HomeMy WebLinkAboutINNSBRUCK MEADOWS LOT 11 LEGALTOWI{ OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT.JNTTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 Ju h^""-u v[..-\r*. NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES PROJECT TITLE: NEW(SFR P/S,DLJP)PERMIT Permit #: 800-0310 Job Address: 2782 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIL Statrrs . . . : ISSUED location.....: 2782 KINMCKINNICK RD Applied . . : 1013012000 ParcelNo...: 210314323023 Issued. .: l2l0ll2000 ProjectNo : Pp599- OZC.1 Expires. .: 0513012001 OVLER GIIJ-,ETTE, BRIAN E. e TRACY vtLO/3O/2000 Phone: 2?82 K]NNICKINNICK RD 98 VAIL CO' 81657 APPLICAIIT SHAEFFER CONSTRUCIION L0/30/200O Phone: 970-845-5655 P O BOX 373 VAIIJ CO 81658 CONTRACTOR SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION IO/3O/2O00 Phone: 9?0-845-s6s6 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 816s8 Licenee: L29-B Desciption: NEW SINGLE FAMILYOccu:pancy fype Fact,or Sq Feet Dwellinge Zone 1V-N 81.50 1,540 $125,510.00 Dtrellings Zone 1V-N Basement L7.7O 417 $8,442.90 Priwate Garages Zone 1 V-li[ Masonry 23.80 494 $11,757.20Tota1s... L,974 $200,000.00* Number of Drelling Units: I Tovm of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $200,000.00 Fire,place Informrrion: Re$riotod: Y # ofGhs Appliuc€s; 0 # ofGas Logs: O #of Wood Pdlct 0 FEE STJMMARYBuitding--J S1,1{0.00 R€stuarul Plan Review->50.00 Tolal Calculard Feos--> J1,271-9O Plao Chcck-> 5741.00 DRB FoF-.-> S2oo.oo Additioml Fees.->$0,00 IrvestigCior'> will crll-> ApDrovals:IE6m: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEIIT LL/22/2000 JRt[ IIEM: O54OO PIJATINIT{G DEPARTfiETE 11l1sl2000 AK AcTion: AP APPROVED BIJDG PIANS WATTING FOR P.TI Action: AP Require revokable right of nay permit for a So.0o Rocrcation Fe+--> S690.90 TCal Pcnnit Fca-> 93,2?a.90 S3 . OO Clcalup D€pGit-> S5OO . OO Paymcdg------> 53, 27{ . 90 TOTAL FEES_> 93, 27{ , 90 RAr A}ICE Dt E__>$o. o0 aralaaataaa'l'aaalla sprl.nkLer gystem and landscaping (per PW) Item: 05500 FIRE DEPART!{EIITttt'' l;;:lrllfttlr"o* Acr.ion: DN DRrvEwAy DoEsrirrr MEET GRADE, rKcBms 1or, p CALI,S POR 8t TfiIICH IIORKS WHEN !.!EASI'RED OR AIJJ. BUT IJOTVER PORTIOII OF DRII'EWAT IS AT 11t.' No brtMPsrER oR srAcrllc MATERATT., Ar,roIcED NEAR r.,or 9 wrrllout AppRovArJ FRoN,t owNER. SITE PLAII'SHOIvS Sl[OYf, STORAGE AT RIGIIT SIDE OF m{TRA}ICE TO DRTVEWAY, BIII LAIiIDSCAPE sHotf,s A BI,UE SPRUCE IN SAME LOEATIO}T. MUST REVISE OR ADJUST. LL/29/2OOO LS Action: AP MET 11-29-00, 8:L5 Alt WITH BRI.BII A]ID DISCIIS TTIREE ISSIIES. BRIAIiI IS OI{![ER OF I.,OT 9 SO STAGING OF DI'I.'PSTER IS AI.{OI{ED ON IIIS IdT MAMTAIN ACCESS FOR OWNER OF IJOT L0. HE WIIJIJ CORRECI THE DRI\IEIYAY ISSITE TO MEET TO VAIIJ STAI{DARDS, AIID WIIJJ CORRECT TIM SNOW STORAGE AREA, YIHERE PROPOSED TREE IS I,OEATED. ItsEM: 05550 ENGIIIEERIIIG 3-t/30/200O I(WA,RREII .A.ction: APPR per leonard See page 2 ofthis Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I haeby aclcnowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in full the information requird completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to cornply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and !o build this shucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR Send Clean-up D.posil To: BRIAN GILLETTE TELEPHONE AT 479-213t OR AT OIIR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHMSELFAND OWNE PAGE 2 t***+t*+tr*afl+ltlt***+*********l*****l13***t*******t*lllt****l**t****r*ttt*t*tt******:it*t***tt***'i{r***r+ CONDINONS OFAPPROVAL Pennit #: 800-0310 as of 12-01-2000 Stahs: ISSUED***{r{r*+{rf'|ttllllli****+******tl*fl****t**l*********t*tt****l*t**t****tftt*tt**t*****t***t*t*t*t*******tl Permit Type: NEW (SFR P/S,DLJP) PERMIT Applicant: SHAEFFERCONSTRUCTION Job Ad&ess: 2782 KINMCKINNICK RD VAIL Location: 2782 KINNICKINNICK RD ParcelNo: 210314323Q23 lt'|t l***l:|l*t'tlt '|t*t*ltt*************l** {r{r+****tl t f itf ltt*+*+ * + l**rt +* **r} *'t:t:}'}*l* t'l f l***'}*!t**f rr****t*********||l* CONDITIONS **'l*'i***'|!*r|rt****************{r'l*'}****'}*lltt**f +++++**** Cond:33 THIS PROJECT WILL REQTJIRED A SITE IMPROVEIVIENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY STIALL BE SUBMTTEDAND APPROVED PRJOR TO REQI.JEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CHECKFOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Applied: 10/30/2000 Issued: l2lOll2O0O it'llta**t'tl*alta*l**l*ttl**la*t*a**r*'a**t*art*tfttrttt*ttttttttrtftttttt**tattatttttatattta . T0WNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stricmcntir***''a*r*rt*'r**+'r*lll'tl***tt**t**tt*ttttttfff*ff*tttttl*t*t*t**tft*a'rrat*****'tftrt**f***tfr gtatqrcnt Nur$er: R000000257 lmunt 3 93,274.90 L2IOLI?OOOOL:4E Pll Payment Uethod: Check Init: Kf Itotat,ion: *126lBrian Cillettc Permit No: 800-0310 T!n)e: NEll (8FR, P/8, DI,P) PERIIIT Parcel ![o: 210314323023 Site Address z 2782 KIInfreKfmtfCK RD \rAflr IJoeation: 2782 KINNICKfXI{ICK RI) Total Fees: 93,274.9O thie Payrent: 13,274.90 Total ALtrr hrta: $3,274.90 Balance: $0.00 ACCOI]NTITEMLIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current ffis AD D2-DEPO8 CLENUP DEPOSITS BP OO1()OO()31111OO BUILDI}IG PERHIT FEES DR ()01(){)()()31122()() DESIG}I REVIEW FEES PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES RF 11100003112700 RECREATI0T'| FEES I.IC ()()1()()()()311280() t.lILL CALL II{SPECTION FEE 500.00 1,140.00 200.00 741 .00 690.90 3.00 . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INFONMATION MUST BE COMPLEIE OR TEE APPLICATION WILL EE RE ECTED @nfad the Eagile GonnfyAssessors Ofrcp d 97632&8640 for Patcg.l # Pennit # Job Nene. Gill€tte Resitenoe Building E )Phmbing( )Elecfrical ( ) Pareel# 21ffll43?3023 TNff- ozef Mechmicat ( )Other( ) IagdDcscritrion: Lot_11_ Block- Filinq- Subdivisim lnnsbruckirleadows Oryners Name:Brian & Tlay Gillette Ad&Ess:2782 Klnnickinnick B Vail, Colorado E1657 Ptone* 929.39942q Architect: MA Ad&ess: Desoipion of Worft Class: New (x )Additimal( ) "T,tol'hrmber of Dwelling Units: I !{rxnber and Type of Fireplos: Gas Appliances- Gas Lop- 1 - Wood/Pelle- VALUANONS BLJILDING: $-l!3pqq -iunmnrc $--7m--ELECIRICAL: $1,900-OTTIEK MECHAMCAL $_ i.000--TOTAL S 200.000 COI{TRACTOR ITFORTATON Genenl Contrrctor: Gorge Shofier Construction Address: PO Box 373 Vail' Colorado 81658 Town of vail RqgistmtionNo.-12$B-- pr*" *j70ffi ElecfrrlcrlGonh*tor wagnerElecbic Ad&,ess: P.O. Bo< 1@0 Avan, CO 81620 Phme# er9,A9 {!1 plumbinq Contrrctor. Black Damond l\lbchanical Ad&eca: P.O. Bo< 581 Avon, CO 81@0 ptoo"* 9r0.q6.401 Ucqlsgl@E$tsx:Black Darpnd lvlechanical Addrcss: P-O Bo< 581 Avon, CO 81@0 ptoo"*, j70!4J991 FOROFFICE USE wPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATqN BUILDING: 2!E 1l&P 11&P BEcDlrDDoil ? 5 ?m TO: Ftol* DATB: SIJBJECTT AII q)NTRASIORS CI'TIBNTIY RE(ilIilBED WrIII TU8 I'OIVN OT VAIL IOWN OF VAIL ruBItrC WORI(S AND OOMMT]NITY DEVELOPEMEI{T J.{NIIARY I, 1909 @NSIRUCfPN PARKIIIC AND TTIATBilAL STORAGE Qo,ItE $110r DEn(xInE ON lqD4tlc [Ltv8 ilLoq]nfiEP A" Unhuduld.p6it$ SnQiccttorubrocdoCthpruo{,itisunlac/ftlftrmypcrontolitbr,tsrckordcporitorcnlcto bo lifrcs!4 trac{rod u dcpolitud, cn rd, garrl, rocls, ruud, dLf ruow, ioo, or roy oftcr &bris o[ natcrial up6 ey ctroct, ridcwa& allcy orp$lic plm, orary portim thcmof. B. tlotioo; Abamrofi ThcDimctcofh$licWclcrmaymtifymdro$inoypccruvthovioblcsacaurosootrcr to violalo the provision of subr*tioo A beoof, ot wtn has io tbe Di$ctor'r oqloSirncat r ponoo urbo vht$r c crurccdstoviolgcths BaGo, mprwvc ruchrard gravel, mcln,6u4 dfot, mw, iacoraayo&cr&bdsc ffibdal wiein twcdy ftr (24) horlrr rftcr rcccid of oaid notioe by fto Dinttor of lhblis Wqts, h tu cvd 6c pertooro notifiod fu notcmply wi$the odicrwi&b{t paiod of time hcreir S€cifi64 lhe DirGCts of hblb Worts, orohaubuizcdagrot, nayceuro aryorch cend, glr\rel mdc,EDA diil, mo4 ic, dctrisormyo{bcr naErhl b be nilov€d fim aoy rtnect o a[ey at tho cxpenro of thc mtlfierl C. Exceptimr: lte povirions of zubs€ctiotr A bcr€of shall ro bo rpplicablc:l. fVilhin ttc inncdi*c arca of my oudructioo, Eailtonece or rcprir projcct ofey 6boot s dhy ot ofany unier mai!" eoqror m"in, clcccricity linc, gpg linc, alcphmo lirs or my qutcnncc ttaeto; 2. Todqosifiofrend,dinormsgialrnecesssryforfupotcctionofthrpublbsafrty;aod 3. To pr$lic arcas dcCglsted fo ep dnrying r dlpositing ofeaid ruttidr. D. Summoor; Pcoafry: Areodtc,rndiwtothcnoticefrrnotrdpsovibdinr$cccdoB6ovc,aoy penoa *ho violalcs orcanrco anotteto violsfic &c rw, maybc ir$rcd l rummoue to W@bcforc lbo llunicipcl Corrt of 6c To*a for nid violatima, andryoboing fundguility ofa viohiobce,c|lodc[bcpuni$odar pwidod inScctioo f4l ofttis cod!. B. l,totioo; knrlty: lt h unlanfrl fur any pcnoo to fail or nftro to cmply with tbc notico of ttc Dirlctor of Public Worlcr as provklod in othccti@ B bercof, ud aay $ch pril6 ihsll in ldditioo to p.ymt sf &c cpcare of nmomrt incrrrod by thc Diracffi of Public Wo*s, u provlbd in aubmcilo B hcooof, Woa bciry fsuod griltyofaviolationhrsundor,b€prnishrbl€aspmvidcdinSostim 1.4-I ofthisCodc. (199|l W: Onliunce6 (ryt9') BofthcRdtidipbFrojcct (i,o, oo&artc coumcr) @.10.23 Bnil,p4IG lfnrilnlssu Ncl FnmlfiatF If lldtpcoritrcquftle aTornof Voil Fitt DoOoCmm Anooval Frrglnrc's(putolis trlarfu)$vlow edtmroval a tlmhg Ooesocunrviowcf tlcalthDcparucorwisw, andarwicrnbythohdlaingOqruse,&oc$inedfnc for abtrl rwicry uy & ac long al theo (3)rv*- All cmrccirl (lrgoorrnnll) odrll nultlfimilypornin will hevcto bllon'tb Sovc ndioocdnrdmrn nquinoub, nlsidmtisl 0!d indl projret! fuuld taks e hseq dmount oftimo. Honnvcr, ifmridoCial or mdlec ptojocb iry.ctbo vaio6Sovo trdtioacddcpcrreOwittrqEcdto rceswyrwicr, lhcfojootrmyako lrlc tu trcc (3)rnrkporiod. Bvery ary vil bcma& by this dcpafincrt to axpedib thb pcruit as rom as poasibh, I, fte udcrsig$d, uudrr$ul &o Plo Cbock goccdm and tim Aamo. I rbo undc$tdl Sd if tbc pcrnft ir not pigkod ry by &o erpbatim datc, tlat I urus still poy iho Ptan Cbeck Fcc asd thrt if I fril to do to it msy affcc't frsn€ pffmib tb$t Iqplyfo. AgrecdbW: ftdodNano:GtletbRerldene 00.r0,23 Wort Shca qns t[d ino ftc Comunity Uataofct Oogt a T(} FROIft DAlts: RE: JOB}.IAMB: TgTORAflUJN ALL@}{TNACKXS TO$N OF VAIL PT'BUC WORI(S JANT'ARY I, I99O U/HBN A ?UBLIC WAY FSRlilIT: IS nEQItnBD GileRaddenoe oers: ,00.!.0f9 , U"EA$E AI.ISWBL IHS FOII,0WING OUESfiONNAIRB rEcAnDINO THE NEBD FOA. A TTJBIJCWAYPERM?': lrtUsro.,wnsidffi? YESj- NO- B dcmolitioo wut tcirg pcrft.mod trd rqrirco 6c usc oftho Rigbt of-lvay, or*mte a prl/b Fqcrtj/fYES.**_ NOi.* Iearyuilityrtrtneodod? YES:-* ln- ts the&ivcnnyboing rcpeved? YBS x NO- b a dftrld rcocse ocodcd to lbc dts otrcc ltm thc €sisting &ivsmy? YES- !{O r-- Iesilyeoifigt rvoNtbcitrg (hefrd aftchthc Riglt+f-Way, cacencnb, optrb[cproeaty?YESJ- NO_* IsaTorocabbRigh<f-\[ayPcfinif'rcCnircdt YES- NO j-- A b6o Righ-of-Wry, cararenecpblic gopetyto bc rscd furdr$gn pa.tingorftacing? YBSJ!.- NO- B. If NO to EA b r puting dagiq a ftooing t'm roquircd tV Canrunity OevaopcctYES- 3. 4. 5. 6. l. 2. 8. If pr ansrcnd YE8 o alry ofthcea qrc*io8, a'hblic Wry Prcnit'' mrut bo d{uinod '?nblic lVay Pcmrif ryliccims uay tc &tEinod st Se hrblic Wort's officc rat Conntru$ Devslotrlldr lf ldl hare ey SGSioN plearc call tnoard St0do l Sm B$lic Wdlr' d 4?F2198. I HAVEREAD AI.ID AI.ISWERED ALLTITE ABOVEQIJESTIOI.$. G6r!€ tha€frrcomfrucilbn CmOrryNoc p6g: 00.10.23 Cmtsstor8tgilfin! Page # 2 Code review for: Proj ect Id.: GILLETIE RESIDENCEAddress: 2782 KINNICKINNICK Town of VailBuilding Dept ?5 S frontage Rdvail, CO.9L657970-419-2143 fax 910-479-2452 Plan analyais based onthe 1997 Uniform Building Code Town of Vall Proj ecE Number: PRit99 -02 94 Proj ect Name: GILITBTTE RESTDENCE AddreEs : 2782 KINNICKINNICK Occupancy: R3, u1Construction: V-N SEPARATION DTRECTTON BOIJNDARY AREA INCREJASE NORTII Property line 20.0 FeetEAST Property line 4.0 Feet SOtm{ Property line 100.0 Peet WEST Property line 4.0 Feet. NOtE: The code items listed in this report are not cornpLete listing of a1l possible code requirementsft iB a guide t.o select,ed sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program from the Uniform Building Code with the permissionInternational Conference of Building Officials. intended to be ain the l-997 IrBC. are reproduced of the EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS ATiID OPENING PROTEETION Table 5-A Non-Bearing OpeningWall Prolection 0 hour None 0 hour None Non-Bearing OpeningwaIl Protection 0 hour None 0 hour None Non-Bearing OpeningwaIl Protection0 hour None 0 hour None Non-Bearing Openingwal1 Protection0 lrour None FTRE PROTECTION 20.0 Feet4.0 Feet, 100 .0 Feet 4 .0 Feet Construction ParapetMat.erial Required Any NoAny No Construction Parapetl4ateriaL RequiredAny NoAny No Construction ParapetMaterial RequiredAny NoAny No Conatruction ParapetMaterial Required Any No NORTII For Occupancy R3 U1 EAST For Occupancy R3 ul. soum For Occupansy R3 U1 WEST For Occupancy R3 Bearing WaIl 0 hour 0 hour Bearing wa11 0 hour 0 hour Bearing wal l 0 hour 0 hour Bearing Wal l 0 hour OFFICE COPY b"" ' oSto Date: November 20, 2OOO Conlractor; GEORGE SHAEFFER Designer: Engi"neer :Report By: iIRM Code review for:Project Id.: GILLBTrE RESIDENCE AddTESS : 27S2 KIN}IICXINNICK Page # 3 Ul 0 hour 0 hour None Any No -- No fire protection requirements for openings.-- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire asEerclies.50* of the area of the wall maximum. -- Table 5-A,Footnote 5 & sec. 503.2-2 Maximum eingLe window Eize is 94 sq.ft,. erith no dimensiongreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 713.8Not Allowed -- Openings are not permitted in this walL. FIJ IiIAII{E AREA MIN.IJIGTIT MIN.VBIOT NO.EXITS EGRBSS None 3/4 hour 2 Family rootll2 Bathroom2 Closet (s) TOTAIJ FOR FTOOR 1 lJaundry roo l1 Closer (s) 1 Maater bath1 POWDER ROOM1 MaEter bedroqn 1 PAlgrRY 1 Kitchen1 Living room 1 Den 1 Halls, cloEets, TOTAIJ FOR FTOOR B GarageB Mud roon B Bedroon #1B Bedroom #2B BathroornB Ha11s, closets,T TAI.. FOR FI,OOR BUII,DING TOTAI., 283 72 72 427 50 55 17 24 229 25 L10 264 155 eEc. 72 1070 494 88 143 136 6setc. 45 97L 1497 r.4 .15 3.6 .0 2,5 .0 3 .85 1.5 11.4 5.0 5.5 13.2 I .25 .0 .0 4.4 7.rs 6.8 3 .25 .0 28.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 22.A 10.0 .0 26.4 15.5 .0 ,0 14.3 13 .6 .0 .0 1 1 1I 1 L L 1 L 1. 1 1 I 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 YeE No NO NO No NO NO Yesr Yes NO No Yes No NO NO Yes Yes NO No Yes Page + 4 Code review for:Project Id.: GIILETrE RESIDBNCB Address: 2?92 KINNICKINNTCK FOOINOIES:1) BGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to theexterior is required from this room. The minimum clear openablearea must meet the following. -- sec. 310.41) The minimum clear height is 24 Lnches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum cLear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches Escape and reacue windows nith a finished silt below ground shall havea windor we1l. The cLear horizontal dimension sha11 allow the the window to be ful1y opened and provide a minimum clear accessible net opening of 9 aquare feet with a minimum dimension of 36 inches. window rel-ls with a vertical depth of more than 44 inches strall be equipped with an approved permanentLy affixed ladder or stairs.2) The nuriber of exits is based on Table to-A (Dwetlings) 3) A mechanical venlilation system may be used in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1.203.3 Such system shaIl becapable of providing two air changes per hour.4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based onSec. 310 .4 ROOM DITIIENSIONS : Habicable space shall have a ceiling height of not less chan ? feet6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet coflq)artments may havea ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If theceiling is sloping, t.hen the minimum height is required in only 1/2of the area. -- Sec. 310.5.1 Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not lessthan 120 square feet of floor area. Other habit,able rooms exceptkitcheng shall have aD area of nots less lhan 70 square feet, -- sec. 3L0.6.2 Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not. be less than 7 feetin any dimension. -- Sec. 310.6.3 Page * 5 Codc revl.er f,or:Project Id.: GfLIlHtrIB RESIDBNCB AddTEas: 2782 KINNICKINIITCXC STATR REQUIREf,IETTTS:1) A stairnay in a dnelling nnrgt be at least 3G inehes ride.-- Sec. 1006.22) The rnaxir rm rise of a Etep ig I inchee and the ml.nirnum rua lE 9inches -- Sec. 1006.3 exc. *13) A handrail is required on one side a stairway 34 to 3g inches abovethe nosing if there ia 4 or more rl.serg. -- Sec. 1006.9 er.ceptiona4) Provide a guard rail rhere drop off is greater than 30 inches. Ehe ninimum heigbt = 36 inches, maxLrmrn opening size = 4 incheE.-- Sec. 509,1 e 509.2 exc. #15) Ttre mininrum headrocrn IE 6 ft.- I itrcheE. -- Sec. 1006.156) BncloEed uEable spaee under the stairs iE required to be protected aE reguLred for 1 br. ftre-resiEtLve conEtr:uction. -- Sec. 1005.12 Page S 6 Code revi ew for: Proj ect Id.: GILLETTE RBSIDENCE Addresa : 2782 KINNTCKINNICK GI,AZING REQUIPA!{ENTS A11 glazing in hazardous locatj.ons is required t,o be of safetyglazing mat.erial . -- Sec. 2406.3 & 2405.4 L,ocaE.ions:1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2, Glazj-rLg in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of abuilding walI enclosing these compartment.s where the bottom oqlosed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above a standing surfaceand drain inlet,6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent. to a door where thenearest oq>osed edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch arc ofeither vert.ical edge of the door in a cloEed position and where thebottom e:qrosed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches abowe thewalking surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other t'han tshoselocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets aL1 of t.hefollowing conditions :A. E:<posed area of an individuaL pane greater than 9 square f,eet.B. Er<posed bottom edge less Ehan tB inches above the f1oor.C. B:<posed top edge greater than 35 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizontally ofthe plane of the glazing. 8) GLazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface.fncluded are structural baluster panels and nonatnrctural in-fillpanels. 9) Glazing in walls and fences used as the barrier for indoor andoutdoor swiming pools and spas when the bottom edges is less than60 inches above the pool side and the glazing is within 5 feetof the pool or spa waterrs edge,10) Glazing in walls enclosing stairvray landings or within 5 fee! ofthen bottorn and top of stairwayg where the bottoflr edge is lessthan 60 inches above the walking surface. Page # ? Code review for: Proj ect Id.: GILLETTE RBSIDENCE AddTESS : 2782 KINNICKINNI CK SMOKE DETEEIOR REQUIREMENTS :1) A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or t{aII at a pointcent,ralLy located in the corridor or area giving access to eachsleeping area. -- Sec. 310.9.1.42) A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wal1 in each sleepingarea. -- Sec.310.9.L.43) A smoke det,ect.or is required on all stories. -- Sec. 310.9.1.4If the upper lewel contains sleeping room(s), a smoke deeector isrequired in the ceiling of the upper leve1 close to the stairway.-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 NOTE: A smoke decector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 310.9.1.44) Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building,E power source and shall be equipped nith a batEery backup. -- Sec. 3L0.9.1.35) Detectors shal1 sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of thedwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 310.9.1.4 OCCT'PATiICY SEPARATTON : Between the garage and the regidence, materials approved for t hr. fireresistive conBtruction are required on the garage Eide onLy and any doors between the garage and t.he residence are to be a self-closing1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 3-B &Sec. 302.4 exc. #3 SHAFT ENCI,OSI]RE S :1) Chutes and dumbwai ter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not morethan 9 square feet may lined on t.he inside with not less than 26 gagegalvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must beL hr construction. All openings into any such enclosure shalt beprotecEed by not less than a self-closing solid wood door 1 3/8 inchesthick or equivalent. -- Sec. 711..52) Gas wents and noncombustible piping installed in walls passing through3 floors or less do not need to be in L hour shafts, provided theannular space around the vents or piping is filled at each floor orceiling with noncombustible materials.-- Sec. 711 .33) Shafts for gas vents, factory-buiIt chimneys, piping, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in L bourEhafts, prowided the openings around the penetrationa are fire stoppedat each f1oor. -- Sec. ?11.3 4 ) AIl other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assenbly.-- Sec. 71L.1 & Table 6-A ' page#g Code revier for:Project Id. : GILTLBfIE RBSXDBNC1B AddTeEE: 2782 KINNI GIXNI CK 1) Provide a yindor or door to the exterior fronr every rocnn uged forEleeping and basementa. -- Sec. 310.4 A rindow rmrst provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear height of 24 ineheg (minirmrm) , and aclear ridth of 20 lnches (minlmum) . -- Sec. 310.4{) lbe minirmrm ceiling in a habitabLe space iE ? feet 5 inches exceptkitehens, ha1ls, and bathe may have a ceiling height of 7 feet.-- Sec. 310.6. L5) Provide a Emcrke deEector ln all sleeping roqns and areas havS.ng accesE to Eleeping rodns. -- Sec. 310-9.1.46) If there is a bagement, provide a emoke detector that is conneetedto an alarm audible in all eleeping areas. -- Sec. 310,9.1.47) Provide a smoke detector on all floors that is corlnected !o analarm audible in all Bleeping areaE. -- Sec. 310.9.1.4 ToYrn of vail BuildiDg Dept ?5 S frontage Rdvail, CO. g16s? 970-479-2L43 fax 910-479-2452 Plan analysis based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code Project Nunber: PRrT99 -0294 Date; November 20, 2000 Proj ect Name: GIIJLBTIE Address : 2?82 KINNICKINNICK ConITACEOT : GEOROE SITAEFFER Occupansy:R3/U1ConBtruction:vlr Engineer: R.eport By: ilRM NO[E: The code ltems liEted in this report, are not intended to be a corErlete listing of aII possible code requirements in the 199? ItBc - It. is a gulde to selected sectlons of the code ' Port,ions of the materlal contained in thi8 program are reProduced from the Uniform Building Code with Ehe Permission of the Internat,ional Conference of Buifdiag Off,icials. S SHEBT IDEIMIFICATION CORRE TION REQUIRED =-!-E===Cs== -=== ===E -==== E == =-= =E=E= =E =- rE 1 general 2 general 3 general 4 general, 5 general 6 general Pl.ans muat show the aize and tltpe of all windowB and doors. -- sec. 106.3 .3 Include a copy of the soils report for thls 8ite. -- sec. 106 .3 .3 Show all design loada uged ln de8lgning this structure (snon, wind, selsmic, Live, etc.) -- ctrapter 15 The ml.nimum ceiling height in tshis area Lg 7r-6'. -- Sec.310.6.1 Glazing in this hazardous location iE reguired to be glazed with aafety material . -- Sec. 2406.3 & 2406.4 ThiE erea requireE glazed opening(s) having an area equal to L/fO ot more of the floor area. -- Sec. L20?.2 f Code rrrrigr for:Projeat Id.: .eddresr: 7 general 8 general 9 general 10 general 11 geaeral Pagc * 2 frls bathroqn ia rcquired Eo have an opetrrble rindol or a mechanical ventilatlon systen. lfhcre thcre ig a luthtup or Bhwetr, such syatsal ehall bc conoscteddirectly to the outaide. -- Sec. 1203.3 Ttrj.E area requirea an exterior opening for emergency escape or reacue, Tlre minimum arca is 5'? Bq.ft. and the mlnimun dimengionE lE 2{i X 20!. -- gec. 310.1t A snokc detector is regulred ln tblg area gincc It providee acceBa to roomB used for aleeping purPos€s. -- Sec. 310.9.1.{ A Emohe detector ia required in all roqns that utay be used for aleeplng purposes. -- gec. 310.9.1.4 A enohe detector ie requ.ired in the basement. -- Sec.310.9.1.4 Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Gillette Residence ProjectNumber: PRJ99-0294 Project Description: New Single Family residence - changes to DRB approved plans Owner, Address, and Phone: Brian and Tracy Gillette 27E2 Kinnickinnick 98, Vail, CO 81657 845-7767 ArchitecUContact, Address, and Phone: same Project Street Address 2780 Kinnickinnick #ll Legal Description: Lot 1l / Innsbruck Meadows Parcel Number: 21O314323023 Building Name: Gillette Residence Board/Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Bill Pierce Melissa Greenauer Action: Approve with 5 conditions 1. That the lighting on the property shall comply with the Town Code. 2. That utility meterr shall be enclosed or screened from public view. 3. That a revocable right-of'way permit shall be obtained prior to building permit due to improvements including the proposed landscaping and sprinkler system upon existing easements. 4. That the materials, construction details, and colorc shall match the other buildings in the Innsbruck Meedows development utilizing approved color scheme #3. 5. That the chimney shall be battered to the same degree as others in the Innsbruck Meadows development. Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 10/30/00 DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Project Name: Gillette Residence From Erirn GiLn 125.74€.1110 Tcr Scltt iBusinc Frr)OJai 2nNnO1 Imr: 11:06:10A,V Prg.2 of 3.. .t tt s,A,lletle K, 1lgri - - -*.LrEr.rc*cbr*b. {n ffiffiilfuY"*"'' ffr! ttotltl{titt lnrlcfFFrnrrrfin 9rbjcd: Obrunrtirm'of Ercavdo* PropotcdTT$no, tll ll' Ialh$ct- UiUor,r. Trrt B. fI€2 Etmtcldlnict, Vril, Colofedo. Ilar Mr, Oilhur: Ar rcquagd, t r€Prelalrdvc uf kprysrfr-Plslrt cr€trc4dcil, Llc. otsvcd@ arruilbn u ttr tr:bfrcr rE oa Fc!rur4' 26, 2001 b rrbsp 0' dls rrpoed br fuu*tis! rupPffi. Th€ tiliEgt of oltr *sk d t,lcE@iodetiru frr tlc lundftm l*ts;Ffu.dnmt*1o* Woprwlrurly lrubldl adyfmdaign of furoMmr d tlE silE d FCCCOtGat orr fndings in e report da$d ltley 2E. 1999, Iob No, lD 316. Thc propacd restdcacc wlll conrist of a tsa ttory, worl llmc stlcnrt with u rotrl*'ptrp. &flud flosr win bo il$4atndt. A rBread hdbg ryqfto d*tg4 ft.; albqnlle rultt*gggpm*'c of2,000 prf 111l neomesdd inq*r prevlou4cr. At OE tiEl of sur vieir o dls rire, tbc fup&inl r*sYaioo hrd bet'r qrt h ilo latds frcrl,2klo ?H ftst tclo* Se 4iaccnt forrnit grflce' 'lE bib GNFPlcd h tb lr{l6Eof tll dcimtian witcd of Ddiln *olc clryoy rr[d rrd sffil Idfr cffi16. Ib oqrrntioa ls bcrng covfild to Fltiltct Egli[lt fiaiag' No &'s teattr war crcontacd in6ctfic$n|llaudthsmib wr slitill EittbEoist' Tle rol coditioar cryodl b ft GErnaiE as cocirE nht Sse nwicnt\y ucouuoa on rtc dri rnl rsltrltc fu ilUSod of nr!3o botilp lrrtg'rd 51 tc racoro#d alounblc bcrriag prcrlrnc of 2,ffi pd' lnorc ed disutod rds rhmrld bc rilpvrd in ts frtulg-acu u xpm rhr undLtr,rtcd nffel 8olls. T'tl egrrdm'*mtilbeproecud4rlmltraingrnmrrorurrdubplrdon' ftom gpuilt. odrer rrccumU*tur prt*l*d ln mrprevlm npon rYtld uc sgllic$h 6ho'uE alro tc obsrre6" Tlc l]4urmrdrtlsn' nsoffat in rhir lcstr ft bs€d o! out oDrwetim of tlc rilc ."eora *fUo m totnlttd@ GrEsvuior and te prsYitrs nrbcutce eryludol rtfu ri'n. Voiili*t |nrtr rubsl*ne odliimi bclow tb aceviliil wold imrrr 6e 3\D a,4et'd l!=lrr+t d-H lS;ai lOaZ-€e-:FJ F qf: Bdfr zE'd'tillot Ddc: ZBf200l lii.r: I l:oBt.J r{r, &iasG|EIE Hnry2?, alll Frte2 rirf d furdrdog lprffi. Wr tlfllA be dtvtld of rny gerirtionr cqlrocd h &crrvcioomdtlor &rpc|nc ohagttr$eddoG sffirl tL lotlcr. lf tscut ry Turrirrrr6ry lf99tl$,Dlof&rtff rEilEet. gbnr h qrhow. $irccrdy, HEPh'ORIS . PAXTIIK GO1TCENNAL INC. Idt'2. Aduo* ft., P,E. Rev, ty: DEII IZI/Ew Prgg3oll AIZB'd lollEg d-H E:6t l&B-E?-!l!U Frcm: Bi|n Ollhtl| 125.7&.1ato lo:5c0 (BCnE F.x) Otr;2r26l'2001 Tm.: ll:ogloAM Prg.tof3 . FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION ' GILLETTE RESIDENCE lnnshuck Mesdorrc Ld 11 2782 Kinnickinnbk Rd Vail, Golorado 81657 SUBJECT: Open Hole Investigation Looks Good Voicc 970.390.9152 F.x a25.740.1440 Email bri.ng@gsconco.com DATE: 41.42.28 PAGES:3 TO: Ground Control Excavating, Inc. ATTN: Scott (Business Fax) FROM: Brian Gillette I'llla***tl'tt*lff+t*ttfttf***lf{''t'll'til*t*'}ltt+**'}ttft****f***lfl+t**{.ll'}t*t*tft'}'}*+++i***ffr* ' TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADOCopyRrprtuedon0A'l7-2ll0l d 14:55:21 O5/t7t2frOl Staiemeat *ll*l**tll**+++++*l'll**l*t'i*******lffl***'l***l****'l'|**ttt****,r**,tl**l***fft+f+****rt*lll*t't*f gtaternent lnmber: R0000O0783 Amount: $gS.OO OSh? /2OOLO2:55 pDt Palment llethod: Ctreek fnit : DF I{otation: CHBCK # 20494 Perflnit o: E01-0103 Tgre: ELBCIRICAIT PBRf'tfT Parcel tlo: 2J.O3L4323023 Site Addreee: 2782 KMTCKINNICK RD \rAIIr Iocation: INNSBRUCK l,lEADOtlS TRACT B Total Fees: $93.00 Thia PaymeDt: $93.00 Total AIJr Prnts: $93.00 Balanee: 90.00 ***{.t*t*'l'l*:t't't'}'}'l'l*++*l****:}***:l:}'l'}*'}*'}**ttt+**'l*'l*'}****r}**t*lrl!trt'}+*+if***{!*|trt't'}**'}'***+*t+t* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current ffis EP.()O1()()()()31114()() TEMPORARYPO.JERPERMITS t^JC 00100003112800 MLL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 90. 00 3. 00 ,l':, *AGNER;SO Q p*t"tt uav-i'o-ot zi4aPtti Pase 2/g-Y ?'-ApFr.rcArro* rfrru isr BE rocEFtED rF rilGoHpr^Ett nur-*.P64 ' 0 aO'1 . Proicct #: 75 S- ItortrgE Rd.Vrl[ Gobrudo a1657 6I'IPI.Ert SQ. FEET FORNEW juildlql Ptrniftlt f , -=aiE EcGtdcrl Fannit#: tZH79-21.10 @rgeOrrr) Mf AU- OT]|ERS (Lbor i [ated.B) Partd # (Rcquh:rt if no Hagffi lobiddres:2-?tz workchs€: NelYP[ Addidon( ) Rernodd( ) Repatr( ) Terrppower( ) Cffrcrl 1 WodtTyle: InEtrr( ) Ector( ) Bott Q)an Etfu aristatthr lmtirn: yes ( ) trb ( ) Typeof Eldg.: Shgbfanuly0(') Duelar( )) Remualt ( ) othq ( ) t{o. of Elsting Drve[hg UniE in thr Ar,rouNT oF sQ FT rN STRTETURE:EIECTRICAI VALtJATIOt'l: i -aa -- col.{rRAcroR, ttrFoRru,noil -rt.. rt**..ttrrr tF(R (lfFlcq USE C{lLYr.t..rrr... I r.. r...i.rrrr..r...r..... F:/ev.rlo4/hirE/CrSerm TOUAI OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0103 Job Address: 2782 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: INNSBRUCKMEADOWS TMCT B Applied. . : 05/17/2001 ParcelNo...: 210314323023 Issued. .: 05/17/2001 ProjectNo: Expires..: ll/l3l200l OI{NER GIIJIJETTE BRIAIiI & TRACy 05/!7/2001 Plrone: 970-845-7767 2782 KINNICKINNICK 98 VAII-, CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR WAGNER ELECTRIC, INC. 05/L7/200L Phone: 97O-949-6LGL P.O. BOX 1620 AVON, CO 9L620 I-,icense: 223-E APPLICAI'I:r WAGNER ELECTRIC, INC. 05/L7/2OOL Ptrone: 97O-949-6TGL P.O. BOX 1620 AVON, CO 8162 0 I-,,icense: 223 -E Desciption: COMPLETEELECTRICAL Valuation: $4,500.00 FEE SUMMARY Tolal Calculated Fe€s-> S93 . 00Electtical-> 590.00 DRB Fee-> Investigalion-> will cbll-> s0.00 s0.00 s3.00 Additional Fees->s0.00 Totsl Permit F€€-> S93 . 00 Paymeds----> $93.00 TOTALFEES-> S93. OO BALAiICE DUE->s0 .00 Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICLIJ DEPARTMEhTT 05/L7/20OL DF Action: AP :l*a,tata*'|*lt*artll CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, complet€d an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat€ laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr rwiew approved Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thcreto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY TEILPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFT'ICE FROM 8:fi) AM - 5 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE TOVSNOFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M01-0032 ]ob Address: 2782 KINNICKINMCK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: 2782 KINNICKINICK DR Applied . . : 03/30/2001. Parcel No...: 210314323023 Issued . . : M/09/2001. Project No : PR: qq- of, 9{ Expires . .: 10/06,/2007 owNER GTLLETTE BRrAlr & TRjACY 03/3O/2OOL Phone. 97O-845-7757' 2782 KINNICKINNICK 98 VATIJ CO 8L557 License: APPLICATVT BT,ACK DIAMOND MECH, rNC O3/30/200L Phone: 97O-926-900L P.O. BOX 581 AVON, CO 8L620 Lricense: 115-P CONTRACTOR BIJACK DIAMOIID MECH, INC O3/3O/200L Phone: 970-926-9007 P.O. BOX s81 AVON, CO 8162 0 I-,icense: 116-P Desciption: install new radient heat system to new SFR Valuation: $6,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: I # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood PelleL Mechanical-> S120.oo Restuarant Plan Review->s0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> S1s3.00 Plan Check-> Investigation-> will ca[-> So. oo Additional Fe€s-> s3.00 BALANCE DUE_> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/03/.200L JRII Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI'DG.): FTETD TIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond: 22 (BI,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 I,MC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAL,LATION MUST CONFORM TO II4AIiIUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIiID TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE ].997 IJMC, CI{APTER 10 OF THE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 25 S30.00 DRB Fee-> S0. oo TOTAL LEES____-_-_> S153 . 00 Total permit Fee_> S1S3 . 00 Payrnents--__--> S153.00 $0.00 $0.00 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLfANCES SHALL BE VEMTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SIIALL TERI'INATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 199? TJMC, oR CIIAPTER 8 oF TI{E 199? IMc. Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPTY WITH CHAPTER 3 Al.rD sEC . 1017 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC A}ID CIIAPTER 3 OF TTIE 199? IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALI-, BE MOII.ITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'T{TING ON COI{BUSTIBIJE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PI,ANS AI.ID coDE AI{ALYSIS MUST BE PoSTED IN MECIIAIiIICAI, RooM PRIoR TO AIiI INSPECTION REOI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIIPPIJY BOILERS SHAIJL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OP TI{E 1997 I]MC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorr filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OI^/NEF aaaalalaaaaa+f+tffa*f*aaa*a*r***aaaaaatt'ta*taaataaaaa*+af*++*+a+fa+t++++*a++++t+aatitaataaa+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statcmort aaaaaa*al*+a+at{'*{ta*a+*+at+++++*****a+a*a**aa*a*+laalaaa*aa*at*at*+**{'f*a'}a****aaa*9atla++aa Statenent lfurnber: R000000566 Arnount s $153.00 04/09/2oolo8:{5 All Pa)rment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: *3729 /BLack DLarnond Mech, Permit No: M01-0032 Type: MECIIAI{ICAIJ PERMTT Parcel No: 2L03L4323O23 SiTe Addresa: 2782 KINNICKINNICK RD VAII, Location: 2782 KINNICKINICK DR Total Fees: $153.00 Thia Palment: 9153.00 Total al,t Prnts: $153.00 BaLance: S0.00 *+t +* *+t | * *'t** *aa*'* *t *l *** **t****** ** * * *****f* * * +**++* **** **************l**a* ** *a*t+taa** t*a ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP OOIOOOO3I113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 12O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 30.00 I.IC OO1OOOO3112B()O WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO l'lar 22 Ol O3:57p Geonge Sheeffcr lfAR-2o-Ot r2 : 3B FROII : TOV_C0I|_DE9_DEPT, s70-s4g -6e l5 lD , ATeq"szqiz P.3 PAGE 2/3 TPPUCJITIOT W T IOT BE AG(EF-IED IF NOOTPIEIE OR rilSIG[IEDffi;t1wqr|ldfiq9 Fennit #:_ liednricat mnnn *: /aol - o6l-)--, ,. 97HZF2tt9(&Epec6oils)nnilw 75S. Flo||ftigc Ed. vCl, cdor& tlt65z Fermit wlll not be acce@ wturoqt Ure fltowinE: PrrvEe Hrchani€al Rooot reyofi drrwn to ecel€ to trctrrde:r. tvt€c||a$t(al ROom tIEcn$ms/ Cornbolrion Air u&tstriltd tocrtfoncz Flue, VcrtnrdGB Ljm Sgacand tocation/ f|c*Locr€lcs, E/ EquipnrcntGu($lc Sft€et$ 3Za-.SbsS- MEcMilrcAL S 6@.0o at or b"P*€|* (f.qoir.Aif-UAg JobN.mq CirrgrT.JobAdor$ 22tz Rr/rt','.<t^'pt(.k o&, resar DcstFion ll r.* I I Blodc Flittg:$bdiyidofi: t pF F&tt< he$^-,s G*nels llarne: prran, ",.arr'.fffiiG Phore: Ergineer:Address Plrorc: DcEiEd d€oiper ot work:f+Di+-t "e+i,-c stslr^l workClass: rbn("f 4ry1 ) rfteration( ) Rcpair( ) Crferl I - Eofbr r DsanEHUe<irtatthblmtion: Yes( ) ilo( ) T}Dc of Eldg: $noGtniry (/t Dupb ( ) M|*i{crllr ( ) tun,rEGtil ( ) Res,,|zr ( ) Olrr 1 1 No- of EdEUng DudllrE udb tn thb h^dkJrE:O No.ofAccofirnodatbn unitsinthbbuldhg: 0 NoffvneoffteolrcEffirq:-G6Amfrsnes( )CGI.o ( ) U*( ) WoodBJmhq( NqffyDeofF=pldsftop€d: easggnane(.zf Glogs( ) woo@dld( ) @ Is thb a oncrdon torn +*:+*:r++*ftt:3:3r**a*****:t**{i F./a:rymlbrtr*/rladrorfl l TOUT,\I OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P01-0021 ]ob Address: 2782 KINMCKINNICK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS TRACT B Applied . . : 03/28/2001. Parcel No...: 21,031.4323023 Issued . . : 04/09/200'1. ProjectNo ' f R\19-OJq{ Expires. .: 1.0/06/200't owNER GTT.,LETTE BRrAlr & TRACY B/2e/200r Phone: 97O-845-7767 2782 KTNNICKINNICK 98 VAIIJ CO 81657 License: APPIJTCANT BI'ACK DIAI,IOND MECH, TNC 03/28/2OOL P}rONE: 97O-926-gOOL P.O. BOX 581 AVON, EO 4L620 License:116-P CoNTRACTOR BT,ACK DTAMOTID MECH, rNC O3/28/2O0]- Phone:. 970-926-9OOL P.O. BOX 581 AVON, CO 8162 0 IJicense:1L6-P Desciption: PLUMBING SYSTEM FOR NEW SFR Valuation: $7,500.00 Fireplace Infornration: Restricted: ?? # of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas [rgs: ?? # of Wood Pallel *'*. FEE SUMMARY Plumbing-> 9120. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Feeg-> $153 . oo Plan Check-> S3O.OO DRB F€e-> S0-00 Additional Fees--> $0.00 Investigation-> go. o0 TOIAL FEES----..-_> $153 - O0 Total Permit Fee--> $153 . O0 will ca[->$3.00 BALANCE DUE->$0.00 ItEm: O5].OO BUII.DING DEPARII{ENT 03/29/2ooL cDAvrS Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-'DG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI'ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as requfued is correct. I agree to comply with the information and Paymmts----> S153.00 plotplaq to comply with allTown ordinances and stab laws, and tobuild this structure according to tlrc towns zoninf and subdivieioncodes, designreview approved, Uniforur Building Code and other ordinancesof the Townapplicable REQI]ESIS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOURHOUR9 IN ADV ru. SIGNATT RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIVISELF AND OWNEF TELEPHONE AT 4D2138 OR AT OI,JR OFFICE FROM 8tr AM - 5 *****aftafalla*aalaa*+laaa'3affa*+++ft+fa*af*la*ffa*f+atff+arataa*f'.*ffta+aatl****tafaftfaatl ' TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Srrtcm€nt*++f**ta'ia'|*'l**+f*t*******'if*'la+**f+ff******fafl"l******+*++*+*r**r**at*faaft**t++a+*****ala'l stauement litunber: R000000567 Amount: $153.00 04/o9/200lo8:45 Atl Payment l{ethod: Check Init: IrC --------;";;;-;;;-;,1-;;;; - ;;;1;';#k -1'-"-1'-1"-1:::-::T-11-1"-i- Parcel No: 2LO3L4323O23 SitC AddTEgA: 2782 KINNICKIN}IIqK RD \TAIII IJocatlon: INNSBRUCK MEADOIIS TRACT B TotaL Feea: $153 - O0 fhie Payment: $153.00 Total ALL Pmts: $153.00 Balance: $0. oo a**a**aaa*fl a**il++*+++f ++l**aft** ****f*af*ll+++****** *t ****** * +***l fl+f+*t't***l*'i aa****+**+ ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 30.00 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUI4BING PERHIT FEES 12O.OO t.JC OO1OOOO31128OO HILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Jlae 2? Ol O3:5?p George Shaeffer t|AB-ze-el 12'35 PROlt, IOV-COII-DEV-DEFT , APPI.ICAIIOil WIIL IIOT BE ACCEPTED lF IIIOOTIFI,"ETE ON, .- - g?o-9+s-Ba1s tD. s764"AZaA2 Edldiilg FennitlF: Plunbilg lr€nrrit #: 9rH79-21'19 p." FAGE I/3s NMIEYfrTY 75StudtagerU. VaiDGolorqdo 0165, N5F $"*]9,v'- TOWII OF VAIL PLUHBITTG PER}IIT APPUCATTOTT COIIPIETE VAIIIATIOI{ FOR PllftrlBllrc PERITIIT (lrbor & rrat!ril|'} J **:lr**rrr++*r++rt*+trr.rl*!r*l*rilt*r,er*+FoR oFFIcE ggg oilfi**tr.'tr*.rE:r**:i!:rrr***irarrrtrrrtiti Pailf{ t (Requircd if no bldg. pcrnit # ir pevtlcd aboyc) robt{am* G u'l--t-'lobAddrcss: ZZgz P-a.HLtct t',,utct< OR f.egalDeraipdcrr lu* tl I noar, Inrangt grbdhrldon: lp,vs lg., ( i< htAO orvn€rs Namer igtty G;rtc.rrt- | Address:Ptnne: Enganeee Addessr Ptronc: Debiled descli4ion oa vlork: pXtl FLunAipc. J?srrrr Work€bss: Nary{-,r Addfon( } Ahraton( ) Repar( ) osrer( ) Typcofddg.:Sa.de.fuV("f hCo(( ) l,ldd+trfV( ) 0omruud ( ) nrsbuar*( ) Orur1 1 ilo. of bd*rs Drworq tlrlE In tllis htldng: O | ilo. d Amnnndation Unhs in thas buildng: 6 G thb a converdon ftsn a wwd bumhg fireplace b an EPA Phase u d6rle? Yes ( ) t{o (d F/€vsyogfqn6Dkntrcm TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M01-0198 Job Address: 2782 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: INNSBRUCK MEADOWSTRACT B Applied. . : 10/O5/2ffi7 Parcel No...: 27031.4323023 Issued . . : 1'O/10/2N1' ProjectNo : frS4q - 6}qq Expires. .: o4/08/2w2r-- OWNER GIIJLETTE BRrAlil & TRACY t0/05/2O0L Phone: 970-845-7767 2782 KINNICKINNICK 9B VAIL CO 81657 License: coNrRAcToR HEARTH EXCIIANGE, INC. (rHE) 10/05/2001 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 570 MINTI'RN, CO 8164s License : 7-7 4-M APPIJTCAIqT HEARTH EXCITANGE, rNC, (TIrE) 10/05/2001 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MTNTURN, CO 81545 License : L7 4-Nl Desciption: INSTALLATION OF A FREESTANDING DIRECT VENT STOVE Valuation: $3,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Rctricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Peltet: r'i'r FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> Plan Check-> lnv6tigation-> will call-> LO/O,/2}OL DF IEem; 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN| 550. oo Restuarant Plan Review--> S1s . oo DRB Fee----------> 90. oo TOTAL FEES----> 93.oo Action: AP So . oo Total Calculated Fees--> go. oo Additional Fees------> S7E. oo Total Permit Fee---> Pa)'Erents---..._---> t78.00 s0.00 s78.00 $?8 .00 s0. ooBALANCE DUE--_--> Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMB{II CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (Br.,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF TI{E 1997 I,MC, OR SECTION 701 OF TITE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BI_,DG.): INSTALLTATION MUST CONFORM TO IIIAIn'FACTL'RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 199? IJMC, C{APTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond:, 25 . (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIANCES SHAI-,L BE VEIIIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE L997 I,MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (Br_,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUTPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AllD S8C.1017 OF TITE 1997 I'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE ]"997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BL,,DG.): BOILERS SIIALL BE MOUMTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOI'IBUSTTBLE CONST. ITNLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOIJNTING ON COI{BUSTIBI-,8 FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BI,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS A}ID CODE AI.IAI,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECI{ANICAI, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BI,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHATiIICAI, ROOMS CONTAINING HE,ATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FL,ooR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F TIIE 1-997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required/ completed an accurate plot plan, and state lhut uU th" information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the.information and plot plan, io compty with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivisi,on codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSpECiftoN SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS rN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 SIGNATURE OF CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE LglaSl2BgL 17:31 9748279222 Sulldlng ucchanhal Fl ln0-479-'ni49 Perrnit wlll not be aepmd withoutthe frollovYing: cdoiarlo 4t6,5?$Lw *t**!t*****a***t**t* *,f * ++{.f *t**:}:E:}:l+ ++*!t*rtt!; Inspecflon Requcrt . R€CuesEd Inip€ct Dsb:. Asalgned Io:. Inep€ction Type:lrop€cflo Are.i Slb Address: Frtdav. lTarch 09. 2001 cDAvfS BLDG JRT 2782 K|l{!0CKr,rNtCK RD VAL ?782 K|NN|CKTNiICK RO AIPIDlnfomradon Acfhrhlr Coost T'/pe: Parcel: OfinsI; Co{Sactor: Aoolhent: Deidddlon: l6trcc: t{olke: Cornm€nt BtXX)3lo TyFe: SBUILD occr.tFanc!': 21031/l32iln3 GILLETTE. ERIIN E, It TRACY M, .JT SI{AEFFER COT{STRL'CTION SFiAEFFER CONSTRT'CTbN }IEVY SINGLE FAIILY SuhT!?e: NSm Ui€: V N Phone: 970"845{656 Pttlxrc: 97$84F5656 Strtrs: ISSUED mpAroa: JRM pbns to nqy and lh€ - .lilOlilDRAGON PI.AIIS ROUTED TO ANN AND JRM,i ONLY 2 SETS OF PLA}.IS SUBIITTTED) WILL CATL FOR 2 hiORE SETS FOR P/UI A}ID F}RE. JTI'ONDRAGONpbns appro'ved by pbnntr4 and rstunl€d to JR - AKJERULF Reouerbd In Jo€ctron(s) It6'|r: Reou€rloc Cwimenir: ?0 BlDG-Foundrtonl$teel SHAEFFER COf{STRl.,C'rft}t\I/DarM Potrr tt n6n Requestd Tlme: 08:(lO All' Plrone: S4-5797 Eil€rcd By: LCAITTP8ELL K Item: 502 PW-Rouah qr€da r(rptbn ll ttem: S03 PW-Flnolcftrrewlv qrod€ r'ODtionall[em: l0 EloGFoo{rlgsrstdef loptlona0 h AFfioved * 03/O2Ol lrl3!.cbr JFt, Actlon: AF APFRO'!',Er) Cottilnents: FObING AFPR SOILS TEST REC D AT.ID IN FILE llem: 20 BlDclFoun$rtodstrd (OpUomD nom: $20 PLAI+|LC Slto Phn tnequhedillcm: 30 B|-Dc-Framlng {@toneDIrm: gO BlDc_lniuhdon (ClF,tonal) n m: 60 BLDC*Sh€slrock Ntll topllonaf)lbm: 70 B{-DGMtec. .Opllonal) lem: H) BLDGFImI (Re,ruhed) ilffii: 530 BLDC-Temp. C/O 'rOptlbncD [cm: 532 PW-TEMP.'CiO iOpdonal)'turn: fii]3 PLAI+'TEIIP. C/O {Opdonr0fiom: 537 PLAI+F$IAL C/O irlfilofldi[em: 539 PW-Fltl LCYO {ffionsD ll3m: 5dO BLD&Fhd C/O (R6quhed) REPf131 Rrn fd: 450 ,-;) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 Sorith Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxt 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project l{ame: DRB l{umber: DR8010230 Prciect Description: Change to approve plan - stucco color change from white to wild cattails (10613) Pafticapants: OWNER GILLETTE BRIAN & TMCY 0elo2l200L Phone:970-845-7767 2782 KINNICKINNICK 98 VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT GILLETTE BRIAN &TMCY 081021200L Phone:970-845-7767 2782 KINNICKINNICK 98 VAIL CO 81657 License: Project Addressz 2782 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIL Location: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS TRACT B Legal Description: Lot! Block: Subdivislon: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS Parcel Number: 210314323023 Comments: Approved per plans submited BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motlon By: Woldrich Actionl APPROVED Second By: Pierce Vote: 5-0 DateofApproval:08/15/2001 Condi6ons: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: f2O.0O Qu.rtionrCl the Planning Staff at479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF TIIE REQTIEST:,O/**NA q ft ta/ rtPPPor -',-pe) TOVIN OFVAIL Ut BLOCK:FILING:sLrrrrr-1 l.r:,apa)5B. C. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: F. G. PARCEL *, LtO3 iY) Zi 0 Z5(Contact Eagle co. Assesson ofrrce at 970-328-8640 for parcet #) NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: tLl-cn \4\ntP.{Ars (i q r6st PHONE: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): 6Af,^\1- PHONE: H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: E New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. tr Addition - $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. \tvtino. Alteration - $20 lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,t ,.roofing, painting, *indo* additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identi$ the accurate valuation ofthe project. The Town ofVail will adjust tbe fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO 81657. NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: AUG 0 2 2001 o Depotment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 Ftx 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINTPROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER (print name) a joint owner ofproperty located at orovide this letter as (addresVlegal description) written approval of the plans dated which are submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address above. I understand that the proposed improvements include I further understand that minor modifications maybe made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. ( signature) {j*,uo (date) vv @" Questions? Call the Planning Staf at 479-2L38 Wffi MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGSI$htl0Fl,X[W AND srrE rMpRovEMENrs GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. .SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS tr Photos or sketches which clearly convey the e,yisting conditions, n Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). tr All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. O Condominium Association approval (if appticabte). tr If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. usToF PROPOSEp MATERTC TYPE OF MATERIAL;BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof I Sidine /lin|geo Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffrts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other C.QIQBr 16ls * Please speciFy the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a imall color chip ** All srErior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. ff oterior lighting b proposed, please indicate the number of fixtrres and locations on a separate lighUng plan. Identity each fxh.tre type and provide the height above grade, lumens ouFut, luminorc area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fxtures. PROPOSED I.AN DSCAPIT{G Botanical Name:Common Name: Ouantitv: fuj: PROPOSED TREESAND !€,.1.^ SHRUBS: \ irr.. +,tlrf.fr.rr .tr,rit.-i$Lt 1;: DGSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requiremenB for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Trpe:Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walb, fences, swimming @ls, etc.) Please speciff. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propefi is 6 feet. UTILIW LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to veriry seruice availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilitieq for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Date Public Service Company 949-5781 (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Oed Husky;John Boyd) T.C.r. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. ff the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there b a problem which needs b be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifrations do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Departrnent of Public Works at the Town of Vail, Utilitv locations must be obbined before diooino in any public rightof-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. II. PRE-APPUCATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibility to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2128. NME REOUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying rnaterial must be accepted by the Community Development Department a minimum of three and a half (3 1/2) weeks prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your poposal will be reviewed for compliance witi the Design Guidelines as set for$ in Section 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPUCANTS: A. If a pmperty b located in a rnapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, floodplain, debrb flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affUavit remgnizing the hazard report prior b the issuance of a buibing permit. Applicants are encouraged b check with the planning staff prior to submitbl of a DRB applicatbn to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all suweys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24'x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. Graphic bar scale. North arrow. Title bloc( project name, project address and legal description. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number, Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. Sheet labels and numbers. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". Names of all adjacent roadwap. Plan legend. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved orior to the issuance of a building permit, ry. 2. 3. 4. q 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. t2. c. D. E, V.STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and appro\€ Design Rerview applications, approve witi ertain modiFrcations, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Deign Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. The following types of Design Roriorr applications may be statr approved: A. Any appliotion tur an addition to an existing building that b consistent with the architectural design, materiab and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized mernber of a condominium association, if applicable; B, Any application b rpdify an o<isting building that does not s[niircantly change the existing planes of the building and b generally consistent with the archiEcUral design, rnaterials and colors of the building, including, but not limited to ofterior building finish materiab (e.9. stoneworK siding, roof materials, paint or sbin,), exterior l$hting, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dbhes, windows, skylighB, siding, minor commercial facade impro\,ernents, and other similar modiflEations; C. Any applicaUon for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway modifnations, site grading, site walb, renpval or modifications to odsting landscaping, instalhtion of accessory structures or recreational facilities. ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. ff this application requires a separate rwiew by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applient shall be reponsible for paying any publbhing fees whbh are in o(cess of 500/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be republbhed, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be pail by the applicanl C. Applications deerned by the Community Development Deparunent to have design, land use or drer issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consuftant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Deparfnent shall estimate the amount of rnoney necessary to pay the consultant and thb annunt shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in o(cess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 da}rs of notifratjon by the Town. Any o<cpcs funds will be Etumed to the applicant upon review completion, u. The colors presenled here are available at Stos North Anerican network of Distributor localtons. Popular textured finishes and other coatings are usually available in lhese popular colors with no waiting. Custom color representattons are available in nost Slo finishes and coatings, as well. Sto is the innovative woild leader of Coating, Cladding, and rcstoration syslems Check with your Sto Distributor u service representative for nore infornation or visit our web sile at www.stocorp.com. 93440 [,4oondust @ 93860 Sandstone tr 93240 Smoked Putty @ 11406 Pear Gray E 20905 0alrrea tr 21614 Siver Lirrrg E 20822 Diarnond Dusl @ 21324 Arct c lue E 11404 Br!shed PeMer @ 11504 Gray F annel EI 20820 Wanrr Taupe @ 21113 Sea [/rsl @ 21'104 Pistachio @ 11505 London Fog @ 21612 Oyster @ ----..-.z0u4 w nter whrte \E- g;61-_-"r' 11503 Tw light @ 11i103 B!rnt Ash E Accents Color. Used wisely, it can produce stunning results in architectural design. Popular consensus anong our cust1mers has established these subtle tones as th1se mlst used for a conplete range of lutstanding projects ftom commercial to residential. Below, each color is designated by a nunber and name. ln addition, each color has a lightness value represented by this symbol @ The lightness value is the amount of light reflected from a surface, measured in ok: 100"k-White 0%=Black t Accenb 9433 Sto Whrte @ 10610 Sea Shcl E 10609 French Van lla E 10611 Moof lit Sand @ 20506 Desert Sun @ 10522 lvory Key EI 6050 White L nef E 105t1 Pacil c Sand @ 10622 Indlana L mestone @ 10607 Coastal Mirage E ,|0E06 Tropical Breeze @ 93330 Champagne @ 10308 Pearl @ 10612 Autumn Wheat E 10613 Wild Cattails ^ arvcn 10606 Plateau E --- -- 20712 Summer Haze @ I - - ,|015 N4ocha Cream @ 4t tttt**++*+t,l++++++**tfttft*ff+*'t*+t++**+*i*t*t*t*t*tft,t*f**'al*t**t***+**ft*ft't*'|t'f!t*tlt**lt***+ TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement t***'3,;*a*** * *t*rtrt,t**t**'t{rtl* t**'}rt**{r*** ***+*t +t******+a*:},t't*f *'t1*drl*r +'l*r | * *t** fi *!t'}+'}+++* i 'l Statement Nurnber: R000001153 tunount: $20'00 08lO2/2OOLO2:32 Plt Palment lrlethod: CaBh Init r JAR NoEat ion : Permit No: DR8010230 Type: DRB - Minor AlteraEion Pareel No: 210314323023 Site Add:reaa z 2782 KINNTCKINNICK RD VAIL Location: INNSBRUCK !'IEADOnS TRACT B Total Feea: 920.00 Thle Payment: $20.00 Total Ar.,L Prnts: S20'00 Balance: $0. 00 ***t*'r*t'i***'|**++****t++tttt++++*+**+*'+**,rt**+irr**+l+*t*++++**i!****l'**'lt**'tt:t+*******+++++**l ACCOTJNT ITEM I,IST: Account Code OescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1()O()O31122OO OESIGN REViEW FEES 20.00 Questrons? C.r|Q Ptanning Staff at 47g-2L38 I0il,\APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Re,riew approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific jnformation, sie the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requesred. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after finat approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST:ALi,SrsJ ttt ?eT\ ?1,6y'$ .! ?'c co:t?rc-7- L tc!C- 5t!-fiQuve.^,i \s T LOCAION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:\\BLOCK:VnLA,O\J tB. c. D. E, PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: rNr.l , C(Ltv\JN.(k_ F NAME OF OWNER(S): iArr-- owNER(S) SrGI{ATURE(S): NAME OF APPL]CANT: (q{\ Z MAIUNG ADDRESS: PHONE: IYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:tr New Construction - 9200 Construction of a new building.n Addition - S50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residentiai or commercial buildino. Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvemenG, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a buihing permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICAT]ON, ALL SUBMITTAT REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 7s souTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 815s7. lEcEryEDsEP 0 1 2m Department of Communlty Oevelopment 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 ReceiltNo. €t/ 5-?,/ o^t"-{-rZ-LOD- Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 Uniform Buildins Code - 1997 - Volum€ 3 International Plumbino Code - 1997 001 0000 314 1112 rlnternational Mechanicat Code - i99B Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 001 0000 314 1110 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1,t12 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 3,t4 1112 National Electrical Code Abatement of Danoerous Bldo.'s 1997 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 I 0000 3't4 1112 of Revisions to '1997 Uniform Codes Blue Printsr/lvlylar_Copy Fees _ Lionshead Master t.ten t$,!1!t)'l$!f Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/Der hou 001 0000 314 1112 $12.7s 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1211 1 0000 314 1111 001 0000 3141111 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 311 2300 001 0000 315 2000 Off Hours Inspection Fees 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 3124000 001 0000 31't 2200 001 0000 315 3000 Assess.-R6taurant Fee to Co. 001 0000 312 1000 Taxable @ 4.0% (Townl - Retall Sales Tar Exterior Alteration - l-esi tnan t O0sq. ft. Exterior Afteratior -- 'liloie tn.an t OO so. t. '001 0000 310 1 100 001 0000 31.t 2500 001 0000 311 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2s00 001 0000 311 001 0000 311 001 0000 311 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 319 3100 F:/Ev.ryon./Forms/Sale3aot,exe 06/0612000 I RECEIPT - The Town of vaili^| '.ea16 Au ll--tr ./- i --....'. | /,,.irt| '. .l-'--- i .-1.,.. r t tt,7tfrI nnceryEDFRoM | /Cr:i'hJ (']t';fE tifr moness ["ti'r ll ll li t ll 61 Permit Numbers Police RF*iPt Numbcrs li, | ^-"--' ny L!-tLr-- il a How PAID . Cash---tz'Check- Dt i!--'L-- lorn of Vailrr* CUST(}IIER RECEIPT TTI DATE: 9/Bli68 61 RECEIF'I: 86130Pi DESCRIpII0Ii gTY flltt]ulll TF l! oesis[-iEvrEra rE I m9.90 rDR cs Ff(IAil.TRACY GILLETTE TTIIOER D€TAIL LT DATE: 9/01108 I{]TAL CflSH AII{]UHT TENDEIGD ta0.88 tlllE:13:15:58 t?8.00 tag.08 THAr{t( Y(lu F(]R Y0UR pflYlfflT ! Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Proiect Name: Gillette Residence ProiectNumber: PRJ99-0294 Project Description: New Single Family residence - changes to DRB approved plans Owner, Address, and Phone: Brian and Tracy Gillette 2782 Kinnickinnick 9B. Vail. CO 81657 845-7767 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone. same Project Street Address: 2780 Kinnickinnick #l I Legal Description: Lot ll / Innsbruck Meadows Parcel Number 210314323023 Buildins Name: Gillette Residence Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Innsbruck Meadows development. Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 03102100 DRB Fee Paid: 520.00 Project Name: Gillette Residence Board/Staff Action Bill Pierce Melissa Greenauer Action: Approve with 5 conditions 1. That the lighting on the property shall comply with the Town Code. 2. That utility meters shall be enclosed or screened from public view. 3. That a revocable right-of-way permit shall be obtained prior to building permit due to improv€ments including the proposed landscaping and sprinkler system upon existing easements. 4. That the materials, construction details, and colors shall match the other buildings in the Innsbruck Meadows development utilizing approved color scheme #3. 5. That the chimney shall be battered to the same degree as others in the $ k'tte> tffid tu', nlal (+"a+) Qucstions? lBTn-u7?+ Call thc Pki;r;iing Staii:r..i,'.--- i2.'t APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dasigrr Rcvic;rv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign.revicw must rcccivc Design Rwicw approval prior to submitting for a buiiding pcrmiL For.spccific information, see tle subrnitlal rcquircnrorts for thc particular approval that is requestcd. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd inlbrnration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conrrnission. Design Revicrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycrr aftcr final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: fn r rt) o (L ALt<-fzprrto'^: "-\ o f-xts-ftnJr. v\uLTl f-A'r/\r\-ii DZ,;."e-og n'1 t'\J\ TAWN OFVAIL R C. D. E. PARCEL#' Z\ O) lq j Zi04contact Eaglc Co. Assessors otticc atp?0-328-8640forparccl #) ZONTNG: ( r,\rJ DZ,vSt-fj ynuS\ C 1".,'t1,.,.i NAME OF OWNER(S):-3@ta'^'l + -T\?-ftJ f,tur,t aTL hJ vr.) \ <-t'C PHONE: PHONE: Construction of a new building. Includes any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or commcrcial building. Includcs nrinor changes to buildings and sitc improvcmenLs. such as, rcroofing. painting, window adtiitions. landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls. etc. DRB tbes are to be paid at thc fimc of submittal. Latcr. whcu applying for a buil<iing permit. please idennf thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. The Town ofVail rvill adjust the fcc according to the project valuafion. PLE.\SE SUBMIT TTIIS.{PPt.IC.,\TION'.'\LL SUBNfiTT-\L REQUIRETIENTS AND THE FEE TO'I'HE DEP,{R f NIENT OF COi!T}ILNIl'Y DEVI'LOPJVIENl" 75 SOU-I'H FRON'I..\GE ROAD. !'AIL. COLORADO 8I657. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PFrySICAL ADDRESS: LOT: \ \ BLOCK:-FILINC: TnnsbrucK- vv!1a'f)o--\ \ MAILINC ADDRESS: LO OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: :}. F. c. c A.aL^1^ MAILING ADDRESS: H.ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 E Addition - $50 Pf,Vino. Alterarion - $20 rrlclt- r,ryl trq-O611 5 -fQ;".r-< -R, oo Community Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Greg Hall or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Retum To:Ann Kjerulf, Planning Date Routed:02/r0t00 Return By:02/16/00 Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Gillette Residence Tract B, Innsbruck Meadows Lot 11. Innsbruck Meadows New single family residence Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) -x-Approved with conditions Support for deck on west side is too close to private driveway, is this allowed? Revocable right of way permit required.(Landscaping-sprinkler system, Trees in utilities easement. Date received: Reviewedbv: LSandoval Date reviewed: 2-14-00 oo Community Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Greg Hall or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Retum To:Ann Kjerulf, Planning Date Routed:01i05/00 Retum By:0Ut2/00 Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Gillette Residence 2782 Kinnickinnick Lot 11 (Tract B) i Innsbruck Meadows New single family residence Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions COMMENTS Driveway is too steep, max grade for unheated driveway is 10%, heated l2oh. Between elevations 7845 and7849 Driveway is 160/o, also show drainage away from slab of horne or show new proposed elevations for driveway Adiust and revise. Property lines are off on south side of lot, adjust and revise. Proposed aspen trees in south side of lot must be move within lot boundaries. Adjust and Revise. Revocable right of way permit required for landscaping on Ped./ Utilities Easement at Building permit stage. Show on site plan Limit of Disturbance fence around property. Leonard Sandoval Date received: 1/11/00 Co o mm unity Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Greg Hall or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Return To:Ann Date Routed:t99 Retum By: Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Gillete Res. Lot 11 Insbruck Meadows Approved x Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Need Tltle Reoort The scale of site plan is li= 10r. Adiust an Revise lJith scale of site plan, this effect the grading. Please adiust and revlse the 2:1 grade, on site plan, As proposed 1t does not Trork. Show on site plan all required parkine sDaces. A11 vehicles must be able to backout turnaround wlthln 1ot boundaries. Adiust and Revlse Show on slte plan,snovr storaqe within lot boundarles. 302 unheated drlvewav. 107 heated No backing ouE into Kinninnick Rd. Letter from owner of loE 12 for boulder retainins wa1l on DroDertv- (:nnrnwal'l Revocable Risht of Wav Permit for Landscaolne Show on slte p1an. Limit of disturbance fence around orooertv and sorne form of ErJs'lon control Date received: Reviewed by: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewedi nlB/gg FIEVERYONE\DRIP\ROUI'INGIgSROTJTNG\PUBLICWO\II ASI'ER.F'Rt rkea TOWN OF VATL D epartmea of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado E1657 974479-2138 HX 970-479-2452 November 18, 1999 Brian and Tracy Gillette 2782 lGmikinnick 98, Vail, CO 81657 Re: Mnor alterations to previously approved plans for a new single family residence / Lot 11. Innsbnrck Meadows Dear Brian and Tracy: This letter is written in response to the Desigr Review Board's comments on your application at their November 17, 1999 meeting. All board members present at the meeting agreed that the colors and materials of the proposed suucture should match the other existing buildings in the Innsbruck Meadows development. Prior to a final review of your application, please adjus your plans to identiff the following: o lx T&G wood siding on upper level of building; o lx T&G wood siding on garage door; o 2 x 8 window trim with horizontal trim overlapping vertical trim at corners; o corbels (or similar architectual features) at front and rear ofbuilding; and o rvood fascia, corner boards, deck railings all to match existing. It would be beneficial on elwation drawings to identi$ lhese details in vldting: also, please provide elevations at signiflcant points on the building (ie. top of deck; top of chimney; top of roof ridge). In order to ensure your application is complete. you will need to provide a stamped survey and also, a site plan rvhich shows the proposed building footprint, retaining walls (with elevations at top and bottom), and original and finished grades, Provided these requrements are met, your application will be presented at the December 1" Desigr Rwierv Board meeting for flnal review. Thalk you for lour consideration of this matter. Sincere\. {gu"nur"^ro o Commilmc - Modificd 3/?8Arncrican Lrnd Tide As$ocirtion COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLEGUARANTY COMPANY STEWART 'IITLE GUARAI{TY COMPANY, A Texas Corporation, hercin callcd the Company, for valuable comideration, hercby commits to issuc its policy or policics of titlc insurance. as idcntificd in Schedule A, in lavor of the proposed lrxurod named in Schcdulc A, as owrrr or mortgagec of tle estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or rcfcrrcd to in Schedule A, upon paymcnt of thc premiums and charges therefor; ail subject to tftc provisions of Schedules A and B ard to $e Cooditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commiment shall bc cffcctive only when the identity of the proposed Insured ard the anount of .he policy or policics commined for have been inscrted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at lhe timc of thc issuance of this Commifmelt or by subsequent endorsement, This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policbs of title insurance and all liability aud obligadons hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the efiective date hereof or whcn thc policy or poliuics corrr|ritted fur sJrall issuc, wbichevcr lir$ occurs, provided that the failure ro issue such policy or policbs is not the fault of the Conpany. Sigrcd under seal for thc Company, but this Commilnrent shall not be valid or binding until it bears ao authorized Counters ig nature. IN WITNESS WHLIIIOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused its corporate mme and seal o be hereunlo affixed by its duly authoriz-ed officcrs on thc datc shown in Sclrcdulc A. STEWART TITLE CUAR,AI'iTY COMPANY Ctlainnan of Cor.:.tE r9i.l g!. ART TI1LE OF EAGLE COTJNTY, INC, P-O- Box 2000 Vril, Colo..do 8165E (90) 949-l0l r OrderNo.990l?821 ffi SCEfuT]LEA Mcr Muber: 99ot7g2z I. Efectit'c datc: x.acb 25, 1999 tt 7tl$ A.t4. 2. Polict or Palicig to bc issud: @A,L.T.A. Awner't (9t.d.tdt nrrtrott€d .|drd'astt: Amotur of Inturanr.e$ as.soo. oa STATEMENT OF CHARCES Thcse durga are dte atd pnblc beJore a Pollry@ttciJ.'{rd- Itgtd sfttpr flnx Olfltg,Rli: SZE2.00 arur ql8f; 20.00 Proposd hsurd: artut r. cfi.Ltna llrD ttlcilt. GTt,rratTE (b) A.L.TA. Len (tcaadasdl Proposdbtwrd: (c) Luschold Ptopud Insured: 3. The antc or llr.ercst in thc land descibcd or rcfefted to in this &nnlarew ard @wr€d hartlfl is fa. tllttlc 4. n e b rlrc fca rrloprc esne or Interest In said Ia d ls at tha $efive dalc hcr.of vattad ln: turrrrtA rn8,'3 gtuqEPo 5. Tlv lantl refcrred ta in this Conmilmcm is dctcribcd 6 frll6'rt: 9gE ,,rtACfrE' !AGt! DSnElr?|froil ( SEEEDVT.E A Mer Numbcr: 990t?g2t LEGAL DESCRIPNON TEACT B, FgVnTS aXE{DIIEI{? tO 'EE Fmr.E PLJrf O? IegSAAgef .@itDOHS, a subd.ivlttoD accotdl'.r to C.b. PIIC &ereof reco?d.d Novcr,bcJ. 5, 799? ar gcccplloa No.638553, coutrry oF BAaLB sTlTs oF cplonlDo. $ns eoaxttugf! ,{13 PnarrrtD N ^zR r. 13, 7999 ftn o('8sf.tolrs nfflnD:n|E txrs €eff{:wT.tr.?,83 ctSt 3te,n r''LLZ.N'tt. tEgE rzxr,E o??IeEE, I? 970/91t-70U.llot fltasftor 9 tsclrDtnc ''r3 cr,p.gt!'c. 9zzst clLL TD eZ q,RsON, rB ESCEo,t Og?ICt8, At 970/949-7077. thl,r coral tn snt lt t.nt to; SnrrN e tfre? crL'Jz?gEB.rU.lltltl ltlllrl .P@O!?O DOIOgJI rr&dooD .( Order Nunber: sgotzE2t SCEEDALE E Scdion I REQUIREMENTS The lolloving are the requiremdrts b be cwt plid wirh: hetn (a) psSv2211 to or lor the occww of the grantont or morttaton of the full cottsideroiotr for rhe esrarc or interctt to be insurd. Itan (b) Proper instrumant(t) creating thc estate or interest tobe iwtrcd must be accttdand dull'fitcd for record, to tvit: 1. lrrclgloa of 'tftdt?tt er to DeDtr rad ficrr .rad icr racus! to .gt.r.r! 3lt!. currirrcy C@ptay. 2. E'/J-dcrcc a.tltcaecory to sccr..rg fi c.k @r'tEgy eosF&ar. ot p'yacnt ot ''llort|eten.rlng tlxat .Dd .tt.a',.at. as etrtlfl.cd .|'y ttr Etgir Co'l ty fro.ru.r.r. 3. Pstinaet of .ay aad all EoooxaGtt artGtrncgft, ead erlrcnrar rr raguircd Js tlt 9',craJ'atloa of nattEiet:lor,a t!'d, c€rtttlctec tr@ IE br|tef b''ilott wctl,tyltgg.hrt rucl lny'',at hec bec€, tacaived. 1. Elrtdc'.cc a.altlacgoty to glGflrc ?itlc Cuararty Coryfr.ay !!r! tic 'r.1 cre.la Ct.l.atcs tax ttrcttad by eba ?qB ot V.il brr Eccn ptjd or g.ha0 !,!c trrrerrstloa l, crFc4tt tto[ trld Crx. 5. D€cit ErN tu.al tt rrele .tdotte, vcrliag faa riaplc t.{tlc la Brie,a !. cj.TTcttc .ad ttaey t - 6!77ca8.. r90:r8r No?Irzotr, oF tila Lga L aD:DEESS o? ,EE qp,-:IEE raUsi rttlr8 6t re DED A8pEt 1976'.dal3Efr rO €It"ttt8 0r #conD,:Bto ot tt&g as 38 -35-10i (2)- I l I : Order Nwnber: 990L7 827 SCHEDAI.E B Seaion 2 EXCEPTIONS The policy or policies to be issued v'ill contain erceprius to rhe follott'ittg unlxs rhe sane arc disposcd of to the satisfaction of the Compary: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession, not sholtt by the public records. 2. Eaenents, or clnins of easanents, not shortt b1'the public records- 3. Discrepanciu, cottflicts in boundary lines, shonage in area, encroachments, and arry faas vhich a correct surtq and iuspeaion oJ the pretnises would tlisclose otd n'hich are not sho*)n by the pablic records. 1. Arry lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or nuerial heraofore or hereafier fiirnished, imposed b1. law a,ul nor shorvn by the publlc records. 5 l)cfects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or atnching subsequatt to rhe effective darc hereof, but pior to the date the proposed insured acq.tircs of record for wlue the estate or irtterest o nortgage tlrcreon covered by this cotw itmev. 6. Unpatented nt ting claims; rcscnations or exccptions in patents, or an act authoizing the issuance tlureof; vcter ights, claitns or ritle to vater- 7. Azy and all u'rpaid !|xar rDd a5ttess!€res and aaJr uzredeellcd iax .gaJcs. 8. thc ef f ec| of inel.usloas ta aay generaT ot epcif ic waler co.ngcrya! cy, f heprotrcttarr, soiT consetwaljorr or othcr djstrjct or lncTualon ln any etaxer 3€rrricc or 8tlect joproweocI]t area. 9. Rcj'efragion oE exceptlo,.s coatajaed ir O.S. Pagents, or la Actt auEhotlzing the iaaua,,ce thereof, reeorded la Eook 723 ac page 3 tcecrving I) RighEa of thc jtroprl ctor of z velD or Tode !o rrcrac! and raove hla ote ehctctton and. 2) ,ights of, way tor dLtches aad calalg eor,ttructed uadc:: lic authorlty of chc Otrl ted SC.tcs. 20- Tcrms, ca'idlt7oB,s, rcserntioag, reatrlctlora and olaT lqAeirtnt as eorttai'l1cd j'r. RigbE ot llay foz Ruder Dltc.h, 17, Terma, condiclonc, rcscrvrcloDr, tegctrcctoag ard gbTTEaeions at contriDed ia Estd8.r3g go n6a Uara sl.opa 6as Co4paa,y l! Boo& 191 at Paga {55. 72, lermg, condLllong, reservacl.ont ' testrlcttoqd and, ob7lgaEionr as co&tajled LD cceae EaseaeJt.t rcres'trcd by eeae Ray ItiTEoA. 13. lax::o,a, eondltlons, reservatl,orlr, resttictioE: and o.bligatio',t ,8 eonEzlned lnRegxt!ctlolt la Eook !9t ,E EaEC 455. 74. Term8. condltlons, resaftatlora. reatrictlo!'t .rzd obTTE.tiont aa contaiaed lzz Rtght of Way Xo ilesBcra Sloln Gas Co','ptny tn Book 2OA .E Pege 399. 15, fe,:!,a. co'rdlttoaa, tcact:r|tlo&t ' reaEtlctions atzd, obTtg,.tionr sr eontajncd ja nlght of ,[ay lo l4ourtair Srstes ?elep]roaa jr: 8oo* 212 eC paEc 837. CgrrElnucd o'r ncr(t page Coatinuellon of gclcdul,e B - Sectiol| 2 Ordsr ltuaDcr: 99A77827 !6- Tg.ttus, coadltloru' r.tcrtreioas. teat,rictiona and obllgatlons at cortalned ln Itoly Crott E]cctric RlsbE of gtay ia Eook 274 at paEe 649- 77. tct?!a, eoDdltions, .regeryaljonr. tattrl.caigBa a''.d ob7lgati onl ar co'neai'/cd laifct'crn SToEc C.8 RighE of flzy recotded, aE Rcccptton No. toaooz. Ia' laED8, cobdiElo,ia, Eeservt, t I ott ' l€.acrleclo,l.t attd, obligationo aE co.stlj.Bcct la .e.serseat rccord€d Attgaat 7, 7970 la BooE 278 a! I,age 1L7 s,s RccegtCjon llo. tt1008. i9' .Eesemeatg, teattlcciot' ',,d tightg-ot-ways as thov,n oE thc P7aE6 for tlla'brltck ,lcad,ovE . 20. ter's, cond.Ltlona, rescrwecT'ns, festt!.celo'es lad o.bligrt io':c ae eoa,ttiaed lngyIawa record.cd DcccEbcr 8, 2995 in Book 683 tt p'.Ee 203 a3 R.ceptioa {o. 579209 aad .rrcnded ln 609033. 2!. Tct''z ' coadltLoas, teaerr'atlo.ls. i.st,!icet oDt rad o.bllgrtlglt at cortaj.acd lnt.ocaiqclc,',s rcccrdcd Dcce'.bcE O, l99S in E9oh 683 at p.ge ZOZ .t Racapglo! tyo. 579]08 aad a.ncaded ia 590533 and irr 609832.a 22. Tang, co.sdt t1on9, fsgcrvattots. r.sErt cttons a'rd o.blig.tloE 13 coaeajacd jn tartrictivc Covct|nt r.cordcd lley l,t !996 ia goa/f- 694 at Page 538 ar Raccptlor! No.590533. Legal description: L<lt I I Block _ Filing Address ZONE CIIECK ltttJ1a.f;u.ck- Hel,nu.,< Owner Architect Phone Phone Zonedistrict Ll.,al . proposeduse Jh,titS hmtq B'NNIL t-or ri"" Buildable urr, ----------*---7- Allowed lb57 th -T / A5 f€l wuaanan- P&/\| +Mnuwlr / Total GRFA * =+ &5\ = &rsi p Primary GRFA + (425) (675*) =j___ Secondary GRFA _+ 925) (6ZS*; - * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How rnuch of the allowed 250 Addition is Site Coverage Height Setbacks request? Existine Proposed Total '^^./+ l4l5 = Remaining used with this -Jtsfi -Jr{-h (30x33) Front Sides Rear --ffi -+? --t#2al Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking 3' /6' Required_ Minimum Enclosed Garage Credit Driveway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (50%) Envirorunental/Hazards (300) (600) (900) (1200) Permitted Slope _% Yes-- No Proposed Slope % AS;.A= Log+ 4 Sva"tt sroe*q2, = fl, fi qL\'/ Yes- No- 1) Percent Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50)_ 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow hevious conditions of approval (check proper-ty file) Is the property non-conforming? Describe: t N-rEIl toL tpr<uepfu a.,l f €lla r rTeb _ Dltg &fF Rov,q_p Oa.r4nn7 !-aaieb WtrolE *uq.?+. DESIGN REVIEW CHECI(LIST _i Projcct: EI SURVEY trFLOORPLANS &ale _ Scale Bcnchma* GRFA Le4al descdption 250 additional GRFA Lot Size BuildableArea T- crawMttic space EHU Easqncnb tr BUILDtr.IoELEVATIoNS Topography Scale -------- 100 yr. floodplain Cotorwaerials RoofPitch Watsr Course Seback Envimnmsntd Hazards Trcc tr LAI{DScAIEILAI\I Utility locations spot€levations ":- ProPosedtecs El 'ITEPLAN Legend MISCELLAT..IEOUS Scale Condo Apprwal BuildingHeight Title report (A &B) ErurorchmenE Utilityvoiftation form Scbacks Photos ofsite Site Cov€rage - BuildingnraErialsamples - . C.O. Vcrification utilitics (underground) VieryConidors Variancc Plat rqstrictions EavcVovatangs (4) DeckdBalconies Garage connection Sie Grade\Slopc Rctaining Walls Ferrcs Pa*ing/Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access -O TOWN OFVAIL Dep,artmen of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970479-2138 ntx 970479-2452 Jaruarv 12- 2000 Brian and Tracy Gillette 2?82 IGnnikinnick 9B. Vail, CO 81657 Re: Minor alterations to previously approved plans for a new single family residence / Lot I l, Innsbruck Meadows Dear Brian and Tracy: The intention of this letter is .to inform you of the results of the review of the plans you submitted recently. Public Works has indicated that the following issues must b€ resolved: o The Foperty lines are off on the south side of lot I I and need to be adjusted to bring the site plan into proportion with the survey.cl The ddveway, as shown on the pla4 is too steep. According to Town of Vail Dwelopment Standardq the maxim grade for an unheated driveway is l0olo. For a heated driveway, the maximum grade is 12%. As indicated on the site plarq the driveway is at a 15% grade between the 7845 and ?849 cortous. There is also a gnde of 7 .6o/obetween the garage slab (7848) and the 7849 contour. The grading of the drivev,ay must comply with Town of Vail standards and must allow for positive drzinage away ftom the slab of the home.tr As mentioned prwiously, the aspen trees locatod at the southem portion of the property muS be located entirely within the property boundaries; given the discrepancy found with respect to the property boundarieq please ensure tlnt these fe€s are located entirely within the property.o Also, with respect to property boundaries, please ensure that the portion of the roof at the soulheastem corner of the building does not overhang onto the adjacent Foperty (lot l2).a 30yo snow storagE is required adjacent to atr unheated driveway. You will be able to meet tbis r€quirement by indicating "saow storagg' on the west side of the proposed strucfire berween the driveway and the proposed lilac on yow property. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. We look forward to having your final plans rwiewed by the Design Rwiew Board as soon as all of the aforementioned issues have been resolved. If you have firrther questions please contact me d.479-2128. You can also sp-^k with Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 if you requiie further clari"fication of the Public Works issues. Sincerely, Planner I {S"rnoror o, Gesign Review nctior*orm TOWN OF VAIL Catesory Nunber 6 / | .-t u^-rt-.-o o"" Z/Z*/ Proiea\ame: -Lrt-rt-aAz- ,et -T/l . *J-cc'4 BuildingName: (l-tti / a/l Project Description: Owner,Addressanaenone: 4ur>t t- ?a-'?.J-Zto LegalDescription:tot /l Bbck - gu66ivdisn6rv/2'alL, '..t?-7/L-*aJ- zoneDistrict Lnqf Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: D Approval D Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner Date:DRB Fee pre-paa th. Q |o/nJ. a DRB AIPI.TCATION - TO!{N.OF IIAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSTS .APPLICAEION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTEDI'NTIL AIL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SqBMIITED********** I.PROJECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION.: revised 9/419L I0y . uuryli|/i, DEfl DEPI Addition ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:rlLBr Subdivision B. /, TYPE OF REVTEW: Y New Constrdction (5200.00) ff property is described bydescript,ion, please provideattach to this application. Minor Alteration ($20.00) a meets and bounds legdlon a separate sheeL and lJ. F. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a currentIot. area. G.NAME OF APPLICANT:il-inq Address: tJ T NAME OF NAME OF OWNERS: APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE:iling dress: *STGNATURE(S): Mailing lddress: rJ. K. Condominlum Approval if appticable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid aLthe tlme of subnittal of DRB application. Liter, whenapplying for a building permit,, please identify tireaccurate valuation of the proposal . The fown -of Vaitwill adJust the fee according- t,o t,he tableensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: $ 20.00I s0.00 $r.00 .00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00 .00 '* DEsrcN REvrElr BOARD aPPRo\rAr. ExprREs oNE YEAR arrER FrlIArraPPRovrl IrNr,ESS-AIBUTLDTNG.PERMIT .Is,rssuED AlrD coNsTRucTroN rsSTARTED. **No APPLTCATTON llrr.l BE PRocEssED wrrHour otfNER, s srcNAruRE r_-. 1 ,ii!,l|riirsai|' :f .r6.?ffi *!lt;ri VALUATIO]i$ 0-s 10,ooo$ 10r 001 - $ 50,000.$501001 -$ 150,000 $150,001- - s 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000