HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE CROSSING COMMON PART 2-3 LEGALt, ,! i -i:4tgF.lTlq- . .l - - ur!" rElt rl, - i Project Application ,^r" ;ft/e: ,- LProiect Name: Proiect Descriplion: Contact Person and owner, Address and phone: Qo-^-/ Pa^ t o ^ - n - O3/ -\' kovt frdArchitect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot K-..' a4^ 66 /enmmFnls. - - .., ,v'. - v .t Design Review Board ,^" i4t DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: ,fu4e^4---- Town Plan nero^,", 1/6ft t Slaff Approval (..--4 a\o Profect Appllcatlon \-- Proiect Name: I rnnl. t' c ' "''C T6.'i *s S'.- '. \ Project Oescription: contact Person and pr,on" f r,Z.-C,- K . <-c il -'''.'P - Owner, Address and Phone: r t\ Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Deslgn Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DTSAPPROYAL Summary: o Descript'ion ol .Project Appl i cati on Number Fee Paid - SIGN APPLICATION Name of Project -Tl**L" 1,v" f,=.u - l- u.+-*il[e Name of Person Subrnitting 6-3 lleVlt-e, phone _ Location of Project loJ, S- 4.,*,..1q gJ , Ul . 47d- 602.8 The following information is required forto the Design Rev'iew Board before a finalSign subm'ittal fee is $20.00. submittal by the applicant approval can be given. A. S'ign Materia'll-{'=--\+..-'rY*.\ *-.:, e>-:__. -;7-l .:._-- --<J: "1).-\ , -i \\J t3" Des cri pti on T;; " -f , I4BERLNE D. Length ofl Cofiments )o,, D,tru*,* -fin:s MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION l. Site Plan2. Drawings sfi'oilngE'act'location3. Photographs sholing proposed locEFon4. Actual siqn5. Co] ored scal e drawi nq6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submitta'l Diiapproved for DRB Suum'ittal] - Sign Administratoi------- 5'ign Administrator\ mttl m /iltl'J'- PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMMTSION March 9, 1982 PRESENTJ.J. Collins Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Peggy OsterfossSid Schultz Jim Viele ABSENT farn-Eopfins The meeting was called to order by re red Bus ness 1021. South Fro Comnerc 1. Ar:proval_of Tinutes of meelin@ Diana;o;o .rE-rir,rrc"..The vote $ras 6-0 in favor of approval . STAFF PRESENT FAEer Fffin Tom BraunKristan PritzRick Pylrnan Betsy Rosolack 2. the chairrnan, Jim Viele. est for a front setback variance a variance fromroo DE aE- slope and an amendmen o the Arterctcacr-on plan construct a T-om Braun pointed out that there were three requests. He addedthat with new survey information, the applican€ was askinj ioi "front setback variance. He showed new site prans. The staffr-ecommended approval of the front setback request and denial ofthe roof slope variance and anendnent to the-circulation plan. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, exprained that basedoT p.prior survey, the applicant had thought-that the highwayright-of-way was a curved rine, but the niw survey showed a - straight line. Jim Morter, architect, adrnitted tfrat the firstproposal did show a stairstep building, but that for uranyreasons, it was not feasible to design the building in tiris way.He added that the_applicant was proposing to build only one-third the arlowable.building sizE. He d;fended his ae3ign-rystating that the building wourd have a low profiie and thus a1ow impact, that.is wourd preserve views fr-orn the hithrrr;t-;";from the Professionar Buirding, that the design screens the flatroof portion, the frat roof enabled him to scieen the nechanicalequiprnelrt, the slope roof would allow icicles to drip onpedestrians, that there_w3s-Ilo practical way to put I slopedroof olto- a wedge shaped buirding, and he ciairneb a prrysi'caihardship because of the shape of-ihe site. He stated that trehad net with a highway orticiat and was told a second. exit wouldbe beneficial to the town, and werl as give the Fire Departrnenta.w-ay to drive their trucks through. Jim was wirling'io go - with an rrexit onlyrt or oor exit right turn on1y. ii- sid schultz stated that he sided with the applicant with respect \ to the second exit and felt that with the nelr ramp, there wouldbe additional traffic aenerated on this road which'may then bemade into 4 lanes. He agreed with the staff about the frat roofand was not convinced that a flat roof would be a bettersolution, and wished to see some of the schemes done with apitched roof. He felt a flat roof seemed more like a stripshopping center, and that it did not have as much articulalionas he would have liked. Diana Donovan stated that she would listen to the rest of theboard regarding the roof and nechanical equiprnent. she did notlike flat roofs. she wanted her concern auout no signs towardthe rnterstate passed on to DRB. she asked if a second froorcould be added to the structure, and Jim Morter repried that thebuilding was not designed for a second floor. Jay peterson stated that there would be frorn 4 to 6 businesses. Diana feltthe second access should not be an entrance. she felt that thewhole concern is that no one had addressed just what impacts thenelr ramp would have on the traffic in the area. She walappreciative of the fact that the applicant was not trying tomaximize his GRFA. Tom Braun stated that until the exit ranp and intersection aredesigned, the staff had no idea what the inpacts would be. Headded that he did not feel that a sign only on the extra accessp?int wguld police the exit. He added that the Fire Departmentdid want the egress, but only need it for an emergency ixit.Jin Morter stated that he did not have formar appioval fron theHighway Department because they wanted to see how the Town feltabout the extra access. Torn Braun answered that in conceptonly' the egress would work, but in terms of enforcement, therewere questions. Morter stated that he did not accept thevalidity of the ABD circulation plan. Bryan Hobbs had no problem with the front setback variance, butfelt that the flat roof was not as attractive as a sloped ioof.He felt the second exit could be designed so that one could notturn into it, but he was concerned that people would drivefurther west and turn back at some point. Peggy osterfoss stated that Jirn Morterrs explanation of the fratroof hiding the mechanicat eguiprnent, and keeping the roof rowwas convincing. she felt the best solution oi t6e traffic wasto have the road 4 laned. Tom stated that this wouLd have tobe looked at and studied, as there were a lot of questionsconcerning the reguirements of the state. viele rientioned thatthe right-of-way hras etenerous in that area. peter patten stated.that in discussions with the state Highway Departrnent, it wasindicated that a rtchannelization' onty woutd 6e done. He addedthat the staff had asked for 4 lanes throughout the area and wast-old the Highway Departrnent had no interest in having 4 lanes inthat area. Patten arso explained that when the Gren Lyon officeis constructed, accereration and deceleration lanes would beconstructed and also at Cascade Village. PEc 3/e/87 f, 2 / J-J. colrins asked how much of the roof would be visible from r-70 and Morter replied that the parapet would be visibre frornboth lanes of r-7o and that it would hide the mechanicarequipnent. JJ then asked at what point the ruechanicit equiprnentwould be visible and was told it would be visible beginni-ng atsinba Run and above. Morter pointed out that the rne6hanicitequipnelt would be visible at any rate, but that the flat roofwourd hide it as nuch as possible. He was asked if the northside of the building could be treated the same as the south, andreplied that it would not make sense, because the situationswere different. JJ felt the nechanical equipment would. behighly visible frour Sirnba and above. He jtalea that thebuilding reminded him of strip shopping centers. Morter feltthat the building was unique and nol fite a strip shoppingcenter. Tom Braun stated that.Larry Eskwith felt the pEc approval wouldrnerely arlow the appliant to go to DRB hrith the fllt roof.Peter Patten asked if everyone understood why the sroping roofwas called for. He explained that pitched roofs versus ilatroofs were an ongoing controversy in vail . rt was felt thatthis area would be made up of rnulti-froor office buildings andthe council decided that they wanted sloped roofs with 3itz as aminimum pitch. Viete felt that a pitch -or er12 did not doanything, but read as a flat roof ind would not look atpine.Tom nentioned that the 3:12 r'ras a minimum pitch. Morte; feltthat he was meeting the intent or EtrE-prEched roof with hisdesign. JJ rernained conEErnEd- about tlre visibirity of themechanical eguipment on the roof. Morter repeated. that that waswhy he was going with a flat roof J-J. felt that the traffic issue seemed to be part of a muchlarger issue. peter told the board that he trah uaa a r""iingwith_the.Highway Department, the Transportation department aiathe Parking Task Force. The Highway Departrnent asked that theTown eliminate one access to the ola Torm shops. peter feltthat it was difficurt to address one issue wiihout looking atthe entire area at this point. Jay feJ.t that there was room inthe whole area to create more lane!. He said the HighwayDepartment seemed to feel comfortable with the additionai accessat.the proposed site. J.J. said he had no probrem with theexit, but did with the whole area. He wanted to see more studyto hide the mechanical equipment. Jirn viele had no problern with the setbacks and fert the flatroof was the best way to hide the rnechanciar equipnent. He didnot remember the pEC feeli.ng strongry about flit ioors in theArteriar Business District. viele-felt that regarding p;rii;gand circulation, each site must be looked. at indivia"iriy- - -' l?:15:,of changes rnade since the Circulation ptan was a&opted.vrere drcr not have any problem having the access be an exilonly and could have signage to that 6ffect. J.J. asked viele if PEc 3/e/e7 # 3 \ he meant the signage would be exit only to the right, and Jimanshrered that as far as he was concerned people could turneither way because there was lots of rigbt-of-way to r^rork withand the acceleration,/deceleration lanes courd be extended to thewest. Viele then mentioned that at the OId Town Shops, peoplewere backing onto the Frontage Road. Tom pointed out that a right turn acceleration lane was notcalled for in the plans presented. Morter said that with thespeed liroit at 25, it was not needed. Diana pointed out that much of the time the white lines were not visible because ofsnow. Peter asked Jay if the speed linit would be reduced nearcascade when cascade puts accelerati-on/decereration ranes in andJay replied that the speed limit would be 35 to Cascade, then 45beyond Cascade. Peter felt that it was critical that theHighway Department look at the plan proposed. Morter statedthat he would like to resolve the roof and setback issues andcome back later with the access issue. Jim viele fert that there was a consensus to table the issue ofthe access. Hobbs moved and Osterfoss seconded to a e the recruest for e ront setback request e roof slo e variance due ohvsical har e staff rnerno ated 3/9/87.askedf Morter were ht cal t thecolor of the roo wall-Mortersaid he was w The vote was 6-0 infavor o e two variances . Donovan moved and Schultz seconded to table the ]-SSUe of the to second access until the f meet had two weeks in which to review the n April new s e sta has e votelras 6-0 to table. Sitzroark Lodge.Applicant: Sitzmark Lodqe/Bob Fritch Kristan Pritz showed a model of the Sitznark proposal andexplained that the proposal included adding 3 acconnodationunits which reguired a density variance. After expraining the rnerno rerated to the exterior arteration, Kristan added th;t thesixth condition asked for by the staff should be amended toincrude rrcredit wilr be given the owner in an equitabre mannerfor expenses incurred in improvernents related to this projecg.rrShe then explained the density memo. Duane Piper, the architect representing the owner, sumrnarizedthe density request and explained that 3 accommodation units hadbeen renoved when retail was added to the Gore creek Drive sideof the building.. The applicant was now reguesting to add 3acconmodation units. PEc 3/e/87 # 4 \=P\ Proiect Application.s\.\"; Pro,ect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone / 7// Owner, Address and Phone: '1,:'lat*''.*z-z:t&- ' ;it4€€7 tlt/a4, Date DISAPPROVAL Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Block , Zone .- ,tft*- , Fz.t' =u -ryZrr/ ' r'Wl/ l-4/*A:. V,s -<-* ,ar< tS ra fu 7-zs*tat:,-rzE) 'd e/ Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: 7 .r /-rt t Project Application o,* Glrtlm- Proiect Name: Project Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Motion by: \L{otaa s""ono"o or, t* APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 3-o t i' a 75 south lrontage road Yail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 otf lce ot communlly development February J.9, IggT Mr. Jin MorterMorter Architects L43 East Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Comrnercial Center Dear Jim: The Planning staff_had an opportunity to review the subnittar forthe vail cornmercial. cen!e5- Liris past week. our ini-tiar responseto the three elements of this pr'oposaL are as foll-ows: l.Variance to re irement for itched roof. rt is interesting that a design consideration such as roofpitch is incruded.within trre ioning code for this district.My understandinq is that there was-a strong pr"i.r".r"e forpitched roofs uv ttre rranning-conrmission and Town councir atthe time this distri-ct was .,i"pi"a. Given ttrat ttre zoningstandards require.a minimum pilchea_roof "r-Jiiz] a pnysicalhardslrip must be demonstrateh-in- order to warrant thegranting of a variance from tnis aeveropment standard.. whilethe shape of this 1ot i-s d.rivins.the aesig" "i-iil; buitdingto a degree, it is the feeri"q 5r the staif [tr"i--tn" specificdesign of the building p.opo=5a-is-the prio,uiy-Jeason for notbeing abre to incorpoiate i pitched roof. This was evidentby ygnr initiat proposal thai. showed a pitched roof. ftwould seern that i =1i-ght reauction in the footprint of theproposed structure wour-d alrow for the a"=ig"-[i a pitchedroof. rt should be understood that the request before the pranninqCommission is for an exception to tn-" ,.quii"a-pii"n;;;;;;:An approval of vour requelt ry the pEc wirr ,erEise you rronfh".=1?pgd-on1y reguir6rnent. rt" one would still hvejurisdiction over_ finat desisn. rhi; ;;;;I"Ii-ii"rd norcover the kal-wall feature as indicated- l.t v"rrr pians andnoder. This erernent, of the roof is a aesigi iealure tnatwourd also come under the purvue of the Gig;;;iiew goard. n 2. As the staff has stated a number of times, we are extremelyconcerned that an adequate landscape buffer be provided between the Frontage Road and the developrnent of tnisproperty. At the present tine we cannot support the 4 footvariance request that is proposed. This is prirnarily due tothe unknown nature of future road improveroenls in this area.Our concern is that subsequent irnprovements to the FrontageRoad would result in the loss of highway right-of-waylandscaping. If, for example, the road-suriace was to reachthe property line, the 1I foot buffer proposed would be veryinadequate. We are, however, willing Lo Lonsider additionaiinforrnation that may be subnitted concerning this l_ssue.A vicinity plan showing the location and dilnensions of allimprovements proposed by the ABD general circulation pl_anwould be helpful in deterrnining the future status ot Lnisright-of-way. If it could be demonstrated that allirnprovements can be designed while retaining anple greenspace on St,ate Highway right-of-way, we would fe willing tore-evaluate our position on the front setback variancerequest. 3.ldditional Access Off of the Frontaqe Road lhe general circulation plan for this zone district wasprepared with the goal of consolidating access points andmaintaining srnooth circulation through this dislrict andonto individual properties. While the access proposed forthe east end of the property.is compatible with this plan,the additional access point is totally inconsistent witn tnegoals of this zone district,. To date, the informationsubnitted has done nothing to convi-nce the staff otherwise. The proposed westerly access point has the potential tocreate congestion both on the Frontage Road and on the site(considering the proxinity of proposed parking spaces to theaccess point). It is the feeling of the staff that tbisadditional access way is proposed solety for the convenienceand benefit of the developrnent of this property with littleconsideration given to j.ts irnpact on the surrounding area. a 4 rt is. lmportant that we see a revised copy of the survey that hasresulted in this new setback variance request. As has 6een staledin the.past, I would__be-happy to sit in on rneetinls thai you ilt-*have with the State Uiqhway- -Departrnent to discuss theirrequirenents for these new-acclss cuts. r hope this infomationassists you in the refinernent of this developirent progran. pleasedo not hesitate to contact me with any questions y6u iay have. Sjhcerely, /rnv\ Thomas A. BraunSenior Planner TAB:bpr .'1 ' ,. tr? -:.- .Ii.r-'r'i;- . A Prolessional Corporation 143 Easl l\,leadow Drive Crossroads al Va I Vail, Colorado 81657 303r476-5105 MoruenAncnrEcrs FEBRUARY 9, L987 APPLICATION FOR A VARIAI.ICE VOLITER NURSERY PROPERTY TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COTORADO PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant requests a variance from Section L8.29.070,requiring a minimum roof slope of three feet in twelvefeet. The extremely narrow, wedge-shaped site dictates a wedge- shaped building. It is virtually impossible to gracefully place a sloping roof on a wedge-shaped building. It is the applicant's intent to develop a low-impact, low-profile structure appropr.i-ate to j-ts setting along the in-terstate highway and frontage road. Views from the highwayto the nearby mountain in this area are quite nice (the mountain comes as close to the highway in this area as in any area along the valley). The proposed design screens the proposed flat roof fromboth the highway and the frontage road. The roof is hiddenby an articuLated wa1l along the highway, with the canopyroof visible beyond the wall. The canopy roof meets theintent of Section 18.29.070 by presenting a visible, inte-resting roof form. The proposed design also eliminates sno$r, ice, and dripping concerns from all users of thestructure. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER USES & STRUCTURES TN THE VICINITY The proposal could only be welcomed by the users of this area. 1. The 1ow profile is an appropriate scale for this site,which is close to the highway, close to the frontageroad, and in a hiqhly trafficked area. 2. The 1ow profile maintains views in all directions, fromall existing struetures, and from the highway. 3. This area deserves the best, not the most arbitrary,design efforts, considering the number of users off Li- onshead, the forthcoming lift at Cascade Village, andproposed 1-70 interchange. MonrenAncntrECTs February 9, 1987 Application For A varianceVoliter Nursery Property Page -2- DEGREE TO WHTCH RELIEF FROM THE STRICT OR LITERAL INTERPRE. TATION & ENFORCEMENT OF A SPECIFIED REGULATION TS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE COMPATIBILITY AND UNIFORMTTY OF TREATMENT AMONG SITES IN THE VICINTTY OR TO ATTAIN THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS TITLE WITHOUT GRANT OF SPECIAL PRTVILEGE One of the two major structures in the zone district has aflat roof over 100t of the structure already, with an ap-proved addition which also has a flat. roof. The necessary wedge shape of this applicantrs structurerules out a reasonable sloping roof. Consequently, no special privilege is granted. EFFECT OF THE VARTANCE ON LIGHT & AIR, DISTRTBUTION OF PO- PULATION, TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFTC FACILITTES, UTTLTTIES, & PUBLIC SAFETY Approving this variance request will IMPROVE the quality ofliqht, air, distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, and public safety for reasons al-readymentioned. It will have no effect, positive or negative,on utilities. SUMMARY To quote portions of Chapter 8.02, General Provisions, ofthe Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance: 18.02.020 Purpose A. These regulations are enacted for the purpose of promo-ting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare ofthe town, and to promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the town in a manner that will conserveand enhance its natural environment and its establishedcharacter as a resort and residential community of highquality. MonrenAncnffEcrs February 9, L987 Application For A VarianceVoliter Nursery Property Page -3- B. These regulations are intended to achieve the following more specific purposes: 2. To secure safety from fire, panic, fIood, ava- fanche, accumulation of snow, and other dangerous conditions; 3. To promote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehi-cular traffic circulation and to lessen congestionin the streets; 5. To conserve and maintain established community qua-lities and economic values; 6. To encourage a harmonious, convenient, and workablerelationship among land uses, consistent with muni-cipal development objectives ; 8. To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the towni 10. To assure adequate open space, recreation opportu-nities, and other amenities and facilities condu- cj-ve to desired living quarterst 1L. To other$rise provide for the growth of an orderly and viabLe community. The applicantrs proposal certainly meets the intent of Sec-tion 18.29.070, if not the specific percentages stated. And the shape of the building, dictated by the shape of thesite, makes meeting those percentages impossible. A Professronal Corporatron 143 East Meadow Drrve Crossroads at Va Varl Colorado 81657 303 476 5105 MoruenAncnIECTs FEBRUARY 9, L987 APPLICATION TOR A VARIANCE VOLITER NURSERY PROPERTY TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant requests a variance from Section 18.29.070,requiring a minimum roof slope of three feet in twelve feet. The extremely narroer, wedge-shaped site dictates a wedge- shaped building. ft is virtually impossible to gracefullyplace a sloping roof on a wedge-shaped building. ft is the applicantrs intent to develop a low-impact, low-profile structure appropriate to its setting along the in-terstate highway and frontage road. Views from the highwayto the nearby mountain in this area are quite nice (the mountain comes as close Lo the highway in this area as in any area along the valley). The proposed design screens the proposed flat roof fromboth the highway and the frontage road. The roof is hiddenby an articulated wall along the highway, with the canopyroof visible beyond the wall. The canopy roof meets theintent of Section 18.29.070 by presenting a visible, inte-resting roof form. The proposed design aLso eliminates sno\^r, ice, and drippinq concerns from all users of thestructure. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER USES & STRUCTURES IN THE VICINTTY The proposal could only be welcomed by the users of thisarea. 1. The low profile is an appropriate scale for this site,which is close to the highway, close to the frontageroad, and in a highly trafficked area. 2. The 1ow profile maintains views in all directions, fromalL existing structures, and from the highway. 3. This area deserves the best, not the most arbitrary,design efforts, considerlng the number of users off Li-onshead, the forthcoming lift at Cascade Village, andproposed 1-70 interchange. MonrenAncn lrECTs February 9, 7987 Application For A VarianceVoliter Nursery Property Page -2- DEGREE TO WHICH RELIEF FROM THE STRICT OR TITERAL INTERPRE- TATION & ENFORCEMENT OF A SPECTFIED REGULATION TS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE COMPATIBILITY AND UNIFORMITY OF TREATMENT AMONG STIES IN THE VICINITY OR TO ATTAIN THE OB.]ECTIVES OF THIS TITLE WITHOUT GRANT OF SPECIAL PRIVTLEGE One of the two major structures in the zone district has aflat roof over 100t of the structure already, with an ap-proved addition which also has a flat roof. The necessary wedge shape of this applicantrs structurerules out a reasonable sloping roof. Consequently, no special privilege is granted. EFFECT OF THE VARIANCE ON LIGHT & AIR, DTSTRTBUTION OF pO- PULATION, TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFIC FACILITTES, UTTLITTES, & PUBLIC SAFETY Approving this variance request will IMPROVE the quality ofIight, ai.r, distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, and public safety for reasons alreadymentioned. It will have no effect, positive or negative,on utilities. SUMMARY To quote portions of Chapter 8.02, General Provisions, ofthe Toh'n of Vail Zoning Ordinance: 18.02.020 Purpose A. These regulations are enacted for the purpose of promo-ting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare ofthe town, and to promote the coordinated and harmoniousdevelopment of the town in a manner that will conserveand enhance its natural envi_ronment and its establishedcharacter as a resort and residential community of highquality. t. MonrenAncnIECTs February 9, 1987 Applicat.ion For A VarianceVoliter Nursery Property Page -3- B. These regulations are intended to achieve the following more specific purposes! 2. To secure safety from fire, panj-c, flood, ava- lanche, accumulation of snow, and other dangerousconditions; 3. To promote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehi-cular traffic circulation and to lessen congestionin the streetst 5. To conserve and maintain established community qua-lities and economic values; 6. To encourage a harmonious, convenient, and workablerelationship among land uses, consistent with muni-cipal development objectives; 8. To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the town; 10. To assure adequate open space, recreation opportu-nities, and other amenities and facilities condu-cive to desired living quarters; 11. To otherhrise provide for the growth of an orderly and viable community. The applicantrs proposal certainly meets the intent of Sec-tion 18.29.070, if not the specific percentages stated.And the shape of the building, dictated by the shape of thesite, makes meeting those percentages impossible. A Professional Corporal on 143 East l\readow Dr ve Crossroads at Vail Vail, Co orado 81657 303 476-5105 MoruEnAncnrEcrs FEBRUARY 9, L987 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE VOLITER NURSERY PROPERTY TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REgUESTED The applicant requests a varj-ance from section L8.29.070,requiring a minimum roof slope of three feet in twelvefeet. The extremely narrow, wedge-shaped site dictates a wedge- shaped building. ft is virtually impossible to gracefullyplace a sloping roof on a wedge-shaped building. ft is the appl.icantrs intent to develop a low-impact, J-ow-profile structirre appropriate to its setting along the in-terstate highway and frontage road. Views from the highwayto the nearby mountain in this area are quite nice (the mountain comes as close to the highway in this area as in any area along the valley). The proposed design screens the proposed flat roof fromboth the highway and the frontage road. The roof is hiddenby an articulated wall along the highway, with the canopyroof visible beyond the wall. The canopy roof meets theintent of Section 18.29.070 by presenting a visible, inte-resting roof form. The proposed design also eliminates snow, ice, and dripping concerns from all users of thestructure. RETATIONSHIP TO OTHER USES & STRUCTURES IN THE VICTNTTY The proposal could only be welcomed by the users of this area. 1.. The low profile is an appropriate scale for this site,which is close to the highway, close to the frontageroad, and in a highly trafficked area. 2. The low profile maintains views in all directions, fromall existing structures, and from the highway. 3. This area deserves the best, not the most arbitrary,design efforts, considering the number of users off Li-onshead, the forthcoming lift at Cascade Village, andproposed 1-70 interchange. MonrenAncnrEcrs February 9, L987 Application For A VarianceVoliter Nursery Property Page -2- DEGREE TO I.'HICH RELIEF FROM THE STRICT OR LITERAL INTERPRE. TATION & ENFORCEMENT OF A SPECIFIED REGULATION IS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE COMPATIBILITY AND T'NIFORMITY OF TREATMENT AMONG SITES IN THE VTCINITY OR TO ATTAIN THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS TITLE WITHOUT GRANT OF SPECIAL PRTVILEGE one of the two major structures in the zone district has aflat roof over 100E of the structure already, with an ap-proved addition which also has a flat roof. The necessary wedge shape of this applicantfs structurerules out a reasonable sloping roof. conseguently, no special privilege is granted. EFFECT OF THE VARIANCE ON LIGHT & AIR, DISTRIBUTTON OF pO- PULATION, TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFIC FACILITIES, UTILITTES, & PUBLIC SAFETY Approving this variance request wiII IMPROVE the guality ofliqht, air, distribution of populatj-on, transportation,traffic facilities, and public safety for reasons alreadymentioned. It lrill have no effect, positive or negative,on utilities. SUMMARY To quote portions of Chapter 8.02, General provisions, ofthe Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance: 18.02.020 Purpose A. These regulations are enacted for the purpose of promo-ting the health, safety, morals, and general wel_fare ofthe town, and to promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the town in a manner that will conserveand enhance its natural environment and its establishedcharacter as a resort and residential community of highquality. MoruenAncnrEcrs February 9, 1987 Application For A VarianceVoliter Nursery Property Page -3- B. These regulations are intended to achieve the following more specific purposes: 2. To secure safety from fire, panic, flood, ava- lanche, accumulation of snow, and other dangerous conditions; 3. To promote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehi-cular traffic circulation and to lessen congestionin the streets; 5. To conserve and maintain established community qua-lities and economic values; 6. To encourage a harmonious, convenient, and workablerelationship among land uses, consistent with muni-cipal development objectives; 8. To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the to\dn t 10. To assure adeguate open space, recreation opportu-nities, and other amenities and facilities condu-cive to desired living quartersi 11. To otherwise provide for the growth of an orderly and viable corununity. The applicant's proposal certainly meets the intent of Sec-tion 18 .29.070, if not the specific percentages stated. And the shape of the building, dictated by the shape of thesite, makes meeting those percentages impossible. I. This wil I A. o DateAppl ication PEC MEETING February 9, 1987 )F, eR l+413s O lr>l$r -+4\1-\_-/ DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE procedure is required fgl gnl project requesting a variance.not be accepted until all information is'submitied.The appl ication NAME 0F AppLICANT Vail Commercial partnership ADDRESS 254 Beaver Dam Road Vail , Colorado 81657 p1.16pg 476- 1987 B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPL ICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE Morter Arch'i tects 143 E Meadbw Drive, Suite 300 Vail , Colorado 81657 c.NAME OF OI^INER(S)*:6r:nt)Va iI Commerci al Partnershi p s n byrne ADDRESS 254 Beaver Dam Road Vai i ; Col orado 81657 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL PHONE 476-5105 pHgNE 475-t987 D. P rope rt Town of Vail,Eagle County, Colorado E. FEE $1OO PAID THE FEE MUST BE PAID YOUR PROPOSAL. ADDRESS Vol iter Nursery LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING cK#FROM BEFORE_THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I,IILL ACCEPT F. A list of the names of owners of al.l property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STRTETS:THE APPLICANT t,lILL BE RESPONSIET. FON CORRECf adjacent to the subject property and thei r mai I ing addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. Ir. A PRE-AppLrcATqf,..ggItElErygE htll[^{ ll_4ryNrNG STAFF MEMBER rs srRoNGLy SUGGESTEDT0')0ETERMINEIf-ANY'ADDITIoNAL INF0RMAiioN-is NiEbLD. N0 AppLicATr0N tntrLL BEACCEPTED uNLEss IT-IS^CoMPLFIF (Nusr INcLUDa nrr-iiir'rs REquTRED By THE zoNrNGR9!.I.NIIIR4ISE). IT IS THE APPLicANT'a nEiFor,r'siariiiV ro MAKE AN ApporNTmENTI'IITH THE STAFF T0 FIND our ABoui-ADDIiIoNAL-su;Miiini nequrnEMENTs. PLEASE NOTE THAT^A.I9{IL.qE_4PPLICATION l.lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORY0uR PR0JEcr sv.oecREASING-THE Nut{BER 0r colloiriorus-6r nppnovAL THAT THE pLANNTNGAND ENVIR0NMENTAL COMMIssIoN My srrpuLATE: -A[-ijonirrrols 0F AppR.vAL MUsr BE' COMPLIED wrrH BEF0RE A BUTLDTNG penr'rri-ii-issiiE6.'-": r. i . ; III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE I'IRTUNT OF THE VARIANcE REQUESTEO AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT UUii_Ni!O'N;ONESi, -_; "-1-EY'-Y'I l' The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the'vicinity. -'-- -: 2' The degree to which relief from-the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement of a specified regulation is-necessary.to achieve compatibilityand uniformitv 9r treatment ailone siies-i;-i;; tiiinitv-li"-i6 iit!in *,"objectives of this tiile without grant or speiiat p.ivirege.- --' OVER { Vari ance l- 3. The effect'of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. B. A topographic and/or improvement-survey at a sca'le of at least lo - 20' stampedby a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existing imorove-ments' including grades and elevations. Other e'lements which must-be bhownare_parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a buildings. scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed D. E. Al1 preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate lhg dimensigns, general appearance' sca'l e and use ofrall buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a mu] ti-fanily deve'lopment which has a homeolri.€rSlassociation, then written approval from the association in support of theproiebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV.Time Requirments The Planning and Environmenta'l Commission meetsof each nnnth. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th Mondays 'all accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of(as determined by the zoningstaff before or after the desig- the MATERIALS MME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information ls required for submittal by the app'l icant to the Des';n Review Board before a final approval can be flven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR l'lhiteTrans'l ucent Pane ls LIST OF vait lmercia'l Center Stucco Light Gray Roof Slding 0ther blal I Other Roof l,lateri al s Light Gray l4ateri al s Rock Light Gray Steel Light Gray Al umi num . Storefron t Bl ack N. A. Aluminum Storefront N.A. Fasci a Soffi ts llindows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngS Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Awnings: N.A. N. A. Galvanized (painted)o match adja- N.A. Translucent Panels Canvas on Steel Frame Maroon B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Deslgner: Phone: PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Pinus Contoita Glen Ellison 476-3258 Botanical Name Cormon Name Quani ty 5i ze* Popolus Tremuloides Aspen Lodgepole Pine 18 2"-3" cal- g'-10' g' - 10' Prea Pungens Spruce EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED None *Indicate caliper for declducious trees. fnOic.l r,iight for conifers. lover) PLANT }OTERIALS: ( con' t) SHRUBS Cornus Sericea . Ribes Alpinus Potenti I I a Buffalo Juniper 18 Redtwig Dogwood Alpine Current I@" ert"- size -35 5 gal. 5 gal. 5 gal. 5 ga] . I qa]. Conmon Name Blue Chjp Jun i per E ^- |J gor. 50 25 25 56 Sque:"e FootaqeType Vinca llinor Common PeriwinkleGROUND COVERS Yess0D SEED . Nati ve Grasseil_ l,lit-4-J1g!Sil-Ui x._ ___._ TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR MET}IOD OF EROSION COI{TROL OTHER LANoSCAPE FEATURES (retalning walls' fences'swimming Pools, etc.)Please specifY. c. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION Unplutt"d (Vol ite rnty, JoB NAME Va'il Commercial Center BLOCK FILING ADDRESS 1031 South Frontaqe Road West c0) The location of utilities, whether theylines, nust be approved and verified by accompanying site plan. Mountai n Be]'l 1- !44-k1sl Western Slope Gas rlit?-i!?e" Public Service Company Gary Ha'll Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V..leff H.U ghes .. ;949-5530 Upper Eagle Val'ley l,later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek (Please bring a site Plan when obtaining UEVIISD s'i gnatures ) be nain t.runk the following lines or proposed utilities for the Date 'Zo, n* ron, please fill ou attached sheet ori zed 3/'s/' /]4r 3-td-v7 NOTE: Ttrese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vail, Department of Public ltlorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easetnent in the Town of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A stxeet cut permit must be obtained sepatately. ,This fonn is to verify service availablity and location. Tttis should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. LOT{ADO o STA|E OF CO t DEPARTI'ENT OF HIGHYYAYS 222 South Sixth Slreet. P.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, Colorrdo 81 502-21 07 (303) 248-7208 Thomas A. Braun Senlor Planner Town of Val1 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Braun: We have received the oub construct a commercial build Property). We also received a' the requested setback var lances rights of way. We are concerned January L4, L987 affect both our frontage road by this variance request and 'fi"ii; for requested setback .Fa*" at 1031 sourl @rrrei' nd have noted and Interstate wlsh to make tl4_following corrnents. The lnterstate right of way llne ls a federally controlled access llne. Neither the Dlvislon of Hlghways nor the Town of Vail can authorlze anJr crossl-ngof the access llne. If the butldlng were constructed on the ROW llne the access line would be violated routlnely for buildlng construction and malntenance. Also, roof dralnage would be forced onto highway rlght of way in vlolation of state statutes. We therefore oppose the setback variance at the Interstateright of way and request that the setback requirements be malntalned to ensure that building construction and malntenance activities will not trespass on Interstate ROW. [,le do not obJect to the front setback variance along our frontage road ROW. The buildlng and parking does not appear to restrlct sight dlstancesfor vehlcles entering and leaving thls slte or the adjacent property. The development of this property will require a Colorado Divlsion of Highways Access Permit. The access permit process will review the location of thebuilding, parking and drainage to ensure that safe access and publlc safetyis malntained. It appears that all landscaplng and site grading ls contained on the property. The landscaplng should be designed and placed so that it does not restrict sight distances. As the you know, we are worklng cooperatively with the Town of Vail to acceler- developrnent of Interstate access ramps wlthin 500 feet of this property.ate fhls proJect wtll requlre wldenlng of the Interstate to provlde the accelera- tion/deceleratlon lanes, and the frontage road will also be sldened to provlde a channelized lntersectlon ulth the rarnps. This work wlll requlre full ut{112a- tlon of both the Interstate and frontage road rlghts of way. Thus lt ls lnpor- tant that the town require adequate bulldlng setbacks and dralnage plans to ensure that the htghway can be wldened wlthout compromlslng safety. Thank you for the opportunlty to revlew and conment on thls varlance request. Very truly yours, 1<. a l'"o'r*.* R. P. Moston Dlstrlct Engineer RDP:rb cc3 Moston/Pdrske Sanburg Ilunn PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTEO: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF o{'6>< OlNc FIRE DEPARTMENT INTER-DEPARTIIENTAL REVIEl,| \.- DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSAL:( - ^^^--rA c-Je v\V,-\-,d\\ c-a^^. . ./) llyJ,--t /<*7 l4fPur'-'l DateReviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTHENT-.-.--- Reviewed by: Comments: Date l ..: - .::,:: -.j..... -':t...+i ... 1 :?. ';'t.i{ ...:.,j"_. ., ,;-t'. +i . ri': -;; 9.F RTCREATI ON DEPARTI,IENT Reviewed by: Comments: PUBLIC lllORKS .Vn Reviewed ar Dtt ou Comments: Date lnwn 75 toulh frontage road vell, coloredo 81657 (303) 476-70q'olllce ol communlty dcuelopmonl January 6, 1987 Mr. R. P. Mosten Colorado Division of Highways P.0. Box 2107 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Dear Mr. Mosten: As per the request of Rick Persky, enclosed you will find a site plan for asetback variance request for the "vol iter Property." This property is located between I-70 and the South Frontage Road approximately .5 miles east of Cascade Vi 11age. This application is scheduled for review by the Planning and Environmenta'l Commjssion on January 26th at 3:00 PM in the Vail Council Chambers. Any written comments by you or your staff may be entered into the record if submitted to usby this date. I would encourage you to submit any comments by January 16th inorder to allow our staff the opportunity to incorporate your concerns into ourinternal review of this application. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any quest.i ons you may have. re1y, A?\Y\H Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner TAB: bpr Encl osure: site p lan ABD zone district / lnwn 75 oouth tronlsge road yail, colorado 91657 (303) 476-7000 December 31, .l986 olflce of communlty derelopmonl Mr. K'i rk Aker Morter Architects #300 1.43 East Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Voljter Nursery Site Dear Kirk: Our department has completed a preliminary review of the "Voliter Nursery Site"development proposal as submitted for the January 26th planning commissi6nmeeting. In addition to our review, plans have been routed to other Towndepartments for thej r cornments. It should be noted that this review by the Planning Commission is intended forthe setback requests on1y. Other zoning considerations, such as prec.i separking requirements, cannot be determined because of the level oi detailprovided by the plans submitted. In reviewjng this application, it is apparent that a sjde setback variance wjllbe required for the retaining wall at the east end of the property. Bydefinjtion, setbacks apply to any building or structure on a site. A itructureis anything constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground. Asetback variance for the retaining wall can be revjewed concurrently wjth theother setback requests. As proposed, the plan submi tted does not meet minimum l andscape requirementsfor parking areas-. Outlined in Section 18.52.080F of the zoning code, thesestandards require'both interi or and perimeter landscaping on paiking iots ofthis size. I would encourage you to consider the addition of permanentinterior'l andscaping to this plan. We would request the following additional information to facjlitate our review: L. A stamped survey of the site, at not less than l:20 scale by a l.i censed su rveyor . ?. East and north elevations of the proposed structure. / 3. That the property corners of the site and the corners of the proposedbuilding be staked. 4. Grades and/or spot elevations be added to the site p'l an. 5. A roof plan indicat'i ng peak roof elevations and heights of eave'l inesfrom.existing or finished grades. (These are necesiary to determineprecise setback requirements. ) To-insure adequate time for review by the Town staff, we'are requir.ing theinformation and tasks to be completed pr.ior to Januaiy lZ, 1gg7: }Jhile recognizing that some difficulties exist jn develop.ing a site of thisshape, the staff js not convjnced that the setback variancei as requested arewarranted. It js our impression that the development proposed is crowding thesite. This is particularly true with the front setback request and the z6rosetback proposed for the retaining wa1 1 adjacent to the parking structureaccess. In both of these cases staff feels it is critica'l to tstablish i*d"-qr"s"_ Iandscaped buffers between this deve'l opment and adjacent property andright-bf-way:. lfe would encourage you to cons'ider design alternatives toaddress these areas. I would be happy to Do not hesitate to Sincerely, .z \ s.n- Thomas A, Braun Seni or P'l anner TAB: bpr meet with you to discuss these issues in greater detailcall me with any questions you may have. / PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Comission of the Town of vail will ho] d a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the munic'i pa1 code of the Town of Vail on January 26, 1987 at 3:00 PM ln the Town Counci'l chambers in the Vai'l Municipa1 Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an exterior alteration in Comnencial Core I in order to add an entry and a request for a condjtional use permit to nrodify the existing dining patio of the clock rower Restaurant'i n the clock rower Building'located on Lots C, D, and E, Block 5, Vail Village lst Flling. Applicant: Clock Tower Restaurant/Roger Riggert 2. A request for an exterior alteration in commercia'l core II in order to add less than 100 square feet of floor space to the Lionshead Lazier Arcade building located at 531 East Lionshead Mall. Applicant: Lazier Comrercial propertjes 3. A request for front, side and rear setback variances in order to construct a bui'l ding at 1031 South Frontage Road t{est (commonly known as the Voliter property). App'licant: Vail Conmercial partnership The applications and information about the proposals are ava.ilable in the zoning administrator's office duning regular office hours for public ihspecti on. TOI{N OF VAIL COI'II'IU]{ I TY DEV E LOPMENT DEPARTT'IENT THOI{AS A. BRAUN Zoning Administrator Publ i shed i n the Vai I Tnai1 on January A, '1987. Appl ication Date ber 22, 1986 PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I.This wil'l A. pnrcedure is required fgl qnl project requesting a variance.not be accepted until all information is-submitled. NAME 0F APPLICANT_Vai I lommerci ai Partners hi p The appl icatlon ADDRESS 254 Beaver.Dam Road, Vail, Colorado 91657 p6g1g 476-1987 B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATM Morter Architects 143 E Meadow Drive, Suite 300' Vail, Colorado 81657 PHONE 476-5105 c.NAME OF ol,tNER(s) ( s nt)_ Vail Commercial Partnershi yrne, Partner ADDRESS 254 Beaver Dam Road LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS Voliter Nurse PHoNE 476-t987 D. Vail, Colorado ftY, LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado E. FEE $lo0 THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT YOUR PROPOSAL. ,.[-.- \ r '$?Z"R.MnoAu, NrM,\a+ IMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I.|ILL ACCEPT F.' A list of the names of owners 9I_111 plgpg$y adjacent to the subject propertyINCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND.AcR0ss_brylqri, inl tn.i" mairins-iidr.rr.r.THE APPLICANT I,IILL BE RESPONSISTE FON-idRNidi NiirrNG ADDRESSES Ir. A PRE-AppLrcAT-rqL.,ggIiESEIgE.},lllry-4 ?L_AryNrNc STAFF MEMBER rs sTR0NcLy SUGGESTEDT0iDETERMINEIFAN!'ADDITIoNAL INF0RMAiIoII-ii lrieblol-il0 nppllcRuoN rlrLL BEAccEPTED uNLEss IT-Is-coMPLFIq (MUST.INcLUtii iifi-riim! REQUTRED By THE zoNrNGlg!.iNIlIR4IgEl.- II Is rHE APPLicANT'a neiFoN'sisriiiv'ro mcKE AN ApporNTMENIt.tlTH THE STAFF TO FiND OUT ABOUT ADDIiIONAL-SUBMiiiNi NEqUINEMENTS. PLEASE NOiE THAT^A.I9[9!Erg-lPpLIcATIoN hrrLL sTREAMLTNE THE AppRovAL pRocEss FoRYouR PRoJEcr ev-oecl-ilStt'tG-rHE NuMBER 0r ionoiiioii!--or nppnovAL THAT THE pLANNTNGAND ENVIRoNMENTAL^coMMllsloN unv sriCg[irTE:"-4i-d0niilons oF AppRgvAL MUSr BE. coMpLrED wrrH BEFORE A BUTLDTNG pemrri-ii-isstiED.--":, -. - ,, ,,"'"--"-, ',, III. F0UR (4) COPIES.0F THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A.A}IRITTENsI4IEIqryIoFTHEPREq.I!Et'tRrunE0FTHEVARIANcEREQUEsTEDANDTHE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUSi_A[SO'JiOONiCi, -; "-r--V!-Y 'I l' The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potential. uses and structures in the'vicinity. -- -: 2' The degree to which relief from-the striet or literal interpretation and' enforciment of a specifiea regulation-ii-n"..ssary.to achieve compatibilityand unjformilv of treatment afions sites i;-;h; vitinitv-iir-ii iitlin u,"objectives of this title without-grani or sieiiat pi:iiireie. OVER Vari ance -2- 3. The effect'of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" - 20, stampedby a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of a'l'l existinq imorove-ments, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must-be shownare_parking and-loading areas, ingress and egress, landscBped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed buildings. D. A'll preliminary building elevations and floor plans'sufficient to indicate thq dimensions' general appearance, scale and use of all bui'l dings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. E. A preliminary tit'le report to verify.ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multi-fami'ly development which has a homeorrirdrs'association, then written approval from the association in support of theproiebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said alsociation. G. Any additi.ona'l material necessary for the review of the application asdetermined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV.Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Comnission meetsof each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete app'lications administrator) wil'l be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th Mondays . a'l 1 accompanying materialof 4 weeks prior to the date of the(as determined by the zoningstaff before or after the desig- e Y' o 75 soulh frontage road . Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 December 13, 1985 Ms. Lyn Voliter 5198 Main Gore Orive Va'il, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Lease of Voliter Property to Louie's Casual Cabs Dear Lyn: In response to our previous agreements concerning the lease of Louie's Casual Cabs on your site, this letter is to serve notice that this use has been approved for the 1985-86 skj season as per your letter of f'lovember 25, 1985 and Louie Pintowski's letter of October 24, 1985. Thank you for the work you have done in improving the appearance of this property. Iwill also appreciate your efforts in polic'ing the operations of the usersof this property over the next few months so as to insure as pleasing an appearance as possible My best to you for a happy holiday season. Si ncerely, / l\, tr^ Thomas A. Braun Town Planner TAB: bpr Lynn S. Voliter 5198 Gore CircleVai1, Co. BL65? Town of Vail Planning & Zoning 75 S, Frontage Rd. W.Vai1, Co.81657 November 25, 7985 Dear Toml In reference to your letter of November 20, 1985, sightingyour concerns about the property located at t033 S. Frontage Road regarding the request for occupancy by lrouiers Casual Cabs. The trailers have have been removed. The debris or trashis being hauled off, tomorrow, November 25, by BFI. Thetrash was being accumulated from the lower office due to remocleling and bringing the buildings up to Town of Vail code. In feference to the vehicles on the west end of the propertyr They are the property of Jeff Houston of Houston lrrigation, who is a tenant of mine. T have nou asked him to park hisvehicles in a more orderly manner. I have truly worked hard to bring the buildings up to the Town of Vail code and to please the Office of CommunityDevelopment. This situation has become a huge financialburden to me. Since I am protected by the Grandfather Clause,I will continue to cooperate with the fovln of Vail within reason. I hope, this clears up any concerns that you may have. Thankyou for your cooperation. Sincerely, \b^*-- C:,*c'-.- Lynn S. Voliter CC: Fox & Porter, AttorneysState of Col-oradoFile IsV/sg o Project Application-t i,/' Proiect Name: Proiecl Description: Date Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zon€ - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Town Planner\\\\.. \.. r1 ;. t/l'lala. \\ \ L ll Y. )"-6-^r;^, o D\.- Onpprication Number Fee Paid crc+ 3ba67 SIGN APPLICATION Ioate ll/tsl?t Name of Project !'ne s Name of Person Submitting Location of Project Description of Project The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a fina'l approval can be given. Sign suhnittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign Material \lJ' \rrl *rnt zu/ lAly r. L 3 - G'ka"rR'cc.A, Ii* h^,^S B. Description of Sign lVll rna bt C. Size of Sign D. Corments 'Lel*enl'g Ja be S{n.<J+ P".1"-1,"y' tn MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings sfi6frTi-g exact location 6. Photograph of sign 3. Photographs showing proposed lo4. Actual s'i gn 5. Co1ored scaleTFawIn!' _ catT6fr- Aoproved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittdT- Sign Administrator Ial Apri TO: FR0l'l RE: l. 2. 3. lnwn n t5 toulh frcntlg. road r.ll, color.do 81t57 (3031 478-7000 I 1.7, 1984 SIGN APPLICANTS : Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz, Sign App'l ication Requiremen When applicatlons for signs are sis requlred: Site p'lan showing exact locat Photograph or drawing showing Exact design of sign (one or (a) sca'le drawing or renderi (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograph if sign is FEE: A $20.00 apPlication fee wi Pl anners bmitted, the following informatlon on where the sign ls to be the building and where sign located. is to be located. of the following) (must be co'lored exactly as slgn will be) I be required at time of application. bver) o'o.,\-,.i 3:f,J-F btttJ(.l.:f-'{tt?nt q)\$iICa.Pq F\. i"o.ot4* S (s3g- E} o\ :\rjil\ $ +J u') ql +J H . r-tI t '.( u, 'e\1 ts\ tI.j.:':aI;t..,l3..t'.t- t'\:'Ii .l a: i. I I :. t ili t A Professional Corporation 143 Easi llleadow Dnve Crossroads at Va I Vail. Colorado 81657 303 476-5105 MonrenAncnIECTs DECEMBER 22, T986 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE VOLITER NURSERY PROPERTY TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED The appficant requests front and rear setback variances: based on thepractical difficulties of improvements resulting from the size, shape, and dimensions of this site. Due to the "pie" shaped configuration of the property, undue difficul-ties occur based on practical configurations of retail spaces and prac-tical parking configurations (Section 18.52.080). The front setback variance requests encroachment into the setback by the driving lane to parking spaces (Section 18.29.120). The minimum distance from front property line to driving'l ane shalI be 10'. This compares to parking spaces within 12' of the property line at the Vail Professional Building and parking spaces encroaching into the South Frontage Road R.0.W. at the Glen Lyon 0ffice Bu'ilding. In addition, the 10' landscaping between property iine and dri ve meets parking stan- dards as set forth by Section 18.52.080, Article F. The rear setback variance requests encroachment into the setback 7'of the required 10' seltback (Section 18.29.060). Due to the "saw tooth" nature of the bui1ding, the encroachment occurs only 25% of the total length of the rear property 1ine. By granting these setback variances, the applicant will be making hisproject LESS N0N-C0NF0RMING than it currently is. At present, two aging structures located on the western portion of the site encroachinto both front and rear setbacks, and into the Interstate R.0.l,l . to the north. Both buildings overlap the property line to the north,while the western-most building is 2.5r off the front property 1ine.In comparison, the new developrent will be wholly within the property ljne with a majority of the building 63' from the front property line. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER USES AND STRUCTURES IN THE VICINITY The proposal could only be welcomed by the users of this area. The chanqes will: MonrenAncntrECTs DECEMBER 22, 1986 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE VOLITER NURSERY PROPERTY PAGE -2- l. Facilitate snow removal on the South Frontage Road, by reducing theexisting encroachment into the front setback by nearly fifty pircent (s0%). Replace two aging, unused structures with a new structure, providing shopping and commercial facilities that serve the town of Vail and - Upper Eagle Valley residents and guest. In general, greatly improve the appearance and function of thisarea. This area deserves the best design efforts consider.ing the number of users of Lionshead, the forthcoming lift at Cascade Vil-'I age, and future proposed I-70 interchange. DEGREE TO t.lHICH RELIEF FROM THE STRICT OR LITERAL INTERPRETATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF A SPECIFIED REGULATION IS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE COMPA- TIBILITY AND UNIFORMITY OF TREATMENT AMONG SITES IN THE VICINITY OR TO ATTAIN THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS TITLE WITHOUT GRANT OF SPECIAL PRIVI- LEGE Obviously, no special priviiege would be granted by al1ow'ing the appli-cant to make his property LESS NON-C0NF0RMING than it presently is. In- deed, it is ironic that the variance procedure must be used for the ap-pl'i cant to create a situation whjch is better for all of us, and to cre-ate a situation which is LESS N0N-C0NFORMING than it presently is. The degree of required relief is illustrated on the accompanying drawings. EFFECT OF THE VARIANCE ON LIGHT AND AIR, DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION, TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFIC FACILITIES, UTILITIES, AND PUBLIC SAFETY The effect of the variances are very minor if not ni'l . The rear setback encroachment affects no other user jn the area; as the property lineabutts the I-70 R.O.W. The front setback encroachment is minor com-pared to the existing condition. Due to the location of the new build-ing, more air and light are provided and traffic facj't ities, i.e. snow removal , are improved. 2. MoruenAncHIECTS DECEMBER ??, L986 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE VOLITER NURSERY PROPERTY PAGE -3. SUMMARY To quote portions of Chapter 8.02, General Provisjons, of the Town of Vail Zoning 0rdinance: 18.02.020 Purpose A. These regulations are enacted for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town, and to promote the coordjnated and harmonious development of the town in a nanner thatwill conserve and enhance its natural environment and 'its established character as a resort and residentia'l community of h'igh quality. B. These regulations are intended to achjeve the fo1 lowing more specific purposes: ?, To secure safety from fire, panic, flood, ava'l anche,'accumulationof snow, and other dangerous conditions; 3. To promote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehjcular traffic circulation and to lessen congestion in the streets; 5. To conserve and maintain established conununity qualities and economic values; 6. To encourage a harmonious, convenient, and workable relationship among land uses, consistent with munic'ipal developrnnt objectives; 8. To safequard and enhance the appearance of the town; 10. To assure adequate open space, recreation opportunities, and other amenities and facilitjes conducive to desired living quar- ters; 11. To otheruise provide for the growth of an orderly and viable com- mun i ty. The applicant is prepared to correct a poor'ly conceived existing condition,in a very prominent location in our village. The result of his effortswill be the successful realization of the purposes of the Town of Vail's very Zoning Ordinance. Our citizens, our guests, and the applicant will be unduly penalized ifthis request is denied. A Protessonal Corporat on 143 East Meadow Df ve Crossroads at Vai Vail Co orado 81657 303'476-5105 MoruenAncntrECTs DECEMBER 22, L986 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE VOLITER NURSERY PROPERTY TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant requests front and rear setback variances: based on thepractical difficulties of improvements result'ing from the size, shape, and dirnensions of this site. Due to the "pie" shaped configuration of the property, undue difficul-ties occur based on practica'l configurations of retail spaces and prac-tical parking configurations (Section 18.52.080). The front setback variance requests encroachment into the setback by the driving lane to parking spaces (Section 18.29.120). The minimum distance from front property ljne to driving lane shall be 10'. This compares to parking spaces within 12' of the property line at the Vail Professional Build'ing and parking spaces encroaching into the South Frontage Road R.0.t.l. at the Glen Lyon 0ffice Building. In addition, the 10' landscaping between property line and drive rneets parking stan- dards as set forth by Section 18.52.080, Article F. The rear setback variance requests encroachment into the setback 7'of the required 10' sectback (Section 18.29.060). Due to the "saw toothl nature of the building, the encroachment occurs only 25% of the total length of the rear property 1ine. By granting these setback variances, the applicant will be making hisproject LESS N0N-C0NFORMING than it currently is. At present, two aging structures'l ocated on the western portion of the site encroachinto both front and rear setbacks, and into the Interstate R.O.W. to the north. Both buildings overlap the property line to the north, while the western-most building is 2.5' off the front property 1ine.In comparison, the new development wi1 I be wholly within the property ljne with a majority of the building 63' from the front property line. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER USES AND STRUCTURES IN THE VICINITY The proposal could only be welcomed by the users of this area. The changes wi l1 : MoruenAncn ITECTS DECEMBER 22. 1986 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE VOLITER NURSERY PROPERTY PAGE .2- 1. Faci1itate snow removal on the South Frontage Road, by reducing the existing encroachment jnto the front setback by nearly fifty percent (50%). 2. Replace two aging, unused structures with a new structure, providing shopping and commercial facilities that serve the town of Vail and Upper Eagle Valley residents and guest. 3. In general, greatly improve the appearance and function of thisarea. This area deserves the best design efforts considering the number of users of Lionshead, the forthcoming lift at Cascade Vil- lage, and future proposed I-70 interchange. DEGREE TO I^IHICH RELIEF FROM THE STRICT OR LITERAL INTERPRETATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF A SPECIFIED REGULATION IS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE COMPA- TIBILITY AND UNIFORMITY OF TREATMENT AMONG SITES IN THE VICINITY OR TO ATTAIN THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS TITLE WITHOUT GRANT OF SPECIAL PRIVI- LEGE 0bviously, no special privilege would be granted by allowing the appli- cant to make his property LESS N0N-C0NF0RMING than it presently is. In- deed, it is ironic that the variance procedure must be used for the ap-plicant to create a situation which is better for all of us, and to cre- ate a situation which js LESS N0N-CONF0RMING than it presently is. The degree of required relief is illustrated on the accompanying drawings. EFFECT OF THE VARIANCE ON LIGHT AND AIR, DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION, TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFIC FACILITIES, UTILITIES, AND PUBLIC SAFETY The effect of the variances are very minor if not nil. The rear setback encroachment affects no other user in the area; as the property lineabutts the I-70 R.0.l,l. The front setback encroachment is minor com- pared to the existing condition. Due to the'location of the new bui'td-ing, more air and light are provided and traffic facilitjes, i.e. snow removal , are improved. MoruenAncnIECTS DECEMBER 22, 1986 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE VOLITER NURSERY PROPERTY PAGE -3- SUMMARY To quote port'ions of Chapter 8.02, General Provisions, of the Town of Vai1 Zoning 0rdjnance: 18.02.020 Purpose A. These regulations are enacted for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town, and to promote the coordinated and harmonious developrnnt of the town in a manner thatwill conserve and enhance its natural environnpnt and its established character as a resort and residential community of high qua'l ity. B. These regulations are intended to achieve the following more spec'ific purposes: 2. To secure safety from fire, panic, flood, avalanche,raccumulation of snow, and other dangerous conditions; 3. To promote safe and efficient pedestrian and veh'icular traffic circulation and to lessen congestion in the streets; 5. To conserve and maintajn estab'l ished community qualities and economic val ues; 6. To encourage a harmonious, convenient, and workable relationship among Iand uses, consistent with municipal development objectives; 8. To safequard and enhance the appearance of the town; 10. To assure adequate open space, recreation opportun'ities, and other amenities and facilities conducive to desired living quar- ters i 11. To otheruise provide for the growth of an orderly and viable com- mun i ty. The applicant is prepared to correct a poorly conceived existing condition,in a very prominent location in our village. The result of his effortswill be the successful realization of the purposes of the Town of Vai'l 'svery Zoning Ordinance. Our citizens, our guests, and the applicant will be unduly penalized ifthis request is denied. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Plann'i ng and Environmental Commjssion Community Development Department April 28, 1986 A request for a conditional use permit in order to allow a serv.i cestation/retaiI tire sales on the Vo1 iter property at l03 l South Frontage Road in the Arterial Business Zone District. Applicant: James Verhey I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The applicant, James Verhey, would like to utilize the exist.ing "carshine" building on the Voljter property to locate a retail tiri center and automotive service garage. The existing automobile bays would beutilized for activity associated with tjre sales and for 1.i ght automoti ve senv ice. No gasol j ne sal es are i nc I uded wi th th.i s request. Due to the current status of this property, the applicant is propos.i ng th'i s as a temporary use, and is seeking a six month lease on theproperty. 0ther than general "clean up" no other site .improvements are being proposed. Parking demand for this use is six spaces. Theapplicant's proposal shows approximately 12 spaces to be deljneated onthe site. CRITERIA AND FiNDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Deve)opment Department recommends approvai of the conditional use permit based upon thefollowing factors: A. Consideration of Factors 1. Eglalionship and impact of the use on development objectives ofthe Town. The Arterial Business Distri ct was created in l98Z in order toprovide a transition area between the Lionshead and Cascade Vi1iage areas. The purpose section of the Arteri al BusjnessDistrict code states the following: "The Arterial Business District is intended to orovide sitesfor office space, public utiIities, service stat.i ons, and I imited shopping and commercial facil ities serving the town and Upper Eagle Va1 ley residents and guests." The current condition of this property certainly does notcontribute to the intent and the purpose of this zone district as descri bed. We feel that this proposal , even as a temporary use asproposed, could and should contribute to the upgrading of th.i sproperty. l{e feel that the use proposed is compatible with those uses descri bed as conditjonal uses within the zone district, andthat with certain site improvements this proposal would have apositive relation to the development objectives of the Town ofVail for the Arterial Business District. II The effect of the use on I i ht and air di stribu ion of ati on trans ortat ac'r on Tac No impact. Effect u n traff wi th rti cul ar reference to con i on automotive an tri an safetv an nven 1 ence !racontrol. access euvera tv an removat o SN OW om! stjeeJ And par ng areas. arks ow and This use wili require six parking spaces. The app'l jcant's proposal indicates approximately 12 parking spaces and there is obviously plenty of room on the site for more should they beneeded. Community Development staff feels that these parking spaces should be consp'i cuously delineated and defined. Th.i s could be done by the use of curb stops or timber edging that would effect'ive1y direct customers to proper parking areas. l,rle feelthat this is important to contain and define the proposed use onthe site. R The applicant is proposing to utilize two existing access pointsoff of the Frontage Road for this use. As a site improvementrelated to traffic flow and control and automotive safety, we would request that the easternmost access from the Frontage Roadonto this property be eliminated by continuing the exist.i ng bermall the way to the eastern end of the property. 4.Effect n the character of the area in which sed useto be o cate ncl udi n e sca utK o This proposal has the potential to have a positive effect upon the character of the area in which this use js proposed. Currentlythere is little to no utiljzat'i on of this property and any site'improvements would be a posit.ive note. l'Je do feel that theutilization of the property will create more traffic on the lot and will require certain site improvements in order to negate any impacts to adjacent developed properties. l,{e feel that theexisting berm along the Frontage Road should be extended to the eastern edge of the property, should be cleaned up and planted with some type of ground cover and landscape materials. l.Je alsofeel that a general clean up of the sjte is warranted. and thatthe entire eastern portion of the site should be revegetated withat least some type of ground cover, Such other factorls and criteria as the Clgrnission deems appl 0n lo surro -2- V. :: iaLATED PoLICIES IN VAIL'S CoMMUNITY ACTIoN PLAN iJ0n e FINDINGS 're community Development Department recommends that the conditional use :ermit be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes ofthis ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is I ocated. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which itwould be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or material 1y injur.i ous to properties or'improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply withprovisions of this ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION each of the app l i cab le The Communjty Development Departrnent recommends approval of aconditional use permit for a retail tire,/service station located on the Vol iter property with the fol lowing conditions: /l . The easternmost access point to this property be closed bycontinuing the existing berm to the eastern property line. 2. The existing berm be cleaned up and revegetated. 3. The app'l icant clearly define and physically de1.i neate the park.i ng areas proposed on the site olan. ,/0.The entire eastern portion of this property be revegetated wjth atleast a ground cover. We request that these improvements be made by June'l 5, .l986. 5. This conditional use permit be approved for a maximum time periodof one year. 6. An agreement be sjgned by the property owner, lessee and the Townof Vail agreeing to the above conditions including enforcementprovisions relating to this permit. -3- 3.Are uest fo un zon e Kri stan Pritz presented the as a conditional use because removal of a dwelling unit. o di ti onal order to combin staff memo and explained that this must be reviewed the zone was CCII, and the request included thePritz showed f'l oor plans and e] evations. Donovan ov ta ultz seco ove the There iollowed a discussion concerning the normal 1y have been May 26 and was Memorial 28, Wednesday instead of Memorial Day. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm. indinqs and second meeting in flay whichDay. It was decided to meet woul d on May PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL April 28, 1986 COMMI SS I ON PRESENT -Di ana Donovan Pam Hopk'i ns Peggy 0sterfoss Duane Piper Sid Schultz J'im V iel e ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Bryan Hobbs The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Duane piper, at 3:00 pm aftera work session w'ith the Town of vail supervisors. This was peggy 0sterfoss,first meeting. roval of minutes of March 24 Aoril l4 986. Donovan moved and viele seconded to approve the minutes of the March 24meeting. Vote was 5 in favor with Osterfoss abstaining. After making corrections, Donovan moved and Viele seconded to approvethe minutes of the Apri 1 14 meeting. vote was 5 in favor with Osterfoss abstai n ing. Rick Pylman presented the staff memo with a recommendation for approval withseveral conditions. He showed a site plan. The conditions were: 1. The easternnost access point to this property be closed by continuingthe existjng berm to the eastern property line. 2. The existjng berm be cleaned up and revegetated. 3. The applicant clearly define and physically delineate the parking areasproposed on the sjte plan. 4. The entire eastern portion of this propcrty be revegetated with at leasta grouno cover. The above improvements were 5. This conditional use year, 6. An agreement be signed by the property owner, lessee and the Tor+n ofVail agreeing to the above conditions including enforcement provisions relating to this permit. 2. Peter Patten Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack to be made by June 15, .|986. pernit be approved for a maximum time period of one condi tional order FrontaretaiI tire sales on the oliter propertv at 103 Vail Imports Girage Inc. box 378, Edwards, Colorado. 81632 0 Saab ,y,a8-96 303.926.3694 v),/4 /e -"r/)z*u{.r4',A-vf Uf)- n. PRESENT PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSIONApril 28, 1986 Diana Donovan Pam Hopkins Peggy Osterfoss Duane P'i per Sid Schultz Jim Viele ABSENT Bryan Hobbs The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Duane piper, at 3:00 pm aftera work session with the Town of vail supervisors. This was peggy 0steifoss,first meeting. l. Approval of minutes of March 24 and April 14. 1986. Donovan moved and Vie'l e seconded to approve the minutes of the March 24meeting. Vote was 5 in favor with Osterfoss abstaining. After making corrections, Donovan moved and viele seconded to approvethe minutes of the April '14 meeting. Vote was 5 jn favor with biterfoss abstai ni ng. for a itional use pernit in order to allow a Rick Py'lman presented the staff memo with a recommendation \for apseveral conditions. He showed a site plan. The cond.i tions'were: conti nu'i ng parking areas with at least STAFF PRESENTffin Tom Braun Knistan Pritz Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack 2. 1. The easternnost access point to this property be closed bythe existing berm to the eastern property 1ine. 2. The ex'isting berm be c1 eaned up and revegetated. 3. The applicant c'learly define and physically delineate theproposed on the site plan. 4. The entjre eastern portjon of this property be revegetateda ground cover. The above improvements were to be made by June .l5, .|996. 5. This conditional use permit be approved for a maximum time period of oneyear. 6. An agreenent be signed by the property ownen, lessee and the Town ofVail agreeing to the above conditions including enforcement provisionsrelating to this permit. e staff memo da 3. Vie'l e moved and H ins seconded to a est wi n ecessar Kristan Pritz presented the staff meno and exp'lained that this must be revlewed as a conditional use because the zone was CCII, and the request included the removal of a dwelling unit. Pritz showed floor plans and elevations. Donovan noved and Schultz seggng?4 tg.approyg the request per the findinss and ffr- - staff memo dated Apri I 281 . 1986. The vote was 6-0 in favor. Ther-e iollowed a discussion concerning the second neeting in Flay which would normal 1y have been l4ay 26 and was Memorial Day. It was decjded to meet on May 28, Wednesday instead of Memorial Day. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm. nto one dwel I inq un dor["h rre f \r}t.'\ / f-{b&1 TO: FROM r DATE: SUBJECT:-_-.- I. II. Pl anning and Environmental Cormission Community Development Department April 28, 1986 A request for a conditional use permit jn order to ai'l ow a servjcestation/retail tire sales on the Voliter property at l03l South Frontage Road in the Arterjal Business Zone District. Applicant: James Verhey DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The applicant, James Verhey, would like to utiljze the exjstjng "carshine" building on the voliter property to locate a retail tiri center and automotive service garage. The existing automobile bays would beutilized for activjty associated with tire sales and for lightautonotive service. No gasoline sales are included with this request. Due to the current status of this property, the applicant is proposing th'i s as a temporary use, and is seeking a sjx month lease on the.property. other than general "c'l ean up" no other site improvements arebeing proposed. Parking demand for thjs use js six spaces. The app'l icant's proposal shows approximately 12 spaces to be delineated onthe site. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditjonal use permit based upon the fo1 1ow'i ng factors: [, _ A. Consideration of Factors 8g'l alionship and impact of the use on developrnent objectives ofthe Town- The Arterial Business District was created .i n .1982 in order toprovide a transition area between the Lionshead and CascadeVillage areas. The purpose section of the Arterjal BusinessDistrict code states the following: "The Arterial Business District is intended to provide sitesfor office space, public ut.i lities, service stations, andlimited shopping and commerc.i al facjlities serving the town and Upper Eagle Va1 1ey res'idents and guests." The current condjtion of this property certainly does notcontribute to the intent and the purpose of this zone d.i strict asdescri bed. We feel that this proposal , even as a temporary use asproposed, could and shou'l d contr.i bute to the upgrading of thisproperty. l,le fee'l that the use proposed is compatible with thoseuses descri bed as conditional uses withjn the zone district, andthat with certain site improvements this proposal would hav6 apositive relation to the development objectives of the Town ofVail for the Arterial Business D'i strict. re c reaE 2.ffect of ht and ai i stri buti o ortat No impact. Effect u n traffic with articular r erence to sti on aut ow anq This use will require six parking spaces. The appljcant's proposal indicates approximately 12 parking spaces and there is obviously plenty of room on the site for more should they be needed. Conmunity Development staff feels that these park.i ng spaces should be conspicuously delineated and defined. This could be done by the use of curb stops or tjmber edging that wouldeffectively direct customers to proper parking areas. VJe feelthat th'i s is important to contajn and define the proposed use on the site. The applicant js proposing to utilize two ex'i sting access pointsoff of the Frontage Road for this use. As a site improvemenr related to traffic flow and control and automotive safety, we would request that the easternmost access from the Frontage Road onto this property be eliminated by continuing the existing bermall the way to the eastern end of the property. ? vJn*- .a\, v.b- \o cO{' -. B.Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems a I icable to stri an safety and convenience. tra tfr'\ *'f'"' lF. 4.Effect u on the ch f the area in which n relat to surround ng uses. This proposal has the potential to have a positive effect upon the character of the area in which this use is proposed. Currently there is little to no utilization of this property and any site 'improvements would be a positive note. }le do feel that theutilization of the property will create more traffic on the lot and will reguire certain site improvements in order to negate any impacts to adjacent developed properties. l,Je feel that the existing berm along the Frontage Road should be extended to the eastern edge of the property, should be cleaned up and planted with some type of ground cover and landscape materials. lrle alsofeel that a general clean up of the site is warranted, and that the entire eastern portion of the site should be revegetated withat least some type of ground cover. the scale an the propos use. -?- III RELATED POLICIES IN VAIL'S COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN None IV. FINDINGS The Community Deveiopment Department recommends that the conditjonal usepermit be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed locatjon of the use is in accord with the purposes ofthis ordinance and the purposes of the district jn whjch the site js I ocated. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the pub'l ic health, safety or welfare or material1y injurious to properties or improvements in the vic'inity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicableprovisions of this ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recormends approval of a condjtional use permit for a retajl tjre/service station located on theVoliter property with the fo1lowing conditions: l. The easternmost access point to this property be closed by continuing the existing berm to the eastern property 1ine. 2. The existing berm be cleaned up and revegetated. 3. The applicant clearly define and physical 1y delineate the parking areas proposed on the site plan. 4. The entire eastern portion of this property be revegetated wjth at least a ground cover. We request that these improvements be made by June .l5, |986. 5. This conditional use permit be approved for a maximum time period of one year. 6. An agreement be signed by the property owner, Iessee and the Townof Vail agreeing to the above conditions jncluding enforcement provisions reiating to this permit. ,.tOr.t t"r s{.( *.,^ ' .- 'Y:,^1,^') I -6t- | / $***:r" -3- I i ,, /\ /Ct(L-'-' , 2. A request for a condjtjona'l use permit in order to allow a service station,/retail t'i re sales on the Voliter property at 103.l South Frontage Road in the Arterial Business Djstrict. Appl icant: James Verhey 3. A request for a conditional use permit in order to combine two dwelling units (6C and 7C) into one dwelling unit in Building A of the Village Center Condominiums at Block 5E,Vail Village First Filing zoned Commercjal Core II.Applicant: Al'len T. Gi'lliland 4. Discussion of need for second May meeting. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CO]4MISSION April 28, .|986 1:15 pm Site Visits 'l:45 pm Workshop w'ith Town of Vail Directors 3:00 pm Public Hearing l. Approval of minutes of March 24 and Apri'l 14, 1986. I,{0RKSHOP I{ITH TOWN 0F VAIL DIRECTORS AND PEC MEMBERS l:45 pm April 28, .|986 The purpose of the workshop is to explain to the PEC what each Town ofVail department looks at when a project comes through the developmentprocess. The djscussion will begin with each director explaining the issues they look at when reviewing a project. PEC members are encouraged to ask questions and djscuss department concerns after each presentati on. l. Fire Department. Dick Ouran: l0 minutes Issues: Fire Access/Access Gates Fi re A'l arm Ordi nance Sprinkl er Requi rements PEC questions: 15 mjnutes 2. Police Department, Curt Ufkes: 'l 0 minutes Issues: Loading Safety/Break- In Protecti on PEC questions: 15 minutes 3. Public Works, Stan Berryman: 10 mjnutes Issues: Snow removal Drai nage Uti'l ities/Easements PEC questions: l5 minutes lnwn 75 south lrontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of communlty development Apri l 4, '1986 Mr. Jim Verhey P.0. Box 378 Edwards, Colorado 8.|632 Re: Request to Allow for Retail Tire Sales at Voliter Property Dear Jim: I have reviewed your in'i tial request to allow for retail tire sales at theVoliter property and found this appljcatjon to be incomplete in severalregards. The Voliter property is located in the Arterial Business District.In this zone district, service stations are permitted as a cond'i tional use. Your request seems to most closely fit the criteria for a service stat'i on,therefore a conditional use permit is required to allow this use in th'i s zonedistri ct. The appl ication you have submitted is for a zoning varjance. This 'i s not the appropri ate application for this use. Please submit a conditional use application. A form wjll be enclosed with this letter. In order to accurate'ly evaluate the impacts of your request, we wilI need asite plan of the area delineating your lease area, your access from the Frontage Road, the number and location of parking spaces, and any landscapingor improvements and clean-up that you are proposing to the site. In addjtionto this, I will need information and/or floor plans of the exjstjng buildjngin order to determine your parking requirements. A ljst of all adjacentproperty owners with their correct mailing addresses is also needed. Th.i s'information must be submitted in complete form by noon on Tuesday, Apri'l 8 in order for the staff to review this and in order to publish your request in apublic notice. If this information is not submitted by this time, we wil'l not be able to formulate a recommendation for the April 28 Planning commission meeting and will not be able to proceed with this applicat.ion. I will be out of town until Thursday, April 10. please contact Tom Braun or Peter Patten. If you have any questions, _,.K Town RP: bpr Encl osure o I Application Our" PEc MEETTNG oare H ' t4 ' A6 APPLICATION FOR A-+4i+I*tlfE C. Ll. procedure is required f9I gnl project requesting a variance. The applicationnot be accepted until all information is submitted. '/5t A. 8i63> pnonr.V6*a REPRESENTATTvT SFM f P I.This wi'11 A.NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S ADDRESS PHONE ADDRESS CICLB @er Cre,zrF PHonr cl'76-tr|33 o'.l8Zihere- LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FI LI NG */r/rtE. FEE $too 'pi,to K#_A]Sfu ^9f_gygf gl_gll prypefty adjacent to the subject property BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mailing aaaresies. BE RESpoNSIBLE FoR coRREcr MAILINc Roongssr5. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDTO)DETERMINEIFANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED._HO RPPI-ICRTION t||ILL BEACCEPTED UNLESS IT_Is coMpLETE (MUsr TNcLUDE Arr iiir'rt REQUTRED ev rHE-ioNmsfl9lINilIR4IqE). IT Is rHE Rppticnnt's REspoNsrBririV-ro ilnre nn npioinimrnrI.IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITTOIIRL SUgI'IiiiNr NiqUJilEUEi,iiS.'-'"1''- PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I.IILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORY0uR PR0JEcr ev DrcRmIliFrHE NUMBER oF coNDrrroNs 0F AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNTNG AND ENVIRONMENTAL c01.fl\,llssl0N MAY sTIPULATE. mt iotoirroNs 0F AppRovAL uusr BE. C0MpLIED wITH BEFoRE A BUILDINc pEMIT ts lssTEl'.-- ,i ,,r r t i, IlI. F0UR (4) C0prEs oF THE FOLL0WrNG MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE I'IRTURT OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THEREGULATI0N INV0LVED. THE STATEI4ENT MUST mso nooneit, -' .'---- t. The relationship of the requested.variance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicin.ity. i :. 2. The degree to which re1ief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement.of a_specified regulation is necessary to achieie comoatibilitvand uniformity of treatment atong sites in-itre-vi"ciritv-oi-io ;iili;';h;'"objectives of this tit'le without grant of special privilege. THE FEE MUST BE pRlo.seronirHr COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l.llLL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. list of the names INCLUDING PROPERTY THE APPLICANT l,lILL OVER \Vari ance 3. The effect'of the variance on light and air, distribution of populati6n, transportatjon' traffic facilities' utilities' and public safety. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" - 20r stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of aIl existing improve- ments, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed bu i 1di ngs. D. A1'l preliminary building elevations and-floor p'lans_sufficjent to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, sca'l e and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, then written approval from the association in support of theprojebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any addit'ional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV.Time Requi rments The P'lanning and Environmenta'l Commission meets of each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC pubfic hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th Mondaysall accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- the lhil Imports Gfirage Inc. box 378, Edwards, Colorado. 81632 a /7/6Saab "ru%/44 @ ey 42*//,al/rt;v)fu4fu'fu )&Yfrd *6/q & av {/ ,l n Vuil Imnorts Girage Inc. , -+/ M',7 8,b box 378, Edwards, Colorado. 81632 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION April 28, 1986 1:15 pm Site Visits 1:45 pm Workshop with Town of Vai'l Directors 3:00 pm Publ'tc Hearing l. Approval of minutes of March 24 and April 14, 1986. 2. A request for a conditional use permit in order to allow a servlce station/retail tire sales on the Voliter property at 103'l South Frontage Road in the Arterial Business District, Appl icant: James Verhey 3. A request for a conditional use permit in order to combine two dwelling units (6C and 7C) into one dwelling unit in Building A of the Village Center Condominiums at B'lock 5E,Vail Vjllage First Filing zoned Commercia'l Core II. Applicant: AIlen T. Gilliland 4. Discussion of need for second May meeting. Date of Date of Appl ication PEC Meeting I. This use. The A. APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT -procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditionalpermi t. application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. NAI'IE OF APPL ADDRESS laa 96 REPRESENTAT *, fu Z- PHON B.NAME OF APPLICANT' S ADDRESS PHONE c.NAME 0F Ot.lNER(s) (print ol,lNER(S) : SIGNATURE(S)_ ADDRESS or type) PHONE D. E. LOCATION OF ADDRES5 / FEE $100 THE FEE MU5T ACCEPT YOUR .. PNrp \Z: cK # -/BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT PROPOSAL. F. 4 !ir! of the names of owners of al.l property. INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND AcROsS bmi.iTs", THE APPLICANT l^lILL BE RESPON5IATE FON-dORRiCi II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT t,llLL adjacent to the subject propertv and their mai'l ing addresses. Ot,lNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. OF A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE I,IITH A PLANNING.STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INF0RMATIoN is-r'rrroe'0."'n-ii npplrcnTroN rliLLBE ACCEPTED uNLEss-Ir-Is coMPaEiE tMusr rr,rcl[os-All-iid,ii irqfiinio'e1; iHE'zoNrNe ;,ADMINISTRAToR). IT--IS THEAPT[icnlri'i-3!:tpniiFUiV io-r,tqre AN ApporNrMENrl'llrH THE srAFF r0 FrND our ABoti Aooirioniii"i0eMiiini"n'fiUrnENrnrs. .r,.i TLEA:F NOTE THAT A,ET:++TF.APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS .FOR Y0uR PROJECr evlEemAstNc TiE rlunsEn 0F coNDiiioi'ii o'i nppnovAL THAT THE ( Bffr#filntllftliftfs rALL coNDlrroru5 oF nFi;novni-i'iuii'E'dt,iriprrEo riii-H'ei;gri;; OVER II. Four (41 copieb of, the following lnformation: E-description of' the. precise nature of, the proposed use and,. lls operating characteristics, and, measures proposed to makethe dse compatibre with othe"-pi"p"itie, i' id-;i;Lily. *:iiii=:iil ;!iiiii,:i::::it"::T*rffi : ::":li. ":ri;"ir!,,Ii1",.j .;'. useable open space, landscaped "i"..-"id utilltiei-ana-arainagefeatures.' lH;t+l+"::)'$:tl:ii$"H:j:::.:::H,,:f5,*il:,:: Sltd:t.. , , ,...... al1 buildings. _ ,. : D' 'any additional naterial necessary for the review of ttre apprication\..U. as detq:udned by the zoning aamiiisii"i"". i' .,' III. Ti.me requirenents |rhe-plann1ng ald Environmentll-gomn+ssion meets on the 2nd and 4th' ll.ndays of each nonth- An appricaEi""-*itil-tr,e Decessary accompanyingmateriar nust be subrnitted i"u.--*;G ;;il" to tlre date of tbe. neeting. -- .'..'||- .l I!t=,t /r,r\-ll P-> \-tvlv ,e,,oozgFCo{6z ! co8l3otoI33cI€c $ 6-E 3oI -{o@mIl-rtml-1 0ti9lmi19C)lat ol!<tsPt=mI:S -ll-mt-r Q3o,-ao 6gtc zomo.ll !mt ={ T-]i<l-r--J l*r LJ,!JaitE.em@=--:':.lm=ia2=oc)gPt-trtrn3Pccz=o@226o2 lnF ={ (,zlo;{m l+rl:'Jot=ol'!lr-{ l"'g F.!rom@!er< =-{o @mxnt-t oz C-o(D g. i m c)Ot\)5 t.J Nl' o9p-lcTEd6'-{ t-t.m lO'lil!lmlG-, r I l<tot€lzlet<t>lFlml.ot2 =E>DFE>rn\lKEPmhu, Ft(DFrEtnoOF V'tAIEF=xctl-'l FIa-l l z l- !m =iatzmm0m.ol< lz lz t-l t>lr- l m xxzm o t -t- m tob9frt m FP Fg b$ E3= Eqg F6l-* Ei ; El iFl 5 1-tll t\r F81EHio>1r68<2o.aPi i9 6z Qin\IG dr r titi rF I i I I gl ill !ma = zo r8o1 71. u) =-@ @f_T :*€lo3atfoc|o3:c o-o o o =o X><>< N /N @c . -J -.t .D --l_n m \ \,1 d {mr)o'l=moozc)-{m>rnc)-->Or-tlmlltlm_e ll!il'oc)o orrnmaao>'t-i/ TI t Ir 'rlt-zt_ldt:l:lil.nl9lzl€Flel<t>lFl!mlozol{t;ljlFItttlzl-lt3l;ElmlF'z9 -t<Lo4,.FI .-:}nlf--l=;-Ylm\lo=,t-I _::.--7\lttlA=rl --:;rE=EF€ ><-{o =: --C7s>l-a,zo'>fn =otl_t'n.-! i oo.-Zr:icf:OYazHo8==$CrZg:ooz9go ohn!DD=|rtomlcvc)r-;=9YFt-3F 2=oc0. :25oz P ;..o.<c)<a) -! Crn39*oY9ctG--Yo-6 EE YO12 I I lt:lrnl il:l l li-ll>tiil!tl tiElttii tl Ir:ll tr il- ll>lllroll[3tl il =tllloll ;>ti l^tli-tlI tlrll 3tl>ll =tl :ll c fo!€C) dr]E =2n=.z ; lltlrl z>oonAiy+<|=o>o.}> zcz I I zu,c : 3l F o z l- c i x rno mm{ o c "Do2 nt5lel I I -{ 6 z crn f ltno lxo t;r- lFIt ol m o - oz>.- 'o =-v,zmm m s?€g;sro=|(Dt*o9a € igfi;. e:-:sr -3. !...= B g'co s.3 * sr;€3 = sF 3-€:x d: i I =>< ='.J:--: 5 Fil;; i $;;ig rI Sigsg I gsiig d i:3!r- H 3 3fF; H €;--s: i H i;j r$ f 3;; s€ [ s5:.R I I :1oz VALUATION o c) |- .-l ? -{-n .t I I I Ol I t- o I Irs 9l l'h Ni cilz' 3t ilzal.<l oilor z2.o E F z ]tI .at >(,' r{lnsl 3ri '*l 5l 9l il ;l fl nl Qr t, INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 'AMPM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL EI tru tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR q FINAL tr FINAL ,p neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED . DATE INSPECTOR Prolect Appllcation Proi€ct Name: , Proiect oescriprion: V4rL Tr0tv- )tue=' Stc,'.) Contact Person and Ptrone \ tt^- Llr":-/ d-'ct'/ Owner. Addr€ss and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date n Motion by: t seconded uy: t*>tLr*ss APPBOVAL a-o DISAPPBOVAL llf <,o,^. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vai'l will hold a public hearing jn accordance with Section tA.OO.OO0 ' of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on June 9, 1986 at 3:00 PM in the council chambers in the Vail nrunicipal building. Consideration of: l. A request for a conditional use permit in order to place dining tab'les on Town of Vai'l right-of-way on East Gore Creek Drive adjacent to the Gorsuch shop which is located on Lots C, D and E, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing, 263 East Gore Creek Drive. App'l icant: Dave and Rene Gorsuch 2. A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct a ski'l ift at Cascade Vi11age, Special Development Distni ct No.4, at 1300 West Haven Drive. Applicant: Vail Ventures, Ltd., Montane Corporation 3. A request for a conditiona'l use permit in order to operate a landscape nursery jn the Arterial Business District, on the Voliter site at l03l South Frontage Road. App'l icant: Larry Benway The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public i nspecti on. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on May 23, .|986. It--- Project Application Proi€ct Name: Proiect Description: Contaci Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board rl oate bltl lRb Sf*r.g APPROVAL \-r) DISAPPROVAL of I"IEMoRANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Corrnunity Development January 20, 1983 oC TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT;rial Business District Circu]ation and Access Attached please find a copy of JHK's report on the circu'lation and access planfor this area. [,Je have drawn up the proposed Circu'l ation and Access Plan accordingto this study's recommendations and from the input from Ed Gebhardt of the State Highway Department. The plan wil] be presented to you in a graphic form atthe meeting. l'fe fee'l the-plan-as proposed will adequately achieve the goals of keepinsthrough traffic flowing smoothiy as wdl'l as-reducing'and ionsolidatini t6e accesspoints to_the various properties in the district. t.le recorrnend approva'l of theArterial Business District circulation and Access plan. The plan'i.litt oesubmitted to the State Highway Depart'nent for their approva'l .' 'l/24/83 Funding must be worked out within. issued until the rfunding is woiked and no building permit ( 60 days out. General Circulation and Access Prepared by: iIEK and Associates 2{29 Broadway Eoulder, Colorado 80302 (: {' :, o6 O6 ; .l I iOK a rss.ciarca TNTRODUCTION Through a recent ordinance the Town Council has created an 'Arterial Business District' aLong the south frontage road of f70 from about 300 feet east of west Lionshead Circ1e across Red sandstone creek to about 760 feet west of Red sand- stone creek. The total length of frontage road adjacent to the boundaries of the new d,istrict is about 2rlmfeet. Through ordinance *5 (Series of 1982) the Town Council established a requirment of the new district that states a general circulation and access plan must be adopted by the planning and Environmental commission. This report is intended to recommend generar design criteria.for use in this first Arterial Business District. This report wirl be site specific to the t{est vail Arterial commercial District as described above At a recent rovm Meeting, councir asked. several questions that rvil1 be add.ressed in this report. Those questions, as we rinderstand. them, are as follows: 1. Should the Tor.rn of Vait reguire speed change lanes at points of ingress and egress in this business district? 2. Should. the Town of Vail strive to line up points of access on either side of the frontage road? 3. Id there a need for a bike/pedestrian overpass near the intersection of the frontage road with west r,ionheails circle? CURRENT CONDTTTON This section of r70 south Frontage Road is two lanes with narrotr' paved shoulders in some areas; there is a 100 foot right- z-sof-way. The posted speed limit is 35 MpH; at present there is over 13 vehicle access points on the frontage road within the A recenttraffic count east of the district. near the Town rlall indicates an ADT figure of, gpproximately 5,000vehicles,/day. (this figure will be verj-fied the week of August 2nd with a traffic count near vJest Lionshead Circle.) The importance of this arterial to the Town of Vail aransportation system cannot be overstated. The vehicle carrying ggp-qgity of thg_roadway as well as. the pefsop cerrying capacity P€"fbg,"ggrrigor - shgglil.hg--protected and enchanced vrhere possible . TRTP GENERATTON Several assumptions were made for this analysis. They. ::.':. . .__. .are as follows: I'- -the-1ai9e-ploijEity s6rving as'vair Associates equiprnent storage will not redevelop in the foreseeable future. Therefore, it will not contribute to the vehicle trip generation rates in this'analvsis. 2. Floor Area Ratio will be limited to .75 x total site area as stated in the enabling ordinance; 3. The rnix of office space to retail space will be based on a 9:1 ratio. As stated in the ordinance creating the district -- bRetail stores and establishments (vril1 be) generally accessory and,/or supportive of of fj-ce- uses. - . tt The develcgment potential of the district (not including ll" _v.1: service yard) is shorvn in Table r. using the assumptions abover- some 202,000 sq. feet of office space could deverop in the near future with 22.000 sg. feet of supporting retair. This is the development allowed under ordinance *5. -2- I o6 O6 * Note: For this analysis, i_t is assumed that for 5 years orlonger the V.A. Service iard will ""t i"a.rr"f"p. PROPERTY TOTAI, SITE sQ. r'r. F.A.R. .75 OFFICE SQ. FT. (e03) RETAIL sQ. rr. (10r ) 4,573 2,940 3,267 5 ,553 2 t940 3,26'l 1.'" uolli gsesg 2. Texaco i: 'v"ri[;;" " 4. - Glen L,yon r:r=--J::=.-: office_ 5. Chevron 6. Old Town Shops Total eo;seq 39,204 - - .:, 4 3,560 74,O52 39,2O4 43,560 45,738 2s:403 ---zi,G1o 55,539 29,403 32,670 41,165 26 ,453 .. , i:. t. .. -:. _ 29,4o3 . 49,996 26,463 29,403 300,564 225,423 202,880 22,543 -3- oc 06 hk " rss<rciatcs " rn some cases site conditions will'not arrow furl development. As an example, the Texaco property would arrow 29,403 sq. feet of development. There is, however, a plan under consideration showing 22r000 sg. feet. Trip generation for this district was again deveroped ."9:1911"s_ !l:_Y-A.' se-rvice lgd. (r! should be nored lhat the development potential of this site is rarge compare. to the totar district- This one property is over 318 of the totaL Arterial Business District. ) fable 2 presents a list of each property and its associated number of vehicre trips ' - should that property compJ-etely deverop- on an average weekday a total 0f 3,477 trips could be generated in this one business . .district. As stated before, there are about 5,000 vehicle trips perj3y us11s_the south frontage road in the area of Toqm Harl . There is rittle question that potentiar development in this : district courd have a significant impact. More importantry, all of these trips wir-r be turning either left or right in the space of about 2,Loo reell- and peak lroot office generated trips occur during the peak hour of the adjacent street traffic. TNGRESS AND EGRESS To naintain the traffic carrying capacity of this section of roadway the following d.esign criteria are recommended: A. Whenever possible, driveways on either sid.e of the roadway shourd be constructed to rine up with each other. ' using thi-s standard, driveways would be locat-d as follows: -4- PROPERTY 'Holy Crcjss Texaeo. Voliter GIen Lyon Office Chevron. OFFICE SQ. FT. (eo3) OFFTCE TRIPS* '2,365 RETAIL sQ. FT. (108 ) 3,477 :hktffI\ & lstrrciarcs RETAII-, TRTPS** 225 145 160 277 145 15'0' 2'jll2 o6 O6 Table 2 Potential Development (.75 F.A.R. )andAverage gteekday Vehicle Trip Ends -t. 2. 3. {. 5. 5.OId Town Shops Subtotal Trips Iotal Trips * .Notel Frip.generation Eate - _f-*..Note: T:rip_ generation rate - f1.0 ?rip Eads /ilOOO 50.otrip hds,/1000 gross sg. feet. gross sg. feet- .- o 41, L55 -26r€63 29,{03 {g,986 26,{53 29, { 03 480 308 343 583 308 343 4,573 2,940 3,267 5,553 2,940 3,267 -5- oc 1!__ --jrrk-s. 1. 2. 3. 4. V.A. Scrvice Yard,/k'cs_t Lionshead Circle; V.A. Service Yard,/For.esti Comrnon Drive - Holy Cross and Vail Associates properties,/Chevron and Town of Vail properties; Common Drive - Texaco and Voliter propcrLies/ -. clen Lyon Office property. At such time as the VaiI Associates property redevelops ' the driveway at Forest could be blosed. ,.,B:.-At such time as the property redevelops. the driveways should be constructed srith left-turn lanes, as well as' speed change lanes on either side of'the frontage road. C. Design of the driveways shouLd conform to the standards set forth in The State Highway Access Code, August 31' 1981. In .revierving the Business -District with Dave Campbell of the Colorado Department of Highways, tvro options for the Town of VaiL were iliscussed. 'Al1 frontage roads are given the lovtest access classif ication -idata;;tt Fi;e) by ttr6 cotorado Departrneht of Highvrays, giving the Town of Vail the'greatest flexibility in appl-ying design standards. The Tor+nrs options are as follows,==" 1. Use the standards outlined in this report, reviewing the plans as development occurs with the Colorado Department of lr].gnlvays. 2. Using a publ-ic revier,r process outLined in Section 2.10 of the access code, change the classification of the Scuth Frontage Road from Categorl' Five to category Four. In either case the Trvon should use Section Four of the acccss codc for specifications of drivcrvay design -{r- t iltk .*.lt.r n t.tlC\ itIt"F, The south. side of the frontage road as well as the futuqe path along the creek are the best locations for blke/ pedesJtrian movement through this district. For several reasons, circulation on the north side of the frontage road shoul]d be limited to loca1 access betvreen buildings and to and {rom crosswalks. This study recommends that Lhe Town locate crosslwalks only at the four driveway intersections. F bike/pedestrian bridge is needed across Red Sandstone Cree\. First'i:riority. w6uld be on the south side of the- frontage road. p{hen the Vail Associates property redevelops, the guestion of a bilcer/pedestrian overpass at l{est Lionshead Circle should be aQdressed. I^lhen grade separations for pedestrians and bikes are rised, it is usually necessary to direct. people to the facility to.di]scourage crossing the highway at grade. Grade separations sh6u!ii'irot be donsidered as traffic control devices, but as a suppJ.lemental technigue. Some of the factors to consider in analyzing the need for ation structures for highrvays include: 1. Are there other reasonable crossing alternatives? 2. Are the traffic volume and pedestrian volume levels in e>{cess. of those required by MUTCD to warrant install-ation of a pedestrian or school signal? l: {: :-::. -l- s.-.: .-i --r'.' :.-:::-:::.- ---. : -7- ihk ".tr r n t:tl(: \ othe loca stre sign at g* inte cons cost util coNc _adap and crit bef 3. Are there no traffic signals, stoP sign control , or grade-separated crossing rvithin 600 feet of the proposed pedestrian accident problems consideration? vehicular traffic speed such that it poses hazard to pedestrians?. there no tray to prevent pedestrians from crossing this report erill assist in that effort. on? 4. Are t under 5. fs ficant 6. Is ade? 7.Have organized groups expressed a high degree of for the separation? From a decision standpoint, is it practical to st :ct the separation rvithin existing physical conditions? The factors to be considered in this determination include security, vandalism, aesthetics, possible conflict with ties, and terrain conditions. Through the use of a Planning and Environmental Commission ed circulation and access plan, the vehicle carrying capacity afety of ttrq I7Q South Frontage Road can be insured. Design ria for this district will establish standards that can irly and egualiy applied to all redevelopment. ft is hoped evident on the -8- '(. '-. . . a ' p,c: f ercnces C- ;Lrk-s-n..,{ t:llut 1. "The .State Highr.ray Access Code," adopted by theColorado State Highway Commission. July 16, 1981. 2. "Trip Generationr' an ITE Informational Report, 1926. 3. Town of Vail Ordinance #5 (series of 1982, June 1, l9g2). 4. oWest Vail Arterial Commercial District," Development. PJ.an, Drawing No. Five. 5. Telephone Conversation with Dave Campbell, ColoradoDepartment of Highr^rays, Safety Engineer, July 30, J-gg?. oq PUBLIC NOTICE NorrcE rs HEREBY GrvEN that the planning and Environmental conmission of the Town of vail wil-l hold a pubric hearing in accordance with section Lg.66.060 of the rnunicipal code of the Town of Vail on March 9t L9g7 at 3:OO pM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for exterior alteration in comrnercial core r and for density and fl-oor area variances in order to renodel the Sitznark Lodge located at t83 core Creek Drive. Applicant: Sitzmark Lodge/Bob Fritch 2.A request for a conditional an addition to the Learning North Frontage Road. Applicant: Learning Tree A reguest for front and side construct two dwelling units Lots 14 and 17, Block 7, Vail APP] icant: Michael Tpnnpharrm use permit in order to construct Tree Preschool located at i_A9 setback variances in order to on Parcel A, a resubdivision of ViJ-lage First Filing.z/, f /r7 3. A reguest for a front setback variance, a variance from required roof slope, and an anendment to the Arterial Business District circuration plan in order to construct a buiJ.ding at L03L South Frontage Road. Applicant: Vail Commercial partnership 4. The applications and infornation about the proposals are available in the zoning adninistratorrs offLce during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIIJ COI.IUT'NITY DEVEIOPI'fENT DEPARTIIENT THOMAS A. BRAIJN Zoning Adninistrator Published in tbe Vail Trail on Februar! 20, LggT PUBLIC NO{IICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that Bob Vollter has applled for a Conditional Use Permlt to allow an addltlonal 1O' x 15' building to be used as office in a Heavy Service Zone District accessory to a retail nursery. Sald parcel of laud is unplatted and located west and adJacent to Gore Valley Texaco. Application has been made in accord wl.th Sectlon 18.3O.03O of the Town of Vail lfuniclpal Code. A PubLic Hearing will be held before the Towa of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission on May 23, 1978 at 3:00 P.M. in the Vail Munlcipal Building. Said Hearlng wlll be held in accord with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code. DEVEI.OPMENT Published in the Vail Trall AprlL 28, 1978 ana S. Toughil Administrator I. APPLICAIION FORM FOR CONDISIONAL USE PERI4IT This procedure is reguired for any project Conditional Use Permit. The application will not be accepted until submitted. /, ./l,A. NAI'{E oF ptrPLIc,rNI frtiaz,/ //a4/r - ADDF.ESS /4. B. NA-l.,lE OF APPI-,ICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE required to obtain a all information is ADDRESS C. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER PH1NE_#9&43___ SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAI' 1,1,. ii,tl ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION l.,ot Block Filing FEE $50.00 plus 18+ for each property owner to be notified. A list of the name of owners of all proPerty adjacent to the subject property and their addresses, G<e.co Saruic<- 5*ahon /)14 Lv;tL*^" -, I t A4;- But/"' ' '/'' I I 6,/e.'t L-yor-t Offie- Bu''/atu3 G-' ') fvc)vvt t 1,.l^) V *- | \yn :J/ of - 7 /, i/r- Conditional Use permit page 2 ._. etluJ.r. Four (4) copies "rQn. following information: A. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use andits operating characteristj_cs, and measures proposed to rnakethe use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. B. A site plan showing proposed development of the site, includingtopography, buiJ-ding locations, parking, traffic circulat.ion,useable open space, J-andscaped area, and utilities and drainagefeatures. C. Preliminary building plans and elevations sufficient to indicatethe dimensions, general appearance, scale, and interior plan ofall buildings. D. Any additional material necessary for the review of the applicationas determined by the Zonirrg Aclministrator. IfI. Time requirements The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4thMondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanyingmateriar must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of themeeting. -/o o{ F 6"* *l<ttbM&aPruq r..V /cd/ es6/L s/7o3 t 3. frn$. &lsr r'.5 -r'// ev sh yr a4?e- s,@ce- Tropoou /; 6fen a /"lb' Ouae- rea/ estat<-'o.Ur.- o4 lan/s.or7o',U/ *'oL't/* "t'7' llz /a'c4/se ,6L. / fi/, /er of P,oFtt+/or.t / - l /as/ 5 taalyr< A' .n r/ ,4. *A< c)oza{7co{oz --E-lllotoia3d=iod8i,t..'.:a-E tCLEgo€ 3o3 nn!!!n;fl8tizFE"t-.TI I,Or-z=QtD22oo2oz- 24-rqi 8=z\ei6z9;9p-lc3=x@d6 #trr>=-.t c)o>)o t-o9n-tmnz>mo-i>or-n oT=m-l Izm E-z=mFP.ctoFlzl.':lEt{Hf,aC>o>'t-t-{@t-l=zc)o-Pt-mU'<t,n 3l-mat .I3 l<t>IT3 'tl=of !I 3Ffn\n(n 3=Fltrc?trloat'Ftl'l l<t>r-t>'tl3 -t 3t-m I ot=t><FFppwvrIt0(tlf"?!l-B tr F 23m Tltl 7)3 -{ 0 -{m P YxY{(o 'p7o(- mo-{ zo A l^ttl oo09*fifitEuz Fct-z 6A mmoq0c) FOI35zurg--{ >ie3=_ to lefrlij P H; Hi= l[' l\)!-R1x-o;mio>.nzoQO-zoq.62 !Y 6z -I E< 3 4"?A =lz ttl{l,>l--{ |o''l I I I I oltl-l I I VALUATION !mn3 =zo I t rNsicfroru neouesr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES.READY FOB LOCATION: WED THUR FBI 1t\it, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE gT trH trc tr_ CTRICAL: TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E-DISAPPBoVED E}'REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsilcroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FBIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING N SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT PF trc tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVEDts APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR l'r .l . rll< :r '-'lIU .'blI'l' i; l':l(lo " r".''l''r o \-| -r \l,:: t."lI'i: ol,Y 3t-. :'t:-r cJ.o-at,.Do!3(DJit i; i'j:ri li l-;J: ;u :;i!t',-><floo.7r!OrcC:zx.(fco>_,2.oc)zoza-; !-{ 'omo-rooz {Tco =oz : : !'.rooc)c.ro zo r)!ocT qt m ;* 9s?oz N t\, (,, omzmn ronltc) i =ozo o:o7 ). -t,ll --loz :1o f trr I g*iFi- e-. a a TD c \ xo€mv I Iz9{9,-mia, c c)o rn mo.o =zo liil'l'l 1-Hl, m5rr,qFi .- va 2ac(- ioz. { 1'm 6 ztn ,< rcm 1 .D ln f) trJoc-o 'J(tm m c).r4oc)i3g =Or>!oz'ro A{Toaz ==cra ,U,lrltlllttltl (]' st-9 c)_0 nl ,-{ m tTl c)I-n c, t- '9 tit C) )- ^>, :orrl() -t an o an :1 5 c) -2() C) m >. ?C_o -uo!{ { r :r -{'n n'tnl <t7 -o fn :- -1 o 'o f,J q 'n mmU' \ e\\Jo vAtu,lTro a-)- o c) i's -c c, o a:l mo 6 ,- a!la, = 6 a- I I I I I I I I I I Il "ll I o ,_c) o :i (/t{ {o:) C)zza 7-o-lnt {>t =tt,tJO>-<(' }'::=rb;r'l--,gl,iiii:lnrql.l> oC'r-lXit,t 6,o, ttie;irx:l; :l'.1 I 6 o', 1,.3;-li:: i-at-x/6{rrri I .l) ) ) , ) ) a .l box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47G5613 Septenber 7, L979 department of community development Voliter Nr.rsery 1030 So. Frcntage M. Box 881 Vail, CYJ 81657 Attn: Bcb Voliter Dear l"t. Voliter: Jim Rrbh asked re to reply to yorr recent letter oncerningtte Pulclic/hirrate Joirrt Ventr:re hogram. ltnn Council has instnrted Jim not to pay 1'o.:r finds rntiltle tree identificatior signs are rqrsried. As soql as t}dsis dote, please call- r-rs and r,re will arrange to have t}te firrds sent to !ou.. ltere are no additicnal fi.rrds arrailable this year. If ptr bave any questions, please do no't. hesitate to let us l$ct'{. Sincerely, /1 -.41/ut f2" r-tf Catherirle A. Jarrot Zcning @arfuent Secretarlt cal o $ss- 5(nq'. o SsPi- L,1?./ { r - - -L hf\E cqre(-agD TtfZ- LA-"OqJNg.FI G \ o.\ Raqa O.F Ttle: Fe..oeeETt -ft\q-r + *PPuteq FoCa- ti-nrOS €Zso^ TIfg sa'nf- 1ffiIJA.€- feOeEnn TtG-- ts*r T\do P€,€, SttDJ\9 6tdE l-oo F gfreTp BP*eDo.a1rJ 6FJ 1e\S:[S , Tt t\ - c\:r. uNOEesT$^rD,Ar€ cifig TNF.T Fru= TlfL 0nooies .FZacn Tn€ e2-.EGAAn\ GJE:fe.g s.IaT: Ot=F<.nrsS , \)oJ'b rr B€ PaSs,Bcg RL -'tb.-.rr.J TD F:NO tF.o.Lt- {1$A*, TffL Z/ g@ata oPrrr FcNffL- s?5 # FP-o€cT - 5t).sT- tlT S !JO,Jr-D C(\aqg , al#.r.\c S Ed-fru-.;. t. VAr-s B bq"=fapnrrrJ€-b flS Fa-u-o.-r.J S A ftu- Prgr..r;- ooNfta{e-{*- gqs€ 6c\ : ZS7. o{€ cLeTFrL- . $)+"u Pulr..n-rn]e C(S4LgS Bq<€-D 6 J gqo \'b,) RttcrilG is faP- Faor B+lss\ / ..t n - OF) Cs-fiq$e\blZ\ QssT- ?uus u$Bol-. ts€ruv\ Lunlrr\x6 ffiT-tnj*f- A,-rD '\\LuC'ts(Nl 6 ?e- \^r O Pt-A.ns?rnjg COSf =?Boc-g S' b' coTroNulooo G€ I trsge*l toiz. l,e 2,3 3, ? 4, -?s 5. 2o C €dce - 5q"\\ sh.\ +N, 1.:o,.ieno Rs.r*t =rvL€- 246'-3pr0. AR-rA-S. \l)zsf A.saeso rr- g . ?cNc.rB 6+rTE- . 2 Snera'.- B€prns - =o.{ SooTr\ of officE &, Tbtsoi- A!-SD sa+lgF.u.gG G . Pd^rTE, Ads' PLA'{ide coST- \, 2 5 Pooce 4- 5 S.rBToSr- loas- (p o- Z7o- \ooo - 4oo - 7zcj" fooee 3oo- zo"r fits- ia -----€t-'- - 2 . FrNNU pu S, 6?o uaro (oJ €7 f cr<nra"s stuir C{*Lt- Fly-re B v oFcE. 4 s:.hooS _ 3 >t _2sp*r_R . Z A\^lcrH gTyLe 66aZ-S \Fj E?:a^_EEJ tsEPsns , Bteon rsl Fr:ernT Og BNts h- TDf-t<* Rn$ TLso+.^..6 g, (uAnsB AN\D P\-NJ-rilghlFilEE-G'Sr l, H- SDFJ"€tPS, Z. lz tgA. s\e.res , 3 NrtNuerLg Bggm Sau(rf Ot e\st€F.] A tsRSo \s F,c.\D \Q*rCrerNG 6 . Ptpsrg s1sO Pl-s.-rt id- CasT . \, L cv.JG\i€ e.n€'g Z. Z LoOot3>6,-a ?.Al33 3' 3 - I Soo.\\. sre oss + ' Annu€ Gr6,ND cc.:€-le-- L. (lg^tcu Grrce ZOt tGe,{"_ Str.r sl€xr- -(D -rsxFco, [. T]€=>r-r- A$S -(P-Sce*F, 9. te*Jr- oFsO €L.qr.rr- $e<E;Eip.r- t, b cule*cs,z- Z 5g*ll . sG,,Js= 5,tfgab\Prr-_ TDI?T'- ePOsEc1- ' tscr Y5- 2-Oo - 275- zBo - 160 - lOo- 4eb - 4o- 50-E5-ts- 60- \oo - \?s t2.,o ^ 5o 1-_-. Z5IO- 7t2{ DATE OF MEETING: UEMBENS PRESENT:'r-,) t' rt t BILL BISHOP BON TODD ABE SEAPIRO BI-RUOFF LOU PARKER aI euuqoucvu F.b (i f c- AuJorrie s , BLOCK FILING', ACTION TAIGN BY BOABD: G-t\ t tuotrcrr Tbdl sEC9NDEDBy: AouKon VOTE: FOR:AGAINST: LIA aq"l APPROVED V DISAPPROVED: SUMMABY: Li^ C Ae;r^ ft'rr /L^ ^ lL*,'Yr--',n-v-rttU OK Vd# [Jxtr @JDf< -t-'-l(C' dp @ +$a' Rstr [$xEI l-lt-F.- -JL--, ffi i oooo(\l|.|'rC{r.oD{FIt{6s€-tl Eb4/T @3trEEI.; olE o\Or.ifz t/) H &oz rtlo>? ttJuioIICEoltGot-ocFzooo E UJz =od |! llJ6Z;tEo)uJFI<F2a, 9.>dl-< or a.l I \o Fio cO F.OO\() zxootsfa f'lFl.HOH tr{ Fl oc6.9-.8 9,tto oF.;EpE86r-altr:op'686:: Se.E Y;lt ce ;,4-!t-a Fe :;Eg'P 3E€ 3:€ofE ;€g EH3 E o.EE =E E3Eo?iE =oo€EE'iol- E:E8;e gi€ EEE'5ExotrC'c,..2E?;: .:F:Eg.- Uto€.Cr=p->c9'- ct5co.9 tt6os bo cCe;E€ CL(! FE Eg -(6 H0totbc Odiccg -o.60 =llog8Eib= EEo6 tEGtt>gltq)pa EEco -o (\otlX u|u,l!zo u,Go u.l 3n UJ UJl! E =Gu,o-J FoF l; lE I &f:lt<z C) }JH ts & lt< ch zH FlH z HF E-r z BI{z -Go =l!o z.ot-4 E() cnulo E UJz |lJ(, ->E --artiuS =lO1r.l zz99 9it:aX=t=.nO1>E9t!<oq--dE8jGj oo |rl(\ro 29Eoo =oF EtrrF t;l-"lor.'{Iol F\qch "'l *. d$1-4Zc] 0aF{C r'llFfqf, -t t-{ El FrctIr3; .lco E-{ | o\(/)lLn I Frztlldlr-alrr|>lF-jl .- 'l-tlol Rlo<lrd.tt >uadaq JgE u) H Hc)ov)th zH B tr t-l F lrl Fltd x po = =c II For\ rr) I.s o\ F\ I ciz I UJ tE J Eoz =oF o zH E Fr z th = G oz CigJ e. J \oz3 F o () Fz (J Ct) =*E t-o2 @CU-J.O N dz7.n9 &ze rr', too .t) == o\i6 I "3E =EE FFtr =(E uJo- t!oEgE5€sE9'ro i! 5gE drE FE! 6tE oo? itsE ;<O-E FT €= UJ IDoF (a N Io\ F\.i' ---gEEx)<x 1<1+i,\.lF.,orJ.AzHatzA uJ E(t) @o.? zo o-u,Y uJo oF \'$ \--oql>-lo. .l 8Ell-lgur 2E ts =E lrJo-zoFc)fEFanzo() \.r& A- e>2.r' s s Q LJ \(J€hqro &oa F*as{-: d \./ hE' RS ls g t-ls E&O = 08798-. ALLSTATE HANAGEHENT, INC o?/03/se; Y o?/oB/ab 103?1? CENTS !l 3 ?tt' 10391 7S0. OO 750. OO 103919 f,'n{+r**.r+ri{*7 50. OO r vaif, colorado 81657 o (3O3) 479-21OO 75 south trontage road vall, colorado 81657(3O3)479-2100 \ PAYspvgn-nuNDRED FIFTY ALLSTATE P. O. BoX 30t LITTLETON, gO 80161 \Y +t o 75 south tronlage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 November 20, 1985 otllce ol communlty developmenl Lynn Voliter 5198 Main Gore Drive Vai1, Co. 81657 Dear Lynn, It has been a month since Louie Pintkowski submitted a written proposal for using your property as a maintenance and storage facility for_Louiets Casual Cibl. While the staff indicated that this use would be a] lowed for the 1985-1986 ski season, it was conditional upon the property being cleaned up. While improvements have been made, the request has not been approved because of the remaining trajlers and debris on the site. The staff will respond to this request when clean up of this site has been compl eted. I have noticed a number of vehicles that have recently been 'located on the west end of your property. In viewing these vehicles, it would appear as though they may be there for some time considering the snow building up around them. I want to inform you now that Town of Vail ordinances prohibit vehic'l es from being abandoned in thj s manner- I have advised our Environmental Health 0fficer of this situation and she may well be in contact with you if this situat'i on does develop. I would hope for your cooperatjon concerning the above referenced matters. Oon't hesitate to call me with any questions you may have. S i ncerel y, 6 *^^ /L'^-a-L^----- Tom Braun Town Planner 7.uest for a conditional use Dermit Nursery garaqe buiTdinq eT 03.| Sout -8- a car wash in the Voliter PEC 10/24/; s 1 nes Jim sayre outlined the proposal as in the memo. He said that the applicant had ..agreed to the conditions except.for paving. The conditionit uie-ot5;;ii;;; ;;;""to upgrade the property"--needed to be adiressed. - tiipriaiion. oi-lpp"6u;i ;;;;l. Build a berm and plant at least 20-!'-f,gvergreen trees with DRB approval-2. The number of exterior parking stalls be limiied-io-a'maximum of foiri^ itatts3. Pave the area to the noith of-the car wash out to the uerm Piper asked about exterior improvements and.sayre explained that this was beingdone nolv' but voliter.had not agreed to paving-. The'appliiant explainea ttrit iauingwould conflict with the_nursery'function. Ra[son iiaiil ifiit .u" wash water woutdmake the lot muddv. Galles stated that he diin't nave-itre power to agree to pavingbecause he did noi own the property. Morgan was concernea inat there not be anyoutside use of the car wash. Pjerle felt-that anything *or'io irprou" tf'. propli.tv,but he didn't want to. see cars parking outside waiiing"tJ-get inlo oiyi,-ni ilggesteothat gravel might work as well as paving. Piper reit tnit at least ttre loi inoutoDe graveleo. uonovan asked about having a loop in the middle to increase thelandscape opportunities,.possibly having 6itt'er baving or i;ndscaping in frontof the shop. Rapson wantbd to sie a beim between the entrance and the exit. Jl"gi ryy:d for approval with the fotlowing conditions: 20 foot long berm with5'-/'evergreens' and provide four park'ing spaces. The motjon failed for'lackof a second. Donovan moved and Pierce seconded to approve the request per the staff memo but'1 . a berm be built and at least 20 5"-7'euergieen'i""Jr'pianted to screen theparki ng 2. The number of exterior parking spaces be limited to a maximum of four.3. All work associated with the deta'il shop shalI take place.inside the garage. 4, Exterior renovation - siding and paint- of the garage be completed 5. That the entire parking lot in front of the garage building be either graveledor landscaped. 6. The conditional use permit for the detail shop is granted for a period notto exceed one year. Mr. Galles should appear befoie the Planninb-ana Envi"onmentalCommission at their second meeting of 0cibber, .|984. Mr. Galles-should makeapplication in the month of Septeiber, 19g4. strict. Appl icant:sg The vote was unanimous. 8.uest for a variance to Section .|8..l3.080 8.4 in order to io add a secondaon Lot 6. B I ntermountai n-i]constructcovered parkin.q. App cant:Susan Corrock lluste Jim sayre gave the staff summary explaining why the site can,t handre a garage1:: 1..::i:tins constraints and"eiili;fi snowplowins habits. Husted is finishino3i? :":iH:;in,!:t'::il:i:^:lgl:iiiiit';;"ffiiJffie.rliE'i3l "Hil3ili"r3 ??[?3f;"noff a basement with entry modifi;;ii;;;: ,,'y '.'rr,'Lr' nu)Lsu 15 rrnrsnlng.Fii#ot##tf;t{t*rr to ter r iper be nominateda t rman.vote was unanimous.for Chairman, and Vjele Vice PEc nt{s -7- she suggested working within the .Arterial Business District zoning. Rapson agreedwith the Arterial Businss district., Trout had no prouiem-with til-rir"'oi"*,*'restaurant, and suggested that perhaps ttrere wis'i [;il;il sjze needed to makethe restaurant work. His onry concern was the burk. r'ro"fun suggested that theArterial Business District wai a better zone io"-tir'e r;;:'' Hatamj suggested reducing the height to perhaps 35 feet. piper stated that perhapsaffordable housino |{as not an issue now, suggested that there was too much parkingfor the amount of square. footage, itrii'tt""e should be pedestrian access from tnearea to Pitkin Creek Park condos, and did not have t"" firirr trouble with the mass.He did not feel there was too much of a probler *iil,-ir,."irarric. Brooks requested to table his seconded to table to lll29. proposal The vote unti I was 6-0 November 28.to table. Pierce moved and Donovan Peter Patten went through-the history of the project. 12 of the 34 units had beenbuilt and recreat'ion raiilities were to serve'both-exlsiing ana plannea-rniii.-' {ow.llre.phases have spiit ownership--this is a joini.ppiiiution to remove recfacilities. Both western Federal bavings and L6an ina'iri-tnuestments were theapplicants. The proposed rec facilities,are in geologic hazardous area. The Town now has more{etg]le{ geoiogic studies than when-tne 5oo "is-app"ovea]-'prc snouto ioor.i "1.facilities when revisign: t9 duplex lots are revibwed. patten added that claycombEngineering had suggested that subdrains be built io-mitidite groundwii"" p"oi,i"rr.The staff was asking for one condition upon approvat, ttrii-or iuuariini-u"ini-oiiltas per the Claycomb report of August 17, 1ggl. Dave Peel , representwng IKS, indicated that they had a joint application and thatsubdrains would be buil-t per the studies. Recreition irEniti"r fees were discussed,with the conclusion that.they would have to be paid. Donovan felt that there shouldbe some recreation amenity t-trere suctr-ui u tot iot. piiten'rrgg.rt"o that it wouldbe appropriate to look.at alternative rec facilities wtren-the auptex Iot applicationcame in. Larrv Eskwith wondered how to-keep ,". iiiriiii"i"in ihe-pran-i;"ih;;'are deleted at.the present time. Jim Morgan.asked the applicants if they wouldbe willing to contribute 910,000 to itre-rec districi, anl.if," representat.ive from!{estern Federal answered that their contriouiiJ; .;;; in-uv"p"ouiding sub drains. Rapson asked if some of the land mitigated by subdrains would be made geologicallysafe? Green of western Federal statei that ihe ro"n his"in opportunity to ljmitconstruction on the site. 6.uest to delete lhe prgposqd ice rink/plaza buildins and ac nq wal ksstai rs , and retai n ng wails tor the Highland park Townhonres cla DeveDistrict #li. App icant: Western Fed@ soci at on Mo th an moved and sub drains be Pi erce i nsta seconded as to r the rove the uest with the condition thatstaff memo and that t ns ta r iorssuance of a cert cate oT occupanc ont resent cons ruc[[ngs and befoie an new bui n rmits were s s uecl on the rema er op roperry. The some recreational amen I (Donovan) es, such as against. a tot lot on the roject. vote was 5 in favor and Donovan felt that there should o^^.f e's Losuo1"- -eo m r0-24-85 TOI,IN OF VAIL PI.AI{NING DEPARIUENT CENTLEMEN IT IS LOUIE'S CASUAL CASS INTENTION TO USE TITE oLD voLrrER NURSERY sPAcE L..ATED AT ro33 sourll TR'NTA.E RoN), rN vArL(SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION) AS qI'&AGE SI4ST ON THE UPPER LEVEL OF THE a rr woulD Ar.so BE oirn. rni s-qt-^.-e, 1.r.,o\c* {v^ =ti- '4 "!t ,*!- '-rP .nL,- S?At'c5 po4f Olhb" Bw /s3 .?laat,eabtalo sl6ss 476-74X/ o41^-"^L *\ e;l* a"\.^$*1.-^ { *.1 N-g l'.' o7v^,4 ^ly rrL-f -.a \..^1 s\r..l- ' :==-- meMt-e mL@ LO-24-85 TOWN OF VAIL PLANNING DEPARTI{ENT GEMLEMEN IT IS LOUIEIS CASUAI, CABS IMENTION TO USE THE OLD VOLITER NURSERY SPACE LOCATED AT IO33 SOUTIT IROMAGE ROAD, IN VAIL (SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION) AS STORAGE SPACE ON THE UPPER LEVEL OF TIiE BUILDING AND THX LOWER HALF TO BE USED AS CAXAGE SPACE WHERE MINOR]'' .''', REPAIR AI{D MAINTENANCE WILL BE PERFORMED.ON:OUR TAXI.FLEET COUSiSiT.1q.i,,',. OF APPROXA}IATELY A DOZEN VEITICLES. I{E HAVE NUTNRN'''TI{TO AI ICNrNICrrr.,* FJITH LYNN VOLITER I'NTIL APRIL 3ISt11986 AT *'rrCU.i'N.iiI'WE t.rrr,r,.ANffiifi;'. 'THE PREMISES. IT WOT'LD ATSO BE OIJR INTENTION I.TITII THE TOITNS *U*"diO*:. TO USE SOME OF THE LEASED PARKING AREA'AS SATTELITE PARKING FOR ONE OR MORE BUSINESSIS IN THE DOWNIOWN VAIL AREA. THIS WOtiI.D BE A BENEFIT EOR.. , .., r "'. , i".-: '{ALL CONCERNED IF I'.IE CAN FIND SOMEONE IMERESTED IN RENTING T TSE' IO'IO"'' . puf Oilicp Bez t53 .?/oat,0alonalo 8t658 476-74X/ a\3..ca.gc t\t.t ,R S $3g. EI . 'Fl:f. F\to i'14 {rqr\teohhN.o\iS']. r.'i : tl I a 75 louth hontrg€ rold Yrll, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August 28, .|985 offbo of commmlty dtY.lopmonl T0 WHOl'l IT MAY C0NCERN: RE: Vo1 i ter Property The Voliter Property has approximately 43,550 square feet and is zoned Arterial Business District. The permitted uses are those Iisted under 18.29.020 Permitted Uses and the uses permitted by issuance of a conditional use permit are those listed under .|8.29.030 Conditiona'l Uses in the Town of Vail Zoning Code. No more than 70% of the rrcof area may exceed 32 feet and none of the roof area may exceed 40 feet in height. The setbacks are 15 feet where the bu'ilding height is less than 20 feet and 20 feet where building heightis over 20 feet. These are for side setbacks. In the rear the setbacks are 10 feet. Density: Not more than 60 square feet of gross residential floor area shall be permitted for each 100 square feet of buildable site area. Coverage: Not more than 60% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings. Floor Area Ratio: Nor more than .75 FAR shall be permitted on any site or lot. Up to .5 FAR will not require any covered parking. All FAR above .5 will require covered or enclosed parking equal in % to the FAR. FAR is calculated by dividing the total gross floor area within the enclosing wal'l s of a structure by the total sjte area of the property. lnwn 75 soulh tronlage rord vall, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 July 23, 1984 Very si y yours, A.PATTEN offlcc of communlly dcy.lopmcnl Bob Vol iter.|031 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Bob, Thanks for.coming in last Thursday, .lu].y .|9, to discuss zoning matterson the vo'liter Nursery parcel. The following can serve as a iurnmary ofthe issues we discussed.with regard to the z6ning status ofyour propertyas you attempt to sell it. '1. Your single family residence located on the western portion of thepppelty is an existing legal non-conforming use in the Arterial BusinessDistrict. This means ihat-the residence ma! iontinue to exist andmay,be repaired, restored, and upgraded, bui cannot be enlarged. rir 2. The existing conrmercia'l on the first floor of the structure on thefar west end will be counted against the overa'l 'l al'lowable cormercia'lfor the entire parcel 3. A subdivision which would-sp1it off the structure hous'ing your residenceand first floor conmercia'l would require severa'l variances to the sub-division.regulations and in a preliniinary review, woutJ-ue difficuli-for our department to support. 4. The master circu'lation and access plan for the Arterial Business Districtdesignates one principal point of ingress and egress for your property, and this is on the far east corner aljacent to [he access to the Vail- - Prcfessional Building access. Rlso, within the Acceii-ind circulaiionPlan for the district, there may be required a 'lefi-iurn lane fromthe Frontage Road into the site-for eaiterly traffic.- -' Please contact me if.you. have further, more specif.ic problems on theseitems. Good luck with the sa'le of your propei"ty. Acti ng APP: bpr 'JRConrnunity Devel opmentDi rector -v '..4\..-} Profect Appllcatlon 44HD <4 p/ Projeci Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Archit€ct. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Hfsl4 Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL -c2 ,Qecu cJT'c<)lje 4E+tt LL4J hr't"l 4f 6aa,16s t/- /L- s3 0 statt Approval lnwn 75 loulh lronlagc road Yall, colorado 8't657 (303) 476-7000 otflc. ot communlly dcvclopmcnl November 18, .1983 Bob Vol iter 1031 South Frontage Road Vai'1, Colorado, 81657 RE: Voliter Landscaping Dear Mr. Voliter, 0n.November 16, 1983, the Design Rev'iew Board approved Voliter,saddition to the landscapi.ng p]in;-.theJ requjre inbre gravel io n- ptacedon llg.parking lot in order to fullfilt the conditiois placed on iheconditional use perm'i t for the carwash. Si ncerely, ,rfu Design Review Board Town of Vail 75 South FrontageVail, Colorado, 81557 ,r5/rme oI / . 75 soulh trontage roed vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 0ctober 28, .|983 Bob Vol iter'1031 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Bob, olllce of communlty developmenl Re: Car Wash - Voliter The purpose of this letter is to outline the stipulations attached to the conditional use permit for the detail shop. The Planning and Environmental Commission imposed the following conditions upon the permit: l. Build a berm and plant at least 20 5'-7' evergreen trees to screen the parki ng. 2. The number of exterior parking sta'l ls be'l imited to a maximum of four stal I s. 3. All work associated with the detail shop shall take place inside the garage bays. Exterior renovation - siding and paint - of the garage be completed. The_entire parking lot in front of the garage building be either graveled or landscaped. 6. The conditional use permit for the detail shop is granted for a period not to exceed one year. l,lr, Galles should appear before the Planning Corrnission at their second meeting of 0ctober, 1984. Mr. Galles shou'ld make application to this department in the month of September, 1984. A landscape plan illustrating numbers I and 5 stipulations above shou'ld be submitted to this office by November 7, 1983. The'l andscape plan should be drawn to scale and show the'location of all proposed landscape materials. 4. 5. I Vol iter October 28, .|983 Page Tuo The plan should also include a plant legend indicating the botanlcal and conmon name of the plant materials prbposed and their size and quantity. The applicatlon, if complete, will be heard by the DRB November 16, 1983. As a reminder; your statement concernling your zoning code amendment--the one concerning automotive repair services and garages--is due no later than llov- ember 4, 1983. Sincerely, , fu/d1.l^-Jll'l SAYRE Town.Planner JS: br 11 :30 l :15 2200 am pm pm I. 2. ,roln AND ENVTRoNMENTAL coMMISSIO October 24, 1983 Site Inspections Golden Peak Study Session with Town Council Publ ic Hearing: Approval of minutes of September 26 and of 0ctober 10. Request to rezone the Arnoco service station site from Heavy Service toPublic Accommodation zone district, and to incorporate the-site intoSpecial Development District #6. A'lso, to amend'the Sepcial DevelopmentDistrict_height section and pldD, to increase the gross residential resi-dential floor area allowab'l e, to modify professionil and business officesn Itr.9!qt:, meeting rooms, convenoion facilities, and conrnercial parkingfaci'l ities from conditional uses to permitted uses, to request bn exefrptionfor parking, to permit additional floor area for cormercial uses, andother minor changes. Applicant: Piccidilly Square, Inc. A.request.for an_exterior alteration for the Lodge at Vail to add a newwing to the'hotel between One vail place and the-Lodge. The proposal-'includes modifications to the "Lodge plaza" adjacent-to ttre-rbunbers' plaza and to the parking lot on the west-side.Applicants: Lodge at Vail A riquest for a conditional use permit in commercial core II .in ordertoconstFuct commercial storage units in the lower level of the coniertHall Plaza. Applicant: Eagle Valley Investments, Inc. A_request for a rezoning on the Getty Oil site (parcel immediately westof Pitkin creek Parkcondominiums'in -eighorn) trdin Low Density uutii-Familv (19ryF) to special_Development Distri;t with undertyin! ArterialBusiness District to build a restaurant and "affordable', ioniominiums. Appl icant: Brooks Investments Request to delete the proposed ice rink/plaza building and accompanyingwalks, stairs, and retaining walls for the Highland pirk rownhombs,-spEcialDevelopment District #ll. Appticant: westeri reairai savings and'Loin--- 7' Request for a conditjonal use permit to allow a car wash in the voliterNursery Garage-building_at 1031 South Frontage Road in the ArterialBusiness District. Applicant: David J. Grelg Galles 3. 4. 5. 6. 8.Reguest for a variance to Section lg.l3.0gO 8.4 indwelling on Lot 6, Block 6, Intermountain withoutcovered parking. Applicant: Susan Corrock Husted order to add a secondary having to construct TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department October .|9, 1983 Application to install a carwash at the Voliter Nursery Appl icant: David Galles DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The applicant, David Galles, wishesgarage bays at Voliter's. A "detail where the exterior of an automobilein the detail shop is expected to bejs fairly high: $75 - .t00 per job. appl'ication includes a small office to insta'l I a "detail shop" in two of the shop" is a combination car wash and a placeis refurbished. The volume of work donefairly low, because the cost per automobile A1l washing will be done by hand. Thein one of the garage bays. T 9 a?e]icant has agreed !9 the foilowing measures to control and mitigate thevrsual impact of the detail shop: a) Exterior renovation of the garage bays, siding and paint b) Limitation of the number of park'ing stalls to the detail shop to a maximumof four c) Bu'i ld up berms in front of nursery and plant 20 5'-7'evergreen trees. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Communjty Deveiopment Department recomnendsapproval of the conditional use permit basld upon ihe totlbwing factors: Consideration of Factors : Re'l ationship and impact of the use on develo nto ectives of the There are two portions ofth'is appl ication: the objective of the zon'r ng code which pertain to .|8.02.020 A. Purpose ...t0 promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in amanner that will conserse and enhance its natural environment and its establishedcharacter as a resort and residential community of high quality. Vol iterf Wash -2- 1o/1s/8g r8.02.020 (B)(B) To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the town. If the appearance of the voliter Nursery building can be upgraded due to theapplication, then the conditional use pLrmit stroita Ue grihied. The effect of the use on liqht and air distribution of ul ation trans rtat ionacesut'rrlttes scn00ts, Darks a recreation fac ti es 0ther cfacti es ubI ic facil it'ies needs. The and detai I publ ic shop will have little influence on the distribution of popu'lationservi ces. ttaffic qith partjcular reference to congesljoL, automotive and, access , maneuvera_ Effect upon es tri an The detail but due to be minimal . removal of snow from the street and oar areas. shop will increase the traffic flow into andthe anticipated low volume of the shop, the out of i ncrease the nursery, of traffic will Effect upon the chalqcter of the area in__whi_g_b_!h_e_-p_ropored use is to be located, to surroundi nq This is the key element in-eva'l uating the conditional use application. Theappearance of the Vo'l iter lot may be enhanced by: l. landscaping2- Iimitation of the number of automobiles associated with the detajl shop3. paving the parking area in front of the garage structure These items will mitigate the additional visual clutter due to the deta.il shoo.with at least a dozen vehicles parked on the tot at ttre piesent-iiil;-ii'i;"'''important that these vehicles and the vehicles associatei with the detail stroobe screend by landscaping. paving shall also help to enhance ttre-appii"inie-'of the propqlty and mitigate.any outwash from the carwash. The appiicant trisagreed to add landscaping and to limit the number of automobites iisoiiiieci--with the detaii shop. The applicant has not agreed to pave the lot. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems licable to tuse. The elvironmenlal imp?ct,r,epo!l cgncellri!g the proposed use, if an environmentalimpact report is required by Chapter l&56. -------------_-- Voliter cJasrr -s- to/1s/83 FI NDI NGS The Conrnunity Development Department recommends that the conditional use p."ritbe approved based on the following findings: That the proposed locat'ion of the use is in accord with the purposes of thisordinance and the purposes of the district in which tte iiie is located. That the.proposed.location of the use and the conditions under which it wouldbe operated or maintained would not be aetrimenial io-ttre-puufil tearir,,"iii.ty,orwe]faneor materially injurious to properties or irp"oueilents in the ui"inityi That the.proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions ofthis ordinance. ITAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recormends approval of the detail shop with the following stipulations: 1. The applicant build a berm and plant at least 20 5'-T,evergreen treesto screen the parking. The landscape pian should be submitied to DRBfor review. 2. That the number of stalls associated with the detail shop be limited tofour stalls. 3. That the parking area in front of the garage building be paved. Note again that the applicant has agreed to the first two of these stipulationsat this Lime.. The conditional use chapter stresses the influence of a conditional use on the:::i::,rljls tigpgl!{. The purpose section states that ',Condiiionir uies-reqri."revrew and evatuation so that they may be located properly with respect to dhepurposes of this titte and with rispelt to their ertecis'6n'surrounding properties.,,jl^tli:^:.::.,!!g_l??uurance of the Voliter property can be enhanced oniy'if'- -' li:,:::::-:tipulatjons, in combination, are met. Only in combination, -paving, landscaping'.and the limitation on the number of vehilles, can the uirrJi "i,itt."associated with the appl ication, the addit'ionat veh'iCt"iln ihe site, ue ,itigiieaand the visual character of the-lot enhinceO. *y,*r .-a -\a Q-c- u /,-<--<:'c-.-'r,-) :: foo /I/-:s c-u-z--at -'llIO,i., ji ilyv'0E e! 3Z F. t Lt l.tJt a E VI o N( ;-ilii*i; ' li LifilB{ilii i,i, ilr;',..11 lg'tf 3 rui Hi'd $ #;iitri li;; d '., r, rs.l.] i,,, , , E d:,,. -.1 .;,..r i tf -)i,..,1t, ;d d ',qI,,t','H ; *t : :-.i;l:i.L'r1:!r.. lr4,t ^37"4 \.t a, r?t-9 -) 2qiNaNJ2 d;d t/lu2 t G tdL ,rrl u p Y. rl u,v) tq C! l::..- UT 13 ,fiv 5L 14 .U1 ?\lot4 9t r8{fl$8 d)AndJ ""ue drV,' 3& d^ gsd EE: fige .'!gj ec \9 .o /v p F (, ,1 rQ vl 0 lu') q i M ,J 1 \, 7. D,) d V)ltu +o,r 0\-l >t4 Iuy AU J2.,5 ,.I i .o).3 ',g d C- (j .>,0 ctN.r.O\NQ. sr\{)i11\\r*.\.or\i15\q"\ (( $e h q trJ, Hq I (5? :a tyq A-ogr ,si$i rrl !'raI p R t (o3 c-Sl . r-iI c- is- - - - - - - --;z;-i.- ,I I cd kJ a4ql I I 3ado 3 J rllcr+) trH n N I.This procedure Conditional Use The application submitted. APPLICATION FORM FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERI4IT is required for any project Permit. reguired to obtain a wilL not be accepted until all information is T //k6* 6tL%A. NAII{E OF APPLICANT ADDRESS tr B.NA!18 OF ADDRESS APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATI\TE PHONE c.NAME 0F oWNER (t or type) SIGNATURE ADDRESS ,/"/ P77 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI. firin 'Tz- then current first-class notified herewrder. property adjacent to ?fq_ c-gz.? Postage the ./J- fa/zl26ra E. F. ADDRESS LEGAI-, DESCRIPTION tot FEE $50.00 plus an amount equal to the rate for each property owner to be A list of the name of ordners of all subject property {;q /'tota '/ - ,+//ur|/f'4,.r n - Dn r.o -9'e,',U S - {-I.sl-,n/ tcJv}Yrr t'' ,/t ksvakl 'e =f uo II. L.(irr l. -(rr4 Crrnr.l ;i. t. j. c.r'a'l 't:r':lr j. i- paga 2 <.:cil:.lcri of th..: ftrl l.ovri ng .i.nf<;:r:n,rLior: : the. applicatlon . on the 2nd anct 4thnecessary acco:lpanyingthe date of the' A. A dcscri-pti'rr <lf th,:: p::crcisc n.ture of the lrr"orro.crr uge an(l. l!" olrcraL.i-rr<.1 cli;r ri.r<:r:c:L'-i-r:t j-r:s r irlr(l rn,:o"oio"' L:r<-r1,c,::cd to n:.:rr-cthe usc corill.,rrtibrc v...i.i-h otlrcr propertics in ih,.,'u.ici"ityl'-'-- -sho.'1rinS proposccl developncnt of f:!9 s1!er inctuCingbuilding locations, parking, traffic "iriuf"ti"Jl'space, landscapecl are:r, and utilJ.tics ancl a;.;i;;g" c' Prelirr,inarv buitding plans and elevations sufficient to'incli.catethe dimensl-ons, generlt appearance, scale, and irrterior plan ofall buildings. D' Any-aclcitional materiar necessary for the review ofas determined, by the Zoning admiiistratoi.-- IIf. Time requirements The pranning and Dnvironmentar commission meetsMondays of. each monttr. An appl.ication-witii- tnomateriar-'mrust be submitted fo-ur w""i" pii"= to. meeting. )-uo ,Ly'n e /{cJ ' B. A sitc plan topography, uscable open. features. I t ,l I', i I:I .l _.L (r\q\CD\\ Hf r+ CD -)' tfrrt mro{. X-",3*r:"\ R.tE \ tn !'r , !;- .l $ u $ J 6$ s E-T\ -to s p tL.t. a ) { a, \ O)\c -r_l D x (_ f) T,*-1 m fr \ \4\lt lL'tlt-tlpl?, l- rh .Lt \ \Q \qJ\l\ (4q' "Q ct -,1 [4)/ o 'el- -d-y'-7Pt-<-9-2.-* \1./ -f (!z- 'fA- fl-fr Ztlr" ,.cL,-*L.<.L a L0 ,ru-"','-no...V ;-t" S;.Jt -+-.e-+--y-- *0,- ..-^----/.- *.-L (L.,---ft--r^u. u4 .42c.n- -ir.'^ -1 ,;2+rLZl (.-C ) T ,L o--r*t-,-' .Jr1,,., k-rl-- .n',-^- r/rk ,/,.42 ./) r, - <?-,zz4,A-- (i. t a -/r-- !, . f", ,. T ,., ,1 _IL. /t,tc-t-- , ,'r r.r/l-*.ts"r- &at 1aL---.r ,*--: ./* ti-,,, ,,//.-. '+ , ^**--./i ().<,^.-.-< T'd.,- ,'..*-,-- r----* 4'.-.-:.a ,,, , :l* . ,, ,,..(y';t - (( n1--.,1 ,r/.,"r, r.-r, r6'...2D NN9a)c.t.0,O.-..-...2, t 9li lrj -\,IJ r, V vtu ,J,oi't D'V |: H il '1$;qAn/ 7 t b e b ,l'c p.gE fi D !o'i s )z.d Nd tzl r oYY* )t $\. r!,'A 6 ? y {,q:kl r 2 i*a ?X,gt#il ,.,'; Sgga ,6tMiai; f; 3 ^l s Ela Ji ils,4:! 1 in+;s 2;iq e \ r$ \ lttidi '3C aR\ -zq4l- $gls :t-:. t,),\{ e J;uJP r) J- rla') .>;." dH Jr ! rsH t'J Il"ule>'6 S rtU t d q1v ; j d d \r 3 ,^J 'f ) I -- d ut0 _c. jl3 u IP e='! J;tl*e {rnF bToI';iii isr6il ir d2.l ",C "JJ5\-r- N -'/ t o> € C a,/a 6'\ ,l gr'=; v* l. This procedure Condltional Use The appllcatlon rubmltted. A. NA!'IE OF APPLICA!{T will not be accepted untll all lnfornation Le ,"^, Oto.>/ Q /ua 644s ^ ^,?a.''^'/g r-: APPLICATION !'ORM FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT is reguired for any project required to obtaln a Permit. ADDRESS B. NAT{E OF ADDRESS APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATI\TE PHONE fr'rt/ PHONE c.ilAr,lE 0F ohr.rER (t. or type) SIGNATURE ADDRESS /"/ F77 'at?l-/ PHONE r?zt D.I,OCATION OF ADDRESS PROPOSAI, ilo /18',lul '!r. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot FEE $50.00 plus an anount equal to the rate for each property owner to be A list of the name of ovrners of aII subJect property -/J- faazlAara B*ftttn 'V.- then current first-class notified herewrder. property adjacent to {;q fuota 12 - ,+/ /u,/f?.- 1' - PostaSe the D*/.o t,7< E-oo oo -'v l 'l Qn ) -Tl;- )..- c2-,v.. prr.^-f,----o.-.,.. 1-;)4- T,2 ,rt--; n', 1r.... L0, ^ -,^,1,'il !'/) -,-,?'-."o H,^4J4., -,h-,-.y' ,o , n2 .n,^,:, 'ft ! '/ \ ./r, !.* C.t;, \ a-t (? t ,y'' (, ) /4440-1 2, . t, / -t-n2, ^,-.-,L--- ,'nl( /<1 fn\Y/ lt 7t /L, / -fu- 4r..-z t /-,^-;/,t -rL.l," sot-<.9->^.- ./-A,^:aii ,y, M 4 ,- a -/1,\ , t tlll /.lt-tz ./.-. 'r"-.',- o*;fo t.2 ?)- O/o-.0*r.,,--.A.-.- )bffi.- Zrc.^-S; /U'; (L.^*S*',. G) Itc- a.^n- . .-d ft^^ a-,1e'4- / &+al4-,u.^- otft.*-rtu )(. t I l i Sggg.o*\. Ur rl o,?o r/ 2 qIo.n 2s,ryrlw 00 %'t6"_ rs V e, a E \,1 N fi ) 9l0ll HIyl L Aiw a ? a1 Wt- vl t 3 oo@@ *^J Q ...o -3 g t-(14 '-o t-$ t^J <) JOp2b l\..9 P vrr> C q7'';WicYa pr i'V IIri1,(Jr! U $csFfi*$ge+-)4 ( N]t-'\W o \^J ) l) a L )..l+ 6 2 ( 5 .(tl /w IL1I oJ.'wsl' I tr, \r ? s, di$ Iig \n!/; nn i, @9"$ KtiP EIFPN\nr l9t^Jl'IM,\r \.L ntnN :lP' l--{ld^l(ooaA\tc4t--1wf;7{(?LcLhtrP rSN'1 f 6.( e fl] P t4 L d K 1 .-(oowr -'ln rl1 rl r b"2 1F f;Hp{ 0 ,o ( ? z, )L 0 -0 $ L z $ s cF* F84 eeg 4 vou?rn sNou,PrbwtNe BOX 881 vArL. coLo. 81657 4764047 November .|6, .|983 Town of Vail: Per conversation with Steve Patterson and Bob Voliter the fo1 lowing letter is presented: Bob Voliter dba Voliter Nursery, and as owner of property, and Dave Gregg-Galles dba Vail Car Shine agree to instal 1 a fireproof drop ceiling above the first floor to protect the second floor occupants by January 3lst, .|984. Both parties hold the Town of Vail harmless for any incidences during the interim period. The Town of Vail Fire Department has authorized the storage of flamables in the area. r\z a( 75 soulh frontage road yall, colorado 91652 (303) 476-7000 0ctober 28, lg83 Bob Vol iterl03l South Frontase RoadVail, Co]orado 91557 Dear Bob, offlce of communlly devetopment Re: Car Wash - Voliter. The.purpose of this letter is to outrine the stipulations attached to theconditional use permit for the detait ir,op. The'p]ilri;; ina rnvironmentalcommission imposed the foilrowing conoiiioirs upon the p"iilri, l. Bui'ld a berm and plant at least z0 5'-7'evergreen trees to screen thepark i ng. ?. The number of exterior parking stalrs be limited to a maximum of fourstal I s. 3. All work associated with the detail shop shail take place inside thegarage bays. Exterior renovation - siding and paint - of the garage be compreted. Il"r:ljli:r:l:rt"n lot in front of the sarase buildins be either qraveled 4. 5. 6. The conditionar use permit for the detair .shop is granted for a periodnot to exceed one year. Mr. Galles shourd upb"i" B"io"" the planninqcommission at their second meeting ot octoue-ri-ibea. -llr.'iliri"l"liiira make application to this departmeit in the monttr of september, 19g4. A landscape plan il1-ustrating numbers'l and 5 stipulations above should besubmitted to this office by frovember-2, is8s. -ih5-i;il;;;p" pran shourd bedrawn to scale and show thi rocation oi ail proposed randscape materials. r " nHffi rr, ,rrrO ( Page Tuo The plan should also-include a plant legend indicating common name of the plant materials proposed and their- The application, if complete, will be heard by the DRB As a reminder; your statement concerning your zoning coconcerning-automotjve repair services and- garages--is d ember 4, 1983. Sincerely, ,fu/tTr-- JIT'I SAYRE Town Planner JS: br the botanical and size and quantity. l{ovember '|6, .|983. c de amendment--the one 0e no 'later than Nov- rt OC 75 south tronlage road yail, colorado 91657 (303) 476-7000 October 28, l9B3 Bob Vol iterl03l South Frontaqe RoadVail, Colorado gl5S7 Dear Bob, olflce of communly developmenl Re: Car Wash - Voliter. The.purpose of this'letter is to outline the stipulations attached to theconditiona'l-use permit for the detail shop. The'plannin; ;;J inui"onr"niarcorrnission imposed the foilowing conditioirs upon the piifiii, l. Build a berm and plant at least 20 5'-7'evergreen trees to screen theparkf ng. 2- The number of exterior parking stalls be limited to a maximum of fourstal'l s. 3. All work associated with the detair shop shall take place inside thegarage bays. Exterior renovation - siding and paint - of the garage be compreted. The entire parkino lot in front of the garage building be either graveredor landscaped. - 4. 5. 6. The conditional use permit for the detai'r _shop is granted for a periodnot to exceed one year. Mr. Galres should upb"i" i.io"" the pranninqcommission at theii second meetins or octoueii-isea. -llr.-diri"i"iriJira make application to this department in the,onth of september, .l 9g4. A landscape plan ill.ustrating numbers I and 5 stipu'l ations above should besubmitted to this office by November z, is8s. -ih!-i;il;;ipe ptan should bedrawn to scale and show thi rocation oi ail propoieo-iinii[up. materiars. ,*t - UUffii 28, re83 O C Page Tylo The plan should also inc'lude a plant legend indicatinq common name of the plant materials proposed and their- The application, if complete, will be heard by the DRB As a reminder, youl statement concerning your zoning concerning automotive repair services and garages--is ember 4, 1983. Sincerely, , fu/-.-t r-,- JIT4 SAYRE Town Planner oc the botanical and size and quantity. November 16, 1983. code amendment--the one due no later than Nov- JS: br t o(r' 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado gl65z (303) 476-7000 0ctober 28, .|983 Bob Vol iter 1031 South Frontaqe Roadvail, Colorado glosT Dear Bob, offlce of communlly development Re: Car Wash - Vol iter. The.purpose of this'letter is to outline the stipulations attached to theconditional use permit for-the detail shop. rhe'plannin! ind rnvironmentalCommission imposed the following condiiiohs upon tne perfili: l. Bui]d a berm and pl ant at reast 20 5,-7'evergreen trees to screen thepark i ng. 2. The number of exterior parkjng stalls be limited to a maximum of fourstal I s. 3. All work associated with the detair shop shalr take place inside thegarage bays. Exterior renovation - siding and paint - of the garage be compreted. Il",:lj:::r:i:*tnn lot in front of the sarase buildine be eirher sraveted 4. 5. 6' The conditionar use permit for the detair .shop is granted for a periodnot to exceed one year- Mr. Galres shourd ipb"i" 6"io". the planninqcommission at theii second meeting of 0ctobei:i-igeal -ir".-diri"i"l'riJira make applicat'ion to this aepartmeit in the ,nontn-oi-s"ptember, 19g4. | ]ul9:.qp: plan illtlstrating numbers'r and 5 stipurations above shourd besubmitted to this office by ilovember z, igas. -iil-i;il;;ipe pran should bedrawn to scale and show thi rocation oi ail p.opoiea-ii;;;;;p" materiars. i:IH 28, re$O C (, Page Tro The plan should also_include a p'lant legend indicating the botanical and common name of the^plant-materia'l s proposed and their-size and quantity. The application, if complete, wil'l be heard by the DRB ltlovember'iO, tgbS. As a reminder, your statement concerning automotive repair ember 4, 1983. Sincerely, , fu/{-r-lrr-,-i]il SAYRE Town Planner .1S: br concerning your zoning co{e amendment--the oneservices and garages--is due no later than Nov- Project Application Proiecr Name: uA t' r'oQ*- ,\'/ ) l{f::- proiecr Descrip r,"., t/'l 't Tif{;- 1"'>J* Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL if ::-,/s,xt :,/V'sT 4,eFcuE.) /^Y< [i.t ?,f r<- ? / F 3".- - ,9,=4 : 'r f* ( ;>t--lY /-tlc;J l.J ,-"p statt Approval 75 3outh tronlago road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllcc of commtrlly dewlopmcnt September 14, 1983 Bob Voliter VoI iter Nursery 1013 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Chevron LandscapingDear The more Bob, staff has reviewed the Chevron landscaping sketch. l,|e need adetailed landscape plan, including: a. A site plan drawn to scale b. Illustrate property lines, room for 14' bike path.(uitch may be reworked. ) c. !3ld::lp:.1egend, include botanical name, cormon name, sizeand quantity of materials. d. Cross section of berm area. Town Planner JS: br S i ncerely, IM SAYRE o 75 loulh tronlage road Y.ll, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Bob: l.|e would 'like to take this opportunity to wi'llingness to participate financially in Pedestrian/B'icycle Path proiect. APP:bpr Encl . cc: Rich Caplan, April 12, 1983 express our gratitude for Your the Arteria'l Business District Although a sma'|1 portion of the path across the Upper Eagle-lalley Sanitat'ion Distriit's properiy may be constiucted this sunmer (lhey wil'l install their portion theinse'lves), w-e feel that we cannot adequately lfdget the project in our Capital Improvement Program until summer 1984. This may coincide more favoi^ably with improvements planned for 1983 on the west end of the district as wel 1 as a'l low each of you to budget for your assessment more comfortab'ly Please find enclosed the contract agreement form for your organization stipulating the dol 1ar figure for your assessment as agreed upon. _Please.noti that wittr ttre participation of Upper Eagle Valley Sanitat'ion District your cost may be'loiver than the'last figure you've seen. lie would like t0 have the sigired agreement returned to the following address by May'13' 1983: Peter Patten, Senior Planner Town of Vai'l 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 0nce again, thanks for your voluntary participation in this project. Sincerel A. DITER PATTEN, Senior Planner Larry Eskwith oo ,ft/o h*'frrt*'/Lr-'"> nZ,-* 4.""^t /ea. 8 1r-r*"/lt d,trt &'ppp$+ /z// 4 7* 77sE ?74 F /f"r,rot'^baarl ./ t' B) 64f EtttptaJZr /772 P /-e u/o-rrt-/sz"ntaer f ' flaa;-& /7?-ZF s ^ouou/ ultfi Z'o F/od- &+2, 3ao6 F eranTn*n,t z7A l/A o,lr.S -E =t6.=-2 '.8 E,: !e't'8i..: ii3" g' = E;;i;:I:=:r! 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F{ OOl4 g c'-{ 0) dC- O cd 5 5{J o L 'Fl 5 >!d .l \t'rl O Odrr\ o .o'oo(a oo E r-{ r-l o tr\o {-) (4d $r(otu o .it lrg +cdq)rl bO O O O gtr O >"d'q .rl O'd sl c05 O cd g o O r--l O O O -t d .-t Ei tr bo boz r-t bod brF 5 gEP .r-l 1J g fu cd g g cH g>i tr+r O.rl g cd g H " O .rl .rJ tr >!X E .d o ts r-l '-l> o d g c'{ ..qd d o h -l o d.o Fr O r-t O (r){Jrl F1 +) O '+r L rl H >rOP q-.t Frr O Ar F P g h.r{ ."t.r{ g g O O .-t bO P O '-lO c) (, d O 5 5 -.{ g O {r g-r 5 H Sr g.r'{ -l o.-l slp .o o 5 o p.-1 .(l) d 5ivlr{ c {j 5 g F .-t rr g ct o o o o L (D o o lrP o trOL cd {r O O g.q,C .q qr.q .dO .qd.r{trd()FC.->< (5 E.-ilJP Fi OFr H 3 f-r E{ > o 9r>p ! CV @ c! l.{op c)A .o q, o.lc',-c c r.F*.s. +. : etrf 8E8.-,EoEE= _*eF ,.'5- ForSr;3;f=X !d -o.r+)! . 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(uF O-+) a'- +r -c O +J c) AiCr.c O r-.r- : .qr+e.g! (, () !--O.O{r +)E 3- .,,.. b f;C€3hfEg '-=335-.9.6 >, -OOE -.6+J = O icl (JP.-o c) _^.,- .\ L r,/'t+) O +JO 0J!.Oq(, (u€ -C 9- (/|.C _C rg C -O.t-)- +i €-:Z mti =qJ e)q- sr l{= o{i q- 4.- cr €a<= .^ .r-O c Yl =(,OL L(/) +r+, roooo -.o -r, c) (u ..: I =FO(Uo: .-oEc -5-(J E O - c +) !;F tgq--Ct O Ec -.- OJF:=ct O O+) '=< -O +).'-s C')(r|- O.J rg - L O.'- (IJ 2 O, .+) , -v1 =-O tn'9. Q o_ Fr +) st i +r l- E o L rO.-O- E O.- €.p(uOtc)(u o=our..t'E(d Q r, . 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EE+' O(oC .6-86.6 c(Joro +t .(a O- Eo+J o- oE(Jd !(l,rtt cE g o, o,-.\t-c o .O''- P C., EE r,r1 O+., o, 6 O>E g L'-g (o'C'{J rd >(Uo, (d o- o.c =cDx c.ucJ0)(U o "- g af JJ o o+) -o oLC Cr- c(u(/) -o 0J -o '!- 'o (d+) = o-c{JO.dP (t' O (/|o- E-ovG, 3-t- cj-o +r dOE J={r (D > O-Oc, (u.6 LbJA.vtE Fv .o c., (uO.6 E(l, 'F! (J0)+, _o p o LC ..- P E.d'r- >rP EC C lFlres o c o (d cJ olc=c o(n -< IO o) . C+r pl -CE\t l- I: rd =l+t G, F !- O-.r > +.r OlJa5 O 0., C).d I(urrC) q- U) 9- C-C ojlI L ld q, lg C, o|+) (Jl(A q, .lJ -c c]l 'r-lI =E0J ule+' {J rtsl Ll(u u (ur- rtsl c)l\+r.- = (o (Jr L OJ OIr.)l(\t CJ -Frq- Cr= C C '{- i,-lcc -c rdq- . qJ ()q- ajl-t\ .P A- O O 9. -.r- +J .+r I OlO -O .F.tr L = di>l+t (U.g Cr.6.F CJ o {Jl I\. ro --c (J .c>E o-L tnl-alLf, -c!{J1- +J c.FF 0)lolP C .g {-, OO- ICOI.. q+r o(,(J -o -t IFa6E## i:pE: Elii O G, r- L o--C -C C .6 (gl .dlo--ce O .d+)Pd> l(Jl9 +) (u r+- r O, O Ort.-.(I, E O(F O., L c +rl-tLou(tJ .+Jo-coo rgl dl+)P (J P=O Lio.i-(> to oJI<le rrE(F cJ +-c . ol IoL q- E +)c ol I-c3-(fO coJ.F16. t.l(JO0)OO=Ltrr).Olcl+)-C! g O.g O qe PtD.'= c .g c, dc\l cl 'r .r 1.,=l = (,.i (n (,co L c,6 +)l{-Ji-t: = c ('r o.r> .-i rsiE+rc.)rE C Cr-cJ.6 EIolc r- -c rd.r ), +'q_ Ll OI.€c +J 9r .-c(,o (ulel'. oE L CJ lr) +r-O Ol I..F c L OE ,F ( +) !>tqr-c tU (1, E.6>,= t, (u[!'l! r, -c (J rd (n o, (,lcjl =.5 0J +r E LE LE S- =lt,lo(F gro .F.6 0 L 0,,) ll-t E'1J(u LOJlo=- 6'z![CJr-- ', 'g O +) r+-.rl'- ci 'l -c = = c.F".6 t! .ott-l.rJ O O .d.6E E +J ,F_oJ t =',L E .-E(n gL.|Jl.-D (u ! c -1) 'r-l.-ifJ +r i,i_c G)(6Ee!(o-0 Vi-i -o 5.o+) > d) | .clot.o-o=O Or-EtY).(l) Oi>;(I''. E- +J-c ()l. toO I l!q- (, (,{J l('rlEr-OC L+rq-.U C _L[clcJF tE.O (uUt.rJ=.FC Oiel-:Z O- CL C .P .6 .F rts [.l-t !(nc|UIL .F..- (, o| CD .-lql(6 +, O CL +J .E +J +.11,- |(u(ts O oJ o o (Dlxl.dF c) (IJP-C >+) E g.'(JJ;C,-'r.'! g P = >L ,td $-O dOJ cJOt,' 6iAJ I.Fq-tF (, =or:-cL.rl Orl€looOs o:'.FFF= oai+J I lrtsr(Y) oE^ g Eq, =E eE E p€.,cE :g 2C .EC.- F.F.a.r ! -.Eos *,obd E c., ts E-g- o'- =t >)o C!+,-s!c',+,L'ajsodrgll.F FliH t 5 ; +:EE ,t :,fr S6 o0JC.F {J0JoJ o_!.c(, +r+r O+r o L .doc= -o -c.1 c)._o O€>?.a=c!Lc(nE(uE(a orsErn '{- c c., <aE6.p-. Fs_ =?P'.:c ! 5(J,r-oqJ-€Er i.c-- .;cn E F ar;i"..s.- +r F'-p .6 (u .,r o c = .- t- ? .ti gl C, +rp O.; € a - <Oi, -:- ._ tnE c 9qJ9 .d s 3 l r.l '- q+r -o o 'd o A !2 !d ,d ('p c .du .r.e 0J .d F-r .- _c9=(,oQ Q.6!()'- .r- 'oE(, qJ . O; - -oosr. -i (\r 9 . - E o r i.: 6 -- _ c o .; drsj i o rr oc+)c: jo'; +jP *l ,-.tl!cl -c r- :r qalf- o-oi= :5.n 1g -.o .F,- (d o j ot.-,- A6 +rl s.o .cEE+r5(uu(,qg[ V|! 'rr vt .- s- E a,- rzr'o i<r -o i-o -= ul r.__€+J c.d 9olldcl-lt -. oq)cJ (d o(L) o O(t'.-r+o- (Jo oI F) +)#.?='!EjE'u=E'5lpg 5;.=S ; .=5 F G-o6'oc --No dE =l '-cis+J-'oE-o'-qro- €a.roi .tc b .: qd'=:qbB ErS 3E rl 3g(a 4) t^ t^ c ''-.- >-o orl p+) = o. (u c 1J f p A O, Or-F .6 q- '-\i 6{ o_(dli+)arf (dpOG|!Llq,-o d+)o- qr 5rd - 6-jd-6-' F-' 6v,'rrL-iiEo-5i dbic'r o o .,.Fo>,EEo -gE P Sl 3E!o (t, f ',- q, .d >o cJ - _.o.;- -o--i .g +r-o , 6 :_co@c+r o.F,I .= -l -or\ c err- o-o-+J cco-o+)> c,.; F oior 1--;tr4- ioo f +) :,_l ta vr..F--lJ r- o c.r.6-c o-o ., o)c c.ds . c0cJ-g- -+: F3; bE ;l .F, __> c{J'- t- 6J< clr.rp-c' C - ![ : ],.; C, -.; E, .F s_ c.,, Ero .!_ co.rE€:i.FeF:-itEs* tiE:S : E=E g s.,56",;g 3:E _l ;l 3E-c +,.F ! +t l-.r-) (4.d o.d.p .-i=qi € =b|\| +) o-o|r-r-c c qr 'O6 Etn o[ C)+,qr oq- 01 oo-lorJqr-c =.:' _. =16=o ; 6€ .; -- o_ft,F.. i rb - +,, - -i di€ -_ oq.r c.ii 6-Li ? -c o F +1r E_c rr, J'I" .F€ =[ €=r ut ccqr+)ocr.(/)_ o g.t I_ o lf|E= c -in dFq_ 5q, 6oo o- d +, o_dJ'O O''-.F-C ! O-+rq 0J r! . LlOq-.- _E L- q.t = - O'di (/|+r-c v> (\tt t,o-<E€SeoiilrFEf--E q*:F '' p8g o- gtr::;;F .&F EE +l ije-'leeg*ts.es:*ltsE :.iT.5 !d E*- ts Ep'=eEt.= J5iE ;n El ft|,.c= o- F oJ!a-6aEo'c5;E*lg g*.Et 33 !o= vt -';,o'.93." Egf E.= ;l .-(l) =-c' r/t +i rd =t'c| c| (/')-=_-= x;ar.;a8-'i:flt'a*$'- q,-;89; .=eE3_e;= EA- 5o Et EEoro, .d or'o (U .tr -u rr'r-.r +.r E o-o =rnL(r) o, 't =- '; (,-c''-=.F bo= o(l, I ro'|: ! s: cJ > s l, o- (..) L{- 6.,- or= - C oJF t,Eo, +'i+,q''-'io, qioEo E-c6F E6 o ..; : ErFiql. tho b.: 5l .Pg d.c(o>cFo,gE-c .c'o- - F- sr.- :F.g-q u0 =Ot,\60.r€ i/) cD (J:' .t-f r_ -cl!'u0)o.do-co)E{J qJg oq- o .d cJ - .rJ q-;F =oJ E'-g yrE j (uc 6 trl cL.d . o(u r-=t,+JLo .o-o.lJ6 @s -,n U.,- g'=' FE', qJEo)O. (t'; .P-c.r_ . c(U Ll o-+, stp '(t,c) (J+r (n o >ro orj :i.o oo " - @o i o_5'o 5.P.Pc, tr'L ot rd r- rr)!tn l-F'o0.lc lg+, 1J vt= o-.- tF- -6o _c6 l-ol ,IF6- EQs+,-;d;6'--E qco.ro6 .:c.Fo +O q-A 6i o oo= iE.=; o, =l ol3, Ao.O C !/, 'F- = (i' +J.rt +) (U.O-Cg.- 9r ld.rJ oor{J{J F p>p E.-.-- {- >,-< 9: '+0-oU6ro - o.; F- 6lc #-oJ=ulL (/).r- L (l, C+rc, u, .c * od.- ge;.fE : u +t it ]€* E a E.!E:*€- r E=* .E: =!E *,€- E=Lo0rcs go.,-.ro-o o jo€ oE c;. Fa = 6 o.rj.Fo IrOEE 5 =t._ 6coc,, c, a, =.c o.F cr+- =_o o'r,- -c o !-.r- <E 6;l gl 'tr qrF6_6'od =.,_ .o g, !o .,_ i-c -cc)p -oE.n=6 E -o o .n,.o +r(, o 'P5 ,- = <,) .+) - E0--o6€ -+). E o< .-lrrl .Po o.,-O..P E G)Lc(U+)Cr',-O .-q- Op-o- r rd E r- o)'F nr L d L X -c +r!o! +) Tr -; O€ L cji li <.r -t+i A-' el('n -o(,c Lrc aj-c c=.t'> L _.:-c o- C., +) (o egl O, cJ'O_ -d, .FqJ>=- jO -d -;U.; Gqr 61,; (u =€ .: rs !l +) d e +, c o (l) .p x .-- =-c 0J.- -sa ==- :tr =I.-5o-€ qp5 c -ol E s.Pr- o+' '! g =cLJ(J(J qJ q- cD pu5.'- +)(d +r.r-r ur c- og.l +ri r.r r-r - rotrino c.I ;l- .r J-o ..1c.t.cg!', o r-cg c E.n cr + {r oo FEt?b=u, E,E-'d, .= v, 6i6 .oorc -s'9.- LE!J6.)(, t--c' o.J tt c.9.- :o=(,- po_ €cJ.; =i a- or'tOGi >o u)o.r.o i'-q-E.fi .oEc 6-.-3 ,:_ td .\,t, +J .u rrr ., q) L= 63et *3 ,lo -oF * .€EiAEE=r,-: F;fBh E-,eE eE 5a,= F; ts.=.=.i*ti EiFE J; bl. fr"r fr+)o=o .d c') s-oo O aJ o_c- _ (o (J oa o q) -cH q./, _ vt _. (U >+J.'- C -O?EPC gr-Fc O - +r d+: .;6 Ef p= -.P -o u)-o o rr(lJ tc cc, l-0J oJ:EPrd(J.Fc-.c >o crr o F t^ .n --o :' oj oo is5-o.; i;-; Gj; +rla q,>o rrl+)-c or: L.cLc(dcr.F oo :-o ..-o ;! 'o\a a;- .t-c€sq3 Qcpq =o (,lo +,()> c5+r+-r{J (u.}JCJc-J;L -C,| o-oF t5(IJ G\\- .;>o' .-'EE'a.r-'€p;p -'oUr' .e +,sr EL'' He-r.lrt' €.P€5 qrE .gi: tE,E Er- q- >,c >o1J E .oFb.."-+,'.';6io.c"'frr* Fo-e FE s-FE Ea g-g39,eEg 'nni; €F #i*. d;= E.F.cL(6 u4 o.e.,9 qro >E {r+) >E L!-E tovt oat.=o6' A +.1 .-E= y- dla r_ !.F Et_(ld.nQ)n vt A _c elo_J:- oil o- o.pi -o;trF€lor-'ooU+,*[o+,- i=6-o cq.; 3vt.-.r..i orE6Et-* 3E-*,H / 3Po;E3€s€rErf H'=g;hE€ Ese,E EE EE; rH EFgFe.=.= iEps 5# .o- FE; # '\t O ro () LrJG 1s'. t +,c C'(J '- q- Ql e'eL16cOE('lE ttt 'e 1n!oE.C O'.o Fo o) .tJE .O.ethE'r'or- (l)'O 'e EF:J 'F 5-o(./|o Q)A ]N +, (,) .1,.FoJo.cLP .l-, |! (U 5 OJ ttt t^vl (U (J (J G' 0)(J g (6 L+, an .E +toeo+, =iJ o +t UI o+) o)occ,Lq)rFoI I6 5 C) PL +) =C) rFrF.t'L+f +)(,orFtl't l4l co +) IU+t! vlc{uL+) co +,.t' t/,! g o(J (UL..tn.l-, Lco(t,+'E(Jo. ctorF (ut')>q(u 'Fcr=o)rr-+r r-..-OE(F E€O+,c)c(FOoo-5+,.E!CJ O''E('/)P.o!-o G'a.p(l,.'-AELoo) +t (d Eo.rLPO.n .F-o (U€r--C-c c c(Fp c'o''-o ooE o L o..- ]JoE c, +, {J fit!Or!= (6()l+-+) o!!-ot6 E- (U 0)e(, ().F .lJ O.(,Otd(UctO=(uF€-C (J Oc tr.|.,ooc.r(,lO -.P.t'e C Gt (uJ OO(u+)L -O +, +, S- vt rtt!.d(lJo !c, q+ro,(l).PtrrT-OrdoLct.t dc)f E'r. () C) q)'F U!'F5OL!(F(lJ (/l (tr- lrt rF(u (uor- L(uql.G(lt . .cl g+, >oJo(u LI +, L-glZ!O (u 'F (6"-, C tn.eo =.tt (! !-vr oo- e5ltr>o3 xE3Lo (U. ct (l,.,- (u . (l, -., lF C) >tOsI L q-.'- +r +t P .o = o r+- l- !!, ct)EZ. (F q, (U @d vr o o.l-.o)or, r.t O (tt Crooqr0r! .r.r- {-t E +) O- Ut'O (F O.F.F nt Cr- OO - vt +t (U ct.'-oStr-cF5!o > -o (U .rJ cr- -ct c)eF c.r ",- c oE.rg+J (€ () .€=o, +t () (U ('r+, (/r+, 'TLQJCd c L !'F (F (uL O.P O 51J O-s(|J Ult *rr +)o- cJ .F F Ct.'- !-o L-o 5 5 0 c5 L.o O.F.o+r (l, .+r F+' (JEOrv)Cr(F.-. an5 0.p .s E (5urLN,6rr+tLo z,0,+, , vr o.rl= rn o (u otF =+t ot, () OE O O ct Z,'F O.'- O t r-(, =o> E.p o u-.e!O!-(,O)FLrF or.+J (u o i- o(l,tF (/|) +t=.F 0, Z.PO Prn +)E>.t'F (UE C .Er-(t>E=C(Ut/| <OCirtL td n> .'- c., oJ (u o, (u 'd, rJ Jc CL-C -E -g .lC lrl.t +, +J +, +i F.o.F olo, J r-.ox.E(,lFooE Edl (l,.lJ 5 O ttP'F (J tFo +,:to o(J lFq-o +tnt+,t4 (U fo(u L ct c)P(tLoo-o = c o; = o .rJ oo+)z tn c .P.P t E Ec)o E o. !o = e o 0r-u.l o cL =(Jo (u |notct cl =v,+rLEO, .u .62 OEg+)C E O L'e uJO 5 'F (U r- a.r)L E +)+r c' =E 'r'r )> O :g r- 6c (J E O-O 14'lrJ O> O u',rFoccto.UOo)a-g (\t !c orE +, @ O.F r. d,g oi rFP+t o-ED (u tn=c E +r.a rg u_+, . utxo c)c l. :f (l, (U'FCrE:2.'.!O.F (u ct (lj-c: CLo- o = d+r<g d. = tr,l (J.. o l.- .. v,oc,t-lrcld.O P(Fr-goG,(l)L(Ju'(l,,.6! C''? o o!(u0)tuc (u>) tt<r- CP C, "-.+J .)Z Etd L'r.t- rd€ o-EooE r. .rE ro.l-,.F CGto'-tn .? O)(u .tJ c(,"- O,ct 'o (')o-'gt/t tu c, r 0) 9-r-..c (Fv, +, aUl-('r(''+,Ee'F !t r".)4CctLG'Ect -c oo-o.tJO P'a!a.^.TtE+t,6r! ut|6rFt (l,o o+,or3 cL.P =oo.c0EFP.g' HI Pi go(I) anoLo.F oL aq aat-o+)orgrF o,n Q).c+, o +tuolFrF o, oz, !3F t; IE UIo +5z (J tu co {J =a i-P an ! l- .U !C,q (u o P(q !(J c)L dl 3l el+,1 tst ;l=vrl ogl +, .Fl o+rt -c(Jt+) (Ut.Dl I-ol ool .rl{Jl (u CI(l)IEl .polool c)r-t(Ul.o>to(uT!l +,lccl(r,olEorl 3.na=l 9ol o)5l ;Itsl 5 lplc IEJ Sl'=l ttEt .El-l tl.:1 0lfl - l5l -2lFl s,l:t bIOI .EldlF o o=otO r-.(d@trr-o tt.Flg+, oO .'- +).F tt (J+rg (too E(l,o Itn q-oorF.Co.rJ co =(Foo +) .U O, .t' O)L> 'go t>CL Eaoo =ct (J oLPco(J o |!tI (J ef; (u I EoL 'r'IEol- =o-c.p rtso .Po(u.F !F ,/-r ? \ (u 'c (o.tJ c . arlEELL>{J(t, O E +).F +)o-.. FG,Cin Ul 5 (F"- (+- C,J O) 0(6() Oo E -q 7 0,'- = 'F. P > t^'oP.c_E rF .F -C 0, O.tt .F O +r -Cc (F .cr-+, .no ut o.d.F o) (U .F (DcP C ul .'E =.'- O'-.F O 3 L!t = o (J (, oC O L L.FPOr- 5. (Ur-C c.,Or- a! -CJ-O (Ilo (U c:E n 0., q- o.rr 5 o.q, cts .cd+J(U +rO |,/|c)()S O CG L r-P+, -C r- O.F O- O-(6+)EO -c E '- tA +, () '''- (oP O =.F .r +r _ .o,^E EoJ E.-b e 3\t (u L t-, c).d {-, O- = .t O.r (J+, ut OOrU ()u) CO q- !E.o () qg'i o o-E .d 0, -E t+,o-o G 4r._ L _c .rr(J (I) c.+, L(U o0,, > 'O .rJ o- .d _cLO -c cc)O (U +)i- (n (J (€'0 LPO- CL -r: Eg O- -C O, oJ P .!l(U.6(ulY'-OO.e Elt5.P==oc, =E .po-o c,o(nc, -c c:t +,cr.(l) -c.rJ P o o U)> +) .P () !.F E (6 OJ cr (F r- L O 6_o+, q-L o=5 (J Ett1 O {-t O.'-" .- >.r L-r (, c=c L+J C.p O (Do! .rE 5 >C.O .rJ(u> O .F.. f .{J +,0,, (A C,- = {J..1 Ee. il' -C O.rr- i6.rrl E oP o,! n' o, ulz,l O 't- O -.P.r tn OOl C) 'r r- rF C L = cHl (d O E.r(l,Fl .l- = ! (u ct +' E o<l oc, (u r, 4Eq al c! ol - u, cj o E vrg) =l +) | Q tA cLL O (ui- uJl c cLo o o L o_ cJEl (uO OO- L O O .!, = =l E'rr !- L o-! L oJ(t Ol P .d O-:' (u C, O- . L(l, (Jl ! L o- (UP L (U oL UJI Gt c, (I, .c (6 (O O' () q-d,l CLF -C O, P L(ts -C Cd, I cJ O +) -C (Ur +, fiJ C'rr-l O(J +) .., O-(l, C .rtLd Ll {-t -+r O = P.r o.<l (u L (EE .6 .68O Fl -EO .cC -C qrL .EL dJZ. ./rl F r{- F 6 FO O F O = 1''1, lrtlol ,Fl (t o co c{t tts (u tn !o t- d, C)g C) +) ,a)', t3(J vlvloEt.t.t L (Ulrolol L, rrlolcrl -c, ct olPl (,l 0., oJ '615l t^E ol()i I oo LlOlul o_+.r . olr-iCl Od(fr II'Fl L(Jc ol(trnJl o- o.r -cl-OlCl F E +Jll=lo-lOlOl S cD'F OlPlLl +tC= .tJ Ill-l 'F.o I(/)t=t o.o (lJJ.Flt^l .*r r- o ,-lI I 'F.c -Olojlol 1t =+j ctl(,l+Jl L -o ol =il.dC.'-llct O:OO r[llol 0J o olc)t.-t L.-! oJ(,lpl rts o lglol(dl .cq- (/r Iot- i .lr O O t^IOI(uI o. EILILI =cO Olol I o L ojltcl Ct >) O- 'lJlol'-l (U J I3l I r- crr cl.Plul Grcc oi'lull (U "- "-t-clf I (u,- 0,J t,,ll(Jl I -c(5-o 6l.'-fol +, 'Fl.ci(ut or (r) EI =IUII 3CL EIlot .p',- rU Olc I O.J .- .P (Jl.F-OI = tn th I,(Ll 'F (U (UlG ol (l) X ttr -ciol I roc .PlLlo,l -o ftt i.tt l-C l 'F (U -C utll{Jl .P-c () rulOL I .!+) ItrtEi Po b .Pll'l o c'r Ll(r-bal (J.oL (ulOlr- | c, -+rt '-El gti 'il cJ. I .'- "- q, o-8!El 3b o +\El'l a.2= El610.rl L o IsFl(gl(nt()l.6l rffo Ll19: vr .h re OIqjltl2l ooo +Jl.cl I (JcL (Jt:#! E'6 a, .,f Iclpl (F : o) iol I 0co6 llol(''l P ol =f Ef tn F- = .cll.-l (,.EO pl.trl.lCl oj'F L Otolsi q J-rF IEr6! 'fi30 5trslEl J L.E =lrrf l'F I O<.}) .nl (u +, .rt+t at €., Gtlo (\.l!l Locl+,@ F<fo\>u) I coL E,9olorrrl ==JF a (\J @Or t\ r\t = IE!.F G' oE+, E ! o) u, .o5o. c+r oo +o l- {-,Or- )'e O)L qJ 3E iPEE' .=O (J.c .O (,'.- tO c-: >'.c- P (\l .r .-! >\ L .r.d L q-= lJ)(n != ^oJ LL.d .FO .en r-!(Ut,E CL O.r1 @ (u C, c) E{J L +) '-(F C E.d'r- = ulO, 0) r- O O."- tn Z, OJ:. E .p (o cL N O =.o c .6 r5o o o E o o-!O ('l +Jr- .F = d-C c| (U C,c}.F tn 4J L (u 0) {/0-C JJ g)+r.P (o (u i U c, q.c vt,F (d l-E r- . r- t ./, |o C t C O(l)E rC O g) O (I) =>1t< rrt r- Q) ut .E 'O.r- +) OL .F.r d J-L (u.F \JJ.dF ..O'g ut= = E,jZ .d .'- G, -E C .g Z. O l- r- c,l+,C(\t .r- F- CJ rg O.r- O-.r- rOc)L O- Pd(,or,l: O.O 'P(U >oO L +r> (6'+J |d.o (U < tloG.l O L.r oc| ! r+- o c| (\tO-c L.|J 0, r- 'r- l- OOr-Ptd <f,oD (l,,(/l1 oo o.F N .F.F xo,F E(, - o> .'- = P.do o .ar r<) co !=u ccr cD|,> F oO s O(u =O) E(u c i -C'@ q GH .u -C E L '.- = .'O .c) OF l- g(O +r E +r.r OP C E.F:h $ .p r_ 0) o 't' o+,+J.F o.'-cOp P 0)p E 16 .6 +r l- +) (, g, tll.r O .F O.'- L > r- rd O).r- O) O+J r- E.d(J C)+) Qr .r c E! C .e tn(J L O O(J C) U) .U E;F.d L.- v1 '.-o)C (l., !/t qJ .- -c (d > (,lz(./).d'O Lcvto o- H (uL P0,) L \r- ercc Grd i, +, L rts L ct -l' > oE- () (UE(9 =t v) O O O O CLg r, = COor_ E r, ,o\\ .r- L +) g rF .d- -o oLdC 5 Or- -E O 'F gI - ct d.e (U .P 'tJ F = o .d'L'- (Ur-.c C (u Ccj l:c) O rfiO (U'' (J''- E+,cj OY) O (l)-C O C Cr+) .6 F O P +r'e ct > E(JE .F cTr() .F O O EE (J . +J.OP P N(t'CC) .'- +).?- . C+) CJq- EAQ) -Oq-.F .tt 1t c= -c' (u+)+) (J c (J o +, = = >rlrl o Er-9F t^ C O g (J v) L E 0r'- CO 0J E O O(r' d (U O L >' 9'r (D O .o E(F C 'O - r- ul O C E cLC > > E (J lr- L q, >=-C) (urts = E,- vtF t/| >)3 g< O .! .E dt l- O gLOO o)(l,(u.6OJO O +) -c +, 0.6 = ttl 6L.d Oc(, l- t') L L ! o , o tJ, 0)'- oJ (u L (n(u O.F.. O O.. O >d.. O (lJ (u.. Op oF- >)F.. O{JO- (F.cP rF:z +, (F> +J .+-d g{J P L Oo)r-(9+) tF.'-t^ C C (6qJC .eC <Yr.gO C =C +J +) .t {J'- Gt +, c) ('t.o +r ED(n ct +) (/)L!- c) d {J =H v)OC) |,\o(J vt-C (d () (rgJ(J tffO < \..C () .nO O't- G, r-'t- (U P't- (I)'r- Ja "- <U (l) .. .\+r'F oJ (Y)c, 5lt-c- = (\l.- 5 tE C- =J =FF.g O) F =+, Ct o- g O- Ct O o- qLE o- (tF'F (D +)E o- OL.e (U (t O- O+J O- (UC,-O- (uctCO. C)(drrtL.FEO OOV, dr-{ d d!< d.eLg{ Eo- ct< dU)>.Ust.v< d (F'.. zo V'an goL) J F@ =oiL!EZ,GooG =rElrl =oz (5z zz Ja- e..l_o- |r)0 o (\r (n (oIJ)+artsl Pc.tto F(F Q) e'eL.6CoEslE th 'Ftn!o, .o F-ll orPc .C).- tft Et, utr- O):O'F E- =.F =.o(i'o:.Eat.o.n=+)(,.6.F0Jo-c L.P +J C' ctL OJ 5(U Ect vlvto(J() .I' c ct L+, (g o +tI o+,5|l' Eo Pvlo coc, o.P (u(,goIo(Fo! Lro J(J +,! E+, =(,) q- T-(€ L+, +,(JoaFItIU (J E so F o dt co C' 9EI 5l'r.F[:l 6to IPl=t bl"t trlc,lctcl .d l+J Iilol ^lEl-.lPl .Fl at. +JlvrlC ,6l(ul = -h,-lo : PlP 3i:lo ol'-l5 .*lHlor1-lts clclolot3 '5lEl > 5t.ol_olo)lI 'ilbl o) Pl ol.'-? vll !- Ioo €l-l.,J "lEl - iC!ltrnOCJ .FL(,l-(' (u E .gbelo tcr- tl-l(I, q, o !!.€tc l-Etol oo .ul lu| (FA *,1;1.9 o1r .gt-l+, r('t O l"- Gt(U .Ftol'-5 -15[5 rclv)l.o I5 el.J* tO- (ul(/)l (J td5 (nlol'F rF J F.- l'-P l+Jl-o oo (uFFI> vlo .cFlo- (l)rF Pt'Fl -c(F I+r l! +)c, rFl=Ico ol4- Ec.ptv)t.,ol9r; c, +,.2 ,Pl'3t5 ETFF I.F tF0,, .oFL- rFb ,d|al6 o = .g,/l(dl.a oF FIFF. Z, c =o {J (u +, (fo vlo, +t(J (t, 3o {J o c,.(' co (utt (u .P t{:o P C) !E ad ct UICo +)(o (u n,C .9 r-+)O tAtF Vt .'- O(u Eo 'F !F-c c.,J =.= 5* - 5E g = E ()!-O.F+, Eo gE-9-t3 3(u rF.F) ool-o o,O rd cr- tlJ Qt r- l. "ut O.._ +) O t^.F ulo(!o.oo= .lr LiF (l'r-+Jg o o cQb .=.€-:.E- gt (u. vt'e C .U (u g.d +r 5 o o o+, l. O(Fdt -o.lr +J ,q6 F+, .F !.dO (l,ql,n O !(u th >C", tgetp;8 8'; *r C.r- c} (I) (U"- O,O r4'F5OLLq-() Q) U, 6- (d rF PFI o (uo "-oL OJ Ctl-s Cq-.! 16. -OC+)> :'-oloo, L Eo,(u !+, L'Olz! QJ E-c.lJ .e td t- | C tt O.lJr€ .e vr =crcr!- OL (,/|()OO.> E(u 16>!c,= Xc r+- Oo- =!'u o o4Cf ttt Cr'F (I, . (u =- - ur q- o >o.c +to c t L tF.-.p'+J.lJ . Cll.F6 OJorF! v(n qC, +r .- iz, (Foo q) Et/,e +, +) .U l, O O-L CDOI tJA(u "- ct l'.vl O.UCr- l- -OE E(, o(u(I)orl- ''- A6- t- o € cP o- ul ! 1r- qP O Or; ().r- .r- Gl c ,- O Cr.E; - Oe Ur +J (U ,tt'F. O F-c, t o L o>-o (u.tJ G-o lI o o)(U (/)(u .c E se O =v, .Fl('j nFE (UE *)!- .c+t.do.t= (u +J' 6= e) .p .r-t- O E O=.F c +t - r! c L L.rq- 0) OC c) L'F L|-l | !- c,.lJ (U 5'O O-c t@-3 .F (U F. ttl (|) r/|-c +rr- .+J . igE +r€o =l CLO.FF o.'- L cOE ,l E ',-.- > t OlE ==oE -'O .!16 'Er e 6l = L4! o.'- !<J - o-o lrJ I o'P 11.1 "lr , c'P eo>> o .nl P o c (u '.,t crq-- u)L c, "- +.iF O co ol i e€ -c - s' (9l '-'q u6 - cD o-l (/oLNct.}J+, '-o z,l Pc ld Sl !C Ol (lJ{J ,ln O'r- r-.1 (JO lJ-r, o 6'r r. d.l -cvt0J(uo(FB.rJ ot (l,oc or q-.|'J +J o-l ttr ()aEoo.6 z.l v, q?c, 6 = | 'F Cr'F O t r- c, Fl @ c)E +t.-. .! lt.l = (J > F.+J O lr-l L4F r v|XO ol .r-Lo!o9r- -l o+) tr! + q, qi.'- | L t{- (lJ+, (U (t) l. ol - O 8-(l, ct o,-c O. Frl >r'F o,E c ct .t 'F i.gCl = d+r< FI -U))EBC(u(, <I )e l-_ Ot OErdE |o ,i[ (IJ.d C,Frl >.F (U (u O O OJ -d.l L > Pd.I +r .c cl-c .c -c -c r,! t a .F = t! (J|l vt +r+).})P Fl c > vlO F .. trl !.Fq,(u t Hl OcL =d. < r.J.t r.rJ I E x= mq- 6 c| = dl aO. Otr- d d, ol cooJP5ot,*)'r- t)l >.u (-) =c=oCl'F = .1, c>E>-El.d o= (-) |u+)cIeco.L clrl !,c ct or ,E CL PTFegoru O,Lovt(u(d!t E.'?(u (u!(uo).EC (u > CD.Ee C *.r Q) 'r+'lzE.o L"-.F (tlE (l.CG.'O E 'ro +r.'- g GtOLV, ,- O)c)P g Lr "- (u(J! O)o.€(aGt(J r- @(Fr-ElFv+, G,,g)o+)gr-.F 't' r-JCrOt- .rt E 16 -C Oo.O+, 0,, +r 'rl-'OO^'(,E+r.daa v7 .U '{-sr(l,o (uP(l,..c cL.P 5c,osoEF .tt Gt ol.gl(utrl-l st .r' oEq)L t3 la F t <)F o)(J (6.pc .tn = -vt- t- >, {J -E(l, O El +:.r {JO.. -(UEtA Ul 5tF'F q-(U Ur Odo ()0 C. -c 3 vt,,-J'r- +) > v1.OP.E F- = q- .r-c O Od.'- O +r.cC q_ €r_*) tAO .n (JGt,FcD(u.'-c,C+, C O -C ..8'- O'r- rF O = L! = o ovr o-C O L L.'- +tOF 5 . (U-C C,Or- OE !-O CJo c., c:tE .oOJS (u+) = o-o) .O-c -cd > (J+, c, +r(J r,a oo' -c O Cs ! -+J +) -C F- O+) O- O_(€+)Ea.cC't-tn.PO'-rI,rPO =.F .FP dl'-c.)tntn 'tt !O Cr-OE, q, L+J c' iO +, o_C v, O.r (J+) (/) OqJ.O()(,CqJ(F! E-o tJ (U g).F o o-E d (u -c E{JO rO -C P.'- L .C v,() q, C+, L (u (J .r-O) > !+) O- .o -Cl-O -c c(U() O {JL U) (J (''o L.P O- acO- g (U0) +) +,(u .6 (l) = m-O O =th=.P==o" c., 3E +)o-o oo(,c, .Eg= .t",(lj.cj -c +) .p o cL U> +, +) () E'F. E A(l) .d (F r- L O 6-Cl 4-t (FL O== (, =o OP O.r:>Lr (, c=c 'oP C.F O .'- C,,.- r- O! 'r'O 5 >C.6 +r(U> Of.(u Po, C'cr = +rEd, .6 -c (J.'- r-E o+J o,o.d 0J C;O .r- O ._ +r,F q a)O.'- r- rF CL = Ct! O 1J'F o,(F= ro o)lg€ 'o ()O .!1 O.n .h E.9 c) c - ulo o E tnP I Qo AL O (Uc oo o o !- o- o(UO OO- L O O urEE LL O.! ! di.lJ rd O-:t C, 0') a . l'-!- ! o o+, ! o o(|o (U _c (6.d oo GO-e -C (u +) J-q- ..c CEc| +).c Or- +)(r' cA(J +, ..- O-(u C .tt.|., -.P O = P'r ctO L ld'O |6 .E tt-CO -EC .E(l,! -c t- d)F.F F rd F.O O F O = a,tlz.o F !ooz.LlJJ ===(to(u(-)t- u, d 'u-lr.l tr- OFz. ./, @ L(u P o.t,o lEi FI it' +J L (u c6 (+- (u rn = o P ! () +JL .L 43(J ;I.|-, '(u EcoL ,9(Utottl -c5JF gl YI -1 el*l :l 5l.olol:l 'lurlEIotOI =lctol;!trI ol"l(Ul 5i rl 5t .+)['it Pi 7lEl sl+Jl HI.$1 bl5l ,:l ;l .l .l.olt/|l (uLOJI EislolcrlFlr-l orfololcl 'lEl'3!;l glsl <t IJt I Hi.9l Elrl :l?l il=l :igl :tEl :tqi :ifl Pl.l :FI sfFi tsFt hElita! El;ltFt #i;t ilFr +ls{ -f€l ;tEl 0jPd.p CJ aol(u(\lLI L(l) $J.P@ r- <lo\>ro tn rnot-oE(do o-+, .o('olLocO- O 'r- Or-.G CD.F+rc=,F -Oo-o+JF (U.F< E 5.Pt- -o c)(JL'- -oq-(u.c q- (4.F oo =coOL(d>O(uJ! (t)(dcE d, '-(1)- Cl-c(5.o+, P.F (t 'r- P7oo.'- (uox0l -o(5.F (U -g+J -E (J ct.po-LE'o oO C'r(JrrtL (U+r+J+rox 'F'F C):'Lq€o .n z. C, ''-!o.1r -(,E 6|h.6(u(Uouct q-v)(ut{- 5 0|o@ (o {Jrh- C,14,oO(u .'- Lc Lrts 'F(Uu|P (U 5 L.C6< +t a 2'qN,ltVp!,t-$fr,J---. o)4l'r614I llVaL t.uo1lilfru, F ; d;ieor9;* 9ufrq$$;f tffi6i fi**g;q-.)\t\,.aI<.l\0--va/c"(411J4tbNaafl,a(\9 1 rota -f2 ?,Ei ;6 i 4aL jd:\:i\g^{ ;1d '.8 $ qY i lY d t";s 4;ud;3 d';i;U:ltu,Ht{^JF f v P dtt q 4 2 $j'?.$j t,i F: "s.5c ;s €'1 z CIrfr'&"loll.!uEYC Al \l ...9 r 3J 9 J \rl xo,pi h ( -^a{ v1,:) 2 .J,.?v Y- )o7 a 1 a l"tl o, ? 5 .l q \IU ^tu U ?IJ .U -L ,o /J o e0 3o' o€ filoorsG6 IJ(, E a rr \-t,o R uIU IA 0i 1\l cp ,c f'} YEo;fi 7\Vq$ &'1o &d u.'LIqz z ,! tJ+ l\J \J-i I r'l -}- tlv t\ ctr s L.,qou0)'l2o d4 N aU $o \,4 ru VI v, s 00 Ft-oo *u hlU tl" IJo u. X E d Ia t-c 'fl illr rvl I ?,fl .# v\io J gcD /:)fldesd ='//7ry .77" '2'43--*k ' U ig ANa oeeasnrsQ cl.r.0rssrsa- ts'ni-sO citr Uft,r.s,r - e-€Fn- Es'n4r?c- 6F CO."oAloo -r"tgn s e- i a-en{.- 9Z 6uq<w>-s S)rniuv qr iRt gucrnrrEfl otr 83 , Gutr-o.nrG " ktr,rre D DtrJ)O - 6-r+qE- Cospa"i Z tlQ-.15- trl uDS?re 7 oSfrcES S trsrLL FjTt (- , : ., ^,*{e coq-rflw,?l8(-v)o--tt ''IIII I II url NI (, I I I t I .t I I ,Ilt,r.'l r, I',^., I ".1 .._ (.\.,l,tJl . C /.-- 'L uvo '\i-- '\ (1, o c''*9-\!/, ,)' p4 g n T.J r> I i; .Lt (J rn\, '-t d)1pif. 2 Ln4 ;^ q'r{N ol.l V{ '{dt r a .D ()l n)o o Jo'E \i ----..t t\ li .{ I i..;.;.- 1..{'_ ' l_ !'l ' rIl't'iIlvr.t'fo-.l ' \ in, \ ,- r .\ \,n' r\C., l.;^ \t.,- -l r, r-j * . ---. -- -' | 1-,,- _ r ' i, ', -r _-_.u l--'--- ..;. ,', --' r, <1 Lr,i. i, I b t ,_) .l_ ,."io j lfit..U-I 1- - .-.--.---"'". ...t i\t\:''tlt-t ,\ \i i,It\t'.!\Ii rC '' :l''rr.(.,' -i tI\o rAl .] DL I I I Iql '-,iNI -/i(, I I ,t-l.. . ._.,Dl ., .r-! -11,'\ 1 :; ('6' jo'l -8.-- ,|) )' rt,e.;. Ir 6 ,. ,,:,_ (', IJ C' \tYt i2