HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK BLOCK 1 LOT 9 LEGAL,/'^ ! --:'-rf \ / ./ PERMIT I.iUI',IEER OF PRoJEcT rNstcnoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ' READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: MONStsl deo.,s^E- WED THUR FRI xnn,ri PM CALLER TUES 92 oo'r, 'y' /la, i't: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,-., ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING C] ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo* L//Ps /E'/ rNSPEcroR it-ttt-g- CALLER i G REQUESTINSPECTION TOWN oF VAtL Lt)it,li'6i,,r' . ,.1: I 1=- PERMTT tllr"7; -,r',/ ,o, ,uoW INSPECTION: 479-2138 , 1 ,'r'',,/'L'Z fi;DATE READY FOR LOCATION: THUR FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED d. tt. /4OAIE /-"- / t INSPECTOR '4 oz E =Guto- rn F\ F\ o \o rr] F\-{c\(t uJ LIJlJ- F = IIJ(r dhrclErle ogqsL *{0 .ir v z u) z o,' & 14 E 53 =!d' 6 .zu r+l {r!rp tF *, 6e(h :pcD(Dz#- u-r I iE Ln 3fr tE <D rF-+I FFNlll l+r -rtq)lqz(D Hr<T (]):E +t (Dts {1 {}H .: E tEl o ta ?HI Ff;; E Efr 3I =*;5 au.'j 2< d) .a r..lot id E$FH a ts E E frl CA FIE U) E1 :z t-{l t-{l rcl()l e,lol P Fv) trl H fr l-{v) z F F HH E] ts lq :gEE; igiiiur* 01 rn o rr,l F\ N fr tt)(\ Or Nrn Exf4 F< 4 uJ z x tu z o. J I Fou, uJ z =J z t! uJlur!z tr uJ u,,E o o co =UJ IIJ z 6 UJo UJ o- z uJ x F uJo o uJullt E =E !U o- -) F F z J (o 9 G,Fo IIJ) UJ z =J J 9z uJ = Hc3 NO[Vn']VA I I I I I =l>El.:=;:lFiruSl* =.o.l_ {.EA =.ZZV.4o oo-5 q 95.Eg dEt vrotr3z>oQO%,Ye 59oq #-ur;.ie:g Hjni 5< I IE t8 II H Itrr I IElo E F Htoto FI'rK' H E rr kd n Pa hr =,){x H tr:r] z tr {LI UJ o e. t! ,1'{- z Eoo tr llJ FJ =u.Jz =zlzOa <oo< =PRt!Uo<z trz, gz doBtrOI zl x Jl<l-l =l uJfJ (l uJ2 9IF z F Jl U)z I o,' I CN I *1, XIXI I.t(lol{ nJ jo t! toF o\\o N I a =F uJ o u,o z Y o- z F- ) @ |n aa * ci.l I 2 I r lt--aI-,-?-lo e, s'l-C)o }{ ,-..rtl h4 1b', ca !,a (J zH z Fl UJF U' @o-zo Fo. IJJv t!z Fl tl { Fal l-lXvlotrllcltoll*ll& J; 2 H H z EH ii =z (Do-) I lu z UJEo Ja = zF{ E z H F-l& IJJHv) =E Ln Itl = nl-IX N\T \t I \?I o\ o. z - i: z utE zHa t4ts(l) =E I cn oz o UJcr J oz3 9tFi C\.if .+ Io\-:t Or H ts Fl E =tr 7' (! uJlEl JI <l >1 ltoz 3l FI @ cn I\o c\I L tt F l:] CN E fi = tr z o llJ i z3 F co\T I c''l.s o\ u lr F Etr oz. o UJE J a \oz3I g oz oul J t!oz39 uJ ql F UJz = Fo uJF E <FEOuJ<zE I.IJ F )(L<o(JF F3 ;F-z IO ,n Gn >Y =<(>ats:)F--a 2 .f uJ = z CLo G i:g+EFOz<(Jon!Ea z (5=z-< =z dP EEi -t -'i l!EE= pDl uto oF Fol =9Eulo-Nbg><l*zluol,zlrHlg!u :^F(Jz.o = gJ I :!{E:E<ctlo9Q6 e-!e9tt; '9'EE => = lrJ :-E b=o * i;i: =EE 65!! \urE XO-r x>OliiFtl '1o-itc uJ d) oF -.I - E =E,lrlo-z9F(JfEFazo C) FAF|fI ',+ !<" " oll, UJl! E.G UJc $ N $ \ \ \ \ ts { \ c N FN= ct o oE goo .cA cL6c3o olE o1'oo CD .E =o E o =cf dg o CIo6 '.c o c CD BgEE;o6€ 60to s.E !tO50E:aepF E€g; 58NO -oSCC APFO !PO*E 6O 3E -oc 'oF oE o CD€t, o C'(,o E5 o: tt o E g o o tt E o.6 :g6.8oo Eeoo.46:oI'()9C.=63CgE:o 6iC rtl6.o!tFE=oo ->EO. =E00 EC'-oo.,5i Es. Er -c\9o6Ct;6.6CEO -_6 EEageE -o9o-Zc,s=B'(,>6= FE;8 f;pEoEE OCD()G 3;rtl6.o!tFE=9oe5 5't ->EO =E00 EC'-oo.,5i E€Ei -o9o6Ct;6.6CFO E.i ,df" d:P6€o ,sE F.e;lt 'EEF: .EgEb o6€o-o =tEEc9 EE EE r!, 0 5;g: E6 $E 5€ E6ottLC OOic.cg -cl60 =o6O _gG otEEo6 €s60:9Ilopct EE5O - u, E 6Ab* 3?x= ooe,r!<oqigi.i .. >lo uJou,lu26 E .r UJo. J z Eoo atl J ooul2x E ul F 2 tr J)oz v,ulo Alllclt cizrl\IIU c( F = E rl ol u =z F oo: floltl oF2 z J UJ3o d u $l x*'(9 0 =lJ- = l\ o:] a v d $ct9l r (,2 6 = 4 oz ts-EltG t$l !!! 9z - C) UJ =D ('C'za 3b =uJco uJ oz 6 = c E =Eluc o UJG L =G uJGBoulaz f 8 6 EI E :||,Ful Jo- =ooFfooluJ l! u,!0o F Ib E = tr g E l_,oilfl l- o-zo:- ttbEfJEagE35EC)Em: ff oz oTI I 'f- (Q \ .).) :iJ .)')2,1 €7\g UJ E(t,oo zo o- UJY llJo o ='6 UJo." |!'o- coio;t'I uJFoz u, o ?g aoulh front.ga rold nll, color.do 81657 l3{0/q 479-2138 or 479-2\39 olf,o of comnunlty dorrlopmrnl !f this perry_1t requires a Town of Vail fire Department Approval, Engineer "s..(.Pgbl ic lJorks) reyiew and approval,' a planning' Departrnentreview or Hea'l th Department review, and a review by the 6uiliing Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas three weeRs. A'll conmercial ('large or small) and all multi-family permits will have tq frl 'low the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residential and sma'l I projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wi'll be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as. seon as possib'l e. BUITDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE undersigned, understand the p'lan check procedure and timeI,. the frame. Agreed to'by:. Communi ty Devel opment Department. I I J \ lown n llal 75 roulh lrontage road Y!ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&IECT: offlce of communlty developmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMI'NITy DEVEIOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCIION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summaryr.Ordinance No. G states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash dunpster-, portable toilets andworkruen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public Pf?ge or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way on afl Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.lhis ordinance will be strillfy enforcld by the Toin of VaiIpglli" works Department. persons found viotating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove-said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not eonply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the pulfic WorksDepartment will remove said nateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snltt not beapplicabLe to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. G in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departruent to obtain I copy. girant< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and ac,knowledged by:<4)^ tz e5 Szdreut,oPosition/elationship to contractor, owner) Plaa Reviev Based ootbe 1988 Uniforn Codes PRO,IECT NUMBER: 81291 NAME: HEIMAN RES. ADDRESS: 5134 GROUSE LANE DATE: 8-L2-91 CONTRACTOR: STERLING HOMES INC. OCCUPANCY: R-3 ARCHITECT: STERLING HOMES INC. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N ENGfNEER: DRB APPROVA], REQUIRED: YES PI,ANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECIIONS REQUIRED lbe items listed belor are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in tbe adopted codes. It is a gruide to selected sections of tbe codes. Tbe following is not to be construed to be an allproval of any violation of any of tbe pro- visions of the adopted codelr or :rny ordinancE of the Town of VaiI . 1. 5' MAXIMUM CRAWL SPACE FROM GROUND TO UNDER STDE OF STRUCTUAL FLOOR JOIST2. ILC 'ITMPROVEMENT SURVEYII REQUIRED AND APPROVED BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION WILL BE DONE.3. ONE HOUR SEPARATION REQUIRED BETWEEN A GROUP R AND GROUP M OCCUPANCY REQUIRED, WITH A SELF CLOSING ].3/8" SOLID CORE DOOR4. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED AS PER CH. 12 OF THE UBC.5. MECHANICAL VENTILA?ION REQUIRED FOR AI,L BATHROOMS WITHOUT NATURAL VENTILATION.5. ALL ROOFING TO COMPLY WITH CH. 32 OF THE UBC.7. A]-,L FOOTINGS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 48" BELOW GRADE. ZONE CHECK FORSFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRICTS DATE: LEGAL D PTION: LoT | ..^ ,tBlock / Flllng <-'ror€ (7Ya^) ol{NER PHONE ARcHrrEcr S*r/t(g &ra,es //a, {,} pHoNE zoNE Drsrwcr 2 -Fam4lt ADDRESS:/.-14 Grou;e /arta Helght, TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA s/3.\378- 454 -tqf ?-04oo 7b 4antte:t ?qr.ry?c-Ptlt#- reHr/a,zp=t ExisLino 32'- 6 Proposed Total r//o r'ha,nar aza lt. (42s1 =_-4 7 lZ . 4742- 4d.f/ftil lE z6 t6, t5/3 f /r'L) = 2p7(tr- 20t 15, - 15' (30) (s0) 32s/ oF_. // 7/ @s '4"/5' //.4.&= /y',ty'$ az g, / 6' ,1/ <7 necrg /.r\(30o)tr600)jsool $zoot /6\----'Permitled Slope 8t Actual Slope 44 Date approved by Town Englneer: Yes- *oJ- ???- 1) Ftood Plain ( t,2l Percent, Slope //4 3) Geologlc Hazardaa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands 250 Addttion? ,tlOAddltion ls usemTE-mte pRoposgD vse ,9r.t1&,, ftnr:r,/q ,{oze ar/r/r/o,i LorsrzE ,s27aft6" ? .lz Allowed (30)@ 3872 'XX.')fu" Does this How much Setbacks Front Sides Rear $later Course Setback Site Covenge 2O% Landscaping Retaining ltatl Heights Parking Garage Credlt Drive: View Corrldor Encroachment,: Environmenta I,/Haz ards : request involve aof the allowed 250 10 request? m FroL INSPECTIONIS COUPLETED t, Tbe ltens below need to be cornplete before glvlng a pernLt a final C of O. Pleaee check off Ln the box provlded. FINAL PLU}I8ING tl rINAL UECUANICAL DATE: RESID. NAUE:IMPROVm{ENT DATE: \ FINAI. BUILDING K N, IItlll EAST SIDE: -t ) \ fuunon, MMN WEST SIDE: DATE: CERTTFTCATE 91 oCCUPAITCY ls I TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE: LAI{DSCAPINC DUE DATE: rrr,r nenn,"\sltirtlx-r \NNrt,tr \S\ PECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: \s-..^oo-sr CALLER BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: [tr"t. PowER b noucn - tr HEATING tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS tr colDutr tl SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR R OF PROJECT JOB NAME PERMIT N DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:----ES ' WED J THUR FRI_\\_-/- CALLER BUILDING:,Ta uu \//srEEL4 ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER OOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FFIAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl trF trc tr MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL C FINAL )(rnennoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPFIOVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, ?'el {' I I rNSPEcroR i*r,- w' INSPECTION REQUEST onre\.--5--\ JoB NAME '\.'.\'\. TowN oF vAlL t r\\\.,\r$rr I \.PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: CALLER THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER I. PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTJONS: oor= 4-q- 9/ rNSpEcroR n'G*rc" SN\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. \\a\ JoB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF .t r REOUESTtr^tt aV/{IL CALLERr->*-., \ \a.N\L-Qi\READYFoR|NSPECI|oN:.MoNTUES'\WED./THURFR|-AMPM.;;;,;, <\\\ L\..r".,"\:K.o i \ tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: rseeenoVeo ,V nerrusprcroN REQUIREDl/ \-- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ts Uruoencnouruo {trROUGH/D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr I FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL o n tr tr O FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS.. CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,1 ,/a /(,./ - | l- L7 /DATE / tt /( |NSPECTOR niFsxop :4. ).1 (o r)INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL !PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE t\ll'i) 21,. 1'---.,JOB NAME CATLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES LOCATION: BUILDING: C FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING:lr, 6-lJNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAI/ING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL i H, TUB C] FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT OF trc tr MECHANICAL: tr HEATING -ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED A-r'- Ct/sarc bl"\ ('tl tNSpEcroR ._*,-. --INSPECTION .! REQUESTVAIL IPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NUMB OF PROJECT A\J ro\4(N oF(1lt INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: EMP. BOWER ,{u,rt-t-cl , trHEAING T E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, /f 'ff-?l INSPECTOR hffirsrro" 1 ".q._i.. oo,, \ - :)b*i'\\ JoB NAME \ .a INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL \ CALLER TUES PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ='(r. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL Vroro"/D.w.v. J/5f firouo" / wArER //4'J e -,O CNS PIPINGROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROGK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH "tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL XAPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTI o--'-.....-. INSPECTOR *iFsrc 5nJ L./ '\*t,*.,*^ ilr' \\ \truspecrloN REQUEST PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ROJECT INSPECTION: TOWN OF. ,t VAIL .i JOB NAME MON CALLER TU RBUM 0 BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E] UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEET tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL i H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POW MECHANICAL: tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED nifts,,- INSPECTOR $iFr-';:.:,mf r ti-r,-.ff.p:r*r I oo-. ult(qt JoBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI CTION REQUEST o* /li\v J"(o*-o'^rED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 50 PERMIT NUMBEA OF PROJECT INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL : ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING 6rusulnrroru POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR ---:-I-'l|r -Tx:tr1-,in;('lrl{ilsFFi.: i'E i ''r4-TrF . , rF, *FTT- JI Sori PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,- -REQUESTVAIL I "i! I 5/w oor, ,y'// JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALTER WED THUR FRI INSPECTION tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL )El APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ,o-, ll,/r/a/ rNSpEcroR ,/niFs,e 5Dti 't Jrtl /LO '|'t-ll,(Krl/t/ )//((-,(t>ilt L 14y'; TNSPECTION REQUE9T I PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT oor, /JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO ES @, tn, VAIL CALLER BtlrrorNG:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL --tr UNDERGROUND i tr FRAI\iIING tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING - tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB txpt' I r w 'U ' ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ):rnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER INSPECTION:MON ES "^-,, / ?f n41 I JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: RITHUR 4 '..''' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION 'q.."POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL D r,I FINAI n r ni'a/.,t) ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr tr El EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR [4rtrunl tr FrN!)l, - APPROVED N DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED ..) CORRECTIONS: t'r oor- /z'tt-71 rNSPEcroR niFisn-p i-.-], 'ti \Tl l.t*.,1 F/o " /"r 7, 6one Oeez- :zt6- fuHlc&rvbr Gd||pl|y of Color.do P.O. Box 4fl) lVinrurn, CO 81645 (303)949-5781 Re: Abandonrnent Of Easenent - , Vall, Co Dear Mr. Sterling, I am writing to confirn Pub1ic Service Company's intent to process your request for abandonment of easement. Public Servlce Conpany does not presently occupy thls easenent and wiII not reguire Bpace |n this area to provide gas service to the lot. you may have experienced, ln beglnning your our approval process. I will forward the after they have been properly recorded. Public Service' iluly 39, I99I Mr. Sam Sterling P.O. Box I70 Avon, Colorado 81620 I regret proJec! any delay whlchas a result of docunents to you t Represen ' riorv cRoss?r-EcTRrc ,tss0crATroN, rNC. 3799 HIGHWAY E2 P. O. DRAWER 2150 GLEMVOOD SPRTNGS, COLORADO 8I502 (303) 94s-5491 FAX:945-4081 August l, 1991 Lot, 9, Gore Creek Mr. Sam Sterl,lng P.0. Box 170 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Quit Claln of Easeoent Dear Mr. Sterling: In reference to yolrr requesc for fult Cl-aim of an existing utility easement, at the above.nentloned locatlon, Iloly Cross Electr{e rri.Ll Qutt:, Claim d portlon of the utlllty e66ement. as shown on the attached gketeh.:l The renalnlng portlon shal1 be required to facilitate our existlng underground prlmary electrlc facil-itles. Once an approprlate qutt Claln deed has been received, lt our Board of Directors for executlon at the regular board August tl , 1991. ' be ng Should you have any queetlons, pleaee feel- free to call me at 949-5892. Sincerely, Holy Crosg John Boyd Engineering nlh cc: HCEA VAIL EXIiIBII' A Property pu""Otion Part of a fifteen foot wide utility easement, to be abandoned, JyinS within Lrot 9, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision, according tothe map thereof recorded in Book 2L6 at page J.91 in the offlce ofthe Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as ..s,:'l'l"iJlj1,:",. -..r' -o t\uv ,tLbIo-'..- The southwesterLy i.5 feer of saj.d Lor 9 -.S'is\)i.1'iiri$;:t-i -.- I F sj, '-\/a '-s i or' 'o.'.1 z- : h: 2Aca,r-. =;:Di "lJJYU ie:z---riDate: 7-?.q/ A-L'W- 3:i:,:33';1""'8{i"1li[$:'" EA.SEMts\TI IO REMAIN fl)R E)CISTII\G FACTLITIES EASB{N$I IIO BE q.IIT CIAIMED l I I I't I I \ \ \/r llFtvEsr' @MMUN\CAI?O "S @ lorn ol'vrLlOonnunlty Dcvclopnont DcBrrtncnt ff ff**:;s#:*$lrorrur-Jfi*lf ;:'rurn il['$f *i ;f. T. d#{fi $";i'iooi"lil;*1"#f tf -ifu"ttirffFi" I &uYt!lSICJ(' t rt,tlncH{. lAtr|'otroT IB .tsa ,Lo SlncerqJy, f#-z..fuaou*t/ Eca lrrrnrn ilfi:"filltns r,tana€or I OcI VACATION AND ABANDONI'IENT OT' EASM4ENT This vacation and abandonnent of this 2b day of 5u\ ( the I'Easement Liserrt' , l3gI ,ov and Mr. & Mrs. IVHEREASTa certain easernent on the recorded plat Gore Creek subdivlsion nore fully described on Exhi.bi-t t?Art attached hereto and incorporated hereln by reference (the trEasementrr), is curently encunbering a certain parcel of real estate (the ttPropertytr) more fully descri-bed as follows: Lot 9 Gore Creek Subdi-vlsj-on Town of Vail, County of Eagle, Colorado and Ll 1i/IIEREAS, the easenent allows the Easement User the use thereof for the construction, maintenance, and reconstruction of transmission or distri-bution or systens to provide services by the utility and WHEREAS, the Easement is not presently used for such construction, Maintenancer ard reconstruction of actual services and systensr and IIHEREAS, neither the Owner nor the Easernent User realize any beneficial use in allowing the easement to renain; WHEREAS, the Easenent User and Owner covenant and agree as followe: 'l . The Easement User, on behalf of itselfr its successors and assigns, by this instrunent hereby forever abandons, vacates, releases arrd terninates the easenent and hereby conveys all the rlght, titlet interest in and to the easement to the Owner. 2. The Owner hereby accepts and ratifies the vacation, abandon- nent, release, ternination and grant of the easement. 3. This vacation sha11 be bindin8 upon and inure to the benefit of the Easement User and of the Owner and their respective successors and assigns. EXECUTED ON THE DATE AND YEAR T'IRST ABOVE WRITTEN. EEFTTAIIE nlRfEvlsloN P-,O' Box 439 Ilfzt0 Metcalt RG a utility easenent is nade l-ler'tr.q1 Cnc,cEvr3rol) Paul Helt{an ( the r'Ownerrr) . horized Signature) o Property Description EXHIBIT A o Part of a fifteen foot wide utility easenent, to be abandoned. lyittS within l"ot 9, Btrock.-l r Gore4reek Subdivision, according to--the naO thefeOf rer:crrdod i n Rzr^lr 91 E at- Drrra 'l (r1 i n lha a€€i ^^ ^.Fthe Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recofollows: The southwesterly 15 feet of said Lot 9. Date: 7?-?/ Stan llog Colorado P. SCALEI l": 40' p thereof recorded in Book 2L6 at page 191 in...the office of ilt. county, cotorado, clerk and Recor$e$ti:fldg.fJ,]bed as STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OT'EAGIE ) ) €6. The foregolng 44 , asv of ,F.,JfrLtvMor lnstrunent was acknowledged before ne thls a Colorado Wltaess ny hand and offlcial seal. My connission explres Address corporatlon. o Project Application ,"" /y'u, Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and /0. Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: 4 Legal Description: Lot / Block ,u,nn Gor( Oo*: , zon" Z'Fam,/al Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded 6u. brnb h... /a/ lbrr",4/rz ,"" T/lft/ D ISA PPF OVALAPPBOVA L Summary: E Statt Approval It DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA JttlY 3, 1991 3:00 P.M-REi\rrsED 7 /319L SITE VISITS 1 :00 P.M. AGENDA 1. 1 Mindltn - 800 Potato Patcb Drive2 EiJ'lslde Condo. - 1819-1839 Meador Ridge Road3 Stork - 2605 Davos Trail4 llannotb Video - 1029 S Frontage Rd../Cascade Crossing5 Vail Glo Lodge - 701 w6st Lionghead Circle6 Gateray Plaza - 12 Vail Road? Vail Road Sidewalk - S. Frontage Road to t't€adov DriveI }fillow Bridge - Located on Ttillow Brldge Road, betreentbe Village Canter Condominiums and the Sitznark Lodge9 Snor Dunp, Town of, Vail - 1289 vail Valley Drive10 Kaiser/Eall - {916 rfuniper Lane11 Eeinan Resid. - 513{ Grouge Lane Stork - Addition of secondary unitgarage. 2605 Davos Trail/Lot 23, MOTION: George Lamb SECOND:VOTE: 5-0 Consent Approval . over the existing MM Block B, Vail Ridge Pat Herrington 2. Willow Bridge - Replacement of existing structure. MM Located on WiLlow Bridge Road, between the ViIIage Cent.er Condominiums and the Sitzmark Lodge. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-0 TABLED TO {'ULY 17TH MEEIING 3. Gateway PLaza - Vail Road sidewalk (east side) ,nodifications to approved plans. 12 Vail Road/Lot N' Block 5D, Vail Village lst MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-0 Approved with conditions. AKVail Road Sidewalk, west Frontage Road to Meadow MOTION: George Lanb VOTE: 5-0 side from South Drive SECOND: Pat Herrinqton Snow Dump - Town of Vail L289 Vail va1ley Drive. located west of the Town MOTION: George Lamb VOTE: 4-0-1 AK UnpLatted parcel generally of Vail Public Works Shops SECOND: Chuck Crist. Approved. Sherry Dorvrard abstained. Super Star Studios - Appeal of a staff interpretation BR concerning the use of a display box. 263 East Gore Creek Drive/Lots C, D, E, Block 5, Vail vilLage 1st Filing MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 2-3 Motion was to uphold staff decision. Vote failed. Therefore, Super Star is pernitted to have a display box. Design Review Board defined the content of the display box as follows: Name can be I/2 sq. ft., remainder of sign for current music available. 7.Bridge Slreet Charlie's - Exterior Color Change 304 Bridge Street/Red Lion Building MOTION: Pat Herrington SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 5-0 Approved BR Breeze Ski Montaneros Lionshead ?-A Fi l i nrr4+r.r> MOTTON: TABLED Rentals - Sign Variance JK Commercial Condominium Unit #100, 64L West Circle/Part of Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead SECOND:VOTE: . t, 9. Lund - Landscape Plan 443 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd MOTION: TABLED SECOND:VOTE: 10. Hillside Condo. - Replace Retaining Wall AK 1819-1839 Meadow Ridge Road,/Lots 11-14, Buffehr Creek Subdivision MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-0 Approved with conditions. 1L. Oberlohr - Secondary unit on a lot less than 15'000 SM sq. ft. 2656 Davos Trail/Lot 3' Block 3, VaiI Ridge MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED 12. Hubcap - New Sign 143 Meadow Drive,/Crossroads Mal1 MOTION; SECOND: VOTE: TABLED TO \'ULY 17TE MEETING. L3. Kaiser/Hall - Changes to approved plan SM 4916 Juniper Lane/Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision 5th Addition MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-0 Consent Approved. L4. Timber Creek - Addition of Garage SM 2883 Kinnickinnick Road/Lot 8, Btock 4' rntermountain Swim and TennisMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABI,ED SM 15. Montaneros Condominiums, Unit #411 - 250 request BR 14641 West Lionshead CircleMOTION: SECOND: Consent Approved VOTE: 16. Manmoth Video - New Sign 1029 South Frontage Road,/Cascade CrossingMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Consent Approved L1 . Helman Residence - Addition JK 5134 Grouse Lane/Lot 9, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-0 Caru.rtApproved 18. Himelfarb/Helmering - 250 Addition lTK 4269 East Nugget Lane./Lot 4A, Resub. of Lots 10 & 11, Bighorn EstatesMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED INDEFINITELY 19. Mindlin - 250 Request JK 800 Potato Patch Drive,/Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-0 Approved 20. Kimball Residence - Secondary unit on a lot fess AK than 15r000 sq. ft. 1915 west Gore Creek Drive/Lot 28, vail village West riling #2MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED .E .t( O FILT COPY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION June 24, 1991 4/, /a/7,6/ou- /J 6u'e (rc2&b - Present Chuck Gist Diana Donovan Ludwig Kurz Jim Shearcr Staff Krisun Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Shelly Mello Amber Blecker Absent Connie Knight Kathy Langenwalter Gena Whinen The public hearing was called to order at 2:15PM by Chairpenon Diana Donovan. 1. A reouest for a worksession for heieht. parkine and densifv (GRFA/common arca) vu'iances for the Sonnenalo. Part of lots K & L. Block 5-E. Vail Villaee Fint Filins/ 20 Vail Road. Apolicanr Sonnenalp Properties Planner: Andv Knudtsen Kristan Pritz explained the changes in the p'roposal from the one submitted several months previously. These included asking for variances for common area/accessory use, height and parking, instead of proposing a Special Development District. Kristan explained the issues staff believed werc imponant to discuss, and these included the proposed parking, landscaping, employee housing, and a stream walk. At the conclusion of Kristan's prcsentation, Jay Peterson, the applicant's representative, further explained the proposal. Regarding the parking, Jay indicated applicants were working with the staff to reach a compromise between the number of spaces provided and interior landscaping. The height variance was being requested in order to accommodate "chillers," a form of cooling for the (x)ms, in an enclosed area of the roof to most effectively ssneen the bulk and noise from the units. Jay presented applicant's position that a 35% allowance for common area in r l0O% ldge project was not sufficisnt. A first-class facility would usually have a greater demand for iommon area. He indicated that the GRFA for the project was actually below that which was permitted for the site. Regarding staffs stream walk recommendation, Jay pointed out that it was a study area, and not a concept specifrcally designated in the Land Use Plan. He stated it was valid, however, to ensure that the project was not developed in such a way as to prohibit funre sream walk development, and the proposal did not prevent such development. Staff s recommendations had included exploring the provision of employee housing with this proposal. Jay pointed out that the expansion was going to only add an "dditional 10 sleeping rooms, and there would be no staff additions necessary to accommodate the redevelopment Jay also observed that the amount of additional parking required under the proposal was due to the size of the rooms. Although the rooms would still only accommdate 2 people, the size was increasing the parking space per room percentage. Jim Wear, the attomey for the Talisman Condominiums, stated the Talisman was generally in favor of the proposal, and reiterated that the stream walk should be looked at only as a study item. Kristan asked if the Talisman and Sonnenalp had solved the access easement question, and Jim replied they had, and the two generally had a good working relationship. Jim felt the easement could be resolved. Ludwig Kurz asked if some of the outside dining area would be lost. Kristan indicated it would be partially infilled. Ken O'Brien, the Sonnenalp's architect, stated the additional space in the dining portion on the east side of King Ludwig's would make up for the loss on the dining deck. Kristan stated approximately 350 sq. ft. of the dining deck would be removed. Ludwig believed the amount of commory'accessory space was absolutely necessary for the project, and was important for thc creation of a fint class facility. He did not consider the height variance to be much of a problem, as it was a trade off for better concealing the chillers. He did question if the chillen would create a sound nuisance. Ken answered they would not, as the sound would be directed upward. Ludwig suggested that with the efficiency of parking the Sonnenalp was able to maintain through strict controls, the shorfall was acceptable, especially in light of staffs study finding the actual usage of the lot to be less than 1007o. He recommended additional landscaping be substituted for some of the parking. Ludwig was hopeful the project would not neglect On possibility of a compatible future s6eam walk. He believed a stream walk would enhance the Sonnenalp's guests' experience. He recommended the developer continue to consider the option. Addressing the overall landscaping of the proposal, Ludwig believed some areas of the pdect could be improved. He specifically cited that the railroad ties could be rcmoved in existing planter areas, particularly at the Meadow Drive bus stop. 2 Ludwig Kurz asked how the proposed new gsrage would help the use. Mr. Schofield stated it would eliminate one car ftom thc driveway. Jim Shearer questioned how many of the similar driveways viewed in the phoographs were also in the road easemenl Mr. Schofield indicated all were. Kristan Priu said she was not sure that was corr€ct, as the photographs showed many different options for a turnaround, and she believed they werc not similar to the situation at hand. Jim stated he supporrted the cntirs proposal, with the exception of the driveway. He thought Ore additional pavement would hurt the "curb appeal' of thc property, hated to losc the landscaping, and would prcfer a walk wall to thc timber stcps. Mrs. Schofreld answered they had originally proposcd stone, but the DRB had changed it to timber to better fit in witlt Otc neighborhood" Diana Donovan also wankd to see stone. However, ttre DRB had the final say. Diana had no problem with the garage variance, but had difficulties with the drive. Iohn Schofield asked if she had an altemativi for the drive. Diana was not sure, but she pointed out many other homes in this area have back-out driveways. She did conclude, however, that the Mugo pines should be moved to help sight access. Shelly Mello suggesEd cutting back the corner arpa to incr,easc visibility. Diana thought that pcrhaps an angle to widen the access. She suggested working the details out with staff. Kristan agreed to work with the applicant as well as the Town Engineer to determine an accePtable driveway plan. Chuck Gist moved to apprcve the request for a front setback variance for the Schofield Residence, I.ot 18, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing/1448 Vail Valley Drive per the staff memo, with the findings as indicated in the memo. Jim Shearcr secondcd the motion. It was unanimously approved, 44. Shelly Mello gave the staff presentation of the request. She indicated there was one connection, and that was the dwelling would remain a single family residence. She cxplained the reason for the requesrcd variance was to incr€ase in the existing non-conformity witft regard to setbacks. Staff rccommended approval of the rcqucst, with the condition that the utility easement be vacated bcforc a building pcrmit was issued. Sam Sterling represenrcd applicants. He indicated there appeared to be an error in the GRFA numbcrs indicarcd in the memos, those discrcpancies being GRFA figurcs and that after further cvaluation, only 7 trees would bc rcmovcd- Staff noad the corrccted figurcs fu the frle. Ludwig Kurz suggested moving some of the trees near the utility easement instead of cutting them down. Mr. Sterling said applicants would be agrccable to moving them to the southwest corner of the lot. Diana Donovan asked that new rees be planted to help keep the building addition hidden. Mike Mollica asked that a general range of numbers for the tnees be indicated to glve the Design Review Board a direction. Chuck Crist suggested 3-5 evergreens. Diana expandcd that suggestion to state that natural-looking trees should be used to replace the cxisting. Sam Sterling stated nanml-gnrwn trees would be used. Ludwig Kurz moved to approve the request for a side setback variance in o'rder to expand the single family residence located within the 2-Family Residcntial Zone Disrict, Irt 9, Block 1, Gore Cheek SuMivisiod5l34 Grouse Lane per the staff memo, with the conditions stated in the memo, and an additional condition that 3-5 lodgepolc pines be planed in the southwest corner of the lot. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. It passed unanimously, 4-0. After a five minute recess, the Commission reconvened. 4. A reouest for a maior amendment to Special Development District No. 6. Vail Villaee Inn. 100 East Meadow Drive. Lot O. Block 5-D. Vail Villaee Fint Filine. Applicant Josef Staufer Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica explained the changes made to the proposal since the previous PEC worksession. Staff recommended approval, with the conditions listcd in staff's memo. Overall, staff found positive changes and improvement in the submittal from the previous viewing. The applicant, Josef Staufer, said he had come away from the worksession with two major issues from the Planning Commission. The frnt was the architectural compatibility of the entire project, and the second was the amount of parking provided. In response to those concems, he had amended the proposal to change the roof of the Pancake House to blend with the east building, adding approximately $1m,000 to the price of fte project. He had also ensured that I parking space was added for every new unit proposed- If the Planning Commissioners wantcd more parking, therc were 16 spaces on ttre bench between thc Food and Deli and the Gateway Plaza which could be converted back to parking. From the worksession, however, Mr. Staufer had gonen the opinion that staff and the PEC would prefer landscaping in that location. If landscaping werc placed on that bench, Mr. Staufer would rcquest a "crcdit" for those lost spaces. On the employee housing issue, Mr. Staufer stated the YVI ranges from 30 to 40 employees. To accommodate thosc employees, the hotel ran a private bus from l-eadville/Red Cliff. They also purchased bus passes for those employees living in Avon/Eaglc-Vail. They have assisted with loans for down payments of homes in certain instances, and outright own two units locally. The WI ensures all employees have accommodations. If they are unable to find housing for an cmployee, they have made rooms in ttre hotel available when necessary. The N\e^,ttoo TO:, FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Deparfiient June 24, 1991 A request for a side setback variance for an addition to a single family residence located within the 2-Family Residential Zone District, lat 9, Block 1, Gore Geek Subdivision/5l34 Grouse Lane. Applicanu Paul and Joyce Heiman Planner: Jill Kammerer b( r. pEscRrprroN oF TrrE VARTANCE REouEsrEp ,/ v" / The applicant proposes to construct a two-story addition, which will providy'a connectidn between an existing free-standing garage and the existing residence. The lpplicant also prcposes to expand the single family residence into a tw,o{amilyresidenci under this r$*t{,$'^JjJlnnn f"v||\".!'-/ redevelopment proposal. The purpose of the addition is to provide more living space while the samc amount of t as the existing residence. The applicant is requesting a L ;r i,ri:.r,,r ,,' u\,,7 \r I \.,.{ (,^* }\- ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Tnning: Lot Area: r\['r i. '{_ I r'' , 'l i ,/ i 2-Family Residential .377 acres or 16,422 sq. ft. A. B. c. D. 4,742 sq. ft. 1,513 sq. ft. .,' 8r0t(!+ ftll trth Allowed: Exisring: 3,284 sq. ft. 1,471 sq. ft. Remaining: ,r$'*ct \lob Site Coverage (2OVo of otal site area): Proposed: 2,M6 sq. ft. Remaining: 838 sq. ft. E. Setbacks: Side (South)* Existing: 3'-8" Proposed: Same * Setback affected by this variance request. All other setbacks will be unaffected by this proposal. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Depasrnent recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The existing residence currently encroaches the same distance into the required setback as will the proposed addition. The adjacent properties (5128 and 5126 Grouse Lane) also have structures which encroach in their corresponding south setbacks. Because the applicant's residence already encroaches 11'-5" into the south side setback, the addition will not create a noticeable impact on the su:rounding area. Although the addition could be shifted to meet the 15' setback, the applicant has proposed the addition be constructed in this location in order to save a mature 16" circumference pine, which would need to be removed if the addition were shifted to the north. The expansion will necessitate that 9 evergreen trees be removed. Staff believes the expansion has been located in a manner that minimizes the removal of rees as much a possible. B. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve cunpatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff believes it is reasonable to qonsider {rg loc4tion ef *1s eristing rcsidence' - and garage in the side setback to be a practical difficulty, warrallilrg the 'Sqrr-esatvarlance. The applicant is requesting a variance which does not eiEeeclttre existing encroachment. This degree of relief from the srict interpretation is appropriate, and has been granted to other property owners with similar circumstances. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities' public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposed addition is located on a heavily-fieed lot, and staff does not believe the removal of the vegetation required to allow this construction to occur will negatively impact adjacent properties or the appearance of the site. The proposed addition would have no impact on any of the above criteria. The Plannine and Environmental Commission shall make the followine findings beforc srantine a variance: l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other prcpefiies classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. Thc strict interpretation or enforcement of the qpecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of othcr propenies in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of tre requested variance. Suff believes thc location of the existing home in the setback crcates a physical hardship, warranting relicf from the strict setback requirement. Staff believes approval of this variance would not be a grant of special privilege, as this type of situation has justified variances in the past. There would be no negative impacts on adjacent properties. The variance criteria cited include findings L,2,3(a, b). Statr recommends the following condition of approval: l. Prior to the issuance of a building pemdt, the applicant must vacate the existing utility easement, or a replatted utility easement shall be approved by the Town of Vail and all appropriate utility companies. c \pcdsnemos\triman.624 bw\^Ur/ 1- I,vA*ro[- 'v'nok g"\ ar'3-C ,l-a-^l 'nf\ 41lvL0 llrr|ry P, u' SCt f ffrn *cliuls ' ,Atr \ LD 1 Cp*lct ^dob d 4 foqqft(u: tru'n S+ur\, *J^. lio T#* -, Ao\.c( b' 5 a'vt<-1rtar\'e Ar ;n?D q'\-t- L] LL7{&a eA-^- ?Frro!-{ a(t xor,re.- lit' FCfu,,VJ tLL Utfifia€D- Jcr( To oJ?rama e(ma,lt EA *nt (tf,Et@ a.wtLta,.* ',rl J s.ivirfis: r--i,:ir'::' :#.; i'i;'i.:"': ; k: oF 7 J zz ! F U. rl-FE z. - J 6 6 E i 2! E U EH EIE I R* l* t!g I ri'iltt: tl !rti3t 'ltttt33 t:ic !t ol:tlr,r!t.::l ctri alt.t aat;tlgiti a:3!l.aa:.l tlrl t7 tll.l :l .t t;f E: I r!lg aat: rEr I lsIlil iJr'l il fi'a ilii IEI lllii lil Ilt!o!r!l! l T I I !I ! I a I T I II II .$ ili I|I bI ) + 5 2 I I a I !Ia I 6 E H ! II E,! I; ,f;; uj: I aiit E, ITJ s itecc <OIJF -tt-te-- rf t 3tIoio .!q:l I G, 17,1 I ,.- 444 - gA'142/v- t{,',-t 4ti&^4 t?' 32' /4.< /) "/"*-'/-/ 9"&J 4 ,,.t/.-i*-;,.- ilt-t" /p4e . (,/ 'r ,/ \s7*t231;,,1fr4{,ffi':w;,il frr-h SumoundinA properties of Helman Addltlon Gore Creek Subdtvislon Block I Lot 6 Schedule #t3B1ORonald B. Jacobs'21J4 S. Dayton Street . Denver, Colorado BOZ3I Lot I Schedule #33850Llnda C. Frled 5t24 Grouse Lane VaJ-l, Colorado 81617 Lot 8 Schedule #33851Mahalah S. Bond J21 BrazLlian Ave. PaIn City, Florlda 33480 Lot- I I,ot 9 Schedule #6876 Dennls M. -& Nancy K. Phil1lps 641 Jacana Clrcle Naples, Florlda 33942 Schedule #33995 Eugene Heller & IlIy D. Applenan 4330 E. 6th Ave. Pkwy. Denver, Colorado 80220 Vail Meadows Subdlvlslon Flling #2 Lot 8 Schedule #33606 Davtd G. Elnore" c/o Va1I Clty Corp. l lOOOt E. Evans #59CDenver, Colorado 80231 Lot 9 Schedule #33544V*rl.l Meadows r Ftling #2c/o YalI Clty Cotp. I IOOOI Er EvanC 69C Denver, Colorado 8O2t1 Surroundlng proDerties of Helnan Addltlon Gore Crsek Subdlvlslon Block t Lot 5 Schedule #33810Ronald B. Jacobs 2134 S. Dayton Street - Denver, Colorado 8OZ3t Lot T Schedule #33850tinda C. FrLed 5124 Grouse LaneValI, Colorado 81652 Lot B Schedule #33851Mahalah S. Bond J21 Brazlllan Ave. PaIn Clty, Florida 33480 Val.I Meadows Subdivlslon Etlln LOt 8 Lot 9 Schedule #6876 Dennls M. .& Nancy K. Phl-I1lps 611l Jacana Clrcle Nap1es, Florida t3942 Schedule #33996 Eugene IIelIer & ttly D. Applenan 4t3O E. 5th Ave. Pkwy. Denver, Colorado 8O22O Iot 8 Schedule #35606Davld G. Elnore. c/o VaiI Clty Corp. l l0OOl E, Evans #59CDenver, Colorado 80231 Lot 9 Schedule #3],644Vgll Meadowsr.filllng #2c/o YaAI City Co4p. l tOOOI Er Evan€ 69C Denver, Colorado 80231 Sumoundtng propertles of Heinan Addltlon Gore Creek Subdivtsion Block r Lot 5 Schedule #33810Ronald B. Jacobs 2114 S. Dayton Street - Denver, Colorado 80231 Lot 7 Schedule #33850Llnda C. Frled 5124 Grouse LaneValI, Colorado 81617 Lot 8 Schedule #33851Mahalah S. Bond J21 BtazLllan Ave.PaIn Clty, I'lorJ-da 33480 Vall Meadows Subdirdslon Etlln Lot-I Lot P Schedule #6876 Dennls M. & Nancy K. Phlltips64t Jacana Clrcle Naples, Florlda 33942 Schedule #33996 Eugene HeIIer & tily D. Applenan 4330 E. 5th Ave. Pkwy. Denver, Colorado 8OZA0 Vail Meadows Subdivielon T1linE #2 Lot 8 Schedule #33606Davld G. Elnore- c/o Vall City Corp.1l000t E. Evans #69CDenver, Colorado 80231 Lot 9 Schedule #33644V,all: Meadowe r,Elling #2c,/o Va1l Clty Cofp. l lO0Ol Er EvanE 69C Denver, Colorado 80231 Sumoundlng proDertLes of Helman Addltlon Gore Creek Subdlvlslon Block t Lot 5 Schedule #33810Ronald B. Jacobs 2134 S. Dayton Street - Denver, Colorado 8OZ3t Lot 7 Schedule #338rOLlnda C. FrLed 5124 Grouse Lane VaJ-I, Colorado 81612 Lot 8 Schedule #33851Mahalah S. Bond 32t B"aztllan Ave. Paln Clty, FlorLda t348O Lot 8 Schedule #6876 Dennls M. .& Nancy K. Phllllps64t .Iacana ClrcldNaples, Florlda 31942 Lot 9 Schedule #33995 Eugene Heller & tlly D. Applenan 4330 E, 6th Ave. Pkwy. Denver, Colorado 8OZ2O Lot 8 Schedule #33606Davld G. Elnore. c/o ValI Ctty Corp. r t000t E. Evane #59CDenver, Colorado 80231 Lot 9 Schedule #33644 V;a1I Meadower Rll-lng #2c/o 1'lal-]- Clty Corp. I IOOOI Er Evan9 59C Denver, Colorado 80231 )K =)ru- ^fr,r,,, ,-,Q "f/.t 1* fl"pJA PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of VaiI wiII hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.65.050 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on,June 24, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Tobtn of VaiI Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for review of the Vail Streetscape Master Plan forfornal recommendation to the Town Council. The Master Plan addresses the general area from E. Lionshead Cir. to Ford Park, and includes W. Meadow Dr., E. Meadow Dr., Willow Bridge Rd., Gore Creek Dr., Vail Valley Dr., Bridge St.' and Hanson Ranch Rd.Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Mike Mollica 2. A request for a front setback variance for t.he Schofield residence, Lot 18, Block 3, Vail- Val1ey 1st Filing/1448 vail VaIIey Drive.Applicant: John SchofieldPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 3. Discussion of site selection for the Municipal Complex- Worksession Town Staff: Ken Hughey, Kristan Pritz, Mike Mollica 4. A request for a Special Development District. A part of the sE I/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 1, Township 53, Range 81, west 6t.h Prime Meridian.Applicant: Abe L. ShapiroPlanner: Mike MoIIica 5. A request for a front setback variance for the Dick Residence, Unit 2, Tract A, Bighorn Townhouses/4?08 MeadowDrive, #2A.Applicant: Carol DickPlanner: Ji11 Kammerer 5. A request for a worksession for height, parking and density (GRFA/common area) variances for the Sonnenalp, Part of Lots K & L, BLock 5-8, Vail village' lst Filing/2O vaiJ- Road.Applicant: Sonnenalp PropertiesPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for a conditional use permit in order Lo constructa snohr dump on the property generally located west of the Town of Vail Shops. The property is more specifically described as fo]lows: That part of the North L/2 of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the 5th Principal Meridian, Eagle County' Colorado, lying north of Interstate Highway No. ?0 and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of said Section 8; thence along ,it-',tf b-/3-?t Qb the northerly line of said Section 8, S89 46'27"w a distance of 1500.00 ft; thence departing the northerly line of said Section 8, S00 23'03"W a distance of 529.86 ft to a point on the northerly ROW line of I-70; thence along the northerly ROW line of I-?0 following two courses: 1-) 575 28t L8"E a distance of 180.82 ft to a point of curvature; 2) 132'l .90 ft along the arc of a curve to the l-eft, havlng a radius of 5580.00 ft, a centraf angle of 13 38'04" and a chord which bears N89 36'34"8 L324.?0 ft distance to a point on the easterly line of said Section 8; Thence departing said ROW line of I-70 N00 23'03"8 along the easterly line of said Section 8, a dist.ance of 5'12.10 ft to the point of beginning, containinS 20.480 acres more or less. The above description is based on the Town of Vail annexation plats for the property described and is not based on a field survey. The basis of bearing for the above parcel is the northerly line of Section 8 being S89 46'27"w as shown on said annexation P1ats.Applicants: Town of Vail/Vail Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen 8. A request for a front setback variance for a garage for the Oberlohr residence, Lot 3, BLock 3, Vail Ridge Subdivision/2656 Davos Trai1, Applicant: Konrad Oberlohr Planner: Shelly Mello 9. A determination for a 60 or 90 day review period for an exterior alteration for the Gofden Peak House' Lots A & B' Block 2, YaiT Village 1st Filing/2?8 Hanson Ranch Road. Applicants: Gofden Peak House Condo. Association,' Vail Associatest GPH Partners, Ltd., and Margaritaville, Inc. Planner: Mike Moll-ica 10. A request for a side setback variance for the Heiman Residence' Lot 9, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision,/S134 Grouse Lane,Applicant: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heiman Planner: JiIl Kammerer Any items tabted from the June 10, 1991 PEC meeting agenda. The applications and infornation about the proposals are avaiLable for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of VaiI Comrnunity Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on June 8' 1991. Ronald B. Jacobs 2134 S. Dayton Streel Denver, CO 80231 Linda C, Fr'red 5124 Grouse Lane Vall, CO 81657 Mahalah S. Bond 321 Brazllian Averue Pdm City, FL 33'180 Dennls M. and Nancy K. Phillips e{l Jacana Circle Napleo, FL 3i1942 Eugsne Hell€r Llly D. Appleman ,f430 E. dh Avenue Pad<way Denwr, CO 80220 David G. Elrpre c/o VailCity Con 110001 E. Evane, #@C Denvsr, CO 80231 Vall Meadows Rllng #2 do vailcity cop 110001 E. Evans, #69C Denv€r, CO 8m31 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTTNITY DEVELOPMENT 0r 0000 41330 0r 0m041540 0l 0000 42415 1 t' ,i{r,rf, | .i ,,,:" i. "r.. i .;r. ! l'liscel I Eneor-rs f,.=h Hlj.*!19-9i i F.e,:,= r. F, t. * E1i::t:.1f, i !l':r:'-:.,urrt * a_:F. # i lir,:i5 STEE:LIt.lri Hr:rf4E5\r:uf,1 [rfr..r FiFF' FE:E Hn,run t. t L+r'lde r*d : :::jl:t . r,rL,i I tem p€id r'l I BEF_j ri 4 i ; f {r r:lljr-1 Enr:unt psid ;':L:r, ti[t ,-:11 :ri?* i-e t r-rf-rr+rj '' :, , !::ri:t -|-HF|F{}{ ar'{Jt-l \r*r,rr r::.:::hi'r' l ll[: i: / V Aht ri _:r Ft iII i ::,.i ur. rcndte! .i|or€t-,{. t ,*a u f iiid c rf, hrg{rr 6rs r{i ;r*dt( ro ct$|- ul hlPr3 )6iI+ ;. rnb c]() € I -. ': t i..l t' v f.. "4 t \i.: . t. _.j't l": + :1 ,f) ,It fl t c" r**f e :!Lr.{,; \' I' ' -t';- 2912Ac v 2 : l2 fr' 36 5 "t 4t lr ..,:t-].--r\ <-F= -_r.-a'3>r\<_ :b,?gt-sS\A \r. - -F. HF $r. - r, o ?r{loS.el *t rnt . .F ft 6 JJ<r.lc F'z0 )&<s)F$\ o\ 7 . 5.1.4. 22J 6t,1 . /o 5 2o4< // -s./i 4<. ll l,ir, t:. t.: fl { J 8l q)l 6tt-,of t2sJc4 < 20 ', "' ..1*." iv c:ffit' ,t . fsg1". t:,:" \r' '.tt *',) i ''' ,:t.i -l.:tg--^" ";*' \\{,\ , .;! t :,1 ; l{AY-3l-gl FRI 7:34!,- r P. 02 UEMOREND(n.I OF O?II-IERgHIP ACCO!,IMODATION . NO I,IASIIITY Please diroct comespondencc to! ldr. 9a"u 9terllng p.O. Box 1330Sterllng Aomes Eagle, CO g163l P.O. Bon 170 Avonl C0 81620 Order No. Descrlptlon: Lot 9, Bloch 1, GonE CREEK SITBDMSION, County of Eagl€r $tate of Colorado Grangse ln Last lnetrumenE apparently transferring ownerehJ.p: PAUL IIEII4AT.I AND .'OYCE HEII.IAT{ Ttust dEedg and nortgages Bpparently unreleaeed: NOIIE Llens and Judgm€nte (againgt lagt grantee) apparently unrelgased: NONE Other nattere affectlng subject property, There exlats a 20 foot roadray easenent acroaa the front portlon of subject property. Thls lnformatlon ls for your sols use and benef,lt and ls furnlehed ae an accornfiodatlon. fhe lnfornatlon has bBen takEn from our tsract,lndlces, wLthout refarence to, or exanlnation of, Lnstrumentg whlchput?ore to aff€ct tha real propefr,y. The inforaEtlon ts nelth€r Euaranbeed nor oertlf,iedr and ig not an Abetract of lltler Oplnlon ofTiele' nor a 6:aranty of rltle, and our liabtllty le llnLted to the anount, of the fee8. Date: uay zs) 1991 at ?:00 A.M. COLORADo TITT,E IN$URANCE AGENCY By; I,IAY-3I.SI FRI ?:34 :-. '-l-F:t v ..',.., P. 01 Colorado Title Insurance, Inc. DATEb TO; Paga I of &- pegee If you do not receive aII pages, please eaII 303-320-531L rlt Elrt 2ad 8t P.O. ld tll|tl{h Colcndo tntt @31126€.trFrx(!DtrElrsil lvoo Off,ca !2 E, Bonor Gtct Rnd t O Bor !6t0 arw corondc lto0 F0t0 t $.f06 FAX Fo!) D.$to6D r0l Mi(thnd, Strhc tlO P,O Ec 900 l||dl Coltr|do lt!21 F0!, 9tr.r05. F nF04or?.s$ May 28, 1991 To The Town of ValI Connunlty Developnent Department, Sterling Hones Inc. le requestlng a variance for the constrnctlon-of an additlon for Mr. & Mrs. Paul HeLman. The Helnans are the orJ-ginal ownere of a slngle farnlly A-frane with a detached garage built ln 1969. The original structures were bu1lt encroaching the south setback. The purpose of the addttion is to create nore llvlng apace while protlaing a nore convenient lndoor entry whlch links the e:ctstlng garage to the e:dstl-ng hone. UIe request a varlance fron setback*regUfittons to the ext6nt that the aaaltlon wont t exceed encroachneit of the existing structures. The variance nay be granted for the following reaciona: 1.) The topography of the north side of the lot wontt pernlt construction without extenslve excavatlon and regradlng. 2) fhere ientt egress for machlnery on that side followlng subslanlls! qg4struction. 3.) There is a nature l6tr plne in excellent condltlon whl-ch would be cut tf the addl-tlon were north. 4.) The adJacent propertLes, 5128 & 5t36t-have-structureswhich encroich on -thei.r com6silondlng south setbacks. 5.) Slnce the Heinans property and their nei-ghbors propertles bre so heavtly treed, vi.suil impact will be very linlted. 6.) Construction rnaterlals requested by the owner are to natch exletlng finlshes. 7,) The addltion ls designed to be an lntegral part of the dwelllng, elinninating the lnconvenlent exterior entry. Respect fully subnltted, San SterllngPresldent Sterllng Homes. Inc. \ ot.,r3'gt,r/urir(u ) DLul,-J'lit7n o?[tJ6'{ll53uJ-rro-z4ursr'{\t)ARD TETTILE ' - " - .zv r\u.uu* ,',.9.gotrr r\ -- O *{i r ttjrct DtA .ilPPEfCATfON - EO?W OF VAIIJ, DATE APPI.trCisrOlt &ECEryED! DAIE OF URb I'lbEfINc: |ltrlraltat . taIS lEflteAErou r$,:D xot EE lccEDttDEltTt! a&t, tEQEtRtD rtf?oRlqtrrotr t9 Busxrt8tDtlrrtaaiaa fr @s DEsqRrHrr oM .li4qtr rthbtiloAl, P?ot/tbMq,.fitr' EMct osED --)L aoctttcn __ conceptual RcvLrw ADDrEsss SnA q*O*" Ln. . I,EISAII DESCRIPEIONT IOt - ?aloek -l?ADuEcllvrEr.on I.j'OPE l_-4EEv If_f"ff:ftv ls_descrtbed.b.y a &eet6 tnd bounda tegaldracrl-pr,lon-r.pl6aBe.provlce on a geparate :beet anaaffiach to tlrts applicatlon. ZoNfHGr I.EX -Fani IJoll A3EA: ff raquLred, appltcanttBampsd aurvey rirouing lot area. nuet provicte a current. NAltl rC? I.FPIICANIsuaillng Phone f,r.NN.IE OF APPIJICAIFI REPRESEIITATN'E : -s1N1j-]EErcLilI (r t{ai.Addres.e: Phene :[.NAT{E OF OT{NERS! *Etdtxtlu&tr(8t s IraJ-t Phons cgndonlnlum tpproval Lf appllcabla.'qn - uroo g , .,ri E0 MAY 1 31991 g9IPRADO 4., B. trlDE Or Rt9rgett __ lfar Gonstructlon -f, utnor e,lteration c. D. E. F. jl. lK.DRB FEDT FEB AC!|EFIST ltMiurtr0N rEE $ 10.00$ z5.og@s100.00 9200.00 $300.00 ou0 wsrus)ARDTDflIE 5 I 3 -7il -nS 5 TolI Frcc: I 4&)-*9441X) .TO COMPAT.IY FA]T'I FROM NO.OFPAGES --r----_ 0 - $ 10,000L: $ 5O,OOO gEoor0ol - sl.0001000g orrer $lr ooor ooo FtaimileSlS-7t61467 : II. PRE-APPLTCATION UEETING: A pre-appllcatlon aeetlng wlth a uernber of the plat-U+1g Etief il-strongly encouriged to determine if any additlonal applicatLon lnfornatlon Ls needed. It iE the applrcantrs riiponsibtltty to nake an appointnent with the staff to determine lf there are additlonal subnittal regulrenents. Please note ttrat a couPI.ETE application wLll streanline the' approval process for your proJect. IIT. I}TPORTAIflT NOTTCE REGARDTNG ALL SUBUISSIONS TO ITIE DRB: A. Iri adclition to ueeting subnittal requirements, the appllcant uust.stake ind tape thg project Eite 30 inaicate property Ilnes, building lLnes and buildingcorhers. -AU traee to be. removed nust be taped. ALL slte taplngs and staklng nust be eonpleted prlor to the DRB sttl vlslt. The apPltcant uust ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by enow. B. The reviert Process for NEtf BUILDINGS nornally rgguires two separate ueetings of the Desigm Review Board: a concepiual approval-and a final approval. App1l'cants shoulb pfan on presenting their developnent-proposal at a rnininun of two rneetlng- before obtal'nLng fl'nal approval . c. Appllcants who fall to appear before the Deslgn Review Sbird on their scheduled-neeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on thelr iten be postponed, will have their Ltems rernoved from the DRB aocXEt until such tine as the itern has been republished. D. The following iterns nay, at the discretion of the-oning adrnlnistrator, 6i approved by the cornnunity Devel5pnent Departneirt stail (1.e. a for:nal hearing beforJthe DRB naY not be reguired): a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changes which d6 nol alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Buildinq addltion proposals not visible fron any other t5t or publil space. At the tine such a proposal I's s-ubnitted, applicants must include-letlers fron aclJacent property olrnerr and/or fron the agent for oi Dana€ter of any adjacent conooninlula issociati6n stating the association aPProves of the addition. E. If a property Ls located in a napped hazard.area (i'e' snow lvaLancie, rockfall, flood p1ain, d9lli-s flow, wetland, etc), a hazard ituOy uust be.subrnitted and the owner nust siin an affidavit-recognifiry the hazard iiirj.it-ptior-€o the issuance of a-buirling penlt' ap-pf fcairt" ire encouraged. to check with a Toltn Planner ;;i;i to ona ippiiciir"n to determine the relationship bt tne propertf to all uapped hazards' F. For all resldential conEtmction: a. clearlv indicate on ttre floor plans the lnside face oi the exterior strrrctural walls of the building; and b. Indicat6-with a daEhed ll'ne on the slte Plal ?-rour ioot distance fron tlre exterior face of the building walls or supporting colunns' c. If DRB approves the appllcatlon rrLth conditions ornodiflcatl.ons, all condltions of approval nust beresolved pr.lor to lfown Lssuance of a buildLng pemit. IV. NET' CONSTRUC'IION A. llhree copl.es of a recent topocrraphLc surwev. stamped bva lLcensed sur,revor. at a scale of Lr - ZOt or laigerr-on whlch the following infornation J.s provJ.ded: 1. Iot area. 2; Tvo foot contour lntenrals unlesE the parcel constets of 6 acres or rlore, 1n shlch case, 5lcontour intenrals may be accepted. 3. Existlng treee or groups of trees having tnmksvlth dlanetere of 4n or Dore, as Deasured fron apolnt one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcropplngs and other signlficant naturalfeatures (large boulders, intetmittent streams, etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.), centerlLne of strean or creek, required creek or etrean setback, 100-year flood plaln and slopes of 4Ot or uore, lf applicable. 6. Ties to exl.stlng benchnark, either USGS landrnarkor Bever Lnvert. This infotmation should beclearl!'stated on the sunrey so that a1l Deasurements are based on the same starting point. This ls particularly irnportant for helght ueasurernents. See PoLicy On Sun ey Information,for nore infor:mation regardJ.ng surrreys. 7. Iocations of the following: t. Size and tlpe of drainage culverts, ssales,etc. nust be shown. b. Exact locatl.on of existing utility aources and proposed serrrice lines frour their Bource to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV sewer GasTeleptrone water Electric c. Property lines - distances and bearings and a basls of bearlng must be shown. d. All easements (Tit1e report must also include existLng easement locations) 8. Existing and fLnlshed grades. 9. Provide spot elevatlons of the street, an{ a nlniuun oi one spot elevation on eitlrer side of the lot, 25 feet out from the slde property llnes. B. SLte Plan 1. Locations of the followLng: ' a. ,Prolrnsad +Jrf,ace dratnag.e on and off site. 2. t.O "topoeed driveways. p"tQrrt slope and ipot elevations uust be shown. All exlsting funprovenents Lncluding strrrctures, Iandscaped areas, se:rrice areas, storage areaB, walks, drivewaya, off-street parking, loading arear, retaining wa1ls (wtth top and botton of rall -pot elevatl.ons), and other exl'stLng site iuprovenents. Elevatl.ons of top of roof ridoes (wlth existLnq irna oroposea qra ). -Theseelevatlons and grades must be prolided I'n order for the staff to deternine building helght. A11 rldge llnes ehould be lndicated on the slte-glan. Eleiatlons for roof ridges shall also be I'ndicated on the site plan wlth corresponding fl'nished and exJ-stlng grade elevatLons. c. 3. : 4. Drlveway grades Day not exceed 8t unless approved by the Town Engineer. IgDilEg3pe-gIAD (1' - 2or or larger) - 3 coples required l. The followins Lnformatl'on nust be provided on the Iandscape plin. The location of exlstlng.4rl dlanetei oi larger trees, the location, size, spacing and tlpe (conrron and latin nane) of all extstiig and piop6sed plant naterial. All trees to be sived ana to be removed must also be indicated. The plan rnust also differentiate between existing- and proposed vegetation. 2. ConPlete the attached landscape materlals ll'st' 3. The locatlon and tlpe of existing and proposed watering systems to be enployed in-caring for plant uiteiiat following Lts Lnstallation' 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the Lnter-relation of the various developrnent proposll conponents, please- incorporate as rnuch oi ttre imvt intormition as possible onto the slte plan. Sl.qn off fron each utililv cornpanv ygrlfylnS the and availabilitY (see attached). A preliminary title report must acconplny aII- rtY ownershiP and locatlon of glt easenents on ProPertY. Architectural Plans (L/9": lt or-Iarger, .l/A-t' Ls @ ievtewl 3 coPies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and all elevations of the proposed deveiopnent. Elevatlons must show both ixiiting andl flnlshed grades' 2. One set of floor plans rnust be rrred-linedrr to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 3. Reductl'ons of all elevations and the site plan (8- jlzt x :.',r'-l for lnclusion I'n PEc and/or Town cbuncil Delnos uaY be requested {. lxtcrlor lurfenlna rf,ttrlalt and.nlt.rlal solorr NOTE: D. E. F. oEhtll be speclfled on the attilched uaterlals ll'st. Thls uaterlale llst nust be conpleted and subnltted as a part of DRB appllcation. Color chips, sldlng eanples etc. r Ehould be presented to tlre Desigm Revieu Board meeting. Zone check list (attactred) nust be completed I'f project Ls located wlthin the Single-Fanlly, Prinary/Secondaryor Duplex zone dl.strlcts. A. Auilding location(e) sith tl'es to property cotners' 1..e. distances and angles- - . G. v. H. Photos of the existlng slte and shere applicable, of adJacent structures. I. fhe Zoning Adnlnlstrator and/or DRB may reguire the subnl.eslon of aCldltional plans, drawings'speciflcations, samples and other naterl'als (l'ncluding a-node1) lf deerned necessary to determine whether a proJect vlll conply with Design Guidellnes. UINOR AIJTERATTONS TO TIIE EXIERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopment proposal may be subrnitted in lleu of the nore formal iequirenentE set forth above, prolided all inportant specificatlons for the proposal lncluding colore and naterlals to be used are subnitted. ADDTTIONS - RESTDENTTAI, OR COM!.iERCTAL A. origlnal floor plans with all specifieatlons shown' B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/8n - 1r or larger (L/4" = 1r is preferred) c. Three copies of a site plan showing existlng and proposed-consttrrction. -Indicate roof ridge elevations iritir existing and proposed grades shown underneath' D. Elevations of proposed addition- E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Specifications for all rnaterials and color sanples on materials list (attached) . At the request of the Zonlng Ad:ninistrator you nay also be required to submit: c. A statement from each utl'll'ty verifying location of serrrice and availablllty- See attached utlltty locatlon verlfication for:m. H. A site improvenent sunrey, stamped by registered professional sunreYor. I. A prelirnlnary tltle repoqt, to verify ownershlp of pr-operty, which llsts all easements' vr. Y V Y V VII. EINAILSITLPIAS once a building Bemit has been Lssued, and constnrctlon is undemay, ana Seiore the Buildlng Departnent wlll schedule a-;;G; i"ip".ii"", tr" copies oi an- Inprovement Location certificatj suwey' (ILc) stanped by a reglsiered pi"i"""f"naf-eng$reii roirst be-s'bnl.tted. The following-infonation Dust be provlded on the ILC: BuB. a !ions to the nearest o tenth F. A11 property pl'ns are to be either stated on LnProvenent survey. c. AIi easeaents. H. Bulldlng floor elevations and allsith exLstlng and propoeed grades llnes. VIII.W o ildlnE dl.nene c. All utlllty senrice llne as-buLlts, showl'ng t-Ype of Daterlal uled, and sl'ze and exact location of lines' D. Drainage as-builtE. E. Basls of bearLng to tle to section corner. of a foot. found or set and roof ridge elevations shown under the ridge A. Subml.ttal requlrernente: 'llhe owner or autlrorl.zed agent @ deslgm approval as.prescribed by this-chipter uiy suift plins ior conceptual review ll ttre Destln Revi6w Board to the Depart'nent of c6t"nntti o5velopnent. The conceptual revlew is Lntended-to-sivJthe appllcant a LaEic understanding of tf,e -ornpattbillty of tiretr proposal.with the Townrs o-sign Guldellnei. rtrle procedure I's recoumended piftiiffv for applicatLonE nore complex than single- ianity a-na two-ilnily resldences. However, developers "i-"ii,eit_fan11y and-two-fgnily projects Ehall not be excluded trcin tie opportunity !o request a conceptual aEtig"-i.rt"r. Corrliete applicattons roust be subnitted 10 diys prior to a lcheduled DRB neeting' The following infornation shall be subnitted for a conceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a mininun scale oi one inch equals twenty feett 2. conceptual elevations ehowl'ng exterior.materials and a a"".tiptfon of ttre chaiacter of the proposed structure or Etructuresi 3. Suf ficient I'nfomatlon to show the proposal "Jtpife= with the developnent standards of the zon-e district ln which the proJect ie to be located- (i.e. GRFA, Eite coverige calculations' nunber of Parklng tPaces, etc'); 4. comPleted DRB apPlication form' B. Procedufe: UPon recelnt o9- an appllcatLon-for conceffil ae-sign-ilv-iiw, gfre Oeplrtnent of Connrunity Oevelbpnent sfrait review-the subnitted naterials for Eeneral ""rpiri".e-sith the approprlate requLrenents of Ert'j-"""i"g b"a.- rf the prop-osa1 ls ln basic J-iitpriinc6 sftrr the zoning-code reguirenents' the pioiect srraii-le ionraraei to ttre Dns for conceptual revlew. Ii-tG-apPiication is not generally in "onpiia""e with z-o-ntng code requirements' the ;ilirati""-i"a iulnr€tar mateilals shall be returned €6-tt" appii.Ei"t-wrin a written explanation as to why the Corornu"ily-il"""fofn9nt Departnent :Ffl^las found ttre pio:ect irot to bE ln conlriance.with-zoning code r"+rii"ietttsl--once a conplele application las been received,theDRBehallrlviewt-hesubnlttedconceptualrevles appifcatton and supporting uaterial ln order to determlne whether or not ttri-pfoiect lc-nerallv couplles t' I rlth tlre deslgm EruLdell'nes. Ttte DRB does not vote on con"epiuat reileis. Ttre property. owner or his ;;;;;;aitrve Eharl le piesent lt ttre DRB hearlns' NN,IE oF Pewncrz l/zfiina hoNflol'l LEGAIJ DESCRrsrroX: fOt-?- BIOCK Jl- suBDMsIov Goree Cteggf sTREET ADDREss: 5lq4 Gaowe LL/, DESCRIPTION OF PROJECIS TYPE#7A. Tbe followlng lnfotnatlon Ls Revl.ew Board before a fl.nal BUII,DING }IATERIAI,S : Roof Siding Other Wall l{aterLals Fascia Soffits I{indows t{indow Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Ral-Is FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash BnclosureE Greenhouses Other requl.red for subnittal to the appioval can be glven: OF UATERIAL MO|V*I GOt R Snnces NOM€ B.I.A}IDSCAPING:Name of DesLgner: Phone: Botanl-ca1 Name wouE Comnon Name gUeglitJ Size* ./a.lrrasa Pti ! /n' utt2/o' gfgrcqn nnt PI,AI{T I{ATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES Yi# viNEXISTING TREES TO BE REUO\IED for declduous trees. 7 .1 tI t II , ll ,f &gf/ k<l ds/ 55' ax6 ReDwaah *Indicate callper UiDiEuE-cE l-lBer' f er. ohel conLferous BotanLcal Nane Ca@gn-UgE ouantl.tv Size* proposed shrubs. Uinl-rnum size of shrubs iE TvDe Scuare Footaqe PIANI UATERIALST: PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SITRUBS TO BE REI-IOVED *Indicate eize of5 qallon. GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Kvlvorr To asrrrvt Dru+ilftGe c. oTHER LAI{DSCAPE FEATTRES (retaining walls, fences, sylgn}ng poola, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heiglts of retaining ;;it;: iiiin--rrefgnr-or wirts wlhin the-front eetback ls 3 feet. Uaxiuun height of nalls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. 8 ,,' 1. I ZONE CHECK FOR 8FR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRTCIS DATE: I.EGAL DESCRIPTTON:roE-_l_Block / rtrtng Gone 4ee4 ADDRESS! --ARcttrrEcr Dtn )rKttilk PHoNE qHq-Alqz ZONE DISTRTCI PROPOSED USE 'ot 6,, 76rA', SZt6,, -fiJa- '.3AO r31q "6,61 201 15r 15 1 (30) (50) - Ndr EfrdflD - Nor 3"|X{ NorvE Mlrt ,/4 Nl,+ Mft 3t /61 -,,Beqrd(300) (600) (e00) Peraitted Slope (1200)_ -]Bl- Actual Slope uln tvl+i/* Date approved by Town Engineer: 1l Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologl.c Hazards Nlfr a) snow Avalanche lt ^M/(l b) Rockrall ll// f.l c) Debrls Flow -I 4) l{etlands 250 Addltion? ^laaitlon is useET[Eil6is requeet? ror srzr 1611^7 F tlelght Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear SetbackWater Course Site Coverage Landscaping Mott{ Retalnl.ng Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drl.ve: Envl.ronmental/Ila z ards : Does thl.s reguest tnvolve a Hou nuch of the allowed 250 Allowed (30) (33) 38e3+ (850) (42s) Existina Proposed Total COMPAI{Y FN(# FROM Il. III. u5 / 2g eJ { J 7.,i gg - --314ry{lr,i|u NO.OFPAGES - 'Facsinile 5Ii-7614467 Thls FmcedurE lsttlll not be rccepted untll A. IIAIIE gF IIAI{E OF APPLISAI{T'S I{NIE OF D.LOCATIOI{ OF PROPO5AL ADDRESS LEGAL DE3CRIFTIOT{ f aEo€ B.FEE .S+Tf PAIq The effeet of the tar{ane T}IE APPLICAITT HILL BE t1,i : ' A PRE-APPLICATIoH CoNtERt!{cE! }ltllt! PLEA5E ilorE rHAr A eot|?LEE TFJ-LJS idfi-FnoiEcr ar ueiFffitq uql nno exvinon!{El{TAl C0tttl$!!08 t{4r.! lor+liro'ttITH BEFonE A EuILEuq Pl i..: FouR (4) GoPIEs 0F rHE F0LL0HIHEiHI BE SUB}iITfEDI A. A IIRI?TSI STAT$|ET OF irEautmrou il{tlolvED.i;'i 1. The rslatlonshlF of ithe-rtr useg tnd StructurPs rln EDE The deErEe ?o -trhicn ;+ttel T}IT FEE HUST BE PAID sEFOFE TTIE YOUR, PROPOSAL. i t llst of the nrreg of oitnirs t INCLTJDINC PRoPERIY BEHU{D tt'IB ! iiiTori&'ent of a -sPeelfiedilia unitoruity of tEErtEn iiiiecttves of thls tltle tr a E. C. F. F r'! .! 3. transportatlsnr traffic rt 'l al f1'r *! *G