HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE CROSSING COMMON PART 1-3 LEGALT a revieed lO/5/92 Date of Application Date of PEC Meetj,ng APPI.IEATION IOR CONDITION}I, USE PERMII This procedure is reguired for any project reguired to obtain a condit.ional use pernit. ?he application will not be accepted until alf information is submitted. A. NAl.tE OF APPLICAIIT Public Service Co. of Colorado ADDRESS 1050 17th St. Suite 500 nenver. i0 80265-050t PHoNE 303-572-4103 B.NAT.IE OF APPI,ICA}TT, S REPRESENTATI\E ADDRESS Same as above HoNElJ2:!lZ5l_ NAI.IE OF OWNER(S) .(print or typel Public Service Companv of Co'lorado or{r[ER (s)srGNAruRE (S) ADDRESS 1050 17th st PHONEJO3-=SZ2-C.O:- n LOCATION OF PROPOSAI: LEGAI": LOT-BLOCX-FIIING ADDF€SS See attached maP FEE 52OO.OO PAID cK # ?tls? I Erv THE FEE ryl BE PA]D BEFORE TTiE DEPARTMENT OF COTAJUNiTY DE\ELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAI, F. S-,-amped, addressed envelopes of ;he narnes of owners of a]l properiy adjacent to the subjec-' property INCIUDING PRoPERTy eelilNp e|o aCROSS STREETS, and a list of names and maillng ACJdTESSES. THE .PPLICAN: WILL BE RESPONSIBiE FOR CORRECT OWNERS A}TD COFGECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPL]CA?ION CONFERENCE: A pre-applicat.ion conference with a planning staff me'nber is s:rongly- sriggested to de-eermine if any adcii-,-iona1 inf ormation is needed. No application will be accepted unless it complet,e (must include all itLms reguired by the zoning administrat.or). It. is the applicant's responsibility to make an appolntment with the staf f to f ind out abou" addit ionaL submi-,-taf reguirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPIATE AIPLICATION WILL STREAI'{LINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBSR OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TTIAT THE PLANNING A}ID EMTTRONMENTEI CoMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. It-t CONDTTTONS 05'APPROVAI MUST BE CO}@LIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING I'ERMIT IS ISSUED. Fou: (4) copies of the following information must be ' submitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its oPerating characteris'-ics and measures proposed to rnake the use conpatible with other properties in tbevicinity : The description must also address: a. Relationsnip dnO in15ac'. of the use on development objecLives of tbe Toh'n. / 5. la ?';:;"rt.:::, "::"::o:13;= rurllii riiil; i bu: i on utilities, schools, par)'.s and recreationfacilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particuJar reference to congestion, auLomotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic fl.ow and control, ECC€ssr maneuverability, and rernoval of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area j.n which the proposed use is to be located, including the scafe and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. A site plan at, a scale of at least 1" = 20' showing proposed development of the site, including toPograPhy, buil-ding locations, parking, t.raffic circuLation, useable open space, landscaped areas and util.ities and cirainage features. Prelirninary building elevations and floor plans. A title report to verify ownershj.p and easements. If the building is condominiurnized, a letter fron the condorninium association in support of tlre proposal must be submitted to staff. Any addiiionaL materia] necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning adrninistrator. For interior modifications' an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning acirninistraLor. ** T\r al. TwF REQUIREMENTS The PLanning and Environnental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4tlr Mondalrs of each month. A cornplete application forn and all accompanying material (as described above) nust be subnitted a minimurn of four (4) weeks p:ior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete appllcations (as cietermined by the zon5-ng administrator) wilL be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittaf ciate . i, All PEC approved conditional'use permi'-s shall lapse if construction is no! cotilnenced wiihin one year of the date of approval and diligentfy pursued ro cornpletion, or if tbe use for which the approval is granted is no-,- commenced within one yea!. If this application reguires a separate review by any local, SLate or Fecieral agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shalL be j-ncreased by 5200.00. ExanPfes of such revj-ew, may j.nclude, but are not linited to: Colorado Departmen',- of Highway Access Perrnits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, eic. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. !f,at the applicant's reguestr Bny matter is postponed for hearing, causing tbe matter Lo be re-published, then, theentire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. A. *'i:::':t'r::;: ::";i:,'iH:'il: U::;:l"l;,3::'*l:l'may have a significanL impact on the cdnmuni:y rnay reguire review by consulianis other Lhat town staff. Should a determination be made by the tonn staff that an outside consultant, is needed to review any application, Cornrnunity Develcpment may bire an outside consultantr it shall estimat.e the amount of noney necessary to Pay him or her and this arnount shall be forwarded to the To}tn by the applicantat the time he ftles his application $ith the Comrnunity Developnent Department. Upon completion of the review of the apptication by the consultantr itlY of the funds' forwarded by the applicant for payrnent of the consultant which have not been paid t.o the consultant shalf be returnedto the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excessof the amount, forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. B I Project Name: Project Application Project Description:t(fu' €4,t /Za d /Contact Person and Phone / ,_ /49a,v D lA{tr la f//f "/tzd,/\ owner' Address and Phone: / *r'z t Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol &?,apr (?65/^q Block Filing ,zo. y'/D Comments: Design Review Board o"r" t/'hs Motion by:/ /""' E F.lttSeconded by: O,*o, ,/t'/,otrrP1-a DISAPPBOVAL Town Planner,/ /-o^r". ? //z /'/3 Statf Approval Rii'iiJtJN lSptr APPLTcATToN DATE { a' S I GN/AITNING APPLI CATTON HoNs 4 (prease prinr or rype) ,Fc.:: "trEryP" C3€rTloD CD' NAME OF NAME OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS PROJECT PERSON SUBMITTIN Hown .ll-1€_ I3_OO OWNER SIGNATI'RE LOCATION OF DESCRIPTION OF OWNER PROJECT OF PRO.'ECT rt6. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPTICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEV|I BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING PROJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE SIGN (FREE STANDING, WALL, MESSAGE. Irl SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL S]ZE OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO I HEIGHT OF DESCRIBE SIGN ABOVE GRADE \ D. aO-I6 -A='ft)A nA\cgqr\FCk-=s l:c Sel{ ?43@41-J LIGHTING (EX]S;TING OR PROPOSED) I LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) 4, . coNDoMrNruM AssocrATroN AppRovAL tarrecHr N/A FEE: S20.00 PLUS $1.00 PE vero Et(D{ cHEcK No.-+ Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on t.he building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if availabler-JGo FPe.;Cc>=i? Af-:pZG.:S Be-TOV F. souARE FOOT OF SI 1 z. A 5 6 ,?r?r*#t LqrLr-L! -roW Sign Administrator OVER TO: SIGN APPLICANTS tfhen applications for signs are subnitted, the following information is reguired: 1. A completed sign/awning appticat.ion (attached) . 2. A site plan showing the exact location where the signis to be located. 3. A photograph if possible and building elevation showingthe location of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which Oi:tatfs the design of the sign,as follows: \ (a) Colored exactly as sign wilL be.(b) A list of materials to be used in sign (metal, wood, canvas, painL, etc.)(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is attached to thebuilding and how the awning is to be constructed. ' :ff;ii::i3l ;f.l'gl:':?n:'3: :iil"!: "iionllo"sins an awning, Iighting is not allowed to shine through theentire awning whlch calls undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting may spotlight only the actual signlettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc.2; Be specific, vagueness on design, size, construction may delay the aPproval of Your sign.3. Measure frontage of business'. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of VaiI, the application fee strall be increased by S200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Departmentof Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsibLe for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at theapplicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the ent,ire fee for such re-publication strall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Comrnunity Developnent DepartmenL to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant inpact on the cornnunity may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town sLaff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outsideconsultant, it shall estinate the amount of money necessary to pay him or ber and this amount shalL be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application btiLh the Conununity DevelopmenL Department. Upon completion of the review of Lhe application by the consultant, any of t.he funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant whicb have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by Lhe Town in excess of t:he anount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. PLEASE I'IAKE CHECK TO THE TOWN OF VAJL D EPA RTi\'I EliT OF CO ivl ivlli],1 ITY D EVELO P]IENT' S,lLES ACT]ON FOR}T 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD N,T}IE f)\Xo*{ttpn-av,---nnn 6, ZC\T\G .{,\D ADDRIJS ]'iNJS0t 00004t5<0 0l 0000424t5 LTNL':O L\ { B UII- DL\-G C O D E UM FoR-\{ P,-U!'{B l,\-'c c oD E0l 0000 {24IJ 0l 0000 42.1 ) 5 UM FOR-\.I )\{EC Hr"\'lCi. L CODE 0l 0000 {2{ r5 UNIFOR,\{ FIRE CODE OI OOOO {2.{ I5 I N,\TIONAL EI-ECTPJCAL CODE 0l 0000{21t5 orrE,q, coDE 500Ks BLUE PRDITS (IIYIA.Tt0t moo{t54s 0l 00o1.r2412 | ):ERox coPEs/s'iuDils 0l 00co 42i7 |PENA l.fi FEES / R E.I\SPECIONS 0l 00c0{t-.'jz I PL,L\ REv-tErvRE.cHEcx FIE [Sr0pER tiR.l 0 | 0000 42323 OFF }IOURS I,\.SPECTION FEES CONT:L\CTO RS LIC L\5 ES FT.IJS0t 0000.fl{12 0l Ct004l--r30 .0t 0000 4 t4 r 3 S16N APPL]CANO).I FEE 0l 0000 4l{ l3 ADDITION^I- SIGNACE F;E ISI,OC PER SO.IT, 0l 0ctr0.{21.t0 VTC ART PROJF,CT DONA1ION 0t 00304r331 PRE PAJD DFJICN REVIE\V SOARD FEE OIOOJO424I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT CO}IPUTER DI *.0I 0000 41010 T X 0l 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG)TOTAL DUE: 0t 0000 { r330 ONAL USE PER\fl I Cr000 4 t330 0t 0000.1t 330 oR AL]T,R.{TION ITJORE THr'..}t lco SO.F|. 0t 0000 .l1330 SPEC'AL{}330 lSPEClz\LD DISTRICT IhI JOR AM 0l 0000dr:]i0 rspEcl4LDEvELoPt\ft,)ffDls 0l cxro) 41 3 0l cr000 i I ZONINC COD E I.V L\ DTI EVTS * * * * * * * * : Home' Outfitters VAIL, COLORADO tu-t rs-rq93 PAUL ANDERSON COLLECTION, LTD. DE€B rc-!--i :r8'J om=z -TO 5><p=r-\c=- qs?- , 5rc'p olZD=2-, tr-rF +]Qq)= SrEcIS --rcA F€oe=-) tO +F-ry T<19 5,k=D 4QrA=Ft c,Tj il-he- @"-€PpEIZ-E) 'Faceecn rca3u€r<S lz.q1t18€ -yf{qAi er:F}f rcE o .-x=>PL.Gu-z-€-, t- gJru _s-Fr-€ 2o U-ePtrJ*G DeL?S -TO Co\-rprslE <-e- =ie*: obee E> r+nr -Tc*!-+3 \{]e+-€ -B\r5; -r++€- \-e-d.r- =gJr$t G=D +-€ q 1;6P(*AD-r3e- u=:soLb LSecB cJS ;$rc=p;-LESs =3 F€= Lr-]o 5.1-1p€ \, A:cL<>:=;=i..-, Pisa€ H-un aE- €PLieA11ou rce 5de:ecE c\-a5= X)Ec'q--: ts:CF)r-r<>r) Ln: C?{SCeDE AffiL&€. Q\Ec @1-1=€5=l-.-'LjD G)e @r18@tr O aanf -"_, ?et:He&JT <F q>Z 'c'-ffi-t@C_-r )Cd.) \,--"-.-..\ /,.--\}-€- \/aze- +euPla: I A=rsrcx-€ fl€ Gn) L!-) !--,CF RjC yarr- Gcrse-:tllbdJ -TO =r++\5 $-+tr-\af=Z - .I 03I SOUTH FRONTACE ROAD, W.VAIL, COLORADO 81557 TELEPHONE/FAX 303 47 6.1 32O rrx ZE'39Ud '1U10 j ,kx0qd{\$ H*Hu* H HHxFEg* I rl*tt lt ac. LUr ttl|.!. _J o LU Z =IJ LUU) ;f iI Ii $ /1 t-- 't1r)" \ ''-{ \t----fl.......... ,"1 --- --L_t-*J -rt--r\\._r--./ | .,.-'l\--t\ L--t B T .O 'Lo € C\I -=? 6?Jtr-lG, /-t \\(et.,t; r--'1(r'--n )::\( : c \'---"/' I \:-/i I F-1 f--\ |Itl,t1 I I I l I I I l L Ian -lJ ) f ,t \ t/) t-)l,) \ oD lrlJ (l \L rl.- co -- .J r+f[r copy 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 47e-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 June 2, 1993 D epartnt ent of Communiry Deve lo p nrent Mr. Rick Rosen Wear, Rosen and Travers 1000 N. Frontage Boad West, Suite 200 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Paul Anderson Collection, Ltd. - A request for a conditional use to allow furniture sales at the Cascade Crossing Building located at 1031 South Frontage Road WesUan unplatted parcel located west of the Vail Associates maintenance shop. Dear Rick: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the May 10, 1993 Planning and Environmental (PEC) meeting at which your conditional use request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of this approval. Please note that the approval of lhis conditional use shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction is not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from the approvaldate (May 10, 1993). lf approval of this conditional use lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Deparlment staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, ,4 / r/.2./,xfoLrrP*l6y' Andy Knudts;/n t Town Planner f Enclosure FIL T COPY Kristan Pritz stated that the Town was attempting to strike a balance between lhe neighbors and park. She said that they were not anticipating that this area would be used as an active recreation park. She added that they could always decide to go back and pave the road at some future date but that a "natural approach" was being attempted first. The PEC members stated that they did not have any issues with the proposed gravel road. Sherry Dorward stated that no one was sure at this point how much use the cemetery would actually see. She said that ownership would remain with the Town of Vail and that the Cemetery District would manage it as proposed in the management report. Diana Donovan commented that it was a huge cemetery by anyone's standards and she did not think that the committee had originally envisioned the entire Donovan Park site being used for the cemetery. Sherry Dorward stated that there had been discussion concerning defining the cemetery's boundaries. Greg Amsden stated that he would like to see a detailed road and cross-section. 4. A request for a conditional use to allow furniture sales at the Cascade Crossing Building located at 1031 South Frontage Road WesVan unplatted parcel located west of the Vail Associates maintenance shop. Applicant: Paul Anderson Collection, Ltd.Planner: Andy Knudtsen Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to approve this request for a conditional use permit per the slaff memo with Greg Amsden seconding the motion. A unanimous 6-0 vote approved this item. 5. A request for a landscape variance to allow for the reconstruction ol the parking area at the First BanW17 Vail Fload/Lot 6, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: First Bank of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen\Mike Mollica Mike Mollica gave a brief presentation per the staff memo and stated that stiaff was recommending approval of this request for a landscape variance. Greg Amsden inquired what the anticipated construction period for this proposal would be and when it was to be completed. Mark Ristow replied that they hoped to be finished with the reconstruclion of the parking area by July 1, 1993. Planning and Envlronmental Commlsslon May 10, 1s93 6 { TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 10, 1993 A request for a conditional use permit for a liquor store at the Cascade Crossing RetailCenter, 1031 S. Frontage Road, more specifically described as follows: A parcel of land located in Seclion 12, Tornship 5, Soulh, Range 81 W€sl of the P.M., County of Eagle, State ol Colorado, more particularly described as lolloivs: Commencing at a point on lh€ northerly ROW line of US Hwy 6, wh€nce the nonheast corner ol said S€ction 12 bears north 38'07' E 876.99 tl.; th€nce soulh 73",45'W along said nonhefly ROW line a dislance ot 75 tt. to lhe true point ol beginning; thence nonh 16"45'W to the south ROW line of l-70; thence in a southwe$erly direclion along the south ROW line 01 l-70 to the poinl of inters€ction ot that ROW line wilh the north ROW line ot US Hwy 6 and thence in an easlerly direcflon along the nonh ROW ol US Hwy 6 to the poinl ol beginning, Counly ol Eagle, Stale of Colorado. Applicant: Planner: George Dier/The Paul Anderson Collection, Ltd. Andy Knudtsen I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE The Paul Anderson Collection, Ltd. is proposing to open a turniture store in the Cascade Crossing building. Stafl understands from Rick Rosen, the applicant's represenlalive, that the furniture store will include merchandise sales as well as an interior design service. The space which they will occupy is the former Sports Rent location and is approximately 2,100 square feet in size. Staff understands that approximately 70"h ol the floor area will be taken up by the merchandise and 30% will be taken up by the office area for the interior design service. In the Arterial Business Zone District, furniture stores are allowed as a conditional use. Section 18.29.030 lists ihe conditional uses and states that they have been included as conditional uses, "due to their potential individual and cumulative impacts of generating traffic in the Arterial Business District." Below is the staff analysis of how the proposal relales to the conditional use criteria, with specific analysis of the traffic generation addressed under the third criteria. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 'l . Relatlonship and lmpact of the use on development oblectlves of the Town. The purpose section of the Arlerial Business Zone District states that the intention of this district is lo "provide sites for ... limited shopping and commercial facilities serving the Town and Upper Eagle Valley residents and guests." Statl believes the proposed furniture store will serve local residents as well as guests, and that it is consistent with the development obiectives ol the Town as shown in this section of the zoning code. 2. The effect ot the use on llght and alr, dlstribution of populatlon, transportatlon facllltles, utllltles, schools, parks and recreatlon tacllltles, and other publlc tacllitles needs. Staff believes there will not be an impact on the above-referenced criteria. 3. Eflect upon trafilc wlth partlcular reference to congestlon, automotlve and pedestrlan safety and convenience, trafflc flow and control, accessr maneuverablllty, and removal of snow lrom the street and parklng areas. After reviewing the proposal, the Town Engineer believes that a furniture store will not have a significant impact on the traffic patterns in this part ol Vail. When the Cascade Crossing retail center was approved, the State Highway Deparlment required that right and lett turn lanes be installed on the Souih Frontage Road. These improvements have been designed and constructed to accommodate a signiticant amounl of traflic. Staff believes that this type ot tenanl is along the lines of those anticipated when the trip generation analysis was done and the design of the turn lanes was completed. 4. Effect upon the character ol the area In whlch the proposed use ls to be located, lncluding the scale and bulk ol the proposed use in relatlon to surroundlng uses. The only change lo the building will be a minor change made to the facade to accommodale new entries. Other than that, the building will not be changed. B. Findinos The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location ot the use in accord with the purposes ot the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. It 2. That the proposed location ol the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each ol the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the proposed furniture store. We believe the criteria have been met, as discussed above, and that the lindings are also met. Specifically, staff believes that the proposed location of the use is in accordance with lhe purposes of the zone district and the conditions under which it will be operated will not be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare, and that the use complies with all applicable provisions of the zoning title. Please note that, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of VailZoning Code, the approvalshall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year ot the date of issuance and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within one year. c :\oec\n emosVumirure.5 I 093 Trrr: L.rtt Ollrit:i .'t' Wear, Rosen g Ti'avers Janrcs R. \Year IiiclrarJ I? li,'s,.'n Nlchard lr. i ra\ ers TO: FROM: DATE: RE: RECil APR 1 51ee3 ,\ l).\(r\t:ri:trt'.-t l) R.- l' l:: s l.' \.\ L f .' li | ' .' N \ T | .- \ .' I o0tl S.-l ;ii l:Rr.\'r.\.il: R.'\l) \\'l:i'1, Sl I-. l: :{}(l \.\|I-, Cal-.-li\!\\ S I617 T i: r- [ r'rr.- r r: { i(l3l .+i6-i6-16 ]: r j j rrr ri- [ ( 303) -+t6-71lS MEMORA}TDT'U Town of Vail Rick Rosen April 14, 1993 Conditional Use Pernit - Cascade Crossing Application is made herewith for the issuance of a conditional use pernit as reguired under Section 18-29-030 ofthe Town of vail uunicipal Code for certain lease space located at, 1031 South Frontage Road West, Unit A, better known as cascade Crossing retail center. The proposed tenant for the space is Paul AndersonCollection, Ltd. Intended use of the subject retail space bythe Tenant is for retail sales of household furnishings andinterior design services. The subject retaiL space j.s anexisting storefront in Cascade Crossings. The past tenant was Sports Rent, a retail rental outlet for all types of sporting equiprnent. other tenants in the strip center include a retail spa outlet, liquor and food service, video store, andbeauty services. Adjacent properties include the vail ProfessionaL Building and the Glen Lyon Building. Most tenants in these two buildings include professional services. Given the current make up of the subject property and the adjacent properties, it is not anticipated that there will beany additional input on traffic flow and congestion,pedestrian safety, access, or snow renoval . Any effect onother public health, safety and welfare issues will beninimal, if any at aII. As such the proposed use is compatible with surrounding properties and j-s consistent with ongoing use of the subject property. Trtt- l- \\\' !_\l lr.l:j .'l TI77 T.) r,'f\\ ear, l(osen ct lfaver.s Janrc: li. \\'ear Ri.l'"rJ I? R.'s"n Ri.ltotJ l). T..t'.t. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: RMT APR I 51995 .\ l).\ri-r\t:ti.t ' .-r l)ti.'ti:sil\\\ \t- f .'It'.-lrTt.'rs I tlr)0 S..t iir I:t.'\'r'.\(;l: ll.'\l) \fl::-T. StlTl::(rO \ .\ r1., C.-t,.-li\l'.'SI037 T r. r. r- i'ii.- r t: ti()il +t6-;6+6 l:,iir\rii-r: t 3t)31 +r6-;i l.q MEMORANDUM Town of Vail Rick Rosen April 14, 1993 conditional Use Permit - Cascade crossing Application is made herewith for the issuance of a conditional use permit as required under Section 18-29-030 ofthe Town of Vail Municipal Code for certain lease space located at 1031 South Frontage Road West, Unit A, better known as cascade Crossing retail center. The proposed tenant for the space is Paul Anderson Collection, Ltd. Intended use of the subject retail space bythe Tenant is for retail sales of household furnishings andinterior design services. The subject retail space is anexisting storefront in Cascade crossings. The past tenant rttas Sports Rent, a retail rental outlet for all types of sporting equipnent. other tenants in the strip center include a retail spa outlet, liquor and food service, video store, andbeauty services. Adjacent properties include the Vail Professional Building and the Glen Lyon Building. Most tenants in these two buildings include professional services. Given the current make up of the subject property and the adjacent properties, it is not anticipated that there will beany additional input on traffic flow and congestion,pedestrian safety, access, or snon removal. Any effect onother public health, safety and welfare issues will be minimal , if any at all. As such the proposed use isconpatible with surrounding properties and j.s consisLent with ongoing use of the subject property. srvlfed lo/5192 Dats of ApFllcatlon Dats of PEC Meettng AfPI.rICA8IOH fO8, cOtIDItfOnAIr UgE PEIIMIT I, 64111 D. cKf DY THE nEE WSf, 8bt PAID BEf'OliE TH[, D"!'ARTMENT or COMMUNTTy DEVELOPMENT WTLL ACCDFT YOTJR PI1OPOSAL. f. SLatnped, addrqssod envelopee of th€ narrreg of owners of all properhy adJacenr Bo [he subJoct propsrly INCLUDI]IG T,RoPERTY BEIIIND Al'lD ACRoSS SfRBET"q, and a ]i.st of nanes and malllng AdCITC$SE$. THE APFLICANT TTIILL BE RL;SPONSITJtB FOR CORRECT OWNER5 A}]D CORRECT ADDPS$S8S, II. PRD.APPIICATION CONFERDNCE: A pre-appli.catlon conference erith a planning e[af f m€mber 18 etrongly suggsst.od to detormJ.no 1f any addltlonal lnformatlon la noeded. flo appl.icatlorr wll] be accepled unless tt cornploco (must lncLude all items requlred by Lho zoning adrnlnlgtrtEor) . It ls the applicsnttB rcsponsibiltLy to mako an app,rintilBnt. wlth lhe 8t,aff to f ind oul.: lbout additional gubmircal. requlremernts. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMDLETE AI'PLICATION IiILL S'fREJ\MLINE ?HIl APPROVAI, PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJEET BY DIICREASING THE NUI',IBER OF CONDITIONS OP APPRCVAI, ?HAT THE PLANNING AI.ID ENVIRONMENTAI. COMI{ISSION (PRC) MAY STIPUtAfE. ALi, COI'IDITIO}IS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BNFORE A BUILDING PERT.'IIT IS IS$UED. Four ({) copl€e of the followlng inforntstion must bo submiLUed I 1. A dcscrlpgion of Lho procise nature of the proposed uso and its oporaging charclcterierlcg and meaoures propooed to make the usa compatlblo wlth ot-hsr proportieg in t'hevlcinity. ?he descript lon mu8t a lso atjclrggE : a. Relatlonsliip and ln5racr r.rf tlte use on devalopment obJect,lvea of the Town. fhde procedure ls required for any proJect. requi r6d 90 obe{rin a condiLionaJ. use perrnlt. fhe applicatioo wlli nou Lre aqcepLeC untlt all lnf,ormallon Is submlgtod. A. NAI.iE OT APPLICNTT P9U1 Andersorr Collcctton, Lrd. ADDRESS 2lll North Fionca 6 KOA PHONEq T0-r Jlu NAl"lD 0f' APPLICANT' $ REpRIi$ENTATIvti ADDRESS 1000-1,-[r.es!oF,e--8d. ^!1.e.*l[-0!*-.-.-*- **;*.-._ , _ _-lldl,-^Qp* s.l 6:L*-* _'*-.*_PHoNESeJS![__ NAME of OWNER(S) (prinb or type) clo D. c. oFNER(S) STCNATURS(g) ADDRESS 4505 llert E. FEE $200,00 pAro l$Stll8-,fi il'fl:fl"'*'.iflff"lr#i1 ":'*--- tC r arE nor -F,nofr'Eg!F[T5T-. ,19o "' O:f ';::'i:'ff ,';:"::o::itlo'llli'ii!!libut ion utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public faciLities and public faciLities needs. c. Effect. upon traffic, r^tith particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and remova] of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. A site plan at a scale of at least Ltt - 20t showing proposed development of the site, including topography, buildj",y1g locations, parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, Iandscaped areas and utilities and drainage features. Preliminary building elevat,ions and floor plans. A title reporl to verify ownership and easements. If Lhe building is condominiumized, a letter from the condominium association in support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. 6.Any addit.ional material necessaryapplication as determined by the ** For interior modifications, and site plan may be waived administrator. for the review of thezoning administrator. improvernent surveythe zoning an by IV. TIME REOUIREMI1NTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meeLs on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A conplete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must besubmitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to t.he date ofthe PEC public hearing. No incomplet.e applications (as det,ermined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted bythe planning staff before or after the designated submitt.aldate. AII PEC approved conditional use pernits shalL lapse ifconstruct.j-on is not commenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued Lo completion, or if the usefor which the approval is granted is not commenced within one year. If this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other t.han the Town of Vail, theapplication fee shal-l be increased by $200.00. Examples ofsuch review, may incJ.ude, but are not l_imited to: Colorado DeparLment of Hj-ghway Access Permits, Army Corps ofEngineers 404, etc. The applicant shaLl be responsibLe for paying any publishingfees whj-ch are in excess of 50t of the applicat.ion fee. If,at the applicant's requestr 4ny matter is postponed forhearing, causj.ng the matter to be re-published, then, theentire fee for such re-publication shal1 be paid by theapplicant. A. B. A. B. rd! l'. !ar,... L. ^ 'n n - '.. I appficatls deemed by the communi.tyGvelopment Deparr,menrto have significant design, land use or ot,her issues which may have a significant impact on the conmunity rnay requirereview by consultants oEher t,hat town staff. Should adetermination be made by the town staff t,hat, an outsideconsultant is needed to review any application, Corununity Development may hire an outside consultant, it shallestimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her andthis amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicantat, the time he fiLes his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review ofthe application by the consult.ant, any of t,he fundsforwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultantwhich have not, been paid to the consultant shalt be returnedto the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excessof Lhe amount forwarded by the applicant, shal} be paid tothe Town by the applicant, wit.hin 30 days of notification bythe Town. c. .ia r.vllcd lol5l92 o I, I$BI/IC,ATION fOR fhlg proceduro ls regulred oondlulonal use Pormlb. fhe oppl.icogioo wlll nou be Dats of Appllcatlon Dat,a of PEC Meatlng CONDITIOMT'J U8T PEIIMI1I for any proJoct regulrcd 9o obeiln a rccepLcd until alI lnformatlon 16 submltuod. A. I'tNlE Otr' APPLICAI'IT Paul Anderson Collcctl,onr trd. ADDRESS _?!l!_uoi!!roil c a f,o Ko0 llONIl{ ro- t J4v D. C. NN,ID 0f' APPLICANT'li nEPnU$Et'ITATIVD-Ittchlta P- -lpeql-4,h9., -' , .. ADDRE$ s l00g-l,..nrl$arc-8Ci!{,-r*{J9.0----.---*.*. - . -rrq!.CS--B{6:J----...--'.* NAMB of ovlNnR (tt) (prinu or tyPe) olrNpR(8) srcNArUnS (8) ADDRESS e q''-'!'}|.'iF''F|l.-.- ,sHoND3IE&!Q_ i-r]*-*.** -I- -lFEdfi'ETdr.rlT?I:{1u.0 D. E. IOCAlION 0F PROP0SALr JIDDRESS. I $. Pronta tDGhL: [0T*-Bnd.. /rA. val.l, c0 ILINC FDE S200.00 Phrq O}|NERS 'ND CORRICT ADDNB$S8S. cKt DY r. Tnn fDD ffi nr: PAID BEFotiE TlJll D''pARTMENT oE cot'fiUNlTr DBVEIJOPMENT I{ILL ACCDFT XOUR PITOPOSAL. $ganpad, addrosoed onvelop66 of cbo natneo of oun€rs of all propbrby acuacenr Eo the subjoct propor|y INCIUDIIfG PRoPERTy buHiHu nHo Lcnoss STREETST and a lJ.st of, ttanes und malllng AddrCgSE'. THE APPI,ICANT I'IILL BE R!;SPOI'ISIBT,E FOR CORRECT II. PRD-'\PPTICATION CO}IFERITNCE: II Dro-applLcatlon confcrence erlth a plannlng sEaff n€mbgr 18 et'rongfy'suggost.cd to dsbErmlno If any addltlonal lnfonnatlon la noedea.- fto-appltcatlon wlll be accepi:od unless, lt conplolo (tnuct, tncluda aII tllms requlro<l by bho zoning admlnlglrabor). It |s the appllcontta recponstbtlt.Ly to mak6 an appolnLmenL wlth the Etaff- go find ouu abouE asldltional eubmlrtal.,requtremonts. rII. PLEASE NOTE THIT A gAu$8lg AfPtrcATlON l{ltl STREN.|IINE tHE APPROVAIJ PROCESS FOR YOUR PNO.TUCT OY DESRNASING TTIE N('MbER OF CONDITIONS OF APPRCVAI., THAT TIIE DIJANNINC AND BIIYIN0NMENTAI. colrulssroN (pEC) r4AX STIPULI\TE. @ coNQltroNs 0r APPRovAt MuSt . BE COM'.'LIITD WITH BAFORE A BUILDTNG PERI'IIT IS ISSUED Four (4) copl€e of the followlng lnforntatLon muSt bo eubmit ued ! 1. A dcacrlption of tho preclse noturo of tho propoBod uso and lts bperaglng chalacterlerlca and maasuros propoiod to makc ths uso compatlblo wlth othor properfiog in chE vlclnlt y . The descrtptlon nutt aI0o adclt?occ: a. Relaulonshlp and lmpacu of tlto u8o obJectlvee of the Town. on devalopmont 2. b' Cf';::"i:.!3:, "i:":3o:li:ef,o':lli'tl3!iibutlon-uttirttes, schools, irarks Md recreatlon facilities, and other public facllltles and publlc facilit.ies needs. c. Effect upon t,raffLc1 wlth partLcular reference t'o congestlbn, automot,ive and pedestrlan safet,y and convenience, t,rafflc flow and control, accegs, naneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and Parklng area d. Effect upon the character of the area ln whlch the proposed use is Lo be located, includlng the scale and bulk of the proposed use ln reLatlon to surrounding uses Ir site plan at a scale of at, Ieast 1tr o 20' showlng proposed development, of t,he sLt,e' lncludlng topography, buildlng locaclons, parking, traffJ-c clrculation' useablei open space, Iandscaped areas and utlllties and draLnage feaEures. Prellmlnary butldlng elevatlons and floor plans A tltle report to verify owneishlp and easements. If the building is condominiumlzed, a letter frorn the' condorninium association ln support, of the proposal nust be submitted to staff. 3. 4. 5. 6. Any additional mat,erLal necessary for the revLew of theapplication as determined by the zonlng.admlnlstrator. For interior rnodificaBions, an J.mprovement survey and site plan nay be waived by Uhe zoning admlnlstrat or. REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Corunlssion neets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each nonth. A complete appllcatlon f,orm and aII accompanying material (as descrl.bed above) must be submitted a mlnLmum of four (4) weeks prior to the dat,e of the PEC public hearlng. No lncornplete applicatlons (as deterrnined by the zonJ.ng adrninlstrator) wlll be accepted bythe planning staff before or afler Che deslgnated submltt,al date. AII PEC approved condltlonal use permlts shall lapse lfconscruction ls not, commenced wLthLn one year of, the date of, approval and dlligently pursued to complet,ion, or lf. the usefor which the approval is granted ls not conmenced wlthln one year If this application requir"" u ""iurate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of VaiI, theapplication fee shall be lncreaseit by $200.00. Examples of such revlew, may include, but are not, Ilmlled to: Colorado Departnent of Flighway Access Permlts, Army Corps ofEnglneers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responslble for paylng any publlshlng fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If,at t,he appllcant's requestr dny mat,t,er is postponed for.:hearlng, causing the matter t,o be re-publLshed, Ehen, theentire fee for such re-publlcation shall be pald by the .applicant, ** IV. TIME A. B. A.v. B. ';t{lr.r"r.ur;i rrir,r. .;' 'r t.apprlcatll ouu^ud by the conrnunity Ob"rop..nt Department' cb- have significant deslgnr land use or other I'ssues whlch may have a-signlflcant lmpact on ehe comnunlty may-regulre revlew by consultant,s oLher that town st'aff. Should a determlnitlon be made by the town staff Lhat an outslde consullanL is needed t,o revLew any appllcatLon, Communlty Development may hire an ouEslde consultant, lt shall est,imaee the amount of money necessary t'o pay hlm or her and t,hls anount shatl be forwarded to.the Town by the appllcant' at, the t,ime he flles his appttcatlon wlt'h the'Connunlty Development Departnent. UPon completlon of the review of the appllcation by t,he consultantl any of t'he funds forwalited by the applicant for payment of the consultant whlch have noE been pald to the consultant shall be returned to the applicanc. Expenses incurred by.the Town I'n excess of t,he arnount forwarded by the appucant shall be paid to the Town by the appllcant wlthln 30 days of notlflcatlon.by the Town. Lt ooLAND 1']\'/LE GUARANTEE VOUPANY Rm? APR I 4I99JRepresenting Title Ineurance Conpatly of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER Augusf 12, 1991 Our Order: Vl6l l9-5 BUYER/OI.INER: VAIL EI{TERPRISIS PARTTT-ERSHIP, A COLORADO GEI{ERAL PARTNERSHIP SEI,I,ER: ADDRES$: cAscAoE cRogslt,tc CLOSER 1 Attn: LES OPPENHEIMER, I^IOL}'IT ET AL. FAX# fr12-34 4-93'tG45 SOUTH 7rH ST. il3400 MINNEAPOI,IS, MN 55402 1 AItn: JAMNS J. .SCHWERT EAGLE VALLEY gURVEYING DELIVIT':R ll.t AVON RUNS 1 AICN: DAI{NTE CORCORAN cALl(lNS, WnISFNFELS ET AL ., 1111 MAIN S.1,. toTH rln v KANSAS CITY, MO .64199-3585AT\I Attn: JOHN R. I,0EISENPELS LAN o r?t* cu ARArr"'Q'oM PAN v Representlng Tj.tle fnsurance Conpany of Mlnnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER MII(E E. CQI'113S P.O. BOX 24?83 DENVER, cO 80224 1 Attn: PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY AM PM covENANTS ATTACHED -YES-NO FoRTI'I'LEQUr:9"TIONSCALLXAREI'IHORTH303476-2?5J FOR CI,OSING QUESTIONS CALL TITI FA AllA C,:rrrrrn,'linsni 1970 Rev MINNESOTA llTLi lllSllnAl"jCF COl'4t-Al(Y LtF t'4ilrll'JlS0TA, a [.f irir'iusoln cr-:rprlirt,on. herein cirlied ihs Co:rp:'rqi 191 g \,,alJ3l.ti't i,illsrcerat,oq heiebl ( rjrlt{lit5 t-1 ri:ur 'is pol:rr 0r i,i,iti.:e5 c{ litir. tIsurJfice ils tdpnlif,?d in !ch;n:rit A, rrr {ag(rr cf 1!rc iJ:rj;Jgsed lfsul'pfi I'Air.,g(l rrr S;irudillc A. ir-q irwner 0r incnilai}cg 0l ihc asletg 0l rilr,crcsi 30v'J'!-jd herehv in tl're i;t(J desctil.ri:r: r r.rjefrPd tc, rl St.irr.(lrrlc A iJpLrn paynsnl 0t the nferlit|n:S aid '-i,;ri'1is il',e:iltr. a,i 5r,1.;1".1 lt ili'J !:'(.)/rsr:,r.'1 rl Sthrdi;iC:l A. i.r;t,.1 3 .irrd lc ti;E COii,ir0ns i'rr,J Slrit,ijlati0lS htteirl 'ilr.j: !.rtinrtniet1l s,iall h: efieclrv* (;itli w!,lir ilrl: r{i:i]lr|y sf the lrrr,p;.,:eJ iriSr;rg(1 iinCl ihC amtli]r;l Ot ino lJ:)lrir n' lci c:i:. ,'.frl'rrtrll:ail 11,1 1.6;1; [11, rilrjiti rn Siledulp A l,i,r:rt lry llr{r Llri:;oi,y. e;irt' al lhe lrnjg rrf 11r1,';5ir6rr1q;.Jl 1l';s Cirmm rmEtl 0i b_! i:r5rfli\ja'ri eri(j!tSf tcrl JiirS Cl;t:i,nrln.t'r! is c'eri,nri;ry tir lnp r5i,,r,'rt-r(t ( | si,;;lr 't0l1c/ !r p-,ltiik! (rl !l:t Ilsu,artc4 aitd all htJtltiy and i l.rlQarrrr r lllll;,rlJtr rla!l te:aie Anf ltirilriAlr. S r ira;rrilrl tr'flt't thLr ei{'-11ivu r;iltJ hrjie:ll 0f t,lreii lh? pCitcy oi lilra!Fr cl .,liilr ied li, lirgii rl,,,ir:. y,trigf1.-'i,;t l rgt o:iut:, fifaJviCec li:al 1l':e i6' 1'6 tir lSSr,e gi,ih i):'!tcy (n l;:rli1;f i i,. rlri ll.t 1{r,lt 0l tht, Cgnrpai/ '.lliiir,liaNS A'Ji; !1 Pi jl Ai lt\5 ' lir. lC:,'ll 'tiirii-Oalp . rr':rtr, llip,j I l:r!ri,. Sir.:l r'il''rit'd.jed 0i 1i,jil, IrJJI opiJ. Or 0i!ret:.ecit {iy trslriJn:'l / if 1l:e fii0irJra:ij ltrSLii,-'d fll! if J:qu!fe]t ef::,;i L',r)!1 ieiiili rri i;ry r11:flL1. l,(.i,. 0Jr',unlJldn:u. ,Cr,1rSe tia.rl rntUtied Pt]lSUar!i 10 I)iltiiijiir!' :i (,i ii'r,!ri i.i'ri ' ,, t a.,(J Sitp!l,rlri'ir5 3 l,el),! lf ('i th'; Corri::.t radel 1l:S Ct,rlt,l,rr?,,r l,rri|:: I,r i:,t!.,J ii. tt,(r n.,nt,j(l p:Opgi:d jn:l,rgc anj:iu:h e4trcssly urudrt'ed hetern ,l Atry iiClillr r,]r Jilrul! 0i i !i-ts cf aal()n lhal lhe ll(riflSeil hrliiii{ij rt,:ii lravu 0t ttte} biing a;,:';tsl lhe ard atu subr{rct lo ili? irrCvis'lrrrs r,i thl,, U'rniillnienl sTANirMri f xciPt tcNs l|r add!t,o|r i0 lfrB :r'rBft€is conlaixed in lhe C0n(ji',ions tritl Sliniritrliorrs ard Excl|.|sicns from Covctiige obove lelefrpd 10, rhrs C0rlri,iirl(:rrl rs alstr srrlitr:ct 1o tltc l0litr,v'irlll I Rights of clains 0t panres ri possessrrrri rr0! sh0rrn liy llr0 priblic records, 2 EaSemerrtS, Gr Cltrirrrs (]1 Ci1SCniCfl1s. nCl slicrrtr by fhe puhlic reccrds. 3. 0rscrepanc es, cofiflicts in boundary iines, sh0flage in ar(ra. (rncr0ai\nrcnts, arid hil'i lacts r..,lric|racr.lrrec|surveyaniiilis11.-.i-.lLfltliJf1lIepl€{]]iscsfv9|l|il(ji|.clt,!0aIll|w|rictrdrt|'i1i::||]i'vll 9. Any lie . or righl'lc a lien. fcr sErr/ices, labor or 0ialerralrherel0{0re 0, herealler frrrnisheC, imilrrsed hy lAri/ fin{, rrtrl sll0\^/ri try 1ht, irrrblrc reccrcls. 5 !)elects, iief's, encultrb,ances, adversF tl6i')is (,r (jlh(,r Indllch. il any. crcatod, lirst {' l'Cir;ir0 itr lt,o lrrrblic 0l r000id lor value lhe fislelF a.j | $ilrrr{r!;t 0r ir0n!fr!(r llicrg0n CCvr.:iC(l [,y tlli5 l1rnrnli1;;i0rri. llt \4/lTNe SS V/HEREOF, Trlre lr.surar,ce Company of Mrnnesota has caused its corpori'te tlatltc&ti(|srEj10|]t.:hc'0Lint0aff1xedb.ilt3f,tl|yartlh0||'edolfictl;s0olhedElesh0',!ninSclrctlrl|c b)'a validaling 0lflCer 0r 0ll!Cr tilrllr0ri?{.'li sigrrfilrrty. TIlLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNFSOIA A &acl Cottpany 461l*;utl Avttve jb,Mwg, '/,!p;Ml, Atti!fi!)0i S:!R\Jlf ftr ,,v.-4//'1 ,,.,*, SCIIEDUI.E A Application No. Vl6119-5 For fnformation Only CASCADE CROSSIN'G - Charges - Al ta Lender Pol:cy 91,524 . oO 1'ax Certif. $20.00Endrsrnt { 100.00 $152,40Endrsmt il 1LG S50.00Endrsnt # I23 .2 $7 60 . ? 5 Endrsrmt f 281.1 $20,00Endrsnt + 103.3 9304. ?0Endrsnt # 100.29 9152.40Endrsmt' u :o:'.1o,,o" - - sr,3?l:33 h'ith your re:rr j ttancc please refer to !,'161. 19-5. 1. Effective Date: lr\lcJ\lSt 09, 1991 at B:00 A.l'l . 2 , l)ol i cy to l:e j s:r,rred, and propcsect Insured: rrAL?Arf Loan Pc) i cy g1 , 600, 000. 00 198? Revision (Aurerideci 1990) Froposed Insured: WESTT:RTI STATEIJ LIFE INSURANCE COMPANy, A NoRTH DAKoTA CORPORAT] ON 3. I'he estate or intcrcct in the land described or referred to inthis Commitment arrd covered herein isl A Feo Sinple 4. ?itle to thc c$t'.ate or interest covered herein is, at tlreeffectjve date hcrcof veBt.ed in! vAIL EIIIERFRISE.5 pARTNnRSHrp, A COLORADO GENER.AL PARTNERSHIP 5. Thc land referred to in this Commitment is clescribed asfol lows: A PARCEL OF tANt) rocATED IN SECTION 12r TOl4NSHrp 5, SOUTHT RANGB 81 }IEST Ot: TllE (rTH PRINCfPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF EAGLE, $TATE OF COI.ORADO, MORN PARTICUI,ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS;: PAGE ] o wl a ALTaUcoMMrrMEt{T ooA L T AV C O I,t M I ? I"1 E N 1, -\-/ SCIIEDUI.,E A Applicatiol) No. V16119-5 COMI,IIiNCII{G AT A POINI' OI.I I.'IIE I,IORTHERLY RIGHT Or WAY LIIiE OFU.S, HIG]JWAY NO. 6. WHE}ICE THE IiORTHEASI CORNER OF SAID SECTION12 BEARS NORl'l.l 38 r)EGREES 07 I'{INUTES EAS! 8?6.99 FEET; THRNCE SOUTH 73 DEGREES 15 DIII'IUTES WEST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGII? OF HAY A DISTANCE OF ?5 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIlll'lING; THEITCF NORTH 16 DEGREES 45 MTNUTES I,iEST TO THn SOUTH RIGHT QF WAY LII.IH OI.. ]I'ITERSTATE NO, 70: THENCE IN A SOUTi{l,llJS'I'ERLy DIR8C?ION ALOl.lG TI{E SoUTH RIGiiT OF eiAY LTIiE OF IN'TERSTATE NO. /C) TO THE POII'JT OF INT'ERSECTICN OF THA? RIGHT OF h'AY LINE WITH IHE !iORTH Rlcl{['oF tdAy L]NE OF U.S. HIG]t'dAy NO. Ct AND THEI'ICE Ili AIi EASTERLY DIRECrIO}I ALO]'IG Ti{E I'IORTH RIGHT OF ''1AY OF U.S. HlcHl,lAY NO. 6 TO ?llE POII'I? OF BEGiNN-ING, COL|I':TY OF EAGLE. S1'At't.: Ol: COLOr{ADC. TACETHER i,ilT}i AI.I UASI]]V:EI{f AS GRANTED ?O vAIL ENTERPRISES FARTNERSIIlF, rr coLC)kADO GEJ.IERAL PARI'NERSHIP, Fon THE soLE PURPO$E OF llicHE-cs At{D EGRESS To U.S. HIGHI{AY NO. 6, ]t{ COMBINATIOIIi RELEASE TJT }:XISTING EASEI{ENTS A}iD CREATIOIT OF !{EW CROSS EASEMENT AGRI EMiiNT RECCRDED DECEI\IBBR 1.3 , 1989 II'I tsOOK 51"9 A1' PAGE fil 9. fOGETHER t{I1'll Col,lVEYAl',lc-'E OF EASEI'lEl'iT At; cRAI'lTflD t'O VAlL IiI'ITERPRISES F,ARTNERSHI,P 1N INSTRUMENT RECORDED JUNE ?5, i991 Th' BOOK 556 AT I)AGlr 702. PAGE 2 T r r-r ll r Ll'1$T !r I I -L-J ov SCHEDULE B-1 ( Requi renrents I Appllcation Nc. Vl6Il-9-5 I'he f ol )cr,rinc.J are the reguirerre-nts to be cornpl ied vrith: ].PaymcnttoorfortheaccountofthegrantQrsornortgagorsofthefu]IconsiderationfortheeBtateorinteresttobc i.nsrtred. Proper inst.ru;nentls) creating the estate or itrterest to I)e jnsurcd 1:r.rst l:re e>:cclrted and ctuly filed for record, to-'';it: RELEASE Ot' DEE[) OF IRUST DATED October 16, 1989, FROM VAIL E]'I?ERPRISES PARTNERSHII" A COLORADO GEI{ERAL PARTI'IEFEijIP To Ti"lE pUBLIC TRU.9TEE OF EAGLE coul{1l'Y FoR THFj USE DF OAH PARK BAIIX TO SECURE THE SUI'I OF $r,600,000'00 RECORD9D Octolrer' 19, 1.989, IIt BOOK 515 AT PAGE 879 ' sAlD DEED OF Tt*tt_lST litiS FURTHDR SECURED Ey ASSIGIiI'lE!'iT cF LEASES AliD REITTS RECORDED OCT'OBFN ]9, 1999, IN BOO}i 515 AT PAGE E8O. DlSBL)RSER'S NOT]CE III CO].JIIECTION 1';1TH SATD DEED OF TRUST h'AS RECORDDD October 19, 1981r, Irr* BOOK 5l-i AT PAGE 881. TERMINAT1ON OI,' ITINAI'ICIl'iG STATEIIEI,IT 'vilTH \tAIL EI'I'IERPRISES PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATIOIT, q,ITH CAK PARK BAI{K, A XANSAS BAI\XI};G CORPORA?IO}I, THE SECURED PARTY, RECORDED Octol:er 19, 1989, Ili BOOI( 515 AT FACE e82. TERI"ITn*AT1.ON Ot' FIl{AliCiNG STATEl.lEtiT FROI'I VAIl' E!{TERPRISES PARTI'IERSHIP, A coi,oRADo pARTt'lER.sHTp, IIITH oAX PARK BAI{K, A l(Ah''sAS BAI'IKIl'lc coRPcRATIoll , THB $ECURED PARTY, RECORDED OCTOBER 19, 1989, AT FTLTNG l'lo. 18169. REI,EASE O}T MECHAIi]C'3 LIEN CLAIMA}"!T'S NOTICE TO DISBURSFR AS EV]DENCED BI S1'ATEMEN'f OIr R,A.S. I]UILDERS, II{C. IN THE AI'IOUNT OF $542,646.00 RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 1989, IN BOOK 520 AT PAGE 13. RELEASE OF MECHAI'ITC'S LIEN AS EVIDEIiCED BY gTATEMANT OF NEW PIPELINE It,ISTAI,I,ATIONS, ll'lC. Ill THE AI'tOUNT OF 963,831.23 RECORDED Septernber 25, 1990, IN BOOti 538 A1.'pAGE 601 AND RECORDED JAIiUARY 7, 1.991 rlJ sOOX 545 AT PACE 2't 4 , RIjLIIASE O}' M!'CHAI{1C'S L]EN AS EVIDENCED BY SI'ATEME}{T OF R.A.S. BUILDERS, lNC. 1N'l'llti AMoUI{T oF $?,969.00 RECORDED Septenber 26, 1990, IN BOCK 538 AT PAGE ?04. 6. A L T EVC O FI M I T I'i E N T 4, PAGE o\,oALt,a\'zcor,rMrrMENt )tn&uu LE lt- I (Req'rirenents) application llo. vr-ol t9-5 9. .RELEASE OIr MECHANIC'S LIEN AS EVIDEI\*CED BY STATEME!'IT CF STORE FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES, Il':C. Iti TIJE A]'IOUNT CF $q ,76j.96 RECORDED October L1, 1990, IN BOOK 539 AT PA6E B?7. 10. F.DLEASE OF l'IOTICE EXTET'IDING TIt',tE To FILE I'lECHAl.lIC'S LIEII RECORDDD Norrember30, 1990, IN BOCK 543 AT PAGE ?19. 11. RELEASE OF I,IECIIA}iIC'.S LIEI,I AS EvIDEI{CED BY STATE}'!EI,I? OT' CHARLES F. SPAI{EL,:llc. , D/B/A Ilil']iR-liOL,liTAIl'l ENGINEERING IN THE Ai'tOUlJT OF $10,?1.6.55 RECCRDED Decen):er ).6, 1990, TN BOOi( 511 AT PAGE 180. 12. CERT]FICATE OI'. I]1S]',IISSAL ISSL:ED BY THE CLEITK CF DISTRIC? COURT IN A}'ID FO;T TiJE COLINl')'OF EAGLE Cl'C1\,'IL ACTION i'lo, 91 C\t 28 ElilTITI.DD ljEht PIPELII'iE illST/rI.l-ATIONS, lllC. , /i CI-\I-CRADO CCRPORATION AliD VAIL VALLEY CONSTRUCTIOI{ l'lANAGEl,iEl'rT, Ji.i(;., PLAIITTFF (5), VS. VAIL E!{TEFpRISES pARTt'lER,'HIP ET AL, DEFE!,IDANT (S) l.lcT'rCE OF LIS PEilDEl,lS RECORDED January 24, '1997 | IN BooX 5;6 AT PAGE 3]]. . l"lclerh dterl ].3.i F.SLEASE C)I:.PF.C)}iJ,SSORY }.IOTE PAYABLE TO RICHARD 3. LEOI,']ARD IIi TH}: AMOUI.|T CF- $11,000.00 REcoRDFD JUNE 2s, 1991 rlr BcoK 556 AT PAGE ?60. ',i-4. coRliEcrror,r oF coriViiyAr,JcE oF EASEr'rEr.rr REcoRDED JUNE 25, 199r rl'l Boox 556 AT PAGF,.702; AND EVIDEI.ICE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT LAI'!AF. \.'ENTURES, Ir'tc., A coLoRADo cokpcRATrotr Is succEssoR IIJ INTEREST' TO LAtiAR CApITAL CORPCRAT1ON, A Ft,oRI DA CORPORATI'f l,l. 15. DEED OF ?RUS? I'IiOlV \/A]L ET'TERPRISES PARTNERSI,IIP, A COI,CRADO GENERAL I,ART'NERSHIP TO TI{E PUELIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE O}- WESTERN SI'ATFS LIFE INSLIRA:'ICE cOliPANY, A I,'ORTH DAKO?A CORPORATIoN To SECURE THE SUMor gl,600,000,00. IJOTE! TRADD ]'IAI'{E AFFIDAVIT RECORDED OCt,ObEr 19, i989 II'I BOOK 5].5 AT' PAGE 877 DISCI,O$ES GECRGI' c. BrRT. ALLSTATE I'IANAGEMENT. Il{C,, A COLORADO c'oRPoRATrONr .'lAl"lES E. BIRT, JERRY SLACT(, JEFFREY t'l . DIMOT{ AND EDWAnDJ. VJARREI{ TO BE THE C!J!':ERAL PARTNERS OF VAIL ENTERFRISES PARTI{ERSHIP, A GENIIRAL PART}{ER,TJH I P. THli cour,rTY CLERI( Al'rD RECoRDERS oFFIcE REQUIRES RBTL]RN ADDRESSE-S oN DOCUMENTS SENT FoR RECoRDII{G ! ! r,ACE 4 l-rC O l{ I,1 I T M E N T \/ SCHEDULE B.?. (Exceptions) Application ]Io, vl61l9-5 The policy or pollclrs tc) be issued will contain exceptions to the follc;vring itnlc"ss the sar,re are disposed of'to the satisfact.ion ofthe Company: 1. Standard Exceptions, 1 throtrgh 5 prlnted on the ccver sheet. (r, Taxes and assessnents not yet due c,r: i)ayable and special assessFents r:ot. yct certrfied to the Treasurer's cff!ce. 'l . ,rrlry ur:pai d taxcrr; or asgessn.ent.s against said land. 8. I-jens; for rtnprajd \dater and seuer charges, if a:r1.. 9. :]IGHT OF PROPRILI'OR OiT A VF]}I OR ]-CDE T,O E}ITRACI AND REI':OVE HIS ORE T}iEREFRCI'I SHOULD ?iIE SAI"IE BE FOUI.ID ?O PENETF.ATE CP II,IT:RSECT THE PREI'IISES AS RESER\':D I!l Lll'1ll'ljL) STATES PATENI RECCRDED Decenr]>er 29, )92C, Itl BOC,K 93 B) Fl\bL ,+1. TiiE EXlSl'lj:',icD Cli Tl]E MIIiERAI, EXCEPIIOI'I A]lD7'OR RESERVATIOfJ SHOIiN A$ ITEI.! 9, scl{EDULE 8-2, l.lrLL NOl'AITFECT OUR ABrLl?y rO ATT^.CH COT,ORADO E|{DOR.5EI{ENTI'lo. 100. 29 ?o 3r.iR l4on?cAcEES pOLtCy ltHElt ISSUED. IO. RIGII? OF VIAY FO'l I)]TCHES OR CA}.IALS COI.ISTRUCTED BY T}iE AU'I'HORITY OF THE U!{I?ED STATIS A.s RaSFRVED IN UNITED STATES PATEITT REcoltDED Deceraber 29, 192 0, IN BOOX rJ 3 A't' IAGE 4 2 . THE EXlST'UlicE oF rHE EASEMEh'T SHOWT{ AS lfEt,t l'1O. 10, SCIiFDULE B-2, WILL NOT AFFECT OL]R AsIL1TY TO ATTACH COLORATJO EIiDCRSEI.IE}'IT I{0. ]03.1. TO CUR }:ORTGAGEES POI.,ICY h'HEI,I ISSUED. i1. ?ERI'IS, COI'II)ITIOI.IS i.ND PROVISIONS OF COI'TBINATION RELEASE OI'EXISTIIIG EASEI'lElll'S Aiil) Cl?EATION OF I'tEl,i CROSS EASEMEIIT AGREEttEI'lT REcoRDED Dece:nlrer 13 , t 9B9 rN BOol( 519 AT PAGE 619 . 1?' TERI'!S.i, COri*Dl.TIC)Ns AliD PRoVISIONS OF USE RESTRICTION AGF.EEI'IENT RECORDED Dece.mber 27, 1989 IN BOOK 520 AT PAGE 202, AS AMENDED BY INSTRUI,ENT RECORDED XXX 1I,I LTOOK XXX AT PAGE XXX. 13 ' IINCROACHMFNT OF ROCI(h'ALL & COIICRETE TRASH AREA II*TO ?,ONI}'lc SETBACX AS SHOIIN oN ALrA/ACSM LtliD TITLE SURVEY PREPARED JANUARY 18, t991. o ALI.A PAGE 6 jr. t-t. t9rr irl: li Fr'l FLi. -iFr c'm : LFril I]lrF I i: E:, A L T a\zc o I'1 !Y r'r M E l'l T SCHEDULE B-2 \./ ( Except i ons )Application No. \t16119-5 THEExlSl.E}.|cEoF,1.}iEEASE},1EI{TgHol4lrAsITEl,ll3,scHEDLjLEB-2,lfILLNoT AFI;EcT oUR AtslLITy--io-ninacH COLORIDO-erlponseMiNT NO' lO3'3 TO oUR iioiicecnns PoLrcY pol"IcY lrnEli rssuED' coLoRADc E}ID0RSEI{EI.i? !.OR],i ].].6, 1'IILL BE ATTI|CHED To l.loRTGAGEEs FoLIcY l{HE:i ISSUED. coi,oRADJ EI{DORSEI';LI{1 FORI{ 281.1,'fiILL BE ATTACI{ED TO l"ioRiGAGEES POLICY I{HEN I SSUED. .r-,,F .n r r n,n., r.rc trNr;uRSEr,lEliT ldrLL Ei: ATTACHED TO THE ]'IORTGAGEES TI?LE POLICT inL rvi,!vrrr.r\!, r-'t I h'HEN ISSI.]ED: r**Fojil,i T27,2*** THF COMPAiiY HEREFY II.ISL}RES THAT, AS OF DATE CF PC'LICY: (A) F.CCoRDING To AFPI-lCABLi ZO).1Ilic ORDIIIANcES Al'lD Al':ElJDI':EI'ITS THRRETO', THE I,eiU TS CI.ASSl !.JED Z()NE ARTERlAL BUSINESS DiSTRICT. itr) THE FcLLOviIl1c usu OR LISES ARE alf,C1.;rc UNDER SAID CLA5SIFIcATIoI'l SIjBJECT To cO:4pLrANcr y:l,ii{ ANy cONDITIo}ls, nrirnlcriglji^oR REQ'..:lREI'tEl{TS coNTAINED itisAlDZONit;GC;n:lrtr,+r.:ctsAliDAI,IEND]{E}iTsTHFRETO'Il'lcLuDI}lGBl'11'}IotLIMITED,lo TtiE SECUi?It,lG otr I,TEcESSARY COI{5;Nts on AUT}IOF:zATIOl{s'; AS A PREREQUISITE rO SUCIj Uslj O}i UCE$ TO BE ATTACITF:D. ,]'liEREsl.iALLBE]i0].1^B]t,],]..YUl..lDERTHISEi.lDoRsEt.lEl'ITBASEDo}lTHEiI\IVALIDITI oF SAtD or{DINAIicEs Al'lD AI'iEliDl{ENTS igrnAtC UIiTIL AFTER A FINAL DECREE OF A couRl' oF ColvlFETEIIT ,.lirRtSDIcTIo],1 ADJUDICATII,lG Sucll 1l'IvALIDITY, THE EfFECT oF WHICH IS TO PROIIIBITI' SUCH LISE OR USES. THE co:-tpAtty HEREBY FIIRTHER INsURIii AGAINST LoSs oR DAI4AGL ARISING Fitoi'l A FINALDECREEoFAcouRToFCoI"IPETENTJIIRISDIcTlo]'l (A) PROHIBITII{G ?itE USE OF THE UtXO, "ilfH AI{Y-STFUCTURE PRESENTLY LOCATED ininBon, As st)DClrrED IN PAMGRATH 1 (B) ABovE, oR (ni nnQU:RIl\tG 'f iiE REl4ovAL OR ALTERATION OF SAID STRUCTURE ON TIIU BAS1S TIiAT'AS OF DATE OF POLICY SAID ORDINANCES A!'iD AI4ENDI'iE}'iTS THERETo IAVE BFFll t,Ic)L,ATED vi-ITH nEa;EcT To Al'lY oF THE FoLLoi4rNG 1"1A1'1'ERSl (1)AREA,l,ltDl't.|oRDEPTHcFTHEI,AND.4sABUILDINGSITEFoRSAID STRUCTURE. (r1) FLOOR SFACii AREA OF SAID STnUCIURE frlit gETBA6X oF 9.;AID STRU9TSRE pRol'f THE PR9PERTY LII'IE oF rHE LAI{D' (rv) HETGHT OF sArD srRucTURE. LOSS OR DAI.IAGN AS TO THE I'IATTERS II{SURED AGAINST BY T!{IS ENDORSEMDNT SIIALL NoTINCLUDELofrfjC)RDAI,IAGE9USTAINEDoRINCURREDByREASONoFTHEREFUSAL oF Al,ly PERSON TC) PURCHASE, LEASE OR LEND I{O}r'EY ON TiJE ESl'Al'E OR INTDREST COVERED I]IIITEI3Y 1I.I '1'1IE LAND DESCRIBED II'I SCHEDULE A' PAGE o.,oAr,TaVcoPlMrrr'rENT SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) Application No. v1.6119-5 ITEMS 1, 2 AND 3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS IIILL BE DELETED FROM THE MORTGAGEES POLJCY I,IHEN ISSUED. II'EM 4 olf THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS '\''ILL BE DELETED FROI'I THE MORTGAGEES FOL.ICY h'HEN ISSUED UPON RECEIPT OF A };OTARIZED LIEI.I AFFIDAVIT APPROVED BY rtrE coiYPANy. FoRI"l 100.00 HII,I, Bn ATTACHED TO I{ORTCAGEE'S PCLICY vJHEl'i ISSUED. i'l'l!: FOI,l,OyfIlic I{ILL BE ATTACHED TO THE I'1ORfGAGEE'S TITI-E POLICI HHEN ISSUED: rI{E CO}4PANI' HERFBY IIiSURES THA? THERE AF.E }.IO SPECIAL AS$ESSI''ENTS LEVIED OR PEI{DII'IG AGAII'IS] 'l'H!-'f,nEl4ISn.S AND UNPAID I\'HICH HAVE BEEN CREATED Bv A .SPEC:IAL TAXING DI$TRICT l'IIiICI.I I^'AS FORMED PRIOF. TO T.HE DATE OF TH]S' POI,ICY A],iD CERTTFTED TO T'{E TREASTIRER OF EAGLE COUNT'Y. PAGE 8 I,AND il*,. u cuARANrr(L coMPANv DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Required by Senate Bill 91-14 A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxlngdistrict. l3) A certjfjcate of Taxes Due Lisring each taxing jurisdlctlon naybeobt.ainedfromt,heCount'yTreasuterorthecout1ty Treastrrer's autlrori aed agent C) The infcrnation rogarding special distrlcte and the boundarierof such <tistrictE nay be obtained fron the Board of County Coninissioners, the coulrty Clerk and Recorder, or the County A6sessor. ff0'u l',:,i t 4t995 Ja-"s R. We.. RichrtJ P R,'"".' Richa.d D. Tra.'ers 'f rrr: Lrn,(-tIrIrIr.Ls (rtl \Vear, Rosen I Ti:avers A P,\R r'\IjRSrr11' !rrj P R o t : I s s l r] \ ,\ t - C!rRP(rR,\l raNS 100() Sol'TIr l.'rio\TA(|i Il!r^.D \Y lisr, St I1[ 20O Vr\ll, Clr -!rN,\oO 81657 T L r- lr'rr!\ N r' (3031 +7 6 -7 616 F,\(-s rN r r,r. (303) ,f 76-71 I8 MEMORAIIDW Town of Vail Rick Rosen April L4, 1993 Conditional Use Perrnit - Cascade Crossing TO: FROM: DATE: RE: application is made herewith for conditional use permit as required underthe Town of vail I'tunicipal Code for Iocated at 1031 South Frontage Road West, as Cascade Crossing retail center. the issuance of a Section 18-29-030 ofcertain lease space Unit A, better known The proposed tenant for the space is Paul AndersonCollection, Ltd. Intended use of the subject retail space by the Tenant is for retail sales of household furnishinqs andinterior design servlgggj The subieEt rEtail' sp'dcti-is*anexisting storefront in Cascade crossings. The past tenant was Sports Rent, a retail rental outlet for all tlpes of sporting equiprnent. other tenants in the strip center include a retail spa outlet, liquor and food service, video store, andbeauty services. Adjacent properties include the Vail Professional Building' and the GIen Lyon Building. Most tenants in these two buildings include professional services. Given the current rnake up of the subject property and the adjacent properties, it is not anticipated that there will beany additional input on traffic flow and congestion,pedestrian safety, access, or snow removal . Any effect onother public health, safety and welfare issues will bemininal, if any at all. As such the proposed use is compatible with surrounding properties and is consistent with ongoing use of the subject property. PRor:tissroNAL CotPo(,\ f l.rNs: \I/ r ,\li [? l'R,\\'r,Rs I).C \Nr) Rra \R ) P. R(.sl:N, P.C, 53r82u E e f, flrrygercnt r-trtted Llabtllty Go. 953 South Prontage load fest $rl.te 230 Val.l, @ 81657 the Glen Lyoa Off,l.ce Bu{ldtng, a _Colorado getrGral parto€rship c/o lis. Julie Grln et 1000 Soutb Frontage. Boad lestSrl'te 2fl1Vall, CO 81657 Anqco Otl Coopany 200 E. Randolph Dr. Chl.eago, IL 60601 $-Jr-tr C'-al- Oltalae THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ol Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 10, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a joint work session with the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmental Commission to review a request for a conditional use, a paving variance and the cemetery master plan and management plan lor the proposed design of the Vail Cemetery to be located in the upper bench of Donovan Park generally located west of the Glen Lyon subdivision and southeast of the Matterhorn neighborhood. 2. 3. 4. c. 6. A request for a landscape variance to allow for the reconstruction of the parking area at the first Bank/17 Vail Road/Lot 6, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicanl: Planner: Town ol Vail Andy Knudtsen First Bank of Vail Andy Knudtsen Vail Associates Jim Curnutte Arno Brinkman Tim Devlin Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello A request for a conditional use to allow tee-pees to be used in conjunction with Vail Associates summer programs to be located adjacent to the Base of Chair 8, Tract A, Lionshead 1st Filing. A request for wall height variances to allow for the construction of a driveway to the residence located al2346 Cortina Lane/Lot 4, Block A, Vail Ridge. A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for the construction of an addition and a garage located at2409 Chamonix Road/Lot 19, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing No. 1. A request for a front selback variance and a sile coverage variance to allow the construction of a garage located at Lot 26, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing/165 Forest Road. Applicant: Paul Raether Planner; Jim Curnutte 7. A request for a work session for a minor subdivision to vacate the lot line between Lots A-1 and A-2, a request for variances from the subdivision road standards, wall height standards and to allow parking in lhe front setback at LoF A1 and 42, Block A, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 1/1139 and 1109 Sandstone Drive. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach/The Reinforced Earth Co. Planner: Shelly Mello 8. A request for a work session for a major amendment to SDD #5 to allow for the development of the remaining portion of the Simba Run SDD, Savoy Villas, located at 1100 North Frontage Road. Applicant: Simba Land CorporationMalid Said { Planner: Mike Mollica 9. A request for a work session to discuss proposed revisions to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District, and Chapter 18.32 Agricultural and Open Space District, of the Vail MunicipalCode. Applicant: Planners: Town of Vail Jim Curnutte and Russ Forrest 10. A request for a minor subdivision and a major amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village, to amend the development plan for the Waterlord and Cornerstone parcels in area A, described as follows: That Fn ot fi€ SW 1tl0 NE I /.t. Sgctlon 12, Township 5 ;u$, Rangg 81 w6t ol the grlh PrinciFat M€ridisn, Tovrn ot va , EaOlo Coonly, Colorado, described a8 lollow6: Bgglnnlng ql s poinl on tho Eoulh€dy righl{t-w.y ling of Inl9rslale Higlway No. 70 whgoc€ sn lron pln $rth a plsstic cap marking $e centor ol said S€clion 12 boars S e3't0'19, W 1,047.qt feeli f|enc€ along 6aid soulhoit righl-ol-vray lino two cours€e 1) N 52'50'29'E 24.66 bot 2) N 7.1"38'1r E 160.70 lsel: thencs depadno sald toulhorly rlgh|{f-way llne N 86'455f E 138.93 l€el; thenoe S 40"4514'W 94.32 feel: lhenc€ S 18c 18'35- W 54.08 to€t thence S 01"2136'W 205.02 l€€l: hsnco S l2'07ts6i W .|10.25is€t thencs S 28?8'36'W 164.48 te€r; rhsoc€ N 40 "17O,r'W21'l.16le€l:drencaNz1904256'E97.E{tfool;lh€nc.N37"631'W95.59|s€l:'|enceS5250'29'W55.10leet:thonca 69.48 t€gt along lho a.c ol a noo-lang€nl clJw€ to lhe l€i having a radius ol 65.00 fcel, a c€nt,al anol€ ol 51'14?f a.d a chg.d that b€r8 N 58" 55'53- W 66,22 fs€l; f|enco N 37'0931' W 'l18.50 leel To Th€ Tru€ Polnl ot 8€ginnlng, County ot Eagls, Srat€ ol Colorado: Applicant: MECM Enterprises represented by Eustaquio Cortina and Commercial Federal Savings.Planner: Shelly Mello 1. A request for a conditional use to allow furniture sales at the Cascade Crossing Building located at 1031 South Frontage Road WesUan unplatted parcel located west of the Vail Associates maintenance shop. Applicant: Planner: Paul Anderson Collection, Ltd. Andy Knudtsen 12. A request for a minor subdivision and an amendment to a previous PEC recommendation for approval of a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, '1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follows: A part of th€ SW /., NE y.. Socrion ,|2, Township 5 Sourh, Raneo 81 t/Vesl of lhe 6th P.M., dsscribsd as lollowE: 8€Olnnlng al I polnl ol tha tlonh.South osnl€rline ol 3aid Section 1? v{hence an lron Cn wih a daslic cap martlne tM enbr of 3aid Ssclion 12 b€a's SOC3856"W 455.03 bst rhence alor€ said cenlgrline t{00":}856E 122.81 l€€l lo t|e soolh€iy FO$, lno ol l-70: lhence depaninC said ROW line N66"5325"E 39-15 fe€r: thence dopafling said BOW lbe S81"23'iSE 166.42 teel ro. polnl ol c!.v€; th€nca 122.83 fo€t along thg snc ot a 14t.2O loor radius curvo lo the lotl having a ccnnl angla ot 49'(,E5l' md a €tprd Ihal b€6r! S15"57'45'E '119.10 tset; lhenc€ S4032'I(IE 3.00 t€et: thsnce 66.30 f€el elong lh€ arc of a 77.2t lool redius curv€ to the ri0hl. havhg a cenral anglo ot 4912'10' and a chord that bears S15.56!5'E e{.28 lc€t thense S8o40'00'll, 90.27 bcl: thanco N38"42'24'W 224.55 teer; lh€nc€ S78"tO'3itW 101.44 ]€€t ro he Pohr ol g€glnni.€. Applicant: Michael LauterbachPlanner: Jim Curnutte PLEASE MAKE TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{E)iT OF COMIVII.JNITY DEYELOP}I S.ILES ACTION FOR:\{ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, C0L0RAD0 81557 arl*ra}x,,rrs P, 4J U ANDF qafrfC6l-i*5c:?rN ., LTD D^rE -|l_!:1-nJ ZCI\ar|C tu\lD ADDRESS I,{APS0t 0000 4 1510 UNT.':O L\{ B UIL DL''-G C OD E U MFOR-\{ PLUMEL,'-'G COD E 0l ct\10 424 t 5 0l 0000 {2415 0l 00,?0 42.rt5 .l uMFo&\.t l\tEcHAI'lc.r.L coDE 0l 00c0{?{r5 UNIFOR',\I FIRE CODE 0t 0000 42{ )5 N,\TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE oniER coDE looKs0t c000 .{24 t5 BLUE PRRTTS OIYLA0l CO,l0 .l1543 >:EROX COPIES / STUDIES0t cml{2112 PENAI.TY FEES / R:.bJSPECTIONS0r 00co123?l ol ooco{!332 i Ft,r"xREvtnvRE.cl.lEcxFEE [s"<0FER HR. 0t 000012322 OFF IIOURS I,\.SPECT]ON FEES CONTL\CTORS LICL\S ES FEES0t 0010.{11t2 SIGN APPL]CATJON FEE 0t 0000{t330 .01 cs004t1r3 ADDTNONAI. SICNAGE FEE ISI.O? PER SO.IT0r 00004t4t3 0l 0co0 42.:.10 }TC ART PRO'ECT DONAT]ON PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE0t 0cr004t33t BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI0l 000042412 41010 ?Ax O1 OOOO 42371 INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) T]ON IIIORETHA.{ ICO * * * * * * ,. * *. I COPYF ILE 75 South Fronrage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 April 14, 1993 Department of Conununiry Developntent Mr. Mike Combs Vail Enterprises Partnership P.O. Box 1059 Edwards. CO 81632 RE: Allowed uses and conditional uses in the Arterial Business District (Cascade Crossing) Dear Mike: After reviewing your suggestion with Larry Eskwith, the Town Attorney, and Kristan Pritz, the Director of Community Development, we think that it will be acceptable for the Town to issue a building permit for an interior remodel, with the understandinq that the future tenants must use the soace as indicated in the zoninq code underSection 18.29.020 - Permitted Uses. lhave attached Section 18.29.020 as well as 18.29.030 which list both permitted uses as well as conditional uses in the Arterial Business District (ABD). Please note that furniture stores are listed as a conditional use. ll your negotiations with the Paul Anderson Collection business are successful and they occupy the space, I encourage you to have them apply for a conditional use as soon as possible. While you are doing the construction, the Town of Vail can be reviewing the conditional use request. I want to make it clear to you and everyone else involved in this process that it will be illegal for them to operate a furniture store or any other conditional use out of this location without first getting conditional use approval from the PEC. Thank you for your attention to this issue and if you have any other questions, please call me at 479-2138. $no"*rhlh^tr 75 Soztb Fronttge Road Vail, Colorado 816J7 t0t -47 9 -2 1 t I / 47 9 -2 1 t9 D epartmcnt of Commanitl D nclopmcnt March 25, 1993 Ms. Elisabeth Brethauer c/o Anabel's Catering P.O. Box 271 Vail, Colorado 81658-0271 Dear Ms. Brethauer, It has come to my attention, as the result of a recent inspection of Chicago Pizza located at 1031 S. Frontage Road, that there are several code violations related to Anabel's. lt is a requirement that food service operations within Colorado be in significant compliance with the State of Colorado Food Service Regulations to be approved lor operation. One part of those regulations requires that all kitchen equipment be of commercial grade and properly installed. When I spoke with you prior to approving my portion of your business license you indicated that you would be operating out of Chicago Pizza and using their equipment. During my recent inspection it became evident that a domestic range was installed specifically for your operation wilhout approval from the building, fire or health departmenls. This is in direct conflict with the food service regulations and as a result I must ask that you take all necessary steps to ensure the removal of the range no later than April 26, 1993. I realize that this may result in the closure of your business until such time as you have the appropriate range and hood installed to code wih necessary approvals. You may also choose to relocate to a fully equipped, licensed establishment which provides the equipment necessary lo meet your needs. There were also several minor operational violations of the regulations noted during the course ol my routine inspection related lo your storage techniques. I regret any inconvenience this may cause you, but my approval of your business license was based on the premise that you would be using existing equipment at Chicago Pizza and did not apply to the inslallation of non-approved equipment for your operation. lf you have any questions concerning lhis matter please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2138. Environmental Health Officer CONSTRUCTION PERMIT tm department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ! sul-orNc D pluMarNc E elrcrRrcll I FoUNDATToN EFtSbgH6$$qALroF s Fronrage Road wes NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE OO* IN 0N Febntary 26, 1993 5936 LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING roB NAME:t::51t9 3:3g"ing sign OWNER NAME MAIL ADORESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ELECTRICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.U(JNIKAUIUK PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO OTHER SIGN CONTRACTOR FIRM Vail Sign Corp. rowN oF 'AJL *.u. no.345-S rELE. 303-949-67LO l. TypE oF coNsrRucroN t rt ttr tv/v) ' n \.t 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AgE H rRM DIVISION 122a34 cENERAL QEspRrproN oF woRI(,r"*3115j-:cnanner recfers on racst-a of Dul_rol_n PERMITNO.......g z9 J BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Complete except electrical hook-up MECHANICAL $3000.00 TYPE GROUP G,R,F,A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES V-1HR B-2 BUILDING PERMIT tC\\I. (s cC\ 3t\\\6 PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW ( ) ALTERATTON (^+ AODTTTONAL ( ) REPATR (PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - MECHANICAL 60.00/PC 15.0( HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT '*' 11!'l | ^0^ |USE TAX ROOF -J TOTAL PERMIT FEES 75 .00 Dan Stanek 3-8-93 Y N INITIAL s'cr' | | | rurr-ornc orncrll- - - - dAT-E Andy Knudtson 3-2-93 ONING ADIIINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING :ONING & BUILDING NOTES:r^*,* I I Approved per DRB plans 15" hlgh. Fire Department Approval Reouired. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, agree to comply ryith th6 intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ord and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoni codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordj OWNER. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF NOTE DAIE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE fq a+ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT RECDFEBa6pel D D lr D! PERMIT NO. dopt?tmant of community dcvelopmont TO BE FILLEO OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT WPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ETECTRICAT PLUMBING FOUNDATION I LEGAL DESC. LOT BL FILING roB NAM E : Ces6Z' \l,bY,, YrJ ?T yN OWNER NAE IIAIL ADDRESS ctw PH, ARCHITECT FIRS IIAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. GENERAT CONTRACTOR FIRII IlOIVN OF VAIL FEG. NO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRII TOWN OF VAIL BEO. NO. P[UMBING FIRTI TOWN OF VAIL REg. NO.UL'N]KAUIL'X MECHANICAI. FIRM IOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO.UTJNlIIALI(,FI OTHER Star{ CONTRACTOR FIRU VAIu 5{GN cDP? TowN oFvatl REo.No. t?r.lDrdF 6r-e 3o3-44n-67 to r. TYPE OFCONSTRUCTTON I [t tVU-l 2. occuPANcY GRouP ^ft r, * u DIVfSfON l?2' 31 etT gvEAer cA v *ooL -t) TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VAt ADDITIONAL REPAIR ( DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNIIS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FINEPLACES INSULATION: YYPE THICKNESS R-VAL|-UE ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL BUILDINg NOTES:zrzw 4 .A..- I hereby acknowledge that I hevs r6ad this epplicatlon, tllled out ln full the Intormatlon required, completed an accurete plot plan, and state that all the Informallon provlded as required is corr€ct. I agre€ to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wilh all Town ordinances and stato laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zonlng and tpbitlvlslon codes, design revlew approved, Unilorm Building Code and other thereto. CLEAI{ I'P DEPOSIT TO: OWNER. OR CONTAACTOR FOR HII'SELF ?5 louth tronLge road r!ll, colo'rdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2\39 7 - 7lo -12 Date Work Sheet was turned into the Corrnunity Development Department. otflcc of communlty dcvolopmonl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE lf. ttri.s perry1t requi.res a Town of Vai'l Fire Department Approval, Engineerts_ (.P_uUt ic Works) reyiew and approval ,' a plann.ing' Departmentrevtew or Health Department review, and a review by the Auiliing Department, the estimated tirne for a total review may take as longas three weelts. A'l'l connercial (large or sma'll ) and all mu1t'i-family permits will have tc follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresident'ial or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wrll'l be nnde by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possi,b'l e. I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. L.Oo?( N k \ I I luwn u Iltl 75 soulh frontage road v.il. color.do 81657 l3o3l 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: offlcc ol communlly developmcnt AIJL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENILYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIr. PUBLIC WORKS/COUMINITY DEVEIpPMENT IIARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE eP.(i.e. contractor, owner) rn summaryr.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor nateriar, including trash dunpsterl , portabre ioilet! ""a---worknen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpl?ge or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way -on afi Town ofVaiI streets and.f9ags is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavenent.This ordinance will be striEtty enforc3d by the Town of Val-lPy!}i_" works Departnent. persons found vi6tating this ordinanceInrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said nateriar.rn the event the person so notified does not compry with th; - notice within the 24 hour time speclfied, the pulfic WorksDepartment will remove said nateiial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not bLapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilitles in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVaiI Bullding Departnent to obtain - copy. tnan:< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. VfiIL SIGFfl t!$$it'o 2 6 \995 CORPORAT'NOD.{& $"$ nno raalrennl NECESSARY To: I I I iof lnrljlviduol chonnel lettcrs as I 0" lengttl cublng onrl 60 nf fo11 I I ront. , et Lers . 30 dayo- I]Y OTIIIJRS. I I I I B ADDRNSS" I ' 'l I : t i \ /ooo'e ?Ao 'oat I : I i Ptz I WE PROPOSE TO.FURNISH ALL Provlde and 1nsta1L (1) "LooKrNc GooD" 5tr deep x 15n tal"l. x 12r 3/16rr white plex fac4s Bronze returnar bronre ILluminate vith VoLtarc transformers, 120V. Flueh nount and renote ' Instai.l centered on glo .l{/C for lncreaoe to 15tr TERllSi: 50X deposl.t' ne PERI'IIT BY OTHERS. FINAL ELECITICAL HOOK {TCARL-INDED EXACT v?Ao.oo *"& imcap : -l I 500"K vhI{c orcrcury o PErNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE f/ra T NUMBER OF PROJECT d-t-gs JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ffi) 'ur"ttt S/ S, ilx7z6r, WED THUR FRI PMAM CALLER BU!LDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL F {enoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nffisr.'p CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 2l L7 193 Plans ln Slot l/ 5925PERMIT NO. depertment of communaty development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT -EL aullor.rc 8l elecrnrcrff uecnlNrcnl atrtr PLUMBING FOUNDATION 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTOI{ | ll lll lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK . Interior oartition alterations wlth doors GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES FILING $.' N- N ! o >lnr ". -x -t e B NAME: gAggADE CROSSIN6S INTERIOR NAME Vai 1 llntetprJses uo,aononers Bo* 1059 a,r, Edvards pH949-6753 NEW( ) ALTERATTON (r, ) ADDTTTONAL ( ) REPATR( ) DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO, FIREPLACES TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUEARCHITECTMa rlr Tlnna l ,l can MA'LADDRES5 Box 5300 s1ry Avon Co pH.949-52 GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,*, Great Divide Constructl rowH or vlru nee. ro. 124-A 47 6-2072 TOTAL PERMIT FEES _ _IIa-n_ Stanwr[_ JILDING OFFICIAI OATE Mike-lfNolli c a- J I J2 193AOMINISTRATOR OATE the existing exterior doors ding. If not, then DRB app required FrRM New Electrlc TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. 1 I O-E PLUMBING F|RM snew country 845-7445 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the informalion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and siate laws, and to builcl this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordirnnces gf the Clean Up Deposlt to Vail Enterprlses Box 1059 Edwards Co SIGNATURE OF OWN CONTRACTO FIRM Creative Ai-r TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 149-M 524-9693 TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. \ 572{ ',(} CONSTRUCTION PERMIT lil'--,trilJftTVletf BE KEPI oN JoBSrrE ,ffi/hn il ltillY d€plrtm.nt of community dcvclopment TO BE FILLEO OUTCOMPLEIELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT l. rvpE oF coruslRucnon trrrr rv(6 2. occuPANcY GRoTJP 16l x r n u DtvrstoN I 34 aRGENERAL DESCRIPTIOtI OF I{ORK : -4-4) -?tl2z-!'f. ^^ ' A I f. o "\'T t ^^-c- PERilIT NO. .... -F -i$ 3l 31 EUITDING ELECTNICAL Sooo-'3 # /aaa.aa \RUHBI G t za.ao $ ,Y \ {. N $ $ -$ !tr BUILDII ELECTR MECHAI {cnrcAL n PTUMBING FOUNDATION E-Uozltus (urcxrnrcrr {/aa.ao Tbr7lL tZ,,m - \TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VATUAT|oN PERMIT FEES LEGAL DESC. LOT FIIING BLK 5 t, U-ltl,t 6-z -e-EUITDING PERf,IT /66.oo Pt_At{ cHECr(tD7,oo fJoB NAME: ( '"IID,C,AJJ U.,,Wurr- ,fr,t.-€...,ulJl4.EI.ECTRICAL '72. oO OWNER l.rne V*tL 9V7E4P2/16'-NEW( ) ALTERAflON bO AODTTIONAL ( ) REPATR(PI.UIIBING Af,,aqfr ha mrrrroonrss -P'o. 6ox /d59 DWELLING UNITS _- ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - MECHANICAT za^oifr /a,aa cnv EDaere-DS eu.93?-/X HEIGHT IN FI. -- NO. FINEPLAC€S RECREAIIOI{ FEE ARCHITECT nR$ t4+.R K Da..r.*t4s o ^: INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS F-VALLUE n,|rrconcss 6o.!8 €,86t<Ete4 CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT /a4,d crn lt)o*l 6 w.fu?6za Exr wALLs I N/* | |INiE TAX GENERAL CONTRACTOR ew&d [Iui&()Mh TYPE ELEC. OF HEAT soLAF c^s F*Ar$ At( wooD TOWN OF VAIL REO- NO.TOTAI PERIiIIT FEES Efn, aO 6ixdoFrc-rH- DrlE -Ue fr&4 z,!-?.Js- __GAOUH|STRATOR OATE, ELECTRICAL rNrRAcroR FrRu - Ntru E/Ecr' TOWI{ OF VA|L FeG. i{O. : ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: Y N INITIALsr.cur I | | ALASTING ZOI{fNg I St lLDlifO nOTESz L2-'a^1 -zlbzA 'l *rt .'tt-'z* n*dz( t/t tt z6.;' tJ)7,..a: P[UMBING CO]ITRACTOR FfRr _ . ^-SZtsPq TOwl{ OF VAIL nEO. NO. PARXING MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR flan Cleentrlfi?I hereby acknowledge that I hav6 read lhla eppllcrtlon, fillod out In tull tho Informatlon requlred, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the Informetlon provlded ar required lr correct. I egr€€ to comply with the information and plol plan. lo comply wilh all Town ordinances and stats laws, and to builrt this structure accordlng to the Town's zonlng and rubillvlslon codo!, design revlew approved, Uniform Building Code and other tho Town O8 COI'rTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF At{o rHE oililEn. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACTOF TOYVT{ OF VAIL FEO. NO. FIRM TELE. $s l BUILDING PERIIIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this permit requlres a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer''s. (.Pyb.l ic works) reyiew and approval,' a plannin!' Departrnentreview or Health Department review, and a review by the 6uiliingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review may take as t6ngas three weeks. A'll commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremenis. Residentia'land.small projects should take a 'l esser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentloned departments. with regard to necessary review, these proJects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wi'l'l be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sqon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the pl an check procedure and time frame, 75 toulh lronlage rold Y.ll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2\39 ProjetilName- Date Work Sheet was turned into the Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. offlcr of communlly drurlopmoil t I \ 75 roulh fronlage rold y.il, colorado El657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: SUB..TECT: offlcc ol cornmunlty developmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAII PUBLTC I{ORKS/CO!,IMUNITY DEVEIDP!,IENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAIJ STORAGE rn suuunary,.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpsteri, portable ioileti andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpf?ge or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n afi Town ofVar.l streets and.19ads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be stri-try enforcld by the Toin of vailpylli: works Departrnent. pers6ns found viiratint this ordinancewr-rr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .rn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pulric worksDepartment will renove said urateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beappricable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain - copy. tirani< you for yourcooperation on thj.s matter. Read and acknowledged by: Date A parcel of South, Range 81 Eagle, State of fol I ows: Commenci ng of U.S. Highway section 12 bears EX}IIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTIO]'I Vail Commercial Center land located in Section 12, Township 5' tlest of the Principal Meridian, County of Colorado, more particularly described as at a point on the northerly right of way line 6, whence the northeast corner of said north 38 degrees, 07 minutes east 876.99 feet; thence south 73 degrees, 45 minutes west along said northerly right of way line a distance of 75 feet to the true point of beginning; thence north 16 degrees, 45 minutes west to the south right of way'line of Interstate 70; thence in a southwesterly direction along the south right of way line of Interstate 70 to the point of intersection of that right of way line with the north right of way line of U.S. Highway 6- and thence in an easterly direction along the north right of way of U.S. Highway 6 to the point of beginning, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. fitl'n3'*"U Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME:LOOKING GOOD SAI-ON ADDRESS:1031 S. FRONTAGE RD VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY:B-2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION;V- IHR DATE:2-1693 CONTRACTOR:GREAT DMDE CONST ARCHITECT:DONALDSON ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER:DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirenrents in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. 2 NEW EXIT DOORS MUST MATCH TIIE EXISTINC EXTERIOR DOORS ON THE BTJILDING. 2. FIELD TNSPECTION REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE OF THE MECHANTCAL, PLUMBING, AND BUILDING REMODEL. 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IS NEEDED BEFORE A TCO WLL BE ISSIJED. :)NrF tT.tr!r' , .,,.p!1,::' .::,ilf*i., : '""'' .i i,. ,tt.- , . ...o INSPECTION REQUEST 1-t 5qa5 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DorE ?\N+\qb JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON 5:fo F_tWED ITHUR I FRI ,trc". \Z:DA1/ @ TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: r \\-l! BUILDING: ,/ tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: y' O FOUNDATION / STEEL &OOF & SHEER uffi,ytf\:^;FRAMING PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL iI FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr D tr D HEATING n tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL.tr FINAL RAPPRoVED", CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE rd$*op .:)-lJ. ) pe n M r rl(u rr,r gER oFFRo-JEET INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oor,- 4relQ z JoB NAME INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: @pM tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FFIAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED z-1/ -- 7S INSPECTOR {r. !! "!r. t.:. -" !5 , .: , trt^ ; INSPECTION5qi5 REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE bl?-lqg JOB NAME MON rnun 6)READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER TUES BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. N ROUGH / WATERo tr tr FRAMING -ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB d ."*.rr*ocK NA,L tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: HEATING -o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FIW.tr FINAL '6peaoveo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION BEOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSP TION REQUESTowN oF'yArL 4:,JQL<Y.IXJOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM 4 ,t NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr n tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING D |,-l ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: \ F*-oo.#" MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D {r,*ot E FINAL PROVED .-'/;O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE r-"- / <' . ..,'t.f INSPECTOR ndft$oP INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 4l ,, i'(,2;DATE -itl i:J JOB ..'. ! ) ,' I rHUR i@, NAME INSPECTION: I CALLER @ AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING El INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB -.ttt l/. tr.'QZ FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED 7./y'./1*/L-l_? 4-tb'92 INSPECTOR '" t .. ,t .f,-* z * f 7z{ PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: <-/. ) <. -4 .rt_<. TOWN OF VAIL j /"")3 JoB NAME /dor...-G t1-oo/ READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER MON TUES '4a s; -" THUR FRI B tr tr tr D tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL r] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERFFAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS fI CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR d_,Z-". 'tt .,'/'{ ' . " -Dtr FINAL g FINAL O APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: - \,/,//Vo---, -- -:4- \_l? ) (z'.-rrz tJ-,,' .-/*or.r1 / ' -=(-. /4i',,, . I J z"Zr.. *. .,i tt. I .t.. .t--- 4!'zitr. 7 -?.-" .. ; t ,-::, -,:: ,,.: ., ,r .4, - /-:.+a/2'"'J-" j-) ,.-. -" -' ,,,. ;7:'ffi*e DATE J- ..',s ) ?INSPECTOR r" L:. q4\ t/ r --// "INSPECTION REQUEST VAILPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: F PROJECT INSPECTION: -.,TowN gF.) a-)Oc-l1V JoB NAME t-! CALLER TUFP [vE-0.THUR z -.. l--€ a, | | ,' -, M9ry M F E R BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL fireenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR tAt rNsPEcrroNrs coel,stED The lteus below need to be couplete before gtvtng a permit a final C of O. Please check off la the box provl,ded. rINAL ?LUUBING Oo U o DATE: tl n FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: I}TPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NA}TE: DATE: ELECTRICAI. FINAI,- BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: (4- 2 -E w tl rl DATE: LANDSCAPING DI'E DATE: FILE NAME: