HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK BLOCK 1 LOT 8 LEGALoomnfftY tElEr.mE {t O '5dt'rtEe*' Decign Review oo"J lof {' blf' t ACTIOI{ FORII Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado E1657 tel: 970.479,2139 fex: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%com Project t{ame: JACKASS ACRES RETAINING WALL Project Descrlpdon: Pafticipants: EDWARDS co 81632 License: 255-A PrciectAddrcss: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL 5128 Grouse Lane, Units A & B teg6l Dccrlpton: lot 8 Blodc 1 Subdivision: GORE CREEK SUB. Parcel l{umber 2099-182-1201-0 Comments: See C.onditions Replacment of a wood retaining wall with a stone faed shot-crete retaining wall. DRB Number: DR8070360 Locataon: owNER JACKASS ACRES LLC 0712512007 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT ATTAS CONSTRUfiON 07/2512007 Phone: 970-926-1455 1,T4 MLDCAT STREET Motaon By: Second By: Vote: Gondltlons: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Action: STAFFAPR Date of ApprovaL 081 LSl 2007 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for buiEing. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is dilpent[ pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009190 The applicant shall not encroach upon property other than that owned by the applicant #*rr the work on the retaining wall, O Planner: WarenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Additions-Residential or o Commercia n Review Department of Community De\€lopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97 0.479.2128 tay.: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requirlng design revierv must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the parHcular approval that is requested. An application for D€sign Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be rs/iewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design revlew approval lapses unlecs a bulldlng permit is irsrcd and construction oornmenc€f within one year of the approval, v N \ 'B\s Application for Desig LocatlonoftheProposal: Lot: 8 Block: I sudivision: &, Ge*- 94>. Physicaf Address; fl?-S 6r*- L**- tlul" (O 8165? Par€ef No.: 7O7q - t d Z - ( Zatqcontact Eagte Co. Assessor at 970-328-8tr0 for parcel no.) Zonlng: Name(s) of Owner(s):'&,,rt-* Malllng Mdress: Owner(s) Sl gnature(s): Name of Appllcant: Maillng Address: Type of Rwiew and Fee: O Signs E Conceptual Rs/ievt E New Constructiontr Addition *ffiffiffi**.i'y [ ,Minor Alteration( -(single-family/dudex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Reque* 'TF-= lnlilili il/l U $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or $2s0 commerchl building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining alls, etc. minor changes to buildings and site lmprovemenb, such as, roofing, painting, windor additions, landscaplng, fences and retaining walls. etc. $20 For revisions to plans akeady approved by Plannlng Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee o *++t{'*{"1'}'l'l**'}***'t'l******+'}+*!t****t'i**{'tt****** * * ****+***{'*++*****************f '}+'}**'l'ii***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statrom€nt **t+***{'l'{"}'t****'tt*ff*+*+'t't'}!t!t******ttf+{r+t*************+t,l't***********+d.***'}'}*****tttat{'tt{' Statement Number: R070001348 Alnourrt: $20.00 07/25/2OO703:49 PM PaFnent Method: check rnit: I",T Notatsion: Atlag Constructiotr / ck 4a72 Permit No: DR8070360 114)e: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/D['P Parcel No: 2O99-L82-L2OL-O Site Addreee: 5128 GROUSE LliMrI, IJocation: 5128 Grouae lrane, Units A & B Total Fees: $20 ' 00 Thie Payment: $20.00 Total Al,L Pmts: $20,00Balance: $0.00+*t*+++a****f****f+*+++++f++*********tttaa++*+++**************+f,++************t+++++*+***f,** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 24 O7 12:45p Alpina Capital vrt. Lt. r.vut ta.v,rntfl 303484-5180 O ilo. / 9zo, p.1 I ./"{3 2918 P. ?qe. JOII{T DIOPENTY OWitEN, U,RJITIEN A?PRO/AI. I.ITIE R ? l,Gintnamel *a$F 9J..a,aJotntorynerofp.Tpertylocatedat 51ud &>n* l,,J^ , _proddetlrtstetter as wrltgl approwl of the plans daH Wfch tnle been rrbndtted to the Town ol l/bil Qmmunis Dadqnrent DepatnErt ftr the prcpced i'nprd/enreG to be qirpleted at the addlers noted obove, I urderstnno tirat ttre propooec rnprovemnb hcrude: Additlonrlly, dea-" sheckurccbtsn<rrtbebw didlk n6l a'pric.uo to yo': R t W:esaqA nat ntuw noditufut tW be n & to fie pbns ovel tlr; ootrw { dc tavbu lzoes toe fl*r_cdt Ma ult t F Tffirt Wam cfu ail EgilHfon.A \ I E. - I y afi at rrcfu$art nfios q ofienryis,,itith te mile b te creE a,s tE @t re d tt*r*rer praasr fu boqht la my *cndut by dE wti@ot @ afritbtal ryval bee mdqge|g finttttz.kuby0ETffiz Affi /( prr*c? asale*trn*s{,grir/rWe Ff cd.v\rcniiSlFmJB\Flilf{te\DRqfrrrddtnoLl-2S.2qD,&c Prg€ 2 of 14 r123n005 EEE a $, / FHH-#/"f / / ,/.,k// 7 ---*' LIJvlF() f frf E eaJo.,o i= O:-Ei(96 s?|oro I I /,-Y t/ ,i /' )" '4\ / t' ,r''rr" I \'\ { I t/ l'\1 ,ll\rll1\ll ',' j+,,1?,+ "X)t,' ', ', 'l,Tu, (' ,,\))' l-ir,1 'f- '(,",X,,t€ l,/'',,,r,i\*\rl .09'z ,/ t/'\ // --lle "/ .0e+ ,/) ?-Lftl/ tl/ tl i !/ ili /\ \ LrJz-i T, :!, I I I I =6-. 1 ftUJ 2uxo l=torJluJrot.I |J.1t> tc)r<I \--l vu =zoF UJJt! votr lrJl-)2 i I I I a -l { =IJ E UJrIJv C)zo() r( .-tFi cy iY ffiffi Ei= 99 I \ JJi =t ZZ Jin ?E f i a <ar' 5tIIlilie6 I L- "- No \3 I Y l ./8' I i@lolt0 JlJ] =z 6 () a = 22 g. *EA 3t "95EA E'o s ve e &* = 3a z A i H q ,1 H h6= =tr g 9p U dq? 7 - =i H A EEg E 2 3 g6 t!z J ulaf,ou C' z.o FFv o23-az. aut t\\ | la I IllllN \\ II II N\\\t tl tl| \\\ lt tl ffiNffiffiEE WHHH \{Y\lrt *rl, r{il t t .t I : ! ! I I I I -1 I e#tr*,nlh Deeign Review Board ACTIO]I FORII Ilepartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tef:970.479.2139 fax.97Q.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.(omootl*flw tf|/ELmE t Proi€ct J{ame: JACIGSS CHANGE Project Descdfion: RNAL APPROVAL TO CHANGE TRIM COLOR FOR HOUSE PAINT Partcipants: OWNER JACIGSS ACRES LLC 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT ETHEL MCGLYNN 363 DAHLIA DENVER co 80220 PrcjectAddrcss: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL 5128 Grouse [ane, Units A & B wl1212006, 091L212006 Phone: 303-394-2354 legal Descdpdon: Lot: 8 Blodc 1 Subdivision: GORE CREEK SUB. Parcel Number: 2$9-182-1201-0 Comm€nts: See C,onditions DRB Number: DR8060427 LocaUon: MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/SiTAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 0912O12006 @nd:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Toryn of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 dqls following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Cond: @Nff)08436 The applicant shall paint all the trim on the entire structure Benjamin Moore's Kendall Charcoal (HC-166). o DRB Fee Paad: $2O.OO o CampbellPlanner: Wanen Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Soutr Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 F,l: 970.479.2128 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: wwrrr.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review mu* receive approval prior to sibmitting a buildirE permit applicaton, Please refer to the submittal requir€ments for the particlllar approval that is reque*ed. An application for Design Reviev', cannot be aacepted undl all required information is received by the Community Development Department, The project may also need to be revievved by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview apprwal lapoes unless a building permit is issued and constructbn commences within one year of th€ approval, Description of the Request: m Physical Address:Gwubt v ?wof- o €>\ \, L6116zt'Lol6Parcel No.: L'u t ' I sF | - (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)-.----72 F?f-dA. Zonino:Zoning: MailingAddress:S\LA G Owner(s) SignaUre(s): ilame of Applicant: Mailing lddress: 5l 2 - z-t E-mail Address:Fax: Type of Rwiew and Fee: Er-4hanges to Apprwed Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Plannlng Staff or the Design Review Board. Submittal Requirem€nts: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association LocationofthePropooal: Lot: - Block: l{ame(s) of Owner(s): ) a caASS nc-f4a Phone: For O'ffioe lJse OnlY: FeePaitl: 26- O, F:\cdevlFORMS\PetmiF\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to_approvedJ'ans_1Jage_o$1 1-2006.doc September 7,2006 5128 grouse lane unit B I Scott Soden, owner of unit B authorize the change in trim color from the dark red to Kendall Charcoal. o aalt*'}***lff*t'i+tt't't*'*+*+l*{'**l'+***a'*ilt********t+*++++t+****t*'}*****l'*++++*************a****** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO statementl*ltaf*til'i**a**{t*r*ta!t't'}'}*****'tt't'}'t*******+ta'a'{'**********f**'}*t{!**+*++**********t'}l*++*++*** gtatement Nunlcer: R060001426 Payment Method: Check coNst. Anount: $20.00 09/L2/2oo5t1 :18 AMInit: iISNotation: 3 978,/ATLAS Permit No: Parcel. No:Site Addreee: Irocation: Thia Payment: DRBO6 042 7 TIE)e: DRB- Chg to Appr PIanE 2099-tS2-L20L-O 5128 GROUSE IJI VAIIJ 5128 Grouae Iane, Unitg & & B Total FeeE: TOt l ALIJ E'INIE : Balance: $20. oo l'}'tlltttllfllfl|t***'}tf*a*'}a++'3******fltlt*attt+lf*ffftftff+***************tt'*fa*fa+t+aat**'|* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description DR 00100003LL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $o. oo Current Pmta fuezf rzilo. Design Review Board lof 4 ott-1 ACTION FOR]II Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Yail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 lax2 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Prciect l{ame: JACI(ASS ACRES CHANGE Proiect Description: 5128 GROUSE tN VAIL co 815s7 APPUCANT ETHELMCGLYNN 363 DAHUA DENVER co 80220 ProJect Address: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL 5128 Grouse Lane, Units A & B DRB l{umber: DRB060335 07/3U2006 Phone: 303-394-2354 Location; REPAIR DECK DRIVEWAY, RETAINING WALL, ROOF REPAIR AND REPLACE, ADD OVERHANG SHED ROOF TO IMPROVE DMINAGE, EXT. PAINT, RECONRGURE ENTRY FOR PARCEL B Pafticipants: OWNER JAqGSS ACRES LLC O7I3U2AO6 Legal Description: loE I Block l Subdivision: GORECREEKSUB. Parcel Number: 2099-182-1201-0 Comments: See C.onditions lrlotion By: Second By: Vorb: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACIIOI{ Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Apprcval: 08/16/2006 Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P[AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Tourn of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. @nd:201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008324 The applicant shall paint the entire structure (duplex) with Texas Leather on the body, and otunu ctay as the trim. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee paid: g2O.OO Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All Projects requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicauon. Please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular apprcval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unul all rcquircd informauon is received by the Community Developrnent Depaftment. The ploject may also need to be reviewed by the Town @urcil and/or the Planning and Environmental @mmission. D6ign |€vicw app|oyal lapc€s unl€ss a building permit is issued and construction Gommenes within on€ ycar of dre appural. Descripdon of the Requesh LocaUonofthePropoeal: t-ot: I Blockl I Suflivision. hrFEOwvK- tvg Physlcal Address:A 5l?-t GFtrl* LA p6 , uu I 15 A+ B Parc€f l{o: ?-oqq'b7-l?ol- o (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonlng: Narne(s)oforner(s): Jx*nts Ac*S wc- l{alllng Mdress:t G^pdL,,St UN VAIL c.o <61b51 l{ame of Applicant: cl? 6toC o t^ W \ Maillng Address: tl , Type of Rwieur and Fee: /5-€ranges b Appro\red Plans Submittal Rcquir€ments: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowne(s) or Assoiiation $20 For revisions to plans already approved by PlannirE Staff or the Design Review Board. owncr(s) signaur€(s): Sff*Z'.q'.n' .,o. *o.. /J$ Z ev, F:\cdev\FORMS\Petmib\Planning\DRB\dft_change_to_approvedJclans_lJrage_os-11-2006.doc MSNHotmail-Page I oflo Hohna|F dlrbu|tefohottl!ltdn Prhtad: nr€d.y, Argld l, ZXl6 l:q, Pit Aqr: Sdrt ! To: OE: $UG: S oen <s&d€nodplnacadtal.com> T|Es.by, AEust 1, 2006 Ul:56 Pt4 <Oilhmb'lDhoo|r![.@nD Fcbr lllGtmn <pmqlynnomaglynnadnbrs.om> Torvn of Vr[ lttEr August 1, 2005 3130 crouse l,an6vaU, co 8155? fovn of vail C/o Chlls CounterAtlrs Constluctlon Dear Slr or Madam€ : Pl,eare accept thls comunication of apploval, of the color change for the McGlyna ploj€ct Jocat€d at 5128 crouse !ane, Vail C0 8005?, I! you bave quertlonc or requLre fulther infornation you Day contact ne at 303.883. 2ss2 Scott Soden hfip//byl08fdbayl08.hotmail.msn-com/cgi-bin/getusg?curmbox=0000000V/o2dW0U/Ad0000%02d00007o... Aln0f6 't*lt**lfll+att+at't'i'l'|*******+*+'i'l****t*tff+t+*{'l'ttttf****+t*****+*******l***++*{r+*lrl'l'l'al++a++ TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment +l+lt+'|tt'f'it***l'**tt*t*t+*f+**'*'$*t**f*itf++{'t***l****rl'l'*:lr**t++*********f*+**********tt**tltf+ Statement Nurnber: R060001117 Arnount: $20.00 01 /3I/200603:39 PM Payment Method: Check Init: iISNotation: 1582/ATLAS CONST. INC. Permit No: DR8060335 Type: DRB-Ch9 to Appr Plang Parcel No: 2099-L82-12OL-Ogite AddreEE: 5128 GROUSE IniMIIr Location: 5128 crouse Lane, unit,s A & B Total Fees: $20.00Thia Palment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00Balance: $0.00ftlfffllflllllll{'**l'*******++*+**+++**t+++*'+'t't'l't**tti++*t**++***+'}**'t't'}*+***t****lt't'l*****+** ACCOT,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Current PmtE DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESICN REVIEW FEES 20,00 ottEvob FORM 655-2921 Job - - :- Area 4rtc'a Price _ Mixed By- fuo(D- ?i|,F'M coLoB JoB HRcoFD^: .S,1AAPEI ,o$bE Arealli-rrc-ft:H- Or,te ,yflftt, FORM 655 2921 JOO Price EuaL FORM 655-2921 -.J ' !" <t-i t-,.t F:i>Y, uJ li' 6ccf,rZ4FQUiieotY uJ :<t,'C}6 Quantity Price ti;: f.: I,r. TOM COLOR JOB RECORD LOR JOB RECORD ?"ro*rrrNT oF ..MMUMTY orutrr"*tTOWNJOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 l^o{2,3\k t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Permit #: 8054294 Job Address: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 5l28GrouseLane, UnitsA&B Applied..: Wl22l2W5 Parcel No...: 20f9l82l20l0 Issued . . : 0612U?m6 Project No : Expires . .: 12117/20fJ'6 CoNTRACTOR ATIJAI| CONSTRUCTION 04/26/2006 Phone: 970-748-0240 PO BOX 6036 AVONco 81620 License: 255-AowNER \TACKASS ACRES rrl,e 09/22/20Os 5128 GROUSE IJI VAIIJco 8l_657 APPr,rCArim WARZECIIA EMTERPRISES, rNC. 09/22/2005 Phone: 970-390-3674 P.O. BOX 1384 VAII, co 81658 License: 541-B Desciption: REPAIR DECK, DRIVEWAY, RETAINING WALL, ROOF REPAIR AND REPLACE, ADD OVERHANG SHED ROOF TO IMPROVE DRAINAGE, EXT. PAINT, RECONFIGURE ENTRY FOR PARCEL BOccupancy fype Factor Sq Feet ValuationTotals... $195,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: 0 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $195,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas l,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pallet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Building---* > 51, 525. ?5 Restuarant Plan Review->S0.00 Total Calculated Fees--- > 52,520.49 Plan Check-- > 5991.74 Recrertion Fee------ > S0 .00 Additional Fees-----------> S0 .00 Investigation- > g0 . 00 TOTAL FEES------------- > l2,52o .49 Total Permit Fee------> $2 ,520 .49 Will Call---- >$3.00 k -"-^-c{'- S-*-t BALANCE DIJE-------_ > Payments---------- > 52,520.49 $0.00 Approvals: Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT LO/o1 /2oo5 cgunion Action: CR asbestos report requried. contractor to supply. Lo/28/20o5 cArrnion Action: AP approved plans. Item: 05400 PI-,ANNING DBPARTMBflI 09/29/2005 warren Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttnt I have ,""O rtpp,i"ation, filled out in full n" info*tit*quired, completed an accurate plot plan and state ttnt all ttrc information as required is correct. I agree to conrply with tbe information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes ard other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQLJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLJRS IN ADVANCE BY TBLEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 'r**'8'*'t'*'t****'N.:|t{.*!****,t'|'|t'*'|t*'i!t***'t******4.!t{.***,f'|'t,f***'l!**{.*'.*******l***********'|.**i.*********tl(***||(*'t CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit#:8054294 asof06-22-?.0M Status: ISSUED ****tr*'f {.*{r+*********'f ,t:f *.*:t!t*,*'lr*'l********'}'t*******!t'f *+**********'********{.*******{.'r**:t***{r{ri********:**:t:F:$:* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BTIILD PERMIT Applied: Wl22l2n5 Applicant: WARZECHA ENTERPRISES,INC. Issued: M12012ffi6 Job Address: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL Location: 5128 Grouse Lane, Units A & B Parcel No: 2099l82Lmrc **{.*********,tt,tr**tii.*******lr****:t**!t*:f **1.{.*********'t't,t*'t *'t'***************,t,f *rr*rF{.{rrf rf ******** *tt+ ****** * **** * CONDITIONS ******,*'+:t:**:t :t**************+***r*rl.*****1.*********'lr*:i****!t:f *:f ******'i,F:ts**{.*****.********!t'}'r****************!t Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2003IRC. Cond: CON0007657 I HOUR CONSTRUCTION WITH NO OPEMNGS REQI.IIRED WITHIN 3' OF DI.]PLEX PROPERTY LINE. APPLICATION W]LL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG o?qv Project #: OFV BUILD PERMIT APPLICATI Separate Permits are required forelec@ etc.l tl os/6 NVT.,IOF 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 0-> a-7- COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDINGR PERMIT & Materials ry{qarcet \ Z; so,OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$ ZEOO /MECHANICAL,$n rorAL:$ lqS ON Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-J28-8640 or visit Job Name: Ii, \ /t',(-lu.li'r Legal Description Lot: f,Block:Filing:Subdivision: f , ,; (- r.; l t:L,' Address: (tZ.1 r,r.t -i /.-,,Phone: pr, .i,t7 {,-,! ArchitecVDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description olwork: 1),., /. /,..,t, t,. ) t :.f ,Q,t,.,.',.-.f,,t /\oty'1.u..- r t,qty'4 WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (t Aepar|{ Oemo( ) Othei( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) BothU Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 04 Type of Bldg.: Single-tumily ( ) Two-family (tJ Mufii-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: )No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnino ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (V4 For Parcel # ffiFOROFFICEUSEONLYffi / Oocument2 05t20t2005 Design ACTIOII FORlrl Department of Communlty Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.{79,2139 tarz 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%com o Review Boa rd Foiectl{ame: McGlynn-Soden-Haggerty Res. Protect Descripdon: DRB l{umber: DR8050365 REPAIR DECK, DRIVEWAY, RETAINING WALL, ROOF REPAIR AND REPI.ACE, ADD OVERHANG SHED ROOF TO IMPROVE DRAINAGE, DOERIOR REPAINT, RECONFIGURE ENTRY FOR PARCEL B Particlpants: OWNER JACIGSS ACRES LLC oil2sl200s 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT ETHEL MCGLYNN 0ZZS|2O05 Phone:303-39+-2354 363 DAHUA DENVER co 80220 Project Mdress: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL location: 5128 Grouse Lane, Units A & B Legal DescripUon: lot 8 Block 1 Subdivision: GORE CREEK SUB. ParrelNumber: 2099-182-1201-0 Comments: See C-onditions Modon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/16/2005 Cond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Torun of Vail Building personnel prior to onstruction activities. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 dap followlng the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followlng the date of final approval, unless a buildlng permit is lssued and aonstruction is ommenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON00072142 THE Appuf,, 'HALL ptAcE A KEysroNE BLocK vENtoN THE FA.E oF rHE RETATNTNG wALl WHICH IS TO HAVE SOIL NAILS AND SHOT.CRETE APPLIED. fiE KEYSTONE BLOCK VENEER SHALL MATCH THE COLOR AND STYT"E OF THE DGSfiNG KEYSTONE BLOCK FOUND ON THE EASTERN UNI Cond: CON0007zl43 PRIOR TO INSERTING SOIL NAILS AND APPLITNG TTIE SHOT-CRETE THE APPUCANT SHALL REMOV THE APPROPRIATE AMOUNT OF DCSIING WOOD RETAINING TIMBERS (MNGES FROM 2 TO s NMBERS) FROM THE TOP SO THAT THE HEIGHT OF THE WALL DOES NOT EXCEED 6 FEET IN HEIGHT. THE SOIL CONTAINED BY THE TIMBER RETAINING WALLS WILL NEED TO REGMDING, AFTER THE REMOVAL OF THE TIMBERS TO ENSURE A 6 FOOT WALL HEIGHT, TO A 2:1 SLOPE OR LESS. IF REQUIRED STAFF CAN MEET THE APPUCANT ON SfiE TO CLARIFY THE DESIRED RESULTS EXPRESSED IN THIS CONDMON BY CALUNG WARREN CAMPBELL AT 479-2148. C.ond: CON000711'! THE APPUCANT SHALL RECEIVE PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5122 GROUSE LANE TO UNUZE THE PROPERTY FOR ACCESS TO PERFORM THE RETAINING WALL REPAIRS. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O.0O CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION THIS CERTIFIBS THAT JAIVIIE JOHNSON HAS COMPLEITD THE [I.S. EPA/. STATE OF COLORADO /APCD ACCREDITFD A.H.E.RA. ASBESTOS INSPECTOR /IVIANAGEN{ENT PLAITI{ER RECERTIXICATION TRAINING Approved under EPA section 206 of the Toxic Contol Act (TSCA) and meets the requirements of Colorado regulation No 8Nu COIJNSE I}ATN ?,iNMEX261l' GnIIFICA'IIONf t lEgl nd 3aiAE lhltc Alur Cotorrdo, StO 3o3-trotnt ft 3tD3-t Gtt2 vt 6t2tr05 EXPIRES l,nal}tlco gol'utl,on8, IBo. 12189 PennBylvanla St,reet Tlrornton, Colorado 8O241(303r 469-8868(800) 8?3 - 8?0?Fax: (303) {69-525t1 S(}t.U'l'lrOh|S October 14, 2OO5 Mr. Lennie Herron Herron EntcrpriEes, USA 7261 W. Hampden Ave. Lakertood, CO a0227-5t0s Re: L@l 351330 Project: 100{053 Dear llr. Icnnie Herron: Tlre hrlk eaq>lee recently subnl.ttcd to (rrr l.boratory have been analyzcd by polarized light microscol4r (PIi'l), the EPA- recqnmerded method for ident,ificetion of fibrouB conaeituente in building aatscrials. Ttrc resulte of theee analyses are aunmarized in the encloaed table. Alao encloeed is a copy of documentaElon gubmit.ted Lrith your EampleE. If you hawe any t.echnical questiorts conccrning these analysea, please feel free to caLl me. AII other calls should be di.rected to our Customer Service Representatives. Sincerely, Nikki MacDonald Laborat ory Manager Errcloguree Nv(As mlrPlaGclE iorcp "The Science ofAnalysis, The Art ofsewlce"t-e_ll-S*r Ir.lslldJ Te.o B =DI G f,'-54m -9 F rIE; T*:'F g O .EHFB Z :rsFlH ]tlBEg-rz S E.: E '-l*:-t i fll<5'F trilf,i!i ro:g=;rtrl .J d as -B;E5(,lY'o F; tn rBeEEU}p*99c B t.ii6 g, EqT.P Fg=;i9 C)6'0l' ; (o.6' = F Eo ? BF OD,ct E H E. --F -.,€ w g 'r. U FI(l oFrr L)-)qtf G\T \) UE a F( l-\- tG\. ['l Et<| I ld F^\ -\-/r fenafytica SoiuEiour, Inc. -12189 Penneylvania Street Thornton, Colorado 80241(303) 459-8869(800) 873-8707 Fax: (303, r69-5254 RESI'IJTS OF BI'IT ISBBSTOS SEilPTJT ATALYsI8 BY POIARTZEIT LICflT UrCnOgCOpy (plrr6) client. : HGrron Entcrgrl,aes, ProJ ect ID: 1013O52 Itdmlc DcrcrLptl.on! Sarnple Nunber 101305 - 1A* LGilf : 351329 Pages 1 of Deecript.ion [2 parcsl [bfack feltl lblack tarl [2 partsl lbrown/white drvwal I I 95.0 5.0 19.0 95,0 10r30s-lA [Al 101305-1A tBl 101305-24* 101305-2A [A] Celluloee Synthetics other: Percent Nonfibrous Material . Corqroaite analysis SanDle Date tal]-3l2005 to 1L312005 LO/L?/2oos LolL3l2005 ]-0/t3 | 200s Regultsa qf Pl,lf Analvais: visual, Area Est.imation: Percentaqea Detected Sample Number: 101.305-1A* 101305-rA fAl 101305-1A lBl 101305-2A+ IO1305-2A fAI Aobest iform Mineralg : A!00site AnttrophyUite Chryeotile crocidolite Tremol ite -AcE inol ite TOCAIJ ASBESIISS O Other Pibrous MaEerials : Fibroue Glags o 0 0 0 94.1 s.9 5 .0 (nulti layered saqrle, eee 95.0 lrdividual layer 81 .0 analyaes ) . 5.0-_-_ Analyst, :Date; LOlL4l?OOs RESI'IJTs'OF BI'I'f, ASBESTOS SAI{PI.B A}IAIJYSIS IY POIARIZED IIIGITT UICROSCOPY (PIfi) Client: Harron Etrtarprisss, UgA Proj ect ID: 1O13O52 llnrlyttca ltoluBion!, Inc. -12189 Pennsylvania sE,reet Thornton, Colorado 80241(303) 469-8868 (8001 873-8?07 Fax! (3031 .t69-5254 IGN:351329 Page: 2 of slrplc D.3cripEl,op: Samole Number 101305-2A lBl 101305-2Bt 101305-28 IAI 101305-28 tBl 101305 - 2C. sample Datse LOl13l2005 lolL3lzOOs LOl13lzoa.:t- LO I 1312005 ]-olL3f2005 DeEcription lwhite mrd under white oaintl 12 oartol lbrovrn/shite drvwall. I lwhite nud under rrhite oaintl Rcaultt of Pr.u Anarvgir ! visual Area Batination: percentaqes Detect,ed sample Number: 101305-2A [Bl 101305-28* r.01305-2q tAl ro].305-28 tBl 1013o5-zc* AebeEtiform MineralE :AF6ite Anchophyl li Ee ChrysotiIe Crocidol i te Trenolite -Act.irroIite TurAL ASBBSNOS O Otsher tribrous Matcrials: 0 0_.0 o Fibroua claaa CelIulose Synthetics Other: PercenE Nonf ilr:cous Material r eompo6ite analysis 40.0 50.0 40.O 50.o50.0 individual layer 100 analyses ) - Analyst I l0_o 50 . O (mulEilayered eample, see '? /.y7 DaEe: LOIL4/2005 ^Analytlca golut.lon8, Inc. V12189 Pennaylvania street Thornton, Colorado 80241(303' 459-8868(800t 873-870? Fax: (3o3) 469-525d RBSULTS OF Bt[,K ASBEAT98 gAltlPll AITAIJYSIS Ey POLmISTD LICm MICROSGoPT (Pnd) Client: nerrort Bntscrprl,tea, Proj ect ID: tOl3O52 Samle Dcrcrl.otlur: saltDle Number 10r305-3A tCl I,GN:351329 Pag€: 4 ot DeacrlDEion lwhite nud under $hite painE; mininal earnple volumnl 12 parts I lbrown/white drvwall I lwhite mud unde! rthite oaint; minlnal sannole volunnl [2 Darts I 101305 - 38. SaFDIG Dat(: tolL3l200s LOlt3l200s tolL3l200s L0/731200s to I L3l200s 101305-38 IAI 10130s-38 lBl 10r305-3C* Reaults of PL'l[ Arralvai8 3 Viaual Area B.stsimation: Percentaqes Detect.cd sample Nunber: 101305-3A tcl 101305-38r 101305-38 IAI 101305-38 tBl 101305-3C* AgbesEiform Minerals : AnosiEeAntbq'hyuite chrysotile CrocidollEe Tremolite -Actinoli Ee TOTAIJ ASBESTOS O OEher Pibroug llateriale : 0 0 o 0 Fibroue Gla8s CeIluIose Synthecics Other: PercenE Nonf ibrouE urterial r Compo8iEe analyeis .10 . O 40.0 23,o 77.O Analyst:Date: LvEllzvos l-o0 60. o (muLtilayered sanqrle, see 50.0 lndlvldual }ayer 100 anal.ysea t . Client: llerron Bntarprisos, USA Project ID: 1O13O52 RBSUI Tg Or Bur,f, rgBlslfog EAITPLE lllALYSIg BI PO!.ABIZED LICXT UTCnOSCOPI (P!n) ^-AnalyE,lca SoluEl,ons, Ind' ttl2189 Pennaylvania sEreet Thornton, eolorado 802{1 (303t 1159-8858 (800) 873-8?07 Fax: (3o3) t59-5254 I6[f:351329 Page: 3 of Srnpls D6tcrl.ptl.on! sanDle lthrnber 10130s-2C IAI r,01305-2C tBl 101305-34* 101305-3A IAI 101305-3A lBl ceL lul05e s).ntheticg OElrer: Percent Nonf, ibrous Material I Coq)osi te analysis Sanple DaE_e \o/L3l2oos LOI13l2005 LO/ r! | 2005 LO/].3/2005 LO11312005 Desgr._iptsion Jbrown/white drvwalll lrhite mud undcr rhite Daintl [3 parEs] lbrovn/whi Ee drvwalll fwhite drvwal l taoel R.suler of PLU Analyels r Visual Area Estimation! Percentaqes DetecEed Sample Number r 101305-2C lAl 10L305-2C IBI 101305-3A1 101305-3A tAl 101305-3A tBl Asbesti f,orm Minerals : Amosite Antlrophyll lte Chryaot l le Crocidol.ite Trenolite -Actinoli t,e TCNAI. ASBESIOS O Otber Fibrous llacerials: Fibrou€ claas 0 0 o 50.0 50.0 100 (mult ilayered saqrle, see 65.0 95.O 98.0 --L-A-35.0 individuaL layer 5.0 analyses) . Analyat:Date: ]-O/L4lzgOS ,ft\ t/-v--\rt-\ tffdFr)tl HERROJ{' g,,!,e,r,- r,8A hc. V !T**r*Hrr*1rIP..'m ' (6Fno1') nennoNo Erbnft-,,8Ahc. 'Tllffil;Sffi S# Hardou.r.brr.b.flordaboro.:L..dpdnr *t-#f.ffiffiffi\.-z Ocbber l7.2WS Ercel Envlmnmmtrl,Inc lE52JrcperSt StaE Aurcra,CO ElXlll (3s,3> 2n 2ol4 t Frr (3Xi) 2n 2758 Emoih bmctagrr@cxcelcorp.net c./o: Mr. Bart McTrggrrt HERRON@ Project No.: 1013052 JobNo.: Verbrl Locedon: 'Single Famlly Dwelling',5128 Grouce Lue, Vail, CO Ef657 Drtc(r) of Service: October 13-14, 201)5 Scrvicec Reque$cd: Envlronmentrl Conrultation/Limlted Arbcrtor SupeofVo* Per your r€quesq and uder the guidelines define4 IIERRONo Enterpris€s USA" Inc. (IIERRONo) bas ooncluded the Envircrunental Consult*ion/Limited Asbestos Building Inspection at the aforernentioned troperty. tocal" sble and/or fedeial regulations, furcluding but not limit€d to the Air Quality Contrrol Division (AQCC) Reeulatid t, OSHA 1925.1101, and EPA (NESHAP) 40 CFR Part 6l may rquire a comprehensive asbestos inspection prior to a renovation or dernolition. This inspection requircs an AHERA and Statc certified asbesros building inspector identifyrng and sanpling any friable and non-friable asbestos containing rnaterials which could be affect€d by the activity. HERRON0 was contactod by the Client, to perform; a Environrental Consulffiion/Limitod Asbetos Building Insp€ction, specifically tailored to Friable and Non-Friable Suspect Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM), associated with the aforementioned property, specifically; Client directed Limited Asbestos Building lnspection due to a renovation of 'Single Fanily Dwelling'r 5128 Grousc Lene Vail, CO t1557 Tar Imprcgnafed Asphaltic Rmfing Mafedals, ftroughout Uppcr and Lower RooB WhitE Light Tedtur€d Drywall Wa[ SroughoutNE Wall of 2E Floor Main Bathroom Whitc Swirl Textur€d Drywall WdL thmughout 2S Fbor trve[ W Bedroorn, Celrter Wall White Heavy Textned Drywa[ Ceiling; throughout 2d Floor Level Ba$room Iowcr Roof (Shingles Only) Nondestructivc bulk sampling; Rush Turnaround PLM Analyses; IIERRONo was subsequently contracted by the Client, to perform: Not applicable. HERRONo Projlcr No. 1013052 Limitcd Asbcebe hdlding hspoction Pigp No. - I EO -S -67?V Octobcr l7- 2005 Condusbn Based on the infonnAion gencrded by this repo4 HERRONo concludes that lhe aforernentioned property docs not heve R€guht d Asbcsho Contalning lUrterio(s) (RACM), for purposes of a renovation or demolition (when conducted in acoordanoe with local, stote md/or federal rcgulatioos), per the followittg: In order to comply with local, stats, and/or federal regulations, the following Asbestos Containing Materials, or assumed Asbestos Containing Materials will bave to be removed if they will be rnade ftiable dudng a rtnovdion or dernolition (typically floortildma*ig mofing materials, window putty (dependent on pliability), etc., ar€ trofinally demolished with the structur€, if condrrted in accordance with local, stde and/or federal regulations, however, require rccroval during a reoovation): None Deteoted. Materials that contain <=1.0% Asbestos are not considered Astrestos Containing Materials by NESHAPS or EPA but may still be covered by OSHA. OSHA regulations may apply during pot€ntial dishrbance activities. Allhough a m&rial may have been detennined to contain <-l.V/o Asb€stos! or during a derrolition, if the conposition of drywalffoint compouod (when thejoint compound does not cover the entire surface) has been determined to contain <=1.0plo Asb€stos, lhis document s€rves as a Hazard Communicdion and should be followed during an activity such as a renovdion or demolitiorl to ensure that an erposure does not occru. The Mfldmum Allowable Asbestos Level (MAAL) may not be exceeded d 'any' time in accordanoe wift local, stab, andlor federal reguldions, including but not limit€d to AQCC Regulation 8 (Stato), 29 CFR 1926.110l (OSHA), 40 CFR Part 6l EPA (NESIIAP), and ,10 CFR 763 EPA (AHERA). Suspect mafierials whidr wete sampled and dst€rfiined to contain <:1.0plo Asbestos (rcfer to Atachm€nts), by PLM ad/or PLM Point Count analysis arc: Tar tmpregnated Asphaltic Roofing Materials, Miscellaneous Material (M), >160 SF, Good Condition (Cunent Condition), Non-Friable, throughout Upper and Lower Roofs, I Samp(s), 101305-14., W En4 7' AomN End White Light Textured Dryrall Wall, Surfacing Mdterid (S), <1,000 SF, Good Condition (Cur€nt Condition), Non- Friable, thrcughout NE Wall of 2d Floor Main Batlroorr, 3 Sampl{s), 101305-2Ae 4' fiom gowd, a left side of Door 101305-28, E Side of Wall, I' from N Wall, 4' from ground 101305-2C, E Side of Wall, 6' from gourd, l' ftom S Wall White Swirl Textured D,rywall Wall, Surfacing Mabrial (S), <1,000 SF, Good Condition (Cunqfi Condition), Non- Friable, througbortr24 Fbortevel W Be&oom, CenterWall,3 Sarnp(s), 101305-3A, at NE Comer, 4' from ground on S Side 101305-38, 2' from W Wall, 3' from ground on S Side 101305-3C, 2' fiun E Wdl, 3' Aom grormd on N Si& White Heavy T€xtu€d Drywall CeillnS, Surfroing Mattrial (S), <1,000 SF, Good Condition (C'irrent Condition), Non- Friable, throughod /Floorlevel Bdroom, 3 Samp(s), 101305-4A,3' fiomN Wall, l' fiom W Wall 101305-48, at E Wall, 5' from N Wall 1013054q l' fiom W Wall, 2' fiorn S Wall Suspmt matedals which werc not visible/aocessible at the time of thc inspoction wer€: l. 'All' EPA suspect Materials not rcquested" HERROI,p PtoirNo. t013052 PageNo. -2 octoD.r U,2005 LimiEd AsbGs3 hrilding Insecction 2. 'Any' confirmed or suspccl ACM whici may havc been ooncealed at the time of the inspection 3. Duriog a normal inspoctioa and more spocifically when non{esfiEtive sarnpling techniques re eilrploye4 it is not within the scope of the inspection to rrmove su*co malerials to inspect the shrctur€s and/or materials which may be under lhe nrrfice i.e., within or under concealed arcas such as rmder carpst, und€r subfloors, within chases, wE[s, crawlspacos, trnnel$ etc., to rc,move suspcct Asbestos Containing Merial$), to move ardor smple clechical wiring wltich has not been'locked ouf, etc. All said areas are to be assumed as oontaining >l,0.o/o Asbestos, until such a time that these areas are made accessible and/or rtndered safe so thar sampling can be perfonned. 4. HERRONo racommends erffeNne cadion dudng a rcnovafion or demolition of these areas in tte event ttat an arca which was not suspoct visible, aacessible and/or slecified during the inspectioo, is discovered to contain or is suspected of oontaining m Asbestos Cdrtaining Medal (ACM). Ud€r local" strte andor federal rcguldions, should srrch an went occur, the Ctent and or Conhac"tor is rcquired to oease opemtions which may ctrect lhis (these) nateria(s) urtil an inspectim is concluded and a detennination is made by an AHERA a[d State Certified Asbestos Building Inspector. 5. lt is expressly advised that although rhis is a Limit€d Asbastos Building Inspection, it is a limited inspection which is designed to indicatc fte prcsence of Asbestos Containing lvldcdals in the Building(s), and under normal the guidelines defid, specific sunples md locations have been inshucted and autborired by tte Cli€ilt Althryh sone mderials may indicaie that Asbestos is not prcsent in this rcpod, and under the protocol of limited sampling whereas not 'alf suspect nalerials were sampld under local, stale and/or federal rqulaions, fucluding hS not limited to AQCC Reguldion 8 and OSIIA 29 CFR 1926.1101, a c€rtain protocol for sampling number of sarnples obtaind md assessment is Fquir€d. 6. Disfurbance ofthese areas could create a potential healttr hrzard" Suspect mtrrials which were visually inspectd ald dermined to be NoTACM mderials d the time ofthe inspection were: Not applicable- Lspection Methodolory: HERRONo solected sample locations and frequency of sampling based on obcervations, Client requirements and/or the assrmrpion that like materials in the same area are homogeneous in accordance with EPA Publication EPA 560 / 5-85 - 030a'Asbestos in Buildings: Simplified Sampling Scheme'. Rccottucndotions As Regulated Asb€stos Containing Materials we,re not discovered dtning this firtber action is not rcquir€d. Should a rcnovation or demolition occur which would aff€ct matetials that were not homogeneous to the matedals which were inspected and determined negative for Asbestos, HERRONo would recommend as a minimum Plan of Action: l. Conprehensive Asbestos Building Inspection: a continuous process in areas which may not have beeir msible, or for mderials rvhich may have beea conc€al€d in previous inspections, may be requind, i.o., review and usage ofprevious Asb€stos hryectio{O, ide,ttific*iot of suspoct meials, friable md mn friablg appiordmde qumtities (ACM) discovery sampling in areas which will be afrectcd by tbc rrnovation/denrolition in order to determine the presence of Asbestos Cortaining Materials (ACIvf| et- Asarlrydbrc,andLinedons This Envimnmeffil Consuhaion is applicable in whole, not in pdt, to th eirtire coN$ena of the docuuurt and tbo assumptions, and limibtions of cuncnt published Terns of Services. HERRONo hfrxt No. l0l 3052 LimitcdAsb€slod Buildiogbspcction h8p No. - 3 Octu 17, And H ERRON@ .n,".o',"'" usA. Inc. I ' Fiotrr \,lain Bathroorn l"'' f loor Skr liuhts Hazardous Materials'Mold.Asbestos'Lead Paint Environmental Services*lndustrial Hygienists Phone (303) 763 9639 Fax 1303) 753 9586 E-Mail Lennie.Herron@comcast'net Websile www.HERRON -Enterprises.com 7261 W. Ha mpdql4yg,!4!9!ood, Colo rado 8024:tl9t_ ,H: 4ft I |.\ JB 1..\ ]C - - I ]B 1"" Floor \\' Bc-droom5llE C rouse L anc t pper Rool I lrlrtcd Asl-..\to! llrrldlnr, lf\lx(trol|..' ll'rrllmtnl. lc'-l i\ Analyt.lca Solutions, Inc. P.O. Box 971426Dallas, TN 7539? -3426 ( 303) rl69-E868 (800) 8?3-8?07 (3031459-525{ ItfvoIcE Sold lor llerron Bnterprlsea, USA ?26L Vl. Hampden Ave. l,akerood, CO 80227-530s Projccti 1Oo{053 L('Nt 351330geryllc T14n r PIJ{ Tarnardttrd r Rush InvolcG Nor A3997 Invol.cs Drt.t LO /14 l2OOsCrrttcr Io: 4570 P . O. lfunbcr : Service charges: Shipping: ll\r$cr of santrl.s. . . . UnLt prlcc. . . ToUal for analysis. . . 3 :Total Invoicc Amount, r 4 xS 13.00 52 .OO 0.00 0.00 52.00 Arr tnvoieoa are due ad t.y.bze urroa r.ccl.pt. ou to taading .brrarccr orr.r30 dtyc are aubjact to a tlaaacc chargc ot t.st pni rcnth. rt ttatytlca e&gaEicgI4:a! co--scl to aaforcc lC3 rlEhts o? .Dy of,,ct rights uadcr aa qpJ'ieaEiaEor pay''€,nt ' th. cusEarrtr.t riII bc tlablc to ,,ltalytlca for atl cotta ot cotlactl,onand otr€r laga-l e4)€Dsea, lacludJJ,.g rcaao|rarblo attoraey frar. TII,J|IK, YOU Sincerely,(A\* Jamie L. Henon-Johnson Supenrisor IIERRONo Enterpris€s US{ tnc. C€rtifid Asbcstos BuildfuA Inspecto(s): Cluure tnformation and du which has bc€n gener&d as a results of this Environmental Csrsulation will t€main confidemial and will trot be deased to atry party $,i6out adhoriztion ftrom Clien(s). HERRONo Enterpdses USA, Inc. apprecires the oonfde,nce which has been demmstraledby yorrmntinuod patrurag€, and look forward to assisting you and yorn group should you have firture needs of Environmental Consul6ion Jarnie L. HerrorJohnson HERRONo Proiu No. lol 3052 Linitod AsbGsid hlilding fNlcs{bn Prg! No. - 4 Ocbb.r 17,2005 tna![tLca Elolutr.onr, IDo. 12189 Penn6ylvania StreetThornton, Colorado 80211 {303} 469- 8858 (8OO) 8?3 - 8707 Faxr (303),159-525t1 SOLUTIONS october L4, 2OO5 Mr. L€nnie Herron Herron Enterpriees, USA 'r26L W. Ha@cn Ave. Irakercod, Cg AO227-53O5 Re: LGN 351329 Project: 1013052 Dear llr, Lennie llerron 3 The bulk aamPlea recently submltted to our laboratory have been analyzedby polarized ltght microscopy (pLMl , the BpA- recommended method foridentiflcation of fibrous constsituents in building materials. The reEulEsof theBe analyeee are sr.ronari zed in the enclosed Eab}e. AIgo encloecd iea copy of docuEntation suboitted eith your saryIes. If you have any technical questions concerning the6e analysea, please feelfree to call me. A1l other calls should be directed to our custo,|rerService Repreaentatives. sincerely, Nikki uacDonal.d Laboratory Manager '. Hccloaureg Nv[As "The Science ofAnalysis, The Art ofservice"t--6_ll.o$-r lL!'!!EI!TEJ LiniEd Asb6t6 Building InspctioNr, Attaclurot3 RBgUl"lg OF Etntr ASBISTOS glllPll AltAtrYAIg. BY POLIRIZED I.IOII! IIICROS@PY (PInII Clients: llerron Bntcrprises, ugA Project ID: 1013052 Anelytl.ca goluBloa, Inc. 12189 Pennsylvania Street. Thornton, Colorado 80241(303) 459-8858(800' 873 -8?07Fax: (3O3, 169-525t1 351329 5of LGl,l: Page r Saole DatcrLptLon r Sanmle llumber ro130s-3c tAl 101305-3e tBl 10130s-4A fAl 10130s-4A IBI CeIlulose Synthet ica oEher: Perccnt Nonf,ibroua Hatcrial I eomposi te analysis A,nalyBt. Sample Datse rolt3l2005 rolt3l200s LOI!r/2Oo5 IOlL3/-2OOS Descrip.t.lon tbrown/shiCe drwralll lwhite nrd undcr rhite pal.nt I 101305 -1lA* tolL3l2005 [2 parts] l_brqqnl u&it e drywal II luhite mud undcr white- palntl Rosulta of DI,U AneLvsr,! r Visual Area EstinratLon: percentaqes Detected sample Number: r01305-3c IAI 1O1305-fC [Bl 101305-aA* 101305-4A tAl 101305-4A tBt Asbeat iform llinerals : Arcsite Anthophyll ite Chrysotile Crocidol ite Trenrol ite -AcE inol i ce TOTAL A.SBBSI1OS O Other Fibrous MaterialE: Fibrous Glase 0 o o o 45.0 55.0 100 (nulEilayered sanrqrle, see 10. o 95.0 90.o individual layer 5.0 analyees ) . loo DaEe: LOlL4l2OOs RE8ULTS OF Bttf,f,, A9BESTOS SAMPTTE AltALIgIS BI -ponnrzun rtcnr ru<noscoPY tP l llnalyttce golutLoar, Inc. Urzrsg PennsylvanLa street Thornton, Colorado 80241 (303) '1169-8868 {80o) 873 - 8?o? Fax: l30tl 469-s254 LGN:35133O Page: I of ClienE: Hcrron lnterprisca, USA kot ecr ID: 100{053 gaPlo D€3eription r Sample Nunber 101305 - 1A 101305-24. 10130s-2A IAI 10r.305-2A [BI _ DegcripEiop Iwhite/orav ceilin<r tilel samle Date to I L! 12005 ro I 1312005 rol]-3l2005 Lo/13/200s tolL3l20a5 fwhite mud w/oaintl [2 partEl Iqfav/brown drvurall I loravlbrown drvsralll ReruLtss of, PLll Analvgig: Viaual Area EstimaE.ion: &lrcentaqes Detected Sarqple Number: 101305-1A 101305-2Ar l-01305-2A lAl r.0L305-2A IBI 10lf05-28 AabesEiform Minerals : AmoEite Anthopbyllite Chryaotile Crocidoli te Trenoli te -Actlnol ite T TAL ASBESTOS O Other Fibrous llatserials: 0 o 0 FibrouE G1asa CelLulose synthet.ica other l Percenl Nonfibrous Material 30.0 i CqnpoaiBe analy6i6 (rmrlti AnalyBt: Mtchal R. Draper 9.0 15.0 Trace <1.t 90.2 85.0 sample, see individual layer 10,0 60- q 2.O TaIc e8.-9 analysee). 1S. O 85. O Date: rolL4l2OO5. RESgbTg oF BIIIJC ASBESIOA SAUPITE ANALYSIS EY POLARIZID ITIGET UICROSCIPr (P&il) Cllent: H€rr€n EnterprL6cr, ItSt ProJ ect IDr 1013O52 AnalytsJ.ca Solucion3, Inc. 12189 Pennaylvania Street Thornton, Colorado 802{l(303) 459- 8868(800) 8?3 -8707 Fa:c: (303) ,tt69-5254 L,GN: 351329 Page; 6 of Samlc D.rcriptl-on I Samle Nuutber 101305 - 4B 1013O5:4C Sample Date ro / 13 1200s Descrlotio4 lwhiEe mud urrder lthilc paintl LOlL3l2oOE lIlrice rmrd under uhi re oaintl Rotulta ot PIJ Apalvala: Visual Area Eatiration: percentaqes lletected Sample Number: 101305-48 i.0130S -4C Asbeatl,form Minerals : Amoai t,e Anthophyllitse ChrysoE.iIe Crocldolit.e Trenplite -nct inoli te TOTAI, ASBESIIOS O Other Fibrous llaterials: 0 Fibrous claas Cel lulose Synehetics Other: Percent t{onfibrous Material r Cofitrrosite analysis iadividual layer analysee) Analysl : 100 (utrltilayered r'Z:-:- 1()0 6aq)le, see Date: tolLA/2005 RESI ITTS ol BUt X ASAESTO8 AAMPIE AISAITY9IA BY POIJARIZED IJTOHI IIICROS@PY (PTiI} AnelyElce Solutsioug, Inc. 121.89 Pennsylvania Street ThornEon, Colorado 10241 (303 ) ,16 9- 8858(800) 8?3-8?0?Pax: (3O3) {69-5?54 LGIN: 351330 Page: 2 oE Client: llorron Eneea?rlses, Project IDr 10011O53 saEq'le Der cript,io{r_t Sarmle Number 101305 -2C* DeacriDt ion [2 parEs] Sample Date rolL3l2005 101305-2C tAl l0l],3l2oo5 lqrav/broyn drvralll aO/L3l2OOS ltrhite mtd ]r/paint.l101305-2C fBl Eeeultse of glrtf lmlyrLr: Visual Area Batination: percenEaoes _Iletected Sample Nunber: 101305-?C* 101305-2C [Al tO13O5-2C [Bl Asbestiform Minerals: Arc6ite Anthophyl I ite ChrysoE.ile Crocidoli ue Tremol ite -Act inoli Ee TqfAIJ ASBBSTOS O OEher Fibrous Materials: Fibrous Glase o o CeIluIose Synthetslcs Other t Percent l{onfibrous Material 14.0 15.O 86 .0 100 indl-vidual layert Conpoa ite analyaig mrlt i analysee I Analyst 3 Draper 85.0 sar{)le, aee Dares LolL4lzoos r-lod cjIo,e o g E aro E & ! E.o B =E3€8-5*rntdrI3; IoiF9 O HHFS Z 1ft18 mBEgF:z R H,*'E {H--*: ltl =hz-H rBF*H T:gE;fttlt ., rt ii --E;E=(':'oF;InSe7H,U} Bd5+CBI.d,E (o EqTP,F _TI =6_.F s.zEig c}E-at' €(a,o i' # :1 F:r' F(l E H' 3Acfx $s5 F H ,]E Separate electrical, 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 €82 lu 4L1JCONTRACTOR INFORMATION }dr' General Contractor: kbs CotelttAu,,t-*. Town of vail Reg. No,:zsT-*Contact Person and Phone #s: AtvE, Cg'r-J-./ a1>52:.o Emalf address: C.r^.s ca.'l,.\a^.ra h-l--v,ll, tot*t Fax#: q7o-OtlS\OAZ36 "ont ""to.sien"trL@ V </ 9Ol*pmfeV&UATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats BUILDTNd$a{ q6 rno w ,/ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBTNq--L_MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ #For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-32&8640 or visit -/p71lbz tz@q Job Name: $ae(rl,,1^,"JobAddress: Sr'2$l@tb 6(b'<' le-+ V"tl . @ 8tb€1 Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block ll Filing:Subdivision: owners Name:* GcJiqf, lwAI AdW Phone: o'"tl'4uT''on"'' .rb-J. aor. ll ?$"n q{1L ual.(D ctb€v -----_ll#9lfia;, Engineer: t ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of wotki Wl 4ccb, {nur.,.r-1 foc-or(l*utc rl"}r-q, a+a,,t'1.ut"'ll r& rbg /ZOt'a.a1r*"F WorkClass: New() Addition(r{ Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: lnterior (p Exterior ()Q Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 94 Type of Bldg.: Single.family ( ) Two-family @<; tr,tutti-famity ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: L No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Typeof FireplacesProposed:GasAppliancCq{ ) GasLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurnins(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (Y) { FOR OFFICE USE ONL $,lY-?l'^?e'ra*" APR 2 0 2006 TOWN OF VAIL F:\cdev\FORMS\PermiE\Building\buildingJrermit. DOC Page I of 16 02/49/2oos oa 6 rtun' -/ y'n"/ -{ For H,{62<z{,{ /z-,rhr'/; t ',* ,lry 6ag - dzTL/ )/\Zz^tfzutfr + u,k ll4'6 ,zry'(/ if70,-t, ( 'l)/"u il<, ar4{4/ ;F-t*? /,voz<z/L/ d trGtr[VE APR 26 ffiI DEPARTMENT oF coMMLJNIT"?"*rort"*,rovit',t op Vell 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BI.JILD PERMIT PCTMit #: BO5-O294 Job Address: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSLJED Iocation.....: 5l28Grouselane, UnitsA&B Applied..: Wl22/2005 Parcel No...: 209918212010 Issued . .. : 06/2012W6 ProjectNo : Expires. ..: l2ll7l2W cot{TRAcToR ATLAS CONSTRUCTTON 04/26/2006 Phone: 97O-748-O24O PO BOX 6035 AVON co 8L620 L,icense: 255-A o$tNER .]ACKASS ACRES rrtc 09/22/2005 5128 GROUSE IN VAf Ir co 81657 Appr,rcANt wARzEcHA EnflTERPRTSES, rNC. 09/22/2005 Phone: 970-390-3674 P.O. BOX l_384 VAIL co 816s8 I-,icense : 541-B Description: REPAIR DECK, DRIVEWAY, RETAINING WALL, ROOF REPAIR AI{D REPIJACE, ADD OVERHANG SHED ROOF TO IMPROVE DRAINAGE, EXT. PAINT, RECONFIGI'RE EIITRY FOR PARCEI, B Occupancy: R-3/U Type Constnrction: V-B Valuation: $195,(n0.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplacc Informadon: ResFicted: Y # ofcas Applianc4s: 0 #ofcas lrgs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 FEB SUMMARY Building--- > $1, 525. ?5 Rcstuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> S991.?4 DRB Fec------------- > S0.00 Total Calculated Fee,s-> 52,s20.49 S0. 00 Additional Fees------>$0.00 lnvestigation- ) Will Call---- > S0.00 RecreationFee-------> 93.00 Clean-upDeposit------> S0.00 Total Permit Fe€-------- > 12,520.49 s0. 00 TOTAL FEES------------- > S2 ,52O .49 BALANCE DUE------ > E2 , s2O .49 90 .00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDIIiIG DEPARTMEIIr 1O/O7 /zOOs carrnion Action: CR asbestos report requried. contractor to supply. IO/28/2OOS cau$ion Action: AP approved plane. Item: 05400 PLANI{ING DEPART}IEI{T 09/29/2oos waEen IEem: 05600 FIRE DBPARII,IENI Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS Action: AP See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE 2 *****!****'l't*,i,f **1.****{.*tf **t**t!!***t*!********t}*rl.***!**.{.{.*{.r*rS*rt*******!t't**'t*+,F++*,t:t'i*'**'*****!*:*:*!*!t**,****!t*!**** Permit #: 8054294 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 0G2G2006 Status: ISSUED ,*,*,*:F:t* ****'t'*,*,t,**{r **tl.*********:***:t*:t*!*:1.:t:t:*:t*:*:****:l***{r,t'+!+++'*'il'i*'t*****t *{. * ** ** * * ** * *** * * Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLJILD PERMIT Applicant: wARzEcHAENTERPRISES,INC. 97c3903674 Job Address: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL Location: 5128 Grouse L,ane, Units A & B Parcel No: 2W918212010 Applied: Wl22l2U5 Iszued: MIhDW To Expire: l2ll7lzffi Description: REPAIR DECK, DRIVEWAY, RETAIMNG WALL, ROOF REPAIR AND REPLACE. ADD OVERHANG SHED ROOF TO IMPROVE DRAINAGE. EXT. PAINT. RECONFIGURE ENTRY FOR PARCEL B Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQURED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. Cond: CON0007657 r HouR CoNSTRUCTION WITH NO OPENINGS REQT IRED WITHIN 3' OF DUPLEX PROPERTY LINE. ******:r***'t'i,t'i*:f *{.****'i:Nr.*** conditions ***************,*:t*,t!t,t{r'},tr,t !i.:tr*:t't *'*'r*******r.*{.* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat€ laws, and to build this structure according to tlrc towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes ard other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOT'RS IN ADV PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OWNEROR CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER o *tf f +++++***+****'t'i**t*:t'i*t't't'|tf '|t******t+f *t+++*++t******'i:l"i*********'l*'a'i'i'i******tf ********** TOWNOFVAIL. COI,ORADO Statement R050000834 emount: $2,200.53 Check Statement Nuiber: Palment Method: 05/20/200608:05 Ati! fnit: LT Notation: Atlas / 1571 Permit No: Parce1 No: site Address : Irocation: This Palment: ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account code BP 0 0100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 BUITDING PERMIT FEES PI,AII CI{ECK FEES VIIIJIJ CAIJII INSPECTION FEE $2,52O.49 ;2 , 52O .49 $0.00 Current Pmta r , 525 .75 67r.78 3 .00 805-0294 T14re: ADD/AJ,T SFR BUIID PERMTT 2099-\82-L20L-O 5128 GROUSE I.,N VATIJ 5128 Grouse lJane, Units A & B Total Fees: Total ALt Pmta: Balance: Deacription s2, 200. s3 f a+++****+*+*******'i*'*t ****il'!'i'l'l't'S*++***a+**f +****t**1.'*li*1"*'t't't'i'i*****ttf f +++*++*,1'**t*'l ***t** Design Review Board ACTIOT FORI,I Departm€fl t of Communlty DEvelopment 75 Sooth Frontage Road, Vall. Colorado 81657 tef: 970.47S.2139 fa'"97O,q79.2452 fleb: rvww.vailgoy.com Project Name: Mcclynn-Soden-Haggerty Res. DRB Number: DR8050365 Project Description: REPAIR DECK, DRIVEWAY, RETAINING WALI. ROOF REPAIR AND REPI.ACE, ADD OVERHANG SHED ROOF TO IMPROVE DRAINAGE, EXTERIOR REPAINT, RECONRGURE ENTRY FOR PARCEL B Participants: owNER JACKASS ACRES LLC 0712512005 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT ETHEL MCGLYNN 022512005 Phone:303-394-2354 363 DAHLIA DENVER co 80220 PrcjectAddress: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL Location: 5128 Grouse Lane, Units A & B Legal Description: Lot: 8 Block 1 SuMivision: GORE CREEK SUB. Parcel Number: 2099-182-1201-0 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SrAFFAPR Second By:vote: DateofApproval:08/16/2005 Condiuons: @nd:8 (PLqN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. , Cond: CON0007'142 THE APPUCANT SHALL PI.ACE A KEYSTONE BLOCK VENEER ON THE FACE OF THE RETAINING WALI WHICH IS TO HAVE SOIL NAILS AND SHOT-CRETE APPLIED. THE KEYSTONE BLOCK VENEER SHALL MATCH THE COLOR AND STYLE OFTHE BCSNNG KEYSTONE BLOCK FOUND ON fiE EASTERN UNI *ffi ono: coNtzq+s Planner: PRIOR TO INSERTING SOIL NAILS AND APPLTTNG THE SHOT-CRETE THE APPUCANT SHALL REMOV THE AppROpRr,ATE AMOUNT OF mSnNG WOOD RETATNTNG TIMBERS (MNGES FROM 2 TO 5 IMBERS) FROM THE TOp SO THAT THE HETGHT OF THE WALL DOES NOT E(CEED 6 FEET rN HEIGHT. THE SOIL COI.IIAINED BY THE TIMBER RETAINING WALLS WILL NEED TO REGRADING, AFTER THE REMOVAL OF THE TIMBERS TO ENSURE A 6 FOOT WALL HEIGHT, TO A 2r1 SLOPE OR LESS. rF REQUIRED SrAFF CAN MEETTHE APPUCANT ON SrTE TO C|-ARIFY THE DESIRED RESULTS DPRESSED IN THIS CONDMON BY CALUNG WARREN CAMPBELL AT 479.2148. Cond: CON0007444 THE APPUCANT SHALL RECEIVE PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5122 GROUSE I.ANE TO IJTIUZE fiE PROPERTY FOR ACCESS TO PERFORM THE REIAINING WALL REPAIRS, Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: l,ocation.....: Parcel No...: Project No : OT{NER Permit #: Status. . Applied. Issued. Expires . EM-0r72 ISSUED 09/20/2M wtzr/2w 03t20/2w7 VAILco aL657 APPI-,ICAI{IT WEBB EI,ECTRTC P. O. BOX 6986 AVON co 8L620 License z ]-29-E CONTRACTOR WEBB EI,EETRIC P. O. BOX 6986 AVON co aL620 License:. L29-E iTACKASS ACRES IJIJC 5128 GROUSE IJN 09/20/2006 09/20/2006 Phone: 970-331-350s 09/20/2006 Phone: 970-331-3505 Desciption: INSTALL RECEPTACLES,SWITCHES, BASEBOARD HEAT AND LIGHTSValuation: $0.00 Square feet: 2000 FEE SUMMARY Electrical------- > DRB Fee------- > Investigation-: > Will Call----- > TOTAL FEES.. > $0 .00 s0.00 $3 .00 $89.2s Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees------- > Total Permit Fee---- > Payments--------- > BALANCE DUE.-.-.--. > $89.2s s0.00 s89.2s s89.2s s0.00 Approvals: Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIiII 09/20/2oo5 shahn Action: AP l"oo*r"rNr oF coMMUNrry opvtprr,,eNr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT 5I28 GROUSE LN VAIL 5128 Grouse Lane, Units A & B 2W918212010 1u{o+-a3LLp CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicdtion, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE AT 479-2t49 OR AT OllR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM '4 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PM, 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor: olt,AA "l,/effilc Town of Vail Reg. No.: tr - t7-q Contact Person and Phone #'s: nild, [YJattna 8/o3)l ilo{ E-MailAddres* EL<c_AUJsbb e DoL,Can. Fax#: q7D L/jbe.'7a @ntractorSignature: furrlrl COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR. AR.EA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (tabor & Materials) ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: ZAOO Conbct Assr;ssors Offie at 97O-328-864O orvisit for ParceI # Parrel #/B Detalled description t-z4HTS .(fflaiR.9 6ztETc-L-< , Frg Repalr( ) TempPower( ) Other( )Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( Does an EHU e><ist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( )Q Bderior ( ) Both ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single,family( ) Duplo((;() Muti-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: for a hot h.rb: Yes ( ) No System ExisE Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm FrisB Yes ( ) No ( I F:\cdev\rcRlvl5\PERMITS\Building\electical-permiLl 1-23-2005.ooc FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****************************!t******* Page I of 2 rLl2uzns F:\cdev\FoRIVIS\PERMm\Buildl ng\electicalJrermlt-l 1-23-2005. DOL ,,.m o o Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4, Series of 2005 Overhead seryices are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground seryices shall be in conduit (PVC) from the utility tansformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical dlstribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect s:witch shall be readily acessible, andlocated next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common waffs and spaces are exempt NM Cable (Romex) can h used only in single and multi-family dwellings net exceeding 3 stories.llp llE annot be used in any building mixed with Type A,B.QEH,IIM &S oeupancies, Aluminum condudorcsmaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of elterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and veriff that it will suppoft the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association/ a letter of permission from the association is required.o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electrical one4ine and panel schedules are required if load is added or distribution is altered. I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2I47. The inspector can be reached on Mondpy thru Friday mornings behrueen the hourc of 8am and 9am. You may also teaveavoicemai|andtheinspectorwil|ca||youback. ; Page 2 ot 2 1r12312005 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 O$INER iIACKASS ACRES IJIJC 5128 GROUSE I,N VAII, co 81557 APPLICAI\IT AI,IERICA}I PLIJMBING 4490 S COLEWAY MORRISON co 8045s License: 255-P CONTRACTOR AMERICAIT PLIIII{BING 4490 S COr_,EWAY MORRISON co 80455 I-,icense: 265-P Desciption: MOVE TOILET, SINK AND SHOWER TO A NEW LOCATION Valuation: $3.800.00 Fireolace Information: Resnicted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? FEE SI.JMMARY Plunbing--- > Plan Check-- > Inv6tigation- > Will Call----- > $60. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $15.00 TOTALFEES- --- $0. 0o s3 .00 $0. 0o ToEl Calculated Fees- > S78.00 AddidonalFe€s-----------> Total P€rmit Fcc----- > PaYnrnts--------- 2 BALANCE DUE--.---.- > $78.00 $0.00 978.00 $7S . oo $0.00 ?"ro*r"r*r oF coMMUNrrY DEVil.PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL Location.....: 5128 Grouse Lane, Units A & B ParcelNo...: 2@9l82l20l0 Irgal Description: qq.Og4S((, Proiect No : ) r\- 06/23/2006 & HEATTNG 06/23/2006 Phone: 970-390-5955 & IiEATTNG 06/23/2006 Phone: 970-390-5955 # of Gas Locs: '!'! # of Wood Pallet: ?? Permit #: P06-006+ 3cs-6 (q,q 11>66-0077 ISSUED 06/23t2W6 06t30/20n,6 t2t27t2W6 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPART!,IENT 06/23/2006 Js Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurat€ plot plan, and state that all ilrc information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and otlrcr ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OL'R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statemetrt +**++++++++*++++++++*+++++************+***t++{r*'t'}'t*'}**'t't'f'tt'}**'}f't*'t'a*+t****t**************** Statement Number: Pa)ment Method: 5123 R060000912 Anount: $?8.00 06/30/200601 :49 PM Check Init: DDG' Notation: American P & H Permit No: Parcel No: site Address: L,ocation: This Payment: ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 00100003112300 PP 0 010 00 0311110 0 wc 0 0100003112800 $78.00 Descript ion A&B Total Fees: Tota1 ALL Pmts : Balance: $78.00 $?8.00 $0.00 Current Pmts 1s.00 60. o0 3.00 P05-0054 Type: PITIniIBING PERMIT 2099-L82-L20L-O 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL 5128 Grouse Lane, Units PI,AN CHECK FEES PLT'I4BING PERMIT FEES WILL CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE o APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED a-._L4-oOL1v 75 S. Fronbge Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION COI{TRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Job Name: 5.^.! A *c-*-. uz '/erki >r>l k q-4 )/1ottt< r /t/<-/.J Work Class: New ( ) AddiUon Repair Mulu-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaunnt ( ) Other ( )Type of Bldg.: Single.family ( ) Duplo( No. of E<lstlng Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Unlts In this building: *:t*************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********************r************** 18 Ervtrlil 232ooo a OF VAIL JUN TOWN F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\plumbing-permiLl 1-23-2005.doc Page I of 1 ru23l2005 ' 'F ;.'r1 o '' '! t" * '' 'lr* *- IfvJ'n) t t$/rJ -.1 .t. / NtN0FVUIIT HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Gommunity Development Departnent Russell Fonest Director, (970)479-2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you conbcl? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. 4. Was your initial contact wiih our stafi immediate_ slow no one available ? lf you wereI required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A Please rate fie performance of the staffperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 0verallefiectiveness oihe Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. commited b improving our service. 0r I. 8. We are t o d\ rv7/Lsy' rt 60g - 029'/ "xZ,A lfu- & c\^,- tt,' I ^y'lt;"^J ///(,//7/a6 // /,t t! 7u.r,'//s4?t fu',/,/-,, fn 4/arzzz4ct-7" 7 7D 3?6' 7t7-',1 T\--^- CJ*.-I.- E.-*-o [l'',.-' \=-'--^- S*J q-\?'oo t' I ***+*tt't*'t*********+**+*************f+*a++t++*+*rf*'t'a'|t'l****ltt**a*f*********+****'t'***,}***t*** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statementft****+{'++'}'}**********++++**t************i+*'ti*'}***t+**+*t**++*t**+***+++**+**************** Statement Nuniber: R060000402 Amount: S319.96 04/L8/200605:33 pM Palment Method: Check Warzecha Init: LC Notation: *1525lThona8 Permit No: 805-0294 T14re: ADD/ALT SFR BmL,D PERUIT PaLceI No: 2O99-L82-L2OL-O Site Addrees: 5128 GROUSE ITTiMIIJ Location: 5128 crouae lJane, Units A & B TotsaI Feea: $815.21This Payment: $319 . 95 Total AJ,L Pmts: $319 . 95 Balance: $495.25taitlt+f+++**f+****+*****{!'}*+***t*************l**'t**'t'l****!t**'}'t'+{.*!t{.'+'t!t't**+************i*l** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account code Current PmtsDescription PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAIiI CHECK FEES 319 . 96 i\ r I X c.-- c-\c c-+r: A c-e-rrY \J t.t-L P\?Sos 'o 3\o -I3,o 5 -6Xc1\ --5a3()s oez ,- ?1,3?#ot In"p"$3,1 F"d:,Fit nepo'ting p"g" zo Requested lnspect Date: Wpdnesday, January 10, 2007' lnspection Area: CG Site Address: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL 5128 Grouse Lane. Unlts A & B A/P/D lnformation Insoectlon Historv Item: '10 It€m: 20Item: 30Item: 50 Item:60 It€m: 70 Activitv: 805-0294 Const Tvo6: Contractor: ATLAS C( Owner: JACKASS Applicant: WARZEC Dedcription: REP^AlBt Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: A-BUILD SubTvpe: ADUP Status: ISSUED U'se: V-B Insp Area: CGPhone: 970-748-0240 OVERHANG SHED B .gK Requested Tlme: 08:00 AM' Phone: 37S0455 Entered By: DGOLDEN K WALL IS REQUIRED GET THE PARTY WALL IN. SUPPORTS. REQUIRED TO BE ) FOR METER AND WOLL IN \ 0r hq" ,,/I /4, {-"u Item: 90 BLDG-Final '12120106 InsDector: JRM Action: DN DENIED ,qemment:, lt{EQRMEp G.C. NEEDS PLANNING E,P FINALSItem: 534 PLAN - FINAL C/O .. Approved * 01/09/07 Inspector: 'Wanen Action: APAPPROVED Comment: REPT131 Run Id: 623L ?lr-3?#oz rnseec$:,T,Fffrl??ffiporting eage +z Requested lnspect pate: lgesday, January 09, 2007- Inspoclion Area: SH Slte Address: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL 5128 Grouse Lane, Units A & B A/P/D lnformation Activitv: E0G0172 Const Tvo6: Owrier: JACKASS Aoolicant: WEBB EL Cohtractor: WEBB EL Descriotion: INSTALL Tvoe: B-ELEC aaOccupahby: Reouested Inspectlon(s) Item: 190 ELEG-Final Reouestor: WEBB ELECTRIC Assiqned To: SHAHN- Action: 130 ELEC-Conduit 140 ELEC-Misc.190 ELEC-Final Phone: 970-331-3605Phone: 970-331-3605 ACLES,SWITCHES, BASEBOARD HEAT AND LIGHTS Requested Tlme: 09:00 AM' Phone: 970-33'l-3605 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Time Exp: fr,,,a ,*r^\-/ CONDUCTORS SHALL fl1-->t-' Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED BE RUN OURSIDE BUILDING OR ENCASED IN CONCRETE PER NEC 110.26. S PER NECI IN EXISTING GRANITE, Item: Item: Item: Inspection Historv Item: 1 10 ELEC-ServiceItem: 120 ELEC-Rouoh Ogl22lOE lnsDector: Comment: SERVICE PER NEC. PROVIDE PROVIDE KITCHEN: PROVIDE PROVIDE REPT131 Run Id: 6224 ?L8?#ot 'n"0""{l:,tF"d1F",t *pPon'ng t"n" tn Requested Inspect Date: lqesday, January09, 2007' Inspedtion Area: CG Site Address: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL 5128 Grou66 Lane. units A & B A/P/D lnformation Activitv: P06-0064 Tvoe: B-PLMB Const Tvp6: Occupahbv: Owi'ier: JACKASS ACRES LLC Sub TUpe: ADUP Status: ISSUED Inso Area: CG Applicant: AMERICAN PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICE Phone: 970-390-5955 Contractor: AMERICAN PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICE Phone: 970-390-5955 Description: MOVE TOILET, SINK AND SHOWER TO A NEW LOCATION Requested Inspection(s) Item: 200 PLMB-Final Requestor: AMERIGAN PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICE Requested Time: 04:30 PM- Phone: 970-390-5955 -or- 970-748- 8667 Entered By: DGOLDEN Ko"r'slfi&,]3: JMoNDRAGoN Inspection Historv f,urtc AVe Pazez S t.-rg-l AP APPROVED No Roof Time Exp: REPT131 Run Id: 6224 ,A--/.-- l/ QUarno1*I '.-',r#7,T, r Decign Review Board ACTIOI{ FORlrl Department of Communlty Development 75 South Frontaoe Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 texi 97A,479.2452 web: uww.vallgo%com Project Namer McGlynn/Soden Changes to Approved Plan DRB Number: DRB050587 Proiect Descripdon: Request to repalce odsting drive which is collapsing due to soil erosion from underneath. New driveway will have appearance of erisiting drivevrray upon ompletion. Pafticipants: OWNER JACIGSS ACRES tI-C 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL co 816s7 APPLICANT ETHEL MCGLYNN 10/31/2005 Phone; 303-394-2354 363 DAHLTA DENVER @ 80220 ProtectAddr€ss: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL Location: 5128 Grouse Lane, Units A & B tegal Description: LoB 8 Bloc*: 1 SuMlvlslon: GORE CREEK SUB. Parcel Number: 2099-182-1201-0 Comments: SeeCondiUons o(lstttY tEirEl-ctEft 10/31/200s l.lotion By: Seond By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACIon: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcvah IUtLl2005 Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiBee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Buildlng personnel prior to construction activities. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is dlllgendy pursued toward completion. Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: S2O.O0 Ot i nor Exterior Alteratif Application for Design Review Department of Community De\relopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.7128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.lailgov,com General InformaUon: one year of dre apprcval. Description of Request:Tral parcer No.: z] lltELlsglO (Contact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-85'O for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):- J"- (os5' All projects requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submining a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be aaepted until all required infiormation is reeived by the Community Development DeparUnent. The poject may also need to be revielved by the Toan C.ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. ifesign teiiew approvat tapses untess a building permit is issued and consilruction commenaes within fr lr,-,^r, I crrMivician. A'-a /',Location of the Proposal= Lot: 4 ebck: t Sub,clNision: bt'( L/€C6- oxvt /. /') PhysicafAddress: {lZA braV? 3stI \, Owner(s) Signature(s): -. Name of APPlicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: n Signs tr Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Adtlition tr Minor AlteraUon (multi-Family/commercia l) tr Minor Alteration (9jn(fe-f ami lyldu plex) p/ ctranges to APProved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an additon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window addiuons, landsraping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor cfianges to buildings and site improvements, suci as, re-roofing, painting,. window additions, landscaping, fences and rrtebining walls, etc- ;rt T::,fifl?[-t3"3l1ls arreadv approved bv Prannins starr or the ^"Tla t$*L t*'l",h'at+ . rlla3l2665 r6.2s 36332257q1 PAE S1 It I I5l30GmrueLuu Vail, Colo'trdo t1657 Mr, Jos Suthcr Toum of Vail Facsitaile: 97 O,n 9 2452 I DcarMr. Su&En Ploasoaccqt thie communioatioo as confrmetiol that we hsvc rwiowcd and apprwc thersviscd McGllmrplaos raflectingthe drivcwaymodificatioos on 5l2E and srg0'&or$cIroc. 4 Scott Soden rry) 4u quostioar u requirc fufrer inbrmarion do not bsdhte to cont cr m€ on mynobile tqlclfono numbcr t03.8 A1.2SS2. Sinccrcln .t Cc Bthcl Mc0lpn 903.3g4.2gu ) *l*l*tfll*aaaf'ita**++*lllfaaf*lall+'}+t*******ll+lf*tll*f*at*aat+****+++afaaaft*fl*aa******++ TOWNOFVAII. COIORADO Star€m€dtItlal't**t'lftfff'tta***l*a'3a*ltaltf'llttltlf+fttfa'tll*ll'l|all'ta't*flflft&|laa**at'l*'i'tf'||tfltttf*f+ gtatem€nt lturdber: R050001833 Amount 3 $20.00 LO/3L/2OOSO8:51 AIrl Payment ltlethod: Cbcck Itit: ,Jg NotatioD: 1393/ErHBL I{CG'Ifl}IN Pernit No: DR805058? Tlpe: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2099-182-1201-0 Site Addrea6: 5128 GROUSB Iil VAfL LocatLon: 5128 Grouse talie, lraLts A & B Tota.I Feeas $20.00This Palment: 920. O0 TotaL ALIJ kltg: $20.00Balance: 90. O0+**a*tfl*f**f***fia*a{'**aaa{'*allt*l****+****ttttaltaaa+afltta+++++t**+ffafaalllafaffa+++t++++ ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: AccouDt Code Deacription Cur€nt PmtB DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DBSIGII RSUTEfi EBS 20 -oo rl)'Brien and Associates, LLC O Consulting Geological and Geotechnicat Services October 11, 2005 RE: concepfual Plans for Drire- way Repairs ats12g& 5i3o Grouse Lane, VailColorado Prepared For: Wazecha Enterprises PO Box 804 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Tom; Please find aftached a sketcfr site pran ard the folloring nanation. $ t y$9rstgnd.the project, the driverrrny (specificaily the gabion snrctur:at watla.nd ytdgtyilg backfill) at5128 Grouse Lane, ib setflingiand ilay cause iurtnerstrudural failure of the drileway located there. - The proposed remedy is to instalrthree borehores (1, 2, & 3) to depths rangingtrom appro.xp+ry 2s feet at borehore 1, to gproximitbry 15 ieet iiboilnore e,-ano 9R01ox1nat9lv 10 tuet belorground _yrface (bss) at boreirote 3, as shown on FigureI rh" finaldepths and tocatitons of the boreholei wiil be deteniined in the fleld.rnq typF of substrate encountered will determine borehole dedfs (the qoal is toavoid setting thepiers in artificialfill). Elcact borehote rocationiGir #'oJtermineo oydrill rig access. The nine-inch OD six-inch lD diameter boreholes will be drillecl usin!adual-wall percussion drill 19, ard cased with 3- or 4-inch schedule ao *eel pipewith the remaining annulus filled to approximately two-feet ogs witttype il porfl"no TTent. T.h9 piqg wiil not be fified with concreteio keep the-piers no'r[;noatinglduring periods of shallovr grourxlwater that commmly dccur in tne "pringr' The piers will be used to underpin three 6-inch $eel r-beams thd wil be used forlateraltruss to span the widt!.of tlg drireway (as shown on Figure i; ror constnrctionof a_drivewayplatbrm that wilr not be sfructdrdrttytepenoent ufrn n6'existinggabion yail The opposite or southea$em eno 6r edch tru; ilil be Jn"nor"o tofmters (sonnet tubes) for additimal lateral support. After the boreholes have been irntalled, the existing concrete dri\reway surfiacewill be remo/ed and the sonnet tubes witt ti instaileo it appropriate tocaiions to a ^depth of five-bet bss. Th9 tops of the sonnet tube sfroutd b it bast one-bot betorme sunaoe or me presentdriveway. The drivenay footprint will then be baddlledwith one or more feet of 1/Ainch grarel to form a ier,et iurtace on wl,rich to place thetruss ard vibr:atory compacted. The sticla:p of the piers and smnet turG- wrn then becut or otherwise adjusted to an elerration (io be deiermined) trrat witt enaoL tne newdrleway surfaoe to be free draining. The top of the grauel iurface snouro oe at leastone.foot belorv the top of the present oriveuay suma& ano revei wttn 'the tops ot tnepiers and sonnet tubes. 18451 EstCiseGeekDive Vail, Colora(b 8165-/ Phore/Fax 970.47W.12 Ernail jpobl @.msn.ccrn Oo'"r,* and Associates, LLGO Consulting Geolqical and Geotechnical Services The steeltrusswillthen be in$allecl and ancfrored at both ends. Another lifr ofgravel will fhe-n be placed to make a surfiace level with trre top d the tnrss andcompacted. { one by one-foot grid of No. s (FtB-irnh) re-nai wifi then be ptaced overthe.drircway footpdnt and a 6- (minlmum) to b-inctr trior hyer of type t oi ilt ore.o{lgnd cernent will be poured and form6d in a mannerto -assure tire drfve is freectrarnng ancl matchlng strcet and garage entrance elanations. More details to follorv. J.P. O'Brien O'Brien & Associates, LLC 18451 restcdeClBekUlte Vail, Odqa<b 8165-/ PfbnerFax 97O.1iC8P12 Ernail ipoll @.msn.cqn IEE;t:i ! E, , iEEi!,,o oii ri; t2 ! I Eti.|o otroJ oo5 ec' C'G' o G|rF tO flo o rILo rho Eo -Is(,floJo ta EI et Io E Eto !Eatta 5 Eo = IF oL5t''IIlf +$-o t^l ( ?ry qb r\s)\ {NT/E HIF sFliF{ As €'s\5 A(t=9{ \b\ \ I / -rc I ,;:":i Iiw .-J t =-/a'l'$ .ti' ,f MMI r'i'rL f,t*fil. Ils i.' 4' J x# b'n -}'F4f..q5:$.6?.3]9.}'q'e*g\ry5 ;5;' ''- rr *:i'fr-,G Oo'"r,"n and Associates, LLc O Consulting Geological and Geotechnical Services October 11,2005 RE: Conceptual Plans for Drive- Way Repairs at5128 & 5130 Grouse Lane, Vail Colorado Prepared For: Wazecha Enterprises PO Box 804 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Tom; Please find attached a sketch site plan and the following narration. As I understand the project, the driveway (specifically the gabion structural wall and underlying backflll) at 5128 Grouse Lane, is settling and may cause further structural fallure of the driveway located there. The proposed remedy is to install three boreholes (1, 2, & 3) to depths ranging from approximately 25 feet at borehole 1, to approximately 15 feet at borehole 2, and approximately 10 feet below ground surface (bgs) at borehole 3, as shown on Figure 1 . The final depths and locations of the boreholes will be determined in the fleld. The types of substrate encountered will determine borehole depths (the goal is to avoid setting the piers in artificial fill). Exact borehole locations will be determined by drill rig access. The nine-inch OD six-inch lD diameter boreholes will be drilled using a dual-wall percussion drill rig, and cased with 3- or 4-inch schedule 40 steel pipe with the remaining annulus filled to approximately two-feet bgs with type ll Portland cement. The pipe will not be fllled with concrete to keep the piers from'floating" during periods of shallow groundwater that commonly occur in the spring. The piers will be used to underpin three 6-inch steel l-beams that will be used for lateral truss to span the width of the driveway (as shown on Figure 1) for construction of a driveway platform that will not be structurally dependent upon the existing gabion wall. The opposite or southeastern end of each truss will be anchored to footers (sonnet tubes) for additional lateral support. After the boreholes have been installed, the existing csncrete driveway surface will be removed and the sonnet tubes will be installed at appropriate locations to a depth of flve-feet bgs. The tops of the sonnet tubes should be at least one-foot below the surface of the present driveway. The driveway footprint will then be backfilled with one or more feet of 1/4-inch gravel to form a level surface on which to place the truss and vibratory compacted. The stickup of the piers and sonnet tubes will then be cut or otherwise adjusted to an elevation (to be determined) that will enable the new driveway surfrce to be free draining. The top of the gravel surface should be at least one-foot beloryv the top of the present driveway surface and level with the tops of the piers and sonnet tubes. 1845 Wesl Gtre Crcek Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 Phone/Fax: 97 0.47 *8212 Email: ipobl @:nsn.com Oo'"r,"n and Associates, LLc O Consulting Geological and Geotechnical Services The steel truss will then be installed and anchored at both ends. Another lift of gravel will then be placed to make a surface level with the top of the truss and compacted. A one by one-foot grid of No. 5 (S/8-inch) re-bar will then be placed over the driveway footprint and a 6- (minimum) to 8-inch thick layer of type I or lll of Portland cement will be poured and formed in a manner to assure the drive is free draining and matching street and garage entrance elevations. More details to follow. J.P. O'Brien O'Brien & Associates, LLC A I.B \ 1845W6t Gtre Crcek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone/Fax: 97 0.47 *8212 Email: ipobl@.msn.com o 0 tl iEOEEiEi.e!it9EfE|9E & E9\HEtrJO!E*ES.3gsoiEExxeeEE oCo 6toJg oso oE o 6 E xgcc oo o EoJ oo3oL (!, o c0 oNF u) +f IE o IILo Iro tr IE Ig s(,+,oJo tF oL5o'IIIL oa6 oo3o C' ctN rO offi'^ Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORtr{ Department af Community Development 75 South Frontaoe Road. \fail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fexi 970.479.2452 web: www. rai lgo%comcotrtlBrtEtEl#t-lfi Proiect l{ame: McGlynn/Soden Res. Changes DRB Number: DR8050507 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI-ANS IN THE OVERHANG DESIGN Participants: OWNER JACIGSS ACRES TIC 5128 GROUSE TN VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT ETHELMCGLYNN 363 DAHUA DENVER co 80220 ProjectAddress: 5128 GROUSE tN VAIL 5128 Grouse Lane, Units A & B oslza200s 09 P42005 Phone: 303-394-2354 LocaUon: tegal Description: Lot: 8 Blodc l Subdivision: GORE CREEK SUB. ParcelNumber: 2099-182-1201{ Comments: See C,onditions Uotion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: STAFFAPR Dab of Approvalz 09l29l2OOS Oond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail stafr and/or the appropriate revieu, ommittee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C.ond:,2O2 Approval of this project shall lapse and beome void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. @nd: CON0007596 The applicant shall use one true stone for the facde of the building. No faux stone is permitted. t. It-. General lnlbnnatioru#gtffiH,:iffi, fficannd be acepre{, urui an rcqrrca iffiffi; ffi* q.* d,ffity;tr prn.* oeparrnenr. TrreffiffiHffirmE:rHfimsdfu Dcacripdon of ttre Reque*: Locadon of 0re propocal: tot:t*rlsubdm*rn: . Physical Address: Parel llo.: Zonlng: t{ame(s) of {Xrner(s): Mailing Addrpss: t,p A)q o 8 A t/] --7otrflf'F'{ls, srisnarre(r! Name of Applicant: Malling Addrese: E-mail Addlcss: Type of R€uiflard Fee:tr Signstl Coneptual Rerdav tr NerrConsbuctirrO Addtdo.l tr MinorAlEradon (mutU-hmlly/@mrnerdal) O MinorAlEndon (strpFFamfty/dufler) ^ (-||angestoApprorcd Hans tr SepanOon Request rnl1 1.t0_ Plus $t.m per squac foot dbtat ltm arca.fib Fce fI For @nsbuction of a n€il buikfng or dernCrcbuiH.${n For an addiluon r*ere q,Frc^FtageE;Jd;t any resirentbt or $2so flffiFryJ'ffii'ffi"ffiffi' wittdorv "oolu*+-[-Gprp, tind anoS20 For mtnd changes b Tjgf 1lY.{b tnercvsneils, erdr 6,m;m' ffido' adddncffi6,e, *G "noS2o For |gftirrls b plars arcoOV Ogoraf bf ffannnrp ffi or tfre** HnevL'ryadrd. I #*EFF; 'l+laf+f++++*++******+t+*******'i*:l******t+t'}ll*al**91***+++++*******'|*'i*lr*tlfll+*'|t't********** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement 'l***a*****+t+ff+flf*++++tft*{.i****l*faaflrtallaa*l'}a**tf+++++++++*++*********+*'}'}at'}**tt***** Statement Nurnber: R050001559 Amount: $20.00 09/22/2OOSO2z27 ptr! Payment Method: Check fnit: dISNotation: 1348/PETER MCGIJYNN Permit No3 DRB050507 TIE)e: DRB- Chg to Appr PlanE Parcel No: 2099-182-1201-0 Site Addrese: 5128 GROUSE IJi|.IIJ IJocation: 5128 Grouee Lane, Units A & B Total FeeE: $20,00Thia Palment: $20.00 Total ALrL, pmtE: g2o.o0 Balance: 90. oo 'l**a***aaaaf*tt*t******++*++++++++t++++**+*+**t'l'i*'t***+*a*tfft1}rt**at**+*+'i*at***+*+****+*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: AccouDt Code Description Current pnta DR 001000031L2200 DBsrGri[ RB\,:tEt{ FEES 20.00 I6q1D.47q,uaz &f,tl, lLhfi (tA rh4, Ul*( M'cfr',nt t ry,UqVq4 ng_3 $ E$i E T {$ F ,DF\-o_ms- c\ \..t--a 'tFKo Ih F -> 3 D3_ l\-rL-- <-e F- P 18l/l)- t\ I g$i FpJF +ol x $ /6rr{ntL SuHi'PtiY Iof g, blF I ,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Cornmunity De\rdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 9il.479.21$ fu: 970.479.2452 web: www.cl,vail.co,us Project Name: McGlynn-Soden-Haggefi Res. DRB l{umber: DR8050365 Project Description: REPAIR DEC$ DRIVEWAY, RETAINING WALL, ROOF REPAIR AND REPI.ACE, ADD OVERHANG SHED ROOFTO IMPROVE DRAINAGE, EXTERIOR REPAINT, RECONFIGURE ENTRY FOR PARCEL B Participants: owNER TACKASS ACRES LLC 07/25120n,5 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT ETHEL MCGLYNN 07/2512005 Phone:303-394-2354 363 DAHLIA DENVER co 80220 Project Addrcss: 5128 GROUSE LN VAIL LocaUon: 5128 Grouse Lane, Units A & B tegal Description: [ot: 8 Blodc 1 Subdivislon: GORE CREEK SUB. Parael Number: 2099-182-1201{ Comments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACnOil Motion By: Actlon: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DabofApproval: 08/16/2005 CondiUons: C,ond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not onstitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. @nd:201 DRB approral shall not beome valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Apprwal of this projtrt shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and consffiuction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Gond: CONflD7,l42 THE Appu# 'HALL pr-AcE A KEysroNE BLocK vENtN THE FA.E oF rHE RETATNTNG *ALL WHICH IS TO HAVE SOIL NAILS AND SHOT-CRETE APPUED, THE KEYSTONE BLOCK VENEER SHALL MATCIH THE COLOR AND STYLE OF THE DCSnNG KEYSTONE BLOCK FOUND ON THE EASTERN UNIT Cond: CON0@7443 PRIOR TO INSERTING SOIL NAIIS AND APPL'ITNG THE SHOT-CRETE THE APPUCANT SHALL REMO\6 THE APPROPRIATE AMOUNT OF DCSnNG WOOD RETAINING TIMBERS (MNGES FROM 2 TO 5 TIMBERS) FROM THE TOP SO fiATTHE HEIGHT OF fiE WALL DOES NOT D(CEED 6 FEET IN HEIGHT. THE SOIL CONTAINED BY THE TIMBER RFTAINING WALLS WILL NEED TO REGMDING, AFIER THE REMOVAL OF THE TIMBERS TO ENSURE A 6 FOOT WALL HEIGHT, TO A 2:1 SLOPE OR LESS. IF REQUIRED STAFF CAN MEETTHE APPLICANT ON SITE TO CI.ARIFY THE DESIRED RESULTS EXPRESSED IN THIS CONDMON BY CALUNG WARREN CAMPBELL AT 479-2148. Cond: CON0007,144 THE APPLICANT SHALL RECEIVE PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5122 GROUSE IANE TO LMLIZE THE PROPERTY FOR ACCESS TO PERFORM THE RETAINING WALL REPAIRS. Planner: Warren Gmpbell DRB Fee Paid: f2O.OO TOI{'Nffi DeFrtmer* of Oo|m|'fly Detf,letrtt 75 Sdl0r FrontagF Rod, \fd, Oobr$ 8165/ d: 97O-4792139 fax: 97o-4792.1tP web: www.vailgov.cdtl General lnformatkm: Al prr*:cls ruqiip dcigrr rwirw rust mcdve ilrovd gior to subfi*ttltg a hiadilg peflnil appficatin. PbGe reErto lhe$ffi reqiErErisb.tp ptlr*+romt t|at b qd- An apfffit br IXCgn E* cilnot be accapbd unfl ai n4rled htumdhn b naiwd bV tle Carrrufty enh9npot tbpa,ffi. The p|tilct nrry & ne6d fo bo rwirred by ltp Tdn Od'rcl andbr ,|e frrip fld En immettd Cdrnissin. O*tn nrtcr epront lrF.. urd.s r hdtrng Ocnnlt tr iEilad ild coclnrc{bn co.wnerc.6 ulthln ?pprication for Design n.t* one yeer of 0rc rypovrt. Decriptlon of tfre ReSrest: Location of the Propcel: I Addrscs: Zoning: 'due.+7A t82 2aP Iailing Addluss: $.bdivbbn: (Oontact Eagb Co. Assessor et 97G'&8{6{0 tur p*cd no.) Phone: Name(s) of Ouner(s):$ t'l $ t4s CO olF s650 GIn tzso f Orner(s) Signature(s Name of Appllcant: tailing Address: +.?. tiagrts Cmcoptual Revicry Ne*ffirdir| Addabn Mlrcr Altsratbn (multFfamily/comrsrieil) lf,nor Afteretbn t*Bre+nffloffi--t*--l Og|g3sbAFmdPliE Soparatbn Req,Est S50 Phrs Sl.m pet sqrse hd o{ btal sign alea- No Fee $a0 For corstuclim of a rnw bulliB or defiE r€bot t. Fr an add'aion rrrfEre sqra|e botaoe b added lo any residantbl or onrren*il bul&rg (hdrdes 2fl) addfiru & hlarior swdcs).tu mho. chfl|g€s b builfrigB nd sib irywt|Enl8' sdr a, Emonng, p6intiu, windou a.ffionsr Htdscaeilg, ftnces d|d .€taining u,als, etc. For mlE .tsrg3sb brilrtrgsfld sitr ingowilsrls" sldr a, Hoonng. p*rting, rixlil ffibnq htGDillrg, furc rd '€Giirgu*,dc.340 Fr rcvisirts lo pbrs *dt ?Fnr€d by ktnirg S o. lhe Dc*rn Revir Boed- IrloFe Type of Revbw and Fee: Fage 1 of l?o1,nllo1- 0,cs JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WR ITTEN APPROVAL LETTER l, (print name a joint owner of property located at (address/legal dsiption) pmvide thb letter as approval of the plans dated whici have been submifted to the Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Departtnent for the proposed improvements to be complet€d at the address noted above. I understand that the prcpoeed improvements include: I further understand that minor rnodifications may be made to the plans over the @urse of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applbable codes and regulations. PagE 2 of 1zlUlO1lM ' Printable Details Account Number: Parcel Numbar: Tax Area: Mill Levy: Ovyner ilame/Address: Legal Dcscriptlon: Physlcal Addreas: Acres: R030352 209918212010 sc103 47.7190 JACKASS ACRES LLC C/O PETER H. & ETHEL K. 5128 GROUSE LN vAtL, co 81657 SUB BLK:I LOT:8 -0565 PG-0334 MAP ocD 10-2$00 005128 GROUSE LN Unit: B VAIL o.22 Page I of3 Propefi Tax Valuation Information Actual Value Assessed Value Value Land 143000 11380 lmprovoments 256620 2043f, Total 399620 31810 Sale History Reception Number: 816466 Book: n/a Page: n/a Sale Date: 1111412002 Sale Price: 400000.00 Deed Type: WARRANTY DEED Grantor WOLF. THOMAS & HANNE Remarks: n/a Reception Number: R742633 Book: rva Page: rva Sale Date: 1012512000 Sale Price: 362000.00 Deed Type: WARRANW DEED Grantor HUTTNER, BARBAM J. Remarks: n/a Recaptlon Number: n/a Book: 0707 Page: 0263 Sale Date: 912711996 Sale Price: 309000.00 Deed Type: WARRANTY DEED Grantor n/a Remarks: n/a Rccoption umber: n/a Book: 0629 Page: 0696 http : //www. eaglecounty.us/patie/printable_detail s. cfrn 07125/2005 ' Printable Details Sale Date: 11311gg4 Sale Price: 237000.00 Deed Type: WARRANW DEED Grantor n/a Remarks: n/a Rcceptlon Number: ry'a Book: 0566 Pag6: 0285 Sale Date: 10/30/1991 Sale Price: 120000.00 Deed Type: WARMNTY DEED Grantor n/a Rema*s: n/a Page2 of3 lmprovcment lnformdon ResidentialBuildings: 1 Commercial Buildings: 0 Hoatod AGas FIN UPPER STORY MAIN FLOORAREA MAIN FLOOR AREA Total All Areas DECK FIN UPPER STORY MAIN FLOORAREA DECK MAIN FLOOR AREA 664.000 . 650.000 650.000 19&t 91.000 664.000 650.000: 469.000 650.000 Building Charac'terlstlcs (Flrrt lmproymont In Account) ABSTMCT-CODE SINGLE FAM.RES-IMPROVEMTS ACT YEAR BLT 1979 AIRCOND ARCH-SryLE BASEMENT NONE 3 STORY WALKOUT BASEMENTFINISH FBM BATHS 2.OO BEDROOMS 2.OO BUILDING-WPE DUP-TRIPLEX CONST QUAL AVERAGE DEPll YEAR - 1979 EXTERIOR_WALL WD SID AVG FIXTURES IO FLOOR CARPET INV FRAME WOODFRAME HEATING-FUEL ELECTRIC HEATING-WPE ELE.B/B INTERIOR-WALL DRYWALL http ://www. eaglecounty.uVpatie/printable_details. cftr 07125/200s ' Printable Details LOCAL-CODE NEIGHBORHOOD ROOF_COVER ROOF-STRUCTURE ROOMS STORIES SUPER_NBHD UNITS USE-CODE o Page 3 of3 DUP/TRIPLEX PRE 1986 BIGHORN BUILT.UP FLAT 7 sToRrEs 3.0 EASTVAIL/BOOTH FALLS 1 RESIDENTIAL Tax Hbtory Tax Ycar Traneac.tlon Typo Amount 2004 TaxAmount 1527.@ 2OO4 Tax Payment Whole -1527.00 2003 TaxAmount fl9fJ,f 2003 Tax Payment Whde -1490.12 2002 TaxAmount 1394.,f0 2002 Tax Payment Whole -1394.40 2OO1 TaxAmount 1323.66 2001 Tax Payment Whole -1323.66 2OO0 TaxAmount 1209.6S 2000 Tax Payment Whole -1209.68 http ://www. eaglecounty.us/patie/printable_details. cftr 07/2s/2005 Printable Details Account Number: R03035'l Parcel Number: 209918212009 Tax Area: logal Descrlption: Physical Address: Acres: Mfff LeW: 47.7190 ormer Name/Ador"""#5GDcorr w. & cATHERINE M.\FtsrF{ANKLIN sT DENVER. CO 80218-3625 sc103 SUB:GORE CREEK SUB BLK:1 LOT:8 oesc :r*r<dFf eR-0s65 PG-0334 MAP(\--l 10-23-91 005128 GROUSE LN Unit: A VAIL 0.18 Page I of3 Propefi Tax Valuatlon Informatlon Actual Value Asces3ed Value Value Land 143000 1'r380 lmprovements 166840 't3280 Total 309840 24660 Sale Hlstory Receptlon Numb€r: n/a Book: 0653 Page: 0430 Sale Date: 1012011994 Sale Price: 239000.00 Deed Type: WARRANTY DEED Grantor n/a Remarks: n/a Receptlon Number: n/a Book: 0599 Page: 0468 Sale Date: 1112fi993 Sale Price: 141500.00 Deed Type: WARRANTY DEED Grantor rva Remarks: n/a lmprovomont Informatlon ResidentialBuildings: 1 CommercialBuildings: 0 Heated Aleas MAIN FLOORAREA Total All Aleas MAIN FLOOR AREA 1125.000 1125 1125.000 http ://www. eagl ecounty.us/patie/printable_detail s. cfrn 07t25/2005 Printable Details BALCONY Page 2 of 3 40.000 GARAGE ATTACHEO FINISHED 2OO.OOO Building Characterlstie (Flrst Improvment In Account) ABSTRACT-CODE ACT-YEAR-BLT AIRCOND ARCH-STYLE BASEMENTFINISH BATHS BEDROOMS BUILDING-TYPE CONST-QUAL DEP.I1 EXTERIOR-WALL FIXTURES FLOOR FRAME GAMGE HEATING-FUEL HEATING-WPE INTERIOR-WALL LOCAL-CODE NEIGHBORHOOD ROOF-COVER ROOF-STRUCTURE ROOMS SHAPEO STORIES SUPER-NBHD UNITS USE-CODE WALL FIN SINGLE FAM.RES-IMPROVEMTS 't979 NONE 3 STORY NO BASEMENT 2.50 3.00 DUP.TRIPLEX AVERAGE YEAR.,I979 WDSIDAVG 't0 CARPET INV WOOD FRAME GARAGE OO.I-350 ELECTRIC ELE,B/B DRYWALL DUP/TRIPLEX PRE 1986 BIGHORN WO SHINGLE GABLE/HIP 6 N/A STORIES 3.0 EAST VAIL / BOOTH FALLS 1 RESIDENTIAL N/A Tax History TaxYear Transactlon Type Amount 2004 TaxAmount 1166.26 2004 Tax Payment: First Haf -583.13 2OO4 Tax Payment Second Half -583.13 2003 TaxAmount 1138.08 2003 Tax Payment First Half -569.04 2003 Tax Payment: Second Half -569.04 2002 TaxAmount 1118.80 2002 Tax Payment: First Half -559.40 2OO2 Tax Payment Second Half -559.40 2OO1 TaxAmount 1062.06 2001 Tax Payment: Flrst Half -531.03 http : //www. eaglecounty. us/patie/printable-details. cfrn 07/25/200s 2001 2000 2000 2000 Printable Details Tax Payment Second Half -531.03 TaxAmount 989.54 Tax Payment: First Half 494.77 Tax Payment: Socond Half -494.77 Page 3 of3 http : //www. eaglecounty.us/patie/printable_details. cfrn 07/25t2005 ****+at't*f+++++**'3**at***aat***a++a++fllftt*'i******at**a***t++++++t++**+*{rl'****ata***+**'t**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statementi.'l'f**'l***+++a+++lf*l'1"+'$'t'|t*tr*at'l*{,*r***lfi*+********ff't'}'}*'ttf**a*******tt++**t******+******** Statement Number: R050001139 Anount: $20.00 07/25/2OOSO4:44 pM Palment Method: Check Tnit: LrCNotation: #1139/BrHEL, MCGLYI\IN Permit No: DR8050355 T!pe: DRB-Irlinor Alt, SFR,/DSP Parcel No: 2O99-L82-]-2OL-O Site AddreEs: 5128 GROUSB IJN'UAIL IJocatlon: 5L28 Grouse IJan6, UnitE A & B Total Fees: $20.00This Palment: $20.00 Total ALL Pnta: $20.00Balance: $0. O0 ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription DR 00100003tL2200 DESTGN RE\i:tEtf FEES Current Elnts 20.00 o Lot 8. porcel f, Gore Cre-ek Subdivision 5128 GroweLone Voil, dolorodo Scope of Work for Renovoiion Summer 2OO5 Driwuay Inprove structurol weakness opporently coused by €rosion rith soil mil ond shotcrele tr€otment to roilrood tie bose of gobion woll Add evugre.et bushes in front of repoired retoinitg mll Add roilirg to West side of drivenroy lo meet code Roof Rephce gruvd ond tor fht roof with o dork siryle ply membrone with o mturcl rock cover Add2'roof ponopet Dcck Repoir & reploce rotten deck plonks Rebuild compromised deck entry Renove existing stoirs Rephce rolten roilirg with metol posts ond horizontol wire rtngs Rebuild pihsters in front and odd 2 more for symmetry E ctcrior improve generol oppeoronce with oddition of roof poroPet ond metol shed roof osrning New point Rephce or repoir broken ond peeliry sidiry Pofch upstoirs doors thol will be unusei urder new configunotion Add window to West rvoll of upstoirs noster Add syrnmetricol windows to west rvoll of stoir to odd light ond viery Exterd verticolly 6'east woll of 2d floor Printable Details Account Number: R03035'l Parcel Number: 209918212009 Tax Area: logal Descrlption: Physical Address: Acres: Mfff LeW: 47.7190 ormer Name/Ador"""#5GDcorr w. & cATHERINE M.\FtsrF{ANKLIN sT DENVER. CO 80218-3625 sc103 SUB:GORE CREEK SUB BLK:1 LOT:8 oesc :r*r<dFf eR-0s65 PG-0334 MAP(\--l 10-23-91 005128 GROUSE LN Unit: A VAIL 0.18 Page I of3 Propefi Tax Valuatlon Informatlon Actual Value Asces3ed Value Value Land 143000 1'r380 lmprovements 166840 't3280 Total 309840 24660 Sale Hlstory Receptlon Numb€r: n/a Book: 0653 Page: 0430 Sale Date: 1012011994 Sale Price: 239000.00 Deed Type: WARRANTY DEED Grantor n/a Remarks: n/a Receptlon Number: n/a Book: 0599 Page: 0468 Sale Date: 1112fi993 Sale Price: 141500.00 Deed Type: WARRANTY DEED Grantor rva Remarks: n/a lmprovomont Informatlon ResidentialBuildings: 1 CommercialBuildings: 0 Heated Aleas MAIN FLOORAREA Total All Aleas MAIN FLOOR AREA 1125.000 1125 1125.000 http ://www. eagl ecounty.us/patie/printable_detail s. cfrn 07t25/2005 Printable Details BALCONY Page 2 of 3 40.000 GARAGE ATTACHEO FINISHED 2OO.OOO Building Characterlstie (Flrst Improvment In Account) ABSTRACT-CODE ACT-YEAR-BLT AIRCOND ARCH-STYLE BASEMENTFINISH BATHS BEDROOMS BUILDING-TYPE CONST-QUAL DEP.I1 EXTERIOR-WALL FIXTURES FLOOR FRAME GAMGE HEATING-FUEL HEATING-WPE INTERIOR-WALL LOCAL-CODE NEIGHBORHOOD ROOF-COVER ROOF-STRUCTURE ROOMS SHAPEO STORIES SUPER-NBHD UNITS USE-CODE WALL FIN SINGLE FAM.RES-IMPROVEMTS 't979 NONE 3 STORY NO BASEMENT 2.50 3.00 DUP.TRIPLEX AVERAGE YEAR.,I979 WDSIDAVG 't0 CARPET INV WOOD FRAME GARAGE OO.I-350 ELECTRIC ELE,B/B DRYWALL DUP/TRIPLEX PRE 1986 BIGHORN WO SHINGLE GABLE/HIP 6 N/A STORIES 3.0 EAST VAIL / BOOTH FALLS 1 RESIDENTIAL N/A Tax History TaxYear Transactlon Type Amount 2004 TaxAmount 1166.26 2004 Tax Payment: First Haf -583.13 2OO4 Tax Payment Second Half -583.13 2003 TaxAmount 1138.08 2003 Tax Payment First Half -569.04 2003 Tax Payment: Second Half -569.04 2002 TaxAmount 1118.80 2002 Tax Payment: First Half -559.40 2OO2 Tax Payment Second Half -559.40 2OO1 TaxAmount 1062.06 2001 Tax Payment: Flrst Half -531.03 http : //www. eaglecounty. us/patie/printable-details. cfrn 07/25/200s 2001 2000 2000 2000 Printable Details Tax Payment Second Half -531.03 TaxAmount 989.54 Tax Payment: First Half 494.77 Tax Payment: Socond Half -494.77 Page 3 of3 http : //www. eaglecounty.us/patie/printable_details. cfrn 07/25t2005 ****+at't*f+++++**'3**at***aat***a++a++fllftt*'i******at**a***t++++++t++**+*{rl'****ata***+**'t**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statementi.'l'f**'l***+++a+++lf*l'1"+'$'t'|t*tr*at'l*{,*r***lfi*+********ff't'}'}*'ttf**a*******tt++**t******+******** Statement Number: R050001139 Anount: $20.00 07/25/2OOSO4:44 pM Palment Method: Check Tnit: LrCNotation: #1139/BrHEL, MCGLYI\IN Permit No: DR8050355 T!pe: DRB-Irlinor Alt, SFR,/DSP Parcel No: 2O99-L82-]-2OL-O Site AddreEs: 5128 GROUSB IJN'UAIL IJocatlon: 5L28 Grouse IJan6, UnitE A & B Total Fees: $20.00This Palment: $20.00 Total ALL Pnta: $20.00Balance: $0. O0 ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription DR 00100003tL2200 DESTGN RE\i:tEtf FEES Current Elnts 20.00 o Lot 8. porcel f, Gore Cre-ek Subdivision 5128 GroweLone Voil, dolorodo Scope of Work for Renovoiion Summer 2OO5 Driwuay Inprove structurol weakness opporently coused by €rosion rith soil mil ond shotcrele tr€otment to roilrood tie bose of gobion woll Add evugre.et bushes in front of repoired retoinitg mll Add roilirg to West side of drivenroy lo meet code Roof Rephce gruvd ond tor fht roof with o dork siryle ply membrone with o mturcl rock cover Add2'roof ponopet Dcck Repoir & reploce rotten deck plonks Rebuild compromised deck entry Renove existing stoirs Rephce rolten roilirg with metol posts ond horizontol wire rtngs Rebuild pihsters in front and odd 2 more for symmetry E ctcrior improve generol oppeoronce with oddition of roof poroPet ond metol shed roof osrning New point Rephce or repoir broken ond peeliry sidiry Pofch upstoirs doors thol will be unusei urder new configunotion Add window to West rvoll of upstoirs noster Add syrnmetricol windows to west rvoll of stoir to odd light ond viery Exterd verticolly 6'east woll of 2d floor 3 Lot 8, porcel |Gore Creek Subdivision 5128 Grouse Lone Voil, Colorodo Drivewoy a o Improve structurol weakness opporently coused by erosion with soil mil ond shotcrete tr€otment to roilrood tie bose of gobion woll Add evergre-ur bushes in front of repoired retoinirg woll Add roiling to West side of driver,voy to meet code b,',)-*brfu^ ttl NruW a( slwv *" 'l-- *l Lot 8, pcrcel tl Gore Creek Subdivision 5128 GrouseLone Voil, Colorodo Drivcwoy o o fmprove structurol weokness opporently coused by erosion with soil mil ond sholcrete treotment to roilrmd tie bose of grobion woll Add evergree-n bushes in front of repJred retoining woll Add roiling to West side of drivewoy to meei code Mlfutowi gJ",,6rr,ta^ruvl,A Nd,( 4 \-/ 4 Lot 8, porcel tl 6ore Crcek Subdivision 5128 Grouse lnne Voil, Colorodo E)CGrlor . improve gal,ercl oppeoronce by odding o roof poropet ond netol shed roof ownirg to natch cxisting netol roofirp r l.ler point . Rephce or repoir broken ond peeling sidiry o Potch upstoirs doors thot will bc unrscd rndcr rcw artra corfigrr.rctim . Add window to tmtch existirg on Wcsi woll of upstoirs tmsl€r o Add windous to rmtch a<isting to wcst roll of stoir to odd ligttt ctd vicr . Rcbuild pihstcrs in front ond odd 2rwre for synrmetry . Extcnd vcrticolly cosi roll of 2d flooe to inrprora r"oof linc Mr,in (nUt (r,rm 6br glI ol>ll= "12fl; nl9{l-ore !5c) ilil:t:.a ,',1+iti' i:c_,,i.,,.,t,t,tr:.li ,'_:i1C.t1",,,T" iij i.',.-t j)J,tl.f5'u'-j o- i:?' Painted Aluminum Rainware colors Royal Brown q,#. Terra Bronze Pebblestone Clay Colonial Blue Victorian Gray Cotton White Cameo Almond Desert Sand Sandtone Everg reen Black Colors Shown are representation of actual finish. These colors will match Alcoa@ siding, facia, soffit and trim. Please as for metal color chiD, Also ask for Weather Guard's 40 year finish warranty. Color may be changed without notice, Please call for availability. [Home-] fRarn Products ] [Roof Products] [ Gutter lvlachines] [Product Colors] I About Us] llocation] [More Information] Contact the webmaster with problems, suggestions and comments on this site O Copyright 1999, Weather Guard Building Products, All Rights Reserved' Prod uct Golors Painted Galvalume@ Rainware Colors Royal Brown Clay Raffia Beige Antique Ivory Primer Cotton White Dove Gray Terra Cotta Forest Green Colors Shown are representation of actual finish. Please as for metal color chip. Also ask for Weather Guard's 40 year finish warranty. Color may be changed without notice. Please call for availability. http ://www.w gbp.com/trnnUcolors.html 7n5t2003 +g'v- lot E, porcalf fu. M,St$divisim 512E Grousa Lnna Voil, Colonodo Dcd. Rcpoir & nephca rotien dcck Phnks Rcbuald conproniscd dcck artry Rarpva existitp stoirs Rcphcc rottan ruilirg rith mctol posts ond horizontol wira rurgs II : { t, (s t d,^' a I\I (-, Fr-i - :'- { t ight, open railings let you scc through to thc view, yet rcmairt strong, clurirble and virtually ma inlenance-frce. (.ableRail pnrclucts include a fully engineered stanclarcl t.able systcm, t.ustor-n cable irssenrblics an<1 fittings and r.onrplete alLrminum railing fr,rrne svslents. Whcther your ltrojcct is a r.riling, a trt:llis or a fcnr.e, indoors or oul, resiclential or commcrr ial, the anslver is in thesc p;rges. n - l"** I I P'd'. - Il55x :_ Ilcs|; Ilr.o I-l| -l - tl tt L_l -H tF I le-slt>g I lsEll>slG -Fq Ed -E -n oOo: fln $rE te! lon |l7?itl' aoa ? -*&- TIDIA'N OF VAIL ,/ DESIGN REVIEVI' \,/ sterP neenovru \/'\ we, 8-lb-0f ---rr^rr'---!419 '/! /1\ suRVEY an\t---l'-="="- \D LI-I--.LL-----III-.|.1.-....'-.,-..|t0, 5, 0 1' g t6, lor s [-lll - 1''**__llmim. IlH -lln'a .--lI -l -n! -[-Bll_sl lE I l&"1 l=El tag Il>elI al L_il -E]E]lg -llf iEl Eg - l'"--lu -lc1 I oooo eBqECLIOIES:- r, l|€ tstE3 Efl IttLY !o lllcodlrctlln lloonir€rF* sFr.|Eisora- !83 {o 0r}65 alo I^Y |,s€ fiEla o race arF|c r{€ ltE d ll{s,ioEr. DG rEa t*Frcld raa r |PPC aS dJO' ^rO r ru @ath^dt6$arll |EEG Ar Ol ll€!. t^i!l|! ! t n'|Ea !,|E-E r|q€ ra(tPAY ttE!€a tarE nEat a€qn@ lr g|rB sral E@(Etio ro E idt.no tY $ . collJctrEl*tl L tF tt u. E @t6@ BY rfttlcttc lt€tat' e rtl A610.3 tr€tr l|lHdrt sPFcftc otrdntet |.sicD aY nE rhaErEcl ttltr E rHE R€SFdGattY OF $€ t totc sJcSrclo|3 t ll: @ Rrdrol $Al lrs|f n€ sflE tD*c(|rE F^l|llln nfl ooslt|G caromo SEtE OOaStt C|L|| EGta3 Att iE^tql^i,tqagflLE codrn|3 lra t! Etacqt(D l@ ar n€ @ R alin Llrt 16( raa Eara I olY nro* Fo tcats oF ttE oalrxcs rtto IPECnC nq€ gEA.@ W A uCOtSaoriqEstor^! orca@ rE l0 * coanfirEols qllt f|'6 rx o|GrEo o€tdl aG AltYllnlgtna OF.ul|e Rl'oArFr|}a.lcfict- rlfotaac{- (I or/t lEsrcN a.arBat txY REqlfEo oaci6 c Not PiovDdt SH lt €E Flnrraro lY lltd|lt ctai. \9 <- 7 DESTGN HEVTEW/ STAFF APpROVAL r#, t-te-or ,, ?'rowN oF l/Att LOF t! f RO6. Pf,OVtE rflllct( ircn tEt*lra iooatic >a srAFF:- LJqa n - l"*F IlH.-llfl -lI -l -tl II L_JT [3 lE Ito I lEsl tag I l>glE]E ffit Ejf, -E]It=l -r^r al PREL[NN[NARV t{€w too STAR At{o Fritftcro GRAo€ . 5i|t Pl^la9ani* oteixxt t______-l r5128 5130 rv @ --I-=I-=---J r-'-"_-----r'__l-----L 0lot tor Co$truotloi n - 1"**-llRjl|i. IlxI IFH -I -tl LJ -t3t€ |te Itp II gl If-.tlI -J II >. I It(5ell()c'llEel| 6lI a'l| *l -F'sl Fji] -E -EEI o PRELOMINARVtot tor Gorlruotlo o ,v @ -I._.I--llj-_- 1-_.--.I--I--to{d ,/ DESIGN REVIEW . / starr APPRoVAL \ *r=, $-l&qt '- 71ot ,N oF vAlL 'Aot o722ct 5128 5130 nAlN LE\iEL FLOoR PLAI uJcSTAFF: l - l"'r*-l|nr*o. Ilx:lln'a l-lI -l -tl ll L] -[3 lE I Irsl tag I l>glLil -FEII Fjf, I E -H o \ \\ \/\ '.'\./ fa. rrd|3d.a\ n t Ot22O6 o ;---------t - - D€lo LorER Rod - ^\ I ttt' zi*#:, :rtt:,, bhTE: PRELINNINARV UPPER I.EVEL FLOOR PIAI{ Nof tor Coo.tsrc$co UJoSTAFF: t-tlt - l""*-llftcin . I l::: -llFrd It-l -f-ttttl L__.1T Isl lE Ito IlE"l I es I lsgll>elI Ell-l - f--d--g E IlE t{llE el I 6 ,E I Eg -E=la-lIt:l - NEII ITETAL AX{tNG NEW PARAPEI - qtel'-o 7/a' Qt62'-1 | n' ?IOWN OF I/AIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL PRELOMINARV Not toa Con.tructloo N€W O(IIRC UGt{lllGot{ w^tt- a€H o Axqrc TYPtctt m vJc-.STAFF: n -EIlB .-l I F.d I| -l - tt tl LJT t3 lE I It*lI CJ I tag I l>glLij -iE=Tl I al .I II o -l | !, z; t I EI It.> ttlI ta -t I I ,-r ;t IIH IIIt r\ a- I --tx-lla--_lIt:l -lAsl ooFIt h6^d,e,Flr 0?220!_ rod-de__ _ e'-o tAo- e'-1r/t*_ ?OA'N OF VAIL z DESIGN RB/IEW \/ y* eelloveu \*r= E-ta-a' \ PRELMMUARVtot tor Oq|.trlqr36=p, kX- ro|;D Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Huttner Residence Project Description: Extension of previous DRB approval for remodel Owner, Address and Phone: Dr. Walter Iluttner 4505 South Yosemite Street #107, Denver, CO 80237 (303)779-ff127 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Peter Lazzara 8621 E. Yale Unit B, Denver, CO 80231 (303) 337-1724 Project Street Address: 5128 Grouse Lane Legal Description: Lot 8, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision Parcel Number: 2099-182-12-010 Building Name: n/a Comments: PRJ98-0129 Approval is extended to August 4,2001. Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: August 4,2000 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved F:\!VERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\97\ I DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 t d'rfll/M TIMES 899-0135 Status...: fSSUED Applj.ed. . : 05/ot/L999Issued...: 06/04/L999 E:cpires . . z L2/oL/L999 Phone:. 970-845-4976 Phone: 970-845-4976 OWNER P.O. BOX 115, WOLCOTT, CO 81655 HUTTNER WALTER A & BARBARA J 4s0s s yosEMrTE sr #107, DENVER CO 80237 Descript.ion:RSBUILD FI"AT ROOF CHANGE TO PITSI NumberSof Dwelling Units: 001 Town of VaiI Adjusted ValuaEion: 7,500 Fir€blace Infohation: Rcstrict6d: Y #of Gas Appliances:#Of Oa6 lrogs:*Of Wood/Pa11et: FEE ST]Titr{ARY Redtualants PIan Review- - > DRB Fcc-------- Recreation Fee----------> .00 100. oo TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De it Refund approved amount date DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL PROJECT TITLE: HITTTIiIER RESTDENCE ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT _ Permlt ilob Address: aEi-on. . . : eI No..: Project. No.: 5128 GROUSE I,N 5128 GROUSE LN 2099-t82 -1_2 - 0r-0 PRJ98 - 0r_29 APPLICAIVT ODDS & EIIDS CoI{STRUCTION P.O. BOX 115, WOLCOlrr, eO 81655 COIITRACTOR ODDS & ENDS CONSTRUCTION Building-----> Pl,an chack---> Inwe6tj.gaEion> will call----> Total celculaled Fces- - -> Addicional Pc6E------ --> Iocal Pcrric Fee--------> PayrcnCd--- -- - - BAIAIICE DUE-- - - 125 , OO .oo 3.OO . oo 20 .oo 329 -25 . o0 329.25 329.25 .oo Cl.rn-Utrr Doposits- - - -- - - - > foTAL FBBS----- ITeM: 0510O BUILDING DEPART'IVTEIiIf 06/o1,/L999 JRM Action: APPR ITEM: O54OO PIJANNING DEPARTMEIiIT 06/0r/1,999 ,fRI{ AcEion: NoTE 06/ 03 /L999 JRM AcEion: ^A.PPRIECM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT o6/oL/L999 JRM Action: APPRIrem: 05500 PITBIIC WORKS o6/0L/L999 \TRM Action: APPR Dept: BUIIJDING APPROVED JRM Dept.: PLANNING TO BRENT FOR .A.PPROVAI ok to release per gary DEDtr: FIRE N/A N/A Dept.: PI,B WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Document. for any conditions that may apply tso Ehis permit. DECI,ARATIONS I h.r6by acknot ledge thac I have toad thi6 altplicaEion, filled out in ful1 th6 infonMt.ion iequired, coropl.ted ar! accuratr plot ltlan, .nd sCat6 Chal a1l th6 i.nformation providEd a5 rrquir.d i6 correcl. I agree to conply eith Lhe inforEation and plots plab, co coEIrIy wilh all Torn ordin.ncc6 and stseE. lafls, .nd co buiLd thia structur€ according to gh6 Tofn'E zoning and eubdiwiaion codc., d..ig.n r.viei approvcd, unifonu Building cod. |nd other ordincnccF of the Torn appli.cable lhsrcto. REQUESTS'FoR INSPECTIONS SHAIJT BB l,lADB TltE$rY-Fot R HOURS Itr AD\IANCE BY st.nd cr..n-t p Dcpolit ro: ,o""Y ,ttot"rt* ArD ENDs PAGB 2 ******!t*****************!t**************************************************!r**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 899-0136 as of 06/04/99 Status: ISSUBD******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PBRMIT Applied: 05/0t/L999Applicant.: ODDS & E!{DS CONSTRUcTION Issued: O6/04/L999 Job Addres8: 5128 GROUSE L,N LocaEion: 5128 GROUSE IN Parcel No: 2099-L82-L2-O1O ******************************************************************************** COI$DITIONS **************!t*!:********************************:l***:l***********:t************** 1. FIEIJD TNSPECfIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMPIJTANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED rN AL,r., BBDROOMS AND EVERY SmRy AS PER SEC.31_0.5.1 0F TIIB 1997 I'BC- rr.r.,r..t,r...ritrtri*ir*r,rrrr*r.* ...t.r...C* irlr.rr*.rrrirr lottf ot 'n IL. coloRrDo ItCrcr]!t 8C.C.U!C tfuJrar ! RBC-05:8 tEurrE: 229,25 06101199 Ott25 Pry!.nt H.thod r cK lfoBrcion: tto{ IniE! at!| P.Erit fo. !tr-O135 Tt'Ir.3 t-BgtLD ADD/LT ltER Btnt D 9l P.rc.I Xo! 2099-142-12 -o:.O glt. lddtlrr: 5128 GROgaE Ll{ trcltion: 5124 eogtE IIt Tot l Fr.a: 129.29 Iti. Prlrr.nc 329.25 Tog.l ltL P!C.r 32t.15 Balanc.r .0o lccourrt cod. D.acripcion tDunc BP 00100003111100 BttItDICC plRBrT FBBa 125.00 In 00100003112200 Dlslet EEl/IlI tl$t 20.00 Pl 0010000311t!oo Prr f cdtcr ltla a1.25 lD D2-DlpOr C'IllIfDP DIFOSIIS 100.00 nc 00100003112800 tf,rt& ctl.n nf8PtqtloN tEE 3.00 C'o o CI ,i3E.oo-oa lro2oE|.oo(J c !E 1 ooo o 0o oo oo ct0 o 0 oo oo o0 o oo I !aFI E E {Fl t8OAoe raaC' C' 6Borao C'o c UE oe.It A EaD o ra o olc o E!t Et 6 H ll o Itct o C' IE EH!t!oa x E E E E g I H 8E HI E EI l, 3r 2B *: Hoa l.hd6 Ef; I Ft tl E *tlI I EtgrE :I99tE 2EFl f,o olli Bt I!oA9 ETE F Ic l. HEA {t .o-'o :rtTIIIcao.Es8ttEoAAI. I Burlrdine1'/f Legal Descripion: Plumbing ( ) Lor 6 Bbck Architect: Description of lob: Work Class: New ( ) Alteration dI Additional ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Cras Appliances WoodlPellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMANON OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ iti**, PD Nr.r I rs toaccazr, c,> €lz.sr Phone# Q>o q1b SlzB Address: 6QO- f ^ Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: / Contac-t the Eagle County Assessors Office at 974328-664;0 for Parcel #v Parcetit LOffi - IBZ- lZ- OIO Dare: 5 -2L^q7 ToWN oF VAICoNsTRUcTIoN PERMTT nilIcATIoN FoRM INI'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETf, OR IEE APPLICATION WILL BE REIECTEI) ruref - otzq Permit # Eleclrical ( ; Mechanical ( ) Olher ( ) Filins subdn/ision 6Aftg CRtL* a?0_ !7t osoe- ).,t.0 4 Repair ( ) Nunber of Accornmodation Units: Gas Logs BLJILDING; $ ?,SO O PLTJMBING $ Town ofVail Regisuationt{o. I 38-B Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. SIGI.IATURE: TO: FROM: DATE: SI]BJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CTJRRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PI]BLIC WORKS AND COMMI.]NITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: ITEPOSITS ON PUBLIC IVAYS PROEIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposi! or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited" sand, gravel, rocks, mud dirg snow, ice, or any otler debris or material upon any street sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifr and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a pe$on who violates or causes another to violate the same, top rsmove such sen4 gravel, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice or any otler debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receip of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply wittr the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorizedagenl may cause any such sand, gravel, rocls, mu4 dirt, snow, ice, debris or any otier material to be removed from any street or alley at the er(pense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the furunediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water maiq sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance ttrereto; 2. To deposits of sand dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofttre public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, nuy be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l4-l ofthis code. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refirse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the experue of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and aclmowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: D. E. o^,,', Sfzu lQ1 (i.e. contractor or owner) I TOWI,I OFVIN Department of Commwity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PER]IIIT ISSUANCE TIME TRAME Ifthis permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparhent Approval, Engineer's (Public Worls) review and approval, a Planning De,partrnent review of Health Deparhnent review, and a reviow by the Building Departnen! the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller prqiects impact the various above mentioned deparfnents with regard to nece,ssary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every atteinpt will be made by this deparfinent !o expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by; Project Name: o^r". 1/euh9 Work Sheet was turned ilto the Community Developm€nt Dept. tp**uo TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANI'UM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PTJBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A "PLJBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQIJIRED IoBNAME: Hon^terr{ RuF PLEASE ANSWERTIIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TIIE NEED FORA*PUBLIC WAY PERMIT': l. Is this a new rpsidence? YES J. 4. "nu. <-/auh1 8. A. Is the Right+f-W41k easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ NO__n_ B. If NO to 8A is a par_king saging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES NO )( Is denolition work being perform-gl_that rcquires the use of the fughtof-Way, eas€ments or publicproperty? -irs-E No-X- Is any utility wort needed? YES Noy Is the driveway being repaved?YES Nox 5. Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NO_-L 6. Is any drainage wor\ be_ing done that afrects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO )f - 7. Is a "Revocable Rightof-Way Permit" required? YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a '?rblic Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permif' applications may be obtained at the Public Wort's offce or at Comnunity Dwelopment. Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TTIE ABOVE QIJESTIONS. Nox ht>s +G}.rss Ca^ swardfio^J Company Narre X o*. €/x-/qq 0o nJ c\ \\JQXr.u :.,<l i-{ rr \-'JNi--]- \X\-+ - -) .\ o\-..\\\ .-trt5J Ll.l z.[lOaLI M. t L-JZFF:fI c F6J vlc o0, Ul .E;g6Xq-.-=<tog|.)rForlr niOQ'c)t.fdL- \o o \ox n 1I)x nJ o,ot av ru x ru C x E|(J o o Co!-oEo- a, o t-o 6t & o,u \o uL o, de, o x (U UJ'6 E o lt a, @ =.A Iln\J' U\fc\ t'..t\ I N \o =\)U TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2t38 DEPARTI{EI{T OF COMMT'NITY DIIVELOPMBIIT NOIE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/AJ,L BI'DG. i'OBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES PermlE, #: D99-0003 Phone:. 970-845-4976 Phone: 970-845-4976 l+of wood/Pallet: orlr ilob Address: Location. . .:Parcel No..:Project. No.: 5128 GROUSE IN 5128 GROUSE I,AT{E 2099-L82-L2-OLO PR .T98 - 012 9 Statsus...: ISSUEDApplied..: 03/22/t999Issued...: 03/22/L999 E:qrires. . : 09/Le/t999 APPLIEANI ODDS & EIIDS CONSTRUCTIONP.O. BOX 1,1-5, WOLCCTIT, CO 81655 COT.ITR.A,CTOR ODDS & BNDS CONSTRU TION OIIINER DescripEion: STABLIZE ROOF AWAITING BI,DG Occupancy: Rl [4pe Constructsion: V N TIE)e Occup€rncy: P.O. BOX 115, WOLCC'TT, eO 81555 HIIrIalBR WAI,TER A & BARBARA iI 4505 S YOSEI'{ITE ST #107, DEI{VER CO 8023't PERI4IT MuIEi-Family Tytrle V Non-Ratsed valuaEion:l_, 000 Fireplace Infola.tLon: R..trlctcd: llof Add Sq FEr Gae AppliancGar *Of Oart l,o96: t.tarrt*rrr,rrrirrr..rr,r.rilrritrrirt.r.rtrrrrrrrar*arlrr.r..*. FEB sut[rany t.tttatari*]r.. Butlding-----> Plan cteck- - - > rnv€stigacl,on> wl11 call----> R€gtuarant Plan Revi6r-- > DRB Faa-------- Tol:el calcuhE.d Frqs- - - > tdlttttonal Fee.----- --- - > 35, 00 22.78 3. O0 . o0 20.oo go.?5 ,00 Recroat.lon Faa----------> .00 Tol:el Perdlc Fao--------> ao.7s TOrA! FEBS----- Pakncaea------- BAhAXCE DUE. -. - g0 .75clcan-Up Dolro.It- - -- ---->.oo " "' ". " "'. ;; ;;;' ;;;' ;;;;;-* _ - "-_. ."'. ;.;; ; ";;;;;;;';;;;;, " " ". O3/22/L999 JRM ACI,iON: APPR APPR iIRM IE .{r]'.d5460-irt emtrxc DEF.Atsi!{EE_ __._ - Dept: Pr,Al{NrNe Diviglon:o3/22/L999 iIRl4 Actsion: APPR N/AIEem;'05660-Fins DBpARiMENi Dept: FrRE Division:Item: 05500 PITBLIC woRKS Debt: PI,B WORK Divislon:IEem: 05700 ENVIROM{EI{TEI HE,AJ,II{ DebiLI I{EAI,TH DivisiON;Item: 05900 tIQuoR Deptl:: CLBRK Division: aJaraata*ttttaattttIrrrairttrtraattattttaa?ttitatartrarrairt.rtrrtttttttattaaterrrrttttrrrrlitrrrttiittt aatttlaat t t*tttirirrt t See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions thaEtmay apply Eo this permit. DECI-,ARATIONS I h€reby .cknorlodga thg I hav. r.td ghLE .IrFlLc.!1on, f,il,I.d outs ln full tha lnlotuatslon rrquLrrd. coqrletcd .n .ccu-.te plot plan, and rtaEe Chrts all Ch. lnfod.tslon providcd r. r.quir.d 1! corrcct. I qgr.c bo cD[ply rlch tha lnfolilrtion and plot. plsn, bo cdply riCh rll toln ordln$caa .nd stat. lar., rnd tq build Ehir .bruccu!. rccordlnlt eo thc Torn'g aoning and subdlTlaion cod.r, derLgm rcvlcr epprovcd, Unlforo Bulldtng cod. rnd oeh.r ordla.nc€s of Bhc Torn altplicabla charalo. REQITESTS FOR IIIAPBCITOI{A gHAl,L BE MADE TnE!|T!-IOUR Holns IN ADrnNcB Br Srnd Ckan-Up D.pooi! to: ODDS AIID EtaDg *** * ********** **************** ********* !t*******!k **** * lr** **** * *!r **** *** * **** * ** ** CONDITIONSPermit #: D99-0003 as of 03/22/99 Status: ISSIIED *****!t*:l*******!t********!t*!t****************tl*tt******* 1,***********t**!t*******tl*** Permit Tlpe: DEMO. OF PART/AJ,L BI'DG.epplicant,: oDDS & BI{DS coNsrRucrroN 970-845-4976 ilob Address:tocation: 5128 GRousE r.,At{E Parcel No: 2099-182-12-010 A1rylied: O3/22/L999Issued: 03/22/t999 To E:q)ire t O9/L8/L999 DescrlpElon: STABLIZE ROOF AIIAITING BL,DG PERII{IT CondlEions:1. FTRE DBPARII{ENT APPROVAI, IS REOUIRED BEFORE JhNY WORK E3I{ BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHBCK FOR {:ODE COMPLIAI{CE. *************************;*************************l*******:l TOY|N OF VArtJ, corJoRADO stsatetrmE ****************t*************************************.i********* StatermE Number: REC-0497 AmounE: 80'75 o3/21t/99 L5"4-9 -i"ry:1i T::T1 :I- ---y::!i::: ::2?--- --':i1!:-Y- Permit' No: D99-0003 T1pe: A-DEMO DE['|O' OF P]\RT/ALL BU Parcel No: 2099-L82-L2-0LO siEe Addrese: 5128 GROUSE IJ{ LOCAEiON: 512S GROUSE I'ANE Totsal FeeE: 80 .75 Ttlis Palment 80 .75 ToEal ALr-, Pmtss: Balance: 80 .75 .00 *******************************:l***************t*************!t** AccounE code DescrlPEion AnounE Bp 00100003111100 suu,Drirc psRurr rses 35 ' 00 DR 0o1000orrrzzoo DBSre{ RSVTBW FEBS 20'00 pF ooloooogrrzioo pr,eN ctrecK FBBs 22 '7s wc o01oooo3x128oo wrlr, eArJr-, rNsPBqrroN FEB 3 ' 00 Date: TOWN OF VA|$NSTRUCTON pERMtT APICAT|ON FORM Coilacf the Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcetti2Olq lC2lZOlo too*"*., RUTTT-ref- RooF loulooress: 5,18 GRous45 AAoF BuildingX D9&r"m*rt I Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Legal Description : tot B eloct-l-- Filing SuMivision Architect:Address: owne}(Lam{r) A €i-tJ{L lfuTTrua*eaoress:usd l.t4*rtS. \)al$mn"* 41U^6203 Pemrit # t - orzf Other ( ) bpe U6e/. Description o11q6; POn ^U?t Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: AlteraUon ( )Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Nurnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs @"t.t__J_ BIJILDING: PLUMBING VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ MECHAMCAL$TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION cenerat contractor: DLN,g t L\.N<^ Ca'\<{+"J-i$ddr"rr,6.-c-oTT Town of Vail Regisbation No.7U Electrical Contractor:_-Address: - Town of Vail Registration No . $" u Plunbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Regisradon No. Address: Phone # Mechanical Contrector:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTIT{ THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PI]BLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $.2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITTD A. Unlawful deposits: Subj ect to subsection C thereof, it is unlawfirl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littere{ tracked or deposited, sand" gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewaft alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifr and require any person who violates or qruses another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such san4 gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material wilhin twenty four (24) hours after receip of said notice by the Director of Public Works. ln the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cnuse any such sand gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley atthe expense ofthe notified. C . Exceptions : The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable : l. Within ttre immediatc area of any constructioq maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water mairl sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of san4 dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or Causes another to violate the same, rnay be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of thc Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l4-l ofthis code. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa vrolation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and actno*r*r.U O Position or Relationship to Project, C ^^ L*-I-- D. o^r" 3)a- lq1 (i.e. contractor or owner) TOWT,I OFVAIL Department of Conmunity Developmcnt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BIITLDTNG PERMTT TSSUANCE' TrME *ry If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval. Engineer's @ublic Works) review and approval, a Planning Departnent review ofHealth Deparfinent review, and a review by the Building Departrnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned mDdmum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a losser amount of time. Horvever, if residential or smaller projects impact ttre various above mentioned departnents witl regard to necessaf,y rwiew, these prqjects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparfrnent to expedite tlds permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also undentand that if the permit is not picked up by tlie expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and tlnt if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Ag€edto ProjectName: N'{+,t ,c R..n# Work Sheet was turned into the Comlnmity Development Dept tr*,o* TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOBNAME: MEMONANDIIM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I. I999 WHEN A *PTJBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED ^, !nne: slz>- lqa PI-EASE ANSWER TIIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING THE NEED FOR A.PUBLIC WAYPERMT": l. Is this a nerw residence? Y-ES No ./ Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES NO_ 3. 4. 5. 6. Is a difrerent access needed to the site other than the existing drivewayZ Vf S / NO i:#t *t""%"rk beirg done that affects the Rightd-Way, easernents, orpublic property? Is a'Rwocable Right-of-Way Permit" requfued? YES No/ A. Is the Right-of-Wayrcasemeils or public property to be used for staging, Frking or fencing?YES NO / 3,rilO " tftotp"* staPng or fencing plan required by Community Development? If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained- "Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Wort's office or at Community Developrnent. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AI.ID ANSWERm ALL TI{E ABOVE QUESTIONS. OANg ft<r.rUs Ca.rsne.rc}-ra^, Is arry utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? No-z- YES NO/ 8. n^r". e)dxh Company Name I TOI^JN UF UAIL' COLORADO F,AEE 3 1A/04/ 1999 O8:IDE BTGUESTS - INSPECTN hIORK SHEETS FORIl0.z 4/1999 AREAr CD Activityr 899-tZt136 IA/ 4/ 19 Typer A-BUILD Status: ISSUED Constr: ASFR Addr"ess: SIEB GRtrUSE LN Locationr 51EB GROUSE LN FarceI : 3099-188*1P-AlA Description; REBUILD FLAT RUOF CHANGE TO flpplicant: ODDS & ENDS CONSTRUCTION Owner: HIJTTNER WALTER A & BARBARA Contr"actor; ODDS & ENDS CUNSTRUCTITIN REF.T 131 Inspect ion Request Inf or*mat i on. Reqriestorl HARRY MITCHELL Req Time.. €lErCtO Conmentsl t^JILL Items reqr-rested to be Inspeeted... q@344 BLDG-FinaL tr,/g 0qe: Uee: V N F,ITCH I'IEAVES Fhone: 97@-843-4976 J F,hone: trhonea 978-843-4976 trhone:376-P355 CALL Fct i on Comnent s Time Exp Inspection Histony,.... Iteml erOSerZ' trLAN-ILC Site F'lan Item : raOO3O BLDG-Framing Q6/47/99 Inspector: JRM A6/@g/99 Inspecton: JRM OAO4SI * * Not On File * * rZtEOsCr BLDI3-Insrrl at i on OOB6A Bt-DG-Sheetr-ock Nai 1 raAOgO * * Not On File * * AAfi7@ BLD6-MiEe. CTOO9O BLDG-FinaI lZtOSSSr BLDG-Temo. C,/g 'aras4a BLD6-Final C/ Item: Item: Iten: Item:' It'e m : Iten: Item: I t em : Action: DN Ntr 5S,/LADDER Act i on : AF,trR 0F,F,ROUED JMR \ ,p 6v<{ 5 ,/ \ t q,$o , De sign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL hoject Name: Huttner Residence Project Description: Remodel and addition (revisions) Owner, Address and Phone: Dr. Walter Huttner 4505 South Yosemite Street #107, Denver, CO 80237 (303) 779-6727 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Peter Lazzara 8621E. Yale Unit B, Denvern CO 80231 (303)337-1724 Project Street Address: 5128 Grouse Lane Legal Description: Lot 8, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivision Parcel Numbe r : 2099 - 182-12-0 1 0 Building Name: n/a Comments: PRJ98-0129 The previous DRB approval has been scaled down to a 360 sf addition. The zone check sheet on file has been updated. Board / Staff Action Motion by: Tom Weber Seconded by: Clark Brittain Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Action: Approved Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date:9/2/99 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\e1I DRBAPPRFRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 TOWT,I OFVAIL Department of Commwity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 January 21,1999 Dr. Walter Huttner 4505 South Yosemite Street #107 Denver. CO 80237 Re: Lot 8, Block 2, (iote Creek Subdivision / 5128 (]rouse Inne Dear Dr. Huttner: I measured your (Grouse Lane) driveway this morning and it is capatle of meeting the parking - requiremenf for two spaces at 6' x l9'. Thit t"ant you have enough parking for a dwelling unit upio 1,999 square feet. Any square footage above this amount triggers an additional required parking spuc". Et*"ntially, you have two options with your project: l) you may amend your plans to reflect an addition that brings your total square footage to 1,999-Square feet or less and continue parking on Town right-of-way; or 2) You may proceed with your plans as approved by theDesign Review Board -' provided yo,l ,on showiegal'access (to your proposed driveway and garage) and an utitity to provide an asphalt drive as shown on your approved plans' I will be available to speak to you between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Friday. If you would like to discuss this matter further, please contact me at (970) 479'2128' Sincerely, B^*-'{'s'--' Brent Wilson Planning Liaison Offrcer cc:PeterLazzaru {S*"*uoruo TOWI,I OFVAIL Departnent of Cowttunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January 13, 1999 Dr. Walter Huttner 4505 South Yosemite Street #107 Denver, CO 80237 Re: Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision / 5128 Grouse lane Dear Dr. Huttner: Due to the problematic access issues you have encountered with your approved development plan, the Town's Planning Division recently issued a revised Design Review Approval that allows for continued access offof Grouse Lane. It has come to our attention, however, that it may not be possible to provide your three required parking spaces on your existing driveway without significant encroachment onto Town of Vail right-of-way. Please be advised that your revised plins (with the deletion of the proposed garage parking) must demonstrate an ability to provideihis paJking on your own property. Per Section 12-10-8, Town of Vail Municipal Code, your Design Riview Approval istonditioned upon this requirement. I sincerely apologize if this issue has caused you any confusion. I If you would like to distjuss this matter further, please contact me at (970) 479-2128. Sincerely, pu*'f Lt''^ Brent Wilson Planning Liaison Offtcer cc: PeterLazzara {g*ot"'t*"uo t De sign Review Action Form) TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Huttner Residence Projcct Dcscription: Remodel and addition Owner, Address and Phone: Dr. Walter Huttner 4505 South Yoscmitc Strcet #107, Denvcr, CO t10237 (303)779-6727 Architcct/Contact, Address and Phone: P cter Lazzara It62l E. Yale Unit B, Denver, CO 80231 (303)337-1724 Proiect Street Addless: 5128 Grouse Lane Lcgal Description: Lot 8. Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision ParcelNumber: 2099-182-12-010 Building Name: n/a Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Tom Weber Scconded by: Clark Brittain Action: Approvcd Vote:5-0 Conditions: That the applicant return with a color package and a landscaping plan. Town Planner: Christie Barlon Date:8/19/98 DRB Fcc Prc-Paid: $50.00 Qucstions?Jl thc Planning StatTri 4?9-?128 ?1\46- otLl APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring design review must rcccivc Design Rwiew approval prior to zubmitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal requircments for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all the required information is submitted. The project may also nccd to bc rcviewcd by thc Town Council and/or the Planning and Environnrental Commission. Dcsign Review Board approvat cxpircs onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. i A. DESCRTPTTON OF THE REQUEST: B. c. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: 8 BLOCK: I TU.TNA:@PE, CW(. 5lz* erzou^E LANE ZONINC: ? U MAILINC ADDRESS:<4- 297 PHONET ">1q'Q2zt F. G. OWI{ER(S) SIGNATURE(S): MAILING PENt PHONE: H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. PARCEL#:4Qgq lb7 l2olo (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Ofiice at 970-32E-E640 for parcel #) L NAMEOF OWNER(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT:TE $50 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is added to any rcsidartial or commcrcial bdilding. $20 Includcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcments. such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls. etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later. whcn applying for a building permit. please identiff thc accurate valuation ofthe project. The Town ofVail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AhID THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. PTrySICAL ADDRESS: tr Addition - tr l{inor Alteration - u TOWNOFVAIL Lazan ArcHTECTURAI-Bgn Peler R. Lazzara, N.C.A.R.B. 8621 East Yale Ave. Unit B Denver, Colorado 8023'| (303) 337-1724 Ouu-, Roof Siding Otlrcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Wirrdows Window Tri nt Doors Door Trint l{arrd or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chitnncys Trash Enclosurcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting*+ Othcr ?ewe ALLJMTFJUT'4 Cl aP PUT T | ,',,' * plca.se spcciff the manufacturer's color, nurnbcr and attach a snrall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc I 8.54.050(J). If extcrior lighting is proposed. plcasc indicatc ttt-" nu*U"r of fixturcs and locations on a scparate lighting plan. Jdeltify each fixhuc type and providc ih. h"ight obo"e gradc, lumcns output. tuminous arca. and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixhrcs. Updatcd 6/97 o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIAI,S TYPE OF MATERIAt,: I COLOR:* gu?{tt)rlof IXA CHANNEL \^JooP MATCH EYI9T6 SYNTHETIQ STUC@-?EI6E @o wwg MATcH ExIST v.looo t4ATcF{ d,laT ln,loop d MEtnu H/(cH EX t AtN I.4ET\L NONg Nol-lE Nor-.lE F{ONE NoNE I PROPOSED TITEES AND SHRUI}S: EXISTING TREES TO IJII RDMOVED: I noonorrornnor"nn,n" Botanical Nan]e Comnron Nnrnc Ouantity Sizc* PINE (z ) x r,l.'To Be VELoeA{,D O?- ?E?I-ACED *Mini rlurn rcquircnrcnts lirr lanrlscaping:dcciduous (rccs - 2 inch calipcr conil'crous trccs - 6 fcct in hcigltt slrrubs - 5 gallons Squarc FootagcIrtlc NATU EAL GZA*eb + v.t rlpfouJERGROUND COVER SOD SEED IRITICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER I-ANDSCAPE FEATTJRES (rctaining rvalls, fcnccs, srvinrrning pools, ctc.) Plcasc spccify. Indicatc top and bottonr elcvations of rctaining walls. Maxinurnt hcight of walls within thc front sctback is 3 fcct. Maxinrum hcight of walls clscwhcre on thc propcrty is 6 fcct. Updatcd 6/97 Pc | | a" Windclws c:aping. Colors An Affordable Collection Of Beautiful Exterior Finishes \\'hire Brorr n Poplar White Morning Skl Gral Bovscnbcrrv Stormr BlueIIII @ Putt]-'Eldridge Gral BlackIII Brick Rcd Hemlock Duron Bluc Huntcr (;rccn Hartford Green or those who value windows as a design element, Pellao products offer unmatched freedom to create the perfect lookwith PellaoWindowscaping@ Colors. Corrosion-rcsistant aluminum cladding, with advanced baked-on EnduraCladT\rfinish, protects wood from evcn harsh seacoast environments. And aluminum won't warp, crack or split like vinyl. Whitc, Tan and Brown are standard--or choose from an array of today's trendsetting Pella Windowscaping Colors to aesthetically complement your building design. Stop by your Pella Window Store@ to see Pella's affordable collection of beautiful exterior finishes. \ l\lr|\ \g Quality like this only comes from Pella. ! l{)')6 Pclh CoTor.rt'on- l0: Vrin Strcct. P.lh. lo$.r i0:lt) Ij\( 96 ;\llLoktrs rrc rppn)\inr,rrc. dlrc ro pnnrng linrirrtnnN S'nce trcte rltr r\ s ft lin'ng our pftrilu.l\. \t.crllrxlur: nr{! .hxngc $llhout notrcc Bright Rcd Rcnegade Blrre n a a-t.t-trYn I \CASEMENTS - cLAD and wooD GII\ZING OPTIONS 3/32" 0R l/8',Standard option for exterior light and double glazing panel- thickness depends on unit size. Exterior light available as special. Exterior light available as custom. Parameters . Double glazing panels are available within these size parameters: Maximum area is 2l square feet Maximum length is 68" . Maximum permissable glass size for plastic sheet glazing is 24" x 24". Plastic sheet glazing not available factory glazed. . Maximum glass width to height ratros: Annealed glass I to 5 Tempered glass 1 to 7 . Clazing options are limited by a maximum weight of 41.25 pounds for operating sash. . Clazing weight can be calculated using the following: CI-ASS WIDTH (in inches) x CLASS HEIGHT (in inches) x TOTAL CLASS THICKNESS (in inches) DMDED BY 11. WnW iltl DOUBLE GIAZING WWilil 1|l Groove Clazed Stop Clazed INSULATING GLASS 3/16" r/4' 5/8" Insulating glass available as special. Up to 1" Insulating glass available as custom for fixed units only. MUNTIN BAR OPTIONS ffiWW WW Regular Profile With lnsulating Glass REMOVABLE Colonial Profile With Double Glazing Panel WOOD MUNTINS Colonial Profile With lnsulating Glass =41 Available With AllClazing options EXTERIOR ALUMINUM Exterior Numlnum Muntin Bars . Custom order item . Maximum muntin length is 60" . Single exterior muntin bars are limit€d to 36" maximum length. . Exterior Aluminum Muntin Bars are not removable f}'-"" Wft _Lil{.LlL TITI-*rffiil -l-ll+lll 3/4" TDL With Double Glazing Panel 1-l/4" TDL Wrh l-3/4" TDL Wirh Double Glazing Panel lnsulatinl Glass CI.AD TRUE DMDED LIGHT WW Parameters Removable Muntin Bars . Maximum size is 72" x 96" True Divided Lilht l{untin Bars . Custom order item . Contact your Pella@ representativ€ for availability n f .s> ///ttltfre-l \CASEIITBNTS - cLAD and wooD SHADING OPTIONS Pella@Pleated Shades Parameters . Slimshade Blinds and Pleated Shades are to be used in conjunction with the double glazing panel system. Check double glazing panel parametcrs when specifying Slimshade Blinds and Pleated Shades. o Maximum width is 60". . Not available for units glazed with plastic sheet glazinS. . If used with 3/16" tempered prime glazing, Slimshade and Pleated Shade operation may be restricted. r Not available for units with 1/4" exterior glazing. . Verify glass thickness required for spccificd design pressure to assure compatibility with shading option selected. . Roomsid€ mounted Pleated Shades are also available. Maximum width and heiqht is 96". Slimshade@Blinrls HARDWARE OPTIONS Standard Hardware includes: . aluminum pivoI arm . stcel operating hardware and locks Corrosion Resistant Pacloge includes: . stainless steel pivot arm . copper and nickel alloy operating hardwarr and locks Windload Hardware: . stninless steel Divot arm . sector arm is welded to the sector gear assembly Egress Hardware: o provides clear openings to me€t current model building codes for €mergency escapc-see egress chart, page 8, this section GLASS AREA, VENT AREA, AND LINEAL FEET OF SASH CRACK Unit Number Glass area ft' Vent area Lin. ft. of crack Unit Number Glass area It- V€nt area ft' Lin. ft. of crack Unit Number Glass area ft. Vent area ft. Lin. ft. of cnck 1212 1230 1236 1242 1248 1254 1260 1268 .v 2.3 2.8 3.3 4.2 4.7 5.3 .9 2.3 2.7 3.6 4.1 4.5 5.1 4.8 7.8 8.8 9.8 i0.8 r 1.8 12.8 14.2 1818 1830 1836 r842 1848 1854 1860 1868 2.1 3.5 4.3 5.0 6.4 7.2 8.1 2.1 4.2 4.9 5.6 6.3 7.0 7.9 6.8 8.8 9.8 10.8 I T.8 12.8 13.8 15.2 2424 2430 2436 2442 2448 2454 2460 2468 3.8 4.8 6.7 7.7 8.7 9.6 10.9 3.9 4.8 5.8 b.7 7.6 8.6 9.5 i0.8 8.8 9.8 10.8 1 1.8 12.8 13.8 14.8 16.2 1616 1630 1636 1642 1648 1654 1660 1668 1.6 3.1 3.8 4.4 5.1 5.7 6.3 7.2 1.7 3.1 3.7 4.3 5.0 5.6 6.2 7.0 6.2 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.8 2020 2030 2036 2042 2048 2054 2060 2068 2.6 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 8.t) 9.t 2.7 4.0 4.7 5.5 6.3 7.1 7.9 8.9 9.2 10.2 1t.2 12.2 13.2 14.2 15.5 3030 3036 3042 3048 3054 3060 3068 6.0 7.2 8.4 9.7 10.9 12.1 13.7 t).l 7.3 8.5 9.7 10.9 10.8 11.8 12.8 13.8 14.8 I Glass IUnit I area I Unit Number I ft' I Number Glass at€a Unit Number Glass area ft' Unit Number Glass area fr' 3636 | 8.7 3642 | to.z 3648 | r 1.6 36s4 | r3.I 36rio I r4.6 366{] | 16.6 4236 4242 4248 4254 4260 4268 t 0.2 11.9 13.6 15.3 17.1 19.4 4836 4842 4848 4854 4860 4868 11.6 13.6 15.6 I /.O 19.5 22.2 5436 5442 5448 5454 5460 5468 13.1 15.3 17.6 19.8 22.0 25.0 To convert glass or vent areas to square meters (nt'), multiply square feet by 0.0929. BERRIDGE STA o ND ARD COLORS Berlldge anutacturingCo. BUCKSKIN AGED BRONZE PARCHMENT PATINA GREE]II SIERRA TANIITII MEDIUM BRONZE CHARCOAL GREY HEMLOCK GREEN BRISTOL BLUEIITIT HABTFORD GREEN ROYAL BLUErTIII MATTE BLACK TERRA.COTTA DARK BRONZE ZINC GREY COLONIAL RED COPPER BROWN TEAL GREEN BURGUNDY DEEP RED IIffi SHASTA WHITE FOREST GREEN CI{AMPAGNE " Berndge Metallic Colors are premium finishes which require a nominal surchage. I COPPER-COTE LEAD-COTEYII PREWEATHERED GALVALUMEO Berridge Satin Finish Galvalume.8l is pretreated t0 rem0ve milloils, chemicals and residue and coated on the back side to nhibit corrosron. The top side receives a clear plastic strippable film SATIN FINISH GALVALUME' GALV o KYNAR ANIZED 5OO@ or HYLAR sOOOru SPECIFICATIOIIS FOR AilD GALVALUMEO COIL COATING APPLICATIONS: Colors available 60" Gloss Color Uniformity Dry FilmThickness Hardness Adhesion (X-Cut) Adhesion (Crosshatch) Direct lmpact Fl€xibility Reverse lmpact Flexibility Formability Salt Spray Reslstance Humidity Rosistance Acid Resistance Alkali Resistance Abrasion Coetficient Detergent Resistance Resistance to Acid Pollutants Weathering - Color Retention Weathering ChalkResistance ASTM D-523-80 ASTIVI D-2244-79 ASTM D-1400€1 ,ASTM D-1005-84 NCCAl 1-13, 1 1-14, 1 1-15 Eagle Turquoise Pencils ASTMD 3363-89. NCCA 1 1,12 (2) NCCA No. 1 1 (5), ASTM D-33s9-90 (2) NCCA No. 1 1 (5), ASTM D 3359-90 Gardner lmpact Testsr, 1/10" Distortion ASTM D-2794€4 Gardner lmpact Tester, 5/8" ball, lmpact force in inch pounds equalto metal thickness. NCCA Spec. 1 1 , ASTIVI D-2794-Br. T-Bend ASTM D-522-85 180'Bend on 1/8 Mandrel ASTM B-1 17-73 (1990) ASTM D-2247 (1987) 10% Sulphuric acid spot test - 24-hour exposure ASTI\4 D-1308-79 (1987) Proc. 3.1.1 1 0% Sodium Hydroxid€ASTM D-1 308-79 ( 1981) Proc. 5.2 ASTTVt D-968-81 72 hours immersion 3% solution at 100'F 24 hour exposure 10%HNO" vapors ASTM D 1308-87 Proc. 3.1.1 10 yrs., 45'South Florida ASTM D-2244-89 10 yrs.,45 South Florida ASTM D-659 86 10 yrs., 45" South Florida See inside color charj Low and medium gloss only Color controlled both instrumentally & visually Primer .30r 0.5 mil, topcoat .75 mil ! .05 mil H.B. Minimum No Loss No Loss Excellent, no removal Excellent, no cracking, no film removal No cracks or loss of adhesion Passes 1992 hours on H.D.G. Steel, 1000 hours on GALVALUME. Passes 2000 hours on H.D.G. Steel, 2000 Hourson GALVALUME* Excellent, no attack Excellent, no attack '1 00 liters/[/il Excellent, no attack Excellent No color change Maximum NBS units Colorchange [.4aximum rating I Maximum 1 5olo loss NOTES: 1 , ASTM- American Socioty for Testing Materials. 2. NCCA- Nalional Coil Coaters Association 3. PREWEATHERED GALVALUME@. COPPEE .CATFU. LEAD-COTE t t and CHAMPAGNE May not contorm to all of the above critoria. 4. *GALVALUMEo is a registered trademark of BIEC International, lnc. ilggl,.r" """"r"".",,1720 MAURY STREET / HOUSTON, TEXAS 77026 / TOLL-FREE 1 8OO-231-8127 / F AX713-236-9422 /htlp://www.berridge.com 497Color G ide Rev.PM6iREV4g7t20M =)tY) CASEMENTS - clADandwooDoMUNTIN BAR CONFIGUMTIONS-True Divided Light Profile NOTE: True divided light muntin bars are custom order. -l- Trnnrorn units are available in clarl only. Fixedffiffiffiffi3636 {236 1836 5{36 ffiffiffiffi Effiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiHffiffi ffiffiffiffi3660 12ffi 4860 5't60 |ED!-l |_EEEEI ffi=l TEEEEEI IHHHI IHHHHI l#HHt FEEFFThnd hEEil IEE-EI IEEE--I -I6;;_........iF.ffi b4bu venU l-nlFixed fr @,rru E Effimmffiffir22or 1620* r82o* ,, ffi 3o2o+ Eq EffiffiffiMM1230 1630 16$ 2{X}0 Xn 3030 Hffiffiffiffiffi1236 1535 1836 2036 Afi 3fi16 Hffiffiffiffiffi1212 1612 1842 2M2 21/2 3012O HffiffiffiEHffi1218 1618 tE{E 20{E 214E 30{E Hffiffiffiffiffi125{ 16tt 185{ 2054 2151 3054 HffiffiffiHffi1260 1660 lE60 2060 2460 3060* Hffiffiffiffiffi1268 1668 il""'..fi,""i'l' 3068* o 7\ f ^rt /b)l \ a CASEIUENTS - o CII|D and WOOD oilEGRESS UNITS mmm 2M2 mmm 2460m lll "i" lll ru 2468 mmm zqJ+ 2060m lllr,,,,'lll ll ,x, lll ru 2068 mm Mru 1230-M E*ru L'JO m Fs llx ll-ru t242 F=" ME aR il X ill 'oo €. lll\lll.E * li/ \llo ltiF LIJI: -lEE-*. lMl 3=llI^lll H 1254 .M B3 lllllll ru 1260m it\/tl Ii\ |l ru 1268 Clear Opening Width 20-vt6' 24-Ur6', 2t-v16.(510) (6lr) (535) 3042 2448 3048 Check all applicable codes for emergency egress requirements. o o M ru tM2 m 1648 M ru r654 ffi iltxltlH 1660ffi ilMtl ru 1668 3054 F - Factory-available right-hand only. Left-hand and right-hand kits available for field conversion. S - Standard hardware provides egress opening shown. Left- or right-hand hinging. Q - Field conversion kits available. Left- or right-hand hinging. I - Can b"e used on first floor only where codes permit 5.0 ft" t0.46 m' ). 2036 must be field-converted. HtN /l | f,ll - Oo not meet eEress requirements. UJ ffi flt,{l - Rolscreen Company does not recommend using egress ll, ,ll hardware on these units. Note: Figures shown within window units are square feet (ft ") of openable area. Rolscreens installed in 20" glass width units will not provide 20" clear opening width. l,z,ra Archilidhrat Dcbn TRI]WITTAL July8, 1908 8641 EAST YAE UNIT B DEt{rGR, COTOR^DO t@3r CHRENEBARTON Depeitnenf of Communty Devdognent 75Sonm F]ontagp Road Vail, @lorado E1657 Endosurps: (3) CoCc d sho€b N.1, Pc.1, N2.2, N2.3, M.l and A4.2 (r) Lhhtspocmcefon (1) Roofspodficslion Psl6r hzzara Anhlted EB-12SFCS Evergreen 12" Watl Mount with backplate, shown with Sycamore Fitigree,o over clear seedy art glass in verdigris patina finish. Wa[[ Mounts Eack 0veratl. MaximumModel Plate Height hojection Wattag€ tB.7 1' to r.' g' trirooEB-9 41.t?" 13,, 11 r.,,, (1)100 E8-12 5' 1.31,2' 11 1'2" (1)100 E8-16 5' 77 11." 19 1.c' (1)100 (U-1. bned lot donry locottoot. tirtutet.an be noolleo lDt rjll tonpo.I I luoresce|t la npn q. EB-7SLF Evergreen 7" Wal[ Mount with backptate and Stream Lift 0vertay,@ frosted glass in verdigris patina fi nish. EW.12PFGW Evergreen 12" Flush Wa[L Mount with Pine Need[e Fitigree,o gold white iridescent gLass and verdiqris oatina finish. EW-7AWo-BZ Evergreen 7" Ftush Walt Mount with standard Arch overtay,< tvhite opatescent art gtass and bronze finish. Ftush Watl. Mounts Modet Back 0verallPlate Heioht l,laximum Projection Wattage EW-7A 4ti." 71/a" EW-9A 51to" 10 3/i' EW-12A 6 ,ia" 73 1/a' EW-16A 8 r,"" 76 1'"' 4 t,'!' (1)60- 6" (1)100 't 3 s (1)100 10 : !' (1)100 '[8 Lanp rcanied. t.U.L. L6ted lat wet locoto.s. iir-g thtu ttt.16 (c. rc nod:ked tc ;rfi tonootr \rorest? t Lan: , : 1) Oakridge" Series shitgles Oul lanfnated shingles are the premier pro(hlct.s irr our Architec- tural Series. . llear'l-of-PINI( '' guarantees t:onsistent quality, long-lasting bcartlt' arxl nraxinrunt plol,ection. . \iaryirrA sharlt'lirrt's lbr greatel' rlinr<'rrsion. Oirklirlgc Sltiulou lrls l bokl, sl rurrg slriulorv lint' - Oirklirlgt' l'hrs arrrl Oakrirlge ll Irirr,r' l rrurrt srrlll le sltarlor' r \\rirk'nurgc ol culors lo cnhancc llclrit cclru'irl r k't.ail. o 'lirxt rtlcrl, r'arukrrrr apltcal'ancc. oirkfrrlA| Slrarlru l)r'rllurxxl 0akidge' Shadow ltt-l;ur t.,nr rtl ltrrrrt '| Oirkrj(lgr l'hrs oakfidgePlas l)tillurrrl . itt \,tr t Ltttihtl lltrrt,tl,f I Color shom is (hkridm Siurdow Teak ^ (;ol{,r slx)\\1| is O kri(lgo" (Jlkrxl{{ ll l,rrlr\r r)(n I thktidge il J.i-litt t Li nrttt'tl \ortrirtal siz,\orrrirrirl srz, lilgxrstttr lirlnsrrrl at 1." [.t;xrsrt[r' Sitirtgk's 1r'r sr;(;I Shirrgk's 1xrl st1.il.l Sltittgk's 1x'r'sr1. l}ttrtlk's ;x'r'sr1.lhuxllcs pcr sq.[]rrnrllt.s per srg. Applicable Standards' .lST\l Ii 1(rfi. ('hrss .\ .\s'f\l l) :]lii1 .\s'f\l I):irrt ri. 'l\.trr' I .\sl'\t l) t:\ I I. ilt{). ( lass.\ I L lilr; t rr\'('ritgo lx'r s(1.l)lt.{ sq. It. (lo\,Otirl{c lxrr s(1.!)u,l sq. 11. ( ovoiil.lc l)cl s(1. Applicable StandalG' lSl'\l Il ltrfi. ('lirss I .\sl'll l):jl6l .\S1'll l):Jlrls. 1\'1,(' I .\sl'll l) :.::.rs .\s'l'\l | ) :ilru I l, ;lJo. ( iirss.\ I l. ||1r; Applicable Standards' ASTi\l D ltllJ. ( litss -\ ,\sTlt l) jl I ('l ,\S'l'll I) :]0lii.'l\'trt l ,\sTN l) lrs ,\sT\l l):il('l [1l,7l)(l. (]llss.\ trl,91l; .\lrr^\'1r.r,,r'lr{si:u..u,.!(,rr\ll-r'lir55.\l. i.i ri\\xrll(,:at.rr!r'rlrlin:. . ),{.nr r, \\l"u trr t',t .l,l,ult IS_\r llr Guide Specification This Guide Specilication is rntended t.o be used as a basis for the rlevelopment oi an office masler speciftcation or in the preparation oi specifications for a particular project. ln either case, tltis Gutde Specification must be edited to fit the conditions of use. Section 0731I Fiber glass-based Asphalt Shingles. Related Sections A. liough 0arpentry: Section 06100. Il. Iloof arrd Deck Insulation: Scct,ion 07240 for insulation placerl over roof decking. Notcs to Specilier: L l)nrlcrlalmenl anl shinglcs insta.lled directly ovcr roof insulation or similar t.ypc det;ks is not approved. 2. Itrxrf dct:k musl ln dry', mhimum "''l,.," thick, manmum 6'' u'irkr boards, or AI'A rated shcathirrg (cxposurc I ): ndnimunt 'A" yrllrvorxl, minimum '/u," oncnl.c(l stran(l lnard or nrfr:rlxrarrl. (ionsull your Owcns 0oming rcprcscnlal.ive for ol.her approvcrl constructions. 3. \brrtilatkxr undcr roof dcck nrusl. nxxrl. FllA Minimunt l'nl1xrt1.v Standanls. (1. l-hshirA arul Sltc(:l M(ital: Sr)(I ior 07{i(X). I"or sttorv guards, lru:lll flaslung anri drip cdgcs, irx:luding sl,cp-ly1tc flar.shittg rrrsurlkrl rvit lr shin(krs. |). ItrxrI i\rrrssrrrit:s: Strtior (17801l. Arrr.ssorics arrrl apl)li(jablc slul(lar(ls: l. \\i:allurrlrx;k urrl Wcathcrl,rx:k"' (iS: AS1'I\'| l) 197(l-91), ,\S]'M ll f,6, ASTI! l) 412, ASl']\'l l) f]()j]. lJrrilorrn lJuilrlitrg (.lrxk' No.ls - 32ll-1.:l2l\-2. i|21)- I ruul :ll l)-ll l0li0 lklxrrt No. 41){)l; lil, (lluss A & 0 l"irr: ltitl.ittg llAl''l'-lf M.ATll : Ill, (ilassifiul Soffils VrntSrrrc rigul roll lliyr & Itirlgr: shingkrs a. lligh Stvk"" llip & Itklgc shirrglr:s b High ltirlgr llip & llirlgr shityik's r:. Ililr & ltirlgc slungk's Quality Assurance A. ShirrAIr:s slrall carry [ itrrk'nwilor'.s l;tlxrnttrrrit:s lahrls: I . lll, 7!J{). (llass A l'inr licsisl;ux:t:. '2. lll,99i. Wirul licsislancc. I|. lnst:rll shirrglr.s to mrx,l nrlrircnrcrrl.s of publishtr.l ( h|rrrs (irmirrg irrsl nl(1ions. Submittals A. I'lanufarlurtr rolor samplc showing ftlll langc of coloni availablr: for slxr;ificd produ(:ls. l]. I'rrxlutl lil.cnrlttrc lnrl nrt:omntetxlotl inslallal,ion pror:edttnrs. 0. Olr'errs (krnring Limitrxl Warranty. Delivery Storage, and Handling A. I]ciir,t:r nralcnals lo silc in manufar:turrr',s uttolx:ncd burxlks wilh lahls irrtart aul legibk:. IJ. Hruullo arrrl stonr nut.erials otr sil.t: lo Jrrr:vottl. diunagt'. Slorl rolkri [rxrls trtr cnrl. OWEIIIS COR]IIING WORU' HEADOUARTERS ONE OWENS CORNING PAFKWAY TOLEDO, OHrO 43659 ROOFING SYSTEMS BUSINESS :. :J. ,t. 5. PLf, N. tfi8 2l1lr:tA Prrr"l r' U:, A Seor€mr4r l||{r/ Cortrchr tr llr9/ ()wonj LDr','il hoject cottio*4504 07310 A. Procecrl with installing shingles only wherr Buyline weathcr is appropriate for a quality inslallation , B. Do not install underlaymenl, or shingles on wet surfaces. Warranty A. Matenals: Owens Corning Limited Warranty terms and conditions apply. L€ngl.h of warrantv to be - years. I). Workmanship: Applicator warranly covering deiects in and workmanship for - years. Asphalt Shin$es 0wens (loming fiber glass-bascrl asphalt shrngles r:omplying with ,\'STM speciiicittions: E I08 Olass A, D ill6l, :)018 1}tr l, D 228. Color shall bc -. Waterproofing Underlayment ()wcns (joming Wcathcrlock 'or Wcal.hcrltx:k'' (iS st:lf wal,erprooftng unrlcrlaymcnt, minunum l-r() mil thir:k, fihcr $as rcinfr.rrrrrl urtlr SBS modifrcd asphalt, r:onqrlf ing u'it.h .{'STM D 197(lf)() arxl liL approveri. Asphalt Felt Underlayment Non-lnrlirralt:rl, No. ll-r,:r.sph ll sitlllral.({l ft'll rrxrrplvilrg r'tith ASTtrl I) 22(; or ASTM I) 4fl6{,. Hip And Ridge Shingles Ow0ls OonrilrA High ltidg,t: ((krnl,ral & Uiustcrn tJ.S. orrll ), High Sl.vlc iurrl sliur<lartl (t I.S. Wesl (kr:r.sl only) hip & rirlgt' shuu*s of sutxr rolor irs ficlrl rrf nxrf or miutttfitr:lunrl ]lip & Fasteners Nails: llrt *rlvzuriztxl or alumiltttln ullh minilnttnr lZ-gauge imri a n ninrttnr 7-" hcarl. Nzuls lttust t)c l(xlg ulough lo al. kra-sl '/," inlo srrlid tklr:kitq, or ttxl.trrtl a ntiltttnttln o['/." Ilu) AI' nrl.({l shcathing. Nolc I.o sptrifier: (.]hurse cillxtr nails ()r sl.apl(:s. ( )w'trs ( lornittg rct:otttmttttls l.ltt: ttst: oI tuils irs t htr prt'lirrrtrl mcllr(xl of atta(llirrA shittAhs lo rvo()d (ft(;ki'U or ollrlr tuilablc subslratcs. Stalrlcs: I'lrcttnralir:ally applitxl, zitx:-t:tntcd, l{i-gaugt: wilir nrirrununr ''l' ," <:ntwn width. SlaDlts rnrrsl lx: lotrg Ixlrclral(' al lt:asl 7"' irtto solid dccktttg, or cxttrltl a '/." throuh the AIA rated sheathing. Examination Ilnor t0 slarting work, exanune all roof decks 0n whit:h work bc applierl for defecls in materials and workrnanship which bc rlctrimcnld to thc propcr inslallatiott or krng{cmt of the shlngles. Installation lnstallation shall be in ar:cordant:c with Lhtr Guide to lttst: Asphall. Itrnfing Shingles publishctl by (twt:trs (Joming and kx:al t;uikling t:odes. l' r!n \lai'\ ttttl (lttfs ( tt ttt,tltltttt li]r fitrt l li'lt'!lttt,t t'l ltrttlUC6 n lt,ttn',tu at r 1r.\r. I'lrtts( ltt tl(l 4tr't t)tt(ust:.'rrt I tl lttartllalttg. l,ro(ltrrls shr^vl rrr {1)\.r'r (litr({.phrtr)) ()iLtn.lAr" Slnrk)\r l:s!rl' (;r,rt, isnu k r p[itr)) lT(,trnt|('nrlr tslrlr (;r]r\ (shn*k' rlNfl ) ()akrxlS('' slsl')t\ l,slirlr' (irlt dr'. & - s oi! o6rf , m,6 ad o.o.rr.rs wrr.h a'e r.drmtrs nl o*. . L.r ' t sy{em | | rr nq an., Sysrem I hrnt nq lor lhe ftoru ale lta.rsmat,s ot lN.n' Ldnn I Printed by Christie Barton 4:37pm From: Terri PartchTo: Christie BarLon Subject: fwd: title report for Huttner ===NOTE===============5 / 18 / 98==g : 2 5am==Christie, the title reporL shows a roadway easement 20' in widLh along the wesL 1ot line of the properby. It. doesnot say who has the easement. rights. Ibeli.eve thaL the ownership of that easement needs to be identified, andpermission from that owner needs to be obLained to grade through Lhe road.AIso, anyone else back there who has any claim to Lhat roadway should becontacted and give their permission tograde that roadway. I think the property owner needs to do some more research, here. The bit1ereport isn't much help in this special circumstance. Fwd=by : =Christ ie=Bar L=6 / Lg / 9 8==9 : 12am== Fwd to: Terri Partch I sent a letter to t.he architect withthe addibional request of title reportsfor the adjoning 1ots. He should begetting that to us. Should I send overa copy of the letter? I included a copy of the FEMA map, too. LeL me know, Fwd=by : =Terri=par y"11=_6 / IB / 9 8==9 : 4 2am== Fwd bo: Christie Barton The letter probably isn't necessary,but thanks for the offer. I will just review the obher tib.1e reports when they come in. I am afraid though, thatthe other title reports wj-1l be similarto the huttner's report in that the easement is recorded, but no owner is indicated. Page: 1 Date; b'(7 lr.€ vtlrO q {} 111 Legal description: Lot I Firing Address Owner Architect Zone disfiict fua Lotsize A,VB9 trL SiteCoverage "Az Height Setbacks Landscaping Front Sides Rear Minimum l0l9 20' l5' l5' luz.$, Allowed Existing 21rL + Proposed \Lf = Toal i L3) t1(+ I z+7 Remaining trft l4or .,ropqRjA % rsa =-1t'712+nAKkinary cwt 11 t I + 1$5)1675.1=ZV7L &27 *?l rJLt fficwe. tllt..Gilns*)=Z1L 1273 + + 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involve a 250 Addition? rJO How much of thc allowed 250 Addition is used with this rcquest? N /a 78Ll (6( + 3L.f =tq33 @rl -\nt tlo+'1 4) Water Coune Setback (30) (50) .r,/A 5) Geologic Hazar& / a) SnowAvalanche rvd b) Rockfall c) Dcbris Flow Previous conditions of approval (check property ne); M /^1, Is the pmperty non-conforming? Describe: S' lla'y ' >rr Phone Phone Proposad,use ^d^d"-A.o-t-Buildable Jkl .-ro."-co-,f. b' I ^t /+ olufu,r,*g/,ir.9l' 1tg Reaining Wall Heighs . \,Parking N.4idLa.tlge+rireaL _ L L Enclosed Garage crcdit (300K@eo0) (l2oo) DrivewaY pennirred etnnrrJrrysway permitted Slope _% proposed Slop e . yo Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance yes_ No_ Are finished grades less than 2:l (50%) yes_{.__ No_ EnvironmenhL/llazards l) percentSlopc (<>30%)L 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands ;t lx- DESICN REVIEW CTIECKLIST .l I r vrqcct: fWTN'€f EJsuRvrlt,/,./ Scalc --z( ncrrcnrrra* ./ Lcgal dcscription ./ Lot sizc l'-/ Buildablc Arca -l-/- Eascments -ll Topography rl:A 100 yr. floodplain ,./- Fcnccs ,/ Parking/Garagc / Tuming Radius / Drivcway (acccss and gradc) Snow Stongc Firc Acccss O FLOORPLANS .,/ Scalc ./ GRFA N/A 250 additional GRFA ,/ CrawMttic Space I'/A EHU tr BUILDINGELEVATIONS -/ Scalc t/ ColorMatcrials RoofPitch E LAI.IDSCAPEPLAN ,./ Existing tecs -/- Proposcd trees Lcgend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval -- _ Titlereport(A&B) !-b votityverification form ' ,/ photos of site r'' Buildingmatcrialsamples ,J1a Sun\ShadcAngles './ Utilitics(underground) l/r+ VicwConidors '/ variances I 14 pht rcstrictions rLar Memo to Housing Planner if aa EHU is proposcd Watcr Coursc Sctback Environnrcntal Hazards / Trces ,./ utility locations / sPotclcvations tr SITEPLAN / scalc BuildingHcight EncroachmcnB t Sctbacks -/- sitc coveragc / EavcVOvcrhangs (4') ,/'/ Dccks/Balconics -/ Garagcconncction / Sitc Gradc\Slopc J- RcniningWalls lJa lh J_ ___r_ TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June ltt. l99ti Petcr Lazzam l-rzzua Arch itcctural Dcsi gn 8621 East Yale Unit B Denver. CO tt023l Re: Huttncr Addition 5128 Grouse Lanc Lot 8. Block l. Gore Crcck Subdivision Dcar Pctcr: Staff has rcviclved thc abovc rcfcrcnccd plans and havc the following comments: l. Plcasc add thc ridgc hcights to the sitc plan so I can calculate building height. 2. Plcasc add cxterior light locations so I can check that the ploperty conforms with the TOV lighting rcgulations. 3. Plcase provide a titlc lcport for all ofthc lots that arc impactcd (crossed) by the gravel load lcading to lot [t. 4. Thc gmvcl road and drivcway should bc pavcd. 5. Please rcvisc thc survcy to reflcct thc flood plain as dcfincd by FEMA. Thc survcy should bc bascd on USGS coordinatcs. No grading is allowed in thc 100 ycar flood plain. 6. The proposcd ll0 contour looks likc il lcavcs thc propcrty twice. Please rcvisc. 7. The proposcd contour 82 conflicts with your spot elevation u3'-9" on thc south cast corner of ll. Please provide proposcd drivcway contours. 'l'he drivcway gladc cannot excecd 8% in the first l0'. l0% ovemll without hcat. and l2% with heat. 9. You arc showing regrading of thc acccss road. Show the lcglading as it affects the whole drivc. and gct apploval fi'om whomcver has access lights on thc road. 10. The gmding exceeds 2:1 in onc spot, plcasc revisc. ffyou have any questions, pleasc callme at (970) 479-2454. Vcrv trulv vour;s.(h;*t*h"nt Christie Bafton Planner II {g"n "uo" "* I \\t\ t I \ I I 1 I I I \ I ,{ I 1 \ I \ I \ I 86 ZONE CI I I '-------- cot t o fiy Development Ptan noutinlrorm Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee. Fire Works Retum To:Christie Barton Date Routed:6/9t98 Return Bv:6/17/98 Project Name:Huttner Addition Project Address:5 128 Grouse Lane Project Legal:Lot 8, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision Project Description:Expand kitchen, add a new foyer, and add a two car garage with twq bedroom above. Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Please provide a title report for this lot as well as all of the lots that are impacted (crossed) by the gravel road leading to lot 8. The gravel road and driveway should be pavcd. Please revise the suwey to reflect the flood plain as defined by FEMA. The survey should be based on USGS coordinates. No grading is allowed in the 100 year flood plain. The proposed 80 contour looks like it leaves the property twice. Please revise. The proposed contour 82 conflicts with your spot elevation 83'-9" on the south east corner ofthe drive. Please revise. Please provide proposed driveway contours. The driveway grade cannot exceed 8% in the first 10', I 0% overall without heat, and l2Vowithheat. You are showing regrading ofthe access road. Show the regrading as it affects the whole drive, and get approval from whomever has access rights on the road. The grading exceeds 2: I in one spot. please revise. Arc there wetlands or avalanche issues out here'/ Should we require a 4'pan with a 2"invert? Is fire department staging adequate? Is the 150'rule met? TL Parlch Reviewed retumed 6117l98 Dalc received: Datc reviewed: Prinled by Christie Barton s/a/e8 l0 :28am From: Terri ParLchTor Andy lhudtsen Subject: fwd: vail meadows, filing 2 ===NOTE=== ==5/29/98_=4:1gpm==Andy, do you know who owns thisproperty now? I went throuqh the file and it looks like there was somediscussion about the Town purchasingir. Thanks, T. Fwd=by : =Andy=I(nud tsen=S / 2 8 / 9 8==5 : 02pm== Fwd to: Terri Partch We own most of the lots in thissubdi-vision. Some are restricted as open space, but not all. If you are inLerested in t.eh details, I canphotocopy and fax a map showing who owns what. Just Iet me know. Fwd=by : =Terri =Par Lch==S / 29 / 9 8==8 : 3 3am== Fwd to: Andy Knudtsen I've gol a home owner at 5128 Grouse Lane requesting access through lot 8.Do we own this? Does the Town own the acess to bhese lots (Black Gore Driveon t.he maps) or is i.t. owned by Upper Eagle Va1ley? Thanks, Andy. Fwd=by : =Andy=KnudLsen=5 / 29 / 9 8==8 : 47 am=- Fwd to: Russell Forrest, Terri Partch I've been working with Upper Eaglevalley on creating permanent access for the Water TreatmenL site, the Townsites, and Linda Fried (is bhat the ovrner of Lot 8 you ment j-oned above?) . I don't bhink there is a cut-and-dried answer to your question. I think if we looked aL a map Logether, maybe wieh Fred Haslee and Russ, we could figure everyLhing out . Fvrd=by: =Terri=Par Ech==s /29 / 98=10: 19am== Fwd to: Christie Barton Christie, I think I'm at a dead endhere in terms of researching this for Lhe owner. I think one of us shouldcall the owner and or archiLect andte1l them that they need to talk to Andy about acess out here. I have afeeling that this will be failydifficult to resolve, ib terms ofpossible f lood plain,/open Page: 1 Printed by Christie Barton space/driveway grade and tangles. Let me know if you would like me totalk with them about this. Thanks. ;;t"'fl;:t 10:28am Page. 2 oLD REptrc NATT.NAT-, TrrLE TNSURATO coMpANy ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # WF252010 For Information Onlv - Charges - A1E,a Lender Policy $412.00 (REISSUE RATE) Tax Report. $20.00 Endorsements 335.5 $25.00--TOTAL-- $457.00 *** THIS IS NOT Al.I INVOICE, Bll:f AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OITR ORDER NO. WF252O1O *** 5 ->v -ct6 1. Effect.ive DaE,e: @5 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Po1icy to be issued, and proposed Insured: frALTArr Loan Policy L0-L7-92 $215,900.00 Proposed Insured: GE CAPITAL MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. , its successors and/or assigns 3. The estate or inE.eresE in the land described or referred to in Ehis Conunitment. and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title Eo the estate or inE,eres! covered herein is at the effectsive date hereof vesE,ed in: SCOTT W. SODEN and CATHERINE M. HAGERTY 5. The land referred to in Ehis Commitment is described asfollows: PARCEI-, A' FfNAL PLAT, A RESITBDMSION OF LOT 8, BLOCK l-, GORE CREEK SIJBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED OCTOBER 23, 1991 IN BOOK 555 AT PAGE 334, COI'IflIY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COL,ORADO - PAGE 1 \ ALro(D"oMMrrMENr SCHEDULE B-2 (Except,ions) Our Order # VTF25201-0 The policy or policies to be issued will cont.ain except,ions go thefollowing unless the same are disposed of Eo the satisfaction ofthe Company: 1-. Standard Except,ions l- through 5 printed on Ehe cover sheet. 6, Taxes and assessmenLs not yet due or payable and special assessments not yets cert,ified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid Eaxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1-995 AND ST'BSEQUENT YEARS AND ANY AND ALL ASSESSMEMTS. 10. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR I}ilTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN IJNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septeriber l-3, a902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. ]-1. RIGHT OF WAY FOR D]TCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE IINITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 13, 1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. 1-2. RESTRICTIVE COVENA}TTS WHICH DO NOT CO}fTAIN A FORFE]TURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED NoveTnbeT trO, L969, IN BOOK 2]-6 AT PAGE 361-. 1-3. EASEMEIVT AND RTGHT OF WAY FOR GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SI'BJECT PROPERTY. 14. ROADWAY EASEMENT 20 FEET IN WIDTH ON WEST SIDE OF HIGHWATER LINE OF CREEK ALONG THE WEST LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOI,IN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION, AND THE IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING & SURVEYING INC., JOB NO. 76L. ]-5. UTILITY EASEMENT AND DRAINAGE WAYS 5 FEET TN WIDTH ALONG AI.,L TIITERIOR LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION. 15. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON TTIE RECORDED PI,,AT OF GORE CREEK ST'BDIVISION. 17. ENCROACHMEM| OF CONCRETE DRIVEWAY AND STRUCTIJRE OITTO UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT, AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMEIfT LOCATION CERTIFICATE BY BACKLT]ND LAND suRvEYs, ,JoB NO. 1,0664 . PAGE 3 ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # WF252010 18. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. GENERAL RELEASE RECORDED December 30, 1-985 IN BOOK 454 AT PAGE 943. ]-9. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT RECORDED October 23, 1-991 IN BOOK 563 AT PAGE 334. 20. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTYWALL AGREEMENT RECORDED NOVCTNbET 05, 1991_ rN BOOK 555 AT PAGE 284. 2L. PLAT RESTRICTION AS CONTAINED ON THE PLAT RECORDED OCTOBER 23, 1991 IN BOOK 565 AT PAGE 334: FOR ZONING PT]RPOSES, THE TWO PARCELS CREATED BY THIS RESUBDIVISION ARE TO BE TREATED AS ONE ENTITY WITH NO MORE THAN ONE TWO-FAMILY RESIDENCE ALI,OWED ON THE COMBINED AREA OF THE TWO PARCELS. ALLOWABLE GROSS RESIDEM|IAL,, FI-,,OOR AREA FOR THE TWO-FAMILY RES]DENCE WILL BE CALCULATED BASED ON THE COMBINED AREA OF THE TWO PARCELS. 22. DEED OF TRUST DATED ilanuary 30, L996, FROM SCOTT W. SODEN and CATHERINE M. HAGERTY TO THE PI'BLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'}TTY FOR THE USE OF GE CAPITAL MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC., TO SECURE THE SUM OF $215,900.00 RECORDED February 05, 1996, rN BOOK 587 AT PAGE 427. ***********EIilDORSEMEMT 3 3 5 . 5 * * * * * * * * * * * THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THIS ENDORSEME}i:T IS ONLY EFFECTIVE IF THE I,AND 1S USED OR IS TO BE USED PR]MARILY FOR RESIDEN:TIAI, Pi'RPOSES. THE COMPANY INSURES THE INSURED AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE SUSTAINED BY REASON OF LACK OF PRIORITY OF THE I,IEN OF THE INSIIRED MORTGAGE OVER: (A) A}TY ENV]RONMENTAL PROTECTION I,IEN I,IHICH, AT DATE OF POLICY, IS RECORDED IN THOSE RECORDS ESTABLISHED UNDER STATE STATUTES AT DATE OF POLICY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ]MPARTING CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF MATTERS RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY TO PIIRCHASERS FOR VALUE AND WITHOIIT KNOWLEDGE, OR FILED IN THE RECORDS OF THE CLERK OF THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT IN WHICH THE LAND IS LOCATED, EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE B; OR (B) AI{Y ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LIEN PROVIDED FOR BY ANY STATE STATUTE IN EFFECT AT DATE OF POLICY, EXCEPT ENVIRONMEIfTAL PROTECTION I-.,IENS PROVIDED FOR THE BY THE FOLLOWING STATE STATIITES: NONE THIS ENDORSEMENT IS MADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SI]BJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF AND OF ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS THERETO. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY STATED, IT NEITHER MODIFIES ANY OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE POI,ICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT INCREASE THE FACE AMOUNT THEREOF" PAGE 4 orD REpr;rc NATroNAr.,, Trrr.,E TNS'RATO coMpAr{v ALTA COM SCHEDUIJE taEe or EE tse 5- >v -qE 1. Effective Date: -Jagffi+i€at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policies Eo be issued, and proposed Insured: tf AL,TA'' Owner's Policy L0-L7 -92 $309, 000 . 00 gaececC Insured: WALTER A. HUTTNER and BARBARA .T. HII|TNER 'fAIrTArr l-,oan Policy L0-L7-92 $205, 000 . 00 Proposed fnsured: CHASE MANHATTAIil MORTGAGE CORPORATION , its successors and/or assigns The estaEe or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple MITMENT A Our Order # v254430-2 For Information OnIv S631.OO (REISSUE RATE) s100.00 $20.00 $2s .00 $96.80 $96.80 $95.80 $1, 066 .40 ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING oIIR ORDER NO. V254430-2 *** - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy Alt,a Lender Policy Tax Report Endorsement. 335.5 (Alta 8.1) Endorsement 100.29 Endorsement 103.3 Endorsement 115.2 (Alta 5) --TOTAL-- *** THIS IS NOT AI{ INVOICE, BUT AN TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE Title to effective PAGE THOMAS KLEIN reof sted sL cove r.n t-s a oLD REpnrc N,arroNArJ TrrrJE rNsrrRNO coMpAl[y AI,TA COMMITMENT SCHEDIILE A Our Order # v25443O-2 5. The land refered Eo in chis Comnitment is described asfollows: PARCEL B, FII''IALr PLAT, A RESUBDMSION OF IJOT 8, BLOCK 1, GORE CREEK S{'BDIVISION, .ACCORDING TO THE PI*AT RECORDED OCTOBER 23, X991 IN BOOK 555 AT PAGE 334, COI'NTY OF EAGIJE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 2 ALro(D.oMMrrMENr SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # v254430-2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions Eo t.hefollowing unless Ehe same are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Company: 1. SEandard ExcepEions 1 through 5 prinEed on the cover sheeE. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet. due or payable and special assessmenEs not yet cert,ified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. 1996 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABI,E AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASURERS OFFICE. ].0. LIENS FOR IJNPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF ANY. 11. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SepEeftber 13, 1-902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 49]-. **ENDORSEME}TT 100.29],], THE COMPANY HEREBY INSURES AGAINST LOSS WHICH THE INSURED SHAI.,,L SUSTAIN BY REASON OF DAMAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING LAWNS, SHRI]BBERY OR TREES, RESULTING FROM THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHT TO USE THE SURFACE OF SAID I,AND FOR THE EXTRACT]ON OR DEVELOPMENT OF THE MINERALS EXCEPTED FROM THE DESCRIPTION OF SATD LAND OR SHOITIN AS A RESERVATION IN SCHEDULE B-I. 12. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CA}JALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN ITNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Sept,edber l-3, L902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. ***FORM 103.3*** THE COMPA}IY HEREBY INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE WHICH THE INSURED SIALL SUSTAIN IN THE EVENT THAT THE OWNER OF THE EASEMENT REFERRED TO ABOVE SHALL, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXERCTSING THE RIGHT OF USE OR MAINTENANCE OF SAID EASEMENT, COMPEL THE REMOVAL OF ANY PORTION OF TIIE IMPROVEMENTS ON SAID I,AND WHICH ENCROACH UPON SAID EASEMENT. L3. RESTRICTM COVENAIT|S WHrCH DO NOT COITTAIN A FORFEITITRE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, fF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REI-,IGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED NovembET 1-0, L969, IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 361. PAGE 5 ALToO"oMMTTMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # V254430-2 14. EASEMEIiIT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY. 1-5. ROADWAY EASEME\]:T 20 FEET IN WIDTH ON WEST SIDE OF HIGHWATER LINE OF CREEK ALONG THE hiEST LOT LINE OF SI]B.]ECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK SI'BDTVISION, AND THE IMPROVEMENT LOCATTON CERTIFICATE BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGTNEERTNG & SURVEYING INC., JOB NO. 761,. 1-5. UTILITY EASEMENT AND DRAINAGE WAYS 5 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK SI]BD]VISION. 1.7. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION. 18. ENCROACHME}TT OF CONCRETE DRIVEWAY, DECK AND TIMBER WALLS ONTO UTILITY AI'ID DRAINAGE EASEMENTS, AND ROAD RIGHT OF WAY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING & SURVEYING INC., JOB NO, 76L, PREPARED OCTOBER 24, 1991-. 1-9, TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEME}frI DEED RECORDED NoveMbET 01, 1984 IN BOOK 398 AT PAGE 637. 20. TERMS, CONDTTTONS AND PROVTSTONS OF HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCIATTON, INC. GENERAL RELEASE RECORDED December 30, 1985 IN BOOK 454 AT PAGE 943. 21-. EASEMEITTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT RECORDED October 23, l-991- IN BOOK 563 AT PAGE 334. 22. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTYI,IALL AGREEMENT RECORDED NO1'EmbCT 05, 1_991 rN BOOK 566 AT PAGE 284. 23. PLAT RESIRICTION AS CONTAINED ON THE PLAT RECORDED OCTOBER 23 , L99L IN BOOK 565 AT PAGE 334: FOR ZONING PI'RPOSES, THE TWO PARCELS CREATED BY THIS RESUBDTVISION ARE TO BE TREATED AS ONE ENIITY WITH NO MORE THAN ONE TWO-FAMILY RESIDENCE ALLOWED ON THE COMBINED AREA OF THE TWO PARCELS. ALLOWABLE GROSS RESIDENIIAL FLOOR AREA FOR THE TWO-FAMILY RESIDENCE WILL BE CALCULATED BASED ON THE COMBINED AREA OF THE TWO PARCELS. 24. LIENAS EVIDENCED BY THE STATEMEI{:T OF VAIL PROFESSIONAL FINISHES, INC., A coLoRADO CORPORATTON rN THE AMOITNT OF $4,367.O0 RECORDED OCTOBER r_7, 1995 IN BOOK 678 AT PAGE 450 25. CIVIL ACTION NO. N/A ENTITLED VAIL PROFESSIONAL FINISHED, INC., PLAINTIFF(S), VS. THOMAS D. KLEIN, DEFENDA}IT (S) NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS RECORDED FEBRUARY 9, 1996 IN BOOK 687 AT PAGE 7].8 PAGE 6 ALToOaoMMTTMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # v254430-2 ***FORIq 110.2*** THE COMPANY HEREBY INSI]RES THE INSURED AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE WHICH THE INSURED SHALL SUSTAIN BY REASON OF THE ENFORCEMENT OR ATTEMPTED ENFORCEMENT THEREOF AGAINST THE I-,AND IN CONNECTION WITH THE ITEM ABOVE. 26. DEED OF TRUST DATED Septernlcer 27, L996, FROM WALTER A. HUTTNER and BARBARA J. HUTTNER TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI-,E COIJNTY FOR THE USE OF KLEIN MORTGAGE, TNCORPORATED TO SECI'RE THE SUM OF $205,000.00 RECORDED Ocrober 03, L995, IN BOOK 707 AT PAGE 254. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED October 03, L996, IN BOOK 707 AT PAGE 265. * * * * * * * * * * *ENDORSEMENT 335 .5*********** THE INSI]RANCE AFFORDED BY THIS ENDORSEME}fT IS ONLY EFFECTIVE IF THE LAND IS USED OR IS TO BE USED PRIMARILY FOR RESIDE}ilTIAL PURPOSES. THE COMPANY INST'RES THE TNSURED AGAINST LOSS OR DAI!'IAGE SUSTAINED BY REASON OF LACK OF PRIORITY OF THE LIEN OF THE INST'RED MORTGAGE OVER: (A) ANY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LIEN WHICH, AT DATE OF POLICY, IS RECORDED IN THOSE RECORDS ESTABI.,,TSHED I'NDER STATE STATUTES AT DATE OF POLICY FOR THE PITRPOSE OF IMPARTING CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF MATTERS RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY TO PI'RCHASERS FOR VALUE AND WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE, OR FILED IN THE RECORDS OF THE CLERK OF THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COI'RT FOR THE DISTRICT IN 9{HICH THE LAND IS LOCATED, EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE B; OR (B) ANY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LIEN PROVIDED FOR BY ANY STATE STATT]I|E IN EFFECT AT DATE OF POLICY, EXCEPT ENVIRONME\TTAL PROTECTION LIENS PROVIDED FOR THE BY THE FOLLOWING STATE STAfiITES: NONE THIS ENDORSEMEMT IS MADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SI'BJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF AND OF A}IY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS THERETO. EXCEPT TO THE EXTE}OT EXPRESSI-,,Y STATED, IT NEITHER MODIF'IES ANY OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR EITDORSEMENTS. NOR DOES IT EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMEIiT|S, NOR DOES IT INCREASE THE FACE AMOIJNT THEREOF. ***ENDORSEMEI\II 1l-5.2*** THE COMPANY HEREBY INSITRES AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY REASON OF: 1.) PRESEITT VIOLATIONS OF ANY RESTRICTIVE COVENAI\TTS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO IN SCHEDUI.,E B WHICH RESTRICT THE USE OF THE LA}ID SAID RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS DO NOT CONTAIN ANY PROVISIONS WHICH WILL CAUSE A FORFE]TURE OR REVERSION OF TITLE.2) THE PRIORITY OF ANY LIEN FOR CHARGES AND ASSESSMENTS PROVIDED FOR TN ANY DOCI]MENT SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO IN SCHEDUI,E B OVER THE LIEN OF ANY TNSURED MORTGAGE IDENTIFIED IN SCHEDULE A. PAGE 7 I a--tm_ ArcHITECTURAL -msrgn Pelet R. Lazzarc, N.C.A.R.B. 8621 East Yale Ave. Unit B Denver, Colorado 80231 l3{j3l337-1724 lazmm- ARCHITECTURALmsgn Date: I June 1998 To: Christie Barton Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Project: Huttner Residence 5128 Grouse Lane Vail, Colorado Dear Christie, It is the desire of the owners of the above-mentioned property to expand their holiday home to make it suitable for year round living' They would like to expand the existing kitchen, add a new foyer and add a two-car garage with two bedrooms above. To access the new garage they propose using the existing 20' roadway easement currently used to service the water treatment facility. There are two existing parking spaces in front of the property now accessed through this easement. It has come to the attention of the owners that their neighbor plans to sell and or develop a portion of land adjacent to their property. A suitable joint access agreement between the two parties may provide access to the garage without using the roadway easement. The owners are willing to pursue this option provided it does not delay their plans to start building this summer. Also, the exact configuration of the driveway leading to the garage would have to be determined upon approval of the joint access agreement between the involved parties. Thanks for all your help. Peter R. La?rzarat NCARB 8621 East Yale Unit B Denver, Colorado 80231 (303) 337-1724 lazmm- ArcHTECTURAI-msEn It is the desire of the onners of the above-mentioned property to expand their holiday home to make it suitable for year round living' , They would like to expand the existing kitchen, add a nenrv foyer and adcl a two-car garage with two bedrooms above' To access the new garege they propose using the existing 20' roadway easement cunently useJto service the water treatment facility. There are two existing pi*ing spacgE in front of the property no1r accessed through this easement. It has come to the attention of the owners that their neighbor plans to sell and or develop a portion of land adjacent to their property. A suiteble joint access agreement between the two parties qay provide agcess to ine garage without using the roadway easement..The oilners are wilting to pursuL this option provided it does not delay theirp.lans to start builJing ihis summer. Also, the exact configuration of the drivcway leading to thl garage would have to be determined upon approval of the joint access agreement b€tu€en the involved parties. Thanks for all Your helP. Date:8 June 1998 To: Christie Barton Tqrtn of Vail Dept. of Community DeveloPment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Project: Huttner Reeidence 5128 Grouse Lane Vail, Colorado Dear Christie, Pster R. Lazzara, NCARB E021 East Yale Unil B Dsnver. Colordo E0231 (30s1s37-1724 l I oi tt-oi f -t--g?1+-='- Lzlra ARdITEGIIf,AL Desbn 8O2l Eest Yelo Unit B D.nv6r. Colorado 80231 July29,199E Chridie Balton Town of Vail Gommunly Devdoprnent 75 South Fmntege Road Vail, Coloredo 81657 Re: HutnerAddition 5128 Gmuse Lane Lot I, Block 1, Gom GreekSubdMsion DearChri$ie: I am endosing the latest site plan and topographic surrrey forthe abore mentioned prded. Dr. Hutner will be submitting the s(1ned joiril access agrcements to you on Friday, July 31 . Per my phone conv€Fation with Br€nt t am scheduled to appear befor€ the Deriign Ra/ew Boad Wb<lnesday, Augus 5'@ 3:(X) P.M. Pleese let me know if you r€quire enythirp else. AIdriited J7 SIJEJECT SrIE PARCEL 0.2t17 AC. - \,r^\. ,/ I--A'Vt' a-\t .. t I ^'? .,/ \ rz.zs' -'at--q.+'-1A--- a | | t / tl/ t_ _ _..tl' / DlllvEwal ,l I ,/ EAsEilENT I / (BooK 398, PAGE 63 ,oua o, o,*, I 'R'vE )lr l/ t| s85039'4?"W I32.75'\ | 7 \. s (' f,ooo "/ -jf.'-s tsos6'oo" EK\ 2.60' \ s z4"zc'oo''w' B.4o'\ "\ , \i\E -"C-/i .--...- - ---\--- PARCEL I o.t748 AC. APPROXTNATE '_20.o' RoAowAY - EASEXENT ON W€ST SIDE OF HIOHWATER LINE OF CREEX UTILITY ./ #l _]---<--_ \ VICINITY MAP NOTES: LOT 4 FOUNo ilo..t REBAR WITH AUJ$NTI' CAP L.S. No. 1682? --rUTILITY E DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOUNO WITNESS CORNER NO. 5 REEAN WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 5933 l.oT 9 Date of Survey: Septeuber, 1991 Street Addrega: 5128 Grouee L,ane Basis of Eeari,ngs ig a line connoct ffil*i:;iH ::T,t:.T:.:"luo'' Nggco4'3s"E, 2?', FOUNO No. 4 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No.2 XIOH WATE OF GORE ( Lgr I VAIL MI FILING Il/ I II I III (1) (z) (3) (4)NO SCALE LOT ,\ A tutt rcT7 sQ,'9/ l9;tlo^ll,1iEtot '&WITH ORANGE d PLASTIC CAP .hiFL,.:' ] Il, l,AT \U L.S. No, 2183 \ S \ A = 57"043o" R = 45.00' L = 44.83' T = 24.47' cH' Nl7c42'O6'!W, 43.OO' GROUSE LAT.IE (5d) FOUNO WITNESS CORNER No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. L.S. No. e6598 6(to o_ I I CURVE OATA A = 23026'28" R :45.OO' @ L : t8.41' T = 9.34' cH = N ooo53'o5" w, 18.28' A = 33o38'O2" R = 45.00' @ u = 26.42' T = 13.50' ,32.68 cotro?nity Development nan noutg Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Gary Goodell, Building Works Retum To:Christie Barton. ComDev Date Routed:7/9/98 Return Bv:7/rs/98 Proiect Name:Huttner Residence Project Address:5128 Grouse Lane hoject Legal:Lot 8, Block l. Core Creek Subdivision hoject Description:revisions to plan Approved -X-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Please providc titlc reports for all for thc lots that are impacted (crossed) by the gravel road leading to lot 8. Thc gravel road and drivcway should be pavcd. Plcase revise the survey to reflect the flood plain as defined by FEMA. The survey should be based on USGS coordinates. No grading is allowed in the 100 year flood plain. Tbere is a scction ofyour driveway which is at about 20Vo grade from the 82 contour to thc centerline ofthe drivcway directly across from the spot clevation at the north corner of the gamge. It was based on an elevation calculated from the given spot elevation at your garage. You are showing regrading of thc access road. Show thc regrading as it affects the whole gravel drive, and get approval from whomever has access rights on the load. -Questions for staff: Arc therc wetlands issues out herc ? Shouf d wc require a 4' pan with a 2" invcrt? TLPatch received 7/10/98 reviewed/rctumcdTll3/911 Datc reccivcd: Date levicwed: August 12, 1993 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81658 Re: Lot 8, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision - Paulson Residence I Coverage numbers foryesterday. 4792 sQ FT Dear Andy: Following is a summary of the GRFA and Sitethe above referenced lot, that we discussed GRTA Allowable: Existlng: East Side: West Side:Total Renaining Available GRFA Site Coverage: Allowable: Existing: Remaining Available Site 2912 SQ FT 1880 SQ FT 2538 SQ FT 1893 SQ FT Coverage: 645 SQ FT 1273 sQ FT 1539 SQ FT This lot is zoned Two Family Residential . Total remainingallowable square footages may be claimed by either side on afirst cone first serve basis. It is inportant to realize that2-'l/2 parking spaces are reguired for residences that have GRFAof over 2000 sguare feet. Any future construction must conformto all development standards listed in the Town of ValJ. zonlngregulations; what is listed above is only a partial llst. Letter to Andy lhudteen Auguat 12, 1993 Page Tuo Andy, pleaae review the accurate, slgn belou ln Thank you for your help Slncerel-y, GWATHMEY PRATT SCHULTZ, above information, and lf you findthe space I have provided. and cooperatlon in thls matter. ARCHITECTS P.C. tt m"k l)d copy to: Jeannlne Rlnel - Sllfer, $nlth & Frampton ,r..j 'ry,srt +Fa ,^," ffi/ 7/t r/,Project Application Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Name: Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: *",ff*:*:*^j-'..*-. -.-. Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board ,^," 217/ fz Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: D^r"' Z- 7*??,,K'ooo"'^' il\fu L, k [( ilrc illtf EB 0 ?\squ ^tr -lulfz0\' t2lrl'",3]' , -l,"lq'ql Pi1" February 5, 1992 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of VaiI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West VaiI, CO 81657 Re: Paulson Residence - Lower level exterior stairs Dear Andy, /--ol G, /6-Zo= / /, 6rry, Cr-J J-/ Please find enclosed sketches of the exterior stai.rwell that goes fron the lower deck to grade. As we have discussed, these stairs are shown on Lhe improvement survey. We hope that the addition of these staj.rs, and the spa at the main level deck that we have prevlously discussed, are of such a nature that staff approval is appropriate. Please contact me or Brad Foster of Boles Custom Builders, fnc. if you have any guestions. Sincerely, ARNOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P.C. tt"-1-" n./-.1 Jennifer Decker ljd Enclosures ' copy to: Brad Foster - Boles Custom Builders' Inc. ?ruWn74FHo2 -P|11 - tl/a_a_t TF=t'-cl7eg>,s qL e&'\d/ ,d-Ur' oiln ,tl f4' ly V December le' 1ss1 (try rr| , .' ' |on \-" H1[ qV ,-/- ) | Enclosures copy to: Brad Foster - BolesDr. Craig paulson Custom Builders, fnc. mT'lr-^ o ? iggl p .Le yM Re: Paulson Residence - 5i2g Grouse Lane ll A{.\ , \- Dear Andy, f4( \ , ",y' I Ot t ,,,,/r\At the ot/tner's reguest rrre are adding a spa to the main revet tYdeck at the Paulson residence. pleise find the enclosed V (! .sketches showing this change to the approved project. \"L"\ We hope that these changes are of such a nature that staff r ,.',r,0" t.f9 \approval is appropriate. please let me know if you have "ttL, )guestions or if we need to attend a meeting r Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Department of Community Development.75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 {* ARNoLD/GvilerHmgy/pnATT ARcHrTEcTs, P.c. . [,/-\ rl f\ , rfvY*"(h /144< t ot', Jennifer Decker fF , ^., t /jd .,,.w-v +--DE/-p EXf?\N3loNp7s?^ hutil)H 7V-,|D?W' 7tcr- aYrANsl.4N W'*T+1ut iJ AlW ^TV: 8 --rft: ::t-_.r,r - DATE: >E/-, lg'11 SI{EET NO. oo TAUr5ON WIDLVZ '/4" -- l'-Qt wgotEB o o$92 ili 1- I N"w etu?z*1e LodE-tYL ffiTo6T,D€ ?,\1v.1s1t- tot<u*4H g)43 ?AULfri1 ?h>ewL ,{ L,OYJ LYLDUY - Pl-,Al--l ffi.'',qL ll -l''()' x tf,- T Project Applicalion D"r" /r'2-4/ Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phonei Arch itect. Address and Phone: Zla '"/a.t/l r Block .a .a rrhs 9dr( ( F. / zone - Comments: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL .,.., 1'( dl -81-ftr E Statt Approval *F#* SFR, R, R P/s zoNE DIsTRIcTs DATE: 4 -S-q I LEGAL@Block I rittng ADDRESS, biZ-4ja,-i3a.i h.o^i ,orct W,. lt kr,-'*'l? uL*] ;5 l,( t'z.-'? lz,L t lr'"-'t( 4" i ? ;A 4Li . 'L..t c)\ pl.W\ \ 4) tt \ti< (UL( tit( lt</.i {) .,"'1''.' '- , ,, r/.v ,rl, / ,'t- t\ OWNER (e.uC,, Qaut.S vJ pHoNE ARCHITECT PROPOSED USE He1ght ToIaI GRFA (rzao)('>r) :rsu (az''t){,o} tq2'z @/ Gssa, LUz3i- seeeaea+y no'o 4 lisf Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Courae Setback SJ.te Coverage ttlbazt'il/'tt) Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parklng Garage Credit Drive: View CorrLdor Encroachment: Envi ronmental /Hazards : ZONE DISTRICT _- I)c\?cel PHONE Lor sIzE lir.f ;1, ,( ft ,.fLV , , $r n"^ p1 al Existinq I I / .t!t' ( '-t i"/ Ilru4 Proposed TotaIAllowed (30) (33) ?ct12.z+ (sFF@51 20t 15, 15' (30) (s0) z 5 3t,3 401)r ll t'r I + v / 3r it1 l Sqs r,lL:-- !- @w Yes 1) 2', 3) i.lL Easl uto>l pr, € | 4m 3c5 2 4tz 4ro 3 itt zD1 //o' il zs{ ztf t1 v/k % l.lL :.t--..1L c1(,.. . X/*T t1t ?1s Does this request involve aHow much of the allowed 250::- -: .==:-/zts ///4 - 5zs = 41c12,2 ': \\7 57t z'l lL 2 TqA,t '--1,,>.,'-tt ) ,L1\.1 ?3qL,l 1-z 7 ?, t; 12) 3 L,,ttr!,; 1 ,. / ,: -?5 ril 1 L7 ."1 -- 3' /6' * Sneqra 6o Da *1&,"-",1'-1 (30o) (oooftso1] lo,2oil 55t ',p ,f Permitted Slope 8t Actual S1ope _n, c hu^,ft-& Date approved by Town Englneer: M/+ No "/ zzz Flood Plaln Percent Slope Georogic H^"^rdt o {L' a) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfall A e\4-/(- 4- 13 c) Debris flow ---rrr,r"---fr 4) ttetlands ffi 250 Addition? NAAddlt,lon is usemfEfrTig requesr? v % & t'l- -b-+ t ttf 10 LOT 7 '/o 8yo4' ht ls utrttl, tt urchoea !aasnant LOT 9 I w ,#) I I I I I I I I vtr|trl&o i9F lrl \1 IE\ Y o(\l \: $:lrii$[#:';1 \ o, ar,tr,*u/ - TOAOUAY O||lll ot Car. orirarot 'USE LANE ( 50') \J / L"t t t t$rtrltvlillt.:i{ I trtc^Tlot{ .:t.lt .t t..t(:A1ti I ir(rsbi r,urulIy tlurt !lrl:i lnProv$ucu! Lrrr..!Gi.[r (i.rtlfir'rts uau ptcp;trr:.1 for .Glfn - Bend '. tl t lt l:r.rr('t il .,,rr..;-i,I.it--,,i- irupr.rr.ulrrt !i'rvcy pllrt. .'rrl tlr.l ll ir, n.l l(' 5u rrlicd uUotr ,'.. r.r.tnLl t r,lrnn'rrt ,,1 lfrtr'r'. lrttllrll$8 .lr .rtllur fltttttu lnlrovcocllt I illca. I l||r ti,r.r ,r.r't rti. tlr.,l tltc In[r$tcf..rt,i '{r llr(' .tl||rvr' ds:.e ribod Prr(ul on tllts .AnUd rl. 1993 .-...r r'r(''l'l ttlllltv 'orrrrr'r'tlurr$. 'rrr trr!lrcly .. t id birur|U]r r i r'. ,,J tlr,' l';rtr.r.l r .jlr.cpt it:, r.lhrv||, (||,tt I llcrr.: Jrs no gtt.:roi|clr- rp.t|r !lrr Jfrrr't il,r'rl !l('ulr,('ri hy luprovcllcttt ti r4l atrl/ ildJolllluB Ircttlrigg, gx- .r:, lrrtli,.rtr..l. .||xl lir,rl (h..r'r! l:i rht ,rII.tr.'trl rrvlrlrrttr'tr r rl;itt of glly tt'lt;cosut l||U ,,t l,$l.tr'r|rrrr: .rlrt lr.lfl r'l :i,rlrl prtr(.r'1, r'lsr'pt .ld lr tsd. Scole , lu- 20' Dolo ol Surry ' c I S t.3lu (:U3 AccordtrlE !.t Colorndo l.ru you ruj! comcnce rny l'tul 'lctlonJ uDoo rny .hirct ln rht! lurvry vlthlo rtr yrerr ulScr you llrrt ovri ruch-dsfoct. lrl no .lvcncr ..y rny octlon brred upon r$y dsfoct lrlr 3rlfvoy br cur.utlr:srt uoac Gl|||o !o1r tnotl fror 'hc dgro of thc l* s"$l' l(t,q7/ f>l,rl l h* LruL DnI lttEIglTIOX fi'fiSiillElfl:l8to" nu& rror EE r. lxA-lPFlf(tl8lott lGsrINCr rt fruHiI%l'BI,T##Fg'fu ICCEPIIIED UNnl& ALt ilttoffrTlolf ff['!rit ,0,35'l I gn-rppltcrtlon,rrltlrg ulUr a.FtuurtnE ,t!it lrnbtr lrillSStllril'n'i:.0.$. 6i:*Hll:f.l:r'iili;ii;li-^_. - ^ ?y! ^ rpo! !. -1f !!! r on I 1 -- rrri rE.tli aPPlleantrrvtth thr rtrll to flnatrrtPonr Dlorrc nctl:H:.:.TIITl_'iEI*:*iil iiri=liillfiii!'"nl"ilff"T:iDlcc€rl ior your--fr---'-v'f '.'a tE5!'n'ln' Enl rDprovlr.ar,|rlr*- -. ___?l?l!"F.by flcrorrtng the-nuUri or sonCltlonr of rEonsrElgnr of rpplgysl lurt br ierolprtnlt lt bruei, lnolLerrlan str!llrErrE lr tt.u€or, lFpllartlon slll not-tl-ercduroceltbouE ounrlrr algni-t[ir;----' - A. tiOtlet DtBcRIElIOtrr Eond ttl on" oi i"p-rwii-ifii il;- fi ;Tlv-lErltiEf . o'^oo ::*ittfl 'r:1.,:ii,;oy:lJ.p1_E:t|f !,1v;e^I;i;il;-buudrng r!9 thc cxie C. l.l€crnI0H Ol ll0D0fAltr l0drere t2e lrlrl DgcrlDtlen tpt _._ E - DlcetrSubdlvlrloi - Ge8F greal,,. zonlng &tl}ll8 oF fpFlICA$fr Dr, Crei_s -prurronrrlllng Addrrrsr D. llA$E gf ApFIJte+flTrA gEpREgErfltAgIVDr llelllnE tddrerer.l 000 7 r76-1117 l.t|N{t or onNEnAl frcrf,lgr|(rl I ilrlrdng AACrrrrr Phonc Gondcnlnluro lpprovd lf rp5lllcablr,t. o,Dl,l ttar IAllllilro}| ! o-f lo,ooo !19'991 -l Do;ooo !-!9,991 - | tlo,ooo ' liti:tt+: l';tt$18ffi --I Ovrr ltroooiooo DNB IDDLIC.f,TION DATE APPLTC.ATION NECEII'EDI DATE OF DRL' I'IEETINGI mcr sEP 091991 irrr.IHtE APPIIC,A|IION tfILL NOll EE lccEl|lED UNTIIT AI& INFORI{ATION I8 guBullilEDrrtrt I. PRE-APPLIC,ATION UEETINGT I prc-appllertlon lllting ultJr a rtronglY ruggceted to dcter:ntne_lntoruallon-lr needed. No aPPll nlannlng rtaff ncuber lr ll any addltlonal e the aPPl|'cantra-apPolntuent vltn ths Etalf to flrri ;uf;6;nC-ioaittonar rulnrttil rcqulrcnglt'' - - Pleare notc if,it a COHp1'.gT3 ippff".tfon-vfff itrearnllnc ttrs applovalpioc""" tor your irioject-tti docr.a"lng the-number ol Ei"aftf"ni-oi-ippiovir tnai the DRB niy etlpulate. ALL coiiOiiionr ot aliroval uuet bc reeolvei baeore a bulldlng ;;;14-i;-fsiueh. Apprlcatlon ulrl not be proceaaed iltnout ounerra Stgnature. DESCRIPTIOXT Adffi9 an additional 524 GRFA.A.PROJECT Extendin 9 -9 -91 the existing deck, addi4qe--,!e r fevel deck and a roof deck wi E. IPCATION Of PROPOSALT Addrcer 5128 Grouse Lane Irgat D[crlptlon l.ot --:9- Bloclc Eubdlvlrlon -.,]sg.]1fsFi- Zonlng Duolex C.NN{8 OF AFPIJCNITT ltalllng Addreegt 2909 Itasca D. MN sso43 rrrong-ffi NN{E OF APPLIC,ANTTS REPRESENTATMS Pratt Arr-}rire.rc P. Gl. Halllng 166i3333 1000 South Frontaqe Road West co 81657 Phone E.NN,TE OF OIINERST sroN'taunE(81I llalllng Addror3t Gondonlnlun APProval ll lPpliaabl3' DRE IEEI u\I{lrl;Igu t Qr S lorool - $ 5O,OO1 -gl5oroo1 - $5OOrOOl -S Ov.r t l0rooos 50rooo $ l'5orOOO $ 5OOr00O 61r 0oo, ooo srr 0o0r 0oo 47 6-11 47 Paulson phone 612-436-8309 IEE $ lo.oo $ 25.00 $ 5O.OO 9loo.oo $200.00 s30o.0o ll}t'lE OF PBO.IECT3 STREET ADDRESAI IACIL DEACBTfAION| o- LIST Ol IIATERIAI.S Paufson Residence Rehodel rcTg- Brocx -!-. auDDrvrsroN -SgI@ 5128 Grouse Lane DESCRIPTION OF PRqtEqIl Adding an additional 524 GRFA. Extenling the existins deck, addinq a Lor"ter level deck, and a roof deck with hot tub to an.residence. tlhr tollowlng lntornatlon h regulred for rubulttal to thc Dcrtgn Rrvleu Eoard-befor3 a flnal tppioval can b€ glvont A. BUILDING I|ITERIAIST Root 8ldIng Othcr tlall llatrrtale Farcia 90ltlt3 Tlndour WlndoU TrlD Door3 Door !lr!n Hand or Declc Ballr Fluer Flarhlngr Chlnneyr Trarh Enclosures Grcrnhourrr otbor IIYPE OF UATERIAIT COIOR tl SeLf-contained hot tub E.l4lrDsc,aPrNcr Nanc o! Dertgnerr Phoner PI,AIIT UATERIALSI PBOPOSED TREES DelllfedLllrne g9EICD-NSDS 9tl3Dlllv ErZ.3l .- EIIISTINO ITREES lIO BE NEUO1IED none -r_ match existi.n rlndlcatr call,lnr tor dcolduoua tr-o3. - @-a"-if ar.ri iil"-" f e- i- f i"r,""l- -indlcate hFght tor oonlt.rout PIAIIT }ITTERIALSI :. : - .. PROPOSED. AHRUES i',( ": " '; '..' o Botanl.cal Name CAlngD-IfDe ouantltv Elr-fj :.tl- . EXISTTNG ETfRUBS TO EE NEUOVED i f'.: :. I 'J r '. . :.... !r: ';' j i. h, : - None * .Indlcttr rlzr of Drgpo3eil rhrgbc. l'tLnlnum elze of ehrr.be le -..:;--E-ciI;Ign. " .. IvDs E.slrI3-&etlgs GROUND COVERS soD EEED TIPE OF IRRIGATION Natural grasses to reseed area dist bed ITYPE OR UETHOD OF EROSION CONTROIT by construction to match gxistin c. oTnER IA}IDSCAPE FEATLTRES (retalnlng ualla., fencee, Etti'mmlng poola, 3tc.i- -if"ii" Epecify. fndlcate helghta of retalnlng walla. U.xinuio-1efgnfof ui11s vithtn the-tront B€tback ,'s 3 febt. uailuun height of salls 3l33uh.r3 on th. propsrty ..lr6tot. El . t-?c:, u, t F.\ (r)(0 l'fegl^4lnt n**2 O-, at+J1 1toolz ?ztt f)N"drslz t{41nYJ \... \. \\ ]-] HjH iliH*[H \ \ \r. \ t t D /-\t'l.,dH* *-d""tEX','H 3t r{t gd? eagt2FrAaJ r.i681.],V! oz tr =E uJI n rn nn U' IJJ UJlJ- tr = UJ a ,€l=, l_t€t{),) o\ (\ z M 14z HtJ) zE I o\I o\ I l9r (r1 <Fllo z lz F' v7-rHSA trzu-!z oFzAAZ =<5 F e F EFIz = =z F{ E F4x t!=It4l&lH lrrl Pz zl OFr J<A)zcoHdo ZE 3n r:1 z H FfAE (r UJz3 lt UJ N \ tirF slI 3l+ dt+ ^tu o (! .s Rxl F L\-6 o hN E. R .c o oE ; = dt E :cf o o. a5 3 .9 o .2!t att (u .E N $3 t- o o o) = oo(! o) o uo .2 I = o c(g g;! o 'r'i 6'=oodipE5h =2R*E E F=E e:5 :€€dl=c9c d.E ; EEA =:E E;eF5;.:- (U o-(E c)- $EEo' o.E9o-(6C (5-,- EE Eoo* Ee E veC t*Es*: E 5= '6>,.Y=E Hii ehts9E o cEg -oG u1 CN c! Orr\rn o|n6l .if G E Etl/ z 6J l :< UJ I z J F. uJ tr (,z o- z LU ui UJt!z tr UJ o oto; _uJ d.z -a UJo F6 o- llJoc z rl,J x F UJ l (.t, uJ IIJt!t = u.J ) z ! d) ) 9e. o u,l UJ z ao = E c)z !r,tt i3 3 NOUVn]VA I I I t. IE IHIA x(,EZc[{ =HZzt-ao ooHq s 968c_9, of,o'tt o (EFrfia frn l! < ul-{3i 3HiH 9H'. -1 ruoi (\t C,< 6l =E I lJl zIF ) {l! .; l uJ tt'l CN E I uJE xXX z E o z tr F =llJz lr I tzlzOoFur<(Jo< =ft>(r 8o<z l l(f) I -..,1 N I I Lz, OZ d636OI .n O-a 01clf ( fiu-(tog XX C) I I-l o ?i T&& N o cr 3 F It-t6t; z F J lq)z I l-{ l ci I ioEl \lc:l \ iBi leE ib+ l%= l="Ytrq;6 <a f\ tx ll ^{ I W itt 77"-lotEl F !'lstHl lnNro.r {\q tr l.ot:J-r Kl" l6r @t6 & AI7d-t NEul6qzclt-l Ic,-l2l1, l,lJF U) @ -)z Fo-[!Y uJ @ oF -.{Fc =9Ir H,; lr >>Oo \z(JO ?=lHgurbkzo FAF.t) v z J t! I !<t d co F 2 FT z u, A ii =z z thFP H & tl,i =z H I H Or oc! uJE6o .) = aEt zH U) H t F>(nE =Etr Hz M ah UJ oo F- I H tr FlH F E Fu) cJ) Fl l n I .iz r'i IJJ ) oz3I (\o(\l CN I N = oz ,; uJ J t!oz3oF ==oa tr z uJ u-oz3 = ol =.1ol uJEl fl<l >1 o zl 3l 9l UJ) uJ (r LIJz =o F LIJt'r C)E <F|r(JuJ<zE (rz O J 9 F LU E J J ZY;(J =<2EfF4Zu-o x6YFz?-Fiz =g Et: 5 \JZ (J .J<Oo9.:io z Fl zta.-o E Z_E E(D0 (9 E3 ---i X NiY -l ..i5 =*=;;E F ul(L :!{E:E<cll60teB9tt i! 5gE dEE b=.J i ;'iiE =FE 56E 5pt x>(!HFcl "io-tt* tlJ F F li = liE l-lrl l- o-zIF(JfEFazoclrsUr-:/Il=\zE ==HHI o|nc| rlioaOD.o3Tt\ ooj o E C.a o o nal o or|lal o|ll GI c; co N OEoEl;8tl (l| a.nt 'lDfi88"H EH,EqC'a 6 E 3: HEE B 6l o .J 3. 6 c;E zTd(J Et F'a6 C, |n o l.lo & Ir, lIot 6l,E A(rao! r.lo(,Fll |!oo p|"t E No q|,|0 rra oraE l{oro qt (, SR HoIr EEDE' &cca cEH '( HEIz,Itr ETa.c ?E FIIH'qlI( HHH! Er Eh f, tt '{ I fi H ,o tr odIUaqlrE tIINs 8E H E8 o l|o (, P FIIF :. H Irlc a, BHE TTHq|I E I ro It cdI> Xtr'+rcao1Efr88Eat oAO.E UJ tr U'ooazo c_. IJJY LIJOj o:.F€ r--i'E :I.E UJ o- lt -lo s'1: rl =-{u!r- HpAEzo ts =OE lrJ o.zoF()fE 6zoo I sL)' H}F t>+tll1 ,, ), l.$E isNl= -i- o c6*8.9 iFE;E uJo:I CE uJz 'ul F :cE€F *6 0'-: - <Ez,@oc - lEi!ffi'I iBiiffiUI A l,E E{frti {J J E oo uJzx t- !J F sl =tl d o rO -ll<l zl zl .. >lo uJ IJJ uJz Qt =llJo. J z Eo JJ 't Iu9bF EUE =lDt\l E.z. uJo o2 cj uJ J a t! z,oF oz IJ J lt z =F p os o2 ctul G! o z3oF oz 6ulG J oz 'o F ii =z .oq t-:*O =+8,Fr-o2 o oz to =f o- $\ \t =E =Es=z {F =a fi.ffii =l il=fiE tr(r ts: sA atoEgE3€ut9!ir '9'EE =>=urE5?i;RtiE6tot5ii u, @0 -f -l ,,) t5 toulh tronhgc ro.d Y.ll. color.do 81057 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 otflc. of communlly dorlopmrnl BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If thi.s permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineerts (.Public tlorks) reyiew and approval, a Planning Departnent review or Health Departnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estirnated time for a total review may take as 'long as three weeks. A'l'l conrnercial (large or small ) and all multi-family permits wi'll have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, lf residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may a'lso take the three week period. Every attempt will be rnde by this department to exped'ite this permit as seon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Cormuni ty Development Department. / , lown u lltl 75 3oulh tronlage road Yeil. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oftlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TfiE TOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEL,OPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I{ATERTAL STORAGE fn sumrnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wilt be strictly enforced by the Town of VaitPublj.c lforks Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the Public l{orksDepartment will remove said nateriat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To revj-ew Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tolrn ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. PositionrzRelationship to Project (i.e.contractor, owner) t t/06ll99l t 5t s7 FR 0ll f,rno I d/Syrlhiry/P|..ll,r0 Tou P ,52152 ,, Gr NOv 0 Ttggl (TED FrBr oF trEE COU!rRAG! DOSUUBCTS) ATRUCIIUNAIJ REET'IOIT8 REIIISIODI I !All of th€ concrete pleru that support the 6:c6 dcctkpottt elLl project e nlnlnun of E" above fiatahedgreile. Ihle doec not apply to thoae piera at tbe b,utldlag. nsrlsl$ 2stfte 16r lll,cro-Lass urcd et tlre lorur lcvel v111 be replaced v{th pressure treated 5 ll8" x 16 112'l Glu-Lanr. Ibo Jolrta enlt plprcod at ttttg level wlll elgo bt progrurl treated rooii vhere they are legc than 10" aborre grrade. tofeL P.a2tc2 Plan Review Based ontbe 1988 Uniforn Codes PRO,JECT NUMBER:ll209]- NAME:PAULSON RESIDENCE ADDRESS:.5]-2S GROUSE LANE DATE:11-20-91- CONTRACTOR:BOLES CUSTOM BLDRS. OCCUPANCY : R-3 ARCHITECT :ARNOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V-N ENGINEER: DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED:YES PLANS EXAMINER:DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Eba items listed below ar€ not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a gruide to selected sections of the codes. The following ig not to be construed to be aa approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- visions of the adopted cod€s or any ordinance of tbe Town of Vail . 1. SMOKE DETECTORS TO MEET ]-991. UBC PGQUIREMENTS.2. BEDROOM EGRESS WINDOWS TO MEET 1991 UBC REQUIREMENTS. 3, 1 HR. CONST. REQUTRED BETWEEN GARAGE AND RESIDENCE. 4. HANDRAILS AND STA]RS TO MEET CH.33 UBC REQUIREMENTS. 5. BATHROOM VENTILATION REOUIRED @iloy^^ " ulggl PAULSON RESIDENCE 5128 GROUSE LANEvArL, coLoRADO ADDENDUM NO. 1 N--oveMsER__€r_l_9l (THE FOLLOWIUC nnVrSfOttS enn rO BE CONSIDERED PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS) STRUCTURAL REVISIONS REVISION 1:All of the concrete piers that support the 6x6 deckposts will project a mi.ninum of 8" above finishedgrade. This does not apply to those piers at thebuilding. REVISION 2: The 16" Micro-Lams used at the lower level will be replaced with pressure treated 5 1/8t' x 16 1/2n Glu-Lams. The joists and plywood at this level will also be pressure treated wood where they are less than 18" above grade. lul rnsPEqrrou's coTPLETEI) The ltcus belou aeed to be couplete before glvtug a pctntt a final C of O. Please cheeL off ia the bor provlded. FINAI, PLI'I8ING DATEI PINAI. UECBANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE! FINAL BUILI)ING EAST SIDE: tfEST SIDEs DATE: TEMPORARY C OF Ol CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PAN T DATE: ITTDSCAPING DI'El DATE: IILE NAilE: (:: tNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CATLER TUES WE rTlur-r \rhr /\ /,PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr TI UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O )I.ISULATION XJ*r=t*oc* POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr.FINAL O FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT pn j'\ CALLER TUES WED rAun TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oor. \- \-\ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER N TOUruORTION / STEEL OOF & SHEEB tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION D SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED coflRECflONS: f"] INSPECTOR rNsilctoN REouEsr-f234 :' PERMIT NUMBER OF-PROJECT or;:e ,/ ? - 23 '?r JoB NAME TOWN OF VAIL 'l {t' ,rl H -,21'Ga cJ912 .L/.< Pc-.* €n a READY FOR INSPECTO_N: _ y)*-(:y' *r? rHUR FR. - AM PM LocAloN: {/Sf FrZ"o. ./r" -,-^- BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o o tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEBGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERC FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr T] FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT {, trC tr- CTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr D o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL PROVED H O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,,1 *t /z- J,tr- 7t INSPECTOR e READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR TOWN OF CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL AAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR niFsnop _- .41{i t27/t o^r. tlfzlfqtJoBNAME INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: tNs CTION REQUEST viR@ CALLER MON UES WED d OF BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDATION / STEEL tr o tr tr tr r-1 tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATEFtr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL i H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL U FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR d.F: : "#; :, fi :;;, 3 "l:titt firnncer tt: 26qq t;t;;i oF vArL "o"rr*u.rr0 APPITCATION ITTUST AE FTEITD OUI COHPI,ETELY OR TT },AY NO? BE ACCEPTED *r***J * * * * :t * * * * * * * * * * * )r * * * * * * ,r. pERl{IT fNFOF},IATfON * rr )r .,. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .r )r * ', 'u). ti r\Job Namet fDfT IO(LY(<t}r.li-rC1- Job Acdress: ift'-"rrtrutnn [ ] -pLurnbins t 5tJ8-€eq,,s l-Mechani-cal [ ]-other Legal- Description: I,ot ? Block_l_ piling Owners Nane: Arc:ritecL: GeneraL De scrj-pt Work Class:- [-A /6r-a [ ] -l?an>i r-.( J ^reI,\.*A a1.i of Accommodation Units: I Gas Loss_ @)".retJ_- rorAl: +-7gF .oo- :* *,* *, SoNTRACTOR rNFORl,rATroN.S * (.}l|! Qa'...s-rB_.re-xr...-l **** **)t :t*** * ********* x **** *Town of Vall Req. No.O l3-BPhone NunbE r : q:bq lr--SfE- Town of Vail_ Req. NO.Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: loR oFFf cE UsE ** * * )r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,r * * * *:r * xBUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLTIMtsTNG PLAN CHFEK FF,F. MEcHANTcAL pr"\N--;;i"'x"iin, RECREATION FEE: CTEAN_UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT IEES: VALUATION PERMIT APPLTCA?TON FORMDArEt q^ p _q1 pLac cas ADlianc ***?r**** VALUATIo ELXCTP.IcAt: $ }'IECHANTCAL: $ W'rc* PE&\IIT i' SUBDIvI S lolt :d '/^&!. Nuro-lf, e r owel Li BUTLDTNG: El.ectrical Contractor: Atidress: ts; * lr *:t J; * *:f * ** * )t*rt*** * ****** *** ***** OTiIER: $ , Plumbing contractor: Address:Dorv xt/-.-\e:. rrv. Mecha: rical Contractor.: Addres s:Reg. No. PI,I'ME NG PER}IT? FEE: ME JiIA] ICAL PERMTT FTE:EL'CT} TCAL FEE: OT;IER IYPE OF F.EE: BUII.,DTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATUITE: ) Tf r? lJn Tn-(rlit^,ili ;.rP DSPOSIT 6DCS rtN[ f/'U$S G"r5qo .1;toKJ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACITON FORM COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES ZONING AND ADDRESS NIAPS0l 0000 41540 f{ i =:rF 1 }.an+or-r= f.==h 1 4 " J-:': i:l I r:1,-'_,_ r t:, i. :i i.i:. ai ',--r! a!i'i..lil1 ir..'i:.t;,l.:-'l l-{ntr r,' i.i:'F l!-t T'. t.tF'!ri I t::f.!-i litl.! lt EF-ti .j,ri!.:,r ,r', I + !:r,r-iF-, r-+i-.i ' 5!:i . r:iql T lor.r n=i J .:11 _ irr':'i::. r 'r :: ::,:jr- ;jr:l i ! -: i_rirr::, r',::, IIIi'i.ail PROJECT:dt-<- DATE SUBI{ITTED:DATE OF PUBI,IC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY3 /a'23-?/ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF lll|r#Wwffi &- INTER-DEPARTI,TENTAL REVIET{ rHE PR.P.SAL: J7-t* ,ri*/ //(,/. c""-o{ f fe* Date:Revlewed bY: Connente: -'t-2.-,s; c<) th /,/,ra40a/ nfa-f 4 @7"& / d^-rt' /"h lttt/"'-..^"*/ cJj.r Reviewed bY: Cornments: Revlewed by: Connents: I , a\*' ,n JN" ,,( W' - n,''("{' taktt '^1o4l1l Itu A.nq' POIJICE DEPARTMENT '' ConnentBS revl.eed 3/LL/9L J'-*f il /fr d, &*1<- tcr/s/rt 4t d- ,) bl"J *-t! 44""^'trl o'^u'.'""' 'J l>'-"-"-A n\ A f)k ) fa-4eu{ W-"-t Ar"'lJtr"J FIRE DEPART}IENT /3 A,cLp4.^,V ;a41 =0o_N tl' 2+' ,r.-n / ,.r-.-4!,> ,4,^ -, .(,t+e :;/pr'' - -;/^'i 4rLL t.....!,'tf ,& (r. r-r. L,-*t I Date: Date: Date! / mocT 1 41qq'1 tl D^TE t0/tv/71 A. APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBOIVISION REVIEl.| NAME 0F APPLICANT r'r"h"rrrr s. eond MAI LI NG ADDRESS 5128 Grouse Lane rr-.: 1Y A-L-!co 81657 PHONE (303) 476-5729 NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESEI.ITATIVE n/n ERA Morrntain Brokers, n/a Realtor is Rooer wi lkinson PHoNE ( 303) 476-6322 141 E. Meadow Drive #L37, Vail, NAME 0F PROPERTY OWNER (prlnt or type) (303) 476-5729H OI.INERIS SIGNATURE PHONE 47q-q31 8B MAILING ADDRESS 5128 Grouse Lane, Vail, CO 81657 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LoT I BL0Ck 1 SUBDIVISI0N Gore creek Sub.FI LING E. F.MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTEO FEE $100.00 PAIO Two mylar coples of the duplex subdlvislon plat following the requir€ments of Sectlon 17.16. 130 (C), 1,2,3,4,9,7,8,9,10,11,'13 and 14 of the Subdtvtslon Regulatlons. sY *at 0L fr 4 e * & 6v * The plat must contaln the fol'lowing statement: "For zonlng purposes, the two lots created by thts subdlvlslon are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence a'l Iowed on the conrbined areas of the two lots." The statemint must be modified according to the number of'l ots crealed. A copy of the declarations and/on covenants proposed to assure the maintenance of any common areas. The declaration and/or covenants shall specifically address the palnt'lng of the exteriors of the unlts so that the units wlll be palnted the same color and malntalned ln the same manner. APPRoVAL PRoCESS, REV!Et{ CRITERIA These can be found in Chapter 17.24 of the Subdivlslon Regulatlons. H. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Communlty Development wil'l be responsib'l e for promptly recordlng the plat and accompanylng documents wlth the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder upon Town of Vall approval .' B. c. D. co 81657 Mahalah S. Bond 6?-r' .2. OV 3. ,h G. If thls appHcation requires a separate revLew by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vall, the application fee shall be increased by 9200.00. Examples of such review, may include' but are note Limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Perrnlts, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees whlch are l-n excess of 50* of the application fee. If, at the applicantts request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-pubLication shall be paid by the applicant Applications de€med by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the conmunity rnay reguire revl-ew by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant ls needed to revlew any application. the Community Development rnay hJ.re an outside consultant, it sha1l estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Conmunity Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the applicat.ion by the consultantr dhy of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. l.llahalahs.Bond,(nDeclarantl)istheownerofthereal property situate in the County of Ea91e, State. of Coioraab, -aes-criUea as Lot 8, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado. 2. Declarant has constructed on Lot 8E and Lot 8W a Uuitding -consisting of two units, each designed and intended for use anct occupancy as a iesidential dwelling ulit-' a""ig"i["a nerein as ilot-8E" and "Lot gpn, respectivelyt which are sonetines referred to herein separately as "unitn or collectively as "units". PARTY WALL AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS' CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION, BLOCK 1, r,OTS 8E AND 8W RECITAI,S 3.r,otSEcontainsUnitEandL,otsWcontainsunitw' DECTARATION DEFINITIONS Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terms, cov-enanls, -conditions, easements' restrictions, o""", reservations, lirnitatlons-and obligatiOns shall be deemed io'run with the land described herein, shall be i burden and a benefit to Declarant, her personal iepresentatives, heirsr successors, and assigns and any Person iciuiiing or 6r"ing- in interest ln the real property which is aeicriUeE herein and improvements built thereon, their grantees, p"a"ot al represei'ttati.te", heirs, successors' and assigns. Unless the context shall expressly provide otherwlse, the following terns shall have the following meanings: A. 'fhe Propertiesl neans all of the real estate, legally described as toi- 8, Block l, Gore Creek Subdivlsion' Eagle a;;;it' colorailo, containing .3885 acres nore or less' B. "I.,otn or "Building Site" means Ilot 8E or l.,ot 8W as shown on the UaP together with all appurtenances' c. oDuplex" or "Building site" means the two contlguous dwelling unils constructed upon the Parcels' D. nUnit' means any one of the two dwellings comprlsing the nDuplex". E.'Map'neanstheengineeringsurveyoftheProPert.iesby Eagle va1ley i".""vl"g tt6picting-and locating specifically thereon the purte-is"'titia impiovemeits thereon, such land ancl irpiou"r."t" Ueing- hereby su-brnitted to thls Declaration. Such Ma; shall be re6orded ii tne office of the Eagle County Clerk-".i n""oider prior to the recordation of this Declaration. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATION. Every subsequent contract of sur"ffi r,EEEe r- Mo66;g6; Trust Deed, will or other instiument ifratf lefa1ly deicribe a Unit or real property interest as follows: IJot 8E and f.ot 8Yi (as the case nay be), a Resubdivision of LotS'Block},Gore-CreekSubdiv-ision,accordlngtgtl'eiecoraea map theieof recorded in Book ' Page , of the records of the Clerk anil Recorder of EagJ'e County, State of Colorado. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all purpo'es to se11, c6nvey, transfei, encumber or otherwise effect the Lot ina all appurtenant rightsr. benefits, ald burdens thereto as crealea by the provisions of this DecJ.aratiOn, and each such description shatl be so construed. Thi; provision shall apply to the properties as said term (the Propertiesl is defined in this Declaration. PROPERTY DIVISION. 1. Declarant hereby establishes this plan f9t !h"subdivision of the lr-operties into tvto (2) Parcels for ownership in fee sinple coniisting of Lot 8E and Lot 8w. 2.ThePropertiesshallbesubjecttotheeasenentsnotecl on the nap and those set forth herein. 3. In the event t.,ot 8E and Lot 8W are owned by the sane entities, the doctrine of merger shall not apply' 4. The parties, if more than one, having ownershlp- 9f each unit shafi-;;;;" i^ong themse1ves how to share bhe rights ;;d obligations oi-euch own6rship; provided, however, that if a corporati6n, partnership, assoc-iation or other legal entity shall become an owner or the parties, of nore than one, have the concurrent olrnership of a unit, then such entity or concurrent owners shall frorn tine to tine designate one inaiviauat who shall represent such entity or concurrent o'tners in all matters conc.ri'ting all rights and obllgations PurBuant to this Declaration. 5. Any such entity or concurrent ownera Ehall give writien noti"" to the other owner designating !h9 individual to act on its or-in"i. behalf and such iotice-shall be effective -2- until revoked in writing by such entity or ohtners. Any act or omission by such designated individual sha1l be binding on the entity or orvners having designated hin ln favor of the other o$rner or any other person wbo may rely thereon. 5. Each unit shall be considered a separate parcel of real property and shall be separately addressed andl taxed. ENCROACHI,TENTS-. If any portion of L,ot 8E or Lot 8$l now encr6E6[EE-[S6i- the parcel as a result of the construction ofany building, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafteras a result of settling or shifting or any.building, a valid easenent forthe encroachment and for the naintenance of the sane so long as the building stands, shall exist. fn the eventany building shall be partially or totally destroyed as aresult of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnatlonor eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt' encroachnentsof parts of the building on the other parcel, due to suchrebuilding, shall be pernitted, so long as such encroachnentsare of no greater extent than those previously existing, andvalid easenents for such encroachnents and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand. PARfy WALL. (a) The connon wall placed equally divided on the t6ffion--56undary separating Lot 8s and Lot 8W, the footingsunderlying and the portion of roof over such wall is collectively referred to herein as the "Party Wall". (b) To the extend not inconsistent with thls Declaration'the general rules of J.aw regarding party walls and liabilityfor danage due to negligence, willful acts or onissions shall apply to the Party Wall. (c) Tbe owners of either unit sha11 have a perpetual easenent in and to that part of the other unit on which theParty Wa11 is located, for Party Wal1 Purposesr lncludingmutual support, naintenance, repair and inspection. In theevent of danage to or the destruction of the Party Wall fronany cause, then the owners shall at joint expense, repair orrebuild said Party WaIl, and each owner shall bave the right tothe full use of said Party Wall. so repaired and rebuilt. Notwithstanding anything contained above to the contrary' ifthe negligence, wil1fuI act or omission of any owner, his family, agent or invitee, sha1l cause danage to or destructionoE, the Party WaIl, such owner shall bear the entire cost of repair or reconstruction, and an ovtner who by his negligent or willful act causes the Party WalI to be exposed to the elenentsshall bear the full cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elenents. SERVICE FACILITIES AND PARKING. (a) The owners from timeto ETfrA-EhaTf un?i6;Eke-GnEraT outdoor improvements includingbut not limited to driveway and parking areas as they naymutually, and unaninously deen ProPer for the harmonious improvement of both unlts in a common theme, and except for any -3- expense of liability caused through the negligence or willful act of any owner, i'tis famil'y agenf or lnvitee, whlch shall be borne sole! by such or.fner, each owner shall share all expenseSt liabllities- and general upkeep responsibilities with respect to such outdoor infrovenenti. The owner of one unit shall not unreasonably ttamige the value of the ovtner unit such as by shoddy upleep 5utside, but both ollners shall' make all reaso;able- efiorts to preserve a harnonious common appearance of the units. (b) comnon utility or service connections or lines' conmon taciiities or other equipment and property located in or on either of the units but uietl in comnon witn tne other unit, if iny, shall be owned as tenants in comnon of equal undivided one-half interests by the owners of each unit and, except for any expense or liabitity caused through the negligence -orwillful act of any o*nei, his family, agent or lnvitee' which shall be borne iolely -by such owner' all expenses- anq Liabilities concerned wittr- such Property shall be shared proportionately with such ownership. - The owner of the unit on irnfift such p-roperty is not located shall have a perpetual easenent in lnd'to th"t part of such other unit containing such property as is reas6nabty necessary fot purPoses of maintenance, repair, and inspection. (c) It is expected that common access facitlties wlll be provid.d on a poition of each of the units. There is hereby'created a recipiocal easenent and right-of-way for each owner, over, across una through that Part of the parking and access faciiity located on th; other ownerrs unit. The owners shall [;;;- "ifuui right to the use of such access and no owner shall hinder or perrnit his invitees to hinder reasonable access by the other owner and his invitees to park any vehicle on the parking ancl access facility located on the other o$rnerrs unit wittroul the consent of the other owner, It is presumed that inowpiorittg wilt be required from time to time, the cost of whicir wtli be shared by the owners. Other naintenance, repair or improvement of suclr parking and access- facllities may be requirid from time to tine, and the sarne shall be undertaken ;;.;; the unanimous agreement of the owners who shall share all exPenfres. ALIERATIoN, II4I{TEIANCE .}ND REPAIRS. (a) In addltion to rnainEiEiflF?ovTtiffi-for,-- tfi!_ oFnErs -shal1, €tt thelr joint ;;Fr;;, proiide exterior naintenance and exterior repair upon unit and - the uninproved portions of the parcel upon which is io"it"a inclutling blt not ltnited to, the exterior and the roof housing the unils. Repair, replacement or cleaning of exterior windowi shall be cons-idered interior naintenance. If the need for repairs is caused through the negligence_ or willful act of ;;y ;;;;;; his fanily, agenl or invitee, such owner shall bear th6 entlre costs of such repair of reconstruction' (b) Each and repair of owner shatl be solely responsible for naintenance the inside of hi; unil including fixtures an'l -4- inprovements and all utility lines and equipnent -locatedth6reln and serving such un-it only. Window, glass and frames shall be deened iiterlor naintena-nce. In perforning such maintenance anct repairr oE in improving or altering his unlt, no owner shall tlo iny act or work which lnpairs the structural soundness of either irnit or the Party Walt or which interferes with any easenent granted or reserved hereln. (c) utility or service connectlons or 1ines, facilities, or otirer utility equipment and property located in, on or uPon either of ttre u-nit6, wfricfr are used solely to suPPly a service or utility to one unit shal.l be ownect by the. onner of the unit using sucir utility or service and all expenses and liabilities for -repair and miintenance shall be borne solely by the oYtner of su"ir unit, who shall have a perpetual easenent in and to that part of such other parcel or unit containing such property as is reasonably necessiry for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. (d) No onner shall make or suffer design change (including a color scheme change), either perrnanent or tenPorary.and of any tyPe or nature whatsoever Lo the exterior of his unit wittrout- flrst obtalnlng the prior written agreement thereto from the other owner. In case of danage or destruction of any unit or any part thereof by any cause whatsoever, the-owner of sucb unit inlff cause wittr due diligence the unit to be repaired anct restored, appJ.ying the proceeg" 9f insurance, if ani, for that purpose. -Such unit shall be restored to a co-naition conparibt-e to that prior to the- darnage and in a harmonious nanner to promote the iommon theme of both units. ALLOCATION OF EXPENSE. co6ts and exPenses of comnon r"tnT" liEies7-T?Tking, alteration, maintenance andl repairs, excePt as caused by negligence or willful act of an ow-r'ter, shall be allocated in tha following proporations: ,fi( Lot 8E IJot 8w 50c 508 l.tEcHANIcrs LIENS; INDEMNIFICATION: (a) Except-for - ltens incurred as a common expense as provided for herein, if any owner shall cause any nalerial to be furnistred for his parcel or unit thereon or lny labor to be perforned therein or thereon, the otber owner shall not under any circumstances be liable for the paynent of any expense incurred or for the value of the work do-ne-or materiat fuintstred; alt such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such owner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborerst materlalmen and other persons furnishing labor or naterials to his unit or any inproveients therein or thereon; nothing,herein contained shall airthorize either ovtner or any Person dealing throughr with or under elther owner to charge the unit of the other owner wlth any mechanic I s lien or other lien or encunbrance whatsoever; and, on the contrary (and notice if -5- hereby given) the right and power to charge any -lien or encunbrance of any kindl againit one owner or against one ownerrs unit for work done or materials furnished to the other ownerrs unit is exPresslY denled. (b) Except as providecl for below, Lf, because of any act or omission of any ownerr iny mechanicrs or other lien or order for the paynent 'of money shall be filed against the other ovrner I s unit or any improienents thereln or thereon or agalnst any other owner (wiethir or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such) r the owner whose act or omission fornrs the basis for such lien or order shall at his own cost and expense cause the sane to be bonded by a surety conpany reasonably acceptable to such other oltner, iittrin 20-days-after the date of iifing thereofr and furthei shall indennify,and_save the other orri"r harmless fron andt against any ancl alI costst "ii"r""", ---cfains losses or darniges, including reasonable attorneyrs fees resulting therefron. INSURANCE. (a) Each owner shall keep his unlt and all tt*tffitftiein 'insured against loss or damage !Y fire.ana extended coverage perils (Including vandalisn and malicious nischief) for the maiinum replacement value thereof' (b)Eachownershallprovideandkeeplnforcerfortheprotection of hinself, genlral public-liability ancl property baruge insurance against- cLaims ior bodily injury or death_or prop6rty damage ociurring in, or upon, his parcel owned ln fee 'stmif e - ana the irnprovements thereon, in a linit of not less tha-n $5001000.00 i; respect of bodily injury or death to any number of persons arisiirg out of one accident or disaster, or for danage to piop"ity, .ia if higher lirnits shatl at any time becustomary to 'prit""t' against iossible tort liability, such hlgher liftits sirall be 6arried lnd each orrner shall nane the otber owner as an additional lnsured party under such policy. (c) Each owner shall deliver to the other owner cerltficates "uia"n"ing all insurance required to be carrled onaer this paragrapfr, each contalning agreenenta by, lh"insurers not to ian-cei or modify the policies without glving the other owner written notice of at least 30 days. Each onner "t"rr have the right to inspect and copy all sucb insurance poii"f"" of the other ovtner and reguire evidence of the payment of preniums thereon. (d) Notblng provlded ln this paragraph shall prevent the ov'ne;s fron jofntfy acquiring a single policy to cover any one ;; ,o." of ltre nizara-s reluired - in this paragraph to be separately insured against by each onner. DESTRUCTIONof ffiage ortbe insurance DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION OF II|PROVEI{ENTS ON PARCEI. (a) In the event de s tr ucETo;-6--unT€ 5-y-TT?e o r o the r d I sas te r, pioceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct the unit' -6- shalt be deposited into a bank account which requires' for "iitara"als, the--Jignatures of both the owners. The owners shall then prorpliv --iuthorize the necessary repair _and reconstruction rot'f 'ancl the insurance proceeds wilt be ?PPI ied by the ovtners to defray the cost ttrereof' "Repair and reconstructionn of unitsl as used herein means restoring the irnprovements to -suUiiantially the sane conditlon in which they existed prior to the damag-e with each unit having the same boundaries as before. (b) rf the lnsurance proceeds are insufflcient to repair' or reconstruct ";t danage-it unit, such damage.or destruction shall be pronptfy iepairei antt reconstrucLed by the owner using the insurince-pr6"eels and the proceeds of a special assessment against the owners of the damlged unit. Any tuch assessnents shall be equal to the aiount of which the cost of reconstructiono'repairoftheunitexceedsthesumoftheinsurance proceecls ailocable to such unit. Such assessment shall be due and payable not sooner than thirty (30) days after written not,ice tire?eof. The special assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of each -owner and a lien on his parcel ana the improvements hereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedlngs in the courts. (c) Notwithstanding the above, the owners and first mortgagees of "ni-ina irr or the destroyed or danaged units-may igi"6 -tnut the 'aesiroyea or, damaged units shall forthwith be demolished and all debris and rubbie caused by such denolition beremovedandtheparcel(s)regradedandlandscaped.The.costof all such f a"as^capi"g'and d6mol.ition work shall be paid for bt "ty and all insurance proceeds available' Any excess insurance proceeds shal1 be jointly disbursed to such owners and their first mortgagees jointly. DAI.|AGE To COt'tllON AREA- In the event of damage - or destrtffin fr ;iffii "-po7tiot of the common Area due to fire or other Aisasteil the - insurance proceeds. if sufficient to reconstruct or -ieiair the darnage, sha1l be .apptied by the ovrners to such ilconsLruction lnd repair ' Tf the insurance pio"e.a" with respect to such Common Area danage or destruction ;;; insufficieni-' io repair and reconstruct the danaged. or destroyed connon Area, the onners shalI consider a special i"""""i.nt. If such assessment is approved by both owners, the olrners shall nake euch assessment and proceed to make such repairs or reconstruction. If such assessrnent is nOt approved, the insurance proceeds may be aplied in accordance with the wishes of the oin"r", unlesi nade jointly payable to the owners ina the . first morgagees of thetr respective parcels, if any. Such assessnent sh;fi be due and payble not aooner than thirty ltot -auy" after written notice thereof. The assessment i.oirfa.a -for nerein shall be adebt of each onner and a lien on ti;";;;""i-lna- the inprovements. thereon and may be enforced and "oif"-"t.a by foreclosuie proceedings in the Courts' -7- RIGIIT TO LIEN. (a) If any ovtner ' at any time ' shall neglForJefFto perform or pay hls share of any obligation re[uired hereunder, Lhe other owner [aY, bgt shall not be obfigated to, after 20 days written notice unless the circunstances require imrnediate action, make such Payments ort on behalf of such other ovrner, expend such aun as may be necessary to perforn such obligation lncluding, but not lirnited to, the-payrnent of any insurance preniuns required hereunder or th; unde-rtlting of uny work reguired hereunder for repair' restoratiOn or mainteance, and such other owner shall have an easernent in and to that part of such defaulting ownerrs unit as is reasonably necessaiy for such repair', restoration or naintenance. (b) All sums so paid or expended by an ovtner, with inteiest thereon at the rate of 18 percent. Per year from the date of such paynent or expenCtiture, shall be payable,by the owner 60 failing to perform (the ndefaulting owner') upon denand of the other owner. (c) A11 suns so denanded but unpaid by the defaulting ovrner shall constitute a lien on the unit of the defaulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except; (i) lieni for taxes and special assessments, and (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such unit. The lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sun shall become due and nay be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real property up6n the recording of a notice or claim thereof executed by t!9 n-ondefaulting owntr setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the defaulting otvner, and a desciption 6f the unit. In any such foreclosure the defaulting oyrner shall be reguired to ply the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. (d) The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the 'lien of any fiist mortgage or deed of trust, including aLl additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of any unit as the result of a court foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure through the public trusteer or any proceedings in lieu of foreclosure , shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as to paynent thereof which became due prior to such sale or tranif6rr but shall not relieve any former ovtner of personal liabilit! therefor. The mortgagee of such unit who acquires title bi way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shafl not however, be liable for any Past due assesstnent and shall only becorne Liable for future assessments on the date it becones the ovrner of such unit. No Eale or transfer shall relieve such unit fron Iiability for any assessment thereafter beconing due or fron the lien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of a unit with respect to which 6ums shalt be unpaid by a defaulting owner, except transfers to a first mortgagee in connection with a foreclosure -8- of its lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser, or other transferee of any interest in such unit shall be jointly and severally liable iittr ttre sefler or transferor therefor for any such unpaid sums. (e) Upon written request of any ovtner t nortgagee' pro"p""titti mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective iraniferee of a unit, the owner of the other unit ehall issue a written statetnent setting forth the amount he is owed under it i" paragraph, if any, with respect to such unit' Such statemlnt -is- Uinaing ipon ttre executing owner in favor of any person who may refy thereon in gootl fgiltr.. Unless a request ior such statement shalI be complied with within fifteen (15) days after receipt thereof, all unpaid sung,which became due piior Lo the dat-e of naki.ng such request shall be subordinated to the Iien or other in[erest of the Person requesting such statement. ADIIIINI STRATION AND MANAGEI.{ENT ALL OWNERIS RESPONSIBLE - ULTIMATE CONTROL RESOLUIIoN' eo th:;arff6;n"ffibe- rn6u aTE- r6FoiEiulffi;_Fne adminiitration and management of the obligations created hereunder. Hovrever, in i.tre event both owners cannot nutually ;;;;; rt"r, a decision is reguired by this Declaration' the impasse Ehall be resolved as follows: (a) Decision required in year 1991 and every second year thereafter: Lot 8s ownerrs decision is binding' (b)Declsionrequiredinyearlgg2andeverysecondyear thereafter: Lot 8W owner's decision is binding' OVERRIDE. In the event any ol{ner believes, basecl on the "t"nffi the reasonable nanl (i) that an impasse decision has been made incorrectly or contrary to the Declaration as {iil that the owner i-n ultimate conlrol is guilty of mis-, mal-, or non-feasance with respect to this oeclaration then the aggrieved owner may petition- the Eagle County nistrict Court t;t; judicial deterilinition of the controversy which decislon "nutt- U" binding upon both owners. The Court may assess costs and any reusona6le attorney fees as may have been lncurred by the parlies based uPon the nerits of the case' USE RESTRICTIONS. (a) No exterior mounted radio' shor$Ever-ET6y_[E:i6; or other type of .antenna whatsoever or t"rt- .r-'any kind, either elevated or buried, or clothesline or incincerator- of any kind whatsoever or outside storage oT 3nypersonal property -"tratt - u" permitted or naintainetl on eithe.r'unit ritho-urt ltre prior written aproval of both owners. (b) No animals shall be kept or maintained in' or upon either' unlt, "i".pt that each owner may keep and nraiTtain within his unii -onfy that nunber of domesticated animals (catldog) as ailowed' by the county of Eagle, Tovrn of Vail, ordinances; provided, however, that such domesticated animals ;;;- i;pi'rn^de. cont;ol at all tines, do not present a nuisance to the other owner and are kept controlled in strlct cornpliance with all County of Ea91e, Town of Vail, ordinances that may applv to sueh aninals. (c) In additlon to the parking restrlctions set forth In subparagraph sERvrcE FAcrLTrrEs AND PARKTNG (c) above, -eachownlr nai/ keep no nore than three autonotive vehiclee pernranently on his unit. earking of boats, trailersr canPera, inotor hon6s, ATVg or recreatlonal vehicles on either unlt is expressly prohibited. Parking of more than three automotive velricles- bi either oyrner or his fanily, agents or invltees in such owneris unit for nore than a 48 hour period ls expressly prohibited. (d) No "time sharingn or "interval ownership' or sinilar interest, whereby ownershlp of a unit is shared by owners on a time basis, shatt be estlblishea on either unlt wlthout the prior wrltten approval of both owners and alt lienors holding a iirst nortgage -or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Lot 8E or Lot 8W, which approval shalt be reflected in a docunent of record. NOTICE. Each owner ehall register its naillng address with the -6E5'6T ovrner and all notices or demands intended to be served upon owners shall be sent by certlfied mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the nane of the owner at such registered matring address. In the alternative, notices nay be delivered lf ln writing' personally to owners. DURATION OF DECLARATION. Each provision contained ln this pecl6ETi6fr- wffich-Ts st$ct to the laws or rules sornetimes referred to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall iontinue incl remain in futl force and effect, for the period of 2L years following the death of Dlahalah S. Bond, or until this Decllration is terminated as hereafter provided, whichever flrst occurs.All other provisions contained ln this Declaration shall continue and renain ln full force and effect untll January 1, 2O2O A.D. and thereafter for auccessive perlods of fO years each; unless at least I year prior to Sanuary l' 2O2O- A.D,r or at least 1 year prior- to .theexpiralion of any such l0 year period of extended duration, this Declaration is terminated by recorded instrument, directing terrnination, signed by all owners anil all llenors holding -a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of f.ot 8E or IJot 8w. AUENDUENT OR REVOCATION. This Dectaration nay be amended or revoEl onlt-(a-) by De-alErant so long as Declarant owns both f.,ot 8E and tot 8W, or (b) uPon unanimous written approval !n recordable form of all owners and a1l lienors holding a first mortgage or flrst deed of trust of record on any Portion of Lot 8E or t ot 8W. BFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARAIIqN. Each provlsion of this-ecfaFati6nftiii- agre66-€--promise, covenant and undertaking to comply with each provlsion of this Declaration, - 10- and any necesEary exemption or reservatlon or grant of tltle, estater' right or lnterist to effectuate any provlsion of this oeclaritloni (i) shall be deened incorporated in each deed or other instrument by which any right, title or interest ln any portion of Lot 8E: or Lot 8W is grantedr -devised or conveyed' whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrumenti (ti) shaIl, bY virtue of acceptance of any right, title or -interest in any- portion of Lot 8E or Lot 8W-by an owner, be deemed, accepted, ratified, aclopted and declared as a personal covenant or -such Owner and, as a Personal covenant, inarr be bincling on such ottner and his heirs, personal representatives, iucceesors and asslgns; an{ sha1l be deemecl a peisonal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each onner of iny portion of Lot 8E or Lot BW, and (iiiJ shall be deemed a reit -covenant by Declarant for herself, her heirsr personal representatives, succeasqra and assigns, and also an equitable seivitude, runnlng, ln each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of Lot 8E and Lot 8tl. ENFORCEUENT AND REMEDIES. (A)Each provlsion of this nect6TEET6E-66atT-be-frfofteable by any owner by a proceeding for a Prohibltive or mandatory inJunction or by-a suit or action to recover danages. tf court proceedings are lnstituted ln connectlon with the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration, the prevaillng party shall.be Lntitleil to recover its costs andl exPenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. (b) Each owner hereby agrees Lhat any and alL actlons in equity' or at law whlch arl inltituted to enforce any provlsion hereunder shall be brought in and only in the District Court of Eagle County, State of Colorado. (c) Failure to enforce any provlsion of thls Declaration shali not operate as a waiver oi iny such provislon, tle right to enforce such provlsion thereafter, or any other provision of this Declaration. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any rlght granted hereffi?i[F-Ey -6ne-ownEr with .iespect to the other owner I s unit including uut not llrnited to the use of any easenent granted herein shall be exercised in a nanner whlch shall not unreasonably hinder, inpede or inpose upon such other ownerr6 use of his unit. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.Except as otherwlse Provided hereTfrfEfiTil oE[TarE-Ei6i-sha11 be binding upon and shall inure to th; benefit of Declarant antl each oytner and the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. SEVERABILITY. tnvalidity or unenforceabllity of_ any prov:IEf6frffi-this Declaration in whole or in part shalf l,gtiii""t- itt" validlty of enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration. -11- cApTIoNs. The captions and headings in this_lnstrunent are for ffii"n""- only- and ehall not be considered !n construlng any provlsions of this Declaration. CONSTRUCTION. When necessary for proper constructlonr the m"scEffinywordused1ntntsoecrirationeha11inc1udethe feninlne or'neuter gender, and the slngular the plural and vlce versa. IN I{ITNESS WHEREOFthis /q'q day of has executed this DeclarationDeclarant , 1991. ss.) ) ) STATE OF COT,ORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE SUBSCRIBED AND or Oo+oh-q,r I{ITNESS I.TY BAND before me by l,iahalah SWORN r991 AND SEAL. dlay uv cornnlslsonl'*pr'""i-;)Ji: i/ %/</4ri/u I6t^/ Dlahalah S. Bond this /4W S. Bond. -12- o It 'o^r" " ////lfr/ rh#,!,lfwtffiw a Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: plion: Lot r Block ,u-n 6rrr, C'u-L . zone - Legal Descri Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: o^r. "/t/'/ DISAPPROVAL Seconded bv: Summary: )/;', k{^,,Approval sf' ,4h : o Ir0 ocr 2 8199f; October 24,'1 991 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of Vall Buildlng Departnent 75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, CO 81657 Re: Paulson Resi.dence - 51 28 Grouse Dear Andy: Enclosed are two copies of the revlsed Deslgn Revlew Board application for the Paulson Residence addition. The revisions are marked with yellow high-lighter. As hre discussed, the owner has declded to delete the proposed roof deck and hot tub. Also enclosed are copies of the elevation sheet with the grade drawn correctly. These drawJ-ngs show that the proposed addltlon ls 23 feet above exlsting grade at lts highest spot. Hopefully this ls enough informatlon that you will not require a survey. As dlscussed, f would be happy to meet with you at the slte to help verify the existing situation. Also the owner would like to paint the building. He has an agreement wlth the owner of the other half that he will do both sldes. I have noted the colors on the appllcation and enclosed samples. It is my understandlng that these issues can be staff approved. Please dontt hesitate to call if you have any guestions or concerng. Sincerely, TECTS, P.C. RLA/J d Enclosures copy to: Dr. Craig Paulson /PRATT AR L. Arnold, REVISED APPI,ICATION P.REVTOUS APPr,rcATroN DATEU) / 9 / 91 DRB IPPLICTTION - TOOIN DATE APPLICATION DATE OF DRB O r.vised 9l4l9L otr vr,rL, corpR.aDo trrD OcT 2 Blggt' RECETVED z' 1O/24/s1 MEETING:@ I. Itttt****t IBIS TPPLICATION I|II.I. NOE BE ACCEPTED UNIIL N& REQUIRID INTORMAAION IS SUEt'lIllED **titt**t* PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: Adding an additional 524 GRFA' Extending the existinq deck and addinq a lower level'deck to al exisllnq residence. (The roof deck with hot ttf! Iret 9-9-91 aoplication has been defeted. ) B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstrucLion ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) x Addition ($50.00) Pd.e/9/91 Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS:51 28 Grouse Lane LEGAI DESCRIPTION: Lot --L Block Subdivision c. D. If property is described bydescription, please provide attact! to this application. a neets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and F. G. H. ZONING:Flrrn l cv LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. must provide a current 16921 J. K. NAI.|E OF APPLICANT: Dr. Crai Mailing Address:_4!@ MN 55043 Arno Id / Gwathmey / Prat t NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Architects Mailing Address: eo 8'l 557 Phone 476-1147 I. NAI\'E OF OWNERS: Dr. craiq Paulson TSIGNAEURE(S): on 9/9 Mailing Address._W. Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of subrnittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the a-cburate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid.aid with FEE SCHEDULE: VAIUATION $ 0 - $ 10,000 $10,001 -9 5o,oo0 $ 50,001. - $ 150,000 9150,001 - I 5001000 $500,001 - $1, ooo,000$ Over $1' 000r 000 9/91 applicatior r .tlt1 $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 s400.00 $500.00 i DASIGN RE\EEW BOARD APPRO\IAI EXPIRES O$E YEAR J\FEER FINAI.| TPPRO\TAI. UITLESS A BSU.DING PERMIT IS ISSUED TND CONSTROCTION IS STERTED. **NO IPPLICATION I|II.I. BE PROCESSED WITSOUT OI|NER, S SIGTIATURE Paulson St. Mar s Poi-nt, Phone 6T2-436-8309 91 a l- i cation Itasca St. Mar s Pont, MN 55043 Phone 672436-830e o LrsT oF I.IATERTALS O NA!!E OF PRO\TECT: LEGA! DESCRTPTTON: tOT;p- BLOCK -1- SItBDrVrsroN Gore Creek STREET ADDRESS: 5128 Grouse Lane DESCRIPTION OF PRO,IECT: Addinq an additional 524 GRFA' Extending regulred for submittaf to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF I.IATERIAL, Residence Remodel The foflowlng information i8 RevLew Board bef,ore a f,lnal A. BUILDING IIIATERIALS: Roof 5lding Other vfall Materlals Fascia Soffits l{indows Window Trim Doors Door Trlm Hand or Deck Rails Slues Elashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Match existing - COLOR I'latch existing B.LAIIDSCA.P ING:Name of Designer: Phone: PLAI{T MATQRIALS: PROPOSED TREES eEaniggName Conrnon Name ouantitv S&9. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *rndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minipuq calio?E for deciduous treei is 2 incnes. Indicate height for.conifergus Match existing existing llatch existing Match existing Match exlsting Match existlng PLAt{r Y.A'rERlfs : Ec.@:-eLrc. PROPOSED SHRUBS gCe4gjtgJ, Size* t- EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION None of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimun size of shrubs is Square Footaqe soD Natural grasses f" t""""a "t"- ai"tt by construction. TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposedl pJ.ease show the nunber of fixtures and locations on a separateIighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the tist below and provide the wattage, height above grade and tlpe of tight ProPosed. OTHER LAI\IDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining iralls. Maxj.mum height of wllls wit.hin the f ront setback is 3 feet. Maximum heigtrt of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. D. NA 75 south lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce of communlty devclopment April 8, L988 Mahalah S. Bond 1369 Southwest Covered Bridge Road.Paln City, Florida 33490 Dear Mahalah, r am writing to you as you are the owner of record for theproperty located at 5l-26 crouse Lanei Lot 8 Brock 1 core creeksubdivision. This morning r received a calL from one of theadjacent property owners ioncerning the accumulation of trash atthe end of the driveway. r did reipond to the call by visitingthe site in question. Enclosed you wilr find a photograph ofthe situation I encountered on your property. A check with the local trash companies ind.icate that you donot have trash service at this addresE. The Town of vail_ loesnot provide a municipal trash service and you must contract witha-private_company for this service. fhe only l_ocal companywhich would service that address is BFI and Lhey can be-contacted at (303) 476-3737. r realize that you do not live here on a regurar basis andnay in fact lease or rent your unit on a short t5rn basis. rtwourd be nost helpfur if you courd leave a note or instructionfor any guests to let them know that trash must be placed incovered trash containers. we have a significant problem in townwith dogs that roarn the neighborhoods aid tear opln plastictrash bags thereby spreading refuse for a considlrable distance. . wourd please contact me when you have made arrangements fortrash service so that r nay pass that information aloig to yourneighbors. I can be reached at (303)476-7000. The currentsituation will be monitored and cleaned up as the spring thawpermits. rf you have any questions or problems please do nothesitate to contact me. r would hope that this situation will berectified as soon as possible, but no later than Aprir 22, L9BB. Thank you for your time and I an looking forward to yourpronpt attention to this natter. Sincerely, yrws.v -ISuFan Scanlan Environmcntal Health Officer IIALEY'S TRAVEL Singer Island Center I165 E. Bluc Heron Boulcvard Singer Island, Florida 334O1 (305) 844-80m october 14, 1986 Mr. Howard Scarboro Manager of vaiL/Eagle operations Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc.P. O, Drawer 972 Avon, Colorado BL62o Dear Mr. Scarboro; In accordance with your instructions I am enclosing a copy of White River Electricr Inc.'s bill in the amount of fi929.f8 for reimbursement. Mr. Neland Kissinger, Field 0perations' and llir. Ted Huskey, $rgineering Department, are fully appraisedof the situation iequiring the repairs. Mr. Kissinger and Mr. Huskey visitCd the site and confered with Mr. John Clernmons of White River Electric with regards to the best course of action to effect the repairs. I have met with Mr. Gary Murrain, Chief Building 0fficial of the Town of Vail , and Mr. Murrain is in agreement with rne that HoIy Cross Electric is responsible for this repair. I respectfully request full reimbursement of this expense and appreciate your prompt action in this regard. Yours very truly, #r!% e-,"( Haley Bond" Enc. cc ! IIr. Neland KissingerMr. Ted Huskey Whi.h River Electricr l:rc. Itraf. Gary Murrain - Complete Domestic & tntcrnational Travcl Service - t- WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC, INC. P.O. Box lllS AVON, COLORADO 81620 ilNV@il(G|tr 5 818 (303) 949-1403 complltlon of the tbova deacrDad work.I h.r.by rcl(nowl.de. tha d @mlss E* =pe lr H E?fl- lH E 3IIi le s i690 lr = c.?7 IIE g ,"-,---,-- l- t 7LJbdLJ I 5rr 6 .e EE 3 $ E= F €'z figI m =i zo-{ m I oo! o'?l ! m! -{ -{o ID mx m'0-{ ozcot! U' -{m -I'zx =1tz\-Jn/ ) | ooza{Fco _{oz-g -r Flr-173l=Hl= 0 {m t- t< I a\)l('l lE OO AJ G) l-r\ <tl 4o 9; o 9p-tc 8E H6 mt-mo -lnor o z 3 m @o=I Iv rrl = *l: llt> ITlottzlo I I I Hol{ lzlo Et> lF le le li|o FE lzlo lilm lolz I' E l'nt< l= l = =o(D .D-IT' !(D-t zDB f" I o tpo 3lt- mIt F s Fcf= C)og5cr T' 9) = @ooo5 -n .o q) (.r)+(o5 q Eilq-;ilHl:1gdll-"ll "lF 3il il t6f- tf [--t oe-)mJU (Dr- =oegtlIoE-=*4 =oo'-ar = 5 - N'Fo{a'l <NHEo>''|7,A1>O ur.TT !Y 6z F>- No= N-n=(b; = zmm m l< ", 4t=3re iiE l5 I I I 9l ml I I I ot -Tl= 9i=-ti. l= q t-, t\ r-- r@I (i'! gl -tl !mv ={ zo o rt- 3t! Fg E 5'Itra oEtooo b- tu,z 14<-?--<v,7 zf OoofeTf O -\ ol o-od ooo &! P{o{D . atnee aql uTartar 01 atp utlsap parro:dde aq1 Jo sluauaTa Jaqlo fTB lgr{? tulpuels:aprm fu s,11 .I1uo :pap a8plrq agl roJ uElsap TBJnlrn:ls royrd e aan of saqsTA larrAo aql ?Br{f alou eseeTd .ldaeuoc 11ea 6u1u1e3er uolget agl 01 pesoddo se a8pl.rq arnlrnris Taats aql 6u1ag reqA !u61sap snolaa.rd Iq a:e rlcaqc ueld roJ patlroqns auefd v/da 'ao ol 11 u;e1dxa puE TTec aseald .sTr{1 puBsarapun no,( JT ,oS !r[oJ, rredaX felterrl:q puog :eU 0c'TTgA 'pX e8eluord 'S gl TTeA Jo urttol unerg no& 'fTaracuTS S86I '09 reqolro ,i "l FL 33410 Town of Vail 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Gary Murrain Bui I ding thpartnent /// Dear Gary: The purpose of this letter is to request an extension to the permit issued by the Torvn of Vaj'l on November 26, 1986, for repairs to be made to the property located at 5128 Grouse Lane, Vail, Colorado. That permit was to expire 180 days from date of issue. However, be- cause the permit was issued after the cut off date for the issuance of road cut permits (November .|5, 1986) it was not possible to com- plete the necessary constructjon/repairs within the 180 day pennit peri od . Because of the extenuating circumstances, I reguest an additional 180 days of validity to the original permit issued. Thank you for your cooperation in this regard. 4.|4 - Fourth Court Palm Beach Gardens, May I, ]986 Yours very truly, 'flu.ra'uZtJu J M'-q I'hhalah S. Bond Property owner \c:'\\,') , \ .---7 'I\./ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT o INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER ...- -::\ ,READY FOR INSPECTION: (MON , TUES WED THUR FRt - AM pM (- r lr .O .\ LOCATION: ' ( \ r-* -^ ,!\{.-:;. ,',. i* r.\'i . BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPEC PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ao INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL or '\.- \\-r \ \--l i( 5*)- ;i FRI i'.-7 '(--- I ir,.toare I /t l/ | JoB NAME /l READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELE trl trF trC tr_ tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 departmenl of publlc works/lr.nsporlallon }fEMORANDTIM August 31 letter = $130.00= 9130.00 $30.00 = g29O.O0 fr-241 z/a 7oa osra. - TO: FROU: DATE: RE: TOTAL The I-bearns wereauthority of Town SB/njn cc: Pete Burnett removed, after notice to Miss Bond, under theof Vail Municipat Code 8.15.125. storage fees were assessed at a rather arbitrary fee of $2 per9ay. As a point of reference, olrners of carJ in the Towirrsinpound lot are assessed a storage fee of g10 per day. storase Fees = 1o months "t #33-#u- -E=-GF :- STAIT BERRYIIAN '/SEIITEMBER I, L987 GROUSE I,ANE DUPLEX This neuo is in response to Missregarding her Grouse Lane Duplex. Issue #l- r feel the Town has absolutely no responsibirity for the cost oflocating a survey pin on the site. fssue *2 Ittiss Bond was notified twice regarding the steel r-beams in theright-of-way. At our suggestibn, you contacted trer in nid-october and asked her to move the r-beams. The carr nade by you(referenced in her letter) was the second and final request. gle renoved the r-beams on November 4, 1986 and incurred thefollowing costs: Loader Tirne - 2 Hours 0965/HourTruck and Trailer Time - 2 Hours €965/HourLabor - 1 person, 2 Hours €$].SrlHour '-r*f4z- EycTR/AVEL ,NC. August 31, 1987 CERTIFIED MAIL Return ReceipL Requested Mr. Gary MurrainVail Building Department Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Singer lsland Center ll55 E. BIue Heron Blvd. Singer lsland, FL 33404 (30s) 844-8000 Dear Gary: I am writing this letter with hope of resolvj-ng two still- out- standing issues following the completion of the repairs to the driveway at the duplex located at 5128 Grouse Lane, Vai1, Colorado. The first issue being the return of my $L00.00 clean up fee. You advised you were holding the fee pending the determinationof the location of a survey pin alleged to have been located on the vacan! lot on the west side of Grouse Lane accross the street from the duplex. During construction of the new driveway, with bhe permission of the tor'rn of Vai1, fi]-l vas stockpiled at the edge of the road in front of the vacant 1ot. Before ever placing any dirt I very carefully examined that area to determine that no damage would result. I did not see a survey pin upon that examination. A 1oca1 broker with a listing on the vacant lot has claimed that a corner pin vas buried vhile stockpiling the fill. Ab your suggestion, I hired Mr. Neil Werner t,o dig to try to locate the rnissing pin. The pin was indeed discovered, some 16 inches belov the surface of the street. I do not see how I could have possibly buried or disturbed the pin at that depth. I think upon your review of the matter you vi11 find that my $100.00 should be returned at this time. The second issue is that of the sleel l-beams. The beams while situated in the same localion where the fill had been stockpiled were picked up by the Town of Vail and removed. Following a courtesy caLl- from you, I had arranged to have the beams rel-ocated onto my own property, but il was fhe very next day that' the Town removed them. I have found a buyer for lhe beams who has offered me $800.00 for the five bearns. Upon contacting the Public Works Department I was very much shocked at their request for $t,500.00to release the beams from the bus barn area. I ltas never of f icialJ-y notified by the Town of their intent to pick up the beams nor of any charge to do so. I am willing to pay a fee to the Tovn' but I feel $1,500.00 is totally unj ustified. - Completc Domcstic & Inlcrnational Travcl Scrvice - Mr. Gary Murrain -2-August 31, l-987 In addiLion, Lhe Public Works Department is still- holding a $600.00 completion bond for the street cut permit required to repair the driveway. Garyr as you vell know, I have done everything possible to comply with every request the T orun of Vail has made of me. l made t'herepairs to the driveway under the most adverse conditions and it was a def init,e personal and financial struggle for me. I am not a building contractor by trade but merely a private citizen vho was forced to undertake an enormous task totally outside my normalfield of knovledge. I attempted to the best of my abilities to complete the project to the satisfacfion of the building depart- mentrs rules and standards. You are very much aware of the cir- cumstances under which f was forced to make the driver,ray repairs myself and you have been nost helpful and kind. Would you please bring to the attention of the Town of Vail the unusual circum- stances surrounding the repair of the driveway and my sincereefforts to amicably resolve these final issues. Thank you for your attention to this letter. I look forard to hearing from you. Sincerely yours,-#'% d"^L (Miss ) Haley Bond ls.Er;'RrAVEL ,NC. Singer lsland Center ll65 E. Blue Heron Blvd. Singer lsland, FL i3404 (30fl u4-8000September l-7, L987 lvlr. Gary MurainBuilding Departnent Town of VailVail, Colorado 8L65? Dear Garyr I am enclosing my personal check in the amount of $fZ5.OOmade payable to Mr. Rocky Christopher. This anount was re-quested of me to reimburse the expense of relocating acorner pin on the lot across the street from my GrouseLane {uplex. fhere is some question as to the validityof this clain, however in the - spirit of maintaining mfrelationship with the Town of Vail and at your specific- re-queet, I will pay this amount. Please now final ury job and return to me my $1OO.OO clean updeposit. Once again, many thanks for your continued cooperation andprofessional kindnesses shown, Yours very truly, - Complete Domcstic & lnrcmational Travel Scrvicc - o EYE,fuAVEL ,NC. Singer lsland Center l165 E. Blue Heron Blvd. Singer lsland, FL 33404 (30s) 844-8000 September L7 ) L987 Garfield SteeL 3429 S. GrandP. 0. Box 452 Glenwood Springs, Attentionr Toby Dear Tobyr eD 81502 Good newst With the help of ivir. Gary l{urrain, of the Yail Building Department, I have completed negotiations for the release of the steel I-beams. $580.00 will need to be paid for their release by you when youpick up the beams. Please contact Mr. Il'iurrain to make the arrangements. He has kindly offered to help coordinate the transfer while I am out of town. I very much appreciate your offer to purchase back the beame, steel decking, and anchors. Sincerely yours, 4^!r" &'& Haley Bond - ,/ ccr { ,^ru Murrain & Fabricating, fnc. Avenue - Complctc Domcstic & lnternational Travcl Scrvicc _ tr) Y-: c? c.JcfO lrJ ts-qoo-,.zo Fo-utY IJJlo oF F (E IJJo. bsl> \.1O- lrrlo <\t Io ,--lt-lguJbkzo z oPz4oo =z=:)(L lJ- J EEi BH=E t lrItlo.lt EqE?cl€fra9Ekaq.Etr i>E dtsE FE: =oi 8b! lurE XOE ,F,}q.- €; HoF EI-- E =E lrJ o-zoF()f,EFozoo trtrn oz ts = UJo- IH tr)l@l (Y)l \.1 -l s sl Fl-:-,<> t;i =ltxPa,z --- o c lrt6*6.e ldislet l:rbE;$ l= ESEH,IE E$EffiIH E;i:il,\lH :;:s; )le :EFSE fffig;; F E ]IEE E*IeE E?a(lAtE Io=*o"6Po-E .p;EgtEs fi:'5 i:(,,'.oo 9E.E H3 :EE EH J E*;; g \ li5,b,o tJ iiiiN : -O. = ll, .n - o =Z n-.oq=rt z; = gii "EEE fiao= JC, 6F. Hbo Joc,L(J o)t-o(5 (,z J ll- =!.t d.a z,ooo ul =z dl -r sl-o)sf(Yt(fr. lr (J (d (l, co ad CL +,l- =o(J .cPs|- sf =fa r|JEoo J- o cct (u (o -g uJ z ,llo||ol I,r- | | tt I!-t I(I,l I El d=l H d3 I ilol zl elFI <l>l l!lol zl elFI (,l uJltrl JI <l>l il 3loFI =.1ol Lul 5l sl I'|-|olz d I I I OIzl ,d fl, r\@ fr "1.= (\! =to =lo3 (f, -.r O<Fco IJJ <z'Eu.t FQ6 J 9 ouJ E E2? E3 =Fd. zo C) [}rlD .2:roval of. -ny vlolation of any of ths provlslo{|s oJ tltis cd ;r ot atHther ordinaoco ol thc lurlsdication. Thc lsuanc,s It: ;r 0l atlqlner 0rglnaflc6 0I uE Jurlsuluauorl. I lls tlru.|:|IrE a pernlsed upon plans, speciflcations and othcr thla sh nci prEu'5t the duilding oittdiat trorn thsreaftcr requlrlng t iorlection ol erors in said plans, rpecificatbnr and ofr -'/< ( -; toi?. tt.* tii iillti v ?ff.* data. " f , oATE: /f/rS/fS ,44 \ 4,Art1) €s.;-g-- f\b(*(i 'a'r4 V b.t-4. 4iLJv n-a{r--- I :E ;. -) orlrorro* FoR REV'.ABLE pERMrr TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-[.IAY DATE OWNER OF ADDRESS NAME OF .ADDRESS PERMIT NO. Fence |.lalr'l 0ther in the project area appljcable). OF PROPERTY APPLICANT TO BE SEilVEO 9ILb P(P +6(r- Lffi? DESCRTpTI0N 0F STRUCTURE 0R ITEM(S) rNTO RrGHT_oF_t{Ay g Attach plans showing encroachment,'property line, sideilEmeters, polices, manholes, any other affected apurtenanceor dimensioned) and section(s) as well as elevaiions (if LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPERTY TO BE SERVED:(Attach description on separate sheet if Corner l-ct Inside loi v/ D0ES STRUCTURE ;PRESENTLY EXIST? Special Conditions: (to scale pRoposED DATE FoR coMMENcEMENT oF coNsrRucrrov &.+. 4 t IqEV ,tlt' i;ri?::;f"i;:::: :l lli.,liii'"'e or a revocab'te p.,'it ror ir'e structure above indicated, I l' That the structure herein authorized. on a revocable pernrit basis is restricted^ glclul.ively to the land above desiribeC.z' lhat the permit is'l imited specifica'l ly to the type of structure described in thisapplication.3' That the applicant sha11 notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twenty . ii:;":!Yff ;1r"3:';::""1r'ffi"tiffi:"" commencement or constr-uction, in-orJEr *,ai p.o"per 'l' Inat the applicant agrees to indemnif,v and save harmless the Towrr of vail from andagairrst ail claims, iuits, aamagej, costs,'l osses und-"^p.nr"s in any manner resultingfrom' arising out of, or connJciea'with ihe """iiiin"or maintenance of the aboveidentified structure.5' That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment,obstruction, or other structure constitutes'; ;;;;;il;l oestroys or impairs theuse of the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, oi the property iupon which the encroachment, obstruction, o",i"r.tJre'exists is required for useby the public; or.it may ue-.evoieo'at any-time i;;-;;y reason deemed sufficientby the Town of Vail.6. 7. That applicant wilr-"9Tou",-at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, orstructure within ten-days after receiiing notice or inv "euocation of said permit.That in the event said -removji or-ir,"'encroachment, obstruction, or structure is notaccomplished withjn the ten Jtvi, ih" iown is hereby authorized to remove same andapplicant agrees to reimburs;-ih; i;;n.for the ioti"oi-ruid removal. The Town shat.lhave the rjqht to make an assesment-aqainst the-p.Jp"rtj-i"d col'l ect the costs of removali1l !h". same manner rr g.;".ui-;;;;; ;;: cot.lected. - llil,lli.l"rmit so issied li noi"issisiaute,;;;-is issued so1ely to the undersisned That the applicant has read and understands al'l of the terms and conditions set forthin th is appl ication. 8. o 10. ; ..:ivl I gnatur-e,oinli s'i gnatu res DATE f Approved: nager 7az 7 a }vner lCtel 6on, Archi tect t,tAe.gr.e< //r4'^-e. . _ Zone Distri.a &roposed use - @^rp4: Lot Area -/@2II-Hei ght Al'lorved 30' Proposed Setbacks: Front-Requirea-,zo -"Propised thA*&u-._jdb-4.4_'l* Sides-Required ff Proposed tly'2' ht- / to'€. Rear -Required 15' Proposed 79'_ Waterccurse-required - o -Proposed 4/4 GRFA: GRFA: Legal Description: z0t'rE cltIcK for SFR, R, R P/S ZONE Lot I Bloct: / Qsc &€,v3o,bL t (9 tJ NISI RICTS F'i1ing 62,:r Cla,er< 9^6. _ Primary Secondary Allor'red i 3a ^O- / ./A'llor,red N' Prinary Proposed -- 4/ _--__-T-_Allowed i Secondary. Proposed //4 _.6AIlowed Zoo/- x /12?zl =3Jtf ' proposed _ 4.. Proposcd Slope Actual -o- Proposed ?.Un*.l- ? ,,* Site Coverage: Landscaping:A.k. Flood Plain - c> -3o'4o "/. Requ i red Parking: Required Drive: Slope Perrnitted Environmental/Hazards: Ava'lanche Sl ope Zonins @r'ise.pproved -Zonin tnr \I7 'r^ /'& /?x/b = 3of /0,t ,?.2{ ,- /o(. ft z- '/6.?f, /.f,2A__ zr'l.g ?st ,6, zft f, f, - s ?. ?7f ?zfr 77 ; /{7.2{ /-** I'eQ O8/. gt (g8r s?l F /8.t v yfz{ // x f.zf /i. tfv /(r /fx ?. f k ftr,v ? /ot. z{ ? 5.'i? yzi + /?z,fr?6F =-zg,f p ? zi" 6{ = t/.2{ x fi,?(- -- ,7 .l/5. s x (r,7{ 7b/.o 767 ooo &a rz{ 3/a 06? /d.62{ {5q, &>#/. otz- -2&o a/e4 F r)oz 9nc C) =oz 'omn =-{ CLo!lr3l<rtHgl9;liiltitf-At-c 5 CLog o€ 3o = "TI T' z= 22=oz zt- =PFIYo1n= EP"r trEE ntE 4o -l q; n ii= =a*>6z \J> AJ f_ >; /-rc IP= d6n . otr)zlr:ii;t -{oo>Fr o 2n 4 iz = >mI oE> -l> u a I =m -i _o --m1 (_ z =m l'rf vt tJ u X fiFo>'t- nl- -Yzlol ?r ffi, Htr 851- rFI = 3 f m .n = 3 . o0 'n I a l=t>3 3 .I l P. t- 8 @Fo)qt| |5 ^{T'(tl UI U) =Pt- opFma? F6ct c) i6 iJ f-. T I trjH f F F TJ a ? 'f BDF tspp |n *3 F t6H htItr' fir: o =;:n-rtjDOfFr Fp1ct+!rre 1d c0 Bo)o) =t- pp Fma F Fx * z 3m c)H KD ld F a m ItIN Nl\l l* !Fot-mo-{ z9 lr l{'tx I =tcl l\)(r, C' <1, m ;t-z{m zt-{P m F z 6J nmm t- a = mt-m l.dE U' -m -l mrXll ^-{t-H;g t- z(t t- -{oz fi:1;3E ; fi i F Hs =" a;; L,l-l I lt'l-CZCDNE> f;iiHE3 i-Ea-7e '2" 2 i. l'[- | l'I zm{ x t-+m t;z 0n =z f- m u|Jl u|{ m <t, 'Tl -.{ t- l =z U9N:- E,fi E3xi ! E1E A9 ^3 o 6 4bt6 = = b4294 - I H3 t 2 Hi N)@= Em= q)4 5-7t< 3 flo) -q ri !m I ^xzmo J b R5 Nctl d $ J )tl 3 H B io Ctlt\,D H cm I rd>r| >: E E| €*o>.h (,- <o il\ ->t:I.I\ B F ;; irl\ > o>:ill gE;Ei .l^l :zt'lo>il\ EI::l;ln'Ei=is ;lilg;Eii ;li ll 1:drl ill lr :rg:;'lLl =tt*:k't Ar.E zz. z --tmo -0zo .I.llx;t- I m zz z6--l -.t 0 -{ m -to t- !mn =-l-Tl mm(t t-m zc m! .4{ mL z msm€ o u m m{ z-n mm =m z t-c 2 mt-m + t- t- z mox @ t- z m 3 Tmn =J.Tl mm U) VALUATION !mF = =zo 3m 2 c) t- !r = mt-ma 4 t- @ FIz 3 F 5 |s H H O K NJ Ht!6u| crl \t 5 g 5 CrJ B b, Ul \t\) 3 o\] b |F{ ;^x I {s B i fj.''- -b lr.rlecnoN REeuEsr& TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR .,f ,,.:?./ (ti,.:L/s€ nJrr".,,, FRI BUILDINS:PLUMBING: tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNOATION / STEEL FBAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPTY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,,'' DATE INSPECTOR i ,){: ft:r:'l ;-r::i* F' INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR 5,/2./ dlr:2tse ,rtrr" ,- TOWN OF VAIL *..= /-;--/i/.- ^JOB NAME p.2,'L (' ;)r- d /- { CALLER lr.rlecnoN REeuE sr & FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDII{G:PLUMBING: tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION i STEET FRAMING INSULATION SHEETBOCK El GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAT tr FINAL ELECTRlGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr T] FINAL D FINAL tr APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: I] DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR \ OATE READY FOR INSPE JOB NAME rT.T}CCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L -,-' ?r.,r-i pM LOCATION: l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER . MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR;J oo /' I I &J, I I I I :l I oz ts E UJ(L NI b q \s $ oa0 0 aI t4 a u.t ll- F =Elrj o- uJF o JsI u.o(,z 6 UJt- o FI ==o z 2 iu z zz l3!H=::i;i -<9U|llipSEIl'<g ufEnetc:19i<ozdiii;'iIFFC,0|J < (.jl<93=;:i;=asi3Fl 93e:13' i .. < d O > -st<o ntLro=<G<'J F F z a N I \ \ [\' a \ $ \ qq cl \. .rl s o bj N lo \ Ei tf) rq a I e! ee N b { $ N F =ulo- z 6 )a tu oz 9 F() a!Jul (,z =t J z LU = u.llrl zo F LU uJ o o 3 UJ; UJ z 6 uJ F6 o-u,o z tu JO a uJ UJtLt tll o- J FoF z; -) ) 9cF u.iJ UJ z. .D fJo- .J = o uJ NO[Vn]VA @('ol st zoq z -.a, ,E(-\(^A\<, .<, -= = ar.l =@ zo oaz>-ooa)zr!<o*' 9UFOjd J$ $rr o E\5xfrrt :N EI 3l at> | (L ax.(, UJ F t, b$ NI osa 0j a(}. b : E (L UJ (ts J z E o z F ttlF 8 B z J*l ' | .l*lrl FtooizzF fiE *6-rty>?36EiEE EEfi E:g<@(roz= ',1 ^ I lsl d \|Fo =$2Hsx9NH=dP =<H iEH;-tEHEEo('olzc) z tr -Jfaz uJ J (r q-a tv) F I v) o t{ dl t, dul d c;o B ci UJt! F z' .a(t qJ E3)- an uJFoz, ottl a an tllzxI F b N\5 R aa s en v) I t{\(C( UJ P $ u aJ -JF5b JF= uJbbb tr I I I II I I -lol uJl GIolol<l -4ala $J: I I I I I dGL CI CIq --l zq= oF C) G,o F() e. Fz z =:l) 2 f C) FO uJ ts c)G <o(JF;oFgc)= ---r 2 g. --r O<F(r()ur<z& UJ F.(rz \t{ \ t*\\\I ii =z dt a') J<Q83 E llJz3 otz. o F uJ-')oE(L t!F o Nnn Jzoz .n9zicoo>zl:)JOILr "dE4Ei A;H trEb ts =& uJ t|.o TIJ.(L F luwn box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 The following are requJ-red to complete Department for review: PRorEcr # O .-t'i> ! | OWNER'S NAME AZFZT 'DUIP wr_E_, BLocK ,ttt txol?po ' -@eSh PHONE # department of community development additional information or corrections the Plan Check which is now in the Building .- -e6"eu (&n,o 'l)n-.u Lor A &ee CzeEE S.- -5/z/ Geattsz "/n*p- Q-s = 332 o zl { //8 51 z l/ ilqloo L/- < too zb4 /a-/ , ?) 33 Z_ toO zqt"g 93.r -?rl. tq @. t,g %t,* ? - Q*nCnent- o41 &/, zo 379 zo 314. zo lB9 ' tO Y t1. Y ll UW Leve;* j .) ZD x )to ,l, l ,j to x l0 aNz= c e3z loA lD = ZOY ZLo = )0L - L5 ?3.8 @.1o 6e ezs /oz ?52 /{uh ,t? o K,S 1x Cx 6./ < z-/\-./ I // B @ zs14 @/.?{ =4to1 =/=z,os.. fcuvro zz@ qao qe2e-= 88M = G?€o tj z6obi Z- 32- ; --ffi-Og 3, g 0IA -t ayfiarz I Z, o a al-8 17 oQD Nun;4,*o@t9 rruOecrroN REeuEsr tl ,t/./?.'/ ,')....'/.s/,.a (/7?DATE 1>/' 4/ / JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN <iilEi, wED rHUR FRI <_AW) PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr Fo)N6Arl o,t'nnvrruc ON / STEEL 4+r$SutATIoN - nGAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB -r-t r_l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -t-l r"t - E FINAL D FINAL tr APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE ',('.,/l JOB NAME t".rl rrrr!$ecnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL -.. / READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:"?).,;:*t'THUR FRI ---il-AM ,,.,PMWED 5 ,t-t . BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND El.ROUGH / D.W.V. E}fiOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL .FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL EL tr e tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORREGTIONS: E"DISAPPRoVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED fr.'z DATE INSPECTOR Ir.rOecTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME -----<e) PM TNOecTION REQUEST ,tlaElNspecloN REeu tRED INSPECTION: CALLER TUES we9 I THURef)FRI D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: g-ar5Reenoveo TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL -,'-g-EgucH / D.w.v. FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER D \INSULATION tr tr D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL rruOecnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAILt --T-------.' / t /A 'r -,1 .;,Oefe A t/ tt - ,l / JOB NAME _ \--:i . ttt, /./ i^r--.- -, _/, CALLER READYFoR|NSPECTloN:MoNTUEsWEDTHURFR|-AM'PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS F FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: / STEEL y'uruoencnouruo '-.: , tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED OATE INSPECTOR rn$ecnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL EI FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: u tr o tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL -,8 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IT.TOeCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,b DATE ''[' -"' J Ft ' t / JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MOry CALLER TUES THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER \- FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,,ldneenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME ,,Cr=croN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Xnppnove" at). CORRECTIONS: Z tl 7 DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / -;-'- f,r/ (.'li ,///, i'/z lLl- oor, /' ; 4 - ,l' ,l rNspEcroR ---- 1 t'i ./€'io-.,- ' ,'--,rr--r-"u':'-- c' i:-"\ . 2/ e NS PECTION REQUEST DATE b-s-* INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr E] u tr D tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT 0_ tr SUPPLY AIR ll tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED DRRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR o ,Rrr"roN REeuEsr oare.6-5o-€) JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:*o^ (@ *ro rHUR FRI ^"@ CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL. ,. ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPTY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED INSPECTOR REINSPECTION REOUIRED fo,i!r,,4" l-l*qat frr ftlk lk 1ar p,j,t g-t ?Att(,^n., ,Grr"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL t2oor= 6'/'(o JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr tr tr tr r'l UNDERGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH -tr CONDUIT -n_ MECHANICAL: E HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR f'l FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIR U boyle engineering, inc 143 e. meodorru dr suite n-10 crossroods shopping center voil, colorodo 81657 (wo 303/476-2170 €, l*, go {bwd of rylL_.&F_q, T,ffT,i s-fCy€, ?Nf4,3;;VA,r, I qLo. gitabT--", sl4g" I tlnve lpsre,ary> 7+Efttt t N4 aRr F vl*rc *T ,6tz a4eouL LaNE (AtEl erta FestDa{ae) Adp A4& rlf* ":i E"A',fr'tu, trrtt aot- 61Ptl 4-y Apt g dXt-C 6' t+4 tt * Pppzx t tq*-f*Lf b' f ,{ fto^lr of Trt€ Fu L4 tt'/4 v/*tc *e vltt-C BME ftca v/ml ft l' V*TtdAL LAven o€ Pa'K N4 Attt<T 'Tt+€ a1g/7/Q1 X1> €t-ore, -ntg A,4FVffi t* 4eTI'Tu4 T*e lJN fiut p,Bole {l+€ /?tt4/tl1 *R4,. e.3, 4<t+711s1, a*-tv*tDliy wlIJ- €t{1874Y- F-r,#ffi,Affi_4a-r,E ApptrEp eve. fry, .\/ \' | )l \..- _ -/.a D" tr " _tuarch_22-l9z g _ 1,... . LIST OF MATNITIALS NAME OI PROJECT Cl en nond Duplex _ LECAL DESCRIPTION__E-_LOTI IILOCK Gore Creek $ubdivisonlLINc DDSCRIPTION Of PIIOJDCI' Duplex Residence The follorving information is required for submittal by the Applicantto the Design Review Board before a fiual approval san be givcn. A. ) BUILDING MATDRIALS: Tyrre of Material Color Roof Siding Cedar Shingles & Gravel - Natural Blend 1 x 8 Channel Beetle Kill Pine #917 Olvmoic StainOther WaIl Materials Fascia Sof fits llindorvs Window Trim Doors Door Trim Pine #917 Stain Olymplc 9lding #9I7 St,ain Olymplc Wood #M17-35 Konac Wood Same Wood w/elazed panel #DL6-57 Komac L.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative, ^Landscaping I"Iaterials including Trees, shrubs,and Ground Cover) Wood #Ml7-35 Komac Hand or Deck Rails Redwood Natural Flues N/A Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other MeEal #Ml7-35 Komac Metal #M]-7-35 Komac (within sarase) N/A Garase Doors: #ML7-35 Komac Botanical- Name Common Name Quantity Size T'estuca Rubra Anunutate Fescue (revegetation qree!)_ 4iug*-scpt€ns- Potenti 1 I e nensis Ajrrgn 75 2rr pots Potentilla 8 5 gal. PfitzerJuniper 8 5 gal.ttPf itzeriana Pi cee Pungens_Colorado Blue Spruce 1 6l -t/ Dotanlcal Name Plnus -Contorta LatifoLla Cornnon Name Quantity Size 8r c.) L_93sgp-1-9_Bine OTHER I.ANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retaining Walls, Fences, Swlnrning PooLs, etc.) (Please Specify) Spruce cribluall retalnage at drive. fv ]ilF4!.; e,!F//'fr,- Project Application ,^r" 3- /6-77 Project Nam€: Proiect Descriplion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot E Zone:. Zoning Approved: Design o^r" 3- R &-29 D ISAPPROVAL Summary: ing Administrator Chiel Building Oflicial !\' + r. - r;. ,/i k. Zt*t of * e+lb a Project Application 7q o^r" 3- e-7? Proi€cl Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architecl Address and Phone: Zoning Approved: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ing Administrator Chief Building Official