HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK BLOCK 1 LOT 3 LEGALI.t I I ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMEN'I' This Acccss Eascnrcut is made cffcctive as or tnc 3ol ltay of Scpteurbcr, I 999, by a'damong Eagle Rivcr watcr.& sanitation District 1.unws'j, Richard w. Diili.g arrd rrisD. Dilling ("Lot 3 owner"), NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. (,.Lot 7 owner"), scott w. sodcrr and catherine M. I lagerty ("Lot 8A owner"), walter Huttner and Barbara r ruttrrcr (.,r,ot 88 owner"), and Robcrt D. Hunter as to an undivided 40% intercst, Itobcrt A. Ity'rcr Trust as to an undivided 33% interest, A & G Development partners, a Cloloratlo gqrcral partnership as to att undivided 207o interest and Mark J. Amstlen as to an urrtlividctl 7Zo interest (the "Lots 4 and 5 Owncr"). l. Ilecituls. Lot 3 owner, Lots 4 ancl 5 owncr, Lot 7 ow'cr, Lot gA ow.c' and Lot 88 Owncr, (collectively, the "Lot Owners"), are seised of an cstatc ip t-cc sirnplc of those parccls of larrd located in Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision accortling to t1c lilatthereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, as set forth on Exhibit A attaclrcd hcrcto lntl incorporatcd herein by reference (the "Propcrtics"). The Lot Owners dcsirc to crcatc a twenty-livc (25) foot wide access and utility easement across their respcctivc l)ropertics as depictcd on Exlribit B attaclrcd hereto (the "Easement Tract") fol the bcncljt ol'onc anothcr and EI{WS, all in accordancc with the tcmrs and conclitions sct lor.th irr tlris Easement. 2. Gront of Access and Utility Easetttettl. Now ttrel'efore, in consitlcration of the abovc statcd rccitals which are incorporated herein and for othcr gootl antl valuablc considcration, the rcceipt and sulficiency of which are hcreby acknowlctlgcd, cach ol'thc Lot owners docs hcrcby GltANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND coNVEy to cach olrlrc other Lot Owners artd ERWS, their lessees, licensees, successors and assigrrs. autl all employees, custolncrs, guests attd invitecs of same and in comrnon witlr all otlrcr.s having like right, a pcnuaucut, pcrpctual, and non-exclusive acccss eassulcnt for purposcs o[ passing and rcpassing along and ovcr thc Easernent Tract frour and outo thc l,ropcr'lics or any part thcrcof and installing a watcr linc and other utilities undcr suoh Dascrrrcnt 'l'ract. The easement grantcd in this paragraph shall: (i) be pennanent, pcrpetual arrd non- exclusive; (ii) bc lbr tlre bencfit ofthe Properties or any part thcrcof, for alr purposcs connected with going to aud from the public roads and riglrts-of-way to antl frunr thc Properties, including housing which may be constructed solely for the cnrployccs of ERWS on the Propcrty owned by ERWS; (iii) be for the bencfrt of thc Propcrties ol any part thereof, for all purposes connectcd with the installation of a water liuc atrd othcr utilities to and for thc I'ropcrtics; (iv) slrall servc to restrict cach of tlrc Lot Owncr's respective right to crcct, rnaintain, place or leave any obstruction, fcncc, rvall ol biu'ricadc or to take any othcr action, that would in any way obstruct or hindcr thc acccss grautctl hereby; (v) shall not restrict the use of any of the Lot Owners to usc the Bascurcnt'l'ract in any maruter uot inconsistent with the covenants and conditious containcd hcrciu; and (vi) shall constitutc a ct'rvcnant nrnning with the land in pcrpctuity and slrlll inurc to llrc benefit of the Lot Owners and ERWS and their successors and assigns. 'l'hc Dascnrcnt Tract is not a public road dedicated to the use ofthe public, and its usc slrall bc linritcd krthose parties dcscribcd lrcrein, thcir transferees and respectivc i.vitccs. 3. vacating Prior Easenent, By execution hcreor, eacrr of the Lot owrrcr.s arrtlERws hcreby vacatc artd rclcasc any prior gcncral easements of rccord or casculcrts created by any othcr claim across the Propcrties for the benefit of thc Lot Ow.cr.s .r. ERWS. 4. Enforcement of Rights. I' tlre event any party hereto fails to dischar.gc rts respective obligations hereuuder, any other party hereto shall have the right to cp{br.cc this Easement by an actiorr in law or in equity (including a suit for spcciic pcrforura'cc) without thercby waiving the right to also recover in an action for tlauragcs auy suclr surls expended by such other party at its discretion in performing such obligitiops. lrr t1c event that any party hcrcto institutcs a lcgal proceeding against the otlp.pafly to cutblcc the obligations arising hereunder, it shall be entitled to recover and the court slrall awartl reasonable attonrcy's lccs (including those incuncd on appcal or wficthcr or rrot suit bc filed) and costs if thc court dctermines such party has prevailcd in thc logal or cquitaSlc proceeding. 5' Repair an Mairde ance. The Easement Tract shall be repaired autl nraintaincd in accordauce with the ternts and condition of the Repair aucl Mairitenallce ngrccplclt among thc partics of cvcn datc hcrcwith, a copy of which is attachctl hcrcto as ljxltibit C. 6. Lot 8A Owner. 'thc partics hcrcto agree and acknowledge tlrat a 1lt-rr.tio1 of' the Easement Tract crosses Lot 8A and that the Lot 8A Owner is not liabic lrcrcundcr [br. any repair or maintenance oxpenses for the Easement Tract. Notwitftstalclilg (5c lbr.c- going, the Lot 8A Owtrcr is entitlcd to all the rights antl benefits provitlctl to tlrc otlrcr. l.ot Owners with respcct to thc Easentcr.rt Tract. 7. Covenuls llunning with lhe Land. All rights antl obligations alisirrg hcr.cultlcr. are covenants running with the land, binding upon and inuring to thc bcpcfit of tlrc respective partics ar.rd their rcspective successors in title. 8' Goveruing Low and Veuue. Thc laws of the State of Colorado shall govcrn tlris Agreement. Any lcgal action instituted hereunder shall be brought in Eaglc Coulty, Colorado. 9. Signature. Each party hereto rcpresents and waffants that thc pcrson or pcrsops signing this Eascnrent on behalfofsuch party is duly authorized to clo so. [ach party is hereby estoppcd frout asserting that it or any party signing below did not lcgally cxccutc this Easernent rvith all llecessary or rcquircd authority. 10. No Psrtncrshry. Nonc of tltc tcnns atrd provisions oltlris Dascrrrcnt slrlll lrc deemed or construcd to create a partnership between or alnong the partics hcrcto in tlrcir respective busincsscs or otherwise, not shall they cause the parties hcrcto to bc considcred joint ventures or urctnbers of any joint enterprise. Each party to this Eascrlent slrall beconsidered a scpal'ate entity and no party heieto shall have the riglrt to act as agc't lirr arryother party hereto unless expressly authorized to do so by writtci instruurerrr srg'cg bythe authorizing party. I l' Amendmenls. Except as otherwise specifically set forth herein, rrcitlcr. tSisAgreement nor a'y provision may be waived, modified, amended, oir"iru.g".r o.terminated exccpt by an instrument in writing signed by ail of the partil, ii.r.to o,,,trecordcd in thc Rcal Property Records of Eagle -ounty, Colorado. 12. Counterparts. 'l'his easement may be executed in countcrparts, caclr oIwlricl shall be dcemed an original and all of which together shall constitute onc and thc sarrrc instrument. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have reatl and cxecuted tlris Uascnrcrrt effective as of thc tlate first above written. Lots4and5Orvner: Robert D. I-luntcr A & G DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS Mark J. Amsden ROBERT A. RYMER TI{US'| By:By: Gregory M. Anrsden, President Robert A. Rynrcr, 'l'rustcc Richard W. Dilling Iris D. Dilling By: Marilyn Rymcr, Trustcc Jont ventures or mcnlbers of any joint enterprise. Each party to tlris Eascrncnt shall bcconsidered a scParatc cntity and no party heieto shall trave the right to act as agcrt lbr.arryother party hcrcto urtlcss cxpressly authorized to tlo so by writte; inrtrunrclt sigrrccl bythe authorizing party. I l. Anrcndments. Except as otherwise specifically set forth hcrciu, lcitlcr.this Agreement nor any provision may be waived, modified, amendcd, disclargctl or terminated except by an instrument in writing signed by all of thc parties 6'crcto a.tl recorded in the Rcal Property Records of Eagle County, Colorado. 12. counterparls. This easemcnt may be executed in counr.erparts, cach o[wlriclr shall be dcemcd an original and all of which together shall constitute orc arrd tlrc saurc instrumcnt. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF-, the parties have read and cxecuted this llascnrcrrr effective as of thc date first above written. Lot 3 Owncr: Richard W. Dilling lris D. Dilling A & G DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS Mark J. Amsden ROBERT A. RYMER'TI{US'I' Gregory M. Anrsdcn, President Robert A. Ryntcr,'l'rustcc By:By: B Marilyn Rynrcr, Trustcc joint ventures or nlctlrbcrs of arry joint enterprisc. Each party to this Eascrrrcrrt shall bcconsidered a scparatc entity and no party heieto shall have tlie right to act as agcrrt for arryother party hereto unless expressly authorized to do so by writte; instrur.pcnt sig'cd bythe authorizing party. I l' Amendments. Exccpt as othcrwise specifically set forth lrcreip, lcithcr tSis Agreement nor a'y provision may be waived, modified, ame'ded, dischargcd or terminated except by an irstrument in writing signed by all of the-partics h"crcto ard recorded in the l{cal Property Records of Eagle County, Colorado. 12. Counletparts. 'I'his easement may be executed in counterparts, clch ol- wlricS shall be desmed an original and all of which together shall constitute ouc ancl tlrc sanre instrument. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the parties have reacl and executcd this llascnrcrrr effective as of thc date first above written. Lot 3 Owner: Richard W. Dilling Iris D. Dilling Lots4and5Owncr: Robert D. Huntcr A & G DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS ROBERT A. RYMER TRUS'I' Gregory M. Anrsdcn, President Robert A. Rymer, 'l'rustcc By:By: B Marilyn Rymcr, Trustcc joint ventures or mctttbers of any joint cntcrprise. Each parly to this Eascnrcnt slrall bcconsidered a seParatc cntity and no parly heieto shall have tlie riglrt to act as agcrrt lbr aryother party hcreto unless expressly authorizcd to do so by written instrunrc't sig'cd bythe authorizing paily. I l' Auendntents. Exccpt as otherwise specifically set forth hcrcin, rrcithcr tSis Agreement nor any provision may be waived, modified, amended, dischar.gcd or. terminated exccpt by an instrumcnt in writing signed by all of the-partics lir.cto arrtl recorded in thc Rcal Property Records of Eagle cou'ty, coloratto. 12. counterports. This casement may be executed in coulterparts, cach of w6ich shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute oue an<l tlrc sarrc instrument. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the parties have read aud executed tlris Eascrrrcnt effective as of thc datc lirst above written. Lot 3 Owner: Richard W. Dillirrg Iris D. Dilling Lots4and5Owner: Robert D. Huntcr A & G DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS Gregory M. Arnsden, President Mark J. Amsden ROBERT A. RYMER TRUSI' By:By: Robert A. Ilym Lot 7 Owner: NOVASTAR MORTGAGE, INC. By: Name: Title: Lot 8A Owner: ScottW. Sodcn Catherine M. Hagerty EAGLERIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT By: Name: Title: Lot EB Owner: Lot 7 Owner: NOVASTAR MORTGAGE, INC. By: Name: Title: Lot 8A Owner: ScottW. Soden Catherine M. Hagcrty Lot 8B Owner: Walter Huttner Barbara Huttner EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT By: Nut", 0"r."",'r 6e iv,- Title:, 6'e--,e-q I l'1a,rq3 c,- STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYoF €* ) ) ss. ) Thc for.cgoing instrument as acknowledged before rne this i tlay ot.Dldx.u, 1999, by Rictrard W. Dilling. Witncss nty hand and official seal STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF I- G ^ r r The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this Dejgbe n, 199e, by rris D. Dining. l--.tuy or ffdfft'f;fr,,*,,.,,- STATEOFCOLO|ADO ) ) ss.couNTYoF ) Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before nte this 1999, by Robcrt D. Hunter. day o[ Notary Public STATE OF COLOI{ADO ) ) ss.CoUNTYOF ) My commission expires: STATE OF COLOI{ADO ) ) ss.COUNTYOF ) Thc lbrcgoing instrunrcnt as acknowledgetl beforc urc tlris 1999, by ltichartl W. Dilling. Witucss rny hand and ollicial seal day ol' Notary Public Thc forcgoing instrument as acknowledged before me this 1999, by lris D. Dilling. Witncss my hand and official seal My commission cxpircs: Notary Public STATE OF COLOI{ADO couNrY or /)en& 'flre foregoing instrumeut as acknowledged befi day of of4f- .1999, bY Robert D. Huntcr. Witrrcss my hand and official seal. My commissi or, "*pir", y''/) io STATE OF IbTNSAS CoUNTY or fIfifJ A | , 'l'hc forcg,oing instrurnent as acknowledged before nrc thisWMrteee,urtoiffia,7'ffiiziz"ffiary witttess '"' t',li,o,rl";|. ifrrcial seal Mycommission".pi'ctr$0i1fi IJ8fi SlnllJEJil,ll:0,.@ 'ztt!'^, ",rst. STATE OF KANSAS ) ) ss. couNTY Or_) Thc forcgoing instrument as acknowledged beforc nrc this tlay ol' 1999, by Marilyn Ryrner as Trustee of the Robert A. Ilvmer.l.rust. Witness rny hand and official scal My commission cxpircs: Notary Public STATE OF WASI-ilNGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OI' ) The forcgoing instrumeut as acknowledged before urc this 1999, by Mark J. Amsden. Witncss rny hand and offrcial seal. day ol' My commission expircs Notary Public l-119ltttttt STATE OF.l(r'rrfffrS" couNry or, {auheaJ', Witncss ury hand and official scal ww*JlTfii:f; :l'i;'i,1i#i'l1T;$:nJHi;3"'ffi ;,:';f ?lh' ... ioncxritest Jul/ fn ao()o / Notary Public \-/ I.IARIA }JAVA Nolary ffulrltc - Notary geal ^ _ $-tato ol Migsouri ur%HHi,1l'i,igi#"':ii,?ll#i6oo 1'he loregoing instrumcut as acknowledgetl [efore nc tltisK /F.,, ,1999, by Marilyn Rynter as Trustcc of the Robcrt A. I{vrucr.l.rust. Witrrcss nry hand and official scal ission cxpircs: Notary pubtic - Notary Seal State ol Missouri - _ Commission€d in Jackson CountvMy Commisaion Expires Juty tO, i'CIOO Hb;an STATE OF.I1.4++S"+F coLrNry se{al)u4'"' STATE OF WASIilNGTON ) ) ss. COUNTYOF ) Thc lbrcgoing instrumcnt as acknowledgecl before nrc this 1999, by Mark J. Amsdcrr. Witncss ury hand and official scal. day ol' Notary Pulil iqr,qnrR Neve My commission expires Notarv Public STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. Witness my hand and oflicial seal couNTY oF_____________J The loregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this tJav of -' 1999, by Gregory M' Amsden, President of AMS Deueloprneuf ln"- gcncrol partner of A & G Development Partners, a colorado general partnership. Notary Public ) ) ss. day ol' of My commission expires:_ STATE OF KANSAS couNTYoF ) The forcgoing instrument as acknowledged beforc urc this _, l ggg, by NovaStar Mortgagc, lnc., a Kansas corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My commissiou cxpilcs Notary Public STATEOF COLORADO ) ) ss.COUNTYOF ) 'l'lre forcgoing instrument as acknowledged before me this 1999, by Scott W. Soden. Witncss my hand and offrcial seal tlay o l' My commission expires: Notary Public STATE OIr COLORADO ) ) ss.COUNTYOF ) My commission cxpires STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF Thc foregoing instrunent as acknowledged before me this 1999, by Catlrerine M. Hagerty. Witncss my hand and official seal. day ol' Notary Public ---"$**iiit'1 4,,f #rHih,ffi The forEgoing instrument as acknowledged before nrc this _t!__day of\Xj*rlr , 1999, by walrcr Huu'cr. Witncss my hand and official. rirtill|r r,ay "o**i,sncSlllll8sl _g{tj Public STATE OF COLOITADO COLTNTY OF Witncss my hand and official seal. My commission expires MY Commbslon Expires O4tlglZO}Z ,.._ | \ Thc forcgoing instrument as acknowledged beforc me tlrisfJ-\*!81 1999, by Barbara Fluttncr.-\-doy ur ffiiq',Fj#soHoadwos, ge Road West STATEOFCOLORADO ) couNrY oF E".5 I * itt'_.-..-.---='- <.- _L , .^^J11" foregoing instrurnentfas acknowledged before mc this ZTr4day ofaf__;,1999,,bvFk1,ll,:,, =€g,l,yr.a as the G..-,.n.T ?i.,-!,,-- ofEagle River Water & Sanitation District. Witncss my hand and official seal My commissi on expires: / I Jb -2 O Od EXIIII}IT A I{BAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS Richard W. Dilling and Iris D. Dilliug PO Box 1450 Vail, Colorado 91658 Lot 3, lllock I, Corc Crcck Subdivision according to tlrc plat thercof, Courrty of Daglc, State of Cok-rrado. Robert D. Huntcr as to an undivided 40olo interest, Robert A. Rymer Trust as to an undivided 33% interest, A & G Developmcnt Partners, a Cotorado general partnership as to an undivided 20% interest and Mark J. Amsden as to an undividcd 7%o intcrest do Greg Antsdcn, 500 S. Frontage Road East, Suite ll2, Vail, CO. 81657 Lot 4 and 5, Block l, Gorc Creek Subdivision accordirrg to thc plat thcrcof, Coulrty ol' Eagle, State oI Coloratlo. NovaStar Mortgagc, Inc. 1900 West 47'r'Placc Westwood, KS. 66205 Lot 7, lllock l. Corc Cr.cck Subdivision accortlirrg to tlrc plat thcrcof, Courrty ot'llaglc, Statc of Coloratlo. Lot 8A, Block I. Gorc Crcck Subdivision according to Lltc plat thcrcol, County of liaglc, Statc of Colorado. Scott W. Sodcn and Catherine M. Hagerty 773 Adams Strcct Denvcr. CO. 80206 Walter Huttncr and lJarbara Huttner 1409 South Ulstcr Strcet Denver, Colorado 80231 Lot 8lJ, Block I. Golc Crcck Subdivision accolding to thc plat thcrcol, County of ltaglc, State of Colorado. Eagle River Watcr and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO. 81657 ll EXITIBIT B I]ASEMENT TRACT t2 REPAIR ANI) MATNTtrNANCII AGR.EEMENT AND DI'CLAIIA.I.ION This Repair and Maintclrance Agreemcnt ancl Declaration (the "Agrccmcut arrd Dcclaratio'.,)is made effective as of thc lc*ouy of scptc'rber , rggg, by anJ anrong Eagrc r{ivcr watcr& Sanitation District ("E[tws"), Richard w. and Iris D. Diliing (.,Lot 3 ow1cr.,.), Novastar Mortgage, Inc. ("Lot 7 owner"), Scott w. soden and catherine tvt. ltagcrty (..r_ot gA or.vncr.),Walter Huttner and llalbara l{uttner ("Lot 88 owner"), and Robeit D. llurrtcr.as to anundivided 40% intercst, ltobcrt A. Rymer'Irust as to an untlivide,J 2o%, intcr.cst, A&G Developmcnt Partucrs as to atr undividcd 20% interest and Mark J. A'rsdcn as to arr uudivitlcd 7olo interest (collcctivcly, thc "Lots 4 and 5 Owner"). l. Recitals- Lot 3 Owner, Lots 4 ancl 5 Owner, Lot 7 Owncr, Lot uA orvncr., antl Lot 88 Owner (collcctivcly, the "Lot Owners") and ERWS are each seised of arr cstatc in lcc simple of those parcels of land located in Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision acoortliug to thc plat thereo{, County of Eaglc, State of Colorado, as set forth on Exhibit A attaclrctl lrcr.eto and incorporated herein by rcfcrence (each a "Property," and collectively the "prolrcrtics"). 't'5e Lot Owners and EI{WS (collcctively, the "Easement Users) are parties to an Acccss antl Utility Easement of evett datc ltcrewith under which the Lot Owners creatctl a twcrrty-fivc lor_rt access easement across thc Propcrtics, as described on Exhibit B, for thc bcncflt ol thc t,ot Owners and ERWS, including acccss to housing for employees of ERWS (thc ..Eascurcrrt Tracf')' The Easctncttt Users desire to set forth their rights and responsibilitics rvith r.cspcct tothe construction, rcpair and nraiutenance of the improvernetrts to the Easclrcpt 'l'r.act irr accordance witlr thc tcrnrs and conditions set forth herein. 2. Construclion. l'lte construction to be perlorrned pursuaut to tlrc pr.ovisiorrs ol' this Section 2 shall bc rcfcn'ed to as the "lmprovernents.', (a) EI{WS shall be respottsible for all costs associatcd with: (i) thc survcyilg, engineering, designing and grading thc roadway and the utility lines to bc installctl alorrg tlic Easement Tract; (ii) application of a six inch deep, twenty-two (22) foot widc, gr.avcl r.oatl base, and (iii) complying with all drainagc and wetlands requirernents. (b) Thc Lots 4 and 5 Owner shall be responsible for the cost ul'iuitially pavirrg in asphalt the twenty (20) fcet wide roadway constructed by ERWS along thc llascurclt 'l-r.act. The construction to be l}om the interscction of Black Gore Drive to the propclty linc bctrvccrr Lot 7 and Lot 88. 'l'hc Lots 4 and 5 Owner shall also be responsible fol tlrc cost of (i) removing the existing dliveway on Lot 3 frorn Black Gore Drive; (ii) installing bcrnrs arrtl landscaping from such driveway removed from Lot 3; and (iii) installing ucw .rcccss to Lr,rt 3 from the Easement Tract along the eastem boundary of Lot 3. ERWS shall construct, irritially, a gnvel roadway twcltty-two (22) feet wide on Lot 8A and Lot 8B with thc possible paviug in asphalt at a latcr datc. 3. Repair and Mainlenance. (a) Et{wS shall be solely responsible for plowing srlow onto atljacclt lots asmay be required on the hlrprovements in acconlance with the nceds of ERWS [r.lr acccss to itsProperty. Repairs atrd uraiutcnance shall bc nrade fronr time to time to thc lnrpr.ovcl)cllts asthe Easement Uscrs holding a rnajority of the percentage interests set forth bclow shall determine from time to tirrrc. Each party hereto shall be respousible for the cost ol-r.cpairirrg and maintaining the Improvcntents, othcr than the plowing and srrow rcnroval, in tlrc following proportions: Easement Owner Percentage lnterest Lot 3 Owner 2001, Lots4and5Owner 20% Lot 7 Owner z0yo Lot 88 Owncr 20% ERWS 20% (b) Easctrrent Uscrs holding at least 40% of the percentage intcrcsts sct lbr.th i1 Section 3(a) shall be entitled to call, or waive the calling of, a meeting of tlrc Eascrlclt Uscrsfor purposes of dctcrminirtg assessments uporr all the Easement Uscr.s for tltc rcpair. altl maintenance of the lrnprovemetrts, which mceting shall bc heltl in Eaglc Courrty, Coloratlo. Written notice of such rneeting, or a ballot or consent containing a waiver of nrcctilg, slall bc sent to all Easemcnt Uscrs at their addresses on record wittr thc Eaglc County Asscssor's office at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting. The dccision of thc Eascnrcut Usen holding a nrajority of tltc pcrccntagc intercsts sct forth in Scction 3(a) strall 5c biltlilg on all the Eascmcnt Uscls. (c) lf any Eascment Owner fails to pay any assessnlent within thirty (30) tlays of the meeting of thc Easenreut Users (a "Defaulting Easement Owncr"), thcn any o['thc othcr Easement Users may pay the Defaulting Easement Owner's share of the asscssurcpt. 'l'lrc Defaulting Easentcnt Owuer's share of the assessment shall accrue interest at the grcater gf eighteen percent (18%) pcr almurn or four percent (4%) higher than the prinrc latc publishctl from time to time in the Wall Street Joumal. The Defaulting Easement Owncr's asscssrrrcnt and the intcrest accrucrJ lhereon shall be secured by a lien against thc Eascnrcnt Owucr's Property. To evidence such lien, thc Easement Owner(s) entitled to such licn shall prcparc a written notice of licn sctting forth the amount owed by the Defaulting Eascrncnt Orvncr. aud the legal description ofthc Lot subject to the lien. Such notice oflien shall bc rccordc{ in thc real property records in and for Eagle County, Colorado and may be cnfolccd by forcclosurc of the lien in like manncr as a mortgage on real property, subject to the lierr of first urot.tgagcs and first dccds of trust, but supcrior to any honrcstead cxcnrption iu accordarrcc witlr tlrc provisions of Colo. l{cv. Stat. 38-41-201 et seq. (d) Each Eascnrent Owner agrees to provide, within fi{leen ( I 5) tlays of recciptof request by any other Easement owner a written.statement indicating ure arnount ol' a.yunpaid charges or asscssnlcllts duc from the requesting Easemcnt Ow'c].undcr tlrc [cr.'rs ol.this Agreement and Declaration, any cxisting defaults unrler this Agrcenrcut autl Dcclaratio'by the requesting Eascnrent owner, and any other informatiori tlccmcd propcr by tlcresponding Easemetrt owner. ln the evcnt that the Easement owner requested to pi.ovitlc suchinformation fails to do so within such fifteen (15) day period, such failure slall bc 6ccurcd conclusive evidencc that, cxcept for liens secured by a notice recorded in accordauce with tlrcprovisions of Section 3(c) of this Agreement and Declaration, no arnounts tluc undcr this Agreement and Declaration are unpaid by the requesting Easement Owncr, antl no defaults by the requesting Easemcnt owner exist under this Agreement arul Declaration. (e) Thc Eascment Users holding a majority of the percentagc irrtcrcsts dcscribctl above may form a nonprofit corporation or othcr association for purposcs ol'adrnirristcrirrg their respective rights and obligations under this Agreement and Declaration. 4. Governmental Contpliance. Thc repair and maintenaucc of the Lnprovements applicable federal, statc and local laws. construction of thc llnprovcnrctrts and tlrc shall be done in full contpliancc witlr all 5. Enforcentent of Rights. ln the event any party hereto fails to tlisclrargc its respective obligations hcreundcr, any other party hereto shall have the right to cltfolcc tlris Agreement and Declaration by an action in law or in equity (including a suit for spccific performance) without thereby waiving the right to also recover in ar action lbr danragcs arry such sums expendcd by such other party at its discretion in perfonning such obligatiols. lir the event that any party lrereto rnust institute a legal proceeding against thc othcr ;larty to enforce ils rights hcrcutrdcr, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover and thc court shall award reasonablc attorney's fees (including those incurred on appeal or whcthcr or 1ot suit bc filed) and costs from the non-prevailing party in such amounts as the court tlccnrs proper. 6. Covenants Running with the Land. All rights and obligations arising hereunder are covenallts ruturing with the land, binding upon and inuring to thc bcncfit of the respective parties and their respective successors in title. 7. Governing Latp and Venue. The laws of the State of Colorado shall govcrn this Agreement and Declaration. Any legal action instituted hersunder shall be brought in l]aglc County, Colorado. 8. Signature, Each party hereto represents and wanants that thc pcrson or pcrsons signing this Agreement and Declaration on behalf of such party is duly authorizcd to do so. Each party is hcrcby cstt4rpcd from asscrting that it or any party siguirrg bckrrv rlitl rrot lugirlly execute this Agrccmcnt and Dcclaration with all necessary or required authority. 9. No Parlncrship. Nonc of the tcnrrs and provisioms of this Agr.oclrclt apd Declaration shall be dcctrted or construcd to create a partncrship betwccn or anrong thc lrarticshereto in their respective businesses or otherwise, nor shall they causc the partics lrcr-cto to bc considered joint ventures or mcmbers of any joint enterprise. Each party to this Agrccurcrrr and Declaration shall be considered a separate entity and no party hercto shall havc tlrc riglrt t9 act as agent for any other party hereto unless expressly authorized to tlo so by writtcn instmment signed by the authorizing party. 10. Auendmcul. Exccpt as othctwisc specifically sct forth hclcin, lcit.lrcr tlris Agreement and Declaration nor ally provision may be waived, modificd, antcntlcd, dischargcd or terminated except by atr iustrumeut in writing signcd by all of the partics hcrcto arrtl recorded in thc Rcal Propcrty Rccords of Eagle County, Colorado. I l. Counterparts. This Agreernent and Declaration may bc cxccutctl i1 counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which togctlrcr- s5all constitute one aud thc sanrc instrumeltt. 12. Furlher tlssurances. Each party to this Agreenrcnt and Dcclaration to cxccutc and deliver othcr documcnts, iustrurrents and certificates which are reasonably rrcccssary to implement fully the provisions and intent of this Agreement and Dcclaration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have read and executed this Agrccnrcnt antl Declaration cffectivc as of thc clatc first abovc written. Lots4and5Owucr: Robert D. Huntcr Mark J. fuirsdcn Lot 3 Owner: Dillirtg 9' No Partncrship. None of thc terms and provisions of this Agrccrrrcrrt a'dDcclaration shall be decntccl or construcd to crcatc a partnership bctwccn or anlolg t1c 'articshereto in their respcctivc busincsscs or otherwisc, nor shall they causc thc par-tics 5cr.cto t' bcconsidered joint vclrtures or mcmbcrs of any joint enterprise. Each parly to t6is Agrccnrc't atrd Declaration shall be considcred a scparate entity and no party hercio shatt Savc tlc riglrt t.act as agent for any othcr party hereto unless expressly auihorizctl to do so by rvrittcrr instrument signed by thc authoriziug party. 10' Anrcndmenl. Exccpt as otherwisc specifically set forth lrcrctl, rrcitScr. tlis Agreement and Dcclaratioll nor ally provision nray be waived, urodificd, anrcntlctl, tlisclargcdor terminated except by an instrutncnt in writing signed by all of the purtics lrcrcto autl recorded in the Rcal Propcrty Rccords of Eagle County, Coloratlo. I l. Counterpurls. This Agrecrnent and Dcclaration nlay bc cxccutcd irr counterparts, each of wlrich shall be deemed an original and all of wlrich togctlcr. s;all constitute one aud the sanrc instrurncnt. 12. Further Assuranccs. Each party to this Agreemcnt and Dcclarutiol [o cxccutc and deliver other documcnts, instrunreuts and ccrtilicates which arc rcasouably ncccssary to implement fully thc grrovisions and intcnt of this Agrecmcnt and Dcclaratiorr. IN WTTNESS WIIEI{EOF, tlte partics havc read and executcd this Agrccnrclt arrtl Declaration cffcctivc as of thc date first abovc written. Lot 3 Owner: Richard W. Dilling lris D. Dillirrg Lots4and5Orvncr: Mark J. ArusdcnRobert D. I{untcr 9' No Partnership. None of the tenns and provisions of thrs Agrccurcrrt arrtlDeclaration shall bc dccnlcd or construerl to create a partnership betwccn or anlorrg t5c particshereto in their respectivc businesses or otherwise, nor shall they causc thc pa;tics lrcr-cto to trcconsidered joint venturcs or members of any joint enterprise. Each party to tSis Agrcc*c't and Declaration shall be considcred a separatc entity and no party hercio shall havc tlrc r1ght toact as agent for any other party hereto unlcss expressly authorized to do so by *i.itt",r instrument signed by tlrc auttrorizing party. l0' Amendnrcnl. Exccpt as otherwisc specifically sct forth lrcrcrn, ncithcr. tlris Agreement and Declaration nor any provision rnay be waived, modified, aurcrrdc4, tlisclrargctlor terminated exccpt by arr instrument in writing signetl by all of the parrrcs lcrcto altl recorded in the Real Property Records of Eagle County, Colorado. I I' Countctparts. This Agreenrcnt and Declaration nray bc cxccutcd irr counterparts, cach of which slrall be dcelucd an original and all of wlrich tggctlcr.slrall constitute one and thc sarnc iustrulnent. 12. Furtlrcr Assurances' Each party to this Agreement and Dcclaration to cxccqtc and deliver other docurncnts, instruments and certificates which are reasonably rrcccssary to implement fully the provisions and intent of this Agreement and Declaration. IN WITNESS WI III{DOF, thc partics ltavc rcad and cxccutcd tlris Aglcclrclt 11tl Declaration effectivc as of the datc first abovc written. Lot 3 Owner: Richard W. Dilling Lots4and5Orvncr: Iris D. Dilling Robert D. lluntcr A & G DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS By: AMS Dcvclopnrcnt, lnc., gcncral partncr By: Grcgory M. Anrsdcn, president Lot 7 Owner: NOVASTAR MOITTGAGE. INC. By; Name: Title: Lot 8A Orvlrer: Scott W. Soden Lot 8B Orvncr: Walter Huttucr EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT Title: Catherine M. Flagerty Barbara Huttncr By: ROBERT A. RYMER ]'I{US'I' Robcrt A. Ry(icr,'l' A & G DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS By: AMS Development, Inc., general partner By: Gregory M. Amsdcn, president Lot 7 Owner: NOVASTAR MORTGAGE. INC. By: Name: Title: Lot 8A Owner: Scott W. Soden Lot 8B Owner: o ROBERT A. RYMI]R'I]{TJS]' Robert A. Ryrncr, Tt.uslcc Marilyn R. Rynrer,'l'r.ustcc By: By: U!l,c SJrD.-. Walter Huttner EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATTON DISTRICT Title: By: Catherine M. Hagcrty A & G DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS By: AMS Devclopnrent, lnc., general partner By: Gregory M. Aursden, president Lot 7 Owner: NOVASTAR MOI{TCAGE. INC. By: Name: Title: Lot 8A Owner: Scott W. Sodcn Lot 88 Owner: Walter Huttner EAGLERIVER WATER & SANITATION By: 0 \ennis ROBERT A. RYMEIT'I'I{US1' By: Robert A. Rymer,'l'rustcc By: Marilyn R. Rymcr,'frustcc Catherinc M. tlagcrty Barbara Huttner DISTRICT TiIle: Ccene- couNry or--fid..--]"' 0 Witness my hand and olficial seal. The foregoing i'strumcnt as acknowledgcd before nre ttris I1999, by Richard W. Dilling. ..rN O,&lrtr My commission expires: tLly commlsslsn crpkes 04/13/2002 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF The foregoing instruutcrrt as acknowledged*p 1999, by Iris D. Dilling. Witncss my hand ancl olficial scal. STATEOFCOLOR^DO I I SS.COUNTYOF ) The foregoing instrumcnt as acknowledgcd before mc this 1999, by Robert D. Huntcr. Witness nry hand and official seal. My commission cxpircs: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. ) l$fl S6$l'jg?rre Road wosr day ol Notary Public Notary Public STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. cor.JNTY OF____J The forcgoing instruntent as acknowledged before me this 1999, by Richard W. Dilling. Witncss ury hand and official scal. My commission expircs: Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF The foregoing instruntcnt as acknowledged before mc this 1999, by Iris D. Dillirrg. Witness my hand and official scal. My commission cxpircs: Notary Public STATE OF COLOI{ADO ) couNTY or Douat+- iss' day ol' ) ) ss. ) day of The foregoing instrument as acknowlcdged before me this J/ ,lo 1999, by Robert D. Huntcr. Witness nry hand and of{icial seal. My commissi onexpircs: /- ft- o) L -.a )ss. couNrY o{a*{uY The forcgoing i'srrunrcnt as ack'owretrged before ne trri"ffi I(;" .Sq_/tafur1999, by Robert Ryrner as Trustcc of the Robert A. Rymer Trust. Milvqr,' STATE OFffNfiSfrT ) Witness nty hand and official seal. ion"^pir"r'-fq t srArE o. #iffi4 couNry or{attg"4: The forcgoing instrunrcnr as acknowlcdgccl before rnc tt,iq{{fr y rt' Se/kArl./- by Marilyn Rynrcr as Tnrstcc of thc Robcrt A. Rvmer Trust. |Vitncss nry hand and official scal. ission cxpircsJ Nctary h.6lic - Notary Soal State ol Misoouri The foregoing instrunrent as ackuowledged before me this 1999, by Mark J. Anrsdcrr. Witness nry lrand and oflicial seal. My commission cxpircs: ^'."g,miffifu*"ur""'#Hi,,1"#'.1?i:Si.,",iffl i6* STATE OF WASI"ilNG'ION ) ) ss. COUNTYOF ) Commissionod in Jackson County My Commission Expires July 1O, 2000 tlay o l' qPKtr'r^ lnJ\ ffio /1trRY C+" My r *Cc6.s 3n, ro") Notary Public rre f*"q l;"s Notarv l'ublic STATE OF KANSAS ) ) ss. COUNTY OF____J The foregoing instruutcnt as acknowledged before me this _duy ol. ___., .1999, by Robert Rymer as Trustce of the Robert A. Rymer Trust. Witncss rny lund and oflicial scal. My commission expircs: Notary Public STATE OF KANSAS COUNTY OF ) ) ss. ) The foregoing instruntent as acknowledged before me this 1999, by Marilyr Rymer as Trustee of the Robert A. Rymer Trust. Witncss nty hand aud official seal. My commission cxpircs: Notary Public day o[ 0H ro STATE OF WASFTTiS#N ) couNrY orf;fin.Kll-n-i " :d before me this fr* *WnL( 1999, by Mark J. Amsdcu. Witncss nry hand and official seal. JANICE M. TOTH My comm i ssion "* p ifigtfffift ft ffi#ll$ilF STATEOFCOLORADO I ) ss. CoLJNTY OF_________J The foregoing instrunrcnt as acknowledged before me this by Gregory M. Amsden, Prcsident of AMS Development, lnc] Development Partners, a Colorado general partnership. day ot'---_, 199(r, gencral partncr ol'A .t G Witness my hancl and official seal. My commission expircs: Notary Public STATE OF KANSAS ) ) ss. COIJNTY OF-_---_--J The foregoing instrumcnt as acknowledged before me this tlay o f 1999, by of NovaStar Mortgagc, Inc., a Kansas corporation. Witness nry hand and official seal. My commission cxpircs: Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO COTJNTY OF ) ) ss. ) The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me this 1999, by Scott W. Soden. Witness nrv hantl and official seal. day ol' My commission cxpircs: Notary Public STATE OF COLOI{ADO I , ss.COUNTYOF ) The foregoing irrstrunrcnt as ackuowledged bcforc me tltis 1999, by Katherinc M. Hagcrty. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission cxpircs: Notary Public Witness my hand and official seal. STATEOFCOLORADO ) c a ) ss. COUNTY OF Cc..,zr(-o ; The forcgoi'g i'strunrent as ack'owrctlged betore'rc this [. ouy ,r' (\._[. [q , 1999, by Walter Fluttncr. day o[' . - fuy commission Expires O4nilg|lftiMy commlsslon expircs: +::iY'... STATE OF COLORADO )',,.,. , ' ) ss.{. tlCOUNTYOF (1-1.-4.-r., The foregoing irrstruurcnt as acknowlcdged before me this 1999, by Barbara Huttncr. Witncss nry hand and ofhcial scal. My commission expircs:MY Commission ExPires 04/13/2002 B uuy ol.,,Q-rlt!:r' ., fff$i4l,f#seRoadwes, Notary Public Wcsi-;, ,ljf 8Eu'8rtglo,se noad wos, STATEOFCOLORADO ) * ' )ss' COLTNTY OF l:q"i f e )-------------- t )rne roregolng ilrstruurcnlias acknowledged before me this 27+4dav ol.5r 1999, by U eani. 6el u'i\ , as the=1f,1,-r .--rl nnliif iaut" lr, *h1.:-*:' :: *-, "'21'li'1q' actnol l{seoJe fore me rh i s !l +4 d ay u r' I, lq&$5r-alt".!."-& & Sanitation District. Witness my hand and official seal. Mycommissionexpircs: ,r O -/b-2oa o Cct,4 crtl 7la.tg.af Eaglc l{ivcr- Watcr IU EXIIIBIT A RI'AL PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS Richard W. Dilling anrl lris D. Dilling PO Box 1450 Vail, Colorado 91658 Lot 3, lllock I, Cor.c Crcck Subdivision according to thc plat thcrcol, County ol'[aglc, State of Coloratlo. Robert D. Huntcr as to au undivided 40yo interest, Robert A. Rymcr Trust as to an undivided 33% interest, A & G Dcvclopnrcnt Partncrs, a Colorado general partnership as to an undividcd 20Zo intercst and Mark J. Amsden as to an undividcd 7olo interest c/o Greg Amsdcn, 500 S. Frontage Road East, Suite I 12, Vail, CO. 81657 Lot 4 and 5, lllock l, Corc Crcek Subdivisiou accor.dirrg to the plat thclcol', Ccrunty ol' Eaglc, Statc of ('ol<_rlatlo. NovaStar Mortgagc, Inc. 1900 West 47'r' Placc Westwood. KS. 66205 Lot 7, lltock l, Corc ('rcck Subdivision accoltlirrg to tltc plat thcrcol, Courrty ol' liaglc, Statc of Colorado. Scott W. Soden and Cathcrine M. Hagerty 773 Adams Strcct Denvcr, CO. 80206 Lot 8A, Block l. Golc Cr.cck Subdivision accorcling to thc plat tltcrcof, County of l-aglc. State of Cololatlo. Walter Huttner and Barbara lluttner 1409 South Ulstcr Strcct Denver, Colorado 8023l Lot 88, Block l. Colc Crcck Subdivision accortlirrg to thc plat tlrcrcol, County ol' tiaglc, State of Coloratlo. Eagle Rivcr Watcr aud Sanitatiou District 846 Forcst Road Vail, CO. 81657 lt EXHIBIT B EASEMENTTRACT l2 U ry I I \ s lol \ I t\ i-'\l/- _ .. _ --:--:-_ rear o81 OZr o 09 o 09 Y rlSwd s lol s'llf,uYd I lo'l ---J--J-___b4///c/* | a+Do ,0u uu,o"s gi'i1,,;: ili";-i3lr"ll13i,-i:3,:;J:fil":;larJDd ptos Jo autl ^lJa+soa aq+ 6uo1o ,a:uaq+ tV la)Jod ptos JoJauJor +sDaqlJou aq+ o+ +aal 00.9e 7,et,6E.EBN ,aut1 {1.,raq1.rouptDs 6uolo ,aluaql tV larJod pros 1o 5uii Af .raql.rou aq+ o++aal Ig'.96 ll,Bl,0e.t0N 'V larJod ptDs Jo aurl IlJa+soa aq+ qllr 1a11o.rod aull D 6uo1o puo au11 ,(1.laq1nos ptos 6utl.rodap ,af,uaql ^ t+aal 06's? rl,ls,60.6LN 'v lalJDd pt\)s Jo aul1 rlJaq+nos aq+ouolD'aruaq+ .V latJod ptDs Jo JauJol +soaq+nos aq+ +D 6utuutOag srol loJ so paqtJfsap , JapJofadpuo {JalJ 'opoJolo3 .I+uno3 a10o3 aq1 Jo aftJ.ro aql ut papJolaJ JoaJaql dou aq1 o1 outp.rorro ,uotst^tpqns {aaJJ aJog ,t 4rolg'B +o'l Jo uotst^tpqnsad v ,+Dld IDUrJ ,v lalJod io 1.rod 10ql PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Thot port of Lot 3, Btock l, Gore Creek Subdlvtston, occondtng to 11." $p thereof recorded ln Book ?16, poge l9t rn tfie-oiF'r Ie oethe.Eogte County, Colorodo, Cterk ond Reiorder, descrrbed osfol lors: legtnntng of the northeost corner oF sold Lot 3, thence, qtongthe.eosterty ttne of sord Lot 3, S10.43,46,E 93.13 feei'to'ttresoutheqst corner oF soqd Lot 3, thence, otong the southeniy tineof sqld Lot 3, S89'04'36'y 5,70 Feett thencei deporttng soidsoutherly ttne, 27.34 Feet olong the.orc oF o curve to"the righthovtng o rodtus of 6?.50 feet, o centrol ongle of e5.03,35,,ond o chord thot beqrs N23'15'34,V 27,lZ feett thenceNl0'43'46'11 54,69 Feet to the nontheriy trne of sord Lot 3rthence, otong the nontherty !1ne of sold Lot 3, 11,55 feet otongthe qrc of o curve to the teft hovtng o rodtus oF ll3,17 feet, ocentroI ongle of 5'50'47' ond o chord thot beors N74.19,17,E11,54 Feet to the Potnt 0f Begtnntng, contotntng 890 squone feet,nore or tess. -E:Ston Hogfe Cotorodo P,L.S, e6598 n"+e, ---?/zV1-z o 60 r20 180 feet \ \ 1 t-oTr \ \ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Thot port of Lot 4, Block l, Gore creek Subdrvrsion, occording to 1!.," lop thereof necorded tn Book ?16, poge l9l in ttre "iF'r ce orthe.Eogte County, Cotorodo, Clerk ond Reiorder, Uesc.rfeU'i,fo I Iows r legtnnlng of the northwest corner of sotd Lot 4, thence, olongthe northerly ttne of sotd Lot 4, 13,78 feet olong the ori op ocunve to the left, hovtng o nodtus of ll3.17 feeti o centrorongle of 6'58'33', ond o chond thot beors N67.53'45,E 13,7iFeett thence, .deporttng sold northerly I Ine, Sl0.43,qe;i Sg.qOfeet, thence 40,91 fge!^otong the onc'oF o curve to tfre-teit,hovlng o rodtus of 37,50 feet, o centrot ongte of 6a.30,4e;,ond o chord thot beors s41'59'09'E 39.9e reEt to the southertyIlne of sotd Lot 4, thence the fottorrng two courses oiono-tr,.goutlerty ond westerty ttnes of sord LoI 4r (l) S89.04,347y34.19 feetl (2) Nl0'43'46,V 83.13 feet to the potnt 0FBeglnning, contotn ing 13l2 squone feet, mone or Iess, A--z--+1< Ston HogFe,tdt- Cotorodo P,L,S, a6598 n"te, ----/t/zz I.OI J II \ \ \ 60 t20 =-Ft--1.=--=::=:- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Thot port of Lot 7, Btock l, 6one Creek Subdlvtsion, occording tothe nop thereof recorded tn Book 216, poge l9l In the oFFrce oFthe.Eogle County, Co lonodo, Cterk ond Reiorden, descrtbe<l osfo I I ous r BeglnnIng ot.o pornt o1 the northerty tIne of sord Lot 7, w.encethe southeost cornen of Lot 3, sotd btock l, Gore Creek'Subdlvtston, beors N89.04,36,E 5,70 feetl thence, otono sotdnortherty tine of Lot 7, N89'04,36,E 39.89 Feetl tfrencel - deportlng soid northerty ttne, 11.57 feet olong the qrc'of ocurve to the teft, hovtng o rodtus oF 37,50 feit, o centrqt ongteof 17'40'5?', ond o chord thot beors SBe.04,5B'E 11,53 feetlthence N89'04'36'E 16,71 feetl thence 29,39 feet otong the orcof o curve to the rtght, hovlng o rodtus of 62,50 feei, o centrotgngle of 26'56'?4', ond o chord thqt beqrs 577.?7'L?,t'A9,1?feet to the southeotlqtlv trne of sord Lot 7l thence, oiong sordsoutheosterty ttne, S43'45'38,U ?7,?? feetJ thence, deport)ngsold southeosterly trne, 9.27 feet otong the o". oF o turve tollg^lqllt hovt.ng o rqdtus oF 37,50 feet, o centrol ongte oF14'09'?6', ond o chord thot beors N83.50'4l,ll 9,24 feit;thence SB9'04'36'V 16,71 feetl thence 60,14 feet otong ihe orcof o curve to the ntght, hovtng o rqdtus oF 62,50 feei, o centrolongte of 55'08'03', ond o chond thot beors N63.el,e3,V 57.85feet to the Pornt 0F Begrnning, contornrng lB53 squore Feet, noreon tess, Do,te,----#2 60 120 ,|80 Feet Colorodo P,L,S, e559S - 'PRopEnrv DEscRlpt o I{jN Thot. port,of Porcet B, Flnql ptot, A Resubdtvtsron of Lot g,Btock l, Gore creek Subdtvrsron, occordrng to the mop t[".ourrecorded In the offrce of the Eog(e count!, coto"oJoi ii""L ",,oRecorder, descrtbed os fotlowsr ' feglnntng.qt the eost corner of porcets A ond B of sotd Lot B, I!"1!",^ o(ong the southenty trne of sotd porcel f, SeS;:g;ia,Vc5.U0 feet, thence, deporttng sotd southerly ltne, N04.a0,lB,V22.05 feett thence 47,40 feet olong the orc-of o cunve io tne[eft, hovlng o rodtus of 37.50 feet, o centrot onote oF7?'?5'40', ond o chord thot beors N40.33,08,V q+,5t feet tothe.northwesterty ttne of sold Porcel Bt thence, olong sotJnorthresterly. t Ine, N43'45'38'E ?7,2? feetl thence, diporttngsold northwesterty ttnel 65,06 feet olong the orc of o'curve tothe rlght, hoving o rodlus of 6?.50 feet, o centrol onole oF59'38'42', ond o chord thot beons S34.09,39,E 6a. te feEt to |he eo{91!y.1ilg of sqrd porcet Br thence, -otong sord eosiertyllne, 504'?0'lB'E 22.05 feet to the potnt 0F BeglnnrnS,---contoln tng 1955 squore feet, more or less, --#-r4)h__Ston HogFeld*zz Cotorodo P.L.S. ?6598 D"t.' ---"/-24e LOT A PARCEL B Lot 8 PARCTL A l?o il + R 60 IBO Feet ()ozU'{FFo{6z T FTF =-{ --- d mESr-'.h EI<X :tHi al9s 1lri glli sl=l i3=.o<Tqd3 *,*ct>e =Eii= 'n !m! - 'Tt 'Il.Or 2.3 Q@z26oz. =mo.? 2 2pp= AT! d6u 2enz>mon-t>Or-u (_ z =IT c)A,-0,('Q (D oo c+ Rf,uiao>'1- o.J o c)-o(DF a.t z 3 m F o 0.r -5o = =it 11 U' =o U\ tr, (Dx 9JIt o tu c') o) !F 5 or I l-rto l€ lzlo rnt<l> lFItlm lri) 16 ! --l Cp = t< l= |m la L 5\lo) Is@ N) 1\) ! ! (D (D q, ='5.5 (D5 l- mU' -9 G) (f,)\Jo - ,l, c)o ol v *l: li l6 I l-.1|o t€ lzlollt> lFt,tm lF, 9. =trqFirl=qYc)=ti= FP"t- !EE trtrtr c]ztqmtlr loloItl<lot'n !ma { Io @ mxm 1J{ oz Lo @ @ -{m z ct- =oz loz r't m NFx{6TEi;>'rzo?9226i !Y oz m 9. z N A mzm f- m - =z rt = x ld li t8 ls l3 t--{m { 6z =z t- m!td 0ro- E3doE-d 6 R.gsiel=- Ygr O'<!{ 1F.* o =J-.O ot =*-o=-ro=Af,fDE;5 Q B.argBaFi O -q, e- d€E Er!F== -3 +ii a 9.6o 1-roo<.:5-r= 65(D€L0 3eB odr=< =JF=silq o-l o.x o ? g.ii;6;x+.s;9 398o tti !.696o --- qt{ U' It ct o cr =o. =.<t, at o d 0) o 4 (o o -to{ .ti No ='(o ofo. v, oo. E: 2.o oo.(DI o.oL(o o s. (D{ D E o o 3 @ =s (o ooo.o ot o ntrb\--r. r'b\a'(\s:.\>Nc\q\-rJ /rl,/\ ' - i'\ .{ '\{rtJ' ==omt-'n z'6)lo:atlII QI l-l I I I I I I I ol>: ml r'{ B e Frl PF5 I I I Fp Pto F]F z = =vr. t m 2.p Q@ =9f-FO92l.ofiz€o-{ 80 QtI elto,>to dt5-lool<<t(Dq,lo Jl lq, lt I Pt- I {o-{ t-Tm1 =-!'Tl mmat m m znmm mn =-{ 'Tl mmq) cg /r{ tmv3 -{ =o c)OP(.o (D tr s\.q L Cll -t I @mIal-o.i-El-{ l+ otI<: flt )l alm: 6l9n 1 lli 9.lml clliq If-1 m=l-r c 5acIJ o.< dE;9iioct>l =E;fi=o'n m =-i <I@ tn== ,'\ .'\ e8"',r trnD trDD ooz CN{Fco{oz Tm7 ={ -r'l !Or- z= 2=ooz c)zlqmil I o o-Tt an mft =-{ -lo ID mxm -.t oz o 2I m m i € l-t- -l m T o zm r-c m omzm ,t- '.m 'o =--{ YoSz2 -nz € .x :iHe EaCiP<-;-f -o '=< P {r-o{ I6- l=i*e' P51;: i5i.s-sdsigi.\X X o.o oo:9- ^. - *(D J56E.+a'o*96s = -'o o)Eqeg=il iis le6;-Y g = d IgaE a.iisE il3p.01 -{ o -: ='c 3 FgF= f,aet; oYfcj *8 i d* 4$u a = s;3qs9u9P= VALUATION Tmn =zo = @ lati 0 rlr/- @ ror -T q- c' qt 3o o' oo 3 3Ea # lg$ lg=...! tgfril=4 =PF;{m= i3E FF6r trn! -rlJm (D c+ 'TI(+O(Dl- -.1- +)=-5 '<o= =6) C) Fio Lr, o.-:z.om l-t-l>ovrrn(/t cfoo'Yt ^O-r. 7p--n 'Tlg, Fr El-.EHrz J' G)c)oEqm -F(D= oo =qE=:fi o =fto z ooz{D o -lo o 9p SEg6 oo2a-lmFZ>mc):D-t>orv nc) =mo.-l (-oc'z m E F li l3 lito E t; It o-t E|- nn.-lifr 1r_rl_JL_t _.q 5xr # €>= 't F:;*g- #9.-!.-m!<l {lllo | ! | o r.,' lg#mI = iiiil I ;ruig; ll€f il5 ilql llo-l ll=l EIotiflo ilitl llill ll;ll iljil o{m|--2o z vt I I I I oo J z =-tut I II I rm 6I 2.t :{ I I I z !!ft! o,nvt oxz l... z U' t- oz .i-o |n J €-o H-l { m o ) 0 n x>< FF s;hE es ffis*d FN;= F'uu P Im sl il, vl; z i m €zm! {o € u; '(o o at (ot \ an 6z -t m o'rl o€zml iB=g'-r + i'ii- 6 =,o -.o -o o'- E;F'< =--:sg oo- =< *{o- =?&;foro ^(rt-.YrJ sEq !r ='5fci9l ff;g iqE(,(D=.{cdd --o gffi 'Fl/ifr tu, FJ i=ift -{o{ t-Tmn =-t.Tt mmv, <tm -{ x ol-Itl 4c tn o.2 lr lg lE l; 3l" =m 2o a- ! zo ant-tto{ o t- ! z' C) m x l5l VALUATION 3mo 2o IPIF l=ls tstF-r ffi ]-i z >< c{ u}:c{(, =o(A -+t vr oc+O == o(DOc+ =(D-JOo-clo(D€ (D=x(aEUI 9r r. =-n -.r. Oo '-n N) ls K, uj I tb,$ so b l! 0 \, IIN lYt t lo I!4,I h.,h [' o, F N Y Nql \, 1 =I'nmmu, (i ,li *.r| ITNPERM DATE 'i:f CT JOB PROJE ' !- '' OFR NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES rxun - fii"MON ? WED -*,-'z'--::::i2,.*t s-- AM PM .' \ i'' , t' t i'"-. | /..- - t.,L ,'.Li ,, APPROVED .,. CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr o cl tr UIiBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING q ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r'l tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR tffil DATE fpn'th clcvetion AG c\crratlovr eaufh e\cvctioYt utcot oFvation Project Appllcation O"," \-----f Proiect Name: Proiect Desctipttont Conlact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL -.-r' - |/tr \l brffiffi; oProfect Appllcation Proiect Name: --&.t Project DecbCpficnrl--j--j-- contacfPeildn Lnd Phdhe - '." Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Block Filing Comments: Design Review Board /iDate 6/ t7 i :"' '// Motion by: i it . ,rrll.t,,i., Seconded by: ..APPROVAL.)\-...-............OISAPPROVAL ,-l t*,-\. Town Planner E statt Approval LIST OF MATERIALS MME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P 3:bolirliaion ll <io{es. The following information is_required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther tlalI Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows t,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs .. Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designeri Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani'cal Name Cormon Name Quani ty Si ze* Sfil,li$rfEEs r0 Na axiatir,g*rceca--rcritl *- ve-sot ed. Nnve. *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indjcate he'i ght for conifers. o Botanical Name Comrnon Name O Quani ty Si zePLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING..SHRUBS No exi<,tilg AhnAa=z_llrriL\ be, reWap{. TO BE REMOVED Type GROUND COVERS Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF I RRI GATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. 14l t OF PROJECT t INSPECTION TOWN OF PERMIT REOUESTVAIL II. NUMBER ,,,1r, DATE /", o l, i t,,'JOB NAME MON i" INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR i FRt i''.READY FOR LOCATION::(r I WED i1..'p *eeaoveo - CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING:PLUiIBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER T] HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trFl tr FINAL m DATE INSPECTOR 75 south fronlage road vall, colorado E1657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce of communlly developmenl .BUTLDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE If thi.s. permi.t requires a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval ,Engineelts. (.fub1 ic Wot"ks) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department review 9q Hea'l th Department review, and a review by the Building Departnent, the esti.mated time for a total review may take as long as three weel(s:. All conuerci'al (large or small) and all multi-fami'ly permits will have te follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and smql 1 projects should take a lesser amount of tjme. However, if resi.denti.al or smaller projects inpact the various above mentioned departments'with regard to neces'sary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be rnde by this department to expedite thjs permi't as. s.gon as poss'ible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. '2- Date Work Sheet was turned into the Commun'i ty Devel opment Department. (JOB NO,DA.TE CUSTOMER PROJECT SUBJECT: -'- : -- ----" ''--':i "" ^ "-t---'-' l I 11\l L .,oB No. u'-,, 8/t7/84 ev €, P, //N cusror\4Eg D/CK P/llhVG pRoJEcr !-ti,:.:?c: _Z11UQ_ _62KAq.{_-_6 eourvD LA fAAf t\ ..-s _\s ^\*\{$ \9 = N!1 PAGE PROJECT_, )rsuBJEtt --ru- DATE V 3 pjrl/D D! Ay'/ SECOND FLOO.q:)o, 3PAGE€P/ 'pq6:as7. GA?4o€ l.e c\l +.-.--- : l-'*'+q- '' -:'-. a- -. --" !!i: ;--'-'" \j . ... .- . . .._. .. .. .: .i,l_.,_.- \:a\l \,,'t{j tr, I \.,.1.4! \';-.i I .. l I I .,1 I I I..,.|, ?: ?, E'- 1" O PEc -6- 8/13/84 housing restrictions related to the 4 units on the top floor of the hotel. 2) Final-izing and recording of the encroachment agreement reghrdilg th; fi;eil;Juia-iu"6ngstructure onto Town of Vail right:of-way,. 3) Appropriate linguage witfrin the'iovenintsaddressing owners'. use restrictions tor ihe'aclbmmbdation uniis"inl iii""q-ineiiingunits proposed to be restrictgd, a!{ 4)_Complgtion, to the satisfaction of the CofrmunityDevelopment Department, of all applica6le bLi'taing-and fire code related idil.- After some discussion, Rapson moved and Viele seconded to approve the request per 10. I regugst,Jcr 3mino in order to realign the lot lines of Lot 6, (See motion for tabling following item 11.) Applicants for items l0 and 1l requested tabling to the. ihe vote next meeting. Donovan moved was 5-0 in favoil-- that perhapl !hg.ggtuge could be.designed to be wide rathei th;;-de;;."-Fti.isuggested that Dilling explore additional options. and Patten stated'that the 12. A uest f in order to construct a eonLot3 Bl oc re Cree Peter Pa recormended denial of the request becausei! ltrll:l-llat.ffrerg were.severar othei tit;ea d_!h; roi wiiire-ir'"-i."ii.-.orrabe constructed without settins a variance.' Dick oitiing,-itl ipirili.i, iiit"al" I:'!t any.other place-on the property would b'lock an iiarhent'be'tow ine miindwelllng unit. He was asked wh.y the qaraoe needed to be so laroe- And ancworarldwelling unit. He'was asked why garage needed to be so large, and answerediisE.' it-*i.-lriri.'t.aaL^r ^^.^L--^ !L Pierce abstai-Tng. suggested that Di tould be wiI'linc additional options, and Patten stated'that the staff I91t9 bl willins to^work with him to find a'solution. Diliing asked to iaUre iJthe next meeting. Rapson moved and viete ieionaea-io tibie: -f!" "glg_!q$.q. uest f or alterations and for a condi tional use permit for thetzmark Lodqe ! oryLer to develo rc a I sDace so oft ea wrtn a swimm en aDove rci alspace.tzmark L that cant not remonstrate aqainst a rovemen stri ct seconded to a erce moved a App Tom Braun. explained changes made to the proposal since the previous meeting. Thegylrlllg had.been pulled back 3 to 4 feet, h planter added,'ana piper,-ite"irctritect L:Llhi:^?loject,.showed photos indicating whbre the overhead una Entranl; ;;il;yyrll-tlgi".!:_, l!gI." wondered iI lte roin had plans to_ put priniins-iii;h;-;;y g preienf"pi;;.- : " Pierce pointed out that-this side of the street wai very hot ahd shade'tiees wouldhelp.immensely. Bob Fritch, the applicini aia noi title-ttre conaition-ilrii-rre"woura tlgTjt:_lol_to remonstrate.against in improvement district. After discusiion,.'Fi""."ed and Rapson seco to approve the'exterior alteration per the staft re6offienil-ation rear setback variani vision. abstaini ng. The me€ting adjourned at 5:30 pm. was 4 in favoi with Pi pei I ess te cov uest that a le uld not be square footage The vote was 4 could have been in favor with I (piper) against. achieved without increasing the P'iper felt the same improvements number of units. Qr, -u- 8/13/84 rki n no variances were sted and the thent be edsot ers wou that any addit onal 5 cument mentiotrights of st to in and request additionalcould not be taken i ndi vi dual s away. ) 7. 0n Lot for exterior alterations in Commercial Core I for the Hilt Buildi space.pplicant:BI anc ngtoa sec0 o0r res ent ia Viele mov and Ra son seconded gT be rove t qest with the condition that alltems o concern listed by priE address vote was 5-0 in favor. uest for accormodati on unit condominium conversions for the Phase I Ionofftott Mar sort at st Ltonshea rc te, specialqpment District 7.pl icant: l'l-orporati on uest for accommodation unit condomi n i um conyersion of the Vail Athleticat 3s2 East Teadoil-DFive.p I i cant:alt utu Kristan Pritz presented the request explaining that it was in compliance with theintent of the zoning.for the cci-iiili:.t, iia-"iih'inl-u.ban Design Guide ptanand Design consideritions. rne-itiii'reconrnendatio; ;;; io" upp"ouir wi*r-+ eigineeringconcerns to be resolved.before a building pgryit wouto ue issueo. The issuesinclude: l' Drainage will be-insii; ;i ruiioing, i.'irirun.".of an improvement survey,3. issuance of a r6vocaure righi-oi-iiv_p"-it-ror exiiiing improvement in theright-of-wav' and 4...the.encr6achment 6f"".iii-.""i.r,.rsi";ljlt be resolved by anagreement 'letter of the adjacent p"operty owner. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, stated that an interior drain would be installedand he talked a i ittle auout irre-Fi.i-il'ut the Town or vait did not p.low this area,but that VA and Hiil Buitdins o*n."i-aid. Pierce suggested turning the roof 45". Donovan didn,t like .losing the views, piperpojnted out that oiven.ihe aireitton irom the council-concirning these views, hehad no problem wiih ttr.is conc""n. 8. 9. Jay Peterson' representing the applicant,,requested to table.thi.s. item indefinitely.. Thevotre was b-0 in favor of tabl inq. - l:!:.1-Pl!!:n explained that this condominiumization was to further divide the condo-mrnlum conversion oroposar approved lait.year !v.t1e iic ov converting each accommo_dation unit within'th; vail.nihi"ii.'ciru Hot.r-into conooiliniums. He discussec4 conditions of approvar which j;;i;d;;;- i.. --r;nuii.i;;-ild recordins the emp.royee TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: Planning and Environmental Comnission Corrnun'ity Development Department August 8, l9B4 Request for a l0 foot rear setback construction of a garage on Lot 3, Appl i cant: Ri chard Di 1 'l i ng variance to allow the Block I, Gore Creek Subdivision DESCRIPTION OF VARiANCE REQUESTED The applicant is requesting a rear setback variance to allow him to constructa 30 foot by 24 foot garage on the rear of his property. He feels the varianceis needed in order to locate the garage in the most acceptable position onthe lot so that the garage does not impact the existing house ih terms of blockingthe main entry way into the house and the views from the house. (see attachedsite plan). The applicant wishes to go to within five feet of the propertyline.which represents a l0 foot relief from the l5 foot setback reqirirbmeniin the residential zone district. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS review of Criteria Fi ndi nqs ection '18.62.060 of the Municipal Code o recommends denial of the reques varl ance owi n actors: Th9 lglationshiq of, the_rgqyested variance to other exist'ing or potential uses ano srrucEures tn the vicinjty. 4***.q, a!". *age would impact lot 7 more than any other property. Lot 7_ is owned by Richard and Nancy Caplan and no feedback has been-reteivld from them regarding the proposal. The residence on Lot 7 is located up the hill awa{-from the cormon lot line. However, they have recently contatted the planningstaff regard'i ng the construction of a garage for their loCin the same vacinityas the Dilling proposal. The de to which rel ief from strict or a ied re at s eatmen amon sites in the v ewl ut qrant ot sDec at pr litera'l inte retati on and enforcement sary to ac eve compat tva un ormi t ectrt ves o o dt t The staff does not feel a variance for the 'location of a garage on this lotis necessary. The.'lot is of substantial size ('11,053 sq it) witn a modest two-story house existing on the property. tle ieel there is plenty of viablealternatives for the construction of a ieasonable size garagi: (nole the proposalis for a 30 foot deep.garage) on this property. It app6ars-to us that the '---' app'licant has designed.and.p'lggeq the iroiosei garage in a manner convenientto him without regard to the l5 foot sbtback relulalion. with this in mind, f tins -2- 8/8/84 we feel that the lot.lacks the.presence of a physical hardship which would neces-sitate a setback variance of thb nature being'rLquiiteJ." -- rans ffect of csa 0n an ra ues variance on liqht and air. d stribution of ul ation,c tac es ano utt lities. a No impact upon these factors would occur if the variance were granted. the commission deems applicable to the proposedvar't ance. FINDINGS f!!,_ll9nn!nQ ald EnYironmental cornmission shatl make the toltowinq findinqs uefor"granting a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a_grant of special privilegeinconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the qrantinq of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health,safety, oi we] faie, or materlaiiy injrriort to properties or improvements in thevicinity. i That the variance is wamanted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal-interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulationwgyJd.result in.practical difriculty or unnecessary physicar irarosnip iniontiit"ntwith the objectives of this title. - There.are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicab'le tothe site of the variance that do not appty genJrJiiv-io-oit"" pr"p"'"it.i-in-tn"same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regu'l ationwould deprive the applicani of privileges enioyed uy-in.'o*n.rs of other propertiesin the same district.' STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The.community Development Department recommends denial of the requested variancein that we feel the applicant has not shown ttr" ip"iiii-inilo" unique circumstanceson the propertv which would necessitate granting i vartanie'r"om ifre-seifiir-..ijrtationsfor the residential zone district. ihJ ga"ug" iould be reJucea in size and relocatedon the propertv in such a manner that no set6ack varian."-*ouia 6i'".iri"lii.'"'" LOT:j-E LCq;?i' t Gorze cPEEr4, su::DlvrgloN TOWN OF VATL EAGL€COUNTY, c,OLotraDo. n],t At2Bo4'l'B:c^n L-EG.A2 \ \ ,\ .717"1ed ' fir4/. + F 9 $j" \ . r-----l eA.rGt-'lzNT s8q -=s'r^, l4z.oo' LOT 7 I,.IfILLIA:'I E. AR:IFTELD, EEIi:C A REGISTDREI' LAiID SURVEYORlI ruE stiITE OF COLORADO. DO llERESy CliRtIFy TitAT A SURVEyuAs itADE Bt i.rE AitD UIDER }ty SUPLRVISTO|,T OF LOT 3, OLOCL t, GORa CnUEI( SUSITMSIO:t. roUN oF VrlIL, C0UtiTy or e,lclE, sTATE 0F coLoRADo, A:iD FOUITD TllE TlfO STOny FRAi{C irurt Dl:tc TO BE LOCATED AS SIIOIIN O:I TITIS PLAT. TiI}: LOCATIO:I ANU DI:lD:iSIOi{S OF ALL BUILDIitcs, ntpRov[:.tu:iT s , EAsu]tExts ANll rtIGilTs oF tfAY tN EvIDEitcU OR li:iOlrit 10 ttti AitD a ENC RO.\C ili.tEitTS itY Oil oN TltE !REi|lstis ARU AccuR,\TELysiloult ro TltE BEST oE ltl KIOITLEDCU AitD rELlUr. vd %l.El l'.2d I FouN9 PtN L.3.5933 $\5{i} '" r+g'74"" ort*. F*e. l, l?za TO BE TABLED e1ning and Environmenta'l connnissf -. August 13, 1984 ll:00 a.m. site visits and work session on vail woods (Highland park) '12;30 p.m. Public Hearing'1. Approval of minutes of July 23 meeting. 2- Request for a setback variance and a concurrent density controlvariance in order to enclose an existing first floor dlck area withglass on unit 12, vai'l Rowhouses at 303 East Gore creek Drive.Applicant: Robert Galvin 3. A request for side and front setback variances to construct a garageand to enclose an area underneath a deck on Lot 12, Block l, v;ii "- Vi1'lage 6th Filing. Applicant: Richard Heller 4. Request for exterior alterations and for a conditiona'l use permitfor the sitzmark Lodge 'i n order,to develop commercial space'southof the lodge and to put a new plaza with h swimming poot ana-rooitopgarden above the commercial space. Applicant: Silzmark Lodge 5. Request for exterior alteration in commercial core II in order to' remodel the sunbird Lodge building. Applicant: Sunbird Lodge - 6. A-request to amend 0rdinance 30, Series of 1977 to increase the numberof units allowed to be constructed at 770 potato patCh Drive, rrom -- 30.p1 us_an employee_uni t to 36 plus an employee unit, rocated onLot 6, Block 2,-vail potato patLh subdiviiio'n. Applicant: Ed A.smith 7. A request for exterior alterations in comnercial core I for the Hi] IBuilding g! Lo! L, Block 5c, vail viilage Ist Firing to add secondfloor residential space. Applicant: BTanche C. Hiil 8. A request for accommodation unit condominium converions for the' Phase II addition of the Mamiott Mark Resort at 715 west Lionshead. circle, Special Development District 7. App'liiant:-N-[ corporaiiJn 9. I ryq,l"l! for accormodation unit condominium conversion of thevail Athletic ctub at 352 E. Meadow Drive.- nppiiiani,..rn" vai'l club 10. A_request for a minor subdivision in order to realign the'lots linesof Lot 6, B'lock 5, Vail Village lst Filing, which c6ntains aE -- slifer Building. Applicants:- Rodney r. 5iirer and John McBride l,l .. A request for a front anda garage on Lot ll, Block side setback variance in order to construct C, Vail das Schone. Applicant: Travis Beckley 12. A request for a rear setback variance in order to construct a garageon Lot 3, Block t, Gore creek subdivision. nppricini: niinird-oiiiing 29070 t, tt I I( I I t: tl I ',1 ltj tlt I.t t I I I,)I, ; RECEIVEDFROM t.t ](': Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Ca rn==..-*" 7 APPLICATION I. This procedure is required The application will not be A.NA!48 OF APPLICAIIT ADDRESS NAItlE OF ADDRESS APPLICANT Application FORM FOR A VARIANCE for any project accepted until reguesting a Variance. all information is sr:bmitted. o Date itt;n pnova y'76-i Sa6u'z/7t SJttl B.IS REPRESENTATTW L Pr&NE 4>t-{itL c.-NAME 0F 0WNER (type or prinil Richacl, d. bitti nf SIGNATURE ADDRESS Lt D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI, (,loeK I E. F. ADDRSSS LEGAI DESCRTPTION lot =f b1 ock / siting err" Cee"K €a/jih FEE. 9100 . 00 ,rr,. t PAiO 0 /rv 1,,*i:l-"I-l*-l:*:: ?5-."*"::. or alr propertv adjacent to thesubject property and their maifing-aqdresses. Aot a R{'-,/2. * ShatP trn/ l/ff So' Y'r\annco Peet"'Y )env e< Cu /o . foase Bloct< t ti4 $lo ct( I Lot'l AiohadA Cnpba &ox to o Vn;t (olo @o nez, P osenlo 4fao 0i n3el 7oo* Le ' A!-csaa AZ. gSlr't Slact< 4 /-rt l6 frnlA o^Y Poss) ,n 'f/3 7 Bi(' A"' t'e\ ' B/o'k 2 U"'l Stbtt /.or 17 ClnerS.o ClnYf'" &g' 39 Crtes+-oo) bB' Nonslo " *TR' 1?007 \^;.4 ) Lc /t.y application fO for a variance n"n. ,l rI. Four (;1.) 'copies of the following information: A. ' A statement of the precj.se. nature of the.variance reguest,ed,,the resulation i"""i"iai-I"a tr,"-pr".ti."i"diiil;;ii; ;;"fi;necessaryphvsical'.hardship iffi"li"ient wilh trre-oujectives of this title;3it ::"1i"":;:"'lrf iF;;;ii:^i-";'ii':fi '"?i."=p'"i"iioi-'ild'enrorce- B' ' A site plan showing afr^eTi"lllg and proposed features on thesite' and on aajoining'"I1"" if necessaryl pertinent to the variancerequested, including iite boundarie.i-r"n,1ii"d setbacks, buildingl:;::t""" ana heilhi.,-iJplsr"pi,v-i'i pr,iJi."r reatures and similar c' such additional material as the zoning administrator may pre_scribe or the applicanr--iv ""rri;-p;;;il:rri .o the appric"lion. fII. Time reguirements The pranning and Environrnentar commission meets on the 2nd and4th Mondays of "".ir-*""titl" a" "ppri.."tiorr"iitr, the necessary accom-3i"".i:t'H:ffi :t must be'".'r'ittl& r-.*---'.!rs piio'"iI-if!'i"." 6oee cEEEu, SuliptvlstoN TOWN OF VAIL EA6LE COUNTY,66199.ADo. A.28.o4/5;g" L-6G.Aq 319'za.oo, eAa;i''lel.rT 3eq t42.c,O' .d' \ I ' 1|ILLIA:.t E. AR:tFlliLD' BIIiiG A RIIcISTUREi) L^i|D sURvE,YoR IN tt{E STATE OF COLORi\DO , DO ltERIBY Clill,T I trY Tilr\T A SUIiVEY l{As i.tADE BY itE AilD UXDER i'tY SUPl:Rl'ISIOi.i OF L0T 3' BL0CI( I' GORE CRUEI( SUilDMSIO:1 , TOIIN OF VAIL, C0U:iTY 0r IAcLE' sTATE oF coLORADO, A:iD r0UND TllI Tl.to sTotl.Y FRAill] iluIt,Dl:lG To Bli LOCATUD AS SiIOiJN O:i TIIIS PLAT. TiIH LOCA'I'IO:I ANI) DI:tE:isIoi.ls oF ALL ilUILDri,lGS r lilPROVli:tuii'f s, IASijilE:l1S AND rtlGitTs oF l{AY tN EVIDD:lCU OR ti:iOlJll TO ilii AilD a ENCROT\Cil.rlEitTS ilY OR ON TllE t'RDltlSUS ARt ACCURT\TELY sltorJN TO TIlE BIiST Or ]tY KNOT|LEDCU Ai'lD aULlcr. ft,ar3f l,Mg tP & U,vE r_ I gr,,113$ "kl"!:{:" g' urtutTY -r'{// \ \ + l-oJ 2i. N $l FoJ \l \ 4'=5'w LOT 1 #LE: l"r?d :ForrND PIN L.5.59t?t \ {r"r/,; i ?.i*a*f' ,-/7^,/,;y '*'n''F, Dr\f E: IJI,LI,IA:t L. 2156-l a' V/) ter"/*ttot - 7le. Slru</ure l,Dau// E/ocK o4r . t'vy'o Ju-tt.,-lp r@ 0alt l/eott, /J/to, /he. sfracluPE tuau // ouer /*F *he h6otsE fieftiuy ,+ Arvs!74tly