HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments & Plans - 1983-1984d{' - t: ,*#"toN i t.' REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: Y -;/. . -.++.\ INSPECTION: 1' MON., l--__* ,_/ CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o trtr T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr'TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr I] FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE oo \---/ I ! I I ti 1 : t'0 ij'\ i K, \ - -.- --.----\_ ---.''f r t't\ j I '!','l .L_ s---i (--'ia v-, I/ iv \,c Itvlt ,: i:i:i z't 'iivTJr-^---*.!' i t I 'r\'----7 t/i/ :/i .i ij!ii1ll DATE ' .- JOB NAME .i. rn#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: D u tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /t DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr o tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIF tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED r-i INSPECTORDATE ,*#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr o FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr o trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: - E] DISAPPROVED : €,.REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .'f DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ., 1 CALLER i!l''i'.'l : ,. - i MON TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: B HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr F1NAL FINAL ]E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR r"ril"rroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL , / t,'t JoB NAME ",'l:t;! [?,t-'it\ / ,:' , 4 r '" CALLER TUES AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER g rouruonrroN / srEEL tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr B tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr frNAL tr tr FINAL *za'npFRoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .iDATE INSPECTOR --1 . .4 /., ) 'Ns#(: *t" CTIONTOWN OF! t (, REOUEST VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED rHUR ( .-Fll./READY FOR LOCATION: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER 64g6L\'' 'u ' -' ! i! ''J Id rnnurruc n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED * \ ,"#"'oN REouEsr i,!TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNDurT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rns#ctoNTOWN OF 'I REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON 'TUES WED THUR FRI AM .PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS C] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL g FINAL ..-E]'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBIilG: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n FOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRlCAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,*#"r,l,J-*EeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE .r'..-. . ,t' t. t;. JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr u tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE ,*rt"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ,L' DATE :,' ."-" )t| - ,. "- :JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES PM.'READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL .,..-tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,"r#"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ! DATE r JOB NAME INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI PMAMWED BUILDING: ,tr FOOTTNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR la Ltf rru#crroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL...t ).* -. I Ic-,. , - t-DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: FOOTINGS / STEEL .. NG: FOUNDAT FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V, E] ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/H.TUB n t-1 tr FINAL MEGHANICAL: E HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr B tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rr,r#cnoN REeuESr }'E$ .//TUES -i WED THUR FRI AM ,PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .?: <./) ROOF & SHEER PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING - INSULATION L/H.TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: 6eppnoveo NSPECTION REQUIRED .. .i /, t./J' ,1' . .,'lNsPEcToR I v"?1 :"r /"'-' "" n .,/ !r tt|nlry/r|ll DATE - r'-//,/' ' .t ".- '/ *'i',rn#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER F tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr u tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON 'TtlES WeO I THUR FRt AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAIL|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED C] REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,t/ lns#cnoN neouesr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED-, THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL \.'_',"it -., PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n u tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINAL .tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,rr#"toN *rou=ri TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED CALLER THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: . ,>. !/ 4t<Ht "t a <:k- !_.6 ( ..,A BUILDING:PLUMBING: F FooTf NGS / STEEL ",r.:'i &, t i :- fo u'"o=netdrniai' - :'t , .r^ ,-,..E ,) tr FOUNDATf ON / STEEL .a', /',.'t s ,'' .- t) tt { ! ,^,dl ROUGH / D.W.V. ,r- t,l L,1t+ i '.t 7- ),.^,1 tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.1-&-s-H.EFl...^ tr cAS prprNc- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - tr tr_ T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING t] BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS - -r i^r^rla\l llT r-r 6r rarc|l v A rIa F FOOTfNGS/STEEL'ttt:i &it ., i . ..'_ itr UNDERGROUND _, .r^ ,-,..E ,) tr FOUNDATf ON / STEEL .a', /',.'t s ,'' .- t) tt { ! ,^,dl ROUGH / D.W.V. ,r- t,l L,1t+ i '.t 7- ),.^,1 tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL tr tr g APPRoVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 7(u, lt,l /) l..i' INSPECTION REQUEST JOWN .OF VAIL bl. ---\ ) DATE JOB NAME 6READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI o!t' PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTTNG$'7 SrrEr- FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr o n FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR n tr ENAL tr FINAL 'iltppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: 1-(" -;4 INSPECTOR l/ "' 'l oor= ll ,: l{:/ JoB NAME 'o.--/ ''/,* # INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:-.'.--\ -=\MoN f+u€€') {uvED ; THUR '-----/ BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL o tr tr o tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL ELE trl trF tr( tr- tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR #rN toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME /i -/ "./z---3--s-.-- -*.< - j, INSPECTION:TUES (.. /:Atr' fn.7 a;F BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER N FOOTINGS / STEEL _vl {rouruonrroN / srEE- El FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu pLYwooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER M tr tr tr tr ECHANICAL: HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: / /> f opre /' ./;/- t o tNspEcroR ! ' '/ i"'-/' ,t' INSPECTION TOWN OF (. ,'i-J/' REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON(l CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: '.-.,/lTUES WEDi THUR FRI L BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL r:l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: EI TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED # DATE / lr, /g/tl JoB NAME -P1c'-'"1 CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF THUR BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL D tr tr tr n tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL w'A.peaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t\f / 1 )/oora /. r, -, f TNSPECTOR t rNsft'oNTOWN OF VAIL t(a'/ REQUEST ) DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON CALLER 4,-[r,-i lvr- ,.- READY FOR LOCATION: ,urs )r"r* FRr /v'ocl r''tr-sfi ,-( ^PMl I BUILDING: EI..'FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr o tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr o tr tr HEATING tr D tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr EI}IAL tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR *rNsilhtoN r(,)' REQUEST VAILTOWN OF (' J., , 6 /' ,'DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES FRITHUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS F- FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON/STEEL t/oeT' /,/rAzc trROUGH/D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELE trI trF trC o tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ./.2 1 t^ .DAIE ,/ z' - t'' Lt -; INSPECTOR tNs TION REQUEST l\.,\t) TOWN ?1 u24 "r,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES ^w6) t*un FRI /,0oINSPECTION:MON /'../P (*2' t /;:ti/f?/.Ct,;tg[ BUILDING: g FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr o tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR a rtfr D FINAL PROVED ' coRREcTIoNS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rNs#c ro { < ss TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAI DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FoR INSPECTIoN: lldr.r) TUES wED THUR FRI ' o" 5;).*_. / \J LOCATION: BUILDING: F FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STE tr FRAMING .- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAtLtNG O INSULATION -O SHEETROCK NAIL D PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n " vw'g,'l tr FINAL ffiPPRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, /y' l{-rh rNSPEcroR lrl ,\ TOWN OF ^; l f'r,p Bldn INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL 'l'inu-uDATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: rHUR (r;) BUILDING: d roorrrucsIb rouruonrr tr FRAMING / srEEL fl,: t t [' :" tc. | , ,^* PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL o tr E o ROOF & SHEER PLY\A'OOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr *FK*tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR, .. Ei l=i l=i l=i lb,",,lt'1it""',iri,.o ltl=i l=il=iEi tlr ,/1,,t January 18, 1984 Mr. Gary Murrain Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Rd. Vail , C0 81657 Dear Gary, Enc'l osed please find a letter I received from Otis Elevator responding to reguest for a certification from them stating that our e'l evator is indeed to code and deemed safe for use. l'lr. Javor says that neither he or any other agency is capable of this certifi- cation, however, his letter does state that it meets all code requirements. I am enclosing this letter for you to review. If this letter is satisfactory to you as proof that our elevator is safe please let me know. If not, I will pursue the matter unti'l we reach a conc'l usion that is satisfactory to you. Best regards, Susan ltiurrain Admi ni strator Vail Professional Building SM/mm encl osu re , ',1 lb , \i ii:)' my up 953 South Frontage Road West Ei Vail. Gotorado at6s? (3o3) 476-7fj53 UN]TE TECHNorts January 14, 1985 Profess i ona I Suites, Incorporated Vai I Professional Building 953 South Frontage Road I'lest Vai l, Colorado 81657 Attent ion: Susan Hurrain Admin ist rator Otls Elevator Company Far West Region 700 West Mississippi Buildlng A Unil 7 Denver, Colorado 80223 303t7 77€660 Timothy R. Javor Serv ice Representat i ve TRJ,/KV RECEIVEDJATI I ? 1985 Subj ect: El evator Cert i f icat ion Dear f{s. Murrain: Referencing your letter dated January 8, 1985, 0tis Elevator nor any other publ ic agency that we know of is capable of certifying that your elevator is t'safel for use. l.'le can however, state that your elevator has been installed as per the Un iform Building Code which directly references the ANSI,/ASME A17.16 Elevator Safety Code for elevators and esca I ators. Should you have any quest ions concerning this subject, please do not hesltate to contact ne at 777-9660. Thank you. Sincerely, 75 aouth tronttge rold Yrll, colondo 81857 (303) f76-700O offlcc of communlly dcvdopmul Sctsber 5, 1984 1'1p. ,lim, l|orua.n Eox 2210 Ya.iJ, Colsra.dar 81658 Dea.r ,Ji:tR' I have. p-v;i.ews.{ the rev'i.s.ed !qndscape plan'fotn the Vatl -fqofesri.ona]Buildi:ni and qiven i.t a Etaff approira]." Your plans on fi.le with the Town of-Vail frave heen amended wi:th regpect to this change, Please de not hes:i'tate to add 1p-re ma.teri.als to a l4ndscape plan agai.n i'n Uie future! Si.ncereLy, Thottla.s: A. Braun Tonn Planne.r TAB/rnte WE|NTRAUB & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, lNC. 605 OLD BALLAS ROAD, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63141 TELEPHONE 314-872-951 5 September 19, l98Il R[ro sEP 24'i24 Hc, rgan Const ruct ion P.0. Box 2210 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attn: Hike El I is RE: VAIL i.RCF. BLDG. Dear Mike: As per our conversat ion regarding increasing the length of the wood truises at tht lrd rloor slong the south i.;a I I by 10", this can be done by naili,E a 2 v' L )u'. r: --!:'r at the i c'!-r of the tr"ss and -'a 2 x l0 outrigger at rhe bottom of the t rr:ss and extend '.rrth to column line C.8. A 1/2" thick plywood 3usset should be appli.d to these out- riggers. This correct ive worL should be done to all trusses. tf II trust this is the informat ion you will neec at ihis t ir:e. can be of anv further help, p'ls35e call my office' Very truly yours, UETNTRAUB S ASSOCIATES.tnW.Pl+t^-'\ Hohammed' lbrahim, P. E. G@PY EJqINEERS dl.A , lNc. TO Morgan Construct ion chen end associrtes, inc. CONSULTING GIOTECHNICAT ENGINEERS JOB NO 26 795 DATE 6-17 -84 oArLY REFoRT r.to 26 sreet-i-o. SUBJECT FILL OBSEBVATION A TESTING Vail Professional Buildins P.O. Box 2210 Vail . CO 81657 5080 Rd r54 Glenwood Spflngs. CO 81601 Attn: Jin Morgan gr( t touio ()t ttGrrtllrrG BG=Below Grade tEsr HO tocalrori lEst TYPC DEPTH(n ELEVATIOXlh.ll LATONATOEY FIELO So|I IYP€L^rnal,| mv D€n$w(!clt ouc It) OFY I)€I{S|lY (pcl, xorsTUeEoo?€rItt cotaP^c- Tro'l It) .t 601 S. of S. End of Existing E. Wall N 5' BG 134.3 8.0 r54.5 7.0 100+Silty sandy gravel I SPECIFICATION COMPACTION E MATEFIAL 100% standard Proctor density Typc and numbcr ot earlh movrng untt3 Type and number of cornpaclion unals Number ol pas3c3 M€thod ot adding lhrckne$ of hfl moaslure Thrs reporl pte3enls opinrons ,ormed as a result bl our observation ot lill pldcemenl We have rehed on lh€ conlraclor lo conhnue a9plyrng the recommended compactrve elforl and moisture to the lill duflng lrmes vrhen our observer rs not observing operatrons Tests are made ol the ftlt only as beheved necossaty lo cahbtale out observer's tudgemenl Test data are not the sole basis lor oprnrons On whelher the trll meels specrfrcations cc: Robert L. Boland Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub O In our opinion. tall ganerally meets sp€cilicalions er indicalod by larl no.(El - o ln our opinion, le.t no.(s) fl Filt lrllcd rn€€ls spGcitications n Conlraclor adYised o Full lime observalion I Part tim€ obsewation p'ocREss "r"o", Arrived at site with fill placed and Hans Froeschle fitl do€s nol meet specifications "' indt"":tlr:;r,. be ,emoved o, ,".or? APPROV€D 8Y IIORGAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. P. O. Box 22lO vArL. coLoRADO 81658 TO Mou-aaf 'ry) tn* 8:-'r-lO hq.rq., NEPLY DATE OF REPLY SIANED o t III chen and associates, inc. L-Z I coNsuLTlNG GEoTEcHNlcAl, ENGINEERS EE o,**""too3oollnll3orr.o, Morgan Construction l"ouo'oN REP.RT uoe Ho.__2q195_- s211E 2-2-84 DAILY FEPoRT No.- lo sxeEt I or I SUBJE CT:Vail Pr'rfessional Bqif4irll_ TO: P.O. Box 2210 Vail. C0 81657 Attn: Jim Morgan EXCAVATION FOR: LOCATION:GridsD3andD4. €XCAVATION BASE ELEVATION(S): MATERTALS EXpoSEo lN BASE(S) OF EXCAvATTON(S): Sand and gravel with cobbles. REMARKS:Observed area to be free of frost., srlq!.l frq?en naterial or debri-s. Stee-l_ --was l.n VEFBAL COMMUNICATTON WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER Tom Maddock Ilans [.roeschle FIELO REPRESENTATIVE cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail APPROVEO BY chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING GEOIECHNICAT ENGINEERS g)80 Fd. r54 Glcnwood Sp.ings, CO 8l60l Morgan Construction P.0. Box 2210 Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Jin Morgan o CONSTRUCTION .ros xo.--agJ!E- ACTry|TIES REPORT oAlE 2-7-84 oArLY REPoRT no. l1 sxeer--f-or SUBJECT:Vail Professional Buildine TO: WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATUFE 20oF and snowing at 4:30 p.m. CONTRACTOR,S EOUTPMENT coNsTRUCttoN AcTtvlTtEg Observed colunns on line E fron 1.3- 2. 3 and 4 (Poured hours prior to ny arrival). Colunns were tented and heated. No tests taken. VEREAL stated coMMuNtcATtoit wtrH he wi 1l tent collans CONTR^CTOF. ENGINEER. ARCH'TECT. OWNER Contract or for two days . Ton Maddock Hans Froeschle FIELD REPRES€NT ATII'F Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail APPROVED BY J..^ Cx:x exo ArsoctAtrs Conrulllng Englnccn Soll and Foundetlon Englneerlng 5o8ono. rsa . cler|wooo spntNcs, cotonaoo !t5or CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No.2 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Casr 1 3-28-84 Sampled 8y: Ton Maddock Contractor: Morgan Construction Location: Deck slab, C.5 to F fron 7t E. of 5 to 10r E. of 7; sanpled at D-6 Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: B E B Suppller's Ticket No.. 11098 Truck No.: 10-30 Batch Out Tirne: 10.07 Tlnre Cast; 10:45 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Wetght 145.2 pcf Air Conrent 3.5 Z Slurnp 4 ln. lletght 12 ln. Dlarneter 6 ln. Denslty pcf concrete Ternperacure 70 oF Alr Temperature 25 oF Cyl inder No. Da te Tes ted Age Tested Days Comprers lve Strength (psl) 62 4-3 6FC 4670 63 4-3 6FC 4650 64 4-4 7LC 5230 65 4-4 7LC 5390 66 4-5 8FC 4760 67 4-5 8FC 4690 68 4-25 28 FC 5090 69 4-25 28 FC 4860 70 4-25 28 LC 6030 7L 4-25 28 LC 6t+o Speclf led Strength: 4000 psl at _ 28 C^ye CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland. Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub 6 Assoc. CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Frank Quinn a, Cnrx exo AgsoctAtrr Conrulllng Englnccn Soll and Foundetlon Englneerlng 50t0nO.lga . GLE WOOOSPA| cS. COIOnAOO !t6ot CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No. t 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Sampled By: Ton Maddock Dare Casr: 3-28-84 Con!ractor: Morgan Constructi"on Locatlon: Deck slab at C.5 to F frotn 7r E. of 5 to 10f E. of 7; sanpled at C.5/7 Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: B & B Supplter's Ticket No.: 11105 Truck No.: 6-30 Batch Out Tirne: 11.45 Tine Cast t 12:45 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Weleht L44.4 pcf Air Content 4.3 Z Slump 4l in. Itetght 12 in. Dianeter 6 ln. Denslty pcf Concrete Tcmperature 68 oF Air Tenperature 26 oF Cyl inder No, Da te Tes t ed Age Tes ted Days Coroprensive Strength (pst) '71 4-3 6FC 5450 t5 4-3 6FC 3400 74 4-4 7LC 4190 IJ 4-4 7LC 4100 76 4-5 8FC 3400 4-5 8FC 35s0 78 4-25 28 FC 4070 79 4-25 28 FC 4100 80 4-25 28 LC 45r0 81 4-25 28 LC 4740 Spect.fted Strength: 4000 pal at 28 'Jaye cc: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub CHEN AND ASSOCTATES, rNC. Frank Quinn chen and associates @NSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5060 RO. l5,a GL€NWOOO SPnINGS. COLORAOO 81601 3o3/94s-t458 Subj ect: February l-, 1984 Geotechni.caL Observation and Testing, Vall Professional Bulldlng, 953 South Frontage Road, Town of Val-l, Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 26,795 Morgan Constructlon Company P.O. Box 2210 Vall, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Jlrn Morgan Dear Sir: As requested, we are submittlng a sulmary of construction observa- tion and testlng provlded at the subJect site through February 1, 1984. Chen and Associates, Inc. prevlously conducted a prellminary soll- and foundati.on investigation for the proJect reported under our Job No. 2t,774 dated March 4, 1981. Our field personnel initially arrlved at the construction slte on October 31, 1983 and has subsequently been involved with the perlodlc observation of footing excavations and concrete testing. The above responslbilities lr'ere ccnducteC as required cr as Cirected by your offlce. To date, excavation of all perimeter footings excluding the east footing along A line fron 30 feet south of A-8 to 20 feet south of F were observed and were found to be completed to natural- sandy gravels with cobbles. These soLls are slnLlar to those encountered ln our previous study, and are suitable for support of the recomrended 51000 psf bearing pressure. Four interior isolated spread footlngs had also been excavated to natural sandy gravels. These pads are located at the aouthwest corner at D-1.6, D-2, E-1.3 and E-2. Concrete tescing performed during the period of December 7, 1983 through January 19, 1"984 indicates that concrete strengths ln excess of the specified 4,000 psi were achieved when tested at 28 days as docunented by Cyllnders 1 through 18 and Cylinder 22. OFFICES: CASPER . COLORADO SPRINGS . DENVER . SALT LAKE CITY )ii Mr. Jln Morgan February 1, 1984 Page 2 We w111 contlnue rslth our observatlon of the remalnl.ng foottng excavation as t'ell aa concrete testlng upon notlflcatlon from your office. If you have any questlons or Lf we can be of further aervlce, pleaee call. Very truly your8, CHEN A}ID ASSOCIATES, INC. "rftHans Froeec,hle . HFlsb cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. ?own of VaIl o CONSTRUGTION ACTIVITIES REPORT chen and associates, inc.Joe No.-ry.95-- oere @NSUTTING GEOIECHNICAL ENGINEERS g)80 Rd. r54 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 DAILY REPoRT no. 7 sxeel 1 or! SUBJECT:@ TO3 Morgan Construction Co.Professional Building, 953 S. Frontage 1-19-84 P.0. Box 2210 vail, CO 81657 Attn: Jin Morean Road. Vail, CO WEATHER COND]TIONS ANO TEMPEFATURE .-10"F at l0:00 a.m.; lsoF at 2:45 p.n. CONTRACTOR'S EOUIPMENT coNsTRucrloN AcTrvrTrEs At request of the general contractor, the air tenperatures under the enclosure of todayrs concrete placenent = Foundation walls fsouth and east sies ofbuildiirg); Grid line F fron 5.5 to7: and Line 7 from C to F were nonitored. Also the concrete teuperatures for each of 7 loads were taken. The results are as follows: Tent Concrete Temp. Tine Tenp.Tine Truck# 40-45"F ll:15 a.n.2 *40"F 12:40 p.n. 45-50"F 45"F 2: 15 p.n. 6 52'F 2:35 p.m. 5 Concrete placenent began approximately 12:00 noon. *This load was rejected by contractor halfway through discharge - cylinders were cast fron this load. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER. ARCHITECT. OWNER AdViSEd CON- tractor to wait until air temperature in the tent was above 40oF. This was done and above 40"F temperatures were naintained throughout the !gur. 33- 35 0F 10:00 a.m. 50-55'F Bob Gardner FIELD REPFESENTATIVF cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Hans Froeschle APPROVED 8Y Crrx exo AgroctArr3 Conrultlng Englnccn Soll and Foundellon Englnccrlng sotono.lEa . GIg WOOOSPnl GS, COIOnAOO aICOt CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Job No. | 26,795 Job Location: Vail Professional Building Date Cast z 12-23-83 Sampled By: Bob Gardner Contractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: West wall - wouth end - first lift Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: B & B Suppllerts Ticket No.: 109f3 Truck No.: Batch out Tlne: 9:05 a.rn. Tihe Cast: 10:45 a.n. PHYSICAI, PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight f40.8 pci Alr Content 4.0 Z Slump 5 ln. Height LZ ln. Dlaneter 6 1n. Denslcy pcf Concrece Tcrnperature 50 oF Alr TenPerature 20 of Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Conp re:i s lve Strength (psl) 9 12-30 3770 l0 t-20 28 5360 11 t-20 28 s310 L2 r-20 28 5s10 Reoarka: Concrete was punped. Speclfted Strength: 4000 psl at 28 la'!a CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail CHEN AND ASSOCIATES. INC. --llans Froescht e o c Job No. , 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Sampled By: Bob Gardner Concractor: Morgan Construction Locatlonl South wall - west end - first lift Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: B € B Suppllerts Ticket No.: 10920 Truck No.: Batch Out Tlme: l1:S0 Tinre Cast: l:05 PHYSICAI, PROPERTIES: Untt Weight 14L.2 pcf Alr Content 4.75 Z Slump 6 in. Helght LZ ln. Dlanreter 6 ln. Densl'ty Pcf Concrete Tenperalure 45 oF Alr Terrperature 20 oF Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Conpreli s ive Strength (psl) 13 12-3Q 7 4170 t4 L-20 28 5430 l5 1-20 28 5520 t6 l-20 28 5230 17 res erve Reaarke: Concrete was punped. One extra cylinder was nade because of high slunp. Speclfled Strength: 4000 pal at 28 laya CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail CHEN AND ASSOCIATES. INC. Hans Froeschle lttN AND AStOctArt3 Conrultlng Englnccn Soll rnd Foundrllon Englnecrlng 30lOiO.lta . GLE ITOOO SPnlNGs, COLOiAOO ltS0l CONCRETE TESTING FJST'LTS Date Caet t L2-23-83 Cm:x rxo AssoctArrt Conrulllng Englnccn 9oll and Foundallon Englnecrlng 50&nO. t5a . CLE WOOO SPaIi|GS. COLOnAOO ltaol CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No. t 26,795 Job Location: Vail Professional Building Date Cast: l_19_g4 Sarnpled By: Bob Gardner Conlractor: Morgan Construction Location: South formdation wall - between grid lines 6 6 7 on F.First lift 2-3r. Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: BEB Suppllerrs Ticket No.: 10966 Truck No.: 5 Batch Out Tlr:re: lI:.32 Time Cast: 12:50 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unit Welght 143.2 pcf Alr Content 6.0 Z SlumP 5i in. Hetght 12 ln' Dlameter 6 1n. Denslty Pcf Concrete Ternperature 40 oF Alr TemPerature 15 oF Tent Tenperature 55 Cyl ln der No. Da te Tesred Age Tested Days Compren s lve Strength (pst) l8 t-26 40s0 19 2-16 28 20 Z- | l\28 2L 2-L6 28 Reoarke: This load was rejected by contractor after approxinately 4-5 yards had been discharged because of low concrete tenperature Speclfled Strength: 4000 P81 at 28 Caye CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail CHEN AI{D ASSOCIATES' INC. Hans Froeschl.e Cn:x rxo AssoctArtl Conultlng Englnccn Soll rnd Foundallon Englnecrlng 50lO tO. l5r . GLEflWOOO SPn|NGS. COLOBAOO ttoot CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Job No. . 26,795 Job Locatlon3 Vail Professional Building Date Cast: 1-19-84 Sarnpled By: Bob Gardner Congractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: East foundation wall - between lines D E C on 7. Final Lift. Mtx Data: Concrete Suppller: B€B Suppller's Ticket No.: 10970 Truck No.: 5 Batch Out Tine: 2:03 p.n. Tine Cast: 3:05 p.m. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt weieht 142.6 pci Alr Concent 6.5 Z Slump 4 3/4 Lrr. Helght 12 in. Dlaneter 6 ln. DensltY P"f Concrete Tc'rnperature s2 oF Alr Teurperature 20 oF Tent Ternpereture 45 Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Coopren s lve streng,th (pst) 22 L-26 1 4260 23 2-16 28 24 2-16 28 2S 2-16 28 Reoarks: Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at -23-- lays CC: Y61gs11 Construction Robert Boland, Inc. Torn of vail .HE:N AI.ID AssocrATEs, rNc' Hans Froeschle lbouottol{ REPoRT chen end rssociltes, inc.JO8 NO. 26,795 DATE CONSUTTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5080 Rd. 154 Glenwood SPrings, CO 81601 DAILY REPoFT no..lsxeer I or 1 TOr Morgan Construction P.O. Box 2210 Vail. CO 81657 Attn: Jin Morgan Ton Maddock Hans Froeschle APPROVEO BYFIELD REPBESENTATlVE cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail l-25-84 SUBJE0TT Vail Professional Buil4ittg isolatedEXCAVATION FOR: LoCATION: Footin rrErr at E 1.3. rtF at E 2 and line fronr A to 271 south of A. EXCAVATION BASE ELEVATION(S):Footing tfEff at 76.6t , footing ttFtt at 76.41 MATERIALS EXPOSED IN BASE(S) OF EXCAVATION(S): and boulders. Natural sand, gravel with geUhlgs FEMARKS:Areas obsewed were free of frozen tnaterial and snow.Material at base of footine rrE" was 55"F at 2 : 50 D.n.The exposed soils uld be suitable for support of the recormended 5,000 sf bear ssure. If condi ons e Drior to concrete lacenent. we should be notified. VERBAL COMMUNICATION W]TH CONTRACTOB, ENGINEER. ARCHITECT. OWNEF l"oror,oNREPoRra I tll chen and associltes, inc. |.Z t coNsutTrNc o:3J,trJ[!toL ENGTNEERS -I clenwood Sprlngs, CO 81601 TO:Morgan Construction P.O. Box 2210 Vail, CO E1657 Attn: Jin l,torgan JO8 NO.26,795 DATE r-27-84 DArtY REPoRt Ho. 9 sxeer I or ,rrrrar. Viil Professional Building EXCAVATION FOR:Continuous and isolated spread footings. LoCATI.N: Footing line 8 fron 8.5 to C and €XCAVATION BASE ELEVATlON(S): MATERIALS EXPOSED IN BASE(S) OF EXCAVATlON(S):Natural sand and gravel with cobbles REMARKS: suitable Soils ercposed at footing grade for pad D 1.6 consisted of sands and gravels for of the recomended 5.000 psf bear ssure. No frost or snou was observed in the conpleted excavation. The footing line 8 fron B.5 to G was coltpleted with concrete in Place. Areas outside of foms indicated suitable naterial . free of frost and snow. VERBAL COMMUNICATIOI{ W]TH CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER, ARCHIT€CT. OWNER Ton Maildock FlELD REPRESENTAT]VE cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Torn of Vail Hans Froeschle APPFOVED 8Y oo chen rnd associates, inc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5080 Rd. 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 19, Morgan Construction P.0. Box 2210 Vail . CO 81657 Attn: Jim Morsan loror,oN REP.RT .loa Ho. --2-6-,-295- e11g 2-8-84 DAILY REPoRT ruo. 12 sxeer 1 or 1 9961g91; Vail Professional Building ExcAVATtON p9q; Column pads L OC AT ION:Pads 2 C.8 and E 6.6 €XCAVATION BASE ELEVATION(S): MATEBTALS EXpOSED tN BASE(S) OF EXCAVATION(S): Natural sandy gravels with cobbles and boulders. F€MABKS:Observed botton of excavation for interior colunns. Excavation was cornp l eted to suitable bearing soils and was ready for concrete placernent. If conditions change Drior to concrete placement, we should be notified. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER Ton Maddock FIELD REPRESENTATIVE cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Hans Froeschle APPROVEO BY o |-li| chen.na .**ietes, inc. lz I 00NSULTTNG o:9J.ttJ[ftol ENGINEERS - Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 TO: Morgan Construction P.O. Box 2210 Vail. CO 81657 Attnl Jin Morgan l"ouo'oN REPoRT .los Ho.- 2il:l-oArE 2-lo-84 DAILY REPoRt No. 13 sxeer I or I SUBJECT:Vail Professional Building EXCAVATION FOR:Colunn pad 7 D.2 Loc^rtoN. Lines 7 D.2 EXCAVATION BASE ELEVATION(S): MATERTALS ExpOsED lN BASE(S) OF EXCAVATTON(S): Natural sandy grave I with cobbles and boulders. REMABKS:0bserved area to be free of frost, snow, frozen material or debris ready for concrete placement. VERBAL COMMUNICATlON WITH CONTRACTOF. ENGINEEF, ARCHITECT. OWNEB Ton Maddock FIELD REPRESENTATIVE cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Hans Froeschle APPFOVED BY oo assoc l"ouo.oN REP'RT TO:Morgan Construction P.O. Box 2210 81657 Attn: Jin Morgan RIf0 NOV 26 rsd3 chen and iates, inc. CONSULT]NG GEOIECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5080 Rd. 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 8l60l JO8 NO.26.795 D^rE 11-lI-83 DAILY REPoRT no. ..!sxeet I or SU6JECT:Vail Professional Building, 953 S. Frontage Road, Vail, C0 EXCAVATION FOR: L OC ATION: EXCAVATION EASE ELEVATION(S): MATERIALS EXPOSED 1N BASE(S) OF EXCAVATION(S): and boulders Natural sandy gravels with cobbles REMAFKS:We have continued construction observation fron our initial letter of November 3. 1983. At the tine of our visit, the fqlms were in place and grade was firm, dry and free of frost. The area is ready for concrete placenent at this tine. The exposed soils should be suitable for support of the reconmended 5,000 psf bearinq pressure. If conditions change prior to concrete placement. we should be not ifi ed. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WlTH CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER. ABCHITECT. OWNER Rob Moore Dave Young: by S.t.P. FIELO REPRESENTAIIVE Boland, Inc. Lee Taylor Robert Attn: L. l{. cG3 APPROVEO BY , oo assoc !"ouo'oN REP'RTg 19. Morgan Construction Co. chen and iates, inc.36s x9. 26,795 O^rE 1l-15-83 C0NSUUING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS DArLy REpoRr xo. 2 sxeer I or I 5080 Rd. 15il Glenwood Springs. CO 81601 ggg.1gg1. Vail Professional Building, 953 S. Frontage Road, Vail, CO P.0. Box 2210 Vail, O0 81657 Attn: Jin Morgan EXCAVATION FOR: L OC AIrON: EXC^,VATION BASE ELEVATION(S): MATERI^LS EXPOSEO IN BASE(S) OF EXCAVATION(S): and boulders Natural sandy gravels and cobbles 6crr^c,.,c, Recent snowfall has been renoved and the area has been tented with heaters. The area was clean, dry and free fron frost. Steel re-bars were in place and approved by Town of Vail. The area is ready for concrete placement at this tine. The exposed soils should be suitable for support of the reconrnended 5.000 psf bearing pressure. If conditions change prior to concrete placernent, we should be notified. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WlTH CONTRACTOF. ENGINEER. ARCHITECT. OWNER Rob Moore FIELD REPRESENTATlVE GG: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Attn: lf. lee Taylor APPROVED BY oo -*;i't'' .' :- '- CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES REPORT chen and associates, inc. CONSUTIING GEOTECHNICAT ENGINEERS g)00 Rd. tsa Glrnwood Sptings. CO 8160l to. l'lorgan Construction Co. P.0. Box 2210 JO8 NO.26.795 oere _j_l-2ffi DAILY REPoRT ro. 3 sxE€r I or I suBJECr:iEi!Professional Building, Excavation WTATHER CONOITIONS AND TE[rpEFATUg6 Cold CONTRACTOF.S EOUIPMENT Weed Burner and CONSTFUCTION ACTIVITIES V€RBAL COMMUNICATTON WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER. ARCHITECI. OWNER Ton Maddock . Steven paw I at APPBOVED 8YFIETO REPF ESEI{T ATIT'F cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Attn: W. Lee Taylor oo ssoc coNsrcroN AcrvrrEs REPoRT chen and a iates, inc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5080 Rd. 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 TO: Morqan ConstrucEion Co. P.O. Box 2210 vall . C0 81657 Attn: Jim Morean JOB NO.26,795 oate -L/3/8t' DAILY REPoRT Ho. 4 sHeer I oF 1 SUBJECT: Excavatlon Ohservatlon, Va{1 Professional Building, 953 S. Frontase Road, Vail , Colorado , WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATUR! cold,cloudy CONTRACTOR'S EOUIPMENT coNSTRUcrtoN AcTtvtrtes -A-rrrrred at sitc--rd-i-th-ctews-fo-mi-ng-aqd selgiFg reinfereemenE st.ee1 for footings 1n southeast buj_1djEj.n8s_1n sou$gggq bgi Ujlg__Sorner. footing sec s from s.E. corner of building, 50' N. & 50t tr.I. About 2 to 4 inches of frozen material was observed at the footing base. VERBAL COMMUNIC AT ION WIT H CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER, ABCHITECT, OWNER Mike Ellis of Morgan Construction advised frozen rnaterial should be removed or thaved prior Eo concrete placement. Another lnspection prior to the pour was suggesEed. Mike El1is requesEed an lnspection be scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on L-4-84 Tom Maddock Dave Young By: SLP FIELD REPRESENTATIVE cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Attn: W. Lee Tavlor APPROVED BY TO. Morgan Construction Co.Professlonal Building, 953 S. Frontage Road, Vail , Colorado.P.O. Box 2210 Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Jirn Morgan wEATHER CoNDtTtoNS ANo TEMpERATUpg 20or', nnttly "1.',,,ty- CONTRACTOR'S EOUTPMENT Four space heaters ttnder t-enrlrl coNSTHUCT;ON ACTtVtTtES ___49!vrq_gt site '!^lith pl€yfS.qqly_frozen material below footing in southeast cgl]rer thawe.d_. Based of footing appeared to be free of 1ce, frozen material. debris. standlng water or other unsuitable conditions. The soils eyposed _ cons_1s!g_d__oJ__na_qqf.4!_qaqd_y_-grevels__y1gh _gobbleg and boulders . VERBAL COMMUNIC AT ION WITH CONTFACTOR, ENGINEER, AR CHITE CT, OWNE R Mike El1is of Morgan Construction advised thaE footing area appears suitable for concrete placement and if conditl-ons change prior to concrete placemerlt. we should be notified. Tom Maddock Dave Young By SLP FIELD REPRESENTATIVE cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Attn: I^1. Lee Tavlor APPROVED BY oot\ Cxrx exo AssoctAttS Contulllng Englnccn Soll rnd Foundrllon Englneortng Soro iD.l5r . cLE WOOO SPnlt|cS, COLOnADO tt60l CONCRETE TESTING RESI.'LTS Job No.2 26,795 Job Locatlon! Vail Professional Building Date Casc I I2-7-83 Sampled By: Bob Gardner Contraccor: Morgan Const. Locatlon: North foundation wall, 2It-zst east of NW corner Mlx Data ! Concrete Suppller: BGB Suppllerrs Ticket No.: 10870 Truck No.: 3-10 Batch Out Tlr:re: 8:04 a.m. Time Cast: 9:10 a.n. PHYSICAI, PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight I4I .6 pcf Air Content 5.8 Z Slump 3 3/4 ln. Helg,ht 12 ln. Dlameter 6 ln. Denslty Pcf Concrece Tcmperature 48 oF AIr Tenperature 26 oF outside42 under tent Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed Ag,e Tes ted Days Conpren s ive Strength (psl) I L2-14 37 30 2 t-4 28 4630 3 -4 28 5020 4 L-4 28 4540 Rernarke I Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at - 28 C^y. CC: Morgan Const. Co. Robert Boland, Inc. Town of Vail .HEN AND AssocIATEs. INc. Hans Froeschle oatr- Cxrx exo AsroctAtrl Contulllng Englncon Soll end Foundallon Englnecrlng 50roro. 15{ . GtE wooo spnt c3. colon^Do ltaor CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No. z 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Sampled By: ContTactor Locat lon: Date Casr.. L2-7-83 Contractor: Morgan Const. Mix Data: Concrete Suppller: Suppller's Ticket No.: Truck No.: Batch Out Tine: Tine Cast: PHYSICAJ, PROPERTIES: Unit Weight pcf Alr Content Z Slurnp ln. Helg,ht ln. Dlaneter ln, Denslty pcf Concret€ Ternperalure oF Alr Tearperature oF Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed A[ie Tes ted Days CoDp re:'i s lve Scrength (psl) f,L2-T4 4000 6 -4 28 s230 l-4 28 5250 8 r-4 28 5 130 Reoarks: Speclfted Strength: 4000 Psl at --2t_ Ctyg CC: Morgan Construction Co. Robert Boland, Inc. Town of Vail CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froeschle Speed Letter" Mr. Steve Patterson pro'n Greq Cole. Morgan Construction Co.. Inc. Town of Vail P.0. Box 2210/5 5. Frontage Rd. W.Vail, C0 81657 Vail. C0 81658 sunlect--V-.P.B.. Ltd./ Vail Pr To MESSAGE This is to confirm 1) That for the detector wired in series and a smoke vent located at the top of the shaft. 2) That we can locate the water main and the electrical main in the same room. 1/18/84 REPLY Signed Wilson Jones Compaqt Ga^rLrNE FOAM 44 902 3,P tf, e rsTr . PFTNTED rr,r usrr Date BECIPIENT_RETAN WHTTE COPY RETURN PINK COPY From Toryn of Yail lb. Steve Pattcrsdn Speed Letten Gr.eE Cole, lbrgan Constructlon Go., Inc. P.0. Box 2210 Yall, C0 81658 Subject y.P.B., Ltd./ Yail Professional Bulldlnq, Ltd. -No-grroFoLD ,"MESSAGE , ( Steve: This is to confim our phone conversatfons: l) That for tjre top of tie elevator re need 12" in the clear rith a smke datector xired in series and a snoke vent located at the top of the shaft. 2) That re can locate the water'uain and the slectri"il *in in tln sane noont- Thanks. lltglu Wil.son Jones Company Gn n|NE FOFM.r.9@ gPAlli O 1974 . PANIE9 rN U-s-^. WHITE COPY RETURN PINI( COPY. FOR USE WITH WNDOW ENVELOPE. FILL !N I'.IAT./E FCR R.El URN lli /'.i'lD /rllDR155 FlIP.E Vi ;iitiO',^,i Ei.lVtLC,rE ao Cxrx exo AsroctArr3 Conultlng Englncon Soll rnd Foundrtlon Englnccrlng 50$ nO. t5a . GLE WOOO SPRltlcS. COLOFAOO tt60l CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Job No. z 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Casr: 2-22-84 Sarnpled By: Tom Maddock Contractor: Morgan Construction Location; Floor s1ab, line F to C.8 fron 1to 2, line F to D frour 2 6 816" to 3; sanpled at 2E Hlx Data: Concrete Suppller: B€B Suppllerts Ticket No.: 11049 Truck No.: 5 Batch Out Tlne: 8:44 Tl.me Cast: 9:45 a.n. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unit Weight 142.I pcf Alr Content 3.8 Z Slurnp 4 ln. Helght 12 ln. Dlaneter 6 ln. Denslty Pcf Concrete Tcnrperature 48 oF Alr Tearperature 26 oF Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed Ag,e Tes ted Days Gonpres s lve Strength (psl) 30 2-24 2 day field cure 1910 31 2-27 5 day field cure 3240 32 2-29 7 day field cure 33 2-29 7 34 3-21 28 35 3-21 28 36 3-21 28 Reoarke: Spcclfled Strength: 4000 psl at 28 Caya 663 Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering CHEN A}.ID ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froeschle Oo c Job No. z 26 ,7 95 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Sampled By: Ton Maddock Contractor: Locatlon: Floor slab, line F to C.8 from l to 2, line F to D frorn 2 & 8f6'r to 3; sanpled 3D Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: BGB Suppllerrs Ticket No.: 11056 Truck No.: 6-30 Batch Out Tlne: Tine Cast: 11:40 a.m. PHIS1CAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight L42.5 pci Air Content 3.8 Z Slump 41 ln. Helght 12 ln. Dlaureter 6 in. Denslty pcf Concrete Temperature 73 oF Arr Tenperature 37 oF CyIin der No. Da te Tes t ed Ag,e Tes ted Days Conpre!r s ive Strength (psl) 37 2-24 2 day field cure 2050 38 2-27 5 day field cure 3080 39 2-29 7 day field cure 40 2-29 7 4I 3-21 28 42 3-2L 28 43 3-2I 28 Renarks: spcclfled strength: 4000 pel at 28 4aye CG: Yelgsn construction Robert Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. $lans Froesch I e f\ IIIN AND A3SOGIAIIS Conrultlng Englncon Soll and Foundrtlon Englnccrlng 5o$n0.l5a . GLE|$|OOO 8PnlNGs, COLOnADO rt6ol CONCRETE TESTINC REST'LTS Date Ca6r z 2-22-84 Steel was placed accord.ing to plans and specifications except for a couple of locations where we instructed subcontractor to provide ninimum of 1* inches of concrete cover beyond beam reinforcing. Support chairs were not yet in place to support steel over metal pans, but Gary }lurrain noted ttrai tney were in place prior to pour on February 2J. Forms were clean and free of debris, ice and snow. Welntraub chen and associates, inc. @T,ISULIING GEOTECHNICAL ENG INEERS 5080 Bd. 15a Glenwood Springr. CO El60r Molgan Construct ion P.O. Box 2210 Vail. CO 81657 Attn: Jin Morgan ACTIYITIES REPORT JO8 lto.26,795 oA:.e 2-23-84 DAILY REPoRT ro.L sxeer I or I SUEJECT:Vail Professional Building 3 CONSTRUCTION TO: wEATHER coNDtrtoNs ANo rEMpERllggg 20"F and sunny at 12:30 p.m. CONTFACTOR'S EOUIPUENT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Checked tenperatures for floor slab placed 2-22-84. Tentpera- tures at 1r below slab ranged from 43"F to 50"F. Tenperatures at subgrade level sup- porting scaffoldinq ranged rom 33"F to 36"F. Tenperature below the blankets above the slab was 70"F at noon. Also observed excavation for pad C7. Excavation was conpleted to natural sandv eravel suitable for bearine. Area was free of frost and debris. If conditions change prior to concrete placenent. we should be notified. V€RBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTFACTOF. ENGI'IEER. AFCHITECT. OWI.IER -. Ton Maddock FIELD REPRES€NT ATIVF cc: Morgan Construction Rbbert L. Boland, Inc. Torm of Vail Boyle Engineering ..-_ Hans Froeschl e APPROVED BY oo t CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITTES REPORTE IIlf chen and associates, inc. LZ I CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAT ENGINEERSlgl o,*,""Holl;ltou,ro, Morgan Construction JOB ilO. 26,795 OAiE 2-17-84 DArLv REPoFT no. 14 sxeEr I or I SUSJEGT:Vail Professional Building TO: P.O. Box 2210 Attn: Jim 81657 IYEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE_ CONTRAClOF'S EOUIPMENT CoNSTRuCTtoN AcTtvtTtgg Met at iob site to <iiscuss forrn support for the roof section (parkins slab) located 8r east of 3 line to I line fron F to G. It was recommended that concrete for the roof slab be heated in accordance with construction practices outlined in the ACI Manual Section 306. In addition. the existing subgrade is to be protected fron thawins with insulated blankets so that forn supports and scaffoldins will not be affected. Contractor intends to heat area for 2 davs at 40"-45"F continuine heatine for anothe! 2 davs at 60"-75oF. Additional concrete test cylinders will be prepared to monitor field curinq conditions. The structural enpineer should be advised. vERBAL coMMuNrcATloN wrrH coNTRAcroR. ENGTNEER. ARcHrrEcr. owNER A large void was observed at elevator casing. Area should be grouted ASAP. Excavation of nearby interior pad should be delayed trntil grouting is conpleted. The structural engineer should be notified. Ton Maddock Hans Froeschle FIELD REPRESENTATIVF Robert L. Boland, Inc. Torm of Vail Boyle Engineering APPROVED BY oo c HtN AxD A330ctAtt3 Conultlng Englncrn Soll end Foundrtlon Englnecdng 50$no. r5,r . GLE rvooo sPRtNG3. colonaoo traor CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No., 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Cast: t_19_A4 Sampled By: Bob Gardner Contractor: Morgan Construction Locaslon: South foundation wall - between grid li.nes 6 & 7 on F.First lift 2-g'. lllx Data: Concr€te Suppller: B€S Suppllerrs Ticket No.: 10966 Truck No.: 5 Barch Out Tlne: LI:32 Tinre CastI l2:S0 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt wei3ht 1!1.2 pcf Alr Concent 6.0 Z Slump Sl ln. Helght 12 ln. Dlaurerer 6 ln. Denslty pcf Concrete Temperature 40 oF Alr Tenperature lS oF Tent Tenperature Ss Cylinder No. Date Tested Age Tes ted Days Corlpre!r s ive Strength (psl) l8 1-26 4050 19 2-16 28 5130 20 2-16 28 47 40 2L 2-16 28 5060 Renarka: This load was rejccted by contractor after approxiurately 4-5 yards had been discharged because of low concrete tenperature. Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at _-28 Caya CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, lnc. Tovn of Vail CHEN AUD ASSOCTATES, rNC. _ Hans Froeschle oo Crtx exo ArroctArt3 Conrultlng Englncon Soll and Foundellon Englnccdng toto nO. t5a . GIEXTYOOO SPiltlG3. COIOFAOO tt60t CONCRETE TESTING RSSTILTS Job No. , 26,795 Job Locatlon; Vail Professional Building Date Casr: l-19-84 Sanpled 8y: Bob Gardner contractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: East foundation wall - between lines D 6 C on 7. Final Lift. MIx Data: Concrete Suppller: B€B Suppllerrs Ticket No.: 10970 Truck No.: 5 Batch Out Tlne: 2:03 p,m. Tine Cast: S:0S p.n. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight 142.6 pcf Air Conlent 6.5 Z Slump 4 3/4 In. Hetght L2 ln. Dlaneter 6 ln. Denslty pcf concrece Temperature SZ oF Alr Tenperature 20 oF Tent Ternpereture 45 cvr in der No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Goop re ns ive Strength (psl) 22 t-26 4260 23 2-16 28 5550 24 2-16 28 5580 2S 2-16 28 5500 Reoarkc: Spectfted Srrength: 4000 psl at _38-_ dayg CC: P61g311 Construction Robert Boland, Inc. Torn of Vail CHEN AtrD ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froeschle oo Cmrx exo ArroctArr3 Conrulllng Englnccn Soll rnd Foundetlon Englnccdng 50& nO. tsa . GIEI|WOOO SPnl cS. COLOiAOO ll30l CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Job No. t 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail. Professional Building Date Casr | 2-9-84 Sampled By: Ton Maddock Conrractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: Colunns at D1.6, D2, D3, D4 and C.8/2; sampled at column D2 Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: BqB Supplierfs Ticket No.: 11008 Truck No.: 430 Batch Out Tlne: Tine Cast: 4:20 p.n. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight L47.3 pcf Alr Content 3.2 Z Slunrp 51 ln. Hetghr 12 in. Dlaneter 6 1n. Denslty pcf Concrete Temperature 61 oF Alr Teurperature 32 oF cvr in der No. Da te Tested Age Tested Days Coopren s lve Strength (psl) 26 2-t6 7 4700 3-8 28 28 3-8 28 29 3-8 28 .Renarks: colunns tented and heated. Spcclfled Str€ngth: 4000 Psl at 28 Cayg CC: l,lorgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froeschr e .I chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5060 nD. 15l. CLeNWOOO SPR|NGS. GOLORAOO 81601 303/945-7,158 SubJ ect: November 3, 1983 Excavation Observation, Proposed Vail Professional Building, 953 South Frontage Road, Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 26,795 Morgan Constfuction Company P.O. Box 2210 Vall, CO 8l-657 Attn: Jim l{organ Gentlenen: As requested, we observed the foundatlon excavation for the proposed project on 0ctober 31, 1983 for the purpose of evaluating the exposed subsoil-s for foundatLon support. Chen and Associates, Inc. previously conducted a preliminary soll and foundatlon lnvestigatlon for the proposed project reported under Job No. 21,714 dated March 4, l-981. I'le under- stand the structure will be 3 stories of steel- f rame construction with an underground parking leve1 of concrete constructlon. We also under- stand that a maximum soil bearing pressure of 5,000 psf has been essurnedfor the design of spread footlngs supportLng the structure. At the tLne of our site visit, the approxirnate 130r x 2001 ln plan size excavation, had been rough cut essentlaLly ln one leveL from about 6 to 16 feet below the adjacent ground surface. The excavation wl-th a large rubber tired front end loader vas still in progress. The soiLs exposed in the bottom of the excavation consisted of a relatlvely dense, coarse granular deposit which contalned cobbles and boul-ders to about 5 foot maxLmum slze. The results of a gradatLon analysLs performed on a disturbed bulk sanple of these solls (minus 6 inch fractlon) are shown on the attached Figure 1. Some clusters of boulders and on-site solls had been stockplled ln the excavation. No free nater lras observed ln the excavatlon and the subsoiLs rrere generally molst. OFFICES: CASPEF . COLORAOO SPRINGS . DENVER . SALT LAKE CITY Jin Morgan November 3, 1983 Page 2 The natural subsolls exposed in the excavation are simllar to those encountered during our previous study and should be suitable to support the assumed 5,000 psf bearing pressure. Al-1 Loose or disturbed areas should be removed and the footings extended down to bear on the dense natural subsoils. We recorunend footings have a minimum width of 16 lnches for walls and 2 feet for columns. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length of at least 10 feet. Foundation valls acting as retaining structures should also be deslgned to resist a latexal- earth pressure based on an equlvalent fluid weight of 40 pcf. Backfill should consist of the on-site granular solls exclusive of overslze rock. Compactlon should be to at least 957" of. standard Proctor density below pavement and slab areas and 9O%of the rnaxlmum standard Procr.or densl-ty. for niscellaneous fill . A free drainlng gravel layer should be provided irunediately below lnterior slabs- on-grade. Backfill surface should be sloped away from the strucEure at least 10 feet. An underdrain system should be provided to prevent hydrostatic pressure buildup behind perimeter basement walls and wettingof the lower leve1 . Other reconmendatlons presented in our previous report which are applicable should al-so be observed. We also received a copy of earthwork specifications, Sectlon 02200 submLtted by the architect, Robert L. Boland, Inc. of St. Louis, Missouri. The specificatlons are Ln gerneral accordance wlth our previous recoltrnen- dations and recouunendations presented herein. If you have any questlons or if we can be of further service, please do not hesi.tate to call . Very truly yours, CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. David A. Young DAY/sb Rev. by: S.L.P. By cc: Robert At tn: Boland, Inc. Lee Taylor L. I.I. t cA-2179 60 MIN 19 MIN.I MIN. I MIN 60 MtN. l9 MtN a MtN I MtN CLAY TO SILT chen and associates, inc. oz o. z () = c 2 a0 '100 '50 '40'30 '16 LrourD LrMrr % SAMPLE oF sllghtly silty sandy gravel and cobbles z t- z o 4 .u2 DIAMETER OF PABTICLE IN MILLIMETERS crAY TO S _t cRAVEL 67 % sAND 25 w srLT ANo cLAy 8 * PLASTICITY INOEX FRoM North central excavation at portion of footing grade o 2 irJ50al z 60(.) r 70 m5 009 0r9 037 074 1a9 2s7 | 590 l 19 GRAVEL % LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE OF o12 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMET€RS SAND % SILT ANO CLAY % pLlsT'crrY rNoEx FROM GRADATION TEST HESULTS '50 'a0'30 26,795 Fig chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGI NEERS 5080 Fd. 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 JOB NO.26.795 DArE l1-11-83 l.ouorro* REP'RT oRT No. I sxeer 1 or I Vail Professional Building, 953 S. Frontage Road, Vail, C0 OAILY REP SUBJECT: TO:Morgan Construction P.0. Box 2210 Vail. CO 81657 Attn: Jin Morgan ExcAvATION FOR. Footings LOCATION:North building wall EXCAVATION BASE ELEVATION(S): MATERTALS EXpoSED tN BASE(s) oF EXcAvATtoN(S): Natural sandy gravels with cobbles and boulders REMARKS:Itle have continued construction observation fron our initial letter of Novenber 3, 1983. At the time of our visit, the forns were in place and the footing grade was firm, dry and free of frost. The area is rcady for concrete placement at this time. The exposed soils should be suitable for support of the reconmended 5,000 psf bearins pressure. If conditions change prior to concrete placenent. we should be notifi ed. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER. ARCHITECT. OWNER Rob Moore Dave Young: by S.L.P. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE Robert L. Boland, Inc. Attnr W. Lee Taylor GC: APPROVED BY chen andg o associates, inc. O"ouo'oN REP'RT SUBJECT: 953 S. Frontage Road, Vail, CO _ JOB NO. 26,795 9a1E ll-15-83 CONSULTING GEOIECHNICAL ENGINEERS D^rry REpoRr Ho. 2 sxeer I or I 5080 Rd. 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 ,O. Morgan Construction Co. P.0. Box 2210 Vail, CO 8f657 Attn: Jin Morgan ExcAvATtoN toa' Footings LOCATION:South building wal1 EXCAVATION BASE ELEVATION(S): MATERTALS ExpoSEo tN BAsE(S) OF ExcAvA1g9p1g1. Natural sandy gravels and cobbles and boulders R E MARK S:Recent snowfall has been renoved and the area has been tented with heaters. The area was clean, dry and free fron frost. Steel re-bars were in place and approved by Town of Vail. The area is ready for concrete placement at this tine. The exposed soils should be suitable for support of the reconrnended 5.000 psf bearing pressure. If conditions change prior to concrete placement. we should be notified. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOB, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT. OWNER Rob Moore FIELD REPRESENTATIVE cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Attn: W. Lee Taylor Dave Young: by S.L.P. APPROVED BY chen and associates, inc. CONSULIING GEOTECHNICAI. ENGINEERS 5080 Rd. 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Box 2210 o CONSTRUCTION JoB No' 26'795 DAILY REPOFT suBJECr:$il West Footing Excavation ACTIVITIES REPORT o^rE l1-23-83 "o. 3 sxeet I or I Professional Bui lding, Vai I co 81657 Morgan Construction Co. IVEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATunE@ CONTRACTOR'S EOUIPMENT Weed Burner and SDace Heaters Under Tent. coNsTRUcTtoN AcTtvrf tgg Anived at site in morning with foundation steel work being completed. Observed wind blown snow and frozen crust on footine base rnaterial . Suggested area be thawed prior to concrete placernent. Upon returnins in afternoon. the area from grid A1 to colurnn pad on west footing at Dl was observed to be thawed and in satisfactory condition for concrete placement, The area runninq south fron D1 on the remaining west footing was frozen. Suggested thawine efforts should be accomplished before pourine from D1 to S. Pour was halted at grid Dl with remainine west footinq to be conpleted Fridav. 11-25-83. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER. ARCHITECT, OIVNER Tom Maddpsk- FIELO REPRESENT ATIT'F Robert L. Boland, Inc. Attn: W. Lee Taylor Steven Pawlak APPBOVED 8Y Cn:x rxo AsroctAtr3 Gonrulilng Englncon Soll tnd Foundallon Englnecrlng 50&nO. t5r . GLE'IIYOOO SPAINGS. COLOnAOO ala0l CONCRETE TESTING RESTJLTS Job No., 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Casr. l2-7-93 Sampled By: Bob Gardner Conlractor: Morgan Const. Locatlon: North foundation wall , 2Ot-251 east of NW corner Mix Data: Concrete Suppller: BGB Suppllerts Ticket No.: 10870 Truck No.: 3-10 Batch out Tlne: 8:04 a.n. Tine Cast: 9:10 a.m. PHi'SICAL PROPERTIES: Unit Weight 141.6 pci Alr Content 5.8 Z Stump 3 3/4 ln. Hetght 12 ln. Dlanerer 6 ln. Denslty pcf Concrete Tcmperature 48 oF Alr Tcorperacure 26 oF outside42 under tent Cyl inder No. Date Tested Age Tes ted Days Comprens ive Strength (pst) I 12-14 7 37 30 2 1-4 28 3 l-4 28 4 1-4 28 Reuarka: Spcclfled Strength: 4000 psi at - 28- a"y" CC: Morgan Const. Co. Robert Boland, lnc. CHEN AND ASSOCIATES. INC. Hans Froeschle Cx:x rxo AssoctAtr3 Conrulllng Englnccn Soll end Foundellon Englnecrlng lolo no. lga r GLEIIWOOO SFFltilc3. COLOiAOO a'l30t CONCRETE TESTINC REST'LTS Job No. z 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Sarnpled By: Contractor Loca t lon : Date Cast z L2-7-83 Contractor: Morgan Const. Hlx Data: concret€ Suppller: Suppller ts Ticket No.: Truck No.: Batch Out Tlne: Tir:re Cas!: PHISICAL PROPERTIES: lJntt Weight pcf Alr Concent Z Slump ln. Helg,ht in. Dlaneter ln. Denslty Pcf Concrete Tenrperature oF AIr Tenperarure oF Cylinder No. Da le Tes t ed Age Tested Days CoEpren s ive Strength (pst) s 12-14 7 4000 6 r-4 28 7 t-4 28 8 l-4 28 Reoarke: Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at --!!- Ctyt CC: Morgan Construction Co. Robert Boland, Inc. CHEN AND ASSOCTATES, lNC. Ha@ o c HIN AND A3'OCIAII3 Conrultlng Englnccrt Soll and Foundrtlon Englnecrlng so|o nO. 15. . GLEI|WOOO SPelxcS. COLOiADO ttaor CONCRETE TESTING RESI,'LTS Job No. z 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Casr: 2-22-84 Sanpled By: Tom Maddock Contractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: Floor s1ab, line F to C.8 fron I to 2, line F to D from 2 6 816rr to 3; sanpled at 2E Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: BGB Suppllerrs Tlcket No.: 11049 Truck No.: 5 Batch Out Tlne: 8:,44 Tirne Cast r 9:45 a.rn. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt l,lelght I42.I pci Air Content 3.8 Z Slump 4 ln. Helght L2 ln. Dlameter 6 ln. Denslty Pcf Concrete Temperature 48 oF Alr Temperarure 26 oF Cyllnder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days . Conprensive Strength (psl) 30 z- z4 2 day field cure 1910 3l 2-27 5 day field cure 3240 32 2-29 7 day field cure 3520 33 2-29 7 4490 34 3-2r 28 35 3-2r 28 36 3-2r 28 Reoarke: Speclfted Strength: 4000 pst at 28 4ayg 69; Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering CHEN AND ASSOCTATES, rNC. Hans Froeschle o c HrN AND Arsoct^tr3 Conrulllng Englnon Soll end Foundrtlon Englnccrlng Itoto tO. l5a . GLEITYOOD SPFING3. COLOIAOO ri60r CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No.: 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date CaBt t 2-22-84 Sanpled By: Tom Maddock Concractor: Locarlon: Floor slab, line F to C.8 from 1to 2, line F to D fron 2 6 8t6" to 3; sanpled 5D Hix Data: Concrete Suppller: BGB Suppllerfs Ticket No.: 11056 Truck No.: 6-30 Batch Out Tlrne: Tine Cast: 11:40 a.n. PHISICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Wetght L42.5 pcf Alr Concent 3.8 Z Slurnp 4i in. Helghr L2 ln. Dlanecer 6 ln. Denslty Pcf Concrece Temperature 73 oF Air Tearperature 57 oF Cyl inder No. Da te Tes ted Age Tes ted Days Conpre n s ive Strength (psl) 2-24 2 day field cure 2050 38 2-27 5 day field cure 3080 39 2-29 day field cure 35go 40 2-29 .f 4390 4l 3-21 28 42 3-2L 28 43 3-2L 28 Reagrka: Speclfled Strength: 4000 Psl at _ 28 4ry" CC: Morgan Construction Robert Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering CHEN AND ASSOCIATES. INC. Hans Froesch I e Cn:x exo AgsoctAlr3 Conrulllng Englnecn Soll rnd Foundellon Englncerlng 50&no. rsa . GLE WOOO SpR {cs. COlOnA9o tr60t CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No.: 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date CasE: 3-28-84 Sampled By: Torn Maddock Contractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: Deck slab, C.5 to F fron 7r E. of 5 to 10r E. of 7; sarnpted at D-6 Mlx Data: concrete suppller: B 6 B suppller's Ticket 11s.; 11098 Truck No.: 10-30 Batch Out Tlme: 10.07 Tirne Cast: 10:45 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt weight 745.2 pcf Alr Content 3.5 Z Slurnp 4 ln. Helght 12 in. Dlanecer 6 ln. Denslty pcf concrete Tcfiperature 70 oF Arr Tenperature 2s oF Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tes ted Days Compren s lve Strengch (psl) 62 4-3 6FC 4670 63 4-3 6FC 4650 64 4-4 7LC 65 4-4 7LC 66 4-5 8FC 67 4-5 8FC 68 4-25 28 FC 69 4-25 28 FC 70 4-25 28 LC 7I 4-25 28 LC Spcclfled Strength: 4000 psl at -]9- C"y" CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub € Assoc. CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Frank Quinn Cm:x rxo AssoctAtr3 Gonrultlng Englnecrt Soll rnd Foundatlon Englneerlng t08oRo. tsa . GLEIIWOOO SPRlllcS, COLOiAOO tlG0t CONCRETE TESTINC RESI'LTS Job No. t 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Cast: 3-28-84 Sampled By: Ton Maddock Contractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: Deck slab at C.5 to F from 7t E. of 5 to 10r E. of 7; sampled at C.5/7 Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: B 6 B Suppllerrs Ticket No.: 11103 Truck No.: 6-30 Batch Out Tlme: 1I.45 Time Cast t L2:45 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight L44.4 pcf Air Content 4.3 Z Slunp 4l ln. Hetght 12 ln. Dlameter 6 ln. Denslty pcf Concrete Tc'rnperacure 68 oF Alr Tenperature 26 oF CyI inder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Comprens ive StrenFth (psl) 72 4-3 6FC 3450 IJ 4-3 6FC 3400 74 4-4 7LC IJ 4-4 7LC 76 4-5 8FC 77 4-5 8FC 78 4-25 28 FC 79 4-25 28 FC 80 4-25 28 LC 81 4-25 28 LC spcclfled str€ngth: 4000 Psl at 28 4^y" CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub CHEN AND ASSOCIATES. rNC. Frank Quinn o CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES REPORT chen and associates, inc.JoB No. 26,795 e11s 4-9-84 CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAT ENGINEERS 5080 Rd. 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 DAILY REPoRT xo. 18 sneerlor I SUBJECT:Vail Professional Buildins IO:Morgan Construction Attn: Jin Morgan P.O. Box 2210 Vail. CO 81657 WEATHEF CONDITIONS ANO T E MPERATURE .Stor"ny CONTRACTOR'S EOUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Observed condition of existing spread footing pads located at grid coordinates B-5 and B-6 as requested by the contractor. Pad excavations appeared to penetTate into the dense slightly silty sandy gravel and cobble dqposit recorunended for foundation support. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WIlH stated that pad excavations CONTRACTOR, were dewatered ENGINEER, ARCHITECT,OWNER Cont ract or imnediately prior to concrete placnent on t undisturbed granular soi Is as recomnended. Tom Maddock Steve Down FIELD REPRESENl AI!\IF Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engi.neering Leonard Winetraub APPROVED BY Vail, Colorado 8L658 THE FOL.LOVVING IVAS NOTI:D: - Scaffolding is being removed qnd one elIis clqrnped reshore is being substituted _ for each scaffolding unit (approxinately 160 square feet). Concretd has attained approxinately 8516 ot 28 day design strength based upon two cylindsrs broken yesterday by Chen & Associates. No signs of deflection cracking are apparent at this tine. The upper deck is relatively free of any superimposed construction naterials l-oads. coFiEs -,.o _-G?rX lfuyairp Leonard Welntraub 1,. \o CONSTRUCTION JOB lto.--re- ZilrIIII chen and associates, inc. L-Z T CONSULIING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERSlgl n,-',..ffioff;l1or,ro, ACNVFIESREPOBT DATE 2-28-84 oArLY REPoFT no. 16 sxeer I orl SUEJECT:Vail Professional Buildine Vail co 81657 Attn: Jim !,lorgan P.0. Box 2210 WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE- CONTRACTOR'S EOUTPMENT CONSTRUCTTON ACTtVtTt5g Wal.l along line E from A to C was tented with inside tenperature recorded at 67o F. VEFSAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER. ARCHITECT. OWNER Hans FroeschleTom Maddock FIELO REPRESENTATIVF Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub € Assoc. cc: APPROVED SY g 19. lilorgan Construction P.O. Box 2210 Vail. CO 81657 Attn: Jim Morsan o coNsTRUCTrOlr ACTIVITIES REPOFT chen and associate, inc. 1es xe. 26.7es ssls z-ze-84 C0NSULIING GEOTECHNICAI ENGINEERS o^rlv REpoRr ro. t7 sHEErl_ or I 5060 Fd. lsa Glenwood Springs, CO 8l60l SUEJECT: Y'EATHER CONDITIONS ANO TEMPERATUFEJ CONTRACTOR.S EOUIPMENT coNsTRucTroil AcTtvrTtEs Wall along line 8 from A to C was tented with inside teryerature recorded at 65oF. V€RBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTR^CTOF, ENGINEER. ARCHITECT. OWNER Ton Maddock FIELO FEPRESENTATIl,Fcc! Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub & Assoc. Hans Froeschle ^PPROV€D SY Cnrx exo AsgoctArts Conrulllng Englnccn Soll end Foundallon Englnecrlng 50lo no. r5a . GLEI|WOOO SpnlNGS. COLORADO !160r CONCRETE TESTING RESI.'LTS Job No. : 26,795 Job Locationl Vail Professional Buildi.ng Date Casr | 2-22-84 Sampled By: Tom Maddock Contractor: Locatlon: Floor s1ab, line F to C.8 from I to 2, line F to D fron 2 & 816" to 3; sanpled 3D Mlx Data: Concrete SuppJ.ler: BtiB Batch Out Tlne: Supplier's Ticket No.: 11056 Truck No.: 6-30 Tine Cast : l1: 40 a.m. PHT"SICAL PROPERTIES: unit Weight 142,5 pcf Air Content 3.8 Z Slurnp 42 in. ltelght L2 ln, Diamecer 6 ln. Deirslty Pcf Concrete Tcrnperature 73 oF Alr Teurperature 37 oF Cyl inder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tes ted Days Coropressive Scrength (psl ) 37 2-24 2 day field cure 2050 38 2-27 5 day field cure 3080 39 2-29 7 day field cure 35gO 40 2-29 7 4l 3-21 28 42 s-21 28 43 3-2L 28 Re'nq rkg : speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at _-28 'J^y" CC: Ilorgan Construction Robert Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froeschle Cnrx exo AssoctAtrr Conrulllng Englnccn Soll and Foundrtlon Englneedng $tono. r5a . GLE wooo SpRlt{c3. coLonaoo ltaor CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Job No. t 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Casr: 2-27-84 Sampled By: Ton Maddock Contractor: Morgan Construction Location: l{alls at line 8 from A to Ci colurnns at 6C.9, 6D,7D.5,7D.2i sanpled at column 6D Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: B€B Suppller's Ticket No.: 11068 Truck No. | 7-3O Batch Out Tlrne: 10:44 Time Cast: 11:30 a.n. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight 144.5 pcf Air Concent 2.5 Z Slurnp 3i ln. llelght 12 ln. Dlaneter 6 ln. Denslcy pcf concrete Ternperature 62 oF A1r Tenperature 20 oF Cyllnder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Coopress ive Strength (psl) 44 3-5 7 5040 4S 3-26 28 46 3-26 28 47 3-26 2e Ret".l fkg: Speclfted Strength: 4000 ps1 at 28 daye CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub 0 Assoc. CHEN AI.ID ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froeschle MORGAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. General Contractors and Developers November 23, 1983 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, C0 81657 Attn: Dick Duran Mike McGee Vail Fire Department Re: 953 South Frontage Rd. West - Vail, C0. Intent to Share Expense Gentl emen: This letter wi'l I serve as our notice to you that we will share the expense of installing a fire hydrant in the vjcinity of the above named locatjon. Our contribution is to be equal to that of contributjon by Voliter Nursery and Andy Norris, indjvidually, and not to exceed a maximum cost to us of $2,000.00. We remain, JJM/ae I Post Office Box 2210 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303) 949-5720 Cxrx rxo Assoctlttl Conrultlng Englncon Soll end Foundetlon Englneerlng 50&nD. tsa . GIE TVOOO SPnlflcg. COIOnAOO ttGot CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No. t 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Buildins Date Cast .. 2-9-84 Sampled By: Ton Maddock Contractor! Morgan Construction Locatlon: Colurnns at D1.6, D2, D3, D4 and C.8/2; sampled at column D2 ltlx Data: Concrete Suppller: 868 Suppller?s Ticket No.: 11008 Truck No.: 430 Batch out Tine: Tine Cast: 4:20 p.m. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unit Weight 147.3 pcf Air Content 3.2 Z Slump 5i ln. Helght 12 in. Dlanecer 6 in. De:rslty Pcf concrete Temperature 6l oF A1r TcmPerature 32 oF Cyl in der No. Da te Tested Age Tested Days Coepres s ive Strength (psl) 26 2-L6 1 4700 27 3-8 28 5850 28 3-8 28 5540 29 3-8 z8 5840 Remarks: Columns tented and heated. Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at - 28 C"y" CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub & Assoc. CHEN AIID ASSOCIATES, lNC. H@ ?,\ Cm:x AND AsroctAtrs Conrultlng Englnccn Soll rnd Foundatlon Englneerlng soroRo. t5a . GLEr{wooo sPSlNGs. coloRAoo !t60t CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No. : 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Cast z S-Z-84 Sampl.ed By: Bob Gardner Contractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: Grids 5.5 to 4.5 frorn D to F lines ltix Data: Concrete Suppller: 868 Supplierrs Ticket No.: Vl l08f Truck No.: 3-5 Batch Out Tlme: 9:25 a.m. Time Cast; 10:20 a.rn. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight 142.9 pcf Air Content 3.5 Z Slurnp 4i ln. Itelght 12 ln. Dlaneter 6 ln. Denslty pcf Concrete Temperature 68 oF Alr Teurpera ture 35 oF Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Comprens ive Scrength (psl) 48 3- 13 6 field cure 3130 49 J-15 8 field cure 50 3- 16 9 field cure 5l 3- 14 JZ 4-4 28 53 4-4 28 54 4-4 28 Reoarkal Sanples taken at end of punp hose. Speclfled Strength: 4000 pel at 28 daya CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub & Assoc. CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, rNC. Hans Froeschle Cmrx exo AssoctArtg Conrulllng Englncen Soll end Foundetlon Englnecrlng 50E0 nD.lsa . GLE WOOO SPRIIiIGS. COIOFAOO tl6ol CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Job No. z 26,795 Job Location: Vail Professional Building Date Cas!: S_7_94 Sarnpled By: Bob Gardner Contractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: Floor slab topping, grids 3.0 to 3.5 from D to F lines Mix Data: Concrete Suppller: B€B Supplier's Ticket No.: Vll084 Truck No.: 3-10 Batch Out Tlme: 10:29 a.m. Time Cast: 11:55 a.m. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unit Weight 143.5 pcf Alr Content 2.7 Z Slump 6 ln. Height 72 ln. Diameter 6 ln. Denslty pcf Concrete Temperalure 7l oF Air Ternperature 35 oF Cyllnder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Cooprens lve Strength (psl) JJ 3-t2 5 field cure 2530 56 3- l3 6 field cure 2900 s7 3- 15 8 field cure 58 3-14 7 59 4-4 28 60 4-4 28 61 4-4 28 Renarke: sauples taken at end of punp hose. Speclfied Strength: 4000 Psl at -_29- days CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. BOland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering CIIEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Leonard Winetraub € Assoc. Hans Froeschla -roIAII chen and associates, inc. LZ I CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAT ENGINEERSI:ZI n'-#ol;';l1or'*, TO: Box 2210 coNsTnITION AcTIvITIEs REPoRT roe ro.-U9!orre&91 OA'LY REPOFT no.l1- sxeerlor Professional BuildingSUoJEcr:&!l Vail , CO 81657 Attn: Jim Morgan WEATHER CONDITIONS ANO TEMPERATUFE CONTFACTOR'S EOUIPUENT CONSIRUCTION ACTIVITIES Visited project site, as requested b1 coltractor to observe excavation for the elevator pit. However, during excavation, water began running inio VEREAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER. AFCHITECT. OWNER the hole and contractor wasn't ready for final in Suggested dewatering hole and a final observation prior to concrete placement. Contractor said he would call back Monday or Tuesday to reschedule site visit. Bob Gardndr FIELO REPRESENTATIVE cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard l{inetraub € Assoc. Hans Froeschle APPBOVED BY P.0. Box 2210 Vail, C0 81657 Attn: Jin Morgan WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPEHATURE CONTRACTOR'S EOUIPMENT cONsTRUcTtoN AcTtvtTtEg Observed excavation to natural gravels and cobbles for Pad C-6 and two grade bearn pads located 10' NE and 10t SW of C-5 (addition at elevator). No grouridwater was observed. Observed excavation for east ramp retaining wall fcioting. Loose fill containing organic natter was observed at proposed footing grade. Moisture-density tests taken VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEEB, ARCHITECT, OWNER at F-8. E-8 and D-8 indicated in-place densities ransins fronr 9l pcf to 121 hish noisture content. It was recomnended to renove all existing fill and footines on either natural soils or c ted structural fil1. Tom Maddock FIELO REPRESENTATIVE cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub 6 Assoc. Hans Froeschle APPFOVEO BY TO Morgan Constructloq chen rnd associates, inc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5080 Rd 154 Glenwood Spnngs. CO 81601 JOB NO 26,795 DATE 6lL6l84 DAILY REPoRT No -?5-sxeErJ-oF I SUBJECT FILL OBSERVATION A TESTINGP.O. Box 2210 vall- C0 81657 At tn: Jln Morgan sort I tourofl()r tr6rrtlrrlG l€sT NO,LocAlro T€ST TYP€ O€PTH on €LEVATIOr{ll-tl LAgonAtonv FI€LO SOIL 'YP€ LAIna{rtl of,Y o€ftsrw lPCft o c (a) oeY o€Rs|lv (pcrl lrorslunc CONY€XT tr) coHPAC, Tlor{ (!r) 3 50' S. of S. end of Exlsting E. Wa11 N 6' BG 134. 3 8.0 L35.4 7.9 100+sllty sandy gravel ! spECtFtCATTON COMpACTION 6 y1169191 100% standard Proctor densitv under footings Type and Type and number ol CaTlh moving unrls: number of comDaclion unils: O In our opinion. till generally meels specifications as indicalod by le3l no.(s) - o ln our opinion, lill does nol m€€t sp€cilicalions E3 indicated by test no.(s) and should b€ removed or & Fill t.3lod nreets specifications D Conlraclor advisod O Full lime ob3ervalion fi Part timo obse.vation pRocRESs "r**, Arrlved at slte vith flll belng in fll-l below footinge for E. rarm retalnlng rq4!L. Ton Maddock Hane Froeechle reworled Numb€r ol passes M€lhod ol addrng lhiclness ot lift moislure Thrs report ptesents opinrons tormed as a result bt our observatron ol lill pldcement We have relieo On lhe conltactOt lo conlrnue applyrn9 the Tecommended compaclrve ellorl and mOislure lo the litl dufing trmes when ouf observer rs nol observtng operaltons Tests are made ol the ltll Only as belreved necessary lo cahbrale oui observer's ludgement Test data are not lhe sole basrs lor oprnrons on whelher the trll meels specrhcatrons cc: Robert L. Boland Tosn of Vail Boyle Englneering Leonard lfinetraub OBSERVER APPROVEO BY VaiI, Colorado 81658 THE FoLLowrNG wAS ruoieo, ' __-5lw-o-_#5. tgp_ba1g -qaq_ -lacklng_ et the south end of lhe first joist at the west end. - More chairs are required to support mesh ard top steel over pans. lrlaintain 2" of clearance next to top steel in Bearn 83. Some bars are too close to the adjacent pans. 'Eriirr Gfi noressional Building tocafloarVallr'Colorado 'coratiaElloi[organ Constructj owxaRon wtrtxtt'CIoudy 'm llr,oo :il 'PiIAE'lt AT S1TETad Schultz Tin Boyle COPIE:;- _-qeTv_ }$rrytt Leonard $leintraub Cmrx rxo AssoctAtt3 Gonrulllng Englnccn Soll and Foundetlon Englneerlng 50to iO.l5l . GLEIIWOOO SPAlnc3, COLOBAOO !t60l CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Job No. z 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Cast'. S-Z-84 Sanpled By: Bob Gardner Contractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: Grids 3.5 to 4.5 fron D to F lines Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: B&B Suppllerrs Ticket No.: V11081 Truck No.: 3-5 Batch Out Tlme: 9:25 a.n. Time Cast I 10:20 a.n. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt trleight L42.9 pcf Alr Content 3.5 Z Slurnp 4t ln. Helght 12 ln. Dlaneter 6 ln. Denslcy Pcf Concrete Teurperature 68 oF Air Tearperature 35 oF Cyllnder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Conprens lve Strength (psi) 48 3- 13 6 field cure 3130 49 3- l5 8 field cure 3770 50 4-4 28 field cure 5040 51 5- l4 4420 52 4-4 28 s800 53 4-4 28 57s0 54 4-4 28 5780 Renarks: Sanrples taken at end of purnp hose. Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at 28 daya CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub € Assoc. CHEN AI{D ASSOCIATES. INC. Hans Froeschle Ctr:x exo AsroctArtS Conrulllng Englnccn Soll rnd Foundetlon Englneerlng 50t0 RO.l5a . GIE TWOOO SPn|NGS. COIOFAOO ltaol CONCRETE TESTINC RESI'LTS Job No. z 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Cast: S-7_g4 Sanpled By: Bob Gardner Contractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: Floor slab topping, grids J.0 to g.S frorn D to F lines ltlx Data: Concrete Suppller: B€B Suppller's Ticket No.: Vll084 Truck No.: J-10 Batch Out Tlrne: 10:29 a.n. Time Cast: 11:55 a.n. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight 143.5 pcf Alr Content 2.7 Z Slurnp 6 tn. Hetght 12 ln. Dlameter 6 ln. Denslry Pcf concrete Temperature 7L oF Alr Tenperature 35 oF Cyllnder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days CoDpre:ls Strength ive (psl) J5 3-12 5 field cure 2SsO 56 3- 13 6 field cure 2900 s7 3- 15 8 field cure 3380 58 3-t4 7 4r40 59 4-4 28 5520 60 4-4 28 5550 61 4-4 28 5450 Remarkg: Sanples taken at end of purnp hose. Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at 28 daye CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering CIIEN AND ASSOCIATES' INC. Leonard Winetraub G Assoc. Hans Froesch l e Cxrx exo AssoctAtrt Conrultlng Englnccn Soll and Foundellon Englneerlng 50&nD.tsa . GLE WOOO SpRtNG3. COIOnAOO !t601 CONCRETE TESTINC REST'LTS Job No.. 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Caat 2 3-28-84 Sampled By: Tom Maddock Conrractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: Deck s1ab, C.5 to F fron 7r E. of 5 to LOr E. of 7t sanpled at D-6 Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: B € B Supplier's Ticket 11o.. 11098 Truck No.: 10-30 Batch Out Tlrne: 10.07 Tine Cast: 10:45 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Wei5iht L45.2 pcf Air Content 3.5 Z Slurnp 4 ln. Helght 12 in. Diameter 6 tn. Denslty pcf concrete Tcrnperature 70 oF Alr Temperacure 25 oF Cylinder No. Date Tested Age Tested Days Conpren s ive Strength (pst) 62 4-3 6FC 4670 63 4-3 6FC 4650 64 4-4 7LC 5230 65 4-4 7LC 5390 66 4-5 8FC 4760 67 4-5 8FC 4690 68 4-25 28 FC 69 4-25 28 FC 70 4-25 28 LC 7L 4-25 28 LC Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at 28 Caye CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering CHEN ANI; ASSOCIATES. INC. Leonard Winetraub G Assoc. Frank Quinn Cxrx exo AssoctArrr Conrultlng Englnecn Soll end Foundatlon Englneedng 50to Ro. t5r . cLEt'twooo spntt|cs, cotoRAoo !t80l CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No. z 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date CaBE .. 3-28-84 sampled By: Tom Maddock contractor: Morgan construction Locarlon: Deck slab at C.5 to F fron 7r E. of 5 to 10r E. of 7; sanpled at C.S/7 Hix Data: Concrete Suppller: B 6 B Suppll.er's Ticket No.: 11103 Truck No.: 6-30 Batch Out Time: 11.45 Time Cast: L2:45 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Welght L44.4 pcf Alr Content 4.3 Z Slurnp 4] ln. Hetght LZ ln. Dlarneter 6 in. Denslty pcf concrete Tcrnperalure 68 oF A1r Tenperature 26 oF Cyl in der No, Da te Tested Age Tes ted Days Compren s ive Streng,th (psl) 72 4-3 6FC 3450 IJ 4-3 6FC 3400 74 4-4 7LC 4r90 7S 4-4 7LC 4100 76 4-5 8FC 3400 77 4-5 8FC 3550 78 4-25 28 FC 79 4-25 28 FC 80 4-25 28 LC 81 4-25 28 LC Spectfled Strength: 4000 psl at 28 4^y. CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Ihc. Tovrn of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Frank Quinn Crrrx exo AssoctA?rg .ou"""jll','113,,:ltff Lr;, 50t0 nO. t5a . CLEI{WOOO SpRttitcs, COLOnAOO f t6ot CONCRETE TESTING RESULTS Job No. : 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail professional Building Sanpled By: Torn Maddock Locatlon: Walls at line g fromsanpled at column 6D Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: 868 Batch Out Tirne: l0:44 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt tleight 144.5 Date Cast:2-27-84 Contractor: A to Cj columns at 6C.g, 6D, Morgan Construction 7D.5,7D.2; Helght t2 Concrete Temperature 62 Speclfled Srrength:4000 pcf ln. oF Suppllerrs Ticket No.: l106g Tine Cast; 11:30 a.n_ Alr Content 2.5Dlaneter 6Alr Teurperature 20 Truck No. : 7-30 Slump 3i Densl ty AND AssocrATES, INC. ln. oF ln. Pcf CC: llorgan Construction Robert -L. Boland, Inc.Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub 6 Assoc. rens iveStrgleth (pst) P81 at 28 4aya Hans lroeschle -. Cnrx exo ArroctAtr3 Conrultlng Englnccn Soll end Foundrtlon Englnerlng so|onO.lil . GLE TWOOO SPnlNC3. COLOFTOO lttot CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Job No. : 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Dare Casr z 2-22-84 Sarnpled By: Tom Maddock Contractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: Floor slab, line F to C.8 from 1 to 2, line F to D fron 2 6 816rr to 3; sampled at 2E Mix Data: Concrete Suppller: B&B Suppller's Ticket No.: 11049 Truck No.: 5 Batch Out Tir:re: 8:44 Tine Cast: 9:45 a.n. PHISICAT PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight 142.I pcf A1r Conten! 5.8 7 Slunp 4 ln. Helght 12 in. Dlamerer 6 ln. Denslty Pcf Concrete Tcrnperature 48 oF Alr Tearperature 26 oF Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days CoDpreris ive Srrength (psl) 30 2-24 2 day field cure 1910 31 2-27 5 day field cure 3240 32 2-29 7 day field cure 3520 JJ 2-29 4490 34 3-2r 28 5450 35 3-21 28 6050 36 3-21 28 6150 Reoarka: Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at - 28 4"y. gq. Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyl,e Engineering CHEN AND ASSOCTATES, lNC. Hans Froeschle ,\ Cn:x exo ArroctAtrt Conrulllng Englnccn Soll rnd Foundrllon Englnccrlng 50aO nO. tga . GLE IWOOO StnlNGS, COLOnAOO ll30l CONCRETE TESTING RESI'LTS Job No. : 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Cast z 2-22-84 Sampled By: Ton Maddock Contractor: Locatlon: Floor slab, line F to C.8 frour I to 2, line F to D fron 2 q 816'r to 3; sampled 3D Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: BGB Suppllerfs Ticket No.: 11056 Truck No.: 6-30 Batch Out Tlne: Tine Cast: 11;40 a.n. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt ltlel8ht L42.5 pcf Alr Content 3.8 Z Slump 41 ln. Belght L2 ln. Dlarnerer 6 ln. Denslty pcf Concrete Temperature 73 oF Alr Tenperature 37 oF cvr tn der No. Da te Tes t ed A[ie Tes ted Days Conprens lve Srrength (psl) 37 2 day field cure 2050 38 2-27 5 day field cure 3080 39 2-29 '7 day field cure 3590 40 2-29 7 4390 4T s-21 28 5690 42 3-21 28 s840 43 3-2r 28 s770 Rerurka: Spcclfled str€ngth! 4000 Psl at -J!- aty. CC: Morgan Construction Robert Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froeschl e I Crrx exo ArsoctAtrt Conrultlng Englncen Soll end Foundellon Englneerlng 5ol0 io.l5a . GLEI|WOOO SPnl cS. COLOnAOO tioor CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No. z 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Cast. S-7-g4 sampled By: Bob Gardner cont.ractor! Morgan construction Locatlon: Grids 3.5 to 4.5 from D to F lines Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: B&B Supplierrs Ticket No.: VllO8l Truck No.: 3-5 Batch Out Tlme: 9:25 a.m. Tine Cast: 10:20 a.m. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight 142.9 pcf Alr Content 3.5 Z Slurnp 4L ln. Helght 12 ln. Dlaneter 6 ln. Denslty Pcf Concrete Temperature 68 oF Alr Temperature 55 oF Cylinder No. Da te Tes ted Age Tested Days CoDpress ive Strength (psl) 48 3- 13 6 field cure 3130 49 3- 15 .8 field cure s770 50 3- 16 9 field cure 51 3- 14 7 4420 52 4-4 28 53 4-4 28 54 4-4 28 Reogrkg: Sanples taken at end of punp hose. Speclfled Strength: 4000 pal at 28 ,Jaye CC! Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub 6 Assoc. CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froeschle Ctux exo ArroctArrs Conrulllng Englncen Soll end Foundatlon Englneerlng 5080no. tsa . GlErrwooo spFt cs, colon^oo rt6ol CONCRETE TESTING RESI,'LTS Job No. : 26,795 Job Location: Vail Professional Building Date Caat: S-Z-g4 Sampled By: Bob Gardner Contractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: Floor slab topping, grids 5.0 to j.5 from D to F lines Mix Data: Concrete Suppller: BGB Suppllerts Ticket No.: Vllgg4 Truck No.: 3-10 Batch Out Tirne: 10:29 a.m. Time Castr ll:j5 a.rn. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight 14S.S pcf A1r Content 2.7 Z Slump 6 ln. Helght 12 in. Dianeter 6 in. Denslty pcf Concrete Tc'rnperature 7l oF Alr Temperature 55 oF Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Coupressive Strength (pst) ))3-12 5 field cure 2530 56 3- 13 6 field cure 2900 s7 3- 15 8 field cure 3380 58 3- t4 7 4140 59 4-4 28 60 4-4 28 6t 4-4 28 Rensrks: Sanrples taken at end of punrp hose. Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at _2L_ i8yB CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub 6 Assoc. CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froesch I e s 'l' Cxrx AND A3soctArts Conrultlng Englnccn Soll and Foundatlon Englneedng 5000 nO. l5a . GlEl{wOOO SPBII'IGS. COLOnAOO l'1601 CONCRETE TESTING R-ESI'LTS Job No.: 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Cast 2 S-l-94 Sarnpled By: Bob Gardner Contractor: Ivlorgan Construction Locatlon: Grids 3.5 to 4.5 from D to F lines Mix Data: Concrete Supplter: B&B Suppller's Ticket No.: Vl108l Truck No.: 3-5 Batch Out Tlme: 9:25 a.m. Tirne Cast: 10:20 a.rn, PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight 142.9 pcf Alr Content 3.5 Z Slurnp 4t ln. Helght 12 ln. Dlameter 6 in. Denslty pcf Concrete Ternperature 68 oF Alr Tenperature 35 oF Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Cornpren s lve Strength (psl) 48 3- 13 6 field cure 3130 49 3- l5 8 field cure 50 5- 16 9 field cure 51 3-14 4420 s2 4-4 2A 53 4-4 28 54 4-4 28 Reoarks: Samples taken at end of purnp hose. Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at 28 daye CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub & Assoc. CHEN AND ASSOCTATES, rNC. Hans Froeschle ,t Cxrx exo ArroctAlrs Conrulllng Englnccrr Soll end Foundellon Englneerlng 50Eo iO,lsa . cLE WOOO SPnINGS. COLOiAOO !t6ot CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No.: 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Cast | 3-7-g4 Sanpled By: Bob Gardner Contractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: Floor slab topping, grids 3.0 to g.S fron D to F lines Mix Data: Concrete Suppller: BeB Supplierts Ticket No.: V11084 Truck No.: 3-10 Batch Out TIme: 10:29 a.m. Time Cast; 11:35 a.n. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unit Weight f4S.5 pcf Alr Content 2.7 Z Slump 6 ln. Helght 12 in. Diameter 6 ln. Denslty pcf Concrete Temperature 7I oF Air Tenperature 35 or Cylinder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Compress ive Strength (psl) 55 3-12 5 field cure 2530 56 3- 13 6 field cure 2900 s7 3- 15 8 field cure 58 3-14 7 4140 59 4-4 28 60 4-4 28 6l 4-4 28 Reoarka: Sanrples taken at end of prunp hose. Speclfled Strength: 4000 psl at __28__ days CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering CIIEN Al{D ASSOCIATES' INC. Leonard Winetraub & Assoc. Hans Froeschle I_-I i.." -., .. WEITRAUB & ASSoG|ATE3 ENGil|EERS, tl{c, 605OLD BALLAS ROAD, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI63141 TELEPHONE 314872-9515 Septenrber 28, l98rt ll,organ Construction P.0. 8ox 2210Vail, Colorado 81658Attn: flike El l is RE: Vail Professional Building Dear Hike: This is in reference to my inspection of the structural steel and metal deck on the above referenced project. The welding of the metal deck to the second and third floor framlng was sat i sfactory. I trust this ls the information you need at this time. lf I can be of any further help, please call my office. Very truly yours, I NC. l{oharmed lbrahim, |ll:eur oI l, ,T I I VAtt- lrcr buoc AaD )L 2*2rt4 We b ro Tctt' or J5T. /w-ttz v2 7\7 t!6 hvfto m ToP Clbp 0? JOI5T, I ,t 12 JJT 6oc' '*, -J-t..r.r -{,- RLrcqT( Ev ltr.,rf. w8 CoilConsultants Incorporated NOV 2O REC'I] Nove[ber 15, 1984 l,lr. l4ike EUis lbrgan Cqrstructicn4ll9l U.S. Hwt. 6 & 24 lbglerrail, @lorado 81658 BE: VaiI office Building Jcb * 633 Dear Mike: I have reviewed tlle 1982 tlE Code requireurents in regard to the use groq) classifications of lour buitding- In our opinian, tfie enclosed prking garage ie classified -as a use group +f """,i.rqf. 1his opinicr is based qr ttre definitiqr of garage (4O2) "oa tft definitios (7Of ). $re prking gange not be classified aE a use grroup lFl occupanc)t (pri\rate garage) since by definition, purirrate g*"g"" are linited in area to 1,000 square feet' The office lnrticrs (Levels 1, 2 ard 3) of lour brifding are a use grouP F2 office occupanqf: Ifirile the total occr4nnt load exceeds 50' tlte building is noCchisified as Assenbly use since there are trot any roons ;-;F;" wittr an occuPant load in excess of 50 rftose p1;alpse is tlrat of .""dnlrly. (see definitic6 of assembly ( 6l)r-reguirements for use grouP A (60l) a;d requirerents for use gror4t B (7Ol)). I trust that tl1is resolves any reuraining questicrs corcerning the prqrr ,rr" goo-op designatior of your buitding. If lou have any firrther questicins, please call. Fire Protecticr Elgineer Ds/lm cc: Jin l6rgan, l'brgtstr CqFtructicrt oa"" oeirFerry, Rcbert L- Boland & A'ssociates cFIRE PROTECTION CONSULTAN I 5 ic2s rxEcuTME pnBxwnv DRtvE . sT LcusMsscxlRt 63141' 34-57 6'l B5o NAUNo ilf"T[lHE:L*'o crwrordr rhoppiq otltcrcrolttoaoa Smppmt 9'|!lr v.[, Elordo 81657 {ua7Gzrro Morgan Const_r3c-li_gn Co . P0 Box 2210 VaiI, Colorado 81658 THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED : uarcn l, rg84 glir4 Vail Professional Buildlng Vail, Colorado Morgan Construction Cloudy George, Tom Gary Mrrain Tim Boyle Chase The two #5 top steel reinforcing bars at the south end of alt Jl joiste __ 4Le too short and do not extend over the interior beam Iine. fnstructed_ Tom Chase !_o__gdd I #4 bars twelve foot long at each joist, lapping a _. -..,- mlninun of eighteen inches with the deficient #5 bars, ,o Ga{yJl{urrain L,eonarri Weintraub .ioror,oN REP.RT chen and ass o oci etes, inc..los xo. ---&-,115- DrrE -:L-20:-84-CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAI ENG]NEERS 5080 Rd. 1S Glenwood SPrings, CO 81601 onr Ho. 2o sxeer--l-or-l- Vail Professional Buildi4g DA]LY BEP SUEJECT: TO:Morgan Construction P.0. Box 2210 Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Jim Morgan isolatedEXCAVATION FOR: LOCATION:Grid C-7 EXCAVATION BASE ELEVATION(S): MATERIALS EXPOSEO 1N BASE(S) OF EXCAVATION(S): cobbles and boulders sliehtly silty sandy gravel with 9gy1911g. Observed Pad C-7 excavation e suitable naterial wi ial1 exposed boulder in the excavation bottom. Also observed ximate I 6"ofs placement. Recorurended verification of steel lqq enqineer prior to concrete placenent. VEREAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR. ENGINEEF, ARCHlTECT. OWNER water in excavation with no slough at this tine. Reconmended dewatering and renoval of any loose or soft soil prior to concrete Ton Maddock Steve Down FIELO REPRESENTATlVE Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub APPROVEO BY chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5080 Rd. 154 Glenwood Sprlngs, CO 81601 Morgan Construction P.O. Box 2210 Vail. CO 816s7 Attn: Jin Morqan CAYATION REPORT 16s xe. 26.795 orre_tl!:_84__ DAILY REPoFT ro. 19 sxeEr---Lor I SUBJECT: TO: EXCAVATION FOR; L OC AT ION:grid C-4, B-7, and B-7.5 EXCAVATION BASE ELEVATION(S): MAT€RTALS EXPOSEO IN BASE(S) OF EXCAVATION(S): cobbles slightly silty sandy gravel and p6y1g6g. Observed and during concrete placement. Pad C-4 had no free water at this tine. Observed wet pad bases for slough prior to concrete placenent by probing with spad,e and hands. Foundation excavation base areas weie devoid of slough and free water at tirne of concrete placement exposing the natural dense gravels as reconmended for foundat ion support. VEFEAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHlTECT. OWNER Recomnended dewatering Drior and during concrete placenent. excavations at B-7 and B-7.5. Dewatering was Ton Maddock Steve Down FIELD REPRESENTATIVE Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub APPROVED BY 3HoaUInoIto o 7 Itm!o,{zo xtJl..Ja)@UI{I,Iril.tIts.=3nla;' :E :F:e :Et6rr il <-o @ 2o o m l\J Ol -{roltl (,| I Io5 aa\-/ laradF= g =igsFa s; = t8" F E' u =a3roz-rn rtgP (t) -t tl o -l li o r+ H. oq o-n ct,<c$lDrh 'i=gFoo(,@o <t,P' tnOI,<<::>3-{ ogz F.F ls4taZl" I I I N) N ul? r'|m -t IN a{(, - U)lrI oa a) rt o F.l xtror-lFox|nP. fn = 0a i B I o2 z z <|rl!(, (rla: -l (,.1 P ri'E-g r (,|s (,1 (,l5 (,|eEul !o o co o t3-o 9I5 o (rl NJ tJ (, sgr o { ul \t 'iE lJ ro @ o ai3 0 UtIt Y GIrl FI o p i (t!mcIo,{.6zoo3!o{oz,3{m,tr -toooJooooo=3o!oct'ootof3ooo3ED.|=.o:Ctz3ogo-ooI?,Jo s =l!too5Gt39coo crcIo {!l!ctts E g-; aIa;iqEsggFisisEgo^1ii=a#:H:; ;;:9!ffi-ggitgi uFiggg Flo 3:,Fo9E HEAi ;;9:er39 $?i: $:i-= ftrorXe*ai ;o 3 5o -o - a33-F " =;:gs:i |'.<-6 q {e =8 U1 or+ A)r,' Floo ti 4 o Q H.atY o9* o o J A I i 5d t =*g:e;ei1gige!EBdIsls3 d'a | =l ;- !P t. | =l =3 *E I el?318138-lali5 : l al ;: I ol di lElf: l;tgs | 31s3 t;t3at!t.e t:t! L 3l aa3'E..adie 3 =-< ; o 3o oo.I oioC\ B F F. o r+ ltl ato { cru Fh !too CL 9l3 ooE I !!oo!moC' !m 3 a t-? tso o o ts.ai Eo 9'al P.o o F. oafo Fl 0)rr P.o tt T' o ct ln -t! F'ooIto o @ U'm! m !!!o moo chen and associrtes, inc. CONSUTTING GEOTECHN ICAT ENGII{EERS 5040 Rd. 15. Glanwoo<l Sprin6, CO 8160l rA, .Morsan Construction P.O. Box 2210 Vail. C0 81657 Attn: Jin Morgan coNsTROTI ON AcTIvtTIEs REPoRT .loe ilo--?@- p11s 4-26-84 oArLY RePoRt xo. 21 sneer-;f orJ- SUEJECT:Vail Professional Buildins WEATHER CONOITIONS ANO TEMPEFATURE CONTRACTOR'S EOUIPMENT col,lsTRucrtoN AcTtvtTlgg Contractor requested observation of present elevator shaft boring and casing coriditions. Observed grormdwater near existing grade. Observed boring caved around exterior of casing. Conditions were basicallv the s ane as reported earlier in our letter of February 28, 1984. VERBAL COMMUNICATION TYITH CONTRACTOB. ENGINEER. ARCHITECT. OWNEF Ton Maddock Michael J. Byle FIELO REPRCSENI^T'VE Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub APPROVEO 8Y Cx:x rxo Arsoctltr3 Conrulllng Englnccn Soll rnd Foundrtlon Englnecrlng 50ro RD.l5a . GLE'{WOOO SPnl G3. COLOnADO !t60t CONCRETE TESTING REST'LTS Job No. t 26,795 Job Location: Vail Professional Building Date Cast z 12-23-83 Sanpled By: Bob Gardner Contracfor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: West wall - wouth end - first lift Mix Data: Concrete Suppller: B q B Suppller?s Ticket No.: 10913 Truck No.: Batch Out Tlr:re: 9:05 a.m. Tine Casl: 10:45 a.m, PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unir wei8hr 140.8 pcf Alr Conrent 4.0 Z Slurnp 5 ln. Helght L2 ln. Dianreter 6 ln. Denslcy Pcf Concrete Temperalure 50 oF Alr TemPerature 20 oF Cyl inder No. Da te Tes t ed Age Tested Days Coopreri s lve Strength (psi) 9 12-30 7 3770 10 r-20 28 11 L-20 28 L2 t-20 28 Reoarks: Concrete was ptmped. Speclfled Srrengrh: 4000 pst at _J9,__ Caya CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vai I CHEN AI.TD ASSOCIATES' INC. --H@ Cxrx rxo AssoctAtrg Conrulllng Englnccn Soll rnd Fosndrtlon Englnecrlng 50!ono. r5a . GLEI$fooo sFFt G3, cotonAooat60l CONCRETE TESTING RESIJLTS Job No. : 26,795 Job Locatlon: Vail Professional Building Date Casr.. L2-23-83 Sampled By: Bob Gardner Contractor: Morgan Construction Locatlon: South wall - west end - first lift Mlx Data: Concrete Suppller: B 6 B Suppllerrs Ticket No.: 10920 Truck No.: Batch Out Tlme: 1l:30 Tine Castr l:05 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Unlt Weight I41 .2 pcf Alr Content 4.75 Z Slurnp 6 ln. Helght 12 ln. Dlaneter 6 tn. Denslty pcf Concrete Temperature 45 oF Air Teurperature 20 oF Cyl in der No. Da te Tes ted Age Tested Days Conpre ns ive Srren8th (pst) 13 t2-30 4r70 L4 r-20 28 15 t-20 28 l6 r-20 28 t7 res erve Reroarks: Concrete was punped. One extra cylinder was made because of high slump. Speclf led Strength: 4000 psl at _ 28 4^y, CC: Morgan Construction Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail CHEN AND ASSOCIATES. INC. Hans Froeschl e INS TION TOWN OF /tay REQUEST VAIL ,',,,/ ( DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME TNSPECIoN: MoN ruES wED C"A FRI A.,F9T !7,. b- ,r C;.-rt, &<tt-,, ,ff-,:r1 /o" (D BI,J tr rn tr' tr tr tr tr LDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDFOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o rNal tr FINAL lA4paoveo E] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE cod?consultants No\/ 20 ftil]'0Incorporated Noveuber 15, 1984 rt. Mike rllis lbrgan Cqrstructiqr 4U91 u: s. n!ry. 6 & 24 Eaglerrail, Col-orado 81658 Re: vail offic€ &ilding Jcb * 633 Dear Mike: Based on lour descriptiqr of the ductwork penetratior of the I trourfloc-ceiling asseubly selnrating ttre garage frcm tlre rernirder of the tuilding, we recumerd tlnt )Du wrap ttre ductroork in 5/8 inch f5/pe X dry- wall sq4nrted frcm steel stude on furrirg elr,annels. It is our opinion tltat protecticn in t]lis naneer will prorride a reasqnble level of protec.- ticn as intended by the hrildirg code. Hohrever, we do recomend that 1ourevien this protrnsed curcept witb the local officials ard get their ap- prc,val prior to naking anlr nodifications. If lott have any questicrs, please call. Sincerely, Fire Protecticn Btgineer ( DS/uur cc3 Jirn lbrgan, l1brgan Ccnstructiqr Dave Derrldcerry, Mert L. Boland & Associates FIRE PR o PA TECTION CONSULTANTS IC23 EXECUTIVE RKWAY DRIVE . ST LCUIS, MISSOURI 6314I . 3]4- 57 6.I BsC i.-. ''o chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEEBS 5C8C RO t! GIeNWOOO SPRINGS COLOR^OO olCot 3O:t.9.9 t.St llay 22, 1984 SubJect: Revlew of Pho togra ph s , Colurnn Footlng Pads B-5 and 8-6, Vall Professlonal Bulldlng, Vail, Colorado. Iob No. 26,795 '1, r.lrri r -..;-,-',1rion {lo. ?.'1. 5o:< l2l0 \ra i 1, gg 3155 t .{Lt:n: }like Ellis f-,,t1.:::en: I{e have been provided with 7 photogtaphs of che srrbject f.vting excavations which depicE dewatering of the pads prior Eo c(-,ncrete placement, bearing soils and concrete placement. 'lhe photographs uere provided by }lorgan Construction and rvere reportedly t::ken on April 4, f984. Chen and Associates, fnc. personnel were noE pt esent aL the sife durlng dewatering and concrete placement procedures. The photographs lndicate the excavat.ions were dewatered and thac concrete was placed in the center of the pad to displace the rernalning \,/ater. The bearing soils consist of coarse grantrlar fiateriaI. Coarse granular materials have been observed to exjst throughorrt the bottom of the building excavation which other foundations bear on. Free grorrnd- water level generally exists at shallow depth throughout the site. The photographs indicate that deeaEering and concrete placenent techniques used at the subject footing pads are like those employed for construction of other foundati.ons that Chen and Associates, Inc. have observed and judged to be acceptable. We would not expect fluctuatlons in the groundwater level or accumulation of surface runoff ln the footlng excavations to signiflcantLy degrade the support capacity of the natural coarse granular subsolls. Based on the photographs provided and our past experience on the site, conditions whlch wouLd make the footings unsuitable, based on geotechnical considerations, are not apparent to us. Adequacy of the bearing rDaterials cannot be Judged by us without lnspection prlor to Che concrete placeroent. If concern or doubt concerning the load capaclty exisEs, rrre suggest the Eop of footing elevation be q OFFTCES CASPER . COLOPAOO SPR]\cS . DENV€R . SALI LAKE CITY -:*:::-Tilr*..rry ' t;:l' ' 'o Morgao Constructlon Co. ilay 22, 1984. , - . foundatlon of stmllar size and load capacltyuhlch has been Judged to be sultable for support of the structural loads. If excesslve settle- ment 6ccurs, then rernedlal repalr by ground improvement technlques such as groutlng below the existlng foundation can be ernployed. any questlons wlth regard to content of thls letter or furEher asslstance ln thls matter, please do not hesitate Very truly yours, CHEN AND ASSOCTATES, INC. *&=./,r-U/,- Steven L. Pawlak, P. E. sLP/dc cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail Building Dept. Boyle Englneering Leonard Winet.raub & Associates chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5O8O RO l5,l GLENWOOO SPRINGS, COLORAOO El8Ol 303/94t7{58 lllay 22, L984 SubJect: RevLew of Photographs, CoLurnn Foo tl-ng Pads B-5 and B-5, Val1 Professional Bulldlng, Vail, Colorado. Job No. 26,795 Morgan ConsEruction Co. P.O. Box 2210 Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mike E1lis Gentlenen: We have been provided with 7 photographs of the subject footing excavations whlch depict dewatering of the pads prior to concrete placenent, bearing soLls and concrete placenent. The photographs were provided by Morgan Constructlon and were reportedly taken on April 4, 1984. Chen and Assoclates, Inc. personnel were not present at the site during dewatering and concrete placement procedures. The photographs lndicate the excavatLons vrere dewatered and that concrete was placed ln the center of the pad to displace the reroaining water. The bearing sol1s consist of coarse granular material. Coarse granular materlals have been observed to exist throughout the bottom of the building excavation which other foundations bear on. Free ground- nater level generally exists at shallow depth throughout the slte. The photographs indicate that dewatering and concrete placement techniques used at the subject footlng pads are like those employed for constructlon of other foundations that Chen and Associates, Inc. have observed and judged to be acceptable. I.le would not expect fluctuations in the groundwater level or accumulation of surface runoff in the footlng excavations to significantly degrade the support capaclty of the natural coarse granular subsoils. Based on the photographs provlded and our past experience on the site, conditions which would neke the footings unsuitable, based on geo Cechnical consideratlons, are not apparent to us. Adequacy of the bearing materials cannoE be judged by us wlthout Lnspection prlor to the concrete placement. If concern or doubt concerning the load capacity exists, we suggest the top of footing elevatlon be OFFICES: CASPER . COLORAOO SPRINGS. DENVER. SALT LAKE CITY -rb Morgan Construction Co. llay 22' L984 Page 2 nonicored throughout the appllcatlon of structural load to determlne if settl-ement occurs. The monitorlng should lnclude at least I other foundatlon of slnllar slze and load capaclty which has been Judged to be sultable for support of the structural loads. If excessive scttlc- ment occurs, then reoedial- repair by ground J.mprovemen t technLques such as grouting belorr the exlsting foundatlon can be enployed. If you have any questlons ltlth regard to content of this letter or if we can be of further assistance ln this matter' please do not hesltate to call. Very tluly yours, CI{EN AI{D ASSOCIATES, INC. ,"%/2*-[4_ Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. SLP/dc cc: Robert L. Boland, Inc. Town of Vail- Building Dept. Boyle Engineering Leonard Winetraub & Assoclates I kI t' fi'r, *ru.url5' ,li+6,,u0) iu,fr' "lin!,3 )l ,r' General Contractors and Developers u!!I-I!g &ElBl RE: The Vail Professjonal Bujlding Code Require- ments and Fire Protection Requiretitents' PRISEI.IT AT-lliCriifgt Steve Patterson, Gary ilurrain ' lilike l'lcGee' D'ick Duran, Jim Morgan, Greg Cole and l'like El I is - The followinq is a summary of the nieeting at the Vail Fire Departrnent"Tra'injng Room "i!f tl: putti::.,1?9u:"^. nentionLd' as well as s6me clarification on points that have Ueen discussed since that meeting: itv;ascorrcl.udedthattheVajlProfessjona.lSuildingisaGroupB2 "i.ri.tiv ina il'ut tf'e-consttuction will be Type 3' one hour' In other words a ful ly rated bu il di ng ' Outside walls wjli be Type X, gyp sheathing on the outside' as well ir"ivp. i-a.v*ift on-tn!'insia6.' All jnteiior drywall will be fire ..t.ifi- Oooriu.y, from-tfre halls wi'l I be 20 nrinute doors as reouired' fh.-A.op ceil iig areas wilI be rated ceiI ing tllg'. rated fixtures and rated grills on ]iy"p.n"iiation of the ientilatjon s-vstem- The tiles themselves wifi "U.'.itt'.r c't ip down or vleighted. All vertjcal columns w.i ll be ".upp"a-riti, i'p. X sheet rock throughout. .Draft ir,rpt "iil be requii^la in the -'p1enum. every 3000 sq' ft' with uilh..3/g plywood oi-% incn she'et rock as the barr.ier attachment ot-.itt,". ubi-ng uy channel screwed to the underside of the concrete deck above or 2 X ,iilriar-ir,ot .into the deck above. l,lrapping of ih;'ri;;;; Uuct<s wittr-non-rated 2 X. material was determined to be acceptabl e. Discussjon of the sprinkler system jn the garage concluded with one major concern that nb f'"uJt be of less thai seien foot above finished ;il;;.--ihrLgh, in non_iratfic areas head guards below seven foot would be accePtable. As to rating of certain elements of the buildjng'.it was discussed to have a one hou'atiig"ui i6. ".ri stair tower ind a 2 hour rating of the west stair tow6r. However, in further discussion-wi-"h Steve patterson it has U""n-ugr""d it'ut'.tl stajr towers will be one hour .;i;i.- itre etevator"striri. is atso a one hour rating alg it was sug- ;;;il th;i i.he..r,uit-wiii'ue usea 1: jt has been detailed on the drawjnqs. The u"ntiiuiion in.it *iil also require.a one hour rating. ilri"".i"ir.i;;r;-;;;';r'.-r.iu"n-ajr of the plenum in penetratins the dritl stops will need to have rated dampers' IUONCAru CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. Post Office Box 2210 o Vail, Colorado 81658 ' (303) 949-5720 Page 2 Meeting Report The Vail Professional Building Code Requirements and Fire protection Requi rements. Smoke detectjon was discussed and initially the concept of having smokedetectors in the top of the elevator shaft, as r,rell as the top oi eachstair tovrer connected to ventilatjon fans in case of smoke vras proposed. Hovrever, in further discussjon with l4ike McGee it vlas determined that srnokedetectors would not be required in these locations. However, at the entryto each elevator level there would be a smoke detector as well as one withinthe elevator. Smoke detection within the duct work of the ventjlation systr,'m t'ras discussed and concluded that a smoke detector at the point of lamanerflow for the supply and.leaf-'jn^would requ'i re a smoke detector. Further discussion with I'like McGee led us to conclude that a smoke detector in the supply air duct coming to the supply air fan, as wel'l as one in line beyondthe supply air fan as well as one at the return air duct in the fan room would be required, though an alternative was proposed to do area smoke detectjon arrd do arvay wjth all duct smoke detection. Smoke detection withjn the lease area 'las discussed, tirough no rc-ccti endation was nade at th js nleeti ng. iovrever, as discussed previously, area detection is an alternate. As to alarm system, the Fire Department is requesting pull stations at the entrance to each stair tower at all levels that would be tied into a security system which would be monitored at the Police Departrrent. Pull statjons inthe garage were djscussed, though no recommendation was finalized as to the need thereof. A flow meter for the sprinkler system tied into the alarm system was also proposed. All smoke detectors were proposed to be tjed jnto the fjre alarm system with horns at each level . Sprinkler system for the garage'l evel was discussed and Mike McGee reconrnendedthat we do a dry system throughout, rather than a combination wet and dry system. The Fire Department would appreciate drawings in the sprinkler system and all aspects of the building as soon as possible for review. The Fire Departrnent would like to review the proposed sprink'l er.system as designed by Code Consultants, Inc. with recommendatjons from the Fire Department on any changes in the drawings. l,le would then intend to complete those drawings asquickly as possible so as to allorv the Town to finish their revjew. The meeting was concluded and Greg Cole suggested that he would haveto Mike McGee by the following Monday. Since that meeting Greg Cole have met with Mike McGee again as referenced in the letter in severalto go over his concerns about the drawings since hjs revjew. drawi ngs and myself I ocati ons The items discussed additionally were a one hour rating separation between the mechanical and electrical on floor p1 an Al . As we told tlike, this wil'l be com- pleted as soon as the drawings are updated. Discussion of a knox box being required at the entry level to the building and location thereof were discussed. Conflict of doors .|08 and l18 were mentioned and we reiterated that that was to be corrected in the final drawinos. Page 3 Meeting Report The Vail Professional Requirements. Building Code Requirements and Fire Protection Mike l4cGee proposed wet stand pipes on the second and third floor at theventilation shaft or possibly tvo dry shafts in the stair tovierl rireextinquishers vrould be required on all levels. Mike had a concern aboutthe snow fence above the main entry as to a ice problem and we assuredhim that we vlere doing a cold roof and did not see the potential of anyslide in this area. M'ike mentioned that the roof details on Al3 did not meet the Town of vail ordinances and we assured him that the roof construction would conformto Town of Vail requirements. This being 5/B fire halt, drJnlall belowthe rafters, non-rated rafters with rated plywood above, non-rated aWefelt above the p'tywood,.non-rated 2x2's abbvl the felt, non-rated pfwioa above the 2x2's with rated paper and rated shingles above. Discussion of the fresh air intake at the ramp concluded with the conceotsthat the grill needs to be rated and that we would monitor this ar.ea in thefuture in.case any smoke or odor was able to be pulled within the building due to it's location. ( 0n page M2 Michael felt that rated'tl-iaps were necessary on the ducts that were shown to be left open until 50% occupancy. A grill would be sufficient. Discussion of M4 and smoke detection of the dlcts oi area detection vrentforward much as discussed above. Heat tape on the water line comjng into the building was of concern to Mikeas-to potential shorting out. we assured h'im that we would get additionalinformation on the tracing wire jntended to be used jf there was any potentialfor problem there. Mike asked about the fire hydrant at the property line and we assured him thatit would be added to the site plan in the correction stage. Mike also askedfor an updated set of sprinkler draw'i ngs whjch we will piovide him as soonas possible. Finally, discussion of the fire alarm systen, as discussed above insued andthe conclusions discussed were proposed. This is hopefully an accurate representation of both meetings with the Building Departrnent and Fire Department cbncerning the Vail professi6nal Building. 11e h!p! to finalize the rest of the details and concerns during the week of May 7th as soon as the drawings can be comp'leted and final review and approval by the Town as well as the Fire Department initiated.