HomeMy WebLinkAboutINNSBRUCK MEADOWS LOT 10 LEGALo slv @ TYPE IIIEMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT BESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEREAS.fi'n is lhe owner of certain property (lhe Orvner) described as: Z7&Z J)( >, 4 il.,^-n uol 7n,rsfi,nft ilaz,-"lr* s ("the Property'); andIn.,.sbrdA y'/eado,^rs bf q3 WHEREAS, the orvner wishes to place certain restrlclions on the use of a unil or aparlmenl located on the Property for rhe benefit of the ovvner and the Town of Vair, cororado ("the Town). Now, THEREFoRE, ths o,vner does hereby impose, estabrish, acknowredge, decrare for the benEfit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land the following r€strictions, covenanls, and condilions, all of which shall bE deemed to run with ths land and inurE to lhe benefit and be binding upon the orner, irs respec,tive grante€s, su@essors, and asbigns. 1. unit or Apartme il 27 tr7 13 .conraining 5?d square feet, is hereby restricted Ers a Type ilr Emproyee Housing Unir (EHU) which must comply wirh a[ the provisions of sections r8.s7.020, 19.s7.030, and rg.s7.060 of the vail Municipal code as amended. The Type lll Employee Housing Unit shall be leased to renants who are tull-time employees who work in Eagle county. An EHU shall not be leasEd for a period less than thirly consecutive days. For the purposes of this section, a full-time employee is one who works an average of lhirty hours each week. A Type lll EHU may be sold, transfered, or conveyed separarely from olher dwelling units or Employee Housing units lhat may be located on the same lot or within lhe same building so long as it meets the following conditions: a) lt must be used by the owner of thE EHU as a psrmanenr residence. For rhe purposs of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean thE home or prace in which one's habitation is fixed and to which one, whenever he or she is absent, has a present intention of reiurning after a departure or absence therefrom, regardless of the duration of absence. ln delermining what is a permanent residence, rhe Town staff shall take the following circumsrances relating to rhe owner of rhe residence inro account: businEss pursuits, ernployment, income sourc€s, residence for income orothertax purposes, age, marirar sratus, 2. o \ \\ 3. Fr G' tltl,ry!,1,,,!!1,'tq|[##tj[,1',1ull.'|{11l',, p residsnce of parenls, spous€ and children if any, location of personal and real propeny, an motor vehicle reglstralion. lf a Type lll EHU is sold, kansferred, or conveyed separately ftom the other dwelling units and/or Type llr Employee Housing unirs in a multifamily structure it is apart of, or from other dwelling units and/or Type lll EHUs located on rhe same lot, the Type lll EHUs in the structure or on that lot shall be subjeO fo ail the provision set forth in Section 18.57.020. The Type lll EHU shall not be divided into any form of limeshares, inrerval ownership, or fraclional fee ownership as those terms are defined in the Municipal code of the Town of Vail. No later than February 1 of each year, rhe owner of each employee housing ,n*,t",ilr, *" lown which is construclsd following lhe etfective date of this chapter shall submit two copies of a report on a form lo be obtained from lhe communily Development Depanment, to the community Development Department of the Town of Vail and chairman of the Town of Vail Housing Authority setting lorth evidence establishing that the employee housing unh has been rented throughout lhe year, the rental rate, the employer, and thal each tenanl who resides within the employee housing unil is a full-lime employee in Eagle counry. The owner of each EHU shall rent lhe unit at a monthly rental rate consistent whh or lower lhan those mark€l rares prevalent for similar properties in the Town of Vail. The Town of vail Housing Authorhy will det€rmine ths markot rale based on the sludy of other units of comparable size, location, quality and amenities throughout the Town. The market rate shall be based on an average of a minimum of five rental ratgs of comparable ' units. lf the unit is nol rented and is not available al the market rate it shall be delermined to be in noncompliance' In addltion to any other p€nalties and rsslrictions provided herein, a unit found to be in noncompliance shall be subject to publicarion as determined by rhe Housing Authority. 8. Thlrty days prior to the transfer of a deed for a Type lll EHU, tho prospective purchaser shall submit an applicalion to the Community Development Department docum€ntlng thal the prospective pr.rrchaser meets ths criteria set forth above and shall include an atfidavit atfirming thal he or she meets lhsse cril€ria. b) 4. 5. 8. 7. 1.A lt$t'!'l|!4'f,l||[]4'.jt,1'lj$|Itlllgl, 9. 10. The provisions of these restrictive covenants may bs enforced by the owner and the Town. The conditions, restriclions, stipulations, and agreemenls conlained herein shall not be waived, abandonEd, terminal€d, or amended except by the written consEnt ol both the Town ol Vail and ths O,vner of the property. TOWN OF VAIL, a,Colorado municipal corporation By: The loregoing inslrument was acknowledged before me this{Say of Anne E. Wrlght, Notary Public r Comnission Erpires 6t7-1999 75 S. Frontagc Poad ( ,t e t at lae ''it (ozf instrument was acknowledged before me *ris ? 7 tay ot Jnn ^ o, h. / ? 7 7 Ua N^"!il' Mycommission "rpn"r, C-)fuL? 5 , /, I y .,/r// ,l ). t, I .: .i .. F jrvrryon.lo.rnr\Eld.rl[ Jtl ' Ii . ;;]JJ HWCT StlT i0 -: -.' . GliOfl 3DAT/,CI1 . : \i:dlB (ilillCl(il l.qn LHlLrl{f !!rullllJ lull[f lf rlluuflr ilil |lll 3 of 3 R 15.@ D O.WD N O.OO Ergli,-ditoredo \AnV.rrnv REAL ESIAITE :BROKERS INC.= Memo To: Town of Vail, Community Development Department Fmm: Frank D. McKibben GG: Greg Amsden Dat€E January20, 1997 Rer Tracy McOoy EHU application Attn: AndyKnudson I have gathered additional material lor the application of Tracy McC,oy who is purchasing a privately owned EHU propertyai Innsbruck Meadows. As proof of Tracy's residency and employrnent the following documents are enclosed. a. A letter from her employer signed by the manager of the Vail Christy Spods location stating her that she has been employed with them for the last two seasons. b. W2 wage statemenls for 1995 andl!9!_ c. A Colorado drivers license issued 228196 r) /^ May 1996 and canceled check for payment of i'ill{ - lgo lq t, d. Colorado auto registration renewed f rom registration. e. A Town of Vail Library Card. ( I'm sure you have access lo )rour records for verification ol issue date ) f. Cascade Club Membership f rom October of 1994 S. A copy of a pervious lease with Kirsch Sanders for 1709 Geneva Drive covering the time span of October 1, 1995 to September 30, 1996. A copy of a deposit receipt for the above lease that originated in October of 1994. h. Canceled rent checks from current lease {or months of August 1996, October 1996, and December 1996. The above information establishes continuous residency in Vail and Eagle County since October of 1994 and documents employment with a Vail employer for the past two years. In addition to the above Tracy has been doing unpaid volunteer work for Eagle County Schools over the above time span . There are no employment record for this but I'm sure you can verify her teaching assistant work with the Eagle County School qstem. o Page 1 December 11 , L996 To whom it concerns: Tracy Bonnet McCoy has been employed at Chrlsty Sports in VaiI for the past three years. For the last two seasons she has been Assistant Softgoods Supervisor. y'), t '/ afu//( Nl'Yro Rick Nelson Ivlanager 293 Bridge St. . Vair, CO 8t657 . (3O3)476-2244 OL/07/57 nIE 1E:54 F tr ts oor 6 tst4,14 ea j rurc'c] ulr ltr all trt Ur tu IJi t, rl t Br u?ct au Gr iiiE lla* ffiitN .FI Iv Ex ar N,E t e F =f}eloadds tr$r{$Uatw- tstrxA "lxlqb / TOIYN OFYA'T 20e t&fi Me.dorr Dr, . vhl. colordc El$!t . gx}4?9alf E.rsr t'tr ('ra ro +'jii,xlD I I 4 l oct c.tUrtrt F.\lrc d efl= 'e-.) ID rat\t7lo otJ € ut 6A''tl oH Bt FI rEFIHdu6 EtoHE gH HB 3t H ctl.l4 A. 6Lt6 gLb 2gS.sllrods..A.r-srcHe-ffi Casca'k (Aob ltet{tww 7 tt*t I jcina ln ro/ttl4t I-#\|,/ MEMBERSFIIP APPUCATION Vall, Colorado -;.-\Itb,nbcnhhlfunb.r -WU- ara'*'x*" SacoY , , "-. rf#rr/ .--S -- - Spou* Narne P:trrrrrrd Addlll oty S,a lJ LaYc- t if'l sd.tvpood. illn h - 84lot ..- B,r{nag Fl*o IHsnc Phom Lacd Ad&€E Pc Y-...''t' I rri9 Uoft t ot, Varl srrrzpcoa" (clor-4rlo flt(r$8 r.oc.el Phprrc {Al$ 4'?k-?tl,.Lg t{rqb+r of mernbprhp crrdt tlqlc€d serd nrombelshg Unhtg ta: 16"*--ll!ttV U< U;V ruonr" Po Bor t€ ory t'(r. I sda6o6odc {9|vYdrta BtGsg - l tl.g By slg[tsB Urtr eodlcdrd\ t cotfrrm ftlt I tE\i rEad fic r3l,g1r and itfy uda$rd rd a$!c ro fi€ l€srn' atd cmattlst of *rf opplc*ttt- J+d ''{l " f sn's*'' 0^lrlbDb''*(& o'u'rpra {/ A hltla$on rr", $-i0.rF-- l,tonthbDrres $ 55'C0- !,lon-RerHentCafiFe'e -@,$- - $ Frp[ationDrte - I. I$- x"h;885..Q, lo/P/'i-/, llethod o[ Payment:E Ca6h $ DAMX $ U vts/MC$ g 0tror $ TYPE OF MEMBEBSHIP CASCADEBEOIqE CASANDESLVER O1SCADEGOLD NOI{{ESIDGNT D tndgdrrl n kd$dud D fr([*tl| tr Indfvthd tr F.mily O F.dlt, tr Sx'lty ,-tc Cascade Club ,et- d 6Lb6 g Lt c.EE gIUOdS -ArSr:lHC gg:ffi {rygjlg- tsr5.,.vt "'e -ttltllldlrc' :'G -lrarol lr Go[rrrnDoo q sE*"*'- - 1if^e/!6l.S#.Ccx[,v or --F- lodr ra3,tr$a|tl| *wn ri r#il:ffiiffiT,^^lh fdldsrnt o3tEt|!')tl lD|rlmtlr lrl JF{irl.lil4-.jeladts t..jl. il,Tiot t t-ttt "1't1 t*oot e ffi ' l*clpemst4-*t Jtt"t' ocFrmrsJatonlEg'** -.,ro35rlr :.ffik#li br b!' i't- or rrruullc stHo<t6'*re:'tx THIS LErl? r' 'nrar erttr o gr?elt|Efl aFry-J'-- ffi pou tft'c't7/+ hPfttt' t, ffi^otthc r.,rmrotrhc i{G,,wr. ,*t'r $ fob*c i: fL fnntt' il redlctlbcr or rn= '!53'rrF -- ' ' l, -- --.r*.,r*svl$ -L- r..- rru i.oicl-ri#Hi?iffigf: t'Uclrffdabt F'#ffi " lnsstcurgFdlt urTrsnt' !. r rr.r .- rDdtr?t:fi Sl##.#SSffi;"'--" db srirrd*e*s-wmngffffi:##'rLffi S-ffi Efr fi S#r'aa**Iffi';-,f ry-*ff*ffi 4. lbsru.. ontsrrolrr*rrtcrr rc-,,ff rttsrrtrffiffifr:;"'-'L s"""rcoto.''lo.'trtr*4r$.Ea.1u" F_**Sffimffi,T,=il,li.o**.-rtpr{irscrdritv: T *: f:1:fi5-:;;;L " " ""r' t t't"i' {"''?'r''ic *'' sa'd 6Lt6 9L' 299 962? t5.a<f-' ItS!.1 i ?.1.5,40 ':.I.ARS S$rff Lsaoarao:q ogxicL. EaLB t, +. la!r' .X{FFfl{E- - ..-.- tf:r.4 t:Ot|.OOOOl?l: E?uB55lrlil qEe? 'L tilrln t774 Td# (tolt.tGtrtf $l,:.rs.cb d rr*Ttffir g0s tr, r: I eloo $ 5r:r??L rq L t rgg-o-lEf 6ruod€'A16rUHg q-C-: eir ffi xryHr,F& .ffi ], BAllk olltrftf63lrtx 6Lt6 glt ggE I qq I T{5t tt'! {Tilil$fl n$!f T[:tf 'Itif'ilf ! | TR CYB.MccOY iRH.HlS".'.'" 'l* A*-$ EE \ 96'd srrfods'Ar6ruHc Lel ar fEJ zE=EETEf-r6Lb6 gLt EAe 4./y245.2 P.AIJSI-23-1991 ' INc.=FAxCoverislrbet BRIDGE ST.CO. 81658. TE-EPflOtrlE (970) 476€450 . F4)( !: SENTTER:!l Frank D. Mcffibben, Broker / Atyner i I ri : IUgSS,{eg: Enclosed are some recpnt pay sfirbs tbr fracy Uchy showing more than dd hours perlireek. The one exception ii Cnnrma{ v,,eo* frherd she ivas sid< and epentitjme wiih farhily. I i i''!i:i-ii ri : | !trM ii : ! ! : i et 6:0O Ptl WITH THIS TRANSMISSION, ,MUEINATELW JRN-23-1997 L?t2?FRoUIIL InLLEY RssrrcrArEs 'fu1p,- wilf . Eru sfi{es.l SF45- tlop.|ritJ-'-o .o u*-q,}. Thctn, F8tgFa€o F?.9 T bGI 6a!- TB t! aI 6 5a-.e.I tra0soE =e>f. ijrl bZzLI 256I-EZ-hUfsilutrssJ A3run'lturl $ #o 5 E(' I 5 &otEoG: r-:r:.?-.|.lln'-|..q! nJc !|ci ssrurarssu ^3THn tttil 46 -'-r ,--- --,l,..-g}Ll l€6I-EZ-!Hf s6tgBE$3FF Fi s:Ilul:usgJ A:ITUfi -ltun l-66q otG =e5llo.\ E'rrurtr I iiiiii i : i : A3THn 1 i ----------- -----_ iH i i l5TEi i1!$*lF; I$ i 'i .li iHiililri,ililfi;iillI i i I rilii Ili i ,.1,i'4,J,,Ji , i ill b Ii i i iil i$ Iii I iilli'ssli i lihii , iill-Hiiilllli* iiil I Ii Pn lillai I lr,1 lil/ ' Ii itr+ i 1T--lI i giti Ii >',i Ir Ll-L Ii m-.N Ii ' ilig/ |iiir--]i i lgsss I 'J zsvz6Lv O ,;i-l-=-.='r,r*u, '# $ # C|:I ,G.r . 'I {qf-.q!t:f,r.r,!.!r'r'i .'j...; I. j .1., II tz^=-* rrunQuc i;rl IIiI; I I I I,ltl _t I I I I I I I I I ! I !.l ! ! I I I ! I I i I I t.'l .,.1 .'I.l i I : I I ! , I I I i 'ii T$ t, I l ,a t{I l{''/ nfi * ) p €t a$$ @ s3rul:ussi t ?,$ O IFR%'a zsre6L, tr ffi :ffi :ffii ffi #j ffii I,TracryMcCoy,thcfuturc owncrof 297L Kion,ck\nntKFd.4clts,agrcctooccupythis rcsidcncc in compliancc with thc Town of Vail housing rcgulations, spccifically: l. Oncc an Employce Housing Unit ("EHtf') has been purchased it must continue to be occupicd in a manner which is consistcnt with thc goals and policics of thc Town of Vail Housing Program. Thc purchased EHU must bc owner-occupied by cithcr: o An cmploycc, working in Eaglc County who works an avcragc of thirty hours pcr wcck on an annual basis. o A rctired individuai, sixty ycars or older, who has worked a minimum of fivc ycars in Eaglc County for an avcragc ofthirty hours pcr wcek on an annual basis. IL The owncr may not rent the EHU for any pcriod of timc, exccpt with prior written consent of ths Town and under the following conditions: o A leave ofabsence may bc grantcd for one ycar, subjcct to clcar and convincing cvidcncc which shows a rcason for leavins and a commitrncnt to retum to the VaiVEagle County arca. Said cvidcncc sh-all bc in written form prescntcd to thc' Town for rcview and rccommcndations 30 days prior to lcaving. Thc lcavc of absence shall bc grantcd for onc ycar and may, at thc discrction of thc Town, bc cxtcndcd for onc ycar. but in no evcnt shall it cxcccd two ycars. Thc unit must bc rcntcd during Jaid ycar or ycars to rcsidcnts who compiy with occupancy requircmcnts as full-timc cmployccs. Rcntal pcriods shall not bc less than thirty days. Afterverification and qualification oftcnant(s), a copy ofthe exccutcd lcasc shall bc fumishcd to thc Town. . If thc EHU is iistcd for salc and thc Owncr must rclocate to anothcr arca, the EHU may, upon approval of the Town, bc rented prior to completion of thc sale to pcrsons who comply with the occupancy rcquircments. A letter must bc sent to ihc Town of Vail H-ousing staff rcqucsting p^crmission to rcnt the unit until sold. A leasc of not lcss than six (6) months must be providcd to the tcnants with a sixty (60) day movc out clausc upon notification that thc units is sold. III. Othcr o Thc Owncr agrccs to mcet with thc currcnt Scnior Housing Policy Planner, when rcquestcd. to rcvicw thc cmploymcnt records. At that timc, thc owncr shall provide affidavits from the cmploycrs and/or hourly rccords, to verifo averagc employmcnt of 30 hours pcr weck. o Thc Owncr may bc subjcct to those pcnalties listcd in Scction 1.01.100 of thc Town Municiplt Coac in the cvcnt df non-compliance of thc Town of Vail Employec Housing Standards. 4 t aL,,, rf1. u/U,U-Fr/t- Trac7ry McG6y U ulo/q 7 STATE OF COLORADO COLTNTY OF EAGLE ) ) ss. ) Datc beforc mc tnis 70& aat * ?^*k.D 1?'was acknowledscd WitnYss mv hand and official seal. My commission expires: f:bveryo o o\andy\97-admin\mccoy.ehu o EXHIBIT E TO)1/'N OFVATL TYPE trI EXIPLOYEE gousrNc UNIT TRANSFER OF DEED AP PLI CATION FORI{,ITTU .A-T TNOVAL FOFJ\I. The purpose of this form is to document the name of the the cur.reni orvner of a deed reshicted Type III Employee ffo*iogUoit €fnD: -ft? ou-"of Ot propoied gvner of the Type III EHU' and that rhe proposed ";; ;";p;;; o'itft tn" Town of Vail iegulations pertaining to dre Type III EHU prior to tansferring the deed' Dateofapplication: Nove""rla'' a1 tQq L ' ' Date of proPosed closing: t-Dt 0w+ qb Steet ad&ess of EIIU: Legal descriptioo oiEtru: Lot a gtocuZEliis'/ Date deed reslrictions rvcrc filed at County Clcrk and Recordcr: Name of existing owner: u. ':', \{ailiug ad&ess: Telephone numben Nanreofperspectivepurcbaser: Trc% l9c|o\ Mailingaddress: Po gox tstg Va'l , rDlorindo' QlbS8 Telephone number: Proposed prrrchase Price: f:\n'ct1'ooc\a05tornrnosrV !'d'105 'q10 +1b 40q Ie o DOCtmf'FNTATION ed to this fonn, please providc docurnentation verifying that the conditions listed above can be fulfilled by the prospective purchaser. Thc documentation shall include at a minimugu ? An affidavit from thc prospective purchaser stating that tle proposed residence rvill be his/her pemranent residence. To veri$ this, location of employ:r.en! past employment, or oiher factors shall be cited by the applicant in the affidavit and verified by staff. o The applicant shall veriS that he or she bolds a permanent job and works a minimum ofthir9 hours per week at lhi's job. W2is, Federal Income Tax statements or similar documenlation from the previous year must be provided to verify compliance with tlis standard. V. APPROVAL The Town of Vail hereby approves tbe requested tansfer of deed Approvcd by the Town of Vail #r/aL t:tvcrtos3\rldrtonnolrUccd205 IOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD 7ArL, co 8L657 )70-479-2L38 Job Address: Location...: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS # 10 Parcel No.. ! 2103-143-00-006 Project No. : PRJ96-0092 APPLICANT SNOVISHOE DEVELOPMENT 5032 SNOWSHOE LANE' VArL, co 81657 CONTRACTOR SNOIIISHOE DEVELOPMENT 5032 SNOWSHOE LANE, VAIL, co 81657 AM BROS DEVELOPMENT INC 288 BRIDGE ST, VAIL, CO 81657 f/"nr brot(c DePt: BUILDING Division: PLANS TO DA}I DePt: PLANNING Pivision: PLANS TO GEORGE Dept: FIRE Division: DePt: PUB WORK Divieion: PLA}IS TO LARRY P. LARRY PARDEE DePt: ENGINEER DiviEion: PI,ANS TO TERRI M OK OWNER Description:NEw sFR Occupancy DwellingsPrivate Garages Ptan Check---) Investigat ion> Uitt Cal,L---) Type Zone Zone .00 Recrcation Fct------> 3.00 Cl,.an-UP 0ePosit------> TOTAL FEES----- Table Date: 05/L7/L996 Firepf.acc Infofmrtion: Restfictcd: y flOf Gas Apptirnccs: 1 #Of Gas Logs: #Of $ood/P!tt't: FEE SUltl{ARy **** ***** * ******t* *r**t* | ****r* ***** ***t* ***** *l***** ***i * 8ui tding-----) 1,108.00 Rcatuarlnt Ptan Revi cy--).OO Totat Crtculated FcGs-> 3,341.E0 2OO.0O Additionat F.Gs-----> .00 810.60 Totat P.rrit Fcr__-_) 3,541.80 5OO.O Paynents-------> 3.441.& 3,341.80 BALANCE DUE------> .00 720.20 DRB F Item! 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o6/06/L996 CHARLTE Action: NoTE 06'/07/L996 CHUCK Action: APPR Item: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/O6/L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE 06'/17'/1996 GEoRGE Action: APPR Item: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT O6/!8/t996 cHucK Action: APPR Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS o6/06/L996 CHARITE Action: NorE 06'/LB-/L996 LARRY-P Action: APPR Item: 05550 ENGINEERING o6/06/L996 CHARLTE Action: NorE O6'/L3/L996 TERRI-M Action: APPR see Page 2 of thie Document for any conditions that may apply to this pernit' DEPARTMENT oF coMMuNrrYrury/€utrfffi. DeV. approved LL' Clean-up D eposit Refund NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSefA NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT pRorEcr rrrlE' ilrilse-RidflftEbft; ?l?zff NFrrr /qE'p p/s-nTlpt PERMTT OaIe Prrnit-*':--99-C-0l42 ' d TAD at€ npBg-rryrs.E"Q't Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 06/06/L996 ri-eued. . . I o8'/t3'/L996 Exp5.res . . : 02/09/L997 Phone: 30347 65263 Phone z 3034765263 Number of Dwelling units: 001 Factor Sq. Feet VaLuation t v-N 80.60 t,802 t45'24L,20 1V-N 21.30 514 L0,948.20 Subtotal z 2,3L6 156r 189 ' 40 Total Valuation: 156r189'40 Town of vail Adjusted.Valuation: 192r000'000 DECLARATIONS f hcrcby rcknor.tcdgc thrt t hrve rerd this lpptic.tiori, fittcd out in futt thc inforr.tion rcqui'Gd, corptctcd tn pl,!n, lnd .t!tc thlt rl,t the infonDation P.ovidcd rs r.quincd i3 cortcct. t agrec to corpt'y vith the inforr'tion to cotpty rrith.tt Toun ordinrncca rnd 3t!tc [avs, and to bui td thic ltructure according to thc roYn's zoning and codcs, design rcvier approved, uniforn Euitding codc and other ordinances of thc Torn appticabtc th'r'to' nEouEsTsFoRtNsPEcTIoNsSHALLBE!.|ADETIIENTY-FouRHot,RsINADVANGEBY scnd ctcln-t P o.pGit To: sNotlsHoE DEv. accurate Ptot .nd ptot ptan, cuHivirion FICE FRofi 8:00 A OF OINEN OR PAGE 2 I lr tr Jr ** **Jr*** * ************ * ** * * * *********** ********************************** * *** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 896-0142 aE ot' o8/L3/96 status! rssuED .********.**********************************'********************i*****!t*!t********* Permit Tlpe: NEW (sFRrP/srDUP) PERMIT Applicant: SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT ilob. AddreEe: L,ocation: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS f 10 Parcel No: 2103-143-00-006 Applied: 06/06/L996iisuea: o8'/t3/Lge6 :*****:r*:krr********************************************************************** CONDITIONS :***rtrt*Jr***********************************************************!t************ 1. TIIIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. sUcH suRvEY SHATL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRN,TE INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL TIAVE A CEILING HE]GTTT OF 5 FEET OR I'ESS' AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTUP"AI.' MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL I{EMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. oo o oo 'F.3Bi8ca o o c o o o o o o oC' o o rn H3Ei8o E Aa IuI|A P AHEtlloE' o BH AI& :i{.:Ef, 27EU!!8r. H oootoaA|lEE\ooo o ott H Etq E E o.Et ..orl a!6ao 6dlr Er0o| aotAH it !lr.l (o E?t I\ots Hcla tl4B ctE+o * F AFIee EEE|( 4T Ea FaizzEPEXo.l t ft :{A2 g3 qlo E l.l lrH2 E1 !aI z cot6F&laaEu H s B taF. l{EIEE e &E FIl-l HE aaD r{4- &IE'adocc|-EOHCIETAA|I * * * * * ** * * * * * !t * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * t* * * * * * * * ********o*** IOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** 3,34L.80 08/L3/96 11:14 Init: ALlt!Statemnt Number: REC-0183 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 1747 **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 896-0L42 TYPe: B-BuIL,D NEw 2103-143-00-006 INNSBRUCK MEADOWS # 10 Total Fees: 3,341.80 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WIIL CALL INSPECTION FEE (sFR,P/STDUP) PE 3, 341.80 3, 341 .80 .00 Amount 1, 108.00 200.00 720.20 500. 00 810.60 3.00 ]OWN OF VAIL '5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD /ArL, co 81657 ,70-479-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PI,IIMBING PERMIT Job Address: Location... : INNSBRUCK MEADOWS Parcel No.. : 2103-143-00-006 Project No. : PRJ96-0092 BEAVER CREEK PLIJMBING & HEAT P o Box 525, AVoN co 81620 BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING & HEAT P O BOX 625, AVoN co 81620 AM BROS DEVELOPMENT INC 288 BRTDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permit *: P96-0084 statuE...: ISSUED # 1o Applied. -z 06/.06/.Ls96 r;;ued...t 08/t4/Leg6 ExPires..z O2/IO/L997 Phone z 3039497523 Phone; 3039497523 DescriPtion: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR FEE SUITI'IARY Valuation:9,000. 00 P turbi ngr---> P[an Check---> t nvcat i Eat i on> t,li tt cal.t---> 135.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviev--) 33.75 TOTAL FEES---- .00 3.00 .00 Total catcutated Fecs--> 1?1.75 Additional Fces------> Tota I Pcrrit Fec---_-) Plyncnts---- BALANCE DUE_-- 171.75 .m 171.75 171.75 .00 Item:05100 o6 /Lo /Lee6 BUII,DING DEPARTMENTCHUCK ACtiON: APPR Dept: BUILDING DiviEion: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLAR,ATIONS I hercby acknoutcdge that I havc read this apptication, til'l'ed out in ful't the inforration requi red, corpteted.an idji)-.'^c-"ili. ir,ii "ii t'"'iiio.*iii^ p"olliJ ". "lqlil*,i"-:91.::1.^..1-is1;;^::.11t:t.*tl^:l?"tl::int::lplan, .nq 5ralt rrror' - ding iqthe Tounrs zoning andi;;"r9at uith at( ToHn ordinances .nd state [aHs/ and to buitd this stfucture accor.-r fl-irr^ai o,,ir,{i^^ .^d. .^i{ ^thaF .rrdin.nc.s of tha TovnloDticable thereto. "oai.r'al"ign review epprovcd, Unifonn 3uiLding Code lnd other ordincnccs of th. T REeUEsTsFoRTilsPEcTIoNsSHALLBEItAoETTENTY-FouRHoURsINAov^NcEEYTELEPHoNE !ccurate Ptot and ptot pl'an, gubdivi sion 8:00 A 5:00 t t*************************************************************** IOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO Statemnt k***********t**************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0183 Arnount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: t7L.7s 08/L3/e6 11:15 L747 INit: ALM P96-0084 TlPe: B-PL!48 PLIIMBING PERMIT 2103-143-00-006 INNSBRUCK MEADOWS * 10 Total Fees: L7]-75 Total ALL PmtE: Balance: k*************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Location: This Palnnent Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4L336 Description PLT'MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE t71.75 L7L,75 .00 Anount 135.00 33.75 3.00 ]OIVN OF VAIL'5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD 'ArL, co 81657 t70-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E96-0115ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address:Location...: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS # 10 Parcel No.. : 2103--143-00-006 Project No. : PRJ96-0092 APPLICANT FRENCH ELECTRIC P.o Box 3!46, EVERGREEN CO 80439 CONTRACTOR FRENCH ELECTRIC P.o Box 3t46t EVERGREEN co 80439 OWNER AI'l BROS DEVELOPMENT INC 288 BRTDGE ST, VArL co 81557 Description: ELECTRICAL, WORK FOR NEw SFR Valuation:6, 000 . 00 FEE SUltllARY t*****i*i****t*** Total, Crl,cutatcd Feca-> 5.00 E trctri ca !--> .00 DRB Fee Additional Fcca---> Tot![ Plrnit Fee------) Payments--------> BALTNCE DUE---- Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 06/06/L996 riiued. ... o8/t4/.Lee6 Expires..z O2/L0/1997 Phone. 303-674-0227 Phone: 303-67 4-0227 .00 3.m 3.q) .(n tnv.stigation> lli tt catt----> TOTAL fEES---> .00 3. O0 3.00 68ft a fi8920 "fi EEfi '*' "t:.?BHTffFil' Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hefcby ecknor.l,.dgc that r have read this appLi cation, fitted out in fuLt the intornation rcquircd, conPl'tcd !n accufltr ptot plan, and statc that art tnc'iiioroaii- p.olia"a "" riquirJ is correct. r agfcc to-corpl'y uith the inforration snd plot Pl'rn' to colpLy eith rtt ror*r oralnaices -"na-"tlt. [a*s, and io buitd this structurc according iothc Tosn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revicu rPPrcvJ, unito.t Buil,ding codc rnd othcr ordinances of the Toyn apPticabtc thcrcto' REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE I'IADE TI''EIITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY I -rt*******:l*********:t********************************************* OVIN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt *************************************************************** starennt Number: REc-0183 Anount: 3'00 08/13/la t1Le-p.yr""t Method: cincr Notation: 1747 rnit: ALM Pernit No: E96-0115 TYPes B-ELEC Parcel No: 2103-143-00-006 Location: rNNsBRucK llEADows * 10 This Palment Total Fees: 3.00 Total AtL PITttB: Balance: *****************!********************************************** ELECTRICAL PERMIT 3.00 3 .00 .00 Account Code 01 0000 41336 Description WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL,, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 .lob Address. . . Location Parcel No.....Proiect Number l4echani cat---) Ptan check---> Investigation> tlitL catL----> I SSUED o6/06/ree6 02 /28 / LeeT 0B/27 /Lee7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M96-OO6O APPLICANT BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING & HEAT P O BOX 625, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING & HEAT P O BOX 625, AVON CO 81620OWNER AM BROS DEVELOPMENT INC 288 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 Description: MECH. FOR NEW SFR Fi reptace Information: Rest r i cted:#0f Gas Apptiances: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS # 10 2103-143-00-006 PRJ9 6-009 2 140.00 Restuarant ptan Revi ew-->35.00 DRB Fee--------.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.O0 VaLuation: #0f Gas Logs: .00 Total Catcutatcd Fees--->.00 Additionat tees--------->178.00 Total Permit Fee--------> Payments------- Status. . . Applied.. Issued.., Expires. . Phone:. 3039497523 Phone: 3039497523 7, 000 .00 fof l,lood/Pat tet: **************i******************************************** FEE SUlll.lARY *******i*t******t*ff**t**************rr******************* 178.00 .00 178.00 178.00 ******************************************r*r******************************************illl$i-1ffi;;;iii*iir***********iff*** JTqM:.O51OO-PV_I!,DING DEPARTMENT DCPI: BUILDING Di-ViSiON:9?/zB/\gg7-cHARtrE AaEict;i: EiiFn cuanr,rE DAViSrTbM:.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT -__ _ -b"FT: FIRE DiViSiON: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EIEIP_INSPECTIONq ABE BEQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. coMBusrroN ArR__Iq BEOUTRED-PEn ssc.'-6d7 bF"rfre-1gei--uMe;-'--'3 . TNSTALLAT ToN ^!,!gET_ gON!'oBt4 rO ulr.r0Feciunn S- m-sinuet iolls -auo. TO APPENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF rns lggl--aMal-- --'-4. qAS 4ppLrANCEq_S$4L^L_EE VENTED eCeOn-pjr.re To CHAPTER 9 AND_ 5Lt4!! TERMTNATE,AS gpECrFrED rN -Sse .e06-oF-rlrE--is5T uuel-u. +65rgF fl?unTgBl*GMEQUTpMENT Masr eor/IFi,i wlrn--Ene .5os-efro 6. ggMBS guAL_L EE_MOUIITED gN qLQQRg QF NONCOMBuSTTBLE CONST._ uNlEqq LrsrED_FQR_\,rqqNrrNG oN-eoMeustrEl-,E-F'iooRiN6::. --..'-' 7 . pEB!.!rTr plaNS.^ANp gqaE_ANALys I g !,IIuSi -eE-FoSrED--iii-MEcHANTcAL ^ Bqqu pRroR rg_41!-.INqpEcrioN neoriESi: -- ---'-'8. DBAINAGE oF IIEcEAN-rqAr, n66us _QorlreiurNc HEArrNc oR HOT_WATERSqpply BoTLEBS^$HAL! BE EeuipFEb-i,iirH- A iri-doR' Dnaiu--Fnn"SEd.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fil,Led out in ful,t the information requircd, compteted an accuFate ptot Ptan, and ltate thrt att th. inforntion providcd .s f.quir.d is corrlct. t agrcc to conpLy yith thc infornrtion rnd ptot ptan,to conpty vith .l,t lovn ordinanccs and statc tavs, and to buitd thi3 structure according to thc Tounrs :onl ng and auHivision codcs, dcaign rcvian approvd, unitorr 8ui tding code and other ordinancca of thr Toun apptic.btc thcrcto. REOUESTS FOR II{SPECTIOIIS SHALL BE }IADE TI'ENTY-'OUR HOURS I lN AlvNcE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT ouf, oFrIcE FRoll 8:m I 5:00 pil 5TGNATSRE oF or.,NER oR coNTRAcroR roR HtltsELF A D otrNER \ /Q-\---t \.J-- ' **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COTORADO St,atemnt * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {. ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * Statemnt Number: REC-0250 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notat,ion: #1520 178.00 02/28/97 Loz26Init: CD Total Fees:178.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance I*****************************************r.******* Perrnit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 4L3t2 01 0000 4L33201 0000 41336 M96-0060 Type: B-MECH 2L03-743-00-00 6 1460 BUFFEHR CREEK RD INNSBRUCK MEADOWS # 10 MECHANICAL PERMIT Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE Amount, 140.00 35 .00 3 .00 178.00 *************** G_-' 1\r' \rt v\, <-, r1 \J e !D E,V C-Llr)rr.{yt t\I \' Ji-JNSBqugf r'{e\\o\ros tcrOOa^uBu'-ir-e5 By esaurca a-ree1., F$t{ ._ _ Sotr-E{< _R.rl _ ORSw_'r N.G\_ f''+g- - -'fl 'e$ -&:+ oFiffii'6hPv l{amen Sutppl y l:c,. Fr-r:r 436 95tlr N,:'tt ingham F:c,ad Avc,nr l::O Bl6?0 Fhc'ne (3C)3) 949-43(10 FAX '349-4Ct4g I NNSETF;Ur::f'l l'4EADOt^lS LOT ETUH LOSS '3I'2L6 GAIN 10 WEST VAIL 3?345 G FTU/FT G 18C' F.55c' ROON NUHBER RODM NAME HE IGHT LENETH I^JI DTH EXFOSED I^IALL LENGTH # WALLS NITH oPENINGS EXPOSED I:LASs AREA L INFILTFIATION O CEILING S FLONR SO FT S SLAEI LINEAR FT F I:OLD FAFiTITION S hIALL I HATHl+2O B. CrC) 8.00 5. OO 8.5Ct I 7.3Q : BEDF:I'I1 B. f_lcr 13. 50 1O. 5c-! 24.00 1 3:1. ()O . o1u 1361 . rJ4 347 0. cr5 7,9:-J o.56 1A4A 457 | t6l (:t 3 ELOSETl S. O(t 4. 50 5. CrO 4 STAIRS B. OO s. oo 3.50 . c)4 126 . cr12 .04 3S4 16C, 303 4zcr 1520 2.8 1C,28 . Cr4 90 f_r. (15 GLASS C}.56 TOTAL LOSS E lOO DTD BASEBOAFID FEET € 1BO IiAIN 9(:' 0.2 rl t:la o.2 o ROOT4 NUFIEIER HOOH NAr'tE HEIEHT LENtSTH WIDTH EXPOSED I^IALL LENBTH # I'ALLS I'ITH OPENINES EXF.OSED 6LASS AREA ENTFIY 8. Clc-l 11.C)Ct B. C-!Cl 9, c)o 1 48. Or-l 6 BEDF;I"I2 B. Or-l 13. C)O I 1 . (l(:l 31 . C)0 I ?C). f-)(J . o1? 1373 .04 37:: C). C,5 114{t 0.56 11?0 4to5 7,A '.c264 7 BATH2+2O s. oo 4.50 10. oo 6.00 . 04 1Br-) Cf . (t5 24O 5C)4 cl. g o €l MSTRBED 16. OO 19. OO t 3. 5C) 33. (tl-l 1 90, oo . o12 4-J2= . Og 77Cl o.05 2190 0.56 EO40 t2924 23.5 7204 L INFILTRATION O L:E]LINI3 5 FLDOFI 5A FT S EiLAE LINEAF: FT E CDLD FAETITION S WALL GLASS Cr. CrS I zct 0.56 t6BS .t]12 .04 445 35t TOTAL LOSS € lOO DTD BASEFOAF:D FEET G 18O EAIN 4Cr(rs 7.4 2663 ROOH NIJI4EIER ROOI"I NAME HE I GHT LENISTI{ I,,IIDTH EXPOSED WALL LENGTH 1+ WALLS WITH OFENINGS EXFOSED GLASS AREA L INFILTRATIONu CEILINIS ,C)3 S FLT]OE SG FTS SLAE LINEAFI FTE COLD PARTITIONS I.IALL 6LASS TOTAL LOSS G 1OO DTD BASEEOARD FEET G 18O 6A IN I l,,J I ll B. OO 7.tt0 7. {rO 147 10 FtrWDER B. CrCl 5. O{} 6. {rt) 19. o(J I 7.3C, 11 LIV\DINFi 18. OCt :1"+, ()r., 19.50 45. OCt I ?73.0C, . c,36 30326.03 14Cr4 Cr. CrS 26B5o.56 152S8 49703 9C). 4 16815 LZ HITCHEN 16. o0 14. 5Ct 8.50 31 .00 1 15. OO .o12 2366 . (r3 370 o.05 2403o.56 840 147 o.3 o . o1z ' C'3 o, 05 s.56 tB8 9C, 723 420 15?1 ?,8 I 156 5941 to. I 3L44 RT]ON NUI'IBER RT]DM NAFIE HEIEHT i LENETH t^,I DTH EXPOSED WALL LENI3TH* I"'ALLS I^IITH OPENINES EXPOSED 6LASS AREA 13 I'ISTRBATH B. CrCl 12.00 12. CrO 24. OO 2 ?2.8Q 14 STAIRS 8. C,Ct 3. 50 10. 5C, .o4 t47 1615 L INFILTRATION O EEILINIi S FLI]OE SG FT S SLAE LINEAF: FT E COLD PARTITION S WALL GLASS TOTAL LBSS G lOO DTD BASEEOAFID FEET G 1B(' GAIN , olB 2074 . r-,3 43? C). Og lOOE o. 4773 s.7 't463 147 rJ. 3 0 ., .olor homes ancl aFartments 6fft The 68 is available as a factory-assembled, f ire- tested package boiler with jacket, burner, and controls (P-68). The unit is also available as a boiler-burner unit (8-68), or as a boiler without burner (A-68). B and A:' units are shipped with factory-assembled sections. o chotce of teadins t'isn-*ncienb;i;iiou;nro. Wet base design lor maxlmum heat kansfer o Insulated ste€lJact:at r Tanklesi he'alers avall- able for water and steam . Elastomor.seAllng rings o Back flue oullet (68V boller'avallable with top outlet) . Convenient access foi.ser- vlclng and cleaning . , ;i,',j.: i , ldhrl!.ht lr'ttl| Gftl !nr lr. fl. ldl ftnt IfUE t 268 .70 750 86.I 10h' 368 95 355 $0 64.1 13h' 168 r.25 ,r6t t3r.0 64.2 l6h' 558 r50 560 t57 0 84.3 l9h' 658 r.m 615 190.0 8r.{22\r' 768 2.05 t?o 2tn0 04.5 25h' 868 230 840 23{.0 28'i' $8 2.55 930 259.0 3llt' / f,l CG The popular CG gas boiler is designed for hol . water healing systems in homes and apartments. 1l It is shipped as a com- :. plete package-factory:*;' ' assembled and fire- '-l :'"., tested to ensure quality : and reliability. l.ll.l l||ha litd t!H ||l lrl|.lll IfUE I f, cG.25 52.0 370 83.0 t7"t0' cG.3 70.0 500 82.2 21't0' cG-1 1050 n0 829 t3' cG-5 t40.0 102.0 82.5 29Yr't6' cc-6 t75.0 r260 82.2 32ri"t9. cc-t ? r0.0 t51.0 8r0 331'i'22' cG.8 245.0 r760 8r.4 36h'2f, + Wlth .kctrmlc EG ldhr lunhr lrltul t l Sl||r Sr. n l.l f,l||rtlrl TTUEll+t EC-30 t5.0 192 53.0 03.{6'11" EG.35 m.0 2U 70.0 82.2 6',It" EG.4O 25.0 3fl 88.0 82.8 6lt"2lx' EG,45 50.0 383 105.0 E2.2 6h'2ll{" EG.5O 75.0 446 r23.0 82.2 9'25|^' 2m.0 508 142.0 823 9'25h' FG65 250.0 633 r?20 82.3 9n' EG'5 3m.0 7S0 209.0 th'3{- rbd|Dih 00'g 00'9€ 00'otT lunouv ESd NOI.f,JSdSNI TTVJ TTIM ssg,{ y3sHc NvTd sss,{,[I],rusd TVoINvHJSy{ uoTldTJcseq gEET? OOOO IO zEEtn 0000 r0 ?,rETn 0000 r0apoc lunoccv ?ueudEd sTrt& : uoTlPCOrI : sssrppv alTS :oN TacrPdioN lTlu.Ied .s + +.s + + i+ ,6 ,' + + + + + i s + + + + +.$ + + s + + i! + + + + i + + + + + + + + + ir + ir +ir + + + + + + + t + + + f + + + i : acuereg : slrlld TTv Te1o,f, : s9ed Te1o,f, 00'8tr ,IIlrusd TvSINVHSShI 0I # SI{OCVST'I YCnUSSNNI cu yaauS uHsd.{ns 09tI 900-00-E?I-E0Iz HJgr{-s : addJ, OgOO-9 6t{ luualexs oqvuoToc '.IIVA Jo Nl,to,I cJ :lTuI 0u9T# :uorlp?oN xSsHJ :poqlen luau(edgztol L6/gz/zo oo'gtT :lunouv ggzo-cgu r.requnN luue1p?s ++|+,r+++f .r.r +.r.r.s +.$.1 +++++.lt .ri+{ |r++f ++ + + + ii { + i++I t+++++ +rI r++ ++++++ + +++++++++.r.$+++.s.r.s++++ir+++l.++++.r+.r+++++.f+++++*a++++++++++++++++++ ;:"ffi:ri;2ti,^3""#W /fPAR.EL o'-fr:4- F,ft l___^:_:^ 15*"*t:V Kffi our col'lPr'ETELY oR rr uaY Nor BE ACCEPTED n; 2._..: "*3 : . :Y m30r 1]S* r rlirFoRltarrox * * * * fffi $fitfoh ut.r * * r'r * * * * * * J.I,Lrcrrr; l..crE 'L./ -^. EIocIc_ Filingftd+14lrfu3,sf=A;- -4 I onners rane': '"-AV&6'frGf c:kAddress: M pn.U/uf*Zf) Dz -r', z FArchitectz nz-{1-' Address: ltoteRtsoe lo€ ", V?f_fZ-{/.General oes*iy6m ?rL C-(Q F-rr^-, t f Mn^/ !{ork crass: f/ 1-nevt [ ]-Arteration t r-Adalltional I J-Repair I J-other ,/ -t'\.- \orrice LGpronr or-ffi corsrnuc*fI PERUTT AppLfc4.Troy,porM ;QLDATEz V 2-Z:t- Electrical Contractor: Address:L""" "-{ vail Reg. ro.Jlf_aPhone Number: TOTTL PERUII FEES:, BUfLDfNG: ? , - STGNATT'RE ZONTNG: _;ilffi,*' Plurnbing Contractor: 0 Address:Town of VaiI Req. NO.Phone Nunber: Mechanical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Reg. No.AE_-Phone trfrr.,nhgl;; **********!r********************* BUTLDING PERMTT EEE;PLI'!,IBING PERUIT FEE: UECTIANTCA! PERUTT FEE:EI.ECTRICAT FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ULL BUTLDING PI.AN EIIECK F8E: _P_LryBrNc Pr,AN CHECR }EE:r[EcHN{rcAt p :l caeck rnn:RECREATTON FEE: CI..E.AN-UP DEPOSIT: CI.EAII UP I'EOSIT f,EPI'xD €rLi.l <1F wtt- t3 |outh tr!nl.g. llrdr. r cotorrdo E1657 (303) 479-21.38 or 4?9-2t39 TO: FEOM: DATE: su&TEer: ottlc. of communlty deyclopmlnt AIJL CONTRACTORS CURREIITLyI, REGISTERED WTTH CITETOtrN. oF vArt TO!|N OF VArL puBLIC I{oRKS/COUUI NITY DtuEIOpttENT l.lARcH 15, 1988 CONSTRUqIION PARNNG & UAIERIAIJ STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) rn suunary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anvperson to litrer, !5ack or a-fos_it-""ilJirl-rJ"i, sand, clebrisor mareriar, incluains tiisf-Eiie=t.$, fo#aii! to*"ts androrlcmen vehictes_-1p9". ..nv =tr"etl siaewaii];ii:y or public$lii"=::.:lg Hflon.theieoil--ii," right:;;i_iii=;n a' rown orrh]: ;;ei;;;;.tJii"i: $d:Eil fii:il.,J:Ji,i"ffi*iiil, "'Pubric r{orks oepartueitl--ililins found vi6ratrni thr.s ordinancevilt be Eiven "- zl rr"ui-*riii!i""otice1o-;;;:- said nateriar.In the event the p:rs-on so notifieat.aloes-";;;ply with thenotice within the 24 froui-tinJ-lpecified, the p,rifi" r{orksDeparr'ent wilr renove =iiJiitIii"r_"t-ir.;;6;=" of personnotified. The provi=i""1-"r-iiis orainance stritl not beapplicabte ro.;=.:t:ii;", -liili?T":_. o.r ropair proJecrs ofany street or alley or any utilltres in the ri.ght_a_way. :::i:li:$i:"Etiffi:i.".l""frll; I'Etii. =.ii":il lli Hr":i, lnwn |laf 75 .oulh fnonlrg. ro.d u.ll, cobn.to 11657(9o3l 479-2L38 ot 419-2t39 ofilc. of comnunlty d.uolopmltt BUILDING PERI.|IT IssuAI{cE TIIIE FRAIIIE If this perml.t reouires a Town of Vail -Fire Depar_hent Approval,Ensi neer's (.pubr ii worisi ""ii.r'rni 'ipp"or.r , -i iiliiiiili'iepartmentrevreH or Hear th o"p:rPint. retietr;-a;r' " r"ni"i Ly'iiii"iuirarngl:ril;3:rh"ll: "r.t*ted tin;'ro"'.-tit"r review inay tari as lons All conmerciar frarge or snat) and at murti-farnty permits wi'have to fotow dtre ilove mdii6#;ii,D.rm requirenenis. Residentiarand snan projects strouio..ta[i-j-i"ii.i..nrund of firdl- However, ifresidentiat or smll:".p-jiiir-ii,iiii' the various above men'oned li3; "ff : tni' li,^llTl!, t"lii:: #li' i" i "*, - *,tii i"6j i.u *v Every attempt will b9,Fg. by this department to expedite thispermi't aS SOOn aS pOSSible. - -"'- -!r5' LrrrsrrL r'{r exPeglEe t| i;.jll undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and time Date XoFl S;eeiffi Devel ooment Departnent. (*+-% TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED I have read and answered allthe b/h7/"c,C /O YES,7 NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easemenls or public propefty? 3) ls any utility work needEd? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage worft being done affeaing the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right of Way permit, required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements orpublic property to be used lor staoino. parking oitentingl -. ---w"'v' - B. lf no to gA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan requireO Uy Community Development? lt-y?'- "Ty.r9d yes to any orrhese questions, a 'pubric way permit" musr be obtained.'Public way Permit' appiicationg miy bE obtained at th;public work,s ottics or atcommunitv Deveropmehi -lltrl tr.y!ry_cuestions ptease carr charrie Davis, rhe Townof Vail Construction Inspec-tor, et 4Zg-215f,.' kt-&z-,: Job Name Contracto/s Signature 6-3€g Townof \il OFFICE COPY Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Proj ect Number: PRI96-0093 Address: LOT l0 KINNICKINNICK Planner: GEORGE R. Occupancy: R3,Ml Type of Const: V-N Name: INNSBROOK#10 Date: JUNE 6,1996 Contacton SNOWSHOE DEV. Architecf RKD Engineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN AREA MIN.LIGI{T MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the l99l UBC. It is a guide to selected sections ofthe code. 2 Master bedroom2 Master bath2 Living'room 2 Kitchen/Dining 2 HaIIs, cloEets, etc. TOTAIJ FOR FLOOR1 carage 1 Bedroom #11 Bedroom #21 Halle, cLosetE, etc. TOTAL FOR FIJOOR BUIIJDING TOTAIJ 249 L)Z 257 233 335 r237 E1 ^ 135 14 I 327 !LZ4 250 r 24.90 0.00 25.70 23.30 0.00 0.00 13.60 14.70 0.00 12 .45 13.35 1r..55 0.00 0.00 5.80 7.35 0.00 Yes No No No NO No Yea Yea No t- 1 1 L 1 l- 1- 1 I 1 t- t- Footno te : 1) EGRESS - An operabl.e window or door thal opens directly !o the exterioris required from this room. The minimum cl-ear openable area must meetthe folLowinq. -- Sec. 1204. 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum cLear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maximum sill height. is 44 inches2) The nurnber of exibs is based on TabLe 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A nechanicaL ventilaE.ion system may be used in in lieu of exterioropenings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space sha1l have a ceiling heiqht of not less than T feet Ginches. Kitchens, halls, babhrooms and toilet compartments may have aceilingr heiqhb of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceilingis sloping, Ehen the minimum height is required in only I/2 of the area. - -sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelJ-ing unit shall have at lea6t one room which has not less than 120square feet of floor area. Other habitabLe rooms except kitchens sha1l havean area of not. less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. L207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be l-ess than ? feet in anwdimension.sec. 12 07. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: All qlazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material -- Sec. 5405. (d) 1) Glazing, in ingress and egress d.oors except jalousies. 2) GLazing' in fixed and sliding panels of sliding d.oor assemblies andpahels in swinging d.oors other than wardrobe doors. 3 ) Gl-az ing in storm d.oors .4) Glazing in all unframed swing,ing. d.oors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs. whirlpools, saunas, sseamrooms, bathLube and showers. clazing in any portion of a building waLtenclosing theEe compartment.s where the bottom exposed edge of theg'Lazinq is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable paneLs adjacent to a door where the nearestexposed edqe of the ql-azxing is wit.hin a 24-inch arc of either vertical,edg'e of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edqeof the glazinq is Less than 60 inches above the walking surface.?) Glazing in an individuar fixed or operab].e pane1, othei than thoselocatione described in items 5 and d above, than meets all of the f oJ.Iowing conditions :A. Exposed area of an individ.ual pane greater t.han 9 square feet.B. Exposed botbom edge less than 19 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge q.reater than 35 inches above the floor.D. one or more wal-king surfaces within 35 inches horizontallv of chepJ.ane of the glazingr 8) GLazing in railing,s regardJ.ess of height above a walking surface.rncLuded are Etructurar baruster paners and nonstructural in-fi11panel-s. o SUOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wal-l at a point centrall-yl-ocated in the corridor or area griving access to each sleeping area.-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detecEor is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleepingarea. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detecLor is required. on all stories. -- Sec. L210. (a) 4.If the upper level contains sleeping room (s) , a snoke d.etector as requiredin the ceiLing of the upper 1eve1 close to the stairway.-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required. to be wired to the buildj_ng,a por.\rer Eource andshaLl be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3.Detectors shall sound an alarm audibLe in all sleepinq area of the dweLlingin which bhey are located. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. FIRXPLACE REQUIRE}iENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE: 1) Fireplace mus! be support.ed by a foundahion. -- Sec. 3707. (b) 2) The firebox mugt be at least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox areto be 10 incheg thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the wa1ls may be I incheg thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum cLearance to conbustible material is from the fireprace, smoke chadber, and chimney walls is 2 inches. conbustible materiar maynot be placed within 5 inches of fireplace opening and combusliblewiEhin 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch ofcLearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth nuEt be nonconbustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, andsupporLed by noneombustible maEerial . The hearth size must. be at' least:If Opening size is: Front. extension Side ext.ensionLeas than 6 sq. ft . 6 sq. ft. or greater :- Sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 5) Chinney height must be per 8 inches 1.2 inches Sec. 3705. (a) per manufactures approval 16 inches 20 inches Table 37 -B FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE :1) Unit must be an approved unit. --2) Clearances and. hearth size must be - - Sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) chirnney height rnust be per nanufacturer,s approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, mat.erial-s approved for Lhr fireconstruction are required on the garage sid.e only and. any doors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/g inch sotidcore door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A st.airway in a dweLl-ing' must be at. Ieast. 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3305. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches-- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. *1Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere ie 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306,(i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is great.er than 30 inches. Minimum height= 35 inches, maximum openingr size = 4 inches. -- Sec. I7L2. (a\ exc. #1The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed ueable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-reeistive construction.sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCI/OSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter Ehafts with a cros s - sect.ional area of noE more than9 equare feet nay lined on the inside with not Less than 2G qagegalvanized aheet metaL with all joinEs locklapped.. The outside must bet hr conetruction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shall be protectedby not lesa than a self-closing solid wood. door 1 3/8 inches bhick orequivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vente and Doncombustible piping installed in walls passing' through3 floors or lese do not need to be in t hour shafts. - - Sec. 1705. (c) 3) Shaftg for gas vent6, factory-buiIt. chimneys, pipinq, or ducts that donot extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. - - Sec. 1705. (c) 4) All other shafte are required to be enclosed in a t hour assemblv.-- Sec. 1705.(a) CRAWIJSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exteri-orwa11s. opening sha11 provide a net area of not Less than 1 square foot foreach l'50 square fee! of area in crawl space. openings shall be distributedon two opposj-te sides and be located as close to corners as practical .-- Sec. 2515. (c) 5. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to l-0% of the aboveif qround surface area is covered w:th an approved vapor barrier and thebuilding official approves . For a 511.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area:Rabio Minimum sq.ft. of ventL/r50 3.4LProvide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawr space area. Note:opening may be requireil to be rarger if mechanical equipment is locatedin the crawl space. -- Sec. 25L6. (cl 2. unLess the wood is risted as an approved wood of natural reeistance todecay or treabed wood, the rninimum clearance between exposed earth and.floor joiet is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders isis L2 inches. -- Sec. 25f5. (c) 2. 2l 3) t I ADDITIONAIJ REQUIRX}IENTS : For R3 occupancyllhle project will require a site improvement suruey. such survey 6haL1 be submitted and approved prior to requeeC for frameinapection. . Al.1 crawl spacas within the Tohrn Of VaiI are limiled Co a earCh toaCructural floor ceiLing height of 5', be earCh floor onLy, bev€ntilated as per UBC 2516 (C) 6 with ninimum access as per UBC 2515(C)2 and maxinum access of 9 sq. ft, Any builttlng site with a s1ope of 30 degreee or nore shall require anengilneer desigu. Such design Ehall address drainag,e, soil relainageand atructural degign. Excavatlon belou slabs on grade shall not be pernitted without prior apDroval. AddreeE numbers ehalL be posted plainly visibLe and legrible from theatreet. For Iill occupancy SLope qarage floor to alLow for drainage to outeide to provide afloor drain wl-th eand and oiL interceptor Eo dry we1L or to sewer.Any garage floor drain connecled to sewer must be approved by UpperEagle Val1ey Water & Sanitation Districc. In qaraqes with living area above, the wa1le of the garage wiich arebearJ-ng the area above ghall- be proCecEed wlbh one hour fireregiabive construction. UBC 503 (B) . a I o Torrn of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657(303) 4?9-2138 Plan review based on 19 91 Uniform BuiLding Codethe Nam€: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS ,lrrNE 7, 1996 Occupancy: R3,M1 Type of Cons!: V-N oriiffdbpr, Address: KINNICKINNICK RD. Contractor : SNOWSITOE DEVELOPMENT Architect: RKD Engineer I MoNROE PIanE Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN This project wilL require a site improvenent survey. This survey shalL be subnitted and staff approved prior to a request for a frame inspection. Under ho'' circumstances will a frarne inspection be done without an approved site improvement survey- Exterior surfaces wiLh stucco sha1l be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBC 4705 with 2 layers of paper. Windows and doors are requireil Eo be adequately flasheit(not with just screed netal). A lath J.nspection is required prior stucco appl ication. All new construction within the Towl of Vail will be required to have an initial inspection by Tov Public Works Dept. to approve sile drainage and culvert installation. This approval mus! be complele prLor !o any inspection by the Building Department. This project is restricted fron the burning of wood in fireplaces. Unless the lot is a restricted 1ot in size, three gas logs f i.replaces and. tlrree gas appliances are pernitted per unit a1lowed. Gae 1og chimneys enclosures shall be one hr. proEected. ID baChroons with a tub or shower anil in I aundly roorns a mechanical ventilation aystem connected directly !o the outside sha1l be provided. Bathrtns which contain only a t a:er closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shal1 be instaLled as per t I{c 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors nay not exceed 6t in length and shall not , be concealeil within construction, Ducts shal1 Eerminate outside the buililinq and not exceed 14 1 l ength. No domestic dishwashing machine shall be d:rectly connected to a clrainage systern ttithout the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPc 508. croeE connection control devicee shall be insEalled' to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow'prevention devices. UPC 1003. I I 10 11 Plumbi.ng fixlures wiLh mechanical apparatus shall be supplieal with an accesa panel for inspection and repair of equiPrnent. UPc 904' Donestic ranqes shall have a vertical cLearance above the cookinq surface of no! less than 30rr to unprotecleil cornbustible material ' UI"IC 19 01 ' Heatlng anil cooling equipment located in the garaqe ehall be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elenents and switches at least 18n above Ehe f loor level of Ehe qarage- Ul'lC 508. A chirnney enclosure for a wood' burning fireplace flue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construcuion. UBc 1705' This invol-ves lininq the inside of such chase vti th 5/8" Type X sheetrock anii fire-taping j oints . Approveil gas logs may be ins"alled in solid-fuel Uuining fireplaces. provir3ed. the installatlon is according to the listlng instruceions, a:ly da:per sha1l be renoved or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is proviCed. LUC 803' Supply a mechanical drawing indiiatinqr design of "yll"r, size (BTU and volume) of eguipmenE, vent lication and termination, and combustion air to be eupplied p:ior to any installabion. Due to Cclorado state s:atutes, all sink faucetts and shoruer heads are requireil to uEiLize flor't reelriction d,evices. A1so, the maximum water closet flush usage is linited to a rnaximum of 3'5 gallona per flush. This f actory'bui.lt fireplace nust be an apProved unit. Include the nanufacturers name, rnoCel r'umber, and approv,rl in5orrnation. -- sec- 3705. (a) A! eaves and valleys an adequate underrayment sha11 be proviiled to protect a structure from ice b:ildup and- water. damage. I\{o layers of felt solid rncpped to shealhing and between layers or a corunercial r,{a|er & ice shield nay be used as per Table 3281' The structure is requireil to be anchored to the foundataion wi-tllL L/2 inch anchor bo1ts. Tbe bolts must be in:o che concrete or nasonry ? inches and epaced a maxirn'.rm of 6 f eet apart. See code f or additional requirernents. - ' sec. 2907 - (fl Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. Provide truss detaiL.g by the truss manufacturerrs engineer. (reg in this state) LZ 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 og ((t aoa 5qr.Aa C' E lop 5 H 8.ef?:6 b':r Ir f,F9titI ffEBiEI sis; EF) gFI€f,E 'lltiifig Et .baGoU o 0o0. I-,r <,rl ol 3tl.l 0.,p E z btr{ tt)E =or{uxq (!g =CJ 6 EIot H dl sl =l,$ Et FItl6 #l EIzl qto'a k 0.. A l. H OJ E (E a t!z c3 :: '0, 3€Extr!.99A aFtxt)E.E 6b 3 -b.F fEEvg€g€s E..E q zeE 5E E .E€ b rsH!gEgtu HgH i€E3gfd 5ss.E 3.Ex I g$E €.'8 s H Eb(a e- 4l'*(6(u.e6 HI oo5d g.= .fi FEsgHra<.Y FF F FOz g l-JcUo Eo Fd F* O E F&H C) sstF\ $EH ESE T,E S AEfiFd -. FUFs 6 Fp r:-r.l s.S.sp s.:i s(a s.S s.1':S s\ B(r) .s H ;s at)lt)g€Ecl€a(lt o F(\t 1..o 6 REFT131 T0HN BF vFrIL, coLoRflDo F,FTGE: IT$/E$/98 O7:56 REOUESTS FBR INSF.ECTIOFI I.JORK SHEETS FOR: IA/Ag/9g AREft: CD==a==========i=== ==============::=======::==:===E*=========q3======;ig==============i:.Activity: F96-Ol4? L$/eg/98'type: S-BUILD Statr-rs: ISSUEO Constr: NSFRAddress: Locat i on: INNSBRUCR fylERDOhS # lrAFarceI : ElrlS-148-mrzr-Ara6 Descr i pt i on: NEt,'l SFR Appl icant : SNOI^JSHOE DEUELOFMENT Owner-: AN BROS DEVELOF,MENT INCContractor: SNONSHOE DEUELOFNENT- ' Oce: QttZtOT Use : U N F,hone: 3Er3476EE6J Fhone: F,hone: 312'34765P63 Fhone: Inspect i on Reqlrest Information..... Reqrrestor: AOA BORNE Req Time: OB:rZrO Comments: #1Erltems reqLtested to be Inspected. . . Act ion .Comments - Ti me Ex; Inspection Histo!*y.... . ettZtASO ELDG-I nst_r I at i onA3/19/97 Inspeetor: CF grlztel6rA BLDG-Sheetroek Nai LA3/et/97 Inspeeton! CFn3/'!3/97 Inspectar.: CF AAA70 BLDB-Misc. A4/3A/97 Inspectcn: EG CtUtAgA BLDG-F' na I {tO53E FLDB-Temp. C/AA6/Ae/97 Inspector: DSn6/A6/97 Inspeetor: DSAth53! f,H-TEMp. tr/AA6/lA/97 Inspector : Ltr era533 pLAN-TENF,. tr,/tr @VF37 PLAN-FINAL C,/O GUr539 F,t^|-FINAL C/O UU34@ BLD6-Findl tr/O UlagAP F,lz,l--Ror-rgh gnade rzrrzrSaS F,H-Fina1 driveway gradetarlrzrlA BLDG-Foot ings./St eelAA/L4/96 Inspector: EF Aetion: trF,trRAAereO BLDE-Foundat i onlSt ee I @A/ 16/96 Inspeetor: EG Act i on: trF,F,RtzilZ'5gur F,LAN-ILC Site FlantI/t9/96 lnspector: GEORGE f,ction: F|F,F,RtAE/tA7 /97 I n spect or-: BEORGE Act i on : AF,F,R AUtrZtJUr HLDG-F'am i ngA3/Ig/97 Inspecton: f,F Action: fitrtrRNotesl I I/e SUF,F,ORT REO'D UNDER RAFTERS AT l^,ALL AF.trROVED AF.F.ROVED : : AF.F.ROUED Fnam ing +1A FERRINC F.OINT ON EXT trHANBES AF,F.RT]VED l ower level only AF.F.ROVED lath inspection no 10r CANCELED AF.F,ROVED AF.F.ROVED/CORRECT I trN REtrD Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Iteml Item: Item: It em: Iteml Item: Item: Item: Item: It em:It em: STRAP GLU LAMS TO EXTERIOR I^'ALL F.LRNNING DEtr'T RF.F'ROVAL REG' D I,,JINDOW Action! AF,pR Action: F,A flct i on : flF,F R Act i on: AF,F,R Action: DN Act i on: AF,F,R Act ion: fltrCR REF.T 131 Le/A4 196 @7 z?i: REAUESTS =================-----Rbtivityr F,95-ooa1 Rddr"ess: Location: INNSBRUCK I Fanc e 1 ffi2r3=143=65-ra65Description: NHN tr/S Applicant: BEAVER CREEK FLUMBING & HEAT 0wner': AM BRtrS DEVELOFMENT INC contr-actorr Tffi-ffi-REEK F,LUMBING & HEAT T0I,JN OF UAIL| C0LoRADO FOR INSF.ECTIDN I,'IORK SHEETS FORIIE:/ 4/96 Occ: F.AGE ffREA: CF ee lel 4/96 Type: B-FLMB Status: ISSUED Constrr NSFR Use: trhone: 3O39497583 Fhone:Fhone: 3O39497583 Inspeet i on Request Infornation.... ReQuestorl BOB BORNE Req Timel EtlrPl0t Comments: LATE Items requested to be Inspected... eroPg{r trLMB-Final trhone;476-5863 Act i on Time Exp InspBct i on Hi st ony. . . . .' Item: tZtCtEltt F,LMB-Underqt'ot-tnd Item: AAEen FLMF*Rough/D. N. V. I?/'lt /95 Inspect or I CD Act i Notes: LOCK0FF UNIT I F'5 I MAIN UN Item : OSteSCt trLMB-Rottgh/Water" Le/?.t /95 Inspeet ot': CD Aet i Notes: 9tZt F,SI MAIN UNIT DUI{ESTIC 9IZ' F,SI MAIN UNIT HOT WATER Item: A0e4A FLFIB*Gas Fiping te/7I /95 Inspeet or': CD Aci; ii Notes: 3O FSI ON HAIN UNIT fE FSI Item: OOISO FLMB-trooI/Hot Tub Item: @A16A FLMB-Misc. Item : Aqtegft FLMB-Final on: AFtrR AIR TEST IT 7 F'SI On: AtrtrR RIR TEST INCLUDES HEAT BB trSI LT]CKOFF UNIT HEAT 1O0 PSI LUEKUFF HOT t^fATER 0n: APFR AIR TEST ON LOCKOFF GAS LINES REPT131 Le/64/96 Q7 tE? Address: Locat i on I Fat ceI r Deseriptionl Appl ieant : Owner: Contract or" : INNSBRUCK MEAEUTJE *t MECHANICAL FC]R MAIN UNIT AND BERVER CREEK F.LUMBING & HEAT AM BROS DEVELOPFIENT INC BERUER CREEK F'LUMBING & HEAT Rctivity: M95-OE37 l?/ 4/96 Typer B-MECH F'AGE 1 AREA: CD Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr: NDUtr TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO REOUESTS FOR INSF,ECTION I^,URK SHEETS FOR: Le/ 4/96 Oec: LT]CK T]FF UNIT Fhone: F,honc r Fhone: Uge: 30394975e3 30394975aS Inspection Request Information..... Requestor : BOB BORNE Req Tine: tZtl:0O Conrnrents: LATEItens requested to be Inspected.. . GO39A MECH-Final F,hone: 476=5P63 AcVi on Tine Exp Inspect ion \Item: Itemr Item: Item r, Itemr Itenr Itemr History..... €t0e$CI MECH-Rough AOI4A trLMB-Gas Piping O€r31€t lIECH-Heat ing O03AA MECH-Exhaust Hoods 0033Ur MECH-Supply Ain OO34A MECH-Mise. At/A4/96 Inspeetonr CF Sq3gtt MECH-Final Aetion: APFR r'echeck et framing *, .1.otgn Review Action Folr TOWN OF VAIL Category Numb€r ProjectName: IpxlsbZuzi- MdrI-n.,.r<. Building Name:* /t) o". Alq f qA Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact,AddressandPhone: 54r-.w Ba,r.,-r,4,'=.. I Legaf Description, t-ot lA Bbck - Subdivision L+rs1,2 .,. Iz M€2n.., *, Zone District lfilf t ProiectstreetAdoress, Zl87 L Comments: *orronor, *^, Wttll," Seconded by: Ter> E npprouut ! Dlsapproval fl StafiApproval Conditions: Town Planner oa", lf =f 1E DRB Fee ere-caia Zh.@ ,2,-J l_ x.alr./4 llLT lga DAST@T RE1IIEII BOARD APPIJICATION I. A. c. D. B. DATE DATE OF DRB MEETING: TYPE OF REVIEW: l/ New Construction ($200.00) Minor Alteration ($2O.OO) ' Addition ($50.00) JConceptual, Review (90) ADDRESS , IJEGAIJ DESCRf Subdivision rf property description,to this appl PTfON: IJotilu9 is described byplease provide ication. Block7 a meets and bounds on a Eeparate Eheet lega1 and aEtach i*t***t*t!a PROiIECT TIIFORMATIOII: E. F. I. J. ZONING: NAI,IE OFMailing APPI.TICAIiIT: Address: Deu4lofap.,J/ ( G. Phone APPIJICATiIT ' S RE 3aB Eapy- Address: 7, Phone H.NEME OF OWNER(S):u-e 6 fr"a^'t-7- MaiLfuig Address: Phone ,JPPTJICA''IONS WTINJ NOT BE PROCESSED I{IrEO(N OfiNER'S ST@UI?T'RE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of submittal. of the DRB applicaEion. Later, when appLying for a building ponrit, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal.. Tlte Town of vail will adjust thefee according t,o the table be1ow, to enaure the correct feeis paid.& FEE SCHEDTII.TE: VAT,UATION$ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 s 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150,'0b1 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000g Over $1,000,000 DBSICIN REI'IEI| BOARD APPROI/AIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ t'NI..Bgg A BUIIJDING PBRIIIE TgIS STARTBD. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200..00 $400.00 $s00.00 OlrB YEAR AFtfER FINAII rssttBD At{D coNgrRucEror{ NAI.{E OFMailing Pft^'.15{>re " o PRE. APPLICATION MEETING :-arr. A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is encouraged to det,ermine if any additionalappLication information is needed. ft is the applicanE'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todet,ermine if there are ad.ditional submitt,at requirements. Pl.ease note that a COMPLETE application will streamline Lhereview procesa for your project. ITI . IMPIORTAIIT I{OTICE REGARDIIIG AI.TII SIIBIIISSIONS IFo ITIIE DRB: A. In addition to meeting subnittal requiremenLs, theapplicant must stake and tape the project, site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. AlLsite tapings and staking must be conpleted prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUIIJDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. C. Appl-icants wbo fail to appear before tbe Design Review Board on their scheduLed meetinq date and who have not, asked in ad,vance that discussion on their item bepostponed, wiLl have their itens resroved from the DRB agenda until such time as the iten has been republished. D. The folLowing items may, at the discretj.on of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Connunity Development Department staff (i.e. a fonnal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. windows, skylight,s and sinilar exterior changes which do not alter the exisLing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addiEions not visible from any other lotor public space. At, the t,ime such a proposal issubmitted, applicant,s must include letters fromadjacent property owtrers and,/or from the agent, foror manager of any adjacent. condominium associaEionstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is Located in a napped hazard area (i.e. gnow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetl.and, etc.), a hazard study must be submitted andthe owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building pennit. epplicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB applicaEion to determine the relationshipof the property to aLL napped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed Line on the site plan afour foot distance frorn the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting colunns. c. If DRB approves the application with condit,ions ormodifications, all. conditions of approval- must be addressed prior to the applicat.ion for a buildingpermiE. CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Legal Description: Lol J0 Block: SuMivision!., Dale of Expiration: Address: Accounl Number: 01-0000-22026 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, nade and entered into this -f Oay ot JUr< . rc-Oy and among ftA Afzcg. Pat, ttq (hereinafter cailed the ',Oevetoper1, anO tfre T-OWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the ltvpsbQueE-+ l'o plans, dated - 19_1, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sutficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions tor completion of certain improvements set lorth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer aglees to establish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar arnount of $-qb-qgF (25% ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT La-o > ec4P<, 9 atl:<q-ety (nn*r freat,r;l 6*) 3a o6 € r>o cQooo / a-Go t( ra5 t. material The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, skelches, and other matter submifted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced govemmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town ol Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: Q *oea -r> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreemenls, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: I improv€ments as listed Page 1 of 3 A cash deposit account in the amount ot EVq 9]9-% to be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithlul completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable tor any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereofl that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release ol the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines that any of the improvements contemplated herein are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth herein by the date set forth in paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, withdraw from the cash deposit such funds as may be necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. The Town shall release such funds upon the written request of the statf of the Community Development Department stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by the agreement. The Town shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to the release of the funds, nor shall the Town be required to verify independently that the improvements have not been completed as required by this Agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the request of the Community Development Department. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percenl per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town pursuant to Section 17.16.250 if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Page 2 of 3 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregqing Developer day of 1 Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: %, q( It; PLANNEH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Witness my hand and official seal. updatd 92&€4 Page 3 of 3 Andy Knudtsoir Town of Vail Cummunity Development DepL 75 South Frontege Road Vail, CO. 81657 Re: Innsbruck Meadows - DRB Applicetion DearAndy: June 12,1994 Sincerely, I am writing to authorize Greg Amsden(aka AM. BlpSrpevelopment Inc.) to represent theDRB submittals of Units lr5r7r 8 aqdt0r}nsbruck Meedows on the July 6th, 1994 meeting of the DRB. If you\ff6 any questions regarding this application, contact Greg Amsden ,t 47G7W0 or Benji Amsden at (303).64G0856. fu-afu"rn Juanita I. Peddtto TOy.C0,t4|r4, DEll DEPI