HomeMy WebLinkAboutHOLY CROSS LOT UNPLATTED PART 2 LEGALMr. Mike Mollica Senior Planner Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, Colorado glG57 Dear Mike, The purpose of this letterthe Town of Vail regarding theInc. of the Holy Cross parking Vai[ Associates, Inc. is to request proposed use bylot and storage November 2, l-99O a variance fromVail Associates, yard. Creators and Operattrrs of \/ail and Beaver Creel€ Resorrs As you know, Vai_1 Associates, Inc. reguested an amendmentto the Arteriar Business District zoning code last winter toa11ow parking as a conditional use j_n the district. Recently' we submitted a conditional use permit applicationto the Town. After our 10,/31,/90 meeting with you and Xristan,1t was determined that vAr wourd need to apply for a variancefrom the parking 1ot requirements. we also-hlve permissionfrom Holy Cross Electric Association to use the ltt. . The Holy Cross lot has been in use as long as I have beenin vai1, which will be 22 years this month. T[e lot has beenused for storage of equipment and vehicles durinq that timeat varying levels of utilization, from year to y6ar. Recently,we purchased the sunbird building for interin uie as employeehousing; we also lease a number of units at rimber nidqe foremployee housing. The Sunbird and Timber Ridge projeci.s donot have sufficient parking for the renters. Last year thewinter utilization of the Holy cross lot was primarily for parki_ng.Many of the vehicles sat there for most of the winter withoutmoving; others were used on a daily basis for trips to Safeway,etc. So, even though many vehicles used the lot, most of thevehicles did not get used on a daily basis and thus had verylitt1e impact on the traffic or the frontage road. Back Ground Post Office Box ? r Vail, Colorado 81658 . USA - (3Oi) 476.5601 Mr. Mlke Mollica November 2, )-99O Page Two Future Uses Of The Site As you know, the site is currently under contract to the Town of Vai1. Potential future uses of the site are as an interstate highway exchange, pocket park and of course, parking. Sincethe future use of the site is not known, it makes little senseto require paving of the lot at this time. Accordingly. wefeel that it would be appropriate to grant relief from the strictor literal interpretation of the parking requirements whichnormally apply to parking lots. The tern requested for this variance request would be until such ti-me as the Town decides to use the site for some use otherthan parking. We will screen the lot on the south and southwest. The 1ot is already lit for safety and security purposes. Wewill develop a drainage plan for the site to control sediment. Storage of any materials will be restricted to the north endof the lot. Snow removal will be done on a regular basis asweather conditions dictate. Snow storage areas are depicted on the site plan. Use of the lot will be restricted to tenantsof the Sunbird and Timber Ridge projects. You should be awarethat I received a phone call from the Lodge at VaiI this morningrequesting use of the HoIy Cross lot for up to ten cars belonging' to their employees who rent at Timber Ridge. Timber. Ridge lackssufficient parking for the l,odge employees as well. We have agreed to accommodate up to ten cars belonging to Lodge employeesat the Holy Cross lot. Vail Associates will commit to'notifying each employee who rents at Timber Ridge that it is illegal and extremely hazardousfor pedestrians to cross I-70. We will notify the employeesthat the onJ-y safe way to cross I-70 is via the pedestrian overpassor by crossing under I-?0 at the West Vail or main Vail interchanges. Requirements 1) The uses in the area include parking lots, commercial buildings, maintenance yards, service statj.ons, $/aste water treatmentfacj.lities and warehouses. Each of the above uses has parking associated with the use. 2l It would be unreasonable to require paving and other improvementsat this time since the future use of the site is unknown. Mr. Mike Mollica November 2, 1990 Page Three 3 ) There would be no impacts on light and air or distributionof population. There would be a minimal impact on localtraffici however, the overall impact could -be positive inthat many of the vehicles owned by the tennants will bestored on the site long-term thus reducing illegal parkingat or near the rental sites. some increase in bus ridershipwould occur; however, this would be offset by less vehiculaitraffic in and around vail. No impact on util-ities or publicsafety would occur. 4) Goal statement 2.2. The ski area owner, the business communityand the Town leaders should work together to make existingfacilities and the Town function more efficiently. Useof this site for parking frees up other space foi skierscloser in to the LionsHead portal. r have talked with Rich perske and he has informed me thatwe will need to apply for an access permit for the CDOH. Iwirl be attending the cDoH Access committee hearing on November20th and am in the process of applying for the permit. Sincerely, Manager Mountain Planninq JMlkm Enclosure : Variance Application * Jt;' ^fu''- ,r^(l ayycT- -1^o-"a P*NtttA PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Conmission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.56.050 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October 14, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A worksession to consider rezoning Lots 3 through 9 and 12, Vail Meadows Filing No. 2 from Agricultural and Natural Open Space to Residential Cluster. Applicant: Vail City Corporation and David Elmore Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a waII height variance for the Chester Residence, Lot 19, Block 1, Vail Village lst Filing/395 Mill Creek Circle.Applicant: E.B. Chester Planner: Kristan Pritz 3. A follow-up to the August L2, 199L PEC review of the staff approval of the minor amendment for Garden of the Gods, SDD No-. 22, Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Village 5th Filing/365 vail va1ley Drive. Applicant: Margaret HiIl Marital Trust Planner: ShelIY Mello 4. A request for a conditional use permit for a cellular telephone "ceII site" at Red Sandstone School, 551 North Frontage Road/Lot 2, Block 8, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: The Walter GrouP Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a minor amendrnent Lo the Golden Peak development plan to aflow for the installation of a rope tow lift, 498 vail valley Drive/Tract B, vail village ?th Filing.Applicant: Vail Associates Planner: JiIl Kamrnerer 5. A request for a setback variance for the Sipf Residence, 3876 Lupine Drive/Lot 148, Block 1, Bighorn 2nd Addition. Applicants: Eric and Susan SiPf Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for a satellite dish antenna variance for the ,Jackalope Cafe and Cantina, 2161 N. Frontage Road t'[est/Lot 2A, nesubdivision of LoL 2t Vail Das Schone Filing *3. Applicant: JackaloPe, Inc. Planner: Mike Mollica 8. A reguest for a conditional. use permit and a variance to theparking standardsr Section 18.52 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code to allow for off-street surface parking atthe "Holy Cross parceln which is generally located on the north side of the South Frontage Road east of and irunediately adjacent to Red Sandstone Creek. Applicant: Flanner: Vail AssociatesJiIl Kamrnerer 9. A reguest for a setback variance for a garage at the Kaiser/Hall Residence, 4913 Juniper Lane/Lot 3' Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition. 10. Applicant: Planner: Ursula Kaiser/Robert HaII Shelly Mello A reguest for an amendment to the approved conditional usepernit in order to construct a snow dump on the Propertygenerally located west of the Town of Vail Shops. The property is more specifically described as follows: That part of the North L/2 of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the 5th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, Iying north of rnterstate Highway No. 70 and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of said Section 8i thence along the northerly line of said Section 8, S89 46'27nw a distance of 1.500.00 ft; thence departing the northerly line of said Section 8, s00 23'03"v1 a distance of 529.85 ft to a point on the northerly ROW line of I-70; thence along the northerly ROW line of I-70 following two courses: 1) 575 28' 18"E a distance of 180.82 ft to a point of curvature; 2l L327.90 ft along the arc of a curve to the left' having a radius of 5580.00 ft, a central angle of 13 38'04n and a chord which bears N89 36'34nF, L324.70 ft distance to a point on the easterly line of said Section 8i Thence departing said RoW line of I-?0 N00 23' 03"8 along the easterly line of said Section 8, a distance of 572.10 ft to the point of beginning, containinS 20.480 acres more or less. The above description is based on the Town of Vail annexation plats for the property described and is not based on a field survey. The basis of bearing for the aboveparcel is the northerly line of Section 8 being S89 46'27"w as shown on said annexation plats. Applicants: Town of Vail/Vail Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request to amend Chapter t8.32' AgriculLural and Open Space, Section L8.32.030 - Conditional Uses in order to allow well water treatment faci-lities as a conditional use. Applicant: Vail Valley Consolidated Water District l.L Planner Shelly Melfo L2. A reguest to amend Chapter L8.62' Variances' Sectlon 18.6r.O8O - Permit Issuance and Effect and Chapter 18.50, Conditional Use Permits, Section 18.50.080 - Pernit Issuance and Effect in order to clarify the notification of approval procedures.Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Jill Kammerer 13. A request for a worksession on Millrace IV Special Developnent District No. 4, fox Cascade villager,to review a developrnent plan, generally located south of Millrace Condomlniuns and west of the Westin Resort, VaiI. Applicant: East-West PartnersPlanner: ShelIY Mello 14. A request for approval of a wetland nitigation proposal for areas along Gore Creek and Booth Creek.Applicant: Upper Eagle valley Water and SanitationDistrictPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Information on the listed items is available at the connunity Development office in the VaiI Municipal Building during regular office hours. TOWN OF VAII COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on Septenber 27, 1991- Yrf 'A6oolrba, hc. tDps Eseb V.lcy Wdsr & S.ila0on Vil Anr@ 8.n lc. P.O. Bor 7 W Forsl Rod S4 So|ilt Fronargp Rod Vat,@ 81668 va[,@ 81G57 Var,@ 81GS, Cobre oepgrfited of HtgtrrF VaI Roleselonrl Bu|Elng P.O. Bor 298 953 S. Flontago Bod West Eaefe, CO 81fili Vall, CO 81657 Qvun,@ Vail Associates, Inc. Crcarors ani Operar.rrs of Vail anJ Bear.er Creel$ Resr.,r:s lJovember 8, 19 9 0 Mr. Ed HiIl Colorado Department of HighwaysPost Office Box 298 Eag1e, Colorado 8IO3I Dear Ed, Attached is the access perrnit application for the "Ho1yCross lot" located just west of our Vail Associates' shon erc:in LionsHead, Vail, Colorado. Backqround ThiS area 146s s.o1d +.\ l].r'l r' .rOSS Electric Association in1920. (see attac;.;-;;";:l""ilt"".,rerat years prior to ]970,the lot was used for employee parking, ofiice tiailers, materielstorage and construction laydown. After Holy cross bought thesite in 1970 the 1ot was used for storage and staging ci materialrelated to electric utilities such as transformerir corlcr€-u€vaultsr utility po1es, trucks, etc. The above uses predatedthe adoption of the state highway access code in 19g1. Thearea has also been used for employee parking in recent winters. Proposed Use Vai-l Associates has applied to the Town of Vail for a ConditionalUse Permit to use part of the lot for employee parking. Thesite plan shows an estimated 103 parking ptaces. I'losi of theseemployees will use the site for long-term parking and do notuse their cars during the day. About 758 of the use will befor.long-term parking; the remainder of the employees wilr usetheir vehicres to commute to work or for trips to grocery shop,etc. Most of these personnel will leave for work Letween s,gba.m. and 7:30 a.m. depending on their job. They would returnto the 1ot betvreen 5:00 p.m. and ?:00 p.m. thus Lheir use wouldbe before or after the peak traffic periods when skiers aredriving to or from the parking structures. The traffic irnpactsof the use on the frontage road are expected to be minimal. Post Office Box 7 r \rail, Colorado 61659 o USA - (i03) 4i6.5601 The lot is under contract to the Town of Vail and crosinqis expected to occur after January 1, 1990. Because the futuieuse of the lot by the Town of vair is uncertain at this time,Vail Associates has not proposed to make any permanent improrre:ments to the lot or to the access. The drainage improvementsare all temporary and are intended to control iediment onLv.Any sediment trapped wilr be removed after runoff in the sprj.ng.We plan on using part of the Lot until such tj.me as the Townof Vail and the CDOH determine some new use for the properry.You may be aware that this site was to be an interstite inter-change or a pocket park. This application is for an interim ncri nrt lrecause of thc inrorim ^ar.i^;-:; ::^:::^;",,:;'----'r' ^/e:4ve'-.,,, ycrrrJd of proposed use and the mostly long-term.storage parking use of the site, Vail Associates does not proposeany permanent improvements t.o the site. This appticati.on itrourabe considered as informational in nature and as I variance requestfrom your normal requirements. ot trrl l3;:,"i:I'l'll'^:::31'1.11'i"8ffi:il3""*::::";:'fi":3:'u"let me know if you have any questions or further iniormation.Thank ycu for your assistance. Mr. Ed Hill llovember 8, 1990 Page Two JM,/km Puture Use Sincerely, qtEzzrut,/ Joe Macy / Manager Mountaj.n Planning VICINITY MAP PIIOJEC'I' SITE -J NORl'}I ApplicanL's Parcel li:)<At"t l->l-L'.-- I -r r*cs' I | ' d -l i I I t:::i"u" - --l .-|.1noa<t nr"u.r/1, ti^!;'l' nr:ea---[-1--ltllrrlllrZIt:l iEll';ti3 -.--- ..- --- ---- .rl r-l lJa It't (;It\'rr.. "4(::(: l.::';.': - a r lvait I Assocra I ShoPYar I I II t-r-_---.--_- ontage. Itoad l,ionstlead ray Lot ;;-*- () 1..' 'l'l I I:: 1)'l'.: ()Ir n .1 a d d r T t: l- I lloi Y I Cross I Lot I t_-- Sout-lr F |ll; ill lil lLl--Fores' :I- t) li:::; t-.: l{ :'i - s-; tl I t' I :l:::i;," I Y,?il:::i""" I ;;;i;ii'i- I Buildins tl--r r l-----rr-- S l-ar c lliqlrtial'' l'lo ' _-- l-i----.__- I Upper vail lvatleY Scltege I rtant _t___ ll L> llli()A(lI I l:"r:i ('')N li()'l''lI"c-r,ir (i () () r!' t.: t.:'t' (-)N! I:'. 1 ' --il'-' ti--r-'- | " r"tt I LYonI nui lding :; I 't'l': ...; I l( )l.i l"( ) li I't,nN -A t., t.. I<()n l.) /\ I):t.<;'1.'/\N(.; ;jr' t . .lil: l'1':lt'1'I tl\ll':s'l' l.: -'---[ Vai I Chevr oresl- Vail Associatcs, Inc. (V.A.) pmposes to lease the Holy Goss Parccl, in ordcr to providc long and short term parting for Vail Associatcs employegs who residc in fie Sunbird Lodge and Timber Ridgc. fimber Ridge resuicts parking to one space pcr dwclling unit. V.A. typically has two to thrce employees in each unit. Each cmployee tlaically has an auto, resulting in a necd for off-sito storage of autos. Additionally, V.A. has committcd 15 of thc 101 spaces which the Holy Clross lot will contain, to The l-odge at Vail fo Lodgc employccs who residp at Timbcr Ridge. Thc Holy Choss parcel is located in the Arterial Business District zone districL In this zone disuict, pnvato off-stpct surfacc parking is considcrcd a conditional usc. Even though parking and stmage for Holy Goss Elecric currcntly (rccurs on iltis site, a conditional use rcview is rcquircd as ttre parking use is being expandcd. Thc applicant will delinearc short rcrm parking ar€as versus long-term parking areas on thc parcel. V.A. estimates approximately 25% (or 25) of the 101 autos stored on this site will bc used on a drily basis and 75% (or 76) of the autos will bc storcd all winter. A portion of tlrc north side of the parcel adjacent to I-70 will continue to be used by Holy Choss Elecric and its contractors for equipment storage. The applicant proposes to control run-off from the site ino Red Sandsone Geck, which is locaed west of and immediately adjacent to the proposed lot, through the insallation of hay bale silt traps. This system will be installed along ttre western edge of the lot. Use of hay balcs to rap scdiment is a standard technique used in road construction. The bales will be held in place by rebar driven through the bales and into the ground. Under the previous approvals, thc lot was scre€ned from South Frontage Road by snow berms. Because the request is for this parcel to meet V.A.'s winter employce parking needs for a number of ycan, staff recommends this lot be scr€ened from the South Frontage Road by an earthen bcrm and, further, that V.A. seed this eanhcn berm with native grasses in thc spring. Snow storage will occur on the southwest corncr of the site. Thc lot is already lit for safety and security purposes. IIL CRIIERIA AND FINDINGS Upon rcvicw of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department rccommends approval of the conditional usc permit based upon the following factors: TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDT'M Ptanning and Environmental Oommission Community Dcvelopmcnt Dcpartrncnt Ocober 14, l99l SLIBJECT: A request for a-conditional use pcrmit in o,rder to allow I tcmporary parking arGa on thc Holy Goss Parcel. Applicants: Vail Associatcs, Inc.Aloly Choss Elcctric Association, Inc. Planner: Jill Kammercr I. BACKGROI.'ND On November 26, l9X) the Planning and Environmcntal Commission approved a conditional use permit in order !o allow a temporary parking area on thc Holy Clross parccl, and a rcquest for a variancc from the dcsign standards requiring all parking lots to be pavcd and landscaped. These approvals werc effective for a period ofone year. The rcquests under consideration at this mecting arc mor€ or less idcntical to the requests rcviewcd by the PEC in lDO. The Town of Vail's 1990 option O purchase the Holy Cross parcel from the Holy Cross Elcctric Association has cxpired. Holy Cboss Elecric was unable to deliver free and clcar title to the parcel. Thercfore, acquisition of the sitc by the Town at this time is no longer being activcly pursucd. The applicant has requcsted this conditional use permit bc lrrmanent, howevcr staff recommends thc pcrmit be effectivc, through the 92193 ski season, until May 15, 1993 (a period of 2 years). In April of 1990, the Arterial Business Disrict (ABD) section of the zoning code was amended to allow "private off-street surface parking" as a conditional use in the zone district. tr. DESCRIPTION OF TTIE PROPOSED USE This conditional use permit is a companion proposal to a rcquest for a variance from thc design standards rcquiring all parking los to be paved and landscaped. The variancc is discussed under a separate memo. '. Consideration of Factors: l. Retationship and impacf of the use on development objec'tives of the Town. There are no spccific objectivcs of thc Town that dircctly r€latc to this request. The following Land Usc Plan policy statement indfuectly relates to this request: Policy 2.8 Day skier needs for parking and acccss should be accommodated through crpative solutions such as: a) Increasc busing from out-of-town. b) Expandcd points of ac@ss to the mountain by adding additional base portals. c) Continuing to provide tsmporary surface parking. d) Addition of structtred parking. The temporary lot will provide parting for employees who might possibly be using spaces that could be used by skien. The staffs preferencc is to have rcsidcntial projects, such as Timber Ridge, designed to provide adequate parking on-site as opposed to creating outlying lots to meet their parking demands. 2. The efrec't of the use on light and air' distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities' sc{mls' parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The proposed use will have no cffect on these particular considcrations. 3. Efrect upon trafric with particular reference to congestion' automotive and pedestrian safety and conveniencer traffic flow end control, accqs, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff bclieves that thc users of the parking area will havc casy auto ingress and egress to the parting lot. Thc spced limit along the South Frontage Road in this arca is 25 mph. Visibility from the parking lot entry is cxccllenl Therc are no adjacent cgrcss and ingress points which would crcate traffic congestion. ry. In July, 1991, the Colorado Departncnt Of Highways (CDOII) convcrtcd thc tcmporary access pcrmit !o this sirc for cmploycc patking a psrmanent permir As p'reviously statc4 the applicant proposcs to stotc snow along the southern and souilrcastern cdges ofthc lor The snow storagp along the southern edge of thc lot would crcatc a "benn" which would visually srcen tbc lot from ttrc South hontage Road- Howcvcr, bccausc it is likely this scasonal parting use will continue fm a numbcr of 1ears, and possibly be utilized during the summer months, staff rccommends the applicant construct an carthcn berm to scrcen the lot frrom thc South Frontage Roadand furtlter, that thc applicant sccd this b€rm with nativc grasscs in thc Spring of 1992. Pcdcsrian safcty is a concern. Uscrs of thc lot who rcsidc in Timbcr Ridge may cross I-70 to access the lot. Thc applicant's rtpescntative has indicatcd V.A. will provide a writtcn notice to cach Timbcr Ridge cmployce using the lot. The notice will discuss the illegality and hazards of crossing I-70 and notifies rcsidents of thc location of I-70 pedesrian cmssing poins (scc attached). Staff believes Timber Ridge rcsidents may continue to choose to cross I-70 despite any writtcn notice V.A. may p'rovide. Other than concerns rcgarding pedestrian safety, staff finds the pmposal has no negative impacts on any of the other abovc-lisrcd considerations. 4. Efrec,t upon the character of the area in which the pruposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposcd use in relation to surrounding us,es. Adjacent land uses are: I-70 on thc ncth, a gasoline station, a sewer heaunent plant and an officc building on the south; !o the west is Red Sandstone Creck and across the creck is an ofice building; and to the east is V.A.'s maintenancc shop. Propenics to thc west arc well screened by thc vegetation which occun naturally on thc creek banks. In orrder to avoid damage o thc K11;t system of maturr evergrccn Eces, staff believes the applicant should install a snow fence(s) around thcse cvcrgtcns. Prropcrty to the south is p'roposed o be sqrened by snow bcrms. However, staff recommends an canhcn berm b€ constructcd to sqeen the lot. Thc V.A. maintenancc shop to thc east will not be impactcd by the parking lor Staff finds thc poposal has no negative impact on the abovc considcrations. FINDINGS The Plannine ild Environmental Commission shall makc thc followine findines beforc eranting a conditional use permit: A. Thu rhe proposcd location of the use in acco'rd with the purposes of this Ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the sitc is located. B. That the p'roposed location of the use and thc conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimcnal to the public health, safcty, or wclfare or materially injurious to propcrties or improvements in thc vicinity. C. That the pro'poscd use would comply with cach of the applicable provisions of this Ordinance. V. STAFF RECTCMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the tcmporary parking area subject to the following conditions: l. The applicant construct a 3-4 foot high earthen berm along the southern edge of the property to screen the parking lot from thc South Frontage Road and, further, the applicant seed this bcrm with native grasses in thc Spring of 1992. 2. The conditional use permit be effective until May 15, 1993. 3. All of the existing evcrgncen rees be protected by snow fences. 4. Approval of thc companion parking dcsign variance r€quest. 5. Surface run-off pollution control as proposed by the applicant be provided. 6. Timber Ridge rcsidcnts be allowed to storc cars only on a long-tcrm basis on the Holy Goss parcel. 7. Applicant shall notify each V.A. employee who rcnts at Timber Ridge that it is illegal and extremely hazardous for pedcstrians to cross I-70, and thc only safe way to cross I-70 is via the pedestrian overpass or by crossing under I-70 at either the West Vail or Main Vail interchanges. . We find that the location of the temporary parking lot and the conditions under which it would be operated are in accord with thc conditional use criteria and the purposes of thc Artcrid Busincss Dstricr ctpcdocurc\&olycn2o I 4 Qvait.@, Vail Associates, Inc. Creators an,,l Orrerators of Vail anJ Beaver CreelP Resorts December 10, l-990 Dear Tinber Ridge Resident, Each season a situation develops which causes concern to arise among both Town officials and EmpJ.oyers. The issue is Pedestri- ans illegally crossing I-70 placing thernselves as well as those traveling on the highway at risk of serious injury. Last winter one of our enployees was killed as he attempted to cross the highway near the Cascade Club. This was an unfortunate and clearly avoidable accident which no one wants to occur again. I an writing in response to a request from the Town and as a concern that you be made aware of the danger involved in crossing the highway. The only safe and legal way to crosa I-70 i3 via the pedestrian bridge at Lionsbead or the underpass at tbe west vailor main Vail erits. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Have a safe and happy holiday. Sincerely, ._ -.,, ---1 /J/./L,/.^-'\/t l..,/TJerry flliverv.P. A0ninistration Post Office Box 7 o Vail, Colorado 81658 . USA - (303) 4i6.5601 t I c: o ,= /.r ;: <E o I o =. = : >y=<o Oe.Xc.c -sN.l, = = =s tfo = ?! o € v, o' U' \r. (D o €f (Do'-if=*< o(c 5 *- e -==:. o x".N a6ai qOii =6 (' j -'<!oY =< ={oR:' :{ qR ci iiV'= 3: O=:i :g -- :'-o<= I-r -fs., J= N=(Dl (Do \-J--1- !> { 1x!,! 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Jay stated that over two weeks he could not satlsfy the staff and do the hotel . Gordon offered to discuss the concerns and try to make the proJect work. Johannes stated that they could wait z weeks, but there would not be naJor changes. Dalton felt the need to study the proposal . Krlstan replied that a project of this size deserved a thorough study and ttrat there were significant lssues. The proposal would have lncredlble inpact on the character of the area. She added that the staff lrad been complirnentary on nany issues. Regarding the height and setbacks, there were strong concerns, but-the staff did not advocate throwing ln the towel and forgetting the project. she felt the issues did warrant review and was happy that gotrannes was willing to reconsider sone issues. Jirn moved and Chuck seconded to table the proposal until December 10th and the vote ttas 6-0 to table. ItHoly Cross oarcelrr which is generallv locat?d on,tbe north side of the south Frontage Road east of and irnnediately adiacent to Red Sandstone Creek. Applicant: VaiI Associates. Inc. 7. explained the reguest, sunmarizing that the ed a conditional use permit and a variancepaifing standards which reguired that a}l parking lots be and landscaped. Diana asked that a'fence be constructed to screen the lot. she thought the snow berms to be used in screening the lot would be alirti and ugly. Joe uacy' of Vail Associates, stated that this Iot had been used for parking and storage for 20 years. Kathy asked that the unsightly fenie posts be removed frour the site. Joe reBponded that to do the fences right would- require einking. the fenle post in a concrete base and he was reluctant to corunit to this. ilin stated that lf the appticant Erades and gravels the lot and then plows the 6nolt to clLate snow ber:urs the ploys will Just- scrap-e up the gravel which would contribute to the dirty, ugly appearance of the berrn. to tbe paved 10 t \ Just thls building. She felt a building this size needed rnore Bpace and added that the developer was not considering thepubllc. Connie polnted out that only 40 rooms were being gainedwlth Ereat rdass. She felt that the building was looking evenblgger by belng so close to the property llne and losing greenBpace. ConnLe stated that the height was nearly double thatallowed. She saw no need to encroach upon the setbacks. Mike had nentloned that uuch public land was being used for Iandscaplng. Connl.e did feel that the Faesslers would take care of enployeehouslng. She suggested that the Vail Road walk be coordinatedwith the walk on Vall Road frorn the Gateway proJect. Shequestloned the need for the pedestrian bridge. Regarding the Ehade, Connie pointed out that not everyone would be walkinqt nearthe Sonnenalp shops. She felt that 10 setback encroachrnents werea eubstantial nurnber and felt the there was not enough room onthe lot to construct a bullding of this size. Gordon felt thepedestrian experJ.ence would be improved. Diana Donovan was concerned with snow sliding off of the roof,the traffic lanes and the need to protect the creek. She said the pool should be pulled back and that the ternporary construction road should not be on the south side of the Lot because of tbe impact on the creek. She felt the construction should be guieted on Saturdays and Sundays because of the weddings and services at the Chapel . Regarding Master Plan Objective 5.1, she was concerned about loading berths. She felt the East Meadow side of the building needed rnore attention to landscaping because it was even closer to the road than the WI . Jay pointed out that there was ninirnal landscaping on the \ /I side. Diana felt there should be housing restricted to enployees, that the hotel units should be restricted so that they rernain hotelunits, and that ruore attention should be paid to the sub-areaconcepts. Dianats main concern was that there were not enoughpubllc Bpaces and green spaces, especially along Meadow Drive andespecially since the developer was not doing the strearnwalk. Shefelt the pedestrian bridge ltaa essential and that rnore public space was needed ln front of the building. Diana felt theproJect had cone a long way. JohanneE Faessler adnitted that the property was not perfect for a hotel . lle stated that if he were in the Boardrs chair, he would weigh the sane concerns, but that he could never take careof their concerns to everyoners satisfaction. He wanted to leavewith sone guidance, but stated that thLs was the best Job he could do and that the proJect was close to not naking sense economically. He wanted to have a vote with a list of concerns agreed upon. Perhaps the Board felt the concerns rtere more lmportant than having a hotel there. t Kristan stated that lf the lot ls not graveled it will be a rnuddy ness in the sprLng. Tey Ryzcak indicated the lot had beengraveled 10 years ago and that there was rrroad baserr down now. Joe stated the lot had been in use since 1970. Da1ton saw nopoint in graveling the lot now. Jinr would rather see a trade offfron graveling the lot. He would rather see a tree planted thanthe lot graveled. Dalton inguired as to the Townrs liability if people were injuredwhile crossing f-70 to get to the lot. He also wanted to know ifthe police ticketed individuals crossing I-70. Discussion followed concerning the babit of the Tinber Ridge residents walking across the Interstate and Dalton asked if the Town of vail could enforce the violation. Kristan stated that Mike Mollica had checked with the Vail Pollce Department and found that they do ticket pedestrians who cross I-70 and will continue to do so. Ted Ryzcak of Vail Associates stated that there are otherresidents at Tirnber Ridge who were not v.A. employees and therefore were not under Vail. Associatesr control . Kristan asked if VaiI Associates would agree to reseed at the 1ot at the end of the ski season if it was determined that the lot would not continue to be used by V.A. or the Town for parking, and Joe stated that he did not feel they should be asked to reseed, because in this case, the lot had been used for parking and storage for many years, and rnuch gravel had been brought into the lot. Kristan then asked if he would agree to the other 6 conditions. Joe answered that he was not suPPortive of reseeding or regraveling the lot and that he did not believe granting the conditional use or variance htould effect use of the lot. Kathy Warren moved and Connie fhight seconded to approve the conditional- use permit and the variance to the parking standardsper the staff memo based on Findings A, B, C(L) and C(2) lr'ith the fol.lowing conditions : 1. The applicant will grade and gravel the parking lot. 2. The conditlonal use perlnit wilt be effective until May 15, 199L or until the To$tn of Vail purchases the Holy cross site and provides Vail Associates 30 day advance wrl.tten notice to vacate the parcel . 3. A11 of the mature evergreen trees will be protected by snow fences. 4. Pollution control as proPosed by the applicant will be provided. 11 \ 5. The vote Tinber Ridge residents will be allowed to store carsonly on a long tern basis on the Holy Cross parcel . was 6-O in favor. 8.A work sessl.on on setback. density, conrnon area, and aparkinq variance in order to construct additions to the vail villaqe lst Filing.Applicant: Paul R. Johnston Jill Kammerer explained that the applicant hras requesting a work session on the Chrlstiania Lodge in order to get some direction from the PEc on the following issues: 1. Density variance2. Impact of development on view proposed corridors3. Layout of Parkl-ng in northern parking lot JiIl indicated the Community Developnent Department staff thoughtit was appropriate for Vail Associates and the Christiania to formalize any agreernents relating to the use of Parcel P3 and Parcel J in the northern parking lot prior to Town issuance of any building pernits with the understanding that Vail Associates supported the proposal , proceeding through the planning process. The staff would obtain approval frorn Council to proceed through the planning process tomorrow (LL/27/9o) during the PEc report. She further indicated the changes to the plans since they werelast reviewed by the Planning Conrnission included: 1. In response to Commission conments two weeks ago, throparking spaces had been rernoved frorn the northernparking lot. one of the spaces has been replaced in the western parking lot. This space would be a valet space given its locatlon in front of the dunpster. The second space has been replaced in the drop-off area by the porte cochere on Chateau Tolitnhorne Association owned properEy. 2. Durnpster had been puJ.led back to the south,out of theexisting planter area. 3. The northwest corner roof line has been lowered in response to discussions regarding the impact of the redevelopment on the proposed view corridor. 4. There have been some nodifications to the landscaping. The applicant will connit to landscaping the northern and southern periphery of Parcel J. L2 o lng and o ion \./€Z - /eCGr>nzlzrk.a/y TO: FROlit! DATE: Plann Environnental conmiss Connunity Developnent Department November 26, L99O SUB.TECT: A request for a variance from the parking design standards which reguire al} parking lots be paved and landscaped in order to construct an off-street surface parking lot on an unplatted parcel of land commonly known as the nHoly Crossrr parcel which is generally located on the north side of the south Frontage Road east of and imnediately adjacent to Red Sandstone Creek. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. r. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED Vail Associates (v.A.) is reguesting a conditional use permit and variance to parking standards which reguire thatall parking lots be paved and landscaped. The companion conditional use pernit is discussed in a separate memo attached. A 1Ol. space parking Lot is proposed for the Holy Cross parcel . The applicant proposes to grade and gravel the lot and the parking area in order to park cars at this focation for one year. The site is currently owned by Holy Croes Electric Association, Inc., however, tbe Town has a contract to purchase the parcel and pendlng resolution of any siterrclean-uprr issues which may arise, the Town will close on the property after JanuarY 1, 1991. The lease agreement to use this site for long term parkinq and storage of.yehicles belonging to V.A. employees who reside at Sunbf:d Lodge and Tirober Ridge for the 1990- 1991 ski season (ending April 15, 1990) ' is betweenv.A. and Holy cross Etectric. The Tohrn is not a party to this agreement. There is no provision in the Townrs purchase contract requiring.the Town to honor the lease agreement between Holy Cross and V.A. fn addition to providing parking for V.A. rs enployees' 15 spaces wilt be nade available to Iodge at Vail employees who reside ln Tinber Ridge (see attached Lodge at Vail letter).vGiven the tenporary nature of the use and the unknowns regarding the Townrs use of the site, should the Town puichase-the Holy Cross parcel , the applicant is requestinqi variance frorn the design standards which require all parking lots be paved and landscaped. The applicant has requested this variance remain in place until such time asthe Totrn decides to use the lot for some purpose other thanparking. There are approxirnately 101 parking sPaces available in the Holy cross lot and each velricle would be identified with aparking pass assigned to then by v.A. rs housing manager. HoIy Cross has granted v.A. permission to use the lot (see attached Holy Cross letter). Public access to the lot $tillnot be permitted. v.A. has indicated that approxinately 75*of the parking in the lot will be for long term vehicle storage and approximately 25t of the parking will be used on a more regular in and out basis. vail Associatesr site plan for the Holy cross Lot takes into account snow storage, drainage control , parking and Holy Cross equipnent storage areas. Each of these aspects of theplan will be handled in the following manner: Snow Storaqe and Screeninq Snow will be pushed to the southwest corner of the lot and stored there. Snow will also be pushed to the south end of the lot to create a berm to screen the lot from the South Frontage Road. Frorn the southwest corner of the lot north to the tree line, snow will also be pushed west and bermeC atong the west side of the fot. Drainaqe 6ru aur-ffix b ah/ razza.zta ru : //r72,2/qd -tnh rad',a,r/g Sheeft drainag'd flows from the cdhter of thelot to the west and east. v.A. ltill install a row of hay bales along the western edge of the lot which will stop any sediment from reaching the creek. From the center of thelot east, sheet drainage wiLL flow east and then south until it reaches the drainageditch along the north edge of South Frontage Road. Drainage wirll then flow west to Red Sandstone grsEkpl4lhree hay bale silt traps , .t -a-.a.will be installed in the above drainase ditch a/in4ru' r'"tr.tr ^ ,to trap any sedinent before it reachel ned 3. frntfrta Sandstone Creek. Use of hay bales is a standard and proven technigue used in road construction to trap sedinent. Parkin<r Approxinately 101 apaces would be provided inthe lot. The parking demand for the HoIy cross lot brealts dowrt as follows: Sunbird: Tinber Ridge: Lodge at VaiI:VaiI Assocl.ates Shop Enployees: 53 spaces 28 spaces 15 spaces 5 spaces Storaqe HoIy Cross Electric Association will contLnueto use the north end of the lot for storageof naterials, etc., this area is screened-bytrees and fences. rn response to staff concerns regarding Tiurber Ridge residentscrossing r-70 to get to the lot, -vait Associates witt conunit tonotifylng each ernployee who rents at Timber Rldge that it is11legal and extrenery hazardous for pedestrians-to cross r-zo.Further, V.A. will notify the.employees that the only safe way tocross r-70 is via.the pedestrian overpass or by crosling undel r-70 at the ?lest Vail or main Vail interchanges. On Novenber 20, 1990 the Colorado Dlvision of Highways (CDoH)approved V:A.rs access perrnit reguest subject to the-followingtwo conditions: 1) V.A. rnodify the drainage at the access drLve toinsure there will be no run off from the Holy Crossparcel onto South Frontage Road. 2l A traffic count must be done by a registeredprofessional engineer during the 1990-L99L skiseason in order for CDOH to consider renewinq theaccess perrnit in subsequent years cDoH has estinated that the lot witl generate 52 auto trips perday. If. Backqround With the addition of the Holy Cross parceJ., V.A. witl manage ittsparking facilities in the following nanner: The Sunbird The Sunbird Lodge was originalty constructed as a tine shareproJect. Four or five years ago the proJect went intoChapter 11 and sat empty until V.A. purchased the buildingat foreclosure. The.Sunbird Iodge is located irnmediately-adjacent to v.A. rs Lionshead Gondola building. Sunbird fiasbelow grade parking. This parking is to be utilized by v.A.eurployees who do not live or work in the Sunblrd. v.A. runsa 24 hour a day operation and Joe l{acy, V.A. rs Manager of Mountain Planning, has Lndicated ttre reason for not allowing Sunbird residents to use the lot is to nake it available in the evening for v.A. night sbift enployees. Parking denand generated for the HoIy Cross parcel by Sunbird residents/enployees is 53 spaces. North Dav l,ot The north day lot is linited to V.A. enployees who car pool . west Dav Lot The west day lot, located west of the Marriott Mark is V.A. onned and operated for employees. At 9s3o-10:00 a.n. or so,if parking spaces are remaining in the lot, V.A. knows its enployee parking needs are met and the lot is opened to the general public. Landnark Building v.A. rs legal and real estate development offices are locatedin the Landmark Building. Approxinately 1O covered spaces within the building are available for managernent level emplovees. otorAa /e*AsV La%.el6,Z) r'a! kosr {/erfic III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS /ssoc.. /.4 Aarr1 /"d/ t Ta;4 /t 5^ ! /a(J' ',4W rr@"y a alz %^Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section L8.62Yo6o of the Vail Municipal Code, the Department of Comrnunity 57aff Development recommends approval of the requested variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the reguested variance to other existincr or ootential uses and structures in the vicinity. The Holy Cross parcel has been used for parking and storage since 1970. Land uses in the area include parking lots, a conmercial building, maintenance yards, a service station, a waste water treatment facility and warehouses. Each of the above uses has parking associated with the uEe. The adjacent properties would not be negatively inpacted lf part<lng and storage continues to occur on the Holy Cross parcel . \ \o 6t)' A. Potential future uses of the site are: aninterstate highway exchange, pocket park, affordable housing site and of course, parking.If the Town of Vail purctrases the Holy cross parcel , V.A. witl need to negotiate an agreementwith the Town to continue using the lot for resident/employee long and short tern parking. The decrree to which relief from the strict andllteral interpretation and enforcernent of a speclfled requlation is neeessary to achieveconnatibilitv and unifornitv of treatment anongsites in the vicinitv or to attain the objectivesof this title without qrant of special privilege. The future use of the site is not known. The variance requested is tenporary. v.A. proposes to use the lot to provide long and short term parkingfor their ernployees at this location for a periodof 1 year. staff believes it is a hardship to reguire v.A. to pave the area given the temporary nature of the use and the fact that rnajor changesin the area may occur in the near future. This type of limited and temporary variance was also approved for the Town of Vail at Ford Park which neans this request is not a speeial privilege. The effect of the requested variance on light andair. distribution of population. transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities andutilities. and public safetv. The provision of parking for Tirnber Ridge and Sunbird residents/enployees at this location frees up parking spaces at other sites'to meet other enployee parking needs in Lionshead. Thereby possibly rnaking parking more available to guests and inproving the cornmunitles parking facilities. The public safety issue continues to be a concernto the staff. Staff believes that regardless of any written notification delivered to Timber Ridge residents regarding the dangers of crosslng theInterstate to get to the lot, this situation wiII-occur. h4\- / IV. REI.,ATED POLICIES IN TIIE VATL I,AND USE PI.,AN 2. 3. 2.a Day skier needs for parking and access should be acconnodated through creative solutions such as: a) Increase busing from out of town. b) Expanded points of access to the mountain by adding additional base portals. c) Continuing to provide temporary surface parking. d) Addition of structured parking. v.FINDINGS That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the tirnitations on other properties classified in the sanedistrict ( s. ) tnat the granting of the variance will not be \ / detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or\.--l materially injurious to properties or irnprovements in . z--\ the vicinity. \ c. / That the variance is warranted for one or nore of the \--l loJlowing reasons: -:/ \ \ r. i The strict literal interpretation or enforcement \--l of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the sane site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The Department of Comnun t recommends approval requiring 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation rtould deprive the applicantof privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the sarne district. of the temporary variance paved and landscaped based with the conditions that: on findings s parking lot to be o ,l!|-1 . The lot be graded and graveled. 2. The proposed pollution neasures (hay bales) be Lnstalled. 3. The snow bems are conEtructed. Graveling this lot for thiE winter wfll allow the much neededadditional spaces to be constructed while not inpeding the adoption and inplenentation of any developnent proposals for the Holy Cross parcel . tsrt 23 'n tt2a,- lRrL ffi (*tr,t4?ffiGa1 D( GtEo P.TE Novcmber 23, 1990 Dear 'Il-nber Ridge Beel.dlnt, .'lBhc purpoge of thle letter Ls to Lnforn. you that it Ls uhsafe and llIegal for pedeatrLans to atternpt tQ clo88 X-?0. Pedeetrlans crosalng I-70 risk serLous lnJury or death. The only eafe and legal way to cross X-70 I's via thc pedestrlan bridge at LlonsBead or the unde4nes at the l{est Vail or.main Val-I exita. I have rdad and underetand the above warning. NAl.tE DATE Qvait.@ Vail Associates, Inc. Crcrtors lnd Operators of Vail and Beaver CreelP Resorts November B, 1990 Ir{s. Ji11 Kammerer Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ji I l- , Enclosed is a site plan for the HoIy Cross lot showing snow storage areas, drainagre control ' parking and storage areas- I will explain how each of these aspects of the plan will be handled in the followinq narrative: Sno$/ Storage & Screeninq Snow will be pushed to the southwest corner of the lot and stored there. Snow will be pushed to the south end of the Iot and used as a berm for screening. From the southwest corner north to the tree line, sno\^/ wilt be pushed west to be bermed along the west side of the lot. Drainage As you can see from the site plan, drainage sheet flows from the center of the lot to the west. We will install a row of hay bales along the western edge of the lot which will stop any sediment from reaching the creek. From the center of the lot east, drainage sheet flows east and then south until it reaches the drainage ditch along the north edge of the South Frontage Road; then it flows west to Red Sandstone Creek. Three hay bale silt traps will be installed in the above drainage ditch. Use of hay bales is a standard and proven technique used in road construction to trap sediment. Parking Approximatety 103 spaces would be provided in the lot. Storage Holy Cross Electric Association will continue to use the north end of the lot for storage of materials' etc-; this area will be screened bv trees and fences, etc. Post Of6ce Box 7 o Vail, Cokrrado 81658 o USA - (103) 476.5601 Ms. JiIl Kanmerer November 8, 1990 Page Two We believe that this plan will meet the intent if not theletter of the parking lot requirements of the zoning code. No permanent improveinents are being proposed because the long-termfuture use of the site is not known at this time. The lot has been used for parking and storage since before 1970. Due tothis fact, it is highly guestionable whether the Town has anyjurisdiction over continued use of the site for parking andstorage. Lastly, please keep in mind that if a permit to usethe lot for parking is denied, then no sediment control will be installed and no screenincr of the lot would occur. r,Jaqe at vai.r Attached is a copy of a letter from the Lodge at Vail supportingour application. we have agreed to make some of the parking available to Lodge at Vail employees who will be housed at Timber Ridge. Lastly, use of this lot will have no negative impacts onthe Town of Vail. In fact, the 108 parking spaces will free up other parking eloser to LionsHead and the lifts- Please let me know when you would have tj-me for a sitevisit. Thank you for yout assistance. Sincerely, lht- t4,t /Joe uacy Manager Mountain Planning JMlkmEnclosure: Site Plans Lodge at Vail Letter Deed Holy Cross letter I-IOLY CROSS ISLlrC-flflC ASSOCIA flON. ttos rtrtitrw,,\v.r r. (). t)n^rvt.:|r , I so (;l,ENWOOt) St''ltN(;s. col.oRAtro 8l602 Sepl.enrber 26, .|990 INC. l4anager ol' Vai l/Eagle 0perations ll5: I w INC. AIrEA COlrli t0t 943.349 | Mr. Ted Ryczek Vai I Associates, Inc. P.0.8xo 7Vail, C0 81658 Dear Ted: This 'l etLer will reiterate our verbal agreenrent regarding vail AssociaLes'pernritted use of lloly Cross Electric's property adjacent to the VailAssociates slrops on Lhe South Frontage Road in Vajl. lloly cross Electric, for the periocl of the 1990-1991 ski season ending onApril 15' 1991, has consented i:o the lirnited use of its Fronlage Roacl llfopgft.I by vail Assocjates. This agreenrent will ternrinate before April15, 1991 iF and when lloly Cross Elcctric selIs or otherwise conveys iltis pro-perty to a new owner. Such use wjll be limited to the sLorage ol'.nraLerials anrl equipnenL belorrging to Vail AssociaLes ancl to tlre personal vehictes ol".i ts enployees. The storage ol'such nraterials, equjptrent and vehicles shall be acconrpiishec!in such rr [rilt'lner that iI cioes not inlerl'erc with bhe storage of ancj acccssto swi l,ch gears, Lr:ansforurers, poles anrl other equipnrent, tlevjces anclvchicles belonging to lloly cross Electric and its sub-contractors. In consideralion of Lhis accornmodation ol' vail Associates' storage needsby lloly cross Elrictric, vai I Associates rryi I I be responsible for .ill snovrplowirrg aL the siLe and will provide unobstructe<l access as requirecl bylloly Cross ElecLric and j ts sub-contractors. Furbher, Vail Associates willbe respottsil-rle for sjte securi ty and will holcl lloly Cross Electrjc harrrrlessirr Lhe evenl- oI daruage or injury to any of Vail Asiocjates'nraterial, equip- ruenL anti il.s emPloyces or Ureir vehicles or persorral propcrty which rrriglitoccur at Lhe site. If Lhe town tl VaiI or olher governing agancy should require any special pernriLsorirnlloses any fees or 'Fi nes as resul ts oF thi s. arrangerrient,, sutlrpernriLs, fees or fines vrill be the responsibility ol'vail Associates. Pleasc call nre iI you have any qucsLions regarrling this agreennrrt or ifwe can be ol' furt,her servi ce. S i rrcerel y, Y CROSS E IC ASSOCIATION, loward Sc CC: Irl Gran<1e. Glnrrvroorl Sprirrrls 0l'l'ice November 2, 1990 Mike Mollica Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S Frontage Rd.vail, co 81657 Dear Mr. Mollica: This letter is written in order to support Vail Associates intheir effort to obtain a conditional use permit and variancerequest for parking at the present Holy Cross Site. The Towr, of Vail as a whol-e has a shortage of long tern parkingfor our ernployees that are here to help us during the ski- seasonmonths. The Lodge at Vail_ has a shortage of 15 parking spacesfor employees that live in the upper Vail Valley and -have nospace_ to park their vehicles. This effort being made by VaiIAssociates to assist in the townts parking problems by reducingthe possibility of ilregally parked cars and ensuring trrat th;cars are safe is greatly appreciated. Any assistance you may be able to provide Vail Associates in thismatter would be greatly appreciated by the community andsupported by The Lodge at Vail. Managing Director ec: Joe Macy VA 174 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-5011 Telex 45-0375 Fax 303-476-7485 Jt_ o I ii F L ?r i-.- i- iJ a-,PiF l'.JPIII I t zc rao € 2 z-t It ot tl.t t fl t f' I E t t|| o s aa tt I E t clt i: i: Ets Fe EfisFi g*i E-i;FHFs a1 < ti I. ij >,no o'--ai. eE a8t finlli ali *=ea >6-a >t * E-l HE ="! s72 7a f l Fit as::e iE IX-i1 "i 3ii' O" X'j 5O hO \J Fr ,: k: z9{ I o1 '-,t3 6; i { r.lz U:' 't FI at o ll || t, o o i s E:iixixii:i'ilii Hr*;ri[erfri -+gil e IligfErEiii; iEi; i;ruiigii#iiiiii ir:*,'irg;:iiiili *er;iFiiiliiiiiil FF1rrl6f1lF i;is ii$sF;iEIi=*liiFs:;l}ii;i;eiiis iiie[iiiillii sirrlts iiiil$Iiliiii Eiiiii: iiiig$!i riiii f;Hliii ti;€€iul rilEFrg[ilii iiiiiiiilii*ilillltE:liiig;1, a; oo ...2 i:,Fl-z (A(/, € rtF o |l iA It o P o o tl o o afo It !' o gtr .) li !, o !t t' t, l' t| o t, x ', A .Q.r t, =r ltl It dl ?l I I ! I>:ai\t Ibr:zi Ini E'(n. ci :a r-t- l rl h iH {Jtrr Hi. z ht\ : r^H 7 : i ! Itr: bI I Y]I( \ oozu.l coioz' o'o.3g zl F< n €isFl,o aro<; Fo- .F a= rr.r C 0cgogftQr€ hGl o l+{ ft o ': zol z, '-]-i9 o; l-{ F 9F >XncaX' I,JAzx o>Or:z7 Q9. trzg R3Yda !a (oF0(a x><6l< It o I I \ I- \ I I I Pt -Y o 7 F'o..,: o.r: F FI46 v,rl =! t-m |l !o 3z(ntmr{J ocl 4o trt N\l) H\o -J q \ -zn ^9\1 \ k Nto. <o,oE42v-----€- ^^ ts -V \-..,'''...'''.'''dlc-nrr< ko- 8; iinrl3f'zw iEBr r \2i#.;JEPA' 56b arj'-o*",Pt ! e?aaEiP, I in">Focn(/tq iiiEHA;2ovZ=oz - E:saE X=Fil(/|,^7d.aZ I+ ga;"3 #a\iz ;E a;i;9'' E=Y-' F alsE; ;;3e B \E 2,X: Fv I t 1 7/ >\:!o.\"4 ,o ROAD J}r-!."A*< o II JZum tc) !!J'oF <tf , o,q-. 3l I i\ tt99 t(; \vAY it l'. (). lrnAwlatt t | 30 (; t.tiNlvoot) st'trlN(;s. c(lt_(.rnAt)o I I 60r Sept,errrber 26, l99C FIOLY CROSSOLUC-|I]IC ASSOII{|ION, INC. AIIEA COII: JOJ 9'11.549 | Mr. Ted Ryczek V,ri I Associ ates, Inc. P.0. 3xo 7Vail, C0 81658 Dear Ted: This letter wil'l reiterate our verbal agreenrent regarding vai'l AssociaLes'pennitted use of lloly Cross Electric's property adjacent to the Vail Associates shops on the South Frontage Road in Vail. lloly Cross Electric, l'or the period of the 1990-1991 ski season ending on Apri I 15, 1991, hr'lS cons€nted t,o the linrited use of jts Frontage Roadprolrerty by Vail Associ.rtes. This agreenrent will ternrinate before April 15, 1991 i F and when iloly Cross Elect,ric sells or otherv,,ise conveys tlfis pro-perty to a new owner. Such usc will be linrited to the storaqe of nnterials and equilrrrcnL bclonging Lo Vail Associates arrd to the personal iehicles of its ern 1r'l oyee s . The storage of such trtal.erials, equipuent and vehic'les shall be accornp'l ishec!itt suclt a ttlantter that, i L does not interfere vrjth the stola-qe of and accessto sr.ri Lch gears, Lransfornrers, poles and oiher equipnrenL, devjces and vehiclcs belonging to lloly Cross Electric and its sub-conl.ractors. In considerai.ion of this accorunrodation oF Vail Associates' st,orage needs by llo'ly cross Eltictrjc, vail Associates will be responsible for a'll snovl plowing al" the site and will provide unobstructcd access as required bylloly cross E'lecLric and iLs sub-contractors. Further, Vail Assocjates will be respotrsiblc for sjte security and will holcl lloly Cross Electric hannlessirr Lhe cvenL ol'danrage or injury [o any of Vail Associates'tnaLerial, equip- ruenL and il.s errrllloyecs or Llrcir vehicles or personal property which nright occur ai bhe site. It Lhe Lown of Vail or oLher governing aQency should require any special pernritsor inrposes any fees or fines as results ol this.arrangenlent, suchglerruits, fees or fines trill be the responsibility of Vail Associates. l)lcasc call nre if you have any quesLions regarrling this agreenrelrt or if we can be of furLher service. Sirrcerely, Y CROSS E IC ASSOCIATION, INC. oward S o l4anager of llS: lvr Vai l/Eagle Operations CC: l.rl Gt'atrtln. Glorrvtoorl Sprinrl... Offico Novernber 2, 1990 Mike Mollica Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Mollica: This letter is written intheir effort to obtain arequest for parking at the order to support Vail Associates inconditional use permit and variancepresent HoIy Cross Site. The Towrr of Vail as a whole has a shortage of long terrn parkingfor our enployees that are here to help us during the ski seasonmonths. The todge at Vail has a shortage of 15 parking spacesfor employees that live in the upper Vail Val-ley andl have nospace to park their vehicles. This effort being nade by VailAssociates- to assist in the town's parking probl6ns by re--ducingthe possibility of illegally parked cars and ensuring that thecars are safe is greatly appreciated. Any assistance you may be able to provide Vail Associates in thismatter would be greatly appreciated by the conmunity andsupported by The Lodge at VaiI. Managing Director cc 3 iloe lvtacy VA 174 East 6ore Creek Drive Vall. Colorado 81657 808-47G5011 Telex 45-0375 Fax 80$47S7485 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: APPLTCANT: Planning and Environrnental Cornmission Cornnunity Developrnent Departrnent Novenber 26, L99O A reguest for a conditional use pernit in order to allow a tenporary parking area on the HoJ.y Cross parcel . VATL ASSOCIATES DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE This conditional use permit is a companion reguest to a request for a variance from the design standardsreguiring all parking lots to be paved and landscaped. The variance is discussed under a separate memo. Vail Associates, Inc. (V.A.) proposes to lease the Holy Cross Parcel , in order to provide long and short termparking for Vail Associates ernployees who reside j-n Sunbird Lodge and Tirnber Ridge. Tinber Ridge restrictsparking to one space per dwetling unit. v.A. typically has two to three employees in each unit. Each enployeetypically has an auto resulting in a need for off-site storage of autos. Additionally, V.A. has comrnitted 15of the 101 spaces which the Holy Cross lot will containto The Lodge at Vail for Lodge ernployees who reside at Tinber Ridge. The Holy Cross parcel is located in the Arterial Businesi zone district. In this zone district, private off-street surface parking is considered a conditionaluse. Even though parking and storage for Holy CrossElectric currently occurs on this site, a conditional use review is required as the parking use is being expanded. In designing the lot the applicant will delineate short term parking areas versus long tern parklng areas on the parcel . v.A. estimates approxinately 25t (25, ofthe loL autos stored wlll be used on a daily basis and 75* (76) of the autos will be stored on the site allwinter. A portion of ttre north side of the parcel adjacent to f-70 wiII continue to be used by Holy CrossElectric and itrs contractors for eguipnent storage. The applicant proposes to control run-off from the site into Red Sandstone Creek, which is located west of and I. inmediately adjacent to the proposed Lot, tbrough the installation of hay bale silt traps. This trap systemwill be installed along the western edge of the lot. use of hay bales to trap sedinent is a standard technlque used in road construction. The bales will be held in place by rebar driven through the bales andinto the ground. The lot will be screened from south Frontage Road by snow berns. Snow storage wiJ.l occur on the southwest corner of the site. The lot is already lit for safety and security purposes. II. BACKGROTTND The Town of Vail has a contract to purchase the Holy cross parcel fron Holy Cross Electric after January 1' 1991-. Town purchase of the property will be dependent on the results of on-site environmental conditiontesting. Future Town use of the property is not known. The applicant has reguested this conditional use permit be effective for 1 year, however staff recomnends the perrnit be effective, through the 9o/9L skl season, until l{ay 15, 1991.. If the Town does close on the parcel , V.A. will need to renegotiate with the Town for continued use of the Parce1 . In April of 1990 the Arterial Business (AB) section of the zoning code was amended to allow private off-street surface parking as a conditional use in the AB zone district. III. ,,. sfAfT Upon reviewT6f Section Departnent /recommends permit based upon the A. Consideration of Factors L8.60, the ConnunitY DeveloPment approval of the conditional use following factors: 1. There are no specific objectives of the Town that directty relate to this reguest. The followlng Iand Use Plan policy statenentlndirectly relates to this request: 2.8 Day skier needs for parking and access should be accornnodated through creative solutions such as: a) fncrease busing from out of town. b) Expanded points of access to the mountain by adding additional base portals.c) Continuing to provide temporary surfaceparking. d) Addition of structured parking. The temporary lot will provide parking for employees who might possibly be using spaces tbat could be used by skiers. The staffrs preference is to have residential projects such as Tirnber Ridqe designed to provide adeguateparking on site as opposed to creating outlying lots to rneet their parkinq demands. r 4 r-1v4. -uit a+/(.-r4a'a 'nP t/ 2. The'effdct'of the use on liqht and air, distribution of population. transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities. and other public facilities needs. The proposed use will have no effect on theseparticular considerations. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to conqestion, autonotive and pedestrian safetv and convenience, traffic flow and control access, maneuverabil-itv and removal of snow frorn the street and parkinct areas. Staff believes that the users of the parking area will have easy auto ingress and egress to the parking lot. The speed lrilAit along the Frontage Road in this area if-J6 nph. visibility from the parking lot entry is excellent. There are no adjacent egress and ingress points wtrich would create traffic congestion. CDoH has determined that Frontage Road improvenents are not necessary. Snow will be stored along the southern and southeastern edges of the lot. The snow storage along the southern edge of the lot will create a berm which wiII visually screen the Iot fron the South Frontage Road. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, includincr the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surroundincr uses. Pedestrian safety is a concern. Users of the lot who reside in Tinber Ridge uay croEE I-70 to access theIot. The applicantrs representatl-ve has indicated v.A.will provlde a written notLce to each Tinber Ridge enpl.oyee using the lot. The notice wlll discuss tbeillegality and hazards of crossing I-70 and notifiesresidents of the location of I-70 crossing points (see V.A. notice attached). Staff belleves Tinber Ridgeresidents will continue to choose to cross I-7o despite any written notice v.A. may provide. Other then concerns reltarding pedestrian safety,staff finds the proposal has no negative impacts on the above listed considerations. Adjacent land uses are: f-70 on the north, agasoline station, a sewer plant and an office building on the southi to the west is Red Sandstone Creek and across the creek is anoffice building; and to the east is V.A. rs maintenance shop. Properties to the west are well screened by the vegetation which occurs naturally on the creek banks. In order to avoid damage to the root systen of nature evergreen trees, staff believes the applicant should install a snow fence(s) around theseevergreens. Property to the south wj-ll be screened by snow berms. The V.A. maintenance shop to the east wiII not be inpacted by theparking lot. Staff finds the proposal has no negative inpact on the above considerations. IV. FINDINGS aorr The Community Development Department,.recommends thatthe conditional use pernit be approved based on the following flndings: That the proposed Location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which theslte i.s located. llhat the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or naintained would not be detrinental to the v. public health, safety or welfare oruaterially injurious to properties or Lmprovements in the vicinity. Tlrat the proposed use would cornply with eachof the applicable provisions of this ordinance. S TAFF RE COI'II,TENDATTON Staff recommends approval of the tenporary parking area subject to the following conditions: king Bhe ional use perrnit be e 15, 1 r until the Town of Vail the Ho site and provides V. advance written notice to vacate th 1. 2. 3. All of the mature evergreen trees be Enow fences. protected ntil May \s a,frfiL 3fT ryr,t:*-t/ r oj./tr" ' ected by - FL: t,N.vf{-*7vartance ti I . Approval of the companion parkLng design /, re{uest. i5. Pollution control as proposed by the appJ.icantis provided. 6. Tinber Ridge residents bp allowed to store cars only on a long term basis on the HoIy Cross parcel . that the location of the tenporary parking lot operated are and the e conditions under which it would be rd with the conditional use criterraof ttre Arterial Business District. r :$ \ li i d f { Vi $ I N -r/nU*re- tuY /r'e tu'/"/ S ^d'P N^N*\\$,X,s ,wIt\ \ s S\B /*$,\ Nt7 \)d,t-)$,t'$r ,. ISV el 'S t7:84 \nIL FROM : DATE : RE3 ghe JMltcm Dictated but not read. \,4 9n.\, " r{l -) . ''v.t ,\. 1 l'' ffi a t (ffir47ffi81 E( SGft &\ail.O Vail Associates, Inc. Cttaton end Opcraton of Vrll end Becvcr Cmclp Rsom UEUORANDUM .'II,L KNIIIERER SENIOR'PI.ANNER JOE }IACY 't NOVEilBER 21, 1990 BOLY CROSS .I.OT parking deurand for the EoIy Croas'lot is as follows: suntira'--. s3 fimber Ridge -- 28 Lodge at Vail -- 15 Vail AEsociates Shop Enployees -- 10 P.T" Po* Officc Box 7 . Vri[ Colondo 81658 . USA - (303) {?6,5601 $!D r\o\ 0tnno Ovuiu@ Vail Associates, Inc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creel8 Resorts November B, f990 Ms. JilI Kammerer Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear JiII, Enclosed is a site plan for the HoIy Cross lot showing snow storage areas, drainage control, parking and storage areas. I will explain how each of these aspects of the plan will be handled in the followinq narrative: Snow Storage & Screeninq Snow will be pushed to the southwest corner of the 1ot and stored there. Snow will be pushed to the south end of the 1ot and used as a berm for screening. From the southwest corner north to the tree line, snow will be pushed west to be bermed along the west side of the lot. Drainaqe As you can see from the site plan' drainage sheet flows from the center of the lot to the west. We will install a row of hay bales along the western edge of the lot which will stop any sediment from reaching the creek. Frorn the center of the 1ot east, drainage sheet flows east and then south until it reaches the drainage ditch along the north edge of the South Frontage Road; then it flows west to Red Sandstone Creek. Three hay bale silt traps wil-l be installed in the above drainage ditch. Use of hay bales is a standard and proven technique used in road construction to trap sediment. Parking Approximately 103 spaces would be provided in the 1ot. Storaqe Holy Cross Electric Association will continue to use the north end of the lot for storage of materials, etc.; this area wiII be screened by trees and fences, etc. Post Office Box ? r Vail, Colorado 81658 . USA - (303) 476-5601 Ms. Jill- Kanunerer November 8' 1990 Page Two We believe that this plan will meet the intent if not the Ietter of the parking lot requirements of the zoning code. No permanent improvements are being proposed because the long-term future use of the site is not known at this time. The lot has been used for parking and storage since before 1970. Due to this fact, it is highl-y questionable whether the Town has anyjurisdiction over continued use of the site for parking and storage. Lastly, please keep in mind that if a permit to use the 1ot for parking is denied, then no sediment control will be installed and no screeninq of the 1ot would occur. lo-aoe at Vaif Attached is a copy of a letter from the Lodge at Vail supporting our application. We have agreed to make some of the parking available to Lodge at Vail employees who wiII be housed at Timber Ridge. Lastly, use of this lot will have no negative impacts on the Town of Vai1. In fact' the 108 parking spaces will free up other parking closer to LionsHead and the lifts. Please let me know when you would have time for a site visit. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, 'TE- rqg? /toe uacy / Manager Mountain Planninq JMlknEnclosure: Site Plans Lodge at Vail Letter Deed Holv Cross letter Y'tWX,j ronmenta,,",,,", ":'@sN FROM: Community Development Department ,= lt e^{ ,\kq.-DArE: November 23, rsBT S_ff.^i\ CIhdi+\q\s SUBJECT: A request for a five year conditjonal use permit in order trfDT|.V,Tg0- llff:"r3:lll;.on .n" upper bench of Ford park durins tn",n_*--ogrUfnt+t! ,.,, Applicant: Town of vait ./r r-\ - r rd.iba L.,\!AARCCI% KP4{'H,-tr;uy\-,{hq.!'I. pEscRrprroN 0F pRoposEp usE - tf\Jr^,b-k $Yt&td ft, The Town of Vail has received conditional use approval to, nfntr. lf parking at Ford Park during the 1985-86 and 1986-87 skj seasons. f] }r, EZThe Town is now requesting a condjtiona'l use approval for the n!qtS3!,/ t \-'- : /!-lz, rsYesrerrrv q vvllrrl9lvllgrl urs qPPr vvcll lvr UlrY lllor LJ\\:.=/ - I.)Yt,;"r-.@id,u- fl1dt\!'' 91-92 winter seaslns. The prooosal is essentiallv the same as Qy AV {*9!-92 wtnle" sCeSOns. The proposal is essentially the same as Ayzt; trer/-mffil approved. The landing mats wjll be installed when the Mground is frozen and before significant snowfall to minimize l\ J-n.^^ +a +L^ ^---- -rh^ _r^.-,- .-,: t 1 -^-^.,^ V Frer/-ev-15ilsTy approved. The landing mats wjll be installed when the PQ lC/rr.l . Iground is frozen and before significant snowfall to minjmjze {) *: \ -' i-t-6nrrJ , ground is frozen and before significant snowfall to minimjze l) -: * | Jfit^Tfftn+. damage to the grass. The Town will remove the mats and v I t nr) i Ti?d*^^bkn discontinue parking at the start of spring thaw. The Town will Ue(\( I 1ia.t1gD{gJ& repair any damage caused by winter parking in Ford Park (including I'Q",1".r,4 resodding the grass areas and repairing sprinkler systems, if frtffi)iioA nn required) before the softball season begins. The parking area is iWK* . Wo--^,,,0FaTkj-nT--I6t.-TheTownwil.lalsomaintainapackedpedestr.ianpath from the parking lot to the access road down to the Ford Park covered bridge so that pedestrjans can reach Golden Peak. The Town wili be responsible for plowing the parking area. Ford Park is located in the Public Use District. In this zonedistrict, a public parking lot is considered to be a conditionaluse. Even though a parking lot already exists on this site, a conditiona'l use review is required, as the use is being expanded. The applicant has submitted the following cost information which was requested by the P'l anni'ng and Environmental Commissjon at the September 22, 1986 conditjonal use review: "This parking area has provided two major benefits for the Town: peak t*ier periods when who have limited @o parking duringis full. Needed overf'l o 'i c parki ng Free parkinafor 'l ocal employeest#rlnanctat resources. Ii'l'., | .,' I I I I il ilI !l rlll tl tl II:l I li il i ti!I li During the 1986-87 ski season, the considerable use, with an average o ceived. Duringweekends, other peak sU Lods,and special events, the lotwas often extended t Bus service was provided to route during mornings andthe lot utilizing the i ghorn afternoons. lilost lot r, chose to either nch of Ford PaFk and over The In the grass under the mats discussions with Ben major reason for the was damaged Krueger, Vai l grass ki'll s severe : The Town will repair any during the 1986-87 season. Golf Course Superintendent, The_damage was repaired with the use of an overseeding machine.vail lvletropolitan Rgcreation ni&tnicr personngl repair.a tne rietu tracks a a'i I Golf Course s at a cosf,-o-fTFFFoximate damage caused by winter pi hours ) . As was stated in the Vail Transportation damase caused by winter pbr*i*frn F";; p;;k ir'ir,i,-i"ir-".' - r t A^ r' or vii r pubr i c wo"ri personner expended jillri?r|li1$rtffiD.rI'ii" t */*W'^installation and removar of the mats (13 personner i\:##r * sz i Because of the success of the temporary parking at Ford park, theTown is requesting a 5-year conditjonai irse peimit.' ' II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS upon review of section 18.60, the community Development Departmentrecommends approval of the cond'i tiona'l use perm.i t based upon thefol lowing factor: A. Consideration of Factors: Relatjonship and impact of the use on development objectjvesoruh-.To-ffi. previous September 22, 1986 memo, the and Parking Task Force evaluated the rature over ded to "tf!il'!ze the existing landing mats and purchaseadditional mats to extend parking area Lhrough thesoftball fields. " The Vajl Town Council approved this 19, 1985. The parking experiment is development objectives of the Town. recommendation on Augustin compliance wii6F C eff of the use of I i t and a'i r di stri but f ul ati on transoorta utilities ool s recreal t on The two seasons of use for the parking mats indjcate that some damage is possib1e to the existing softbal1 fie] ds if TneleEffi'evere swings in temperatures over a prolonged The effect u n traffic with rti c lar reference to est ion automotive an estr an safetv an conven i Era ow and contro access maneuver an0 remova snow Irom areas. As rnentioned in previous memos, staff believes that the users of the parking area will havq easv auto ingress:nd-egress-lo ttrrpa+kang-J.qt. this area is 35 miles--pS.r-bglr. Visibility fE exceTiEfi'tTrom rl so no ad.iacent i ngress+:e tra?l1c conqesrl0n -and eqress noints which wnt,lrl cneate-EFa'Ff i c gon-q-Fslm .............. Pedestrian safety has also been addressed by locating the packed path on the northern boundary of the park. Staff finds that the proposal has no negative impacts on these partj cul ar considerations. Effect u n the character of n which the use is to ocated inc ud'in n relation to surr The use will have some impact on views from the east side ofthe heg!ch. The parking has been 'l ocated close to the Frontage-Rdad so that impacts on the Parkrs natural character are n.in jmized Tha pfopoce] wi 1'l hava nn affart upor the-character of the area during the summer, as it is a seasonal winter use. III. APPLICABLE RELATED POLICIES OF ELEMENTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE Not appl icable. PLAN period of time. However, the Town has agreed to rgrijry dfltgSg..that may possibly occur due to the parking. ,The costqiuutlgs2 LrlcrL lllcry P{JssrulJ (,I-LUI' tJuB LU LIIE P.tI|\lIl9. ,lllE Lv)1, , t/) nof repairing this potential damage js minimal . (kt Jtl0a\ p4tfury5 fir*ewffiT l V. IV. FINDINGS ch othe cri teri rssl0 e pro The Conmunjty Development Department recommends conditional use permit be approved based on thefi ndi ngs: That the proposed 'location of the use is in purposes of this ordinance and the purposes in which the site is located. app'l i cabl e that the fol I owi ng accord with theof the district That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it wou'l d be operated or maintained would not be detrjmental to the public health, safety, or welfare or mater ja'l 1y injurious to properties orimprovements in the vi ci ni ty. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval that the 'l ocation of the conditions under which it use findings and maintain of the seasonal parking area. }Je find winter seasonal park'ing lot-and the would be operated meet the conditionaJ the purpose of the Pub'l ic Use district. In addition, the proposal is in compliance wjth recommendations made by the Parking Task Force whjch has studied in detail how to address the parking demands for the Town of Vail. "/ that since the creek wentphysical hardship and that Jin Morter thanked thethey lrent on to itern #5 l/r9 Ja* //-23 07 right through the lot, it rnade it ashould be considered. Planning Commission for their time andabout the parking lot in Ford park. e;L /,e h t-:' 5. ) ,/ conditora est for a variance frorn design standardsInq fots to be paved and a reguest for aorder to the constructionlot on the between ord Park tenniscourtsthe snow d the Sou ntage Road atFord Park. ( Applicant: Town of Vail Kristan pritz explained the request for conditionar use andvariance frorn design standards.- she exprai""a-itL design ofthe par\ing 1ot. she said the request ilas for one year of nota-sphalting and showed a site plan for future tennis courts. rnthe future, there would be tennis courts on part of theproposed-parking and it was felt that it wouid be inefficientto asphalt and then have to tear the aspnariing-out to put intennis courts. she reviewed criteria aira ii"ai"g" and statedthat the parkj-ng task force had suggested pfacin{ a parkingarea here. The staff fett that theie rrere no najor iregatiieimpacts. Diana Donovan asked about the entry and about debris from the P"rl+ns lot going into the stream.- Mike nor" iepresented thePublic works Dept. He said that the debris or-giiv"r frorn theparking lot would not be pushed into the stream. Di-anaresponded that if the gravel and the snow was pushed off to oneside, it wourd eventuaily enter the strean. sire -uggested notusing gravel. Mike Rose fert that graver ru=-t""a.d-i" ""rrv-spring when the ground hras very soft. Jin viele had environmental concerns. He wondered if it rnadesi1c3 to scrub up mud and oil and then a*p n"*[ io a go]dmetar stream. He said that he would not wint [" u" in favor ofany variance in order to do this. peggy agreed witn .lj_n andwondered if there was another locatioi-?or-a "rro"r-aorp. peterstated that the snow durnp was centrarly rocatea-ina ri, " ""iyvaruable facility. peggy osterfoss said that io"- uotnenvlronmentar and parlcing reasons a snow dunp in another areashould be looked at. she wondered about the'rocaiion ot irre-bus stop. And Kristan said that they would r"rii" in ttre samelocations, going east if it was on tire south siae or the roadand.going west if it was on the north side. F;;cy fert thathaving a bus stop on the north side of trre roaal'iorcedpedestrians to cross the Frontage Road. srre wonaered if thebus_could-pu1l into the parking-area. r.rite nose-said that hecould 100k at the bus stop locition. He said thai a 10t ofpeople nov traveled from the parking lot through ihe ttanor vailarea to get to the ski area. 6. Kristan said the staff could look at trying to have the buses go into the parking lot when they were going west. Bryan Hobbs moved to approve the conditional use for the staff lnemo and Pam seconded it. Peggy asked to add a request to exanine other sites for snow dumps and Jin Viele asked that erosion control plan for the parking and the snow dump and also to see if buses could pull into the parking area. The vote was 7 to 0 in favor of the conditional use. Pam then noved to approve the variance to the design standards by allowing the lot to be graveled instead of paved for one year. She approved it with conditions as stated for the conditional use pernit. Her finding etas one of strict and literal interpretation. Bryan Hobbs seconded the rnotion and the vote was 7 to 0 in favor. est to anend A icultural and ce to allow cemeteries as a condit onat use 18.32.030 o Rick Pylman reminded the board of studies in public meetingsthat had been held for locations for ceneteries, public orprivate. He said that three zone districts had been considered and that the staff felt that the Agricultural and open Space Zone was an appropriate one for cemeteries. Rick said that a cemetery vas of the top priorities in gold setting sessions held in Manor Vail two years previouslYr so it had become a rnunicipal objective to have a cernetery. Staff felt that having the public request a cemetery showed that VaiI was becoming a naturing comnunity. Diana felt that this was an appropriate zone for cemeteries.Jin Viele agreed with Rick's comments that a cemetery should be a community goal and felt that this was an appropriate zone for cemeteries. Ella Knox, a neighbor of the Donovan Park area, stated that she did not want to see a cemetery in Donovan Park, and trad bought her property with the feeling that the area would continue to be a Park. Jim reminded ELIa that this was merely a recommendation to the Town council. to anend the zone district and was not recommending a specific area. Bryan Hobbs moved to recomrnendto Town Council to anend the zoning code to allow cemeteries in the AOS zone district per the staff memo. The motion was seconded by Peggy and the vote was 7-O in favor. Item 7, a work session on the Glen Lyon office site, was tabled. ( L the Town of VaiI Munic ri.r copy PEC Minutes O Lo/2z/so titeeting lneaded Condl.tlon: L2. lbe applLaant has tb€ optlon to rGduc€ tb€ lspgth oftbc uptrer road and locate the cul de sac furtber to the east. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR Itern No. 6: A request for setback variances in orderto construct additions to the Christiania Lodgelocated at 356 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2Vail Villaqe Lst Filinq.Applicant: PauI R. Johnston Item No. 7: A recruest for off-street surface parkincr at therrHoly Cross parcel . rl Applicant: VaiL Associates ftem No. 8: A recruest for a variance to allow a satellitedish in the Gore Creek 50 I setback and a requestfor a floodplain nodification on Lot 3. Block l-, Biqhorn lst addition, 3907 Lupine Drive.Applicant: Ron oel-baunr A motion to table items 6 and 7 to Novenber L2, L990 and item 8 indefinitelv was rnade bv Chuck Crist and seconded by Jim Shearer VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR 20 PEC ltinutes Lo/22/9o Meeting Prior to l-ssuance of buildincr petmits for bullding envelopes 3 or 4. the applicant shall subnlt plans ehowLnq that the prooosed building neets the lnternalnLtiqation requirenents of the l.[ears report dated seDteDber, 1990. 6. 7. The appll.cant shall desiqn all retaining htalls located Ln the front vard setback with terracinq so that none exceed three feet in heicrht. 8. rnvclopc tor thc carctater unlt. The units nust conElvwith section 18.13.080 (Bl . Up to 40o square feet of unused GRFA from the prinrarv unit nav be transferred to the caretaker unlt, bowever' no carctekrr unlt ahall ercecd 1200 so. ft. landeoapl.nq, rall constructl.on' roads. drainaqe. andutllltleg. Prior to tbe lgsuance of anv buLldinq petlultr for this tbs tral.l that aroe3es this ltropertv. Prl.or to tb€ l,ssuanae of C.o.rs or I.c.O.rs for bul.ldinq cnvelooes 5 and 6' tbe appllcant sball Plant a 9. gball aoagtruct all inproveuenta fron Buffsr Crcet Roadto tho unit under construction. rf occupancy La rcanrcrteC prlor to tbe Lngtallatlon of anv Luprovenents, tbe appllcant uust escrow 125t of tbe constructlon cost prior to tbe rown igguing e c.o. or T.C.O. Inprovenents ln tbls case gball lnclude 10. 11. Jin cul Shearer felt that there should be flexibili.ty to shorten the de sac on the upper road, to show less asphalt. Kathv Warren amended her rnotion to include Jinrs sugqestion as follows and Chuck Crist seconded the amended notion. road anC Bueffer Creek Road. t9 O D Olt E ,--F€ s=:nEi H-ii Fri;E bEno ' o'=a?-sE a3! fiRlli aFi ?s=9a >6-a >uo rl ; A6, - 5 .9;F Ei = ar Fil as:s; x; nEr: 9: 6=5: k: 29{ : o1 '-,t3 H: i € alz l,ut Ft 1 o It I I o ol ol iii;lift;iirl; a, a ii;iiiiili€;i;iiii iiffiiiigiiiii *er;iiitliiiiiiii nF*iiiFtiii i;iF ii$i;Fi[il=siFi '-iiF*iiFr*EggiH #€*i i iefiiii l lii s i ri Ia s :,r-Hii iig3;€ I ; ii 1 ; I ;;rFn 'i ;i; ani*=i;i[[i i Iiiiii : in;iigrgriii; ii a i*iiiE g lr;i if;gIil :ir, 9 ;iEilE E Ei sli*liili liF €ii'iii f ii Eig5iii;i li lal i it rugflili= i ili (D@ ll o I! I \I rl ri fi s*lrt,#. 3*n{lrg,i$ |v#s H:i{'ilIw::a n i[ EAgiNFE eFEf i$-8 +6nc.'1i- l) Bsi I ;$i i\H! 'ii-,ri :F 3F 8iUE:",-a4ta tfr|v =:4ry =; s#rfsscg. -NJi et =rfi r. ll ' iHO% €ll iryFqE *ll i3= 3H "; I iriE# t li\. irs ;;. [J[- iEfi $'g€&Fi "r F F'o.'.jo It EI1@ q r, =\t 4 I , AY,cJ ,,1 zc -l € z.{ nt F' I z f! I t I EI, tIt '!t t o c t 6 l U t c! fm .Eo 3 m {J o c) F]o F F)\t' P\o_lo o- \ 4'/^ l-) 9\1 \ k :-_\3 ):'r ry ro. <o,6ot- cK.o lr| I 6 I I 7, ROAD J..rlJtat t,.''t.''-< o II N4.31 t November 2, 1990 Mike Mollica Senior PLanner Town of Vail 75 S Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 81557 Dear Mr. Mollica: This letter is written in their effort to obtain a request for parking at the " 'lr }tgo ,loN il.Jtt order to support Vail Associates inconclitional use permit and variancepresent HoIy Cross Site. The Town of Vail as a whole has a shortage of long term parkingfor our employees that are here to help us during the ski seasonmonths. The Lodge at Vail has a shortage of 15 parking spacesfor employees that live in the upper Vail Valley and have no space to park their vehicles. This effort being made by Vail- Associates to assist in the townrs parking problems by reducingthe possibility of illegally parked cars and ensuring that thecars are safe is greatly appreciated. Any assistance you may be able to provide VaiL Associates in thismatter woul-d be greatly appreciated by the community and supported by The Lodge at Vail. Managing Director cc: Joe Macy VA A.M. 174 East Gore Creek Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 308-476-5011 Telex 45-0375 Fax 808-476-7425 .tri iii )r llr iii a =5H =.Jt-&M--. =. lL)&^ R/24, : sb -%* 3uzcarcp. 4fu ?,1{119 (.K "/,,) s*rradge ,-l -o coo F2qJ =FE o.lrlo @o t!o II z F_ g.()o uJ ts-lr s z trc(ro U) UJo E a< z F(! E a uJo FTY tr z trL Eoa)ulo IY cL< z tr(L EOa UJo E s z tr cc a uJo E tr tIIf'IIt-l''l'l l I I ,.,1 I I,I *. f,ff ;:., ll.',I ',Iil ta- .r .[; i:l ;',1r "tI;"-- | :-'r ', 1;, i,, l:'"tP-l-;-, I 9H"'l st-!. f-tlrrr fi .i-r" ztzol otrt tr rrt fi'OI OatauJ| ut FTFar I a\'fL$ LIJu>#=d<zLIJ rr C! ;itn6>v) JF*z LU '1Zt-'t :H(') z Y2(It! x uJ tJ-l <a r- !t{2Y rl! F9 z am a 2 >oF IIJ EE a5 z6JZ \tujz2<uJ[!tr<)fiE<l^><trrrct!t! .d !J=bo)o-az*i!! t'tr<tr Xxr() o(o 858s oOOEN .c oNEEsf3:p' s9U c0 l.! !:t i_i r c-ild rr t .Ll <r iL,:.". !_:rItr ). (-l I t;.t r'; i. .;r! it'j .J -.,J 3 ,i :--) r,- -' ,' i:, .i, ..r r.- i. Lil. _l .1. ili -. .:1. t . rl " )' i-.,,.i -.1: r_-rti. a.'a, Z U:I ,.: i. : -' '.,r, .::TItlt"l Itr^ It(D.It>' Itlllz*' IIru Itol loo I trooz uJ p (L Ia (! 6 oI zIEo Lt =aa z Elo o o oz 5 trUJoEotuaTOE. =o_ Etll n-'Elz -c02> IJJ f>z z LIJ a) E. UJF tr LlJ z UJl- o LIJ I,IJF o (I lJl Qvuit@ ECI Nov 021991 Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver CreelP Resorts Vail Associates, Inc. is to request proposed use byIot and storaqe Back Ground As you know, Vai-L Associates, Inc. requested an amendmentto the Arterial Business District zoning code last winter toallow parking as a conditional use in the district. Recently, we submitted a conditional use permit appli_cationto the Town. After our 10/31/90 meeting with you and Kristan,it was determined that VAI would need to apply for a variancefrom the parking lot requirements. we also have permissionfrom HoIy Cross Electric Association to use the loc. The Holy Cross lot has been in use as long as I have beenin VaiI, which will be 22 years this month. The lot has beenused for storage of equipment and vehicles during that timeat varying levels of utilization, from year to year. Recently, we purchased the Sunbird building for interim use as employeehousing; we also lease a number of units at Timber Ridge for employee housing. The Sunbird and Timber Ridge projects donot have sufficient parking for the renters. Last year thewinter utilization of the HoIy Cross lot was primarily for parking. Many of the vehicles sat there for most of the winter withoutmoving; others were used on a daily basis for trips to Safeway,etc. So, even though many vehicles used the 1ot, most of thevehicles did not get used on a daily basis and thus had verylittle impact on the traffic or the frontage road. Mr. Mike MoIIica Senior Planner Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Mike, The purpose of this letterthe Town of VaiI regarding theInc. of the Holy Cross parking November 2, 1990 a variance fromVaiI Associates, yard. Post Office Box 7 r Vai[, Colorado 81658 . USA - (]01) 476-5601 Mr. Mike Mollica November 2, 1990 Page Two Future Uses Of The Site As you know, the site is currently under contract to the Town of Vail. Potential future uses of the site are as an interstate highway exchange, pocket park and of course' parking. Since the future use of the site is not known, it makes little sense to require paving of the lot at this time. Accordingly, we feel that it would be appropriate to grant relief from the strict or literal interpretation of the parking requirements which normally apply to parking 1ots. The term requested for this variance request would be until such time as the Town decides to use the site for some use other than parking. We will screen the lot on the south and southwest. The tot is already lit for safety and security purposes. We will develop a drainage plan for the site to control sediment. Storage of any materials will be restrj.cted to the north end'. of the lot. Snow removal will be done on a regular basis as weather conditions dictate. Snow storage areas are depicted on the site plan. Use of the lot will be restricted to tenants of the Sunbird and Timber Ridge projects. You should be aware that I received a phone call from the Lodge at Vail this morning requesting use of the HoIy Cross 1ot for up to ten cars belonging to their employees who rent at Timber Ridge. Timber Ridge lacks sufficient parking for the Lodge employees as well. We have agreed to accommodate up to ten cars belonging to Lodge employees at the Holv Cross 1ot. VaiI Associates will commit to notifying each employee who rents at Timber Ridge that it is illegal and extremely hazardous for pedestrians to cross I-70. We wilI notify the employees that the only safe way to cross I-70 is via the pedestrian overpass or by crossing under I-70 at the west Vail or main VaiI interchanges. Requirements 1) The uses in the area include parking lots, commercial buildings' maintenance yards, service stations, waste water treatment facilities and warehouses. Each of the above uses has parking associated with the use. 2') It would be unreasonable to require paving and other improvements at this time since the future use of the site is unknown. ' .,-i ir''. ". rl Mr. Mike Mollica November 2, L990 Page Three 3 ) There would be no impacts on light and air or distributionof population. There would be a minirnal impact on localtraffic; however, the overall impact could be positive inthat many of the vehicles owned by the tennants will bestored on the site long-term thus reducing i11ega1 parkingat or near the rental sites. Some increase in bus ridershipwould occur; however, this would be offset by less vehiculartraffic in and around VaiI. No impact on util-ities or publicsafety would occur. 4) Goal statement 2.2. The ski area owner, the business community and the Town leaders should work together to make existingfacilities and the Town functj.on more efficiently. Useof this site for parking frees up other space for skierscloser in to the LionsHead portal. I have talked with Rich Perske and he has informed me that we wj-ll need to apply for an access permit for the CDOH. Iwill be attending the CDOH Access Committee hearing on November20th and am in the process of applying for the permit. Sincerely, .r'1 <,.rEzVfrZ t/ Joe Macy ,/ Manager Mountain Planning JM,/KM Enclosure: Variance Application z-'at4 FHr r5:6r ii r-r t- Y L.r<r-rs E,r- | '<rr, nroo.,roa f;..1,.11.,.....0'oroot...*.,...tit.. ,,.j.;rntl;t.:.:;:,...1.i:.^1.!1?.L-O......- noconlton N0..1.1,1,i.r"i..,...... ......1,1$l'tf.Il..,,il.r,,..il:it lii:....................nccoruer, 'ftIts I)Rco, t'tnao tu. lOth drJ of Decomber ,tl?0 brtwccn ASPIIN COSIEiT R UCTION COn I'OfIATION, Doing Bushress As ASI,EN CONSTnUC'flON COMPANY.I corporrtior duly orarnitld rud cxistlng urdcr rnd by virtut ol tbc llwr ot rl. Srlc ol Coloredo ol rh. l;r.r t..t, rnd HOLY CROSS Et,DcTRtq nssoctATIoN, INc., r corDo.rticn ihlt o.tahi.ld.rd rxhllntr undlr r|rd bt vi,luc of thc ltwr of th. rrrtc or Colorado of thc tccond D:rtl WIINESSETH, Tlrri thc lrid Drrty ol thc lirr! prrt, for 0nd In co[rldcrrtion ol r,lc rpnr ol Ten Dollare and other good and valuable conslderatlon, nICOEDDRIS STAMP >Dfi,alra'Ds{ to tho rrid pr.ty ol thc li.rt t.rt In I'anr, tnid by th. tnld trrty ol tbc rcond trrt, lhc rccclpt wlttttsl 1r tor.tt ccolcrrcrl r"d rcLdonlcdlcd, hrth 8r.nt.d, lrorEnhr..J,.old rnd cgnvcycd, rlrd by tlta3t grcrcrlt doct g.tnt, brr8nlrr, r!ll, convct rxd lonf;rdr unto thc $irl plrty ol thr slcond tati' ilr iurlcrtorr lnd alllgnt forcyct' all llr! lollowinS dcrcrib.d :ot parccl ol l d, lilurte, lyinB !!d bcing i|| thc Countr ol Eagle lnd srrr! ct Cohndo, ro-witl I)of t of Sectlon 12. Townohlp 5 South, Rangc 81 West of thr 6th It. M., deecribed es follows: Beginning at the point of tntorlactlon of the Westllne of a County road with th6 North€rly rlght-of-way line of former U, S. Itlghwa. No. 6 frorr which polnt the Norl,heast cerner of seid Section l2 bearr North {.31' Eact, 552.5 feet; thence South ?3'45r WeEt, along sald hlghwey rlght-of-way line, 252 feet to th€ center of Red Sand6lone Creek; thencc North 4o30r West, along the centcrlinc of Red Sandstone Creek, 1?0,4 feelt thence North 10.44' EBst, lloils the centerline of fied Sandgtone Creek, 34,3 feet to r point on tlrc Southerly rtEht- of-way line ot U. S. lnterstete Ilighway No. ?0; thence Northeesterly on a curve to the right with a radius ol 27!5 fect, an arc distenca of 264.28 feet to e point on the West line of said County roa(li thence Southerly along sald West line, 222.31 tect, more or lesu, to the point of boginning. TOOBtftER, with !U rnd tintuhr thc bcrcdltrnrcntr lnd aptultcnrnccr thcrourrio lclongia6 or io urtwllc .pp.rt.inlog. and tL. f.vtrrlon rnd r.y.r.lciri' rllrllndar .od rcnrdiilcrt, rcntt, ltluc! rnd Drclif thGrcol; nod rll lhc .rt lq rlthl, titlc iatcrcrl, clrinr o||d d.D|nt|d whrtrgcvc. ol th. ||ld 9!rly ol thc tlrrt tl.t, .ilh.r irr liw or rqnlty, cf, in snd tc tIc rbor! blrgaincd prtnrkcr, wilh thc terqditorr.nti rnd rDturaut,E(t, TO IIAVE AND TO IIOLD thc rrid prcntkt! :tlrov! br.Blir.d urd d.tcrlbctl, willt tlt. rpturtcnrncct u'|to th! s3id t.rlt of thc rccond pirrt, ilr succcrsort rnd n$itnr lo..vcr, And tha mid Agpen COnStt.UCtlofl Corporation, Doing Eusiness ns nspen Con6tructlon Company, ,rtty ol tha llrit pstl, lor ltrcll, It! tuccc!3orr .nd r+rl8nt, doth covcnflll, 3t t, b.rgtil rnd r8r€c lo nrld with th€ srid prrty ol thc trcond pr.l il. r{ccciroru rnd lrri8al, tlrnt rt t[! tlrr|c ol thc cnlcrlfutS tnd dclivcry of llrtlc arcr. lntr it ir er.ll lclzld ol thn Prclnilcr lbocc con"cyarl, tu ol goodl rurc, Dcrlcct, tbrolutc rnd indcftrtlblo etllto ol Inhcritrnfa, ln law, h fcc riurglc, end hrth gocd ri6hl lull 96y111 lrtd hwlul .ulhoflty to 8nntr b!rg!ln, rcll r'rd Convly lh. rlrn! ir mrnncr qnd lorm rforcrlid, $d th|rt thc trma l'c lr.! lnd clcrr lrom tll tcnr.r lnd othcr Sronlr, bd.8ai.r. rlcr, licns, tsi.!, ri!c!!at.[lr rnd incuntbrlrctr ol whtcv.r kin{ or ittu(r rocvcr; CXCept ta1gBfor 1971, due ln 1972 which taxes the eeid party of the srcond part h.r.byisrumc and agFees to payi except feservatlons and €xc€ptions contrlhed in th. unitcd States l,atent for said propertyi ahd exccpt rertrlctlons imposcd by Subdivialon Resolution of llegle County, Colorado; Itnd ell easern€htg of recordi rnd thc rbovc trrgrincd pfcnrirrt in thc tlui.t rnd pclccrllc osrcsrlon ol ttrc raid prrty ol thc rccond Drrt, lt! ruc. curorr urd esrignr aSrinrl rll rnrl crcry gctfoti ot tcttotlt lawlrrlly clrinrlng g! lo cltiit lhc wloh or rny p t th.r.ol. thc ;lid nrrty ol tlr! ,irrt Dirt rh;rll md $,lll WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. lN WIT,NESS WHERIIOF. Th. mid p*tt of thc lilit grrt hrth (rulcd ltr lortontc nanc to bc hctcualo rub.. '. ! ,l:; 't -Tht.lorccolrg hrtrunrrnt rvtr ictncahdrcd bclcrs ruc thht97a ,br Joltn Huebinger, Ji'. H. A. Bornefeld, Jr. AsPENcoNsr{rucrlo*c8dH}i,f t5tr8st1,,.BETflo"N'E'8f; ,i#Ifu ,',. Mt lotrthl €onr htion axgir.t //''r7"2, Witner uy hrnd rnd olllci.l r.el. tr .4, -.COfiP..OF,A TIAN,.dlbl-r..A sll.tlN'............ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY al o, Itt. w/tlalDTY ntt:lHrrt...rlii t. C.rtrr.rlii. t;r<\Jit|= eL.EU r r< r rJ iE.l'i,:";;;1I I iALg l't 40' 1' 1o PIN sET ".o'n'j tr,l 'z PI2 1td ${1' ;,lr*rl},"--rt\ililli;"""'"n""i-1ilfr1fl {-i-ii"ifffiry-ti61i; it;J.lf*#iiq;11ry;ffi {'*Lifrtii#mffitrffii#1iri'a","' ocToDBF 29, r9?o tUn'P<**e* , o .tr a:DtrtrHRTMtrNT EF ,EEJMMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM ZONINO AI.ID ADDRESS UAPS 0000 42415 1988 UNtFoRu 8u[-DtNO CODE 1988 UNIFOR!.I PLUI,TBINO CODE | 0000 42413 1988 UNIFORII UECHANICAL CODE 1988 UNIFORM RRE CODE | 0000 42113 1987 NATIONAL EIICTRICAL CODE 10000 42113 OfiER CODE BOOKS PR|NTS (MluRs) ox coptEs ./ sruors rr FEES / ne-NspecnoH oFF HouRs nspEcnon rE 0t 0000 tt4l3 ---,1 't,h - J^ 8U.., rrl&y A-ffe c-f puBr,rc NorrcE-/^ /\ \,orr\- oro,aejv NoTIcE fs HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environraental Cornmission of the Town of Vail vill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the uunicipal code of the Town of Vail on Noverober 26, 1990 aE 2200 P.ro. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A work session on a reguest to rezone Lots 2 and 3, Vail village West Filing No. 2.Applicant: Elnore, Vail Village west Ccrporation 2. A request to establish a Special Developnent District for the Sonnenalp redevelopment, located aE 20 Vail Road; A parb of Lot L, Block 5-E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Appl!.cant: sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 3. A request to anend ChaPter 18.40 of the Municipal Code, Special Developrnent Districts. Applicant: Town of Vail 4. A request to anend Chapter L8.24 of t.:e ltunicipal Code, Conrmercial core f (vai1 village) . Applicant: Town of Vail 5. A raquest to anend Chapter 18.55 cf t:1e Municipal Ccde, ACninistration.Applicant: Town of Vail 6. A request to anend Chapter 18.50 of tire Hunicipal Code, ConCitional Use Permits. Applicant: Town of Vail 7. A request to anend Chapter L8.62 of the Municipal Code, Variances. Applicant: Town of Vail 8. A request for a conditional use pennit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P, vail vill-age 2nd Filing, 141 west Meadow Drive. Applicant: Joan M. Norris g. A request for a condi!:onal use pemit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 7ts, vail Village 10th Filing, 930 B Fairway Drive. Applicant: Nanclz and Paul Rondeau t ]^/r/r,l h,,,m*A n/r-v\aAa /l I tlno W the Mountain Bell Site located to the north of the nain Vail i.l3'll'iil$?: filt'iT:::'$::i'?:il'e::":l'5':Y llountain BeII Site described as a tract of land in the SouthHalf, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 5, Toqtnship 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, Dore particularly described as follows: ltlar{r€ r: r rfa: U:-k r ifz:'ts' t I ttt:.rct { :' ' iaJ.'!O it|c tr:s 5. !a8c!..t3 tr|?at at !d:i€:t t. ?crrolr t i. 3c"=, l:rt. t0 &.: r/ !:r 5!! '"lrsl;:l t datri. ht:i g 'g-r 3!ln: .t ):i1::tq: r:|. lailt 3 'l|': a: ::r lcri|'lt. -.'.ll;rl4t-:d,.i.cf ilttrr-:ri: 7!t: 3r:cr i !i3::t':5'-'a tl:tt =r .' ' li: ilrr 0? rrfc 3.3::s! 6 t ct t3rtcs at 5::.tc lr:: l3!!.t if3c:; '::' il I d{ r-:cr qt 2S--lS t..: = | tstt: .!-t. Ert:loi:jt-i toi ir rr itrzrd::-i-eei ltt ";;,Ett€t t-3!':.t':l' ! r!::a rllc Ea3: !€s!(:t? lllr 3 d1:3!a! ct lsi.- fr": I t' '''il4;; i ;t-.. rtlr i::nr rit! !.ttg ti !;. '-€r-ttlt 3t$:- ''3f-i.t ct !r::-:rcc 'il: g:srcl rl.tg r.i( Srrj-t.lt '-7F€'.!'ur ri Lr-fii;6rl"t t :i.r: tj r-o:';rar tr zt''t: !'2t' rti4'33 :- al a az n !s =a dF:. tlt{-=!tt !r!'::i t i=:irt in,rti s; O:o::':g'. r rrctrs s? :99'l.C t't:.-rtc I tttt .iiiJ ji i"ii;::::i; i-r-4j:jo.;-rt z'!'i^7 -?|,2:.:.:! 3 i;::'r-ir --'!'i'iii.i"ii ii i::.io-ti.iiJi-:-.rd::':':' : : €1r::'€' :' !!3'!3 ' i'i. i'iils--rs; :i :ii : -e r -rii:i.ici rt-rt: -i irr:'r. 5 ! t #r'j'-' i-i -i rriiici- "r- rei.:'i rr::: g: ! ;::::':s' i-r '!!!:t3! t' :::.:r iiri: i) J t:ir:t'!t'-!-i al::-:acr. el.i! 5 '5 /c::: rl ' i' ;:':;' I !! :''- ; I r= ;.,riik ioi. ic *'; t. *: :F,'-!:'*--*. . If....-ti:! c-:-:;. i,-t, €.1? ic*r c!t! tt ;'3:: 3'iii 4' ig:...::: aj ' !a. s."(rt:!a tt-i!-:::l :aa:. i-'?::::3t lI€!'' i. iii. i;;i3. irlc< .t ?r.2-- 1i 3;3 gf''!c" cJ c:'n ri€ i*:-r: al t:gi.' 3:ea:7. €116r';'- Apclicant:Town of Vail and Professicnal DeveloPment 11. A request to rezone the following property cornmonly knoltn as the Pedottc property localed to the south of Kinnickinnick Rcai. in the Intemountain Subdivision frcn Prinary/Secondary to Mediun Density Multiple Farnily lrore specifically desc:ibed as: A Fa:cel of land in the Sw I/4 of Sec',-ion 14, Townshj-p 5 Scuiir, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, morepa--:cularly described as follows: lsl.'-rks a: r Dolil d:c:c: t br:s: e9 rel t* r YlL-':r i=r:cr ?:: $r lrq: t -V{ c! tziil 5.€'J cn !l !c::r'9 29':3'31' l0?1.0t fci:.' g:s:.e tt 7{' osrlt': :3'i6 tc?:i glat€:t !33.63 t.c: lior.g ttc rrs c( |cs€ t tl. tlElt vt!:c.l, 18€ tl:lted: I clc:l b..:!9f t!'::'30' ! tS!.?l !rr!r tlcc- S ii't0r:l' t |!.i?3r:; L\eac= t{?.U tg€t rleng Lir t- ot r a:r tr:!r l:!! gl'.! ar ig tu!t::d3 r-Csll h::1;; I tt':etli' t :l:.60 g*:f L:c::c: lt 70t5:'55' E ls6.3s fel: **c:tj.l3 lccl 8c;q L':r t:: ot . e.:-r B: tle r!6lr rhj cl L-= tc!qs!:C: I e'.o:C lcerlag 5 a7':0'it' E {{.:0 lt.l,'L:!:- 3l{':S'9t'lf ll0.3l !er!; Ll*r: S 6a'lir31'I :::,00 !ca--; -u:!!cl I 19'07'03' x !!-00 i--t: *rnctt ??'13'l!' H f50.!3 frcg; tleec: .. to':l'33' r:3.1t ts:r.; Llcac: U ti'10'05' T :3?.?: fect: tjtcec: Ilr't"ll' t !30.00 trcc !a t.l:o pc!:r: cf bcginr!:g,e:r:{:!59. t.t006 lc::r, !c--! or lcss. !c r-'L:t f.-c= G.!.0. lceia tor So'E'.: V2 cf roCJ:sli;= lcbrcaa Scc:lonc I {-13. Applicant: Juanita f. Pedotto, and Professional Developnent PUBLIC NOTICE lI NOTICE IS I1EREBy cMN that the Planning and Environmental Connlssion.of the Toun of vail will hold a publLc hearing in accordance wlth Sectlon 18.66.050 of the nunicipal code of the Town of Vail on Novotrber 26' L99o at 2:00 P.D. Ln ttse Eown of VaiI llunicipal Building. Consideratl'on of: 1. A work session on a reguest to rezone Ipts 2 and 3, Vail Village west fl.ling No. 2.Appli-ant: Elmore, Vail VlIIage west Col2oratt'on 2'. A request to establish a Special Development District for tlre Slonnenalp redevelopment, located at 20 vaLl Road; A part of Lot L', Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Fillng. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 3. A reguest to anend Chapter 18.40 of the llunicipal Code, Speciat DeveloPnent Districts.Applicant: Town of Vail 4. A request to amend Chapter L8.24 of the Uunicipal Code, Coumercial Core I (Vail Village).APPlicant: Town of vail 5. A request to anend Chapter 18.66 of the Municipal code, Adninistration.Applicant: Toltn of Vail 5. A request to anend ChaPter 18.60 of the llunicipal Code, Conditional Use Petmits.Applicant: Town of Vail 7. A request to anend Chapter 18.52 of tbe uuniclPal Code, Variances.APPIicant: Towrr of Vail 8. A reguest for a conditional use peroit ln order to establlsh a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P' Vall Village 2nd Filing, l4L West Meadow Drive.Apptiiant: iroan u. Norrls 9. A request for a conditional use p9:rDit ln order to establlsh a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 78, Vail V11lage 10th Filing, 930 B FaimaY Drive. APPIliant: Nancy and Paul Rondeau 10. A request to rezone the followlng property connonly known as the l"ountair Bell Site located to the II:th of the naln Val.I I-70 fnterJnge frou Agricultural ope*pace to Medium Density Multlple Fanily nore specifically described as:I tof Range 80 Colorado, Applicant: Corp. Site described as a tract of land in the South the Southeast Quarter, Section 6' Township 5 South, West of the 6th Prlncipal Meridlan, Eagle County, nore particularly described as follows: t rl.rfif rt r tolrt b:::'lt t dE il'tt' r i-crlarcl rt- ! ' taljto ilr8 t;!. gr- lcrereri enrrrr ri trc:ll1 I' i.rrlt t iccE.-fstrr $ A! rt Er &t Tg,'fltzl t t{6t.tr frft ?'iir-irti:-rr Dr?{::r:;; .ia. t ltf t tch! oa tl. l.t-it'lt. -r-tcr:<r-irr cf irur'ijlt 1!: ::rice 3 0!tgt'35' r rl|' t'r .' :lric tlrr t? ttla trc'-tcr 3 t at3t .cr at 33.r0-tr:: ltrrtt ' ter.it;it' r-i cri-rcr or ?,g,-rl t!!r, tr . tllts ..-!h ar?titill-i r.i lr-ri t trrcti'.:Trtrl -ri'ie: gmcr t slctt'tt' t .itcag tilt Ert: fc|r!.rt tiar I itr::rcr d ll8:= t .: gt r''ictli o r catt . rrlr L:nr rirr lrlrt tt t!. t..=rtlt Uqt"'3;'{l g'i*ff tg rtT:::: ii':'.i:::'*"'ill.Itf; ' - fi1fi$itfr *;tli,ffi FHT:tr' ii;?:T#F-i,:{ i;::!' ::t* Ftu' trc:n' it !Jt:: &.t-?. crtP3g. Town of ValI and Professl.onal Developnent 11 . A reguest to rezone the following property connonly known as the -roperty located to the soutlr of KLnnLcklnnick noaa'llflFlntenoounta in subdivision from Prinary,/secondary to Medium Density l{ultiple Faroily rnore specifically descrlbed as: A parcel of land ln the Sw L/4 of Section l4r-To{nship 5 South, RanEe 81 west of the 5th Principal Meridian, moreparticularly described as follows: lcglrtlst at I to!.rl li.tcr a brerr Gsg tFt lts ai:Fsr ioner lcs gtr trr! -V{ ot retc lccUor tlx:n:r ir'3f'tl' l0?J.0t tcl:l gts:.ca I 7lr 0lrtr' 3 lo,ta tcrlr tbacr' !t!.f2 tcci lioni tjtc lrc ct I ersrr ta-Erc-rtqtt rbtcl ra€ r$tdtdr'r €bosa Der:lrgI tEtt:rto' t lat.?a !rr!l tlcccr t ?7'f0r:l' t fi.?? hrBr tltracq l{?.13 tr.! rtgts L'r. tG ct r Gr+?. tottr ir!: vhta\ irc tultltdt l-€*{ brstaq I ll'tarlt' t ltt.a0 lrctr iScae l"o":'lS' E 105.!! tectr ttracrtl.to tcrt rlcaE g\r ..-s ct . 6.iu|". Bo t!. sttil vuc5 |s3 tEttl84t e tqord lctrtng t a7':0't?' E {1.20 t.at,'tlcccl 3 t{'rsl5tr t U0.3t trct; Uurcr 3 68'ttrCl't $0.00 tcott t:tcic! I ttt07'0t' r 10.00 tce!: Gracrt ?i'al'll' r t'60,!t -!il!: glcacc t l0'll'rf' r :l.ltt!.:i Ulcncr I t7'10'05' I tt?.?2 t.sc: t!.ncc Ill'5:'t!' ! 1t0.00 t.at lo tho polnt ct tegiaalrg, coucrlatrg. t.300a t€!at1 !ao-r or &rs. tcrltrg trcr G.1.0. tccrid tcr Sosll V2 o( sctlolll;s lcorccn Ecctlonr ll-l!. Applicant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and Professional Developnent Corp. f t L2. A request tlzone the following propef located to thenorth of Safdway and Chanonix Lane in th'gvail HeightsSubdivision, Lots 5-13 fron Prinary/Seeondary to MediunDensity Multiple Fanlly. ,*r4appri"inti--xonrad oberlohr, John W. and Patricia a. nienaag4pr,1y'^*tf,or John Witt, Reuben B. Ihight, and Professional kfl f;pr"7-dDevelopme"t ""*d*/r& [w,a^' ila 7" /** ?*'4ff13. A request for off-street sfirface parkiirg a/ttre rrHoly Cross tu.,oy' parceln described as follows: q//u-^I A tracg o! 3rouad la thc trE l/4 of Scction 12, Togls:tiP 5 Sourh'' Bangc tl A-furrrA.e ticsc of rlc 6ch Priacipal Hcridian, lying uichit rlec parccl convcycd to r che Eoly C;oss Elccsri'c lssociacioa, Iac. by dc:C rc:drded l! Ecccptioo tro- ll512S on Januant 12, l98l , ia thc rccords of Es3ia Councy, ColoraCo, dcsc:ibcd rs: Coruc::eing:s the tfE corle!. of iaid Section t2; rlcece Soulb 88'19'29" lJcsr, rlon3 !h€ lorEh li,nc o! raid ttE ll4t t dir:aecr of 43.1 fe.r to th! incciscccioa of ebe prolongacior oi cbc cisc liac oi ,raid parecl; chcace sourh 0.01'33,. East, elong taid proloagacion, 319.2 flrB Bo thc aortheast cor:lcr o! said parcel uhicb is !5c poiac of be3i:ai:g; thcacc Soqr,b 0'01'33,. Eas!, aloog raid eas!, line, 222.31 tass co lbc louchcas! cor1cr o! sai.d parcrl; lhcncc nor:bgcsscr!.t .c:ess said parccl through lbc follouirS four courtcs: l) Nortb 28'36'19" lfesc, 53.05 fecc, 2) Norrb. 38'12'34n gcst, 81.46 fce:, 3) tlorgb 50'48'!J'Ltsn, 68.68 frcr, end 4) souc! 79.49t04'i Fcsr, 121.45 fecC !o thc aorlhecsi ccrDc! of said parccl; rhcncc ao-bcasserly elong thc aort! Iinc of raic par=cl nbicb is a iii-.og"o. (a raCial to said s63g!ocs! corncr bca:r llorth 22'39t28'tJcst), 2715 foic radius c!f,! coDcavc routhcrlt, 264.29 fc:: (ccatral anglc cguab 5'34r38") lo lhe poiat of bcgianiog. Tbis ttac!, as desc;i'bcC, conlaias 151940 or less. Applicant: Vail Associates rquare !c:r, or 0.366 tclc3r Eors L4. A request for a parking variance in order to construct additions to the Christiania Lodge, 356 Hansen Ranch Road, L.ot D, Btock 2 VaiI village 1st Filing. Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 15. A reguest for a minor subdivision in order to vacate a lot ILne betrreen Lots 46 and 47, Vail Village west Filing No. 2.Applicant: AI{JA Corporation 15. A request for a height variance and a variance to the numberof satellite dishes pemitted ln order to allow for theinstallation of two satellite dish antennas on the roof of the Marriott Mark Resort, Lots 4 and 7, Block 1 Vail/Lionshead Thlrd Filing, Ipts c and D lllorcus subdivision, located at 715 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Marriott Mark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Cornrounity Developnent Department office. Town of Vail Connunity Developnent Departnent Pubtished ln the Vall Trail on Novenber 9, 1990' A request to rezone the following property located to the 3til"i :'lf "13I"13, 5n?Hl'f 'm:i,i3;;.:*'.:'i3!:ilDensity Multiple Farnily.Applicant: Konrad oberlohr, John W. and Patricia A. Ricloanfor John Witt, Reuben B. Ihight, and Professional De'relopment Cory. A reguest for off-street surface parking at the rrHo1y Crossparcelrr described as follows: A !:ac: of g:ou:C ia t5c ltE llL of, Scc:ion ll, !;.:sli7 5 South,'iang: El ',less oi Blc 6ch P:iacipal Heririian, l7ing rn:.li: '-!:c pa;:rl .ccnz:7ed to cl:e loly C--oss Elec:-c lsscciaticn, Irc. by de:d ;::drCed ac Eccepcioo Xo. 115123 cn J:nuary t3, l9A:, i: !!e te:cids oi i:31: C:'!rtsit, Cclo:aCc, desc:ilei as: Cc:e:::i;g :c Ele llE ccr;e: oi iald S:c:ion l!; 's:::r Soucl 88':'9'!9" ues:, licng Llre to;:5 li:re oi saii ItE ll4, a ti:s::-: oi 4i.! fe:r ro !!. i:r:trse::ic::, of c-\e g:citngtei,oc oi cic ces: li:e oi said pa;:e!; checcr Scu::0'Cl'33" Eas!, along said p:oloagacicn, 3:3.2 fe:t ao Ele ucr:.\eas! c:-e: or' sai,c pa:cel shich is *c poirc of be3-:i:g; tletc! Scu::0'01t33" E:sc, along said casc liee, 23i-i1 !e:c Eo Elc sourte3sE c:-er oi saiC pareel; Ehcnc! noi:lrescatly ac::ss rajC pal:el chrcugh *c lolicri::g fcu: c:r::sca: l) No::5 23'36'19" Iies:, !!.06 iee'-, 2) !lol;!. 3a'::':;n t'es:, 8i.46 fe::, 3) [c;:5 50'48'2:" ies:, 63.68 fe::, a::C 4) Scu:: 79'49'04' tles!, 121.45 f::c !r E.:. no:::r'e!: ct:re: of saiC pa::rl; ch::':c: nc-lcasc::ly alcng the ac!:5 liac oi ra:j ;a:::1 rbicb !s a nc::- =;g::E (a raiiil gc saiC ac::lgesi ccne: !c::: !lo;:5 22'39 t28" tJest), 2i !': itaz raCi,ss cr-te c.nc3vc scuBlc:ly, 251.!3 ir:: (eeot:al angl: cqr:als 5 ''!:r?S") Ee che poi:: o:' begirniag. Tlis t:ac!, as dcsc:ibei, ccnr:i:s 15,940 o: i rss. Applicant: Vail Associates 14. A request for a parking variance in o:ier to constructadiitions to the Christiania Lodae, 356 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 Vail Village lst Filing. Ap.olicant: Paul R. Johnston 15. A request for a ninor subdivision in order to vacate a lotIine between Lots 46 and 47, Vail Village west Filing No. 2.Applicant: Al.lJA Corporation 15. A request for a height variance and a variance to the nurnberof satelli.te dishes pe:rorit;ed in order to allor for theinstallation of two satellite Cish antennas on the roof of the Marriott ltark Resort, Lots 4 and 7' Block 1 vail,/Lionshead Third Filing, Lots C anC D Morcus Subdivision, located at 715 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Marriott Mark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision The applications and lnfor:nation about the proposals are availabl.e for public inspection in the Cornnunity Developnent Departnent office. Town of Vail Conmuni',y Developrnent Departnent Published in the Vail Trail on Novenber 9, 1990' L2. L3. squ::: .i:::, or 0.366 ac:Es, !o!! .a o DateAppl i cati on PEC MEETING ffio Nov 021e90 procedure is required for any proJect not be accepted unti'l all infonnation DATE l/.eb 7a requesting a varlance. The applicationis submitted. ,.1 APPLICATI0N FOR A VARIANCE t?azn /bt'ptrc, banu fftr'Ydi ''2".J L/ I.This wil'l A.NAME 0F APPLICANT Vail Associates ADDRESS Post Office Box 7 . . vail, co. 81658 PH0NEaze-,!-€-9!- B. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Joe Macv ADDRESS same PHONE c.ilAME 0F oWNER(S)(type or print) si ADDRESS {kz S. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS art"ri"l go.in"". LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILI NG E. FEE $]OO THE FEE MUST BE YOUR PROPOSAL. PAID xx CK # PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I{ILL ACCEPT F. A'list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT I.IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I,'ITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION |.IILL 8E ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REqUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO Ii,tAKE AN APPOII{TMENT UITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIRB'IENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I.IILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT gY OECT'EAS]TiFTHE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST 8E COMPLIED I.IITH BEFORE A EUILDING PERI'IIT IS ISSIIED. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential. uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or litera'l interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatrnent among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special prlvilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, d'istrlbution of population, transportation, traffic faci'lities, uti'l ities, and pub'l ic safety. Vari ance t' 4, How your request complies wjth Vail's Comprehensive P1 an. B. A topographi.c and/or lmprovement survey at_a sca'le of at-'least l' - 20, stampec' by a colorado.licensed surveyor including-locations of a'l'r.existing i;pr;;;:nents, including-grades and elevations. Other e'lements which must-Ue iirownare-parking and.loading areas, lngress and egress, landscpped ar".s inl"-""'.utility and drainage features. C. 4l!!g plan at a scale of at least l" = 20r showing existing and proposed bu i 1di ngs. D. All preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicatethe dimensions, gilglal_.?pgul?lge, sca'le and use of all buildings and spicesexisting and proposed.on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multi:family development which has a homeownersrassociation, then written approval from the association ln support of ttriproiebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said iisociation. necessary for the review of the application as admini strator., G. Any additional materia'l determined by the zoning * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan nay be waived by the zoning administrator. IV.Time Requi rments The Planning and Environmental Commission meetsof each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) wi'11 be accepted by the planning nated suhmittal date. on the 2nd and 4th llondaysall accompanying materialof 4 weeks prlor to the date of the(as determined by the zoningstaff before or after the desig- C ttocrr gp.0 \hilAssociateqLrc. Creators and Operators ofVail and Beaver Creek @ SITE OF THE 1989 WORLD ALPINE SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS October 19, 1990 Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail 75 South FronEage Road WesEVail, CO 81657 Dear Kr i s tan: n't --/ t* ,7, b( Rf1,/, (P. Ue ^,,2,/ trh ft | ,,;L/ '/Je.- ,t/ *, cn..!a-4 , /0.3t.70 4 nrr..ia4 SJ41,J,( h llru, 26+L pEc. The purpose of this leEter is Eo duscuss our application fora rrconditional use permiEtr for the l{oly Cross properEy locaEed on the South FronEage Road. We currentLy have received pernission to use t,he property fron Holy Cross for long Eerm parklng and storage of vehicLes forour employees who reside at Ehe Sunbird Lodge and Tirnberldge unitsfor the 1990-91 gki season. On October 8fh, I met a'ith Mike Motlica to discu8e the application, where he indicaEed r.7e meet the following requireoents for the conditional use permit. 1) Obtain a access permit from the Colorado Division of Highways. 2) Develop a sit.e ptan where we include paving, landscaping, ecreeaing, drainage and fil,tration system plans. 3) Develop snow removal and storage plans. 4) Develop a security plan, and lighting plan. 5) Restrict the Lot to tennants of the Sunbird Lodge only. I would first like to object on the requirenents imposed uponVail Associates for the following reasons: 1) Vail Aeeociates is not the owner of the property and to meet the requirements, wouJ.d require considerable time and expense on our part. We also wouLd not benefit from the improvements since our lease with Holy Cross is season to season. Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . USA - (303) 476-5601 . Telex: 910-920-3183 P age 2 The properEy in question has been used as a parking and storage yard for l{oly Cross for a number of years, yet the Town did not impose the same requirements on the presenE. ovJner. 3) The Town of Vail is currentLy under contract with lloly Cross to purchase the property as of January l, 1991. There is no provision in the contract to honor any previous lease agreement. Therefore our use could be negated after the purchase in January and any improvement s required by the Town would only benefit the Town. There is currentLy a parking crisis in the Town and everyone would benefit by our use of the Holy Cross Lot for our empl.oyees. It would open up approximately 100 parking apacea elsewhere. There is currenEly "offstreetrt parking allowed by the Town at Ford Park where the same critierion Iras not recuired. Offstreet parking for the Town was also provided by Vail Associates this sumrner by the Vista Bahn and Chair I areasto help aLleviate the parking crisis due to construction of the parking structure. No conditionaL use permits were granted. Restricting the Iloly Cross LoE to Sunbird Eennants does not solve the problem of che Timberidge tennants crosslng t.he InEerstate. We would work wiEh our housing Bupervi60r Co develop a plan to discourage Ehis crossing. I do undersEand Ehe need for Ehe requirements, however, I hope you can see our point of view. With the sate of the property, it would put us under an unreasonable financial conmitment to meet these reouirement.s. lle are willing to meet any minimum improvements we can agree upon if we can also be assured that we would be able to use the lot for our employees for the remainder of the ski season and until the property is assigned for a specific use, continue Eo use the lot for our same needs in the future with a possible lease agreement. Please consider our application in good terms so hopefulLy we can solve this issue by worklng together for Ehe benefit of the comunity. Thank you for your consideraEion. 2) 4) 5) 5) 7) Sincerelv. -1AG cc: Ron Phillips Kent Rose TR/ fP 0001-0400-037 Ted Ryczek o \hilAssociateqLrc. Creatorsand Operators ofVailand Beaver Creek @ SITE OF THE 1989 WORLD ALPINE SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS September 26, L990 Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Dear Kr i s Ean: The intenE of this leEter is to appLy for a Conditional Use Permit for rroff sEreetrr parking on whaE is known as the Holy CrossLot on the South FrooEage Road, a lot in the arterial businessdistrict which abuts our Vail Associates shop on the west. Vail Associates plans to use the lot for empl.oyee parkingfor those enployees who reside at the Sunbird Lodge and Tinberidge. Currently there is insufficient parking at the Sunbird Lodge andTinberidge is only allowing parking for one vehicLe per unit (in most cases there are three employees per unit). Since Lhe parking request is more for vehicl.e storage Ehan for term parking, Ehe North and WesE LoE would be inappropriately usedif allowed for Long lerm vehicle scorage. It wouLd algo rnake snow- plowing difficult with cars in the lot and would reduce the amountof short term spaces for other employees and guests, There is approximately 100 parking spaces available in theIloly Cross Lot and each vehicle would be identified with a parking pass assigned to then by our housing manager. Permission to usethe lot from lloly Cross has been granted and a copy of cheirleEter is attached to the application. Public access Eo the loE wi 11 not be permitted. If you have any questions on this maEEer, please call me. Sincerely,JJ_44^L Ted Rvczek \ q 0001-0400-035 TR/ fp Director of Mountain Services 4t6--soot. x ltos Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . USA - (303) 476-5601 . Telex: 910-920-3183 APPLICATION FOR A VAR I ANCE Associates ADDRESS L Office Box 7 'trail, co. 81658 pH0NE476_55n1 B. NAHE 0F APPLICANT,S REpRESENTATIVE Joe Macv ADDR ES S PHOI,IE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL i?i ili.:;:ii:; i:'iffili?.:.variance. The apprication l.Thi s procedure is requiredHu r not be accepted until PHOIIE F. A list of the names of-owners of all property adjacent to the subject properry +itE,tBli?,1fi?'fiill 3F'ii3,6il3,6iid;;_il5[t;;; ilf;l;iT#.;'i;.;';i;;;'i:, II' A PRE-APPLICATION CgIiql!!9I HITH A PIANNING STAFF MEM'TR IS STRONGLY SUGGE'TEDTO ,'DETERIlINE IF ANY AODJT.IONN-L-iIriONMiiiJri..ii NEgOCO. NO APPLICATION I.IILL BEAccEPTED uNLEss Ir-ls-conpLeiE-(nuir- iricl'urji ALL rTEMs REQUTRED By THE zoNrlcADIIINISTRATOR). Ii.]: rHE NPF'iCNrri'i"NiiiOIrSrEIrrTY TO MKE AN APPOINIHTT,TTr.rrrH THE sTAFF r0 pnro oui neoui-AdDririiNAi_"susnlrrnL REQurREr4rNTs. Illltl^lqiq-rlAT-A glgllg!-ApplIcATIoN r.rILL sTREAHLTNE THE AppRovAL pR'cEss FoRY0uR PR0JECT sl oEcr-EFslTE-Txr lruuaeR-or idn-otrtorus 0F AppRovAL THAT THE pLANrlrNGAND ENVIRoNT'lENTAL coMHIssloN Nli-liipuinrel ALL coNDrTroNs oF AppR6yAL l.tusr BEcor'pLrED l./rrH BEFoRE n surrorird'pEMli-ii'issueo. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBTIITTED: A. A t,/RITTEN STATEMENT OF_THE PRECISE NATURE.OF THE VARIANCE REqUESTED AND THEREGULATI0N INVoLVED. THE sTATE,..rENT ltuir nlso AooRrsi, r' The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinitv. PAI0___;X_CK #FROM PAIO BEFORS THE COTII,|UI{ITY OEVELOPMENT DEPARTHENT fILL ACCEPI a.]l?"1:::::r,:."1i:l-l?lj"l from. the strict or I irerat interpretation and :;j.ff??:*,ll l,.,ll!llltl.,:::l:tl:l^l;.i.;;,;;.l ;;,;i;i.il"il,iJliri?ii,, :11":?l::yl:r.ll.r::ilT.n!.a,ione iiiei-in-ir,.'"i'.iiity";;=[ ;;tii;,ii;objectives of this tiue without'si.nt-oi sn..iii-ii:irir.l.l3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of popu.lation,transportation, traffic facilitiis, utjlities, and publ lc sailiy. -- - ' \,-t n r.r6'?l.t I | /.i ^Fr,.1 1\t arn 'lA Et /\ Nr NAHE ADDRESS a.t".iur g"F t n""= LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT_8LOCK FILI NG E. FEE $l oo THE FEE MUST BE YOUR PROPOSAL. lf ;';";; t, ,. |z )t: .r a 1 , o ,zzeeiue/ ?-za - ra / AA"-^/03-,.\ 0ate of Date of Application@ PEC Meeting october 22. 1990 I. APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL This procedure is required for any project use Permit. The app'licat'ion trill not be accepted unt'il USE PERI'IIIT required to obtain a conditional all information ls submitted. A. NAi4E OF ADDRESS APPL ICANT Post v PHoNE 47e55q__ B. NAI'IE 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATM ADDRESS v.ir 1""o"i.t"". l* posr office Box 7 vail. co H0NEgr::Cg:- c.NAME 0F 0I.JNER(S) (Print o.r or.rNER(s)' SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS Poet Office Box 972 Avon. Co 81620 PHONE D. LOCATI0N 0F PR0POSAL: LEGAL: LOI BLOCK FILING ADDRESS an unplatted oarcel in the arterial business dist'ict E. FEE $'100 THE FEE MUST ACCEPT YOUR PAID CK# BY BE PAID BEFoRE THE DEPARTI.,IENT 0F C0MMUNITY DEVELoPMENT t'llLL PROPOSAL. F. A'l ist of the names of owners of al'l property adjacent to the subiect property inct-uolne pRgPERii-BiHrrlo nro AcRgSs lrnEsrs' and their-malltry-a9!t9l!9!: irii-ApFlrcnNT t,lriL sE RElpoNirs[E ron coRREci otlNERs AND coRREcr ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE }IITH A PLANNING STAFF I4EI"IBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED T0 DETERMTNT rr-[ni-nbofiionnl TNFoRMATIoN Is t{EEDED. N0 APPLIcATI0N hIILL- BE A.'EPTED UNLE.S''S,Ii-i!.iOi;ii;TEiE (NUJT iHCIUOT ALL ITEMS REQUIRED.BY-THE-ZONING iopiilisiniionjl--ir-is-ininFprlcnni's RcspcttsIBLITY To_MAKE AN APPOINTMENT witi'iii jrnrF ro'ilNo oiji nso[i ADDTTToNAL SUBMITTAL REQUIRET-',lENTs. pLEASE NoTE THAT A C0l'lPlEIE APPLICATI0N tIILL STREAT'ILINE THE APPROVAL-PR0CESS FoR youR pRoJEci iivffilrib iii nurqaEi or conolrtons 0F APPRoVAL THAr rHE pEc My sTrpuLAiE: Ali coNDrirons oF RFpnovnl MUsT BE colqPLIED wITH BEF0RE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIIED. / r,\i7 ifQf (ovER) Conditional use Penf -2- III. Four (4) copies of the fol'lowing information: A. A description of the precise.nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and.measures proposed to make the use cbmpatibie with other properties in the vicinity. The descriPtion must also address: l. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of poPulation, transportation faci I ities, util ities, schoo'l s,. parks and.recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public faci'lities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control , access' maneuverability' and removal of snow from the streets and Parking area. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the Proposed use is tb be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. B. A site plan at a scale of at'least'l " = 20' showing proposed development of the iite, including topography' bui'lding locations' parking traffic ciriu'l ation, useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage features. C. Preliminary building e'levations and f'loor plans. D. A title report to verify ownership and easements. E. If the building is condominiumized, a letter from the condominium association in-support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. F. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as-determined by the zoning administrator. * For interior modification, an improvement survey and site p'l an may be omitted bY the aPPlicant. IV. Time Requirsnents The planning and Environmental Cornmission meets on the Znd and 4th iilondays of each mon[h. A complete application form and a]l accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of the PEC Pubiic Hearing. No incomplete app'lications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before oi after the designated suhnittal date. 't- PUBLTC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Conmission of tlre Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.56.050 of the uunicipal code of the Town of Vail on Novenber L2, L99O at 2:00 p.n. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for off-street surface parking at the rtHoly Crossparcelrr described as follows: A tract of ground in thc NE l/4 of Scctioo !2, ?otnship 5 Southr'Rangc 8l l.le s s of thc 6th Principa!I rccl cooveyed to the Boly Cross Associa ,by dced recciiae--+'.{Q' Reception llo. 115128 on J 12, 1981,the rec ord of Eagle CourcY, C\aCo' "N N C.-/',einz er rhe nE/cotnet of iaid Section 12; thence South 88't9'29"\ g{"c, along rhe rolh line of said NE II4, I distance of 43.1 feet to thr irrr.ir""riotr of g(e prolongacion of rhc cist line of said parcel; lhcocc South 0.01'33,, l6st, along said prolongarionr 31,8.2 fecc ro the notthcast rhenc! northLasrcrly along thc noirh line of raid parcel rhich is a ioiji"ng.o. (a radial to lairl norEheesE corncr-bears Norrh 22o39r28" lJcsg), 2715 foic radius cuntc concave soulh.rly, 264.28 fect (central anglc cgualr 5'34r38') lo rhe point of beginning. This tract, as describcd, contains t51940 lguarr fcc!, or 0.366 acrcs, or lcls. Applicant: Vail Associates A t for setback and density variances j-n o to constru tions to the Christiania Hansen Ranch Road, Lo Filing. A request for a front setback variance to alIow for a garage on Lot 10, Block 4, L,,ions Ridge Filing No. 4, 1464 Aspen Grove Lane.Applicant: Carrol P. orrison l A request for side setback variances, a landscape variance, and an exterior alteration for the Village Center Condoroiniums, located at 124 WiLlow Bridge Road, A part of Tract C and Lot K, BLock 5-8, Vail Village lst Filing.Applicant: VilLage center Condominiurn Association E.2. ? Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 4. Jr' - - -- 5. A request f_or a height variance to all^ry for theinstiffatif of two satellite dish anfnas on the roof the llarrioE l{ark Resort, Lots 4 and 7, Block 1 of '1 -\- vail/Lionshead Third Filing, Lots c and D ltorcus Subdivision. Applicant: 5. A reguest for a bed & breakfast conditional use perait at 2754 S. Frontage Road; Lot B, Stephenrs SubdivisionApplicant: Darlene Schweinsberg 7. A request for a front setback variance in order to constructa garalte and a wall height variance in order to constructretaining walls in the front setback at 1448 Vail ValteyDrive; Lot 18, Block 3, VaiI Valley First Filing.Applicant: John and Barbara Schofield 8. A reguest to a!0end section 18.04.130--definition of Floorarea, lfross residential (GRFA) t 18.09.080 llillside Residential District density controlr 18.10.090 SingleFanily District density control, L8.L2.090 lwo Fanily Residential District density control andr 18.13.080 Prinaryr/Secondary District density control , of the Municipal Code. Applicant:Town of Vail 9. A request to anend sections 18.04.360--definition of site coveragei 18.09.OgO--Hillside Residential District site coveragei 18.10.llO--Single Fanily District site coverage; 18.L2. 110--Tno Fanily District site coverager 18.13.090-- Prinary Secondary District site coveragei 18.14.110-- Residential Cluster District site coveragei 18.15.110--Lort Density Residential District site coveragei 18.18.110-- Medium Density Residential site coveragei L8.2o.UO--Ifigh Density Residentlal District site coveragei t8.22. 110-- Pubtic Acconmodation District site coveragei L8.24.150-- Cornrnercial Core I District site coveraget 18.26.L2o-- Connercial Core II District site coveragei L8.27.090-- Conrnercial Core III site coveragei 18.28.12O--Connercial Service Center District site coveragei 18.29.O9O--Arterial Business District site coverage; 18.30.110--Heavy SenriceDistrict site coveragei 18.32.llO--Agricultural and open Space District site coverage and; 18.39.190--Ski Base/Recreation District site coverage, of the l,[unicipal Code. Applicant:Town of Vail 10. A request to amend ChaPter 18.71 of -additional Gross Residential Floor Applicant: Town of Vail the Vail Municipal code- Area (250 Ordinance). 11. A request t1:ezone the following propegSr conmonly known asthe MountaiGell Site located to the r!'h of the nain VailI-70 Interchange fron Agrieultural Open Epace to llediun Density Multiple fanily nore specifically described as: Mountain Bell Site descri.bed as a tract of land in the Southtlalf, of, the Southeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County,Colorado, nore particularly described as follows: ldtnrirE rt r totas'bi:-ir-r df:r.re. r i crrlct d i. 6i16.'60 f..c frol $rt Sout't..rt Gar'!." of s.c:lei l. lonr.ll t :tJltt. rroir to &r! or gr-irr-iriri{lrl -riircrrn. !r!t *r . .l'!r!. !cl!:, .t D!t'lr::!i: t;tc l.i!t a toln! or t:t lor..!l'lt . - ...ll ght-of-lel of lrst"tt.lt t0: glrlc! t 60=33'i5''{ rlott 9... :Eeit lllr of trfd Sac3{or t r 4fttrt?t ct lr'3.3o ltrg: tltt rt !!tc2t'i:' f I Ctr::rcr ol 2333.76 f.c: ts I t.lr! o._!!. trtS touicrr7 llnr of [.ll/tctl'.r t.!dr Fllrr;: ltrn€t 3 0oclrt'U' t .rloaq rld Ert3 ioutdrry lrt. I tllt3rtc. of lli.ll t..: l! r' ' polci ot I €trt . tllc c!t". llto l.ttg on t!|r .'.c::!r;It ttgit' .'it.ttt ol la!c"3:rgr 7oi ?trrcr rlaag ieic :o"'.!.?lt llF:.:f- f.t o. tt. fol trrr{4 ! c-t3.r: ti r ctraacr .a t!1.!: t.tl rloal tlr:rc cf r asrta !! ltt rltt!. tafC asIryc !lt{s3 |cntirl rnllr of 0io55't!'. I trcls. r? 3990-0 f..:. rtd-. qs"c .!ar"lrg l asa:l'10' g I d'lrirn3t cl Zrt.ta tcr:: i! : 3i':i'qi: -! r dti::acr qf 2tl.i10 f|.r:3) ! srot5'10' E r c:3irnc.,9t-tl9.tcictt: ll.5 ?9056'23' t t ll::racr of-r?r-to f..:: 5l 3 t;r!!'3:' t r ittitncr nr !4!.?! lrc:: 3i 3 i:c::'3!' a r als:stt! !f iol.7o r..t: l) s rrorc'ai' g i att:rn(. o?.!!i.!n t..::.ll-' s ;:o::'rs' E r clltr.ice. cf 106.lOf:ri tt tr' lrre- Pi't! :f. i:li*i*"1*' Ll$,€;jT"tl:j.r;' ii.l:';:.:::i:: ii$":it z:f. rr r:3. ftl.< of elca'l ," a5. sfelc! ol gl"t ri3 taca"dt" lf !:9i: accG!!. Ctla'ta:. Applicant: Town of Vail and Professional Devel.opuent Corp. L2. A reguest to rezone the following property cotnnonly known asthe Pedotto property located to the soutb of Kinnickinnick Road in the -fnt-er:nointain Subdivision fron Prinary/Secondaryto Medium Density Multiple Fanily more specifically described as: A parcel of land in the Sw L/4 of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, noreparticularly described as follows: 'lqlnnlas rt I golst rficacr I b€tt crg ret for rrll:err ior:rcr ?os thr llart l./a of rrld s.cttoa tl bclrr.X 29.2a,11. lq7l,0! !ct!l glcncc lt 7lt 0trlr'I 10,?6 tcct, 'Urcaco i8!.62 lcot oiong tlrc arc of t crr:'rr to $o ttsht thtcl rte tubt.tdr r cbord DcrrlagI l8'l:rlo' t l8t.?l !rr!r thqccc s :?'t0r:l' l a2.?7lmtr thcace 147.1! hct rlonE Utl rrc ct I cstzr to ttr hfr shtch irc rubtcadr r-Crerd blrlng f, l6'l6rlt' I tlt.50 lcctr Llrcncr X totS:'s5' E 106.3! fceBr ttrncc t{.10 lcat .lonq u\. lrc of e cuFrG !o tlr riEhr rhlchrrc fsbtcndr r e\ord b.arlnt t {7r30'l?' E 11.20 frat, Lhc;ec 3 t{':3rttr f U0.31 facti thcrcr s 68't8r0l'I t20.00 toot, -ticncq I l9'07r05' r 50.00 lectt 6.nc. | ?7'18'11' H lio'lt !ret; utcncc s l0'5lrl3' I ta.ll trcl, tltcncr S t7'f0r05' f, 13?.72 fecB: Urencc I ll'5:fll' g 110.00 t.al to tho Poltl cf bcAinntng, coutrtntng 2.t006 lcllrr !cr! or lcss. _ i lcerlag trar G.L.O, lcccid lor South l/2 o! ractloallnc bctrrccn Sccttona I l-13. Applicant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and Professional Developnent Corp. t:,: Density llultlp1e Fanily.Applicant: Konrad Oberlohr, John W.and Patrlcia A. Rlcloan Departnent Trail on October 26, 1990. for ilohn Witt, Reuben B. Knight, and Professlonal Developnent Corp. I'lre appllcatl.ons and available for public Departrnent office. town of Vall connunity Developnent Fr:blisbed ln tie Vail lnfornation about inspectl.on ln the the proposals are Couunl.ty Developrent 3799 HIG WAY 82 P. O. DnATVER tl50 GLENWOOD SPRINCS. COLORADO 8I5O2 September 26, 1990 HOLY CRoSs ?r-n,cTRIC nssEcIATIoN, I NC. AnEA CODE to3 945.5491 Mr. Ted Ryczek Vai I Assocj ates, Inc. P.0. 8xo 7Vail, C0 81658 Dear Ted: This letter will reiterate our verbal agreement regarding vail Associates,permitted use of lloly Cross Electric's property adjacent to the VailAssociates slrops on the South Frontage Road in-Vail. Holy cross E'l ectric, for the period of the 1990-1991 ski season ending onApril 15, 1991., has consented io the limited use of its Frontage Road-property Py vail Associates. This agreement will terminate beiore Apri'l15, 1991 if and when lloly Cross Eleciric sells or otherwise conveys iltis pro-perty to a new owner. Such use will be'l imited to the storage of materials and equipnent belonging to vail Associates and to the personal vehicles of its employees. The storage of such materials, equipnent and vehicles shall be accomplishedin such a manner that it does not in[erfere with the storage of and iccessto switch gears, transformers, po.les and other equipment, devices andvehicles belonging to Holy Cross Electric and its sub-contractors. In consideration of this accornmodation of vail Associates' storage needsby lloly cross Elactric, vail Associates will be responsible for ill snowplowing at the site and will provide unobstructed access as requirerJ bylloly cross Electric and its sub-contractors. Further, vail Asdociates-willbe responsible for site security and will hold l.loty Cross Electric harm'l essin the event of damage or injury to any of vail Asiociates'rnaterial,.equip- nrent anri jts employees or their vehicles or personal property which miglit ' occur at the site. If the town of Vail or other governing agency should require any special permitsor imposes any fees or f,ines as results of this arrangement, suchpernrits' fees or fines will be the responsibility of Vail Associates. Please cal'l me if you have any questions regartling this agreement or if we can be of further service. Sincerely, Manager of Vail/EagIe 0perations ilS: lw CC: Ed Granqe. Glenwood Snrinqs 0Ffico Y CROSS E IC ASSOCIATION, INC. Holy Cross Electric Right-of-l,lay LEGAL DBSCRIPTION I A tract of ground in the NE l/4 of Section 12, Tor,rnship 5 South, Range 8l Wesr of the 6Eh Principal Meridian, lying within that parcel conveyed ro Ehe Holy Cross Electric Aesociation, Inc. by deed recorded at Reception No. ll5128 on January 12, 1981, in the records of Eagle County, Colorado, described as: Conrnencing at the NE corner of said Section l2; thence South 88"19r29r' West, along the north line of said NE Il4, a distance of 43.1 feet to the intersection of t.he prolongation of the east line of said parcel; Ehence South 0"01r33" East, along said prolongation, 318.2 feeE to the northeasE corner of said parcel which is the point of beginning; thence South 0"01'33rr East, along said east line, 222.31 feet to th€ soucheast corner of said parcel; thence northeesterly across said parcel through the follouing four courses: l) North 28"36'19" lJest, 53.06 feer, 2) North 38"12r34" l'lest, 81.46 feet,3) North 50"48r25" lJest,68.68 feet, and 4) South 79o49r04" Weac, l2l .45 feet to the norrheest corner of said parcel; thence northeasEerly along the north line of said parcel which is a non-Eangent (a radial to said north$est corner bears North 22"39128rr lJest), 2715 foot radius curve concave southerly, 264,28 feet (central angle equals 5"34r38") to the point of beginning. This tract, as described, contains 15,940 square feet, or 0.366 acres, nore or less. 6/2188 D3A-688 . 00- I .. PUBLIC NOTTCE NOTICE IS HEREBQIVEN thAt thE PIANNiN9 .nlln.rt=onmentar a public hearing in nunicipal code of the ConmLssion accordance of the Town of Vail will hold 1. Town of Vail in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideratlon of: A request for a condltional use pe:nit in order to sell beer at wholesale and to seIl beer for off-site consunptlon at 143 E. lteadow Drive, Lot P, Block 5D, Vall Village lst FiJ.ing.Applicant: Fl.rst Brewery of Vail,/Dean Liotta A reguest for a for a maJor change to existing developnent approval for the Valley, Phase VI .Applicant: Edward Zneiner f.r'A A request for a site coverage variance and an exterioralteration in the Conmercial Core I in order to allow constmction of an airlock entry at the Szechwan Lion :,.Restaurant, 304 Bridge Street, lot H, Block 5A' Vail Village ' l\ 1st Filing.Applicant: John S. HolSzechwan lion Restaurant A request for-off-street surface parking at the trIloly cross 1AMparcel[ described as follows: A trac! of ground in the NE f/4 of Scction 12, Tounship 5 South,'Rangc EJ l,lest of thc 5rh Principal lleridian, Lying uirhin Ghac parccl conveyed to the Boly Cross Electric Associalion, Inc. by dced recorded at Recepcion No. 115128 on January 12, l98l , in the records of Eagle Counry, Golorado, described as: Conmenc.ing at lhe NE corner of said Section 12; thcnce South 88'19'29'l lles!, along the norch line of aaid NE ll4, a distancc of 43.1 fcet to thc intcrscction of che prolongation of the cast linc of said parcel; thcncc South 0"01t33" East, along said prolongation, 3t8.2 feet to t.he northeast corn€r of said parcel shich is lhc point of bcginning; thcnce South 0"0lt33" East, along eaid casB line, 222.31 fect to tha southcsst corner of said parcel; thence northnestcrly across raid parcel through lhc follouing four courses: l) Norsh 28'36r19" IJest, 53.06 fcet, 2) Norrh 38'12'34'lJest, 81.46 fect, 3) North 50'48'25" lJcs!, 68.58 fcer, and 4) South 79'49 t04'r lJest, 121.45 feec to thc norlhees! corncr of said parccll thencc norlheasterly along the norEh line of raid parcel rhich is a non-tangenc (a radial to said northsest corncr bcars North 22'39128" lfegt), 2715 foot radius cunrc conceve southerly,264.28 feec (central angtc equals 5'34'38") to rhc poinr of beginning. This tract, gs dcscribed, contains 151940 square fee!, or 0.366 acrcs, uorc or less. Applicant: Vail Associates A request for d,ensity and setback variances in order to S K construct additions to the Christiania Lodge located at 356 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: PauI R. Johnston 2. 3. AKE 6. Mountain Bell site described as a tract of land in the South HaIf, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle county, Colorado, nore particularly descri.bed as follows: lrginaiag .. .'roi". i"j.tii a dooz"'re' , . rrrt.".l'or 585.60 fcrt t"oa !i. Soutiart! Go?ia? of S.ctloi t. ?orarllt 3 soutt, lrngc 80 :|rt ot ti. fti lrlaeltel i.?ldt.i, Dllrt :!t t"!. toln! o? b!3|!:i!Eii a:3c lalig r golnt ot tit lo"tir"lt .. : . llqlr3.6f-161 of Int.rtt.t? 70i Llroc. i 00c2t'13' I rlo!9 31.. ' tert lllr ot srfd Sactlon S a al3t.tca of 653.40 fclti ttt.ict i !go?t.?!. I I dl3:!trcr of ?5:!.t6 t.a! to I golnt on^!i. trrt loeiorrr- i t nc or -rri i/Poti:o-iitirr rl t I ac : -ttr;c. 3,0080t' l?' E rloaq rlld Errl Dornd."t llnr ! dfsSrncr of 351.?: f.et to I Dolni on a €urr.. rtld lurrc also latng on ti. lo"ti.?lt tllht' ''if-frf of ht!"rtrt. 70; !tcncr rlong i.lrl iortltrtlt !!g!t-cf.try oi t|. follorl'r3 ! courS.t: lr a 6t3:rnc, of z!a.g: t.at .lant tia rrc of I G||7ra to ti! ?lgitr ttfc cu;rc ltltfnt I ccntirl rnolr ot 0eo35'l!'. r rrrllgr cf 3990.0 tt.:. anc-. clo"doiiitnr r isari'ro- E r-c:iirnc of ?g!-!! r.?33 !: r 8s0:!'!l: -^i-i iii:i"ii oi iit.so rrt:3) r s.o55'90'E r dl3trn(.9r llt.toi.lti'ii-s-is6i6;i8;-a r-iiitiici ot-r2r.so fcct:, 5! 3 6eo!5'l:' r-r-itririce nt :roi.?C ftr:: !i 5 ij3:t'35'E I al3:rnc! oliol.io rict: 7) 5 8to3c'29' g r Jl3:rn€. ot.l3t6.!0 r..:: ll 3-ii653;i;:'r'j irJiriic. it io6.io ro-. to-rh' te.rc-lornt c+ i:lilli^l,tn:' li$,?f;lt?"iil:!.::;' i!"li'i;.lIil" ilii'. ir z:s. pE rig. fllcd of rlco'c In thc Gtflcr ot (lt'l rnc hcordr" at lr9:: Coualt. col6'34'- Pedotto Site described as A Parcel of land i.n the SW L/4 of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, more particularly described as fol-lons: trclanlnq rt r Dolnt vicner I br$t e.P tct for a vllnclr iorner ior thr Hart !/l of rrld gaetlon ll biit;-i iiiiiilr lo?t.0t tcc!l thcnco tl ?lt 05r1,' f fO.ZC fcctr thcnct' l!1.62 feot rioog the '!c ot I ouirni io tho-ttght vhtch rrc rubtcndr-r cn91! lcgf1qi i,.lf,rO. ! til,?6 !cr!r thcnee S ??.a0'll' D 62.?? iaill thcncc la?.|! ?cct rlong th. -r-rc ot r Gurva to,- iti-icii thtch erc rubtcnds r-cherd borring N 86't6rl?r i ll5.6O !ec!r thcncc l| ?0152'55' E {06.55 feetl thcnct !1.t0 lcct rlonE th. lrc of . culvc to th. rlqhE $'hlch erc tubtcndr I ahoEd bcarlnt I a7'10'3?' E 1t.20 f.at, Urenco S l{'l5'tlr H ll0.3l tcct, thence S 6E't8r0L' lf t20.00 !oot, thcnc.- N t9'07r05' n 50.00 feeti thcncc | ??rl8'll' H 160,ll tcetl thcnce s 10'51'll' tf t6.19 !Gc!, thonc. lt t7'lOr06' f t3?.?2 fecBt th.ncc N ll"trl!' E 130,00 teot to tho Polnt of bcainnlngr corrtrlnlog 2.5006 lclEtr norc or lcss. learlng froar G.L.O. Record for South l/2 o! rbctlonllnc bcttrccn 6cctlona l,l - 13. oberlohr Site, Lots 5-13, Vail Heights Filing No.l. The apptications and infomation about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Conmunity DevelopDent Departnent office. Town of Vail Conrnunlty Developnent Departnent Rrblished in the Vail Trail on october 5' 1990. t"H:5$it.i3l;F'3:*:i";f":t: ""ons propertv for St a. b.\\< c.s- \< .l'I o DtrFMBTMtrNT @F.EE}MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENTT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM COM. DEV. APPUCAION FEES ZONING AI,ID ADDRESS UAPS I 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORII BUILDINO CODE t 0000 42415 1988 UNTFORTI PLUIIBINO CODE r 0000 42413 1988 UNTFORI' MECHANTCAL CODE | 0000 42413 I9B8 UNTFORM RRE CODE t 0000 42rit5 IS87 NATIONAL EISCTRICAL CODE | 0000 42413 OIHER CODE BOOKS PRTNTS (MnlRs) 01.0000 42412 0x coPtES / sruons I oooo lzszt EI'|ALTY FEES / RE_TNSPECION oFF HoURS UrtspecnoH FE CONTRACTORS UCENSES fEES 0t 0000 414t3 .SIGN AFPLICI'ION Lopl - fu1(t.fllolfrca- (; -|-0k l'l 0F rJF|It_ Itiscel laneous Cash Ig-q3-94 16105: l8 Re,:eiFt * 65475I RccountS f,Kfl2B4Bll71 URIL,'BESUER CREEK \CONDITIONSL LISE ffrnoun t tendered ) 1BB.BB Iten paid ffnount Paid erae6s4l536g6B lSE,gE Change reiurned ) B' BIJ THFIh{K I/OLI Vour cashier 5T Invoic€Dats Vou Oror Amount Oiscount Net Amounl Permit Parklng/ Holy 092690 ross 127347 100.00 100.00 Chgck No.Date Vendor No.Vendor Name Total Amount 02880 TOI,IN OF VAIL AdJacent Property Owners Vail Assoclates, Inc. Post Offlce Box 7 Vall, CO 81658 Colorado SEate Department of lllghwaye Post Offlce Box 298 Eagle, CO 8f63f Upper Eagle Valley l{ater and Sanltation Dlstrict 846 Foreet Road Vatl, CO 81657 Vail Profeselonal Bulldtng 953 South Frontage Road llest Vail, CO 8f657 Vail Anoco Servlce 934 South Frontage Road West Vall, CO 81657 o I + E r,z48,ooo I xo ru in xl \E I \\ '.:.,\-\i tj.|. /,/ /4t,7 uof, ryA,,'t('11 ' '/:it@ xtu !o$ ( . 4--toLy cRoss LEcTRIC nsscttATloN, INC. ,l-ont''1t AREA CODE 303 t45.ta9t 3?99 HrcltwAy 82 P. O. DRAWER 2I50 GLEN1VOOD SPRTNCS, COLORADO 8I602 March 29, 1990 MnH r 0 t9$l ..t ^111'.t ' r'' 4 +Jt' " l, rlwt'-ffi6,0 t'lo k,.',|,,|, Mr. Ron Phillips, Town Manager Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, colorado 8L657 Dear Ron: Per our phone conversation yesterday regarding your proposed acquisition of our Land parcel on the south Frontage Road inVai1, you have our permission to go on site to do an irnprovernent survey and to do soils and wat,er table analysis as necessary.Vail Associates is presently utilizing the site for empJ-oyee parking but this use should cease soon after the close of ski season. *t{ 'Wffi I arn also enclosing Warranty Deed which for your use. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC a copy of the plat and a coPy of the original shows the legal- description of the property, ASSOCIATTON, INC. &.__ Edward L. Grange, General l{anager ELG: vK Enclosure CC: Howard Scarboro, Manager of Vailr/Eagle operations --li.4 ir,,*..] {t , drd.rttrarr!t}r6rr!(.16t { I .ou. ,u o1C. tt 6th PT,5S., R.81VJ" 1 I I It 619g 1': 40' 1-10 PIN SET ocTOtlER 29, 1970 --;M{tF'{ qf *ro$;t - o.{l'-R. t $ tilzg v|oz4o 81 I 6%-6."t ,.. rrrf.J(l€'\ONElxakep ndtti ,!6irtl runirt*riul*:t$tfr*:lililffi - e-%g J'4'' ko.r*tj9WS to thc said partv of thc first part irr hanrl paid by the sairl party of the second part, thc rcceipt whereof is hcrebyconlesscd attd acknowlcdgcd, hath gtanted, bargairrerl, sokl and corrveyed, and by these pres€nts does grant, bergain,sell' convey and confirrn' ltnto the said party of the sccorrrl part, its succcss,rs arrd assigns forevcr, all the followingdcscribed )ot percel_ .ol lanrl, situate, lyirrg antt being in the County of Eagle:tnd Sratc of Cotorado, ro_wit: part of Section 12.. .I ownstrip b South, Ilange Bi West Zf ttruf,llllitl.,.,j,,T:".:l::l 1-1,1"11"..*;:. r;esi'rn'ing at rire i,;i,;iJi'i',,t.,""."rion or 6e wc,srrinc or ,r cou,,rv r.oacr. wiil,-i!:, N;;ir,:;:i;';:i,{i;;_;;'_#Ii"iril, :'r:?;;:,ijl',1:d-.,|;i_T;:I"'.6 f.o-nr-rvlriclr point the lti";tt;:;i"'tr',,"r. of saicl section l2 bears Nor,r 4"3 I,East, 552.6 feet; ttrence south ?3'45' *1",, arong saitj l,i;;;"y right-of-way rire,252 feet to the cettter of llerl sanclstorre creek; tti-ence N;;:tl, 4oB0' west, alorrg 6e;;:':"Jll::,i,1"""T;:j't::;f-:5:L:,!u::.i;;.! ii;;;;-ile;;i'1ou+1n"lt,-.1"?,ethe cetrterline of Iied.sancls.to,te-c-reek, ?4.3 Jeet to a poirrt'i,ilr,l'sJrlill;t???Err-of-wav lirre of U. s. hrterstare lligrrwqy No. ?0; urencd rri.rtii"."'L;i;;;;'"#i"to tlre right wiilr a ratrius^of 2.?1b Feet,''.,,."".ristancu "t-ia+.28 feet to a pointon the lvest lirre of szrid county road; itrence souilrerly ar"ni sai,r west line,222.3|feet,moreor'less,totlrepoirrtofbeginning. ToGETIIER, with ell and sirrgular thc ltererlitanre.t! nnd appurtcnenccs thcrcurto bclonging, or in anywiscappertaining' and the revcrsion nnd rcversions, remairrdcr au<l renraindcrs, rents, issues and profits thereof; and elllhc catatc' right, title, interest, claint and dcman<t whatsoever of the said party of the tirst pert, cither in law oreqnity' of, in and to thc above bargahted prcnrises, with lhe hercditanrents and appurtenances.To IrAvE AN D To IIoLD tlte sairl prentiscs abovc bargainerl arrd describcd, with the appurrena.ces unto thesaid party of llrc sccond part, its successors and assigns forcver. Anrl rhe sei<l /\gpgn COnStfUCtiOnco'porati<-r'' Doi'g .r-lusi'ess As Aspe' constructi.. Corrrpany, party of the first part, for itself, its successors and assigns, doth covenant, grant, bargain and agrcc to and with thesaid party of the second part, its successors and assigns, that at ihc thne of the ensealing and rlelivery of these pres-enls it is wcll seized o[ the pretniscs abovc corrveyed, as of good, sure, pcrfcct, a6solute end indefeasiblc cstrtc olinheritance, in law, in fce sinrple, arr<l hath good right, full powcr arr<l law(ul authority to grent, bargain, sell an<lconvcy tltc samc irr nranner anrl lornt aforesaid, arr<l that thc sarnc are frcc antl clear fronr all fo'ner and othcrgranls, bargains, sales, liens, laxcs, assessnrents anrl incunrbrances of whatever kinrl or naturc soeveri except taxesfor 19?1, due in 19?2 wrrich taxes ilre said-party of ilre "L"o,ro par.t rrereby assume 1gd. agrees to -pay; except reservations ancr'exclpli";;" ;;;ined in ilre Unitedstates Patent for said property; ancl excep.t restiictiotrs imposed by subdivisionlles.olution of Eagle Cgunty, c-ol<-rracro; "nl "ti "as;;;;;,t"';I recorq;anrl the abovc bargaincrl prcntises in thc quiet an<l peaceablc possessiorr of thc said party of the sccond part, its suc-ccssors ln<l assiglrs agaittst all anrl every pctsorr or pcrsons larvfully clairrring or to clninr the wh'lc or aly partthereol, the sritl parry of thc lirs( part rhall and will wARRAN'I AND FoREvER DEFEND. .,,1T iYll\,"ts wIIEREoF, The gaitl partv oI thc lirst part hath causerl its corporar.e name to be hercunto sub- .f 9tr.ilql "y J.tl / 1--, prcsident, alld its corporatc seal to be hereunlo affixed, artestcd by its ,r'!trr etarX,.the dqj..arrrl year first ebovc wriltcn.i,,.htrcst:-)3 -..1-.i' ASPEN CONSTITUCTION 'Iuts l)nrt, Irtade this llJth day of f)ecernber ,19?0 bctwcen ASPIJN CONSTnUC.tION COIIpOItnTION, Doing, lJusiness As ASpEN CONSTRUC,IION C(JMPN NY,r corporatiol duly organizcrl and cxisrirrg ur<ler arr<l by virtue of thc larvsof the State of Colorirclo o[ ttre first prrt, arrrl I lOLy CITOSSELI;C'I'I]TC ASSOCIATION, INC., a corporetion duly organized anrl existing un<ter and by virluc of thc tawsoI thc Btetc of Colorado o[ thc sccold partl wITNESSETII, 'l'hat lhe sairl party ol the first part, for and in considcration of thc "ul-ll--:{-"it.,?:1l".s.and othet. goo<l anct v:iluable considerat,ion, ,ororrrtnm( ...C.Afi.P.9-IlA :ll.t QN,.d./.b./_a..A SpE N.................. -CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Itccoriled rt.,-. J,.:-f......",c1ock-.-.....M., RECORDER'S STAMP xE GratnL No. ?67. wAtrRANlf DnED*c.rrrnlton ao corDor. .n. -tlr.dtord.lloblh.on Frlnttna CorrDrDt, !12l-l! Stout Sfrc"l D.nr.r. Colorrdo r3u,\\15 ?*q. ,qffiffijq* .5fom6r brt,r;b^r+!\,3*-3 \'-t'-t - v# 4 w;.t/ foU 7..J.^ ,"r"12 \z-t rt- t O V' ,^r/ ,r* /*"/':t 7 Vg'Q t/; ^n,1".-L 7 fi .u ) ,r.y'-t ab"'{' tr o.a4,.> }-ta .tc 0Lar-?4 Za^ "rr.t-Xt- T S/--t-{.fr Vh vA t/ 6 tfr @4/4/4 Y "z/1u !rllr J. rlrrlr.If ..f r|7 o VailAssociates,Inc. Creators and Operators of Vaili*'and Beaver Creek'* SITE OF THE I9IJ9 IOORLI) ALPINE SKI (JHAMPIONSTIIPS lE /h/47', Jbe Macy Manager Mountain Planninq JMr/km Enclosure ffi,n *ilottd, alfrtfl December 13, 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Kristan, The purpose of this letter is to apply for a Conditional Use Permit for parking on what is known as the Holy Crosslot in the arterial business district which abuts our Vail Associates shop on the west. VaiI Associates is using the lot for employee parkingfor employees who reside at Timberidge and the Sunbird. We do not have sufficient parking for the employees residingin the above properties at our West or North Day lots orat the Sunbird underground parking or at Timberidge. The capacity of the lot is approximately 100 cars. Access to the lot is by pass only and public use ofthe lot is not permitted. Verbal permission from Holy Cross Electric Association has been provided for our useof the 1ot. We will provide a letter documenting their permissi-on to use the lot. Enclosed i-s an application. I will be on vacation through December 25, however I will be checking in for messages. If you have any questions, please call me or Ted Ryczek. Ted was the Vail Associates project manager on this project. Sincerely, *n Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . USA - (303) 476-5601 . Telex: 910-920-3183 es Lq vr rtL megtin This procedure is required for any project use. permit. The app'lication wi'l'l not be accepted until ' '-;:ri'ii" ^i{;r -r required to obtain a conditiona.l : . -:,.. -.irdr |'rnrormation is submitted. I fnc.A. NAME OF APPLICANT Vail Associates ADDRESS P. O. Box 7 P11gpg 476-56o1 B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Vail Associa NAME 0F OI.INER(S) (print or fvne ) OWNER(S) : SIGNATURE(S) PHoNE 476-5601 Electric Association ADDRESS PHONE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT BLOCK FILINGLEGAL- ADDRESS an 1a 1n the arterial business district E. FEE $100 PAID cK# THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT l,llLL ACCEPT YOUR PROPO5AL. BY F. A 'list of the names of ,owners. of a'l'l property. INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STNLTTS, THE APPLICANT.t,lILL BE RESPONSIBiE-FON CONNICi adjacent to the subject property and .thejr mai'ling addresses. OI.INERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMEEN TS STNONELY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION l.tILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONINGADMINISTRAToR). IT IS THEAppLIcANi's REspONsiBLITY r0 |{AKE AN AppoINTI,IENT WITH THE STAFF T0 FIND oUT ABOUT ADDITIoNAL SUBMiTTAL REQUIREIIENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION t,lILL STREAMLiNE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT SYI.ECN.EKING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPRoVAL THAT THE !.qq. !4.Y-STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED l'lITH BEFORE ABUILDING PERI4IT IS ISs'IIED. . HOLY CROSS o E,L E,CTRIC ASS 3?99 HICHWAY 82 P. O. DRAU'ER 2150 cLENWOOD SPRINCS, COLORADO 81602 Dec. 14, .|989 "t IATION. INC. ARF]A CODIj 303 945-S 49 | Mr. Ted Ryczek Vail Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Vail, C0 81658 Dear Ted: This letter will reiterate our verbal agreement regarding Vail Associates' permitted use of Holy Cross Electric's property adjacent to the Vail Associates shdps on the South Frontage Road in Vail. Holy Cross Etectric, for the peri od of the 1989-1990 ski season ending on April 15, 1990, has consented to the limited use of its Frontage Road property by Va'il Associates. Such use w'ill be limited to the storage of materials and equipment belonging to Vail Associates and to the personal vehicles of its employees. The storage of such materials, equ'i pment and vehicles shall be accomplished in such a manner that it does not interfere with the storage of and access to switch gears, transformers, poles and other equipnent, devices and vehicles belonging to Holy Cross Electric and its sub-contractors. In consideration of this accommodation of Vail Associates' storage needs by Holy Cross Electri c, Vail Associates will be responsible for all snow plowing at the site and w'i1'l provide unobstructed access as required by Holy Cross Electric and its sub-contractors. Further, Vail Associates will be responsible for site security and will hold Holy Cross Electric harmless 'i n the event of damage or injury to any of Vail Associates'materials, equipment and its employees or their vehicles or personal property which mjght occur at the site. If the town of Vail or other governing agency should requ'i re any special permits or imposes any fees or fines as results of this arrangement, such permits, fees or fines will be the responsiblity of Vai:l Associates. Please call me if you have any quest'ions regarding this agreement or if we can be of further service. Si ncerely, Y CROSS HS:lw Vail/Eagle 0perations INC. N ggolg'29" E I I I I lcrgI rt) I Point ot E.ginnine 'fattt ooo = REC. NO. il5t28 JAN. t2,l97l LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tract of ground in the NE l/4 of Section lJest of the 6th Principal Meridian, lying the Holy Cross Electric Aesociation, Inc. 115128 on Jenuary 12, 1981 , in the records described as: Iloly Cross Elec tric Right-of-Way 12, Township 5 South, Range 8l wit.hin that parcel conveyed to by deed recorded at Reception No. of Eagle County, Colorado, C o'r'nenc ing at the NE corner of said Section 12; thence South 88o19r29t1 West, along the north line of said NE I/4, a distance of 43.1 feet to the intersection of the prolongation of the eaet line of said parcel; thence South 0o01t33tt East, along said prolongation, 318,2 feet to the northeast corner of ssid parcel which is the point of beginning; thence South 0"01r33" East, along said east line, 222.3I feet to the southeast corner of said parcel; Eheoce northnesterly across said parcel through the following four courses: l) North 28'36t19t' West, 53.06 feet, 2) North 38o12'34" I{est, 81.46 feet, 3) North 50"48'25" I,Jest, 68.68 feet, and 4) South 79'49r04" Ilest, 121.45 feet to the northweot corner of said parcel; thence northeasterly along the north line of said parcel which is a non-tangent (a radial to said northnest corner bears North 22"39128" West), 2715 foot radius curve concave southerly, 264,28 feet (central angle equals 5o34r38") to the point of beginning. This tract, as described, contains 151940 square feet, or 0.366 acres, utore or less. 6/2/88 D3A-588 . 00- l + E r,z48,ooo xo t\)i,xlr(o \s \' \\ ,2 ,*! F x l\tl\) It { .;"tDtrFHRTMtrNT @Fs rJ lJ L_J u\J u (:J [.|-@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM 01 0000 4.tJ3o COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES 01 0000 41s40 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 0't 0000 4241s 1988 UNIFORI,I BUILDTNG CODE 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI/ pLUt,rBlNc CODE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNTFOR}I MECHANICAL CODE 0l 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORM FIRE CODA 1 0000 42415 1987 NAT]ONAL ETtr'C]-RICAL CODE 1 0000 42+15 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 8LUE PRINTS (MY1jRS) 01 0000 42412 XERoX CoF|ES ,/ SruOreS 1 0000 42371 PEI.IALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIoN 1 0000 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEE CONTRACTORS UCE}ISES FEES 1 0000 41330 0l 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION COMMENTS: