HomeMy WebLinkAboutINNSBRUCK MEADOWS LOT 5 LEGALSlzL$E I ti,i.d totzE B. E. F. Date Received Department (Chapter 17.22 Vail Municipal Code) , . ,.1 Flease print or typ€) ft /n A 2-4S O € u €t,t f r,<p,ttT <D/-2 ^ppLtc^Nr I aJ1S gQo.k_ ?rL(&owds ge MAILING aooaess (- o b,r/ Wo T ,- /1, ( I /65! PHON 2_.a AppucANT's REpRESENTATTvE /-)o r )Eon-a'( ADDREss 9 lrn'<pHoNE 2qrrae c.PROPERTY OWN fl n%tas Co uzt rfrt to 5; <bn- l) OWNER'S SIGNATUR )- PHor.E 47L S )A3 t/, r\ MAILINGADDRES' l/ . O g dx WJ o-S Ua, L D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS r-or^L BLocK- suaowsronlfuw.lloc#L'#rYrff:2 APPLTCATTON FEE $100.00 een l0O -cHEcK #J-& MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development. The plat shall include a site map with the following requirements: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred teet to one inch or larger with margins ol one and one- haf to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. b. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, sfeets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important teatures. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by tre radius, central angle, arc scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, boilt linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in tre field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. c. North anow and graphic scale. d. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. /,(et tU /r, E_t rU, ctr_ I I .t a e. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other publlc areas or facilities as shown on the dat, and a dedication thereof to the publlc use. An kjentification of the easemenb ai shown on the plat and a grant thereol to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. f. A written survey description of the area Includlng ths total acrcage to the nearest appropriate signlffcant fBure. The acr€ags of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as well. g. A description of all suruey monuments, both found and set, which maft the boundaries ol the subdMsion, and a desoipUon of all monumsnb used in conducting he survey. Monumenl perlmebr per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be estrablished as maior control monuments, the matsrials which shall be debmined by the torvn engineer. h. A statement by the land surveyor explainlng how bearing base was determined. i. A certificate by the reglstered land surveyor as ouilined in Chaptsr 17.32 ot this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and trat the suruey was performed by him in accordance wlth Colorado Revissd Statubs 1973, Title 38, Article 51. i. A certificate by an attomey admitted to pracdcs in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, hat the owner(s) ol record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilliles as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of all llens and encumbrances except as noted. k. The proper form for filing of the plat with tre Eagle County Cterk and Recorder. l. Certiticate of dedication and ownership. Should the conificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the public, all beneficlades of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in additon to the tee slmple owner thereof. m. All cunent taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval ol plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on ths plat or a stiatement from the Eagle county Assessor's office must be provued with the submittal inlormation stating that alltaxes have been pald. n. Signature of owner. The condominium or townhouse plat shall also incft,rde froor plans, elevations and cross-sections as necessary to accurately determlne indivldual alr spaces and/or other ownerships and it the projec{ was built substantially lhe same as the approved plans. A copy of the condominium documents tor staff review to assure that therg are maintenance provisions included for all commonly owned areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a complete submiilal along witr payment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administrator shall route one copy of the site map to the town engineer for his review. The zoning adminisffator shall then conduct this revlew concunently. The town engineer shall rsview the submittal and retum comments and 2. 3. G. frI H. notifications to the zoning administrator who shall transmit the approval, disapproval or approvalwih modifications of the plat wihin fourteen days to he applicant. The zoning administrator shall sign the plat if approved or require modifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due to inconslstencies with he odginally approved plan or failure to make other required modifications of the plat. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning adminisbator shall be the final signature required on the plat so that he Department of Gommunity Development will be responslble lor promptly recoding the approved plat with the Eagle County Clelk and Recorder. Fees for re@rding shall be paid by the apdicant. The Community Development Departrnent will retiain one mylar copy of the plat for their records ard will recod the rgmainirp my'ar copy. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of sucfi review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineerc 4(X, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees whlch are In excess of 507" of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's r€quest, any matter is postsoned tor hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire be for such re. publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the community Development Department to have signiftcant design, land use or other issues which may have a slgnificant impact on th€ community may require review by consultants oher than town staff. Shoutd a datermination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outrsHe consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay hlm or her and his amount shall be fonrarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any ol the funds lorwarded by the applicant for payment of lhe consultant which have not been paH to the consultrant shall be retumed to the applicant. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess of the amount fonrarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. t. o o TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF C()M]II IjNITY I'EIILOPMEJ\T ,^*zfhlL CIIECXS MADI PAYAEIJ TO TOWN OF VAIL .: AGOOIINTIIO. 0l 000041540 ZONINGAND ADDRESS MAPS $5.000l 000042415 UMFORM BUILDINGCODE $54.000l 000042415 UMFORM PLTIMBINCEODE $J9.000t 000042415 T'NIFORM MECHAMCAL CODE $J7.000l 000042415 UNIFORMFIRECODE s36.00 r,1 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 5J7.000t 0000424t5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0 r 0000 4l 548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.000t ffi0042412 XEROX COPIES s0.250l 000042412 STUDIES 0l 000042412 TOVFEESCOMPUTERM $5.000l 0000 4237t PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l m00 41332 ILANREVTEWRE-CHEW0r oo00 42332 OFF IIOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000414t2 CONTRACTORSTW 0t 0000414t3 SIGN APPLICATION FEE ti20.000t 00004t413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI.OO PER SOTTI0l 000042440 VTC ART PROJECT DOJ.IATION 0l 00004t331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE0l 0000 4237t INVESTIGATIoNFEW 3l oo00 451 l0 IOV PARI(ING FUND 0l 0000 22027 .IOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0l 0000 2ll12 TAXABLE@Z;5ffi* 0l 0000 4t0lo 'I'AXABLE @ 4 . SZ. {IAUN)0l 0()00 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTHER PEC APPLICATIONFESS 0t 0(}0041330 ADDITIONAL GRFA "250-s200.000r fino41330 c'ONI]IIIONAL USE PERMIT s200.u)0t 000041330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS THAN IOOSQFTT-$200.000t m00 41330 ExrbRroR ALTERATION TMORE THAN 100 SQ.FT.I 5500.000l 0000 4t330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INEW s1.500.000l (x)00 41330 S PEC IA L D EV E LOPM ENT D IS TR ICTMMR-_NTENDI-s1,000.000l 0000 41330 spEcrAL DEVELOPMEUT Dr STRIeT TMNOR-ANiENDI-$200.00ur (xl6r 4tiirl:EUBDMSION ,/^(/q- /\-0),4-lb-/h0l m0041-t3u VARIANCE T s250.000l m00 4t330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.o00l 000041330 RE - ZONING s200.00 OTIIER OTHLR lOWffi, ,"',1 a^o orsEr r.*, / ?{ L*.or-,V REc" BY: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT' INC. Town Of Vail-2/16/96 t ,,1 t452 l_00.00 100.00Innsbruck Mdo Bldg # 5 Duplex Sub' Fee rsJ r3u RetUm [O George Ruther Town Plannor INTER.D EPARTM ENT/\L REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCHIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: fL-**"vl-Ll--rzz-<*-l PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Tern MarnheL Dato: Commonts: @eUeA zl8 lq@ revr ew€d 2l /7 lCrorenxns) ?-l>g.qb xcress "ge$v^" (nost bg 5l€\^rrl n* aplxc:,-d. p(wroteig) (^;r ttri..d I lrY&! Printed by George Rutlrer 3/L2/9 12:10ptn From:'Terri Martinez To: George Ruther, Larry Pardee Subject: Innsbrook Meadows, TCO Unit 5 ===\JQf f, ============= ==3 / L2 / 9 5==l 3 I $ 66== I will let sob have a Tco on UniE 5 if he grades out Lhe driveways go both garages on Lhe unig uo a centerline grade of 8t or below. He must clearly define Lhe proposed centerlines for both drives. A bond must be taken Eo lower the employee unit garage slab by April 30, 1996. A complece plan conforming to all the requirements of public "norks must be submitEed and approved by this date a1so. Larry will check che diives from the intersection of the private road up to the garage slab for both drives on uniL 5. Again they will be 8t or be1ow. Georgre, I-,arry, can you guys think of any oUher loose ends? Page: 1 o"?,gn Review Action rot TOWN OF VAIL category Nu o", lZ Project Name: Building Name: Project Descripiion: Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot- Block- Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: F, *o*onor,ftlrr1 rytilIA"J Seconded by: !l Approval n Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner on"' Z/Afqd DRBFee ere-paia 4D.e r7- J ,1 Dd;n Review Action roO TOWN OF VAIL catesory Nu o", I Z o^t" / /it 7/'t,K Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 5 Block - Subdivision T-i,tu.r,, .','z ril',,,z2oneDistrict ,<'L Proiect Street Address: Comments: Motion by: /^\ <_BoagLBtaff Action Vote: Seconded by: Conditions: f] Approval ! Disapproval Tdstatr npprovat Town Planner , -' l-4;Date: i /- / / / ,,El DRB Fee Pre-paid I r.rtrra 7/trlra DBSTGN RSVI r. A. APPL,ICATION - TOI{N r DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:***trl**t*t rri*at**tti o EW BOARD I d I K,qJ0Ec DES_CRrfTrON: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstructionAddiLion ($s0.00) ADDRESS: ($200. 00) -)Ginor Arberarion Conceptual Review ($20.00) ($0) c. D.LEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If properLy is described bydescripcion, p]dase provide.Lo this appLication. a meets and boundson a separate sheet, legal and aLLach E. F. ZONTNG: NAME OFMailing APPLICANT: Address: Phone G. l{. NAME OFMailing APPLICANT'S Address: REPRESENTATIVE: Phone I. Condominium Approval if appl_icable. .I . DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,l are t,o be paid at thebime of submiLt.al of the DRB applilauion. Later, whenapplying fo1 a-building permit.,-plbase identify Lhe accuratevaruaLion of rhe p-roposar. The bown of vair wiri iai""t.-Er,"fee according to the table below, Lo ensure Ehe corr6cE fee15 pald. NAMD qr OhNER(S): I Mailing 4atz--&z-/P FEE ' iD zu.uv $ s0.00 $100.00 $200. 00. $400.00 $soo. oo ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ TSSUED N.ID CONSTRUCTTON FEE SCHEDUI,E: VAIJUATION A at a .t,.r ,r r\ rt+ v + tv,uuut 10, 001 - t 50, 000$ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150, 001 - $ s00, 000 9500, 001 - 91, 000, 000$ over 91,000,000 DESIGN RSVIET{ BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ ITNLESS A BUfLDING PERI.{IT ISrS STARTED. APPLrcAlroNs wrr,,lr Nor BE PRocEssED wITHour or{NEn's sr6rvAfuR8 . L* t &) TOWN OF VAIL L/--J t+YRECEIPTNO.'///\J DEPA"RTMEITT OF COMMT'NITY IIEVELOPMENT AI}IXESS +{4b "^*-lr-L'K CEECXS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN Otr VAIL 0t 000041540 ZONINC AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 000042415 UMFORM BUILDING CODE $54.00 0l 0000 42415 UMFORM PLUMBINGCODE $39.O0 0l 0000 42415 -UNIFORMMECHANICALEODE $37.00 0l oo00 42415 UNIFORM FIFG CODE $36.00 0l oo00 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $l7.oo 0l 000042415 OTIIERCODT BOOKS 0l m00 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 01 m00 42412 XEROXCOPIES $0.25 01 ffioo 424t2 STUDIES ot u)(n 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 01 m00 42371 PENALTY FEES i RE.INSPECTIONS 0l 000041332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CIIECK FEE [$40 PER HR.] 0l oo0042332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l m00 414t2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l (rc00 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 0l oo004l4l3 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE tSI.OO PER SQ.FT,L. 0l m00 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION ,I ) }-- I 0l 0Q0€r4t33l PU, PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE +OAil4A .=/u 0l moga€Z_t-{I(WESTIGATION FEE (BUILDINC) 3l fi)o0 45110 TOV PARKING FUND 0l 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0l c000 2ll12 TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE)t 0t a000 4t010 TAXABLE @ 4olo (TO\\rn-) 0l oo0042371 BU IL D INC INATE STI GATION ITHER PEC APPLICATION FEES .,, , 1.,.. - 0l 0()004t330 \DDITIONALGRFA "250"$ZUO.uU 0l oo00 41330 3ONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.o{J 0l oo00 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS TTIAN IOO SQ.FT.I $200.q) 0l 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE TITAN IOO SQ.FT.I $500.00 0l m00 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTD]STRICT tNEW]s1.500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTR]CT MAJOR AMEND s1,000.00 0l 0()00 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTR]CT MINOR AMEND]$200.00 0l 0000 41330 ;UBDIVISION ol oo00 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 0l 0000 41 330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS $250.0u 0l m00 41330 RI1 - ZONING $2(ru.0u iR OTHER a) lToTALi lU- /'n *, \O,cK.rr rM.oLl/ J t\I 1 I I I dH R"ECETVED FROM Pcrmlt ltrmben -=,E= -=*.:E rarE irr-.__.r-l Hon, PAID-8 4 orec* +$ VAIL BANK Effective Date: Expiration Date: Number: Town of Vail Vail, CO 81657 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT May 12, 1995 September 15, 1996 177 Re:Robert Borne for the account of lnnsbruck Meadows Development, Inc. Gentlemen: We hereby open our lrrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor, available to you by draft or drafts at sight drawn on the Vail Bank for any sum or sums not exceeding in total of sum of Fifty Thousand and No/1OO Dollars ($50,000.00). This Letter of Credit is for the account of lnnsbruck Meadows Development, Inc. Funds under this credit are available to the Town of Vail by its sight draft(s) on us referring to this Letter of Credit by number and by its issuance date. Such draft(s) must be received by Vail Bank prior to 4:OO p.m. on September 15, 1996. The funds available under this letter of credit shall be for completion of pedestrian walkway, storm sewer, curb and gutter for the above referenced project. Such authorized representative of the Town of Vail indicating that the amount drawn is necessary to complete the aforementioned items. Vail Bank agrees with the drawers, endorsers and bonafide holders of drafts drawn and negotiated in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit that such drafts will be duly honored upon due presentation at the counter of this Bank. Vail Bank represents and warrants to the Town of Vail that it has the full authority and power to issue this Letter of Credit to the Town of Vail, in the total amount and for the total period of time stated herein; said authority being pursuant to the laws of the United States, or the state or territory which governs the establishment and regulation of Vail Bank, and Vail Bank's charter, by-laws, and other applicable rules and Vril Bank Builcling 108 South Frontrgc R()ad Wcst Vail, Coloratlo 81657 10l/{76.+600 FAX lol/{?6-2666 2l I I North Frontnge Rontl West Vail, Col rrado 8165? 30jl+76.7500 FAX 3tr3/476-7505 0015 Benchmrrk Roarl Avon, CoLrrado 81620 3031949.5995 l0y9+9-t881 44{ lTth Strr.et Dcnvcr, CokrnrJrr ti0202 l0-l/29l.illl FAX .l0 }/619;S5{{ Letter of Credit No. 177 Page 2 regulations adopted pursuant th6reto. Should it be necossary for the Town of Vail to file suit in an effort to enforce this lrrevocable Letter of Credit, Vail Bank hereby waives all venue rights and submits to th6 jurisdiction of the District Court in and for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. All drafts hereunder must be drawn on or before September 15, 1996. Sincerely, Vail Bank Dan E. Godec, Vice President, 18" CMP 18r' CMP - Recor 18" Annular Bands 48"dia. Manholc Material 48'rdia. GST Lid Slab 6'r CI Ring & Cover 6'r Inverted Ring & Cover 1r'Rub RNeck Speed Crete Catch Basin Valley Inlet Bnse H=5' I-3518 Frame, Grate, Hood Exhibit "A" Storm Sewer 777 Jeet @ $6.90/ft. 37 @ $10.35/band 2.s @ $48 2@$r4s 2 @ $100 1 @ $110 3 @ $s.so 6@$22 I @ $600 r@y236 Manholes(3) 48"dia. x 30r' Precast Base w/2-20" Holes 2 @M33 4E"dia. x 30" Precast Base M3-20" Holes 1 @ $500 $ s"36r30 382.95 $ 5,744,25 $ 866.00 500.00 r20.00 290.00 200.00 110.00 16.50 132.00 $ 2,234.50 $ 600.00 236.00 $ 836.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 1.800.00 $ r4.114.75 Excavation. Backfill. Comnaction Labor finstall Pine. Manholes. Catch Basin) TOTAL- Storm Sewcr Curb and Gutter Labor 840lineal fieet @ $6.00/lineal foot (curb and gutter detail) Concrete 51cu.yds. @ $60.00/yd. Pavement Asphalt Saw Cut 840lineal f*t @ $1.25lft. Base Course 135 tons @ $l2ltonAsphalt 52 tons @ $75lton $ 5,040.00 3,060.00 1,050.00 1,620.00 3,900.00 Public Improvements Estimate 1,1f[ lineal Jeea @ $6.00 lineal foot (6r wide' 5'r thick) Labor Concrete 112 cu. ydg. @ $6t0.00/yd. Underiavment Bare Cource $ 6,600.00 6J20.00 e760.002i!0tons @ $l2lton TOTAL - Pedestrian Waltrway Miscellaneous Stnkins and Testins 2.13s.25 TOTALPUBLIC TMPROVEMENT COSTS........ ...........$ 4ir.27S.OO SI'MIUARY TOTAL PI'BLIC IMPROVEIMNTS ESTIMATT IJSS TOWN OF VAIL CONTRIBUTION XINAL COST TO DEVEII)PDII I/ETTER OF CREDIT OR BOND $ 40,000.00 @ tzso/o $ 4127s.00 - 7275.00 $ 40,q)0.00 o DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ,-'a. THIS DEVELOPERIMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is ruffi,-) and entered into this 12- day of &XU 1995, by and between INNSBRUCK MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT, INC., a ioto.dtStorpoiatiorL hereinafter referred to as "Developer", and the TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado Municipality, by and through its Council, hereinafter referred to as the "Town". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Developer, in connection with the approval of the final plat for Innsbruck Meadows, Vail, Eagle County, Colorado (the "subdivision"), desires to enter into a Developer Improvement Agreement with the Town as provided for by Section 17.16.250 of the Municipal Code ofthe Town of Vail, as amended; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Codg the Town desires to make reasonable provision for completion of certain improvements ("Improvements") set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference incoqporated herein; and WHEREAS, Developer has agreed to be responsible for the performance and completion of the Improvements. NOW TTIEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants, conditions and promises, the parties hereby agree as follows: L Developer agrees to fumish all personnel, equipment and material necessary to perform and completg in a good and workmanlike manner, all Improvements and work incidental thereto as set forth in Exhibit "A". Developer further agrees that it will be responsible for all work set forth in Exhibit "A". Town of Vail agrees to commit a contribution of $7,275.00 for the storm sewer construction. This payment shall be made from the Town of Vail to the Developer upon completion and acceptance of the Improvements. All said work shall be performed substantially in accordance with the construction specifications and drawings as approved by the Town. All work shall be done under the inspection procedures and standards established bythe Tow4 and shall be to the reasonable satisfaction ofthe Town and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted by the Town Engineer. T1.l The Town agrees to approval of the subdivision subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3. The private driveways within the Subdivision as shown on the final plat will be maintained as private access and may be closed to the genoal public by signs; provided, however, that any such signs shall be approved by the Town. 4. Upon completion of portions of the Improvements, Developer will cause its engineers (who shall be registered in the State of Colorado) to certify in writing that the installation ofthe Improvements, as portions thereof may be completed from time to time, have been completed in conformance with all standardq drawings and specifications as submitted to and previously approved by the Town. Inspection reports, test results and otler supporting documentation shall be submitted with the certification. The Town may provide periodic inspections as it deems necessary to assure conformance with the approved plans and specifications. 5. Developer agrees to complete construction of all Improvements within three years of the date of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approval of the FinalPlatas providedinSectionlT.l6.330oftheMunicipalCodeoftheTownofVail, Colorado. 6. Developer warrants and guarantees that the Improvements constructed and installed pursuant to this Agreement shall be constructed and installed in a workmanlike nranner suitable for the intended uses and in accordance with the applicable Town specifications for a period ofone year after acceptance by the Town. 7. Except as provided in this Agreement, Developer agrees that, in the event it shall fail to perform its obligations as set forth hereiq the Town shall not be obligated to issue certificates of occupancy for any new structure to be constructed within the Subdivision. Developer agrees to complete the storm sewer and curb and gutter along Kinnikinnick Road on or before October 1, 1995. The pedestrian walkway shall be completed by September 15, 1996. Temporary certificate of occupancy shall only be issued by Town if the uncompleted pedestrian walkway or landscaping are bonded or secured by a letter ofcredit from a local bank. Notwithstanding the above no temporary certificate of occupancy shall be available for issuance for any residence until the utility infrastructure servicing said residence, and the curb and gutter and storm sewer system, has been completed and accepted by the Town. Al1 maintenance (snow removal, sweeping, landscaping and weed control) shall be the responsibility of the Developer or the Homeowner's Association. 8. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer, agent or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage related to the work specified in this Agreement, nor shall the Town, nor any ofits officers, agents or employees thereo{, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work. All of said liabilities are hereby aszumed by Developer, unless the liabilities directly result from the negligent or intentional actions of the Town, its officerg agents or employees. Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the towq and any of its officers, agents or employees against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, because of any losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of, or are based upon, any obligation ofDeveloper as herein before stated. Furthermore, Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss or claim. 9. Developer shall provide the Town of Vail with a letter of credit in an amount equal to 125% ofthe estimated costs of completion of all Improvements related to public improvements (hereinafter referred to as the "Letter of Credit"). Public improvements are the pedestrian walkway, storm sewer, and curb and gutter. The estimated costs of completion of all Improvements is attached hereto as Exhibit uA". Said Letter of Credit shall be provided to Town prior to, or consurrently with, execution of final plat. After completion of all Improve- ments, the Developer shall petition to the Town for final acceptanc€ of the Improvements. As portions of the Improvements to be dedicated to the Town are completed, the Town Engineer shall inspect them, and upon approval and acceptance, he shall authorize the release ofthe agreed estimate for that portion ofthe Improvements except that, in no event shall any such progress payment cause the remaining sums secured by the Letter of Credit to be less than an amount equal to 100% of the estimated cost (as set forth in Exhibit "A") of completion of all remaining Improvements and further provided, however, that l0o/o of the estimated cost shall be wittrheld until all proposed improvements are completed and approved by the Town Engineer. 10. Upon default by Developer, the Town shall have the unconditional right to make a claim against the Letter of Credit and to withdraw funds upon demand to partially or fully complete and/or pay for any improvements or pay any outstanding bills for work done thereon by any party. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement, the parties hereto agree that the Town shall be under no obligation to complete or perficrm any ofthe Developer's Improvements. I l. Upon execution of this Agreement by the parties hereto, the Town agrees to execute the final plat for Innsbruck Meadows and to accept the same for recordation in the Clerk and Recordecs office of Eagle County, Colorado, upon the payment or recording fees and costs to the Town by Developer. 12. This Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendment(s) be in writing and sigred by all parties hereto. 13. In the event of a lawsuit arising out of the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to court costs and reasonable attorney's fees. 14. This Agreement and the obligations hereof shall be deemed to be covenants running with the land and shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. The parties have executed this Agreement as ofthe date first above written. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado Municipal Corporation Attest: STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. CoUNTYoFEAGLE ) r'h2ffi, 1995, byeletuJastui-lffiil r L L, rne A< the TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado Municipal CorpoAtion. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: ltry ConnissionExpircsJws'17. 1995 STATEOFCOLORADO ) couNTY oF EAGLE I ss' . @-, Subscribed abd swom to before netnspday *W*r, orBS*k ff i**asPresident " j*:Hz:,y);b Subscribed Pnht Ll ,,D. , as Town Clerk, of EoAP < @ Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: W ob Mcl-,auriq Town lv{anager Town Clerk INNSBRUCKMEADOWS oeQn Review Action rorrl TOWN OF VAIL oate l-/il>t'rS t.t! -t' Category Number ,4/L Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: nrcniteqgfiiabqodressand Phone: &'',5'&'u= 5t,,,*t4',",< i'ert Ttt Legal Description:Lot / Block - Subdivision au.t&,^,t L- /]ftr,t,t^t.-.ZoneDistrict I T:tt/F Project Street Address: Comments: fr&Pfstaff Action vote: /^/-')- /Motion by: Seconded by: ,,J, 14a'. z / I ,'\ARR.ouut! Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: l" "2 t ti,,, ^t _ \,..4, I '' Town Planner - / ,tDale.. -/ / / // ... _DRB Fee Pre-oaid , @oRlD,€gs I.ATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: tltt*t*t*** I. A. ****t*tl*** DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construct.ion (S200.00) AddiE,ion ($50.00) ADDRESS: d uinor Alt.erat,ion (920.00) ConcepCual Review ($0) \ D. F F T J. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If property is described bydescripLion, please provide to, this applicat.ion. a meeLs and bounds on a separate sheet, 1ega1 and attach G. ZONING: NAME OF Mailing DIAME OF Mailing APPI.TICA}IT: APPLICANT;S Address: H. NAME OF OWNER(S): OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address: Phone APPLICA'IONS WILL NOIT BE PROCESSED WIITHOW OWNER' S SIGNAWNE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are bo be paid at the time of submittal of the one applicaEion. I-,ater, whenapplying for a building permit., please identify the accurate valuaEion of Ehe proposal. The Town of vail will adjust thefee according to the table below, Lo ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE PAID: $ EHECR #T DATE: BY: FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $L50, 00L - $ 500, 000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000g Over $L, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIT I]NITES8 A BUIITDING PERMIT IgIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100 .00 $200 .00 $400 .00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER PINAI, IggUED NID CONSTRUEIIOIT Bob Bo*tl r*- *ign Review Action Fam TOWN OF VAIL (!, t ,Q,''",,,-- ox" A/E:/q'l Project Name:T-', 'r.rt-.b ' '-.<. t, i)t, -, --.1-..',.,,.-, t Category Number Building Name: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecvContact, Address and Phone:' Legaf Description:Lot 5 Bbck- Subdivision-Ett,,-'Lctt.2 ''i 1J.,,./.zoneDistrict lDttr Project Street Address: Comments: ;^ iP""frtstaff Action Motionby: .Dc r ,. -Vote: 5-r) Secondedby: .Ci., o, ., -, .../ E ArQlroval ! Disapproval fl StaffApproval Conditions: l, ,", 7', *r, t Town Planner Datet /( / / z-/'.// DRB Fee Pre-paid Andy Knudtson Town of Vail Cummunity Development DepL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO. 81657 Re: Innsbruck Meadows - DRB Application Dear Andy: Junel2r1994 I am writing to authorize Greg Arnsden(aka AM. BROS. Development Inc.) to represent the DRB submittals of Units 2131 4,6 and 14, fnnsbruck Meadows on the June 15th, 1994 meeting of the DRB. If you have any questions regarding this application, contact Greg Amsden at 476-7990 or Benji Amsden at (303)-646-0856. JUli i ? i$3{ Juanita L Pedotto DRB APPLTCS,TION - IO9IN.OI' ,\IAIL, DATE APPIICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: O".,ri". d. glAlgt COLORADO RLUIJJUN t 51991, ********** TSIS APPIJIC}TION WrI,L NO! BE ACCEPTEDI'NIIL AIJL REQITIRED INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED********** I.PROJECT TNFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: B. /, TYPE OF REVIEW: V New Constrdction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: Minor Alt,eration ($20.00) Conceptual Review - (90) c. D. a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and F.applicant nustlot. area. K. accurat,e valuation of t,he proposal . The Tor.rn -of VaiIwill adjust the fee _acqording- t,o the table lefoW, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEE pArp: g ?n, OFEE SCHEDULE: :UALUATTON$ o-$ 10r0oo$ 10r 001 - $ 50,000. $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001- - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ . Over $1,000,000 * DESTGN REvrEw BOARD APPRo\nrr ExPrREs oNE yEiAR AI.TER rrNAtAPPROVAI UNLESS.A.,BUI"IJDING 'PERMIT .XS ,ISSUED A}ID. CONSTRUCTTON ISSI3RTED. **NO .APPLICATTON WII.L BE PROCESSED WITITOUT OWNER' S SIGNATT'RE 1 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200 .00 9400.00 $500.00 '(*Ie( .l LEGAL DESCRIPTION:-,Lot 5 Bl-ocksubdivisio" J'yysgcucr Hgsffi If property is described bydescription, please provideattach to this application. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing provide a current H. G. I. NAME OF APPLICANT' 5 NAI,IE OF OWNERS: NAME OF APPLI REPRESENTATIVE: il-inq- Address: iling *STGNATURE (S) :Mailing $d{re#: Approval if applipplicable. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tLme of subrnittal of DRB application.Lrrr Lrlne or suDmrE!4J.. oI Dt*, applrcat,ion. lat,er, whenapplying for a buitding permit,, please iAentify iire O-OsFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRICTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot _<- Block _ Filing DATE: ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SrzE Al Iowed /.j>,,(30((33V Existinq Proposed Total oLHeight Totar GP'A le Primary GRFA +q$- z,E z/'fu +Q zzs4tf,= 20t 15, 1.5, (30) (s0) /6e3,1 3' /6r Reqrd Secondary Setbacks GRFA Water Course Site Coverage Landscaping Front Sides Rear Setback Retaining Wall. Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Bncroachment.: Environmental,/Haz ards : oL 1) 2) 3) c) DebrisrlowF4'l Wetlands .i- Prevlous conditions of approval (check::'property fiLei: S__ _-Z-L Does thls request,- involve a 250 Addition? ; / How much or fne arroweo iso iiai'ci;-i;";"eilFrEii,EEis requesr?_:_- **Not,e: Under Sections LB-12.090(B) and 1g.13.080(B) of the Municipalcode, lots zoned Two ramiry-ina-erimary/secondary which are l.ess than15'000 sq- ft- in area may not constrult, a secor,l dwelring unit. Thecommunity Development Depirtr"ni-^uy grant. an exception t.o thisrestriction providea rne-ippii"irt me6ts t.he ciiieria set fort,h undersections 18'12'0e0(B) ano i's.liliieotal-or-fne-uini"ipur-aoa;-i;"iuaingpermanently restrj_cting.the unit ,u_"-,i:fong_Uerm ientat unit for fuII_tine employees of the uppei u;;i" VaIIey. uq2 alg6 (x_ ot-/ oz or_ N// r <za n/t ("t( .Ja 4/fr .':V(-J IE. (300) (600) (900) (1200l, ./97 c Permitted Slope g* Actuat Slope Date approved by Town'Engineer: Yes No ,V.-:ar Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfatl 10 TOWN OF N 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V47*2139 FAX 970-479-2452 July 21, 1995 Sally Brainard-RKD 1000 Liursridge Loop 3D VaiL CO 81657 Department of Communiry Development irir' ssPI RE: Innsbrnrck Meadows Utrits 2,3,4,5,6 & 7 DRB Conditional Approval Dear Sal$6 Thank you lor appearing before the Design Review Board (DRB) on Wednesday, July 19,1995 with proposed units 2,3,4,5,6 & 7 of Innsbmck Mcadows. The Design Review Board conditionally approved each of the units. Thc conditions of the approval plaocd on the units must be addressed puat to application for building permit. The conditions placed on thc approval by the Design Revicw Board arc listed bclo.'v for your reference. /,3,4, E 6, -I l. Tbat the Town of Vail Public Works department sign off on the proposed site plan. *oPaLeC* oL 2. That the Firc Departrncnt sign off on the approval. According to the Fire Departnents comments rcceived on July 18, 1995 you need to indioate hydrant locations on the sight plan. 3. That the DRB fee payment of $200 per unit be made to the oflice of Community Dcvelopment 4. That additional foundation landscapc plantings be added to the strcet clevations on both units 2 and 3. 5. That the applicant replace all the dead aspens transplanted offof lot 6. Thc caliber inches of aspens that must be replaced totals approximately | 9 inches. 6. That a window shutter be added to the garage elevation on unit 3. 7. That the applicaut submit a site plan illustating the proposed threecolor, color schsrnes for the project. {p'nnuo'uu /,, + . 8. That all roof material proposcd for the devclopment be "presidential weathered- wood" asphalt shingles of300 pounds pcr square or greater. 9. That the stucco color of color soheme one be cooled down. As proposed, the color appears too'!ellowy". 10. The accent bim between color schemes 2 and 3 is too similar. Please review your color schemes and propose a possible altemative for staffreview. Again, thank you for appearing before the Design Review Boars on Wednesday, July 19, 1995 with 2,3,4,5,6 & 7 in Innsbruck Meadows. Each of the conditions of approval must be met pricr to application for building permit from the Town of Vail building departnent. Should you have any qucstions or concerns with regard to thc information addressed in this letter, as always; please don't hesitate in giving me a call. I can be reached most easily during regular office hours ar479-2138. Sincerely, fJ**Q,*tt',*t George Ruther Town Planner :l' * t.vl.d all|lgl DBSIGT{ REVIEW : APPrJrcArroN . ror{N *?gmiYru DArE REcETvED: lll DATE OF DRB MEETING: *tl*******t EPT I. A. ***rt**t*!t* DESCRrprroN: 3{ >?fu a a* B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstrucEion Addi t ion 00) ADDRESS: LEGAIJ DESCRIPTI Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provide t,o this application. ZONING: ($200.00) Minor Alt,erat,ion ($20.00) Jconceptual Review (90) l) t A.tN (<c. D. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet leqal and attach E F.[2<t" t-/,, tRNAME OFMailing APPLICANF: Address: H. Phone G.NAI4E OF APPIJICAIiII I SENTATIVE:JtzluQ Mailin Phone OF OWNER(S) :9ecv Mailinq Add.ress: Phone APPIJTCATIONS WIIJIJ NOT BE PROCESSED WITIIOW OWNER'S STGIIUE?UR8 Condominium Approval if appLicabLe. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid ab thetime of submittal of Lhe DRa appLication. Laler, whenapplying for a buiLding permit, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust thefee according t,o Lhe E,ab1e bel-ow, to ensure the correcl feeis paid. FEE PAID: $ CIIECK *: DATEI BY: I. FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 i i0, uui - i ,si.i, uut, $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - g 500,000 $500,001 - 91,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN RSVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAL UNIJESS A BUIIJDING PEru,TIT ISIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100 .00 $200 .00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION II. A pre-application meeting wiLh a member of the planning staff is encouraged to determine if any addiEionalapplication information is needed. IL is the applicanL'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the scaff to determine if there are addit,ional submittal requirements. Pl-ease noEe that a COMPLETE applicat,ion will st,reanline thereview process for your project. III. IMPORTANI NOIICE REGAXDING AI.TII STIBMISSIONS TO TIIB DRB: A. In addiEion to meeting submittal. requirenents, theapplicanc must, stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buiJ.dingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. AlIsite t.apings and sEaking must be completed prior to the Dt{B siLe visit. The applicant must ensure Lhat staking done duringf the vrrinEer is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normaLLy requirestwo separate meet.ings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that. discussion on their it,ern bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the iten has beenrepublis-hed. D. The foLlowing items may, at the discretion of thezoning administraLor, be approved by the Community Development Department st,aff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may noC be required.): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the exist,ing pLane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions not visibLe frorn any other J_ot,or public space. At the time such a proposat issuhmitted, applicants must incl.ude letters fromadjacent properLy owners and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationstaLing tbe association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetLand, et,c. ) , a hazard sEudy mus! be submitted andthe owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buiLding permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a To!,rn pLannerprior Eo DRB applicacion to determine the relat,ionshipof Ehe property Lo all napped hazards. F. For all residential consLrucE,ion: a. C1early indicat,e on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; and b. Iudicale wich a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or support,ing eolunns. G. If DRB approves che application with conditions ormodifications, al.I conditions of approval must, beaddressed prior to the applicat,ion for a buildingpermit. (. IV. A. fbree copies of a recent topographic survey, st.anped bya Colorado FrofessionaL lJiceased Sutiveyor, at a scaleof 1" = 20, or J.arger, on which the foLlowinginformation is provided: L. Lot area, and buiLdabLe area when different, thanlot area. 2. Legal descriplion and physical address. 3. Ihro f oot cont,our int,ervals unl.ess the parceJ.consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5 r contour int,ervals may be accepted. 4. ExisLing trees or grroups of t,rees having t,runkswit,h diameters of 4n or more, as measured from apoint one foot, above grade. 5. Rock outcroppings and other signifieant naturalfeatures (1arge boulders, intermitLent, sE,reams,etc. ) . 6. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfa11, etc.),cent,erline of st,reams or creeks, required creek orstre€rm setback, and 100-year flood pJ.ain, ifapplicable. Slopes of 40t or more shalI beclearly del.ineated by cross hatching. 7. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS Landnarkor sevrer inverL. rhis information must. be clearlysLaLed on Lhe survey so Lhab all measurement,s arebased on Lhe sane starting poinL. This is^ particularly import,ant for det,ermining buildingheight and driveway slope. See policy On SurviyInformation, for more information regardingsurveys. 8. L,ocations of Lhe following must be shown: a. Size and tLpe of drainage culvert,s, swaLes,etc. b. Exact, tocation of existing utiLity serviceLines from cheir source to the siructure,including: cable Tv Telephone Sewer GaswaLer Electric c. A11 utility meter Locations, including any. pedestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent to bhe site. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing. e. Indicate al.l easements identified on thesubdivision plat. 9. Provide spot elevations at, Lhe edge of asphalt,along the streeE frontaqe of the properr-lr at-twenty-five foot, intervals (25,1, and a minimr:m ofone spoL elevation on either side of the 1ot. Site Plan 1. Locations of the following must be shown: a. Existing and finished qrades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. B. c. Proposed driveway, irr"ling percent slope and spot elevations at the property Line,garage slab and as necessary along thecenterline of the drive bo accurately reflect driveway grade. d. A 4' concrete drive pan at the edge of asphaLt for driveways that exit the sEreet inan uphitl direct,ion. 2. A11 existing improvement,s including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, sEorage areas,walks, driveways, off -street parkinq, {oadingareas, retaining wa1ls (wittr top and bott,om of$rall spot elevat,ions), and other existinq site iurprovement,s. 3. In order to determine proposed building heightselevations of all top roof ridges, and. eaves whendet,ernined necessary by the zoning adninisErator,shall be indicated on the site plan with existingand proposed concour Lines shown underneath. Landscaoe Plan (1', = 2Or or larger) - 3 copies required1. At a minimum, the foLLowingr information must beprovided on the landscape plan: a. Location of existing trees 4'r diameter orlarger, b. Type, size and location of aI1 existing andproposed plant material., c. L,ocation of all. trees to be transplanted, d. A det,ailed legend of all proposed pl.antmaterial including cotrxmon and Lat.in nElmes. 2. The location and tlpe of existing and proposed. waterj.ng systens Lo be enployed in caring forplant mat,erial following iLs installation. 3. Existing and proposed cont,our lines. Ret,ainrngwalls should be included with the contourinformation with top of walL and bottom of waLlelevations listed. 4. Compl.ete the attached landscape tn€rterials l_ist. iion eff from each utititv comoanw verifying thelocation of ut,ility service and availabiLity (see aEtached utility verificaLion forn) . A preliminarv tiLle report Schedule A and B must accompany all submibEals, Eo insure property ownershipand identify aL1 easements affecLing the subjectproperty. Architeetural_ plans (L/8,, = 1' or Larger, !/4" Lspreferred scale for review) 3 copies are required.. 1. Floor plans and all elevaLions of the proposed development, drawn to scale and fuI1y dimensioned.The eievaLioa clrawiugs lrusl show both existing andfinished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be nred-lined" to showhow Lhe gross residential fl.oor area (GRFA) wascaLculat,ed. 3. ExLerior materials and, col.ors shalL be specifiedon the attached materials list. This materialslist must be compl.eted and submitted as a part ofthe application. Color chips, siding samplesetc., shall be presented at the Desigm ReviewBoard meeting. DetaiLs including, but not Limited D. E. F. G. H. ao 1.i., trim. railings, .rriotv cap. meLerlocations, etc. must be shown graphically andfulIy dimensioned. Zone check list (attached) nusL be completed if theproject.is located within the single-Fanily,erinary/Secondary or Duplex zone district,s. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent structures. The Zoning AdminisLrator and/or DRB may require Lhesubmission of additional p1ans, drawings, -- specifications, samples and other material.s (incLudinga model) if deemed necessary to determine whether aproject wilJ. comply with Design Guidelines. v.MINOR AIJTBRATTONS TO TIIE EXTERIOR OF BUIIJDINGS. Photos or sketches wtrictr clearly convey the redevelopment,proposal and Ehe location (siue plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be subniLt.ed in Lieu of Lhe more formaLrequirements set forth above, provided all, important,specificaLj-ons for the proposal including coLors andmat,erials to be used are submitted. VI. ADDITIONS . RESTDENTIAIJ OR COMMERCTAIJ A. Original fLoor plans with aLl specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor pLans t/9" = 1r or larger ^ (I/4" = 1, is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed const,ruction. Indicat,e roof ridge elevationswith exisLing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevat,ions of proposed addition. E. PhoLos of the existing structure. F. Specificat,ions for all materials and coLor sampLes on' materials list (attached). At tle request of Che Zoning Administrator you nay a].so berequired to submit: G. A statement from each ut.ility verifying 1ocat,ion ofservice and availability. See at,t,ached utiLityLocation verificat.ion form. H. A sit,e improvement, survey, sLamped by registered Colorado Professional Lriceased surveyor. I. A preliminary ticle report, Lo verify ownership ofproperty, which lists all easernents. VII. FINAIJ SITE PIJAT{ Once a buildinq permiE has b-een is.sued. and chnsrrrr.rtion isundenvay, and before Ehe Building DepartmeDl will schedule afraning inspect,ion, Lwo copies of an Improvenent lJocationcertificate Eurvey (ILc) st,arnped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submitted. The followinginformaLion musE be provided on Lhe fIJC: A. Building locat.ion(s) with t,ies to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dj.mensions t,o Lhe nearesL Lenth of a foot,. ou lrrty service Line as-u,riO, showing rlpe ofmaterial used, and size and exacL location of lines. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. Al.l. property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvement survey. All easements. Garage slab eLevaEions and atL roof ridge elevationswiLh existing and proposed qrades shown under the ridgelines VIII . CONCEPTTIAIJ DESTGN REIIIBI| A. Submittal recruirements: The owner or authorized agentof any project requiring design approval as prescribedby this chapt,er may submit plans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the DepartmenL of Commun5.ty Development. The concepuuaL review isintended to give Lhe applicanL a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of Lheir proposal witlr the TownrsDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimariJ.y for applications more complex than singJ.e-fanily and two-family residences. However, d.evelopersof singl-e-family and two-fanily projects shall not beexcluded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign review. Complet,e applications munt be subrnitted10 working days prior t,o a.scheduled DRB meeting. The following informaEion shall be submittsed for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimunscale of one inch eguals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevaEions showing exterior materialsand a description of the charact,er of the proposedstructure or structures; 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the developmenL standards ef thezone d,istrict in which the project is to belocated (i.e. GRFA, siEe coverage calcuLations, nurnber of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Completed DRB application form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an appl_ication forconceptual design review, t,he Department of CommunityDevelopment shal1 review the submibted materials forgeneral compliance wit,h the appropriat,e requirements ofthe zoning code. If Lhe proposal is in basiccompliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject shaII be forvarded tso the DRB for conceptualreview. If the appl.ication is not generalfy incompliance with zoning code requirernents, theapplication and submittal materials shall be returnedto the applicant wiLh a written explanatj.on as to whythe Connunity Development Department staff has foundthe project not to be in compliance with zoning codereguiremerrLs. Once a complece appJ.ication has beenreceived, the DRB shalI review the submitted. conceptualreview applicalion and support,ing mat,eriat in ordei todetermine whether or not the project generally conpl.ieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vore onconcept,ua1 reviews. The property or^rner or hisrepresent,ative sha1I be present at Lhe DRB hearing. c. D. E. G. H. IJIST OF MATERfAIJS NAtt{E OF PRO.]ECT: LEGAL DESCRfPTION: LOT_. BLOCK _ STTBDMSION STREET ADDRESS: The folLowing information is required for submitBal to Lhe Desigm Review Board before a final approval. can be given: A. BUrIJDING MA1!ERfAIJS: TYPE OF MAlttERtAIr COIJOR Roof Siding other wal1 Mat,erials Fascia Soffi ts windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FLues FJ.ashings Chimneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lrighting Other B. LNiIDSCAPfNG: Nane of Designer: Phone: PLAI* *rl*r, PROPOSED TREES AIiID SHRI'BS GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROI, Botanical Name Ouantitv Size* , conlterous Lrees. Minimum treidht for coniferous *Indicate caliper for deciduous trfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. ees. Mirinum calioerIndicat,e height, for Scn-rare Footage trees is 5 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 gallon. fvpe c. LAT.IDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow the nuiber of fixtures and locations on a separateLighting p1an. rdenr.ifv each fixture from the Liahting planin Lhe space berow and provide the height above gia-de, -type off.ight proposed, Lumen output, ruminous area and i cuc srrelt, otthe Light fixrure. (Secrion 18.54.050 ,t) OTHER LAIiIDSCAPE FEATURES (ret.aining wal.ls, fences. swimningpools, eEc.) please specify. hdicace height,s of retainingwal1s. Maximum heiqht of walls within the front setback ii3' . Maximrrm height of walLs elsewhere on Lhe property is 5 r D. t.vL..A 8lL7 /91 JOB I.IAME ST,BDIVTSION LOT BI,OCK FILING ADDRESS The form is used to verify service availability and rocation. Thisshourd be used. in conjunct,ion wiLh preparing y6ur utiriiv-pii" i"a'scheduling inst.al}ations. For any new conslruction proposal , theapplicanL must provide a complecel ut,ility r.iiiication form. The location and availqbility of utilities, whether they be main!rg$ Lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified uv--m"folJ-owing utilities for the accompanying--site pfin. ALl authorizing signatures need t,o be originaLs. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communicat,ions 458-5860 or 949 -4s30 Public Service Company 949 - 6135 Gary Hal1/Rich Cooley Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering Dept.Ted Husky/Michael LaverLy **TCI Cablevision of the Rockies 949 -L224 Mark Graves r*Upper Eagle VaItey Water & Sanit,at,ion Districe * 47 6 -7 480 Fred Has1ee NOTE: r*A site plaa is required. pbysicar locatioa of known utilitiesmust, be shown on Lhe site pran. utirity rocatioal nay or nay Dot,offer senrice ro tbe.propeiry rine. Any utirity &teisi.or i3q,liieasbau be the responsibiliey ot ttre property owaer. 1. If a utility company has concerns with the proposedconstruction, t.he utility representative sh6uLd notdirectLy on the utility verification form that thereis a problem which needs to be resolved. The issueshould Lhen be spelled out in detail in an attachedIetter to the Town of VaiI. Howeve!, please keep inmind thar ic is r,he.responsibiliEy oi ifre uriLitircompany eo resolve identified problems. 2. rf the utility verificat.ion form has signatures fromeach of the ut,ility companies, and no comments arenade directly on the form, Lhe Town wiII presrr.nethat, Lhere are no problems and that the d-evelopmentcan proceed. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut pernitfrom the Town of vail, Department of publil Worksand to obtain Utititv Locations before digaing inany public right-of-way or easenent in ttre fown ofVail. A buildino.permit is not a street cut permit.A street cut permie must be obtained separateiy. 4. InsEallat,ion of service lines are at the exlrense andresponsibiliEy of the property ov\rner. o ff*o s i ns l e Fam i l v * " " ;|iff "dr r?Trt "fr' Pr ina ry / s e c on d a ry DATE': IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot _ Block _ Subdivision ADDRESS: O9INER PHONE PHONE BUTIJDABIJE IJOT AREA Al-l-owed Existino Prooosed. Total (30) (33) ARCHITECT ZONE DTSTRICT PROPOSED USE IJOT STZE HeighL ToLal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA + 425= + 425= Setbacks Front Sides Rear Site Coverage L,andscaping 20' 15' 15' Retaining Wa11 Heights 3, /5, earking Garage Credit Drive: _Reqrd _EncL (300) (600) (900) (1200) Permitt,ed Slope * proposed Slope t YES NO Compl-ies with T.O.v. Lighting Ordinance yes No WaLer Course Setback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) Environmental,/Hazards: 1) FLood pLain 2) Percen! slope (< > 30t) 3 ) GeoJ.ogric Hazard.sa) Snow AvaLancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow t t rrr-t J.€ftl\Ig view Corridor Encroachnent: yes Does this reguest invoLve a 250 Addit,ion? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?_Previous cond.itions of approval (clreck property file): - - NO 10 !l\\ I ii*ir i;tiir iiiiiI {r ST= NSdsb:ftNSIrr- \q !{J<iJ\ H'"N \a h \o d \tt,b\tb()to{Esu,ortb.ssbsot)'s$To \) \t*osI$Eb'sqNo14ooa.s '&ee FildGqIilI$ E !tIo "sRl..Qxl S-ilE $EI I \ at{ I\ a, \\ t{t (5 \- \t a s a.e \ \ .oUB ', \ F.-S\ \ inQ\ e'tfaz - '\ -44l,\ -\ 'rTroMpae \%\ I -\: \ S rrto aooT! puz i ''- .j \ \OHI\ \, tpl(t..'s.. .^. --\ +or-\ \FhpB H[:i 3$R !$- 'g EUD.l|t !'E €.8TU0 f, l$it :$!3 ,%i ixl *d ,l :. : .,' . o o f-{r.|5 -ttL-+'? \- t"g; $ ,t.'?-* *'l.;F il'i -3* ,t?rl. ll ;'l :'r'la (- ID d*t' o I :4v TYPE III EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANI wneneLs, -T,^As hrivJ( f)a-.-lg lof ur"l6gs rhe owner or cerrain properry (rhe Orne/') described as; ("the Property"); and WHEREAS' the owner wishes to place certain r€strictions on ihe use ol a unit or aparlment located on th€ Prop€rty for the benefit of th€ o,vn€r and the Town of Vair, cororado ("rhe Town). NOW' THEREFORE' the oryner does hereby impose, €stablish, acknowledge, declare for the benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land the fol6wing Ioslrictions, covenants, and conditions, all of which shall be dsemed to run wilh lhe land and inure lo lhe benefit and be binding upon the owner, irs r€spscliv€ granrees, sucressors, and assigns. Unit or Apartmenr .-f Pr . conraining 6-fD square feer, is hereby resrricred as a Type lll Employee Housing Unir (EHU) which musr.comply wirh all the provisions of Sections 18.57.020, 18.s7.030, and 18.57.060 of the Vail Municipal code as amended. The Type lll Employee Housing Unit shall be leased ro renants who are full-rime employees who work in Eagle counly. An EHU shall not be leased for a period less than lhirty conseculive days. For lhe purposes of this section, a full-time employee is one who works an av€rage of thirly hours each week. A Type lll EHU may be sold, rransfened, or conveyed separately from other dwelling units or Employee Housing units rhat may be located on rhs same lot or within rhe same building so long as il meets the following conditions: a) ii rrrusi be used by tirs owrrer of the EifuJ as a permanent rssiderrce, F<lr rhb purpose ol rhis paragraph, a permanent residencE shall mean the home or place in which one's habitalion is fixed and to which one, whenover hE or she is absent, has a present intention of returning after a departure or absence therefrom, regardless of the durarion of absence. In determining whar is a permanent residence, ltre Town slaff shall lake the following circumslances relating to the owner of the residence inlo account: business pursuits, emproyment, income sources' resi'Ience for income or other lax purposes, aget mariral sratus, ,::!o C)1. 2. 3. 56?260 8-671 P-242 o1/I3/95 10:45A pG 1 oF 3Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder REC 16.00 DOC I \l resid€nce of parents, spouse and chirdren if any, rocarion of personar and real proporty, an motor vehicle registration. b) lf a Type ltl EHU is sord, transferred, or conveyed separately from lhe other dwelling units and/or Type lll Employee Housing Unlts in a multifamily structure it is apart of, or from orher dweiling uriits and/or Type lll EHUs located on rhe same lot, the Type lll EHUs in the strucrure or on that rot shail be subject to ail the piovision set forth in Section 19.57.020. 4' The Type lll EHU shall not be divided into any form of timeshares, inlerval ownership, or fractional fee ownership as lhos€ t€rms are defined in the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. 5' No later than February 1 of each year, ths owner of each employee housing unlt wlthin the town which is constructed following the effective date of this chapter shall submit two copies of a report on a form to be obtained from the Community Developmenl Departmenl, to lhe Communily Development Departmenl of thE Town of Vail and Chairman of lhe Town of Vail Housing Authority setting forth evidence establishing that the €mploy€E housing unlt has been rentod throughout the year, ths renlal rate, the employer, and that aach tnnqnl who resides within lhe employee housing unit is a full-time ernployee in Eagle county. The owner of eech EHU shall rent th€ unit at a monthly renlal rale consistent w1h or lower than those markel rales prevarent ror simirar pmperries in rhe Town of vair. The Town of Vail Housing Authority will determine the rnarkel rate based on the study of olher unils of cornparable size, locatlon, quality and amenitiEs throughout the Town. The markot rate shall be based on an averags of a minimum of five rental rst€s of comparable units. tf the unit is not rented and is nol available at the markel rate it shall be delermined lo be in noncompliance' In addition lo any olher penalties and reslrlctions providEd herein, a unii found to be in nonconrpliance shall be subject io publication as determined by'the Housing Authority. Thlrtydayspriortothe transferof adeedloraTypelll EHU, lheprospectivepurchaser shall submit an applicarion to lhe communily Development Department documsnring that the prospec'tive purchaser meats the criteria set lorth above and shall include sn affidavh affirming that he or she meets these criteria. r:! c)() (.) 6. 7. 8. (? f& C\ o tu ro :o rr) o) (.) Fl c-o ot $$l I F-(o I (o c\tF(o ro -_ _-r.r.._r:.__ 9. The provisions of these resrriclive covenanrs may be enforced by the owner and the Town. The conditions, restriclions, slipulations, and agreements conlained herein shali not be waived, abandoned, rerminal€d, or amended except by the wrinen consent of both the Town ol Vail and the Own€r of ths property. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corperalion Bob Manager .--.;1 ;','1;';2i1,..:the foregoing instrurnent was acknowredged before me this Slday of J t {.,, , lggs-a'. ...'-: .;.- z) My commission expires: n6 ^-./The foregoing instrumentwas acknowredgedbefore mettris 7 day of )rrru t?7 F 10. hrbft .17.19!'9 d By: 1'. 711 c) My commission expires: .r ': , ,,il' ."-,hr.'r't'1" "'."" : ;: '. ri -i, ttl-.F;bv!.t!t|.{c'rt|\Elultl 56?260 8-671 P-242 o7 /t3/96 10:45A ft$1"'";Bi '---'! (P*',',':W DearBob, As we discwsed, a closing date on or around January 20, 1996 would be acceptable for me. Sincerelv.flh-f*a PeterBattin .! ,1 ,/0,'PARTY WALL DEELARATION FOR INNSBRUCK MEADOWS DUPLEX APARTMENT LOT 5 tr-c\h\ { RECITALS AM.BROS.DEVELOPMENT, ruc.("Declarant")is Lhe owner of Lot 5', INNSBRUCK MEADOWS (the "Property") situate in the County of E-agle' at;a" of Colorado,'descrlbed on- Exhlbit A attached hereto and *ia. " part hereoi, whLch wltl be resubdlvlded as "Lot 5A"' rrl.,ot-dB;-, u'rrd',Corron iot 5C,' according to the plat to be recorded thereof. 2. Declarant has constructed on L'ot 5A and Lot 58 a uufraing "otr"i"tfng of two units, with each such unit designed and int6nded for uie and occupancy as a residential dwelling "nrt. The unlts are deslgnatea herein as the "North apartment ,,nitt and the"South 'apartment unLttt, respectiVely, which are sometines referred to irerein separately as rrapartment unitrr or collectively as rrapartment unltsrr. 3. Lot 5A contains the S-outh apartment unit and Lot 58 containE the Norbh apartment unit. 4. Declarant desires to and does hereby establish a plan for the or,rnershlp of Lot 5A and Lot 58 as estates in fee sinple and the co-ownershlp, by the lndlvidual and separate owners thereof, as tenants in conmon, of Cornmon Lot 5c. DECI,ARATION Declarant does hereby publlsh and declare that the following terms, covenant.s, condltlon-, easenents, reEtrictions, uses, reservatLons, llmitationE and obligatlons shall be deened to run wlth the land described herein, Etritt be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, their Personal representatJ-ves, heirs, successors and assigns and any person acquiring 9r owning an Lnterest in the i-if proferty whicir is descrlbed heiein and.improvements built there-onr-thel.r personal representatives, heirs, successors and aesJ.gns. L. DMSION Or REAL PROPERTy. (a) The Property is hereby dlvlded into "apartment units" as follows: (i) The "Sguth apartment unit" conslsting of a- fee sinple estiti 1n tot 5A and an appurtenant thereto one-half unAivfaeO interest In and to cornnon Lot, 5c together with the lnprovenents, easenents and rights located thereon or appurt6nant thereto ln the Eane respective interests; (it) The "North apartment unit" consisting of a fee sinple estate ln Lot 58 and an appurtenant thereto one- half undivlded lnterest in and to Common Lot 5c together wlth the irnprovements, easemente and rights Located thereon or appurtenint thereto 1n the sane respective interests. (b) Each apartment unit ehall be Lnseparable. and nay be leased,'devised or encumbered onJ.y as an apartment unit No owner (nownerrr) of an apartment unitshall assert any right.of partition wlth respect to connon Lot 5c and each owner waives iny and atl rlghts- of partltion he nay hold by virtue of his ownership of an undividbd interest in and to Cornnon Lot 5C as a tenant ln comnon with the other owner. (c) Title to an aparLment unitmay be held individually or in any ioinr of concurrenL ownership recognlzed in Colorado. fn case of iny such concurrent ownerehip, each co-owner shall be Jointty and severally tiable for performance and observance of N F{H 586879 8-690 P-880 03/25/96 01:25P PG 1 oF 10 Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder REC 51.00 all the duties and responEibllitles of an owner with respect to the apartment unit in ilnlcn he owns an lnterest' For all il;d;;;-t.i"i", -{here shalt be deerned to be onty rwo owners, the bwnlr of the south apartment unit and the owner of the north ipariment unit. Thepartl-es, if nore than one, having the ownershlp of each such apartment unit shall agree among tnemsefvis how to share the rlghts and obligations of such .i,iriri"ntp; proviaea, ftoor".r.r, fhat if a corporation, partnership' association- or other legal entity shall become an oltner or the ;;;ai;;;-ii ror" than oie, have the concurrent ownership 9{ 1t!- loartrnent unit then Euch entlty or concurrent owners shall fron ;fi;-6 ifnJ-aesiqnate one lnalvlaual who shall represent "Y"lt.entitv or concurt6tt! o*"tt.re |n all natters concernlng aII rights "na-oirffSatlons pursuant to thls Declaratlon. Any such entlty or concurrent owners shall glve wrltten notice to the ottrer ohtner J;;16;afne ih. indlvlduil to act on its or their behalf and such notlle snait be effectlve until revoked Ln wrlting by such entity or oun€rE. Any act or onLsslon by such designated lndlvidual "n.ii n.-lfnarirg on the entity or owners having desJ.gnated him in favor of the otier ouner or any person who rnay rely thereon. (d) Any contract of sale, deed, lease, deed of trust, mortgage, ritif or-other Lnstrunent affectlng an apartment unit shali {escrlbe it by the legal descrlption of the _parcel - """riftutlng such a[artmenL-unit -and as an undlvLded one-half lnterest in-Comnon Lot 5C descrlbed by its legal description. (e)Eachapartmentunl.tshallbeconsideredaseparate parcel of ieif property and written notice Ehall be 9.1ven t: !1.issessor of Eagle County, Colorado, eo that each apartment unit shall be separately assessed and taxed. 2. ENCROACHMENTS. If any portLon of one of the three above describea parcels nou encroaches upon any of the other parcels as a result of the constructLon of any bulldlng, or if iny such encroachrnent shall occur hereafter as a result of "ettting or shlfting of any building, a valid easement for the .ncroacfrment and foi ttre milntenance of the sane so long as the bullding etands, shall exist. fn the event any.buildlng shall be partialiy or totatly destroyed ae a result of fire or other iasualty-or as a reiult of condemnation or enlnent donain proceedinge and then rebullt, encroachments of.parts of the Luifdlng 5n any other parcel, due to such rebulldinq, shall be perrnlttld, so long as Luch encroachnente are of no greater extent than thosi prevlously exlstlng, and valld easementg for such encroachnenls and thl natntenince thereof shall exist so long as' the bulldlng shall stand. 3. PARTY I{AIJIJ. (a) The common.wall placed egually dlvtded on tne cormnon boundary separatlng the north apartrnent -unlt and the south apartnent unlt, the footings underlying and the portion of roof over'such wall is collectlvely referred to hereln aE the 'rPartY l{allil. (b) To the extent not inconsistent with this Declaratlonr'the general rules of law regardlng party walls and ftabllity firr darnige due to negligence of willful acts or onisslons shaLl apply to the Party Wall. (c) The owners of either apartment unit shall have a perpetual eagement Ln and to that part of the other apartment irnli on whlch the party l{all 1s Located, for party wall purposes, includlng mutual suppoit, maintenance, repair and lnspection. In the event of danage- to or destruction of the Party WalI fron any cauee, the owners shall, at their jolnt expense, repalr.or reUulia the party l{a11, and each owner shall have the right to the full use of Lhe mrty Tlall so repaired and rebuilt. Notwlthstandlng anythlng-contained above to the contrary, if-the n"giig"n"J or itffiuf a6t or onission of any owner, his famlly, ag6nt-or invitee, shall cause damage to, or deetructlon of, tfie aHrl 2 8-690 P-880 03/25/96 0I:25P PG 25868 79 oF 10 party l{all, such owner shall bear the entire costs of repaJ-r or ;;;;"ir"cfio.r, and an oltner who by his negrlgent. or willful act caueet the Party WaII to be exposea to tne elements shall bear in" foff cost oi furnlshlng thl neceE Bary protectlon agai.nst such elemente. 4. T.,ANDSCAPTNG. SERVTCE TACrIJrrrEs' :4cqEqs ANp RARKTNq'(a) ixcep ly provlded Ln. writlng and except for any "6;;; or iluUltlty caused through the neg1i99n9e or wlllful act oi'.ny-o*ner, hiE finily, agent or- lnvit-ee, which shall be borne solel! by such orrner, each owner shall share one- half of all expensesl lj.afillties and general upkeep i"rp""rffifftflr wlth respect to Common I€t 5C and all frpi"t"t"nte thereon. fhl ownerg fron tlne to time, shall unhertafe such landscaplng and general outdoor improvenents as iii;t-;;t nutually ""a i,"uifrooueiy deen proper for the hamonLous frpi"""it"ttt oe bath apartment unlts ln a conmon theme. The o$rner of one apartment unit'shall not unreasonably garnage th9-value.of the othei apartment unlt such as by-shoddy upkeep outslde, but both ownerg Ehall make all reasonable efforts to,preserve a harmonloua common appearance of the apartment unlts and Conmon Lot 5c Each ownei-may use common Lot 5c and improygmgn!-s io""l.a thereon ln accoldance with the purposes for which they iie-inCenaea, including, but not llmlted to, acce's to his apartnent unit, parking, landscaplng, trash storage and open ;;;;"; witnout'ninaeriiil or encroachlnq upon the lawful rights of the other ohtner. (b) common utiltty or service connectlons or lines, common facitities or other equiprnent and property located Ln or on Common Iot 5C or elther of tne apartrnent unlts or the parcels upon whlch euch apartment unlts are located but used in common i^or tne benefit o? f-ot Conmon 5C or for both Lot 5A and Lot 58 and the apartnent unite located thereon, shall.be owned as tenante lir comlron of equal undivided one-half lnterests by the oltnera of each apartment unlt and, except for any expense or llablllty caused through the negtigence.or willful act of any owner, his farnlly, agent or lnvltee, whlch shall be borne solely by such owner, ati eipenseE and llablltttes! concerned with such pioperty shali be shaied proportionately with such ownershlp. fne-ownir of the parcel anA Lne apartment unit thereon on which sucn property is -not located shall have a perpetual easenent in and t6 tirat part of such other parcel and apartnent unit thereon contalning such property aE Ls reasonably necessary for purposes of naintenance' repal.r and lnspection. (c) It ls expected that common parklng and access facillties'witt be prov-lded on a portion of Common Lot 5c._ The ownera ehall have equal rlght to the uBe of auch access and parklnq facilitles Jnd no owner shall hlnder or permlt hls invtte6s to hlnder reasonable access by the other orrner and his lnviteee to the parklng areag or such otler owner's apartm^ent_ unLt, and furthei, the-owner of the north apartment unit shall not i:ake or permLt hls lnvttees to take more than one-half of the parklng spaces fron tlne to tirne provlded on. common t.,og- 99illtnout the consent of the other owner, and the onner of the south apartment unit shall not take.or permlt his lnvitees to take mole than one-half of the parking spaces frorn tlne to tine provided on conmon Lot 5c wlthout the consent of the other 6wner. It ls presuned that snowplowing will be required fron- tlne to tlme, Lhe costs of whlch shall be shared equally-by the ownera. Other malntenance and repair of such parking and access facllitles, as may be reasonably lequired from time to tj-ne, Ehall be undertakLn Jolntly by the owners, the costs of which shall be shared equally by the owner6. 5. AITTERATIONS. I'IAINTENANCE AND. REPAIRS. (a) In additlon, to ilfitenance provlded for in Paragraph 4 above' the owners shall, at their joint and equal expense, provide exterior naLntenance and exterlol repair (maintenance, repair and r{r{ EJ 3 B-690 P-880 03/25/96 01:25P PG 35868 79 oF 10 replacement of ltens requlred.fron ordinary use-and on a perlodic u"lfr) upon each apartndnt unlt and the lnproved and unlmproved forti6ns-of the palcel upon-which located lncluding, but not i6ttea to, the Lxterior-walls, decke and staircases, and the roof houElng the apartment units and the parking and access iacllltles iocated-on such parcels, but excludlng the exterlor [oi-t"U", which hot tubE shltt be nal-ntalned and repalred !V tne iespectl.ie orrner thereof. If the need for repair Ls caused t[i-""gh-the negllgence or willful act of any owner, hls fanily'- afent-or invlt6er-such owner Ehall bear the entire costs of such repalr or reconstruction. (b) Each owner shall be solely-responsible for maintenance and repalr of the lnslde of hls apartment unlt lncfuding, without- llnitatlon, flxturee and lnprovenents and all uCiiity iines and equipnent located thereln and serving such unit Jnfy. fn performtnd Eirch malntenance and repailr or in lnproving or iltertn| tris apaitnent unlt, no owner shall do any act or work "trftn funpairs the structural soundness of either apartnent unit or the nirty WaIl or which lnterferes with any easement granted or reserved herel.n. (c) Utllity or service connectlons or lines, facilities'or other uLitity equlpnent and property Located in,.on or upon elther parcel contlining an.apartment unlt, in such unit, or lir on or upon connon Log 5c which are ueed solely to supply a serxtlce or utllity to one apartnent unit or the parcel upon which lt ie located shall be owned by the ohtner of the apartment unlt uslng such utltity or servlce and all expenses and Itablritles for repair and rnalntenance shalI be borne solely by the owner of such apartnent unJ.t, who shalL have a perpetual easement ln and to that part of such other parcel or apartrnent unit contalning such property as ls reasonabJ.y necessary for purposes of maintenance, repaJ.r and lnspectlon. (d) No owner shall make or suffer any structural or design change (lncluding a color scheme change), elther permanent or tenporary or of any type or nature whatsoever to the exterlor of hls apartment unit or alter any present exterior inprovement or conEtruct any addltlonal exterior lmprovenent or addltional bulldlng or structure of any type or nature whatsoever upon any part of the parcel contalnlng hls apartnent unit or Cornrnon Lot- wlthout flrst obtaining the prlor written consent thereto from the other owner. In ca6€ of damage or destruction (other than as provided for ln subparagraph 5(a) above) of any apartnent unlt or any part thereof or of any irnprovement upon any part of the parcel contalnJ.ng an apartment unit by any causre whatsoever' the owner of such apartnent unit or Lmprovernent shall cause with due dlligence the apartnent unit or lmprovement to be repaired and reEtored, applylng the proceeds of insurance, if any, for that purpose. If the cost of repair or reconsitruction exceeds such insurance, the excess ehall be pald for by the owner of the danraged apartment unit or lmprovenent. Such apartment unit or Lmprovenent shall be restored to a condltion conparable to thatprlor to the danage and Ln a harnonl.ous nanner to promote the comnon theme of both apartment units and lnprovements on the parcels containlng the apartment units. 6. MECHANfC'S LIENS; INDEIINIFICATION. (a) Except for itens lncurred as a connon expense as provlded for herein, if any ovrner shall cause any material to be furnished to hJ.s parcel or apartnent unit thereon or any labor to be perforrned therein or thereon, the other ohrner shall not under any circumstances be tiable for the palnnent of any expenEe lncurred or for the value of any work done or naterial furnlEhed; all such work shall be at the expense of the owner causlng it to be done, and such owner shall be solely responsible to contractora, laborers, materlalmen and other persons furnlshing labor or materials to hls apartrnentunit or th- parcel on which located or any improvements therein or thereon; nothlng hereln contalned shall authorize elther owner 3i ?.L Ll 4 8-690 P-880 03/25/96 01:2bp pG 4 OF 1058687I or any perBon dealJ.ng through, with or under either owner to chargi -Common Lot 5C- or any.apartnent unit or parcel on whlch locafed of the other oYtner wttn any nechanicrs llen or other llen or encumbrance whateveri and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby glven), the rlght and power to charge any llen or encurnbrince of any klnd against Comrnon Lot 5C Or one owner or agaLnst one ovtner-,s apartment unit or parcel on whlch located for w5rk done or rnaterLale furnlshed to the other ownerrB apartment unlt or parcel on whLch located ls hereby expressl.y denied. (b) Except as provided for In Paragraph 8 below, if, becauee of 'any act or ornileion of any ovrn€r, any nechanicrs or other lien or-order for the payment of money shall be flled agalnst conmon I€t 5c or agal.nst the other ownerrs apartnent uilt or parcei on whlch locited or any lmprovernente thereLn or thereonr-or againet any other orrner lihetner or not such llen or order !s valtd or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omlselon forrne the basls for euch Llen or order shalt at hl's own cost and expense cause the same to be cancelled and dLscharged of record or bbnded by a surety company reagonabJ.y acceptable to such other oltner, wlttrtn 20 days after the date of flllng thereof, and further shall lndernnify and save the other owner harmless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, -losses or damages, includlng reasonable attorneyrs fees resulting therefrom. 7. INSURANCE. (a) Each owner shalt keep his aPartment unit and all fixtures thereLn lnsured agalnst loss or damage by flre and extended coveralte perlls (lncludlng vandalism and nalicloue nischlef) for the maxlmum replacement value thereof. Any owner nay on 30 daysr written notice, at any time one year or longer after the last -ppralsal of the apartnent units, obtaLn a wrltten appraisal of such unlts fron a conpetent appralser, charglng both owners with the costs thereof. Such appraiser shall be a dlslnterested and independent third party who ls unrelated Ln any manner to elther owner whether through Joint buElness ventures or otherwlse. (b) Each owner shall provlde and keep In force for the protectlon of hlmself general publlc llabillty and property darnage lneurance against clalms for bodily lnJury or death or property damage occurrLng in, on or upon hls parcel owned In fee simple, the irnprovements thereon, and common Iot 5C : and the impiovements thereon, in a llmit of not less than $5001000 in reepect of bodily lnJury or death to any nurnber of persong arlslng out of one accident or dlsaster, or for danage to property, and lf hlgher lfunlts ehall at any tlme be customary to protect-agal.nst posilble tort llabillty, such hlgher lLrnl-ts shall be carrled and each owner shall name the other owner as an addltlonal insured party under such pollcy. (c) Each owner shall be separately responsible for aII Lnsurance coverJ.ng loss or damage to personal property in his apartrnent unlt and fiablfity for inJury' death or darnage occumlng upon hls parcel or inslde hle apartnent unit thereon. (d) Each owner shall deliver to the other owner certlflcates evl.dencing all lnsurance required to be carrled under thLE Paragraph 7, each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel or modify the polJ-cies etithout givlng the other owner wrltten notlce of at leaet 30 days. Each oltner shall have the rlght to Lnspect and copy all such Lnsurance policies of the other owner and regulre evLdence of the payment of preniums thereon. (e) Nothlng provided in thls Paragraph 7 shall prevent the owners fron jointly acquiring a slngle policy to cover any one or more of the hazards required in this Paragraph 7 to be separately lnsured against by each owner. 5 03/25/96 01:25P PG 5 dctrJ c) 5868 79 B-690 P-880 oF 10 S.RIGHTTOLIEN.(a)Ifanowner,atanytirner-shall negtect orffiE--fErfoirn'or pay hls share 9f_3ty obligatlon ie{uirea hereunder, the other gwner may, but straLl not be obfigated to, after 20 days.wr.ltten notlce unless the circrinstances reqluLre Lmrnedlate actlon, nake such payment' or' on behalf of such ofher owner, expend such sum aE may be necessary to perform euch obligation lncludlng, but_not llnited to, the payirent of any insurince preml.ume reguired hereunder or the irniertarlng o? any ltork requlred hereunder for repalr, reetoratLoi or maLntenance, and such other oltner shall have an easelnent ln and to that part of such defaultlng ownerrs unlt ag Le reasonably nelessary for Euch repalr, restoration or naintenance. (b) AII eumE eo paid or expended by an owner, with interegt tlieieon at the rate of 18 percent p€r annum from the date of such paynent or expendlture untLl patd 11 -full, shall be payabte by thl 6wner Eo falllng to perforrn (the rrdefaulting ownerrr) upon denand of the other owner. (c) All sums so demanded but unpa.ld by-the defaulting or{ner shali ionstitute a lien on the apartment unit of the defaultlng owner in favor of the other owner prior to all other llens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for taxes and special assessnenti and, (ii) the llen of any fJ.rst nortcage or flrst deed of trust of record encurnberlng such apartment unlt. The llen shalt attach from the date when the unpaid sun shall becorne due and nay be foreclosed in llke manner as a rnortgage on real. property upon the recording of a notice or clalm thereof executed by tn" ironiefaultlng owner settLng forth the amount of the unpaid lirdebtedness, the nime of the defaulting owner, and a descrlption of the apartment unlt. If any such lien is recorded, the defaultlng owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of the prtparatlon and recordJ.ng of the nondefaulting ownerrs I|en, incfuatng reasonable attorneyrB fees, or 9150.Oo, whJ'chever is greater. In any such foreclosure the defaulting owner-shall be iequired to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, lncludlng reasonable attorneyrE fees. (d) The lien provLded for herel.n shall be subordinate to the fieri 6f any flret-nortgage or deed of trust, lncluding all additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of any apargment unit as the result of court foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure through the publlc trustee, or any proceedlng in lleu of foreclosure, lnctudlng the transfer of a deed ln lieu of foreclosure, shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as to paymente thereof which become due prior to such sale or transfer, Lut shall not relieve any former owner of personal liabllity therefor. The nortgagee of such apartment unlt who acquires tltle by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shall not, however, be liable for any past due assessment and ehaLl only become llable for future assessments on the date lt becones the owner of such apartment unit. No sale or transfer shall rell-eve such apartment unit from tiability for any aasessments thereafter becomlng due or from the lien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of an apartnentunlt wlth reepect to whl.ch sums ehall be unpatd by a defaul-tl'ng,owner, except tranEfers to a first nrortgagee in connection with a foreclosure of its llen or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such unit shall be jointly and severally llable wlth the seller or transferror thereof for any such unpaid sums. (e) Upon written request of any olrner, mortgagee, prospective nrortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transfereeof an apartmentunlt, the owner of the other apartment unit shall Lssue a wrltten staternent setting forth the amount he is owed under thls paragraph, lf any, with respect to such apartment unlt. Such statenent is blnding upon the executing owner ln favor of any person uho may rely thereon in good faith. Unloes a CQ c.tr'{ 6 8-690 P-880 0A/25/96 01:Zbp pG 6 oF 10586879 o recruest for such statement shall be complied with wlthin flfteen dafs after recelpt thereof , all unpaid 9un9 !t-,igt' became due pii"" io the dati of rnaking such request shall be subordinated to tne tlen or other lnterest of the person requestlng such statement. g.usEREsTRIcTIoNs.(a)Eachapartrnentunitshallbe restricted to a regldentiat dwelllng as a permltted use, and such use aB well as condltloned and acce-sory useE shall be as defined by the Town of vall Zoning ordinance. (b) No exterlor mounted radio, shortwaver -televisionor other tipi of antenna whatgo€ver or tank of any k.lnd, elther elevated oi-burted, or clothesllne or inclnerator of any klnd whatsoever or outeLde etorage of any perEonal property shall be pernltted or nalntalned on either apartment unit wlthout the prlor wrltten approval of both ownera. (c) No aninals eball be kept or naintained I'n, on or upon eithei apartnent unLtr except that each ottner may keep and nlintain withln his apartment unlt two donesticated dogs and two domestlcated cats; provided, however, that such donestLcated anLmals are kept under control at all tfunes, do not present a nulsance to the other owner and are kept and controlled ln strict conpLLance wl.th aII Town of VaIl ordlnances that may apply to such anlmals. (d) In addltion to the parklng restri.ctlons set forth ln subparagraph 4 (c) above, the or.tner of the north apartment unlt nay keep no more than two automotive vehicles pernanently on I,ot 58 and the owner of the south apartment unit shall keep no more than tvo autonotive vehicles permanently on l,ot 5A narking of boats, trallere, campers, notor homes, ATVB or recreatlonal vehicles on either townhouse unlt is expresslyprohiblted. Parking of more than three automotive vehicles by elther owner or hls farnlly, agent or lnvitee on such ownerrs 'apartment unlt for more than a 48 hour perlod ls expressly prohibited. (e) No rrtlme sharlngfr, rtinterval ownershlptr or slmllar lnterest, whereby ownership of an apartmentunit is shared by owners on a tine basls, shall be establlshed on either dpartment unit wlthout the prior wrltten approval of both ottners and all llenors holdlng a flrst rnortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portlon of the Property whlch approval shall be reflected ln a docunent of record. 10. NOTICE. Each onner shall regLster hls nalling addressvlth the other owner and all notices or denands intended to be servlced upon owners shall be sent by certifled nall, postage prepaid addressed In the name of the owner at such registered lnalllng address. In thE alternative, noticeE may be dellvered lfln wrltlngt, personally to owners. 11. DURATION OF DECIJARATfON. Each provlsion contained in thls Declaration which ls subJect to the laws or rules sometimes referred to as the rule agalnst perpetultles or the ruleprohlblting unreaEionable restraints or alienation shall continue and remaln ln fuII force, and effect for the period of 2l years followlng the death of the last aurvivor of apartment ownersor untll thls Declaratl.on is terninated as hereinafter provided, whlchever first occurs. All other provlsions contained in this Declaratlon shall continue and renain In full force and effectuntll March -1 in the year 2026 A.D., and thereafter for successlve perlods of 10 years eachi unless at least 1 year prior to March _1 , 2026 A.D., or at least 1 year prior to the explratlon of any such 1.0 year perlod of extended duratlonr this Declaratlon is terninated by recorded instrument, directing terninatlon, signed by all ownera and all lienors holding a first 7 03/25/96 01:25P PG 7 I\{t'l 586879 B-690 P-880 oF 10 nortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portlon of the Property. L2. A}IENDI{ENT OR REVOCATION. Thls Declaration rnay be amended or revorea onry (a) by Declarant so long as Declarant owne all of the nroperty, or (u) upon unanlnous wrLtten approval l-n recordable forn of aff ohrnerg ana alt llenors holding a first nortgage or fLrst deed of trust of record on any portlon of the Property. 13. EFTECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION. Each provislon of thls Declaratlon, and agreenentr pronLse, covenant and undertaklng to cornply with each provlslon of this DeclaratJ-on, and any necessary 6xleptlon or reEerlrratlon or grant of tl'tle, estatel right or-lnterLst to effectuate any provlslon of thls Oeclaritlon: (i) shall be deened lncorporated ln each deed or other inEtrumerit- by which any rlght, title or interest in any portlon of the Property is granted, devised or conveyed, whether br not Eet forth oi reierred to Ln such deed or other instrunenti (1i) shatl , by vJ.rtue of acceptance of any rlght, title or lnterest ln any portJ.on of the Property by an owner' be deemed accepted, ratlfled, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such owner and, as a personal covenant, ehall be bindlng on such owner and hls helrs, personal representatLvesr successors and asslgns; (lfl) shall be deerned a personal .covenant to, with and for the benefit of each owner of any portlon of the Property; and, (til) shall be deened a real covenant by Declarant, for themselves, their personaL representatlves, heirs, successors and aselgne, and also an equltable Eervltude, running, Ln each case, ag a burden wlth and upon the tltte to each and every portion of the Property. 14. ENfORCEMENT AND REI{EDfES. (a) Each provlslon of this DeclaratLon ehalL be enforceable by any owner by a proceeding for a prohlbltLve or mandatory lnJunction or by a suit or action to recover danages. If court proceedl.ngs are instituted in connectLon with the rights of enforcenent and renedies provided In thls Declaration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover hls costs and expenses in connection therewlth, including reasonable attorneysr feea. (b) Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions ln equlty or at law which are Lnstituted to enforce any provision hereunder shatl be brought ln and only In the courts of Eagle County, State of Colorado. (c) Fallure to enforce any provl.slon of this Declaratlon shall not operate ae a wal"ver of any euch provision, the right to enforce such provision thereafter, or of any otherprovision of this Declaration. 15. EXERCISE Of RIGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one owner with respect to the other orrnerrs townhouse unlt lncluding but noE llnlted to the use of any easement granted herein shall be exercised in a manner whichshall not unreasonably hlnder, inpede or hnpose upon such other ownerrs usg of his unlt. 16. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Except as otherwise provided hereLn, thiE peclaratlon shall be bindlng upon and shall Lnure to the benefit of Declarant and each owner and the personal representatlves, helrs, succesBors and asslgns of each. L7. SEVERABITITY. Invalidlty or unenforceability of any provl.sl-on of thie Declaratlon in whole or Ln part shall notaffect the valldity or enforceabtllty of any other provislon or any vaLld and enforceable part of a provlslon of thls Declaration. nB-690 P-880 03/25/96 01:Zbp pG 8 oF 10 r$ CJd() 5868 79 , ,": 18. CAPTIONS. The captions and headings in this instrunrcnt arc for convenicnce only and shall not be considercd in conslruing any provisions of this declaration. 19. CONSTRUCTION. Wlrcn necessary for propcr conslruction. thc masculine of any word uscd in this Declaration shell include thc ferninirrc or uculcr gcndeq aud tlrc singular the plural, and vice versa. INjWITNESS WllEltEOI, Declarant lns exccuted this Dcclaration this dty oI /U&P-<J4 . ITY? rl srArEorJdruJ&--) couNryo*.--tnql,r 1"'----T -\ r The foregoing instrurnent was oayof lil/[n[,,c]^. . 114 U .av- mettris llL Witness ny hand and ollicial seal. My commirsion opires: W 586879 5, hrl lf:Nd a DECLAIIAN'I': S,. DEVE YlRdbert Borne, Pres. 8-690 p-880 03/25/s6 o1:Zbp pG 9 oF 10 o, EXTIIBIT A (Attached to and made I part of party Wall Declaration For Inn$ruck Meadowe Duplex Apartment I,ot 5) LEGAL NESCRIPT]ON Inn$ruck Meadowg Lot 5, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eaglo CountX Colorado, as recorded in Book 6g3, st page 201, in the Eagfe County Recorder,s Officg containing 0.2e2 acres, more or less. €N "{c) 5868?9 8-690 P-880 03/25/96 01:25P PG 10 oF 10 a (ouzu fo 6Wtx- Q-rrh'e- Jatal-'-t oF Xlr+"t 9't7'ic€ of a5. So.-d'r €(o,,mlz ?o*D \r*il, Co 816€ (p,-t.r-r.t.-t,' k/ }oJ€loynar / t, CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered intothis2?-&y ot k/,W4,1#Oy and among % 7*',,a (herelnaftercalled ttre "Ory6,and tne fOWfl OF VAIL (hereinafter called the'Town"). WHEREAS, the , as a condition of plans, dated wishes to lmprovement Agreement; and sufficient in the certain improvements to guarantee perlormance of improvements by means of the with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: _Jtl*_ t -14_L,J clu lod. .-"a'a/J-4/r-"*'/l lo /sil 5-r-'- --<\ -fl;-. -.^ L--z l:-l U'*h -.Lt J.71 *fi!"i''[btTff Accounl Number: 01-0000-22026 oper is obligat following: 7 C-"'-J,'J " ZIZ lO ,-b-' -,t-'-1"--.-'4.4 -.7*n "<,arz^tf-le*2-. t NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the tollowing mutual covenants and . agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as lollows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment /lr ,lV l, l'lYD The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all inlpro{ements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of lhe community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the lollowing: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer lo be approved by any of the above-referenced governmenlal enlities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and lo the satisfaction of. the Town Engineer, the Tovrrn BuilCing Official, cr other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Departmsnt. 2. To secure and guarantee performanee ol lts obllgatlons er set forth hcreln, thg Developer agrees to provide securlty and collateral as follows: Page 1 of 3 D A cash deposit account in lhe amount of $_S.._CDQ_ to be held by the Town, as escrow agent' shall provide the security for the improvements sel forth above if there isa default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forthabove for another lorm of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the taithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the p6rformance of the terms of thisAgreement. such acceptance by the Town of alternatlve colliteral shall be at rhe Town's solediscretion. 4' The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable orresponsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuiring to the work specified inthis Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the iown, norany officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of thenature ot said work, but all of said liabilities shail and are hereby asiumed by the Devetoper. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of itsofficers,.agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which theTQwn'or any of its officers, ?.s9{l or emptoyees may become su51".t to, insofar as any suchlosses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereolj that arise oul of or arebased upon any performance by lhe Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimbursethe Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town inconnection with investigating or defending any such loss, ctiim, damage, tiaoitity or action.This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other tiabitity wnicn-rne oev6ropei ma/have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Townshall authorize for partial release of the collateral depositei wiinine Town for each categoryof improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with allplans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted Uy tne fown. Under nocondition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be r"o'rJ"O below the amountnecessary to complete such improvemenls. 6' lf the Tow.n determines that any of the improvements contemplated herein arenot construcled in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth heiein by the date setforth in paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall nol be required lo, withdraw from the.asn - --- deposit such funds as may be necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. TheTown shall release such funds upon thewrilten request of the staft of the CommunityDevelopment Department stating that the improvements have not been completed ai requiredby the agreement' The Town shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to iherelease of the funds, nor shall the Town be required to verify independenly that tire improvements have not been completed as required by this Agreement, but shall release suchfunds solely upon the request of rhe community DevelopmeniDepartment. ' lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percenl per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer ot Eagle County'to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as Oetihecj in itris chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period ol one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town pursuant to Section 17.16.250 if such work is located on Town of Vail propefi or within Town of Vail right-of-way. 8. The parties hereto mulually agree that this Agreement may be amended from lime to time, provided that such amendments be in wrltlng and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Page 2 of 3 I I ffidr'i,If !,to'toinoo utlopt\tffif,;enenrEqenentwas lffirfvement ?eement was aaknowtedgeo oetore me this. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE uDdated 928r'91 knoryledged belore me this Witness my hand and olficialseal. My commission expires: n r,,r,, The foregoinq Developer lmprovemenl Agreement waqacknowledged before me this/d' day ol lU,?4t?t . EfuAy 2eaRGe KurZtf c- Witness my hand and oflicialseal. My commission expires: Page 3 ol3 f, -l INNSBRUCK MEADOWS DEVtrLOPMENT CORP. P.O. BOX 4205 VAIL, COITORADO 81657 303-476-5263 Town of Vail Office of Community Development Frontage Roed Vail, Co.81657 Att:.: George Ruther March 21,1996 Dear George, Re: Building 5Ao Innsbruck As per our conversation, I am herewith submitting information with regard to Developer Improvements on the above home in order to be able to apply for a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. The following items will remain incomplete until the Spring as they cannot be completed during the Winter. 1) Relocation and blacktop of Driveway $ 8.000.00 2) Landscaping ( Including manual sprinkler ) $ 3,000.00 3) Exterior paint and shutters Total Times 125% $ 2,s00.00 $13,500.00 $16,875.00 This amount previously wittrheld from the $25,000.00 Letter of credit was $12,500.00 This included $1,500.00 for the top on the driveway to building 6 which is now covered in this bondandthattotalistherebyreducedto$11,000.00 andtogetherwiththe$16,875.00 for building 5A and $1875.00 for building 58 makes the total bond requirement $29,750.00. I arn" thereforg enclosing a check for $5,000.00 and together with the existing $25,000.00 shall meet the bond requirements for the T.C.O. for both units in building 5. Georgg beliwe that this $,iU be the last building bonded as the nsnt T.C.O. orght not to be beforc lvlay l, 1996 and I vrould think that I c8n b€gin to finish btrildhg 7 & 6 before that dttc and therefor€ release those firnds that are being held for that building. I sincerely apprecirte pur help in this process. By: Bob Borne, Pres.. ot TOWNOFVAIL e,,'oo,"tto.l 74f,{ DE ARTMENT OF C{)MI}IT'NITY DETELOPMENT "^n-E------2<-,-?/ CI|ECXS M DE PAYAAIT To TOWN OF VAIL 0 t 0000 4l 540 ZONINGANDADDM $5.000l m00 42415 UMFORM BUILDINrcCODE $54.00 0 r oo00 42415 UMFORM PLUMBINCEODE $39.000l 000042415 UNIFORM MECHANICA'CODE $37.00 Ol fi}00 42415 I.]NIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 ,1 0000 4241 5 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s37.00 01 m00 424t5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 000041548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)s7.00ot ffi00 42412 XEROX COPIES s0.250l 000042412 STUDIES 0l oo0042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.0u0l oo00 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0r oo00 4133t PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE [S4O PER HRJ 0r 000042332 OFF IIOURS INSPECTIONTEES 0t 00004t4t2 CONTRACTORSLIEFNM 0l 0000 4l4lt SICN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 01 m00 41413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI.OO PERJOJTI- 0l 000042440 r'TC ART PROJECT DONATION0l 00004133t PREPAIDDESIGNW 0 t 0000 4237 t I}.IVESTIGATION FEE ( BUIf,DIFIC )3l oo0045ll0 TOV PARKING FUND 0l 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUNDr 0l 0000 2lll2 TAXABf,Eil4Jffi '0t 0000 41010 TAXABLE@4.o2" (rowNt 0l D/aam-latalOTHER 5du.t) ts|gu Afr|.tcAltoN t'ttss 0t 0000 41330 I A s200.000r fiDo 41330 CONDITION s200.000t (xxru 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS THA]I IMTOFTT-s200.00oI oooo 41330 EXTERIORALTERATIONW s500.000l 000041330 5 sI,5m.000l fi)00 41330 SPECIALDEVETOPffi s1,m0.000l u)00 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPM s200.000l 0000 4t330 SUBDIVTSTON 0r m00 41330 VARIANCE s250.000l 000041330 zo s250.00ol ur00 4t330 RE - ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER COMMENTS: QtsEr ) '*'" /6?2' '!r.oLl *.;,-Zz RECEPT. hcTownof Vdl ADDRDTIII lltl J,/f .1. ',.2 \ . ' ... / . , z/-,J ..---- -r-\. it Ats) iDi;_-=.r il :r - /t | '. t )l11 l-k,., /'.,,..,-,':-t)rz, . . .t /i ,, . '/ ,,:,. li t ": .', / - '"'tt '' '" ";"'*t t't:tv ,i,:i li n*i Numbon- Foltcc Rrcctpt lfrunbon ' .,;, -t-slrfH GF !-rF I t- Fliscel laneous CsEh rjf,-iF-'"?6 Er?::8: i; .i-te,:eiF,1 + 1?Ei44 ':--- :' * r-:ti * 1i'r:1? !;iii, ' rr'nerrt' r'rr'rELr:tF EF: i,,,.-,,-tr,, terrgered') Iierit traid u 1 r:1 tl u qJ ;: ;: u : {' if il tJ ih.:ng* l*' t i-ii'i-rttj : I t'1FF;fl I.tEflEtlT HEF:f l 5gB!:r. 6!3 Rmsunt Paid 5F:Jr,rr-l' f-1r:1 "r ' fl[l v6l-tTHFHT< 'ir':r-r f ,:3::::l-r i i': r'r-iEtl-'i 5E LETTER OF CREIIIT FOFMAT *,*!iffi,'a,oN@ THIS AGREEMENT, made and by and among lNl'St7l-ocfT\e*l into tnis A ?-O.t o1 n% called the ", dnd theTOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter calted the "fown ) anO called the "Bank"). E 3) f-l4rtrVScA/4'a-. €ttpn-ot-P* eration of the as lollows: loper agr to perform The as listed above, in governmental entities. All said the satisfaction of, the Town Such other designs, drawings, maps, submitted bythe Devetoper to be all from the Town of Vail. as by special districts or service districts, as theirrespective interest may and shall not be deemed complete until approved, rvr rre !f lrrrt I tEi\r r,Ul I rpttil,g UI llll a l11T5pFd ascomptered.by_rhe Town of Vait Community DbvetopmeniDepartment and public Works Department. 2' To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set lorth herein, theDeveloper agrees to provide security anO'cottaterat as follows: frrevocable letter of credit # 2 t > (name of bank in Eagle County) asthe security.for the improvements'seirortn above if tnerJ is a J"6un ,rnori t " WHEREAS, the Devef oper, as a conditior, of approval of the T , ,,-r\zryV ylcr*t*ts r splan_s' datedJ?raerin'a+ . 199.[-- wishes to enterffi= tmprovement Adreement; Cnd WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in thejudgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions tor complelion of certain improvements setforth below;and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of thisAg.reement, including construction of the above-referenced improiementJ by means of thefollowing: ?:I"l_oPtl^.-g/eeAro establisrr a--tetter of credit with a Bank in Eagte county in a doilaramount ot $!Ll-/>--(125% ot the total cost of the work shown bel6w) to provide security for the following: u.il(- AA, o<q>ay { t>5,ICE hall be done under the inspection ot, and to , the Town Building Official, or other official covenants eements, all equipment sketches, and other matter by any of the above-referenced in agoo{lJ(mantike manner, all plans and sGlications filed in the oftice otthe Community Development according to and in compliance with the Agreement by Developer. Page lof3 3. The Developer may at any time substilute the collateral originally set forth abo're for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those lmprovements referred to hereln and the performance of the terms of thls Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternalive collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specifled in tris Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any oflicer or employee lhereof, be liable for any persons or property Injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnlfy and hold harrnless the Town, and nay ol lts officers, agents and employees agaihst any losses, claims, damages, or liabllltles to wn-tcn me Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, clalms, damages or liablllties (or actlons In respect thereof) that arlse out of or ire based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder: and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any oiher liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed thht the Developer rnay apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize lor partial release of the collateral deposited with tfre Town for each category of improvement at such time as such irnprovements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced herednder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition witl the amount of the collateral that is beirig held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf lhe Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are nol constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. The Bank shall release such lunds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall the concurrence of the developer prior to release of the funds to the Town nor shatl agreement, but shall release funds solely upon the Town's written tf together the work ol the deposit, the excess, percent per not the asl betllected byl same manner as agau the property and may le cfunty to be collected in the fails or refuses to or refusal shall be be certified to the valorem taxes levied and landscaping, the Zoning Code. 7. The acceptance of all work t0 in of Vail property or within Town of Vall 8. The parties hereto mutually to time, provided that such amendmentg be ln Dated the day and year first above written. exocuted by allpartles hereio. after localed on Town the permit holder Prgc 2 of 3 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE My commission expires; STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF EAGLE My commission expires; STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. 18tJ:f :i' "'i;'Aw w * "^' ^, Witness my hand and oflicialseal. e[tr :i' "tilt; * ?w w *' " ^ .^f;e;[ e{ w as acfyt:ds|,d bet ot W th's Witness my hand and official seal. 2 Bank The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me thisday of 19- by Witness my hand and oflicial seal. My commission expires; Notary Public Page 3 of3 munity Development t:bvoryonevomE\devimpag.ht INNSBRUCK MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. P.O. BOX 4205 vArL, coLoRADO 81657 303-47G5263 Town of Vail Office of Community Development . Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 Atfi.: George Ruther March 21,1996 Dear George, Re: Building 5d Innsbruck - As per our conversatioq I am herewith submitting information with regard to Developer Improvements on the above home in order to be able to apply for a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. The following items will remain incomplete until the Spring as they cannot be completed during the Winter. l) Relocation and blachop ofDriveway $ 8,000.00 2) Landscaping ( Including manual sprinkler ) $ 3,000.00 Times 125% $ 2,500.00 $13,500.00 $16,875.00 This amount previously wittrheld from the $25,000.00 Letter of credit was $12,500.00 This included $1,500.00 for the top on the driveway to building 6 which is now covered in this bond and that total is thereby reduced to $1 1,000.00 and together with the $16,875.00 for building 5.A' and $1875.00 for building 58 makes the total bond requirement $29,750.00. I aq therefore, enclosing a check for $5,000.00 and together with the existing $25,000.00 shall meet the bond requirements for the T.C.O. for both units in building 5. 3) Exterior paint and shutters Total George, belia'e that this will be the last building bonded as the next T.C.O. ought not to be before May l, 1996 and I would think that I can begin to finish building 7 & 6 before tbat date and therefore release those firnds that are being held for that building. I sincerely appreciate your help in this process. By: Bob Borne, Pres.. INNSBRUCK MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. P.O. BOX 4205 VAIL, COI,ORADO EI657 303-47G5263 Town of Vail Oflice of Community Development Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 Att.: George Ruther Merch 21,1996 Dear George, Re: Building 5B, tnnsbruck As per our conversation, I am herewith submitting information with regard to Developer Improvements on the above home in order to be able to apply for a Ternporary Certificate of Occupancy. The following item will rernain incomplete until the Spring as they cannot be completed during the Winter. l) Removal and lowering of garage slab ( app 200 sq. feet ) Xl25yo $1,500.00 1,875.00 All of the general items such as exterior paint are addressed in the unit 5A developers improvement agreement This amount will be wittfield from the $25,000.00 Letter of credit previously submitted and together with the amounts previously witheld brings the total thus allocated to $14,375.00. I sincerely appreciate your help in this process. By: Bob Bome, Pres. INNSBRUCK MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. P.O. BOX 420s VAIL, COITORAID 8f657 303-f7G526i1 Town of Veil (Xice of Community Developnent Fnontrgc Road Veil, Co. E1657 AtL: George Rutter Merth 2l'199,6 Re:Buitding As per our submitting to be able to Occupancy. The during the Winter. l) Removal and lowering ofgarage slab ( app X l25o/o to Dev€lop€r Certificate of be completed $1,500.00 1,875.00 {'/> op€,fsAll ofthe general items such as are addressed in the unit sfdwel improvement agre€ment This amount willbe fromthe $25,000.00Irtter of credit prwiorsly submitted and together with the amounts prwiously witheld brings the total thus allocated to $14,375.00. I sincerely appreciate your help in this process. By: Bob Borne, Pres. Dear George, sbruck Meadows Development, Inc. NOTE: THIS PERMIT }ruST BE POSTtsD ObT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/ 479-2139 Job Address: FAX 303-479-2452 Location. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: INNSBRUK #5 2103 -14 3 -0 0-0 0 6 PRJg 5-010 0 Status. . . Applied. . Issued... Expires.. ISSUED o6 /oL/Lees06/02/tee5tt/2e/rees APPIJICANT CONTRACTOR OgINER Description: NEW HOUSE SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT 5032 SNOVTSHOE LANE, VArL, SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT 5032 SNOWSHOE LANE, V;iL, A,}4 BROS DEVELOPMENT co co 816s7 81657 Phone : 30347 65263 Phone: 30347 65263 TOV/Comm. Dev. Cfean-up approved Single FaniIy nesiderg6r'Unt TYPe v Non*Rated datgValuation:190,000 Add Sq Ft,:2643 1 ,0f Gas Logs:Fir.ptac! Inforhaticn: Restricted: YEs fof Gas ADDIisnces:fot lrood/Pa t tct: *ffitrffirn*r#ffi***rrffi***ffi.tirrrt**ffi FEE SUI,|iIARY *tr#H.rrthttr*ffi** Invcsti gat ion> tli t l, Ca t l.---> ffi}***'tffiffi*t**ffi##ffiffiffiir#ffiffiffi See page 2 of thj-s Document for any conditions that may apPly to this pernit. DECLARATIONS I hercby acknortedgc that I have read this appl,ication, fitted out in futl, thc infonmation requi red, conPlcted.an ptan, ahd state thit rl,t the information provided as requi red is correct. t agrea to comPly tJith the infornation io conpty yith atl, Toyn ordinances and statr [aus, and to buitd this structurc according to the Torrn's zoning and Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N Bui Lding-----> 1,100.00 Rcstuarant PLan Revie'r--> Ptan check---> 715.00 DRB Fee-------- 3.00 Recreation Fae----------> C [€an-l,rp 0cpos i t-------> TOTAL FEES----- Total celcutated Fe.s---> AdditionaI Fces---------> Tota I Pcrmit Fee--------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING DiViSiON: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: 200.o0 500.00 2,518.@ 2,51E.m .@ 2,519.00 2,518.00 .m accurate ptot and ptot pl,en, subdivision ITem: 051OO BUTLDING DEPARTMENTa6/02/L995 CHUCK Action: APPRItbn:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT06/02/1995 DAN Action: APPRItbrn:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT06/02/1995 DArl Action: APPRrtbm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKSO6/02/L995 DAII Aciion: APPR Deparunent of Community Deve lopment it Refund REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE [1ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-up oeposi t To: FICE TROII o Page 2 ***************************************************************t******i********* CONDITIONS Permit *3 895-0153 aE of 06/02/95 Status---: ISSUED ***********!t******************************************************************** Pernit Ttpe: ADD/Ar.,T SFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied--: o6/.oL/,L995Applicant--: SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT IsEued---z O6/O2/L995303476s263 To Expire: lL/29/1995 Job AddresE:Location---: INNSBRUK *5Parcel No--: 2103-143-00-006 Description: NETC HOUSE ************************************** COnditiOnB *****i************************ t **************************************************************** TOV|N OF vAfL' COLORADO statennt **************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-0029 Amount: Payment Method: CK1010 Notation: 2,3L8.00 06/02/95 L2234Init: LRD Pertnit No: 895-0153 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PE ParceL No: 2103-143-00-006 L,ocation: INNSBRUK *5 Thj.s Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41335 Total Fees: 2,318.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CIIECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CAIJL INSPECTION FEE 2,518.00 2,518.00 .00' balallge; .vv . ************* ** *********** ** ** ** * ********** * * ***** ********* * **** Amount 1r 1oo.0o ?15.00 500.00 3. 00 *t s $;r.9 s= EbaE5!E EEissE sE,EI FEE*.5 tr.9 tr EEEE;Eb6b€. s *r aaE ,et.g E sb E€E'c gB s- $ o o\ tq at () z q) III I I I ItltltltltllrltltltlIIll I l6IElaat-e | (+{loI/Atv, t()to EI F trl tDlctlololr>t Iot Ial I.nt I lil -l3t >l>t ;l<l el tlrlulurlI€AE2€a Cll t-o(9chgt .(!{)=Fg q) crta o.q)'d aDraI!! v0) F:ttie R'A EAE8 6.= i; s n.H EE B \./ (| _O gE€ F 3.HEO!) EE; 5E E eEE€sEEEPg;H 9sE =-agst € HE;E F9er e: iE5€ A T:.s€ I9 ooh € '5EEEE .9 =.FF5 S r\vz tuRJr\vUn\J t:nV I.v'\ (-,tr- r\v (r. (-t \, ar', tr\ t\v a) -NG\!^l iFx:A€€ s$*S€\) $,f t AES $FiF ,-\ Nrl FaF-, b 'l v) a.) * a\-i qX sg di go is ":isq t)() ()ttt Q' (\t qJ clz TOWN OFVAIL THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 895-0114 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138 / 479-2139 Job Address : FAX 303-479-2452 Location. . . : Parcel No..: Project No.: D e parn ne nt of Communiry D eve lopme nt INNSBRUCK #5 210 3-14 3-0 0-00 6 PRJ9 5-010 0 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 06/oI/1995riiued... : o6'/02'/teesExpires..: Lt/29/L995 APPLICANT CONTR,ACTOR OWNER TRI PHASE ELECTRIC P O DRAWER 920, GYPSITM TRI PHASE ELECTRIC P O DRAWER 920, GYPSIIM AI'{ BROS DEVELOPMENT co co TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Additionat tees------> TotaI Pefmit Fee--------> BALANCE DUE---- Phone z 3039490249 Phone z 3039490249 120.00 .00 120.00 120.00 .00 81637 81637 Description: NEW HOUSE ***********tt* * Valuation:8, 000 .00 tEE SUllttARY |tr E Iectri ca t--> DRB FeE Investigation> tli tt cal. t----> TOTAL FEES_> 117.00 .00 .00 3.00 120.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENI-6s/62/1ggs cHUcK Action: APPR DepT: BUILDING DiViSiON: CCNDITION OF APPROVAL DECLAR,ATTONS I hereby acknoHtcdge thst I have rcad this appl,ication, f il'l,cd out in futt the infornation requi rcd, comPtctcd.tn ptan, and strte that al,l, thc information provided as required- i.s correct. .I agrec to-cofpty ],ith the infornation i;-;6";t; *iii-"ii-io"^ orainaices ana.tit" ta*", and io buitd this structurc according to thc Tovn's zoning lnd codes,'dlsign reviev approved, unifo.r Euitding code and other ordinances ot the Tovn aPpticabte thereto' accurate Ptot ond plot p[an, subdivi sion 213E OR AT OIJR OFFIC o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nunber: REC-0029 Amount: Payment Method: CK1010 Notation: 120.00 06/02/9s L2t38Init: LRD Permit No: Parcel No: Locat,ion: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41335 Total Fee6:120.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAI, PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE E95-0114 Type: B-ELEC ELEC?RICAIJ PERMIT 2103-14 3-00-00 6 INNSBRUCK #5 *******i********************************************************* 120. 00 120.00 .00 Amount 117.00 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLWBING PERMIT PeTmit AT ALt TIMES P95-0080 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Job Address 303-479-2138/ 479-2139 Location. . . FAX303-479-2452 Parcel No..Proiect No. INNSBRUCK #5 210 3- 14 3-0 0-0 0 6 PRJ9 5-010 0 D e parnnent of Comnuniry D eve lopne ntStatus...: ISSUED Applied. . z 06/o!/L99sIssued...z 06/02/L995 Exp5-res. . : LL/29/L995 APPLlCANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: NEW HOUSE Ptunbing----> 180.00 PLan check--->45 .00lnvestigltion> .0O [i tt catt----> 5.0o BEAVER CREEK PLI'MBING & HEAT P O BOX 625, AVON CO 81.620 BEAVER CREEK PLUMBTNG & HEAT P O BOX 625, AVON CO 81520 AM BROS DEVELOPMENT INC 288 BRTDGE ST, VArL CO 81657 Phone: Phone: 3039497523 3039497523 Valuation:12, 000.00 ffi *ffi****ffil* FEE SUttllARY ffilrirrffir*t#*ffi *ffi Restuarant P trn Rcvi cv--> TOTAL f EES_--- .00 Tot![ Ca(culatcd Fces---> 228.00 22E.@ .00 22E.00 Addit'ionaL Fees---------> TotaI Pernit Fre-------> Paynents------- BALANCE DTJE---- ffi*rtfl **ft#*Hrffi *ffi**Hffi*ffiffi ffi *ffi f|** Ile.ni .O51qO BUIIIDING DEPARTMSNT Dept: BUILDING Division!o6/o2/7ee5 cHUcK ""E6fiBi"tER*ou AppRovAr-, ffi dnffiffit***f*ri**H*Hir**f #f rffi *ffi ffi DECLARATIONS I hercby scknoutedge thlt t havr rcad this apptication, fitlcd out in futl the infornation fequired, corpl.tcd an lccurlte Pl'ot pl,an, and state thit sl,t the intofmation providcd as requi red is cofrcct. I sgpce to cornpty vith thc infornation and ptot_P[an, io cinnpty uith al.l, Town ordinanccs and statc [avs, and io buil,d this structurc according to the Tovn's zoning rnd subdivision codes, design revieu approved, Uniforn Euitding Codc and other ofdinances of the Tovn sPPtic8bte thcreto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TIIENTY_FOUR HOURS IN AOVAT{CE BY SIOT{ATURE OF OIII{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIITSELF AND OIINER FROI E:00 Atl **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIIJ, COIJORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t !t * * * * * * * * * Statennt Number: REc-0029 Anount: Payment Method: CKl010 Notation: 228.00 06/02/95 t2236Init: LRD Pernit No: Parcel No: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:228.00 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description PLI'I{BING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE P95-0080 llpe: B-PLMB PLUMBTNG PERMTT 2LO3-L43-00-006 INNSBRUCK #5 **************************************************************** 228,00 228.00 .00 Anount 180.00 45 .00 3 .00 [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical t -Mechanical [ ]-other Job Address Legar oescription; Lot-L Block ,!- ,irinn tu"''"!,!{ffi1#^, Owners Name: Architect: / n n,.',; o,Address: Jt(&i trZd tataP}r. /76 7?70 aes. wo. //'?-f P}r. L1/6-of56 ceneral Description: work class: ft-uew g ]-afteration [ ]-Adclitionar [ 1-nefiir [ ]-otherr\ Nurnber of Dwelling units: / Nurnber of Accomm "uk%'ffiiL, ,/ }mberandTypeofFirep1"".'@GasLogs-wood/Pe11et-7B* ******* ******** *** *** ********** * VALITATIONS *********************************Itiurr,plue : s /7O nctct ELEcTRTcAL: $ fAz orHER: $ |LrrMBrNe: W r'recnANicil; i+ _ i;il;; W(* * * * * * * *{t?*?i?ffi* " ?rgu Wffi r rr"*"r r * -* * * * * * * * * * * J* * * * * * * * * * * * * *Eeneral contractorz @4ZZ4z f44lldor"n of vail Reg. xo%Addressz &tZ,e3Z phoneNurnber: Contractor:Town of Vail Phone Number: El-ectrical Address: Plumbing Address: Mechanical. Contractor :Address: ********************************FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: ITECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: SLECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF TEE: )RB FEE:^rEAN-UP DEPry,/flNrii piRr{ir VALUATION Contractor:Town of Vait Reg. No. /44 Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLT'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: DEPOSIT: CLEAN lrp pEFoSrr REFrrNp To: lleA /eUezaf4€lLtr &tr sSt-Eaan 6 f,/lzo 75 routh lrontage road wll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlce ot communlly dovrlopmqrl If this penT]t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer ts..(.Pub] ic works) revieh, and approvai,' i iiinni ni"bepa"t nentreview or Health Departrnent review, anb'a_review uv ir,e duiiiing' -'- Department, the estinated time for a total review-may--ia[e'as t6ngas three weeks. ll]-.1ry:lSia1 (.large or sma'il ) and all mutt.i-family permits willnave to roilow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnls. Residentia.t :19.,:Tlll prgjegts.shoutd take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresroentlat or smaller projects impact the various above mention6ddepartments wi.th regard to necessary review, tt"ie p"oj""Ii'ruyalso take the three-week peri:oO. Every attempt wi.l'l be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as s.qon as possible. - BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Jer Tza*,fr; I, the f, rame. Communi ty Devel opment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and acknowledged 75 3outh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2t39 by: offlce of communlty developmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WIrH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL, PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT !,IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }'ATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.awfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any .oif,-r""i, sand., debrisor rnaterial, including trash iturnpster3, p"iiuuiJ''toilets andworkmen vehi.ctes.upon any streetl ,ia;;"il;-;ii;y or publicp1?:" or any porrion theieof. ilie rignt_oi-;;t-;n ar1 Town ofvail streets and.:gag= is approiimately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wir.] be. "triEtrv--enforced by the Town of vailPubl-ic works DeDartment. periLns found viiriling this ordinancewi1L. be given a 24 hour written i"ii""-ti-;;;;:"="id nareriar.rn the event ttre person so notified does noi-"cornpry with thenotice within the- 24 rrour tinre-=p""iiiil,"i;";;;ric worksDepartnent wilr remove said mateli"i-"i-inJ"""pIi=e of personnotified- rhe provisions or-[i,i"-"iai".i"I ;frfii nor beapplicable to c-onstruction, o.uirrierr.rrce or repair projects ofany street or altey or any utilities i; G"-;iiii-"-ol.v. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tor.rn ofvail Building Department to outiin a copy. rirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. ar TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A -PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Please answei the following i;uestionnaire regarding the need for a "public Way permit': YES X NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right CI Way permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be us€d for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing ptan required by Community Development? !t19u- a19yer9d yes to any of these questions, a "Public way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way_ Permit' applicationl miy be obtained at the'public work,s ofiice or atc,o.11u.1titv Development. ff you h-av^e-any questions ptease callbnarlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, al47g-215g.' I have read and answered allthe above questions. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) { I 6) 7) 8) X X X X fi*4ru,fr; Date: -lrfr4Yllnt tt"i Contractofs Signatur6 oF#Bffie, 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Name: INNSBRUCK #5DAIE: SEPTEMBER 25, 1995 Occupancy: R3,M1Tlpe of Const: V-N Department of Community Development Town ot vaiT 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657(303) 479 -2L38 Plan analysis based onthe 1991 Uniform guildinq Code Address:#7 KINNICKINNICK RD.Contractor: SNOWSHOE DEV.Architect: RKDEngineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FEI,DI,IANN NoTE:The code items list,ed in this report are not intended to be a complet.elisting of all possible code requj-rements in the 1991 UBc. It is a guide toselected sections of the code. FL AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Apt.. Bedroom2 ApL. Bathroom2 Apt. LivlDin2 Master bath2 Master bedroom2 Kitchen/oining2 t,iving room2 Ha11s, closets, eLc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 Garage1 Laundry rooml- Bedroom #21 Bath room #2L Bedroom #31 Bath roorn #31 Ha1Is, closets, et.c. TOTAL FOR FIJOOR BUIIJDING TOTAIJ L28 43 2t9 111 zzv 1-4 3 253 510 t627 588 oJ- t44 60 t44 45 384 t426 30s3 12.80 0 .00 21,.90 0.00 11.00 14.30 25.30 0 .00 0. 00 0.00 1.4 .40 0.00 14 .40 0 .00 0 .00 6 .40 2.15 10.95 5.55 1r..00 7 .L5 12.65 0.00 0. 00 3.05 t.zu 3.00 7 .20 2.25 0.00 Yes No No NO Yes NO NO NO No NO Yes NO Yes NO No i. t L l_ L l- 1 1 1 1_ l_ 1 I 1 1 1_ L L {Su"n"*r*"" 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Department of Community Develapment FOOTNOTES:L) EGRESS - An operable wi-ndow or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet Lhe following. -- Sec. 1204.1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The rninimum clear area is 5.7 square4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A3) A mechanical ventilation system may be usedopenings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) feet (Dwel lings )in in lieu of exterior ROOM DTMENSIONS: Habitable space sha11 have a ceiling height of not less than T feet 6inches. Kit.chens, ha11s, bathrooms and toilet. compartments may have aceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowesL project,ion. If the ceilingis sloping, then the minimum height is required in only l/2 of the area.- - Sec. 1207 . (a) Every dwe111ng unit. shall have aL least one room which has not less than 120square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shal1 hawean area of not. less ttran 70 square feeL. -- Sec. j.202. (b)Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in anvdimension. -- Sec. 1207. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS:Al1 glazing in hazardous locat,ions is required to be of safetyglazing material. -- Sec. 5406.(d) 1-) Glazing in ingress and egress doors excepL jalousies.2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies andpanels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steamrooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wa11enclosing these compartments where the boLtom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a sLanding iurface ind drain in1et.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacenb to a door where the nearestexposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either verticaledge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edgeof the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surfa-ce. tP *nouo'uo 75 South Frontage Roal Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Department of Community Developnent 7) Glazing i.n an individuat fixed or operable panel, other than thoselocations described in iLems 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the f ollowing condi t.ions :A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above Lhe floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of theplane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface.tncluded are structural balust.er panels and nonstructural in-fillpanels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is reguired on the ceiling or wa11 at a point centrallylocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area.-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.A smoke deLecEor is regui-red on the ceiling or wa11 in each sleepinqrarea. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4.A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. j.210.(a) 4.If E.he upper 1eve1 contains sleeping room(s), a smoke det.ector is requiredin the ceiling of the upper leve1 close to the stairway.-- sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detect,ors are required to be wired to Lhe building's power source andshall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3.DeLectors shal1 sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwellingin which they are located. -- Sec. 12j.0. (a) 4. OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and t,he residence, materials approved for thr fireconstruction are reguired on the garage side only and any doors betweenthe garaqe and the residence are Lo be a self-closing t a/B inch solid.core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at. least 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3306.(b)The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #LProvide a handrail on one side a st.airway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) {gon"uor*t, 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479- 2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comnunity Development Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimurn height= 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7L2.(a) exc. #l_The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (l) SHAFT ENCI.,OSURES:1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than9 square feet rnay lined on Lhe inside with not less than 26 gagegalvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must bet hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shall be protectedby not less Lhan a self-closing solid wood door t 3/8 inches Ehick orequivalent. -- sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in walls passing through3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts.-- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vent,s, factory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts that donot extend Lhrough not more Lhan 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts.- - Sec. 1_706 . (c) 4) Art oLher shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly.-- Sec. 1-706. (a) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS: 1-) Provide an access Lo all aLLic areas with a clear height of 30 inchesor more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30inches or more clear heiqht above Lhe access. -- Sec. 3205.(a)2) Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area isto be not less than 1 sqFrare foot for each 150 square feet of attic area.The vent area may be 1/300 if at least 50t of the required ventilatingarea is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of theattic. The upper ventilators must be at. least 3 feet above the eve orcornice vents. -- Sec. 3205.(c) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS : {p*n"*or*o 75 South Fronuge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970479-2452 Department of Community Development l-) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exEeriorwalls. Opening shall provide a neL area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet. of area in crawl space. Openings sha11 be distributedon two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical .-- sec. 2516.(c) 5. Note: vent openings may be reduced to 10t of the aboveif ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and thebuilding official approves.2) Provide ]-8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note:opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is locatedin the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2.3) unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance todecay or treaEed wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth andfloor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and qirders isis 12 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS :For R3 occupancyThis project will require a siLe improvement survey. Such surveyshal1 be submitbed and approved prior to request for frameinspecLion. A11 crawl spaces within the Town of vail are limiLed Lo a earth tostructural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, beventilated as per UBC 2515 (C) 6 with minimum access as Der uBc2516(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft.. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shalr reguire anengineer design. such design shal1 address drainage, soil retiinageand structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permitted without priorapproval. Address numbers shal1 be posted plainly visible and regibre from the s treet . {g*nouor*"" 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 F4X970479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment For M1 occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainaqe to outside to provide afloor drain with sand and oil intercept.or Lo dry weLl or Lo sewer.Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by UpperEagle Va11ey water & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, Lhe wa11s of the garage wiich arebearing t,he area above shall be protected with one hour fireresisEive construction. UBC 503 (B) . {p *nttuo'uo Vril. ( irl, rr;rrl, r l)snver. (.()lo|'lid() Monroe & Newell Itrrgi cr-rs. lr-tc. August 17,1995 Innsbruck Development P.O. Box 4205 Vail, CO 81658 Attn: Bob Borne Re: The Innsbruck Residence, Unit 5, Vail, Colorado Gentlemen: The footings of the above residence were constructed without a2X4 keyway and the horizontal foundation wall reinlbrcement was installed with the top bars 8" to 10" below the top . A center and a bottom bar were also in place similar to the details shown in the construction documents. We have reviewed the structural foundation wall design, In our opinion the installed foundation wall does concur with the structural design intent of the construction documents, If you have any questions or comments, please call, Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS.INC. Hannes Spaeh, P.E. Princioal /brh cc: Mr. Chuck Feldman, Vail Community Development 0048 E. Ileavcr Crcck lllvcl. . Suite JOI o P. O. ltor f597 o Av<rrr. Coloratlo 8162O t ()O3) 949-776A o FAX (3O3) 91tr-4Qi/l t t$i$i:sii:B'Jlrit;sESEt$$t.tit gB i$st i$st tr\i€!rIIt;iEi<rxi! is g* $.r {}tt.ts EtIbcIb! It s fit it €ti&JIJItbtt$$8itob*attii IItd !rN! rd$at!tB il .t ;t 8!gBllr[iilii;Eiii: o\S ! 3itr iii ${5nc;\idRTI o\ { n a ct tt\ tF Eri b $ bt''' $ E ffi l-.h Hn u8S\9\ :\ I I t: ll rc) ' \F*t\tQ Ust ,$' nli'&e h.ltlI !IIt Ia IIt hII !lI t kt s F E F ${ l\ $ R o "sE|\QX S-[ u $Ei I I t Fe { f-,ffi t$ "_$;nm owag \frsr---- ffil t.vr.rmzrra !o --Y N at,o' t$ b! t$: i;;l hF. +J' l$lt \$FF r, ,lil s Sxs I E ? riit :$R ErGgFI -.!3St"r dr1* lq I lllrlrrl L ,-,1 iii i$!s iiii IiEiI€SS E)""I $t$l RI I I it'rli!E GS.sli 59t:It{r t$: !il, .ti,l.ialir,!,!',11,ir.i Vail, Colorado Denver, Colorado Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. TAV.r,}frtIt, Dtit D[Pf January 29,1996 RKD PO Box 3378 Vail CO 81658 Attn: Ms Sally Brainard Re: Innsbruck Meadows Lot #5-South Unit (M&N 2915) Gentlemen: The structural framing of the above residence was observed by Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. during construction. It is our opinion, based on our limited visual observations, that the framing ofthe residence is constructed substantially in compliance with the intent of the construction documents prepared by our office. To the best ofour knowledge, any deficiencies found during our observations have been corrected, If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS. INC. Ktt. Keith Oxe Engind{r copy: Town of Vail (479-2a52fax) Snowshoe Development (a7 6-7 7 2l tax) oo48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. . Suite 3O1 I p. O. Box 1597 o Avon, Colorado a762O ; (3O3) g4g-776a o FAX (303) g4g-4o54 RUG-1?-1995 11: 15 ,.J I P. S1 Monroc & Nervell E ineers, Inc, P,O. Box 15 0048 East Beaver Creek lvd., Suite 301 Avon, Colorado 1620 970-949-7768 FACSIMITE AL LETTER Date Attcotion Company Tolephonc Telcphono Fmrn Subject Mesragc pre Ctl-tlo (including trusminal)? +z4w lf transnrittal is not as please notify sender AUG-1?-1995 11:16 P.A2 lJhll, Cnkrado Dcnvnr, C/ ar"dD . (3o3) $49-7"6$ . rl^x (ilo3) F4S 4054 TI]TRL P.Az tl Arrgust 17, 199.5 Inncbnrck Dcvclopncnt P.O. Box 4205 Vail, CO 81658 Atm: Bob Bomc Rs Thc Innsbruck Rcsidcnce, Unit 5, Vail, Genrtlernen: The footings of lbe abervc rcsidcn$c wtte wi0ruut a 2 X 4 keYrvaY artd flrc horizontal foundation wall rtidorccmcnt was with th6 top bare I'to 10' bclow thc top . A sentcr rnd a bottom bar wert also in con;uuction docutcots. We beve rcviewed the sinilarto the daails shonrinlb foundetionwgll dceign. In our o,pinion thc httallod foundanion wall does concrn constrrstion dogumcffs. thc strr&tunel dosiEr intent of the If youhave any qucstions orcommcnts, pleasc Verytuly yorus, MOT{ROF, & NF,WEI.I. ENGINEERS, INC.t__=F Flnnrce Spaet5 P.E. I Primipot /bstr cc: Mr. Chuok Fel&nan, Vail Conmrunity OO4B tt BcltvsJ Cr€,nk Blvd, . glritc .10 | . P. (>' ll.tt( lI97 ..ndo I ! 620 Gerold 5993 Grtcs driv., .rvad.. color.do 8000.0 September 28, L994 filnof ttrt Building DepartmentCity of Vail Vail, Co. Re: Insbruck Meadows, VaiI, Co. Dear Chuck, The desigp loads used for these houses Floors- 40psfRoofs- 8OpsfExterior decks- 100psf Wind- 80mph, Exposure B ()FFICEMPY are as follows: *f" 3279 Wr,P Town of \A|f Plan analysisthe 1991 Uniform Name: INNSBRUCK #5Date: October 3, 1994 Occupancy: R3rML Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this report listing of all possible code requirements selected sections of t.he code. Town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81-657(303) 479-2L38 OFFIOE COPY based onBuilding Code Address: KINNICKINNICK RD. Contractor: KED DEVELOPMENT ATchiIecT: ARCHISTRUCTURE ONEEngineer: PENDERGRAST Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN are not intended to be a completein the L991- UBC. It is a guide to FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Apt. Bedroom2 Apt. Bathroom2 Apt. Liv/Din2 Master bath2 Master bedroom2 Kitchen/Dining2 Living room2 Hal1s, closets, etc TOTAL FOR FLOOR L GarageL Laundry rooml- Bedroom #2L Bath room #2L Bedroom #31 Bath room #31 Ha11s, closets, etc TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL FOOTNOTES: 179 43 240 l_J5 Lvb r.43 253 184 1373 523 OI 134 60 45 289 l2'70 2643 1? On 0 .00 24.00 0 .00 L9.60 1_4 .30 25 .30 0.00 0.00 0.00 r-3.40 0.00 15.80 0 .00 0 .00 8 .95 2.15 12.00 6.75 9.80 ?'lq L2 .55 0.00 0.00 3.0s 6.70 3.00 7 .90 z-25 0.00 Yes No No No Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes NO No 1 t- 1 l_ 1 t 1 t- t_ 1 1 t_ 1 l_ l_ 1_ t_ 1 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. L204.l-) The minimum clear height is 24 inches2l The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square4) The maximum sil-l height is 44 inches 2, The number of exits is based on Table 33-A3) A mechanical ventilation system rnay be used openings for ventilation. -- Sec. l-205. (c) feet (Dwellings )in in lieu of exterior ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the l-owest projection. ff the ceiling is stoping, then the minj-rnum height. is required in only l/2 of Lhe area. --Sec. 120?. (a) Every dwelling unit shalL have at l-east one room which has not Iess than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207.(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shal1 not be less than 7 feet in any dinension. -- Sec. L207. (c) GLAZTNG REQUIREMENTS:AII glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safet.yglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2', Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies andpanels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in alL unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a buifding wa}l enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of Lhe door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.'l) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than thoselocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all- of thefollowing conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontal-Ly of theplane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructuraf in-fiL] panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQU]REMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wa11 at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. L210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleepingarea. -- Sec. 121,0.(a) 4. A smoke detector is required on aII stories. -- Sec. l-21-0. (a) 4. If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is requiredin the ceiling of t.he upper level close to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3. Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which Lhey are located. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4. OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Betlreen the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch solid core door or a 2Q minute fire door. -- TabLe 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STATR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at ]east 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306, (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 j-nches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec . 330 6 . (c) exc . #l- Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size : 4 inches. -- Sec. L'7 1,2.la) exc. #l- The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (I) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joi-nts locklapped. The outside must bet hr construction. All openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door L 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2l Gas vents and noncombustibfe pipingr installed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1?06. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts that donot extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1705. (c) 4) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. 1706. (a) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:f) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205.(a)2) Provide ventilation in all atti-c areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at least 50? of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls. Opening sha1l provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposiLe sides and be located as close to corners as practical. -- Sec. 2515.(c) 5. Note: vent openings nay be reduced to l-0t of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves.2) Provide L8-inch by 2{-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical eguipment is located in Lhe crawl space. -- Sec. 251-6. (c) 2. 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REOUIREMENTS :For R3 occupancyThis project will require a site improvement survey. Such surveysbafl be submj-tted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. A11 crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 25L5 (C) 5 with minimum access as per UBC 25L5(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shalf require an engineer design. Such design shal1 address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permitted without prior approval . Address numbers shal1 be posted plainly visible and legible from the street. For ML occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide afLoor drain with sand and oi1 interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Valley water & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503(B) . Town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2t38 PIan review based onthe 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Town of \hll OFFIOE COPY Name: INNSBRUCK #5Date: October 3, L994 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N AddTess: KINNICKINNICK RD. Contract.Or: KED DEVELOPMENT ATchiTecT: ARCHISTRUCTURE ONE Engineer: PENDERGRAST Plans EXAMiNCT: CHUCK FELDMANN Tbis project wiII reguire a site improveneat surrt€y. lhis survey shall be subnitted and staff approvedprior to a request for a frane inspection. Und€r no circumstances will a frame inspection be done witbout an approv€d eite inprovenent sunrey. There shafl- be only one kitchen designated per dwelling unit allowed by the Town of VaiI Zoning Regulations. Al-1 other such labeled areas are not approved and shal1 not be rough-in constructed as such. Exterior surfaces $rit.h stucco sha1l be provided withexterior metal lath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers ofpaper. Windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not with just screed metal). A lath inspection is required prior stuccoapplication. A1l ner construction witbin the Town of Vail will be required to have a Pr:blic Vray pernit plus an initial inspection by the T.O.v. Public Works Department to approv€ site drainage and culvert installation prior to any Building Dept. inspections. This project is restricted from the burning of woodin fireplaces. Un1ess the lot is a restricted lot in size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per uniL alIowed. Gas 1og chimneys enclosures shall be one hr. protected. In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may beventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). 1_0 1"L t2 Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per UMC 1L04 and 1903. F1exible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the building and not exceed 14' length. No domestic dishwashing machine shaIl be directly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 508. Cross connection control devices shafl be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by useof approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1-003. Plumbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus shall be supplied wit.h an access panel for inspection andrepair of equipment. UPC 904. Domestic ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of noL less than 30" to unprotected combustible material . UMC 1901. Gas fireplace appliances are required to beinstalled as per listing installation instructions -with a rrBrr vent only. Combustion air must be supplied from the outside for all new constructionin the Town of Vail. Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent Iocation and termi-nation, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. AIso, the maximum water cl-osetflush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallonsper f1ush. The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3306. (1) At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a conmercial r^rater & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281 . Because of this project's location, the foundationis required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC 1?07(d). t< L4 15 J.O L7 18 The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion with l/2 incle anchor bolts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 incheg and spaced a maxinum of 6 feet apart. See code f,oradditional requirements. -- Sec. 290?. (f) Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be bullt on. -- Sec. 2905. Provide truas details by the truss manufacturer'8 engineer. (reg in this state) 19 20 [S?liil. o7:s6 REEUESeo*'?ilgo:E'YBi'i.oHfl'3XEP?jR: s.z,e/e6 PAGE AREA: EG Activity: Address: Locat i on: Pareel: Descr i pt i on : Appl icant: Ownerl Eontract or: E95-9114 3lLgf96 Type: B-ELEC INNSBRUCK *5 21S3-143-Wn-o,o,6 NE}J HOUSE TRI PHASE ELECTRIC AII BRTIS DEVELOPilENT TRI PHASE ELECTRIC Statusl ISSUED Constr: NSFR Oee: Use: Phone: 3O3949€l?49 trhone r Phone: 3O3949Oe49 Inspection Request lnforrat i on. . . . . Requestor: STUART BORNE-SNOI.ISHOE Phoner 479-9761 Req Tire: O8:OO Corrents:Iters requested to be Inspeeted... Aet ion Corrent Ogl9O ELEtr-Final Tire Ex Inspeetion History.....3-tf - 2d /i,,/,'. Action: APPR Flct i on: APPRAetionr fiPPR Aetion: AtrPR unit b bldg 5 Iter: Iter: Iter l f ter: Iter: OOIIO ELEC-Terp. Powerl2/gl/95 fnspeetor: EG O0reg ELEC-Rouqh l?/9,f|/93 Inspector: EG Al/??196 Inrpeetorl EG OO13O ELEC-Conduitggt4g ELEC-I{isc. OO19O ELEC-FinalQl/7e/96 Inspector: EG APtrROUED APPROUEDunit a bldg 5 REPT131gl/2?/Sb O6:5O Act ivit y: AddresE r Locat i on : Farce I : Deseri pt i on : Appl ieant : Ewner: Eontract or: TOHN UF VFtrL, COLORADO R INSPECTIT]N I"IORK SI{EETs t lf?2/96 Status: ISSUED Oee: Phone: 3O39496249 Fhone: Phone: 3O3949O249 PABE AREA: E6 E95-Ol l4 l/??/96 Type: B-ELEC INNSBRUCK *5 e103-143-g,g-0,0,6 HEI.I HI]USE TRI PHASE ELECTRIC A}I BROS DEUELOPTIIENT. TRI PHASE ELECTRIC Constr: NEiFR ' tr.Use: I lnspeetion Request Inforration.'... Rcquestor: STUART BORNE Req Tire: O1:OO Corrents: ROUGH Iters requested to be Inspected... Phone: 479-8187 LARGE UNIT/FINAL FOR SECONDARY UNI "' ,/' Tire En .i t"'T;:::""ili3tEhiti..p. po*er , l-z 2- f{ J",1A7@^ L?fidA/qS Inspector: EE Action: APPR APtrROVED ' /Iterr OOIAO ELEtr-Rough 1.2./o,8/95 Inspector: EG Action: AtrtrR AtrPROVED Iterr @f3O ELEC-Conduit Iter: OOI4O ELEtr-trlisc Ite,r: OOl9O ELEtr-Final l3tg3/L9/96 87;36 Activity: Address: Locat i on : Farce I : Descr i pt i on : Flppl ieant : Owner: Contract or: TOIJN OF UAIL' COLORADtI INNSBRUCK *5 e103-143-go-a66 NE!.I Ht]USE BEAUER CREEK PLUMBING E HEAT AtrI BROS DEVELOPIIENT INC BEAUER CREEK PLUIIBING & HEAT PRGE AREAI EFOR IN5PECTION I.IORK t 3/ 19 /96 trg5-OOSO 3/19f96 Type: B-pLltlB Status: ISSUED Constr: NSFR Occ: Phone: Phone: Phone: Use: 30394975e3 30394975e3 Inspection Request Inforration.... Requestor: STUART BORNE-SNOI.ISHOE Req Tire: OB:OO Corrents:fters requested to be Inspected... OOP9O trLttlB-Final Phone: 479-8781 Tire Ex fnspeetion History. . . -.. Iter: OO€?O PLltlB-Rouqh/D. tt. U.l?tg7/95 Inspector: CFIe/97f9= Inspeetor: EFgL/e?/96 Inspeetor: CDNotes: AIR TEST S PSIIter: 6Se36 PLFIB-Rough/tlater le/97/95 Inspeetor: CF6l/?e/96 Inspeetor: CDIter: oo246 trLltlE-Gas Pipinqte/97/gS Inspector: CFfter : oo.?64 PLFIB-ltlisc.Iter : o,9.?99 PLttlB-FinalgI/?4/96 Inspector: CD Notes: COIIIPLETE UANITY Action: APPRAction: APtrRActionr ffPPR Action: AtrPRAetion: APtrR Aetion: APtrR 7LBS. AIR TEST KIT SINK DRAIN NEEDS RET trRIIIflRY UNIT 91LBS. AIR TEST PRITIIARY [.T.IIT IOAPSI AIRT 17LBS. AIR TEST IAction: APPR FOR EHU ONLY COUNTER TOtr CAULKING ;:iliii' o6:sB REeuEsrO*'?illoPE'Y3,1'mFi'3fiPP?" j' t/'"4/e6 i Ipffil AREAr Cf Activity: Address: Locat.ion: Farce I : Description: Appl icant: Or'rn er I Contract or: INNSERUCK *5 e103-143-g,1t-so,6 NE}I HOUS€ BEAVER CREEK PLUIIBING & AlI BROS DEUELOPTTIENT IhIC BEAVER CREEK PLUITIBING & p95-0086 l/?4/9b Type: B-PLttlB Status: ISSUED tronstrr NBFR HEAT HEAT Oce: Fhone: Phone: Phone r Use: 30394975e3 30394975e3 Inspection Request Requestor: Stuart Req Tire: Qlzo,6Iters requested to Sgeg0 PLltlB-Final Inforrat i on. . . . . Borne Corrents: sral I be Inspected. . . Phone: unit EHU Act ion Tire ErCorrents Inspeetion History..... Iter : OO€IO PLllB-Underground Iter: OOaeO PLFIB-Rough/D. l.l. U. l?/g'7/95 Inspector: CFl?/97/93 Inspector: CFgl/2e/96 Inspeetor: CD Notes: AIR TEST g PSI Iter r tbg?36 PLltlB-Rough/llater L?/lr7 /93 Inspeetor: CFglle?/96 Inspeetorl CDIter: Oo,24g PLltlB-Gas Pipingt?/97/95 Inspeetor: CFIterl Sge5g PLltlB-Pool./Hot Tub Iter s IDO?6O PLtrlB-trli sc.fter r O0egg trLftlB-Final Action: APPRActionl APtrRAetionr APPR Aetion: AtrPRAction: APPR Action: APPR 7LBS. AIR TEST KIT SINK DRAIN lrlEEDS RET PRIilERY UNIT 9ILBS. ArR TEST y'' PRIFIRRY UNIT 1AOPSI 6IRT 17LBS. AIR TEET [5?#i1", f"!"I*u,r1t"'?lI"EE,YBi'uE['3113?= ln = s / ?? / e6 PAGE AREA: Ltr Aetivity: 895-O153 3/?e/96 Type: A-BUILD Status: Address: INNSBRUK *5Parcel:21O3-143-A6-9'fr6 Occ: Description; NEl.l HOUSE Applicant : SNOI.ISHUE DEVELOFftIENT 0wner.: Attl BROS DEVELOPF1ENT Contractor: SNBI.JSHIIE DEUELOpMENT ISSUED trhone: 3O34765?63 Phone: Phone: 3O34765P63 Constr: NSFR Use: U N Locks, Holds, and Notiees-... ACTIUITYNotice: DRIUETJAY GRADE DISAFPROUED b.,tekJo1 ', s $e^+ltf Inspeetion Request Inforration... Requestor: STEIIART BORNE RECTIFY BEFORE T.C.O. Fhone: Req Tire: OP:OO Corrents: DRIVEI.IAY GRADE CHECK FOLTCTL fters requested to be Inspected,.. Act ion Corrents Tire Ex - .AP-cR b'€.."'' ./"..r Po.ie - Inspection History.....Iter: OOSIO driveway grade finalIter: og0Lg BLDG-Foot ings/9teelIter : o,tEO?O BLDG-Foundat ion/SteelgA/16/95 Inspeetor: CF 'Iter: Aetion: AtrCR APPROVED/CORRECTION REOD Action: AtrCR APFRBUED/CORRECTION REOD ALL PT]INT LOFIDSAetion: APtrR APtrR(IUED/CORRECTION REOD Aet i on: APPR EHU tlllLY COiIPLETE GARAGEAction: AtrPR PRMARY UNIT Notes: eng verbal ly approved changes fror approved plans and will follow up with letter OOSES PLAN-ILC Site Plan l?lgt/95 Inspeetor: GEORGE Action: AtrPR George\,:Iter: S0O3O BLDG-Fraring L2/67/95 Inspeetor: CFNotesr trACK OUT Rlltl JOIST ATAl/?3/96 Inspeetor: CD Iter: o,o,o,40 * * Not On File + * Iter : O0,O5,O BLDG-Insulation L?/13/95 Inspeetor: CD Ol/?5196 Inspector: CDNotesr CBMtrLETE GARAGEIter: Ogg6O BLDG-Sheetrock Nail L?/19/SS Inspeetor: CD Notes: ADD NAILS IN FIELDg?/gt/96 Inspeetor: EG Ae/Qg/96 Inspector: CDIter: cl60g0 * * Not On File * -* Iter: o,o,07g BLDG-ltlisc. Notes: STRUC. ENG. ilUST INSPECT AND SUBFIIT REPORT TO THE TOIIN ADD HANGERS TO trUTSIDE POST AT ENTRY STAIRI.IAY TO GARAGE TRERD I.IIDTH NOT CORRECT FIUST RECTIFY FIRE BLOCK ALL DROP CEILINGS Aetion: APPR IN CLOSET ection: APPR Actionl AtrPR EHU T}NLY exept garage GARAGE ONLY 6l/ge/96 Inspector: CF Action: AtrPR LATHE INSPECTIONNotes: PROTECT FROltl FREEZING TENTS NAD HEAT REOUIREDSTAIRS TO GARAGE NOT TO CODE IIODIFICATIT}NS REQ' D.Iter: OOO9O BLDG-Final Iter: 00536 BLDG-Terp. ClO 0/53t JOB NAME :'-;;--.'vi - -INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PRO CT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ?.,C 1,, y'?" weo ("iqw-.-. ':i6 o -------@ PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL {.uruoencnouruo tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING C] GAS PIPING T] INSULATION tr SHEETROCK T] POOL / H. TUB NAIL cl tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr o FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED RECTIONS: INSPECTOR ;': .- -.{:':- :,.:,.-Jj.,41l -INSPECTION REQUEST MON WED THUR FRI PMAM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL I--/oerc V/l JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL $ ur.roencnouruo ;\$tauou+ex.v. O ROUGH /WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL T] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tl EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED BEINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR I ,r, , "r ,..-.. .*it!l +(tt # FqS of:,*ril;roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 cALLER -L',(,t,,. Srr,",,,\e.-r., 4 xl,.' 'ic)>*------@@ PERMIT NUMBER OF,P T JOBDATE /\ | 0 REAOY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: NAME 'ii:@@ FR' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL ; tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: KFOUNDATON / SrEEL / UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK r'l POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL _tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: o^r, 9/zo-r/rr rNsPEcroR :j-.f{F . r. rNstctoN REeuESr CALLER TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138cr { '/Pa,/t' READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON5 THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER BUILDlNG:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL O UNDERGBOUND tr tr E B tr tr E FOUNDATI FRAMING ON / STEEL D ROUGH ' O.*.U.1 tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER d!.O GAS PIPING . PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D oFINAL FINAL t ELECTRICA4 "MECHANICAL: itr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING B ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr o FINAL tr FINAL Id nppRoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR FINAL CHECK LISE FOR BUITDING PERMIT # ,JOB NN{E: The items receive a tl E E I n E E I tl listed bel-ow must be completed before a permit shalL Final Certificate of oceupaacy. (-' t) - At,;t''r'. --),''1't.' /{'lSOILS REPORT: /V c. -*.J--.' *'' ' TMPROVEME}ilT SURVEY (ILC) : FTNAL ELECTRICAL: FINAI, PLUMBTNG: FINAI, MECHANTCAL: TEMPORARY CO: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (CO): FINAI, I.,ANDSCAPING: PAVING/PUBI,IC WORKS: ******* MISC. NOTES: Oo** 0F 'AIL, coLoRADoREF.T 13I PA6E AREA: CFA6/tr/1999 O8:13 REOUESTS - INSpECTN t^JtlRl( SHEETS FORr 6/11/1999 Activityr 895-O153 6/tl/19 Type: A-BUILD $tatr-rsr NOTICE Constr: NSFR Addre s s : Loeation: INNSBRUK #:; Farcel : tlO3-143-00-A06 Descniptionr NEW HOU$E Appl icant : 5N0WSH0E DEVELOFMENT Owner: Altl BROS DEUELOF,MENTtrontractor: SNOI,JSHOE DEUELOF.MENT Oec: User V N trhone: $0t34768363 Fhone: F,hone r 3O34765863 Locks, Ho lds, ACTI V I TY Nobice: and Not ices. . . . TCo EXF,IREg 6/7/99 Inspeetion Reqrrest Inforrnation..,, . Requestor: JANE tt k4 Req Tiner ?t8:OtZt Connents: BLDG l+5Itens requested to be Inspected,.. OSE4G BLD6-Final C/u trhone z 9?6-4773 - WILL CALL Act i on Eonnents Inspect i on Hi st or.y. . , . .r:Iten:6651G driveway grade final I Q3/ee/96 Inspectorr LF Actionr AtrCR AF,FRUOED/CORRECTION Notesr MUST trALL FOR REINSFEtrTION IIF DRM trRY BEFURE THEY PAVE.. Item: 00tO1O HLDG-Footinqs/Steel Iten : 6€t0€0 BLDG-For-rndat ion/$teel 6A/LQ/93 Inrpector: CF Action; AF'trR AtrtrROVED/CORRECTION REOD Notes! eng verbalLy appnovecl changes fr"om appnovert plans and will follow trp with letterItem: OAgEra trLAN*ILC $ite trlan Le/@L /95 Inspectorr GEORGE Act ion r AtrF'R Eeor'geItem; IaBO3O BLDG-Franing t?/Vt7 /93 Inspector: EF Action: AtrCR AFtrROVED/CURRECTION REOD Notee: F'ACK OUT RIM JOIST AT ALL FOINT LBADS 0L/e3/96 Inspeetor: CD Actionr AFCR AFFROVED/EORRECTION REOD Notes: STRUtr. ENG, MUST INSFECT AND SUBMIT REF'ORT TO THE TOIIN ADD HANGERS TO OUTSIDE PT]ST AT ENTRY STAIRWAY TO GARfrGE TREAD WIDTH NOT EORRECT MUST RECTIFY FIRE BLOCK ALL DROF' CEILINGS Item: OOOSO BLDG-Insr-rlation \ le/ l3/g3 Inspect or": cD Act i on : AF,F,R EHU\thtLY CUMF,LETE .GfrRAGE @L/e3/96 Inspectorr ED Aclion: AtrPF\.FRIMARY UNIT Notes: COMF'LETE GARAGE h' Iten: @Aer6O BLDG-Sheetroetr Nai f \ t?/l9/93 Inspeetor'; GD Action: Ap{R EHU UNfu Notes: ADD NAILS lN FIELD IN CLOSETgc/All96 Inrpector: EB Action: APFR exept gar"age (\- @e/08/96 inspector! CD Action: AFFR EARAGE tlNLY . Item: OOOTO BLDG-ltli sc. nL/ne/98. Inspector: CF Aet i on: AF.F,R LRTHE INSF'ECTlON Notes: FROTECT FROM FREEZING TENTS NAD HEAT REOUIRED STAIRS TO GARAGE NOT TT] CODE MCIDIFICATIONS REGID. Item : 0ArA90 BLD6-Final Time Exp .r .t .''C...t.-C J l*1 d.4q-, --'---- - ;----;-,-;l -l"ln -ll-'-tir-4'?i''t t.t REFT131 TO[.'N 0F VAIL, COLtrRAD0 A6/ll/1999 EtBrl3 REOUEETS - INSFECTN i^JORK SHEETS FORI 6/11/1999 Iten: OO53G BLDG-Temp. e/CI Q3/e7/96 Inspeetor: CD F'AGE 10 AREAI CF Actionl DN F.RIMARY/EHU Iten r Itenl Iten: @3/e7 /96 Inspect or: CD Act i on: AtrF R PRII{ARY,/EHU Notesr HANDRAIL IN E}ARAEE NEEDS TO BE RETURNED (FRIMARY UNIT)'/ F'ATCH DRYWALL IN EARRGE IN EHU C./ HARDWARE ON trED DT]OR TT] GARAGE NLEDED EHUU 6RNDE TO EHU ERRAGE NtrT COMF.LETEy' CRAI.ILSF.ACE VENTS NEEDED '/trRAI,ILSF,'ICE HERD HEIBHT IS EVER 5' 4 HANDRATL RETURNED WITH TEMP. MATERIALS I/ CRAI.JLSF'ACE I5 BEIN6 FILLED NT] T]THER TCO' S bIILL BE Ig,$UEDy'/ BEFBRE CRAI^ILEtrACE HEAD HEIGHT IS CHECKED RND APPROVED BY FINAL: CRRWLSPACE VENTS INSTRLLED' FLANNINB AND PUBIIOR APFROVAL, ERADE TT] EHU GARAGE RECTIFIED MINOR COSMETICS NOT CTII{F.LETE OA5J9 F.I.I-FINAL tr/O OO537 F.LAN-FINAL C/O Le/87 /99 Inspeetor": GEORBE GO54O BLDB-Final C/O Act i on : AFPR AF'PRUUED \l H.r^J .i,l ' oc oo oo 'HotoE.oHu oc co o0 cC' c0It co C'o oc ra :r3E "'8 a 'ITI IUIAo 4l A &IoD Fo !t oF c EL?la t AIH HIiE 6ao8U EHHC! ood28' rrdI\uacl o F o riAs E tset tl a E'tai6Y szo a€lr trAHSa.{O lloo r;S B9a p d6 E HI !EH' E B EE H e Hao .*A E TIaa EttF.& Ef; ol.li.o B I z .B FI HI! A ELnE Hl-l nIa o| ",= pc|' E'Br..rd o. c8s Ef;E NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT v" T^)b( /ukJ" JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M95-0217 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Departnent of Community Development tll Job Adareas. . . , T^JNaIRfr/( tf]*dluls #gLocation .: KINNICKINNICKParcel No--... : 2103-143-00-OO6Project Number: PRJ95-O1OO BEAVER CREEK PLI'MBING & HEATP O BOX 625, AVON CO 81620 BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING & HEATP O BOX 625, AVON CO 81620 AM BROS DEVELOPMENT INC288 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: ISSUED 12/08/Lee5 12/L3/Lee5 o6 /Lo /Lee6 **H**ffi**l#*ffi*H**ffi*kft *#ffi FEE SUllllARY **ffir:****it**ffi***#*k***ffiffiifft *ffi*** APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descript,ion: INNSBROOK 5 BOILER Fi reptacc Infonnation: Restri cted: Phone 2 3039497523 Phone z 3039497523 5, 000 . 00 fof tlood/Pat Let:fof Gas App !i ances: Restuar8nt Ptan Revi *r--> DRB Fc.-------- l,lcchani ca [---> Ptan Check---) Investigat i on>t,itt cal. L---> 1@.00 25.00 .oo .00 128. q) TotaL Catcutated Fees---) Additional Fees--------> Totat PerDit Fee-----> Paynents------ 128.@ .00 128.00 126.00 .OO TOTAL F EES----- 3.00 BALANCE DUE----*****ffi *rffi *t|*f***ff ffi ffi,r**ffi t*iffi *****t***ffi ***#r:ffir**ffi *ffi**r**ffi *rrtit**ffi *** Dept,: BUILDING Division:I !78azl 3 l 0 0DBU rLD r*"oBEIt*T*8il$* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EIELD INSPECTIONq ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL]ANCE.?. gQUBUsrroN trE__Iq EpQq_fBEn ben Sec.--607 bF--rHE-rsei--ufrc.-'--'3 . r.N SrALLAT r oN _ws T coft FoHM- ro-liANuFeciunn E - r fr sinfr ci' i ofr 's -ann. Tg_AppENDrX CHAPTER 21 Or ine- 1901--uMc-.--- --'4. gAS_AppLrANCEq_SlrAt_L gE-Vnutno-Aceon-dille ro cHAprER 9 AND_ S!4!_L _ rEBltrNSIE- _4s_SpEqrr rED- rw--SEe-.-F o6 -oF-rlrd--i g F i uMil-s. 4gqESS ro HE4TTNG e0UrpMElli-l,ruSr-coMFri frirH--sec.sos-liNo_ 703 0F TI1E rSSl oMCl6. P9MBS_QEA!_L lq_MdurrnD oN FLooRs oF NoNcoMBusrrBLE coNsr.- UN!EqS LrsrED_EQR_\,rqqNtrnG- olr-eoMsu5rrili-E-FilooRiNc;- --.---'7. PEBl4rrrP!4'N$-AND qdDE ANar,v5_rs-lrfu5i-EE-Fo-sisD'-iii-MncHANrcAL^ B99U pRroR r-q_AN_r-NqFECii6H-nnOijESi: -- ----8. pRATNACE On_uncrJANieAr-R66i,iS QdlliAillrne HEATTNG oR HOT_WATERgqppl,y BorLEB.g- gner,r, -se EQtiippeb-i,titH- A, F[ti6R- DRAiN"Fnn"iieE.2119 oF TEIE 1991 uMe.-- ---- ***************!***************************************************************:r DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedgc that-r hevc read-this aPpLication, tit.ted out in ful.t the inforhation requined, cofipletld an accuratc ptotptan' and statc that ai't the information proirioeo as r{uired.i.s correct. i ig""" to..orpLy vith thc information and ptot pl,an,to conp [y uith atL T€rtr ordinances and stite tavs, and io buil.d this st ructurc-accordi ng to the ToHn's eoning and subdivision {p *""'"""o '*"* tdlng Codc ard othcr ordln ncc3 of thc TqD Stlclbte thcrGto. BE ADE TI'ET{W-IOUR HOTJRS III ADVAI{CE EY TELEPI{'NE AT-OR AT OUI OFTICE o torr ari E:00 All 5:00 ?l SICNI{MI}IOR& 75 SowhFronnge Road VaiL Cobrodo 81657 970479-213V479-2139 FAX97M79-2452 Department of Community Devclopirn {p no'aaon'oo, C' a* * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt ******i*******!************************************************** . .Statemnt Number: REC-0104 Anount: 128.00 !2/13/95 09:15 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *L295 fnit: LRD Permit No: Parce1 No: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L312 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 1495-OZL7 Tlpe: B-MECH 2t03-L43-00-006 KINNICKINNICK MECITANICAL PERMIT 128. 00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 128.00 128 .00 .00 Amount 100.00 25.00 3. 00 **************************************************************** Description MECHANICAT PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALI INSPECTION FEE |*cont4ct r."" .T::rrAssessor]rX; oF vArL coNsrRu'l*fi C I N- Dlqg*r"i_Wp"iU & gto-sza-aoao fpnRCEL.//: ,^ /n7, //3-F EL,pERl.trT ApprrrcATroN,v oatn; l>739 ,,r ji 11t6 I 7 1gg5 :APPLTCATION I.TUST BE FILLED OUT CO!,!PI-,ETELY OR rT MAV NOTIES/ACbS: 'l.l'l! F ' ,'al .A,'rilrqa,rron lrusr BE FTLLED our co!{pr_,ETELy oR rr MAy llorlpr{,,+fUog,-{t|,rf"y.iJ[i f,*****************:l*********** PEIU{IT fNFORI.|ATJON *********************.********,./t l-Butlding t l-plunbing I J-Erectrical tr{-u."n nibal [ ]-other rob Narne: U,l/sfrue-ILtepaun Firob Addre"", ,L{ t'<-t,u,r4 fcrprc !{ork Class: tpt", [ ]-Alteratlon [ ]-Addltional I 1-nepair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units: f*"t and Tlpe of Fireplacess Gas Appllances {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VAIITATTONS BUILDING: SqLnMBTNG: T-trleCtntCal: I Nunber of Accomnodation Unlts: Gas Logs_ Woodr/pellet ********************************* OTHER: $UfCgAWrCal: $rFo-6-TOTAL: T * ****** * *** ****** *** * * * **** t45 Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Electrical Contractor: Address: . Plunbing Address: Uechanical Contractor! Address: BUTLDTNG PERUTT FEE: PLIMBING PERUIT AEE: }IECHAIITCAIJ PER!'IT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Contractor: ******************************** FOR oFrrcE usE ****** ****** *** **************** *Hrown or vail Reg. No. l%fPhone Nunber: a -l?= BUTLDTNG PI,AN CITECK FEE: PLU!{BrNG PIAN CHECK FEE:I'TECEANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI{IT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONING: SIGNATT'RE: CI.EAI| T'P DEPOSIT NErUII' T{):f tV toi 4u ock- friraa*-S 75 routh tmnt|gc rord nll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SURTECT: rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. "ni-"oir,-"""i, sand, debrisor materiar, incruding trash h"rnpster3, p"rtarr!'toirets andworknen vehicres.upon any streetl =ia;;.ik;-;ii;y or publicplace or any portion ttreieor. --rn" rrght-of-way on arr Town ofvai.l streets and.Ig"g= is approiinateiy s ft.-lti pavenent.This ordinance wilr be ;tri;irt--enforced by the Town of vairPubric vforks DeDartment. -i"i=6ns found ,,rii,r"di"i this ordinancewi-Il be siven a 24 hour rriiiE"--""ti.""-ti-i!iJili"..id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes-not-coiprv with thenotice within tr5_ea rroui tine-"p."iii"d,"$.;iHtic worksDepartment wilr remove said nateiiar ii-irr"'""i!i.e of personnotified- The provisions-Jr-tr,i=-""ai;"#; il:ii not beappricable to c-onstruction, -riinl"r,"n9e or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the. rijni_._r.y. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln futl , please stop by the Town of:::i"3:i$i"3,o:f,if*:lt"::--"[tii" a eopy. rirani< you ror y-ur olflce ol communlty d.yclopmcnl AI,L CONTRAETORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII TIIETOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS,/COI,IMI'NITY DSVEI,OP}CNT UARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.IATERIAL STORAGE ositionTneliffii$T!(i.e. contractor, owner) 75 roulh fronhg. ro.d u.ll, color.do 81557 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ottlcc of conmunlty dcuclopmc||l BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE T.It4E FRAilE If this peryit requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Ensineer''s. (pubr ic {gll:l review anJ ipp"onai ,'i iiiiiirni'bepartmentreview or Health Departmint ieview, an['a-review by the BuirdingDepartment' the estimated time for'a tstar ..ri"* i"y"L[!'as tongas three weelts. All commerciar fraroe or smailt) and alr mu]ti-fami'ry permits wirlhave to follow itre Suove nrenti6n"J-*ximum requirements. Residentia.land.small projects shourd take a teiier-amount or time. ttowever, irresidential or smailer.projects impaii the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard' to-necessai"y revie*,-il"I" p"ij".il"*valso take the three-weet perioO.- Every attempt will be rlgge by this department to expedite thispennr't as soon as possible. - vY v^rev undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time r il lt s rZLr:"te-pdhzrQs I, the frame. Corununi ty Develooment Department. l MEMORANDUM I ALL CO}.ITRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED TO:. FROM: DATE: RE: Date: l.ttv 7ffuu 1) ls this a new residencE? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent a@ess needed to site olher lhan existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done afieaing the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right Ol Way Permit. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to b€ usEd for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing ptan required by CommJnity Development? UtttT S_*S€cauaDr*-d YES (/ NO (/- tl t1 l/' / !f_y9u_ a19yet9d y"s to any otthese questions, a 'Public Way permit' must be obtained.?ublic way_ Permit' applications may be obtained at the pubtic wo*s omce oiJiC9.ry1u1ity Development. lf you have any questions please catl Charlie Davis, the Townol Vaif Construction Inspector, al479-219. I have reag and answered allthe above questions. Contncto/s Signature 'td0c tctJjr'mAlotJilqt *1'2'":,'rsrllo pue suo!lPerl!3eds'su8ld plPs.ul-l.l-ol'':...]0..:?']T''eqi'buirrnoar rbtleers$ uro4 lelsltto 0u!pllnq cu llal?.19-" u.'iiri ti-rp rsuto iue s uolrec ulcods' tu g !d- u:-d I ?:,::q .ti,:',:t' iio ecuuns;t gtlt uoil?ctpsllnf eql lo acueLtpto.laqlo ^ur l' Ji.or: liui,u ii'i','^crl liil ;o ,{uu l0 ucri€lci^ [tre '10 1vn:i-:'' 'u'e-r, :lCi'ltu,S,l ? irq 0l pa.ills!0C Sq lcu llvtls SUo!]?3lllg Ilun trrii jl ;r',i.:.,dCi: .J0 i'J j:''j e lo 0uriuer0 Jo aou'Jii:::i ' -'i li r'' Ji 1i :''li) ?3Sl[uriJ i'" '!i if :li ,.i3 F,p t o- 0r ,'F :e ff-) d 3 d: <-r. il i:' tl F:''3t '-' lrBld g 2 at! t- fi 'J dof PA lO llr'l0l aI & rl.> .A h-2 l, lpI / ct P Dt c, Pt 0 \ ir-x J v s-frt ae zz(r1 t0ap LYkt 6e9 $( u, 'I ?.-r FL',' 2 3 dt 3U :IIVC l,IOUJ ol ANVdl tOC lN3l t39VNVyI 3HI nn0NVUO] 13l,I I Joe Nnme I'-,rhrrtk*5 (t*/"#) S{o KAHEF/- Fox sUFPLY co . EOILER TE /aD t>t n4F tlR F TFMF NTFF fass'LD) RooH NAHE Ltv,yt-Ky_ '\p'etaur / 4 \'' r-er're rn /2 vtuxn /7.5 EXFosED wALL L6n{ g.< WALLs T,I./OFENINGS 2 wINPOt4s & D0ERSHUHJw-7- w-7- H< H- w /. t^f u$ u., l''ril D 6R:*n3 H_w 7.3 kI_ cerurNa , 05 FLOOR .(ZJ I/ALLS , OS rnlttc+") coo At{rar+ H w ROOM NAME HEICHT /?. lEruers 7 wrorn /2 EXFOSED NALL L6TH WALLS I,',/OFENINGS WINDOWS & DOORS H__-__ [^1.....,- H- ttl_ CEILING FLOOR H w H tl H w KIALLS Roof4 T.JAHF R" /h nEreHr l? lEruers 7 wtotu /? EXFosED wALL LGrH 4 WALLS I4,/OPENINGS A t4INDOl,lS E( DOORSu3 H_w ),5 r^,_ ,, . , ,-j_ r. ritr_e6g5 1{w v\J r+aE4 TJ w H w H 14l CEILING FLOOR WALLS H- w Ro0r1 NAtiE R.J.-. r-reiesr /? LEFTGTH /3. wrurH /1.-5 EXPosED wALL LGTI-I ?f ,ALLS w/sFENrNGt ] uJIr{DOWS fr DOORSlr.-4- H-w / w- ,j-3--- H- ruir",r1D,; ilcqw e^< H_ AiltrA_ t-tw- CEILiNG FLT]ORS I,IALLS wlrrDoili'hc AFE$ ROOI'1 I.JAHE r-tE I GHT_ LENGTH- IJ I DTH EXFOSED WALL LGTFI WALLS 14l OPEN r r.165_ I.IINDCIWS tr DOORStJ_ 'H-vl_ H-vl_ CEI LI N6 FLOORS WALLS H t{ H w H VJ To FFI ROON r.rAflE HE I GHT- LENGTH tl I DTH EXPOSED I,JALL LGTH l,lALLS tllOPENINGS I4INDOWS & DOORSH- w lJ t^l -TJ tJ- H t"l H W H t,| \.]\LtfTJ: nt>et+ CEILING I of YriL E;G(]PY- Dcr., ,,,N I . :.' . Kamen Supply C.:. Bax 436 95O Ngttinqham RoadAvcn, EO BIaZO Fhone (3O3) 949-43CrO INNSBRUCK I'IEADOWS LOT 5 LT]CK OFF FOR TOH CRT]NIN FAX 3+9-4048 BTUH LOSS 2A5.24 GAIN 15249 51.A6 BASEBOARD FT. C ROOm NUHBER t 2 3 4 ...,. RO0H NA}IE LIVINGRI.I KITCHEN EATH+2o7, BEDIIH"*;.;'i,.."HEIGHT 14. OO 12. OO 12. Og *12. oo'-"--LENGTH. l2.OO 7.OO 7.OO '' .!3.OO.:YI ., trrDTH 17.50 12. OO 12. OO EXPUSED t^tALL LENGTH 30. 50 16.50 31. O0 :,* WALLS l.rlTH trPENINGS 2 L L 2 EXPOSED GLASS AREA 103.50 15.OO 7.50 76.50 L INFILTRATION .O1B 5.292 .O12 1210 .Ot? 1210 .O1B 3510o CEILING .O3 630 .O3 252 .O3 252 .O3 48€S FLOOR SE FTS SLAB LINEAR FTE COLD PARTITI,ONs I,ALL O. 05 1618 O. 05 915 0. 05 I47eGLASS 0.56 579F- 0.56 840 0.56 42o 0.56 42A4 TOTAL LASS G IOO DTD EASEBOARD FEET G 18O GAIN 13336 24.2 6749 32L7 3.8 2011 22r3 4.O 1410 9749 17.7 3079 RT]T]I"4 NUICEER ROOM NAI.IE HEIGHT LENGTH WIDTH EXPITSED WALL LENGTH* WALLS I"IITH TTPENINGS EXPOSED 6LASS AREA L INFILTRATIT]NO CEILING S FLOOR S8 FT S SLAB LINEAR FTE CTILD PARTITIT1NS IIALL GLASS TOTAL LOSS E 1OO DTD BASEBOARD FEET € lBO GAIN E orfffHdbpr, o tuEll- o m rlAlll AUERICA'S MOST COIIPLETE LINE OF CAST IROl{ BOILERS RESIDENTIAL... COTIIERCIAL... INDUSTRIAL... INSTITUTIONAL NET LOAD RANGE HOTWATER: 37,000 to 17t,000 BTU/Hr. Design certilied bV American Gas Association Net ratings are approved by The Hydronics Institute DOE Heating capacities based on standard test procedures prescribed by the United States Department of Energy GG SERIES 11 HIGH.EFFICIENCY GAS BOILER CG HIGH.EFFICIENCY GAS BOILER MICHIGAN CITY INDIANA The \\'eil-Mclain CG cast iron gas boiler is available in tra'o models: . CG-SPD 80% efficiencl' model with standing pilot . CG-PID -82% efficiency model with intermittent electronic ignition system Both models are furnished with an automatic vent damper to increase operating efficiency and save fuel. The CG boiler is available in seven sizes with net I-B-R ratings from 37,000 to 176,000 BTU/HR. The unit is designed for forced hot r.r'ater heat- ing systems in neu' homes and apart- ments . .. or for replacement of old, inefficient heat ing equipment. The CG is designed and engineered for fast installation ... reliable opera- Lion ... convenient servicing ... high efficiency ... and long life. Most important, the CG is made b,r' \\'eil-\Ic Lain. America's leading name in cast iron boilers for over 110 vears. G o1t:'lt"e.- ! Irl HIGH OPERAT|NG EFFrcEilCY CG-SPD operabs at 80%; CG-FIO at 82ch. FACIORY-TESTED. Every boiler is water- and fire-tested to assuE r€liable operaiion. AT IOHAIC VENT DAilPER. Prerrents heat ftom escaping up th€ chimney when the burners ar€ nol op€rating. Saws fuel. VEiIT PROlrll{G COI{TROLS. Rollout lhermal fuse element and spill switch shut down the boiler if blockage occurs in either the boiler or venting syst€m. @l|PACf DE$GN. Saws valuable space. NEW PAITIS APPROACH. Repair parts furnished in conveni€nt kits sriih everything needsd. COt{VEillEilT SERVICING. Easily accessible controls ... simple wiring ... top cleaning ... wrtical flueways. STEEL JACKET. Durable powder-coat blue finish ... insulated to retain heat and clear of the floor to orevent rust. PR(ffiCTfVE CRIIIE The boiler is mounted on a pallel in a sturdy wirebound $ooden crate. R€ady for fast insiallation. ALUUII{IZED SIEEL BURI{ERS. Feature quiet ignition and extinclion. Burners provide fixed primary air ... no air adjustment required. s-YEAR HOIIEOWNER PROIECNON PLAN-OfiONAL. CovErs boiler oarts supplied by Weil-Mclain and labor for all eliglble ropairs. Available through participating installers. o A tesbed and approved auto- matic vent damper is furn- ished as standard equipment. The damper prevents heat from cscaping up the chimney when the boiler is not operat- ing to increase efficiency, save fuel. Simple plug-in connec- tors assure mistake-proo{ rviring. CG.SPD The CG-SPD is furnished x'ith a standing pilot system elec- trically interlocked with the automatic vent damper. When the thermostat calls for heat-. Circulator starts and damper begins to open . When the damper is proven open (in approximately lb seconds) the gas valve opens to ignite the main burners When the therrnostat is satisfied-. Circulator stops; damper begins to close. Gas vah'e closes. Damper is fully closed within approximately 15 seconds II boiler r,r'ater temperature reaches the high limit setting-. Gas valve closes . Damper closes in approximately 15 seconds. Circulator keeps running The CG control system is design certified by A.G.A. and all components are UL-listed. CG.PID 0perating sequence is the same as above cxcept there is no constant burning pilot. Instead an eieclronic spark ignite-s the pilot. The PID system features a Weil- I\I c Lai n UCM universal ignition control module. '3,i'_- t & - Boiler sections ale made tif durable ca.st ir.on lbr strensth and long lifc. It'-q not uncommon for Weil-Mcl,ain cast iron boilers r.o last 135 years or more. 'Ihe I'erlical fluc p:rssages:rlr: studrled with heat pins thal causc the hot gascs to swill about, 5sl'ulrlying tht' entiri' sur.l:rce of cach section for marinrum heat transfer'. Radiaticin nlates fur. thet incro;rse heal lran:l'er fur.nr:rximunr cffit icncr'. Modern olastomer sealing rings in thr. port ,,1,"ning* rlssure a permanent watertight seal. Thc fleribilitv and elastic menlr)rv of the-qe seals (unlike mctal push nipplcs) prervcnt leaks causei by thermal cxpansion anil contr':rction. A special highlcmperature se:rlant irctrveen ltoilcr sections assru'es gas tightness. Keeping the CG in top operating condition is a simple matter. Removing the back half of the top jacket panel, collector hood, and radiation plates exposes the flueways for easy cleaning. Removing the front jacket door and front base panel allows access to the burners. HIGH-EFFICIENCY GAS BOILER o Add "SPD" to designabr lor boilgr $dlh danding pllot. Add "PtD" to dgsignaior lor boiler rdth Inleoitt€nt ol€ctronic ilnition sysbm. For Sm models 6dd "N" ior natural cEq "g' lor p.opane (propano not avallable lor HD). 'gas€d on standard t€rl proc€dur€s prelcrib€d by th€ tJnited stalos Oepartmsnt ol Energy. - Nst l-g-R .etlngs are b63od on n€l insial|€d Bdiation ol sulfrci€nt qurr ity br ihg rcquirgnr€lrlg ol the buildlng and nolhlng ne€d bo add€d br nomal pipine ar|d ftck-up. Relin$ ers bas€d on e piping and pick-up dloMnc€ of 1.15. An addilioml allowenc€ sholld b€ mede lor unusual piplng and 9lc*-up loads. OIE: CG bolloB lor rosldontal .adi6nt panel sy3lems, com€d€d g.3viv hoetlng systsms, or othor low w€t€r temp€.Efuro applicallons should b€ In8talled wlth balancing \re|ros and by-poss piping oqual to the supply and rstum aize lo a\old excesCvs llus gas cond€nladon due to loFt op€ratng wabr lemp€aaluaog. l|dfE: CG bolbrs aI€ AG.A d€9i9n coriin€d tor indallation on combustibb fooring. Tested br 50 PSI rvorklng 9le$ulg. l,lot availdblo b. millirrolt syst ms. FNO T B|GHT Et{D TOPYIEW SIDE ELEVATION TINIIIUT CT.EARAI{CE FOR CLOSET IIISTALLANONS ;" i rrrt Ns. Rtr ckq-i .+5'A - A.\Lock-dt\ '1v." suooly taoolno in lell end t.cdon. Bush to t'for CG-25, incr€ss€ to 'lh'lor CG-8 -Sitzgs Jioiyn arr lEs connedion !iz6s. cas piphg ftom m€|-. to boil€r b bo {rzod 6ccordin0 to local ulility Equirsrn€nb. Faciory Fir€ Tggtod lnsulatsd ExleMod Jackst Built-ln Air Separator vertical Drafl Hood lin separate canonl Automatic Vonl Damp€r Radlafon Plates Combination Gaa Valv€ for 24 volt Non-Linting Pllot Burner Alumlnlzed St99l Burne6 Combination Rslsy Beceptacl€ and 40 VA Tranaformer Electrical Junction Box Plug-in Circulator Relay Spill Switch Rollout Th€mal Fuse Elem6nt Hioh-Limit TsmD€ratul€ Control ciLuhior [acd, d)?, B&G SLC-30 0r Grundtos UPl5-44 30 Psl aSME Rollel Valve (boiler s€ctions lested tor 50 PSI working pr€ssure) Combination Pre$urc-Tamperature Gaugo Drein Velve HIGH EFFICIENCY MODEL - SPD Constanl Buming, Thermslly Supervl8ed Pilot Systam Thermocoup16 HIGHEST EFFICIENCY MODEL - PID Iniermittsnl Electronic lgnltlon Pllot S)siom Taco 1 10 Clrculator BEG lq) Circulator Ga Convorsaon Kiig Flll-Tlol S)st€m (compr€ssion tank, fll dd ch6ck vake, autornalic air vent and fitting3) - *109 SL6s 25 ihru 5; f1l0 {iizeE 6 thru I - shipp€d In sep€Ets carton In th€ intsr€st ol continuel imp|oyement in p|oduct ard p€rtotmanca, Weil-Mclsin rsserygs lhe right to c*range specificaiions without mtce. @H*J',;Tkl*'lI., Weil-McLain 500 Blaine Street Michigan City, lN 46360-2388 frbr Boil€r l{unb€a A.GA DOE H..tngInput Clp.dtyBTIJ/lk STlJ/Hr.' dFa{ Rldog}lttr BTU/Hr.* DO€ S€.sonal Elficisrcy Pe.c.ol ( Ft El High. E ficisfEy xo&l (SPD]{} High- Elficloncy o.hl (SPDL) Hlghesl-Efficiency Cfiimn€y tlod€l (PlDl{) SL.' cG25 52,000 43,000 37,000 80.2 80.4 83.0 4" l.D. xzo' cG-3 70,000 58,000 50,000 80.1 80.7 42.2 4" l.D. x2O' cG-4 105,000 88,000 77,000 80.4 81.4 82.9 5" 1,O. x 20' cG.5 140,000 117.000 102.000 80.4 81.5 82.5 6" l.D. x 20' cG-6 175,000 145,000 126,000 80.5 81.6 92..2 6" 1.D. x 20' cG? 210,m0 174,000 151,000 80.5 81.7 81.8 7" l.D. x 20' cG8 245,000 202,000 '176,q)o 80.5 81.8 81.4 7' l.D. x 20' LEFT EI{O hta.aoh.llu|nbr iludaa. I 3h. ot ol|tt.talo.r.-hdr-qda Dlrnaatdoor Gaa Coon.clioi gEa* (ouldda m.r|.t|ndr{n.) tlrtur.l .rd Ptog.n i b,r96r l wtdd, T H;rcrl 27 27U 31h Sup9ly 0{Fn' Ratlrt (ln cb.!bro.)l D w oG25 I -l !t'a5rt 4 0 oo.{l 1-1r',| -t'SAiA 1 1o ]l 27 27h 31h cc{l-v'5,r% 5 t3 h cc€l-v'57h 6 16 30 27h 31h cG{Y.'1-t ra"60h 't9 33 27h 31h o0.t v'1-t rr"62$ 7 22 4. I 3! L 2r!+ 3!'| cG-8 v"1- l|'|'61r^7 25 e( : al I z1!_ 3th Form No. C-553R18('1093)@1993 Weil-Mclain Litho in U.S.A. a Tfln ot\frI rN \ls3R'cr< u6 s_ oFFICE CoPy Bo r LEe- R.f,rl 6e- Fvrar N u r..J ir tsoirse-j weru r.,rcuiu /o* G ll {oso Ri:. r,t- b"B VEur /: ' u+ Ojo"r-e* s,e-f b' r'rl o ' rt -nr. KAUeN - rox Cr lc,el V an (n.i^tl^.,s) 550 \., LER TEMF 'ann,llz-TEMP DIFF RooM NAME L^l*r J 5r.,'.. -=-..-7_serour 2-3 leNe rH /i,5 vtroru / / EXFosED wALL LGTr{ _U^I wALLS t,tzoFENrNGs 2 HINDOWS & DOORSt-43Hw-7- H l. < H_-_......,_w-T- w- vutF)o6: D u 3 H n-ki* w-T- tl- ceruirqs DT rtooa f)I r,lnr-ls 05 H 1,, H t{ ROOI4 NAME HE I GHT LENGTH t^r I DTH EXFOSED I{ALL L6TH I,JALLS tllOFENINGS WINDOWS & DOORSH-l^l_ u'\rFu{rr1 I}(i - Anr4+ Ht^,_ CEILING H- w FLOOR trlALLs noom rueNr lir,l., (',^ \xErenr /5.-{ ! r-Er.rsrx JD wroru // EXFosED r,rnur- r-errr .37 WALLs W,/OPENIN65 2 bIINDOIJS 4r DOORSu7uR3w-T;7- n--F- B IJ-- li-=- r^rilsouJ;w7.S Wzs * AQ*u?r.r3n7s- w-Zs- cerr-rrvo . d-5 ..,Jrtoan u weu-s . O5 Roorl NAME {Yn"Lr B, } vrctc,ut / 3 lEusrx ?5 wrn:rt /O EXP'sED *ALL LG.l'r ,7O wALLS w/oFENrNGs I tlIl.lDOWS 8.: DOORSt4 3 Hw-73- t,l- u? Hw7 w u3 H ruiulD 1 iSgR Ai\E'l- w-7.3- w- cErr-rr.re , O.l FLr:oRs .O wolLs . 05 ROOt'4 t'.lAr,1E IIE 16HT LENCTH /I I]J I DTH EXFOSED WALL LGTFI WALLS tt,/OPENII'JGS 14 INDOhIS & DOORS H-9J_ H-l,J_ CEILIN6 ll w H w H w H w ---- \DltrDoui 'DCC ARES FLOORS wnlls . d)5 ROOt{ HE I GHT- LENGTH , WIDTH EXPOSED hJALL LGTH WALLS W/OPENINGS I,J I NDOWS Hw- CEiLINIG FLOORS DOORS UJ\ltfrrl Ai>E+ H h, H w H w l-l kJ- LJw- I{ALLS Dcr KAHtrF/- . ! 'J:.r !:.1 .,.;.',..$iirird:.",. FOX SUF'FLY CO roB NAHE 7-'-.^sAruclsr5 (ftk;^ tb..r,) *oo" *o"a 1.r,, ^ Joy HErcHr ? / LENGTH /3.-....1|..-- l,JI DTH q EXFOSED WALL L6TIJ t^fALLS tJ./OFENINGS TJINDOWS & DOORS FoTLER TEHP /KO EB Bru Fr .55O TEMF DIFF /CO E LGTH H- H-.t4w H vt LI t,, IJ t,l ]J i,j . vtJ tl' X'i^:l rLi\:A cErLrNc fr FLOOR . o-1 9JALLS , 05 RooH NAHE /3r-/i1 ?. FTEIGHT I LEI'ICTH // t,lrDrH 5 EXFOSED r,lALL LGn-t 55 WALLS W,/OFENINGS 6 ptlr'rD0ws & DooRS Il W H w Nil.fc{$1N AQEA H- t^f H- w H t4, H t^, n ]lJ H w H W H t4 r\l€A- FLooR . al wALLs . d5 Ro0fl r.rAf4E llall HErcHr I LENGTH 35 hrrDrH /a,.5 .XEXFOSED I^JALL LGTH t4l WALLS |,|/0PENrNGs / l^, INDOI,JS 8r D00RS Uj\t-tfrJj Dcr hirEA H H H w H t4 H t{ H t, H w H- w CEII- I NC d FLOORS . o"l----------------- cEIL I t\tG e FLooRs oq ---_7-WALLS O.5 i? tl IROO|I NA|'4E t)e^*h I HEICHT A LENGTH < WIDTH 8 EXPOSED WALL LGT IIALLS W,/OFENINGS WINDObJS & DOORS cErLrNc p RooN I'JAME & l*- f, HETCH'T 6 LENGTH /1.< wrDr.j l1 EXFOSED WALL LGTI.I Ag WALLS tI,/OPENII'165 / l^IINDOWS 8r DOORS11 JHw--T- ul- ,, d <i. +J -'-vJ/w H- H-I,J W CEiLINC C FLOORS C} WALLS 05 RooM NAf,tE &J.^" I HErcHT 8 LENGTH /,, WIDTH /g EXFOSED K'ALL WALLS W/OPENINGS I & DOBRS CEILING WALLS- , C!5 ir41t@.4!F,@tqs.qqrq.1 " INNSBRUCK MEADOT^IS LOT 5 BTUH LT]SS 61780 GAIN FOE TOM IRONIN 112.33 FASEBOARD FT. G 55C) BTU/FT @ 1BO l.iamen Supply t]o. Ec,x 436 'f5{:) Nc,ttinqham F:':'ad Avc,n , t::0 814:(j Fh,:,ne {.:lij3)'34'1.-430() FAX'1,+'l*4048 GAIN 30314 RT]trH NUMBER ROT]I"I NAHE HEI6HT LENGTH I,||IDTH EXPOSED WALL LENGTH* WALLS WITH OPENINGS EXPBSED GLASS AREA L INFILTRATION O CEILING S FLOOR SO FT S SLAB LINEAE FT E trOLD FARTITION S WALL ISLASS .04 o. 05 1 LAUNDRY 3. OO 13. OO 9. OO a. r)o 2 BATHI+2O a. oo 5. OO B. rlc) 5.0t) 3 BEDRMl B. OC, 12. OO 14. OCt 2E}. OO 1 20. oo . o1? 1613 .o4 67? r'\ fr q t ar '-r ar (1 ,56 11?O 4425 g. c, 2343 4 BATH2+2O B. OO 11.OO 5. OO 5.50 52€] 1.Ct o , 04 160 o. 05 20c) .04 360 E}2EI 1.5 o 432 0.8 o 0.o5 220 TOTAL LOSS G lOC) DTD BASEBtrAED TEET G lE}O GAIN ROOM NUMBER 5 E6OH NAI,IE BEDRMz HEIGHT 8.OO LENETH 11.50 WIDTH 14. OC} EXPOSED WALL LENGTH ?g.T-!CI+ I,.IALLS WITH OFENINGS 1 EXFOSED GLASS AREA Zg.5(1 c HALL B. OO 3. 50 t? Err L7A 7 ENTRY :3. Crc') 11.50 11.0C) 19.50 "13. stl .o19 3:l?7 . (:13 380 0. 05 3025(r.56 ?436 10074 14.3 461 1 EI KITCHEN 1 0. oct 9.50 13. OO I 3. CtO I I 5. CrO . r) 12 14812.03 37L 0.05 575 o.56 840 3268 5.9 2r-)7L L INFILTRATIBN O CEILING s; FLOOR SGI FT S SLAE LINEAFI FT E |:OLD F,AFI]ITION 5 [^,ALL GLASS TOTAL LOSS G lOO EASEBOARD FEET G GAIN . crl? 1546 .04 644 O. Ct5 971 o.56 165? DTD 4E}14 lAO A. A 2637 .04 r75 o.3 o EXPOSED WALL LENGTH 37.OO* WALLg }IITH OPENINGS 2. €xPogED GLAES. AREA. **'taE. OO ROOFI NUHEER ROOM NAT4E HEIGHT LENETH WIDTH I LIVINGRM 13.50 :0. f-){J 14. OO 1921 t 34.9 926,4 10 I'IASTERBD 13. OO 25' {:rtl 10. oo 30. oo 2 104. oo .:,.-O1B-,, EIBSO.03 750 o.05 1410o.56 6044 14054 25.6 7064 .L o s s E s COLD PARTITIONti,ALL O. OS 1823GLASS 0.56 7560 TOTAL LO55 € 1OO DTD AASEBT]ARD FEET E 1€O GAIN o.o5 t23ao.56 840 3965 7.2 2314 . CEILING ROOI.I NUI'IBER RO{IT'I NAHE HEIGHT LENETH WIDTH EXPIISED WALL LENGTHII WALLS I.IITH BPENINGS EXPOSED 6LASS AREA L INFILTRATIBN O CEILINGS FLOOR SO FTS SLAB LINEAR FTE CT]LD PAETITIONS NALL 6LASS TOTAL LOSS G 1O(] DTD EASEEOARD FEET G 18O GAIN 16l5t413 ...y. -:., ;;iyr,,ir.- ,':l(... -,r,: !r: KAgeN- rox suF'FLY c0 JoB NAME T^"^' b'utk e5 ( t"'-t "4) /oo r>, EOILER TEI"IF BTU F TEI-,IF DIFFfus.rIDt RooM NAHE A-"--t-t-A--r--.\uetasr / 4 \J ler'rerH /2 vtroru /7.5 ExFosED wALL LGrr{ .?.< wALLs w/oFENTNGS 2 HINpOT4S & DoEtSHUHJw-7- w-7- I f H- w*,Xt:l D* 0 t'l- tLRjAs3 H_-w 7,_< r,J_ ce rlrrua , 05 FLOOR U) ttALLS t 05 H. ],J......_ H- CEILING FLOOR KIALLS H w R0(]f1 NAl"tE HEIGHT LENGTH wrorr' /2 EXPOSED WALL LGTH WALLS l^f,/OFENINGS wrNDows & DooRs H t{ H t^l H t.l Lxtrtc{rJ1 At{E{+ Roor-4 NArlE /<. I l" | .'-1HEIGHT ' < leruerx 7 ,^ W I DTH /"J ExFosED wet-r- tetu.Of wALLS w/oPENINGS O WINDOI,TS E{ DOORS : u3 H_w ),5 t,,_ HH ;- " AaEA w_ t{ CEILING- FLOOR 14ALLS RooH NA.IE E.Ir*,. r-reror-rr /? lEr.rorH /3 wrurH /1.-5 EXPosED uJALL L6n-t </ WALLS W,/OFENINGS 7 l,JII'IDOWS F-.l DOORSta_4,_ H_w/w_ LJ=- H- r,..rl-^1,o,|i: i)ccRw 2^< w- AnEA- H- hi_ CEILIIT.IG FLOORS I..,ALLS H- w ROON l.rAf,tE HE I GHT- LENGTH- t4 I DTH_ EXFOSED WALL L6TI-I I^IALLS W,/OPENII'JGS l^IINDOWS tr DOORStJ_w_ H-l,J_ H-vJ_ CEILING FLOORS t^,ALLS H w H t^l H trl urlrrDonJlh $2Er+ ROOi{ NA|IE HE I GHT- LENGTH- w I DTH_ EXFOSED NALL LGTH WALLS W/OPENII']Gs WINDOWS Er DOORSH- H-w_ ht-- l1_ H_ lr\ptrblw t\l nRr+H- H-tJ- w- CEILING FLOORS I^,lALLS Dft Karnen Supply Co. B,:x 436 95C) Nottinoham Rr:ad Avnn, trO Slalo Phoner (3O3) 949-430O INNSBRUCI4 MEADT]WS LT]T 5 LTlf,K OFF FOR TOI",I CRONIN FAX 949-4048 BTUH 28,5.24 GAIN 1s249 ROOM NUI'IBER ROOM NAT.IE HEIGHT LENGTH. IdIDTH EXPT]SED WALL LENGTH S T.'ALLS I.JITH IIPENINGS EXPOSED GLASS AREA 51.S6 AASEBOARD .j 8 55O BTU/FT E IBO 1 LIVINGR]'I 14. OO 12. OO 17.50 30.50 2 103.50 2 KITCHEN 12. OO 7. OO 12. oo 16.50 1 15. OO o12 1210.o3 252 3 BATH+zO7.. 12. OO 7. OO t2.o$ 1 7.30 .012 1210.o3 2=2. o.05. L47eo.56 420 22t3 4.O 1410 4 BEDRt.I 12.OO 13. OO 12.50 31. OCt 2 76.50 . olB 3810.03 4AB o.56 4244 9759 ,.7.7 5079 L INFILTRATItrNO CEILINGS FLOOR SE FTS SLAB LINEAR FTE COLD FARTITIOI\S WALL GLASS TBTAL LT]SS G 1OO DTD BASEBOARD FEET E lFO GAIN ,o18 5'292.03 630 0. 05 1618 o.56 5796 13336 :l4.2 6749 o. o5 915o.56 840 3217 5.8 2011 ROOM NUI.IBER ROOM NAI'IE HEIGHT - LENGTH WIDTH EXPOSED I,JALL LENGTH* T.'ALLS T.IITH T]PENINGS EXFOSED GLASS AREA L INFILTRATITINO CEILINGS FLOTIR SE FTS SLAB LINEAR FTE COLD PARTITIT]NS WALL 6LASS TOTAL LOSS E lOO DTD BASEBAARD FEET E lAO GAIN B76