HomeMy WebLinkAboutINDIAN CREEK PART 2 LEGALt-----Single ramily Fsidence, DuPIex, ZONE DISTRICTS oPrimary/ Secondary DATE: LEGAL DESC ADDRESS: PTION: LoL 3 Block Subdivision OWNER PHONE PHONEARCTTITECT I,OT SIZE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Allowed (3oxl33) rIleighl: TOEAl GRFA Primary GRFA tf3z +425= J..t/o f € BUILDABI,E I,OT AREA ExisLinq ProPosed Total - -l-fi SeLbacks I At,a 13 65SiLe Coverage --l'':-ts- - ) - Lanclscapins ljC=rL \VT4'vVVxh- ReLaining wall lleighLs 3' /6' b Parkins 3neqra 3 Tsncl Garase crecliu rraofGo94)(e00) (1200 | 6G'C " 7-- ProPosed slope '4 *-* 'prirrc, CWC.I'V-(ti ':.{''':,r,,' Permit-t-ed slope '1,, +.. t6/4\i {1, -r'-l r'^*^r l ^- ,.ri rlx .n n rl r.i rrh I i ncr Orrlinance Ygs NO XX ll Complies wi[.rr t.o-v. !,ighLing ordinance Yes Fronb Sides Rear 20, 15', 15', / Lt> )t ti l>tc; '-> 1G aY-waLer course Set-back (30) (50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50e") EnvironmcnLal/rlazards: l') FLood PLain YES NO_X- Nln *fAzl Percenu Slope l< > 3o%l "=(>'291o tttta' 3) Geologic ltazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4 ) weulanas I'J r r Does Lhis regriesL irrvuive a 250 AliciiLiorr? = Ng l{ow much of Lhe ofio*.d 250 Addit.ion is used wiUh Lhis requesL? View Corridor Encroachment,: Yes i..) o previous condiEions of approval (check properLy file): ii 10 ,4,ft Retum , {f'rv\ AMuffr, Town Planner PROJECT:/J Ct U ,'+ #q DATE STJBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Fe,P SF f<9 //3q (*,Ccp /o f cr'{: P f* u t@ d-.\ {cr: , -1. .-.d.9 Reviewed by: Comments: Date: ro-4-cl4 @ t{; *ctts,\br,og to(- \sir\s <rr<rbe t er crxad rt- gopcrq es?r(ccotu.\ . N:a.i t<, s\rcr^r Pcx\ - atroc^rr\ c5,.ar., ffl')sY u{t g Y -.]5 tt tia' F\' 6til(\f 6\ ci' rr',z, dc^.<rt{a -.\qb 9\pr';rr} be 1, - ,11..,63d ot '11 ' ItoorJ ctrr$rr c..e f$t 9er $e c\PQrc^itrl P\c$\ - no*l lridt-,,s cs! P{t\e Gppt-rr.'rd p\o6\ ' ;J";;: ..,eil(c.,x\ k) nlv-t'.Y\$! ot $t'&i1t.$\a.@' S.rirarnq err*xrofE' \5 <-lor { fre c\Qg{Evsd P\on ' rtr,i.d ilriYP DEPARTMENT .tre nZai- to s-'€\t€'<\ai.J (.\o.$'/* O Retum,o il^ Cufnrlk- Town Planngr INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BBIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS iloa gigt-e &d(y Res;)a/.<ttsl %,pb&)e l/, Date: qlclq4 LnceA asssvol {o c{er\ bead,fl ro erjAr.ble, \hia . nrotsrscl frecb+.o $rrsg gpd e\€)to.! t.'r. oc\ \n*, e.)(.n..-'<t scoA. ooA seot e\o$oh."* o.,(erogo.ed (lrc\{\€(}r(J\ \6 gdJqIe dct\E)l Criaurs40gfoUg tyuS{ftvdErlri\re n\ty- 941Y1 &ft,,(^e- c.c4A q Soctr\ ot Yt€' entvs rooa ' l- :i c,(Jfren\ s\Ecvtdn d cosn6; int6 tbc. bs.Ko} t\e b.o\J:A . c,ut (4\h (cr\touf 5 ArA t4nfr,$(c\<, $o nOt "DloOuJ tJJ6s. hff accofare\\. Beviewed by: Comments: 1ro.. - Tct" drffiqg tdr.d tlrJCtl "(Y& 6q.{ 7 rb TO: MIKE McGEE GREG HALL ----.-a TODD OPPENHETMER INTER.D EPARTM ENTAL R EVIEW BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: wan Engineoring: Reviewed by: Gomments: 4@ Landscaping: Reviewed by: Commenls: 6ceg o$d.\€rn psts; 6lza11, 6arq1e Aooft nee.l \" be zt' o+( "( ec4.' H-sJ ,s elrYhr{ si& <J bac.vs ( ncd t" ue r5t oF) - sy.s*r at\, €r@ ptd ,o.rtwu, a . ^Lonv^Jr5 ( retw<^lrr a1x2) ne-<rd 6 li€ - tvlto sxthv pf. wa\rl on Wu s'de *ri i-; itn'.-'iI.'p-"h"t" b'rid (te *?,#.i/ I "n Lo6v76 Y\adV bedesrqne& toacute v'6terattrr"Arr1).r<-. \?'r^zatl t"lLr Vot'1' \q"ef v,vlc<.tocY arrA 3(dt a\e\atton" 6\d9 e!6t|) '^6'c.c\ t'x"ot ' elc '1 34^bA {^- -t 1 *,,0; I ^,= Dale: tl""A ?^q ovbo?o( )rue*r;1 . N<od .e\ooir\\ *\t: C {n-4.r6\& "forcs tl.rdrnlJcozl rr:, v'r"\F.) 1r^."* {rli erv.iv o( +,y4 }itrtrzb an<c, ' . ,, Fire Dopt.: Reviewed by: Commenls: d,u^ L'-r,*.-rt Return to Afidrt(ntdben_ Town Planner Distributed to the Fire Departmenr, pubtic works, and Landsc apins on Kl | & | n/4- TO: MIKE t McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER ./l' J't,.^' (-'"-t't'--fL Retumlo Arnlv-Knudtsen_ Town Planner .PROJECT: Landscaping: Enginoering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Comments: Date: Dale: Reviewed Ay: 4:4xc.E Z} 2L--a oq/,qZo,J ^t | / Distributed to the Fire Department, pubtic works, and Landsc aping on Kl I & | 4* 24/ INTER-D EPARTMENTAL R EVIEW DATE SUBMTTTED: =", $ DATE 0KlllL . COMMENTS NEEDEDeY: &13 r BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: we{n v,2=.. t : - ,,y \s'-J-' \! -D \--:\ Retum to Town Planner !]r|TER'DEPARTIIENTAL REVIEW i pRoJEcT: I*tJ t DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: AIKes,el<pee/U<r, siugLz Qnu', Ly t lsg € rru)s{'tt t,t, C Freviewed w' 4J?//CIO o,an", X -3 / -?/ Comments: ?qle Nzut or ?.\'.*\o <Yi>[i^-q Gn xkV*l.; 6r' €h-t' JhTdt.^t 'ptov$€ GCI\ qc,\\ o-.or^) 5t..,.-\.'sr, Iii.d l lrtQ i- DRB APPI.ICEIION - EOTW OT \TAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED T DATE OE'DRB MEETING: ft.rr"" d sl4ts: corp8,aDo ******r*t* TAIS APPLICATION WII.L NOT BE SNTIIJ AIIJ REQUIRED INTORIIAIIONtt*t****** ? A. DESCRIpTION: Single Fanll Resldence ,f:E:ffii& B. TYPE OF REVIEW: x New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration (920.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS:1139 Sandstone Drlve If property is described by a meets and bounds legal desqription, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING: RC LOT ARE,A: If reguired, applicant stanped survey showing lot area. must provide a current NA!!E OF Appl.,rcAlrr: 419!!91_!3tt!9! c. D. E. F. G. LEGAI. DESCRIPTION: LOT L Subdivision InClqqCreekTownhones NAH. I. NAI'{E OE'Mailing APPLICA}IT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: J. K. Phone NAI{E OF O!'INERS: ISIGNATURE(S): - Mlchael Lauterbach. lr"rii"g Adal.." Condominlun Approval if applicable. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above' are to be paid at the tlne of gubmittal of oRn application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the abbuiate vafuation of the proposal. The Town of vail ..,rhAwiII adlust the fee according to the table belown to lwYu 7\ensure Ehe coriect fee is paid. 2Anq 1/t v \.,1ensure Ehe coriect fee is paia. 2nDq J( 0- \^UFEE PAfD: S|7 v'' ,r ._0 Y[ I FEE SCHEDULE: X if_Ilt I ------r\ vAluArroN EEE "'aq) $ 0-$ 10,000 920.00 \y $10,001 -$ 50,000 $5o.oo $ 50; 00I - $ 150, 000 $100.00 $150, 001 - $ 5001 000 $200.00 9500,001 - $1r 000,000 $400.00 $ over $1r 000, 000 $500.00 DESIGN REVIEIf BOARD APPROV]II EI{PIRES ONE YE;AR AATER TINAI' APPROITA& SNI.ESS A BT'U.DING PEB!{IT IS ISSUED AITD CONSTRUCItrON TS 'IARTED. 'O APP'.ICATION WrI,& BE PROCESSED WIICOUT OI{NER' S SIGTIAEURE I I _- -- LTST OF MATERIALS to NAI,IE 0F pROJECT. Indtan Creek Townhomes LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: LOT;{-! BLOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS. 1139 Sandsrone Drive DESCRIpTI9N OF pR9JECT. Eighr Single Family Residences The following informat.ion isReview Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materia]s Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING: PLANT MATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES required for submittaLapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL Cedar Shakes to t,he Design COLOR Nacural Cedar Beige S tucco Cream Dimensional Lumber B rown P lywood Beige white Clad White Cedar Beige White Clad Whl Ee Cedar Beige White Aluminum WhiEe S tuc co Cream Sheet Metal Brown Ga lvani ze d NaEural N/e N/a Name of Designer S. J. Riden p[one i Botanical Name See Landscape Plan Common Name Ouantit,v Size*- NoneEXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper forIndicate height for coniferous Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet.trees. '\ 1H50F Shagbrk tH10P Pearl Stone \(: PLANT MATERIAI PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name See Landscape Plan Ouantitv Size* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicat,e size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL None of proposed shrubs. TVpe Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe Manual NaEural- Grass RevegelaEion c.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: ff exterior light,ing is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixtures and ]oiations on a ieparaceIighting.plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting planon the List beLo$r and provide the wattage, height-above - grade and type of light proposed. None D.orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1rs, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. lndicate heighEs of reCainin!walIs. Maximum height of warLs within the front setback it ? fg"!. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propert,yr.s b reet . Boulder ReLalning Wa11s Q, *, *ffiorrr*.rl DATE: August Zg, Igg4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 Block ADDRESS. 1139 Sandstone Drive Filing Ind{an Creek Townhomes OWNER Michael LauEerbach ARCHITECT Steven J. Rlden ZONE DISTRICT RC PROPOSED (,96 (l) Slngle Farnily Residence **LOT SIZE NA AIlowed (30) (33) pHONE 476-6944 pHONE 949-4r2r Exislinq Proposed Totat l.l e 3,700 Height TOTaI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks 425 425 Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Sit,e Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaIl Height.s Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental,/Haz ards : 3'' / 6'6r per course 33 Regrd (300) (600) (900) (1200) 600 Pernitt.ed Slope JIL Actual SJ_ope Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes No-L- ??? No 20t 15t 15' (30) (s0) NA -NEr----NI_- NA NA 87" FLood Plain Percent Slope APPlicable Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche NA b) RockfalI APPIicabIe c) Debris FLow APPllcabre 4 ) Wet.lands Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file) Does thls reguest involve a 250 Addition? No How much of the arrowed 250 Addit,ion is useffiIlfrEis requesE? **Note: Under Sections 18. j.2.090 (B) and 18.13.090 (B) of the Municipalcode, rots zoned Two Fanily and primary/secondary which are less t|an15r000.sq' ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. Thecorununity Development Department may grant an exception t6 thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth undersections L8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal code incrudingpermanentry restricting the unit as a rong-term rentar unit, for furr--time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley.- 1) 2l 3) 10 .Revir:ed 5/L/92 (PLEASE PRINT ORA. APPLICANT 33::,ffi :il"*,iffi ":?'-'"'* APPLICATTON FOR SINGI.E TAI|II.Y SUBDIVISION CEAPTER 17.25 VAIL IIT'NICIPAI. CODE TYPE)----'I^.,--L.-.-[ L-^-{.., b o-L MAILING ADDRESS 6oo a 4fi U"" (/-'a t\--. \ ?8rL{8 416-G14 4 B. PROPERTY OWNE M.,'. k o-s*L onttER' s sr 3+rr ONE a\-a 4 76-674+ 8t Ur8MAILING ADDRESS V..-( LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: srREEr ADDRESS t(31 €,Jsfo.-.-- \ - . D. E. ILOT I BLOCK suBDrvrsroN .fL {,'o- Cn-..J< FTLTNG APPLICATION FEE S1OO. OO MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: PAID CHECK * 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy, of the subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Department of Comrnunity Development. The pl,at shall include the following: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor inIndia ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimensj.on of twenty-four bythirty-six inches and sha11 be at a scale of one hundredfeet to one inch or larger with nargins of one and one-haIfto two inches on the left and one-ha1f inch on all othersides. b. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a footfor al] lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements,strucLures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or conmon uses and other important features. All curves sha.l-Ibe circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, centralangle, are scored distances and bearing. All dimensions,both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accuratecontrol survey in t.he field which must balance and closewithin a limit of one in ten thousand. c. North arror.r and graphic scale. d. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. e. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and otherpublic areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification ofthe easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof tothe public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the pIat. f. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each Lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as well. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, whlch mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and adescription of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. two perimeter monuments shal1 be established as major controf monuments,the material-s which shall be determined by the town engineer. Y. *":.3:t:":I..n" r.and survevor aainins how bearins b3se . i. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outld.ned inChapter 17.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey vras performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes L9'?3, Title 38,Arti.cle 51. j. A certificate by an attorney adnitted to practice in theState of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner (s) of record dedicating to the public the publicright-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of all Liensand encumbrances except as noted. k. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle Countyclerk and recorder. 1. AII current taxes must be paid prior to the Town, s approvalof p1at. This includes taxes which have been billed but arenot yet due. The certificate of taxes paid nust be signedon the pLat or a statement from the Eagle County AssessorsOffice must be provided with the subnittal informationstating that g!! taxes have been paid. m. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Should thecertificate of dedication and ownership provide for adedication of land or improvements to the public, allbeneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on saidreal property will be required to sign the certificate ofdedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple ownerthereof. n. Signature of owner. The plat must contain the following statement: I'For zoningpurposes, the l-ots created by this subdivision are to be treatedas -gllg lot with no more than @ dwelling units allowed on the combined area of the @ lots." The statement, shall be nodifiedto indicate the number of units and lot.s proposed. 2. A copy of the declaraLions and,/or covenants relating to thesubdivision, which shall assure the maintenance of any conrmon areas which may be created. The covenants shall run erith theland and shall be in a form suitable for recording eritf! the Eagle County Cferk and Recorder. 3. Schedules A and B of a title report. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that thesubdivision complies with the zoning ordinance with respect tobuilding location and other aspects of the structure and ground, withthe origj-nal plat as approved by the Design Review Board of the Town and the accurateness and integrity of the survey data found on theplat. Upon receiving two copies of a complete submittal along with payment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administrator shall route one copyof the site map to the town engineer for his review. The zoningadministrator shall then conduct this review concurrently. The townengineer shall review the submittal and return conments andnotifications to the zoning administrator who shall transmit tbeapproval, disapproval or approval with modifications of the platwithin fourLeen days to the applicant. The zoning administ.rator shallsign t,he plat if approved or require modificatlons on the plat forapproval or deny approval due to inconsistencies with the originally approved plan or failure to make other required modifications of t.heplat. FILTNG AND RECORDING The Department of Community DeveJ.opment wil.l. record the plat and anyrelated covenants with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The Corrununity Development Department will retain one tnylar copy of the plat for their records and will record the remaining mylar copy. Revised 5/L/92 h F. :lR t If thls appllcatJ.on regulree a separate revlew by any local, State or Federal agency othel than the Town of ValI' the applJ.catlon fee shall be lncreaged by 9200.00. Exarq>les of euch revlew, may include, but are note lfunited to: Cololado Department of Blghway Access PermJ.ts, Atmy Corps of EngJ.neers 40{, etc. The appllcant ghall be responsible for paytng any publishing fees whLch are in excess of 50t of the applJ.cation fee. I,f, at the appllcant's reguest, any matter is postponed for hearing, causlng the natter to be re-publlshed, then, the entlre fee for such re-publlcatlon shall be paid by the applJ-cant. AppllcatLons deemed by the Couununity Development DePartment to have signifJ.cant deslgn, Iand use or other isgues whlch may bave a glgnificant Lmpact on the conmunlty may require revlew by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the tohtn staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any applicatlon' the Comnunlty Development may hlre an outside consultant' lt shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the tine he fifes his application with the Cornmunity Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultantr any of the funds forwarded by the appl.lcant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. ExPenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shal1 be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. R"Ill\!4NOl$islx\l N* Rf (o E IrsaE.E.e!Ffitl.Ecl-ct:F;,!#1SAqs FI$I 3iE* i*iH ;sn3rdt lii Bi$ Ei; ffi ^sl E it3..."'ot.tb o3c-n loJ O.'ir-r. *;;'. TUttt ,-a \ ffiltl2fl2 N0V ?.1,,:i Co OWNER'S SIGNATUR MAILING ADDRESS F. FEE $250.00 The first applicant review. 1. 3. 4. 5. T0V - eOi'rivi. r,c,r, DIPL APPLICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEW CHAPTER 17.20 VAIL MUNICIPAL (4 OR FEWER LOTS) (please print or type) I Ln-*t lo -.-L MAILING PHONE 41b-L1++ PROPERTY OWN {.-. 16 -.- t C.PHONE 17 c -1o t4l C. LOCATION OF (street address')----11,,31 5.-.( S,L r+- .L,^,,-.- LOTS BLOCK___- SUBDIVEION lG{.,u- C r-.--{r ht,'c-l D. E. /r^oSJ.5f;-cHEcK #-6!fl- o^rE t/- L-U W to request a meeling with the zoning administrator to assist the fltb-,rting the submittal requirements and to give the proposala preliminary & SU AL HEQUIREMENTS The applicant shall submit three copies, two of which must be mylars, of the proposal following lhe requirements for a final plat below. certain of these requirements may be waived by the zoning administrator ancuor the planning and Environmental Commission if determined not applicable to the proiiryt. A list of all adjacent property owners (including those behind and across the str€et) wlrH COMPLETE ADDRESSES shail also be submitted. In addtilon,.. submlt addressed, stamped envelopes for each of the above. Title Report verifying ownership and easements. (Schedules A & B) An environmental impaci report may be required as stipulated under chapter 18.56 of the zoning code. FINAL PI.AT - REOUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURE: (Some of these requirements may be waived.) a. The subdivider shall submit four copies of the tinat ptat, two of which shall be mylars, twelve copies of the final EIR (if required) and any additional material as required below. Within thirty days of receiving the complete and conect submittal for a final plat, the zoning administrator shall cause a copy of a notice of the time, place and general nature of the hearing and proposal to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Vail at least lifteen days prior to said hearing. Also, acljacent property owners to the proposed subdivision shall be notified in writing at least seven days prior to the public hearing. Mvt/) ot,, . t il<Q'u[fr ,HD / '*, B.Final Plat - Staff Review. The final plat shall be circulatod to and reviewed by the town's departments, including, but not limited to Public Works, Transportation, Community Development, Recreation, Administration, Police and the Fire Department. Comments and concems of these departments will be fomarded to the pEC prior to the public hearing. Final Plat and Suoolementarv Material- contenb. The linal plat and supplementary materialshallcontrain the following information: 1. The final plat shall be drawn in lndia ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale ol one hundred feet to ons inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on the tsft and one-half inch on all other sides. : 2. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundrgdth of a foot for dl lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streeb, selbacks, alleys, easements, structures, are€ls to be reserved or dedicated for public or cornmon uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by he radius, csntral angle, arc chord distances and bearings. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an a@urate controlsurvsy In the field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. 3. North arow and graphic scale. 4. A systematic identification of allexisting and proposed buitdings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. 5. Names of all adjoining suMivisions with dotted lines of abutting lots. ll adjoining land is unplatted, it shall be shorrrn as such. 6. An identitication ol the streetrs, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easemenls as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. 7. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate signiftcant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner, as well. 8. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, whlch mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a desoiption of all monuments used in conducting the suruey. Monument perlmeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monumenls, the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer. 9. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. 10. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as oudined in Chapter 17.92 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Hevised Statutes 1973, Title 38, Article 51. 11. A certificate by an attomey admitted to practice in the state of cotorado, or corporate litle insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shorn thereon are c. !,r.lL .\ o r,'- o MEIIORANDUII TO: File FROM: Jim Curnutte DATE: June 22, 1993 (First building permit issued - Bldg tr3) Revised September 28, 1993 (Minor changes - Bldg #3) Revised tlarch 14, 1994 (Second building permit issued - Bldg #2) Revised May 20, 1994 (Minor changes - Bldg #2) Revised october 19, 1994 (Third building permit issued - Bldg #4) Revised June 5, 1995 (Fourth building permit issued Fermanis - Bldg #1) Revised September 6, 1995 (Minor Changes - Bldg #1) SUBJECT: Development statistics for lndian Creek Townhomes, Lots A-1 and A-2 AllOwed UnitS: 9 6owever tre approved do\relopm€nt p|an calls tor att of lh€ prop€rlys GRFA to b€ utilized by lhe six unils shoivn on lhe plan) Allowed GRFA: 17,363.0 sq. ft. + 225 sq. ft. credit for each constructed dwelling unit Alfowed Site Coverage: 28,356.0 sq. ft. Building 3 - Building permit issued June 22, 1993 GRFA: Site Coverage: Garage: 2,481.0 sq. ft.+ 28.5 sq. ft. (added on 9/28/93) = 2,509.5 sq. ft. 1,470.0 sq. ft. 600.0 sq. ft. Building 2 - Building permit issued March 14, 1994 GRFA 2,668.0 sq. ft. + 132.0 sq. ft. (added on 5/20i94) = 2,800.0 sq. ft. Site Coverage: 1,451.0 sq. ft. = t'ffi*added on 5t2ots4 Garage: 500.0 sq.ft, a !r 6r Bulldlng 4 - Building permit issued October 19, 1994 GRFA: ' Site Coverage: Garage: 3,937,0 sq. ft. 1,965.0 sq. ft. 600.0 sq. ft. 2,815 sq.ft.+ 50 sq. ft. (added on 9/6195) = 2,865 sq. ft. 1,460.0 sq. ft.+ 10 so. ft. (added on 9/6195) = 1,470 sq. ft. 600 sq. ft. Bulldlng 1 - Building permit issued June 5, 1995. GRFA: Site Coverage: Garage: Remaining GRFA: Femaining Site Goverage: 5,251.5 sq. : SUBDIVISION JOB NAME Llonrs Rldge Lots A-l & A-2 A-l and A-2LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availabirity of utilities, whether they be mainlp"\ ]l"ug or proposed lines, must be approved and verifiea ui'the following utilities for the accompanying sitJ p1an. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communicationst-800-922-19I7 468-6850 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-57 81 Gary HalL Holy Cross Electric 949-s892 Ted Husky/Michael Heritage CabLevision 94 9-5s30 Steve Hiatt Assoc. Laverty T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water& Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 1. * Please bringobtaining Upperflow needs must, h Uo\e seq 'c$o$\ed ""^p2.rba3 This forrn is t,o verify service availability andLocation. This should be used in conjunction witnpreparing.your utility plan and schedilinginstallations. For any.new construction proposal, t.he applicantmust, provj.de a compJ.et.ed utility verificilionform. If a utility company has concerns rvith theproposed construction, the utitity representat,iveshoul.d not, direct,Iy on the utiliti velificationform that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should t,hen be spelled out indetail in an attached letter to t.he T-own of VaiJ..However, please keep in rnind that it is theresponsibitity of the utility company to resolveident,ified problems. If the utility verification form has signat,uresfrom each of the utility companies, and nocorunent,s are made directly on the form, the TownwilJ- presume that there aie no problems and thatthe deveLopment, can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractorof his responsibilit.y Lo obt,ain a street cutpermit, from the Town of Vai], Department of public lgtk9 and t,o obtain utilitv tocations beforediqqinq in any public right,-of-way or easelnent, inthe Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not astregt cut permit. A street, cuL permiU must, beobtained separately. a sit,e plan, floor plan, and elevations whenEagle VaIIey Water & Sanitat,ion signatures. Firebe addressed. 2. 3. 4, 5. -lttb 2-/ ?'73 L-/ I-f J |. '.t nt ol,nn Review Action Flh TOWN OF VAIL Category Number on" =ft t /q'{ proteaName: A*r*l t ct t t C f<< (1 '-:)-S[*' Ca*i, (,i E Building Name: Project Description:€ ',, I ,'( ,'l owner, Addres "^naenon", /,t,'k<- ( .r,u*rh. L VT6- (".cit/( L co g r6sg ArchitecVContact. Address and Phone:' ;'{ q- ( l--l t yl(,t.[-<'K .)-.s v'ri( (6., €;/6rP Legal Description:Lou-ii.14]Btocx 4 sunaiuision t ,ousi)gu is.{ zone District RC Project Street Address: Comments: Sq ddc k-p {,<,t ,*, o'ru -'' [] Disapproval fl Staff Approval Conditions: u r"f*Pr#'"Mtss C-/- ;L{ urt u''r(( Ln Ct +t11 ' rz /9 wr(( tc( a..g G' i /cran t- ,", 7'!s''cq( ,'ft.C -Sj t{./\ 'q'qs )f,{"t Pro5y"f. o"", l/,2/q / DRB Fee Pre-paid {,7(t *'l' aBE rve.ea. /- s{161 *q.d&/\4'gr> @.rtd. e*=, fr hoLP *r, CoqcG, L*-{rr,,l :aold, exe LatrQn*.0 {;e6,2 fc*r2g>--vt@^\ r .: P*Lrrr-r\e r€vised 9lU9L DRB IPPLICtrIION - TO9W Otr Vf,IT., DATE APPLICATION RECEII/ED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: *fitffisaN lrW t*l*irttri EATS TPP&ICf,TION I|I&L NOtr BE ICCEPIEDEtf,!II. tI,L REQUTRED tNtORUtttON IS sUBUIITED*rrlttl*itr.PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION-: B. TYPE OE' REVIE9I: New Construction Addirion (950.00) (s200.00)Minor Alteration ($20 .00 ) Conceptual Revlew ($0) c. D. ADDRESS 3 llS? 6a-*-/tt-.t-- .!n,r" - LEGAI., DESCRIPTION: LoT 4.1 I4-T- BlocK Subdivision If property is descrlbed bydescription, please provide attach to this application. ZONING QC a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. E.I,OT AREA: If reguired, applicant stanped survey showlng log area. must provlde a current G.NAI.{E OF APPLICA},IT: hrL(.-/ f.oul..l--LMailing Address z Phone H. T NA},18 OF OWNERS: APPLICAIIT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: NAI,IE OF Mailing N4 Phone *SIGNATI'RE (S} :Mdiling Address,l Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB f,ees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of submlttal of DRB application. later, whenapplylng for a buildlng permJ.t, please ldentlfy theaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vallwill adJust the fee according to the table belod, !91ensure tbe correct fee ls paid. .M WFEE PAID: S '(/ FEE SCHEDULE: VAI,UATION$ o-$ 1o,ooo $101001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500r000 $500r 001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1r 0001 000 * DESIGN RE\'1tEtf BOA8D. TPPRO\TAIJ EXPTRES ONE YEER .}rrER rINAI' APPRO\TAIT UNI,ESS A BUIIDING PER}TT IS ISSI'ED AIID CONSTRUCTION SIARTED. **NO TPPLICETION TTILT. BE PBOCESSED WIIEOUE OI|NER'S SIGNATURE 'g, 1 .T. K. FEE $ 20.00 s 50.00 9100 .00 s200 .00 $400 .00 ss00 .00 $'1'' R-' l->{-1( y't/l e- n o C".-k *5 .r*/slo.r- )."-'- 4 [,t> An ( ".*il51 t prr*,'I Tu o'l'r l- obl''"' 'L- ln*('r g-{ (n2L,,,-L ,u../"/ cllon' P"rLL;-.* P'-'l (o [- €r1oft"'/ * {t- c-/'ue- "/'^"''1 hz9"/"t-' T 1 I t z u 4,'-*+ t'L {t* Lu.u{ {t 't 1t"- 'Tlat X.c,'1 L Q.ur'-u 6"-^( /"1 6'/ L10fro-u S2 -/<-r ng, Ux,'/ "/t* 5 /.- -{ a- 1-r+- f r''a r lnav<- /oua-/,'o'- "/ {'L 5"t r,L ;/ 'g e.)^s,-r-t /' t ''/"oL t -/t"t *{-u(. ,'c.lu/- I I .[u-rtt ,-{c. ,'o/ {" - /t* ? c\ t'/... - Tco {-L2 tLde -P fo Lc-e-- $ t *-c-. Oro tI<l fi. o/'--*. N .l A M E S POST OFFTCE BOX 3238vAtL, co.81gs8 FA.\ 9{9-0rr} t :-'{,noO0 tldps llunv wvtsv ?:owo6Plrr lh" . MEMBER OF AMERIcAN tNSTtTUTE oF ARCHITECTS. rtt:le,),tf\l /I'' | :'"il;'!t '- 9.y| ,)r t-Jrlrrl '-df rl R) It l /,[ grP \H H!f -,l1 It1 \ Il-:q A\ f n :l I tI I u- a [vi $' ri:(rt Hitr I t,J' :"/ II \! $ p l;, I nrc'ol zs tss:' Re INTER - DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW ppg-Jgg1. INDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES DATE SUBMtTlsg. JUNE 7, 1993 COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF JUNE 9. 1993 THE PROPOSAL: /l*raZ=26 tlzJ, c>) PUBLIC WORKS (p'J8-?5 Reviewed by Comments: MIKE BRAKE 9oi". itllrtE-4-1993 4r // BbL 4't '// | tl /znhuz'f , 1. IN THE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP _ ]HE NAME AND STYLE OF FINAL PLAT IS INCORRECT ACCORDING TO YOUR PLAT TITLE. ,4 HAVING J TRAcT A,S WITHIN oNE SUBDIVISIoN IS VERY coNFUSING. IT WOULD MAKE MORE SENSE TO SEPARATE THE TRACT DESIGNATIONS. 6. EASIS OF BEARING SHOULD STATE SOMETHING LIKE "BETWEEN FOUND 1,/2', REBAR WITH WASHER L.S. 151,1 AT NoRTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LOTA-2 AND FOUND REBAR AND CAP PEAK ONE #99]g AT SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LOT A_2," THE NEW LOT A-1 DOES NOT YET EXIST! +. PLEASE REFER TO ''BOARD NEWS'' VOLUME V, JANUARY 1993, COLORADO STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER, PAGE 7''. THE MONUMENT DESCRIPTIONS PROVIDED BY YOU ARE NOT RECOGNIZED AS BEING ADEQUATE AS REQUTRED By CRS 38-51-1O2(f). .S. SHOW MONUMENT DESCRIPTION FoR LINE DEFLEcnoN oN NoRTHERLY SIDE OF PROPOSED LOT A-1. ,,T-SHOW BEARINGS FOR ENTIRE EAS]ERLY ''TRACT A". /) n"fa-lrlAh^J/ /l*t T Kq.t A ,ren.rS {- z \\ {". A;L- /z*/f_*+ /^ t*-4 t]^l-f L "-,,*, gu *9lLo 5a-s.e t +tT ")I own 'rlonner t :' ,4J - l{t}!,, .). I Return to own rlonner INTER - DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW pp6.1E61 INDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMIS DATE SUBM1TTED. JUNE 7, 1993 COMMENTS NEEDED gy. JUNE 9, 1993 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: fil*"aZ*1CD tt 3, e) PUBLIC WORKS MIKE BRAKEReviewed by po1u. JUNE 8, 1993 Comments: 1. IN THE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP - THE NAME AND STYLE OF FINAL PLAT IS INCORRECT ACCORDING TO YOUR PLAT TITLE. 2. HAVING 3 TRACT A'S WITHIN ONE SUBDIVISION IS VERY CONFUSING. IT WOULD MAKE MORE SENSE TO SEPARATE THE TRACT DESIGNATIONS. 3. BASIS OF BEARING SHOULD STATE SOMETHING LIKE "BETVVEEN FOUND 1/2" REBAR W|TH WASHER L.S. 1511 AT NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LOT A_2 AND FOUND REBAR AND CAP PEAK ONE #S939 AT SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LOT A_2,'. THE NEW LOT A_1 DOES NOT YET EXIST! +. PLEASE REFER TO ''BOARD NEWS,' VOLUMT V, JANUARY 199J, COLORADO STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER, PAGE 7". THE MONUMENT DESCRIPTIONS PROVIDED BY YOU ARE NOT RECOGNIZED AS BE|NG ADEQUATE AS REQUTRED BY CRS 38-51-102(0. 5. SHOW MONUMENT DESCRIPTION FOR LINE DEFLECTION ON NORIHERLY SIDE OF PROPOSED LOT A_1. 6. SHOW BEARINGS FOR ENTIRE EAS]ERLY ,'TRACT A,'. f )I CLnRetum to tr Town Planner IT{TER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Muncr SuLb- tc Vci-co.J-!-- ALct tt-nC- FIRE DEPARTMENT Revie$red ov: 44aa^{Date:6: 7 73 Comments:-a,.22 O gttz--->1'"'- S fhr coPY 6. A request for a minor subdivision to vacate the lot line between Lots A-1 and A-2 and' a request for variances from the subdivision road standards and wall height standards for Lots A-1 and A-2, Block A, Lions Bidge Subdivision Filing No. 1/1139 and 1109 Sandstone Drive. Applicant: Planner: Shelly Mello made a brief presentation per the staff memo and stated that staff was recommending approval of all three of the applicant's requesls with four conditions: 1) that additional landscaping be added along the lowest retaining wall, 2) that th€ applicant agrees to vary the wall, 3) that the applicant file a minor subdivision plat with the Community Development Department prior to application for a building permit, and 4) that hazard mitigation be specified for each unit on the site. Diana Donovan asked the applicant if he had any problems with the conditions set forth by Town staff. Mike Lauterbach, the applicant, wants Condition #3 to be changed so that the minor suMivision plat can be filed prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy on the first building constructed. Shelly Mello stated that it would simplify matters to do the minor subdivislon plat and vacate the easement concurrently. She said that vacating the easement would be handled by Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District. She also stated that the minor subdivision plat and the application for any building permits could be handled at the same time. Mike Lauterlrach stated that he was concerned that this project would get dragged out. Kristan Pritz suggested that Condition #3 could be changed to: 'The applicant shall submit a minor subdivision plat prior to the release of a building permit for this proJect.' Mike felt that this would be acceptable. Bill Anderson stated that he still had a concem with the parking between the buildings. Greg Amsden commented that he was still concerned with the design of the three western units and that Dalton Williams could hopefully address the PEC regarding the DRB concems. Mike Lauterbach stated that the DRB was concerned with the southern elevation. He said frat Sally Brainerd of the DRB proposed that the roof line be changed on the middle and western-most units. Plannlng and Envlronmenlal Commlsslon May 24, 1993 4 I 7. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she was concerned with the design of Unit 4 and the vertical distance between the building and the driveway. She said that the DRB needed to look closely at the design of this part of the project' Greg Amsden stated that he does not want to see excessive exposure. Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to approve the request for a minor subdivision to vacate the lot line between Lois A-1 and A-2 and a request for variances from the subdivision road standards and wall height standards per the staff memo, the conditions contained within and that Condition #3 be changed to read: "The applicant shall submit a minor suMivision plat prior to the release of a building permit for this project." In addition, Kathy stated that the DHB should look at Buildings 1, 2, and 3 closely to insure that the units are not identical and that the DRB look at the vertical height on Building #4 and its relationship to the site. Jeff Bowen seconded this motion. Diana Donovan stated that this site is highly visible from the road and that additional landscaping is needed to screen the site. A 6-0 unanimous vote approved this request. lt was also stated that the parking among units 1,2, and 3 be removed if possible. Kathy emphasized that the DRB should consider how visible this site is from the valley floor. A request for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a 12-inch diameter high-pressure natural gas pipeline generally located between Dowd Junction and the VailAssociates Shops. Applicant: Planner: Public Service Company of Colorado Buss Forrest Russ Forrest made a brief presentation per the staff memo and stated that approximately the last one-third of the proposed high-pressure natural gas pipeline would be located within Town of Vail boundaries. The proposed line would be located in the Interstate corridor and is not zoned until it enters the Cascade Crossing area which is zoned Arterial Business District. The Town of Vail staff recommends that the Public Service Company of Colorado be granted a conditional use permit for the pipeline. However, statf makes this recommendation contingent upon the issuance of a Finding of No Significant lmpact from the US Forest Service based on the EA for this project. Public Service should also be required to submit a construction vrorkplan to Public Works prior to initiation of construction to ensure coordination on other utility and path construction projects. ln addition, the DRB will need to review the revegetation plan and screening of the valve set. Diana Donovan stated that the PEC generally did not like the idea of the pipe passing across Gore Creek. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she liked Bill Anderson's suggestion that the pipe be placed under a loot bridge. She also stated that lhere were already two pipes at this location. Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon May 24, 1993 ;,-'! t' lhsncs dspadinO said ROW llns N66'5325'E 39.15 fsot; thsnca dopaninC aald ROW lne S8l'23'19'E l6lt 42 Lel lo r lolnt ot curve; th€nca 122,8:t l€€t along the arc ot 6 143.20 loot radius curve to th€ lei, havlne s ca. ral angls ot4trO85l'arrd a ('|oad lhal bsarE 515"57 45'E t t 9.10 ts€t; $€ncs S40.32'10'E 3.00 test; rhencs 66,30 t€el alono lh€ arc ol a 77.21 loot tadl6 curv€ b lh. rlghl, having E cenrat angle ol49't 2'10' and a chod thEt b€ar6 51556!5"E 64.28 l€€l; thenco S6'40tiO"V, 9(1,27 feel; thgnce N38"42'24-w 22.1.55 l€€r; rhon€ S78o1012"w 101.44 teet lo rh€ Point of B€0innlng. Tr/Py Jim Curnutte made a brief presentation of the request and asked the PEC to make a formal motion and vote on this request. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approved the applicant's request for a minor subdivision per the staff memo. Greg Amsden seconded the motion and a 6-0 unanimous vote approved this item. 8. An appeal of a staff interpretation to not allow a cantilevered portion of a building into an area exceeding 40% slope. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach/The Reinforced Earth Co. Planner: Shelly Mello Staff explained that a formal motion was not recorded at the April 26, 1993 PEC Meeting concerning this item and requested that a motion and vote be made. Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to uphold the staff interpretation that a building cannot cantilever into an area exceeding 40% slope with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 unanimous vote upheld the staff interpretation. Applicant: Planner: A request exceeding located at Applicant: Planner: Michael Lauterbach Jim Curnutte for a wall height variance to allow for the construction of a retaining wall three (3) feet in height in the front setback for the driveway to the residence 2346 Cortina Lane/Lot 4, Block A, Vail Ridge. Arno Brinkman Tim Devlin 9. 10. Tim Devlin made a presentation per the staff memo and stated that the staff was recommending approval of this item with the condition that the steps be heavily landscaped with a mix of junipers, aspen and evergreen trees. Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to approve this request for the wall height variance per the staff memo with Dalton Williams seconding the molion. A 6-0 vote approved this item. A request lor a discussion regarding The Valley, Phase ll, upper development area, concerning the soils testing requested by the PEC. Applicant: Steve GenslerPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon May 10, 1993 COPTFIL T 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colarado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 April 29, 1993 D e parttne nt of C omntutt ity Deve lo ptnent Mr. Michael Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail, CO 81658 ,,. RE: Lots A-1 and A-2, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No. 1 Dear Mike: As we have discussed, there was an advertising mistake made for your item concerning Lots A-1 and A-2. Because ol this, we will not be able to conduct a formal review and final hearing for the request on May 1Oth. The reason for this is that the item was advertised in the Vail Trail as a work session rather than a final review. We have readvertised the item and the item will be a review for final approval on May 24th. I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding on this matter. Further. I would like to reiterate that the review on your item looks quite positive. The PEC had a lew items which you need to consider. These include the landscape plan, parking in the front setback, and configuration of retaining walls. The proposed minor subdivision does not appear to be an issue and, as we have discussed, a revised hazard report will be necessary to compleie this. Again, thank you for your understanding on this matter and I apologize for the delay of the re-view ol this item untit Irlay 241d;r. lt you have any questions, please contact me at 479-2138. .l TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: May 24, 1993 Development ol No. 1/1139 and Townhomes. Applicant: Planner: MEMORANDUM Design Review Board Community Development Department Lot A-1 ard A-2, Block A, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing 1109 Sandstone Drive also known as Indian Creek Michael Laulerbachffhe Reinforced Earth Co. Shelly Mello Attached please find a copy of a memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission from Town staff regarding the Indian Creek Townhomes. The PEC approved the request, however, there were a number ol conditions which I feel should be passed on to the DRB. The conditions are as follows: 1. That the applicant submit a minor subdivision plat prior to the release of any building permit lor units on this site; 2. That the DRB review Units 1 ,2, and 3 so that they not be identical and that they be distinctively different bu ildings ; 3. That the DRB work with the applicant to remove as much asphalt as possible adjacent to and in front of Units 1, 2, and 3; 4. That Unit 4 be looked at closely when proposed so as to limit the impact of the building. As proposed, the lowest point of the building envelope is approximately 10 feet above the road grade. The PEC feels that the applicant should try to limit the height of this building so as not to create a huge wall in this location. I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Kofrf,oTW- ft1$ gaMEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Devdopment Department Applicant: Planner: May 24, 1993 A request lor a minor subdivision to vacate he lot line between Lots A-1 and A- 2 and a request lor variances lrom he subdivision road standards and wall height standards lor lots A-1 and A-2, Block A, Lions Ridge Subdivision Flling No. 1/1139 and 1109 Sandstone Drive. Michael Lauterbach/The Reinforced Earth Co. Shelly Mello I. INTRODUCTION The applicant is requesting a review ol three requests. The first ol these requests ls a minor subdivision in order to vacate the lot line between Lot A-1 and A-2 to crsate a single lot. The second request is a wall height varianco to construcl a 6 loot wall in the right-of-way and in the 2O-fool front selback of the property. A second 3 foot wall will be constructed in conjunction with this 6 foot wall. A varlance ls needed for the addltlonal 3 feet ot wall helght. The maximum wall height allowed in the fronl setback and right-of-way is 3 feet. These walls are required for the construction of the access road lo the parcel. The third item is a variance request from the subdivision standards for the minimum radius on a curvs for a minor road (private). The minimum radius allowed by the Subdivision Regulations is 50 feet. The applicant is requesting a radius of 44 feet. A varlance ls necessary for the slx foot dlfference In radlus. II. BACKGROUND In April of this year, the PEC reviewed this application at a work session. Upon review, the PEC specified that the applicant should further extend the proposed landscape plan and increase he amount of landscaping adjacent to the walls in the front setback. In addition, the applicant was directed to remove a parking spaco located in the lront setback. The applicant has completed this. The applicant was also asked to try to eliminate parking spaces located between Units 1 and 2 and Units 2 and 3. The applicant and staff have reviewed lhis possibility, and unfortunately, due to parking requirements, these spaoes cannot be eliminated. The applicant has also redesigned the fire access tumaround so that it ls pulled back from Sandstone Drive. The applicant has provided landscaping In order to screen lhese walls and they are in conformance with the ma,rimum wall height allowances. In the work session, the PEC also requested the guardrail detail tor the roadway. Please see the attached drawing of this element. a ilt. zoNlNG srATlsTlcs Existino Allowed (Combined Lotsl Zoning: ResklentalOluster ResHenUalOluster Lot Size: Lot A-1: 62,990 sq. ft. 113,428 sq. ft. Lot A-2: 50.1138 so. ft.Total: 113,428 sq. ft. Buildable Area: Buildable Lot A-1: 29,819 sq. ft. 69,457 sq. ft. Buildable Lot A-2: 39.638 so. ft.Totial: 69,457 sq. ft. .GRFA: Lot A-1 7,434 sq. ft. 17,363 sq. ft. + 225 sq. ft. crediUunit + 225 sq. ft. crediUunit Lot A-2: 9,909 sq. ft. + 225 so. ft. crediUunitTotal: 17,363 sq.ft. + 225 sq. ft. credlUunit Density: Lot A-1: 4 units 9 units Lot A-2: 5 unitsTotial: 9 units Site Coverage Allowed: Lot A-1: 15,747 sq. ft. 28,356 sq. ft. Lot A-2: 12.609 sq. ft.Total: 28,356 sq. ft "Parking: Lot A-1: 10 spaces/4 enclosed 23 spaces€ enclosed Lot A-2: 13 spaceslS enclosedTotal: 23 spaces/g enclosed 'Because GRFA is not on a graduated scale for Residential Cluster (RC), the GBFA does not change with the vacation of the lot line between Lot A-1 and A-2. "Based on units which exceed 2,000 sq. ft. and require 2.5 spaces per unit. At least one parking space must be enclosed per Residential Cluster zone district parklng requlremenb. Parking is not allowed in the 2O-foot front setback in his zone district. IV. MINOR SUBDIVISION CRITERIA The staff finds that the combined lots meet the minimum stiandards lor the crsation of a lot In tho Residential cluster zone district. (Please see the ciart below.) The slaff has no issues related to this minor subdivision. Mitigation will be required on this lot lor the debris flow and rockfall hazards. The location and type of hazards will need to be specified on he minor subdivision plat. Please see the attached memorandum lrom Nicholas Lampiris, Certified Geologist' which discusses the necessary hazard mitigation. The stiatf has worked with both the aPplicant and the geotogist to achieve a safe mitigition plan which will have the least amount of site impact posiiUn. -The applicant has commined to using internal structural mitigation for the rocldall hazarO. As discussed in Lampirls' letter, a small berm (3 to 6 feet In height) adjacent to units 4 and 5 wilt need to be constructed to mitigate the debris flow hazard present on the lot. This mitigation willbe constructed when units 4 and 5 are developed. Minimum Lot Size: Buildable Area: Minimum Frontage: Reouired 15,000 sq. ft. 8,000 sq. ft. 30 tt. Prooosed 113,428 sq. ft. 69,457 sq. ft. 610 ft. The staff finds that by combining these two lots that a more comprehensive development plan can be achieved. V. CRITEBIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Griteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of tlre Vail Municipal Code, the Cbmmunity Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A.@: 1. The relatlonshlp of the rcquested varlance to other exlstlng or potentlal uses and structures ln the vlclnlty. WallHeioht The staff has reviewed other possibillties for oonstructing access to this properly. We found trat the available options, due to the slope of the iot,'are very limited. A 6 foot boulder retaining wall has been proposed in conjunctlon with a 3 foot boulder wall. Both will be located in both the front seback and the right'of-way. The Town of Vail Municipal Code 2. regulation requires hat walls in the lront sehack and right-of-way be a maximum of 3 feet in heighl. The staff feels the applicant's request is reasonable. The applicant h.ts proposed landscaping in front ol he retaining walls as well as betw'een them. The staff would ask that a minimum of seven 6 to I toot evergreens and five 2 to 3 inch caliper aspen be added to the plan in lront of the first wall to turther mitigate the impact of the walls. The staff also finds that, as proposed, the walls on the site ate still very linear. The applicant has indicaled that these walls will be undulate at the time of installation. The staff feels that this is a very lmportant detail of the walls and would ask the applicant to work with the staff and the Design Bsview Board (DRB) to attain a moro natural curved wall. Subdivision Standards This application will have no impact on other potential uses or sfuctures in the vicinity. The staff feels that the proposed radius of 44 leet for a private road is a reasonable solution due to lhe topography ol the site. Relief from the 50 loot radius requirement is appropriate because this road access is only for three units. The staft feels that the minimum radius can be decreased, however, it should not be decreased significantly. The degree to whlch relle{ from the strlct and llteral Interpretatlon and enforcement of a speclfled regulatlon ls necessary to achleve compatlbllity and unlformlty of treatment among sltes In the vlclnlty or to attaln the obJectlves of thls tltle wlthout granl of speclal prlvllege. WallHeioht The staff leels that this is not a grant of special privilege. Due to the topography of the site, staff finds that relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the wall height regulations is necessary in order to obtain a reasonable and acceptable solution for access to the property. The slatf finds that the proposed plan is sensitive to the sunounding area and that the proposed landscaping as well as that being requested by the statf will adequalely mitigate the impact of the walls. Subdivision Standards The stafl feels that due lo the topography of the site that relief trom the minimum tum radius requirements would not be a grant of special privilege. Other properties in the Town have also benelitted ftom some flexibility in grade, radius, wall height stiandards to achieve ac@ss to difficult sites. B. 3. The ettect ol the requested varlanc€ on llght and alr, dlstrlbutlon of populatlon, tEnsportatlon and trafflc tacllltles, publlc facllltles and utllltle3, and publlc safety. Wall Heioht The stafi finds that the proposed wall of 6 feet will not lmpact any of the above criteria. The stafi leels that by allowing only a single road cut tor six properties, that the impact on the neighborhood will be far less than allowing for perhaps two or more road cuts along that road. Tho statf feels that this road configuration is positive and that the necessary wall height variances to construct the access, as proposed, will not lmpact any of the above criteria. Subdivlsion Slandards The request for a variance from the road stiandards will have no impact on any of the above criteria. The Town of Vail Engineer has rsviewed this application and feels that the proposal is a safe and reasonable solution due to the site and its constraints. The staff has looked at using two access points on this site, but feel that a single road qrt with the variance from the minimum radius will limit the impac{ on the adjacent properties. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting ol the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on olher properties classified In the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretiation or enlorcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistenl with the objectives of thls title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumsliances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The stric{ interpretation or enforcement of fie spedtied regulation would deprive he applicant of privileges enjoyed by the ownerc of other properties in the same district. VI: BUILDING ENVELOPES The staff has discussed the possibility of requiring building envelopes with the replat of this parcel. The staff does not feel that it is necessary to plat the building envelopes. we feel that the hazards, in conjunction with the regulation which disallows construction in areas with sfopes in excess ol 4V/", already significantly restrict the area of possible development. VII. DRB COMMENTS AT CONCEPTUAL REVIEW The DRB has conceptually reviewed this application. In heir review, they have directed the applicant to submit an extensive landscaping plan especially for hose units on the west side of he site. In addition, they are very concemed with lhe proposed archilecture. lt is their finding that while the units should be similar in form they should not be the same design. The applicant was directed to adjust the building form, materials, buildirq fooprint and orientation in order to achieve this compatibility. In addition, the DRB has reviewed a proposed duplex development for the lot to the east of the project, Lot A-3. In reviewing fie proposal for Lot A-3, the DRB directed the applicant to change the proposed building from a duplex to two single family unils because they felt that it was more desirable to have two separate units on this site versus a very linear duplex. Like Lots A-1 and A-2, Lot A-S's developable area is very limited due to the slope of the lot. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATIONS The statf recommends approval ol the three requests. These requests include a mlnor subdivision lo combine Lots A-2 and A-3, a variance from the wall height standards to allow a 6 foot boulder wall located in the right-of-way and in the front setback and a variance from the subdivision standards for the minimum radius requirement for a private road. We lind that lhe applicant has worked with the site in order to attain the best possible ac@ss solution on the site. The staff linds that the applicant has met sections B 1, 2, 3, b and c as indicated in he Criteria and Findings section of this memorandum we also tind that he minor subdivision standards have been met. The staft would require the following items as conditions of approval of all three requesb: 1. That the applicant add additional landscaping in front of the lowest retaining wall including seven evergreens as well as five 2 inch caliper aspens along the edge of the road at a minimum of 10 feet off the edge ol pavement to further mitigate the impact ot the retaining walls. 2. That the applicant, during construction, vary the wall in order to obtain a curved natural looking wall which is not linear. The staff would request that the applicant work with the DRB and stafl to further refine the configuration of the walls. 3.That the applicant file a minor subdivision plat prior to the release of any buil permits for units on lhis site.....$ll hazards must be located and labeled ffi indicated on this subdivision plat. +O YYiL^n 4. That the applicant submit specifications on all hazard mitigation at the tims ot construction of the units. As indicated, the rockfall hazard mitigation will be handled rvih intemal structural miugation however, the debris tlow mitigation, whlch Includes landscape berms, will be required. The applicant will be required to submit a slt$ specific plan for this mitigation for each unit. The developer shall be include the construction of the debris flow mitigation, as required by he geologist, with the construction of the units lmpacted by the debris florrt hazard or the construc-tion of the eastern segment of the road whlch begins at the radlus. The staff flnds that this is a very difficult site to develop. In reviewing the adjacent peperties, th6 statf has lound that there have been deviations from the stiandards In order to allow for development. We feel that due to the topography of the site, that the approval of these variance requests would not ba a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the llmltations on oher properties classified in this same distrlct and that there will be no grant of speclal pdvilege. lgvrutrn tN I Wld^^\ I+ ;* dr/uprsly a,fl6pr"<"'-<x ot@+w)- 4oo rcad U../^'"r Bv\frt"!'il- n,^t Af,* \0O 6'a' '(.'6T- ft N-ho*- + Whc^-I W^llrt h% Vah^ /N AMr1,v NYrvTe Wd'X 5(\ -n/s41^/t Ko*rt- ffi $*or#{t*, bKbi 'M t?rz T.nr r>( wry:lffiv'$ld* an'yk^9 r as tffi u{u{;4t+ a !-tu}-a e-gnAe!tr {€7$21'{u { H ft s+ E \og L][i!. , r', 1I I I .'.1 I l1lltl / ^'it. ( ,',irlttrllo \I22s$?,$ti t \L R TE p? OEgE g$ 3 ? $ 3 * Z E e $ $ 7 .(g s R H $ 6 ,I I I I ll ll ttl rl rliu#' I t iriirn t - i;Ftl-, r Eu '.'. ,!! elrrr $I\ l,,J!rrl-'n:t;," p+#E IJ:1/;:7t^ - '-'' I :l | ./ \/a\,'i&l7i l-J Lr, W!-ifii/;,' ' ,':, a \,/t\ ! )i'i i; .:"'iy''s{'.n,.4,1:; iiiVi!',ii1:/,i!":fil iIf, , t, lr', tlt.t* :llii i,i:.,t r'," ,, I I,,\'\i,I llfI \ \\\ \N i'i't't \, ri _',''1.,:&t!lE{f+it-.{"..,.:r . r' "'..'..;.-.,},!...-i3ao ROCK RETAINING (rYP) cEX:S':];'{G SURF (\ ut e{ @ 0+ Hi-,,ir';t-'r.r'tAL 1 "=,IC' vdx riu/il 'l''-,.'i*' PROFILT ROCK RTTAINIhIG IryA!-L SICTION A_A l.It ,-)r I'I I I I t ?i -u :1n i\r$ =T A- $ -t\\ II i T I ! I I I I Ii I I )t\ \ -t- ob i i I i I - fr \ \ \ I.!l _' I {-.N $-xJ :I*rl' -* fa- t s{c \) i\ \r qJ/zL/ql 10r17 i SGIINC Nlcholas J fmpirlc, Ph.D. ool{4tLnNc ctoto€tgr MEi ]NU!}GI.|!j.LA'{E cLtcor.oRAootrE Gros 50{EetEt Boor B$slih't 2 1S9$ sln!.f,F[HqJBsl tthy 3O1 l?!?it lllkr l-arrtrrbrch PO Borc S4FtVrll, C0 81658 REt Lotr.A-1, A-zt Llsn.l Rirlgr &,rbdlvtrlon Dllr !F. lrutrrbrchr t hrvr rrvltnd th; txo latr (rix unttrt .' rhqnr sn Hrr:rtrTp.'.rtng 0rg f6r Furpof.r of Fock Fell rnd Drbrtr Flcu rrvlufor thr Tor*r of vrll, The rlx rlt$ hrvr brd inir.n to b. outef thr €rbrrr frn cttmnct. Thr Glrlvrney ourt rnalr rna crorJlnrfrn, hmvrr. ?lrtc tr'ln r tocatlon rdrtra thr ridgrr, contalnlng thr tosrct ofFot'rntl.l frlttng, rcekre rrr et a low irvrr wrth Fref-ct to-trritltcr, Roeks ntlt ruch thc tttrrl butl if thry ao. rlll hevlrttt_lf lfirrgy. Frw unrtabk' rockr' occui rrciitrrir-eiogoladtvrlopmrtr but on tha Hlftrt.n rldgr, frrgi ro.1i drould brrteblltrrc sr rrnovcdl nlttgatlon f6r recr irri-irrqgro ll rt ttrrrur of rrch unlt r*rcrr r s l/z fogt concrrtl rtrn trell drq,rtc i.con3tructrd to .t hrrt sd) poundr plr rqu.r. loot rtrrngt--;d - lr pro'trEtrd wtth rnrrBy rbrorptlvr ortrriel rgch rr fog'rtdfng.Fcr rny dsrr or widcm ln thir rrrr tnlrrvllf r iatlrr srtl (tnthr forn of r brfftrl rhould br csnrtructrd to piitrct tnrr.-opfitng fro rolllng- rockr. Ttrlr sill gnrtly r'"aucr rock frtlhrzrrc to thr Frajrct. Txo brror rlrould b conrtruetrd, 13 m notxl ln thr.ftclds toprotr<t thr unltr cllrrctly on althrr rtcr of thr gully rnici-trth! altt of drbrtr flor rct:lwlty frorr tlar tc trd. Thr.. bfroriluft br rlx frrt htgh nrrr th. bulldlngj rnd trprr tarrrc thrhlllridr 1nd thry rurt ltnk thr nur rflr cElrnrF o+ nctr-*rJt$rth'thr hlllsidcr thrruby not rllontng nrd to rueh urr r.rr cfthr holrr, Thtr rlll IcmF rny floro Inttrrtr htrtcrlc pethr domthr ortstlng gully. ltrd or drbrlr rreehlng tnJrrcr rrtlr (thr3.Fr€f tn both eur;l ern cnly rrtlal alntnrt dror41r tc r nsrn-vttrl porttorr of thc hoor. Thr rrltern bern ourf crcer rn oldJrrp rcrd to br cffcctivr rnd thet rcrc rhoutd br mcttflld toprrvurt florr fren follslng lt tq'|rd oth.r porttonr ef thrdlrlopaolrt. 3 t Thr conrlruetlon qf iltrrr unltrt or thr prcporrd ottlgrtlon, rtlt not lncnarlr tlrr hezrrd to othrr proprrty or rtructurc, or topubltc rlghtr-o'f-wrvr buildtngtt roldls rtrratit lllrlrntrt.utllltlrf or frcllttlal or othsr proprrtltr ef rny klnd. totlrrnglnnrlng rtudtu erl rlruedy rvrllrbll .nd rttll rpprogrlrtrfor thrre rlte. tf thert aru gg.3ttcrr ptrut contrct [. SGIIN(.B ooe a c TOWII OFVAIT 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 303-479-2 1 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 March 23, 1995 Department of Communiry Deve lopment RE: Hazards affecting Indian Creek Townhomes, Building #2' Lot A'1' Block A, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing 1, 1139 Sandstone Drive Dear Mark: Michael Lauterbach has asked me to send you this letter for the purpose of documenting the environmental hazards which atfect the above referenced property. The property is located within tre medium and high severity rockfall zone and the high and moderate debris flcw zones. The property owner haJhired a prolessional Geologist to review the site and recommend mitigation measuies aimed at reducingthe risk ol rocks and/or debris reaching the residences (see attached copy of letter from Nicholai Lampiris, Consulting Geologist, to Mike Lauterbach dated May 20' 1993). I hope the information contained in this letter is what you needed from Mike, however if you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at 476-2138. Mr. Mark R. Ristow Executive Vice President FirstBank of Vail 17 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 Jim Curnutte Senior Planner cc: file enc: Lampiris letter zL/Qx. lo.:12 arof selo @ rtE5.e c1 HouBq Fely ?O1 19ps Iltke Lauterbrch PO Dox S45tVril, D0 B16EB REr Lctr.A-1 , A-Zf Llorr.s Riclge gubtttvirlon Dr:r !h. Lrutrrbachr r heve rcvilwcd the txo totg (alx units) rg r*ronn on thc.ctrErsrprnytng oap f6f purFores 0f Rock FalI and Debri: Flcn revra+rfor thr Toxn of Vrtr, The six rtte; hevr been inis"n to b. outef'the ccbrl3 frn cnlnnel . The ctrtveway rosi eni+ and crosr thrflnr hq{ever. ?hts ir'ln r locetlon-where thc ridgas, contalning thr gogree ofFot.nttrl frlltn-g^ rocksl ere rt a l6w iqvpt *ltn-fuse"ct to tni'Eites, Rocks wilt ruec'h tha. rites, butl i+ they dor will have.llttte rrrergy, Few unstable'rocks-cceui ruevJtrril'propo-ra - devrloprnntr but on the wlBtern ridgef lrrqa rockr inouia urrtebiltrad or rrocvedl nttigatlon +Er'-ocr-hit-iiouro be et thererr of rach qnlt nhere e s llz fost concratr gtera xatl rhould brconstructed tg rt leest soo pounda pEr fq.,€* foot rtrrngth rndbr grotrcted with Encrgy ebsorptiva oaterirl rueh rl tog Fldlng-i.o" fny do€rr or widcnr'in thii rcar lntcrvar, i rintrar r*rt (tnthr forn of r baffle) should bo construct-J d.' piiteet thrr'opantng fron rolll,ng rockr. Thir will grcatly rlaucr rock frlthrrrrd to the proJxt. Two baror chould bG conBtpuctrd, lr r.rc notcd la the.fteldl toprotect the unitc dtructly on rithcr side of tne-gurry wnici-rrtht aita of debrl.c-#lo, aetlvlty fron ticre tc ttcri. Tlrrrc brrolourt be clx {eet high near the buildtngr end taper towerd thrhllt:idr ?i{_t!.y ourt rink thr n..r re"r.o-rei of mch,"Jtrtth'thr hlllridel thareby not rllowing m,rct to ruch thr ruer ofthr hooer. Thir xtll &eeF rny flowa ln their trrst-girc pethr downthr cxtsting gully, ttud'or clrbrlc rmching tne ctdr Hrtlr (thrgerr€. tn both crrls I cgn o.ily Eaurl otntrnrt d*acC ts r ngn-vttrl portien of the hooe, Thr r:rtern bern ouri-=.o* rn oldJrrp rord to br effoctlrre rnd that rocd rhoulrl ba moctrflltl topr$rcnt flor' fren folloning it ton:rd othcr portlonr ef thrdrrrllopocnt. sGxtlic Nioholas .l ampiris, Ph.D. coNsul.nNc ctoLOGtST or8c nsu{Jotl lAt{E stLT, @LORADO 81S2 G oor S[$S\[[\ 2 1'$9ll SGXINc' Thr conrtruction of thrct unttrr or thr propertd otttgrtlonr dtlt not Lncnulr thn.hezerd to other proprrty or rtrustsrcct or topubltc rtghtr-p6-rnyr bulldlngrr rordrl rtrcatir ltllnentct.uttlitlu or {ectlttlsr or othcr prop:rtlrr od rny klnd. Sotlrrnglncrlng rtudlcr aru rlrrady evrlleblr rnd rttll rpprtrprlrtrfor thca sttrr. If therr lra qqrsttsrg plrrrr eontret sn. c o F '' t' '. COPYILE TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j'657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 December 14. 1994 D e parn n e nt of Connunity Deve lo pment Mr. Michael Lauterbach MJL Development, Inc. P.O. Box 3451 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Indian Creek Townhomes. 1139 Sandstone Drive Dear Michael: This letter is intended to respond to your letter to me dated November 27, 1994 regarding the completion of certain work at the Indian Creek Townhomes prior lo the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for Building 2. As you know, on November 1, 1994, the Town of Vail adopted a policy which requires owners or builders to enter into a developers improvement agreement and provide an escrow lor 125/o of the value of all remaining improvements at the time a TGO is requested. The staff recognizes that the Indian Creek Townhomes property is zoned Residential Cluster (RC) and lherefore, allows for the construction of single family homes, in a cluster-type arrangement, on the property. Since you are the owner, or majoTity owner, of the common area and all unbuilt dwelling units approved on the property, staff believes that it is reasonable to allow you to defer providing escrow for certain uncompleted common improvements until a significant portion of your project has been built-out (i.e. three of the six dwelling units built). Since it is now mid-December, staff does not believe there would be any benelit to requiring you to collateralize the cost of common driveway paving and landscaping, as lhese improvements cannot be installed until the spring of 1995. At that tirne, Building 4 should be substantially complete and you can complete your paving and landscaping for the project in conjunction with finishing the work on Building 4. Staff is also aEreeable to allowing you to defer completion of the work required in relation to the utility meter enclosure until a TCO is requested for Building 4. However, staff does not leel that it would be in the community's benelit, nor the existing property owners, for you to continually deler completion of common improvements. Therefore, staff would like to make it clear at this time, that even it design review or building permit applications have been reviewed and approved by the Town ol Vail for Buildings 3, 5, or 6, no additional deferments of landscaping or driveway paving will be authorized by the staff. Mr. Lauterlcach December 14, 1994 Page Two Addltionally, straff would point out to you that even lf we were to require escrow for uncompleted items prlor to the issuance of a TCO, all uncompleted work tor Buildlng 2 must be completed by July 1, 1995. In other words, statf is walvlng the reguirement regardlng the collaterallzatlon ot the lmprovements but not the condition that all improvements be completed by July 1, 1995. Your agreement that a TCO will not be requested or granted for Building 4 until all improvemenls associated with Buildings 1, 2, and 4 are complete will be accepted in lieu of the escrow requirement. ll you should have any questions or comments regarding the staff interpretation of the TCO requiremenls, please contact me at your convenience' Sincerely, lr|^', C "' n"' ^'' /to-t Jim Curnutle Senior Planner xc: File MJL DEVELOPMENT INC, PO Box 3451 Vail, Colorado 81658 303 476-6944 \,fF.MORA]\DLM TO\l.C0t$til. DEV, DEP[. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Jim Cumutte Town ofVail Community Michael Lauterbach November 27,1994 Indian Creek Townhomes I139 Sandstone Drive Pursuant to our conversation last week, upon the approval ofthe utility meter enclosure which was obtained on March 17,1994, several conditions were imposed. Briefly, the approval required that the enclosure be finished with a light beige wash, a property address would be applied to the doors, the maximum height ofthe enclosure was limited to six feet, and additional details were imposed upon the landscaping plan. Even though I vaguely remember discussing the completion schedule for the enclosure, I can't find a requirement in print that it be complete prior to issuance of a temporary certfficate of occupancy for unit #2. Even so, I intend to complete the enclosure with the completion of unit il4 which is currently under construction. As I related to you, prior to completion ofthe landscaping surrounding the enclosure, three electrical conduits must be installed to the meter enclosure. The three conduits will all be placed in the same trench with one being connected to unit lt4 and the other two direct€d toward units #5 and #6 prior to being truncated. Thereforg if you wish to have a specific completion date for the enclosure, I would be receptive to requiring completion prior to issuance of a temporary certificate ofoccupancy for unit #4. Pursuant to the Community Development memorandum dated September 13,1994 relating to temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) requirements, I am requesting that Indian Creek Townhome #2 be allowed a TCO without establishing a letter of credit or escrow account to insure completion ofthe site paving. As the purpose ofthe bond "is to ensure that all ofthe conditions" for approval ofthe project "are incorporated into the final project" and 'that all improvernents are completed", I believe that it is premature to require a bond on each ongoing residence as some improvements are logically best not completed until portions offuture construction are complete. Additionally, it has been my Page 2, Memorandum to Jim Curnutte November 27,1994 experience that each purchaser which purchases a residence also requires that an escrow for incomplete items be obtained at closing. Therefore, since I wish to avoid multiple and perhaps overlapping escrows with the Town of Vail and residential purchasers and since the Town of Vail rejects partial releases of escrows to reimburse for work completed, it makes sense to identi$ specific improvements which must be complete with the issuance of upcoming TCOs and update those requirements well in advance of a request for inspections. In summary, I believe that the landscaping required to be installed with the construction of unit #2 is complete or nearly complete. Paving at the entry and to unit #2 would be accomplished prior to July I, 1995 pursuant to the terms of the TCO memorandum. Unit #4 is currently under construction with completion scheduled for June l,1995. Since unit #4 is an obvious component to the project, I am requesting that the bonding for any overall project or unit #2 or #4 landscaping found to be deficient as well as the paving required for access to either units #2 or ll4 be deferred until a TCO is requested for unit #4. In conclusion, I will be requesting a TCO inspection for Indian Creek Townhome #2 this week. Additionally, please contact me if you have any questions or desire further information. til*;Actionrol TOWN OF VAIL -- _- ' ,-,!I GatesoryNumber la- oxe kla/#r, 1711 eroieana e, T ncl ,'o n C,*<< K ' Building Name: Project Description: Lc c^d', o, + ol " L" {,'e,e S q ( Se Se U€rt L ",.t) e 3,-/5 Vo', L .C 8 res* Architecvcontact, Address and Phone:S-{< v ?o. bx Z LegalDescription:LouJ!!,tllBlock,- Subdivision Lror Zone District RC Project Stroet Address:ll3q 5o ^) slenl Driv< 'ro p@tnJ c[,o,uqe> ua]€i< o Prv6 ",;{L *1.,e c[,or, u.svs **e o q/ea f sy'q€, Boardl.-@ uotionoy: D f* u"" P ft seconded bv: ll/rt. oa". s/ea /q / _t DRB Fee Pre-paid aae-<,@L t <ar/rr q^- f -t rt1. Lr'-r ! Irc.-{rrrr- r-4 '.st . T. *t*-r..'Je gao -tr.^- a( .a l,\Cr-r-.-k +2.&tr o. )RS ..'o{ ook b -t.t 4 r-.,a- rc-L . t t rr-t e--l '*Lc ..9 e.tsc-|\at (L3 o It- c, t - :*.4 a.pe sovu oJ'1eL.{*,1- eb(-{<- . (.u,g*4 .'{c- l.q..'i Ltl clc 1're-l *. .'lG- Ol tu c-L'c-l . g.- .{ . L ?-I . , I c-rt c- WL JF t.o r- DNB IPPIJTCAITON - TOISN.Otr VAII|, DATE APPTICATTON RECET\TED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: reviced 9ltlgt coroRlDo f'L3-?+ t*ttltrrrt EETS TPPLICATION NII.'. NO! BE uNarr. tI& REQUTRED TN'Onl|lElON rS SUEp|IEEED. ****i***** 1.1.,.I. PROJECT TNFOR}.IATION ." T'4AV 2 3 1gg1 A. DESCRrprroN,: :rL_/..-. c.-..k T,,-.{0V,^eGhldil.SEV, DEP[, B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition (950.00) ($200.00) ,,- Minor Alteration Conceptual Review -,. l. C" ($20.00) (90) c. D. ADDRESS:rx I,EGAI DESCRIPTION:Lot BIock Subdivision Tu &.'Cr..-k T).',--L--.-^-^- I L If property is descrLbed by a meets and bounds legaldesqription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this applicatlon. ZONING:E. F. G. LO! AREA: If required, stamped survey showing Mailing Address: nust provlde a current, L.. +-. Lcs(-rr 4,. 1 CoPhone lrL -Lr. appllcantLot area. ,' e- k <-c- | H. r. NAI'{E OFMailing APPLICAIIT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: J. K. Phone NA!,TE OF OIINERS:--1-.1---L *SIGNAT9RE (S) :Mdiling Address: Phone Condominlum Approval. if applicable. DRB FEE3 DRB fees, as shown above, are to be pald atthe tlne of submlttal of DRB apptication. Later, whenapplylng for a building pernit, please identify the PEEI 20.00s 50.00 $100.00 s200.00 s400.00 s500 .00 FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONI o - $ 10,000 $101001 -$ 5o,oo0s 50,001 - s 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - s1r 000r 000$ Over S1r 000r 000 * DESIGN RETXTEI{ BO:ARD APPROVAI. EXPIRES ONE YEIR EFTER 'TIIAJI.IPPRO\f,AIJ T'NI'ESS A .ASII.DING PERMIT IS ISSUED ArtD CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION TULI. AE PROCESSED WITSOUT OI{NER' S SIGIIATUNE _!. 1 I .',1 -.t. MTMORANDIIM TO: ImCrrnttc Tonm of Vail Comnrunity Dcvelopment FROM: Mchael Lrrfr"rb*h rd DATE: April16,1995 RE: Creologic llazard Review Form Indiu Creek Tovmhomes lot 3 I acr in receipt ofthe above re,ferenced forrr which you had $ked me to pr€pare for the rbovc referenc€d rcsidenc,e. Unfortunstely, I don't beliwe it applies to the residence under construction on Lot 3. Tbe form ctates 'that the proposod building is loceted in a - hazard mne, . .." which just isn't true. Nicholas Ilryiris'letter of May 20,1993 states in the first paragraph tbar the rix buildiag sites are ort of the debds fin channd. I{s qrrent l€tlcr dated April 13, 1995 sstcs thEt rock fall does not impact this sit€. Tbdore, I dont believe that this form is rppropriate for the above refer€ocod site. Tbanks in advance for your oonsideration ard please contact me ifyou have any questions. Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0185 INGERSOLL LANE stLT, coLoRADO 81652 (ru) 87S5400 (24 HOUFS) l'lay ZOq 1993 l.li ke Lauterbach PO Box 34$tVail, CO BI6SB REr Lotr A-1, A-29 Lton'r Ridge Bubdtvlrlon Dear l,lr. Lautarbechl I have reviewed the two lots (rlx unlts) ar rhoxn on the rcco.npanying map for purposer of Rock Fall rnd Dcbrlt Flow rrvlrw own of Vail. riveway mugt s,ntcr en cron thrtn, however. Thls lr ln e locetlon where the rldgce, contelntng the rourse ofpotentlel felltng rockrr rri et e low llvrl wlth rrspect to thcriteE, Roske wlll rmch the ritesr but, l{ they do, wlll havellttla encrgy. Few unrtablr rockr ocqur rbov: thtr proporcd developnent, but on thc wegtern ridge, lerge rockr rhould brrteblllzed or rcmovld; nltlgetlon for rock fell thould bc et thrreer of cech unlt wherc t 3 l/2 foot concrete rtem wall rhould brcongtructed to rt laert SOO poundr per rqurrt {oot ctrrngth rndbc protected wlth rnergy rbrorptlvr natrrlal ruch ee log rtdlng.For rny doorr or nldowr ln thlr rrer lntrrvel' e rlmllrr wrll (tn the form of a befflr) rhould be conrtructed to protect thlr oprnlng from rolllng rockr. Thlr wtll grretly reduct rock frll hezerd to the proJrct. Two berme rhould be conrtructrdr ra wG noted ln ths field, toprotect the unltr dlrrctly on rither rlde of tho gully whtch irthe rtte of debrlr flow ectivlty from time to tlne. There bcrmrnuet be rlx foet high nmr thr bulldtngr rnd trper toward thchtllride and they murt llnk thr nrlr r:er corner of rech unltwtth the htllrtdr, thrreby not rllowing mud to ruch thr rcer ofthe homee. Thlr wl 11 krap rny flowr tn their hlctoric pethr downthe cxlstlng gully. l'lud or debrle r:achlng the rtdr wellt (thr garrge ln both caree) can only cru3e minlorel demrgr to r ngn-vltrl portton o{ thr honc. Thr wcrtern btrn murt srorr rn old Jcep road to be effective rnd thrt road rhould be nodlfird toprcvent flowr {rom {ollowlng lt towerd othcr portionr of tht devel opment. The Thr conrtructlon of thorr unttr, or thr propond oltlgrtton, rlllnot lncrlrr th: hrzrrd to othrr property or rtructur-r, or topublle rlghtt-of-rlyr bulldtngr, roldl, ltrrrtr, mrrnrntr,utllltlrr or fecllltlu or other proprrtto of eny lclnd. itollrrnglnrrrlng rtudllr lre elrredy evrllebtr rnd rtlil epproprletrfor thcr rttu. lf thrrr rrr qumtlonr plurr contrci mr. Irllcholm LenplrlrConrulttng Brologlrt 4 Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 srLT, coLoRADO 816s2 (3O3) 876-5400 (24 lloURS) April 13, L?VS l'li ke Laurterbach FO Eo;r 54Sl Vail. CO €11658 RE: Indi an Ereelr Tonnhomee Formerly L-ots A-l , A-3i Lion's Ridge St-rbdivision Dear Flr . Le.lrt er b ac h : At your reqr-rest I wi th you on Harch haaard to the uni t recently re-visited the ahove refBrenced site 31 , 19?5 ionr AE I stated to you in rny letter o{ May 2Ot 1993, a separate berm ehnltl d be cnnEtrurrtecl (one i s al ready partially cornF, lete at. the appropriate lscation) on the nest side of the existing natural gully tn prote,'ct tfre rrnit from debri:; { 1'rrr activlty which rn€y occur {rorn tirne to time. The unit wi l l be protected {rom thi:; hazard if the berm ie conrpl eted ae directed previously and the detrris {lor,rs in this area will be kept in the existing gutl 1y. It is my understanding that the recently framed unit on this Lc,t S iE several {eet to the eagt o{ the T,:wn o{ Vail approvad location. Even so, if the protectivE berrr iB constructed properly, the rigk o{ debris {Iows toward the unit should not be increased by this repoeitioninq of the unit tc: its present locatiorr . The conEtruction o{ this rlnit n or- tl-re proposed mitigation, rvill not increase the harard to other property or structurea, or to public rights*o{-way, buildingsr roads tstreetsr easementE, utilities or {acilities Dr other properties o{ any kind, Upon initial completirrn n'F the berm,, I will re'.,iFr.r with you dn site the siring and positioning {or adequacy. I{ there are queeti on= please contact me. Sincerely, Ni chol Con slrl ffi.,"ti ng 6eo1 ogi st ?rrtr copy Ned Gwathmey responded that the trees would be 12 feet, 12teel,6leet and t+ feit in height. Kathy Langenwalter suggested that half of the potentillas be replaced with climbing rose bushes. Shelly Mello asked the PEC whether they would like to see landscaping trees on the upper deck. Diana Donovan responded that they would like to see trees on the upper deck. The applicant agreed to placing two evergreens, one 10 foot and one 8 foot evergreen in lhis location. Kathy Langenwalter made a motion that items 1 through 7 on page 2 of the staff memo be approved per the stalf memo and that item 8 be approved by the PEC as proposed in the drawing from Gwathmey, Pratt and Schultz dated May 10, 1993. Jefl Bowen seconded the motion and a 6-0 vote approved this request. 12. A request for a work sesslon for a minor subdivision to vacate the lot line between Lots A-1 and A-2, a request for variances from the subdivision road standards, wall height standards and lo allow parking in the front setback located at Lots A-1 and A-2, BlockA, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 1/1139 and 1109 Sandstone Drive. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach/The Reinforced Earth Co.Planner: Shelly Mello TABLED UNTIL MAY 24, 199:l Dalton Williams made a motion to table this request until May 24, 1993 with Jeff Bowen seconding this motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item until May 24, 1993. 13. A request for a front setback variance, a wall height variance and a site coverage variance to allow the construction of a garage located at Lot 26, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing/165 Forest Road. Applicant: Paul RaetherPlanner: Jim Curnutte TABLED UNTIL MAY 24, 1993 Dalton Williams made a motion to table this request until May 24, 1993 with Jeff Bowen seconding this motion. A 5-0 vote tabled this item until May 24, 1993. 14. A request for a conditional use to allow tee-pees to be used in conjunction with Vail Associates summer programs to be located adjacent to the Base of Chair 8, Tracts B and D, Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail AssociatesPlanner: Jim Curnutte TABLED UNTIL MAY 24, 19Sl Dalton Williams made a motion to table this request until May 24, 1993 with Jeff Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon ilay 10, 1993 I I 11 G---i Lions'Ridge #4 Hoemowners Assoc. P.O. Box 4191 Vail, CO 81658 Homestake Condos 1081 Vail View Drive Vail, CO 81657 A.L. Shapiro P.O. Box 1448 Vail, CO 81658 516[rc oo/p.orrs slrrcur Qo,rrlG0q> e-nf,Tf) / MlHl A-rrenenC"t-f Fred W. Pool ll 7 Martin Lane Englewood, CO 80110 Walter Regal 13275 W. Burleigh Brookfield, Wl 53005 Casolar at Vail c/o Greg Hampton 1185 Casolar Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lion's Mane I c/o Ed Drager P.O. Box 100000 M Vail, CO 81658 * rHls lrEM MAY EFFEcT YouR PRoPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTTCE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of lhe Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of lhe Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 24,1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a work sesslon:for the establishment of a Special Development District, a CCI exterior alteration, a minor subdivision, a zone change, and an amendment lo r" View Corridor No. 1 for the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lols A, B, : C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. t Applicant: Golden Peak House Condominium As;oc.A/ail Associates, Inc./Partners, Ltd.iMargaritaville, Inc. " Planner: Mike Mollica/Tim Devlin 2. A request to amend Section 18.04.170 of the Zoning Code to clarify the definition of the height ol structures. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Shelly Mello 3. A request to amend Section 18.58.020 of the Zoning Code to clarify the height allowed for retaining walls in setbacks. Applicant: Town of Vail- Planner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck localed at 122 E. Meadow Drive, Village Center Commercial Building/A part of Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Fred Hibbard Planner: Shelly Mello 5. A request for a setback variance to allow an addition to Unit 3-A, Vail Trails ChaleVa portion of Block 4, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: W. Patrick GrahmPlanner: Jim Curnutte 6. A request for a conditional use permit to allow the construction ol a 12 inch high pressure natural gas pipeline generally localed between Dowd Junction and lhe Vail Associates Shops. 7.A request for a conditional us6 permit to allow the elimination of a dwelting unit in order to allow the Vail Associates Rea! Estate Office to expand in the A & D Building, located at 286 Bridge StreeULots A - D, Block 5A, Vail Village Fkst Filing. Applicanl: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Public Service Company of Colorado Russ Forrest VailAssociates Mike Mollica +'A request for a minor subdivision to vacate the lot line between Lots A-1 and A-2, a request lor variances from the subdivision road standards, wall height standards, to allow parking in lhe front setback and lo allow a cantilevered portion of a building to encroach inlo an area of land in excess of 40% slope at Lots A-l and A-2, Block A, 9. 10. 12. A request for a wall height variance for a property located at 3130 Boolh Falls CourvLot 6, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing Michael Laulerbach/The Reinforced Earth Co. Shelly Mello Johann Mueller Shelly Mello VailAssociates Jim Curnutte Paul Raether Jim Curnutte Town of Vail Jim Curnutte and Buss Forrest A request for a conditional use lo allow lee-pees to be used in conjunction with Vail Associales summer programs lo be located adjacent to the Base of Chair 8, Tracts B and D, Lionshead lst Filing. A request for proposed text amendments to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District, and Chapter 18.32 Agriculturaland Open Space District, of the Vail Municipal Code. vA A request for an amendment to Chapter 18.54. Design Review, to modify the review procedures for the Design Review Board. Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 1/1139 and 1109 Sandstg.ne Drive. Applicanl: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planners: 11. A request for a front setback variance, a wall helght variance and a site coverage variance to allow the construction of a garage located at Lot 26, Block 7. Vail Village 1st Filing/l65 Forest Road. 13. 14. An appeal of a statf decision regarding GRFA for a covered entryway to be constructed as part of a residence located at Lot 1, Distelhorst Subdivision/4582 Streamside Circle East. Applicant: Planner: Appellanl: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Jim Curnutte Kyle Webb Jim Curnutte Simba Land CorporationMalid Said Mike Mollica Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen 15. 16. A one hour discussion of appointmenl of a PEC chairperson before project orienlation. A request lor a major amendment to SDD #5 to allow tor the development of lhe remaining portion of the Simba Run SDD, Savoy Villas, located at 1100 North Frontage Road, more specifically described as follows: *. That parr ot the First Supplemental Map for Simba Bun Condominium, according 1o lho map lhereof r€corded in rhe ottice of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Rocorder, d€scribed as lollows: Beginning at lhe most southweslerly corner of said map, thence the following lhreE courses along the west€rly lines of said map; t) NO3"33'01'E 160.79 teet; 2) Nl2'5033"E '!.44.72 feeu 3) N17"56'03'70.60 leet; thence, depaning said weslerly line, S13ol6'03"W 157.25 teel, thencE S76o43'57"E 91.50 teel; lhenc€ N13"16'03"E 35.00 teer; lhence S76'43'57-E 72.31 leet to th€ easlerly line ol said map; lhence the lollo\ring lwo courses along lhs eastorly and southeaslerly lines ol said map; 1) S24"44'57'E 52.38 teel; 2) S52'50'29nV 272.50 feet to rh€ Poinl ot Beginning, containing 0.6134 acres, more or lEss; and That part of Simba Run, according to lh€ map th€r€ol, recorded in Book 312 al Pag€ 763 in the Ofiice of lhe Eagle County, Colorado, Clgrk and Flecord€r, described as follows: Beginning at the most sorrtherly corner of said Simba Run, rhenc€ the folloMng lour cours€s along lhg soulhw€stErly and nonhweslerly lines ol said Simba Runi 1) N37'09'31'W 233.28 teelt 2) 334.57 feet along tho afc ol a curv€ 10 the lett, having a radius ol 121.95 leel, a csnlral angle of 10049'06', and a chord lhat bears N42'1320'E 334.07 leet;3) N36o48'48' E 201.36 teer;4) 15.96 le€t along lhe arc ol a c-uwe ro ths tighl, having a radius ol 428.O2leel, a cenlfal anglg ot 02o08'12', and a chord thal bears N37'52'54' E 15.96 feet lo a corner on the weslerly boundary of the Fifsl Suppl€m€ntal Map fof Slmba Run Condominlum, according lo the map lhereof recorded In the oflice ol the Eagle Counly, Colorado. Cl€rk and Recorder; lhence lhE following four courses along said weslefly boundary; 1) S21"5128"W 69.90 t€el; 2) S17'56'03'W 181.17 feel;3) S12o50'33nV A4.72 teeti 4) 503033'01'W 160.79 feer ro rhe sourheasrerly line of said Smba Run; thence, along said southeast€rly line, S52'50'29'W 113.08 teer lo rh6 Poinr of Beginning, containing 1.560 acres, more or less. 17.A request for a conditional use permit, a paving variance to allow for a gravel access road and the cemetery master plan and managemenl plan for the proposed design of the Vail Cemetery to be located in the upper bench ol Donovan Park generally located west of the Glen Lyon subdivision and southeast of the Matterhorn neighborhood. I 18. A.request tor a modificaUon to PEC condltlons of approval for the revised derretopment plan lor Vail PoinUt88l Uonsridga LoodLot I, Block 3, Uonsridge Filing No. 3. Appllcant: Steve GenshrPhnner: Andy Knudlsen s: 4 \ IT.ITER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW -4 r( Ar ^1/- |tn d rt A rtrr ( 't 00 nt-.- pROJECT; JV|{X \ LV v\- \u/ \t"x't" DATE SUBfuIITTED: DATE OF PUBLIO HEARING COMMENTS NESDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIP]'ION CF THE PROPOSAL: Comments: ) D*il 'nuJ s ./r\{ .rcc "/.. )I' 3) fl^a". l, 1, 2 , j l,-l- 4) A rlru *Dro^o7 a J:*/r'as &J/ 4 3 h^)L 7.// i6 ';' 24'fr,J',{" i- e,, ny, d* J*k z' b'7a-a EJf .+ nuJ -- -1,, J,', ,-,. J'" 6"-r)t L^, c^ 51..y*, ,V , /L- fix,*, J u,f ,^7 ,--. ll L r7*uJ E,s.e ^uul ,'' ' (( r^u'J {' 14" AL/U - ,'Drot^tj-( (ofouL.l,,*, ,,-,.(I L _ L.J,t J* Lo:,../, o7)r,,orl- i, z-c )5) SooJ u,-7 t^r, J/A'on',/1, ,'ir,'L' o/ru tu. J r l" L l/' u,J. -."/L Z,con. Fa.-, u,_,.11 n4*tl,u a, 4/* 5A*/Jn, , nol. a( /A"dr,'ru lo^.- u-,, /l ao J J' />.,,/r.'.., oul L Jrs;1*. J J-/ A/.-",cu'r s. L* L*t,J / TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Zoning: Lot Size: Lot A-1: Lot A-2: Total: rll.t g,'rpy d Earth Co. MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 26, 1993 A request for a work session for a minor suMivision to vacate the lot line between Lots A-1 and A-2, a request for variances from the subdivision road standards, wall height standards and to allow parking in the front setback at Lols A-1 and A-2, Block A, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 411139 and 1109 Sandslone Drive. Applicant: Planner: Michael Lauterbach/The Fleinfgrce Shelly Mello I. INTRODUCTION The applicant is requesting a work session to review four requests. The first of these requests is a minor subdivision in order to vacate the lot line between Lot A-1 and A-2 to create a single lot. The second request is a wall height variance to construct six foot walls in the right-of-way and in the 20-foot front setback of the property. These walls are required for the construction of the access road to the parcel. The third item is a variance request from the subdivision standards for the minimum radius on a curve for a minor road (private). The final request is lo allow surface parking in the front setback. Under Residential Cluster zoning, parking is not allowed in the 2O-foot front setback. The applicant has also requested that the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) review a staff interpretation for the allowance of the construction of a cantilevered area over a portion of a lot which exceeds 401". This issue is addressed separately in an attached memo. il. zoNtNG STAT|ST|CS Existino Residential Cluster 62,990 sq. ft. 50.438 sq. ft. 113,428 sq. ft. Allowed (Combined Lots) Residential Cluster 113,428 sq. ft. \ Buildable Area: Buildable Lot A-1: 29,819 sq. ft. 69,457 sq. ft. Buildable Lot A-2: 39. 638 so. ft. Total: 69,457 sq. ft. .GRFA: Lot A-1 : 7,454 sq. ft. 17,363 sq. ft. + 225 sq. ft. crediUunit + 225 sq. ft. crediVunit Lot A-2: 9,909 sq. ft. + 225 sq. ft. crediVunit Total: 17,363 sq. ft. + 225 sq. ft. crediUunit Density: Lot A-1: 4 units 9 unils Lot A-2: 5 units Total: 9 units Site Coverage Allowed: Lot A-1: 15,747 sq. ft. 28,356 sq. lt. Lot A-2: 12.609 sq. ft. Total: 28,356 sq. ft "Parking: Lot A-1: 10 spaceV4 enclosed 23 spaces/9 enclosed Lot A-2: 13 soaces/S enclosed Total; 23 spaces/9 enclosed *Because GRFA is not on a graduated scale for Residential Cluster (FC), the GRFA does not change with the vacalion of the lot line between Lot A-1 and A-2. "Based on units which exceed 2,000 sq. ft. and require 2.5 spaces per unit. At least one parking space must be enclosed per Residential Cluster zone district parking requiremenls. Parking is not allowed in the 20{oot front selback in this zone district. III. MINOR SUBDIVISION CRITERIA The staff finds that the combined lots meet the minimum standards for the creation of a lot in the Residential Cluster zone district. The staff has no issues related to this minor subdivision, however we would reguest that before a final review is considered on this parcel, a more definitive hazard report be submitted and that lhe hazards be indicated on the subdivision plat. Mitigation may be required on this lot for the debris flow and rockfall hazards. lf this is necessary, it will need to be specilied at the time of the minor subdivision and completed with the construction of the buildings. / IV. VARIANCE. WALL HEIGHT In reviewing this application, the staff looked at other possibilities for constructing access to the property. We found that the available options due to the slope of the lot are very limited. The applicant has proposed two possible scenarios each with a combination of 3{oot and 6- foot walls in the front setback and right-of-way. Scenario One provides three 3-foot concrele walls on Lot A-1 and one 6joot and one 3-foot boulder wall on Lot A-2. A variance is necessary for the 6-foot wall on Lol A-2. Scenario Two would provide for one 6-foot and one 3{oot boulder retaining walls on Lot A-1 and one 6-foot and one 3-foot boulder retaining wall on Lot A-2. A variance is necessary for both 6-foot walls. The staff would request that the applicant submit a landscape plan for the areas of retention in order to mitigate the impact of the walls. We recognize the need for some degree of relief from the wall height standards in order to construct adequate access to this property. The staff is working with the Town Engineer to determine which alternati-ve will allow for the most screening. The staff feels that an extensive landscape plan is critical to the mitigation of the retaining walls. V. VARIANCE. SUBDIVISION BEOUIREMENTS FOR THE RADIUS OF A CURVE ON A MINOR PRIVATE ROAD The applicant is requesting to decrease the minimum radius requirement for a minor private road from 50 feet to 44 leet. The Town Engineer has reviewed this with the applicant and feels that the proposal is a safe and reasonable solution due to the topography ol the site. The Town Engineer will need to review the final design proposal prior to the final review of this project. The staff would ask the applicant to further study the site plan and access to the units. We believe that by utilizing two access points to the site, the disturbance to the property may be reduced. This option should be investigated. VI. VARIANCE. PARKING IN THE FBONT SETBACK The applicant is requesting to be allowed to locate a guest parking/vehicle turnaround area within the front setback. The parking space is located at the west end of the project. In the Residential Cluster zone district, parking is not allowed within the 2O-foot front setback. Due to the topographic constraints on this project, the staff recognizes that it is difficult lo provide parking due to the limited amount of buildable area in this section of the parcel. However, we believe that the units could be designed to allow for parking out of the front setback. We would like to see all of the surface parking screened with landscaping. In addition, there is a Fire Department turnaround located at the east end of the property. This is not to be used for parking and is a dedicated fire lane. Therefore, a variance is not required for this section of roadway located within the front setback. Again, the staff would like to see an extensive landscape plan to screen this area. VII. BUILDINGENVELOPES The staff has discussed the possibility of requiring building envelopes with the replat of this parcel. The staff does not feel that it is necessary to plat the building envelopes. We leel that \ the hazards, in conjunction with the regulation which disallows construction in areas with sfopes in excess ot 40Y., already significantly restrict the area of possible development. VIII. DRB COMMENTS AT CONCEPTUAL REVIEW The DRB has conceptually reviewed this application. In their review, they have directed the applicant to submit an exlensive landscaping plan especially for those units on the west side of the site. ln addition, they are very concerned with the proposed architecture. lt is their finding that while the units should be similar in lorm they should not be the same design. The applicant was directed to adjust the building form, materials, building footsrint and orientation in order to achieve this compalibility. In addition, the DRB has reviewed a proposed duplex development for the lot to the east ol the project, Lot A-3. In reviewing the proposal for Lot A-3, the DRB directed the applicant to change the proposed building from a duplex to two single family units because they felt that it was more desirable to have two separate units on this site versus d very linear duplex. Like Lots A-1 and A-2, Lot A-3's developable area is very limited due to the slope of the lot. IX. STAFF CONCERNS The stafl is concerned with the following aspecls of the proposal: 1. Mitigation which may be required for rockfall and debris flow. The applicant must submit a more definitive hazard report which indicates any required mitigation prior to completing the minor subdivision which will vacate the lot line between Lot A-1 and A-2; 2. Appearance of the proposed walls in the front setback and Town right-of-way. The applicant will need to submit a landscape plan which screens the walls; 3. The use of single family units on this site is driving the need for an extensive access plan. The stafl would like to see the applicant study the possibility of connecting some of the units as well as using an additional access point to minimize the lineal footage ol the access road and walls; 4. The landscape screening of lhe surface parking and fire lurnaround in the front setback; The staff would ask the PEC to comment on the four issues outlined above. 4 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: uEry Planning and Environmental Commission Community Developmenl Department April 26, 1993 ApplicanVAppellant: Planner: t tt r ^flnr, Appeal of the staff interpretation of Section 18.69.040(A) - Hazards - Development Restrictions. Michael Lauterbach/The Reinforced Earth Co. Shelly Mello The appellant is appealing the stafl's interpretation to disallow any cantilevered development (i.e. building overhangs) into areas with 40% or greater slope on a Flesidential Cluster zoned lot. Section 18.69.040(A) of the Town of VailZoning Code specifies the following: "No structure shall be built in any flood hazard zone or red avalanche hazard area. No struclure shall be built on a slope of 4Q"/" or greater except in Single Family Residential, Two Family Residential or Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential zone districts. The lerm .slructure" as used in this section does not include recreational structures that are intended for seasonal use, not including residential use." Structure is defined as follows: "Structure" shall mean anything constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground, but not to include poles, lines, cables, or other transmission or distribution facilities of public utilities or mailboxe! or light fixtures. At the discretion of the Design Review Board, swimming pools and tennis courts may be exempted from this definition." The appellant is requesting to be allowed to cantilever a portion of a building into the area ol 40% slope in a Residential Cluster zone district. The staff feels that it is important to restrict devefopment in all areas of slope over 401" for structures to maintain the stability of the topography. We feel that lhe lerm "structure', as used in this regulation, includes those portions of structures that are cantilevered. Should the PEC choose to approve the applicant's request, then cantilevered buildings would also be allowed to encroach into areas covered by red hazard avalanche. The appellant believes that cantilevered buildings do not constitute structure and, therefore should be allowed to cantilever into areas with 40% or greater slope. This appeal is being filed in accordance with Section 18.66.020 ol the Town of Vail Municipal Code which allows an applicant to appeal all staff decisions to the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). The PEC may confirm, reverse or modify the action of the Zoning Administrator per this section of the Code. Nicholas Lampiris, ph.D. O CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0185 INGERSOLL LANE srLT, COLORADO 81652 (3@) 87654@ (24 HOURS) April lBu 199,3 l"li ko Lar"rterbarctr F0 Sox 34ii1Vail, C0 €t t6SB RE: Lots A*;L o A-i?i Lion,s Ridqe $urbctivision Dear Mr. Lauterbach: I havrn reviewed tho tr,ro lo.l,s (si:{ r-rnits)itccompanyi nS map .f or purr-porsrs o{ Rocl,: F,aI{or tfre Tmwn o{ Vni l " Tlie si }t 6i tes haveo{: the dehr-i-q {an clrannei.. The dr^i veway{;ln o hnwever. This i'u in er rocat-i.on whs+rn the ri r16:1eo c*ntaininq the s'urr-ce o{po{:en{::ial f al. I i.nq; roclrs, is at grrch a low level with re:ipect to'hhe gi. tps '[hat r.'c Ir; wi ]r. 1 rarer y reacr"r the si teos , and , i { theydo, rrr j. ll. ha.rcl ver-y. l:ii:t:l.e Hner-gy, F.elq r..rr-r:i.L.able rocl.,:s rjcctJr ahrovclth i s Fr-mpnsed dsrvel[ opmr,:rn h, , and -to .h l-r ra Ne!,t , I ar-c]e roc h$ shoul d he*i:'lbi. i i.retjl nu..vc-r.trrell es*u r Lwrl .{:cLur- {oot hL.gh beirns Lihn rrr bclconsi:t"t.tt.:ti.ld abuvs.' ft.1. L r-r*si. rJencerrii ,nt i:he. rlou]rr hi I I edqJFr of rr)drdsabc,v€,r thr": ::i tels .('ne.r. r''acj i.* i.n pIace, thr= cther- i:: pr.oposecr ),Tlti r:i' wi. .l ll al. I l::r r..rt r* il i rni. n.:.rtn any roi:|.,: .l; al ], hi.lr;rr"rJ .Ln .1,6e pro jelct. [,-0t, me rL:r13rfit{:! thai:. tht"r g:ites ar-e+ not in the cl*pbrr:i r-la:,ar-d areEsi,br"rt *n insrlre the :ia'f r+t-y o{: 1:rro projr*ct it- i.r; necessary t r.r*onst'lrct "e Later*rl berm u'i:r 4reet hJ,gh, asi shor.rn on the.tccnmpd nyinq1 ri[,:e*tnh marn, ar.nrrcl r:;idie trrn qur]. r. y in tirel virirrity o{9ii te 5. 'rfr:is wirr kc;:erp any +Iows in the:ir hi::.toric pathg down ther*r.r i st i. rrq qlrl I y. 5io:i 1s elnc.ri rreler':i. ng gt.t-rc:i r.,e $ (,ir r'(-: fi] rea.Jy ar.;l i I atrl e anri rsti l. I,:lprpro;lr-i;rt: for ther:s.t sii:Ers, l: j,rrirl p.lacinq o{ t:lrel utnits andni:lrer-r.r{nre, Ihr: pr-r:pmrecl rni.tr.q.r,hr.on shour]ci Lre dclne in the,upringtime When ''n c)r,rt cctncli. ti on:i ar.p leS* inlribi.bing and ,nflrccleLi.iti..l.s tr.f Lhe ;:r,-n.jc+c.L: are r.r.l,:lrJ;, " .lj .f .Lher-el &l!-a quegt:i nnr:i pl e;rsecnntac:t me. $ii ncclr el y,nIa,44 N j. rhol a:i l-ampi'ri s l)r::rns;l,rl. ti rin {ii+rolo(lt FT: cls FrhOr^Jn on t h esI and Debris Flow reviewbeen chrrsen to be or-rt mLigt enter and cross the ( FIL T 00Py TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Departtnent of Communiry Development April 16, 1993 Mr. Ed Drager Lionsmane Association Board of Directors P.O. Box 1000M Vail, CO 81658 6- RE: Proposed Development at Lots 41 and A2, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No.4; 1149 Sandstone Drive Dear Mr. Drager: Thank you for your letter concerning the proposed project on Lots A1 and A2 in Lionsridge Filing No. 4 and the incomplete project at 1 149 Sandstone Drive. At this time, the 41 and A2 project is scheduled for a work session with the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) on April26, 1993. A final review is scheduled for May 10, 1993 with the PEC. A final review by the Design Review Board (DRB) has not been scheduled at this time. Currently, lhe stafl is reviewing information which has been submitted by lhe applicant, Michael Lauterbach. The staff has not yet made a recommendation on the project. The applicant has been asked lo revise the roadway plan as well as to further define the hazard report which are both required tor the application. The roadway plan should be available as of April 15, 1993 for your review. The hazard report is in the process of being prepared and may not be available until a later date. The staff will send a notice ol the PEC hearings to you as you are an adjacent property owner. Notification is not normally sent for DRB meetings. At any time, please feel free lo call the planning otfice and ask the status of the project. The stalf does try to work with applicants in facilitating the projects as they go through the review process and, therefore, sometimes they are tabled in order to respond to staff concerns and heard at a later meeting date. ln your letter, you indicate that you are concerned with rockfall, soil reports, landscaping, lrash, construction parking, deliveries, road cut and cleanup of construction debris on the street. The PEC review will cover the issue of the hazards due to the request lor a minor suMivision. There is an identitied debris flow between the two lots which is being addressed with mitigation and building design. The applicant is working with a certilied geologist to address lhis issue. Landscaping may also be addressed to a degree due to the request for variances for wall height. The DRB process will review the location of trash lacilities, architectural design and proposed landscape in depth. The issues ot soil reports, construction parking, deliveries and clean up of construction debris are not the purview of either of these boards, but are issues lhat are addressed at the time of building permit. Neither of the boards t Page Two April 16, 1993 Drager have the ability to mandate or dictate specifics on issues relating to the construction process. A soil report may be required at the time a building permit is requested. lt has not yet been determined as to whelher the soil report submitted which was dated in 1981 will be sufficient. This will be determined by the Chiel Building Official, Gary Murrain. Another issue raised in your letter concerns the possibility of the conversion of the units into a multi-family project. While lhe developer may be representing this in his information to the real estate community, the combination of the two parcels allows oitly nine units. Currently, the proposal is for six to seven single family homes on the site. Because ol this, the applicant may request the remaining units at a later date. For example, if he builds six single family units, there will be a remaining right to three additional units. Should the applicant choose not to maximize the number of units upon initial construction, the Town has no ability to withhold the additional unit rights. Should he choose to install secondary units at a later date, all development standards will need to be met. In your letter you slated that Lionsmane is also concerned with the proiect at 1149 Sandstone Drive. The Town staff has been working with the owner of this parcel to resolve the issues on this lot. The owner is continuing to work on this project. By the Town ol Vail's regulations, we are unable to withhold a temporary certificate of occupancy, which allows a person to occupy a building, unless certain building code issues are not met. Because of Vail's seasonal weather, il is not our practice to withhold occupancy permits for things such as landscaping and paving. lt is common to allow occupancy without the landscaping being completed. I understand your concern with the project and assure you that the siaft is working to the best of our ability to facilitate the compleiion of the project. I think we should avoid comment on his financial capability - he could feel that we are not in a position to make this call. I would urge you to also contact the owner of 1149 Sandstone Drive, Mr. Pool, and discuss your concerns with him. Often, when a developer knows that the neighbors are concerned with lhe state of a site, they are willing to address these issues. We will also do our best to continue to work with Mr. Pool in the completion of this project. Again, thank you for your letter. I assure you that all required and necessary information lor the review ot lots 41 and 42 willbe submitted. We willcontinue lo send notification to the address above regarding the hearings. As I said before, the application is scheduled for April \ a Page Three April 16, 1993 Drager 26, 1993 as well as May 10, 1993 for PEC hearings. However, there may be continuances again should the applicant not be able to submit the necessary information in a reasonable amount of time for the staff to review these items. Please contact me at 479-2138 should ypu have any questions. { VailTown Council Larry Grafel Pam Brandmeyer Kristan Pritz o en, ApR , 4 pe'Lroxs Menrc Assocrerrox P. o. Box 10000M \rAII. OOIPRADO 8106? April L2 r l-993 Town of Vail Community DEveloPment Department 75 South Frontage Raad, West VaiI Co 81657 Attention: Shelly Mello Re: Indian Creek Tpimhomes Lots A-1 & A-2 Lions Ridge Dear Miss Mellor our condominium associationr',is responsible"for the bullding immediateJ-y to the South and East of the site of the above re- ferenced project. Many of us have been owners here fos 20 years or more. We are very concerned about the project that is proposed to be built by Mike Lauterbach. We h'ave received several notices of continuance of the lot line vacation and al-so the design review hearing. we are now advised that not all the required reports and information harrc been submittedyet. Not knowing when the hearing will be held puts us at a disad- vantage in never knowing when these matters will be heard. we are trusting in the process that you will obtain and review current rockfalL and soils reports and stay on top of such things as landscaping, trash, constructl.on parking, deliveries, road cuts and cleanup of construction debris on our street. We have a continuing concern with the temporary Certificates of Occupancy. The house located at 1149 Sandstone Drive was conpleted in June of 1991. It has been occupied regularllt since that date, but as yet there is not one blade of grass that could be callecl landscaping. The whole lot is a great stand of thistles and other weeds. This despite personal appeals having been made to Ron Phillips ' Kristin Pritz and Mayor Peggy Osterfoss. We do not want a repeat of this type of thing. Could we please get a resPonse on this onel We shal-l look forward to your written assurances that all the necessary and appropriate matters will be examined carefully by the Town of vail Staff and there will be complete followups as necessary. We have a continuing concern for conversion of the units into multi-family units as suggested by the developer to the real estate community. Perhaps a Etatement on the plat to the effect that these are single family units and may not be used as lockoffs or rentaL units ntithout Town of Vail consent. rn that event additional sewer and. water tap fees would also \ Lions Mane Association Board cA Drrectors4Y4il/l//U- be due. { vn*a-, O *, oo* r 4wSLrorvs M-o.nn Assocrarton P. o. Box 10000M vaII- croLoRADO a1667 April 12, 1993 Town of Vail Community DEvelopment Department 75 South Frontage Read, WestVail Co 8L657 Attention: Shelly Mello Re: Indian Creek Tpwnhomes Lots A-1 & A-2 Lions Ridge Dear Miss Me11o, Our condominium association: is responeible for the building immed.iately to the South and East of the site of the above re- ferenced project. Many of us have been o\^rners here foc 20 years or more. we are very concerned about the project that is proposed to be built by Mike Lauterbach. We bhve received several notices of continuance of the 1ot line vacation and also the design review hearing. We are now advised that not all the required reports and information have been submittedyet. Not knowing when the hearing will be held puts us at a disad- vantage in never knowing when these matters will be heard. we are trusting in the process that you will obtain ancl review current rockfall and soils reports and stay on top of suchthings as l-andscaping, trash, constructl.on parking, deliveries, road cuts and cleanup of construction debris on our street. We have a continuing concern with the temporary Certificatesof Occupancy. The house located at 1149 Sandstone Drive was conpleted in June of 1991. It has been occupied regularly since that date, but as yet there is not one blade of grass that could be catled landscaping. The whole 1ot is a great stand of thistles and other weeds. Tliris despite personal appeals having been made to Ron Phillips. Kristin Pritz and Mayor Peggy Osterfoss. We do not want a repeat of this typeof thing. Could we please get a response on this onel We shall look forward to your written assurances that all the necessary and appropriate matters will be examined carefully by the Town of Vail Staff and there will be complete followups as necessary. We have a continuing concern for conversion of the units into multi-family units as suggested by the developer to the real estate cornmunity. Perhaps a statement on the plat to the effect that these are single family units and may not be used as lockoffs or rental units without Town of Vail consent.In that event additional sewer and water tap fees would also be due ' rt . / tions Mane Associationpt^4$ v{,9trr,r/"/n^t/i;r; "ffi;x'"'" o -Y o IiITER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SU DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: hMh PUBLIC WORKS BRIEF DEScRIPTIoN oF THE PR6ffi ttMvtonr Cf\jJ'o Reviewed by: Commenb: g) t,t*lt nezJ r# ,|€ f) a.- ,)U7 cLa ?-fu Lo, *J -u'L- of dr,r7*rL ,l/"- ,rnu'1 uzJt L L ,"11L a.eu,s fi-,+ 7) b)e npJ zot dn v;V x*e,,"- L pov; Jt du.- Jrpl A,n q.o,.-.) sft' e.oLJ l" lL,tu;+ 4q?*J,"t d corv4- r,urJs L L 5o' oy * t/aqq- IP.'LL h r,oJ^ct ltoan aln 161 lfuA , t -"(l deare*< - 4) It a6q[ lr- d].r-[l] 1,o6.^t 4t" lJt, L @nuiJ<- ' o*rh.*"t- 0 ?tW acrx -/v- roa/ a.5 Tlh f.,ea- /z'! m":o@) a^ inli/. e W-:l I I INTER.DEPARTTIENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Ivnrnaf q\,0W FIRE DEPARTMENT Revlared by:Z4<;*-'Date: 'r'P'?S comments: 6ba4 -uuf /z.a* .zrl 4262.r,,-*ou* ,/o*./o'z .zr...b)- ?/r--P / t -r2-/<9/z'tac1 l) n"o 'Lzlo-*latto*d z) F+4'-/ tl 6 rtrala0&' 7 I .frn and associates, il.. CONSULTING ENGINEERS sott E toulloATK)tl lilGlxttt!llG 96 SOUIH ZUNI STr,EEr JoB N0. 21,285 D${Vtl, COLOiADO tO223 SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED EARTH INTEGMTED SHELTERS LoTS A-t s A-2 LIONS RIDGE, FILING #I vAlL, c0LoRADo PREPARED FOR: DAVAL WESTERN REALTY P... O. DRAWER W vAtL, coLoRADo 81657 to3/71+71O5 FEBRUARY 5, I98I OTFICES: COIOIADO 5? NCs. cOrorADO ,/ OltXtfOOD tPrlXGl, COIOIADO / cAttll, WYOATIXO 'l ) TABLE OF CONTENTS c0NcLUs l0Ns SCOPE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIONS suEsotL coNDrTtoNs FOUNDATION RECOHI4ENDATIONS FLOOR SLABS LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES SITE GRADING SURFACE DRAINAGE MI SCELLANEOUS FIG. I - LOCATION OF EXPLOMTORY HOLES FIG. 2 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HOLES FIGS. TABLE - 5 . GRADATION TEST RESULTS . SUHHARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 3 I :.) coNcLUs loNs Subsolls conslst of dense, coarse granular upper soils overlying colluvium and siltstone bedrock. Numerous cobbles and boulders were Incl uded ln the soll proflle. Bulldlng foundations may be placed on spread footlngs deslgned for a maximumsoil pressure of !1000 pounds per square foot. Upper granular solls are expected^to have an angleof Internal frlctlon of 35" to 1r0". other soil- related deslgn and constructlon details are dlscussedIn the body of the report. SCOPE The report presents thc results of a soll and foundation investigation for the proposed earth lntegrated shelters to be located on Lots A-l and A-2 of the Lions Rldge, Flllng //l In Vall, Colorado. Discussed ln the report are the site and subsoil condltlons, recommended type foundatlon, rtaxlmum soil pressure, lateral earth pressures and other sol l-related design €nd construction dctalls. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We understand it is proposed to construct the residences wlth the uphlll slde dug Into the hlllslope. Relnforced earth retainlng structures will be used for the uphill wall of'thc unlts. A parking garage will be constructed at the lower end of the slte adJacent to Sandstone Drlve. A loop road wlll be graded to service the structures, but no autonobl le traffic ls proposed. Some type of llft system from the garage to the r units is proposed. lt 20 feet, but general ly un its. l./e assume the spec if i c site plan was -z- is estimated that the maximum cut could be up to the cut wl ll be on the order of l0 feet for the foundatlon loads will be relatively llght. No- avallable at the time of thls study. S ITE CONDITIONS At the time of our Investigatlon, the site was vacant. The ground was covered wlth grasses and weeds and some aspen and oak. The ground surfase slopes down steeply to the southeast with a maximum dl fference In elevatlon of almost 100 feet across thc site. The slopc varlcs from 25% to \5"4. Bedrock crops out above the site. Some loose blocks occur wlthin the study lots; however, these do not appear to be of recent origin and no recenc rockfal l is evldent. Southeast of the slte are numerous condomin lums four to f ive storles high and of falrly recent construction. They appear to be In good conditlon from a foundatlon point of view. We understand excavatlon for somc foundatlons encountered large boulders. SUBSOIL CONDITIONS Six test holes were drllled In buildlngs to determlne the subsol I are generally fairly consistcnt, but dept,hs of layers. lt appears that the gcneral area of the proposed cond i t lons. The subsol I conditions vary considerably ln gradatlon and Test Hole 4 encountered bedrock at a 1 -3- depth of 7 feet. Drllllng was extremely difflcult because of numerous cobbles and boulders. Practical rig refusal was met In all the holes. Several of the test holes were offset and redrilled to obtaln a greater depth. A trail was dozed for our €ccess. The test holes were drllled on this trall and start 2 to 3 feet below the orlginal ground surface. In general, the subsolls consisted of a shallow, 4 to 5 feet deep, loose layer of soll overlylng a dense to very dense sand, gravel and cobble stratum. Two of thc test holes cncountered a dlfferent type stratum below the coarse granular solls. In Test Hole 2 a sl ltstone mlxed colluvium was apparcnt and in Test Hole 4 apparently a slltstone bedrock format ion was encountered. The colluvium material conslsts of slltstone pieces In a sllt and sand matrix. Presence of large cobbles and boulders was Indlcated by the dlfficult drilllng condltion and the presence of large rock on thc surface. Gradatlon analysls of samples obtained from the standard spllt spoon are shown on Flgs. J through 5. These represent only the ll inch fraction of materlal rccovered In the sampl ing process. No free water was encountered ln the test holes at the time of drilllng. FOUNDAT I ON RECOHMENDAT I ONS Spread footlng type foundations appear to be most feaslble for thls site. The followlng deslgn and constructlon detalls should be observed: .l".) -4- (l) Footlngs placed on flrm, undisturbcd solls or rock may be deslgned for a maximum soil pressure of !1000 pounds per square foot. General ly, these soils are capable of supportlng higher pressures; however, I lmltatlons are in order because of the steepness of the site and the variable nature whlch may be encountered throughout the project area. Footlngs wldths should be a minimum of 24 inches for square footlngs and l8 inches for continuous footings. (2) Contlnuous foundatlon walls should be well rejnforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length of at least l0 feet. (3) Footings should be placed on undlsturbed soil. We suggest that the excavat ions for foundations be inspected by a representatlve of the soil engineer. Where solls arc dlsturbed by excavation such as removal of boulders, the footing should be extended to lower, flrm soll or compacted backflll placcd to the deslred grade. (4) All exterlor footings should be placed below the frost depth. (5) Footings should be placed back from the edge of the slope at least 5 feet. fJe assume that. no footings will be placed on downslope ' f il I materlal. FLOOR SLABS The upper natural solls are capable of supporting moderately loaded floors. Slab-on-grade constructlon ls fcasible. I'le suggest that floor slabs be separated from bearing walls and columns with an expans ion 4 joint. Slabs should reduce damage due to may be regul red below cast I ng. -5- be provlded with adequate constructlon Jolnts to shrinkage cracklng. A leveling course of gravel the floor slab to provtde a working surface for. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES The uphill sldc of the bulldlngs wlll serve as a retalnlng wall. We understand that thls wlll be constructcd by the relnforced earth technique. The upper granular soils appear to be sati sfactory for use as backfill. Colluvlum and siltstone may contain cxcesilve flnes for this type of construction. The uppcr coarse granular solls can be expected to develop an angle of internal frlction of 35o to 4Oo when compacted to at least 95? standard Proctor density. For standard canti lcvered walls whlch can toleratc somc rotatlon to develop actlve pressures, we suggest lateral earth pressures be calculated on the basis of an cqulvalcnt fluld wclght of 35 pounds per cubic foot where the backfil I surface ls level . Where the backftl I surface slopes up steeply then an Increase In this pressure ls recorunended. For the approximate 2:l natural slope, thls should be lncreased to 55 pounds per cublc foot. Reslstance to slldlng can be taken as .5 tlmes thc normal dead load. Passive earth pressure can be calculated on the basls of an equivalent fluid welght of 400 pounds per cublc foot. -6- SITE GRADING We assume that some slte gradlng such as cuts wlll be requlred both for the access road and the bullding sltc ltsclf. We believe that the maJorl ty of the materials encountered In our exploratory holes can be excavated wlth conventlonal equlpment. The siltstone in Test Hole 4 appeared to be hard and may requlre a rlpper or llght blastlng in conflned excavations. Cut slopes wl ll stand temporarlly on the order of l:1. Permanent slopes should be not stceper than 2:1. lf flll is proposed for the development, lt should be placed on a prepared surface. Thls conslsts of removlng vegetat lon and benching the present slope to rccelve the flll. General overlot grading should be compacted to at least 90? of standard proctor density. Flll to support floor slabs should bc compacted to at least 95% of standard proctor density. we do not recommend a combinatlon of flll and natural soils for foundation support. Thls could bc accomplishcd satisfactorlly lf special attention is given to thc placcment and compaction of the fill. On-site soils are sultable for usc as fill throughout the erea. Some selection of material may be needcd for thc relnforced earth technlque. SURFACE DMlNAGE It ls lmportant that surface dralnage be dlrected away from the buildlng sites. Thls may requlre swales or dlversion ditches above the .a -7- units. In addition, the followlng detalls should be observed during and af ter construct ion : (l) Excessive wettlng or drying of the foundation excavatlon should.be avolded durl ng construction. (2') Backfill around the foundatlon should be molstened and compacted to at least 908 standard Proctor denslty. (3) The ground surface surroundlng the exterlor of the bulldlng should be sloped to drain away from the bullding ln alI directions. tJe recormend a minimum slope of 6 inches in the first l0 feet. (4) Roof downspouts and dralns should dlscharge well beyond the limits of al I backfl I l. H ISCELLANEOUS Thls report has been prcpared In accordance with gencral ly accepted soil and founaatlon englneerlng practlces In this area for the use by the cl ient for design purposes. Thc conclusions and recormendations submi cted in this report are based upon the data obta ined from the exploratory holes drllled at thc locations lndlcated on the exploratory hole plan. The nature and extent of variations between the exploratory holes or areas outside the drllllng may not become evident until excavation is performed. lf, durlng construction, soil, rock and ground water conditions appear to be different from those described herein, thls JooFoo2oFow/ffi llll*(dff N'flLL ,\[\ [mf \\! \ \ | ;'.' I i I I . I I I I I I : I I I I I : I i I l III. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE DESCRIPTION Topographv Ttre site is located on the south facing sLope on the north side of Ehe Gore Valley. The site is presently undeveloped and is comprised of 4.26 actes. The site rises from Sandstone Drive approximately 104 vertical feet, from an elevation of 8,245 feet Eo 8,349 feet. Slopes range from Less than 102 to greater than 602. The site is bisected by a drainage swale which drains the high country north of the site Eowards Sandstone Drive. This northern site boundary is adjacent to a revegetated utility corri- dor (Lionsridge Loop). This corridor has been fiLLed to cross the drainage swale and the swale above the northern site boundary. The utility line corridor is located north of the ProPerEy in a para1le1 line with the northern site boundary and revegetated utiLity cut. Existing utiliuies are included on the toPographic survey map. Geology Geologic information pertinent to the proposed site was for:nd in the map series, "Bedrock Geologic, Surficial Deposits and PoEential Geologic Hazards l'Iaps, Eagle County, Col-orado" and "Snow Avalanche Hazatd, Environmental and Engineering Geologic and Geologic Resource Maps, Eagle Cor:nty, Colorado," compiLed by Charles S. Robinson and Associates, Inc. (L976), .and in "Preliminary Engineering Geology Report, Lots A-L and A-2, Lions Ridge, Vail , -14- CoLorado" by Robert K. Barrett, ProfessionaL Geologist,. Gore Valley was scoured into a classic "U,' shape by the most recen! mountain glacier which left the floor covered with deep morainal deposits. The val-Ley walls exhibit a variety of lateral glacier features. At the proposed site the glacier scoured on bedrock as it advanced and then deposited morainal bouLdersr gravel, sand and fine-grained soils as it retreated (or rneLted). Following that sequence, the surface was modified to present day appearance by a11uvia1 fan deposition from the smal-l drainage thar divides the two 1ots, and by colluvial deposirion from the hillside above the properry. Bedrock at the site is from the Minturn Formation from the Pennsylvanian and Permian age which includes medium to very coarse-grained, gray to reddish-brown sandstone, congJ.omeratic sandstone, thin beds of reddish-brown sil-tstone and sandy and silty shale and prominent pinkish-gray to gray limestone beds. The underlying bedrock surface at the site is probably much steeper than the ground surface and should be quite deep. surficiaL deposits at the site are glaciaL moraine which consists of boulders, gravel , sand and silt deposited by glaciers. These deposits are generally Less than 100 feet in thickness but may reach up to 200-300 feet thick, consisting of precarnbrian granites and gneisses. The site is not in an area of rockslides, landslides, slope -15- o failure or other geologic li.azatd' The site susceptible to avalanche. In addition, the Robinson and Associates indicate that' there or other geologic resources Presen! on the Soils The U. S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service (scs) has rnapped and classified the soils in the Gore Valley to deEermine the nacure of the soil manteL and to develop an understanding of inCeractions with Proposed uses. In addi- tion, a soils reporE for the proposed site was developed by Chen and Associates of Denver and is included in the Appendix' The soil in che site area has been classified by SCS as Argic Gryoboroll and Typic Cryoboroll . These soils are found on alluvial fans and mountain side slopes and are deep and well drained. The surface layer is fine sandy loam and typicaLly averages 3 inches thick. The subsoil is made up of sEony sandy clay loam and is about 22 inches thick. The substratum is very stony fine sandy loam extending below 60 inches. Peroeability is moderately rapid to raPid. The soil conservation Service uses hydrologic soil grouPs to estimate potential runoff from rainfall in watershed planning. Lt has classified rhe soil present on the site in the B Hydrologic Group. These soils have a moderately Low runoff potential and a moderate infiltration rate when Lhoroughly $tetted. They consist chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained is in an area Least investigations bY are no minerals sice. soils. Soil textures range from moderateLy fine to moderately coarse. These soils have a moderate rate of waEer Eransmission wiLh moderately rapid permeability' In the soil investigations performed on LoEs A1 and A2 by Chen and Associates' six test holes were drilled in the general areaofEheProPosedbuiLdingstodete::urinethesubsoilcondi- tions. In general , the subsoils consisted of a shalLow' 4 to 5 feet deep, loose layer of soil overlying a dense to very dense sand, gravel and cobble stracum' T\lo of che test holes encor:nEered a different EyPe stratum below Ehe coarse granular soils ' In Test Hole 2 a silcstone mixed colluvium was aPParent and in Test Hole 4 apparenEly a siltstone bedrock formation ltas encountered' the colluvium macerial consists of siltstone pieces in a silt and sand maErix. Presence of large cobbles and boulders was indicared by the difficult drilling condiEion and Ehe presence of large rock on the surface' Gradation analysis of samples obtained from the standard splic sPoon are shown on Figures 20 through 22' These represent only the lL inch fraction of material recovered in the sarnpling Process' No free water was encountered in the test holes aE the time of drilling' ' Chen and Associates has also prepared a soil investigation for Lionsridge Subdivision' Filing #4 which included Lot 6' Robert !I. Ttrompson' Inc' has performed a soil investigation for LoE A3. Chen and Associates has reviewed these studies and has presenEed their conclusions in the Appendix' -L7 - i lr.! r rf. Fi t ! IIt I i. l| l - i a s HvdroLogv There is very little published hydroLogic information avail-able for the vail area and the proposed site. However, some hydrological facts \^rere uncovered during this investiga- tion to make some general observations. Site investigations conducted by chen and Associates in January, l-981, included drilling of six geologic test ho1es, in which no free rvater was found up to a depth of 35 feet in one ho1e. However, these hores were dug in winter, low gror:nd water conditions, and do not necessarily reflect, conditions which occur in spring when the ground water table is higher. A general observation by the U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation service indicates that soils of the type found at the site have a water table at or near Ehe land surface. The colorado state Engineer has a record of all ground water welLs in the state, which are required by law to be registered with chat office. The local well records include inforoation on well depth, yield and depth !o lraler 1eve1 which can be inter- preted to give a profile of locaL ground r,rater conditions. unfortunateLy, no we1ls exist in the iurediate area of the site. The closest existing well is to the east of the site across Red sandstone creek, in an area which is known to have a high water tab1e. The depth to the water table in this well is nine feer (a high water tabLe is expected), with a yield of 50 gprn. since this well is across Red Sandstone creek, ground arater leve1s and I I I l E tj I il li 1,-18- movement cannot be eorrel-ated with that of the site. OEher registered wel1s Located approxi-ately a nile southwest of the site, but north of Gore Creek, might have better correlacion with site hydrologic conditions, except that they are locaced in the valley botton elose to the creek instead of the valJ-ey side slope where the site is Located. Five we1ls located in this area have depths to water table ranging from 7 feet to 62 feet, and weli yields ranging from 15 gpm Lo 300 gpm. Mr. Ed Drager, the Manager of Lionsmane Condominiuns directly down slope from the proposed site, has been closely observing the site for evidence of ground lrater seepage or surface wacer since 1971 and has reported seeing no water on the site during this period. Both che U.S.D.A., S.C.S. and Chen and Associates have observed that the soil at the site is highly pe::ureable and very weLl drained. The ol-d road fill from abandoned Lionsridge Loop bLocks the main drainage swale, iunrediately north and uphill of the site. Ponding of any local- surface drainage behind the road fill will occur, preventing free drainage of storn runoff over the site. Due to the soil per:ureability at the site and the 6 foot height of the road fill blocking the drainage, any water draining here wilL percolate into the soil . This agrees with Mr. Drager's observatj-on that the drainage swale on the site has been dry since - 19- r il E I t E I I I I he has observed it. The watershed which the on-site swale estiroated to be 74.6 acres. A biologicaL indicator of low surface is the size of rhe tall sagebrush (Lg to 24 indicates that grolrth of the sage has been rtater. drains, has been water on the site inches), which strrnted by lack of 3 I I I I t I The general conclusions which can be drawn from the above information are as follows: No surface r^rat,er florrs on the site due to the high pe::ureability of the soil-s and relarively small_ drainage area. The ground wat,er table is reratively deep at the site during dry periods (greater than 35 feet), but may rise to higher levels during rretter seasons or years. Biology The major vegetative types present on the site are risted in Table 3. The vegetation on Ehe site is .classified within the Aspen/Sage comslunity or ecosystem. There are 93 Quaking Aspen between one inch and ten inches in diameter. The highest percentage of the plant cornmunity is sagebrush, followed by rabbitbrush and wild rose, mohonia repens (acting as ground cover) and serviceberry. canada thistle is an introduced species and very unfavorable weed, which is dispracing native species. There are a few smal1 snowberry plants and assorted weeds. -zu- .,, .t t ".-': ND ,O*"" cuARANrrf coM"oro'"'. LA] Representing old Repubric Nationar ritle rnsurance company . THANK YOU FOR YOI'R ORDER February 03, 1993 Our Order No.: V2o494 BTTYER/O!{NER: I.{ICHAEL J. LAUTERBACH SELLER: THE REINFORCED EARTH COMPANY ADDRESS: CLOSER 1 Attn: LES KEYS VATL ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE POST OFFICE BOX 959 AVON, CO 81620 1 Attn: RAYIIA ROSE 949-6400 VAIL ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE PO BOX 7 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 1 Attn: HELENA KREBS 479-2OOO ALltr coMMrrMENr SCHEDULE A Our Order No. V2O494 For Infornation Only - charges ALTA Ohrner Policy 9680.00 s933: 33 ****WITH YOUR REMITTANCE PLEASE REFER TO OUR ORDER NO. V20494.**** 1. Effective Date: January 20, 1993 at 8:OO A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrALTAtl owner,s Policy $550, 000. 00 1987 Revision (Anended 1990) Proposed Insured: MICHAEL J. LAUTERBACH 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Cornrnitnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the . effective date hereof vested in: THE REINFORCED EARTH COMPANY 5. The land referred to in this Conrnitnent is described asfollows: LOTS A-1 AND A-2, LIONTS RIDGE SUBDMSION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED JULY 25, 1969 IN BOOK 215 AT PAGE 648, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 COMMIT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) MENT Our Order No. V2O494 The fol]owing are the requirements to be complied with: 1. Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe ful1 consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrurnent(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED February 28, L992t FROM THE REINFORCED EARTH COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF MELLON BANK, N.A. TO SECURE THE SUM OF $],,5OT12L4'15 RECORDED March 05, J-992, IN BOOK 574 AT PAGE 4l-7. 4. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED February 28, 1992, FROM THE REfNFORCED EARTH COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF MELLON BANK, N.A. TO SECURE THE SUM OF 97,500,000.00 RECORDED March 05, 1992, IN BoOK 574 AI PAGE 4l-8. NOTE: THIS DEED OF TRUST SECURES A REVOLVING LINE OF CREDIT AGREEMENT. 5. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE REINFORCED EARTH COMPANY IS AN ENTTTY CAPABLE OF ACQUIRING TITLE TO SUBJECT PROPERTY. 6. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE JOINT RESOLUTION AND NOTICE OF ENCI,JMBRANCE OF UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLTDATED SANITATION DISTRICT AND VAIL VALLEY CoNSoLIDATED WATER DISTRICT RECORDED JANUARY r.8, r_990 rN BOOK 52r- AT PAGE 44L. 7. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 8. WARRANTY DEED FROM THE REINFORCED EARTH COMPANY TO MICHAEL J. LAUTERBACH CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFTCE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCIJMENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE A LE COMI,IITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V2O494 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Conpany: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurerts office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessnents against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. g. RIGHT OF PROPRTETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SA]I,IE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNfTED STATES PATENT RECoRDED Decernber 29, I92O, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 42. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED December 29, L92O, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 42. ].].. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMTTTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE/ COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORfGIN, AS CONTAfNED fN INSTRUMENT RECORDED July 25, L959, IN BOOK 215 AT PAGE 649 AND AS AMENDED IN fNSTRUMENT RECORDED Decenber 02, L9'7O, IN BOOK 2l_9 AT PAGE 235. L2. EASEMENTS AS RESERVED AND EXCEPTED ]-O FEET IN VIIDTH ALONG EACH SIDE OF ALL TNTERTOR LOT LINES AND 20 FEET TN WIDTH INWARD FROM THE WESTERLY BANK OF RED SANDSTONE CREEK FOR UTTLITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES AS SHOWN ON THE . RECOhDED PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDTVISION. 13. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE JOINT RESOLUTTON AND NOTICE OF ENCUMBRANCE OF UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATTON DISTRICT AND VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT RECORDED JANUARY ].8, 1990 IN BOOK 521 AT PAGE 44].. NOTE: UPON EVTDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT SAID ENCUMBRANCE HAS BEEN PAID TN FULL. SAID EXCEPTION WILL BE DELETED. PAGE 4 '^vtIJAND TTTLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Required by Senate Bill 91-14 A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxingdistrict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer or the CountyTreasurer's authorized agent. C) The inforrnation regarding special districts and the boundariesof such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Required by Senate Bill 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained fron the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. ', I Ii||dtttzE DATE RECEIVED BY COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. APPUCATION FOR illNoR suBDrvtstoN REvtEw $IAP/TER 17.20 VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE(f oR FEWER LOTS) (please print or type) APPLICANT Michael Lauterbach D. E. F. MA;L;NG ADDRESS P.0. Box 3451 Vail, Co 81658 PHONE 476-6944 B.PROPERW OWN The Reinforced Earth Co. c/o Peter L. Bower OWNER'S SIGNAruR 86fa-5."er Drt-ve MAIL;NG ADDRESS suite 1100 Vienna, VA 22L82 pHONETo3 821-rI7s c.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL (streetaddress) tt39 arid 1to9 sands LOTS A-1 and A-2 BLOCK__JSUBDIVISION Lionrs Ridge FEE $250.00, PA\D_ j]59 -CHECK #-'7 " f {-DATE 7->r-13 The first step is to request a meeting wih the zoning administrator to assist the applicant In meeting the submittal requirements and to give the proposal a preliminary review. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS 1. The applicant shall submit three copies, two of which must be mylars, of the proposal following the requirements tor a final plat below. certain of these requirements may be waived by he zoning administrator and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission if determined not applicable to the project. 2. A list of all adjacent property owners (including those behind and across the street) WITH COMPLETE ADDRESSES shall also be submifted. In addlilon, submlt addressed, stanpeq enyelopeg for each of the above. Title Report veritying ownership and easementsl lSctreOutes A & B) An environmental impact report may be required as stipulated under Chapter 18.56 of the zoning code. 5. FINAL PI.AT - REOUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURE: (Some of lhese requirements may be waived.) a. The subdivider shall submit lour copies of the final plat, two of which shall be mylars, twelve copies of the final EIR (if requked) and any err{rli+innal rra}a.ial -^ raar rira.r{ halnr! ttfir}rla .hi*rr '{6r,- ^a a^^i..i^- .t a 3. 4. '' ,"l !' , . ra.a t$ll P,? coMMUNnyoeveroprfifJrE85SfAlir?il APFLICANT APFUCATION FOF ittitoR SuFotvtstoil nEY|EW GHAFTEF 17.20 VA|L rn iltclPAL bOOe(. oH FEWEB roTgt (ptesee prlnt or type) tltchael Lrucrrbach ;TAILINGADDHESS p.0. Box 3451 Vell, Co 8f658 PHONE 476-6e44 E.PROPERW OWHER'g 9IONA MAILINGADDRES8 slr." ll00 ,v,l"n sgpEz?3.s21-n75 c.LOCATION OF FROPOSAL (atrest addrs* o. E. F. FEE Se50.00 PA|D:_CHEOK DATE_ _ . I!,,trl-t.spq te to reql6ii?i@tr-iirJzonrng qdmhr$rrahr ro agarar rheappttcant ln meeilng rhe aubmrner ralulremanrs and-ro sil titi-ropofria biiiirrn"ry /revlew. SUBMTTTAL REqUIHEMENTS 1, The appllcant shaltsubmlt thr€€ coples, Mo of whtch mu8t be mytars. of $epropoaal lollowlng the regulrernsntB tor a flnal ptat below. Cerraili oiif,ise-requ|reme nts mll,bj l{yd. { .Fe zonl ng aoinrnlsrrator and/oa td iini, nrn gend Envlronmental commtsston lf debrmlied not appilcabtalo rrie prot"ci. '' 2, A lhl of_all adJaca[ppr.rty qugr (tnctudtng thoeo bahtnd end acrosa thaatrest) wtrH ceMpLETE A0CIBE6sEs ehel atso bs eubmttrao. m ioortiin,lubfilt addrsssed, ttampod fnyoloper for each ot tho lbove. 3, 4. Tltlo Roport vErl$ng ownershlp and easemsntsi (SctreOutee A & B) $_erylppenlal lmpact ropoil may be requhed al silputetod under chapter 18.50 of the zonlng oode. FINAL PI.AT. REOUIREMENTS AND PFOCEOURE: ($ome of lhese requlrementr may be walved.) a. The eubdlvld"er ehall eubmlt four coples of he flnal ptat, two ol whlchehall ba mvlare. lwalva rnnloq af tha llnnl Fltr flt rarrr rl"ar{l qnrf on' o MEMO TO: FROU: DATE: RE: Comlunlty DeveJ.opuent Department lllcbaelLauterbach /"( February 22, L993 Llons Ridge Subdivlsion Lots A-1 & A-2 The purpose of thls applicatlon is to obtaln approvals nec€ssary tovacate the common lot llne betrreen tha 6bava caotLoned Lots. The easementadjacent to tbe lot l"lne might also be vacated uDon approval by theutilitles holding that easenedt. Thank you 1n advance for your consideratlon. AdJacent Property Omers Ll.ons Ridge Subdlvlslon Lots A-1 & A-9 February 22, 1993 Lot 6, Block 1, Lton,lA Ridge Subdlvlsion, Ftling #4 Fred W. Pool- II 7 Martln Lane Englevood, Colo 801101 Llonrs Ridge Subdivlslon, Tracts A, B, and C.|. Fourth Ftltng Lionrs Ridge /14 Homeowner I s Associatlon P.0. Box 4191 Va11, Colo 81658 unslatted - f:.i'rll"iil; u t'' Vail, Colo 81658 Lot A-3, Block A, LLonre Ridge Subdlvislon Walter Regal 13275 W. Burleigh Brookfleld, WI 53005 casolar "t ut:). Greg Hampton 1185 Casolar Drlve Vail, Colo 81657 Homestake Condomlniums I08l ttetl3Vi€w Drive Vall, C61o 81657 Llonrs Mane I c/o Ed Drager P.O. Box 10000 u Vall, Colo 81557 ?@ -.Sr'!1 \E/b: 'r!Y l:o'oB !:,aIoAilcFG s\bbl //'l;;-----IIIIre'nr!rt\It>-3"\ \{-t}k)iir)\+rT'6nb-o<N It ; I fr fr I to loai tv : {ill r cc.!'ct'r roa t' z.oL.A; -c,r 3:' )).J (,|tr 5 .. H--: Ei81 Ei'- :. S: V aE Jt'=i > sl 3o-zln9*! ) rt::ii .)t -+ J ) II $r 1.:aaor r:cqjA - -,, ''-. v i lt!d a.ri \J tiq ,t A I,d t + 'ij: :d. i l,+--o .I I U- E=" ]f ,^j lisji *;g lsqL| .rr \^ 1 | :J-i :"l' \'\ ti 3it- +.\G,oz2oo2,oFJ-3 '/r,.o\8r w.'/Qi,6\\lotP/K#)#Bi'ul8\lqglw\. \. $\\. \ .:\7 V,/l', .! \,l .. I :a': e/ ) viei j't.1 - t1 I'I r"rri" ad. 9/419L COIPRADO Rtc'0 FEB 221993 DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF \TAII,, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** IIIIS APPI.ICSTION I{ILI. NOT BE ACCEPTED UNIIL AIJ. REQUIRED INT'ORMATION IS SUBI{IETED********** I.PROJECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION:Single Family Res idence - Site /13 S ub divi s ion LotiArl R TYPE OF REVIEW: x New Construction (S200.00) Addition ($50.00) Minor Al.teration ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) D. ADDRESS:I 139 Sandstone Drive LEGAI DESCRIPTION: Lot A-1 BIock Subdivision Llon's Ridge If property is described by description, please provide attach to this application. a meet,s and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. F. ZONING:1LU LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. must provide a current 62,990 sf NAME OF AppLICANT; Michael Lauterbach Mailing Address; l.o. Box 3451 Vall, Colo 81658 Phone Same as ApplicantH.NAME OF Mailing APPLICA}IT' S REPRESENTATIVB : Address: Phone I.NAME OF OI{NERS. The Reinforced Earth Co. *SIGT{ATURE (S) :Malling Address: . Suite 1100 Vienna- VA 22182 phdnc 7O3 82I-1I7522I82Phone 7O3 82I-1I75 Condominium Approval if applicable. DP.B FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid.,to J6e @ J. K. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - $ 10,000s 10r 001 - $ 50,000950rooL-$ 1501000 $150,00L - $ 500,000 $500,00L - $1r 000r 000$ Over $1,000,000 >/az/a= FEE s 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI, EXPIRES ONE YEAR AI'IER FINAL EPPROVAI UNIJESS A BUTLDING PERMTT IS ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCTTON IS TARTED. O APPLICATION WII,L BE PROCESSED WITAOUT OIYNER'S STGNATURE 1 O IONIIPRE-APPLTCAT MEETING: A pre-appLication meeting wit.h a menber of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine j_f any additionaapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff Lodetermine if there are additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project. III, IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building tines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The reviehr process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposat ata ninimum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their itern bepostponed, will have their items removed fron the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the ComrnunityDevelopnent Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding,. and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manaller of any adjacent condominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avaLanche, rockfalI, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and the ohrner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relat,ionshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding,. andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. IA',d P_ROJE,QI,, TNFOnEAEIoN : A. DESCRIFTIONT .BrcIt f r. S{nele Fanll Ree{dence - Or"rrtr" n slilgt DRB SFP$TCAEION - TOnU Or VAr&, COIORaDO DATE TEPLICATION RECEIVED :DAfE OE DRB I'{EETING: *t* t**t*tt EIIIS }EEI,IGABIOII I|II.I BOE EA ICCEDTDDutrErr. Atr, REqurruD rNFonMtrrIOn ts guBtrIT[EDtt****tttt Subdlvtalon B. TXPE OF REVIEI{: x-wew Constructlon ($200.00)Mlnor Alteratlon ( $20 .00) " - .,, ,Addltton ($50 .00) _Concept,uat Revl-ew ($0) C. D. ADDRS$O: ITEGAL, DESCRIPTION: subdlvtrlon l.{on1s Block' a meeeg and boundS legal on a Eeparate theet and LrOU A-l If propert,y le described bydesqrlpElon, please provldaattach to thla appllcation, E. F. G. LOT AREA: rf requlred, appllcant €Camped survey ehowing Lot area. ZONINGI !C *u""ufi6tftoiF " current NAME Otr eppr.rlcANt;_ Mlchaet Leurorbach Maillng Addreas: t( ll . I. NAI"IE OF APPLICAI,IT'S REPRESENTATMT $ene as AppltcanrMaillng Addresss_ NAI"E OF OI{NERS ? __!h lnforced Esr TSIONATURE (8) : Condomlnlum Approval tf apptJ.cable. DRB FEEI DRF feesl as Bhown ibovel ars Eo be pald at,the tlne of aubmltEal of DRB appltcatlon. r.Lterr whsnapplylng for a bulldlng permlt, pt€ase ldenttfy theaccurat€ valuation of the proposal. Th€ Tor{n of VallwllL adJust tha f6e accordl.ng to t,he table below, tosnsure the qorrect fee ie pald. pEE pAtD: t_.. J. K. DETIIGII NEVIET| BOARD IPFROI/AJr EIiPIRig ONE TSER trrBER rINEJJtPPROvl! ulll.Eglt I BUTLDTNG PERMIT Is ISSUED A}lD GONSERUCTION Is EIRTtrD. 'o tPDtIcrEroH t{rl.r. 8E DRocEssED WIrnOUS ogfifERrg ETCNAIUBE I EEIE SCHEDUI".Ei VALUATI0Ng 0 * $ 10,000 9101001 -$ 5oro00 $ s0,001 * s 15o, ooo s150r 001 - $ 5001 000, $500r 001 - 91,000r ooo$ Over $1,000,000 8EB' $ 20.00 $ 50 .00 $100 .00 9?00, 00 9r100.00 9500.00 LIST OF MATERTALS NAME OF pROJECT. Indian Creek Townhomes LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT A-1 BLOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS. 1139 Sandstone Drj-ve DESCRIpTION OF pROJECT. Eight Slngle Family Resldences The foLlowing informat,ion is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING I'IATERTALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAPING: required for subnittal to the Designapproval can be given: COLOR Natural cedar l*(2 e( lx8 Beige lC<k'tr TYPE OF MATERIAL Cedar Shakes Stucco Cream [6 p1 i'r<* Dimensional l,umb er 2*l L Brown e ,ls4luElot Plyruood Beit ge lt-^e- { 6rzc,.tibClad m .-J"11-lrt< vra r\-t $heet Metal Galvani ze d Brown 9rf t{ llar;sl Natural N/A N/l 6.(y 6".-(e - {.,r1!u c-lr- ,, Q,.1,-or0 Name of Designer:phone: S. J. Riden 949-4 L2 L PLANT MATERTALS: Botanical Name conmon Name ouantity size* PROPOSED TREES See Landscape Plan EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED None *fndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimun caliper fordeciduous trees is 2 inches. rndicate hei6hfficoniferoustrees. Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PLAI.IT MATERT I Botanical Name Co* oil"." Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS See Landscape Plan EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION rYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL None of proposed shrubs. Tvpe See Landscape Plan Minimum size of shrubs is Sguare Footage Manual Natural- Grass RevegetatLon C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: ff exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. rdentify each fixture from the lighting planon the list below and provide the watt,age, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback ii3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. D. Boul-der Retalning Wa11s t SUBDIVISION Li-on I s Ridge Lots A-l & A-2JOB NAIVIE LOT A-1 and A-2 BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availabiLity of utitit.ies, whether they be maintryn! llr"g or proposed J.ines, must be approved. and ver-ified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature Date U.S. West Communications L-800-922-t98'7 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 9 4 9-57 81 Gary HalI HoIy Cross Electric 949-s892 Ted Husky/Michael Heritage CabLevision 949-5530 Steve Hiatt ^frzf qs '-/ ?-13 z-ll-ft 2ru-zs Assoc. Laverty T.V. Upper Eagle Valley water& Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: ,t\ Uc+e see <$qsUlnL \*NS"$Ao'2.rt-q= This form is to verify service availability andlocation. This should be used in conjunct-ion withpreparing.your utility plan and schedulinginstallat,ions. For any new construction proposal, the applicantmust provide a complet.ed utility verificllionform. 3. If a utility company has concerns with theproposed construction, the ut.ility represenLativeshould not directly on the utility veiiticationform that Lhere is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out indetail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail.However, please keep in mind that it. is theresponsibility of the utility conpany to resolveidentified problerns. 4. If the utility verification form has signaturesfrom each of the utilit.y companies, and nocomments are made directly on the form, the Townwill presume that there aie no problems and thatthe development can proceed. 5. These verifications do not relieve the contract,orof his responsibility to obtain a street cutpermit from the Town of Vail, Department of public Works and to obtain.utilitv locations beforediqqinq in an@or easement inthe Town of VaiI. a buildinq permit is not astregt cut permit. A street cut permiU lnr:st beobtained separately. *_ Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and e.Levations whenobtaining upper Eagle varrey water & sanitation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. z. ZONE CHECK FOR , R, R P/S ZONE DISTRIC .DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot A-I BlocK - Filing ADDRESS: 1139 Sandstone Drlve o TS I SFR OWNER Relnforced Earth Co. ARCHITECT S. J. Riden ZONE DISTRICT RC PROPOSED USE Eight singl-e fanilf,'Residences **LOT SIZE 29,819 sf Allowed (30) (33) PHONE 703 82r-1175 PHONE 949-4T21 Existinq Proposed Total Height ToTaI GPJ.A Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks + 425 + 425 =. Front Sides Rear water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wa1l Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : 3' /6t Reqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope _..1Q! Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes No 222 20, 15, 15' (30) (s0) 12/12 1) 2',t 3) Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfal"L yes c) Debris FLow4) Wetlands Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this reguest involve a 250 Addition? No How much or cne arLowed 250 Addition is useffiTis resuest? **Note: under sections L8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipalcode, l-ots zoned Two Family and Prinary/secondary which are less t-han151000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwerling unit. TheCommunity Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the appricant, meets the criteria set forth undersections LB.1.2.090(B) and 18.L3.080(B) of the Municipal code incLudingpermanentry rest,ricting the unit as a long-tern rentar unit for fulr-time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. r.0 F r-ff-t1,-1-*F-13 1i+i1i1H -'9 l+t+t+1 q;F.+.+'+.+ + { r.ri'#+S-r#t, v'L. J. J_. -L..,|.. J_. J3EEffifi 5fiEgF!gEEEFEEHgFgE,'$"11{girr xogn6ggp TL__ft/ lo @/a *-@ I ieirovou'"llxo1sonvs i1 otu _ _a8I5{EE*" grl $tp,rrJ t4iid ,3.'.1 '9.I oFoE :o ':a E@ I0x 03 = \\ l--\ f----. fi3 @ t-.A T f { /aH\7 l3 *.<.i, t i@ i /Av (,i ..o I It- I I ! I I : ! I I I I s o''.. z .r '€"" ,Jrt % Jtwrcs fb hE clfrEtnsD- th'2 (303) 87&5400 (24 HOURS) Februrary i[{3, 199:J l'li l':e-. l-aute"rbclch F0 Fox $4S1 Viej. I, C0 81ir58 REr Lots A.-1, A.-ll l-ion's Ridge lSr-rbdivigi.on Denr lvlr Lnurterbach r I [rave rev:i ewed ' re Lwn l ots ($evcn urni, ts) as shnwn on {:ho acfiomp.Rnyinql rn*rp fur purposes o{ Rocl: F"el I and Debris FIow review {rpr- the Tor,rrrr o{: V;li 1 , The sevmn gi {:es lrave been chosen In be oltt of the ciebr"i s {afl c:hsrrnml . Tlre dri varwav rnursh enter and crosg the,l 'f an , however . Th:i El ri.tr :i,n a .Locahion whnre the r:id6e, conLainincl hhe t;nltrce $f pcrturrt:i al f allr.ncg r-ockr;, is .ah sir.rr:h a L ar,'r l. evcll w:i Lh reciFtlct C,o thr? r=i. ies; that r'o[:|.,:$ wi 1 I rarel y reach 'l.he eii ter '' arrcJ, : { they t3ct, r.ri 11 h'rvn veir./ 1iLt1e Enerc"ly, Few utnstabi.e r-ocks occllr abovL" i:hi *, prmpI:sed deve1. npmerrt ', ;:rnd h r:r ttrrn west o i[ arge rocl.:g wi, ll bn stahri i. i i:rllrj; ne.r+lrtlrr'll t.ls-"ii, i[ 1:r'oposr'r hwo {orrr- 'f ont hi.gh berns lre r:orrst:ructrncl above bohh lotE aI the down h:L1i edge o'f rmads abovsE {:fre 's j. tr:l:l (one roerci :i.s i.n pIactl, 'L,he other ie proposed). "l'his t^l:i. ll. I all. ht-rt nl:i. ni11i.\he riny roc[,: {a]. 1 tran,irrd bo thta Frm,itirct,, 'fhe consrtr'uci:ion m{ thosr+ urnits wi L l not increass* the hacard to r:tfier prr:pmrty or str-Lrcturesi, or- to putblic ri6hts*of-urayt bt-ri. ,l. cj i nt;rl , r'nadr:, r;treets, es$emsntsr uti. litie:i or" {acil:itieg or other. p:-opr+r-'Li er, r.: t nny k:i rrd,, l-e't me r-et::''hato th;r't the $i'hr.!si arn rrat i n tfre cjebr-i s lr*r ar-ci icre$sr, but to f urther l nsltre the sa'f ety o{: thr* pro.jrect ,1. recnmmenrJ tlre constructi on o'f a I ater-al ber-m si x 'f nert', fr:i.mh, as showrr en {:. !t rit accc}mpanyi rrg s[,:e'f.ch map, alonr.; si clc: the qnl1.y irr the vi.r::ini [y o{: ri;i he ij. fhis w:l 11 l,:or(:}p .trr1y F.i.nws :irr {:heir trirsf.or-rr: p*ths cjown the c+:r j.gtinq QL.tlL l. y. $rim:i. ll. lii r.lncli ne.er':i, nq *tr-rrli. H{i {:rr- {r l;r.,r.clrJe*te;rJ llu$ to thet Let-t-i,:t:i. t1 near {:t'rr'r :si.t{i*r,, F::in.ir.[ illl.*t:ing m'f thar r-ttrits ,antlr {::herr 'f mr"e, t- h r.':r pr"onossd nr:i h:i.rt,.1t:lnn glronl d ire dr.rne j.n Lhe sni-i.nqtime wlten l;nc,$ concJ:i{::i.onrs ar'r .[ er$ :i rrh:ihi f :i. nc1 .encJ nrnre cJetai..l s of the prrr.ject ..lr-n rri:ard.v,, Ii' t:fimrm ,.lrm qnrtnt:ion* p:t l[ easic.,.+ con Llre:.l: mn" Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0185 INGERSOLL LANE stLT, coLoRADO 81652 ')ru. {ii i. ncrar"r+1. y n4- t / ----Z/ fr^4Ml H)q-n hl :i. c:: h c' .1. a ri 1.... tr rn p i r- :i. ri [] t::n ri;lr .L t i n rl ti i l n .1. (l (:l i. :r t 'a Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0185 INGERSOLL LANE stLT. coLoRADO 81652 (36) 87S5400 (24 HOUBS) f'lay 6, 1??3 ,m!i,,iY llu1.1 Mike Lauterbech PO Box 5451Vall, CO 8165€ REr Lota A-1q A-29 Lion'e Ridge Eubdivlsion Drer Mr. Lauterbachr iJ I have reviewed the two lote (eix unitg) ag ehown on the acco,npanylng map for purpores of Rock Fall and Debrls Flow revlew for the Town of VaiI. The six sltes have been chogen to be out of the debrts fan channel. The driveway muat enter and crose the fan, however. Thtg ts ln a locatlon where the rtdget containing the gource ofpotential falllng rocksl ls at euch a low leV-el wlth respect to the rEitee that rocke will rarely reach the eitest andt if they do, wlll heve very ltttle enerEy. Few unstable rocke occur abova thle proposed developnrent, and to the westr larga rockg Ehould be Etabllizedp neverthelertr two four foot high berme should bs constructed above alI reeidencae at tha down hill edEe of roads above the eitee (one road is ln placa, the other ls proponed). Thie wtll al 1 but eliminate any rock fall hazard to the proJect. The conEtructlon of theEe units will not lncrelse the hazard to other property or etructures, or to publlc righte-of-waytbuildlngel roads, gtreets, easenents, utllitieg or fecilttler or other propertles of any kind. Let me reetate that the glter are not ln the debrls hazard areaB, but to lngure the eafety of theprojest lt ie necessary to congtruct a lateral berm el x feet hlgh, ag shown on the eccempanylng skatch nap, along side the gul ly in the vicinity of $tte 5. Thie will keep any {lowe ln their hietoric pathe down the exlgtlng gulIy. Eioils englneerlng studiee are already avallable and Etill approprlat for theEe eltee. Final plactng of the unite andt therefore, the proposed mitiEation should be done in the epringtlme when enow condltione are leea inhiblting and moredetatls of the project are ready. If there are queetiong.pleaqe Ei ncerplry t 4^,M( - Ni chol as contact me. Consul ti ng ..4 it . ./;,(-.- .l, IJ Fred W. Pool 11 7 Martin Lane ErBlarood, CO 80110 Lions' Ridge #4 HomEowngrc Assoc. P.O. Box 4191 Vall, CO 81658 A.L. Shapko P.O. Box 1448 Vall, CO 81658 Walter Regal 13275 W. Budeigh Brookfield, Wl 53005 Casolar at Vall do Greg Hampton 1185 Gasolar Ddve Vail, GO 81657 Homestake Gondos 1081 VailVia,Y Drive Vall, CO 81657 Llon's Mane I c/o Ed Drager P.O. Box 10000 M Vail, Co 81658 Bl slqq qd Qcorts SUrf ai:r Qt\ 3la+tq3 @1tiooffs eJf ort Q,tf*/"'#F"^ srrt cif QN &'pht* rpnu: O".d o F+n.r UW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of he Totfln of Vailwitl hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 22, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Buildlng. Consldaration of: Indian Greek Townhomes - A request for a minor subdivision to vacate the lot llne between Lob A-1 and A-2, Lions Ridge Subdivision/l129 and 1109 Sandstone Drive. Applicant: MichaelLauterbachffheReinforcedEarthCo.+' Planner: Shelly Mello 2. A request for setback and wall heQht variances to add a garage to an existing resldence, located at Lot 10, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing/716 Forest Road. Applicant: Neal EricksonPlanner: Tim Devlin 3. A request for a conditional use permit lo allow for an 'employee housing unit" on Lot 41, Glen Lyon SuMivisionll2l2 Westhaven l-ane. Applicant: Larry GracePlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for a proposed SDD and minor suMivision to allow for the development of single family homes located on Tracts A and B, The Valley, Phase ll/1480 Buffer Creek Rd. Applicant SteveGensler/ParlaroodRealtyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a wall height variance to allow the construction of hazard mitigation located at Lot 16, Vail Valley Third Filingl2039 Sunburst Drive. Applicant: Mike GrlsantiPlanner: Jim Curnutte :i.:: 2.A request for a setback variance, at the Manor Vail Lodge to allow lhe construction of a trash enclosure, located on a Part of Lot 1, Block B, VailVillage Seventh Filing/S95 East Vail Valley Drive. Golden Peak House Condominium Assoc.A/ail Associales, Inc./Partners, Ltd./Margaritaville, Inc. Mike Mollica/Tim Devlin TABLED TO MAY 24, 1993 Manor Vail Lodge Andy Knudtsen Steve Gensler/Parlnrvood Realty Andy Knudtsen Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello Vail Recreation District Tim Devlin 4. 5. :r. t- i ii 1. ti t! ir*|l il $..r Applicant: Planner: :,; . . A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow lor the construction of an addition and a garage located at2409 Chamonix Road/Lot 19, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing No. 1. A request for a conditional use permit to allow the expansion of the Dobson tce Arena, located at 321 E. Uonshead Ckcle/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail/Lionshead 2nd Filing. o THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commisslon of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April12.1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Conslderation of: 1.A request for a work session for the establishment of a Special Development District, a CCI exterior alteration, a minor suMivision, a zone change, and an amendment to View Corridor No. 1 for the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Ranch Fload/Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: 3. A:request for a proposed SDD and minor subdivision to allow for the development of -','sihgle family homes located on Tracts A and B, The Valley, Phase ll/1480 Buffer Creek Hd. # 6. A request for a setback variance, a sfeam setback variance, and a Uensity variance to allow for an addition to the residence located aI2129-8 Kel-gar LaneAot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek SuMivision. Applicant: Bryan and SallY Hobbs Planner: Jim Curnutte 7. A request for an exlerior alleration to allow for the expansion of the American Ski Exchange located at 255 Wall StreeUBlock 5-C, Vail Village, 1st Filing. Applicant: Robert LazierPlanner: Mike Mollica A request for a minor suMivision to vacate the lot line between Lots A-1 and A-2, a request for a variance from the subdivision road standards, and variance from the wall height standards at Lions Ridge Subdivision/1139 and 1109 Sandstone Drive. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach/The Reinforced Earth Co.Planner: Shelly Mello 9. A request for a wall height variance to allow lhe construction of a hazard mitigation wall located at Lot 16, Vail Valley Third Filing/2039 Sunburst Drive. Applicant: Mike Grisanti Planner: Jim Curnutte 10. A request for wall height variances in order to construct a driveway to a new primary/secondary residence located at 2683 Cortina Lane/Lot 7, Block A, Vail Ridgs. Applicant: Cortina Joint Venture - Bob Borne Planner: Tim Devlin 1 1. A request for a minor amendment to SDD No. 27 to relocate the private pedestrian easement ("pool path') between Lots 5 and 6, Forest Glen SuHivision. Applicant: RAD Five Limited Liability Company Planner: Tim Devlin .l a THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPEBTY A PUBLIC NOTICE -il NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of :r Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of, the Town of Vail on April 26, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. i Consideration of: i 1. A request for a joint work session with the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmental Commission to review a request for a conditional use, a paving variance and the cemetery master plan and management plan for the proposed design of the Vail Cemetery to be located in the upper bench of Donovan Park generally located west of the Glen Lyon subdivision and southeast of the Matterhorn neighborhood. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for setback and wall height variances to relocate a garage in an existing residence,located at Lot 10, Block 1, VailVillage 6th Filing/716 Forest Road. Applicant: Neal Erickson . Planner: Tim Devlin * 3. A request for a minor suMivision to vacate the lot line between Lots A-1 and A-2, a' z \ request for a variance from the subdivision road standards, and variance from the wall' height standards at Lions Ridge Subdivision/l 139 and 1't09 Sandstone Drive. , Applicant: Michael Lauterbach/The Reinforced Earth Co. ' Planner: Shelly Mello a li 4. A request for a conditional use permit and a parking variance to allow for an outdoor [' Oining deck at the Garton's Saloon located at 143 East Meadow Drive/Lot 1, Block 5D, a ; ',n at !.- Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Dave GartonPlanner: Tim Devlin 5. A request for a conditional use permit to expand the hours of operation and add lights to the Lionshead Miniature Golf Course located at Tract D, Uonshead First Filing, between the Uonshead Center Building and the base of the Bornfree Express Chairlift. Applicant: Charlie AlexanderPlanner: Jim Curnutter t I I j. THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUB PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of .. I Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ot the Municipal Code of .., the Town of Vail on May 10, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ! Consideration of: 1. A request for a joint work session with the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmental Commission to review a request lor a conditional use, a paving variance and ths cemetery master plan and management plan for the proposed design of the Vail Cemetery to be located in the upper bench of Donovan Park generally tocated west of the Glen Lyon subdivision and southeast of the Matterhorn neighborhood. Applicant: Town of Vail $Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a landscape variance to allow for the reconstruction ol the parking area at ths tirst BanU17 Vail Road/Lot 6, VailVillage 2nd Filing. ; Applicant: First Bank of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a conditional use to allow tee-pees to be used in con;unction with Vail Associates summer programs to be tocated adjacent to the Base of Chair 8, Tract A, Lionshead 1st Fiting. Applicant: VailAssociate-sPlanner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for wall height variances to allow for the construction ot a driveway to the residence located at 2346 Cortina Lane/Lot 4, Block A, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Arno BrinkmanPlanner: Tim Devlin 5. A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for the construction of an addition and a garage located a|2409 Chamonix RoacULot 19, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing No. 1. Applicant: Anneliese TaylorPlanner: Shelly Meilo 6. A request for a front setback variance and a site coverage variance to allow the construction of a garage located at Lot 26, Block 7, Vail Viltage l st Filing/165 Forest Road. o e +' Appticant: j PaulRaelher-Planner; Jim Curnutte A request for a work session for a minor suMivision lo vacate the lot line between Lots A-l and A-2; a request for variances from the subdivision road standards, wall height . standards and to allow parking in the front setback at Lots Al and A2, Block A, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 1/1139 and 1109 Sandstone Drive. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach/The Reinforced Earlh Co.' Planner: ShellY Mello B. A request for a work session for a major amendment to SDD #5 to allow for the : development of the remaining porlion of the Simba Run SDD, Savoy Villas, located at. 1100 Norlh Frontage Road. .', Applicant: Simba Land CorporationMalid Said $I Planner:Mike Mollica 9. A request for a work session to discuss proposed revisions to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and NaturalOpen Space District, and Chapter 18.32 Agriculluraland Open Space District, of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Town of Vail Planners: Jim Curnutte and Russ Forrest 10. A request for a minor subdivision and a major amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village, to amend the development plan for the Waterford and Cornerstone parcels in area A, described as follows: Thar Fn ot |he SW lA NE rA. S.cnon la Torn3hlp 5 South, R|ngo 8l W€3t ot thcsirth Princh., Me.ldlrn, Tolvn ol vait, E|ol. Cosnlt Colotldo' dsctlb.d ar tollowr: B{lnnl.|o C r polnl on lha rodharlt det|totray l ol hErlrtc He hwrt No. 70 i,hanc. .n |ror! tln wllh ! plsrlic clp '|l8r}|ng lha cg|br of |rld S.dlon tA b.|n S 33'1019 W l4il7.Gt ba[ hcnc. .loo0 rdt roulhrly ]ioht{l- t lina |Y'o cormd tl N 52'5O?t E 229.68 L.| 2l N 7a3t17 E r60.ro b.!; tnence deFnlng rdd roufislt rlgtl|€t wly 0n N 8€r455f E t38.93 L.q th€ncc S 4f45'14' W 9a.32 bst $erc. S 18' lE..af W 5a.08 l€.t fFnc. S ot?ll6i W 20402 bal: b.nca S t2'07'3€i lV 110.25 te3t f|eoo S 28?836i W 164.48 te.l; trnc. t{ aO n 7Oa' W 2tl.1C te.l; t'lencc N 4ta25d E 9730 t .l: theoc. N 37te3t' W 95.59 t .t thsEa S 5i'5029 W 55.10 !.ct tr.no 69.48 tcel alorig the r,c ot r rur-t ttenl q/|ve lo fta bt hrying I radi$ ot 55.@ taei, ! cootrrl lnelc ol 6tola14a .rid ! ciord lh{ bearr t{ 58' 555f W 66.4 ber; heno. N 3t'(I931' W t 1E.50 leel To The Tn,e Polnt ol BeCinnhCi Counly ol Erele, $d. ol Cobrado: Applicant: MECM Enlerprises represented by Eustaquio Cortina and Commercial Federal Savings.Planner: Shelly Mello ,,/ ,.\ 11. A request for a conditional use to allow furniture sales at the Cascade Crossing Building located at 1031 South Frontage Road WesUan unplatted parcel located west of the Vail Associates maintenance shop. Applicant: PaulAnderson Collection, Ltd.Planner: Andy Knudtsen 12. A request for a minor subdivision and an amendment to a previous PEC recommendation for approval of a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follows: AFnoa$e sw y., lGy+ secbn teTo rFhlp5 sorrt. Rel|9 It w6rolhe 6th P.l{. d6.nb.d r! bltoi,ys: Eaehnlne .t . Foht ot rho ltlorltrsouth cantedine of aald Sedioo tA wlrncc an |ron Cn win . ph3tlc c|!| marl&e tic c.nbr ot 3.ld Sec on '12 boas SO0f385fW 455.6 lte[ fi€nc. alon! rald c.nt.rllnc N(f38'lt6E r22,gl leet lo fi. 3orjthcrt RcnIY lln. ot l-7ol thcnca depaning 3eid ROW llnc N66'53'25T 39.15 teeq 1enc. depNnlne sald ROW [n. S8t'23'19T t65.42 lber ro I point ot curv.; lho.cc '122,E4t bol Etong rhc lrc ol r 143.20 loot ,!diu! qrrv. b rhc lctt, h.vlndEL cotrrr.l anel. ol.r9o85t' and r cho.d thar bcatt 515"57?5'€ r tg.r 0 to€t thonce S4O32'10T 3.00 l.3q $encc 66.30 leel alone tha arc ol a 77.4 toot 6diut o,[va b f|e tleht. havltE a contal lngb ot 4tr12'10' lnd a ciod that bers S15.56!tE Oa.2t lcct; thcrrc. S8.aOtX!1V 9O.2t bar: lha'|ca N3t.4e24'W 22a.5t leer; ftence STt r 03a1n, I Or .{4 te.r |o O. Potnl ot B€ghnho. Applicant: Michael LauterbachPlanner: Jim Curnutte t o -\. Project Application G^- ( l'/s, A".lr"--.- V*,1Proiect Nam€: ProiectDescripllon' eo;rL -e-Jot'*-Fed l^'o'^<ir'f owner Address and Phone: J* *q c n---,.-f; / 96 h^' : h a-'o- Architect Address and Phone:€ - >-o9 C,.o ssr.,*ds q>6- sffi3 Legat Description' ro, R /, F2 , etock r,tins fu (i*s P,Jje Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL €-Z-4-?a'(z-z-4 -r*T /-z7"{z-A;t' .fu Cz>'z- lr .. \, DESIGN REVIEI{ BOARD AGENDA lfednesday, January 7, l98l 2:00 p.n. 1. Essence of Tine Bxterior changes Vail Village fnn plaza 2. Lionshead Directories Lionshead Terninal Building 3, Architerra Vail Earth Integrated Housing, Discussion only 4. lfarner Duplex Lot 12, Blk 9, Bighorn 3rd, Discussion only 5. Streanside Townhouses , parcel A € B, Resub'.of 20-l q 20-2, Bighon SubExterior changes box 100 vail, colorado 81657 F03l 476-5613 Lester Podolsky 36 St. Charles Place Hlghland Park, Illinois 60035 department of community development 16 December 1978 Re: Lots A-1 and A-2 Llonsridge Subdivision Filing 1 Dea-'Mr. Podolsky: I have reviewed the slope calculations done by Richards Engineering and have based the following nurnbers on their sLope analysis. The total site area is 2.596 acres, or 113,082 sq. ft. The totaL slte area with slope in excess of 4O% is 16,6O0 sq. tt., which results in a buildable site area of 96,482 sq. ft.. A change in the Zoning Ordinance, which comes beforethe Town Council tomorrow and is likely to pass, would base the number of units per acre strictly on the buildable site area. Being in a Residential Cluster zone, with a permitted density ofsix (6) units per buildable acre, you would be permitted thirteen(13) units on the two parcels listed above. The GRFA (gross residential floor area) allowed on these parcels would be 24,1'20 sq. ft. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Sincerely, n A n nu!*-*nu ff . k-'-l/t'----.-./tUJanes A. Rubin Zoning Administrator JAB/gew cc: John lVheeler Gaynor Miller t-r* department of community development 8 January 1979 John Nilsson Box 1908Yail , CoLorado 81657 Re: Lots Al aDd A2, Lionsridge Fiting Number 1 Dear John: The above-mentioned Lots have a.combined acreage of 2.596 acres. On tbese lots, there is 16,600 sq. ft. of slope in excess of 4O%. This leaves a buildable acreage of 2'2149 acres' Being in a Residential Cluster zone with a density of 6 u:rits per buildabl"e acre, there would be 13 units allowed on these-two Lots. The allowable Gross Residential- Floor Area (GRFA) would be 24,120 sq. ft. If you have any furtber questions, please contact me. Sincerely, fu,q4,t&Y"r"r A. Rubin Zoning Administrator JAR/gew box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303! 476-5613 -E !!* - q \ /'ilb ',Hi R lili il,1 \ \\ t\ \\ N, $I l, d\ lr ',\'\ '\ll \ t \4{ } I FFRI !TI it\6FJi:-\J-t-f,$=.iIt .l .rri'l , :\o" /-s\,"tf,-s-\ CFlliN-,.aQ.saaIP t^, : 6 \II,...\ .,.\ . i.' 1. . ( ir-{. \.\'\ Nl., ir'r fr\ l\ I\\ \i '',) i* \\ \ '..1\ .. \\ )'.'\ ). ) f\\\'\N*.t.S\\'\Nt. l.\- '.', 'r '\ t] )_>4Ni. .r-4\i', iq.^' i Y)') i .1. r\ \'t' l' [..x {.r \Q\l\l c) ==FL,c :(9,-.,otrE- N N \\ \ tlr I * Ib ; R E J tlr I \\ ItG ltt CT o F F J =(t 2_z \ I 1 { t\ I I I i I l, I, I It\ I'l I I I ll1 Irlllr I llril I )o ',1lri' 'l\' , ,i\ 'lI \ Il' I l1 I I \1 I \ s$,^ rE$$S\P.| tstrsqJ