HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE CROSSING COMMON PART 2-2 LEGAL2 5 1s9f MIKE MOLICCA PLANNIIiG DEPARTMENT TO}IN OF VAIL vAIL, C0L0RAD0 81657 DEAR MIKE: FEB.25, 1991 AS PER OUR CONVERSATIO},I OF FEBRUARY 2L, LggL, AS THE REPRESENTATIVE OF VAIL ENTERPRISES PARTNERSHIP, THE OI{NERS OF CASCADE cR0ssINGs SHOPPINc cEt'trER; THE F0LLOIIING pOINTs IERE AGREED UPON: 1. THE LIGHTING ABOVE THE CAi,IOPY OF THE SHOPPING CENTER ON THE NORTH FACING I{ALL I{OULD BE TURNED OFF PERMANEI{TLY A},ID WOULD ONLY BE REACTIVATED SHOULD PROBLEMS ARISE FROM THE ACCESSIBILITY TO THE REAR OF THE STRUCTURE BY THE GENERAL PUBL IC. 2. II{ CONSIDERATION FOR THE GRANTING OF A ZOI,IING VARIANCE DUE T0 AN INCoRRECT SURVEY, THE 0t.lNERS WOULD AGREE T0 ADD ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPING AS PER THE ATTACHED PLANS FOR YOUR REV I E}'. IF THESE POINTS I,IEET I{ITH YOUR SATISFACTION PLEASE HAVE THE APPROPRIATE PARTIES SIGN THIS LETTER AND RETURN A COPY TO ME. VAIL ENTERPRISES PARTNERSH I P o .-r-n I L-vffi0 Post Wce Box 24783 Denuef, Colorado 80224 30y797-0444 KANDEN GROJP TO}IN OF VAIL ffi90 FtB 1991 FEB. 25, 1991 MIKE MOLICCA PLANNING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF VAIL VAIL, COLORADO 81657 DEAR trllKE: AS pER oUR CoNVERSATIoN 0F FEBRUARY 21., 1991, AS THE REPRESEI'ITATIVE OF VAIL EI.ITERPRISES PARTNERSHIP, THE OI{NERS OF CASCADE CR0SSINGS SH0PPING CEi'ITER; THE F0LLOIIING P0INTS |{ERE AGREED UPON: 1. THE LIGHTING ABOVE THE CANOPY OF THE SHOPPING CENTER ON THE NORTH FACING I,IALL WOULD BE TURNED OFF PERMANENTLY AND I{OULD ONLY BE REACTIVATED SHOULD PROBLEMS ARISE FROI,I THE ACCESSIBILITY TO THE REAR OF THE STRUCTURE BY THE GENERAL PUBL IC. 2, IN CONSIDERATION FOR THE GRAI'ITING OF A ZONING VARIANCE DUE TO AN INCORRECT SURVEY, THE OI,INERS I{OULD AGREE TO ADD ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPING AS PER THE ATTACHED PLANS FOR YOUR REV IEt.I. IF THESE POINTS MEET l.lITH YOUR SATISFACTION PLEASE HAVE THE APPROPRIATE PARTIES SIGN THIS LETTER AND RETURN A COPY TO iIE. VAIL ENTERPRISES PART!{ERSH I P ; Pas, Ofrce Box 24783 Denwr, Colorado 80224 30y797-o48,t KANDEN GROLJP TOI{N OF VAIL 0?/L0/SL 0D:23 gS09 8{8 9t0{>E V SURVBYING 'i --o rnn-rrs t u'tg-gT- . -'_..-|-.. ' 0el10/01 ...-00:8t t, cr08 8rt B V 'TIIVETITO 0t0lo o Eoor .': Febnrary' 18.,1991 Carcade ciossj.trE' .' Page ? " lnfmratl'o! for yur on ttrlg project. If the:ornei had boen a$arrs sf tbLs prolcrty l.furc bcLns ttralglii'' t.BstoBd of'srlnred. the prolect cgtrld bave beeE. blaLlt rLtbsut elf enmacbnents.i-ulo .thc apllrsved. setbacks withou! a[y sharge- t9.tb4r ..bulr.rtng- .Pleees (!a]-t De il I calr' -Ipcnrlilr:--aav tddlti,dll Bt uccttlly, Bagr1e Val'Iey Surrre$iag. Ilc, Ge=*= Daa Corcor.an, P.L.8. PreoLdaot EOg?? 1 1969 P. 01 ffiiltnrmittalMemo r6t!t O t^qtbffi AEPIJICAIION F{'R A VARIATCEcilgcrDtr cRogsrlrcs DRopEHltf|!OWN OF VAIL EleI.E COttlIlY, COI€RADO ADDtrTTOt{AIr 8'I}TE}|ENI9 Io SUPFoRtr l[HE PREersB NAtntnA or BE vtnll]rsEREOI'ESTBD. l. REraIIONsf,rp [tl (t/!fiER usEs & STRust'iItREs rN tlttB vrerNlTc Tlt. fq!:gted varLcnct hae ulnttot lnfluenca or Lrnpaot on ur-d ?n /gT rt_ruotur.r ln Hre vlolnlty. rlh6 rooatton ii trr. "rCl,lDtr.dllte1y uert ol thr VetI Profrtslonel Bul.l4lng, Lr Lroratcitbetwcrn r-70- erd Hlghyry 6 on the laet ptscr ;i dcrnlopabriproprrty on the north-rlae ot Ghr frontaEr rdad. Itre riar cr-tU.iencroachnrnt. -oecrr_s_ at a po_lnt elong Lhr notth ploperty llrre ,adJeccnt tp tle r-70 RlEhtJof-wry. !!lia vertlcar afcvitGf oi ttipto.pqrty .ie lowar tben thrt ol th. Lntcratata trtsnt'at. frr" Pul-Id+Il! irprsvetlent le e lcr prolllc cinEl€ rtorT rtiuct-ure thatls Duilt Into the rlopc of the elte. l!h6 atei oCencroachnent le1t the polnt wh€re fho bultclng dropr tbr lowosf- bsior grrdo.llherrfore, lt aPpeilrs no negetlvr rciatlonahl.pr cxlt! rurir[l-ngfron thr encroachnrnt. 2. DEGIREE TCt I{EICH RELftF IROU EIIE gIRIeI OR LIllgRAI., INIERPRETAIFIoI| &ElrFgRcEl{EN[' oF tr epEcrFrED Rcour.ttrrolt rg uEcEsBARt [,o -icttrtv8 CottlPA[TBIIJftrC AnD Ut|trtOnMl!f, OF IREITUEIIT AIIONO Crlgg ttit r$tgVICTNITY OR TO A'IilAIN t!II3 O&'!C!T'IVEB OF IHIS AIEIJE WTTIIOUT ORA}IT OFEPICI.I'IJ PIIVIIJECE. Ar Dontloned ln thr barlo stat€lcnt, Uro encroaohmnt of, up to 6lnchcr uae dlroovrred whrn a flnel AItIA/Acglf surryey vae corplei.dfor the propg5ty. . -frlr 6urv6y incorxloi,arrd i criihtiv atFt"rrntboundary qonflguratlon at. the nortb pioperty f tnc-ltrari ura[-*,"*rtby lhr lnlttal Bunrey uhloh r{as urcb fbr tltre psoJa;[,-aeJiqn ano6nglne-erLnE. Dur to tho rrterivcly erarr inou-nr et rr;;;ehd;€and thc llnl-tad Lnpeat _on .adJadent propcrtiec, t|r; piopcrtyotrnarehlp fcsls no epeolal prlvilcAc tc-fclng requcotrd. - 3. BFfBeT OF THE VARIANCB ON L,IG![ e llnr DrqInIBu[IoN OF FoEEIAtlfoN, TR,AIIEDORTAIrON, [nAtrFrC FlcrrJtlrE8, U[lrLIrrrEE, & puBr.tro sApEl'y. q{'r - ,'al.rtr|, { na a€ flr{ a trrr.l rraa. r.,{'l'l L-t.a .'t e...!--! r.. -- -L---L *' '3.EFFECI! Or r"n VARIA}|ON Ornnt r trR, DrsrnIBUTl or po?rJr.Atl|roN, TRmfeDoRTAlrrON, ITRAFETC fAcrl.r|lrgg, U[ILI[rE8, &-UBLIO SrFEty. Itrc- grantlng o!- thle varl-anee ulLl havc vLrtually no €ffect onlfg!}.f4d elr, dlrtztbutlon of populatl-on, tranaportatlonr traftlofacllltles, utllltlee, and publla rafety. HOW REQUEST COMPLIEa WIIH VAtt{rS cotlpREHENSrVE Df-.Atr. The varl.an€e requested ultb thls appllcatlon nakr no ohengee totha proJeet degiEn, rppaarenoo, chareotcr, sitc utlllaetl,on,traffle cireulatlon, vhflr, Eafety clonc.rna or any othcr lseueeeneldered wh6n deel,gn appravrl wes orlginally glveh forr thrptoJeot by tha Toun- Thefgf,orc, no chanEae havo ooourrod lnrelationshlp to Vailre conpt€henEi.ve plan. - {. noa- uuilq DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 2.25.71 flti/rz- E. IilTEg. OEP.qRTHENTAT REV t EI.I DATE SUil.llTTEo: t . 27.? / Ltc UoRKS P.evlened by- CCI",,IENTS IIEEDED Bt z_L..!il!_ BRIIF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Rg" "-d../ "tvur;ep -4La+. 4l^", xs.th,n- d+ J- --<-( . Revleved by: Comaerrts: . Date t 'cL .;-1 RECi:i4Ti OII DEPARTI.:€NT Revle';ed .by: Co::;,ents: / Go., N^,, orvJdS!- 44-L ,vd +'* ? f?fL C/vto,-'''74 FIRE DEPI.RTI.iENT Reviewed by:Date Cor.ments: POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Date o LuL L"^J- a.* -t*J v^ * hJ "0o.o'^ h.'-, L- /nobe rt nn'Jl L/rt't'f' ^4 | ), ,y-bilA Ao''"-,olx-a A"U f''n-/t 'z't er 4^= ^ il^ J/dL^ ,Ufu ,r./ t-. /'6L.-z /,r''-f^--; f &_a4. t_ KANIDEN GROIJP fi;t/ //rn 't1l- l6ob January, L7, L99L APPLICATION FOR A VARTANCE CASCADE CROSSINGS PROPERTY TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PRECTSE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant reguests a variance in the five foot rear zoningsetback per variance granted by the Town of Vail Planning andEnvironmental Conurrission January 26, 1987. AII of applicant's planning, design, and engineering determin-ations were made in accordance with engineering surveys preparedby Inter-Mountain Engineering, and included as exhibits to thissubmittal. These surveys showed buiJ.ding location at the northeastcorner to be 5.69 feet off of the rear property line. Subsequent survey work done by Eagle Valley Surveying determinedthe northeast corner of the building to be 4.5 feet off of therear property line. Both survey firms claim their interpretation to be correct. The apparent difference in the surveys can be attributed to aradius vs. straight line interpretation of property records,involving the rear property line. The applicantts encroachment into the rear setback ranges from zero at a distance of approximately 65 feet from the northeastbuilding corner to a maximum of 6 inches at the northeast buiLd-ing corner(see attached ALTA/ACSM survey). The applicant acted in good faith during the construction of theproperty, and relied on a licensed land surveyor to confirm thatthe building complied. in all respects with the Town of Vail's approved setbacks for the property. Subsequent to construction, it has come to applicant's attentionthat a rear setback encroachment exists. as portrayed on the attached AITA/ACSM survey. Po* Office Box 2478j fun,et Cololado 80224 303/797-0484 O fffD ji,li ? 8 :q'tj Application Date PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE t.This prtcedure ls required for any project requesting a variance. The app'licationwill not be accepted unti'l a'll information is submitted. A. NAME OF A''LICANT Vail Enterprises Partnership ADDRESS 7385 East Peakview Drive, Bldq. 9 B. Enqlewood, Colorado 80111 PHoNE 771-1832 NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATM ei1l Hein, hlmHein Associates ADDRESS 7385 East Peakview Drive, PHoNE 771-1606 C. NAME 0F or.tNER(S)or print) vail Ente-..r.|.-'-rises Partnershi si ADDRESS 7385 East Peakview Drive, Bldq. 9, Englewood,.CO 80111 PHoNE 77L-L832 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 1031 South Frontaqe Road, Vai1, CO 81557 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING E. FEE $IOO PAID cK # s87 FROM George Birt THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I{ILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A'list of the names of owners of a'll property adJacent to the subject property TNCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT I,IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT I,IAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I,IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER tS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO.:DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION }'ILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOII{TT'IENT I,,ITH THE STAFF T0 FIND oUT ABoUT ADDITIoNAL SUBMITTAL REqUIRB.IENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I.,ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT SV OTCTEAS-TFE THE NUI'IBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT T}IE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED t,tITH BEFORE A EUILDING PEMIT I5 ISS.IIED. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOI,IING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A I.IRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existlng or potential' uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal lnterpretatlon and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve comp!illili1y and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to atthin the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and pub'lic safety. 4. How your request comp'lies with Vai1,s Comprehensive p'lan. B. A topographi.c 31d/or lmprovement survejl at-a scale of at-]east l' - ZO, stampec' bv a Colorado licensed surveyor including-locations of a'l'l.exisiing i,ip.o,i.:mints, including grades ina -etevitions. l0ttrer e]emenis wnrch must be shownare_parking and.loading areas, lngress and egress, landscpped ui"ir-ini"-""'.uti'lity and dralnage features. C. N l!!g plan at a scale of at least l" .20r showing existing and proposed bui I di ngs. D. All preliminary bui'lding elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensiqns'-9919la]_tPP!.l3lge, scale and use of all buildings and-ipacesexisting and proposed.on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. lf the proposal ls located in a nru'lti-family development which has a honeownerslassociation, then written- approval from the associatlon ln support of the ProJebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said iisociation. G. Any additi.onal material necessary for the review of the application asdetennined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan nay be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Connission meets on the Znd and 4th llondaysof each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material(as described above) must be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. l{o incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the desig- nated submittal date. ADJACEIIT PROPERTY OWNERS: Vari ance Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657. South Frontage Road West, Vail, clen Lyon B1dg., 1000 South VaiL Professional .B1dg., 953 Colorado 81657 tlOH R,}ft'ir b€es\ Qq;*ra N"mtl ') ,r/l-',r"n /3no- Qr-at 6L*""'- d, r /!''try c'^ TuuT'P""T5e (. . t ilffi 3:"l,Hi:;:"fl"ad w. Gl,::ffi,. or Hwys. O vail , co 81557 Box 2107 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Vail ProfeEEional Bldg. fom Brandl 953 S. Frontage Road W. ceorge Brodinvail, co 81557 GT Senrices 934 S. Frontage Road W.vail , co 81657 /d t^-* ouwzt'a - /n4a'-L/ J'7-?/tll v X J I Jn,,fr,,"- *TCrfot* fl*pn PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Is EEREBY GMN that tlre Planning and Environmental CornmiEsion of the Town of Vall vlll. hotd a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of tlre nunicJ.pal code of the Tow'n of Vail on Febnrary 25, l99L at 3:oO P.n. in the town of Vail l{unl.clpal Bullding. Conslderatlon of: 1. A reguest for a rear eetback variance at Cascade Crossing at 1031 South Frontage Road on a parcel of land located in the northwest L/4 of Section 12, Township 55, R81W of the 6th Pl{, Town of Vail, Eagle Couty, Colorado Applicant: Vall Enterprises Partnership 2. A reguest for a front tetback varJ.ance, 5188 Gore CLrc.Le/ I-cl- 7, Btock 3, Bighorn 5th Filing. Applicant: Nowell l,!aY 3. A request for setback, landscape and site coverage vari.ances and an exterior alteration to the Lifthouse Lodge at 555 East Lionshead CLrcLe/ IPt 3, lBlock 1, vail LionBhead 1st Filing. Applicant: Robert T. and Diana Iazier II l. A regueBt to anend Sectlons of the vall uunlclpal Zonlng code to tuplaent ttre recomendatlong of tlre llorn of ValI Affordabla Boual.ng Study. Appllcants Town of, Val.l '' tl'bc appllcatlong and lnforaatlon about tbe proposals are avallable tor Publlc Lnepectl,on in tlre Couunlty Dgvelopucnt Departnent offlce. Town of Vall Comunlty Developuent Department Publlshed Ln the vall Trall on Febnrary 8, 1991. o Atqfu-Atw<J ./ ,,.a 'tDtrFMRTMtrNT @F .EEIMMUNITV DtrVtrLEFMENE XXXXXXX serEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX @sr CA .IOTAL $rouNT cou. DEv. AppucAnon FEES /44 ZONINO AIID ADDRESS UAPS | 0000 .t24lt l98B UNtFoRLt BullotNc coDE | 0000 42415 I9E8 UNIFORTI PLUIIBINC CODE 10000 42413 1988 UNTFORI' UECHANICAL CODE | 0000 42415 IO88 UNIFORM RRE CODE 1987 NATIONAL EI:CIRICAL CODE | 0000 424t5 OfiER CODE BOOKS PRTNTS (MnrRs) 0t.0000 42412 0x coPtEs ./ sTuDtEs tEs I RE-NSPECION OFF HOI'RS NSPESIION FE= UCENSES 'EEIS flHEN FEES 0t 0000 al4t3 .8tcN &gLtcattotr cOuuENIs! ,'&fuxu/auaozcp', &ndp- kassru Project Application o^rc 4''/l'?O Proiect Name: Proieci Description: . Conlact Person and Phone Owrpr, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot zon" Atb Design Review Board oa" 2' //: 7 O Molion by: DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Town Planner Date: E Statt Approvdl ao a''^h' , i,&l'rr-,-Qt'-no\s 'tO APPLICATION DATE OF DRB DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I,IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional jnformation is needed. No application will be accepted unless it'is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to find out about additional submittal requ'irements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion w'ill streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may st'ipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a bui'ld'ing perm'it'i5 issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION Addres s Descri pti on Lot Bl ock Fif ing O oarc, 6/td_1Q MEETTHG, if Til/qn Lega 1 Zoni ng C. NAME OF Address D. NAME OF Address E. NAME OF Si gnature Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 15o,oo0 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ so.oo $1oo.oo $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In additjon to meeting submittal requirements, the app'licant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS of the Design Review Board, so plan 3. People who fai'l to appear before the meeting and who have not asked for a republ j shed. will normally involve two separate meetings on at least two meetings for their approval . Design Review Board at their schedu'l ed postponement will be required to be OF PROPOSAL: (w> APPLI CANT: e. APPLICANT'S RE5. z. Hlu'' telephonefuOfd tel eph telephoneUqfi The fee wil'l be paid at the time bu'i1d'ing permit is requested. FEE o F /rLt COPY lnwn 75 roulh frontage road Yal[ colorado 81657 (3(ts) 4792138 (3&!) 4792139 February 4, 1991 oltlce ol communlty development James J. schwert, Esq. Oppenheiner Wolff and Donnelly 45 South seventh Street, suite 3400 Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: cascade Crossing Retail center Rear Setback Eneroachnent Dear Sir: This is to confirm that the Town is currently working with vail Enterprises Partnerstrip regarding the recently discovered rear setback encroachment on the above referenced shopping center. It appears that the mistake was due to an error in the initial survey upon which alL subseguent design, engineering, pernitting and construction was based. vail Enterprises Partnership has subnitted a varianceapplication, along with the revised survey and has been scheduledfor review by the Planning and Environnental Cornmission, at tbeir February 25, 1991 public hearing. If you should have any questions regarding this rnatter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, U./ /4,2e: Mike Mollica Senior Town Planner ltMl1rdcc: John R. Weisenfels, Esq.BiIl Hein KANIDEN GHCI.,P RN QlJice Box 2478J Dnwt, Colorado 80224 30r'7974484 HEC: prt cc: Ed HiI1, CDOH mo JAN 14fr0f January 10, 1991 Hr . Charles I . Dunn, Jr .Dlstrlct ROW EnglneerState of ColoradorDlvlslon of Hlghways 222 South 5th StreetP.O. Box 210? Grand Junctlon, Colorado 81502-210? Dear Chuck: Per our dlscusslon on January 9th, we plan to tnove ahead lmmed lately on perrrianent dralnage and temporary htghwaywidening as outLined ln our letter to you dated January 2, 1991. Our Contractor, QuaIlty Pavlng Company of Commerce Ctty, wll.Ifax you and Ed HlII thelr proposed flagging and safety plans. As discussed, for the purposes of thls temporary wldenlngeffort, we plan to begln the roadvray taper at the drainageculvert location approximately 150 feet west of the westproperty corner. lle wllL be meeting vlth Town of Vall staff on Frlday tolnform them of our plans. . P1ease get back to me as soon as posslble with any guestlonsyou mlght have. Very truly yours, The Kanden Group74-2--4t1*L Halcolm E. CombE @: x< - . j..*-. JoHr{ R. I{EISEilFELS, ESQ. CALKINS, I''{SENFELS & VAUGHATI P.0. BOX i-J85 KANSAS CITY, t0 64199-3595 _-_--*'v C: BILL HEI}I ^c l,lltl. HEIII ASS0CIATES 7385 E. PEAKVIE}I AYE. ENGLE!JooD, C0 80111 KAi{DEN C'ROP January 2, 1991 Hr. Charles I.Dunn, Jr.District ROW Engineer State of Colorado,Division of Highways 222 South 5th Street P.O. Box 210? Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-2l-07 Dear Chuck: Late this afternoon we contacted Ed Hlll to reviehtour most recent proposaJ. for drainage and interirn highway improvements at Cascade Crossings in Vail. We propose tobegin permanent drainage improvements as guickly as possibleper RBD Engineering Consultants drawlng datedt November 1,1990. He expect this work to take no longer than ? to 10vorking days to complete. Concurrently, hre propose to place an interirn overlay ofasphalt on the existing shoulder, located per the same improvement drawing dated November 1, 1990. This overlaywould be removed and repl.aced in Spring 1991 per highwaydepartment reguirerrrent,s speclfied in the access permits $3900?7 and #390078 dated August 15, 1990. It is imperative this work begin as soon as possible in thatseveral tenants are hraiting to begin improvements. The scope of work is as I follows. t catch basins and cMP pipe as shown onInstall threeplan. 2. Excavate ea r thendrainage swa 1es . 3. Place 1.5 inchesexisting soils as 4. ltork ls to begin Please get back to me asyou might have. Pos: Ofrce Rox 2478J Denr.vr, Ctt lore d o 8O2 24 303 797-0484 drainage swales and place asphalt of asphalt over propetly gradedper pIan. on January ?, 1991. soon as possible with any guestions Very truly your s, The Kanden Group n /T "1t."/-'-'{.&"J--/MalcoJm E. Combs o(-z I0+g3otr.tr0-'0(ltT.j ,t't l-bFfgt(r- toUJ s+ uv i 4.rd6 JID7 d J 4 \, h tD 4urT29t-d ) d t-l, 1 0d a { 0 v. il0)1\4(Jtr7 * Iso ] 3la I 0 d 7n $ idNrfr $ f F 0 ( 0 pt ur 0 {, l-I o ol TI |l VI A\./;anl7 FI9a,){d0+IrpT'$lv-o.stJet€ r)f- ll Nd t,Dta((,i,[>i J IaAJo t'{(l'{.&vrdiD2,iij -).' e1[ 6d $ 0lllT{79.t-U)all-,ll10il 0 ( 0 pf I oqh0qh ? ! r llto ) ) l $t-- a@6vr i - o?c\ "dfi rl, sL tfr - ,-*!:" -..^iG I {t -){. .}lr Ot-€?.{ 7(t-tlrioDq-, 1' 'WLO-,t\^/Lo - tt Owzo-7O FILE COfi lnltn 75 soulh lrontage road Yall. colorado 81657 (3{r3) 4792138 ($3) 4792139 olflce ol communlty development December LLf 1990 John Weisenfels Caulkins, Weinsenfels and VaughnP.O. Box 13585 Kansas city, MO 64L99-3585 RE: Cascade Crossinqs Retail Center Dear John, The above-named project, located at 1-031- South Frontage RoadWest, in Vail, Colorado currently complies with al1 theapplicable Town of VaiI zoning codes for use as a retail commercial center. This project was constructed within theguidelines of the Arterial Business District, zone district. AII required Town approvals and building pernits were obtainedprior to connencernent of construction on tbis site. It shouldalso be noted that there are no platting ordinances which affectthis property. Should you have guestions regarding any of the above, please donot hesitate to contact me at (303) 479-2L38. Sincerely, AJ h,a-- Mike Mollica Senior Planner MM:lrd cc: williarn Hein fru,d goET?11969 P. Ol ,IdnKo's'o FAX CO\MR SHEET T;rir frr i! dirt€ttd to: besartrntntt Csnpeay: Suelncls Phonu FAX Phonr: q?7- 2/S/ + Nurnbrr ol pqrr lndudtng thir cons *rait fl , ,,, ., ' : . Ptgr lo#-v thh lazon W W|wc bun tand a fu- LAGE.rT? F Y. INo ;*-, S;e/"t..f O, tvlana- 55oo ihtt ftx hrr bern Jrctt b.v: il';' ':::,', N? -.q,,'i^*"'rL;nI'1 compa4n Knnr ha-l Killco'g Publlc Fax Srwlce lVc crn ilansn:i:i1 5Fgd,4 ;r :=n$nunoru ii hour:, i Caw r weqk Orrr Frx nunbcr i* (305) 369-5i53 Orrr ston nustbcc b: (303) ?{S{OPY !C,::-ko's Copies 3i115. Parkar Road, ..\';-ora, CC SC01+ ^ l/e''*.tr{et9srkil ul-,-,rsr !s,k.r Yf::;i /o"'n '--Fntr"t a*\ttot '.- qtrg ,h. €-1.-tt-" Clt+-,*+ ncrrr cell rrr if 'rru hrvo hrd rn;r problccrr rocciving or if S :.\e r'tr iii0 to t,00 \tondr;r 'Jrrcugh FriCry rnd 1000 to 6:00 Oeprrtnmc frX -' rtcrnyFglr rni$irl8, Seturdry rad $undrY.lVr +rt/ - (/61 bttt ,deit -1, EA.A* $i.,;a! QP4.rh.,-G.fu . l^*(**, z{t4-. Ee5"?t 1969 P.o fr' $.c.ar=r6"#ir* dt(rf*+, I GA.$#i ..-.. $t--v*a*-tn t'' TL*'; ' 4. Zoning kttcr. A lecer ftom the appropriatc officcr of thc City of Ve4 Colorado qnting (a) thc zoning-codc afieetiag the prcniccc, (b) th.t tho prouilgg and thcir uee e1 r.etail shoppin! ienter comply with srrclr zoning iodo, oity irdinancor aira Uuilah3 and use -reslrictions,(c) thu thcro ers ao vzrianccq onditionl rue ptrmitc or @€cid usc permirs rcquhed for the io-ostrucioa of tho improvcnrcnts on the prouirci on their urd or if thcrirrc, spccifing the tamc end thoir torrus, (d) tlnt rhe premi*a ar deecribod oomply with tho pt ttirf ordinencer _effecting thcm snd can tto convgnd wlthour thc liliog of a plrt or rcplat of the prcmisoa end (c) if thc prcmiscs arc nononforming ueo 3ctting forth thc enditions undct whic{r tho premiscs may ^bcrortorrd if thoy ere darnrged or dcstroycd. If. thc prcnilce fdl withh rny cubdivirion or plat:ing rulcs or r%ulaiona wo rcguirc cvidc_nce of complirncc wtth suc.h $rbdivbion rcathtioar or slaiver of thc sarnc by tba appropriate_orFqltls ?t.c|'thttont l.lcrtr.llebtrdoflCttItotla?]tlo lfX PSOI(8 llRff$|xIIAI', EEEI GOUP]I}II Ixr ?BONE llltltB43 EROUs xTto/, 4;41 NO. OF PTCES Il| DOCOIEIIB rxcrrDrnc covEn, sEEEtrt .-J- DTTE3 NESFONSE SErf E!! TOnr o8 YIIL llIf, tEottB ltuttBERs 303-l?9-2157 o lottn n ?t ro||tifrcnlreo rcrd rrll. olct|(lo tltgtootlatllto 493 co,tPAlw llll{E: r,ll( tRolt: DTTEs Ito. ot PrG;Es IX DOCUl,lEl{T l,[f PnOFB t[Rflf$'rlllll, SEgEl H !f,rltE:,l INqIIDING OO\IER SEEEI) s-l- ntsFoNsE sET EY: lRolllf oF lllt IXX tBOttB XIilBER: 303-a?9-2157 j ElcrExsrox wwo '2/ 3$ rlt- -t?-'gA Ag?23 ID:liJT DISTEl(-T TEL t'lD : 3EJ-lAd- i 2:',4 Atr.,frur/ I ,i iggu f;txll OLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS nc'Slutt E TRANSMITTAL LONG DI8TANCE AOC!88 CODE (IF NEOESEAFY) I FAX NO. C^rr'.al ol tr ADDBESSEE WILL PICKUP tr DELIVEF WITHIN 4 HOURS /qo t-lcod R,'t( TIFY PBIORITY COltlfllllTf #.rA t-Ytb-%l -45b4 Q"or5._}nt l4;(e Co^Ls - Kxtsu c;{1 (:'- '*) .. .'17',7 -01H H ) CDOI Fernall ^ 'rd "g,, or t r. !|!l ot tftb toint ,n dh'ltt yow |iattm't' 'r.. 0"n l|nl tlcvlou| ldnom t yD'urld|.n l rupg[u rr rrhrultd coPlt8 gENT (tNOLUbE tl{ts FoFIM) Hur:i-1?-'sE aF::f, rTa DrsrEr,:r j rEL Nor303f-?zs4 c932 FA2 Local Juflsdlclion: lgwn of Vall Dlst/Section/Patrol: J02 20 DOH Fermit No.: 390079 Permlt Fee: N/A D.tc of Transmlltal:8- 15- 90 sH No/MP/Sid.: 6l174,g3lLCOTORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGI{WAYS. STATE HIGHWAY ACCE$S PERMIT ValI Enterprises partnershlp 7385 East Peak View Avenue Englewood, C0 30111 1.1'lll:-s.lglnstanv""Pn t-o' e",son'arinru-'ibipffi;;i;;;ffi;;"'',i'Ui'.Uff,:?l.i.'i;itilTl;:#:',i'H'j;ilHifl lg horsby granted permission lo.construct and use en eccoss lo the itst€ highway at the lgcatlon noled below.The access shalt be conslructed, |.nainr*nJo'ino-uieo rn accordanc€ wlrh ihe terms and condltlons ol thle permit,including the stat€ Highwav Aicess coaiano llieoattacnrni"ts. r-tir oirmit may.ue revoked by the issuingsutharity il at anv time lhe peimitted accees ano iti'Jse vlotate any or tne teirniano conctitions of thls permit. The useol advance wBrnlng and construction signs, ftasfiers, oarricaois;rio iiiqg;;" required at alt limes durlng acc€ssconstruction within state.right-of-way'in contoimanc€ wrrh tne unNila[ oN uNrFoRM TRAFFIC coNTRoL 35,Ilfiil;l:llYJ;Ii::H.r^::*ili:,l9o"paiimCnilno ih€i;;.;t;;;;iiteo asenre and emproyees$hsrt beh6rd On the north side from Mile Post 174 of State Highway 6, a (1031 South Frontage dlstance of 4380 feet eest Road l{eet, Vail, C0). ACCES3 TO PROVIDE SETiV'CE TO'; Retail center, OTHER TERMS AND CONOITION* See Attached $heets (Z). MUNICIPALITY OR COUNTY APPROVAL Required only when the appropriate rocar aurhority rstains i$sulnc authority. By (X) Not BeqUlred . D€te -.------..--. Ttrte Yrj-t1u,,'lflig. :l,tll'_Eherein' All construotion shalt be comPleted in a; expedilious ano eare mannei and stralt be finlsheJ wlthin as oays rroni ',ijli1i:,1;lT,l"r3[i1-1":l5, *flLl. oomgtep,li,accordance wrrh i[; rerms ind conditione o, rhe permir prior to',i.,li1i""l;llif"'H::ifl.1g5, *?ilj" oo'gteprlil;ccordance wrrh i[; rerms ano "onJiiioni Jitrli-peL'i'itbeing used. The perml[ce ihrll nollfy Sll^tltf{9rdo Depertnrent ot Htghweyr In _** :-;al leatt '18 hours prlor lo commenclng coirlrucuon wlthln tho Srat" ntgt rJy afnt-or-way. The petson signing as the permlttee muEt b6 the own€r o.r.leg8l rgpresontative of the property served by th€ p€rmlttedaoce's and hav6 tuil autholitv to gpcopt rheJBrmrtSnd a[ tt!{rcrmi ano conoirroni, ,.," tr/c{qo This permit ls not velid until signed by a STATE OF aurhoriz€d repr€sentathB of lhe State Department ol Hfhwayi. IWAYS Dats 8-17:90.- fills Adm{ n { nrrrrnr (Date ol issue) Accese Gomrlttee MEko copl€r as n€ceirnry lot;LocelAutholity Intpoclor MICE Palrot tfrlrlc Englns€r '1. Dishtcl (O/iginal) 2. Apglicant Pr€vlour gdl[om flt Qb|ohtt $d w l not bs ursd DOH Form 101 coPY ot9tRl9uTloN: ISTFIICT J l-EL til:rr 31tr3-i H932 FE] PERMIT NO. 39OO?8 Contractor shall follow the appllcable constructlonspeciflcatlone set for by the rtm€nt of Highwaye ln thelatest rnanual Hl_rli- 1?- ' lLl trl'_l : .l4 I tr : E-t TITo Cons-t.ruction.ropercy oltn€r ra responslDre tor anyby the construction of thIE drlverayCons_t.ruction. The property ownerutllltlee disrupted by the constr responslbl-e Local ordlnance requireB a constructlon permit fron Tom ofvalt. Driveway Ehall be constructed 35 f€€t vlde wlth 50 footraatlI. Surfacing for drlveway approach ie required asfollower 12rr of clase t gravel ln 2, 6rr l-Lftsi 6rt of claeE 6gravel In 1, 6r' lifts.Algo 3'r of HBP in 2, 1.50tr ltfts of grade E, DX, oregulvalent. The asphalt aenreht In the HBP ahall be AC LO.f'lllr/cut slope6 ehall be at a 2r L Elope on the roadway andat 6:l on the access approach.A contlnuous three lanea shall be construoted two l.A footthrough lanes and one 16 foot left turn lane. Shouldersahall be I feet in wldth. The full wldth laneg shall start250 feet westerly of the westerly approach and end 250 feeteasterly of easterly approach. Redirect tapers for throughtraffLc shall be at a 2B to I ratio. On slte storage for-drainage above hlstorla flow l-g raqulred. oeslgn afrdTraffia control plane rnust be provlded to and approved bythe Coloraclo Departnent of Highways 45 daye prlor to anyconstructlon. No landecqping other than grass or approvedflowers ehall be placed ln the approach aight triangies. Upon completion of the approach aII exlstlng landscapingwill be revlewed and any plante found to l-nterfere with theeafe operatlon of the app-oach shall be renoved. Thle development lE al}o$ted ocaupancy up to 208 wlthoutcolnpletion of the frontage road lnprovenents. A bindingcontract for constructlon of thc frontage road lnprovenenteehall be provlded to the departmEnt no later that I october,1990. fhle germlt volds pe-rmit nurnber 389049. Lanee Ehall be constructed as per Colorado Department of Highways specJ-fJ"cati.ons, wlth the followlng naterial placedfor final grades 12" ABc , Class li 6rr ABc, Class 6i and 3"of HBP, cradlng E or EX place ln the following llftsr 2 - 6trllfts; 1- 6'rlifti 2 - I.5'r llfts . Shoulders along the Epeed change Lanes ehall be 4 f,eet and paved. The new pavement ehall tlope on the same plane as the present pavenent eurface. The entlre roadway shall be overlald wlthl.5rr of HBP. Permanent highway strlping and aigning ehallbe done by the Colorado Division of Hlghways The actualcost of the work wilt be bltled to the parmittee. The costwiII not exceed an eetlnated $2000. A BEgfg:fEBED PRoFEssrotrAIr ENGJ:NEER must provlde certiflcation that all work was done neeting epeciticatlon. CERTIFICATION Witl be sent to the Colorado plvlslon of Highwaye. NOTE:Pavernentdesign for construction nay be nodlfted upon aubrniesion ofan approved design by a profeEeional englheer. Such deslgnshall hav€ a Structural Number no lesB than 3.35. writtenapproval of the modlfled design is regulred before construcbton. No drainage from thle elte ehall enter onto the eurfaae ofthe htghway. AII exlstlng draLnage structures Bhall be extended to acconnodate all new construction and safety standards. The Left turn novement j.n and out of the drLvcway nay beprohlblted at eome f,uture date. 48-?t54o 3 4 5 l0 1L aII expeneee lncurred- for repalr, Any damag. to anyexleting Hlghuay facillties ehall be repalred prlor tocontlnuinq other htork. conDactiofr of sub-qrade, embanknents and baaktill ehall conbly with secttofi aog.tr ot thr Divislon of Hlghwaye Standard Speolf icatione.conpactlon of Hot BitunlnouB Pavenent (HBP) ghall coilplywlth Section eot.17 of the dlvielon of Hlghuayg StandardspeclflcatLone.Lz ff froet Le present ln the Eub-grade, no surf,aclng naterlalshall be plaoed until aII froet le gone or removed. PAGE NO. 1 il itr-i#ffI FiFil*'!re:tnF":'il;ii"ill"l*#rd:i mHHis;15 lii::l*iliiiTi;sF:$:dlirre_prop€r aririige con*or. ;ffi*ruff#u#rff+*g*gffi psiulr ro. ,oo?, co*rr$u'D PAGE lro. FUG-1?-'ea qe:2r3 tDir DlsrRIcr 3 rEL Fr!.: =eft11."@.._..,*_. COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS HIGHWAYS PERMIT SHNoiMP/Sldet 61174,90|L Local Jurigdlctlon: Torfn of Vatl Diot/Secf lon/Pav olt 30 22O DOH Permit No: 390077 Pcrrnlt Fecr N/f Datc ol Trlnlmittal: 8 -15-90 TFEFEnutrreei ValI Enterprlges Partnershlp 7385 Eest Peah Vierr Avenue Englewood, CO 801ff is hereby granted permisslon to con$truct and use an accoss to the slate highway at ihe locatlon noted below. The acces's shall be constfucted, malntalngd end ussd in accordance wlth the t6rms and oondilions ol this permit, inctuding the State Highway Accsse Code and listed atlachrnents. This perfiit may b€ revoked by the issuing authority if at Eny time the permitted aocess and its use violate sny ol the tsrms and conditions ot lh 13 pormit, The use of advance warnlng and conslruction signs, llashers, barrlcades and flaggers are required al ell times durjng alg€sE construction within State rlght-of-way In conformance with the MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTBOL DEVICES, Part Vl. The lssuing authorlty, tho Dopartrnent and their duly eppoint€d egenls and cmployeos 6hall b€ h€ld harmless against sny action tor pergonal Injury or property damage euslained by r6aSon of the exerclgo ol th€ permlt, LOCATION: On the rrorth sl.de of State II{ ghway 6, a dlstance of 473O fcEt "trtfrom Mtle Post 174 (103I South Ftontage Road Wast, Vetl, CO). ACCESS TO PROVIDE EERVICE TO: Retall center. OTHER TERTIS AND GONDITIONII: ssc Attachsd shcrts (2), MUNICIPALITY OR COUNTY APPROVAL Requlrecl only when the appropriate local authority f€iains issuing authority. By (X) - . Not Reqttlred .... ... --. Date - Tltle -condilions and rcbrencod attachmente q$liltj trireln. ett c-onstiuction rnail be corflpleted in a-n expeditious end safe mannsr and shEll be finished wilhin 45 days from lhiriqlinn The narmittntl eccase shall be comoleted in accordancg with the torms and oonditions ol thg pormlt prlor toinltiltion. The permitted acc€ss ehall be oompleted in ag_qqr-dance with the t6rms and oonditions ol ths pormlt prlor to beind used. ?he nermltlee rhNll notfiY Ed HlII ,--," , .b6ing u$ed. fhe permlttee rhell nofily 61 328-6385 ,wlth the Colorudo DcPiilm.nt ol Hlghwryr In ar ileit lO houn prloitq commcndig conrtruogon wlthln the tt1tg Hlghwiy tl0hl'of'wry. Th€ person signing as the permittee musl b€ th€ owner or legsl fepresontetlvs. of tho propBrty cerved by ih€ Psrmittsd accgs8 and tull acc6pt and condltione. Permlttoo (X)Det6 This permit is not valid untll signed by a d auihorized rapr$entatlve ol the State Department of Hlghwaya. STATE OF COL OF AYS ROBERT L. Bv (x)9616 E:17:9!--n1;6 Adnlnfstrot-ofr, (Date ol lesue)Accese "GonmI ttee n0l utidPrllou. Ediliotra icR6qulrod:Mtxa copls! r! n3c€ffrry loti LooslAuthority InlPiclot MY.IE P.t/61 Tatltc EnolnE€t 'L Dirlrlct (Orlglnel)ool'l Form l0l 0/t5 coPy g,trttturto : TEL tto:JE3-ji{E_?As4 H932 PA6 PERIT|TT l{o, 390077 I 9 10 tt ffi ", irs;litiii*$itii"*:r:;UF;##i.";i"fi" gruffiffn***ffi 72 PAOE NO. r o rNO IEL o l'.10: 3AJ-A4B_?AS4 s932 P6 PERlfr , 390077 (\)Ntnw8D ; l\;K'Co C;*(n'r'o.t ,ru I .n-,- Aqb^q', \ I- T234ZMTHE PEOPLE OF TI{E TOWN OF VAIL BY AND qN.- --eeiilr-oF rne PEoPLE oF THE srATE oF coLoMoo m1l|nzo z >t- 1'otromom.lt v-{ =mz{ COUFT OATE-o^ I 1.1'-lt | 7LD ,o T,a JlU -.ltnj.r you ar..ha.!by tumnon.d and,ord.fod to qpplrr rl th. Vqlt Mlnidpd Corr|, 75. S. Fotn.or Fld. W,. vri|.co|olado,loanrwglcha.g$,ar't"rJTiiil?iiiiiirngriIuuniapa]cooioltirio,wrrotvrj|.wni*a..!||e99dtohEwoccMod|nthaloo|vd|'& READ THE BACK OF THIS SUMMONS FOR MAIL-IN FINE PROCEDUBES. 93a.OA) F.lr. ldrnuflc.tlon 6.2a,r00 8.24.050 Ptrbllc Nularnca - OoDo3idno Waltc Malorl9la 8ntn1o#,n o,"t. / Posso*nn open contrtncr 0.0a.mo Doo R0nnlno At Lrroc Oalc.lpllon ur.roehsrelro rxlr rrtune ro ,rppeli colsrlrures i sepmrrE oFFENsE aNo wtLL F€suLT tN A wARFAT'II FoR MY ARREST€EING lssuEo. ALL VIOI-ATIONS IN RED I (A XANOATOnY 00UFr APPE n^a{cE ine r.rnOe6tgncl trar roosonablo o.ound! lo b€llcv! th.t th! drl.ndqnl conmlllad lho otlgn!'(!) ogsinrt tho iorca 8nd dlonity ol tho pooplo ot thc lowrl of Vall aod co.llft! lhrt I copy ot lho !;nnonr rnd complaint w6! duly $rvod qpon lha Oatandlnl cfrB1- o^r.0 r",, / / r[", o, Orlglnql - Coun Ycllon - oaLndinr Whlro - D.M.V,/Tr{|!crlpt w'il|! - A9anct T ILE 75 south trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47$213s ollice ol communily developmenl August 9, 1990 Mr. Chuck Dunn, Jr. District Right-Of-Way Engineer colorado Department of Highways 222 South 5th Street P.O. Box 2107 Grand Juncti.on, CO AL5O2-2L07 RE: Cascade Crossing Retail Center Dear Chuck: Upon receipt of your letter dated August 7, 1990 and pursuant to our telephone conversation yesterday, I would like to reiteratethe fol]ohring concerns the Town has with scheduling of the Cascade Crossing access perrnit requirements. It appears from your letter that the CDOH would be wilJ.ing togrant cascade Crossing an extension with regard to the construction of the Frontage Road irnprovements per the approved access perrnit. A condition of that extension wouLd be that the highway irnprovements be conpleted by october 15, 1990 and that in ttre event the highway inprovernents are not conpleted by that date then the use of tbe property must cease. If occupancy is allowedat the retai] center, it should be pointed out that the Town of Vail cannot guarantee that the use of the property would cease by October 15, 1990. COPY CITUCK DUNN JR. LETTER, PAGE 2 At this time, the Town of Vail is unwilling to release the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy prior to the actual construction and approval of the improvenents to the south Frontage Road. The Town issued a building pemit for a retail tenant finish for Units A & B, on June 20' 1990, with the condition that rra tenporary certificate of occupancy shall not be issued until the reguirements of the CDOH are conpleted for the South Frontage Roadrr. We believe there to be certain liability concerns as well as public safety concerns allowing the occupancy of the retail sp1c9 lrithout said iruprovenents. As much as Ite would like to work wlth the developers and assist in getting the retail- center operating, we feel we cannot jeopardize the safety of the public- I hope this clarifies the Town's position with regards to the Fronlage Road irnprovements and if you should have any guestions please feeL free to contact ne at 303'479-.2L38. Sincerely, /DL frila- Mike Mollica Senior Planner cc: Bill HeinLarry Eskwith o OFCOLORADOSTA|E DEPARTTENT OF HIGHWAYS 222 South Sixth Streel, P.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, Colorado 81 502-2107 (303) 248-7208 August 7, 1990 h'0r.'.,. ,,",) office of Community Developrnent Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage RoadVail, co 8L657 RE: CASCADE CROSSING, ACCESS & FRONTAGE ROAD The Department of Highways has been assured by the developer ofCascade.Crossing, Mr..WilLiam G._Hei1r that all frontage road andaccess improvements wiII be completed before October L5, L990. In light of the above the department agrees that a temporary occupancy pennit may be issued for the Cascade Crossing project. The department requests that any tenporary occupancy permit betied to the October 15, L990 completion date. So in the eventthat the highway improvements are not completed occupancy and useof the property urust cease. Please call if you have any guestions. R. P. MOSTON DISTRICT ENGINEER District RoW Engineercc: Ed HillWillian Heinfile o o f STATE FCCLOI\ADO DEFARIIIEHT OF HIOHWAYS e22 Soulh Slxth Stro€t, P'O. Box 2107 Grand Junctlon, Colorado 81 502.?107 (3031 248-7308 cc: Ed HillWillian Helnfile Office of cornmunitY DeveloPnent Tokrn of vail 75 South Frontage Roadvall, co 81657 RE: CASCADE CROSSING, ACCESS & FRONTAGE ROAD The Departnent of Hishways has been assured by the developer of Ciscadb Crossing, Url Wiillan G. Hein, that all frontage road and accesE inprovenents will be conpleted before october 15, 1990, In tiqht of the above the department agrees that a temporary occupincy pernit may be lEsubd for the Ca6cade Crossing proiect. The depaEtnent reguests that any tenporary. occupancy permit be [iea t6 the Octobdr 18, 1990 coirplet-ion date. So 1n the event .i[at the highway ltnproveurents ar-e not conpleted occupancy and use of the property nuEt ceage. Please call if you have any guestions. August 7, L99O R. P. MOSTON DISTRTST ENGINEER r i -----sg6:6p''sa EEt4a OGJr DrETRrcr 3 TEL N0:3U4a-?254 COLOBAOO DEPARTMENT OF I{IGHWAYS FACSI iII LE TRANSMITTAL DATE y-1-eD coPrES SENT (tNCLUOE THls FoRM)LONG D|STANCE ACCE€S OODE (tF NECESSARY) ,-r"d- PRIORITY tr ADDRESSEE WILL PICKUP q'(Or ADDRESSEE O DELIVER WITHIN 4 HOURS .PHONE NO. | *4 f-7 >3J- _ f,gg6 PE1 _r_ f C;rr,4.*,'.h; /trr-.4 4. Olm fu.fr.-*,(o - O-t. /tL\ c6*7e"-bJ , ;tc ku- fr.,-Jt ft ,t*d/ ,Z brr.* 4.,rt4 V'tr,old ,/A */ dJ - -A ,,^// ^a4r:t Zr, @MI UT 2:r.-,-"4/1ry "Z( ,t /2 .,r4 /tfri- a .Z/4 Tov ,r,f d o-t, /t{! ( .&y ^-< ;,x F Zlb A J.d "8" on ,ha btct ol thl. rotm lndlctlc. tour l.ctlmlra ,rrr b.ta |.nr, trarloul aallllont n.t bo ur.d unlll tupgll't r|. lrhauatad COOH Forn rat ,'L PENCO oEwLoFuENrooaP. .ffiffii; fDOt TDuts nF Ulrr* ?qrrDr^tO trtl--- ATTil B - -tn$EL ,, _.-r*\o r.L I crt -_1- tl-l q -?131 e11s1 B'l-10 fUt{BEn OP PeOgg: a +COI/ER FAGE lApb9c^iL thtosl- F,t+r^. bsswrryi pui$rt\ FDA cAstAlL cdati,^r(rr. U1b- t1\-1. FROT,II BE}-I,AY, S NURSERY sERvI cEsBOX 26?2vAIL, co. 8td57 I'|AY 3l , lt90 TOI CASCADE cROssINGs THE KAhIDEN 6ROUP 5680 GREEh&JOOD PLAZA BLVD. El.lGLEl.l00D, C0. RE: ALTERhhTE SPRINKLER sYsTEM DESTGNTHE SOD AREA - DRIP TRRIEATION OF ALL HERBACEOUS AREA, AND THE poTENTtAL TO SEED AREAS IN THE FUTURE. Lrtrr TJITH ROTARY HEADS FOR TREES, sl{RUBS Ao.tD IRRIGATE THE NATIVE I FEBCO 765 BACKFLtI^I PREVENTOR.,, r. ... .....,. ....2?J.OOI 7/8 STATI O.t DIJAL PROGRAI4 CO{TROLLER. . . . . . I4E, OO3 I t/2. T0.RO 25? ELECTRIC VALVES ?7?.?3.. . .. . , . .239.85I I' T0R0 ?52 ELECTRIC VALVES A g?,75 ......... . . 3g.?si 3/4'ToRo 252 ELECTRIC UALVES ? 2l .00 ....105.00730 LrN, FT OF CLASS 2oO I l./2' r,tArN LINE 13.?0x38.528.20300 LIN. FT BF I l/2" poLy pIpE toa,40/100.........30 1.?0?00 LtN. FT. I r/4" poLy pIpE 75.09/t00 t50.16500 LIN. FT OF I'poLy ptpE 42.72/lA0 ........213,,60 I2OO LIN. FT OF 3/4' DRIP SUPPLY PIPE I4,71/IOO... ,,176.J22000 LIN. FT OF l./4' QRlP TUEING 6.44/100.......,.,,12?,ZO 3330 LlN. FT OF 14 0A. ELECT C0NTRoL IJIRE.,,. ., , ..,.24?,?s5 lN LINE pRJ A 9.59...... ..... 42.955 IN LINE y STRAINERS A 15.00... . r......... 75.007t? EMITTERS OF VARIOUS 6pHS a .50....,. .....35t.50t20 otAD BUBBLERS 3 3.65,...,,...,......r..rr.,....439.004 t/?, BRASS DRAIN \nLvES A 6.29 ...,....... 25.1622 TORO 700 R0TARY HEAoS ! r9,?5 ....!, 438,9{tt? T0R0 570 4p pop up SPRINKLERS ? 3.15. . r.. ,, .... 37.808 $TAa!DARD St ZE I,,'ALVE BOXES TJITH Lt DS tr l? .?9 . . .t3g .?zMtsG. pARTS( pVC FITTINGS, pRIMER, CEMENT ETe. . . ... .400.00 SUBTOTAL LASOR TO INSTALL .....3800.00 SUB TOTAL SALES TAX.. PLA.IT ffiTERIAL I37 EUERGREEN SHRUBS SGAL ? rr.2s 5 ttsK5tUntst I I a6/v'l /w o IU: I9 PVJ t27 oECIDUOUS '3 HOPA CRABS 30 BALES OF STRAW 40 BALES OF PEAT ' 7 6.75 EA ... 875.00 e t10.00 EA.....r....,... 330.00 e 3,90 / BALE.r.......r '0,00a 6.00 / BALE. ... 240.00 ?3 ASPEN 2-3 rN. CAL. ? 55.00 EA... ... . .1375.0014 P(}|DEROSA PINE ? 144.00 8A..r......r....20 16.004 C0L0, BLU€ SPRUCE e t60.00 EA .. 640.00 10f200 s0. FT. 0F s00 e ,tJ5 / so. FT ..lssl .0090 LBS. MTIUE SEED t',tIX A 2.O0 / L8... 180.00 oELtvERY COSTS. .. 375.00 SUE TOTAL F1ATERIAL LABOR (ESTII.IATED HARD COSTS BY CATESORY) I37 EUERGREEN SHRUBS..,I, ' , 445.25 127 DECIDUoUS SHRUBS....,.,....,. 412.75 3 HOPA CREABS 136.5025 ASPEN. r r r,.. r.. | ? r .. ...... '........1137.F0t4 PIhIDEROSA PrNE. .. 819.00 4 C0L0. BLUE SPRUCE. ..... r. r r.. .. r.....,. '.. I r... 234.00 10,2{t0 so. FT oF soD PREP. . 312.00 10,200 90. FT oF soD INSTALL ...., 76?.00 181000 SO. FT OF SEEO PREP, SO,JING & }{ULCHINGI'..... 3l?.00 ESTIi4ATED LABoR CoSTS .,...,4300.00 T0.....,..1700.00 ESTU1ATED INSTALLED COSTS. . . .. ! . t35.13.00 T0. ... TAX rhl HATERIALS . .. . . .73?.44.. ., , , .. C0I{TRACTORS f'IARGIN, ..203t.45........ SPRINKLER SYSTET'| ..,..44?6.30........ . l 3943.00 .. .79?,44 ..zo9t,4J . .86?6.30 ESTIMATED TOTAL C9STS,..,.,..,..25010,19.......,,,25470.19 ESTII.IATED COSTS WITH DI SCOU{TING 22704.00. . . .24800.00 Proiect Application /),1,t,79tr, ^ a.t (r I Proiect Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Lega|Description:Lot-,B|ock-Fi|ing-,zoner4B]) commenls: 3l 5, Fz."-Z*t (,/. l,^J, Design Review Board Darc /2.20.Y? DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: Summary: h-4 lrta . Date: Town Planner E statt Approval o=t $ p f,T $$vl2s R _g J rtr I $ 3 { J I T D $ il $E {\ tr *F $r $ II I I II II II I I II il-o Ap SIGN APPLICATION Fee Paid *rn n0 Name of Project Gascade Crossings pl ication Number Date rrltrlng Name of Person Submitting Malcolm (Mike) Combs Phone ?9?-0484 Location of Project 1031 S. Frontage Road Description of Project Retail Shopping Center The fol'lowing information is required for subm'i tta1 by the applicant to the Design Review Eoard before a fina'l approva'l can be given. Sign subm'itta'l fee is $20.00. EA. Sign Materiut dxterior grade plywood (3/4") supportedty two 4nX4r'wooden posts. B . Descri pt i on sketch) of Si gn - Painted beckgrorrnrt wif h Fqinf e.l lerters (Bs+rer l-; I '.,! I C. Size of Sign 20 square feet (as per sketch) D.Length of Property f telv 520 feet. Comments Sign is for informational purposes during the construction period. MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan Yes2. Drawings shfriiE-il'act location Yes3. Photographs showing proposed location4. Actual siqn No No4. Actual sign No5. Colored scale <iFawTn!- :es__6. Photograph of sign No Approved for DRB Submittal Diiapproved for DRB suumitt6ll S i gn Admi n i straToi---- 5iqn Administrator DtrFMRTMtrNT tr@mmuN[TV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX ror.sAcroNFoRM XXXXXXX ACCOUNT #TOTAL AMOUNT 01 0000 41330 COIJ. DEV. APPUCAT'ION FEES 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 4?+15 19BB UNIFORII BUILDINC CODE 01 0000 42+1s 1988 UNIFOR},I PLUI{BINC CODE 1 0000 4241s I98B UNIFOR}I MECHANICAL CODE 01 00oo 42+15 1988 UNIFORII FIRE CODE 'r 0000 42415 IS87 NAT]ONAL Et:CTRICAL CODE 'f 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE pRtNTS (Myl-,qRs) 01,0000 42+12 0x coPlES / sruDlES 1 0000 42371 ENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIoN 01 0ooo 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FE CONTRACToRS UcENsEs FEES 1 0000 41330 0t 00oo 41413 ,SIGN APPLICATION COMttIENTS: o M . t\)iL I,l t\ 5.0\ \^,trY --1u N I. -!-: !:-!t :! - 1,'='-! lo.- November 22, L989 Ms. Betsy Rosolack Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado AL6S7 Dear Ms. Rosolack: This letter serves as our notice to the Town of VaiIthat we intend to allow !tr. Larry Benway to operate achristnas tree lot for a period of approxinitety 3 weekE onour property at 103L South Frontage Road. - We.would appreciate your expediting Mr. Berurayrs requestfor whatever approvals are neceJsary to allow his-use of ourproperty for the aforementioned purpose. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, 764"1-//&, L: Vail Enterprises partnership Malcolm E. Combs UEClvw o 1d:.. r.L: .Qn , "-. .."r,.L1:}!'q,'l:liI Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Dsscription: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Filing zone AB h Design Review Board /2, 20 .Y7 Motion by: 6, *o- Seconded by: 9^o DISAPPROVAL Summary: h /rtu Date: Town Planner E statt Approval ,t ,o APPLICATION DATE:72/LL/89 DATE 0F DRB MEETIt,IG: L2/20/89 DRB APPLICATION *****THJS APPLICATION t,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIlITTED***** I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meetjng with a planning staff member is strongiy suggested to deiermine if any additional information is needed. No appljcation will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about addjtional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamiine the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permj t is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Retail Center--Cascade Crossingsl Requgst chanse of materials for o in-place concrete:t to match a cent conc LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 1031 South Frontaqe Road West Legal Description Lot Bl ock Fi1in9 Zoni ng C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Vail Enterprises Partnership Address P.o. Box 24?83. Denven- CO R0224 telephone D. NAME 0F AppLICANT'S REpRESENTATIVE: WmHein Associates Addres s 2501 S. Leyden St., Denver, CO 80222 tel ephone ?57-1598 E. NAME OF OI^INERS:Vail Enterprises Partnership Si gnature Address tel epnone -hrff, F.DRB FEE: The fee wiII VALUATION P.O. Box 24?83, Denver, CO 80224 be paid at the time a buildjng permit is requested FEE $ 0-$ i0,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addjtion to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the sjte to indicate property lines and bujlding corners. Trees that rvjll be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally jnvolve two separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meet'i ngs for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ ished. 75 south lronlage road Yall, colorrdo 81657 (303) 47$'2138 (30ir) 4792139 offlce ol communlty dev€loPm€nt To: Joe Norris From: Mike Mollica Date: Decenber L, L989 RE: cascade Crossing building pernit application The following conditions shouLd be placed upon the above naned perrnit when you are prepared to issue It: f.) The demolition of the existing building on the slte shall occur upon 508 occupancy of the new buiLding,.by TCors for tenant finishis, or May l-l L9bo, whichever occurs first' 2) The requirements of the cDoH (i.e access and lane improvenents) inatt need to be conpleted and-approved prior to so'? occupancy of the new building, by Tcors for tenant finishes, or tUay f, L99Or whichever comes first. 3) No signs are approved as a part of this application' Flou,lp SOLID WHITE LINE ffip,go_|9[ADo-' ' 6Epanruenr or Pueutc woRKS FIGURE 3RIGHT-IN, RIGHT-OUT, LEFT-IN ACCESS DESIGN ffgDN0v 21 F8g November 20, 1989 Mr. Larry Eskwith Town Attorney Town of Vail75 South Frontage RoadVail , Colorado 9L657 Dear I{r. Eskwith: IIEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING Listed below please find the outline of our jointproposar for the dernolition on a 2-story building and hilhwayimprovement schedure for the cascade crissing ne€ail center. (1) Demolition of existing 2-story structure will beaccomplished upon SO* occupancy by rtenporarycertificate of occupancyx of the new ltruclure or r'ray rl1990, whichever occurs first. (2') U.S._ Hig-hway. 16r access and lane improvement will becompleted prior to issuance of a permanent certificateof occupancy. (3) onners and/or their contractors are prepared to post thenecessary sureties for the courpletion of theaforenentioned items should it becornd a requirenent ofthe Torrn of Vail. we are nost anxious to proceed with construction of ourretail center, and appreciatl your prompt attention to thismatter. Very truly yours, -e%Z.fu/.fu vail Enterprises partnership MaIcoIm E. Combs (gOgFifiLO MEC/vw Enclosures / 4, ,^.vL *- cr,ry- th LffiTil @F TRANSNNOTTAL TO WmHeinAs s oc ia tes 2501 S. Leyden Denver, CO 80222 et/'1:171b tr Copy of letter E ChrnS€ ord.r thc iollowiry itrm$ tr Samplcr tr Spoclffcetlonr coPlEs OATE l{o.DESCittTrON3?-lWst 1(\4&;<A frefl* THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS ChCCKEd El For approval a./ ffiot Your us€ F(s requestea o D tr tr Apprcvcd as rubmittsd Approvsd ar noted Rclurnrd for corrcctions Rosubmit-copice for rpproval Submit -copies lor dl.tribution Rotu rn -correct€d prlnts tr o tr D For review and comment tr FOR BIOS r9- tr RETURNED AFTER IOAN TO US- | n-.1 REMARKS SlGl{EDr t .rdou..a ,a ttc tt l[dd" ,|,l|4t ,taarf' ra ,l oica. COPY TO .tf r rrtri ov\. D+\ ID:UU . -t'.rut +lI: I bu(r f !AI1I f t\\1t_ E t\l LlJ iax bansrnihal me mof4fil ET{A-EIIEOD 'w THIS Agreemeri L i:r medr.' and ?r!t€rod lnto thtc Tt.qct arc LDil deai: q.- lond d doy or rs ont { E.:.:rr s to rtro,gc.:r fr:on'i.5i, sevci trer, 1989 tr.r. irrrtl beLrvgrr TAIL F:NTERFRISFS PAR?:{ERSII!F, a Col orarlo Gencr'A I PegLuer-sttl F (hereinc.Eter ref srrcd to hqre ln ec. 5n'r tiu ba . r*. SttL'rr,L SnJ.*:uo .th? "PariEer5hiir" ) anc FL^ITS vAl-LF.Y -ffi1ffi-e$Ss€jf,A,*t€+tf--E- C +f g++€c-.€t* (hcr-ei n,:f '-ar rgf srred to hcrela ar lhe " I ."Msoc.ntt.,*\t' TITTTESSETII: HHERBAS T P&rtncrrhip gw:rs LLqt crlrtein tt'act- of larrd *itucierJ in l.?rc- Tr.rw:r o!. Voii, Ccunty sg Ecgle, stote of Cotorado. =o:re particularly (!€AcrlDcC onrt set fo;.th icr ExhibiI A wlricgr ir; l L La,r:hcd l..re'gLo +nd iretrby LrreeFl'.rt.lr. c.lc<t h,egei:r by tI:il raf rrr,ol,rr.a therelnaf tcr ref err:rsl Lo lrrc'ri:r cas tltn "ufeaterrr lt-ract" ) ; anrl l\: l{tlEREAS, -sE#fu oirTrs thet Er,r--al?: t:4Grt ,., f lonct gituc,},vr.l ir: Lltr; ?ox:r of YaLi, Count3- cf Eo.gle, State gf dcr!oradoT flro:.4 paritcu I a-l y cierr:r-ibed aurl tse L f ct.th isr ExhitrLt B whicir ! rr {rtt;.checl ltersLc; at:cl irg:'vb-v incsuporgted herc{rr by tlrl,s i.Gf crer..cr" (lrnreirrof L:gr re!er-r-vd tO he=c icr gs the ',Eastcrn Tra.ct., ) i ar!d, [.+r* ltlIERgA8, lhe -wser.el-n Trect .|rC ttre trcqta <r! I et:d an/* (:ommf..ll e,cc-qs t io lli $trrrry li<1. 6i anC Fcrf tner slr lp and thcir respc=t ive {e trcts of rEu. - oLL/@/&15!EB FISTTE 'JFII-EY EN6-E--'u 'I rU I|HEREAS, Ltlct'e cs !: tt{istiErg eoeemel'llg 'r!ld ccttirin o!!:ct' cnculll)r€nccguPonbgArhthcEllst,:rrrErcrcit-clrd'thcl{GtternTrac+- all af r.h J etr are r.t forttrr t-!'anted s!:r! r::EcFvcd in tlra t' cef t ailr lrc,rcarrLJ Deed d'atod euguu" lg; r9?g' and rccardcd Augurt' 2't I r9?8,ir:heOttl'ceoftlrrgCuurl.vilecorcerutEegleCctlnr'y' Cslc:radtrr trt FeBa 925 trr Dc'ok 273 (l;-t'ei'natter re!trrred to hc=ei:t i:r !-hc rrggrcfatc o':e tl:c "Exi sting EEstrrur:nt'5" ) i ane t\ --b 't\Ib bL\$'--\tEr'! h-r{ERRA3, -€.*t -.'.*I;.;-a nd part*ersh t 1: dcsire r.o r+lease cach other f =o:n Enld ExiuLing Eeseocnts ' tfoga rFtERttFoRE, i:r souxLtle:-Etion (}l the cove:lrttlLti ss! !cr'.h herein onc f sr othcr Sood oad r,'+l ueble s.rflsi dc='atlonl the re.:elPt 'tllc :ruf f ic j.c-c/ ef, rbiulr i.r trcrcb;r ackno*lcd5edl "he parties hertltc intun4!*5 to be tegal !y lrou*d o5!'lre a'q f,\f,i !'r'rru ; .^. - --. ' ^IIP*(9LTK \\9r\J l.PArtngtEhiplre:'.eb.wgrantSandconve}eunto.t|?teFparic**i+rrr ito ogs!gn8' ga.rrrtccs I and, gr1q)c'eeao=e I'n inte;cst all euletli:rttL ifl' tc, trpsr.r and orrer cIL t}.et pa\,gd, t,E' t.rr bc povcd t pof tigrr ul that ccFtgilt roadrrqy situBtedr o|r t t-- bc €iiqete(l I Q|l ttle es!t'"Jr!l houtacteg.v of tho lfrc!r !,et'tr T:.sct, lrot Lo e:ccead ttrirty (30) tsc'. it: *!dth. Sald cosen:cnt ig 6iv€lr €o= the sotc PurPctc o! lrrgreas +nd ('grcsc to ttighxay No. 6 ctrrl :L i€ asr€ed ,:trd uncertt(,r)d t!i6? F.lrtnerltrtp rcsirwc: tlrr ab'ac:iuL< :-!fht r+l lllout reEervation t'u rr r.r the abgrvc Cc s ;r'iir{rd :'lladwGJ'' AL.ourEftut"2. -4€+,r;;*r.rtt lierrrby grc.ute and s$rrvey:i Unto PartnerEhlp' ite :reel,girrs, t(FantecsI gFlcr 3rlccc:t!or s Ln i ntet'erL €tt easr'nent in' 2 u./@/a O1s:84 PLFTTE UAI-!-E'/ *a ENG-ELlooD w1 q! thl F Agr:'eecl?ut rl'o l' I tl'nd srrtrrenders w i'il!(lt t io, '.rltr)tl' €$d ovut' cl l thcl povct! r or to br" pavcdr Po!'iion of ihat certoin rottCwo'v Eituatsd I ol to br: aituatcC' on tlre westei!'r boundafy Of rr'he Eattern lfoqt ' :s(JL trr dxcccd thirty (30) f eet in riclth. Said easerncitt !F g:veir fos ihc ;tr!e Puspose of inglrcss errd egre56 t(l t:'S' liighway l{o' c ond i t' is ngrced gnC underetaod thatCorpordLjt;tt!.gservcsthegbso!r:'tcr-igllLwiLtr.ro.EreggrvQtio|1 Lrj lt6c t l1s ab6ve 465g.r',i bed =o''ld'ag!r ' bl:S$f,.1*'..o Pat'tnerrl:ip tre::ebv mutual iv relear+' 3. -e€,fF di Schdrge dlrrl >!r!'g'enCcr f c)! Ei st'i'LLeir rccPective Erc'i*tind Easencntrr r iind lntenA ihat' L'-re c-ttrsrrLiotr canr{*!t !L'"? seid r-elGaFGi' di sqlrcrgeS res0rvr1l i ca. (+.Partnc:-gttip agrvcs thot It eholi beor all coatx cnri r:t(ite!!!ies ssscuicL€r1 rtlth ihc ccrnstFuqt icrti irf thg r-oadwcry ' curb'3 I !.:rtr!sce,!lin$ errtl othor tttrPfovtmcrrts rsoraPrising the Jgtn-'' acQes$ rrs deplute'3 in that certsln Site Plan lor Cascgdc Croeetng' Fagc 5P-1 r da-*erl seltlerttbsr 11r ]989' ss prEpol'c<i by fir=' liGln AgSCCiat:esr ?5Ol S' Ltrydrrrr $i::cct ' Deu"-er' Colerado 8O221 (lrereirra! Le:' :'r:f El'!-et! to he're j rr <r* thr: "JGri rlt' Accr'-s= T=ae* " ) ' ^$o-rr"#!6clt agfcrzs ts rna:nt6!n i:1 e 3. lartnerehi'P a:rd-€ra=.+'tra, t.rorj atrrJ serr-lstlsri I i}.'r 'na!rtra:' ttla L pr)it'lon of, t'h+ Jolnt l4(:€':B Tr'acL *ir.ueLeC utrlorr Llrr;1f :'e6Fcstive land ior as lonB oc sair: JoirrL r\!:r.:ttss :trtlsL uutlt!!1u95 tu tJc uecC by c'it!:e= lr<'t'ty' +'he i '' grrspective asaIEEr€*$ I granle*r or aucgeGsorc irr i::t$roet ' ?rr tlrt: .1e''rrrl t:i | ?rs:" lrrrr'!;r' f ';i ! l' I (l '1{'r aneirrtrln tlrei r- F':r'1!r'it:t { \''' po:'t!er:r of L:re Jo!:rL Acgce:t Tltac? r ":'P(ttl 30 daye 1>r'tor' t'Yl"tfila o tL/wEfr Pl-Fl I tt vi'lLr--E I - ngticaltliclseli.cletavlt.lrrgparLyrtrcrlllregrl..j'tledtoctrtefr,pon oncl urniatalrr tbe def aul iing: par ty's pcrtton of the Joint AccFts ?:'ssll et the sqle erPen'sc og tlrg dqlaulting paFt.}' 6.:nih+ea'erltofaE].ttLlgatirrrrtlgtrtecrltleepa;'tie6trc}ctllr (:srnc€rnlcg thl s &gl'eerle$L i'ttrd tho ofifsrccfletrf h{3rcot ' the prev4, l t in5: Slarty i r-' g[clr qsLlus rhatl be entitled ts rc(:eivc lrcrr the dsf asl--lng Forty ulI rer'rrsnable cglt'l dDd |Ji!'l'rt+ca (inclu ding, wiLirous tiElLaL:'utl' rega*rrrrrhlef ct!crf,ncl"!' f oaal Itlcurrcd b!' ,rhe ilrcvAi I lng p..e'Ly itt rrrch Action' 7 ' fi;ie :\g'l truartlrtL shall be ceil!3'-rucd r intcx'pgrLt:cI l'lnC enf o*ccd undar '*hc larr:r of tF'c gtatr: stf Colocado' tN l{ITlr'Egfr ltHERtoF I Lhe partl'es hersto llave set "hcir h<!n€5 o..d seolc on the da+-c flret ebowe rrittea' Y,IIL TTTfEI3PIiISES FAITSISERSHTP. A Colorodo Genc:a1 Fartner<hl !' Bl':gCA ?lt Ie 1.+-'L,o, R Frtr--'$ S,o*.u;rhr*- PI,ATTE 1rALLgY -g€i*{E*€#.+L ec;*PsR#F+C}lF lgir...,:,fi""" -E-€i€=ld^o-e cJF?€Fr+i.t {r- 4 LL/@/ffi 15:85 PLRTTE \;rl-l.ts'I I. srArE n' C' loi rt "Lo _', *r, couilrY or-Diijs.'-) . ,. I SiIc_- uoteitv FUuLre 5 c,9. o Hi irreaf, nJi lraild en<l trf f it'';ial sutrl ' ,} -f .af rt t;^ / L- J')lj. 'z r-z.r--/ FoFrnt Fulrl.rc // ./ it:.' tanrrnisrl'on F*? I =os: :rTArE oF e-obcdo.-) courfi oF..Rr+Feta. ..1 "=' Cc,mmie a !os'r 'Exi:irce : Tlre f orc gc i ns i n strr:eent ,T.t* :A':i*,fl f.:: P" :':.:: r., l" tn tt #t/rtiirL.-1fu1 g"n". .aT-p a rtnersh i P' t "., -:''bH;:ijff.'TTifl5j I yl *ffi "S *f€'.{€€?+F.+i€Fr ---'-:-: , r htu.* $..lr*''$f,irh ?itrzes$ ry h,ond enC qttiicla! >eal' -ar{c L,Jlllic li|.l'sl Fhi: ErE-?5t-4081 PfiGE E4 1'lrtl EX]IIBIT A A pAReEL oF rAND_rrcATED IN SECTTIOI^I2, TO!{NSHIP 5 souTH, RINCEsr rEsr oF tr{E srx pRrNerprr. iiirglAlr,'couxit-'6i urolu, rrlrE oFcorsnADo' r'roRE plIlTrCUrAnrJv pdscnr-euo'ei-idiioiir colorE'crNc ATA POINT ON THE NORTHERLY iTCrrI_Ob WIY r.rri-OF-il;8. HIGIIT{AY NO. 6,WHENCE THE NORTHEISI CORNER OF-SAIO SECiiOH-ri';UENS NORTH 38DEGREES 07 MrNU[Es EAST 8?6.9e rnsr, rrisNci--s6iri zr DEGREES 45},IINUTEs WEST AI.oNC SAID NORTHERLY RrGHT Or_WAi-IiNE I DTSTAIICEOF 75 FEET TO THE ?RUE POINT Of BEGINNING, iiUNIg NORIH 15DEGREES 45 I.TINUTES WEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT'Oi-Fiii LINE OFINTERSTATE NO. ?O; THENCE IN A SOUTTTWE.CBNIi-OiiiqrOH AIPNG lHESOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OP TNTERESTATE XO. iO_rb_T}TE EOINT OrINTERSECTION OF TTIAT RIGHT Or WEi I/INE T{IT}I TNi_NONTN RrGHT OFI.IAY LINE OF U.S. HIG}ildAY NO. 6 A}{D THENCE IN AI{ EASTERLYDTRECTION AI6NC THE NORTH RICHT OF WAY Or U.S. XiCrNrrY NO. 6 TOTHE PorNT oF BEGTNNTNG, couNTy oF EAGLE, stATE or cor.one,oo. ['li LJi I I ie !v'r I FAX 81,6-?53-4AEt PAGE A5 EXI{IBIT B A-percel of land-.locat.d ln tb. Hl/{.o!- thc NEl/a o! lcclion :i ::iiiii'i5.i ::tlilf ui, il*rt .or - inI"Et ii -il noipa,partrcularly dliortbrd'."-iiifIIl?"t' CoIorado, holr iliiiiili:"i,lnliin$"l"r|ninlilln.Ilghr-s!-vay rinc or ; il: i ;^, :l.T*,i;ri,,i;:liti"ilii:illjif ildf :rii,iI,lir:,..'*crt (aleo u"ini..pI "oiri'rieii-oc-*av-rinr ot rnserrrareXili:"l"ll'"i|k I!?'o olnf"ii"Ilgl. ll.s-drsreer 22,3r,, and Il,ill ir ii;l$"ti,l*l'-iliii'l=tiiilF*::i:'ii,$i,"". ri::iei:;il:Li:t: ii:iilil.i;;liii''nflil:,tl!i;tn::nHi,hwa,il3:;;"f;l',i'ti"'Siii :*i,*iui'*l'ii'd;i:"" {5.00.,4,. COUNTy OF EASLE STATE OF COI.OHADO :,:: r-..J-' .:l:i j:r: ;'l ,fr, ,, , =r*, ,--i = rEL frir:irrOlt-?!54 fli:,51 Ftr: STA|E CF COLORADC DEPARTHENT OF I.IIGHIYAYE 2?2 Sourh Sixlh Stfbot. P.O. Box 2107 Qrano Junctlon. Colorrdo I 1 502-410? (303) 249.7?O0 october 20, 1989 Wlllian G. Hein A.I.A. 2501 South LeYden Street Denver, colorado 80222 Dear Mr. Heint l{e have reviewed ysur letEer of october 13, 1989 concerning. the A;";;;; a;;;;l;s il.iiti-Center and malce the folrowins renarks' \.le agree with tbe tenporary access.on the eest approach until euch lime acqeEF-ain'-f,e re'eolved with the ve.il Ptbf,eseional Building properUy. We also agree that construction nay ta)ce p11:? t!1" winter virhout tne requiiea-Icclii-irnprovinents.- Thie approval is iJn[inient upori €ne town of vair not issuing; a Tenporary or F;;il;6;a-ce?titicate of occupancy untir the' access is constructed. Please caII lf you have any questions' Dietrlct ROW Engineer cc: fileItiXe t'tottlca, Town of Vail R, P. MOSiTON It J .-Fretrritrrt-F .r'F -E . ..,.,, !"r..-!rF - HE51 PEUrEL r'{i: raf.r'rn=.r:rr: i-:{-' e? El'-r | ;9 iIT i;l5IFll,:T 3 COLONADO DEPART}IENT OF HIOHY'AV8 FAC$ II,I II"E TRANS Tll ITTAL PRIOR'TY cottENTS ADDREBSEI: O OELIVER U'ITHIN ' I'IOUB$O ADORESSEE WILL PICKUP coPrEE SFNT (rNotuogTt{18 Foiill LOilO O||.iANOS ACClta COo:0f HI0IESARV) rr,ti k* M "00,'" A rtd t'8" on ltn l,/o, 6l aht. /lrm t ralaat.. Wr '',cd',ti| hfr t"T LtL 2 '& Alb 6l]r-"-n @') LE{- 66b t,*- /rLZ a"r-"t -.5 /L- 1/ @- /* /,-;'--,-,-- -/ az'*-*d,'r&** F..**/**bL/ /44 aj-,'/r/"r c/t L**-(-r,1n*,i-*> 76{ 6,.t/^1 to(z< sf-A /a "T'J zh-t /'"L - b.4 /-f - >arr( M"/7t For -- WHILE YOU WERE OUT M Aree Code Numb€a Extansion I t. .t o P1 anning and Envjronmenta'l Commissjon_ Community Development Department January 26, 1987 A request for front and rear setback variances and aq] limum landscape requirements in order ro construct1031 South Frontage Road West (commonly known as theproperty) Applicant: Vail Commercial partnership TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:variance to a building at Vol i ter I. variances are bej ng requested to al'l ow for the construction of a onestory structure on the site. }Jhire there are no assurances of what theuses in this building wi] 1 be, it has been represented that thestructure will accommodate local or.i ented convenience-commerclitestablishments. A summary of the variances requested is as forows: l. A request for a rear setback va.iance of 5 feet for the structure.The required setback is 10 feet. 2- A request for a front setback variance to locate a portion of theparking area within 10 feet of the front property rine. Frontsetback requirements state that parking areas ani structures shallbe no closer than 15 feet from tire tnoit pr-periv iin" over 60% ofthe length of,the frontage, whire the setbaci< liie strail be 20feet or more for the remaining 40% of the itoni"t". This requestis for a 5 foot, encroachment into a portion of tFe required d0foot setback along the frontage. 3- Landscaping standards. for parking areas with over 30 spacesrequire that 10% of the lot be didicated to interior pirking 10tlandscaping. This request is for a variance from itri!requi rement. The nature of these requests raise a number of interest.i ng issuesrelative to the development of this property and the Townis reviewprocess. These issues center around th; in;bility to ionar.t acomprehensive review of this deveropment pran. 16r exirpie, without figl]:dg" of.the precise uses proposed for tne struciur.i ir'" staff isunaDre to carculate the parking demand to see if the site plan providesenough spaces. In addition, the review of any aeu"iopm"nt-proposed inthe Arteria'l Business District requirei compllance wiirr-irre" naocirculation plan. }Jhi'l e the developer has agreed to comply with thecirculation plan, there are not spetific sotitions-prril!"i at thistime- t'lhile the staff would prefbr that issues retitea to thedevelopment of this property be addressed simultaneoriiv,-$," reviewprocess does not specifically require that this be donel' - II As a resu'l t, the Planning conrnission is reviewing this plan with respectto the three variances requested, and nothing moie. Any approva'l sgranted.for this project will not be approvals for the iitt'ptan isproposed, but rather only for the variances as requested. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS review of Cr ria and Fi ndi nqs Secti on 1.060 e Munici De nto Deve opment recommends rova I ovares based Consideration of Factors: The relat shi of the reou ted va iance to oth ex'l inq ortiauses an structures e vicinit The two existing structures and related facilities on the site would beremoved in_conjunction with this development plan. This is fortunate inthat it allows for the-development of this property to begin with a"clean slate." A key issue then becomes how tire tiqresi"i variancesrelate to other existing or potential uses and structures in thevicinity. The fo'l lowing addresses each of these variances individually: l. Rear Setback Variance Two issues are significant with respect to the requested 5 footsetback at the rear of this property. These pertain to the State Highway Department's decelerat'ion lane which would be constructedin conjunction with the new east-bound off-ramp, and the abilityto construct and maintain this structure without trespassing onthe Federal Highway property. The staff has relied heavily-oninput from the State Highway Department concerning any inpictsresulting from this variance. After review of thise plans, theHighway Department has indicated that the 5 foot setbick variancewould not create-adverse impacts on the Interstate system. oneconcern of the Highway Department centered around thl potentialfor construction activity to take p'l ace on the Federalright-of-way during the development and maintenance of thisbuilding. To eliminate this potent'ia1 , a construction fencedefining the limits of construction wi] I be required as outlinedin the Design Review Guide'l ines. 2. Front Setback Variance Existing conditions in this area provide a substantia'l bufferbetween the property'l ine and the road edge of the South FrontageRoad. This may indicate that the required setback variance on lhefront side of the-property is not critical . However, potentialuses'in the vicinity cou'l d well change with the future'w.i dening ofthe South Frontage Road. For this reason the staff feels itimportant that the integrity of the required front setbacks bemaintained. -2- Landscaping is generally required t,c provice buffers betweendevelopments. A variance from this requirement wourd effeciivetyreduce the amount of buffer between thi's developr"nt-"na iij"."ntproperties in the v.i cin.ity of this project. anaenrorcement 0t a sDecified requl.tion s in the vicinitv or Interior Parkin attain the oprrvl lege.!!qU!grant of specia the State Highway Department, staff requested jn the rear of theto the lack of negative impacts the bui 1ding. The first step in evaruating a variance request.i s typical 1y to identifythe phvsical hardship neces-itating rel.ief 'from ilr"-iiescriieadevelopment standards. The second-element of this review of this reviewis to insure that the degree of va.i ance requested is no greaLer tha:rnecessary to allow relief from the object.ives of the zoniig code without 3, slal! of. special privilege. In reviewing this pur."i, iI is evjdentthat the shape of the rot creates some difiiculty in iti aevetopment.The issue then becomes to what degree are variani", n"..ri"ry for thedevelooment of thjs property? 3. Based largely on the revjew offeels that the 5 foot varianceproperty is valid. This is dueresulting from this locatjon of 2.Front Setback Var.i ance llhile the staff feels strongly that 'l andscape buffers bemaintained around the perimeter of this properry, we can suppoptthis reguest because of its minon nature. itre iiea otencroachment amounts to less than 300 sguare feet and w.ithjudic'i ous use of Iandscape materials, the staff feels that th.i sencroachment can be mitigated. Interjor Parkinq Landscaping Requ.i rements The surface area of the parking lot is approximately 15,500 sguarefeet. This would require interior randsciping or n6t-iiii-tnan1550 square feet. Just over 700 square feit 6f inierlor-- - landscaping is proposed with this plan. The designers of theproject have indicated that they would be willing to usedecorat'ive bri ck pavers in lieu of concrete or other surfaces onpedestri an walkways surrounding the structure. l'lh.i le thistechnical 1y does not count as interior landscaping of a parkingarea, the staff would accept this as an alternatiie for ritig"[ingthe lack of interior landscap.i ng on the site. -J- e effect fther uested var onlat'ion tran s rtation an trati es ano DU c safet ht and air di stri b ion of A number of issues related to transportation and and traff.i c facilitiesare relevant to this project. The circulation plan tor-ttre ArterialBusiness District requ'i res that the development'oi tt,i. prop.rtv share ajoint access with the vair professionar Building. uoint'aicess has beenproposed on the site plan submitted. }'lhile the starr ieeis that thisproposal is a workable one, final approval of this acceii'ritt u"reguired from the State Highwiy Department. In addition, approvat tromthe owners of the Professional Building wjll be n".".riry.- The zoning for the Arterial Business District requires that aIl plansapproved by the 0esign Review Board shall conform to the iircutaLlonplan that has been adopted by the plann'ing commission. -rtris ptanreguires access improvements to these properties that will necess.i tatethe widening of the Frontage Road. Before final deiision, c"n be madeas to the improvements required with this development, input from theState Highway Department wilI be required. Th.i s inpui wiii occur wnenthe developer forma'lly applies to the State for ttrt'iicesi'permit to theproperty off of the Frontage Road. The deve'loper of this property wil.lbe reguired to fund the improvements necessary in con5unition with thisredeveiopment. At minimum, a left turn lane witt ue iequired on theFrontage Road. It is the feeling of the staff that the locations of a number of parkingspaces proposed on the site plan are unacceptable:."^parking standardsrequire adequate width of aisles for "convenient and easy iccess to eachparking space." Two and possib1y three parking spaces "i tte west endof the property do not conform with this design slandard. It is thefeeling of the staff that the variances requested do not contribute tothese spaces being unacceptable. In addition, without knowing the usesto take place in the structure, staff is unable to determine whetherthese spaces w'ill be required to meet parking demands. As a resu)t, weare_mere'ly pointing out our position on these spaces at this time andwould require that the situation be resolved beiore the applicationproceeds to the Design Review 8oard. III. Assuming the property is developed would generally be compatible with which allows for limited commercial solely as commercial , the project the Community Office designation uses. IV. SUCH OTHER FACTORS AND CRITERIA As__I!E q9TMISSION qEEMS APPLICABLE TO -4- V.FINDINGS The Pl ann i vironnental C ission shal I make e fol I owi n fi nd i nqsbeforethe var That.the granting of the variances will not constitute a grant of specialpri vilege inconsistent with the I jmitations on other propirties classif.i edin the same district. That the granting of the variances wil'l not be detrimental to the publichealth, safety, or welfare, or materia'l 1y injurio^ lo properties orimprovements in the vicinity. That the variances are warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specif.i edregulations wourd resu'l t_in objectives difficurtv or inn"."rr"ryphysical hardship inconsistent with the objectivls of-th.is titl;. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or cond.i tionsapplicable to the site of the variances that do not appty teneruit_u toother propertjes in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specifiedregulations would deprive the applicant of priviieges enjoyed'bv the-owners of other properties in the same district- As was stated at the outset of this memo, there are issues relat.ive to thisproject that are sornewhat, removed from the revien for the variancesrequested. It is important that the planning commissjon understand thatthjs review is Iimited to the variances onlyi nejaiive to'-ih".., stafiwould recommend that the planning commissioi approve the setback andlandscape variances as-proposed. If approved,'the planning commission willnot be approving the site p'lan in its entiretv. iailrer, afirovat is timiteato a 5 foot setback variance in the rear of tfie propetiy,'l variance to therequired front setback as indicated on the s.i te irtair, aii i variance t; ih;required interjor landscaping for surface parking 1ois. The staff would recomTgld lfe following condjtions be adopted by thePlanning Commiss.i on wjth this approvall 1. written qpproval shal'l be submjtted to the Town by the owners of thevail Professional -Bu'ilding granting their consent-to ihe ;oint-accessas proposed as well as the landscape materials shown on tie iit.-pi",that are located on the professionil grildinsir-prop.rtv. Th.iswritten_approval shail be submitted p.ior to-thii pioielt proceedingto any level of rev.i ew by the Design Review Board. 2. The applicant shall receive approval from the state Highway Departmentfor improvements to the South Frontage Road as *"tt is the entireintersection proposed. This approval shall be obtainea prior-io-anvlevel of review by the Design Review Board. lrr -5- o The deveropers of this project shalr participate in improvementsrequired for-this project to comply ',iit .ttr.'nSD .ir;;i;;i;,pran. )peclr'rc requirements shall be determined based on inputfrom the Town and the.State.Highway Oepartment. Inprovementsshatt be constructed in conjunition wilrr th; r;de;;Iopmeni''or ilrisproperty. The retaining_wa)'l proposed for the northeast corner of theproperty shall be pu]1ed back off of the property line a-minimumof 2 feet. A fence shall be constructed within the.property lines outiningthe Iimits of construction for this project. The Design Review Board shall approve a min.imum 4 foot hiqh bermon the east end of the property in lieu or tne requir"a"ii"tootlandscaped buffer around tire pirking irea. Decorative brick pavers shail be used for the pedestrian warkwayaround the perimeter of three sides of $ris uuiiJins'ii".iilp"nr"t.for the lack of interior.randscaping in the pirr<ing-roi.--ih $,.pavers or an alternate similar mateiial are not ustd, thelandscape variance becomes invalid and construction wir'r not beallowed to proceed. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. -6- l.PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.65.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on october 23, 1989 at 3:oo PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a site coverage variance at the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge Street, Lot B, Block 5, VaiI Villaqe First Filing. Applicant: Stifer Designs 2. A request for an exterior alteration at the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge Street, Lot B, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: SLifer Designs 3. A request for a rear setback variance and a site coverage variance in order to construct a window weII cover, a roof extension, and expansion of a stainvay on I.,ot- 2, Gore creek Meadows First Filing. Applicant: Roger and Jeanne Tilkrneier 4. A variance request for a third satellite dish antenna at Vail Run Resort, 1OOO Lionsridge Loop. Applicant: Joyce Communications Inc., dba K-LITE 5. A request to establish the Bed and Breakfast Use as a Conditional Use within the Town of Vail. Applicant: Tovtn of Vail 6. A request to amend a condition of approval for a variance for the Cascade Crossing Building, 1031 South Frontage Road West. Applicant: Vail Commercial Partnership 7. A request for a setback variance for a new stairway at Crossroads, Lot P, Block 5-D, Tract C, Vail Village First Fiting. Applicant: CIub Majiks/JRc Partners, Limited. 8. Worksession on Air Quality issues , l\ | n'.An r l^l) -\^.{l'Vvtaf \s-s{- -\u uu \ _,frry cr/yu_ea5 )UU LLln <1 The applications "nlnror-"tion about ar," n"onl"ls are available in \ the zoning adninistrator's offLce durlnE offLce hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAII, COMMT'NITY DEVEIPPIiENT DEPARII{EIIT Publlshed Ln the vall Trail on October 6, 1989. -57 o Andy l{orris Vall- Ventures, Ltd. 1000 S. Frontage Rd. Val,l, CO 81657 Greg Vaughn Platr valLey L3275 E. Freemont Pl. Englewood, CO 80112 Colorado Divl-s ion of Hlghwaye P.O. Box 298 Eagle, CO 81631 George Brodln Alroco 934 S. Frontage Rd. Vail-, CO 81657 AdJ acent Property Owners 2. L5 3: 0O Tabled to October 23 prannQg and Environmental corrii.on October 9, 1989 Site visits Public Hearing l-. Approval of June L2, L989 and July 24, l-989 rninutes. 2. A request for a height variance in the Comrnercial Service Center zone district in order to add a dormer to the Crossroads Building, Parcel B,Portion of Lot P, Block 5-D and Tract C, VaiIVillage First Filing.Applicant: JRC Partners, Ltd. A request for an amendment to the Doubletree Special Development District #l-4, Lot 2, Block 1-,Vail l,ionshead Second Filing, in order to allow amendments in density and common areaallocations.Applicant: VaiI Holdings Sli.fer Building - Worksession onlv:Exterior alteration and site coverage variance,Lot B, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing.Applicant: Slifer Designs A discussion of ingressr/egress and a joint access proposal , Vail Professional Building and cascade Crossing, l-O3l- South Frontage Road West. VaiI Village Inn amendment to SDD/BSC fnc.: review of previous PEC recommendation on Sept. 25 Worksession on amendments to SDD #l-4, Doubletree Hotel . 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. o W K,rAf ,,;z/ f/f /- z,^yo,*l 7 siltk.- 2*, E n zt'*J4- /.J.",r.1 'i/ni-- ^^^4 A/ 7 lo- 2 t4o4 14 ,.- Ma.v- - Wa.Ft -'4/1tt 1- 'd o^ -*,,;ry. n^,-t ./< h:#-A4\ G/* b t*,t',- t/,la"E * -"-t .6 + .-( d.a-& Archhocturo/Plannlng Uemberi of lhe Amoricln lnltltuto of Archltects September 15, 1989 Mr. Mlke Molllca Town Planoer, Department of Community Developnent Towa of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Cascade Crossing Retall Center 1031 South Frontage Road West Va11, Colorado Dear Mlke: Thls letter 1s lntended to document for you our attempts to galn acceptance from the title holders of the Vall- Professional Bullding of the shared vehlcular access deslga and the landscape treatnents proposed for the above referenced project. As you know per our nost recent telephone discusslons, after nany months of trylng we st111 have oot recelved rrrltten acceptaoce of these lssues which were condltlons of approval for our project by the Towo of Val1. Due to thls fact, we are concerned that the start of constructloo for our proJect may be delayed. lJe are al.ready late ln the year for our start and a further delay could be devastating. lie believe we have dlligently addressed our obllgatlon by pursulng various entlties who have been in control of title to the Vall Professional Butldlng durlng the last few months. However, at thls time, we seem to be at a "dead end" slnce Platte Val1ey Savlngs and Loan (P.V.S.& L.), current holder of the title through foreclosure, now refuses to approve anythlng that may affect the exlsting condltlons of the Vall Professlonal Bul1dlng. We recelved verbal (telephone) acceptance frorn them earller, but they nolt have a purchase contract for the property and ha:re changed thelr positlon. They now are saylng that aoy acceptaflce nust ccnie fron the proposed buyer and that P.V.S. & t. w111 not deal wlth t.hese Lssues, unless the sale does not go through. Currently, we are tol-d that the closlng date on the property 1s set for 0ctober 9, 1989, but could be delayed. We are prepared to submit a constructlon package for demolltlon pernlt and foundatlon start next week. We are concerned that delaylng our proJect ano ther three weeks or nore would have an adverse effect on the crltlcal flrst phases of the proJect due to the lmpendlng wlnter weather condltlons. We, therefore, request consideratlon and asslstance by the Town staff in findlng a way to resolve these lssues. A quick review of our attempts to pursue these lssues follows. New address - 250I S. teyden, Denver, Colorado 80222 - (303) 757-1598 RNL Bldg. Centennial Bldg. Suite 330 509 zerex 1576 Sherman P.O. Box 1374 Denver, Colorado 80203 Winler Park, Colorado 80482 303) 861 9026 303t 726 9591 (to'4P9 ?4?'0qoo Town of Val1 September 15, 1989 Page 2 In late May, 1989, we lnltlated an effort by trying to contact representatlves of the Alport Group in St. Louis, Missouri, forner or,tners of the property. No responses to our attemPts to contact them were ever received. In mld-June, we were lnformed that P.V.S. & L. had foreclosed on the property and would be able to respond to our needs. After our first telephone contacts, we were directed to submlt speclflc infornatlon for thelr review (see copy of letter dated June 30r 1989 enclosed). In late Ju1y, we were f1naL1y dlrected to Mr. Bill Shaw of P.V.S. & L.' who was very helpful and ultinately contacted ne ln early August to let ne kaow that both issues were acceptable, as long as no flnanclal burden to P.V.S. & L. would be a part of the acceptance. We would be able to receive written confirmation short].y. tater that same mooth I got back io touch wlth Btll Shaw because I had not recelved aoy lnfornatlon fron P.V.S. & L. By that tlme conditlons had changed, ln tbat they had received a cootract to purchase the property and would ao longer respond to our requests. Pursuing the sltuatlon further, I learned that Mr. Greg Vaugho of P.V.S. & t. and l'!r. Ton llaltland, broker wlth Vall Assoclates Real Estate, were handllng the contract. We contacted both partles to resolve the lssues, but were told by both that they would not do anything untl1 after the closing takes p1ace. No lndlcatlon was given as to any position elther would take concernlng the issues ln questlon. We have supported the Townrs requests from the beginning and have been wl11lng to pursue every possible directlon to galn acceptance fron the adjacent property oltner. We believe our efforts have been tlmely and approprlate. However, we have nct been able to brlng the lssues to a point of closure. [,le have no authorlty on which to force a response and now face a potenti:il delay of the start of constructlon of our project if some sort of acceptable resolutlon 1s not found. lrte belleve we must non turn to the Town staff for directloo. lJe are anxlous to discuss any alteroattve you suggest so our project can nove ahead. Please contact me at your earllest convenience so that we can deal with these coocerns wlthout delay. If addltlonal lnforrnation ls required' let ne ksow aod I w111 respond lnnedlately. Sincerely, l,ltL .' ll I l-ryt ,a LaW'(?,lVtr/-- Wlllian G. Ileln, A.I.A. t,IcH/Jh Enclo su res ttlt:::: RNL DESIGN J une 3O. f 9Bg l'lr. Ri chard B I ewett Execut i ve Vice President P I atte Va I ley Commercia I Corp. l3i79 Es:t Fr'eerrtrlltt PlEce - Suite los Eng I ewood. Co I orado 80112 Re: Cascade Crossing Retai I Center 1O31 South Frontage Road LJest Vail. Colorado Dear Sir: A recent telephone discussion srith Fel icia Oney concerning the above referenced pro.i ect ended with the suggestion that I send this letter and the enclosed informatlon to you for your revies. I am an architect working with the design and approval phases of a proiect to be built on the property immediately west of the Vai I Professional Bui lding in Vai I, Colorado, I understand that Platte Val ley Commercial Corp. currently holds thre title to that property. The approval process with the Tovn of Vail requires us to Sain accePtance from the title holder on tt.,o issues, thus the reason for my contacting you. The tlro issues needlng your suPPort relate to -loint vehicular access to the Vai I Professional Bui ldlng and Cascade Crossing Retail Center, as wel I as landscape appl ications along the common property I ine. The Joint ar:cesg issue deals Lrith shared use ingress and egress drives located on either side of the point !,,here the common property I ine intensects the frontage road right-of -way tHi ghr.rav 6r. A f ew years ago the Tovn of Vai I developed a c o m m u n i t y - \.r i d e road access plan that. among other thingsr conso I idated points of access and I ocated these access points to help control trat'fic f lou and promote safe access to tfre roaci system. At that time it !ras determined that the Vai I Proressional bui lding and Cascade Crossing (formerly known as the Voliter Nursery site) uould share access to the frontage road. Simi lar ly. it was determined that future development oi the properties to the south of the frontage road. the Glen Lyon Professional Bui lding (proposed Val l Brewer'y) relocate their access to al ign with the -1ointaccess drive senving the tL,o proper t les to the nor th. The sketch plan that accompanies this letter, i I lustrates these ARCllm(-rL.*Rt. It(Tt:RtoR DS_st(:N. LRtr \ H.Af{l{tN(. \ \tr \llil Ii ( ri | |l' li\l I'.( | r I | | | .. I 1 , :. i r I tttttatltttltttt access drives. The current drlve to the Vail Professional Building does not requine any relocetlon, but s common use essEmeflt agreement dEe: need to be develoFrd thst wiII al low tenants and customers of the Vail Professlonal Building to have access to and use of the egress drive located to the eeEt of the eommorr property llne. Likeuise. the EgreEmEnt shall al low tenants and customers of Cascade Crossing to have access to and use of the lngress drive located to the east of the common property line. The configuration of the egress drive will be designed to blend lnto the existing grades and conditlons of the drlve currently used by the Vai I Prof ess iona I Bui lding so that no disruption to exlstlng trafflc r.r i I I occur durlng construction, safe vehicular movenents wi I I resul t from the -ioint drive when completed and lmprovement costs wil I be held to a minimum. [,] e are currently discussing this issue with both the Town of Vail and the State Highvay Department and hope to come to a Point of agreement with al I parties in the near future. I uouId appreciate having the chance to discuss this joint drive issue with you so that an appropriate common use easement can be structured. The second issue of common interest deals r., lth the proposed landscaping treatrnent along the common property I tne- tJe are Proposing a wood tie retaining ual I that r., i I I al low a f our ioot hi gh vision buf fer betueen the two properties. Landscaping materials wil I be placed along the top of this val I and earth berm. I have included a site plan. a landscape Plan and a proposed grading plan to help you understand the various conditions !re are proposing and to help anslrer questions you may have concerning impacts of tfre Cascade Crossing development on the Vai I Professional Bui lding. I wil I be cal ling you shortly after the Julv 4th holiday to set a time when ve can meet, anslrer your questions and come i.o an agreement on these issues of common concern. Sincerely. t,illiam G.Hein. A.l.A. UGH,/ i h Enc I osures No/MP/Side:17 4.90 lLCOLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT Local Jurisdiction: Disl/Section/Patrol: DOH Permil No.: Permit Fee: Odt6 of Transmittal: Town of Vail 30220 389046 $75.00 7- 19-89 Vail Colurercial partnership 2696 South Colorado Blvd, Denver, CO 80222 is hereby granted permission to construct and use an accsss to the state highway at the location noted below. The access shall be constructed, maintained and used in accordance with the terms and conditions ol this permit, including the State Highway Access Code and listed attachments. This permit may be revoked by the issuing authority if at any time the permitted access and its use violate any of the terms and conditions ol th is permit. The use of advance warning and construclion signs, flashers, barricades and flaggers are required at alltimes during access conslruction within State right-of-way in conformancs with the MANUAL ON UNTFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, Part Vl. The issuing authority, the Department and their duly appointed agents and employees shall be held harm less against any action lor personal inju ry or property damage sustained by reason of the exercise of the perm il. LOCATION: On the north slde of State Highway 6, a dlstance of 4730 feet east from Mile Post I74 (1031 South Frontage Road West, Vail, CO). ACCESS TO PROVIDE SERVICE TO: Retail center. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS: See Attached Sheets (2). MUNICIPALITY OR COUNTY APPROVAL Required only when the appropriate local authority retains issuing authority. Bv (x)Not Required Date Upon the signing of this permit ths permittee agr6€s to the terms and conditions and reforonced attachments conlained herein. All construction shall be completed in an expeditious and safe manner and shall be finished within 45 days from initiation. The permitted access shall be completod in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit prior to being used. The permltlee rhall nollfy Ed Hilt wllh lhe Colorado Depldmont ot Hlghway! ln at ---38:6385----, at least 48 hours prlor lo commenclng construcllon wllhln the State Hlghway rlght-of-wry, The person signing as the permlttoe must be the owner or legal representative of the property served by the permitted access and and all it's terms and conditions. ?/trlf7Permltlee (X) This permit is not valid until signed by a duly authorized r€pros€ntativ€ of the Stat6 D€partment of Highways. STATE OF COLORA ON OF HIGHWAYS IEF Bv (x)9616 10-2-89 11b (Date of issue) District ROW Engineer Tiile Date R€quired:Mako coniF.r as necesSary ror: t ,"al /\utnorily Inspeclor Nr r'.:l Ffltrol Trallic r-r. i:,r'' Previous Edltions are Obroloto and will no! be us( OOH Forrn 1( 9ft. Oi5l i' r j)rignal) ? ippl, - COPY DISTRIBUTION: COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS harmrossasain""ntgt-o'0"!on'",;;i,;i[ip*.,ii'ir'il;A::',].1if,"#tT;t":lf3i,?,:Tfi:J,::'.1i;:3:ffii on the north slde of.ll?t: Highway 6, a dlstance of 43g0 feec easrfrom Mile post 174 (1031 Soutf, F;;r;;g; Road t{est, Vai1, Co). is hereby granted permission to construct and use an access to th€ state highway at the location notecr berow.The access shall be constructed, maintainea'anJ u."o-, "."oii;ilild;'ii" terms and condirions of rhis permir,including lhe state Highway Access coo" *Jri.tea.attacnmlnt.. iriil'permit may.oe revoked by the issuingauthority if at any time the permitted access anaits use viotateany oiine i".r[. "no conditions of this permit. The useof advance warning and construction signs, ttasheis, uarrica.des.ano jt-"s';;';1J9 ,g_quiryd ar ail time! during accessconstruction within slate.right-of-way-in ionroir"n." with rh6 uariini oN uNrFoRM TRAFFTC coNTRoLRf'.llE5Sf:ilyJ;li?ili:ll,r"::$:lif,,,::l:.:tili:l.-llqf heir dury appointed asents and emproyees sha, be herc, STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERi,IIT Vail Conrnercial partnership 2696 South Colorado B1vd.Denver, CO 80222 ACCESS TO PROVIDE SERVrcE TOJ- Retail center. oTHER TERMS nnO cOrotrtolld See Attached Sheets. 8y (x) SH No/MP/Side: Local Jurisdiction: Dist/Section/patrol: DOH Permit No.: Permit Fee: Date of Transmittal: 6/174.83/L ?own of Vail 30220 389049 $7s.00 7- 19-89 MUNICIPALITY OR COUNTY APPROVAL Required onry when the appropriate rocar authority retains issuing aurhority. Datg --_ Tiile _---- ll",i,"jf;l,,r"r.J:L,jlliJ.li:f iTrJ:,::j *^*t;gll"r,.il,at;;;#';;;'ffi[fl[i,H:jTj]ffiXE;$ji[";initiation. The permitted access shail be .orpf"i"J'inI "e Ps'r'xrrv., auuu\: snarr De completed in acsgrd3lgg with the terms and conditions of the permit prior tobe.ing.used. The permtfiee shafl !9flfy ' -'-- "' - Ed Hil With th€ Colarario ftcnrr{rrranr rf trrtrr....-.,- r-with the Cotorado Departmonl ot Xtfir*ay-al|east48hourroao_iroi"mm.nc|nn^,trr.|,i|^||^--.rffig1j?8-6j85,al leasl 48 hourt pdor lo commenclrig *n.fr" The person signing as the permiltee must b€ the owne.r o.r legal repres€nlative. of the property served by the permittedpority to accgp{the;srmir and aff it's-rerm! inJ-conoitions.access and Permlllee (X) Date This permit is not valid until by a duly representative of the State Department ot ftigfrways.STATE OF ROBERT By (x) OF HIS4WAYS Daie 10-2-89 (Date of issue) Make i ',,;(,s as nocasaary lor:Lo.:llAullro.ily ifrti.?clor flequrJed; 1 nr..iri. I ;' 'l Pr€vious Edittons are Obsolele and tr not D€ usa DOH fcrnl t0 PY DISTRIEU'ION: ,':Y""l I l,,.tr.rl - rrti. Fnoinrol 3 4 5 PERMIT NO. 389045 will not exceed an estimated g2ooo. R incfsrennp Local ordinance requires a construction permit frorn Town ofVail. Driveway shall be constructed 35 feet wide with 50 footradii. Surfacing for driveway approach is recruired asfollows: L2rt of class L gravel Ln- 2, Gtt lifts;- 6,r of class 6gravel in 1-, 6il liftS.AIso 3rr of HBP itn 2, L.s0rf lifts of grade E, EX, orequivalent. The asphalt cement in the HBp ;hali be AC 10.Fi11/cut slopes shall be at a 2: 1 slope on the roadway andat 5:1 on the access approach.A continuous three Lanes shalt be constructed two i_2 footthrough lanes and one L6 foot left turn lane. Shouldersshall be 10 in width. Furr width start 25o feet westerly ofapproach and carried 250 feet easterty of easterly conbii'redapproach. Redj_rect tapers for through traffic shlll be at a25 to 1 ratio. Lanes rnust be conplefed before anvconstruction takes place on the d-eveloproent. on Sitestorage for drainage above historic flow is reguired. Designand Traffic control plans nust be provided to a-nd approved-by the Colorado Department.of Highways 45 days prioi-to anyconstruction. No landscaping other than grass -or approved-flowers shall be placed in the approach sight trianlies.Upon cornpletion -of the approach a-ll existifrg landscipingwill be reviewed and any plants found to in€erfere with-thesafe operation of the app-oach shall be removed.Lanes shall be constructed as per Colorado Department ofHighways_specifications, with the following rniterial placedfor.final 9!ade: l-Z'r ABc, Class li 6il ABC; Class 6; and 3ngf^IBP, Grading E or EX place in the foJ_loi'ing lifts: 2 - 6nlifts; 1- - 61'Iifti 2 - l_.5n l_ifts . Shoulderi along thespeed change l-anes shall be 4 feet and paved. The newpavement shall slope on the same plane as the presentpavenent surface. The entire roadway shall be-overraid withL.srr of HBP. Permanent h+ghw?y striping and signing shallbe done by the Colorado Divisi6n of FtigEways r6e a6tualcost of the work will be billed to the-permittee. The cost 10 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER must provide certitication that alIwork was done meeting specification. CERTfFICATION WilI besent to the Colorado Division of Highways._NOtrE:pavementdesign for constructj.on rnay be rnoaiiiea-uponG'ii6rmission ofan approved design by q professional engineer. Such designshall have a Structural Nurnber no less than g.3e. Writteiapproval of the modified design is required beforeconstruction. No drainage from this site shall enter onto the surface ofthe highway. A11 existing drainage structures shall beextended to accommodate all new Construction and safetystandards. The Left turn movenent in and out of the driveway nay beprohibited at some future date.Contractor shall follow the applicable constructionspecifications set for by the-Departnent of Highways in theIatest manual Stqndard Speci.ficatigns for Road-and- Bridgecp?slryctio?. The_property owner ia@utilities disrupted by the construction bt this drivewa! andall expenses incurred for repair. Any damaqe to anvexisting Highway' facilities sndtl-Ue -tEFa'ir6d*Friof-to - contlnuing other work.Compaction of sub-grade, embankments and backfill shallggnply with Section 2O3.11 of the Division of HighwaysStandard Specifications. (HBP) shall conply Highways Standard LL t2 t-3 1.4 Compaction of Hot Bituminous pavementwith Section 401.L7 of the divi-sion ofSpecifications.If frost is present,in the sub-grade, no surfacing naterialshall be placed until all frost-is gone or removed.q3w 9T sgore asphalt to assure a straight edge for patching.The first 20 feet beyond the closest highway-Lane, includifrgspeed change lanes, shall slope down and away from thehighway at a 2* grade to ensuie proper drainage control . I PAGE NO. 1. PERITIIT NO.CONTINUED Oo 389046 15 AlL excavations on Utility lines, culverts, other trenchesor tunnels shall meet the requlrenents of, ColoradoDepartnent of Highways, OgHAf Colorado Indurtrlal Comj.relonand the Colorado Divieion of Minrr whl,ehrvrr appllor.The area around the new work shall be woll graitCd to drain,top soiled, fertl.llzed, nulched and r.f.ed€d.lfork EhalL BEGIN ArTER 8:30 A.!{. and aII .qulpnent Ehall beoff ttre roadway BEFoRE 3:30 p.U. each day. - - t6 L7 PAGE NO. 2 HoLy cRoss O-EcrRIc asscfDIATIoN, INC. AREA CODE 303 94S-5491 3799 HICHWAY 82 P. O. DRA\{ FR 2t 50 GLEi.IWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO 8T 602 0ctober 3, 1989 f4r. 'ili 'll i am G. llei n, A1A llm. Hei n Associ ates 2501 South Leyden Street Denver , Co I orado 80222 Vail, ColoradoRE: Cascade Crossing - Dear l'lr. Hein, The above menti oned devel opment i s wi thi n the certi fi ed service area of Holy Cross E'l ectric Association, Inc. Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. has existing power faci I i tj es I ocated near the above menti oned proj ect. These'existing facilities have adequate capacity to provide electric power to the deve'l opment, subject to the tariffs, ru'l es'and regulations on fi'l e. Any power 'l jne enlargements, re'l ocations, and.new extensions necessary to del'iver adequate power,to. and within the deve'l opment will be undertaken by Holy Cross E'lectric Association, Inc. upon completion of appropri ate contractua I agreements. Please advise when you wish to proceed with the developmentof the electric system for this project Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC.IAT iON, I NC Ted Huskey Eng'i neeri ng Servi ces Supervi sor pf Cascade Crossi ng Fi 1e TH: CC: SITE DATA - Slte Size CASCADA CROSSING REf,AIL CENTER Val1r Colorado KanDen GrouP PNOJECT INFOSI.TATION 45,1?t+ s.f . (L.03? Acres) - Bullittng Coveraie 11rtr95 e.f . - Pavlng coven!"" f8rgio s.r. (aspfrtr concrete fl"atror*)' - Ianilscapetl Area 71.629 s.f , (25,7W of slte) " - Sldena k Paverg }1lO s.f . - Ianrd,ecaplng wlthta Padtlng area (ltfr x L89Lo s.f . = 1r8P1 s.f .) - IandscaPeil area p:rovld'e<t - 963 s.t. - Pavers (conitltlon of appmnal) 3'1ttO e.r. - Pad(l.ng Slnces- standad. y (r$.sfi - coqnct I 1G3.56)Total )7 ' : ,: - Ioartlng Spacee- 2 qpaces BUI],DINC DATA - Ore Story Sinrcture - LL'495 e.f. (Gross) - Use - Coruoercl'al Retall - 1IBC Occupancy Cla'sslfLcatlon - AJ -Butldlng$Pe-V-1Hour- V - non-riateil w Sprllkler System aArchltoctur€rPLnnlng Icmb€ra ol th. Amorlc.n In3tltul. ot A.chltact Septenber 22, L989 Mr. Chuck Dunn Colorado State Hlghway Departnent P.0. Box 2107 Graod Junctlon, Colorado 81502 Re: Cascade Crosslag - fornerly Vollter Nursery Slte 1031 South Frontage Road I'lest Vall , Colorado Dear l'lr. Dunn: Enclosed please find tno slgoed State Hlghway Access Permlts, D'O'H' Pernit Nos. 389046 and 389049, together relth a check for $150.00 to cover the permit fees for both access pernits. Per our telephooe discusslons of 9/15 and 8125, ue stlll plao to nove ahead wlth project constructloo as quickly as posslble. For your tafornatlon, last week we subnltted a revlew package to the vall Bull-ding Departnent for lssuaoce of a "fast track" pernlt for the foundatloa portloa of the project. l,le expect to submlt the balance of the lnformatlon for full Pernits wlthin 2 - 3 weeks. lJlth thls time schedule ln mind, it ls inPortaot that we Pursue the lssue referred to in paragraph 5 of page I that states "Lanes nust be conpleted before aoy constructioo takes place oo the developneot." Durlog our telephooe discussion 1o August, r,te talked about ao adjustnetrt to thls requirenent due to the late caleadar start we are faclng for the Project aod the fact that the access coodltlotrs aad proposed inprovenents affect three propertles, aot Just Cascade Crosslog. You nentloned durlog our conversatloo that lf proper aEaogenents could be nade, you could accept the cooditioo that the conpletlon of the highway inproveneat be tled to the issuance of the Certlficate of Occupancy for the project fron the Towo of Vall, rather than requlrlng al-l lnprovenents be nade Prlor to start of coostructLon oo the proJ ect.I have dlscussed thls ldea ulth represeotatlves of the Plaanlag Department of the Towo. Tbey are supportl.ve of the coocePt and suggest that I deternloe fron you the proper Language or agreenent that cao be used. Therefore, I an hopeful that you wtlI cootact De at your earllest ConvenLeoce to [ake suggestloos as to acceptable arrangeneots se can nake betweeB the Departnent of Hlghways, the Town of Vall and our Project. Your asslstance in the Datter ls greatly appreclated. Siucerely, lJtlllam G. Hein, A.I.A. Enclo sures 2q0t S.rr th I Fvdpn Strcct Oenver. Colorado 80222 3031757 1598 NEW ELECTR|C, tNC. P.O. BOX K vAlt.' coLoRADO 81658 (303) 94946s1 Septenber 18, l989 Me. Krletan PrltzThe lown of VatI75 South Srontage RoedValI, Coloredo gl6E7 Re:Overhead to Underground power Servlc€ EstlnatrE Ms. Pr1tz, Purauant to your regueEt, wa heve uorked upchange the Eervlc€s to the Chevron gaa etatlon,shop, and th€ tno otd Volltcr bultatnge froDunderground. Th€Es eatlnrt€E sr€ braed ontransforner locatlonE ln front of thc old toernfront of the two Volltrr bulldlnge ar reletcdTed Hueky of Holy Croee Electrtc Estlnated coete are aa followcr W .etlnateE tothe old tonnoverhaad to new pad aountEhog and lnto uE by Mr. Eaet Vollter bulldlng-lleet Vol tter bulIdtng-Old TOV shop bulldtng- Chevron Etatton- $ 2r2OO.O+ 3r4OO.OO) 5r300.00 6, 5OO. OO '5,6oo,9: Theee coat8 lncluda etl digglng and beckflrl rcgulred es welrae croEslng the drlvewaye at thc ord town ehop erca. lrlr hevonot lncluded any pernlt cosls or €osta lncurrcd by Hory crogsElectrlc ln our eEtlnates. One probliD ar€a iE th€ dlggtngof a 2' deep trench at the west property llne of the old townEhop to refeed the Chevron atatlon. the Exl8tlng narrostcondlttone betneen the fence and th€ short retalnlng rallwould Dake lt neseaEary to 3xs.vatc the trench by hand, whlchcontributes to thc htgh cost of thlr eervlct. ThlE trrnchcould be evolded by routlng th. new rcrvlcc fron thc ncw gadnount et th. old tosn ehop undrrground untll tt rorch.. th.pols rrhlch carrlee the VatI Mountaln gowar Ilnee. At thlEpolnt the servlco coutd bc tekcn ug thr polr whor€ it Irouldconnect to the e!.l8tl,ng eervtca droD to th. t.rvlce rtetlon.As the Velt llountaln po$er poles are to renaln snynayl thcone servlce drop nay be eccegtable. If HoIy Croes couldutlllze the exlctlng servlce drop to th€ ga8 atatlon, coat eavlngs could be aE nuch aE S 31000.00 for thle portlon ofthe work. SlncorrIy, Rob l{agner , Manville O nonphaneo Somerset" area luminaires Gnt"rnpot"ry lowprofile rectilinear styling Dramatic horizontal light cutoff Uses energy-efficient HID lamps PI Itl' ug o,p 8t= =l=lo wrolse rN NA , Cohtemporary architecturalstyle The low profile, rectilinear shap€ of the luminaire enhances mosl conlemporary architectural styles. Widespread light distribulions mean long spacings with excellent uniformity. And dramatic horizontal light cutotf assures minimum glare. To me€t your specific lighling and esthelic requiremenls, Holophane otfers a wide choice ol options. Lamp choice Luminaire accommodates HPS lamps from 70W to 400W, metal halide from 175W to 400W, as well as mercury vapor from 175W to 400W. Color choice Luminaires are finished in durable baked powder urethane paint. Standard finishes include textured black. bronze or satin aluminum. Pole choice To give maximum flexibility in design, luminaires can be matched with poles of sleel or aluminum, round or square, in heights ol 10 le€t to 39 f€et. itounting choice The multiple mounting anangements br building facades or poles with single double, triple or quad units lets you plan exterior lighting that activ€ly contributes 1o your design concept with durable quality. Leader in light control The unique combination of the rugged borosilicate prismatic glass l6ns and oomputer designed hydrotormed aluminum ref lector sets $merset apart in lighting efficiency and control. lt litts the major beam to produce long spacing capability, with sharp cutoff, u/hile achieving excellent obscuration of the bare lamp. The adiustable socket allows altsrations to the beam angle to meet varying lighting requirements. Uplight pollution is eliminaled. Vtleather-resistant rugged construction Weather-proot rugged construclion @ t) @ o o e o Somerset is styl€d lor simple beauty and is built to maintain thal beautY. Die lormed aluminum housing wilh tight welded s€ams. Cast aluminum door trame enclosure with rugged borosilicate glass lens...gasketed to keep out moisture, dirt and bugs. Precisely contoured hYdroformed Alzakt anodized aluminum ref lector' Plug-in electrical assembly plale tor ease ol maintenance or for lulure change{ut lo new generation components. Unitized sock€Vrellector assembly lor consistant phoiomelric p€rlormanc€. Mjustable lor high/low beam pattern. Textured. satin linish utethane powder Paint. Plated and stainless steel mounting hardware lor corrosion resistance. Easy access to lamp and/orelectrical assembly utilizing quarter tum fasteners. UL list€d "suitable tor Wet Localions." Irarng ' - \r- Rellector I I Pole mounting Optional pholocontrol receotacle Oolional arm Square pole or round oole adaptor -1- i 8" -.L Pipe by others Wall mounting VJidespread d istribution, excellent uniformity 1OOW HPS, T.3i #35204; 30', U.H. E Il. ! *3 =F' f;e iz 150w HPS, Te3t #3520'l; 30' M.H.Mounting height conversion chart To conved isofootcandle chart values tor rnounting heights other than t€st h€ight' use the lollowing multiplying tadors' lllumination data is shown in initial footcandles. lsobotcandle data on other units available uPon request. o 8 6 6 e 6 g E. Te6t height (fee$ o 6 6 oI 6'6 6 a E 6 15 =E 5 d 3 I!a Ees bF4 f;s v ;2p dl r01234 Rlib - Dbt.nc€ acrGs/ftlounling hoigt 0 2lol23'rs Flalb - Oistarce acostt'lounlhg h€ighl 4OOW HPS, TeBt #35196; 35' M.H. ilountlng height (reet) 9.0 2.25 1.44 r.00 3.06 1.36 1.00 .77 Note: Tests shorvn are with lamp in lo ' beam position and with PM lens 10 20 25 30 20 30 35 40 35 t7 .Fr_o r- I' E. $s X" I att ;6 ?es b5. f;s 6rz r01234 Ralb - Oiltanca &to58/Mo$lar€ haiom 10129. Ftatb - Dida|E€ ecros!/Moullir! haDm ouick calculation Guide to find luminaire spacing for one Fc average maintained 50'tl,0'wrdrh 20'Lumlnalre typ6 watiag€r* Mountlng ht10' 15', 20'15', 20' 25',20' 25' 30'30' 35' 40'30' 35', 40 70wHPS 1(x)wHPS 15OW HPS 2s0w HPS 4OOW HPS 175wMH 250w MH €OWMH 82 75 66 173* 154" .|46 ?9/2* 259+ 233+ 175. 1471 133 '190r 55 50 49 115 108 103 1901 181* 173 312* 2971 282' 41 39 37 85 81 77 143 139 130 239. 228] 212 4!5a 405t 385+ 82 79 73 54 52 47 245* 22.91 213 32 30 29 66 63 62 114 106 104 187 178 169 3401 3'16+ 308 64 60 57 188 179 166 27 2656 5595 93 160 152 2go| 28454 52 25 54 91 148 270 5192 86 80 1601 152 139 t63 156 149 *exc€€ds 7:1 spacing nPrismatic lens, high beam How to use this table Sel€ct wk th of atea to b€ lighted and luminaire mounting height. Read dor|n th€ appropriate column to luminaite type and *aftage to find the on'G€nter spacing. Correction factors tor other than 1 fc 2 't.o .33 .25 .2 .5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 cMounting anangements accessor'res C l- '1 WB WS 2A1A 3A L1PB ( L a2 l2A Guidespecification The luminaire shall consist ol a lormed .051" sheet aluminum housing with cast aluminum door lrame bottom enclosure lo hold prismatic lens or tlat tempered glass. All exposed surfaces shall receive alkaline cleaning and iron phosphate treatment prior to urethane powder paint application and oven baking. Retlectorshall be hydroformed aluminum alloy #3002 retlector sheet, finished specular Alzak* R-5 proc€ss. Mounting bolts, washers and nuts shall be zinc-olated steel. All other screws shall be stainless steel. All electrical mmponents (ballast, capacitor, luses, starter board, etc.) shall be mounted to a single removeable galvanized steel plale. Socket wires shall have plug-in disconnect. Complete electrical assembly shall be removeable by unplugging socket leads and primary leads and disengaging one quarterturn tastener. Ballast area and door shall be tully gasketed with high{emperature, closed cell material. The housing shall be finished with a textured bronze or black Powder urethane paint coating. The comolete unit shall be UL listed "suitable for wet Locations." The unit shall be Holophane catalog number 'Reg'stelod Tradsnad( ol AlumtnumCo ol Amortce ,>LIST OF MTERIALS :l tee I llt,mlock creen Ahm.i.nuln ltoref rorrt. Lir'irl i:rort'.:t: l.i;riiL,rron'':c Con<:r'ete l,iasonry Urrits :liirooth ii'a.ce I irractured ii'ar:e ilock &rllasi I i gi ' i .. r:ajls-h rn ''r'' s NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL OESCRIPTION: STREET ADORESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The fo I 'l owi ng Board before A. BUILDING ! Appnoxlmat.e'ly 11r5OO s^f ^ (Crr-rss) .lirrgl,: I r.rrpl n:,{a 1l Center wlth 3? Par{<irre' Iipaces nluEt 1l'wo 'l}a('tls .[{)}' Loa.dlnrr:-Unloa.d.inr tc Trash Coll cctiorr information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof ;it&nding learrr lietal iloof lrt:n'lock lrr:cn Siding ('ctre.rr:t.e l.1a sonrJ,r Iinl Ls :lmootl; ,'a.,:t' ' "rar'trtri-J 'act-r Other l,Jal I Materi al S itucco ,lyst.ern ir,rr' ltrrrs Fasci a Soffi ts l.li ndows l.lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flashings Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES i;alvanlzetl lrl ja r'arr t l:ati'rla'ls B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone l Botanical Name Common Name C o1o ra.rl.o -:.!3-::--T)ond e rolta t'lne )""k'i nC Asll,': ' llopa Cra b Quani ty ti '/t - l?lFlcea P inus ll't rr d r-''ro s:l 1'opulus 'l.remuLo 1,1,.:s Size* 7tt Qr 1':t ?":3' na l - rlrr orr .-^r -t:,----!,:1I- EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED for conifers. io'u. i Itucco Svstern 'I'o l;a LeL, lletal AIi:r-r'r'r'ri :':rl'or'ia l 'r f:1 in L Lo I',atcl'. *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.lndicate height L . PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS E)(ISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name Illb.rs AIplnum'I'otent1lla li'ructo sa G-D .Iun iperus Iloi:lzontal is B-C Junlperus lio1alna ' i;uf fa.f o I Cotnus t!ta'1nr, i F r:ra Cormon Namq Alplne C urreut Pot c.n t 1l Ia. 'l'aruny .Iun I ler"c IJIue Clrip .1un I J:ers Buf falo .Tun iSer.s lled Twlg Iln gr,rrrn ,l .7c--+- ?, JlL !!< ttt Quani ty Size 1? ltq 2 t !l(. ,'^ 4<4- GROUND COVERS Tvpe Varles Square Footage A s shon-rr s0D ^{s stroyn SEED A s sho h'n TYPE OF IRRIMTION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Sntlre slte wll-l be lrrlpted rritir an arrtomatlc sprlnkler s'rstem C. oTHER LANoSCAPE FEATURES (retaining lvalls, fences, swimming pools' etc.) Please specify. r-lalsed Flantr.:r wlth lnteirrated seat ln;{ at sculptLrire t',1enr':.trt . Associates, stated Vail Associates agreed with Hermann, Tom and Kent. He remarked the streamwalk should be done, if there are no negative environmental impacts. Mike Cacjoppo felt the Council must find a way to compromise in the best interest of the community. There was some discussion regarding the complexity of the design issue and environmental concerns. Peter Patten then explained what the $10,000 wou'l d be spent on. There was more discussion on the pros and cons and the feasibility of the project. Tom Steinberg made a motion to approve the ordinance as presented, and GaiI Wahrlich-Lowenthal seconded. Gajl noted she would support the ordinance and design study so to have it placed on the Vajl Village Master Plan for any future possibility years from now. Eri c Affeldt remarked the supp'l ementa'l appropriations were for approximately $3 mil1ion, and not just $10,000. He then reviewed what the whole amount would cover. Mike Cacioppo agreed that 98 percent should be approved, but did not want to approve wasteful spending until it is maderight. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-3, with Mike Cacioppo, Merv Lapin, and John Slevin opposing. The third item was Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1989, first reading, an ordinance a1 lowing employee units in Lionsridge Filing No.4. Mayor Rose read the full title of the ordinance. Peter Patten briefly explained what the ordinance was for; basically a housekeeping ordinance to rectify an unintentional omission. Peter than answered questions of Council. A motion to approve the ord'i nance was made by Tom Steinberg, and seconded by Merv Lapin. A vote was taken and the motion passed unan'imousl y 7-0. The next order of business was an appea'l of the Design Review Board decision granting final approval of the Cascade Crossing project. Mike Mollica reviewed the application and gave brief background information on the project. He noted the Cascade Crossing is a proposed sing'l e story retail center consisting of 10,270 square feet of leasable retai1 space. The property is located at 1031 South Frontage Road West, which'i s immediately west of the Vail Professiona'l Building. The one acre site is zoned arterial business distri ct. Menv Lapin had called the 'item up fori nformational purposes only; it was a large project and he wanted to know more about it. Mike responded to questions of Tom Steinberg regarding the undergrounding of utilities. After some discussjon, Mike showed Council p'l ans and drawings of the project. BilI Hine, architect for the project, reviewed the project and answered questions of Council. Merv Lapin made a motion to uphold the Design Rev'iew Board's decision regarding the Cascade Crossing project. John Slevi n seconded the motjon. There was more discussion regarding sharing of the cost of undergroundjng utjlities. A vote was then taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The fifth item was an appeal of the Design Review Board decision granting final approval of the Ledges project. Mike Mollica reviewed the app'l ication and draw'i ngs of the proposed project. He noted this project, as approved by the DR8, consisted of six single family homes on approximately one acre. The site is zoned low density multi-family and has an allowable dens'i ty of eight dwelling units. Randy Hodges, architect and partial owner of the project, stated it did meet the zoning requirements. Peter Patten gave some additional background information on the neighborhood and site zoning. Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to uphold the DRB decision of the Ledges project, whjch Eric Affeldt seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. Tom Stejnberg commented the Town had looked at this property earlier and let it slip through our hands; we should look at all avajlable properties to purchase with real estate transfer tax money. Merv Lapin stated he had not had a problem with either of the two projects, but would like more communication with staff; he needed more information. He suggested a short description of each item on the Design Review Board agendas m'i ght he1p. The sixth item of busjness was a presentation of the 1988 audited financjal report. Jerry McMahan, of McMahan and Armstrong, reviewed briefly the audjted financialreport. Jerry, Steve Thompson, and Ron Phi11ips then answered questions of Council. Jerry noted there had been a vast improvement in the Town's procedures and record keeping over the last few years, and the Town staff should be commended. Tom Steinberg made a mot'i on to accept the audit as presented, which Eric Affeldt seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. There was no Citizen Participation. Mayor Rose mentioned the Governor's "Dome on the Range" future visit. He stated the Governor would be in our area July 27; in Avon, June ?7, 2:00 p.m., and in RedCliff, June 27,3:00-4:00 p.m. Red Cliff will be holding a town meeting then, and the Town of Vail will participate in that. -2- MINUTES VAIL TOi{N COUNCIL MEETING JULY 11, 1989 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vajl Town Councjl was held on Tuesday, Ju1y 11, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Counci'l Chambers of the Vail Municipal Bui'l ding. MEMBERS PRESENT:Kent Rose, Mayor John Slevin, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Michael Cacioppo Merv Lapin Gail lJahrl ich-Lowenthal Tom Steinberg None Ron Phi11ips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk MEMBERS ABSENT: TOI{N OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first order of business was an update by the Co] orado Department of Health on the Eagle Mine Clean-up. Dick Parchini, the on-site field officer of the Deoartment of Health overseeing the construction on the mine, gave a brief surmany of what had transpired to date. He stated he expected to receive the June air monitorjng data by the next week, and noted they wou'l d put up two additional TSP monitors outside the Middle School , one inside the schoo'l (probab'ly in the gymnasium), and one across from the Battle Mountain Trading Post. He commented he h6ped to have betten turnaround time by sending information to Denver instead of Qregon. He reviewed a few other highlights of the project, and then answered queltions of Counci'l . Tom Steinberg reported what the Advisory Board to the Schoo'l doard was doing. Mike Cacioppo thanked Dick for the report; CD0H was addressing the problems, and he appreciated it. Dick stated he would make another update next month. At this time, Mayor Rose announced he had just received the final vote tally of the special election - 307 jn favor of town participation in the television translator district, and 210 against. The second item on the agenda h,as a consent agenda of the following items: A. Approval of minutes of the June 6 and 20, 1989 meetings. B. ordjnance No. 14, Series of 1989, second reading, regarding supplemental appropriat ions C. ordinance No. 16, Series of 1989, second reading, concerning vacating a portion of a cul-de-sac in Intermountain Mayor Rose read the fu1 'l tit'les of the ordinances. Item B was pu1 'l off the consent agenda. Merv Lapin made a motion to approve ltens A and C, which John Slevin siconded. trlike Cacioppo u,as concerned over the statement, in the June 20 minutes, "Mike Cacioppo stated his concerns over this.", and wanted more specific infornation. He asked Brenda Chesman to go back and listen to the tape and make the wording specific. Eric Affe'l dt noted a typographical error on page 1 of the June 6 minutes. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. grdinance No. 14, Seri es of 1989, second reading, was discussed. Steve Barwick stated that at fjrst reading, $140,000 for the construction of the streamwalk had been taken out, with $10,000 left for design work. John Slevin djd not feel the Council should spend the $10,000. Mayor Rose explained why he felt it should be left in the budget. Gai'l Wahrlich-Lowentha'l stated her concerns over not'ification of the adjacent homeowners. There was some discussion by Council. Hermann Staufer stated he was disappointed to hear there was no need to spend the $10,000 for the study, and explained why he felt the money should be left in the budget. Tom _ Steinberg commented he totally agreed with Hermann. Joe Macy, representing Vail To f"rd 1.rl'tt Co.r*:l 8: 15 Mike Mollica 8:30 Mike Mollica 8:45 Jerry McMahan Steve Thompson 9: 15 9:30 9:45 1981, specifically perm'i tted employee units on each 1ot, but Ordinance No, 26, Series of 1987, upon neannexation of llest Vai1, imposed single family zon'ing without reference to employee units. Employee units were inadvertently left out of wording in Ordinance No. 26. Staff neesq[elda ]1.: Approve Ordinance No. 15, Series offfig. 4. Appeal of the Design Review Board decision granting final approval of the Cascade Crossing project AAction Requested of Councilfuphgpoverturn the action offfi€ Background Rationale: The Cascade Crossing is a proposed ffienter consistlng of 10,270 square feet of leasable retall space. The property ls located at 1031 South Frontage Road West, which is lmmedlately west of the Vajl Professional Building. The Design Review Board has granted fina] approval for the project, however, the Town Council has called this item up for review. This one acre site is zoned Arterial Business District, andit is the staff's op'inion that the applicant has met al'l the TOV zoning considerations with this proposal . 5. Appeal of the Design Review Board decision granting final approval of the Ledges project Action Requested of Counci'l : Uphold/overturn the action of the DRB. Background Rationa'l e: The Ledges property was formerly ffil Parcel"; it is located at the East Vai'l I-70 Interchange, and has received final approval from the Design Review Board. Council has called this item up for review. This project, as approved by the DRB, consists of six single family homes on approximately one acre. The site is zoned Low Denslty Multi-Fami'ly and has an allowable density of eight dwelling units. 6. Presentation of the 1988 Audited Financial Report Action Requested of Council: Receive report from auditors and staff, and ask any quest'ions you may have. 7. Discussion of TV translator vote results and direction to staff as to any future act'i on Act'i on Requested of Counci'l : Discuss the TV translator vote @tion, if necessary' Background Rationa'l e: The TV translator vote results should ffithe end of the meet'ing. Staff should receive Council direction that evening if any further action i s to be taken. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 8. Adj ournment -2- luwn 75 south fronlage road v!ll. colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 4792139 June 30, 1989 otlice ol communlly development Phillip Bird, Vice PresidentFirst Interstate Mortgage Company of Illinois 5000 West 95th StreetSuite 290Prairie Village, Kansas 66207 Re: Cascade Crossing retail center Dear !lr. Bird, The above named project, located at L031 South Frontage Road West(comrnonly know as the Voliter property), has recently been reviewed bythe Town of Vail planning staff. It is the staff,s opinion that theproposed Cascade Crossing retail center rneets the Townrs zoningreguirements for the Arterial Business District. The Town of Vail's Design Review Board (DRB) has granted final designapproval for the project on June 2L, L989. The DRB approved plans wereconpleted by RNL Design of Denver, Colorado, and.are dated June L9, 1989. certain conditions were placed upon the DRB approval (see attached) ofJune 21., 1.989. Also, the developers of the property have agreed to paythe rrconversion costsrrr to supply power to their property, associatedwith the undergrounding of the eteltric lines through this area.Assuming compliance with said conditions, as well ai tne acquisition ofcertain state Highway access permits, this project may proceed to thebuilding perrnit stage. rf you should have any guestions regarding this projects conpliancewith the applicable Town of Vail regutations, please feel freeto contact ne at (303) 479-2L39. Sincerely, llA nL Mike MoLlica Town Planner MM: lr cc: Bill Hein, RNL Design Project Applicalion Date Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone ; -r' ; 11 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Motion by: .'1 r'-r- Seconded by: -- 't *--.'':2 Design Review Board -i- o 931s '-'?l T1 -li APPROVAL + 1-, ," N I'\:=:;-'DISAPPROVAL $trnma*y: Town Planner El statt Approval Proiect Applicalion g,4s C, -2 l, F7 Project Name: Pro,ect Description: Contact Person and Phone 27-s - trTJn Owner, Address and phone: I I ; | €^ neoe;*l ?atlu. ,-.L.f Architect, Address and Phone:T1;ll H.;x zon" AtD Motion by: Design Review Board 4-o oare 6'2l'F'l DISAPPBOVAL lt =-'-- r I( APPROVAL\ 'A , ryA { \_=/ €ummry: Town Planner E statt Approval oo 6,zt' Y7 'w' -> p,Z^Z o\- /.r4^ Z/24 I .r-t ^- -o'd// ,t-t(Zilfr+ tr/ry Ufr'tA\At"L-fttZti oK72. E. l#*-*( AJ4 a^'41- 4.k NJ-ry crtr..'rtn_/-_/"7* /*- * 6.t'11 koJ P4 3a"-.1 l'(t-( ta F\i(u Co*L' 0K-rye<-uz- z-".1 -*. .k z{za ,> t'x/G' ?' t 17'/ ,\ ft.wt-, r farK,n'. /oal,t*5 : -/..d /*^ /oyo ,e^-4 e-L?a (Wf p6rl) @ .r,"-t;"-a\1 \ le.{nr( = tfsut' n*-t 7a^a^a/w lf h,,,- t'' + ,/*/ "//,r^/ Z* 4 ' Ln ,**I- ReGr( = lorzrc f =- i5 fr^-,"-- *f*-4 9ar t->1 .I L-\-- Cqr-d/'4"Lo\\ 6^-/"-f) ?r* T M - /*/ ,#"^eo @ 5 .>c .11 o @ adi$3 =-ABD ) Aette ) tle ) {*"+ 4.lLaeKs: 9;{. AvetrS< : 60ro m4\. = 27,to4 f lat/scap;a5t 25"" yli. = lttZ?< ( )-o( S;2. = /.0s7 ,r.-/4s,tl<,t f/ t/\ = 20' io ?o . 2,-, t u":,..(:,:l:::,,:"i: ^i{i':r*Le tA< 20t Se/1c&. jlzt D t5' ,.tre^.A /\/z6t' D zo' s"il*r )r J o ft.Kto,1 loal,'*; He2Lt '. Teoloteolv 13;ll ny fY"4 /( :/ t('f 52o' Carn{g. = = llr3lo - 292 ;11= l(,Cz? 7b., F /o,@ *( ffr,3'/ U ?'^7*r\ / -( ry /. trlt - ^ +a.?i.vi< 4 ^ ff*'tr ltf .> ?o7a @' 1 rnix, J /o7o j.?.rf| f ,{4x" a132 n+r<. ) /4/?a- ^7411/.@4- aY--// ,A -DR_B. = ij, tvo79 2o 5o 2o ::- 22, 57? f n*. ,*X.(,n+ y ? ,-r,e^-,| /a+ " TO: FROfvl: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department January 26, 1987 A request for front and rear setback variances and a minimum landscape requirements in order to construct 1031 South Frontage Road lJest (commonly known as theproperty) Appl icant: Vai'l Commercial partnershio vari ance to a building at Vol i ter I. vari ances are being requested to allow for the construction of a onestory structure on the site. l,lhile there are no assurances of what theuses in this building wi1] be, it has been represented that thestructure will accommodate local oriented conven.ience commercialestablishments. A summary of the variances requested is as follows: l. A request for a rear setback variance of 5 feet for the structure.The required setback is 10 feet. 2. A request for a front setback variance to locate a portion of theparking area within 10 feet of the front property line. Frontsetback requirements state that parking areas and structures shallbe no closer than 15 feet from the front property line over 60% ofthe length of the frontage, while the setback line shall be 20feet or more for the remaining 40% of the frontage. This requestis for a 5 foot encroachment.i nto a portion of t[e requ.i red 20foot setback along the frontage. 3. Landscaping standards for park.i ng areas with over 30 spacesrequire that 10% of the lot be dedicated to interior pirking lotlandscaping. This request js for a variance from this requi rement. The nature of these requests raise a number of interesting issuesrelative to the development of this property and the Townis reviewprocess. These issues center around the inab.i lity to conduct acomprehensive review of this development plan. For example, withoutknowledge of_the precise uses proposed for the structu.", ttte staff isunable to calculate the parking demand to see if the site plan provides enough spaces. In addition, the review of any development'proposed inthe Arterial Business District requires compllance wittr tne'ngocirculation plan. l'lhile the developer has agreed to comply with thecirculatjon p1an, there are not specific solutions proposei at thistime. While the staff would prefer that issues re1 ated to thedevelopment of this property be addressed simu] taneously, the reviewprocess does not specifically require that this be done.- II As a result, the Planning commission is reviewing this plan with respectto the three variances requested, and nothing more. Any approvalsgranted for this project will not be approva'l s for the lite plan asproposed, but rather only for the varjances as requested. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS n revl f Criteria i ndi ti on .61.060 of the Municioal +ve l oDment commends ova I ot therequested variances e0 uDon ollow acEors: Consideration of Factors: Thg rgla!ionship gf lhe !equesled,yari?nge,to other existing orpotent'ial uses and structures in the viiffi The two existing structures and related facilities on the site would be removed in conjunction with this development plan. This is fortunate inthat it al1ows for the development of thjs property to beg.i n wjth a "clean slate." A key issue then becomes how the requested variancesrelate to other existing or potential uses and structures in thevicinity. The following addresses each of these variances individually: l. Rear Setback Variance Two issues are sign'ificant with respect to the requested 5 foot setback at the rear of this property. These pertain to the State Highway Department's deceleration lane which would be constructedin conjunction with the new east-bound off-ramp, and the abjlityto construct and maintain this structure without trespassing onthe Federal Highway property. The staff has relied heavily oninput from the State Highway Department concerning any impacts resulting from this variance. After review of these plans, the Highway Department has indicated that the 5 foot setback varjance would not create adverse impacts on the Interstate system. One concern of the Highway Department centered around the potentialfor construction activity to take place on the Federal right-of-way during the development and maintenance of thisbuilding. To e'l iminate this potential , a construction fence defining the limits of construction will be required as outlinedin the Design Review Guidelines. ?. Front Setback Variance Existing conditions in this area provide a substantjal buffer between the property line and the road edge of the South FrontageRoad. This may indicate that the required setback variance on ihefront side of the property js not critical . However, potential uses in the vicinity could well change with the future widening ofthe South Frontage Road. For this reason the staff feels it important that the integrity of the required front setbacks be mai ntai ned. -2- Interi or Parkin Landscaping is generally requ.i red tc prov.i Ce tuffers betweendevelopments. A variance from this requirement would effect.i velyreduce the amount of buffer between this development and adjacentproperties in the vicinity of th.i s project. The first step in evaluating a variance request is typ.i ca1 1y to ident.i fythe physical hardship necessitating re1 .i ef from the prescri6eo development standards. The second element of this review of this reviewis to insure that the degree of variance requested is no greaber tha,rnecessary to allow relief from the objectives of the zon.i n9 code without 1. grant of. special privi1ege. In reviewing this parcel , iI is evjdentthat the shape of the lot creates some difficulty in its development.The issue then becomes to what degree are varianles necessary for thedevelopment of this property? l. Rear Setback Vari ance The ree to wh ich rel ief from the strict or literal inte retation andorcemenE 0T a s eci f i ed requ ation is necessarv to a evealuni formi tv of treatment nq sites e vicinitto attain the ecprlvr tege. Based largely on the review of the state Highway Department, stafffeels that the 5 foot variance requested in the-rear of the-property is valid. This.i s due to the lack of negative impactsresulting from this location of the building 2. Front Setback Variance l,rlhi'l e the staff feels strongly that landscape buffers bemaintained around the per.imeter of this property, we can supportthis request because of its minor nature. The area of encroachment amounts to less than 300 square feet and wjthjudicious use of landscape mater.i als, the staff feels that this encroachment can be mitigated. Interi or Parkino Landscaping Requirements The surface area of the parking lot is approximately 15,500 squarefeet. This would require interior landscaping of not less than 1550 square feet. Just over 700 square feet of interjorlandscaping is proposed with this p1an. The des.i gners of theproject have indicated that they wou'l d be wil'l ing to usedecorative brick pavers in lieu of concrete or other surfaces onpedestrian wal kways surrounding the structure. While thistechnically does not count as interior landscap.i ng of a parking area, the staff would accept this as an altennatjve for mitigai.i ngthe lack of interior landscaping on the site. 3. -3- A number of issues related to transportation and and traffic facilitiesare relevant to this project. The circulation plan for the Arterial -- Business D'i strict requires that the development'of thjs property rhar" ajoint access with the Vail Professional Bujlding. Joint access-has beenproposed on the site plan submitted. I'lhile the staff feels that thjiproposal is a workable one, fina'l approva'l of th.i s access will berequired from the state Highway Department. In add.i tion, approval fromthe owners of the Professional Buj'l ding will be necessary. The zoning for the Arterial Business District requires that a'l I plans approved by the Design Review Board shall conform to the cjrculationplan that has been adopted by the planning commission. This planrequires access improvements to these properties that wil'l necessitatethe widening of the Frontage Road. Before final decisions can be madeas to the improvements required with this development, input from thestate Highway Department will be required. This input wiil occur whenthe developer formal 1y applies to the State for the access permit to iheproperty off of_the Frontage Road. The developer of this pioperty willbe required to fund the improvements necessary in conjunction wit-n thisredevelopment. At mj nimum, a left turn lane wi'l 'l be iequired on theFrontage Road. It is the feeling of the staff that the locations of a number of parking spaces proposed on the site p'l an are unacceptabler-^parking standirdsrequire adequate width of aisles for "convenient and easy access to eachparking space." Two and poss'i bly three parking spaces at the west endof the property do not conform with this design standard. It is thefeeling of the staff that the variances requested do not contribute tothese spaces being unacceptable. In addition, without knowing the usesto take place in the structure, staff is unable to detern.i ne ihetherthese spaces will be required to meet parking demands. As a result, weare merely pointing out our position on these spaces at this time andwould require that the situation be resolved before the app'l ication proceeds to the Design Review Board. III. RELATED POLICIES IN THE LAND USE PLAN solely as cormercial , the project the Community 0ffice designation uses. The effect of the reouested rjance on light and qir, distribution ofulation. tran ti esuti I i ti es. and publ i c Safety. Assuming the property is developed would generally be compatible with which allows for limited commercial SUCH OTHER FACTORS ANO CRITERIA AS THE COMMISSIO!! IEEMS APPLICABLE TOIV. -4- V.FI NDI NGS VI H+++li:g='!d=5!"i,1ryIqle granE.lng the varlances: That.the granting of the variances will not const.i tute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent with the ljmitations on other propirties classifiedin the same district. That the granting of the variances will not be detrimental to the publichealth, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties orimprovements jn the vicin.i ty. That the variances are warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretatjon and enforcement of the specif1 edregulations would result in objectives difficulty or unnecessaryphysical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tit't!. There are exceptions or extraordi nary circumstances or conditionsapplicable to the site of the variances that do not apply general 1_v toother propertjes in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specif.i edregulations would deprive the appl icant of privileges enjoyed by theowners of other properties in the same djstrict. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As was stated at the outset of this memo, there are jssues relative to th.i sproject that are sonrewhai removed from thE revie'rr for the variancesrequested. It is important that the planning comm.i ssion understand thatthis review is limited to the vari ances on1y. Relative to these, staffwould recommend that the Planning commission approve the setback andlandscape variances as proposed. If approved,'lhe planning commission willnot be qpproving the sjte plan in its entirety. Rather, apiroval is limitedto a 5 foot setback variance in the rear of the properiy,'a variance to therequired front setback as indicated on the sjte p1an, and a variance to therequired interior landscaping for surface park.i ng 1ots. The staff would recommend the following conditions be adopted by thePlanning Commissjon with this approval: l. written approval shall be submitted to the Town by the owners of thevai'l Professional Building granting their consent to the joint accessas proposed as well as the landscape materials shown on the site planthat are located on the Professional Build.i ng,s property. Thiswritten_approval shalI be submitted prior to thii pioject proceedingto any level of review by the Design Review Board. 2. The applicant shall receive approval from the State Highway Departmentfor improvements to the South Frontage Road as well as the-entireintersection proposed. Th'i s approvai shall be obtained prior to anylevel of revjew by the Design Revjew Board. -5- :' ". .. 3.The developers of this project shal 1 participate in improvementsrequired for this project to comply wittr the'ABD circuiationp'lan. . Specific requirements shar'r-be determined based Jn inputfrom the Town and the State Highway Department. Improvementsshall be constructed in conjunition with the redeveiopmeni of thisproperty. The retajning wa1 1 proposed for the northeast corner of theproperty shall be pul1ed back off of the property line a minimumof 2 feet. A fence shall be constructed within the property lines outliningthe 'l imits of construction for th.i s project. The Design Review Board shall approve a minimum 4 foot high bermon the east end of the property in lieu of the required t5 footlandscaped buffer around the parking area. Decorative brick pavers shall be used for the pedestrian walkwayaround the perimeter of three sides of this building to compensatefor the lack of interior 'l andscaping in the parking 1ot. lh tnepavers or an alternate similar material are not usid, the landscape variance becomes invalid and construction will not beallowed to pnoceed. 4. 5. 6. 7. -6- Peter Patten said that he would'l ike to amend the recommendation' He read from lf,.-S"rvi"e and Deliu""v-po"iion of the Urban Design Considerations and fe'l t iiiit-i third condition ihbuld be added to ensure that Clock Tower tenants pitiiiip"t. in the trash compactor..-Piper disagreed that the PEC could dictate what method of trash Jiipo."i an individual cou'l d use. Dave Gorsuch said that i;;-i"e-;ti;uiated the use of the trash.compactor in the,new-lea:::-"1-tl: ;;';;;';;i";il-;;";;t iiion, "na tn"t it mhde sense to hjm.to cl93n uo.!1; property.-U-m Viele moveg aDDrove the exterior alteration with con 2 and Eryan Hobbs sec nde +e motion ?6 n Tavor move and Hobbs seconcle to ro e condit uest inc condi t ons 1 a vote avor. 4.Are uest for n exteri or al terati on i n lSln4g-tgj-a l Core I in rder ess E 00 squ eet o Arca Betsy Rosol ack presented the request enclose approx'imately 18 square feet of the building in order to enlarge elevations. John Perkins, architect and stated that the applicant wanted to by moving exterior walIs on the south side sh-op space. She showed f1 oor plans and for the project, answered questions. oor space to the Lions Lazier Commercia 5 Jim Viele moved and Br Hobbs seconded rove the request,The vote 7-0 in favor. r equest for front d rear setback valiS!!€5'-and a arl an mt n andscape re nts on!a e Roa I,le omme r rtner Peter Patten made the presentation. He explained that the potential uses for the building were not'known, and so jt_was djffjcult to know if there was enough parking, "t..- if,.t"iore, the PEC were simply to consider the variances i"a-iot'ifr" siecific siie ptan. The variances were being requested-to allow for the construction oi-u bne story building on the^site' In addition' the t"ui"n-oi any developr"ni ptopo.ed- in-the Aiterial Busjness Djstrjct requires .orpii"n.. *ittr t6" [aD ii't.riation plan. Whi]e the developer had agreed to comply with the cir.uiition plan, there were no specific.solutions proposed at this time. patten ""pr"it.A'.oni".n about how much of the h'i ghway right-of-way would be taken for niitrway improvements. The Highway Department jndicated that il; a i;"a rejr setbaik viriance would not be a problem,-Pu! wanted assurances i'n"t-"'i"n.i;r.ti"n i"n." would be erected defining the Iimits of construction during construction. patten then showed cjrculation and access plans for the area. He stated that in the ABD district, ii-was planned to consolidate the crosswalks and .i nt.ri".tions and t6 frive aeleleration lanes. He stated that the Highway oliirir"rt tras changel-in"it requirements and may also require acceleration lanes as well. petdr stated thit ttre parking spices on the west end of the property were not acceptable as parking spaces' r to construct a cant: Vai PEC L/26/87 -5- Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, pointed out that the site was adifficult one to build on. He then spoke about the conditions listed at the end of the memo saying jn reference to #l that he djd not have clout, but thatthe access is part of the zoning, and if they cannot get access there, theywjll have to come back to amend the circulation p1an. l.lith respect to #2, they could not go to DRB without Highway Department approval . As for #3, hefelt that other property owners must also go along with the improvements. Theydon't mind funding their part, but not the whole project. As the last buildingin, they should not be required to participate unless everyone elsepartj ci pates. Patten replied that the staff cou'l d not get specific because they did haveexact information. He suggested that they put in the left turn lane, as thevail Professional Buildjng constructed a right turn lane. He stated that he was talk'ing about the intersection only. Jay said a]right. He asked jf thefence in #5 meant on the north side on'ly, and was told it did. As for #6, Jay stated that they would submjt a 4 foot high berm to DRB, but they might not approve it. He stated that #7 was ok. Peter stated that he would feel more comfortab'l e including al'l conditions ofthe approval. He felt that timing and a process could be worked out that all could agree upon. Jay answered that if he cou'ld not get joint use, he would have to come back again. Peter stated that the landscape plan may depend uponapproval of the plan, and it depends upon the adjacent property. Jay asked ifthe Vajl Professjonal Building had been required to promise the right turn Iane when building. Patten replied that the vPB had been required to put in theright turn lane and that the Vai'l Professional Bui)ding knew all along of thejoint access. Patten added that this was a technjcality that was important. Jay repeated that before he could go to DRB he would have a general agreementof access. Peter replied that the Town could grant a joint access, but the'| andscaping on the Vail Professional Building's property depended upon the Vail Professional Building's owners to agree to the landscaping. Jay referred again to #2 and asked if "entire intersection" tyas what the staffreally meant, when the Glen Lyon office building has not yet constructed their access plan. Peter replied that the proposed intersection had been approved bythe Highway Department in'l 983 for the Glen Lyon 0ffice Building and in l9g4for the Vail Professional Buildjng. He suggested changing ,,entjre intersection" to "as it relates to this project." Jay then stated that #3 was 0K, that #5 was to be only on the north side. Peggy 0sterfoss felt that the quality of the landscaping was very important atthe access. Diana asked if it would be possible to landscape the back (north) side of the lot and was told there was not enough room for landscaping. JimMorter, architect, stated that if it was possible, they would landscape the north side. Betsy Rosolack asked if the building would be designed to add a second story, and was to] d it was not. Diana felt that the p'l an djd not show enough parking for any use. Jay replied that there was plenty of space for the uses intended, and that these would be short term, not for an offjce building. Morter stated that there would be 4 or 5 tenants, likely a restaurant, convenience store, liquor store, and others. PEC L/26/87 -6- ': ' Vi el ved and Hobbs seconde staff memo rel ates mum 4 foot ro nmen la second to ce cnalr Pioer's anc access PEC condltlons as lls oIIow "A tence." a cant sha n lavor o r/26/87 -7- A reguest for a front setback variance and a variansefrom required roof slope in order to construct abuilding at 1O3l South Frontage Road.Applicant: Vail Commercial eirtnership DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCES REQUESTED As the. Planning Cornnission.may recall, this propertyreguested and received variances froru the pllnning donnissionon January 26t L997. since that tirne ne!,r survey inforrnationhas been obtained that reguired the redesign of thisstructure. This redesign has prornpted a r6quest for a frontsetback variance to arlow a poition of the parking Lot to belocated within the required front setback. -The digree ofencroachment varies frorn 4 to 9 feet into the requiredsetback area. section L8.29.o70 of the Arteriar Business District requiresa minimun slope-of any roof to be 3:12. The applicant hasrequested a variance from this requirernent to lioceed to theDesign Review Board with a flat rdof design. There is a direct relationship between the front setbackvariance request and existing-and potential uses andstructures in the vicinity. It is the purpose of thereguired front setback to require adequite- landscape buffersbetween parking areas, buildings and tlhe Frontage Road. rnresponse. to this, the appl.icant has submitted a-vicinity rnapshowing the ultiurate fulure improvements to the Frontage Roadthrough the widening and addition of reft and right tuin13n9s. Ttris plan shows lG feet renaining betweei thegltinate impact of road improvements and the siters propertyline. This would result ii a 27 foot buffer between-the TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ptanning and Environnental comrnissio,f..,^l: ?ff .l Connunity DeveJ.opment Department March 9, 1987 II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS 6-o I. Upon review of Criteriathe municipal code, the recomrnends approval ofand denial of thepitch based upon Consideration of and Findings, Section 18.61.060 ofDepartment of Community Developrnentthe requested front setback variancerequested variance to the required roofthe following factors: Factors: i.rr,)orr'vr \ 'gl"c^' 5')['^ The_"rglagiolship of !he. recruested variance to otheg_gliistingor potential uses and d dr.'.",\ dl . dtu,.'r nih1"\l'n ,tL paved area of the parking lot and the beginning of theFrontage Road. It should be noted that the vi-inity plansubmj-tted.by the.applicant includes a totar of 5 lairei, vrbilethe ABD circulation plan indicates onry 4 lanes in this area.Given this illustrative, the staff feels that the variancereguested can be nitigated by providing landscaping off ofthe si-te between the property rine and the uegi;niig of thepaved surface of the Frontage Road. It is not typical that a design consideration such asrequiring pitched roofs is included in the zonins code.Nonetheress, the planning commission and Town corinciL saw fitto include this reguirement when the Arterial BusinessDistrict was adopted in 1982. The only property to beredeveloped since the adoption of this aistrict-has been thevail Professional Building. This structure was designed toconply with the required roof pitch. The Gten Lyon officebuilding has an approved addition that attenpts to addressthe irnpact of the existing.frai roof. This design incrudes asloped roof feature.that visuarry reads as a pitlhed roof.To approve this variance would affect the general directionthe zone district has taken with this redevelopnent andapproved addition to existing structures in thl area. The de ee to which relief frorn the strict and literalterpretation and enforcement of a snecessary to achieve compat and un f orrnit oftreatment amons sites in t e v]-c ni.tv or to attain theobiectives of this title w thout rant of special rivil ON IS The redesign of this structure has maintained the basicamount of square footage while atternpting to provide more\ oedestrian area on the front side of the-shop3. Coupled withp$ rrL"'lr;*'^"- iraving to position the.uuiiaing "ro".. to thl Frontage Roa.ld *,t\.,--o -\ because of new survey informatlon, this has resulted in the,.\.' ..,.LLn",r encroachment of .paved area into the required front setback.utn'- F'- r.. This is not unlike the previous setback variance that was d.r .,a-f ",1 r"*'^happroved in.January,.although the encroachment is somewhat '.,*k-r. greater. Given the information provided by the applicantrst--'- 0- . vicinity nap, it is felt that the intent oi the tiirascapebuffer can be met and will not be impacted through futureimprovements to the Frontage Road. while the isiue ofphysical trardship rnay be self-created through the size of thestructure proposed, it has been denonstrated that irnpactsresulting frorn this setback can be rnitigated. rt has been recognized that the triangular shape of the totcreates some constraints in its developrnent. However, withrespect to the roof pitch requirenents, it shourd be notedthat the.applicant has subrnitted previous plans showing adesign with a sloping roof. ft is the imp-ression of tf,estaff that the difficurties in designing a pitched roof tothe structure are driven by the size of the buildingproposed. As with the front setback request, there is littlein the way of a physical hardship to juJtify this request. :!' .{ However, in this caseto warrant support of there are no mitigating circunstancesthis variance request. The effect of the ested variance on 1i ht and airstributon and traff Neither of the two requested. variances affect any of theabove mentioned criteria. Such other factors and criteria as the commissionapplicable to the proposed vdriance. IIT. FINDINGS The Planninq--gnd__Envirelmental cornmission shal1 make the=----=-=-_---=-followina findinos That the granting of the variance wilr not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the Lirnitatio.r= oiother properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental tothe public health, safety or welfare, or naterialry injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literar interpretation or enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practicaldifficultly or unnecessary physical hard.shipinconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circurnstances orconditions applicabre to the sarne site of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in thesame zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulalion would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of othei properties inthe same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As has been stated in this nernorandum and during previousmeetings, the shape of this site creates some aitiicurties inits deveropnent. -However, the amount of square footage beingproposed is creating an equal, or greater, amount, of acilities \ )6" :' Q,u[1..--:tf;:lf" " tY*n*T;* * difficulty in cornplying with this zone districtrs developrnentstandards. The staff is comfortable with the requested frontsetback variance in light of the infornation provided by theapplicant. This information indicates that an arnplelandscaped buffer can be provided even with the ultirnatedevelopment of the South Frontage Road. With respect to thereguired roof pitch, it is the feeling of the staif that apitched roof could be accommodated on the stucture withs1ight reductions in the building footprints. While thestaff is in support of the requested front setback variance,our recommendation concerning the variance request to thereguired roof slope is for denial . L^^.,4 I /") Pi+=l &a,\\\rU*,. * ,8-e^- {/L^- \\tB }ro'-' '(-r*,'l) n"i/ * 'JLu J- D^> - / //"+ n-'/ 't.J& ^ot 4r^/a ? -}&- lJ- --1rr-,1t.*'-f- + y"*eL- APPLI CATION DATE OF DRB DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determinb if any additional information is needed. No appficat'i on will be accepted unless it is complete (must include ail items required by the zon'ing adm'inistrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additiona'l submittal requ'i rernents. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tjon wil'l streamljne the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is 'issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTiON: o DNE. 'h,z-/frr4EETri'lG: #4ffib'ol'tl -,v B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Lega'l Descri pti on Lot Bl ock Fi'l i ng Zonins fuJAL- bEtpF<. trl+tqtcr (AW) c. NAME oF APPLTCANT: w pttcal 6Ht" telephonefullQ-$ ESENTATIVE:757- /s?8 Address D. NAME OF Address E. NAME OF Si gnatur Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION Ol^lNE $o $ 10,001 $.50,001 $150,001 $500 ,001$ 0ver $ 10,ooot qn nnnY r/v tvvv( 1qn nnnv avvrvvv $ .500,000 $ 1 ,000 ,000 $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 telephonefulD!$ time a building permit 'is requested. rE.E. att Charles L. Biederman 5 Sunset f)rive Englewood, Colorado 80110 t/r'/t / Cen.tlenens Per your rsqu.at' Reglna Eledcrman haa orall-y ,"Stl?I!1f,I'9to BxBcuti the deatgn appllcatLon on behall of Vall Cotrn rclaL Partnerg. t an not a--ueuber of or generally authorlzcd to repreeent VCP, but arn aeeletlng in thr clrcunstenceg P€r your re-cruest bccause of the current unevallabtltty of thc partnerE' ffri"-rig""t,ira te provlded aB a tenporary acconmodation to you ln in-etfoit to facilitate a cetttenent of,-tha curr.nt dleputee-and a eale of the proPerty. Thls 3lgnature doee not ualve or altcr VCi;" rlghta ol cialnier tro! doeg lt rccognlz_e .any rlght you- or "ni otr,ei party uay ctiln to ttrg- prope-rty. Unll1 en acceptable ""itfenent'1t-reeihed, VCP wlll- feel ?rea to ttlthdraw thle coneent or othcrwlse -exarcise lte tlgbta as oHnsr of the property. AccordlnEly, any actlon or oth€r retlancc you rnay take ;ii-h iiipeat to the-pl6perly ullr be at your eole rLek' f&pa^; 00607 '( TRADE NAME VERIFICATION TO RENELI YOUR TRADE NAIIE, YOU }IUST RETURN THE TOI'ER PORTION OF THIS FOR}I BY JANUARY 31 . 1989. OTHERI'ISE, THE DEPARTIIENT OF REVENUEUILL CLOSE YOUR TRADE NAI,IE REGISTRATION. CORPORATIONS/tII.IITED PARTNERSHIPS THAT DO BUSIf'JESS UNDER THEIR TRUE CORPORATE/LII,lITED PARTNERSHIP NAI.lES SHOULD DISREGARD IHIS RENEIIAL NOTICE BECAUSE TRADE NAtIE REGISTRATT0N tIITH THE DEPARTMENT IS N0 L0NGER REQUIRED. Tear carefully along perforation and retain upper portion for your reoords. C.R.S.2.35-301 requires that tradc names must be registered witb the Colorado Deprrtment of Revenue effective July l, 1985. Trade name information is a public record. See the reverse of this form for more information. Regrstration No.: -21-716?9-OO0 Date tnde namc rcgistcrcd with Dcpt. ofRcvcnuc: z l?5186 'l rade Neme: I,AIL COI'IIIERC IAL PARTITIERS Addrcss of principd phcc of busincss in Color8do: 696 S C0L0 BL 500 ENVER C0 80222-0000 VAI L COIIf.lERC IAL PARTNERS5 SUNSET DR ENGLEIJOOD CO 80110 trincipal Ownc/r Narne (l)' I EDERI1AN RE6IftIA A Principrl Owner'r Addnsr (l): ; SUIiSET D R :N6LEt00D C0 80110-0000 Principal Ovnedr Nemc @): ;OULD HELAIN'E B innclPat iJvnct I ^'qqEs6 (4r: 12 EROOKVILLE LA L D B R0CKV NY 11 54 5-0000 ,. DR t?50 (587) ' ColoraCo DeDrrhcnt of Rcvcruc Tradc Namc RccistrdonI radc I\rmc Kcgl tlrrl,ron | 1375 Sherman Srcct..]- Denver. Colorado 80261 t.- (303)534-t8lo rll- INTER-OEPARTHENTAL REV I EI,I ; DATE SUBI.|ITTEO: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARTNG 6.?,ri C0frttEttTS NEEOEO B\z 6. l.X1 . ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Fa", 7,^^ - 4 ' Acur* t Po.-L.',..( FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Corrments: POLICE DEPARTI.IENT fg,J"r^c/ Jur;7^ l/"7-4+ Lbory Reviewed by: Cornments: Revie"red.by: RECREATIOII DEPARTT.IENT Date t '{r' Date ,"-ulf,*r Co6**'*> *'-/-s J" lLo-l! b' r J;**)<) ,-"',1 cD 6 t'+ Co;irents: COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIG lssuing aulhority application accePtancs dateAPPIICATION FOR STAT HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT lnstructions: - contact the Department of Highways or your local government to determine your issuing authority. - contact the issuing authority to determine what plans and other docu menls are required to be subm itted with you r application. - complete this f orm (some questions may not apply to you) & attach all necessary documents and submit it to the issuing authority. Submit an application for each access requested. - if you have any guestions contact the issuing authority.Ploese pdnt or typa 1) ProDerty owner (Permittee) \l lti - |t*ii'r*c-t tr- Aefl FL3;J. | ?'' Tflf-i-lr u (t.ila,l stre€t addr€ss. citv. 4714 /; €. 1-aawr>h-va. &trtP*str.e€t address, city,,ly776 nTL&*,trc-n&, I2a[,€H*Eho frvt-? l'W-af>b "tr:E^-t mEL Phone tt 'affi-nr) 3l Address ol Drooarty to be served bv permit {it known)' -liAi 'fuhat FiAnA@- fa^D lrJal.tJldc-,bLDFlib HAt 4) Legal dascriptaon ol propeny: counlv I subdivision blockItuLr- 3tF,81al#-I section| )'Z- townshio ranoe-T% | wltt)tot 5) What_gtFte highwayrlre you requ8sting access trom?*FlF'. ++16t+il*{ 1o - gstt+l 6) what side of the hishway? X^ O S O E D W 7l How many leel is the propossd access trom the nearosl mile pot-t or cross street?t-fu-t""t ( H 3'"1"@) r,.o. tlvr,wr frt+= 8) access E improvement to existing access Xcnange in access use Check here it you are requesting a E new access tr temporary 9) What is the approximate date you inlend to bsgin construction? a-)UUf t , 14ffi 10) Do you have knowledge of any Slate Highway access permits serving lhis property, of lor adiacenl properties in which you have a property interest. tr yes (no lf "yes" - what are the permit number(s)?andlot, permit date Does the'propgrly orlrner own or have any interests in any adjacont property? tr yes X no lf "yes" - please describe: 11) 12) Are there exisling or dedicated pubtic streets, roads, highways or access easements bordering or within the property? [. yes tr no ll "yes" - lisl them on your plans and indicate the proposed and existing access points. square lootage 13) business square footage business It vou are reouestino commercial or industrial access oleasg indicate lhs tvoes and numb€r of businessss€nd provide the tloor area square tootase ot each?fuRffiO f-fu G)J(* Vlfti /ffi$,5Er*) (L1) ffi)N:A gffi how many acr€s will the access Serve? 'tO, tt Vofrr4"qussting agricultural lield access 15) lf you ar€ requesting residential development access, - what is the lype (singls family, apartment, townhouse) 8nd number ol unils? r f, Nrtqf type number ot units lype number of unitg 16) Provide the tollowing vehicle count estimales for vehiclss that will use lhe access. L€aving property then returning is tyro counts. Indicat€ if your counts are peak hour volumes{or average daily volumes tr. # ot passensers c?23:8, "**"# of multi unil lrucksl.ItlJr # ot othsrvef,lfi * of sinole unil vehicles in excess ot 30 ltID t4 $e*# of tarm vefr&5;!d equipment)Tot l Counl ot All vGhlcl.t 17) Check with the issuing authorily to determine which ol the tollowing documents are required lo complate the review of your application. (pfansshould be no largerthan 24" x36") o) properry map indicating olher accass, bordering roads and streers. a) Highway and drivoway plan and prolile. l) Proposed access design. b) Drainage plan showing impact to the highway right-of-way. g) Parcel and ownsrship maps including easements. c) Map and lelters detailing ulility locations bstore and after h) Signing and striping plans. dewlopment in and along the right-oGrvay. i) Traftic control plan d) Subdivision, zoning, or devglopment plan. i) Prooi of liability insurance lf an access permit is issued to you it will state the terms and conditions for its use. Any changes in the use of the permitted access not consistent with the terms and conditions listed on the permit may be considered a violalion of the permit. THE APPLICANT DECLARES UNDER PENALTY OF PERJUFY IN THE SECOND DEGREE, AND ANY OTHER APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDEFAL LAWS, THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM AND SUBMITTED ATTACHMENTS ARE TO THE BEST OF THEIR KNOWLEDGE TRUE AND COMPLETE. Applicant ",n"rr'," r, ka . +b) r_'"'b/g/H ll the applicant is not the owner of the property, we req uire th is application also to be signed by the property owner or their legally authorized representative (or other acceptable written evidence). This signature shall constitut€ agreement with this application by all owners-of-interest unless stated in writing. lf a permit is authorized, the property owner wi(t+liq!$as the permittee. Propeny owner st"?^'""s/rt/ry P..vlour adlllona mry ba ut.d untll tuPPlLttraarhrualad 1t09 Golonaoo oEPARTMENT or urcx]s !APPIICATION FOR STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT lssuing authority application acceptance oale lnstructions: - contact the Department of Highways or your local government to determine your issuing authority.- contact the issuing authorityto determine what plans and other documents are required to be submitted with your application. - complete this f orm (some questions may not apply to you) & attach all necessary documents and submit it to the issuing aulhority. Submit an application for each access requested.- if you -have any questions coniact the issuing authority. Ptease Pilnt or tyPe 1) Prooeny owner (Permittee)\Auattndw -Ae6n$e 2) AoDlicant - | \r,/ uuktA 6,1*ptt) 1a'st>>fltn.*rnzstroet addross. citY.?ffi/n1.i;;'+.ilEsr' St ne- nD, fuarw-"'Hh*s> Frszzz T).AbtPhons state & zio/aeg.n bZoZ ffi^;tr\ 3l Address ot oroDertv to be ssrved bv Dermit (it known)lAl 1a'z-t frzis*<r.ql>'rD \lgf \!Ar (an&a>fi\74 townshiD ranoe*"+c4 t-elblYJ 4) Legal description ol property: county r subdivision block lotfuin- | ffi)<tr*E(1 I section| 17- 5) What state hiohr.tav are vou reouestrno access from?ltne- Nz6i*vLY' /)- stntl 6) What side of the highway?x"WnFIstr Check here it you are requesting a El new access E temporary access E improvement to existing access IX change in access use 8) e)What is the approximate date you inlend to begin conslruct o"r=h Ly tryl 10)Do you have knowledge ol any State Highwsy access permits servin9 thisFroperty, ot tor adlacsnl proparties in which you have a propeny/tr yes 9 no lf "yes" - what are the permit number(s)? and/or, permit date interast. 11)Do6s the proleny owner own or havs any interests in any adiacent property? ttr yes X no lf "yes" - please describe: 12'l Are lhsre existing or dedicated public streets, roads, highways or access easements bordering or within the property? { yes tr no lf "yes" - list them on your plans and indicate the proposed and existing access points. 13)li you arg requesting commercial or industrial access plsase indicate the types qnd numbe tootase ot each?#dryfu ?aax@fey Drn+ Mdbuiiness t ' square toolage how manv acres will the acc€ss serv6? 14) ll youllfficuesting agrrcullural lield access '15) ll you are reguesting rssidenlial dsvelopment access, - what is the typs (singlo family, apartment, townhouse) and numb€r ol units? { tr\Nl\ type number of units type number of unils 16) Provide the lollortring vehicle count 6slmalss lor vehicles that will use the access. Leaving property then returning islwocounts. Indicate il your counts are peak hour volum€slfor average daily volumes 0. # ol passengers€ars FniiH:t trucks # of multi unit trucks L]A1JF # ot other v€hicleslJrly # ol single unit vehicles in excess of 30 ttlD wE-\)Fs-# ot larm vehiqles (tiCld equipment)LbtF-Totll Count ot All galhlcl!. Check wilh lhe issuing authority to delermine which of the following documents are raquired to complete lhe review ol your application. (plans should be no larger than 24" x36"1 a) propsrty map indicating other access, bordering roads and siroets.a) Highway and driveway plan and profile. f) Proposed access design.b) Orainage plan showing impact to the highway right-ot-way. g) Parcsl and ownership maps including easements.c) Map and letters delailing utility locations betore and after h) Signing and slriping plans. dovelopmenl in and along the righi-ot-way. i) Tratfic control plan d) Subdivision, zoning, or dsvelopment plan. i) proot of liability insurancs 17') li an access permit is issued to you it will state the terms and conditions for its use. Any changes in the use of the permitted access not consistent with the terms and conditions listed on the permit may be considered a violation of the permit. THE APPLICANT DECLARES UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY IN THE SECOND DEGREE, AND ANY OTHER APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM AND SUBMITTED ATTACHMENTS ARE TO THE BEST OF THEIR KNOWLEDGE TRUE AND COMPLETE. Appricanfsisnature MaA +7),tt- Date , t6/t5/g lf the applicant is n ot the owner ot the property, we req u ire th is application also to be sig ned by the property owner or their legally authorized representative (or other acceptable written evidence). This signature shall constitute agreement with this application by all owners-ot-interest unless stated in writing. lf a permit is authorized, the property owner w(beJQleclas the permittee.,,o*"r"*^",",rfy'// ^z - - -,o"r///ry Prarlour adlllon, nry bc ur.d uDlll tuPplLt r?tarhrurt.d Fonn t/19 .,c LIST OF I'IATERIALS o NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: 1031 South Frontage Road lVest DESCRIPTION 0F PRO t"it Center with 38 Parking Spaces plus One Space for Loading /unloading 6 Trash Cotlection The fo'llowing information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING IIIATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Standing Scam Mct-t Ro f- n-'k B'"a"-o Sid'i ng Concrete Masnnry tlnits Smooth Face 6 Fractured Face Other tla'l 'l Materia'ls Srueeo sr"t.. Fasci a Soffi ts bli ndows lJindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F'lues F'l ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enc'l osureg Greenhouses 0ther PLANT IfiTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES 8E REMOVED Galvanized Stucco System Alrrminrrrn Starefront Light Bronze Staal NA Alnminrrm Qtorafrnn+ | ight Rran-e NA Metal To Match Adiacent Materials Paint to Match Adiacent Mbterials NA NA Concrete Masonry Units Smooth Face E Fractured Face NA Rock Ballast Light grays/browns 8. LANDSCAPING: Name of Des'igner: phone: Botanical Name Corrnon Name Quani ty Si ze* Picea Punoens Pinus Ponderosa Populus Trcmuloides TO NA Colorado Soruce Ponderosa Pine Quaking . Aspen l-lopa Crab 4 7t-121 l4 ?q ? 8r - l0l ?ll-3|| caI 1lll_?r cal for conifers. ' (over) *Indi cate ca]i per for deciducious trees. Indicate height \c PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name Ribus Alplnrrm Potentilla F rr r|-frrca C- h J un iperus Horizontalis B-Q Juniperus Jclaina tBuffalor Csrnus Stolon ifcra ., Common Name Alpine Cr rrrcnl Potanti I la Tammy J un ipers Blue Chip Junipers Buffalo J un ipers Red Twig l)a€rwoad - Quani tv ?r 40 72 ?q 11E Si ze #s #s {5 {5 #q Type Square Footage A c elr.rwnGROUNDCOVERS SOD As shown As shownSEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Fn+i'. .ite witt bc irri^ated witlr ln lutematie c.OTHER'LANDSCAPE Raised Planter FEATURES (retaining with integrated seati wa] 'l s ,fences,pools, etc.) P'lease specify.swimmi ng element.at scUlpture o L' Ti.tle f nsura.nce f:r-rmparrY c,f THANT{ Yfil_l FrlR Yrlt tR gSOaO Jarruar'1' I ? ' llu r L-Jr'de r'! Fti tYg*, o'SEi.I"fF:S A[tfJRE:;;'ii ! I ?G-c' Vl.:24i:l I -:j lfuart ENTERFRll:;t:'::PAFi i',f.lF Fi::,r-i I f ' I A i.:r iL;ti:-'.fr S,l lnil,ltBtg LAr'rnHARtt !,lF: 51 ERt'j :?9? I:.;. HARRI,SON llf;:t]v*'F , r:n Srl:lrl'i/ : iirr t rr ; r,TFlr,l- i-.)',.: EB:I f:At.i FArlrNr:Rt "IF'$ r.1i'rY F t; MINNESOTA TITLEA 5l i.l \i/ r r:l i.'ord Arv r dr. CO BO0C? .i i. .,,. r; . l6lL) 30th Strr:et 3i,.,1J,,'. CO ll0 3 0l LAND TITLE GLIAI]ANTEE COI/PANY South F r on r:9,: Rcad W. :'O. Bi-rr 35/ ".r,i, CO 8 1 c.5 7 1/ 6.22 t 1 r08 jt ii a,)) ) ilr.r,vL ', ai) tlll'/.-l I ; ..4. 3030 S. College Avenue Su ire 201 Fort Collins, CO 80525 48 2,09 I 5 710 (iplirrq S tr eet ir l.cv;occi, tlC 9l-,? I 5 232.:illl 3609 So. Wods "vort:t:.- .- , : L,r Lewood, Cti .J)')-' q!ti : "- I l9?O Cr,,r I :r' '- r S,.r i1c 2 r"- f l , r,,q 1rr, Ci) ,15 ?.C r .19 1 ,,.)!.-' [ ,.i: .'.!.rin ;' ,, r ^:,: r, CO 3C 134 Ii.1 1 .1(.rtlal i-1" !*D i i] !-.I.: ti.JAIii-,i.J i i i:- f(_vi.lpArr,\y Commitment To Insure lssued thraugh the }ffice of i). lr Eox 5J.1C Ctc'rvtr, CO 8021 / ]mmitmentTo Insure .1. i il'r-rtrr,:intr:nt -1970 flev I it[. INSUI]ANCI COl"4Pi\NY af tvllNNLS0iA, a f,4 ru'csirra cci0i]ri]ircn, nere n cailuil the Cofirppni, for a va'uabie consrdgiei or. ire;eb'; comnr ts t0 issre lti poi,cv or poircir.:s uf title insurance. as identllred in Smedul€r A. in favor of tle p()00srl0 lilsureo named rrr Scnedub A, as owner or mortgagee 0t the eslatc 0t -riirr-ril ;'')/; ri, r l,-.rLrtr! rr, l1't' i:n:l ,it "r.ribl:l ,.): r4f{,'irrxl to n Srtedule A. upon oaynrcrl ol lte prgr"ilrns an61 i itirril'is rrit',.'r.r, ail Subjeci io llre lrci'is ons oi Scheduies A and B and to lhe Cor:ditrons and Stro|lairons TrT'l {N Thrs Ccmn:itnrer! shail be eftective only when the identity 0f the proposed Insured and the amount or rhe .rt irr',,i t or l 1 ir,q r'1'r;161i11;,11 l0r havr: beer inserted in Slhtdult: 11 hlrnnf ly lfro llglr,pan'r eilher at tho time (rl ii r: ji\r,ar,'j8 ol ln:s cornrnrtnrent or oy subsequent en00rserner,i lh ! C0mmrlnrenl rs prelim;0ary to the issuance ot such poljcy or policies 0t title insurance and all habifiy and ob' 'iliiirfrs it:rsunder shall cease and terminate six months after lhe effective date hereof or when the-Frolicv ;. pr;1 r:;ir: r:ommrned for shall issrrr:, whrchever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such pohcy or p!r;[ i]s rs itol the fauit oi the conlpany. CONDIIIONS AND STIPUIATIONS 1 The term "morlqage", when used herein. sha!! incLde deed of trust. lrust deed, or other security instrunent 2. ll the proposed lnsured has or acqurres aclual knowledge of any detecl, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other mater atfecting lhe estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereo{. and shall fail tc disclose such knowiedge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liabrlity tor any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hefeon t0 tho ertr-rft tire f,66p;nr is prejudiced by lailure of the proposed InsureC to so disclose such kn0wledge. lf the proposeri Insured shall disclose such knowledge lo the Cotncany, or il the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge 0f any such delect. lien. encumbrance. adverse claim or other manel the Company al its opticri may arnend Schedule B 0f this Commilment accordingly, but such amendment shail not relieve the Cornpany from liability previously rncuned pursuant lo paragraph 3 of these C0nditions and Stipulations. 3 Liability of the Company under ttris Commitmenl shall be only to the named proposed Insurcd and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policl or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or {b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or {c} to acquire or creale the eslate or interest or mongage thereon cwered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies commined lo and such liability is subject to the insurrng provisions and the Condrtions and Stipulations and the exclusions from Coverage 0l the lorm of policy or policres commined ior in favor of the prooosed Insured which are hereby incorporated W reierence and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modilied herein 4 Any action 0r actions or rights 0f adion that the proposed Insured may have or may bnrq against the Company arrsing out ol he status of the title to the estate or interesl or the status of the mortgage thereon cwered by this Commitrnent must be based 0n and are subiect to the provisions of thrs Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ln addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusrons from Coverage above ref erred to, this Commitment is also subiect to the following: '1. Rights or claims of parties in possessron not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. 0iscrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachrients, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection 0f the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, laborormaterial theretofore or hereatter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires ol record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lN WITNESS WHEBE0F, Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating ofticer or other authorized signatory. r|TH INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOIA MINNESOTA 1fuwvq.zi$Y-ifr/ Atttlrorred Sonat"y -TIM Form 25t2 ASr&kfuryany i:i j. tl '1i l1t5;1-'; fr' "t ilr-- - j.ira."-J*i - ,-::.1 T /-i i-;' || r .:, 1 $] ,:' I i ,: r .'f i l. .r 1:.:; ) ti.' , F ,-, j .: r: , T a::: ll,.:r.t i ,c. ,"lr,i f4rr' l- '1,. ..'1. i- !:l T i:l ' !.jt',.-, 1,,.r., ' .::,ir i [:,r,,.-.i .,:;..;,.,..: f. r:.ir:.,- i- i ....a, i{;t:,: ,_ltrrr.ra.r.; F',i ) i,: i.:'.: i r-r t'.r* iSSrr€'J: and lpr "A[.T4" r.-tu!ner.s "i F0 I ic\. Fc,rnr B-1':r7A I Anr*n,Jed 1O-17-7Cr) rl,,:;,t, i.ril *1) | .1,:..'1.) t:i, (:,..i :t, j' 'r ( _rl, $i!.,'-'r,).i-ri) ;,t,'; i:.-, r.,.,.:: i i ("i, 1 -it-r.':i :) | f,; tir-: rl Fr:, € e 'l I rr -.,1f ?r d : \ F'r. ,'-, r,,i :-t .r, ,j I rr s r.r r'i-1 ,1 : VAII- ENTERPRifESJ F{;RTNERI1H I F' "A[.-TA.' l. uarr Po l i. cr.(1970 Rorvisiun) ..- Proaosed. I,nsur.ed!'.,;..,.. M'D HAN$A$ FFNERAL $4'7(:], Dtlr). Ofj SAVINBS ANF LOAN ASSFCIATIAN FF WICHITA VAIL CfJHHERCIAL PARTNERS, A T:I.II-NRATtf] |iTNFRAL P,XRTNF:RSHIP itle'to.the estate Dr lnter.est €rveretl fts'1s16 is a.t theeffer:tive date hereof yested inl AL"l A r::r-r f'l fi.l TtlEf'lT :r:.r:.1-lt.lll ll F ''J Appl i i:a.hi,:rr Nu. V1:'4::l -:l 5. Tfre larrd r'{-f L'r'r'€d tr in this t::* rTrnr i. t nr.: n t is ,les,:r.i l.r'rd as f ol I ,ruls: A FARr:Fl ':rF tANtr LLICATFn IN':;El: IIr_rt',J l.?, Trlt^lN:it-.t IF : ::;r:rr_rTH, riAN'jEgI I'EE:T NF THE /rTH F'RIFIII:IF'At. NFRITIIAN, I.:I:II-INTY i]F FAfiI .E" IiTATE r:lF L-:r:rLr:lRAnr:l, tlrlRE FARTIT:Lll_a\tlt .Y r!E5L::RIEEn Ai-. Fr.:rt t.r.tNF:: I::I:IT41"1P116'1*G AI A POINT ['N TIIE NL.IR-THERI.Y RII-JHT I:IF h.|AY L-INE I.IF I.I.5. HI6HWAY NIJ. I:,., IdHFNCE THE f'JI:IRTHF,A::;T I::I]RNER LtF SAIN :iEI]TTI.-IN I"-.J BEARS; NflRTH ::S T.IEI]REF.s CI7 I4INI.ITES EA€|T E7&,.P-I FEET; THENf]E :IOUTH 7:? LIEI3FEES; 45 MINIJTES NFE;T AI-UNLI SAIT-I NflR.THFRI.Y RIGHT CIF I,AY l.. INE A NISTANIiE [tF 75 FEHT TN THE TRIJE PT.IINT NF FFTiINNINCi; THENI]F NIRTH 1/..' DFI]iRFF5 45 MINI.ITE:i I^JEST TI.1 THE gNI.ITH R]CiHT CtF t,AY LINE I:tF INTEFf:TATE NII , 7fJ; THENT::F JN A :;BUTHI^IE-CTERLY TI IRFT-TI':!N AL,L-!NG THF 5I:II-ITI-I RIIJH'I NF WAY LINF t]F INTERSTATE NCI,7(' TCI THE FI-JINT I":IF II'JTER5FITJ|]N I.IF IHAT RITiHT CIF I^IAV LINE WITH THE NNRTH R]L-jHT IlF NAY L.IIJE NF U.5. HIIIHI^IAY NN. 6 ANN THENCE IN AN EASTERI .Y TIIREC:TIIIN At.fiNG THE I.JfIRTH RII.iHT NF T^IAY t:IF U.S. HIIJHIdAY NN. /:. TN THE PIJINT I:JF [4F[SINNINI:' L-:NUNTY NF EAELE, STATE BF CEII.ORAT.'O. PA6E Z AL"TA r.-.r:t f'1 MI-ft'tENt- :;;i.:llEI-rl..ll--E It-1 ( l-i.r: q r..r i r.+mi"rrts ) i\pp i j ra t i ':' rr N,:. Vl:'4;11 -:1 Thr: fc, I l,-rulins ar{: t frr:, r'c:qu i r',.:rren ts tc, L,e c,:'nrr'li*d Lui tfr: 1.. PA.l'rr(+rtt t,:, 'rr' f ,rr' the aCc':rurrt *f t l-r,-, gf irrt,tf s 'lr' nrnf tgA.gC,r'S ':' f tlr* ful l c'rrrsi dt+r'ati c,rr f c,r' th,* ,+st;rt* ,:r' int€r'est tr, L,g :i. rrsur'L',1 . 7.. Fr'c,per' irrs tr'r:nrerr t(s) ,:r'eati.ns the esta.t.! c'r' irrter'Fst t,r t,e i nsur'c:,'l nrust L'l: eHLr':utsd +rrd dt"t1i' f iled f r:r' r'{rcnr'd' t':-trti t: 3. RFLEASF ':rF rJEEfi ftF TRU::-:]- nATEn Ceptenrler. I1., l.?Ett:,, FRt:!l'l L-YNI{ r||]Rr.rl-HY VI:II.ITER TO THE PI.IBLIC TRLITiTEE NF EAIJI-E I]CJUNTY FNR THE I-I::E CIF VAIL NATIIINAI- FtANf,l TO :-:iEr:l..lRE THE iltlM r:rF $:-r:]O, OflO. OO REr.lDRnFn Spptenrher' 17, 1'.?liil:., IN F0|tl.i 44,8 AT PAGE 8A9. LL]AN RET-EA5E AND A5::LIMFTI']N AFRFFMFNT IN I:L-IIIJNEETII:IN NITH SAIN NFEN I-IF TRIIIiT tJA|i RE|--:IRrJFB fre,:ember.31, 1'-'lF6, IN EtLlCr],:455 AT PAI:E 245. 4. EVITIFNI:E 9ATISFAI:TfiRY Tfi THE CI]MPANY THAT THE TFRMS' CI:INIIITIIIN:3 ANN FRI:IV]SICINE: fiF THE TI]I^IN CIF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIFTI. 5. TRANE NAME AFFINAVIT trR GFNERAI. PARTNFRSHIP AGREEMENT LlF VAII. F,NTERPRIGE5 PARTNERSHIP, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP' NISCI.CISIN$ THE NAMHS ANN AT.INRESSES OF THE PARTNERE THERETN. h. NARRANTY NEED FRNH VAII. L:NMMERICAT. FARTNERF, A I:I:ILNRANfI GFNERAT' FARTNER..3HIP TCI VAlT- ENTERFRlSES PARTNERSHIP CCINVEYlNG FI-IB'IEI::T PRL1PFRTY. NOTF: TRADE NAI"IE AFFINAVIT RFDI]RIIHD fI*r-CrNhEr 3', II.IIiII:, IN B']NFi 4i;5 AT FAfiE 77 TIII:I:LI:IIiE!i REGINA A. BIETIERI'IAN, HEI.AINE B. fiOI.ILTt A}iN RONAI .T' !.I. TTYRNE TCI FE THF GENERAL PARTNERS I.-IF VAIL. DNMHERCIA|.. F-ARTNFRS' A 6F-NERAI PARTNHRL1HIP. 7. NEET' OF TRI.IST FREM VAII- ENTERPRIiES PARTNERSHIP TO THE FIJFI.IC TRLISIFE T.IF EAIJI..E CBI-INTY FI:JR THE I-I118 L]F MIB I.{ANSAS FENFRAL.:fAVINt]'r,l ANFJ LDAN A|::SNI:JATJI:IN FF WIt:HITA T[t F-;EC:LIRE THE St.lM r:rF $4?{r,(rOO.(r(r, I:I. DEEN EF TRI-I:]T FROM VAII. ENTFRFRISE$ FARTNERSHIP TD THE IIUFI-IN TRLII1TFE I]F EAGI.E CCII.INTY FOR THE I.I5E {:IF VAIL CNHHERCIAL PARTNERS' A CTJI .ORADO GENFRAI.. FARTNERSHIP TN SETjURF THE ';UH I:IF $31I-'5OC).{)O. THF CNUNTY CLERK ANN FEDTIRFERS OFFIfiE RFOUIRES RHTURN AENRESSES ON ECICIJI"IENTS $ENT FOR RET.:CIRNINGI! PAGE 3 i:t 1.._ T (-:.i r.- I.j i,l tl I i i'1 F l',1 l- :.:i[:HEI.rt..ll.E l--r--.] (F:::r:r:r't j '-' rr s ) Apel j.,::;.r t i ri i"r Fl ':t' . !J1 .:'4::i 1--::i F,AEE 4 A 1... T A i-. r:r 11 fi l 1 f'1 i: l\i I ::ir.:HF_l_rl_ll-E tl-.;j (F:,1,11.p1i,,.,ris ) Aspl i,:a.t i,:,rr N,:,. V1?431-:l T fr,- poj icr' rr' pc'licres tr, lir: issue,.J rr-ri I I cnrrta j. rr i::riaepti t rrs tg the tol I t,ui rrs urrless the samf; a r'e rli sp'-rsr?'l nf tn tl-re satisfacti r.r rr c,f t fre llic,nrpa rry i 1. Standard E :',: t: e p t i ,r rr s l. tfrr.rrupl-r Ii pr.irr tr.'J ,:' rr tfri* ,:,rvpr.sheef. 4'. Ta:"lr:r s ;\ rt d ass!?sFfTterrts r't't r'r?t ,'lrr'li: '1 r' Fa.i'r.h'l;+ i.tt,J iPe':i;rl assessrr€rrts rrot 1'€t aer'tif ir-.d t* hFrc: T r'q a. s rt r'e r' ' s atf i.cre. 7, Anr' rrnpaid ta:'.re-q nr' as6€ssnrents aqairrit si.i rJ larrd. 13. Li€ns for urrpa.id uJater' and serrter' ch;.r.Fes, i.f anr", ?. RII:iHT IIF PRTIPRIET|IR I:IF A VEIN flR I-CIIIE TO EXTRACT ANTI REI.'IOVE HI::i NRI: THERFFRI]I"I :::HI]I,ILN THF 5AI'IF L]E FI:.II-IIJTJ TI:] FF}.{FTRATE [:IR INTFRSF-CT THE FRFHIi-;ETl A5 RESERVFTI IN I..INITEIJ STATEE; PATENT RFCflR!-JET-I JIIECC:Nrt.,:r ??" 1P?(I, IN B[tf.IPi ?3 AT PAL1F 4'i. TO. RIGHT OF I.IAY FI]R NITT:HF::.: I]R I::ANAI ::; I::I1N:fTRI.II::TFN FY THE AI.ITHflRITY BF THE I.INITEN E;TATES AF REE;ERVETI IN I.INiTETI ::;TATF:: F'ATENT REIC]RT]FD I]ecemt'er. iI9, 1:7;IO, IN BL]OP:. '7:: AT FAGF 4?. 11. EASE]"IF:NT F']R INGRESB ANB EGRESS FI:IR THF BF:NF:FIT I:IF THE LANTJ AtrJNININB TD THE EAST I.JF $AIN PARCEL AS RESERVFII IN I4ARRANTY DEEB RF.I:ORDFB AIJGUST ?S' T?78 IN BODI{ ?73 AT PAIJF 9?F. 1i. FIJL:RL'IAI:HMENT I:IF WI]fiN NEI:}I: ANN HNT TI-IF I:INTI] INTER:iTATE HIEHI'AY 7':) RIGHT I]F I,,AY AS I::HBWN ON II'IPRTIVEI"4ENT LNtrATI[tN J::F.RTIFIE:ATE NI:I, V?'.jl15 BY INTER-MOUNTAIN ENIJINEFRINI], LTT'. 1.3. ENCROACHMFNT 'fF TWO-STL:]RY Ht.ET:F:: ANN HI:ICIN FRAI'IF BUII.NIN{T NNTfI INTERSTATF HIGHI'AY 70 RI6HT NF LJAY AS SHCII,JN NN IHPRNVEMENT LfiCATTCIN CFRTIFIf]ATE NO. V??115 EY INTER-MI.:IUNTAIN ENIiINFFRING' I.-.TN. I4. ENCROACHMENT fiF TI,ITI-STORY HNfiI-'i FRAMF TJI-.III.T.IING ANf' I,.T.IOII PCTRCH ANtr RETAININft WALL |]NTI:I INTERSTATE 70 RIGHT If,F t^,AY A:J 5H|]WN NN IFIPRI.IVFI,IENT I-I.ICATION CERTIFICATE NN, V??I TS FY INTER_MI.ILINTAIN ENI-iI11EgP1'O, LTI]. 18. ENCROA|-:HNENT CIF FROPANE TANF; ONTLT INTER:iTATE HII:HI,AY 70 RI'JHT NF hJAY A5 SHOWN CIN II.IFROVEMENT LOCATIfiN CERTIFTCATE V!J?l18 BY INTER-HT.ILINTAJN F.NGINEERINI.f' LTN. PAGE 5 ALT r:rll"l NITI''1 ENT FJI:HENUI.E F-i: ( Except i arrs )Appl i cat i orr N,:. Vl ?431-S '*. g11[Rr.rAcHt,lENT 0F Woc|D RETAINING t,JAt-t.s 0NTo U.s HIGHHAY 6 RITjHT c|F l,lAY A.q SHOI.,IN If,N II"IPROVET'IFNT LOf,ATION CERTIFICATE V??11S BY INTFR-HOLINTAIN ENGINEERINCi' LTN. ITEMG !,2, ANN $ OF THE STANBARN EXCEPTIBNE WILL BE DEI.ETED FRNI.I THE t"lttRTfiAGEES TrTLE pnt-Icy UpCIN RECEIPT CrF A SATI$FACTORY FURVEY. lTEl'l ll4 tlll-l- BF ITFLETEn t-lFrlN RECFIPT CIF A SATISFAflTnRY LIEN AFFInAVIT. ITFJ',I *F I^IILL BE EIEL.ETED IF THE CCFIPANY RECORNS THE ITEMS REAUIREE ITNBER SCHEEULE F-l #il:iN.-rrEr,t *6 AND 7 r^frLt- FF Ar"rFNnFn rn REFI.FCT THF TAx sTATtls AT THE TII.|E 0F Pol-lcY. ITEI'| *g t.tIL,L FE nE|.ETED UPI]N RF:GEIPT fiF $ATI$FAnTnRY EVIDFNCE THAT NO WATER ANN SFhJE'R CHAR$ES ARH EI'IINfi. NOTE: SAIfi sURVEy 1.tU5T SET nUT THE F:ASEHENTS SF:T FnRTH IN SCHEnIJI.E E-2 HEREIN. PLEA.SE FRNVIDE LAND TITI.E GIJARANTFF I:fiMPANY I^IITH THE NAME OF THE $URVEYINC COHPANY ANII I,IE I^'TI.L FENB T.:NPIES ITF THE NECEFSARV NN':UHENTF. t H / PAGE 6 _ -/"#qffi*, Project Application P6 6aV Slzzt> //-a4/ Prolect Proiect Contact Name: Description: Person and (4 tr/bsr Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Molion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL S*o- Yata^t (nPf /P nq \(ti\\$ \\-\t .{\ \$,js \{ \ .{\\$ \i.t\\ \t \{U\ ,\\{ j* sY \-{ K q (JI Aq v h('/+u "-/ -\"i ,{ }a/L-JJ J *f.^ . ,-rQt I !\f /\ { /q,/' .,ft{ ( , \*'l' ,n (A' nl {f't,^,y''" l'1) / (,",Y' l' ,{^e \^/' ,f t"{4 -,/f,1 K) \ \-- -\ \ F \R. 5vb\lvY*\+ \$ q- \- \J \.,\\st -:L iri! <n $[. t*\g\,\ O o -r 5\--{ul t-:loo -f,JL)a X;P$*<1 ;\F \i\<\J---5\.-t - "t- a-.-aq- '\ 5€/=.'--v 2---s )d.\t)>- -<... -rA-\ ,}. a1\y '-+ o IPP DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: t****t**** TEIS IPPLICAIfON rILL NOE Bf, TCCEPTED oNrrl. rrL REQUI*.O..tIr.O.1'I|JrOX rS SttBlrrTlED I. A. DESCRIPTION:LrNnrS \-oL nE0NOV zz|es\ O rcviaed gla.lgL LICITION - lOnN Otr VAIL' COIOR,ADO B.TYPE OF REVIEW: n New construction (S200.00) X Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)eptual Review ($0) ADDRESs. I u3t 5'c- LEGAT DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. F.LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing fot area. NAME OF APPLICANT: \y'lLU\ Mailing Address: Yo u- -t-.of',o ' Q\ must provide a current "-€fOAr.*- H. I. J. K. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone NAME OF OWNERS: V\v e^J stN Ns.\ SIGNAITIRE (S) :Mailino Address:V+\v -c-^: r?' {\' Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of onn application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATTON$ o - $ 1o,ooo $ 10,001 - I 50,000 $ 50, oo1 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - s 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ over $1.r 0001 000 FEE s 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 s200.00 9400.00 ss00.00 * DESIGN RE|IIIETI BOARD IPPRO\TAT. EXPIRES ONE YEIR IT'TER TTNAIJ TPPROIIAL T NLESS l' BUILDING PERIIIT IS ISSI'ED AIID CONSTRUCTION IS SIARTED. **NO APPI.ICATION TfItL BE PROCESSED I|IEEOT'I OWNER'S SIGNATT'RE o :::::]:: TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM uc'0 NOv 221991 DATE: --l''1j ;,',.. ,ll :::: ::: ::::: i:::: ::' iCCOUXi UO. ,l ,'.i :, , ,., , ., ,,, : . ,, . ,,, ,' ,, ,, IIEM .,, , : ;,': ,. i ,,: iii iti ,i ,:: , , :i ii ;;' :i ;,: i ,i , .iilO', ,, ,,;i:. 01m0041330 COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES fn).CO 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 42415 IJNIFORM BI'ILDING CODE $50,00 0l 0000 42415 IJNIFORM PLI'MBING CODE $36.00 0l 0000 42415 IJNIFORM MECHAMCAL CODE $32.00 0r 000042415 I.JNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 0r 0000 42.15 NATIONAL ELECTzuCAL CODE $30.00 0l 0000 42415 OTHER CODEBOOKS 0l 000041548 BLIJE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 0refn,o42412 )GROX COPIES /STTJDIES $0.25 0l 0000 42371 PENALfi FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0t ffio42322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 01 0000 41330 OTI{ER FEES 01 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 0r 0000 ii riiii :iii:: i;.i,i ,N'\t {b.tf o ootrlxo-{11a6fip5>POta0\sC13-{trrsCafi {o 0\a U)I -11 Ia IoIfiloI rroCo ffi{ F o CI UIoTo {a >=oPr$$#$E8 frs q Tr>I\s sh SN asF \nai.g {mOXr9 3frz$r U) Ut -, r\ -tL\.r -r) (. 5€o<|74r/| ^ ) D-'n ''<ro J ' \'J O rcvLsod sl4lst COIOR,ADO I. DRB IPPLICTIION - toltN Of VLI!, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING; ***!r****** TAIS IPPLICf,TION WII.& NOT BE TCCEPBED ttNEIL AllL REQUIRID INTORHIEION IS SUEUIAIED********** PROJECT INFORI4ATION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: G. c. D. H. I. If property is described by a meets and bounds lega1description, please provide on a separate sheet andat.tach to this application. zoNrNG: fl?TE4EL Qus ueSS LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. must provide a current NAl,rE oF APPLTqANT. Lo r'r,'i iuT ''LT-o Mailing Address: NAIUE OF APPLICA}IT' S REPRESENTATIVE :N[A Mailing Address: Phone NA}!E OF OWNERS:I rli\ ,4 \,\- FEEI 20.00 $ s0.00 9100.00 9200.00 $400.00 $500.00 PROCESSED TIIEEOUT ONNER' S SIGITATI'RE 1 /LJ,-i"tr TSIGNATI'RE (S) :Mailing Address: Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are t.o be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of VaiIwill adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ o - $ 1o,ooo s10,001 -$ 50,000I 50r 001 - $ 150,000 9150,001 - $ 500,000 9500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1r 0001 000 * DESICIq g,EVIE!' BOIPJ) AP9P.(}VEL EXPTRES ONE YEIR A"FTER TINAI APPROIIAI. UNI.ESS A BUII,DING PIRMII IS ISSqED AND CONSTRUCTION IS ST}RIED. **NO .IFPI'.ICATION I|II.I. BE .,1. K. New Construction ($200. OOI )fir'linor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: !05 t 5o-'iN F,.^4A\r- {L"t \,.-,i si LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOI Subdivision fcia lrrrc.aeD BIock ./{tr L&\Lt. J i,--'o,f i,*.*,u. FC( b | ,l ,2 ))r ''t-/ "'tu ''T .-:{ STA|E O OLCI1ADO OEPARTMEI{T OF HIGHWAYS 714 Grand Ave., P.O. Box 298 Eagle, Colorado 81631-0298 (303) 328-6385 l.larch 3, 1991 Kanden GrouEr Post Office Box 1059 Edwards, CO 81532 Attn: Mr. Mike Combs Re: Temporary Road Improvements at Cascade Crossing Gentlemen: On February 25, 1991 I inspected the temporary 'tork that has been done. lhe asphalt was not placed in a professional manner and some of the drainage problems were not comPletely corrected. The improvements, however, should be sufficient for a short period. Therefore, this letter is to declare accePtance of the temPorarywork. The temporary improvements must be replaced with permanent improvements as outlined in the permit. Construction of permqnent improvements should start as soon as weather allows in the spring and will be completed by June 30 , t99t. Very truly yours, J. Bryce Sanburgliwy. Mtce. Supt. III A. A. PierceSr. Hwy. Mtce. Supv. a/^Ft r ^ b-' r(-rrQA-.-\'l '--L-*-\ ' f= - .z\*\\ - E. E. Hill Hwy. Utce. Supv. xc: Sanburg/Drieth Dunn P ierce /Hi 11 P-19 FILE COPT 75 Soutb Frontage Roail Vail, Colorailo 81657 t 0t -479 -21 3 I / 47 9 -21 39 D epartment of Community Deoelopment July 6, 1992 Mr. William VonSchneidaw Cuitre lntemational, Ltd. 1031 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: June 8, 1992 PEC Meetlng - A request for a Condltlonal Use Permlt' to altow a use not conducted entlrely wlthln a bulldlng, speclflcally' the exterlor sale of produce, at Cultre, Cascade Crosslng Betall Center, 1031 S. Frontage Road West. Dear Mr. VonSchneidaw: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the June 8, 1992 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting at which your conditional use permit request was approved. The attached copy of the minutes will serve as your record of the conditions of approval. Please note that the approval of this conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from approval (June 8, 1992). lf approval of this conditional use permit lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, fu4 /4-. :k\ Andy Knuiden Town Planner Enclosure / 4. Applicant tb investigate and resolve any liability issues which may exist with the Town in allowing this use of Town-owned land. 5. Snow removal plan for this dining area must be approved by the Public Works Departmenl. Applicant may be responsible for snow removal, The PEC further requested staff ask the DRB to closely review he quality, color and materialof the umbrellas, tiables, pots and plant material. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 5-0. 7. The next item on the agenda was a request for a Conditional Use Permit, to allow a use not conducted entirely within a building, specifically, the exterior sale of produce, at Cuitre, Cascade Crossing Retail Center, 1031 S. Frontage Hoad West. Applicant Vail Enterprises, Inc. represented by William VonSchneidaw Planner: Andy Knudben Andy Knudtsen, Town Planner, presented this item to the Commission, stating that the applicant intended to put a farmer's market operation outside of his business location in Cascade Crossing Retail Center. Andy stated this would be in operation until November 1, 1992. The addition of the tent and bins would take up two parking spaces from the retail center. Additional signage would not be allowed. The Commission questioned the applicant on the use of the red and white striped tent. The applicant stated that the tent would not be used on a regular basis, as he used the tent in his catering business as well. Dalton Williams stated that he didn't feel specific days of operation should be limited and that the approval should be for 7 days a week. After some discussion, Greg Amsden made a motion to approve the request with conditions as outlined in the staff memo and amended by Dalton Williams. Specifically, the conditions were: 1. The applicant shall not erect any advertising signs.2. The applicant shall not use more area than 20'x2O'for the tent and sale of produce. 3. This conditional use is valid until November 1, 1992.4. The applicant may operate the conditional use seven days a week. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. 8. A request for a major subdivision, Forest Glen, located on an unplatted 7.5 acre parcel generally located east of Nugget Lane and soufi of Gore Creek. Applicant: Timberfalls Associates, Ronald H. Riley Planner: Mike Mollica Plannl4 rnd Envlmnmsntal Commlssion Meeling, June 8, 1992 t'a't'a'a a I ! "O"t '!b Ira a*! 'o"t' !'a a oa-a t.a -- -l I'a 'O f /.1p7.-r/r . "r/J Sr[-r,A ,"/ *? ,r ? nkn .,)^ /# L--/- c.-zt?,L\ th ' Z,tL 4 .-. /.{ 7 g/,-,r'B"/ QJt L"// /e/'''//"* 2 fr"k ?A xto - >or Fzv)Af= so$ 1 t,t"1 4 -Z-.^ -A- r..1 ) J" J-"n"'/ --f --..-7 .2 l_,, kA ,'--->^/- "': O ft'.^ 1* *& 4,,yo'-t'^3 ,,.-, 17,,/ fr 4 ,v( s,lo^4? \i,'$q*i*ti \ wptifiN ,-)/--. - ,,r GEH, L. L' C.;{"t'- no4tuk oI -,., a' a' a'e a't e' I J a J--U' {'4 -Jo t- --= -j a^ - --11 _4, on )' Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Lesal Descriptio n, u, CffiCMaro Com ments: Design Review Board ./ Darc 6-/7-72 DISAPPROVAL Town Planner \- / /,n,/a.,n*o (2// /t z z- E Statt Approval '{PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION June 8, 1992 Present Greg Amsden Chuck Grist Dlana Donovan lGthy langenwalter Dalton Wlllams Absent Gena Whltten Staff Kristan Pritz JillKammerer Andy Knudtsen Mlke ilolllca Shelly iiello illary Caster The meeting was called to order at 1245 p.m. by Chairperson Diana Donovan. 1. Worksesslon on progress made on he Town ol Vail Water Quality Study lor Non-Point Source Pollution. Presonlers: Lane Wyatt, Northwest Council of Govemmenb Susan Scanlan, Town ol Vail The PEC viewed a video which explained tho basics of non-point sourcs polluton. Staft then explained the progress of the study to date and the direction to be lollowed in the future. A general question and answer session followed to address speciflcatons. 2. A request for a worksession for a minor subdivision and a zone dlstric{ change from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Denslty Multiple Family, for the Schmetrko property, generally located at 2239 Chamonix [ane. Applicant: Erich SchmetskoPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Public Hearino 3. Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to adjoum to Exeailive Session and Dalton Williams seconded the motion. A unanimous vote was taken and he Plannlng and Environmential Commission then adjourned to go inlo Executive SEssion to discuss legal matt€rs wih Larry Esl$vith, Town Attorney. 4. The next item on the agenda was a refenal lor TOV Comments trom the United States Forest Service Regarding a Proposed Request for an 80' Tall Tower to be Erected at the End of the Runaway Truck Ramp in East Vail. t Applicant: U. S. West Netir Vedor/Cellular One Represenled by Larry Storms and Dave Rudder Planner: Andy Knudtsen Dlana Donovan stated that hls would be an Informatlonal dlscusslon only and lE sole Inlent was to provide information to the applicants regadiry issues to be ad<lressed In the EnvironmsntalAss€ssment. Andy Knudtson, Town Planner, lntroduc€d the applicants and rwiewed the reqrest. Andy explalned the review process, stating that the Forest SeMce was seeklng iryut at this llme from Interested parties wlth concems. Once all oonosms had been ldentified, an Envlronmentral Assessment would be wrlfien evaluating them. The Forest SeMce had saH that lt would drculate the completed EA to the Torn in approximately mld-Jufy lor revlew and commsnt. Andy then stated tho qJn€nt position of the Town of Vall, ryhlch was that: The Forest Service has indicated to the Town that in their oplnlon they are not required to conform to Town zonlng or building ordinances before allowing Cellular One to commence construction of the tower. lt is the Town's position that Cellular One must comply wlh all Town of Vail ordinances, induding those controlling zoning and bullding before commencing construction ol the tower.' Though this was the position of the Town, Andy said that comments about the tower were stll appropriate, as the concems nesded to be included in the Environmential Asssssment. The applicant for U.S. West Vector Cellular, larry Storms, then addressed the Commission. He iclentified the specific site and said his firm may not be constucting a cell site at this location until some time In thE future. Dave Rutter, Senior Vice President of the Walter Group, addressed the Commission. He said that his company deslgned ths system lor Cellular One. He stated that several sites had bssn revlervEd tor this prolect and the proposed site was the most beneficial for hls company. He stated that this would consist of two 80-foot towers. He then oflered photographs of the slte generated by a computer whlch showed the tower. The Commission quesUoned what color the proposed bwers would be. Mr. Rutter stated that any color the Commission desired of would be what he would provide. The Gommission questioned he visibility of the generator, propane tanks and buildings. They also had questions about impacts from a portable generator. Mr. Rutter stated that the building would be screened by trees and would not be visible from Highway 6. Diana then called for questions or comments from the public. The first porson to speak was Art Kleimer, 5174 Main Gore Drive. Mr. Kleimer stated that his residence is dlrec0y in llne with the proposed tower and that lt was clearly vlsible from hls home. He invited the apdicants to his home to see for themselves how much of an impad this tower would have on his view. He felt that the community needed to work together to prevent suc{r things lrom being allowed in the Vail area. He stated here were other sites hat could be used and dkl not feel it should be located at the propossd site. He also stated he felt this site would distub the wildlife in the area, as there would be a need to maintrain the equlpment located here. Erlc Berg, 5195 Main Gore Drive, addressed ths Commission, stating he was not opposed to progress, but felt that a I 5. more appropdab place could be found and telt that more time needed to be allorted to look br altematlvo sftes. Rick Rosen, Business Orner, 1000 S. Frontage Road West, stated he felt the Commission nseded to work wlth he Forest Serulcs and everyona In the valley for a workable solution for a tower, stating fiat there is a deflnlte noed to provide betler cellular blephone service in East Vail. Richard Devo€, 5185 Main Gore Ddve, submitted a letter to the Gommission exprassing hls oonoems wih the tower. Rica ilor.rw, 5084 Maln Gore Drive, addressed the Commlsslon, statirp that she agreed with the other resHents In the area and exprcssed an additional ooncgm about noise and access b the facilig, as well as mitBation and linal landscaping of the distulbed area. Dalton Williams encouraged everyone b go up to the proposed site and actually see where the bwer would be located. Hs stated that previous towers at Red Sandstone Scfrool orowd to be hldden from the slte of vlewers. Dave Rutter stated h€ pole would be 12' In dlameler at the top and 2 teet at the bottom and would be a pole, not an adual tower. The Gommlsslon asked Dar/e Ruter to put balloons up where the tower would be before he Town Council went for a slte visit on Tuesday, June th. Dalton Williams stated hat the height was an issue as well as ths appearance of the tower. Greg Amsden stated that he had walked approximately 150 yards lrom he proposed site to a location where he could see Snovrrshoe Lane and Maln Gore Drlve and that because of thls distance, the bulldlngs would not be likely to be seen from Maln Gore Drive. He was still concemed about fie tower though. He also questioned he uss of lighting. Tim Granham, from tre U. S. Forest Service, then stated that they were soliciting public input regarding this matter whlch would be welghed very carefully before any decisions were made as to granting the use of his propsrty. The Planning Commission encouraged residents to be at the site when the Town Council made their site visit June 9th. Diana thanked all concemed for heir input and said he Town looked lorward to reviewing the proposal lurther after the EA was completed. The next item on the agenda was the PEC notification concerning a minor arnendment to SDD lH - Cascade Village Arsa A, Cosgriff ParceUThe Cascades, generally located south of Millrace Condominiums and west of The Westin Resort, Vail, to allow a maximum building height of 36 feet and to modify the existing approved landscape plans. Applicant: East West Partners, represenled by Ned GtvathmeyPlanner: Shelly Mello Shelly Mello, Town Planner, presented the item to the Commlssion. She stated hat there had been no alteration to the basic intent of the approved SDD and that the proposed modificatlons were consistent the design criteria of the SDD. After some discussion, the Commission consented to he staffs recommendation for approval. The next item for discussion was a request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an 3 6. outdoor dlning deck In the Parklng Dlstrlct at 395 E. Llonshead Circle/Uonshead Parking Stuc{ure Auxlllary BulldirBrt/ail Uonshead 1st Flllng. Applicant: Avon Subs, Inc.lSuhray represented by Jim Comerbrd Planner: JilllGmmerer Jill Kammerer, Town Planner, presented the item to lhe Commlsslon, stiating that the statf was recommending approvalof his request witr conditons, as listed In the staff memo dat€d June 8, 1992. She stated that he staft felt thls r€quest would bring steet life to the area proposed, and the publlc would be able to use the seatng as well as the patrons ol the Suhray. The applicant would also be requested to provid€ outdoor potted danb and umbrellas to he area. Bob Lea, representing the applicant, stiated he owned a Suburay location in Dillon and felt the proposal would benefit hs gsn€ral public as well as tie business owner. There was no irput from the public. Kathy Langenwalter stratEd she was In favor ot the proposal as long as thers wers no problems with snow removal in the winter, should the applicant cfioose to leave the tables up during hat time. Chuck Crist and Dalton Wlliams 4reed wlth l(atry's comments. Greg Amsden stated a concern over pedestian traffic; Dalton Wlliams lelt that the tables would be located far back enor4h lrom the walhray that his should not be a concern. Greg Amsden also lelt hat the staff should look Into the llabllity Insurance conoerns before going ahead with this proposal. Dlana Donovan stabd that she wanted to insure that here would no additional expenso to the Town for snow removal and that Public Works would need to give their okay to allorving he taues to remain during the winter months, if the applicant chose to do this. She also stated that the Design Revlew Board should approve the design of the benches and tables and felt the applicant could come up with a more appropriate design. She also falt he neurspaper stiands could be relocated in that area. Kristan stated that Mike Mollica and Andy Knudtsen wer€ working on a study relating to ne$rspaper stands throughout the Vail area and would be presenting the Commission witr a study in the near futrre. Kathy langenwalter then made a motion to approve this request sublecl to the following conditions as listed in the staff memo dabd Juns 8, 1992, and ths concorns discussed at this meeting: 1. The dining area tables will be placed on the paved skJewalk area immediately adjacent to the buildings. 2. The applicant will install table umbrellas and 5 pott€d plants In conjunction wlth this conditional us€ approval. Th€ pots In which fte plants are to be located shall be 2-3 foot in diamebr/square. There shallbe no adverlisement on ths umbrellas. 3. Ou6oor dining area may be oporated year round. However, potted plants will be removed during the winter. 4. Applicant to investigate and resolve any liability issues whlch may exist with the Tovn in allowing this use of Town-owned land. o 5. Snow removal plan for thls dlnlng area must be approved by the Publlc Works Deparlment. Applicant may be responsible for snow removal. The PEC fuithEr r€quested stafl ask the DRB to closely rsvlew the quallty, color and material of the umbrsllas, liables, pots and plant material. Chuck Crlst seconded th€ motlon. A vote was taken and the moUon passsd unanimously, $0. Andy Knudtsen, Town Planner, presented thls lbm to the Commlsslon, staung that the applicant Intended to put a farmer's markst operation oubide ot hls buslnsss location In Cascade Grosslng Rotail C€ntsr. Atdy statsd thls would be In operaffon until Novsmber 1, 1992. The addition of the tent and bins would take up two parking spaoes from the retail center. Additional slgnage would not be allowed. The Commission questloned the applicant on the use of the red and whlte sfflped bnt. The applicant stated that he tent would not be used on a regular basls, as he used tho tent in his catering business as well. Dalton Wlliams stated that he dftJn't feel spedfic days of operation should be limlted and that he approval should be lor 7 days a week. Afbr some discussion, Greg 966"n made a motlon to approre the request with conditions as outined In the staff memo and amended by Dalton Williams. Specifically, the condltlons were: 1. The applicant shall not orect any advertising signs.2. The applicant shall not use more arsa than N'x20'lor the tont and sale of produce.3. This conditonal use ls valid until November 1, 1992.4. The applicant may operale he conditional uss seven days a week. Chuck Crist secondod the motion. A vote was taken and the moton passed unanimously. A request for a maior subdlvislon, Forest Glen, located on an unplatted 7.5 acre parcel generally located east of Nugget Lane and soutr of Gore Creek. Applicant Timberfalls Associates, Ronald H. Rlley Planner: Mike Mollica The applicant had not arrived as yet and the Gommission moved on to th€ next itsm on the agenda. 10. A requesl for approralof a modlflcation to th€ llnal phase at Vall Point, 1881 LionsrkJge Loop RoadAot 1, Blod( 3, Lbnsridge Fllirq No. 3. Applicant Steve @nslerA/ail Polnt Condominlum Assocfaton Planner: Jilll€mmerer JillKammerer, Town Planner, revlewed he staff memo with the Planning Commlsslon. Shs stated that this lbm would be rEvlewed by the VaitTown Council on JunE th. Jill reiterated the modifications that had been made to he developrnent plan and the recreaffon amenities package, Induding a bt lot to be consfuded. The apfllcant was also present at the hearing and volced his consent to all condi[ons of approval. After some discussion, Dalton Wlliams made a motlon to approve he modilicdons to Vail Point and Ghuck Crist seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motlon passed unanimously, 5-0. A request lor a malor subdivision, Forest Glen, located on an unplatted 7.5 acre parcel generally located east of Nugget Lane and souur of Gore Creek. Applicant: Tlmberlalls Assoclates, Ronatd H. Ritey PlannEr: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica reviewed he proposed r€quest, stating that the proposal would reduce the overall density on the site, mitigate the potential debris hazards and landscape tre entry to the project. Mike stated hat the applicant had been very coopera$ve with the Town in followirq through with the project and that all the issues had been rcsolved in the SDD preliminary plan. Staff recommended approval of the request witr the conditions that tls plal would not be spned untll the school fee was pald, the Subdivision lmprovements Agreement was executed, and the wetlands issue is resolved. Mike stated that Ron Riley, he applicant, is working with the Corps of Englneers to resolve the wetlands lssue. After contnusd discussion, Dalton Williams made a motion to approve this request for a major subdivision per the staff memo/conditions of approval. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. A vote was tiaken and the motion passed unanimously, 5-0. A request for a setback varlance to allow the construcffon ol an entry gate at the Pelerson Residence, 332 Beaver Dam Clrcle, Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicanl: Jay K. Peterson Plannsr: Andy Knudben Andy Knudtsen, danner on thls project, revietved the request with the Commission, stating that the goal of the applicant was to construct an entry gate teading to the €ntrance of the secondary unlt and to accantJate he pahway at the front. The statf recommended denial of this request based on the Criteria and Findings section of he staff memo dated June 8, 1992. lt was slaff's bellef that there was no physical hardship or extraordinary circumstance that would Justify a variance. Staff believed that the goal of the applicant could be achieved by changing the design in such a way that no variance would be needed. Tho staff and the Commisslon both complimented 11. t o the appllcant on the owrall prolect. Greg Amsden expressed hls feeling hat an altemaUvs solutlon coukt have beEn reached when the flrst remodellng plans were drarn up and felt fiat thls request could not be based on a hardship. Kathy Langenwalter blt thls rvould be a granffng of speclal privilege b allow the appllcant to proceed with thls r€quest. The applicant, Jay Peterson, stiated that the property had sold, ard thal he may appeal hls request to the Torn Councll or oome up with an altematlve plan. After some dlscusslon, Kathy Largenrvalter made a moUon to deny this request based on no hardship. Ghuck Crlst seconded the moton. A vote was taken and the motlon passed unanlmously, 5-0. 12. A request lor the establishment of a 60 or 90 day revlew period for an extsrior alteraUon ln Gommerclal Core ll, tor the Llonshead Center Building commerclal expanslon, 520 E. Uonshead Circle, Lot 5, Block 1, Vall Lionshead Flrst Flllng. Andy Knudtsen, Torvn Plannor, reviewed this request wlth the Commlssion, stating that this was an applicatlon being submitted for the CCI and CCll bl-annual submittal prooe$s and he rccommended a 90day reviar perlod. H6 stated that lhls was the only appllca$on ths Toryn had recelved for thls deadllne. After some dlsorsslon, Greg Amsden mado a motion to approve this request with a 9Gday review period, and Dalton Williams seconded he motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, $0. 13. A request for an extension of a previously approved varlancs for the Chdstiania Lodge, 356 Hanson Randr Road[ot D, Block 2, Vail Vlllage First Flllng. Applicanf Paul& Sally JohnstonPlannsr: Mike irollica Mike i,lollica, Town Planner, informed he Commission ttrat he applicants, Paul and Sally Johnston, have formally withdrawn their request at this time. 14. Appointment ol a PEC member to serve on the DRB for the monh of JUNE. Kristan PriE, Community DevelopmEnt Direc{or, spoke to the Commission conceming the importance of having a PEC member attend scfieduled DRB meetings and site visits, especially with so many projecb belng done this summer. The PEC members agreed to ths following DRB schedule: Diana Donovan - June 17th Chuck Crist - July and August Greg Amsden - September and October Kalhy Langenwalter - November and December 15. Discr.tssion of he appointment of a PEC member to sgrve as a altemate for fre DRB. Diana Donovan volunteered to be the altemate PEC member for DRB meetings. i6. Dlsasslon ol appolntrnent of a DRB membor b attend PEG meetings nfiEn SDD and gxbrlor alteratlon appllcations are discussed as workseqslon items. It was agreed by the Commlssion that a Deslgn Rwlew Board lrlember wlll attend PEG meetlng; wtren SDD and extedor alterafion worksessbn ltems are on the agenda. 17. Approval of the PEC Minutes of May 18, 1992. A motion was made by Kafry langenwalter and seconded by Dalton Willlams to epprove the PEC minutes from the lrlay 18, 1992 meetlng as writen. A Yote was taken and the motion passed unanimously' 5-0. As there was no further buslness, the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. TO: FROM: DATE: SI]BJECT: MEMORANDIJM Planning and Environmental C-ommission Community Development Departmcnt June 8, 192 A request for a Conditional Use to allow "a us€ not conductcd cntirely within a building", specifically the cxtcrim sale of producc locatcd at Cuitr€, 1031 S. Frontage Road Wcstl-egally dcscribcd as: A parcel of land locaed in Section 12, Township 5, Sorth, Range 81 West of the Principal Meridian, County of Eaglc, Statc of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the northerly right of way line of U. S. Highway 6, whence the northcast comcr of said section 12 bears north 38 degrecs,0T minutes east 876.99 feeg thence south 73 deglees,45 minutcs west along said northerly right of way line a distance of 75 feet to the true point of beginning; thence north 16 degrees, 45 minutes west to the south right of way line of Interstate 70; thence in a southwcsrcrly direction along the south right of way line of Interstate 70 to ttre point of interscction of that right of way line with the no'rth right of way line of U. S. Highway 6 and thence in an easterly dircction along the north right of way of U.S. Highway 6 to the point of beginning, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Applicant: Planner: Vail Entcrprises, Inc. reprcscnted by V/illiam VonSchneidaw Andy Knudtscn DESCRIPTION OF TT{E PROPOSED USE \ William VonSchneidaw, the applicant, is requesting a conditional use approval in order to \ operate a "Farmer's Market" in the Cascade Cnossing Retail C-enter. The applicant's business, \ currently located in the Center, is a gourmet food and [quor store. A conditional usc is ] required for the Farmer's Market because it will not be conducted within the building. / If this request is approved, the applicant plans o sell the produce from bins set under a 20' x 20' canopy. The bins wiU bc set on two racks. Each rack will have an upper and lower tier, and will be approximately 11 feet long, 6 feet widc and 5 feet tall. Photographs arc attached at the end of this memo showing the canopy and an example of the rack. The applicant plans to locatc thc canopy at thc west cnd of &c parking lot at Cascade Cbossing. The operation will takc up app'roximaaly 2 parking spaccs. The applicant has selccted this location as hc bclieves it will pnovlb thc grcatest cxposurc to thc Farmer's Market and will cause thc bast anount of impact to thc other shops in Cascadc Chossing. Thc applicant plans to opcrarc thc Farrrcr'g Mar&ct for a pcriod of tirna bctwccn I l:fi) a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Wcdncsday, Saarday and Sunday. Thc mar&ct will qcrarc from thc datc of DRB apFoval to Novembcr l,lW2. tr. ZONING STATISTICS Tnnng: Artcrial Busincss District Parking Setbacks Frontage Road Side Rear Rcqutucd by Zonine Code 35 spaccs 20 t5 t0 Pr,oposcd byExistine Aoolicant 34 32 spaces ?n nla l0 20 t5 5* * Approvcd under a previous variance M. CRITERJA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 1E.60, the Community Dcvelopment Depanmcnt recommcnds approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. Relationship end impac{ of the use on devebpment objectives of the Town. Staff believes that the proposed use is consistcnt with the development objectivcs of the Town, as describ€d in tlrc purposc section of the Artcrial Business District. In that section, the code calls for "limircd shopping and commcrcial facilities serving the town and Upper Eagle Valley residents and guests" (Section 1t.29.010). Staff bclievcs that this Farmer's Market is an example of a limited shopping facility and therefore is consistent with ttre purpose section of the zone district. 2. The efiect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilitieq utilities, schools, parks and rccreation facilitieq and other public facilities needs. Staff bclicvcs that 0rcrp will bc no impact by thc proposed usc on thc distribution of population, utilities, schools, parts and recreation o transportation facilities. 3. Eficct upon treffic witt pcrtiorbr refercnce to congestion, rutomotive rnd pedcstrirn sefety rnd onvenience, befiic Oow and crnhul, rcccss, msneuvcrability, end nemovel of snow frcm the rtrcct and porking areas. Staff bclievcs tlut thc Foeos€d use could ncgatively affect vchicular congestion and uscr @nvenience, bccause it would be taking.up 2 parking spaoes. Cascadc Chossing, wittr 10270 square fcet of rctail arca, rtquires 35 parking spaoes. Curcntly thcrc are 34 parking spaces availablc fc usc. With the Farmer's Ma*et, that numbcr wil be rcduoed by 2, rcsulting in 32 availablc parting spaccs. The applicant has obscrvcd that ttre curtnt mix of tcnants in Cascadc G,ossing are such that the parking lot was never full this past winter scason. Givcn that the spaces thc applicant wishcs to use ar€ at thc west cnd of thc parking lot, arc the furthest frorn any of the shops, and would likely bc the last !o be used, staff belicves that it is thc bcst location for the market. Because the commercial center is relatively ncw, and becausc future parking dcmand may increase, staff would like to condition this request with a one year limit so that the parking needs can be rc-evaluated. 4. Efrect upon the c'harecter of the area in which the propced use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staffbelieves that the canopy and racls ofproduce will add vitality to this shopping ocnler. We think that the scale of the use is compatible with the scale of thesc surrounding buildings, and that it will be a use that is received well by the neighbortrood. Wc believe that no signs should be allowed with this use, as they might detract from the character of the area. We undcrstand the applicant will nccd to sign the bins undcr the canopy to idcntify thc prices and type of produce. DRB review and approval will be requfued for all major aqpects of the market, such as the canopy and the racks. B. Findines The Plannine and Envircnmental Commission shall make the followine findines before srantine a conditional use pirmit: That the proposed location of the use in acco,rd with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the sirc is located. That thc proposed location of the use and the conditions undcr which it would be operatcd or maintained would not bc dcrimenul to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to propcrties or improvements in the vicinity. 1. 3. That the proposed use would cornply with each of the applicable provisions of the corditional usc permit section of the zoning code. ry. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff rccommcnds app'roval of this rcqucst with conditions. Wc bclicvc thu it mccts the critcria as discusscd abovc as well as thc findings. Specifically, stalf bclievcs that Finding No. I is met in that ftc usc in its p'roposd locuion is in accordancc with thc purposes of the zone district. Finding No. 2 is met, in staffs opinion, bccausc thc proposed usc will not be dcrimenal o thc public hcalth, safcty u wclfarp. Finally, Finding No. 3 is mct in staffs opinion, as the p'roposcd usc will comply with 8ll of thc applicablc provisions of the zoning codc, qpecifically, that thc parking &mand and supply u Cascadc.Grossing is such thu locating the Farnrcr's Market on 2 of the spaces will not have a derimental impact on the overall operation of the commercial businesses thcre. The conditions of approval are as follows: l. 2. 3. 4, The applicant shall not ercct any advertising signs. / k-'/ { The applicant shall not use morc area than 20'x2n' for the./sale of produce. Tlis conditional usc is valid until November l,1992. /l ,/ / tlJ {tc.1-t lc ,1 /, ),. . fr t | . I /),r- o /-//'1,c /ok' Please notc that, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail Tnning C.odc, thc approval shall lapse if constmction is not commenced within two years of the datc of issuance and diligendy pursued to completion, m if the use fq which the permit is grantcd is not commenced within two years. z/,r/rz J/ -,.zzl Ll.*t /.n-1.1n- /" L'.'-<- 7^,,1 rJl # /. n5.-,-."-,Jt{ \-._ .4__\- I c-,1r -,.. k ,.(4y' ' //, t,Jnt P't t / /,.;/ //tz/r,t" (tkatk- tlttl A ,/,a ,Qot t t1 f.D "t\\\ \\ \\ \ \ ${ N \S \ f $ o T0: G0URI{ET T0 G0 IILLIA}I VOl{ St{EIDAU T.031 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD U}IIT C YAIL, COLORADO FR0ll: VAIL ETTERPRISES PARTI|ERSHIP THE KAIIDEI{ GROUP 1503 }IESTPORT ROAD KAIISAS CITY, I.iISS0URI RE: REQUEST FOR FARI|ERS I|ARKET DEAR I{ILLIA}I: I HAYE DISCUSSEO I{ITH IIY PARTilERS THE IDEAS REGARDING YOUR COIICEPT OF A TEMPORARY FARMERS I,IARKET OI{ THE I{EST EIID OF OUR CE]{TER. }IE D0 1'l0T FEEL THAT THIS t{ouL0 It{ A}'ty r{Ay II{TERFERE I{ITH THE CURREI{T TEIIAI{TS OPERATIONS, BUT TOULD HOPEFULLY BRII{G I.IORE CUSTO}IERS TO THE SIGHT. I{E THEREF0RE GRAilT OUR APPROVAL TO THE PROPOSAL AI{D HOPE YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL IN GETTIIIG YOUR IIECESSARY APPROVALS FROTI THE TO}II{ OF VAIL. BEST OF LUCK, tuqitcs tuc 24783 Dennq&lqtu&224 7;r'- 4y' /tu 3oyD744tt4 IIIKE COltsS ilAllAclllc GENERAL PARTilER KANDEN GRA-,P oro 5 .>c .11 @ Zoa,nj = ABD @ 4lL*Ks: ) &eae ) s;t< -*/'^ ) {*'ft/\ t oP'6/r rrr t* *f, t. Ptt ( 52o' fa,"{g. loliP"\ \ O 5;{. A*.q< : 60 Vo ,aAx. i O /,AuJsca7;t5t ,lo( 5,2e = l.as? a".-r/<e,n<'t s' Q* r7lat{ t'26'17\ I20 6oZo ' t5' ) 1o?o = ZO' 3 f^,1 ftq +r//L-kz's {z/'{- o 0 u'*,'11 67 TzuL .. f & )^,,*' n 5;k /'tt^^- A r"-A- = 3lzl 26t' 27/ to4 ttell { il.e / Vo* h5' *fe "\,. )n D /5' sc(A^c D zo' se*4.r fr7ltov{.l t '2t' t9 + enrrerrcf.rrnar/ r,v{o s pc-{"vx o( zot se(4c(. o 25% ?ij.. = =647* ,TVl ,, h.K,,t5 /oa,['*; HegLt /eolotco( - ll,3to - 257" $;tl ny ;1! = t(rC2? {U 7r"7u*L F tqw f ( f/' 37 U ?""1l*f .( >-/,t '1o7o @' 1 ,''id. J /o7o i: ?' tfl t(,f /*r4 I<32 m^.x.) j'.tz eAlzx ^ ff^tr - O.- ^ar-),-4 ,La.r^ .bI&/t{- ,r/re3^- t'r-\ft /"ztzr-( ,b >AB. ?9?o =3j,t\op n4^, t.go ?o : "zt S?? f a*. ._&{,r,_S y ? ,'e^'-lf+- t -o A;y'o ConL' ?' xt?' ,,-/ r\ .w. 86 r9! 0k0 ' .4/2uu-/ 2""1 .* ,k / f z4zt '> 3'x16' 0K- X @ fec csJ"h-L 0 ta"J*-fi %in T O t'r,fi.* -/^^ -r'"J.^/n^4 f t2#r ? /n4rft at wv,+q; ,--t *2T' \6t sLir ,-u fu &*^ @ ,-;-<> M - !t'f /"'^( \O o CASCADB CROSSING rulIAII, CENTER Val1, Colondo Ka'nDen Groql PROJECT DTFORMATION SITE DATA - Slte Slze 45,L?4 s.t. (1.O3? Acres) - Bulltt.l.ng Cove:age ttr495 e.f . - Pavlng coversge 181910 s.f . (?"pFfJ' concrete flatwod<) ' - Ianils-aped Area tL.629 6,t. (25.7W of slte) ' - Slderal& Pavers lrllto s.f . - Ianilscaplng wlthln Pad(lng area (l& x 18910 s.f . = 11891 s.f ')I lr"rd"".p"d area provtded' - ^ 953 s.t' - Ilavels (cond,ltlon of appmval) 3't4o s'r' - Pad<lng S;nces - standard. 32 (86,5/6 - Coupact J $3.5%Total 37 - Ioa<ting SPaces - 2 slnces BUILDING DATA - One StorT Stmcture - Ll ,t+95 s.f . (Gross) . - Use - Connerclal Retall - IDC Occupancy Classlflcatlon - Al -Bulldlngqpe-V-1Hour- V - non-:atetl w SPrlrrkler SYsten o a ) 0(-\ ,(a>-/v 'o72S?a trtit*, = llrZt< f 7ro7oc4. 'M -2 4-a-J+A @ /'rJ> lZ- 14' ,4?/+ ab',*,--.:e / ^ ,r{-\ o'z 4 ,*e*4, dr,/. Lrt.( Z< ar/.a1, /0.j.71 C--) V^l /fl ry - co*e^-t .A ^ef a.a,4.-z d-,,( C/-- ) te OfuV r-nr%,(. oK+b +U ry/f,^ ,,.- .fr ,e D(, bup a\0(' 7 l,/z-l ZZz^- rc -a ry /4 " cc,w\*e)^^ q,n4" a*,?&-eJ / H /r^1"1 .41 7 * tZ-A4 ^4;^ oK1 .xz ZA^ 6 Hf h Enfu/ t/Rs;*Nr" ? ; '/'/ , llt2?1 f oK-) 44t V./;.ttc'e :, /O?. ,-.d.t; ZtJr-A - ,be-t "/r* *t. Z-*t ?Oo f .&av.t-z/*,/ f ft&rz;4/4/.hWfrzJ/ o(+blur/f ,,-.& * 0(^It / H';L qU. / *-( p A^4rrl j ' J-'.htfZql r. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: II. 1ot1srr 'vr \ . \ r \l S.rr..0> 'l-t11t^. Jitin \"1 *l . lllur.'r Pih1"\t'n There is a direct relationship between the front setbackvariance request and existing- and potential uses andstructures in the vicinity. It is the purpose of Cnereguired front setback to- require ad.egu-ate'tanascape buffersbetween parking areas, buildings and €he Frontage Road. Inr-esponse. to this, the applicant has subnitted a-vicinity ,Jpshowing the ultinate rutirre improvenents to the Frontage Roadthrough the widening and addition of left and right tuinl-anes. This plan shows l_6 feet remaining betweei thevJ-tinate impact of road improvements and the site,s propertyline. This would result in a 27 foot buffer between the planning ana Environmental corunissio" f.""r*{: ?ff.l Conrnunity Development Departnent March I, L987 A reguest for a front setback variance and a variancefrom required roof slope in order to construct abuilding at 1031 South Frontage Road.Applicant: Vait Comraercial pirtnership DESCRIPTTON OF VARIANCES REQUESTED As the, Planning Commission.may recall, this propertyreguested and received variances frorn'the plinning -omroission on January 26r 1987. since that tirne new survey inforrnationhas been obtained that required the redesign of thisstructure. This redesign has prornpted a r6quest for a frontsetback variance. to arrow a portion of the p-arking rot to belocated within the reguired tront setback. -The degree ofencroachment varies fron 4 to 9 feet into the requiredsetback area. section 18.29.070 of the Arterial Business District requiresa minimum slope.of any roof to be 3:12. The appJ.icant-hasrequested a variance from this requirement to lioceed to theDesign Review Board with a flat r6of design. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.61.060 ofthe municipal code! tle Department-oi cornrnunity Developmentrecomrnends approval of the requested front setlack varianceand denial of the reguested viriance to the required roofpitch based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: 6-O Tbe-re.! alioirship-of !he. reqrrested variance to otber erlstingor potential uses and sflqgtffi t lrt paved area of the parking lot and the beginninq of theFrontage Road. rt should be noted that i.he vi6inity--fransubnitted.by the,applicant incrudes a totar oi s rai.-s, vrhilethe ABD circuration plan indicates only 4 tanes in this area.Given this illustrat-ive, the staff feers that the variancerequested can be nitigated by providing lands".fi.g off ofthe site between the property rine and the r"qi';ni"e-;i ih.paved surface of the frontage Road. rt is not typical that a design consideration such asreguiring pitched roofs is inEtuaed in ttre zoninq coae.Nonetheless, the pranning commission and rown corincil saw fitto incLude this requirentnt when the Arteriar gusinessDistrict was adopted in 1992. The only property to beredeveloped since the adoption of this-aistiict'nas been theVail Professional Building. This structure was designed to-gorynly with the required roof pitch. The Glen r,yon officebuilding has an approved addition that atterpf=-t" addressthe irnpact of the existing.flai, roof. rnis iiesijn includes asloped roof feature.that visualry reads as a pitEhed roof.To approve this variance wourd aifect the genlral directionthe zone district has taken with this reaeierolment andapproved addition to existing structures in thL area. The de ee to which relief frorn the strict and Iiteralnterpretation and enforcenent a spec edr lat on isnecessary to achieve compat and un orn oreatrnent amonq sites the vic nity or to at aobiectives of this title without rant of s ec].a vi1 The redesign of this structure has naintained the basicamount of square footage while atternpting to provide nore\ . oedestrian area on the front side of-tbe-shop!.-'c""pr.d withS ",:*^tT- l1yt"n to pJsitiott tr,..building cl-oser to thl rroniige noas\ y>\ru.-a o\ because of new survey information, this has resulted-in thel, _ ,,,.hLn,. encroachment of.paved area into the reguired front setback.'rh'- f' This is not unlike the previous setback varian". init *"",^.i+ .l |^"^lt^h approved in.Januaryr.alihough the encroachrnent is sonewhat,.,.ht-1. greater. Given the infornation provided by the appiicant'sd- . vicinity nap, it is fert that the intent oi ttre iiia="up.buffer can be met and will not be inpacted through iutureimprovements to the Frontage Road. wnire the iJiue-otphysical hardship nay be self-created through the size of thestructure proposed, it has been demonstrated that ilnpactsresulting frorn this setback can be nitigated rt has been recognized that the triangular shape of the lotcreates some constraints in its deveropraent. ilowever, withrespect to the roof pitch reguirements, it should ue iroteathat the.applicant has subrnitted previous plans showing-i-design with a sroping roof. rt ia the inpiession of tf,estaff that the difficulties in designing i pitched roof t,othe structure are- driven by the size of-the-buildingproposed. As with the front setback request, there-is littlein the way of a physical hardship to juJtify'this request.. However' in this case there are no nitigating circunstancesto warrant support of this variance reguest. - The effect of th teic csafety. Neither of the two_requested variances affect any of theabove rnentioned criteria. Such other factors and criteria as the comrnission deemscable to the roposed var rTI. FINDTNGS The Planning ald Environrnental conrnission shalr rnake the . That the granting of the variance w'i]l not constitute a grantof speciar privilege inconsistent with the linitationr oiother properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance wilr not be detrimentaL tothe public health, safety or werfare, or tnaterially injuriousto properties or irnprovernents in the vicinity. That the vari.ance is warranted for one or rnore of thefollowing reasons: The strict or riteral interpretation or enforcement oftle specified regulation would result in practicaldifficultty or unnecessary physical hardsiripinconsistent with the objectives of this titfe. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orcondi-tions applicable to the same site of the variancethat do not apply generalJ_y to other properties in thesame zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges.enjoyed by the owners of other-properties inthe sane district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As has been stated in this rnemorandurn and during previousrneetings, the shape of this site creates sone airiicurties inits develgpnent. However, the amount of square footage beingproposed is creating an equal, or greater, amount of b1 )6. r Q.,,.tr .:t?":*:15;l &-. +r"^- [^ *1,.-n.^!.-r> -., ,^9t*'^ o\n*l-"-'T difficulty in comprying with this zone district's developmentstandards. The staff is corofortabte with the reguested trontsetback variance in light-of the.information provided by the fpnlicant. This information indicates that an anplelandscaped buffer can be provided even with the ultimatedevelopnent of the south Frontage Road. with respect to thereguired roof pitch, it is the feeling of the staif that apitched roof could be accomnodated on the stucture withslight reductions in the building footprints. lthile thestaff is in support of the.reguested front setback variance,our recommendation concerning the variance request to thereguired roof slope is for denial. \^^"r.^9.- *.Q.-e^- (.r-r^,1) J- DI> \ ,^4 r '+4*- \\LR i+. I &A -.u!& -ot fu,/*? >\'- ;f .,a,.-lrr-.| 1, 7*-'"L I-^.-- .y'/-u-.-!/- * * / //-f n-'/ / .t TO: FR0lrl: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Envjronmenta'l Commission_ Community Devel opment Department January 26, 'l 987 A request for front and rear setback variances and aTil]ry landscape requirements in oraer to construct1031 South Frontage Road l,Jest (commonly known as theproperty) Applicant: Vail Corrnercial partnership variance to a building at Vol i ter I. variances are being requested to a'l'l ow for the construction of a onestory structure on the site. }Jhile there are no assurances of what theuses in this building wirl be, it trai'ueen represented that thestructure will accommodate rocar orientea convenienie-commerciarestablishments. A summary of the variances requested .is as follows: l. A request for a rear setback variance of 5 feet for the structure.The required setback is 10 feet. 2- A request for a front setback variance to 'rocate a portion of theparking area with.in l0 feet of the front property-line. Frontsetback requirements state that parking aieai ani structures sharlbe no closer than 15 feet from tire froit prope"iv iin" over 60% ofthe length of the frontase, whire the setbacil riie iiiail be 20feet or more for the remaining 40% of the i.ont"J". This requestis for a 5 foot encroachment into a portion of t[e required 20foot setback a'l ong the frontage. 3. Lanciscaping standards. for parking areas with over 30 spacesrequire that 10% of the rot be dedicated to interior parking Iotlandscaping. This request is for a variance from itrisrequi rement. The nature of these requests raise a number of interesting issuesrelative to the development of this property and the ionnis reviewpr'cess- These issues center around the inibility to conauct acomprehensive review of this development pran. 16r eximpie, withoutknowledge of-the precise uses proposed for the struciu;;: il" staff isunable to calculate the parking demand to see if the iii" pian providesenough spaces. In addition, the review of any aeve] opment'proposed inthe Arterial Business District requires compliance wi[h-ihe'naocirculation p1an. lJhile the developer has agreed to comply with thecircu'la.tion plan, there are not slecific so]itions pt"i"!.i at thistime. l'lh'i le the staff would prefer that issues relitei io-il,edevelopment of this property be addressed simultaneouiiv,-tr," reviewprocess does not specif.i cally requ.i re that this be donel' -- o As a resu'l t, the planning comm'i ssion is reviewing th.i s plan with respectto the three variancgs leClg:ted, and nothing moie. nny ipprovatsgranted.for this project wiil noi be approvais for tht iti!"ptan asproposed, but rather only for the variances as requested. The relationshio of rnrtv. The two existing structures and re]ated facilities on the site wourd be lgmgvgd in-conjunction with_this development plan. ir,ii ii fortunate inthat it allows for the-development of this property to regin with a"clean slate." A key issue tiren becomes troir tire "lqr"rl"i'variancesrelate to other existing or potential uses and structures in thevic'i nity. The following addresses each of these variances individual ly: II. l. 2. Two. issues are significant with respect to the requested 5 footsetback at the rear of this property. These pertain to the stateHighway Department's deceleration llne which would ue coniiructeoin conjunction with the new east-bound off-ramp, and the auititvto construct and maintain this structure withoui trespassing onthe Federal Highway property. The staff has neried hiavi'ly'oninput from the State Highway Department concerning any implctsresu'lting from this variance. After review of thise irani,-tn.Highway Department has indicated that the 5 foot setbici viriancewould not create adverse impacts on the Interstate sviier,- oneconcern of the Highway Department centered around thi potentialfor construction activity to take pl ace on the Federalright-of-way during the development and maintenance Jf tnisbuilding. To eliminate this potential , a construction fencedefining the limits of construction w'ii1 be required is oriiin.ain the Design Review Guidelines. Existing conditions in this area provide a substantia'l bufferbetween_the property line and the road edge of the South-FrontageRoad. This may indicate that the required setback variance on thefront.side of_the property is not critical . However, pot"nti.fuses_in the vicinity could_we11 change with the ruture-wioening ofthe South Frontage Road. For this riason the staff f;ei;-iiimportant that the integrity of the required front seibair., u.maintained. -2- Landscaping is generally requ.i red ic proviCe buffersdevelopments. A variance from thjs rlqujrement wouldreduce the amount of buffer between ttris Oevetopmentproperties in the v.icinity of this prJlect. between effectiwly and adjacent ree to which I ief from he stri or li ral i nte etati onorcement o as ecrtle ation is necessar to acn I eveatibilitantreatmentamong s !es nt vtclnl clpr't v l teqe. The first step in evaruating a variance request is typicarly to identifythe phvsical hardship necesiitating ."ii"t'rr", ir,"-ii"..iii,"adevelopment standards. The r.iJna-.iement of this review of this reviewis to insure that the degree of virianfe requesied is no 3reater tha:rnecessary to allow relief from the objectives of ir,.-roniig'code without :, sl"ll of. special priv'iiese. tn reviewine this ;;;;i; ii i, evidentthat.the shape of the rot ireates some difiiculty'in-iti aeveropment.The issue then becomes to what degree are varianies n".esiiry for thedevelooment of this property? 2. Based 'l argely on the review of fee'l s that the 5 foot var.i anceproperty is valjd. This js dueresulting from this'l ocation of the State Highway Department, staff requested jn.the rear of theto the lack of negat.ive impactsthe building. 3. l,lhile the staff feels strongly that landscape buffers bemaintained around the per.imEt!r of this property, we can supportthis reguest because of jts minor nature. ttre irea of -r encroachment amounts to Iess than 300 square feet and withjudicious use of randscape materiars, the staff feers ihii il,isencroachment can be mitigated. The surface area of the parking rot is approximatery 15,500 squarefeet. This would require inteiior landscaping or n6t-iiss-tn"n1550 square feet. Just over 700 square teet 6t inierior-- ' landscaping is proposed with this plan. The desilners-of theproject have indicated that they would be willing-to usedecorative brick pavers in lieu of concrete or other surfaces onpedestrian walkways surrounding the structure. l.lhile thjstechnically does not count as interior landscaping of a parkingarea, the staff would_accept this as an alternatiie for iiitigalingthe'l ack of interior landscaping on the site. ui rements -3- o e effect of the opulation. trans ortat'i on a c safet i qht d air. dis ribution ofties. public ci I ities and A number of issues related to transportation and and traffic facilitiesare relevant to this project. The lircutation ptiii-rJi.-ir," ArterialEusiness District requires that the aevetJprent-ii tni. prop.rtv share ajoint access with the vail professionat auitaing. ioint"i..ess has beenproposed on the site plan submitted. l{trite itre-itaii'i."is that thisproposal is a workabrg o!9, final approvar of ilrij-acceJi'iitt r.required from the State Highway Depirtment- rn "aoiiion] ipprovar fromthe owners of the professional Building will be ;";";;;;y.- The zoning for the Arteria] Business District requires that ail plansapproved by the Design Review goard shall contorri-to-ih."ii".rlationplan that has been adopted by the planning commission."-riis ptanrequires access improvements to these properties that wiii necessitatethe widening of the Frontage Road. aeiore final decisions can be madeas to the improvements required with this deveropment, input from ilrestate Highway Department wiil be required. This'inpui wiii occu, whenthe developer formal]v annries to the State for the'iiceii'pernit to theproperty off of the Frontage Road. The developer of thii-property wirlbe required to fund the inprovements necessary'in conjunition with thisredevelopment. At minimum, a left turn lane *itt ue ieqrirea on theFrontage'Road. It is the feeling of the staff that the locations of a number of park.i ngspaces proposed on the site plan are unacceptable;-."^parking standardsrequire adeguate width of aisles for,,convenient and ""ry i.."r, to eachparking space." Two and possibly three parking spaces "i it. west endof the property do not conform with this desigi slanaarJ. -It is thefeeling of the staff that the variances requested do not contribute tothese spaces being unacceptable. In addjtion, without lnowing the usesto take place in the structure, staff is unabie to determine whetherthese spaces wi'l I be required to meet parking demands. As a result, weare_merely-point'i ng out our position on thesi spaces at this time andwould require that the situation be resolved beiore the appi icationproceeds to the Design Review Board. III Assuming the property is developed would generally be compatible with which allows for limited commercial solely as commercial , the project the Community Office designation uses. IV. SUCH OTHER FA AND CRITERIA -4- COMMISSION OEEMS APPLICABLE TO V.FI ND I NGS oerore granti ng the variances: That.the granting of the variances wilr not constitute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent with the limitations on oirr"r-p"oplitl"r classifjedin the same district. That the granting of the variances w.i il not be detrinental to the publichealth, safety, or welfare, on materiallV iniuriou, [o pr"p.rties orimprovements in the vicinity. That the variances are warranted for one or more of the follow.i ng reasons: The strict or 'l iterar 'i nterpretation and enforcement of the specifiedregulations would resurt. in objectives difficutty o*nn.l"rr"rvphvsical hardship inconsistent with the objecrivis or inii-iiil.. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditionsapplicable to the site of the varianies that d;;;i ippiv i"n"rail-v toother properties in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specifiedregulations would deprive the applicant of p.ruiiesr.-enjlvea by theowners of other properties .i n the same distri ct. VI. As was stated at the outset of this memo, there are issues relative to thisproject that are sornewhai removed from th: revie,rr tor-itre-var.i ancesrequested. It is important that the planning commission understand thatthis review is'l imited to the variances onlyi Relative to these, staffwould recommend that the planning commissio-n approve ihe ietuacr anolandscape variances as_proposed. If approved,'lhe planning comniss.ion w.i .l Inot be approving the site plan in its entiretv. nitner, apirovat is rimitedto a 5 foot setback variance in the rear of t-ne p"op."iy,-l variance to itrerequired front setback as indicated on the site itali,;;d; variance t; ih;requ'i red interior landscaping for surface parking lois. The staff would recomqeld lfe foilowing conditions be adopted by thePlanning Commission with this approvali I' written approval shal] be submitted to the Town by the owners of theVail Professional-Bui)ding granting their consent-to the joint icieisas proposed as well as the landscape materials shown on tie site-piinthat are located on the professjonal Building,s froferty. Thiswri tten-approval shall be submitted prior to-this pioiecr proceedingto anv level of review by the Des.i gn Review goard. ?. The applicant shall receive approval from the state Highway Departmentfor improvements to the South Frontage Road as well as the'entire-"-"-intersection proposed. This approvai sha'l I be obtained pr.i or to-anylevel of review by the Design Review Board. -5- o o 3.The developers of this project shar1 -participate in improvements:i::i""._fgr-this project lo comply wiin u," ABD circutatjonpran. specrrrc requirements shal'l be determined based on inputfrom the Town and the.State.ffighway-defartment. Improvementsshall be constructed in conjunition ,iir, tne reaeveiopmeni"or ilrisprope rty. The retaining-walr plgposed for the northeast corner of theproperty shal'l be pulred back off of the property rine a minimunof 2 feet. A. fence shall be constructed within the.property rines outriningthe 'limits of constructjon for ttrii proi!c;:-'-" The Design Review Board shal'l approve a minimum 4 foot hiqh bermon the east end of the property in rieu or tn"..quii"a"ii"tootlandscaped buffer around tire pirking-ir... Decorative brick pavers sha'r r be used for the pedestrian walkwayaround the perimeter of three sides of ilris buiiJing'ii"ciilpensatefor the 'rack of interior.randscaping in the part<ing-toi.--ii $,.pavers or an alternate similar mateiial are not usid, thelandscape variance becomes invarid anJ construction wir'r not beallowed to proceed. 4. 5. 6. 7. -6- oo fiG- fboa I/e"'{ 6-/r&. 'u7M s@/*&' /{-*., # fi/4-,r ^%T @ ..4>'-.*f p"y*r rA-*z d,*\, /*ha"e Lo?t ' l* "'ft 6-1, ""L.-l -^-('-k /a t;/ f-Z--? o 'mcTI MAY 1 41eg2 (:ui Lrs Int.r F . O. 56110 Veti 1 , C*1cr 5-t -s? {'/''A , j'1 ' d'J ,,r*/ *ttut \r'L t: 7"r Ltd. 131b$S T. O. V. Flanrrirrg l.'rndit.intral us* Felhiit.F;irrrrr*r's Pla r l:et Andy H.nudsEr-i , F l antrsr Dear I'lr . An,:ly fi:rludsen, The need of a c,:ndif innal use Fel'mit f ':l' tl-re sunrfiErr digt'es nf(.5-1 - 1 I -t -l 99t-l 355 I are due tc, fhe arter ia1 Eugitress Dist.rict. (lEr .;:t.r:l::ict) C:':'nd. uses, {1r:r .:::l .O;iO.) r'r,:t c*nducted entirely wit.hin a L,uildit'tg. Tfiig sufiifrtel' uEe f arrrters nlal'f': et. is a tetrtpc,l'at'y g:l::tetls i,:rl"l cf *ur al rea'ly e:'risting ssrvices ,3f f ered. l-l-re st.an,l wi ll Ee 1,:cat*d at tfrs west End ,:'f t.l-ie p*r*k i.trg l,::tt . I {:. wi I I have a rack t,:' disFiley pt',:duc* b,r*ught in f rc,rrt Uh*1esa1e praduce c,:'r{rF,al-lies t': he sald to fhe publil al r*Lail F,rice. fiN j-1 WVft 4'-1 2fva The h*urg are 3*7prir ,nor-'W {.rrtr*:r:: . ) t,: 4-7F,trr.,tues.,wed.,l lanr-2pnr :i;a L. . , ijt.Jt'r . {: [dr i t-l . :) Pari: i.ng,i Tfre stan,J will b,e Ic,cat.*,J an a,Jirt area nnt af f ect.ing any par[': ing. al-ld {'l' wi 11 h,e l,rca Led nn t.he w*st.ern parl,: ilrg sF,a c es i i't s i ,le t.l-re se t "-L'a c k . LJe a't. t:uitre arid .ipr,:rts* retr'L, c,t,served lhe lraffic valurrle atrd parl: ing lc,ads at that etrd ':f the Ic,L atrd ,:hserved rare use sf fhe negd*d sFaces t,t* als,:r ':hserved tl-rs lJ$€, ':,f thre etrt ire west end 'rf t.he J.':t being used L,y olie {rf the cal"riage cr-'rripatries, lal,: ii-19 up 7-plus sFaces and there was l.revel' a f ul l park itrg l,:t. even 'Jr.,tt'ing peal,: h,:urs dur it-rg Fleal,: Eeasr:rt-l . -fl-re avgl*age t irrie ,rf vechi 1e wag un'Jel' I O nrir-r. Average t iirie c'f vechi 1e par[,:ed at.(:uitre ueg ull':ls l' 5 rrrin. l*Jinter sea$,:,r'l"s vehi c Ie t raf f i c iE rrtuch heavier than sutrrrrter as a g:,:, r' t. :i. ':, rr rLf rjurrlrir&l' seas'fl-ls t.raf f i c wi l. I *ee h'i cyc.L ists atr'l f tict traffic 5et-L,ackgi Dn tr,:t f ':resee atry p t'c,b, Ienie wit.h set.-t,aclls at that en,l c,f prrtFert.y, asi th*r'e iE a :i.nt.er*it.urt.e r3fi t l-r€ t,*tc [,: attd ,lrainage and srrtal l trees ,ltr t.l-re f r,:trt rnal: il"lg n':'n-use *f thl--lse al'gaE tJs wi 11 use pennatrts and b'annsrs wi th a55oc iated cslors t'est c,3ftrFr1:ltrterrt.iirg tt'r* $it&n'l :rt'td theffre c,f the f arrriers rrtarket . Fleasegee at t ached cc,I,:r' sanrnl*s. Ag we can"t. real ly 'let.errrrine ll-re actual weather pattertrs r,f tt-rat L*c;rtian nlir $t.ar-r,J will charrg* in ,Jesigrr sl. igfitly t.':' i-rc ':.fr'r,:'a'Ja t e . Lls wi 11 d* a ciftn':'py-*type ,:f urrrt,rsl la type st.ructure to c,:ver, t,: El-rade and pr*tect. t.he pr*ducts 8ot, )6r \.Con Marc, affiancato dalla mogliePatriziae dal Dott. Pier Ro- beno Merani, rivive dunque quila grande tradizione delle cure naturali secondo la "metodologia Mess6gu6", per chi vuole ritrovare forma e benessere in perfetta armonia con la natura. \ m8^il\A \^c! \L ot, .1.J- tfvtayi+i r pZ 14 4 4 .prhp. f ) h"/ 3 3 s?Jc. 1 p"J)o,D F n tF5v.) Lttf,oe 14 t4 JG qa5do o )l 44ItrtJ / a't't FI Itaa a ! a Ia I I I a I'a !'a I aI a'l ,l /lt , -l ! I-t ,:f a r I oo hJ'lltil.\ lUot;r*r, 'r--'/ h /L74. {rtl, /, L,,,n b f-tl<z- ,$ar t 4 ^Z /ffe A-e? d, .G"-t,V. a-2".( .a; k ,e"^ 4tt o{ <.-{rrs # {/14 ,ta-zr** Sr7,u - ,r/:t ,# ,'1*zfa./rJ -s-zla-a^/o P' "t4^2,1;r1x L 1., - ./)-.- / 1,r-- Uz* "/" I uY "/ ' '"''24 /n!,1',^- €L.R *^^ t-i<-,e.-,,^ u--) ,p*/.^ 'fs"Qo'auf-fuy'/, s ,oa /--,,, ftJ -['*.^-,,C .z*^y' z'n/ !" I 'r.- a NAME OF or{NER(S} ADDRESS @aMayn_ ",t lgg?rcviged 9l4l9L Date of Application Date of PEC Meeting IPPLICATION TOR CONDITIONAI USE PERMIT en4ln 9n/e ,/6aq:/S' ..",," /)This procedure is required for any project required to obtain aconditional use permit. The application will not be accepted until alL information is subrnitted. NAr,rE oF APPLTCANT bnnq l*; I. A.LT' ADDRESS 1o3 | VA\L C.b'\-D ft \r<7 o PHONE F.NAME OF AppLICANT, S REpRESENTATMLJ|LL\A /v\ Vor SC\\ef_\2A,J../ ADDRESS ID -h PHONE OWNER(S) (print o STGNAT0RE (S) LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ADDRESS LEGAL:LOT BLOCK FI E. FEE $2OO. OO PAID cK# THE FEE IIluSr BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent tothe subjecr property INCLUDING pROpERTy BEHIND AlrD ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff member isstrongly suggested to determine if any additional information isneeded. No application will be accepted unl-ess it complete (mustinclude all items required by the zoning administrator). It isthe applicant,s responsibility to make an appointment with thestaff to find out about additional submittal requirements. II]. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAI'{LTNE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI, THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL coMMrssroN (pEc) MAy sTrpuLATE. l!& coNDrTroNs oF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following infornation must besubmitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed useand its operating characteristics and measures proposedto nake the use compatible with other properties in the rrinini+rr The description must al-so address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. 0et | .., t)Q\LUrnr* \ Lr.lm",. v;- 5cHruirtlc..,r,._-- 110 " a-l ',< ' W,Af5' Acn' o '. /t(/.-r Y, 4n ,^tf't I 1frT 't P6o't' t .t T h t. air, distributionfaciLities, recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and conveniencer traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surroundi-ng uses . A site plan at a scafe of at least ltt = 20t showing proposed developrnent of the site, including topographyt builOinq ]ocations, parking, traffic circulation' useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage features. PreLiminary building elevations and floor plans. A title report to verify ownership and easements. If the building is condominiurnized, a letter from the cdndominiurn association in support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as deternined by the zoning administrator- ** For interior nodifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning admini.strator. ?r.". of the use on right Pdof poputation, transportationutilities, schools, parks and ? 4. \. IV, TIME REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and alt accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as deterrnined by the zoning adrninistrator) will be accePted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. All PEC approved conditional use permits shall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use for which the approval is granted is not commenced within one year. If this application requires a separate review by any 1ocal, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, nay inctude, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permitsr Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying aly publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the apPlication fee. If, at the applicantts requestr anY matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. A. A.v. ^*tr?ICdeemed by the comrnunity o.roo*"nt Departmentto have significant design, land use or other issues which nay have a significant inpact on the community nay require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her andthis amount sha]l be forwarded to the Town by the applicantat the time he files his application with the Comrnunity Developnent Department. Upon conpletion of the review ofthe applj.cation by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returnedto the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excessof Lhe amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. t( Avn\-D.\5 Tw,4.-q_ ^Ar514 s.d Qn", u p-.-tY tl f*I^-* N o,-\e.., crd L \:\\ 6pw t--f- \ fp^.rn6r-\ DlrNn6rE hoo A, F/"f D.! fh.-{frA L 'l LF r- vJ v vs{ v{.r,Lns ) o S sl.- f pn ruwgr'l { Z ,I AtCp 2 V) ) a 2 \.l/w ( I n)g'9><77qu Dr ( a ) ar) I t TO: ANDY KNUDTSEN TOWN OF VAIL VAIL, COLORADO FROM: MTKE COMBS VAIL ENTERPRISES PARTNERSHIP CASCADE CROSSINGS CENTER RE: CUI?R'E TNTERNATIONAL LTD. DEAR ANDY: o a AS MANAGING PARTNER FOR CASCADE CROSSINGS CENTER TN VAIL, COLORADO THIS LETTER IS TO CONFIRM l,tlTTH YOU OF OUR APPROVAL FOR THE CONSRTRUCTIOT\ AND OCCUPANCY OF CUrTR'E fNTERNATIONALLTD. THE STORES WILL BE LOCATED IN UNIT "C" OF OUR CENTER LOCATED AT 1031 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO. AFTER A THOROUGH REVIEW OF THEIR PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTTON OF BOTH A GOURMET FOOD SHOP AND A LTQUOR STORE WE HEREBY GRANT OUR FULL SUPPORT FOR THE PROJECT. WE ALSO AGREE TO ALLOW THE TENANT TO SEEK A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE LIQUOR OPERATION, WHICH WE ALSO SUPPORT, AS REQUIRED FOR LICENSING BY THE STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. SINCERELY, MIKE COMBS MANAGING GENERAL VAIL ENTERPRTSES PARTNER PARTNERSHIP o a EXIIIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Vail Commercial- Center /n ;//;a^ {t k'tzi A parcel of land located in Section L2, township 5,South, Range 8l West of the Principal Meridian, County ofEagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described asfollows: Conmencing at a point on the northerly right of way lineof U.S. Highway 6, whence the northeast corner of saidsection 12 bears north 38 degrees, 07 minutes east 876.99feet; thence south 73 degrees, 45 minutes west along saidnortherly right of way line a distance of 75 feet to the truepoint of beginning; thence north 16 degrees, 45 ninutes westto the south riqht of way line of fnterstate 70; thence in asouthwesterly direction along the south riqht of way line ofInterstate 70 to the point of intersection of that right of way line with the north right of way line of U.S. Highway 6 and thence in an easterly direction along the north right ofway of U.S. Hiqhway 6 to the point of beginning, County ofEagle, State of Colorado. LEASE AGREEMENT PAGE 39 o qq$plTIoNAL uSE t'loRKsHEl T0: Plannjng and Envrronmental Conmlsslon FROMI - lan,u'r riy Deve ii: lr€nt DePartilrent uArl,: SUBJECT: APPL I CANT : !$9.FJ.[L0!-9I-8! P 0 sE!-USE -. A -\v.1\^n\ [n'rt*-t-l J An-A\\'] io.rt" ro\".)- ( (*d','qe,Fr'D",Er'!r Mss At-Ar\\A -N \tff-r. l*1.-.e. i* o t.- F*)sr.r 1 ,.\,I lpon review of Section iaporoval /denl 1l ) of f r '?rS: Departrnenc recoffnenos upon the fol lowl ng ht and ajr Ar r... D{a S-!,..\ E)fi\,\:na AP Ot O.J ,r, aV'Sr.5 S\"\ f ' 18.60, the Cormunity 0eveloprnent the cOnditlOnal use Fermit baseo rt,1on of Factors lsh'| p a.nd irr,pact o.f the use 9n devglooment ob.i.ectlves r: :.$. -r-uj]. r--\ cwr.-r"< S $rop{.tcrt, str\^,\} -TNt T}\^/ -n^0 Df{e-' EA* {nutt) nrsi}As n,-D iJ=-! , 'r Ekvrur1 ad.t1u o-. "rfl n'J st"- =t,rca Lar-.' ay.cr.\ tf r$\ ?-.,oi " ("{q"N 1 ry461"i\Ar^rr A g.oN vGnrq[1 'r-ac-a-Trs$ $ fect of 9S, IJ f ac i l_l' j e.s neeos . o Tf "'.< fr,o"., )-S \z€s-r -T.i\A.rt )D frnlp-va<-5 AnlrT Tnstfrc_ \-rr..^- ",- H*{N voi'5 . c^'l'N \-\!\ Lr1cq5 \st (,rt+s.o r,--.\\ tAl,J..rr{t"l"r tS \\Dto P\.LaA) \n,^A-to * Styfr\\iltrt\" \1, +u"v$U 'usr \ t sSo(!,-,arr}\ -Trs({rr- trl-.-.' L^}.$5n^.l-nsrol, -Tflfs 15 f Svrr.r'r^ T\\^'{- ty1<';11 ep ' n-€S\L \^Tt'.".+=, d ConOfQnat tlso llorkslreet z C,+\a5r- Tc Ap Cr-S\ f\AuE \.1 Fr Nprjtg! -t "'rnunity Deve'lopment Department recommends that the conditional use pemjt,- !,f/,.icV€dldenled baged on the fol lowlng f indlngs i 'at the proposed ]ocaffon of the use ls ln accord wlth the Furposes of thisvr0ln0nce rnd th€ purposeE of the di.trict in whlch tne iiie'is'located.- ]!l!^!!q proposed locatlon-of the use and the eondltlons unde!" whlch lt wou'ld beoperated or maintained would not be detrimental ta ttra puniil h;;i;h,'i.iiiil iiwelfare or materlally lnJurlous to properties or tmproviments .tn the vlclnlty. Thar inr proposed use wou'ld comply with each of the apriicab.l. .rvlslons of thlsorc I ndnce. SiAiF RECOMI'IE.NDATIONS 'l "li : \-l wr,.,w AO ,r""*td -f$e-s, \rqp -f\\.,rrs- f^, SA-f- S",.JS* F- \) z-{ Z-Q z-tr z'L l'o^t to'l tlr..\a,..u \ J.'r 1.'-*-".*. <A/- C-.,o! N-.-\ -fvar- 2-0 ESTrr-r"), LN-o TNl t 5 t'r.oea 5nr- I. ilAf r€viaed 9/4/9L DRB APPIICATION _ TO9IN OF \TAIL, COIORADO DATE APPLICATION RECETVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: rsrs Appr.rcArfi;;il;iior ", AccEprEDnNTrL Ar,L REQUr**O* *t*XO*T':LJrON rs srrBr.rrTrED PROJECT TNFORMATION: A. DESCRIpTIoN: t$/rr^ovnstk- bvT oou-., p\,,rl^rcf *<TAJ-," L s"n ur tr- : por"l p Sv,'vtr"-o-- ar,zr{ B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Constructj_on ($200. 00) Addition (S50.00) Mj.nor Alteration ($20. 00) ($0) r- n | .-2-frrJ.ultltD): r \)) ) l_ LEGAL ""'";;;;;Subdivision Conceptual Review \r /\<\ , \4r<. Lot Block ff property is described bydescription, please provid6attach to thi-s application. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a currentstamped survey showing IoL area. a meets and bounds legal_on a separate sheet and F. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT: Address: H.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : b\!!\l\4-\VLr .Sc\\r"\,flA,.r-Mailing Acdress: ?.O. St"o> vnrw ffi J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permitl-please identify tfieaccurate valuation of the proposal. The town of vailwill adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. I. NAME OF OWNQRS: Phone q4$ S-bo r> J Sc\lti-' FEE PAID: S FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 s500.00 SIGNATURE(S):Mailing Acidress: E'FE qAIJI'NI TT F. VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000$ 10,001 - $ 50,OOO$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 9150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1, C00,000 * DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAT EXPIRES ONE YTAR AFTER FTNALAPPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMII IS rsSuED AltD CONSTRUCTION ISSIARTED. *TNO APPLTCATION WILT BE PROCESSED ?TITBOUT OWNER'S STGNATT'RE t-n"i5-1^.-g- \...,-i\./ LTg1 oa