HomeMy WebLinkAboutINNSBRUCK MEADOWS LOT 2 LEGALI I Fi \ b Nl. otr s\\ \.{ YNt \0 t\ N R,l g m mrol,m }J =Ilo m mz-{ G) AJmm mz-t ocL- fi vg_ rl sFE ?l +l$Ea ,gllti,s IEIft-FI OErrd fs-5-{ aF=;gliB *IFilxlfi\m &l: ffi s ls= 3l,E a.o,1:E -'l | ,t'" OI lSo, ,rF* qd 0.450.q' -'Edo+o, =.:lnOro. | ._._ =lt\)ol =q 8.?<oo -'.' €N =i laA, l/^al- =L(DJ +r@n 9LV >.9 €-mIJm 9-) Jo(fo 9.oEoI q) (r, A)oo g e:o o A)EE o gL o (D IE IRlo IN t.-tl3 ts l8 t^ lu''{fI' X d3 PE' >E_gg e:" E.ri\r.- q'e.p €*e= i9= ?tr: =R5 3t qdt HA1u elD'E Ht"{trd 3l i f lE gli-e *g Hgg 'l s;16 elH E-3 qg I S IE $A BE *E tIf. iH E3 NE Fq qi gA gE LrlrP $H 3il .,F AEleq s3 da iB ficfoo 4g q,P 0i1I ef; gg E.9 ;t ri $g ;E a=5 {'+ q* =q=>i4 *A sE ;3i g+ ;c e39 ;i Ec g;j :E ge €-se' Eil ig i5f 5+ RF;= dg EB €i; ti 9o Ee; .s3 ='E g-'o =i 6= <u[l s$ 3q =q3 3: ;3<= tr dd E = A' oo oJ F'5 @ q,5a- A' o. 3oo. --t.gt sF -{= Uo ooEo 0)(o o(DI p) (n ao (D ctott, A) =o_ (DxEof(t, (D ! o 6' :toooataq)a o (I) o 3 A)f,o. oo 3p. 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'n f, o @r (D a,o 'Tl o T (t, 5-n o F ! o{ o (D c)r TI o @5 o .Tt o (r, a, CN o o !q) flt o xo 6'v, rn - =. o = oo -n (Doo r'! o Fr'l o z =, m 6-c) =.o A' o C -- 3 f! (D 3 0j o o c = 3 3 o l(- : (D E. '.\_ @ o- N -' 0) (Dv,U' =D' <, (t T 'ft T1 tl 1l a){-n U)t-lu 'oz a)U)t-I at z U) x ID-r'l o N o{@t\)oob 6t\)ulIo @t\)(tlobo @N oi\ @ -oo bo e -(n 9 o 6n) obo @r\) oi\ @tlJ :\ at\)obo gI N)(tl @ )Jo g(r) :.roo @(,Po g co :.Joo @ A eul5bo g,(rlbo t $ N TT ul\ N rN i EqfA e€ 3€ $ g ir F: g3 E?F s=gBFE HE gi ir: *i iF i[ EiH FE $fBg; gB; [1; A; ?E E gEE irE 1E ;g?,rs q;5ig fg€ -5E I ; r Fls e+i ai €ai ; z rg islF+ r*[ IE F 1 E'ifl iFg Ei eEu i F ? Fr;[i if*EEre€= i+ E f F eiEsEi Fse*n 3r rE "l g i sE a*r ig g.e A EA tr["se.r 2€ s= a *r*g* 't? e? g E s Ee Fi 3i ii * z 6 rggF* ;i as a : s5 EE ei +F 3 E FBei* e* gf i ? rE si E+ s3F ir+; el i$ E ; ;e FE iF +rg 1+5 F*- eo r E fi t? €E t? F=.:.l'oE=otrt"4ct -l z ='-'tzm(na =T m m -'n o D i6'o o do =o o 0t u,o CL AD o(cI oo 3o og @oxoo o !)o oaqr q, o =a OU,/1 {ET =me3moB5 -Jtm o E J o o oGI 9. (o IGI 6oao { 0) at !l -ot6 GIooooo o =o 6' ? \ N I to or$ i a q) oGIo oq,ni1tam 'TlVomOx5 =am o -_9E oo CLo E c\ \P b aeo\,a ==oo ol ;a -lo o6GI 9. (cI IGIoo3o =qla q) -o€ ato.(cto CL(too o o ,6' p9 lT 0r o €J==e58=r5 =Eqri:' !t cts 9. EI ooE € g 3 g; * E 3 C,F 3F 3. r'l gE FEart Pqr'<i!!E aoE o KtNNtKtNNlcK R2AD (50' R.o.w.)LEGAL DESCRIPTIOTI: A PARCEL OF LANO LOCATED IN LOT 2. INNSARUCK MEADOWS AS NLED IN |HE CLERK AND RECRORS 6NE OF \HE EAGLE COUNTV, CO{.ORADO, AND EEING HRE PARNCULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLO}IS: COTIMENCING AT fHE NARTHI'EST CORNER OF SAIO LOT Z THENCE S 34p3,57. E A DISTANaE oF 22.95 FEE| To A POINT AN A CURW OF fHE SOIJIHERLY 20 FEET PEDESTRIAN, UNUTY, AND DRAINA$ EASEUENT ANO |HE TRUE PilNT ff EECINNING; THENCE ALA{G SAID CLJRW HAVNC A RADTUS OF 352.55 |TET A CENTRAL ANGLE OF OJOI''?' T'IIH AN ARC DISTANCE tr 18.60 fTEtr, HAWNE A CHORD EEARINC AND D|STANCE OF N 87'1J20' E 18.59 FEET; IHENCEN 79583o', W A DTSTANCE OF tE tT FEEtr THENCES IOOI,JO. 'Y A DISTANLE ff J,96 FEE| TO HE TRUE POtNr OF BEOINNING; CO ITAIN|NC 34.35 SQUARE FEET OR o.oot ACRES, uffiE oR LESS. Aft:L: lo4t'J6' 372.55' 69.53' \-\-r 18$.,---l, i Lors Jr1!i -.-"--JLOT I 1}d LOT 4 I I lii ir i. ir rRiNOnCe Aetn*ry b @lqodo lor lott muct dnmqrct any lagal actlotz boecd Wqr qry dafet h, thls anrwyrlilrh thrca leos oftt tptt frr.t dl*ovv $d, efca|h no cvqtt, moy ot )/ actbt basd qpd my dcfcct h thts arwy ba cqnmqrad mqe thc t tat pn ftrttt thc date of cqtlllcatbtt dpm hqwl CTJRIE RAAUS LENOIHL' 3ti2.55' '460' TANCENT 9..n' A]ffiD EAflNE OELIAtasg' H 674'tu'E oJrnlg' 20,PEDESNAil, UNLITY AND ORAINAOE EASEHENT ,1.35 SQIJARE FEET o.00, Affis q,o. - $t L 2E''l s x^-d-s$ 3ao' oP.A tu)( 07t I--tiiiz-ftiib mo fitfn46rya116i1 ,rzo tntflS#r,ffiggtggn n:ffi-ff:- uKErwo,.@to. e(mo(szo) us-ez2 lErynccrtryrfi."*'16irffilE LEEAL DSRIPN^{-DECK EWCROA*{HEN r LOr 2, INNSERUCK UEADO"S TOtr'I OF UAIL EAGI.E CO(INTV COLffiADO sEf m. ,Fl Revised 5/l/92 33::,ffi:iil.3x.:*":?"""'* APPI.ICITTON FOR SINGI.E FTMILY ST'BDIVISION CEAPTER L7.25 \TATL MT'NICIPAI CODE (PLEASE PRINT A. APPTICANT MAILTNG ADDRESS PROPERTY ovntER' s s IGNATI'RE MAILING ADDRESS a LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS .E 6ErpL HoNE 7ZU-{??3 HoNE ? tl -S 7?3 PAID ,/CHECK # SUBMITTED: copies and one paper copy,of the subdivision platsubmitted to the Depart.ment o ity Development.shal-I include the follow red surveyor inon a reproducible twenty-four byf one hundred ne and one-half on all other th of a foot ibe sements, dedicated for public ort features. All curves shal11 be defined by the radius, central stances and bearing. A1I dimensions,angular, are to be determined by an accuratein the field which must balance and closeof one in ten thousand. .d,r ,r- Lo r---...'..-BLo cK-s uBD r v r s r o n /ilrfu c k r4 ffiasyr L r NG D.APPLrcArro* ""4ffi'\ MATERIA],S TO BE 1 Two mylarshall be The plat The final plat shaIndia ink, oI mediumthirtfeet tto two sides. Accuratefor a1I I boundariestructure common usebe circula angle, areboth linearcontrol surveywithin a limit North arrow and graphic scale. A systematic identification of alt exist.ing and proposedbuj-ldings, units, lots, blocks, and names for alL streets. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and otherpublic areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and adedication thereof to the public use. An identification ofthe easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof tothe orrhl ir- r:ec Araae tae Se r'-'ed fOr fUlUre pUbI:Cacquisition shal-l also be shown on the plat. A written survey description of the area including the totalacreage to the nearest appropriat.e significant figure. Theacreage of each 1ot or parcel shall be shown in this nanneras well. A description of alL survey monuments, both found and set,which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and adescription of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado sLatutes. Two perimeter monuments shal1 be established as major control monuments,the materials which shall be determined by the town onr.r i naar nes, angles t.r,.d, alLT lga DBSIGN RBVIEW BOAXD APPIJICATION ' TOTIN VAIIJ, COLORADO 3-ro -2>DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** INCOMPIJETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCIIEDUTJED FOR Ng]fIFiW.*******att PROJBCT TNFORI4ATION: D"rslTTlTIoN: Dl,k- e[^*nc-,- , h)ilrlo,.> el^^o.c,* !- o OF o I. A. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: c. D. legal and aEtach F New Construet,ion ($200.00) )firinor aLt,erat,ion ($20.00) AddiLion ($s0.00)ConceptuaL Review ($0) ADDRESS z T*x**-.pb- f7. da.t+ , Lo 1- Z IJEGAIJ DESCRI Subdivision If property descripLion, to this appl PTfON: IJot is described by pl-ease provide icabion. Block a meets and bounds on a separate sheet G. F. NAI'IE OF ZONING: NAI'{E OF Mailing APPI.,TCA}IT: Address: Phone APPIJfCANI I S REPRESENIATfVE : Address: hone H. NAI'{E OF OWNER(S): OIINER(S) SIGNATUKE:Mailing Address: Phone APPIJICAEONS WII'L NOf BE PROCESSED WITHOW OIINER'S SIGNATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the t.ine of submittal of the DRB application. I-,ater, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuaLion of the proposal . The Town of Vail- wiLl adjust thefee according to the table below, Lo ensure the correcL feeis paid. FEE PAID: $CHECK #: DATB: BY: I. J. FEE SCHEDUI,E: VAI,UATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150, 001 $ 500,000 $500, 001 - $1,0oo, 000$ Over $1, 000, 000 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100 .00 $200 .00 $400.00 ssoo. 00 DESICIN RE\'ltEW BOAND APPROVAIJ H(PIRES OIIE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ APPROVAI, I'NIJESS A BUIIJDING PERIIIT IS ISSUED AIID CONStrRUCrION IS STARTED. i \. --- J t,lrrtilt r ll.rr rr flAi{ J 0 iegt ctilcltil. L)E'J, o PRE.APPLTCATION MEETING :II. A pre-application neeting with a nember of the planning' sLaff is encouraged t,o determine if any addiLionalapplication j,nformation is needed. It is the applicant,sresponsibility to make an appointment with the sLaff to deLermine if there are additionaL submittal requirements. Please not.e Lhat a COMPLETE application will streanline thereview process for your projecc. III. IMPORTANT NOTTCE REGABDING AI,L SIIBMISSIONS TO TIIE DRB: A. In addit,ion to meeting submittal reguirernent,s, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property f.ines, building Lines and buildingcorners. All Lrees t,o be removed must be taped. AlLsit,e uapings and sEaking must be completed prior Eo che DRB sit.e visit. The applicanL must, ensure that staking done during the wj.nter is noL buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUIIJDINGS normally reguires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. C. ApplicanE,s who fail t.o appear before the Design Review Board on their scbeduled meeting date and who have not. asked in advance tbat discussion on their it.em bepostponed, wiLl have their items removed from the DltB agenda unEil such t,irne as the iEem has been republished. D. The following items may, at Lhe discretion of Lhe zoning administrat,or, be approved by the conmuniEy sr., Deve1opmentDepartmentstaff(i.e.aforma1hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): i- a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes- which do noE alter the exisLinq plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions not visibl.e from any oEher loLor public space. At. the Eime such a proposal is subnitted, applicants must incLude letteis from. adjacent property owners and/or from Lhe agent. for or manager of any adjacent condominium association sLating the associaLion approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood p1ain, debris fLow, wetLand, et,c.), a hazard sEudy must be submitced and Ehe owner must sign an affidavit recogrnizingr the hazard report, prior Eo the issuance of a buiLding permiL. Applicant,s are encouraged Eo check with a Town Plannerprior to DRB appLicat,ion to determine Ehe relat,ionshipof the properLy to all mapped hazards. F. For all residentiat consEruction: a. Clearly indicat,e on Ehe floor plans the insideface of the exterior strucbural waLLs of Lhebuilding; and b. IndicaLe wiLh a dashed line on Lhe sit,e plan afour foot distance from the exEerior face of Lhebuilding wa1ls or supporLing colunns. c. If DRB approves the application with condiLions ormodificat,ions, all conditions of approval must, be addressed prior to the application for a buildingpernit. IV. A. Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survey, sEarnped bya Colorado professional Liceased Sunreyor, aL a scaleof 1', = 20, or Larger, on which tne followinginformation is provided: 1.Lot area, and buildable area when different thanIot area. a. Size and tlpe of drainage culverts, swales,etc. b. Exact location of existing util.ity servicelines from their source Eo the sLructure,incLudinq: 2. Legal descript,ion and physical address. 3. Two foot cont,our inLervals unless the parcelconsists of 6 acres or more, in which lase, 5'contour intervals may be accept,ed. 4, Existing trees or groups of trees having ErunkswiEh diameters of 4" or more, as measured fron apoint one foot above grade. 5. lock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (large boulders, intermittent streans, eEc. ) . 6. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),cent.erl-ine of sLreams or creeks, required creek orstream setback, and 100-year flood plain, ifapplicable. Slopes of 40t or more shaLL beclearly delineated by cross hatching. 7. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS Landnarkor se!{er invert. This information must be clearly st.at,ed on the survey so that all measurenents arebased on Lhe same starLing point. This isparticularly important for determining buildingheight and driveway slope. See policy On SurveyInformation, for more information regarding surveys 8. L,ocat.ions of the foll.owing must be shown:. cable Tv TeLephone Sewer Water GasElectric c. All utility meter Locations, including anypedestals to be locaLed on site or in theright-of-way adjacent Eo the site. d. Property Lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing. e. Indicat,e all easenenEs identified on thesubdivision plat. 9. Provide spot elevaLions aE lhe edge of asphalL,along the street fronLage of the property attwenty-five foot intervals l2irt, and a minimum ofone spot eLevation on either side of the 1ot. Site Plan 1. LocaEions of Ehe following must, be shown: a. Existing and f inished. grad,es. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. B. c. c. Proposed driveway, including percen! sLope and spo! elevations a! the property line,garage slab and as necessary along thecenterline of the drive Lo accurately reflect. driveway grade. d. A 4' concrete drive pan at Ehe edge ofasphalt for driveways that. exiE Lhe sEreet in an uphilI direct,ion. 2. ALI- existing improvenent,s including strucEures,landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,walks, driveways, off-st,reet, parking, loadingareas, retaining walls (wittr top and boEEom ofwall spoL elevat.ions) , and other existing sit,e improvements. 3. In order Eo det,ermine proposed building heights eLevations of all top roof ridges, and eaves when det,ermined necessary by the zoning administrator,shalI be indicated on the sit,e plan with existing and proposed conLour Lines shown underneaEh. Landscaoe Plan (1u = 20' or larger) - 3 copies required1. At a minimum, the foll.owing information must beprovided on the landscape plan: a. IJocation of existing t,rees 4" d.iameter or larger, b. q4)e, size and location of all exist,ing and proposed plant, material, c. LocaEion of all Erees to be transplanted, d. A detailed legend of all proposed pLant, maLerial including conmon and Latin names. 2. The Locat,ion and Llpe of existing and proposed watering systens to be employed in caring forplant material following its insLallation. 3. Existing and proposed contour Lines. Retainingwalls shoul.d be included with the conEour informat,ion with top of walI and botLom of waLl elevat,ions listed. 4. Complet,e Lhe att.ached landscape materials list. Sion off from each utilitv cor\panv verifying thelocation of utility service and avaiLabil.ity (see atLached utility verification forn) . A preliminary tit,le report Schedule A and B must accompany alL subnit,tal-s, to insure property ownership and ident,ify all easements affecting lhe subject.property. Architectural Plans (t/8" = 1' or l-arger, I/4" ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. 1. Floor pLans and all elevations of the proposed developmenL drawn Eo scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must, show both existing andfinished grades. 2. One seE of floor plans musL be "red-Lined', Lo show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 3. Exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the attached materials list. This materialslist must, be completed and submitued as a part, of the application. Color chips, siding sampleseEc., shalI be presented at the Oesign Review Board meeting. Details including, but not linited D. E. F. .-.tti;i3 ; :ilT' -i3l'i3n:,lJl?il"i35i,l'ii;fu11y dimensioned. c. Zone check list (attached) must be completed if theproject is located within the Single-Fa.ni1y,Primary/Secondary or DupLex zone districts. H. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent structures. I. The Zoning Administ,tat,or'and/or DRB may require thesubmission of additional p1ans, drawings,speci-fications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine wheLher aproject will comply with Design Guidelines. V. !,IINOR AIJTERATTONS TO THE EXTERTOR OF BUTIJDINGS. Phot,os or sketches which clearly conv_ey Ehe redevelopment.proposal and the location (siUe pLan) of the redevelopmentproposal rnay be subnicted in l-ieu of the more formal requirements set forth above, provided all importantspecifications for the proposal including colors andrnaterials to be used are submitced. VI. ADDITIONS . RESTDEIIIITAIJ OR COMMERCIA! A. Original- floor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed fLoor pLans L/8u = L, or larger(t/An - tt is preferred) C. Three copies of a site pJ.an showing exisLing andproposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing st,ructure. F. Specifications for all materials and color samples onmaterials lisE (attached). At the request, of tbe zoDiag adninistrator you may also be required. to subnit: c. A statement from each uLility verifying location of service and avaiLability. See attached util.itylocation verif icat.ion form. H. A siLe improvement, survey, stamped by registered Colorado Professional lriceased surveyor. I. e prel-iminary tible report, to verify ownership ofproperLy, which Lists all easements. VII. FINAIJ SITE PI.^AN once a building permit has been issued, and construction is undervray, and before the Building DeparLment will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an ImprovemenE tocationCertificace survey (rLC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submitEed. The following informaLion must be provided on the IL,C: A. Building location(s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dinensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. A11 utiliEy service line as-builts, showing tlpe ofmat.erial used, and size and exacL location of lines. Basis of bearing Lo tie to secEion corner. All property pins are to be either found or set, andst,ated on improvement survey. A11 easements. Garage slab elevations and all roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown under the ridgelines. VIII . CONCEPTUAIJ DESIGN REVIEI{ A. submittal recnrirements: The owner or authorized agentof any project requiring design approval as prescribedby this chapt,er may submit, plans for conceptuaL reviewby Che Design Review Board to the DeparLmenE of Communit,y Development,. The concepEual review isintended to give the applicaDt a basic underst,anding ofthe compatibility of Lheir proposal with the Town,sDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applications more complex than single-fanily and two-family resj.dences. Hor.rever, d.evelopersof single-fanily and two-famiLy projects sha1l not beexcLuded from t,he opporEunity to request a conceptualdesign review. Complete applications must be submitted 10 workiag days prior to a scheduLed DRB meeting. The following informaLion shall be submitted for aconcepLual review: 1. A conceptual. sj.t.e and landscape pJ.an at a minimumscale of one inch equaLs twenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevations showing ext,erior materials and a description of the character of the proposed st.ruct,ure or st,nrct,uresi 3. Sufficient, informat,ion Lo show the proposal complies vrith the development st,and.ards of the zone district in which Lhe project is to be LocaEed (i.e. CRfe, site coverage calcuLations, nurnber of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Complet.ed DRB application f orm. B. Procedure: Upon receipt, of an application for conceptua1 design review, Lhe Department of Community DevelopmenL shall review the submitted materials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoningr code. If the proposaL is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirenents, theprojecL shall be forwarded Lo Lhe DRB for concepLualreview. If the application is not generally incompliance wit,h zoning code requirements, theapplication and submit,tal materials shall be returnedto the applicant with a wriLten explanation as to whythe conmunity Development Department staff has found Lhe project not Eo be in conpliance with zoning coderequirements. Once a compleLe applicat,ion has beenreceived, the DRB shal1 review the subnitted concepEualreview application and supporLing maLerial in order todetermine whether or not the projecL generally complieswith the desigm gruideJ.ines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual. reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative shall be present, aE the DRB hearing. D. E. G. H. IJIST OF !,IATERfAITS O TiIAI'IE OF PRO.'ECT: IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT- BIJOCK - STTBDMSION STREET ADDRESS: The following informaLion is required for submiEtal Eo the Design Review Board before a finaL approval can be given: . A. BUIITDING ITATERIALS: TYPE OF !{ATERIAIJ COIJOR Roof Siding t Other wall Materials Fascia SoffiEs Windows Wind.ow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Encl.osures Greenhousee Retaining walLs Exterior Lighting Other B. LANDSCAPING: Nane of Designer: Phone: BoE.anicaL Name Ouant.i tv. Size* PROPOSED TREES A}ID SHRI'BS *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum calioerfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicabe height forconiferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous t,rees is 5 feet.**Indicat,e size of proposed shrubs.5 qa1lon.Minimum size of shrubs is Tv|f,e Scmare Footaqe GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROIJ C. IJAIIDSCAPE LIGHTING: ff exuerior J.ight,ing is proposed, please show the nurnber of fixtures and locat,ions on a Eeparatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the Lighting pLan in the space below and provide the height above grade, tlpe ofJ.ight.proposed, lumen output, Luninous area and a cut Eheet ofthe light f ixture. (Secgion 18.54.050 ,t) OTHER LAI',IDSCAPE FEATI'RES (retaining waLls, fences, swinuningpools, etc.) Please specify. Ind,icate heights of retainingwa1ls. Maximum heighE of walLs within the front setback is 3 | . Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propergy is 6' . PLANT MA o TERIAIJS: o Common Name D. rg4tL.ed 8ll7l9l TOTIN OF VAIL UTTLTTY LOCATION VERTFTCATToN FoRItI .'OB NAME ST'BDIVISION LOT BI,OCK FIL,ING ADDRESS The fo::m is used Lo verify service availabirity and location. Thisshould be used in conjunction with preparing your utiJ.ity plan andscheduling installat,ions. For any new consEnrction proposil , theapplicant must provide a completed utility verification- form. The location and avaiLability of utiLities. whether they be maintrunk lines or proposed Lines, must be approved and verified by thefollowing ut,ilities for the accotnpanying site plan. All authorizing signatures need to be originals. Authorized Sicrnature Date U.S. West Communications 468-5860 or 949 -4530 PubLic Serrrice Company 949 - 6135 Gary Hall/Rich Cooley Holy Cross ElecEric Assoc. 949 -5892 Enqineering Dept. Ted Husky/t*lichaet lJaverty *.TCI Cablevision of the Rockies 949 -L224 Mark Graves **Upper EagLe Val.Ley Water & sanitation Dist,rict * 416 -7 480 Fred Haslee **A site plan is required. Physical locat,ion of known utilities must be sborra on the site plan. UEii.ity locations nay or may notoffer ser:vice to tbe property tine. Any utility exEensiou required sbaU be the responsibility of the property omrer. NOTE:1. If a uEility company has concerns with the proposed consE,ruction, Ehe ut,ility representaEive should notdirecbly on the utility verification form that thereis a problem which needs to be resoLved. The issueshould then be spelled out in detail in an attacbedletLer to the Town of vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of Ehe utility company Eo resolve identified problems. 2. If the ut,ility verificat,ion form has signatures from each of Ehe utiLity conpanies, and no conmenEs are made direcEly on the form, the Town will presume thaL Ehere are no problemg and that the development can proceed. 3. These verifications do not relieve the conLractor ofhis responsibiLity Eo obtain a street cuE permit from the Tordn of vail, Department of Publ,ic works and to obtain utiLitv Locations before diqqinq in any public righL-of-way or easement in the Tovm ofVail. A building permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permil must be obtained separately. 4. Installation of service lines are at the expense andresponsibility of the property oumer. ZONE CHECK . FOR Single Family Residence, Duplex, Primary/Secondary ZONE DISTRICTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoL - Block - Subdivision ADDRESS: :' t/ DATE: ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Ireight ToI,aI GRFA Primary GRFA + 425 = Secondary GRF^ + 425 =. SeLbacks Front 20'Sides 15'Rear 15' SiEe Coverage Landscaping Retaining wall lteigh[s 3'/6' Parking Garage Crcdit Drive: BUILDABLE LOT AREA Allowed Exis t,inq Proposed Total- (30) (33) Reqrd P}IONE. PI{ONE Encl (300) (600) (900) (1200) PermiLLcd slope t ProPosed SloPe t Complies with t.O.v. tighbing Ordinance Yes No wat,er course setback (30) (50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) ' YEs- Nq EnvironmenLal/Hazards: 1) Flood Plain 2l Percent Slope (< > 30t) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfallc) Debris Flow 4) weLlands View Corridor EncroachmcnE: Yes No. Dses Lhis request- irrvoive a 23O rid<iiLiou? How much of ihe allowed 250 Addit,ion is used wiEh this rcguesL? Previous conditions of approval (check properEy file): 10 .-\FrF il,gn Review Action t* TOWN OF VAIL Category Number---Z / ,t l--Dale 3/Z'/ /'/ /It Project Name: r Building Name: -Jrl*J",,2r,, t, FL Proiect Descriotion: Owner, Addres" "nO tnon"' *-O-.-. Iu'rauZ nrcnitectp(nr@odressand Phonet 3l'LL'.1 Roth,JFet-'- QVT\- /(fr) L;o,r<o,"h€ Legal Description: Lot / Block - Subdivision t LlLl'-Lfr LJ/ Y Zone District t&Lr-ilF Project Street Address: Boar Motion by: [[ AnRroval n Disapproval ! StaffApproval Semnded by: Conditions: Town Planner Gign ReviewAction t TOWN OF VAIL category Number A o"t t//l f qs Building Name: Project Description: krF\a i r.Fz. ' r ''Fa, cF Owner, Address and Phone: Err6 Fr,z*rr er"nit*fGnta.bddress and Phone: i '*-t Legal Description: Lot -/ Block - Subdivision{ht.,,.",1''.,., r..r1'' /lla4t>r,"ZeeDistrict 1--D//F Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: FI i," ., Seconded by: r ,.. lal'Jriiz h fl Approval ! Disapproval I StaffApproval Conditions: vote: Ll -C- / Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid It*ign Rruliew Action Film TOWN OF VAIL catesory Numoer o"" 6/A/il PrgeciName: En u-tt.',b t.,,,/ 2 )L,-,/-,,, Building Name: (t , ri-./ d .1 Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: .- C /q8 i<.,'^1.,;,..-,5-f. \./,-'/, lc 8/bs-7 ^/1fi-11'/O Legal Descripti on Lot / ' Block - SubdivisionL,, ,,.t,t; , ,.rcl| -r i ).,,.,,nJ.Zone District LDntt= Project Street Address : Comments: aff Action Motion by:L) ('! | ) {- , Secondedoy: .B ' ^l ,,- ,,/ 5/Approval ! Disapproval fl StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner ,., t r /- /Date: n y /t-//'/'r DRB Fee ere-pan ZD. & i ,f J. // O r"rri"" d. glAlgL COIORADOl.,.QtgcE[VR5;*"-**,,oN - ro,rN oF rrarr,, {it" \ul DA'E APPLrcArroN RE.ET'ED: l,fAy ? 3 ,gg4 - DATE 0F DRB MEETTNG: IOy'C0Il4[4, DEV, DEFf."rs Appr.rcAr;liffiTilr BE AccEprEDI'NIrT. AI.I, REQUIRED INFORI.TAIION IS SUBMITTED PROJECT INFORI.'IATION : A. DESCRIPTION-: **********I. B. , TYPE OF REVIEW:y' Hu" Constrtiction ($200.00)Minor Alt,erat,ion _Conceptual- Review.t-.- ?) -^/rf-\ ($20.00) ($0)Addition ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL.DESCRIpTION: Lot Subdivision JUr.l If property is described bydescription, please providE att,ach to this application. a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and E. F. G. ZONING: ]..0T AREA: If required, st,amped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT: applicant must, provide a currentIot area. Phone FEEs 20.00 $ 50.00 s100.00 $200.00 s400.00 $500.00 Mailing Address: H. I. NAME OF NA}4E OF OWNERS: APPLICAI.IT' S REPRESENTATIVE: Address: STGNATURE lrs) :Mailing A6dress: ling K. Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of subnirlql of DRB appLication. -r,iiei, wnenapplying for a building permitl please iaentiiv-iireaccurate valuation of the proposll. The fown 6f Vail 1i} aO];rst t,he fee-according-ro rhe raUre-Uefow, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEE scHEpuLE: '.e'' P,.',oz s 7(n' u) VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000$ 10r 001 - $ 50,000s 50r 001 - $ 150,000 $150r001_- $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 :t DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPRO\N|IL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AI'TER TINEIIAPPROVAT IrNr.Ess-AlBuI.LDrNc ^PERMI! .Is " I€suED eND" coNsTRUcTroN IsSTTRTED. **NO APPLICAIION IIIIL BE PROCESSED ITXTIIOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE i.--. 1 frp fra,r .1,.,. . ' I SUBDIVISION JOB NAME Lors J--14 BLOCK ADDRESS U.S. West. Communications t-800-922-1987 468-6850 or 949-4530 Public Service Conpany 94 9-5781 Gary HaII Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Herit.age Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt. Upper Eagle Valley l{ater & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Has1ee NOTE: 1. s--4_,o.a rlI Aa gc.t^ q+JaAlCd\1d.D t.)cl\e-'. Se*c* uu'1\r, i E-t\d{). is +\6lf-t"eq\or&t; --\- gs'g.*\ FI],ING The location and availability of utilities, whether they be maint5un\ lln"g or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified bythe foLlowing utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnat,ure Date 5-23-9t{ 5 -zs-q.v This forrn is to verify service avaitability andLocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your utility plgn and schedutinginstallations. For any new construction proposal, the applicantmust provide a completed utility verificationform. If a utility conpany has concerns with theproposed construction, the utilit,y representativeshould not directly on the utility verificationform that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out indetail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail.However, please keep in mind that it is theresponsibility of the utility company to resolv6identified probtems. If the utility verification form has signaturesfrom each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on t,he form, the Townwill presume t,hat there are no problems and that,the development can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a street cutpermit fron the Town of Vail, Department of public Wgrk-s and to obtain utilitv locations beforediqqinq in any public right-of-way or easelnent inthe Town of Vail . A buildinq permit is not astreet cut pernit. A street cut permit nust beobtained separately. * Please bring a site plan, floor planr. and elevat,ions whenobtaining Uppe.r. Eagl,e,.Va.tley- Water -&--Sanita.Uion."s.ignagures . Fireflow needs must be addressed. 2. 3. 4: 5. S, v\\ \ t\ t"t t or \'(t' ( o & \!)(\.+ \/ I I\ t I I I .+ C) lrJ(r, Eo() * Fa > SUBDIVISION I.JOB NAI{E lorsL- BLocK ,rrr\ffi ieoo*"ss 285? Ki.'rir:,, r' &^on lV' ithe location and availability of utilities, whether they be nainItrunk rines or pTgpoged line-s, rnust be applo"ea-and verified byithe foltowing utilitles for the acconpanling site plan. I.l'| Authorized Siqnature Datel- lU.S. West Conmunications //:1-800-922-198? ,/ ,aee:e e6o-o'-gig-aiso /( b-poL S-23-% ;PuUtic Service Company /' 949-5?8L rt, / A ./,Gary Harr Ztr / /fo-4. 6-ze -/e ,Hofy Cross Electrlc Assoc i i:3fi3iy/uicrraer Laverry ,ffi,|'i, .4= - --":,-.,1,1 ;Heritage cabrevision T.v. le"'l')1.Pn;/'n'h'?A/k4'n po,r bo.^E/e}igag-5iso---- Vl '| must provide a complet,ed utility verificilionforn. j sreve iiaur n / . .. €-dv-?/ 1 iupper uagte varrey vfarer I Aa 9o'^ o\Lutc{\tP. I -il-Suniiiiion Dist,rict * l,..r"\e-'. Sewc'e'rrn6{rn,1. not l"cc\cJ- i 4?6-?4so \ ^o\pt: .i- ^P*to*\)i rrea Hi"ree V "rrn\-fles$oo S -zS-q,V |NOTE: 1. This form is to verify service avai.Iability and; location. Thls shourd be used in conJunction "ittrpreparing.your urility pia"-i"a-scneailfin; ---- I installations. ,i 2. For any nehr construction proposaL, the applicant, 3. If a ut,ility company has concerns with the' proposed construction, the utility represent,atlveshouLd- noL 9irectly on the utility ve-rification'form that there is a problem whicfi needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelted out, indetail in an at,t,ached let,t,er to the Town of VaiI.' However, please keep in mind that lt is theresponsibility of the ut,iliLy company t,o resolvlidentified problems. 4: If the utility verificat,ion form has signaturesfrom each of the utiltty conpanies, and, nocomments are made directly on the form, the Tolrn. witt presume that there .ie ""-li"Ur.ms and that,the development. can proceed. 5. These verifications do not rerieve the cont,ractorof his responsibilit,y to obtain a st,reet cut' pernit fron the Town of VaiI, Department of pubticWorks and to obt,ain.utilitv locations beforediqqinq in an@or easernent. in, rtre Town of, Vait. A buildinq perftit is not a ,stregt qut pernit. A st,reet @obtained separat,ely. *. Please bfing a siEe plan, floor planr. and, elevations whenoDEalning uppe.r.8agl,e..vaJ"J.ey-!{ater.&-sanita.trion..signaEures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT , I NH:..E-.- I TCV. T4EIDOTJ T,EGAL DESCRTPTTON: rorl-$ BLOCK SUBDIVISI gIT IMELNOLTATTNAI STREET ADDRESS Z LIUNIEJNILtr IZD . DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information is Review Board before a finaL A. BUTLDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Ot.her WalL Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Encl_osures ' Greentrouses Other B.LA}IDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: Botanical- Name required approval TYPE OF for subnittal can be given: }I,ATERIAL to the Design COLOR P?, EEYS t.to"> +t,,ffi- ##SeZ Tc2 uJ oor> o: ,, au-6^bboD LI.EM_ PLANT MATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES Comnon Nane N**J Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TP6ES TO BE REMOVED +aA Da.P z"ct L.LUL?-* b.-o b€>Et-t (oG" aF eautPErz *rndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fordeciduous.trees is 2 inches. rndicate hmtrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous treei is G feet. a. !t pLAI\rr MATERTAIO Botanical Name co.ron ll* ouantitv size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL __ of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimun size of shrubs is Narrn,e- c,c t.eFtouatt,N'r*santa tn/ffi C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior light,ing is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. rdentify each fixture from the righting pranon the list below and provide the $rattage, height-abov6 - grade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimrningpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainin!walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback it3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet D. ZONE CHBCK FORFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRI DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot, B1ock _ FiIJ.ng ADDRESS, E--t..--rr,ol-' y' tr.r' / r' -Z o cTs OWNER os ARCHITECT PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTRTCT PROPOSED USE **LOT SrzE Rarisa Height 314lq6 Allowed (30) (33) Exist ino Tot,al Totar cRFA l'lzs Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks llater Course Sit,e Coverage Landscaping Front Sides Rear Setback Proposed OL.,d t6fic &_-oLlot- -olL - 1' /os6 $ Qt- - rt// - olL + ;?E> .zs- /6g +tt= +425= 20, 15' r.5, (30) (so) /./@ d 3' / 6t' _ Regrd t20l Retaining WaIl. Heights Parking Garage CrediL Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: EnvironmentaL./Hazards : (3oo) (600) (eoo) (L2oo) 196 - Permitted Slope gt Actual Slope Date approved by Town'Engineer: c)L' Yes 1) 2',| 3) a) b) c) 4') Wetlands Previous conditions of approval,"nu"1q,:'property file) 3::"_:!,1r request_involve a 2d0 Addirion?z-tv -Hoh' much of rhe arrowed zso eaiili;"i;";""ffirris requesr a _ **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 1g.13.0g0(B) of the Municipalcode, rots zoned Two namiry-ini-erirnury./secondary which are ress than15'000 sq' ft- in area may not constrult a secor,l dwelring unit. Thecommunity Deveropment, Depirtreni-ray grant, an except.ion t.o thisrest'riction provided- the'ippii"i"c-meets ttre ciiieria set forEh undersections L8 ' l'2.090 (B) ana i'sliiliieo tsl or-tn"-uini"ip"r-coaJ-in"i'ainspermanently restricting. the unit,as_. a.Iong=Cer*-;ental unit for fult_time emptoyees of rhe upp"i ;;;i" Valley. No-{ ' " ??? Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazards 10 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o<,- 7. 8 q. MEMORANDUM Benji Amsden (646-0856) Andy Knudtsen f[f2 June 10, 1994 Innsbruck Meadows Please provide the tollowing to George Ruther no later than Monday, June 13th, at 5:00 p.m. in order to stay on the agenda for this coming Wednesday. ,-1. Title work. 6L4. Owner's signature on the applications or in a separate letter. Landscaping shown on both a 1:10 site plan as well as a 1:30 site plan. r ""d$f,oh"ffrI"3r"g ntro"n is under contract for the property and signed the DRB applications. lf Juanita Pedotto still owns the property at this time, she will also need to sign the applications or a separale letter giving her consent. There will be several conditions of approval put on the proiect. I have listed them below. The DRB might add to this list. Prior to application lor a building permit, the applicant shall: ctl. Deed restrict the carelaker unit on #14. q. 2. Update the plat restrictions with current landscaping standards. tL 3.Provide engineering drawings, developer improvement agreement, and easements for the Town of Vail Public Works statf to review and approve' Sign and record the subdivision plat. Beduce the GRFA of Unit 14 to a total of 2,130 square {eet for the structure' Ensure that the driveway does not exceed 8% slope. During the conslruction, at time ol framing, the applicant shall provide an ILC at a scale of 1:30. The information shall be drawn on a24 inch by 36 inch sheet that can be compared to the approved site plan and plat. 3*4."r-i T-.+-zt - t-to<-Z- oL 4. oL s. o(- 6. 5Lj"*, -*f*fa -/t-rL lfoe-ot* y-l-."--t. NililtlGf{\E h$ N\ IH >= SN ss $5 $s = \l' SF $d\R IH $a ER(oGI(oEnot-Nt$:t=$'sdl(aico*bb!$$3I E; $$It&IoatIbtsots € I$$€sIIott$I$t$EEgl;rtB$Eti'ER$ttrIsi$tr \s La{ $$ltss5$btt$€ $ 1g \ w* 6 lrsl be La{ sel p 9a Ftt.o$r\ 6, *Sl-(r=r$ 4 cti€:3 I t$n \ q .;)v\X N etq qs Q, a N e\ri sH rStuh{ RR Rs$,kEj $$T{RIf.t ita f-.ootNrODst*Itfi t*aIT l(sdtraI6NN$ F ${L $ $ sa$$3x -EE \EU-Hq €s bI a E u kt rul$ $$'- 3 t r[!$ oo o o Andy Knudtson Town of Vail Cummunity Development Dept. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO. 81657 Re: Innsbruck Meadows - DRB Application Dear Andy: June12,1994 I am writing to authorize Greg Amsden(aka AM. BROS. Development, Inc.) to represent the DRB submittats of Units 2131 41 6 and 14, Innsbruck Meadows on the June 15th, 1994 meeting of the DRB. If you have any questions regarding this application, contact Greg Amsden at 47G7990 or Benji Amsden at (303)-646-0856. Tnii iii\j, i[i,'i Juanita I. Pedotto TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PROJECT TITLE: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS # 2 Permit TIMES 897-007 4 ALL #: Project n... No. . No. INNSBRUCK MEADOWS #2 2l- 0 3- 14 3-0 0-0 0 6 PRJ97-0046 I l.6s7 81657 APPLICANT SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT 5032 SNOWSHOE LANE, VAIL, CO CONTRACTOR SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT 5032 SNOWSHOE LANE, VArL, COOWNER AM BROS DEYELOPMENT INC 2BB BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 8165? Description:NEW SFR #2 Type Zone L V-N Zone 1 V-N Table Date: 05/L7/1996 tireptace lnformation: Restricted: Y Town of VaiI fOf Gas Appt iances: .00 200.00 595.00 500.00 t,2o5 .1O Totat Catcutated Fees---) 3,205.40 751.40 .00 3.00 DRB Recreation Fee----------> Cl.Gm-Up Dcposit-------> TOTAL FEES----- BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE AcTion: NOTECHUCK Action: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: NOTE GEORGE Action: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: PUBLIC WORKS CHARLIE Action:CHUCK Action: ENGINEERING CHARLIE AcTion: NOTETERRI AcLion: APPR Additionat Fees---------> Totat Pernit Fee--------> .00 3.205 .4O 3 ,2O5 .4O .00**t*********************lht*****tr************************************************************t******************ff***********ff** BALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division PI-,ANS TO CHUCK Dept: PTANNING Division PLANS TO GEORGE Dept: FIRE Division APPR N/A Dept: pUB WORK Division NOTE PTANS TO PUBWORKS APPR Dept,: ENGINEER Division: PLANS TO TERRI SEE CONDITIONS Item: 05100 o4 /23 /7ee7 04 /2e /ree?Item: 05400 o4/23/Les7 o4 /2e / LeeTItem: 05600 04 /23 /Lee7Item:05500 o4 /23 /tee7 o4 /2e / LeeTItern: 05550 o4 /23 /tee7 o4 /25 /ree7 ******ft*********************t***********t****************t*******************i*****fi***fr**********tt******************ff******* see Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that nay appty to this permit. Tov/comm. Dev. NEw (sFR'P/s'DUP) PERMTT Clean-up Refund approved Address amount data / Occupancy DweIIingsPrivate Garages Pl,an Check---> Investigation> tl i l, L Ca l,l,----) *******ft*t****************************************rr******* FEE SUI'1l,lARY ***************ffi***************ff*ff****ff*rrt************ Bui Lding-----) 1,156.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> Number of Dwelling Units: 001Factor Sq. Feet Valuation80.60 l-,700 137 r 020 .00 21 .30 514 tO,948.2OSubtotal : 2,214 L47 ,968,20Total Valuation z t47 ,968.20Adjusted VaLuation z 204,000.000 1 flOt Gas Logs:fOf llood/Pa[ let: Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 04/23/Ie97Issued...: O4/29/1997 Expires. . : Io/26/I99'l Phone..3034765263 Phone: 3034765263 o DECLARATIONS I hereby acknwledge that I have read this apptication, fil,ted out in ful.[ the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that al'l' the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compty vith the infornation and pl.ot pl,an, to compty lrith al.l. Tolrn ordinances and state [aus, and to buiLd this structure according to the Tolrnrs zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of cabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Scnd Ctean-Up Dcposit To: SNo||SHoE DEVELOPIIENT Permit *: B9'l-0074 Permit Type: NEW (SFR,p/S,DUp) PERMITAppli-cant: SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT Job Address:Location: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS #2Parcel No: 2103-143-00-006 PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 05/23/97 *******************************************it************************************ SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR FICE FROI'I FOR H]}ISELF AND OI,.|NER Status: ISSUED Applied: 04/23/I9e7 Issued t 04/29/199"1 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS *******************************************************************it************ 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHATL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS,AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OFTHE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. CREATE SOME SNOW STORAGE4. An encroachrnenL agreement must be executed betr,,reen the builder, Town of Vail and the ut,ility companies. I A o c,) xiE b.*€ 6 5 P3A g P€ EbeEEf€ -.3 I oFE5E3$gEE:Ee 3E€.59 B€ 5 *.E tr.g s 6 /'i- .': EE HE€brEbg. fI€H€E SEE q stsI*EEe.E HE€€EE IIII I I I I I I I I I I Izl>l I I I I I I H '5o AD () +r G {)A F-t lttltxl 3l rl"l 'ltl I qtl X\/YO FE TE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "l()l J agt>l I I I iic)'d ll-. g G)L!'q 'ijoc) (+.l oa 6) .ql a ctz Fi €E €si.FeE.tsEg8 EFs EE E l, fil -o gE€ EsEseo EE 3FE Ft) .a,= .eEE EgEEERgf;H 9sE =.€ 5gsB € HE-:- bo:::l !) EET 45fr E€Fg -"o.;EE .- ir 99 ooR €:FE EEE Es F t'\IJz e-,.RIr\vr)vn\J (v. ^v t.o-\ F= r\\JF =r,Fr' tv\r\v q'F r. ;s s$ss sE$$st R6s*^rt F iAES ssF;qs i goN su Fp L*{ v atthI CC d (|) C) Fo o t*************************************************************** ro-lfN oF VAIL, COLORADO statemntr*************************************************************** statennt Nunber: REC-0278 Amountr .. z,4s4,oo os/23/9? 15:41Payment Method: CK Notation, #2LL3 lhit: DS P?1:09?1 _ryp9: B-BurLD NEw (sFR,p/s,Dup) pE 2103-14 3-00-006 INNSBRUCK MEADOWS #2Total Fees:2t454.00 Total ALL pnts: Balance: .OO'*************************************************************** Permit, No:. Parcel No: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4131001 0000 41331 01 0000 22002 30 0000 4s03201 0000 41336 3 ,205 ,40 3, 205 . 40 Description BUITDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 1,156.00 200.00 500. 00 595 .00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2138 Pl,umbing-----) 120. O0 Ptan check---> 30.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PI.,UMBING PERMIT Job Address:tocation.. . : INNSBRUCK MEADOWS ParceL No. . : 2103-143-00-006Project No. : PRJ97-0046 APPLICANT BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING & HEAT JOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES P9 7-004 0 Phone z 97O-47 1-4850P O BOX 625, AVON CO, 970-390-4312 PHIL BAIN 81620 CONTRACTOR BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING & HEAT Phonet 970-471-4850 P O BOX 625, AVON CO, 970-390-4312 pHrL BArN 81620 Valuation:8 r 000 .00 **************************t*ti***********t*ff************** FEE SUI'll'lARy *********t**************************************t******** OWNER AM BROS DEVELOPMENT ]NC 288 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 Description! PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . TotaI Catcutated tees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit tee--------> ISSUED o4 /23 /Lee7o4/2e /ree7 ro /26 /tee7 Restuarant Ptan Revi eH--> TOTAL FEES----- .00 151. O0 153. m .00 153.00 ui Lt caLt----> 3.OO Payments-------- ************************************************rr**************************************ll!lI:l-ly:;;;;;;iiiiiii************i**** Itelni .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUILDING Division:04/29/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: *****t**************t|t************H**ft****************************tr************tt*******t*****tff***************ff********* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITf, 1994 UPC ******************t******************************************i**************t************************t**************************** Invest igat i on>.00 DECIJARATIONS codes, design review approvcd, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town Le thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY I.hereby _acknowl'edge that I hlve read.this apptication, f il,l,ed out in futt the information required, comptetcd an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct, I agree to compt,y ri.ith the information and ptot iLan,to comPty vith al't Town ordinances and state taws, and to buitd this structure according lo- the Town's zoning and subdivisjbn FOR HII,ISELF AND ********l******************************************************* TO!{N OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt **************!t************************************************* statennt Number: REc-0278 Amount: 153.00 05/23/97 15:43 Payment Method: CK Notation: #2113 Init: DS P97-0040 Type: B-PI-,MB PLUMBING PERMIT 2103-14 3-00-006 INNSBRUCK MEADOWS #2Total Fee6:153.00 Total ALL Pnte: Balance:**************************************************************** Perrnit No: Parcel No:tocation: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 413r.1 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description PI,UMBING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 153.00 1s3.00 .00 Amount 120.00 30.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 E Iect.i cat---> DRB Fee Investigation> l.l i l,l, cat t----> TOTAL fEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAI, PERMIT Job Address:Locati-on...: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS # 2ParceI No.. : 2103-143-00-006 Project, No. : PRJ97-0046 APPLICANT FRENCH ELECTRIC P.O BOX 3L46, EVERGREEN CO 80439 CONTRACTOR FRENCH ELECTRIC JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES OWNER Description: ELECRICAL FOR NEW SFR *********************************ff ***************ff ******* F E E Val-uation:6, 000. 00 sulll.,lARy **************************,*********ft*******ff *ff ******** P.O BOX 3146, EVERGREEN CO 80439 AM BROS DEVELOPMENT INC 288 BRTDCE ST, VAIL CO 8165? Pernit #: 897-0059 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 04/23/Ie97Issued...: O4/29/1997 Expires. . : 10/26/1997 Phonel 303-674-0227 Phonez 303-674-0227 104.00 .00 104. @ 10/..00 .00 101.00 .00 .00 3 .00 104.00 TotaI Catcutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- *tr***************************************i******************************************************t*****************t***********i*** I9gni,9f990 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:O4/29/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR ERNSTItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ***********i***ff***************ff*Jr****************Jr***********************ff***********************************ff**********ti** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTTqNS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH ].996 NEC ***************************ff*******************i******i**********t**********i****************************ti********i************ DECLARATTONS l. hereby .acknoH ledge that I have read this appl,ication, fil,ted out in futl. the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the infornation provided as required is correct. r agree to compl,y riith tire infornation and ptot irtan,to.comPty trith atl' Town ordinances,and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according io'the Tovn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved/ Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpt,icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY ^,U_ **************************************************************** **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-02?8 Anount: 104.00 05/23/97 15:43Paynent Method: CK Notationt #2113 Ihit: DS TOWN OF VATL, COLORADO Statennt 897-0059 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2103-143-00-006 INNSBRUCK MEADOWS # 2TotaI Fees:104.00 ?otal AL,L Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Location: Thia Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 104.00 104 .00 .00 Amount, 101.00 3. 00 t-{ *.*Contai t { -'4^2lo=t bagle County Assessorslrr."u 28-8640 for Parcel /l . TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTfON o ieencer /r:PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: PER}IIT /I Legal Description: Lot A-- Architect: ,n.47t-rzt< ko*Qpa< (oo .Dh. t/z ?8 Block- ritLns suBprvrsrol,/MusMlUeao Address: Address: tGeneral Description:Sr at e(. (*(-+ra-, . --t rr'work class: ft.I-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-otherI Nurnber of Dwelling Units. l_Nurnber of Accomnodation UnLts: .Ipnber and Type of Firepraces: cas^ Appriun""r. / cas Logs_ wood/pelJ.";_Y P(o9z-coFD********************************l VALtii,Tf-ONg- -********************************* "l ' fr.arIur"or*n, + l8o.rz'-u nr,pcrnrcal: $ ( a-<>o MEcHANIcAt-,r $:7ffiT-Ofgnn: $ TOTAL: Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: PLI'MBING: $ Address:o ELectrical Contractor; Address: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: CTOR !{7'ORMATIqN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i * * * * '#i--- rown o-f vail Res. llo.75l A e lac-tLt(Town of Vail Reg. No.25-E Phone Number: CJLqeE- fb BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: /_ Town of Vail Reg.O Phone Nurnber: No. t y't -p oFFrcE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PU'!,TBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL P .RECREATION CLEAN.UP D TOTAL PERMIT Contractor: 'APl z e CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFT'I{D o rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to Litter, track or deposit. any ,"if,-"""i, sand, debrisor rnaterial, incruding trash lurnpsters, portable toirets andworkmen vehicr-es. upon any streetl siaewailcl -;ri;y or publicp1?9" or any porrion theieof. irre right_"i_;;t-;n art Town ofVail streets and,Ig"g, is approximateiy 5 ft.-6fi pavernent.This ordinance wiJ-| be. itriEriv--enforced by the Tolrn of vail iPubli-c vforks Debartment. pers3ns found viaralin; this ordinancewill- be given a 24 hour written noti""-to-;;;;;;'="id material.rn the event the person so notified.does not- -ompry with thenotice within the 24 hour.tirn.-rl"ri;i;,' irr.-iiif,ric worksDepartment wirl remove said nateiiii-.t-irrJ"I"iIi"e of personnotified. The provisions or irris orcrrnance sharr not beapplicable to c6nstruction, ,uir,i"rr.rrce or repair projects ofany street or att_ey or any utitities i" it"-ri!fri_"_*"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in futl, prease stop by the Town ofVail Buir-ding Department to obtain a copy. tirani you for yourcooperation on this natter. 75 3oulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 419-2L39 ALL CONTRACTORS TOI4IN OF VAIL oltlce ol communlty developmenl CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE 't TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE1IELOPMENT !{ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !,IATERIAL SToRAGE TO: FROM: DATE: SURTECT: (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 roulh ,ront.ge road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 oftlce of communlty doyctopmcDl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMiIE I If this perytlt reQuires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineerts. (.pubric fgifrt review and approvat,'i iiiiiiini'b.p."t .ntreview or Hea'lth Deoartm6nt.ieview, anfo'a-review by the BuildingDepartment' the estimated time tor'a-iotar review may take as rongas three weeks. ll] "gTrg"9ia't (targe or smalt ) and a.t.t mu'lti_family permits willhave to fol'low the above menti6ned maximum requiremln[i.' 'tiesiaentiat and.sma'l i projects shourd take a lesser amount or-iimel' However, ifresidenti'al or smalrer.projects impact the various aloue mlntioneodepartments with reqard- to-necessai"y review,-tf,"i" i""j""ii' *ya'lso take the three*weet peiioa. Every.attempt wiil be made by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - l:-the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. f#€##t24'!ck- ,#>- Comnuni ty Devel opment Depa rtment. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED --)L-Z -' 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of ihe right of way, easements or public propefly? 3) ls any'utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls diflerent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7\) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? I have read and answered allthe questio t^t/r5 BBP cLV racto/s Signature Q71s; r+...->-2 -Y '2 Please answer lhe followin$ questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way permit": YES -/-// NO ,i ,/V ./ ,/ -a't/ -/' -2--(/ -/(/ ./t/ ///'(/ ll-Ygu- answered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at C9-ryqu1ity Development. lf you have any questions please callChartie Davis, ths Towngf Vail Construction lnspector, al479-218. DateJob Name --23 -?7 PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildinq permit aoolication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public Way', is required. You can pick up an application at either community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. 2) Notice sign otfs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. ',i 3) A construction traffic controilstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all tratfic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. 1sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's otfice for review. lf required, I locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The I locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g hours to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction lnspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: " The above. process lsfor work.in a public way.only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.* A new Public way Permlt is required each year if work is not complete. cdFray o 75 south fronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47$2139 olflce of communlty development . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 1991,t the Town of VaiI Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adequately established proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of VaiI roads or streets. The Tonn of Vail Public Works Department will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads orstreets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from the road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby t.he Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. Please call 479-2L60 torequest. an inspectj-on from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Pub1ic Works Department will be approvingall final draJ-nage and culvert instaLlation with resulting roadpauching as necessary. Such approvaL must be obtained prior toFj.naI Certificate of Occupancy issuance. I 'l I TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2, D e parnne nt of Conmunity Deve lo p me nt IIIFORI{AUON }fEEDED r|lIEII APPLYING FOR A MECTTATTCAL PERMIT 't HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow sIzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FIUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALI,ED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAIIJURE TO PROVIDE THIS IIIFORMATION WIIJJ DEI..I'Y TOUR PERIiIT. 3. 4. t3ot'lrcE=s-ii-trrLt+r O O __ + -../ T uNse,rRrl C ( f\AEADcl\r+< LsT L Lj'u{*r C t .Hl.../ o \ c'r.Rb$;. si* ilTl"" V Feo rT qu'r'{t'ufr I l,ro€rt- f'lFtAf\r€ I -15 6<tC)1 30" ll't enr LI Ntl 5'. 'i)a11yAqr"i \ B " aEsvl: rnr1 - A06A {oUt:€su oFfiUHUbnvfiffi a -to*n or-v* nV ;',v{[hrlili. t$' [m' I -- rrVr t ,( ,ty\r+-(wo o oo oo Room Nurnber Room NarrE Helght Lerqth r{tdth Bqp GlasE Area D<1l lh1l Length Sun Heat /SqFt Kllorstts Peop1e x 1000R INFIL'IR]IIION F CEILINGA IIfiRC PE,R,TITION T TIDT.,Lo @.AgsR St.N IAADs Kw 8ruH EM'H cm * 6tn DUCIS Radlatlon Ft 118530 45011 1227 263430 72511 1971 9 PO9DER 10. 5. 5.5 7.5 5. 10 sllc 9. 11. 4.5 11 T.IIITR BAT}I 11.5 13.5 10. 22.5 27. L2 I4I1R ED 14.5 15. 14.s 111. 35. 19 1516 19 2087 2 LL25 2 5s50 30 11 19 2 585 108 295 224 3?5 30 16511 tl50 1587 84 .9 3.1 615 31 .3 1.1. 5504 275 3.1 10. L2913 649 1.2 23.6 Rotrn Nurber Rodn NaIIE Helght Lergth hrldlth Dcp Glass Area Exp 91a11 Length Sun Heat ,/SgFtKilotetts Feogle x 1000R INFIL1R'.ilTION F CEILINGA FI.OOR C PIRTITIONT I8I,L o Gt AIts R SIJN IO.IDS KW Bf,I''TI ETruH CFM l$ 6in DUCIS Radlation Ft 13 IIAI,L 2 1'1.5 8. 5. 30. 1.5 3?81 189 2.L 6.9 t4 1615 30 11 19 2 1359 133 364 4L4 1500 oo L ENIRY 8. 10.5 8.5 48. 8.5 OO Kanen SuFrPlY - 0950 Nottinghan Roao Avon' @ 81520 FN(: 9?0-949-4048 Aug 27' 1997 INSERLK2 i-liHFmrn< yBADcnils -- tor 2 Total Btufr ?6?94 G 1o;-;; Total cfm = 3839'?15 Total Gpn-?'? Trunk = I by 35 roral Radriatron Feet^= 13e.F q180,1.. igili;i?;;;:*; uto o.' *' t* -3 BATHl 1 8.5 E 1.5 8.5 Phone: 9?0-949-4300 Rootl\ Room NalIE Helght Length nldth D(I) Glass Area Ee lFlf Length gun Heat ,/SqFt KiLotatts People x 1000 R INFILIR.ESIONF CEILINGA EIOoR'C PAT{TITIOt.IT !qN;L o 6,A33R SUN LOADs Kw gnH R]IJH CFM * 6in E[JgIs Rdlatlon Ft L132 295 811 105 2400 1?0 464 685 r42 385 214 3?5 4 BEDRMT. 8. 14.5 11. s 24. 30. 5533 282 3.1 10.2 1225 556 1516 1137 1200 2 STAIRS 8. 8.5 6. 30 11 19 2 30 1L 19 2 30 11 30 11 19 2 5345 267 3. 9.'t 634 32 .4 1.2 1,851 93 1. 3.4 Room Nuiber Room NanE Height Lenglh width E<p Glass Area De lhl.l Length Sun Heat /SqFt Kllovntts People x 1000R INFITIRATICNF CEILINGA FT.,OCR,C PARTITIONT WhLLo G[,4!lsR SI.IN LOADS KI{ BTI.JI{ gTtJH CFM |} 61n DUCTS Radiation Ft 6L230 16011 4364 t_10019 2002 300 2809 140 1.6 5.1 162030 50811 1384 19 11682 2100 6?80 339 3.8 L2-3 5 BAI}|2 8. L2. 4. 5. 5.5 6 BEDRM2 8. 14.5 10.5 42. 33. 'l KIIICXIEN 10.5 15.5 9. 15. 26. I LIVIDIN RM 15. 22. 19.5 247.5 51 . 3933 1430 3900 2724 12375 30 L1 19 2 30 1.1 19 2 968 465 1268 1358 ?50 4809 240 2.'.| 8.'.| 24362 L2l8 13. 5 44.3 o oo cc 'FlEEctr3|( 0 c l{CBd8 f,I I oC'o oo o o oo o f; Et EAA561te a 8,98? 6eg frE, goo tr *E fiEB OEtao"i o coc oo co o 6.c{ UE o !i&q!l .o F s FI l. o d!llr HE;E 6fi8 rPr. Ht{acttto,o &E\oa(, lr C{9R IEH'oo E fiE Er e E a It HgA H T:! IEF&RgItE A *L B H E B HIAEo! a B EE F'HqIo TA F 4; Nb -E E:a1(Elo H E;.EEE t \ REF.T I J J TOl,ilN OF VAIL, COLORfIDO I?/Ia/9U tltBrS€r RE$UESTS FOR INSpECTION IIORK SHEETS FORzt?/t3/98 \' l F.A$E E3 AREA: CF Activity: ta97-@fi74 IE/15/99 Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED AcJrJi ess: [-r:,caL i on: INNSB[iUl]K MEf.lDllt"J5 *]E Faleel : c183*143*{A€'-BtZ'6 De ser i pt i an : NEtl 5FR *e f,ppl icant r SNtrtJSHtrE DEUELOFMbNT Uwner'; tlM FR05 DEUELOFMEN'| INC Contr.act or. I SiNfJl.ltiHUL DE.VEL..t [-'MHN1' Oec: EOtlT ConEtr*r NEIFR Use: V N Phone: Frhone l frhone r 3U34765e63 303476ie63 Inspect i on Reclt-rest Ilrformation.... Reqr,re st or: JANE BORN ttee Time: tZB IEB Conment s l UNIl' Iter s neqnestBr.l to be InspectecJ, ",ogs4ret HLDU-Finat c/a Fhon€ l 936-5773 +3-'t^rlLL CfiLL- 1'.J FIINUTES BEF'ORE Act i on flomment s rlne Exp Inspecb i on Hi sLory..... It em l Atag0l Fl4-Temp. access/drainage It /'AA/97 Inspector: LFt 1t..em r Ut650ii FW_Rough grade li ," tL /?3/97 Irrspector: Ltr Ifrmr OOSTAJ Ftl-Final driveway qFade 1t/e3i97 Inspectorl L-F' Itemr laOAlm BLDG-Footings/5teel $3/e7/97 InspectoP! EE .ltem : ta0ftA0 HLD6*Foundation/Steel' g3/?9/97 Insrtector! DS 6e/34/9-7 Inspect or'; EG , Iterrn: EtEtSEtZt F,LAN-ILC $ite f-,lan tA6 /l'/ /97 Inspectar'r Cb &g/ee/9 7 Inspectcr": GEfIRGE $Alee/97 Inspect or'; GEUF<GE I t en r AOOJTA Bl-DG-.f:r-an i nq AS/eb /9'7 Inspectorr {-}D I t enr : rzilZt0gtlt FLDG-.InEr-rlat i on L0/A3/97 Inspectoi': f,D Notes: REMOVE VtltrOR ETRRRIER sHot^iER$ {.tct i on ; flF,F.'R fiDD CONN. 1O DECK F OS}TS tagtta60 LiLItE*Sheetroek Nai I tA/i4-/ /9'/ lrrspectorr |)D AcL ionl UrOOTra HLDti-Mi sc. $9 /16 /97 Inspector: CD Actiori: Not e s : f,OD DR I t' HDLiI AllD FTLASH I ltl{3 AT AOlagA HLDG-"F i rra I gfBSSO BLDG-femp. tr/A LL/e3/97 Inspector: CID Act ion: AF.CR AF,FROVED/CORRECTION REOD Notes: 6A5 FIREFLACE MU51' BE OFERATIONAL FRIOR TO FINAL. Cfl rNsTnLL SCREEN Ar'iD COMF,LETE IriAr,tLSF,ACE VENT F{iloR Ju A FrNAL CO (J.il5 5F) r' .lt.em: mrlS,ri: trW-IEMF, C/O T----'- - ffir# --jr-rrrpert-rrr':-i:i; -ftr-iirrn ;iiii{:R- liFFiiiJ+ES*;- -' - -Itern: erQr533 FLnN-TEMP. E/fi It en: 4fi537 F,LAN-FINfiL C/rJ ' ' RHr-,r 1 3 r ltll^,N tiF VAIL' CULORRDCI Acbionr AtrtrR HPFROVED Action: AtrFft gFtrROVED Act i on : AF F;R RPtrROVED Aetion: AtrtrR AFFROVED Action: DN NUT READYflction: AFFR AFFROUHI) flct i on : NO I LC ROUTED ftc:tion: AFPR Framing Action: AF,FR ftlundation Iternl Itern: lterrl Iteml Act i gn I AF'trR AF.F,RCIVED FRIJM I^,f{LL5 CONTAINING SflTHTUBS O.R AtrF,R RF.F.RC]VED AF.F'R LATHE INSPECTION TRIIYI AREAS e tu/LYt/98 OS:3td RUAUESfS FgR INtiFECT IOhl tilnnK SHEETS FOR:18./15/98 ll/A7l?8 Inspei::tor: GEORGE Action; AFFR AI-'FRUVED 1t ero: arzt5",jg F,l^l-F lNAL. C./O I ben r qlB:,4u| IILIIG-f:irraI U./Ll F'AGE ?,4 ARFitl: CF REpT131 TB[^'N OF VAII-, C0L0RADn LL/e5/97 €r8:O3 REnUESTS FOR INSpECTION WORK gil{EE"f$ F0Rr l.Iie3/q7 F.A6E lE AREAI CF Activity: 897*€tO74 lI/e3/97 Typer B-BUILb Status: ISSUED Constrr NSFR ftdcjr"ess: Locat i on: INNSBRUCK MEADOT^IS Se F,arce I : E1tZt3-143-0A-006 Descript ion r NEtl SFR {+e Arrpl icant: SNOWSHOE DEUELOFMENT 0wner": flM FROS DEVELUPI{ENT INCContractor: SNOhISHOE DEVELOFMENT Inspect ion Reqr-rest Inf ormat i on. . . . Reqr-rest or: B0B B0RNE Req Tine: OBr0O Comments: Items requested to be Inspected... 6053O Bt-DE-Temp. C/A Oec: OOOT Use: V N Fhone: 3O34765263 Fhone: Fhone r 3t2t34765e63 F'hone: 9P6-5773 Com m ent s iEtor.y..... ime Exp *----fl--- Inspeet Item : elraSO1 F't4-Temp. aceess/dt'ainage Item: AAgAe trW-Ror-rgh grade Iten: 0l05€t3 ptJ-Final dr-iveway gr.ade Item : OOgtlCr BLDG-Foot inqs/$teeItJl9/e7/97 Inspector: EG Iten : AOOEO FLDG-Fonndat ion/SteeI AAIE9/97 Inspector: DS A3/3@/97 lnspector": EG Item: OIZISSO F,LAN-lLC Site F,lan A6/e7 197 Inspeetor"r CD AA/e?/97 Inspectot': GEtrRGF- AA/e2/97 Inspector: GEORGE Item: OOO30 BLD6-Framing A9/7.6/97 Inspector: CD It em r @qtASrZt BLDG-Insr-rIat ion tV/n3/97 Inspector: CD Acb i an : AtrtrR AFF'ROVED ACt i ON : AF'PR AF,F'ROVED ACt i ON : AF'F.R LATHE INSF,ECTION FLI]SHING AT TRIM AREAS Item r Item: Iten: Item: Iteml Item: ,Iterfl ! Item: Iten: Notes: REII1OVE VAFOR BARRIER FROM WA|-LS CBNTAININE BATHTUB.$ OR SHOWERS lZrtArA6A BLDG*Sheetrock Nai I L@/47 /57 Inspector': [D A@ft7@ BLDG-Misc. @9/e6/97 Inspector; CD Notes: ADD DRIF EDGE RND OrZrO9Sr BLDG-Final 0la53lA BLDG-Temp. C,/A ola53E Frit*TEMF,. e/A AO5J3 F,LAN*TEMF.. tr/A AV337 F'LAN-FINAL C/Q e'er539 trW-FINAL C/O laras4a BLDG-Final C/A Action: Actionr flction: Action: Aet i on : Aetion: Action: AF,F,R AF,F,ROVED DN NOT REITDY AFF'R APtrROVED NO ILC ROUTED eFPR Framing AFTF,R foundation RPF'R ADD CT]NN. TO DECK : F09TS T:.F REPT 131 I r / e3/97 TOWN OF VAIL, COLURADO O8:OP REOUESTS FUR INSFECTION t",oRK SHEETS FOR=tI/?,3/i7 F.AGE T+. ffREAr CF I Activityr Address: Locat i on : Farce I : Description: Appl ieant: Owner: Contraet or: M97*AA6A -l L /e3/97 Type : B-MECH INNSBRUCK FIERDOWS e I er3- 143-EA-OSt5 mECHANICAL FOR .NELl SFR BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING E HEAT AM BROS DEVELOtrMENT INC BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING & HEAT Statusl ISSUED Constr: NSFR Occ:Use: Fhone t 97Q-47 I-485O F,hone: Fhoner 97O-4'7 1-4BEA Inspeet ion Request Infor.rnat ion. . . . Requestorl BOB BORNE Req Tine: €tBrOO Coiltrents: *E:Iters requested to be Inspected... Cr639O ltlECH-FinaI Inspection History..... I t er r OergCiO MECH-Rough @9/i:6/97 Inspeetorr CD Notes: COMtrLETE DUCTING OFItenr OOE4O trLMB=Gas Piping 09/e6/97 Inspector: CDIten: OG3f@ MECH-Heating @9/e6/97 Inspector: CDIten: 6et3e0 MECH-Exhaust Hoods Itemr 00334 MECH-Supply AirIten: OO34O MECH-ltli€c.Itemr AEI39A MECH-FinalIten: AQt538 FIRE-FINAL C/E 1 ' ,, \. trhoner 986-5773 Time Exp, Action: N0 ENVIR NIR DUCTS Action: AtrtrR Actionr AFF|R MT]ISTURE EX. TO EXTERIT]R OF BLDG. EO F.SI RIRTEST lOA FgI AIRTEST REF.T 13I IL /?3/9.7 O8:Ots REOUESTS o F,97-OfA4O Il/e3/97 Type: B-PLMB TNNSBRUCK MEADOWS #E a103-143-A@-A06 F'LUMBING FOR NEW SFR BEAUER CREEK F'LUMBING & HEAT AIrl BROS DEUELUtrMENT INC BEAUER CREEK PLUMBING & HEAT TOtrN OF UAIL, CULORADO FOR INSF,ECTION TJURK SHEETS FOR:LI/e3/97 F.A6E AREAI CF l3r Activity: Address r Locat i on : Far ce1l Deseri pt i on : Appl icant: Owner: Contraet or: Status: ISSUED Constrr NEiFR 0ec: Use r Fhone: 97Q-47L-4836 Fhone: Fhone a i7Q-471-4836 Inspeet i on Request Information..... Requestor: B0B BURNE Req Time: O8:OO Comments:Itens requested to be Inspected... 06e96 PLMB-Final Fhone: 9P6-5773 Aet i on Connent s Inspest i on Hi st dry. . . . .It en : AOi?1O PLMB-UndergroundItenr OOeeO FLMB-RoughlD. tr. V. 69/o,8/97 Inspectorr ART Iten : A@e3g PLMB-Rough/Water, @9/?6/97 Inspecton: CD,,Iten: O6?4O FLMB-Gas Fipinq.' g9/:E6/97 Inspector: CDItenr OqtaSO trLMB-Poot/Hot Tub It en r 0Oe6A FrLMB-Mi sc. Itea r OA;{9O PLMB-FinalIten: AtZt5JB FIRE-FINnL C/u Actionl AF,FR Act ion: AtrtrR Act ion: AtrtrR Drain, Waste & Vent lC'O trSI AIRTEST E6 FSI AIR TEST Tine Exp * REF.T T 31 tt taEt97 crB: ol ==='3==i======= TETJN OF VAILf CDLoRADO REAUESTS F'OR INStrECTION I^JURK SHEETS FORtII/P3/97 ..'. PAGE ?4: AREAr EG .,1 Activity: E97-O659 Address: lL/?3/97 Type Location: INNSBRUtrK MEADOI^JS # A Farce1 : ElO3-143-CI0-006 De scr i pt i on : ELECR I CAL FOR NEld SFR Applicant: FRENCH ELECTRIC 0wner': AM BROS DEVEL0PMENT INCContractor: FRENEH ELECTRIC --.ir*----- Inspect ion Request Infornat ion. . . . . Requestor-: B0B BURNE Req Ti ne: E6:OO Connents;Itens reqnested to be Inspected... 60190 ELEC-Final Oec l trhone: 3Q3.-67 Fih on e r Fhone: trhone; 9€6-5773 Time Exp ConEtrl NSFR 303-674-6A87 Inspect i on History..... CtOl ltzr ELEC-Temp, Fower" //- 2 s^'?7, l.tct i on: AFrF R Actionr AFFR Iten: Item:AOIeA ELEC-Rough A9/e3/97 Inspeetor':lA/47/97 Inspeeton:Iten: fiEl130 ELEC-Conduit Item : Arrzrt4rA ELEE-Misc. Iten I [tEtl9tZl ELEC-FinaI LtrV EG APPROVED FOR I{ETER SET