HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT A3 LEGALk^6n\ RrA4t /"f /,taz Design Review Board ACTION FORI''I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.comC.:Atullltl G.rELop|lE {r Proiect Name: REGAL RESIDENCE Project Description: BEDROOM ADDMONS Partacipants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Numben Commentsl Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DRB Number: DR8060383 OWNER WALTER G. REGAL REVOCABLE UO8/21l2006 WALTER G. REGAL TRUSTEE 13685 W, BURLEIGH RD BROOKFIELD wI 53005 APPLICANT WALTER G. REGAL REVOCABLE UO8/21l2006 WALTER G. REGAL TRUSTEE 13685 W. BURLEIGH RD BROOKFIELD wI 53005 1059 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Location: 1079-A SANDSTONE DR. Lot: A-3E Block Subdivision: LION'S RIDGE FIL. 1 2103-014-1200-4 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 09/15/2006 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008393 Smoke detectors required per Section R313 of the IRC(2003). qi\ '. r Cond: CON0008452 With the buildlng permlt appllcaUon, the applicant shall submit to the Town of Vail, br review ard approwl, a slte specific aeological analysis addressing the proposed addltlon and the sdstlng high se\rerity rocldall hazard. BillGibson DRB Fee Pald: f30O.O0 Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel 97O.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Discription of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot: A 3 glock:Subdivision:Lio-'-s Rl'D<';-, Physical Address:t O17-n-S Ai-i D.sTo,tt: Dr , v t1i t- .o- y. t (i (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at970-328-8610 for parcel no.) Owner(s) Signature(s): Ze.2 18L 7e 'l,-i ulfl wCo W @ lta, Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction E Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamiV/commercial) tr Plinoi Alteration (single-family/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr SeparaUon Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $20 $20 No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painung, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Name(s) of Owner(s):lVnLt-i. re. Ri:Onu MaifinsAddress: / 32 i'-' it. F4un Let ori Rp. |JB",''!'-F;ttD Phone: Name of Applicant:TEK, Mailing Address:a- lar Phone: Fax: $6s0 €@ $250 E-mail Address: ***tlta++tl**lf*flll+ff+**aflt**ataaa**ta9tat++alatltt**tt*t**at+aaa*+fttaaa+**+fa+*+ttttl** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€m€ot ++ltflafa**all*'t*ltllat+llt++ffa+*l*tiaflla*l'!t*t{'l'***+++lf*l'i't'tt|'}+'l*a**+t****+flttffi*'l***ir* Stetern€nt llurnber: R060001272 Amount: $300.00 O8/2L/2O06O4237 P{lt! Palment lrlethod: Check Init: iISNotation: 221/WALTER G. REGAI Permit No: DRB050383 fype: DRB - Addltlon of GRFA Parcel No: 2103 -014 - 1200-4 Site Addreee: 1059 SAITDSTONB DR VAIL L,ocatLon: 10?9-A SIAIIDSTONE DR. ThiE Palment! $300.00 Total FeeE: $300.00Total ALL Pmta: 9300-00Balance3 $0. o0 f***ttlattalaal**+*lfta++tatatta**+tt*ttt*t*****+t*t+aft+ttaft++a*tt*a****+****+at*a++ffftf+ ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacriptlon Current Prnta DR 00100003tL2200 D8srcil{ RsvrEw FEES 300.00 IOI44Vffi ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS*'T All pages of Application is complete Checklist is completed and signed Stamped Topographic Survey* Site and Grading Plan* Landscape Plan* Architectural Elevations* (1 set of Redlined Exterior color and material samples and Architectural Floor Plans* (1 set of Redlined Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for Title report, including Schedules A & B to Photos of the existing site and adjacent Written approval from a condominium applicable Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if The Administrator and/or DRB may drawings, specifications, samples and other necessary to determine whether a project intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copics of the materials noted x*For interior, conversions with no exterior changes. complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor $gnature Datesisned 8-?-d6' / EI tr E tr ts a EI a E E Fttl Q -{*@ tr F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb-addition_1 1-23-2005.doc Page 3 of 14 71123/200s ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS Topographic survey:o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of survey. North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10' or l"=20'). Legal description and physical address. Lot size and build able area (build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain). Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer inveft. This information must be clearly stated on the survey. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at tvventy-five foot interva|t._.. (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals . Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point ond': foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). . All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.),o Environmental Hazards (ie. Rock fall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include:. Cable W Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjagent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of l"=20'or larger. Property and setback lineso Existing and proposed easementsr Existing and proposed grades . Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. r All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height'. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. F : \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb-addition_1 1-23-2005.doc Page 4 of 14 1r/231200s Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall ' Fascia Soffits Windows Doors Door Trirr Ha nd or I Other *ot"t' .t --'.=-. ".D\HICASC S '^)-' Flues t '2h,a ,"W ;;, Trash En ^. . Greenho..' Retaanrn Exterior I r{'r. l* <, a .l1'I t_- 'iF t- [_ PROPOSED IANDSCAPING Botanacal Name Common Name Ouantitv Size , PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL : Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMlTs\Planning\drb_addition_11-23-2005.doc Page8of14 r1/2312005 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY lle Tifle Conpeny of the Roc-kicg Inc 10 West Beavor Creek Blvd., Suite 221 Avon, CO 81620 Phone: (970) 94$9497 Fax (970) 949-9,,t86 A Policy-Issuing Agent of F,irst Anerican Tirh Insumra Con pan.i agent for FIRST AMERICAN TTTLE INSURANCE COMPANY AGREEMENT TO ISSUE POLICY FIRSTAMERtcAN TIrLE INsURANCE coMPAN! referred to in thisCommitmentaslhecompany,through its agent identified above, referred toin ittr"eg.""rent as theAgent, agrees to issue a poricy toyou according to the terms of th is commitment when we show rhe policy amount and your name as the iJ3?i::1i:ti.red in scheduleA, thiscommitmlnt ol"or"" "rectiv'eas 6iliie-dommitment Dateshown - lf the Requirements shov/n inthiscommitment have not been metwithin six months afterthecorn-mitment datg our obligation under this com mitmeniwirr ena. nrso our obligation under th is commitmentwitt end when the poricv is issued and th;;;;;;r6;tion to you *ir b;;il;;ihe poricy. Our obligation under this Commitment is limited by the following: The provisions in Schedule A. The Requirements in Schedule B-1. The Exceptions In Schedule B-2. The Conditions on the reverse side of this page This commitment is not varid without scHEDULE A and sections 1 and 2 of scHEDULE B. 1\1Lt,,tJl --{:i;;);.?o* o t)'...'\ sf plmEtR 21. .' Ei.t rrt-, '..- -..' \ i'rr,rr-*tt COUNTERSIGNED JUt. 19. 2006 4:01PM TITtE-C0-ROCKIES Ttrrr Coup,lwr oF THE Rocxtrs, INc. 10 VBcsrlr Csc.l Blv4 *21, FO Bc: gg0 .f,ws, @ 81620{t980 lbdc p7q 919-94e7 F 8 (Dtq e4$91S6 vw.ridccomclb.cm WdErC.R.g4 ThEer Wdtsr G. R4al Ravocabtc Living Tmst 13275 WcrrBnlcigl Ro.d Brotrd{WI 53005 July 17,2006 ConnihcltNo* 0tt(X064BuycdrNen{)n ABuyauBcDacrubcd sellcr's Nen{r): Thc wrlu o. Rcgil Rffocebtc Liviog Trn* dod Jrw 22, 1999, a wirconsintustPropcrty: l0?9Sqd*oncDrtve,8ilfiUstt,VailCO EIGSS LotA-34 Blockr, LionsRidg Subdivisiqa e+b Cod/, Cotqedo DcrCb$cmcn bclosed you lrin fiod ou coqniucot No, 0E10106.C lssrcd by 6is o6ce, as qr6orizod !$ut for Fi,gAuertcan Tide llsrrece Cmew5/. T/c 4prcoide 6l -opportntty to particip0b wih pu b rhis trmsal'i@- should pu hew ay qrrcstioos q.coocctll plcase ftcl frre to cmtast mc a fu ulcphmc nmba rhotl abova WihbcnrryEd$ Thooy L Banrnf'drcr EssrwOffica Eoclonn:asffid JUL, 19.2006 4:01PM TITLE-CO-ROCKIES Tttle Coueany oF THE Rocxres, INc. t0 \rBqrtl CE* nt4 *P21, PO Ed 9E0riro, @ Et6:It0lt80 Ph6c (Y/0 9a9.91r/ rr*OOga9+486 Com'rrnmfrftAilsilcmar ll0, 3103-P. 3- Goumihat Ordcnd Ey: WiXiG.R!g4ThsEc Sralu G. Raal &rocablo tiviqg Til* 1375 WcstBrulsighRmd Btootfol4 WI 53005 Ptor: (/l 0) t7 6.9*1t Fx Q6Z) 7 &4346 Ilquirhr $odd bG dircct d b: Trecryl,Btmgrlhrr Tbe IiUc Coary of&s Rodic4 hc.-*agtc l0 W Boavcr Gr* Bhd, #22t, pO Bor y6{l Avm,CO $620{9s0frw: (970) 949-919t Frr (920) 9$9aE6 CoqntbentNcnbcr: Brrrr'rNrndrh SclhdrNrnc(r): hopGrty; oil04ffi ABqrabBoDttuiinod Rr.nrrcs l@Sqdfrc fto Wr|tr G. Rcgil Rsvocabk Uving IIrr* dtd Jruc 22, 1999, I Whomshlust lO79 SaodstoDc Dirq E$tunf, V3iI. CO EI65S IdA-38 Bloc&At.itn!Ridgq SuHivhion, Eaglc CotCy, Coln do C,orus/Mrnxc Iesr ADWtrbBcDdcdlod llc Yrlbr e Red nerccrbh Uvtng Trun ddo0 JrEc 22, I99, e Xf-rrmriu tnst t3275 WEI Blulcigh Rord Bool&il4WI 53005 Hmr*. (170)41694+l Burhcss @6a)7824a5 P'gr 862r7n-7trn * :ffibffiffi:,3i;#lWffi*,yd5W JU1.19.20C6 4:0lPIi| TITLE-C0-ROcKIls Rrport Dd.l 07tlzt00c 03:16Pm EAGLE COUNTYTREASURER CERflFICATEOFTA'€SOUE ||l0. 3103 P. 4 Page:1 GERT* 37[C SCHEDULEt{O: RO43@9 ASSESSEDTO: oRDER NO:0E10Oo VENDORI,IO:101WATER G- FEGAL REl/OC{qBlE LMNGTRUSI WALTERG. REGALTRUSTEE 13685 W. BURLEIOH RD THE TITLE CPMPA}$r OF T}IE ROCKTES ATTN: P. O. BOXe60 BROOKFIET..D, Wtss0g5 AVON, CO Si€20 TEGAL DESGRPTIOI{: 9uE:-qoFts RIDGE FIL 1 Lora"3E BK{6E0 p@6os MA,p Me95 R7o6ao qcD 0ei&99PARGEL: 21030111M STTUSADft - ooiozeesnrvosiorrEDnvarLnnee TA'( 2005 TA,\ TOTALTA(ES 5,287.50 0.00 0.00 0.q) 0.00 Actuaf A$aarcd600.000 39,8d)933,380 74300 528750 GRAND TOTAL DUE GOOD fiROUGH Of I12N0ff.0.00 FOR tuthorlty EAGLE@UJ{TY, OOI;011 co|-o MTN Co|_IEGE (cMc),012 RE50J SCHOOL D|ST, il6 .018 CO RTVER WATER CONSERI/ATI ON,O76 VAILPARKE RECREATION DIST, Osb TOWN OFVAI.' 036 ERIA' & SAN DIST WATER SUBDIST. 086 EAGI,E COUNTY CONSER4/. DIST,O9O MINTURN CEMETERY DISTRICT, 043 EAGLE RI\ERWATER &SAN., 069 EAGLE CTY HEALTH SEfll/ICE, (B8 Tfu\ES FORzOOs llllll tevy E_/tgg 3.S97 19.595 0.40 3287 4:tg2zg7 0.000 0.450 r214 2.010 Amount 969.7s 46e.06-2rc.79 2624 376-06 536.60 268.ss 0.m 51.34 138.62m.s Vduee unD IMPS TOTAL SRDGIVIPT NETTOTAL 1,4:13,3E0 114.100 00 1,433,380 114,1W 6.V1 5,287.60 4+-|{ qeqe{€ Alrourftl ^RE_ sLrE|q?r ro cHANoE DrrE ro E}tr oRsErrlENr oF cuRREM rAxEs By rHE LIENHoI-DER 9B-!94DlGErlglNoelrD Dlsts^l-rlrlvr8E4ryI4s..-cxuee6lrvodcuHrinonilireriduiriFscrerce r;nriiEo-io eEcoilr4qrED PRloR,roREIIIITAI{CEAFIEBI-HF|Qt!@NgDAre-si qEEFD}rqr?EopdArym,U*oeruio,rEs;5iffidfrr. REALPRoPERTY-8EFTEMSERr. TAxtE{sAtEREDsrrrtotrAtotrln5iinsr-iErabCia!^brictRcAEiiEs-ddclf-.'" SPECIAL-TAXNG DISIRdT0AND_THE BCrtrlD4luFq OF_StJctl DlSitRgrsMAYBE ot,t F|LEWmtlr{E BoARD OF coUNTyconn llsgoNERS, ftE coUNTY ct ERK OR THE coUNTy AssEeGd- - Tlil! c.ltftqb docs not lndudc lrnd.q InprE\,ctr|gils rr*s3ad unds r aaprr c scrurnt nur|!er, p!.|orEl propcivta(e3, tansfier trx or mirc. irx €o|pcbd or blhrri ot o[r.r cnlfa, sp.dc or todi inir.,,irrrdr.] iistia lifiiffi ormoble ltdtl'16. ulG.3 |De dicelly mOfionca j*LgHgPdL*- ttct*y-! tlet he !||b. dirotl|t of hoa drF Lpon thc rboE &6aft.d rrcds otnct Fopcrty arnd anotr|lflioing |alG br (r|p.E ttc! lr.rt|otyn Df !c OOOr in my d€ fiom s'hldl he ramc nuy i l bc rcOcsn# *fr lrre amourUlrqtjlgl for lrdenptiql !r8.. notrd h.Rfn. ri*ncsr q*rcool,i ier,c hcrtrno rd rrry t snO ,nO scar-rrr|c-_ irh Ai;-J,fy, 2(,6: - TREASURER, EAGLE GOUNW, I(AREN SHEqFFE& BY: P.O. Box479 EECIq CO sl68l{479 pm)rzaoem Kott * 'll^tt//'*ffi.:.$ JUL. 19.20C6 4:0?Pli4 TITLE-CO-ROCKIES Trrrt Courent oF THE Rocxtts, Inc. l0.VBcrvE Crc* Eh4 #Zl, FO Bq 9U) Aroo, @ l16zxt980tuG gl0 9r9-9fYt EE (I/0 94S94s5 vrv.tidmclice-coo ilo,3l03 P. 5-- CoEnibcotOd.rcdEF Wahac.Rcg4Trustlc Wrltcr G. RAd Rcvocdb Uriqg Tost 13275 WcstBnlcigbRodMd4Wr 53005 mmc: (970) 4?6{44lFe, Q62)7lc,{l346 hqdrb rhorH br dhcchd to: ftnccyLBomgmbcr llc Tith CoryryoftteRodcg Inc -Frglo l0 W Bcc'rlr ce* Fhd, #221, PO Eor 980 Aw!,@ El@0{99) Ibme (90) 9a94al7 Fc (970) 9'+9aaE6 Cnnt [tNlobcn Eryrr'rNu{): Scllct'r l{luc(r}r Prrpcrg: 0trfl054 Rcfcr',eucq 1079 Sad*mo ADtfttBoDaaaincd Ihr WdE G. Red Rcrotrbb Lhing Tht* datcd Juc 22, f999, a $nscoqdl ar$t 1079 Sodm Dftq Ea$ lrlil Vril, CO tl65E Ipt A€8, Blo* A, Lidb Rtdg? Subdl"isiod, E gle Cody, Colcado I!u,p Crencrs TtEro.ct tFs acb|s d o lxm ofrb poEcy a fdldsc rfrdHt b tb 6chcd Co@tbcat Sr Ti[c hrac+ ail iDahdar ptoitrs futsuop(EtdcovttrtFou(r)aA ro&na(r)rE6trldrotilfd!,&dnrydei[d!d!ddin!|rtqdEyaffiFty-6rEE rEht d rhso. f a$rru+ tb dc*qoopo o(Brytf lrd 'Scilf ton bdo* mry bc trrcrt o tdiriot dorn Frric.r h F,.d? cqw, cdqraq ed/ccialaiatrng ofryoffi,atuffiFntloFed&dli6tbAppllcdtafr IIUcLsllsca gmcr'sPolicyhcolrru I-mPoticyPrtoiom: Addniooel Leodcr ($rrg{): AdditinalO&crChrg{g: TqCdtific.fi Tcnd Edqtocut Cbre{D: TBD CtEg{s): TQTALCIIAR.GES; $175.00 st7100 &r-'€ra * I Hfu *,.-!e,H h. nh d tfi c.tjr,, o +t hqs !*. tfr drq @:..3 fr ^qtur34lrtE V b, 41 FiE -tttr". tu @ 3,a -.{r dtud.ftt JuL. 19. 2006 4:02PM TlTL E-CO-ROCKIES COMI[IT}IENT iro,3103-P, Arrrrr Bdcltu* l079Suduc l1r4rrcdfor WbSkO.RE4lhlcc Wahrr C. Rcgd nltmoabt€ In&l liost 13275 xle* Eroldgl Rord BtooldcldrWl 5!005 !tEft . hrr fmpr lln: IxmrlriGonrnr for TIf LE INSTTRANCE hEodDt Couplr.ly oF TIIE RocrrEs, Iwc. ' Connita*NrEbGc0Sl0406C hquhlc$mH bcdhebdto: noTdocoqq"fu%:m I0 WBosrrr Go* Etrq *Z L pO Botr 9S0 Aro,CO tld2o{Bt0 t!-t-- 0 : t. z . $moutrA ElFctincDc .hfy 05,200( 7:tl0 rn Policy (a Polidco) b bc bsrt .{LTA Oqrads Polwy (tUt7l921 Plopodllsut.t Ahy:rtoEcDelhcr! LN&FDre Jdyt[t0tt6 PolicyAocm lle cffi q iuh'qt in 6c lad dnorsod c nftaad to h rb connlho od *rrEld E tin b: FcBinph md dtlo tbglb b u 6o c(Fcivr @ halof rtssd fo rhcwdtcr G Rcgrlk'ocrDbIfirrgrtrrt rtriat Juaczz, r99g,wdtlr G. ne4 Tnrtoc Tb lqdEftned b h rtir coatrcot b loccd in fu coury of E+h, se of colondo, ,rd fudescribcd rs bllol:: Irr A*tE, IJONS RbcE s[rBDIVlsION, A RESIIBDIVISION oF IoT A_3, BII)CK A,TagE !o tG nrt oc*of f,Gd NoruDor g r99s t r"olcn.t irgp ielliffil#x"g fi fi , Colr,E ot Ee3le, Strh of Colondc, JUL, 19.2006 4:02Pir|T ITL E-CO-ROCK IES Cffi!ilNo.0fl{XF.C ilo.3103 P. 7- Bcbsbl.Bl n4*am Conaomrrmltnrun;tnrlrcr Sccoor.rE- SrcrmI rrr' FollowrNro,r*r r* *u**ffi*r*r"- "*oIen (e) nqmab fi frreo Domt ofthc grmt cnc€aew ofibe frll coriitcrrdm brrbocsftEEinhstbb!i!n$d. tttu G) necfr*nuds) crcdio8 lt! cse fi icls !o bo iqr'rcd mst bc e*rrnbrt od airb norltumor4brft f . SroA of addty for lbc UirfU C. narf to*.*f Li,,hg Tl,If ded Jw 2d 1999, awi*oushtm* aurncmsn ft4 cvid$fog 6c cxirmpc ofsddtostrad 6c ffiy of or (r tDdr E&cs b et o bdrtf ofsaidtutad ofrcnrire corytyiogriit cRs. 3&3ol.)EJ, rr. q. a PFf @ toLdA-3E! IJO}i|lI RIDCE gIJEDrvrsION, ARBsrJBDrvrsroN OFI,OTA-3,EIOCKd aocordiqgio 6e Ptrtlr$of fibdNonnbe lg, 1995 iuBook 6tO d rue @E et RccqrtitnNo. 57fl07, CqdyofErgh Srdo ofColcldo- NOTE: D*y @drEdpwplttyrr*r rloolailion, @cdDdby sft€6c G(er m Glmc, o ac@rry thsDcod naiad lbonc, pqedto ^Ar*b t4 ofHolsc Bill No. t2tE{RA 1g-t+tgl- 3. Evfthrcc s|ti6cbry to tho coryuy q is drly dubd lgcd ta 6c l]!al csrrb &dr!s&r qi inpo* ty OUinarce No. 26, Sqfus of 1979, of ths Torra ofvrl Cotc.do blr boa pd4 ud 6rt the liatryoodty Sodioa 11 tcrcoftasb.io nib sdisfiod. TIIE @MFAT{Y RBSERV'ES lEE RIGHT TO CONDIJCT AN ADDMOI.IAL SEANCE OF IIIE RECPRDE IN TIIE OFFICE OF TTD CI.RK AND RBCORDER TOREAGI.E colrNly, colonADo FOR n DiSMENT lE{S, TA)( I^mts OR OnfiR SIMIT AR oR DXSSIMITARIIWOII'NTARY IT4AITERS AFFBCT!.IO THE CRAN]IEE OR G&{}TT8ES, A}TD TO I''AKE SUCE ADDMONAL REQUIRET{EIIIS AS N DEB{S NECESSJTRY, AFIERTSE TDEMITT GTHB GRA}rrEE ORGRANIEES HAS BE.I DISICI.oSED TO TIIE@MPAI{Y. NOTB TIIIS COMMTIvF{T IB XSSIIED UFON fi{E E{PRBSS AGREBTB{T A}lD UI{DBRSTANDING rgAT rHB AffiIC$ET.B PREMIIJ],IS5 cHi{RftBs AtlD FEBS SIIAIL BB PAID BY THB AIDLICAIITT Ir nG AxpUeAr{T AND/OR nS DBSrO{EE OR NOMINE CIOSBS IIE IRANSACTION CONTEMruTIED BY OR OTTGRWISB REUES frPON IllE @MM[n'!ENT, ALL IN AC@RDAt{(ts WmI TIIB RI,IES AIID SCHDTJI"ES OF RATES ON FII,E WIIE lUE CI]I'R/|DO DBPANII&{T OF INIURAI\rcE . JuL, 19, 2006 4: 03PM TITLE-CO-ROCKiES Cs"-'iEruNo0tt0l06,C ^--nu. , ttlJ r. u ScbdleBtr klpdot Corocuvr rn Trn: Ixnrrne SquE-$cnartr Dtr*rms rc, Dy rtm of thc Ec! rhsr! bqtou L Aryeds,rilb hraq achb ntddurq $ou tyftlpublicrtcaGtdriid coddb.aroetdnod by o brccdn ddd lod c by wrt"g tq*t of'ec.l@l h eo$t"d6__fulot 2. Esffi qcr.inc dmrug mteorl brteFblicFconle. 3. Deoaod,an od&o i! bmday rrn"+ *ctryo h El', morctnto, nd ry obcr &cts qfridr6mctrurrlyvwldddolo!drnb rtDdsborv!ty6c publicnomOr, - 4 , tf:!:tg_rr-l lco tuscnioe+ tdor croatat Dooftrc rtrrca0a ltd$at, irycod byl'' rld rt !hot! Uy ttr Fblic ncqds. 5. Dce6, &oi mhoq rtm* cLrr"r rdc r&rr, if ry c{cd4 fr,. rpabg b fupobth ruudr c.n'"rtrof e$$qr6 o 6c ofFcdw ec. h;!4 L! pri6; O. fi; "fAp,opogod bmcd qrirE dtoocd fu rihc ltc lstrb or lutci or dlglgo t**..or..c uy|!irComrim. 6. Trxc 6l od pryrblq od qy t"E {ro&t rsr.cF--r, cbg! or lico @ord fu fr 6 lrntrsavlc., ot ftE try fr *dl &elt dltftt 7. ltd't-offrcPlWiOrofrVcb tnlo&D ffi odr@orcldr qctgdrw, sbouftltombofo'rydp pa*o rimutoptota, odrlghofrry tu Ct**,ior-Ep-rtrmeryO.ldnig offr! rhd su!, ar n$'!dh Ired tu F@ffiqdodh B;i ii J i*. ie E. CowooC, coanh*n{{o1q; coo@q'"*'dc! udd& ofrryr.u &ma m&cPld-onnmb RIdg! Subdtvtdm fitod Iuly 2r, t969 b Booe 2l5 d prt!'64S ; R;o#@ No.llu56. S. Conrnd, o@dniil$ rcrtigirns aod clscocnt pivt*c cmuO* h rte Dodrdio of hotccdveOrqrmg Utrt_lUlge Subdividor nccdcrt }uly 25, t969 b Eodc ZiS Jeaec ,tag ;RooqptioNo. ll tI57 udFrstAncnrM ofDechsimncordod OmfGr{f fZO hBo*219u Prge 235 rc R'cqdd No. t t4853. l0- Cororlug mdid@s' rcsieioc aod cascocat prwiqim ornEinod h ttc Doclaraion ofErscocot roccmdcd Nortnbc 13, tg95 h Book OeO a ngi CIZ rs R*aton No. flOOO, -- I I. Corcorfr omdidolrn*idoa3, noEc; GNsmEei rosor,doos ad ri$C ofwys rs thom o[ ttcPI*d-IJoorr Ridge $rbdhddon, a Rcsobdtvirim of'L.r A-3, Bro* + 6oa xwditor 13, rcgs tBook 680th3o 69t ar Rr4tirnNo. sz6?02. , JUL, 19.2006 4:03Pit TITIE-C0-R00[ ES &miberrNo.0$0.064 lo;ltol-p. 9- DidscSuasb DSICII)STIRE STAITMffNI Nofir l: Colrdo Dtrfoin of Incr&? nryUmr l-S-! faqgrg C of Adslo VX Fc,tus ftdE*t t! l$$alt to rcryosibh fqdrDtur rHd reeca srno<naertro tstbc ofiwutrg "eiro!" qb dymtbrs tio dciug od ir &ry@dblo frrrccodhg cf,r,,,S of hgd doc@c6 ttsour B lto Oct*lio ;tdA *ar cJorrl' (Gq fnllcton) Nob 1 hpedmrt.4 of sdrddo B; $cdo 2 ofitir cmlncdnrybo dd*dtortr omcds Po||sy b bc tsold fnadrr pm ooaliooc nfr t folffig of,dtron+ A. Tlc luddtgcribcd iu SAorhlc A oftb mibotur* be n figbfuffrcddlocc, dkl iocludcs a codmirirn c brahln* r'rn B.No Er cnaLb rrysle boa MboalbyE ctoic! a@Bilha ftrprpoco of codnrdm qfu tadilscdbrdi! Sderhlo A ofttis Comriborrifrio rbeFd B drds. C. IhcCoqrry m*rtodrc a rppr'olrb afidavit Ucaditrg ec Cqq re&* @fhd ncdaic's od nehlncors liar. D.-Ary &vietr tm oodiliol A t@$ C abora ir sbjc.r ro sud xtdftiodal n4trirloed q bftmdo r fu Cqcuy rnry rlcco Hsrty, c, d ib opdoo, trc Co"'{'-.y nzyrebsc O aebc teaccpdo. E, F turat oftopmio fu nid csvcaSa Notc 3: Ib folhning i[sclorucs rc Hy nadcpuwrtfr gtt).I l.pa C"RS.:O Tnc $bjocttlal prq.fty ury ba tocaed h a ryecial ubg dicri4(D A cedifics of bx.r rhr listing carlhUring jufudicrior dran bo ohincd fuuthc C{/dy Tnarurr o16o Corldy Tltacltds a$uiad acog udGd) nfxnfimqudioglpcdl'tdi*icts adfrsbomdslc*ofsud dl$icrruybc otrrrioodfu , tsCotoryCo.'''nissimcr$fu CdryClc*udRooocdrr,ctbcConotyA$sd. Nottt: If te salcg riDe of 6! s$jcct propcy ttrE& S100,000.00, rbc sellcr shl be rryhcd to coqly rdb thc dbclon r wt{rhoklhg Feni!i@! of C.RS. S39-22404s Q{ortdrkot vie6ldbg). Nofir 5: Puseor b C.RJ. llGl l-123 NdEe b hcr&t Eirlo:(a) If ftctil rgH cvi&!.trtrnhad!fi! brstoa $Nrqc4 lcrscd c olhsriso Gosn"yFd fr@ t sicc 6Hn rlco 6ac b e subsetial Edihood tbta ftnrd pqrt'btds s@ or .[hltdh oil,ils, otctpiug ts, cg.dc@d rocrg h6cpropcty. rod O) lbt sd DiDcrll ogtc nry ilfrib frG rlgh ro @ dd uc &e pmpaty rt/ittod 6! sr!ficc' omcdspcruisiu, l{ob 6 EftGiw Scatantq l, lgEl, C&S. $3G10-{06 $quir6 ed ell rbmcrt rtclivgd ftr tccudlog tr fliag it frc cle* md noordds ofico qtrtl ooqhh I bp nqgh of d lcad oe ild od c 14, tiih Ed btu Ddgi! of d t€as optdf fud ee eJcrt lrrt rewrdrr uly refrco b pcord c llcuyrbouedftdrhcsndcffio. Nob 7:.- OnPriroatPoliq,: Vo rvilt nC1gr!.IlqtblicFs@al cnrfucriofrrntimb aq, crcmalm.6lidea orguieh mlcss vc hvc bm afioc&d fy to cnsom, or rro rtqdircd ty }iw. n IN IS I I I i I I I I I '|- .l)oi)'q, ; c..)- E F I b l(, I I I I a-o7i I b Itltltltirl JI Yt soo* 9. 9Jh ...,_ lr. b lo l<lc,to- It j a to 3 r-Noo V, a\ ND.C);. c, I I c,rl.n q' a T o an -t- *o'ua 1,< -lD' c)=FFH .3 P 9i:,:=.ts !_, ('t '5l-t5'H::(rr ='T{ c) ua€ ll'tqF\t\ I L,i.! {l,i.tt . ilI|lItltlll 2' .-.- -...=fj..*r +rr".{- .i.+...;.__,: {,j- _. ='=5 INlo 14 Itr'' |(^)FN lFn ki l,'\ lrnlz rLn uil VQz G IHfi.g P $-'S lt" lcD lsrG(,r -Lxr f ,Sv.t u.l q [rl | .l"J ltI le,ll' 'r IlN +\l$l{ lN I Ir.l lco.l" m fs '1 l,t) f) .lu' n li('t1 dr /- '! 'u'vo c) ,D Il\ lr\ tt I lbJfqEttlo..l x I l* lcbt- I + IMlt; ll I ffiil* l" F I + l{hTI ll t R I l" slIF i l,'| ..1 IF I"rl F I-FF i l-sl(^ll+ hrrii/ l.ls i* .j I Ilc. Lrt'\lol I I I Ilr I I I I I Ile6. ll.' Gl.Ilr thtkll-|t\R.I *F'tlrl 6. o o Ol G A \ t.Jl D.,I\-/ I INloIi-{' 'o T' lr. lsll l,xt-> o\ r- F s z lo I I I Frt o A' pt5 A (? o C.r) L.J L) o F)N a o7i' o ocr' t tf A.(\ S NAME: ..Town of Yail - Dceiqn.Revlew Board clo BiIl Glbs FAX NO:(9701 47e-2452 gl.altl, Srill &fuoa PLEASE DELTVER Tt'{E FOLLOWING PNGES TO: FROM: DATE: TIME: sUaJECT:1022 COMMEMS: bedroom ad{itions to- the Ebove, propertv' -subiect to the llgted conditions. For your recordsl f an forwardLng the signed and notarized copy of the Geologlc Hazard Review dated Septeuber 15' 2006. I will eubmit a copy of this with ny building pcrnit applleation. Thank you for Your ascistanoc. Sincerelyt Wr lrr rrassoicdnf a totd ot I PlEts-Tfy rcccivc df 6c pagcs. glcasc call 262'782-0315' 13275 w. Burtclgb - Eroolc8cld, WI 53OOs covcr tf you do not F*262.?e2-7674 zv,et ggazl9ll6ala Fvd r$ltD -ldg:H tL9LZ,8LZ3Z Geologlc Hazard Revlew Se?i-rnhcgl-J^5'!r- 2005 - r,o t A - 3E 1rr..,tion.:"E-31dse-.f;t!r;;fun;*itce!-#' 2'1o+- 0 1- 1 20 o - 4 .(Name. Ornc4 '' tJ-)t5 Clr729 b/t- sTArEOF€€t€F^eo I couNry gp !, tr, uhod)""' M#'.#w##h4ffi :lilr.f ffidffi i:rH "i"-"urrJiftl same tor ttrc purpoees a-nd clns6erallonfirergln expresgtrd. il;!3g;ilit" ""nr" Or rtre putpostt and crins6entig thereln exprcceed.*,ffil?H,# i{r",Tin* za svd ts:no -l|cgil iLSLZELZ1Z zt.Et gaaal9l160 ,/t frfl brtts 7,4u //a/*s TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMII MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 896-0152 1, 100 . 00 * FEE SU ttARy ffif,rffii***Jrffrffi.ffi Totat Catcutst.d Fees--> 53.00 Job Address: 1079 SAIIDSTONE DR Location...: 10798 SANDSTONE DR Parcel No.. : 2103-014-12-005 Project No.: APPLICANT FRENCH ELECTRIC P.o Box 3146, EVERGREEN co 80439 CONTRACTOR FRENCH ELECTRIC P.o Box 3146, EVERGREEN CO 80439 OIINER REGAI, WALTER 13275 W BURLETGH, BROOKFTELD Wr 53005 Description: WIRING FOR HOT TUB E I'ect ri cat-> 5o'm DRB fee Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 0?/L2/I996 Issued... : 0"1 /12/L996Expires. . : 0L/08/1997 Phone z 303-674-0227 Phone : 303-67 4-0227 Valuation: .00 53.m 55.00 .00 Invest i9!tiorD t.|i t t cal.t---> TOTAL FEES-> 53.00 ****t***tt*t**** .m 3.00 AdditionaL Fees--------> Totat Pernit Fec------> Paynents-------- BALANCE DUE----- rtem: o6ooo ELECTRICAL DEPART\,1_ENT__ Dept: BUILDING Division: 6i7 iz / ig g d- cfrenl,iE- -nEt-ion i AppR noR ERNSr CONDITION OF APPROVAL ] : [if,"RoiiltfiE8iltRHiof;*8"*E?'?rts8 fEEt* roR coDE coMPLTANcE DECLARATIONS I hcr.by acknoutedge that I have rcad th'ig apptication, fittcd out ln futt thc infoftiltion requircd, conPteted-an accurate ptot pt"ir-.'"a statc ttrit !1,1, thc intorD.tion prov'ided rs required i.s corr.ct. t agrec to conPly rrith thc informtion lnd Ptot-Ptln, i;;dat viih att Tovn ordinanc.s and stlte taws, and io buiLd this structure according to thc To*n's zoniqg and subdivision codeg,'disign rcvier appnovcd, uniforr Bui tding code lnd other ordinanccs of thc Toun appl"icabte thcteto. REouEsTs toR r spEcTtoNs SHALL BE I|ADE TIENw-FouR HouRs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Al 479-u3a oR AT ouR oFFIcE FRoll E:00 Ail 5:m Pfi ^-, -iuv **************************************************************** TowN OF VAfL, COIORADO Statemnt *******r*******l**********it************************!t***********t** Statennt Nuiber: REC-016? Anount: Payment Method: CK Notation: *L472 s3.00 07/L2/96 09:04Init: CD E96-0152 flrl)e: B-ELEC 2103-014-12-005 1079 SANDSTONE DR 10798 SAITDSTONE DR ELECTRICAIJ PERMIT TotaL Fees:53.00 Total AIJIJ Pnts: Balance: **********:k*******************!t**********!t********************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41335 Description ETECTRICAI, PERMIT FEES T{ILL CALI, INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53.00 .00 Anount s0.00 3.00 t'#i';lnerid;;ui;i:i"J[:*rryruiqmuf *# Addrees: Address: Ptt. Ph. Nunber of DnelLing units: _ Nunber of Accornmodation units: nf*"t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas appllances cas r.ogs_ t{oodlpellet_ Ir**** * ****** * * ****** * * * * ***** **g7f !* 6U1ffNf ONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BUTLDTNG: $ _ ELEqrRrcAr: ! //o?,cD. oTnER: $ rlLUuBrNG: T- uscrIdficai; i.5_ rorAl: _vI,************!r************** COIXIRACKTR fI|FORUATION ********************r******I Eeneral Contractor:aadiEr=t Phone Nunber: !{ork crass: [ ]-Netr [ ]-Atteratr-on 1.2(-na*tonar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other EIectr Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nrrrnl.ref : Address: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. ** *** ***** ****rr ***** ******* *****FOR oFFrcE usE *******************************BUTLDTNG PERUTT FEE:PTWBING PBRUTT FEE: }TECHAI{ICAIJ PERMTT FEE: ELECIRTCAL FEE: OTIIER IYPE OF EEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG: STGNATTIRE: ZONING: SIGNAITIRE: .PLunbing Contractor: Address: ltechanical Contractor: Address: BUILDTNG PIAI{ CIIECK TEE: _P_LttuErNc PLAN CEECK FEE:UECIIANfCAL PLAN CtfECK FEE! RECRE.ATTON FEE: CI,EAII-UP DEPOSIT: IIOTAL PERT.TIT FEES: S$. - t APPLfCaTIoN l.tusT BE FIIJ;ED OIII COI{PL,EIELY oR IT UAy NoT BE AccEptEDUx***************************** PERI{IT rtFoRraTJoN ******!r********r************r,l I J-Building t ]-pr'rnbing g.r/-rrectrtcat [ ]-]techanibar I J-other Job Narne:Job Address: l,egal Description! Lot Block_ filing suBprvrsioN: Onrners Name: Architect: General Description: 6?6-ols PER.I.IIT iI l-Plunbing NO. CI.EAI| IIP I'EPOSIT IEN'f,D IO: luwn TO: rRou: DATE: SUB.TECT: 75 |oulh trDnbgc ro.d uril, color.do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 ofllcc ol cornmuntty dGy.lopmGnt ALL COIf,rR,[qTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITtr TIIETOISN OF VAIL TO!|N oF VArL puBLIC WORKS/COIT|MITNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARICTNG E UATERIAI, STORAGE rn surnlrary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or aeposit, i"il.irl-rli, sand, debrisor nateriaL, i":t:giln-tr"=rr-i,ipsters, portable toilets andworlsren vehictes. upon-any streetl siaewaiil;ii;y or pubric$:ii"=::":il 3;;.r-o" tr,"i"oi. --,i;" rier,t:oi_ili-i, alr. rown of Thl : o,a i,,"i"J' ;i[_T:. ::"!:iil-:#::i:"'"f Li T"$:F*;, "' Pub1ic lforks oeoartnent. --p"irlns found .ril,f.tlng this ordinancewit't' be siven a'za rroui r=ifi;;';oticeli-;;;;;;'".id naterial.rn tbe event the person so notiried aoeJ-";;;p.y rrith thenotice within ao:^31 !""i-tii"-ipecified, the puilic r{orksDepaft,menr wilt renove said nate'ti"i-"i-irrJ'!ri#=e of personnotified' The orovisions-or-Iiis orainance shiu not beapplicable to cinstruction, ,"i"i31r.r,ge 9f repair projects ofany street or alley or any'"iifitr."= in the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in futl, please stop by the Town of:::i"::ii3i"g"Tilfn:lt.::"o;ili" a copv. rir.,,i you ror your Rea F d and acknowledged by: lntrn tS louth trontrO. rord rell, colorrdo Et6dl(sot) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlct ot colltmunlty .lrrclopmo||t BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIIiIE FRAIIIE If this permit '"quil::-t ]9w1 or vai'l Fire Deparrnent Apprcval,Ensineer's (pubr ii p*:l "evLn ani'ipp"onai,'i iiiiiir'rii'bep.ru,,entrev i ew or Hea r th De?_a rtn6nt. rev i ew, -.nI' "- riri"* Lv-iiil"Euir oi ngl:rilH:.h"fll "r.r*ted time ro"'.-tot"r ;;il.;i..Li!,as rons A'll commercia'r frarge or smail) and ail nurti-fami.ry permits wi'have to fotow dtre Sbove ffiii6"il;ximum requrrsnents. Residentialand sma'll projects shourd tike J-ifi."'"*unt or time. However, irresidential or small9".p.oi"cis-trpici' the various above mentioneddepartments with reqa.rd' to-ne""ri"Ii-i"uie*, these projects mayalso take the three'week period. Every attempt wil'r be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - -"'- -rrr' i;.*!l undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Stleet nai-tuFn-E?-i-n-t h'eDate l.lolk Develonment Department. I MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name Date: Please the following questionnaire regarding lhe need fora.pubticway permit : YES 1) 2) ls lhis a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public proper$? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditlerent access needed to site other than exisling drtveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the right of way, easemenls, NO 3) 4) s) 6) or pubfic propety? 7) ls a'Revocabla Right CI Way permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, sitaging or fencing plan required by Community Development? l??y. "Ty.r9d yes to any of lhese questions, a ,pubtic way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way_ permit' appricationl may be obtained a tre'puuric work,s otfice or arc9.ryr.r1u1ttr Developmen! l!y"q h.av_e'any_questions ptease cari Crrarrie Davis, the Townol Vaif Construction InspEctoi at 479-21&.' I have read and answered allthe above guestions. 1lr Job Name ---_:---z- Contradofs Signature Date TOWN OF VAII.I ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 9?0-479-2L38 I - DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT AI,L lt.'It . Job Address: Location...: Parcel No..: ProjecL No.: DEVELOPMENT t37L, VArL, DEVELOPMENT L37L, VAIL, 1079 SANDSTONE DR 210 3 INC Status...'i .rssupp Applied. . z' 06 /L3 /1996Issued...z 06/13/L996 Expires ..: L2/I0/!996 Phone: 30347 99L06 Phone: 3034799106 APPLICANT SATTIRE PO BOX CONTRACTOR SALTIRE PO BOX Bui Lding-; P[!n chcck-> lnvcatig!tiorD ui tt c! lt-> co 816s8 INC co 81658 wr 53005 Nunber of Dwelling Units: 000 Adjusted Valuation: 4r100 95.m Rcstuarant Ptan RevieH--> 61.75 DRB .m Recreation Fac---) l.m Ctlan-UP Dcposit-) TOTAL FEES---> 279.75 Totat Calcutatld Fees--> Additionat Fcca----> Totat Pernit Fcc---) Payoent s------- BALANCE DUE---- .m 20.00 .00 100.@ 279.75 .00 279.75 279.75 .00 ***f .JrrrrrlrrrtrJrtrrr******ffi *********ti*tfiff ften: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT Dept:06/L3/L996 CHART,IE Action: AppR CHARLTE DAVI-SIIem: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DeDt: o6/L3/L996 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR pER LAUREN,IIem: 05600 FIRE DEPARFIIENT Dept: O6/L3/L996 CHARLTE Acrion: AppRIten: 05500 PUBTIC WORKS Dept: 06/L3/L996 CnARrrE Acrion: AppR N/A BUILDING Division: PLANNING Division: FIRE Division: PUB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay appty to this permit. DECTARATIONS I h.rcby tcknoltcdgc that I hlve read this apptication, fitl,ed out in ful,t thc inforr.tion required, corpl,ct.d an lccurate ptot plan, erd ttltc th.t !t[ th. lnforDation pfovidcd rs r.quir.d is correct. .I rgrrr to conpl,y rrith tha infornation md ptot pl,an, to co+ty vith rtt Tom ordlnrncis ard st.tc taus, and to bui td this structurc lccordirE to the Tom,3 uoning and subdivision oodcr, derign rlvicc lpproved, lJniforr Bui tding cod. and oth$ ordiruncGs of thc Tom appticabte th.rcto- REEUESTS TOT IIISPECTIOI{S SII.ALL BE IIADE IIIENTY-FOIIR HOJRS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPIIO{E I ilff ".*6.. DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT Pernit TIMES 89 6-0155 OWNER Deecription:EXTEND DECK AND ADD HOT TUB Town of Vail ffPggErc*, BR.'KFTELD l Firrptlce lnfofnation: Rcatricted:fot Gas Apptiances:fof Gas Logs:fof tfood/Pal.Let: FEE SUHIIARY SCnd Ctr.rFt p Dcpoit To: SALTIRE 0EVELOPIIEilT SIGNATURE OF OIINER F PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPernit #: 896-0155 as of 06/13/96 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Perrnit Type: ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PERMTTApplicant: SAL,TIRE DEVELOPMENT INC Job Address: 1079 SANDSTONE DRLocation: 1079-8 SANDSTONE DR Parcel No: 2103-014-12-005 Applied: a6/13/tss6 Issued: 06/13/L996 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED ]N ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.3. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC4. NO ELECTRICAI WORK ALLOWED UNTIL A PERMIT IS AQURIED *******************************************:********************* TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt************************:t*************************************:t* Statemnt Number: REC-0155 Anount:279.?5 06/t3/96 09:08Init: CDPalrnent Method: CK Notation: *L444 Permit No! Parsel No:site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:279.75 Total ALL Pmts: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITSWItt CAI-,IJ INSPECTION FEE 896-0155 Tlpe: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUIr.,D pE 2103-014-12-00s 1079 SA}TDSTONE DR 1079-B SANDSTONE DR 279.75 279.'15 {-:. Balance: .00**************************************************************** Amount 95.00 20.00 61. ?s 100.00 3.00 PERI'IIT /I.--- ^ ' APPLTCATION I.IUST BE FILLED OUT COUPL TELY OR IT UAY NOT BE ACCESIED.TIr***************************!r* PERIIIT flfFORl.tAlJON ****ar*************r********rl -/l-/[/]-Building 1 .l-et"nbi;S [ ]-Electrical [ ]_]fechanibal I J_other .___r rob Nane: /ttn il,nu,tila .(ts. rob Addre"r, /oet 6. 3S spJF Dr. tm Legal Description; Lot Block onners Naue: Ren llentla1:- Address:ttArchitect. NI A, Address: General Description: Ptunbing Contractor: Address: l{echanical. Address: P:n.t+1L- qotz. r{ork class: I J-Nen I l-Alteration tyf-aaartronal [ ]-RepaJ.r I J-other_ Nunber of Dnelling units: Ja N'nber of Acconnodation unrr n. #*"t and T119e of Firepraces: cas Appri "n".=:Jn eas bgs-/t !{oodlperl "rQ/[*******-"6t8:8igT************* vALItATroNs ********************************* Eutr-,otre : g 4loo, o o sr.EcrRrcAr,: $_ orHER: $PLIUBfNG: v!!Ftrrw?/rrr. r-ilu$ErNG: r I.IECHANrCAL, $- /I***rr****rr *!t*!t*t ** *****t**:l* l-nl7 Eene ra r c ontr" oi J ;: - sA ;;,),: t#mgJl rly,r'onrlArro: Ph. TOTAL: ;;;;il;:.E;;;;Et**W/ry'oRuATroN-:.****:**!r******************, maiess: fi:l""$#:b5p; \o6,dFL El.ectrical contractor:address:-- ---'---- - Town of vail Reg. No.-Phone Nunber: --. Town of vail Req. NO.Phone Nunber: Contractor:Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: ** **** * * * * * !r ***** * * * **** ** **** !r!r FOR oFFrcE usE **************************r**r*BUTLDTNG PER}ITT FEE:PLWBING PERUTT FEE: I.IECHANTCAIJ PER}TIT FEE3EI.ECIRTCAL FEEs OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUUJDTNG: STGNATT'RE3 ZONTNG: SIGNAflIRE: BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: lur!{BrNG PrA{ CrrEct( FEi:tqcHNrcAL PI.AN CtDCk FEE:RECRE.ATION FEE:" CIJENI-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: CxrErkpn GLEAX ttP DEOSTT tEnrD Ttt! I (.) [nwn TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: 75 rou|h tront|g. rotd Y.ll, color.do !l65z (303) 479-21.38 ot 479_2139 rn sunmary' ordinance No' 6 statea th_at it- is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track "r aep"=il. "rry soil , roti, sand, debris;j,ffi H'+*i.rt::..:_uigs_ 3rislr -i,'ip=t"ri, ;;*diJ' toir ets and iir"=*.$i "Jfi3t'.i3l"ilT.l1=liil;n15t ;:1,:,;i,l{lii'., thl: ;;eil;;":. ;iii_T: ::d:Eil ilii:i{.'#:ji,;*r:liiii, "'pubric r{orks p"o"rtr"r't' --ililinl rouna ,riirating this ordinancewit't' be siven "- ze r,o"i-"ri*;;;otice-to-;;;;:r=.i.d nareriar.In the event tlre person so notitiea.aoe=-nliloipry with ttrenotj.ce within the 24 frour tine-ip:"lrr.d, the p,rf,fi" worksDeparrment wirr t"ror"-"-lii-ilitEli"r _ii-inJ'I*H=" or personnotified' The provi"i""r-"t-iiil orainance srriti nor beapplicable to c-onstruction, -r.i.ii"rr.r:: g-, repair projects ofany street or attey "r irry'rlliiir"" in the right_a_way. To.review Ordinance.No..6. ln full, please stop by an" ro**, o,:::i"::ii:i"3"":f;ilm*"::""i.-ii" ;-;;;;. -'if,.iil you ror your ottlc. ot cornmunlly deyclopmrnl AI.,L CONTRAqIORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITIT TITETOT{N OP VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC I{oRKS/CO!.!}!UNITy DEVEroplrENT IdARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUqTTON PARICTNG & UASERIAIJ STORAGE aeknowledged by:Read andY €.t t 75 louth trontrg. ro.d nll, se1s666 6657 l3o3'l 479-2138 or 479-2L39 offlcc of oommunlty dcvclopmcnt BUILDINc PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIttE FMfiE If this pernit ".cri:::_? ]9w1 or Vait Fire Depar-hent Approva.t,Ens i neer's ( publ i. p:f l_l.v i.n . ni'i pprouu i, -i. piiii,ii li'irepartmentreview. or Heal th De?artrn6nt. review, -.ni^.' review by the Euit aing 3seri[H3r,h.ll: .r.r*ted time ro"'a-totar review may take as tons All commerciar ('large or smalr) and alr multi-famiry permits wi.'have to foilow the Sbove r"nti6n"J *-iimum requirernents. Residentiarand smal'l projects strouid ta[e-;-i#; amount of time. However, ifresidential or smal 19",p-i"ait-itirpi.i' the various above nentioned :i3; "ff:tnlr ll,.iSnll!_ *.li:if ii-i.u r "*, u,"i" p"i j ".ii, *y Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispennit as soon as possibl e. ' -"'- s-r'e' i;.iil undersigned, understand the p,lan check procedure and time LGQt Date EdiI Deve'l ooment Department. 1.MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'IS REOUTRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Date: Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a .public Way permit.: YES NO 1) 2) ls this a new rEsidence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use ol the right of way, easernents or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to gA, is a parking, staging or fencing ptan required by Community Development? It-r9y. a19yet9d yet to any of lhese questions, a'Pubtic way permit. must be obtained.?ublic way_ permit' applicationl riy be obtained a gre'puuric works office or at !,o.rygultv Deveropmeni ^! voq h.ave'any quesrions prease cail Charrie Davis, the Townof VailConstruction Inspec{oi at 4Z9-216A.' t/ 3) 4) s) 6) 7) iiii-lriii t: l, -i i- I i ';I "il .F 'il,it,,:ri'lliir'i:li.ili,tl,liril,.,',i1r,,,i lrt l 't li ; r, 1rr,tllrt,t, i Fl: :F= I |l l-l i-:-\ i, ,:l i I r : .: t , ii 4 lil;;i,illrirrl;, I 'l-'fiiiii ,tli.li!l'i'r,il I li ,,lii,i:,ii,i.,:ll,iiii,l;i1it,ji,,,,, ,i ' ,1r,, I l, ,l' i r lt,, ,r ,/Foor*J /Ertat{pJ 1 ""'-"-"i'-att .a Pt',cn - / - Pald --r-.Ct. llo. 6inx -- *pto* 4,.,)< CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY:DATE: VENDORNAMA/ r <-'r '/ /i\^.->d/frtc@ U<_t o-(u,, l-y,c--^,f VENDORNUMBER: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT RDFUND FO[-;P #B;.O:, -NAME OFJOB:d4 D<-J( - /-kJ 4, L ACCOLINT NUMBER: 0t O0OO 22002 AMOTJNTOFREFUND: 5 I o C). o Q DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE OOra Septenber 3, 1993 *e6302 ttnT niillT dop{iftment of community dwelopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E eurlonrc El pluuerNc B EtecrRrcel [] FoUNDATtoN E MECHANICAL D I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV 2. OCCUPANCY G ROUP ABEHI RM DIVISfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; New sinele famllv resi denee PERMIT NO. .- - z F- l BUILDING 235 - 000 .00 ELECTRICAL 7000.00 PLUMBING 7000.00 MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL ].r. LOT A1 BLK____A__ FILING f,ioaer.i+ee-l-- \t t(- J 2203 BUILDING PERMIT I2RO-OO o 41334 1335 \ >€ ss .1\ S''s V M-1 44b PLAN CHECK a?t nn JOB NAME: Reqal Res. rrA" TOTA T -2 6tLq ef ELECTRICAL 1< nn OWNER NAME Wa I f er- RFg,.l NEVIiCT)] ALTERATION () ADDITIONAL () REPAIR ()PLUMBING 1al5-oo/pn 75 00 MAILADDRESS 7515 Su4nyv3ls owELLTNG uNrrs 1 '- eccoul,loDATtoN uNtrs HEIGHT IN FT - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAT Rn on /p. )n 0i tlt .,rrl"tequon, WI 53094 RECREATION FEE 7()q nn ARCHITECT FIRM TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUEINSULATION: FLOOR EXT. WALLS DESIGN REVIEW BOARO MAII AOORFSS CL€AN-UP OEPOSIT ET CITY PH.USE TAX GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM A^T- Smifh Corn Will Ca1l 12.00 TYPE ELEC, OF "EAT toto^ GAS wooo TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. r ee-e TOTAL PERMIT FEES -z]65'e0 3765.0C rELE 845-7s32 httQzbt CR Feldrnann 9-2-93 l,-..r*,"o. CONTRACTOR FrRu Ront s Electric ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL sr. cur | | | urr-orr.rc orncnr-- o-aTE - - --_grl-c"'"91t1 s-?_s!_ _ _e ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATETOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. IO3-E t TEf F Ol'O-1 AA) I BLASTING IONING & BUILDING NOTES: Hard copv of eeoloeic hazard affidavit PLUMBING FIRM Carr" P,{,H TOIUN OEVAILaEG.NO. I 83-P must be provided UUNIKAUIUII rEt E 949-6534 MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in. full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wilh all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: OR FOR HIMSELF TOWN OF VAIL 8EG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. $,wtiftrutr uf (Drrupunru @unrn (Df liluil fruililing iBrpurtmrnt THLS CERTIIjICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REOUTREMEN'|S OF THE UNTFORM BUILDING CODE CERTITYINC THAT AT THE TIME OF 'S.IUANCE 7'HIS STRUCTURI WAS IN COMPI.IANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN REGUI-ATING BUII-DINC CONSTRUCTION. AND OR USE. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOIVI-EDGE. Nanrc REGAL RESIDENCE BUILDING A Use Classification SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Grorrn R-l Building Permit No.6302 Typc Construction v-N Owner of Brrilding I"IALTER REGAL Building 164t r* 1079 SANDSTONE DRIVE - 'l hr huilding ()fficinl nr:r1. in s riring, sl,'pcnd rrr rr.vokc u (lcrri- fit;rrt of Occupancr ir,lrcrl unrlcr rhc provisions of rhiscrxlc rthrn- cvcr thc ccrrificatc ir issrrt<l in crrrrr, r,r rrll rhc b:rsir of irrorrccr infornrat i,rrr rupplit'd, rr s hcn ir is dcicrnr irrcrl t har r hc builtling or \lructurr ()r porrion thcrurf ir in viol;rrion of lny rxtliutncc rr rcguhrion of tlt lirsl ,,f \':ril or lnl of thr: prrrisionr of rhir POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE llrt+7ss 16: rs 6{}4 4lbs,Hu REVIBED NOUNDATION CAI.CULATIONS for Cl ierrt: Pt:epared by: RECAL RESIDENCE VALE, COLORADO Donald R, Smitfr, Architect1155f Haleco Larre Hules Corners. hliscorrsirr bUIg0I-4r4-425-7LZr) llarvrrod Engineerirrei Con*ultarrts Ltd. 77ZfJ Harwood AverrueMilvaukee, tlI 53213 414-4?g-e554 Septenber 14, 1S93 tgJvv tIIAKWUUU DNU I NT,EK Fo3t-ltn brand ter trensmiltal merho 6/l '""'+,j':J.-.,.'?:"::NAKYIUUU ENUINEEK q-ti.rl O S',r,t'Rq Eg.rrrr E'rr FToJC f3+ ( r'lrt) t+rtT 5rta, rr E*<'u T€ sr:Drq = /zc,1 / a* *t F ' to.ls +F !.1, oT H '" f.-g, r-r a,-frr tf?-.-rito, * 1.D.3..5 / l-'S t 4.1+' t^l.r " 'Le.?ra r* 2,6 r ltl t tlgrea 9Lf lv\,r' g,,b r. C+,,vfv\t/t * tzr atet "E bt 4o L' ,o d= lo- 3 -1L t b'€ Teu= "'re\ c'e /,q / Z- / u.$L f= taeSi 1- tt_ g rldTf ,t I rsl vvr-l ,l t* !i.t b I t-- erf 'q (stc'w EUt Sr.q.eF 2,.h,, t-t.- r/+u4l * tq:- Ar, = . ttE 3.1+5 F, ,fl, l, u{ cIL -f7 e.e rr,.. S-ta,P tl"r.-r,t1 6ofrf €err'rr - tJ*. €verr--y r-rl€rle lr |Anrr.r*'n Ss A €rr,-''*"r d-tt ttzt' ' HAR*O' *nrnEEBrHG cousur.ttlrtg u SUBJECT_!pg.,^* .i?s,g.6 E,Jr-c! Dggn a.-zt.i_lS1rr. o1g. E*r[J,-.r, J1-lrf @,re1 -frr-.(Zct+e*,,-- ,-.lJ*-- 1c-vy<-,,#,-cl ?relov piF dr;; f-(*rart I rf l"rr .,.,.u e J I f3ar.'g I Iv\ | e I P LL l', ::: llll t' t i-C'w lLotl l'-t'" 1r-4 rr z'.ta" b\o* 4\eu rff:li*t\.:,Tl\:tri L'-rt" d-,r" vtJgl r-C d.t-at' d'tt' ,t:t- I 1..9 ,.sPa.- -Y U Zc. 'J1f xG> H /'tc-s *{o' i;";1ig,r;i. ir ;5i' i.'r:i:"6f,. p !i3 iiirftrfiiJr ?172.i t.ffi i:ii[]{ji',rl 'i*FtlY fiBAlllgT Si.inh6, *;! liil (Fr. ;i3+Sii]iPl = l,B9l7t2 :=a E:=:::g!!ElaAclrittr t i t E tz i i:=::=:::t:!t.tlta!!= !rtt.-; i iaaa-! tt tiffiiur.*Tlgll F8E slEi DE';lttr t{0iiE'rrr #ilr stiEii lii lAsEl P{1!}ilf'Arkil: it0,A LgS '"'{r.-i: .. 15=,5r?ilr(iid{iirii, 756 I gg tt6= {i{rillii:i+P5r iiiliir i3= lsli,4 FI-L8s ULlltlAIi: llirllEiil itl !fl'# AF SIEfi ' r.7*il6 = iiri4,ci if-r$$ ULiifirilt SHiflfl tii tASi iil i:,,:ii. i.triPl+P3) . i,fiS,i6 tii CAtCUtAllBfl Ffrl ttsisri fl0tlilit Aiii, srll*R 0F iiFtt AT tiriE 5F 0vElilii60 FACTI}R o 0,? F0fi tlPs'itlt' s0Jr PEs!giliro fuficta Pl,' 5,i;:C. l?5 LB5 PSri.j{;r0*[)!. lit LSs llit', 1.4{ i$l +li}i +1. 7ii,Si ii:i :, 4?01, I l! F i,-ll5 tt2i,ii!2i iZ+E!il- tr Fi-ib$ rli,..Ft-+ t Y\ -?Li tl I tA- 94R. 15;? rtf li,i.'i.?|Fr-r[- 5i5. ?$s] s$$ fii'(t,'jr,1*ih3-PLi ii= 7$,1, irt!i ii! fi6.fi{tft5= 1319.735 LBf ,,{ j.:fr{{iri+R5r[:i ;. I j,,i3. gi F ; -i-is SIEd: iltliiilila l{gEL liciiilil fii ilEii iiii:; c fr3+fi?-N-J. ?8:9.:35 ti-LEs iri? iiia'r. l{;ltiiff l;1 31€fi Ffft:E = isiis?iPgl}l,1ii6rl,7-frr. , 2;t22.713 f:;Lr.;utrll3H cF [rEtl6ii ii,,ifiili iid i$i Ai iili? i, StiE ,r5l rhAli F*i:'16ft = (r,9 Fof; C('rc i00i;;ic iii0 'i-0it frlilivE ii", ?i!._,rJ:Etl= ll5 i-13 ji:.?*|,!jhr{is-lij3 33/,3 Lti: I i'Pr lFl-irll riir[) rEf,: iilil,5i3 PsF Jlrt,lti lr'$: l0?1. 113 iltii i.1.i, ;;.3t(Pl-f l | {g= ii.t, tl{i tEs iA. iT2-T4-15)rBl?+13r?tk/i= 9n9,iinl8 FI-tftS iit,illtAlt TtlE fl0llE)lT tii SiEll titi. Tc = !i9.8t138 FI-IIS *-- utlin$lt tt|i'iF[lil f,I sittl FAt:i. T?+i;.-ii-i4. tgi?,liB L$5 '14,1f vwt.,* r4p,.L lZs.*rrrao ft,2.,?i'coa Pt e Srr\r t ..[ . \i/'o ,1 '- tt?-F= ,pcteL /r, ,.)t,n€ '99tL * fu nt,. s l?. lcJL r I t''1 t 't1ll *+F*" At'tLo I vgw: lJttt" Qc'nF t''De*tz{ b " ,L !, ' 'r' .J : 'l'l'c |',,'I 17'tto TZ, \ 7'7 q ",ooru * A,-,," (.l7t,D H 4rrra |1 t.t'o -l'i, , <v*'u;v t6i 5". F* q t , ,', ln' ,o .l a )g: z1 \ {2"'3'l *aen 4 r"r\n, \-,ar*r4,F< ct -':r 1tt It " G*,- Un "t ,1as4 (Aaa'vd) > 1bc. eY 4.gt lA YrlL rl dtu +' {* ,' , ac lb s l'17 Al' l'?4 "n.l 1 ;l L l||rro" Fc* r@vJ'l . irtt , lr 4|tv"o/'t' t'o Fl"ee ) VE a Laa O\, li, ' l'l !lPfit lillLL 0llitltBl0HS: ffileHl 0t mrl Itntt lfiililiEgg DISr'Jltt tu l0€ i'iiilF.nc€ I0liE6i TtJlil tirt'i ltiGi Tlt,l lt F!0ilfi6 llilciirEsS flfiirit sEtltl .,..:.illi r ! iill ' -! r't FEE!r 6 -i ftilr ;l = !.3 tE[T. 6; . r.! fFlT. il .i FEEI =iu.f FEII ::::Y::.:ryi::::: O 'i74tw**' (' Extsa,tl Tcee ggp its Vs*,rlED E,.rCtt, ?arw .Sltv tt/ 5i,* $utL Pfi{lF[BilE5 0F B*i'lfliir lii.r*lilf,fis€ ' lli,i SBifitll.l ltiiiiiiY , tii iiiai rrt 6t0FE0 Brs;i.ftii.. SE Eorriv lloR Flijl[ P*i'jiiiii . il OUIPUTT = i;(r PsF. t25 igr- "'ir [i0liE[8 e 12 tEF 6itn I Ui{tll lllt AtiALl$lir FEft &trut[g, !51 EC., i. 1;i, iii6ri;E 7-7! i0i;ticltH 0i icll'Ji riirssijit . uh = Pk i tttl llstii[il = ,336 Hj'|{fr]. 7fi;I f trfffitlfisHr it7.6 Lht: l.CrlAtitiiil.,"l f[El Fl, it.SrFilfiHTrlirr!r 1119 i;5 Ptr.PlrPlr tt1i.6 i-BS 0VfiIUilllti6 ll$llflil . ilJ " r'irdi/lt+F?riiii+Ii/-j' ltli,6 FI-LBS 'i;t.t ilElSHI r ll* : tii*hlt; , i'iu i-BE F00I!H0 iiEltlll o il ' ll(trlllrl . i?3 Lg; 50lL $t . tilrhilrc . lB?S lf,j Sirlf s? . ll*Crit't. (' i.i{i S0lL SF ' !tr0r{F0-t} ' iis r_15 Eir|liiHnn6i 63 " 59cC " r15 r.[5 f,€5illl6|ll . I + S*rl*rlir3lr6F+5i o i9S0 t55 |lt:;ii*ig+,1/21= ll50 tI-,,tG n?{\r'all 2c lil8. 73 Fi-rBS d3!gi[18+i]Cl?i- 60?1,73 tl-LlS rilsglrl$+Aiir2iil. 0 FI-LB5 ll'"'ifuti?' lt7,E Ft-Lg:{ il!33liBr$+C/2}3 {0i.?5 iT-lll Ali!3fiil6 tllllEtt r tlR t hlrl'r?ii{;i+Fi+f,5+tll . ?161,?5 FilBs ffffi0H 0f sfiFEtr 't6rih5t tvEtiluHrlLb: fit{/iu t 1,3?ii$, } a.9 cg $0ll tfrttgJtf i:slal,r*i lutr &lflfi$l ffiit FES[lSttI I0 It]E'tft. itti'*i0l/i r 1.7'.ril53 IIEI tffEnlf,lciTr . EC, I 3t/?.LR = ,i{i.?*? tigl IEf,d ' ilE r -S[/6 ' .i5 FttI flEilltl$ll ts lltslif Ir[ ;:Elik PiilftT -. ESIL l,lFlf,ltrtlli(fr iB titfElgi$nt l0lr 9B[3$llE fi liEe|': Pt. */9fr-iBrEgril/$Arr?. ?{3.34?9 P3F $l,lf PitiSUtrE AI ToE.lI . frilsrinrtlr61196ft2. l5ri.,l93 P$F 1 Ltoc cfr 3r.lfili8 lfilllSi3 rlffi||tf il3E l(Etr lnUlI Ch.FtlClE,fI lif Fflflltil : ttil - .'"1 C0llttl0f $ CElflll6 30li' [!i . 0 P$t Og/t4/93 16: 14 tl4l4 47b b696 nAKvluuu tsNqINEEK,., o ry!w' !. 4- l4,.qtt ', d\{ l-L uo,,l --i-x e, 't.pe v ptf At 1Eoo.,,tu*.D Pby .S.r. - C"rV lLrfr sn,' -G S, ."rt-ocr tE -fr'.g T:d*rr*trv f '\tTr I^/*.,,- [*{r rr-rr+ lt'pn' ( o" Facl+ €rr-e,.) . B ) 'Tytlra,-u lf^l ?sfltrrtr S.'r-, r P.am'at ( F,x.rt.r.1 ' 1+r", @,r.fp.r nl',-r Up**, u+\l'-t2frt{gtE I T?ar.r,. c,,- flqrrv *G er ' l! to" li r).c w.nJ. -l} 9,E s .,,- 6p,..," -r 3' S i l||.tJ-1 l-1.. 5* h.r.'a','ltl' €)Ir5,c*-r< 4lTtcrrrJlS i A:prr-s Ln:s.rpE(il'c- r./e,*, - y 5,rr*. Q, q,-r*rr..r1 Cn"* tt*ty lS -t rrrv\!r! 5"" --l- tl r- O1=- ' Fi 'v^\- TE g'- t ir. r'l r L/o IL.rg, I t}go,+ $srr, 19 5 f$2, --fi+ e A-'*-t*r'.l. E{rf -fli+.*-1 Tg , --*-.*t*7 Fr.,-F 2t -tr-r'.ln t*$,rr\-r'-rr{6,r Ho, c2*-,1 z,cee PiF 5or- ..l$ tl.*f.. rrr r,( or-..*ura 7/t Ar. g,llT= €** o l''rt,v\ Cro'-*. \,,''r-rt orr4J . fis,vtrre'rtt ft -Ti*e 4;.wt4r^?A\, Fgrl5,N )Pe Zoov FfF A) €"r --TF e Ferrr rr\.A\r -T>e.*il1 r-{rrL e I\iFlll5)r.FfitU'HrtzoGTFozatlrt.ED(|xcdN€,o *'| aot:9.d.oooE€=>9niu)t'aO =mf{--mu (E 'I'=od3"=. _TlolarlItIrl|Ir{Ilsl\lIr,lbloIItttot4It/Il{.}Yl f{(,l lrlot x.txot Eol E IIrt lFlt> Ca<) c) {o€zo'nfrF3 -{ Whib.- Publb Wo|ks Y€rlo - Finance Pink - Comm. Ddr. Gold - Confactor c5 -! {@ ooioo;-f, €= FFdc)BC)9r\);. cDFs Fl It, rHoz v, H 6) c/! t!tJ !\o (tt z w€oz ttF rJH4 z 3 :* -Itq).I(.zt{Hr..F*zttl|<r too !0.E :tl ... -l EdB +-{ E=E [r I 9eE t ', RSg -E Ei.$ r I .= i\ t 5.{ \5o A' t-.- (- i' IY ..1 I { a @o o- o at, N a {*, I ^oIf =.oJ5ql. -(a ot plt 6',1 ,t\ l"rl{r l'^ I I I I arlol P.lrot\ ot I>l 'Ol ..^!rlol l\' F, I I IN' l-e l\.l.(. lrr I I IcNolit\gt olfl ol0rlol I =ox a o o-'!loI (D U'o€(D o Ot t ttt Ilo Ilg I\:', dottJoto I tut- t,qlo- '-cH-'p. 5r@ f c^-ll cf 'o ::,o .^ 3-3=-tl -,o(DF @ -*- @o =o. foc 6 Wl- I I I EEE E$ fii EgFiEEfi igi s: z $93 g$ * FAH ;€' i eee $E 3 ffia ;E E9egE gBg E3fl Fg; BdFrgiH J-{oI m coEo m!,(o o- 6o €!, o O)fo. CND5 ='D 6'if ::$-a{ ct){s €oo 1'cso U'o 3.oooo3!o3 ooo (o t$N (o @{ .U CI'oo Izog d_ oDao oco 5o,@ l\)('l TU@ IL o doa moc, =.ooo 3Eo (o$(o (rlo @lU c'9' €o(t. ooo (oNN (oo{ zqt ao e @ .tt Fo o rn, t':> t\.' 6{3oo O)q a (D ooooU' o LI \-. \ : 9Jo ooEI J -{o oo ooo troof atoz 3qo 5-f(o J ELToI'noo e Io o.!r.uo At.'oa o.. =ortoo.xool G.D"(0 (,r(rlolI F =.(o AI 6':t s{(o J\) O) l,cg o €oxo 5{(o tu (rl @ 1! tuo(o BEEggigF l3*iFEgil Eflgittgr lg'g$sa ilg a{= $ Fg Ea . E fE sE 3eE ga 2:g Hg s EEgEt g. iF lj I A'1 qtoI .ti 9.(o !t. dq to oo o oIto a6' 0t o 9\O-{€DoO B! 2>3gr1li=60lh,g,,F +6€Er--,; I, 36. Fe-q='-6 2/f ;6 F6'gZo1mtr EFr-o R29id9 3Pq>JZ c7 >ir- IIl\ l: l:: f, moo =.9.qt:to !{(o I\) { €=o .I Eg = !!l =Etut ='@9zRO*-{ !IcItD:r 6O3€ =?3t<motrP=s= =of TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 SOUTH FFIONTAGE RD VAIL COLORADO 81657 ATTENTION: CHUCK FELDMANN DEAR CHUCK: -ulo ' lo ]rulrIo3-l1ol t06t z z udY THIS LETTER IS TO ADVISE THAT ELLIOTT PLUMBING HAS TAKEN OVER AS PLUMBING CONTHACTOR ON OUR JOBS LOCATED AT 1230 WESTHAVEN crRcLE (STEVENSON PERMTT # 5A16) AND 107e SANDSTONE DR, (BEGAL PERMIT #6302). THIS CHANGE WAS MADE BECAUSE CARR PLUMBING WENT BROKE AND LEFT TOWN . SJIqFRELY-,.-.Z- /4-C"---.---- BILL SMITH A, T, SMITH CORP. a(,\'9 fOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION o'4 PERlrrr 0U302 ""*#'31"*-@t0tTo rru Legal Owners I{ork CLass: Descripti onz t ot1ft! arocx-1fr Filing Nane: [ua/f<r Q*ra-/ Architect t Dot Sa'"th Address: //>'.1-' / c/t c a Ln -PI.M-U General Description:S) nt /,- Fa -- )tv ips . - p(-Hew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of DwelLing Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units:/ Address: Plunbing Address: "0.6oY Mechanical Contractor: Address: vdrtt C o.I o>c) Ca rr / lu.-b,'^ Town of VaiI Reg. NO./o3'E Phone Number: ?/Q t/Zt-.- Town of VaiI Req. No. lS3-P aht Co Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO._ Phone Number: ******************************** FOR Elrryr r\TlJar trlrDrfrm rrFr''. | 4 6,'f'l 00 oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I'IECIIANICAIJ PERMIT FEE : EI,ECTRICAIJ FEE: ffi DRB FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PIJUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE! MECHANICAI, PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CIJEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TYPEV\r c VALUATION itC{{orar, PERMTT BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: omments: GROUP I SQ.FT.(7 leJr.Livr | 44aet11 CI.EAX I'P DE,POSIT REFIIITD /,n S-t)t/1 Co'p / l|flI 75 soulh tronlage road Yail, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: luwn n rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnateriar, including trash durnpsterS, portable ioilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any street, sidewaik, atley or public -q1?:" or any portion theieof . rhe right-oi-way 'on ari To$rn ofvarl streets and.I9a9s is approxiruately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strillry enforcid by the iown of vairPy!}i-c works Department. pers6ns found vilratinq this ordinancettrrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said materiar.rn the event the person so notified does not comply wittr ah;--notice within the 24 hour tiure specified, the puLric worksDepartment will remove said mateiiaL at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapprlcabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fulr, prease stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. tlant you for yourcooperation on this matter. offlce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) Read and acknowledged by: 7rq. fe/ositionr/Relati--Effi f 6;7/"/ " lnwn 75 south lrontaEe road rall, colorado 81657 (3o3, 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 olflce ol communlty developmerrl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s perrnit. fgqui:res a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval,Engineeq"s (.P!b]ic wopks) reyiew and approval, a planning'oepartment review or Health Department review, anir'a review by the drithingDepartment, the estinated time for a total review iray take ai t6ngas three weel(s. AII commercial ('large or smal'l) and all multi-family permits willhave te fil'low the above menti'oned maximum requirements. Residentialand.small projects_should take a lesser amound of time. However, .i fresi.denti.al or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments.with regard.to necessary review, these projects mayalso tal(e the three week period. Every attempt will be nnde by this department to expedite thispermtt as s.qon as possi.ble !, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. I A*.q/ /Q-")c{.^.-n- P! ojectsName r Connuni ty Devel opment Department. J8 / tirrE It l1: lt gtlu{ 71, ro Lt,r I Ll I tr!r{ :ru IN OF VRIL COM-DEU rn:5os-qzg-2q52 ;j;;;;;l 12:47 No $TArE oF coLORADo lr* COLINTy OF -.---) Th e to res oing i nstrume nl was acknowle dscd *"]i;li,tff iil* o J",{oof r,*9" *6oi'ffi i1;.iJnoA-t;lne i6-tagoit0 ;nsffir-e-nt ani-aoinowlsoged l0 n''e tnar he lxecurcd tho sane rot tn* iitpo* intl clonsiaeretto::h:r:in^sxpressoo' MY commlssion exPlres: rI;;;'., r'-7;''x'"''rir"";'.' I)nr'ji' IJt-', ti-.t. ij(t*. c-€t narnltu"sil?r" rr 5r' k4atldtkt' -"- .-, .006 :_ii#i:eu:p* ,,, r/w6unde'st'ndj-Til?f; f*?Jli"T:LHf ,Rl":i:"f, '1f'".1u,j{Hf^jfu #-^, ffilg'llg^d*1r;*1T:f'.Hii:otoacocptrheseracteand ffi llit]|ftt#trtr*i}ldfi 'ilianmenio""rusapermir' W:= --.-*,reme, itri''-- $TATE OF COLORADO ) ) sn. cOUNTY OF .--. -.-_-- ) The lorsgoing lrntruntent was aohnowledged before me thb?-'JJ'T-offiin" , .. id-, Ly --=-,::r-:ff;;'r;ffidi[;il'liijiorireoeed to me tha nf :i;;g.,otli-g"* ffigffi [:Hffi ffi .",ffi:llff n *'lo nre'h at bezeugt' Tcuferrthal' ded 43 My r,trt nmiosion exPiret:Remark : Llfi, t ir}?ll"#=+il?.lif,l,ln' Swi tzerl and . ffi'ffi.MrNcrm hGr{|,t' .0 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE .tuLY 20' 1993 637 l+ Iu tiepartment of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ET BUILDINGffi rlecrRrcRl )B D 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY G ROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION r22a34 GENFRAL DEscRrPTroN oF woRK - NEw SINGLE EAMILY RESIDENCE PERMIT NO. z E J BUILOING 2t2,OOO ELECTRICAL 7,000 PLUMBING 7 ,000 MECHANICAL 4 .000 2io^ooo-oo TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A- VALUATION PERMIT FEES II R-3 2207 s BUILDING PERMIT 1260.00 o .00 l M-1 448 PLAN CHECK 8rs-00 TOTAI,2655 s ELECTRICAL l5-oo NE\44(X ) ALTERAflON ( ) AOD|flONAL( ) REPAIR( )PLUMBING 105.00/Pc 26.00 DwELLTNG uNrrs -1 lccollaoDATroN uNrrs HEIGHT IN FT NO. FIREPLACES ,,- MECHANICAL 80-oo/Pc 20-00 RECREATION FEE 7q7 (]n INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW EOARO :zoz-^^ 500'00 2 CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT ioo. oo EXr. WALLS I USE TAX WTT,I, CAI.I.12_OOTYPE ELEC. I GAS OF SOLAR I WOODHEAT I TOTAL PERMIT FEES ?714 (ln qB_Iq!DU4Nr!_ _ L-23-23_ __ UILOING OFFICIAL DATE JrM CURNUTTE_ _ _ 2-23-93 __ )NING AOMINISTRATOR OATE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDEO: Y N INITIAL sr cur I I I BLASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: qASD COPY OF EEOLOEIE IlA MIIAT NI'DDrII'TNEN I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. TO:CLEAN UP DEPOSIT AND THE OWNER. [T MECHANI( -1079 SANI) LEGAL pESC. LOT ,rr3 BLK----+--- FILING LIONS RIDGE I JOB NAME: REGAL RES, IIBII OWNER ruaur WALTER REGAL unrr eooness7615 SUNMVALE CITYMEOUON. hII 530192 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM A.T. SMITH CORP TOWN OF VAIL REG. I{O. I O3-B rELE. 845-7532 ],-..r*,.o. CONTRACTOR FIRM RONIS ELECTRIC TowN oFvArL REG. No. 103-E rerc. 949-L662 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM CARR PLT]MBING TOWN OElVAlt REG. NO. r Ql-p |ELE. 949-6534 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM CARR PLT]MBING TowN oF vAlL REG. No. 183-P rELE. 949-6534 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. 6,wttfirutr uf (DrrupunrU @uurn (Df liluil ffuililing Erpurtmpnl THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REOUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUII-D'NG CODE CERTIFYTNG THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THI.S STRUCTURI WAS IN COMPI-IANCE WITH THE YARIOUS ORD'NANCES OF THE TOIVN REGUI-ATING BUI'.D'NG CONSTRUCTION, AND OR USE, 70 THE BEST OF OUR KNOWT-EDGE. Name REGAL RESIDENCE BUILDING B Use Classif ication SINGLE FAI,IILY RESIDENCE Croup R-3 Building Permit No.637 tt . Typc WALTER REGAL Constnrction v-N Owner of Building Buildins 666t.s5 1079 SANDST0NE DRIVE 'l hc huilding rlfficirl nrar'. in s riting, suspcnd or rcrrrkc a Ccrri- fitltc of ()ccun:rncr irsucrl rrn.lcr rht orrrviriorrs rrf this cr crvhcn- /--^ \ .ver thc ct'rriflcatc is irrrretl in .r.,rr; ,r, ,ut rh( hlsir.)f in(rrr.rrt ^\s.}.r"} infirnration suppli.d, rr nhr'n it is rlctc.nrined rhar rhc building or F$d* J 'ru.rur" r'r Jr,rrioo thcr<.of ir in viollrirn of ;rnr or.linenct'or hlilfffp rtrul:rtion of tht'lirsrr,,f Vail or:rnv of thr provisionr of this POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLAC€ do€zoTEt-!c@l-o.J!mE ={ ll {6 w ooI$l;H €= 36oco9c)9 f\!EgFr Whila - fublic Works Ydlor/ - Finance Pink - Comm. D6v. Gold - Contractor : \_.t .3 9-j '?-fr<1:" \6+.ttlrl 69do59rgE Esu E+I *g Ed6 T(Dg.=s6 Iooo- E' :rl : F 1 Edt !+E ;FE =e= (o l'r' l' rl I 5-@ SLo Eo ! of (t, do Ro- ooa I I \ !a !t -{^6lf=.o5=qi. -o.= tu oo3 E-o o oDo qF *EooE.:'@Ao =q 5-3@ 5 oI o Iu, 6'T' =o)o 6l3Eo !t€ q. o oooo(t, O+ (D ^= m E.g otop o ol>{<- \ \zO ,mx o e ='@oo lttoo z 0t3o o o @of,o. 3oc g .I (D 3 -Tl (l'o @ =l ELl,o 3 -tl oo a Hlf $ fr; $FHE*fi *afP i EieEI ge Fi A lfl;gEg€gE gBg s3; Fa; BilFrgEH 5-{oI m s'dqE s€6' ;l s'5ii' or< -' =6!11 =:q3 ofJ!to.E gB f-'og$ ^oto-Ao-{€&q9d.€\o,\oiF c>l 6 E.-d yr- $o. (:'. s, !cg o (t)o 3.ooo 3!t!tf @oo @J\)N (oo\.| N v T C"oo Iz A) !!. o!,ao dcE $o) @ t\)(tllu(D Io o ooo moq =.ooo 3! 0tf (os(o (rlo @N c'lD o ooo (o N (oo\t t{{EloF'troIAOFl gt4 (D b-Fg'o o 5o J)oox 6' at, ID5(o (tl(rl c0I - (cl!, 6'5 5{(o N (t) .\t4 mo() =.a.o:' C" 5{(o N \,1 T g o €o*a $\,1(o tu OIo I ; E*E$E'i EEg-EI B$ $g a= E E3B* 3 _(D qt o =Dq o-(l)r J (D oo 3 -o!,f,o- =9' !L c =.=-oa, o o Foo o =oo. 0lo a -oc. oo. I !) o @ oo o 9lgt oO BigI 36 f'll3=60lttgF +3€E;oe6 $ea= sEoO .F3gZo1m!rrDF+-o|.O =23E 3Fq>JZ Ir6T,? F 1 F ot {\D J d vt (=.r c- -1 € 7o I\tq o € x *!4. €+tV, =AEzco--l !rlcrE?r- 6O93 -_ -J 3. I.<m O:EP33=I'3o d I o ooo oog = {o o ot c o oz 3oo s $ \tt .a I TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PER}IIT PERMIT APPLICATION FORMDAIE: Rf,l1).lUL 20 1995 t APPLICATION MUST BE FIIJLED OUT COMPLETELY OR .IT !,tAY NOT BE ACCEPTED !****************************** pElll,trr TNF9RMATToN ***************************** J' P{-auirains [X;-erurnuing *Electrical P$r/lggfianicar [ ]-orher.a tt^t, r\I?J1l ) Job Nane: ^ € a. Q-s t'8 " Job addressf 9+t,cl:f-*e.tv D/ Legal Descripti onz r.otln arccx1L Filing /t {f,,/ rJ fr'lecc>Architect 2an St'v ;fh Address: ',tJa/es Co.n"z 1t/7 {7o3 p}l.q/44).f %t ceneral Description: Nurnber of DwellLng Units:Number of Acconmodation Units: BTWBING: T-ftrTa,"o 1m MEcrrANrcAL, +@ Address: /, O, rE Phone Number: a:4 f :€ Electrical Contractor: Ren Work Class: tlg-llew [ ]-ALteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair t l-other Address: P-e. BaP-e. Bar (4 Plunbing contractot. C a. r /q .zt 1.'--- Address: Meclranical Address: Contractor: Town of VaiI Reg. No. I O3-L Phone Number: aqq-/oOJ Town of VaiI Reg. No. /83a2 Phone Nurnber: 9f? -O<-3? Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: / ^ tlrnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances_ cas Logs / wood/pellet_v fi******* -.waffi;:;************** VALUATTTO#L#****ik************************ iurr,prre r -t*r+oa-e* ELEcrRrcAr,,r+_ZXib:oe '70@ orHER: s - tD ff try --'-z:--,)=- 'ffifA)-u|+ZJ- f***********dFfffi******** coNTRAcroR TNF.RMATJ.N ***************************fleneral contractor. /4,7. 9'-:lA--7;r'; --------- Tovrn of vail Reg. No.,/o4-6 ********?t*********************** IIOR OFFfCE USE *** * ** * ** * *********** ** *** ***** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLT'I''BING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAI, PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLIIMBING PI,,AN CHECK FEES MECHANICAIJ PIAN ^CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: \LIJCLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:d€. rorl;, PERMTT FEEs: BUILDING: SIGNATUREs ZONING: TYPE VALUATION ,sIGNAt'ttRE 75 south tronlage road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 offlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CUFA,ENTLYL REGISTERED !{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE TO: EROM3 DATE: SU&TECT: rn sunrnary,.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand., debrisor naterial , including trash durnpsters, portable i,oilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any street, sidewa-Ik, alley or publicpr?ge or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n ari Town ofvarl streets and.Igags is approxinatety 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strilt:.y enforcid by the Town of Vail4Pli: works Department. persons found. vi6tating this ordinanceyrr+- be grven a 24 hour written notj-ce to remove said materiat.rn the event the person so notified does not comply with th;--notice within the.24 hour tine specified, the zuLric woirs -- Department wirl renove said mateiial at i,he expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beappricable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, prease stop by the Town ofYlil_lilains Dfpgtrnent to obtain i copy. rirani you for yourcooperation on this natter. i"H;W" Cer? 7/e c fet'ositionTnel.fionsffir (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 soulh trcnlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 offlce ol communlly developmetrl BUTLDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE lf ltrtr penlit. requires a Town of Vail fire Department Approval,Engineer"s..(Pybl ic l,lopks) reyiew and approval,' a planning' Departmentreview or Hea'lth Department review, and'a review by the Euilbing - Department, the estilnated time for a total review iray take as l6ngas three weelts. Al I commerci a'l ( I arge or sma'l'l ) and al I mul ti -fami ly permi ts wjl Ihave tq follow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residentialand.small projects_should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smal'l er projects impact the various above mentioned departments. wi.th regard to necessary rev.iew, these projects may al so ta.ke the three week period. Every.attempt will be made by.this departrnent to expedite thispermit as. soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frane. t/ ,r) ./ L/ , ,,I H €S ?/ /a[ ?t/ cl ezt ee ' P! ojecfl'lame r Corrnuni ty Development Department. ., '09 1{ r 11 ,rd004 78 107L o VILLIGDR .IG FAootr $TA1E O,r $OtOnAoO )l sc. couNrY oF -*-.--) rhe toresoine Inglrumenl w3s n0loowledsto *":iifrl*fi ffi6i?ilr"; , '10-, by -=;:ii.lilii;ii"""li"wreddcd lo ffis tl .egoing hllfum9nl w3Y rt(ir\rr!'rlrYYrYY -' -. knorrn to mO lO bo lhO pitBoh 'l 0-, by -.-. =-= ::,=i;;,m;iiii""crnowtedgcd to ffi s that heffir; ,l0rdrbJ,mm1t* '0i's-"'6fii['1"e'r,*:ilg::*-.t ro me that he iLT,ffi'il:'i'.''l'|i:l?'::;i'ffi il?'il'liiillipq4'ses'r".":::::* il?*,non oe' ""d:f 11T : -.':,,'T,""''t11;Lil;i'dJaan*negr;55;r'tateta-iffiiGii o"*tsr lsndrunoatehioFn whoso ngnte My commlsslon exDlres: !'t!f ru|lll|d fup't luow . - $TATE of ooL0nAoo I *'*t*tin.o.n 2.4.qei ss. Te'jen r.^-ttt_r,,* '''JrEs"r!r?;;*,ryffi$ rh6 lotooolng lnslrument wds aoknowledged beloto ms *5n*m-r"O^tl li O, 'n";.rffi Ji*l,oLmnasii;-f":'^qtl,nl-l:*:if ]#.*1'lsliiscdtomorpetson wlrose nem! ls.suoscrrutu rv ..' 'v'vEY!'rY liion Ueretn cx'''s'd. iil'iiiit,]ilo- tttc samo for thc putpos$ anrt con$det€ My conrmloclon explrag: Remark: Thlg ic NotarY stamP from the nayor offlce of Teu[en- thal , Swltzerland'tmwt rnr.t nf ttOr I CnM-nf l,t n r 1n3-d7Q-?d5?RU6 5l'93 12r47 No, NOIIE: Accuditng to Cdqodo lov 1ou m\fis1n661 oryl lcgol octlon bosed upm ony dafcct bt thls survelrlthin thlaa )oors oftar pu first dlscovcr such clch;t ln no cwttt, mq/ ony oction based upm ony dcfact h thts survey pc cor4manccd mo.c thon tat ycors fron thc dotc of ccrtlflcatim shovs hercm,LtoNS RTDGE LOOP (60) A -- 165234'ft : 1001.64' L : 295.04' R{ G\s'g, r\' Lot A-2 EXCEPTED on this dotq cxccpt utlllty orc cntircly vlthln the boundaries s4935'10'w 2t 6.95', SANDSTONE DR|W (60) 'kz, *iz R L 0l2l'52 4t 16.93', 98.04' ' "+L"'l ,#rw;fi* r'Y \ \ LOr A-3 +\ q nb(4nRr\?-{ PkY;e ,t €?f **t \\ E:f,n"a 16to \ fi.0'};hrd noq AH Pcok Elau 8JC)6.t7 ard not Paok Elcu 6JO6.62 B\\R6 \e."-\z\{ \( \! \ \ \ \ \ (n(lr \I rt \\ \ \rliR 6 c"l-g, L.reL+ {'9n4o'/8 ok /zfesfq3 of the porcal, cxccpt os srtovn, thot thcrc arc no cncroochments upon the described prcn ses by improvemants on ony odltining prctnisas, exccpt os indicoted, ond that thcre is no opporcnt .vidcnce or slgn of ony coscmcnt crossing or burdenhg ony part of soid porcel, axccpt os notad- This ciltillcatc docs not constitute o title seorch by lnter-ltountoin Engineering to detcrmlne ovnership or easarnents of rccord. For oll lnforrnotion ragordhg cosemcnts, rights-of-voy or titlc of rcc*d, lnter-llountain reticd upon: LIONS RTDGE SUBDIWflil{, A PAR| OFffc. | & sEc. t2, nss, Rstry tr \HE 6!l {.M;, flffi catuu cot-oRADo. RtcLDtu 2trYt;'- --s--\bi[i l -heraby certlfy thot this inprovetnat locotion cartlllcotc vos praporedfor thc mortgogc lcndcr ond thc titlc insuroncc compant thoi it' is not alond surwy plot or lmprovemen t survey plot, ond thot lt ls not to bc relied lpon for tha cstoblishmcnt of fcnca, bulldlng, or othq futura lmprowmentlpon for tha cstoblishmcnt of fcnca, bulldlng, or othq futura lmprowment lincsr. . | furthcr certlfy thot thc lmprovemmts on the obove desZribad porcet on this dotq cxcapt utlllty conncctions, orc cntiraty vlthh the boundaries ^lz*fr P, A BOX 9'Atu77 refaAtf tuAD IMPRO VEMEN T LOCA TlON CER TlFICA TE LOT A_3 LION,S RIDGE SUBDIVIS/ONrPW OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY COL 5cr7,la I oF I it -..-S0t/09 '0C tl:tl lt00r ?r ?C lC yrLLIsn aoI vtLuoER s6nne le arflttlo PFErTiloN sJn:uEH..Arp Tnhh{rlr. rriafn 761cTobfcrNr. Affiit4t4Tfh( Sl tuEvncn TO (COiPAI{V' : ATTll. lillt ilS., : JIM UUI(NUTTE FROM (MR. ilC) ; llalter ReErl FAxl{ot DoHEssEE}: 303 479 2462 Nt#EEltoFPAoFs a(ficLcovERnrEE'D: " Subjest: llaltor Rcgal Yail llourer TELEFAX DATE: 9-2-1993 "olrog'gg 1{rt!Goo{ ?1 76 ls .o.... rn: s05-479-2452 VILLIGER .IG flu6 3 t?| 4?N0.006^ttlJN OF UAIL COI'I'BEU $TATE OF COLORADO PeiL A t*t/-'e e--q.-lr rti In , : r/\rveunder3ronqj*T-tll3ifj'"T5;Y:Il'-t?!i:trTf'lT-5iHTi'tT:t&-azard:oner end1i##,ffi Fi,iit#::ffi '"[:J'il'#i'i,itilIpirna"m;"no ',:lllitllltffiTTiitiiurii oti"r'r'e'i Q^nr us q Perilrir' t_-(ffi;otrher) ) I rs' COLtNry OF -.--- ) rhe f o nsoing instrume nl was asknowledgod *tt"*;li'$ m; oJ"tilJltf tl" -- l9-- ut -i-[o *il*o,Tsffir.ums-.n . Jigil{9g-.110 ne .nat hs F;.1,";l''n:l'-".*tl?ff ou,*rruantlcondderarroiiii*etn.*n,"'ioo. tlay of MY comml$Fion $Plror: sTArE OF cOl$BADo lru. cOUNTY OF.-.,._..) lvly rrmmlorlon cxPlret: ,_.-_ rN4rnrVn}d bezaugl' a a 43 Teulenthdl, d'i ,'-' |' Remark: Th{s is !{otary stanp from-the 'rt'trs' rr' *uvut c,rrit. -of Teufenthal ' Swi tzerl and . =,fjj-HflElu-, {-=..==lW*,*{. -q'l( .i{ :'l' rhe torsfoiro.lnstrument waa aohnowloc{gco u*ore Tl hltf;ff^ ,"ffi* *"'. m:mr,t.#m5gf::tgm:Hffi jffijy""mo'lhai Goo s,,000i,r.- -f l'l 0I.ilr':l', i,,. il It,, I i.:(l' f , i tl itt'll it. it ir,. I I i?i:'i i'i:'l ilil. i, ,l !i "01109 '03 1{r11 .|B00{ 71 78 r0 o,{!r!r!lal] d ool :Hh,,lgrdf: I 2f '&t L*t#{:f,f!lrY+ 4 -Eui&' *'nl 'wirywr:;;ffi,w::'::'::: I "H#ffi :fr1}i{:[{,;ii"#HrtHfr*u** j K--'?--r'- (Nsntg, ourner gTArE OF ootonADo )l eo. couNrY or *--.-.') rhe torcsoine Instrumrnr wEs nctoolvlEds* *":ij:il fi ffi#?ilrtlThg lorcgoing Insllum?nl wau '''..r'.'tt'e'r-- -- -. tno*n tn mo to bg th€ P'reon ! 0-, B.--;:-;-- ,^-^;li,"ir-rr,i*niiiC acknowtadgcd to me fiai he ",.;;r;;*-*i,ls;-uir?,,i6-d'G'ii-,,,*g;yf,ffiSi'illlf #rT-methathe,rfiosn name ls SUbSCfiDeg l9 lrrs r{'r,]Yv'..v "'":-"': li.flCgggln cxprcgeed. ffi;il;th; $Hrne tor thc purposes ltttl consiE!f,9--A-h .r-. r,6,r{€hcnd, My r$mml$ton €xPlres: My coltlmlsslon txFlteel .sr^Tr-" or coLon^oo lr*. ['#iiir,oc' t!*#*m:tr, couNrY oF -.--.. ,-.--- ) -;;;E #Ag(dd rhe lorogolng Initrunrentwas aokno"rilcdged bP'loro ms *:n*m"OlnT lJ o"nThe lologolng lflitrunrentwds aoFnow|EeEEL' '--.-f.ioffiTo m6 to ba tha .10 .bv-"oers6iTl-ro-rc na,me ls suUs?T;-,iTTfi[ toragdtfrlis-tru-m6'riflit ack'''or"l6dgcd to m0 t ha execur0d the same ", frxiiti,iidrino c,-orrsFeratlon ilrercln Gxpfccseo' ntr rrorl rnU-nrtl tftr3t13-l7Q-?il5?RU6 St'gS 12r47 N0, VILLIGER.IC Eoo tl I t II l;' 1t' J t i ! 1 t.' .T.I I ffi*t"n o.' *'otl11T:^.:,-T1x1 Remark: This is NotarY stanP from the nayor offlce of Tcufen' thal , Switzerland. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOESITE DATE september 3, 1993 Gq,"-\\{e6302 hn il raillT department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF P€RMIT E surLor.rc Dl pluMarNc E rlecrntcel D FoUNDATToN E MECHANICAL D 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I t lV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP A 8 E H I R M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : \I ar.r -.i-al^ f^+.i1r' *^^.il PERMIT NO. z tr :l BUILDING 235 .000.00 ELECTRICAL 7000 - 00 PLUMBING 7000.00 MECHANICAL 1000 - oo TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL DESC. LOT A? BLK A v R-3 2203 BUILDING PERMIT I ?RO nn I 41334 r335 \ *G ss.1\IS\:s- FILING Liur"*+d*e-+-M-i 446 PLAN CHECK.Q1t nn JOB NAME: Regal Res. ttA" TOTA I.) AltA al ELECTRICAL t< nn OWNER NAME Wrl fer Rpgel _NEvr.:H), ALTERATION( ) AODTTTONAT ( ) REPAIR(PLUMEING 1rt5 -OO/Pn 26 00 MA|L ADDRESS 7 615 Sunnyvsle ",${equon, WI 530pe OWELLING UNITS I ACCOMMODAIION UNITS -- HEIGHT IN FT - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL An nn /pa ,^ ni ll z RECREATION FEE ?o( nn ARCHITECT FIRM INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE FLOOR EXT. WALLS DESIGN REVIEW EOARD MAIL ADDRESS CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT rr CITY PH.USE TAX GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM A-T^ Sm{th Corn W111 Ca1l 12.00 TYPE OF HEAT SOLAR GAS wooo TOWN OF VAIL REG. No. lglB . TOTAL PERMIT FEES -e765-00 3765.0C rELE. 845-7s32 puqTbl CR Feldmann S-2-93 ELECTRlCAL CONTRACTOR plps Ront s Electric ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL ST. CUT rutLDtNG oFnc-tAL- - - - -DAiE {i1cg1nr1:ter__ _ 9-2-93 aTnwN rrFva|l pFe N.! In?-E' ONING ADMINISI RAIOR UAIL BLASTING 1ONING & BUILDING NOTES: Hard coov of qeoloeic hazard affidavit PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM /l'rr PA,H PARKING TnwN ^F varcrF^ N.1 193_P must be orovided. rEf E 949-6534 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.- SIGNATURE OF CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: AND THE OWNER. OR FOR HIMSELF TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT FIRM TOWN OE VAI! REG.NO. TELE. 'r'own or va]- r Plan analysis the 1991 Uniform Name: REGAL RESIDENCER #B Date: .Iu1y 12 , 1993 Occupancy: R3 T\zne nf Cnnsf : \/-Nrjl-v va NOTE:The code items listed in this report list.ing of all possible code requirements seLected sections of the code. Town of Vail based onBuilding Code Address: 1,079 SANDSTONE DR. Contractor: A.T. SMITH CORP.Architect: DON SMITHEngi-neer: NA Plans Examiner: C. FEL.,DMANN are not intended to be a compJ-etein the 1991 UBC. rt is a quide to 'riTiii;r;iaqIlH?' 0FFlcE s#PY FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXTTS EGRESS 3 Master bedroom3 Master bath 3 Hafls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FIJOOR 1 r'itrivfrrY !vv.rL r ni nia uf rrrrrv r vvrr! 2 Kitchen2 Nook2 Bedroom #12 Bat.h room 2 Hall-s, closeEs, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 Bedroom #11 Bath room T T-:rrnAn, v'.1.\tf !u u..s! J r vvrt, 1 Furnace room 1 Ha11s, closets, etc . TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL FOOTITIOTES: L 3 248 zuo 9Z 288 139 99 l Aa 2t2 64 158 11-Q2 _L/O 59 29 13 730 t_007 2555 z4 .6V 0.00 0.00 28.80 13.90 10.00 14.20 2L.20 0.00 0.00 J_ / . OU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 IZ.+V 10.30 0.00 1-4 .40 6.95 5.00 7.1,Q 10.50? ,n 0.00 8.80 2.95 1.50 0.00 0.00 Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No l_I 1 1 1 1 T 1_ 1 t_ 1 L 1 1_ 1 1 t_ 1- EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from t.his room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 1,204. The minimum clear height is 24 inches The minimum clear width is 20 inches The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet The maximum si11 height is 44 inches 3 The number of exits is based on Table 33_A (Dwellings) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilacion. -- Sec. 1205. (c) The requirements for 2 exiEs from the 3rd floor is based on sec . 3303 . (a) exc. 3 ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shal1 have a ceiling height of not. less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, halls, baLhrooms and t.oilet compartment.s may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then Ehe minimum heights is required in onl-y L/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207. (al Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not. less than 120 square feet of fl-oor area. Other habiEable rooms except kitchens shal1 have an area of not l-ess than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207.(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen sha1l not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. 1207. (cl GLAZTNG REQUIREMENTS: A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety gJ-azrng material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors excepE jalousies. 2) GLazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3 ) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazinq in all unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, batht.ubs and showers. Glazing in any porEion of a building wa11 enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain in1et. 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of Ehe door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above Ehe walking surface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all- of t.he following conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greaEer than 35 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. fncluded are strucbural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIRF.IVIENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wa1l at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. L210. (a) 4. A smoke detecEor is required on the ceiling or wa1l in each sleeping area. -- Sec. l-210.(a) 4, A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. l-210.(a) 4. If the upper leve1 contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is reguired in the ceiling of the upper levef close to the stairway. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4 Smoke deteclors are required to be wired to the buifding's power source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3. Detectors sha11 sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FTREPLACE:l-) Fireplace must be supported by a foundat,ion. -- Sec. 3707. (b) 2) The firebox must be aE leasL 20 inches deep and walls of firebox are Eo be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the wal1s may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to codbustible material is from t.he fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney walls is 2 inches. Combustible material may not be placed within 5 inches of fireplace opening and combustible within 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each l- inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must. be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches Lhick, and supported by noncombustible material . The hearth size must be at least: If Opening size is: Front extension Side exEension Less than 5 sq.ft. 16 inches 8 inches 5 sq.ft.. or greacer 20 inches 12 inches -- Sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 5) Chimney heiqht must be per Table 37-B STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and Ehe minimum run is 9 inches '-- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1provide a handrail on one side a sEairway 34 to 38 inches above Ehe nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3305. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum heighE = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 j-nches. -- Sec. 1,712.(a) exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be prot.ected as required for thr fire-resistive consErucEion. -- Sec. 3305. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 25 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. A1l openings into any such enclosure sha1l be protected by noL less than a self-closing solid wood door L 3/8 inches thick or equivalent.. -- Sec. 1-706.(f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in walLs passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in l- hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. 1706. (a) ADDITIONAI-, REQUIREIVIENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will reguire a site improvement survey. Such survey sha1l be submitted and approved prior Eo request for frame inspection. A11 crawl spaces within the Town of Vail are limited to a earth t,o sEructural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, be ventilated as per ubc 2515(c)5 with minimum access as per ubc 25L5(cl2 and maximum access of 9 sq. Ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more sha1l require an engineer design. Such design sha1l address drainage, soil retainage, and sEruclural design. Excavation below stabs on grade shall not be permit,ted without prior approval . Address nurnbers shal1 be posted plainly visible and legible from the street. \(t Town of Vail Tovn of Vail 'niTiii;l:iaql*:s?' oFF|f;r mPY Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Name: REGAL Address: 1-079 SANDSTONE DR. Date: .Iu1y 12 , 1-993 ContracEor: A.T. SMITH CORP. Occupancy: R3,M1 Architect: DON SMITH \rpe of Const: V-N Engineer: NA Plans Examiner: C. FELDMANN =============================================================================1 This project will reguire a site improvement survey.This survey shall be submitted and staff approvedprior to a request for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done withouE an approved site improvement survey. 2 All areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit.. basement sha11 have less than 5'ht. from earth to sEructural floor/ceiling above, be ventilated as per UBc 2516, wiEh minimum access as per UBC 2516 and max. access of 9 sq. ft. 3 There shal1 be only one kitchen designated per dwelling unit allowed by the Town of Vail- Zoning Regulations. A11 oEher such labeled areas are not approved and sha}l not be rough-in constructed as such. 4 Exterior surfaces with stucco sha11 be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBc 4705 with 2 layers ofpaper. Windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not with just screed metal). A lath inspection is required prior sEucco application. 5 A11 new construction within the Town of Vail will be required to have an ini-ti-a1 inspection by TOV Public Works Dept. to approve siEe drainage and culvertinstallation. This approval- must be complete prior to any inspection by the Building Department. 6 This project is restricted from the burning of woodin fireplaces. Unless the foE is a restrict,ed 1otin si-ze, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit allowed. Gas 1og chimneys enclosures shaLl be one hr. protected. t_0 Bath tubs and similar fixtures with concealed slipjoint.s require an access panel of at least !2"x1-2". In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside sha1l be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recircufating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domest.ic cl-othes dryer exhaust ducts shal1 be installed as per UMC 1-l-04 and 1903. Flexlble duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and sha11 not. be concealed within consEruction. Ducts shal1 t.erminate outside t.he buil-ding and not exceed t4' length. No domestic dishwashing machi-ne sha11 be directly connecEed to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 608. cross connection control devices sha11 be i-nst.alled to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC L003. DomesEic ranges shaf l- have a vertical- clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material . UMC 1901. Approved gas logs may be insEalled in solid-fuel burning fireplaces provided the installation i-s according to the listing instructions, any damper shal-l be removed or permanenlly blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment., vent locat.ion and termination, and combustion air t.o be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado State SEaLutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. Also, the maximum water closet flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3 .5 gallons per f1ush. The door between the garage and the dwelling is required to be a 1 3/8 inch thick sol-id core or 20 minute self closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) exc.#3 The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required Eo be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3305. (1) 1_1 1-2 IJ 1A 15 L7 18 t9 20 Unless the lower level is clearly shown as a basement (5' or less from floor above to grade for 508 of building perimet,er), a 3 level dwbllingr will require 2 means of exiting from the 3rd. leve1 if 3rd. level exceeds 500 sq. ft. UBC 420 & UBC 3303 (a) . At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment sha1l be provided to protect a strucEure from ice buildup and water damage. Trvo layers of felt solid mopped Eo sheathing and between layers or a commercial water a ice shield may be used as per Table 328L. Any building site with a slope greater than 30 degrees shalf require engineer designed drawings. Avalanche areas shal1 require such engineered drawings a1so. Drainage and sEructural integrity sha1l be addressed by such drawings. Because of t.his project's location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC L707(d) . The sEructure is required to be anchored to the foundataion with t/2 inch anchor boltss. The bolts must be into Ehe concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. See code for additional requiremenus. -- Sec. 2907.(f) 2t Project Application : .rrt!taE*_f.tr,i. .r.;N:5!i!!' Project Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: *<.-{ Ce.l',*n)** Jt L a{a-7s, o^," fulq{ &O, 1Q?3, 79,-o3c/6 t)a, L J{ Contact Person and ,Phone ^767q-( 6 ts 5." Architect, Address and Phone: !@(A :3 0-^ s^,{/, 6t,'t) \(as- 7(?J tlls( f{qCeco LeLte, Aa(+- C@rne/s, t.Oc', 5313O Legal Description: Lot 4-z Block ,t f t , , eitins 1) Leqs(olsQ .a.^. Commenls: Design Review Board our" Aa)/ /? ,l??9 kI . A"nn# seconded or, D ' V/ ' ((' & '-t 9 '-/.?Jid',--s .\.rl) t)o cer-scre*e u-^e.C(s - et( *q- J r,vr.-p*{ 6e tL" i^:kr (t-k,;oo Motion by:vek - 5-c> D ISAPPROVAL /vt.-c*{ 6 t I ovet *1.'z ,^r.. aQ.- 7e, /?13 , ., E Statt Approval a SLIFLI'l llllNHliLl,lLN I UUI'IP I LL : 1- JU J-4 r'b-2'r2 J l'latr 2U,9J llr:iU N0,0U3 P.lJ2 .-. l4.tt-gLui$[uau| I_ _o_ _ o$D{F 9f PR9.rt!1,1-t Divl! &EGAL DI9CRIDTIONI &01'3- FtroCK -.g- SSEDlvItlOt{ -.U-on r-sr.dsr- gTSSrar tDDnDgs r 1079 sirtr{Etonc lrrrvr,.. DESC'IIPT'NN OT PROi'EGTI @ Tha folloslns lnfornrtlon tf Rovler loard beforg r fthrl rrqulfad ror lutrlrlEBal to th! Dcrlgn rD'lrrovll orn b6 gl vGn ! L EUTLDIT{G Hf,TIIIl[g: Rooi gidlnc Othsr Fall llrLe(ll'3 Flocla Softltg ltllndowB tt{ndow frl n D00rs Uogrtlvlm llnnd or oock RaIIa Fluet 8l a sb, nE6 0hi$neyt Ttooh EncIoDurEr Gr6enhou$cn ot hrr r,N{DscrrPlNc r $rme gf Drrlgncr; thonr I l.Lll,lT l'tATEll:Al,g ! Llotanlcrl wrne FROIOSED SI{RUIS T6Etffir- Fnrnooa TIPE OF MAIISRIIIJ COLil. E UCCO -. -- _ rrrr_tshltl cedir !rr0- -- - cr.Dol--slr l!,ovan rrrovr Wl-t4e-@(:od gre!' rirnt,h;r $l|leld v4nd6t@ Allrrnf nulll cf !d ,-___ l,nu{lar rgl ,,.-.,, CtCs;;$lqrtr- Alullt I [u,nt r:l a(t ---. (:.,ft16'^'.l--h!oE-- lq.iriled trqgC ,, ('-r.tc'l-'.lrou Collper .. _-... T.th.dJEiti. rei d ejlucgo .. .- qtr.*rrite (tn n6r,,{L, garadg',, __ _------- E.Du'r gr+?I ., - ffi co{!n9p trl$q !11411|.;[!U U13I {lrlF-a,!Eq 2t .$b{ c.r-pFmrfi |1 - 5t{ cgLmr itrn|FE tz 6ft AO 7-q0tt 4 ur nrs$6nq!J9,,.,, 6!z-re.g.E tE', jI!! rEfrx ffiBrc.|t| $ EC|ffr-e srdwu-- uxrsTrNo cl|Ru$u TO BE NE!{9l'ED r IrullcaLe callpas for Crcrcueut tr|.t.Irrdlott. llcd StilF tR 1'4HNHtTLMENT c0t'lP TEL : 1-50J-476-2523 l,|ag 20 ,93 15 : 10 N0 . 005 P .03I stzr o!proP9tScl thrubtr fvpf, o, lllnlnun tlfT f?,, trrlubr ,lt for.ffr r?l|ttcl -_ f3o sof) GT1OUND Cov-ER8 sEED TYI'E OF InRIGATION IYDD OR UETIIOD OrEnoStoN coflfnoL c.I,rrllD8e,\Ftt LtonrtNc I i*. llt :$F;' ii_ rlf.8fi ! "1ff il gl[ tlfi .,lnolot::rd, " pr*' linlll"i,tltl;,"i;:riiilliisi"irit$ii:iii''Tri iiiliiff ;;;s"rco-aii-iyi!'Ii iffir['ffi$3r:!: rtttrse, hetsht -aEIvr - f;l il:l'iilil-Ili,i;:ui:fri, liiilliliil '*i {i:,i'i$I$l D. r tndloate rr$rmqrn. -r.rj - | i r Project Name: Contact Person and Phone Project Application qq.rk 4o({G*t> - '-{ra,1063 -SL;fe" fuo oqr*,t n-r+ Co. to (-{<r 76/ 5 5-"^n Arch itect. Address and Phone: Filing zon" RC 4rt,Ztz-zssa@) zy=-ozV6C) Ve U), 9q .r{.as'7/e5 I 155/ Hoka Lqp ( / {G(<q ed.<*s b'J;s 5 z>o Legal Description: I-ot /- 3 , etock Com ments: Owner. Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date w, Ie (.CoGt tio: lrc0p o€ovq(s 1" lL'"/ t:2 - DISN PPROVAL ape\$b* " r.4ets -G r.ct"-l<. ceb,s t( Eg"€'{..r-.-- 1..2 --Tl< l*- ;{o oo-* t*€{ .( t*,r6ldsn+u/ tt/q: h ce^ddQ | lQ /v1(xto{o.;r{4 CQ /L{e c,^-a-(G -V;J h,a clx -b'f6 ,uo(s ;o b€{/"f '-lon( {o *,-{"[, x,, s|-!e e€ -Ce l- eF te..S /4 ses.(( ba"t - I NTER-DEPARTI'IENTAL REVI Et,| | ..r k ; . PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: C0I'T'IENTS NEEDED By: ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: evl ehre Corunents: r, ,5lTe Z. FS \-r"-**----J N aabed -l-D(Jn c,r'4 POLICE DEPARAENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Corunents: P--atkncE" DATE OF IC HEARING Date 8.1ft fu€FIt s €njine.r Ap5.rrr|r\t Date 4. - l';;ttq**x-$].j, r* >\f Project Application Project Project Contact Name: Descriplion: Person and Owner. Add ress and Phone: tt I r i I d Architect, Legal Description,ht f,- 3 ,alo"x ,r-n L,in-=,^;o)g < *J-- zo^" R. C Com menls: APPROVAL Design Review Board ,^," uG.rf<a DISAPPROVAL ,"rnu'b Qirc fA C(Ybal ,l o roY-it1 A@ o? 'l'tA 9-J9 h< qc' Id+drJ+t Town Plan ner cPt J"", M *,frt .G, D Statt Approval pe o g8 6.tBst FitLage Re: Lot A 3 - Lion's Ridge SubdivisionVail, Colorado Exterior Light Fixture selections: EJS Lighting Corp. Model style "Courtier" ,itt f:r:'.,ri lloOir cntrances #2580-i1-gO - 13" r'ide x 41"long aLL other soutl-r efevati_on andwest el,evation fi xtures #2560-71-90 - I I/2" wide x 21" ]orq . BURLEIGH BROOKFIELD. WI 53005 -0346 ROAD FAX: 782-7674 )t Rerum, T'^ Aton{<- Town Ptanner INTER.DEPARTIIENTAL BEVIEW PROJEGT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Tv,o r)'&P =-ge {o^^"C6'S an-a//9 z- FIRE DEPARTMENT Revlewed by:Dale: comments: ) zr ssu*o- ,l<-:7 /r lS / ": /O:,"/d7- ,/ t'-1b ". z) zo 57 7E& ''s tor 6a<az'L- y'mak' 2,ea4*. 2^rfuS a/f1 ,rPT z4/ UZ)3) ru1 ? t@Pu; u't"c'utt - V//rz- /AJnn75 .uu=J /a- t'4"4 rrh.dltrt* rt 75 Soutb Frontagc Rotd Yail, Colorado 81657 t 03 -47 9-21 1 I / 47 9-21 1 9 Department of Commanity Dcrclopmcnt COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX PHONE TRANSMITTAL SHEET NUMBER: (303) 479-2452 DEVELOPMENT PHONE NUMBER: (303) 479.2138 CoMPANY Nnur: {)&t- futn*w{et'e{{ FAX PHONE ttuuaen: \76 Z 5? 3 raou: S d-\ Cef-v\,.,+k ----_.' oerc 3 (s{1\ twe: lO i el? qout # OF PAGES lN DOCUMENT(S) (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEEI: 4 ,0oRESPONSE REQUIRED? seNr av: \l]cz TOWN OF VAIL FAX PHONE TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY SPECIAL NOTES: ' L(v6*^uo7_ { / ac-^,^nu-+ -AJku,l:tr-st.eff ,-t{oiLy le -86isn7oul L* nveJ{y t{a <q*,e^ ,'."..(* w,ed[if_*Ccp'x&__ ,_ ,, i -t ^r I t' a *'grtalt' # (' of-stu-tkan.ct*- -if 1c,4ory\ alr,ur*o - Hq t ih i ^! rpg--wa{. #< twi'* f r'u,fp df-M lt qY LGI{ o!, f-e-{qr'*tr'ng ttc .'i*r( x-*{ o-.T/olZ< f'-- | t *tQ- DP Li tr rudectl Skoke shfugLe s*iS + funke &#r*i qp&. @u_e__-ss{ -i,t *p * C+lk w Ava* - Xeo care -Pt,'ue ;^i''fu 1{U,' go*r* *{n|f 6*rn L-eur€ L +-*.^ro cq4S tp €'ryff o6 gq^q*hi +a&ur**, -=oET,77- ',1 t | -tlft g}.a''{+ai c*trzv,$ vUa.AL- - /rexp due_z_fur_y' q + g% *r.*/,"1 " p *{,8 Jfr - i'ee*c{Lb_a_c_ae__ga__fu j;3nLEM ., 1 , , - --- i,i.;fi- ,?;-.qu;.k-!F"-;Eih LG-kt- - -- -4; -1, *"-+U-n-4^f,'*-;/!*r-t{*e-Gsrry((sl--- -: Avd" " r- -qs ts(- :;{e dts#t 4 "o e rL l.e,tge.F il*-"dA C - /tQ. rg+rccg -- .v*aQ nvA"qL(aLM'e€ in, 6 ectq(4 -L**i( s,r#:t J cr*, U L {be A"trr.** tre *k tsvaLJ -@i_;nt*r-'*e@Em--Wffi *r__ip-t."st'"-p(id[r,uy.l"{;J|,h,Awprp-*ffi lq -_ M;, r(Lr__q&--t fQ_b;_fe4 u_e_L{4cbf ,_- lhu+ h"i},,er +e,*<-laW be s*b;-{erd*t$):&t" ln', (,o,rt rh - o'^"rUp-;;-=" 'LGC iu W i,:frie ,p{e /"{rEi5, ,,3tl|- tat,r5 Chtnut-/ a.ft f(t vL q4y Je {[2- gftr;(,, - l'({ : Project Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: 5c,Q fuo*o €144/Jt C, AG-R. Oen)53o? w<cr7G(-) W d {a-g- tu't t1qkra L<ne, lrek> Grn<tF , tOiS. S j/Bo Legal Description'vo: 4-3 ,en.x r,nns LrtrDr'ilgl #L. ,on" R,C- Com menls: GL - LUq k 4-rQ L lno ,t,u =/t 9€ a=iI r-rplk t^;tu-€ h/a,lYa *lhr{ $ !"-/w ln* &*A,-r;f5; Arawtt<P-f^;e,.'{P 9J< .W. *.**t -k1oot-{LQ- <og( urt-L*^t o-4 -ke,l fo,a oe[a(t Town Planner o^", s/rq,/qz E Statt Approval .1, GAL CREST V I LLAGE 414?A2?6"4 o P.9tRE o plegsl i6/'Desiqn Review Board.Town-of Val)., ValI, Colqrado 81657 fi.t P frt Fi llagn Dear Board Members: This 1s my second attempt to obtain archltectural approval for the Bavarian Chalet thab I P{opose to build on the above lot. I believe that the blueprint alterations which have been made by my architect, Mr. oon Smith, address rnost of the changes which were reguested at the previous meeting' In order to elimlnate the continuity between the two units' to whlch the board objected, we changed the entlre roof, windowst doors, poi.it"- ind f16or plan. - rn addition to the plan changes, the. i"lraing was re-located approxi.nately 25 feet toward.s the west. The rec6rnmendation vrhich wls made in regard to locating the garage below the bulLdlng and enterlng_o{f oT Sandstone Dr' wouf6 not be acceptable to me for the following reasons' Stith the garage bllow the bullding, we caLculated that approx. 53 steps friff-ne reguired from the garage flogr to the firSt iioor lt tn" buildlng ln order to arrive at the current grade leve], If the building would be directly above_the garage, the entire east, west ind north eLevations would be within the ground. I im not lncLlned to construct a building which- _ has iiews and windows only on the south elevation. This would nob be taking advantage of the great views and could even be without any iouth view when a buifaing goes up on the lot across the street, just south of Sandstone Drive' prlor to purchasing this lot last year, I made sure that f could locate the buildlng near the east side yard set back and up high enough to overlook the Lionsmane structure' r consoited wtth rni real estate agent, Mrs. Glnger Tofferlt Ms. Kristan Prlti2 Town of VaiI Dlrector of Communlty Develop$gnt and local arch{tect Mr. cralE snowdon. All three assured me that since there was no buildlng envelope for this }ot1 the nuf:.afng could be located as deslred in order to take full .ou"nt.6e of the vlew. Il was also discussed thaL the use of [ir" .*flting "cut-in" roadway could be used as 3.ong as the grade dj.d not exceed 10t maxlmum- OFFIOE: 13275 W. BURTEIGH ROAD PHONE: 114-782.0346 Sehruary 2, 1993 Re: Lot 3 glock A Lionsridge Flling No.1 Vail, Co. continued BBOOKFIELD, WI 53005 FAXi 7s2-7674 .f.4L47427674 P- 03 itr:It . { r. i;I .i I 'i .l '.t..f: I.I Ij ,.t . I.l :i t'.: l .l'I I I t i I.t ! I I i I * ! I 1 I (. , a i l '| i : ! t. i. t t L t i" i 1 i, I i j._ GAL CREST V I LLAGE : Pa96 # : February 21 1993 ") :' I would llke the board lo know that I have been in the residential constructlon business for the past 40 years. I have bullt over 300 hlgh quailty stngle family residences and several hundred apartment unlts ln the Mllwaukee' wis. area. It Is rny lntentlon to put up a very hlgh guality bullding which wtll be an asset to'the surrounding area' I also intend bo occupy the east unit nyself and spend a great deal of tl.rne ln Vail in the years to come. : Thank you for your review and consideratlon. Walter G. Rega cc: Mrs. Gtnger Tofferi ' i REo re.ly,Slnce ?I Retum to Tr+ C.'rnu#z Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW a hfra pRorECr: ReSq L D-p k K DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEAR]NG COMMENTSNEEDEDBY: re /e3/1A./ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: A t r-.vM<-'o a{_rpL€ Xy /\ FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed vy, 4 6"'>--Date:/- zo'23 Comments: z2 "'"'' Gz.,E, "-.--/ 'fizu'5r2&277' a4'- '"/o) Z7,a:e - 4 /Zaz/ ,z/t'z;:' t4'az"7a *- ,,1 2' 6,<.r, f? A-7gaz'n7 - A7, - )o7o l7' nnix: o^ ir-t JFqJ-r- c-,' / c *"3 ?fTrocpo L *^UtL a"-l nr,/..q rrid llrtE otS -fc'.:o ^r(A*-((,o i {lsfel**'o,,on, Contact Person and tlAo,r tQ,oPhone Architect, Address and Phone: q76- to6 a4e- Asaa(il (t'{7Sa-ovt6@) , . Owner. f ddqess and Phone: Y <.c<-4ln-, \ St^tl tq c[es- 7t2s I tS 5 [ f{a(<cc Lc.,-,<. / {{qL"s Cq.^ers / N ,'< 5 zl3o Legat pescription' t-ot 4-3 . eto.x zon" RC-Filing e.t=e e€ Design Review Board eFtC*( ftg,t ccc-t) ./ron" y'6/q > -*noPROVAt\rOEAePS€r#+rE- - Jrg ft )-ti Qr 4. -^r{e tLe srle ^f-\poe qq ,f- 4olr-s'Jn - ^p €- brra Ifo (c{<-q. L(e t.r; - -T/-g op 4,*tJts.s o^r" :fc^r" 6r/qq7 D Statt Approvat Orcvl COIOR,ADO '. r' .., I ll e DRB .IPPLIEiIION . TOWN Otr ITAII,, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : .c6 9l1l9l I. c. D. ADDRESS: TEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT q BIOCK Subdlvlslon J iga,s Ridge Subdivisi.on If property ls descrlbed by a meets and bodescrlpt.lon, please provlde on a separate Iattach to thls appllcatlon. ZONING: Raqi donLi at Ctusfor ds lega1eet and E. F. G. LOT AREA: If reguLred, appllcant, stamped survey showlng lot area. must provlde a current NAME OF APPLICANT: w;trer'Reg^1Mailing AddressS ?616 errnnyrr:r a-.el .MoTrran, wr 6?oo? H.NAME OFMalllng APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Address: Phone u a't a-? at -2qA2o 4t4-782-0346 Ma rk Ma t- t-h ews Phone 303-476- t oG3 I.NAME OF OWNERS: *STGNATURE (S) :Malllng Address: Condominlum Approval lf appllcable. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION0 - $ 10,ooo $101001 -$ 501000 $ 50r 001 - $ 150,000($150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1r 000,000$ Over $1r 000r 000 * DESICI| N&f,'IEIf BOARD NPPROI'AIJ IXPIRES APPROVAIJ T'NLESS A BUTI.DINC PERMIT TS DRB FEEI DRB fees, as shohrn above, are to be pald at,the tLn€ of aubmlttaL of DRB appllcation. Llter, whenapplylng for a bulldlng permit, please identlfy theaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vallwill adJust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee ls paid. +I . A14_2^2_2541 o. 4t4-782-0346 'J. K. VY { STARTED. T*NO APPI,ICATION WILIJ BE PROCESSED WITSOUT OWNER'S STGNATURE 1 Rtc'D DEC '4 1992 DATE OT DRB MEETING. ffi t**ttt*ttt EIS IFPLIESTION TIILL'NOT BE ACCEPTEDItNtIL lI.lL REOUIRED INTORMATION fg 8UEITIITTED*itttt*tli PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: Rarrr ri >n trha 1 a| - 'nr.rn F-r'ti]-y B. TYPE OF REVIEW: XX New Const,ructLon ($200.00)Minor Alterat on (920.00) tew ($0)Addltlon ($.s0.00)Conceptual aqfi ,rr'{l* FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.0d $100.00. I $200.00 9400.00 $500 .00 ONE YEEN I.rIER TINAI ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCrION @ IS ?II. PRE-APPTJIEATION MEETING: a p!9-gppllcatlon meeting wlth a nember of the plannlngstaff ls strongly encouraged to deterrnlne if any addltionalappllcatLon. Lnformatlon le needed. It ls the aipllcantrs - responslbtltty to make an appolntnent wlth the -slaff todetermine lf there are addltLonal subnlttal requirements.Please note that a coMpLETn applicatlon wllt streanllne theapproval proceas for your proJect. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 4. In addit,ion to meeting eubnltt,al requl.rementa, theapplicant muat atake and tape the pioJect eltil tolndlcate propert,y llnee_, Uu-ttAtng itn6g and bulidlngcorners. AII treea to be removed must be t,aped. AIIs_lte taplngs ^ and staklng nust be completed p'rtor to theDRB elte vlslt. The apptrcant must Lnsure Lhat st,iti;gdone durlng the wLnter le not burled by snow. The revlesr process for NEr'f BUTLDTNGS normarry requlreetwo separafe meetlngs of the Deslgn Revlew g6ard: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Appllcantsehould pran on presenLLng thelr dLvelopment iioposat ata mlnlmum of two meetlngi before obtal'nlng finii-approval . Appllcants who fall -to gppear.before the Destgn RevlewBoard on thelr scbeduled meetrng date and who-have notasked Ln advance that discussLon on thelr ltem bepostponed, wJ-Il have thelr Ltems renoved fron the DRBdocket untll such tlme as the item has beenrepubllshed. The.followlng J.tems may, at the dlscretlon of thezonlng admlnlstrat.orr. be approved by tf,e Co..unltyDevelopment Department staif (i.e. I formal hearlngbefore the DRB may not be regulred): a. 9fJ.ndowe, skyllghts and sirnllar exterlor changeswhlch do not alter the exlstlng plan- "e-tfr"bulldlngr. and b. Buildlng addltl-on.proposals not vlslble from anyother lot or publlc space. At the ttme ;;;;- .proposal le subnltted, appllcants must Lncluderetters from adJacent pr-olerty owners ano/oi rromthe -agent for or nanager bf airy aajacenC-'--condominrum assoclat.l0n stattn! tne ieeocratl0napproves of the addltlon. If a property ls Iocated Ln_a mapped hazard area (t.e.gnow avalenche, rockfallr. flood iialn, aJUife-ifor,wetland, etc) r a hazard stydy nuit be'euurntiiea-ina theotner. nust eJ.gn an affidavlt-recognlzlng tfre-frazarafepgTt prlor. to the Lssuance of a-bullai"g peirlt.ApplJ-cants are encouraged to check wrth i-r6"""'piannerp:i9.r to DRB applicarion ro derermine-ir,J ,eiiitilnsnrpof the property to all mapped hazards For all resldentlal constructlon: a. Clearly lndlgate on the floor plans the Lnsideface of the exterLor etructurai walls of-f[e-bulldlng; andb. fndisate with a dashed llne on the slte plan afour foot distance fron the exterlor ficE-oi tnebulldtng walls or aupportlng columns. If.?!P approves the appllcatlon wlth condltlons prmodlfleatJ.onsl att conattions of approval must beresolved prlor to Town issuance or'i rulrarng-plimrt. A. B. c. D. E. E, G. orv. A.Three copies of a recent topographic survey, stamped bva li,c?nfeg= sulvFyor, ar a ger,on whlch the followlng lnformatLon is provlded: Lot area. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcelconsists of 6 acres or more, in which Lase, 5tcontour lntervals nay be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswlth diameters of 4,t or more, as measured fron apolnt. one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (large boulders, inteirnittent streams,etc.). Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfaLl, etc.),centerline of stream or creek, requlred creek oratream setback, 100-year flood ptain and slopes of40t or more, if applicabte. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landnarkor sewer i-nvert. This infornation should beclearly. stated on the survey so that allmeasurements are based on the satne starting point.This is particularly lnportant for height - measurernents. See Policy On Survey Infornation,for more information regarding surveys. LocatLons of the fotlowing:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. must be shown. b. Exact location of existing utiJ.ity sourcesand proposed service lines from their sourceto the structure. Utilities to include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water GasElectric B. c. Show alL utility neter locations, includlngany pedest,als to be located on site or in fheright,-of-way adJacent to the site. Revocablepermits fron the Town of VaiI are reguiredfor improvements in the right-of-way.- d. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing must be shown. e. All eEsements (Title report nust also includeexisting easement locatlons) 8. Exlsting and finlshed grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street, and aminirnum of one spot elevation on eithir sidi ofthe lot, 25 feet out from the side property lLnes. Slte PIan I, Locatlons of the followJ_ng: a. proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. percent slope and spotelevations must be shown. 2. AII -existing inprovements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas, siorage areas,walks, driveways, off-street parking, ioaaingareas, retaining walls (with top and bottom 5fwall spot elevations), and othei exisiing-ifieimprovements. 3. c. . These \@must be provided ln order for the staff to determine building height. All ridge lLnes sttould be indicated on the site plan. ,Elevations for roof rldges shall also be lndicated on the site plan wlth corresponding flnished and exlstlng grade elevatlons. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 8t unless approved by ttte Toltn Englneer. Landscape Plan (1' = 20t or larger) - 3 coples required 1. The following lnformation must be provlded on the landscape plan. The location of existing.4" diameter oi Iarger trees, the locationr slze, spacing and tlpe (conmon and latln name) of all ej<tsting and proposed plant material . AII trees to be sived ahd to be removed must also be lndlcated. The Plan must also differentlate between existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached landscaPe materlals list. 3. The location and type of exl-sting and proposed watering systems to be employed Ln caring for plant rniteriat followlng its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the lnter-retation of the various development proPosal components, please- lncorporate as rnuch oi the above informltion as posslble onto the site plan. SIqn off from g?gh utllllv comqanv YgtlfY+1g qtte ffivLce and availabllitY (eee attached) . A prelirninarv tltle report must acconpany all- ffi-i-ttEls, to fnsure property ownership and location of gIL easements on ProPerty. Archltectural Pfans (1,/8r = 1r or_largert .L(4" Ls @i review) 3 copies regulred. 1. Scaled floor plans and all elevations of the proposed develoPment. Elevations must show both . existing and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" to show how the gross resldentlal floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 3. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8- 1/2" x 11") for lnclusion in PEC and/or Town Council memos maY be reguested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colors shall be specified on the attached materials list. This naterials List must be completed and eubmltted as. a part of DRB appllcation. CoLor chlps, siding samples €tc.r should be presented.to the Design Review tsoard meeting. Zone check list (attached) must be comPleted.if proJect is focated within the Single-Family, Primary,/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of adjacent structures. NOTE: D. r- ,t E. V F. G. H. I. The Zoni! Admlnlstrat,or and/or DRBCy requlre thesubmlssion of additional plans, drawings,speclficatlons, samples and other materlals (lncluding' a model) if deemed necessary to determlne whether aproJect will comply with Design Guidelines. V. MTNOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches whlch clearly convey the redevelopmentproposal and the locat,ion (site plan) of the redevelopment . proposal may be subnit,ted in lieu of the more formalrequirements set forth above, provided all Lnport.antspeciflcations for the proposal including colors andmaterlals to be used are submitted. VI. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans nlth all speciflcatlons shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans l/86 = 1, or larger lLlQ.t = lt is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing exlsting and, proposed constructlon. Indicate roof rldge elevatlonswith exlsting and proposed grades sftonn underneath. D. Elevat,ions of proposed addition. E. Photos of ttrb existlng structure. F. Specifications for all material.s and color samples onmaterlals list (attached). At, the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also berequired to submit: G. A statenent from each utility verifylng location ofservice and availability. See attached utllltylocation verification form. H. A slte improvement survey, stamped by reglsteredprofessional surveyor. I. A prelimlnary title report, to verify ownershlp ofproperty, which llsts all easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building pernit has been issued, and r:onstruction isunderway, and before the Building Department. will schedule afraning inspection, tbro copies of an fmprovement LocationCertiflcate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submitted. The followinglnformatlon must be provided on the fLC: Building location (s) with ties to property corners,1.e. distances and angles. Building dinensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. AII utltity servlce line as-builts, shovring type ofmaterlal used, and size and exact location of lines. Drainage as-bui1t3. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. A1I property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvement survey. A. B. c. D. TI E. G.AII easements. Building floor elevations and allwith exlstlng and proposed gradeslines. roof ridge elevations shor{n under the ridge H. VIII. A.Submittal qequlrements: The owner or authorized agentof any project reguirlng deslgn approval as prescribedby this chapter nay submJ.t plans for conceptual revl.ewby the Design Revl-ew Board to the Departnent of Communlty Development. The conceptual review Lslntended to give the applicant a baslc understandlng ofthe conpattbility of thelr proposal with the town, sDeslgn Guidelines. Thls procedure l-s recomrnendedprlmarily for appllcatlons more complex than single-family and two-famlty resldences. Honever, developersof single-fanily and two-family proJects shall not beexcluded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign revLew. Complete appllcations must be subrnltted10 days prlor to a scheduled DRB nreeting. The followlng lnformatl.on shall be submitted for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual slte and landscape plan at a mlninumscale of one lnch eguals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevatlons showing exterlor materialsand a descrlptlon of the character of the proposedstructure or structuresi 3. Sufficient infornation to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district in which the proJect ls to belocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations,nunber of parklng spaces, etc.)t 4. Completed DRB apptlcation forrn. Procedure: Upon receipt of an appllcation for conceptual design review, the Departnent of Comrnunity Developnent shall review the submitted materlals forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basiccompllance with the zoning code requirements, theproJect shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally lnconpllance with zoning code requirements, theapplication and subnlttal materials shall be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation as to whythe Conmunity Development Department staff has foundthe project not to be ln compliance with zoning codereguirements. Once a complete applicatlon has beenrecelved, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptualrevlew application and supporting materJ.al in order todetermlne whether or not the proJect generally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote onconceptual reviews. The property ohrner or hisrepresentative shall be present at the DRB hearing. B. O r,.rsr or. MATERTAT,' NA}IE OF PRO.JECT:varian Chale LEGAL DEscRrPTroN: Lor_l_ BLocK A_ suBDrvrsroN .l,lon's Rldqe STREET ADDRESS. 1079 Sandstone Drlve, Val1, Colorado DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ! ? F.anl t y _ .rrrarl rn ctrar cr The.followlng- J.nformatlon le requlred for submlttalRevter.r Board before a flnal apprOval Can be glven: A. BUILDING UATERIALS: Roof Sldlng Other WalI Materlals Fascla Sof f lt,s wlndows VilLndow Trl.m Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ralls Flues Flashlngs Chlnneye Trash Enclosures Greenhouseg Other B.LANDSCAPING: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Deelgn COLOR t Name of DesLgner: rron Smlth. Phonet, a1 a_azs_zt)q Botanlcal Name Connon Nane Ouantltv Slze* Colorado Spruce lHL ( Stuco ) orr-wrri gg cod^t 1-1 o cabe! stain-cer4ovan Brown t(nottv Pi ne Cahot Sta i,., R"d Cedar Woelhorehi al d r.rl ndr.rr,r r.r<ornani * b-cun e brevn5- brer* Brlple flue llne metll rlrrnriFr twelve 5-6feet EXISTING TREES TO BE REI.'OVED - Dlene *.rndlcate carlper fog declduous trees. Mlnlnum callper for ieclduous_,tfees Is,2, lnqhes. IndlcaLe helg conlferoustrees. PL^NT M^TERIC: ntronosED sltRUtJs Dotanlcal Nam_e Alplne Currant Pr'rf Fnt l I 1 a Ouant.lLv Stae;! -3L_ _-_+-J.eet 30 2 feeL IrelnotL 1161 l.ru EXISTING SIIRUBS TO BE REMOVED I Irrdlcat e aLze ="t--GROUND COVERS sot) SEEI) TYPN OF IRRIGATION of propoeed ahrubs. TvDe Mlnlmun elze of elrrube ls Square FooLaqe 12OO sq. yards c. ;IB3r3[ !3I1R3"". Rerarnrno warrs I'^NDSC^FE I'rctrrNG: rf ext.error lrgrrLrrrg Ls propose(r, pleasnslrow the nrrmtrer of f rxttrroa anrr iocaLrorrg o^ n Fepar.r:cI lcrlrtl^g pr.an. rdontrfy eaeh frxtrrro rrorn-t,rre r.rblrtrrr,l plarrorr tlre llet belol gTd plovlcte the wattage, irefgii[ abovegrade arrd type of ltghl propos-J. OTIIER LANDSCIIPE FEATURES (rebalnlng walls, fencesr swl.mmlngpoolsl etc.l please. speclfy. rnriliate-h;ig;t;-Ji retal^rngwalrs. Maxrmrrm rrershr- of willa ;raiir; 'd;;';;;,,; eerbaek rs3 feet. Maxlmum helgrrt of warla etsewtreiJ ;;-Ui;" properryt.s 6 f eet Front retaining wall - 3 about 200 feet D. rlrltctlloE rongilCIA Dil|lt|T TUIDIfiSIOHtrltrlln t?.t5 t f,tt xuttlcltt&coD! |:. I }'TII,IN6 ADDRESS l*1 IJOChTTON OF PROFOSAI".: ' -'tSfREET ADDRESS ,rnTo c=-r.r^--, i i1i,' '&,'.,::i, IrOf.Lq :ELOCK-+-SUBDIVISION r;s-+ids€, TTLIHG_4___ I D., rpFr.rcArroN FEilstoo.oo p^rDJ/1i{cHEcK * tTfz- -:L- L __ o-v JAMES WM. STovA[ JOH}.I D. GOODMAN KEP&.Y H. WALI.ACE STOVALL GOODMAN WALLACE PRoFEssroNAL CoR?oMTIoN noo*2:o "o*uY* 202 BENCHMARK PLAZA Butr-DTNC 48 EAST BEAVER CF€EK BoLrIJVARD P.O. DRAWER 5860 AvoN. CoroRADo 81620 TS.EPHoNE: (97 O) 949 42cn FAcsnm-E: (97o) 949-6U3 November 2,1995 Town of Vail Community Development Deparfinent 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 REFERGNCE: Walter Regal Plat Map for Lot A-3 Lion's Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $27.00 made payable to the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder for recording of the above referenced plat map. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions, Very truly yours, STOVALL GOODMAN WALLACE. P.C. 6mn4/,/A Tammy A. I-ee cc: Walter Regal STOVALL GOODMAN WALLACE h.oFBssIoNAr Corr@AIIoN noo *t n *u*roo *"* IAMES WM. SToVALL 202 BENcIilu^F( PTAZA BULDTNG IoHN D. GooDMAN 48 EAsr BBAVER CREEK BoULEVARD KER,RY H. WALIActs P.O. DR,^WER,5860 AvoN, Cor.oMDo 81620 Jrne22,1995 Town of Vail Community Development Department HAND DELIVERY REFERENCE: Walter Regal Single Family Subdivision I-ot A-3, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing No. 1 1079 Sandstone Rd. TBLBPHoNB: (97 0) 949 42m FAcsn rLB: (970) 94948/.3 :ff:YW IO|l . CI)IVIIYI, |]EV, DEPT To Whom It May Concern: Attached hereto please find the following for the Subdivision of Lot A-3, Lionsridge Subdivision, filing No. 1 into two Single Family lots: 1. Application for Single Family Subdivision; 2. Application Fee check in the amount if $100.00 made payable to Town of Vail; 3. Declaration of Easement for common driveway area; 4. Subdivision Guarantee from First American Heritage Tifle Co. 5. 4 paper copies of the plat map and one paper copy of the improvement location survey for your review. Once the map has been fully approved with any required changes incorporated, the mylars will be prepared. There are already two single family homes constructed on this lot. One of the homes shall be occupied by Mr. Regal but the other is cuurently on the market for sale and as such any expediency you can grant this matter would be greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitat€ to contact me if you require anything further. Thank-you for your time and cooperation. a o ltnc22, L995 Pagp 2 KIIW:kah Very truly yous, oa\ DECLARATION OF EASEMENT THIS Declaration of Easement is made tni, V # day of ftL.', | , .d)gS, by Walter Regal (hereinafter referred to as "Declarant"). WIIEREAS, the Declarant is fee simple owner of adjacent lots of property known as Lot A-3 West, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Block A, a Resubdivision of Lot A-3 ftereinafter known as "Lot A") and Lot A-3 East, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Block A, A resubdivision of Lot A-3 (hereinafter known as "Lot B"). WHEREAS, there has been a sirgfe family residence constructed on each of the individual Lots A and B, and there is currently a driveway, portions of which are located on both Lot A and Lot B, as set forth in the Plat filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, such portions of which require utilization for ingress and egress purposes by both Lot A and Lot B. WHEREAS, Declarant desires to set forth this Declaration of Easement in order to set forth respective rights and obligations regarding the maintenance of the driveway access easement. Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained and other good and valuable consideration hereby acknowledged, Declarant on behalf of himself, his successors, heirs and assigns hereby declares as follows: l. Mutual Access Easement. Declarant hereby declares, grants, conveys and transfers a nonexclusive reciprocal easement between Lots A and B for ingress and egress, through, over and across the joint driveway for purposes of accessing either of the Lots and any improvements and/or additions made thereon and which is more particularly set forth on the master plat under the designation "access, parking and utility easement for Lots A and B' ("the easement strip"). The easement strip shall not be used for parking purposes except by the owner ofthe property over that portion that the easement crosses. At no time will the easement strip be utilized for parking purposes by any person unless it is upon the portion ofthe easement strip which travels across the portion of the property which said person owns and fee simple. Thus, the owner of Lot A may park upon the easement strip on the portion of property that is upon Lot A and the owner of Lot B shall be able to park upon the easement strip that is located upon Lot B. The owners of Lot A and Lot B shall have equal right to use of the access easement and neither ou,ner shall hinder or permit himself or his invitees to hinder reasonable access by the other owner and their invitees to said owner's unit or park or permit himself or his invitees to park any vehicle upon the easement strip which will in any way hinder reasonable access by the other owner to the easement strip. 2. Joint Roadwav Maintenance. A. Snow Removal and Routine Maintenance. Declarant, as the fee simple owner of Lots A and B as set forth and fully described previously herein this Declaration of Easement, for himself, his heirs, successors and assigns, states that each Lot owner shall pay one-halfofthe cost of snow removal and routine maintenance of the driveway and parking areas. B. Responsibilitv for Snow Removal and Routine Maintenance of the Driveway and Parkine Areas. Declarant, as owrer in fee simple of Lots A and B, declares that the owner ofLot A shall have the responsibility in the year 1995 to contract for or otherwise provide snow removal and routine maintenance of the driveway and parking areas. The year of responsibility shall run from January I until December 31 ("Responsible Party"). The Responsible Party in 1996 shall be tlre owner of Lot B, and shall altemate each year thereafter. However; the non- responsible party shall be entitled to receive from the Responsible Party copies ofall contracts, invoices, bills, and other such documentation concerning the cost incurred in providing snow removal and routine maintenance. C. Capital Expenditures for the Drivewav and Parking Areas. Declarant hereby acknowledges that from time to time it will be necessary to contract for work to be done on the joint roadway, which does not include snow removal and routine maintenance. Specifically, certain capital expenditures will be incurred from time to time in order to repair and maintain the joint roadrvay, including, but not necessarily limited to, costs and expenses for resealing, filling in potholes, if not included in routine maintenance, complete overlaying of the joint roadway, etc. When the owner of Lot A and Lot B mutually agree that the driveway and parking area require work or servicing over and above snow removal and routine maintenance, which work or servicing rvill require additional capital expenditures, bids for such servicing or work shall be obtained and mutually agreed to by the owners, their successors, heirs, and assigns. Each owner shall be liable for one-half ofthe expense of any such capital expenditures. Ifeither the owner of Lot A or Lot B cannot mutually agree that the parking areas require work or servicing, or they cannot rnutually agree as to the expenditure necessary for such repairs, the owner who is the Responsible Party during the year in question as is set forth in Paragraph B ofthis Section 2 shall be the owner to make tbe decision regarding the necessity and cost of such capital expenditure and maintenance. If the owner who is not the responsible party dwing the year in which it is determined that a capital expenditure needs to be made, and such nonresponsible party owner feels that the other owner is not acting in good faith with regard to such capital expenditures, shall notify the other owner in writing and the issue shall promptly thereafter be determined by binding arbitration and both owners shall be bound by the decision ofthe arbinator thereto. The owners shall bear the costs equally of any such arbitration proceedings. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECLARATION. This Declaration shall become effective upon the execution by the Declarant. 4. DECLARATION TO RUN rWITH THE LAND. The terms and conditions of this Declaration of Easement shall run with the land and be binding upon the Declarant, his successors, heirs, assigns, representatives, customers, guests, invitees, leasees and all other persons who may hereafter acquire an interest in the propefly affected hereby or in any portion thereof. 5. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Declaration contains the entire scope of the easement intended to be granted by the Declarant and the terms or provisions hereof cannot be modified, altered or amended, nor can any term or provision hereof be waived, except in a written agreement executed by all owners of Lot A and Lot B. 6. NON-WAIVER PROVISION. The failure of an owner to invoke its right hereunder on one or more occasions shall not be construed as a waiver of the right to enforce this Declaration as to future breaches or infractions. 7. CONFLICT WITH GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS. Nothing containedherein shall be construed as waiving any requirement of the zoning, subdivision, building, fue or other codes of the Town of Vail, or any other govemmental regulation. 8. INVALIDITY OF SEPARATE PROVISION. If any provision of this Declaration is declared by a Court ofcompetentjurisdiction to be invalid for any reason, such validity shall not affect the remaining provisions, and this Declaration shall be construed and enforced as ifsuch invalid provisions had not been inserted herein. 9. REMEDIES. In the event of any breach of this Declaration, the other owner shall have the right to enjoin the continuance ofsuch a breach (the parties hereby waiving the posting of any bond and stipulating that a breach of this Declaration by an owner inllicts irreparable injury upon the non-breaching owner) and, in addition, shall have the right of specific performance, damages or both against thb defaulting owner, including interest at the rate of four times the prevailing prime rate not to exceed the maximum interest rate allowed in the State of Colorado, costs and reasonable attorneys fees incurred herein. This remedy provision shall not apply to disputes pursuant to Paragraph 2 (above). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has hereby executed this Agreement day and year first written above- STATE OF COLORADO County of ) ) ss. ) . The foregoing instrument was subscribed and swom to before me ,fri, d day of U,fnl , 1995. by Walter Regal. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Publlc $'?h'q+ Iixl 3g I u"s Fg 22oJ =L J s F lrl(9o o o<F()sorFd6a(tt -2,boE6 o(D f,U' z, att co Lu(9o E>_$*<(4 r#sq @ z:J<=' o-@t !x- ru l< !a (, #5e::"fE E. a DECLARATION OF EASEMENT by Walter Regal (hereinafter referred to as "Declarant"). aav of ftf ri | , tgss,THIS Declaration of Easement is made this WHEREAS, the Declarant is fee simple owner of adjacent lots of property known as Lot A-3 West, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Block A, a Resubdivision of Lot A-3 (hereinafter known as "Lot A") and Lot A-3 East, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Block A; A resubdivision of Lot A-3 (hereinafter known as "Lot B"). WHEREAS, there has been a single family residence constructed on each of the individual Lots A and B, and there is currently a driveway, portions of which are located on both Lot A and Lot B, as set forth in the Plat filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, such portions of which require utilization for ingress and egress purposes by both Lot A and Lot B. WHEREAS, Declarant desires to set forth this Declaration of Easement in order to set forth respective rights and obligations regarding the maintenance of the driveway access easement. Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained and other good and valuable consideration hereby acknowledged, Declarant on behalf of himself, his successors, heirs and assigns hereby declares as follows: l. Mutual Access Easement. Declarant hereby declares, grants, conveys and transfers a nonexclusive reciprocal easement between Lots A and B for ingress and egress, through, over and across the joint driveway for purposes of accessing either of the Lots and any improvements and/or additions made thereon and which is more particularly set forth on the master plat under the designation "access, parking and utility easement for Lots A and B" ("the easement strip"). The easement strip shall not be used for parking purposes except by the owner of the property over that portion that the easement crosses. At no time will the easement stip be utilized for parking purposes by any person unless it is upon the portion ofthe easement stip which travels across the portion of the property which said person owns and fee simple. Thus, the owner of Lot A may park upon the easement strip on the portion of property that is upon Lot A and the owner of Lot B shall be able to park upon the easement strip that is located upon Lot B. The owners of Lot A and Lot B shall have equal right to use of the access easement and neither owner shall hinder or permit himself or his invitees to hinder reasonable access by the other owner and their invitees to said owner's unit or park or permit himself or his invitees to park any vehicle upon the easement strip which will in any way hinder reasonable access by the other owner to the easement ship. 2. Joint Roadwav Maintenance. A. Snow Removal and Routine Maintenance. Declarant, as the fee simple owner of Lots A and B as set forth and fully described previously herein this Declaration of Easement, for himself, his heirs, successors and assigns, states that each Lot owner shall pay one-half of the cost of snow removal and routine maintenance of the driveway and parking areas. 7tA I o o B. Responsibilitv for Snow Removal and Routine Maintenance of the Drivewav and Parkinq Areas. Declarant, as owner in fee simple of Lots A and B, declares that the owner ofLot A shall have the responsibility in the year 1995 to contract for or otherwise provide snow removal and routine maintenance of the driveway and parking areas. The year of responsibility shall run from January I until December 3l ("Responsible Party"). The Responsible Party in 1996 shall be the owner of Lot B, and shall altemate each year thereafter. However, the non- responsible party shall be entitled to receive from the Responsible Party copies of ajl contracts, invoices, bills, and other such documentation concerning the cost incurred in providing snow removal and routine maintenance. C. Capital Expenditures for the Drivewav and Parking Areas. Declarant hereby acknowledges that from time to time it will be necessary to contract for work to be done on the joint roadway, which does not include snow removal and routine maintenance. Specifically, certain capital expenditures will be incurred from time to time in order to repair and maintain the joint roadway, including, but not necessarily limited to, costs and expenses for resealing, filling in potholes, if not included in routine maintenance, complete overlaying of the joint roadway, etc. When the owner of Lot A and Lot B mutually agree that the driveway and parking area require work or servicing over and above snow removal and routine maintenance, which work or servicing will require additional capital expenditures, bids for such servicing or work shall be obtained and mutually agreed to by the owners, their successors, heirs, and assigns. Each owner shall be liable for one-half of the expense of any such capital expenditures. If either the owner of Lot A or Lot B cannot mutually agree that the parking areas require work or servicing, or they cannot mutually agree as to the expenditure necessary for such repairs, the owner who is the Responsible Party during the year in question as is set forth in Paragraph B ofthis Section 2 shall be the owner to make the decision regarding the necessity and cost of such capital expenditure and maintenance. If the owner who is not the responsible party during the year in which it is determined that a capital expenditure needs to be made, and such nonresponsible party owner feels that the other owner is not acting in good faith with regard to such capital expenditures, shall notify the other owner in writing and the issue shall promptly thereafter be determined by binding arbitration and both owners shall be bound by the decision ofthe arbitrator thereto. The owners shall bear the costs equally of any such arbitration proceedings. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECLARATION. This Declaration shall become effective upon the execution by the Declarant. 4. DECLARATION TO RLN WITH THE LAND. The terms and conditions of this Declaration of Easement shall run with the land and be binding upon the Declarant, his successors, heirs, assigns, representatives, customers, guests, invitees, Ieasees and all other persons who may hereafter acquire an interest in the property affected hereby or in any portion thereof. 5. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Declaration contains the entire scope of the easement intended to be granted by the Declarant and the terms or provisions hereof cannot be modified, altered or amended, nor can any term or provision hereof be waived, except in a written a o agreement executed by all owners of Lot A and Lot B. 6. NON-WAIVER PROVISION. The failure of an owner to invoke its right hereunder on one or more occasions shall not be construed as a waiver of the right to enforce this Declaration as to future breaches or infractions. 7. CONFLICT WITH GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as waiving any requirement ofthe zoning, subdivision, building, fire or other codes of the Town of Vail, or any other governmental regulation. 8. INVALIDITY OF SEPARATE PROVISION. If any provision of this Declaration is declared by a Court ofcompetentjurisdiction to be invalid for any reasorL such validity shall not affect the remafuring provisions, and this Declaration shall be construed and enforced as if such invalid provisions had not been inserted herein. 9. REMEDIES. In the event of any breach of this Declaratio4 the other owner shall have the right to enjoin the continuance ofsuch a breach (the parties hereby waiving the posting of any bond and stipulating that a breach of this Declaration by an owrer inflicts irreparable injury upon the non-breaching owner) and, in addition, shall have the right of specific performance, damages or both against the defaulting owner, including interest at the rate of fow times the prevailing prime rate not to exceed the maximum interest rate allowed in ttre State of Colorado, costs and reasonable attorneys fees incurred herein. This remedy provision shall not apply to disputes pursuant to Paragraph 2 (above). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has hereby executed this Agreement day and year first written above. STATE OF COLORADO County of ) ) SS. ) r^ fhe foregoing instrument was subscribed and swom to before me ,fri, |!- day of Witness mv hand and official seal. Notary My commission expires: '- -'r._ .-r-- -:: -:_ 1T :" ,i:.'-:.'Ic i.-lrr olign Review Action FOr TOWN OF VAIL Category ltrrO", I 7 Project Name: Dat€ Building Name:L- Description: rc1" Owner. Address and Phone: ,, Yg r, 6 tS S.zrrrrYDc Architect/Gontact, Address and Phone: Legal Descripti on: uot l'3 Block 4 Subdivision Project Street Address: District K C Comments: e@r"tarrActionL. kt*'aMotionby: l;.. &t\t-:4 Vote:1-o Seconded oy: J, Aa"0-{t1),-'7>\gNwyl) ! Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: ,"n 4r/z/'. / DRB Fee e,"-vaa #,Q.,€ .I O""'*ri"" d gl4lgL RE0'D l{AY 17 1994 , DRB APPLICEIION - TO9III.OF VAII., COLORADO T DATE APPLICATTON RECEI\ED : DATE IF DRB MEETING: , ********** rEIS APPIICATION I{I!I, NOT BE ACCEPIEDUNrII. !,I.L REQUIRED INTORMATION IS SUBI.TIITED********** PRO,IECT INFORI,IATION : DESCRIPTION: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Constnjction ($200. 00) Addition ($50.00) X Minor Alteration (S20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) D. ADDRESS: rC>1c{ Sa"Joetor,.-c=._ Sr<rw<- , dflrL ,C<-f LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOt. A3 BIOCK A Subdivision If property is described.by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet, aiaattach to this application. ZONING:E. F.LOT AREA: If reguired, st,anped survey showing applicant mustIot area. provide a current G. H. NAME OFMailing APPLICANT: Address: NAI'{E OF APPLICANT' 5 REPRESENTATIVE :Btl =-n**t,. Af.=rnA Ccqs,Mailing Address. lP.o.333 Phone I. NAI4E OF *STGNAT0RE (S) :Mailing Address: Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid aEthe time of submittal of DRB application. Lit,er, whenapplying for a building permitr-please identify theaccurate vaLuation of the proposal. The town of VaiIwill adJust the fee according- to the table belor,t, toensure the correct fee is paid. ry*- Itrt[q+ VAlUATiOit FEE TlT I\I$ o-$ 1o,ooo $2O.oO \J'v 9101001 -$ 50,000 $50.00.$501001 -$ 150,000 $100.00s150,001--$ 500,000 s200.00$500,001 - $1r 000,000 $400.00$ over $1, 000, 000 $5oo. oo * DESIGN REII/IEW BOARD .APPRO\TAIL EXPTRES ONE YEAR AI'TER FINAIelPRo\IAIJ IINLESS- A-BulLDINc . SERMI T .I S-. I..gSsED AND" @NSTR0CTTON ISSTARTED. **No APPr,rcATroN tfr].l BE PRocEssED t{rrBolrr owNER' s srcNAruRE r_... 1 ! K. -.II. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: ' ' e plg-?pplication meeting with a member of the planningstaff is st.rongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the appticant, sresponsibility to make an appointnent with the ilaff todetermine if there are additional subnittar reguirements.Please note that a coMpLETE appricaLion wilr streamline theapproval process for your project. III. A.In addition to neeting subrnittal requirement,s, theapplicant must stake and tape the pfoject sitb toindicat,e property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. Aff , site tapings and staking must be complet.ed piior to theDRB site visit. Th" applicant nust ensure Lhat stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The revielr process for NEW BUILDINGS nornally requirestwo separat.e meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development ploposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have not,asked in advance that discussion on their iten bepostponed, will have their it.ems removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the ComnunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): B. D. E. F. a. Windows, skytights which do not alterbuilding; and and similar exterior changesthe existing plane of the b. Building addition.proposals not visible from anyother 1ot or public space. At the t.ime such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fronthe agent. for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and theovlner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building pernit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plainerp!io5 to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all rnapped hazards. For all resldentlal construct,ion: ar Cleariy indicaLe on the floor pJ.ans t.he insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot. distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. I f .,DRB -approves"-"the ."appl ii.c aE ion-+ri,th - condiLi ons o r'nodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. u. -LIST OF MATERIALS NA!,IE OF PROJECT: R.e<-aT-- LEGAL DESCRTPTION: tOTlLa BLOCK A suBDrvrsron leous Rro<-e # | STREET ADDRESS; to-r9 Snx)a=toue- -Drevve- vA.L_ c<> DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures reguired for subnit,talapproval can be given: TYPE OF I4ATERIAL to the Design COI,OR B. Y-r\ Name of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED d/e\F?lartrg€6 Other LANDSCAPING: PLANT MATERIAI.,S: PROPOSED TREES *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fordeciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. RFl,\^\.r,\-€-. I X8 'Ee,<oRf,t\\E/ 'Fcsf,\ PT,ANT MATERIAO Botanical Name aor*on e,o" PROPOSED SHRUBS -Ouantitv Size*' t EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *rndicate si-ze of proposed shrubs. Minimun size of shrubs is5 qallon. Tvpe GROI'ND COVERS Square Footaqe soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior righting is proposed, pJ.easeshow the number of fixtures and Locations on a separaterighting plan. rdent,ify each fixture from tbe rilhting planon the l.ist below a1d provide the wattage, height abov6grade and type of light proposed. D. orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc. ) Please- specify_. - rndicate heights of- retaininiwarrs. Maximum heigtrt. of waLls within the front setback ii3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. ,rtlF-'- ---- -:--- ilign Review Action FCn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number /a o^t" aft/a.,*A '7 , i?Q( Proiect Description: kaL Owner. Address and Phone: q f:N I ,r*rJ La6 G/€// ArchitecvGontact, Address and Phone: Legal Descripti on: tot ,43 Block t4 Subdivision Project Street Address: Comments: Zone Dtstricr Ba Board / UotionOy: Alft seconded oyt P {4 ! Approval n Disgrproval &4tat npprou^t Conditions: 6rrA;6D DRB . ********** TIIXS APPLICAUON WTLIJ NOjr BE ACCEPTEDT'NTIL AI,L REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED********** O O rgvissd slllsL DATE OF DRB MBETING: APPLICATION - TOI{N .OF \rAXL, COLOIUAD9--NEC'D lt4AR O 7 IW DATE AppLrcATroN RE.ETVED: _ rflrcDlli.i- t - ;14 T PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTIoP'; OU=<- B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Constrdction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addirion ($50.00)Conceptual Review (S0) ADDRESS:-=Ac. D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT A.s Block Subdivision ZONING: qffi **s- LOT ARBA: If required, applicant must provide a current,st,amped survey showing lot area. G.NAMB OF APPLICANT: WaLfea 'Re.c,aL- Mailing Address:r-ne.4pLlop,\At E--oqz_ ,phone(${@ tr' T NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRBSENTATIVE: NAME OF O ,+ . zt6?-O *STGNATURE (S) :ary{tl q^ Mailing Address: ,I. Condominlum Approval if applicable. Dl8 FlEf DRB fees, as shown above, are t,o be paid atthe tlme of submit,!1+ of DRB application. --l,iter, whenapplying for a building permitl please identifv r,ireaccurate valuation of the proposll. The fown 6f vait1|lt aOj.usr rhe fee_according-ro rhe taUfe-U"fow, -to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEEs 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 s200.00 $400.00 $500 .00 ONE YEAR AIITER TIN}IJ ISSUED A}TD CONSTRUCTTON PROCESSED WITIIOUT OIINER' S SIGNATURE 1 If property is described bydescript,ion, please provid6attach t,o this application. a neets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and tl . C4, eoNERf : A.'r. K. /+67+ FEE SCHEDULE: $ vALUATroNor ooo$ 10r 001 - $ 50r 000. $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001_ - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1r 000, o0o$ . Over $1r 0OO, OO0 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVTE. EXPIRES APPROVAI UNLESS A.BUILDTNG PERMIT TS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION }ITLI. BE IS t- II. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: Il A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additlona]application information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment, with the slaff todet.ermine if there are additionar submittar requirements.Please not.e that a coMpLETn appJ.ication wilt st.reamrine theapproval process for your project. III. A.In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must st.ake and tape the project site toindicate propert,y lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite t.apings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEll BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval . Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following items nay, at the discretion of thezoning adninistrator, be approved by the Comrnunity Development. Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeLett,ers from adjacent property owners and/or fronthe agent, for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. If, a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a-Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to aII napped hazards. For aLl resldential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans tbe insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding,' andb. Indicat,e with a dashed line on the site plan a. four foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodificat,ions, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. B. c. D. E. F, LTST OF MATERTALS NAI'{E OF PROJECT:R<=tT>e,--rc.e LEGAI DESCRIPTIoN: LOTj= BLOCK SUBDMSION =qrot.J=; R r=a,e-, STREET ADDRESS:Sar]o DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information isReview Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: required for submittalapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Design COLOR Roof Siding Other WaII Materials Fascia Soffits windows @ Window Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails FLues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERTALS: Botanical Name common Name ouantitv size* PROPOSED TREES EXTSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *fndicate (D *og16 erl E(t u.'a- caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fortfees is.2 inches. Indicate n-ignt for coniferoustrees. PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED SHRUBS *Indicate size5 qallon. Botanical Name Ouantitv Size* 'o Common Narne EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LAI'IDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior tighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. Minimun size of shrubs is D.OTHER LANDSCAPE EEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swinmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback ii3 feet. Maxinum height of walls elsewhere on the propert.yis 5 feet. lr .. . ' lri.' 1,1 \.'i. -t):; Eti-Gf-Hr8ltrldIoJ,0iJe.lgII0 h.3JaqGlJ4g['Bq!XN DArE: 3ls ltl nrc'D[fAR o7 Wl ll ElrlO TO: JIM CURNUTIE FROM: A. T. SMITH CORPORAT|ON PHONE: (3m) e27-9701 P O BOX3tr! FA)(: V7-97U AVON, CO 81620 SUBJECT: MINOR ALTEMTIONS TO THE REGAL RESIDENCE ON 1079 SANDSTONE DR. 1) ALL EXTERIOR IA'OOD Of{ BOTH UNIT'A- AND UNIT "B' ARE TO BE STAINED WITH CABOT SEMI- TRANS#0316. SEE SAMPLE. 2) ADDITIONAL PICTURE WINDOW OT{ THE SOUTHEAST ELEVATION OF UNIT'A'. SEE ENCLOSED DRAWNG. 3) ALL WNDOWS ON THE FRONT AND S|DES OF UN|T "A',ARE TO HAVE I' STT CCO_PoE!UEi. THE POP OUTS WOULD BE ONLY.1" DEEP. PLEASE CALL WITH Ai.IY OUESflONS. THANKYOU. NAT KESSLER A. T. SI'ITH CORP. ' a t .' . tEt|o tn[c't) l.|AR () g lm ' TO: JIMCUtr{UTIE DATE: 3/U94 FROII: A. T. SMIftICORPORAilON PHONE: (303) 827-9701 P OBOX333 FAX Vt.SroA AVON, CO 81620 SUBJECT: STAIN COLOR FORALL DfiERloR WOOD ON BOTH UNITS. TTE CASOT *01116IS CAI.IED A 'NEW CEDAR.' THIS IS A DEVOE SAIIPLE THAT IS AI.ITGT IDENTICALIN@LOR TTIANKS. ryWrUJ- NATTGSSLER A.T. SMIT}ICORP. 'I ol,nn Review Action Folr TOWIIOF VAIL Category Number t7 I /..o^t" lftz ft/ Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: ' 4),' 5 3C ".,:.7-77o one District ACLegal Description: tot 4 3 awc* Project Street Address: Comments: Architecv0ontact, Address and Phone: ,"", t/r/u {DRB Fee er"-o ia# A9L- I 'f Iv 5-luc<,o I lA R+r 3839499339 Cs.trr EInter-lHountain ;f\rttgineeringLtd. Septenber 16, 1993 !{r. Bl11 SnlthA.T. Snlth Corporatl.on Box 333 Avon, CO 81820 RE: open llole rnspectlI.ot A-3, LLon I c RLEagle County, ColoProJrot No. 93520c Dear !lr. Snlth: At. your rrquest on 6eptrelte at lot A-3, LrionrsEagle County, CoLoradoexposed ln the f,oundatioSolls and Foundatl_on InvelAugust 1993, aonsistlsandstone bedrock. fn athe sandy GRAVEL T{asf,lrm and conpact. Thethe firn ranOy GRAVEL vI3ooo psf. The remal.nderreferred above. PleaFe refer to the soduring the :renal.nd,er oguestJ,one, please do not 1420 Venos Street . Lakewood, Colorado t0215 .Phon€l 232-0158 INTER-MOUNTAIN ENG.1sGPffi I\.{ Foci.lt" brand fax lrantmittal momo 79fl rD€r 9, L99Z, wr vl,slted thr excavationRidge Subdlvieion ln the llorm of, Vall,r an open hole lncpeotLon. f,hr eolli .excavatlon wer6 a.e antialpttrd ln thetl-gatlon Report proJect No. iesaoc, datedof gTaveuy CLAY, sandy AnAvEL andtion in the large cut into the hllleirlawlth cobbles inal l9rge. bouldeie-. vary SubdlvlElon 9, L993, wr vlsl s report for cornp).ete recomendationethe construction.esltate to oalI.If you have any Sincerely, ing- capaolt-y foq th6 fodtlngg brart'ng oitcobblse and boulderg can bc-lncreased totays ae reconnendcd ln the solle report 8,* Ef*uaa Lul-za Petrovska ProJrat Engineer Revlcwed by, Box No. 976 r Avon, Coloraclcr 81620 .69s.1$91 Jpr ,ffi(iffi I I Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L557(303) 479-2L38 Plan analysis based on the L991 Uniform Building Code Name: REGAL #A DaEe: .Tuly 12 , L993 Occupancy: R3,M1 T\pe of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in t.his report liscing of atl possible code requirements selected sections of the code. Address: 1079 SANDSTONE DR. ConEractor: A.T. SMITH CORP.Architect.: DON SMITHEngineer: NA Plans Examiner: C. FELDI.TANN are noE intended to be a completein Ehe 1991 UBC. It is a guide tso AREA MTN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 3 MasEer baEh 206 3 Master bedroom 253 3 Hal1s, closets, etc. 9l- TOTAL FOR FLOOR 550 2 Bedroom #2 2L3 2 Bath room 65 2 Nook L40 2 Kitchen t232 Dining room l-58 2 L,iving room 250 2 Hal1s, closeEs, etc. t52 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1101 1 carage 4461 Laundrlz room 32L Bath room 59 1 Bedroom #1 ]-76 1 HaLLs, closeEs, etc. 285 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 998 BUILDING TOTAL 2549 0.00 25-3V 0.00 21-.30 0.00 14 .00 12.30 15 .80 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t't .60 0.00 L0 .30 t2.65 0.00 10 .65 3.25 7 .00 7.90 L2.50 0.00 0.00 I. OU Z . YJ 6.6U 0.00 No Yes No Yes No No No No No No 1 1_ L z L L 1 t_ 1 l_ t_ t- L 1 L 1 l_ 1 1 No No No YeS No FOOTI{OTES.I I\U'I'I!D : EGRESS - An operable window or door thaL opens directly Eo Ehe exEerioris required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must, meet the following. -- sec. 1,204.1) The rninimum clear heiqht is 24 inches2) The minimum clear widEh is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feeL4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) A mechanicaL ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1-205. (c) The requirements for 2 exits from t.he 3rd floor is based on Sec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. z 3 a I ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space sha11 have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet. 6inches. Kitchens, ha11s, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height. of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceilingis sloping, then the minimum heighE is required in onLy L/2 of t.he area. --Sec. t207.(a) Every dwetling unit sha11 have at leasE one room which has not. less t,han 120 square feeE of floor area. Ot.her habiEable rooms except kiE.chens shall have an area of noE less Ehan 70 square feet,. -- Sec . L207 . (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen sha11 not be less than 7 feeE in any dimension. -- Sec. 1207. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: A11 gl-azing in hazardous locations is required to be of safeLyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1 z 3 5 5 8 Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of slidingr door assemblies and panels in swinging doors ot.her than wardrobe doors. Glazing in sLorm doors. Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, sLeam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazj-ng in any portion of a building wa1l enclosing t,hese compartmenEs where the bottom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.. Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vert.ical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other Ehan those locaEions described in iEems 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the following conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane great.er than 9 square feeE. B. Exposed botEom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greater Ehan 35 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of Ehe glazing. Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. Included are strucEural balusEer panels and nonstructural in-fi11 panels. See excepEr-ons. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point cent.rally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke deEect.or is required on the ceil-ing or wal1 in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. If the upper 1evel cont.ains sleeping room(s), d smoke detector is required in t.he ceiling of the upper 1eve1 close to the stairway. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and sha1l be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 121-0.(a) 3. , DetecCors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwerlingi in which they are located. -- sec. 121-0. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE: 1-) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b) 2\ The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to combust.ible material is from Ehe fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney walls is 2 inches. CombusEible material may not be placed wiEhin 6 inches of fireplace opening and combusEible within l-2 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches Ehick, and supported bryr noncombustible material . The hearth size must be aE least: If Opening size is: Front extension Side extension Less than 5 sq.fE.16 inches 8 inches 12 inches6 sq.ft. or qreater 20 inches -- sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 5) Chimney height must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on tshe garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing l3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUTREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling musE be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches '-- sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i)provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7I2.(a) exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3305.(o) Enclosed usable space under the sEairs is required Lo be protecEed as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less Ehan 25 gage galvanized sheet met,al witsh all joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shaLl be protected by not less than a self-cfosing solid wood door I 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. L706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustibte piping installed in wa1Is passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafEs -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) All other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly.-- sec. 1706. (a) i ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancyThis project will reguire a site improvement survey. Such surveyshall be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. A11 crawl spaces within the town of vail are limited to a earth tostructural floor ceiling height of 5' , be earth floor on1y, be ventilated as per UBc 25L6 (c) 6 with minimum access as per UBC 2515(c)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. Ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design sha1l address drainage, soi] reEai.nage, and structural deslgn. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not. be permitted without, prior approval . Address numbers shalt be posted plainly visible and legible from t,he qf raal- For Ml- occupancy Slope garage fLoor to a1low for drainage to outside or provide a floor drain with with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or t.o sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be appproved b1r upper Eagle valley WaEer & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, the wal1s of the garage which are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBc 503 (b) . t Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Name: REGAL Address: !079 SANDSTONE DR. DaEe: July 12, 1993 ContracEor: A.T. SMITH CORP. Occupancy: R3,M1 Architect: DON SMITH T\pe of Const: V-N Engineer: NA Plans Examiner: C. FELDT.IANN 1 This projecE will require a site improvement survey.This survey sha11 be submiEEed and staff approvedprior to a requesE for a frame inspection. Under no circumsEances will a frame inspection be done wit.hout an approved site improvement survey. 2 AlL areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit. basemenE shall have less than 5'ht. from eart.h t,o sErucEural floor/ceiling above, be ventilaEed as per UBc 2516, with minimurn access as per UBC 2516 and max. access of 9 sq. ft. 3 There shal1 be only one kitchen designated per dwellinq uniE allowed by the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. A11 other such labeled areas are not approved and shall noE be rough-in construct,ed as such. 4 ExEerior surfaces wit.h sLucco shall be provided with exEerior meEal lat,h as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers ofpaper. Windows and doors are reguired t.o be adequately flashed(not with just screed meEaf). A laEh inspection is required prior sEucco application. 5 All new construction within Ehe Town of Vail will be required to have an initial inspection by TOV Public Works Dept. to approve siee drainage and culvert installation. This approvaf musE be complete prior Eo any inspection by the Building Departsment. 5 This project is restricEed from the burning of woodin fireplaces. Unless Ehe 1oE is a rest,ricted lot, in size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permiEEed per unit allowed. Gas 1og chimneys enclosures shall be one hr. protected. L0 1-1_ L2 13 Bat.h tubs and similar fixtures wi-th concealed slipjoints require an access panel of at least 1,2"x12". In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside sha1l be provided. BaEhrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculatj-ng fan. UBC 1205(c) . Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be inst.alled as per UMC 1104 and l-903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and sha1l not be concealed within construction. Duct.s sha11 terminate outside the building and not exceed t4' length. No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system wj-thouE t.he use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 608. Cross connection control devices shal1 be inst.alled Eo proEect pollution of potable waEer supply by use of approved backflow prevenEion devices. UPC 1003. Domestic ranges shall have a verEical clearance above the cooking surface of not. less than 30" Lo unprotected combustible material . UMC 1901. Approved gas logs may be installed in solid-fuel burning fireplaces provj-ded the installation is according to t.he listing instructions, any damper sha1l be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shut.off valve is provided. UMC 803. Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, ventlocation and terminaEion, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado StaLe Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restrict.ion devices. A1so, the maximum water closeEflush usage is limited to a maximum of 3 .5 gallons per f1ush. The door between the garage and Ehe dwelli-ng is required to be a l- 3/8 inch thi-ck solid core or 20 minute self closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) exc.#3 The enclosed usable space under Ehe stairs is required to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3306. (1) 1,4 15 l_b L7 t_8 19 20 Unless the lower leve1 is clearly shown as a' basement (5' or less from fLoor above to grade for 508 of building perimeter) , a 3 level dwelling will require 2 means of exiEing from the 3rd. level if 3rd. level exceeds 500 sq. ft. uBc 420 & uBc 3303 (a) . AE eaves and valleys an adequate underla]rment shall be provided to protecc a st.ructure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281 . Any building siEe wich a slope greater than 30 degrees shal-l require engineer designed drawings. Aval-anche areas sha11 require such engineered drawings a1so. Drainage and sEructural integrity shafl be addressed by such drawi-ngs. Because of t.his project's location, the foundaEion is required Eo be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC 1707(d). The structure is required to be anchored Eo the foundataion wit.h t/2 inch anchor bolts. The bo1t,s must be int,o Ehe concrete or nasonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 5 feet apart. See code for additional- requirements. -- Sec . 2907 . lf) z .J- 22 .:"-' -UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION Lion's RidgeSUBD]VISION i'OB NAME Bavarian Chalet LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS 1079 Sandstone Drive, Vai1, eolorado The locatlon and avallablllty of utllltlee, whether they be malntrunk llnes or proposed ll.nes, must be approved and verlfted bythe followlng utllltles for the accompanylng slte plan. U.S. West Communlcatlons 1-800-922-1987 468-6850 or 949-4530 Publlc Servlce Company949-5?81 Zbz - Gary Hall Holy Crciss Electrlc Assoc. 94 9-s8 92 Ted Husky/tllchael Laverty Herltage Cablevlslon T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hlatt, (Y)^k -r ZAAie' Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanltatlon Dlstrlct * 4?6-7480 Fred Haslee Authorlzed Siqnature r?o Pr+-)/;tt.s o4 /1/ 'servicebe usedplan and Dates.'t3rzl' /t -g-7"> t2-) -7L NOTE: 1 For any new constructl.on proposal, the appllcant must provlde a conpleted utlllty verlflcatlon form. If a utlllty company has concerns wlth theproposed constructlon, the uttttty representatLve should not dlrectly on the utlllty verlflcatlon form that there ls a problen whlch needs to beresolved. The Lssue should then be spelled out indetall In an attached letter to the Town of Vail. Hor,rever, please keep in mlnd that it ls theresponslbtflty of the uttllty company to resolveldentifled problems. If th; utlltty veriflcatlon form has slgnatureg from each of the utlltty companles, and no comments are made directly on the forml the Townwlll presume that there are no problems and thatthe development can proceed. These verlflcations do not relleve the contractorof his responsJ.btltty to obtaln a street cutpernit from the Town of Vall, Department of Publlclforks and to obtairr uLilit.v locatlons beforediqqlnq in any public right-of-lcay or easement Lnthe Town of Vall. A buildlnq permlt ls not astreet cut' pernl,t. A etreet cut permlt must beobtalned separately. * Please brlng a Blte planl floor plan, and elevatlone rhen obt,alnlng Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanltatlon slgnatures. Fireflow needs must be addreesed. Thls forn Ls to verifylocation. Thls shouldpreparing your utilityLnstallat'lons. avallablllty and J.n conJunction wlth schedullng 2. 3. 5. zoNE_qBEcK O FR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRTCTS DATE: LEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: LOT 3 BIOCK ..A FtItNg ADDRESS3 1079 Sandstone Dr. Vail, Colorado o S I, l1 OWNER + + Allowed Exlgtl_nq (30) (33) TotaI .?? | Qa47 =q- fL. 4.47,,--s4,- f L. Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks 38qq Front Sldee Rear 425 -_ "199:{rtA20t 15' 15' (30) (s0)Wat,er Course Setback Slte Coverage Landscaplng Retainlng Wall Helght,s Parklng ' Garage Credlt Drl.ve: VIew CorrLdor Encroachment,: Envl ronmenta l,/Ha z ards : (900) (1200) t2n0 .q. fr. Slope rg3_ Actual Slope 1^ot Date approved by Town Englneer: Yes_._-___ 1) Flood plaln No- ??? 2'l Percent Slope ^^/-3l Geologl.c Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche(b) Rockfallc) Debrls ,ffiss/4) l{etlands_--..oa'r-a - Regrd (300) (500) Pernltted Prevloue condltlons of approval (check property fllel Doee thla regueat involve a 250 Addltlon?How much of the arrowed 2s0'Addttron is useETiriTrs reguest? pHONE -4t4-2422582(H ARCHITECT pon smith pHoNE 4t4_425:7I25 ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE ,ruro farnilv L70.34 ' - 315.99'**LOT SIZE Lza nr ' _ zqs-oo, Helght Tot,al GRFA. Proposed - )ql*-'l?tr I tr --..----'761 - 3t /61 **Note: under seetr-ons 1g.12.090(B) and.1g.13.ogo(B) .or the Munlclparcode, lots zoned Two Famlry and primarvri"i."aiii'wrricn are less than151000 sq. ft. Ln area may not constrult a e.coni dwelling unit. Thecommunlty Deveropment Deplrtment may grant an except,ron to thrsrestrict'i9! e1ov19ed. the- appllcant-ire6ts ttre cirierla set forth underSections 18 .12 .090 (B) anO i-e.13.080 tsl or-Che-uunicfpaf -Coae-fn"iuOfr,9 permanenrlv restrrclLng the unjt aq ?_lon9-f;r;-ientar unlt for full_time enployees of the 6pper nafie valley. - 10 '. fp-rfrg?iF-i.t':.:. - o Chen€Northern. o Inc Irpril 29, 1991 Ralph c. I'locl< hrgineerfuq Cologist Retrierued by: Stevelt L. tbrrlak, P.E. riol/kdErleures Co.Sr,lt,oq Fnoin('o|a a-n Sc,cnl'gs 5080 Road 154 G enwocrJ Sproqs Cororado 8160t 303 945 7458 303 945 2363 facs,m're Mr. Sterten l€tz This report purchased by wal-ter Rega1, lhe 1881 Lions RidSe l{o. 24 preseni o}rner of this lot. Val-l, Glorado 81657 $bject,: Rockfall tlazard Assessrerrt, Iot 3A, Llons Rtdge, Ftllrg lto. 1, Vall,6lorado J& No. 4 249 9L Gentle[En: a! Wur. leqrestr^ we harre orrtucted a rockfall hazards a8sessrEnt for Lot 3A,I^iors Rldqe, Flilng M. l, Vall, 6lorado. Based on our Acrq€Ercnrr.rrt, lt la ctrr cpinJ.on tllat t}|e rockfall hazard at tlre slte i9. rclalively lc*r' hrt tlre elte slranlO not be qrsldered totaffy hazarrt fiee.Alt.trogr trp likelthood of a rockfa[ hlttlnt the prqeed hdidinq durtrq areasonabl.e senrie llfe ls lcn, tlre @nsequerrs o'Ua Ue relatlveiy serreie.crrlterlon.are glven to asslst ln assesslrg fhe se*rerlty of a rckfaff 'tnpact ona con';entionarly destgrnd hrtrdirry. !f tne cr,mer iB rrct willirq to aei:pt, trree><istfug-hazard, there are serrer:al-enqfneerbg mltlgatlons wtric.L -rmy be feistbiei1 reaugitU Urg.eposure to rockfall. these fiestfle rnltlgatlors ire aiscusseaalong.wittt preliminara eriteria to assist yor in assessing fheir feasibility ardrelative rcts. Itrc report wltidt follo*s surmarizes orr ftrdtrgs arr:l presents ctrr corrclqsions.If tlp.derrelolnr ele<*s to inplerrent rockfall mltlgation, tt ie inportant t1.ntwe rerriqr the proposed desigrns to assess if t}rqlr ane apainopriate ior tfre sitegeotechnical orditions. rf yci.r have arry questions regardfuq this rcporb, please contact us. Respectfulfy sulrnitted, Chen-Nortlrelrr, Inc. ltn :rr'rrit-t-tE-'..!i-ttt*!rFi'-- - o' Cherr€l.bnhern,Inc o lv Cr'rr'1fio €nornfis 'trl 8cl'dn..$ 5000 R€d r5a Glcnurod So,r|gs. Colo.r(b Ct60l JO3 945. ta58 303 9,1 5 '?363 fs]lntb Etoar& nrnnD lEEomt!IM !T, tircl3 M, 'IIITF tD. 1Tlltr q[Ollf, . it@ lD. a 219 91 .. ltllr 29r ltt1 REPARED Tf,R! lR. sIElrEf KaOZ 1881 LIOiGI RIltiG tO. 24 \AIIJ, ct)Ma,DO 81657 I "**rr-,r molEiEltt111;l ot ccr.yr\r',"'l oo INBIA OF ONI TTE tt'RSE EI|D S@PE OF 6N'DC rnomED cnsF[Exlcil SITE OIDTTIOEI UKDAI'Ir HAAARD ASSES!.IENI ANrICIEASFD NOO(nAI,IJ T'S.TAI.IICS rcCKEALL TffIIGAf,ION C['TEROP S'DAAIUTZATTCN NEIEUAI, OF I'IISIAEIE M( cAlrtltEn slRm{ng DINET ET'IIDIIG PEIMTCN Ot{SIIiEf,ION RELAITD SIOTE IINSEAITIITMI IJI.TITArIS|S; REFERETICES I 9 10 Ch'rrtlNrflhern. Inc. o DUNREG ilf' MEB OF AItDr Itris report pr€sents tfre firdirgs of a rckfall hazarrt assessrent for a pnoposed single fanlly rreelderre qr Lot 3A, rrlcrs Rldge, rtrfuig No. 1, Vall, 6lorado. Ttn prpose of the etrdy rrae to assess the rockfall hazanl ard to develq onepUnf ntttgatlou uhtdl qlfd be qrEldered to redr.re tlre eryeune to rockfall. llhe rprk was perforTd ln aordarre wLth cur written agneg1pnt for senries witfr l.tr. Sterrerr lhtz dated Aprll 15, 199f.. our assessent onsisted of a elt€ reormalesane nade on Aprll 17, 1991. Based on tl|e slte dsenntlqrs cr arnlyels of ttre hazann potentlal, anticipated rocicfall Aynamfcs ard posstble rnltlgntlon nrethods rrere rade. ltrls rcport hae been plepared to etmnarlze tlre data etafuFd durfug tlre etrrdy ard to pt€€ent 61rr otrlusiqrs based qr the pnryosed qrstnrction. R'BGE OTSnIETION After reviernrtrg tne drawlngs provided, it ts cur urdengtardlxg tlrat a slrrgle-farnlly reslderr ls planned for t}re elte. Ihe reelderrce wlll be a too- story log atr.uctt[re witJr a loft. th€ hrtfdng wlll be located in the tc*rer entr:al part of tlte lort. CfrerrSNnrf hcnr Irrr' o As presently plarned, tt will be neessary to excarrate a bench lnto the steep hiflside to develcp a level hrifdirq stte. Ihir bench wtll be abcub 65 feet wide ard will requrrc a relathrcly deep cut arcrg tne upht[ side of tha excavatLqr. Itre drawlrgs lrdlcate ttrat a 28-foot, deep crrt wlll be needed alory tlp rprttnestern slde of tne bendr. the te of tlre q.rt Ls 6et, back abcut I feet fisn the nortlrern hrtrdtnq wall ard t}le pnaosed orE hae a slcpe of o.z:1 (horizcrtal to vertlcal). Ihe top of tlp crrt Le at abort tlte sate elerratiqr as tlp qru*n of the roof as strcnn on Flg. 1. 8IlE (mDff,IcrE Iot 3A ls tocatcd qr tlre rprtlnrcstern e.lde of tlp @re ct€ek Vallry at an erevatlqr of abcut Srz8o feet. sadstqre Drlve borderg t-tre lot, alorq lts scr.rttrcastern side. Adjaent lots to tlre east and test are crrrrently vacant gtqlrd. An et<tsting rultl-fanlly frrlldtrrg ls located to tJt€ ecrrth of Santstste Drlve on ttre lot to the sqrtheaat of Iort, 3A. 'fhe lot, dtr.ectly aqrcEa t}le road and dcnnslope of lot 3A is curr€rtly vacant. Itre subdlvlslon plat lrrtlcates that tJre rlgNrt-of'*ay for Uons hfage locp bordetra L,ot, 3A on ttre nortlr, ht thts road has rpt been onstnrcted. the vallelt eide at l-ot 3A has an average slqn of abcut 4ot dcrrn to t1-re scr.rttpast. Ihe steep tpad cut (avemge slcpe of 1:1) for Sardstdle Drlrre border:s Iot 3A alcq its scuttreast side. I?re crrt heidrt adJaent to tlp lot, nrryes frcnr .12 to 2o feet ard berec higtrcr golns to ttre east of tlra lot. Glacial tilt |s etpeea in tre road cut. Ttte till consists of a poorly sorted depeit of bc[tder:s, omr"r ard gn:avel in a clayey sarxt rnatrtx. Borfugs on IoE 3A drllled 2 ChcrrSN<rrf ltt'rrr In,' o try otllers lrrtlcate tttat tlp tlll rnrleo frsn 5 to gneater than 46 feet deep (ncbert w. rhorpson, rrr. , L9741. Evrderc of eoil srip tlpe elcpe Jnstablllty was nd apparent in tfie road crt., hrt erelqr ls urd€rnlnfng the bculders tn the t[1. A rrckfall ba:rrler has been hstalfed at t]re base of the road crrt to lte€p trp bcurde!.g frun rolllng qrto tlre tlafflc srrfae of sardstsre Drive. Rock tn tlre arpa le the Fnnsyh'antan-age Mtnturn Forrmtl.on d;gA rrd ronerj.ng, L9771 . 'rhe l,tinturn qrslsts of an lrrter,lcedded sequene of eardstcn, ongfalEr:at€ ard shale wittr oqelanaf thtn ffurEstone beds. Bddfrq plares ln tlp area have an avemqe strike of N 50' E ard an aveqte d.lp of 30. to the northqpst. lhe rock ls gererall.y hard ard ererrted, hrrt Ls cut by eeveral jolnt eetg. Rek does not q cut at the sJ,te, trrt rock uas en6rnt€r€d tn tfre previors elploratory borirgs at @tns beh€en 5 ad gtcater tlran 32 feet (Rdert w. nrcrqpson rnc., 1974) . rn 6€nE of the borlrqs, a ttrin r.reathered r.ock zqp r.lag ersmtercd. The rEatlrer€d rock, r,,hen present, uaa ftqn 3 to 4 feet, tlict<. Rock des oq ctrt qr the htllside aborre tlre lot. .Ihese rck cutcrrcps are potentlal soure zones for rockfall ard are dtsossed in ttle follodrg sectlon. mm:Arr, t6zlnD l88D8&.tEt[ qrr field &serrraclqrs dtd not fird evidene u,hi<*t hnild irdicate fr.equent rockfalls in ttre area. In al€as utrerre rockfal.Is ocrr fi:eqr:ently, tl.rere ls usuaUy nultEl(lls bQlders on ttp gruld surface, ard scngttles ther.e is evidere of teently detadled rrck blocks at tie ortcrnops. 'Itreee @rditions r+ere not obseryed in ttre a:rea. We ar€ also tnawane of historic rockfaUs in ttre area, trrt tlrc cutctrcps of tlre I'tinturn Fornution on Ure hillside aborre u.re site o.Od be 3 (-lrr.rr €Nnl1frrvtr Irrr' o pGslble start, areas for flrture rockfalls. fbe ortccps of orerrr are lqted abdrt 22O feet qhill fim ttre nortJnpstern prcperty lfuE, ard form a disqrtlnrcus bard of rck aborre the lo't,. Obserrratiqrs at the otctqs dtd rpt irdicate areas whldr appeared to be an lnncdlate threat of roctcfall, trrt wlth ttre ard rnattertry eerreral rck blel€ qrld beqre unstable. JudSlnS fim the Jotnt pattern aE the q.rtcrrq), rcck blcl<e wlth nuxlmm dhenslqs of abqrt 4.o feet b1t 2.0 feet ry 1.5 feet 6rtd be assoclated wlth futus roclcfaUs. A rcd( bloeJ< of t}tie slze rurld rct$rt abcub 2 tffi. lltrete rl!-rrg to b€ abqrE flve to ten atreas alulg tlre ctcrry utriefi ccufd be of ffrbrre @rx=rn to I.ot 3A. llcne\rer, it is not peslble to predict the Umfrq of future rockfallE or tlte preclse path that a futur€ rockfall rnrld take ae it traveled down the slope. In smrary, based qt cur fleld obsenratlqr, te rrrculd Ju@e the rocJ<fall hazant in tlre a:-a to be lcrr, hrt tlre area shculd not, be qrsidered tohfly hazard free. Ntlurgh' there ls an aparent, lor prcbablLtty that a roclfatl rn[d hit the frrtldtng slte durirrl a neasonable senrLe llfe, ttre cnrner strqrld be awane ttnt in tlrc unllkeLy event ttrat a rocJ<fall did hlt the hrifdtng, danragie to a onventiqnlfy designed hdfdfuq s.tld be rclatlvely aerrere ant orld also be a ttusat to the Eafeq/ of tlre oepants. $) asslst ln evaluatlng t}le severlty of a rockfall hit qt t}re pqced hrildlng, we have rodeted tne elpeted roc*fall patis at tlre site trsirg gereraf dynarnic prirrcipals. Orr findings are presented in the follorirg sectlon. ('h'rr r..)Nr 11 lt('nl I f t('. ,a illrICISl|If EIEALIr DnGUICS Itrc arnfybtnal nodeling ard crlr ftefd esenratlons lrdlcate tlrat lt ls reasonable to lnfer ttrat a rockfall fisn Ure cr.ltcrqs aborre ttre slte cculd jrnrolve L!d( blo*s W to 2 tds, uhictl 6rJ.d be travefirg at velocitles of abcqt 30 tt{:h $rit€tl Utelt teadt the elenratLon of tlre pnq2oeed hrtfdtng slte. lhe rockfalrs o.rld travel dcnvn the slope elttrer try roufurg or bcurrtlrg. A rouirq rcck hurld travel near ttre grurd srrface. llogrer, a bcrrdtrq rcd< qrrd conceivably rreadr a vertle:] hetqht above tJle extsttrg grulrd surface of abort 6 feet. ensiderirg that the pnoposed trrilding will be located in a deep o.rt ln the hillside' it is fil<ely tlrat ttre paUr of a boltlirq rock oculd hit tlre stnrctur:e relatively high above the grrcr.urd slrrface. Several probable bcurxlinq rock patts are shc^{n on Fig. L to illustr:ate hcru a bcurxting rock might inpact the prcposed hrildtnq. mrnAl;[.r xrnlcertcN If tlre <rarner Ls trct wlllfutg to aeept Ure e:<letlng Icry rockfall hazarC, then tlpre ale several engineerfng neUrods vrtridr 6.rld be corrsldered to furttrer redue ttre elposure of the brildlrry to rockfall. oorepl|rnl mitigatlqg wttich nay be apncprlate for this site are: . Stabilization at tlre rrcck ctrtcrcp . Rentcr/al of potentially unstable rock at ttre crtcrry . An qslcpe catctlrEnt str.r.lcbure . Rejnforcing the htldirq to wittrstarrt rrckfall iryact: ( -f tcttsSNrr'f lrl'n I rrr' Itechnical diso.tsslons of ttrese pesible ndtlgations ard qlteria for coteptual design ard prclfunlrnr'1; et estfurntes a:re presented ln tlre follcrurlrg sectiqrs. CUrcNOP SIT\BITJZATTON A posslble netlrod of stabiliztrg tfrc rock at ttre cutcnop vu.Od be to fuEtall an androred, wire nestr correrirg at tlp crrtcr:rq areas wtrictr qrtd beccrne unstable with tire. Ttris lethod hurfd rcqutre onstrruc*,lon rrprk off of ttre lot on tlre adjaent hillside. Ihe wire nestr typtcally is 9 or LL gtauge, galvanized, gabian wi::e nrestr utridr is andror€d to tlre oltorcp by rnn-tensioned, gnurted rrcck bolts. For prelimlnary ost ocnparisons, abcirt 1,800 square feet of wire nresh ard 64 rcck bolts (4 ferrt iorq) strculd be onsidered for thLs rnitigation nethod. RET,D\TAL OF IJXSNABIE NOO< Rersral. of lrctenttaUy uretable nock at ttre ortcncp $rculd decrease tlre existirrg trazard. lthLs nethod rrrculd rcqutre r'ock encavatLon and renpval on the adjaenb prcper+y WhlU of tJre tot. Care will be neoessary durirq excavatlon to preuent disfodgiry reks wtridr q.rld ro11 dor,rn ttre hillside arxt potenttally hit Ure o<istlng dc*vnslqe stnrtures. It is reqrurerrtecl ttrat a rock excavatlon contfactor be onsulted on Ure feasilrifity of safely er<cavatirg ard r.erovlrg the rock. ete po€sible orcavation netltod h,qrld be to use a ctremical, rur-etpleive rock splittirg agent placed in cleely spa.ced drill holes to br€at( ttre rck lnbo snall piees. For prerininary ost ccnqnrlson, abclrt 15 cubic yards of rock occavation ard rqrpval shorld be cqrsidered. ('ltt'tt*Nollltent f rrr' o CAICIIMENT SITUSIT'RE onstlrctiqr of a rcJ< catdttrcnt stl:ucturp rIlelqn of tlre trrtLdtry enrld decrrease the erdstfutg hazard. It eturld be pcslble to qrtnrct, the catdnent wlthln tlte lot ffudts. hsslble catdrent str:uctrrree olld be a r€lnforced qtct€te wall or qdrlnatlm tfuber ard earti stnrctrrrc. llhe catdnent stJ:rrc:tilrle shdld have a vertical, s-foot. htgh fae on its qptrill elde. If a tfuber and earth etnrctuc ls used, tlre unretained eart}r ftlf qr tlre do,nhtff glde shculd have a elqn of 1.5:1 or flabter. lGdranlcafly stabl[zed eartltgfcpeg can be onstnrcted steeper. Itre mll shcrrld be design€d to wltlrstard tJre ftrpact of a 2-ton rcck tra\refins at a velalty of 30 nph. sore danrage to tlre catdurent, stnrclf,rr€ rd$d be aooeptable, tttt t}e stnrct:ur€ shculd be etrorq erur$ to st4 tlp rockfall. ftp catdrent, stJuclarre sfnld be qrstJilct€d alcg the slcpe @ntcurs peryernrcuar to tlte rcckfall tra\reted paths, ard the walls shculd be extended belptd th€ east arrt uest fimtt€ of tlre trrtldl-ng elte. For prellnrllraqg et oorparLsore, a 14O f@t tang mU sfro.rld be cqreldered. Because of tlp potenHaf for lrrleaelry the erdgttng hazard to adJaent prqnrtles, rcck deflecttm stnxfurco wllr nd, be appnryrlate for ttrls slte. (''lrcrr SNnrl frel'lt lrrr' DIRECT E' ILDIIG PRC'IECTION It is sqretlnes feasilrle to relnfore t^rndfuq walls to dir-ctly hrltistard rpckfall fupact, hrt the site gradirq, as pr.esently planned will pr$ably rmke thls ryblor lnfeaslble. Irs shcr*n on Flg. I, bcurdlrrl rocks bave tlre potentlaf for hittirg tne hrilding relatively hi$r abore fte grr.ord sr.rrfae or posslbly 6nirq thrcugh ttre rrcof. A etnrc'rlr.uaf ergfuieer shculd be onstrlted to erralrnte If it ls feesl5ls to deslgrn these hrildtrg orponents to wltlrstard ttre furpact of a 2-ton bculder travellrq at a velocity of 30 rph. @iIBITITTION NErtrf,ED STODE NFNBI&TTS An anallpis of, enetnrctlqr related slqe lnstabtllty wae not, part, of drr agir.eed Lporl socpe of services. Hofrever, as a rcsuLt of t.l..is sbrdy re have revieued the prerrictrs geotecturical study for t}re prcperty prepared hry Rdcert W. Ilrcnpson lrrc. (1974). lte prlpced gnading of tlre Whill trrildtng cut strcnn on the drawirgs sutntltted does rtcrt, onform to ttre previou.s geotedurlcal reomedations, arrl ln qtr cplnior, ttre pncpced griadfrg vculd lrvolve a hlgh riek of oretnrctl-on reiated slope lnstabiltty. It le neqnrended tlnb alternative gradirry plans be qrsldezed. Retainirq rmlls rnay be neessary to develop this site. ('ltt'tt*No1lrnr. f lrr', IJ}ITINTIOB rhts shrdy has been @rrruct€d ln aordare wlth gercra[y aoepted geotedtnlcar enllneertng pr:actles ln thte arpa to provide ttre cllent wltlr an .risacsnent of tlp rckfall hazard at tJre elte ard croeprhnf errgfu,eerirq ntttgatlau rtddl o'[d be us€d to r€due tne odsttrg hazard. .Ilre qpl11"lons ard r'gmerdattqre s,rtrnitted tn thts report, arc baeed qr fleld dearvatlons, theoretlcal trFdeltng ard th€ prcposed atte g,cadlrtg Bhowlr on ttn drnwtngs furnlstt€d. rhe engtrEerfrtg rntttgattons discrrssed ane aprrprlate for wroepilrrat destgn ard orparatine et erraluatlqe, hrt tlEy ars not sultable for final designr. rf tlte ohllEr elects to lrtprsrEnt hazard ndtlgatian, re s]rcr.rld review t]re pnryosed destgns to assess tf thelr arre aFpr€prlate for the elte geotectrntcal qdltiqs. ('f rr'lt a])Nll lrr'nt. Ilr' r0rivmy I ?l $errl Frosttgc Rctl Vsil, Colorado 0l6fI t 0t,+79-zr t t t 179-21 t9 Auousl la, lgga Dagtnmcnr sf Ccnlrlnllt1 DsoeloPsnt -------'---- Ms. Gllngar Tolled Ron Eyme & AsBoolater e85 Brldoo stroet Vall, Colondo 813i7 Re: Lot A€' Uonrrldge Subdlvlelon Dear Glngcr: Acoordtng to 1re stampcd suley from Eagle Vatley E:rglneodng datrd Muoh t8, leel, tho totgl tot Erpdfor Lot A-3 dt Uonsridge Subdivlelon ls 41,120 squBm te9l. Thlg ptoPgrty lE roneO nesHeiltat Ctustor end requlrc$1hat the buildabla areg br deducrhtl lrom hg toEl lot arcl h ordcr b dsterfidn€ the numOer of units allowed br thd property, Accortilng to Egt? V*ii Surveydngl figurel, 26,692 squlre feet_of hE ht har a sloPe ot tO% or ertrhr. Thlt resulb In E tot.lh/lldabla arpe lcr the lot ol 15'508 square feeL Tohf dsnllv rhrll not txce€d rtx unlh Psr ecrt ol bulldebla rlb ' Yc 1^4fnu*,vL7'foil€e.ir vrgfltanw N9. ttt atttl tga 9t r!ra, vrr $rv rv'Yrr rYwvrw urel t'!-rt's -;<7 , ,,---- to haveN&gll4!t$oltwo unlb, I hopehlaholpt you out. ri.**-,-.-/- "5lit' elvsn thle fonnula, hc eth h ettowed z.J4Z-unrltor 2 unlte. Gtngon lt you hao eny{ Kr* turhor questloil, pleate feel fee b oell me e(79'2130J I bellevo you erg eEO ewaru ot , r 5 I . itrdftrft-iio. rj,-sertar ot rbii, dn rhe Townlmlarfietitet€s th*hlr lolwlllbr daryrY o,Z (;r,1;',/hk'"'brrthn$fh )'c'tr)'/ KrcranPrltr ffi ?8{? Communlty Dovshpment DkaCbrT t Y So & /1; froz,e., l: KtVs .Ve lv"H*. /// #ao 7 7 \''Luz;)jo' €@ ? 41,1e0 rquara laat I _l r-l- -v Retum to fT^'n. C,-rnu-/d< Town Planner a h/ra INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW pRoJEcr: Res 4 L D.rf (< k DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBL]C HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: la/a3/tA BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: f) r r-Peas o{-f Le A FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: ri{..d I l/lJC Retum n Tn C-rnaf{< INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Town Planner a a[<f<z' PROJECT:(.esqL D-pLeX DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY:. t2 /a z /oa BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PFOPOSAL: A.Ne,u o{-f L< K PUBLIC WORKS Revieured by: Comments: \-\4 Veo;b tloae: 14 tt lo z- ,)tD. tl n 2J a\ 4' conc. cr C-lw[ ua&r ,M-+^ 6' ed+tv a,'Jr. o I l)ri+r- $ [41.,,]1 , { gra'Jes l'/a i I 4) d Jl gpcn) t 3' da. D"J 4r"" lJ lv.--- n s'':/' rura'-li Et*t^r^r -6Jo.-"P Lr 'u''tlttt gtcr 4'' dn h._r U#. '4 b.-,1,- -vt) t b' oa -l'l*- 5) a) r:!^t r^rc.-- wJ;ftel # Qrwb a;U tr"* \ ,^, " 11 htt) &ceo *- J-L d r./n p4n i Iflr.- d w v ZONE CHECK er*, *, * nr|olo*" orrr*re DATE: LEGAL DDSCRTPTIoN: Lot ,+-3 Block 4 ,iting 1- rLppSh)s." ADDRESS: owNER v/cl*er {e$q L pHoNE ;,'i :;;5-#;i ,-Yi ARcHrrEcr Den S*i*A pHoNE {r.t-{as -ztAs OePLe" ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE zltL Front Sides Rear Setback We tft 20, r.5, l.5, I€€'T5}T PteBo -) Retaining waII Heights Parking ij,\ i <r' ,tt*, f Garage Credit .--f Drive: 3t /6' 6 neqro €ffif#o) **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18 . 13.080 (B) of the MunicipalCode, lots zoned Two FamiJ.y and Prirnary/Secondary which are less tiran15r000 sq. ft, in area may not construct. a second dwelling unit. Thecomnunity Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant. meeLs t.he criteiia set fort,h underSections 18 . L2 .090 (B) and LB. 13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code includingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-Lerm rentlL unit, for full-time employees of the Upper Eagte Valley. **Lor ,-ru \Uaot - ^s,srae OwZ\ = li,Sar+ b-'IMe x.e5=*3ggj *,tfA'Tiq?d Tota I Height rotar cRFA -- 3Fq7 7 {S? = Irrt51r*lrvr{fA {-r, Allowed Existinq Proposed F{@ o 33 33 L +T 6 q,3vrl rlSrl{ =, - € e, lil uz? 2tlfl ,-l F--iffi l-s /(,4 3,35O_- 6@les Permitted Slope 8t Actuat Slope -@ Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes_ NoJ,JQ_ ???_ 1) Flood Plain AlrD 2) Percent. SLope 3) Geologic HazardstA a* Snow Avalanche-61 Rockfart *6qryPOc') Debris Fl6wA{24) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the alrowed 250 Addition is used with this request? s+.+'rrr!LrcR*auAf&- +Q. =.----- 6 Setbacks Water Course Site Coverage Landscaping View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental,/Hazards : 10 P-7 i-+ a)q clrr Ot* bf W ^^=fi ^i__ -(.oc.^5.l*p*o +o te cory', uo r"i*t Uit,+-###,FrX S€€ .pJ cea^naa-.4S'.-[. r /*'*nA (*u.^sofQ Pt* *, -- r f'tr S,<{ecr - 5 go L ,,ip t[p[ -6t t",ir> +^e* - *(,e'f {W * il, gt*t"t& co,asg r =e'"4' pee.l .o(.l,q'f or- (o.-L.** (,q*{r+ - trn'rr; cela*i>rA od*tcz e( t&ie fhc 'f" *{J), #Ut E:et<ft(f |eck trq(( - is )'t' ek '{c,'rs< -(ol txp,17 Po,'Ariry ine €,n^r{ s**[ne,"k s(oFes ,rr €Xq€sS eF lwoo * ISL""A ia rtg copc-e*{u.L ,zn'{ C,ic( 1\,itF tU-f" fL" t,!= priotr, ^b . .n"u6tri^ry lv.x{rtiL* cebr d*ar,p[.es {o X+g, Drise,u.r"f $nsr*Dg is tearp f'? flal e-b*p rr. *rnx qs"{,ywQ€ g. t€r1lg g FILE COPY TOWN OFVAIL 7J Soatb Frontage Road Vail, Colortdo 81657 t 0t -47 9-2t t I / 47 9 -21 1 9 Dcpartment of Commnity Deaelopmcnt August 24,1992 Mr. Walter Regal 13275 West Burleigh Brookfield, Wl 53055 RE: Lot A-3, Lionsridoe. Filino No. 1 Dear Mr. Regal: As discrissed recently with Ginger Tofferi, Lot A-3 of Lionsridge Filing No. 1 can be subdivided lor ownershio ourDoses either through a condominium, townhouse subdivision, or single family subdivision. For zoning purposes, the lot is still treated as one lot. In addition, the sttucUre must be construsted before the subdivision application can be submitted to the Town. lf you should need any turther information please leel free to contact our office at 479-2138. Sincerely, t)tArv.\ l/.1'lrfrffic\Krh Kristan PriE Director of Community Development cc: Ginger Tofferi f[?A o u0t ep 42 lVest Mealow Driac Vail, Colorado 81657 t0t -47 9 -22 t 0 Vail Itire Dcpattment August 18, L992 llalter Regal L3275 West BurlelghBrookfieLd, WJ.sconsin 53055 Re: Fire Access Requirernents Dear Mr. Regal: .As requestedr. I have enclosed copies of the publlshedrequJ-rernents pertainlng to fire truck access. we cannot rnake :gf:T:lE,,.Silr:_opinions, or any assurances that a particuiaiDurrdlng stte wlll or will not meet these requiremenis withouthavlng the- opportunity to review the specJ.ric srie pran stlolri;gaccess roads, the drivevJay, and footprlnt of the house. rf you need additional infornatlon, prease contact us here at!h" Fire Department .or you nay arso cbntact a nenber of theDepartment of cornmunity Develophent by calling (303) 47g-2L38.conmunlty Deveropnent'J address- ls 7s Bouth rrdntage Road, Vair,Colorado 81652. Slncerely, - :>.4-Zi::-,.'/ - /;3. -.-o-.---- Mlchael McceeFlre MarshaL cc: Mlke MoIIica, Department of Cornrnunity Developnent Tlln{ uFYltL ?5 |outh tronlrg. rord rall, cclofr..to tl3g7 FAX PBONE II|RAIISMITTTIJ SEEET TO:Di*ne )t*d^ COMPATIY NA}TE: FAX PHONE FROM: DATE: # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENTS (NOT rNCIUDING COIIER SHEET) s RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY: TOTTN OF VATI. FAX PHONE NI'MBERS TOWN OF VAIL REGITI'AR PHONE NITUBER!{303t 479-2100 rrME: ' i3D *n' Bxr. # 2 1y' (3031 {79-2157 FtL t 80P y TOWN OFVAIL 75 Soath Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 816J7 t0t -47 9 -2 1 t I | 4? 9 -2 t t 9 August 14, 1992 Department of Commanity Deoclopmcnt Ms. Ginger Tofferi Ron Byrne & Associates 285 Bridge Street Vall, Golorado 81657 Re: Lot A-3, Llonsrldge Subdlvlslon Dear Ginger: According to the stamped survey from Eagle Valley Engineering dated March 18, 1991, the total lot area for Lot A-3 of Lionsridge Subdivision is 41,120 square feet. This property is zoned Residential Cluster and requires that the buildable area be deducted from the total lot area in order to determine the number ol units allowed for the property. According to Eagte Valley Surveying's figures, 25,532 square feet of the lot has a slope ot 40% or greater. This results in a total buildable area for the lot ol 15,588 square feet. 41,120 square feet- 25.532 square feet 15,588 square teet Total Lot Area Total40% Area Total Buildable Area The Residenlial Cluster zone district states in Section 18.14.090, Density Control: Total density shall not exceed six units per acre of buildable site area. Given this formula, the site is allowed 2.147 units, or 2 units. Ginger, if you have any lurther questions, please feel tree to call me at 479-?1gg. I believe you are also aware of Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1979, on the Town records that states that this lot will be allowed to have a maximum ol two units. I hope this helps you out. Sincerely, K',th.fi'h- Kristan Pritz Community Development Director hwn 75 routh fronl,aga road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-70fl)otflc. of communlty doualogncnt August L8, L987 Rahway, IncorporatedP.O. Box Ll-10Eagle, Colorado 81631- Re: Lot 3, Block A, Lionsridge Filing No. 1 Gentlemen a According to our records, the above lot contains .94 acres or401946 square feet (this fig'ure will have to be confirned bya licensed surveyor prior to construction). This lot isspecifically addressed in ordinance 23 of l97g and ordinance t-7of L979 (enclosed) and is restricted to two dwelling units. The allowable cross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for the lotis 25& of the buildable site area. ttBuildabre area, is definedas that area whIEhl[ETot in excess of 40E s1ope. our recordsdo not include a slope study, so we are unabl_e to give you theallowable GRFA for this property. If there are further guestions, please do not hesitate tocal1. Sincerely, .-<.,,r.- - - 1,Betsy Ro$o ,:€" u(o. ( Planning Technician Enclosures TERENcE J. AutNO ATTORNEY AT LAWa ' April- 25, 1985 P.O. Box ttlo EAGLE, CoLoRADo 6t63I TELEPHoNE (gog) g2a-z t 16 TO: Peter Patten ' TOV elanning/Larry Eskwith - TOV Attorney RE: Trout/Mtn Prop.,/Reinforced Earth Gentlemen: You had expressed interest in the final outcome of thismatter. Enclosed to each of you are copies of the Sheriffrs deed which was issued. Very truly yours, &/r"w P'8r;rro /M/Terence iI. ouinn TJQlckn Enclosure .t',tt / /\" I 3Ublt6 i:-fi SHERIFF'S DEED JUi: fiir. ' rr I lliLLll') EACI-E 0Ti REC0Rotr UNDER FORECLOSURE DECREE 30426c *, /07 -,* 9fu JCHNNE I ;E PHILLIP:. i! rcLE cTY. REC0nnf - ltm ll 9 st il{'85 7 l{m 15 8 sz ff,| 'B5O Whereas: I. W. Trout, Architect, Inc. did, in the District Court in and for Eagle County, Colorado, in Action No. 2402, recover a judgment against Mountain Properties, Ltd., et aI for the sum of $I28;620.49; and in its decree dated July 20th, 1984' nunc pro tunc to April 27Lhl 1984, the Court ordered that I sell the property described below, toward satisfaction of the money judgment described above; and that property was sold to W. Trout Architect, Inc. 2. On September 14th. 1984, I signed and acknowledged in duplicate a Certificate of Purchase and delivered one to the purchhserz and recorded the other in the Office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, at'Book 395, Page 542. 3. The correct name of the grantee of that certificate of purchase is "The Trout Creek Architects, rnc., an ohio corporation, formerly doing business as W. Trout Architect, fnc. " 4. An undivided 15t interest in that certificate of purchase has since been assigned to T.L.C. Co., a Colorado general partnership. 5. An undivided I5t interest in that certificate of purchase has since been assigned to Terence J. Quinn and Jacklyn P. Quinn, as joint tenants with right of survivorship. I4ore than 75 days have elapsed since the date of that sa1e, redernption has been effected as provided by Iaw. Now, therefore, I the Sheriff of Eagle County, Colorado, in consideration of the premises, have granted and sold, and do hereby convey to the Trout creek Architects, Inc., an ohio corporation, formerly doing business as W. Trout ArchitecL, Inc. (an undivided 70t interest), to T.L.C. Co. ( an undivided I5t interest) r and to Terence J. Quinn and Jacklyn P. Qui.nn, as joint tenants with right of survivorship (an undivi<led 15t interest), the following real property in Eagle CountY, Colorado: 6 noand -r- Comrnencing at the Southwest corner of the Southeast one-quarter of the Southeast one-guarter of Section It Township 5 South, Range 8I West to the 6th P-M. i Thence North 0" O3r 25r East afong the West line of said Southeast One-Ouarter and along the llesterly boundary of said Lionrs Ridge Subdivision a distance of 577-75 feet to the intersection r*ith the Southeasterly eight- of way Iine of Lionrs Ridge LooP, said point of inter- section beinq on a non-tangent curve whose center bear South 53" 28i 49"; Thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly rioht-of-way of Lionrs Loop the following courses: L) along the arc of a curve to.the right having a radius of 428.00 feet and a central angle of 30" 5tr {9", a distance of'230.93 feet to a point of tangencyi 2) North 67" 24r 00n East a distance of 150:oo ieet to a point of curve, said point being the true point of beginning; 3) along the arc of a cur\te to the left, said curve having a radius of I0OI.54 feet and a centraL angle of f5o 52r 37ni a distance of 295.04 feet; thence departing said South- easterl)' right-of-way of Lionrs Ridge LooP. South 5?" 37r-39n East a distance of 126-58 feet to the intersection uith the Northwesterly right-of-way of Sandstone drive; thence South 49o 351 I0" I{est along .said Southsesterly right-of-way a distance of 2I6.95 feet'to a point of crrrvei thence continuing along said Northiresterly right-of-\.ray and along the arc of a cur'e to the lcfi, said curve having a radius of 4116'93 feet artd a centrai. angle of l-o 2l- | 52t' , a distance of 98.0{ feet; thcnce North 44" 37 | 05n West a distance of I?0.34 fcet to the true point of beginning, contsining 4l.Il{ sguare feet or 0.944 acres. Lot 3, Block ALionrs Rldge Subdivision according to the recorded plat thereof also known as: Lot A-3, Lions Ridge SuMivision, according to the recorded plat thereof also described as follows: Lot A-3 of Lion's Ridge Subdivision, County of Eagle State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: -2- to have and to hold the same, with all aPpurtenances thereunto belonging' forever. The addresses of the grantees hereof are as foll-ows: DONn this day of February, 1985. STATE OF COLOR,ADO COUNTY OF EAGIJE The foregoing instrument was acknowtedged before me this ) -^-- + '^r--^^- aLa-i ff rrf E:t.t I eAA&-day of ilarch 1995, by A. J. Johnson, Sheriff of Eagle County, Colorado. My commission exPires The Trout Creek Archltectsl Inc. The Clock Tower, Bridge Street VaiI, Colorado 81557 Terence J. Otrlnn ,facklYn P. Quinn P.O. Box ll10 Eagler CO 8153I ss. T. L,. C. Co. 6058 South Windermere way Littleton, cO 80120 ) ) ) ckn -3- oo box 100 vail, colorado 81657 13031 476-s613 Mr. RoberL W. Hutchinson Attorney and Counselor at LawWriterrs Tower, Suite 9091660 South Albion Street Denver, Colorado 80222 Re: Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1978 Lot 3, Block A, Vail Lionsridge Filing No. I Dear Bob: d*^J+< w-7le' I had adepted an Ordinance to amend O;/dinance No. 23, Series of 1978, in accordance with your rg{uest. When that matter was reviewed by the Planning stapf and the lown Engineer they requested that the quit c,J€ j-q ?eed describedthe property conveyed to the Town by a\qeet! and boundsdescription. They pointed out that inasmlijCh as that area is shown as "unplatted" it is not officially apart of theplat.and the reference in your quit claim deed would be in-sufficient. I believe that to be the correct position. Would you please re-draft your quit claim deed and includea sufficient Iegal description? As soon as I have the nelr quit claim deed I will pursue the adoption of the drafted ordinance. I have en- closed with this letter a copy of that ordj-nance for your review. Respectfully, office of the town attorney May 17, L979 dn*,tt La-O t'rtw/u Lawrence C. Ride:: Town Attorney LCR/di Enclosure MEMO TO: TIIE TOWN COUNCIL FROM: LAWRENCE C. RIDER, ATTORNEY DATE: 10 May 1979 RE: AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 23, SERIES OF 1978. In 1978, the Town Council adopted, Ordinance No. 23 rezoning Lot 3, Block A, Vail l-,ionsridge, Filing No. l with certain conditions on it. One of those conditions was the conveyence of a parcel of property to the Town. The applicants Sky Lion Partners of vail, has conveyed that a parcel of property to the Town by Deed (which has not been recorded or official accepted) and they have asked that the ordj-nance be amended or re-adopted excluding that express conditions since they have complied with it. It is my feeling that inasmuch as the condition has been complied with that it would not be inappropriate to amend the Ordi.nance. Therefore this proposed change has been forwarded to you. O R'BERT w. HUT.ETNS.N I ATAORN'Y AIID COI'NEEI.oB AT IJAW Writss' Tor€r, Sutta 909 1660 South lJbton Stlect D€Dver, Colorsdo 80222 (808) 76&4688 ApriJ- 20, L979 Lavrrence C. Rider, Esq. Box I00 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1978Lot 3, Block A, Vail LionsridgeFiling No. 1 Dear Larry: Thank you for your letter under date of April L6, L979. Pursuant thereto please find enclosed a deed relative tothe "unpJ.atted portion.'r It is to be delivered andrecorded onJ-y after Ordinance No. 23 is amended in accordance wi-th our past, correspondence. When the amendment is adopted, pl-ease advise at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours,//rV/z Robert W. Hutchinson RWH:mlr Enclosure cc: James LenLz, Esq. box 100 Yail. colorado 81657 (3031 47F5613 office of the town attornoy April 16, 1979 Robert W. Eutchinson Attorney and Counselor at LawIlrlterrs Tower, Suite 909 1660 South Albicin Street Denver, Colorado 80222 RE: Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1978; Lot 3, Block A, Vail LionsridgeFlling No. L Dear Bob: I recej.ved your letter dated April 2, 1979. As I indicated to you on the phone this proposal is acceptable to tbe Town. If you would draft the appropriate instruments to take care of this transaction, I will have the approprlate a^mqDdments made to Ordinance No. 23. As soon as the Ordi.nanceis adopted we can file the deed and everyone can go thelr separate ways. Respectfully, d*ol/.,rcLq, ( E *u7o Lawrence C. Rider Attorney L,CR/di O *o"r*T w. HurcrrrNsoN t ArlORlfTY AND COUNAEIOB AT II\W Writem' Tower, Sutt 909 1660 Soutb Alblon Stroet Denver, Colondo E0232 (808) ?6&4588 April 2, L979 Larry Ryder, Esq. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Ordinance 23, Series of 1978;Lot 3, Block A, Vail LionsridgeFiling No. I Dear larry: Please reference the above-captioned Ordinanqe. Paragraph numbered 4 thereof makes as a cond,ition precedent, thededication of certain land, to the rezoning of Lot 3, Block A. In order that the owner avail itself of certain tax benefitsall language as to consideration or a quid pro quo for therezoning set forth in the Ordinance, should be deleted. Pending the deletion, a deed for the "unplatted portion" could be sent to your office, but recorded after the amend- ment has been effected. In accordance with our conversation, please confirm as soon as possible. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to calL. Very truLy yours, ,4.7/z Robert W. Hutchinson RWH:m1r t C' fr C) 6a6A !otol,6 uofoo6 h rl6ot{E a F3 .J +t EE oo(,Fa3ofIOl.tor,CLol+{ lror E1,OE.ra +Joo l+alrO6EOoo&go Q, Flr,qt6F tt3otErJ E.ra g 3OE>!6!F oaot-goPS t-. OE.r{ Otoo90E odDF. Oorr >rrl.o.!to!0EolDF{ t. ..r >|t-{t,rira! l,o a o€ oE E.E E Aq..r t, o o a! tt ao En F{ !, cr+{ E t ! .'l!0O .r{ O Ei =tc . Et r, Ft{ tr r.l t\l a, r, O! O !.{ r, O Clr+tE .r{ rJ O.r{ OOr, lr O l, Et c o o ha,OF. A arJc OF.L 9 E +J tF..co, !o r, h 6 IO .r{ li l0 O E .r{E rr.r{ OOO.l.{.€rr o"o r, .! utF{14lr O .'{ 'E' Ott lr O03 t C O.-r O!r0 +r.o Eot 6.r,l F{ OoLl'oo lool!lJau.a I G!O { rr A 11'lE|Jtr rrtr{3oFlL t 5 F..'.1F{EO O OrIE FIa.,r *{ >+, ti aa) F. 11 o .. EE F. O !0 a, 0O -C ..a9.,{ !0 EeO C Orr.'{ O, O(, O O r' > rrEuE ooorJE r.l r|rrot,ox c rr{o o a, 6 l, xE oF{C tE6C6t 6aroEO C n{ o.o d 6EFI lr O OrrEcaoEEo+r|{ O a C C, O.€ o!rO''lr.lOoarCt IJI OE r.{ ...6 O 6 a tll rl.t trH.c > Ei a.l'Fr tr.'r ^ ct..{ O O O C-.6 r, rH(A l|,,6E tl 6.'.1 6iH! 6 F.i 3 O lr .f| Oli 6 t,.t l] O OoFl6{'|[,tr!tEOE -rlrFr.c 6 a-c tr.c t o oAA!-{?.H6}.Ovt C'r Ot @ ;ots to.'to t{ F. C'.'{ &gal c.l Nrt{ o {tsoooEoolEco.!6HtrCl 'O.'{l{lj A ttl. O('l O Lll, r+. (, o .'{ '\aJ O . '-{E tr.g. F{ lr .'.1li F{ O 6Frh o'9t'|O()$d 1.. rr .f' .r| 5 ..6 +ro 5 0 l,}-l<Nqrre & cn CJ' c' t t c t- ilc)ulE q$ 10fi9II ;(6:::o =01-o(o t8OEl[ ult>-^z :iu FO @ ft---tr- 0u fL-U_ ItC-:] u tnrt"5 Jv o c c lrlI! o Fg EI 0 ( 2( o o slr r+{ o ao +,c 'ro-t oa SKY.LION. PARTI'IERS AT VAIL, an Illinois Limitedraart'nersnrp,whose adclress Is- 9933 Lawler Avenue Colorado Countyof , and State of . forthe consideration of Ten-------- -- Dollars, in hand paid, hereby sell(s) and quit claim(s) to Town of Vail whose address is County of property, in the also known as street and number with all its appurtenances thereto. Signedthis 2gth ATTEST: dayof pqqqmber ,19 78. EagIe , and State of Colorado , the following real County of Eagle , and State ofColorado, to wit: That unplatted part of the SE L/4 of Section 1, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P. M., lying northerly of the tionrs Rid.ge Loop as shown on the recorded plat oflionfs Ridge Subdivision recorded July 25. L969, in Case 2, Drawer L, and Book 215, Page 649, of the records of theClerk and Recorder, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, A/,Jt/r3-e SKY LION PARTNERS AT VAIL By: First City Resources Corporat GeneraL Partner Assistant Secretarv ILLINOIS STATE OFEQT&R&Rq, County of stian, Pres '| sv l'"' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of December ,19 78 ,by Richard F. Christian' as President of First City Resources Corrporation. My commission expires i/aO/ ! lZ Witness my hand and official seal No. 898. QUIT CLAIM DEEDJhorr form-B!Bdford Publishing Co., 1821-t0 Stout Street, Denver, Color.do (678-6011F11.?? AdUqEoFH=UtdttUBIIt,IBbElrtggItrt>t('tol.Il_F!t.GGtraoq"tIl'orlaE.D!t{,o5oroioEC'ot0a-otFP5oIAo(lIorteooFFtsIrtF7Fooo7Eooor.ttoBoI:oo!ct!62ooomzf,tt t. .s :. '- . :-- L ,.J /) ORDINANCE I'IO. 23 Series of 197E- AN ORDINANCE REZONING LOT 3, BLOCK A, VAIL LIONSRIDGE FILING NO. 1, FROM AGRICULTURAL ZONE TO RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER ZONE; AND AMENDING THE OFFI- C]AL ZONING MAP IN RELATION T}IERETO WHEREAS, on the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail, Colorado, Lot 3, Block A, Vail Lionsridge Filing No. l, is currently zoned as Agricultural; WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 18-66.110 of the Vail irlunicipal Code, application for rezoning has been filed by Skylion Partners at Vail, owner of the property, requesting that Lot 3, Block A, Vail Lionsridge Filing No. L, be rezoned to Residential Cluster with a maximum of Lwo dwelling units; WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of Vail has considered the same and recommended said application to the Town Council; and lvHERnAS, the Town Council considers that it is in the ) of the Town apProval of public interest to rezone said property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAII, COLORADO, THAT: (1) The Council specifically finds that the Proce- dures for the amendment of the official Zoning Map and rezoning of properties within the Town of VaiI as prescribed in section 18.66.110 of the Vail Inlunicjpal code have been fu1fi11ed, and the Council hereby receives the report and recorrtmendation of the planning and Environmental commission recommending the approval of the application for rezoning of the above specified ProPerty. (2', Pursuant to Section 18.66.160 of the Vail Muni- cipal Code, the following described property is hereby rezoned from Agricultural (A) to Residential Cluster (IlC) rvith a maximum of two 12) clwe11ing unit.s : Lot 3, Block A, Vail Lionsridge Filing No. I t .-p ':d. 2 3 ;J &, Page 2 /| "';'.- / r-'.- (3) As provided in Section 18.08.030 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to promptly modify and amend the official Zoning Map to indi- cate the rezoning specified in paragraph (2) above. (4) As a condition of the rezoning the 8. 373 acre l.\'^unplatted parcel known as Indian Creek, Ltd. shall be dedicated permit onto the Town of Vail prior to issuance of a building Lot 3, Block A, Lionsridge Filing No. 1. ',-; J-(5) The owner shall file of record a restriction protriUiting the use of- the structure on Lot.3, Block A' Lions- ridge Filing No. 1, as a lodge as defined by Town of Vail ordi- nances. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this 18th day of July, L978' and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting'of the Town council of the Town of vai1, colo- rado, oh the lst day of August, L978, at 7:30 P'M' in the Municipal Building of the Town. A'ITEST: APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLYINTRODUCED, READ THIS lst DAY 0F ON SECOND READING, AUGUST, I978. 'l: PUBLIC NOITICE NOIIICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT Dana Rickli, representlng the owners, has applied for a rezoning of Lot 3, Block A, Lionsridge Filing No. 1 from Agricultural to Residential Cluster Zone District with a maximum of two (2) dwelling units. Application for rezoning has been made in accord with Section 18.66.060 of the !trunicipaL Code for the Town of Vail. A Public Hearing will be held pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on July 18, 1978 before the Town Council. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building at 7:30 P.M. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT O3 COUIMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT , i .:pr ,$;f,oilrl(,,.,o* Dtana S. Toughill t Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail June 23, 19?8. ' G!r-"' lrun box lfl) rail, colorado 81657 B03l 475-5613 department of community dwelopment June 16, L978 Mr. Dana Rickli 120 W. Ala-meda Denver, Colorado Dear Mr. Rickli: Your reques.t to rezone l,"i g, Block A, Lionsridge FilingNo. 1, known as Sky Lion, from Agricultural to ResldentialCluster with a maximurn of two dwelling units was broughtbefore the Planning & Environmental Corrnission on Juhe J.3, 1g?8. This letter constitutes notification that this requesthas been approved and granted by the Planning & Environmental Commission by a vote of 4 to 1, and is granted contingent uponapproximately 8.6 acres of land to be.deeded to. the Town of Vailprior to lssuance of a Building Pernit. This decision wilLbe heard by the Vail Town Council- on July l-8, 1978 at 7:3O P.M. ana S. Toughill Admini.stratorZoning DST/gew ur" ' TO PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FROITI DEPARTIIENT OF COMIIIINITY DEVELOPMENT DATE 8 June 1978 . REF SKY LION PROPOSED REZONING OT' LOT 3, BLOCK A, LIONSRIDGE FILING NO. 1. The applicant proposes to rezone to ResidentialCluster with a maximum of 2 dwellings ot .944 acres of landcurently zoned Agricultural . A comparison of current zoning and proposed rezoning j-s as follows: CT]RRENT ZONING ZONELOT AREA DISTRICT ALI.OWABLE UNITS I!-1 62,988 Residential L,446 acres Cluster A-Z 50,094 Residentlal 1.150 acres Cluster A-3 4L,L2T .944 actes Agricultural .Road &Unplatted 8.373 acres Agricultural .PROPOSED REZONING A-3 2 units Net reduction in numberof units (3) units The proposal decreases density from one unit per 1.86 acres to one unit per 4.66 acres. After a careful review by the Department of CommunityDevelopment, the staff has the following comments relatingto the proposed project. The Department of Cornrnunity Development report con-eerning Lionsridge at the time of annexatj-on and zoning indicatedthat potential population in the Lionsridge area should beminimized. Recent surveys completed as part of the Growth Management planning effort further enforces the need to reducepopulation in this neighborhood,as rvel1 as the entire GoreVa1ley. The proposed density decrease is in line rvith theproposed growth management program and comprehensive plan. 15 4m II.r'- Pg..2 . SkY Llon t. Proposed Reioning 8 June 1978 The geologic report was submitted for Site A-3 whlsh lndicatei that tbe site ls buildable. On this steep slte, a compLete soils report and foundatLon deslgn nust be subniited which evaluates the residence and site lnproveme1rts as proposed. Design w111 be very lmportaat as the site ls extremely visible At the time Lot A-3 was annexed aid zoned, the I council expressed their willlngness to consider a workable , plan and possible rezoning. The rezoning and dedicatlon would actually reduce the'possible maximum density by 3 unite and would thei.efore be in keeping with the growth management plan. PUBLIC NOTICE NOIICE IS IIEREBY GMN that Dana Rick1i, representlng the owners, has applied for a rezoning of Lot 3, Block A, Lionsridge Filing No. I from Agricultural to Residential Cluster Zone District with a maximum of two (2) dwelling units. Application for rezoning has been made in accord with Sectlon 18.66.O6O of tbe Municipal Code for the Town of Vail. A Publlc Hearing will be held pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.66.060 of tbe Municipal Code on June 13,1978 before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission whose decision will be transmitted to the Town Council for final decision. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Munj-cipal Bullding at 3:00 P.M. Published in the Vail Trail May 26, 1978. a S. Toughill Zoning Administrator APPLtCATI0N tjOR VAf{IANCE And/Or coND I T l0llAL u5E PERl.l I T Ordlnanco llo. I (Sorlos of 1973) Applicatlon Hoarlng Da te Da te Pub I lcation Da to *lea r I ng Fee F1n61 Dec I s I on date {or Town I Counc I I I , te, LoRr#fv, D?lVPn- 'n"""'14*bb0 do hereby reques+ permlssion fo appear before the Vai I Plannlng Comnl ss i on to requesl the fo I low i ng : ( -) Varlance from Artlcle--, Sec+ion [Xi flli?:,;l::;i"":;"- -F-' t"-Ra Eolrrrrnm<.) ' ( ) Condi'l'ional Use Permit +o allotv ln Zone. For the lol lowlng described property; Lol/f ra "r9/* , B.lock Fl llng Number Clearly state purpose and intent of this appl icatlon What do you feel ls fhe basls for hardshlp In thls case? S lgnature icant /,)tq GI] H{ris/tu'k t' 6/ro(' C, ORDINANCE NO. 4-76 Atll ORDINANCE IMPOSING ZONING DfSTRICTS ON THE LTONSRIDGE AREA ANNEXED TO THE TOI{N AND AI,IENDING THE OFF'ICIAL ZONING MAP WHEREAS, the Town of Vail, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as the "Town", annexed the Lionsridge area, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, effective on the l6th day of December, L975i WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. g, Series of 1973, of the Town of Vail . Colorado, as amended, is applicable to any area annexed to the Town and contains procedures for the imposition of zoning districts on an annexed area; and WHEREAS, Section 31-8-115(2), Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amended., requires the Town to bring the annexed Lionsridge area und.er its Zoning Ordinance within ninety days after the effective date of the annexation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDATNED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Title. This ordi-nance shal-l- be known as the "Ordinance Imposing Zoning Districts on Annexed Lionsridge Area". Section 2. Procedures Fulfilled. The procedures for the determination of the zoning districts to be imposed on the annexed Lionsridge area which are prescribed in Section 22.300 of the Zoning Ordinance have been fulfilled. Section 3. Inposition of Zoning Districts on Annexed Lionsridge Areai Addition to Official Zoning Map. Pursuant to Article 22 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordi- nance No. 8, Series of 1973, of the Town of Vail , Colorado, ( t r-offi'TEIEEF rOrd)- 4, 1976 C T Page 2 ( as amended, the Lionsridge area annexed to the Town through the enactment of Ordinance l{o. 26, Series of 1975, of the Town of Vail, Col-orado, effective on the 16th day of December, 1975, is hereby divided into zoning districts as shown on a map incorporated herein by reference which amends and shall become an addition to the Official Zoning Map. Section 4. Change in Official Zoning Map. The addition to the Official- Zoning Map adopted by the Town Council in Section 3 hereof shal1 be entered on the Official Zoning Map promptly by the Zoning Administrator in accordance with Section 1.203 of the Zonincr Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shalt take effect five days after publication following the final passage hereof. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this 10th day of February, L975, and a public hearing on this ordinance shalL be held at the regular meeting of the To\.rn Councit of the Town of Vail, Colorado, on the 2nd day of March, L976, at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building of the To\dn. ATTEST: I rJor4, 4, Lg76 c3Page IMTRODUCED, ENACTED, AND ORDERED of March, 1976. READ ON SECOND READING, PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, APPROVED, this 2nd day ( (