HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 1 UNIT 1B LEGALTOWNOF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 nG479-2138 ft NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M064221 Job Address: 5026 MAIN GORE DR NORTH VAIL Status . . . : ISSITED Location.....: 5026 MAIN GORE #l Applied . . : 0811812ffi Parcel No...: 2@9182ffi1 Iszued. . : 0812512006 Irgal Descripion: Expires . .: A2l2ll2007 Project No : owNER RAIIIEIISTRAUS, ROLAIID e. & WI08/L8/2O06 PO BOX s5 LOUISVILI-,E co 80027-0055 APPIJICANI JERRY SIBIJEY PIJITMBING 08/L8/2006 Phone: 970-827-5735 P.O. Box 340 Minturn co 81545 I-,icense: 152-M coNTRAeTOR JERRY SIBL,EY PLITMBING 08/]-8/2006 Phone: 970-A27-5736 P.O. Box 340 Minturn co 81645 Lricense:152-M Desciption: REPLACE BOILER AND WATER HEATER Valuation: $1,134.00 Ftephc€ Infornution: Resricted:# of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofcas lrgs: 0 #of Wood Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-- > ${0 . 00 Rcsnrarant Plan Review- > $0. oo Total Calculated Fecs- > $53 . 00 PLan Check*-> 5L0.00 TOTAL FEES--.------> 553.00 Additional Fecs----- > S0.00 Investigation- > $o.00 Tota Permit Fee----> $53.00 wiu cdl--- >s3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPME-NT '3\K i Ciz'.-r(-r-^^-\'- il("-"Ittto s Peym s---------> $s3 .00 BAI.ANCE DLIB.._.-. >$0.00 Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARII4EMI oe/22/2o06 jplano Action: AP Supply outsgide cornbustion air and floor drain ITeM: 05600 FIFJ DEPARI.I{E}IT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPITIA}ICE. Cond: 22 (BIrDG. ) : COTIBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CITAPTER 7 OF TIIE 2003 IMC AIID SECTION 304 OF TIIE 2003 rFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIIT. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTAL,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANIIFACTURER'S fNSTRUCTfONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 2OO3 IMC. Coad: 25 (BL,DG.): GAS APPIJIAI{CES SIAITL, BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF TIIE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BIJDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECHAIIICAI EOUIPMEIfI MUST COMPLY WITII CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOILERS SHAI,L BE MOITMIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBTE CONST. I]NLESS IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI-'E FIOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PIJANS AIID CODE AT.IALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SIIAIJL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTIIER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF ITIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tlut I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accruate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Builditrg and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIjR HOI,JRS IN ADV PM. OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET frtf*t**++*lt*l"i*l*+**llf'ilt*t}**ri'lrl+t*l++*'i***'i**a+{r*+lt**t+lfl*'}**l+t*{r****++a*'r*t**t+**{r*f+l+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemcnt **l**,1*++'il'****+++i*{.*{'*'t*l+*****'}*l+**'t'tr**********'t{'f*t***'}'}t't*+***'}'}'t't+***r*****+****1"}*** Statement Number: R050001300 Amount: Ss3.00 oe/25/200602:50 pM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DDG NotaEion: rlerry Sib1ey Plunbing 31066 Permit No: YtO6-0221 Tlpe: MECHANICA! PERMIT Parcel No: 2099-182 - 0600-1 Site Addrege: 5026 MAIN GORB DR NORTH VAIL Location: 5025 Ii{AfN GIORE #1 Total Feee: S53 .00 This Paynent: $53,00 Total ALL pmts: 953.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOI,JNT ITEM UST: Account Code Description Current hrtg MP 00100003111100 MECItAtlrCAr., PERMTT FBES 40.00 PF 00100003112300 PIJAI{ CTIECK FBES 10.00 WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJJ CAIJIJ INSPEETION FEE 3.OO 08/L7/2006 10:49 FAI 5708276251 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vall, @lorado 81657 @ oor APPUCATION WILL NOT EE ACCEPTED tF I]{OOMPLEIE OR U]TSIGI{ED TOVPttdst#: e, O-47 9-2149 (InepccUone) c! Mechanlcal Rofii Dimenionso Combuetion Ail Duct Slzs and locadon o Flue, v€ntand Gas Um Siaand location o Heat tpss Cal6.o EquipmcntCut/SgecSheetr lvtob-oaal Buifdfng Fatmit #=- lrtechanlcel Pcrmlt *: FF06'-E9 t 5?' Jerry Slbley PIbnB INC Permit wlll not bc aocepted withouttfiefollowlng: Provldr Mechanlcal Room layout dr?wn to ccale to Includs: 927-,S7,rh MECHANICAL: il 134- at Parcel # JaTl /plo 6eal rou na'e7* ul.n) s6n^-,,-s JobAddl€ss: ,/ ti6f6-Vlc"'il C-n*-' #f Legal Description ll l-ot ll ebac I Flling:Subdlvision: ru fladdrcss:Phonc: .- tu ffidiuon( ) Arteraoon( r-EpI{ga Other ( ) fyp.orAUo, Snolehmlly( I Oupfet( ) lau|&htlvt(t Cott*ltl( ) R.rt,"*t( ) trt t( ) No. of ExlsUng Dweltlng Unlts in thls bulldlng: /No, dAcommodation Unlts In thls bulldlm: : Nofr1,pe of F,€p{a*s prop@ wood/Pdlet ( ) Wood Buming (NorAuowED) t l No( ) *:trt rtirt ***rr*rrrr*********++*l* *r** * **rI* {. rt:t * *rf *r* * rt r# tlr:l:f :}:} F:\cdEV\RIRFrS\Permhs\BulHlng\mcchillcal-petmlt-l 1-23-2005. DOC 1U33l20s E oozqE/L|/2006 10:49 FaI 5708275214 J€rry Slbley PID!t INC Office GoPY AOC-6ZZl btxoPoFrt e'f-' L k g= -r. .P Sfq--. +--Foc^ ; b-.dFL ONo-\ F<F * \ rFfrr gid q aLj *'r$d'-{ tz 6 c. pts e S- €*YiT& \. q8/17/2008 10:4S FAI 5708275291 Okndulqrr rlF\,'li ln trdpo. Jerry slbley Plbae INC I I Et oos 20Industrhl VlAy, Rpche*er. NH 01867 ' 603,335.6300 ' Fq 603.33!.!!55 1355 l(.lchne Drlve, Slmi \All!y, CA t3o6! ' gOO.t00,?276 ' Fu t00,53?' lSdl (5r, Scnde) ,t80 S, S.rvic. Rd, V\r.rr. O.kvlll.. O.rcrr1o, crnrds L6K ZHt ' 90514{.O33 ' Fa 905.0+t 1635 Din|f|rioff thorn ln |tldr.t crrl TAAP'g flodfng Syzban CcrllPcnlY AaubJd yoltf,atFlr,D lff'f Co,pt licn O |n Elturnf () PRV @ rree.ug" Top Jw Jvs Slzc Dirnrtionr YVbtrr Conn. m. Grs Conn. in. Applox. \ bitht lhr. k A indrrs crr B indres cm c indr.s Cm D indros cm E lndres cm F lndrer cm v lnchcr arn 50 t3an 34 27-314 7l 23-il4 60 21.3/4 55 26-lz 67 846 410 t"l4 tn 1n 51 75 t3-318 34 27-314 7t 2+ll8 6l zt-y4 55 27-n70 e$5 t3 l4 n 26 37 t00 t6-TB 13 u-3t4 73 z+rB 6t Tl-3t4 ss 27-l2 70 s16 513 t4 tn 34 6t 12s t6-718 ,t3 2&311 73 2t-518 60 72-rl4 58 27.t2 70 846 6'5 11 tlz 38 63 r60 20.3/8 J2 2U3t4 73 23-'lg 60 22-114 58 z7-lz 70 616 6'5 .l ltr v2 64 7,t 225 25-sl8 6s lt-tl2 80 23"tfr 59 2+3t4 63 27-n70 20 5'It8 -v4 n 8f 82 Jvr{ Sizr Dimenslons V'\her Conn. lndrsr GBs Conn. lndre Approx Wblghr lba le. A h|rc cm B hdr€s cm c indtrl cm t(,3-3/E 34 t-tld 8 L7l8 7 .U4 W 160 73 7S 3.3/S t4 +v4 l,z s "v4 v2 f55 75 100 6.718 13 s-!/4 t5 2-7iE 7 14 vz f80 82 125 6.719 13 HNH 2 J t4 tn f85 u t50 m.3ig 52 7-v1 ,8 2 5 l4 tn 2r0 9o tL'25-s/6 6s l0 z5 2 J l1 t12 tE 102 wv*.Lop,n.wn Urfrc h U€,4 O l||n FalE ry...i o!f, D6off ld*l q$/fi/2006 10:{9 FAI 97082162c4 Jerry slbley PIbDB INc (50 & 75), but offer energy saving "tow/High" firing for slzes 100, . 125, 160 & 225. The advantage is [0 ool Extremely popular wlth homeowners, JVT & J\6 models offer a ncvv attractive and easy-to- service jacket. Well-known for their economy, both models come with a built-ln draft diverter and automatic vent damper to stop your valuable fuel paymcnts frsm disappearing up the chimney in wasted heat. JW-standing pilot ignition models use slngle.stage, ory'off firing modes for all six slzes. JVS.spark ignition models also use ths ory' off mode for the two smaller sizes that Z-staEe firing allwvs the unit to match the heating load requlrement, reducing short- cycling in homes that have small heating zones that don't require the full boiler capacity... another way to save energy. tW & tUl9Fec'rutese . Standing pilot (JW) or lntermittent spark (JVS) ignition . Up to E4.47o AFUE Single stage oryoff & z-stage firing modes Sleek jacket removes,easily for qulcker serulce J\tr Jvs $z€ Inpul Jw Firing Modc I Firing Mode Heat Capaclsy Nct IBR tm AFUE % Jvs AFUE % ETU/h x 1000 kw BTU/h x 1000 kw BTU/h x 1000 kw 50 50 ,4.6 On/Ofr odorf 42 t2.3 t6.5 10.7 w,2 4.4 75 7S 2t.9 Orr'otf OrVOff 63 ,8.5 5.{.6 t6, I E0.5 u.o t00 t00 29.t On/Off 2-Sege u 21.6 73.0 zt.1 80.7 82.0 t25 r25 36.6 Or/Of Z-StaCe t05 J0.8 9 t.3 26.8 80.7 8t,9 t@ t60 16.8 On/Off 2-Steg.l3,t 393 | 16.9 34.3 8t.0 80.2 225 2j25 65.0 Orr/Ofr 2-Staga 189 s5.1 t64.t .16, I Et.5 6t,6 Mini-Therm JVH uses an H.5.1. (hot sudace ignition systern) to op€rate all six sizes in single- stage, on/offfiring modes- The boiler is equipped with a draft blower that permits slde-wall or chimney venting. Compact models are also easy to install, opeftile and maintaln. NII Fcotutes . Hot sudace ignition system ' Up to 83% AFUE . Single-stage oiloff firing mode . Induced draft rystem with gravity operated vent damper JVH Stse Input Firln! Mod€ l'le* Crpedry Nrt lBR AFUE EoBTU/hx 1000 kW ETU/hx 1000 kW BTU/hx 1(X)0 kW 50 50 t4.6 odofi 41.5 tz.t 36.1 t0J 63.{ 7S 75 zt.9 ortoff 62.3 t8,2 54.2 t5.8 83.2 t00 100 29,,On/Off e2 21 72,6 2t.3 8L1 125 t2s 36,6 On/Off t02,5 30 s9.6 ?l-7 82.t1 t60 t60 16.8 On/Off t 3 L2 t8,,1 I l,t. | 33.4 823 TE 225 65,9 On/Ofi 18r.5 s1 150.a 16.9 eul ,'l 9.91-61-3000 lnspec$lrT FedtuF?t Rtporting eage tt Requestgd lnspect Dat€: JhuFday, Septemb€r 21, 2006 Inspeclion Area: CG Slte Address: 5026 MAIN GORE DR NORTH VAIL 5026 MA]N GORE #1 A/P/D Informatlon Activitv: M06-0221 Tvoe: B-MECHConstTvo6: Occuoahbv:Ortier: MUTENSTMUS. ROLANID C.& WILLIE D. UMBING/ Chuck 827-5736 Time Exp: -f SubTvoe: AMF Status: ISSUEDU'se: Insp Area: CG Phone: 970-827-5736 Phone: 970-827-5736 Requeeted Time: 09:00 AM- Phone: 970-827-5736 Entered By: LTILLMAN K NG NG WATER HEATER Roouested lnspection(s) &/.*/" T^rl.Jfl0 ( -ao ,/(, 3o ??,1-r736 \-^ / 777+zo7 REPTl31 Run Id: 5685 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Cornmunity Devdopment 75 South ftontage Roa4 Vail, Cobado 81557 teh 970.479.2139 ray.; 970.1n.2452 web: www.ci.vall.co.us Prctect Name: Rautenstraus Deck Remodel DRB t{umber: DR8010182 PrciGct DccriPtion: RebuiH deck, replace deck mils Partlclpants: OWNER MUTENSTMU$ROLANDC-e'W10710212fl)l Phone: PO BOX 55 LOUIsVILIE CO 80027-0055 License: APPUCANT -Iim Hamilton 071021200L Phone: 303-28G1204 5525 E 130m St.. Thomton, CO License: Project Addresc: 5026 MAIN GORE DR NORTH VAIL Location: 5006 Gore Creek Drive Unit 1, Bldg. B Legal Descriptlon: I'd: Block: 5 Subdlvisaon: GORE CREEK CONDO Parcel l{umber: 209918206ffi1 Crmments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actbn: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: D.b of APPToYI|: 07lO2l20/)L CondiUons: Cond:8 (pLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprhte ra'iew commitee(s). @nd:0 (pl-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with iown of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: CONfiD'1851 That the niling design, color and materiab match the neBhboring front deck Pllnner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fec PaH: l2O'00 FR}I : IHIILTN FFD( hO. i 7&BrE)nB -\'o :\r"-.I*1 E=drsr b\*-€-"_9ro - gr't -Aal'z- F,-= E'. T\, -^-- \\.c--...*.-: \\5.--- Qt) 3o? -LeF- rz-s{ + f .rut. @. wBL 11:6ff4 P1 S,t)b\<-s-!* l\=+r-\*.. Qe* l<---, \.-: - Fo o- f,oot Go='< Ls-<-c-Vq \t. \z:r.-;\- sa9\srs.--c-r^,-<-'.r-\' E \r.c;.-\r€-- R'*-\ cs^--"<'- [M,t,f 0^ tei+ nnc.lctr^rf -* b fr* UM -___r___r\ _\\ MN T,N* 5 *.'- lI i. i.;.- t w uu-,tI'+N a)a0il. T ' H[!Drr, ue;bl ,r,J,r, Fnx hE' ' '*']lt# P;dI't : lStltLTN JUll-ll-Cl lt,6a llir 4pllldrt i f ry prcjs nqnths ttG'|p knir r#or.l rrly peiry rnriric drdlrrlrir?dqdrU;Rr*r ?r6d Fir b rsllltila st r teltb pou. :-* ecqi Elsnlbr rr Uq-,_ _!F4-.4-:E=:ErgF*r =i: rqbcEa ib rSirucr+.- - IFFC E|i f| g.iiFr3lEt J lrq5 :L ilrs,|U| tr'l!(E D !}rr,G w n:-oraEln.tibyc rr- - rqrdffi csidn DitDilr ttlr ryrr{ qrftf o|r r,r.rrt utr;olr|fllr r hff trdt b biol mr:lr b rrd. (pooec*? ce:i :rr Fl:rnhg $eil I {7}3138 .I?PL!CTT!OIT' FOR DESIG\' RE}'IEW AI"NOVAL DqI|IIIONOTIIGRBQUEIn . &gl^**X c{i exss\t -\,r+-+tr.r-: t locrtrDilatmrer &rrr.. _IocxL__EtMl; nffrcu;ADID$$' ltt|fttr,r 2a$q lg26 gqg I , Gea*trgr€o.$ocasoft?ri'D.il0Haa0hrrldf) &oto: TTATGdFOfIGfiFr||llr offi) l.t^ICOI I'?|trSIG.rDDIEt$ IHOTIE: -aE3 -z.la,? ir.ct+ TYIIOEIET/EWAlDfiE: O llaGr*lin.GB E rrltf- S c. D B E.. o Jul. @. nE1, ttzE5Rl'l Pa Pa6g '31 7/fa97?9@ .lul. P Al lA!3D|1 Pa I o, s?ar?99{i2 PrCl rJ,t RECEIVED JUL 0 2 zml tl OrluiecfrcrhDdbg.|-ct4-ry rfifu rb rge ftep ic dLt rr?rdHd sso.tr.r.{irl lil{ff.AE- 30 blEa..atrF'lrlFt to b.rft-||,d ir. ilbrttGrql, f.{ *.Eoa,t tH, r&!r r&dcr. t-r.r',|t"E, furi d lrdril8ri{it6, DE*rrot trl,ri D{E odB!&L lqLrtatPtyirgf |builCidtrritrlr|idru!, rtr r*lrvrha ot.,f pryrt ltrlbln af 9d *f! +friarhr*caJe traqixrtSdE t|.trE SUr fgIS rr'l.leamo|t AIr sJril{nrrrl r$}$nttrr[wr rilD rE II3TO rA3 .wr3lSc;{t {F Aor,$$!illy DE\fEo9!{!NttrDqlf rno.\ilffE lorn,yau,c9:Lon^e i'igt. - -' -- 9 ' Hlt)lrt ge;sr tae)tzq FFD( 1*,' '*S#| -rur. vE Mr t"t#T, o rrflbgonIiDDsLrfitd d{.. d"-f+tds4-{ (Sr* nmonr)*rh3 rr tr Aoiocd Eoulhdb frr tb {brv H.co&dlro 4rr$o,lovirb rib rru c gonlh dc dcct dqt t / rffic r tffi Olr At* tL.' unir t, nUeiii-- - J '.4rr{d 6a lhc rw rlrr&r b beg M lc rrEhcG 0r! critr dGcL Sich bd*rined d h*rn Tbcrr_mrni nI b tfu b .r ;AG;;il*ff dqlp 6 rcqrnrfrogrcdail&. Thssw&dr cllt t t.u*! ttr^aiFlq ry rflgr:n r+O utbl u,it 6B iJ;tibfid-dlFeitu-t.nsairoift Etblxro&u6d$-dtdail;il.urr*rrh. Tbdlctutr b .[ilrd b -l$ uro rb r' o6c'Bntr'-t rfrEqgltldnanft|t@lF, FROr'l ' 3:1.*..* bJ 2.,-lTJ:=l:f.= ,Qi"' -T I_l @ NBL LL'WI P4 A,r,<=- Cs.-o-.t( \>l 4- Y'*,.-:.\c,\i---, i, )(t4--.---\ Frts \..) bc.gL ?.o$i r - i - ^lL g,<fra^o. =oe|cr,- l*af E cAr-.t'ct. !'s.J \.c- / lx.o 31.r-q \c- f€-Jts5s/T..c- G..r\o*\j f:. ar+ Rcd*-i., t+.-jla ?... Fratctc-"X ?.c+f*r----,*.r-*-\ . 2"a qa-f,..r-E!r. !,- , r _- *. -e{8 f - ,-,r-rl.+t+ar+Z,- 116 / lr.ro S\cL\ \-Ys\t E cA...-ra. ruf o. \\q6 3*$ ?c{..s€. b.qi\'. t( R.rl*.qsr\ bqlt.: + *\\ *P-.^--,1.a--r* "{ g'rt \\-bc- \|.A\,rooe\ \ris.J\-. \\.- C.r.L<-Q+ttr\ fu"* %*g" 1.^3 i\+-. \G-\..1 tr....cr.*!<-Si+r.\ ;- \< \*,-.\\ +<. -r+-.q Scrr,-s Spes_\c. €SFt. ca\ .q..------^ -- -1 w3rs-L\<-e- \ t"-\ ts\=g\ l.t \ \\ \ C a..r.€ ?se-sl,ln-i-e \-r'+-" r\+.-\ Lrr-r,.,r\gs.\\-- o\c-t-V-,-r ir\ \o< -dit.qe:-\ qF^r-r-- !n-*c- 6*Jc.-\ bso.,-.r. *o w\-rf^. {--Fr.6- e-}\SArr-t c[c-e-V- \: o\9\ r,*li g-"-+-'* ]..4'G-\- boc^+e\ L.F-r>- €-- broY;c,vr. \L*'\\-\Lse g.o*.**\ \ t:-\\rs-'v<- *t\a €-'L\ S\r\.sr3 e}t.g1t6 s?-s-J q-,\c-r-\- g.r\\\ s-r\R.., rA t \\clrF\ *\c- \.r.,q q-\*\ O.^-\. \CS hq.r.r -:r\< rr*!4- o\E\ Saurx**< {sS\..L3.. t.\g U <_ q&,\csl* FHT'I : FHILTN Fnx htr. i 7#)7Em SuDmftfd RcquirrureuF for lle propo*d dedr rcftrtirhuoDt rt: 5lll)6 Gorc CrrckDn Unit#1 BuiHingB Sketcbs uhtch comrcy tbe exixtrg conditions: The Efiisthg dcck sEnghrc is dctalorating ed rofrEo. It setuely nccds ncw dccking as thc erdsting dcsking is rotrea urd ryoqry ad tb niling is k'okcoaod ulstablc. Sk*ches, wlrich convey the proposed alteratbns; Sbcles arc uached. Wc plan to replaoe the odting e:wtly as it *cnds today, only with nee rratedal. We will be adding no rn, squarc footagc or cbaoging tbe orrtra footprLa oftlte dect We vdl be eliniuatbn tbe qrrd tEc cutouts tom tbe tailtg slates as depioed in tb slretsh. This will actually allow ns to Efich tbe deck prone to the EeighborinC fiont facing deck thus provlling oontinuity to the overall deck profb fiomt[e s&cEt view. Relevad gecificdions: All mtcdal wiII be dimensilmal lumb6. Ary strrrctrrsl maferiral will bc 2X8 prcssuretrreatod lunbcr aod all d€ckhg rostsial willbe dirnnsioual redwood as dcpictd iE ths sfracbed *ctc,bcs. ThE dcck will be painted/ $sired to tutch tbc existilg color. (Oxfotd Browu). This is tb€ same color as the oristing dcck and buildings. AssociatbnApp,ovat The applicablc asclatbn approval is attachod ardsigDedbyibBoad Prcsidcut- I bclicw tbc. inle,nt of tbc proposal hs beco idcntificd in the abow and attadred We rculd like torreplace (to rudd) tbc Gxisting dock bc*cd at 5006 GoEe C\cek Drivc, Unit I with ncw mdcdaL No wlv additbns will bc rrudo. We will only bc elimfugion tbc trce crdorls ftrom thc ucw rail profle- Phasc co,ilsctme withany qrEscions. (rD 303-28G1204 - (c) 303-e02-196 Sinccrcly: Tim1lanifton o rut. zP. m1. 11:szffi Ps t*t**tt*'tlllff'lt*||t*tll*ll***tl*la+taa*fr+fttft+aarttiltltttlttlt'lltl*t+rflrrllttl'laf'lttatla TOWNOFVAIL, COLOMDO Strheot**'r**ltt**t'tlt*'|llttifli*tlll'tt*'ftt*rltlf**ttr'|t***tl**ll*ltlltlat*lta't+tt**tt|l'tt+lat**l**t'l gtaterErlt llurnber: R000001039 Armunt: 920.00 07106/2OO7O9:21 All Paymcnt llethod: Check Init : itAR ItotatLon: 4767 Permlt No: DRBO1O182 Type: DRB - llinor Alteration Parcel No: 209918206001 Slte Address: 5026 I{AIN GbRE DR NORTI{ vAIIr IocatLon: 5006 Gore Creek Drive Unit 1, Bldg. B Total FeeE: 920.00 Ttria Paynrent : $20 . 00 Total lllrtrJ htE: $20 . o0 Balance: 10.00ltll*|ltt,ltl*rll't't*rat***aaatlal*atr*alt*t*'la*******l*ft*tttlaltff+ltt*lltrr+rrlll*a*l****t**** ACCOT.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrlptlon Cument Pnts DR OO1()OOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEII FEES 20 .00 a TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8t657 970-479-2L38 .A,PPIJICAIVT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REROOF S.AME FOR SAME FIRE RATED SIIAKES DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEIiTT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B99-019L Job Address: 5026 MAIN GORE DR NORTII Status. . I-,ocation - . . z 5026 MAIN GOR-E DR #1 applied.Parcel No..: 2099-L82-05-001 Issued.. Proj eet No. : E:rpires . occupancy: llpe ConstrucEion:'I:Ee Occupancy: VaIuaEion: rireplace Inforuatj,on: Restricccd: R1 Multi-Family V ]--HR Type V l-Hour 1, 906 *of cas AppLianceg: R€€tEuaranc Pl,an Revietf- - > DRB Fee-------- Rocrealion Fee- ---------> cL..n-qp D.postc--------> TOIA! EEES-- -. - Add Sa Ft: Phone: 303 -449-5L76 Phone: 303 -449-5L76 #of wood/Pal let:*Of Ca6 LogE: Building-----> Plan chcck- - - > Inv€stsigation> will Call-----> Total calculaicd FeeB- - - > Additional Fee6---------> Total PerdiE Eee-- ----> Payments------- 65.00 . oo 3 .00 .00 20.00 . o0 .oo 130.25 . oo 130.25 130.25 BAIANCE DUE-''--. .OO DepE: BUILDING Division: APPROVED N/A N/A N/A Dept: PLANNING Dj-wisj-on: t ts 7t 7 t, e e e e I 0I 0I 0I m z IN z ln z m 1 1 1 0t 0 9 0 9 0 1 a 4a 5o 5 5 9 5 9 5 9 5 0 1 U 1 0 1 BUILDING DEPARTMENTJRM AcEion: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARTMENTJRM Act,ion: APPRFIRE DEPARTMENTiTRM AcIion: APPR 0 n 0 0 /o tt O 60rc crk llafl'l,u) s / ISSUED 07 /2L/L999 07 /2t/1999 oL/L7 /2OOO BI,ACK ROOFING, INC. 6115 BEN Pr,ACE, BOTILDER, CO 80301 BI,ACK ROOFING, INC. 6115 BEN Pr,ACE, BOIJLDER, CO 80301 RAIITENSTRAUS ROI.,AND C & WILLIE D. 3355 BRIDGER TRAIL 103, BOT'LDER CO 80301- FEB SITUMARY *r*rr+rrrtt*ti* Dept: FIRE Division: It,bm: - 05500 PuBr,rc woRKs 07 /2L/r999 JF.Jyt .A.ction:APPR Dept: PUB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any condiEions that may apply tso this permit DE CIARATI ONS f horoby acknosledge that. I have read thi6 applicalion, fill,sd out in full the inforEation required, complet,.d an accurate plot plan, and 6tate ghaE all che informacion providcd as required is correct. I aglee bo conply xitsh chc infonraEion and plot plan, to conpLy rith all Tosn ordinanc.a ard stsatse lawe, and co build Ehis structsule according Co tshe Tonn,g zoning.and gubdiviEion codos. deeign r€vi.t approved, Uniforn Building code and other ordinances of Che Toirn applicabl€ Ehcr.!o. RBQUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,L BE MADE TWE!f]Y-FOUR HOURS IN A.DT/ANCE BY send clean-Ult Deposit To! BLACK RoOFIN6 ******************************************************************************** CONDITTONS Permit #: 899-0191 as of 07/22/99 Status: ISSIIED *************************************************************************!t****** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 07/2L/L999Applicant: BLACK ROOFING, INC. Issued: 07/2L/1999 303-449-5L75 To Expire. 0L/L7/2OOO ilob Address: Locauion: 5026 IIAIN GORE DR #LParcel No: 2099-182-06-001- Descript,j-on: REROOF SAI{E FOR SAII{E FIRE RATED SHAKES Conditions:1. FIELD INSPBETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IAIICE. 2. AI,,L PENETRATIONS IN WAI&S,CEILINGS,ATiID FIJOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AIiI APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOI(E DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED TN ALL BEDROOMS AIiID BVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.5.1 OF TIIE 1997 UBC.4. FIRE DBPARTIT{EIIE A,PPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AM WORK eel{ BE STARTED. .,.,,,,...,,,l''..*,.,,;,.,,,.,.,* TOOIII OF VAIIJ. CTIJORIDO gtaceErg ri 'rr'r t a rarr ra f ra a gE E.drt Nutlb.ri REc-os{2 loourtt: ffo.2s 07/22199 LO:'og PryEsnc uolhod ! CK Nocrcion: 012230/BLK RooF Init: Jtf PorBit lfo: 899-0191 lt'pe r I-tlF ADD,/AIT llF BI'IIID PER Parccl llo: 2099-1s2 -06-001 Itice AddrGla: 5026 ttAIIl GORE DR NoRlr{ l,oc.tiotr; 5016 IAnt @R"B D& *1 Tot.l F.... 130.25 E:hir P.l/ncnc 110.25 Total AJ,L PUEE t 130.25 Balancc: . O0 lccouDB Codo D€gcripclon loorrnt BP 00100003111100 Brrrr,Dllfc PERIIT FEBS 55.00 PF 00r.00003112300 pLrN cHBcK FEE9 42.25 tc 00100003112800 wrr,! cM, rusPlclloaf llE 3. o0 t rrul-rB-ss ra.ss pRoH-t-o.|cj1_""" "rrj; r},a"9,e24lj| pAcE ?/ri TOUU'I OF VAf GONSTRUCNOil PERMN NPEUCANOil, FORT MtDqEpar*LO?9- lri-oL- oot ---:- ---- ry() D€4bCJob: Woi0a l.lcrv ( )Araim( ) fantcr of Dwdriq! U"ft"_I_ Nob€radI:DG ofFir!?b ejApdnoccs BUrr.i:s{G: t ILT'MBING $ GaadOlcrOc Tomof yail Rqirdiml{o. Eldt dCordttcnon Tandof VriltudctrdimNo lltdf,rCcffi TomdvarlRqiodmNo. fil!+dcdCqtr|.roc To*rdVdlRqlnrdoNo- I.qd^ ,1.* La_ eo*_ o.*rr€. Bnl.knt+.rn, r< r hH,::i r'rccfihat( )f&ctdot( )mcr06 (vC{ Iimoii l"{I lns Fhclatlicz+@ )Rq.rfr( )ftr0Oi'i€,fe+ !@crdAcql'''nodadmudrr I C$toeF Wood/P?llct . vALUAnOilt EI.ECT?JCAL T , ITECTI/|NIGAL- @iltnActonNFoRrianoil l-rL "-',or** 311 F[mo# Aerec: Itoc* A&:r PbE' FoRoFFtcEt sc Pbing1..t rtrrL- t 6-ss 14. ec FF(tx'IUoH-DEU-DEPT.rD=s?1'a{E2 TE FROM: DA1E RE: IGNAI|E: DATE IEiIONAT{DUU ATI,CONIRACIURS rowNtrvrtr.ntBLIcxmKS JAI{L'ARY I, 1999 .' WIIEN A ?Tfl.le WAY PbNMID IS REAUNE PI,EAS ANTSWERIIG mJ.otlrNc anEsilor$.r nE REqAnDnlc IE l.rEED rcR A?U8I.IC WAYI'ENDfrI': I, btltarrrxiE? yBS_ \O_L 2. 5. d 5. 6_ ffi *ttry5fiff rro drh risild-urrv, crsc's qr t*o/lse, diligrotrrvtd Irttltliwnayhinerqlrd? & adif&rccm dod b rle sib e6e rle cr+*,g&ivEr.r? yES 7. Ira'RceoczlilcRigfu.d-lleyptdit-rlpirld? yES_ NOJ_ t A Blh.RrSEd-WyEs r*,F'*c$ticlrcDantybt"r.rfqrlrgiE gudlgsrF,irg-f B. nT6-u tl;-l FItinC A4Ag or tuing de tEqdrad b, C^,r,-i.,nity tbrEIWEr?YES_ l.toJ_ Eycr mtdllESbry drl€$ {,."rrio,$ r mic Wry ncrof mrbc &rbdfrlic chy hrnifrF&rri'* e, bc ffid*tc Hh wd'r 6c u a C.r"ngrwdcSrmntpcn- F1u r*cry qc*,.qsDl6 ca[ Irfrrd se&rdft'rulc w@s479*21r8, YES NoyYES t-or/ fui$ffif* *+ 'u c* 'tc n&iad-b' r'.F-.' '. Fn& F!'€$r arD ANSMfERED ALL t|EE ABOIIE AUEsIlqis. PAGE II/13 *1l.tslqt - '.tlrr.- r S-ga re ro9 1I) mo[,t DA1B S,HECT: ir'trl ox-oEu-Ddp;ii,r" i,, l TOWNtrVA[,ruBUC ruiluARyl, lg'9 :' SNSTRUCIION PANKN{O AIID LTATERIAI STOnAGE, '.1 ' i l ,lr i AII @nrRacr*s qJffiBt'rty REqsTsib mrg nre rowrr oF vArL 't ,, 1l PAGE I3/ 13 8' N#;q Ab4;!e rhc ryryf qlb; wlrt *y ldy ad ,,qsrrc euy p*m qaovio&r.' q cqr* dft !o viordc rbe,prwilon-orqrucccri*A hereoq qurbo hu, b d,cDiramt qlqirnEln r- pcs6 nto v6Ect G *rra, md; ffi; il;R topryqvc^nmryd,F4 *,.Td]{ng mr, ioccrydcrddris orumiel withintx,cdy &E (24) tfirr'd'r 'E4Fr o,rra rci"o'uy oc Dird* ;,hbr*;ffi_ h rrccvrdthc pso* ro fficd docr ur oqh *6 r[e".d; "ile ilp"iJiiFt-, l-rl"ryaiEca, nc niroor of hblic Worb, t fu.. eoi4d ?q'rq, p;y cn$o ny suc,h sr4gre*l rocrsr'ql4 art, ssr, ica dcbd! -""y o""rcil rotcril"r"a-til, ery sE'.rc dlcy attbe ogenso oftc mffiedC- Brccptio* -Ttc prwidous of rrbcccfin A tcrcof rbelt rt b glicatlel- Wi6b 6c ;'rmr€dhle artaof any "oancion, a',lTTry^or rqai? pfti{r of ary$tct d allsy G ofary Fe neirr, rcrr,cr mrio, clediciry Urc, g.a OO-il.Or*, ,ir"9ryrypurtrcttsm;2' To dqcis ofr*rd, airt roanriarr nocrsryy forrF."'sgg drhc p.blic sftty; and3. To pbtic anrs esignort frr be Ary-' -dAqostdd ;-r;il @ti;D. smoq pca.frv: Asad'rdivenoEabfiffia-p-rra.c aTb..al* sabovgay pcrsm nto vidm orcares oftcrto viortr 6c sac, may bc isnrcd an[DqE b4ps bcftrc ta lrhhied Corrt doc Town fir -,a"lr6*lltiii-#"g rorraguihy of a viohio hrarndr-bc prairtcd o gwiOuO lo S.,ti-i-l_rTfrf-ooO*B. Ncicc; Prorttrt t b'tanfu dqr6; fril tr,Efi$cto coqlywi. *cnciceoftG .._ __ _....w w rrJr.iz, wl|.r rrE Dtrcorofhrbrbworls Es gsvldcd ianb*alorrBhend odaayfixft pqm sb84 inddirim b pevncar ofihc egcarc dt*,^r ttor uy & ot*ii'"e'dtffw.t*, .opruvirtcd ir ltbsccio B_!$ qg lqq fmd-fib,'or" "Ual* tiffi, upuirhabrc rs providcd n socriou i-l-r dfls a;; liloi-dorlilffiirrnl stltrr 3ll$ mo8[TS ON ptIruCWAlE ttnom|iltD RdaldadoorL*Ed h.i|ifl6Rdri06bnftir A. urrbnrfrl dacins sr,ri= to ero*6 c tc*oe. ir fu ob*ftt 6* ry pcrsn to rirer,Ht9:=:3i:l-51g1q a-frcl.4 o*r, md, iit*a. c",.ror, be cay ahcr rt&is c unc'at opo AWilyDcriotcrloe DIB: 'rtt L- t S-93 l3 . 59 FtOlf. mvr0F Dep'apn of ".mwtftt Danloprcat 75 Sordrfuwiugc Rd rhll, Cobr& E1657 e701n-213E Fil( nMD-21s2 oll-DEU-DEFt. ,r!",. t, i, rli .t I ' riirr . ,o'""q;."o PACE to/ ta l!'. ! :,r' I ' rdns eccnnft$riF a Tqn of,vail Fnc D4rtocdAppsrnt ErgitrEE'c (hrblbwals) rcviefi &d ryronel, a Pfbiqg DWaretE' lwiar;sf, ttcslhh D+alncd rwiew, md a rwierr rr frc h;laiqs Dqarum, tc a*tunrd tipoc fc ltol rwiew nayrtoas leg ulttuee Cl) llr*. , .jr .r I AII cqarecid Qargc a bau) and dl mhi-&nily pcnnits will harre ro folo,fl &c aborro rmtioqcd E axieh rcquircmcd- Resideuhl rod srll rojd{ts sbCIild a&c a lcsscr ucua of +inc- Ifr'wcycr, if rsideotbl q ulk pr1jtrrr iqad &c€doos abore nrcdocd dcpartncm t.'itr cgtrd b nscacsary rgvieer, thr* projocrr rnzy ebo tr&c rhc thrls (3) so;k perioa E1ecry *rqlt wiu bc -"4,c byrhbry r.p"diattb pcrmir as s rf pocaile ! &rnaerdgec4 uadcrs*anafu ha'Oe* ptoc.*tr* 4d tirrc trrta I rlsorndcrdttrtif tspc(Eirts Dotpl*ec up bytc aryiruiol dna tht I m* srillpey &c na chcck F* md thd EI Ail bdo m ir nry a&.t iru€p@ibtr t lepply ft". AgEedro ei{cctI{q *", ltlgtqrr--_ .... Wd Shoa wr bod ino |b Oo,t!.qrity MQmld DAc EITII.DII{G IISUT? XSST'AItCEflilE INAME &-fr-rt* Design Review Action Form TOWhI OF VAIL Building Name: Project Name: Rautenstraus Re-Roof Project Description: Re'roofing of upper portion of roof Owner, Address, and Phone: Roland C & Willie D Rautenstraus 3355 Bridger Trail #103 Boulder, Co. 80301 ArchitecVContact, Address, and Phone: Anthony Zum 26851 Chipmunk Dr. Evergreen, CO 80439 303-674-7432 Project Street Address: 5026 Main Gore Legal Description: Lot 4, Gore Creek Meadows filing Parcel Number: 2099-182-06-00f Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: l. Proposed roofing color is black or brown Staffapproved with conditions Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 712199 ProjectName: RautenstrausRe-roof VAI LDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\ I DRBAPPR DRB Fee Paid: S20 REF.T 131 a9/ 13/ 1999 A7!51 RECIUEFTS ==== ========= !: =:== -- - --ltrct i v i t y : 899 -tt l9 l TOI^rN 0F VAIL' CULORFDO - INSFECTN I^IORK SHEETS FOR: 9/15,/1999 F.A6E 4 AREfi: ED 9 / 13/ l9 Type : A*FfF Statr-rs: IS$UED Constr: AMF Address: 5O36 MftIN 6ORE DR NORTH Locat i c'n: 5flrP6 MAIN {]ORE DR *1 F,aneel: ?0r99-lge-06-Orzr1 oee: DeEcniption: RERDOF SAME FOR SAME FIRE RATED SHAKES Applicant: BLACK ROOFING, INC. F'hone: Owner: RAUTENSTRAUS ROLAND C & IIILLIE D Fhone: Contractor.: BLACH ROOFING, INC. Frhone: Use: V 1-HR 3er3-449*5176 3013-449-5176 Loeks, Holds, and NCTIUITY Not ice: MAIL Notices.... F,ERMII WHEN FEES ARE F.AID I n s pect i on Req r-re st Requeston: Feggy Req Tirne: OB:OO Itears requested to O['A9A BLD6-Final. Infor.mation..... Conments: townhome Fhone:3O3-449-5 176 on Comm ent sbe Inspected.Act Inspec't ion Hi story.. ,, . Item: OO':-E6 FIIiE DEFT. NOTIFICRTION I.1: em: Oli-t51tzt dr.i vEur;ry gr.ade i.inail It em : rzt0raltA BLDG-Foot ings,/St eel Item : lZlUllZlEA Fl-Dti-For-rnda't inn,/Steel Item: m0ge0 FLAN-ILC Site F1 lan It em : ulOrZrSO BLDG-Fr.aming Item: AIA04A { * Not On Filp * * It em : lztra05er BLDG-jnsulat i on Item : 0006Ut BLD6-Sheetrock f'lai I Item: O0OBlZr * * Not On File * * It em: OOIZITO FLD6-Mi sc. It em r OOragE BLD6-Final Item: SIO53O BLD6-Temp. C/O Item I 04531 FIRE-TEMF,. C./o Item: OO53A FW-TEMF. C/A I t em : ArA533 F,LAN-TEMP. C/tr Item: hfrEa37 FLAN-FINAL C/tr Item: rAetS3A FIRE-FINAL C/O It em: 44539 F'[^J-FINAL tr/O Item: etO54O BLDB-FinaI C/O Ti me Exp I I I I I a I I I 1 I I I I I {I I tI ri ,1 :l.{!il {ll $:i t!] ii rlJtt*liil ,rtr iil I