G I"I Tt E{*$ ; rls sj il-S F-cl5€!:So J*ovi q \ \-] R \n< \\\\_\ -{) --]\ j' '.\ .t'\+L i., !^\ t '\ "At\ -..\ -'\ f-$l $n${!€* I $ir ps + .trihfl; {$t$ f.c0\t fs- 41? vB_'a Et !I € o ijl 3-6 -ro -dt l sE I HftY-2=-91 THU '.4 ALPIHE I.I G 1.I TE:5I FA1fl/E .WollTRAl.E Affir,ELy4 nruJ-,VrTH RArED PARfmdt-'FEF t Frd' I o, o)(\l Cr, utF o o) C\I $ 62I CD UJE iF I{EATEFtoq4 .L4TATT Ft't Ta,oT. EFLIF'FIF17 rOcnneq +.er llrJ:DtrAP |{AFpWAFE $fqp-HAFDh/rriFE FH{H 9UI-DHE A}D.' . rE oog$ CI'o ,13 E6rQd ,=,l+ Fz z IUF CIzqa U)oE(J UJa o u) (J F $, MNAU|],: I PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT oo,.\-\s\_.,o,NAME MON (rALL tr l-t INS TION TOWN OF THUR FRI REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: TUES @ Knppnoveo rF.O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTTNGS/STEEL - D UNDERGROUND tr o D tr tr u FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr FTNAL _-___-_--____J O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER 1 E HEATING ROUGH CONDUIT CORRECTIONS: ool F-,t4- V rNSPEcroR PER DATE READV FOR INSE TION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TOWN OF 0\ REQUEST VAIL eM,iTHURFRIAM f LOCATION: UMBE OJECT BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr D I UMBING: D D tr n r'l D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: n tr tr n D HEATING T] ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr 1,*o,FINAL APPROVED DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF i, REQUEST VAIL-,'PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT oo'. *[Z$\i \ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH I D.W.V. D FIOUGH../ WATER r o D W ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL - tr POOL / H. TUB o ! FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING -tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT i tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED tl,r ^ o !i-^..,,a.," oot, F'.?/'f/ rNSPEcroR _L) DO:-'t\ REQUESTVAIL ",,\PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR,.P VAIL BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATISG O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL ft! neeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR €opz- PERMIT BEB OF DATE NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR p JECT JUt' o l OF CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND '-. tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O FINAL MECHANICAL: D TEMP. POWEN tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE UttNE 7, 1990 044 40 1 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION Ltr BUILDING fk elecrRrcel R MEcHANICAL m!! LEGAL DESC.FtLtNG CASCADE CROSSING JoBNAME: SPORTS RENT I'NIT A & B NAME VAIL ENT' PARTNERSHIP PO BoX 24783 MAIL ADDRESS DENVERCITY PH. OWNER ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM PERCo DEVELOPEMTN ,o** o, uo,a ^ro. "o. 108 972-3255 LECTRICAL FIRM KENNY ELECTRIC TOWN OF VA|L REG. NO. 157-E 770-9440 rrnu NATKIN & C0 ,o*,u o, uo,a ^rn. *o. .....]F PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. MECHANI CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACTO 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I 2. oCcUPANcY GRoUP A I t lv v BEHIRM 22a34DtvtstoN GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK ; t NNTXN'XXTX'T RETATT. TENANT I'TNT SH NIE PERMIT NO. z tr J BUILDING 25 ,000 ELECTRICAL 8u000 PLUMBING 3,000 A MECHANICAL ), uuO TOTAL 41 ,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VATUATION PERMIT FEES V IHR B-2 4l ,000 BUILDING PERMIT 356 at# futy e'(# //// '4, & PLAN CHECK 231 ELECTRICAL 136 NEW O ALTERATION O\4XADDITIONAL O REPAIR O PTUMBING 30 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS . -HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FINEPLACES M€CHANICAL 75 RECREATION FEE THICKNESS DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN,UP OEPOSIT 250 Exr wALLS I l- l\vrlE - |USE TAX TYPE ELEC, I OF SOLAR IHEAT I wooD TOTAT PERMIT FEES $ 1.078.00 GARY MURMIN JUNE 20, 1990 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED; Y N INITIAL ., "r, l- lal- JILDING OFFICIAL DATE MIKE MOLLICA JUNE 13, 1990 )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES:A I SI4YUIIAITY UE;RI I!'ICATE O.T- OL:CP . SHATL NOT BE ISSUED I'NTIL THE REO. OF TIIE CDOII DEMO ARE COMPLETED FOR THE SOI]TI{ T'RONTATE ROAN I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and olher ordinances of Jle Town applicable thereto.review approved, Uniform Butlding Code and olher orctinances of fs} Town appli( CLEAN uP To: f235 SeuLubPAtA-T coAP, l.b. Box (ez'<Lr, Ll-(.!:Lt'llo,.,t a>,tolbl ANo rHE owNER. :,:i-'l';';' ' lln. deprrtment of communlty dcrclopmcnt IO BE FILLED Oul COMPL ETELY PRIORTO ISSUAT{CE TYPEOFPERMIT BUrLorNc X-ptuusrHc ELEcTRTcAL E}+nunornoN MECHANTCAL tr ET EIq CONSTRUCTION PERMIT F /t )r )r I H TEGAL DESC. LOT ToBNAME: Affill e;;"$NN OWNER lrrue VAlu bs'T, e ar:1 PteSnrf Itu^t, ^nonr.s F,u, Blx 2tt?E3 CrY b,L.r'rvtc- 8D2"4ni-l .)-Ort8't ARCHIIECT gpp r.r.s r- f\?.\ tJ ftSSOe' MArt AnpRFss 29Ot s. Li>(Dr^t crw Dultr+. tDztL pn.?S?^1518 GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1f12-=ass ETECTRICAL CONTRACTOR neM Ks.l.rlr< et:g(a\e 'O$,N OF VAIL REG. NO. rer-e. -)')D - 7,&o PLUMEING CONIRACTOR Tolvlt OF V IL REG. ltlo. rsr-r. )61- o-)2O MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR rrnu ToTA L ArC- bob , rO$,N OF VAIL REG. NO. rete. Z8J- otuo OTHER CONTRACIOR FIRU TOWN OF VAIL REO. NO. TELE NLtIE-t,vrr rJi oere G--? -1s l.TYPEoFc!ilsrnucnol{ lttm t@ la 2 occuP flcv cBouP Dtvtslotl @ntan GEITIERA! OESCRIMON OF WORKg-tAl(* :tzN\aT pr^)\JH QAa(As?- e-e$ssro(, NEW( I ALTERATTON () ^ODITIONAL REPAIR ( ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: CLEAII.UP DEPTOSIt ,JT l-\{-:'ibr\ Lt C , TOTAL PERMlI FEES I hereby acknowledge that I tave read thls appficatlon, filfed out In tull the Intormation require4completed an sccurate pfot plan. and statg thal atl tho Intormation provided as reouired ts eoiraer icompleted an sccurate.pfot plan. and stato thal atl the Inlormalion provided as required is coiiecllagree to comply.with lhe lnformatlon and plot plan. to compty with att Town ordinances rnd statelaws, and lo build lhls slruclure, ac:oldinS lo .the Town's zonin-g^and subtivlslon coaes, Je!'igmreview approved, Uniform Buildlng Code and other ordlnapEls oithe Town applrcaOfe rfri:refo. u. &l0 t,l I i7 ,Dc .\Er | ('t .rvG*r I B 1\ -'t ' J r,.\r ^rvVU -4r7oPERMIT IIO ;tli o. 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 o 'I r .'r t tttrt TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS C'T'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTE THETOIVN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC IVORKS/CO}4I{UNITY DEVELOPMENT I{ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE corut'Q/tc-?P{(i.e. contractor, owner) rn sumrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soir., r".i, sand, debrisor material, including trash dunrpscers, portabre toilets andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, siaewairl ;ii;y or public _q]?:e or any portion thereof . The righr;i;;t-;n ar1 Town ofVa1l streets and.f9"g. is approximateiy 5 ft. iti pu.r"r"nt.This ordinance wilr be striclty enforcld uy the-iown of vairPublic works DeDartment. pers6ns found vieraain; this ordinancevilt. be given a 24 hour writren ""ii""-ti-;il;;'=aid mareriar.rn the event the person so notified d.oes not cornpry wi_tb thenotice within the 2.1 hour.time specifi.ed, in"-p"[ric ]rorksDepartment wirr remove said mateiiat _at in" -""p"ise of personloti-tief, The provisions of this ordinance ;ilii not beapprrcabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the rlgni_._ruy. To review ordinance No. 6 in full , prease stop by the Tohrn ofvail Building Departnent to obtain a copy. rtrani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: b-t-utr-r ttF-rr.gxEfft F,sR R?RcO ba!aqepr*.r,u< cst! - A-)^ 10 out.!e,g-a FE* FLs:N-ri-Tr v L-,/ ,-r*,Position/Relationship to Date $,wtifirutr nf n--,. v n1-!E-te-t Trtt uprrupunru @uun (Df liluil fruitiling iBrpurtnrnt THTS CERTIFTCATE TSSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDTNC CODE CERT'FYTNG 'THAT AT THE TIME OF TSSUANCE THTS S'TRUC?URE WAS IN COMPLIANCE WITH'THE VAR'OUS ORD'NANCES OF THE TOWN REGUI-ATTNG BT"LDING CONSTRUCTION, AND OR USE. TOTHE BEST OF OUR KNOWTEDGE. CASCADE CROSSING SPORTS TENANT FINISH Use Classification TENANT FINISII Group Building Permit No.4440 Type Construction Owner of Building VAIL ENTERPRISE PARTNERSIIIP Building Address 'l'hc building official nra.y. in uriting, suspcnd or rcvokc a Ccrri- licatc o[ Occuprncr issucd undcr rhc provisions of this codc whcn- cvcr rhc ccrilicate is issucd in crror, or on thc basir of incorrc<t informarion supplicd. or whcn ir is detctmincd rhar tlx buildinlor ttnrctu.c rrr Jxrrtion thcrcrl ir in violarion of any ordinancc or rcgrrlation of rhc l<rwn ol Vail or anv of rhc nrovisionr o( rhir POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE 1' REOiJEST4r'qa PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE E-r-ql JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR TNSPECTTON: MON rUES wED @ FRr - AM PM LoCArloN: .2, A f41 BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING -INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB ,o, C/d tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL t(4eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo* F -/- ?/ rNSPEcroR Ut^t-\O INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL .- REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \"tiL JoB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: CALLER INSPECTION:MON -/TUES rLr tL O.DISAPPROVED '?lr r r e., I .p , t'l c',,' u,rrt E.^ t: wED rHUR FRr " /ffi\ PM . ,..i- -i->,Ct [-) O REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND B FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FBAMING . IJ o tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr _tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR oo O FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR r''"'l . j 1 ., .. .,. rtr _ INSPECTION THUR FRI .\ REQUESTVAIL . f^{".o ot @READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:M U CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE (rnnurruc r-.r ROOF & SHEEd ' " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION p(sxeernocx n tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL;tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:, D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL O FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR nffisnop OF PROJECT CTION REOUESI^ TOW OF VAILe-\ \-)DATE READY FOR INSPE LOCATION: JOB NAME THUB FRI @, t,, fleeftpfeo CORHECTIONS: , / tr DISAPPRovED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL \ tr t 'r'l''' rNSPEcroRDATE ,-* rNsPEcrroN's .'MPLETED O The ltens below aeed to glvlngapernitaflnal Please check off 1o the FINAL PLU}AING be conplete before CofO. box provided. DATE: FINAL I.IECHANICAL I"MPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NAME: FINAI. ELECTRICAL DATE: tltlll FINAL BUILDINC EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: CATE OF OCCIIPANCY o*t, 7- / 'a / LAI{DSCAPING DUE FILE NAI.TE: ??? ?,t-fi- @4e'..t{UsT GAtrsAu t#lEe'.- flKrure-*@ - A - eil*7e ta)AT aA vy" +'It)w aA,ptw)lf a*auf€- v Y,tw Alanto l.ot= -1\frA-'- t FvnAw t#pA-h 'rD ?o wtw a'l ffit- CtVltT @i affn$dd)9 avAnorl b Ht(4|'1 UC#IV , ro - fd-Y€-/ri- Haul.lT +d t4y1 2.'11WVtrWrr,W"ffi"ftnrc ? #va d6$.wT - wlFg 'rdvd @4 A$AcEr |'N Tt2 Otlt@ w/te*a -?bAdz \,tv6-ptfef.4),t g)r+Ke @)\iEP Krffi cwfrA-( 4% * WAR( NEA -V411,f,- A:ffi_Z? ala)T c 1dE @4,O?PW-. * r5.rEI<trF\ Atrt-p\av,,'43 &DIIG WA TA t I [..t|rK at+,.ffiryfflaf t+ctul^?E Fll.llSr+FE}',IAFK' -@ gfle Pi|f5lt$4 r,ltJriN,a ?J.f91rll.ug @ R-?ne }.I,H. 'FR IN vEfi^L ?fir4?'- 3/F-.d)1ft v/E+ UrT. WrCg1S1,t6nt ( LaEr$gf Or6W atHT- LACffi,*)41-dL-o#-@b716'bL *)-U;ftD Ifww- tdwtw- ALtll't.1WPL'u2 ' @ 94ttt11 *Lv,l@ Vwen*o') TFIM fi.n alfv Vrzl$ar w @ 9*6aFtr a lV. ?3, arfl5 Vfrvq tat)+b @ tlx?ztfl.w tfl\,afi#(tzw.*r p (,P 1J" ,, ,\ 'rqr i ?t l. ltrrEFtrF w\u-g - gut Hoq,et=.vw gtuw o ?tt o.o. 1o ad *r. Vqbt fi?F-'x' qiw. w+ crw-, 1i,,ft, ow + €rna *\ern. trg'AFf,' rcF Ttneleo z, wflts*q ww - 4 lf,re-\'. ate w. al HerAL jrub, *AL {rz.fE,+tr p glruc'rL&. Aaa,'rffi,w+?H? 34@fi+ p6 &e + ffiALtW # frllg+E e. a)utuzr - aML- - WWrEE yprg a<7t4l€,1fF--- AT aa.-fr@H/oev* r# ltzl..'x' dt?. w 4 ztb*a+e* ;.a1.Jatgr o tot o.c. - avw w/4' c'?.3-YVA7 Filew4a Ur. 111?U w Abft ?.,uuolq6 v'}lr11F,11* Aaa'.IL a x(F +4 lDlL)',. - Wt1gft. ilfeft;. - ?rc4fr--l?D! - e €^v- W-AV ertdVf aFrctrcl wfieF. lv^1tF-- twpee tut{lw Abbarur ?a4-?HvL Nfrffii^I? flYTu.lW ap re5#r6 ao WEf lftblffiW Wu@l+fi? o" AW.gTaET @1 , f I L-eala a?l + tov a)aEJ arn-g ? lt AFr. € ?ZDV A)r-tET O lO"Aff'+ |N &r{P+l.u.f, ltlt?4'ufr 7)"-4 dJnEr+ age.ii- tuE 3,r41rl.l e 62t hn?. izir,xat .tEFHthl/{- a.rtuc'r- rc4d-'"1 rapur W$tffrJ *E*- Anfi5#21--ffitwa? ?? o t+O F R rc.wTv#117'-t8ft4 #-a,l,L|.rc,?P tu N-3rEgjrget g.v)6 WY TLAH tev-'awcAAw ;to,uetJ fr'7tV3# :f i '- FlA7F'Pfr a{r l}/ttt5 La il.'l tr{frf#'ffir.€W'aftT :./A{4f/01 '7fraore 'i.vM FrtoR ?!-i,i! - uultr k6 t"ntp n*unfrF -'E N tYfi aIfi fnr'l \L::wn ;'ret .r-a d(tg tvAtfi?4rr,lelYft?-w tf d.c. AO eriP J . ,/fi&a \ -"{ AC PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME rNs TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL l(A*u i3 WED rL-t THU II R S ir X APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILD!NG: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEU O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING" PLYWOOD NAILIN( n rDrduLnrroN -o/r*r.r*o"K NArL O POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST I-IOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL )ATE /-e<-/2" INSPECTOR nfitsrop t*t "-; "d*n'i'r; rrf$il Aq,\o - OF PBOJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME a{-t= CALLER WED THUR FRI ,'( INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUFST VAIL e-tze.{ 4 PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTI oor= //a -9d rNsPEcroR INSPECTION 1 "..: i: I REQUESTt\\u THUR @ CALLER TUES WED I JOB NAME MON - PROJEqh \\l TION: FROt \ iii EE IN UM \- OR N: N( F o IT TI PERM DATE READ LOCA TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL (neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: 7-3a -2a INSPECTOR ffis,,* TION REOI'EST TOWN OF VAIL wr0 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -- JOB NAME INSP € CRos l F^J INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: . b, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUhiDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEERu ptYwooo NATLTNG O GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL / tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr",T-EMP. POWER MECHANICAL: !".ot,*o ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS:r=.</' tr /Z-/L/ DISAPPROVED E ,t//1 REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,/5 4'/) INSPECTOR n?Gs,"" '- /!" ' \'i' " 04+r0 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE u a- ul ' 7u JoB NAME PO INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES I NSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL - f4s(40? CRNst,+) WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION:0 X,co RRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB U SHEETROCK NAIL o ELE utlr\' trF trC tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS OONDUIT SUPPLY AIR drrrunl tr FINAL APPROVED.4 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED niFs',oP DATE t- INSPECTION REOTJEST.///a PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, 2-6 # JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDF\APPROVED CORRECTIONS: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL D^rE ,/-4 -,/4 INSPECTOR NLT COPT lnwn 75 |orth frcntrgE rotd rdl, color.do t1657 (30it) {7}213E (3A) f7$2139 oilfice of conrmunlly development June 26, 1991 Mr. Robert LaPoint The MutualGroup (U.S.), Inc. 401 North Executive Drive Brookfield, Wl 53605 Re: Cascade Crosslng Retall Center Dear Mr. LaPoint: The current status of the Cascade Crossing retail center is as follows: 1. The lease spaces have been turned over to individual tenants for fixturing, and the "Sports Rent" space is currently occupied under a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Certificates of Occupancy may be issued for the lease spaces upon completion of all building code requirements, Town of Vail approved landscaping and highway improvements (per the Colorado Department of Highways access permit). 3. The owners have arranged for a letter of credit to guaranlee completion of landscaping to coincide with the Town's planting requirements. Said letter of credit is due to expire on July 31, 1991. lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, /1J" n'k Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Planning labccr Dan Stanek tsoorPnnruoli* 't66tL T NnC. iblJd June 13, 1991 Towrr ltlanager Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 REr CASCADE CROSSIttc{t Dear !{r. Phillipsr In reference to our letterbe extended until JuIy 31, OAK PARX BA}IK 3, 1991, our comitment willdated April 1991. Berlau, President 95th and Nieman Road, Orerland Park. Kansas 66214,913/492-7500 , :' OAK PRRK BANK TEL t{o.492-0917 Jun.13,91 14:59 P.02o SonrcPnnrBnrvr rfune 13, 1991 Torrn [anag€EIo*n of vall 75 Bouth ?rontage B,oadVatl. Colorado 8155? nlr CrACilrE cnosgr$B Diir lB. PhtUlpBt In referenoo to our lettar dtt€d AprLl be crtendsd unttl .nrly 3t' 1991. OIf, PARI AAIIE 3, 199I, our omltuent rlll gith arxl Nleman Road, Ornrhrnd th*, Kmcar 66214,'r131492?'-ln OHK PRRK BRNK TEL Ho o.492-0917 Jun.13,91 14:38 P.01 G,,Ntbtgsi $onrpnnrBnrur :{!n,Fm,rylqf;llcr, fl\'rr,i: la fT€Mr l'i tl3 Atrll.Ivl'It]N:- CIJttlPl\tIYl TBI'FIiICPIFR MIrIilqIrI M,iIIER OF PAG,ES INtY.UDUIIG lllrs PIIGE Tta",o*I'rltt[uPt SiE|NDER tlriB tetffitry llB$(ta$e ie trensnl ttodl.reaac cEIl Bendcr aU (9J3) 4Q2_2500lnonp.lcte ou J l.t-eglblo, f.ry-ol teleccgris nurtxr' t913) 492_091?.rr tlE l.eleffpy yrru recelncr! ie l'rn rNrroRtflTro[ coNTnlilnD Il| l1trs tlx rtkssnct{ rs pntvrl,R(itiD i*n(x')Nl"l lllillTl lt. Tl{t,onlt{A'rrot{ r{l'n*lrliD on"" i.orr' !,ttn ,slJ orf T'n I'DI _vrDUAr' on nill'lry N^r4r.!_rrrrovn. rp mrp noiirroo or rnrs FAX r*ss^clrrsNrr rrrr lr{rF,NtrED Hncrprnilr on rrn u}rii,6iin on AfinNr n'sr,o*6rttt,r{ro DfilxvBrr rr ro lrr*: ll1ry?o! oocrr,r*r,l-"iu n* rrgnnny oil NorrcE*r'r'r' yor' nrrlt rlr r*n pos$nssro* oi cor,pirinntrn,, 'rD p'rvrr.licnr,rilr'o*'ri1'roN. r'l.E^s* r,rnDrir'r.r **,ii;i-i;iiii'sFilDHn nv rrr.BlrroNrror Y(ntlr I Nnlrvl(n'tk:ltr' rrr{(:r r,,'r, lr{D n}fl.lrnN 'rriii onlr, rrar, t,tnx HEsfiA(iri1'o t,nr{ r;nNl,nn 0r rnn ,n{r,Er,rloNu rriiinn"n,,iiirr... tlirlr anr| Nir.nwr fvnnl, rx.nl,o,,i,*,',, L,,r,*O iri,riiiur.)on TOWN OFYAIL TO: COMPA}IY NAIIE: FAX PHONE FROM: DATE: ?3 rosth t?ottttg. t!.d rrll, colondo tlCtT FI":( PHONE ITRAIISMITTAI. SEEEI TIME: # oF PAGES rN DOCITMEMS (NOT TNCLUDTNG COVER SEEET) ', / REQUIRED?RESPONSE SENT BY:Exr. f J/q TOV{N OF VAII, FAX PBONE NT'MBER: -k qa^ Jor,' a/ry fu, Y/u-t n/^ n-f A'tr"*-fr a"// u u : ::: o.,, I-r' --i a-rl |',-, F-r' -r-r -) tll \tiL\N \ R \ \ F \ + +-{ , : i : :, E Bi[gFl[li I E iiiH s; *r rE r a:i rr* ?;E?f,[[lF* ;gif;',gi F[ ,qE a *flfl Ifrfi r rlEtsl 8'f f;F "." fl=,i ti tF {'ii lll ltrligFffi - $n i[g 'i i ii lil i ffiillll[ iE;Ittirr:El*iiiiti i i i? ll lii i $lriitlr*;F;iir;ireiFnlEi iii;lFll'[liiEllii $ g ii ii ;alsi*ti nEp2,2 n i.rF trE EHT 0ooi9ogJ-oR,t -?t !t89" 9rBo:r c{+ E6E.6"I -'f, g .JO Ff,sDJ,tt 8R s<h9I!1(tF U',rd6'€ rrFto,!!lPOl- I l'rdft t, \l, rO Fr Fr!27EFr1!o4zre6 ae rr atu3 rBort E IFH rt F.o HNtrt2o€EzzE'rl EIF @l-loz EIc, ldFt{tti< I' FEED €o €E EI ?ttto ld FHr:lt EIF N-f N N- $ dr\ Nb t- >c <lFiF.l IE'5fioBttrll*oo 16 !ftIt oBo,Frd z .,T v- ^. tv 5 5..o n.j{{,Jl S.\ : = s\t\ N \t fi( \t li F \\ b.N F\ I-I ^ \I T ) * & rl ',$ opTF/1\J t_- :V x -t\AJ zx * bl LN -t FE0l4: BENI^,AY'S NURSERY SERUI CES BOX ?6?2uAlL. c0. Bld57 AFRIL 1. I??1 T0 : T0l^lf i OF UA I L BUI LD I N6 DEPARTI.IEFITt'AIL. C0, B1$5t TO t'.lH0l'{ IT MAY COI'.lCERl'i: RE: CASCADE f,EOSSING Tfi DATE BENIIAY'5 FIURSERY SERI'IEES HAS BILLED *ND REf,EIt"IED PA'TT"IET'JT FROI'1 THE f,AEEADE CROSSING FARTT.iEESHIP BF E 35.'574.G0 FOR THE LAI'JDSCAPE INFROUEI''IENTS ANTI ffTHER SITE LIOPH NBL'J IN FLACE THIS SPRII.IG AS 5OOr.l AS EROUf'lt] LOI'IDITIONS At4D I^IEATHER PER[..4ITS. BET'JI{*Y,S NURSERY SERUICES I"JILL f,OI1PLETE THE ORI6II'IALLY PROPOSED LANDSSCAPI!...IG A€: PER PLAN APFROUED EY THE TOUJN OF I.'AIL. i ADDITIBNALY THE SPRIIIHLER 5Y5TET,1 T.JILL EE COI4PLETED AI.ID REPAIRED IT.I THI:ISE AREAS I.JHERE THE REI.4ETJIAL SITE DRAINAGE T.JI]RK DAI'HGEO IT5 INSTALLATION. THE I^IEST END BF THE PROJECT REAUIRES CONSIDERABLE SITE I,^JCIRH IN TERr'lS OF GRADINC T0 EFFECT THIS TJORK THE EXCESS I'IATERIAL ON SITE I'ILL HAUE TO BE REI,IOVED. AFTER THE GRADIFIG ON THE I^IEST END THE REAI'IINING EVERBREENS AS PER PLAN I^JILL BE INSTALLED. ALS0. BENWAY'5 NURSERY SERUICES l,^JILL BE PLANTING AN ADDITIONAL 6 TO S EVEREREEN REQUESTED BY THE TOUN. THESE EUERGREENS UILL RANGE FROM 7 TO 1I FT IN HEIBHT. -t: .l THE AI,IOUNT OF REFAIR tdORK TE THE SPRINHLER SYSTEM - THE FINAL CONFIGURATION OF THE SOUTH BANK I'HERE IT I4EET$ THE ELAI:KTOP OF NEI^J TURN LANE - AI.ID THE INSTALLATION OF THE REDUCED AI.1I]UNT OF $OD NEEDED TO FINISH THAT AREA. EUR I.-JORK FOR THE OI,JI.IER TNEUELOFERJ i5 OOI'JE TIN A TII.IE AND I.4ATERIALS BASIS PLUS f,ONTRACTBR'5 I,IARGIT.,I. CONSEOUENTLY REI'4AII!IN6 DOLLAFS TO BE SFEI.IT CAI',I UERY L:ONSIDERABLY DEPENDED ON I.4ATERIAL COSTS AND THE FINAL I,JISHES OF THE OhII'JER. RESPEETFULLY SUBMITTEO. LAIIRENCE L. BEt'.lt^lAY JR. tl r,r,nn r t1l;.-2.'z- ..4 STA|E OF COLOKADO OEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 714 Grand Ave., P.O. Box 298 Eagle, Colorado 81 631-0298 (303) 328-6385 March 3, 1991 Kanden Group Post Office Box 1059 Edwards, CO 81632 Attn: Mr. Mike Combs Re: Temporary Road Improvements at Cascade Crossing Gentlemen: On February 25, !99t I inspected the temporary worlr that has been done. lhe asphatt was not placed in a professional manner and some of the drainage problems were not comPletely corrected' Ttle improvements, however, should be sufficient for a short period. Therefore, this letter is to declare acceptanc€ of the temporarY work. The temporary improvements must be replaced with permanent improvements as outlined in the permit. construction of permanent improvements should start as soon as weather aflows in the spring and will be completed by June 30, 1991. Very truly yours, J. Bryce Sanburg Hwy. Mtce. Supt. III A. A. PierceSr. Hwy. Mtce. Supv. e" ^ - t' -r( -404iAt.-t-A'd- /\-t-\. E. E. Hill Hwy. Mtce. Supv. xc: Sanburg/Drieth Dunn Pierce/HiI I P-19 - W"i -t -fu /,./ n ,-+ /^..L + $r",* aot!7 w4h ,*,2( !,-a( 7 d^/Dw' ']J-'',# . _---+- !ecrcltiJ{' **!:,t{ rt-, , G,!f 75 rou0r ftont.gp road vJ!, color.do 81557 (303) 47$2138 (3Gr) {7}2139 ofnce of conrmunlty d€uelopmenl June 13, 1991 Western States Life Insurance Company c/o The Mutual Group (U.S.), Inc. 401 North Executive Drive Brookfield. Wl 53005 Re: Cascade Crosslng Retall Center 1031 South Frontage Boad West, Vall, Colorado Gentlemen:ht- This letter is to inform you that the above described premisesjt'zoned Arterial Business District, and the use of the premises as a retail commercial center is a permitted use under the Town of Vail Zoning Code. Further, available parking on the premises satisfies the Zoning Code requirements. Sincerely, /'1* /4r4- Mike Mollica Senior Planner lab cc:George Birt ]€STPORIT D€q.'TIIEo'9L€-t3 B.?.S.JITES P.1 A-./'- ?t Gi0 JUN r st90t l{o. : 'FtcEIt{ILE CovER EHEE?i NESTPORI EXECI.IIIVB SUITES 1503 IrEsTpoRt ROAD ItlNSAg CtTr, lfo 6t111 TELEPllotfE t{ulfBERr (8f5, 93f-SO?aFlr ilUHBER: (816) 931-8822 sElr - DrrB: &lzffTlllBt +6:#.t*t, Telaghone Pax lfo. r .PAE' -I9: lfunDcr Hoter r V,r-+ffi/ LROHr 6,---{p lfolrghone llo, : Fax t{o. z Sfl of page8 (lhetuall.ng Cover ghertl (rl ea.{, f.f ;{'hcy't/'d,6a_7 -o-f -th!s Fax, pleaaa contact the abov6 at the rrfiBhonellstcd. GOX'IDIIfIIILIIIT iOTICE lht Docunentr rcconpehylng thlr Tel:copy lpranrnlsrlon contatnconEldrntlel Infornrtlon bclonglng to thc Senderl rhlch tr laqallyg_rt_rlttcaa!. lhe Inforrntton ls tntrndtd only for the uae of thclndlvldual or Snttty nancd ebovc. It you are not thc lntandedReclghntr- I'ou ttG hereby notif,tcil thaC eny Dtaclosuso, Copylng,Dlctrlbutlon o! thc teklng o! any aetlon ln rrlkncc on thc-eontcnts of thts lclecopledt tnformtton lr sttlctly prohtblted.lf you have reselved thla Telccogy ln crror, IDlEarc trnrdlrtc$'notlfy ry !y rclcDhonc to etrenEc fot taturn ot the orlElnalDocumnts to or. -f,-Ft, '91-6,-13 B!,:3 I.ESTPORT D€O,rfM S.JITES lurn '6|o|ftmetledr*oolcrtbSlt5-t : tsl.natt,-{q|?},e|!r D€canber tl, I99o John Wei8snfelsCaulkins, I{olncenfels and VaughnF.O, Box 13595I(ans6e City, IIO P.3 ofllce ol connrrnlty (HoP||r.rt 6{199-3585 RB! Caacade Crosslnge Retal1 center Dear John, Ihe abovr-hared oroJect, tocatril at 1031 South Frontage Roadw€slr ln_Vall, c6loiaao-o,rrrJniiv-ionptles wtth all theappllcabre Town of varr zonind-ola"i fqr use as a retaircsnncrclal centar.- Thti proj6ct-wia constructed withln thesutderrnee or the Arterlai sisiheiJ*oiili;t;-;In!'ii"r"rot. Alt requirrd Town approvara snd burrding perurits wero obtarn€dprior to cemrnaernei! ot coniirG[i;" on thrs srte. rr shciuldarro be nored thar thon are no niiiCr"g ;;et";;;;; whlch efrectthLs prop*ty. Should you.have <u!1!i9ns r€gaTqlry any of rhe above, plearr donot hccltate to Contaar ne a€ (goii rzg-aue. Slnc€reIy, ly* /ot,tr* UII(€ uollloascnior plann.r lfltrlrdcc: Iflllten ltrLn Qf F-//z-dr7" ) t 75 loulh lrontage road vaal. cdorudo 81657 (3qr) 4792138 (303) 4792139 June 30, L989 offlce ol community development Phillip Bird, Vice PresidentFirst fnterstate Mortgage Company of Illinois 5000 West 95th StreetSuite 290Prairie Village, Kansas 66207 Re: Cascade Crossing retail center Dear Mr. Bird, The above naned project, located at l03L South Frontage Road West(conmonly knos as the Voliter property), has recently been reviewed bythe Town of VaiI planning staff. It is the staffrs opinion that theproposed Cascade Crossing retail center meets the Townrs zoningreguirenents for the Arterial Business District. The Town of Vail's Design Review Board (DRB) has granted final designapproval for the project on ;Iune 2L, 1989. The DRB approved plans were cornpleted by RNL Design of Denver, Colorado, and.are dated June 1.9, 1989. certain conditions were placed upon the DRB approval (see attached) ofJune 21, 1989. Also, the developers of the property have agreed to paythe rrconversion costs,rr to supply power to theii property, associated - with the undergrounding of the electric lines througl this area.Assuning conpliance with said conditions, as well ai tne acquisition ofceTtaln state Highway access permits, this project nay proceed to thebuilding pennit stage. rf you should have any guestions regarding this projects compliancewith the applicable Town of VaiI regulations, pl-ase feel freeto contact ne at (303) 479-2L39. Sincerely, klA n4 Mlke Irlollica Town Planner Ml.t: lr cc: Bill Hein, RNIJ Design Project Application l"'::- (-l Date Proiect Description: Contact Person and pnone '3 . .'/ --rt ri -.:^i'1;t ,-1 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Filing Design Review Board 'a- t--t Date - .Lt I Motion by: Seconded by: i APPFOVAL \ 1'- r 'r A {t----__---'D ISA PPROVAL {m.r.l,t'/a i t7 ,-r..," | '- ,, f:. Sunmtary: r Town Planner E Statt Approval gTAfE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 714 Grand Avs., P.O. Box 298 Eagle, colorado 81631-0298 (303) 328-6385 March 6, 1987 Morter Architects 143 East Meadow Drive CrossroadE at Vai 1 Vail, C0 81b57 Attn: Kirk Aker Rel MeeLing of Marctr 3' in eonjunction with entrance. 1987 regardins access to new buildinga bhe Professional Building common Eiear Mr. Aker, f have talked with Mr. Bryce Sanburg, Maintenance Superin- tendent, in Grand Junction. Ib is our aqreement ttra b anottrer exit at Ehe west end of your property would be an asEe! Eo the city as well aE Lo the fire departnent. Fleaae keep in mind that we do expecb your organization to adhere to bhe AceesE Code completely in this design and construcbion. Also, please a'ddress the drainage ltith your p1ans. Sincerely, tcc !Sanburg/DrietttPatrol 20File l"ltce . Supv. o STA|E OF CO ,r' LOI{ADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 222 South Sixth Sireet. P.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, Coloredo 81 502-2107 (303) 248-7208 January 14, 1987 Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Braun: We have received the public notice for requested setback variances to construct a cornmercial building at 1031 South Frontage Road West (the Voliter Property). We also received a detailed site development plan and have noted the requested setback vari-ances affect both our frontage road and Interstate rights of way. We are concerned by this variance request and wish to make the following conrments, The fnterstate right of way line is a federally controlled access 1ine. Neither the Division of Highways nor the Town of VaiI can authorize any crossing of the access line. If the building urere constructed on the ROW line the access line would be violated routinely for building construction and maintenance. Also, roof drainage would be forced onto highway right of way in violation of state statutes. We therefore oppose the setback variance at the Interstate right of way and request that the setback requirements be malntained to ensure that building construction and maintenance activities will not trespass on Interstate ROW. We do not object to the front setback variance along our frontage road ROW. The building and parking does not appear to restrict sight distances for vehicles entering and leavlng this slte or the adjacent property. The development of this property will require a Colorado Division of Highways Access Permit. The access permit process will review the location of the building, parking and drainage to ensure that safe access and public safety is naintained. It appears that all landscaping and site grading is contained on the property. The landscaping should be designed and placed so that it does not restrict sight distances. As you know, we are working cooperatively with the Town of Vail to acceler- ate the development of Interstate access rarnps within 500 feet of this property. ffi Ir' This project will require widening of the Interstate to provide the accelera- tion/deceleration Ianes, and the frontage road will also be widened to provlde a channelized lntersection wlth the ramps. This work will requlre full utfllza- tion of both the Interstate and frontage road rights of way. Thus it ls irn6ror- tant that the town reguire adequate butlding setbacks and drainage plans to ensure that the hlghway can be widened wlthout cornpromising safety. lhank you for the opportunity to revlew and conment on thls varlance request. Very truly yours, R - )"'--J:- R. P. Moston Dlstrict Englneer RDP:rbcc: Moston/Perske Sanburg Dunn ,flsadl.i t;t:: _-, ur'TJifr".d'c"["i;-'sr a;.*fFFtr,1Y{ji.:# ..",.Fig".I.;!i:}#i|ui;Hiliil,'+;9..:::;i:;i.z;..T'''ffi tl'" *li-i$flt;.ffi*;: i# ;' .. ;;;;", "*'ffi*ng ' .-1.:.]$1i{<i:.' "t. ''. t, ". . )."'' : lge have com];r'krt'ffi:*:'i#:,::,;^.--,-r::r, -. #l *.1u!'i'ft ,t::;":nffi ';i!if;;ii{'r:i!:,$*.;;,lf r---*ffi i,,sire is locatea ."ro"i.lrri- .""rtn.eia;=li'ti-"'r_zo .sourh ,rrofr ::*"*1. =ill:;Ii1.,*"^:#:1.t-.^" ,:::!' o?'=r"ir Road ,,"r".;..ff$:tf::;}attached skiicri)._ Tl"'a."lioqment is assuneu'ij'."x?11.tTt"i'jt!-tit';square feet (9ross floor area-)- or g.n.i"-r-"ffi.. "p"." along with---+-: "q;-associared raridscaprG-.na-pJring ?lti-rili:;- r ....rfi*r , ..ii.q.-,-'r_,er.cr.Lc:q ranq,scaptng anct parJcing facilities. j-..;r,A..+f-,, ...*iAccess ri -;if;l*.fr;ff ' ,-+;j;* $ 1;S -, Al1 access ro and from rhe deveropment. is pranned "r""jsf#*.r$1r-70 south Frontage Road at a dr-iveway t,o be c6nstructed . on ;the g;;r-,west end of the sire. rhe sourh rroirrage-;"J i;-1"--i?pl?tlrri****east,/west roure whi-ch provides for ;.;-i;.;-; traver:r.n _reachEi-:tEH: ifu!ti:,""",*"i:iq^i'*".'.:."'l',:',1 ltil i1*:li"'.1:_";j"i;;-=:d'1;ifft$#ln tfe vic_ini_ry of rhe- sitl. N;;r;y_;#;i:-;""=.i;iU ";nffi: i:ilii;$;Prontage Road is estimated to u"_ -s,ooo -io e ,ooo vetricrdd#€#;;i:ff :ir;";i:3"J:"1111;,,T1:n^',"u-"--".t,..1";-;G-;;=i.e1sT-i-o1rvirtualrv rlar and vis-iuiriiy L? tr.rril "p-n="?n"ti"Jii,ii.*r'_E#€_ "excellent. .. *' . ,, ,',,_.;i:a,ffi '3f ", "; u: 'jij' lr! 'i, : .- ., - .. .;.) Based "" .;i1it-l:fr.: e"n.r"tior, .r"k ;;;i;ft*rnsLitute of Transportarion noiirr""i";-il-v;;r' of.r.,o.,.,-"se-.sLs 9a r'r.lusPorEaElon Engineers, the Vail_Off ice".SuildfiiqiffifH.-,,1i:: ::"i:i::*t:g--r"^geg-erate a t-otar "i'rii-."i"-t-iog and 155 exir:-:.#*'., .iJ&j"'v.' -'ot="ifr1"'"'l ie"*i i i trt:i::3 l_':ll'":j:_u,".::lg_.F_;,;-';ne pear1i"rr,, il;;eas e wiu entbr'III ENt.J-., >:-n, will exir cturins tne evJniig-peu:._t;;."..--=-- : n ,:,-....*jZirfuotz 4o r* ia ^-r.:--r-' .. r, -- t .i-;-''.i !..::.....: /;ffi1*1:.'ri':l,tffi:\ffi ,ff '.H1"J"1""T,ruryi#i'#eni:+#,;_.:';d:ff PJ,"iii:.,"To.'1lXJlffiru".""r:HW'rl;ii;i:ffitt'ua;aJ2bTtl)*rhis perceDrase drisrribuii;r--h"iL";;p-ij.-;! il ii;;j$L. '.:.rlii-.' lr|=or - P.-it"S, f'ci*-Jb POPULUS TREITULOIDES Ouakinq Aspen Florrerinq Crab 2L 4i33' 2n -2. 2r, I{ATJLTS FTORTBUNDA srnt-'f5 previou-sly cited traffic aeneration eEtinates to yielcl the assign-ed traffic activity shown on the attached illuJtration. rt -is important to note that naximlm entering traffic is expectEa loconsist, of 37 westbound right turns and 9 eastbound rlrt turnsduring the morning peak-hour. Access Recommendations The current version of The state Highway Access code has beenreviewed with respect to its appticalftitf to the vail officeBuircling project. As a result, it has beeri concluded that reit-turn' accereration and deceleration ranes are not required inorder to conform to reguirements of the code. An accelerationlane is not required due to the low 25 mph speed 1imit; a deceler_ation lane is not reguired since expected -peak-hour right toin"are less than 50; and a left-turn lane i; not requiied untilpeak-hour left-turn demand reaches 30 vehicles. since westbound right-turn movemenLs are going to be thepredominent traffic frow into the site, the planned decelerationlane along the site's frontage would be beireficiar to trafiicmovement in the area. Hovrever, the existance of a large boxculvert adjacent to the site's eastern boundary makes constrirctionof such a lane to Access code standards (a 9b-foot taper, a 60-foot lane and about 30 feet of additional storage renltrr), muchtoo costly to consider. A lane with a 9o-foot taper and go feetof tangent section does appear to be feasible, aia is thereforerecommended. These dimensions assume a 25-foot wiae -aiiverav width' 20-foot curb radii, and a l2-foot wide lane, as required bythe Access Code. The above recomnended design is compatible with the Town.sconceptuar plan for construction of a driveway to a locationopposite fron the subject driveway, and provisioln for associatedlef t-turn and decereration lanes - to be -reguired in .;;jil;ii;;with pranned adjacent rand use changes. Further roadway ,iia."i"gof 5- to 6-feet along. the vail office Building frontag-e wiri-uenecessary to accommodate this ultimate roadway -ross-secltion, how-ever. lir- u-lar€s _ Morgran, pe15"rr. -January 28, 1983 Page Two POPULUS IREMT'IJOI.DES IIIT.?.TE FTAE|TRNNDA OuaJ(inq Aspen Florrerino Cralr ?-I-3', tn-r.)n I ffili:T:'fi gr? p'"e te;r Page rirJe' ror rile Tjf, i??., ^:n::- inf oraati, r an c e, n r " i "-. -ji;:., j* :it* "'i F", Jt"t"to tT :T Sf rllg " l r:lli lgRespectfully submitted, f,Erc?, sco"T & cLEARy, rNc. PNS,/nlc Enclosure: Estinated Traffic Distribution 'Gott rrrl Vall Cltflcc Bulldhg - ""t Apgror l||rla Scrfo :1"- 2OO' .d -/'l1( OFFTCE I auil6iFo I IEUrLOlito I -Ig7r7 IEr et2 so : 7ll7 se99 '-(Y)/ , ^ t/.l/r./Lt[p % l,'- Ye* LEGEI{D : 2Oi r E.tlmri.d p.rcant Tfrlflc Dlatrlbs on 2/f _ Atl Prek-Houf Trttflc , pH p.rt-Hou. TrrtflcAv.rrg. W.ckdrt T?aTlL Lcllh, Scott & Clcery. lnc. JONSTRUCTTON PERMTT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF oA.rE 5/22/86 PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE OUT 5/28/86 002'{'ih hn depertment of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT €.n BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL ntrtr PERMIT NO. l. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I l lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM OfVfSION r2?a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : INSTALLING THREE PHASE SERVICE. WPE GROUP G,R.F.A. V PERMIT FEES ALTERATION AODITIONAL() REPAIR ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES TOTAL PERMIT FEES & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state SIGNATURE OF OWNER OF CONTRACTOR R HIMSELF JOBNAME: VOLITER.S NURSERY ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM N/A TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 949-4061 PLUMBING CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE departmont of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E aurtorruc ! pr-uluerNc'fl rlecrnrcel I FouNDAnoN D MECHANICAL N LEGAL Desc. LOT BLK- FILING JOB NAME: OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. Q,-..r*,.o,- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OT VAII REG. NO TEI C PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG-NO TELE. lh€ prhl.rylvail PERMIT NO. 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY G ROUP AEEH IR M olvtsloN L?2a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBINGNEW ALTERATION () ADOITIONAL() REPAIR( DWELLING UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION:THICKNESS R-VALLUE AODITIONAL PERMITS ST. CUT BLASTING PARKING OESIGN REVIEW BOARD TOTAL PERMIT FEES NING ADMINISTRATOR & BUILOING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and sub.division codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances.of the Town applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. L^JorK Shee-T- PLUMBING FOUNDATION TI'IE FOLLOI.JING IS NEEDID FOR FILING PIRMII letter from Condo Assoc(if applicable)2 sets of compl'ete drawings(ff'holdrawings two complete explanation of .....--- lorn dcpartment of community davotopment ilPP,Ft+ \F 9,q u r,8 qM ?LEI ErP r rAs rW$''fligf I'lffHft g"fi EE ?!^u', E suruorr'tcE eiecrRrceL fl MEcHANtcAL oa D LOT BLK. - JOB NAME: Voliterrs N.lrsery OWNER Local Add. ---.-'|t.- ARCHITECT MA'r AnnRFss , crry pH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FrnM Va IOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO CONTRACTOR rowN oFv^tr REG. NO. 01333 PLUMEING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. FIRM IOWN OF V^IL FEG, NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. t. TypE oF coNsrRucnoN r'ir rrt tv v 2. OCCUPAIICY GROUP A B E H I R M . DtVlSlOt{ t22.34 GENERAT DESCRtpTtON OF WORI ! GROUP , G.R:F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES ryEw,rA[Tffi DW€LLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS HEIGHTTNFT. - NO. FTFEPI-ACES TOTAL PERMTTFEES iiTfIHKRE":wruen onEnrnnffi F XX)(XXXXXXXXXX FOR HIMSELF Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 Eaat Meadour Orive, Suite Uail, Colorado 81657 303/ 4?6-2170 N- 10 Ms, 5198 Vail .,..$!!p , Colorado 81657 Date r Subject: 0ctober 21' 1985 Vollter Nurseny Bui Iding Vai I . Colorado This is to confinm that I have tnspected the north and south walls in the upstairs of the above noted building' L have found that additional 2x4 studs Fust be added to the existing ulalls at 16" on center to nestorc thc integrety of the systen, The existing plytrood should be nailed to the same uith 8d at 6" on center. This nailing pattern should also bs used to nail the existing plyr^rood to the king posts at the ends of the r.ralls and at the plates at the top and bottom. Furthermore, Sit'tpson LIB 126 r,rall bracing should be added diagonally across the inside face of both of theEe walls to provide additional Iateral reslstance. These braces should cxtend from the top plate to the sill plate' Plea:e calI me if you have any questions regarding this natter. BOYLE II cc: Ttnothy I'l, President ffi:i*,'f;i 14oBs i @I$ Please Reply Ixl No Beply Req'd t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,. JOBNAME )+ 7d-z- / .' /t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i ... (-,. / INSPECTION: CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: MON WED THUR RAPPROVED - CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE br trF trc tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE t: (:INSPECTOR + ALTA Cwn€r's Policy - Form B - Amended lO-l t. 7-70 o POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE |SSUED BY GUARANTY STE.W'AR.T TITLE COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, STEWART TITLE GUABANTY COMPANY, a corporation of Galveston, Texas, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the insr.r red by reason of: 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land,.or 4. Unmarketabilitv of such title lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused this policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized officers as of Date of Policv shown in Schedule A. STEWATTT TITLE 6UARANTY COUP NY.?Va/r"- fu--,a Chairman of the Board Countersigned: SOc pt!-[ oJ/- Authofl zed Counte.signature EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE .'r;Jj,'''''r,'l''l'. Ths following maters are expressly excluded from the cov8rage of this policy: 1, Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating orprohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or locataon of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the eftect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmontal regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notics of the exercise of nlch rights appaars in the public records at Date of Policv. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffsred, assumed or agreed to bv th€ insured claimant, lb) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to lhe insur€d cl8imant either at Date of policv or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Companyprior to the dats such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damago to the in$red ctaimant; (dl attaching ot created subsequent to Oate of Policy; or (e) resulting in lost or damags which would not have been sustained if the insureo claimant had paid vslue for the estate or interest insured by this policy. [!ifri,''j 0-9902- 00'l B 50rr,1 156 ]*o,rto*s AND srrPULATto*, O 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS The following terms when used in this policy mean: (al "insured": the insured named in Schedule A, and, subiect to any rights or defenses the Company may have against the named insured, those who succeed to the interest of such insured by operation oI law as distinguished from purchase including, but not limited to, heirs, dis- tributees. devisees, survivors, personal representatives, next of kin, or corporate or fiduciary successors. (b) "insured claimani": an insured claiming loss or damage hereu nder. (c) "knowledge": actual knowledge, not constructive knowledge or notice which may be imputed to an insured by reason of any public records. (dl "land": the land described, specifically or by reference in Schedule A, and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property; provided, however. the term "land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area specifically described or referred to in Schedule A. nor any right, title, interest, estate or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, ianes, ways or waterways, but nothing herein shall modify or limit the exrent to which a right of access to and from the land is insured by this policy. (e) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other secu rity instru ment. (f) "public records": those records which by law impart constructive notice of matters relating to said land. 2. CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE AFTER CON. VEYANCE OF TITLE The coverage of this policy shallcontinue in force as of Date of Policy in favor of an insured so long as such insured retains an estate or interest in the land, or holds an indebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage given by a purchaser from such insured, or so long as such insured shall hrve liability by reason of covenants of warranty made by such insured in any transfer or conveyance of sJch estate or interest; provided, howwer, this policy shall not continue in force in favor of any purchaser from grch insured of either said estate or interest or the indebtedness secu red by a purchase money mortgage given to such insu red. 3. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS _ NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BY AN INSURED CLAIMANT (a) The Company, at its own cost and without undue delay, shall provide for the defense of an insured in al litigation consisting of actions or proceedings commenced against such insured, or a defense interposed against an insured in an action to enforce a contract for a sale of its estate or interest in said land, to the extent that such litigarion is founded upon an alleged defect, lien encumbrance, or other matter insured against uy tnis "^..,Ii::::,t-":I^t1t^'ll*" the option to pav or otherwrse potacy. settle tor or in the name ot an inzured claimant any claim insured against or to terminate all liability and obligations (b) The insured shall notify the Company promptly in of the Company hereunder by paying or tendering payment writing (i) in case any action or proceeding is begun or of the amount of insurance under this policy together with defense is interposed as set forth in (a) above, (ii) in case any costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred up to the knowledge shall come to an insured hereunder of any claim time of such payment or tender of payment, by the in$Jred of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate claimant and authorized by the Compahv. or interest as insured, and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this policy or, (iii) if title to the estate or interest. as insured. is reiected as unmarketable, lf such prompt notice shall not be given to the Company, then as to such insured all liability o{ the Company shall cease and terminate in regard to the matter or matters for which such prompt notice is required; provided, however, that failure to notify shall in no case prejudice the rights of any such insured under this policy unless the Company shall be prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. (c) The Company shall have the right at its own cost tc institute and without undue delay pros€cute any action ol proceeding or to do any other act which in its opinion may be necessarv or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as insured, and the Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of this policy, whether or not it shall be liable thereunder, and shall not thereby concede liability or waive any provision of this policy. (d) Wheneryer the Company shall have brought any action or interposed a defense as requ ired or permitted by the provisions o{ this policy, the Company may pursue any such litigation to final determination by a court of competent iurisdiction and expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from any adverse judgment or oroer. (e) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the Company to prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, the insured hereunder shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecu te or provide defense in sJch action or proceeding, and all appeals therein, and permit the Company to use, at its option, the name of such insured for such purpose. Whenwer requested by the Company, such insured shall give the Company all reasonable aid in any such action or proceeding, in effecting settlement, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, or pros- ecuting or defending such action or proceeding. and the Company shall reimburse such insJred for any expense so incurred. 4. NOTICE OF LOSS - LIM]TATION OF ACTION In addition to the notices required under paragraph 3{b) of these Conditions and Stipulations, a statement in writing of any loss or damage f or which it is claimed the Company is liable under this policy shall be furnished to the Company within 90 days after such los or damage shall have been determined and no right of action shall accrue to an insured claimant until 30 days after such statement shall have been furnished. Failure to furnish such statement of loss or damage shall terminate any liability of the Company under this policy as to such loss or damage. 5. OPTIONS TO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETTLE CLAIMS (continued and conqluded on last page of this policy) ALTA OWN€R'S POLICY -Amonded 1O/17'sc order No': z7g4-vcz PoficY No'. o-ggoz-3zglzz Date of Policy: January 2g, LggT At r1 :31 A.r.Amount of Insurance: s SOO,000. 00 1. Name of Insured: VAIL COMMERICIAL PARTNRS, A COLORADO GEI{ERAf, PARIT{ERSHIP 2. The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this policy is: FEE SIMPLE 3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in: VAIL COMMMTCTAT PARTNMS, A COTORADO GESIERAL PARTNERSHTP 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: ;r* sffi ATTACHED PAGE 2-A 'r'r ?Cr ,.t; i't"r , Lr \Lz (J( Lk (,-zlCl t AITTIJOR IZM COUIITRS IGNATURE STE.\^/AR.T TITLI.: GUARANTY COMPANY /70o SCHEDULE A o Altached b and made a pad of Sbryan Ti$€ Guaranty Company -,t "ob-, ilOZ,3ZILZZ Continuation of ScheduleA-No. 4 A parcel of land located 1n Section 12, Tonrnship 5 South' Rangre 81 West of the 5th Principal Merldian, County of Eagle' State of Colorado, more partlcularly descrlbed as follows: Connencing at a point on the Notherly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 5, whence the Northeast corner of said Section 12 bears North 38007' East, 876.99 feet; tlrence North 73o45' East alonq sald Northerly right-of-wayline a dlstance of 75 feet to the True Polnt of Beginning; thence North 15045' lilest, to the South rigrht-of-way Lineof Interstale No. 70i thence ln a Southwesterly dlrectlon along the South right-of-wayIlne of InLerstate No. 70 to the Point of Intersectlon of that right-of-way line with tbe Norttr right-of-way line of U.5. Highway No. 5 and thence ln an Easterly direction along the North right-of-way of U.S. Highway No. 6 to the Point of Beginning. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO { 203-A-T {sOM 1 1-A6l STEI^/AR.T TITLE GrIATANTY COMPANY Pag€ - .ALTA OWNEFI'S POLICY -Modati.d tO/73. oRDffi N0. : 27slc2 SCHEDULE B Policy No.: O-99O2-3Z9LZT This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary linei. shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a . correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien. for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished. imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and any unredeenedtax sales. 6. The effect of Lnclusions in any general or specific waterconservancy, fire protection, soi.l conservation or otherdislriet or inclusion in any wat,er service or st,reet inprovement area. 7. Right of Proprietor of a veln or lode to extract and remove hisore therefrom should the sane be found to penet,rate orintersect the prenises as reserved in Unlted States Patent recorded. Decenber 29, L920 in Book 93 at Page 42. 8. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authorityof the United States, as reserved in United States Patent record.ed December 29, 1920 ln Book 93 at Page 42. 9. Easenent for ingress and egress for the benefit of the l-andadjoining to the East of said parcel as reserved in Warranty Deed recorded August 25, 1978 in Book 273 aE Page 925. I0. Deed of Trust dated Septernber 11, 1986, fron tynn DorothyVoliter to the Public Trust,ee of Eagle County for the useof Vail National Bank to secure the sun of 9330,000.00recorded September 17, 1986 in Book 448 at Page 888. Loan Release and Assumptlon Agreement recorded Decenber 31, l-986 in Book 455 at Page 245 as Reception No. 35L479. 11, Encroachnent of two story-$rood frane wood porch and l\lo .St,ory Block and Wood Frame and Wood Deck on th Rlght-of-wayof Interstate Highway 70 and Wood Retalning Wall into U.S. Highway 5 as shor.tn on Inprovement Location Certificat,e dated Decenber 2, 1985 prepared by Intermountain Englneerlng Ltd. STE\'!'AIiT TITLE (}Uana Ntt coxP raY1613 {20M 3-85t PaSe 3 luotrlorus AND srrpuLATIoNs continuf (con{Fed and concluded from ranerse side of Policy Facel 6. DETERMINATION AND PAYMENTOF LOSS {a} The liability of the Company under this policy shall in no case exceed the least of: (i) the actual loss of the insu red claimanu or (ii) the amount of inzurance stated in Schedule A (bl The Company will pay, in addition to any loss insured against by this policy, all costs imposed upon an insured in litigation carried on by the Company for such insured, and all costs, attorneys' fees and expenses in litigation carried on by s-rch insu red with the written authorization of the Company. (g) When liability has been definitely fixed in accord- ance with the conditions of this policy, the loss or damage shall be payable within 30 days thereafter. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY No claim shall arise or be maintainable under this policy (a) if the Company, after having received notice of an alleged defect, lien or encumbrance inzured against hereunder, by litigation or otherwise, removes such defect, lien or encumbrance or establishes the title, as insured, within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice; (b) in the event of litigation until there has been a final determination by a court of competent iurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals therefrom, adverse to thetitle, as insured, as provided in paragraph 3 hereof; or (c) for liability voluntarily assumed by an insured in settling any claim or suit without orior written consent of the Com- pany. 8. REDUCTION OF LIABILITY All payments under this policy, except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses. *rall reduce the amount of the insurance pro tanto. No payment shall be made without producing this policy for endorsement of such payment unless the policy be lost or destroyed, in which case proof of such loss or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Company. 9. LIABILITY NONCUMULATIVE It is expressly understood that the amount of inzurance under this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Company may pay under any policy insuring either (a) a mortgage shown or referred to in Schedule B hereof which is a lien on the estate or interest covered by this policy, or (b) a mortgage hereafter executed by an insured which is a charge or lien on the estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy. The Company shall have the option to apply to the payment of any such mortgages any amount that otherwise would be payable hereunder to the insured owner of the estate or interest covered by this policy and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy to said insured owner. 10. APPORTIONMENT lf the land described in Schedule A consists of two or more parcels which are not used as a single site, and a loss is established affecting one or more of said parcels but not all, the loss shall be computed and settled on a pro rata basis as Valid Only lf Scheduler A and B are Attach€d. if the amount of incrrance under this policy was divided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole, exclusive of any improvements made subsequent to Date of Policy, unless a liability or value has otherwise been agreed upon as to each such parcel by the Company and the insured at the time of the issuance of this policy and shown by an express statement herein or by an endorsement attached hereto. 11. SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENT OR SETTLE- MENT Whenever the Company shall have settled a claim under this policy, all right of zubrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the insured claimant The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and remedies which gch insu red claimant woulo have had against any person or property in respect to such claim had this policy not been issued, and if requested by the Company, zuch insured claimant shall transfer to the Company all rights and remedies against any person or property necessary in order to perfect such right of subrogation and shall permit the Company to use the name of such insured claimant in any transaction or litigation involving such rights or remedies. lf the payment does not cover the loss of such insured claimant, the Company shall be subrogated to such rights and remedies in the proportion which said payment bears to the amount of said loss. lf loss should result from any act of such insured claimant, such act shall not void this policy, but the Company, in that e4,rent, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses insured against hereunder which shall exceed the amount, if any, lost to the Company by reason of the impairment ol the right of subrogation. 12. LIABILITY LIMITED TO THIS POLICY This instrument together with all endorsements and other instruments, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and conditions and stipulations of this policy. No amendment of or endorsement to this policy can be made except by writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by either the President, a Vice President, the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, or validating officer or authorized signatory of the Company. 13. NOTICES,WHERESENT All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at its main office. P. O. Box 2029. Houston. lexas 77252. 14. The premium specified in Schedule A is the entire. charge for acceptance of risk. lt includes charges for title search and examination if same is customary or required to be shown in the state in which the policy is issued. STE\!"\R.T TIA'LE OUARANTY C()MPA NY SA'E\'VAI.T 'f ITLE OUARANTY COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1896 INCORPORATED 1908 A NAME RECOGNIZED NATIONALLY FOR MORE THAN 75 YEARS AS BEING SYNONYMOUS WITH SAFETY PRESENT DIEna D-onovan Peggy OsterfossSid Schultz Bryan llobbsJin Viele A stated that the and John Deverich, approve the request per thefavor'of approval. Planning and Environrnental Comrnission October 26, L9g7 STAFF PRESENT Tom BraunRick grlman Betsy Rosolack ABSENTJ.J. Collins Pam Hopkins The rneeting was ca1led to order by the chairnan, Jim viele. I. Approval of minutes of October l_2 Diana moved and Peggy seconded to approve the minutes aspresented. The vote was 5-O for approval . 2.A request for a conditional use it in order to allow athe old Vol.iter Bu at 1-033 SouthFrontage Road.licant:VaIet sh Betsy Rosolack made the staff /presentation staff. reeornmended approval. plu)-prseeonf applicants, anshrered questions. Diana moved and peggy seconded tostaft'memo. The vote was 5-0 in 3.A_rgquesF,to apply Hillside Residential zoning to a parceiof land known as th -:est,to apply Hillside Residential_ zoning to a parcel Ridqe SubdivisionI . App I i c-a nt' :---;oh;^nl b-tl ch Rick Pylnan presented the request and stated that the staff hadbeen assured there is legal and physical access. nict revieweJthe evaluation of the request and stated that the staffrecommended approval and reminded the Board that approval ofthe zoning did not incrude reconmendation for a speliricdensity or level of developrnent of the property at tni= tirne. Jay. Petersgn, repTesenting John Ulbrich, repeated Rickrsstatement that this was not a deveropment pioposal , merely arequest for zoning. Bob Poole of the_Forest service pointed out an existing 4-whee1drive access road that must remain an access for Heritig. cibiETV and for the public. Jay said an access would remain. poore rnentioned that if theaccess being constructed by ulbrich did connect with the Forest ServLcefelt the access, the new access older access mayniqht be a better y be abandoned. .Jay o someda one. The the the Board asked questions about the nunber of possible lots,process being used, the size of the parcel and the gradi ofroad. Bryan Hobbs moved and Sid Schultz seconded to recomrnendapproval of the request to the Town Council. The vote was 5-0. A est to ly Hillside Residential zon to pro conmo as the Spraddle v slon.Applicant: George W. Gillett, Jr. 4. \ Rick Pylrnan expJ-ained the reguest and reviewed the criteria. Hereninded the Board that this piece of land had been discussed alot during the work on the Land Use plan. Once again, this wasnpt_1 development schene. The staff recommended ipproval andwould rook closely to make sure the development pran wourd meetthe high stand.ards of Hillside Residential zonin-g. Jay Peterson, representing George: Gillett, stated that 6 lotswere envisioned to be placed on the property. He stated thatwith a land exchange, access wourd ue avairiute. rf the landexchange with the Forest Service did not happen, the Forestservice has assured Gillett that they wilr llrorir access througha use pernit or a fee sinple. tte added that the Forestservice would grant a perruit for rhe livery stable to the eastof the property on a fairly flat site. Jay added that ForesterDave Stark would write a letter stating these itens. Bob Pooie of the Forest service stated that a basic rule of theForest service in any deveropment is to rook to access acrossthe property to secure the area to the east for continuouspublic access regardless of changes. sid felt he was faniliar with the site fron previous studies.Diana stated that she still felt this was better left as openla1d. -Bryan abstained fron discussion. peggy felt that atthis tirne the ttillside Residential zoning seernea to beappropriate. she expressed hope that the developrnent wourd besensitive to the hillside and visibirity frorn thl rohrn. shewas preased to hear that the retaining walls would be cut back. Sid moved and Peggy seconded to recommend approval of therequest to the Town Council. The vote was 4 in favor, noneagainst, with Bryan Hobbs abstaining. The Board was told of a public meeting to be held on November18 concerning the I-70 Main Vail Interchange. The meeting adjourned at 4:OO pM. /o -( I.DESCRTPTTON OF PROPOSED USE The appJ_icant is,requesting to-operate a ski repair shop inthe winter months in space used the rest oi-tne-year fyrirnberline Tours._ The space has also been used for a carwash, for tire sales and for Louisr casuai c"u= i" the tirnesince the voliter Nursery reft the site. rtre-ippricantstates: rrThe nature of.ski valet, rnc. wirr operate as a pick-up/delivery ski repair shop...The shoi space wiII beused only for repairing custonef?, sfis li.e.y tune_ups,waxing, binding iajustments. ski valet "ifi "p.race avan to transport the skis to and from the lodgls. therewill also be some walk-in customers to drol oif or piekup skis. rr Parking requirements for this use is-six spaces. currentlythere are l-2 parking spaces on the site. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 19.60, theDepartrnent recornmends approval ofbased upon the following- factor: rr. Conrnunity Developmentthe conditional use perrnit A. Consideration of Factors: Relatio ct of the use on develo Arterial Business District code -stat The Arterial Business District was created in 1982 in rrThe Arterial Business District is intended toprovide sites for office spacer puuric "iiiiii"=,service.statj_ons, and lirniiea lnippirg .r-------'comrnercial facilities serving the- Lowi and UpperEagle Valley residents and grlesls.n fu 76'--T- TO: Planning and Environmental Comnission FROM: Connunity Developrnent Department DATE: 70/26/gl SURTECT: A request for a conditional use perrnit to ar.row a skirepair shop in the old voriter niriraing at r_033 southFrontage Road.Applicant: paul pregont/Ski Valet, Inc. We feel that theuses described asdistrict. The effect of the use of li ht and air distlibution ofulationrtationfaclitiesutilitiesschoolsand recreat on facilitubIc fac ties n There will b-e--no.--irnpact. effect upon traffiS_-d'ith articular reference to convenj.ence, traffiE ve and estrian safEEV-and-low and control, accessmaneuverability, and remova snow from the streeE andparkinq areaE *"!l= ::::_li:!Ii!!1. there is speciar emphasis onteria rr TheT-T:':':1,=]=: ll Yi:r ?i tni=' pi;"-;";;:;:ii;;, Tours.H,i::t" will not ue inciei;d";;y5;i".iit"li'ii*i1i,.r.," There is more than sufficient parking on the site forthis use. Effect n the character ofl the area in which theosed use nc ud nq the scale andbulk of thE sed use relat on to surrounduses. This proposaldetrirnental eanticipated. rTT. APPLTCABLE RELATED POLICIES OF proposed use is cornpatible with thoseconditional uses witnin tfre-zone- uses and nothe area is is_-giml ar to the previousfect upon the characterJf PI.AN ELEMENTS OF THE COMPREHENSTVE None. Such other factors and criteria asrv. V. appllcable to the roposed use . FTNDINGS the cornmission deems The _Community Developmentconditional use permit berl_nqlngs: Departnent recoinmends that theapproved based on the f;ii";i;g That the proposed rocation of the use is in accord withtle purposes of this ordinance and the p"ip"=".-"i tfr"district in which the sLte is located. That the.p-roposed rocation of the use and the conditionsunder which it wourd be operated or maintainea woura notbe detrinental to tlre puUiic health, safety, o,,"ff"r"or materially injurious to properties or fi;.;;;;nts inthe vicinity. That.the_proposed use wouLd comply with each of theapprr-cable provisions of this ordinance. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON Staff reconnendation for thisuse is one of the conditionalArterial Business District. request is for approval. Thisuses listed in the code for the ..-F 4< <-\*qr €.a: tc-tvt=O ,r. vr.tt (D.oa-t30 -,. n a-t tD.o E.' o u, .'o!g -oo- to-t o.,5 E'to <_.. .Dr) a+ =(D o15'o r|r|,(+ o =€ 3o a+ q .D a,of) .D15 c+ .Do- c5cf !, 'to-J CJcr o = UI acq =c|' il .Do- (tcr=nmmrnoan 'Tr -o'ltr c) z, -l L, --\ I N !\l $.J qt z, 3rrl o-rl ! r c) z.-{ <rl m rrlUIFI2, -.l --l m octnFI|J)a/, !'t,t- c) { oz, 'rlo c)o =o d oz. l-<to ooeclcfL/, .D aDmo_tr o0,ct o \A rv + N o! -'rrrl =Hnoi =.D .D!. =l' It\ JqI'Itr\ I I I I I cro ou a+ A' 5 o ooJo- cr o:' o, T\ \, 'rJr 9\ Icv ! o =rI| .-lo.oc -t .Do-. c cJ\. , \.\ \, o=rrl E' tlo(:t c)7J>F1 -{U1rJ) o2 rn '-lmrn '6,+ oo =lost\ I c);< S',tltr @ >{c)-o rrlm-q -Tl -imrrl o=ccpur -l€F@o rrl-Eo-u <.rt >D r-< m_'r1o m -{.r rrl m --l3mzi oTl F' !TrFm I ! -=.'-t mc)-lr- r -,.>CtnQ 'c, o ci { rz.o!1 F{ c) -tr(J C)z, >!ciz.u=.) -l o(D; .=H=C F.:Dgr t /', a- -l =rn r<(D tn@@mmo.r- -n:O Ftm:zo(/)o€ o>oz.2. 1 L/1 A6 cD>ot-- C') -+lrrt :r'OO,11 a-/1 .-ro ut -,1' tlrEc) -{ -t io m]Jiorrl.arr| --l -t c'> a '+--l e <' oo o,€5 0-Z o- cJ.m9,F.f o, (r5(DlD5>J,(+Z'.5Ocl =oc)o. O_r.ciFAJ F J.Oril 5a) (o ur-Jco,ct> o-(J'cro-oo-J () tO.D cfrnt4ano! a.n @ 1mm o<n. E..D 5'(a ''rl EEHH EgHd: EF5f; ]=FEfi :=:q ;#H=F =rE; 5F=;5 ;F;; d *,0=2 H5flE E;i5E ;;I:i*;=q=i E;3E: €fF ilsi=E F q,a ?2--- - EEg ==FHi-Ef F*-.PF.=A= oo-t S.Hq= EF;=F ; . m HmF>F.L €> fr>EE-ltl -E -(, =2, c. f aJ' 5F3 Fsg3E PE.u z'<'2''< H;fi =TFF>m."23 Es =,3m o_Tl o€z.rrlF a./, E.' c|' o.' o€z,'tl F a/, at1 6)z, ic rrl a.r1 o(, rrl Lt)U) tl\i o-n .It o'uo aJ', r- |-m G-, r- I |-o IK IttJ t-oc) r^ I I I,_, F z6) \ \- I o mF c)o ==z. i orrl mro =mz,{ =rI- .. : . oi, tng. .rl h,qc+J (tstQrEA€ o.cC U+J|tro(t rHrtoq>rNt{od+JoodEu|a.rJ c'ooq o.qo c+r'ooo +r .q +,o+Jog;Eto +J 'rlc..t t{OFA."1 j.utdo o o14.., ..t o : E+J OE d 3 .:oo , ;Cr'Fl : FlkF{OtSff.? 1co c 'ttEd o :tr .tJo{Jtr . .-l'rr.4 E : , P .p.qcc5Elout .:c. 'rJ - o,q,q 4ood{JtDO urAAa..1 t+{ E !.g o .i.g-l'.I'o|ttb iFl h..l C ' A 6 fr..ir, 0, {ro c+r ofiggg : H'o ..{O' JJ]J 'H d.JI,O U-o .F{ '.1 d, AEd O..5d, s Ot{ C,.PO tc.Fl {J+, t{qo q{(ulr o.Fl tr(r'Fl IEo .9q{gafit (uok oo' ordF:-{ 4 Oo d .tj.p.r! o d+Jul ,{ llF . O+J> r llr oOO ..{ d H h'.5 'd fl F'Eq d ut d,do oP{ UUrt!& oc .'q O C..{ ,9 -r'-. * IO{d' tUN-H..1uro tt(utr c o-d.rt o .p {J't,ur d'l Ex.rt\^o 2n. F{A C o d'ctout c0,>r'rr q O Ct{ Ul '.{ .d.;865 .:F.E.n'g E S..!En d {U 6 or* A..rr d 4 n . ':-\'u "'- a .'' ,. Ut gtqgl.rl r nl'dE E 8.5tg. d'ig o o i, .5 i',t 14 +, .'-t j rt"r.5 r'H fiE O O +J.rlO (/).rl .Fl (J Outo> v, a88r o.9fO f{.q .d tH..{HAr *rH* o c rt{ tJ 4J.99., o+r, +r5o {r.do (u c tnctE t{ aJ4' .O O Otinrt{E 9{ r{ tlt (|lACO (l)o.lr+Jd r{ > .dd O. Ortrr (t ott.nu trd, E.e"g 8.9 fi.rt +r +J O .1, OOoO OntOA'd O.r O rctH,Uf g.g f,of g Qr- €(t tnC..P t{ o c.,{ o. tlt F{ .l-lE Or+{ .C .Q 3 Fl ntO ().rl O..l or+J ,gAu|'q U|d orlOCO{ C.4..1 E g.o fi,fi g .gFs ..rt l{ eft n U8,3|-0,[.99tAOA, +JUr.O3 z#i:tg'gfr. #,ill '=' ,=; trr t::r '=' 'S' F [O '.'J ':,.J l:L L:rr"-r l!. LU l.t.l |:|i ':il',I ':t, ::r -:r g o..1 +)o Etrott{ .5 tng.A!o F{ ?lota{ o +, tl.l o -q c,.Fl O{oo it kao F. HH .-''{L!.r ':j TN 1f f '='J'5, :I :E '5' F r:t:t .:-l- '5' F 'J r.u- Ii' := '.o :g rf r: t!Hd*;4E!g rri ;i !l t-r-. Lrr =LlJ .lnrr-- = LLI ,:-' ,.li ir-r =::-! = Fr.I' F - r! F{;J ri .. .4Ilil r-L _ '= ':':' E:,1l- ll Lrl - ':' r- ii:J '-: r:L ct*:i:r: :{t-'1 ':-l ::c = -I'rj i5:: F{ Ir-l FJ l:J'l I n:t :.:- '5, .:I hl ;r:r ':'f d :::. r=r r:r:l l.L ':' ,:r t:r':' '=r:t r:l ':' '= r:' :: ..:f F-FF t--. H'H .H ,a:^ I ,.'t, .- !' t i v, .tJ'. Fio Ec,.H. .Ft',tt.0,k o E..{.H i ?-Vo-1 otl/Nlts a ffie DD uo- ?ontB1pil6rkso"' ?f^{ b+,-)'/ 4tC - lqtrl ?e.F-1 %"T Tho BIPN{ < ftaoaizke , ?*rg,*1 NceT * ea /+t^rD - STrre aF 0aLsenoo r- \,, t ^ f (th7n,ry 'T- aa \ Uu, V' NAI ?r) s F'u*r*"V fv^ n -a'tl lLr t/ *Vsr ={c a- 2 t- {+ |-o 'fu nah^! ^ 8/z fuze-r -zl.a u)t ofrr4afl u24r f/rg-,^P / lz/rrrr/ s,/€; Rfal/ e'/aP, 7^4 *hf sfa4- rb fu hz"/ ttt,,tt & ZaaZl t>. TZq All t///z/rz Bry rut /a3Z s. Fazljraf Fe til, l,tl'z c,<litt & t4l1rrr4 f'hL-: Ete % t^ +^4- W s;& an| -ft^ q6;rt"all"l"il -lo.fl, -T7"/ th"( 5fai4' r"titt /32 "lat? 4 ft 4*7 hltiumt/z 5t-i4 (c) -Tnne-n?5, w+/'1,1, en/2 atfin'att' Qrc /Nc+ [nt'// f,l4afrl L th^ 7b frzan:frrzt *< dts +o +",9 fizn fi'lt L'ta1rc. -fl'wL t'u''-l! a-/'Lb d22 & tu1^L w+-!k-;*, blula"''o'a F ry 2D ^ 4f 4&/. li. I.4k* -rraq] ""--'rJ Q-zt-ffi ! rtt CYt VAusr =r'T 'lh/ nahn? fr 8lz /nz{-z,a aDrt afri't r'a 4 t, p,ttZ-Q / l"Jrr"./ s/a; Rfau eh4, flw €'/'1<f sV41/z- ab & tz?Z atlt ae Zo^zb .>. *.q 2z/ ///z/tz 8ry nt /a3aA. ftanft.V. Fp ,)' lrtl,z- t't-,rirt eZ uz2t f'l'Q- Ee % f,^ 'ft.'v W *& a/40 -/tu" q6;z'aSlatl"fl -.fu.rt, nu ilf =Pt"e aitr & taz"? 4 ft 4*7 ..,h//i*t'rz 5,t'i4 (c) a^\'qP5r t'vurtlf , &"a2 a(zt/t*<tl' Q-z{-[-1t +t lpll+ [,1/t'/t 6f,tt)fl a- uh/t 7b frantrzzX fl<-'";' i aXls +o 4^,9 ]a.m tl,*'t, [a41rc. 17^aQ u't'uL| a!'1a d2z A I I ^ .r ..\4' *nvq woW-; A//z/ri"/'" P hf 92 tu P*-1' 24tu. OEr- ltlr"/PUsr =r,T -ftIl nafr^! fr 8/z /PteT-?co o'tirt {v f/&-'p / dzlt,tT s/"; ,Q7tttt *hoP' Q-zt-6? 4 sfa4 -Tnttc -qP5 r w*trrl.f , Fr"a"V az!.o*na'aA' f/-La.tr a- D/2 zb fTunryrz-* f< K., 17^ae uu+/.Q al'in dnz tr L'<r fE ^ P*-1' lfJt4.LA flw shq? T+t & t'zz/ t,/r/ & /aa(Z/ />. *.2/ AU ///a/rz Ery ht /a3Z A. Qv]znftf eP t4, ltl,z cttirt ft uA?:- /l'4- Ete % fnuw 41'v 6,ff 6^aj 6tn0 -fi'* q6;z'alld'11 -lo .uf, n4 4 sVa'eL atitr & ttztl 4 ft @f h/tbmrl4 il-L4 (c) +t YBut h,t'// d ts +a 4-u O tt* 4" *::vL W0,-l,le.-.(." affi). .' t'' OYt,,|*u-t =d? Q-zt-{+ l; --tfu rafu^! fr $lz /*tzr-z,a c^titt ryu4.La 4 t, f/ip-'A/ / lzl/rlt/ s/a; &-fo, ?fuP, flw 5'1'14f sf'a4- 7A ,>" *-t/ 24/ ///t/tz Bry nt /a3A a. ft-a,nraf. eall t4, kl'z ,'ttitr Ez un-7 /41L Et e e,r /ttcvn -t1,\1- "4* i..*tj An 0 'ftA2 ap-t' alh"'ltflvr'T-'uu -|o.f*, n4 tA'( *?"A, atitr & ttzzl ry /* 4*7 hlt*rnt/z il*iA (tc) 'Tnr*-qP5r w*t'If , &n4 a4'ih*'tt' +t ypUl h/t'// 6l.14an L /e/( 7b f7anryrzt ft< a1ts +. 44"0 l,trn t7"2 Lttrt,es' 17^ua uu+il a!'la d22at 4, *tt<- wa1k4, Utulon *ur F ry 9D ^ P*-f 24fri. . i, PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS Hf,AEBY GMN that the ptanning and Environnental Cornmission of the Town of VaiI will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 18.66.060 of the nunicipar code of the Town of Vail on October 26t L9B7 at 3:OO pU in the Town of Vait Municipal Building. Consideration of: L. A request for a conditional use permit in order to allow a ski repair shop in the old Voliter Building at t-033 south Frontage Road. Applicants: Ski Valet, Inc. The applications and information about the proposals are avairable in the zoning adninistratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVEISP!,IENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAI'N Zoning Adrninistrator Published in the Vail Trail on October 9, LgA7. TTTTT u0r:rtlT DD T tr I'l H rlrJtr0 F I:.' :iEP I!87 TUES[IFiy FjE|-EIFT # 4iF5[ 5I';I I.IALET..FAUL PFIEGT]HT I I-.r-I IIATTEEHI]EI.{ I.' I FJLL]E UAIL. ltr. El65i lESr:EiFTi0i.l, rjui.J0 I T i L'IHAL u:_iE r:11r:lEtlrJ4l J-f,[t IUIHL r_:$l5H L:HErti # 't.t I _1.t -l UtJ u l.J tt ,\ t I'JH I L Bi,IlFn I Elrr . BL1 l LrE . r:18 FjEI-EIFT E?. FNBT, TO: FROM: DATE: I. o 1}*} t/t"*,,!K planning and Environmental commissio"f.".^l: ?ff .l Conununity Developnent Department March 9, L987 SUBJECT: A request for a front setback variance and a variancefrom required roof slope in order to construct abuilding at 1031 South Frontage Road.Applicant: Vail Commercial Partnersbip DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCES REQUESTED As the Planning Commission may recall, this property requested and received variances from the Planning Conmissionon January 26, L9A7. Since that tine new survey informationhas been obtained that reguired the redesign of thisstructure. This redesign has prompted a request for a frontsetback variance to allow a portion of the parking lot to beIocated within the required front setback. The degree of encroachment varies frorn 4 to 9 feet into the reguiredsetback area. Section L8.29.070 of the Arterial Business District requiresa minimun slope of any roof to be 3:12. The applicant hasrequested a variance from this requirement to proceed to the Design Review Board with a flat roof design. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.61.060 oftbe municipal code, the Department of Connunity Development recommends approval of the requested front setback variance and denial of the reguested variance to the required roofpitch based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: 6-o i\rr'!o!A $ \ 'gl** fil^ The relationship of the requested variance to other existing There is a direct relationship between the front setbackvariance reguest and existing and potential uses andstructures in the vicinity. It is the purpose of therequired front setback to require adequate landscape buffers between parking areas, buildings and the Frontage Road. In response to this, the applicant has subnitted a vicinity nap showing the ultirnate future improvenents to the Frontage Roadthrough the widening and addition of left and right turnIanes. This plan shorirs 15 feet remaining between theultinate inpact of road improvements and the siters propertyline. This would result in a 27 foot buffer between the ti,tl'qo- paved area of the parking 1ot and the beginning of theFrontage Road. It should be noted that the vicinity plansubmitted by the applicant includes a total of 5lanes, r.rhilethe ABD circulation plan indicates only 4 lanes in this area.Given this iLlustrative, the staff feels that the variancereguested can be rnitigated by providing landscaping off ofthe site between the property line and the beginning of thepaved surface of the Frontage Road. It is not typical that a design consideration such asreguiring pitched roofs is included in the zoning code.Nonetheless, the Planning Comrnission and Town Council saw fitto include this requirernent when the Arterial BusinessDistrict was adopted in 1982. The only property to beredeveloped since the adoption of this district has been theVaiI Professional Building. This structure was designed toconply with the reguired roof pitch. The GIen Lyon officebuilding tras an approved addition that atternpts to addressthe impact of the existing flat roof. This design includes asloped roof feature that visually reads as a pitched roof.To approve this variance would affect the general directionthe zone district has taken with this redevelopment andapproved addition to existing structures in the area. The deqree !o which relief from the strict and 1iterali iteqe. The redesign of this structure has rnaintained the basic arnount of square footage while atternpting to provide nore . ,\ -+ pedestrian area on the front side of the shops. Coupled with ns\ 'r"' * ; -- - having to position the building closer to the Frontage Road J .^,\\* ,r\ because of new survey information, this has resul.ted in the ,'l t ,,-tLr*,^ encroachment of paved area into the reguired front setback.b\\'- f'- - . This is not unlike the previous setback variance that was &^,,r-f ',,[ y,"'1^1- approved in January, although the encroachrnent is somewhat ..^L;-^ greater. Given the infornation provided by the applicantts t-" d' . vicinity map, it is felt that the intent of the landscapebuffer can be met and will not be impacted through future irnprovements to the Frontage Road. While the issue ofphysical hardship may be self-created through the size of thestructure proposed, it has been dernonstrated that inpactsresulting from this setback can be mitigated. It has been recognized that the triangular shape of the ]otcreates some constraints in its developrnent. However, withrespect to the roof pi-tch reguirements, it should be notedthat the applicant has subnitted previous plans showing adesign with a sloping roof. It is the impression of thestaff that the difficulties in designing a pitched roof tothe structure are driven by the size of the buildingproposed. As with the front setback request, there is 1itt1ein the way of a physical hardship to justify this request. t Holrever, in this caseto warrant support of there are no uritigating circumstancesthis variance request. The effect of the ested variance on liqht and uti.on o on and traacilites, publ c facili-t es and utiL es, and publ safety. Neither of the two requested variances affect any of the above mentioned criteria. Such other factors and criteria as the commi-ssion deemsapplicable to the proposed variance. IIT. FINDINGS The Planning and Environmental Cornmission sha1l make thefollowing findinqs before granti-nq a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the linitations onother properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrirnental tothe public health, safety or welfare, or materially injuriousto properties or inprovements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practicaldifficultly or unnecessary physical hardshipinconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicabte to the same site of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties inthe same district. STAFF RECOI,IMENDATION As has been stated in this nenorandun and during previous meetings, the shape of this site creates some difficulties inits development. However, the amount of square footage being proposed is creating an equal , or greater, amount of rv. difficulty in conplying with this zone districtrs developmentstandards. Tlre staff is comfortable wlth the requested irontsetback variance h lfght of the infomation provided by theapplicant. :ltrls infonnatlon indicates that an anplelandscaped buffer can be provided even with the ultinatedevelopnent of the South Frontage Road. !{ith respect to therequired roof pitch, it is the ieeling of the statf that api,tched roof could be accornnodated on the stucturd withslight-reductions in the building footprints. While thestaff is in support of the.requested front setback variance,our reconmendation concerning the variance request ts therequired roof slope is for denial . A\"..,-9- \,^4 ii' (.n"1) u-..^!/' * &^ *.J& ,-o+tr.b( X-^^-- Ar../bn ?d- i* .!/u -7Jr,*'.1' + y"u&- J-Dt> */ &'+ n-'/ t-(\IJ TO: PROM: DATE: Planning and Environmental Conmission Conmunity Developroent Department March 9, L987 {;tLL U^ S"S,^ -\ ,1"[^$.]. The staff has reviewed this requested amendnent and findslittle merit for its support. The reportrs primary recommendation with respect to ingress and egress is to: rr9lhenever possible, driveways on either side of theroadway should be constructed to line up with eachother. rl 1" AT..I-*'k^Y SU&IECT: A request to amend the general circulation plan rel-ativeto the proposed redevelopment of the Voliter property. Applicant: Vail Commercial Partnership A general circulation and access plan was adopted in conjunctionwith the adoption of the Arterial Business Distict in l-982. Thiscirculation plan is intended to be used as a guide for the developrnent of sites and the design and location of buildingswithin the district. The plan was seen as a tool for developing a comprehensive set of circulation improvenents in conjunction withthe subseguent redevelopment of parcels within the district. Theapplicant has reguested an amendment to this circulation plan thatrequires review and approval of the Planning Commission. 1.BACKGROI'ND ON THE CIRCUI,ATION PI,AN A copy of the consultantrs report for the circulation planhas been included for your review. The report concentratedon the areas of trip generation, ingress and egress, andpedestrian circulation. Projections of trip generation weremade, as well as reconmendations for maintaining smoothoperation of vehicular and pedestrian circulation throughoutthe district. II. AI,TENDMENT REQUESTED The applicant has requested an additional access point off ofthe Frontage Road to serve the westerly portion of theproperty. The circulation plan indicates the property to beserved only by a joint access with the Vail Professional . Building at the easterly end of the parcel . The additionalaccess way is seen as providing greater ease of access forthe users of this development as well as egress for firetrucks. . IIT. STAFF RECOMMENDATION >k c"^$-t -\ 1. k*1 t\^: ;'N^*\ ,v'tx{ -l.o ,.c..'s f.* The circulation pran reconmends the consolidation of accesspoints to the Glen Lyon Office auilding, the vailProfe.ssLonal Bulldlng, and the vollter-site. The additionaldrivewaj !o thfs property would create anotlrer access polnttlat 1$ directly LnconsLstant with the goal of thecirculation plan. It is not difficult to understand why the developers aredesLrous of this addLtional access. -one of the prinrarydeelgn consideratLons for a convenience center oi tnis-typeis to nake access and parking as easy ae possible for the-uaers of the facillty. In this case, the additional accessway has the potentlal to create l-npacts on the Frontage Roadthat are OOThe circulation plan reconnends the coniolidation of accesspoints to the clen Lyon Office Building, the VaiIProfessionar Building, and the voliter-site. The additionaldriveway to this nroperty would create another access pointthat is directly inconsistant with the goal of thecirculation p1an. It is not difficult to understand why the developers aredesirous of this additional access. One of the |rirnarydesign considerations for a convenience center of tnis-typeLs to make access and parking as easy as possible for theusers of the facility. rn this case, the additional access hr-ay has the potentiar to create irnpacts on the Frontage Roadthat are in direct conflict with the.goals of the zonedistrict. The staff would encourage the planning conrnission !-o dgny tlis proposed amendment and rnaintain the-integrity ofthe Arterial Business District ci-rcuration and access-pIan asadopted in 1982. t.\n ) o4: t Errnl)/l r|nra'lEt'tvntuIt,url T0: Planning and Environmenta'l Commission FROM: Departnent of Conrnunity Development DATE: January 20, .|983 suBJECT:. dfrteriai Business District circulation and Access PI-an Attached please find a copy of JHK_'s report on the circulation and access p'l anfor this area. }Je have drawn up the proposed Circulation ind Access eiin iciordingto this study's recommendations and from the input from Ed Gebhardt of the StateHighway Department. The plan wiil be presented'to you in a graphic form it---'the meeting l'le feel the plan-as proposed w-il1 adequately achieve the goals of keepingthrough traffic flowing smoothiy as wel'l as-reducing anJ ioisotidai;;g'tfi. acc.sspoints to the various propertie! in the district. 'ie reco,nnend approial ot iireArteria'l Business Distiici circulation and Access plan. irre-plan'iiij-ue- -"- submittedtotheStateHighwayDepart'rrentfortheirapprova.|.' 1124/83 Funding must. issued until be worked out within.60 days and no building permitthe.:funding is worked out.-- (. Io Town Arterial Business District General Circulation and Access Plan Prepared by: ilBK andl Associates 2t!29 Broadway Doulder, Colorado 80302 {". (: ,\ ,tr oc TNTRODUCTION Through a recent ordinance the Town Council has created an nArterial Business District" along the south frontage road of f70 from about 3OO feet east of West Lionshead Circ1e across Red sandstone creek to about 760 feet west of Red sand- btone creek. The total length of frontage road adjacent to the boundaries of the new district is about 2,L@feet. Throuqh ordinance *5 (series or re82) .n" r",*, ..;";; "=;";;;""";-"-'"requirment of the--new district that states a general circulation and access ptan must be adopted by the planning and Environmental conunission. This report is intended to recorunend general design criteria for use in this first Arterial Business District. This rePort wilL be site specific to the t{est Vail Arterial Commercial District as described above At a recent rown Meeting, councir asked several questions that will be addressed in this report. Those guestions, as we rinderstand them, are as follows: 1. Should the Torvn of Vail require speed change }anes at points of ingress and egress in this business district? 2. Should the Torvn of Vail strive to line up points of access on either side of the frontage road? 3. fd there a need for a bike,/pedestrian overpass near the intersection of the frontage road with west Lionheads circle? CURRENT CONDITTON This section of r70 south Frontage Road is two lanes with narrod paved shoulders in some areasi there is a 100 foot right- z-sof-way. The posted speed limit is 35 llPH; at present there is over 13 vehicle access points on the frontage road within the rl'o C o( busine.ss district and no facilities for pedestrians or bikes. A recenttJaffic count east of the district, near the Town gall indicates an ADT figure of approximately 5r00Ovehicles/day. (This figure will be verified the week of August 2nd with a traffic count near tlest Lionshead Circle.) The importance of this arterial to the Town of Vail Transportation system cannot be overstated. The vehicle carrying capacity of the roadrvay as well as the person carrying capacity gfcfFg:rggfr]9oT,: should- be _pfgtegqed apd. enchanced whe59. p9:p1!1e . tnrp'cnwrRATroN '-Several assurnptions were made for this analysis. They are as follows: storage will not redevelop in the foreseeable future. Therefore, it will not contribute to the vehicle trip generation rates in this analysis. 2. Floor Area Ratio will be limited to .75 x total site area as stated in the enabling ordinance: 3. The rnix of office space to retail space will be based on a 9:1 ratio. As stated in the ordinance creating tbe district - 'Retail stores and establishments (r.rilr be) generally accesbory and,/or supportive of office uses...' The develcpment potential of the district (not including .!fe_V.a. Service Yard) is shorirn in Tab1e 1. Using the assumpti-ons abover. some 202,000 sg. feet of office space could develop in the near future with 22,000 sq. feet of supporting retair. This is the development allowed under ordinance *5, -2- I o(o( rn rI^ I ^ 4. CTI'IE I Office and Retail Development Assumptions* PROPERTY TOTAI I F.A.R.srrE | .75SQ. FT. I OFFTCE sQ. rr. ( 90s) RETAIL SQ. FT. (10s ) 1. Hol]l. Cross 2. Texaco .-- a3. volitei' 4.- Glen Lyon Office 5. Chevron 6. Old Town Shops Total I 60,gg4 39,204 43,560 74,052 39,2O4 43,560 45,738 2s ;403 32,570 55,539 29,403 32,670 4L,L65 26 ,463 I ..:-- 29 ,403 49,986 26,463 29,403 4,573 2,940 3,267 5,553 2 tg40 3,267 300,564 225,423 202,880 22,543 *Note: For thislonger the V.A. c.-r- s: :: analysis, itService Yard is assumed that for 5 years orrvill not redevelop. -3- o? OC OC fn some cases site conditions wifi not attow fuft development. As an example, the Texaco property would alrow 29'403 sg. feet of development. There is, howevgr, a plan under consideration showing 22r000 sg. feet. Trip generation for this district was again developed elgLgct-in9_-!19_Y-A: Se,rvice l?ta. (rt should be noted il"t the development potential of this site i.s large compared to the total district- This one property is over 3rB of the total Arterial Business District.) Table 2 presents a r.ist of each property and its associated number of vehicle trips should that property completely devel0p. on an average weekday a total of 3,47'l trips courd be generated in this one business . district. ds stated before, there are about 5,000 vehicle trips pe-3y us11q-the south frontage road in the area of Town Hall . There is little guestion that potential devel0pment in this ' district courd. have a significant impact. More importantly, all of these trips rvill be turning either left or right in the space of about 2troo feet; and plak hour office generated trips occur during the peak hour of the adjacent street traffic. TNGRESS AND EGRESS io naintain the traffic carrying capacity of this section of roailway the following design criteria are reconmended: A. 9lhenever possible, driveways on either side of the roadway should be constructed. to rine up with each other.- Using this standard, d.riveways would be locat_d as follows: hk " associ:rtcs -4- J.. 2. 3. {. PROPERTY Iloly Cross Texaco Voliter GIen Lyon Office Chevron. OId Town Shops OF'FTCE SQ. FT. (9os ) generation rate - generation rate - OFFICE TRIPS* RETAIL SQ. FT. (1oE ) RETATL TRIPS** 225 145 l_50 277 145 ]-6D' 5. 5. Subtotal Tri5rs trotal Trips 2;A]-2 gross sel. gross sq- * IVote: **.Note: ..'\:-.-... nrtp Trip fao* feet- 41,165 26 ,463 29, {03 it9,986 26,{63 29,{03 480 308 343 583 4 1573 2,940 3,267 5,553 2,940 3,267 OC _Table 2 Potential Development (.75 F.A.R.) andAverage Weekday Vehicle Trip Ends '2,355 3,477 lJ..O ?rip xnds,/1000 50-0131p XDds,n 000 OC -jhk o ",1,",",.,: -5- o .C o( 1. V.A. Service Yard,/vlest tionshead Circlc; 2. V.A. Service Yarcl,/For.est; 3. Comrnon Drive - Holy Cross and Vail Associates properties,/Chevron and Tot,rn of Vail properties; 4. Common Drive - Texaco and Voliter propcrties,/ Glen Lyon Office property. At such time as the Vail Associates property redevelops, the drivevay at Forest could be blosed. B: . .At such time as the property redevelops, the driveways should be constructed with left-turn lanes, as well as' speed change lanes on either side of'the frontage roaC. C. Design of the driveways should conform to the standards set forth in The State Highway Access Code, August 31, 1981. In .revierving the Business District with Dave Campbell of the Colorado De!2artment of Highways, tvto options for the Town of Vail were discussed. A11 frontage roads are given the lovrest access classification (Category Five) by the Colorado DePartment. of llighvrays, giving the Town of Vail the'greatest flexibility in applying design standards. The Town's options are as follows,=='- 1. Use the standards outlined in this report, reviewing the plans as develogment occurs with the Colorado DePartment of Highrvays. 2. Using a public review Process outl"ined. in Section 2.10 of the access code, change the classification of the Scuth Frontaqe Road from Category Five to Category Four. In either case the Tr..ron should use Section Four of the access code for specifications of drivcway design. -('- OC o(.t I r 'rllK*.,..',"i.,rcil ,...- iJI !:N/PEDESTRIA}I CIRCULATION The south. side of the frontage road as well as the future path along the creek are the best locations for blke/ pedestrian movement through this district. For several reasons, circulation on the north side of the frontage road should be limited to local access betvreen buildings and to and from crosswalks. This study reconrmends that the Town locate crosswalks onJ-y at the four drivevray intersections. A biker/pedestrian bridge is needed across Red Sandstone ' Creek. First ilriority. wbuld be on the south side of the frontage road. When the Vail Associates property redevelops, the question of a biker/pedestrian overpass at West Lionshead Circle should be addressed. When grade separations for pedestrians and bikes are used, it is usual-ly necessary to direct. people to the facility . to.discourage crossing the highway at grade. Grade separations should not be considered as traffic control devices, but as a supplemental technique. Some of the factors to consider in analyzing the need for bike/pedestrian separation structures for highrvays include: 1. Are there other reasonable crossing alternatives? 2. Are the traffic volume and pedestrian volume levels in excess. of those required by !,IUTCD to vrarrant installation of a pedestrian or school signal? -7- ,'...'f t,-OC OC .t rrllK * .r.,.ri:rto . 3. Are there no traffic signals, stoP sign control' or other grade-seParated crossing t{ithi'n 600 feet of the Proposed Iocation? ' 4. Are pedestrian accident problems evident on the street under consideration? 5. Is vehicuLar traffic speed such that it poses significant hazar.d to pedestrians?. 6. Is there no way to Prevent pedestrians from crossing at grade? 7. Have organized grouPs expressed a high degree of interest for the seParation? 8. From a decision standpoint, is it practical- to construct the separation rvithin existing physical conditions? ' The factors to be considered in this determination include cost, security, vandalism, aesthetics, possible conflict with utilities, and terrain conditions. CONCLUSION Through the use of a Planning and Environmentat Comrnission adopted circulation and access plan, the vehiele carrying capacity and safetl of_ tlre f70 l"llh, Frontage Road can be insured. Design criteria fog this district will establish standards that can be fairly and egualiy applied to all redevelopment. It is hoped .that this rePort will assist in that effort. -8- '(" .{ . . a' net crcnces o(oc - jlt&=-,,"r'i,,*i'.. l. "The.State Highway Access Coder" adopted by theColoraclo State Highway Corunission. .fufy fO', fgSf . 2. "Trip Generationr' an ITf Informational Report, f926. 3. Town of Vail Ordinance t5 (series of 19g2, June l, 1992). 4. oWest Vail Arterial Commercial Districtr" DevelopmentPlan, Drawing No. Five. . 5. Telephone Conversation with Dave Campbell, ColoradoDepartrnent of Highways, Safety Engineer, July 30, Lggz. lrt " '.1; 'i 1,: r !:at .xj:ffi T0: P1 anning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: January 26, .|987 SUBJECT: A request for front and rear setback variances and a variance to minimum landscape requirements in order to construct a building at 1031 South Frontage Road West (commonly known as the Voliterproperty) Appl icant: VaiI Commercia'l Partnersh.i p I. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED Vari ances are being requested to allow for the construct.i on of a onestory structure on the site. While there are no assurances of what the uses in this building will be, it has been represented that thestructure will accommodate local oriented convenience commercial establishments. A summary of the variances requested is as follows: l. A request for a rear setback variance of 5 feet for the structure. The required setback is 10 feet. 2. A request for a front setback variance to locate a portion of theparking area within 10 feet of the front property 1ine. Front setback requirements state that parking areas and structures shall be no closer than 15 feet from the front property line over 60% ofthe length of the frontage, while the setback line sha1 'l be 20feet or more for the remaining 40% of the frontage. This requestis for a 5 foot encroachment into a portion of the required 20foot setback along the frontage. 3. Landscaping standards for parking areas with over 30 spaces require that 10% of the lot be dedicated to jnter.i or parking lotlandscaping. This request is for a variance from th.i s requi rement. The nature of these requests raise a number of interesting jssues relative to the development of this property and the Town's rev.iewprocess. These jssues center around the inability to conduct a comprehensive review of this development p1an. For example, without knowledge of the precise uses proposed for the structure, the staff is unable to calculate the parking demand to see if the site plan provides enough spaces. In addition, the rev'iew of any development proposed in the Arteria'l Busjness District requires compliance with the ABDcirculation p1an. l.lhile the developer has agreed to comply with thecjrculation plan, there are not specific solutions proposed at thistime. l.lhile the staff would prefer that issues related to the development of this property be addressed simultaneously, the revjew process does not specifica'l 1y require that this be done. II. As a result, the Planning Commission is reviewing this p1 an with respectto the three vari ances requested, and nothing more. Any approvals granted for this pnoject will not be approvals for the site plan as proposed, but rather only for the variances as requested. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS n revl Criteri a and Findin Section 18.61.060 of the Munici e Department of Corrnunit ve I opmen val o requested variances based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potent'i al uses and structures in the vicinity. The two existing structures and re1 ated facilities on the site would be removed in conjunction with this development p1an. This is fortunate in that it allows for the development of thjs property to begin with a "clean slate." A key issue then becomes how the requested variances relate to other existing or potential uses and structures in thevicinity. The following addresses each of these variances individually: l. Rear Setback Variance Two jssues are significant with respect to the reguested 5 foot setback at the rear of this property. These pertain to the State Highway Department's deceleration lane which would be constructed in conjunction with the new east-bound off-ramp, and the ability to construct and naintain thjs structure without trespassing on the Federal Highway property. The staff has relied heavily on'input from the State Highway Department concerning any impacts resulting from this variance. After review of these plans, the Highway Department has indicated that the 5 foot setback variance would not create adverse impacts on the Interstate system. One concern of the Highway Department centered around the potential for construction activity to take place on the Federa'l right-of-way during the development and ma'i ntenance of this building. To eliminate this potential , a construction fence defining the linits of construction will be required as outlined in the Design Review Guidelines. Front Setback Variance Existing conditions in thjs area provide a substantial buffer between the property line and the road edge of the South Frontage Road. This may indicate that the required setback variance on the front side of the property is not critical . However, potential uses jn the vicinity could well change with the future widening of the South Frontage Road. For this reason the staff feels it important that the integrity of the required front setbacks be mai nta i ned . 2. -2- J.Interior Parking Lot Landscapjng Requirements Landscaping is generally required to prov.ide buffers between developments. A variance from this requirement would effectively reduce the amount of buffer between this development and adjacentproperties'in the vicinity of this project. e to whi rel ief from strict or l'i al to interpretation andtofacllted requ on ls necessa acn I eve an prrvr rege. The first step in evaluating a variance request is typically to identifythe physical hardship necessitatjng rel .ief from the prescr.i 6ed development standards. The second element of this review of thjs reviewis to insure that the degree of variance requested is no greater than necessary to allow relief from the object'ives of the zoning code withouta grant of special privilege. In reviewing this parcel , it is evidentthat the shape of the lot creates some difficulty in its development. The issue then becomes to what degree are variances necessary for the development of this property? l. Rear Setback Variance Based largely on the review of the State Highway Department, stafffeels that the 5 foot variance requested jn.the rear of theproperty 'i s valid. This js due to the lack.of negat.ive impactsresulting from this location of the bujlding. 2. Front Setback Variance l{hi'l e the staff feels strongly that landscape buffers be maintained around the perimeter of this property, we can supportthis request because of its ninor nature. The area of encroachment amounts to less than 300 square feet and withjudicious use of landscape materials, the staff feels that this encroachment can be mitigated. 3. Interjor Parking Landscaping Requirements The surface area of the parking lot'is approximately 15,500 squarefeet. This would require interior landscaping of not less than 1.550 square feet. Just over 700 square feet of interjor'landscaping is proposed with this p1an. The designers of theproject have indicated that they would be willing to use decorative brick pavers in lieu of concrete or other surfaces onpedestrian walkways surrounding the structure. l,lhile this technical'ly does not count as interior landscaping of a parking area, the staff would accept this as an alternatlve for mitigating the lack of interior landscaping on the sjte. -3- The effect of ested v riance on li and air distribution ofati on rtation a faci l itiessafet A number of issues related to transportation and and traffic facilitiesare relevant to this project. The circulat.i on plan for the Arterial Business District requires that the development of this property share ajoint access with the vail Professional Building. Joint access has beenproposed on the site p1 an submitted. }lhjle the staff feels that thjsproposal is a workable one, final approval of this access will berequired from the State Highway Department. ln addit.ion, approval fromthe owners of the Professional Buiiding will be necessary. The zoning for the Arterial Business District requires that all olans approved by the Design Review Board shall conform to the c.i rculat.i onplan that has been adopted by the Planning Comrjss.i on. This plan requires access improvements to these properties that will necessitatethe widening of the Frontage Road. Before final decis.i ons can be made as to the improvements required with thjs development, .i nput from theState Highway Department will be required. This jnput wi'l 'l occur whenthe developer formal'ly applies to the state for the access permit to theproperty off of the Frontage Road. The developer of th.i s property w.i 11 be required to fund the improvements necessary in conjunction with thjsredevelopment. At m'i nimum, a left turn lane wi11 be requ.i red on the Frontage Road. It is the feeling of the staff that the locations of a number of parking spaces proposed on the site plan are unacceptabler-^Parking standardsrequire adequate wjdth of aisles for "convenient and easy access to eachparking space." Two and possibly three parking spaces at the west endof the property do not conform with this design standard. It is the fee'ling of the staff that the variances requested do not contribute to these spaces being unacceptable. In addition, without knowing the usesto take place in the structure, staff is unable to determine whether these spaces wi1 I be required to meet parking demands. As a result, we are merely pointing out our position on these spaces at this time and would require that the situation be reso'l ved before the applicat.i on proceeds to the Design Review Board. III. Assuming the property is developed so1e1y as commercial , the project would generally be compatib'l e with the Community Office designation which a] lows for limited commercial uses. IV. SUCH OTHER FACTORS AND CRITERIA AS THE COMMISSION DEEMS APPLICABLE TO ties. ou -4- V. FINDINGS $g ptann:-ng=and Environmental Commission shall make the fo] Iowinq findings That the granting of the varjances wi't I not constjtute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent with the limitations on other propirties classifiedin the same district. That the granting of the vari ances will not be detrimental to the publichealth, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to propertjes or improvements in the v'icinity. That the variances are warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specifiedregulations would result in objectives difficulty or unnecessaryphysical hardship inconsistent w'ith the objectives of thjs title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicab'l e to the site of the variances that do not apply generally toother properties in the same zone. The strjct or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulations would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same distrjct. VI. STAFF RECOI'IMENDATION As was stated at the outset of this memo, there are jssues relative to thjsproject that ane somewhat removed from the review for the variancesrequested. It 'i s 'important that the Planning Commission understand thatthis review is limited to the variances on1y. Relative to these, staff would recommend that the Planning Conrnission approve the setback and landscape variances as proposed. If approved, the P1 anning Commjssion w.i llnot be appnoving the site plan jn its entirety. Rather, approval is limitedto a 5 foot setback variance in the rear of the property, a variance to the required front setback as indicated on the site p1an, and a variance to the required interior landscaping for surface parking 1ots. The staff wou'l d recormend the fo1 lowing conditions be adopted by the Planning Conmission with this approval: l. l{ritten approval shal1 be submitted to the Town by the owners of the Vai'l Professional Bui'lding granting their consent to the joint access as proposed as well as the landscape naterials shown on the site plan that are located on the Professional Buildingrs property. Thls written approval sha'l I be submitted prior to this project proceeding to 33y leve'l of review by the Design Review Board. 2. The applicant shall receive approval from the State Highway Departmentfor improvements to the South Frontage Road as well as the entire intersection proposed. This approval shall be obtained prior to any level of review by the Design Review Board. -5- 3.The developers of this project shal 1 participate in improvements requ'i red for this project to comply with the ABD circuiationplan. Specific requirements shall be determined based on inputfrom the Town and the State Highway Department. Improvementsshall be constructed in conjunction with the redeveiopment of thisproperty. The retajning wall proposed for the northeast corner of theproperty sha'l I be pulled back off of the property line a minimumof 2 feet. A fence sha'l 'l be constructed within the property lines outliningthe 'l imits of construction for this project. The Design Review Board shal'l approve a mjnimum 4 foot high bennon the east end of the property in lieu of the required 15 foot landscaped buffer around the parking area. Decorative brick pavers shall be used for the pedestrian walkway around the perimeter of three sides of this building to compensatefor the lack of interior landscaping in the parking lot. If thepavers or an alternate similar material are not used, the landscape variance becomes invalid and construction will not beallowed to proceed. 4. 5. 6. l- -6- peter Patten said that he would like to amend the recommendation. He read from ttre-Servi"e and Deliuer'-po"iion of the Urban Design Considerations and felt ihit-i third condition lhould be added to ensure that Clock Tower tenants p""iiilpitr in the trastr compactor..-Piper disagreed that the PEC could djctate fi;; ;;iil oi trash';i;p;a;i an indjviiual couid use. Dave Gorsuch said that-tre-fraa sti pul ated the'ui! oi the trash - compactor i n the, l"n.l"T:: ol_tl:_ ,Irilrr"ii";;;-;;";it i"ion, and that it made sense to him.to.lgln rp,fl: property. Jim Vie'l e moved aDDrove the exterior alteration with ition and 2 and n ravor vote was 4_Ar for an exterior al rati o rcial Co II in rder azleraIzJEF Commerci al Prqperb !!!r Betsy Rosolack presented the request enclbse approximately 18 square feet of the building in order to enlarge elevations. John Perkins, architect and stated that the applicant wanted to by moving exterjor wal Is on the south side ship spac6. She showed floor plans and for the project, answered questions. e vote was /-rvan Hobbs secon uest incluto approve tions L an Jim Viele moved Brva Hobb econded to rove the r uest.Th -0 in favor. uest for front and !ar se ck varianc andscape requi rements 0rder o constr I i cant: Va Commerc ia artne rs varl ce to tnlmum6 Peter Patten made the presentation- He expla'i ned !ha! the potential uses for the building were not'known, and so it was difficult to know if there was enough parking, .t..- ift"""iore, the PEC were simply to consider the variances i.a-iot-ift" sfecific site plan. The variances were being requested,to allow i;; th; ionsti"uction of-i bne story building on.the-site. In addition, the revi"n-oi iny developm"ni ptopo."d in_the Aiterial Business District requires .orpii"n.. nitt tt'" isD ii;'.riution plan. t'Jhile the deve'loper had asreed to i.lti[rv-riir'-the circuiition plan, there were no specific solutions proposed at this tjme. patten eipressed'coniern about how much of the highway right-of-way nlria-1"-i.ken for hjbhway 'improvements. The Highway Department indicated that ;h;; i;"i-rear setbaii viriairce would not be a problem,-fr! wanted assurances that a construction fence would be erected defining the limjts of construction during construction. patten then showed circulation and access plans for the area- He stated that in ifre ABD district, 'i t was planned to consolidate the crosswalks and int"ri"Ctlons and t6 trive deceleration lanes. He stated that the Highway Oliirtr""t tri. it"ng.d their requirements and may also require acceleration lanes as well. Peter stated that the parking spaces on the west end of the property were not acceptable as parking spaces' PEC t/26/87 -5- \ ,..\ Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, pointed out that the site was adifficult one to build on. He then spoke about the conditions listed at the end of the memo saying in reference to #l that he djd not have c] out, but thatthe access is part of the zoning, and if they cannot get access there, theywill have to come back to amend the circulation plan. w'ith respect to #2, they could not go to DRB without Highway Department approval . As for #3, hefelt that other property owners must also go along with the improvements. Theydon't mind funding their part, but not the whole project. As the Iast buildingin, they should not be required to participate unless everyone elsepartj ci pates. Patten replied that the staff could not get specific because they did have exact information. He suggested that they put in the left turn 1ane, as thevail Professional Building constructed a right turn lane. He stated that he was talking about the intersection only. Jay said alright. He asked if the fence in #5 meant on the north side only, and was told jt did. As for #6, Jaystated that they would submjt a 4 foot high berm to DRB, but they might not approve it. He stated that #7 was ok. Peter stated that he would feel nore comfortable'i ncluding all conditions ofthe approval . He felt that timing and a process could be worked out that all could agree upon. Jay answered that if he could not get joint use, he would have to come back again. Peter stated that the landscape plan may depend upon approval of the plan, and it depends upon the adjacent property. Jay asked ifthe Vail Professional Building had been required to promise the right turn lane when building. Patten replied that the VPB had been required to put jn theright turn lane and that the Vail Professional Buitding knew all along of thejoint access. Patten added that this was a technjcality that was important. Jay repeated that before he could go to DRB he would have a general agreementof access. Peter repljed that the Town could grant a joint access, but the landscaping on the Vail Professional Building's property depended upon the Vail Professjonal Building's owners to agree to the landscaping. Jay referred again to #2 and asked if "entire intersection" was what the staffreally meant, when the Glen Lyon office building has not yet constructed their access plan. Peter repljed that the proposed jntersection had been approved bythe Highway Department jn 1983 for the Glen Lyon 0ffice Building and'in .|984 for the Vail Professjonal Building. He suggested changing "entireintersection" to "as jt relates to this project." Jay then stated that #3 was 0K, that #5 was to be only on the north side. Peggy Osterfoss felt that the quality of the |andscaping was very.important atthe access. Diana asked if it would be possible to 'l andscape the back (north) side of the lot and was told there was not enough room for landscapjng. Jjm Morter, architect, stated that if it was possible, they would landscape the north side. Eetsy Rosolack asked jf the buildjng would be designed to add a second story, and was told jt was not. Djana felt that the plan d.id not show enough parking for qy use. Jay replied that there was plenty of space for the uses intended, and that these would be short term, not for an office building. Morter stated that there would be 4 or 5 tenants, likely a restaurant, conveni ence store, I j quor store, and others. PEC r/26/87 -6- I /" e entire in and access n Tavor ssron Tor b vear ele serve as e votes were 6-0-l for each PEC L/26/87 -7- \] vr-2,-{ m>FG)=m>rnmr-{oo-n>m(f (, 'u io ioo fnHCJ(nTrm a.t7 1 <1 o..2 E'mt'lc) .E --t o2 'n T' T' o'rr 2o-ll,m=c,{-{m rqmtJ', r|J) P l- O 6) { c)'tl rl - o E = = vr -n O U', FDct-l't=O,c|O-.|.O9t5.rOzJ@o,o .D 'D (4 = a (D A -t - O- o. -n o : (D J. +at)-J:J=:t5tnU|OOJ.='..ifc)f- !xc={/rrQ-{nxqo[^*o=-j =Y(DJX(DG)"rrrno!:o="=2-,s=oYsT;p!-, =H(Dg{ur=....Ja'.(Dor-'"to, o;; -h (n (D== = = U1 c+ 5 rD-n 5 5.+ . O jo(D-tcn o-1coOrrr or(:, -+r oo€z. -t -r!6) .D= =oJi -htm -r. nn =oA,J roU1 o,ci.. gJ.-oo o -{ < -t. 'grfl -to(DO ar.oTl =c3 tt- {o-m_l <o r-= co- 'tc+o (? .D r|.' E o c+ at''o C) cf r(D FO ul = Fo € l-rt; | (/t lh l- loJ lalo I I I I I I I I II =lJ{t: --a a -'l (-iJ,l o,sl-.6l I I I lu1l.flslc)lc) t;l(<lq l5' mx = I N) rrlx = I(n =oo a-o = Or .+ -J N)\.| p o UI = -{I \J =(D 2 = = a (D -rl5 = o x- 1 o ut c+ 5 5 0o U\-o J. =(oo5 (D-t @ cr o, oq, z.o, (D h -ol-o =lo =l-5 O lo J.lc -.rD -tr, l= =l= oE cloclo rDE .-l(D (,l(D oFc l-J l=lo r, lo lt,lJ. t(/' Itf- lo IlollNrlllttttl ci 9J5x- -5 =N rD @mm>< pur MJ =F{o2,<c)m(r -{ mm -{o ,t q, ct oo (D '5 n T a+- (D o9' c+o (D (c) cf -no1 oo J, :' t- UI --l O-n =-ln-l t-l/'l o T\L N\ts \\ == o z.lz. lc, l=l> lor l(D llSl'll-lttl||lIlttlttlIl -l lo olo5t to- o to-o I l.-. -.1C-,. =l lH =|fi-t l;bt; =t tlJ.t t= =t=lo ol9,JI I c+ .+l c+ 31 13 313 tt I lo 19j ll'1" - bol= 'ol<n c',lPo I/, ctJ.oro otx! to oJ l= 5l-5 -l=o l(D ^-lfD o-lc o l=lj ".1 (D lc) 5lyc) | 5l 5l(D AJlJ-J | (ol ol ol--qr | | al ol=q | | 9, I t=ttttd lo lorFl= lci'r I I 5 mx = It\) r- !o-t -t €5 Q I-l-l(rl I I I *l- N\ t- '= l,ir$ l= loc)loje, l-.- =5 c+ rD = ;ol, FI fD* ! I N) I U1 co a !t s. a .-t .t Ur ^,\t- orF O> tD -{Ul a-iv= {mv t- a./, {r'ro>< et atm-{ n=m6) =Oln<-rf|iD9C(x' U' (D ctato:t rl A, z.o, =o l-'' =b plroF-'F .+ lct rrh(Dl--chr=F ul F 9.EP=lli'lt-l ksk=b=F -r ts= H 5ts = Fr J.P. J.Dcl-.'oN-otsrrF(Db(DP. P.JF5Hr I cl+cR F'-B-ptrts.I l-b rnI 6'l- I ato 3o z.o,3(D -r>cr-'E -J.o5 =(D Nl=l*1. 19|lr i ctFocz,ct C)o mFa/, =l? =. lE (D U'o h= plc- tllc- elc- -{-s E rF i|* s|;EIg [-1' "l'sl' l; N(tl(tl v, N (D lt,/lloa15 v, l;5lo l'rl == 13 ls 13 (tl (t(t:h(Jl+(Jl o vl u, o{ (n .. at,mor|.|E'o =oct (D a =o€ m{ F.{F< F<o'u F-E'v, arl ,-. m6'oo >o =,F {1 a)3 0Om z,z,J FOo(Jt-oal cl c){ mF. r z.Ianct T'm alm {cFlilU' -to Fto, =:t(ct €0, {lo (') .Dvl 3€ = = =ro Eoo vl (D cfr) ! .Dq, vr(D v,E .Dl) {r 1" l-rr 15F. t3.F l-rts l(! Fhvr l(Dt<lH l=. FI; Il=llsI 15'llllli ll3 lln 143 East Meadow Orive Crossroads at Vail Vail. Colorado I1657 303'476-5105 MonrenAncnrEcTs VAIL COMMERCIAL CENTER Roof / Ribs: Dark Bronze Stucco A: Benjam'ln Moore ET-ll Stucco B: Benjamin Moore ET-76 hlood Siding: Benjamin l'loore ET-12 Awnings: Benjamin ltloore 8T-67 Frame l,lork: lthite I Fftt copy 75 south frontage road Yell, colorado 81657 (3os) 4792138 (3{X1) 47$2139 office of conrmunity d€velopment February 25, 1991- Mr. George Birt 3805 SoroersetSuite 203Prairie Village, Kansas 66209 Re: cascade Crossing Retail cetter Dear George: At their February 25, 1.99L public hearing, the planning and Environmental Cornmission (by a vote of 4-O) unanirnously approvedyour request for a rear setback variance at 1031 S. FrontageRoad. Said approval was conditional upon the following twoitems: l-. That additional landscaping be added along the north side ofthe existing building. Said landscaping should include atotal of 8 evergreen trees, ranging in height fron 7-LLfeet. The evergreens should be a pine and spruce mix. 2. That the J-ighting along the rear (north) side of theexisting structure be permanently turned off. At the public hearing, you verbally agreed to the PEC conditionslisted above. Should you have any questions regarding theseconditions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2l-3e. Sincerely, IUL( m/J: Mike Mollica Senior Planner /ab TO: FROII: DATE: RE: Planning and Environnental Connl.sEion Connunity Developnent Departnent A reguest for a rear setback varlance at cascade Crossing at 1031 Souttr Frontage Road on a parcel ofland located ln the Northwest L/4 of Sectl.on L2, Township 5S, R81I{ of the 6th PU, Town of Vail , Eagle County, ColoradoApplicant: vail Enterlrises Partnership BACKGROI'ND . On January 26, 1987 the Cascade Crossing retail center received approval for a rear eetback variance of 5feet. Also approved at that neeting was a front setback variance, to locate a portion of the parking area within 10 feet of the front property line, and a variance from the landscaping standards for parking areas wlth over 30 spaces, reguiring that 10 percent ofthe lot be dedicated to interior parklng lot landscaping. . On June 21, 1989, the Cascade Crossing retail center received final DRB approval for the project. said approval was conditionat upon four items, which have subseguently been addressed. . on JuIy 11, 1989, the Town Council upheld the DRB decl.sion granting final design approval to the cascade Crossing project. . On November 13, 1989, a demolltLon petruit was issued bythe Town for the denolltion of the existing resldentialstructure on the site. . on Decenber 1, 1989, a buildlng pernit uaa issued forthe construction of the new comnercial building at the cascade Crossing site. . on uay 5, 1990, the Torn of vail Planning Departnent approved the inprovenent surrrey, which allowed the Bullding Departnent to conplete ite framlng inspectionof the cascade Crossing proJect. IhrouEbout tbs ebove gtatcd plannl,ng, and bul.ldlng perult procs3ao!, tbe ![orD of Vat.1 |lrd thc appll.oaat relLed upol suryay Lnfornation provldeil by Inter-ltountaln lnEl'nserilg of I. lrroD, coloaado. The topogtraphic and site suryey subnitted by fnter-Mountain Engineerlng was conpleted on January 27, 1989, and Ls ProJect Nunber 89014S. The inprovenentIocatlon certlflcate subnltted by Inter-Uountaln Englneerlng was conpleted on April 27, L99o, and ls ProJect Nunber 8937os. Ebccr rureoyt hdloatc tbat the caeterly 296.62feat ol thr northorly proparty llncr vblcb lg conuon vltbIlt€rsteta To, ia e curveil llae' colcayc to tbc soutbeastvltb a 2.7Ls toot radlug. Tba caBcaco crosgirg proJ3ct uag 6eal.Ened, rubnlttcd, lad vartaaccs rld butldlng perult graatrCl DaB.6 upoa tble curn.d proprrty liac. IT. DESCRTPTION OF THE VARIAT{CE REOUESTED Upon completlon of the Cascade Crosslng retail center, Eagle Valley Sunreying, Inc., was hlred by vail Enterprlses Partnershlp to prepare an ALTA aunrey for the site. The ALTA survey was a reguirenent for pernanent financing forthe project. According to documentation subnitted by Eagle Valley Sunreying, their research of the property deeds for the I-70 right-of-way and the Cascade Crossing site indicates that the northerly property line of the Cascade Crossing parcel is descrlbed as three tangent sections, without any cur:\red sections. As a result of this trnew infomationr', and reconf igruration of the northerly propertyline for the project sl-te, the Cascade Crossing bulldinlt now encroaches into the required setback along the northerlyproperty line. (Please see attached letter from Dan corcoran. ) As a r.sult of tDa above inforuatloD, thc eppllcant la rcqucatl,nE a sotback varl.ance to allou tor a DulldlaE elcroacbreat of 5-l,ncbee, along tbg nortbeagt rectloD of theerlatlag structur.r ilto tba s-foot rear aetbaof,.Addltl,oaelly, the roof ovsrbang of tbe Dulldl.ng ucroacbes a narlnun of 1.8 teet lato tbc sane satbaaf !rel. III.CRITERIA A}ID FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.050 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Departnent of Conmunity Development reconmends approval of the reguested variance based upon ttre following factors: consl.deration of Factors: The relatl.onship of the requested variance to other existing or ootential uses and structures in the viclnitv. 1. ? 2. It ls the staffrs opinion that the proposed setback variance, if approved, would have nosignificant inpact upon other existing orpotential uses and structures in the vicinity. llhe rear eetback encroachment occurE at a point on the property where the vertical elevation of thesite is lower than that of the adjacent Interstate highway to the north. Because this encroachnentis at the area where the building elevatl.on dropsto the lowest point on the site, staff believesthat the proposed encroachnent would have anegligible inpact upon adjacent land uses. Upon review of tbe final DRB approved landscapeplan for the retail center, and after further site analysis by the staff, we have detemined that the norttreast corner of the building should be further screened with additional evergreen plant naterial . The applicant has agreed to provide some additLonal evergreens l-n this area (a site plan will be provided at the PEc hearing). To further reduce any potential inpacts of this structure with regard to its close proxinity to f- 70 and properties to the north' the appl.icant has agreed to permanently turn off all buildinglighting along the north side of the structure. Upon examination of the new suli\rey subnitted by Eagle valley Sunreying, Inc., it becornes apparentthat the applicant could have shifted the buildingslightly south to avoid any encroachment into the rear setback, had they been aware of the correct location of the property line. The staff does not believe that approval of this variance would be agrant of specJ-al privilege, given the unique circunstances resultlng in this variance request.Relief fron the strict lnterpretation of the eetback regrulation is sarranted. The effect of the reauested variance on liqht and utllities, and public safetv. 3. IThe staff is of the opinion that the applicantrs variance request would have no slgnificant inpact upon any of the above crlteria. The Colorado Departnent of Highways was notified of the variance regueat and has had no resPonse to date. IV. FINDTNGS That the grantJ.ng of the variance slll not constitute agrant of special privllege inconsl.Etent wLth thelinltations on other propertJ.es classified Ln the sanedistrict. That the granting of the variance will not be detrLnental to the publlc health, safety or welfare, ornaterially lnJurious to properties or inprovements in the viclnity. That the variance Ls warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The strict literal lnterpretation or enforcenentof the specified regrulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship Lnconsistent with the obJectl-ves of thistitle. 2. There are exceptl.ons or extraordinary circunstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not aPply generally to other properties in the sane zone. 3. The strict lnterpretation or enforcement of the specified regiulation would deprive the applicantof privlleges enjoyed by the ownerE of otherproperties in the sane district. STAFF RECOU!,TENDATION The staff reconnendation for this varl.ance reguest is for approval . We belleve that the applicant acted in good faith auiing the planning process, as well as during the buildingpernit and construction proceEises. The applicant and the town relLed upon a licensed land suriveyor witbln the State of colorado, for all survey infornation. All previous sur:vey work submitted and approved by the Town indicated that the cascade Crossing retail center was in compliance A. B. c. v. t slth a1l of the Town zoning requirenentE. It was only afterfurther review by a second land sunreyor, that the setback encroachment was ldentified. Given these circunstances, thestaff belleveE that approval of the variance request ehould be granted. Staff believes that Findings IV - A, Br c-L' C-2' and C-3 are all relevant to thls reguest. \. ,(".r,^ 4K. %. l4at- ffi o,--.zt<.-*-, b'l / ry luPrJ* l. /e-ft-- K*4A- p,.*t zJ q ,ft* a"z-LL /-,r.- ) ^ ,a"feT /'/ 4ft14. dF- .A1 zr..t- r-,-4 . 4 ffi-( / f fu.r^ H+A q< f 1-/l'. Lt c^.,*et ,h /*/ S7-,,, - /"+. Af,-"<, f %r,4*r, ,,-/ K,,Ar/ QF/,b4; "0"r< a> ..frszz oJ -trfl ,lt- '.? d ,A- Va+< :4-o o2/Lt/al 0D:tt Gitor ttt ,l0lo 8 m?'BIIre Boor a' T, F€blrnry 18..1991 Gascadq cioasLag.'-' Page 2 SLaccrcly, EaEle V€-l']-ey $E!ve!.iag' XDc,\D\o.'Ca=*- Daa Corctifaa, P-L.S. . Itresid€at . ':_ rf tda..oraei bed beEo a$aFs of tbLg Drqrcrty r{ne !gt3E rtralqrlii" lasqead of.curvcd. tha Dmject ccnrld have bem bul1t YLt&out any ene:oachentq'l-r.lg.the eggroned aetbackt rrlthout ssy c&aagi- t9.tlr9 .. bul.Idf-ng. ..pieairi 'caIl --re tl r can :rrtlvltl--'aryt ddttica1- Ilfornatl@ for 3ur on tlls poJect. .l xtttlt, e ft#le 't ?tvu .--ffi ' ttt-"/t-'@v ?/NVL