HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 2 UNIT 1 LEGALl/.,)rL,\I .,+', TOWN OF VAII. ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co. 81557 970-479-2L38 Flreptlcr tnforEtion: Restricted: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT illi i \'"a' l- ' .r /-,iI' I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0110 NORTH StAtUE.. . : ISSUED APPIied. .. 05/.L6 /.Lee6riiued...z 06/04/L9s6 Expires..: L2/0L/L996 APPLICANT PLATI{ CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 OWNER TITKEMIER ROGER W & JEANNE H 5016 MArN GORE DR, VArL CO 81657 Description: REROOF WITH ASPHALT SHINGLES Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Conitruction: V N "ype V Non-Rated Valuationz 2!,754 Add Sq Ft: Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: Project No.: 5016 MAIN GORE DR 2099-L82-07-002 flof Gas Apptianccs: Phone: 3039491905 Phone: 3039491905 flof tlood/Pat I'rt:flof Gas Log3: FEE SUltl{ARY ***i***ltrffi Bui|'ding-_-lz65.mRcaturrantPtrnReviey.->.o0TotrtcatcutatcdFces_->518.2,Pt'nchcck--->172.25DR81ec------_-__->.oo^dditionr|,FcG6----_>.miir""iigiiioo .OO Recreation tce----> .OO Totat Prrtit tec--_--> 5t.o'25 litt Catt-_> S.di cicen-Up Deposit-> 100,m Paymnls-----t 5n.2: TOTAL FEE5---> 5IA.ZS a i-A1ce DUE-- > .m Item! O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 05/16/1996 DAN Actioni APPR ----xr-r,^ ^:--.ii6fi;'ds4go-'p-tnN1rrue'5fFlnfi{itilr" --Dept: P4ryNIryG Division:6in 6 / 76 A F;- Dif -'-- --' -AEEi6iii- APFn ceoRce APPBovED ! --1!-s 6 ii'efr ;' d 5 6 6 0-ii-rne DEP-CRrI.{EN'i65nit/79i6i-DlN--- ---Acitoha APPR N/A -.-- ..^6, h!--.iErefi;r 6656o-'ptjslrc w'difrS-- " -'t-' Depr: puB woRK Division: 667ii; /156s-DlN--- - "A-CLion : APPR N/A See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apPly to this pernit' DECLARATIONS I h$rby eckrrutcdgc th.t I h.vc rcad this lppticltion, fittcd_out in ful'|, thc inforption rcquircd., co?tctcd.ln accurltc ptot pt"", -.'.a-iiitl th;t att tt3' inio".ati- proiriaea cs requircd is correct. I lgrcc to copty vith thc inforution and ptot Ptln, io c6nty yith rtt rosn o"iinances and stltc tevs, and do bui td thit 3tructur? eccording to th. Tolnrs zoni ng and suHivision codcsr'ditign rcvian approvcd, Uniforl Bui tding €ode and othcr ordinances of thc Tovn lppticabtc thcrrto. REAUESTS rOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ilADE T$EtiTY-tOrrR HOI,RS ltl ADvAt{cE BY TELEPHONE Al !79-?J38 OB FI OtR OFttCE FRoNI 8:00 Alt 5:q) P/Z//t*M,'- Ct.!n-Up Deposi t To: PLArI f\ Page 2 ***************************************i**********************************:l***!k* CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0110 as of 06/041?9 . Status---: rssuED ******************************************************************************** permit rlpe: ADD/ALT sFR BurLD PERMTT Applied-- ' 92/'\9/'\226- Applicant--: pf,ehu CONSTRUCTION r-ssued---: 06/04/L996 3039491905 To ExPirez L2/OL/1996 Job Address: 5016 MAIN GORE DR NORTH Location---: Parcel No--: 2099-L82-07-002 Deecription: REROOF WITH ASPHALT SHINGLES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * conditions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIFAD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY sToRY AS PER sEc.1210 0F THE 1991 UBC. TowN oF vArrr 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2r3a DEPARTMENT OF COI,IMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE! THIS PERT{IT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES Permit #: 896-0110 NORTH StAtU8... : ISSUED npplied. . I 05/.t6/.L996 riiued. ..2 06/04/tee6 Expiree..: L2/01/L996 Job Addres8: Location. . .: Parcel No..: Project No.: 5016 MAIN GORE DR 2099-182-07-002 APPI.,ICANT PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81520 CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 OWNER TII.,KEMIER ROGER W & JEANNE H 5016 MArN GORE DR, VArL co 8L657 Description: REROOF WITH ASPHALT SHINGI.,ES Single rarnilY Reeidence Type V Non-Rated Phone: 3039491905 Phone: 3039491905 tof good/P.ttct: Occupancy: R3 Tlpe Construction: V N Valuation:2L,754 Add Sq Ft: Fircptacc Infomation: Rcstrictcd:flof crs Apptianccs: rEE 265.00 Restuarlnt Ptan Rcvicu-> suililARY .m Totrt catcutatrd Feca---> 5t0.25 .m Additional' Fces------> '00 Rccr$tion Fee----------> C Lean-UP DePosi t----> ToT^LFEES----_-----> fof Gas Logs: Tote I PePrit FeF-------> Payrcnl3--____-t E L tlcE DUE--------> Bui tdingF-> Ptan Check-) lnvestigation> lJi Lt cal.l,--) 172.?5 .q) 3.00 .00 1m.m 51o.25 5r8.25 5t8.25 .(n rte.m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: a5/t6/L996 DAN ActiQn: APPR ^- -r.r,?r,^ ^:ii6fr;, 6sA6o-iii,nNNrr.rc DEFAniMEirr-- __ __Dep!_i PLglNIryG DiviEion: 687i.6 / 79 96 - nl'fr--'-' --. -AEEibn t- ApFn cnoncE APPRovED 5:-1!-e 6ii'.f,;'d5-o6o--r-inr DEP}IRTMENf -__ Dept: FrRE Divl6lon: a5/I6/L996 DAN - A-c!ion: APPR N/A ^,,F '.'a\h,, ,\:iErefr;, dssSo-iirisrrc r^rtiF.ig --- -'1.- Depr: puB woRK Division: 6En6/7ee6-pi*i---- ..Ac€ion: APPR N/A See page 2 of this Document for any conditione that nay aPPly to thie permit. DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknovl,edgc that I hrv! rc.d this appticltion, fil,tld_out in ful,t the infornation rcquirsd, corPt.t.d rn .ccuratc Ptot ptii", -iiA "titl iftit att ttrc iniorration provided as riqui rcd is corrcct. I rgrrc to corpl'y uith thc inforration rrd pLot pLan, io cilrnpfy rrith att Tovn ordinanc:s and stite taws, and do buiLd thi3 structure according to thc Tounrs. zoning and subdivision ioai",-a'""ign r-viev approvcd, Uniforn Buitding C6dc and other ordincnces of thr Tovn applicabtc thercto. REAUESTS fOR INSPECTIO||S SHALL BE ilADE THEI{TY-fOI R hOURS ril ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHoNE AT 47)-?1ryPR Slnd clearup Deposit To: PLATH AT OUR OFFICE FRO At{D O|I{ER Page 2 ***************************************I*******************:t*************:l****** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0110 aE of 06/04/96. statug---: ISSUED *******'************************************i************************************ permit T!/Pe: ADD/AI-,T sFR BUILD PERMIT ApPlied--z 05-/.\1/,\229 Applicant--: pr,e'rn CoNSTRUCTION re8ued---i 06/o4/L996 3039491905 To E:q)ire: L2/0L/L996 JOb AddTCss: 5016 MAIN GORE DR NORTH tocation---: Parcel No--: 2099-L82-07-002 Deecription: REROOF WITH ASPIIAI,T SHINGLES ************************************** conditionE ****************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE RE9UIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AIJL' BEDROOUS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.1210 0F THE 1991 UBC. :; TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co. 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARIIIENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPIIENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT AI.I, TIMES Permit *: 896-0110 APPLICANT G CONTRACTOR OI{NER Deecription: REROOF WITH Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: Fircptace tnfoPration: Restricted: DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAVTER 5920, AVON CO 81620 TITKEMIER ROGER W & JEANNE H 5016 MArN GORE DR, VArL CO 81657 ASPHATT SHINGLES Job AddreEs:Location...: Parcel No..: Project No.: 5016 I'TAIN CORE DR NORTH 2099-L82-07-002 Status...: APPROVED Applied. .: 05/L6/L996 riiued. . .. o5'/L6'/Lge6 Expires. . : LL'/\2/L996 Phone: 3039491905 Phone: 3039491905 fof lH/P.ttct: R3 single ranilY Reeidence VN TYPeVNon-Rated 2L,754 Add sq Ft: fOf Gas AppLiances: #0f G.3 Log3: FEE SUllllARy *****trrtl**r**r*ttrrr**t*r*tt*lrtt*l*tttll***ttl**t*ttt** euitUi,rg-_-t 265.m Restu*ant Pten Rlvi eu--> ,m Tot![ CltcuLatcd Fres-> 5t$ '25 Ptrn check--> 172-25 DRB Fce-----------------1 'OO Additionet Fees-------> -m tnvGstig.tion> .oo Recreation Fe€--------> .00 Tot![ Pcrrit Fec----) 5t8'25 u;11 66{1--)' :.6i mfil,ff::l_::j lB:33 nniil",,.-------: --i ,oo,!3 Item: -o5loo BuILDING DEPARTT'IENT Dept: BUILDING Divieion: A,/L6/L996 DAN Actioni APPR -,--..r?ir^ h.iiE6fi;'.6sado-'p*r,arNrrc'fEFAHitdENl-- -- ---Dept; !t$Nt!G DiviEion: 65716 /1666-par.r - - -- -Aslieq:- ADFn GEoRGE APPRovED 5:1E-e6 iErefr;, 656d0-ii-inr DEp[Rr.1Gxii -__ - Dept: FIRE Diviaron: 657Ia/tgg6 DAlr Action: APPR N/AiE6fr;'655d0-Fiisr,rc w'cii.ftE-'-' '-- -_':_ Dept: PUB woRK Division: 6En6/16t6-o1'tr---- "n'-Ctlon: APPR N/A See page 2 of this Document for any conditione that may apply to thiE pernit. DECI-,ARATIONS f hereby !ckno|,t.dg. th.t t hrvc rcrd this lppticrtion, f i l,l,.d.out in futt thc inforDtim. rcquircd, co?t.trd .n .ccur'tr plot pd",-.ia-iiji. tiit "tt tfr.'inior*ii* e-ljOca as riquircd. i.s correct. I agrec to copty vith th. infomation and pl'ot Pl'!n, to co+l,y eith .tt rorn oiJinmccr md stirtc lay3, and do bui ld thit 3tructurr lccordirg to th. T('r.nr r- tdling md r$divirion "oaiiiOirign rwiev approvcd, unifom Bui tding c6dc and othcr ordinmcc3 of th! Totm rppticrbtc thcrcto' REq,Esrs FoR rlspEcrrots sllALL BE r DE wErry-fot R ltouRs r1{ ADvAtlcE BY TELEPtlotlE AT 47}21!6 oR AT ct R 0FFtcE FRdl 8:m u 5:q) P STGNATURE 0F oUxER OR colrR croR FoR HrllsELF AtlD oltr{ERScnd Cteen -lb DrPosit fo: PLATI I t-' ,...:?g:.? * * * * ** *** ** * * ** ** ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * !t * CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0110 as of O5/L6/96 Statue---: APPROVED *******************************************i************************************ permir rlpe: ADD/ALr SFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied--' 92/,!9/,\229 Applicant--: PLA'TH coNSTRucTIoN rEsued---z 9?/,\9/'\229303949190s To ExPirez Ll/L2/1996 JOb AddTCSE: 5016 MAIN GORE DR NORTH IJocation---:Parcel No--: 2099-L82-07-002 Deecription: REROOF WITH ASPHALT SHINGLES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOn8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ' 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY sToRY AS PER SEC.1210 0F THE 1991 UBC. IUtUIt UI- UHTL LLiI''I-ULV 1u:JUJ-4/9-2452 oLl' /.2 lq IU:4b I'IO.UUb F.LII PERl,rtl fTOIfN OF VAII, COHSTRT;ION PBRUIT APPT,ICATION FOR}Iottr8:,-ar/tbiry Elock- Flltng ceneral tleeorlptlont eo'__*r nork claEs: [ ]-Nef I J-J$teretlon I l-Addltlonal I l-Repatr $J-OtherJryb) Nunlrsr of Dselllna unl.tc: Nunber of Aoconulodatlon unltE: *t***.INFONilATION ******************t*** 9Qt, -o tto Town of Vall Phone Nuuber: Town of ValI Phone lfufiher! Toun of vaLl Ptrone Numb€r! Town of Vall Phone Nurnber: EI'ILDI}TG PI.A$ CHECK FBEs PLT'}'BING PI.AN CHECK FBE 3 UECIIANIE.AL PIJAN CHECK FEET RECREASTOil FBE: CITEAI|-UP DEPOSTTT Eo|fAL PEAilIE FBES3 8T'I'JING! SIGIIAIUAE! EONIIYC: SIGNTTT'RE! AddreEEt BlectrLcal Contractor: AddresBr Plunblng Contrastor: Addr€ser tleshanlsal Contractorr Addreas: **a* *+* * *itt *!r*tal* t*r t**ii aarttt FOB OFFfCB USB **r*rf *rf ******r***r***r ir**r*l BUTNING PERHIT FEEI PIJUI{BING PEBUIT FtEt I{ECIIAIIICAL PERUIT Tgg: ILECTRIGAI., FEEI OTHEN TYPE OF FEEI DRg FEEs Qt'*t.pa JoffitpJoog U/Mte* acgQ tfre7@ / Arohltect: , AppLrcArroN iluEE BE FILLED OtI[ O()l|pLEtELy OR I|r llAY NOr BE AGCEPITTED Et*lt*rtrtttttrtt.*ttt*t*****r. PERfffT INPOn}IITION tttitttt*t*****i*ii**ttt*t**' ftl I l-Bulldlng t ]-Plunblng I J-Eloctrlor1 [ l-ltectranlca] [ J-Other oou n"r"r@drob AddreE* .*'ttb /Tb)-'-Gorzo. DQ , Legal oeecrlgplon3 Lot-. Elock- Flllns sugprylslol:-3,s.re-T)l/rerrp-ilrr &rb rTb-)-Gon-s.rDt- ,t-. L ,ownGrs Nabes v Addreet: -*Ph.1[L'5Eol- _Addrese: _ - .. _\ Ph._ g H *lrp tq,-t-!., u)1-r1) nerD a-oprra-rf ^ rlmber snd lfype of rlraplaceEr cas ApFllanoes_ Cas IJogE_ wood/Pellet_ llrr*********trrt**********t*** r*i** vAutATroHs ******t*********t*t***r*n*******1tl 4rDUrLDrNcr tn,,, /{t,Q DLEcrnrcAE3 !- orHBRt - EIJItr{BIHcr | - . UIC[$frClIJ! l_ TOTrrrB +__- March 9,1996 Roofing Specifrcation for Tilkmeier / Devlin Duplex Page 2 of3 5016 Main Gore Drive. East Vail. CO TEAR OFF / MISCELLANEOUS: l] Tear offexisting cedar shake roofing, and the ltrr 4rr (first layer of) cold roof framework, and remove all debris from the site. Leave existing 2"x 2" vertical battens intact. I'rx 4fr removal to be done on upper "main" roof and lower east roof only. Plath Construction will keep thejobsite as clean as possible 4nd practical during the construction, and a thorough cleaning of Plath's work areas will be performed upon completion. Plath Construction will take all reasonable precautions to protect the interior of the building from water and weather. However, Plath Construction will not be held liable for any interior damage sustained from leaks caused by sudden and/or unforseen storms that occur during the tear offphase of this work. 2] I{, during the re-roof the 2"x 6" substrate decking feels "weak" underficot, PCI will inspect for structural weakness and replace if needed. ** This work, if required, will be an additional charge over and above the contract price, and will be charged at the rate of 535.00 per man hour plus materials and applicable taxes. No additional charges will be incurred without prior notification of, and authorization from the owner.** 3l PCI will provide insurance and permits required by the Town of Vail Building Department. Exclusions and Qualifications: ll Plath Construction, Inc. will not be responsible for cleaning the interior of the building due to falling dust debris caused during the roof removal and roof top foot traffic. It is our recommendation that the owner's take the time to cover any furniture and other valuables. There may (or may not) be a small amount of shifting of drywall (cracks, etc.). This is normal during a re-roofi, therefore, Plath Construction, Inc. will not be liable for any drywall repairs. 2] Cut existing siding 6" up, offof roof deck to allow for new flashings and membranes. DRY-IN / INSULATION / SIIINGLES / FLASIIING: l] Install 1.5" thick polyisocyanurate rigid insulation in between the vertical 2"x.2". Insulation to be installed onty over the upper "main" roofs and small roof on the east side of the duplex. 2] Install vertical l "x 2" "stacked" over the existing vertical 2"x2" . This will create a 314" air space as requested by Roger Tilkmeier. 3] Install 5/8" cdx plywood over the roof areas receiving insulation. 4] Install "JiS-Seal" Ice and Water Guard by "Protecto Wrap" over entire roof area, according to manufacturer's specifications. Extend membrane up walls a rninimum of 6" at roof-to-wall junctures. Use mastic as needed. 5] Install "Pinnacle Plus" asphalt shingles as specified by Atlas. Color to be selected from the Atlas "Pinnacle Plus" color chart. Install starter shingles and hip/ridge shingles as needed. Page 3 of3 6] Install 24 gauge Kynar pre-finished flashings as needed, including valley, step, peak, and endwall flashing. Install drip edge flashing at eave andrake edges. The drip edge flashing "face" will cover the new insulation, blocking and ptywood. Install "Z-metal" counterflashing at roof to wall junctures. Price for work as specified above: ;:ffi-fi:rlTltl*, TOTAL PRICE F'OR ENTIRE DUPLEX:$21,754.00 Exclusions and Qualifications: t] Added costs for working under adverse winter conditions is excluded from the base bid. Please see option #l for pricing on this item. 2] Miscellaneous flashing not associated with the roof system is excluded from this proposal. GENERAL NOTES: I I Please be advised that materials for this proposal have been bid at current market prices. Due to volatility of the market, material prices cannot be guaranteed past 30 days.* Please take note that a 'f letter of intent" received by Plath Constructionr Inc. within the 30 day period will allow us to "lock in" current material prices even if actual purchases are made several months later. 2] Plath Construction carries property damage liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00 per occurrence. Plath Construction carries auto insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00. Plath Construction carries appropriate Workman's Compensation insurance through Colorado State Compensation. No further insurance coverage is included in our price, and if required, the additional cost willbe added to the contract price. 3] Upon receipt of the contract price, Plath Construction will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing roofing against leaks due to flaws in workmanship for a period of 2 years from the date of roofing completion. Leaks quali$ing under the terms of said warranty will be repaired promptly at no cost to the owner. This warranty does not cover any subsequent interior damage that may occur. OPTIONS: l] Additional charges, as identified below, will apply for roof work done between October l5th and April30th. a] Ice and snow removal, daily covering and uncovering ofthe roofdeck with plastic, and drying out of the roof deck, if necessary, will be an extra.charge over and above the contract price and will be charged extra at the rate of $ 32.00 per man hour. Materials (plastic, propane, etc.) will be charged ertra at Plath's cost. $l1,529.00 $10,225.00 rt \\\ l\ \\ $ N G : r- -'l- \ Irs' \.ti{ \d\ \al : rC\ _ l_r ll t_ 1 I -+- ,l,9rut \ "_a) v !I I I q,/- '--- vr YII o'r .l \/'l\ -"'\ 1-91-.-_-/ -> \D l_4 '(, '"''&a ll o REpT131 T(il{N OF UArL, COLORADO OA/19/99 Obz44 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION tfORK SilIEETS FOR: S/19/gg +.t? trAGE IO AREA: trD Activity: 896-OllO Eltqtg6 Typer A-zuILD Status: ISSUED Constrr ADUP Address: 5O16 iIAIN GORE DR NORTH Locat i on : Pareel: EO99-18?-aD7-qge Occ: Use: V NDeseription: RERttrlF U|ITH ASPI{ALTApplicantr PLATH CONSTRUCTION Orner: TILKEiIIER ROGER ll & Eontraetorr trLATH CONSTRUCTION SHINGLES JEANNE H Phone: Phone I Phone l 3039491905 3039491905 Inspection Request Requestorl STeve Req Tire: OBIOOfters requested to o,O990 BLDG-Final fnforration..... Corrent s: be Inspeeted... Aetion Fhone: 949-19O5 Inspeetion History.. ... Iter! OOSIO driveway grade final Iter : .pOO10 BLDG-Foot ings/St ee I Iter : bOOeO BLDGi-Foundation/Steel Iter: OOS2G trLffN*ILC Site Plan Iter: OOOsCI BLDG-FraringIter: E0,E4g * * Not gn File * t' Iter: OOOSO BLDG-Insulation Iter= o,o,O66 BLDG-Sheetrock NailIter: O0SAO * * Not On File * * fter: o,9,870 BLDE-ltlisc. Iterr SS09O BLDE-FinalIter: OO53A BLDG-Terp. Cltr Iter: O054O BLDB-Final C/O o.' ':{' i I I I d a3 rdlf !'rrI I'SE S'!t f.ttr ri; tsr\j f i.fil. (.. dt Cr]ECK REQUEST DAT.E:PREPi.RED tsY: VEITiDCR NL.:]{E.ER: DESCRIP?iO}'I OF EXFSNS!:7- btz) N.lr'lE 0F io3: ACCOU!r:1 lfu?'itsER: A]"IOUN? Oi REFUND: DATE !.PPiCVED: APPP.OVAI., STG}JATURE : oz E =E uJo- oul uJtl- E =Eulc $*t $'\\ o c'\ \o z rn Hfr& z - Ot HXOFI z tv ,{IH It, <d()tr t-rtr. (/)lo r+l(9 Fl'z Ell uJt'- o coF E z-o z U' l,uFoz (:'zoIl6 .6(' z rlJItlg, =I tt EoFo EFzoo G,o Glllz =o l! '4.\9 gX. oc It.e I 3$€ il Esi $EEE $l :E$-N EEEF-] :HEl E;i.'$ E"EP-l zPJh Ei8ig| EH"-?I o.7.. EET*oE E'/,t- =.t o-'-'sE-art-'t s5-19 ei t'H -E CL l.o c 6 0rl' *i E El: ttE6'5E sb F.e EEE'= EFcL;3Sr =€5>c9'-o EE EEEb ctr 3'e .8= cL6 SE =€E6OEsc OGicrg -o,605aog AE(D5 E8o6 ;660 >.96(DPE EE -o .it l-- c.l o 6 E-c, uJc('zoJfo xo UJa()z o- -9c,Fo uJJ uJ (,z ao =fJc Iz o uJE IIJ uJt!z9F Iuc()ulE e o.D; UJ ll,lczI gJo Fq,Iuloo i uJJ(, x F t!ol al,uI UJtt b =E uJc J FoF (,z clJ o IIcFc, UJJ uJ oz ao = d 9z Iou,t '-t ts ts NOTMTY = l'- == " lE-rfr)lE r.r,r * lE = E <r lF rE gH Z zw<o o o c")tr ^ 6za: B =FH2-9 Eo8e frel!<3i 3EEg gs .iGiA& z9F fJ q t!cri o- UJo. e uJ J z o 5l IIp z zovt :r()F5 =Hxrr!e oLz,. 9? -:F EO3E !Jl = (t, v, UJzYI F I z z I al, =3 F !J = v, Fl F(n (t) tr lll z Eo -rl<ltrl zl =l* ,> =o d I -.1i.l 4'l "l=lllJ Iol l1-l ll "l*lt 5td ll" II H*K II IOH I& z9 EG uJF.) ; UJ2 so r- C)C o\ o\ cn z UJbo @o?zo Fo-I!Y uJ @ oFt E IJJ o- t!o o-oo I u.lFoz Ll, o /'/ 7' ?. , a U)t E t4IrIftl 14 oz -ttr I I I JJo N Fo F1 frl H 14E rI1XFfH F.{ ii =z Ioo-rI t4l-{ 14E EFlHH t'] IJJ =2 N.$r\ X Fq allJEo J t @rn I\oro. Flt-l F6 H Flrdrd frf -c f'. CN(.i X U' ahulr 6 : ag H F6 tc II z HF H at)? 14B & I G,I oz ct uJE J ? ttoz3oF N\?ln I\o F\.if tc l'|- cjz ct uJG J t!o 2]oF te u. d, ll- z o UJ G J tto z3oF =G oz ci TJG J l!oz3oF lltJ IIJF' G uJz =o Fo uJ E-C)E & -rO<(FE()uJ<zturFarz-o() JE<oc)F;()r<i. &.;F\2UJO -o gF =E d6 C) ix9tr =3EE E Ei\g r/ z <o(, al,tir l,lJJOa z <s9ze coo =z=fJOo- 1! :fii n!! F!!! h IEu,o- b EYE5€8IPa9SEF it- = lr,t :- E FEE 6tE 9oE irt x>I E-i.d ltl6o F lbtuJ = lEE IJlrJ r- o-zIFo3El-azo(Jr /tra(6/tf- Y'E 1.. I dd ct- E =e u,lA ulF o Ns od lrUl !E Za' YZq< E 6u Ee =EeE il EHE zl .. >lcl UIolu tuzo E UJ zo F 6o ! D 0)2 z) Iu c u 0l E uL ) L)J I u ;z Dtrtr z o9 =<.oo =z:f3 dP HHE $nn o EgE<c\ :t€usgD9.EE E lr- F FE; =qi 8bI trurE stF !'!E 'H oF ts =E,lrlo-zoF(J3GFazoo ---a I vr$,t,l\ I, oz I J d, FoJ (\)'t s$\ta <Y :\-:) .si\NF *l'.{ I sJltl tl N H dricv--t ul :E 4 Itl i Ill I r(l lJllrll)<lollqv,b&IElcltdtl I .$ F- io- Ct\'t E() \trt\ v) xs UIln UJcoo : E si ,.1 i5 F6 $1 $ d $ =&tr IsN.\ ) .lol 7lolull 5l <l>lttlol zl;lolH o "lJ \A Isf-J Li UJF =.E ll, oz d UJ TE JI l|.qz3 o1H =c lr lo 7(,1 u, .EJi >lr!qz B1 C}F =g oz d UTE ttoz3oF tg Io =1o1 cJl :l <l>i tt.oz 3 ul u,F. UJ =z TDo-r G UJz =o (J UJE C'e, E,JO<Foc(,ur<zE(rzo() IGFol! UJ ^ ) ) z)) oz = Jo ) ) z) dE =3gE ochg+co2 o <o s8,''- .sixxxx"I( '\ rll I 75 south frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 oltlce ol communlly developmenl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VATL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPUENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ord.i-nance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soi1, ,;;k; sand, debrisor material, including trash irumpsteri, portabre ioilets andworkmen vehicles upon any streetl siaewaix, ;ii;y or publicp1?9" or any portion rheieof. The right_;i_;;;-;n arr Town ofVaiI streets and.:g".d= is approxirnately S ft. off pavemenr.This ordinance wirl be striihy enforcld by tne-iown of VailPublic works Department. pers6ns found vii:.ating this ordinanceril}- be given a 24 hour wrirten ""ti""-t"-;;;;;"=aid narerial.rn the event the person so notified does not cornpiy with ttrenotice within the 24 hour.time specified, ah"-il;iic worksDepartrnent wilr remove said rnate-riat _at irr" "-p""!e ot personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance srrlii-not ueappricable to c-onstruct5.on, ruittt"".ttce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the ,itti_"_r"y. To review Ordinance No. 5 inVail Building Department tocooperation on this natter. -fyf l, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. ThanX you for your acknowledged i.e. contractor, owner) "& -IF/.r'.ttlnr\ - -. 0O'l l"l"l - INSPECT PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -\ TOWN OF VAIL' I r l\''\'r-rJ \\l \Allitl2A \ , r'\.\\{.r.- \r\,,\DArE ?llul'IU JoB NAME---\\ \-'rv-\'\\\\\ \ \":\\ cALLER Arrttt 'l rlk-(t il€ t( ll f(,c,,rl,,rt (otd- READY FoR rNSpECroN: ("@- trta. .wED 'r"r, FRI(nttLocArloN: ^urrr IY[:J.] 6ttrt l)nr ( BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V- tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAtL r/Ll-E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr o tr tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL Ineenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION REQUEST {- //*fo INSPECTOR a,ffisrop o\rt\\ PERMTT NUMBER or pno.rEcr INSPECTIONTOWN OF i\\ $ \:\\qtr REQUESTT VAIL oor. \ - \--- \t JoB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON THUR FBIREADY FOR LOCATION: TUES l WED \" ,,' "'* . '-t AM PM"_@. 4Jr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: tlom /of-z-/4/ rNSpECroR ' '-itl''ii-..a-r - 1-\-EF- t' INSPECTION REQIIESTT TOWN oF VAIL IPERMIT NUMBER oF PRoJEcT\N\.n. \\\- \ -- '- DAT E \\.,/ \JOB NAME "+r* BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE_ O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tJ*.qt \).t\ )-lS\t -rq.r\\ MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. PO tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL CALLER INSPECTION:ruES,-*.i;READY FOR LOCATION:'t, -t[ rd L-;1r'L- + t APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: t/rn /r ' T- rNSPEcroRDATE / "/ .--/\'.(lt Project Applicatlon t.1 ,,1 .----'-4' i' l, l F(ln^r-4 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact P€rson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board :t Date DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner fl statt Approval ii Project Application tt i t A-a Date Proiecl Name:L*. Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date'''' ;f 1 ' Motion by: Soconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL .l / Summary: Town Planner E statt Approval o Jr a r**rrTll I) }rrrL lu.r I lv , :,s,..;{. I. PRE-APPLICATI0N.MEETING: ,.,", , . t'. ' ''T:1 ' ;J:li'I A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member.is strongly suggested to 'l::'ii . d.eterm.ine if iny additiolal tnrormation"ir-ii"iuJ. Na arplication-will be accented "i:i*' unress it is compr'ete (must include';ii ii#;-;"qui""a uv'trre.tgniltg adrninistrator). ''{.s+fjf It is the appiicant,s responsibilitv-ii rliid-uir-ippointnlnt with the staff to-fin6 '."::-,: out about additional submittal t.qrir.i.niil -Ffeii" note that a COMPLETE tTIi:I-: "''T{fition wilt streamline the approval proi.it-ior-your.proiect by decreasing the nunber -'*; of conditions or ipprovir iirat ine'ona-riy'itiiruiat!. ALL conditions of approvai must -'#i DRB APPLICATION / ***r*THIS APPLICATIoN WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INF0RMATION IS SUBilInED*ffi '::I 'i .. r- ,t"-, be resolved befo.re a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Zoning Descri pti on C. NAME OF Address D. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Addres s E. NAI'IE OF 5i gnature Addres s be paid at the 3. Peoole who fail meeting and who republ i shed. B'lock Filing (q j. I F.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $0 $ 1o,oo1 $:.50,oot $150,001 $500,001$ over APPLI CANT: te'l ephone. 47b -s^Vt | - tel ephone time a building permit is requested' rEtr Ito- $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $100.00. $20o.oo' $3oo . oo q76-'Sbt - $ 1o,ooo- $''. 50,000- L 150,000- $ l5o$;€oo- tl,000,000 $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO.THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremeints, the-appljcant must stake the site to indicate p"op."iy"iin"i inJ-Utilding corners. Trees that will be removed shouid also be miriia. itii work must-be completed before the DRB visits the . si te. ?. The review p"o""r, for'NElt BUILoINGS wi'l'l normal'ly involve tt'Jo separate meetings oi-ti'e oeiibn nevien-boirl,-io-ptan on at least tlo meetings for their.approval- to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled triv"'noi'aiied for a postponement will be required to be tel ephone o o .t '\j':t'? ..$ :'::.':,I ..."...i€ no to4.The following items They, howeverr nave to be Presented to the Zoning to the Design Review Eoard' Administrator for aPProval :lonqer have be lresented and simi'lar exterior changes that the buildingi and do not al ter thea. lli ndows 'exi sti ng skyl ights plane of Bui'tding addit'ions that are.not.viewed i|:T-3ll ::l::'.l:,t"::.3:olH':fi::'lll:i'i:":"flli'ili.lll"iliitiJa'ilii-uaioi"ill-0":1'::1.:::':: loH:::l?[f,]'lolili.ll"#i;;'.piil"ii-iio'n' in. ui"ni t6"', or manaser or a condominium assoc'iation. 6 you may be required to conduct Natural Hazard studies on your Property' You shouidJ' iil.r. i,ilt a Town Planner before proceeding' b. MATERIAL TO BE NEI.I CONSTRUCTION .:, A. Topographic map and site plan of site 1. Li censed surveyorts stamp. j.r' 10. SUBi4ITTED containing the following (2 copies): -r..G -.. i...;:f I. 2. C.itttou" intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcei consist: of 6 acres more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepteo' .,. 3. Existing'trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features ('l arge boulders' intermittent streams, etc. ) . Avalanchg areas, 100 year flood plain and slbpes 40% or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of cuiverts, swales, €tc. b. Exact locations of all utijities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to inciude: cable TV Tel ephone sewer gas water ei ectri c c. Property'l ines shorving distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevat'ions e. All easements . Exi st'i ng and fi n'i shed grades . Al'l existing and proposed improvements including structures, 'landscaped areas' service areis, storiie-areai, waitcs, drivet+ays, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walis (with spot elevations)' and other site improvements' Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existinq grade shown underneath) to determine hejght of buiiding A statement from each utility verifying'location of service and availability' To be submitted with site Plan. Preliminary title report, to accompany all submittals' to insure property ownership - and al.l-- easeqents on ProPertY Landscape Plan (1' = 20' or larger) .- 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or,larger'trees, 'other'1hiu6s.ani-iia'tiV!.olants thii" on the-site and the location and delign of proposed landscape areas $iith the varieties and approximate sizes of plint materials to be p'lanted. l' 2. Complete landscape materials 'list. :3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost' N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so that ttre iniei-relition of the various components is clear. The landscape p'lan should be , ;;.i;i;. Tht existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate mab. The appiicant muit stake the site to show lot lines and building.corners. Trees ttrit w.it'l b! iost during construction nust be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. or 4. 8. 9. 8. C: D. E.-. A.rchitectural Plans (l/8" = I' or larger) 2 copies i- plust include floor plans and alI elevations as they will Elevations must show both existing and finished grades' '.. :. =i.-*.ia appear on comPletion- a .. ?. Exterior surfacing materials and co'lors shal'l be specified and subrnitted for review on the matirials list available from the Department of Corununity Develoo- il;i: Cofor ctripi, siding-samples et-., should be presented at the gesi9n Review Board meet'i ng. L F. The Zonin'g Administrator and,/or DRB may require the- drarvings,-specifications, samples and other material neiessiry tb Ceterm'ine whether a proiect lvill compiy submission of additional Plans'(including a modei) if deemeo with desi gn guidel ines. iI MINOR ALTERATIOI.IS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is p-roposed and the location (iite plan) nf orooosal may be submitted in tieu of the more formal requirenents given above' as i;.;';;-il;v"'p'"ouia" all important specificat'ions for the proposed including colors and materials to be useil . AODITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COi'IMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with al1 spec'ifications shovrn B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site pian showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materia'l s and color sampies on materials'l ist available at Department of Conununity Oeveiopment At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Staternent from each utility verifying location of service and avai'lab'i iity. See attached uti'l ity location verification form' il H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary tit'l e report, verifying olnership of property and ljsts of easements' IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the proiect is underway' the following will be required 6.f0". iny building reieives a framing inspection from the Building 0epartment: A certified improvement survey shot'ting: A. Bui'l ding locations with ties to property corners, i.€. distances and angies' 8. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot' C. A'll uti I i tY serv'i ce and exact locations- 'l ines as-buiits showing size of lines, type of material used, 2 copies 0. Drainage as-builts. 2 coPies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or.set and stated on map. o'G. All easements H. BuildinS floor elevations and roof ridge e]evations LIST OF MTER,IALS The fol'l orvi ng Eoard before A. EUILDIIIG inforrnation is required for submittal a final approval can be fiven: ;.IATERIALS: TYPE by the aPPlicant to the Oesign Review Roof Siding 0ther l,Jall Materi a I s ':.. - OF MATERIAL q\tr t /*r.X14U <*tal/ . lrvlu, B. LANOSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: Fasci a Soffi ts }Ji ndows lli ndow Irlm Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs ChimneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES ,r1lfl tJ , ' Botanical I'brng Common Name Quani tv 'U/Ytlt-' T0 t^'lvlo.EXISTlNG TREES BE REJ.IOVED rlndicate caliper for deciducious trees'Indicate he'ight for cohifers' . (over) 4^''t, Si ze* ..-.:t P-LAI{T I'IATE.RIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED GROU;ID COVERS Eotanical Name Comron llame Quani t'r Size !l);UdMlrfiz0"trl^',,* - I (nrrr ro F^^ ie rrp 5D s0D c trrn I I rr. ur IKKLtr.'lI I Ull TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSIOII CONTROL /140-vlu, FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) P'lease specify.C. OTHER LANDSCAPE o ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZoltE DISTRICTS 8l ock Fi 1 i ng-- Phone Al'l orved (30) (33) Prooosed n ,tff .iiiii oemmiiottq ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED U5E AODRESS: OI.INER LOT SJZE Hei ght Total GRFA PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence/ Reta i ni ng 20' lEr 15' ( 30) (s0 ) (fu #JgPsAr!/aff^^-/) 'rlal l Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai ri ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (so)(1oo) (2s)(50) (2oo)(4oo) Slope Actual Aval anche Flood P'lain Slope }'letl ands Geol ogi c Approved/Di saPProved Hazards Comments : Zoni ng: Date: UTILITY LOCATIO:I VERIFICATIC:I SUBDIVISION JOB NA}IE Lor 2 glocr ADDRESS The locacion of utilitles, whecheE they be nain crunk lines uusc be approved and verifled by the following ucilictes for sice p1aa. Mountain Bell 468-6500 Wescern SloPe Gas Co. I 800 922-1987 Harry MoYes Public Service ConPanY 949-578I Gary llall Itoly Cross Electl'rc Assoc. 949-5892 ted ltusky/Ml.chael LavertY llericage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-s5 30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley lJater & Sanication Dlsrricc 47 6-7 480 Fred llaslee NOTE: Authorized S lsnature or proposed lloes, the acconPanYidg Date A)ft Nft NN, Nfl Ar tAttt tA. These verilicacions do not relieve che concraccor of his responsibi[ly go obcain a slreec cur Permic fron the Totrn of Val'l, DePartnenc of Publlc Works and ro obcai.n utilicy locacions before digging in ary public rlgh=- of-way or easemenr, in che Town of vai1. A buildine oerni! is noc a screec cuc perrnic. A slreec cut perrai! Elus c be obcarned seParalely' Thls forn ls to verify servtce availablllty and locatlon. Th1s should be used Ln conjunctlon with preparing your uslllty plan aad schedullng lnscallacions. a' tt(Please bring a slte plan when oblalning Upper Eagle Val'ley Wacer & SaniraElon slgnacures) Present Planning and Environmental Commission October 23, 1989 Minutes Staff PresentPeter PattenKristan Pritz Mike Mollica Diana DonovanSid schultz Peggy Osterfoss Kathy Warren Absent3lil-Eele Chuck Crist The Planning and Environroental Commission neeting began atapproximately 3:00 p.m. following a public meeting on the Vail VillageMaster Plan that was held from L:00 p.m. to 3:OO p.n. Iten No. 1..est a site covera e variance at the Slifer Villaqe First, FilApplicant: Slifer Designs This item wasmotion. Kathy monentarily) . Vote: 3-O Item No. 2. tabled to November!{arren seconded. L3, 1989. Sid Schuttz (Peggy Osterfoss left made thethe Chanbers for This iten wasrnotion. Kathy Vote: 3-0 Iten No. 4 This iten was Sid Schultz. Vote: 4-0 F rst J.].ng.er DesiIcant: to Novernber 13 , L989. seconded. at the Slifer 'l sid schultz made the The rnotion was Jnade by Osterfoss had returned) . 11 tabled Warren consented to per the staff nemo. Diana Donovan seconded. (peggy 230 Bridqe Street, Lot B, Block well cover and a roof extens2, gore Creek Mea TO: FROM: DATE: qITR.T. Planning and Environmental Commission Communj-ty Development Departrnent October 23, L989 ( .-,L1 | ( i vc)'//' rtti i.' \- 'trY' ' c, ltL ,u_.' {)" o '-- ittl!1l"l I. A request for a rear setback variance in order toconstruct a window well cover and to extend a roof overa rear entry and stairway.Applicants: Roger and Jeanne Tilkerneier DESCRTPTTON OF VARTANCE REOUESTED This property is zoned Residential Cluster. No variances arenecessary for GRFA or site coverage. The rear setbackreguirement is L5 feet. Presently, the existing structure encroaches into the rear setback from 5 to 7 feet, rnaking thisproject legal nonconforming with respect to setbacks. The applicants wish to move a window well cover eight feet tothe north on the same side of the building to resolve a drainage problem created by the sloping glass roof above the window well. The outside edge of the window well will be approxirnately 4 feet from the rear lot line at the north end and about 6 feet from the south end. The window well will be designed as a greenhouse approximately I feet long b)@! wide by 5 feet high. An egress window will be included i-n the desJ-gn. Another part of the request involves extending a roofapproximately c*-ha*f fost. The result would be a roof which extends to the rear setback varying frorn 6 to J-5 feet. Roofs may extend into the rear setback not nore than 4 feet. Theroof would cover the top landing and stairs of the rear entry and would alleviate ice build-up on the stai-rs resultins fromdrainage frorn the sloping roof .- II. CRITERTA AND FTNDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060of the rnunicipal code, the Department of Community Developnent recomnends approval of the reguested variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The reLaitionship of the recruestedvariance to other existincr orpotential uses and structures in thevicinity. The other side of this duplex received side andrear setback variances in 1988 to build an additionto the house and another rear setback variance of 1-! feet in 1989 to build a deck and stairway. The proposed encroachrnent would not impact the adjacentproperty any further than the existinq encroachment. The deqree to which relief fron the strict andliteral interpretation and enforcernent of aspecified recrulation is necessary to achievecompatibilitv and uniformity of treatrnent arnongsites in the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof this title without grant of special privilege. Staff believes this property should be treated inthe same way as the neighboring property. Somerelief frorn the strict l-S-foot side setback iscertainly $rarranted, given the fact that theexisting structure already encroaches 5 to 7 feetinto the rear setback. The effect of the recruested variance on light andair, distribution of r:opulation. transportation andtraffic facil-ities, public faci-lities andutilities, and public safety. No impact. IIr. Such factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. IV. FINDINGS The Planning and Environmental Commission shall rnake thefollowinq findings before qrantinq a varj-ance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute agrant of special privilege inconsistent with theIirnitations on other properties classified in the samedistrict,. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimentalto the public health, safety or welfare, or materJ-al-lyinjurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this . ,,o[, t n"'r!''i- 2. ? title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circurnstancea orconditions applicable to the sane site of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in thesane zone The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specifiedregulation would deprJ-ve the applicant of prlvileges enJoyed by the owners of other properties in the sanedistrict. VI. STAFT RECOI,TI{ENDATTON warrants -!*re J" K, f?ffip+".od 0 L.* F- f;ua;: II,, > J= $ve EE ffi; ;:.}- HE L N\ \j $Ir T s7f fr = IU T \\n.ra - sL E $ il2 _{_ d5' x(/)c t- reEf s\ 3E: $ || lY- $cEt \:- \Nby >J UJF.tl trJ] oFz tn trJ () oE(Jz o LJ Fo lrl J3t5'!F Oa-tt;- 3-S1 r.od9.J 8oE 9Her! <l td lr..l =-o,lql $Da x(L E.(,oo*oFT 6 .3y 93 9 z> t! :F-=,,-L:)B -3 z 3.,I i-rt ;? 'i { tr-t;' lrjr*=-i lr-viilot^J>E-5r.ibbo :. 142FFa=;aoo =(L(9F t!o Gulz(r o trJ vt b et!zco() lrj o L FoJ t!o I q* :\ =- p2 s9 .\a9\t!uzlr,l! t:; )N'./ 'o.\$ 6\q.r- \la t=\:;l{lql .qtq/l alqloEI II F) Ed an tJ.> gO(, rrJ I.t \ il/\ f i \tt'/ X"d Fz t! lrJv, trJ (9z ; G hn P (E.oi Fz-^ '',,..'q {f ";1\,i (9lzl<l c{urj>lol v\o\E \,,*r,Y,/ \ ")t ,z (-= f.) \!3 t_> 4z L ( i\.L S'^Nd2t l!.<It, trL {]\ I \ ,\ -t T fi y II I I t .\ ('r' 'i,s_ -z llic"j I\.' i;T t, i'ri. $ \.r,N ';i.{ !:'=--. Il+.1 ,lft'-rt(['{ I .l\ { ttI L +t _t.:r 1'It ; \\' a.a-.. -f (iir.1, '1 rr (\, .u .!.?) ll, '\ -FFrtllsll li i,- il l\*llti tliltlilI| ltz]xtoil lsllll![ II JII il:tll[r ll l, <llulull | |ilrilFlilf Il llollIu),l -{--rL (v) :t\ ( \t\., r, [' \[U (. ,i t 7 tl 1 IrFbi\I ,v. *\r fii It- --\$ {dr 7 N fI. .t rN \ t,i r-ll(: f-\\ir{ I\ [- rl $lnt- r\IT .V\ At\i!x \ l\) ill -1_ y( r'r \i) h 1'-' lr' .t(it ii- \\ j Alr. (\\. l. rNI N'tU+!i 7 t'\\ Roger & Jeraae Tillemeier Bot712 Vdl, Coloredo tl65t MEMORANDUM TO: Ann C. Mills , (.- cc:Betsy Rosalc'k, Vail Tovn Planner FR0M: Roger Tilkemeier fffii" \ ' STEJECI: Tilkemeier VariarJde Application DATB: l0/15/89 In 1975 ve added on to our house and received a set back variance from the tovn of Vail vhich alloved the vork to be done. One of the reasons that tbe variance vas permitted then vas because the healry undergrowth that erists betveen our lots and the location of the huge spruce trees on your lot, all of vhich effectively screens us from each other. At the time ve did that addition, ve located bedroom nrindows in a vindov vell under a sloping glass roof above. A vindow vell cover in the shape of a greenhouse vas added to prevent ice and r/ater build up in the windov vell from entering our bedroom. That was not a satisfactory solution because of the icicles formrng and dropping onto the vindov vell cover. Our plan nov is to simply move those existing windows and a better designed greenhouse type windov vell cover 8 feet to the north. The rmf over the vindovs io the nev location slopes the other vay and thus ve will not have a run off problem nor an icicle problem vith this nev viadov location. The result should be more attractive than that which is already there and vill not create any greater impact otr you or any of our neighbors. A sketch of the improvement is attached. Unless we hear from you we will assune that you have no objections to this vork. Please call us vhen you come to Vail as ve vould like to meet and get acquainted vith you. ' Planltg and Environmentat co*ii.on October 23, 1989 L2zl5 Site visits 1:0O Vail Village Master plan public meeting 3:0O Public Hearing Tabled to 1. A request for a site coverage variance at the SliferNov. 13 Buitding, 230 Bridge Street, Lot B, Block 5, VaiIVillage First Filing.Applicant: Slifer Designs Tabled to 2. A request for an exterior alteration at the S1iferNov. 13 Building, 230 Bridge Street, Ipt B, Block 5, VailVillage First Filinq.Applicant: Slifer Designs 3. A reguest for a setback variance for a new stairway atCrossroads, Lot P, Block 5-D, Tract C, VaiL VillageFirst Fiting.Applicant: Club Majiks/JRC Partners, Linited. 4. A request for a rear setback variance in order toconstruct a window well cover and a roof extension,Lot 2, core Creek Meadows First Filing.Applicant: Roger and Jeanne Tilkmeier 5. A variance reguest for a third satellite dish antennaat VaiI Run Resort, 10OO Lionsridge Loop.Applicant: Joyce Communications Inc., dba K-LITE Tabled to 6. A request to establish the Bed and Breakfast Use as aNov. L3 Conditional Use within the Town of Vail .Applicant: Town of Vail 7. A request to arnend a condition of approval for avariance for the Cascade Crossing Building, 1031- SouthFrontage Road West.Applicant: VaiI Comroercial partnership 8. A request to continue the Red Lion Restaurant exterioralteration application indefinitely.Applicant: T.E.A., Inc./Red Lion Inn 9. Worksession on Air euality issues zL(0 {7 vs s'?q >( ,'zf ;!44vT /o + "f,{ 6 rL ra ,\-: d/Lnu LA- / v/ 1( r' --3 ('' (_L -flee-L =( ? 9 f ', 4,ZA : ,-, ' -:- / L, azz-$ 267 r -f-.1 f' F rve ' y'Fr ,'/cfL L..= z)z,r!-oh . ?/Z-IJF .z-/.3 ooslL, oe L I t-tt q4 -- 9 vL--' ex( SlHtar',n 7rF b*. C0,-'f'-- he&_e.<,\ r . yy_h_o ,- 7-".( u,11-41 7,/Dr-,'.-6rz Q o^ C'--' s-?o 'z-/ r YI *, .2f,tf1,Y o )^oY27 a- : co Eooo aE?', th'Ei SEEI E€E; Ei:: i:g1 R SE 1g a7\?(u\ \ ,il+h e*.r u_ lr... r-/ ; #,R\ g: P -r t; xH\ Fogra)<\ =a .sr. 9"ry (-\ ?< rs+l\VII= r\<'J= I -O '=r /rs"tt ;' t.This }|i'11 A. procedure is required not be accepted until NAI4E OF APPLICANT ADDRESS for any project a'll information requesting a variance. The applicatlon is submitted. c. B. 50ta MAiN &Be Ofiue ploxYtlfL'sBa! NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE oo'*"t 6v,t P'"9 ' pnone_|fr -qsvt, D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRTPTTON LOTjSJ r)LING FEE gr00 pArD qlt/lUlt* # lbll FRoM 4 THE FEE MUST BE pArDJ;;Fm cor"rilil[iiloevELop;;F | ( (r'r*"- ,JE E. DEPARTMENT t,llLL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. A list of the names of owners of a'l'l property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY 8EHINO AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mai'ling addresses. THE APPLICANT l.llLL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE l^lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO )DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL II,IFORMTION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION IiILL 8E ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLiCANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MKE AN APPOINTMENT }JITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT AODITIONAL SUEMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I.IILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT gV OECREM-THE NUI'IBER oF CoNDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING.ANO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONOITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED l,lITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERJ,IIT IS ISSUED. ' , ITI. TOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: . A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED ANO THE , REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADORESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to_which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement_of a-specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibilitv and uniformi!v gt treatment among sites in the victnity or to ittii;'lil'-objectives of thls title without grant of special privilege. PH}NE/7&- >W I OVER l_. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBy cMN that the PJ.anning and Environrnental Commission of the Town of Vait will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipat code of the Town of Vail on october 23, L989 at 3:oo Pu in the Town of Vail Munlcipal Building. Consideration of: A request for a site coverage variance at the Slifer Building' 23o Bridge Street, Lot B, Block 5, Vail Village First Filinq. Applicant: Slifer Designs A request for an exterior alteration at the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge Street, L'ot B, Block 5, Vail vill-age First Filing. Applicant: Slifer Designs A reguest for a rear setback variance and a site coverage variance in order to construct a window well cover, a roof extension, and expansion of a stairway on l.ot- 2r Gore creek Meado!'rs First FiIing. A variance request for a third satellite dish antenna at Vail Run Resort, 1OO0 Lionsridge Loop. Appllcant: Joyce Comnunications Inc., dba K-LITE A request to establish the Bed and Breakfast Use as a Conditional Use within the Tolrn of Vail . Applicant: Town of Vail A request to amend a condition of approval for a variance for the Cascade Crossing Building, 1031 South Frontage Road tlest. Applicant: Vail Commercial Partnership A reguest for a setbaek variance for a new stairway at Crossroads, Lot P, Block 5-D, Tract C, Vail Village First Filing. applicant: CIub Majiks,/JRC Partners, Linited. Worksession on Al-r Quality issues yta,laL h q fV >-^/,,LQ4S; 8. bl,tluo The applications .r,!ir,rot ation about tt" ptop?.ls are avairable in' the zoning adninistrator's office during office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on october 6' L989. .te o Verieace.;rr;; l:9;*t,',Tlg ff ;.'; rr^g use r#1.:::1- _.,soio ri.iT H"::'..T: A,i:,..jf"*,jiT;ffi,{,1:x, r, G.5g Creek Ueador.rs tr.rrnn rr*!!"oo* .'.T';tr""- t^i":"rr,. Lor 2, Frlins r .. Lor l, Filing l, lot r ,.r. -_, rrling I, Gore Lot o Block 2, Gore Creek ,rr '\__ - Firooe Zade[ Gore creek iyeadows': ji",.-r$,.-l#;r,:;ff;. ::tit"r-ii**r,.,,,*"j"ttl,trn,';ue,, creer< ueadors: r*iffi *iH;r, auliX,ilr]r"."J",T"rTr.#J:z I *j,;$-S;r,ntr . ' $1"1",i"';a e4022 Dick _ .varl, Cn 6165S su bdi v. . Jj.*j'j "J"'T"'.+:'j'.r"&r, Jii't.I'l'" - --; o"aa"",."i"r;.J"0 ,rrrr, /t^ 3cy _ t JJ 0 Itl _.t,,f rur' .., .4 APPLTCATToN FoR.A vASNcE Page 2 of 2 ZADEH RESIDENCE ADDITION Townhouse Site 2, Lot 2, Filing 1, Gore Creek Meadowe 5016 Matn Gore Drive, Va1l, Colorado ADJACENT PROPERTY OI{}'IERS: Lot 10, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdiv.: Lewis S. Ylazzuca 6137 East Princeton Avenue Englevood, Colorado 80111 Glorla Ann Temne 5123 Ke1 Gar lane Vail., Colorado 81657 Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Blghorn 5th Add.: Pantalejmon and Nancy E. Dzlad 4342 Brookslde Road Toledo, 0hio 43615 LIST OF MATERIALS ri{AME 0F PR0JECT: - TrLKrl'lErER REI"IoDEL . [Eenu-orscRIPTI0N: adows Filing STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P i Remove existing rrgreenhousett window cover (60 SF) and replace with new eqress sreenhouse/window well cover (24 SF). Replaoe existinq bay and casements windows with new auning windows. Replace exj-st. exLerior sLair and extend roof for proqecLion..- The fol'lowing information is-required for submittal by the applicant to theXesign Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng 0ther l,lal'l Materi al s Cedar shingle to match existing. Cedar shingle to match existing.To ryelq! tliE!i"€_,_ N/A To match existing. To match existing. COLOR To match existing.To match existing. Wood awning windows.To match erqClilgj_ To match existing. To uratch exisling_. N/A N/A Sol-id cedar shingle stair rail to natch existllgr_ N/A N/A to match existing window trin. Sloped glazing flashings t.o Fasci a Soffi ts }Ji ndows l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED Des i gner : phone: N/A Botanical Name Corunon Name Quani ty Size* N/A TO N/A for conifers. -'" (over) Wood frame ttqreenhousett window well cover. Wood frame stained *Indicate cal'iper for deciducious trees.Indicate height I ., PLANT }IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTIIG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Tvpe Comron Name , QuanitY Size Square Footaqe s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION COI{TROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swinuning pools, etc.) Please specify. i., YABIANCB STATEUBNT FOn TILKBIIBIBT SUBI ITTAT I}ATEXI 9 I 2' Itg The variance reguested is a l8Af, SBT BAfr YATIANCE to acoommodatc a vindov vell cover protrusion into the rear set back of more than 4 feet and the enension of the roof over the rear entry and stairs. The regulation involved is lt.l{.060. The hardship ia this case is an othervise unsolvable drainage and egress problem as the result of an unanticipated design error vhen the addition was built in 1976. Ve are merely shifting an existing window condition 8 feet to the north on the same side of the building. The only part of the rear enfiy/egress system that involves the set back is the top landing. The rmf ertension is limited to the outside edge of the present landing. Since the area is not readily visible to our neighbors, we do not erpect this to create a negative impact on them, nor on any of the factors addressed in paragraph III A 3 of the application form. The proiect involves: -- moving the present vindow vell and oover to solve a drainage problem ceated by the sloping glass roof above the vindov vell. In the nrinter ice from the roof drainage builds up to a thickness of 2 feet or more and has to be removed by pict and shovel to prevent the windov well cover from collapsing or shattering and vater draining into the bedrmm. -- covering the top landing and stairs of the rear entry/egre$ by ertending the roof by approrim^Iely 2 feet to alleviate ice build up on the stairs ffom the sloping rmf that presently drains onto the landing and stairvay. The new location for the vindov vell is adjacent and north of the eristing one. This vindov vell will be deeper than the eristing in order to meet eSress requirements of being 44 inches above floor level. hesently egress requirements are met by usirU steps at the hot tub to reach an operable vindov. That vindow vill be removed in the remodel because it too is impacted by drainage from the glass roof. To create an attractive design element, the r/indorr well cover and egress vindov is designed as a greenhouse. The size is approrimately 8 feet long by 3 feet wide by 5 feet hbb. Ir vill be below a shed roof running at right anSles to the direction the greenhouse vill face, so there vill be no roof runoff. The greenhouse configuration also allovs for a legal size egress viodov. It will prwide more light and solar heat collectioo for the bedrmm and be much more attractive from the outside than a typical plastic vindow urell oner. I.4 The outside edge of the vindost vell vill be approrimately 4 feet from t[e rear lot line at the north end and about 8 feet from the soutb end. Photos are attached to sbov the pr$eot conditions and also to shov the heavT under- grosrth and stand of alpen, vill6r, spfuce and pine along the rear lot line, iroviding ao almgst impene6able screen from the treighbors -- elcept ftr the other side of our duplel. No trees or undergrowth have to be remo\ted to ammmodate the iob. The roof ertension is simple and setf erplanatory. lt vill improve the appearanoe d that part ol the bouse and make emergency eriting from the upper floor safer and easier. IIIEIT I.OCArION CERTIFICTTE 1r l4roVrr.ot Locetto Cortlflcate nes grepered for ot I, b. l,aar tEltof a oo Cbs rbwc -!--, tacclrc uttll'ty coDocctloos, erc aottrcltprrcrl, ccapt ra abon, tbet cbcrb rrc oo cocroech- other futurc Coloredo L.S , tbat lc, ts Dot a 13 oot to be rclled upoo lrryrovcoeot ltncc. dcecr1b€d parcel oa rhlt Pfcobcl, ex-of any ant.rant by lAruvusr oD rq/ rdJotalryb r qgrrcaC cv&lcacc or atgnrdd prrcal, ancpt |l soted. o By BIGHORN FIFTH l't = dot SUBDIVISION ADDITION DttC: *l$ii.;f;;rori;r,ii;aia"ef t"l"g#.St IOOYR. FLOOD PLAIN (INTERPOLATEO FROM TO.V. F.t.S. t982) TOTAL AREA:224O s.F. LOPE TOTAL r88 SQ. FT. al * 4" e9 t FLOOD PLAIN TOTAL AREA : 1968 SO.FT. EASTERLY mRT ) 4OOIO SLOPE TOTAL AREA : l5OB SO. Fr.( EASTERLY PART ) oc PAR KING EASEMENT D,S 1x%><! -.\€56 s.5 GOR E SUBDI STEPS .4' FROM DEC|( 3.2'FROM CREEK VISION LOT LINE, LOT LINE. \C)/e.,o o, \-..- \7 --S.E s.E CORNER CORNER OF OF 8564.1 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE A TOPOGRAPHY PART OF LOT 2 GORE CREEK MEADOWS , FILING NO. I TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO IOIE|I ll'CTrION CETTTIFICATE l'la tbrC rnd thrt 1t b noJ co bcI,or ochcr fuGurc t4rovcot ba t4torulcr oa Chc ebovc deacrlbcd parcel on thl.c.---, ?!Eat 3- utlllgt coEaaccl.onr, arc rntlrclypr,nrlr. eagt ll tboro, cbrt th.ra lr. Do cncroech-b..tGr Bot I fryrwcatl oD rl5z {lorarng prcolrcr, et-tr:r q4lrcoc cvldcoca or elgn-of rsrr ela-lrntrld prcal, .8ecpc rr DotGd. Ircatt@ C.rtiflcace preprred for ''t, 1s oot arellcd upon lt-ocs. Ey BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION l" : lot *R," IOOYR. FLOOD PLAIN (INTERPOLATEO FROM TO.V. F.r.S. r!t8?) TOTAL AREA:224O S.F. LOPE TOTAL r88 SQ. FT. </ l ,y, e.c) 4O7O SLOPE TOTAL AREA = l5O8 SO. FT.( EASTERLY PART I \ FL@O PLATI{ TOTAL AREA . 1968 SO. FT- EASTERLY BRT ) CREEK VISION LOT L r{€. LOT LINE. PARKING EASEMENT \b GOR E SUBDI STEPS .4' FROM oEcK 3.2' FR Or{ D.s 1xb>- .r\€56 5.5 :- S.E s. E. CORNER CORNF.R OF OF 8 56 4.1 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE A TOPOGRAPHY PART OF LOT 2 GORE CREEK MEADOWS , FILING NO. I TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY , COLORADO /\l4I 1 ltUtlr"-r'a/J/l- U' uJ uJu-t uJ 2 Irl t F F z 3oz z z- F ,.1J F = >EJ<Fo.EF.>-<9 <Fo '<!t F,i^c6^(JQ;<!<o7zZ:9< !.FFA<()<oqr. -it ai.c ;<a,a2vt -Fqto><o E< t = IJJ TL z o = z ao =) UJ uJt! z. tr ttlEotut F IL uJ z t!J a l1,l uJ lJ- F =E UJ o- F F =J fto NOtlVn-rVA zzsEaaa fFIZthut=.f ;qH S F96U\ L-Lr.J <( O zEOZ= z9. =.[?Fzdo l- U.l uJ'rEE urOO-zo ..tU\xf,/i; >svE ==o trz zotr 0=>o>o c) u,r<'4 tvll\l \il zt:Az!Tl<Eq =q zz Fo_ AXr CYIJ66z>-OOa)zr!<oq (L :.?-x ;$i z Eoo z tr ulFJ =uJz z tr 5az gl l) ?t uJut F F oi oa Ei!F B Ji ,6gJ Foz J S UJL toroc, olz. oz F =E UJo- F lB = liE,t-lfl l- o-zo F(Jf E,Fazo() AB \ v-/ft!=\1D=t- '= lrJF o IJ N =-.\'d l{ Nl$ t--9E i l. d { \ rrl $l.l t\ u; =zil J u!q ilIi -,f ril fr,ul =4 dI$ 7 2 J J b(cl a UJ CE J = s ,V) *9 f I(L '= ;F $ al H sx tr \$ aO X r{\- at UJeoo = I{) $$o- \ \; o Etr uJ o =tr a uJEo =tr aa uJ oo =tr UJ(ro )a = E tr l!E a = Io- i 3_ Htf el Fc)uttI E. t <F(rc) tJJ <zEulF(1 Zo(J JE<oOF FSto oz co = J r ) r z i5::F =3g6 .EoEhgi+E t-o2<()op.trt uJlo lz. lzE eP CL€ E?€46'E NnnErlE=l5 ffl "sE3, bl =Ei! \Hl =8fiE at dd=6 '\ \I trtrntt oz F() tlr-)oEo ciz E =Eql(L lujIF lo I I I I I I t5 rtrltttot(,tzlorJr5 zl a t=lE<l z !!!t= rrEiF -iQr9F; ^ od< ".:' 7 t-t?F -th'!-.-Int;!l ;6o9!os-z'<z i<oz6 =zz7Jz=-ll-IFLClaa<e<Q,'JZYiiEi;;<(J <*3ei3- i .. < d O> -{/)< 3 i'riF=<ar<',r NOIIVNlVA a(L LUE J z Eoo z tr E u.,F- =UJz z ;Y=(r-< ., (nH ai Lr.l E -= !F-?oZtljZl F L> Zrl< OOztlsEg;3 :< =zzu- ^.1 ?-tr ^ 6zX: U YrB.OE-aaEz.-ooonozX!L<oq iuJ-A(J=t9 2 i(\to a =J U- J d] ui zI =z a tJ-tEoo .Ja o- F tr LUeoo I F E tr uJEoo J E tr ujEo = !J o -)a(! tr tr Ho J =t TJJtoo J I o- E LI,J.z E FO uJ I E <F t!<ZE (tZ <o()F i-< ^te E(,Ozt- =#:z O <; :/Fz<) =#i,z =g E Eir = \JZ <(Jo !?.5H oz Fc) uJ-)oE uJF o J z. z z& d]o =z (L IL ifiC'o= =^r3 - ||tvdd= co ooo ott Ectr-E=o ili:EorL E'HE>EFoooT' E =E,lrl o-zIFofEFazoo trnn I --t ntr! O -i#\*t Project Application -i,78' Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: L€sal Descripti on toVh'-*hQ-(. 6,f q- ? f .If,r,"g L4 v? r&it#a-**[^-'"- Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ,lrllc-qo.l I',t <blcontt -t-- Summary: l. ,t t! fi ..11 1l l/ -Y-; .. i 'I'l',-L:2 f1 / fa&{-F^-- Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Oflicial C\To)q) SJao z._o\:, i-z_4oo =z CL IL =fiE uJ E(/)oo?zo Fo. uJY UJ @ oF ts =Er- -sr @EO\b1iEl U3t;l Hu,iAFTJzo tr crujo-lto EYE<tLf€frE9!ab95EE dEE FE: >cE 8bE iuE ;-au{o-!E l,udtoF frTE\z/J= ='-,- ts =E,lrlo-zIFc)f E,,a zo() ntrn ctz E-E uJo- /Lrt t l\,colo).Frl ^tF=6;lit I I I =l?r ,8,,<gld =lt;o I I l., rero I I I I orE tL LIJ ;E j-oc6*8.9 BEE:E J EgEEE .{ :iEN :EigER s*Es3E;eJ.9:aPE :gEE€ iiE€g(EO'-E-<= 0t d) E gEiE: geegg YE =z 2u-o ootr ^ 62.I5 >ee9 0E .notz>-ooarnQzXLL<oq iH6 s =P 2 t-{NO E >E -!(t =gr.n =aON oJ i F llJ irE ul zo F 6 z F J t0 z Y .L IJt€l(tlJq islo,l!c{ol'l(5tzq= z.o F o :z lrl dt! LTJ =UJ:z J F 'li=z o I ,-lo.E o.:z =F =!o0loe. ul =a (\lsft\ xo aaul oo ) FtO |r) I r.g .tt F6 t alllcoo = I Fti e. LrJz. E =e l! I o1 z.l ollul :l </>l ttol zl 3lolFI : tr oz oulE J a l!oz3oF =c tr z UJE J t!oz =F =e l! ^ (t uli u-oz39 = tr oz oul J a t!oz3oF uJ J uJF. I E TJJz =o FI uJF IoE e -rO<Fgor!<ztulF(rz-oo JI<(QIE:F,si 4i Y 5 Y ,)) 2F E3fFd6 -toz ? O UJ = Y i T z o Eir =*co2 c) <c)qg I END oz tr =E IJJ o- lr!IF I I I I I I I I r:iIE tot(.! 'z =6;c?cisbE; s =.e c?€i EE P 8: F=EF3 € f,:,g:to 6 s! -ir6Hi -!.Y, - F c I6 E.g'- o.c _!E:E E't;*->53:E3;g ;E I:E 'E c!F 6EifeEa?a=isErsi.o=E9E-c o-.! "-E Epg:(/,'"oo :E€ H;, EaiSE - og 9; t=o(/,c $f;;= =6 i'; o:i U >.=TtO (!:; o)c-*->i: Fe 3. ;€;EggoE -iOEEg=E o o. i NO[Vn]VA -' =zzu- i o_ A=X = >YsP oE toocz>-oob9)QzXrL<o\ dr!:-i !L ,-, r!aXz d(\to =>o< -rl') =E)N aJ 3t uJ r'r Fdtr-<>og o z =tr ITJ =z -t I I ILl" I I )adslEIoct{I E() I el dl -'l J' <l>l rI-lol zl FI cil =.1(,t IJJI :l <l>l l!lol zl BIolFI ol =.1olull 5l <l>l 5l zl 3l 9lFI ol =.1ol uJl 1l <l>l bl zl 3lolFI I I I Iolzl olr!l 5l ?l>l r!lolzt ,.;3t fOl urFI F <FE() r.tJ <ZEuiF.42 oaF uJ.J ooz. t- =<z.E]F =JZrr.o F() Fz c) z _r tJ.t F IJJLT O d i. =\,, z <- <-ra?.1E r,lJ F lrJ Eo d) -) zo F(L UJv luo ot- tr E IJJ.L lJ- (L o I I,TJt-oz z ze >z dP .-*-6\J !./ = =83 =HE F (E uJ o- IJJoz loo tr o- JF!J-h= o- LlJ>(!O|!9o\lu5(L;>IF f tr IJJ o eo E CLoo EIt 'E:' E Eo(.) ,i\ o lrr oIFtrEE -cL:o_E ts =Elrj o-zIF()f E.Fozo() tr!n Ftr!tr ^cu.r o co +,<lg(Jc Hru 6-Oa-x<o u-a F' CD!4,.= |!at-tn9 (6 @ !(l) ooOE F E&, UJ C5z. J lJ- dou- oL!o Ldu.lz. tv G.. N. AIrv UJF (/) c0oazo Fo- UJY uJo g- UI+r t t't C! a./, (.'L2.9- =!Oc)JPJ+JQ(uIJ- J UJ FTiC\J F =E lrJ o- at z (99zed]o =z>=Jo(! tl- trnn J..*5>_;zoh- =tsf-)dd= -,^i fd><G -H =bEsuE^< T56aY I -F E.i- I5ff g F-:.r F =- lu r- €=iF Ejt s E;E i €q= Fs {aF+* anu,'uJt! F =G TJJ ral i lul Zrr YZo< o ooF ^ Urz 3 3 =F6A Ez>-o8e AlJ- <60-I-'3 t-R 2'. : u.,dNO Eur.! =@al I Bi ul ulo- l!>o al, = ul J zo Eo z z Y(E f$ lsl ;5 ls "ll(9tz5; t$ =z coot u lEfi lN #J? ide ffH+J q3 3J<<=aEc) I I I IIIlo- I I Ja4UI&dq Js5 !l t./ s- :t oz o uJtr J Boz 3lolFI I I I I ol ;|ullarl il g o|FI I q <l q 3 PI |l tl l.l l;ll5lt?ltil dHe I I I I I .l el stl ql <l>l r!Iol =l sOl IJJFI F=tr uJz3o FouJE.f oE dPGC) trJ <zt[!F.tZoo JE 6P =c)t< sE5 E2? 3Ed6 C) i5:IF =3E6 E,i =IE l-o2 J<o(.1 .t'trir LIJJO ><x><x.>< zo F C) :)uFazo() ><><>< Fr!N t*"to-.o rO -o3 ot3- :'tl,|oc--t:t<ot<o1ocroof /6" --: - -<:_\,// O ----\ 1. -_- - -\- t4 t' \ -\ \ . ,"1.H,/ . \',,' z' 'f-- ,.,.',r' \$.- *' ry\>. \"1 F\o r+N, \X ;J' \o Hr?h\ 3 €* -{v.*.t E i9. 6i-.^ r- lf\;a59go \">'=T- FS-r^,+l Eb 'FLF :--7f :, -, /t Q,'l i ''! _l,t{ I{ I I .'{ I I tt =&ot €O,<teapp rr.g '-lg 0 n $ q $ t: p t-'--1 t\i ? = ---_v_n r )-t- t_:::ln u PR(IJECT NO. aua PHASE .DATErc b.7-a,euE, . O. ie.-i-:arv.' 72.< .L- -'tr'4't'lrL ;-.i ''t=-'-il a7= r-,\;'te-5& .-: - '-' .'l SHEET NUMBEF CHECKED EY: t'. DWGS. THIS SHEE : i SHEETTb rl *:j' .I : OF I tf MEMORANDUM DATE R3r TO FROM PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT 7 July 1978 REQUEST FOR SETBACK VABIANCE ROGER TILKEMEIER Townhouse Site 1, Portion of Lot 2, Go19 Creek MeadowsFiling I The applicant has requested a Setback of approximately 6 feet from the ""*t property line in lieu of the reguired 13,feet in order to construct an addition to an existing Townhouse. The addition of approximately 'l2O sq' ft' will include a kitchen, dining room and bedroom' The Department of Community Development has reviewed the criteria and findings provided for in Section 18'62'060 of the Municipal Code ind- our conclusions are as follows: The relationship of the requested Variance to other existing or potential uses and structures' in the vicinity. The plans for the proposed structure would have little adverse impact on existing or proposed structures in the area. The degree of which rellef from the strict or ' literai interpretation and enforsement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites ln the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this ordinance without grant of special privilege' The proposed addition of 72O feet is well within what would le beriritted on this site. Due to the confi-guration of the existing unit, this is the only feasible location for expansion. Th; alternative would be to place the addition on the east side of the existing building, and this would not work from either a design or a functional standpoint. The effect of the requested varianse on light and air, distribution of popuiation, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities and public safetY It'e do not foresee any adverse affects upon these factors. The Department of community Development finds that the granting of the variance will not constitute grant 5t special privilege inconsistent with th'e limitatlons ilE! J' ,v2 tr;;yag,e z MEMO - PEC 7-7-78' Request for Setback Variance - Roger Tilkemeler Townhouse Site 1, Portion of Lot 2, Gore. Creek Meadows' Tiling I , on other properties classified in the same district. ' That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare,or materially injurious to properties or improvementsin the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for the following reasons: a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent , with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptional or extraordinary cir- cumstances or conditions applicable to the si-te of the variance that fl.o not applygenerally to other properties in the same zone. This Variance request, if approved, will enable the ownerof this unit to build an addition which he is permitted to have under the density requirement of the Zoning Ordinance. Due tothe existing position of the building. on the site, and theconfiguration of the structure, it is necessary for the Set- back encroachment before the expansion can take place. Department of Community Development recommends approvalof the requested Setback Variance. E t': Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: 7h/J1j45-..4,-- S;** r-"g"r o",,,.rTo**i A-...-?.--, "'""* Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board APPROVAL ,^,.7/ts/t{ DISAPPROVAL Uq oA tt,vr t ca > summary: tidlr' ,:Jo'l '( s f;vc';eqio'/ Date: Chief Building Off icial l5 Eolr tr'orp TEIEafit$, E IUL U| _(,I P ff tf;t3 Et!Lu'oIp r..cl V I n r rE aT t'lr{ nl"V Cl- V t 1 !l ,l,.iuY vA lL 1, \ r'{. !vB2sr c sls, fonrrnE rs t) pD ?1/ to/'ts l4a ,, i 1,, /r'{', ' ,a ,:.1 .,.., Jt, tv. r, ra_, /),11,,..r.,. IC; IPI'IdNGZ CSP / .. {' 9135814315 NL TDBN LEa"rooD v5 100 C't- 1C Cri3e EST Pll:t THE T0L'N 0F VAIL, DEPT 0F ggr4rtrrNiTY DIVEL0PI'4ENT ATTENT I0N DiaNn 5 fOIIGHILL, DLR {.O Oe4 toO VaIL C0 3t551 PURSI]4NT TO PUBL IC HENR IIiG T UIJICIPAL CoDE 0N ,JilLY I I r PLoNNING Ai'ID EI.JV iRONYENTnL JAJ!ES II :'IORTT,T REPRESE:IT I\G SECTI0N t3. t?.050 SETBnCvS EXHISTI\G RESIDENCE LOCNTED trTl T\la I t,rE TiESPECTFULLY RErJ''ESl PLnNS OF PRODOSED nDDIT HELD IN ACCCi:iDAi\iCE ','ITtl SECTON t 8. r46r050 19?g AT -1:OO PY BEFORE TOUN OF VAILf CO"4!I53IOI.: THE YETTE,i OF APPLICNTION BY RCSER T ILITII4E IER FOF VAR IANCE FROI,! 'i I'\i ORDF]iI TO CONSTRIICT NDDITION TO ON PORTION OF LO; O iCRE CREEV MEADOI,IS TPPLICaII0N 3E DEiiIlD ION tsEIt,3 SIIBiVIITIED TO nD nf trtrpQFn AND ^PPROVED SttB.lgat tO F, Y OUNERS OF 50!ITI{ HALF OF SIIBJECI EXHI:T vivIA,i.i vpN H00ZER ar^ vIVInf,l LEE gLVD LEAWOOD XS 6'06 N\ DnLE L H'rX!1AN g5 0l T AJI1 DtrETNT\iTTT C H!IX{!AII AND DATE b-J5--rr) rNstTroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ., f., / / ,7i . o JOB NAME ::-::4-*lL_t:t1-tlU tXt.rx ae(p V- Pt QALLER '?v'^t '/ t ./--\MoN. \I_!es_; rweo a READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:loi ffi) rt riutt-otrc: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL i H. TUB EL tr tr tr tr MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL St neeaoveo ' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,77 INSPECTOR ;!--,<-l--ct--rzo rNstnoN REouEST TOWN OF VAIL -4'::-'..---WED ( THUR ).''.'.'..'z FRI DATE , , -i-'r.,' ,: --){ INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES AM ( PMi '-.__/ READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB E] FINAL D FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR -tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED --A REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNstTroN REo'EST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES a READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI - I .' ... ,.,.] '. PM BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING u D tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR DATE lr.rstTroN REeuEST TOWN OF V JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI BU trl trl ol trl trr tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING NSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr n POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ._ /<_EM E / €& rNsPSffii REeuEsr TOWN OF VA AM PM Suz -z-2y'^J rJ ttE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME MON 6-art.z CALLER fir J a INSPECTION: AaT z- - TUES WED THUR FRI Cze-t:1. g lvlEta ut t DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED" BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROV CORRECTI 4A e-L< ,orr'81-- /s-- 7 ? rNSPEcroR INS TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: '; "t l' '-'' JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES .',..'' WED THUR FRI .'ri ic| I r4.r -..t \f,.i' 1 AM ' -) t'l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL C] POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PI]BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HENEBY GIVEN TIIAT JANCS B. MOTTET Of The llorter/Todd Partnership representing Roger Tilkeneler, has applled for a variance from the provisions of Section 18.12.060 Setbacks of the llunlclpat Code for tbe Town of Va1l in order to construct an addltlon to an existing residence located on Portlon of Lot 2, Gore Cree,k Meadows Filing 1. A Publlc Eearlng wf\f. -Ue held in accordance wlth Sectlon 18.66.060 of the Muntclpal Code on July 11, 1978 at 3:00 P.ll. before the Towa of VaiL Planning and Envlronmental Cotmnlsston. Sald hearing w111 be held ln the Vail trlunlcipal Bulldlng. TOSI{ OF VAIL DEPARIIIENT OF COIIMUNITY DETIEIOPIIEM .r:N4;f1e,r/,ff>r+,; Dlana S. Toughlll- Zoning Adml-nlstrator Publlehed in the Vall Trail June 23, L978. o a' PUBTIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN THAT James R. Morter of The Morter/Todd Partnership representing Roger Tilkemeier, has applied for a varlance from the provisions of Section 18.12.060 Setbacks of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in order to construct an addition to an existing residence located on Portion of Lot 2, Gore Creek Meadows Fiting t. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section L8.66.O60 of the Munlcipal Code on July 11, 1978 at 3:00 P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Comnission. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Buildtng. TOWN OF VAIL TDEPART!.{NT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ' --L "-\ / ''>" i( .'*.*.,/lllc.> lrl,f l;{;.f'r,,7 i*.d Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator PubLished in the Vail Trall June 23, 1978. Ann C. Mil1s - 3225 Stanford, Dal1as, Texas 75225 : Gloria Temme - clo Tamarack Lodge, Box 495, Ketchum, Idaho 83340 Pantalejmon Dziad - 4342 Brookside Rd., Toledo, Ohio 43615 K.B. fleischacker & J.S. Conroy - 49L Geneva St., Aurora, Co, 80010 Robert E. & Pamela Garton - Box 392, Yaj-l Timothy Garton - Box 151 , Vail B & T bondo Assoc. - clo lYarren Tomlinson - 500 Equitable 914q:Denver, Colo. 8O2Oz Jeanne M. Bailey - 401 Westwood Dr., Denver, Colo. 80206 Connior-Conroy-Ciasu1li-Fleischacker - c/o Connior - 12001 East Canal Dr. Aurora, Colo. 80010 Gilbert D.ickernan and James Otis - 7 Crocus Hitl, St. Paul, Minn. 55102 Donald C. & Blanche E. Hardin - Box 29L9, Vail Medical Manufasturings Marketing Co, - 50 Tiburon St. #29, San Rafael ,r. Calif.94901gil3 s. Murphy - Box 848, vair Rob-ert D. McKenzie and Thomas L. Slovis - c/o Jan Gibson - 6545 W. 44th St. - Wheatridge, Colo. 80033 Frank P. & Jill Thomas - 3211 Senour Dr: - Indianapolis, Ind. 46239 Vivan Van Hoozer - c/o Vivian Huxnan - 9501 l-,ee g1vd. - Leawood, Ks. ' 66206 (Stato) do hereby Commlssion X ) Variance from Arfi Zon ing Change f rom Parki ng Variance Conditlonal Use Pe rmit to allow_ Zone.ln For the fo I low i ng descr I bed Fl I ln9 P-.6". See Below Clearly state purpose and in+ent of this application t VAR IANCE PERI.I I T ics of 1973) Pub I lcation Da to t Appllcal lon Do te I APPL ICAT ION I:OR And/Or CONOITIONAL UsE Ord I nancc llo. 8 (Sor Hoorl ng Dato ilnal Declsl I (ve ) Col orado June 12 1978 dafe for Town Councl I Ti'lkemeier (Applicant) Vai I or 5016 W.Main Gore Drive (Addross) llea r I ng Fee on Phone_112.fo.59Q.1_ requesf permi ss i on to to requesf the fol low (Glty) appear before the Val t Planning ing : cl e--l-, Sectl on-3. 502. to p rope rfy: Lot/ t ra c t_______1_-, B.lock Present description of ty is: Townhouse Site No. 1,'?art of Lot Filinq 1. Gore Creek Meadows. Eaqle County. Color e'l to enlarqe the existinq home by: 1)re-orientinq the entr al so ickin up much needed storaqe space: 2) addinq a master bedroom suite and: 3) enlarging the existing kitchen/dining area. llhat do you leel is the. basis for hardshlp In thlt ".t"7 Prevail ing winds dictate reorientation of the entr.v for adequate protection from with res t to liqht. air. dtilities. views. or public safet Sufficient trees exist to adeouate]rate our eds from possible developments on the lot to the south, which is presently undevel oped .{t Apy'l i cant , AIff naT.{!r . l,lo THE R/TODD PARTNERSH I P ,AIA !' the wind. The locationsof other vements are necessitated by the layout of the present home, and are critical to the home's propel^ function as a familv home. No ad.iacent DroDerties are adverselv affected ---- -. rHq M.RTER/T.DD ,ot.",", o,o 7'- ' CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 II vAtL, coLoRADo . 91657